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Kf, m 34-te A— 74 ;; ■•;•-.? 3 '•.>- ~*y£? ; irt-.' a•' .•' ; 77 ■• v: , ,:sf 5 c; i* Kr^?'AiS#77S«'-^« ly»js. *.-■ v^v. •••• / %'■?%• SRrAlse, Jr? ••ic>*?-'?>..S.- •.'-rv^-j ^ r ./; i.» ; , . 4 v , 7 y^y'-^y : ^MM & ■■?/;■' V^r' saw.*. v r»*4?f • •33®dsii .7 o -Vi *at .•^5,'iU‘r..~»5i‘J . . to VI. A* Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. University of Illinois Library 23 13 $ 3 v m No. 569 — ALBANY, N. Y. June 15, 1914 I ii liJs'l y Division of Vocational Schools LIST OF HELPFUL PUBLICATIONS CONCERN ING VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTION 1 Hi ki liras; F'A PREPARED BY LEWIS A. WILSON Specialist in Industrial Schools THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK - ALBANY 1914 T20r-Api4-I500 (7-14870) THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of the University With years when terms expire 1917 St Clair McKelway M.A. LL.D. D.C.L. L.H.D. Chancellor Brooklyn 1926 Pliny T. Sexton LL.B. LL.D. Vice Chancellor Palmyra 1915 Albert Vander Veer M.D. M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. Albany 1922 Chester S. Lord M.A. LL.D. ----- New York 1918 William Nottingham M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. - - Syracuse 1921 Francis M. Carpenter ------- MountKisco 1923 Abram I. Elkus LL.B. D.C.L. ----- New York 1924 Adelbert Moot _________ Buffalo 1925 Charles B. Alexander M.A. LL.B. LL.D. Litt.D. Tuxedo 1919 John Moore - -- -- -- -- - Elmira 1920 Andrew J. Shipman M.A. LL.B. LL.D. - - - New York 1916 Walter Guest Kellogg B.A. ----- Ogdensburg President of the University and Commissioner of Education John LI. Finley M.A. LL.D. Assistant Commissioners Augustus S. Downing M.A. L.H.D. LL.D. For Higher Education Charles F. Wheelock B.S. LL.D. For Secondary Education Thomas E. Finegan M.A. Pd.D. LL.D. For Elementary Education Director of State Library James I. Wyer, Jr, M.L.S. Director of Science and State Museum John M. Clarke Ph.D. D.Sc. LL.D. Chiefs of Divisions Administration, George M. Wiley M.A. Attendance, James D. Sullivan Educational Extension, William R. WatsOxN B.S. Examinations, Harlan H. Horner B.A. History, James A. Holden B.A. Inspections, Frank H. Wood M.A. Law, Frank B. Gilbert B.A. Library School, Frank K. Walter M.A. M.L.S. Public Records, Thomas C. Quinn School Libraries, Sherman Williams Pd.D. Statistics, Hiram C. Case Visual Instruction, Alfred W. Abrams Ph.B. Vocational Schools, Arthur D. Dean D.Sc. D M i.onnnr Of THE University oi tM ‘SWeIOEW York BoUetin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Application for entry as second-class matter at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., pending No. 569 ALBANY, N. Y. June 15, 1914 Division of Vocational Schools A LIST OF HELPFUL PUBLICATIONS CONCERN¬ ING VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTION INTRODUCTORY NOTE This bibliography has been issued at the request of a number of teachers for a list of text and reference books which would be helpful in their classroom work as well as an aid in a wise selection of general literature on vocational instruction for their own self- improvement. No attempt has been made to list all the books dealing with vocational instruction. The titles presented were selected after a careful examination of a large number of books and while every care has been taken to obtain complete lists and to select intelli¬ gently from an extended field, it is possible and even likely that some most excellent books have been overlooked. This division will welcome the title of any book which, in the opinion of the reader, should be added to this list. Very likely supplementary lists will be issued from time to time. It is not possible for a teacher to present the subject matter ^ effectively unless he knows the educational and industrial aims of vocational instruction. There is hardly a public library in the ^ §tate that would refuse to place on its shelves all or nearly all the books mentioned as suitable for general reading purposes. Undoubtedly every teacher can obtain at a comparatively slight v * expense copies of the reports and bulletins listed. Many of them ' ) are free and all of them are of inestimable value. They contain courses of study, illustrations, outlines, valuable statistical material and definite data obtained from extensive investigations. In fact, it is almost possible to build up a working library out of national, state and city publications. There has never been a time when so much valuable material on vocational education was available by the exercise of a little initiative on the part of a teacher. The United States Bureau of Education has published at frequent intervals most o 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK helpful material. The National Society for the Promotion of Indus¬ trial Education distributes to its members bulletins and reports which record the advance of vocational education, and a complete set of its reports practically constitutes an up-to-date survey of this new movement. For the mere asking the United States Depart¬ ments of Labor and Agriculture stand ready to distribute documents which may promote professional growth and give valuable aid to classroom instruction. It is difficult to see how a teacher can do effective work without reference books dealing with the subject matter which he teaches. The technic of the vocation is constantly changing and every teacher should be up to date. Teachers of shop and laboratory work should not rely upon past knowledge and teaching experience which is expected to fit pupils to meet the demands of the vocational life which has changed from the day when the teachers learned their trades. The teachers of mathematics and science should not expect to find all their teaching material in one book. There are many books and practical, technical guides with which the teacher should be familiar. Every vocational school or department should have its library of helpful reference material. Vocational instruc¬ tion requires these reference books in the same way and to the same extent as any other school work. It is hardly possible for the pupil to receive efficient instruction unless he has access to helpful books. For example, how can a boy attend a printing school and learn to exercise the habit of self-improvement after he leaves school unless he is taught how to use technical magazines, to seek information in the technical aspects of his chosen craft while in school ? And again, how can a girl learn effective millinery designs and gain the habit of seeking for the latest and best in styles unless when receiving instruction she has access to a good millinery publication? Vocational instruction has or should have more to it than mere technic or handwork. It is not sufficient for a boy to be taught to bend hot iron or to make a weld; he should be taught the theory underlying the practice. No one desires merely a mechanical- minded trade worker. In this industrial age, the craft or vocation will never produce a thinking worker unless its youth has instilled in it before it leaves school, the desire to know the why as well as the how of the trade. The automatic teacher is as deadening as the automatic machine. Whatever spirit the teacher expresses in his teaching is likely to be imitated by the pupil after he leaves school. The girl who is told to “ do this ” and then to “ do that ” in a cooking VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 5 class without reference to the thought side of the work is likely to follow blindly all the days of her life the habit of thoughtlessness ^originally imparted by her teacher. The vocational school should create the student habit. Slides, photographs and exhibits of materials should form a part of the instruction. The Division of Visual Instruction has most helpful material in the shape of slides and photographs. Many industrial concerns will loan or donate materials for exhibition purposes. When one starts out to collect for illustrative purposes, he is astonished by the amount of excellent material which is his for the asking. A space has been left at the end of each section for the teacher to write in the names of additional books, reference material or aids in teaching which may have come to his attention, or new material which will be issued after he has received this bulletin. If the individual teacher will exercise some initiative on his own part in procuring for his own use some of the material furnished in these lists, if he will take steps to have some material furnished by the local authorities to the school library, if he will advise that the local library furnish a few books on vocational instruction for the adult reading public and the pupils in the vocational schools, if he will avail himself of the services of the Division of Visual Instruc¬ tion, the New York State Library, the other state and national departments, I am sure that vocational instruction within the State will reach a higher plane of efficiency. Arthur D. Dean Chief, Division of Vocational Schools 6 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK GENERAL READING Books Carlton, F. T. Educational and Industrial Evolution. Macmillan. 1908. $i.25n Cooley, A. M. Domestic Art in Woman’s Education. Scribners. 1911. $i.25n Davenport, E. Education for Efficiency. Heath. 1909. $1 Dean, A. D. The Worker and The State. Century. 1910. $i.2on Hanus, P. H. Beginnings in Industrial Education. Houghton. 1908. $1 Kirschensteiner, G. M. A. Education for Citizenship. Rand. I 9 11 - 75 c - The Idea of the Industrial School. Macmillan. 1913. S°c Leake, A. H. Industrial Education. Houghton. 1913. $i.2 5n Leavitt, F. M. Examples of Industrial Education. Ginn. 1912. $i. 25 n Monroe, J. P. New Demands in Education. Doubleday. 1912. $i. 25 n Person, H. S. Industrial Education. Houghton. 1912. $in Redfield, W. C. New Industrial Day. Century. 1912. $1.25 Sadler, M. E. Continuation Schools in England and Elsewhere. University Press, Manchester. 1908. 8/6n Smith, W. H. All the Children of All the People. Macmillan. 1912. $1.50 Snedden, D. The Problem of Vocational Education. Houghton. 19 10 . 35c Weeks, R. M. The People’s School. Houghton. 1912. 60c Woolman, Mrs M. S. The Making of a Trade School. Whitcomb. 1910. 50c Reports American Federation of Labor. Industrial Education. Report on Industrial Education of the American Federation of Labor. Compiled and edited by C. H. Winslow. Senate Document 36. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Bureau of Labor. Eighth Annual Report of the United States Com¬ missioner of Labor on Industrial Education. U. S. Commissioner of Labor, Washington, D. C. VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 7 Bureau of Labor. Seventeenth Annual Report of the United States Commissioner of Labor on Trade and Technical Education, 1902. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Cloth 90c - Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the United States Com¬ missioner of Labor on Industrial Education. 1910. U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Washington, D. C. - 1910-12 Report on Condition of Women and Children Wage Earners in the United States: v. 7, Conditions Under Which Children Leave School to Go to Work; v. 18, Employment of Women and Children in Selected Industries. U. S. Com¬ missioner of Labor, Washington, D. C. Canada. Report of the Royal Commission on Industrial Training and Technical Education, 1913. C. H. Parmelee, Ottawa, Canada City Club of Chicago. Report on Vocational Training in Chicago and Other C x ities, 1912. City Club of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. $1.50 Commercial Club of Chicago. Report on Vocational Education in Europe. E. G. Cooley. McClurg. 1912. $1 Indiana. Report of the Commission on Industrial and Agricultural Education, 1912. William B. Burford, Indianapolis, Ind. Massachusetts. Second Annual Report of the Committee' on Industrial and Technical Education, 1908. Public Document 76. Wright & Potter, Boston, Mass. - Special Report on “ The Needs and Possibilities of Part- time Education,” 1913. Wright & Potter, Boston, Mass. New Jersey. Report of Committee on Industrial Education, 1908. MacCrellish & Quigley, Trenton, N. J. New York. Twenty-sixth Annual Report of Commissioner of Labor. 1908. Part 1, Industrial Training. Bureau of Labor, Albany, N. Y. - Industrial Directory of New York, 1913. New York State Department of Labor, Albany, N. Y. Ontario. Education for Industrial Purposes. A report by John Seath, Superintendent of Education for Ontario, Canada, 1911. L. K. Cameron, Toronto, Ontario. - Bulletin 2, 1912. Industrial, Technical and Art Education. L. K. Cameron, Toronto, Ontario. Wisconsin. Report of Commission upon the Plan for the Extension of Industrial and Agricultural Training. 1911. Democrat Print¬ ing Company, Madison, Wis. THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 8 Bulletins Bureau of Education. Bulletin 6, 1908. The Apprenticeship System in Its Relation to Industrial Education. Carroll D. Wright. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 15c - Bulletin 10, 1912. Bibliography of Education in Agri¬ culture and Home Economics. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 15c - Bulletin 9, 1913. Consular Reports on Continuation Schools in Prussia. U. S. Com’r of Education, Washington, D. C. - Bulletin 17, 1913. A Trade School for Girls. U. S. Com’r of Education, Washington, D. C. - Bulletin 19, 1913. German Industrial Education and Its Lessons for the United States. Holmes Beckwith. Govern¬ ment Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 15c - Bulletin 22, 1913. Bibliography of Industrial, Vocational and Trade Education. U. S. Com’r of Education, Washington, D. C. --Bulletin 24, 1913. Education in Germany and the United States. G. M. A. Kerschensteiner. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 5c - Bulletin 25, 1913. Industrial Education in Columbus, Georgia. Roland B. Daniel. Government Printing Office, Wash¬ ington, D. C. 5c -- Bulletin 50, 1913. The Fitchburg Plan of Co-operative Education. M. R. McCann. U. S. Com’r of Education, Washing¬ ton, D. C. -- Bulletin 54, 1913. Consular Reports on Industrial Educa¬ tion in Germany. U. S. Com’r of Education, Washington, D. C. ■- Bulletin 4, 1914. The School and the Start in Life. Myer Bloomfield. U. S. Com’r of Education, Washington, D. C. Bureau of Labor. Bulletin 67, November 1906. Conditions of Entrance to Principal Trades. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Teachers College. Technical Education Bulletin 10. Fundamental Values in Industrial Education. F. G. Bonser. Wisconsin. Bulletin 3. Industrial Education. H. E. Miles. 1912. State Board of Industrial Education, Madison, Wis. - Bulletin 4. The Education of the Girl. L. D. Harvey. 1912. State Board of Industrial Education, Madison, Wis. - Bulletin 5. Industrial and Continuation Schools. L. E. Reber. 1912. State Board of Industrial Education, Madison, Wis. VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 9 National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education C. A. Prosser, secretary, 105 E. 22d st., New York City The Society has published and distributed to its members and others the following bulletins: No. 1. Proceedings of the Organized Meetings No. 2. A Selected Bibliography on Industrial Education No. 3. A Symposium on Industrial Education No. 4. Industrial Education for Women Nos. 5 and 6. Proceedings of First Annual Meeting, Chicago No. 7. General Information Regarding the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education No. 8. Education of Workers in the Shoe Industry, by A. D. Dean No. 9. Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting, Atlanta No. 10. Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting, Milwaukee No. 11. A Descriptive List of Trade and Industrial Schools in the United States No. 12. Legislation upon Industrial Education in the United States No. 13. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting, Boston ^ Pt 1. Trade Education for Girls Pt 2. Apprenticeship and Corporation Schools Pt 3. Part-time and Evening Schools Pt 4. The Social Significance of Industrial Education No. 14. The Trade Continuation Schools of Munich. A lecture by G. M. A. Kerschensteiner, director of education, Munich, Bavaria, and the translation of the curricula of selected schools as given in the official report for 1910 No. 15. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting, Cincinnati No. 16. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting, Philadelphia No. 17. Short Unit Course for Evening Trade Extension and Part- time Trade Extension Schools No. 18. Proceedings of Seventh Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, 1913 No. 19. The Selection and Training of Teachers Reprints The School and the Shop, from the Employer’s Point of View, by Howell Cheney The Training of the Factory Worker Through Industrial Education, by Charles Prosser How Shall the Obligation to Provide Industrial Education Be Met? The Viewpoints of the Manufacturer and the Employer, by H. E. Miles 10 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK The Viewpoint of Organized Labor, by Frank Duffy Why Federal Aid for Vocational Education, by C. A. Prosser Principles and Policies in State Legislation for Vocational Education Vocational Education Legislation, 1910-11, by C. A. Prosser Facilities for Industrial Education, by C. A. Prosser Practical Arts and Vocational Education, by C. A. Prosser The Place of Arts in Industrial Education, by C. A. Prosser Vocational Education Legislation, 1912-13, by C. A. Prosser The Meaning of Industrial Education, by C. A. Prosser Progress in Vocational Education, by C. A. Prosser A Plea for Practical Education: Excerpts from Recent Addresses of William C. Redfield What Chambers of Commerce Can Do for Vocational Education, by A. E. Dodd TEXTBOOKS^ REFERENCE BOOKS, AND PAMPHLETS Shop mathematics Blake, C. F. Mathematics of Machine Design. Industrial Press. 1908. 25c Breckenridge, W. E., Mersereau, S. F., & Moore, C. F. Shop Problems in Mathematics. Ginn. 1910. $1 Cobb, H. E. Elements of Applied Mathematics. Ginn. 1911. $in Colvin, F. H. & Cheney, W. L. Machine Shop Arithmetic. Henley. 1912. 50c - Engineer’s Arithmetic. Henley. 1908. 50c Gardner, M. L. Industrial Arithmetic for Girls’ Trade Schools. Heath. 1910. 50c Holten, E. E. Shop Mathematics. Taylor-Holden. 1910. $1.25 Howe, G. Mathematics for the Practical Man. VanNostrand. 1912. $1.25 Marsh, H. W. Industrial Mathematics. Wiley. 1912. $2 Merriman, M. Strength of Materials. Wiley. 1906. $1 Norris, E. B. & Smith, K. G. Shop Mathematics. Pt 1, Shop Arithmetic. McGraw-Hill. 1912. $1.50 Norris, E. B. & Craigo. Shop Mathematics. Pt 2, Advanced Mathematics. McGraw-Hill. (In press ) VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 11 Oberg, E. V. Shop Arithmetic for the Machinist. Industrial Press. 1911. 25c - Advanced Shop Arithmetic for the Machinist. Indus¬ trial Press. 1910. 25c -Tables and Formulas for Shop and Drafting Room. Industrial Press. 1909. 25c Palmer, C. I. Practical Mathematics. McGraw-Hill. 1912. 75c ea. Pt 1. Arithmetic with Applications Pt 2. Geometry with Applications Pt 3. Algebra with Applications Pt 4. Trigonometry with Applications Pratt, J. A. Materials and Construction. Blakistons. 1912. 90c Mechanical Drawing — machine design Babbitt, A. B. Mechanical Drawing: Working Drawings. Holt. 1911. $in Blaine, R. G. Practical Mechanics and Machine Design. Cassell. $1 Evans, F. H. Drafting Room Series. Manual Arts Press. 1913. $2 complete Pt 1. Reading Machine Drawings 75c Pt 2. Machine Drafting $1.25 Pt 3. Interference of Moving Parts 95c French, T. E. Manual of Engineering Drawing. McGraw-Hill. 1911. $2 Griffin, C. L. Machine Drawing. Am. Cor. Sch. 1912. $1.50 - Machine Design. Am. Cor. Sch. 1912. $1.50 Leeds, C. C. Mechanical Drawing for Trade Schools. VanNos- trand. 1911. $i.2sn Mathewson, F. E. Applied Mechanical Drawing. Taylor- Holden. 1911. $1 Miller, H. W. Mechanical Drafting. Manual Arts Press. 1912. $1.50 Rautenstrauch, W. & Williams, J. T. Machine Drafting and Empirical Design. Pt 1. Van Nostrand. 1907. $1.25 Spooner, H. J. Machine Design, Construction and Drawing. Longmans. 1910. $3.5 on Machinery’s Reference Series. Industrial Press. 1912. 25c ea. Systems and Practice of the Drafting Room Mechanical Drawing — Machine Details Mechanical Drawing — Cam Design 12 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Architectural drawing Edminster, C. F. Architectural Drawing. Williams. 1905. $2 Hering, O. C. Concrete and Stucco Houses. McBride. 1912. $2 Jackson, A. W. Half Timber House. McBride. 1912. $2 Radford, W. A. Details of Building Construction. Radford Arch. Co. 1911. $1 Tuckerman, A. L. Vignola. Comstock. $5 Tuthill, W. B. Practical Lessons in Architectural Drawing. Comstock. 1907. $2.50 Architectural Drawing and Lettering. Am. Cor. Sch. 1913. $1.50 Furniture design Benn, R. D. Style in Furniture. Longmans. 1904. $6n Nye, A. C. Furniture Designing and Draughting. Comstock. 1907. $2 Singleton, E. Furniture. Duffield. 1911. $7-5on Printing design Andrews, E. C. Color and Its Application to Printing. Inland Printer. 1911. $2 Trezise, F. J. Design and Color in Printing. Inland Printer. 1909. $1 -Letters and Letter Construction. Inland Printer. 1911. $2 Free-hand sketching Cross, A. K. Freehand Drawing. Ginn. 1895. 80c Norton, Dora M. Freehand Perspective and Sketching. Pratt Institute. 1909. $3 Mathewson, Frank. Perspective Sketching from Working Draw¬ ings. Taylor-Holden. 1908. $1.10 VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 13 Household decoration Bevier, Isabel. The House, Its Plan, Decoration and Care. Dodd. 1912. $2 Clifford, C. R. Period Furnishings. Clifford. 1911. $5 Daniels, F. H. The Furnishing of a Modest Home. Atkinson. 1908. $in Duncan, J. H. E. The House Beautiful and Useful. Cassell. 1911. $2.5on French, L. H. Homes and Their Decoration. Dodd. 1903. $ 3 ^ Preistman, M. T. Art and Economy in Home Decoration. Lane. 1912. $in Ripley, M. C. Oriental Rug Book. Stokes. 1904. $3.2on Vollmer, W. A. A Book of Distinctive Interiors. McBride. 1913. $1 Wheeler, C. Principles of Home Decoration with Practical Examples. Doubleday. 1903. $1.50 Pamphlets The following pamphlets are issued by the New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell Reading Courses Farm House Series No. 1. Household Decoration Farm House Series No. 2. Household Furnishing Costume design Earle, A. M. Two Centuries of Costume in America. Mac¬ millan. 1910. $2.5on Hammond, E. C. Industrial Drawing for Girls. Redfield. 1912. $1.50 Reading Benton, C. F. Living on a Little. Estes. 1908. $1.25 Curtis, I. G. The Making of a Housewife. Stokes. 1906. $i- 35 n Dunn, A. W. The Community and the Citizen. Heath. 1907. 75C < Everett, C. C. Ethics for Young People. Ginn. 1904. 50c Forman, S. E. Stories of Useful Inventions. Century. 1911. $in 14 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Meadowcroft, W. H. The Boy’s Life of Edison. Harper. 1911. Si.25 Mills, J. C. Searchlights on Some American Industries. Mc- Clurg. 1911. $i.5on Mowry, W. A. & A. M. American Inventions and Inventors. Silver. 1903. 65cn Parton, J. Captains of Industry. Houghton. 1894. $1.25 Rocheleau, W. F. Great American Industries. Flanigan First Book: Minerals. 1896. 50c Second Book: Products of the Soil. 1896. 50c Third Book: Manufactures. 1896. 50c Fourth Book: Transportation. 1910. 60c Williams, S. Some Successful Americans. Ginn. 1904. 6ocn Vocational guidance Bloomfield, M. Vocational Guidance of Youth. Houghton. 1911. 60c ’Butler, E. B. Women and the Trades. Pittsburgh Survey. Charities Pub. Co. Si.50 Laselle, M. A. & Wiley, K. E. Vocations for Girls. Houghton. I9I3- Parsons, F. Choosing a Vocation. Houghton. 1912. Sin Perkins, A. F. Vocations for the Trained Woman. Longmans. 1911. Si.2011 ' Puffer, J. A. Vocational Guidance. Rand. 1913. Si.25 % Richardson, A. S. The Girl Who Earns Her Own Living. Dodge. 1909. Si * Weaver, E. W. Vocations for Girls. Barnes. 1913. 75c Industrial history and geography Adams, C. C. Elementary Commercial Geography. Appleton. 1909. Si.ion Allen, N. B. Industrial Studies. Ginn. 1910. 65c Bucher, Carl. Industrial Evolution. Holt. 1901. S2.50 Burch, H. R. & Nearing, Scott. Elements of Economies. Mac¬ millan. 1913. Si Cheyney, E. P. Industrial and Social History of England. Mac¬ millan. 1901. Si.4011 Coman, K. Industrial History of the United States. Macmillan. 1910. Si.6on VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 15 Freeman, W. G. & Chandler, S. E. The World’s Commercial Products. Ginn. 1911. $3.5 on Gibbins, H. B. Industrial History of England. Scribner. 1902. $1.20 Moore, J. R. H. Industrial History of American People. Mac¬ millan. 1913. $i.2 5n Thurston, H. W. Economics and Industrial History. Scott. 1899. $in Toothaker, C. R. Commercial Raw Materials. Ginn. 1905. $i. 25 n Warner, G. T. Landmarks in English Industrial History. Mac¬ millan. 1899. $i.6on The following material is invaluable in teaching industrial history and geography: Industrial arts. The growth of industrial arts; compiled under supervision of commissioner of patents for World’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial, 1885. Reprinted 1892. This publication con¬ sists of 200 large lithographic plates (16 by 20 inches) bound together in book form. The plates illustrate the growth of industrial art by showing the most familiar tools, implements, and machines in the form in which they were known to earlier generations and also in the improved forms to which modern invention has brought them. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. $2. United States Department of Agriculture, Washington. D. C. Forest Service Bui. 10. Timber Forest Service Bui. 34. History of the Lumber Industry in the State of New York Forest Service Bui. 36. The Woodsman’s Handbook Farmers Bui. 173. A Primer of Forestry. Pt 1 The Forest Farmers Bui. 358. A Primer of Forestry. Pt 2 Practical Forestry Maps (free): Natural Forest Regions of North America (paper, 16" x 20") National Forests of the United States (paper, 21" x 33" or 5' x 7 O Material which may be had temporarily as loans: Photograph exhibit. A set of forty-four large, mounted photo¬ graphs, arranged in eleven series, four in each series, illustrating some special feature of forest work or forest conditions in the United States. Each series of four photographs is mounted on a strip of green denim cloth, with eyelets at the upper end for hanging on the 1 6 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK wall. The entire exhibit may be engaged for a short loan by any school willing to pay transportation charges. Lantern slides. The Forest Service has an extensive collection of lantern slides illustrating forestry and related subjects, from which sets may be loaned for short periods of time, on condition that the borrower pay transportation charges and assume the responsibility for loss or breakage. An outline of subjects of these slides will be sent on request. New York State Conservation Commission, Albany, N. Y. Bulletin i. Forestry and Forest Resources in New York. 1912 University of the State of New York, Division of Visual Instruction, Albany, N. Y. The Division of Visual Instruction has a complete and extensive collection of slides which may be loaned for short periods by the schools in the State. Complete lists will be sent upon application to this Division. The following list of sets of slides is of particular interest to teachers of vocational subjects: List 3: Iron and Steel. Eighty-four titles on mines and ores, general aspects of the industry, coke as fuel, pig iron, wrought iron, Bessemer process, open-hearth process, rolling mills, construction steel, foundry practice, physics and chemistry of the industry, ingots and their defects, sociology. List 21: Coal Mining. Forty-two titles on the Carboniferous age, coal veins, the mine, surface structures and operations, the breaker, homes of workmen, storage, transportation and map. List 22: Clay and Clay Products. Fifty-four titles on common brick, other practical clay products, china clay, processes of pottery making, aspects of pottery making in other lands, ancient pottery, some artistic articles of pottery, enamel ware. List 20: Salt. Eighteen titles on the solar process, general views of salt works, the grainer process, the vacuum pan process, putting up fine salt for market, rock salt, alkali products. List q: Natural and Artificial Ice. Nineteen titles on harvesting natural ice, a simple refrigerator, artificial ice (a) the ammonia cycle, (6) the water system, storage and map. List 23: Forestry and Lumbering. [In press]. About 70 titles on the forest, the lumber camp, felling, sawing and skidding, winter hauling, log driving, wood lots, lumber, other forest products, the tree nursery, tree planting, outside of New York State. List 5: Naval Stores. Fourteen titles on yellow pine forests, process of manufacture, sources and distribution of naval stores. VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 17 List 4: Maple Sugar. Seven titles on gathering sap and converting it into sugar and syrup. List iq: Panama Canal Zone and vicinity. Eighty titles on maps, Old Panama, Porto Bello, the French in Panama, sea-level approaches to the locks, excavations, slides, Chagres river, locks, Gatun lake and dam, other canals, sanitation of Canal Zone, life in the Canal Zone, laborers, local transportation facilities, Taboga island, the city of Panama, an American enterprise. There will be announced from time to time lists on other industries including cotton, sugar, wheat, slaughtering and meat packing, stone products, fisheries, fruit raising, transportation, etc. Science Allyn, L. B. Elementary Applied Chemistry. Ginn. 1912. 60c Black, N. H. & Davis, H. N. Practical Physics. Macmillan. 1913. $i.25n Blanchard, J. M. Household Chemistry. Allyn. 1912. 50c Clark, B. M. General Science. Am. Bk Co. 1912. 80c -Laboratory Manual in General Science. Am. Bk Co. 1912. 40c Conn, H. W. Bacteria, Yeast and Molds in the Home. Ginn. 1903. $in Dodd, M. E. Chemistry of the Household. Am. Sch. of Home Econ. 1907. $i.5on Hawkins, V. D. Applied Physics for Secondary Schools. Long¬ mans.- 1912. J>in Jordan, W. H. Principles of Human Nutrition. Macmillan. 1912. $1.75 Keene, E. S. Mechanics of the Household. E. S. Keene. 1913. Locke, E. A. Food Values. Appleton. 1911. $i.2sn Olney, L. A. Textile Chemistry and Dyeing. Am. Cor. Sch. 1909. $3 Olsen, J. C. Pure Foods. Ginn. 1911. 80c Richards, E. H. S. & Elliott, S. M. Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning. Whitcomb. 1907. $1 Russell, W. S. C. & Kelly, H. C. Laboratory Manual of First Year Science. Holt. 1907. 75c Sherman, H. C. Chemistry of Food and Nutrition. Macmillan. 1911. $1.50 Thorp, F. H. Outlines of Industrial Chemistry. Macmillan. 1898. $3.75 Vulte, H. T. Household Chemistry. H. T. Vulte. $1.25 Wing, H. H. Milk and Its Products. Macmillan. 1903. $1.50 13 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Pamphlets United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Bureau of Chemistry Bui. 13. Pt 6, Food and Food Adulterations Pt 7, Food and Food Adulterations Pt 10, Food and Food Adulterations Bureau of Chemistry Bui. 77. Olive Oil and Its Substitutes Bureau of Chemistry Bui. 80. Adulterated Drugs and Chemicals Bureau of Chemistry Bui. 84. Influence of Food Preservatives and Artificial Colors on Digestion and Health Pt 1, Boric Acid and Borax Pt 2, Salicylic Acid and Salicylates Pt 3, Sulphurous Acid and Sulphites Pt 4, Benzoic Acid and Benzoates Pt 5, Formaldehyde Bureau of Chemistry Bui. 100. Some Forms of Food Adulteration and Simple Methods for Their Detection Bureau of Chemistry Bui. 109. Some Technical Methods of Testing Miscellaneous Supplies, Including Paint, and Paint Materials, Inks, Lubricating Oils, Soaps Etc. Bureau of Chemistry Bui. 132. Report on Headache Mixtures Bureau of Chemistry Bui. 147. Coal Tar Colors Used in Food Products Bureau of Chemistry Bui. 151. Canning of Foods. Description of methods followed in commercial canning Bureau of Chemistry Cir. 25. Coloring Matters for Foodstuffs and Methods for Their Detection Bureau of Chemistry Cir. 34. Examination of Paper Bureau of Chemistry Cir. 54. Analyses of Canned Peas and Beans, Showing Composition of Different Grades Bureau of Chemistry Cir. 95. Methods for Detection of Small Quantities of Coumarin,Particularly in Factitious Vanilla Extracts Bureau of Chemistry Cir. 96. Measurement of Translucency of Papers Bureau of Chemistry Cir. 107. Detection of Faulty Sizing in High Grade Paper Bureau of Chemistry Cir. 113. The Quant’tative Separation and Determination of Subsidiary Dyes n Permitted Food Colors Farmers Bulletin 131. Detection of Oleomargarine in Renovated Butter Experiment Station Bui. 28. The Chemical Composition of American Food Materials VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 19 Bureau of An’mal Industry Bui. 203. A Method for the Deter mination of Starch in Meat Food Products Household management and economics Bruere, H. B. & R. W. Increasing Home Efficiency. Macmillan. 1912. $1.50 Clark, T. M*. The Care of a House. Macmillan. 1903. $1.50 Frederick, C. The New Housekeeping. Doubleday. 1913. $1.60 Haskins, C. W. How to Keep Household Accounts. Harper. 1903. $1 ‘ Kinne, Helen & Cooley, Anna M. Foods and Household Manage¬ ment. Macmillan. 1914. $1.10 Kittridge, M. H. Housekeeping Notes. Whitcomb. 1911. 80c Parloa, Marie. Home Economics. Century. 1906. $1.50 Richards, E. H. The Cost of Food. Wiley. 1901. $1 - The Cost of Living. Wiley. 1905. $1 ■-The Cost of Shelter. Wiley. 1905. $1 - The Cost of Cleanness. Wiley. 1908. $1 Richardson, B. J. The Woman Who Spends. Whitcomb. 1910. $in Salmon, L. M. Domestic Service. Macmillan. 1911. $2 Talbot, M. & Breckinridge, S. P. The Modern Household.. Whitcomb. 1912. $in Terrill, B. N. Household Management. Am. Sch. of Home Econ. 1910. $1.50 Hygiene and sanitation Allen, W. H. Civics and Health. Ginn. 1909. $1.25 Elliott, S. Marie. Household Hygiene. Am. Sch. of Home Econ. 1910. Si.50 Galbaith, Anna M. Personal Hygiene and Physical Training for Women. Saunders. 1911. $2 Hall, W. S. From Youth into Manhood. Assn. Press. 1909. 50c Jewett, F. G. & Gulick, C. E. Gulick Hygiene Series. Ginn Bk 1. Good Health. 1908. 40011 Bk 2. Emergencies. 1909. 50c Bk 3. Town and City. 1906. 5oen Bk 4. The Body at Work. 1909. 5ocn Bk 5. Control of Mind and Body. 1908. 50c 20 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Latimer, C. W. Girl and Woman. Appleton. 1910. $2 Price, G. M. Handbook on Sanitation. Wiley. 1905. $1.50 Pyle, W. L. Manual of Personal Hygiene. Whitcomb. 1910. $i.5on Talbot, M. House Sanitation. Whitcomb. 1912. 80c. Tolman, W. H. & Guthrie, A. W. Hygiene for the Worker. Am. Bk Co. 1912. 5ocn Woodworth, R. S. The Care of the Body. Macmillan. 1912. $1.50 Pamphlets New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell Read : ng Courses (free) Farm House Series No. 4. Rules for Cleaning Sanitation Series No. 1. Household Bacteriology Sanitation Series No. 2. Saving Strength Sanitation Series No. 3. Household Insects and Methods of Control United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Farmers Bui. 345. Some Common Disinfectants Farmers Bui. 375. Care of Food in the Home Farmers Bui. 377. Harmfulness of Headache Mixtures Farmers Bui. 393. Habit Forming Agents Farmers Bui. 413. Care of Milk and Its Use in the Home Farmers Bui. 459. House Flies Public Health Bub 42. Disinfectants Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Agr. Experiment Bui. The Care of Milk Experimental Station, Berkley, Cal. Bulletin No. 215 — The House Fly in Its Relation to Public Health. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, Agricultural Extension Depart¬ ment Short Course Class Notes 7. Personal Hygiene Short Course Class Notes 8. Practical Dietetics Short Course Class Notes 10. Caloric Value of Foods Short Course Class Notes 15. Public and Home Sanitation VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 21 Care and feeding of children Brom, D. R. Gibbs, W. S. 25c Greer, Edith. The Baby. Whitcomb. 1908. $1 Proper Feeding of the Family. Whitcomb. What Children Should Eat. Edith Greer. 25c Hogan, L. E. How to Feed Children. Lippincott. 1909. Holt, L. E. Care and Feeding of Children. Appleton. 75C Wheeler, M. The Baby, His Care and Training. Harper. $1 1911. 1911. $1 1909. 1901. Pamphlets United States Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. Bui. 3, 1909. The Daily Meals of School Children. C. L. Hunt, ioc New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell Reading Courses Food Series No. 1. The Care and Feeding of Children, Pt 1 Food Series No. 2. The Care and Feeding of Children, Pt 2 New York State Department of Health, Albany, N. Y. Monthly Bulletin, May 1912. Fundamental Principles in Infant Feeding Home nursing Aitkens, C. A. The Home Nurse’s Handbook of Practical Nurs¬ ing. Saunders. 1912. $1.50 Harrison, E. Home Nursing. Macmillan. 1900. $1 Lynch, C. Red Cross Text Book. Blakiston. 1908. $1 McDonald, L- Home Nursing. Macmillan. 1909. 80c Weeks-Shaw, C. S. Textbook of Nursing. Appleton. $1.75 Pamphlets Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, Agricultural Extension Depart¬ ment Short Unit Class Notes 6. Home Nursing 22 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Laundering Balderston, L. R. & Limerick, L. Laundry Manual. Winston. 1900. 50c Sheppard, J. L. Laundry Work. Whitcomb. 1909. 60c Pamphlets New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell Reading Courses Farm House Series No. 3. The Laundry Cooking Bever, I. & Van Meter, A. R. Selection and Preparation of Foods. Whitcomb. 1910. 75c Clark, I. H. Domestic Science. Little. 1911. $ 1.5cm Clarke, H. C. & Rulon, P. D. Cook Book of Left Overs. Harper. 1911. $1.10 Farmer, F. M. The Boston Cooking School Cook Book. Little.. 1909. $2 - A New Book of Cookery. Little. 1912. $1.60 -Food and Cooking for the Sick and Convalescent. Little. 1904. Si.50 Frich, Lilia. Basic Principles of Domestic Science. Muncie Normal Inst. 1913. $1.5° Green, O. What to Have for Breakfast. Putman. 1905. $in - Everyday Luncheons. Putman. 1906. $in - One Thousand Simple Soups. Putman. 1907. $in - How To Cook Fish. Putman. 1908. $in - How to Cook Meat and Poultry. Putman. 1908. $in - How to Cook Vegetables. Putman. 1909. $in - One Thousand Salads. Putman. 1909. $m - Every Day Desserts. Putman. 1911. $1 - Every Day Dinners. Putman. 1911. $1 Hill, J. M. Cooking for Two. Little. 1909. $ 1.5cm - Practical Cooking and Serving. Little. 1912. $i.5on James, A. L. Housekeeping for Two. Putman. 1909. $i.25n Jones, M. C. Lessons in Elementary Cooking. Whitcomb. 1912. • $1 Kinne, H. Equipment for Teaching Domestic Science. Whit¬ comb. 1911. 80c Knight, James. Food and Its Functions. Scribner. $1 VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 23 Lincoln, M. J. Boston School Kitchen Text Book. Little. 1909. $1 ■-The Boston Cook Book. Little. 1904. $2 Mitchell, M. J. The Fireless Cook Book. Doubleday. 1909. $1.25 Morris, J. Household Science and Art. Am. Bk Co. 1913. 6ocn Ronald, M. Century Cook Book. Century. 1909. $2 Williams, M. E. & Fisher, K. R. The Elements of the Theory and Practice of Cookery. Macmillan. 1911. $1 Charts Register of Foods. Shows by colors the elementary principles of over 100 foods. 13 J x 19 inches. Whitcomb. $in Pamphlets United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Farmers Bui. 34. Meats: Composition and Cooking Mushrooms as Food Fish as Food Beans, Peas and Other Legumes as Food Eggs and Their Uses as Food Principles of Nutrition and Nutritive Value Farmers Bui. 79. Farmers Bui. 85. Farmers Bui. 121. Farmers Bui. 128. Farmers Bui. 142. of Food Farmers Bui. 166. Farmers Bui. 182. Farmers Bui. 203. Farmers Bui. 249. Farmers Bui. 255. Farmers Bui. 256. Farmers Bui. 262. Farmers Bui. 293. Farmers Bui. 295. Farmers Bui. 298. Farmers Bui. 332. Farmers Bui. 342. Farmers Bui. 359. Farmers Bui. 363. Farmers Bui. 389. Farmers Bui. 391. Farmers Bui. 413. Cheese Making on the Farm Poultry as Food Canned Fruit, Preserves and Jellies Cereal Breakfast Foods The Home Vegetable Garden Preparation of Vegetables for the Table. Methods of Canning. Use of Fruit as Food Potatoes and Other Root Crops as Food Food Value of Corn and Corn Products Nuts and Their Uses as Food The Model Kitchen Canning Vegetables in the Home Use of Milk as Food Bread and Bread Making Economical Use of Meat in the Home Care of Milk and Its Uses in the Home 24 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Farmers Bui. 487. Cheese and Its Economical Use in the Diet Farmers Bui. 526. Mutton and Its Value in the Diet Farmers Bui. 535. Sugar and Its Value as Food Farmers Bui. 541. Farm Butter Making Experiment Station Bui. 185. Iron in Food and Its Functions in Nutrition Experiment Station Bui. 200. Course in Cereal Foods and Their Preparation Experiment Station Bui. 245. Course in the Use and Prepar¬ ation of Vegetables Experiment Station Cir. 46. Functions and Uses of Foods Experiment Station Cir. no. Food Customs and Diet in American Homes Food Charts. Composition of Food Materials Fifteen charts each about 23 by 18 inches. $1 a set. Contents: 1, Milk and Milk Products; 2, Eggs and Cheese; 3, Meat, Fresh and Cured; 4, Fish, Fish Products, and Oysters; 5, Butter and Other Fat-yielding Foods; 6, Cereal Grains; 7, Bread and Other Cereal Foods; 8, Sugar and Similar Foods; 9, Roots and Succulent Vegetables; 10, Legumes and Corn; 11, Fresh and Dried Fruits; 12, Fruit and Fruit Products; 13, Nuts and Nut Products; 14, Composition, Functions, and Uses of Food; 15, Dietary Standards. New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell Reading Courses Food Series No. 3. Principles of Jelly-making Food Series No. 4. The Preservation of Food in the Home (Pt l} . Food Series No. 5. The Preservation of Food in the Home (p t 2) _ Food Series No. 6. The Preservation of Food in the Home (pt 3) Food Series No. 7. Cost of Food Food Series No. 8. Rules for Planning the Family Dietary Food Series No. 9. The Box Luncheon Food Series No. 3 (vol. 3). Rice and Rice Cookery Dairying Series No. 2. Composition of Milk and Some of Its Products Dairying Series No. 4. Farm Buttermaking Farm House Series No. 5. Choice and Care of Utensils VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 25 Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, Agricultural extension depart¬ ment Short Course Class Notes No. 1. Demonstration — Bread Lesson Short Course Class Notes No. 2. Demonstration—■ Meats Short Course Class Notes No. 3. Demonstration — Vegetables Short Course Class Notes No. 4. Demonstration — Eggs and Milk Short Course Class Notes No. 5. Demonstration — Cereals and Other Starchy Foods Short Course Class Notes No. 8. Home Management Short Course Class Notes No. 9. Vegetables Short Course Class Notes No. 11. Company Supper Short Course Class Notes No. 12. Demonstration — Soups and Serving Short Course Class Notes No. 13. Demonstration — Cake Short Course Class Notes No. 14. Salads Short Course Class Notes No. 19. Entrees Short Course Class Notes No. 20. Every Day Meat Dishes Short Course Class Notes No. 21. Beverages Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., Extension department Bulletin entitled “ Some Points on Bread Making ” University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., Extension department Bui. 10. Some Points in the Making and Judging of Bread Bui. 32. Some Points to be Considered in Planning a Rational Diet Bui. 147. Market Classes and Grades of Meat Bui. 158. Relative Economy, Composition and Nutritive Value of the Various Cuts of Beef Serving Hill, J. M. The Up-to-date Waitress. Little. 1906. $i.5on Springstead, A. F. The Expert Waitress. Harper. 1911. $in Pamphlets Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, Agricultural extension department Home Economics Cir. No. 1. Planning and Serving Meals j 26 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Textiles Dooley, W. H. Textiles and Clothing. Heath. 1912. $1.1 on Gibbs, C. M. Household Textiles. Whitcomb. 1912. $i.2 5n Kinne, H. & Cooley, A. M. Shelter and Clothing. Macmillan. 1913. $1.1 on Watson, K. H. Textiles and Clothing. Am. Sch. of Home Econ. 1907. $1.50 Woolman, M. S. & McGowan, E. B. Textiles. Macmillan. 1913. $2n International Library of Technology. Int. Textbook Co. $5 ea. V. 76. Cotton pickers, Cards, Drawing, Rolls, Combers, Fly frames V. 77. Ring frames, Cotton mules, Twisters, Spoolers, Warpers, Slaskers V. 78. Yarns, Cloth rooms, Mill engineering, Reeling, Baling, Winding V. 79. Wool. Scouring, drying, burr picking, mixing, carding, spinning, warping V. 80. Cams, Fancy and automatic looms, Dobbies, Box motions, Leno attachments, Jacquards V. 81. Weave glossary, Fabric analysis, Weave varieties, Color designs Pamphlets United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Farmers Bui. 27. Flax for Seed and Fiber Cotton Seed and Its Products Raising Sheep The Angora Goat Silk Worm Culture The Cotton Seed Industry The Hemp Industry in the United States Flax Culture Sea Island Cotton The Growing of Long-staple Upland Cotton Principal Commercial Plant Fibers University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Bulletin: “ Some Points in Choosing Textiles ” Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa Bulletin: “ Textiles ” United States Department of Agriculture, department of plant industry, Washington, D. C. Exhibits: Specimens of cotton balls, seed, oil and cake Specimens of flax stalk and fiber of different grades Specimens of hemp fiber Specimens of combed ramie silver Specimens of jute fiber Specimens of nature’s needles and threads Farmers Bui. 36. Farmers Bui. 96. Farmers Bui. 137. Farmers Bui. 165. Farmers Bui. 239. Farmers Bui. 254. Farmers Bui. 274. Farmers Bui. 302. Farmers Bui. 314. Farmers Bui. 321. VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 27 New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell Reading Courses Household Textile Series No. 1. Hints on Choosing Textiles Dressmaking and sewing Browne, M. P. Dress Cutting, Drafting and French Pattern Modeling. Constable. 1902. 2sn Hapgood, O. C. School Needlework. Ginn. 75c Laughlin, C. E. The Complete Dressmaker. Appleton. 1907. $i. 25 n McKenna, Ed. The Woman’s Library of Needlework. Dutton. $1.50 Short, I. Practical Home Sewing and Dressmaking. Blackie. 1910. 3sn Woolman, M. S. A Sewing Course. Fernald. 1910. $1.5on Millinery Reeve, A. J. Practical Home Millinery. Longmans. 1912. 90c Yusuf, A. B. The Art of Millinery. Millinery Trade Pub. Co. 1909. $2 Practical Millinery Lessons. Millinery Trade Pub. Co. 1913. Si Embroidery Day, S. F. & Buckle, M. Art in Needlework. Scribner. 1908. $2n Klickman, F. Home Art Book of Fancy Stitchery. Stokes. 1913. 60c - Home Art Crochet Book. Stokes. 1913. 60c -Craft of the Crochet Hook. Stokes. 1913. 60c Sharp, M. Point and Pillow Lace. Dutton. 1899. $2 Townsend, W. G. & Pesel, L. F. Embroidery. Lane. 1899. Sin 28 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Pamphlets Bureau of Education, Manila, P. I. Bui. 34. Lace Making and Embroidery (Distributed by U. S. Bureau of Education) Bureau of Manufactures, Washington, D. C. Special Agent Series 20. Swiss Embroidery and Lace In¬ dustry Special Agent Series 23. Lace Industry in England and France Salesmanship Atkinson, W. W. The Psychology of Salesmanship. Progress Co. 1910. $1 Butler, E. B. Saleswomen in Mercantile Stores. Charities Pub. Co. 1912. 75c Corbion, W. A. The Principles of Salesmanship — Deportment and System. Jacobs. 1907. $in Ferris, E. E. Pete Crowther, Salesman. Doubleday. 1913. $1.10 Fowler, N. C. Practical Salesmanship. Little. 1911. $in Phillips, W. B. How Department Stores Are Carried on in America. Dodd. 1901. $1 Pierce, C. H. Scientific Salesmanship. Farnsworth. 1906. $1 Sheldon, A. F. The Art of Selling. Sheldon Press. 1911. $1.25 Vocational Bureau, Boston. The Department Store. Houghton Cabinetmaking and carpentry Kidder, F. E. Building Construction and Superintendence. Part 2, Carpenters’ Work. Comstock. 1910. $4 King, C. A. Elements of Woodworking and Construction. Am. Bk Co. 1913. 90C11 - Elements of Construction. Am. Bk Co. 1911. 7ocn - Constructive Carpentry. Am. Bk Co. 1912. 7ocn - Inside Finishing. Am. Bk Co. 1912. 8ocn - Hand Book in Woodworking and Carpentry for Teachers and Normal Schools. Am. Bk Co. 1911. $in Noyes, W. Handwork in Wood. Manual Arts Press. 1910. $2 Radford, W. A. Practical Carpentry. 2v. Radford Arch. Co. 1913. $2 VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 2 9 Rudd, J. H. Cabinet Making. Grand Rapids Furniture Record Co. 1913. $1.50 Townsend, G. Carpentry. Am. Cor. Sch. $1.50 Wells, P. A. & Hooper, J. Modern Cabinet Work, Furniture and Fitments. Manual Arts Press. 1909. $5 International Library of Technology. Int. Textbook Co. $5 ea. V. 30-B. Masonry, Carpentry, Joinery, Steel square V. 32-B. Building superintendence, Specifications, Estimating, Contracts and permits V. 33-B. Fireproofing, Stair building, Metal work, Roofing, Builders’ hard¬ ware and mill design Wood carving Hasluck, P. Wood-Carving. McKay. 1908. $2 Jack, G. T. Wood-Carving. Appleton. 1903. $1.40 Rowe, E. Practical Wood Carving. Lane. 1907. $3 Patternmaking, molding, forging Bacon, J. L. Forge Practice. Wiley. 1908. $i.5on Chase, I. M. The Art of Pattern Making. Wiley. 1909. $2.50 Palmer, R. H. Foundry Practice. Wiley. 1912. $2n Purfield, H. T. Wood Pattern Making. Manual Arts Press. 1911. $1.25 Ritchey, J. Pattern Making. Am. Cor. Sch. 1911. $1 Tate, J. M. & Stone, M. O. Foundry Practice. Wiley. 1909. $2 West, T. D. American Foundry Practice, nth ed. Wiley. $2.50 International Library of Technology. Int. Textbook Co. $sea. V. 3-B. Patternmaking, Molding, Core making, and Cupalo practice V. 4-C. Malleable castings, Brass founding, Blacksmithing, and Forging Bricklaying, concrete work Buel, A. W. & Hill, C. S. Reinforced Concrete. McGraw-Hill. 1906. $sn Davison, R. C. Concrete Pottery and Garden Furniture. Munn. 1910. $1.50 30 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Gilbreth, F. B. Bricklaying System. Clark. 1909. $3n Kidder, F. E. Building Construction and Superintendence. Pt 1, Mason’s Work. Comstock. 1909. $4 Lewis, M. H. & Chandler, A. H. Popular Handbook for Cement and Concrete Users. Henley. 1911. $2.50 Reid, H. A. Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Clark. 1907. $5 n Webb, W. L. & Gibson, W. H. Masonry and Reinforced Concrete. Am. Cor. Sch. $3 International Library of Technology. Int. Textbook Co. $5 ea. V. 107. Reinforced concrete, Design and practice, Specifications, Failures V. 108. Cement, Concrete, Stone and brick foundations Painting Brown, W. M. House Decoration and Painting. Van Nostrand. 1912. $i.5on Gardner, F. B. The Painters’Encyclopedia. Richardson. $1.50 Sabin, A. H. House Painting. Wiley. 1908. $1 - Industrial and Artistic Technology of Paint and Varnish. Wiley. 1904. $3 Zimmerman, W. The Art of Mordanting and Staining. The Arti-Stain Co. 1911. $3 739 Paint Questions Answered. Painters Magazine. 1904. $3 Plumbing Cosgrove, J. J. Plumbing Estimates and Contracts. Standard San. Mfg. Co. 1910. $3 - Plumbing Plans and Specifications. Standard San. Mfg. Co. 1910. $3 Hutton, Wm. Joint Wiping and Lead Work. Williams. 1912. 50c King, A. G. Practical Steam and Hot Water Heating. Henley. 1908- S3 Putman, J. P. Plumbing and Household Sanitation. Double¬ day. 1911. $3-75n Starbuck, R. M. Standard Practical Plumbing. Munn. 1910 S3 VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 3 E International Library of Technology. Int. Textbook Co. $sea. V. 71. Gas supply, Plumbing materials, Plumbing work and fixtures V. 72. Drawing, Sewerage, Water supply, Plumbing plans and inspection V. 73. Pipes and fittings, Boilers, Principles of heating and ventilating V. 74. Pipe work. Steam, Hot water, and Central station heating V. 75. Hot air heating, Blower systems, Heating specifications, Power plants Sheet Metal Work Atkins, E. A. Practical Sheet and Plate Metal Work. Macmillan. . 1912. $2 International Library of Technology. Int. Textbook Co. $5 V. 10. Sheet Metal Pattern Book Electricity Adams, J. H. Harper’s Electricity Book for Boys. Harper. 1907. $1.75 Ashe, S. W. Electricity Experimentally and Practically Applied. Van Nostrand. 1910. $211 Bauder, E. Electrical Diagrams. Phila. Trade Sch. 1912. Collins, A. F. Design and Construction of Induction Coils. Munn. 1909. $3 Esty, W. Alternating-Current Machinery. Am. Cor. Sch. i9 12 - fe Foster, H. A. Electrical Engineers’ Pocket Book. Van Nostrand. i9 10 - $5 Harrison, N. Electric Wiring, Diagrams and Switchboards. Henley. 1906. $1.50 Houston, E. J. Electrician’s Dictionary. Pocket ed. McGraw- Hill. 1908. $2.50 Jackson, D. C. & Jackson, J. P. Elementary Electricity and Magnetism. Macmillan. 1902. $i.4on James, W. H. D. & Sands, D. L. Elementary Electrical Calcula¬ tions. Longmans. 1905. $i.2 5n Knox, C. E. & Shaad, G. C. Electric Wiring and Lighting. Am. Cor. Sch. 1913. $1 Miller, K. B. & McMeen, S. G. Telephony. Am. Cor. Sch. 1912. $4 Millikan, R. A., Sager, L. K., Crocker, F. B. & Mills, J. Practical Lessons in Electricity. Am. Cor. Sch. $1.50 32 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Poole, C. P. Diagrams of Electrical Connections. McGraw- Hill. 1907. $211 Poppe, T. W. House Wiring. Henley. 1912. 50c Swoope, C. W. Practical Electricity. Van Nostrand. 1910. $2n Timbie, W. H. Elements of Electricity. Wiley. 1911. $2n International Library of Technology. Int. Textbook Co. $sea. V. 11-B. Electricity, Magnetism, Batteries and electric measurements V. 12-B. Design of dynamos and motors, Alternating currents V. 13-C. Alternating currents, Transmission of electricity V. 14-C. Storage batteries, Lighting, Interior wiring, Signs, Heating V. 62-B. Electric railways, Efficiency tests, Converters Machine shop Colvin, F. H. & Stanley, F. O. Machine Shop Primer. McGraw- Hill. 1910. $in -- American Machinist’s Handbook. McGraw. * 1908. S3 Golding, H. A. Engineers’ and Machinists’ Hand Book. Fenno. 1908. $1.50 Halsey, F. A. Handbook. McGraw-Hill. 1913. $5 Kaup, W. J. Machine Shop Practice. Wiley. 1911. $i.2 5n Kent, William. Mechanical Engineer’s Hand Book. Wiley. 1910. $5 Leonard, W. S. Machine Shop Tools and Methods. 6th ed. Wiley. 1913. $4 Markham, E. R. Tool Making. Am. Cor. Sch. 1908. $1.50 Moore, S. H. Mechanical Engineering and Machine Shop Practice. McGraw-Hill. 1908. $4n Richards, F. Questions and Answers from the American Ma¬ chinist. McGraw-Hill. 1913. $1.5 on Smith, R. H. Textbook of the Elements of Machine Work. Ind. Ed. Book Co. 1910. $2n - Textbook of the Principles of Machine Work. Ind. Ed. Book Co. 1910. $311 Turner, F. W. & Perrigo, O. E. Machine Shop Work. Am. Cor. Sch. 1913. $1.50 Woodworth, J. V. Grinding and Lapping. Hill Pub. Co. 1907. $2n - American Tool-making and Interchangeable Parts. Hill Pub. Co. 1911. $2 Complete set of “ Machinery’s ” reference books. 25c ea. VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 33 Brown & Sharp. Handbook for Apprenticed Machinists. Brown & Sharp. 1907. 50c - Formulas in Gearing. Brown & Sharp. 1907. $1.50 - Practical Treatise on Gearing. Brown & Sharp. 1907. $1 The Mechanic’s Handbook. Int. Textbook Co. 1913. 50c Power plant operation Kent, William. Mechanical Engineers’ Pocketbook. Wiley. 1912 . $5 Shealy, E, M. Steam Boilers. McGraw-Hill. 1912. $2.50 International Library of Technology. V. 7, 8, n, 13. Int. Textbook Co. $5 ea. Engines—gas and gasoline Hiscox, G. D. Gas, Gasoline and Oil Engines. Henley. 1911. $2.50 Page, V. W. Modern Gasoline Automobile. Henley. 1912. $2.50 Roberts, E. W. Gas Engine Handbook. Gas Engine Pub. Co. 1903. $1.50 Robson, P. W. Power Gas Producers. Longmans. 1908. $3n Stone, C. H. H. Practical Testing of Gas and Gas Meters. Wiley. 1909. $3.5on Thurston, R. H. History of the Growth of the Steam Engine. Appleton. 1904. $2.50 Whitman, R. B. Gas Engine Principles. Appleton. 1912. $i-5° n Printing Bigelow, M. T. Punctuation and Other Typographical Matters. Lathrop. 1909. 50c Bishop, H. G. The Practical Printer. H. G. Bishop. $1 DeVinne, T. L. The Practice of Typography. Century. $2n ea. V. 1. Plain Printing Types. 1900 V. 2. Modern Book Composition. 1901 V. 3. Title Pages. 1902 V. 4. Correct Composition. 1904 34 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Gage, F. W. Modern Presswork. Inland Printer. 1909. $2 Gress, E. G. American Handbook of Printing. Oswald Pub. Co. 1907. $2 Hitchcock, F. H. ed. The Building of a Book. F. A. Hitchcock. 1906. $211 McClellan, G. E. Practical Typography. Manual Arts Press. 1913. $1.50 Parsons, F. A. Principles of Advertising Arrangement. Prang. 1912. $2 Smith, A. M. Printing and Writing Materials. A. M. Smith. 1911. $1.30 - Proofreading and Punctuation. A. M. Smith. 1905. $1.10 Stewart, A. A. The Printer’s Dictionary. School of Printing, North End Union, Boston. 1912. $2 Trezise, F. J. The Typography of Advertisements. Inland Printer. 1912. $2 American Manual of Presswork. Oswald Pub. Co. 1907. $4 Lectures to Printers’ Apprentices. School of Printing, North End Union, Boston Manual of Style. Chicago Union Press. 1910. $1 Printing and Bookbinding. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. 1912. $1 International Library of Technology. Int. Textbook Co. $5ea. V. 60-B. Copy for advertisements, Type, Layouts, Proofreading V. 61 -B. Advertisement display, Mediums, Retail management Safety Law, F. E. & Newell, William. The Prevention of Industrial Accidents. Fidelity & Casualty Co., N. Y. 1909. 25c Van Schaack, D. Woodworking Safeguards. Aetna Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. $1 Pamphlets United States Steel Corporation, Bureau of Safety, Relief, Sani¬ tation and Welfare, New York City Bureau of Labor. Report on Conditions of Employment in the Iron and Steel Industry of the United States. V. 4, Acci¬ dents and Accident Prevention, 1913. U. S. Com’r of Labor, Washington, D. C. Bulletin 1, October T910 Bulletin 2, July 1911 Bulletin 3, August 1912 VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 35 Aetna Life Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. Bulletin. Emergency — “ What to Do — What Not to Do Industrial Commission of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Safety Orders Industrial Accidents General Orders on Sanitation General Orders on Elevators General Orders on Safety and Sanitation Jointer Accidents and Their Prevention Shop Organization for Safety Eye Injuries and Their Prevention Metal Burns and Their Prevention Falls of Workmen and Their Prevention V. I, no. 1. V. I, no. 3 - V. 2, no. 1. V. 2, no. 2. V. 2, no. 3 - Laundries V. 2, no. 4 - V. O ** y no. 5 - V. 2, no. 7 ■ V. 2, no. 8. V. 2, no. 10. m The following bulletins may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.: Labor Bureau Bulletin 44, containing Factory Sanitation and Labor Protection Geological Survey Bulletin 333. Coal Mine Accidents — Cause and Prevention MAGAZINES General Craftsman, The. Monthly. Craftsman Publishing Co., 41 W. 34th st., New York City. $3 Journal of Home Economics. 5 issues. Roland Park Branch, Baltimore, Md. $2 Manual Training Magazine. Bimonthly during school year. Manual Arts Press, Peoria, Ill. $1.50 Scientific American. Weekly. Munn & Co., 361 Broadway, New York City. $3 Scientific American Supplement. Weekly. Munn & Co., 361 Broadway. New York City. $5 Vocational Education. Bimonthly during school year. Manual Arts Press, Peoria, III. $1.50 Industrial Arts Magazine. Monthly. Bruce Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. $1.50 36 • THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Architecture American Architect, The. Weekly. 50 Union sq., New York City. $10 Architecture. Monthly. Forbes & Co., 527 Fifth av., New York City. $5 Architecture and Building. Monthly. William T. Comstock Co., 23 Warren st., New York City. $2 Architectural Record, The. Monthly. 11 E. 24th st., New York City. $3 Architectural Review, The. Monthly. Bates & Guild Co., 144 Congress st., Boston, Mass. $5 Art Arts and Decoration. Monthly. Adam Budge Pub., 39 W. 32d st., New York City. $2 House Beautiful, The. Monthly. 315 Fourth av., New York City. $3 * House and Garden. Monthly. McBride, Nash & Co., 31 E. 17th st., New York City. $3 School Arts Magazine. Monthly (except July and August). School Arts Pub. Co., 120 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. $2 Cooking Boston Cooking School Magazine. Monthly (except July and August). 372 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. $1 Good Housekeeping Magazine. Monthly. Phelps Pub. Co., 381 Fourth av., New York City. $1.50 National Food Magazine. Monthly. 45 W. 34th st., New York City. $1 Table Talk. Monthly. Arthur H. Crist Co., Cooperstown, N. Y. $1 Dressmaking American Modiste. Quarterly. 453 W. Van Buren st., Chicago, Ill. $1.50 Bon Ton. Monthly. Royal Pattern Co., 174 Fifth av., New York City. $3.50 Criterion of Fashion. Monthly. 615 W. 43d st., New York City. 50c Delineator. Monthly. Butterick Pub. Co., New York City. $1.50 VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 37 Designer. Monthly. Standard Fashion Co., 12 Vandam st., New York City. 50c Elite. Monthly. Elite Styles Co., 54 W. 23d st., New York City. $1.50 L’Art de la Mode. Monthly. Morse Broughton Co., 8-14 W. 39th st., New York City. $3.50 Ladies Home Journal. Monthly. Curtis Pub. Co., Independence sq., Philadelphia, Pa. $1.50 Le Costume Royal. Monthly. 285 Fifth av., New York City. S 3 .5° Modern Priscilla. Monthly. Priscilla Pub. Co., 120 Bovlston st., Boston, Mass. 50c Vogue. Semimonthly. 443 Fourth av., New York City. $4 Millinery Illustrated Milliner. Monthly. 656 Broadway, New York City. $4 The Milliner. Monthly. 215 S. Market st., Chicago, Ill. $2 Milliner Trade Review. Monthly. 13 Astor ph, New York City. $2 Embroidery Home Needlework Magazine. Bimonthly. Florence Pub. Co., Florence, Mass. 75c Textiles Posselt’s Textile Journal. Monthly. 2159 N. 21st st., Philadel¬ phia, Pa. $2 American Silk Journal. Monthly. Clifford & Lawton Pub., 1 E. 28th st., New York City. $2 Woodworking American Carpenter and Builder. Monthly. 178 W. Jackson blvd., Chicago, Ill. $2 Furniture Magazine. Quarterly. Grand Rapids Furniture Record Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. $1 Furniture, Manufacturer and Artisan. Monthly. Grand Rapids Furniture Record Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. $1 National Builder. Monthly. 537 S. Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. $1.50 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 38 Wood Craft. Monthly. Cardner Printing Co., Caxton bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. $1 Bricklaying and concrete work Brickbuilder and Architectural Monthly. Rogers & Manson. 85 Water st., Boston, Mass. $5 Concrete and Cement Age. Monthly. 97 Fort st. W., Detroit, Mich. $1 Metalworking American Blacksmith. Monthly. American Blacksmith Co., New Sidway bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. $1 American Machinist. Weekly. Hill Pub. Co., 505 Pearl st., New York City. $4 Foundry. Monthly. Penton Pub. Co., Penton bldg., Cleve¬ land, O. $1 Machinery. Railway ed. Monthly. Industrial Press, 49-55 Lafayette st., New York City. $2 Shop ed. Monthly. Industrial Press, 49-55 Lafayette st., New York City. $1 Plumbing Merchant, Plumber and Fitter. Semimonthly. 200 Fifth av., New York City. $1 Metal Worker, Plumber and Steam Fitter. Weekly. David Williams Co., 239 W. 29th st., New York City. $2 Plumbers Trade Journal. Semimonthly. 45 W. 34th st., New York City. $1 Electrical Electrical 'World. Weekly. McGraw Pub. Co., 239 W. 39th st., New York City. $3 Electric Journal. Monthly. A. H. Mclntire, 200 9th st., Pitts¬ burgh, Pa. $1.50 Printing American Printer. Monthly. Oswald Pub. Co., 25 City Hall pi., New York City. $3 Graphic Arts. Monthly. S5 Broad st., Boston, Mass. S3 Inland Printer. Monthly. 632 S. Sherman st., Chicago, Ill. $3 Printing Art. Monthly. Univ. Press, Nulting pl. f Cambridge, Mass. $3 VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 39 School publications Artisan, The. State Trade School, Bridgeport, Conn. Apprenticeship Bulletin. School of Printing, North End Union, Boston, Mass. Apprentice Printer, The. U. T. F. C. A., School of Printing, Indianapolis, Ind. Ben Franklinite. School of Printing, Michigan and Tupper Streets, Buffalo, N. Y. Industry. Newton Independent Industrial School, Newton, Mass. North Star. The North Elementary Industrial School, Pittsburgh, Pa. Occasional Suggestions. Worcester Trade Schools, Worcester, Mass. Right Angle. Rochester Shop School, Rochester, N. Y. Southern Workman. Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Hampton, Va. Vocationist. Vocational Department, State Normal School, Oswego, N. Y. Worker. Boys Industrial School, Newark, N. J. LIST OF PUBLISHERS Aetna Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn. Allyn & Bacon, 172 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. American Book Company, 100 Washington sq., E., New York City. American School of Correspondence, 58th st. and Drexel av., Chicago, Ill. American School of Home Economics, 506 W. 69th st., Chicago, Ill. D. Appleton & Company, 29 W. 32d st., New York City. Arti-Stain Company, 147 Columbus av., Boston, Mass. Association Press, 124 E. 28th st., New York City. Atkinson, Mentzer Company, 318 W. Washington st., Chicago, Ill. H. C. Baird & Company, 810 Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. A. S. Barnes Company, 381 Fourth av., New York City. F. D. Beatty Company, 393-99 Lafayette st., New York City. H. G. Bishop, Oneonta, N. Y. Blackie & Son, 16 Stanhope st., Glasgow, Scotland. P. Blakiston Sons & Company, 1012 Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Cassell & Company, 43 E. 19th st., New York City. Century Company, 33 E. 17th st., New York City. Charities Publishing Company, 105 E. 22d st., New York City. C. M. Clark Publishing Company, 211 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. ) 40 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Clifford & Lawton, i E. 28th st., New York City. Constable & Company (E. P. Dutton Company, American agent). W. T. Comstock Company, 23 Warren st., New York City. Dodd, Mead & Company, 443 Fourth av., New York City. Dodge Publishing Company, 214 E. 23d st., New York City. Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City, N. Y. Duffield & Company, 36 W. 37th st., New York City. E. P. Dutton Company, 681 Fifth av., New York City. Estes, Dana & Company, 208 Summer st., Boston, Mass. Farnsworth Publishing Company, 215 W. 23d st., New York City. R. F. Fenno & Company, 18 E. 17th st., New York City. F. A. Fernald Company, 1141 12th st., N. W., Washington, D. C. A. Flannigan Company, 521 S. Wabash av., Chicago, Ill. Gas Engine Publishing Company, 229 E. 7th st., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ginn & Company, 29 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Edith Greer, Southwest Harbor, Me. Harper & Brothers, Franklin sq., New York City. D. C. Heath & Company, 120 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. N. W. Henley Publishing Company, 132 Nassau st., New York City. Hill Publishing Company. See McGraw-Hill Book Company. Henry Holt & Company, 34 W. 33d st., New York City. Houghton Mifflin Company, 4 Park st., Boston, Mass. Industrial Education Book Company, Boston, Mass. Industrial Press, 49 Lafayette st., New York City. Inland Printer Company, 623 Sherman st., Chicago, Ill. International Textbook Company, Scranton, Pa. Jacobs Company, Washington sq., Philadelphia, Pa. E. S. Keene, Agricultural College, N. D. John Lane Company, 116 W. 32d st., New York City. J. B. Lippincott Company, Washington sq., Philadelphia, Pa. Little, Brown & Company, 34 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Longmans, Green & Company, 443 Fourth av., New York City. Lothrop, Lee & Sheppard, 93 Federal st., Boston, Mass. The Macmillan Company, 66 Fifth av., New York City. McBride, Nast & Company, 31 E. 17th st., New York City. H. C. McClurg & Company, 330 E. Ohio st., Chicago, Ill. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 230 W. 39th st., New York City. David McKay, 604 Washington sq., Philadelphia, Pa. Manual Arts Press, Peoria, Ill. Millinery Trade Publishing Company, 1182 Broadway, New York City. Muncie Normal Institute, Muncie, Ind. VOCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 41 Munn & Company, 361 Broadway, New York City. Oswald Publishing Company, 25 City Hall pi., New York City. Pittsburgh Survey, published by Charities Publishing Co., 105 E. 22d st., New York City. Prang Education Co., 1 W. 34th st., New York City. Printers Publishing Company, Oklahoma City, Okla. Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. Progress Company, 515 Rand McNally bldg., Chicago, Ill. G. P. Putnam & Sons, 2 W. 45th st., New York City. Radford Architectural Company, 178 Fulton, st., New York City. Rand-McNally Company, 42 E. 22d st., New York City. Redfield Brothers, 311 W. 42d st., New York City. M. T. Richardson Company, 27 Park pi., New York City. W. B. Saunders Company, 925 Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. School of Printing, North End Union, Boston, Mass. Scott, Foresman & Company, 623 S. Wabash av., Chicago, Ill. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 599 Fifth av., New York City. Silver, Burdett & Company, 239 W. 39th st.. New York City. Shelden University Press, Libertyville, Ill. A. M. Smith, c /o The John C. Winston Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. Frederick A. Stokes, 443 Fourth av., New York City. Taylor Holden Company, Springfield, Mass. University of Chicago Press, 58th st. and Ellis av., Chicago, Ill. University Press, Manchester, England. Valte, 525 W. 120th st., New York City. D. Van Nostrand Company, 25 Park pi., New York City. Whitcomb & Barrows, Huntington Chambers, Boston, Mass. John C. Winston Company, 1006 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa. John Wiley & Sons, 432 Fourth av., New York City. David Williams Company, 239 W. 29th st., New York City.