TWO TOGETHER- A, (a- a) .. A SLUMBER SONG (Two Keys) BALLADE— G, ,(c!,-f) A child’s GRACE- Eb, (bb-et) . A FRAGMENT - C , (ab-c ) . . . . MuOVED A LASS— D,(b-e) ... IN A GONDOLA- A,(a-e) I PUOt-ISHCD BY Gamble Hinged MusicCo. CHI CAGO. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 I Loved a Lass I loved a lass^ a fair one^ As fair as e’er was seen-, She was indeed a rare one, Another Sheba Queen: But, fool as then I was, I thoug*ht she loved me too; But now, alas! she’s left me, Falero, lero, loo! Her hair like g*old did g-lister. Each eye was like a star. She did surpass her sister, Which passed all others far,* She would me honey call, She’d-© She’d kiss me too! But now, alas! she’s left me, Falero, lero, loo! In summer time or winter She had her heart’s desirej I still did scorn to stint her From sug-ar, sack, or firej The world went round about. No cares we ever knew; But now, alas! she’s left me, Falero, lero, loo! To maiden’s vows and swearing- Henceforth no credit g’ivej You may g-ive them the hearing-. But never them beleive3 They are as false as fair. Unconstant, frail, untrue-. For mine, alas! hath left me, Falero, lero, loo. George Wither 1588 - 1667 4 To Madame Jecmne Jomelli I Loved a Lass Allegro (' Jocosely) J j ^ j =^= =^=f { seen: She w as p « in - deed a rare one, m 1 An - s ;tar, She did sur-pass her sis ter, Which i sire: I still ■ did scorn to stint her From ffive: You mav give them E4i3 the hear ing. But y r - 4: f 4 m= g L::. f=L_ . ■ E.* y. 9- * ► • »■ * / H r. . 1 • • M Copyright MOM XI by The Gamble Hinged Music Go. fChicagOjIll. International copyright secured S I F 5 . O ’Fa^v'C.^ ArO ■•'14 S r-0At^ vL/v fivuvA g ru/u’tiy . h b L 1 ^ • n j II 7^ 7— T f ^ n rr^ i ^ . «^»ti ^ — • 1 1 1 1 1. ^ H eft m eft mi eft m eft mi — ziri e, Fa-le-ro, le - r e, Fa-le-ro, le - r e, Fa - le-ro, le - r e, Fa - le -ro, le - r r • 0, loo! 0, loo! 0, loo! 0, loo! Jf L-^ L - J ■ ^ g ^ ft ^ - L ■ ■ d * ■ - ■■!- -^i*1 # « - >11/ £ ^ uwr. __ _^ ^ X C r -fi iTJsi'UC- a^Tf- « ^ «■ J hs 1 n 1 *i» Bii 11 k 7 r 7 - I. Loved a Lass r 2 5M8 PUBLISHED BY QAMBLK HINOED MUSIC CO., Chicago, 111. To Mme Johanna Oadski In The Treetops High Elizabeth K.R^iolds Edwin Schneider hl)fh « voice 1 heer Tig the wind ell dear. And the wind aingv Two Keys D**, c to e; Low Copyrljfht, MCMXI, by Gamble HinjredMusio Co.^ Chieaffo, 111. International Copyrlg'bt secured’ ’