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DORAN COMPANY Publishers in America for HODDER & STOUGHTON CONTENTS THE NEW BOOKS OF 1918 Page General Literature. 3 The Peoples and Countries at War.•.15 Fiction.35 Poetry .52 For Young Folk .56 Religious and Theological.57 Illustrated Art and Gift Books.67 Popular Art Gift Books.69 A Complete List of Fiction and Books of a General Character Alphabetically Arranged by Authors.^.. 73 A Complete List of Religious and Theological Books Alphabetically Arranged by Authors.95 K Check List of Juvenile Books .107 Full Index by Titles .109 NEW YORK: 244 MADISON AVENUE GEORGE H . DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON When ordered from the Publishers, postage should be added. 4TT In some instances the definite amount of post¬ age is stated. tfjT Where no amount of postage is given, ten per cent, should be added to cover postage. IS-191S] [2j ijCit 18 &T 5 .S AJULvjud GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON AUTUMN 1918 General mterature Edited by MARY WR1GHT-DAV1S THE BOOK OF LINCOLN Illustrated. 8vo, Net, $2.00 No figure in American history has loomed up in such majestic proportions since the war began as that of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's vision, his philosophy, his attitude toward war and the means of securing a just peace, have been on the lips of British, French and American statesmen from month to month during the last three years. Mrs. Davis has brought together in this volume the tributes of the world to Lincoln, and in a very real sense the picture of him that grows out of this volume is a world picture, international in its authorship and im¬ mortal in its truth. Now that the great Lincoln memorial is nearing its completion in Wash¬ ington and the eyes of the world are turning more and more to this heroic figure, people everywhere will find in Mrs. Davis's book the tributes that ought to be the common knowledge of a people who hold Abraham Lincoln in their hearts. By JOHN T. FAR1S Author of “Old Roads Out of Philadelphia,” etc. HISTORIC SHRINES OF AMERICA Illustrated with Photographs. 8vo, Net, $3.50 This admirable and beautiful book could not a couple of years ago have meant to us what it does today. Love for and pride in our country has been crystallized as never before into a national emotion. And increased knowledge of the romantic springs of our liberty and of our native cul¬ ture satisfies a thirst in the newly awakened American heart. Here in this volume is visualized the symbols of our faith: the landmarks of America's story in statesmanship, in war, and in literature, are pre¬ sented with scrupulous historical accuracy and set in rich lore and legend. The treatment is fresh and direct. The scene ranges from the revolu¬ tionary monuments of the eastern states to such neglected spots in our romance as the house near St. Louis, where U. S. Grant courted Julia Dent, and gathers in roundabout all the rich and distinctive flavor of the South. [ 3 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H ODDER & STOUGHTON By ARTHUR D. HOWDEN SMITH THE REAL COLONEL HOUSE Illustrated. 12mo. Net, $1.50 This book contains the first AUTHENTIC story of Colonel E. M. House, the closest confidant and personal representative of President Wilson. Here for the first time is the intimate story of the most enigmatic figure in world politics. It portrays the man who controlled Texas politically for years; who made sure the election of President Wilson; who was the brains of his renomination and re-election; and who now occupies a position with¬ out parallel in world diplomacy by reason of his remarkable knowledge and life-long study of international politics. It is the picture of a man who shuns the spot-light, but whose ten by fifteen study in his New York home is the point of call for every foreign diplomat and representative. By HENRY LITCHFIELD WEST FEDERAL POWER: Its Growth and Necessity 12mo, Net, $1.50 A study, both scholarly and readable, of the subject which more than any other holds the attention of the political consciousness of the nation today. Against a historical background, Mr. West makes clear the gradual cen¬ tralization of government from the time of the first Federalist party, through the cataclysm of the Civil War which had the question of States' Rights for its primary issue, down to the present day. With frankness and moderation the author reviews the tremendous problems confronting us today as a result of the power given into the hands of the President. A discussion of federal power as a political issue and as a military neces¬ sity leads up to a prediction of the future which, considering the author's historical and political training, must be regarded as a serious contribu¬ tion to the literature of political science. By CHARLES STELZLE WHY PROHIBITION! 12mo, Net, $1.50 A remarkably sane, sound, thorough, business-like treatment of prohibition as an educational and economic problem and a political and legislative question, by a completely equipped authority on the subject, who for more than a year has been conducting throughout the country the Strengthen America Campaign. America practically holds in her hands the future of the liquor traffic throughout the world. Greatest of the foes within our own household is Kaiser John Barleycorn. And “temperance eloquence" as a weapon is as antiquated today as muzzle-loading cannon. This is a book addressed straight to the enlightened self-interest of every drinker, every non-drinker, and every neutral in the matter of prohibition. [ 4 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publithere in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUQHTON By FRANK M. O’BRIEN THE STORY OF THE SUN\ 1833-1918 With an Introduction by Edward Page Mitchell, Editor of The Sun . Illustrated. 8vo, Net, $3.50 No great American newspaper has ever achieved and maintained so human a personality as the New York Sun. “A Sun story” has remained in an unbroken tradition a thing distinctive, unique in the annals of journal¬ ism, the darling of the newspaper world. There has been no more famous editor than Dana. And the full story of the New York Sun is as rich, colorful, racy a picture of the development of the American scene as could possibly come to hand. It was born when New York was about the present size of Indianapolis or Seattle; when Postmaster Gouverneur had one clerk to sort out all the mail that came into New York from the rest of the world; when Irving and Cooper, Bryant and Halleck, Nathaniel P. Willis and George P. Morris were the outstanding figures of our intellectual life. In the days of duels, of Davy Crockett, of pigs wandering in City Hall Park. It was the first newspaper sold on the streets of New York; its first news¬ boy grew up to be Barney Williams, the famous comedian; his boss, Ben¬ jamin H. Day, was the first American to make a success of a newspaper at a popular price. It was the sunrise of American journalism. By H. B. IRVING • M l ■ . Author of "The Life of Judge Jeffreys," "Studies of French Criminals of the Nineteenth Century," etc. A BOOK OF REMARKABLE CRIMINALS 8vo, Net, $2.00 This is a book which must appeal to all who are interested in the fasci¬ nating study of human nature. It is no mere rehashing of tales of horror, but an acute analysis of famous crimes and criminals. The individual criminals whose careers are given have been chosen for pre-eminence in character or achievement. Charles Peace, the popular professional criminal, making of crime a business methodically pursued; Robert Butler, the strange type of the criminal by conviction; Derues, that rare bird, the merry murderer; Professor Webster and Eugene Aram, men of culture and scholarly attainment who burst suddenly into crime; Holmes, the instinctive murderer, taking life as an incident in the ac¬ complishment of his schemes—these are a few of the remarkable types presented by Mr. Irving. There are also strikingly original discussions of the great criminals of Shakespeare, and their verisimilitude when compared with those of real life; and of the criminality of some heroes of history. These real crimes, which have furnished the basis for literary masterpieces, from “Arden of Faversham” to “The Cenci,” are evidence that the true stories in this book represent the raw material of future works of art. [ 5 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By HELEN W. HENDERSON Author of “A Loiterer in New York,” etc. A LOITERER IN NEW ENGLAND Illustrated. 8vo, Net, $5.00 Miss Henderson achieved considerable fame by her unusually able volume upon New York and its art treasures. A LOITERER IN NEW YORK has attracted wide attention for its breadth of vision and its soundness of careful judgment. In her new volume she brings the same trained observation to a study of New England and its treasures and for any one who wants to know about the best that New England holds for the art lover, there is no more interesting or more capable volume to be recommended than Miss Henderson’s. The book is uniform with A LOITERER IN NEW YORK, and very beautifully illustrated with the choicest reproductions of New England’s art subjects. By LUCIAN SWIFT KIRTLAND SAMURAI TRAILS A Chronicle of Wanderings on the Japanese Highroad. Illustrated. 8vo, Net, $2.50 A walking tour through the unfrequented byways of Japan, where for¬ eigners are an unheard of occurrence, offers a limitless field for pic¬ turesque adventure. This is no tourist’s guide book, but the delightful record of days on the road, where even inconveniences have their silver lining of humor, and the spice of unexpectedness is a frequent condiment. To wander along the ancient roads with O-Kirtland-san and O-Owre-san is to learn more about Japan than the average foreigner has any chance to learn, and to have the gaiety of life enriched forever by the memory of so enchanting an experience. By CAROLYN WELLS Author of “A Nonsense Anthology,” etc. SUCH NONSENSE: A Unique Anthology of Wit and Nonsense. Illustrated. Octavo, Net, $3.00 Carolyn Wells has the genius to be a wit and to discover the best of the wit of others. In this Anthology she has assembled much of the freshest, most sparkling nonsense of recent years. And she has annotated her book in an altogether unique fashion, giving new zest to her selections. The illustrations are by such masters of nonsense as Peter Newell, Gellett Burgess and others. A wonderful book for dull days or for friends with a predisposition to be dull. [ 6 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By CLAYTON SEDGWICK COOPER Author of “The Brazilians and Their Country,'’ “The Man of Egypt,” etc. UNDERSTANDING SOUTH AMERICA Illustrated. 8vo, Net, $2.00 The vital importance to us of North America of a sympathetic and true understanding of South America was never more clear than now. Here is a book that ought to be in the hands of every intelligent reader, of every teacher, and of every employee of a commercial house with export trade. Why the South American loves France, why, in spite of inter-marriage, trade methods, and propaganda through the schools, he cannot be brought to love Germany; what is his attitude toward America; his domestic, social, commercial and political life and ideas; the characteristics and status of women—these are only a few of the intensely interesting ques¬ tions discussed in UNDERSTANDING SOUTH AMERICA. By CARL W. ACKERMAN Author of “Germany, the Next Republic?” * MEXICO’S DILEMMA Illustrated. 8vo. Net, $1.50 Probably nobody is better qualified than Carl W. Ackerman, a trained writer and observer fresh from over two years’ experience of the German character in Germany, to estimate the significance of German activities in Mexico. Upon his return to the United States, Mr. Ackerman went to Mexico to uncover the truth of the situation there as to the probable outcome of the dilemma in which that unhappy country finds herself. What will Mexico do? And how can she be saved for the forces of right? Mr. Ackerman’s answers are drawn from a multitude of intimate sources, whereby the past is collated with the present. By FREDERIC A. FENGER ALONE IN THE CARIBBEAN With maps. Illustrated from photographs. 12mo, Net, $2.00 The attractive and fascinating narrative of a cruise in a sailing canoe among the Caribbean Islands. There is adventure sufficient to gratify the souls of those who delight in daring the unknown, yet it courses over paths not unfamiliar to many tourists. Mr. Fenger has the faculty and the facility for endowing a travelogue with genuine interest; in fact he allures one to the making of the trip and to this end his guides and charts are explicit and fully informing. [ 7 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUOHTON By SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE THE NEW REVELATION 12mo, Net, $1.00 A notable contribution to the literature of Psychical Research; it forms a connecting link between the scientific and the religious phases of the movement. In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle another distinguished mind has been added to the ranks of the spiritualists, and his account of the process of his conver¬ sion, in experiments extending over a period of thirty years, compels the respect of the most skeptical. Of particular value is the summing up of the descriptions of life on the “other side.” In this time of terrible loss, the question of immortality ha3 become the insistent question of the day. For the bereaved seeking com¬ fort, no less than for the scientific investigator, “The New Revelation” is an ' excellent introduction to the .subject of spirit communication. By KENDALL LINCOLN ACHORN Assisted by Dr. Betsey B. Hicks THE BUGLE: Reveille in the Life Beyond A Bit of Comfort to Soldiers’ Mothers, Wives and Friends. 12mo, Net, $1.00 “My mission is to write a story of my brief experiences in the Life Eter¬ nal . . . My ardent desire is to reach my friends on earth who are sending out of their homes the sons who may come home no more.” This is the spirit in which Dr. Achorn communicates with “Miss Secretary.” Dr. Hicks is not a professional medium; the messages have come to her unsought and she records them as they come. All who have read the remarkable revelations of “Raymond” will receive with especial interest this corroborative evidence of conditions on the Other Side. All who are suffering the irreparable loneliness which the war has brought to so many will find here courage and solace. By J. ARTHUR HILL Author of “Psychical Investigations.” MAN IS A SPIRIT 12mo. Net, $1.50 This book contains a most interesting collection of data by one of the leaders in the movement of Psychical Research, which has received a marked impetus from the tragedies of war. The author criticises his material in an admirably scientific spirit, and has added some exceedingly interesting data on a subject which is holding the attention of the entire scientific and religious world. The disciple will find much here to strengthen his conviction; and the oppo¬ nent will find some tough material to whet his wits upon. [ 8 ] GEORGE II. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By ARNOLD BENNETT Author of “How to Live on Twenty-four Hours a Day,” “The Human Machine,” “Mental Efficiency,” “Literary Taste,” etc. SELF AND SELF MANAGEMENT Board. 12mo, Net, $1.00 If Arnold Bennett had never written a novel he would still be one of the most widely and eagerly read of living writers. In one of the most out¬ standing critical estimates of his power, Professor Stewart P. Sherman does not fail to emphasize the electric value and remarkable vogue of his direct talks to ordinary people. Doubtless no other man has in so great a - degree the gift of interpreting to themselves for the surer guidance of their lives The Plain Man and His Wife. The author of “How to Live on Twenty-four Hours a Day” tells in SELF AND SELF MANAGEMENT exactly how one and all may put their lives on a war basis, resulting in the greatest effectiveness, and consequently self-satisfaction. By ROBERT CORTES HOLLIDAY Author of “Booth Tarkington,” etc. WALKING-STICK PAPERS 12mo, Net, $1.50 Mr. Holliday has had for a number of years the kind of a reputation most difficult to gain. That is, he has enjoyed the esteem of those best quali¬ fied to know what is best—our most critical and distinguished writers. Recently, as a humorous and critical biographer, his name has become widely known. Booth Tarkington says: “A writer that can write.” James Huneker says: “Monstrously clever.” Royal Cortissoz says: “An individual, warming quality. Honest thinking and feeling.” Joyce Kilmer says: “With the masters of the essay in English.” The papers are the varied fruits of an unusual experience of the world's ways, ranging from the romance of the fish business to the inner sanctums of the literary pro¬ fession, from a savoring of the spectacle of the town to infectious joy in the country-side. By E. V. LUCAS Author of “The Vermilion Box,” “Cloud and Silver,” etc. A BOSWELL OF BAGHDAD 12mo, Net, $1.35 Mr. Lucas has come across an English translation, published in four pon¬ derous volumes, of an Arabic work of the thirteenth century, a Biographical Dictionary by one Ibn Khallikan, who attained all sorts of distinctions as a kadi (sounds like the “Arabian Nights!”). Everyone acquainted with Mr. Lucas’s playful ingenuities will appreciate the sport he is able to get out of this Arabian-Nights-like affair. Mr. Lucas passes from his sage of Baghdad to various diversions in the passing show of today, upon which he touches with a delicacy and a discretion altogether his own. [ 9 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Selected and Arranged by WILFRID M. SHORT THE MIND OF ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR Selections from His Non-Political Writings, Speeches and Addresses, 1879-1917. Including Special Sections on America and Germany. With Portrait Octavo, Net, $2.50 No contemporary British statesman or man of letters is better known by name to the American public than Arthur James Balfour, and yet it is true that until his visit to this country at the head of the British War Mission the average American had no real idea of the remarkable calibre of this extraordinary figure of English life. This book, based upon a volume issued several years ago, gives a very interesting insight into the mind of a man whose life-long hope has been the closer union of the English-speaking peoples. The chapters, drawn from his writings and public utterances, cover an amazing field of politics, literature, art, education, history, religion, music, philosophy and science. A special section on Germany has been added from his recent writings. The book reveals one of the most able and unusual intellects of our day. By HAROLD BEGBIE ALBERT, FOURTH EARL GREY: A Last Word With a portrait. 12mo, Net, $1.25 A message of cheer and counsel to the English-speaking world from the man of whom Viscount Bryce says in the book: “No more beautiful or lovable character has adorned our generation, or borne more worthily the tests of long life and high office. ,, This message Lord Grey committed in the last days of his life to Mr. Begbie, who by means of many anecdotes and incidents has interwoven with it much of the singular charm of the personality of the man himself. By WILL LEVINGTON COMFORT Author of “The Last Ditch,” “Lot and Company,” “Red Fleece,” “Midstream,” “Down Among Men,” etc. THE HIVE 12mo, Net, $1.50 Here is a book of the future, for those of the present who are eager for the vision of new horizons, new trails which lead to a broader, freer life than humanity has yet acknowledged. Delicate pastels of the beauty of life in the open, filled with the inspira¬ tion of the out-of-doors and the people who dare to re-create life to nobler uses; letters from the children who have found the open road and felt the spell of the mystical adventure; bugle calls to enlist soldiers for the newer democracy—all of these and other sources of inspiration are brought together in a book which opens a new way of life to those who have let themselves be smothered under a load of mere things. [ 10 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON • By ROSE COHEN OUT OF THE SHADOW With twelve illustrations by Walter Oack Duncan. 8vo, Net, $2.00 This is such a book as appears only at rare intervals. Poignant, of en¬ during beauty, immensely timely, this authentic romance of the miracu¬ lous spiritual Americanization of the alien, like “Marie Claire,” strik¬ ingly illustrates Whistler's dictum that “art happens.” None can foretell where genius will strike. A Russian emigrant girl who learns written English by her enthusiasm for a chance copy of “David Copperfield” tells her own story with the creative power of a great novelist; with a de¬ lightful raciness of phrase which could not be simulated by the profes¬ sional writer; and with a sociological insight beyond the mere student. From its strange and touching beginning in Russia, lit by the light of a beautiful family affection, the story passes to the almost as strange and equally touching shadow of New York's east side. And then by a deep human experience comes the author's awakening to a wide spiritual hori¬ zon and the meaning of America to her adopted children. A book which is the fruit of unconscious art. By MRS. A. BURNETT SMITH N (“ANNIE S. SWAN”) AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S HOME 12mo, Net, $1.35 The part of women in the war is no less real because their fighting is done behind the lines. These poignant, simple letters from an English woman to her American friend will touch the heart of every American woman who reads them; for they tell of the brave effort to “carry on” when sacrifice after sacrifice has been demanded and gladly given. To have stood in the garden while your house was blown to pieces by a Zeppelin bomb, to have waited with munition workers in a factory during the moments which might be the last for four thousand women workers—these are the things which make the war a very close and terrible reality. By ELIA W. PEATTIE PAINTED WINDOWS Illustrated. 16mo, Net, $1.00 The reader goes with the author into the chamber of memory and lifts eyes to the “painted windows” where the figures and scenes of childhood appear. By looking with charmed eyes at those pictures from out her past, long-wished-for visions of one's own youth appear to heal the wounds from which we suffer, and to quiet our stormy and restless hearts today. Night, solitude, friendship, fame, remorse, and travel are the themes treated with delicate feeling and exquisite grace of expression. [ 11 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By ROBERT H. BABCOCK, M.D. YOUR HEART AND HOW TO TAKE CARE OF IT Illustrated. 12mo, Net, $1.50 Have you any very clear notion as to how your habits and your mode of life may affect your heart? If you have a weak heart, do you know how to protect it from still greater weakness? Do you know really what symptoms mean heart disease and what do not? In short, do you know anything clear and definite about the one organ on which the healthy, orderly function of your other organs depends? It is the object of this book to give you clear and reliable information to enable you to take care of your own health and that of others. Its warn¬ ings to the hurrier, the victim of the too strenuous life, are to the highest degree helpful and cannot be too strongly emphasized. The day of inten¬ tional mystification by the medical profession is past, and the day of the education of the public is at hand. Dr. Babcock is one of those enlight¬ ened physicians who are glad to share their knowledge with the layman. By GEORGE and ALICE HAYDEN THROW PHYSIC TO THE DOGS 16mo, Net, $1.00 As bright and lucid as Irvin Cobb, here is a programme for throwing away innumerable ills—a model of practicality, intelligence and common- sense. It is most unfashionable now not to be well, and it’s “mossback” not to know what starts the row anywhere in your “innards/’ THROW PHYSIC TO THE DOGS gives you an X-ray of yourself. The main theme of the book is the banishment of the injuries of cathartic and the attainment and preservation of health by diet and a correct handling of the body. By MATTHEW PAGE ANDREWS A HERITAGE OF FREEDOM 12mo. Boards, Net, $0.50 In this intensely interesting study of the sources and beginnings of Amer¬ ican democracy Mr. Andrews has uncovered a genuinely new page of history. The “newer history” has found the English and American rela¬ tions both prior to, and after the Revolution, a field of fruitful study. The point brought out by Mr. Andrews is that the essential democratic natures of the two peoples prevented a conflict and that a democratic group in England itself animated and supported the colonies. Coming at this moment, Mr. Andrews’s volume will do much to open the eyes even of well-read Americans to the lineal descent of American democ¬ racy from the liberal element of the British people. More than this, it will make clear the essential unity of ideal in the two countries. [ 12 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By ANNETTTE KELLERMANN HOW TO SWIM Illustrated with Many Photographs of Miss Kellermann and Diagrams of Strokes, Dives, etc. Octavo, Net, $2.00 It is hardly too much to say that no one person has ever done as much to popularize and make perfect the art of swimming as Annette Kellermann. Her name is synonymous with water sports the world over, and wherever the movies have gone the public has witnessed the water marvels of this graceful and accomplished woman. In the book she tells how she swims, and the story goes back to the days of her childhood in Australia and her first struggles and success in England when she got three-quarters across the English Channel. It is a fascinating book, beautifully illustrated by pictures of Miss Keller¬ mann, and the chapters are full of the intimate details and secrets of her art. By ANNETTTE KELLERMANN PHYSICAL BEAUTY—HOW TO KEEP IT Illustrated with Many Photographs of Miss Kellermann. Octavo, Net, $2.00 In point of physical development, Annette Kellermann is acknowledged to be one of the few living women who approximate the ideal of the Venus de Medici. She tells how she got her bodily perfection and how she keeps it. Swimming, dancing, care of the skin, dieting for reduction of weight, care of hands and feet, hair and teeth; and the secret of becoming clothes— these are some things that the author deals with. The book is practical, sound in its advice, and has the value of offering a program which is thoroughly tested by the experience of Miss Kellermann. By WARREN H. MILLER Author of “Rifles and Shotguns,” “The Boys’ Book of Canoeing and Sailing,” etc. CAMPING OUT Illustrated. 12mo. Net, $1.50 Camping out may well be classed as one of the liberal arts and few men practising the art have had any such rich and varied experience as Warren H. Miller. For thirty years, in all climates and conditions, Mr. Miller has been going out once a month, every month, for a brief camping trip, and in the Fall and Spring seasons these trips have frequently run to a week. This experience, coupled with the close study of all outdoor sports which the author has made, as Editor of Field and *Stream , qualify him to speak with very great authority. This volume covers a wide range. It discusses all kinds of camping out¬ fits from the de luxe kit of the man with unlimited means down to the bare essentials of the hunting and exploring outfit adapted to long trips. [ 13 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK P_u L bJ L j L s_hej^s in. Ajnej^caJor HOPPER & STOUGHTON By MAUD CHURCHILL NICOLL KNITTING AND SEWING How to make seventy useful articles for men in the Army and Navy. Illustrated. 8vo, Net, $1.75 This book describes and illustrates the different kinds of wool; gives the method of using plain and fancy stitches for mufflers, waistcoats, silk ties, etc.; gives the directions for making many kinds of helmets, caps, mufflers, gloves, sweaters, belts, ten kinds of socks, etc., as well as chamois articles such as waistcoats, body protectors, underwear and socks. This is a handbook of practical instruction which every woman who knits will find invaluable. By A. C. WOOD OLD DAYS ON THE FARM Illustrated. 12mo, Net, $1.50 The life of the pioneer is fast fading out of the consciousness of the nation—the isolated farms and cabins are gone, and the telephone and automobile are ubiquitous. But the old days should not be lost to us. Mr. Wood has recaptured the stalwart spirit, the hardships, the customs, the fun that are possible only under the primitive conditions of life on an old-fashioned farm. Enthusiasm and humor bubble on every page. Adventures in simplicity were as hair-raising as any zestful seeker of experiences could desire. Breaking in a wild ox team, fighting a way through snow drifts to the distant village for food, and the gentler idylls of milking and courting and fishing make the town dweller look back a bit wistfully to the old days on the farm, and feel that he has had at least a glimpse into Arcadia. By JOHN and ROBERT MATTER THE AMATEUR VAGABOND 12mo, Net, $1.50 The gallant, adventurous spirit of healthy youth fills the pages of this story of a young college man who tests his brains and his brawn by undertaking a journey round the world with no money in his pocket and only his honest, friendliness for credential. He meets all sorts of queer coves—laborers, sailors, crooks, and wanderers—and makes friends with them all. He sees death, and he learns what it is to be despoiled of his wages in one night's rioting. But through it all he learns to stand on his own feet and to find bits of wisdom in the most unlikely places. Every chap who has never quite grown up—and that means everyone worth considering— will rejoice in this spirited tale of a year's vagabondage. [ 14 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON ffieoptea anti Countries at By DR. E. J. DILLON Author of “From the Triple to the Quadruple Alliance” THE ECLIPSE OF RUSSIA The True Story of Russian Autocracy and Its Preparation for Anarchy. Octavo, Net, $4.00 Dr. Dillon has long been a student of Slavic languages and civilization. He has lived on the Steppes of the Ukraine as well as in Petrograd. For years he lived and worked in close contact with the Liberal movement under the Tsars; he is a graduate of two Russian Universities and Professor at the University of Kharkoff; he has been leader-writer of two Russian newspapers and editor of one; he was intimate adviser of Count Witte. If it is possible for the Saxon mind to understand the Slav, here, without doubt, is the man best fitted for the difficult task! THE ECLIPSE OF RUSSIA is a revelation of the genius and the weakness of the Russian people; an analysis of the underlying reasons for their gigan¬ tic attempts and still more gigantic failures. By LOUISE BRYANT SIX RED MONTHS IN RUSSIA Illustrated. 8vo, Net, $2.00 Here is the story of the Russian revolution as seen through the eyes of a sympathetic observer of the great upheaval. Miss Bryant lived in Russia, not as an outsider, but as one of the people. She knew Kerenski, Lenine, Trotski and the leaders of every party. She knew the women of the famous Battalion of Death. She was among those caught in a closed archway and fired on by an armored car; she was in the Winter Palace with the Junkers on the afternoon when it fell. In fact, there were few things going on in that period of incredibly rapid events which Louise Bryant did not take part in. Her story is that of one who knows just what vast, hungry, struggling Russia was like during all those days, and who tells what she knows in vivid, flashing pictures, which make the reader live through it all with her. By FREDERIC COLEMAN JAPAN OR GERMANY The Inside Story of the Struggle in Siberia. 12mo, Net, $1.35 Every One Asks: Should Japan go to Siberia? What will her going mean ? What effect will her participation have on the Russian Problem ? The Author Answers: Yes, let her go, by all means, and from an intimate, first-hand knowledge of Russia, Siberia, Japan and the Far East, tells why Japan should represent the Allies in the Siberian settlement. [ 15 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for RODDER & STOUGHTON By THE RIGHT HONORABLE DAVID LLOYD GEORGE, M. P. THE GREAT CRUSADE: Extracts from Speeches De¬ livered During the War 12mo, Net, $1.50 These extracts from speeches delivered during the past three years on different aspects of the war, include the work of the great English leader as Minister of Munitions, Secretary of State for War, and Prime Min¬ ister. They furnish a key to conditions in England from the very high¬ est source. The war aims of the allies, the Russian Revolution, food con¬ servation, America's place in the world war, are among the questions of vital interest discussed by the man who is now guiding the destinies of the British Empire. Edited by MONTAV1LLE FLOWERS President of the International Lyceum and Chautauqua Association of America, Chairman of the Conference. Author of “The Japanese Conquest of American Opinion.” WHAT EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE WAR 8vo, Net, $ 2.00 This volume is, in a sense, a training camp for the minds of all patriotic American men and women, a forum to equip them for the new duties and emergencies of the hour. It brings the reader to a conference, rep¬ resenting all fields of war knowledge met at the seat of our government to study the great conflict. The relation to the war of labor, food, fuel, journalism, banking, education, socialism, feminism, immigration, the Red Cross, and all the other strands which compose the fabrics of our national effort are covered with encyclopaedic detail. Some of the notable contributors to the symposium are: Lord Reading, Andre Tardieu, Samuel Gompers, William English Walling, John Barrett, Herbert Hoover, William C. Redfield, Honorable Philander P. Claxton, Mrs. J. Borden Harriman, John W. Davis. Edited by ALBERT BUSHNELL HART For the Committee of Patriotism Through • Education of the National Security League. AMERICA AT WAR— With Preface by JAMES M. BECK A Handbook of Patriotic Education References. 12mo, Net, $1.50 This Manual performs a great public service. In a compact form, it gives the basic facts with respect to the causes of the war and its subsequent development, and references to the pertinent data. An invaluable aid to speakers, writers, readers and thinking people in general to visualize the present situation of the United States and to make the difficulties and dangers of the time clear to other people. [ 16 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By PHILIP GIBBS Author of “The Battles of the Somme,” “The Soul of the War,” etc. FROM BAPAUME TO PASSCHENDAELE (On the Western Front, 1917) Maps. Octavo, Net, $2.50 The most widely read writer on the war, declares Frederic Coleman, F.R.G.S., is Philip Gibbs, war correspondent with the British Army in the field for the London Daily Chronicle and numerous Provincial and Colonial papers, and whose vivid and colorful dispatches are a standard feature of the New York Times. FROM BAPAUME TO PASSCHENDAELE is a clarifying panoramic view of the wide sweep of the war itself, knit of innumerable “close-ups.” It pictures every nook and corner of the scene: a world of strange little dramas, heroic exploits, tragic stories, humorous episodes, and historically significant things. By SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE A HISTORY OF THE GREAT WAR—VOLUME III. THE BRITISH CAMPAIGN IN FRANCE AND FLANDERS—1916 Illustrated. Maps. Octavo, Net, $2.00 In dramatic value this third volume of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s monu¬ mental history passes far beyond the two volumes which preceded it. The volume presents the heartening story of the first year of attack and advance by a mammoth army, like our own, moulded out of hand. Though Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s great rank as a historian has been attained by accu¬ rate statement, the stirring story of the Somme can justly be told only in stirring words. All in all, this book leaves a most powerful impression. By CAPTAIN A. RADCLYFFE DUGMORE Author of “Camera Adventures in the African Wilds,” “The Romance of the Beaver,” etc. WHEN THE SOMME RAN RED With maps, diagrams, reproductions of field notes made under fire, etc. 12mo. Net, $1.75 When the war broke out the author (then Mr. Dugmore) went into Belgium with a motion picture camera and snapped the Boche in some of his early operations. He was captured twice and got away each time—finally with a most valuable reel of pictures for the British Government. Later, as Captain Dugmore, he went through the great days of battle when the German line was smashed on the Somme, and his account of these adventures, over the very ground of this spring’s vast conflict—until he was gassed—form one of the most thrilling and unique records of personal experience that has ever found its way past the censor. [ 17 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By ABBE E. WETTERLE BEHIND THE SCENES IN THE REICHSTAG Octavo, Net, $2.00 Sprightly as witty gossip, authentic as history, earnest as the charges of a public-spirited citizen against criminal injustice, are these stirring memoirs of an Alsatian priest who, as a member of the Reichstag from the “lost province,” has devoted his life to fighting the political battles of his oppressed people. The hypocrisy, the stupidity, the servility of Germany’s parliament are here revealed by one who has spent years behind the scenes. The characters of German leaders—the Kaiser, von Bulow, the Crown Prince, von Tirpitz, Scheidemann, Bethmann-Holweg, and a host of others—are etched with calm truthfulness and revealing personal detail. The whole history of the relations between Alsace and Germany is re¬ counted in a style which makes it easy to see how the author’s journal set all official Germany by the ears, how every attempt to suppress him only added to his popularity. By MABEL POTTER DAGGETT WOMEN WANTED Illustrated. 12mo. Net, $1.50 Several months ago Mrs. Daggett went abroad to make a thorough study at first hand of the change in woman’s position in Europe, and she has brought together in this book astounding accounts of the new world that war has opened wide to women. Visiting the industrial and war works of England and France, Mrs. Daggett saw women in highly skilled technical work, women at machines rebuilt on a smaller scale for their express use, fac¬ tories filled with bouquets to keep the women happy, whole villages in which the housekeeping was done, and the meals cooked, and the children cared for by the government, so that milady might be free to work. The plain story of what England and France have done for their women’s labor reads like a fairy tale. It overturns all the economic and labor theories as to woman’s domestic limitations, and it opens up the large ques¬ tion: After the war—what? Mrs. Daggett attempts to forecast the answer to this in three interesting chapters on the rising value of the baby, the ring and the woman, and the new race. By HON. MRS. FRANCIS McLAREN With frontispiece in color by Edmund Dulac, and thirty-two other plates. WOMEN OF THE WAR With a preface by the Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith. 8vo, Net, $1.25 At no crisis in history, ancient or modern, has the fate of men and nations hung so patently upon the courage, self-sacrifice and utter devotion of women as in the Allies’ battle for Democracy. Here is the story of thirty-one leaders among women in as many different fields of work, and all the outgrowth of the last three years. [IS] GEORGE H . DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publithert in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By WOODROW WILSON PRESIDENT WILSON’S STATE PAPERS AND ADDRESSES: With an Introduction by Dr. Albert Shaw, LL.D., Editor of “The Review of Reviews.” 8vo, Net, $2.00 No body of state papers or presidential addresses will ever be published, probably, of such permanent and vital interest to the world as these. Every American ought to read them as a patriotic service, to know the reasons for our presence in the greatest conflict in history and the ends we seek. Every library, public or private, and every loyal citizen who would serve his country intellectually as well as physically, should have it. By NEWTON D. BAKER Secretary of War FRONTIERS OF FREEDOM 8vo, Net, $1.50 In the course of his duties, the Secretary of War is called upon by all manner of organizations for statements of the department's work. Mr. Baker always speaks extemporaneously and his words have a freshness and a directness that make doubly interesting this intimate picture. Clear-visioned, forceful, quick with patriotism, this book gives a picture of a man who is impatient of anything but the very best that America can do. The book is specially valuable because it contains Mr. Baker's memora¬ ble survey of America's war effort made before the Senate Military Com¬ mittee. No one can read the volume without feeling its inspiration, its firm purpose, and realizing what the United States is doing. THE RIGHT HONORABLE, THE EARL OF READING “ACROSS THE FLOOD” Addresses at the Dinner in Honor of the Earl of Reading at the Lotos Club, New York, March 27th, 1918. 12mo. Boards, Net, $1.00 The speeches here collected were delivered to the members of the Lotos Club at a memorable dinner in honor of Lord Reading. Too important to be limited to a private audience, they are now made accessible to the general public. These addresses of Lord Reading, Lord Chief Justice of England and Am¬ bassador to the United States, Governor Whitman, the Honorable Charles E. Hughes, and Colonel George Harvey, represent the reactions and hopes in the present crisis of leaders of opinion here and in England. They re¬ veal what minds of the highest power are thinking of events of immediate significance. [ 19 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By SIR OLIVER LODGE Author of “Modern Problems,” “Raymond,” Etc. THE WAR AND AFTER 8vo, Net, $1.50 In this book Sir Oliver Lodge does the very thing that thoughtful men and women the world over are trying to do with more or less success: he “takes stock” of the past, the present and the future with relation to the war and to Germany; and he points the way. After touching upon the past with its false philosophy and its conflict of ideals, Sir Oliver unfolds in a wonderful panorama a vision of what may be got from this world anguish—the great new crusade to which all the nations are called. With a knowledge that springs from years of eminent scientific research and the spiritual forcefulness of a writer who could give to the world a book like “Raymond,” Sir Oliver is doubly armed to move the reader by his vision of a new earth. It is a book to read—and re-read. By MAJOR HALDANE MACFALL GERMANY AT BAY Maps and Illustrations. 12mo, Net, $1.50 An introduction by Field-Marshall French says the author “in his peace strategy points out that the German has entered upon his most dangerous phase of this war.” Major Macfall's book is written for the man in the street. He takes up first the question of strategy, its general bearings, and the German genius for war. Next, he uncovers the German Menace, its rise, its rooting in Kultur; German strategy and precisely what it is; the opposing war machines; why German strategy failed; and then, in an intensely interest¬ ing section, the question of a peace map and how it is to be made. By CYRIL BROWN Correspondent at the Front for the New York World GERMANY AS IT IS TO-DAY 12m ° Net - ^ 50 What is happening inside Germany? What is the truth about her food, her finance, her labor, her growth of crime ? Is she standing the strain? Cyril Brown, one of the best-known and ablest war correspondents writing today, sets forth his conclusions in this engrossing volume. His work a careful study of economic, social and financial conditions in Germany, is extremely valuable as a sound investigation which wastes no words in calling names but gets down to the facts. To learn the truth about German conditions is essential to dealing with them. [ 20 ] • GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON TWO THOUSAND QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE WAR 8vo, Net, $ 2.00 Here are brought together for the first time more than two thousand important questions about the great war with their correct answers. Where are the American troops in France? What was the first act of ■Congress after war was declared? How is the war financed? What was the Ajypam case? What is the difference between a rapid fire gun and a machine gun ? What is the convoy system ? Are the Belgians a single race? And so on indefinitely. The book also contains maps of all the war fronts and an extensive dic¬ tionary of foreign names. Its value lies not only in its comprehensive answering of all manner of questions, but also in its educational worth. ANONYMOUS THE LIE OF AUGUST 3D, 1914 12mo, Net, $1.50 The representations of Germany regarding her part in the world war are woven of a tissue of lies. Just how it was done—how the gullible German people were beguiled into believing that eighty French officers, disguised as Germans, crossed Holland into Germany in twelve motor cars, that French aeroplanes dropped bombs on German cities before the declaration of war, that French doctors tried to poison German wells with cholera microbes, and a hundred other wild tales—is here revealed with all the Mephistophelian cunning of the German inventors exposed. Extracts from official documents, from the accounts of eye witnesses, and from German newspapers prove beyond the shadow of a doubt the vast network of lies whereby Prussia secured the co-operation of the rest of Germany in her attack on the freedom of the world. By COLONEL GEORGE G. NASMITH, C. M. G. ON THE FRINGE OF THE GREAT FIGHT Illustrated. 8vo, Net, $1.50 Why has this war, in other respects the most terrible in history, failed to take its accustomed toll of casualties by contagious disease? The ef¬ forts of the medical and sanitary corps are quiet, tireless, heroic. They investigate the carcase of a dead rat, and—save an army from Bubonic plague. There are times when Tommy wants a bath more than he wants the V. C.—and these are the men who see that he gets it. Colonel Nasmith was in conference with the greatest scientists of France in war-time Paris. He was near St. Julien at the time of the first gas attack. He saw the second Battle* of Ypres. He analyzed the German gas, invented the gas mask, devised a means of supplying the troops with pure water. And he tells about it all with the terseness and convic¬ tion of the man who has seen with his own eyes the things whereof he speaks. [ 21 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK * Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By FLIGHT-COMMANDER W. G. McMINNIES, R. N. PRACTICAL FLYING: Complete Course of Flying Instruction With an Introduction by Major-General W. S. Brancker, R. A. F. Illustrated by Flight-Lieutenant E. L. Ford, R. N. 12mo, Net, $1.50 This is the first practical work on ACTUAL TRAINING AND INSTRUC¬ TION for the FLYING SERVICES, covering the whole field, from ele¬ mentary groundwork to advanced flying. Written and illustrated by practical Flying Officers, themselves instruc¬ tors, who have had considerable experience under service conditions. The most recently adopted methods of tuition are dealt with. It will be read with immense interest by all who follow the tremendous progress of aviation. No pains have been spared to make the work complete. Over one hun¬ dred illustrations, diagrams, maps, etc. With a special pull-out map il¬ lustrating a cross-country flight. A glossary of terms used in flying is a particularly useful feature. By W. H. BERRY AIRCRAFT IN WAR AND COMMERCE With an introduction by Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, C. S. I. Illustrated. 8vo, Net, $1.50 The world has waked up to the fact that the one great discovery of the present war is the untold possibilities of the aircraft. This book gives the reader a real look behind the scenes. It takes up the history of flying, tells how Germany got the better of the world. How France, England and Italy have caught up with her. How America is now in the way of becoming the greatest flying nation of the world. How the aeroplane is built, how it is flown, how it can be fought best; what the aeroplane will mean to the future—these are some of the very inter¬ esting things told in this book. By GEORGES DUHAMEL THE NEW BOOK OF MARTYRS Translated by Florence Simmons. 12mo. Net, $1.35 The old martyrology contained the chronicles of those who laid down their lives for the faith. These martyrs of the new day have done no less. They are the heroes whose exploits would have remained unknown were it not for a French military doctor who knew and loved them. He heard their stories in the hospital; and he sets down the record here, in these true and unforgetable tales of the nameless heroes of the French front—a thing of wonder, of unspeakable sadness, of shining glory. [ 22 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By SERGEANT PILOT HAROLD E. WRIGHT Of the French Flying Corps and the Lafayette Flying Corps. ACES HIGH Being Some Adventures with Democracy's Air Devils. 12mo, Net, $1.50 The air service is at once the most picturesque, dangerous, and romantic of all the branches of fighting. Here is “inside stuff" which has not only the thrill of adventure in the air, but catches the inner spirit and emo¬ tion which accompanies a combat, a fall, a life and death contest of wits and skill. Sergeant Wright had some dramatic experiences with the French as well as the enemy—when he was ordered to be shot at sunrise by his own side, for instance; indeed he seems to have drawn exciting events in his direc¬ tion as a magnet draws iron. And he tells about it with the spirit, the gaiety, the sense of dramatic values, which mark him out as one of the few writers of war experiences whose work has literary as well as per¬ sonal interest. By MAJOR W. A. BISHOP, V. C, D. S. O., M. C. British Royal Flying Corps. WINGED WARFARE Illustrated. 8vo, Net, $1 50 First they gave him the M.C.—Military Cross. As he continued to down Germans they added the D.S.O.—Distinguished Service Order. Still his record grew. So they added the V.C.—Victoria Cross. That was all there was; but the Victories grew so they added a gold bar to the V.C. This is Major Bishop's own story. It is the book of the Champion, the wonder book of the air. Here are none of the grim tragedies of the trenches, none of the sights and smells and brutalities. It is a tale of exhilarating adventure that leaves the reader breathless after the swerve and dip of battle. By MARCEL NADAUD THE FLYING POILU (Translated by Frances Wilson Huard) With drawings by Charles Huard. 12mo, Net, $1.35 A most delicate yet realistic romance of the French aviation service, full of humour, breathless excitement, pathos, gaiety—in a word, of the inimitable French elan. . Chignole is a street urchin of Paris who, by his daring ex¬ ploits, his incorrigible love of pranks, his infectious humour, wins the love and respect of the social superiors among whom he is thrown, and, through suffering, friendship, danger, “finds himself." [ 23 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGffTON By CAPTAIN JOHN STANLEY CAMERON Master of American Bark Beluga TEN MONTHS IN A GERMAN RAIDER A Prisoner of War on the Wolff. Illustrated. 12mo, Net, $1.25 Captain Cameron's story as it came from his own lips is a simple record of human experience in these unbelievable times—a bully sea yarn un¬ spoiled by a literary finish. The master of the American bark Beluga , torpedoed homeward bound, tells the story of his great adventure on board the German raider Wolff and subsequently on the prize ship lgotz Mendi, on which vessels he and his wife spent almost a year, experiencing German sea warfare from the inside. By PORTER EMERSON BROWNE Author of “Scars and Stripes,” etc. THE UNCIVIL WAR 12mo, Net, $1.25 A very shrewd, searching philosophy marks these discussions of America and the War. Under cover of an amusing and at times hilarious style, Porter Emerson Browne goes to the roots of some of those questions which are behind and beneath our purpose in' entering the world conflict. War as we have hitherto understood it and as the Germans have now made us see it; Kaiserism, autocracy and the only remedy for it; the justness of our cause; the winning of the War by economy—these are some of the subjects, uppermost in all our minds, which this volume lights up with a flash of humor and pointed wisdom. By E. F. BENSON Author of “Dodo,” “David Blaize,” etc. CRESCENT AND IRON CROSS 12mo, Net, $1.25 In this volume the author describes the hideous oppression under which the subject peoples of the Ottoman Empire have so long suffered. He goes fully into the steps whereby Germany has secured, for the present, an absolute dominion over Turkey, and suggests the measures that will be necessary before the Allies can realise one of their stated aims in the war— namely, to free the subject peoples from the cruel yoke and expel the Turk¬ ish Government from Constantinople. His facts are derived from a study of official documents. [ 24 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By JAMES W. GERARD Former United States Ambassador to the German Im¬ perial Court. Author of “My Four Years in Germany/' FACE TO FACE WITH KAISERISM Illustrated. 8vo. Net, $2.00 In his signed preface to this book Mr. Gerard says: “In some measure this book is a continuation of MY FOUR YEARS IN GERMANY, the narrative here being carried up to the time of my return home, with some observations on the situation I have found in the United States. Here are facts which could not before be made public, a fresh disclosure of the experiences of America's official spokesman in Berlin. Mr. Gerard gives an intimate personal record of people met, conversations held, and events witnessed. Besides the revelation of German statecraft from the inside, it contains an account of the situation of the neutral countries of Europe, a warning to our own country to beware of German propaganda, an exposure of the German spy system, and an analysis of conditions in the United States as he finds them. WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT and WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN WORLD PEACE: A Written Debate Portraits. 12mo, Net, $1.25 This book holds a discussion of WORLD PEACE that every intelligent reader should ponder. Our first duty is to win the war—as the President has proclaimed. Our next duty is to know what kind of peace we are going to exact for the lives we have spent. It is just as possible to squander the fruits of Victory as it is to dissipate wealth. We must know what we want. Do you know? Mr. Taft and Mr. Bryan disagree and tell you why. With which one do you stand? Their arguments are clearly set forth, the subjects they are debating unmistakably defined. By WILLIAM BARRY THE WORLD’S DEBATE An Historical Defense of the Allies. 12mo, Net, $1.50 With poetic fervor and scientific exactness the distinguished English scholar and historian, Dr. William Barry, tells in sharp outline what were the contrasted ideals and the facts of history out of which the world's most searching, but no less hopeful situation has come to be. He proves that Absolute Power is doomed, and that Democracy and Chris¬ tianity are by origin and spirit of the same nature. [ 25 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By CHARLES CLIFFORD GILL Lieutenant Commander, U. S. N. NAVAL POWER IN THE WAR With Maps, Diagrams and Illustrations. 12mo, Net, $1.25 The volume is a clear record of the naval grand tactics of the war, and their results. The author maintains that in this war, as in past wars, the force of sea power is slowly but surely shaping the issues. The chapters describing submarine operations and how we fight the U-boats will be of unusual interest to the general reader. The volume is published with the sanction of the Navy Department and the Department of English at the Naval Academy. There are maps, diagrams, and pictures of ships from old paintings and modern photographs. By L. COPE CORNFORD THE MERCHANT SEAMAN IN WAR With a Foreword by Admiral Sir John Jellicoe. 12mo, Net, $1.50 Never before have the eyes of the nations turned so universally to the sea and the men who live upon it. The men of the Merchant Service in this war have founded a new and glorious tradition in the face of undreamed-of peril. They have borne the full brunt of submarine warfare and have waged a fight against an insidious enemy which makes one of the glowing pages in history. These true records are stories as inspiring as the sea ballads of an earlier day. From official forms, from the reports of men who often have oscil¬ lated, wet and starving, between life and death in an open boat for days and nights, who have perhaps themselves been wounded, and who speak with difficulty of what they have done and endured, are reconstructed these strange and moving episodes which reveal the heroic character of the British seaman. By JOHN LEYLAND THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE BRITISH NAVY IN THE WORLD WAR 12mo, Net, $1.00 This account of the work of the British navy, made intelligible to the unin¬ structed landsman, is a well-deserved tribute to a service which has been insufficiently appreciated. The author describes the magnificent accom¬ plishments of blockading the German fleet, molesting the enemy's coast positions, and controlling his communications with the oceans. He explains the importance of the North Sea and the Mediterranean in the present conflict. A stimulating and vigorous book, and one which makes the reader take off his hat to the new Glory of the spiritual heirs of Drake and Nelson. [ 26 ] GEORGE H . DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H ODDER & STOUGHTON By DR. HARR Y STUERMER Late Correspondent of the Kolnische Zeitung in Constantinople (1915*16) TWO WAR YEARS IN CONSTANTINOPLE Sketches of German and Young Turkish Ethics and Politics. Translated from the German by E. ALLEN and the Author 12mo, Net, $1.50 “A tremendous indictment of German military methods, a book thrilling with generous indignation,” declares the New York Evening Post; coming from the German war correspondent who reported the Dardanelles cam¬ paign for one of the most influential papers in Germany, and who had served in the German army earlier in the war. The author makes the formal statement on oath that he has written this book to relieve his conscience by stating the truth about the things he has seen and experienced in Constantinople as a German correspondent. But, first and foremost, it is the bleeding story of a German’s conversion. By AN EXCHANGED OFFICER WOUNDED AND A PRISONER OF WAR Illustrated. 12mo, Net, $1.25 , One of the most engaging, as well as one of the most scathing of war nar¬ ratives. First, Patient No. 7, Hopital Civil, Cambrai, then a prisoner at Wurzburg, and from Wurzburg exchanged to England, this officer writes of his experiences with high literary merit and studious moderation. He tells of “Tabac-Belge”—cabbage leaf filled with shavings and dust; of the “comically” anti-English papers he was allowed to read, and of German notices, such as “Do not use enemy language. ‘Adieu’ is French; say instead ‘Auf ein Rechtherzigesfrohesbaldigeswiedersehen.* ” By MICHAEL A. MORRISON SIDELIGHTS ON GERMANY 12mo, Cloth, Net, $1.00 In this volume have been brought together selections from articles which have as their object the portrayal of German life and character as these have been affected or modified under war conditions. In nearly every case the source has been the German newspaper press or well-known and widely circulated German periodicals. Another important object which this book has in view is to illustrate the gradual change of German war sentiment from the period of easy contempt of their enemies, from the period of frenzied jubilation and confidence in victory which characterized the nation in the early months of the war, to the dawning sense that all was not well, and that Germany was being confronted with the hostility of the civilized world. [ 27 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By JOHN OXENHAM Author of “The Fiery Cross,” “Bees in Amber,” etc. HIGH ALTARS: The Battlefields of France and Flanders as I Saw Them 12mo, Net, $0.50 In High Altars John Oxenham has written a vivid and poignant series of narratives and impressions of what he saw on his visit to the battle¬ fields of France and Flanders. He was on Vimy Ridge, in Beaumont Hamel, along the front thereabouts, and under fire in Ypres. No one could look upon those scenes of devas¬ tation and tragic suffering without being profoundly moved, and Mr. Oxenham pictures them with realistic and emotional power. By the Author of “THE BOOK OF ARTEMAS” THE SECOND BOOK OF ARTEMAS 12mo. Boards. Net, $0.50 THE SECOND BOOK OF ARTEMAS, which brings the humorous picture of the civilian war scene down to date, is, if possible, more amazingly witty and profoundly wise and scathingly cynical than the first. Wudro appears again, and one Reding. Also the keeper of the victuals, chief larderer. Save butters-in there is no butter in all the land. The peace which Willi expoundeth is indeed the peace that passeth under¬ standing. There is much light on those things which came to pass in the land of Russ. And, too, on wooing a war husband. Harken above all to Artemas in his wisdom on “damsels” doing their bit. ANONYMOUS With a Foreword by Mildred Aldricb, Author of “The Hilltop on the Marne.” THE LETTERS OF THOMASINA ATKINS, Private (W. A. A. C.), on Active Service 12mo, Net, $1.00 Miss Thomasina, of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, is doing her bit somewhere in France as a simple soldier, leading a soldier's life with all its hardships and privations and hard work, and recording it in let¬ ters written home—letters which reveal with humor and force how nobly the women have done their work over there—work often sordid, often menial, almost never picturesque. There is no limelight shining on them. There are neither footlights nor public. But when the victorious armies return, no corps will better de¬ serve the uncovered heads and the grateful cheers of the crowd than the Thomasina Atkinses of this great war as they march in their place in the line. [ 28 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By GEORGE PEARSON Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. THE ESCAPE OF A PRINCESS PAT The Straight Story of Fifteen Months at the Mercy of the Huns. Illustrated. 12mo, Net, $1.40 A tale of capture, imprisonment and final escape to Holland, at the third attempt, of a Canadian soldier. The writer tells of insults that he himself suffered and of things too shock¬ ing for exaggeration. He gives recipes of prison camp fare and explains how mail comes through—or doesn't come through. If this is the most appalling book yet written of the war, it is nevertheless an imperative duty to read an account that so lays the dust of rumor with authentic facts. Letters, reports and newspapers support the testimony. By LIEUT. J. HARVEY DOUGLAS 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles. CAPTURED Sixteen Months a Prisoner of War. Illustrated. 12mo, Net, $1.25 No word came through from this captured soldier for months. The life of the trenches we now well know. Here is a true, vivid and valuable account of what our “missing” soldiers face. He describes, in no flattering way, the bill of fare in German prison camps, pictures prisoners booed and hissed by the people, tells the things a prisoner needs and how to send them, gives the experiences of prisoners, amusing and otherwise, and an account of the morale of the German people. By BRIGADIER GENERAL LOUIS L. BABCOCK MANUAL FOR THE USE OF TROOPS IN AID OF THE CIVIL AUTHORITY 12mo, Net, $1.00 It is of the highest importance that the community shall understand the function of troops in time of public agitation. All persons who, by their presence, give countenance to a riot after being ordered to disperse are principals whether they engage in acts of violence or not. And it is the duty of any person so commanded to aid in establishing order. Brigadier General Louis L. Babcock is not only one of the leading lawyers of the State of New York, but also has been long connected with its military affairs. For these reasons he is peculiarly well equipped for setting out clearly the law upon this important subject. [ 29 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By J. SELDEN W1LLMORE THE GREAT CRIME AND ITS MORAL A Connected Narrative of the Great War. Octavo, Net, $2.00 A volume which is an invaluable library. The documentary literature of the Great War, so vast and so widely scattered as to be quite inaccessible as a whole to any but the professional student, is here gathered into an illuminating digest of its principal features. The various counts of the indictment of the authors of the Great Crime, as presented by writers, newspapers and official documents of many nations, are vividly set out in the form of a short but connected narrative. And the work drives home, with horrific force, the question: How will you fare, how will those who come after you fare, when there is no law but the Kaiser's law? By AJAX THE GERMAN PIRATE: His Methods and Records 12mo, Net, $0.75 From time immemorial, until the coming of the German submarine, there has existed on the oceans a fine, manly freemasonry, a unique code of courage, honor and chivalry, the noble tradition of the Brotherhood of the Sea. These accounts of German submarine exploits, set down simply, without unfair comment, are taken from British Admiralty documents and the sworn statements of survivors. They admit of but one conclusion, and demand to be widely digested. The German submarine commanders have proved by their deeds that they commit crimes from sheer love of cruelty. It cannot be argued that by committing these acts they were performing their work more efficiently. By MORDAUNT HALL SOME NAVAL YARNS With a Preface by Lady Beatty. Illustrated. 12mo, Net, $0.75 Stories straight from the fighting ships, by a writer who had the oppor¬ tunity of witnessing a part of the titanic task of Britain's courageous sea- fighters, and of personally gaining an idea of the romantic and hazardous business of patrolling the seas in search of the most savage sea-wolves known in history. This book should help considerably to enlighten the general public on the work of the various branches of the Navy. [ 30 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By COMMANDANT DE GERLACHE DE GOMERY Dr. Honoris Causa of the University of Louvain; Corresponding Member of the Geographical Societies of London and Paris; Honorary Member of the Geographical Societies of Brussels, Copenhagen, Geneva, Philadelphia, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, etc. BELGIUM IN WAR TIME Translated from the French Edition by Bernard Miall. With many Illustrations, 6 Maps and Numerous Facsimiles of Documents, Letters, etc. Octavo, Net, $1.50 The authoritative book essential to a clear understanding of the history, the position and the sufferings of “the country that will not die”—the title of the Norwegian and Swedish editions of this famous work set up under fire. The book reveals as no other that marvel of the world—the Belgian. By MAJOR WILLIAM REDMOND, M. P. TRENCH PICTURES FROM FRANCE Illustrated. 12mo. Net, $1.25 This is a picture of France through the eyes of one of the best-known and best-loved Irishmen of his day. “Willie” Redmond, as he was affec¬ tionately called, went to the front in the winter of 1915 and was men¬ tioned in the dispatches of Sir Douglas Haig. One of his last acts was to speak for Home Rule, and the address, delivered in Parliament, is given here in full. “Men wept unabashed,” says T. P. O’Connor, “to hear him.” Returning to the front he plead to be allowed to lead his men in the Great Push. This was finally granted and he charged at the head of the Irish Division which he founded. He was wounded and died later. His spirit was the life of his men and he looked upon his death as a fresh blood-bond between England and Ireland. By ARNOLD J. TOYNBEE Late Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. Author of “The German Terror in Belgium.” THE GERMAN TERROR IN FRANCE With Maps and Numerous Illustrations. Octavo, Net, $1.00 This book, a companion volume to the author’s earlier volume, “The German Terror in Belgium,” is an historical record of the treatment meted out to % the civil population in the country overrun by the German armies. Full references are given to the sources in the footnotes, and summaries are included of first-hand evidence taken from the French and Belgian Com¬ missions. The volume contains numerous maps and many illustrations. [ 31 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, N EW Y 0 RK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON By MUIRHEAD BONE THE WESTERN FRONT Official Drawings by Muirhead Bone. Made for the British Government Illustrated. Quarto. Volume I. Net, $2.50 Here for the first time are brought together the series of official drawings of Muirhead Bone of battle scenes on the Western front. It is a veritable pictorial history of the War, a treasure-house of vivid and unforgettable scenes which can never be caught again by the brush or pencil of any artist, because they deal with men , as well as with ruined towns and cathedrals. To one's children and grandchildren these pictures will speak to the eye and heart as nothing else can and no library can be said to be complete or adequate which does not hold these visual stories of the world's greatest tragedy. Portraits in Color by FRANCIS DODD GENERALS OF THE BRITISH ARMY With Introduction and Biographical Notes. Square quarto. Paper. Net, $0.50 This portrait gallery of British generals represents, in epitome, the drama of British history. Several of the biographical studies have been reprinted by papers throughout the United States. Each tells exactly what every¬ one wishes to know about such figures as Sir Douglas Haig, the Hon. Sir Julian Hedworth George Byng, Lieut.-General the Rt. Hon. Jan Christiaan Smuts, and the other officers of the British Army whose achievements in this war have been made forever memorable. The admirable portraits in color in each case solicit the dignity of a frame. Portraits in Color by FRANCIS DODD ADMIRALS OF THE BRITISH NAVY With an Introduction by E. V. Lucas and Biographical Notes. Square quarto. Paper. Net, $0.50 The corresponding volume to this, “Generals of the British Army," has been since its publication a source of information and illustrations to magazines and newspapers throughout the country. This companion col¬ lection of admirable portraits shows us what manner of men it is that for four years have kept the seas. A striking feature of the work is that in looking over the forty or more Naval heroes here limned, one is im-, pressed by a generic likeness. The terse Biographical Notes put us into possession of exactly the information about each officer which at any moment we may want very much to know. [ 32 ] HALF DOLLAR BOOKS ABOUT THE WAR A series of little books about the war and patriotism—stimulating, in¬ forming and convincing. You can read any one of them in an hour—you cannot forget it in a generation. They are anti-pacifist, anti-everything that is not fight to a finish and win. Each 12mo. (some of them illustrated), decorated boards. Net fifty cents. THE THUNDERS OF SILENCE r 3 IRVINS. COBB THE THUNDERS OF SILENCE By Irvin S. Cobb Illustrated. A daring story the like of which has never before been attempted in American fiction. A rebuke to pacifism and un-Americanism—a remedy for some present ills—a specific forbidding recurrence. THE ALL-HIGHEST GOES TO JERUSALEM: Being the Diary of the German Emperor’s Journey to the Holy Land. From the French by Frank Alvah Dearborn. Illustrated. This book, suppressed in times of peace, is the weapon of the satirist. The Kaiser must be dethroned from every position—no longer may he be the idol of anyone in a free country—ridicule and exposure are legitimate and effective weapons for the civilian. THE BOOK OF ARTEMAS: Concerning men and the things that men did do, at the time when there was war. There is high speculation as to the identity of the literary genius who here masquerades as the prophet of the war age. It is amazingly witty and hilarious, as it is profoundly wise and scathingly cynical—a full equipment of epigram, proverb, and adapted adage. MY GERMAN CORRESPONDENCE: By Professor Douglas W. Johnson, Columbia University Concerning Germany’s responsibility for the war and for the method of its conduct, being an actual letter from a German professor together with a reply and foreword. This German correspondence is a fascinating historical curiosity, presenting as it does, in the most direct way, the marvelous and grotesque obliquity of the German mind. The correspondents are two professors, one German and one American. A HERITAGE OF FREEDOM By Matthew Page Andrews The Political Ideals of the English-speaking Peoples. Mr. Andrews has found new pages in the history of the English-speaking peoples. The unity of today is founded upon the fact that British and American people spring from the same stock; that cleavages have been few and greatly misrepresented. This book is a plea for, and a textbook on, unity for world freedom. HALF DOLLAR BOOKS ABOUTTHE WAR [ 33 ] HALF DOLLAR BOOKS ABOUT THE WAR OUR ROYS OVER THERE By Frederic Coleman Mr. Coleman, an American journalist attached to the British armies, knows the ground and the battlefields whereon our boys must fight—the conditions under which they must live—and die. This book tells you and him what to prepare for when they get to France. SPEAKING OF PRUSSIANS By Irvin S. Cobb A great message to American people from an eye-witness of the horrors of war—yet he would choose war rather than that the free peoples of the world be brought into Prussian bondage. An expose of the madness of the German war-lord and the madness of the philosophy of the German people. EFFICIENCY: A Play in One Act By Robert H* Davis and Perley Poore Sheehan With Appreciation by Theodore Roosevelt. Illustrated. Irvin Cobb says: “In concrete form it embodies the greatest lesson which mankind is going to learn from this war—that flesh-and-blood are worth more to this world than blood-and-iron, and that in the end, flesh-and-blood must triumph over the king-made mechanism of absolutism and ruthlessness.” ROUGH RHYMES OF A PADRE By Woodbine Willie , Af.C., C.S. Padre is Tommy Atkins’ familiar name for the chaplain. This padre, by common consent of the boys, is not a “solemn bloke”—to him “Gawd” is as human as any man in the trenches. Woodbine Willie justifies God’s ways to man and, sans Theology, gives the men a religion of the real brotherhood of man. v THE CHALLENGE OF THE PRESENT CRISIS By Harry Emerson Fosdick A spiritual message, by a writer whose books have sold into the hundreds of thousands, for all those who are struggling to see their way and to keep their souls alive in this terrific generation. In what mood shall a Christian, or for that matter an idealist of any kind, face She catastrophe of today? With what considerations and insights can he support his faith and hope? And how can he harmonize his ideals with the necessities of action in time of war? The morale of our people critically depends upon their answer to such ques¬ tions. This volume inspiringly meets the situation as a challenge to our strength. YOUR BOYS By Gipsy Smith “I love the common sense of Gypsy Smith’s buzzy little book.” So writes the Bishop of London. A revelation of what the boys are thinking and feeling when they go into action. It is a dramatic story of what real religion means to them out there—not preaching, not dogma, but the practical kind that finds expression in the friendly ministrations that are the daily and homely needs of the fighting lines. HALF DOLLAR BOOKS ABOUT THE WAR [ 34 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R Plays CUPID AND COMMON-SENSE. 12mo. 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Net $1.25 SPANISH GOLD. 12mo. Net $1.25 12mo. Net $0.75 Bishop, Major W. A. WINGED WARFARE. 12mo. Net $1.50 [76] Bliss, Reginald. BOON, THE MIND OF THE RACE. With an introduction by H. G. Wells. Blodgett, Mabel Fuller. PEASBLOSSOM: The Adventures of the Pinetree Fairy, and Others. Illus. 8vo. Net $1.00 Blum, Mile. Alice. ORAL FRENCH METHOD. New revised edition. 12mo. Net $1.50 Blythe, Samuel G. A WESTERN WARWICK. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE FAKERS. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE PRICE OF PLACE. OLD GAME, THE. Boards. 12mo. Net $0.60 Bone, Muirhead. THE WESTERN FRONT. Vol. I. Quarto. Net $2.50 Bosanko, W. COLLECTING OLD LUSTRE WARE. 16mo. Net $0.75 Boyd, William. WITH A FIELD AMBULANCE AT YPRES. 16mo. Net $1.25 Brady, Cyrus Townsend. THE EAGLE OF THE EMPIRE. 12mo. Net $1.35 Braley, Berton. A BANJO AT ARMAGEDDON. 12mo. Net $1.00 IN CAMP AND TRENCH: Songs of the Fighting Forces. 12mo. Net $0.50 THINGS AS THEY ARE. 12mo. Net $1.00 SONGS OF THE WORKADAY WORLD. 12mo. Net $1.00 Brickdale;, Eleanor F. ( Illustrator ) THE BOOK OF OLD ENGLISH SONGS AND BALLADS. 4to. Net $2.50 (See Tennyson , The Idylls of the King.) Bridges, Victor. ANOTHER MAN’S SHOES. Brock, Kate Ursula. THE FRAGRANCE OF FLOWERS. Small 12mo. Cloth. Net $1.26 GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for HO DDER & STOUGHTON Bronson, Edgar Beecher. THE VANGUARD. 12mo. Net $1.25 REMINISCENCES OF A RANCH¬ MAN. . 12mo. Net $1.25 THE RED BLOODED. 12mo. Net $1.25 Brown, Cyril. GERMANY AS IT IS TO-DAY. 12mo. Net $1.50 Brown, Ivor. SECURITY. 12mo. Net $1.25 YEARS OF PLENTY. Browne, Porter Emerson. THE UNCIVIL WAR. 12mo. Net $1.35 SCARS AND STRIPES. 12mo. Net $1.00 Brunkhurst, Harriet. THE WINDOW IN THE FENCE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Bryan, W. J., and W. H. Taft. WORLD PEACE: A Written De¬ bate. 12mo. Net $1.25 Bryant, Louise. SIX RED MONTHS IN RUSSIA. 8vo. Net $2.00 Buchan, Col. John. THE WATCHER BY THE THRESHOLD. 12mo. Net $1.40 MR. STEADFAST. 12mo. Net $1.50 SALUTE TO ADVENTURERS. 12mo. 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Net $2.00 Coleman, Frederic OUR BOYS OVER THERE. 12mo. Net $0.50 JAPAN OR GERMANY. 12mo. Net $1.35 Collected Diplomatic Documents Re¬ lating to the Outbreak of the European War. By arrangements with H. M. Sta¬ tionery Office. 4to. Net $1.00 Collier’s. NATIONAL FLOODMARKS. Edited by Mark Sullivan. 12mo. Net $1.50 Comfort, Will Levington. THE HIVE. 12mo. Net $1.50 CHILD AND COUNTRY. 12mo. Net $1.25 MIDSTREAM. 12mo. Net $1.25 LOT AND COMPANY. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE LAST DITCH. 12mo. Net $1.35 RED FLEECE. 12mo. Net $1.25 DOWN AMONG MEN. 12mo. Net $1.25 FATHERLAND. Paper. 12mo. Net $0.25 Connor, Ralph. THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN’S LAND. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE MAJOR. 12mo. Net $1.40 THE PATROL OF THE SUN DANCE TRAIL. 12mo. Net $1.35 CORPORAL CAMERON OF THE NORTHWEST MOUNTED PO¬ LICE. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE FOREIGNER. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE RECALL OF LOVE. 12mo. Paper. Net $0.25 THE DAWN OF GALILEE. 12mo. Paper. Net $0.25 GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America or H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Cooke, Marjorie Benton. THE CLUTCH OF CIRCUM¬ STANCE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Cooney, Percival J. KINSMEN. 12mo. Net $1.50 Cooper, Clayton Sedgwick, M.A. UNDERSTANDING SOUTH AMERICA. 8vo. Net $2.00 THE MAN OF EGYPT. 12mo. Net $1.25 Copping, Arthur E. SOULS IN KHAKI. 12mo. Net $1.00 Corbett, Elizabeth F. THE VANISHED HELGA. 12mo. Net $1.50 Corelli, Marie. THE YOUNG DIANA. 12mo. Net $1.50 INNOCENT. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE LIFE EVERLASTING. 12mo. Net $1.35 Cornford, L. Cope. THE MERCHANT SEAMAN IN WAR. 12mo. Net $1.50 Corrothers, James D. IN SPITE OF THE HANDICAP. 12mo. Net $1.25 Cory, David. BILLY BUNNY AND HIS FRIENDS. Illus. 8vo. Net $1.50 Crew, Alice. MARY AND HER KITCHEN GARDEN. Octavo. Net $1.25 • LITTLE HISTORY TALES. Six Vols. Each net $0.50 Crispi, Francesco. MEMOIRS. Vol. I EXILE—THE THOU¬ SAND. Vol. II THE TRIPLE ALLI¬ ANCE. Vol. Ill INTERNATIONAL AL¬ LIANCE. Each Octavo. Net $3.50 Crowell, Bertha. WINGS OF THE CARDINAL. 12mo. Net $1.35 Cunningham, A. B. THE MANSE AT BARREN ROCKS. 12mo. Net $1.40 Curtin, D. Thomas. THE LAND OF DEEPENING SHADOW; Germany at the Third Year of the War. 12mo. Net $1.50 [79] Curtis, William E. AROUND THE BLACK SEA. Octavo. Cloth. Net $2.50 TURKESTAN: THE HEART OF ASIA. Octavo. Net $2.00 Daggett, Mabel Potter. WOMEN WANTED. 12mo. Net $1.50 Daily Song. AN ANTHOLOGY OF CHEER. 12mo. Cloth. Gilt edges. Net $1.50 Davis, R. H., and Perley Poore Shee¬ han. EFFICIENCY. 12mo. Boards. Net $0.75 Paper. Net $0.25 Dearborn, Frank Alvah. THE ALL HIGHEST GOES TO JERUSALEM. 12mo. Boards. Net $0.50 Defoe, Daniel. ROBINSON CRUSOE. Octavo. Net $2.50 Dehan, Richard. A GILDED VANITY. 12mo. Net $1.40 DeMille, William C. FOREST RING, THE. Illustrated in color. Quarto. Net $2.00 Detmold, Edward J. (Illustrator). THE FABLES OF ;ESOP. Large 8vo. Net $2.50 Dickens, Charles. THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. DAVID COPPERFIELD. THE PICKWICK PAPERS. (See Frank Reynolds.) THE CHIMES. A CHRISTMAS CAROL. (See A. C. Michael.) Dillon, Dr. E. J. THE ECLIPSE OF RUSSIA. Octavo. Net $4.00 FROM THE TRIPLE TO THE QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE. 8vo. Net $1.50 Dodd Francis. GENERALS OF THE BRITISH ARMY. Quarto. Paper. Net $0.50 ADMIRALS OF THE BRITISH NAVY. Quarto. Paper. Net $0.50 GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & S T^O UGH TON Dorsey, George A. YOUNG LOW. 12mo. Net $1.50 Douglas. Lieut. J. Harvey. CAPTURED. 12mo. Net $1.25 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. DANGER AND OTHER STORIES. 12mo. Net $1.50 A VISIT TO THREE FRONTS. 12mo. Net $0.50 HIS LAST BOW. Some Later Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE NEW REVELATION. 12mo. Net $1.00 A HISTORY OF THE GREAT WAR. Each volume with maps and diagrams. 8vo. Net $2.00 Vol. I. The British Campaign in France and Flanders, 1914. Vol. II. The British Campaign in France and Flanders, 1915. Vol. III. The British Campaign in France and Flanders, 1916. Dulac, Edmund (Illustrator ). (continued). THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Plates in color. Boxed. Quarto. Net $5.00 Popular Gift Edition. Net $1.50 STORIES FROM THE ARABIAN NIGHTS retold by Laurence Housman. Plates in color. Popular Gift Edition. Net $2.00 THE NIGHTINGALE and other stories from Hans Andersen. Plates in color. Small Quarto. Net $2.00 THE SNOW QUEEN and other stories from Hans Andersen. Plates in color. Small Quarto. Net $2.00 (See also Shakespeare, The Tempest.) Duryea, Nina Larrey. A SENTIMENTAL DRAGON. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE VALLEY OF FEAR. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE POISON BELT. 12mo. Net $1.20 THE LOST WORLD. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE CASE OF OSCAR SLATER. 12mo. Net $0.60 GERMAN WAR, THE. 12mo. Net $0.75 Drinkwater, John. THE LYRIC. 16mo. Net $0.50 Dugmore, Capt. A. Radcliffe. WHEN THE SOMME RAN RED. 12mo. Net $1.75 Duhamel, Georges. THE NEW BOOK OF MARTYRS. 12mo. Net $1.35 Dulac, Edmund. ( Illustrator.) POETICAL WORKS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE. Plates in color. 4vo. Net $3.50 SINDBAD THE SAILOR. A tale from THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. Plate in color. Octavo. Boxed. Net $5.00 THE SLEEPING BEAUTY AND OTHER FAIRY TALES FROM THE OLD FRENCH. By Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch. Plates in color. Boxed. Quarto. Net $5.00 Popular Gift Edition. Small Quarto. Net $2.00 [80] Dysore, Lieut. G. GRENADE FIGHTING. 16mo. Net $0.50 Eaton, Walter Prichard. ECHOES AND REALITIES. 12mo. Net $1.50 Egan, Maurice Francis. TEN YEARS ON THE GERMAN FRONTIER. 8vo. Net $3.00 England, George Allan. THE GIFT SUPREME. 12mo. Net $1.35 Faris, John T. HISTORIC SHRINES OF AMER¬ ICA. 8vo. Net $3.00 Fenger, Frederic A. ALONE IN THE CARIBBEAN. Illus. 12mo. Net $2.00 Fifes and Drums. The Vigilantes' Books. Anthology. 16mo. Net $1.00 Flagg, James Montgomery. WELLKNOWNS, THE. Net $2.50 THE MYSTERY OF THE HATED MAN AND OTHER NEAR MYSTERIES. 12mo. Net $1.25 12mo. Net $1.00 I SHOULD SAY SO. » GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Flatau, Dorota. YELLOW SOULS. 12mo. Net $1.50 Flowers, Montaville. WHAT EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE WAR. 8vo. Net $2.00 THE JAPANESE CONQUEST OF AMERICAN OPINION. 12mo. Net $1.50 Footner, Hulbert. THIEVES WIT. 12mo. Net $1.50 Foster, A. A. THE MESSAGE OF BROWNING. 12mo. ROBERT Net $1.50 Fox, Fontaine. F. FOX’S FUNNY FOLK. 4to. Net $1.50 Fraser, W. A. THE THREE SAPPHIRES. 12mo. Net $1.50 Freeman, William. AWAKE! U. S. A. 8vo. Net $2.00 Fyfe, Thomas Alexander. WHO’S WHO IN DICKENS. Octavo. Net $2.00 Garnett, R. S. LETTERS ABOUT SHELLEY. Octavo. Net $2.00 Garrison, Theodosia. DREAMERS, AND OTHER POEMS. 8vo. Net $1.50 Gellibrand, Emma. J. COLE. 12mo. Net $0.50 George, David Lloyd. THE GREAT CRUSADE. 12mo. Net $1.50 Gibbs, Philip. FROM BAPAUME TO PASSCHEN- DAELE. Octavo. Net $2.50 THE BATTLES OF THE SOMME. 8vo. Net $2.00 Gerard, James W. FACE TO FACE WITH KAISER- ISM. Octavo. Net $2.00 MY FOUR YEARS IN GERMANY. Octavo. Net $2.00 Gill, Lieut.-Com. C. C. NAVAL POWER IN THE WAR. 12mo. Net $1.25 [ 81 ] Gomery, Com. De Gerlache de. ( continued) BELGIUM IN WAR TIME. Octavo. Net $1.50 Govey, Lilian A. (Illustrator). THE ROSE FAIRY BOOK. Large 8vo. Net $2.50 Grant, Captain Allan. Boys at the Front in the Great War Series. A CADET OF BELGIUM. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE DEFENSE OF PARIS. 12mo. Net $1.00 Greene, Clay M. DISPENSATION, THE. 12mo. Net $1.00 Gretton, R. H. HISTORY. (See The Arts and Crafts of Letters.) Grierson, Captain F. D. THE SINGLE STAR. 12mo. Net $1.00 Griffis, Joseph K. TAHAN. 12mo. Net $1.25 Gulick, Luther H. THE DYNAMIC OF MANHOOD. 12mo. Net $0.75 Hall, Mordaunt. SOME NAVAL YARNS. 12mo. Net $0.75 | Hagerdorn, Herman. (Editor.) "fifes AND DRUMS. 16mo. Net $1.00 Hamilton, Allan McLane. RECOLLECTIONS OF AN ALIEN¬ IST. Illustrated. 8vo. Net $3.50 Hamilton, Mary Agnes. DEAD YESTERDAY. 12mo. Net $1.50 Hammond, M. O. CANADIAN CONFEDERATION AND ITS LEADERS. 8vo. Net $2.50 Hart, Albert Bushnell, (Editor.) AMERICA AT WAR. Nar. 8vo. Net $1.50 GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Hawthorne, Hildegarde GIRLS IN BOOKLAND. Illus. 8vo. Net $2.00 Hay, J. MacDougalL BARNACLES. 12mo. Net $1.40 GILLESPIE. 12mo. Net $1.40 Hayden, George and Alice. THROW PHYSIC TO THE DOGS. 12mo. Net $1.00 Henderson, Helen W. A LOITERER IN NEW YORK. Illus. Octavo. Net $4.00 A LOITERER IN NEW ENG¬ LAND. 8vo. Net $5.00 Hill, J. Arthur. MAN IS A SPIRIT. Octavo. Net $1.50 PSYCHICAL INVESTIGATIONS. 8vo. Net $2.00 “Him.” HOW IT FEELS TO BE THE HUSBAND OF A GETTE. SUFFRA- 12mo. Boards. Net $0.50 Hines, Jack. THE BLUE STREAK. Illus. 12mo. Net $1.35 SEEGAR AND CIGAREET. 12mo. Decorated Boards. Net $0.50 Holder, Charles F. GAME FISHES OF THE WORLD. Illustrated. Large Quarto. Net $5.00 Holiday, Robert Cortes. WALKING-STICK PAPERS. 12mo. Net $1.50 Holtz, Mathilde E. and Katharine I. Bemis. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. Illus. 8vo. Net $2.00 Hood, Robert Allison. THE CHIVALRY OF KEITH LEI¬ CESTER. 12mo. Net $1.50 Howe, P. P. CRITICISM. (See Arts and Crafts of Letters.) Huard, Frances Wilson. MY HOME IN THE FIELD OF MERCY. Illus. 12mo. Net $1.85 MY HOME IN THE FIELD OF HONOUR. 12mo. Net $1.35 [ 82 ] Hueffer, Ford Madox. BETWEEN ST. DENIS AND ST. GEORGE. 12mo. Net $1.00 WHEN BLOOD IS THEIR ARGU¬ MENT. 12mo. Net $1.00 Huston, Ethelyn Leslie. THE TOWERS OF ILIUM. 12mo. Net $1.35 I Accuse! [J*Accusel] By a German. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE CRIME: A Supplement to I ACCUSE! In two volumes. 8vo. Each net $2.50 Irving, H. B. A BOOK OF REMARKABLE CRIMINALS. 8vo. Net $2.00 Irwin, Inez Haynes. THE LADY OF KINGDOMS. 12mo. Net $1.50 Irwin, M. E. F. OUT OF THE HOUSE. 12mo. Net $1.35 COME OUT TO PLAY. 12mo. Net $1.25 Irwin, Wallace. VENUS IN THE EAST. 12mo. Net $1.50 PILGRIMS INTO FOLLY. 12mo. Net $1.35 Jackson, Gabrielle E. SILVERHEELS. 12mo. Net $1.00 Jackson, Henry E., D.D. THE LEGEND OF THE CHRIST¬ MAS ROSE. 12mo. Net $0.75 THE NEW CHIVALRY. 12mo. Net $0.60 James, Winifred. A WOMAN IN THE WILDER¬ NESS. 8vo. Net $2.00 Jesse, F. Tennyson. SECRET BREAD. 12mo. Net $1.50 BEGGARS ON HORSEBACK. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE MILKY WAY. 12mo. Net $1.25 Johannet, Rene. PAN GERMANISM VERSUS CHRISTENDOM. 12mo. Net $1.00 Johnson, Prof. Douglas W. MY GERMAN CORRESPOND¬ ENCE. 12mo. Net $0.60 1 f GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Jones, Henry Arthur. THE LIE. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE THEATRE OF IDEAS. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE DIVINE GIFT. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE FOUNDATIONS OF A NA¬ TIONAL DRAMA. Octavo. Net $3.00 Jorgensen, Johannes. FALSE WITNESS. 12mo. Net $1.00 Kaufman, Herbert. NEIGHBOURS. 12mo. Net $1.00 DO SOMETHING! BE SOME¬ THING! 12mo. Boards. Net $1.00 THE EFFICIENT AGE. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE CLOCK THAT HAD NO HANDS. 12mo. Boards. Net $1.25 POEMS. 12mo. Boards. Net $1.25 Keats, John. THE POEMS OF. Illustrated by Claude F. Shepperson. 4to. Boards. Net $3.00 Keith, Marian. THE END OF THE RAINBOW. 12mo. Net $1.25 DUNCAN POLITE. 12mo. Net $0.75 SILVER MAPLE. 12mo. Net $0.75 TREASURE VALLEY. 12mo. Net $0.75 'LIZBETH OF THE DALE. 12mo. Net $0.75 Kellermann, Annette. PHYSICAL BEAUTY—HOW TO KEEP IT. Octavo. Net $2.00 HOW TO SWIM. Octavo. Net $2.00 Kelman, John, D.D. AMONG FAMOUS BOOKS. Large 12mo. Net $1.50 Kenlon, John. FIRES AND FIRE-FIGHTERS. Octavo. Net $2.50 Kerruish, Jessie Douglas. MISS HAROUN AL-RASCHID. 12mo. Net $1.50 Keyte, J. C., M.A. THE PASSING OF THE DRAGON. 12mo. Net $1.50 Kilmer, Joyce. MAIN STREET, AND OTHER POEMS. 12mo. Net $1.00 TREES and other Poems. 12mo. Net $1.00 Kirtland, Lucian Swift. SAMURAI TRAILS. 8vo. Net $3.00 Kitchener, Lord. MEMORIAL BOOK. 4to. Net $2.50 Knoblauch, Edward. KISMET. 12mo. Net $1.00 MILESTONES. (See under Arnold Bennett and Edward Knoblauch) Knott, George H. TRIAL OF SIR ROGER CASE¬ MENT. 8vo. Net $2.50 Knowles, Josephine P. THE UPHOLSTERED CAGE. 12mo. Cloth. Net $1.50 Knowles, Laura Thornton. SOUTHERN RECIPES. 12mo. Net $1.00 Kyne, Peter B. THE THREE GODFATHERS. Illus. 12mo. Net $0.50 L., C. E. MY MAN. 16mo. Net $0.50 Lamb, Charles and Mary. TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE. Illustrated. Small Quarto. Net $2.00 Lancaster, G. B. FOOL DIVINE. 12mo. Net $1.50 Lardner, Ring W. YOU KNOW ME, AL. 12mo. Net $1.00 Laughlin, Clara E. THE KEYS OF HEAVEN. 12mo. Net $1.50 Laut, Agnes C. LORDS OF THE NORTH. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE CONQUEST OF THE GREAT NORTHWEST. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. Net $2.00 Le-Bas, Sir Hedley. THE LORD KITCHENER ME¬ MORIAL BOOK. Quarto. Net $2.50 [83] GEORGE H. Publishers DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK in America for HO D DER A STOUOHTON Leo-Wolf, Dr. Carl G. THE CHILD IN HEALTH AND ILLNESS. Illus. 12mo. Net $2.00 Lynch, Bohun. Lewin, Evans. THE GERMAN ROAD TO THE EAST. 8vo. Net $2.50 Lewis, Miles. CHAPEL. 12mo. Net $1.35 Leyland, John. ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE BRIT¬ ISH NAVY IN THE WORLD WAR. 12mo. Net $0.75 Lintier, Paul. MY ’76. Reminiscences of a Gunner in a 75 m/m Battery in 1914. 12mo. Net $1.35 Linton, Sir James. ( Illustrator .) (See William Shakespeare, also Wal¬ ter Wood.) Lodge, Sir Oliver. CHRISTOPHER. Octavo. Net $2.50 THE WAR AND AFTER. 12mo. Net $1.50 MODERN PROBLEMS. 12mo. Net $2.00 RAYMOND: OR LIFE AND DEATH. Popular Edition. 12mo. Net $1.50 Lowndes, Mrs. Belloc. LOVE AND HATRED. 12mo. Net $1.40 THE RED CROSS BARGE. 12mo. Net $1.25 GOOD OLD ANNA. 12mo. Net $1.35 LILLA: A PART OF HER LIFE. 12mo. Net $1.35 Lucas, E. V. A BOSWELL OF BAGHDAD. 12mo. Net $1.35 MORE WANDERINGS IN LON¬ DON. Octavo. Net $2.00 THE HAUSFRAU RAMPANT. 12mo. Net $1.30 THE VERMILION BOX. 12mo. Net $1.35 CLOUD AND SILVER (Essays). 12mo. Net $1.35 Lyman, Edward Branch. ME’OW JONES: Being the True Tale of a Belgian Cat, as Told by Himself. Net $1.00 [84] THE COMPLETE GENTLEMAN. 12mo. Net $1.35 Lynn, Ethel. THE ADVENTURES OF A WOM¬ AN HOBO. 12mo. Net $1.50 McCann, Alfred W. THIRTY-CENT BREAD. 12mo. Net $0.60 McClintock, Lieut. Alex. BEST O’ LUCK. 12mo. Net $1.00 McClure, Archibald. LEADERSHIP OF THE NEW AMERICA. Net $1.25 McKenna, Stephen. NINETY-SIX HOURS’ LEAVE. 12mo. Net $1.35 SONIA: Between Two Worlds. 12mo. Net $1.60 McLaren, Mrs. Francis. WOMEN OF THE WAR. Octavo. Net $1.25 McLaughlin, Robert H. THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE. Maxine Elliott Edition. 12mo. Net $0.50 McLaurin, Kate L. THE LEAST RESISTANCE. % 12mo. Net $1.25 McLoughlin, Maurice E. TENNIS AS I PLAY IT. 12mo. Net $2.00 McMinnies, W. G. PRACTICAL FLYING. 12mo. Net $1.50 McNally, Georgia M. THE BABYHOOD OF WILD BEASTS. Illus. 8vo. Net $2.00 Maccas, Leon. GERMAN BARBARISM. 12mo. Net $1.00 Macdonald, J. A., LL.D. DEMOCRACY AND THE NA¬ TIONS. 12mo. Net $1.50 MacFall, Haldane. GERMANY AT BAY. 12mo. Net $1.50 I GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON MacGill, Patrick. THE BROWN BRETHERN. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE GREAT PUSH. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE RED HORIZON. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE RAT-PIT. 12mo. Net $1.25 Mackay, Isabel E. THE SHINING SHIP. 8vo. Net $1.50 UP THE HILL AND OVER 12mo. Net $1.35 Mackenzie, Cameron. THE MAN WHO TRIED TO BE IT. 12mo. Net $1.00 Maclaren, Ian. BOOKS AND BOOKMEN. 12mo. Net $1.26 Macmillan, Donald, M.A., D.D. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE SCOTTISH PEOPLE. Octavo. Net $3.00 Malloch, Douglas. THE WOODS and other Poems. 12mo. Net $1.00 Marshall, H. E. THIS COUNTRY OF OURS: The Story of the United States. Illus. 8vo. Net $2.50 A HISTORY OF FRANCE. Quarto. Net $2.50 Matter, John and Robert. THE AMATEUR VAGABOND. 12mo. Net $1.50 Maugham, W. Somerset. OF HUMAN BONDAGE. 12mo. Net $1.50 Michael, A. C. ( Illustrator .) AN ARTIST IN SPAIN. Illustra¬ tions in color. Quarto. Boxed. Net $5.00 A CHRISTMAS CAROL. By Charles Dickens. Illustrated in color. Small Quarto. Net $1.50 Miller, Warren H. CAMPING OUT. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE BOY’S BOOK OF CANOE¬ ING AND SAILING. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE BOY’S BOOK OF HUNTING AND FISHING. 12mo. Net $1.50 ! RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS. 8vo. Net $2.00 AIREDALE SETTER AND HOUND. 12mo. Net $1.50 [85] Miller, Alice Duer. ARE WOMEN PEOPLE? 12mo. Net $0.75 WOMEN ARE PEOPLE! 12mo. Net $0.75 Millett, Captain Philippe. COMRADES IN ARMS. 12mo. Net $1.00 Moffett, Cleveland. THE CONQUEST OF AMERICA. Small Octavo. Net $1.50 Mokveld, L. THE GERMAN FURY IN BEL¬ GIUM. 12mo. Net $1.00 Monahan, Michael. NEW ADVENTURES. 8vo. Net $2.00 8vo. Net $5.00 Morley, Christopher. SONGS FOR A LITTLE HOUSE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Morrison, Michael A. SIDELIGHTS ON GERMANY. 12mo. Net $1.00 Myers, A. Wallis. THE LIFE STORY OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WILDING. 12mo. Net $1.50 Nadaud, Marcel. THE FLYING POILU. 12mo. Net $1.35 Nash, Florence. JUNE DUSK. 12mo. Net $1.25 Nasmith, Colonel George G. ON THE FRINGE OF THE GREAT FIGHT. 8vo. Net $1.50 Nesbit, E. WINGS AND THE CHILD. 12mo. Net $1.50 Nicoll, Maud Churchill. KNITTING AND SEWING. 8vo. Net $1.75 Nicoll, Sir W. Robertson, M.A., LL.D. THE PROBLEM OF EDWIN DROOD. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE ROUND OF THE CLOCK. 12mo. Net $1.25 DAY BOOK OF CLAUDIUS CLEAR. 16mo. Net $0.50 LETTERS OF LIFE. 16mo. Net $0.50 GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Nielsen, Kay. ( Illustrator .) IN POWDER AND CRINOLINE. Fairy Tales Retold. By Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch. Illustrations in color. Boxed. Quarto. Net $5.00 EAST OF THE SUN AND WEST OF THE MOON. Retold by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch. Plates in color. Octavo. Net $4.00 Niven, Frederick. THE S. S. GLORY. 12mo. Net $1.25 Norman, M. E. MISS PANDORA. 12mo. Net $1.25 Norris, Charles G. THE AMATEUR. 12mo. Net $1.35 Northcliffe, Lord. LORD NORTHCLIFFE’S WAR BOOK. 12mo. Net $1.00 Norton, Roy.« THE UNKNOWN MR. KENT, 12mo. Net $1.25 Norwood, Robert. THE MODERNISTS. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE FIPER AND THE REED. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE WITCH OF ENDOR. 12mo. Net $1.25 O’Brien, Frank M. THE STORY OF THE SUN. 8vo. Net $3.50 O’Connor, Mrs. T. P. DOG STARS. 12mo. Net $1.50 Omar Khayyam. THE RUBAIYAT. {See Edmund Dulac.) Onions, Oliver. MUSHROOM TOWN. 12mo. Net $1.25 GRAY YOUTH. 12mo. Net $1.50 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EVIDENCE. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE DEBIT ACCOUNT. 12mo. Net $1.26 THE STORY OF LOUIE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Orczy, Baroness. THE MAN IN GREY. 12mo. Net $1.40 LORD TONY’S WIFE. 12mo. Net $1.35 [86] Orczy, Baroness. (continued). A SHEAF OF BLUEBELLS. 12mo. Net $1.35 LEATHERFACE. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE BRONZE EAGLE. 12mo. Net $1.35 A BRIDE OF THE PLAINS. 12mo. Net $1.35. THE LAUGHING CAVALIER. 12mo. Net $1.35 “UNTO CAESAR.” 12mo. Net $1.35 EL DORADO. 12mo. Net $1.35 MEADOWSWEET. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE NOBLE ROGUE. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE HEART OF A WOMAN. 12mo. $0.75 Osborne, Prof. W. F. AMERICA AT THE WAR. Net $1.00 Oxenham, John. THE FIERY CROSS. 12mo. Net $1.00 HIGH ALTARS: The Battlefields of France and Flanders as I Saw Them. 12mo. Net $0.50 THE VISION SPLENDID. 12mo. Net $1.00 “ALL’S WELL.” 12mo. Net $1.00 Oyen, Henry. THE HIDDEN COUNTRY. 12mo. Net $1.50 GASTON OLAF. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE SNOW BURNER. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE MAN TRAIL. 12mo. Net $1.25 Packard, Frank L. THE WIRE DEVILS. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE SIN THAT WAS HIS. Illus. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE ADVENTURES OF JIMMIE DALE. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE BELOVED TRAITOR. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE MIRACLE MAN. 12mo. Net $1.25 GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN. 12mo. Net $1.25 Pain, Barry. THE SHORT STORY. 16mo. Net $0.50 Palgrave, Francis Turner. THE GOLDEN TREASURY OF SONGS AND LYRICS. Plates in color. Small Quarto. Net $2.00 GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON - ■ — ---- — ■ Parker, Sir Gilbert. YOU NEVER KNOW YOUR LUCK. 12mo. Net $1.25 Patterson, J. E. THE LURE OF THE SEA. 12mo. Boards. Net $1.25 THE SEA’S ANTHOLOGY. 12mo. Net $1.50 Patterson, Lieut.-Col. J. H. WITH THE ZIONISTS IN GALLI¬ POLI. 8vo. Net $2.00 Pearson, George. THE ESCAPE OF A PRINCESS PAT. 12mo. Net $1.40 Peattie, Elia W. PAINTED WINDOWS. 16mo. Net $1.00 Peck, Annie S. THE SOUTH AMERICAN TOUR. New Guide Book Edition. 12mo. Net $3.00 Pocock, Noel (Illustrator). ROBINSON CRUSOE. Large 8vo. Net $2.50 GRIMM’S FAIRY TALES. Large 8vo. Net $2.50 Poe, Edgar Allan. THE POETICAL WORKS OF. (See Edmund Dulac.) Pratz, Claire De. FRANCE FROM WITHIN. Octavo. Net $3.00 Prichard, Katharine Susannah. THE PIONEERS. 12mo. Net $1.25 Prum, M. Emile. PAN-GERMANISM VS. CHRIS¬ TENDOM. 12mo. Net $1.00 Quiller-Couch, Sir A. T. (See William Shakespeare.) THE SLEEPING BEAUTY. (See Edmund Dulac.) IN POWDER AND CRINOLINE. EAST OF THE SUN AND WEST OF THE MOON. (See Kay Nielsen.) Quiller-Couch, Mabel and Lilian (Edi¬ tors) . THE TREASURE BOOK OF CHILD’S VERSE. Large 8vo. Net $2.50 Ramsay, W. M. THE MAKING OF A UNIVERSITY (What We Can Learn from American Ideals). 8vo. pp. Net $0.25 Raymond, Clifford S. THE MYSTERY OF THE HART¬ LEY HOUSE. 12mo. $1.50 Reading, the Right Honorable Earl of. ACROSS THE FLOOD. 12mo. Net $1.00 Redmond, Major William. TRENCH PICTURES FROM FRANCE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Reynolds, Frank, R. I. (Illustrator.) THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. By Charles Dickens. Plates in color. Boxed. Octavo. Net $5.00 DAVID COPPERFIELD. By Charles Dickens. Plates in color. Boxed. Quarto. Net $5.00 THE PICKWICK PAPERS. By Charles Dickens. Plates in color. Boxed. Quarto. Net $5.00 Ridge, W. Pett. MADAME PRINCE. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE KENNEDY PEOPLE. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE HAPPY RECRUIT. 12mo. Net $1.25 Rinehart, Mary Roberts. THE AMAZING INTERLUDE. 12mo. Net $1.50 BAB: A SUB-DEB. Illus. 12mo. Net $1.40 KINGS, QUEENS AND PAWNS. 12mo. Net $1.50 Robinson, T. H. (Illustrator.) (See William Shakespeare.) THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Large 8vo. Net $2.50 Robinson, W. Heath. (Illustrator.) (See William Shakespeare.) Roche, Arthur Somers. RANSOM! 12mo. Net $1.35 Roosevelt, Theodore. THE FOES OF OUR OWN HOUSE¬ HOLD. Octavo. Net $1.50 FEAR GOD AND TAKE YOUR OWN PART. 8vo. Net $1.50 Ross, Percy. YOUTH UNCONQUERABLE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Roy, Jean. THE FIELD OF THE FATHER¬ LESS. 8vo. Net $1.50 Roy, Lillian Elizabeth. THE WOODCRAFT GIRLS IN THE CITY. 12mo. Net $1.25 [87] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Roy, Lillian Elizabeth, (continued). THE WOODCRAFT GIRLS AT CAMP. 12mo. Net $1.25 LITTLE WOODCRAFTER’S BOOK. 12mo. Net $1.25 Ruddy, Anna C. FROM TENDERFOOT TO SCOUT. 12mo. Net $1.20 Russell, Charles Edward. THESE SHIFTING SCENES. 12mo. Net $1.60 WHY I AM A SOCIALIST. 12mo. Cloth. Net $0.60 “Sapper.” THE HUMAN TOUCH. 12mo. Net $1.40 NO MAN’S LAND. 12mo. Net $1.25 MICHAEL CASSIDY, SERGEANT. Net $1.25 MEN, WOMEN AND GUNS. Net $1 26 Saunders, Marshall. THE WANDERING DOG. 8vo. Net $1 Scandlin, Horace Winthrop. THE WICKED JOHN GOODE. 12mo. Net $1.00 Scherer, James A. B. THE NATION AT BAY. 12mo. Net $1.50 Scott, Dixon. MEN OF LETTERS. 8vo. Net $2.00 Scott, Duncan Campbell. LUNDY’S LANE AND OTHER POEMS. 12mo. Net $1.25 Self Educator Series Edited by John Adams, M.A., B.Sc., Professor of Education in the Uni¬ versity of London. The object of this series is indi¬ cated by its title, “The Self Edu¬ cator.” It is hoped that by means of these books the most isolated student will be able, without other aid, to ground himself in the vari¬ ous subjects dealt with. Every care has been taken to make each book complete in itself. Bound in strong, serviceable cloth. 12mo. Each, net $0.75 FRENCH. By John Adams, M.A., B.Sc. GERMAN. By John Adams, M.A., B.Sc. LATIN. By W. A. Edward, M.A CHEMISTRY. By James Knight, M.A., B.Sc. With Illustrated Dia¬ grams. DRAWING. By Robert Y. Howie, M.A. I Self Educator Series (continued). ENGLISH COMPOSITION. By G. H. Thornton, M.A. ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA. By John Davidson, M.A. Shakespeare, William. AS YOU LIKE IT. Plates in color. Boxed. Quarto. Net $4.50 Popular Gift Edition. Small Quarto. Net $2.00 HAMLET. Plates in color. Boxed. Quarto. Net $4.50 MERCHANT OF VENICE. Plates in color. Popular Gift Edition. Small Quarto. Net $2.00 ROMEO AND JULIET. Plates in color. Boxed. Quarto. 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Net $2.50 [88] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for HO D D E R & STOUGHTON Sidgwick, Frank. THE BALLAD. (See Arts and Crafts of Letters.) Sigerson, Dora. THE SAD YEARS. 12mo. Net $1.25 Simpson, James Y. THE SELF-DISCOVERY OF RUS¬ SIA. 8vo. Net $2.00 Smith, Mrs. A. Burnett. AN ENGLISHWOMAN’S HOME. 12mo. Net $1.25 Smith, Arthur Howden. THE REAL COLONEL HOUSE. Octavo. Net $1.50 THE AUDACIOUS ADVENTURES OF MILES McCONAUGHY. 12mo. Net $1.35 Smith, Sir George Adam. SYRIA AND THE HOLY LAND. 12mo. Paper. Net $0.50 Smith, Gipsy. YOUR BOYS. 12mo. Net $0.50 Smith, Thomas F. A. . WHAT GERMANY THINKS. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE SOUL OF GERMANY. 12mo. Net $1.25 Smuts, Lieut.-Gen. J. C. WAR-TIME SPEECHES. 12mo. Net $0.75 Somville, Gustave. THE ROAD TO LIEGE. 12mo. Net $1.00 Sowerby, Githa. RUTHERFORD AND SON. 12mo. Net $1.00 Stalker, Professor James. HOW TO READ SHAKESPEARE. 12mo. Net $1.50 Stanley, Arthur A. (Wainwright Merrill). WITH THE BRITISH SIEGE GUNS. 12mo. 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Net $2.00 Williams, J. E. Hodder. ONE YOUNG MAN. 12mo. Net $0.75 Willie, Woodbine. ROUGH RHYMES OF A PADRE. 12mo. Net $1.00* Wilson, Woodrow. PRESIDENT WILSON’S STATE PAPERS AND ADDRESSES. Octavo. Net $2.00 Winter, William. VAGRANT MEMORIES. Octavo. Net $3.00 Witte, Emil. REVELATIONS OF A GERMAN ATTACHE. 12mo. Net $1.00 Wood, A. C. OLD DAYS ON THE FARM. 12mo. Net $1.50 Woodruff, Helen S. MR. DOCTOR-MAN. Small Quarto. Net $0.50 REALLY TRULY FAIRY STORIES. Small Quarto. Net $1.00 REALLY TRULY NATURE STO¬ RIES. Small quarto. Net $1.00 THE LITTLE HOUSE. 12mo. Net $1.00 MIS’ BEAUTY. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE LADY OF THE LIGHT¬ HOUSE. Small quarto. Net $0.60 Work, Edgar Whitaker. THE FOLLY OF THE THREE WISE MEN. 12mo. Net $0.75 Wright, Harold E. ACES HIGH. 12nio. Net $1.50 Wright-Davis, Mary. THE BOOK OF LINCOLN. 8vo. Net $2.00 WYSS, J. D. SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Net $2.50 Wylie, I. A. R. THE TEMPLE OF DAWN. 12mo. Net $1.35 Yoxall, J. H. COLLECTING OLD GLASS. 16mo. Net $0.75 COLLECTING OLD MINIATURES. 16mo. Net $0.75 Young, F. E. Mills. BEATRICE ASHLEIGH. 12mo. Net $1.50 [91] A • : ; A , '{ /, \ \l / ; \ A a. . ,t {) A i f r.vfATa STOMfej - : aaoihja jniiHir.T} ^faiW ‘ ■: / aHO i, / ; ■’ .'•/* ■ V. ' '.. viT ' •- ’T/ .:OA Tft/i3U HHT ' pi .«7 io)l ,no ■ #7 - ; jg TH A Jit AO ; a Z A /A a/. .'JAM • IT/ .; : fs ? ' ' 00 A ■■'}/ .0 . rai/O, ilr-.ia a\ a ; ; A' -v - / - . ■ ' .:,vA ■ -■ , ■ . , - • > \ ■ ^ i ' • : A ::■ . , ■ , • ! ' ;• ' -yioao . 9_ . >a . . i ■ a . u -a: jjotli fa i OMM; y:-A 1 . , ,, * ' -V/. ' ' . ■ , ■ • > • • \ ? 3 Z : i -7 A ' * ;• . . 0*1. t- A . ' , GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON A COMPLETE LIST OF RELIGIOUS and THEOLOGICAL BOOKS >-ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED ACCORDING TO AUTHORS « — . ' \ • 1 0 V ) "S V ' y S \i V \ A w ' ! i ,, * \ . » * . GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for HODDER & STOUGHTON A COMPLETE LIST OF RELIGIOUS and THEOLOGICAL BOOKS ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED ACCORDING TO AUTHORS Adeney, Prof. W. F., M.A. EZRA, NEHEMIAH, ESTHER. (See Expositor's Bible.) THE SONG OF SOLOMON AND THE LAMENTATIONS OF JEREMIAH. (See Expositor’s Bible.) THE THEOLOGY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. (See Theological Educator Series.) Alexander, Rev. Maitland. THE GREAT STEP. 12mo. Net $0.50 Alexander, Most Rev. W., D.D. THE EPISTLES OF ST. JOHN. (See Expositor’s Bible.) Andrews, George Arthur. EFFICIENT RELIGION. 12mo. Net $1.00 Balfour, Arthur James. THEISM AND HUMANISM. Octavo. Net $1.75 Ball, Rev. C. J., M.A. THE PROPHECIES OF JERE¬ MIAH. (See Expositor's Bible.) Ballard, Helen A. ON THE BRIDGE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Barclay, Florence L. THE GOLDEN CENSER. 12mo. Net $0.50 Barton, Frederick (Compiler). ONE HUNDRED GREAT TEXTS AND THEIR TREATMENT. Octavo. Net $2.50 Beard, Frederica. PRAYERS FOR USE IN HOME, SCHOOL AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. 12mo. Net $0.60 Beecher, Henry Ward. PRAYERS FROM PLYMOUTH PULPIT. 12mo. Net $1.00 Begbie, Harold. THE DAY THAT CHANGED THE WORLD. * 12mo. Net $1.25 THE ORDINARY MAN AND THE EXTRAORDINARY THING. 12mo. Cloth. Net $1.26 OTHER SHEEP. 12mo. Net $1.25 SOULS IN ACTION. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE CHALLENGE. 12mo. Net $1.20 THE CAGE. 12mo. Net $0.75 Bennett, Rev. Prof. W. H., M.A., D.D., D.Litt. THE BOOKS OF CHRONICLES. (See Expositor'8 Bible.) THE BOOK OF JEREMIAH. Chaps. 21-52. (See Expositor's Bible.) THE THEOLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. (See Theological Educator Series.) Benson, Louis F., D.D. THE ENGLISH HYMN. Octavo. Net $3.50 Bernard, Rt. Rev. J. H., D.D. STUDIA SACRA. 12mo. Net $1.50 Bible, The Newberry. THE HOLY BIBLE; comprising the English-Hebrew Bible and the English-Greek Testament, de¬ signed to give as far as practic¬ able, the Accuracy, Precision, and Certainty of the Original Hebrew and Greek Scriptures on the Page of the Authorized Version. Adapted both for the Biblical Student and for the Ordinary English Reader. Pocket Edition. 4% x 7% in. French morocco, gilt edges. Net $2.25 French morocco, gilt edges. Divin¬ ity Circuit. Net $3.00 Turkey Morocco Yapp, leather lined, gilt edges. Net $4.50 Best Levant Yapp, Red Gilt edges, Net $6.00 [95] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Bible, The Newberry (continued). Portable Edition, with Maps. 6 x 9 in. Superior French Morocco Yapp, Net $4.50 New Palestine Morocco Yapp, Net $7.50 Best Turkey Morocco Levant Yepp, Net $9.00 Blakie, Rev. Professor W. G., D.D., LL.D. THE FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL. {See Expositor's Bible.) THE SECOND BOOK OF SAM¬ UEL. {See Expositor's Bible.) THE BOOK OF JOSHUA. {See Expositor's Bible.) Booth, Herbert. TOYS AND THINGS. 12mo. Net $1.00 Brace, C. Loring. GESTA CHRISTI. A History of Humane Progress Under Chris¬ tianity. 8vo. Net $1.50 Brady, Rev. Cyrus Townsend, LL.D. THE MASTER OF REPARTEE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Breed, Prof. David R. PREPARING TO PREACH. 8vo. Net $2.00 Broadus, John A., D.D., LL.D. A HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS. Square 8vo. Net $1.25 ON THE PREPARATION AND DELIVERY OF SERMONS. 8vo. Net $1.75 Broughton, The Rev. Len G., D.D. IS PREPAREDNESS FOR WAR UNCHRISTIAN? 12mo. Net $1.00 Bruce, Alexander Balmain, D.D. THE TRAINING OF THE TWELVE. 8vo. Net $1.50 THE HUMILIATION OF CHRIST. 8vo. Net $1.50 THE MIRACULOUS ELEMENT IN THE GOSPELS. 8vo. Net $1.50 THE PARABOLIC TEACHING OF CHRIST. 8vo. Net $1.50 Burton, Rev. Henry, M.A. THE GOSPEL OF ST. LUKE. {See Expositor's Bible.) [ 96 ] | Byron, May. THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS, Thoughts for Every Day Through the Christian Year, Selected from Authors Old and New. 16mo. Net $1.25 Cameron, Rev. James Robertson. THE RENASCENCE OF JESUS. 12mo. Net $1.50 Carus-Wilson, Mrs. Ashley, B.A. THE EXPANSION OF CHRIS¬ TENDOM. 12mo. Net $1.00 Casalis, Alfred Eugene. FOR FRANCE AND THE FAITH. 12mo. Net $0.60 Chadwick, Right Rev. G. A., D.D. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MARK. {See Expositor’s Bible.) THE BOOK OF EXODUS. {See Expositor's Bible.) AIDS TO BELIEF. {See Little Books on Religion.) Chapman, Rev. J. Wilbur, D.D. THE PROBLEM OF THE WORK. 12mo. Net $1.00 AND JUDAS ISCARIOT. 12mo. Net $1.00 Chidley, Rev. Howard J. THE MAN WITH IRON SHOES. 12mo. Net $1.00 FIFTY-TWO STORY TALKS TO BOYS AND GIRLS. 12mo. Net $0.75 Churchill, Mrs. George. LETTERS FROM MY HOME IN INDIA. 12mo. Net $1.35 Clow, Rev. W. M., B.D. THE EVANGEL OF THE STRAIT GATE. 12mo. Net $1.35 CHRIST IN THE SOCIAL OR¬ DER. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE SECRET OF THE LORD. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE DAY OF THE CROSS. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE CROSS IN CHRISTIAN EX¬ PERIENCE. 12mo. Net $1.00 Coffin, Rev. Henry Sloane, D.D. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. 12mo. Net $1.00 SOCIAL ASPECTS OF THE CROSS. 12mo. Net $0.60 GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Connor, Ralph. THE RECALL OF LOVE. Booklet style. 12mo. Net $0.25 ► Cloth. 12mo. Net $0.50 THE DAWN BY GALILEE. Booklet style. 12mo. Net $0.25 Cloth, decorated. 12mo. Net $0.50 t i ! Constructive Quarterly, The. A journal of the faith, work and thought of Christendom. * j Published in March, June, Septem¬ ber and December of each year. Per copy, $0.75; yearly, $2.60 Vol. I. March-December, 1913. Vol. II. March-December, 1914. Vol. III. March-December, 1915. Vol. IV. March-December, 1916. Vol. V. March-December, 1917. Octavo. Buckram. Each, net $3.00 j Cope, Henry Frederick, A.M., D.D. EFFICIENCY IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 12mo. Net $1.00 ; Copping, Arthur, i SOULS IN KHAKI. 12mo. Net- $1.00 Cox, Samuel, D.D. ECCLESIASTES; OR, THE PREACHER. (See Expositor’s Bible.) Cragin, Laura Ella. I THE SUNDAY STORY HOUR, j 12mo. Net $1.25 KINDERGARTEN STORIES FOR THE SUNDAY SCHOOL AND HOME. 12mo. Net $1.25 Craig, Rev. Samuel G. | JESUS AS HE WAS AND IS. 12mo. Net. $1.00 I Crannell, Philip Wendell, D.D. € ! THE SURVIVAL OF THE UN¬ FIT. 12mo. Net $1.00 Crawford, Dan, F.R.G.S. « NOT LAWFUL TO UTTER. 12mo. Net $1.00 THINKING BLACK. Octavo. Net $2.50 Dale, Rev. R. W., LL.D. (Birming¬ ham). | CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. A Series of Discourses. 12mo. Cloth. Net $1.50 FELLOWSHIP WITH CHRIST and Other Discourses Preached on Special Occasions. 12mo. Net $1.00 [ 97 ] Dargan, Rev. Edwin Charles, D.D., LL.D. A HISTORY OF PREACHING. In two volumes. Vol. I. From the Apostolic Fathers to the Great Reformers. A. D. 70- 1572. 8vo. Cloth. Net $2.00 Vol. II. From the Close of the Ref¬ ormation to the End of the Nine¬ teenth Century. 1572-1900. 8vo. Net $2.00 Davison, Rev. W. T., M.A., D.D. THE INDWELLING SPIRIT. 12mo. Net $1.60 Dawson, W. J., D.D. THE DIVINE CHALLENGE. 12mo. Net $1.00 ONE NIGHT IN BETHLEHEM. * 12mo. Net $0.75 Denney, Rev. Prof. James, D.D. THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF RECONCILIATION. Octavo. Net. $2.00 THE CHURCH AND THE KING¬ DOM. (See Little Books on Religion.) THE DEATH OF CHRIST. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE EPISTLES TO THE THES- SALONIANS. (See Expositor’s Bible.) THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. (See Expositor’s Bible.) FACTORS OF FAITH IN IM¬ MORTALITY. (See Little Books on Religion.) GOSPEL QUESTIONS AND AN¬ SWERS. (See Little Books on Religion .) JESUS AND THE GOSPEL. 8vo. Net $2.00 THE LITERAL INTERPRETA¬ TION OF THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. (See Little Books on Religion.) STUDIES IN THEOLOGY. 8vo. Net $1.50 Dickinson, George A., M.D. YOUR BOY. 12mo. $1.00 Dods, Rev. Principal Marcus, M.A., D.D. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. (See Theological Educator Series.) THE LITERAL INTERPRETA¬ TION OF THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. (See Little Books on Religion.) MOHAMMED, BUDDHA, AND CHRIST. 12mo. Net $1.00 GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Dods, Rev. Prin. ( continued) THE PRAYER THAT TEACHES TO PRAY. Hemo. Net $0.50 THE VISIONS OF A PROPHET. (See Little Books on Religion.) WHY BE A CHRISTIAN? and Other Addresses to Young Men. (See Little Books on Religion.) THE BOOK OF GENESIS. (See Expositor’s Bible.) ST. JOHN. Vol. I. {See Expositor’8 Bible.) ST. JOHN. Vol. II. (See Expositor’s Bible.) THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. {See Expositor’8 Bible.) Donehoo, J. De Quincy. THE APOCRYPHAL AND LE¬ GENDARY LIFE OF CHRIST. 8vo. Net $1.50 Driver, Canon S. R., D.D. THE BOOK OF THE PROPHET JEREMIAH. 12mo. Net $1.50 Driver, Canon S. R., D.D., and A. F Kirkpatrick, D.D. STUDIES IN THE PSALMS. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE HIGHER CRITICISM. 12mo. Net $0.50 Eddy, G. Sherwood. WITH OUR SOLDIERS IN FRANCE. 12mo. Net $1.00 Edwards, Thomas Charles, D.D. THE EPISTLE TO THE HE¬ BREWS. {See Expositor’s Bible.) Expositor’s Bible, The. Edited by Sir W. Robertson Nicoll, M.A., LL.D. 50 volumes. Each 12mo. Net $0.75 THE OLD TESTAMENT. 28 Vols.. Sets only. Net $17.50 THE NEW TESTAMENT. 21 Vols. Sets only. Net $13.50 Complete, including Index, 50 Vols. Net $30.00 Old Testament —28 Volumes. GENESIS. Marcus Dods. EXODUS. G. A. Chadwick. LEVITICUS. S. H. Kellogg. NUMBERS. R. A. Watson. DEUTERONOMY. Andrew Har¬ per. JOSHUA. W. G. Blaikie. JUDGES AND RUTH. R. A. Watson. FIRST SAMUEL. W. G. Blaikie. SECOND SAMUEL. W. G Blaikie. I Expositor’s Bible, {continued) FIRST KINGS. F. W. Farrar. SECOND KINGS. F. W. Farrar. FIRST AND SECOND CHRON¬ ICLES. W. H. Bennett. EZRA, NEHEMIAH, AND ES¬ THER. W. F. Adeney. JOB. R. A. Watson. PSALMS. Vol. I. Alexander Mac- laren. PSALMS. Vol. II. Alexander Mac- laren. PSALMS. Vol. III. Alexander Maclaren. PROVERBS. R. F. Horton. ECCLESIASTES. Samuel Cox. SONGS OF SOLOMON AND LAMENTATIONS. W. F. Ad¬ eney. ISAIAH. Vol. I. George Adam Smith. ISAIAH. Vol. II. George Adam Smith. JEREMIAH. Vol. I. C. J. Ball. JEREMIAH. Vol. II. W. H. Ben¬ nett. EZEKIEL. John Skinner. DANIEL. F. W. Farrar. THE TWELVE MINOR PROPH¬ ETS. Vol. I. George Adam Smith. THE TWELVE MINOR PROPH¬ ETS. Vol. II. George Adam Smith. New Testament —22 Volumes. ST. MATTHEW. J. Monro Gib¬ son. ST. MARK. G. A. Chadwick. ST. LUKE. Rev. Henry Burton. GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN. Vol. I. Marcus Dods. GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN. Vol. II. Marcus Dods. THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. Vol. I. G. T. Stokes. THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. Vol. II. G. T. Stokes. ROMANS. Rev. C. G. Moule. FIRST CORINTHIANS. Marcus Dods. SECOND CORINTHIANS. James Denney. GALATIANS. G. G. Findlay. EPHESIANS. G. G. Findlay. PHILTPPIANS. Robert Rainy. COLOSSIANS AND PHILEMON. Alexander Maclaren. THESSALONIANS. James Den- ney. PASTORAL EPISTLES. A. Plum- mer. HEBREWS. Thomas Charles Ed¬ wards. _ ST. JAMES AND ST. JUDE. A. Plummer. [ 98 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON ST. PETER. J. Rawson Lumby. EPISTLES OF ST. JOHN. W. A lpYQTInPT k REVELATION. W. Milligan. INDEX VOLUME TO ENTIRE SERIES. Expositor’s Dictionary of Texts, The. 2 volumes. Net $12.00 Expositor’s Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. t (See Moffatt, James.) Expositor’s Greek Testament. Complete in five volumes. 8vo. Net $20.00 Separately, per volume, net $5.00 Vol. I. The Gospels. Vol. II. Acts—II Corinthians. Vol. III. II Corinthians — Colos- sians. Vol. IV. Thessalonians—Hebrews. Vol. V. I Peter—Revelation. Expositor’s Treasury of Children’s Sermons. (See Nicoll, Sir W. R.) Fairbaim, Rev. A. M., M.A., D.D., LL.D. THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 8vo. Net $1.50 Faris, John T., D.D. THE BOOK OF JOY. Net $1.00 THE BOOK OF PERSONAL WORK. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE BOOK OF FAITH IN GOD. 12mo. Net $1.00 . THE BOOK OF ANSWERED PRAYER. 12mo. Net $1.00 . A BOOK OF GOD’S PROVI¬ DENCE. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE LIFE OF DR. J. R. MILLER. 12mo. Net $1.00 Farrar, Canon F. W., D.D. THE BOOK OF DANIEL. (See Expositor’s Bible.) THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS. (See Expositor’s Bible.) THE SECOND BOOK OF KINGS. (See Expositor’s Bible.) Findlay, Rev. Professor G. G., B.A., D.D. THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHE¬ SIANS. (See Expositor’s Bible.) THE EPISTLE TO THE GALA¬ TIANS. (See Expositor’s Bible.) FELLOWSHIP IN THE LIFE ETERNAL. An Exposition of the Epistle of St. John. 8vo. Net $2.50 Fleming, Rev. C. Granger. THE DYNAMIC OF ALL PRAYER. 12mo. Net $1.00 Forsyth, Rev. Principal Peter Taylor, M.A., D.D. THEOLOGY IN CHURCH AND STATE. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE PRINCIPLE OF AUTHOR¬ ITY IN RELATION TO CER¬ TAINTY, SANCTITY AND SOCIETY. Octavo. Net $2.50 FAITH, FREEDOM AND THE FUTURE. 12mo. Net $1.50 CHRIST ON PARNASSUS. Net $3.00 CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. (See Little Books on Religion.) POSITIVE PREACHING AND THE MODERN MIND. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE WORK OF CHRIST. 12mo. Net $1.50 Fosdick, Harry Emerson. THE CHALLENGE OF THE PRESENT CRISIS. 16mo. Net $0.50 Gairdner, Sir W. T. THE THREE THINGS THAT ABIDE. (See Little Books on Religion.) Gardner, Professor Charles S. THE ETHICS OF JESUS AND SOCIAL PROGRESS. 12mo. Net $1.26 Garvie, Rev. Principal A. E. THE CHRISTIAN CERTAINTY AMID THE MODERN PER¬ PLEXITY. 12mo. Net $1.00 STUDIES IN THE INNER LIFE OF JESUS. 12mo. Net $2.25 STUDIES OF PAUL AND HIS GOSPEL. 12mo. $1.00 Gibbon, Rev. J. Morgan. THE VEIL AND THE VISION. 12mo. Net $1.50 Gibson, John Monro, M.A., D.D. THE GOSPEL OF ST. MAT¬ THEW'. (See Expositors Bible.) Gilbert, Rev. George Holley, Ph.D., D.D. JESUS FOR THE MEN OF TO¬ DAY. 12mo. Net $1.00 Glover, Rev. T. R. THE JESUS OF HISTORY. 12mo. Net $1.00 [ 99 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY , NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Gordon, Rev. Alexander R., D.Litt., D.D. THE PROPHETS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE POETS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. 12mo. Net $1.50 Greenwell, Dora. PRAYER. With introductory note by Sir W. Robertson Nieoll, M.A., LL.D. (See Little Books on Religion.) Griffis, Rev. Joseph K. TAHAN. 12mo. Net $1.25 Grinnell, Elizabeth. THOUGHTS FOR THE KIT-BAG. 16mo. Net $0.75 Gulick, Luther H. THE DYNAMIC OF MANHOOD. 12mo. Net $0.75 Haering, Professor Theodore, D.D. THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. Two Volumes Octavo. Net $6.00 Hansen, Rev. Andrew. WANDERING STARS. 12mo. Net $1.00 Harper, Rev. Professor Andrew, B.D. THE BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY. (See Expositor's Bible.) Hart, E. I. VIRGIL C. HART: MISSIONARY- STATESMAN. 12mo. Net $1.50 Hawes, Charlotte E. NEW THRILLS IN OLD CHINA. 12mo. Net $1.25 Hill, Rev. A. C. CHRISTIAN IMPERIALISM. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE SWORD OF THE LORD. 12mo. Net $1.25 SHALL WE DO WITHOUT JE¬ SUS? 12mo. Net $1.50 Hinton, James. THE MYSTERY OF PAIN. (See Little Books on Religion.) Hodge, Archibald A., D.D. OUTLINES OF THEOLOGY. 8vo. Net $2.00 Hodge, Charles, D.D., LL.D. COMMENTARY ON THE EPIS¬ TLE TO THE ROMANS. 8vo. Net $2.00 EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. Abridged. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE WORLD OF ANECDOTE. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE WORLD OF MORAL AND RELIGIOUS ANECDOTE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Hooke, Prof. S. H. CHRIST AND THE KINGDOM OF ’ GOD. 16mo. Net $0.60 Horton, Rev. R. F., M.A., D.D. THE BOOK OF PROVERBS. (See Expositor's Bible.) Hoyt, Rev. Professor Arthur S., D.D. PUBLIC WORSHIP FOR NON- LITURGICAL CHURCHES. 16mo. Net $0.75 Hutton, Rev. J. A. LOYALTY: THE APPROACH TO • FAITH. 12mo. Net $1.50 Iverach, Rev. Professor J., D.D. EVOLUTION AND CHRISTIAN¬ ITY. (See Theological Educator Series.) Jackson, Henry E., M.A. THE LEGEND OF THE CHRIST¬ MAS ROSE. 12mo. Net $0.75 THE NEW CHIVALRY. 12mo. Net $0.50 Jennings, Rev. A. C., M.A. A MANUAL OF CHURCH HIS¬ TORY. (See Theological Educator Series.) Jones, Rev. J. D. (Bournemouth). IF A MAN DIE. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE GOSPEL OF THE SOV¬ EREIGNTY. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE HOPE OF THE GOSPEL. 12mo. Net 1.50 Jones, John P. INDIA: ITS LIFE AND THOUGHT. 8vo. Net $1.50 Joseph, Oscar L. ESSENTIALS OF EVANGELISM. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE COMING DAY. 12mo. Net $1.25 THE FAITH AND THE FELLOW¬ SHIP. 12mo. Net $1.25 Jowett, Rev. J. H., M.A. THE PREACHER: HIS LIFE AND WORK. 12mo. Net $1.25 FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH. (See Little Books on Religion.) BROOKS BY THE TRAVEL¬ LER’S WAY. 12mo. Net $1.00 THIRSTING FOR THE SPRINGS 12mo. Net $1.00 Hood, Paxton. [ 100 ] GEORGE II. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Jowett, Rev. J. H. ( continued) THE REDEEMED FAMILY OF GOD. 12mo. Net $1.00 Little Books on Religion. ( continued ) THE SECOND THINGS OF LIFE. James Moffatt. Kellogg, Rev. Professor S. H., D.D. THE BOOK OF LEVITICUS. (See Expositor*8 Bible.) Kelman, Rev. John, M.A., D.D. THE ROAD OF LIFE. A Study of Pilgrim’s Progress. Boxed. In two vols. Net $2.60 Kemp, Rev. Joseph W. THE SOUL-WINNER AND SOUL WINNING. 12mo. Net $0.50 Kennedy, Rev. H. A. A., M.A., D.Sc. ST. PAUL AND THE MYSTERY RELIGIONS. 12mo. Net $1.50 Kilpatrick, Rev. T. B., D.D. NEW TESTAMENT EVANGEL¬ ISM. 12mo. Net $1.25 Kirk, Rev. Harris E. THE RELIGION OF POWER. 12mo. Net $1.50 Kirtley, James S. THAT BOY OF YOURS. 12mo. Net $1.00 Knowling, Rev. Professor R. J., D.D. THE TESTIMONY OF ST. PAUL TO CHRIST. 8vo. Net $2.50 Law, Robert. THE HOPE SET BEFORE US. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE GRAND ADVENTURE. 8vo. Net $1.25 Little Books on Religion. Edited by Sir W. Robertson Nicoll, M.A., LL.D. Each 16mo. Gilt Top. Net $0.50 FACTORS OF FAITH IN IM¬ MORTALITY. James Denney. THE VISIONS OF A PROPHET. Marcus Dods. GOSPEL QUESTIONS AND AN¬ SWERS. James Denney. WHY BE A CHRISTIAN? Mar¬ cus Dods. AIDS TO BELIEF. G. A. Chad¬ wick. THE THREE THINGS THAT ABIDE. W. T. Gairdner. THE CHURCH AND THE KING¬ DOM. James Denney. ST. JOHN’S PORTRAIT OF CHRIST. George Matheson. THE MYSTERY OF PAIN. James Hinton. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. Marcus Dods, James Denney and James Moffatt. PRAYER. Dora Greenwell. THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS. James Stalker. THE SEVEN WORDS FROM THE CROSS. W. Robertson Nicoll. FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH. J. H. Jowett. CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. P. T. Forsyth. Livingstone, W. P. THE NEW OUTLOOK: AN IDEAL OF LIFE FOR TO-DAY. 12mo. Net $1.50 THE WHITE QUEEN OF OKOYONG. 12mo. Net $1.00 MARY SLESSOR OF CALABAR, PIONEER MISSIONARY. 8vo. Net $1.50 Lumby, Rev. J. Rawson. D.D. THE EPISTLES OF ST. PETER. (See Expositor*8 Bible ) McFadyen, Prof. John Edgar, M.A. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE OLD TESTAMENT. 8vo. Net $1.60 MacGregor, Rev. W. M., D.D. CHRISTIAN FREEDOM. 12mo. Net $1.60 MACKAY, A. M., Pioneer Mission¬ ary of the Church Missionary So¬ ciety to Uganda. 12mo. Net $1.50 Mackay, Rev. W. Mackintosh. WORDS OF THIS LIFE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Mackintosh, Rev. Professor H. R., D.D. IMMORTALITY AND THE FU¬ TURE. 12mo. Net $1.50 Maclaren, Alexander, D.D. EXPOSITIONS OF HOLY SCRIP¬ TURE. Covering the entire Bible. Complete in 25 volumes. Boxed. Net $25.00 INDEX VOLUME TO THE EX¬ POSITIONS OF HOLY SCRIP¬ TURE. Octavo, $3.00 DR. MCLAREN OF MANCHES¬ TER. 12mo. Net $1.50 PULPIT PRAYERS. First Series. 8vo. Net $1.50 PULPIT PRAYERS. Second Series. 8vo. Net $1.50 [ 101 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H ODDER & STOUGHTON ! Maclaren, Alexander. ( continued) COLOSSIANS AND PHILEMON. (See Expositor ’s Bible.) PSALMS. Vols. I, II, III. (See Expositor y s Bible.) Maclean, Norman, D.D., and J. R. P. Sclater, D.D. GOD AND THE SOLDIER. 12mo. Net $1.25 Macleod, Rev. Malcom James, D.D. WHAT GOD HATH JOINED TO¬ GETHER. 12mo. Net $1.0Q MacLeod, Rev. W. B. THE AFFLICTIONS OF THE RIGHTEOUS. 12mo. Net $1.50 MacNeill, Rev. John. WORLD POWER: THE EMPIRE OF CHRIST. 12mo. Net $1.00 McClymont, Rev. J. A., D.D. NEW TESTAMENT CRITICISM. 12mo. Net $1.50 McCormick, William. FISHERS OF BOYS. 12mo. Net $1.00 McGlothlin, Prof. W. J., Ph.D., D.D. A GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF CHURCH HISTORY. 12mo. Net $1.50 Mains, George Preston, D.D. DIVINE INSPIRATION. 12mo. Net $1,00 Mason, Alfred De Witt, D.D. OUTLINES OF MISSIONARY HISTORY. Large 12mo. Net $1.50 Matheson, 4 Rev. George, D.D. 12mo. Each, net $1.00 STUDIES OF THE PORTRAIT OF CHRIST. First Series. STUDIES OF THE PORTRAIT OF CHRIST. Second Series. REPRESENTATIVE MEN OF THE BIBLE. First Series, Adam to Job. REPRESENTATIVE MEN OF THE BIBLE. Second Series, Ishmael to Daniel. REPRESENTATIVE MEN OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. REPRESENTATIVE WOMEN OF THE BIBLE. SIDELIGHTS FROM PATMOS. RESTS BY THE RIVER. MESSAGES OF HOPE. MOMENTS ON THE MOUNT. LEAVES FOR QUIET HOURS. | Matheson, Rev. George, D.D. (continued). VOICES OF THE SPIRIT. THOUGHTS FOR LIFE’S JOUR¬ NEY. _ ST. JOHN’S PORTRAIT OF CHRIST. (See Little Books on Religion.) ’ Meyer, Rev. F. B., B.A. EXPOSITORY PREACHING, PLANS AND METHODS. I 12mo. Net $1.00 Miller, Rev. J. R., D.D. LIVING WITHOUT WORRY. 12mo. Net $1.25 INTIMATE LETTERS ON PER¬ SONAL PROBLEMS. 12mo. Net $1.25 PAUL’S MESSAGE OF TO-DAY. 12mo. Net $1.25 DEVOTIONAL HOURS WITH THE BIBLE. In Eight Vol¬ umes. Each, net $1.25 Volume I. From the Creation to the Crossing of the Red Sea. Volume II. From the Crossing of the Red Sea to the Close of the Life of David. Volume III. The Gospel of Mat¬ thew. Volume IV. The Historical Books from Solomon to Malachi. Volume V. The Life of Christ,’ Based Chiefly on the Gospel of Mark, with Sidelights from the Other Gospel Narratives. Volume VI. Readings from the Psalms. Volume VII. Gospel by St. John. Volume VIII. Readings from the Acts, Epistles and Revelation. Milligan, Rev. Professor., D.D. THE BOOK OF REVELATION. (See Expositor ’s Bible.) Milnes, F. J. THE CHURCH AND THE YOUNG MAN’S GAME. 12mo. Net $0.76 Moffatt, James, D.D. (Editor). THE EXPOSITOR’S DICTION¬ ARY OF POETICAL QUOTA¬ TIONS. Large Quarto. Net $3.00 A NEW TRANSLATION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Small 4to. Cloth. Net $1.50 Full limp leather. Net $2.50 New pocket edition, thin paper. 16mo. Net $1.00 India paper edition. Art leather. Net $1.50 India paper edition. Pigskin lined, protecting edgegs. Net $3.00 [ 102 ] GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK P u b Ushers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Moffatt, James, D.D. ( continued ) THE LITERAL INTERPRETA¬ TION OF THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. {See Little Books on Religion.) THE SECOND THINGS OF LIFE. (See Little Books on Religion.) Morrison, Rev. G. H., M.A. THE WIND ON THE HEATH. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE WEAVING OF GLORY. 12mo. Net $1.35 THE AFTERGLOW OF GOD. 12mo. Net $1.35 FLOOD TIDE. Net $1.35 SUNRISE ADDRESSES FROM A CITY PULPIT. Net $1.35 THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE FLOCK. Net $1.35 THE UNLIGHTED LUSTRE. Net $1.35 THE WINGS OF THE MORN¬ ING. Net $1.35 THE RETURN OF THE AN¬ GELS. Net $1.35 Moulton, Dr. J. H., and Dr. G. Milligan. THE VOCABULARY OF THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT. Complete in six parts. Parts I and II ready. Each 8vo. Net $1.50 Moule, The Ven. Archdeacon, B.D. OUTLINES OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. {See Theological Educator Series.) THE EPISTLE TO THE RO¬ MANS. {See Expositor's Bible.) Murray, Marr. BIBLE PROPHECIES AND THE PLAIN MAN. 12mo. Net $1.25 Nicoll, Sir W. Robertson, M.A., LL.D. PRAYER IN WAR-TIME. 12mo. Net $1.00 BOOK OF FAMILY WORSHIP. 8vo. Net $1.50 SEVEN WORDS FROM THE CROSS. {See Little Books on Religion.) SONGS OF REST. 12mo. Cloth. Net $1.50 Nicoll, Sir W. Robertson, M.A., LL.D. (Editor). THE EXPOSITOR. 8vo. Cloth. Net $3.00 THE EXPOSITOR’S TREASURY OF CHILDREN’S SERMONS. Large quarto. Net $5.00 THE EXPOSITOR’S DICTION¬ ARY OF TEXTS. 2 vols. Net $12.00 [ 103 ] Noble, Rev. Frederick A. SPIRITUAL CULTURE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Ogilvie, Rev. J. N. THE APOSTLES OF INDIA. 12mo. Net $1.50 One Hundred Prayer Meeting Talks and Plans Octavo. Net $2.00 One Hundred Revival Sermons and Outlines Octavo. Net $2.00 One Thousand Thoughts for Memorial Addresses. Octavo. Net $2.00 Orr, Rev. Professor James, M.A., D.D. THE RITSCHLIAN THEOLOGY AND THE EVANGELICAL FAITH. {See Theological Educator Series.) Out of the Abyss. 12mo. New and Cheaper Edition. Net $0.50 Pastor His Own Evangelist, The. Octavo. Net $2.00 Paton, Rev. James, D.D. THE STORY OF JOHN G. PA¬ TON TOLD FOR YOUNG FOLKS. 12mo. $1.00 Patterson, Rev. R. J. THE HAPPY ART OF CATCH¬ ING MEN. 12mo. Net $1.00 Paterson, Rev. W. P. THE RULE OF FAITH. 12mo. Net $1.50 Paterson-Smyth, Archdeacon, D.D., Litt., D.C.L. GOD AND THE WAR. 12mo. Net $1.00 Plummer, Rev. Alfred, D.D. THE PASTORAL EPISTLES. {See Expositor's Bible.) THE EPISTLES OF ST. JAMES AND ST. JUDE. • {See Expositor'8 Bible.) Rainy, Rev. Principal Robert, D.D. THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIP¬ PI ANS. {See Expositor's Bible.) Ramsay, Sir William M., D.C.L., LL.D., D.D. THE BEARING OF RECENT DISCOVERY ON THE TRUST¬ WORTHINESS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Octavo. Net $3.00 THE TEACHING OF PAUL IN TERMS OF THE PRESENT DAY. Octavo. Net $3.00 THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CEN¬ TURY. 16mo. Net $0.76 GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTQN Ramsay, Sir W. M. ( continued) THE THOUSAND AND ONE CHURCHES. 8vo. Net $5.00 THE EDUCATION OF CHRIST. 16mo. Net $0.76 (New and cheaper edition of the following important books.) LETTERS TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES OF ASIA. 8vo. Net $2.00 THE CITIES OF ST. PAUL. 8vo. Net $2.00 PAULINE AND OTHER STU¬ DIES. 8vo. Net $2.00 LUKE THE PHYSICIAN. 8vo. Net $2.00 Robertson, Professor A. T., A.M., D.D. A GRAMMAR OF THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT IN THE LIGHT OF HISTORICAL RE¬ SEARCH. Second Edition. Large 8vo. Net $5.00 PRACTICAL AND SOCIAL AS¬ PECTS OF CHRISTIANITY. 12mo. Net $1.25 - A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT. Revised Ed. 8vo. Net $1.50 Row, Rev. Prebendary C. A. A MANUAL OF CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES. (See Theological Educator Series.) Sabatier, Auguste. RELIGIONS OF AUTHORITY AND THE RELIGION OF THE SPIRIT. Translated by Louise Seymour Houghton. 8vo. Net $1.50 Schenck, Prof. F. S. THE ORATORY AND POETRY OF THE BIBLE. 12mo. Net $1.25 Schofield, A. T., M.D. STUDIES IN THE HIGHEST THOUGHT. 12mo. Net $1.00 Scroggie, W. Graham. METHOD IN PRAYER. 12mo. Net $1.00 Seebach, Rev. Julius F. THE BOOK OF FREE MEN. 12mo. Net $1.25 Selbie, Rev. Principal W. B., D.D. (Editor ). EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN¬ ITY: ITS HISTORY AND WIT¬ NESS. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE SERVANT OF GOD. 12mo. Net $1.00 Sharman, Henry Burton. RECORDS OF THE LIFE OF JESUS. 8vo. Net $2.50 Short, F. B. CHRISTIANITY: IS IT TRUE? 12mo. Net $1.50 Simcox, Rev. W. H., M.A. THE LANGUAGE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. (See Theological Educator Series.) THE WRITERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT: Their Style and Characteristics. (See Theological Educator Series.) Simpson, Rev. J. G. GREAT IDEAS OF RELIGION. 12mo. Net $1.50 Simpson, P. Carnegie, D.D. THE FACTS OF LIFE IN RE¬ LATION TO FAITH. 12mo. Net $1.25 Skinner, Rev. John, M.A., D.D. THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL. (See Expositor's Bible.) Skrine, Rev. John Huntley. THE SURVIVAL OF JESUS: A Study in Divine Telepathy. 8vo. Net $2.00 Sloan, Rev. W. N., Ph.D. SPIRITUAL CONQUEST ALONG THE ROCKIES. 12mo. Net $1.25 Smith, Rev. David, M.A., D.D. THE UNWRITTEN SAYINGS OF OUR LORD. 12mo. Net $1.00 THE DAYS OF HIS FLESH. 8vo. Net $2.50 Smith, Principal George Adam, D.D., LL.D. ATLAS OF THE HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE HOLY LAND. Large 4to. Net $10.00 THE HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE HOLY LAND. 8vo. 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Ben- Around the Black Sea. Wm. E. Curtis.. Art and Craft of Letters... Artist in Spain, An. A. C. Michael. ..... Arundel. E. F. Benson.• • • • Arundel Library of Great Masters, The. Atlas of the Historical Geography of the Holy Land. Geo. A. Smith. Atonement, The. James Stalker. Audacious Adventures of Miles McConau- ghy, The. A. D. H. Smith. Author’s Craft, The. Arnold Bennett.... Autumn Loiterers. Charles Hanson Towne. Autumn Sowing, An. E. F. Benson.... Aviation. Algernon E. Berriman. Awake, U. S. A.! William Freeman.... B AB: A Sub-Deb. Mary Roberts Rine¬ hart . Babyhood of Wild Beasts, The. Georgia M. McNally.- Bachelor’s Comedy, A. J. E. Buckrose. . Back Home. Irvin S. Cobb. Bad Times, The. G. A. Birmingham.... Balfour, Arthur James. Wilfrid M. Short, i Balfour Visit, The. C. H. Towne. Ballad, Frank Sedgwick. Banjo at Armageddon, A. Berton Braley. Barnacles. J. Macdougall Hay. Battle of the Somme, The. John Buchan. Battles of the Somme, The. Philip Gibbs. Bearing and Sharing. Gypsy Smith. Bearing of Recent Discoveries on the Trustworthiness of the New Testa- | ment. W. M. Ramsay......... Beatrice Ashleigh. F. E. Mills Young.. PAGE 23, 91 26, 84 19, 87 75 98, 105 32, 79 76 86 84 103 >102 96, 101 22, 76 85 10, 74 78, 107 33, 79 86 80, 7 86 14, 85 35, 87 16, 81 73 86 83 96 75 76 98 103 85 88 75 79 73 85 104 105 43, 89 75 90 38, 75 76 81 Because of Jane. J. E. Buckrose. Beggars on Horsebacx. F. Tennyson Jesse. Behind the Scenes in the Reichstag. Abbe E. Wetterle. Belgium’s Case. Ch. de Visscher. Belgium in War Time. De Gerlach De Gomery . Beloved Traitor, The. Frank L. Packard. Best o’ Luck. Alexander McClintock. . . . Betty Marchand. Beatrice Barmby. Between St. Denis and St. George. F. M. Hueffer . Bible, The Newberry. Bible Prophecies and the Plain Man. Marr Murray . Bible Story, The. William Canton. Billy Bunny and His Friends. David Cory. Blinds Down. H. A. Vachell. Blue Germ, The. Martyn Swayne. Blue Streak, The. Jack Hines. Bobby. J. J. Bell....:. Book of Answered Prayer. J. T. Faris. . Book of Artemas, The. Anonymous.... Book of Carlotta, The. Arnold Bennett. Book of Daniel Drew, The. Bouck White. Book of Faith in God, The. John T. Faris Book of Free Men, The. Julius F. See- bach . Book of God’s Providence, The. John T. Faris ... Book of Joy, The. Rev. John T. Faris. . Book of Lincoln, The. Mary Wright Davis Book of Old English Ballads, The. E. F. Brickdale . Book of Personal Work, The. J. T. Faris . Book of Remarkable Criminals. H. B. Irving . Books and Bookmen. Ian Maclaren. “Books and Persons. Arnold Bennett.... Boon, The Mind of the Race. Reginald Bliss .. Boswell of Baghdad, A. E. V. Lucas. .. . Botticelli (Arundel Library). A. E. Oppe. Boy of My Heart.. Boys and Folks. H. T. Webster. Boys at the Front in the Great War Series . Boy’s Book of Canoeing and Sailing, The W. H. Miller.... Boy’s Book of Hunting and Fishing, The. W. H. Miller.. Bride of a Moment, The. Carolyn Wells. Bride of the Plains, A. Baroness Orczy. Brooks by the Traveler’s Way. J. . Jowett ... Bronze Eagle, The. Baroness Orczy. Brown Brethren, The. Patrick MacGill. Browns, The. J. E. Buckrose. Buck Parvin and the Movies. Charles E. Van Loan. Bugle, The. Kendall L. Achorn. Bugler of Algiers, The. Perley Poore Sheehan and Robert H. Davis. Builder of Ships, A. Charles M. Sheldon. Buried Alive. Arnold Bennett. PAGE 77 82 18, 91 90 31, 81 86 84 47, 74 82 95 103 77, 107 79, 107 90 37, 89 82 75 99 33, 73 75 90 99 104 99 99 3, 91 76 99 5, 82 85 75 76 9, 84 67 73 91 81 85, 107 85, 107 91 86 100 86 39, 85 77 90 8, 73 88 88 75 87 84, 107 77 78 76 10, 88 90 73, 89 55, 76 82 77 81 105 103 47, 91 [109] C adet of Belgium. Alan Grant. 81, 107 Cage, The. Harold Begbie. 95, 74 Camping Out. Warren H. Miller.13, 107, 85 Canada in Flanders. Max Aitken. 73 Canadian Confederation and Its Leaders, The. M. O. Hammons. 81 Canadian Twilight and Other Poems, A. Bernard Freeman Trotter. 54, 90 Candidate for Truth, A. J. D. Beresford. 76 Captain Lpxley’s Little Dog. By author of Where’s Master?...... 91 Captured. J. Harvey Douglas. 29,80 Case of Oscar Slater. Sir A. Conan Doyle . 80 Castle to Let. Mrs. Baillie-Reynolds. .. . 74 Cecilia of the Pink Roses. Katharine Haviland Taylor. 89 GEORGE H . DORAN COMPANY, N$E W YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & S±T 0 U G H T 0 N W, PAGE Challenge, The. Harold Begbie.... 95,74 Challenge of the Present urisis, The. Chapel. D. Miles Lewis. 84 Chaste Wife, The. Frank Swinnerton. .. . 89 Chemistry. James Knight. 88 Chief of the Ranges, The. H. A. Cody.. 78 Child and Country. W. L. Comfort. 78 Child in Health and Illness.The. Dr. Carl G. Leo Wolf. 84 Chimes, The. Charles Dickens. 79, 90 Chivalry of Keith Leicester, The. R. A. Hood . 51,82 Christ and the Kingdom of God. Prof. S. H. Hooke . 100 Christ in the Social Order. W. M. Clow. 96 Christ on Parnassus. Rev. P. T. Forsyth. 99 Christian Certainty and Modern Perplex¬ ity, The. A. E. 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Collected Diplomatic Documents Relating to the Outbreak of the European War Collecting Old Glass. J. H. Yoxall. Collecting Old Lustre Ware. W. Bosanko Collecting Old Miniatures. J. H. Yoxall. . Colossians and Philemon. Alexander Maclaren . Come Out to Play. M. E. F. Irwin. Comedy. John Palmer. Coming Day. Oscar L. Joseph. Communion of Saints, The. May Byron. Compleat Angler, The. Izaak Walton. Illus. J. H. Thorpe. Complete Gentleman, The. Bohun Lynch Comrades in Arms. Capt. Philippe Millett Conquest of America, The. Cleveland Moffett . Conquest of the Great Northwest, The. A. C. Laut. Constructive Quarterly . Contrary Winds and Other Sermons. W. M. Taylor. Corinthians, First. Marcus Dods. Corinthians, Second. James Denney.... Corporal Cameron. Ralph Connor. Cost of a Promise, The. Mrs. Baillie- Reynolds . Courtin’ Christina. J. J. Bell. Crescent and Iron Cross. E. F. Benson Crime, The. Criticism. P. P. Howe.... Cross in Christian Experience. W. M. Clow. Cupid and Common Sense. Arnold Ben¬ nett . 57, 97 100 101 58.100 99, 101 105 61, 104 79,85 105 84 95, 98 97, 101 102 104 75 54, 78 75 83 84 40, 79 78 78 44, 74 78 91 76 91 98,102 82 73 59.100 77, 96 90 84 85 85 83 97 105 98 97, 98 78 74 75 24, 75 73, 82 73, 82 96 75 [no] PAGE J^aily Song. 79 Danger and Other Stories. A. Conan Doyle. 41,80 Daniel. F. W. Farrar. 98, 99 Dark Forest, The. Hugh Walpole. 90 Daughter Pays, The. Mrs. Baillie-Rey- nolds . 7 ... . 74 David Blaize. E. F. Benson. 75 David Copperfield. Charles Dickens. Illus. by Frank Reynolds. 79, 87 Dawn by Galilee, The. Ralph Connor. . 78, 97 Day Book of Claudius Clear. W. R. Nicoll . 85 Day of the Cross, The. W. M. Clow.... 96 Day That Changed the World, The. 95 Days of His Flesh, The. David Smith. .. . 104 Dead Yesterday. M. A. Hamilton. 81 Death of Christ, The. James Denney.... 97 Debit Account, The. Oliver Onions. 86 Defense of Paris, The. A. Grant. 81 Democracy and the Nation. J. A. Mac¬ donald . 84, 86 Denry the Audacious. Arnold Bennett.. 75 Deuteronomy. Andrew Harper. 98, 100 Development or a Christian Soul. George Stephen . 57, 105 Devotional Hours With the Bible. J. R. Miller . 102 Dispensation. Clay M. Greene. 81 Divine Challenge and Other Sermons. W. J. Dawson. 97 Divine Gift, The. H. A. Jones. 83 Divine Inspiration. Geo. P. Mains. 102 Do Something! Be Something! Herbert Kaufman . 83 Dog Stars. Mrs. T. P. O’Connor. 86 Doris of Dobb’s Ferry. Carolyn Wells.. 91,108 Doubtful Character, A. Mrs. Baillie-Rey- nolds . 74 Down Among Men. W. L. Comfort. 78 Drawing. R. Y. Howie. 88 Dreamers and Other Poems. Theodosia Garrison . 81 Duchess of Wrexe. Hugh Walpole. 90 Duncan Polite. Marian Keith. 83 Dynamic of All Prayer, The. C. G. Flem- Dynamics of Manhood, The. Luther H. Gulick . 81, 100 E agle of the Empire, The. C. T. Brady 76 Early History of Jacob Stahl, The. J. D. Beresford. 76 East of the Sun and West of the Moon. A. T. Quiller-Couch. 86,87 Ecclesiastes. Samuel Cox. 97,98 Echoes and Realities. W. P. Eaton.... 52,80 Eclipse of Russia, The. Dr. E. J. Dillon. 15,79 Education of Christ, The. William M. Ramsay . 104 Efficiency. R. H. Davis.34,79,88 Efficiency in the Sunday School. H. F. Cope. 97 Efficient Age, The. Herbert Kaufman... 83 Efficient Religion. G. A. Andrews. 95 El Dorado. Baroness Orczy. 86 End of the Rainbow, The. Marian Keith 83 English Composition. G. H. Thornton.... 88 English Hymn, The. Louis F. Benson. ... 95 Englishwoman’s Home, An. Mrs. A. B. Smith . 11,89 Ephesians. G. G. Findley.. 98, 99 Epic, The. Lascelles Abercrombie. 73 Escape of a Princess Pat, The. George Pearson . 29, 87 Escape of Mr. Trimm, The. Irvin S. Cobb . /» Essay. Orlo Williams. 75 Essentials of Evangelism. Rev. O. L. Jo¬ seph . 12, 10(i Eternal Magdalene, The. R. H. Mc¬ Laughlin . 84 Ethics of Jesus According to the Synop¬ tic Gospel, The. James Stalker... 105 GEORGE H . DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in 'America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON Ethics of Jesus and Social Progress, The. Charles S. Gardner. 99 Europe Revised. Irvin S. Cobb. 78 Evangel of the Strait Gate, The. W. M. Clow . 96 Evangelical Christianity. Prin. W. B. Sel- bie . 104 Evolution and Christianity. James Iver- . ach . 100, 105 Exiles of Eternity (Dante’s Inferno). John S. Carroll. 78 Exodus. G'. A. Chadwick. 96,98 Expansion of Christendom, The. Mrs. A. Car us-Wilson . 96 Exposition of Dante. J, S. Carroll. 78 Exposition of Holy Scripture. Alexander Maclaren. (32 vols.). 101 Expositor, The. Edited by Sir W. R. Nicoll . 103 Expositor’s Bible, The. Edited by Sir W. R. Nicoll. 98 Expositor’s Dictionary of Poetical Quota¬ tions. James Moffatt. 99, 102 Expositor’s Dictionary of Tests, The.... 99,103 Expositor’s Greek Testament. (5 vols.).. 99 Expositor’s Treasury of Children’s Ser¬ mons . 99, 103 Expository Preaching. F. B. Meyer.... 102 Ezekiel. John Skinner. 98, 104 Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. W. F. Ad- eney. 95, 98 F ace to Face with Kaiserism. James W. Girard . ... 25, 81 Factors of Faith in Immortality. James Denney. 97, 101 Facts of Life, The. P. C. Simpson. 104 Faith and the Fellowship, The. Oscar L. Joseph. 100 Faith, Freedom and the Future. P. S. Forsyth. 99 Faithful Stewardship. Father Stanton. . 105 Fakers, The. Samuel G. Blythe. 76 False Witness. Johannes Jorgensen.... 83 Family Worship, A Book of. W. Robert¬ son Nicoll . 103 Farm Babies. Cecil Aldin. 107 Fatherland. Will Comfort. 78 Faulkner’s Folly. Carolyn Wells. 91 Fear God and Take Your Own Part. Theodore Roosevelt. 87 Federal Power. H. E. West. 4, 91 Fellowship in the Life Eternal. G. G. Findlay . 99 Fellowship with Christ and Other Dis¬ courses. R. W. Dale. 97 Fibble, D. D. Irvin S. Cobb. 78 Field Babies. Cecil Aldin. 107 Field of the Fatherless, The. Jean Roy. . 87 Fiery Cross, The. John Oxenham. 52, 86 Fifes and Drums. The Vigilantes. 80,90 Fifty-two Story Talks. H. J. Chidley.... 96 Fires and Fire-fighters. John Kenlon.... 83 First Canadians in France, The. Col. F. McKelvey Bell . 74 First Christian Century, The. Wm. M. Ramsav. 103 Fishers of Boys. William McCormick.... 102 Fishpingle. Horace Annesley Vachell. ... 90 Flaming Sword, The. Mrs. St. Clair Stobart . 89 Floodtide. G. H. Morrison. 103 Flying Poilu. Marcel Nadaud. 23, 85 Foes of Our Household, The. Theodore Roosevelt . 87 Folly of the Three Wise Men, The. E. W. Work. 91 Fool Divine. G. B. Lancaster. 83 Footsteps of the Flock. G. H. Morrison. . 103 For France and the Faith. A. E. Casalis.. 63, 96 For the Comfort of the Family. Joseph¬ ine Story . 89 Fore! Charles E. Van Loan. 40,90 Foreigner, The. Ralph Connor. 78 Forest Ring, The. W. C. DeMille. 79, 107 Fortitude. Hugh Walpole. 90 Foundation of a National Drama, The. H. A. Jones. 83 [HI] Fourth Watch, The. H. A. Cody. 78 F. Fox’s Funny Folk. Fontaine Fox.... 8) Fragrance of Flowers, The. K. U. Brock 76 France from Within. Claire de Pratz.... 87 Freaks of Mayfair. E. F. Benson. 75 French. John Adams. 88 Friendship and Happiness. Arnold Ben¬ nett . 75 From Bapauine to Passchendaele. Philip Gibbs . 17, 8i From Dublin to Chicago. G. A. Birming¬ ham . 76, From Montreal to Vimy Ridge. C. A. Wells. 9i From Strength*to Strength. J. II. jowett 100, 101 From Tenderfoot to Scout. A. C. Ruddy 88, 108 From the Triple to the Quadruple Alli¬ ance. E. J Dillon. 79 Frontier of Freedom. Newton D. Baker 19, 74 Frontiersman, The. H. A. Cody. 78 Fundamental Doctrine of the Christian Faith. R. A. Torrey. 59, 106 ^ alatians. G. G. Findlay. 98,99 Game Fishes of the World, The. C. F. Holder. 82 Garden of Love, The. Collected by May Byron . Gas and Flame. Major S. T. M. Auld. . 74 Gaston Olaf. Henry Oyen. 86 Gates of Wrath. Arnold Bennett. 75 Gay Morning. J. E. Buckrose. 77 General John Regan. G. A. Birmingham 76 General’s Letters to His Son, A. Anony¬ mous . 73 Generals of the British Army. Francis Dodd . 32, 79 Genesis. Marcus Dods. 98, 98 Gentleman Adventurer, The. H. C. Bailey . 74 German. John Adams. 88 German Barbarism. Leon Maccas. 84 German Fury in Belgium, The. L. Mok- veld . .. 85 German Pirate, The. Anonymous. 30, 73 German Road to the East, The. Evans Lewin . 84 German Terror in Belgium, The. A. J. Toynbee . 90 German Terror in France, The. A. J. Toynbee . ... % . 31,90 German War, The. A. Conan Doyle.... 80 Germany as It Is To-day. Cyril Brown 20, 77 Germany at Bay. Major H. Macfall. 20, 84 Germany, The New Republic? Carl W. Ackerman . 73 Gesta Christi. Loring C. Brace. 96 Gift Supreme, The. George Allen England 80 Gilded Vanity. A. Richard Dehan. 79 Gillespie. J. MacDougall Hay. 82 Girl from Nowhere, The. Mrs. Baillie- Reynolds. 74 Girls in Bookland. Hildegarde Hawihorne 82, 107 Glacier National Park. M. E. Holtz mid K. I. Bemis. 82 Glimpse, The. Arnold Bennett. 75 God and the Soldier. N. Maclean and J. Sclater . 60, 102 God and War. Paterson Smythe. 60, 105 Gods and Mr. Perrin, The. Hugh Wal¬ pole . 9fr Golden Book of the Beautiful Life. May Byron . 77 Golden Censor, The. Florence L. Bar¬ clay . 95 Golden Garden of the Poets. May Byron 77 Golden Scarecrow, The. Hugh Walpole. . 90 Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics. F. T. Palgrave. 86 Good Old Anna. Mrs. Belloc Lowndes.. 84 Gospel of the Sovereignty, The. J. D. Jones. 100 Gospel Questions and Answers. James Denney . 97, 101 Gossamer. G. A. Birmingham. 76 Gossip Shop, The. J. E. Buckorse. 38, 77 GEORGE H . DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK P ujb Ushers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON PAGE Grammar of the Greek New Testament, A. A. T. Robertson. 104 Grammar of the Greek New Testament, A Short. A. T. Robertson. 104 Grand Adventure, The. Robert Law. 101 Grand Babylon Hotel, The. Arnold Ben¬ nett . 75 Gray Youth. Oliver Onions. 86 Great Adventure, The. Arnold Bennett 75 Great Crime and Its Moral, The. J. S. Willmore . 30, 91 Great Crusade. David Lloyd George.... 16,81 Great Ideas of Religion. J. G. Simpson. . 104 Great Man, A. Arnold Bennett. 75 Great Push, The. Patrfck MacGill. 85 Great Step, The. Maitland Alexander. ... 95 Greater Love Hath No Man. F. L. Pack¬ ard . 86 Greatest of These, The. Laurette Taylor 89 Greenmantle. John Buchan. 77 Green Mirror. Hugh Walpole . 90 Grenade Fighting. G. Dysore. 80 Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Illustrated by Noel Pocock . 87, 108 Guide to the Study of Church History. W. J. McGlothlin. 102 |_Jand of God, The. Max Shoop. 88 Happy Art of Catching Men. R. J. Patterson . .. 103 Happy Family, The. Frank Swinnerton. . 89 Happy Irish, The. Harold Begbie. 74 Happy Recruit, The. W. Pett Ridge.... 87 Harmony of the Gospels, A. John A. Broadus . .. .. 96 Hart, Virgil C. E. I. Hart. 100 Hausfrau Rampant, The. E. V. Lucas... 84,89 Heart of a Soldier, The. L. M. Watt.. 60,91 Heart of a Woman, The. Baroness Orczy 86 Hebrews. T. C. Edwards. 98 Helen with the High Hand. Arnold Ben¬ nett . 75 Heritage of Freedom, A. M. P. Andrews..33, 12, 73 Hidden Country, The. Henry Oyen. 86 High Altars. John Oxenham. 28,86 High Calling, The. C. M. Sheldon. 88 Higher Criticism, The. Canon Driver.... 98 Hilda Lessways. Arnold Bennett. 75 His Last Bow. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. . 80 Historic Shrines of America. J. T. Faris 3, 80 Historical Geography of the Holy Land. Geo. A. Smith. 104 History. R. H. Gretton. 73, 81 History of France. A. H. E. Marshall. . 85, 107 History ot Preaching, A. E. C. Dargan. . 97 History of the Great War, A. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. 80, 17 Hive, The. W. L. Comfort. 10,78 Honeymoon, The. Arnold Bennett. 75 Hope of the Gospel, The. J. D. Jones. . 100 Hope Set Before Us. Robert Law. 101 House in Demetrius Road, The. J. D. Beresford . 76 Housemates. J. D. Beresford. 76 How to Swim. Annette Kellermann. 13,83 Howard Chase: Red Hill, Kansas. Charles M. Sheldon . 88 How It Feels to Be the Husband of a Suffragette. “Him” .".. 82 How to Live on 24 Hours a Day. Ar¬ nold Bennett . 75 How to Read Shakespeare. James Stalker 89 How to Write for Moving Pictures. Marguerite Bertsch . 7 6 Hugo. Arnold Bennett. 75 Human Machine, The. Arnold Bennett. . 75 Human Touch, The. “Sapper”. 48, 8 s Humiliation of Christ, The. A. B. Bruce.. 96 Hurrah and Hallelujah. J. P. Bang. 74 Hyacinth. G. A. Birmingham. 76 I Accuse . 73 I Should Say So. J. M. Flagg- 82 Idylls of the King, The. Brickdale Edi¬ tion . 89 [112] If a Man Die. Rev. J. D. Jones. 100,61 If Any Man Sin. H. A. Cody. 78 Imago Christi. James Stalker. 105 Immortal Gymnasts. Marie Cher. 78 Immortality and the Future. H. E. Mack¬ intosh . 101 In Accordance with the Evidence. Oliver Onions . 86 In Camp and Trench. Berton Braley. ... 55, 76 In Deep Places. A. J. Burr. 77 In Defense of Paris. Allen Grant. 107^ In Mesopotamia. Martin Swayne. 89 In Patria (Dante’s Paradise). J. S. Car- roll . 78 In Powder and Crinolines. Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch . 86 . 87,- In Spite of the Handicap. J. D. Carrothers 78, 79 In the Kingdom of the Future. N. B. Carson.... 78 In the Master’s Country. Martha Tarbell 105 India, Its Life and Thought. J. P. Jones 100 Indwelling Spirit, The. W. T. Davidson 97 Innocent. Marie Corelli. 79 Intimate Letters on Personal Problems. J. R. Miller . 102 Introduction to the New Testament, An. Marcus Dods . 97, 105 Introduction to the Old Testament, An. J. E. McFadyen. 101 Invisible Event, The. J. D. Beresford. ... 76 Is Preparedness for War Unchristian? Len G. Broughton. 96 Isaiah. Geo. A. Smith. .. 98, 104 Island Mystery,, The. G. A. Birming¬ ham .. 38, 76 Italy and the War. Jacques Bainville. . 74 I Cole. Emma Gellibrand .. 81 ** • Japan or Germany. Frederic Cole¬ man . 15 Japanese Conquest of American Opinion, The. Montaville Flowers . 81 Jelfs’. H. A. Vachell. 90 Jeremiah. C. J. Ball. 95,98 Jeremiah. W. H. Bennett. 95, 98 Jeremiah. The Book of the Prophets, Canoo S. R. Driver. 98 Jerusalem. G. A. Smith. 104 Jesus and the Gospel. James Denney.... 97 Jesus as He Was and Is. Samuel G. Craig. 97 Jesus: for the Men of Today. Rev. George H. Gilbert. 99 “Jesus Is Here.” C. M. Sheldon. 88 Jesus of History, The. Rev. T. R. Glover 99, 62 Jim. J. J. Bell. 75 Job. R. A. Watson. 98, 106 John Verney. H. A. Vachell. 90 Jolly Jaunts with Jim. Charles Hanson Towne. 90, 108 Joshua. W. G. Blaikie. 96, 98 Judges and Ruth. R. A. Watson. 98, 106 June Dusk. Florence Nash. 53, 85 * K ennedy People, The. W. Pen Ridge Keys of Heaven, The. Clara E. Laughlin. Kindergarteti Stories for Sunday Schools and Home. L. E. Cragin. Kings. F. W. Farrar. Kings, Queens and Pawns. Mary R. Rinehart .. Kinsmen. Percival J. Cooney. Kismet. Edward Knoblauch. Knitting and Sewing. M. C. Nicoll.... Kitchener, Lord. Memorial Book. 87 83, 49 97 98, 99 87 79 83 14, 85 83 L ady of the Lighthouse, The. Helen S. Woodruff . 91 Lady of Kingdom, The. Inez Haynes Irwin . 82 Lalage’s Lovers. G. A. Birmingham.... 76 Land of Deepening Shadow, The. D. Thomas Curtin . 79 * 1 GEORGE H . DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for HOPPER & STOUGHTON PAGE Language of the New Testament, The. Last Ditch, The. W. L. Comfort. 78 Last Sermons in S. Allan’s, Holborn. By Father Stanton. 105 Latin. W. A. Edward. 88 Laughing Cavalier, The. Baroness Orczy 86 Leadership of the New America. Archi¬ bald McClure. 84 Least Resistance, The. Kate L. Mac- Laurie . 84 Leatherface. Baroness Orczv . 86 Leaves for Quiet Hours. Geo. Matheson 102 Legend of the Christmas Rose, The. H. E. Jackson . 100, 82 Leonora. Arnold Bennett . 75 Letters from My Home in India. Mrs. George Churchill . 96 Letters of Life. W. R. Nicoll. 85 Letters of Thomasina Atkins. The. Anonymous . 28, 73 Letters tc f the Seven Chruches of Asia W. M. Ramsay . 104 Leviticus. S. H. Kellogg.98, 101, 104 Liberty. Arnold Bennett. 75 Lie of August 3d, 1914, The. Anony¬ mous . 21, 7 j Life, The. Henry Arthur Jones. 83 Life and Living. A. J. Burr. 77 Life Everlasting, The. Marie Corelli.... 79 Life Story of Capt. Anthony Wilding, The. A. Wallis Myers. 85 Lilia. Mrs. Belloc Lowndes. 84 Limitations of Life, and Other Sermons. W. M. Taylor. 105 Lion’s Share, The. Arnold Bennett. 75 Literal Interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount, The. James Denney. .97, 101, 103 Literary Taste. Arnold Bennett. 75 Little Billy Bowlegs. E. B. Stapp. 89, 108 Little Books on Religion. 101 Little History Tales. Alice Crew. 107, 79 Little House, The. Helen S. Woodruff. . 91 Little Woodcrafters’ Book, Lillian E. Roy .. . 88 , 108 Living Without Worry, J. R. Miller. 102 ’Lizbeth of the Dale. Marian Keith. 83 Local Color. Irvin S. Cobb. 78 Loiterer in New England, A. H. W. Henderson . 6 , 82 Loiterer in New York, A. Helen W. Henderson . 82 Lonely Queen, The. H. C. Bailey...... 74 Lonely Stronghold, The. Mrs. Baillie- Reynolds . 45, 74 Long Patrol, The. H. A. Cody. 78 Long Trick, The. “Bartimeus”. 48, 74 Loot. H. A. Vachell. 90 Lord Northcliff’s War Book. 86 Lords of the North.. A. C. Laut. 83 Lost Christ, The. Gipsy Smith. 105 Lost Tribes, The. G. A. Birmingham. ... 76 Lost World, The. Sir A. Conan Doyle.. 80 Lord Tony’s Wife. Baroness Orczy. 45, 86 Lot &. Company. W. L. Comfort. 78 Love and Hatred. Mrs. Belloc Lowndes.. 49,84 Love Stories of Court Beauties. Baroness von Hedemann . 90 Loyalty. J. A. Hutton. 61, 100 Luke the Physician. W. M. Ramsay.... 104,105 Lundy’s Lane. Duncan Campbell Scott. . 88 Lure of the Sea, The. J. E. Patterson. . 87 Lyric, The. John Drinkwater. 80 M cLaren of Manchester. Dr. Alexander Maclaren .•. 101 Mackay, A. M., Pioneer Missionary of the Church Missionary Society to Uganda . 101 Madame Prince. W. Pelt Ridge. 87 Main Sheet, and Other Poems. Joyce Kilmer . 83 Major, The. Ralph Connor. 78 Major’s Niece, The. G. A. Birmingham. . 76 Makeshift Marriage, A. Mrs. Baillie Reynolds . Making the Most of One’s Mind. John Adams . Man from the North, A. Arnold Bennett. Man in Grey, The. Baroness Orczy.... Man Is a Spirit. J. A. Hill. Man of Egypt, The, C. S. Cooper. Man-Trail, The. Henry Oven. Man Who Tried to Be It, The. Cameron Mackenzie ... Man With the Iron Shoes, The. Rev. Howard J. Chidley.. Manse at Barren Rocks, The. A. B. Cun¬ ningham . Manual for the Use of Troops. L. L. Babcock . Manual of Christian Evidence, A. Pre¬ bendary Row . Manual of Church History, A. A. C. Jennings . Maradick at Forty. Hugh Walpole. Marechale, The. John Strahan. Marjorie’s Little Doll School. Patten Beard . Married Life. Arnold Bennett. Mary and Her Kitchen Garden. Alice Crew . Mary Slessor of Calabar. W. P. Living¬ stone . Masked War. W. J. Burns. Master of Repartee, The. C. T. Brady.. Matador of the Five Towns, The. Arnold Bennett . Matchmakers, The. J. E. Buckrose. Meadowsweet. Baroness Orczy. Memoirs of Francesco Crispi, The. Men of Letters. Dixon Scott. Men, Women and Guns. “Sapper”. Mendel. Gilbert Cannan. Mental Efficiency. Arnold Bennett. Me’ow Jones. Edward Branch Lyman. . Merchant .Seaman in War, The. L. C. Carnford . Message of Robt. Browning, The. A. A. Foster . Messages of Hope. George Matheson.... Method of Prayer. W, Graham Scroggie. Mexico. Mrs. Alec-Tweedie. Mexico’s Dilemma. C. W. Ackerman.... Michael. E. F, Benson. Michael Cassidy, Sergeant. “Sapper.”.. Midstream. W. L. Comfort. Milestones. Arnold Bennett and Edw. Knoblauch . Milky Way, Tlie. F. Tennyson Jesse.... Miller, Life of Dr. J. R. John T. Faris. Millstone. Harold Begbie. Mind of Arthur James Balfour, The. W. M. Short ... Minnie’s Bishop and Other Stories. G. A. Birmingham . Miracle Man, The. F. L. Packard. Miracles of Our Saviour Expounded, The. Wm. Taylor . Miraculous Element in the Gospel, The. Alex. B. Bruce.•. Mis’ Beauty. Helen S. Woodruff. Miss Haroun A1 Raschid. Jessie Doug¬ las Kerruish . Miss Pandora. M. E. Norman. ••••• Missionary Joys in Japan. Paget Wilkes. Modern Criticism and the Preaching of the Old Testament. Geo. A. Smith. Modern Problems. Sir Oliver Lodge.... Modernists, The. R. W. Norwood.. Mohammed, Buddha and Christ. Marcus Dods ... Moments on the Mount, Geo. Matheson. Moral Condition and Development of the Child, The. W. A. Wright. More Letters from Billy. More Wanderings in London. E. V. Lucas. Mr. Doctor-man. H. S. Woodruff. Mr. Poilu. Herbert Ward. Mr. Squem and Some Male Triangles. A. R. Taylor. Mr. Steadfast. John Buchan. Mushroom Town. Oliver Onions. page 73 75 44, 86 8 , 82 79 86 85 96 51, 79 29, 74 104, 105 100, 105 90 105 74,107 75 79, 107 101 77 96 75 77 86 79 88 88 77 75 84, 107 26, 79 81 102 104 73 7, 73 75 88 78 75, 83 82 99 74 10 , 88 76 86 105 96 91 83 86 106 104 84 54, 86 97 102 106 73 84 91 90 47, 89 77 86 GEORGE H . DORAN COMPANY, N JSW YORK Publishers in America for H 0 D D E R & STOUGHTON PAGE My Brave and Gallant Gentleman. Rob¬ ert Watson . 40, 91 My Father. W. T, Stead. 89 My First Little Book of Spanish. 107 My Four Years in Germany. J. W. Gerard . 81 My German Correspondence. D. W. John¬ son .. 33,82 My Home in the Field of Honour. Frances Wilson Huard . 82 My Home in the Field of Mercy. Frances Wilson Huard . 82 My Man. C. E. L. 83 My Secret Service. Anon. 73 Mystery of Hartley House, The. C. S. Raymond . 43, 87 My Table Cloths. Mrs. Alec-Tweedie.... 73 Mystery of Pain, The. James Hinton... 100,101 Mystery of the Hated Man, The. J. M. Flagg . 80 My ’75. Paul Lintier . 84 Ration at Bay, The. James A. B. Scherer 88 National Floodmarks. Colliers. 78 Naval Power in the War. C. C. Gill.... 26,81 Neighbours. Herbert Kaufman. 83 New Adventures. Michael Monahan.... 85 New Books of Martyrs, The. Georges Duhamel . 22, 80 New Chivalry, The. Henry E. Jackson.. 82,100 New Outlook. The. W. P. Livingston.. 61,101 New Revelation, The. A. Conan Doyle. 8,80 New Tabernacle Sermons. T. DeWitt Talmage . 105 New Testament: A New Translation. J. Moffatt . 102 New Testament Evangelism. T. B. Kil¬ patrick . 101 New Testament in Life and Literature. Jane T. Stoddart. 105 New Thrills in Old China. C. E. Hawes 100 Nightingale, The. Hans Anderson. 80 Ninety-Six Hours’ Leave. Stephen Mc¬ Kenna . 48,84 No Man’s Land. “Sapper”. 88 Noble Rogue, The. Baroness Orczy. 86 Nobody. Louis Joseph Vance. 90 Nocturne. Frank Swinnerton. 36,89 Not Lawful to Utter. Dan Crawford. . . . 97 Notorious Miss Lisle, The. Mrs. Baillie- Reynolds . 74 Numbers. R. A. Watson. 98, 106 /"Vakleyites, The. E. F. Benson. 75 Of Human Bondage. W. Somerset Maugham . 85 Old Adam, The. Arnold Bennett. 75 Old Curiosity Shop, The. Charles Dick¬ ens . 79,87 Old Days on the Farm. A. C. Wood.... 14,91 Old Game, The. Samuel G. Blythe. 76 Old Judge Priest. Irvin S. Cobb. 78 Old Man Curry. Charles E. Van Loan.. 90 Old Man Savarin Stories. Edward Wil¬ liam Thomson. 89 Old Testament in Life and Literature. Jane T. Stoddart. 105 Old Wives’ Tales, The. Arnold Bennett. . 75 On the Fringe of the Great Fight. Colo¬ nel G. G. Nasmith. % .. 21,85* On the Preparation and Delivery of Ser¬ mons. J. A. Broadus. 96 On the Staircase. Frank Swinnerton. 89 On the Study of Words. R. C. Trench.. 90 One Hundred Great Texts. Frederic Bar¬ ton . 95 One Hundred Prayer Meeting Talks and Plans. Intro. F. B. 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Parabolic Teaching of Christ, The. Alex. B. Bruce.1. Paris Nights and Other Impressions of Persons and Places. Arnold Bennett Parody. Christopher Stone. Passing of the Dragon, The. J. C. Keyte Passport Invisible, The. P. P. Sheehan.. Pastor His Own Evangelist, The. Pastoral Epistles. A. Plummer. Paths of Glory. Irvin S. Cobb. Paton, Story of John G., Told for Young Folks. James Paton.. Patrol of the Sun Dance Trail, The. Ralph Connor... Paul’s Message of To-Day. J. R. Miller.. Pauline and Other Stories. W. M. Ram¬ say . Peasblossom. Mabel Fuller Blodgett.... Philippians. Robt. Rainey. Philosophy of Christian Religion, The. A. M. Fairbairn. .. .. Philosophy of the Spirit, The. John Snaith . Physical Beauty. Annette Kellermann.. Pickwick Papers. Dickens. Illus. Frank Reynolds . Pilgrims Into Folly. Wallace Irwin. Pioneers, The. Katharine S. Prichard.... Piper and the Reed, The. Robert Nor¬ wood . Poems. Herbert Kaufman. Poems. John Keats. Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe. E. Dulac .... Poets of the Old Testament, The. A. Gordon . Poison Belt, The. Sir A. Conan Doyle.. Polite Farces. Arnold Bennett.. Positive Preaching and the Modern Mind. P. T. Forsyth. Power-House, The. John Buchan. Practical and Social Aspects of Christi¬ anity. A. T. Robertson...... Practical Flying. W. G. McMinnies. Prayer. Dora Greenwell. Prayer in War Time. Sir W. Robertson Nicoll .... • • • Prayer That Teaches Us to Pray, The. Marcus Dods. ..... Prayers for Use in Home, School and Sunday School. Frederica Beard.... Prayers from Plymouth Pulpit. H. W. Beecher. Preacher, The. J. H. Jowett... Preacher and His Models, The. James Stalker .... Preaching, A History of. E. C. Dargin. Prelude to Adventure, The. Hugh Wal¬ pole . ••••••••• . Preparing to Preach. D. R. Breed. 11, 87 82.87 105 96 75 73 83 88 103 98,103 78 103 78 102 104 76, 107 98,103 99 105 13,83 79, 87 82 87 86 83 83 80.87 100 80 75 99 77 104 22, 84 100,101 103 98 95 95 100 105 97 90 96 GEORGE H . DORAN COMPANY, NEW YORK Publishers in America for HOD PER & STOUGHTON PAGE President Wilson’s State Papers and Ad¬ dresses . 19, 91 Prester John. John Buchan. 45, 77 Pretty Lady, The. Arnold Bennett.... 35,75 Price of Place, The. S. G. Blythe. 76 Principle of Authority. P. T. Forsyth.. 99 Priscilla’s Spies. G. A. Birmingham.... 76 Prisoners of Hope (Dante’s Purgatorio). John S. Carroll. 78 Problem of Edwin Drood. Sir W. R. Nicoll . 85 Problem of the Work, The. W. J. Chap¬ man . 96 Prophets of the Old Testament. A. R. Gordon . 58 Proverbs. R. F. Horton. 98, 100 Psalms. (3 vols.) Alex. Maclaren. 98,102 Psychical Investigations. J. Arthur Hill 82 Psychology of the Christian Soul, The. Geo. Stevens. 105 Public Worship for Non-Liturgical Churches. A. S. Hoyt..• • • • 100 Publicity and Progress. H. H. Smith.. 105 Pulpit Prayers. Alex Maclaren. 101 Pupil and Teacher. L. A. Weigle...... 106 uinneys. H. A. Vachell. 90 Quito to Bogota. A. C. Veatch.... 90 Dansom! A. S. 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Cam¬ eron . 96 Representative Men of the Bible, The. Geo. Matheson../. 102 Representative Men of the New Testa¬ ment. Geo. Matheson .. 102 Representative Women of the Bible. Geo. Matheson .. . 102 Rests by the River. Geo. Matheson.... 102 Return of the Angels, The. G. H. Mor¬ rison . 103 Revelations of a German Attache. Emil Witte . 91 Rifles and Shotguns. W. H. Miller. 85 Rising Dawn. Harold Begbie. 74 Road of Life, The. John Kelman. 101 Road to Li£ge, The. Gustave Somville.. 89 Roadside Fire, The. A. J. Burr. 77 Robinson Crusoe. Illus. by Noel Pocock. .79, 87, 108 Rod of the Lone Patrol. H. A. Cody.. 78 Roll Call, The. Arnold Bennett. 75 Romans, Epistle to the. Charles Hodge.. 100 Romans, Commentary on the Epistle to the. Chas. Hodge. ioo Romans. H. C. G'. Moule. 9g f 103 Rome of the Pilgrims and Martyrs. Ethel Ross Barker. 74 Room with the Tassels, The. Carolyn Wells . 42 91 Rose Fairy Book..* gi 1Q7 Rosemary for Remembrance. N. B. Car- son . 73 Rough Rhymes of a Padre. Woodbine Roughing It De Luxe. Irvin S. Cobb'.’.’. '. ’ ’ 7g Round-About, The. J. E. Buckrose. 77 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Illus. by Edmund Dulac . go 86 Rule of Faith, The. W. B. Patterson. . 103 Russian People, The. Maurice Barring 74 Rutherford and Son. Githa Sowerby.... 89 C S. Glory, The. Frederick Niven.. 86 Sad Years, The. Dora Sigerson_ $3,89 Salute to Adventurers. John Buchan.... 77 Samuel I and II. W. G. Blakie'. 96 98 Samurai Trails. L. S. Kirtland. 6 ,83 Satire. Gilbert Cannan . 73, 77 Scars and Stripes. Porter Emerson Browne . 77 Score by Innings. C. E. Van Loan..' 90 Sea Captain, The. H. C. Bailey. 74 Sea’s Anthology. The. J. E. Patterson.. 87 Search Party, The. G. A. Birmingham.. 76 Second Book of Artemas, The. Anony¬ Secret Bread. F. Tennyson Jesse. 44! 82 Secret of the Lord, The. W. M. Clow.. 96 Searchlights. Horace Annesley Vachell.. 90 Second Things of Life, The. James Mof- fatt .. 101, 103 Security. Ivor Brown. 77 Seegar and Cigareet. 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