Sntuana Jstfate Etbrarp BOOKS IN EMBOSSED TYPE W. E. HENRY, State Librarian. _ /• JANUARY, 1906 i'brartj O 'Xl' & ^ Indiana §>tate library BOOKS IN EMBOSSED TYPE JANUARY, 1906 The collection of books in embossed type in the State Library being as complete as it can be made at present, this list is issued to apprise the blind people of the State of its scope. Any assistance in bringing this library to the attention of those for whom it is intended will be duly appreciated both by these persons and the State Library. We quote below in full the order of the Postmaster-General governing the transmission through the mails of books in embossed print, and we trust each interested person may read it carefully, as it is the best guide to the proper preparation of books for shipment. Books in embossed print will be carried through the mails free under proper label, which will always be furnished by the State Library, but when mail is delivered by a walking carrier these books can not be deliv¬ ered, but notice will be sent the party to call at the local office for the ; book. In the city of Indianapolis, borrowers will send directly to the State Library for the books, and return them to the State Library, as nothing would be gained by sending them to ihe postoffice. ORDER OF THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL. Office of the Postmaster-General, Washington, D. C., June 2, 1904. Order No. 541. Chapter 2, Title III, of the Postal Laws and Regulations is hereby amended by the addition of the following subdivision: H READING MATTER FOR THE BLIND. Sec. 518J. Books, pamphlets, and other reading matter in raised characters, for the use of the blind, whether prepared by hand or printed, in single volumes, not exceeding ten pounds in weight, or in packages not exceeding four pounds in weight, and containing no advertising or other matter whatever, unsealed, and when sent by public institutions for the blind, or by any public libraries, as a loan to blind readers, or when re¬ turned by the latter to such institutions or public libraries, shall be trans¬ mitted in the United States mails free of postage, and under such regula¬ tions as the Postmaster-General may prescribe. 2 2 . Reading matter in raised characters for the use of the blind, to be entitled to transmission in the mails free of postage, must not contain any advertising or other matter whatever, and must in every case be sent by or returned to a public library or public institution for the blind. 3. When mailed by a public library or public institution for the blind, the matter must be sent as a loan to a blind reader. When mailed for return to a public library or public institution for the blind, the sender must be a blind reader. 4. The matter must be wrapped so that it may be easily examined. 5. No package is to weigh more than four pounds, except in case of a single volume, and it must not exceed ten pounds in weight. 6. On the upper left hand corner of the envelope or wrapper contain¬ ing the matter the name and address of the sender must appear, and on the upper right hand corner the word “Free” over the words “Reading Matter for the Blind.” Note.— Letters written in point print or raised characters used by the blind are not included in the reading matter entitled, under the provisions of this section, to free transmission in the mails. H. C. PAYNE, Postmaster-General. (See U. S. Official Postal Guide, 1905, p. 996.) RULES FOR LENDING BOOKS IN EMBOSSED PRINT. 1. Any blind person in the State may borrow from the State Library any book in embossed print belonging to the State Library without any cost whatever. 2. Each borrower must sign a registration card, which will be fur¬ nished by the State Library, the same to be signed also by some responsi¬ ble person, who will make good any loss incurred by the State in lending books to said applicant. 3. Any book may be retained by a borrower for a period of one month, at the end of which time the loan may be renewed for an addi¬ tional month at the request of the borrower, provided that the same book has not been called for by another borrower in the meantime. 4. All books must be returned when due unless a renewal request is sent before the date of return. 5. Any violation of any of these rules will necessitate the with¬ drawal of the borrowing privilege from the person violating the same. SUGGESTIONS TO BORROWERS. Please indicate on the registration card the kinds of embossed type that you can read. For your own convenience, make more than one selection when in¬ quiring for books. In returning books be sure to use the same wrappings in which they were sent, and attach the label which will be found in the book pocket in the back of every book loaned. BOOK LIST (210 of these volumes have been donated by the blind people of the State.) Addison, Joseph. Selections from the Spectator. 1895. (New York point) 824 A 225s Sir Roger de Coverley. 1895. (New York point) 824 A225r Aesopus. Fables. 1884. (Line type) 888 A 254 Agassiz, Louis Jean Rodolphe and Gould, Augustus Addison. Principles of zoology. 1878. (Line type) 590 A 262p | Allen, Edward Ellis.] Laura Bridgman, n. d. (American Braille) 920.7 B 852 American prose, v. 1. 1881. (Line type) 810.8 A 512 Anderson, J. J. Grammar school history of U. S. 1872. (Line type) 973 A 547 Arnold, Matthew. Sohrab and Rustum. 1896. (New York point) 821 A 757 Bacon, Francis, viscount St. Albans. Es¬ says. 1888. (Line type) 2 copies. 824 B 128 Bailey, Edmund Alton. Among the law¬ makers. 2v. 1889. (Line type) 2 copies. 328 B 154 Barnes, Mrs. Mary Downing Sheldon. General history, v. 2. 1890. (New York point) 909 B 261 Baxter, Richard. Call to the unconverted. 1836. (Line type) 264.6 B 355 Bernard de Morlaix. Celestial country. 1870. (Line type) .841 B 522 Bible. Holy Bible, v. 1-6. 1888. (Line type) 220 B 582 Bible—New Testament. New Testament. 2v. 1887. (Line type) 225 B 582n Bible—Old Testament—Psalms. Book of Psalms. 1850. (Line type) 2 copies. 223 B 582 Blaserna, Pietro. Theory of sound in its relation to music. 1877. (Line type) 534.3 B 644 Book of arithmetical examples. Ed. 2. 1880. (Line type) 511 B 724 Brewer, David J. Supreme court of U. S. n. d. (American Braille) 345 B 847 Brooke, Stopford. English literature. 1876. 820.9 B 872 —Same. Ed. 2. 1884. (Line type) 820.9 ' B 8722 Brown, Helen Dawes. Little Miss Phoebe Gay. 1901. (New York point) 813 B 878 1 Browning, Robert. Saul, and other poems. 1902. (New York point) 821 B 885 Bryant, William Cullen. Sella, Thana- topsis, and seventy-five other poems. 1882. (Line type) 811 B915s Thanatopsis and other poems. 1896. (New York point) 811 B915t Bryce, James. William Ewart Gladstone. 1901. (New York point) 923 G 543b Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s progress. 2v. 1884. (cop. 1—Line type. cop. 2— New York point) 823 B 942 Burke, Edmund. Conciliation with the American colonies. 1898. (New York point) 304 B 959 Burns, Robert. Selections from the poems of. 1883. (Line type) 2 copies. 821 B 967 Burroughs, John. Birds and bees. 1898. (New York point) 504 B 972b Sharp eyes. 1898. (New York point) 504 B 972s Butler, Noble. Practical and critical grammar. 2v. 1877. (Line type) 425 B 986 Buy your own cherries. 1870. (Line type) 178 B 992 Byron, George Gordon Noel. Prisoner of Chillon. 1896. (New York point) 82T B 996 Carlyle, Thomas. On heroes, hero-wor¬ ship and the heroic in history. 2v. 1889. (New York point) 824 C 286h Castelar, Emilio. Chapters from old Rome and new Italy. 1886. (Line type) 2 copies. 914.5 C 358 Chambers, Henry E. School history of U. S. 1888. (Line type) 973 C 444 Clark, J. Scott, ed. Early English bal¬ lads. 1896. (New York point) 821 C 593 - 3 - 4 Colburn, Warren. Principles of arithme¬ tic. 1841. (Line type) 511 C 685 Combe, William. Essay on the constitu¬ tion of man. (Line type) 130 C 729 Crawford, Francis Marion. Via crucis. 2v. 1901. (New York point) 813 C 899 Cyrus W. Field. 1898. (American Braille) 926 F 453 Dana, James D. Geological story. 1881. (Line type) 550 D 168 Daniel Webster. 1898. (American Braille) 923 W 377 Dante, Alighieri. Inferno. 1896. (New York point) 851 D 192 Davis, Richard Harding. Bar sinister. 1904. (New York point) 813 D263 Dictionary of the English language. 3v. 1885. (Line type) 423 D 554 Dodd, William. Life and beauties of Shakespeare. 1870. (Line type) 2 copies. 928 S 527d Drummond, Henry. Natural law in the spiritual world. 2v. 1890. (Line type) 210 D 795 Eli Whitney. 1898. (American Braille) 926 W 619 Eliot, George (pseud, of Mary Ann Evans Lewes Cross). Silas Marner. 1905. (New York point) 823 E 42 Ely, Richard Theodore. Outlines of eco¬ nomics. 2v. 1894. (New York point) 330 E 52 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. American scholar. 1896. (New York point) 814 E 53a Four essays. 1895. (American Braille) 814 E 53f Representative men. 1901. (New York point) 814 E 53r Fiske, John. Civil government in the U. S. 2v. 1892. (New York point) 342 F 541 Critical period of American history. 2v. 1901. (New York point) 973.3 F 541 Fortescue, Walter S. Condensed etymol¬ ogy. 1871. (Line type) 422 F738 Fouque, Friederiek, Baron de la Motte. Undine. 1883. (New York point) 833 F 772u Franklin, Benjamin. iVutobiography. 1897. (New York point)' 923 F 831 Gay, John. Fables. 1869. (Line type) 828 G 285 George Stephenson. 1898. (American Braille) 926 S 836 Biddings, Franklin Henry. Elements of sociology. 2v. 1903. (New York point) ‘ 302 G 453 Gilman, Arthur. Story of the Saracens. 2v. 1892. (Line type) 953 G 487 Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson. Bat¬ tle-ground. 2v. 1903. (New York point) 813 G 548 Goldsmith, Oliver. Deserted village. 1895. (New York point) 821 G 624d Select poems. 1882. (Line type) 2 copies. 822* G 624 She stoops to conquer. 1882. (Line type) 2 copies. 822 G 624 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. Peter Par¬ ley’s common school history. 3v. 1849. (Line type) (vol. 1, 3 want¬ ing.) 909 G 655 Grahame, Kenneth. Golden age. 1905. (New York point) 823 G 742g Gray, Thomas. Elegy in a country church yard. 1896. (,New York point) 821 G 782e Green, John Richard. Puritan England. 2v. 1897. (American Braille) 942.06 G 796 ed. Readings from English history. 1882. (Line type) 2 copies. 942 G 797 Griffis, William Elliott. Brave little Hol¬ land. 2v. 1897. (American Braille) 949.2 G 852 Guyot, Arnold. Physical geography. 1880. (Line type) 2 copies. 551 G989 Hale, Edward Everett. Man without a country. 1900. (New York point) 813 H 161m Heady, Morrison. Burl. 1885. (Line type) 813 H 433b Washington before the revolution. Ed. 2. 1880. (Line tvpe) 2 copies. 923 W 318h Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Young folks’ history of the U. S. Ed. 2. 1880. (Line type) 973 H 637 Hill, Adams Sherman. Principles of rhet¬ oric. 1881. (Line type) 2 copies. 808 H 645 Hogg, James. Selections from the Queen’s Wake. 1896. (New York point) 821 H 716 Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Bitter-sweet. 1884. (Line tvpe) 2 copies. 811 H 735 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Autocrat of the breakfast table. 2v. 1885. (Line type) 817 H752a One hundred days in Europe. 1905. (New York point) 914 IT 752 Selections from poems. 1884. (New York point) 811 H 752s Selections from the Professor at the breakfast table. 1884. (Line type) 817 H752p 5 Howe, S. C. Geographical and statistical description of the earth. 1836. (Line type) 910 H 858 Howells, William Lean. Literary friends and acquaintance. 2v. 1902. (New York point) 810.9 H 859 Hutton, Richard Holt. Sir Walter Scott. 1886. (Line type) 2 copies. 928 S 43lh Huxley, Thomas Henry. Lessons in ele¬ mentary physiology. 2v. 1886. (Line type) 612 H 586 Irving, Washington. Chronicle of the conquest of Granada. 3v. 1887. (Line type) 946 I 72c Mahomet. 2v. 1884. (Line type) 922 M 698i Sketch book. 3v. 1884. (New York point) 2 cop. of v. 2. 817 I 72 Successors to Mahomet. 2v. 1886. (Line type) 922 I 72 James Watt. 1898. (American Braille) 926 W 345 Jewett, Sarah Orne. Queen’s twin and other stories. 1901. (New York point) 813 J 59 Keller, Helen Adams. Optimism. 1904. (New York point) 149.5 K29 Story of my life. 2v. 1903. (New York point) 920.7 K29 Keysor, Jennie Ellis. Sketches of Amer¬ ican authors. 2v. 1898. (American Braille) 928 K44 Kipling, Itudyard. (The) day’s work. 2v. 1904. (New York point) 823 K57 Kneass' Philadelphia magazine for the blind. 1867-’92. (Line type) 50 K 68 Lawrence, Eugene. Primer of American literature. 1881. (Line type) 2 copies. 810 L 419 —Same. (Line type) 810 L419p Lockyer, J. Norman. Science primer. 1881. (Line type) 520 L 818 Lodge, Henry Cabot. How foreign trea¬ ties are made. n. d. (American Braille) 341.2 L822 Life of a senator, n. d. (American Braille) 923 L822 and Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American history. 1903. (New York point) * 973 L 822 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Evan¬ geline. 1894. (American Braille) 811 L 853eb Evangeline, with notes and biograph¬ ical sketch. 1895. (New York point) 811 L 853en Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth—Cont’d. Select poems. 1895. (American Braille) 811 L 853s Selections from the poetical works. 1883. (New York point) 811 L 853 Song of Hiawatha. 1904. (New York point ) 811 L 853h Loomis, Lafayette Charles. Mental and social culture. 1890. (New York point) 374 L863 Lowell, James Russell. Vision of Sir Launfal. 1898. (New York point) 2 copies. 811 L915v Ludington, M. F. How the army is clothed, n. d. (American Braille) 355 L 944 Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st baron. Richelieu. 1898. (New York point) 822 L998r Richelieu as presented by Edwin Booth. 1890. (American Braille) 822 L998 Macaulay, Thomas Babington. The Ar¬ mada and other poems. 1896. (New York point) 821 M 117a Essays. 1891. (Line type) 928 M 117e Frederick the Great. 1899. (New York point) 2 copies. 923 F' 852m —Same. 1899. (New York point) 2 copies. 923 F 522m John Milton. 1896. (New York point) 928 M 117ni Lays of ancient Rome. 1881. (Line type) 2 copies. 923 C 642m Lord Clive. 1881. (Line type) 2 cop¬ ies. 923 C 642m Oliver Goldsmith. 1882. (Line type) 822 G 624 Warren Hastings. 1882. (New York point) 2 copies. 923 II 358m McCarthy, Justin. Selections from A his¬ tory of our own times. 2v. 1883. (Line type) 2 copies of v. 2. 942.08 M123 Story of the people of England in the nineteenth century. 2v. 1903. (New York point) 943.08 M 123s Marx, Adolf Bernhard. Universal school of music. 2v. 1877. (Line type) 780.2 M 392 Maury, M. F. Physical geography, v. 1. 1887. (New Y ork point) 551 M459 Monod, T. Looking unto Jesus. 1886. (Line type) 234 M 751 Moore, Thomas. Lalla Rookh. 1895. (New York point) 821 M 824 Morris, William. Life and death of Ja¬ son. 1896. (New York point) 2 copies. 821 M877 1 6 Motley, John Lothrop. Peter, the Great. 1881. (Line type) 2 copies. 923 F 852m -Same. (Line type) 810 L 419 Muir, John. Adventure with a dog and a glacier. 1900. (New York point) 917.98 M 953 Newton, Richard. Bible blessings. 1884. (Line type) 2 copies. 204 N 565 Nichols, James R. Chapters from fireside science. 1881. (Line type) 540 N 596 Nordhoff, Charles. Politics for young Americans. 1875. (Line type) 3 copies. 320 N 833 Ohio institution for the blind. Plane geometry. (Line type) 513 037p Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, son of Battle. 2v. 1902. (New York point) 823 0 49 Page, Thomas Nelson. Two little confed¬ erates. 1899. (New York point) 813 P 133t Parkman, Francis. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIY. 2v. 1901. (New York point) 971 P249f Indian tribes east of the Mississippi. 1896. (American Braille) 973.2 P 249 La Salle and the discovery of the great west. 2v. 1902. (New York point) 973.2 P 49 1 Pioneers of France in the New World. 2v. 1904. (New York point) 973.18 P 249 Perry, Arthur Latham. Introduction to political economy. 2v. 1882. (Line type) 2 copies of v. 1. 3 copies of v. 2. 330 P 462 Peter Cooper. 1898. (American Braille) 923 C 778 Phillips, Stephen. Paolo and Francesca. 1904. (New York point) 822 P 563p Pierson, Mrs. Harriet E. How to knit and crochet. 1905. (New York point) 746 P 624 Plato. (A) day in Athens with Socrates. 1901. (New York point) 184 P 718 Plutarch. Selections from the boys’ and girls’ Plutarch. 1884. (Line type) 3 copies. 920 P 737w Poetry for every-day reading. 1883. (Line type) 821 P 745 Pope, Alexander. Essay on man. 1859. (Line type) 821 P 826e Prescott, William Hickling. History of the conquest of Peru. 4v. 1885. (Line type) 985 P 933 Proctor, R. A. Series of essays on the wonders of the firmament. 1874 (Line type) 2 copies. 520.4 P 964 Reed, Thomas Bracket. Life of a con gressman. n. d. (American Braille) 923 R 320 Richards, Mrs. Laura Elizabeth (Howe). Captain January. 1905. (New York point) 813 R 516c Richmond, Legh. Dairyman's daughter. 1883. (Line type) ‘ 823 R532 Riis, Jacob August. Making of an Amer¬ ican. 2v. 1902. (New York point) 923 R 5724 Roberts, Charles George Douglas. Heart of the ancient wood. 1902. (New York point) 813 R643h Robinson, Horatio N. New elementary algebra. 2v. 1881. (Line type) 512 R 661 Rolfe, W. J. and Gillet, J. A. Handbook of natural philosophy. 1879. (Line type) 4 copies. 530 R 747 Roosevelt, Theodore. Message. 1902. (New York point) 353 R781 (The) Strenuous life. 1903. (New York point) 304 R781s Ruskin, John. King of the Golden River. 1898. (New York point) 823 R956 Sanger, William Cary. How our soldiers are fed. n. d. (American Braille) 355 S 225 Schiller, Johann Christopher Friedrich von. Poems and ballads. 1898. (New York point) 831 S 334 Schumann, Robert. Album, opus 68, 43 simple pieces for the piano-forte. 1880. (New York point) 786.4 S392 Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln. 1904. (New York point) 923 L 736s Scott, Sir Walter, bart. Ivanhoe. 3v. 1883. (Line tvpe) (v. 3 wanting.) 823 S 4311 Lady of the lake. 1879. (Line type) 2 copies. 821 S 4311 Marmion. 1878. (Line type) 821 S 431m Scudder, Horace Elisha. George Wash¬ ington. 2v. 1897. (American Braille) 923 W 318s Seton, Ernest Thompson. Wild animals 1 have known. 1900. (New York point) 813 S 495 Shakespere, William. Comedy of the Merchant of Venice. 1895. (New York point) 822 S 527me King Lear. 1871. (Line tvpe) 2 copies. 822 S 527k Macbeth. 1871. (Line type) 3 copies. 822 S 527m 7 Shakespere, William—Cont’d. Midsummer night's dream. 1870. 1879. (Line type) 5 copies, cop. 4, ed. 2. 1879. 822 S 527mi Tragedy of Hamlet. 1897. (New York point) 2 copies. 822 S 527h Tragedy of Julius Caesar. 1896. (New York point) 822 S 527j Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. First book in geology. 2v. 1894. (American Braille) ’ 550 S 528 Shea, John Gilmary. Discovery and ex¬ ploration of Mississippi valley. 1897. (American Braille) 977 S539 Sherwood, Margaret. Daphne. 1904. (New York point) 813 S 554 Six short stories. 1904. (New York point) 813 S625 Slocum, Joshua. Sailing alone around the world. 2v. 1901. (New York point) 910.4 S 634 Smiles, Samuel. Selections from charac¬ ter. 1888. (Line type) 170 S641 Self-help. 3v. 1885. (New York point) 374 S 641 Stalker, James. Life of Jesus Christ. 1890. (Line type) 232.9 S 7821 -Same. (New York point) 232.9 S 782n Steele, J. Dorman. Fourteen weeks in chemistry. 1881. (Line type) 540 S 814 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure island. 1904. (New York point) 823 S 845 Stories and fables. (Line type) 828 S 884 Swedenborg, Emanuel. Selections from the writings of. 1872. (Line type) 289.4 S 974 Swift, Jonathan. Gullivers travels: A voyage to Brobdingnag. 1897. (New York point) 827 S 977b Gullivers travels; The voyage to Lilli - put. 1896. (New York point) 827 S 977 1 Swinton, William. Outlines of the world’s history. 3v. 1881. (Line type) 2 copies. 909 S 979 Tarr, Ralph Stockman. Elementary geol¬ ogy. 2v. 1897. (New York point) 550 T 192 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. Enoch Arden. 1896. (New York point) 2 copies. 821 T 312e Idylls of the king. 1883. (New York point) 821 T312i In memoriain. 1902. (New York point) 821 T 312m Thackeray, William Makepeace. Four Georges. 1883. (Line type) 2 copies. 942.07 T 529 Thackeray, William Makepeace—Cont’d. Lectures on English humorists of the eighteenth centurv. 1882. (Line type) 820.9 T 363 1 Trench, Richard Chenevix, abp. of Dublin. On the study of words. 2v. 1884. (Line type) 2 copies. 422 T 793 Turner, Joseph A. Hand-book of punctu¬ ation. 1876. (New York point) 421.9 T 948 Tyndall, John. Notes on light and elec¬ tricity. 1878. (Line type) 3 copies. 530 T 988n U. S.—Constitutional convention. Con stitution'of the U. S. 1887. (New York point) 973.3 U58 U. S.—Continental congress. Declaration of independence. 1887. (New York point) 973.3 U58 Van Dyke, Henry. Fisherman’s luck and some other uncertain things. 1904. (New York point) 814 V 248 Wagner, Charles. Simple life. 1905. (American Braille) 177 W 132 Wait, William B. Practical system of tangible musical notation and point writing and printing. Ed. 2 rev. 1882. (Line type & New York point) 780 W 144 Wallace, Lew. Ben-Hur. 4v. 1887. (Line type) 2 cop. of v. 2 & v. 4. 813 W 191b Washington, Booker Taliferro. Up from slavery. 1903. (New York point) 326.92 W 317 Watson, John. Beside the bonnie brier bush. 1899. (New York point) 823 W 343 Webster, Daniel. Adams and Jefferson. 1896. (New York point) 923 A 214w Bunker Hill monument orations. 1896. (New York point) 973.36 W378 Wells, Webster. Elements of geometry. 2v. 1888. (Line type) 513 W 456 Westlake, J. Willis. Three thousand practice words. 1888. (New York point) 428.1 W529 Whittier, John Greenleaf. 1889. (New York point) 811 W 625 Snow-bound. 1875. (New York point) 811 W 625s Wilson, James. Biography of the blind. 2v. 1897. (American Braille) 920 W 749 Xenophon. Anabasis. 1892. (Line type) 888.3 X 543 Yonge, Charlotte M. Young folks’ his¬ tory of England. 1895. (New York point) 942 Y55 Young folks’ history of France. 2v. 1884. (New York point) 944 Y 55 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates * %