C. M. SORIA, J. ALCRECHT, JOHN S. RAINEY, President. Chemist. Vice-President. STBR-IM £5’ mmm hi mm iimiii ti No. 14 UNION STREET, NEW ORLEANS. manufacturers of Am. Haw Bone Super-Phosphate, Pure ground Itaw Bone, Sulphuric Acid, Muriatic Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Solution Super-Phos¬ phate of Lime, Solution Super-Phosphate of Alumina, Muriate of Tin Crystals, Bone Black of all Grades, Copperas, Neats Foot Oil and the Celebrated Per- chloride of Zinc and Iron Disinfectant. We invite the attention of Close Buyers and solicit orders. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR BONES. STAPLE & FANCY DRYUOODS, NOTIONS, ETC., SENT TO ZEE. JEZ- ADAMS, Will receive conscientious attention. Freight prepaid on Bills over $10. 50 1 anti 500 Magazine 8t., NEW ORI.EASK F. R. HARDON, Millinery and Fancy Goods, Into- 29 CHARTRES STP^EET, JEt. MAITR^~ SEEDSMAN & FLORIST, Nos. 7 CAMP and 602 MAGAZINE STREETS, Senior Partner of the firm ot MAITHE& COOK, Nurserymen and Florists. IT or ad. ZE]sta,"blislrzrrent, ILTo. STS ZLvdZa,g-a,z;ine St., NURSERIES, Lower Line, Pearl, Clinton & St. Charles Sts.. FLORAL BAZAAR, 00;<} Magazine St., NEW ORLEANS. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants and Flowers and everything for the Southern Garden. PRICE LIST SENT POSTPAID. 15 Bourl)Oi,-155 Canal,-14,16& 18Daujhiie Sis., OBLEA^TS. European and Domestic Manufactures, The most Extensive and Complete Assortment always on Hand, —ALSO— Ladies’ and Misses’ Cloaks, mmmvwmmm ,, a/m Samples furnished throughout the Country on Application. A GREAT BOON TO NEW ORLEANS! CHEAP COAL. Alabama Goal is the Best! Alabama Goal is the Cheapest! Alabama Coal has come to New Orleans to stay Winter and Summer. Alabama Coal malces no clinkers. Alabama Coal makes no Smell. Alabama Coal will be brought to you as you require it, by ear-load lots, fresh from the mines. The output of the mines has greatly increased; the L. and N. R. R. have built 2.000 new coal cars, and we have arranged for all the coal that New Orleans may require at very low rates of freight. J^SEE OUR LOW PRICES. ^ G^PRATT COAL.^C) $3.50 per ton of 2,000 pounds, or 31|c. per barrel on cars, in car-load lots. Less than car-load lots $3.75 per ton of 2,t'OO pounds, or 33|c. per barrel. Coal delivered for 50c. per load, making our retail price, in 10-barrel lots, only 38|c. per barrel delivered -^HELENA COA L •«===§*►- $4 50 per ton of 2,000 pounds, or 36c. per barrel on cars, in car-load lots. Less than car-load lots $4.75 per ton, 37^c. per barrel Coal delivered for 50 cts. per load making our retail price for this superior domestic lump coal 434c. per barrel delivered. tfSTFor large contracts lower prices will be made. We will place cars of coal on L. and N. side-track, nearest to buyers. Send in your orders to DANNER & CO., 54 CARONDELET ST. 1 zubei^bief; & behan, Wholesale GrocerssCommission Merchants, Importers and Dealers in Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Segars, &c., Nos. 33, 35, 37, 39 and 41 PETERS STREET, CORNER GRAVIER, NEW ORLEANS, La. F. HOLLANDER & CO. Importers of and Dealers in Wips, Liquors ap Fahcy Copes, SOLE AGENTS OF Schlitz’s Pilsener and Rochester Bottled, and Moerlein’s Cincinnati Barrel Lager Beer, Reed’s Gilt Edge Tonic and Cocktail Bitters. 51, 53 & 59 Customhouse St, NEW ORLEANS. I. L. LYONS, IMPORTER *»- AND- nX ;p2AL(l^ 17 U p p Ip 1 , 42 & 44 GAMP & III, 113,115 & 117 GRAVIER STS. And 98 Common St., NEW ORLEANS. JOBI1. AMIS l r ® I WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS IN J-^IQUORS Sj ]yWPOF\TED jSrOODS, 43, 45, 49 SOUTH PETERS STREET, NEW OMLEAINS. Wm. flash. H. L. FLASH. H. M. PRESTON. Flash, Preston &Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, IMPORTERS <& DEALERS IN SUGAR, MOLASSES, COFFEE & RICE, 44 and46 Canal, 63 and65 Common & 17 Crossman Sts., NEW ORLEANS, La. SCHMIDT & ZIEGLER. RECEIVERS AND JOBBERS IN SUGAR, MOLASSES, RICE, Rio and Cordova Coffees, -♦-iALSOi-*- WHOLESALE GROCERS, Nos. 49, 51, 53 & 55 SOUTH PETERS ST.. NEW ORLEANS. H. R. GOGREVE, f HOLESALE brROCER, F JInd Dealer in Wihes, Liquors a^d Cigars, Nos. 76 and 78 Tchoupitoulas Stmt, NEW ORLEANS. JD. J E. J. HART & CO., —WHOLESALE DEALERS— JE. J. IMPORTERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GROCERIES & DRUGS, 73, 75, 77 and 79 TCHOUPITOULAS STREET, 1TEW Hi a,. DP. IP. TRICOU, —IMPORTER & MANUFACTURER OF— ®ENTLEMEN’SlINE«NDERWEAR, Shirts and Neckwear, No. 7 ST. CHARLES STREET, Crescent Hall Building, NEW ©HHSAMS® YALE & BOWLING, OTIONS, 17,19 & 21 Magazine & 88 Common Sts., NEW ORLEANS. R, H. CHAFFE, BRO. & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, -AND DEALERS IN- WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 48 CANAL AND ST COMMON STS., NEW ORLEANS, La. OF NEW ORLEANS, ITo. 31 C-A-1^3 5 STREET. CAPITAL, - 800.000. ERNEST MILTENBEIIQER.President. H. GALLY,. ' .Vice-President. SCOTT McGEHEE,.Secretary. DIRECTORS. Emile L. Carriere, Lonis Bush, J. J. Gidiere, G. P. Harrison, B. F. Chambers, D. Fatjo, Gilbert H. Green, H. E. Shropshire. M. Schwabacher, J. A Dufillio, J. A. Lafaye, J. H. Menge. John T. Moore, Jr. P. A. Villermin, Adolph Meyer, Geo. H. Dunbar. E. L. Forstall, F. G. Ernst, Joseph David, I. Hernsheim. D. A. S. Vaught, R. Beltran, L. Lacassagne, Henry Lehmann, Thos. J. Woodward. POITEVENT & FAVRE, —MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN— HOUGH & DBtSSED LM 1BEB , SWI EliS, LUIS, fc Keep constantly on hand large quantities of Dry, Rough Flooring and Ceiling. Fine and Cypress Lumber Sawed to order, and special attention paid to large and Long Ship and Bridge Lumber. Mills at Pearlington on Pearl River, Miss. Branch Office, J\'o. 54 St. Charles Street, up-stairs. Box No. 12 Mechanics’ and Dealers’ Exchange, NEW ORLEANS. McCracken & brewster, •■^DEALERS IN=S<—• 33 & 35 ROYAL STREET, Manufactory, Cor. Derbigny and Customhouse, NEW ORLEANS. H. N. SIEBRECHT, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY A PAPER IAIGIB, No. 49 ROYAL STREET, Bet. Customhouse & Bienville, NEW ORLEANS, La. Parlor, Dining-Room and Bed-Room Furniture on hand and made to order. Curtain Stuffs, Window Shades, Bobbinet Curtains, Cornices, Cords and Tassels, Gold, Velvet and Decora¬ tion Paper and Cheap Wall Paper. ESTABLISHED 1848. RICE, IBOIRIISr & CO., Hi Cut *UTX*BRY| AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Plantation Supplies, Carpenter, Cooper, Blacksmith, Engineer and Tinners’ Tools, Tinners’ Stock, COOKING & HEATING STOVES. Nos. 77 , 79 & 81 CAMP STREET, Branch House, 597 Magazine St., NEW ORLEANS. GIVING AWAY FURNITURE, ALL KINDS AND DESIGNS. W. B. BING BOSE, 172 and 174 CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS. Call before going elsewhere and inspect his immense stock. Cheapest Furniture Mousse in the Cit.v. by 003,202 SINGER SEWING MACHINES SOLD I IN THE YEAR 1883. Beware of worthless Imitations offered at Cheap Prices, Great reduction in prices of NEEDLES for all machines, and parts for the Singer Machine. Singer New Family Needles 15c. per dozen ; 2 dozen 25c. All other styles from 15 to 25c. Oil 5c. a bottle. Singer Shuttles 25c. each. Send for illustrated Cata¬ logue and Price List; also ask for the book “Genius Rewarded,’ 7 (History of the Sewing Machine). McCall’s Bazar Patterns, Catalogues Free. The Singer Jtla n ufacta ring Company , S. E. RUNRLE, Agent. 185 Canal Street, NEW ORLEANS. Dr. J. W. West, DENTIST, Office and Residence, 263 JOSEPHINE STREET, Corner Camp. NEW ORLEANS, La. JOS. B. WOLFE & CO., COTTON FACTORS, —<->— A N L) —— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents DANIEL PRATT IMPROVED, REVOLVING HEAD COTTON GINS. No. 59 Carondelet Street, • NEW ORLEANS. h f Tilt "White" is King I Gf[Egg Sewing Machine Depot 154 CANAL ST., 1 TEVx 7 OESXjIE-AJfcTS, J-ia,. ^Machines of all JCinds, Try the WHITE, “Everybody likes it:’ TELEPHONE in Store. YVM. FRANTZ. H. OPITZ. FRANTZ & OPITZ, Watchmakers ^Jewelers, Cor, Eoyal and Bienville Sts, NEW ORLEANS . DIAMOND SETTING A SPECIALTY SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES* Over this department of our busi¬ ness we have placed Mt.Wm. Bohne, the most experienced optician in this State. There is nothing in his line that he cannot furnish or make to or¬ der, being a practical mechanic also. Our prices are lower than those of other houses in this line. A. B. GRISWOLD & CO,, JEWELERS & OPTICIANS, 119 CAIVAI, STREET. U f H IAN' # ©Ill’s ^CHAKGB' WOMAN’S WORK. -41 LL THE WORMS TO THE S/ME >GE, The eveness of the silk worm is of the greatest impor¬ tance. The age of silk worms is counted by the number of meals they have eaten, and not by the days they have spent from their birth. Their appetite depends upon the temperature. At a cold temperature they are benumbed and eat but little. Hence the rule to feed plentifully in warm weather. The more rapid the breeding, the sooner one is freed from the labor and care incidental to a crop. Some leading breeders say : give fire ; air and leaf. In Louisiana our climate furnishes us with air and heat, therefore we have only to keep clean, give plenty of space and leaf. In order to bring the worms to the same age, take the first day’s hatch, place them in a room where it is some¬ what cooler than the others are. Feed them only twice or three times a day, meanwhile feed .the second day’s hatch five or six times a day till the second hatch over¬ takes the first; then carry the second hatch to the cooler room to join the first, and both are then fed alike but twice or three times a day. The third and fourth may be IN THE SOUTH. 19 pushed forward in like manner by warmth and numerous feeds until all are of the same age and may then be treated alike. They should all go, if possible, through the molt at the same time, then all will go to spinning at the same time. The above has been copied from Mr. Crozier’s book on silk culture. This mode of proceeding requires much care for several days, but it will pay in the end by shortening the number of days of a crop. The above process is not, however, ab¬ solutely necessary, and can be dispensed with by parties who do not sufficiently understand how to carry it through. It will only make a difference of a few days, say ten at most, in the result. SPINNING. When ready to make their silk, which is eight or ten days after the fourth molt, the worms cease to eat. They become restless, empty themselves, grow smaller in size, and assume a transparent yellowish hue. When any are observed in this state, give a few light feeds to hurry up the entire batch. Some arrangements must then be made for them to spin. If you have but a few, paper cases three or four inches long will do ; drop a worm that you are quite sure wishes to spin, into one of those cases and close it at both ends. These make very pure clean cocoons. If, however, you have a great many, it will be necessary to have light twigs, or rice straw placed very loosely over the twigs on each side of the feeding trays, so that the worms may quit eating whenever they please and go in¬ to the branches. The best material we have found for this is the small cane reeds that grow in low places. Cut the reeds near the limbs, so as to bring them low to the shelf. Stand the cane stems on the lower shelf and press the brushy portion up under the shelf above. Two rows, with the branches well and firmly fastened above, forming arches (similar to cut on next page) about fourteen inches 20 SILK CULTURE. apart is about the best arrangement one can make for the worms to spin upon ; but loose straw or wood shavings laid loosely around them will also be used by the worms. As the worms begin to spin see that no two spin together, as double cocoons can not be reeled. Some breeds of silk worms are much quicker than others in finishing their cocoons, the Japanese green is perhaps the healthiest of all breeds. Their cocoons, however, are small. It gener¬ ally takes from three to four days for the worms to finish spinning their silk ; by taking a cocoon and givingit a gentle shake, if ripe, it will rattle as though a loose pea-nut were in the nut shell. If the weather should happen to be cool during spin¬ ning time, warm the room and keep its temperature at about 80° until the worms are done. This is to facilitate the exudation of the glue which produces the silk. SUMMING UP. To sum up the principle points in silk culture, 1. Have good and healthy eggs. 2. Have them hatch well and in due season. 3. Keep as many worms as possible in a uniform state of progress so that all will molt together. IN THE SOUTH 21 4. Feed regularly, plentifully according to directions given. 5. Give an abundance of fresh air. 6. Keep a uniform temperature avoiding sudden chan¬ ges. 7. Give plenty of room and avoid crowding. 8. Preserve the greatest cleanliness at all times. 9. Give food of the right kind. The white mulberry being far the best of all kinds. 10. Give fresh leaves—not wet with dew or rain—not dusty nor wilted. GATHER AND SORTING THE COCOONS. In eight or ten days after the commencement of the spinning, the cocoons are ready to gather. Separate the arches of brush carefully. Remove first all discolored and soft cocoons, keeping these separate from the firm sound ones. If kept together the latter would be discolored and much depreciated in value. Tear off the loose (floss) silk which envelopes the cocoons. Choking or Stifling the Chrysalides. In twelve or fifteen days from the time the worms begin to spin, the moth, or butterfly will issue from the cocoon, and in the process the strands of silk will be cut and spoiled. To prevent this, the chrysalis should be killed — stifled. This is commonly and best accomplished by steaming, but as that is troublesome and difficult, without proper appliances, in our climate the stifling may usually be effected by exposing the cocoons to the rays of the hot sunshine from 9 o’clock until 4, for two or three days. A longer time is needed if there is much air stirring, or 22 SILK CULTURE the sunshine is not strong enough. The process is surer if conducted in a shallow box under glass, with a crevice for the escape of moisture. In either case guard against ants. The stifling should be attended to as soon as the cocoons are gathered, lest cloudy weather should intervene. In this case, (and perhaps better in any case) the result may be reached by packing the cocoons in a barrel, carefully lined with paper, so as to be nearly air-tight, with alternate sprinkling of camphor, roughly granulated in the hand, beginning with camphor on the bottom, then three or four inches of cocoons, again camphor and so on, finally clo¬ sing the barrel for two or three days; using about a pound of camphor to the barrel. After two or three days spread the cocoons on boards or shelves to dry in an airy room or attic, stirring frequently the first two or three days, and afterwards occasionally, for about two months, when they will be thoroughly dry and may be packed for market. Guard must be well kept against rats and mice, ants and smaller insects, which will penetrate the chrysalis and injure the silk. The latter may be expelled by sprinkling of camphor or by the bark of the sassafras root, or chips of red cedar, tobacco stems, etc., etc. The above is Professor Kerr’s method, yet we think a simple homely way of steaming may be adopted by any housewife who has a large boiler, and an open work basket of any kind. Set the basket containing the cocoons over the boiling water; throw a piece of blanket over the whole, or better still if it can be so arranged as to let the basket into the boiler (but not so low as to touch the water) and all be covered together ; not a great deal of water being necessary as it is the hot steam that kills the chrysa¬ lids. The water should be boiling before placing the co¬ coons over it. Stir from the bottom occasionally In about twenty-five minutes the chrysalids will be dead. Open one or two, and if they no longer move they are dead. Take the cocoons from the boiler and spread them out to dry in the sun, stirring now and then. IN THE SOUTH 23 THE COCOON. The cocoon is composed of one continuous thread. The usual size of cocoons raised in this country is somewhat smaller than a pigeon egg—though some breeds produce much larger ones. The shape is oblong with well-rounded ends, and the handsomest ones have a constriction in the center. It is difficult to determine which cocoon contains a male or female chrysalis, however, the larger cocoons, as a general rule, contain the female, as she being full of eggs, of course, requires more room. The silken cords and cables by which the worm attaches his cocoon to the branches in order to secure it, is the loose floss silk, which commands a small price in market. The real silk is the hard firm shell which surrounds the chrysalis. This shell is formed by the thread from the mouth of the worm which he lays in loops like a figure 8, and as it hardens instantly after leaving his mouth—it becomes a hard shell. The worm continues to turn and spin in small patches as it were until he gets the outside shell formed. He may be seen fitting himself to it, stretch¬ ing his full length, and holding himself thus while the shell hardens into shape; he then continues to spin layer after layer until all is out of his body, and then sleeps until his resurrection with wings. The thread on these cocoons vary according to vigor, size and breed of worms; some run as high as eight hundred yards. RAISING OF THE EGGS. To raise silk-worm eggs for the market, the greatest care is necessary. Select the finest cocoons ; those that are most elegant in shape are slender in the middle and roun- 24 SILK CULTURE ded at the ends. They must be firm and hard. The soft cocoons should always be removed, as they are defective, the worm having died before completing his cocoon. If the breed be white, select the purest white, if yellow, the straw colored, or nankin yellow are preferred; if Japanese green, take the sharpest green. Having selected the cocoons for seed, thread a needle with a strong, but not coarse thread. Pass the needle through a thread or two of each cocoon, being careful not to pierce deep enough to injure the chrysalis, and proceed to string a sufficient number of cocoons to form a wreath or chaplet of convenient size, by tying the ends of the thread together. Suspend these chaplets upon a rod, or stick nailed to, but projecting from the wall in order to keep ants and mice from them. The object of the wreath being to secure cleanliness. The butterfly comes forth in ten or fifteen days, accord¬ ing to climate. The males are easily distinguished from the females, they are smaller, more slender, with incessant buttering of the wings. The females are more quiet, they are heavy bodied, being full of eggs. The moths do not fly, and as they come forth every morning, generally they will all be paired or mated by half-past eight. If as it sometimes happens they are some distance from each other, bring close and they will immediately pair. As soon as your moths are paired, take them, male or female, by both wings, set them upon a piece of blotting paper, pasteboard, or unbleached cotton cloth tacked against the wall or suspended from a rod in a darkened closet or corner,(always mindful of spiders, ants, roaches and mice). If kept in the light, the males keep fluttering IN THE SOUTH 25 and are apt to be uncoupled and thereby prevent impreg¬ nation. They should remain together for six hours, after that they should be separated. Watch them carefully during the six hours to see that they remain together. Should there be more males than females do not throw them awa} 7 , but preserve the handsomest in a box as some days there may be more females, and they will be needed. If any moths come forth stained, badly shaped, or looking as though they had been burnt or blistered, and with not enough down or feathery substance upon them—throw them away at once, as they are evidently touched with disease. When large quantities of eggs are produced and many moths are to be uncoupled—always place a gauze veil over the face—as the fluttering of the wings sends forth a kind of down that is not agreeable andfrom which one can protect himself by the veil. Take a piece of rather stiff blotting paper, about four¬ teen inches inlengthand eightinchesin width ; tackagainst the wall so as to let the top extend outwardly after the manner of hanging a mirror or picture frame. The object being tp secure cleanliness, as the droppings ofthe butter¬ flies if allowed to fall upon the eggs, would discolor them and render them unfit for market. Upon this piece of blotting paper, place one hundred and fifty females, they will produce, provided the worm was well fed. one ounce of eggs The moth will stick to the blotting paper until removed. Care must be taken to weigh the blotting paper or cloth used to receive the eggs beiore the mothsare placed upon it, in order to ascertain the exact weight of the eggs deposited. KEEPING OF THE EGGS. Keeping the eggs from hatching too soon, and also keeping them in proper condition, is of much importance. The eggs should be kept dry; they should have air to keep them from molding. There is no danger of eggs 2G SILK CULTURE hatching under seven or eight months, even if kept in a kitchen with fire in it, they are like fresh eggs; but as the weather becomes cool the worm begins slowly to form, and in December, a few of the hardiest will begin to hatch ; and all through our Southern winters, a few will hatch out on warm moist days. If we had food for them in sufficient quant iries we might proceed to hatch out a num¬ ber and rear them ; but as a frost may come any day and kill the leaf, if any should be out, we must not venture upon hatching the eggs too soon. If the eggs could be kept at a temperature of from 4 5° to 50° F. and have air, up to the time of going regularly to the hatching they would be in a very good condition. Experiments have been made in New Orleans of keeping the eggs hermetically sealed in a tin box kept in ice, and proved complete fail¬ ures. The most certain mode of keeping the eggs according to Mr. Rochi, is to send them to some reliable party in the North where they can be kept in dry cellars. A per¬ forated tin box containing millions of eggs may be sent by express for twenty-five cents, to New York, Boston or any other place of same temperature. When .ready for them they can be sent for, and will begin to hatch in a day or two after they reach the gulf States. The eggs must be protected from rats and mice, roaches and a very minute insect that seems to infest them in our climate. I have kept the eggs in a very fine condition, (with an occasional loss of a few dmdng warm days in winter) by simply sealing them in large envelopes and suspending them in a cool airy place. REGULATING THE HATCHING OF SILK-W0f[M EGGS. Duelaux, after a careful observation of the external conditions which favor and influence the hatching of the eggs of silk worms, has prepared the following rules, by attention to which it is said that the development of the eggs can be regulated at will. First to prevent an egg from being hatched at the usual time, it must be kept, IN THE SOUTH. 27 from ilie period of being laid, at a temperature between 59° and 68° F., and then exposed fourteen days to cold, three months before the time at which the hatching is desired, being subsequently treated in the usual man¬ ner. To cause an egg to hatch before the usual time, it must be exposed to cold twenty days after being laid, and kept in that condition for two months, and then removed. Six weeks later it will be in the same condition as an ordinary egg, and can be treated in the same manner. In this way it is possible to have silk worms ready for hatching at any season of the year. Diseases of Silk Worms. I do not think it worth while to enter into a minute description of the diseases of the silk worms, as no remedy, so far, has been discovered lor any of them. Pebrine is a disease indicated by black spots upon the worm, and the caudal appendage looks as though it had been burnt. Mr. Pasteur, after long and careful experiments has established the fact that corpuscles are a symptom of pebrine, and excluding each moth invaded by corpuscles from the production of eggs, he almost succeeded in regen¬ erating the race of silk worms. Blight—flacherie—or death by fading or withering, is one of the most dreadful diseases In most cases, the symptoms commence with a kind of numbness. The worms cannot eat, but show a disposition to leave the tables, wandering off the edges as if to escape This disease is hereditary and contagious, and any woim show¬ ing symptoms of disease should be immediately removed. Flatness is a dreadful disease which attacks the worms just as they are ready to spin. This disease is said to be accidental and sometimes hereditary, but it is not contagious The Muscardine is known by a peculiar floury substance coming upon the worm after death. It is caused perhaps from dampness; bad ventilation, breeding, fermentation 28 SILK CULTURE of the accumulated leaves. If the eggs procured are free from disease, the silk culturist need only take care to pre¬ serve good hygienic conditions and lie is not likely to be troubled with disease among his worms. Enemies to Silk Worms, Rats and mice are very fond of silkworms, and will use every means to reach them. One rat will destroy hun¬ dreds of them in a single night. Ants, also, must be guard¬ ed against. The red ant is very destructive, eating them gradually, and stinging them to death Birds will also fly into the cocoonery and seize them almost before your eyes. Tobacco smoke or tobacco smell is death to silk worms. I placed a few young ones in a box ihat had once contained cigars, but which had been emptied for over a year, but about which still lingered a faint odor of tobacco. The worms all died. IN THE SOUTH 29 TEMPERATURE. The first point in raising silk worms is temperature. The worm needs a warmth of 85° for hatching, 75° while feeding, and 80° while spinning. These temperatures are not indispensable, but they are the best. The follow* ing table shows the temperature of every month, at various points in the United States, and at certain cities in silk districts of the world: PLACES. January. February. | March April. i 1 ' | ! os 1?. | June. 1 73 •-a August. September October. November. December. Average of Year. | o o O O o O o O O O 6 O O San Francisco.. . 49 51 52 55 | 55 56 57 57 58 54 54 51 54 Humboldt Bav ... 40 43 47 54 53 58 58 57 57 48 48 45 57 Monterey.. 50 50 51 53 56 57 58 59 59 54 54 50 55 San Diego. i 51 53 56 61 62 67 72 73 70 56 56 51 62 Sonima. . . 45 47 47 51 53 ; 62 65 66 66 67 58 58 46 58 Renicia. 52 53 57 59 67 67 66 64 54 54 47 58 Los Angeles. 52 55 58 73 75 75 75 59 59 60 Jam pa. 54 54 56 62 63 70- 73 73 72 57 57 52 63 Fort Jones. 31 37 43 49 54 61 71 68 62 41 41 32 51 Fort Reading. 44 49 54 59 ! 65 79 82 79 71 52 52 44 62 Meadow Valley. 34 32 41 6i 66 71 68 57 44 44 32 Grass Valley.. 27 37 38 44 I 49 52 63 58 53 43 43 36 46 Sacramento.. j 45 48 51 59 1 67 71 73 73 66 52 52 45 59 Fort Miller. . 47 53 56 62 68 83 ! 90 83 76 55 55 48 66 Fort Yuma. 56 58 66 73 76 87 ! 92 90 86 64 64 55 73 ^Dalles. 33 40 46 53 j 59 67 | 73 70 61 41 41 33 52 Fort Hall . 24 24 25 42 63 59 34 34 22 Salt Lake City. ... 27 34 39 50 63 71 76 75 67 41 41 31 52 Fort Defiance. 26 30 38 46 I 51 69 69 67 56 36 35 29 46 ►San Antonio, Tex.. 53 57 63 69 76 80 82 83| 79 61 61 50 69 Santa Fd. 31 33 40 51 57 68 72 ! 70 j 61 38 38 30 50 Laramie . 31 32 36 47 | 56 67 74 1 73 ! 64 35 35 28 50 Memphis. 41 45 55 59 68 75 79 ! 78 72 53 53 i 40 60 New Orleaus.. 54 56 62 69 74 79 81 I 81 78 60 60 56 68 Charleston. 50 52 58 65 1 73 j 79 81 80 76 59 59 ! 52 66 Richmond. 33 39 47 54 i 65 73 77 74 67 44 44 1 38 56 St. Louis. 32 35 44 58 66 74 78 76 68 40 40 1 33 55 Cincinnati. 33 34 43 54 ! 63 71 76 74 66 42 42 j 33 53 Chicago.. . 23 24 32 46 ! 56 62 70 68 60 37 37 29 46 New York Citv. 30 30 38 48 | 59 68 74 73 65 43 43 33 51 Nagasaki.. 43 44 50 61 69 77 80 83 ! 78 53 53 47 62 Canton. . 52 55 62 70 77 81 83 82 80 65 65 57 69 Ambala India. 51 60 70 80 ! 99 96 84 86 84 64 64 56 75 Constantinople.. .. 41 42 44 50 6i 69 76 74! 69 59 56 41 57 Milan .... 33 38 46 54 ! 63 | 70 74 73 1 65 45 45 36 54 Madrid. 44 45 49 | 55 j 62 1 69 76 76 ! 68 46 46 43 58 Toulouse. 39 41 46 I 53 61 66 70 71 65 48 48 42 55 30 SILK CULTURE. THE MULBERRY. The silk grower must have food for the worms; this is the leaf of the white mulberry, which isth£ natural food of the silk worm, and of course produces the finest quality of silk, although a very good quality is produced by feeding on the leaf of the black mulberry, and also of the osage orange. The worms, however, should be fed on this leaf from the first, as I found that they turned in disdain from the osage orange leaf after having been fed on the mul¬ berry. There are a great many varieties of mulberry, but the kind known as the white mulberry, bearing an insipidly sweet white berry, is the best. This species which pro¬ duces the most beautiful silk has leaves alternate glossy on the upper side, smooth on both sides, oval, tough, with a little heart-shaped cut at the base, denticulated on the edge. The black fruit Morus Multicaidis, with great leaves as large as a dinner plate, soft, silky and fine, is excellent food for the worms while young, that is, in the first and second age; they should, however, be gradually withdrawn, and the white mulberry substituted, which being a little heavier and tougher is better as the worm grows older. The mulberry is propagated from seed, cuttings and layers. The trees are said to be hardier and live longer when propagated from the seed. The white mulberry is said to grow best in light sandy or gravelly soil. Two hundred trees may be planted on an acre of ground. In three years they will yield, under fair conditions of climate, of soil and cultivation, fifteen or twenty pounds of leaves each, or more than 4.500 pounds to the acre. (These calculations are made for the poorest soil, but in the rich lowlands of Louisiana the yield is far beyond this.) The trees are generally dw r arfed or trimmed low and bushy so as to render the labor less in gathering the leaves. The manner of planting in California is well adapted to the rapid production of leaves. The cuttings with three IN THE SOUTH 31 eyes each are placed in rows four feet apart, and six inches apart in the rows. The ground should be well cultivated and kept clear of weeds. According to Mr. Haynie, of Sacramento, about eight tons of leaves may be gathered the first year from an acre. The leaves should not all be picked off; at least three should be left. In a proper soil and favorable season the tree will have as many leaves ten days after having been plucked as it had before. A moist soil is necessary to start the growth of the cuttings; and after the tree is several years old it will stand the water as well as the willow. It is therefore in no danger from an occasional overflow. I would like to call the attention of our farmers to the value of this tree. It grows to the hight of forty feet and upwards, with a trunk from four to eight feet in circumfer¬ ence, and forms a beautiful shade tree. It grows rapidly and lives to a great age. The wood has a compact grain that takes a fine polish. It is good for vine and fence posts, as it lasts long in the ground ; it is also good for coopers’ work, making excellent barrel staves, said to be as good as oak. The bark yields a fine fiber, which may prove of great value in the future. In Louisiana the roots are sought for to make the prows and ribs of small pirogues and skiffs. Doubtless many other uses may be found to which this valuable tree may be applied, of which we know nothing. Production of the Mulberry. The first question asked by parties interested in silk culture is, “How many worms can be fed from an acre of mulberry trees?” In answer to this, I may say that a great deal depends upon the soil and climate. Mr. Crozier, an old silk culturist in Louisiana, says that one acre after three or four years will feed from 80,000 to 100,000 worms, or two and one-half ounces; producing from 100 to 150 pounds of cocoons. These 32 SILK CULTURE calculations hold good in Louisiana, where the mulberry grows in one season from a small cutting to the height of from ten to twelve feet. Mr. Fasnack, of North Carolina, where the climate is colder and the soil is less productive, says, that “one acre after three years will yield more than two thousand pounds of leaves. Eighteen hundred pounds of leaves will suffice for an ounce of eggs, that will produce from 50 to 75 pounds of cocoons. After seven or eight years the yield is ten fold.” Silk culture being a new industry in our country, we all have much to learn in regard to it, but enough has been shown to prove that it will be a valuable addition to our yearly crops. Yield per Acre, From Agricultural Report of 1868. An acre planted in mulberry trees, when four years old, should produce 5,000 pounds of leaves to the acre: that is 5,000 pounds suitable for feeding, and, during feeding time, without injury to the tree. Those leaves should feed at least 140,000 worms which will produce 70,000 female moths, and these will lay 300 eggs each, or 21,000,000 in all. After deducting 5,000,000 for possible loss, we have 16,000,000 eggs, or 400 ounces for sale, or $1,600 per acre. In France the expense of breeding 75,000 worms, including the cost of the eggs, $6, the leaves, $28, the labor of two persons for forty days, $64, fire $4, and incidental expenses, $10, amounts to $112. Mr. Prevost says that one person can do all the work in California for 75,000 worms, and the expense to the farmer who has his own eggs and mulberry plan¬ tation should not exceed $1 per ounce of eggs. At $4 per ounce an acre would thus yield $1,200 net. At $2 per ounce, the common price in France for French eggs, the net yield would be $400 per acre. Skillful French silk growers expect to get $800 from an acre of mulberry IN THE SOUTH. 33 plantation. We have followed the best authorities in stating that 5,000 pounds of leaves will feed 140,000 worms, but some writers say 5.000 pounds to 70,000 worms ; and their statement must not be left out of calcula¬ tions. Let us now consider the profit that may be derived from the sale of cocoons. The acre will produce 140,000 worms, or, allowing 35.000 for loss, 105,000 cocoons, which will weigh 420 pounds, and be worth $1.50 per pound, or $630.00 in all. PROFITS OF SILK CULTURE. Three acres of ground planted in cotton require ten months’ work, with mule and plow. These three acres would probably produce the farmer one hundred dollars over and above expenses. Say that the farmer has three acres planted in mulberry trees, one acre of mulberry after three or four years from the cuttings, can feed worms from at least four ounces of eggs. This should produce one hundred and twenty pounds of dried cocoons, at the lowest price say —one dollar per pound, it would bring $120.00 to the acre, which multiplied by three would be equal to $360.00 instead of $100.00 realized in cotton by the planter. This crop could be made in six weeks’ time by the labor of the usually non-producers in the family. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. I find that many persons imagine that silk worms are raised upon the trees in the open air. This would seem to be the most natural, healthy and least troublesome way if the silk worm had not so many enemies ; but spiders, birds, rats and mice are very fond of them. Therefore it has been found impossible to rear them profitably on the trees. 34 SILK CULTURE Yet I think, if some one who could afford to do so, would; experiment in this matter, that excellent results might follow. In Fmrope the worms have become so impregnated with disease that it is almost impossible to pbtain healthy breeds, and many experiments are resorted to in order to regenerate them. One way that is being tried is to plant the trees near the house, and keep them dwarfed and bushy. When the eggs begin to hatch they are placed upon these trees, and the young worms soon spread themselves upon the tender leaves. A white cloth is suspended over the top of the trees to protect the worms from the heat of the sun, and from the dew. which is hurtful, and from beating rains, birds, etc. In this way they raise very active, healthy worms to breed from. In connection with this idea I have thought how easy it would be for our planters, who always have plenty of sheds and shelter, to try some experiments with our native silk worms. Last fall I gathered'a number of native silk worms, of magnificent size. The silk though coarse, had a splendid lustre. It was also very strong. I found that the butter¬ fly does not cut the thread in coming forth, as there is a small opening in the end of each cocoon for the egress of the moth. These cocoons were gathered upon the pecan, the common plum and the Willow ; showing that the worm had fed upon the leaves of these trees. In order to obtain any good results from these splendid specimens, it would be necessary to compel them to eat the mulberry leaf, else the silk would never be fine. I suggest that some one gather a number of these silk cocoons and keep them in a comforiable room until spring. About the first of April, the butterfly of magnificent color and size will come forth. Let a square frame be made covered with mosquito netting, and place it over a dwarfed mulberry tree. Under this frame turn the butterflies loose. They can then be able to fly around and seem natural. They will soon mate, and deposit their eggs in about twenty-four hours. As they cannot escape to place them elsewhere, the}'will he obliged to leave them on the mulberry. In about two or three weeks from the time of laying the eggs, the young worm will hatch and will then IN THE SOUTH. 35 eat the food nearest it. This plan I beg some df our Louisiana silk culturists to adopt. If they succeed in ob- , taining but one pair that ate the mulberry, these will be worth their weight in gold. From this pair a splendid breed could be domesticated that would prove of great value to the owner. These worms are trivoltines laving and hatching at least three crops in the year. It is necessary in all well managed cocooneries to have a thermometer and observe and record the temperature each day:. I would caution any one against the teachings of some treatises on silk culture in which it is claimed that silk worms can be raised in most any sheltered place. It may happen that some unusually fine spell of weather may enable one to raise a crop in this manner, but in out- variable climate one cannot rely upon it. A uniform temperature, as I have said, is very important if one wishes to do the business well. The temperature should never be allowed to fall below 68 or 70°, and at that temperature it should remain but as short a time as possible. If at any time during the education of the worms, the cocoonery should be overtaken by hot days make every effort to keep the mercury from going above 90°. To prevent this, the floor must be frequently sprinkled with cold water. This may prevent the jaundice or grasserie, a prevalent disease among silk worms in this country. It is a good plan to accelerate the education of a crop of silk worms by all proper means. With the thermo¬ meter kept at 75 or 80°, a crop should be completed from hatching to spinning in 24 or 25 days. Of course good food, fresh and plentiful, should be on hand and freely given. A vigorous ventilation should be in every cocoonery—still there should never be a draft upon the worms. 36 SILK CULTURE. It is a good sign of success when all the worms on the shelf or tray are of the same size. To accomplish this they must be made to molt and awaken as nearly as possible at the same time. The clearing of the litter every two days during the first and second ages, and every day the forth and fifth age, cannot be too much insisted upon. By all means keep the worms from getting too much crowded. Keep them apart. Do not let them pile up. Attend to this at whatever cost of time and labor. Superficial Space required for Worms from one Ounce. First Age.1 sq. yard. Second Age,.3 sq. yards. Third Age, .6 to 7 sq. yards. Fourth Age,.,.15 to 18 sq. yards. Fifth Age,.30 to 36 sq. yards. PIERCED COCOONS AND FLOSS SILK. Pierced cocoons and floss silk may be prepared for mar¬ ket by soaking them in water for three or four days. Then boil them in weak lye water for half an hour or more. Wash them clean in several waters. Pull the silk and spread out to dry. When perfectly dry they may be carded like cotton and spun if desired. In this condition the articles will command a better price. REELING. It is by no means an easy thing to reel silk. There are certain rules and quantities required by manufac¬ turers, which it would be difficult to teach in a book of this kind. The only way to learn how to reel silk is to IN THE SOUTH. 37 see the operation performed. It would be better for the present for parties raising cocoons to sell them to large steam filatures or to associations that will pay a remunera¬ tive price per pound. There is always a sale for cocoons. A lady having plenty/ of spare time might go to the (rouble of reeling silk, and find after all was finished, that it was not reeled in a proper manner and all her time had been thrown.away. I consider that the rearing of silk worms ends with the gathering of the cocoons ; therefore I advise all parties engaged in silk culture to attempt no more. I annex a cut and description of a reel, which is copied from Miss Rossiter’s excellent little work on silk culture, in order to give an idea of the process, and enable those who are desirous of reeling their own silk, to form some idea of what is necessary : “Raw silk is divided into three classes, “organzine 77 “tram’ 7 and “floss’ 7 . “Organzine 77 is well twisted and is the choicest ; “tram, 77 made from inferior cocoons, is but slightly twisted; “floss' 7 is made from loose silk carded and spun like cotton. The persons reeling silk are gener¬ ally women, one of whom sits or stands before each basin of which she has entire charge. The basin is made of tin or copper, heated by a charcoal or oil fire. In large es¬ tablishments the water is heated by steam. The cocoons are plunged in the water when it is near the boiling point, and are moved about so that the gum which fastens the threads is thoroughly softened. They are then stirred or beaten with a small bunch of birch twigs with split ends, or with pieces of broom corn tied in a bunch, to which the ends of the threads will attach themselves. The reeler will then shake the cocoons till each one hangs by a single thread. She now takes up five or more threads, according to the quality of silk wan¬ ted, unites them, and puts the combined strand through a little glass eye, or large glass bead, fastened to one side of the reel-frame. She then forms a similar strand and puts it through another eye on the other side. The strands are then brought together, twisted several times, separated above the twist and put through two other glass eyes or wire loops through which they run, one to each end of 38 SILK CULTURE the reel, which is kept revolving in a steady, rapid man¬ ner, and to which is given a side way motion which cros¬ ses and re-crosses (her silk in such a manner that it will not stick or glaze. The uniformity of the thread depends entirely on the skill of the reeler, who must attach a new thread as soon as one breaks or a cocoon gives out. This is called nourishing the silk, and is done by dexterously attaching the new thread to the combined strand to which it immediately adheres. In this much judgment must be used> for as the silk on a cocoon gets lighter and finer as it nears the end, the uniformity of the strand does not entirely depend on the number of individual threads form¬ ing it. When the silk comes off the cocoon in bunches, the water is too hot y when it unwinds with difficulty it is too cold, and it must be regal ate d as the operator sees it necessary. This is the operation of reeling ; but before the skeins as they come from the reel are ready for the manufacturer, they must be passed through a cleanser — a clasp lined with cloth which matches 'any' loose silk or other matter adhering to*it. It is furrher cleansed by be¬ ing passed through four similar cleansers, twisted about five hundred times to the yard, doubled and again twisted four hundred times to the yard. It. is finally run on reels about one and a half feet in diameterthen taken off' and twisted in knots or hanks in a peculiar manner. Through all these operations the oscillating motion is con¬ tinued, to produce the crossings of the strands. In the end it will be seen that it takes five or more of the simple threads spun by the worm to compose the staple thread. 39 IN THE SOUTH. IMPROVED LOMBARDI HAND RELl, This cut represents a hand Keel, set upland ready for work. Though made on the same principle as the old French Reel of forty years ago, it is as good as any now in use. The reeler sits on the stool m ; front of the pan. The other stool is occupied by the one turning the crank. Description of Cut. —2 Tin basin witli copper bottom, for holding water, in which cocoons are soaked, b Square tin tray for reception of cocoons, c Short stick inserted in a holder (d) on which the ends of the cocoons are wound so as to be ready for use. 'e Spicket to leave water off front the basin. /Door Of furnace wherein fire is lighted to heat water in a. ^Flue Pipe—This is necessary to carry off the fumes of charcoal, etc., which should be carried into a chimney or the open air, (gas or oil stoves are often used for the purpose of heating the water), h h Glass eyes on wire holder^, through which the threads from the cocoons pass to the pulleys at k. i A former arrangement for twisting the threads. This is now discontinued as unnecessary, since the twists given to the threads at k , and continued downward, effects its purpose. This twist is effected by passing one-thread around the other, as shown in small drawing of pulley k. k k Rollers or pulleys revolving on bent wire holders, between which the threads pass to reach o. n n A grooved arrangement, by which the long guider working to and fro distributes the,threads to the reel. Unless the thread be wound in this way it cannot be unwound at the mills. oThe top of the reel on which the silk is wound, p Handle of machine. 40 SILK CULTURE SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT. Books are open for orders for Silk worm eggs and mul¬ berry trees. Parties interested in the silk business would do well to send orders at once. The mulberry trees or cuttings may be successfully planted from the dark of the moon in August until May. I have on hand a few 7 ounces of a breed of silk worms which I have named the “Louisiana Breed.’ 7 The cocoon is of magnificent size and lustre, and this breed has been reared in Louisiana for 38 years. I have also a quantity of fine eggs of French, Japanese and Italian breeds. All warranted free from disease. I will at all times furnish to producers of cocoons all information desired in regard to the sale, at remunerative prices, of an) 7 quantity of cocoons they may have to sell. A tw 7 o cent stamp should accompany all letters of inquiry. All orders should be addressed to Mrs. EMMA B. JOHNSON, Silk Culturist, New Orleans, La. C. H. LAWRENCE & CO., Commission & Fish. Merchants 29 & 31 Tchoupitoulas St., NEW ORLEANS. Cold Storage in the Building. J\ O. MOFLR.IS, WOODE1T TT^IXjXjO ^7^ Cordage, Tinware, Glassware, Hardware, Brushes, Blacking, Demijohns, Stationery and Paper, 40, 42 and 44 TCHOUPITOULAS ST., JVEW ORLEANS. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN China, CrocKery, G-lassware, THE BEST PLATED WARE, CUTLERY & HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 174 CANAL ST., NEW ORLEANS. r r. C. PORTEOIJS, —IMPORTER & DEALER IN— INTO. 133 0_A.3M^IL, STREET, Touro Buildings, NEW ORLEANS. or. DRY GOODS,^: Carpets, IVI settlings ctrrcT. Window Slacic3.es, 586 and 583 Magazine St., NEW ORLEANS, La. Ladies’ Underwear and Children’s Dresses made to order. UPPER CITY NEWS DEPOT, 598 MAGAZINE STREET. Seaside, Lovell’s and Monroe’s Libraries. News-papers, Magazines and Fashion books. Fine writing paper. School boqks. Evan’s 5 cent music. Postage Stamps for sale. S. HERNSHEIM & BRO., MANUFACTURERS OF FUME CIGARS, Office & Salesrooms, 9, 11,13 Tchoupitoulas & 52, 54, 56 Common Sts., NEW ORLEANS. 7 G-. T. SOHILUNG, JEWELRY, HAIR GOODS & FANCY ARTICLES, No. 159 CANAL STREET. 'Jlet. 71 on rb on d fDauphine, JVEJV 031 LEANS. N. BOUVIER, Perfum e ry VI an n 1'actnre r. Direct Importation of Trench Perfumeries, Soaps, Fancy and Toilet Articles, &c. 103 CHARTRES STREET, Brt. Conti and St. Louis. NEW ORLEANS. Orders from the Country promptly attended to. MRS. E. FUXA, INTO. 68 ROYAL STREET, Bet. Conti and Bienville Sts., NEW ORLEANS. Direct Importation and Manufacturer of Artificial Flowers. PREMIUM DCIVTISTHY. Dr. J. H. MALOIEY, Office & Residence , 3 JOSEPHINE , COR . CAMP STREETS. ARTIFICIAL TEETH Inserted with or without extracting the roots, without pain. Dr. Maloney was awarded four prizes for the best dental work. Badly decayed or sensitive teeth filled without pain. Instantaneous cure of toothache or extracted without pain. Twenty-three years ex-< perience. New York prices, or within your means. MARBLE AND GRAJJITE WORKS, 158.160,162 & 164 St. Charles St„ NEW ORLEANS. Every description of Cemetery and Building work executed in the best manner. SEWER PIPE, CHIMNEY TOPS, FIRE CLAY STOVE PIPE. BUY- YOUR -AT- LYON BROTHERS, No. 157 CANAL ST., NEW ORLEANS. ^STRAUSS, MONEY BROKER, No. 6 CARONDELET ST., NEW ORLEANS. State, City, 'Police and Sc/tool 2ime Pought. T-i. H. CHRISTESOIV, MANUFACTURER k DEALER IN Cabinet Furniture, Sofas, Chairs, Looking-Glasses, Mattresses, &c. 99, 101 & 103 CUSTOMHOUSE STREET. Near Royal, NEW ORLEANS. OR.LEAN S RICE MILL, J. FOERSTER, Proprietor, Nos. 156 to 162 MAGAZINE STREET, Corner Notre Dame, NEW ORLEANS, LA. All Orders received at the Mill or Addressed to P. 0. Box 2707, will be promptly attended to. CHARLES ADAMS. EUGENE SIMON ADAMS & SIMON, PHOTOGRAPHERS. No. Ill ROi T AL. STREET, Near St. Louis, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Portraits and all Styles of Portraits either in Crayon, India Ink, Oil or Water Colors neatly Executed at Moderate Prices—Copying and Enlarging of Oil Pictures, a Specialty. All Enlargements finished by the never fading Platino Process. MILLINERY. The Largest Variety of latest Designs will be found at IVl’me ROSA REYIXOIR’S Popular Millinery and Berlin Zephyr Establishment, No. 9 CHARTRES STREET, At Lower Prices than elsewhere. Orders solicited. Goods cheerfully exchanged when not entirely satisfactory, or money refunded if preferred. JOHKT J. DRISCOLL, G^GROCERj^^) 227 RAMPART and 249, 251 and 253 GIROD STREETS, NEW ORLEANS, LA. J. LL KELLER, MANUFACTURER OF LAUNDRY AND TOILET SOAP, Office, 110 GllJlYIER STREET, NEW On.IjEii.INrS, La. JOHN NELSON Ac CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 65 & 67 TCHOOPITODLAS, and 2 & 4 FOUCHER STREETS, NEW ORLEANS. W'M. McLAUdHMN, DEALER I N DRY & SALTED MEATS, BACON, PORK, LARD, FLOOR, CORN MEAL, GRITS, ETC,, 81 POYDRAS STREET, _NEW ORLEANS. MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. GRUBER & PROSDAME, Kr O- 4= ST. CHARLES STREET, NEW ORLEANS. Latest Novelties in Neckwear, Hosiery and Handkerchiefs. J. & M. SCHWABACHER, Successors to SCHWABACHER & HIRSCH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 66 to 72 MAGAZINE & 91 to 93 POYDRAS STS., MEW Liberal Cash advances made on consignments to our address in New Orleans or to that of our Mr. Julius Schwabacher, Chicago, who solicits also CASH orders for the purchase and 1 shipment of provisions, etc. JAMES DAVID COLEMAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, JVo. 25 COMME'ECSAL jPZA CE, NEW ORLEANS, La. Henry Dufilho, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3STO- 61 CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS. ESTABLISHED 1847. VINCENT & COMPANY, Commission Merchants Ac Auctioneers, Nos. 60,62 & 64 Customhouse St., NEW ORLEANS. SALES LAYS : Tuesday, Clothing, Hats. Wednesday, Boots & Shoes. Thursday, Dry Goods, Notions, ZE3I- Ij. UsTOIRFECS, FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RIBBONS, EMBBOIDERIES, LACES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, ETO. 3XTo. 203 O^-IST^Xj STREET, Ret. Rampart and Burg-undg/, JYHW' ORLE.1JY S, L.l. George S. Purves. Manager. PUEYES' Sasli, BliM and Door Factorr and Lute Yard, COR,. ST. CHARLES & CLIO STS., Office, £0 Oarondelet St., NEW ORLEANS. CLARK MEADER, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Fancy and Staple Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Nos. 16 and 18 CARONDELET STREET, Branch Store,—Corner St. Charles and Napoleon Avenues. 1TE' \7\7~ Hi a,. J. W. FAIRFAX, MONEY, STOCKS, BOND and GENERAL BROKERAGE, 148 GEAVIER ST., NEW ORLEANS. Executes orders on commission at JV. O. Stock Exchange. ^“Payment of Taxes, City and State, a Specialty. PREMIUM BONDS SOLD IN SUMS TO SUIT. Nos. 41, 43, 45 and 47 PERDIDO STREET, NEW ORLEANS. The Largest Carriage anil Wagon Repository anil Manufactory intheSouth. Also, Dealers in Carriage, Wagon and Cane Cart Materials. Agents for the Celebrated Tennessee, Milburn and Studebaker Farm Wagons. THE NEW LOUISIANA REMEDY. For all throat and lung complaints, product of our swamps, is now admitted to be the most remarkable cough and teething sirup the world ever saw. Home references by thousands. It is delicious, and a reward of $1000 is offered for any trace of opium, laudanum, morphine, paregoric, squills, arsenic or any other similar drug in it. Its universal use as a teething sirup would soon put a stop to the “slaughter of the innocents,” now everywhere so frightful. Sold by druggists. Depot, 106 Camp Street New Orleans. Life tonic, also a product of our swamps, for the blood, appetite, etc.; never fails to cure the chills. No person who took it in '78 had the yellow fever, as any other. H. T. Lawler. H. C. Hayer. A. F. Oliver. Commission Merchants. No. 101 MAGAZINE ST., NEW ORLEANS. J, ¥ B GOURDAIN ? AUCTIONEER, Office, No. 56 ROYAL ST., near Bienville, NEW ORLEANS. Solicits a share of the patronage of his friends and the public in general. Above all Competitors! OWNER, 170 C-A-lsT-A-L ST., JVJEW ORL.E.&JVS, Mam. A. GEIGER, -DEALER IV— CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS, Also, Billiard Cloths & Attakapas Cottonade, COB, CHARTRES & CUSTOMHOUSE STREETS, 1STEj'W’ ORIiE A.1NTS. 13. JT. WEST «&c SON, Plantation Hardware, Agricultural Implements AND MACHINERY, Nos. 115 a»d 117 Magazine St., NEW OREEANS. F. P. MAHTIKIBZ, MANUFACTURER OF & WHOLESALE DEALER IN BOOTS -A. 1ST ZD SBEOES, No. 9 MAGAZINE STREET, NEW ORLEANS. H. 0 ". RIVET, ~ PHARMACEUTIST AND DRUGGIST, Dealer in Patent Medicines, Trusses and Perfumery, Importer of French Pro¬ prietary Medicines. Proprietor of “Our own Louisiana Aromatic Bitters/’ Country orders promptly filled. Prices moderate. 58 Chartres and 36 Bienville Sts. NEW ORLEANS. W. E. FERSLEW, PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES, 27 CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS. The largest Stock south of St. Louis. Paper hanging done in the best manner at the lowest rates. Wholesale Dealer in Fireworks. J. IT. MENARI >, HORTICULTURIST. C'On. C\UlOJVDELiET & StT) CO lilt STS., NEW ORLEANS. Has constantly on hand a full assortment of Plants and Shrubs of all kinds. Gardens laid out. Bouquets made to order, &c., &c. Country orders promptly filled. 3VE. FELT, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Cigars^ Tobacco & Smokers’ Articles, No. 550 MACAZINE ST., NEW ORLEANS. ELKIN & CO., No. lOO CANAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS. DEALERS IN ALL VARIETIES OP CARPETINGS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS & MATTINGS. J". "W . TnT _A_ G- I_.E3, MANUFACTURER OF THE BEST i’.i TEJYT ME EM 1 U EM.l TOM, For the States of Louisiana & Mississippi. 1«9 & 131 CALLIOPE ST., _ _ INEW Oi^ZLi^^TSTS. A. J. WARD’S SONS, —DEALERS IN— LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC., Yard, COR. DELORD & DRYADES STREETS, NEW ORLEANS. HIRAM H. CARVER, Attorney at Law, JSTo. eo OARONDELBT STiFLIELET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. J. S. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Hours , 9 to 10k A. 37., and 2 to 4 i\ M. No. 13 COMMERCIAL PLACE, NEW ORLEANS. Nos. 15 & 17 DU MAINE ST., HEW ORLEANS. DEALER IN Vegetable, Flower and Field Seeds. R. A. CHIAPELLA, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ladies’ and Children’s line Underwear a Specialty, No. 230 ROYAL STREET, Cor. St. Philip Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA - Y I r*s. Leonie George, No. 220 ROYAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS. Late Premiere of Marie Ferry. Late Garnisseuse of D. H. Holmes. ALF. T. BAKER. THOS. SLOO. CHAS. M. WHITNEY. SLOO c*3 OCX, MANUFACTURERS OF SADDLERY, HARNESS AND COLLARS, JYos. 0 e magazine and 54 Canal Sts., NEW ORLEANS, LA. IIIE CHEAPEST PLACE FOR Fine Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds & Silver Ware EDWARD LILIENTHAL, 95 CANAL STREET. NEW ORLEANS- Lloyd Posey. attorney at law, Wo. 6/ CAMT ST., WWW OTZTAJVS. G. TOWNSEND, STOCK, EXCHANGE AND COIN BROKER, No. 138 Grravier St., NEW ORLEANS. Buys and sells on Commission all classes of Stocks and Bonds. Negotiates Commercial Paper with care. Largest coin house in the South. LEON QTJEYROUZE, GROCER, Importer of WINES & LIQUORS, And Dealer in all kinds of WEST3R1T AND C0UNT2Y P20DUCE, No. 97 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. SEED STORE. E. F. VIRGIN, 9S CrK.-A-"S7TX]:El ST., ITEW O^XjX3-A-XTS- — DEALER IN — Garden, Field and Flower Seed, Flowering Roots, Ornamental Shrubbery, Fjuit Trees, Flower Pots, Etc. 8 OCTAVE FORSTALL, DEALER I\ t . ... • Lime, Cement, Waster Paris, Fire Bricks, Paints, OILS, BKUSISES, IVAVAL STOKES, ETC., 36 NATCHEZ STREET, NEW ORLEANS. THE OLDEST MACHINERY AGENCY IN NEW ORLEANS, EWTAKIjISUKB »» YEARS. WILLIAM I,. CUSHINCi, INTo. 166 Gravier St-, oioio. St. Ola.f-A.rles Hotel, Store Running through to No. 17 Union Street, and Opposite Southern Express Co., NEW ORLEANS, LA. Representing : Eagle Cotton Gin Company, of Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Steelman & Co., of Aurora, Jnd., Manufacturers of Engines and Machinery. Blyrner Manufacturing Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio. The Simpson & Gault Manufacturing Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio. St. Charles Street Medical and Hydropathic Institute, 40 & 42 8T. CHARLES STREET, Opposite St. Charles Hotel, NEW ORLEANS. LA. To meet the wants of patients the proprietor has introduced, in addition to the ordinary medical and surgical agencies, Turkish, Russian, Electro-Thermal and Sulphur Air Baths, &c., Constituting the most complete, varied and valuable curative agents in any health institution. The following maladies treated successfully at the institute: Chronic Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Diseases of the Liver, Coustipation, Gout, Rheumatism, Pilos, Ague and Fever, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Disease, Scro¬ fula, Syphilis, Skin Diseases, Impotency, Spermatorrhea, etc. D R „ J. C. JONAS, German Physician and Electrician, Specialist for the Disease of the Urinary, Gen¬ erative and Nervous System, continues to give his personal attention to the treat¬ ment of these maladies in all their various forms and conditions. P. E. BRULATOUR & CO., IMPORTERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 116, 118 & 12r example- \ slight wave of the hand shows when a word is completed before you begin the next The large or small, single and doable handed alphabet Electrotype-plates can be laid at fair prices. The Manual alphabet visiting, calling or business cards, (either single or double-handed) of the best quality, will be printed to your or¬ der, your name neatly printed on the reverse side, in stylish type, and the cards sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price, to any part of the United States. PRICE LIST: 200 cards with name or advertisement . . . .$2.00 300 “ “ “ . .2 50 500 “ “ “ . .. 3.75 1000 “ “ .. ... 6.00 - AND SO FORTH. — Address, THOS. B. HARRIS, No. 205 CARONDELET STREET, Near Julia NEW ORLEANS, La FORMERLY OF 3Dr. IF 1 . H. ZKJKT.A.IPIF* db SON, ^TTEND TO ALL ^RANCHES OF