THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY on E--2 fS5 x l •«»» PsFM* $P ! Sail Jtf Si n Si ' € f ^L, M: P* left 1 f «?-. M; 1 1 1 1 ivi II Bills, \ r Bart I tt, 8 II rhompeon D i ii. VV. J. D ' - WHI- , K. W. ( S. I Worthing- ton, I 1 UcH 1870. W NV ll Ch , it , \ i c . 1 1 \. \\ in i i i>\- iin M» Kiwis I : ■ J i . 1 1 I i 1 1 1. I -. .ii R. C. Grier, D. C, Farrell, ll. I. M Hen well, Die i D M. Griaw ild, J. B. Smith, Eliol Onllender, D. McKinney, E. I>. Bardin, E, 8. Will- W. J. Dobbins. 1871.— Wahhik W. B Cll VPJ( * v B. N. Wheeler, 2 h > VID McKlNNEI I ''..» . D Exchanoi I'l , Lewis Bowell, .1. T. Robinson, R. 0. Grier, II V Wheeler, / N Hotchkiss, Chas. B Daj Ros well Bills. Directors I hear) |ii i-'i I - " M Griswold, ■' It i: » Coy, W. j. Dobbins, J. 8. Sti rens, nder. IS7 4 J. "•'•■"■ Hi W. II. Chapman, B.N. Whei h\ VID Mi Kiwi. 1. H - I i i illlAMl;, <:,r. - Exch w.i: Di r i : Lewis Howell, I D. Bardin, 8. II. Thompson, J. C. Proi toi ll G Anderson, R. C Grier. Dim k\ Dep'i i. B. w Ulcox, M. Griswold, .1. It. Smith, .1. ll . i: i r, Eliot Oallen- der, M. 8. Wilkinson. STATISTICS OF THE LIBRARY. ber Volumes in Library. 1,405 Nnmber Volumes added in year bj purchase... 01 Number Volumi on.... 120 Nnmber books taken from Library during year : Nnmb idded during year 97 I ■ nnmber subscribers. 194 279 184 1868 5,911 114 ^T 10,100 : 235 264 1870 1871 6,616 407 116 117 20 11,128 16,860 286 224 REGULATIONS. 1. Members of the Library may have out two books at a time, but no mem- ber shall lend a book belonging to the Library. 2. New books shall be retained by members but one week, after three months they may be retained three weeks. 3. Members are particularly requested to use books carefully and to return them promptly. A fine of two cents per day is charged on all books out over time, and no book can be obtained until all°fines and dues are paid. 4. In no case is the Librarian permitted to remit fines or dues. 5. If any member lose, deface or injure a newspaper, magazine, .book or set of books, he shall make the same good to the Librarian. 6. Encyclopaedias, dictionaries and other works of reference, rare and illus- trated works, and such books as for any reason are restricted from circulation by the Board of Directors, can be consulted only in the Library. 7. Any person abusing the privileges of the Library, or violating these rules, shall be temporarily suspended from membership by the Librarian and the case reported to the Directors for such action as they may deem proper. 8. Conversation aloud is not permitted in the Library rooms. HOURS OF OPENING. The Library is open from 8 to 11 a. m. in the summer months, from 2 to 5 p. m. in the winter months, and from 6.30 to 9.30 p. m. throughout the year. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP. Four dollars a year, two dollars for six months, or one dollar for three months. Persons residing out of the city may become members on the same terms by presenting satisfactory references to the Board of Directors, or by a deposit of money sufficient to cover the probable value of such books as they may wish to have out at any one time. HISTORICAL SKETCH. In the year 1855 two public libraries were established in the city, the Peoria Library and the Peoria Mercantile Library, which were con- solidated in November, 1856, under the name and title of The Peoria City Library. The number of books in the two libraries at the time of the union amounted to less than two thousand volumes, a considerable number of which were donations, but among those donations were embraced some of the most rare and valuable books in the Library at the present time. In the spring of 1865, through the aid of our then representative, the Hon. Alex. McCoy, a charter was obtained from the Legislature, and the charter name oi Peoria Mercantile Library Association assumed. Under the charter a new constitution was adopted and a re-organization effected into two departments, a Library Departnient and an Exchange Department, each department having a separate Board of Directors and the two Boards united forming one General Board. A subscription was immediately started to raise funds for the purchase of a suitable property for the Association. The late T. S. Bradley, Esq., headed the list with a gift of $1000 and was most generously followed by public spirited citi- zens in like liberal proportion, realizing in a few weeks the very handsome sum of $13,262.50. With the sum so raised the Association purchased of Mr. John L. Griswold, for the sum of $10,000, the house and lot on the corner of Main and Jefferson streets — without doubt the most convenient site in the city — and at once proceeded to fit up the building for its new uses. In July of 1865, the Library was re-opened in its new quarters — the second story of the present Library building. The Library preserves with grateful recognition among its records the names of all its benefactors, from its origin in 1855, down to the present time, and it is interesting to read how large a number of our best citizens have, at various times aided with their counsels and their gifts in the growth and permanent establishment of the present Mercantile Library Association. But it cer- tainly will not be esteemed invidious to mention here the name of L. G. Pratt, Esq., as the one to whose excellent judgment and unwearied zeal the Library is indebted more, perhaps, than to any other one person, for the success of the effort made in the Spring of 1865. The Exchange Department of the Association, originally intended to provide a Merchants' Exchange and Reading-Room — a kind of open club room — supplied with the daily papers and evening dispatches, for the use of the business men of the city, did not receive the support from the public that had been anticipated, and after a few years, closed its rooms in the lower story of the Library build- Historical Sketch. iiiL: Tbese rooms, as well as the n ar end of I iry lot, are now leased and the pn • qI rolli d by t be • leneral Board. v Ither tbe ln< ir the mi mbcrship of the Library is as I could be wi- ; r to be derived from a< i large public Library are doI i" make themselves urgently felt except to a few. Only those who bave received Borne considerable culture, and in whom a fondness tor reading is already well developed, will bo appreciate its benefits as to be willing to spare from more immediately pressing wants the sum necessary to meet the annua! dues "i a subscription library. It is, therefore, nol without Btrong hopes, based on m >nable grounds, that the directors and friends of the Peoria Mer< intile Library look forward to a third and still more permanent re-organ- ization of the Library, in the near future, under the acl passed by tbe Stab I. - lature at its last session, to "Authorize cities, incorporated towns and townships to establish and maintain Free Public Libraries and Reading Rooc The present catalogue, which has been urgently needed lor some yean, has been formed under rather peculiar circumstances. It being impossible for the Librarian, in addition to the constantly increasing routine duties of the Library, to perform the work alone, the directors esteemed themselves fortunate in secur- ing assistance from a lady whose culture, wide range of acquaintance with books and deep interesl in the Library, fitted her well for the difficult task. Under her supervision the card catalogue lias been prepared, and from that, the man- xipt catalogue for tbe printer. In the proof-reading— no small portion of tin- task — the din ctors have lent Buch aid as the pressing duties of their daily avoca- tions would permit. No one can appreciate how extremely difficult a thing it is to draw up a complete and accurate library catalogue bo well as he who has him aelf once undertaken it. This somewhat deprecatory > xplanation, will, th< it i> hoped, secure a charitabl lent of such errors, omissions and imper fections as may be discovered in the following pag Peobj \. August, 18 SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION. The following catalogue is in two parts — an Alphabetical Catalogue, in which each work in the Library is entered under the name of its author, or when that is unknown, under the principal word of its title, and a Classified Index, in which each work is entered under its proper subject. To have prepared simply an alphabetical list of authors' names would have been a comparatively easy task, but no such list would have been a satisfactory catalogue. " There can be but one really thorough method of arranging the contents of a library, the systematic method, furnishing an index of subjects to serve as a guide to the separate works in the library on any particular subject." Such a classified index serves a double purpose. It not only shows what treasures in any particular branch of learning the library may possess, but it also shows at a glance, what are the deficiences to be supplied, which is a matter of almost equal importance. To arrange such a system of classification, however, one that shall be complete and exhaustive, is an effort of the highest philosophy, for it implies no less than a classification of all " human learning as preserved in books," a classification of the workings, developments and productivity of the mind of man, nay, of the mind of the Creator Himself, so far as that mind is revealed to us through the phenomena of the universe. To this great task the loftiest intellects have at times applied themselves, and still left the work imper- fect. In Edwards' Memoirs of Libraries are cited thirty-two celebrated schemes of classification, and among them those of Bacon, Bentham, Coleridge, Ampere, Leibnitz, D'Alembert, and Schleiermacher. It is needless to say that the plain business men, who compose the present Board of Directors of the Mercantile Library, would not presume to improve on what these philosophers have left imperfect. They were compelled to choose from among such schemes as lay before them, and after much comparison of the various systems, including those now in use in the Boston Public Library, the Public Library and Mercantile Library of Cincinnati, the Mercantile Library of St. Louis, and others, have adopted, without hesitation, as being the most complete and exhaustive of any that have fallen under their observation, the Baconian Sys- tem as elaborated by Mr. Wm. T. Harris, of St. Louis. For a detailed account and explanation of that system reference is made to the Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. IV., page 114, of which Mr. Harris is editor, and also to the cata- logue of the St. Louis Public School Library, where the system is for the first time applied. This, scheme, which the reader will find immediately following, may at first sight repel by its apparently cumbersome minuteness of detail, but these details will be found to be inherent in the subject, and cannot be avoided in any complete system. A few moments' study will soon give one a clear insight into the three grand divisions, Science, Art, History, and into the symmetrical order and development of the various divisions, classes and sub- classes under them. Without any reference to its use in the catalogue, a familiar acquaintance with this scheme as a classification of the workings of the human mind, will be found to be both interesting and useful. System of Classification. MAIN DIVISIONS. SCIENCE. PHILOSOPHY. THEOLOGY. f JURISPRUDEN< i: SOCIAL AND POLITI- POLITU - CAL SCIENCES. 90< l.\l. SCIENi E. L PHILOLOGY. NATURAL SCIENCES AND USEFUL ARTS. MATIIKMATK - I ' 1 1 5 9 1 1 - NATURAL HISTORY MEDICINE. I Ml 8EF1 I. ARTS. | FINE ARTS ART POETRY. PROSE FICTION. LITERAR1 Mix ELLANY. H I STORY \ GEOGRAPHT & TRAVELS. niolun Y CIVIL HISTORY. ( BIOGRAPHY. A imm mux j CYCLOPEDIAS j PERIODICALS CLASSES AND SUB-CLASSES. 1. SCIENCE. PAGE. 2. PHILOSOPHY 63 3. Histories and Compends 63 4. Mental Philosophy 63 a. Anthropology. (Animal Mag., etc.).. 63 b. Psychology 63 c. Logic 63 d. Metaphysics 63 5. Moral Philosophy 64 6. THEOLOGY 64 a. Cyclopaedias 64 b. Periodicals 64 7. Bible. (Original and Translations) 04 8. Commentaries 64 9. Liturgies 64 10. Christian Fathers 64 11. Dogmatic Theology 64 a. Doctrinal 64 b. Hortatory 65 c. Controversial 65 d. Sermons 65 e. Evidences 65 f. Natural Theology 65 g. Religious Fiction 65 12. Ecclesiastical History 65 a. History of the Church 66 b. Councils and Synods 66 c. Missions 66 d. Religious Biography 66 1. Life and Character of Christ 66 13. Special Christian and Modern Systems. 66 a. Swedenborgians 66 b. Spiritualists 66 c. Quakers GG d. Mystics 66 e. Mormons 67 f. Superstitions and Delusions 67 14. Judaism 67 15. Greek and Roman Mythology 67 16. Oriental and Pagan Religions 67 a. Mohammedanism 67 b. Buddhism 67 c. Brahmiuism 67 d. Fetichism 67 17. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES 67 18. JURISPRUDENCE 67 19. General Treatises 67 a. Histories of Law and Miscellanies.... 67 b. Introduction to Law Study 67 c. Dictionaries 67 d. Periodicals 67 e. Parliamentary Rules 67 f. Form Books 67 20. Natural and International Law 67 21. Ancient Feudal and Civil Law 67 22. Common Law, Canon Law and Equity.... 67 a. Canon Law 67 b. Equity 67 •23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31, 32. 33. 34, PAGE. c. Proceedings 67 Organic and Statute Law 67 a. United States Government 68 b. States and Territories 68 c. Cities and Corporations 68 d. Foreign Countries 68 Reports op Judicial Proceedings 68 a. American 68 b. Foreign 68 c. Digests 68 Special Treatises 68 a. Criminal Law 68 b. Martial Law 68 c. Commercial Law 68 d. Medical Jurisprudence 68 e. Real Estate 68 f. Evidence 68 POLITICS 68 a. Political Histories 68 b. Cyclopaedias 68 c. Political Manuals 68 Legislative Annals 68 a. United States (Federal) 68 b. States, Cities, etc 68 c. Foreign Countiies 68 Political Contoryersy 68 a. United States (Federal) 68 b. States and Territories 68 c. Slavery 69 d. Foreign Countries 69 SOCIAL SCIENCE 69 Political Economy 69 a. Statistics. (Census, etc.) 69 b. Commerce and Navigation 69 c. Population and Production 69 d. Finance 69 Education., 69 a. Special Treatises 69 b. Educational Journals 70 c. School Reports 70 d. Reports of Special Institutions 70 e. Elementary Text Books 70 1. Primers and Sjiellers 70 2. Grammars 70 3. Readers and Speakers 70 4. Geographies 70 5. Histories 70 6. Arithmetics 70 7. Foreign Languages 70 8. Greek and Latin 70 PHILOLOGY. (Histor., Comparative, etc)... 70 Grammars 70 a. English 70 b. Greek 70 c. Latin 70 d. French 70 e. German 70 f. Spanish 70 Dictionaries 70 \l\ System of Classification. v\> a. English b. On ^ n> i i • ii' li il. Qei in. in - 41. 1J 14. u 17. NATURAL SCIENCES AND USEFUL. AKTS n. Scientific l M \'l 11 1M .TICS \ HBTICt H. I Booki ■ RBI . !i. rAKDCOHICfi \ I ■■> 111: . 1MI 1 1 hi Mr ': AML1-I- I ' NBEI IKi Civil I Engineering igineering. •i 1 1 1 - - N i\ i h phi si< a i i ■ i ■• a. Inorganic 1>. dl pillh' r. Applied A \ M \ s a I i KM. HISTORY n. Physical Geography ■ a. Li»-;il Surveys Parti Fur | Frin '■ Uierlandi i- U Britain Italy and S i Spain h. Geology c. Palaeontology d Mlui ralogy i»i a. Local Treatises b. Hi ni graphs 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 7 J 7 'J 72 72 72 72 7 -J 7. 7 -J 72 7; 72 73 7:; ! 7:; 73 73 7:; 7:'. 73 73 7:; 78 7:: 7.; 7.: 74 74 71 53. M. 58. 61. 82. 7 t a. Viti. ! 7 1 OL 1. ttammali 74 O. 2. Birdt 74 74 74 b. Hollnsks 74 74 I v 74 MEDICINE 74 II M < 'il 74 a. Histories and Miscellanies.... 74 b. Did 71 Il 74 \ N \ I'M', ivn I'M i - 74 Mathu ■ ' Pa lot. r ah Surgery — — PA1 i ThEBAPI 7.S a. S — li. Particular and Local Diseases 76 c. Hygiene 76 il. I i nary Art I'.Mi 1 uc \vt> - i idicimi .. I i 1. ARTS AND TRADES 7f> Ml! a. Aim- (Manufacture and Use) — b. I ni ■ - 75 c. Cavalrj l ■ i - rl. Artillery Tactics — e. Naval Warfare — Mr B ' N 7.i a. Machinery and Mill Work — b. Building. " c. Manufactures a. Bi ik Keeping and Trade 7.S b. l ni- v. ' ion c. I coinoti n and Transport.. — ". ■ Arts a. Mining and Metallurgy li. Agricultural (fi 76 — .' . — tun — 76 Poultry 71 /•'• • - I7U — / 76 r. Preparation of Food il Pishing and Hunting 76 64. AI.T. 77 77 a. Architecture : 77 l S d ptnre 77 Drawing and Painting 77 ■I. Engraving, Lithography, etc 77 77 f Music 77 :.V :; .i. Ill-*- ; - - and i i 77 '7 r. 7s a. British Authors 7* b American Authors ~9 c B'llads <1. Dl 7;) iana 79 ROPBAB .or. OBIEHTAL).. a. Greek 79 itin c. German .1. French I e. Italian 80 i Oriental 80 ■ ■ PROSK 1 I' TION ' • 87 >.... 87 .IrviMli LITERATURE 8S 88 b. Historii - ^ s 89 - ientiflc 89 • Re igions 89 r. Poetry 91 C. ."iction 91 System of Classification. xv PAGE. h. Foreign Languages 91 i. Picture Books 91 71. LITERARY MISCELLANY 91 a. Kables 91 b. Anecdotes 91 c. Facetia? 91 d. Apothegms 92 72. Rhetoric and Elocution 92 a. Composition 92 b. Elocution 92 c. Rhetorical Collections 92 73. Orations and Speeches 92 a. American 92 PAGE. b. British 92 c. Greek and Latin 92 74. Essays and Criticisms 93 a. American Authors 93 b. British Authors 93 75. Collected Literary Works. (Prose and Poetry) 94 a. American Authors 94 b. British Authors 94 c. German Authors 94 76. Literary History 94 77. Bibliography 95 a. Reports and Catalogues of Libraries.. 96 78. HISTORY. 79. GEOGRAPHY 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85 AND TRAVELS 96 Geography 96 a. Ancient 96 b. Modern 96 Voyages 96 a. Collections 96 b. Circumnavigations 96 c. Polar Regions 96 Travels in America 66 a. North America 96 b. British North America 96 c. United States 97 d. Mexico and Central America 97 e. West Indies 97 f. South America 97 Travels in Eukope 97 a. British Isles 98 France and Netherlands 9H Spain and Portugal.. 98 Italy and Switzerland 98 German States 98 Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland. 98 Russia and Poland 98 h. Turkey in Europe and Greece 99 Travels in A-ia 99 b. c d. e. f. g- 99 99 99 99 a. Turkish Empire b. Syria and Arabia c. Central and Northern Ajsia d. Chinese Empire and Japan e* India 99 Travels in Africa 99 a. Barbary States and Great Desert 99 b. Egypt, Nubia and Abyssinia 99 c. Central Africa 99 d. South Africa 99 86. Travels in Several Quarters 100 a. Eastern Hemisphere 100 b. Both Hemispheres 100 c. Oieanica 100 87. CIVIL HISTORY 100 88. Collections and Compends 100 a. Chiouology 100 b. Philosophy of History 100 89. Ancient History 100 a. Greek 100 b. Roman 101 c. Jewish 101 d. Egyptian 101 90. United States 101 a. Settlement and Colonial Period 101 b. Revolutionary Period 101 c. Civil War 101 d. Territories, States and Cities 101 91. America at Large 102 a. Aboriginal 102 b. Canada 102 c. Spanish North America 102 d. South America 102 92. British History 102 a. England 102 b. Ireland ..102 c. Scotland 102 93. Modern Europe at Large 102 a. Italy 102 b. Spain and Portugal 103 c. France 103 d. Netherlands 103 e. Germany 103 f. Switzerland 103 g. Denmark, Sweden and Norway 103 h. Russia and Poland 103 i. Greece 103 94. Asia 103 a. Turkish Empire 103 b. India 103 c. China and Japan 103 95. Historical Miscellany 103 a. Crusades and Chivalry 103 b. Wars and Campaigns 103 c. Coins and Medals 104 d. Costumes 104 e. Secret Societies 104 96. BIOGRAPHY {Collections) 104 a. Cyclopedias and Dictionaries 105 b. Individual Lives 105 c. Genealogy and Heraldry 107 97. APPENDIX. 98. Encyclopedias and Collections 108 a. English 108 b. German 108 c. French 108 99. Periodicals ...108 a. Bound Magazines 108 b. Periodicals Regularly Taken 108 Alphabetical Catalogue. Abbott, E. A. and Seeley, J. R. English Lessons for English People. Boston, 1872. 12°. Abbott, Jacob. Gentle Measures in the Management of the Young. New York, 1872. 16°. Heat. New York, 1871. 12°. Light, New York, 1871. 12°. Water and Land. New York, 1872. 12°. Abbott, J. S. C. Empire of Austria. New York, 1859. 8°. Empire of Russia. New York, I860. 8°. History of Napoleon Bonaparte. New York, 1855. 2v. 8°. Kings and Queens, or Life in the Palace. New York, 1855. 2v. 12°. South and North. New York, 1868. 12°. The Romance of Spanish History. New York, 1869. 12°. Abeel, David. Residence in China and the Neighboring Countries. New York, 1834. 12°. Abercrombie, John. Intellectual Powers. New York, 1855. 16°. Intellectual Philosophy. Boston, 1838. 12°. Philosophy of Moral Feelings. New York, 1848. 16°. About, Edm. Germaine, translated by M. L. Booth. Boston, 1850. 12°. The Man with the Broken Ear, trans, by N. Holt. N. Y., 1867. 12°. The Roman Question, trans, by Mrs. A. T. Ward, Boston, 1859. 12°. Adam, Alexander. Roman Antiquities. London, 1835. 8°. Adams, George. New England Business Directory. Boston, 1856. Adams, John. Life and Works. Boston, 1853. lOv. 8°. Adams, W. H. D. The Buried Cities of Campania. London, 1869. 16°. Adams, W. T. See Oliver Optic. Addison, Joseph. Notes on Paradise Lost. London. 16°. Selections from the Spectator, &c. London, 1849. 2v. 12°. Works of. London, 1856, 6v. 12°. Addison, Steele and Others. Selections from Spectator. New York. 2v. 16°. Adler, G. J. German and English Dictionary. New York, 1869. 8°. iEschylus, Tragedies of. Translated by T. A. Buckley. London, 1849. New Readings of. Translated by Geo. Burger. London, 1853. 12°. .ffisop's Fables. London, 1867. 16°. Agassiz, Louis, Essay on Classification. London, 1859. 8°. Structure of Animal Life. New York, 1866. 8°. Agassiz, Louis and A. A. Gould. Priuciples of Zoology. Boston, 1855. 8°. Agassiz, Prof, and Mrs. Louis. Journey in Brazil. Boston, 1868. 8°. Aguilar, Grace. Days of Bruce. 2v. 16°. Home Influence. 12°. Home Scenes. New York, 1870. 12°. 4 llphabetical ( 'dialogue. Aguiiar, Grace. Mother's Recompense. 12°. Vale of Cedars. NY. 1861. 16 Women of [srael. New Fork, L870. 2v. 12°. Aikin, John. Letters on English Poetry. Newburyport, 1806. 18°. I.iv — fSeldenand [Jsher. London, 1812. 12°. Aiushe, Herbert. The Pilgrim and the Shrine. New York, 1871. 10°. Akenside, Mark. Poems of. Bee British Poets. Alcock, Sir R. Three Fears in Japan. New York, 180:5. 2v. 12°. Alcott, A. B. Tablets. Boston, L868. 10°. Alcott, Miss L. M. A.unt Joe's Scrap Bag. Boston, 1872. 10°. Hospital Sketches. Boston, 1871. 10°. Little Women. Boston, 1870. 10°. (5 copies.) Little Men. Boston, 1871. 10°. Moods. Boston, 1871. 10°. Old Fashioned Oirl. Boston, 1870. 10°. (5 copies.) Alcott, Wm. A. Familiar Letters to Young Men Buffalo, 1850. 12°. Alden, Jos. Citizen's Manual. New York, 1869. 12°. Aldrich, T. B. Oul of his Head. New York, 1862. 12°. Alger, Wm. R. A Critical llistoryof the Doctrine of a Future Life. New York, L86J5. 8 . The Genius of Solitude. Boston, 1807. 12°. The Friendships of Women. Boston, 1808. 12°. Ali, C. History of Tamerlane the Great, translated into French by Petits de la Croix. London, 1728. 8°. Alison, A. History of Europe. New York, 1853. 8v. 8°. History of Europe, abridged by Gould. New York, 1845. 8°. Military Life of Duke of Marlborough. New York, 1860. 8°. Miscellaneous Essays. Boston, 1854 8°. Alleine, Rev. Richard. Heaven Opened. New York. 12°. Allen, Miss A. J. Ten Years in Oregon, or Travels of E. White. Ithaca, 1850. 12° Allen, D. B. Atlas of Township and City of Peoria. 1809. Allen, Jos. Battles of the British Navy. London, 1853. 2v. 10°. Allibone, S. A. ( rit ieal Dictionary of Authors. Philadelphia, 1870. 3v. 8°. Ames, Fisher. Works of. Boston, 1809. 12°. Ames, Mary C. Eirene, or a Woman's Right Andersen, Hans C. Improvisator, trans, by Mary Howitt. N.Y., L867. 12°. In Spain and Portugal. New York, 1870. 12°. The Two Baronesses New York, 1869. 12°. Andersson, Charles J. Lake Niranii. New York, 1857. 10°. Okavango River. New York, 1801 8°. Andrews, John. Rhetoric. Philadelphia, 1818. 12°. Anson, Lord. Voyage Around the World. London, 1700. 4°. Anated, D. T. Qreal Btone Book Philadelphia, 1868. 12°. Anthon, Charles. Classical Dictionary. New York, 1869. 8°. Appleton's, Cyclopedia of Biography. New York, 1^50. 8°. Dictionary of Mechanics. New York, 1855. 2v. 8°. Apideius. Works of. London, 1858. 12°. Arculf, and Others. Early Travels in Palestine. London, 1848. 12°. Argyll, Duke of. Primeval Man. New York, 1869. 10°. Reign of Law. London, L868. 12°. Aristophanes. Comedies, translate! by W. J. Hickie. London, 1853. 2v. 12°. Alphabetical Catalogue. ).o Aristotle. Organon, translated by O. Freire Owen. London, 1853. 12 c Ethics, translated by R. W. Browne. London, 1853. 12°. Politics and Economics, trans, by E. Walford. London, 1853. 12°. Treatise on Rhetoric, translated by T. Buckley. London, 1853. 12°. Metaphysics, trans, by Rev. J. H. McMahon. London, 1857. 12°. Armstrong, Rev. R. G. Memoirs of Hannah Hobbie. New York. 24°. Arnold, H. B. The Great Exhibition. New York, 1869. 12°. Arnold, I. N. History of Abraham Lincoln and Slavery. Chicago, 1866. 8°. Arnold, Matthew. Essays in Criticism. Boston, 1865. 12°. New Poems. Boston, 1867. 16°. Arnold, Thos. History of Rome. New York,1855. 8°. Lectures on Modern History. New York, 1856. 12°. Arnold, Thos. K. Latin Prose Composition. New York, 1853. 12°. Arnott, Neil. Elements of Physics. Philadelphia, 1853-4. 8°. Arago, F. Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men. Boston, 1859. 2v. 12°. Arthur, Robert, M. D. Treatment and Prevention of Decay of the Teeth. Phil- adelphia, 1871. 18°. Arthur, T. S. Advice to Young Men. Boston, 1850. 12°. Debtor and Creditor. New York, 1852. 18°. Keeping up Appearances. New York, 1853. 18°. Making Haste to be Rich. New York, 1853. 18°. Retiring from Business. New York, 1853. 18°. Riches Have Wings. New York, 1853. 18°. o Rising in the World. New York, 1853. 18' Sparing to Spend. Philadelphia, 1859. 12°. Arthur, Wm. Derivation of Family Names. New York, 1857. 18°. Arvine, Rev. K. Cyclopaedia of Literature. Boston, 1855. 8°. Moral and Religious Anecdotes. New York, 1855. Athenaeus. The Deipnosophists, trans, by C. D. Yonge. London, 1855. 2v. 12°. Atkinson, T. W. Travels in the Region of the Upper and Lower Amoor, &c. New York, 1860. 8°. Oriental and Western Siberia. New York, 1858. 8°. Atwood, D. F. Country and Suburban Houses. New York. Auerbach, B. Black Forest Village Stories. New York, 1857. 16°. Edelweiss. Boston, 1867, 18°. On the Heights. New York, 1S67. 16°. Villa on the Rhine. New York, 1867. 16°. Austen, Jane. Emma. Boston, 1866. 16°. Mansfield Park. Boston, 1866. 16°. Pride and Prejudice. Boston, 1866. 16°. Sense and Sensibility. Boston, 1866. 16°. Babington, F. Christian Education. Boston, 1818. 12°. Bacon, Lord F. Essays. Annotations by Bishop Whately. N. Y., 1863. 8°. Moral and Historical Works of. Notes by J. Devey. London, 1853. 12°. Physical and Metaphysical Works : Novum Organum. London, 1853. 12°. Works of, edited by Basil Montague. Philadelphia, 1854. 3v. 8°. Bacon, J. F. Six Years in Biscay. London, 1838. 8°. Back, Captain. Arctic Land Expedition. New York, 1836. 8°. Bailey, N. English Dictionary. Edinburgh, 1800. Bailey, P. J. The Age. Boston, 1858. 16°. Baillie, John. Life Studies, or How to Live. New York, 1857. 16°. . UpJiabi tical < 'iitiihuju, . Bailo, J. Wonders of Electricity, edited by J. "W Armstrong. N.Y., 1872. 16°. Baixd, h. m. Modern Greei New York, 1856. 12 Baker, G. M. The Social Btagi Bo ton, L871. L6 . Baker, L. C. Becret Service of the United States. Philadelphia, 1867. 8°. Baker, S. W. Alberl N'Yanza. Philadelphia, 1868. 2v. 12 Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia. Philadelphia, 1861. 8 , Baker, W. M. The \i Historical Reader. Concord, 1828. 16 Blanc, Louis. France Under Louis Philippe. Phils,, 1848. Si - Same London, 1844 2v. 8 . Blayney, Lord. Journey throagh Spain and France as a Prisoner ofWar. Lon don, 181 i. 2v. 8°. Blot, Pierre. What to Eal and 1 1..\% to Cook it. N.Y.. 1868. 12°. Boaden, J. Life of J. P. Kemble. London, 1826. 2v.8°. Bohn, Henry G. Hand-book of Games. London, 1850. 16 Boileau, Works of, and Treatise by Longinus. London, 1712. 8°. Boimar, a. Book of French Verbs. Phila., 1831. 1 1 Bonar, Rev. A. A. Memoirs of Rev. R. M. McCheyne. Phila., 12°. BonteU, Chas. Ann- and Armor. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Booth, Abraham. Reign of Grace. Carlisle, 1807. 12°. Borrow, Geo. Lavengro. NY., 1861. 12°. Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson. N.Y.,1855. 2v. 8°. Tour to the Hebrides. London, 1852. 12°. Botta, Chas. American Revolution, trans, by G. A. Otis. London, 1849. 2 v. 8°. Botts, J. M. The Great Rebellion. N.T., 1866. 12°. Boardman, Henry A. The Bible in the Counting House. Phila., 1858. 12°. The Great Question of IVr.-onal Ucligion. Phila. 12°. Bourrienne. Memoirs of Napoleon. Hartford, 1 S -V.'. 8°. Bourne, B. F. The Captive in Patagonia Boston, 1858. 12°. Bourne, H. R. Fox. Famous London Merchants. N.Y.,1869. 24°. Bowen, Francis. Political Economy. Boston, 1856. 8°. Bowles, Saml. Across the Continent. Springfield, 1865 12 . Boyd, A. K. H. Everyday Philosopher. Boston, 1868. 12°. Autumn Holidays of a Country Parson. Boston, 1865. I Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. Boston, 1865. 16°. Leisure Hours in. Town. Boston, 1862. 16 . Recreations of a Country Parson. Boston, 1862. 16° Boyd, Mark. Reminiscences of Fifty Years. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Boyer. French Dictionary. Boston. 8°. Brace, C. L. Home life in Germany N.Y., isr,:>,. 12°. Hungary in 1851. N.V., 1852. The New West. NY., I860. The Norse Folk. NA ., 1857. 12°. Brachvogel. Beaumarchais, trans, by T. J. Bradford. N.Y.,1868. 8°. Bradford, w. J. A. North Wesl Coast, or Valley of Upper Mississippi. NY.. 1846. 12 . Brand, John. Antiquities of Greal Britain. London, 1847. 8v. I Bremer, Frederika. A Diary. H. Family and other tales. London, 1858. 10°. Home, Strife and Peace. London, 1858. 12 , Homes of the NewWorld, trans, by Mary Howitt NVY.,1858. 2v.l6°. President's Daughters, London, 1862. 16°. The Midnight Sun. trans, by Mary Howitl NY.. I860. 8°. The Neighbors, trana by Mary Howitt N.Y.. 1844 12°. The Neighbors, trans, by Mary Howitt. London, 1862. 12°. Works of, complete in one Vol v Brewster, A. M. H. Compensation. Phila.,1860. 12°. Brewster, Sir D. Letters on Natural Magic. NY. 16°. Alphabetical Catalogue. Brewster, Sir D. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. Boston, 1855. 2v. 8°. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. N.Y., 1848. 2v. 8°. Martyrs of Science. N.Y. 16°. Treatise on Optics. Appendix by A. D. Bache. Phila., 1833. 12°. Bridges, Rev. Chas. Life and Works of Miss Mary Jane Graham. NY., 1849. 8°. Brillat, Savarin. Hand-book of Dining, trans, by L. F. Simpson. N.Y., 1865. 12°. British Essayists, with Prefaces, Biographical, Historical and Critical, by A. Chalmers. Boston, 1856. 38v. 16°. Contents.— Adventurer, Connoisseur, Guardian, Idler, Lounger, Mirror, Microcosm, Observer, 011a Podrida, Kambler, Spectator, Tatler, Winter Evenings, World, and Gen- eral Index. British Poets, The. From Chaucer to Wordsworth. With Biographical, Histor- ical and Critical Notices. Boston, 1854-64. 128v. 16°. Contents.— Akenside, It. ; Ballads, 8v. ; Beattie, lv. ; Butler, 2v. ; Burns, 3v ; Byron, lOv. ; Campbell, lv. ; Chatterton, 2v.; Churchill, 3v. ; Coleridge, 3v. ; Collins, lv. ; Cow- per, 3v. ; Donne, lv. ; Dryden, 5v. ; Falconer, lv. ; Gay, 2v.; Goldsmith, lv. ; Gray, lv. ; ; Herrick, 2v. ; Hood, 4v; Keats, lv.; Marvell, lv. ; Milton, 3v. ; Montgom- ery, 5v. ; Moore, 6v.; Parnell and Tickell, lv.; Pope, 3v. ; Prior, 2v. ; Scott, 9v.; Shak- speare, lv. ; Shelley, 3v. ; Skelton, 3v. ; Southey, lOv. ; Spenser, 5v. ; Surrey, lv. ; Swift, 3v. ; Thomson, 2v. ; Yaughan, lv. ; Watts, lv. ; White, lv. ; Wordsworth, 7v. ; Wyatt, lv. ; Young, 2v. Britton, J. and Breyley, E. W. Tower of London. London, 1830. 12°. Brocket, L. P. Woman's Worth in the Civil War. Boston, 1867. 8°. Brocklesby, Jno. Views of Microscopic World. N.Y., 1851. 8°. Brodhead, J. R. History of New York. N.Y., 1853. 8°. Bronte, Anne. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. N.Y., 1848. 12°. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. London, 1870. 12°. The Professor. N.Y, 1865. 12°. Shirley. London, 1870. 16°. Villette. London, 1870. 12°. Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. 12°. Brooke, H. The Fool of Quality. N.Y., 1860. 2v. 16°. Brougham, Lord H. Eminent Statesmen. Philadelphia, 1834. 2y. 16°. Lives of Philosophers in the time of Geo. III. London, 1855. 12°. Miscellanies. Philadelphia, 1841. 2v. 12°. Two Discourses on the Pleasures and Advantages of Science. Lon- don, 1845. 16°. Brougham, Sedgwick, &c. Advantages of Science. N.Y., 1855. 16°. Broughton, Rhoda. Good-bye Sweetheart. N.Y., 1872. 12°. Brown, D. P. The Forum. Phila., 1856. 2v. 8°. Brown, Goold. Grammar of English Grammars. N.Y., 1869. 8°. Brown, H. History of Illinois. N.Y., 1844. 8°. Brown, James. English Grammar. Phil., 1849. 8°. Brown John. Spare Hours. Boston, 1862-66. 2v. 16°. Brown, J. B. Memoirs of Howard. London, 1823. 8°. Memoirs of Howard. Boston, 1831. 8°. Brown, S. G. Life of Rufus Choate. Boston, 1870. 12°. Brown, Thos. Philosophy of the Human Mind. Boston, 1826. 2v. 8°. Mental Philosophy. Hallowell, 1830. 2v. 8°. Browne, C. F. See Ward Artemus. Browne, D. J. Etymological Encyclopedia. Boston, 1832. 24°. Sylva Americana. Boston, 1832. 8°. Trees of America. N.Y., 1857. 4°. B . 1 1/plwibi ileal ( 'atalogui . Browne, James. II tory of the Highlands. London, 1862. i\. v Browne, J Ross. Land of Thor. N.Y., L887. 12 Fusef, or a Crusade in the I N'.V., I8."i:i. 12 . Browne, Thos. Gallerj of Distinguished Characters. London, 1811. 16 . Browne, Sir Thos. Works of, Edited by 8. Wilkin. London, 1852. 8°. Browne, T. N. Life and Times of Hugh Miller, tf.1 .. L869. L6 Browning, Mrs. A.urora Leigh. NVY., 1865. 18°. Poema N.Y., 5v. - . Browning, Robt. Balaustion's Adventure. Boswm, 1*71. 10°. The Kin- and the Book. Boston, L869. 2v. 16 Browning, W. S. History of the Huguenota Phila.,1862. 12 BrowiUow, W. G. Secession. Phila.,1862. 12°. Bryant, Arthur. Forest Trees. NTT., 1871. L6 Bryant, w. C. American Poets. N.Y., 1754. 16°. Letters of a Traveler, or Thinirs seen through Europe ami America. N.Y., L850. 12°. Poems. X.Y., L856. 3v. 10°. Poems. Boston, 1834. 16°. Buchanan, James. Bketches of the X. A. Indians. N.Y., L824. 2v. 1(5°. Buchanan, Robt. Poems. Boston, lsfil!. 16°. The Land of Lome. ff.Y, L871. 12°. Buchanan, Lover, Rossetti and others. Novels, Tales and Poetry. N.Y., 12°. Buechner, Dr. Lewis. Force and Matter. London, 1870. 12°. Bucke, Chas. Beauties and Sublimities of Nature. N\Y.,1846. 10°. Ruins of Ancienl Cities. N.l ., L856. 2v 16 . Buckland, F. T. Curiosities of Natural History. N".Y., 1860. 8°. Same. N.Y., 1869. Buckle, H. T. Bssaya NVY.,1868. 10°. History of Civilization in England. N\Y., 1859. 2v. 8°. Buckingham, Duke of. Court and Cabinet of Geo III. London. Is:.:;. 2\ Buddington, Z. B. Can the Old Love ? Boston, 1*71. 8°. Bueil, J. Farmer's Instructor. N.Y.,1841. 18°. Bidfinch, Thos. Legends of Charlemagne. Boston, 1864 12°. Bidwer, Sir E. L. Complete Works of Phila., 1868. L2 Complete Works of. Globe Ed. 12 . Devereux. N.Y.. L850. 1 England and the English. N.Y., 1833. 2v 12°. Ernest .Mali ravers. Phila.. 1868. 16°. Harold, also /aimni. N\Y, 1862 8 Life of Palmerston. Phila.. 1871. 2v. 12°. My Novel. Phila., L865. 8 . Pilgrims of the Rhine. N.Y., 1834 12°. Ring of Amaais. N.Y.. 1868 12 . Rise and Fall of Athens. N.Y.. L856. 12°. The Disowned, also tfighl and Morning. Bungay, G. W. Crayon Sketchea \ V. 12°. Bungener, L. F. The Priest and the Huguenot Boston, i v .v:. 2v. Preacher and the Bang. Boston, 1844 i Bunner, E. History of Louisiana. NY.. 1846. History of N< w York. 1846. Bunsen, C. C. J. God in History. London. 1868. 8°. Life of B G. tfiebuhr. N.Y.. 1854 12°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 9 Bunsen, C. C. J. Signs of the Times, translated by Susanna Winkworth. N.Y., 185C. 12°. Bunsen, Robt. Gasometry, trans, by H. E. Roscoe. London, 1857. 8°. Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's Progress. Boston, 1853. 12°. Burch, Sam'l. Digest of Laws. Wash., 1823. 8°. Burke, Edmund. Memoir and Works of. N.Y., 1833. 3v. 8°. Works of. London, 1854. 6v. 16°. Bumand, F. C. Happy Thoughts. Boston, 1871. 18°. More Happy Thoughts. Boston, 1871. 18°. Burnap, Geo. W. Lectures on History of Christianity. Bait., 1842. 12°. Burnet, Bishop. History of His Own Time. London, 1853. 4v. 8°. Burnet, G. Letters of Travel in Switzerland and Italy. 1708. 12°. Burns, Robt. Complete Poetical Works. Boston, 1855. 8°. Poems of. See British Poets. Burr, Rev. E. F. Pater Mundi. Boston, 1870. 2v. 12°. Burton, J. H. The Book Hunter— Notes by R. G. White. N.Y., 1863. 12°. Burton, Wm. E. Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor. N.Y., 1858. 2v- 8°. Burton, Rob't. Anatomy of Melancholy. Phila., 1855. 8°. Burton, R. F. Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. N.Y., 1856. 12°. The City of the Saints ; also, Across the Rocky Mountains to Califor- nia. N.Y., 1862. 8°. Travels in the Lake Regions of Central Africa. N.Y., 1860. 8°. Bush, Rev. Geo. Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures. Phila., 1847. 8°. Life of Mohammed. N.Y., 1833. 16°. Busk, Hans. The Navies of the World. London, 1859. 12°. Butler, Rev. A. Lives of the Saints. London. 9 vols, in 4. 8°. Butler, Chas. The American Lady. Phila., 1836. 24°. Butler, Mrs. Fanny K. A Year of Consolation. N.Y., 1847. 2v. 8°. Residence on a Georgia Plantation. N.Y., 1834. 12°. Butler, Jas. The Analogy of Religion. London, 1852. 16°. Butler, Noble. English Practical Grammar. Louisville. 12°. Butler, Samuel. Hudibras. N.Y., 1850. 12°. Poems of. See British Poets. Butler, Wm. A. Nothing to Wear. N.Y., 1857. 16°. Byr, Robt. Sphinx, translated by A. Forester. Phila., 1871. Byron, Lord. Poems of. See British Poets. Bythneri, Victorini. Institutio Lingua? Hebraeas and Chaldoese. Lon., 1635. 16°. Caballero, F. Elia, or Spain Fifty Years Ago. N.Y., 1868. 12°. Cadena, W. V. de la. Spanish Pronouncing Dictionary. N.Y., 1869. Caesar, Julius. Commentaries, trans, by W. A. McDevitte. London, 1853. 12°. Same. Phila., 1847. Calef, R. Salem Witchcraft. London, 1823. 12°. Calhoun, John C. Reports and Public Letters, Edited by R. K. Cralle. N.Y., 1856. 6v. 8°. Calkins, N. A. Object Lessons for Teachers and Parents. N.Y., 1868. 8°. Calvert, James and Williams, Thos. Fiji and the Fijians. N.Y., 1859. 8°. Calvin, John. Sermons. Phila., 1831. 12°. Camden, Wm. Britannia. London, 1795. Folio. Camp, D. N. Illustrative Teaching. Chicago, 1866. 12°. 2 LO . 1 Iphabi tical < f atalogiu . Camp, Geo. s. Democracy N X . 1846. 16 . Campbell, Alox. Christian Baptism. Bethany, 1862. 12°. Campbell, H. and Purceil, Rt. Rev. J. B. Debate on Roman Catholic Religion Cin., 1851. L2 Campbell, Geo. Philosophy -I Rhetoric. Phila., L8ia - Campbell, James. Excursions, Adventures, etc., in Ceylon. London, 1868. 2t s , Campbell, J. Lord. Lives of the Lord Chancellors. Phila., 1861. 7v. 12°. Lives of the Chief Justices of England. London, L858. 8v. 8 Campbell, Thos. Life and Poetical Worksof Boston, 1855. \-2 . Poems of. Sit British Poi Campau, Madame. Memoirs "t t iourl of Marie Antoinette. London, 1868. 2v. 8°. Camoens, Luis de. Lusiad, trans, from Portuguese by M. W. -I Mickle. Lon- don, L768. 4°. Carey, Alice. Ballads, Lyrics and Hymns. X.Y., lsT2. Carey, H. C. Past, Presenl ami Future Phila., isjs s . Carey, Phebe. Poems of Faith, Eope and Love. N Y., 1872. Carlyle, Thos. ESssays. I i< >-t < m , 1855 French Revolution. NT.Ti ., L870. 2v. 12 '. History of Frederick the Great. X.V.. 1868 6v. 12°. Fatter' Day Pamphlets. Boston, L850. 12°. Letters and Speeches of Cromwell. N.V., 1845. (See Cromwell.) 2v. 12°. Miscellanies. Boston, L838. 12 I'ast and Present ; also, Sartor Resartus. N.Y., 1870. Carrel, A., Fox, C. D. and Lonsdale, J. History of Charles IF and James IF Fon, Ion, !s;,7. 12 . Carroll, Anna E. The Great American Battle. N.Y.. 1856. L2 . Carroll, Lewis. Through the Looking Glass. Boston, 1872. 12°. Catlin, George. North American Indians. London, 1851. 2\ 3 Cattullus and Tibullus. Poems of, trans. by W. K. Kelley. London, 1854. 12°. Cavendish, Geo. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. London, 1752. 4°. Celeste, Sister Maria. Life of Galileo. Boston, 1870. 12°. Cellini, Benvenuto. Memoirs of, nan-. l>v Thos. Roscoe. London, 1850. 12°. Mm,'. N.Y., L851. Cervantes. Don Quixote. N.Y., 1815. 12°. Exemplary Novels, trans by W. C Kelley. London, 1855. l(i°. Chalmers, Thos. Astronomical l>i- NY. 1855. 12°. Commercial Discourses. N Y . 1855. F2°. Moral and intellectual Constitution ,>t' Man. London, 1853. 12°. Chamberlain, N. H. Autobiography of a New England Farm House. NY.. 1865. 12 . Chambers, Robt., (Edr.) Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Boston, 1858 8v.8 Popular Encyclopaedia. Phila., 1852. 2v. 8 Chambers, Wm., (Edr.) Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge. Bos- ton. lOv. 12 . Memoir ofRobeii Chambers With Autobiographic Reminiscences of the Author. NY.. 1872. 12°. Things as they are in America. Phila., 1854. F2°. Channing, Walter. A Physician's Vacation Boston, 1856. 12 Channing, Wm. E. Autobiography Boston, 1854 8v. 12 . Discourses, Reviews and Miscellanies. Boston, 1830. v 3 lections from his Works. Boston, 1865. 12°. \V,,rks,.f. Boston, 1849. 5v. 12°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 11 Chapin, Rev. E. H. Humanity in the City. N.Y. 12°. Chaptal, J. A. Agricultural Chemistry. Boston, 1836. 12°. Chemistry Applied to Agriculture. N.Y., 1846. 16°. Charles, Mrs. E. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevilyan. NY., I860. 12°. Draytons and Davenants. N.Y., 1866. 12°. On Both Sides of the Sea. NY., 1867. 12°. Schonburg-Cotta Family. N.Y., 1866. 12°. Winnifred Bertram. N.Y., 1866. 12°. Chase, Philander. Reminiscences ; an Autobiography. Boston, 1848. 2v. 8°. Chatterton, Thos. Poems of. See British Poets. Chauvenet, Wm. Spherical and Practical Astronomy. Phila., 1853. 2v. 8°. Cheever, Rev. H. T. Sandwich Islands. N.Y., 1851. 12°. Chesterfield, Earl of. Letters to his Son, Philip Stanhope. Published by Mrs. E. Stanhope. London, 1775. 4v. 8°. Chevalier, M. Gold, translated by R. Cobden. N.Y., 1859. 8°. Chevreul, M. E. Colors, translated by Chas. Martel. London, 1859. 12°. Child, D. C. Benedicite. N.Y, 1867. 12°. Child, Li. Maria. Letters from New York ; 1st and 2d Series. N.Y., 1852. 12°. The Progress of Religious Ideas Through Successive Ages. N.Y., 1855. 3v. 12°. Chillingworth, Wm. Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salvation. London, 1854. 12°. Chitty, Edward. Commercial and General Lawyer. London, 1839. 8°. Chorley, H. F. Memoirs of Mrs. Hemans. Phila., 1836. 12°. Chowles, Rev. J. O. Cruise of the North Star. Boston, 1854. 12°. Churchill, Chas. Poems of. See British Poets. Cicero, Marcus T. Academics, trans, by C. D. Yonge. London, 1853. 12°. Orations. London. 24°. Oratory and Orators, trans, by J. S. Watson. London, 1855. 12°. Select Orations. Phila., 1850. 12°. Treatises of, trans, by C. D. Yonge. London, 1853. 12°. Clapp, Rev. T. Autobiographical Sketches and Recollections of. Boston, 1858. 12°. Clarendon, Earl of. Civil Wars in Ireland. London, 1720. 2v. 12°. History of England. Oxford, 1712, 3v. 8°. Life and Correspondence. Oxford, 1759. 3v. 8°. Clark, E. L. Daleth, Egypt Illustrated. Boston, 1864. 8°. Clarke, John. Essay upon Education of Youth. London, 1840. 18°. Clarke, J. F. Ten Great Religions. Boston, 1871. 8°. Clater Francis. Cattle Doctor. Phila , 1846. 12°. Clay, Henry. Life and Speeches, edited by D. Mallory. Hartford, 1855. 2v. 8°. Clayton, E. C. Queens of Song. NY., 1865. 8°. Clemens, S. L. See Twain, Mark. Clement, C. E. Hand-book of Legendary and Mythological Art. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Clough, A. H. Memoir and Poems. Boston, 1862. 24°. Cobbe, F. P. Hours of Work and Play. Phila., 1867. 16°. Cobden, J. C. The White Slaves of England. Auburn. 1853. 12°. Cockburn, Lord. Life of Lord Jeffrey. Phila., 1836. 8°. Coffin, Robert B. Out of Town. N.Y., 1866, 12°. Coggeshall, Geo. History of American Privateers. 8°. 1 •_> .1 1/plujibi tical < 'iifiiln,/)/, . Coggeshall, Geo. History of Commerce and Navigation. XV. I860 Voyages. N.l ., 1858. Bv. 8 , Colburn, Zerah. Locomotive Engine. Phila,, 1854. Cole, Miss M. Frank Warrington. X.V.. L868. 12 Louie's l.i • ["< rm al Bt. Mary's. NY.. L864 I .' Richard Vandermarck. N X . L871. L6 - Rutledge. X.V.. 1868. 12 . si. Philip's. NY. L865 12 '. The Sutherlands. N.Y.. 1863. 12°. Coleridge, S. T. Complete Works of, edited by Prof. Shedd. N.Y., 1854. 13°. Poems of. See British Poets. Poetical Works. Phila., 1852. Same. Boston, 1855. 12°. Table I'alk. NY.. L835. 12°. Coleman, Lyman. Historical Text-book of Biblical Geography. Phila., 1850. 12°. Collins, Miss Jennie. Nature'- Aristocracy. Boston, l s 71. 12°. Collins, P. McD. Voyage Down the Amoor. X.Y., I860. I Collins, Wm. Poems of. See British Poets. Poems and .Mi'tnoir. Boston, 1859. 16°. Collins, Wilkie. Armadale. X.Y., 1866. 8°. Man and Wife. X.Y., 1871. 8°. Mad Monckton. Phila. 8°. Poor Miss Finch. X.Y., L872. 8°. (3 copii Sister R The Moonstone. X.Y., 1865. 8°. The Dead Secret. X Y. 12°. Woman in White. X.Y.. 1869 8°. Collins, Rev. W. L. £Jschylus. Phila., 1870. 16 Caesar. Phila., 1870. 16 Cicero. Phila., L871. 16 , Herodotus. Phila., 1870. 16 Homer's Iliad. Phila., 1870. 16° Homer's Odyssey. Phila., 1870. L6 Horaee. Phila., 1870. L6 . Pliny. Phila., 1870. 16 . Sophoclea Phila., 1872. 16 . Virgil. Phila., 1870. 16 Senophon. Phila., 1870. I Collins, Gray and Beattie. Poetical Works of. Boston, 1856. 12°. Colman, H. European Life and Manners London, 1849. 2v. 8°. Colton, C. C. I .aeon. XY. 16°. Colton, Calvin. American Lakes. London, is:;:;. 2v. 12 Last Years of Henry Clay. N.Y.. L856. 8 Colton, Geo. W. Atlas ,,f the World. X.Y., L856. 2v. Colton, Walter. Deck and Po Cruise to California. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Land and Sea, or Views ol Constantinople and Allien- X \ . 1856 12 - B and the Sailor, or Not< of France and Italy. X. i ., 1854 12". Ship and Shore in Madeira, Lisbon and the Mediterranean X V., 1851. VJ . Three Sears in California. N.Y.,1851. I - Colquhoun, J. C. William Wilberfbro — His Friends and Hi- Time-. London, L867. 12 Combe, A. Principles of Physiology. N.T., 1850. 16°. Combes, C. Bergbaukunst, edited by Hartmann. Weimar, 1S44. 2v. & plates. 4°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 13 Conant, Mrs. H. C. History of English Bible Translations. N.Y., 1856. 12°. Conde, J. A. History of the Arabs in Spain, trans, by Miss J. Foster. London, 1855. 3v. 12°. Confucius. Life and Teachings of, by James Legge. Phila., 1867. 8°. Conwell, R. H. Why and How. Boston, 1871. 16°. Conybeare, Rev. W. J. and J. S. Howson. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Cin., 1869. 8°. Cook, Captain Jas. Voyages Around the World. London, 1871. 4v. 8°. Cooke, John E. See Effingham, C. Cooke, J. P. Chemical Physics. Boston, 1860. 8°. Cooley, A. J. Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts. N.Y., 1872. 12°. Coolidge, Susan. The New Year's Bargain. Boston, 1872. 12°. Cooper, J. F. History of U. S. Navy. N.Y. 1856. 8°. Novels. N.Y., 1853-60. 33v. 12°. The Path Finder. Phila., 1840. 2v. 12°. The Pioneers. N.Y., 1870. 16°. Cooper, J. G. Life of Socrates. London, 1850. 12°. Copleston, R. S. ^Eschylus. Phila., 1871. 16°. Cormack, Rev. J. Lives of Ancient Philosophers. N.Y. 16°. Corn-wall, Barry. See Proctor. Cortes, Hernando. Translated by George Folsom. Cotting, J. R. Geological Text-book. Taunton, 1835. 12°. Cotton, H. G A Treatise on the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace. Ottawa, 1845. 8°. Cowell, Benjamin. Spirit of 1776 in Rhode Island. Boston, 1850. 8°. Cowley, A. Works of. London, 1871. 3v. 18°. Cowper, William. Life and Works in 3 Vols. London, 1853. 16°. Poems of. Boston, 1855. 12°. Poems of. See British Poets. Cox, E. W. Arts of Writing, Reading and Speaking. N.Y., 1868. 12°. Cox, S. S. Search for Winter Sunbeams. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Coxe, Wm. Duke of Marlborough. Loudon, 1817. 3v. 12°. History of the House of Austria. London, 1853. 4v. 12°. Cozzens, F. S. Acadia, or a Month in Nova Scotia. N.Y., 1859. 12°. The Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker. NY., 1867. 12°. Crabbe, George. Poetical Works. Boston, 1855. 12°. Crabbe, Heber and Pollok. Poetical Works. Phila., 1852. 8°. Craik, Mrs. See Muloch, Miss D. M. Crane, Anna M. Emily Chester. Boston, 1866. 12°. Opportunity. Boston, 1867. 12°. Cracraft, J. W. Judaizing Teachers. Chicago, 1858. 12°. Creasy, E. S. The Decisive Battles of the World. N.Y., 1859. 8°. Crichton, A. History of Arabia. N.Y. 2v. 16°. Crichton, Andrew and Wheaton, Henry. Scandinavia. N.Y. 16°. Croly, Rev. Geo. Beauties of the British Poets. Boston, 1854. 12°. Life and Times of George IV. N.Y. 16°. Cromwell, Oliver. Letters and Speeches, edited by T. Carlyle. N.Y., 1855. 2v. 12°. Crosby, Alpheus. Greek Grammar. Boston, 1854. 8°. Crosland, Mrs. Newton. Lydia. Boston, 1852. 12°. Memorable Women. Boston, 1854. 16°. II Alphabetical Catalogue. Crowe, E. E. History of France. VY.. 1842. 2v. 16 ,, George. Three Courses and Dessert. London, 1852. 16 Cruden, Alex. Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. London, 1854 B Cutter, Calvin. A.natomy, Phyj and Hygiene Boston, 1852. Camming, Gordon. Wild Men and Wild N.Y., 1872 16 . Cummings, Rev. Asa. Memoir of Rev. E. Payson. NY. 16 Cummins, Maria S. El Fureidis. Boston, I860. L6 . The Lamplighter. London, I s ") I. Cunii, Samuel. Euclid. London, 1845. i Cunningham, Allen. British Painters and Sculptors. N.Y.,1846, 18 Cupples, Mrs. Geo. Singular Creatures. Boston, 1872 L6 . Curtius. Ernst. History of Greece, trans, by A. W. Ward. N.Y.. 1871. 3v. 8°. Curtis. G. T. History of Constitution of I . S. X.Y., 1854. 2v. 8°. Life of Webster. X.Y., 1870. 2v. - Curtis, G. W. Lotus Eating. NY., 1850. 12°. Potiphar Papers. NY., L853. 12°. Curtiss, D. S. Emigrants Guide Through Wisconsin. N.Y.. L852. Curwen, Samuel. Letters of an American in England. Boston, 1864. 8°. Gushing, L. S. Manual. Boston. 1869. L6 . Cuvier, Baron de. Animal Kingdom. London, 1854. 8°. Cuvier and Others. Naturalist's Library. Boston, 1854. 8°. D'Arblay, Mad. Diary and Letters. London, 1854. 7v. 16 . D'Abrantes, Duchess. Memoirs of Napoleon— His Court ami Family. N.Y.. 1859. 2v. 8 . Daily, F. O. C. I'm and Pencil Sketches Abroad X.Y . 1868. 12°. Dana, A. H. Ethical and Physiological Inquiries. N.Y.,1862. I Dana, Jas. D. Manual of Geology. Phila., 1867. 8 Dante, Alighieri. Divine Comedy, John A. Carlyle. X.V., 184 Divine Comedy, trans, by II. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1871. ::\. 16 Dante A. and Paez. Don Ramor. Will Scenes in South America N.V., 1862. 12 . Darwin, Charles. Animal- ami Plants Under Domestication. X.Y. 2v 12°. Descent of Man. X.Y. 1871. 2v. 12 . The Origin of Species. NY .. I860. 8 . Voyage of a Naturalist Around the World. X.Y.. 1871. 12°. Sam-. Boston, 1859. D'Aubenton. Gelie. Paris, 1828. 24°, D'Aubigne, J. H. M. History of the Great Reformation of the 1 6th Century in ( termany, Switzerland, etc. Phila., L843. v History of the Reformation of the L6th Century, trans, by II White. 'NY.. 1853. 5v. i - History of tin- Reformation in Europe, In the Time of < ah in X.Y., 1864. 3v. i The i'i-,,1, ctor— a Vindication. X.Y.. 1850. I Davenport, R. A. History of the Bastile. London, 1888. K Perilous Adventures. N . Y., 1841. 16°. Davenport, Bishop. History and New Gazetto N. America. X'.Y., 1842. 8°. Davidson Sisters. Poetical Works of. Boston, 1855. 12 , Davies, Charles. Analytical Geometry. N.Y., 1852. 8°. A .■ bra, translated from French of Bourdon. X'.Y., 1852. 8°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 15 Davies, Charles. Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry. N.Y., 1852. Leeendre. N.Y., 1852. 8°. Logic of Mathematics. N.T., 1851. 8°. Practical Geometry and Mensuration. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Surveying. N.Y., 1852. 8°. Davies, C. M. History of Holland. London, 1841. 3v. 8°. Davies, J. H. Geological Science. London, 1854. 12°. Davies, T. A. How to Make Money and How to Keep it. N.Y., 1866. 8°. Davies, Chas. and Peck, Wm. Dictionary of Mathematics. N.Y., 1867. 8°. Davis, E. B. Edith. Boston, 1851. 12°. Davis, J. F. History of China. N.T., 1848. 2v. 16°. Sketches of China, London, 1841. 2 v. 12°. Davis, M. L. Life of Aaron Burr. N.Y., 1836. 2v. 12°. Davis, N. Carthage and Her Remains. N.Y., 1861. 8°. Davis, Mrs. R. H. Dallas Galbraith. Phila., 1868. 8°. Margaret Howth. Boston, 1862. 18°. Waiting for the Verdict. NY., 1869. 8°. Davy, Sir Humphrey. Correspondence. London, 1858. 8°. Day, Jeremiah. Aleebra. Phila., 1852. 8°. Same. Phila., 1847. DeBury, Mme. Blaz. French and Spanish Drama. London, 1846. 24°. DeCormenin, L. M. Popes of Rome, Phila. 8°. DeCourcillon. Social and Religious Customs in France. NY., 1855. 12°. DeFoe, Daniel. Novels and Miscellaneous Works. London, 1854. 5v. 16°. Robinson Crusoe. 12°. DeForest, J. W. Historv of Indians of Connecticut. Hartford, 1853. 8°. Kate Beaumont, Boston, 1872. 8°. (3 copies.) MissRavenal's Conversion from Secession to Loyalty. N.Y., 1867. 12°. DeGurowski, Count A. Russia as it is. NY., 1854. 12°. DeHeberay, N. Amadis DeGaul. London, 1802. 16°. DeJoinville, J. Chronicles of the Crusades. London, 1848. 12°. De la Rame, Julia. See Ouida. DeLiefde, Jno. Charities of Europe. London, 1865. 12°. DeLorne, J. L. Constitution of England. London, 1853. 12°. DeLorrienne, L. Beaumarchais and His Times, trans, by H. S. Edwards. N.Y., 1857. 12°. DeMaistre, Xavier. A Journey Around My Room. NY., 1871. 16°. DeMille, J. Cryptogram. Same. The American Baron. NY., 1872. 8°. Demosthenes. Orations of. London, 1827. 12°. Works of. London, 1852-55. 2v. 12°. Denison, Miss E. W. Lucy's Way Out of the Dark. Boston, 1871, 18°. DeQuincy, Thos. Collected Writings, as follows : Autobiographical Sketches. Boston, 1864 12°. Biographical Essays. Boston, 1864. 12°. Confessions of an Opium Eater. Boston, 1858. 12°. Essays on Philosophical Writers. Boston, 1865. 2v. 12°. Historical and Critical Essays. Boston, 1865. 2v. 12°. Letters to a Young Man and other Papers. Boston, 1865. 12°. Life and Manners. Boston, 1851. 12°. Literary Reminiscences. Boston, 1865. 2v. 12°. Memorials and other Papers. Boston, 1866. 2v. 12°. it; . [1/,/nth, fi.iil ( 'etiology* . DeQuincy, Thos. Miscellaneous Essays. Boston, 1864. 12 . Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers Boston, 1864 2v. 12°. Note Book. Boston, L866. 12°. ■ Theological Essays and other Papers Boston, L868. 2v. 12°. The Caesars. Boston, L865. L2 . Desaguliers, J. T. Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy. 12°. DoSeguer, Count Philip. Napoleon's Russian Expedition. N.Y. 16 . DeSismondi, S. Bistory of the Crusades. London, 1826. s . Literature of South of Europe, trans, by Roscoe. N.Y., I860. 2v. 16°. DeStacl, Madame. Corinne. N.Y., 1858. 16 . Germany. N.T., 1864. 2v. 12°. DcTocqueville, A. American [nstitutions. N.Y., 1 S "">4. 12°. Democracy of America. N.Y., 1854. 8°. DeVere, M. Scheie. Americanisms— the English of the New World N.Y.,1872 Si ray Leaves from the Book of* Nature. N.Y, 1855. 16° Devey, Joseph. Logic. London, 1854. 12°. Dewey, Rev. O. The Old World and the New. N.Y, 1836 12°. Dewey, Mary E. Life and Letters of C. M. Sedgwick. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Dexter, George T. Spiritualism. See Edmunds, J. W. Dibdin, C. Mirth and Metre. London, 1817. 18°. Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Library Companion. London, 1825. 8°. Dick, Thos. Celestial Scenery. N.Y, 1845. 16°. Improvement of Societv. N.V., 1*48. 16 . Philosophy of the Future State. Phila., 1853. 12°. Sidereal Heavens. N.Y. 16 . Dickens, Chas. Bleak House. Boston, I s '". 8°. Greal Expectations. Boston, L862. 12°. Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi London, 1858. 18°. Mystery of Edwin Drood. Boston, 1870. 8°. Oliver Twist Boston, 1868. 12°. Pickwick Papers. Boston, 1870. 12 . Works of Philadelphia 5 vols. 8 , Complete Works, (Globe Edition.) 1872. I5v. 16°. -Baruabj Rudgi and Sketches, It. ; Christm • - - ind Pictures from yand Lmerican Notes, It.; DaTld Copperfleld, It. ; Dombey and Son, It.; Bdwin i" I, i I ttle Dorrltt, It. ; Martin Chuzzlewit, It.; Nicholas Nickleby, It.: OUtsi Tv i. i ie Old Curiosity Shop and Sketches, It. ; Our Mu- tual Friend, h . A Tale ol Two Cities and Hard . Uncommercial TraTeler and U er Humphrey's Clock, It, Dickinson, Anna E. What Answer. Boston, 1868. 16°. Didron, M. Christian Iconography, trans, by E. J. Millington. London, 1851. 2v. in lv. 12°. Dirk, Thos. Complete Worka Cin., 1851. 2 v. 8°. DisraeU, Benjamin. Conjng8Dy. London, 1859. 12°. Lothair. N.V.. 1870. 12 . Vivian Grey. Phila. 8°. DisraeU, Isaac. Amenities of Literature. N.Y., 1864 2v. 12°. Curiosities of Literature. N.V., h'lti Literary Character of men of Genius. N.Y., 1868. 12°. Ditson. G. l. Adventures in Africa, NY., 1860. 12°. Dix, John. Life of Thos. Chatterton. London, 1851. 18 Dixon, W. H. Free Russia. N.Y., 1870. 12°. New America. Philadelphia, 1861 - spiritual Wives. Philadelphia, 1868. 12°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 17 Dodd, George. Curiosities of Industry. Loudon, 1857. 8°. Doddridge, Philip. The Family Expositor. London, 1748. 2v. 4°. Dodge, Mary A. See Gail Hamilton. Donaldson, J. Manure, Grapes and Farming. London, 1842. 8°. Donne, John. Poems. See British Poets. Doolittle, Rev. J. Social Life of the Chinese. N.Y., 1865. 2v. 12°. Doran, Dr. Annals of English Stage. N.Y., 1861. 12°. Habits and Men. N,Y„ 1855. 12°. Queens of England of the House of Hanover. N.Y., 1855. 2v. 12°. Douglass, Amanda M. Lucia, Her Problem. N.Y., 1872. Dover, Lord. Life of Frederick the Second. N.Y., 1848. 2v. 16°. Dow, Lorenzo. Life, Experience and Travels of. N.Y., 1849. 2v. in 1, 8°. Downing, A. J. Landscape Gardening. London, 1844. 8°. Drake, Francis S. Dictionary of American Biography. Boston, 1872. 8°. Drake, B. Life of Blackhawk. Cin. 1839. 12°. Drake, Nathan. Literary Hours. London, 1804. 3v. 12°. Draper, J. W. Civil War of America. N.Y., 1867-70. 3v. 8°. Civil Polity of America. N.Y., 1867. 8°. Intellectual Development of Europe. N.Y., 1863. 8°. Drew, W. A. Glimpses and Gatherings During a Visit to London Great Exhi- bition. Boston, 1852. 12°. Drinkwater, John. Siege of Gibraltar. Dublin, 1793. 12°. Drown, Wm. Fanner's Guide. Prov., 1824. 16°. DuChaillu, P. B. Equatorial Africa. N.Y., 1861 . 8°. The Country of the Dwarfs. NY., 1872. 16°. Same. Dudevant, Mme. (Geo. Sand.) Consuelo, trans, by F. Robinson. Phila., 12°. Countess of Rudolstadt. Phila., 12°. Handsome Laurence, trans, by C. Owen. Boston, 1871. 8°. Indiana. Phila,, 1863. 12°. Mauprat, trans by Virginia Vaughan. Boston, 1870. 16°. Mile. Merquem. N.Y., 1868. 12° Miller of Angibault, trans, by Mary E. Dewey. Boston, 1871. 16°. Rolling Stone. N.Y., 1871. 8°. The Snow Man. N. Y., 1871. 16°. The Marquis de Villemar, trans, by R. Keeler. Boston, 1871. 8°. Duer, W. A. Jurisprudence. N.Y., 1856. 8°. Dufferin, Lord. A Yacht Voyage in High Latitudes. Boston, 1859. 12°. Dumas, Alexander. Adventures of a Marquis. Phila., 8°. Count of Monte Christo. NY., 1865. 8°. Edmond Dantes Phila. 8°. Memoirs of a Physician. London, 1848. 16°. Progress of Democracy. NY., 1841. 16°. Queen's Necklace. Phila., 8°. Tales of Algeria, trans, by R. M. Bache. Phila., 1868. 4v. 12°. Three Guardsmen. Phila. 8°. Duncan, Rev. Henry. Philosophy of the Seasons. NY., 1851. 4v. 8°. Dundonald, Earl of. Autobiography of a Seaman. London, 1860. 2v. 8°. Dutton, Matt. Abridgement of Irish Statutes. Dublin, 1717 12°. Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopedia of American Literature. N.Y., 1866. 2v. 8°. Dwight, Benj. W. Modern Philology. N.Y., 1864. 2v. 8°. Dwight, Theo. History of Connecticut. N.Y., 1841. 18°. l g . [Iphabetical < 'atalogiM . Dwight, Theo. History of Hartford, Conn. N.Y., 1833 8°. Dwight, Timothy. Travels in \< u England and New 5Tork London, L8 Dyer, G. Hisl »ry of Cambridge. London, 1814. 2v. 8 , Eaton, Amos. Manual of Botany. Albany, L829. IS Eaton, C. A. Rome in the 19th Century. London, 1852. 2v. 12 , Same. Ebers, Geo. Daughter of an Egyptian King. Phila., 1871. 12°. Echard, L. Bistory of Rome. London, l i . ir, J. G. Foot prints of Famous Men. N.Y, 1854. Edgworth, Maria. Tales and Novela LOv. in 6. N.Y., 1833 12 Edmunds, John W. and Dexter, Geo. T. Spiritualism. NY. 1853. 8°. Edwards, Mrs. Annie. Ought We to Visit Her. N.V., 1872 8°. phen Laurence, STeoman. N.Y., 1868. - Edwards, Amelia B. Debenham's Vow. N.Y, 1870. - . I 111 i a Million ol Money. X.Y.. 1868. - . Outlines of English History. Boston. 16 . Edwards, De Betham. The Sylvestres. Phila.. 1872. Edwards, E. Memoirs of Libraries. London, 1859. "J v. 8°. Free Town Libraries. London, 1869. Edwards, H. S. Life of Rossini. Boston. 18°. Edwards, Richard. Fifth Reader. Chicago, 1867. 12°. Effingham, O. (Cooke, J. E.) The Vu i liane N.Y., 1855. 2v. 12°. Eggleston, E. Hoosier School Master. N.Y., 12°. Elilert, Lewis. Letters on Music, trans by F.R. Ritter. Boston. 16°. Elan, C. A Physician's Problems. Boston, 1869. 12°. Eliot, Geo. See Lewes, M. A. Eliot, Sam'l. History of Liberty. N.Y. 2v. 12°. The English Martj i Phila., 1843. 2v. 12°. Elizabeth, Charlotte. Letters from Ireland. N.Y, 1843. 12°. Ellet, Mrs. Domestic History of American Revolution. X.V., 1851 Pioneer Women oi the West. N.Y, 1852. 16 . Women of The American Revolution. N.Y.. 1855. 3v. 16 . Women Artists. N.Y, 1859. i . . Ellet, Chas. Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Phila. I s ".::. 8°. Ellis, Geo. Metrical R London, 1848, Ellis, Mrs. Daughters o nd. N.Y, 1842. 12°. Ellsworth, H. L. Qlinois in 1837. Phila., 1837. 8°. Emery, Enoch. Myself, a Romance of New England Life. Phila.. 181 Emerson, R. W. English Traits. Boa on, 1865. 12 . 1st and 2d Series. Boston, 1866. 2v. 12 Mix-, llanies. Boston, 1867. 16°. Poems of. Boston, 1866. 12°. Re] Men. Boston, 1863. l \ and Solitude. Boston, 1870. 12°. Th( ' onducl ol Life. Boston, 1865. 12°. Emory, w. K. s of a Military Reconnoissance from Fori Leavenworth to Wash., 1848 8 , Same. Ennemoser, Joseph. History of Magic, trans, by Wm. Howitt London, 1854 2v. I . . E. O. S. Hungary and its Revolutions, with Memoir of Kossuth. London, 1854 Alphabetical Catalogue. 19 Epictetus. Works of, trans, by T. W. Higginson. Boston. 1805. 12°. Erckmann, E. et Chatrian, A. Invasion of France. NY., 1871. 12°. Madame Therese. N.T., 1869. 16°. Plebiscite. N.Y., 1872. 16°. The Conscript, N.Y., 1869. 12°. The Forest House. NY., 1871 . 12°. The Siege of Phalsburg. NY., 1870. 16°. Waterloo. N.Y., 1869. 12°. Erskine, T. Essay on Faith. Portsmouth, 1826. 12°. Etheridge, J. W. Life of Rev. Adam Clarke. N.Y. 12°. Euclid. Elements of Geometry. N.Y., 1854. 8°. Euler. Natural Philosophy. NY., 1854. 2v. 16°. Euripides. Tragedies of, trans, by T. A. Buckley. London, 1854. 2v. 12°. Eutropii. Historic Romance. 8°. Evans, Augusta J. Beulah. • N.Y., 1871. 12°. Same. Macaria, N.Y., 1804. 12°. Same. St. Elmo. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Same. Yashti. N.Y., 1869. 12°. Everett, Chas. C. The Science of Thought. Boston, 1869. 8°. Everts, Wm. and Others. Words in Earnest. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Ewald, H. F. Waldemar Krone's Youth. Phila., 12°. Ewbank, Thos. Hydraulics and Mechanics. N.Y., 1847-51 & '54. 8°. Fabens, J. W. Life on the Isthmus. N.Y., 1853. 12°. Falconer, Wm. Poems of. See British Poets. Fanning, E. Voyages around the World. N.Y., 1833. 8°. Faraday, Michael. .Chemical History of a Candle. N.Y., 1861. 16°. Farjeon, B. L. Joshua Marvel. Boston, 1871. Farrar, Mrs. John. Recollections of Seventy Years. Boston, 1866. 16°. F. E. B. Lowly Ways. Felton, C. O. Ancient and Modern Greece. Boston, 1867. 2v. 8°. Familiar Letters from Europe. Boston, 1865. 12°. Feller, Rev. A. F. and Nares, Rev. F. Universal History. N.Y. 16°. Fenelon, De la Mothe. Adventures of Telemachus. London, 1805. 24°. Telemaque. Phila., 1837. 16°. Same. London, 1805. 24°. Fenn, John. Paston Letters. London, 1849. 12°. Ferguson, Adam. History of Roman Republic. N.Y., 1836. 24°. Ferguson, James. Astronomy. London, 1799. 8°. Fern, Fanny. SeeParton. Ferris, B. G. Utah and the Mormons. N.Y., 1856. 12°. Feuillet, Octave. Camors. Phila., 1870. 12°. Field, Kate. Pen Photographs of Dickens' Readings. Boston, 1871. 12°. Field, H. M. History of Atlantic Telegraph. N.Y., 1866. 12°. Fielding, Henry. Select Works of. Edinburg, 1807. 5v. 8°. Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with Authors. Boston, 1872, 12°. Figuier, Louis. Insect World. N.Y , 1868. 8°. Mammalia. NY., 1870. 8°. Reptiles and Birds. N.Y., 1870. 8°. The World Before the Deluge. London, 1867. 8°. The Tomorrow of Death. Boston, 1872. 16°. 20 AJ/plwbetical Catalogue. Findlay, Alex. Classical Ai \ 5 Finney, Rev. O. Q. I tematic Theology. N.Y.,1847. 8y. 8°. Sermons. X.V. I Flanden, H. Lives and Times of Chief Justices of the \ 8 Phila., 1858. 8°. Fletcher, James. History of Poland. N.Y., 1831. 16°. le. N.Y .. i : Fletcher, Rev. J. C. and Kidder, Rev. D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians. i-ii, 1866. 8 . Flint, Ohas. L. Milch Cows and Dairy Farming. Boston, 1871. 16 . Florian, J. P. C. de. Gomalve De Cordoue. London, 1 V -'JT, 18 . History of Moors of Spain. \.Y., • Folkes, Martin. Table of English Silver Coins. London, 1845. 4°. Foot, Jesse Life of Arthur Murphy. London, 1811. 4°. Foote, A. H. Africa and the American Flag. X.Y., 1854 8 . Foote, H. S. 'I'll- Rebellion. N.Y., L866. 10°. Ford, Gov. Thomas. History of Illinois. Chicago, 1854. 12°. Fordyce, J. Addresses to Young Men. Boston. L6 . Forester, T. Norway ami its Scenery. London, 1853. 12°. Forney, J. W. Letters from Europe. Phila., 1867. Forster, John. Biography of Wall je Landor. Boston, 1869. 8°. Life <>f Dickeni — Vol. I. Phi] J. 12°. Statesmen of England. N.Y., 1855. 8°. Forsyth, Wm. Life of Cicero. N.Y.. 1855. 2v. 1 Novels and Novelists of the l Jth Century. London, 1871. 10°. Forsyth, Wm. Fruit Trees. Phila., 1808. Foster, Jno. Essays on the Evils of P ce. N.Y., 1854 12°. Essays. London, 1819. 2v. 1-2°. Lectures. London, L853. -v. L2 . Life and Correspondence, edited by J. E. Ryland. Lon., L852. 2 v. 12°. Foster, J. W. 8 ppi Valley. London, 1869. s . Foster, Mrs. J. Conde's History of Arabs in Spain. ' . L854. 8v. 16 . Fouque de La Motte. Undine. NV . 181 I ndine and Sintram. N.Y., L864 12°. Fowler, O. S. and L. N. Self-instructor in Phrenology and Physiology. N.Y., 1858. Fowler, O. S. On Memory. N.V., L846. 12 Culture. NY., 1847. 16°. Fowler, W. W. Ten Years in Wall Street. N.Y., 1870. 8°. Fox, Rev. G. T. Memoir of Rev. H. W. Fox. N.Y., 1854. \-: Fox, Jno. f Martyrs. Rochester, 1852. 12°. Foxton, E. Herman, or Young Knighthood. Boston, 1866. 2v. Francis, Convers. Life of John Eliot. N.Y., 1839. 16°. Francis, J. W. Old New York. NY., 1858. 12 Franklin, Benj. Autobiogi edited by John Bigelow. N7Y, 1868. 12°. Moral • rary Essaya Boston, 1811. 18 Fraser, J. B. History of Mi sopotamia N.Y., 1842. 18 . Freedley, E. T. A Practical Treatise on ss. Phila., 1869. 12°. Opportunities for Industry and Chances in Business. Phila.. 1859. Philadelphia and its Manu&ctarea. Phila., 1859. 12°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 21 Fremont, J. C. Exploring Expeditions in 1842-3-4. Washington, 1845. 8°. Oregon and California. Buffalo, 1849. 12°. Reports on Oregon. Washington, 1848. 8°. Fremont, Mrs. Jessie B. Story of the Guard. Boston, 1863. 16°. French, B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana. N.Y., 1853. 8°. French, R. O. Notes on the Miracles of Our Lord. N.Y., 1855. 8°. Freytag, Gustav. The Lost Manuscript. N.Y., 1869. 8°. Debit and Credit. N.Y., 1863. 12°. Friedrich. F. The Lost Dispatch, trans, by L. A. Williams. Boston, 1871. 8°. Friends and Acquaintances. New York, 1871. 16°. Froissart, Sir John. Chronicles of, etc., trans, by T. Johnes. N.Y. 4°. Middle Ages, trans, by T. Johnes. N.Y.,,1858. 4°. Frost, John. Great Cities of the World. Peoria, 1852. 8°. Same. Life of Z. Taylor. N.Y., 1847. 12°. Froude, J. A. Calvinism. N.Y., 1871. 12°. History of England. N.Y., 1865. 12v. 12°. Short Studies on Great Subjects. N.Y., 1868. 2v. 12°. Fuller, Rev. A. G. Works of Rev. Andrew Fuller. London, 1852. 12°. Fuller, Margaret. Woman in the Nineteenth Century. Boston, 1855. 12°. Fuller, S. M. Literature and Art. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Fuller, Thos. Good Thoughts in Bad Times. Boston, 1863. 16°. Fuller, Thos. The Historie of the Holy Warre. Cambridge, 1847. 8°. Fuller, Rev. T. Worthies of England. Nutali's Edition. London, 1 840. 3v. 8°. Fullerton, Lady. Mrs. Gerald's Niece. N.Y., 1870. 8°. Furniss, Wm. Land of the Caesar and Doge. N.Y., 1853. 8°. Gallaudet, Rev. T. H. Natural Theology for the Young. Hartford, 1832. 12°. Gait, John. Annals of the Parish. London, 1844. 16°. Life of Lord Byron. N.Y, 1855. 16°. Laurie Todd. London, 1849. 16°. Gambol, John. Ireland. London, 1819. 8°. Gammell, Wm. Life of Roger Williams. Boston, 1854. 16°. Same. Garland, H. A. Life of J. Randolph of Roanoke. N.Y., 1860. 8°. Garibaldi, G. Autobiography, trans, by T. Dwight. N.Y., 1859. 12°. Garrett, Edward. Occupations of a Retired Life. 1871. 12°. Garrett, Edward and Ruth. White as Snow. 1871. 16°. Garrick, David. Private Correspondence. London, 1831. 4°. Gaskell, Mrs. E. O. Cousin Phillis. Cousin Phillis and North and South. 8°. Oranford. N.Y. 16°. Life of Charlotte Bronte. N.Y., 1857. 2v. 12°. Mary Barton. N.Y. 16°. Moorland Cottage. N.Y., 1859. 16°. My Lady Ludlow. NY., 1864, 8°. Right at Last, and other tales. NY., 1860. 12°. Wives and Daughters. N.Y., 1866. 8°. Gasparin, A. de. America Before Europe, trans, by Booth. N.Y, 1862. 12°. Gay, John. Poems of. SeejBritish Poets. Gaylord, W. American Husbandry. N.Y., 1840. 2v. 16°. George, Anita. Annals of Queens of Spain. N.Y., 1850. 2v. 12°. Gibbon, Dr. Memoirs of Pious Women. Newburyport, 1803. 16°. .1 .) llphabi tical < 'tihtliHjih . Gibbon, Edward. Historj of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Dublin, I ;vi. 5v. 8 . Same, London, 1868. 7v. Lfl . Gibbon, John. Artillerists' Manual. NY., L868. 8 , Gibbons, J. s. Banks of New Fork and the Clearing House. N.Y.. L859. 12°. Gibson, Wm. Rambles in Europe. Phila., 1841. 12°. Gilbert, Jas. Wm. Treatise on Banking. N.V., 1851. - Gilbert, w. L. Bab Ballads. Phila. L2 . Giles, H. Lectures and Essays. Boston, 1850. 12°. Dlustrations of Genius. Boston, I860. 16 . Giles, J. A. William oJ Malmesbury's Chronicles of dings or England. Lon- don, L847. 16°. GilfillAn, Geo. Modern Literature and Eminent Literary Men. N.Y.,1846. 2v. 12°. Oilman, Arthur. First Steps in English Literature. N.Y., 1870. 18°. Gillespie, W. M. Manual of Road-making. N.Y., 1847. 8 . Gillies, Jno. Bistory of Ancienl Greece. Phila., L835. 12°. Gilliss, Lieut. J. M. 1 s Naval and Astronomical Expeditions. 2 vols., 2d & 6th. L855. 4°. Gilmore, J. R. See Edmund Kirke. Glaisher, J. Plammariou and others— Travels in the Air. Phila., L871. 8°. Gleig, Rev. G. R. History of the Bible. N.Y., 1846. 16°. Godwin, Parke. History of France. NT. Y., 1860. 2v. 8°. Goethe, J. W. Autobiog, trans, by A. J. \V. Morrison. London, 1849. 2v. 16°. Correspondence with a Child. Boston, 1861. 12°. Dramatic Works, trans, by Swanwick, London, L850. 16°. Faust, tran- by A. Haywood. Boston, 1864 18 , Novels and Tales, trans, by R. D. Boylan. London, 1854. 16°. Poems and Ballads, trans, by Aytoun and Martin. NY., is7l. 10°. Goldsmith, Oliver. Animated Nature. London, 1852. 2v. 8°" Cure de Wakefield, trans, by J. B. Biset London, L796. 12°. History of England, abridged. Boston, L824. 16°. Miscellaneous works of, edited by Wash, [rving. Phila., 1858. 8 , Miscellaneous Works, edited by J. Prior. N.V., L859. 4v. 12°. Poems of. See British Poi Poetical Works of. Boston, L855. 12°. Vicar of Wakefield, Phila., L866. 18°. Same Dublin, 1757. 84°. Goodrich, Chas. A. Great Events in History of America. Hartford, 1850. 8°. Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. N.V., L829. B . Goodrich, F. B. Man upon the Sea Phila., 1858. 8°. Goodrich, S. G. Modern History. Louisville, 1848. 8°. Universal History— Ancient. Louisville, L848. 8°. Gordon, Mrs. Life of Christopher North. N7Y, 1868. 8°. Gore, Mrs. Queen of Denmark. NVY, 1858. 8°, - rv of a Royal Favorite. N.Y.. I860. 8°. The Banker's Wife N.V.. I860. 8 , Gosse, P. H. Evenings at the Microscope. N.V.. I860. 12°. Romance of Natural Ilistnrv. IJnston, I s '»l. 12 The Ocean Phila., L856. 12 . Gosteck, Jos. German Literature. Edinburgh, 1849. 16°. Gould, E. S. GoodEnglish. N.Y., 1867. 12°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 23 Graah, Capt. W. A. Voyage to Greenland, trans, by McDougal. Lon., 1837. 8°. Graglia, C. Italian Dictionary. London, 1826. 24°. Graham, G. F. English Synonyms. N.Y., 1858. 12°. Grant, Sir Alex. Xenophon. Phila., 1871. 16°. Grant, Asahel. The Nestorians, or Lost Tribes. NY., 1841. 12°. Grant, Robt. History of Physical Astronomy. London. 8°. Gray, Asa. How Plants Grow. N.Y , 1869. 8°. Gray, Alonzo. Elements of Chemistry. N.Y. 8°. Gray, Barry. See Coffin, R. B. Gray, D. Poems and Memoirs. Boston, 1865. 16°. Gray, Thos. Poems of. See British Poets. Graves, A. J. Woman in America. N.Y, 1847. 16°. Greeley, Horace. Glances at Europe. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Same. Overland Journey to California. N.Y., 1860. 12°. Political Economy. Boston, 1860. 12°. Recollections of a Busy Life. N.Y., 1868. 12°. What I Know About Farming. N.Y., 1871. 16°. Greene, G. W. American Revolution. Boston, 1865. 12°. Life of Nathaniel Greene. N.Y., 1867. 3v. 8° (See Sparks.) Greene, N. History of Italy. N.Y., 1846. 16°. Greenleaf, Benj. Algebra. Boston, 1852. 12°. Greenwood, Grace. (Mrs. Lippincott.) Forest Tragedy and other Tales. Boston, 1866. 16°. Gregory, G. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 1 Vol. Plates. N.Y.,1821. 3v. 4°. Gregory, Olinthus and Foster, Jno. Works of Robt. Hall. London, 1849. 12°. Gregory, Wm. Letters on Animal Magnetism. Phila., 1851. 12°. Gregorovius, F. Wanderings in Corsica, trans, by E. J. Morris. Phila., 1855. 8°. Grey, C. Early Years of Prince Albert. N.Y., 1867. 12°. Grimm, H. Life of Michael Angelo. Boston, 1866. 2v. 12°. Grindon, L. H. Life — Its Nature, Varieties and Phenomena. Phila., 1866. 8°. Griscom, J. H. Animal Mechanism and Physiology. N.Y. 16°. Griswold, Bishop and Viets, Roger. Sermons. Hartford, 1800. 12°. Grote, Geo. History of Greece. N.Y., 1855. 12v. 12°. Grove, Helmholtz, &c. Correlation and Conservation of Forces. N.Y. ,1855. 8°. Gruen, A. The Last Knight, trans, by J. O. Sargent. N.Y., 1871 12°. Grund, F. J. The Americans. Boston, 1837. 12°. Guild, Curtiss. Over the Ocean. Boston, 1871. 12°. Guillemin, A. The Heavens. N.Y., 1871. 8°. Guizot, F. History of Civilization. N.Y., 1854. 5v. 12°. Life and Times of Corneille. N.Y., 1855. 12°. Representative Government, trans, by Scoble. London, 1852. 12°. Meditations on Christianity. N.Y., 1865. 16°. Guthrie, W. Grammar. Dublin, 1794. 8°. Gutzlaff, Rev. C. History of China, NY., 1854. 2v. 12°. Gunnison, J. W. The Mormons. Phila., 1852, 12°. Hadermann, J. R. Dead Men's Shoes. Phila., 1872. 12°. Hale, E. E. How to do it. Boston, 1871. 16°. If, Yes and Perhaps. Boston, 1868. 12°. Ingham Papers. Boston, 1869. 16°. Ten Times One is Ten. Boston, 1871. 16°. •_> I .1 Vphabi tical ( 'atalogiu . Halo, Sir Matt how. Primitive Origination of Mankind. London, 1677. Polio. Bale, Balma. History of the United States. NY. 2v 16°. Haley, W. D. Words for the Workers. Boston, 1865. II Hall, Edwin. The Puritans and their Principles. N.Y., 1846. 8°. Hall, E. B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware. Boston, 1866. 12 Hall, F. Life Of Maximilian I. N.Y.. 1868. i '.' . Hall, Jas. Statistics of the West. Cin., 1837. 12°. Hall, J. C. lh.- Green Band. N.Y.. L862. 8 . Hall, Rev. Robt. Complete Works. N.Y, 1830. . 9 Help to Zion's Travelers. Alexandria, 1833. 12 . Hall, Mrs. S. C. The White Boy. NY., 1861. 8°. Hall, Wm. Encyclopaedia of English Grammar. Columbus, 1850. I Hall, W. W. Coughs and Colds. N7Y, 1870. 12°. Fun Better than Physic, 12 . H( alth by Good Living. N.Y.. 1870. l ! . Sleep, or the Hygiene of the Night. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Hallam, Henry. Constitutional Historv of England. N.Y., 1854. 8°. Literature of Europe. N.Y., 1848. 2v. - . M Hi Ag< a N Y, L856. - - Halpine, O. Q. (Miles O'Reilly.) Poems. NY., 1867. 12°. Life and Adventures of Private Miles O'Reilly. N.Y.. 1866. 12°. Halsted, W. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Courl of New Jersey. Trenton, L823. Hamerton, P. G. Painter's Camp Boston, L871. L6 - The Etcher's Hand-book. London, 1871. L6 . Thoughts about Art. Boston,1871. l(i°. Hamley, E. B. our Poor Relations— a Philozoic Essay. Boston, 1872. 18°. Hamilton, Alex, and Jay, John. Lives of. NY., 1845. 1" Hamilton, Gail. (M. A. Dodge.) Country Living and Country Thinking. I ton, 1862. 16 . Gala Days. Boston, 1865. L6 New Atmosphere. Boston, 1865. 16 . Skirmishes and Sketches. Boston, 1865. 16°. Stumbling Blocks. Boston, 1864. L6 . \\ ool Gathering. Boston 1867. 16 , Woman's Wrongs. Boston, 1868. 16°. Woman's Worth and Worthlessness N Y.. 1872. 12°. Hamilton, Sir Wm. Discussions on Philosophy and Literature. N.Y., I860. 8°. Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic. Boston, 1866. v. 1, 8 Hamilton, Madison and Jay. Federalist. Hallowell, 1852. 8°. (2copies.) Hanson, John H. The Losl Prince. NY. 1854. 1. Haraszthy. A. F. Grape Culture— Wines and Wine Making. N."5 Hare, J. C. Guesses al Truth. Boston, 1865. I 1 Walk- in Rome. N.Y.. 1871. 12 . Hargreaves, J. G. The Blunders of Viceand Fully. London, 1870. 10°. Harland, Marion. (Mrs Terhune.) Aloni N Y. L850. A; I.:-; N.Y., 1870. L2 . Bame. Helen Gardner's Wedding Day. N.Y.. 1870. 12 . Husbands and Homea N.Y.. 1870. 12°. Husks. N.Y., 1863. 12 Hidden Path. NY. 12°. Moss-Side. 16°. Miriam. N.Y.. 1870. 12°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 25 N.Y., 1871. N.Y, 1857. 16°. , 1866. 16°. 1872. 12° ., 1854. 1868. 16°. 8°. SO 12°. 2v. 16°. Harland, Marion. (Mrs. Terlmne.) Nemesis. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Pheniie's Temptation. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Ruby's Husband. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Sunnybank. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Tbe Empty Heart. N.Y., 1870. 12°. True as Steel. N.Y., 1872. 12°. Harper, Mrs. Mary J. Practical Composition. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Harris, John. Mammon. N.Y. 16°. Harris, T. M. Discourses on Freemasonry. 1801. 12°. Harsha, D. A. Orators and Statesmen. N.Y., 1855. 8°. Hart, J. C. The Romance of Yachting. N.Y., 1848. 12°. Hart, John S. In the School-room. Phila., 1868. 8°. Harte, Bret. Condensed Novels. Boston, 1871. 16°. East and West Poems. Boston, 1871. 12°. Luck of Roaring Camp. 1870. 12°. Poems. Boston, 1871. 12°. Hartwig, Dr. Geo. Tbe Subterranean World. Hatfield, R. G. American House Carpenter. Haven, Alice B. Loss and Gain. N.Y., 1862 Haven, Gilbert. The Pilgrim's Wallet. N.Y, Haweis, Rev. H. R. Music and Morals. N.Y., Hawks, F. L. Egypt and its Monuments. NY' Hawthorne, Nathaniel. American Note-Books. Blithedale Romance. Boston, 1865. English Note-Books. 1870. 2v. 16°. French and Italian Note-Books. Boston, 1872. Marble Faun. Boston, 1865_ 2v. 12°, Mosses from an Old Manse. Boston, 1857. 2v Our Old Home. Boston, 1865. 16°. Scarlet Letter. Boston, 1865. 16°. Same. Snow Image. Boston, 1865. 16°. Tanglewood Tales. Boston, 1865. 16°. The House of the Seven Gables. Boston, 1865. The Wonder Book. Boston, 1865. 16°. Twice Told Tales. Boston, 1865. 2v. 16°. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, edited by Vincent. N.Y Hayes, I. I. An Arctic Boat Journey. Boston, 1860. The Land of Desolation. N.Y., 1872. 12°. The Open Polar Sea. N.Y., 1867. 8°. Haywood, John. Gazetteer of the United States. Phila., 1854. 8°. Hazen, Edward. Trades and Professions. N.Y., 1850. 2v. 18°. Hazlitt, Wm. Miscellaneous Works of. N.Y., 1859. 5v. 12°. Contexts. — Vols. I. and II , Table Talk. Vol. III., Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth; Characters of Shakspeare's Plays. Vol. IV., Lectures on the English Comic Writers ; Lectures on the English Poets. Vol. V., Spirit of the Age. Head, Francis B. A Fagot of French Sticks. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Headley, J. T. Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. N.Y., 1864. 12°. Napoleon and his Marshals. N.Y., 1847. 2v. 12°. Second War with England. NY., 1853. 2v. 12°. Washington and his Generals. NY., 1853. 2v. 12°. Headley, P. O. Life of Louis Kossuth. Auburn, 1852. 12°. Same. Heber, Reginald. Travels in India. Phila., 1828. 2v. 8°. Hedge, F. H. Prose Writers of Germany. Phila., 1870 8°. 2v. 16°. 16°. Same. 16°. Same. , 1869. 12°. 8 C •jt') Alphabetical Catalogue. Hrcren, A. H. L. Historical Researchea London, i s ~>i ">v. 8°. Heine, Heinrich. Book of Bongs, trans by C. G. Leland. Phila., L864 16 . Pictures of Travel, trans, by ( : . G. Leland. N.V.. L866. 12 Heliodorus, Longus, and Achilles Tat ins. Romances, trans. l>v Smith. London, L865. 12 . Helps, Arthur. Brevia. Boston, 1871. 16 . Casimir fifaremma. Boston, 1870. 16 . Companions of My Solitude. Boston, L870. L6 Essays- Organization in Daily Life. Boston, 1871. 16°. Friends in Council. NY., L863. 3v. 16°. Bame- New SerieB. 1862. 2v. 16°. Realmah. Boston, 1869. 12°. Thoughts upon Government. Boston, 1872. 8°. War and Culture. Boston, 1871. 12°. Hemans, Mrs. F. Poetical Works of. Boston, 1856. 12°. Henry, Alexander. Travels in Canada. N.Y., 1809. 8°. Henry, C. S. Bistory of Philosophy. N.Y., 1*41. 2v. 18°. Henry, Wm. Experimental Chemistry. London, 1810. 2v. 8°. Henderson, Peter. Gardening for Profit. N.Y.. 1867. 12°. Henningero, Joh. Sigismundo. Quadriga Scriptorum Diseteticorum (elebrio- rum. Strasburg, 1718. 18°. Herbert, Lady. Impressions of Spain. N.Y., 1869. 12°. Herbert, Geo. Poems of. See British Po< Herbert, Henry W. Memoir- of Henry VIII. N.Y. and Auburn, 1855. 12°. Captains of the Roman Republic. X.Y.. L854 12 Herndon, W. L. and Gibbon, L. Valley of the Amazon. Wash., ls;,|. 2 v. 8°. Herodotus. Trans, by Henry Cary. London, 1850. i. Analysis, by J. Talboys Wheeler. London, 1852. 12°. Note'- on, selected by D. W. Turner. London, 1853. 12°. Herrick, Rob't. Poems of. See British Poets. Herschel, Sir Jno. F. W. Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects. London, L867. 12°. Treatise on Astronomy. Phila, 1834. 12°. Hesekiel, J. G. L. Life of Bismarck. N.Y., ls?0. 8°. Hesiod, Callimachus and Theognis. Trans, by Rev. J. Bunks. Lon., 1856. 12°. Hey, Richard. Gaming, Duelling and Suicide. Cambridge, 1812. 8°. H. H. (Mrs. Helen Hunt.. Bits of Travel. Boston, 1872. 16 , Verses. Boston, 1870. I s , Hickey, W. The Constitution of the U. S. Phila., 1854. 12°. Same. Higgins, W. M. Physical Condition of the Earth. N.T., 1842. 16°. Higginson, T. W. Atlantic Essay s Boston, 1871. 12°. Army Life in a Black Regiment. Boston, 1869. 12°. MEalbone. Boston,1869. I Hildreth, R. History of the United State-. NY., is:,::. 6v. 8°. Japan. Boston, 1855. 12 . Hiilam, Mrs. V. Only a Girl, trans, bj MraWistar. Phila., 1870. 12°. Hiilard, G. S. six Months in Italy. Boston, 1858 12 . Hinton, James. I lealth and its Conditions. NY.. 1871. 16°. Life in Nature, N.Y., 1872. 12 . Man and His Dwelling Place. N.Y., 1872. 12 The My>h r\ of Lain. London, 1870. 18°. Hitchcock, Edward. Genesis and Geology, introduction by. Boston, 1853. 12°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 27 iO Hitchcock, Edward. Geology of the Globe. Boston, 1856. 8 C Religion of Geology. Boston, 1861. 12°. Hobart, Nathaniel. Life of Swedenborg. Boston, 1845. 16°. Same. N.Y., 1850. 16°. Hobeden, Roger. Annals. London, 1853. 12°. Holland, Mrs. Reflection. London, 1826. 18°. Hogarth, Wm. Works of. London. 2v. 4°. Hoge, Mrs. A. H. The Boys in Blue. N.Y., 1867. 8°. Holbein, Hans. Dance of Death. London, 1849. 18°. Holcombe, Henry. Baptists in Alabama. Phila., 1840. 12°. Holcombe, J. P. Literature in Letters. N.Y., 1866. 8°. Holland, Charles. Aspasia. Phila., 1859. 16°. Holland, H. R. V. Foreign Reminiscences of. N.Y., 1855. 12°. Holland, Lady. Life of Sydney Smith. N.Y., 1856. 2v. 12°. Holland, J. G. Bitter-Sweet. N.Y., 1865. 16°. Gold-Foil. N.Y., 1867. 16°. Kathrina. N.Y., 1867. 16°. Same. Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects. N.Y., 1866. 12°. Miss Gilbert's Career. N.Y., 1866. 12°. Holland, Sir Henry. Recollections of Past Life. N.Y., 1872. 12°. Holmes, E. Life of Mozart. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Holmes, Mrs. M. J. Cameron Pride. N.Y., 1871. 12°, Cousin Maude and Rosamond. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Darkness and Daylight. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Dora Deane. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Edna Browning. N.Y., 1872. 12°. (4 copies.) English Orphans. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Ethelyn's Mistake. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Homestead on the Hillside. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Hugh Worthington. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Lena Rivers. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Marian Grey. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Meadow Brook. NY., 1871. 12°. Millbank. NY., 1871. 12°. Rose Mather. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Tempest and Sunshine. NY?, 1871. 12°. Holmes, Nathaniel. Authorship of Shakspeare. N.Y., 1866. 12°. Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Boston, 1871. 12°. Elsie Venner. Boston, 1861. 2v. 12°. Guardian Angel. Boston, 1867. 16°. Mechanism in Thought and Morals. Boston, 1871. 18°. Poems. Boston, 1870. 16°. Kolstein, Baroness de Stael. Ten Years Exile. N.Y., 1821. 18°. Holton, I. F. New Grenada. N.Y., 1857. 8°. Home, D. D. Incidents in My Life. N.Y., 1863. 12°. Homer. Iliad, trans, by Theodore Alois Buckley. London, 1854. 12°. Odyssey, trans, by Theodore Alois Buckley. London, 1855. 12°. Odyssey. A Translation. 16°. Hone, Wm. Ancient Mysteries. London, 1823. 8°. The Year Book. London, 1832. 8°. The Every-Day Book. 1826. 2v. 8°. The Table Book. London, 1841. 8°. Hood, Thos. Poems of. See British Poets. 28 Alphabetical Catalogue. Hood, Thos. Poems and Hood's Own. NTT., 1864 12°. I lies, Romance, etc N Y, L866. 12 . Tyiney Ball. Boston, I860. 12°. Dp the Rhine. NY.. 1854 12°. Whimsicalities. NT.Y., 1855. 12 . Same- Works— Prose and Verse. NY., 1855. l\. 12°. Hook, Theodore. Cousin William. N.Y., 1857. 12°. Hooker, Richard. Complete Works. Oxford, 1850. 2 v. 8°. Hooker, 13. W. Memoir of Mrs. S. L. II. Smith. N.Y., 1845. 12°. Hooker, Worthington. Chemistry. NY, 1868. 12°. Natural History. N.Y., I860. 12°. Physician and Patient. NY., |s.J!i. 1-j . Hooper, Geo. Waterloo — the Downfall of the 1st Napoleon. London, 1862. 8°. Hopkins, Samuel. The Puritans, or the Church, Court and Parliament of Eng- land. Boston, 1859. 3v.8°. Hoppin, James M. Old England. N".Y.,1867. 12°. Horace. Works of, trans, hy C. Smart. London, 1855. 12°. Home, Thos. H. Introduction to Critical Study of the Bible. NY., lsr.i;. 2v. 8°. Hosmer, J. K. The Thinking Bayonet. Boston, 1869. 12°. Houdin, Robert. Memoirs of, edited by Dr. B S. Mackenzie. Phils,, 1859. 12°. Howard, C. J. Book of Drawing Room Theatricals. NY., 1871. 12°. Howe, H. The Great West. Cin., 1852. 8°. Same Memoir- .it American Mechanics. N.Y., 1858. 12°. Howells, W. D. Italian Journeys. N7Y, 1867. 12°. Suburban sketches. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Their Wedding Journey. Boston, 1872. 12°. Venetian Life. N.Y., 1866. 12°. Howitt, Wm. Homes of the Poets. N7Y, 1866. 2v. 12°. History of Priestcraft. N.Y., 1855. 12°. Land, Labor and Cold. Boston, 1855. 2v. 12°. Visits to Remarkable Places. Phila., 1854. 2v. 12°. Woodburn Grange. Phila., 1867. 12. Same. Howitt, Wm. and Mary. Stories of English and Foreign Life. Lon., 1856. 16°. Howitt, Mary. Cooke, Eliza. L. E. L. Poetical Works of. Boston, 1855. 12°. Howitt, Mary. Milman and Keats. Poetical Works of. Phila., 1852. 8°. Hows, J. W. S. Bhaksperian Reader. N.Y., 1850. 12°. Hozier, H. M. The Seven Weeks War. Phila., 1867. 2v. - Hue, E. R. Chinese Empire. N.Y., 1855. 2v. 12°. Tartary, Thibet and China. NY., 1852. 2v. 16°. Hudson, W. S. R. Letters of a Soldier in India. Boston, 1860. 12°. Hughes, J. T. California and Eldorado. Cin., 1849. 12°. Hughes, S. Treatise on (las Works. London, 1858. 16°. Hughes, W. C. Miller and Millwright's Assistant. Phila., 1851. 12°. Hugo, Victor. A Life, trans, by C. E. Wilbour. NVY.,1864 8°. Pes Miserables. N.Y.. 1864 8°. Sketchesand Legends of the Rhine. N'.Y. 12°. The Hunchback of Notre Dame. N.Y., 1864 16°. Humboldt, Alex. Cosmos. London, 1849-58. 5v. 12°. Views of Nature. London, 1850. 12 . Humboldt, Wm. Letters to a Lady. N'.Y., 1867. 16°. Hume, David. Pssays. Boston, ism. 8°. History of England. Albany, 1816. 8v. 8°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 29 Hume, David. Same, 6 Vols. ; 2v. Phila., 4v. Boston, 1865. 8°. Humphreys, H. N. Coin Collector's Manual. London, 1853. 2v. 12°. HunniweU, J. T. The Lands of Scott. Boston, 1871. 12°. Hunt, C. H. Life of Edw. Livingston. N.Y., 1864 8°. Hunt, Freeman. Lives of American Merchants. N.Y., 1856. 2v. 8°. Hunt, Leigh. Men, Women and Books. N.Y., 1847. 2v. 12°. The Seer. Boston, 1865. 2v. 12°. Hunt, Robert. Elementary Physics. London, 1855. 12°. Poetry of Science. London, 1854. 12°. Hunter, W. W. Annals of Rural Bengal. N.Y., 1868. 8°. Hurst, John F. History of Rationalism. NY'., 1865. 8°. Hutchinson, Mrs. Lucy, Life of Col. Jno. Hutchinson. London, 1846. 12°. Hutton, Rev. W. Book of Nature. Boston, 1832. 18°. Huxley, Thos. H. Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews. London, 1870. 8°. On the Origin of Species. NY., 1863. 8°. Huxley, and Others. Half Hours with Modern Scientists. N. Haven, 1871. 8 C Hyacinthe, Father. Discourses, trans, by L. W. Bacon. N.Y., 1869. 8°. Ingelow, Jean. Poems of Love and Childhood. Boston, 1871. 16°. Studies for Stories. Boston, 1865. 16°. Story of Doom. Boston, 1867. 16°. Ingersoll, Robert G. Die Gcetter, trans, by A. Zotz. Peoria, 1872. 8°. The Gods. Peoria, 1872. 8°. Ingraham, Pillar of Fire. Boston, 1865. 8°. Prince of the House of David. N.Y., 1856. 12°. Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland. London, 1854. 12°. Irving, Rev. E. Oracles of God. Phila., 1825. 2v. 12°. Irving, P. M. Life and Letters of W. Irving. N.Y., 1864. 4v. 12°. Irving, Theo. Conquest of Florida, N.Y., 1851, 12°. Irving, Washington. Alhambra. N.Y., 1856. 12°. Bonneville's Adventures. N.Y., 1855. 12°. Bracebridge Hall. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Conquest of Granada. N.Y. 12°. Crayon Miscellany. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Knickerbocker. N.Y., 1856. 12°. Knickerbocker's History of New York. Phila., 1832. 12°. Life of Washington. N.Y., 1856. 5v. 12°. ■ Life and Voyages of Columbus. N.Y., 1856. 4v. 12°. Same. N.Y., 1870. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Mahomet. N.Y., 1854. 2v. 12°. Salmagundi. Sketch Book. N.Y., 1856. 12°. Spanish Papers, edited by P. M. Irving. N.Y., 1866. 2v. 12°. Tales of a Traveler. NY., 1856. 12°. Same. N.Y., 1856. 12°. Woolfert's Roost. N.Y., 1855. 12°. Jaeger, B. North American Insects. N.Y., 1859. 12°. James, G. P. R. Ancient Regime. N.Y., 1855. 2v. in 1. 16°. Attila. N.Y., 1855. 2v. 16°. Corse De Leon. N.Y., 1841. 2v. 12°. Henry of Guise. N.Y., 1855. 2v. in 1. 16°. History of Charlemagne. N.Y. 16°. History of Chivalry. N.Y. 16°. 30 Alphabetical Catalogue. James, G. P. R. Same NY , 1881. Louis the XIV. London, L851. 2v. 12°. M hi al Annv N.Y., L855. 2v. in I. 16°. M:m-\ ..i Burgundy. N. V., L855. 16 . One in a Thousand. N.Y.. is.V>. i»; . Philip Augustus \ ^ . i s v> 12°. Richard Coeiir I »e I., on. London, 1 v "> I 12°. The Gipsy. N.Y.. L836. 12°. The Buguenot. N.Y.. L865. 2v. 16°. Same. NY., L839. The Jacquerie NY, 1855. 2v. in 1. 10°. James, Jno A. The Church in Earnest. Boston, i860, 12°. Jameson, Mrs. Anna. Common Place Book. NY., L856. 2v. 82°. Diary ofan Ennuyee. Boston, 1*~> S . 32°. Female Sovereigns. N.Y., 1 s.n . 2v. 16°. Same, l'liila. Sketches of Art, Literature, etc. Boston,1858. 32°. Studies, Stories, etc. Boston, L859. 32°. Janin, J. The American in Paris. N.Y., 1844. v Janus. The Pope and the Council, trans, from German. Boston, 1870. 16°. Jarves, J. J. Art Thoughts. N.Y., 1869. 12°. Jarvis, Edward. Practical Physiology. Phila., 1* Is. 12°. Jay, William. Mexican War. Boston, 1849. 12°. Jay, W. M. L. My Winter in Cuba. N.Y. 1871. Jeaffreson, J. C. A Book aboul Doctors. NY, L861. 12°. A Look aboul Lawyers. N.Y., 1867. L2 '. Jefferson, Thos. Complete Works. Wash., L858. 9v. 8 . Correspondence ami Miscellanies, edited by T.J. Randolph. Bos- ton, L830. 4v. 8 . Manual of Parliamentary Practice. N.Y., 1867. I Notes on Virginia Boston, 1832. 16°. Jeffrey, F. Contributions to Edinburg Review. Boston, 1854 8°. Jenkins, J. S. Heroines of History. Peoria, 1853. 8°. Jenkins, J. S. Lynch's Pacific and Dead Sea Expeditions, Detroit, is:.::, '.'v. 8°. Lite ,',r .lames K. Polk. Auburn, 1851. 12°. Life of Calhoun. Auburn, 1850. L2 Lives of Governors of New $ork. Auburn, 1852. 8°. Politieal History of New Fork Auburn, 1849. I Jerningham, Mrs. Journal. N.V., l s 70. 18°. Jerrold, B. Cockaynes in Paris. London, 1872. 8°. Jerrmann, E. Lite ami Remains of D. Jerrold. Boston, 1859. 12°. Pictures from St. Petersburg. N.Y.. L852. 12 . Jewett, J. R. Narratives. Middletown, 1815. 12°. Johnson, Anna C. Cottages of the Alps. NVY.,1860. 12°. Johnson, Ben. Works of. Boston, 1854. 8°. Johnson, Sam'l. LiVes of English Poets. London, 1854 8v. 8°. Rasselas. Phila., i s '>'i. I i Rambler and [dler. LriiMi L^avists. Western islands of Scotland. Baltimore, 1810. 12°. Johnston, J. F. W. Agricultural Chemistry. NY. 8°. Chemistry of Common Life. N.Y., 1869. 12°. Same. N.Y., L859. 2v. Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry ami Geology. NY., 1842. 12°. Jones, Rev. Lahan. Cumberland Presbyterian Plea. Louisville, l s 47. 16°. JO Alphabet} cat Catalogue. 31 Jones, Rev. Laban. A Memoir of Rev. S. A. Noel. Louisville, 1846, 24°. Jonquil. Was She Engaged. Phila., 1871. 16°. Josephus, Flavius. Works of, trans, by Wm. Whiston. Baltimore, 1833. Joyce, Rev. J. Scientific Dialogues. London, 1852. 12°. Judd, S. Margaret. Boston, 1871. 16°. Junius. Works and letters of, edited by John Wade. London, 1850. 2v. 16°. Justinus, Cornelius Nepos and Eutropius, trans, by Watson. London, 1853. 12°. Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia and Lucilius. Satires of, trans, by Rev. Lewis Evans. London, 1852. 12°. Karnes, Lord. ( Henry Home.) Elements of Criticism. N.Y., 1838. 8°. Sketches. Dublin, 1779. 2v. 8°. Kane. E. K. Arctic Explorations. Phila., 1856. 2v. 8°. Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason, trans, by J. M. D. Micklejohn. Lon- don, 1855. 12°. Kavanagh, Julia. Dora. N.Y., 1868. 8°. Daisy Burns. N.Y., 1868. 12°. Nathalie. N.Y. , 1870. 12°. Sybil's Second Love. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Kay, Jos. Social Condition of the English People. N.Y., 1863. 12°. Keats, John. Poems. See British Poets. Keightley, Thos. History of England. N.Y. 5v. 18°. Keith, Rev. Alex. Harmony of Prophecy. N.Y., 1859. 12°. Kelso, Isaac. Danger in the Dark. Phila., 1855. 16°. Kelly, W. K. History of Russia. London, 1854. 2v. 12°. Kendall, G. W. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition. N.Y., 1855. 2v.l2°. Kennan, Geo. Tent Life in Siberia. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Kennedy, Grace. Father Clement. Boston, 1860. 12°. Kennedy, J. P. Annals of Quodlibet, Phila., 1860. 12°. Rob of the Bowl. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Kent, James. Commentaries on American Law. N.Y., 1826-30. 4v. 8°. Kerr, Orpheus C. ( R. H. Newell.) The Cloven Foot. N.Y., 1870. 12°. The Walking Doll. N.Y, 1872. 12°. Kett, H. Elements of General Knowledge. Phila., 1805. 12°. Kidd, Jno. Physical Condition of Man. London, 1852. 12°. Kidder, D. P. Sketches of Brazil. Phila., 1845. 2v. 8°. Kilty, John. Landholder's Assistant. Bait., 1808. 8°. King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. Boston, 1872. 12°. King, Thomas Starr. The White Hills. Boston, 1860. 8°. Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea. N.Y., 1863. 2v. 12°. Kingsford, Jane. (Barnard, C.) The Soprano. Boston, 1869. 8°. Kingsley, Chas. Glaucus. Boston, 1855. 16°. Hereward. Boston, 1866. 12°. Hypatia. Boston, 1854. 2v. 12°. Sir Walter Raleigh and his Times. Boston, 1859. 12°. Two Years Ago. Boston. 12°. Kingsley, Henry. Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn. Boston, 1859. 12°, Kingston, W. H. G. Banks of the Amazon. London, 1872. 8°. Marmaduke Merry, the Midshipman. London, 1864. 16°. Kip, Rev. W. J. Catacombs of Rome. N.Y, 1854. 12°. Same. 1857. 32 • 1 1/phoibi t/ical < 'atalogiu . Kippi.s, A. dipt. Cook's Life and Voyages. Bartford. L6 Kirby, Wm. Instincts of Animals. London, 1862. '.'v. l'J . Kirk, Chas. D. Wooing and Waring in the Wilderness. N.V.. I860. IS . Kirk, J. F. History of Charles the Bold of Burgundy. Phila.. im'.i us 2v.8°. Kirk, Edmund. (Gilmore.J, R.) Down in Tennessee. N.Y., i s 'it. L2 Same, Kirwan. (Murray, N - .) Men and Things in Europe. N.V.. 1864 12 . Romanism at Home. N. Y., L852. 12°. Kitto, John. Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature. N.V., L856. -J v. 8°. Daily Bible Illustrations. N.Y., 1855. 7v. 12°. Scripture Lands, with an Atlas, London, I s "'". 16 . The Losl Benses— Deafness and Blindness. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Knight, Miss E. Autobiography. London, 1841. ',' v. 8°. Knight, Mrs. H. C. Life of James Montgomery. Boston, i s "i7. 1.' . Knight, Chas. Cyclopedia of London. London. 8°. Knowles, J. S. Fortescue. N.V., 1864. Knox, Thos. W. Overland through Asia. Hartford, 1870. 8°. Kceppen, A. L. History of the Middle Ages. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Kotzebue, A. von. Travels. London, 1830. 3v. 16°. Krapf, Rev. J. L. Travels in Hast Africa. Boston, 1860. 8°. Kugler, F. T. Hand-book of Tainting. Italian Schools. London, 1869. 2 v. 8°. L'Abbe. Under the Ban. N.Y.. 1864, 8°. Lackington, J. Life of. London, 1792. 8°. La Fontaine, J. de. Fables, trans, by E. Wright, Jr. N.Y., I860. 2v. 16°. Lajetchnikoff. The Heretic, trans, by T. B. Shaw. NY., 1858. 8°. Lamartine, A. de. Confidential Disclosures, trans, by E. Plunkett. N.V., 1857 and 49. 12°. Genevieve. N.T., 1867. 8°. History of French Revolution of 1848. Boston, 1859. 12°. History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France. London, 1854. 4v. L2°. Lamb, Chas. Works of. Sketch of his Life by Talfourd. NY., L849. 2v. 12°. Lamb, Chas. and Mary. Tales from Shakspeare. Boston, IHiiC. 2-1°. Lempriere, John, Classical Dictionary. Fi'.tT. 8°. Lamont, James C. Seasons with the Sea Horses; or, Sporting Adventures in the Northern Seas. N.V., 1861. 8°. Landon, L. E. Complete Work-. Boston, 1854 8°. Lander, R. and J. Expedition to the Niger. N.Y. 1832. 2v. 16°. Travels in Africa. NY., L846. 2v. L6 ■ Landor, W. S. Selections from Writings of, edited by ITillard. Boston, 1856 W orks of. London, 1868. 2v. 8 , Langhorne, J. and W. Plutarch's Lives and Life of Plutarch. Bait., is:;i. s\ Lanman, J. H. History of Michigan. N.Y. 1(»°. Lanman, C. Private Life of Webster. N.Y.. L858 12°. Lanzi, Luigi. History of Painting. London. 1852. 3v. 16°. Lardner, D. Cabinet Encyclopaedia. Phil., 1832-8. 16v. 12°. Lectures on Science and Art N7Y., 1855. 2v B Latham, R. G. Hand-book of English Language. N.Y., 1852 12°. Lathrop, J. Register. Boston, 1815. 16°. Laushin, Waciley. Russian Commercial Dictionary— Fifth Edition. Moscow, 1790. 12°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 33 Lawrence, Amos. Life and Correspondence, edited by W. R. Lawrence. Bos- ton, 1859. 12°. Lawrence, H. Life of H. Fielding. London, 1855. 12°. Lawrence, Wm. Anatomy. London, 1848. 12°. Layard, A. H. Discoveries anions; the Ruins of Babylon and Nineveh. N.Y, 1853. 8° Lea, H. O. History of Sacerdotal Celibacy. Phila., 1867. 8°. Studies in Church History. Phila., 1869. 8°. Superstition and Force. Phila., 1866. 12°. Lear, E. Nonsense Book. Boston, 1871. Lecky, W. E. H. History of European Morals. N.Y., 1869. 2v. 8°. Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland. N.Y., 1872. 16°. Rationalism in Europe. N.Y., 1867. 2v. 8°. Lee, Alfred. Life of the Apostle Peter. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Lee, Charles A. Elements of Geology. N.Y.. 1848. 16°. Lee, Mrs. E. B. Naomi. Boston, 1838. 12°. Sketches of Sculptors and Painters. Boston, 1854. 2v. 12°. LeFanu, J. S. All in the Dark ; also, tile Tenants of Malory. N.Y., 1866. 8°. Lost Name. N.Y. 8°. Uncle Silas. N.Y. 8°. Wylder's Hand. N.Y., 1865. 12°. Laboulaye, E. Paris in America, trans, by Mary L. Booth, N.Y., 1863. 12°. Legendre, A. M. Elements of Geometry, trans, by D. Brewster. N.Y., 1845. 12°. Leibnitz, G. B. Opera Philosophica. Berolini, 1840. 8°. Leighton, John. Paris Under the Commune. London, 1871. 12°. Leland, Charles G. Meister Karl's Sketch Book. Phila., 1855. 12°. Leland, H. P. Americans in Rome. N.Y., 1863. 12° Leland, Thos. History of Philip of Macedon. London, 1761. 4°. Leonowens, A. H. English Governess at the Siamese Court. Boston, 1812. 12°. Lepsius, R. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia, Etc. London, 1853. 12°. LeSage, Alain Rene. Adventures of Gil Bias. Hartford, 1850. 16°. Leslie, Jameson and Others. Polar Seas and Regions. N.Y., 1855. 16°. Leslie, Frank. Pictorial History of the Late American War. N.Y., 1862. Folio. Lessing, G. E. Nathan the Wise, trans, by Ellen Frothingham. N.Y., 1868. 16°. Lester, C. E. Glory and Shame of England. N.Y. 12°. Lettsom, J. C. Naturalist. London, 1799. 12°. Lever, Charles. A Day's Ride. London. 16°. Barrington. London, 1866. 16°. Barrington ; also, the Dodd Family. N.Y., 1863. 8°. Charles O'Malley. Phila. 8°. Davenport Dunn. London. 2v. 16°. Harrv Lorrequer. Phila. 8°. Lord'Kilgobbin. N.Y, 1872. 16°. Sir Jasper Carew, and the Martins of Cro'Martin. N.Y. 8°. The Daltons; also, Maurice Tiernay. N.Y, 1868. 8°. Tom Burke of Ours ; also, Knight of Gwynne. Phila. 8°. Tony Butler. N.Y, 1865. 8°. Leverett, F. P. Latin Lexicon. Boston, 1841. 8°. Lewes, Mrs. (Geo. Eliot.) Adam Bede. N.Y, 1858. 12°. Felix Holt. N.Y. 8°. Mill on the Floss. N.Y, 1868. 12°. Romola. N.Y, 1862. 8°. ;; \ . I Imhoibi tical ( 'atalogui . Lewes, Mrs. Silas Maimer. N.V.. 1861. L2 Scenes in Clerical Life. N.V., L858. 8°. Spanish Gipsy. Boston, 1868. 16°. Lewes, G. H. Biographical History of Philosophy. N.Y., 1868 3 Life and Works of Goethe Boston, 1866. 2v. 16°. Physiology of Common Life. NY.. I860, '.'v. 12°. Stories of Animal Life. NY , I860. 12 , Lewis, Dio. New Gymnastics. Boston, 1868. 12°. our Girls. NY.. L871. 12°. Same. Talk- .ill. .ut People's Stomachs. Boston, 1872. 12°. Lewis, Capt. Meriwether, and Clark, Capt. William. Expedition of. N.T., 1842. L8 . Indians of North America. Phila., 1812. 16°. Liddell, H. G. History of Rome. N.Y. 12°. Liddell & Scott. Greek and English Lexicon. NY.. 1852. 8°. Lieber, F. Civil Liberty and Sell' (Jovernment. Phila, 1853. 12°. Labor and Property. X.Y., 1841. 16°. Liebig, J. von. Agricultural Chemistry. NY, 1855. 12°. Animal Chemistry. N Y,*1848. 12°. Natural Laws of Husbandry. N.T., 1863. 12°. Liebold, V. Japanese Manners and Customs. N.Y. 16°. Lillienthal, M. E. and Allyn, Robert. Tilings Taught, ('in. 12°. Lilly, WiUiam. Astrology. London, 1852. 12°. Lingard, J. History of England. Boston, is:}:}. Ltv. 12°. Lippincott's Pronouncing Dictionary of Authors. lsio. 2v.8°. Pronouncing Gazetteer. Phila., 1855. 8°. Lippincott, Mrs. See Grace (Jreemvood. Livermore, Harriet. The Council of God. Phila., 1844. 12°. Livingstone, David. Missionary Travels in South Africa. NY., 1858. 1'.'~ Livingstone, David and Charles. Expedition to Zambesi and its Tributaries, NY.. L866. 8°. Livius, T. History of Rome, trans, by McDevitte, Spillan and Edmonds. Lon 'don, 1850. 4v. 12°. Locke, D. R. Ekkoes from Kentucky, by Petroleum V. Nasby. Boston, 1868. 12°. Locke, John. Essays. ff.Y, 1825. 2v. 8°. Human Understanding. London, 1796. lv. 16°. London. 2 v. 8°. Philosophical Works of. London, L854. 12°. Lockhart, J. G. Life of Napoleon. NTT., 1843. 16°. Life of Sir Walter Scott. N.Y . 1851. tv. 12°. Lockhart, Lawrence W. M. Fair to See. N7Y., 1872 8°. Lodge, Edmund. Illustrious Men of Great Britain. London. L849. Bv. 12°. Peerage of British Empire. London. 1841. 8 . Longfellow, H. W. Golden Legend. Boston, 1864. 12°. New England Tragedies. Boston, 1868. 16°. Prose Works. Boston, 1865. 2v. 24°. Poems. Boston, L865. L. 16°. Tales of a Wayside Inn. Boston, L868. 16°. Longinus. Treatise on the Sublime, trans, by B Despraux. London, 1712. Loomis, A. W. Confucius and Chinese Classics. San Fran. 1 y B. Perry. N . V. 2v. 18°. Life of Paul Jones. X.V , 1864. 2v. 18 . Life of Sir Walter Scott. Boston, 1871. 12°. Mackenzie, R. S. Mils of Blarney NY, 1855. L6 . Mackenzie, W. L. Life and times of Martin Van Buren. Boston, 1846. 8°. Mackie, J. M. Bchamy] and the Circassian War Boston, 1856 12°. Mackintosh, Sir Jas. Life of, edited by \\. J. Mackintosh. Boston. 1 *:>:!. 2v. S°. Memoirs of. Phila., 1885. 2v. 12°. Miscellaneous Works. Boston, 1854. 8°. M'Lean, J. Budson's Bay Territory. London. L849. 2 v. 12°. Macleod, N. Days in North India. Phila., 1870. 12°. McQueen, Hugh. The Orator's Touch-Stone. N.Y., 1854. 12°. McQuoid, Katherine. Bester Kirton. Phila., 1871. 16°. Patty. N.Y., L872. 8°. Rookstone. Madden, R. R. Memoirs of Countess of Blessington. N.Y., 1855. 2v. 12°. Maginn, Dr. Miscellanies, edited by Dr R. S Mackenzie. N.Y., 1855. 2v. 12°. Magoon, E. L. Living Orators of America. NT.Y., 1851. 12°. Orators of the American Revolution. N.Y.. I860. 12°. Mahon, Lord, Life of C le. N.V. 1845. L6 Maine, H. S. Ancient Law. N.Y.. L864 8°. Malcolm, H. Travels in Asia. Phila. 12°. Malcolm, J. India. London. 1824. 2v. 12°. Malcolm, J. P. Manners of London. London, l s li. 8v. 8°. Mallet, Paul Henri. Northern Antiquities. London, 1*47. 12°. Malte-Brun, C. Universal Geography. Boston, 1836. 8v. 4°. Mann, Horace. Lectures on Education. Boston, 1855. 12°. Same. Cambridge, 1867. - . Mann, Mrs. Horace. Life of 1 1. Mann. Boston, 1865. 12 Mansfield, Edward D. American Education. X.Y., 1858. 12 Life of Gen. Scott N.Y., ism. u Mantell, G. A. ' leological Excursions round the Isle of Wight. London. 1854 12° Petrifactions and their Teachings. London. 1851. 12°. Wonders of Geology. London, 1857. 2v. 12 Marcy, R. B. Border Reminiscences. NY. L872. 12 . Marmontel. Memoirs of. Ekiinburgh, 1808. tv. 18°. Mariitt, E. (John, E.) Countess Gisela. Phila., 1860. 16°. Gold Elsie. Phila., 1871. 16°. Old Mam'seU's Secret, trana by Mrs. .a L Wister. Phila., 1870. 16°. Murray, Hugh. Travels of Marco Polo. NV5T., 1854 16°. Marryatt, Capt. Jacob Faithful. 18°. Japhet in Search of a Father NY. 1857. 16°. Masterman Ready. XV , 1864. 16°. Midshipman Easy. N.Y., 1857. l Alphabetical Catalogue. 37 Marryatt, Capt. Peter Simple. N.Y. 16°. Scenes in Africa. N.Y., 1864. 16°. Snarleyow. N. Y., 1857. 16°. The Settlers in Canada. N.Y., 1864. 16°. The King's Own. N.Y. 12°. The Poacher. N.Y. 12°. Marsh, Geo. P. The Camel. Boston, 1856. 12°. Lectures on the English Language and Literature. N.Y., 1860. 8°.. Origin and History of the English Language. N.Y., 1862. .8°. Man and Nature. N.Y., 1854. 8°. Marshall, J. T. Fanner's and Emigrant's Hand-book. N.Y., 1845. 12°. Marshall, John. Life of Geo. Washington. Phila., 1832. 8°. 2v. and atlas. Martin, B. Philosophical Grammar. London, 1848. 8°. Martin, T. Horace. Phila., 1871. 16°. Martineau, Harriet. Biographical Sketches. N.Y., I860. 12°. British Rule in India. London, 1859. 16°. Deerbrook. London, 1866. 16°. History of England. Boston, 1865. 4v. 8°. The Billow and the Rock. London, 1846. 24°. The Hour and the Man. N.Y., 1841. 2v. 12°. Martineau, James. Essays, Philosophical and Theological. Bost., 1866. 2v. 12°. Miscellanies. Boston, 1852. 12°. Marvell, Andrew. Poems of. See British Poets. Works of. London, 1726. 2v. 24°. Marvel, Ik. (Mitchell, D. G.) Fudge Doings. N.Y., 1855. 2v. 12°. My Farm at Edgewood. N.Y., 1863. 12°. Reveries of a Bachelor. N.Y., 1869. 12°. Seven Stories, with Basement and Attic. N.Y., 1864. 12°. The Lorgnette. N.Y., 1853. 2v. 16°. Wet Days at Edgewood. NY., 1865. 12°. Mason, Emily V. Life of Gen. R. E. Lee. Baltimore, 1872. 12°. Mason, Lowell. Musical Letters. N.Y., 1854. 16°. Masson, David. Recent British Philosophy. N.Y, 1866. 12°. Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi Americana. Hartford, 1855. 2v. 8°. Matthew of Westminster. Flowers of History, trans, by CD. Yonge. Lon- don, 1853. 2v. 12°. Maudsley, Henry. Body and Mind. N.Y., 1871. 16°. Maunder, Samuel. History of the World. N.Y., 1850. 2v. 8°. Treasury of Knowledge. London. 1845. 16°. Treasury of History. London. 1847. 16°. Maurice, F. D. Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament. Boston, 1853. 12°. Maury, Abbe. Principles of Eloquence. N.Y. 16°. Maury, M. F. Physical Geography of the Sea. N.Y, 1856. 8°. Mawe, John. Travels in Brazil. Phila., 1816. 8°. Maxwell, J. S. The Czar— His Court and People. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Maxwell, Wm. H. Capt. Blake. London, 1850. 16°. Hector O'Halloran. 16°. Life of the Duke of Wellington. London, 1852. 12°. Stories of Waterloo. Phila. 8°. Victories of Wellington. London, 1852. 12°. Wild Sports of the West. Phila. 3v. 16°. May, T. E. Constitutional History of England. Boston, 1864. 2v. 8°. Mayer, Brantz. Capt. Canot ; or, 20 Years of an African Slaver. N.Y., 1864. 12°. 38 . I IpJiabetical < 'atalogiu . May-field, Cora. Elm wood. Boston, L856. 12°. Mayhew, Henry. London Labor and London Poor, N.Y., 1851. -\ x young Benjamin Franklin. NY. 16°. Mayo, Wm. s. The Berber. NY., 1850. 12 . Meares, John. Voyages. London, 1780. 4°. Medbury, James K. M.n and Mysteries of Wall si. Boston, 1870. 12°. Meehan, Thos. American Handbook of Ornamental Trees. Phila., 1868. ltt°. Meline, J. F. Two Thousand Miles on Horseback. N.Y., 1867. L2 Meiish, John. Geographical Description of the I 8. Phila., 1818. S Travels in U. 8. and England. Phila . 1812. 2v. 8°. Melville, G. J. Whyte. Kate Coventry. Leipzig, 1860. 24°. Melville, Herman. Pierre X.Y.. 1866. 12°. Piazza Tales. NY.. L856. 12°. Memes, John S. Memoirs of Empress Josephine. N.Y. Ki°. Mendelssohn. Letters from [taly and Switzerland, Irans. i>v Lady Wallace Phila., L865. 12°. Menzel, W. History of Germany, trans, by Mrs. Geo. Horrocks. London, 1848 3v. L2 . Meredith, Owen. N,\\ Poems. Boston, 18(>N. 2v. 10°. Merime, P. Colomba. Boston, 1856. 12°. Merivale, C. Roman Empire. N.Y., 1865. 7v. 12°. Michaud, J. F. History of the Crusades. N.Y., 1856. 8v. 8°. Michelet, J. History of French Revolution. London, 1*4S. 12°. Michelet, J. The Sea. N.Y., L859. 12°. Middleton, Conyers. Life ol Cicero. London, 1742. :{\\ 8°. Mill, Jno. S. Dissertations and Discussions. Boston, 1865. 4v. 8°. Examination of sir Wm. Hamilton's Philosophy. Boston, i s i'>">. 2\ . s On Liberty. N.Y.. L863. 12 . Principles of Political Economy. NY.. L864. 8°. Representative Government, Considerations on. N.Y.. 1867. v Bubjection of Women. N.Y., 1870. 12°. System of Logic N.N ., L846. v MUbiu-n, W. H. Pioneer Preacher. NY., L859. 12°. Pioneers, Preachers and Peopleol Mississippi \ alley. N.Y., 1860. 12°. Miller, Geo. History of French Revolution. London, 1854. Iv. 12°. Modem History. London, 1858. 4v. 12°. Miller, Hugh. First impressions of England. Boston, 1855. 12°. Footprints of the Creator, with Memoir by Agassiz. Boston, 1854 12°. Scenes and Legends. Cin., 1852. 12°. Testimony of the Rocks. Boston, 1858. 16°. The Cruise of the Betsey. Boston, 1858. 12°. The old Red Sand Stone I'.oston, is:,.-,. 12°. Tales and Sketches. Boston, 1863. 12°. Milman, Rev. H. H. History of the -lews NY. :w. 18 Milton, John. Complete Poetical work- in one volume. Boston, 1855. 12' I 'oems of. s. e British P( iets Prose Works. London, 1858. 8v. 12°. Milton, Young. Paradise Lost -Nighl Thoughts. Boston, 1858. 12°. Mitchell, A. S. General Viewof the World. Phila., L848 8°. Mitchell, Donald G. See .Marvel, Ik. Mitchell, o. M. Astronomy of the Bible. N.Y., 1868. I Planetary and Stellar Worlds. N Y . 1851. 12° Alphabetical Catalogue. 39 Mitford, Mary R. Life and Letters, edited by L'Estrange. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Our Village. London, 1870. 2v. 12°. Recollections of a Literary Life. N.Y., 1855. 12°. Mivart, St. Geo. The Genesis of Species. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Moffat, R. Missionary Labors and Scenes in South Africa. N.Y., 1844. 12°. Mommsen, Theo. History of Rome, trans, by W. P. Dickson. N.Y., 1*70. 4 v. Monroe, Lewis B. Manual of Physical and Vocal Training. Phila., 18(39. 12°. Montague, Lady Mary W. Letters of. NY;, 1856. 12°. Letters and Works of, edited by Lord Wharncliffe. Paris, 1837. 2v. 8°. Library of Standard Letters, edited by S. J. Hale. Montalembert, Count de. Monks of the West. Boston, 1872. 2v. 8°. Montgomery, Cora. The Eagle Pass. N.Y., 1852. 16°. Montgomery, Don Jorge. Bernardo del Carpio. N.Y., 1834. 10°. Montgomery, James. Lectures on Literature. N.Y., 1855. 16°. Poetical Works. Phila,, 1853. 8°. Same. Boston, 1856. 12°. Moore, Frank. Diary of American Revolution. N.Y., 1860. 2v. 8°. AVonien of the War. Hartford, 1866. 8°. Editor Rebellion Record. Moore, Geo. Power of the Soul over the Body. N.Y., 1847. 12°. Moore, G. H. Treason of Chas. Lee. NY, 1860. 8°. Moore, Henry. Life of Mrs. Mary Fletcher. N.Y., 1820. 18°. Moore. J. G. Patent Office and Laws. Phil, 1855. 12°. Moore, Thomas. Correspondence, edited by Lord J. Russell. Lon., 1857. 'Jv.8°. Life of Byron. NY., 1855. 2v. 8°. Life of Sheridan. N.Y., 1853. 2v. 12°. Poems. Boston, 1855 12°. Moore, Thos. Poems. See British Poets. Suppressed Letters. NY. 16°. More, Hannah. Works of. NY., 1835. 8°. Same. Phila., 1818. 7v. 16°. More, Sir Thos. Household of, A. Manning. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Morley, Henry. Life of B. Palissy the Potter. Boston, 1853. 2v. 12°. Sketches of Russian Life. London, 1866. 12°. Morley, R. School Days at Mt. Pleasant. Morris, James M. K. N. Pepper. NY., 1859. 12°. Morris, Peter. Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. Morris, Wm. Jason, a Poem. Boston, 1867. 16°. Lovers of Gudrun. Boston, 1870. 16° The Earthly Paradise. Boston, 1870. 3v. 16°. Moseley, Rev. H. Illustrations of Mechanics. N.Y., 1855. 16°. Mosheim, John L. Ecclesiastical Historj', Ancient and Modern, trans, by Archi- bald Maclaine. Baltimore, 1832. 2v. 8°. Motley, J. L. History of the United Netherlands. N.Y., 1867. 4v. 8°. Rise of the Dutch Republic. N.Y., 1859. 3v. 8°. Mountford, Wm. Thorpe. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Moustache, V. Two Lives in One. Mozart. A. W. Life of. Bv E. Holmes. N.Y., 1853. 12. Letters of, trans, by Lady Wallace. N.Y., 1866. 2v. 12°. Mudie, Robert. British Birds. London, 1854. 2v. 12°. Popular Guide to the Study of Nature. N.Y. 16°. lphab( tical < \ihihhjn, . Muegge, Theo. Afr:ij:i, trans. ii\ I'. 1 1 Morria Phil., 1865 12°. Muehlbach, Miss L. Andrea- Hofer. N.Y.. 1868. 12 , Berlin and Sana 8ouci. NY, 1858. s Daughter of an Empress. \ 5 . L868. 8°. Empress Josephine. N.Y., L867. - Frederick the Great and his Court. X.Y.. L867 \ Frederick the Great and his Family. N.Y., 1867. - . Goethe and Schiller, X.Y.. 1868. 8 . Henry the Eighth and his Court. N.Y., lscs. s"\ Joseph II. and his Court. N.Y.. L867. 12°. Koniein Hortense. Berlin, L861. -'v. L2 . Louisa of Prussia. NY., 1867. 8 Marie Antoinette and her Son. N75T., 1867. 8°. Merchanl of Berlin. N.Y., L867. 12 . Mohammed All and His House N.Y., L872. 8 . Napoleon and Blucher. N.Y.. 1*67. 8°. Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. N.Y.. 1868. - Old Fritz. NY., 1868. 8°. Prince Eugene and Ins Times. X.Y., 1869. 8°. Queen Hortense. N.Y., 1870. 8 . Muirhead, J. P. Life of James "Watt. N.Y., 1859. 12°. Mulford, E. The Nation. N.Y., 1870. 8°. Muller, Prof. J. Physics and Meteorology. 8°. Mueller, Max. Chips from a German Work-shop. NY, 1869. 3v. 12°. Lectures on the Science of Religion. NVY, 1872. 12°. Science of Language, 1st Scries. N.Y., 1862. B Science of Language, 2d Series. N.Y., L869. 8°. Mueller, Otto. Charlotte Ackennann. Muloch, Miss D. M. A B rave I. ad v. X.Y., 1870. 8°. Agatha's Husband. 8°. A Nol.le Life. N.Y.. L866. 10°. A Life tor a Life. N.Y., 1866. 16 Avillionand other Tales. N Y.. L854. 8°. Christian's Mistake. 12°. Hannah. N.Y., 1ST-,'. HP. John Halifax. N.Y.. L872. 12°. John Halifax, and Mistress and Maid. 8°. Mistress and Maid. NY., 1872. L6 . olive. N.Y., 1871. 16°. Twenty Fears Ann. NY., 1 st-j. I**". The Ogilvies. N.Y., 1871. 16°. Woman's Kingdom. N.Y.,1870and N.Y.;1868. B Woman's Thoughts aboul Women. N.Y., 1868. 16°. Mundt, Clara. See Muhlbach, Miss. 1. Mundt, Theodor. Count Mirabeau, trans, by T. J. Radford. NY.. i*<>s Munford, Wm. General [ndex. Richmond, 1819. >* Murray, Amelia M. Letters from U. S., Cuba and Canada. N.Y., 1856. 12°. Murray, Hugh. British America. N.Y., 1848. 2v. L8 Murray, N. See Kirwan. Murray, Wilson and others. British India. N.Y., 1845. -'v. 16 Musprat, S. Chemistry as applied to Arts and Manufactures. Lond., 1860. 2\ - Myers, H. M. and P. V. N. Life and Nature. NY. 1871. 12 Napier, W. F. P. Peninsular War. NY.. L856. 5v. 12°. Napoleon in. Life of Julius Csesar. NY"., 1865. 2v. 8°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 41 Nares, E. Elements of General History. Thinks I to Myself. Phila. 18°. Nasby, Petroleum V. See Locke, D. R. Neal, Daniel. History of the Puritans. NY., 1855. 2v. 8°. Neal, Jos. O. Charcoal Sketches and Table Talk, edited by C. Evelyn. N.Y., 1853. 12°. Neander, Augustus. General History of the Christian Religion and Church, trans, by J. Torrey. Boston, 1852. 4v. 12°. Memorials of Christian Life, trans, by J. E. Ryland. Lon., 1852. 16°. Planting and Training of the Christian Church, trans, by J. E. Ry- land. London, 1851. 16°. Neill, E. History of Minnesota. Phila., 1856. 8°. Nelson, Rev. David. On Infidelity. N.Y., 1841. 12°. Newell, R. H. See Orpheus C. Kerr Nichol, J. P. Architecture of the Heavens. London, 1851. 8°. Nichols, J. R. Fireside Science. N.Y, 1872. 12°. NicoUni, G. B. History of the Jesuits. London, 1854. 12°. Niebuhr, B. G. Ancient History. Phila., 1852. 2v. 8°. Nightingale, F. Notes on Nursing. N.Y., 1860. 12°. Noble. Rev. L. L. After Icebergs with a Painter. N.Y., 1861. 16°. Noble, Rev. Samuel. Important Doctrines of the True Christian Religion. N.Y., 1848. 8°. Noel et La Place. Lecons Francaises de Litterature. Paris, 1844. 2v. 8°. Nolte, V. Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres. N.Y, 1854. 12°. Northend, Chas. Teacher and Parent. N.Y., 1853. 8°. Noyes, James O. Roumania — the Border Land of the Christian and the Turk. N.Y., 1857. 12°. Oberlin, J. F. Memoirs of. NY., 1857. 24°. Ockley, S. History of the Saracens. London, 1848. 12°. Oersted, Hans O. The Soul in Nature. London, 1852. 12°. Ogden, John. Science of Education. Cin., 1860. 8°. Ogden, Rev Uzal. Two Discourses on the Death of Geo. Washington. New- ark, 1800. 12°. Oldham, Dr. At Greystones and his Talk there. NY., 1860. 12°. Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret. Agnes. 8° A Son of the Soil. NY., 1865. 8°. Chronicles of Carlingford. NY., 1865. 8°. House on the Moor 12°. Same. N.Y, 1869. Laird of Norlaw. NY., 1859. 12°. Life of E. Irving. London, 1862. 8°. Last of the Mortimers ; also, Days of my Life. Lucy Crofton. N.Y. 1860. Madonna Mary. NY., 1866. 8°. The Athelings; also, John. NY., 1857. 8°. The Brownlows. N.Y., 1868. 8°. The Brownlows; also, Miss McKenzie. The Perpetual Curate. N.Y., 1865. 8°. The Three Brothers. NY., 1870. 8°. Oliphant, L. Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan. N.Y., 1860. 8°. Olin, Rev. Stephen. Life and Letters of. NY., 1853. 2v. 12°. Travels in the East. N.Y., 1843. 3v. 8°. 6 42 Alphabetical Catalogue. Olmsted, F. L. A Journey in the Back Country. NY. I860. 12°. Beaboard Slave Btati b. \ A ., L866. ' I - Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in Eng. N.Y., 1852. 16°. Same. Columbus, 1869. 12°. Optic, Oliver, (Wm. T Adams.) See Juvenih Ordericus, Vitalis. Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy, trans, with Notes, bj r. Forrester. London, 1853-4 4v. 12°. Orton, James. The Andes and the Amazon. N.V.. 1870. 12°. Osgood, Samuel. The Hearthstone. N.Y., 1854 L6 Milestones in our Life Journey. X.Y., 1855. 12°. Ossian. Poems, trans, by J. Maephcrson. Boston, is."):). 12°. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller. At Home and Abroad. Boston, 1856. Woman in the Nineteenth Century. Boston, 1855. l - Otis, Mrs. H. G. Barclays of Boston. Boston, 1854. 12°. Ouida, (Rame, L. dela.) Folle Parine. Held in Bondage. Phila., 1864. 2v. 12°. Puck. Phila., 1870. 12°. Overbury, Sir Thos. Works of. London, 1856. 16°. Overman, F. Practical Mineralogy. Assaying and Mining. Phila., 1854. 12°. Ovidius, Naso Publius. The Fasti Tristia. Heroides. Metamorphoses. Lon- don, L851-2. -W. 12°. Owen, David Dale. Geological Report. 8°. (Title page wanting.) Owen, Richard. Palaeontology. Edinburgh, I860 x Owen, Robert Dale. Beyond the Breakers. Phila., 1870. 8 Debatable Land. N.V.. 1872. 12°. Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World. Phila., 187L 12°. Packard, A. S. Guide to the Study of Insects. Salem, 1870. - Paez, Don Ramon. Smith American Scenes. X.Y.. 1862. s °. Page, David P. Theory and Practice of Teaching. N.T., 1867. 12° - a , N.V.. is.-, i. Page, Rev. Wm. P. Life and Works of Samuel Johnson. NY., 1842. 2v. 18°. Page, Thos. J. La Plata, Argentine Confederation and Paraguay. NVY.,1859. 8°. Paine, Caroline. Tent and Harem N.Y., 1859. 1-2°. Paley, Wm. Complete Works. Phila., 1831. 8°. Evidences of Christianity. X.Y., 1824 5? 18 Horse Paulina?. X.Y.. 1856. 12°. Natural Theology. X.Y. 2v. 16°. Same. N.Y., 1842. Philosophy. Boston, is is s Sermons on Several Subjei ts. Phila., 1808 8°. Palfrey, J. G. History of New England. Boston, 1860. 2v Palgrave, F. T. Essays on Art. N.Y.. L867. Pallas, P. S. Travels through the Southern Provinces of the Russian Empire. London, 181 2. 2v. 4°. Pardoe, Julia. Louis XIV. and the Court of Prance. N.Y., 1865. 2v, 12°. Romance of the 1 larem, Phila. 2v. I ! Paris, Matthew. English History, trans, by J A, Giles. London, 1852. 3v. Parkhurst, J. A. Moral Philosophy. Boston, 1832. 12°. Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac. Boston, 1870. 2v, 9 . Discovery of the Greal W( 3ton, 1869. - , Pioneers of France in the New World. Boston, 1870. so Park, Mungo. Life and Travels. N.T., 1858. 16°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 43 Parker, Theodore. Speeches, Addresses and Occasional Sermons. Boston, 1852. 2v. 12°. Parkyns, Mansfield. Life in Abyssinia. N.Y., 1854. 2v, 8°. Parnell, Thos. Poems of. See British Poets. Parr, Harriet. (Lee, Holme.) Kathie Brande. London, 1865. 16°. Parry, Sir W. E. Voyages. N.Y. 2v. 18°. Parsons, Theophilus. Deus Homo. Chicago, 1867. 12°. Essays. Boston, 1855. 16° - Parton, James. Famous Americans of Recent Times. Boston, 1867. 8°. Gen. Butler in New Orleans. N.Y., 1864. 8°. Life and Times of Aaron Burr. Boston, 1860. 8°. Life of Andrew Jackson. Boston, 1866. 3v. 8°. Life of Benjamin Franklin. N.Y., 1864. 2v. S°. Life of Horace Greeley. X.Y., 1855. 8°. Topics of the Time. Boston, 1871. 12°. Partington, Mrs. See Shillaber, B. P. Pascal, Blaise. Provincial Letters. Notes by McCrie. Edinburgh, 1843. 12°. Same. N.Y., 1864. Paulding, J. K. The Dutchman's Fireside. N.Y., 1831. 2v. 16°. Life of Washington N.Y. 2v. 16°. Pauli, R. Alfred the Great, trans, by B. Thorpe. London, 1853. 12°. Payson, Rev. Edw. Thoughts and Sermons, with Memoir. Phila., 1853. 3v. 8°. Peabody, A. P. European Travels. NY., 1868. 12°. Pearson, Rev. Hugh. Memoir of Rev. C. Buchanan. N.Y. 24°. Pease, J. C. Niles, J. M. Gazetteer of Conn, and R. I. Hartford, 1819. 8°. Peck, G. W. Melbourne and the Chincha Islands. N.Y., 1864. 12°. Peck, J. M. Gazetteer of Illinois. Jacksonville, 1834. 16°. New Guide for Emigrants. Boston, 1836. 16°. Pembroke, Earl of and Kingsley, Dr. South Sea Bubbles. N.Y., 1872. 16°. Pennington, Rev. M. Life of Mrs. E. Carter, London, 1825. 2v. 8°. Pepper, J. H. Cyclopaedic Science Simplified. London, 1S69. 12°. Pepys, Samuel. Diary and Correspondence. Phila., 1855. 4v. 8°. Perkins, Geo. R. Geometry. N.Y,, 1855. 8°. Perouse, J. F. G. de la. Voyage around the World. Boston. 16°. Perrin, John. Elements of French Conversation. London, 1827. 16°, Pestalozzi, J. H. Life, Principles and Methods of. N.Y., 1859. 8°. Peterson, Rev. E. History of Rhode Island. N.Y., 1853. 8°. Peto, Sir S. M. Resources and Prospects of America. Phila., 1866, 12°. Pfeiffer, Ida. A Journey to Iceland, trans, by Cooper. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Phelps, E. S. Gates Ajar. Boston, 1869. 16°. Hedged In. Boston, 1870. 16°. The "Silent Partner. Boston, 1871. 16°. Philip, A. P. W. On Indigestion. Phila., 1852. 8°. Philips, Rev. Lloyd C. The New Birth. Cin., 1847. 12°. Phillips, O. Curran and His Contemporaries. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Speeches. N.Y., 1817. 12°. Phillips, Wendell, Speeches, Letters and Lectures. Boston, 1863. 12°. Phillips, Watts. For a Woman's Sake. Philo Judaeus. Works, trans, from Greek by Yonge. London, 1855. 4v. 12°. Phoenix, John. (Derby, Geo. H.) Squibob Papers. N.Y., 1865. 12°. U Abplbahetical Catalogue. Pierson, Rev. Thos. [nfldelity, its Aspects, Causes and Agencies N 5T., i^m.8°. Pike, Nicolas. Arithmetic. Worcester. 1797. 8°. Pilpay. Fables. NY. 1871. 16 Pindar. Odes of, trans, by D. "W. Turner. London, 1852 12°. Pitkin, Timothy, Statistical View. NY., L817. Plato. Works ( .f. London, 1854. (iv. 12°. Piautus. Comedies of, trail-, by II. T. RUey London, L852. 8v. 12°. Pliny. Natural History. London, 1 !Sr>.~i. 4v. 12°. Pliny's Letters. Edited by Rev. M. Lucas Collins. Phila., L872. 1(1°. Poe, E. A. Memoir ami Works of. N V., L858. '.'v. 1G°. Pollok, R. Course of Time. Amherst, 1828. 10°. Poole, M. E. Pictures of Cottage Life. London, 1870. 12°. Poole, W. F. Index to Periodical Literature. N.Y., 1853. 8°. . Polo, Marco. Travels in the East, trans, by Marsden. London, 1854. 12°. Pope, Alexander. Life and Poetical Works. Pliila. 8°. Poems of. Bee British Poets. Poetical Works, 2v. in 1. Boston, 1865. 12°. Pomey, P. Francisco. Novus Candidates Rhetoricse. Roueu, 1697. 24°. Porter, Jane. Scottish Chiefs. Phila. i<>°. Thaddeus of Warsaw. N.V. 24°. Porter, Noah. Books and Reading, N\Y., 1871, 12°. The Sciences of Nature versus the Science of Man. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Potter, A. Hand-book for Readers. N\Y., 1847. 16 Political Economy. N.Y. 16 . Powell, Mary. Maiden and Married Life of, N.Y., 1852. 16°. Pratt, Rev. J. & Rev. J. H. Memoir of Rev. Josiah Pratt. N.V., 1854 12°. Prentice, Geo. D. Preniieeana, with a Sketch of the Author, by Griffin. Phila.. 1871. 12°. Prentiss, Elizabeth. Aunt Jane's Hero. N.Y., 1871. 16°, Stepping Heavenward. N.V., 1 S ^». 12 . Prescott, Harriet E. See Spofford, Harriet E. Prescott, W. H. Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. Boston, 1S35. 8°. Conquest of Mexico. Boston, 1S5<">. 3v. 8°, Conquest of Peru. Boston, 1856. 2v. 8°. Ferdinand and Isabella. N.Y.. L848. 8v,8°. Philip the 11. Boston, is:,.-,. 3v. 8°. Pressense, Mdme. Madeleine's Trial. Boston, 1 S TU. 16°. Preston, Harriet W. Aspendale. Boston, 1871. 16°. Priest, J. American Antiquities. Albany, 183:'. s°. Prime, E. D. G. A round the World. N.V., L872. 12°. Prime, S. I. Letters from Switzerland. NY., I860. 12°. .Memoirs of Rev. N. Murray. N7F., 1862. 12°. Prime, W. C. Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. NVY, 1858. 12° Later Years. old House by the River. N.Y.. 1858. 12°. Tent Life in 'the Holy Land N.Y., 1859. 12°. Prince, Jno. C. Dreams and Realities. London. 1847. 12°. Prince, E. B. E Pluribus Unum. NYY.,1867. 12°. Prior, James. Life of Edmund Burke. London, 1854. 12°. Prior, Matthew. Poems. See British Poets. Alphabetical Catalogue. 45 Proctor, Miss A. A. Poems. Boston, 1866, 18°. Proctor, Edna Dean. Poems. N.Y., 1866. 16°. Russian Journey. N.Y., 1871. 16°. Proctor, H. History of Crusades. Phila., 1854. 8°. Proctor, R. A. Lie;ht Science for Leisure Hours. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Other Worlds than Ours. London, 1870. 12°. Prout, E. Life of Rev. John Williams. N.Y. 1850. 12°. Prout, Wm. Chemistry, Meteorology, etc., considered with reference to Natural Theology. London, 1855. 12°. Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia. N.Y., 1870. 8°. Pulteney, Richard. View of AYritings of Linnaeus. London, 1849. 4°. Pulszky, Francis and Theresa. White, Red and Black. N.Y., 1853. 2 v. 12°. Putz, W. Ancient Geography and History. NY., 1849. 12°. Modern Geography and History. N.Y., 1851. 12°. Pycroft, Rev. James. Course of English Reading. N.Y., 1858. 12°. Rabelais, Francois. Works of, trans, by Urquhart. London, 1855. 2v. 16°. Radcliffe, Mrs. A. Mysteries of Udolpho. N.Y., 1857. 16°. Ramsay, E. B. Scottish Life and Character. Boston, 1861. 16°. Ranke, Leopold. History of the Popes. London, 1851. 3v. 12°. Same. Phila., 1844. 8°. History of Servia, trans, by Mrs. A. Kerr. London, 1853. 12°. Rantoul, R. Jr. Memoirs, Speeches, etc., edited by L. Hamilton. Boston, 1854. 8°. Raumer, Karl von. German Universities. N.Y., 1859. 8°. Raumer, F. von. America and American People. N.Y., 1846. 8°. Rawlinson, Geo. Ancient History. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Historical Evidences of the Truth of the Scripture Records. Boston, 1860. 12°. History of Herodotus. N.Y., 1860. 3v. 8°. Reach, A. B. Claret and Olives. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Read, Hollis. Memoirs of Babajee. N.Y., 1836. 12°. Read, T. B. Poems. Phila., 1868. 3v. 18°. Reade, Chas. Christie Johnston. Boston, 1864. 12°. Cloister and the Hearth. N.Y. 8°. Clouds and Sunshine. Boston, 1868. 12°. Foul Play. Boston. 8°. Love Me Little Love Me Long Boston, 1864. 12°- Never too Late to Mend. Boston, 1862. 12°. Peg. Woffington. Boston, 1864. 12°. Put Yourself in His Place. N.Y. 8°. Terrible Temptation. N.Y., 1871. 8°. The Good Fight, and other Tales. Boston, 1859. 12°. Very Hard Cash. 8°. Recamier, Madame. Life of, edited by I. M. Luyster. Boston, 1867. 12°. Redding, Cyrus. History of Modern Wines. London, 1851. 12°. Reed, Henry. Lectures on English History. Phila., 1856. 16°. Reed, Samson. Observations on the Growth of the Mind. Boston, 1841. 12°. Reid, John. On Nervous Affections. Phila., 1872. 8°. Reid, Thos. Works of. Charleston, 1813. 8°. Rendell, E. D. The Antediluvian History, and Narrative of the Flood. Boston, 1852. 12°. x Treatise on the Peculiarities of the Bible. Boston, 1834. 12°. 4<; . 1 Iphabt tical ( 'atalogiu . Renwick, James. Life of Dewitt Clint, ui. N.Y., 1840. 16°. Natural Philosophy. N.V. 16°. Reynolds. Jno. History of Illinois. Belleville, 185a 12°. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Literary Works of. London, 1852. 2v. 12°. Rice, J. H. and B. H. Memoir of .1 B. Taylor. N.V.. L888. 16°. Richardson, Abby S. Stories from Old English Poetry. NV. 1871. 16°. Richardson, G. F. Geology. London, 1851. 12°. Richter, Jean Paul. Campaner Thai. Boston, 1864. 12°. Titan. Boston, L862. 2v. 12°. Ritter, F. L. History of Music. Boston, L870. 16°. Rivero, M. E. and J. J. von Tschudi. Peruvian Antiquities. X.Y., 1 S "C 3 Roberts, W. Memoirs of Hannah More. N.Y., 1851. 2v. 12°. Robertson, F. W. Life and Letters, edited by 8. A. Brooke. Boston, 1865. 2v. 12°. Lectures and Addresses. Boston, L856. 12°. Sermons. 1871. 12°. Robertson, Wm., D. D. History of America. N.T., 1834. 3v. 8°. Bistory of Charles V. N.Y., 1852. 16°. Robertson, Rev. Wm. Latin Phrases. London, 18:24. 8°. Robinson, H. C. Diary, Reminiscences, etc. Boston, 18G9. 2v. 12 Robinson. Modem History. London. 1820. 12°. Robinson, Samuel. Catalogue of Minerals. Boston, 1825. 8°. Roe, A. S. Like and Unlike. N.V. t2°. True to the Last. Phila. 12°. Roger of Wendover. Flowers of History, trans, by •! A. Giles. London, 18 2v. 12°. Rogers, Samuel. Table Talk. N.Y., 1856. 12°. Roget, Peter Mark. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. Pltila., is:{(i :::> 2v. 8°. Thesaurus of English Words. Boston, 1855. 10°. Rolfe, W. J. and Gillet, J. A. Cambridge Physics. Boston, 1867. 8°. Rollin, C. Ancient History. X.Y.. 1825. tv. 8°. Belles Lettres. London, lT.V.t. Iv. 16°. Root, N. W. T. Bchool Amusements. N.Y.. 1863. 8°. Roscoe, William. Life of Leo X. London. 1846. 2v. 12°. Lifeof Lorenzo de Medici. Phila., 1842. 2 v. 8°. Same. London, 1S.">1 Ross, Sir John. Second Voyage in search of a North Wot Passage. Phila., 1835. 8 .' Rossetti, D. G. Poems. Boston, L870. 16°. Rowcroft. Charles. Tales of The Colonies. London, 1858. 16°. Ruffini, Giovanni. Dr. Antonio. X.Y.. L857. 12°. Lavinia. London, 1861. 16°. Ruffner, Henry. The Fathers of the Desert X.Y.. 1850. 2v. 12°. Rupp, D. J. (Compiler.) Original Bistory of the Religious Denominations of the I . s. Phila., 1844. 8°. Ruschenberger, W. S. W. Voyage Around the World. Phila., 1838. 8°. Rush, Benj. Diseases of the Mind. Phila., 1835. 8°. Rush, James. Philosophy of the Human Voice. Phila., 1833. 8°. Ruskin, John. Crown of Wild Olivet N'T., 1866. 12°. Ethics of the Dust. N.Y., 1868. 12°. Lectures on Architecture and Painting. N.Y., 1866. 12°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 47 Ruskin, John. Lectures on Art. Oxford, 1870. 12°. Modern Painters. 1856. 3v. 12°. Precious Thoughts, edited by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. KY., 1866. 12°. Selections. KY, 1868. 12°. Sesame and Lilies. KY., 1866. 12°. Seven Lamps of Architecture. KY., 1869. 12°. Stones of Venice. KY., 1860. 3v. 12°. The Two Paths. KY., 1859. 12°. Time and Tide. KY., 1868. 12°. Russell, John. History of France. Phila., 1839. 12°. Russell, Rev. M. Ancient and Modern Egypt. N Y., 1846. 18°. History of the Barbary States. N.Y., 1846. 18°. History of Polynesia. KY. 18°. Life of Oliver Cromwell. KY.. 1844. 2v. 18°. Knbia and Abyssinia KY., 1845. 18°. Palestine, History. N.Y., 1844. 18°. Russell, J. R. History and Heroes of Art of Medicine. London, 1861. 8°. Russell, W. S. Pilgrim's Memorial. Boston, 1864. 12°- Russell, Wm. H. Diary in the East, during the Tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales. London, 1868. 8°. Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. KY., 1848. 12° Sabine, Lorenzo. Loyalists of American Revolution. Boston, 1864. 8°. Kotes on Duels and Dueling. Boston, 1856. 12°. Safford, W. H. Blennerhassett Papers. ■ Cin., 1864. 8°. Life of Harman Blennerhassett. Cin., 1835. 12°. Saintine, Joseph X. B. de. Picciola. Phila., 1854. 12°. Sainte-Beuve, O. A. Portraits of Celebrated Women. Boston, 1858. 16°. Sala, G. A. A Journey Due North. Boston, 1858. 12°. Speeches, Letters, etc., of Chas. Dickens. KY. 8°. Sallust. Florus, and Velleius Paterculus, trans, by Watson. London, 1852. 12°. Salmon, Thos. Geographical Grammar. London, 1758. 12°. Modern Gazetteer. London, 1752. 12°. Sand, George. See Dudevant, Mine. Sands, R. O. The Writings of. KY., 1835. 2v. 8°. Sanzade, Jno. S. Garret Van Horn. KY., 1863. 12°. Sargent, Epes. Second Reader. Boston, 1865. 12°. Fourth Reader. Boston, 1865. 12°. Fifth Reader. Boston, 1855. 12°. Sargent, Rev. John. Memoirs of Rev. Henry Martyn. KY., 1854. 16°. Same. Boston, 1831. 12°. Sargent, Winthrop. Life and Career of Maj. John Andre. Boston, 1861. 12°. Sarmiento, Domingo F. Life in the Argentine Republic. KY., 1868. 12°. Saunders, F. Salad for the Solitary. KY., 1853. 12°. Saunders, John. Abel Drake's Wife. KY., 1862. 8°. Saunders, Kate. Gideon's Rock. Phila., 1871. 16°. The High Mills. Phila., 1872. 8°. Sawyer, F. W. Hits and Hints. Boston, 1860. 12°. Saxe, John G. Poems. Boston, 1855. 16°. Say, J. B. Political Economy. Phila., 1827. 8°. Scarron, Paul. Works of. 12°. Schalk, Emil. Campaigns of 1862-3. Phila., 1863. 12°. i,\ .1 Iphabi tical ( 'atalogui . Schiller, J. c. F. von. History of Thirty fears War. X Y 1858 L6 Works of. London, 1847. 3v. L2 Schindler, A. Life of Beethoven, edited by I. Moschelles Boston 16 , Schlegel, A. w. von. Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. Lon., 1846. r Schiegel, Fred. von. Esthetic and Miscellaneous Works. London, 1849. I2 n . Modern History. London, L849. L2 . Philosophy of History, trans. byJ. B.'Robertson. London, 1848. 12°. Philosophy of Life and Language, trans, hv Hev. A.J. \V. Morrison. London, L847. 12°. Schoelcher, Victor. Life of Handel N.T., 1867. 12°. Schmid, H. The Habermeister. N.Y.,1869. 16°. Schoolcraft, H. R. Discovery of Source of the Mississippi. N.Y., 1834. - Schroeder, J. F. Maxims of Washington X.Y., 1855. 12 Schuler, Theophile. Letters Everywhere Boston, 1871. 16°. Schwartz, M. S. Birth and Education. Boston, L871. 8°. Gold and Name. Boston, 1871. 8°. Guilt and Innocence. Boston, 1871. 8°. / Two Family Mothers. Boston, 1871. 8°. The Right One. Boston, 1871. 8 Wife of a Vain Man. 1871. 8°. Scott, Sir Walter. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft X.Y., 1848. 16°. I'm ms See British Poets. Poems. Boston, 1856. 12°. Poetical Works, complete in one volume. Boston, 1855. 3 si Ronan's Well, and others. 8°. Tales of a Grandfather. 3v. 8°. The Fair Maid of Perth, also Anne of Geierstein. Phila., 1855. 18° The Fortunes of Nigel, also Peveriloi the Peak 12°. The Highland Widow, and others. Phila., 1850. 8°. The Monastery and The Abbot— Abbotsford Edition. Phila . 1855. 12°. Waverley, also Guy Mannering. I Waverley Novels— Abbotsford Edition. Phila., 1868. I2v 8 i mtonto. — Antiquary. Black Dwarf. Old Mortality. -Bride of Lammermoor. [ran- hoe. Count Robert of Paris. i".i~t !<■ Dangerous. Pair Maid of Perth. Anne of G .ii. Fortunes of Nigel. Peveril of the Peak Guy Mannering. WTaTerley Kenilworth. Pirate Monastery. Abbott. Quentin Durward. St. Ronan's Well. Redgauntlet. The Betrothed. The Talisman. Rob Roy. Heart of Mid-Lothian. w [stock. Chronicles of the Canongate. Scott, General. Autobiography. X.V.. 1864 8v. 12°. Sedgwick, Catharine M. Hope Leslie. N.T., 1862. 2v. 16 Lifeand Letters, by Mary E. Dewey. X.V.. 1871, 12 Live and Lei Live. X.Y.. 1871. I Sedgwick, Mrs. Chas. A Talk with my Pupils. N\Y., 1863. 12 Seeley, J. R. Roman Imperialism Boston, l s 7i 16 I [omo. Boston, i s 'i7. 12°. Ecce Dens. Boston, i v ''.7. 12°. Seeley, J. R., & Abbott. English for English Readers Boston, 1871. Sevigne, Madame de. Letters of N77., 1856 2v Library of Standard Letters X.Y.. 1856 2v. 12°. Seward, Wm. H. Life of John Quincy Adams. Auburn, 1849. 12°. Sewell, Eliz. M. Principles of Edhcation X.Y., 1866 Child's Pirsl HistoryoT Rome. N.Y.. 1857. 12°. History of Greece. ' X.Y., 1857. 16°. Sewell, Wm. G. Ordeal of Free Labor in British West tn lies. XV. L861. 12°. Shakspeare, Wm. Complete Works. Boston, 18">4. 7v. 8°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 49 Shakspeare, Wm. Poems of. See British Poets. Works of. London, 1845. 10°. Comedy of the Tempest, edited by Rolfe. N.Y., 1871. 16°. Julius Cffisar, edited by Wm. J. Rolfe. N.Y., 1872. 16°. King Henry VIII, edited by Wm. J. Rolfe. N.Y., 1872. 16°. Merchant of Venice, edited by Wm. J. Rolfe. N.Y., 1871. 16°. Sheridan, R. B. Life and Dramatic Works. London, 1854. 16°. Sheridan, Thos. Art of Reading. London, 1781. 8°. British Education. "London, 1756. 8°. Elocution. Bait, 12°. English Dictionary. Dublin, 1790. 8°. Sheil, R. L. Sketches of the Irish Bar. N.Y., 1854. 2v. 12°. Sheldon. E. A. Elementary Instruction. N.Y., 1868. 8°. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Memorials, edited by Lady Shelley. Boston, 1859. 16°. Poetical Works. See British Poets. Shelley, Mary W. Frankinstein. Bostom 1869. 12°. Sheppard, E. S. Chas. Auchester. Shillaber, B. P. (Mrs. Partington.) Knitting Work. Boston, 1859. Sibree, J. Jr. Madagascar and its People. London, 1870. 12°. Sidney, Samuel. History of Australia. N.Y., 1859. 12°. Sigourney. Mrs. L. H. Letters to Young Ladies, N.Y., 1858. 16°. Examples of Life and Death. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Silliman, A. E. A Gallop among American Scenery. N.Y., 1843. 16°. Silliman, Benj., Jr. First Principles of Chemistry. Phila., 1852. 12°. Visit to Europe. N.Y., 1853. 2v. 12°. Silliman, E. Travels. N. H., 1820. 12°. Silloway, T. W. Modern Carpentry. Boston, 1858. 12°. Simeon, Rev. Chas. Memoirs of, edited by Rev. Chas. Cams. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Simms, Wm. G. Beauchampe. N.Y , 1864. 12°. Border Beagles. N.Y., 1864. 12°. Charlemont. N.Y., 1860. 12°. Confession. N.Y., 1864. 12°. Eutaw. N.Y., 1864. 12°. Katherine Walton. N.Y., 1864. 12°. Mellichampe. N.Y., 1864. 12°. Richard Hurdis. N.Y., 1864. 12°. Southward Ho ! N.Y., 1865. 12°. The Partisan. N.Y., 1864. 12°. The Scout. N.Y., 1864. 12°. The Wigwam and the Cabin. N.Y., 1864. 12°. The Yemassee. NY., 1864. 12°. Vasconselos. N.Y., 1864. 12°. Woodcraft. N.Y., 1864. 12°. Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Literature of Europe. London, 1852. 2v. 12°. Sizer, Nelson. What to do and Why. N.Y., 1872. 16°. Skelton, John. Poems of. ' See British Poets. Slade, Adolphus. Turkey and the Turks. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Slade, John. Phrenology. London, 1837. 8°. Smedley, F. E. Lorrimer Littlegood. Phila. 12°. Smedley, Edward. Venetian History. N.Y., 1846. 2v. 18°. Smee, Alfred. Electro Metallurgy. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Smiles, Samuel. Character. N.Y., 1872. 12°. Huguenots. N.Y., 1868. 8°. 7 51 1 . 1 Vphabi tical ( 'atalogiu . Smiles. Samuel. Industrial Biography. Boston, 1864 I Life of Geo. Stephenson. Boston, L858 ; - If-Help. N Y.. 1870. i - Editor.) Travels Round the World. 1871. Smith, Adam. Theory of Moral Sentiments. London, 185 u i alth of Nations Phila., 1796. 3v. 16 Smith, Albert. A. Story of Mont Blanc NY.. L853. 12 Smith, Alexander. Poems. Boston. 1853. 16 Summer in Skye. Boston, 1865. 12 . Smith, Charles H. Human Species. London, L852. 12°. Smith, Edward. Northeastern Texaa London, 1849. IS Smith, Goldwin. Lectures on the Study of History. N.Y., 1866 I Three English Statesmen. N.Y., 1867. 12 Smith, Horace. Gaieties and Gnu N'.Y., 1S.V2. 16°. Smith, Horatio. Festivals and Amusements. \.V„ i*.v>. 10°. Smith, Horace & James. Poetical Works. N.Y., 1857. 3 Rejected Addresses. Boston, 1851. 18 Smith, James. Diet, of Arts, Sciences and Manufactures. Boston, 1854 Smith, J. Jay. A Jaunt across the Water. Phila., 1846. 2? Smith, Joshua T. America in the Tenth Century. Boston, 1839. 12 Smith, W. L. G. China and the Chinese. N.Y., 1863. I Smith, W. H. I'nivcrsalism Examined, Renounced and Exposed. Bos., 1844 12°. Smith, Philip. The Ancienl History of the East. N.Y., 1871. I Smith, Rev. Sydney. Works of, three vols, in one. Boston, 1854. - Same X.V., 1844. 8°. Same. L846 - Smith, William, classical Dictionary. N.Y., 1854. - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Bos- ton, 1849. 8 . Dictionary of the Bible, edited by E B. Hackett. N.Y.,1869. 4v -" History of Greece. N.Y., I860 Smith, W. R. History of New York. N.Y., 1830. 2v. 8°. History of Wisconsin. Phila., L838. 12°. Smollet, Tobias. History of England. Albany, 1846. to Humphrey (linker Phila. 8 . Smucker, S. M. Life and Times of Thos. Jefferson. Phila., 1859. 12°. The FourGeorg< - N.Y., I860. L2 . Smyth, W. History of French Revolution. London, 1855. 2v. 12°. Modern History. London, 1854 2v. 12°. Socrates. Ecclesiastical History, trans, from Greek. London, 1853. 16° Sombre, Samuel. Aquarelles; or, 8ummer Sketches. \ V. 1858. 16° Sophocles. Tragedies of — Oxford Translation. London, 1849 Southey, Robert. Common-place Book, edited by J. W. Waiter. Life and Correspondence, edited by C. C. Southey. N.Y . 1855. Life of Lord Nelson. N.Y 18 Poems. See British Poets. The Doctor. N.Y., 1836. SpavUding, William. History of Italy. N.Y.,1845. 2 v. 16°. Sparks, Jared. American Biography The First Series Vols. 1, 2, 4 & 5 Boston, 1834 16°.— Vol. I. J. Stark, 1 tl I B Brown, by W.H Prea tt; B~ Mont- gomery, by J. Armstroi by J Bparka 11 I WUt n„by W. B. O.Peabody; . B. Hfllard. IV. a. Wayne, by J. ! EL Vane, by C. W. i | li.iin \ . .1. Bitot, tl • to th'- Lndi&ns. by C Alphabetical Catalogue. 51 Sparks, Jared. American Biography — The Second Series Complete, 15 Vols. Boston, 1855. 16°. Contents. — Vol. I. Robert de la Salle, by J. Sparks; Patrick Henry, by A. H. Everett. II. James Otis, by F. Bowen ; James Oglethorpe, by W. B. 0. Peabody. III. John Sul- livan, by W. B. 0. Peabody ; Jacob Leisler, by C. F. Hoffman ; Nathaniel Bacon, by Wni. Ware ; John Mason, by G. E. Ellis. IV. Roger Williams, by W. Gammell ; Timothy Dwight, by W. B. Sprague ; Count C. Pulaski, by J. Sparks. V. Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, by J. Renwick ; Z. M. Pike, by Henry Whiting; Samuel Gordon, by J. M. Mackie. VI. Ezra Stiles, by J. L. Kingsley; John Pitch, by C. Whittlesey; Anne Hutchinson, by G. E. Ellis. VII. John Ribault, by J. Sparks ; Sebastian Rale, by C. Francis. VIII. Charles Lee, by J. Sparks; Joseph Reed, by Henry Reed. IX. Leonard Calvert, by G. W. Burnap ; Samuel Ward, by W. Gammeli; Thomas Posey, by J. Hall. X. Xathan'l Greene, by G. W. Greene. XI. Stephen Deeatur, by A. S. Mackenzie. XII. Edward Preble, by L. Sabine; Wm. Penn, byG. E. Ellis. XIII. Daniel Boone, by J. M Peck: Benjamin Lincoln, by F. Bowen. XIV. John Ledyard, by J. Sparks. XV. Wm. R. Davie, by F. M. Hubbard ; Samuel Kirkland, by S. K. Lothrop. Lives of Fulton and Father Marquette. N.Y., 1840. 16°. Life of Governeur Morris. Boston, 1832. 3v. 8°. Writings of George Washington. Boston, 1834. 7v. 8°. Speke, J. H. Source of the Nile. N.Y, 1864. 8°. Spencer. Herbert. Education. N.Y., 1866. 8°. Essays. N.Y., 1865. 12°. First Principles. N.Y, 1866. 12°. Illustrations of Universal Progress. N.Y., 1867. 8°. Principles of Biology. N.Y., 1866. 2v. 12°. Principles of Psychology. N.Y., 1871. Vol. 1, 12°. Recent Discussions in Science, etc. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Social Statics. N.Y., 1865. 12°. Spencer, J. A. Egypt and the Holy Land. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Spencer, Edmund. Poems of. See British Poets. Spielhagen, F. Hammer and Anvil. N.Y., 1869. The Hohensteins, trans, by Scheie de Vere. N.Y., 1869. 12°. Problematic Characters. N.Y., 1869. 12°. Through Night to Light, trans, by Scheie de Vere. N.Y., 1869. 12°. Spiers, A. & G. Surenne. French and English Pronouncing Diet. N.Y., 1858. 8°. Spofford, H. P. (See Prescott, Harriet E.) Azarian. Boston, 1864. 16°. New England Legends. Boston, 1871. 8°. Sir Rohan's Ghost. Boston, 1860. 12°. Sprague, William B. Annals of the American Pulpit. N.Y., 1859. 6v. 8°. Contents. — Vols. I and II. Trinitarian Congregational. III. and IV. Presbyterian. V. Episcopalian. VI Baptists. Spurzheim, J. G. Phrenology. N.Y.. 1846. 8°. Squier, E. G. Notes on Central America. N.Y., 1855. 8°. Stacy, Nathaniel. Life of. Columbus, 1850. 12°. Stanhope, Earl. Life of Wm. Pitt. London, 1861. 4v. 12°. Stanley, A. P. Life and Correspondence of Thos Arnold. Boston, 1860, 2v, 12°. Stansbury, H. Salt Lake Report. Boston, 1853. 8°. Staunton. H. The Chess Tournament. London, 1852. 16°. Steele, Dorman J. Fourteen Weeks in Chemistry. N.Y, 1869. 12°. Fourteen Weeks in Astronomy. N.Y., 1869. 12°. Fourteen Weeks in Natural Philosophy. N.Y., 1869. 12°, Steinmetz, Andrew. History of the Jesuits. Phila., 1848. 2v. 8°. Stephens, J. L. Egypt, Arabia and the Holy Land. N.Y., 1855. 2v. 12°. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. N.Y., 1843. 2v. 8°. Incidents of Travel. N.Y., 1838. 2v. 8°. Sterne, Lawrence. Tristram Shandy. London, 1779. 3v. 18°. Works of, with Autobiography. Phila., 1834. 8°. >2 a Mplwhetical < 'otologm . Stevenson, David, civil Engineering of North America. London, i v K y°. Stewart, Dugald. Philosophy of Active and Moral Powers. Cambridge, 1868 s_ . Philosophy of Human Mind. Boston, 1814. 2v. - Stirling, Wm. Cloister Life of Charles V. Boston, 1868. 12 St. John, Bayle. Village Life in Egypl Boston, 1858. 3v. 12°. St. John, J. A. Lives of Celebrated Travelers. N75T., 1847. 8v. 18°. Stock, J. E. Life of Dr, Beddoes. London, 1811. 4°. Stockhardt, J. A. Chemistry of Agriculture, trans, bj Henfrey, Lon.,1855 18° Stoddard, Elizabeth. Temple House. N\Y., 1867, 16°, Stolberg, J. S. & Stewart, C. E. Costumes of the Clans. Edinburgh, 1845. Folio Stone, Rev. John S. Life ol James Milner. X.V., 1854 L2 . Stone, Wm. L. Life of Joseph Brant. Cooperstown, 1844. 2v. 8°. American Border Wars. N7Y., 1845. 2v. 18°, Story, S. A., Jr. (Mary II. Pike.) Caste. N.Y.. 1868. 12°. Story, W. W. Roba di Roma. XV.. 1864. 2v. 12°. Stowe, Prof. C. E. History of the Honks of the Bible, Hartford, 181)7. 8°. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Agnesof Sorrento, 1865. 12°. Bouse and Home Papers. Boston, 1865. 16°. Lady Byron Vindicated. Boston, 1870. 12°. Little Poxes. Boston, 1858 May Flower. Coston, 1858. 2v. 12°. My Wife and I. Boston, 1871. 12 Oldtown Fireside Stories. Boston, L872. 16°. Old Town Folks. Boston, 1869. 12 , Same. Pink and White Tyranny. Boston, 1871. 12°. 5 cop Sunnv Memories of Foreign Lands. Boston, 1854 2v. IS The Chimney Corner. Boston, 1868. 16 . The Minister's Wooing. Boston, 1868. 12°. CTncle Tom's Cabin. 12°. Strabo. Geography, trans, by EL C. Hamilton. London, 1854. 12°. Street, A. B. Woods and Water-. N V., I860. 12°. Strickland, Miss A. Queens of England. Phila., 1854. 12v.in6. Contbrts —M.i nl. la ol Flanders, 1' I 6; Matilda of & otland, 11 raine, 1120; Matilda ol Boulogne, 11S6; Glean , 1164. Biivngaria of Navarre, 1191; Isabella of Li ; '. Kleanora of I utile, 1272; Mai d rite of France, IS 1308; Phillppa of Hain- auli i; lUofValois, 1897 ; Joanna of NaTarre, 1402; Catherine ol \ dote, n ' ; 1444; Elizabeth Woodville, 1464; Anne of Warwick, 14T.'i. — Elizabeth of fork, l Bfl Catherine o . 1M>9: Anne Boleyn, 1683; Jane Seymour, 1636 ; Anne ol ei. Catherine Howard, 1640. Catherine Parr, 1643 ; Mary, 1663 Elizabeth, 1668.- Elizabeth; Anne of Denmark, 1608 — Henrietta Maria, 1628 I therin - Mary Beatrice ol Ko- dena,1686. — Mar] Bi itrlceol U ">■><:• U . 1688. — Marj n.-. Anne, 1702, Queens of Bcotland X.Y.. L851. 8v. 12 - CoNTljrrs.— Vol I Tudor; Magdalene of Fran Marj f Lorraini II j ..i Lorraini . I Margaret Douglas 111 VII. Marj Stuart. VIII. Elizabeth Stuart ; Sophia, Eli Hanover. Strong, Theodore. Algebra, NY.. 1859. 8 Sturleson, S. The Kings of Norway, trans, by Sam'l Laing. London, 1844. :iv. 8°. Sturm, C. C. Reflections on the Works of God Baltimore, 1822 8°. Sue, Eugene. Man of War's Man. Phila. 8°. Suetonius, Tranquillus. The Twelve Csesars. London, 1855. 12°. Sullivan, Wm. Political Class-Book. Boston, 1881. 12°. Sully, Due de. Memoirs of. London, 1761. 8v. Surrey, H. H. Poem- of. bee British Po Alphabetical Catalogue. 53 Swayne, Geo. O. Herodotus. Phila., 1870. 16°. Swedenborg, Emanuel. Angelic Wisdom concerning Divine Providence. Bos- ton, 1847. 8°. Angelic Wisdom concerning Divine Love. N.Y., 1864. 8°. Apocalypse Revealed. N.Y., 1866. 2v. 8°. Arcana Csslestia. N.Y., 1866. lOv. 8°. Doctrines of the New Jerusalem. Boston. 12°. Four Leading Doctrines of the New Church. N.Y., 1862. 8°. Gems from his Writings, with a Memoir by Rev. T, O. Prescott. Boston, 1855. 12°. Heaven and Hell, trans, by Rev. Sam'l. Noble. N.Y., 1864. 8°. Principia, trans, by Rev, A. Clissold. Boston, 1845. 2v. 8°. Miscellaneous Theological Works. N.Y., 1865. 4°. The Animal Kingdom, trans, by J. J. G. Wilkinson. St. Clairsville, 1850. Vol. I. 4°. The Economy of the Animal Kingdom, trans, by Rev. A. Clissold. London, 1845. 2v. 8°. The True Christian Religion. NY., 1866. 8°. Same. Boston, 1851. 8°. Swift, Jonathan. Poems of. See British Poets. Works of, edited by T. Roscoe. London, 1851. 2v. 8°. Works of, arranged by T. Sheridan. N.Y., 1812-13. 12v. 16°. Swinburne, A. O. Songs Before Sunrise. Boston, 1871. 12°. Swinburne, H. Travels Through Spain. London, 1837. 2v. 12°. Sydney, Algernon. Work on Government. London, 1795. 8°. Sypher, J. R. The Art of Teaching School. Phila., 1872. 16°. Szabad, E. Modern War, it's Theory and Practice. N.Y., 1863. 12°. Tacitus, O. O. Works of. Boston. 1817. 3v. 12°. Same — Oxford Translation. London, 1854. 2v. 12°. Taine, H. Art in Greece, trans, by J. Durand. N.Y„ 1871. 16°. Art in the Netherlands. N.Y., 1871. 16°. History of Eng. Literature, trans, by Van Laun. N.Y., 1871. 2v. 8°. Italy, Rome and Naples. N.Y., 1868. 8°. Italy, Florence and Venice. N.Y., 1869. 8°. Notes on England. N.Y., 1872. 8°. Talfourd, T. N. Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. Boston, 1854. 8°. Tragedies. N.Y., 1849. 16°. Talmage, Rev. T. T>. The Abominations of Modern Society. N.Y., 1872. 16°. Tasso, tforquato. Jerusalem Delivered, trans, by J. H. Wiffen. Lon., 1854. 12°. Tautphceus, Baroness. Cyrilla. Phila., 1871. 12°. The Initials. Phila. 16°, Quits. Phila., 1865. 12°. Taylor, Bayard. A Journey to Central Africa. N.Y., 1856. 12°. At Home and Abroad. N.Y., 1862. 12°. Beauty and the Beast, and other Tales, N.Y., 1872. 16°. By-ways of Europe. N.Y., 1869. 12°. Eldorado. N.Y., 1850. 12°. Greece and Russia. N.Y., 1859. 12°. Hannah Thurston. N.Y., 1866. 12°. Japan in Our day. N.Y., 1872. 12°. John Godfrey's Fortunes. 1864. 12°. Joseph and His Friends. N Y., 1870. 12°. Story of Kennett. N.Y., 1871. 12°. (Editor.) Travels in Arabia. — 111. Lib. of Travels and Adventure. N.Y., 1872. 12°. 54 . 1 1/pkabi tical < 'atalogw . Taylor, F. W. Voyage around the World. NTT., 1848. 2\ .12°. Taylor, Geo. [ndications of the Creator. N.Y., 1851, 12 Taylor, Isaac. Natural History of Enthusiasm. N.Y., 1868 12°, The Spirit of the Hebrew Poetry N.T., 1862. 8°. Wesley and Methodism. N.Y., L855. 12 Taylor, Jane. Writings. B >3ton, 1832. 5v. 12°. Contributions of Q. Q. N.Y.. 1844 I Taylor, Jeremy. Holy Living and Dying. London, L851. 12°. Taylor, Rev. R. New Zealand and Inhabitants. London, L855 Taylor, T. Life of Benj. Hay. Ion. X.V., L853. 2v. 12 Taylor, W. C. Bistory of [reland. N.Y., 1847. 18°. Memoirsof House of Orleans. Phila., 1850. 2v, 12°. Tegg, T. Dictionary of Chronology. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Tennemann, W. G. History of Philosophy. London, 1852. 12°. Tenney, Sanborn, and Abby, A. Natural History of Animals. N "i L868 12 C Tenot, Eugene. Paris in December, 1851. N.T., 1870. 12°. Tennyson, Alfred. Complete Poems. N.Y., 1871. 8°. Enoch Arden., 1865. 16°. [dylsof the King. Boston, ISliO. 16°. Maud, and oilier Poems. Boston, 1855. 16°. Terence. Comedies of— Phsedrus, fables of. trans, by H. T. Wiley and Christo- pher Smart. London, 1853. 12°. Terhune, M. V. See Marian Ilarland. Thackeray, W. M. Ballads. Boston, 1856. 16°. Book of Snobs. N.T., 1852. 16°. Early and Late Papers. Boston, 1867. 16°. English Humorists, N.V , 1858-60. 12°. Henry Esmond. N.Y. 8°. History of Pendennis. X.Y.. 1864. 2v. 8°. Love! the Widower. X.Y., 1860. 8°. Miscellanies. Boston, lsii'.l. 5v. 12°. ParisSketch Book. NY., 1863. 2v. 16°. Punch's Prize Novelists. N.Y., 1853. L6 C Round-about Papers. N.Y , 1864. 12°. The Four Georges. N.Y., 1860. 12°. The Newcomes. N.Y .. 1856. 8°. The Virginians. N.Y., 1856. 8°. Vanity Fair. N.Y., 1856. 8°. Thackeray, Miss. Complete Work-. Story of Elizabeth. Phila. 12°. The Village on the Cliff. Boston, 1869. 16 Thatcher, B. B. Indian Biography. N.Y., 1832. 2v. 18°. me. N.Y., is is. 16°. Thayer, Thos. B. Christianity against Infidelity. Cin., 1849. 12 Theocritus. Bion. Moschus. Idyls of, trans, bj Bank- London, 1858. 12°. Thiers, M. A. Consulate and Empire. Phil., 1858. 5v. 8°. French Revolution, trans, by F. Shoberl. Phila., 1853. 2v. s °. Thomas, A. C. The Better Land. Boston, 1854. 12°. Thomas, Rev. C. W. Adventures in Africa. N.V. I860. 12°. Thomas, F. W. J. Randolph, W. Wirt and other Sketches. Phila., 1853. 12°. Thomas, J. Lippincott's Pronouncing Biographical Diet. Philu., 1S7U. 2v. 8°. Thompson, Geo. [n Africa. N.Y. 1852. Alphahffical Catalogue. 55 Thompson, H. Life of Hannah More. Phila,, 1S38. 2v. 12°. Thompson, J. P. Egypt — Past and Present. Boston, 1854. 12°. Thompson, Mrs. M. A. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Phila., 1850. 24°. Thompson, M. N. (Doesticks.) Nothing to Say. N.Y., 1857. 18°. Thompson, W. Recollections of Mexico. N.Y., 1846. 12°. Thompson, Robt. A. Christian Theism. N.Y., 1855. 12°. Thomson, James and Pollok, Robert. Seasons and Course of Time. Boston, 1855. 12°. Thomson, Mrs. A. T. Memoirs of Duchess of Marlborough. Lon., 1839. 2v. 8°. Thomson, James. Poems of. See British Poets. Thomson, W. M. The Land and the Book. N.Y., 1860. 2v. 12°. Thoreau, H. D. A Yankee in Canada. Boston, 1866. 16°. Cape Cod. Boston, 1S65. 16°. Maine Woods. Boston, 1864. 12°. Walden. Boston, 1865. 12°. Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers. Boston, 1868. 16°. Thombury, Walter. Life in Spain. NY., 1860. 12°. Thoyras, Rapin de. History of England, trans, by Tindal. Lon., 1732. 2v. Thucydides. Analysis, by J. Talboys Wheeler. London, 1855. 12°. Pelopennesian War, trans, by Rev. H. Dale. London, 1855. 2v. 12°. Tickell, Thos. Poems of. See British Poets. Ticknor, C. Philosophy of Living. N.Y, 1846. 18°. Ticknor, George. Historv of Spanish Literature. N.Y., 1854. 3v. 8°. Life of Wm. H. Prescott. Boston, 1864. 8°. Tieck, L. Elves and other Sketches, trans, by T. Carlyle. N.Y., 1864. 8°. Tilton, Theodore. Sexton's Tale and other Poems. NY., 1867. 18°. Tissandier, Gaston. Wonders of Water, edited by Scheie deVere. NY., 1872. 12°. Tissot, Dr. On Health, trans, by J. Kirkpatrick. London, 1767. 2v. 16°. Tomes, Robert. Champagne Country. N.Y., 1867. 12°. Tonna, C. E. See Elizabeth, Charlotte. Tonna, H. H. J. Life of Charlotte Elizabeth. N.Y., 4851. 12°. Tooke, Andrew. Pantheon. Dublin, 1792, 12°. Tower, D. B. Common School Grammar. Boston, 1860. 12°- Townsend, Calvin. Analysis of Civil Government. N.Y., 1869. 8°. Townsend, V. F. Mills of Tuxbury. The Hollands. Boston. 12°. TrafTord, F. G. (Mrs. J. H. Riddell.) George Geith. Boston, 1865. 12°. Trelawny, E. J. Recollections of Shelley and Byron. Boston, 1859. 16°. Trench, Richard C. Study of Words. N.Y., 1852. 12°. Trench, W. S. Irish Life. Boston, 1869. 16°. Trenck, Baron Frederick. Autobiography. London, 1778. 16°. Trois Etoiles. Member for Paris. Boston, 1871. 8°. Trollope, Anthony. Barchester Towers. Cassar's Commentaries. Phila., 1871. 16°. Can You Forgive Her. Castle Richmond. N.Y. 12°. Doctor Thome. 16°. Framley ParsoLage, N.Y., 1861. 12°. He Knew He was Right. Last Chronicle of Barset. N.Y., 1867. 8°. 56 . 1 1/phabi tical ( 'atalogw . Trollope, Anthony. Macdermots of Ballycloran. Miss Mackenzie. Orley Farm. Phineas Finn. X.Y., 1868. 8°. Rachel Ray. Ralph the Heir. N.V., 1871. Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite. N.Y., 1871. 12°. Small I touse al Allington. The Belton Estate. The Bertrams. The Claverings. X.V., L866. - The Cellys and O'Kellys. The Warden. Phila. 16°. The Wesl Indies an. 1 the Spanish Main. X.Y. I860. 12° Vicarof Bullhampton. X.Y., 18T0. 8°. Trollope, Mrs. F. Paris and the Parisians in 1835. X.Y.. 1836. 8°. Trollope, T. A. A Sinn. X.Y., 1871. 8°. Beppo, the Conscript. Phila. 12°. Garstang Grange. Phila. 12. Gemma. N.Y. 12°. La Beata. London. 1866. 16 . Leonora Casaloni. Phila., 1869. 1 1 '. Marietta. London, 1866. 16 '. The Scaled Packet. Phila. 12°. Trowbridge, J. T. .lack Hazard and his Fortunes. Boston, 1871. 12°. Truebner, N. Guide to American Literature. London, 1859. 18°. Tschudi, Dr. J. J. von. Travels in Peru, trans, by T. Ross. X.Y., 1853. 8°. Tucker, B. Partisan Leader. N.Y., 1861. 12°. Tuckerman, H. T. America and her Commentators. X V. 1864 12° optimist. X.V., 1850. 12°. The Criterion. X.V., 1866. 12°. Tullock, John. Leaders of the Reformation — (Luther, Calvin, Latimer, Knox ) Boston, 1859. 12 , Tupper, M. F. Complete Poetical Works. Boston, 1856. 12°. Proverbial Philosophy. X.V., 1851. s Turnbull, Rev. Robert. Christ in History. Boston, I860 1 Turner, Edward. Elements of Chemistry. Phila., 1829. 12°. Turner, Sharon. Sacred History of the World. X.V., 1838. 3v. 18° Bame. XV, isho. ' 2v. 12°. Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. Caroline Perthes, the Christian Wife. X.Y., I860. 12°. Twain, Mark. (S. L. Clemens.) Autobiog. and First Romance. X.Y, 1871. 16°. [nnocents Abroad. X.V., 1869. v , Roughing It. Hartford. 1872. 8°. The Jumping Pro-. N.V., 1867. 16°. Twamley, Louisa A. (Mrs. Meredith.) British Landscape Scenery. London, 1839. 12°. Tyler, J. Life of N.Y.. 1844 8°. Tyndall, John. Faraday as a Discoverer. X.Y.. 1868. 12°. Glaciers of the Alps. Boston, 1861. 12°. II, at, a Mode of Motion. X.Y., 1863. 8°. Hours of Exercise in the Alps. X.Y., 1871. 12°. Lectures on Sound. N.Y.. 1867. 12°. Tyng, Stephen H. Christian Titles, NVY.,1853. 12°. Tytler, A. F. Elements of General History. Concord, 1824. 12°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 57 Tytler, A. F. History. Phila. 1813. 12°. Tytler, P. F. Discoveries on the North Coast of America. N.Y., 1844. 18°- Tytler, Sarah. Huguenot Family N.Y., 1868. 12°. Ullmann, Dr. C. Reformers before the Reformation. Edinburg, 1855. 8°. Una and Her Paupers. Memorials of Agnes Elizabeth Jones. N.Y., 1872. 16°. Upham, Thos. C. Disordered Mental Action. NY., 1848. 18°. Life of Faith. NY., 1854. 12°. Principles of the Interior Life. N.Y., 1855. 12°. Ure, Andrew. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. N.Y., 1858. 2v. 8°. Vambery, A. Travels in Central Asia in 1863. Phila., 1868. 8°. Same. NY., 1865. Sketches of Central Asia. Phila,, 1868. 8°. Van Bruessel, E. Population of an Old Pear Tree. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Vasari, G. Lives of the Artists. London, 1851. 5v. 12°. Vassar, J. G. Twenty Years around the World. N.Y., 1861. 8°. Vaughan, Henry. Poems of. See British Poets. Vaughan, Robert. Revolutions in English History. N.Y., I860. 2v. 8°. Venn, Rev. Henry. Life of, edited by Rev. Henry Venn. N.Y., 1855. 12°. Victoria, Queen of England. Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, edited by Authur Helps. N.Y., 1868. 12°. Virgilius, Maro P. Carmina. Phila., 1848. 16°. Works of. NY., 1811. 2v. 8°. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Charles the XII. of Sweden. Phila., 1862. 16°. Louis XIV. London, 1852. 2v. 12°. Wakefield, Priscilla. Mental Improvement. New Bedford, 1799. 16°. Walker, Amasa. The Science of Wealth. Boston, 1866, 8°. Walker, D. Manly Exercises. London, 1834. 12°. Walker, John. Rhyming Dictionary. London, 1775. 16°. Walker, Jas. B. God Revealed in the Creation and in Christ. Boston, 1855. 16°. Waldo, S. P. Life of Stephen Decatur. Middletown, 1822, 12°. Walpole, H. Correspondence of. London, 1851. 2v. 8°. Noble Authors of England. London, 1796. 8°. Letters to Sir HoracelVIann. N.Y., 1833. 2v. 12°. Walsh, M. M. The Lawyer in the School-room. N.Y., 1867. 12°. Wallace, A. R. Malay Archipelago. N.Y., 1869. 8°. Wallis, S. T. Glimpses of Spain. N.Y., 1849. 12°. Walton, G. A. Metric System of Weights and Measures. Boston, 1867. 16°. Warburton, Eliot. The Crescent and the Cross. N.Y., 1845. 12°. Darien. N.Y., 1862, 8°. Ward, Aaron. Around the Pyramids. N.Y., 1868. 12°, Ward, Artemus. (C. F. Browne). Artemus Ward, His Travels. N.Y., 1866. 12°. My Panorama. N.Y.. 1869. 12°. Ward, F. de W. India and the Hindoos. N.Y., 1851. 12°. Ware, Wm. Zenobia. NY., 1869. 2v. 12°. Warfield, Mrs. C. Household of Bouverie. N.Y., 1860. 2v. 18°. Warner, Chas. D. Saunterings. Boston, 1872. 12°. My Summer in a Garden. Warner, Susan. Opportunities. Boston, 1871. 18°. Our House in Town. NY., 1871. 18°. Queechy. NY., 1865. 12°. 8 58 .1 Ijjhabi tical < 1 atalogvA . Warner, Susan. Saj and Heal N Y, 1865 '-'• I'h. Old Belmet. N.V.. 1864. 2v 16 The Wide, W ide World NY.. 1857. L6< What She Could. N.Y.. 1871. 18 Warren, John E. Para; or, Scenes on tli<' Amazon. N.Y., L851. 1 -'" Warren,' Samuel. Dian of a Physician. X Y.. is:::, jv ls" Ten Thousand a Fear. Phila. - Washington, George. Letters. Boston, 1725. 2v. 12 Watson. H. C. Camp-fires of the Revolution. Phila., 1854 8°. Watson, I. F. Annals of New Fork. Phila., 1846. B Watson, J. M. Manual of Calisthenics. Chicago, 1864 12 Watson, R. Chemical Essays. London, 1782 91. 5v. 16° Watson, W. C. Men and Times of the Revolution. N\Y., 1857. 12°. Watts, Isaac. Horse Lyric83, etc. See British Poi [mprovement of the Mind. Boston. 18 Wayland, Francis. Political Economy. Boston, 1843. 12°. Webb, C. H. Liffith Lank. X.Y.. 1866. 18°. Webb, T. S. Free Mason's Monitor. Providence, 1805. 16°. Webber, Samuel. Mathematics. Cambridge, 1808 2v. 8°. Webster, Daniel. Works of. Memoir by Everett. Boston, 1861 ''.v. 8°. Webster, John. On Witchcraft. London, 1671 8 Webster, Noah. Dictionary Unabridged, revised by ( A Goodrich and Xnnh Porter. Illustrated. Springfield, 1866. 4°. Wedgwood, Hensleigh. A Dictionary of English Etymology. N.Y., 1872 - Weeks, Helen C. Four and what I lay Did. X.Y.. 1871. Weems, M. L. Life of Wm. Penn. Phila.,1854 12°. Life of George Washington. Phila., I860. 12°. Weiss, C. History of the French Protestanl Refugees N ^ . 1854 Jv Welch, A. S. Object Lessons. Chicago, 1862. 12 Weld, Hastings. Corrected Proofs. Boston, 1836. 12°. Wells, D. A. First Principles of Geology. N\Y., 1861. L2 Wells, W. H. TheGraded School. X.Y.. 1864 Whately, M. L Among the Hut- in Egypt. London, 1871. 12°. Whately, Richard. Elements of Logic. Boston, 1858. 12°. Wharton, Grace & Philip. (Mrs. Catherine B.Thomson and John C.Thomson, berson.) Wits and Beaux of Society. N7Y, 1861. I Wheatly, Charles. Illustration of Book of Common Prayer. London, 1852 12°. Wheaton, H. Life of W. Pinkney. N.Y., 1826. - Wheeler. G. Rural Homes. X.Y.. 1852. 12°. Wheeler, J. T. Life and Travels of Herodotus N.Y., 1856. 2v. 12 Wheeler, Wm. A. Dictionary of Noted Names of Fiction. Boston, 1866 16°. Whewell, Wm. Astronomy and Physics. London. 1852, Historj of Inductive Sciences X.Y., 1869. 2v. J Whewell, de la Place and others. Lectures on the Proeress of A its and Sciei X.Y. L854 12 Whelpley, Samuel. Compend of History. Boston, 1858. 12 Whipple, E. P. Essays and Reviews. Boston, 1853 2v Lecture-. Boston, 1858. ' Success and its Conditions Boston, 1871. 12°. m Alphabet leal Catalogue. 5 9 Whitcher. Mrs. F. M. Widow Bedott Papers. N.Y., 1867. 12. Widow Spriggins and other Sketches. X.Y., 1867. 12°. White, Rev. G. Natural History of Selborne. London, 1851. 12° Same. N.Y. 1848. White, Henry. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. N.Y., 1868. 8°. White, H. K. Poems of. See British Poets. Poetical Works. Boston, 1855. ,12°. White. Rev. J. Eighteen Christian Centuries. N.Y., 1860. 8°. History of France. X.Y.. 1859. 8°. White, J. Blanco. Autobiography, edited by Thorn. London, 18-15. 3v. 12°. White, Richard Grant. Words and their Uses. N.Y, 1870. 12°. Whitney. Mrs. A. D. T. Faith Gartney's Girlhood. Boston, 1865. 16°. Hitherto. Boston, 1869. 12°. Patience Strong's Outings. Boston, 1869. 12°. Real Folks. Boston, 1872, 16°. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life. Boston, 1867. 16°. The Gay worthy s. Boston, 1865. 12°. Mother Goose for Grown Folks. Boston, 1870. 16°. Zerub Throop's Experiment, Boston, 1871. 18°. Whitney, Wm. D. Language and the Study of Language. NY., 1867. 8°. Whittier, J. G. Among the Hills. Boston, 1869. 16°. Miriam. Boston, 1871. 16°. Poems. Boston, isij4. 2v. 16°. Snow-bound. Boston, 1867. 12°. Tent on the Beach. Boston, 1867. 18°. Whyte-Melville, J. G. M. or N. N.Y, 1871. 8°. Sarchedon. N.Y., 1871. 8°. Whymper, E. Scrambles amongst the Alps. London, 1871. 8°. Wigram, Geo. V. The Englishman's Greek Concordance. N.Y., 1855. 8°. Wilberforce, Wm. Practical View of the Prevailing Religious Systems, Con- trasted with real Christianity. Phila., 1798. 8°." Wilkes, Chas. Voyage around the World. Phila., 1849. 8°. Willard, Emma. History of American Republic. N.Y., 1834. 8°. Williams, F. Sermons. Hartford, 1810. 12°. Williams, Rev. J. Life of Alexander the Great. N.Y. 1843. 18°. Williamson, J. D. Philosophy of Odd Fellowship. 1859. Willis, N. P. A Summer Cruise in the Mediteranean. Rochester, 1853. 12°. Famous Persons'and Places. N.Y., 1855. 12°. Health Trip to the Tropics. N.Y, 1853. 12°. Hurry-Graphs. Rochester, 1853. 12°. Life Here and There. Rochester, 1853. 12°. Out Doors at Idlewild. N.Y., 1855. 12°. Paul Fane. N.Y, 1857. 12°. Pencillings by the Way. Rochester, 1863. 12°. Rural Letters. New Orleans, 1854. 12°- Same. Rochester, 1853. 12°. The Rag Bag. NY., 1855. 12°. Willymott, W. Observations on Latin Words. Cambridge, Eng., 1705. 12°. Willson, Marcius. American History, N.Y., 1847. 8°. Same. Cin., 1847. 8°. Wilkie, F. K. Davenport, Past and Present. Davenport, 1858. Wilkinson, J. G. Ancient Egyptians. N.Y, 1854. 2v. 12°. 60 A.lpltabetical OcUalogtu Wilmsen, F. P. Deutsche! Cinder Freund. St. Louis,"1851. 12°. Wilson, DanieL Evidences of Christianity. Boston, 1888 2v. 12°. Wilson, Henry. A.nti- Slavery Measures in Congress. Boston, 1864. 12°. Riseand Fall of the Slave rower in America. Boston, 1872. 8°. Vol. I. Wilson, Prof. John. Recreations of Christopher North. Boston, 1854 8°. Wilson, Prof. John and Others. Noctes Ambrosianse. N.Y., 1858. 5v. 12°. Wilson, Capt. and Others. Recovery of Jerusalem— a Narrative of Explora- tion and Discovery in the City and the Holy Land ; with an Intro duction, by A. P.Stanley, edited by Morrison. N.V., 1871. 8°. WincheU, Alex. Sketches of Creation. N V . 1870 12°. Winthrop, John. History of New England. Boston, 1858. 8v.8°. Winthrop, Theodore. Canoe and Saddle. Boston, L863. 12°. Edwin Brothertoft. Boston, 1862. 12°. John Brent. Boston, 1862. 12°. Wirt, Wm. Letters of a British Spy X.Y., 1848. 12°. Lite of Patrick Henry. Hartford. 1854 8°. Wise, Henry A. Seven Decades of the Onion. Phila., L872. 8°. Wolf, R. J. Bokhara Mission. N.T., 1845. 8°. Wollstonecraft, Mary. Vindication of the Rights of Woman. N.V., 1866. Vi a Wood, Alphonso. Class Look of Botany. Boston, 1855. 12°. Wood, James. Bible Dictionary. 2v. 12°. Wood, Rev. J. G. Homes without Hands. N.Y.,1866. 8°. Wood, Nicholas. Practical Treatise on Railroads. London. 8°. Wood, Mrs. Henry. Last Lynnc, or the Earl's Daughter. X.Y., 1870. Woodville, Jennie. (Pseudonym.) Left to Herself. Phila., 1872. 12°. Woodworth, F. C. Wonders of the Insect World. Auburn, 1854 12°. Woolman, John. Journal of, edited by J. G. Whittier. Boston, 1871. 16°. Wordsworth, C. Memoirs of Wm. Wordsworth. Boston, 1851. 2v. 12°. Wordsworth, Wm. Poems of. See British Ports. Poetical Works. Boston, 1855. 12 Wortley, Lady E. S. Travels in the United States. N.Y., 1851. Vi°. Wrangell, F. Siberian and Polar Expeditions. X.Y.. 1841. 18°. Wraxall, N. W. History of Frame London, 1795. 8v. 4°. Historical Memoirsof My Own Time. Phila., 1836-45. 8°. Wright, Mrs. J. McN. Almost B X m) . Phila.. 1868. 16 Almost a Priest Phila. 10°. Wright, L. The Practical Poultry Keeper. N.Y., 1867. 8°. Wyatt, Sir Thomas. Poems of. See British Poets. Xenophon. ( 'yropadia, trans by J. 8. Watson and II. Dale. London, 1855. 12°. Yates, Edmund. Nobody's Fortune Boston, 1871 x Wrecked in Port. X.Y., 1869. S<\ Yelverton, Therese. Zanita— a Tale of the Yosemite. NV5T., 1872. 12°. Yonge, Miss c. M. Beechcroft. X V.. 1856. 16°. Chaplel of Pearls. NY.. 1869. - (lever Woman of the Family. X.Y , 1865. 8°. Daisy Chain. 2v. 16 Heartsease. X.Y.. 1865. 2v. 16°. lb irof LedclyrTe. N.V . L865. 2v. 8°. The Caged Lion. X. V., 1870. 12°. The Dove in the Eagles Nest. N.V. 1G°. Alphabetical Catalogue. 61 Yonge, Miss C. M. The Two Guardians. The Trial. (Sequel to Daisy Chain.) N.Y., 1869. 2v. in 1. 12°. Young, Edward. Poems of. See British Poets. Young, John. The Christ of History. N.T., 1856. 12° Youmans, E. L. Chemistry. N.Y., 1866. 12°. Culture Demanded by Modern Life. N.Y., 1867. 8°. Hand-book of Household Science. N.Y., 1865-68. 8°. Zimmermann, M. On Solitude, trans, by J. B. Mercier. London, 1796. 12°. Zotz, A. Achtzehn Jahre in Peoria. Peoria, 1872. 12°. CLASSIFIED INDEX 1. SCIENCE. 2. PHILOSOPHY. Cicero. Academic Questions Everett. Science of Thought. Leibnitz. Opera Philosophica. Plato. Works. Seneca. Opera Philosophica. Xenophon. Memorabilia of Socrates. 3. HISTORIES AND COMPENDS. Hinton. Man and his dwelling places. Marsh. Man and Nature. Owen. Debatable Land. Owen. Footfalls on the Boundary of another World. Sargent. Planchette. Scott. Demonology. Slade. Phrenology. Spencer. Recent Discuss, in Science. Spurzheim. Phrenology. Webster. Witchcraft/ Diogenes. Lives of Philosophers. Draper. Intellect. Develop, of Europe. Greek Philosophy. Henry. History of Philosophy. Hurst. History of Rationalism. Lecky. Rationalism in Europe. Lewes. Biogr. Hist, of Philosophy. Tennemann. History of Philosophy, 4. Mental Philosophy. Alcott. Tablets. Brown. Human Mind. Brown. Mental Philosophy. Hamilton. Discussions on Philosophy. McCosh. Intuitions of Mind. Mill. Examin. Hamilton's Philosophy. Spencer. Philosophy. Stewart. Philosophy of Human Mind. Wakefield. Mental Improvement. 4 a. ANTHROPOLOGY, Animal Magnetism. Brewster. Letters on Magic. Calef. Salem Witchcraft. Figuier. To-Morrow of Death. Fowler. Memory. Fowler. Phrenology. 4 b. PSYCHOLOGY. Alger. Genius of Solitude. Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy. Moore. Power of Soul Over the Body. Reed. Growth of the Mind. Upham. Disordered Mental Action. Zimmermann. Solitude. 4c LOGIC. Aristotle. Organon. Devey. Logic. Mill. System of Logic. Whately. Elements of Logic. 4d. METAPHYSICS. Aristotle. Metaphysics. Bacon. Novum Organum. Bacon. Physical and Metaphys. Works. Grindon. Life, its Varieties, etc. Hamilton. Metaphysics. Hare. Guesses at Truth. Hinton. Life in Nature. Kant. Critique of Pure Reason. Locke. Essay on Hum. Understanding. Myers. Life and Nature. Oersted. Soul in Nature. 64 < f lassijied Index. Stewart. Dissertations and Discuss'ns, whoweii. Hist of [nductive Bciences. 5. Moral Philosopht. Abercrombie. Phil, of Moral Peelings. Alcott. Familiar Let. to Young Men. Aristotle. Ethics, etc. Bacon. Essaj 8. Beecher. Lecturesto Young Men. Butler. The American Lady. Chapin. Humanity in the City, Chesterfield. Letters to his Sun. Cicero. Cato, Loelius, el Epistolae. Cicero. De * Ifflciis, Considerations for Young Men. Epictetus. Works Translated Fowler. Self-Culture. Fowler. Self-Formation. Fordyce. Addresses to Young Men. Hamilton. Popular Essays. Holland. Titcomb's Letters Holmes. Mechanism in Thought and Mmals. Humboldt. Letters to a Lady. Lecky. Hist, of European Morals. Paley. Philosophy. Pankhurst. Moral Philosophy. Seneca. Morals. Smith. Moral Sentiments. Stewart. Philos. of Active and Moral Force- oi Man. Wayland. Elements of Moral Science. Cniden. Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. Testament, Nouveau. Wigram. Englishman's Greek Con cordance. -. ( low Ml. N I \i.-iks. Bush. Illustrations of Holy Scripture. Christ's Second Appearing. Coleman. Historical Geogr. of Bible. Doddridge. Family Expositor. French. Notes on ('liii-t'- Miracli Fuller. History of the Holy Warre. Gleig. Bible History. Home, introduction to study of Bible. Kitto. Daily Bible illustrations Kitto. Scripture Lands. Liber Librorum. Paley. Ilor.e Paulina?. Rendell. Peculiarities of the Bible. Rendell. Antediluvian History. Scripture Interpreter. Stowe. History of Books of the Biblr. Thompson. Land ami the Book. 9. Li it rgi ks. Wheatley. Common Prayer of the ( ihurch of England, in. ( Ihrisi ia\ V \ I ill BS. 1 F I ) Momkkn Systkms. 13 a. Conybeare. Life and Bpis. of St. Paul. Fox. Book of Martyrs. Lee. Life of Apostle Peter. Maurice. Prophets and Kings of Old Testami Neander. Memorials of Christian Life. Ranke. History of the Pop Sigourney. Exampl's of Life and Death. Theodosia. >\\ I. ION imlii.l \N-. Hobart. Life of Swedenborg. Job Ahbott. Noble. Import. Doctrines of the New Christian Religion. Noble. Lectures. Parsons. Deus 1 tomo. Essays. Prescot. Memoirs of Swedenborg, and Gems from Ids Writings. Rendell. Antediluvian History. Swedenborg. Angelic Wisdom. Animal Kingdom. A pocalypse Re^ ealed. A nana i \r!e-lia. Doctrines of tin New Jerusalem. 1 leaven and Hell. Miscellaneous Theological Works. Principia. True Christian Religion. The Four Leading Doctrines of the New Church. 13 b. 8MMTTJ OVISTS. Dixon. Spiritual Wives. Edmonds. Spiritualism. 13 c. MORMONS. Gunnison. The Mormon-. 13 d. Sr/PEBSTTTIONS \M' DELUSIONS. Baring-Gould. Curious Myths. Hone. Ancient Mysteries. Lilly. Introduction to Astrology. Mackay. Popular Delusions. Classified Index. Li ' D 1 4. Judaism. Philo. Works. 15. Greek and Roman Mythology. Bulfinch. Age of Fable. Clement. Mythological Art. Smith. Dictionary of Mythology. Tooke. Pantheon. 16. Oriental and Pagan- Religions. Mallet. The Prose Edda. Eyrbyggia, (Scott.) Mueller. Chips from a German Work- shop. 16 a. MOHAMMEDANISM. Koran. The. (Sale.) SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES. Aristotle. Politics and Economics. Finger-post to Public Business. Walker. Science of Wealth. 18. JURISPRUDENCE. Duer. Constitutional Jurisprudence. 19. General Treatises. 19 a. histories of law and miscellanies. Bigelow. Bench and Bar. Brown. The Forum. Grant. Bench and Bar. Jeaffreson. Book about Lawyers, Lea. Superstition and Force. Shiel. Sketches of the Irish Bar. 19 b. INTRODUCTION TO LAW STUDY. 19 c. 19 d. DICTIONARIES. PERIODICALS, 19 e. PARLIAMENTARY RULES. Cashing. Manual. Jefferson. Parliamentary Manual. 20. Natural and International Law. Upton. Law of Nations. 21 Ancient, Feudal and Civil Law. Justinianus. Institutes. Maine. Ancient Law. 22. Common Law. Bacon. New Abridgement of the Law. Blackstone. Commentaries. Dutton. Abridgement of Irish Statutes. Kent. Commentaries on Amer. Law. 22 a. CANON LAW. 22 b. equity. Adams. Doctrine of Equity. 22 c. PROCEEDINGS. 19 f. FORM BOOKS. Adams. Action of Ejectment. Chitty. On Pleading. Precedence in Pleading. United States, Circuit and Dist. Courts. 23. Organic and Statute Law. Code Napoleon. 68 Classified Index. 89 a 0. 8. GO'S BRNMENT. Biirch. I > i — « v| Of Law 3, Cotton, r. B Powers and Duties of Justici of the Peace. Moore. Patenl Office and Laws United States [nternal Revenue Laws. 28 I). STATES AND TERRITORIES. Illinois. Laws of. Massachusetts Hay. Ancient Charter and Laws. Pennsylvania. Laws of. 24. Reports of Judicial PrOI BED] NiiS. 24 a. AMERICAN. Benton. Dred Scott Decision. Halsted. New Jersey Supreme Courts Report. 25. Special Treatises. 25 a. COMMI.ii' [AX LAW. Chitty. Com'l and General Lawyer. 26 b. REAL ESTATE. Kilty. Landholders' Assistant. 25 C. EVIDENCE. Phillips. Law of Evidence. Works on Government. Webster. Work-. 26 a. POLITK \l. BU8TORIE8 Buchanan's Administration. Curtis. History of L. s. Constitution. Dumas. Progress of Democrat Eliot. History of Liberty. Jenkins. Political History. '.'lib. CYCLOPEDIAS \M) HAND HOOKS. Constitution of the United Stat Constitutional Manual. Hickey. Constitution. McElligott. Analytical Manual. 20 c. POLITICAL MANUALS. Alden. Citizen's Manual. Williams. Statesman's Manual. 27. Legislative Annals. American Archives. Benton. Thirty Years in U. S. Senate. Congressional Globe. Calhoun. Public Reports and Letters. Covode Investigation. Salt Lake Report. Secret Proceedings of Constitutional ( '(invention. American State Papers: Finance, Military, Naval," Public Lands. 26. POLITICS. Adams. Works and Life. Bastiat. Political Economy. Bentham. Theory of Legislation. Bowen. Political Economy . Burke. Works. Calhoun. Works. Guizot. Political Economy. Helps. Thoughts upon Government Jefferson. Works. Lieber. Civil Liberty and Self Gov eminent. Sullivan. Political Class Book. Townsend. Analysis of Civil Govern- ment. 28. Political Controversy. Ames. Works. Camp. Democracy. Lieber. Civil Liberty and Self Cov ernment. Mill. Liberty. Mill. Representative Government. r. s. FEDERAL. Baker, fj. 8. Si. ret Service. Debates on Judiciary. DeTocqueville. Ainer. Institutions. Democracy in America. Draper. Civil Polity of America. Gasparin. America before Europe. Classified Index. 69 Hamilton. Jefferson. The Federalist. Notes on Virginia. Writings of. Mulford. The Nation. Prince. E Pluribus Unuin. 28 b. SLAVERY. Clay. Speech in Sup. of Compromise. Wilson. Anti-Slav'ry Meas. in Congress. Rise and Fall of Slave Power. 28 C. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. About. The Roman Question. Junius. Letters. Lester. Glory and Shame of England. 29. SOCIAL SCIENCE. Bacon. New Atlantis. Behind the Bars. Dick. Illumination and Improvement of Mankind. Dick. Improvement of Society. Dodge. New Atmosphere. Woman's Wrongs. Griffiths. Autographs for Freedom. Illinois Reports of Public Charities. Mayhew. London Labor and London Poor. Mill. Subjection of Women. Miseries of Human Life. Muloch. Woman's Thoughts about Women. Spencer. Social Statics. Talmage. Abominations of Mod. Soc. Wollstonecraft. Vindication of the Rights of Woman. 30. Political Economy. Bastiat. Political Economy. Bowen. Political Economy. Carey. Past, Present and Future. Chevalier. Probable Fall ift Gold. Cobden. White Slaves of England. DeQuincey. Logic of Polit'l Economy. Eliot. Dignity and Uses of Labor. Greeley. Political Economy. Hamilton. Federalist. List. The National System of Political Economy. Mill. Political Economy. Say. Political Economy. Smith. Wealth of Nations. Sewell. Free Labor in the West Indies. Vethake. Political Economy. Walker. Science of Wealth. Wayland. Princp'lsof Polit'l Economy. 30 a. COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION. Coggeshall. Commerce and Navigation. Commercial Relations, House & Senate. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine. U. S. Commerce and Navigation Rep. Wacily. Russian Commercial Diet. 30 b. POPULATION AND PRODUCTIONS. 30 C. FINANCE. Gilbert. Treatise on Banking. Gibbons. Banks of New York the Clearing House. and 31. Education. American, Education. Bates. Institute' Lectures. Mann. Lect. and Rep'tson Education. Spencer. Education. Von Raumer. German Universities. Watts. Improvement of the Mind. Xenophon. The Cyropaedia. 31 a. SPECIAL TREATISES. Teaching. Abbott. Gentle Measures in the Man- agement of the Young. Barnard. Object Teach, and Oral Les- sons. Babington. Christian Education. Calkins. Object Lessons. Camp. Illustrative Clark. Education of Youth. Hart. In the Schoolroom. Lilienthal. Things Taught. Mann. Lectures on Education. Manual of Penmanship. New Pleasing Instructor. Northend. Teacher and Parent. Ogden. Science of Education. Page. Theory and Practice of Educa'n. Pestalozzi. Principles of Life. Poole. School Amusement. Pursuit of Knowledge. Sedgwick. Talks with my Pupils. Sheldon. Elementary Instruction. Sheridan. British Education. Sewell. Principles of Education. Sypher. Art of Teaching School. (I ( i lassified Index. Walsh. Lawyer in the Schoolroom. Welch. Object Lessons. Wells. Graded Schools. 31 It. KIM I \ PIOH \l. I'M kn \i> 81 c. school ki pob rs 31 (1. ELEMENT \KV TEXT BOOKS. 31 d 1. Primers •md SpdU rs. 31 >l-2. Grammar 8. Butler. Practical English Grammar. Greene. First Lessons in Grammar. Tower. Common School Grammar. Ml (/ :;. Read* rs and Speah rs. Sargent. Second Reader. Fourth Reader. 31 (1 4. Geographies. Colton. Modern School Geography Maury. World we Live in. Salmon. Geographical Grammar. Warren. Physical Geography. 31 d 5. Histories. Bernard. School History of I. S. History. Elements of. Goldsmith. (Pinnock,) History of Eng. Lossing. Pictorial History of V . s. Markham. History of England. 31 d 6. . 1 riiln mi tics. Colburn. Common School Arithmetic. First Book of Arithmetic. intellectual Arithmetic Davies. Grammar of Arithmetic. Pike. Arithmetic. Ray. Practical Arithmetic Walton. Dictation Lxercises. 31 d 7. Foreign Ijinyuages. French Com ersations. Dialogues Francaises. L'Ami di<* Enfans. Noel. Lectures Francai Perrin. Conversations Franca Wilmsen. Deutscher Kinderfreund. ::i r/S. '.• ,n,d Latin. Arnold. First Greek Lessons First Latin Hook. I. at in Prose < lompositions Crosby. Greek Grammar. Principia Latina. Robertson. Latin I'hr.i Viri Romse. 32. PHILOLOGY. (Historical, Comparative . Bythneri. [nstitutio Lingua- Hebrsese et Chaldsese. Dwight. Modern Philology. Mueller Science of Language. Chips from a German Workshop. Whitney. Language, and Study of. 33. 33 a. < i i: \mm IBS. SB \MM \i:. ENGLISH. Brown. English Grammar. Grammar of English Grammars. Butler. English I Irammar. Hall. Cyclopaadia of Eng. Grammar. 33 b. Bullion. Hadley. 33 c. GR] l.K ( ireck Grammar. I .reek Grammar. I. \TIN Adam, Latin Grammar. Andrews. Latin Grammar. Harkness. Latin Grammar. Willymott. Observations on Latiu Words. 33 d. FRENCH. Bolmar. French Verbs. 33 e. OERMAN and si'AMSii 34. Dictionaries. Classified Index. 71 i 84 a. ENGLISH. Alford. Queen's English. Arthur. Derivation of Family Names. Bailey. English Dictionary." Dictionary of Quotations. Gould. Good English. Graham. English Synonyms. Haydeu. Book of Dates. Hand-book of Engrafted Words. Latham. Hand-book of Eng. Lang. Marsh. Lectures on Eng. Language. Moon, Dean's English. Roget. Thesaurus of Eng. Words. Sheridan. English Dictionary. Tegg. Dictionary of Chronology. Trench. Study of Words. Walker. Diet, of English Language. Webster. Amer. Diet. Unabridged. Wedgwood. Dictionary of the English Etymology. White. Words and their Uses. 34 b. GREEK AND LATIN. Ainsworth. Latin and English Diet. Latin Dictionary. Leverett. Latin Lexicon. Liddell. Greek and English Lexicon. 34 c. FRENCH, GERMAN, SPANISH, &C. Adler. German and English Diet. Boyer. French Dictionary. Graglia. Italian Dictionary. Spier & Surenne. French Dictionary. Velazquez. Spanish-English Diet. 35. NATURAL SCIENCES AND USEFUL ARTS. Bakewell. Great Facts. Beckman. History of Inventions. Corner Cupboard. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Dodd. Curiosities of Industry. History of Ink. Joyce. Scientific Dialogues. Lardner. Lect. on Science and Art, Lewes. Philosophy of Common Life. Scientific American. Smithsonian Contrib'ns to Knowledge. Timbs. Year Book of Facts. Wells. Philosophy of Com. Things. Science of Common Things. Whewell. Inductive Science. Lectures on Science and Art. Youmans. Hand-Book of Household Science. Youmans. Modern Culture. 35 a. SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS. Annual of Scientific Discovery. Scientific American. Smithsonian Institution Reports. 36. MATHEMATICS. Davies. Dictionary of Mathematics. Logic of Mathematics. Mathematical Elements. Webber. Mathematics. 37. Arithmetics. 37 a. CALCULATORS AND TABLE BOOKS. Walton. Metric Systems of Weights and Measures. 38. Geometry, Trigonometry, Conic Sections. Davies. Geometry and Trigonometry. Analytical Geometry. Geometry and Mensuration. Legendre. Elements of Geometry. Geometry and Trigonometry. Perkins. Geometry. 39. Algebra and Higher Analysis. Davies. Algebra. Day. Algebra. Greenleaf. Algebra. Strong. Algebra. 40. Engineering. Colburn. Locomotive Engine. 72 < 'laxsijii ,1 Indeoi Davies. Survej ing. Gillespie. Road-making. Stevenson, civil Engineering of N. A Wood. Practical Treatise on R. II. 14 c. APPLIED. 41 Physk 3. Herschel. Lect. on Scientific Subjects. Hunt. Poetry of Science. 12. N a ri kai. Philosophy. Abbott. Heat. Light. Arnott. Elements of Physics. Brewster. Treatise on Optics. Bunsen. Oeometry. Buechner. Force and Matter. Chevreul. Colors. Desagnilers. Math Elements of Nat ural Philosophy. Ewbanks. Hydraulics and Mechanics. Euler. Phil. Naturae. Grove. Correlation and Conservation of Fori Hunt. Elementary Physics Lardner. Led UreS OD Science ami Art. Rolfe. Physics. Steele. Fourteen Weeks in Nat. l'hil. Tyndall. Heat. 13. ELK! TEICITY and M \'. n I. I I8M. Baile. Wonders of Electricity. I 1. ( IIKMISTKY Cooke. ( Ihemical Physics. Faraday, ciiein. History ol a Candle. Gray. Elements of Chemistry. Henry. Experimental Chemistry. Hooker. Chemistry, Johnstone. Chemistry of Com. Life. Prout. Chemistry and Meteorology. Silliman. First Principles of Chem. Steele. Fourteen Weeks in Chemistry. Turner. Elements of Chemistry. Van Bruessell. Population of an old Pi ar Tree. Watson. Chemical Essays. Youmans. class Book of Chemistry. Ha ■H b. INORG \M< old. \M( . Chemistry applied to Agriculture. Johnstone. Agricultural Chemistry, Chemistry of ( lommon Lite. Liebig. Animal Chemistry. Chemistry of A.griculture, etc. Musprat. Chemistry applied to Arts ami Manufactures. Stockhardt. Chemist ry of Agriculture. 15. A>i EONOW -i Chauvenet. Practical and Spherical Astronomy. Dick. Sidereal I leavens Ferguson. Astronomy. Grant. Physical Astronomy. Guillemin. The Heavens. The Sun. Herschel. Treatise on Astronomy. Lilly. Astrology . Mitchell. Planetary and Stellar World. Nichols. Architecture of the Heavens. Proctor, other Worlds than Ours. Whewell. Astronomy and Physics. 46. NATURAL BISTORT Abbott. Booh of Nature. Agassiz. Structure of Animal Lift Bell. Knowledge ol Living Things. Buckland Curiosities of Nat. Hist. Cuvier. Naturalist's Library. Darwin. Animals and Plants under I domestical ion. Darwin. Origin of Species. Voyage of a Naturalist. De Vere. Stray Leaves from Book of Nature. Figuier. World before the Deluge, Animated Nature Hooker. Natural History. Hutton. Booh of Nature. Humboldt. Cosmos Views of Nature Huxley. Origin of Species. Kendall. Texan, Santa Fe Expedition. Kirby. Instincts of Animals. Lettsom. Naturalist. Lewes. Stories,)!' Animal Life Lynch. Expedition to Dead Sea and Jordan. Mace. History ofa Mouthful of Bread. Classified Index. 73 Menault. Intelligence of Animals. Natural History of Quadrupeds. Pliny. Natural History. Pritchard. Natural History of Man. Pulteney. Review of Writings of Lin- naeus. Van Bruyssel. Pop. of an old Pear Tree. White. Natural History of Selborne. 46 a. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Abbott. Water and Land. Bickmore. East Indian Archipelago. Colton. American Lakes. Crests from the Ocean World. Dall. Alaska and its Resources. DeVere. Wonders of the Deep. Ellet. Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Foster. Mississippi Valley. Gosse. The Ocean. Hammond. Hills and Lakes. Marsh. Man and Nature. Maury. Physical Geog. of the Sea. Michelet. The Sea. Miller. Cruise of the Betsey. U. S. Coast Survey, Reports : Annual Reports, Sketches accompanying Reports. 47. Meteorology. Mueller. Meteorology. Prout. Meteorology. Results of Meteorological Observ. 48. Geology and Mineralogy. Ansted. Great Stone Book. Hartwig. Subterranean World. Richardson. Geology. Robinson. Catalogue of Minerals. 48 a. local surveys. America at Large. United States at Large. Particular States and Territories. ILLINOIS : Owen. Geological Explorations. Worthen. Geological Survey. WISCONSIN : Owen. Geological Reconnoissance of Chippewa Land District. 10 Europe. Great Britain. Mantell. Geological Excursion Round the Isle of Wight. 48 b. GEOLOGY. Text-Books and Collections. Bakewell. Introduction to Geology. Cotting. Geological Text-Book. Dana. Manual of Geology. Davis. Geological Science. Hitchcock. Geology of the Globe. Lyell. Principles of Geology. Mantell. Wonders of Geology. Miller. Cruise of the Betsey. Old Red Sand Stone. Testimony of the Rocks. Richardson. Geology. Smith. Geological Science. Wells. First Principles of Geology. Special Treatises. Peaks, Passes and Glaciers. Tyndall. Glaciers of the Alps. 48 c. PALAEONTOLOGY. Owen. Palaeontology. Mantell. Petrifactions and Teachings. Miller. Foot-prints of the Creator. 48 d. MINERALOGY. Comstock. Introduc. to Mineralogy. 49. Botany. Beck. Botany. Eaton. Manual of Botany. Gray. How Plants Grow. Wood. Class Book of Botany. 49 a. LOCAL TREATISES. America. American Ornamental Trees. Bigelow. Plants of Boston. Browne. Sylva Americana. Trees of America. Classified Index. Bryant. Forest Trees. Stewart, J. T., M. D. Herbarium of Plants of tin- Northwest. i, E I HNOLOGY. ;-.(>. ZOOLOGY Agassiz. Classification of Animals. Principles of Zoology, Brockle.sby. Microscopic World. Cuvier. Animal Kingdom. Goodrich, Illustrated Nat. History. Gosse. Evenings al the Microscope. Kingsley. Q-laucU8. Lewes. Studies in Animal Life. Natural History. Temiey. Natural Bistory of Animals. Wood. Homes without Hands. 50 a. VERTEBRATES. Figuier. Reptiles and Birds, CIA. Mi, minds. Figuier Mammalia. Marsh. Camel, his Adaptation to the United States. The Elephant. CI. 2. Hints. Bechstein. Chamber Birds. Mudie. Birds of the British Islands. Natural History of Birds. Smithsonian Institute — Instructions for Collecting Nests. BeptUes. 01. 1. I',sl„s. 30 b. Mou.rsKs. 50 C. Mill' ULATES. Figuier. [nsecl World. Jaeger. North American [nsectS. Natural 1 li story of [nsectS. Packard. Guide to study of [nsects. Woodward. Wonders of Insecl World. Argyll. Primeval Man. Reign of Law . Baldwin. Ancient America. Pre I [istoric Nation-. Darwin. Origin of Species. I lescenl of .Man. Hale. Prim, < Organization of Mankind. Huxley. Origin of Species 1 [alf-hours with Mod. Scientists. Lyell. Antiquity of Man. Lubbock. Origin and Primitive Con- dition of Man. Lubbock. Pre-Historic Times. Mivart. The Ci nesis of Speci- Pritchard. Natural History of Man. Smith. Human Species. .V_'. 53. MKDICINK. Medical Collections. 53a. HISTORIES a\i> MISCELLANIES. Elan. A Physician's Problem. Hooke. Physician and Patient. Jeaffreson. Book about Doctors. 58b. Hl< TIm\ \i;iks AND CYCLOPAEDIAS. 58c. PERIODICALS. Medical Examiner. 5 t. Anatomy and PHYSIOLOGY. Beaumont. Gastric Juice. Combe. Constitution of Man. Principles of Physiology. Culter. Anatomy, Physiology and Hy- giene. Griscom. Animal Mechanism and Phy- siology. Jarvis. Practical Physiology. Kidd. Physical Condition of Man. Lawrence. Anatomy. Lewes. Physiology of Common Life. Mace. Mouthful of Bread. Servants of the Stomach. Roget. Physic-log}-, Animal and Veg. Classified Index. 75 55. Materia Medica & Pharmacy. 56. Surgery & Obstetrics. 57. Pathology & Therapeutics. 57; PARTICULAR AND LOCAL DISEASES Hall. Coughs and Colds. Kitto. Deafness and Blindness. Phillips. Indigestion. 57 b. HYGIENE. Arthur. Treatment of the Teeth. Beard. Eating and Drinking. Stimulants and Narcotics. Bellows. How not to be Sick. Philosophy of Eating. Hall. Health by Good Living. Sleep. Hall's Journal of Health. Hinton. Health and its Conditions. Lewis. Talks about Peoples' Stomachs. Nightingale. Notes on Nursing. Parton. Smoking and Drinking. Ticknor. Philosophy of Living. Tissot. Health. 57 c. exercises and recreations. Agnel. Book of Chess. Beecher. Phyisology and Calisthenics. Bohn. Hand-book of Games. Lewis. New Gymnastics. Morphy. Games of Chess. Staunton. Chess Tournament. Walker's Manly Exercises. Watson. Manual of Calisthenics. 57 d. veterinary ART. Clater. Cattle Doctor, 58. Empiric and Superstitious Medicine. 59. USEFUL ARTS AND TRADES. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Marble Worker's Manual. Smith. Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Manufactures. Ure. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. 60. Military Arts. Bontell. Arms and Armor. Hey. Duels, etc. Sabin. Duels and Dueling. Szabad. Modern War. 60 a. INFANTRY, CAVALRY & ARTILLERY. TACTICS. Gibbon. Artillerist's Manual. 61. Mechanic Arts and Trades. Ewbank. Hydraulic Machines. Hughes. Millers and Millwrights. Machinery and I\I ill work. Moseley. Illustration of Mechanics. 61a. BUILDING. Atwood. Country and Subur. Houses. Hatfield. American House Carpenter. Scientific Builder. Stillaway. Carpentry. Wheeler. Rural Homes. 61b. MANUFACTURES. Appleton. Dictionary of Mechanics. Freedley. Philadelphia and its Manu- factures. Hughes. Treatise on Gas Works. 62. Commercial Arts. Freedley. Opportunities for Industry and Chances in Business. 62 a. BOOK KEEPING AND TRADE. Dilworth. Book Keeper's Assistant. Freedley. Treatise on Business. 62 b. INTERCOMMUNICATION- Fields. Atlantic Telegraphy. :<•. Classified Index. 68. I * i : < » i • i . 1 1\ k Ai: i ^. 68 a. minim \\n MET m.i.i ROT Overman. Practical Mineralogy. Smee. Electro Metallurgy. Zimmermann. Bergbaukunde. 68 b. i enek m. voiui i iii i;k. Buell. Parmer's [nstruetor. Donaldson. Manure, Grapes and Farm. Dixon. Parmer's I kude. Greeley. What I Know of Farming, Marshall. Parmer's Miscellany. Olmstead. American Parmer in Eng. Rural I [omes. Stockhadt. Chemistry of Agriculture. Fruit Culture. Forsyth. Fruit Trees. Haraszthy. Grape Culture and Wine .Making. Redding. Modern History of Wines. ■■/;. Flint. Milch Cows and Dairy Farming. Poultry. Wright. Practical Poultry Keeper, Ba 8. Gardening. Downing. Landscape Gardening. Horticulturist. Henderson. Gardening for Profit. Twamley. British Landscape Scenery. tV.'.C. I'KI I" \l: VTIo.N (>K KlllD. Blot. What to Hat and how to Cook it. Brillat-Savarin. Hand hook of Dining. G3d. KISUING AND HUNTING. Classified Index. 77 64. ART. General Treatises. Essays on Taste. Sublime and Beautiful. Sublime in Nature. Literature and Art. Elements of Criticism. De Subl imitate. Literary Works. Alison. Burke. Lanoye Fuller. Karnes. Longinus. Reynolds. Ruskin. True and the Beautiful. 65. FINE ARTS. Didron. Christian Iconography. Hamerton. Painter's Camp. Thoughts about Art. Jameson. Art, Literature, etc. Jarves. Art Thoughts. Essays in Art. Luebke. Ecclesiastical Art in Germany. History of Art. Palgrave. Essays on Art. Ruskin. Architecture and Painting. Art Lectures. Political Economy of Art. Two Paths. Taine. Art in Greece. Art in the Netherlands. 65 a. ARCHITECTURE. Bullock. History, etc , of Architecture . Ruskin. Seven Lamps of Architecture. Stones of Venice. 65 b. SCULPTURE. 65 C. DRAWING AND PAINTING. Hamerton. Etcher's Hand-book. Hogarth. Works. Kugler. Hand-Book of Painting. Lanzi. History of Painting. Ruskin. Elements of Drawing. Elements of Perspective. Modern Painters. Pre-Raphaelitisin. Stanley. Dutch and Flemish Painters. 65 d. ENGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHY AND PHOTOGRAPHY. 65 e COLLECTIONS OF PICTURES. Darley. Illustrations of Dickens. Holbein. Dance of Death. 65 f. MUSIC. Dictionary of Musicians. Haweis. Music and Morals, Maretzek. Crotchets and Quavers. Mason. Musical Letters. 66. POETRY. 66 a. HISTORIES AND CRITICISMS. Aiken. Lectures on English Poetry. Browning. Essays on the Poets. Bunn. The Stage. Coleridge. Introduct. to Greek Poets. Dennis. Eveniugs in Arcadia. Doran. Annals of the English Stage. Hazlitt. Criticisms and Dramat. Essays. Dramat. Lit. of the Age of Elizab. Howard. Book of Drawing Room The- atricals. Poe. Essays and Criticisms. Richardson. Stories from old English Poetry. Schlegel. Dramatic Art and Literature. Tuckerman. Thoughts on the Poets. Wharton. History of English Poetry. ra ( '/ttssift'ed Index. <;; Kv.i [SB ( !0] LE< I EONS. Chancer to Wordsworth. British Poets. Chaucer to Cowper. English Poets. Crabb, Heber and Pollok. Bowitl and Landon. Croly. Beauties of the British Poets. Dana. Household Book of Poetry. Gleanings from the Poets. Griswold. Poets and Poetry of E Howitt, Milman and Keats. Longfellow. Poets and Poetry of Eu- rope. Milton, 5Toung, Gray, Beattie, Collins. Parton. Humorous Poetrj of the Eng- lish Language. Rogers, Campbell, Montgomery, Lamb and White. 61 a. 1; urns 1 1 authors. Addison. Akenside. Poems of. Arnold. New I'm 'ms. Bailey. The Age. Festus. Beattie. Poem- of. Browne. Browning, Mrs. Aurora Leigh, Poems. Browning, Rob't. Balaustion's Ail \ tn. Men and Women. Ring and the Book. Sordella, Strafford, etc. Bulwer. Dramas and Poems. Lost Talcs of Miletus. Poems. Bulwer, Edw. Rob't. Lucile. Ring of Amasis. Po< in-. \'< w Poems, Burns. Poems of. Butler. Hudibl Poems of. Byron. Poetical Wort I'd 111- of. Campbell. Poetical Works. Pleasures of Hop''. Poems of. Chatterton. P< iems of. Churchill. I'm ins of. Clough. Poems. Coleridge. Poems of. Collins. Poems of Cowley. Chalmers. Cowper. Wdrks. Poems of. Crabbe. Poetical Work- Donne. Poems of Dryden. Poetical Works. Poems of. Falconer. The Shipwreck. Poems of. Gay. Poems of. Goldsmith. Poems of. Gray. Poems of. Hemans. Complete Worka Herbert. Poems of. Herrick. Poems of Hood. Poetical Works. Poems of. Ingelow. Poems. Songs of Seven. Story of Doom, etc. Jonson. Jerningham's Journal, Mrs. Keats. Poems of. Kingsley. Poems. Lamb. Poems. Landon. Poetical Works. Lewes. Spanish Gypsy. Marvel. Poems of. Mickle. Milton. Poetical Works. Paradise Lost. Poems of. Montgomery. Poetical Works. Poetical Works of. Moore. Poetical Works. L'i-ll Melodies. Lalls Rookh. Poems i if. Morris. Earthly Paradise. Lite and I >■ ath of Jason. I. '\ ers of < ludrun. Motherwell. Poems. Mulock. Poems. Ossian. Poems. Parnell. l'oems of. Pollock. Course of Time. Pope. Poetical Works. I'oellis of. Prior, l'oems of. Proctor. Poems. Rogers. Poetical Work-. Scott. I'oellis of. Shakspeare. Julius Casar. Poems of. Poems of. Shelley. Poem- of. Skelton. Poems of. Smith. City Poems. Rejected Addn - Southey. l'oems of. Spenser. Poem- of Surrey. Poems of. Swain. Poems. Swift. Poems of Clarified Index. 79 Swinburne. Songs before Sunrise. Proctor. Poems. Tennyson. Poems. Read. Poems. Enoch Arclen. Reade. Poems. Holy Grail, etc. Saxe. Poems. Idyls of the King. Sigourney. Poems. In Memoriam, Simms. Atalantis, a Story of the Sea. Maude and other Poems. Taylor. Poems of Home and Travel. Thompson. Tilton. Poems. Thomson. Poems of. Thoreau. Poems. Tickell. Poems of. Poems, by the Author of the New Priest. Tupper. Ballads, etc Watson. Beautiful Snow, other Poems. Vaughan. Poems of. Whittier. Poetical Works. Watts. Poems of. Among the Hills. White. Poetical Works. Snow Bound. Poems of. Tent on the Beach. Wordsworth. Poetical Works. Poems of. Wyatt. Poems of. 67 C. BALLADS. Young. Night Thoughts. British Poets. Ballads. Poems of. Carey. Ballads, Lyrics and Hymns. Dibdin. Songs with Memoirs. 67 b. AMERICAN AUTHORS. Gilbert. Ballads. Harte. Poems. Aldrich. Poems. Ballads of East and West. Course of True Love. Moore. Irish Melodies. Barlow. Columbiad. Red, White and Blue Series. Barnard. Funeral of Fancy. Thackeray. Ballads. Bridges. Marble Isle, etc. Bryant. Poems. 67 d. DRAMATISTS. Butler. Nothing to Wear. Carey. Poems and Parodies. Jameson. Characteristics of Women. Davidson. Poetical Works and Life. Knowles. Dramatic Works. Drake. Culprit Fay. Lamb. English Dramatic Poets. Halleck. Poetical Works. Shakspeare. Dram. Works and Poems. Halpine. Poetical Works. Works. Harte. Poems. H. H. (Helen Hunt.) Verses by. Holland. Bitter Sweet. SHAKSPEARIANA. Kathrina. Bacon. Phil, of Shakspeare's Plays. Holmes. Poems. Holmes. Authorship of Shakspeare. Kemble. Poems. Longfellow. Poems. Sheridan. Dramatic Works. Belfry of Bruges. Swinburne. Chastelard. Courtship of Miles Standish. Talfourd. Tragedies. Evangeline. Taylor. Philip Van Artevelde. Golden Legend. Household Poems. New England Tragedies. 68. Foreign (European and Seaside and Fireside. Oriental.) Song of Hiawatha. Tales of a Wayside Inn. Camoens. Lusiad. Three Books of Song. DeBury. French and Spanish Drama. Lowell. Poems. Lockhart. Ancient Spanish Ballads. Under the Willows. Tegner. Frithiof's Saga. Vision of Sir Launfal. Lowell, R. T. S. Poems. 68 a. GREEK. Menken. Infelicia. Morris. Poems. iEschylus. Prometh. and Agamemnon. Mother Goose for Grown Folks. Tragedies. 80 Classified Index. Ancient Classics for English Readers: L-ehylus, Herodotus, i [omer's Iliad, Homer- i >ramas. Poems and Ballads. 68 d. i RENCU. Moliere. GSuvres. Voltaire. The I [enriade, etc. Poemcs et Discours en Vers. ITALIAN AND SPAM. |I. Ariosto. ( M'lando Furio Dante, [nferno. I )i\ inc ( lomedy. New Lite. DeHeberay. Amadis de Caul. Hunt. The Italian Poi ts. Parnaso t ilassico [taliano. Tasso. Jerusalem Delivered. 68 f. ORIENTAL. Saadi. Gulistan ; or I! Carden. HU. FMIOSK FICTION. 69a, HISTORIES AND Mis. KI.I \\|| 9. Carlyle. German Romance. Dunlop. History of Fiction. 69 1). ENGLISH \M> i H \n>i. mONS. Abbott. Scott. Abbey of Croyland. Ingulph. Abel Drake's Wife. Saundi Adam Hede. Lewes. Adela Cathcart. MacDonald. Adventures of a Marquis. Dumas. Adventures of Gil Lias. LeSage. Adventures of Telemachus. Fenelon. Afloat and A-hore. Cooper. Afraja. .Muci;. Agatha's Bnsband. Muloch. Agnes. Oliphant Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe. Alec Forbes. .Mi Donald. Alhambra. Irving. Classified Index. 81 All in the Dark. LeFanu. Algeria, Tales of. Dumas. Alone. Harland. Almost a Nun. Wright. Almost a Priest. Wright. Alton Locke. Kingsley. American Baron. DeMille. American Notes. Dickens. Ancient Regime. James. Andreas Hofer. Mundt. Annals of a Quiet Neighb. McDonald. Annals of the Parish. Gait. Annals of Quodlibet. Kennedy. Anne of Geierstein. Scott. Antiquary. Scott. Armadale. Collins. Arne. Bjornson. Arthur Brown. Kellogg. Aspasia. Holland. Aspendale. Preston. Athelings. Oliphant. Atlantic Tales. At Last. Terhune. At Odds. Tautphceus. Attila. James. Auchester Charles. Sheppard. Aunt Jane's Hero. Prentiss. Avillion. Muloch. Axel and Anna. Bremer. Azarian. Prescott. Banker's Wife. Gore. Barclays of Boston. Otis. Barnaby Rudge and Sketches. Dickens. Barrington. Lever. Beatrice. St. Clair. Beaumarchais. Brachvogel. Beautiful Widow. Shelley. Beauty and the Beast. Taylor. Beechcroft. Yonge. Belinda. Edgeworth. Belton Estate. Trollope. Beppo, the Conscript. Trollope. Berber. Mayo. Berlin and Sans-Souci. Mundt. Bernardo del Carpio. Montgomery. Betrothed. Scott. Beulah. Evans. Billow and the Rock. Martineau. Birth and Education. Schwartz. Black Dwarf. Scott, Black Forest Villa, Stories. Auerbach. Black Sheep. Yates. Blackwood, Tales from. Bleak House. Dickens. Blithedale Romance. Hawthorne. Book of Snobs. Thackeray. Bound to the Wheel. Saunders. Bracebridge Hall, Irving. Brave Lady. Muloch. Bravo. Cooper. Bread upon the Waters. Muloch. Bread Winners. Brian O'Linn. Maxwell. Bride of Lammermoor. Scott. Brownlows. Oliphant. Brother's Bet. Carlen. Brothers and Sisters. Bremer. Caged Lion. Yonge. Cameron Pride. Holmes. Camors. Feuillet. Campaner Thai. Richter. Can the Old Love. Buddington. Captain Blake. Maxwell. Casimir Maremma. Helps. Caste. Story. Castle Builders. Yonge. Castle Dangerous. Scott. Castle of Otranto. Walpole. Castle of Rackrent, Edgeworth. Castle Richmond. Trollope. Cathara Clyde. Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop. Cesar Birotteau. Balzac. Chaplet of Pearls. Yonge. Charles Auchester. Sheppard. Charles O'Malley. Lever. Charlotte Ackerman. Mueller. Charms and Counter Charms. Mcintosh Chateau Frissac. Logan. Children of the Abbey. Roche. Christian's Mistake. Muloch. Christie Johnstone. Reade. Christmas Book. Dickens. Christmas Stories. Dickens. Chronicles of Carlingford. Oliphant. Chronicles of the Canongate. Scott. Chronicles of Cotta Family. Charles. Cinq-Mars. Vigny. Citizen of Prague. Claverings. Trollope. Clever Woman of the Family. Yonge. Cloister and the Hearth. Reade, Cockaynes of Paris. Jerrold. Colomba. Merimee. Cometh up as a Flower. Compensation. Brewster. Confession. Simms. Confessions of Fitzboodle. Thackeray. Confidential Disclosures. Lamartine. Coningsby. Disraeli. Conquest of Granada. Irving. Conscript. Dumas. Conscript. Erckmann-Chatrian. Consuelo. Dudevant. Contrast. Edgeworth. Corinne. DeStael. Corsair. Dudevant. Corse de Leon. James. 11 82 Classified Index. Count Mirabeau. Mundt. Count of Monte Cristo. Dumas, Count Robert <>!' Paris. Scott Countess Gisella. Marlitt. Countess dt' Rudolstadt. Dudevanl Cousin .Maude Holmes. Cousin l'hillis. Caskell. Crawford. Qaskell, Cryptogram. DeMille. Cyrilla. Tautphoeus. Daisy Burns. BZavanagh Daisy Chain. Xbnge Daitons. Lever. Dangerfield's Rest. Dark Night's Work. GaskelL Darkness and Daylight Holmes. Daughter of an Empress. Mundt. Daughter of I leth. Hlaek. Davenport Dunn. Lever. David Oopperfield. Dickens. David Elginbrod. MacDonald. Days of Brace. Aguilar. Days of my Life. < Hiphant, Days Ride. Lever. Dead Secret. I lollins Debit and Credit. Freytag. Deerslayer. Cooper. DeL'Orme. James Denis Duval. Thackeray. Devereux. Bulwer. Diana of Meridor. Dumas. Diary of a Physician. Warren. Diary of K itty' Trevilyan. Charles. Disowned. Bulwer. Doctor AntMiiio. Rufflni. Doctor ( tldhani at Greystonee Doctor Thorne. Trollope. Dombey and Son. Dickens. Don Quixote. < Jervantes. Dora. Kavanah Dora Deane. Holmes Dorothy Fox. Dove in the Eagle's Nest. Ybnge. Draytons and Davenants. Charles Down in Tennessee. Borke. Dred. Btowe. Dutchman's Fireside. Paulding. Dynevor Terrace. Fonge. Early Dawn. Charles. Early Called. Charli - East Lynne. Wood. Edelweiss. Atierbacli. Edith. Davis. Edith Hale. Talmon. Edna Browning. Holmes. Edwin Brothertofb. Winthrop Edwin Drood. Dickens. Eirene. An El Fureidis. Cummin- Elia. Caballero. Ella Lincoln Elmwood. Maytield. Elsie Venner. I tolmea Elves. Tieck. Emily Chester. Crane Empress Josephine. .Mundt. Empty Heart. Terhune. English Orphans. Holme-. Eoline. I lent/. Episodes of an Obscure Cite. Earnest Carrol. Earnest Maltravers. Bulwer, Ethelyn's Mistake Holmes. Eugene Aram. Bulwer. Exemplary Novels. Cervantes. Fagot of French Sticks. Head. Fair Maid of Perth. Scott. Fair to See. Lockhart. Faith Gartney's Girlhood Whitney. Fanchon the Cricket. Dudevant. Father and Daughter. Bremer Father Clement. Kennedy. Felix Holt. Lewes. Fior d'Aliza. Lamartine. Folle Farine. Ouida. Fool of Quality. Brooke. For a Woman's Sake. Phillips Forest House. Erckmann-Chatrian. Forest Tragedy. Lippincott. Fortescue. KnowleS. Fortunes of Nigel. Scott. Forty-five Guardsmen. Dumas. Foster Brothers. Hunt. Foul Play. Reade. Framley Parsonage Trollope. Frankinstein. Shelley. Frank Warrington. Cole. Fred, the I rreat and ( !ourt. Mundt. Fred, the Great and Family. Mundt Gabrielle Andre. Baring-Gould. Garstrang Grange. Trollope. Gates Ajar. Phelps. Gayworthys. Whitney. Gemma. Trollope. Genevieve. Lamartine. Geoffrey Hamlyn. Blingsley. George Geith. Riddell Gideon's Rock. Saunders Gil Bias. I.e Bs Gilbert Ku. Gipsy. .lame-. Gleanings. Goethe and Schiller. Mundt. Gold Fl-ie. Marlitt. Gold and Name. Schwartz. Good-bye Sweetheart Broughton. Good Fight Reade. Good French Governess. Fdtrewortu. Classified In deu\ 83 Grantley Manor. Fullerton. Great Expectations. Dickens. Green Hand. Hall. Grey Woman. Gaskell. Griffith Gaunt. Reade. Guardian Angel. Holmes. Guardian. Yonge. Guild Court. MacDonald. Guilt and Innocence. Schwartz. Gulistan. Gulliver's Travels. Swift. Guy Livingstone. Lawrence. Guy Mannering. Scott. H. Family. Bremer. Habermeister. Schmid. Haddon Hall. Half a Million of Money. Edwards. Hammer and Anvil. Spielhagen. Handsome Lawrence. Dudevanl. Handy Andy. Lever. Hannah. Muloch. Hannah Thurston. Taylor. Hard Times. Dickens. Harold. Bulwer. Harrington. Edge worth. Harry Oalverley Harry Lorrequer. Lever. Haunted and Haunters. Bulwer. He Knew he was Right. Trollope. Head of the Family. Muloch. Headsman. Cooper. Hearthstone. Osgood. Heart of Midlothian. Scott. Hearts and Homes. Heartsease. Yonge. Hector O'Halloran. Maxwell. Hedged in. Phelps. Heidelberg. James. Heir of Redclyffe. Yonge. Held in Bondage. De la Rame. Helen. Edgeworth. Helen Fleetwood. Tonna. Helen Gardner's Wed'ng Day. Terliune Henry VIII. His Court. Mundt. Henry Esmond. Thackeray. Henry of Guise. James. Heretic. Lajetchnikoff. Hermann. Foxton. Hero. Muloch. Hester Curton. Macquoid. Higher Law. Hidden Path. Terhune. Highland Widow. Scott. High Mills. Saunders. History of New York. Irving. Hitherto. Whitney. Hohensteins. Spielhagen. Hollands, the. Townsend. Home. Bremer. Home as Found. Cooper. Home Influences. Agnilar. Home Narratives. Dickens. Home Scenes and Heart Stud's. Aguilar. Homestead on the Hillside. Holmes. Homeward Bound. Cooper. Hoosier Schoolmaster. Eggleston. Hopes and Fears. Yonge. Hope Leslie. Sedgewick. Hour and the Man. Martineau. House of the Seven Gables. Hawthorne. House on the Moor. Oliphant. Household of Bouverie. Warfield. How a Bride was Won. Gerstaecker. Hugh Worthington. Holmes. Huguenot. James. Huguenot Family. Tyler. Humphrey Clinker. Smollett. Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hugo. Husbands and Homes. Terhune. Husks. Terhune. Hypatia. Kingsley. Hyperion. Longfellow. Improvisator. Andersen. Indiana. Dudevant. Inez. Evans. Initials. Tautphoeus. Invasion of Fr'nce. Erckrnann-Chatrian It is never too late to Mend. Read. Ivanhoe. Scott. Ivar. Carlen. Jack Hinton. Lever. Jack Tier. Cooper. Jacob Faithful. Marryatt. Jacquerie. James. Jane Eyre. Bronte. Japhet in Search of a Father. Marryatt . Jasper Carew's Secret. Jew. Spindler. Jilt. Curtis. John. Carlen. John Brent. Winthrop. John Godfrey's Fortune. Taylor. John Halifax. Muloch. John Jasper's Secret. Joseph and his Friends. Taylor. Joseph Andrews. Fielding. Joseph Grimaldi. Dickens. Joseph II and his Court. Mundt. Kate Beaumont. DeForrest. Kate Coventry. Melville. Kathie Brande. Parr. Kavanagh. Longfellow. Keeping up Appearances. Kellys and O'Kellys. Trollope. Keiul worth. Scott. Kenneth. Yonge. King's Own. Marryatt. Klosterheim. DeQuincey. -1 Classified Index. Knickerbocker's N. Y. [rving. Knight of Qwynne. Lever. LaBeata. Trollope. Lacon. Colton. Lady Lee's Widowhood Lamplighter. Cummins. Lamplighter's Story. Dickens. Land of Lome. Buchanan. Laird of NbrlaW. Oliphant. Last Chronicle of Barset. Trollope. Last Days of Pompeii Bulwer. Last of the Barons. Bulwer. Last of the Mohicans. Cooper. Last of the Mortimers. Oliphant. Lavengro. Borrow. Lavinia. Rufflni. Left to Herself. Woodville. Legend of Montrose. Scott. Legend of the Rhine. Thackeray. Leila. Bulwer. Lena Rivera Holmes. Leonora. Edgeworth. Leonora Casafoni. Trollope. Life, A. Hugo. Life for a Life. Muloch. Life Here and There. Willis. Life in Italv. Andersen. Liffith Lank. Webb. Lifting the Veil. Like and Unlike. \\<"- Lindisfarn Chase. Trollope. Lionel Lincoln. Cooper. Little Dorrit. Dickens. Little Henry and his bearer. Sherwood Little Men.' AJcOtt Little Women. Alcott. Live and Let Live. Sedgwick, Lorrimer Littlegood. Smedley. Loss and I tain. Haven. Lost Dispatch. Friedrich. Lost Manuscript. Freytag. Lost Name. LeFanu. Lothair. Disraeli. Louisa of Prussia Mundl . Lovel the Widower. Thackeray Love me Little, Love me Long. Reade. Lover's Stratagem. Carlen. Lowly Ways. F. E. B. Lucia, her Problem. Douglas. Luck of Roaring (amp. Harte. Lucy ( 'rot'ton. < Uiphant. Luttrell of Arran. Lever. Lydia. Crosland. Lyle Macdonald. Keene. M. or N. Whyte Melville. Macaria. Evans. Macdermots of Ballycloran. Trollope. Madam Therese. Erckmann-Chatrian. Mad Monckton. Schwartz. Mademoiselle Mori Madonna Mary. Oliphant. Maggie Miller. 1 [olmes Maiden and Married Life. Manning. Making Haste to be Rich. Arthur. Malbone. Higginson. Man and Wife. ( iollins. Man at A rms. James. Man who Laughs. Hugo. Man of War- Man. Sue. Man with a Broken Ear. About. Manceuvering. Edgeworth. Mansfield Park. Austin. Marble Faun. Hawthorne. Margaret. Judd. Margaret Lyndon. Margaret Moncrieffe. Margaret Ilowth. Davis. Marian Grey. Holmes. Marie Antoinette and Son. Mundt. Marietta. Trollope. Marquis de N'illetnar. Dudevant. Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens. Martin Pole. Saunders. Martins of I'm' Martin. Lever. Master Humphrej *S ( lock. Dickens. Mary Marlon. Gaskell. Mary of Burgundy James. Mauprat. Dudevant. Maurice Tiernay. Le\ Meadow Lrook Holme-. Member from Paris. TroisKtoiles. Memoirs of a Physician. Dumas. Men, Women and' Ghosts. Phelps Midnight Sun. Bremer. Midshipman Easy. Marrvatt Miller of Anuihault. Dudevant. Miles Wallingford. Cooper. Millbank. Holme-. Mill on the Floss, law es. Mills of Tuxbury. Townsend. Minister's Wooing. Btowe. Miriam. Tcrhunc. Miserables. Li >s, Hugo. Miss Gilbert's Career. Holland. Miss Ravenels 1 Conversion. DeForresI Mistress ami Maid. Muloch. Miss Thusa's Spinning Wheel. Miss Van Cortland. Modem Griselda. Edgeworth. Mohammed Ali. Mundt. Monastery. Scott. Moods. Aleott. Moonstone. Collin8. Moorland Cottage. Gaskell. Moral Til' a. Marmontel. Morley Ernstein. .lame-;. Moss Side. Terhune. Mosses from an old Manse. Hawthorne Classified Index. 85 Mother's Recompense. Aguilar. Mrs. Gerald's Niece. Fullerton. Miss Slimmen's Window, Peabody. My Brother's Wife. Edwards. My Daughter Elinor. My Enemy's Daughter. MacGarthy. My Lady Ludlow. Gaskell. My Novel. Bulwer. Myself. Emery. My Southern Friends. Gilmore. Mysteries of Udolpho. Radcliffe. Mystery of Edwin Drood. Dickens. My Wife and I. Stowe. Naomi. Lee. Napoleon and Bluecher. Mundt. Napoleon and Queen of Prussia. Mundt Narratives. Jewett. Nathalie. KaVanagh. Nearer and Dearer. Bradley. Neighbors. Bremer. Neighbors' Wives. Trowbridge. Nemesis. Terhune. Never too Late to Mend. Reade. Newcomes. Thackeray. New Priest in Conception Bay. Lowell New Timothy. Baker. New- Year's Bargain. Woolsey. Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens. Night and Morning. Bulwer. Noble Life. Muloch. Nobody's Fortune. Yates. North and South. Gaskell. Norwood. Beecher. Not Dead yet. Jeafferson. Novels and Tales. Buchanan. Numa Pompilius. Florian. Oak Openings. Cooper. Ogilvies. Muloch. Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens, Old-Fashioned Girl. Alcott. Old Fritz. Mundt. Old Helmet. Warner. Old House by the River. Prime. Old Mam'selle's Secret. John. (Marlitt.) Old Mortality. Scott. Oldtown Fireside Stories. Stowe. Oldtown Folks. Stowe. Olive. Muloch. Oliver Twist. Dickens. Olive Varcoe. On Both Sides of the Sea. Charles. On the Border. Gilmore. On the Heights. Auerbach. One in a Thousand. James. One of Them. Lever. Only a Girl. Von Hillern. Opportunity. Crane. Orley Farm. Trollope. Ought We to Visit Her. Edwards. Our Mutual Friend. Dickens. Our Poor Relations. Ranley. Our Village. Mitford. Out of Debt, Out of Danger. Edgeworth Out of his Head Aldrich. Paris Sketch-Book. Thackeray. Parsonage of Mora. Bremer. Partisan Leader. Tucker. Pathfinder. Cooper. Patty. Macquoid. Patience Strong's Outings. Whitney. Paul and Virginia. Saint Pierre. Paul Clifford. Bulwer. Paul Fane. Willis. Pearl of Orr's Island. Stowe. Peg Woffington. Reade. Pelham. Bulwer. Pendennis. Thackeray. Peregrine Pickle. Smollett. Perpetual Curate. Oliphant. Peter Simple. Marryatt. Petticoat Government. Trollope. Peveril of the Peak. Scott. Phemie's Temptation. Terhune. Philip Agustus. James. Phineas Finn. Trollope. Piazza Tales. Melville. Picciola. Saintine. Pictures of Cottage Life. Poole. Pickwick Papers. Dickens. Picnic Papers. Dickens. Pictures from Italy. Dickens. Pierre. Melville. Pilgrim and the Shrine. Ainslie. Pilgrims of the Rhine. Bulwer. Pilot. Cooper. Pink and White Tyranny. Stowe. Pioneers. Cooper. Pique. Planter's Northern Bride. Hentz. Poor Fellow. Poor Miss Finch. Collins. Portent. MacDonald. Prairie. Cooper. President's Daughters Bremer. Pride and Prejudice. Austen. Priest and Huguenot. Bungener. Princess and the Goblin. MacDonald. Problematic Characters. Spielhagen. Professor. Bronte. Professor's Lady^ Auerbach. Prussian Vase. Puck. De la Rame. Punch's Prize Novelists. Thackeray. Pupil of the Legion of Honor. Evans. Put Yourself in His Place. Reade. Queechy. Warner. Queen Hortense. Mundt. Queen of Denmark. Gore. Edgeworth. 12 56 ( 'hissitl,,! hull-. Quentin Durward. Bcott. Quits. Tautphoeua Ralph the I [eir. Trollope. Rassolas. Johnson. Realmah. Helps, Rebecca and Rowena, Thackeray. Recollections of a Policeman. Waters. Rectory of Moreland. Red Rover. Uooper. Red Gauntlet. Scott Redskins. Cooper. Reflection. Hoffiand, Retiring In m i Bu8ineS8. Arthur. Richard Hurdis. Bimms. Richelieu. James. Riches have Wings. Arthur. Rienzi. Bulwer. Right and Left. New bj , Right at Last. Gaskell, Right < me. Schwartz. Ring of Ainasis. Bulwer. Rising in the World. Arthur. Rob of the Bowl. Kennedy. Rob Roy. Scott. Robert Falconer. MacDonald. Robinson Crusoe. |)c Foe. Roderick Random. Smollett. Roland Cashel. I. ever. Rolling Stone. Dudevant. Romance of tin- Forest. Radcliffe. Romance of the Harem, l'ardoe. Romance of Yachting. Hart. Romola. Lewes. Rookstone. Macquoid. Rory ( I'Moore. Fever. Rose Mather. Holmes. Round the Flock. Bouton. Royal Favorite. Gore. Ruby's Husband. Terhnne. Running the Gauntlet. Fates. Rutledge. Cole. St. Elmo. F\ ans. St. Philip's. Cole. St. Ronan's Well. Bcotl Sarchedon. Whyte-Melville. Satanstoe. Cooper, Say and Seal. Warner. Scarlet Fetter. 1 [awthorne. Scenes of Clerical Fife. Lewes. Scottish Chiefs. Porter. Scout. Simiii*.. Seaboard Parish. Mai Donald. Sea Lions. ( looper. Sealed Packet. Trollope. Seed Time and Harvest. Arthur. Select Works. Smollett. Sense and Sensibility. Austen. Sentimental Journey. Sterne. Shirley. Bronte. Silas Warner. Few Silent Partner. Phelps. Sintram. FoUQUe, Sir Brooke Fosbrooke. Fever. Siren. Trollope. Sir I tarry I lot spur. Trollope. Sir Jasper ( nvu . Lever. Sir Roger De Coverly. Addison. Sister Rose. < lollina Six Months 1 [ence. Six Fears Later. Dumas. Sketch-book, [rving. Sketches by "Boz." Dickens Small House at Arlington. Trollope. Snarleyyow. Man \ at t. Snow [mage. I law t home. Snow Man. I Midevant. Somebody's Luggage. Dickena Son of the Soil, i Hipbant. Sooner or Later. Brooks. Soprano. Barnard. Sparing to Spend. Arthur. Sphinx. 1 ! v r. Spy. Cooper. Stepping Heavenwards. Prentiss. Stephen Lawrence. Edwards. Stories from Blackwood. Stories of Eng. and For'D Life. Howitt. Stories of Waterloo. Maxwell. Story of Elizabeth. Thackeray. Story of Keiimtt. Taylor. Strange Story. Bulwer. Strife and Peace. Bremer. Studies for Stories. Engelow. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite'a Life. Simnybank. Terhune. Surgeon's Daughter. Scott. Sybil's Second Love. Kavanagh. Sylvia's Lovers. Gaskell. Svlvesters. Del hit on. Tale of a Tub. Swift. Tale of Two Cities. Dickena Tales and Novel.-. Edgeworth. Tales of a Traveler, [rving. Tales of the ( rusaders. Scott. Tales, Romances, etc. Hood. Talisman. Scott. Telemachus. Fenelon. Tempest and Sunshine. Holm Ten Thousand a Year. \\ arren Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Bronte. Tenants of Mallory. LeFanu. Ten Times < me is Ten. I [ale. Terrible Temptation. Reade. Thaddeus of Warsaw. Porter. Their Wedding Journey. Howell. Thinking Bayonet. Hosmer. Thinks-I to-Myself. Nares. Three Brothera < lliphant. Classified Index. 87 Three Guardsmen. Dumas. Through Night to Light. Spielhageu. Thorpe. Mountford. Titan. Kichter. Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes. Tom Brown at Rugbjr. Hughes. Tom Burke. Lever. Tom Jones. Fielding. To-morrow. Edgeworth. Tony Butler. Lever. Trial, the. Yonge. Tristram Shandy. Sterne. True as Steel. Terhune. True to the Last. Roe. Twenty Years After. Dumas. Twenty Years Ago. Muloch. Twice Told Tales. Hawthorne. Two Admirals. Cooper. Two Baronesses. Andersen. Two College Friends. Loring. Two Family Mothers. Schwartz. Two Lives in One. Gordon. Two Years Ago. Kingsiey. Tylney Hall. Hood. Uncle Silas. LeFanu. Uncommercial Traveler. Dickens. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Stowe. Under the Ban. Under the Holly. Undine. Fouque. Ups and Downs. Stone. Vagabond. Vale of Cedars. Aguilar . # Vanity Fair. Thackeray." Vashti. Evans. Vathek. Beckford. Very Hard Cash. Reade. Vicar of Bulhampton. Trollope. Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith. Village Poor House. Villa on the Rhine. Auerbach. Village on the Cliff. Thackeray. Villette. Bronte. Virginia Comedians. Cooke. Virginians. Thackeray. Vivian Grey. Disraeli. Waiting for the Verdict. Davis. Waldemar Krone's Youth. Ewald. Wandering Jew. Sue. Warden. Trollope. Was he Sucessful. Kimball. Was She Engaged. Jonquil. Watchman. Maitland. Waterloo. Erckmann-Chatrian. Waverley. Scott. Waverley Novels. Scott. Wept of Wish-ton -Wish. Cooper. What Answer. Dickinson. What Can Woman Do. Arthur. What Will He Do With It. Bulwer. White as Snow. Garrett. White Boy. Hall. White Li<;S. Reade. Wide, Wide World. Warner. Widow Spriggins, etc. Whitcher. Wife's Stratagem. Barrow. Wigwam and Cabin. Simms. Wild Irish Girl. Morgan. Wild Sports in Far West. Gerstaecker. Wild Sports of the West. Maxwell. Wilfrid Cumbermede. MacDonald. Wilhelm Meister (Carlyle.) Goethe. Wilhelm Meister's Appr'ship. Goethe. Will, the. Edgeworth. Wife of a Vain Man. Schwartz. Winifred Bertram. Charles. Wives and Daughters. Gaskell. Wolfert's Roost. Irving. Woman in White. Collins. Woman's Friendship. Aguilar. Woman's Kingdom. Muloch. Woodstock. Scott. Women of Israel. Aguilar. Woodburn Grange. Howitt. Wooing and Warring in the Wilderness. Woven of Many Threads. Wrecked in Port. Yates. Wuthering Heights. Bronte. Wylder's Hand. LeFanu. Yeast. Kingsiey. Yellowplush Papers. Thackeray. Yemassee. Simms. Young Step-Mother. Yonge. Yusef. Browne. Zanita. Yelverton. Zanoni. Bulwer. Zenobia. Ware. Zelie. D'Aubenton. Zerub Throop's Experiment. Whitney. 69 c. FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Cervantes. Don Quixote. Fenelon. Adventures de Telemaque. Mueller. Charlotte Ackermanu. LeSage. Histoire de Gil Bias. 09 d. ANCIENT AND MEDIAEVAL ROMANCES Apuleius. Golden Ass, etc. Dasent. Tales from the Norse. Ellis. Early Eng. Metrical Romances. Heliodorus. Greek Romances. Lobeira. Amadis de Gaul. Longus. Daphnis and Chloe. 88 < 'lassified Index. 70. Juvenile Lit] rati re. Abbott. Harper's Story Books. I.i arning about Common Thin Learning about Right and Wrong. Rollo Booka Boy's own Book. Chamber's Library t'<>r Young People. Chamber's .Miscellany. Our Boysand Girls (Optic.) Our Young Folks. Reid. odd People. TOil. THAVELS AND ADVENTURE. Abbott. American Family in Paris. Carl and Jocko. Engineer. Fiic Canal. Florence Stories. Florence's Return. Florence's Visit to the Isle of Wight. Marco Paul's Adventures. Hollo's Travels. Adams. Brave Old Salt. Breaking Away. Dike- and Ditch Down the Rhine. I town the River. Fighting Joe. Freaks of Fortune. Lightning Express. On Time. Shamrock and Thistle. Soldier Boy. Through by Daylight Young A mer in Russia & Prussia Yankee Middy. Young America. Adventures of Capt. John Smith. Adventures of Daniel Boone. Anderson. Sandhills of -hit land. Andrew. Young Crusoe. Baker. Cast up by the Sea Ballantyne. Freaks on the Fells. I tascoyne. Gorilla Hunters. Hudson's I'.ay Martin Rattler. Bed Eric. Dhg a\ a. Wild Man in the We-t. Young Fur Traders Castlemon. Frank before Yicksburg. Frank in the Woods. Frank on a Gunboat. Frank on the lower Mississippi. Frank on the Prairie. Frank, the young Naturalist. Castlemon. Gunboat Seriea Catlin. Life anion.' the Indians. Coffin. Days A: Nights on Rattle-Field. Winning his Way. Dana. Two Years before the Mast. DuChaillu. Lost in the Jungle. Wild Life under the Equator. Geike. Life in the W Is. Gironiere. Twenty Years in Phillipims Hayes. Cast away in the Cold. Head. Fortnight in Ireland. Howitt. Boy's Adventures in Aust'lia. Johnes. Boy's Book of Adventures. Kingston. Banks of Amazon. Dick < taalow among the Red Skins. Ernest Bracebridge. Marmaduke Merry. Peter the Whaler. Round the World. Lander. Spectacles for Young Eyes. Lippincott. France and Italy Stories of Many I. anils. Marryatt. Scenes in Africa Masterman Ready. Settlers in Canada. Osborn. Arctic Journal. Pfeiffer. Journey to Iceland, Reid. Afloat in the Forest. I'n>\ Slaves. Boy Hunters. Boy Tar. Bruin. Bush Boys. Cliff Climbers. Desert Eome Forest Exiles. I Uraffe Hunters. Ocean Waifs. Plant Hunters. Ran away to Sea. Tiger Hunters. Young Vbyageurs. Young Yaegera Spanish Pictures Smiles. Boy's Trav. Round the World. Up Among the Pandiea Wild Sports in India. Wyss. Swiss Family Robinson. ?o b. HISTORIES. Abbott. Aboriginal America. American History. I discovery of America. Merrie England. Northern Colonies. Revolution of the ( 'olonies. Southern Colonies. War of the Revolution. Classified Index. 89 Abbott. Wars of the Colonies. Bourbon Prince. Dickens. Child's History of England. Sewell. Child's History of Rome. Goodrich. Child's Pict. Hist, of U. S. Tonna. Count Raymond of Toulouse. Edgar. Crusades and Crusaders. History for Boys. Jones. Edward, the Black Prince. Blake. History of Arner. Revolution. Corner. History of England History of France. History of Ireland. History of Spain and Portugal. History of the Swiss. Tales from American History. 70 c. BIOGRAPHIES. Abbott. Alexander the Great. Alfred the Great. Charles I. of England. Charles II. of England. Cleopatra. Cyrus the Great. Darius. Elizabeth, Queen of England. Empress Josephine. Hannibal. Julius Coesar. King Philip. (Indian.) Marie Antoinette. Mary, Queen of Scots. Peter the Great. Pyrrhus. Romulus. William, the Conqueror. Xerxes, the Great. Adams. U. S. Grant. Barnard. Tone Masters. Edgar, Boyhood of Great Men. Sea Kings and Naval Heroes. Eminent Men. Famous Boys. Foa. Boy Artists. Goodrich. Peter Parley's own Story. Headley. Grant, U. S. (See Hero Boy.) Farmer Boy. (Washington.) Patriot Boy; (Gen'l. Mitchel.) Johnes. Prince Charlie. Kingston. Seven Champ, of Chris'ndom. Mayhew. Benj. Franklin ; Youth of. Martin Luther ; Boyhood of. Wonders of Science. (Davy) Michelet. Joan of Arc. Fenniman. U. S. Grant. Tanner Boy, (Gen. Grant.) Pictures of Heroes. Plutarch. Classical Biography. St. John. Audubon, J. J. the Naturalist. Tales of Heroes. Thayer. N. P. Banks. Amos Lawrence. (See Poor Boy.) Pioneer Boy. (Lincoln.) Poor Boy and Merchant Prince. 70 d. SCIENTIFIC. Abbott. Rollo's Experiments. Rollo's Museum. Rollo's Philosophy. Aiken. Evenings at Home. Clark. Traits & Anecdotes of Animals. Fireside Philosophy. Gallaudet. Youth's Book of Nat. Hist. Hooker. Child's Book of Nature. Lee. Anecdotes of Animals. Leslie. Camel. What makes me Grow. Marion. Balloon Ascents. Mayhew. Wonders of Science. Pepper. Boy's Playbook of Science. Playbook of Metals. Riart. Adventures of Young Naturalist Stories About Animals. Traveler, or Wonders of Art. White. Natural History of Selbourue. Wood. Boy's own Book of Nat. Hist. 70 e. FICTION. Abel Grey. About Right and Wrong. Abbott. Alice's Adven. in Wonderland. Carrol. Adventures from Australia. Reid. Adventures in Fairy Land. Stoddard. .ZEsop's Fables. All Aboard. Adams. Andy Hall. Kelly. Annette Gervais. Cherbaliz. Arabian Nights. Art of Doing our Best. Aunt Joe's Scrap Bag. Alcott. Baron Munchausen. Beauty and the Beast. Beechnut. Abbott. Blue Flag. Book for a Corner. Hunt. Boy Farmer of Elm Island. Kellogg. B. O. W. C. DeMille. Boy of Mount Rhigi. Sedgewick. Boys at Chequasset. Carl and Jocko. Abbott. Carl Krinken. Castaway. Reid. Catharine Walters. Sirnms. Charlie Bell of Elm Island. Kellogg. Childs' Pictures. Dickens. 90 ( Classified Index. Child Wife. Dick. ns. Christmas Stories. Dickens. Cinderella. Fain Tal( - Comical People. Reid. Cottage in the Chalk Pit. Countess Kale. Fonge. Cousin Lucy's ' onvi rsations. Abbott. Cousin from India. Craik. Crawford. Gaskell. Crusoe's Island. Browne. Cruise of t lie Frolic. Kingston. Danish story Book. Andersen. Desert Some. Reid. Deutscher Kindert'ivund. Wilmsen. Doctor Birch and Friends. Thackeray. Ellen Linn. Abbott. Elm Island Stories. Kellogg Enchanting and Enchant. Haeklaender Engineer. Abbott. Eric. Farrar. Erling the Bold. Ballantyne. Evenings at Home. Barbauld. Exiles in Babylon. Tucker. (A. L.O. E.) Fairy Book. Marc Fairy Tales A ndersen. Faith Gartney's I lirlhood. Whitney. Fairy Tales. I [amilton. Fame and Fortune. Alger. Famous Boys. Festival Games and Amusem'ts. Smith Field and Forest. Adam-. Fire in the Woods DeMille. Florence. Diekens. Forest Exiles. Reid. Forest and Jungle. Four ami What They Did. Weeks. Franconia Stories Abbott. Freaks of Fortune. French Country Family. DeWitt. Gascoyne. Ballantyne. Gatherings by YoungHands. Gold Elsie. John. Good Stories for ' ihildren. Grand Pre School. DeMille. Gulliver's Travels. Swift. Guy ( larlton. Wise. Handle. (R. & L. Stories.) Abbott. Hans Brinker. Dod Happy Key. Bjomson. Harper Establishment Abbott Harry and I. new EdgeWOrth. Harry Mustifer. Harry's Vacation. Richards. Haste and Waste. Adams. Helen Fleetwood. Tonna. Hero Boy. Headley. Heroes. Kingsley. Holiday StOl Hope and Have. Adam- House on Wheels. DeStolz. How Charlie 1!. Became a Man Leslie. How Eva R. Gained Education. Leslie. In School and < >ut. Adams. Jack Hazard and Fortune. Trowbridge. Jack, tin Leslie. Hale. ( Ihimney Sweeper. Jack Tier. ( looper. Joe and Sam Wilier. Dickens. John 'I" rue. Abbott. John Whopper, the Newsboy, Judge Justin. Abbott. Julian Home. Farrar. Juvenile Class Look. Haskell. Karl Kiegler. Kenneth and Hugh. BelL King George's Middy. oiltert. Leila. Tytler. Leila at Home. Tytler. Leila in England. Tytler. Letters Everywhere. Schuler. Lewie, or the Bended Twig. Bradford. Life Boat Ballantyne. Light House and Lighl Ships. Adams Lightning Express. Adams. Lion Ben at Elm Island. Kellogg. Little Boy's Story. Gourand. Little by Little. Adam-. Little Feins. Parton. Little Foxes. Stowe. Little Men. Alcott. Little Sunshine's Holiday. Moloch. Little Women. Alcott. Lucy's Way Out of Dark. Denison. Madeleine's Trial. Pressense. Mark, the Match Boy. Alger. Masterman Ready. Marryatt. Meister Kail's Sketch Look. Leland. Memoirs of a Grandmother. Moorland Cottage. Gaskell. Moral Heroism. Mr. Rutherford's Children. Warner. Munchausen, Baron; Adventures of. Ned Myers. Cooper. Odd People. Reid. Old Brewery. Old Fashioned Girl. One Day's Weaving. On Time. Adam-. Onyx Ring. Sterling. Opportunities. Warner. Our First .Mother. Our House in Town. Warner. Parents' Assistant Edgeworth. Paul and Virginia. Saint Pierre. Peasant Boy Philosopher. Mayhew. Peter Lipp. Peter Parley's own Story. Goodrich. Picciola. Sain tine. Plant Hunter-. Reid. Alcott Palmer. Classified Index. 91 Play Day Book. Parton. Poor and Proud. Adams. Popular Tales. Edgeworth. Princess and the Goblin. MacDonald. Poor Man. Prize Bible. Leslie. Rainbow and Lucky Stories. Abbott. Ranald Bannerman. MacDonald. Red Letter Days. Dodge. Red Shanty Boys. Ludlow. Rich and Humble. Adams. Robinson Crusoe. DeFoe. Rodolphus. Abbott. [Abbott. Rollo at Play ; at Work ; at School. Rollo's Correspondence. Abbott. Rollo's Vacation. Abbott. Romantic Belinda. Tuthill. Romantic Incidents. Brightwell. Rosamond. Edgeworth. Roughing It in the Bush. Moodie. St. Winifreds. Farrar. Sandford and Merton. Day. School Boy. Abbott. School Days at Mt. Pleasant. Morley. Scouring the White Horse. Hughes. Shakspeare's Heroines. Shamrock and Thistle. Adams. Silver Skates. Dodge. Snow Image. Hawthorne. Store House of Stories. Yonge. Stories of Affection. Colman. Stories of Waterloo. Maxwell. Through the Looking Glass. Carrol!. Trap to Catch a Sunbeam. Twice Told Tales. Hawthorne. Twilight Stones. Follen. Twin Roses. Ritchie. Walter at the Seaside. What the Moon Saw. Andersen. What She Could. Warner. Wild Irish Girl. Morgan. Wild Men and Wild Beasts. Cumming. William Henry and his Friends. Diaz. William Henry Letters. Diaz. Winnie and I. Winter Evening Tales. Hogg. Winter Stories. Andersen. Wonder Book. Hawthorne. Wonderful Tales. Andersen. Work and Win. Adams. Young Artists. Young Ship Builders. Kellogg. Brougham. Dissertations & Addresses. Cobbe. Hours of Work and Play. Coleridge. Table Talk. Curtis. Potiphar Papers. DeVere. Americanisms. Drake. Literary Hours. Franklin. Essays, Moral and Literary. Goethe. Correspondence with a Child. Helps. Companions of My Solitude. Friends in Council. Realniah. Organization in Daily Life. War and Culture. Holland. Recollections of Past Life. Holmes. Autocrat of Breakfast Table. Howe. Table Talk. Howell. Suburban Sketches. Humboldt. Letters to a Lady. Irving. Sketch Book. Lowell. Among My Books. My Study Windows. Maginn. Miscellanies. Miller. Scenes and Legends. Mitchell. Dream Life. Reveries of a Bachelor. Mitford. Recollection of a Literary Life. Moore. Utopia. Morris. Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Prince. Dreams and Realities. Rogers. Table Talk. Sargent. Dealings with the Dead. Sevigne. Letters to Her Daughter. Southey. Common-place Book. Doctor. Spoflord. New England Legends. Willis. Convalescent. Fun Jottings. Outdoors at Idlewild. Rag Bag. Rural Letters. 71a. FABLES, ETC. | iEsop. Fables. LaFontaine. Fables. Pilpay. Fables. 71b. ANECDOTES. Anecdotes, Religious, etc. Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes. Percy Anecdotes. Waverley Anecdotes. 71. LITERARY MISCELLANY 71 c. Alcott. Hospital Sketches Athenaeus. Deipnosophists. FACETL35. Baldwin. Flush Times in Alabama. Brown. Artemus Ward, his Travels. 92 'ossified Index. Browne. Artenius Ward's Panorama. Burton. Cyclopaedia of Wit A: Humor. Clemens. innocents Abroad. Jumping Frog. Roughing [1 Cozzens. Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker. Sparrow grass I 'ap< re. Oruikshank. Three Courses & Dessert, Derby. Squibob Papers, Dibdin. Mirth and M. 1 re. Fight at Dame Buropa's School Hall. Fun Better than Physic. Halpine. Private Miles O'Reilly. Harris. Sut. Lovegood's Yarns. Harte. Condensed Novels. Lear. Nonsense Book, Locke. Ekkoes from Kentucky. Maurice. K. N. Pepper. Neal. Charcoal Sketches. Newell. Walking Doll. ( irpheus ( '. Kerr Papers. Nuts to Crack Prentice. Prentieiana. Shillaber. Knitting Work. Thompson. Doesticks. Nothing to Say. Whitcher. Widow Bedotl Papers. Wood. Whims and oddities. rid. WO'I'IIKOMS. Rollins. Belles Lettres Sheridan. An of Reading. Whateley. Elements ol Rhetoric. 72 a. ■ ompositionb. Parker. Aid to Compositions. Practical Composition. Pinneo. Guide to I imposition. Quackenbos. Advanced Composition and Rhetoric. ?2 b. ELOI i IIon. Rush. Human Voice. Sheridan. Elocution. <2C. RHETORICAL Col.l.Ki TION8. Blake. Historical Header. Edwards. Fifth Reader. Foster. Hand book tor Readers. Hows. Historical Skakspearian Reader. 73. Obations am. Spebchbs. 73 a. AMERICAN. Bacon. Apothegms. Beecher. Life Thoughts. Royal Truths. Burnard. Happy Thoughts. More 1 lappj Thoughts. Colton. Lacon. Dictionary of Latin Quotations. Dictionary of Quotations. Hall. Happy Thought. Helps. B re via. Jameson. Common Place Book. Shakspeare. Bf ottoes and Aphorisms. Tupper. Proverbial Philosophy. Washington. .Maxims. 72. Km i OJUi ami Ki "Mi [ON. Andrews. Rhetoric. Aristotle. Rhetoric. Boyd. Elements of Rhetoric. Campbell. Philosophy of Rhetoric. Cicero. DeOratore. < Irators and ( Oratory. Cox. Arts of Writing, Reading, etc McQueen. Orator's Touchstone. Maury. Principles of Eloquence. Pomey. Novus Candidates Rhetoric*. Adams. Selection of Speeches. Benton. Political and other Speeches. Calhoun. Selection of Speech - Clay. Life and Speeches. Everett. Orations and Speeche- Magoon. Orators Of Am. Revolution. Phillips. Speeches. Speeches, Lectures and Letters. Webster. Speeches. Works. 73 b. KRITISIt. Brougham. Selection of Speeches. Burke. Selection of Sp< i Chatham. Speeches. Curran. Speeches. Emmet. Selection of Speeches. Grattan. Selection of Speeches. Macaulay. Speechea Pitt. Selection of Speeches. 73 c GREEE \N1> LATIN. Cicero. Oration- Demosthenes. Olynthiac, etc. Socrates. OratL Classified Index. 93 74. Essays and Criticisms. Addison. Notes on Paradise Lost. Brougham. Discourses. DeMaistre. Journey Round my Room. DeStael. Influence of Literature. Field. Pen Photos. Dickens' Readings. Montaigne. Works. Poe. Essays and Criticisms. Schlegel. Esthetic and Miscel.Works. 74 a. AMERICAN AUTHORS. Ballantyne. Essays in Mosaic. Bancroft. Literary and Hist. Miscel. Beecher. Star Papers. Beecher, C. E. Amer. Woman's Home. DeVere. Americanisms. Stray Leaves from Book of Nature. Wonders of the Deep. Dodge. Country Living and Thinking. Gala Days. Skirmishes and Sketches. Stumbling Blocks. Summer Rest. Red Letter Days. Woman's Worth and Worthlessness Wool Gathering. Emerson. Conduct of Life. English Traits. Essays. , Miscellanies. Nature, Addresses and Lectures. Representative Men. Society and Solitude. Flagg. Field and Forest. Giles. Illustrations of Genius. Lectures and Essays. Hale. If, Yes, and Perhaps. Ingham Papers. Higginson. Atlantic Essays. Holland. Gold Foil. Lessons in Life. Letters to the Joneses. Plain Talk. Irving. Salmagundi. Wolfert's Roost. Longfellow. Driftwood. Mitchell. My Farm at Edgewood. Wet Days at Edgewood. Modern Women, 1st and 2d Series. Parton. Fern Leaves. Folly as it Flies. Topics of the Time. Saunders. Mosaics. Salad for the Solitary. Stowe. Little Foxes. Chimney Corner. House and Home Papers. 13 Stowe. May Flower, etc. Stewart. Miscellaneous Writings. Thoreau. Walclen. Yankee in Canada. Tuckerman. Criterion. Essays. Optimist. Victor. Life and Events. Whipple. Characteristic Men. Essays and Reviews. Lectures. 74 b. BRITISH AUTHORS. Addison. Papers in the Spectator. Alison. Miscellaneous Essays. Arnold. Essays in Criticism. Boyd, A. K. H. Autumn Holidays. Everyday Philosopher. Leisure Hours in Town. Recreations of a Country Parson. Boyd, M. Reminiscences of 50 Years. British Essayists. (Chalmers.) Brown. Marjorie Fleming. Spare Hours. Buckle. Essays. Bulwer. Caxtoniana. Critical and MiscellaneousWritings. Prose Works. Carlyle. Chartism. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Essays. Hero Worship. Latter Day Pamphlets. Past and Present. Sartor Resartus. Coleridge. Essays. DeQuincey. Beauties from hisWritings. Biographical Essays. Confessions of an Opium Eater. Essays on Philosophical Writers. Essays on the Poets. Historical and Critical Essays. Letters to a Young Man. Life and Manners. Literary Reminiscences. Memorials. Miscellaneous Essays. Narrative and Miscellan. Papers. Note Book. Suspiria de Profundis. Dickens. Home and Social Philosophy. Uncommercial Traveler. Doran. Habits and Men. Edgeworth. Essays on Irish Bulls. Essay on Self- Justification. Foster. Critical Essays. Decision of Character. Essays in a Series of Letters. 94 ( 'hissiii,,/ Index. Foster. Evils of Popular Ignorance. Fosteriana. [mprovemenl of Time. Fronde. Studies on Great Subjects, 1st and 2d Series, Hazlitt. English Comic Writers. Literary Remains. Spirit of i he Age. Table Talk. Hunt. Seer. Idler. Jeffrey. Contributions to Edin. Review. Johnson. Idler and Rambler. Lamb. Eliana. Essaj - of Elia. Macaulay. Essays. Mackintosh. Miscellaneous Works. Mill. Dissertations and Discussions. (>n Liberty. Miller. Essays. Monro. 011a Podrida. Muloch. Studiesfrom Life. Ruskin. Crown of Wild Olives. Ktliics nf the Dust. Selections. Sesame and Lillies. Time and Tide. Qnto this Last. Shaftesbury. Men, Manners, etc. Smiles. Character. Self Belp. Spectator. Spencer. Essays. Illustrations of Universal Progress. Steele, Guardian, Spectator and Tatler. Talfourd. Miscellaneous Writit Thackeray. Character Sketches. Early and Late Papers. English I [umourists. Paris Ski tch Book. .Mf. Brown's Letters. Prose and other Papers. Roundabout Papers. Thornton. Connoisseur. Wilson. Recreations of Chris. North. Specimens of the British Critics. 75. Collected Li i eb lri Works. Pi -. and r etrj . I Chambers. Instructive and A.musing Papers, Chambers' Miscellany. Hunt. Book for a Corner. 7~> a. \MKKIi \N \ITIIm|;v Channing. Work*. Davidson. Poems and Prose Writings. Selections from her Writings. Franklin. Works and Life. Halpine. Baked Meats of the Funeral Irving. Works. Jefferson. Writ milts. Mitchell. Seven Stories. Foe. Works. Smith. Miscellaneous Writings. Thoreau. Letters and Poems. Whittier. Prose Works. 75 b. BRITISH AUTHORS. Bacon. Works. Barham. [ngoldsby Legends. Burke. Works. Coleridge. Works. Dryden. Works. Goldsmith. Miscellaneous Works. Hallam. Remains. Hood. Works. Hunt. Men, Women and Books. Jameson. Studies, Stories, etc. Harris. Sketches, etc Landor. Works. Proctor. Essays and T Shelley. Essays. Southey. Common Place Book. Sterne. Works. Swift. Works. Taylor. Works. Warreniana. Wilson. Niietcs Ainlii'i'Matia . 75 c. 1. 1. 1:\1AN AITIIORS. Hedge. Prose Writers of Germany, Heine. Pictures of Travel. Schiller. Works. 76. LlTKKAin IIlSToKY. Arvine. Cyclopaedia of Literature. Bouterwek. Hist. Spanish Literature. Disraeli. Amenities of Literature. Curiosities of Literature. Duyckinck. Cyclopaedia of Amr. Lit. Gilfillan. Modern Literature and Lit erarv Men. Gilman. First Steps in Eng. Literature. ( lontributions of Literature. Gosteck. German Literature. Hallam. Literature of Europe in the Middle Ages. Reed. Lectures on English Literature. Seeley. Roman Imperialism. Sismondi. Literature of South. Europe. Classified Index. 95 Taine. History of English Literature. Tioknor. Spanish Literature. Truebner. Guide to Arner. Literature. 77. Bibliography. Allibone. Dictionary of Authors. Dibdin. Library Companion. Guide to the Choice of Books. Porter. Books and Reading. Pycroft. Course of Reading. Putnam. The Best Reading. Thomas. Lippincott's Pronounc. Diet. 77 a. REPORTS AND CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES. Birmingham Free Library Report. Boston Public Library Catalogue. Catalogue of Congressional Lib., 1830. Catalogue Books added to Cong., 1870. Cincinnati Library Catalogue. Edwards. Free Town Libraries. Memoirs of Libraries. History of Birmingham Free Libraries. Keokuk Library Catalogue. Liverpool Free Library Reports. Springfield Library Catalogue. St. Louis Mercantile Library Catalogue. St. Louis Pub. School Library Catalogue. 96 < 7. Barrow. I'itcairn's Island. Coggeshall. Voyages. Cook. Voyage to Pacific Ocean. Dana. Two Years Before the Mast Guild. Over the Ocean. Mears. Voyages. Mayer. Captain ( lanot Peck. Melbourne and Chincha Islands. 81a. COLLECTIONS. Goodrich. Man I'pon the Sea. 81 b. croci mn u ra \ i io\s. Anson. Voyage Around the World. Circumnavigations of the Globe. Colton. The Flag Ship. Cook. Voyagi - De la Perouse. Yoy. Around the World. Fanning. Voyages Round the World. Prime. Around the World. Taylor. Voyage Around the World. Vassar. "JO Years Around the World. Wilkes. Voyage Round the World. 81c. POLAR REGIONS. Bache. Arctic Land Expedition. Barrow. Arctic Voyages. DufFerin. Yacht Voyage to Iceland. Graah. Voj iu r e to Greenland. Hayes. Land of Desolation, Open Polar Sea. Iceland, Greenland, and Faroe Island-. Kane. Arctic Explorations. Arctic Journal. Leslie. Polar Sea Regions. McClintock. Sir .John Franklin. Noble. Alter Icebei PfeifTer. Journey to Iceland. 82. Ti;.\\ bls in Amerk a. Pulszky. American Scenery. 82 a. NORTH AMEBIC \. Murray. V . S., Cuba and Canada. Silliman. Gallop amongsl Am. Scenery. Smith. Northeast Texas. Taylor. Kl Dorado. Trollope. North America. West Indies and Spanish Main. Willis. Health Trip to the Tropics. Winthrop. Canoe and Saddle. B2b. BRITC8H NORTH AMI.KHA. Cozzens. One Month in Nova Scotia. Henry. Travels in Canada McLean. Hudson Bay Territory. Marryatt. Settlers in Canada. Murray. British America. Thoreau. Yankee in Canada. Classified Index. 97 82 c. UNITED STATES. Abbott. North and South. Allen. Ten Years in Oregon. Bowles. Across the Continent. Bradford. Valley of Mississippi. Brace. New West. Bremer. Homes of the New World. Burton. History of California. Buffalo Directory, 1853. Chicago Directory, 1859. Child. Letters from New York. Cincinnati Directory, 1855-9 and 1863. Clemens. Roughing It. Cleveland City Directory, 1856. Colton. Cruise to California. Three Years in California. Tour of the American Lakes. Curtis. Lotus Eating. Curtiss. Guide Through Wisconsin. Davenport, Rock Island and Moline Di- rectory*, 1860-61. Dickens. American Notes. Dilke. Greater Britain. Farnham. Prairie Land. Fremont. California and Oregon. Expedition to Rocky Mountains. Exploring Expedition. Report on Oregon, Galesburg, Knoxville, etc., 1857. Georgia Scenes. Greeley. Overland Journey to Cal. Howe. Great West. Hall. Great West. Hartford City Directory, 1857-8. Hughes. California and Eldorado. Johnson. California and Oregon. Kemble. Residence on Ga. Plantation. Kendall. Texan Santa Fe Expedition. King. Mountaineering in Sierra Nevada. Lyell. Second Visit to United States. Travels in the United States. Mass. Register and Directory, 1859. McCall. Letters from the Frontier. Murray. Border Reminiscences. Parkman. Discovery of the Great West. Peck. Annals of the West. Peck's New Gazetteer of 111., 1837. Peto. Resources and Pros, of America. Peoria City Direct., 1844-57-67-71-72. Pulszky. White, Red and Black. Richardson. Beyond the Mississippi. Smith. Wisconsin. Street. Woods and Waters. Thoreau. Cape Cod. Maine Woods. Week on Concord and Merrimac. Tuckerm.-ui. America and Her Com. Wortley. Travels in United States. Willis. Travels in U. S. and England. Zotz. Achtzehn Jahre in Peoria. 82 d. MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Faber. Life on the Isthmus. Hassaurek. Among Spanish Americans. Meline. 2000 Miles on Horseback. Ruxton. Adventures in Mexico. Squier. Central America. Stephens. Travels in Cen. America. Travels in Yucatan, Thompson. Mexico. 82 e. WEST INDIES. Hurlbut. Picture of Cuba. Jay. Winter in Cuba. 82 f. SOUTH AMERICA. Agassiz. Journey in Brazil. Bishop. 1000 Miles Across S. America. Browne. Captive in Patagonia. Fletcher. Brazil and the Brazilians. Herndon. Exploration of the Amazon. Holton. New Granada. Kidder. Sketches of Brazil. Mawe. Travels in Brazil. Orton. Andes and the Amazon. Paez. South American Scenes. Page. LaPlata, Argentine Confederacy. Sarmiento. Argentine Republic. Tschudi. Travels in Peru. Warren. Scenes on the Amazon. 83. Travels in Europe. Bartol. Pictures of Europe. Blayney. Jour, thro' Spain and France. Boswell. Tour to the Hebrides. Burnet. Winter and Spring on Shores of the Mediterranean. Colman. European Life and Manners. Darley. Pen and Pencil Sketches. Fenton. Letters from Europe. Forney. Letters from Europe. Gibson. Rambles in Europe. Greeley. Glances at Europe. Hamerton. Painter's Camp. Hawthorne. England and Italy. French and Italian Notes. Hunt. Bits of Travel. Longfellow. Outre Mer. Peabody. European Travels. Silliman. Visit to Europe. Stephens. Turkey, Greece, etc. 98 Classified Index. Stowe. Sunny Mem. of For'gn Lands. Taylor. By Ways of Europe, Ward. Bummer Vacation Abroad. Warner. SaunteringS. Willis. PencUlinga by the Way. Summer Cruise in Mediterranean. Wall Street Bear in Europe. 83 a. BBJ I l-II [8LES. Camden. Brittania. Coxe. Impressions of England. • Ellis. Wives of England. Women of England. Gambol. Inland. Hawthorne. Our Old Borne. Howitt. Rural Life of England. Yi-it to Remarkable Places. Hunniwell. Lands of Scott. Irving. Alihotsford. Newstead Abbey. Kay. Social Con. of People of England Miller. Cruise of the Betsey. Firsl [mpressions ol England. Ramsay. Scottish Life and Character. Smith. Summer in Skye. Stewart. Costumes of the Clans. Tonna. Letters from Ireland. Trench. Irish Life. Victoria. Life in the Highlands. Western [slands of Scotland. Wilhs. Famous Persons and Places. 83b. FRANCE AND THE NKTH BRLANDS. Colton. Notes on France and Italy. Courcillon. Customs in France. Davis. Holland, Janin. American in Paris. Tomes. Champaigne Country. Trollope. Pans and the Parisians. VonKotzebue. Travels in Paris. 83 c. SPAIN AM. POKTUG \l . Attache in Madrid. Andersen. In Spain and Portugal, Bacon. Six Years in Biscay. Borrow. Bible in Spain. Bryant. Letters from Spain. Conde. Arabs in Spain. Herbert, [mpressions of Spain. Reach. Claret and < Hives. Swinburne. Travels through Spain. Thornbury. Life in Spain. Wallis. Glimpses of Spain. 83 d. IT \\.\ \M> -W 11/ ERLAND. Adams. Buried Cities of Campania. Burnet. Lett< n and Travels in Sw Itz- erland and Italy Colton. Maderia, Lisbon and the Med iterranean. Cox. Search for Winter Sunbeams. Dickens. Pictures from Italy. Furniss. Land of Ca-ar and Doge. Hare. Walks in Lome. Headley. Letter from Italy. Hillard. Six Months in Italy. Howells. Italian .Ionic Venetian Life. Ingraham. Catacombs Of Koine. Kip. Catacombs of Rome. Jameson. Diary of Ennuyee. Johnson. Cottages of the Alps. Leland. American.- in Koine. McFarland. Customs of South Italy. Mendelssohn. Letter- t'w»m Italy and Switzerland. Prime. Letter- from Switzerland. Story. K ilia di Koma. Taine. Italy, Florence and Venice. Koine and Naples. Whymper. Scrambles Amongsl Alps. 83 e. 1. 1. KM AN si AXES. Brace. Home Life in Germany. DeStael. Germany. Hood. Up the Rhine. Hugo. Sketches and Legends of Khine. Jameson. Art, Literature, etc. 83 f. DENMARK, swi;iiKN, NORWAY AM> li ELAND. Brace. Norse Folk. Browne. Land oi Thor. Forester. Xorwav. 83 g. i:i -MA AMI POLAND. Gurowski. Russia as It I-. Jerrmann. St. Petersburgh Maxwell. Czar. Country and People. Morley. sketches of Russian Life. OUphant. Russian Shores of Black Sea Pallas. Travels in Russia. Proctor. Trip to Russia. Sala. Journej Du< North. Residence in Russia. Classified Index. 99 83 h. TURKEY IK EUROPE AND GREECE . Noyes. Roumania. Taylor. Greece and Russia. 84. Travels in Asia. Hunter. Travels in Bengal. Kennan. Tent Life in Siberia. Knox. Overland Through Asia. Malcolm. Hindostan and China. Polo. Travels. 84 a. TURKISH EMPIRE. Slade. Turkey and the Turk. 84 b. SYRIA AND ARABIA. Arculf. Travels in Palestine. Burton. Pilgr. to El-Medina and Mecca. Curtis. Howadji in Syria. Jenkins. Expedition to Dead Sea. Lynch. U. S. Expedition to the Jordan. Prime. Tent Life in the Holy Land. Russell. Diarj r in the East. Palestine. Taylor. Travels in Arabia. Thomson. Land and the Book. 84 C CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ASIA. Atkinson. Oriental and West. Siberia. Upper and Lower Amoor. Collins. Voyage Down the Amoor. Layard. Discoveries in Nineveh. Nineveh and its Remains. Vambery. Travels in Central Asia. 84 d. CHINESE EMPIRE AND JAPAN. Abeel. Residence in China, Alcock. Capital of the Tycoon. Corner. China. Davis Chinese. Doolittle. Social Life of the Chinese. Hildreth. Japan. Hue. Chinese Empire. Tartary, Thibet and China, Oliphant. Elgin's Mission to China and Japan. Siebold. Manners and Cus. of Japanese. Smith. China and the Chinese. Taylor. Japan in Our Day. Twelve Years in China, 84 e. INDIA. Campbell. Excu. and Adven, in Ceylon. Heber. Travels in India. Hudson. Twelve Years in India, Macleod. Days in North India. Murray. British India. Palmer. Up and Down the Irrawaddy. 85. Travels in Africa. Ditson. Adventures in Africa. Foote. Africa and the American Flag. Krapf. Eastern Africa. Lander. Travels in Africa, Moffat. Mission. Labors, etc., in Africa. Russell. Barbary States. Thomas. Adventures in Africa. Thompson. Africa. 85 a. BARBARY STATES AND GREAT SAHARA DESERT. Davis. Carthage. Girard. Adventures of a Lion Killer. 85 b. EGYPT, NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. Baker. Albert N'Yanza. Explorations of the Nile. Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia. Belzoni. Egypt and Nubia. Hawks. Egypt and its Monuments. Lepsius. Letters from Egypt. Parkyns. Life in Abyssinia. Prime. Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. Stephens. Egypt, N ubia and Abyssinia. St. John. Village Life in Egypt. Thompson. Egypt, Past and Present. Whately. Among the Huts in Egypt. 85 C CENTRAL AFRICA. Barth. North and Central Africa. Barlow. Lake Regions of Cent. Africa. Lander. Expedition to the Niger. Speke. Source of the Nile. Taylor. Journey to Central Africa. 85 d. SOUTH AFRICA. Andersson. Lake Ngami. Okavango River. DuChaillu. Country of the Dwarfs. Equatorial Africa. Livingstone. South Africa. 100 ( laAsiJu r\ i i: \i QrjABI BBS. Irving. ( 'rayon Misc< llany. Taylor. Travels, (collected.) 86 a. EASTERN HEMIBPHERE. Bellows. Old World in its New Fact". Browne. Yusct'. Bryant. Letter- from the Bast. Choules. Cruise of the North Star. Clemens, Innocents Abroad. Colton. Land and Sea. Shi]) and Shore. Dix. .Madeira. Spain and Florence. Kinglake. Eothen. Olin. Travels in the Easl Paine. Tent and Harem. Prime. Europe and the East. Stephens. Egypt, Arabia A: llolv Land. Ward. Around the Pyramids. 86 I. BOTB HEMISPHERES. Bryant. Letters of a Travi ler. Dewey. Old and New World. Foote. A.frica and the American Flag. Nolte. ."in Fearsin Both Bemisphi Ossoli. At I [ome and Abroad. Pumpelly. Across America and A-ia. Taylor. At Bt>me and Abroad. Vassar. 20 Fears Round the World. 86 c. oi RANH \. Ainsworth. South Sea Bubbles. Anderson. Hawaiian I-ltnds. Cheever. Sandwich I-land-. Howitt. Land, Labor and Gold. Sidney. Colonies in Australia. Taylor. New Zealand. Williams. Fiji and the Fijian-. -t. CIVIL HISTORY. Smith. I.eet. on the study of History. COL] E( LIONS \M> ( lOMPBNDS. Arnold. Lectures on Modern History. Chronological Tables of History. Collier, (ireal Events of Hi-lory. Dew. Digest of History. Finlay. Byzantine Empire. Froissart. Chron. of Eng. France, etc. Frost. < ireat ( !itie& Goodrich. Modem History. (Jniversal History. Hallam. Europe During Middle Ages. Heeren. Historical Researches. Maunder. History of the World. Treasury of i [istory. Miller. Modern History. Nares. [Jniversal History. Robinson. Modern History. Schlegel. Lectures on .Modern History. Smythe. Modern 1 [istory. French. Historical Collection-. Tytler. Elements of General History. Whelpley. Compendium of History. White. Eighteen Christian Centuries. Wise. Seven Decades of the Union. 88 a. CHRONOLOGY. Tegg. Dictionary of Chronology. Haydn. Look of Dat< 8, 88 b. philosophy of history. Bunsen. God in History. Schlegel. Philosophy of History. 89. A\< ii:\ i BlSTOBY. Frazer. Mesopotamia. Goodrich. Ancient History. Herodotus. Lempriere. Classical Dictionary. Mallet. Northern Antiquities. Niebuhr. Ancient History. Rawlinson. Ancient History. Rollins. Amicnt History. Smith. Diet, of Greek and Rom. An tiq. Diet. of( Ireek and Rom. Myt ho! Tacitus. Manner- of the Germans. Turner. Note- on HerodotUS. Wheeler. Analysis of Herodotus. 89a GREEK. Anthon. Grecian Antiquities. Baird. Modem (Jr. Bulwer. Allien-, it- Rise and Fall. Curtius. History of < Greece. Classified Index. 101 Gillies. History of Greece. Grote. History of Greece. Sewell. History of Greece. Smith. History of Greece. Thucydides. Peloponnesian War. History of Greece. Wheeler. Analysis of Thucydides. 89 b. ROMAN. Adam. Roman Antiquities. Arnold. History of Rome. Becker. Gallus. Caesar. Commentaries. Commentarii. Opera. DeQuincey. Ca?sars. Eaton. Rome in the 19th Century. Echard. History of Rome. Eutropius. Roman History. Ferguson. History of Roman Republic. Epitome of Roman History. Gibbon. Decline, etc., of Roman Emp. Herbert. Roman Republic. Hooke. Homan History. Liddell. History of Rome. Livius. History of Rome. Lord. Old Roman Word. Lyman. Roman Empire. Merivale. Roman Empire. Mommsen. History of Rome. Niebuhr. History "of Rome. Sallustius. Catalina et Jugurtha. Jugurtha and Cataline. Works. Smith. History of Rome. Tacitus. Annals of History. 89 c. .JEWISH. Josephus. Works. Milman. Destruction of Jerusalem. History of the Jews. Mission of Inquiry to the Jews. Prideaux. Connection of Old and New Testament. Lossing. History of United States. Willard. History of United States. 90 a. SETTLEMENT AND COLONIAL PERIOD History of Settlement of N. A. Colonies. Irving. Conquest of Florida. Palfrey. History of New England. Rowcroft. Tales of the Colonies. Winthrop. History of New England. 90 b. REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. American Revolution. Botta. American Revolution. Ellet.' History of America. Greene. American Revolution. Lossing. Pict. Field Book of Revolution Moore. Diary of American Revolution. Stone. Border Wars of Amer. Rev. Watson. Camp Fires of the Revolution. 90 c. crviL WAR. Abbott. History of the Civil War. Baker. United States Secret Service. Brownlow. Secession. Boynton. History of U. S. Navy. Botts. Great Rebellion. Brockett. Woman in tbe Civil War. Carroll. Great American Battle. Coggeshall. History of Amr. Privateers. Cooper. United States Navy. Draper. Civil War of America. Foote. War of the Rebellion. Fremont! Story of the Guard. Greeley. American Conflict. Higginson. Army Life in a Black Reg. Hoge. Boys in Blue. Leslie. Pictorial Hist, of the Late War. McClellan. Reports and Campaigns. Moore. Rebellion Record. Noyes. Bivouac and Battlefield. Parton. Gen. Butler at New Orleans. Schalk. Campaigns of 1862 and 1866. Stephens. War Between the States. 89 d. EGYPTIAN. Lanoye. Rameses the Great. Wilkinson. Ancient Egyptians. 90. United States. Bancroft. History of United States. Frost. History of United States. Hildreth. History of United States. 14 90 a. TERRITORIES, STATES AND CITIES. Brodhead. New York City. Brown. History of Illinois. Bunner. History of Louisiana. California, History of. Chase. Sketches of N. H. and Va. Sketches of Vermont. Dwight. History of Connecticut. Ellsworth. Illinois in 1837. Ferris. Utah and the Mormons. 102 ( classified Index. Ford. I [istory of Illinois Francis. Old \ I -w Fork. Illinois, Pal riotism of. Lanman. Biston of Michigan. Neill. I [istory of Minnesota. Oliio, Bistory ol Olmstead. Bea Board Slave states. Perkins. AnnaK of the West. Peterson. History of Rhode Island. Reynolds. Pioneer Bistorj of Illinois. Smith. Bistory of New Fork State. 1 [istory of Wisconsin. Watson. Annals Of New Vnik Stale Wisconsin State Hist. Society Reports. Zotz. Achtzehn Jahre in Peoria. 91. Ami.KK \ \ I I. V.EGE. Baldwin. Ancient America. Goodrich, (ileal Kventsin Bist.ofAmr. Headley. Second War with England. Parkman. Discovery of the Greal West. Priest. American Antiquities. Robertson. Bistory of America. Smith. America in' the [0th Century. VonRaumer. America and Amr. People. Willson. American History. 91 a. ABORIGINAL. Buchanan. Sketches of N. Amr. [nds. Catlin. North American Indians. DeForrest. Indians of Connecticut. Lewis. Ninth American Indians. Parkman. Conspiracy of Pontiac. '.'1 b. CANADA. !Uc. 8PANI8H NORTB AMERICA. Jay. Mexican War. Prescott. Conquesl of Mexico. '.'1 d. -'ii Til AMERICA. Marmontel. Lea [ncas. Prescott. Conquest of Peru. Priest. Antiquities of rem. 92. I'.i.i i [SB ETjstobt. Brand. Antiquities of Great Britain. ENGL \M> Bohn. Hand hunk of London. Pictorial Bistory of England. Bede. Ecclesiastical Bist. of England. Buckle. Bistory <>t Civilization. Bulwer. England and the English. Burnet. Bistory of I lis ()\vn Time. Bury. Times of < leorge I V. Carrel. Counter Revolution in Eng. Clarendon. Bistory of England. Dyer. Bistory of Cambridge Edwards. ( Outlines of English History. Froude. Bistorj of England. Goldsmith. Hist oi Eng., abridged. Guizot. 1 % n i_ r 1 i - 1 1 Revolution. Henry. Chronicles. Hume. Bistory of England. Hoveden. Annals. Hopkins. Old England. Lingard. Bistory of England. Macaulay. History of England. Martineau. History of England. Matthew. English Bistory. Flowers ol Bistory. McMasters. Index to Hume. Paris. English History. Roger. Flowers of Bistory. Six old English Chronicles. Thoyras. History of England. Vaughan. Revolutions in Eng. Hist. Yonge. Cameos from English Bistory. '.I-.' I.. I KIM. AN I). Clarendon. Civil Wars in Inland. MacGeoghegan. A History of Ireland. 92 c. -' OTLAND. Brown. History of the Highlands. Robertson. History of Scotland. Scott. I [istory of Scotland. Scott. Tales Ol a Grandfather. 03. M(»dki:n Eikopk at Large. Alison. History of Europe History of Europe, abridged. Guizot. History of Civilization. Hallam. Europe During .Middle Ages. Krapfer. Bistorj of Middle Ages. Michelet. Modern History. Modern Bistory of Europe. Prescott. Bist. of Emperor Charles \ Russell. Modern Europe. 93 a. ITALY. Botta. Italy Under Napoleon. Greene. Bistory of Italy. Machiavelli. History of Florence. Classified Tnde.r. 103 Reumont. Carafas of Maddaloni. Sismondi. Italian Republics. Smedley. Venetian History. Spalding. History of Italy. 93 g. DENMARK^ SWEDEN & NORWAY. Crichton. Scandinavia. Sturleson. Kings of Norway. 93 b. SPAIN AND PORT COAL. Abbott. Romance of Spanish History. Conde. Arabs in Spain. Drinkwater. Siege of Gibralter. Florian. History of Moors of Spain . , Irving. Conquest of Granada. Prescott. Ferdinand and Isabella. Philip II. 93 c. FRANCE. Blanc. France Under Louis Phillipe. Carlyle. French Revolution. Commines. Memoirs. Chronicles of the Bastile. Davenport. History of the Bastile. Fetridge. The Paris Commune. Godwin. History of France. Goodrich. Tricolored Sketches in Paris. Lamartine. Restoration of Monarchy. Leighton. Paris Under Commune. Michelet. French Revolution. Miller. French Revolution. Pardoe. Episodes of French History. Sully. Memoirs. Tenot. Paris in December, 1851. Thiers. Consulate and Empire. French Revolution. Russell. History of France. Smyth. French Revolution. White. History of France. Wraxall. History of France. 93 d. NETHERLANDS. 93 e. GERMANY. Brace. Hungary in 1851. Coxe. House of Austria. Hungary and its Revolutions. Menzel. History of Germany. Pulszky. Mem. of Hungarian Lady. Tefft. Hungary and Kossuth. 93 f, SWITZERLAND. Zschokke. History of Switzerland. 93 h. Motley. Rise of the Dutch Republic. United Netherlands. Schiller. Revolt of the Netherlands. RUSSIA AND POLAND. Abbott. Empire of Rusiia. Dixon. Free Russia. Fletcher. History of Poland. Russian Empire. McCormick. Visit before Sebastopol. 93 i. GREECE. Bulwer. Athens, its Rise and Fall. Felton. Greece, Ancient and Modern. 94. Asia. Ockley. History of the Saracens. Russell. History of Polynesia. 94 a. TURKISH EMPIRE. Lamartine. History of Turkey. Ranke. History of Servia. 94 b. INDL\. McLeod. History of British India. Malcolm. India ar.d Indian Mutiny. Martineau. British Rule in India. 94 c. CHINA AND JAPAN. Cornell. Why and How. Davis. Chinese. Gutzlaff. History of China. 95. Historical Miscellany. 95 a. crusades and chivalry. Chronicles of the Crusades. Edgar. Crusades and Crusaders. Gray. Children's Crusade. James. History of Chivalry. Joinville. Chronicles of the Crusades. Michaud. History of the Crusades. Proctor. History of the Crusades Sismondi. History of the Crusades. 95 b. WARS AND CAMPAIGNS. Adams. Bivouac and Battle. Allen. Battles of the British Navy. mi ( 'A/xx/'/A,/ ///,/, i . Barnard. Peninsular Campaign' Busk. \ :i\ ies of the World. Creasy. Decisive Battles of the World. Conyngham. Iri-h Brigade. Hozier. Seven Weeks W Hooper. Waterloo. Einglake. [nvasion ofthe Crimea. Loosing. War of i v i 3. Napier. War in the Peninsula. Ripley. War with Mexico. Robson. Great Sieges of History. Schiller. Thirty Year's War. Segur. Napoleon's Expedition to Russia. Suwarow's Campaigns. Szahad. Modern War. Tchuykevitch. War of 1812 (Russia.) Xenophon. Anabasis. Works of. :•:,(■ COINS VMi MEDALS. Folkes. Table of English Silver Coins. Humphrey. Coin Collector's Manual Prime. < loins, .Medals, etc. 95 d. COSTUMES. Stolbergand Stuart. Costume ol Clan-. 95C. SECRET SOCIE1 CES. Donaldson. Odd Fellow's Text hook. Harris. Discourses on Free Masonry. BIOGRAPHY i Collections.) Abbott. Kings and Queens. Aguilar. Heroines ol Sacred History. Alger. Friendship of Women. Arago. Distinguished Scientific Men. American Biography. Bourne. Famous London Merchant. Brougham. Philo'phers in time < leo. III. itesmen in time of < leorge III. Bungener. Preacher and Kinu r . Butler. I.ivi - of the >aint<. Campbell. Live- Chief Justices of Eng. Carpenter. Six months at White House. Cormenin. Popes of Rome. Crosland. Memorable Women. Cunningham. Brit Painters & Sculp Doran. Queens of England, House of I [anover. Drake. Diet, of American Biography. Dwight. Signers of Declaration. Edgar. Footprints of Famous Men. Edwards. Self- taught Men. Ellet. Pioneer Women of the Wet Queens of American Bociety. Noble ' ' : American Women. Women Artists. Women oi American Revolution. Ellis. |)aiiL r liier- of England. Mothers of England. Fields. Yesterdays with Authi Flanders. Chief Justices of the V. S. Fowler. Ten Years in Wall St Frost. Daring Deeds of Amer. Women. Fuller. Worthies of England. Gibbons. Memoir- of Pious Women George. Annal- of Queens of Spain. Goodrich. Lives of the Si.n.i-. Grand. The Americans Headley. < lhaplainsand ( Slergyof Rev. Napoleon and his Marsl Washington and his < lenerals Harsha. Orators and Statesmen. Henningero. Quadriga Scriptorum. Houssaye. Men and Women of 18th Cen. Howe. Eminent Mechanics. Hunt. Lives of American Merchants. Jameson.. Italian Painters Lives ,,f ( leleb. French Sovereij Johnson. Lives of English Po Jenkins. Heroines ol History. Lives of Governors of New York. Kirwan. Men and Things in Europe. Last Words of Eminent Persoi Lecky. Leaders Pub. Opin. in Ireland. Lee. Sketches of Sculptor- and Paint) r-. Letters on Public Characters. Lives and Voyages of Early Navigators. Lives of t lelebrated < iharacters. Lives of Eminenl Americans. Lives of Eminent Persons. Lives of Heroes of American Rev. Lodge. Illustrious Men of G't Britain. Macaulay. Biog.and Hist. Sketches Biography of Illustrious Men. Mackintosh. Eminenl Brit men. Magoun. Living Orators of America ( trators of the Ami •'■ volut'n. Martineau. Biographical Ski tches. Medtmry. Men and Myster's ol Wall St. Men who Made Themselvi - Michelet. Women of the French R Milbtirn. Pioneer Preachers and Pto pie of the Mississippi Valley. Moore. Women <>\' the War. Ossoli. Women of the 19th Century. Parkman. Pioneers of France in the Nev. World. Parton. Eminenl Women of the Ag< Famous Americans of Recenl Time. Classified Index. 105 Parton. Famous Americans. Prescott. Biographical Miscellanies. Plutarch's. Lives, Ranke. History of the Popes. Russell. Heroes of Art and Medicine. Russell. Pilgrim's Memorial. Sabine. Loyalists of the Revolution. Sainte-Beuve. Portraits of Celebrated Women. Seymour. Self-Made Men. Smiles. Brief Biographies. Industrial Biography. Smith. Three English Statesmen. Smucker. Four Georges. Sparks. Library of Amer. Biography. Stowe. Men of Our Times. Strickland. Pioneers of the West. Queens of England. Queens of Scotland. Suetonius. Caesars. Opera. Taylor. Memoirs of House of Orleans. Thackeray. Four Georges. Thatcher. Indian Biography. Tullock. Leaders of the Reformation. Vasari. Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects. Washington and Generals of Rev. Walpole. Noble Authors of England. Watson. Men and Times of Revolution. Wharton. Queens of Society. Wits and Beaux of Society. 96 a. CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES. Allibone. Dictionary of Authors. Appleton. Cyclopaedia of Biography. Bayle. Dictionaire, Historique et Critique. Drake. Diet, of Amer. Biography. Duyckinck. Cyclopaedia of Amercan Literature. Thomas. Lippincott's Pronounc. Diet. 96 b. INDIVIDUAL LIVES. Abernethy, John ; Life. Adams, J Q. Life. Adams, J. Q. Life, etc. Seward. Aikin, John. Memoir. Albert, Prince. Early Years of. Grey. Alfred the Great. Pauli. Andre, Major John. Life. Sargent. Angelo, Michael. Life. Grimm. Arnold, Thos. Life, etc. Stanley. Artaxerxes. Life. Plutarch. Babagee. Memoir. Read. Stowe. Byron. Byron. Life. Life. Caesar, Julius. Caesar, Julius. Caesar, Julius. Calhoun, J. C. Bacon, Fr. Lord. Life. Barnum, P. T. Autobiography. Beauharnais, Hortense. Memoirs. Beaumarchais. Times of. Lomenie. Beddoes, Dr. Life. Stock. Beecher, L. Autobiography. Beethoven. Life. Schindler. Berengaria of Navarre. Strickland. Bismarck, Count Otto. Life. Hesekiel. Black Hawk. Life. Drake. Blennerhassett, H. Life. Safford. Boleyn, Anne. Memoir. Benger. Boleyn, Anne. Life. Strickland. Bradley, Mrs. Shipwreck, etc. Brant, Jos. Stone. Bronte, Charlotte. Life. Gaskell. Burke, Edmund. Life. Prior. Burr, Aaron Life. Davis. Burr, Aaron. Life and Times. Parton. Buchanan, Rev. C. Memoir. Pearson. Byron.. Life. Moore. Byron, Lady. Vindicated. Gait. Moore. Collins. Life. Plutarch. History of. Napoleon. Life. Jenkins. Campbell, Thos. Life, etc. Beattie. Catherine II. Memoir. Cartwright, Peter. Autobiography. Carter, Mrs. E. Life. Pennington. Cato M. Portius ; Life. Plutarch. Charlemagne. History of. James. Chambers, Robt. Memoir. Chambers. Charles the Younger. Life. Kirk. Charles, V. Cloister Life. Sterling. Charles XII. of Sweden. Voltaire. Charlotte Elizabeth. Life. Tonna. Chatterton, Thos. Life, Dix. Choate, Rufus. Life. Brown. Cicero. Life. Forsyth. Cicero. Life. Plutarch. Cicero. Life. Middleton. Cicero, Marcus T. Sketch. Collins. Clapp, Rev. T. Life and Sketches. Clay, Henry. Last Years of. Colton. Collins. Memoirs. Columbus. Life and Voyages. Irving. Conde, Louis ; Prince of. Life. Mahon. Cone, T. H. Life. Corneille. Life and Times. Guizot. Coriolanus, C. M. ; Life. Plutarch. Cortez, H. Life. Balboa. Cowper. Life and Works. Cromwell. Letters, etc. Carlyle. Curran and Contemporaries. Phillips. D'Arblay. Diary and Letters. Davy, Sir H. Correspondence of. 106 Classified Index. Decatur, S. Life. Waldo. DeCommines, Philip. DeFoe. Life. Biographies of Em. -Men. DeMedici, Lorenzo. Life. Roscoe. Demetrius. Life. Plutarch. Demosthenes. Life. Plutarch. DeRetz, Cardinal. Memoirs. Dickens, C. Speeches, Letters, etc. Dickens; ('has. Life. Forster. Dion. Life. Plutarch. Dundonald, Seaman. Autobiography. Fabius, Maximus. Life. Plutarch. Faraday, M.,asa Discoverer. Tyndall. Fielding, H. Life. Lawrence. Fox, R. A. W. Memoirs. Fletcher, Mrs. A. Moore. Franklin, Benj. Life. Parton. Frederick the Great History. Carlyle. Frederick II.; Life. Dover. Galileo. Life. Garibaldi, Giuseppe. Life. Gavazzi. Life and Lectures. Graham, Mary J. Life. etc. Bridges. George 111. Reign of. "Buckingham. George III. Reign of. Walpole. Goethe. Life and Works. Lewes. Gottschalk. Life. Ives-Seymour. Greeley, H. Life. Parton. Greene, N. Life. Greene. Grimaldi, Joseph. Memoirs. Dickens. Handel. Life. Schoelcher. Hayden, Benj. Life. Taylor. Henry VIII ; Memoirs. Herbert. Henry, Patrick. Life. Wirt. Hemans, Mrs. Memoir. Chorley. Henry of Huntington. Herodotus. Sketch. Collins. Herodotus. History. Rawlinson. Herodotus. Life and Travels. Wheeler. Herschel, Sir Wm. Life. Arago. Hobbin, Js. Memoirs. Armstrong. Hooker, Rev. Richard. Life and Works. Horace. Sketch. Collins. Houston, Sam'l. Life. Howard. Memoirs. Brown. Humboldt Bros. Lives. Hunt, Leigh. Autobiography- Humboldt, Alex. Life. Macgillivray. Hutchinson. Life. Hutchinson, Irving E. Life of. Mrs. Oliphant. Irving, W. i^l i. Life and Letters. Irving. Jackson, Stonewall. Life. Smucker. Jackson, A. Life of. Parton. Jefferson, Thos. Life, etc. Smucker. Jeffrey, Lord. Life. Cockburn. Jerrold, D. Life and Remains ot. Johnson, Sam'l. Life and Works. Page. Johnson, Sam'l. Life. Boswell. Jones, Paul. Life. Mackenzie. Josephine, Empress. Life. Headley. Junius. Letters of. Kemble, J. P. Life. Braden. Knight, Miss. E. Kossuth, Louis. Life. Landor, W. S. Biography. Forster. Lee, Chas. Treason of. Moore. Leo X. Life. Roscoe. Lincoln, and Hist, of Slavery. Arnold. Lincoln, A. Life, etc. Lamon. Livingston, Edw. Life. Hunt. Louis XIV. Life and Times. James. Louis XIV. Life. Voltaire. Louis XVII. Identity of. Hanson. L'Ouverture, T. Life. Beard. Lucullus. Life. Plutarch. Luther, Martin. Life, (by himself.) Luther. (Biographies of Eminent Men.) Lycurgus. Life Plutarch. Lysander. Life. Plutarch. Mackintosh, Sir Jas. Life. Mackintosh. Mahomet. (See Mohammed.) Mahomet and his Successors. Irving. Mann, II. Life. Mrs. Mann. Marcellus. Life. Plutarch. Margaret of Anjou. Strickland. Margaret Tudor. Strickland. Marius, C. Life. Plutarch. Marlborough, Duchess of. Thompson. Marlborough, John. Memoirs. Coxe. Marlborough, Duke of. Life. Alison. Marie Antoinette. Mems. of. Campan. Mary I., Queen of England. Strickland. Mary II., Queen of Engl'nd. Strickland. Mary Beatrice. Life. Strickland. Mary Stuart, Life. Strickland. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Bell. Martyn, H. Memoir. Sargent, Matilda Athcling. Strickland. Matilda of Boulogne. Strickland. Matilda of Flanders Strickland. Maximilian I. Life of. Hall. McCheyne, Rev. R. M. Bonar. Miller, Hugh. Life and Times, Brown. Milner, James. Life. Stone. Mohammed. Life. Bush. Montague, Lady Mary. Letters. Montgomery, James. Life. Knight. Moore, Sir T. Correspondence. Life. Thompson. Memoir. Roberts. Household of. More. Morgan, Dan'l. Sketch of. Sparks. Mozart, W. A. Letters. Mozart, W. A. Life. Holmes. Murphy, Arthur. Life. Foote. Murray, Rev. X. Memoirs. Prime. Napoleon I. History of. Abbott. Napoleon. Memoirs. Bourriene. More, Hannah. More, Hannah. More, Sir Thos. Classified Index. 107 Napoleon Dynasty, Berkeley Men. Napoleon, Court, etc. D'Abrantes. Napoleon and his Marshals. Headley. Napoleon's Cor'spondence with Joseph. Napoleon. Army and Generals. Napoleon. Life. Scott. Nelson, Lord. Life. Southey. Niebuhr, B. J. Life. Bunsen. Nero, (Emp. of Rome). Life. Suetonius. Newton, Sir Isaac. Life. Brewster. Nicias. Life. Plutarch. Noel, Rev. S. A. Memoir of. Jones. North, Kit. (See Wilson.) Palissy, B. (the Potter). Life. Morley. Palmerston, Lord. Life. Bulwer. Park, Mungo. Life and Travels. Parr, Kath. Queen of Eng. Strickland. Payson, Rev. Ed. Memoir. Cummings. Pellico, Silvio. My Prisons. Pelopides. Life. Plutarch. Penn, William. Life. Weems. Pepys, Sam'l. Diary and Correspond. Peter, the Great. Life. Barrow. Pericles. Life. Plutarch. Perthes, Caroline. Life. Tuthill. Philippa Hainault. Life. Strickland. Philippe, Louis. Lite. Abbott. Phocion. Life. Plutarch. Pierce, Franklin. Life. Bartlett. Pinkney, Wm. Life. Wheaton. Pitt, Wm. (See Chatham.) Pitt, Wm. Life. Stanhope. Pliny. Letters. Plutarch. Life. (Langhorne.) Plutarch. Poe, E. A. Memoir. Polk, James K. Life. Jenkins. Pompey. Life. Plutarch. Pratt, Rev. Josiah. Memoirs. Pratt. Prentiss, S. S. Memoirs of. Prescott, W. H. Life. Ticknor. Publicola. Life. Plutarch. Pyrrhus. Life. Plutarch. Raleigh, Sir Walt. Life, etc. Kingsley. Raleigh, Sir Walter. Life. Thompson. Randolph, John. Lite. Garland. Randolph, John. Sketch. Thomas. Recamier, Madame. Memoirs. Richard I., Cceurde Lion. Hist. James. Roland, Madame. Sketch. Wharton. Romilly, Sir Samuel. Memoir. Romulus. Life. Plutarch. Rossini. Life. Edwards. Scott, General. Life. Mansfield. Scott, Sir W. Life. J. G. Lockhart. Sedgwick, C. M. Life and Letters. Selden and Usher. Lives. Aiken. Servia. History of. Ranke. Sevigne, Maadme. Letters. Seymour, Jane. Life. Strickland. Shelley a'nd Byron. Trelawney. Sheridan. Life. Moore. Sherwood, Mrs. Life. Sidney, Sir Philip. Life and Times. Six Months at White House. Carpenter. Smith, S. L. A. Memoirs. Hooker. Smith, Sidney. Life. Holland. Socrates. Life. Cooper. Solon. Life. Plutarch. Southey, R. Life. Tuckerman. Stanhope, Lady Hester. Life. Sterne. Autobiography. Stevens, James. Life. Stephenson, Geo. Life. S. Smiles. Story, Jos. Life and Letters. Sully. Memoirs. Swedenborg. Life. Hobart. Tamerlane the Great. History of. Ali. Taylor, J. B. Memoir. Rice. Taylor, Z. Life. Frost. Themistocles. Life. Plutarch. Thoreau, H. D. Life. Thoreau. Tiberius C«sar. Life. Suetonius. Timoleon. Life. Plutarch. Titus, Emp. of Rome. Life. Suetonius. Trenck. Autobiography. Van Buren, Martin. Life. Mackenzie. Ware, Mary L. Memoir of. Hall. Washington, Geo. Epistles, etc, Washington, Geo. Life. Irving. Washington, Geo. Life. Marshall. Washington, Geo. Life. Paulding. Washington, Geo. Life. Weems. Watt, Jas. Life. Arago. Watts, Isaac. Life. Johnson. Webster, Daniel. Life and Memorials. Webster, Daniel. Obituary, Addresses. Webster, Daniel. Private Correspond. Webster, Daniel. Life and Speeches. Wellington, Duke of. Life. Maxwell. William III. of Eng. Life. Macaulay. Wilson, Daniel. Life. Bateman. Wilson, Jno. (Christopher North.) Wolsey, Thos. Memoir. Cavendish. Woodville, Elizabeth. Strickland. Wordsworth, W. Memoirs. Wordsworth Xenophon. Sketch. Ed. by Collins. 96 C. GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. British Peerage. Lodge. 108 ( ^ossified Index. Ti. APPENDIX. 98. Cyclopaedias & Collections. English. American and National Year-Book. Cabinet Encyclopaedia. Camp. Register. Chambers. Book of Days. Information for the People. Journal. Miscellany. Papers for the People. I'd] mlar Encyclopaedia. Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Cooley. Cyclopaedia of Pract. Receipts. Dana. American Annual Cyclopaedia. Davenport Gazetteer. Duyckink. Cyclopaedia 'of Amer. Lit. Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Etymological Encyclopaedia. Franklin Journal. Goodrich. Encyclopaedia. Haywood. Gazetteer of New York. Hone. Encyclopaedia. I'.\ ery Day Book, Table Book. Year Book. Illinois Journal. Knight. Cyclopaedia of London. Lardner. Cabinet and Cyclopedia. Maunder. Treasury of Knowledge. National Almanac and Annual Record. Peck. Conn, and R. 1. Gazetteer. Political Encyclopaedia. Pronouncing Gazetteer. Salmon. Modern Gazetteer. 99. Periodicals. Poole. Index to Periodical Literature. 99 a. BOUND MAGAZINES. Qua/rterliea — Foreign. Edinburgh Review. 1850-71. London Quarterly Review. 1848-71. North British Review. 1850-69. Westminster Review 7 . 1856-71. American. North American Review. 1856-69. Bi-Monthlies, Monthlies — Foreign . Blackwood's Edinburg Maga. 1856-70 Monthly Magazine and Review. 1796. London Society. 1870-71. Ami rican. Atlantic Monthly. 1859-71. Galaxy. 1867-71. Good Words for the Young. 1 -<6!i Harper's New Monthly. 1853-71. Lippincott. 1870-71. Old and New. 1810-71. Our Young Folks. 1865-70. Overland Monthly. 1870-71. Penny Magazine. 1836. Putnam's Magazine. 1868-70. Riverside. 1868-70. Scribner's Magazine. 1871. The International. 1825-27. The Museum. 1822-72. 99 b. PERIODICALS REGULARLY TAKEN. Q uarterlies — Fori ign. British Quarterly, Edinburgh lie view. London Quarterly. Westminster Review. Ann rican. North American Review. Classified Index. 109 Bound Newspapers, Dailies and Weeklies. Boston Spectator. 1825. New York Cour. and Enquirer 1826-37. National Advocate. 1825-26. New World. 1812. Niles Register. (Bait.) 1825-34. Peoria Daily Transcript. 1845-71. Democratic Press. 1851-56. Democratic Review. 1845-52. Democratic Union. 1858-61. National Democrat. 1866-67. Weekly Transcript. 1858-59. Poughkeepsie Eagle. 1831-37. Telegraph. 1831-38. Republican Tele. Obs. Pough. 1826-31. The Balance, Hudson. The Nation. 1846-47. Foreign. London News. 1846-47. Bi-Montldies, Monthlies.— Foreign . Blackwood's Edinburg Magazine. Contemporary Review. London Society. St. Paul's Magazine. American. Atlantic Monthly. Galaxy. Good Words for the Young. Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Lippincott. Old and New. Our Young Folks. Overland Monthly. Popular Science Monthly. Scribaier's Magazine. WeeTdies. — Foreign . Graphic. London Illustrated News. American. Appleton's Journal. Every Saturday. Harper's Weekly. Bazar. Littell's Living Age. Dailies. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Times. Tribune. New York Tribune. Peoria Transcript. i CATALOGUE OF THE Peoria Mercantile Library ALPHABETICAL AND CLASSIFIED. ^H fc*' 'mfc i « !$S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA I 017P391C C001 CATALOGUE OF THE PEORIA MERCANTILE LIBRA ■