NEW SERIES APRIL, 1913 Vol.I. No. 3 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN George Peabody College for Teachers Reopening of the College Alumm Lists Progress of Scholarship Campaign Knapp School of Country Life PUBLISHED BY GEORGE PEABODY COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS JANUARY, APRIL, JUNE, SEPTEMBER NASHVILLE. TENN. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postolfice at Nashville, Tennessee PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN George Peabody College for Teachers Reopening of the College Alumni Lists Progress of Scholarship Campaign Knapp School of Country Life APRIL. 1913 NASHVILLE, TENN. PUBLISHED BV GEORGE PEABODY COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS 1913 Reopening of the College George Peabody College for Teachers will resume active work with the Summer School, beginning about June 15, 1914. President PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. ALUMNI WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE KNOWN (QRADUATES AND NON-GRADUATES.) Below is given an alphabetical list of those Alumni only, both graduates and non-graduates, whose addresses are sup- posed to be known. Not the least of the tasks of the Alumni Secretary has been the effort to locate former Peabody students and to give them information regarding the plans of the "Greater Peabody." Without the aid of the Alumni our effort would have been fruit- less. We are looking to these for further help. It is our great desire, as soon as possible, to account for all who have ever registered in Peabody College. In the roster that follows the postomces given are the places where Alumni were supposed to be on May 1, 1913. Doubtless our list has some errors ; many of our Alumni make frequent changes, and unless we are notified, our files do not show the changes. It is proposed to publish, some time in the near future, class lists, showing present addresses and positions held by Alumni, giving some account of the work each member of the respective classes is doing. Alumni making changes for the summer, or those who have planned to make changes for next year, will please send us notices of such changes. Information that will enable us to correct any errors in the list that follows is most earnestly requested. Abbott, Thos. C, Eldorado, Ark. ; L.I., '03 ; A.B., '05. Abbott, Tbos. W., Stephens, Ark. ; L.I., '05. Abell, Belle F. (Mrs. T. M. Clark), Verona, Miss.; B.S., '98. Abernathy, Emily R. (Mrs. Frank Wilcox), McKinney, Tex.; L.I., '04. Abernathy, Louise, Pulaski, Tenn. ; L.I., '08. Abernathy, Mollie H. (Mrs. H. T. Campbell), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '84. Abernathy, Tommie M., Dallas, Tex. ; L.I., '02 ; A.B., '04. KNOWN ALUMNI. O Abies, Mary E., Cheney ville, La. ; L.I., '06. Abrahams, llattie (Mrs. E. S. Stiewel), Little Rock, Ark.; 1884. Adams, Birdie M., Holdenville, Okla. ; L.L, '02. Adams, Florence A. (Mrs. J. A. Noyes), Atlanta, Ga. ; L.L, '78; A.B., '79. Adams, Grace G. (Mrs. G. D. Wood), Gold Beach, Ore. ; L.L, '03; A.B.,'05. Adams, Homer B., Carrollton, Ga. ; L.L, '02 ; A.B., '03. Adams, Hugh B. ; 1904 (deceased). Adams, Ida L., Austin, Tex., 302 E. 10th St. ; L.L, '09. Adams, Margaret, Farmington, Tenn. ; 1910. Adams, Mary D., Santa Anna, Cal. ; 1894. Adams, Omer C, Holdenville, Okla. ; L.L, '01. Adams, Suella, Pulaski, Tenn. ; 1910. Adams, Thos. B., Jacksonville, Fla. ; L.L, '00 ; A.B., '02. Adams, Thos. G. ; L.L, 88; A.B., '89 (deceased). Addington, Root. M., Nickelsville, Va. ; L.L, '90. Adkins, Lincoln K., Waynesville, N. C. ; L.L, '04 ; A.B., '05. Aiken, Medora R. (Mrs. Guy A. Simmins), Conway, Ark.; L.L, '01. Albright, Jas. G., Salem, Ark. ; L.L, '99. Albright, Jennie I. (Mrs. Young), Cooper, Tex.; 1896. Alcocke, Mabel L. (Mrs. Wm. D. Norwood), Shreveport, La.; L.L, '96. Alderson, Chas. M., Charleston, W. Va. ; B.L., '91. Alderson, Kate L., Asbury, W. Va. ; 1901. Aldredge, Mary L. (Mrs. Davies), Atlanta, Ga. ; L.L, '89. Alexander, Adah, Nashville, Tenn., 24th Ave. and Blair Blvd. ; L.L, '02. Alexander, Alice Z., Henderson's Cross Roads, Tenn. ; L.L, '97. Alexander, Benajah G., Norfolk, Va., Y. M. C. A. ; 1898. Alexander, Eugenia L„ Eureka Springs, Ark. ; L.L, '94 ; A.B., '95. Alexander, Sallie, Osaka, Japan ; L.L, '90. Alford, Edw. H., Jr., Tallahassee, Fla. ; L.L, '01 ; A.B., '03. Alford, Frances A., Columbia, Tenn. ; L.L, '11. Alfriend, Kyle T., Macon, Ga. ; L.L, 95 ; A.B., '95. Allen, Annie F., Nashville, Tenn., 132 Green St. ; 1902. Allen, Annie L., Nashville, Tenn., 132 Green St. ; 1910. Allen, Chas. B., Brush Creek, Tenn. ; 1900. Allen, Clarice/ Williamsport, Tenn.; 1909. Allen, Dollie, Ellaville, Ga. ; L.L, '96. Allen, Douglas; L.L, '85 (deceased). Allen, Errett, Plaquemine, La. ; L.L, '02 ; A.B., '04. Allen, Ethel B., Brush Creek, Tenn. ; L.L, '06. Allen, Jno. B. ; L.L, 87 (deceased). Allen, Jno. T., Nashville, Tenn., 1503 Demonbreun St. ; 1909. Allen, Katherine, Waverly, Ala. : A.B., '11. Allen, Katherine E., Nashville, Term., 1212 Fatherland St. ; L.L, '05. Allen, Lorena P. (Mrs. Alexander), Dallas, Tex.; L.L, '93. Allen, Louise, Quanah, Tex. ; 1911. Allen, Louise R., Falfurrias,- Tex. ; L.L. '09. Allen, Mabel B. (Mrs. Jas. Muckelroy) ; L.L, '97 (deceased). Allen, Mamie L. (Mrs. Walter Copeland), Nashville, Tenn.; 1909. Allen, Martha E. (Mrs. C. P. Barry), Alexandria, Tenn.; L.L, '91. Allen, Mary L., Xenia, Ohio ; 1911. Allen, Mary M., Knoxville, Tenn., U. of Tenn. ; 1900. Allen, Maude (Mrs. C. E. Allen), Decatur, Ga. ; L.L, '00; A.B., '01. Allen, Nellie G., Wolf Creek, Tenn. ; 1909. Allen, Rebecca L., Williamsport, Tenn. ; 1905. Allen, Robt E. L., Morgantown, W. Va. ; 1889. Allen, Robt. O., Nashville, Tenn., Steger Bldg. ; 1893. Allen, Sam T., Jr., Coney Spring, Tenn. ; 1910. Allen, Susie M. ; 1897 (deceased). Alley, Ellen, Nashville, Tenn.. 1405 Hawkins St. ; 1904. Allgood, Robt. V., Birmingham, Ala., 632 W. Forrest St. ; A.M., '93. b PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Allison, Annie C, Nashville, Tenn., R. R. D. No. 9; L.I., '90; A.B., '91. Allison, Letetia E. ; L.I., 89 (deceased). Allison, Nannie J. (Mrs. Smith), Grand Cane, La. ; L.I., '98. Allison, Ora, Elkton, Fla. ; 1903. Allrnan, Jno. I., Taccoa, Ga. ; L.I., '98. Altman, J. T., Milan, Tenn. ; 1904. Ainacker, Leslie M., Kentwood, La. ; L.I., '03. Ambrose, Carrie (Mrs. E. L. Parsons), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '96; A.B., '97; A.M., '98. Ambrose, Matilda (Mrs. J. O. Treanor) ; L.I., '96; B. L., '97 (deceased). Amerson, Simeon S., Sullivan, Ky. ; L.I., '95. Amick, Thos. C, Elon College, N. C. ; L.I., '91. Anderson, Angie F., Jouesboro, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Anderson, Arthur B., Nashville, Tenn. ; Ivanhoe Court ; L.I., '90 ; B.S., '92. Anderson, Charles, Wills Point, Tex. ; L.I., '03. Anderson, Daisy; L.I., 91 (deceased). Anderson, Dora, Nashville, Tenn., 223 Berry St. ; 1907. Anderson, Florence L., Orlinda, Tenn. ; 1906. Anderson, Gertrude (Mrs. Luther Alexander), Athens, Ga. ; L.I., '86. Anderson, Henry O., Duck River, Tenn. ; 1903. Anderson, Josephine, Seven Mile Ford, Va. ; L.I., '02. Anderson, Laura, Flora, Miss. ; 1910. Anderson, Lou E., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1893. Anderson, Lucy, College Park, Ga. ; L.I., '91. Anderson, Margaret L. (Mrs. N. C. Harris), Jonesboro, Tenn.; L.I., '97. Anderson, Mary L., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1893. Anderson, Mary Lou, Williamsport, Tenn. ; L.I., '08. Anderson, May (Mrs. Fritz J. Smith), Troy, Tenn.; L.I., '97. Anderson, Minnie L., Montgomery, Ala., 15 Holcombe St. ; L.I., '87. Andrews, Alleen (Mrs. A. Z. Cumbee), West Point, Ga. ; 1903. Andrews, Bessie, Nashville, Tenn., 1312 Woodland St. ; L.I., '10. Andrews, David M„ Wartrace, Tenn. ; 1889. Andrews, Forrest W., Knoxville, Tenn. ; L.I., '03 ; A.B., '04. Andrews, Garnett S., Nashville, Tenn., Stahlman Bldg. ; L.I., '02 ; A.B.,'03. Andrews, Henry M., Lafayette, Ala. ; L.I., '94 ; A.B., '96. Andrews, Henry W., Watertown, Tenn. ; L.I., '08. Andrews, Herbert T., Watertown, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Andrews, Kate D., Nashville, Tenn., 1107 Joseph Ave. ; 1911. Andrews, Lula O., New York City, 519 W. 121st St. ; L.I., '92. Andrews, Mary, Lafayette, Ala. ; 1909. Andrews, Mattie L., College Park, Ga. ; L.I., '89 ; A.B., '90. Andrews, Wm. L., Roanoke, Va. ; L.I., '85. Anglin, Jasper N., Cataro, La. ; L.I., '90. Aquinas, Sister Thomas, Nashville, Tenn., St. Cecilia Acad. ; 1910. Arledge, Eliza, Nashville, Tenn., 4910 Ga. Ave. ; L.I., '08. Arledge, Mattie, Winchester, Tenn. ; 1903. Armistead, West H., Madison, Tenn. ; 1902. Armistead, Wm. C, Lexington, Ky., 361 Linden Walk ; 1907. Armstrong, Charlotte, Nashville, Tenn., 1514 Beechwood Ave. ; 1910. Armstrong, Martha W., New York City, 414 W. 118th St. ; L.I., '00. Armstrong, Mary, Nashville, Tenn., 343 21st Ave., N. ; 1903. Armstrong, Virginia (Mrs. Dawsey), Gulf port, Miss.; 1891. Arnall, Lucile T., Hopeville, Ga. ; L.I., '84. Arnall, Robt. E. ; L.I., 82: A.B., 83 (deceased). Arnette, Sam P., Westlake, La. ; 1901. Arnette, Walter P., Welsh, La. ; L.I., '02. Arnold, Bessie, Newnan, Ga. ; L.I., '97. Arnold, Maude, Newnan, Ga. ; L.I., '97. Arrington, Miles M., Nashville, Tenn., 719 17th Ave., S. ; 1893. Arthur, Mollie A.. Murfreesboro. Tenn.; L.I., '83; B.L., '90; A.M., 95. KNOWN ALUMNI. ( Arthur. Sallie L. (Mrs. Green) ; L.I., '83 (deceased). Ash, Ida, Cleveland, Ga.; L.I., '01. Asbcraft, Elizabeth J. (Mrs. L. F. Duckett), Florence, Ala.; L.I., '85. Ashley, Freelin U.; L.I., '03 (deceased). Ashley, Jas. H., Manchester, Tenn. ; L.I., '97. Ashley, Nannie E., Bell Buckle, Tenn. ; L.I., '09. Ashley, Thos. E., Fayetteville, Tenn. ; L.I., '98. AsweJl, Jas. B., Natchitoches, La. ; L.I., '92 ; A.B., '93. Atkinson, Bessie, Clarksville, Tenn. ; 1907. Atkinson, Blanche, Hope, Ark. ; 1906. Atkinson, Effie B. (Mrs. C. S. Kirkpatrick), Brevard, N. C. ; L.I., '02. Atkinson, Lillian L., Nashville, Tenn., 38 Filmore St. ; 1897. Aucoin, Meda T., New Iberia, La. ; L.I., '11. Aurianne, Augustine, New Orleans, La., 2904 St. Charles Ave. ; L.I., '96. Austill, Margaret, Mobile, Ala. ; 1899. Austin, Elina A. (Mrs. Seay), Birmingham, Ala., 2908 Cypress Ave ; 1897. Austin, Josephine W. (Mrs. Wemyss), Gallatin, Tenn. ; L.I., '97; A.B., '98. Austin, Marie L., Beaver Dam, Ky. ; 1906. Austin, Sister M., Nashville, Tenn., St. Cecilia Acad. ; 1903. Avary, Sarah E. (Mrs. Tracy H. Lamar), Augusta, Ga. ; 1909. Avery, Wm. M., Langston, La. ; 1901. Avondino, Josephine, Jacksonville, 111. ; L.I., '03. Ayers, Sadie, Lacassas, Tenn. ; 1910. Babb, Maud, Joelton, Tenn. ; 1907. Baber, Emma F. (Mrs. Jno. Rapelji), Hopewell Junction, N. Y. ; L.I.. '93; A.B., '94. Bachman, Ethel C, St. Petersburg, Fla., 21 2d Ave., N. ; L.I., '95. Bachman, H. G., Nashville, Tenn., 122 7th Ave., N. ; 1899. Bacon, Ida M., Hamilton, Ala. ; 1909. Bacon, Mary B. (Mrs. Cox), Atlanta, Ga., 43 Peachtree PI.; L.I., '85. Bagley, Kate (Mrs. Geo. T. Lumpkin), Winston-Salem, N. C. ; L.I., '99. Bagley, Minnie E. (Mrs. C. W T . Bradshaw), Greensboro, N. C. ; L.I., '01. Bailey, Beulah A., (Mrs. Thomas) ; L.I., '94 (deceased). Bailey, Conrad O., Nashville, Tenn., 907 1st Ave., S. ; L.I., '09. Bailey, Elizabeth L., Cleburne, Tex., 501 N. Anglin St. ; L.I., '07. Bailey, Ella H., Nashville, Tenn., 917 Boscobel St. ; L.I., '97. Bailey, Evelyn J. (Mrs. M. M. Kline) ; 1897 (deceased). Bailey, Janie M., Savannah, Ga., cor. Duffy and Bernard ; L.I.. '94. Bailey, Lillian B., Ridge Top, Tenn. ; A.B., 08. Bailey, Lucy C, Clarksville, Tenn. ; L.I., '00. Bailey, Wm. S., Nashville, Tenn., 3 Weakley Flats ; 1892. Bain, Pauline, Lake Charles, La. ; L.I., '06. Baird, Jane C, Birmingham, Ala. ; Birmingham Seminary ; 1887. Baird, Wm. O., Henderson, Tenn. ; 1904. Baker, Anna L., Suisun, Cal. ; L.I., '09. Baker, Corinth, Sparta, Ga. ; L.I., '03. Baker, Elizabeth, Dallas, Tex., 109 S. Denver St.; L.I., '01; A.B., '03. Baker, Eunice G., Antioch, Tenn. ; 1903. Baker, I. S. ; 1895 (deceased). Baker, Mary E. (Mrs. C. B. Benedict), Jacksonville, Fla.; L.I., '81. Baker, Neppie (Mrs. J. W. Roberts), Buena Vista, Ga. ; L.I., '81. Baker, Ola (Mrs. C. K. Austin), Antioch, Tenn. ; 1905. Baker, Susan M. (Mrs. A. P. Gordon), Granbury, Tex.; L.I., '90. Bales, Tip, Morristown, Tenn. ; 1907. Ballard, Martha M.. Nashville, Tenn., 717 5th Ave., S. ; 1909. Ballard, Ruby, Colliersville, Tenn. ; 1906. Bandy, Florence A. (Mrs. A. B. Adams), Four Oaks, N. C. ; L.L, '85. Bandy, Laura E., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1911. Banks, Jno. T., Nashville, Tenn.. 1906 West End Ave. ; L.L, '97. Banner, Lena (Mrs. Fred Newton), Ennis, Tex.; L.L, '02. 8 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Barbour, Faiiny C. (Mrs. B. Collins Beckham), Culpepper, Va. ; L.I., '93. Bare, Jasper M., Birchwood, Tenn. ; 1911. Barker, Ethel E. (Mrs. D. L. Rayruer), Statesville, N. C. ; 1900. Barlow, Martin J., Argenta, Ark.; L.I., '94; A.B., '97. Barnes, H. S., Cookeville, Tenn. ; 1900. Barnes, Joel M., Knoxville, Tenn., 1206 Highland Ave. ; L.I., '10. Barnes, Nellie S. (Mrs. J. H. Hammon) ; L.I., '86; (traveling in the Orient). Barnett, Albert, Brush Creek, Tenn. ; L.I., '07. Barnett, Eura, Gallatin, Tenn. ; 1910. Barnett, Fattie (Mrs. M. C. Reynolds), Evergreen, Ala.; L.I., '02. Barnette, Mayme A., Tracy City, Tenn. ; 1900. Earnhardt, Marshall L., Norwood, N. C. ; L.I., '91. Barr, Bessie, Nashville, Tenn., 812 Clark Place ; 1911. Barr, Win. A., Valley View, Tex. ; L.I., '01. Barrett, Birdie R. (Mrs. E. M. Card), Edinburg, Tex.; L.I., '01; B.L., '03. Barrett, Eva M. ; L.I., '93 (deceased). Barrett, Fermor, Toccoa, Ga. ; L.I., '89. Barrow, Clara E., Pelhain, Ga. ; 1900. Barrow, Ida M., New Orleans, La., 808 Broadway ; L.I., '89. Barrs, Annie (Mrs. Jno. Tomerlin), Oklahoma City, Okla. ; L.I., '06. Barry, Yide (Mrs. Bernard B. Howard), New Orleans, La.; L.I., '91. Bartlett, Mary C, Marlin, Tex. ; L.I., '05. Bascom, Aileen L., Little Rock, Ark., 917 W. 6th St. ; 1902. Bascom, Ruth H., Little Rock, Ark., 917 W. 6th St. ; L.I., '02. Basford, Jessie, Woodford, Tenn. ; 1906. Bashaw, Cherry, Mt. Juliet, Tenn. ; 1910. Bashor, Amos M., Lawrenceburg, Tenn. ; 1900. Baskerville, Mary T. (Mrs. Green), Del Rio, Tex. ; L.I., '99; A.B., '00. Baskin, Eldridge, Baltimore, Md., 314 N. Charles St. ; L.I., '98. Bass, Jefferson D., Pittsburg, Tex. ; L.I., '83. Bassel, Maud M. (Mrs. Findley), Clarksburg, W. Va. ; 125 Denham St.; 1901. Bassell, Guy, Clarksburg, W. Va., 741 Mulberry St. ; L.I., 88 ; A.B., '90. Bate, Henry C, Jr., Nashville, Tenn., 902 Russell St. ; 1909. Bates, Clarence P., Nashville, Tenn., 1617 Russell St. ; 1894. Bates, Jas. E., Quebeck, Tenn. ; L.I., '10. Batey, Pearl (Mrs. W. P. Maury), Augusta, Ark.; L.I., '97. Batson, Wyatt C, Wiggins, Miss. ; 1905. Battle, Ben H., Boston, Ga. ; 1900. Baxter, Ernest B., Elkmont, Ala. ; L.I., '06. Baxter, Wm. E. ; L.I., 95 (deceased). Bayless, Ida M., Archer, Tenn. ; 1900. Beach, Alice (Mrs. Garner Fuqua), Adairville, Ky. ; 1911. Beachwood, Elora, Bell Buckle, Tenn. ; 1907. Beadle, Mollie (Mrs. Thornton), Nashville, Tenn.; Franklin Pk. ; 1893. Beakley, Jasper N., Walnut Ridge, Ark. ; L.L, '88. Beal, Anna C. ; L.L, '00 (deceased). Beale, Katie (Mrs. Taft), Nashville, Tenn., 2320 Powhattan Ave.; 1884. Bean, Enla L.. Shreveport, La., 632 Hope St. ; L.L, '95. Beard, Elvin T., Milan, Tenn. ; A.B., 02. Beasley, Adelaide S. (Mrs. P. H. Jones), Nashville, Tenn., 2218 White Ave.; 1888. Beasley, Bessie (Mrs. H. T. Nelson), Richmond, Va., Gresham Court; 1897. Beaty, Clara J. (Mrs. J. G. Thomson). Abbeville, S. C. ; L.L, '04. Becker, Genn, Commerce. Tex. ; L.L, '11. Bedford, Rerta L., Nashville, Tenn., 904 3d Ave., S. ; 1907. Bedford, James, Nashville, Tenn., 904 3d Ave., S. ; 1878. Beeler, Jas. T., Nashville. Tenn., Natl. Life & Acd. Ins. Co. ; 1900. KNOWN ALUMNI. Bcenc, Edna G., South Pittsburg, Tenn. ; L.I., '01. Beesley, Ada C, Murfreesboro. Tenn. ; 1911. Beesley, J no R., Nashville, Tenn., 2109 Elliott Ave. ; 1903. Beesley, Mary L., Salt Lake City, Utah ; L.L, '09. Beesley. Nannie L., Nashville, Tenn., 1411 Tremont Ave. ; 1891. Beesley, Susie W. (Mrs. Wright), Chattanooga, Tenn.; 1903. Beezley, Ethel L., Nashville, Tenn., 2218 White Ave. ; 1903. Beezley, Susie, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1895. Beezley, Susie W., Nashville, Tenn., 811 Boscobel St. ; 1896. Behrns, Mattie, Cherokee, Tex. ; L.L, '98. Bell, Andrew, Lake Charles, La., 1035 S. Hodges St. Bell, Bettie (Mrs. A. S. McClanahan), Arlington, Tex.; L.L, '85. Bell, Claude. Athens, Tenn. ; 1903. Bell, Eloise, Nashville, Tenn., 1710 Parrish Ave. ; 1907. Bell, Fannie D. (Mrs. T. W. Allen), Lake Providence, La.; L.L, 93. Bell, Geo. G. ; 1901 (deceased). Bell, Gypsy (Mrs. Crit Petty), Many, La.; L.L, '03. Bell, Martha T., Arlington, Tex. ; L.L, '89. Bell, Minnie (Mrs. Jno. E. Hainil), Washington, D. C. ; L.L, '92. Bell, Myrtle; 1902 (deceased). Bell, Neva M. (Mrs. R. D. B. Taylor), Manchester, Ga. ; 1904. Bell, Orelia K., Cleveland, Ga. ; 1901. Bell, Unis A., Flatwoods, Tenn. ; L.L, '00. Bell, Wm. F., Savannah, Tenn. ; 1898. Bellamy, W. S., Dallas, Tex. ; L.L, '03 ; A.B., '06. Bemus, Vada K., Brookshire, Tex. ; 1910. Benners, Eleanor H., Dallas. Tex., 114 Lancaster Ave. ; L.L, '09. Bennett, Annie N., Columbus, Ga., 1126 5th Ave. ; L.L, '91. Bennett, Chas. J. C, Eugene, Oreg. ; L.L, 88; A.B., '89; A.M., '92. Bennett, Henry E., Williamsburg, Va. ; L.L, '96. Bennett, Louie W. ; 1893 (deceased). Bennett Mai, Algood, Tenn.; 1910. Bennett, Mary H., Smyrna, Tenn. ; L.L, '06. Bennett, Mildred E. (Mrs. W. C. Golden), Nashville, Tenn., L.L, '93. Bennett, Sallie B., Lavacca, La. ; 1907. Bennett, Thornton R. ; L.L, '97 (deceased). Bennett, Willis K., Smyrna, Tenn. ; 1909. Benson, Emma, Hermitage, Tenn. ; 1903. Benson, Eugenia M. (Mrs. McBrayer), Anderson, S. C. ; L.L, '90. Benson, Hattie, Nashville, Tenn., R. R. No. 2 ; 1903. Benson, Jessie E., Hermitage, Tenn. ; 1907. Benson, Lillian, Alexandria, La., 611 Scott St. ; 1903. Bentley, Reba, Morrilton. Ark. ; 1907. Benton, Claude B. ; L.L, '02 (deceased). Bernus, Vada K., Brookshire, Tex. ; 1907. Berry, Allen D., Nashville, Tenn., 123 9th Ave.. S. ; 1909. Berry, Ann E., Philadelphia, Tenn. ; 1901. Berry, Mary A. (Mrs. Tooke), Gilliam, La.; 1909. Bersie, Myrtle L., Green Bay, W 7 is., 127 S. Washington St. ; 1911. Best, Sara F., Rome, Ga., 602 2d Ave. ; L.L, '04. Bethea, Preston L., Clio, S. C. ; L.L, '90 ; A.B., '91. Bethel, Wyna B. ; 1894 (deceased). Betts, Celie, Ronceverte, W. Va. ; L.L, '89. Beverley, L. D., Wayne, Ala. ; 1903. Bibb, Florence, Turnersville, Ky. ; 1896. Bibb, Marguerite. Stanford, Ky. ; 1907. Bibb, Sallie B., Beebe, Ark. ; 1891. Biggs, Lola Z., Cyrene, Ga. ; L.L, '11. Bilbo. Mrs. Lillian S., Poplar ville, Miss. ; 1900. Bilbo. Mrs. Linda R., Poplarville, Miss. ; L.L, '07. 10 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Bilbo, Theo. G., Poplarville, Miss. ; 1900. Biles, Lou (Mrs. Hill), Huntington, W. Va., 1105 0th Ave.; L.I., '01. Billingsly, Clenima, Amarillo, Tex. ; L.I., '00. Bills, Faimie S. (Mrs. Jno. It. Gannaway), Warren, Ark.; L.I., '94. Bills, Julia J., Bolivar, Teuu., 1899. Bingham, Jas. P., Atkins, Ark. ; 1890. Bingham, Walter N., Lacoinpte, La.; L.I., '03; B.S., '04. Binkley, Carolyn E. (Mrs. Wade II. Cooper), Nashville. Tenn., 342 21st Ave. ; 1895. Binkley, Fannie, Hermitage, Tenn. ; 1903. Binkley, Mabel F., Nashville, Tenn., R. F. D., No. — ; 1909. Binkley, Margaret L., Mt. Juliet, Tenn. ; 1900. Binkley, Martha, Thorsby, Ala. ; L.I., '00. Binkley, Meda ; L.I., '97 (deceased). Binns, Mattie R. (Mrs. Kinnard), Nashville, Tenn., Scott Ave.; L.I., '88. Bird, Hugh S., Fredericksburg, Va. ; L.I., '88 ; Hon. A.B., '91. Birdsong, Julian L., Hartford, Conn., 110 High St. ; B.S., '99. Birdwell, Cora, Spivey, Tenn. ; 1908. Birdwell, Stella, Spivey, Tenn. ; 1908. Birkett, Grace E. (Mrs. Jno. A. Snell), Soochow, China; L.I., '03. Birnbaum, Henrietta (Mrs. Jno. Hamill), Hot Springs, Ark.; L.I., '04. Birthright, Misniah (Mrs. Henry Stevens), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '89. Bishop, D. A., Dickson, Tenn. ; 1909. Bishop, Johnnie N., Akron, Ala. ; L.I., '83 ; B.S., '92. Bishop, Mary T. (Mrs. D. Y. Dale), Goodlettsville, Tenn. ; L.I., '10. Bishop, May F., Bruceville, Tex. ; 1905. Bishop, Vinnie R., Powell Sta., Tenn. ; 1893. Bitdell, Hallie (Mrs. Moore), Mexico, D. F., Mexico; L.I., '96; B.S., '96. Bivins, Katherine S., Knoxville, Tenn., U. of Tenn. ; 1911. Bizzell, W. B., Denton, Tex. ; 1903. Black, Addie B., Rupert, W. Va. ; L.I., '93. Black, Clara, McMinnville, Tenn. ; 1905. Black, Emma J., Nashville, Tenn., County Asylum; 1910. Black, Henry A., Nashville, Tenn., 2214 Patterson St. ; L.I., '03. Black, Jennings L., Vicksburg, Miss. ; 1896. Black, Martha M., Nashville, Tenn. ; 58 Lindsley Ave. ; 1903. Black, Randolph, Coalburg, W. Va. ; 1901. Blackburn, Carl B., Fayette, Ala. ; 1900. Blackman, Albert M., Greenville, Tex. ; L.I., '98. Blackman, Ethel (Mrs. Riley), Greenville, Tex.; 1910. Blackman, Susie J., Valley Station, Ky., Waverly Sanitorium ; L.I., '11. Blackshear, Emily L. (Mrs. Noble), Greenville, Tex.; L.I., '95; B.S., '95. Blackshear, Madelyn (Mrs. C. W. Phillips), Monroe, La.; 1907. Blackwood, Lillian, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. ; L.I., '09. Blair, Ida A. (Mrs. Pickett), Nashville, Tenn., 1028 18th Ave.; L.I., '02. Blair, Julian M„ Nashville, Tenn., 2117 Hayes St. ; 1911. Blair, Marguerite (Mrs. McClellan), Huntington, W. Va. ; 1902. Blair, Robt. V., Nashville, Tenn., R. R. No. 1 ; L.I., '11. Blake, Florence E., Pittsburg, Pa., Western Pa. Sch. for Blind ; L.I., '99. Blake, Willa M. (Mrs. Eslick), Pulaski, Tenn.; 1896. Blankenbecker, David J., Atkins, Va. ; L.I., '99. Blankenbecker, Lon E., Houston, Tex., Binz Bldg. ; L.I., '02. Blankenship, Jos. W., Hollister, Mo. ; L.I., '87. Blanton, Annie L. (Mrs. Barrett) ; L.I., '89; A.B., '90 (deceased). Blanton, Elizabeth H. (Mrs. E. R. Jones), Holly Springs, Miss.; L.I.. '88. Blanton, Robt. S., Knights, Fla. ; 1911. Blanton, Smiley, New York City, Cornell Med. Sch. ; 1910. Blevins, Jas. D., Beaumont, Tex. ; L.I., '04 ; B.S., '05. Blevins, Wm. A., Nixon, Tenn. ; 1904. Bloomstein, Julia (Mrs. Geo. W. Lewis), New York City, 23 W. 83d St. ; 1893. KNOWN ALUMNI. 11 Bloomstein, Lizzie L., Nashville, Tenn., 521 5tli Ave., S. ; L.I., '77 ; A.M., '95. Blount, Alexander C, Jr.. Pensacola, Fla. ; L.I., '81. Blount, Mina L., Rome, Ga. ; L.I., '02. Blow, Maud L. (Mrs. Fullford), Greenville, N. C. ; L.I., '98. Blum, Frances R., Nashville, Tenn., 1512 Hayes St. ; 1911. Blum, Tessie (Mrs. Lowenhiem), Nashville, Tenn., Harding Rd. ; 1895. Blythe, Carrie (Mrs. A. Y. Clay), Henderson, Ky. ; 1906. Bobbitt, Emma M., Dresden, Tenn. ; L.I., '08. Bobbitt, Ina A., Gleason, Tenn. ; 1901. Boddie, Viola, Greensboro, N. C. ; L.I., '91. Bodiford, Mary J. (Mrs. Shepherd), Gainesville, Fla.; 1900. Bogan, Lelia G., Crowley, La. ; L.I., '10. Bogard, Cynthia O., Clarksville, Tenn. ; 1909. Bohan, Thos. F., Nashville, Tenn., 907 Main St. ; 1906. Bohannon, Jessie L., Newman, Ga., R. F. D. ; L.I., '03. Bolin, Catherine I., Haynesville, La. ; 1909. Bolin, Lela M., Haynesville, La. ; L.I., '08. Bolin, Leonidas S., Bossier City, La. ; 1904. Bolles, Wilhelmine (Mrs. Junius Ruth), New Edinburg, Ark.; L.I., '99. Bolton, Maude, Adel, Ga. ; L.I., '07. Bond, A. R., Marietta, Ga. ; L.I., '94 ; A.B., and A.M., '95. Bond, Geo. G., Athens, Ga. ; L.I., '85. Bond, Jas. W., Lufkin, Tex. ; L.I., '91 ; A.B., '92 ; A.M., '95. Bond, Katie S. (Mrs. Chas. M. Jenkins), Stillwater, Okla. ; L.I., '97. Bond, Lalla (Mrs. McPherson), Bordeaux, Tenn.; 1909. Bond, Mamie, Nashville, Tenn., 909 S. 12th St. ; 1897. Bond, Mary E. (Mrs, Henry C. Stanfield), Union City, Tenn.; L.I., '96. Bond, Robt. F., Little Roek, Ark. ; L.I., '92. Bond, Thos. L., Yellville, Ark. ; 1893. Bond, Willard F., Hattiesburg, Miss.; L.I. '00; A.B., '02. Bondies, Laura C, Galveston, Tex. ; L.I., '99. Bondurant, Nellie L., Hickman, Ky. ; 1911. Bondurant, Victoria, Hickman, Ky. ; 1911. Bone, Grace A. (Mrs. Chester E. Crews), Little Rock, Ark.; L.I., '99. Bone, Lillian M. (Mrs. Paul) ; L.I., '89 (deceased). Bonner, Elizabeth R„ Nashville, Tenn. ; L.I., '02. Boone, Wm. R., Erin, Tenn. ; 1897. Bonnell, Maud, Kobe, Japan, 35 Nakoyomate dori 4 Chome ; 1899. Bonner, Annie H., Nashville, Tenn., 2320 West End Ave. ; 1910. Bonner, Eleanor, Memphis, Tenn., W. Tenn. Nor. ; 1905. Booth, Adonnas E., Nashville, Tenn., 1503 Woodland St. ; L.I., '89. Booth, Alice, Prattville, Ala. ; 1911. Booth, Carney N., Nashville, Tenn., 813 Archer St. ; 1907. Booth, Lillie M., Nashville, Tenn., 40 Carroll St. ; 1895. Booth, Mary D. (Mrs. G. G. Oman), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '97. Booth, Mayme L., Nashville, Tenn., 4309 Delaware Ave. ; 1903. Bordelon, Albert L., Cottonport, La. ; 1897. Borden, Lee D., Denton, Tex. ; L.I., '90 ; A.B., '91. Borden, Margaret R. (Mrs. Geo. P. Ide), Jacksonville, Ala.; L.I., '91. Borroum, Mary A. (Mrs. Godolphin), Grand Rapids, Mich.; L.I., '97. Boss, Harry E., Cairo, Mich. ; 1909. Bostick, Adelaide P., Louisville, Ky. ; A.B., '11. Bostick, Kate, Columbia, Tenn. ; 1910. Boswell, Bebe, Wildersville, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Boswell, Thornton H., Memphis, Tenn., 492 Pontotoc Ave. ; L.I., '82. Boswell, Wilbur F., Decatur, Ala. ; 1900. Boucher, Lillian (Mrs. T. S. Minter), Canyon, Tex.; L.I., '93; A.B., '94. Bouknight, Paul A., Greenville, Tex. ; 1885. Bourne, Jessie C. (Mrs. Whitlow), Guthrie, Ky. ; L.I., '09. 12 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Bourne, Win. R., Brownsville, Tenn. ; L.I., '04 ; A.B., '05. Bowen, Alma L. (Mrs. C. A. McClendon), Donelson, Tenn.; 1904. Bowen, David, Brinkley, Ark. ; L.I., '01. Bowen, Marcia P., Nashville, Tenn., West Station ; 1909. Bower, Halcia E., Sutherland, Fla. ; L.I., '99. Bowers, Effie (Mrs. Kelsey), Blythe, Cal. ; L.I., '92. Bowers, Pattie L. (Mrs. Gay), Seaboard, N. C. ; L.I., '03. Bowie, Anna M., Blue Mountain, Miss. ; L.I. ,'11. Bowling, Mary M. (Mrs. J. O McKee), Nashville, Tenn., 405 7th Ave.; L.I., '04. Bowman, Geo. Y., Kirkland, Tex. ; L.I., '03. Bowman, Jno. W., Front Royal, Va. ; L.I., '89. Bowman, Katherine G., Nashville, Tenn., 705 Setliff PI. ; L.I., '98. Bowman, Minniebell (Mrs. Speer), Itasca, Tex.; L.I., '93; B. L., '95. Bowman, Rosa (Mrs. R. M. Bennet), Memphis, Tenn., 219 LeMasters PI. • 1899. Bowman,' 'stuart H., Huntington, W. Va. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '96. Boyce, Ethel D., Gainesville, Tex. ; L.I., '05. Boyce, Grace, Little Rock, Ark., 511 W. 16th St. ; L.I., '01. Boyce, Sallie, Charlotte, N. C. ; L.I., '96. Boyd, Bessie L., Nashville, Tenn. ; L.I., '96. Boyd, Carrie, Clarksville, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Boyd, Cornelia O. (Mrs. Mitchell), Frederick, Okla. ; L.I., '07. Boyd, Edward B., Springfield, Tenn. ; L.I., '97. Boyd, Lipscomb, Donelson, Tenn. ; 1906. Boyd, Margaret V., Yoakum, Tex. ; 1900. Boyd, Mary A., Cookeville, Tenn. ; 1905. Boyd, Mary A. (Mrs. Allen), Nashville, Tenn., 4016 Utah Ave.; 1907. Boyd, Mary E., Covington, Temi. ; 1896. Boyd, Mary K., Sherman, Tex. ; L.I., '01. Boyd, Myrtle, Dayton, Tenn. ; 1910. Boyd, Vallie, Rockwood, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Boyd, W. B., Celina, Tenn. ; 1903. Boyers, Anna P., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; L.I., '11. Boyles, Cassie, Fayettevile, Tenn. ; 1889. Boyles, Margaret, Fayetteville, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Bracken, Carrie A.; L.I., '85 (deceased). Bradbury, Bertha (Mrs. N. A. Yancey), Ripley, Tenn.; L.I., '00. Braden, Ida I., Highland Park. Tenn. ; 1907. Braden, Lacy E. (Mrs. J. O. Mahoney), Dallas, Tex., 1900 Crockett St.; L.I., '92. Braden, Rebekah S. (Mrs. J. M. Wilcox, Jr.), McKinney, Tex.; L.I., '03. Bradford, Jennie L., Nashville, Tenn., 1605 10th ave., N. ; 1907. Bradford. Virginia, Bellevue, Tenn. ; 1903. Bradley, Clara W. ; L.I., '87 (deceased). Bradley, Earl D., Pleasant View, Tenn. ; 1904. Bradley, Edwin, Emet, Okla. ; 1898. Bradley, Ethel, Dyer, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Bradshaw, Hattie D. (Mrs. Phillips Verner), Gainesville, Ala.; L.I.. '92; B.L., '93. Bradshaw, Janie F. (Mrs. Hadden Smith). Livingston, Ala.; L.I., '98. Brady, Katherine, Chicago, 111.; L.I., '95: B. P.. '99. Brady, Jno., Nashville, Tenn., 174 2d Ave., N. ; 1903. Bragg, Carrie, Dibrell, Tenn. ; 1910. Bragg, Jas. N., Columbiana, Ala. ; 1904. Braidon, Blanche R., Parkersburg, W. Va. ; 1892. Braly. Clifford, Lewisburg, Tenn. ; 1903. Brandon, Florence, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1909. Brandon, Mary M., Nashville. Tenn., 816 Russell St. ; L.I., '84. Branham, Harris M.. Brunswick, Ga. ; L.I., '83. KNOWN ALUMNI. 13 Bransford, Annie B. (Mrs. S. M. Cheek), Phoenix, Ariz.; L.I., '97. Branson, Eugene C, Athens, <;a.; '88 and Honorary M.A. Branson, Lala B„ Marl in. Tex. ; 1007. Brantley, Jordan T., Ft Worth, Tex. ; 1893. Brnsfield, Roxie A. (Mrs. J. P. Bone), Greenfield, Tenn. ; 1909. Brasher, Alberta, Victoria, Tex.; L.I., '08. Brasher, Florence E. (Mrs. Joe Beauregard) ; L.I., '99 (deceased). Brasher, Mabel, Lewiston, Idaho ; L.I., '99. Bratton, Matt C, Liberty, Tenn. ; 1896. Bratton, Wm. E., Littlelot, Tenn. ; 1902. Bratton, Walter M., Chattanooga, Tenn. ; L.I., '98. Braugher, Ewing E., Linden, Tex. ; 1882. Bray, Minnie B., Jordonia, Tenn. ; 1910. Breazeale, Jim F., Washington, D. C, Bureau of Chem. ; 1893. Breeden, Augusta W., Chowdrant, La. ; 1907. Breedlove, Jno. H. Vidalia, Ga. ; L.I., '97. Breen, Agnes (Mrs. E. E. Cleary), Nashville, Tenn., Lindsley Ave.; 1901. Breen, Anna E., Nashville, Tenn., Lindsley Ave. ; 1902. Breen, Kate C, Nashville, Tenn., 112 Filmore St. ; 1893. Breen, Paul, Nashville, Tenn., 14 Berrien St. ; 1909. Brengelrnan, Augusta (Mrs. Fred Kirkland), Nashville, Tenn., Russell St. ; 1899. Brewer, Alba L., Quitman, Ga. ; L.I., '02 ; A.B., '02. Brewton, Mary M., New York City Teachers' College; 1907. Brewton, Robt B., Atlanta, Ga., 169 Crew St. ; L.I., '02, B.S., '04. Brewton, Theodore, Glenwood, Ga. ; L.I., '09. Brice, Bertha E. (Mrs. F. D. Polk), Troy, Tenn.; L.I., '99. Bridgewater, Jno. C, Shulenburg, Tex.; 1883. Bridgewater, Mattie, Mt. Juliet, Tenn. ; L.I., '00. Briggs, Elizabeth (Mrs. R. W. Winstead), Natchitoches, La.; L.I., '02. Briggs, Jas. E., Port Lavacca, Tex. ; L.I., '92. Bright, Inez B., Gadsden, Tenn. ; L.I., '07. Bright, Linnie P. (Mrs. W. L. Moose), Morrilton, Ark.; L.I., '79. Bright, Mattie D., Liberty, Tenn. ; 1906. Brightwell, Mamie A., Ft. Worth, Tex. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '01. Brightwell, Maria C. (Mrs. Butler), Broad Creek Road, Va.* L.I., '89. Brinkley, Nancy R. ; L.I., '83 (deceased). Brister, Jno. W., Nashville, Tenn. ; L.I., '87 ; A.B., '92 ; A.M., '93. Brittingham, Mary B., Portsmouth, Va., 636 Linden Ave. ; L.I., '96. Broadhurst, Jessie L. (Mrs. J. D. Farrior), Kirkville, Mo.; L.I., '86. Brock, Geo. W., Livingston, Ala.; 1889. Brockman, Annie W., Talladega, Ala. ; L.I., '84. Brogden, Mollie C, Winchester, Tenn. ; 1905. Brogdon, Nettie E., Maxwell, Tenn. ; L.I., '10. Brooke, Mary M., Montevallo, Ala. ; L. I., '91, A.B., '93. Brooks, Alexander, Nashville, Tenn., 625J Church St. ; 1907. Brooks, Buena Vista, Zebulon, Ga. ; L.I., '97. Brooks, Coleman A., Kentwood, La. ; L.I., '04 ; A.B., '10. Brooks, Lavinia (Mrs. J. W. Kerns), Key West, Fla. ; L.I., '09. Brooks, Lula, White, Tenn. ; 1907. Brooks, Thos. O., Franklin, Tenn.; L.I., '08. Broome, Mary G. (Mrs. Young A. Gresham), Macon, Ga. ; L.I., '87. Brown, Alice C, Gallatin, Tenn. ; 1909. Brown, Annie, Midlothian, Tex. ; 1906. Brown, Annie L., Cleburne, Tex. ; L.I., '01. Brown, Bernard, Puryear, Tenn. ; L.I., '01. Brown, Bob B. ; L.I., '93; A.B., '94 (deceased). Brown, Chas. W., Nashville, Tenn., 418 Monroe St. ; L.I., '01. Brown, Ella M, (Mrs. S. F. Webb), Columbia, S. C. ; L.I., '99. Brown, Emma E., Nashville, Tenn., 702 Fatherland St. ; L.I., '90 ; A.B., '91. 14 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Brown, Eminett, Cleburne, Tex., 513 Prairie Ave.; L.I., "95; A.B., '90. Brown, Eunice V., Gallatin, Tenn. ; L.I., '00. Brown, Evie, Nashville, Tenn., 318 17th Ave. Brown, Franklin C, Durham, N. C, Trinity College; L.I., '92. Brown, Fred, Allons, Tenn. ; 1907. Brown, Geo. C. ; 1892 (deceased). Brown, Geo. L., Jr., Middlebrook, Va. ; L.I., '93 ; B.S., '94. Brown, Mrs. Hettie, Alva, Okla ; L.I., '99. Brown, Jno. P., Rogers, Ark. ; L.I., '93. Brown, Julia O. (Mrs. Geo. L. Epps), Newberry, S. C. ; 1901. Brown, Lee Eliz., New Irberia, La. ; 1910. Brown, Leonard, Rogersville, Tenn. ; 1903. Brown, Lillian S., Richmond, Va., Barton Heights; L.I., '96. Brown, Lillian W., Gallatin, Tenn. ; 1905. Brown, Lillie G„ Orlinda, Tenn. ; 1906. Brown, Loula E. (Mrs. E. K. Campbell), Birmingham, Ala.; L.I., '83. Brown, Loulie (Mrs. Garcia), Havana, Cuba, 132 Havana St.; L.I., '97. Brown, Lucia C. (Mrs. Robt. Smith), Kinards, S. C. ; L.I., '99. Brown, Margaret L., Nashville. Tenn., A-l Jackson Bldg. ; 1903. Brown, Margaret L. (Mrs. A. B. Craig), Charlotte, N.C. ; L.I., '01. Brown, Margaret L., Newnan, Ga., 51 Clark St. ; L.I., '91 ; A.B., '92. Brown, Maude W., Nashville, Tenn., 702 Fatherland St. ; L.I., '89. Brown, Minnie V., Dallas, Tex. ; L.I., '07. Brown, Nettie E., Houston, Tex., 1417 Main St. ; 1904. Brown, Pearl F., Gallatin, Tenn.; 1907. Brown, Percy, Spring Hill, Tenn. ; 1892. Brown, Robt. D., Annapolis, Md., U. S. Navy ; 1907. Brown, Susie J., Gallatin, Tenn. ; 1909. Brown, Thomas N., Jacksboro, Tex. ; L.L, '83. Brown, Timothy O., Monroe, La. ; 1896. Brown, Virta, Hamilton, Tex. ; 1911. Brown, Wade H., Chapel Hill, N. C, Univ. of N. C. ; L.L, '98 ; B. S., '99. Brown, Wm. D., Chattanooga, Tenn. ; L.L, '92 ; A.B., '93. Brown, Wm. K., Birmingham, Ala., 1026 Central St. ; L.L, '85. Browne, Elias J., Manning, S. C. ; L.L, '88. Browne, Jennie L., Aiken, S. C. ; L.L, '94. Browning, Fannie M., Los Angeles, Calif., 1309 W. 35th PI. ; L.L, '02. Browning, Jas. H., Spring Valley, 111. ; LI., '91 ; A.B., '92. Browning, Robt. M. ; L.L, '93 (deceased). Brownlee, Eva P. (Mrs. A. C. Todd), Laurens, S. C. ; L.L, '04. Brownlee, Virginia, Albany, Ga., 228 Jackson St. ; 1911. Brownstein, Sabina, Nashville, Tenn., 314 7th Ave., S. ; 1911. Broyles, Stella F., Savannah, Tenn. ; L.L, '84. Brugh, E. S., Nashville, Tenn., 3 Noel Block ; 1903. Brunner, Edith (Mrs. J. B. Phelps), Birmingham, Ala.; L.L, '06. Brunner, Leola M., Bauxite, Ark. ; 1909. Brunson, Bessie I. (Mrs. LeSassier), N. Y. City, 84 Williams St. ; L.L, '84. Brunson, Wm. A., Nashville, Tenn., 1706 Russell St. ; 1896. Bryan, Allene, Nashville, Tenn., 7th and Woodland Sts. ; 1910. Bryan, Arthur B., Clemson College, S. C. ; B.L., '01. Bryan, Jas. W., Nashville, Tenn., 514 Hitchcock Bldg. ; 1879. Bryan, Louise M., Nashville, Tenn., 6010 N. Y. Ave. ; 1910. Bryan, Mary W. (Mrs. Beckwith) ; L.L, '81 (deceased). Bryant, Mary, Columbia, Tenn. ; 1905. Buchanan, Lula (Mrs. W. B. McShan), Pilot Point, Tex.; L.L. '97. Buchanan, Will E., Franklin, Tenn. ; 1906. Buchholz, Gretchen (Mrs. R. L. Rhea), San Antonio, Tex.; 1902. Buck, Susan M. (Mrs. J. W. Penn), Gadsden, Ala. ; L.L, '00. Buckner, Elliott, Clarksville, Tenn. ; L.L, '97. Buckner, Matt G., Nashville, Tenn., Jackson Bldg. ; 1889. KNOWN ALUMNI. 15 Buist, Laura; L.I., '92 (deceased). Bull, Carroll G., Chicago, 111., Micbael-Reese Hosp. ; B.S., '07. Bullock, Annie M. (Mrs. Elliott), Nashville, Tenn., 313 Clark PI.; 1894. Bullock, Bessie; 1896 (deceased). Bullock, Mamie, Nashville, Tenn., 313 Clark Place; 1901. Bullock, Mary C. (Mrs. C. P. McKinney), Ripley, Tenn.; L.I., '89. Buinpas, Ora M. (Mrs. Cunningham), Nashville, Tenn., 1213 Laurel St. ; 1897. Bunche, Mamie, Nashville, Tenn., Clark Place; 1911. Buntin, Wm. A., Nashville, Tenn., 10 Arcade; 1895. Burchard, Chas A., Gonzales, Tex. ; L.I., '80 ; A.B., '80. Burdette, Frank L., Clarksburg, W. V., 232 Clay St. ; L.I., '91 ; A.B., '92. Burger, Mary C, Roanoke, Va., 613 6th Ave. S. W. ; L.I., '97. Burke, Lottie C, Memphis, Tenn. ; L.I., '85. Burkett, Exile, Houston, Tex. ; L.I., '84. Burleson, David J., Magnolia, Ark. ; L.I., '05. Burnett, Jno. H., Abilene, Tex. ; L.I., '00 ; A.B., '01. Burnett, Nola M., Chattanooga, Term., 25 Baldwin St. ; L.I., '00 ; B.L., '04. Burnham, Anna L., Haynesville, La. ; L.I., '05. Burns, Beatrice (Mrs. J. E. Fitzpatrick ) , Philadelphia, Pa.; 1910. Burns, Eliam B., Ratliff, Miss. ; 1909. Burns, Elma, Bradentown, Fla. ; L.I., '11. Burns, Elmer, Pulaski, Tenn. ; 1905. Burns, Louise. Sylacauga, Ala. ; 1910. Burns, Margaret, Nashville, Tenn., 319 McMillan Ave. ; 1894. Burns, Mary E., Nashville, Tenn., 1203 3d Ave., S. ; 1910. Burress, Lillie (Mrs. S. D. Williams), Granite, Okla. ; L.I., '05. Burrough, Benj. F., Lovelady, Tex. ; 1901. Burrough. Louella. Buffalo, Tex. ; 1900. Burruss, Ossie H. (Mrs. Plowden), Valdosta, Ga. ; L.I., '00; A.B., '03. Burton, Lavinia M., Nashville, Tenn., Sch. for Blind; 1907. Burton, Martha J. E., Mt. Juliet, Tenn. ; L.I., '07. Burton, Rush, Lavonia, Ga. ; L.I., '00. Burton, Sallie, Dallas, Tex., 201 S. Lancaster Ave. ; L.I., '99. Busselle, Cora Z., Clinton, Ky. ; 1907. Busselle, Lee, Bon Aqua, Tenn. ; 1907. Bussey. Patrick H., Modoc, S. C. ; L.I., '08. Butler. Amy (Mrs. Thos. Griffin), Oakley, La.; L.I., '06. Butler, Cecil L., Rockford, 111. ; 1907. Butler, Florence, Nashville, Tenn., 31 Clarendon Flats; L.I., '02. Butler, Mattie V., Trenton, Tenn. ; 1903. Butler, Myra L. (Mrs. Oliver G. Cady), Alamogordo, N. Mex. ; L.I., '00. Butler, Queenie, Nashville, Tenn., Clarendon Flats; 1902. Butler, Rubye, Pulaski, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Butler, Sallie T. (Mrs. A. S. Hays), Russellville, Ark.; 1895. Butler. Thos. B. ; L.I., '03; A.B., '04 (deceased). Buttery, Bessie, Austin, Tex., 2006 Wichita St. ; 1904. Buttery, Nellie, Orange, Tex. ; 1904. Buttorff, Louise (Mrs. Chas. IT. DeZevallos), Nashville, Tenn.; 1901. Buvens, Anne E., Donaldsonville, La. ; L.I., '06 ; A.B., '08. Buvens, Pauline F. (Mrs. Wilfred Champagne) ; L.I., '08 (deceased). Byerley, Frances, Carey, Mies. ; L.I., '10. Byram, Bertha D., Nashville, Tenn., 1621 Fatherland St. : 1899. Byrn, Myrtle (Mrs. L. C. Ingram), Terrell, Tex.; L.I., '97. Byrne, Wm. F., Sontag, Miss. ; L.I., '97. Byrom, Ora, Eros, La. ; L.I.. '08. Cage, Maria F., Nashville, Tenn., 119 N. Belmont Ave. ; 1899. Caine, Wm. P.; 1899 (deceased). Caldwell, Alma C. Paul's Valley, Okla., 603 E. Grant Ave. ; L.I., '09. Caldwell. C. H., Mt. Juliet, Tenn. ; 1911. 16 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Caldwell, Jos. M., Midland, Tex. ; A.B., '92. Caldwell, Robt. D., Nashville, Term., 125 S. 11th St. ; 1900. Caldwell, Sallie, Farmerville, La. ; L.I., '10. Caldwell, Valle L., Elkton, Tenn. ; L.I., '09. Caldwell, Willie M., Mt. Juliet, Tenn. ; 1910. Calhoun, Dorothy, Nashville, Tenn., Franklin Pike ; 1910. Callaway, Brantley M., Jr., Rayle, Ga. ; A.M., '99. Calvert, J. N., Pittsburg, Pa., 1402 Western Ave. ; Honorary B.L., '01. Calvert, Zillah M., Nashville, Tenn., 4th Ave and Union St. ; L.I., '11. Cambeilh, Lucie C. (Mrs. E. G. Rosenthal), Galveston, Tex., L.I., '99. Cameron, Annie L. (Mrs. Robt. Harvey), Nashville, Tenn.; 1903. Camillus, Sister, Nashville, Tenn., St. Cecilia Academy ; 1903. Camp, Mary J. (Mrs. Jno. M. Grubbs). Stillwater, Okla. ; L.I., '01. Camp, Polly, Doyle Station, Tenn.; 1910. Camp, Winnie, Beaumont, Tex.; L.I., '92; A.B., '93. Campbell, Annie B., Nashville, Tenn., 6 Polk Flats ; 1910. Campbell, Arthur H., Nashville, Tenn., 1028 16th Ave. S. ; 1896. Campbell, Chas., Jacksonville, Fla. ; L.I., '98. Campbell, Dawson K. (Mrs. Word Redwine), Cassville, Ga. ; L.I., '96. Campbell, Eulalia F., Nashville, Tenn., 126 28th Ave., S. ; L.I., '05. Campbell, Geo. A., Jackson, Tenn., 415 E. LaFayette St. ; L.I., '95. Campbell, Hawes, Enfield, Va. ; L.I., '94. Campbell, Hettie F., Waycross, Ga. ; 1911. Campbell, Jamie (Mrs. Laps D. McCord), Nashville, Tenn. L.I., '99. Campbell, Katherine L., Nashville, Tenn., 302 Fatherland St.; 1900. Campbell, Killis, Austin, Tex. Univ. Sta. ; A.B., '91 ; B.L., '92. Campbell, Lula B., Nashville, Tenn., Morrow Rd. ; 1904. Campbell, Margaret (Mrs. Robt. Pollard), Ayletts, Va. ; L.I., '94. Campbell, Thos. H., Tazewell, Va. ; 1886. Campbell, Wm. H., Hohenwald, Tenn. ; 1910. Caneer, Milton L., Richmond, Ky. ; L.I., '03. Canfield, Mary F., Paris, Tex. ; L.I., '85 ; A. B., '92. Cannon, Ira F., Mart, Tex. ; L.I., '98 ; B.S., '99. Cannon, Mrs. Lula, Corpus Christi, Tex. ; 1903. Cannon, Robt. H., Conway, Ark. ; 1906. Cannon, Rose, Walnut Grove, Ga. ; 1909. Cannon, Sue G. (Mrs. S. J. Pickle), Sweetwater, Tenn.; L.I., '02. Cannon, Theresa E., Pembroke, Ky. ; L.I., '93. Cantrell, Anna, Gallatin, Tenn. ; 1909. Capshaw, Coran P., Knoxville, Tenn., U. of T. ; L.L, '11. Capshaw, Corinne, Cookeville, Tenn. ; 1905. Capshaw, Hulon J., Knoxville, Tenn., U. of T. ; L.I., '11. Capshaw, Margaret A., Nashville, Tenn., 911 Fatherland St. : L.I., '05. Caraher, Loula M., Nashville, Tenn., 408 2d Ave., S. ; L.L, '96; A.B., '97; A.M., '98. Caraher, Maisie E., Nashville, Tenn., 408 2d Ave., S. ; 1907. Carden, Powell S., Malvern, Ark. ; L.L, '80. Carleton, Jessie E., Smithville, Tex. ; L.L, '03. Carlew, Robt. E., Charlotte, Tenn. ; 1906. Carmichael, Miriam H. (Mrs. J. T. McKay), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '99. Carmichael, Susie M., Sunny South, Ala. ; 1909. Carmouche, Bertha M., Albermarle, La.; L.L, '94; A.B., '94. Carn, Ettie L., Tallahassee, Fla. ; L.L, '01. Carnefix, Mattie L. (Mrs. E. N. Moore), Salem, Va. ; 1883. Carnell, Emily R., Halls, Tenn. ; 1910. Carney, Ercell I., Nashville, Tenn., R. R. No. 6; L.L, '08. Carney, Grover, Joelton, Tenn. ; 1906. Carney, Jennie W. (Mrs. S. H., Mitchell) Murfreesboro, Tenn.; L.L, '82. Carney, Maggie, Nashville, Tenn., Castner-Knott Co. ; 1885. Carney, Sarah (Mrs. P. Lehi), Nashville, Tenn., Raines Hill; 1885. KNOWN ALUMNI. 17 Carpenter, Caroline W„ Knoxville, Tenn., U. of T. ; A.B., '04. Carpenter, Jos. W., New Middleton, Tenn.; 1906. Carpenter, Leti (Mrs. Ivy Wheeler), Texarkana, Tex.; 1900. Carpenter, Margaret r>. (Mrs. Tbos. W. Davis, Jr.), Brentwood, Tenn.; L.I., '03. Carpenter, Mary F., Columbia, Tenn. ; L.I., '92. Carr, Crockett C, Independence, Va. ; L.I., '01. Carr, Ladye H. (Mrs. J. P. Hager) ; 1890 (deceased). Carr, Lydia K. (Mrs. Chas. L. Moffatt), Troy, Tenn.; L.I., '84. Carrington. Sarah T., Elizabeth, N. J. ; L.I., 'OG. Carroll, Geo. W., Memphis, Tenn. ; A.B., '08. Carroll, Jno. E., Yorkville, S. C. ; L.I., '94. Carter, Annie T. (Mrs. J. D. Judd), VanAlstyne, Tex.; L.I., '02. Carter, Evlynn L., Belleview, Tenn. ; 1906. Carter, Hattie H. (Mrs. O. M. Harril), Houlka, Mies.; L.I., '96. Carter, Inez, Mt. Juliet, Tenn. ; 1910. Carter, Jesse F.. Bamberg, S. C. ; L.I., '00 ; A.B., '03. Carter, Lizzie M. (Mrs. McVoy). Natchitoches, La.; L.I., '87. Carter, Lucile V. (Mrs. Arthur E. Hendrickson), Loring, La.; L.I., '07. Carter, Nannette J. ; 1903 (deceased). Carter, Tinnie M., Bewelcome, Miss. ; 1909. Cartwright, Brooxie (Mrs. P. E. Stewart), Stanford Univ., Cal. ; L.I., '02. Caruthers, Elizabeth F. (Mrs. R. L. Faucett), Prattville, Ala.; L.I., '98. Caruthers, Iva, Petersboro, Ont, 242 Hunter St. ; L.I., '05. Caruthers, Mamie K. (Mrs. W. C. Sams), Meridian, Miss.; L.I., '98. Caruthers, Rebecca M. ; L.I., '97 (deceased). Carver, Bernie G., Mt. Juliet, Tenn. ; 1909. Case, Lula E. (Mrs. F. L. Smith), Mt. Airy, N. C. ; L.I., '87. Cassil, Leila (Mrs. F. B. Woodcock), Atlanta, Ga. ; L.I., '03; A.B., '05. Castles, Alice E. ; L.I., '94 (deceased). Castles, Clara M. (Mrs. H. T. Tinnin), Nashville, Tenn.; 1902. Cates, Jennie, Newnan, Ga. ; L.I., '85. Cato, Loula M. (Mrs. McPherson), Bordeaux, Tenn.; 1906. Caudle, Irene, Thompson Station, Tenn. ; 1909. Cauthen, Edward F., Auburn Ala. ; L.I., '94 ; B.S., '95. Cauvin, Margaret (Mrs. Cecil), Nashville, Tenn., Vauxhall Annex; 1911. Cavert, Annie, Nashville, Tenn., 1616 McGavock St. ; 1899. Cavert, Corinne, Nashville, Tenn., 1616 McGavock St. ; 1903. Cavett, Emma L. (Mrs. Gordon Patton), Jackson, Miss.; L.I., '00. Cawgill, Lena, Hermitage, Tenn. ; 1903. Cawthon, Wm. S„ Pensacola, Fla., 1221 N. 15th St. ; 1900. Cayce, Ruby; 1892 (deceased). Cearley, Mabel C, Nashville, Tenn., 611 49th Ave., N. ; L.I., '06 ; A.B., '09. Center, Stella S., N. Y. City, 1230 Amsterdam Ave ; L.I., '99 ; A.B., '01. Chaffin, Cora (Mrs. Jno. W. Peterson), Tocoma, Wash. ; 1897. Chaffin, Howard W., Kokomo, Ind., Ill W. Markland Ave. ; L.I., '96. Chambers, Frankie, Vivian, La. ; L.I., '09. Chambers, Geo. W., Anderson, S. C, 608 E. River St. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '95. Chambers, Jas L., Brentwood, Cal. ; L.I., '09. Chambers, Maggie L., Malesus, Tenn.; L.I., '06; A.B., '09. Chambers, Sarah P., Dixon Springs, Tenn. ; 1905. Chapman, Alta, Selma, Ala. ; 1889. Chapman, Jas. G., Franklinton, La.; L.I., '00; A.B., '03. Chapman, Jno. C, Colfax, La. ; 1899. Chapman, Martha H., Washington, D. C, 1420 Clifton St. ; L.I., '87. Chapman, Mattie P., Plymouth, Fla. ; L.I., '97. Chapman, Nellie; L.I., '89; A.B., '95 (deceased). Charlton, Chas. W., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1893. Charlton, Emily W., Savannah, Ga. ; I Charlton, Fannie W. ; 1883 (deceased), 18 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Charlton, Lawrence M., Hermitage, Tenn. ; 189G. Charlton, Wm. E., Clovis, N. Mex. ; L.I., '00. Chase, David G., Birmingham, Ala., 21Q8 Cypress Ave. ; L.I., '99 ; B.S., '02, Chatfield, Mary G. (Mrs. M. K. Jackson), Colorado, Tex.; L.I., '01. Cheek, Bessie (Mrs. W. B. Estep), Whitehead, N. C. ; 1899. Cheek, Solomon M., Phoenix, Ariz. ; L.I., '95 ; A. B., '96. Cherry, Sterling M., Columbia, Tenn. ; A.B.. '92. Chesnutt, Meta (Mrs. M. C. Sager), Minco, Okla. ; L.I., '8S. Childress, Sarah W., Nashville, Tenn. ; 1900. Chinn, Gene (Mrs. Amos K. Bass), Caddo, Okla.; 1902. Chisholm, Andrew J., Oakland, Cal., 420 13th St. ; L.I., '03. Chisholm, Bernice K., Oakland, Cal., 420 13th St. ; L.I., '03. Chowning, Ernestine, Tombstone, Ariz. ; L.I., '04. Chrislip, Abraham E., West Alexandria, Pa.; L.I., '00; A.B., '01. Church, Eva P. (Mrs. J. C. Rentz) Ft. Worth, Tex., 1329 S. Lake St.; 1897. Cisco, Rupert F., Lake Charles, La., 737 Pujo St. ; 190G. Clack, Bobbie B., Abilene, Tex. ; L.I., '06. Clack, Tommie H., Abilene, Tex. ; L.I., '04. Clark, Addison B., Commerce, Ga. ; 1909. Clark, Alice P., College Point, N. Y., 557 4th Ave. ; 1897. Clark, Amaret (Mrs. J. S. Hopkins), Nashville, Ark.; L.I., '06. Clark, Anna D., Los Angeles, Cal., 1416 Kearney St. ; 1897. Clark, Cherry C, Milan, Tenn. ; 1906. Clark, David A., Hopkinsville, Ky. ; A.B., '02. Clark, Elizabeth P., Nashville, Tenn., 2208 Patterson St. ; 1897. Clark, Elizabeth S. (Mrs. J. Butler), Riverton, La.; L.I., '03. Clark, Emma T. (Mrs. J. C. Howard) ; L.I., '95 (deceased). Clark, Mary L. (Mrs. Jas. Culbert), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I.. '80. Clark, May, Dawson, Ga. ; 1906. Clark, Sarah J. (Mrs. R. C. Rieves), Sellers, Ala.; L.I.. '97; A.B., '97. Clark, Wm. E., Strong, Ark. ; L.I., '94. Clarke, Clemmie, Lubback, Tex. ; L.I., '04. Clarke, Jennie, Abbeville, Ala.; 1909. Clarke, Jennie T., Greensboro, N. C. ; L.I., '89. Clarke, Josie W., Cedartown, Ga. ; L.I., 91 ; B.L., '92. Clarke, Lola P., Abbeville, Ala. ; L. I., '11. Clarke, Sallie, Wartrace, Tenn. ; 1911. Clarke, Samuel H., Paris, Tenn. ; L.I., '93. Clarkson, Marian, Marlin, Tex. ; L.I., '04. Clary, Mary V. (Mrs. C. E. Palmer), Sioux City, Iowa; L.I., '97. Clayton, Aline, Atlanta, Ga., Calhoun St. Sch. ; 1902. Clayton, Jennie P., Nashville, Tenn., 2000 Acklen Ave. ; L.I., '99. Clegg, Judge Williamson, Monroe, Ga. ; L.I., '03. Clement, Edward E.. Inman, S. C. ; L.I., '86. Clemons, Lula, Ashburn, Tenn. ; 1903. Cleveland, Elizabeth (Mrs. Jno. C. Morris), Birmingham, Ala.; L.I., '98. Click, Floyd L., Anderson ville, Tenn. ; 1909. Clifford, Olive L., Dennison, Tex. ; L.I., '96. Clifton, Cora, Yoakum, Tex. ; 1906. Clifton, Walter L., Sutherland, Fla. ; L.I., '00 ; A.B., '00. Clinard, Tennie, Springfield, Tenn. ; 1909. Close, Nathaniel B. F., Savannah, Ga., 221 W. 36th St. ; L.I., '93. Clowe, Marie (Mrs. D. M. Therrell), Atlanta, Ga., 267 Lee St.; L.I., '96. Cloyd, Sarah J. (Mrs. D. P. Shepherd), Mosheim. Tenn.; 1893. Cloys, Millard F. ; L.I., '92; A.B., '93; A.M., '95 (deceased). Clyne, Delia M. (Mrs. Lorren R. North), Bridgeport, Neb.; L.I., '95. Cobb, Berta, Corsicana, Tex. ; A.B., '10. Cobb, Chas. T., Allen, Tex. ; 1897. Cobb, Helen E. (Mrs. Aubrey Head), Nashville, Tenn., 1024 Lischey ; L.I., '09. KNOWN ALUMNI. 19 Cobb, Mary N. (Mrs. Edw. D. Sledge), Athens, Ga. ; L.I., '87. Cochran, Ella L., Beiiham, Ky. ; L.I., '02 ; A.B., '04. Cochran, I. N., Martin, Tenu. ; 1910. Cockrill. Roy, Nashville, Tenn., Sadler Ave. and Fertz Rd. ; 1S9(>. Coen, Michael L., Knoxville. Tenn., 216 E. Baxter Ave. ; L.I., '78. Coffee, Wm. B. ; L.I., '85 (deceased). Coffman, Everett O., Lawrenceburg, Tenu. ; 1910. Cohen, Eva (Mrs. H. Landsberger), Birmingham, Ala., 1516 10th Ave., S.; 1884. Coil, Grace (Mrs. P. A. Shelton), Nashville, Tenn., Gallatin Rd. Coit, Anna J. (Mrs. Jno. Wakefield), Barium Springs, N. C. ; L.I., '91. Cole, Ida C. (Mrs. A. C. Ray), Pittsboro, N. C. ; 1893. Cole, Josie, Nashville, Tenn., 1410 Cedar St. ; 1900. Cole, Wm. F., Waco, Tex. ; L.I., '82. Coleman, Thos. L., Cornersville, Tenn. ; L.I., '05. Colesbery, Florence M., Brunswick, Ga. ; 1896. Coley, Geo. W., Dallas, Tex., 200 Melba St. ; L.I., '90. Collier, Elizabeth L., McKenzie, Tenn.; 1909. Collins, Minnie (Mrs. C. G. Stevens), Waverly Place, Tenn.; L.I., '91; A.B., '92. Collins, Robert, Beaumont, Tex. ; 1900. Collinsworth, Lula (Mrs. J. B. Hall), Barney, Ga. ; L.I., '91; B.L., '92. Colson, Janie W. (Mrs. Glenn), Charleston, S. C. ; L.I., '01. Combs, Fred H., University of Va., Va. ; L.I., '00 ; A.B., '02, Combs, Josephine M. (Mrs. Austin Prestwood), Andalusia, Ala.; L.I., '89. Comperry, Annie B., Clarksville, Tenn. ; L.I., '07. Comperry, Bessie L., Clarksville, Tenn. ; L.I., '08. Compton, Bessie L., Harrisonburg, La. ; L.I., '07. Compton, Lester H. (Mrs. Jas. H. McCollister), Harrisonburg, La.; L.I., '04. Compton, Virgie L. (Mrs. B. F. Aumiller), Harrisonburg, La.; L.I., '07. Conditt, Jno. W. ; L.I., '86 (deceased). Cone, Mattie, Mt. Vernon, Ga. ; 1907. Conn, Emma D., Raleigh, N. C. ; L.I., '99. Conn, Jno. T., League City, Tex. ; L.I., '03. Conner, Haney B., Waterproof, La. ; B.S., '04. Conner, Mary E. ; L.I., '81 (deceased). Connor, Mary R., Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; 1909. Consadine, Mary C. Nashville, Tenn., 521 4th Ave. ; 1906. Conyers, Sara B., Maury City, Tenn. ; L.I., '00. Conyngton, Henry J., Washington, D. C. ; L.I., '87. Cook, Etta E., Milan, Tenn. ; L.I., '94. Cook, Jno. B. Pride, La. ; L.I., '07. Cook, Josephine H., Muskogee, Okla. ; 1899. Cook, J. L., Hermitage, Tenn. ; 1910. Cook, Julia A., Hampshire, Tenn. ; 1911. Cook, Lenoir A. (Mrs. Geo. E. McLaurine), Muskogee, Okla.; L.I., '95 5 A.B.. '96. Cook, Lillie M., White's Creek, Tenn. ; L.I., '09. Cook, Louisa (Mrs. Don Carlos), Lawrence, Kan. Cook, Mabel C, Wynne, Ark. ; 1909. Cook, Mamie, Martha, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Cook. Mary L. (Mrs. T. E. Atkinson), Newnan, Ga. ; L.I., '81; A.B., 81. Cook, Minnie R., Helena, Ark. ; 1888. Cooke, Jessie M., Nashville, Tenn., 717 Ewing Ave. ; L.I., '89. Cooke, Maggie E. ; L.I., '90 (deceased). Cooke, Mary, Nashville, Tenn., 614 Capitol Square ; 1905. Cooley, Annie (Mrs. Battle Sparks), Sandersville, Ga. ; 1905. Cooper, Addison, Nashville, Tenn., Maxey Lane ; 1895. Cooper, Fleeta, Augusta, Ga. ; L.I., '06. 20 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Cooper, Jas. E., Okalona, Ark. ; 1910. Cooper, Jno. P., Mullins, S. C. ; 1902. Cooper, Marian, Nashville, Tenn., 124 4th Ave., N. ; 1895. Cooper, Minnie, Chattanooga, Tenn., 308 Walnut St. ; L.I., '10. Cooper, Noah W., Nashville, Tenn., 412 Cole Bldg. ; L.I., '88; A.B., '89. Cooper, Wm. A., Lafayette, Tenn. ; 1911. Cooper, Mrs. W. H., Nashville, Tenn., 1501 Sigler St. ; 1903. Coopwood, Frances E., Germantown, Tenn. ; L.I., '09. Coopwood, Louise E., Germantown, Tenn. ; L.I., '05. Copeland, J. Rice, Shongaloo, La. ; 1891. Copeland, Ruth M. (Mrs. Tevis), Bristol, Tenn., 842 Hill St.; L.l '05. Copeman, Martha C. (Mrs. O. L. Johnson), Tuscon, Ariz.; L.L, '99. Copeman, Wm. PL; 1884 (deceased). Coppedge, Berta ; 1897 (deceased). Coppedge, Fannie G., Cumberland City, Tenn. ; L. L, '10. Coppedge, Ruby G., Dover, Tenn. ; L.L, '09. Coran, Beatrice, Eddison, Ga. ; 1909. Corbett, Agnes D., Camden, S. C. ; 1909. Corbett, Hamilton D. ; L.L, '88 (deceased). Corcoran, Nora, Nashville, Tenn. ; 307 McMillan Ave. ; 1893. Corder, Lizzie R. ; 1904 (deceased). Cornelius, Samuella, Nashville, Tenn., 313 Main St. ; 1911. Cornett, Guy M., Mannington, W. V. ; L.L, '02 ; A.B., '03. Corum, Jessie M., Jr., Orange, N. J. ; L.L, '01. Cotham, Edward R., Monticello, Ark. ; L.L, '99. Cotham, Thos T., Little Rock, Ark. ; L.L, '81 ; A.B., '81. Couger, Lula, McMinnville, Tenn. ; 1911. Coughlan, Jno. S., Berkley Springs, W. Va. ; L.L, '03. Coulbourn, Helen V., Birmingham, Ala. ; L.L, '07. Coulling, Martha W., Farmville, Va., 707 High S. ; L.L, '87. Courtney, Nettie (Mrs. Jno. T. Paris), Nashville, Tenn., 827 S Market; A.B., '91. Covert, Alvin, Cedar Grove, Ga. ; L.L, '99. Covington, Annie (Mrs. Hosse), Memphis, Tenn., Memphis Press; 1903. Cowan, Leah, Helena, Ark. ; L.L, '11. Cowan, Mary E., Springfield, Tenn. ; L.L, '00. Cowan, Mayme, Noble La. ; L.L, '11. Cowart, Annie B. (Mrs. Sam Caldwell), Union Springs, Ala.; L.L, '07. Cowden, Emmett, San Augustine, Tex. ; L.L, '00. Cowden, Jno. B., McMinnville, Tenn. ; L.L, '00 ; A.B., '01. Cowles, Jno. H., Franklin, Tenn. ; L.L, '05 ; B.S., '06. Cowles, Mitylene V. (Mrs. W. T. Isley), Hampton, Va. ; L.L, '99. Cowling, Jefferson T., Ashdown, Ark. ; L.I., '90 ; A.B., '91. Cox, Amelia C. (Mrs. Jas. F. Powell), Paducah, Ky., 529 Jefferson St * 1904 Cox, Aris' W., Helena, Ark. ; 1903. Cox, Blanche (Mrs. Stiles N. Hughes), Richland, S. C. ; L.L, '04. ' Cox, Carrie M. (Mrs. C. K. Hoskins), Gibson Station, Va. ; L.L, '00. Cox, C. E., Nashville, Tenn., 4804 Nevada Ave. ; 1903. Cox, Jos. L., Gate City, Va. ; L.L, '03 ; A.B., '05. Cox, Jos. W., Washington, D. C, Southern Bldg. ; L.L, '96. Cox, Laura B., Galax, Va. ; L.L, '01. Cox, Mrs. Lena W., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; L.L, '06. Cox, Lula A., Livermore, Ky. ; 1901. Cox, Mary I (Mrs. J. N. Buchanan), Nashville, Term., 48th and Elkins; L.L, '96. Cox, Moses G., Cameron, Tex. ; L.L, '98. Cox, Percy, Atlanta, Ga., Cumb. Tel. Co. ; 1902. Cox, Susie M. (Mrs. Jackson), Cordelle, Ga. ; L.L, '03. Cox, Vance M., Saddle, Va. ; L.L, '04. KNOWN ALUMNI. 21 Crabbe. Annie L, (Mrs. Frederick Frank), Atlanta, Ga. ; L.I., '82. Graft, BoyntoD E., Swansea, S. C, 1904. Craig, Clara C, Franklin, Tenn.; 1906. Craig, Jas. F., Franklin, Tenn.; 1902. Craig, Nettie B. (Mrs. Mu.rphree), Gadsden, Ala.; L.I., '94; B.S., '94. Craig. Samuel J.. Laurens, S. C. ; L.I., '89. Crance, Theodore, Arcadia, Tex.; L.I., '93. Crawford, Frankie, Oakland, Tenn. ; L.L, '02. Crawford, Fred S. ; L.L, '92 (deceased). Crawford, Mary H., Cleburne, Tex., 114 E. Henderson St.; L.I., '98. Creagb, Anna Z., Selma, Ala., First Ave. ; L.L, '01. Creban, Maggie A., Nashville, Tenn., 715 Cedar St. ; 1893. Crenshaw, Geneva, Castalian Springs, Tenn. ; 1910. Cricblow, Eva M., Conway, Ark. ; L.L, '02. Crichlow, Jos. W., St. Francisville, La. ; L.L, '06. Crickenberger, Jno., Jr., Cutmeat, S. Dak. ; L.L, '98. Crockett, Frankie (Mrs. Davis), Nashville, Tenn., 4411 Charlotte Ave.; 1909. Crockett, Josie K., Nashville, Tenn., 1209 Paris Ave. ; 1882. Crockett, Lillian J., Nashville, Tenn., Carnegie Library ; 1907. Crofford, Lucy M., Manchack, La. ; L.L, '11. Croley, Jas. T., Atlanta, Ga., Beck & Gregg Hdw. Co. ; L.L, '00. Croley, Mattie (Mrs. D. E. Phillips), Denver, Col.; L.L, '93; A.B., '94. Cromwell, Robt. L., Austin, Tex., 1801 West Ave. ; L.L, '97 ; A.B., '99. Crosby, Lottie P. (Mrs. Belton P. Estes), Anderson, S. C. ; L.L, '97. Crosby, W 7 m. C, Huntersville, N. C. ; L.L, '93. Cross, Ann C, Richmond, Va., 1620 W. Grace St.; L.L, '03; A.B., '05. Cross, Geo. W., Waco, Tex., 1721 5th St. ; L.L, '82. Crossinan, Anna R. ; 1878 (deceased). Crossway, Berta (Mrs. Morris), Goodlettsville, Tenn.; 1903. Crossway, Lillie, Goodlettsville, Tenn. ; 1903. Crouch, Jessie B. (Mrs. W. Robinson), Ft. Worth, Tex.; L.L, '01. Crouch, Willie A., Nashville, Tenn., 100 Stainback Ave. ; 1903. Crow, W r alter, Guymon, Okla. ; 1897. Crowe, Wm. A., Troy, Ala. ; 1909. Crowell, Daisy, Greenville, Miss. ; 1903. Crowell, Daisy M., Unionville, Tenn. ; 1909. Crowell, Edwin A., Lake Arthur, La. ; L.L, '08. Crowell, J. M., Moulton, Ala. ; L.L, '05. Crownover, Maggie, Bridgeport, Ala. ; 1909. Crozier, Fred W., Carmi, 111. ; 1907. Crump, Benjamin F., Birmingham, Ala. ; L.L, '85. Crump, Mary D. (Mrs. E. L. Whitehead), Enfield, N. C. ; 1895. Crutcher, Ruth, Nashville, Tenn., 832 Lischey Ave. ; 1910. Crutehfield, Annie M., Chattanooga, Tenn., 535 Chestnut St. ; L.L, '08. Crymes, Martha, Brookville, Miss. ; 1895. Crymes, Walton W., Camp Hill, Ala. ; L.L, '99. Culbert, Maggie E. (Mrs. Jones), Nashville, Tenn., Franklin Pk. ; 1891. Cullom, Edward, Washington, D. C, War Dept ; L.L, '02; A.B.. '04. Cullom, Marian (Mrs. T. B. Butler), Waco, Tex.; L.L, '04; A.B., '05. Cullum, Clevie H., Nashville, Tenn., 4900 Elkins Ave.; L.L, '02. Cullum, Edward, Nashville, Tenn., 5112 Michigan Ave. ; 1899. Cullum, Myrtis L. ; L.L, '99; B.S., '01; M. S.. '02 (deceased). Cullum, Myrtle M., Nashville, Tenn., 5112 Michigan Ave. ; 1904. Cummings, Hazel, Shreveport, La. ; L.L, '11. Cummings, Noble E., Goodlettsville, Tenn. ; L.L, '03. Cummins, Mary G. (Mrs. J. D. McFaddin), Paducah, Ky. ; L.L, '01. Cummins, Pauline (Mrs. H. P. Linn), Paducah. Ky. ; 1900. Cummins, Samuel R., Cheyueyville, La. ; L.L, '99. Cunningham, Ethel V. (Mrs. T. C. Young), Birmingham. Ala.; L.L, '09. 22 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Cunningham, Sara W., Clarksville, Tenn., 725 Madison St. ; L.I., '05. Currey, Lavinia, Nashville, Tenn., City Schs. ; 1906. Currid, Katherine E., Nashville, Term., 520 Church St.; L.I., '98. Currid, Mary A., Nashville, Tenn., 722 11th Ave., S. ; 1909. Curry, Amelia, Manatee, Fla. ; L.I., '03. Cutright, Frank, Clarksburg, W. Va. ; L.I., '04. Dahlgren, Mary. Nashville, Tenn., 700 17th Ave, ; 1897. Dake. Zachery T., Douglasville, Ga. ; L.I., '95; A.B., '96. Dale, Alice B. ; 1800 (deceased). Dale, Augustus S., Prattville, Ala. ; L.I., '01 ; B.S., '06. Dale, Dillard Y., Goodlettsville, Tenn. ; L.I., '04. Dale, Rebecca, Nashville, Tenn., R. R. No. 2 ; L.I., '08 ; A.B., '10. Dalton, Minnie (Mrs. Morris), Collinston, La.; L.I., '96. Dandridge, Bessie, Nashville, Tenn., Eastland, Ave. ; 1907. Dandridge, Loren (Mrs. V. II. Sharp). Nashville, Tenn., Eastland Ave.; 1899. Dandridge, Mallie L. (Mrs. G. A. Harrison), Nashville, Tenn.; 1903. Dandridge, Sarah J., Nashville, Tenn. ; 1903. Daniel, Mrs. Andrew J. (Mrs. Will D. Frazier), Linden, Tenn.; 1907. Daniel, Annie M. (Mrs. Herrin), Dadeville, Ala.; L.I., '85. Daniel, Emma L. (Mrs. Wimberly), St. Elmo, Tenn.; 1892. Daniel, Francis E., Arlington, Tex. ; 1900. Daniel, Robt. E., Hogansville, Ga. ; L.I., '97. Daniel, Robt. H., Daniel's Landing, Tenn. ; 1893. Daniel, Samuel W., Daniel's Landing, Tenn. ; 1894. Daniel, Wm. T. ; L.I., '92; A.B., '93 (deceased). Daniels, Eva B., Arrington, Tenn. ; 1910. Darden, Horace M. ; L.I., '82 (deceased). Dardis, Zuline, Wetumpka, Ala.; 1908. Darwin, Mattie E., Decherd, Tenn. ; 1905. Dashiell, Georgina (Mrs. Sam'l Hager), Kobe, Japan; 1886. Dashiell, Kate I.; L.I., '96 (deceased). Daugette. Palmer P., Birmingham, Ala., Brown-Marx Bldg. ; 1897. Daugherty, Ezzell B., Sylvania, Ga. ; 1909. Davenport, Albert E., Oklahoma City, Okla. ; L.I., '94. Davenport, Annie E. (Mrs. Wm. R. Howell), El Paso, Tex.; L.I., '96; A. B., '97. Davenport, Chas. A., Carbon Hill, Ala. ; L.I., '07. Davenport, Willie E. ; 1898 (deceased). David, Maie, Ingleside, Ga. ; 1910. Davidson, Mary B., Kentwood, La. ; A.B., '11. Davidson, Reva L., Marlin, Tex. ; L.I., '11. Davies, Daisy, Atlanta, Ga., 805 W. Peachtree St. ; L.I., '90. Davies, E. Estella, Nashville, Tenn., 505 Russell St.; L.I., '09; A.B., '09. Davies, Marion, Magnolia, Ark. ; 1909. Davies, Sara E. (Mrs. W. S. McKemie), Atlanta, Ga., 805 W. Peach- tree St. ; A.B., '89. Davis, Aralia H., Nashville, Tenn., 3201 W. End Ave. ; L.I., '98. Davis, Azile M. (Mrs. B. B. Ford), Macon, Ga., 369 Orange St.; L.I., '98. Davis, Clarence H., Lewisburg, Tenn. ; 1907. Davis, Ella S. (Mrs. Jno. L. Quinn), Bisbee, Ariz.; L.I., '89. Davis, Eula M., Madison, Tenn. ; 1903. Davis, George, Hill City, Tenn. ; 1905. Davis, Hattie, Nashville, Tenn., United Charity; 1887. Davis, Helen (Mrs. Francis M. Kerlin), Minneola, Fla.; L.I., '90. Davis, Idella (Mrs. Parker), Nashville, Tenn., Atlas Machine Co.; 1893. Davis, Ivy F., Douglas, Ark. ; L.I., '91. Davis, Joseph U., New Iberia, La. ; 1900. Davis, Kitty (Mrs. Wiley Rogers), Long Beach, Cal., 639 Pacific Ave.; 1890. KNOWN ALUMNI. 23 Davis, Luther, Deeson, Miss. ; L.I., '07. I>nvis, Nannie E., Monterey, La.; L.I., '11. Davis, Samuel J., Lemon City, Fla. ; L.I., '00. Davis, Win. F.. Nashville. Tenn., 2015 Grand Ave.; L.I., '90; B.S., '91. Davis. Wm. G., DeFuniak Springs, Fla.; L.L, '00; A.B., '01. Davis, Wm. R.. Jr., Springfield, Mo., 310 E. Commercial St.; L.L, '95. Davis, W. T., Memphis, Tenn. ; 1903. Davitte, Lissa (Mrs. T. M. Hockersmith), Rockmart, Ga. ; L.L, '96. Dawsey, J. J., Sorio City, 1540, Gulfport, Miss. ; 1902. Dawson, Bessie, Columbia, Tenn. ; 1907. Dawson, Daisie, Nashville, Tenn., State Capitol ; L.L, '06. Dawson, Earle, San Benito, Tex. ; L.L, '11. Dawson, Fannie J., Nashville, Tenn. ; L.L, '06. Dawson, Mary R., Nashville, Tenn., Ligon Ave. ; L.L, '07. Dawson, Nannie E., San Antonio, Tex. ; L.L, '82. Dawson, Pauline, San Benito, Tex. ; L.L, '11. Day, Laura M. (Mrs. J. E. Chilton), Comanche, Tex.; L.L, '97. Day, Mattie, Cleveland, Tenn. ; 1910. Davton, Idyllette C. (Mrs. Oscar D. Colvin), Atlanta, Ga. ; L.L, '00. Deahl, Jasper N. Morgantown, W. Va. ; L.L, '88 ; A.B., '89. Dean, Annie U. (Mrs. Jno. Allen), Anderson, S. C. ; L.L, '95; A.B., '96. Dean, Ibzan R., Toronto, Ont, Canada ; A.B., '80 ; A.M., '85. Dean, Maggie E. (Mrs. Fleming), Goodwater, Ala.; L.L, '93; B.L., '94. Dean, Sarah A. (Mrs. Clement), Nashville, Tenn., 1026 Villa PL; L.L, '98. Dean, Walter E. ; L.L, '81; A.B., '82 (deceased), Deathridge, Martha J., Nashville, Tenn., Trinity Ave. ; L.L, '10. DeCourey, Stella, Amarilla, Tex. ; 1910. Deen, Wm. G., Memphis, Tenn., 61 N. Willett; 1906. Deitz, Henry H., San Antonio, Tex., 1301 Zavalla St. ; L.L, '99. DeLoach, Mary, Texarkana, Tex., 824 Pine St. ; L.L, '03. Dement, Byron H.. Louisville, Ky. ; L.L, '85. Dement, Chloe; L.L, '89 (deceased). DeMoville, Willie (Mrs. Jos. H. Thompson), Nashville, Tenn.; 1893. Denham, Leroy, Bell, Fla. ; 1904. Dennis, Pauline E., DeFuniak Springs, Fla.; L.L, '96; A.B., '97. Denson, Mrs. Annie L., Arcadia, La. : 1909. Denson, Bessie M., Bemis, Tenn. ; L.L, '07. Denton, Lucile (Mrs. Jno. Paris), New Albany, Ind. ; L.L, '05. Desmond, Stella G., Newport News, Va. ; L.L, '08. Deubler, Mamie E. (Mrs. H. W. Markham), Lake City, Fla.; L.L, '95. DeVaney, Mary A., Davis, Okla. ; L.L, '10. Dewar, Florida H., Birmingham, Ala., Avondale; L. I., '02. Dewberry, Jas. M. Birmingham, Ala., 2230 12th Ave., N. ; L.L, '85. Dewese, Auston G., Brighton, Tenn. ; 1901. Dickerson, Jos. R., Piano, Tex. ; L.L, '97. Dickey, Ella, Bonham, Tex. ; L.L, '09. Dickinson, Chas. R., Oswego, N. Y., Ontario ; L.L, '98. Dickinson, Lucy, Raleigh, N. C. ; 1907. Dickson, Edna E., Fallston, N. C, L.L, '05. Dickson, Frankie, Fallston, N. C. ; 1904. Dickson, Jno. L., Covington, Tenn. ; L.L, '07 ; A.B., '10. Dickson, Minnie L. (Mrs. W. E. Halbrook), Martinville, Ark.; L.L, '04. Dickson, Sarah F., Fallston, N. C. ; L.L, '05 ; A.B., '07. Dillard, Florence, Simmsboro, La. ; 1906. Dillard, Irene, Cross Hills, S.C. ; 1911. Dilling, H. A., Nashville, Tenn., 919 Fatherland St. ; 1902. Dillon, Beulah, Hendersonville, Tenn. ; 1911. Dinning, Mamie J. (Mrs. Kinnon), Nashville, Tenn.. 32d Ave.; 1906. Dinsmore. Robt. E., Tifton, Ga., S. Park Ave. ; L.L, '98. 24 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Dinwiddie, Lonnie, McKenzie, Tenn. ; 1905. Dinwiddie, Louise, McKenzie, Tenn. ; 1905. Dinwiddie, May H., McKenzie, Tenn.; 1909. Dirickson, Mary, Lufkin, Tex. ; 1910. Dirickson, Sam W., Lufkin, Tex.; 1910. Disharoon, Iinogeue B. (Mrs. W. M. Lackey), Dadeville, Ala.; L.I., '85. Disniukes, Martha G., Nashville, Tenn., 1247 17th Ave., S. ; L.I., '89. Disinukes, Myra ; 1903 (deceased). Dix, Purdie K. (Mrs. Jno. I. Lebrand), McAlester, Okla. ; L.I., '00. Doak, Addison R. ; B.S., '94 (deceased). Doak. Mary E., Tusculum, Tenn. ; B.S., '97. Doak, Robt. S., Nashville, Tenn., 137 18th Ave., N. ; 1892. Doan, Deborah K. (Mrs. J. C. Ellis), New Orleans, La.; L.I., '04. Dobbins, Jos. S. ; L. I., '82 (deceased). Dobbins, Wm. P., Ft. Smith, Ark. ; L.I., '95 ; B.S., '95. Dockery, Clarence O. ; L.I., '88 (deceased). Dodd, Mary B., Los Angeles, Gal., 437 W. 46th St. ; L.I., '88. Dodd, Minnie, Eastman, Ga. ; 1909. Dodd, Nannie, Nashville, Tenn., Lindsley and 3d Ave. ; 1885. Dodd, W. G., Tallahassee, Fla. ; 1907. Dodson, Jessie M., Trenton, Tenn. ; L.I., '09. Dodson, Kate E. ; L.I., '90 (deceased). Dodson, W. C, Hermitage, Tenn. ; 1903. Domingos, Alice, Macon, Ga., 412 Vineville Ave. ; L.I., '09. Donaldson, Jno. A., Pontotoc, Miss. ; 1895. Donalson, Brownie M. (Mrs. Griffin), Fowlstown, Ga. ; 1894. Donelson, Jno., Hermitage, Tenn.; L.I., '92; A.B., '93. Donnell, Bettie F., Lebanon, Tenn. ; 1909. Donnell, Elza B., Jacksonville, Fla., 716 Heard Bldg. ; L.I., '02. Donnell, Herbert, Nashville, Tenn., 1105 Shelby Ave. ; L.I., '09. Dorroh, Lewis F., Kennedy, Ala. ; 1899. Dorsey, Julius T., Dallas, Tex. ; L.I., '98. Dosser, Katherine A., Johnson City, Tenn. ; L.I., '99. Dougherty, Alice C, Conway, Ark. ; 1907. Dougherty, Elizabeth, Nashville, Tenn., 931 Russell St. ; L.I., '03. Dougherty, Nellie, Nashville, Tenn., 5 Polk Flats; 1896. Dougherty, Nora M. (Mrs. Dudley Weber), Baton Rouge, La.; L.I., '08. Dougherty, Saidee (Mrs. E. S. Mcllvaine), Nashville, Tenn., 1500 Broad; 1901. Douglas, Alice C, Grand Cane. La. ; L.I., '02. Douglas, Amelia T. (Mrs. W. M. McLaurine), Jackson, Tenn.; L.I., '01. Douglas, Lucia, Tyler, Tex. ; L.I., '99. Douglas, Mrs. Martha E., Sparta, Tenn. ; L.I., '01. Douglass, Irene, Gallatin. Tenn. ; 1909. Dowell, Clarence L., Carthage, N. C. ; L. I., '82. Dowell, William, Pleasant Hill, La.; L.I., '92; B.S., '94. Dowlen, Prince A., Beaumont. Tex., 926 College St. ; L.I., '79. Dozier, Cornelia W. (Mrs. Jno. Ridley), Decatur, Ga. ; L.I., '01. Dozier, Lena W. (Mrs. Allen), Nashville, Tenn., 4700 Charlotte Ave.; 1904. Dozier, Robt. C, Omaha, Neb., 3812 Davenport St.; L.I., '91. Drake, Flora A., Carthage. Tenn. ; 1909. Drake, Nettie, Palisade, Col. ; 1907. Drane, Mallie, Dyer, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Draper, Priscilla, Taylor, Tex.; L.I., '96. Draughon, Wm. IL. Nashville. Tenn., 16th and Russell Sts. ; L.I., '97. Drennan, Geo. T., Pond Creek, Okla.; 1903. Duckett, Jno. D., Houston, Tex. ; L.I., '95 ; B.S., '96. Duckworth, Maggie L. (Mrs. Lew McCann), Belleview, Tenn.; 1894. Duff, Hettie L., Nashville. Tenn., Watauga Flats; 1887. KNOWN ALUMNI. 25 Duffy. Jno. C, Hopkinsville, Ky. ; L.I., '92; B.S., '92. Dugan, Walter C, Searcy, Ark.; L.I., '88. Duggan, Benj. O., Covington, Term. ; 1909. Duke, Cora A., Jonesboro, Ark., 016 Matthews Ave. : L.I., '99. Duke, Philip II.. Ashland City, Term. ; L.I., '96; A.B., '98. Dulaney, Olivia W., Blountsville, Tenn. ; 1910. Dumas, Nannie J.; L.I., '90 (deceased). Duuavant, Annie V., Gates Tenn. ; 1907. Duuaway. Oscar L., Texarkana, Tex. ; L.I., '99. Dunbar, Edward C, Ft. Smith, Ark. ; L.I., '98. Dunbar, Ethel I. (Mrs. W. S. Minor), L.I., '98 (deceased). Dunbar, Nannie B. (Mrs. Will Russell), Natchez, Mies.; L.I., '01. Duncan, Bessie C, Chicotah, Okla. ; L.I., '10. Duncan, Henry R., Anchorage, Ky. ; 1911. Dunlap, G. Elliott, Atlanta. Ga., 501 N. Jackson St. ; L.I., '82. Dunlap, Jos. G., Cleburne, Tex.; L.I., '94; A.B., '95. Dunlap, Wm. P., Wadesboro, N. C. ; L.I., '92. Dunn, Charlotte G., Atlanta, Ga. ; 443 Spring St. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '96. Dunn, Fannie W., Farmville, Va. ; L.I., '97. Dunn, Louise H., Hendersonville, Tenn. ; 1907. Dunn, Mamie, Hendersonville, Tenn. ; 1892. Dunn, Minnie L., Dallas, Tex., 601 Swiss Ave. ; L.I., '90. Dupont, Bertie A. (Mrs. Will Pfingstay), Nashville, Tenn.; 1889. Dupuy, Blanche R. (Mrs. F. R. Brown), Salisbury, N. C. ; L.I., '99. Durham, Mattie, Nashville, Tenn., 28 Hazel St. ; 1904. Dutton, Chas. F., Seven Mile Ford, Va. ; L.I., '98 ; A.B., '01. Duval, Iva C, Kent Store, Va. ; 1904. Dyches, Jno. W. H., Heath Srings, S. C. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '96. Dye, Corinne, Nashville, Tenn., 1005 Montrose Ave. ; L.I., '10. Dyer, Addie, C, Chattanooga, Tenn., 421 Cedar St. ; L.I., '92 ; A.B., '93. Dyer, Daisy (Mrs. Webb), Dallas, Tex., 23 05 Colby St.; 1900. Dyer, Edna, Opelika, Ala. ; 1910. Eaddy, Geo. H. ; L.I., '90 (deceased). Eagerton, Jno. C, Brunson, S. C. ; L.I., '02. Eagle, Kate, Salem, Ala. ; 1910. Eagleton, Elvie C, Woodbury, Tenn. ; L.I., '94 ; A.B., '94. Earnest, David L., Athens, Ga. ; L.I., '85. Earthman, Mary (Mrs. Everett McCord), Nashville, Term.; 1903. Earthman, Mary, White's Creek, Tenn. ; 1899. Easley, Nathaniel V.; L.I., '87 (deceased). Easter, Sula M. ; L.I., '96 (deceased). Eatherly, Walter S., Lebanon, Tenn. ; L.I., '04. Eaton, Lillian M. (Mrs. Wm. F. Curran), Waco, Tex.; L.I., '07. Ebbinghaus, Anita, Nashville, Tenn., 304 6th Ave. ; 1903. Ebbinghaus, Elfrieda, Nashville, Tenn., 304 6th Ave. : 1902. Eby, Lucy (Mrs. M. L. Kiracofe), Camden, Ohio; 1903. Edge, Parthenia C, Nashville, Tenn., 310 Russell St. ; L.I., '06. Edgerton, Thos. Fremont, N. C. ; L.I., '85 ; A.B., '93. Edmiston, Catherine, Ada, Okla. ; 1903. Edmiston, Maggie E. (Mrs. M. L. Halford), Richardson, Tex.; L.I., '0J Edmonds, Emma, Tupelo, Miss. ; L.I., '86. Edwards, Bernice C. (Mrs. J. T. Marston), Urbana, Va. ; L.I., '99. Edwards. Bessie, Nashville, Tenn., 304 6th Ave. ; 1892. Edwards, Dick A., Union City, Tenn.; L.I., '92; B.S., '93. Edwards, Ernest W., Valdosta, Ga. ; L.I., '94; B.L., '95. Edwards, Ethel F. (Mrs. W. H. Shearon), Nashville, Tenn., 203 16th St. ; L.I., '01. Edwards, Eva G. (Mrs. W. C. Lovett), Atlanta, Ga., 75 E. Merritts Ave; L.I., '91. Edwards, Jas. G., Covington, Tenn. ; 1904. 26 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Edwards, Joe. O. ; L.L, '00 (deceased). Edwards, Marion A. (Mrs. Walter B. Norton) Ft. Valley, Ga. ; L.L, '03. Edwards, Mary H., Bay St. Louis, Miss. ; 1900. Edwards Nannie G., Newnan, Ga. ; L.I. '92 ; B.L., '93. Edwards, Wm. S., Mansura, La. ; 1896. Eggleston, Robt. W., Union, La. ; L.L, '99. Ehrensperger, Margaret, Cullman, Ala. ; 1910. Elam, Lena (Mrs. T. N. Bemus), Brookshire, Tex.; L.L, '93; A.B., '94. Elam, Wm. O. ; L.L, '00 (deceased). Eleaser, Lizzie, Nashville, Tenn., 2004 18th Ave., S. ; 1893. Elders, Herschel H., Reidsville, Ga. ; A.B., '99 ; A.M., '00. Elgin, Clarence E., Searles, Ala. ; L.L. '98 ; B.A., '00. Elgin, Jas. W., Birmingham, Ala., 1908 Gth Ave. ; 1904. Elgin, Raymond T., Searles, Ala. ; L.L, '02 ; A.B., '03 ; M.D., '07. Elkins, Birdie M., Dyer, Tenn. ; A.B., '05. Ellenwood, H. M., Collins, Ga. ; 1910. Elliott, Lillian M., Booneville, Miss. ; 1911. Elliott, Lizzie P., Nashville, Tenn., 409 8th Ave., S. ; L.L, '81. Elliott, Miriam B., Nashville, Tenn., 315 N. 3d St. ; L.L, '99 ; A.B., '02. Ellis, David L., Biltmore, N. C. ; L.L, '82. Ellis, Delia (Mrs. G. R. Rader), Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1901. Ellis, Ernest B., Memphis, Tenn., 1213 Greenwood St.; L.L, '00; A.B., '01. Ellis, Everet; 1901 (deceased). Ellis, Frank F., Avondale, Ala. ; 1879. Ellis, Jas. C, Gretna, La. ; 1898. Ellis, Jno. F., Loving, Tex. ; L.L, '94. Ellis, Jno. R., Meridian, Miss.; L.L, '98. Ellis, Jos. W., Benton, Miss. ; L.L, '04. Ellis, Laura E., Capleville, Tenn. ; L.L, '97. Ellis, Lula J. (Mrs. B. F. Bell), Whitehouse, Tex.; L.L, '83. Ellis, Phoebe S., Noble, La. ; L.L, '08. Ellis, Stephen A., Birmingham, Ala., 5202 Austin Ave. ; L.L, '80. Ellis, Thomas, Avondale, Ala. ; 1878. Emanuel, Lottie, Nashville, Tenn., 810 Demonbreun St. ; 1891. Emanuel, Rose, Nashville, Tenn., 810 Demonbreun St. ; 1894. Embrey, Hartley C, Pont-sur-Yonne, Yonne, France; L.L, '05; A.B., '07. Emerson, Daisy A. (Mrs. Grisham), Winnfield, La.; L.L, '95; A.B., '95. Emerson, Sarah E. (Mrs. Edgar Galloway), Bolivar, Tenn.; L.L, '00. Emert, Wm. H., Austin, Tex., 315 W. 39th St. ; L.L, '93 ; A.B., '94. Emmert, Nannie L. (Mrs. Eugene T. Steed), Carrollton, Ga. ; L.L, '93. England, Mabel, Celeste, Tex. ; 1905. Enoch, Jno. W. ; L.L, '81 (deceased). Erwin, Jno. M. ; L.L, '83 (deceased). Erwin, Sallie B. (Mrs. Fenner), Raleigh, N. C. ; L.L, '78; A.B., '79. Eskew, Julius L., Knoxville, Tenn., 1303 W. Main St. ; L.L, '91 ; B.S., '94. Eskridge, Chas, E. ; 1882 (deceased). Eskridge, Virgil E., Saline, La. ; L.L, '04. Estes, Julia B. (Mrs. J. M. Pinkerton), Eagleville, Tenn.; L.L, '83. Estes, Nora P. (Mrs. T. D. Welsh), Collins, Miss.; L.L, '05. Eubank, Mary, Nashville, Tenn., Mark St. ; 1906. Evans, Sister Aloysius, Nashville, Tenn. ; 1905. Evans, Annie; L.L, '93 (deceased). Evans, Frank, Spartanburg, S.C., 163 Dean St. ; L.L, '83. Evans, Maggie M., Anderson, S. C. ; L.L, '83. Evans, Mary E. ; 1910 (deceased). Evans, Mary V. (Mrs. G. T. Berkley), Washington, D. C, 514 13th St.; L.L, '04. Evans, Pearl (Mrs. R. W. Thompson), Atwood, Tenn.; 1893. Evans, Samuel; A.B., '81 (deceased). Evans, Walker W., Clio, S. C. ; L.L, '82. KNOWN ALUMNI. 27 Evans, Zora L. (Mrs. R. S. Ransdell), Dallas, Tex., 4922 Junius St.; L.I., '99. Everett, Bernice W., Nashville, Tenia., Boscobel College ; 1909. Everett, Fred E., Hornbeck, La. ; 1909. Everett, Jno. D., Weldon, N. C. ; L.I., '00; A.B., '03. Everett, Jno. S., Booneville, Miss. ; L.I., '98. Everett, J. S., Booneville, Miss. ; 1909. Everett, Mrs. Luane Watson; L.I., Ml (deceased). Eves, Chas. L. ; L.I., '77 (deceased). Evins, Anna (Mrs. H. D. Wood), Evinston, Fla. ; L.I., '91. Evins, Jimie ; 1902 (deceased). Bwing, Norris, Nashville, Tenn., 421 7th Ave., N. ; 1910. Ezell, Ella (Mrs. C. H. Gurney), Rossville, Ga. ; L.L, '98. Ezell, Herschel C. ; Nashville, Tenn.. McLean Sta. ; 1907. Ezell, Martha, Birmingham, Ala., 1209 19th St., S. ; L.L, '10. Ezell, Mildred (Mrs. Andrew Glase), Nashville, Tenn., 1004 3d Ave., S. ; 1906. Ezell, Rosie, Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1909. Ezzell, Grace E., Arlington, Tex. ; L.L, '04. Fagin, Effie M. (Mrs. White), Hartsville, Tenn.; 1905. Fagin, Wm. R., Memphis, Tenn., Tenn. Trust Bldg. ; L.L, '03. Faires, Mary M., Pleasant View, Tenn. ; L.L, '11. Falconer, Nettie M. (Mrs. Walter H. Allen), Marlin, Tex.; L.L, '94; A.B., '95. Falconer, Roberta, Marlin, Tex. ; 1911. Fall, Mrs. Alex., Nashville, Tenn., Watkins Inst. ; 1903. Falwell, Frances F. (Mrs. Jno. Threadgill), Oklahoma City, Okla. ; L.L, '88. Fanning, Mary E. (Mrs, Hendricks), St. Louis, Mo., 4068 Page Bldg.; L.L, '86. Farmer, Eddie, Clarksville, Tenn. ; 1910. Farmer, Ella; L.L, '86 (deceased). Farmer, Georgie (Mrs. Porter), Springfield, Tenn.; 1909. Farmer, Josie O., Lynnville, Tenn. ; L.L, '92 ; A.B., '93. Famed, Maude (Mrs. B. C. Coulter), Oakland, Miss.; 1899. Farnell, Geo. Thos., Washington, D.C., Home Office Bldg. ; L.L, '87. Farquhar, Benj. H., Atlanta, Ga., 75 North Ave. ; 1907. Farrar, Ella W., Scottsville, Va. ; L.L, '83. Farrar, Jas. P., Fayetteville, Tenn. ; L.L, '03. Farrior, Henry L. ; L.L, '90 (deceased). Farris, Beulah, New Castle, Tenn. ; 1909. Farris, Dollie, Dyersburg, Tenn. ; 1906. Farris, Lester C, Harrison, Tenn. ; L.L, '07 ; A.B., '10. Farris, Mary N., Somerville, Tenn. ; L.L, '09. Farris, Mary E., New Castle, Tenn. ; 1909. Farrow, Annie E. (Mrs. J. M. Jennings), Fife, Va. ; L.L, '94. Farthing, Bessie M., Orlinda, Tenn. ; 1906. Farthing, Gilbertine, Orlinda, Tenn. ; 1903. Faucett, Emma L. (Mrs. A. E. White), Opelika, Ala.; L.L, '98. Faucett, Nathan S.. Washington, D.C., Cole Bldg. ; L.L, '83. Feeney, Ruth, Franklin, Tenn. ; 1911. Fellis, Lucy (Mrs. Bailey), Nashville, Tenn., 1200 3d Ave., S. ; 1889. Felts. Amos T., Pleasant View, Tenn.; L.L, '03; B.S., '04. Fender, Joshua T„ St. Katherine, Fla. ; L.L, '94. Fendley, Jas. M., Galveston, Tex., 3202 Ave. North; L.L, '81; A.B., '82. Fensterwald, Bernard, Nashville, Tenn., 112 7th Ave., N. ; 1907. Fensterwald, Ralph, Nashville, Tenn., 112 7th Ave., N. ; 1907. Ferguson, Clara B. (Mrs. Hood), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '79. Ferguson. Nina ML, Madison, Tenn. ; L.L, '00. Ferell, Lillian, Antioch, Tenn.; 1910. 28 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Ferrell, Cornelia, Conway, S. C. ; L.I., '11. Ferrell, Elizabeth (Mrs. W. O. Player), Darlington, S. C. ; L.I., '02. Ferrell, Mamie, Guthrie, Ky. ; 1910. Ferrell, Pearl, Cookeville, Tenn. ; 1900. Ferris, Christina (Mrs. C. Seal), Nashville, Tenn.. 1706 Russell St.; 1887. Fertig, Jas. W., Murfreesboro, Tenn.; A.B., '90; A.M., '91. Field, May E., Bruceville, Tex.; 1909. Field, Minnie A., Atlanta, Ga., 16 Baltimore PI. ; L.I., '85. Fischer, Juliana (Mrs. Joscelyn), Davenport Center, N.Y. ; 1907. Fisher, Elizabeth A. (Mrs. A. B. Gough), Bowie, Tex.; L.I., '01. Fisher, Elsie, Edmond, Okla. ; 1905. Fisher, Emma II. (Mrs. E. W. Tarrant) ; B.L., '92 (deceased). Fisher, George C, Monette, Ark. ; 1897. Fisher, Jno. G., Concord, Va. ; 1882. Fisher, Minnie B., Montgomery, Ala., 511 S. McDonough St. ; A.B., '09. Fisher, Nettie R. (Mrs. Jno. McMurray), S. McAlester, Okla.; L.I., '82. Fisher, Wm. II., Decaturville, Tenn. ; 1906. Fishel, Pauline, Nashville, Tenn., 110 Lyle St. ; 1911. Fiske, Catheryne (Mrs. Worner L. Churchill), Rye, N. Y. ; 1895. Fite, Marion J., Hendersonville, Tenn. ; 1906. Fitts, Hattie B. (Mrs. Meakin S. Foley), Hartsville, Tenn.; L.I., '02. Fitts, Lena M. (Mrs. W. A. Henry), Hartsville, Tenn.; L.I., '99. Fitts, Sadie (Mrs. Jos. G. Gray), Franklin, Ky. ; L.I., '98. Fitzgerald, Ora L., Carter's Creek, Tenn. ; 1910. Fitzpatrick, Kirby, Oklahoma City, Okla. ; Hon. B.L., '01. Flanigan, Wm. R., Eros, La. ; L.I., '94. Flannigan, Lillian, Nashville, Tenn., 235 Main St. ; 1901. Fleetwood, Harriet L., Nashville, Tenn., School for The Blind ; 1909. Fleishman, Mamie (Mrs. Lee Bessenger), Nashville, Tenn.; 1899. Fleming, Jas. R., Keystone, Okla. ; L.I., '96. Fleming, Lois, Knoxville, Tenn. ; 1909. Fleming, Mabel L. (Mrs. Staggers). Fairmont, W. Va. ; 1904. Fleming, Minnie P., Fairmont, W. Va., 250 Watson Ave. ; 1904. Fleming, Robt. F., Jr., Laurens, S. C. ; L.I., '98. Fleming, Sue J., Lynnville, Tenn. ; L.I., '05. Fletcher, Sallie W., Denmark, Tenn. ; L.I., '08. Fling, Henry H. J., Cookeville, Tex. ; L.I., '95 ; B.S., '96. Flippin, Helen N. (Mrs. B. Ward Marston), East Point, La.; L.I., '93. Flisher, Edith E., Nashville, Tenn., Ala. and 48th Ave. ; 1910. Flisher, Grace M. ; 1893 (deceased). Flisher, May E. (Mrs. Walton Lawrence), Nashville, Tenn., 219- A Woodland; 1893. Floersh, Annie C, Nashville, Tenn., 208 Russell St. ; L.I., '09. Floersh, Lena, Atlanta, Ga., 192 Crew St. ; L.I., '98. Flory, Walter S., Bridgewater, Va. ; L.L, '91 ; A.B., '92. Flowers, Penelope, Mortimer, Ky. ; 1903. Floyd, Cora F. (Mrs. Dodds), Sturgis, Miss.; 1906. Floyd, Maggie A., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; L.L, '09. Floyd, Mary G. (Mrs. Frank Suiex) ; L.L, '87 (deceased). Floyd, Minnie M., Beaumont, Tex. ; L.L, '04. Floyd, Wm. O., Nashville, Tenn., 148 8th Ave., N. ; L.L, '07; B.S., '07. Flynn, Ida (Mrs. Williams), San Antonio, Tex.; L.L. '81; A.B., '82. Folger, Floy (Mrs. R. S. Doak), Nashville, Tenn., Cedar Lane; L.L, '03. Folwell, Ethel A., N. Y. City, Columbia Univ. ; A.B., '10. Fontaine, Martha C, Houma, La. ; L.L ; '11. Fontaine, Mary B., Charleston, W. Va. ; L.L. '95; A.B., '95. Fontaine, Mary E., Nashville, Tenn., R. R. No. 3; L.L, '11. Foote, Electa, Roaring River, N. C. ; L.L, '01. Ford, Lena G., Marietta, Ga. ; L.L, '96. Ford, Mary C, Hollandale, Miss. ; L.L, '10. KNOWN ALUMNI. 29 Ford, Win. B., Birmingham, Ala.. 219 N. 50th St.; L.I., '95; B.S., '90. Forfey, Ella (Mrs. Robt. S. Prentiss), N. Y. City, 880 St. Nicholas Ave.; L.I., 'S3. Forman, R. Clinton, Bewelcome, Miss. ; 1909. Forney, Emma R., Jacksonville, Ala. ; 18S2. Forrest, Josephine, Hillsboro, N. C. ; L.I., '89. Forrest. Thos. F., Wynnewood, Okla. ; L.I., '02. Fort, Lizzie; L.I., '8S (deceased). Foster, Bessie R. (Mrs. II. B. Stallworth), Marlin, Tex.; L.I., '04. Foster, Carrie A., Nashville, Tenn., 1500 ISth Ave., S. ; 1911. Foster, Cassie (Mrs. J. S. Hannah), West Point, Miss.; 1897. Foster, Jennie M. (Mrs. W. II. McCauley) ; L.I., 81 (deceased). Foster, Nora E., Hermitage, Tenn. ; 1910. Foster, Sidney I., Leesville, La. ; L.I., '00. Fouche, Chas. W., Piano, Tex. ; L.I., '99. Fouche, Sarah B. ; L.I., '84 (deceased). Foureker, Mamie, Dallas, Tex., Sta. A ; 190G. Foute, Laura C. (Mrs. A. S. Haywood), Worcester, Mass.; L.I., '90. Fouts, Geo. B., Madison, Fla. ; 1882. Fours, Jesse J., Gonzales, Tex. ; L.I., '83. Fowler, Maude D. (Mrs. Hollabaugh), Leslie, Ark.; L.I., '98; A.B., '00. Fowler, Rachel S. (Mrs. Jno. Daly), Hogansville, Ga. ; L.I., '87. Fowler,- Wm. A., Oklahoma City, Okla. ; L.I., '05. Fox, Blondie (Mrs. J. A. Richardson), Hattiesburg, Miss.; 1902. Fox, Chas. N., Memphis, Tenn. ; L.I., '01. Francis, Wm. A., Huntsville, Tex. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '02. Frank, Jas. ML, Nashville, Tenn., care Frank & Co. ; L.I., '85. Frank, Mildred A. (Mrs. Nussbaum), Marlin, Tex.; L.I., '99. Frank, Sadie A., Nashville, Tenn., 808 17th Ave., S. ; L.I., '02 ; A.B., '08. Frankland, Celia, Nashville, Term., 116 20th Ave., N. ; 1899. Frankland, Florence R., Nashville, Tenn., 116 20th Ave., N. ; 1902. Frankland, Lillie M., Nashville, Tenn., 116 20th Ave., N. ; 1894. Franklin, Emily C, Hendersonville, Tenn. ; L.I., '09. Franklin, Felix R., Nashville, Tenn., 1112 2d Ave., N. ; L.I., '07. Franklin, Jno. W., Granville, Tenn. ; 1909. Franklin, Rosa E. ; L.I., '86 (deceased). Frash, Killie I., Shelbyville, Tenn. ; 1907. Fraser, Sarah P., McMinnville, Tenn. ; 1907. Frazier, Fred B., Nashville, Tenn., State Capitol ; 1902. Frazier, Jas. H., Half Pone, Tenn. ; 1900. Frazier, Neal D., Columbia, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Frazier, Wm. D., Linden, Tenn. ; 1907. Frederick, Minnie E., Water Valley, Miss. ; L.I., '86. Freedman, Morris L., Nashville, Tenn., 2425 Kensington; 1907. Freeman, Enid R. (Mrs. A. E. Phillips), Houma, La.; L.I., '04. Freeman, Sallie L., Tyler, Tex. ; L.I., '96. Freeman, Win. R. ; L.I., '95; A.B., '96 (deceased). Frensley, Jennie, Nashville, Tenn., Foster St. ; 1907. Friedman, Tessie, Louisville, Ky., 1410 S. 2d St.; L.I., '11. Friend, Elsie B. ; L.I., '95 (deceased). Frierson, Juanita ; 1893 (deceased). Frost, Howard E., Nashville, Tenn., 1614 McGavock St. ; 1892. Frost, Kellie I., Rayne, La. ; L.I., '09. Frost, Lizzie D., Clinton, Miss. ; L.I., '07. Frost, Sarah R., Brentwood, Tenn. ; 1905. Fudge, Alice, Colquitt, Ga. ; 1909. Fulcher, Mrs. Ida. Nashville, Tenn. ; 1908. Fulk, Jacob F. ; L.I., '92; A.B., '93; B.S., '95 (deceased). Fuller, Katie, Nashville, Tenn., 1014 3d Ave., S. ; 1897. Fuller, Lottie, Nashville, Tenn., 1014 3d Ave., S. ; A.B., '91. 30 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Fuller, Mary E. ; L.I., '78 (deceased). Fuller, Mildred L. (Mrs. Thos. H. Jeffries), Atlanta, Ga. ; L.I., '80. Fuqua, Foster Y., Gardner, Tenn. ; L.I., '10. Furgeson, Clara B. (Mrs. W. P. Hood), Nashville, Tenn.; 1877. Furniss, Mamie (Mrs. Parnell), Shreveport, La.; L.I., '03. Gaddis, Sudie E., Oberlin, La. ; L.L, '07. Gaines, Anna W., Nashville, Tenn., 1909 Adelicia Ave. ; 1910. Gaines, Christine, Hattiesburg, Miss., 703 W. Pine St. ; L.L. '11. Galbraith, Elizabeth J., Fayetteville, Ark., 317 College Ave. ; 1900. Galbraith, Lura B., Newark, N. J., 25 Vernon Ave. ; L.L, '00. Galbraith, Mattie; 1903 (deceased). Galbreath, Tom, Memphis, Tenn. ; 1903. Gallagher, Joe. F., Nashville, Tenn., 305 Jackson Bldg. ; 1905. Gallagher, Maggie, Nashville, Tenn., 1216 McGavock St. ; 1882. Gallaher, Chas. K., Rudley, Cal. ; L.L, '02. Gallimore, May R. (Mrs. Ed. Cooper), Nashville, Tenn.; 1891. Gammon, Jessie M., Humboldt, Tenn. ; L.L, '09. Gannaway, Jno. M. ; Mangum, Okla. ; 1883. Gant, Mary L., Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; L.L, '11. Gardner, Artemas F., Greenwood, Miss. ; L.L, '80. Gardner, Eleanor, Nashville, Tenn., 719 Benton Ave. ; L.L, '05 ; B.S., '05. Gardner, Elmer B., Norman, Okla. ; 1906. Gardner, Frances B., Reidsville, N. C. ; L.L, '04. Gardner, Oliver W., Odessa, Mo. ; L.L, '93. Gardner, Rufus N., Reed Island, Va. ; L.L, '92 ; A.B., '93. Gardner, Thos. W., Nashville, Tenn., 325 28th Ave., N. ; 1900. Garfinkle, Annie M., Nashville, Tenn., 609J 5th Ave., N. ; 1909. Garner, Peter P., W. Jackson, Miss. ; 1897. Garnett, Bessie, McMinnville, Tenn. ; 1906. Garnett, Pearl E., Galveston, Tex., 1215 Mechanic; 1903. Garren, Emily A. (Mrs. Robinson), Monticello, Ark.; L.L, '03. Garret, Mrs. C. F., Nashville, Tenn., Walden Univ. ; 1903. Garrett, Josephine (Mrs. T. B. Turner), Mobile, Ala.; L.L, '93. Garrett, Julia F., Nashville, Tenn., 308 Russell St. ; 1901. Garrett, Luella E. (Mrs. Geo. Pepper), Johnson City, Tenn.; L.L, '96. Garrison, Ella S. (Mrs. W. E. Stout), Ennis, Tex.; 1898. Garrison, Jas. H., Julian, Cal. ; L.L, '05. Gash, Flora M., Asheville, N. C, 58 Orange St. ; 1896. Gash, Ineva T. (Mrs. Reilly), Indianapolis, Ind. ; L.L, '95; B.L., '95. Gash, Martha P.; L.L, '82 (deceased). Gaston, lone (Mrs. T. J. Pinson), Forney, Tex.; L.L, '00. Gates, Eva M., Bradentown, Fla. ; 1903. Gatewood, Lee C, Chicago, 111., Rush Med. College ; 1903. Gattinger, Augusta, Nashville, Tenn. ; L.L, '77. Gaultney, Bert H., Pulaski, Tenn. ; 1909. Gaut, Sarah M., Nashville. Tenn., Murfreesboro Pk. ; 1901. Gayden, Wm. J., Celeste, Tex. ; L.L, '92. Gayle, Laura C. (Mrs. Leo Foley), Los Angeles, Cal., 332 N. Oxford Bl. ; L.L, '02. Gayle, Sadie L. (Mrs. W. A. Quick), Legonier, La.; L.L, '00. Geer, Chas. M. ; L.L, '89 (deceased). Geer, Jno. M., Greenville, S. C. ; L.L, '81. Geiger, Katie (Mrs. J. M. Miller), Nashville, Tenn., 1913 21st Ave.; 1884. Geiger, Maggie E. (Mrs. Rawlings), Memphis, Tenn., Overton ark Ave.; 1887. Geiger, Zadie I. (Mrs. Jas. Campbell), Nashville, Term., 832 2d Ave., S. ; L.L, '90. Gentry, Ida (Mrs. Q. G. Davis), Taylor, Tex.; 1887. George, Libbie L. (Mrs. J. L. McMillan), Clarksburg, W. Va. ; L.L, '01. Gholson, Dora, Bartlett, Tenn. ; L.L, '03. KNOWN ALUMNI. 31 Gibson, Alicia, Nashville, Tenn., 1503 McGavock St. ; 1880. Gibson, Bertha E. (Mrs. A. P. Holt), Crowley, La.: L.I., '98. Gibsou, Everett B., DeWitt, Ark. ; L.I., '87. Gibson, Hattie (Mrs. Robt. Stanford) ; L.I., '95 (deceased). Gibson, Isaac H., Nashville, Tenn., 1513 Forest Ave.; L.I., '01; A.B., '10. Gibson, Iva C, DeWitt, Ark. ; L.I., '88. Gibson, Jas. L., Hartsells, Ala. ; L.I., '95. Gibson, John, Bobo, Miss. ; L.I., '89. Gibson, Mary (Mrs. Pritchard), Nashville, Tenn., Evelyn Court; L.I., '79. Gibson, Wm. B. ; L.I., '95; A.B., '96 (deceased). Gilbert, Geo. S., Clarksville, Tenn. ; L.I., '83. Gilbert, Henry C, Florence, Ala. ; L.I., '80 ; A.B., '80. Gilbert, Katherine L. (Mrs. H. N. Holtzclaw), Perry, Ga. ; L.I., '83. Gilbreath, Jno. E., Nashville, Tenn., care Democrat; 1903. Gill, Helen M. (Mrs. Pfaeffle), Waco, Tex., Bosque Bldg. ; L.I., '09. Gill, Luther B., Henrietta, Tex. ; L. I., '02. Gill, Maggie, Marlin, Tex., 308 Ward St. ; 1909. Gillespie, Annie (Mrs. N. C. Leonard), L.I., '89 (deceased). Gillespie, Ulysses G., Franklin, Ky. ; 1907. Gillham, Annetta W., Kelso, Tenn. ; L.I., '10. Gilliam, Iona, Nashville, Tenn., 321 Cleveland St. ; L.I., '11 ; A.B., '11. Gilliam, Una, Prospect, Tenn. ; L.I., '10. Gillis, Kate, Smithfield, Tex. ; L.I., '94. Givins, Jamie M., Nashville, Tenn., 4 Carroll St. ; 1911. Gladden, Mary T., Amzi, Ga. ; L.I., '02. Glascock, Bessie B. (Mrs. C. L. Shoffner), Wartrace, Tenn.; L.I., '98. Glase, Delia F., Nashville, Tenn., Vauxhall Flats ; 1903. Glase, Mary D., Nashville, Tenn., Vauxhall Flats ; 1906. Glase, Medora, Nashville, Tenn., Vauxhall Flats; 1900. Gleaves, Alline M., Nashville, Tenn., 1200 Calvin Ave. ; 1903. Gleaves, Elizabeth (Mrs. Buford Vost), Oklahoma City, Okla. ; 1903. Gleaves, Margaret (Mrs. W. W. McDonald), Bernice, La.; L.I., '04. Gleaves, Mattie, Nashville, Tenn., 320 Main St. ; 1910. Gleghorn, Chalmers A., Petersburg, Tenn. ; 1893. Glenn, Annie F., Alexandria, La. ; L.I., '09. Glenn, Frank A.; L.I., '80; A.B., '81; A.M., '90 (deceased). Glenn, Hannah (Mrs. Chas. H. Reynolds), Warman, Minn.; L.I., '99. Glenn, Jno. T., Nashville, Tenn. ; 1907. Glick, Lillian, Nashville, Tenn., 2017 Hayes St. ; 1903. Glinn, Kate, Richmond, Va., Barton Heights; L.I., '98. Glover, Aristine G., Nashville, Tenn., 2415 Kensington PI. ; A.B., '92. Glover, Mary V., Joelton, Tenn. ; 1909. Goad, Jas. W 7 ., Pine Bluff, Ark. ; A.B., '11. Gobble, Wm. A., Sevierville, Tenn. ; 1894. Gobelet, Gussie M., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1911. Goben, Mary E., Evergreen, La. ; 1909. Godsey, Viola A.; L.I., '83 (deceased). Gold, Vernon C, Carthage, Tenn. ; 1909. Goldberg, Corinne, Nashville, Tenn., 202 6th Ave., S. ; 1902. Goldberg, Gertrude, Chicago. 111., 207 E. 50th St. ; 1888. Goldberg, H. H., Nashville, Tenn., 209 6th Ave., S. ; 1910. Goldsby, Flavius W. ; L.I., '94 (deceased). Goldstein, Rosa (Mrs. Schwartz), Meridian, Miss.; L.I., '86. Gomez, 'Reina I., Saltello-Coah, Mex. ; 1907. Good, Daniel S., Roanoke, Va. ; L.I., '87. Goodall, Jerreline A., Nashville, Tenn., Compton Ave. ; 1895. Goode, Margaret W. (Mrs. W. C. Moore), N. Y. City, Columbia Univ.; L.I., '03; B.S., '04. Goode. Nancy D.. Skipwith, Va. ; 1907. Goodloe, Faith W. (Mrs. J. P. Bostick), McMinnville, Tenn.: L.I., r 96. 32 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Goodloe, Mary B., Nashville, Tenn., 4402 Nevada Ave. ; L.I., '03. Goodloe, Zue, Nashville, Tenn., 117 Lyle Ave. ; 1903. Goodman, Walter A.; L.I., '95 (deceased). Goodpasture, Jefferson D., Nashville, Tenn., Capers Ave. and Hills- boro Pike ; 1896. Goodpasture, Ridley R., Nashville, Tenn., 226 Woodland St. ; 1901. Goodwin, Anne (Mrs. Julius M. Nissen), Pasadena, Cal. ; L.I., '97. Goodwin, Edward M., Morganton, N. C. ; L.I., '84. Goodwin, Wm. M., Sandersville, Ga. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '03. Gordon, Alfred N., Christiana, Tenn. ; L.I., '00. Gordon, Ellen; 1899 (deceased). Gordon, Grace L. (Mrs. J. M. Hankins), Birmingham, Ala.; L.I., '03; B.S., '04. Gordon, Jas. C, Nashville, Tenn., 24 Academy Place; 1911. Gordon, Louise, Nashville, Tenn., 24 Academy Place; 1911. Gordon, Louise M., Nashville, Tenn., 24 Academy Place; L.I., '78; A.B., '79. Gore, Chas. C, Elmwood, Tenn. ; 1909. Gorenfla, Winnie, Biloxi, Miss. ; 1907. Gorman, Annie L. ; L.I., '90 (deceased). Gorman, Thomas; L.I., '78 (deceased). Gorman, Wm. C, Nashville, Tenn., 808 Palmer Place. Gower, Eddie L. (Mrs. P. H. Jacobs), Nashville, Tenn., Pennock Ave.; 1903. Gower, Orien T., Cordele, Ga. ; L.I., '99 ; A.B., '01. Grace, Lloyd A., Savannah, Ga., Hughes-Jones-Cadberry Co. ; 1901. Gracy, Annie B. (Mrs. W. L. Wheeler), Nashville, Tenn., 310 Vaughn St. ; L.I., '99. Graham, Elizabeth K. (Mrs. Crutcher) ; L.I., '77 (deceased). Graham, Harry, Bogalusa, Ala. ; L.L, '86. Graham, Jno. A., Bradentown, Fla. ; L.L, '84. Graham, Laura, Atlanta, Ga., 182 Gordon St. ; 1905. Graham, Margaret H. (Mrs. Thos. J. Boyle), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '04. Graham, Maria D., Greenville, N.C. ; L.L, '95. Graham, Wm. S., Tampa, Fla., DeSoto Hotel; L.L, '83. Graham, Zollie S. (Mrs. L. E. Osborne), Schenectady, N. Y. ; L.L, '02. Granberry, Bessie, Tullahoma, Tenn. ; 1905. Grant, Lottie E., Monroe, La. ; L.L, '10. Graves, Chas. S., Joelton, Tenn. ; 1909. Gray, Arthour H., Seattle, Wash., 318 Lumber Exchange Bldg. ; 1902. Gray, Bertha, Trenton, Tenn.; 1908. Gray, Eugenia, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; 1906. Gray, Helen, Nashville, Tenn., Dickerson Pk. ; 1899. Gray, Hilda M., Palm Springs, Cal. ; L.L, '94 ; B.S., '94. Gray, Janie C, Williamston, S. C. ; L.L, '97. Gray, Janie M. (Mrs. J. L. Hagan), Danville, Va. ; L.L, '98. Gray, Jessie L., Franklin, Tenn. ; L.L, '07. Gray, Mary L., Franklin, Tenn. ; L.L, '09. Gray, Mary S., Lake Charles, La., 1103 Hodges St. ; L.L, '05. Gray, Olive, Nashvile, Tenn., Dickerson Rd. ; L.L, '03. Gray, Rachel P., Celina, Tenn. ; 1908. Graybeal, Elihu V., Harlem, Mont. ; L.L, '97. Graybeal, Wm. T., Missoula, Mont, Higgins Block ; L.L, '00. Green, Berta, Washington, Ga. ; L.L, '07. Green, Bessie E., Nashville, Tenn.. 507 Russell St. ; L.L, '11. Green, Elizabeth, Augusta, Ga., "The Hill" ; L.L, '01. Green, Jas. B., Greenwood. S. C, 126 Main St.; L.L, '93; A.B., '93. Green, Julia M. (Mrs. Davidson). Nashville, Tenn., 805 Russell; 1907. Green, Louis P., Auburn, Ga. ; 1902. Green, Mattie C. (Mrs. Harris), Brownsville, Tenn.; L.L, '96. KNOWN ALUMNI. 33 Green, Robt. L., Oneonta, Ala.; 1000. Green, Sallie A.; L.I., '83; B.S., '95 (deceased). Green, Susan K., Brownsville, Tenn. ; 1895. Green, Williamette, Jackson, Miss.; L.I., '03. Greene, Janie L., Birmingham, /Via., Earl Place; 1887. Greene, Wm. D., Adel, Ga. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '03. Greeno, Martha, Nashville, Tenn., Woman's Hospital ; 1905. Greer, Jno. A., Linden, Tenn. ; 1895. Gregory, Christine, Cookeville, Tenn. ; 1911. Gregory, Mary B. (Mrs. Prestwood) ; 1887 (deceased). Gregory, Minnie M. (Mrs. W. P. Arnette), Welsh, La.; 1906. Gregory, Sister M., Chicago, 111., St. Patrick's Convent; 1910. Grewar, Annie B., Clarksville, Tenn. ; L.I., '08 ; A.B., '10. Grewar, Mary M., Nashville, Tenn., 1415 Demonbreun St. ; 1894. Griffin, Allie M., Nashville, Tenn.. 517 Forest Ave. ; 1901. Griffin. Aosta, Anthony, Fla. ; 1897. Griffin, Belle, Nashville, Tenn., 920 S. High St. ; 1903. Griffin, Chas. G., Nashville, Tenn., 517 Ash; 1903. Griffin, Jno. S., Nashville, Tenn., 1617 Russell St. ; 1906. Griffin, Lillian C, Quitman, Ga. ; 1907. Griffin, Mallis A., Wendell, N. C. ; L.I., '91. Griffin, Sara D., Jacksonville, Fla. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '96. Griffin, Wm. A., Watertown, Tenn. ; 1905. Griffin, Zollicoffer K., Jackson, Tenn. ; B.S., '92. Griffith, Janie B., Terrell, Tex. ; 1911. Griffith, Lillian G., N. Y. City., Columbia Univ. ; 1907. Griffith, Susie B. (Mrs. Will Cunningham), Hermitage, Tenn.; 1897. Griggs, Jas. M. ; L.I., '81 (deceased). Grimsley, Geo. A., Greensboro, N. C. ; L.I., '88. Grisham, Orin, M., Winnfield, La. ; A.B., '92. Grissam, Lillian M. (Mrs. Stanley Wright), McKenzie, Tenn.; L.I., '95. Grissette, Willie, Riverside, Ark. ; 1906. Groesbeck, Rollo C, Klamath Falls, Ore. ; L.I., '98 ; A.B., '00. Groover, Clifford; 1905 (deceased). Gross, Jos. F., Manila, P. I. ; L.I., '01. Gross, Lillian, Sylacauga, Ala. ; 1909. Gross, Lucile, Sylacauga, Ala. ; 1909. Groves, Bessie A. (Mrs. W. J. Rhea), Balmorhea. Tex.; L.I., '99. Gudger, Eugene W., Greensboro, N. C. ; L.I., '92; B.S., '92; A.M., '93. Guest, Clifford L., Birmingham, Ala. ; 1907. Guignard, Jane B., Columbia, S. C, 1313 Lady St. ; L.I., '96. Guill. Mason P., Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; 1901. Guinn, Lula A. (Mrs. Hulsey), Cormouche, Tex.; 1907. Guinn, Mabel L., Fresno, Cal., 1470 White Ave. ; L.I., '05. Guinn, Mallie, Fresno, Cal., 1470 White Ave. ; L.I., '11. Guinn. Mary T. (Mrs. G. M. Eakes), Atlanta, Ga., 24 E. Ga. Ave.; L.I., '93. Guion, Amey, Newbern. N. C. ; 1905. Gullatt, Mattie L., St. Francisville, La. ; L.I., '07. Gunnels, Columbis L. ; L.I., '91; A.B., '92 (deceased). Gunson, Ira L., Hinson, Fla. ; 1905. Gwyn, Annie M., Crowley, La. ; 1007. Gwyn, Bettie, Whitehaven. Tenn. ; 1011. Gwyn, Mary M., Gainesville, Tex. : L.I.. '03. Hackett, Jno. C, Bristol, Va. ; 1003. Hackney, Jeremiah H. ; L.I., '87 (deceased). Hackl, Marie M., Lawrence, Kan., U. of Kan. ; 1011. Hackworth, Lector L. ; Anderson, Tenn. : L.I., '10. Hadden, Wm. R. H., Hopkinsville, Ky. ; 1000. Haden, Julius T., Nashville, Tenn., 1033 20th Ave., S. ; 1001. 34 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Hagaman, Mrs. Emma W., Ranger, Tex. ; L.I., '93. Hagan, H. H., Trenton, Ky. ; 1910. Haggard, Louise D. (Mrs. J. Y. Crawford), Nashville, Tenn. ; L.I., '80; A.B., '80. Hague, Maggie L. (Mrs. Dealey), Ft. Worth, Tex.; L.I., '04. Haile, Josephine, Flynns Lick, Tenn. ; 1907. Hailey, Lenora; L.I., '98 (deceased). Haiman, Ella, Nashville, Tenn., 723 3d Ave., S. ; L.I., '04 ; A.B., '06. Haiman, Jiilius, Nashville, Tenn., Ash and 3d Ave. ; 1907. Hair, Jas. L., Chattanooga, Tenn., 616 Bailey Ave. ; 1896. Halbrook, Wm. E., Choctaw, Ark. ; L.I., '03. Hale, Annie D. ; L.I., '92; A.B., '93 (deceased). Hale, Ellen (Mrs. R. F. Nunez), Tampa, Fla., 1707 Fla. Ava. ; L.I., '98. Hale, Jas. D., Christiana, Tenn. ; 1899. Hale, Johnnie K., Wolf City, Tex. ; L.I., '10. Hale, Mary J., Nacogdoches, Tex. ; L.I., '99. Hale, Thos. J., Russellville, Ala. ; L.I., '07. Haley, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. J. A. Moore), Jasper, Ala.; L.I., '88. Haley, Harvey, Corning, Ark. ; L.L, '03. Haley, Lucy, Chattanooga, Tenn. ; L.L, '99. Hall, Agnes G., Parkersburg, W. Va. ; L.L, '94. Hall, Emmett C, Charleston, W. Va. ; L.L, '04 ; A.B., '06. Hall, Jessie H. (Mrs. Roberts), Galveston, Tex.; L.L, '94; A.B., '95. Hall, Loula K. (Mrs. Peterkin), MerRouge, La.; L.L, '98. Flail, Robt. A., St. Louis, Mo., Washington Univ.; L.L, '93; A.B., '94. Hall, Willis W., Miami, Fla. ; L.L, '96. Halloran, Lizzie B., Nashville, Tenn., 128 13th Ave., N. ; L.L, '81. Halloran, Maggie, Nashville, Tenn., Thompson & Co. ; 1879. Hallum, Mary, Dulac, La. ; L.L, '09. Hallum, Mattie A. (Mrs. Edw. F. Lacy), Dallas, Tex.; L.L, '91. Hamblen, Annie W., Nashville, Tenn., 819 Fatherland St. ; 1902. Hamblen, Wm. H., Nashville, Tenn., East Station; 1899. Hamel, Odilene (Mrs. Green Williams), Franklin, Tenn.; 1877. Hamilton, Dana L., Nashville, Tenn., 721 Benton Ave. ; L.L, '08. Hamilton, Laura L. (Mrs. S. H. Flake), Rogers, Tex.; L.L, '85. Hamilton, Sallie C. (Mrs. Horace Farrar), Hillsboro, Tex.; L.L, '08. Hamilton, Wm. T., Tyler, Tex. ; L.L, '09. Hamm, Mary L. (Mrs. Wm. Richard), Birmingham, Ala., Underwood Ave.; 1902. Hamm, Wm. O. C, Bentonville, Ark.; L.L, '91; A.B., '92; B.S., '93; A.M., '94. Hamner, Laura V., Claude, Tex. ; L.L, '91. Hampton, Ephraim M., Montgomery, Ala., 1037 S. Hull St. ; 1901. Hampton, Hattie P., Tracy City, Tenn. ; 1899. Hampton, Mabel G. (Mrs. P. T. Gilliam), Pelham, Tenn.; 1906. Hancock, Annie I. (Mrs. A. C. Minter), Nashville, Tenn., 1900 Broad- way; L.L, '90. Hancock, Fannie L. (Mrs. F. Y. Fuqua), Gardner, Tenn.; L.L, '11. Hander, Antonio E., Perry, Tex.; L.L, '02; B.S., '02. Handley, Nellie (Mrs. Michael Sanders), Nashville, Tenn., Stonewall St. Hankins, Jno. M., Birmingham, Ala., 1st Ave. ; L.L, '01 ; B.S., '01. Hanson, Maggie C, New Orleans, La., 3125 Coliseum St. ; L.L, '90. Haralson, Frances, Bastrop, Tex. ; 1907. Harbison, Betty, Mineral Wells, Tex. ; 1909. Hardee, Wm. N., Pachuta, Miss.; 1896 (deceased). Harding, Adaline W. (Mrs. C. C. Whitaker), Wichita, Kan.; L.L, '99 Harding, C. Max, Glendale, Tenn. ; 1911. Harding, Frances, Bellevue, Tenn. ; 1906. Harding, Lallah Mai, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1911. Harding, Maude M., Bellevue, Tenn. ; 1907. KNOWN ALUMNI. 35 Harding, Robt L., Nashville, Tenn., Clayton Ave.; 1903. llardison, Bessie (Mrs. A. D. Knox), Nashville, Tenn., Charlotte Pk; 1894. Bardison, C. Max, Hampshire, Tenn.; 1910. llardison, Thos. L., Chapel Bill, Tenn.; 1890. Hardy, Annie D. (Mrs. G. BE. Brown). Springfield, Tenn.; L.I., '03. Bargrave, Lee L., Battleboro, N. C. ; L.I., '88. Hargrove, Henry L., Berlin, Germany. Bamberger St. 29; L.I., '90; A.B., '91; A.M., '92. Hargrove, Irene (Mrs. York), Prescott, Ark. ; L.I., '95. Harlow, Lucy J., Staunton, Va. ; L.I., '03 ; A.B., '04. Barman, Arthur F., Selma, Ala., 603 Tremont St.; L.I., '96. Harman, Margaret L. (Mrs. Geo. H. Holder), Shreveort, La.; L.I., '03. Harms, Stella, Jasper, Ala. ; 1907. Harper, Eugenia W., Atlanta, Ga., 193 Gordon St. ; 1905. Harper, Sallie C. (Mrs. Emmett Brown), Cleburne, Tex.; L.I., '95. Harper, W. S., Dogwood, Tenn. ; 1903. Harrell, Mary C, Nashville, Tenn., Dickson Pk. ; 1906. Harrell, Carrie F., Hutig, Ark. ; 1909. Harrell, Elmer H., McLemoresville, Tenn. ; 1909. Harris, Angie L., Pikeville, Tenn. ; 1910. Harris, Annie P. (Mrs. W. D. Smith), Scottsville, Va. ; L.I., '00. Harris, Ben F., Kansas City, Mo., 401 Lafayette Ave. ; 1909. Harris, Elam R., New Orleans, La., 1302 Dryades St. ; L.I., '91 ; B.S., '92. Harris, Estella A., Franklin, Ky. ; 1909. Harris, Geo. H., Houston, Tex., 2101 Main St. ; 1898. Harris, Isaac L., Havana, Cuba ; L.I., '81. Harris, Janie L., Nashville, Tenn., 1501 Ga. Ave. ; L.I., '00. Harris, Kate R., Collierville, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Harris, Lizzie L., Louisville, Ky., 1925 4th St. ; 1882. Harris, Martha L., Gallatin, Tenn. ; 1900. Harris, Mary L., Nashville, Tenn., Trinity Ave. ; L.I., '05. Harris, Mary N. (Mrs. Goodloe Cockrill), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '90. Harris, Marietta, Nashville, Tenn., R. R. No. 2 ; L.I., '10. Harris, Maude, Ringgold, Ga. ; L.I., '00. Harris, Nannie B., Bells, Tenn. ; 1909. Harris, Nannie T., Memphis, Tenn. ; 1879. Harris, Orben, Bells, Tenn. ; L.I., '06 ; A.B., '09. Harris, Mrs. Permelia, Adairsville, Ky. ; 1910. Harris, Sue P., Louisville, Ky., 1925 4th St. ; 1881. Harris, Vay E. (Mrs. Geo. Williams), Pecos, Tex.; L.I., '97. Harrison, Eloise A., Farmville, Va. ; L.I., '03. Harrison, Gertrude B., Nashville, Tenn., 4604 Elkins Ave. ; 1899. Harrison, Inda, Lawrenceville, Ga. ; 1903. Harrison, Inda L., Colfax, La. ; 1907. Harrison, Jos F., Cleveland, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Harrison, Lucile, Barton Heights, Va., 606 Va. Ave. ; L.I., '02. Harsh, Forrest; L.I., '83 (deceased). Harsh, Virginia H., St. Louis, Mo., 5554 Cabanna Ave.; L.I., '01. Hart, Mary L., Carthage, Tenn. ; 1903. Hart, Sina B., Brawley, Cal. ; L.I., '07. Hartfield, Zuma R., El Paso, Tex., 611 Montana St. ; L. I., '04 ; A.B., '04. Harton, Annie M., Dyersburg, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Harton, Blanche M., Dyersburg, Tenn. ; 1905. Harton, Carleton-Billups, Kaufman, Tex.; L.I., '02; A.B., '03. Harton, Harris M., Memphis, Tenn., 993 Oakview St. ; L.I., '00. Hartz, Agnes (Mrs. R. B. Butler), Houma, La.; L.I., '91. Harvey, Fletcher D., Memphis, Tenn. ; 1898. Harvey, Nan C. (Mrs. R. L. McMichael), Buena Vista, Ga. ; 1896. Harvill, Walker L., Totty's Bend, Tenn. ; 1903. 36 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Harwell, Eva K., Eatonton, Ga. ; 1911. Harwood, Ephraim ; L.I., '80 (deceased). Harwood, Minnie U. (Mrs. J. E. Koontze) ; L.I., '90 (deceased). Harwood, Percy, Nashville, Tenn., 1503 McGavock St. ; 1893. Hassell, Kate M., Dallas, Tex. ; 217 Cumberland ; L.I., '99. Hassell, Thos. C, Dallas, Tex. ; 3223 Elihu St. ; L.I., '05 ; A.B., '06. Hasslock, Augusta T., Marshall, Tex.; L.I., '01; B.S., '02. Hasslock, Clara W., Decatur, Ga. ; L.I., '04 ; A.B., '05. Hasslock, Lillie L., Nashville, Tenn., 1020 3d Ave., S. ; A.B., '11. Haszinger, Mary E., Memphis, Tenn. ; L.I., '95 ; B.S., '95. Hata, Isao, 2950 Kashimadani, Oi-machi, Takio-fu, Japan; B.L., '99. Hatcher, Hallie L., Junction City, Ark. ; L.I., '11. Hatcher, Mary E., Franklin, Tenn. ; L.I., '99. Hatcher, Nannie L., Franklin, Tenn. ; L.I., '94. Hatfield, J. M., Cookeville, Tenn. ; 190G. Hatley, Virgil, Holliday, Tenn. ; 1909. Hatton, Ethel L., Dothan, Ala. ; L.I., '11. Hatton, Mamie, Nashville, Tenn., 200 Gth Ave., S. ; 1903. Hatton, Willie V., Birmingham, Ala. ; L.I., '10. Hauss, Jno. N., Thomaeville, N. C. ; L.I., '96. Hawley, Pearle, Hot Springs, Ark., 441 Orange St. ; 1910. Hayden, Grover H., Jackson, Tenn. ; L.I., '06 ; A.B., '08. Hayer, Janie M. (Mrs. R. P. Moore), Jackson, Miss.; L.L, '86. Hayes, Cleburne L. ; L.I., '90; A.B., '91 (deceased). Hayes, Henry E., Monroe, La. ; L.I., '06 ; A.B., '08. Hayes, Julia, Franklin, Tenn. ; L.I., '96. Hayes, Sallie, Nashville, Tenn., 213 Russell St. ; 1905. Haygood, Martha T., Atlanta, Ga., 272 Rawson St. ; L.I., '89. Haynes, Myrtle, Lewisburg, Tenn. ; 1909. Haynes, Zemma V., Bonita, La. ; 1909. Haynie, Emma C. (Mrs. Jacob Young), Nashville, Tenn., R. R. No. 1; 1883. Haynie, Olive M. (Mrs. G. P. Kirkland), Nashville, Tenn.; 1879. Hays, Hance R., Antioch, Tenn. ; 1905. Hays, Leroy S., Houghton, La. ; 1907. Hays, Lucille, Simsboro, La. ; L.I., '09. Head, Alice, Adams, Tenn. ; 1904. Headrick, Jas. A., Knoxville, Tenn. ; L.I., '09. Hearon, Richard A., Ft. Worth, Tex. ; L.I., '91 ; A.B., '06. Heath, Elise A. (Mrs. C. P. Hunter), Atlanta, Ga., 255 Ashby St. ; 1899. Heath, Lucile, Terrell, Tex. ; L.I., '10. Heatwole, Cornelius J., N. Y. City, 420 W. 119th St. ; L.I., '95. Hefflin, Mrs. ^. E., Sardis, Miss. ; 1906. Helm, Nadine, Long Beach, Miss. ; 1906. Henard, Wm. P.; 1995 (deceased). Henderson, Addie L., Dallas, Tex., 1105 S. Harwood St. ; 1909. Henderson, Finis K., Nashville, Tenn., 2020 Belmont Blvd. ; L.I., '90. Henderson, Irene S. (Mrs. A. T. Abington), Lucy, Tenn.; L.I., '89. Henderson, Jno B., Nashville, Tenn., 17th and Fatherland Sts. ; 1909. Henderson, Marie (Mrs. Stanberry), Dallas, Tex., 1311 Annex Ave.; L.L, '90. Henderson, Sarah M. ; L.L, '11 (deceased). Hendley, Hiram C, Columbia, Tenn. ; L.L, '87. Hendrick, Dathula ; 1900 (deceased). Hendrick, Mastin D. ; L.L, '03 (deceased). Hendrickson, Jno. J., Adams, Tenn. ; L.I., '05. Henry, Effie V., Birmingham, Ala., 2015 Ave. H ; L.L. '04. Henry, Elizabeth L. (Mrs. J. W. Allen), Donelson, Tenn.; 1907. Henry, Florence R. (Mrs. G. A. Neuffer), Abbeville, S. C. ; L.L, '99. Henry, Goldie, Donelson, Tenn. ; L.L, '05. KNOWN ALUMNI. 37 Henry, Jas. W., Mt. Vernon. Ark. ; 1907. Henry. Lneian H., Monroe, La.; L.L, '98. Henry, Mary E., Bethpage, Tenn.; 1907. Henry, Mary L. (Mrs. Taylor Sanders), Corinth, Miss.; L.L, '9G. Henry, Onie A. (Mrs. S. M. Bennett), Ladonia, Tex.; L.L, '93; A.B., '94. Henry. Robt. E. L., Cisco, Tex. ; L.L, '95 ; B.S., '96. Henry, Sara T.. Oak Hill, Ala.; L.L, '10. Henry, Susan A., Monroe, La. ; L.L, '02. Henson, Gertrude C. (Mrs. Q. A. Hester), W. Monroe, La.; L.L, '96. Henson, Nyde, Lewiston. W. V. ; L.L, '05. Herblin, Annie M., Nashville, Tenn., 1106 N. 5th St. ; 1904. Herblin, Elizabeth Q., Nashville, Tenn., N. 5th St. ; L.L, '09. Herndon, Gusseye B., Pleasant View, Tenn. ; 1906. Herndon, Minnie, Paducah, Ky. ; 1904. Herndon, Sallie. Dublin, Tex. ; L.L, '92. Herron, Wilnioth, Trezevant, Tenn. ; 1905. Herstein, Lillie P. (Mrs. Bates), Nashville, Tenn., 113 28th Ave.; 1894. Herstein. Nellie T. (Mrs. E. Watson), Los Angeles, Cal. ; 1894. Hessey, Ella C, Huntland, Tenn. ; L.L, '11. Hessey, Mary (Mrs. Brannon), Monteagle, Tenn.; L.L, '03; A.B., '04. Hessey, Nora O., Decherd, Tenn. ; L.L, '06. Hester, Bessie L., Springfield, Tenn. ; L.L, '09. Hester, Quincy A., W. Monroe, La. ; L.L, '96. Hester, Sallie A., Merkel, Tex. ; 1909. Hickerson, Mrs. Jessie, St. Elmo. Tenn. ; 1903. Hickman, Mrs. Beatrice P., Coleman, Tex. ; L.L, '01. Hickman, Jno. E., Coleman, Tex. ; L.L, '01 ; A.B., '02. Higginbotham, Frances (Mrs. Benj. Mason), Nashville, Tenn.; 1909. Higgins, Mabel C, Covington, Ga. ; 1901. High, Lena W., Elmwood, Tenn. ; L.L, '09. Highsmith, Geneva, Arcadia, Fla. ; 1909. Hightower, Daisy, Campti, Ga. ; 1902. Higman, Myrtle F. (Mrs. O. D. Ward), England, Ark.; L.L, '98. Hill, Alma L., Memphis, Tenn., 746 Madison Ave. ; L.L, '04 ; B.L., '05. Hill, Annette H. (Mrs. Louis E. McElroy), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '00; A.B., '00; A.M., '01. Hill, Birdie L. (Mrs. Jno. D. Moss), Athens, Ga. ; L.L, '87. Hill, Eleanor G., Lavergne, Tenn. ; L.L, '09. Hill, Emma D. (Mrs. W. W. Wilkerson), Nashville, Tenn.; 25 Lindsley Ave.; 1890. Hill, Estelle, Nashville, Tenn., 1909 Baxter Ave. ; L.L, '04. Hill, Henry Y., Nashville, Tenn. ; care Gray-Dudley Co. ; 1903. Hill, Hinda T., Greensboro, N. C. ; L.L, '03 ; A.B.. '03. Hill, H. L., Nashville, Tenn., 921 Russell St. ; 190^. Hill, Jas. B., Nashville, Tenn., 1909 18th Ave., S. ; L.L, '98. Hill, Jouett R., Lavergne, Tenn. ; 1910. Hill, Mary M., Nashville, Tenn., 1106 Boscobel St. ; 1901. Hill, Medora C, Nashville. Tenn., 1712 Hayes St. ; 1892. Hill, Mollie E. (Mrs. Greer), Pikeville, Tenn.; L.L, '95; B.L., '96. Hill, Nellie, Nashville, Tenn., 2033 Elliott Ave. ; 1893. Hill, Sadie, Paris, Tenn. ; 1905. Hill, Thomas G., Nashville, Tenn., Chapel Ave. ; 1896. Hill, Victoria, Jackson, Miss. ; L.L, '99. Hill, Walter L., Nashville. Tenn.. 1024 Stainback Ave. ; 1895. Hill. Mrs. Walter L., Nashville, Tenn., 1024 Stainback Ave. ; 1910. Hilliard. Jno. L. ; L.L, '95; A.B., '96. Hines, Bedford F., Meridian, Miss. ; L.L, '97. Hipp, Maud G., Nashville, Tenn., 4600 Elkins Ave. ; 1897. Hirsch. Goldie, Nashville, Tenn., 319 Clark Place ; L.L, '11. Hirsch, Maud E., Cumberland, Md. ; 1900. 38 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Hiter, Wm. Y., Jr., Bells, Tenn. ; L.I., '06. Hix, Jos. B., Gainesboro, Tenn. ; L.I., '01. Hix, Wm. N., College Grove, Tenn. ; L.I., '06. Hixon, Samuel W., Brundidge, Ala. ; L.I., '01. Hobson, Gerda K. (Mrs. Wilkins Northern ), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '99. Hobson, Katberine H., Somerville, Tenn. ; 1902. Hobson, Sallie E. (Mrs. J. E. Thompson), Shelby ville, Tenn.; L.I., '99. Hoden, J. L., Nashville, Tenn., 1933 20th Ave., S. ; 1911. Hodge, Oma E., Simsboro, La. ; 1907. Hodges, Olive L, Yokohoma, Japan, 244 B Bluff ; L.I., '99. Hodges, Olivia (Mrs. Fred C. Barker), Baltimore, Md., 3012 Grayson St. ; L.I., '96. Hodnett, Alice C, Atlanta, Ga., 36 E. North Ave. ; L.I., '98. Hodnett, Jos. O., Farmers ville, La. ; L.I., '98. Hodson, Earl M., Moulton, Ala. ; 1908. Hogan, Joanna; 1879 (deceased). Hogg, Cassius, Huntington, W. Va. ; 1887. Hogg, Chas. J., Morgantown, W. Va. ; 1900. Holcomb, Georgie W., Nashville, Tenn., Clifton Lane ; 1909. Holden, G. Lester, Etowah, Tenn. ; 1905. Holder, George H., Shreveport, La., Creswell St. ; A.B., '05. Holland, Lizzie A. (Mrs. L. J. Corbley) ; L.I., '87 (deceased). Holland, Mary E. ; L.I., '80 (deceased). Holland, Truman M. ; L.I., '99.; A.B., '00 (deceased). Hollandsworth, Lou, Jacinto, Miss.; L.I., '01; B.S., '03. Hollandsworth, Wm. G., Woodbury, Tenn. ; 1911. Hollingsworth, Joycie J., Huntington Park, Cal. ; L.I., '09. Hollis, Mamie L., Atlanta, Ga., 61 Brookline St. ; L.I., '04. Hollowell, Sadie C, Nashville, Tenn., 308 5th Ave., S. ; L.I., '06. Holman, Mary G., Hutig, Ark. ; L.I., '11. Holmes, Noel S., Eros, La. ; 1900. Holt, Allynn P., Crowley, La. ; L.L, '96 ; A.B., '98. Holt, Frank R., Mondamin, Okla. ; L.L, '03. Holt, Geordia L, Trezevant, Tenn. ; L.L, '11. Holt, Josephine W\, Richmond, Va., 114 N. 3rd St. ; L.L, '92 ; A.B., '93. Holt, Lewis H., Jr., Carpenter, Tenn. ; 1901. Holt, Lucile, Franklin, Tenn. ; L.L, '05. Holt, Maggie, Haley, Tenn. ; 1907. Holt, Mary E. (Mrs. R. A. Moore), Faison, N. C. ; L.L, '96. Holt, May V., DeRidder, La. ; 1907. Holton, Rholanda C, Newton, N. C. ; L.L, '98. Hood, Jno. T., Tylerton, Miss. ; L.L, '00. Hood, Oliver R., Gadsden, Ala. ; L.L, '87. Hoodenpyl, Marshall, McMinnville, Tenn. ; 1911. Hoodenpyl, Nina E., Nashville, Tenn., 8th and Charlotte ; 1909. Hoodenpyl, P. A. M., McMinnville, Tenn. ; 1910. Hooker, A. E., Chestnut, La. ; 1910. Hooker, Alexina F., Selma, Ala., 1314 Dallas St ; L.L, '02. Hooker, Hattie (Mrs. J. C. Wilkins), Selma, Ala.; L.L, '94. Hooper, Calma D. (Mrs. Tellius Gann), Nashville, Tenn., Sylvan Park; 1904. Hooper, Chas. E., Slidell, La. ; L.L, '00. Hooper, Jepthia H., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; L.L, '98. Hoover, Edwin, Smyrna, Tenn. ; 1910. Hoover, Samuel L., Washington, D. C. ; L.L, '94 ; A.B., '95. Hope, Anna (Mrs. B. F. Wilkerson), Nashville, Tenn., Gallatin Pk ; 1982. Hope, Ruth, Knoxville, Tenn., U. of T. ; 1911. Hopkins, Ethel L., Henderson, Ky. ; 1907. Hopkins, Martha, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; L.L, '81. Hopkins, Mattie A. (Mrs. Jas. Whitehead) ; L.L, '94 (deceased). KNOWN ALUMNI. 39 Hopkins, Win. F. ; L.I., '00 (deceased). Hopper, Mattie D. (Mrs. Edw. B. Stover) ; L.I., '97 (deceased). Horn, Root. B., Winston-Salem, N. C. ; L.I., '89. Home, Delia E., Tarboro, N. C, ; L.I., '98. Horton, Millard F., Dallas, Tex., 100 Brooklyn Ave. ; L.I., '90. Hough, Robt. H., Pbiladelpbia, Pa., U. of Pa.; A.B., '90; B.S., '92; A.M., '92. Hougb, Wm. G., Jr.; B.S., '93 (deceased). House, Lola B. (Mrs. R. A. Hall), St. Louie, Mo., Washington U. ; L.I., '92 ; A.B., '93. House, Nathaniel P., Independence, Miss. ; 1902. House, Mrs. Willie D., N. Y. City, 1813 Tribune Bldg. ; L.I., '83; A.M., '93. Houser, Percy, Nashville, Tenn., 1217 7th Ave., N. ; 1911. Houston, Daisy, Lewisburg, Tenn. ; 1900. Houston, Josephine (Mrs. T.M.Crockett), Lewisburg, Tenn.; B. L., '98. Howard, Kate S., Collinsville, Ala. ; L.I., '96. Howard, Mary P. (Mrs. Crawford Blake), Whitlock, Tenn.; L.I., '04. Howard, Warren D., Childress, Tex. ; L.I., '01. Howard, Wm. B., Childress, Tex. ; L.I., '92. Howell, Eugie A., Canton, Miss. ; 1894. Howell, Maude, Paragould, Ark. ; 1906. Howell, Minnie E. (Mrs. J. A. Storck), New Orleans, La. ; L.I., '89. Howlett, Addison B. (Mrs. Herbert Coone), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '99. Howlett, Page P., S. Richmond, Va., 1017 Porter St. ; 1907. Howze, Maggie N. ; L.I., '95 (deceased). Hoyo, Geo. A., Calumet, Okla. ; 1907. Hubbard, Augusta V., Anderson, S. C, Bleckley Bldg. ; 1901. Huddleston, Lucile, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1903. Hudson, Clay I., Decatur, Ala. ; 1906. Hudson, Nannette R., Portsmouth, Va., 1503 Effingham St. ; L.I., '04. Hudspeth, Marie E., Canyon, Tex. ; L.I., '02 ; A.B., '03. Huff, Anna L., Christiana, Tenn. ; L.I., '02. Huff, Ella L. ; L.I., '94 (deceased). Huffaker, Robt. B., Bartow, Fla. ; L.I., '02. Huffaker, Wm. F., Winder, Ga. ; L.I., '97. Hughes, Bessie J., Nashville, Tenn., 914 6th Ave., S. ; L.I., '11. Hughes, Bettie M. (Mrs. Thos. H. Bond), Beulah, Miss.; 1898. Hughes, Mrs. C. R., Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; 1910. Hughes, Daisy (Mrs. H. P. Phipps), Atlanta, Tex.; L.I., '02. Hughes, Georgene, Nashville, Tenn., 914 6th Ave., S. ; 1909. Hughes, Georgie E. (Mrs. Robt. H. Currin), Nashville, Tenn.; 1908. Huirhley, Evie M., Elkton, Tenn. ; 1907. Hulbert, Jesse W. (Mrs. Jessie Hickerson), St. Elmo, Tenn.; 1894. Hull, Mary N., Dallas, Tex., Alamo Sch. ; L.I., '04. Humphrey, Daisy A., S. McAlester, Okla. ; L.I., '99. Humphreys, Sadie L., Bells, Tenn. ; 1909. Hungerford, Floy (Mrs. McLaurin) ; L.I. '02; B.S., '04 (deceased). Hunt, Margaret (Mrs. Schell). Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '94; B.S., '94* Hunt, Mary O. (Mrs. J. E. Bell), Holcomb, Miss.; 1898. Hunt, Walter C, Dardanelle, Ark. ; 1882. Hunter, Alice E. (Mrs. T. J. Woodside), El Paso, Tex.; L.I., '96. Hunter, Chas.. P., Atlanta, Ga., 255 Ashby St. ; A.B., '02. Hunter, Martha, Columbus, Miss. ; 1907. Hunter, Mary T., Dothan, Ala. ; L.I., '11. Hunter, Morris, Thomasville, Tenn. ; 1906. Hunter, Mrs. Robt, Sardis, Miss.; 1909. Hurst, Annie I. (Mrs. L. B. Godbee), Vidalia, Ga. ; L.I., '85. Hurst, Fielding H., Grandfield, Okla. ; L.I., '04. Hurst, Samuel N., Galax, Va. ; L.I., '87. 40 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Hurt, Arthur C, Los Angeles, Cal., 1344 5th Ave.; L.I., '01; A.B., '03. Hurt, Kate, Washington, D.C., 1300 Pa. Ave. ; L.I., '95. Hurt, Wm. V., Elkin, N. C. ; L.I., '03. Hussey, Eleanor F., Nashville, Tenn. ; L.I., '04. Hutcheson, Jas. L., Eros, La. ; 1905. Hutchison, Kate, Spartanburg, S. C. ; L.I., '08. Hutchison, Leila, Milan, Tenn. ; 1905. Hu,tson, Emma L. (Mrs. Hutchinson), Flatwoods, Tenn.; L.I., '09. Hutton, Mollie (Mrs. Van Milliron), Nashville, Tenn., Melrose Ave.; L.I., '91. Hyde, Mrs. Ada B., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; L.I, '91. Imelda, Sister; 1903 (deceased). Ingram, Martha A. (Mrs. Bingham), LaCompte, La.; L.I., '03; A.B., '05. Ingrum, Rosalie, Pulaski, Tenn. ; 1911. Irby, Gary P., Laurens, S. C. ; 1904. Irby. Jos. T., Enterprise, Miss. ; 1902. Irby, J. P. Blackstone, Va. ; 1910. Irvin, Emma, Washington, Ga. ; 1906. Irvin, Mary Washington, Ga. ; 1906. Irvine, Grace B., Nashville, Tenn., Y. W. C. A. ; L.I., '02. Irwin, Annetta B. (Mrs. Lautermilk), Chickasha, Okla. ; L.I., '94; B.L., '94. Irwin, Fannie L. (Mrs. C. Findley Irwin), Sandersville, Ga. ; L.I., '08. Irwin, Gertrude N., Savannah, Tenn. ; 1897. Irwin, Mary S., Sandersville, Ga. ; 1907. Irwin, Nancy E. (Mrs. W.F.Bell), Savannah, Tenn.; L.I., '96; A.B., '97. Jackson, Clare E., Nashville, Tenn., 1020 Monroe St. ; 1910. Jackson, Cordelia (Mrs. Chas. B. Sanders), Nashville, Tenn.; 1903. Jackson, Eugenia, Jasper, Tenn. ; 1909. Jackson, Jas. A., Dallas, Tex., Mirabeau Lamar Sch. ; 1900. Jackson, Jno. A., Dallas, Tex., 1417 Corinth St. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '06. Jackson, Laura, Albany, Tex. ; 1902. Jackson, Lizzie M. (Mrs. Jno. B. Ellis), Berclair, Miss.; L.I., '03. Jackson, Luke, Pin Hook, Tenn. ; 1906. Jackson, Lydia E., Pioneer, La. ; 1909. Jackson, Nellie M., Nashville, Tenn., 702 Monroe St. ; L.I.. '11. Jackson, Reuben F. ; L.I., '92; B.S., '92 (deceased). Jackson, Richard C, San Pedro Sula, Honduras ; L.I., '98. Jackson, Sallie L., Grand Junction, Tenn. ; L.I., '09. Jacobs, Bessie C. (Mrs. Little), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '90; A.B., '91 . Jacobs, Hattie L., Nashville, Tenn., 830 Fairview Ave.; L.I., '97; B.S., '98. Jacobs, Margaret M. (Mrs. J. H. Allen), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '00. Jacobs, Will, Louisville, Miss. ; 1906. Jacobson, Henrietta (Mrs. S. Sholtewfels) , Atlanta, Ga., Washington St. ; L.I., '00. Jacobus, Florence N., Nashville, Tenn. ; 1509 Hayes St. ; 1897. Jacobus, Lillie (Mrs. Henry Weinbaum), Nashville, Tenn.; 1509 Hayes; 1894. Jagoe, Mary G., Clarksdale. Miss. ; L.I., '98. James, Fred C, Gadsden, Tenn. ; L.I., '99 ; A.B., '00. James, Grace, Bishopville, S. C. ; 1910. James, Martha F., Nashville, Tenn., 421 Fatherland St. ; 1909. James, Robene, Marion, Ala. ; 1907. Jamison, Maddie (Mrs. Gay). Brookville, Miss.; 1898. Janes, William. Nicklow. W. Va. ; 1897. January, Fannie (Mrs. Wheeler), Brownsville, Tex.; L.I., '88. Jarrell, Alice B.. Nashville. Tenn.. 2601 West End Ave.; 1903. Jarrell, Cora, Watertown, Tenn.: 1896. Jarrell, Emma F. (Mrs. T. L. Hoffman), Normandv, Tenn.; L.I., '98; A.B., '99. KNOWN ALUMNI. 41 Jarrell, Jno. W., Lebanon. Tenn.; 1000. Jarrell, Mary. (Impel Hill, Tenn.; 1911. Jarrell, Mary S., Covington, Tenn.; L.I., '02; A.B., '04. Jarrell. Myrtis, Rome, Ga. ; L.I., '02; A.B., '93. Jarrell. Willie E., Lebanon, Tenn. ; 190G. Jarrett, Alexander K., DeLeon, Tex.; L.I., '06. Jarrett, Kobt. P., Granbury, Tex. ; L.I., '04. Jenkins. Elva A., Hubbard, Tex. ; 1905. Jenkins, Mary B., Forsyth, Ga. ; L.I., '04; A.B., '06. Jennings, Bealle F. (Mrs. Tbos. Baker), McKenzie, Tenn.; L.I., '85. Jerman, Roger, Bells, Tenn. ; 1004. Jeter, Wm. D., Harrison, Ark. ; B.L., '92. Jobe. Alvin L., Little Rock, Ark. ; 1004. Jobns, Mattie, Joelton, Tenn. ; 1007. Jobns, Virginia C, Nashville, Tenn., 2000 Grand Ave. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '95. Jobnson, Allie (Mrs. J. A. Lewis), Crowley, La.; L.I., '91. Johnson, Benton M., Byrdstown, Tenn. ; 1000. Jobnson, Bettie (Mrs. W. J. Bosley) ; L.I., '85 (deceased.) Jobnson, Clara L. (Mrs. J. G. Abernatby), Tracy City, Tenn.; L.I., '96* Jobnson, Cordie, Williamsport, Tenn. ; 1904. Jobnson, Delsie, Sbelbyville, Tenn. ; 1908. Jobnson, Effie P., Arlington, Tenn. ; L.I., '05. Jobnson, Eleanor M. ; 1906 (deceased). • Jobnson, Elizabeth (Mrs. George), Madison, Ga. ; L.I., '95; A.B., '96. Jobnson, Emma J., Manassas, Va. ; L.I., '03; A.B., '04. Jobnson, Etta M. ; L.I., '95; A.B., '95 (deceased). Jobnson, Fairy (Mrs. W. P. Robinson), Obion, Tenn.; L.I., '10. Johnson, Floye (Mrs. W. E. Wade), Kenton, Tenn.; L.I., '07. Johnson, Hattie E. (Mrs. Elijah Brown), Atlanta, Ga., Piedmont, Ave.; L.I., '88. Johnson, Helen; 1893 (deceased). Johnson, Hettye M. (Mrs. Newell), Himter, Okla. ; L.I., '10. Johnson, Herman G., Elkins, W. Va., 415 Davis Ave. ; 1897. Johnson, Ida M., Mark, La.; L.I., '09. Jobnson, Ivy M., Huntington, Tenn. ; 1904. Johnson, Jacob A., Center, Ala. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '96. Johnson, Jas. T., Dallas, Tex., 500 E. 8th St.; L.I., '89; A.B., '91. Jobnson, Jennie B., Louisville, Ga., 1909. Johnson, Jno. R.. Nashville, Tenn., 420 Church St.; L.I., '90. Johnson, Lizzie B. (Mrs. W. R. Roach), Louisville, Ky. ; L.I., '00. Jobnson, Ludric (Mrs. C. J. Farrel), Vernon, Tex.; L.I., '99. Johnson, Lulie (Mrs. W. J. Breeding), Ravenscroft, Tenn.; L.I., '95. Johnson, Mary (Mrs. Isaac Finley), Waverly Place, Nashville, Tenn.; 1911. Johnson, Mary L. (Mrs. S. M. Erickson), Holly Grove, Ark.; L.I., '99. Johnson, Mary P.; L.I., '91 (deceased). Johnson, Mellie (Mrs. Harvey Bowls), Waverly Place, Nashville, Tenn. ; 1910. Johnson, Minton H., Brunswick, Ga., 9 Wright Square; L.I., '98. Johnson, Pearl, Sparta, Tenn. ; L.I., '04. Johnson, Sara (Mrs. Dyson), Hickory Flat, Miss.; L.I., '01. Johnson, Stella, Richmond, Va., Va. & Carolina Chem. Co. ; L.I., '05. Johnson, Susie M. (Mrs. W r m. A. Parkinson), Quinton, Va. ; L.I., '81» Johnson, Wm. C, Indian Gap, Tex. ; L.I., '95. Johnson, W r m. Cone, Tyler, Tex.; L.I., >80; A.B., '80. Johnson, Willie. Nashville, Tenn.. 2 Berrien St.; L.I., '01. Johnston, Bessie B., Monroe, La. ; L.I., '09. Johnston, Camelia, McKenzie, Tenn. ; 1905. Johnston, Delsie, Shelbyville, Tenn. ; 1907. Johnston, Helen M., Grosse Tete. La. ; L.I., '01 ; B.L., '03. Johnston, Jas. H., Tishomingo, Okla. ; L.I., '94 ; A.B., '95. 42 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Johnston, Martha B., Benton, La.; 1911. Johnston, Minnie C. (Mrs. Frank Chase), Monroe, La.; L.I., '07. Johnston, Sadie B. (Mrs. A. D. Calhoun), Greenwood, S. C. ; 1894. Jonas, Pauline M. (Mrs. Yarbrough), Sherman, Tex.; 1909. Jones, Addie M., Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; L.I., '02. Jones, Alphonso R., Eclectic, Ala.; L.I., '01. Jones, Andrew, M., Hereford, Tex. ; L.I., '04. Jones, Belle, Springfield, Tenn.; 1909. Jones, Bertha, Sunny Side, Miss. ; 1905. Jones, Carrie M. (Mrs. E. D. Swope), Alderson, W. Va. ; 1904. Jones, Celia R. ; L.I., '85 (deceased). Jones, Claudia; L.I., '90; A.B., '91 (deceased). Jones, Edith L. ; L.I., '03 (deceased). Jones, Eldrid C. ; Los Angeles, Cal. ; 1901. Jones, Eliza P., McMinnville, Tenn. ; L.I., '01. Jones, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. E. J. Kitzmiller), Long Beach, Cal.; L.I., '91. Jones, Elma, Hampton, Va. ; L.I., '00. Jones, Fannie V. (Mrs. H. C. Glover), Newnan, Ga. ; L.I., '95. Jones, Henry E. W., Hohenwald, Tenn. ; L.I., '94. Jones, Laura M. ; L.I., '03 (deceased). Jones, Lutie, Nashville, Tenn., 4901 Park Ave. ; 1893. Jones, Lutie C. (Mrs. W. H. Washington) ; 1898 (deceased). Jones, Lyda L. (Mrs. Jack Shields), Ballinger, Tex.; L.I., '07. Jones, Margaret B., Bastrop, Tex. ; L.I., '96. Jones, Martha R., Nashville, Tenn., Gallatin Rd. and Seymour; 1909. Jones, Mary B., McKenney, Va. ; L.L, '01 ; B.L., '01. Jones, Mary E. (Mrs. Wm. A. Gillespie), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '92. Jones, Mattie L,. Tyler, Tex. ; L.L, '81. Jones, Minnie (Mrs. J. O. Draughon), Cedar Hill, Tenn.; L.L, '06. Jones, Myrtle, Nashville, Tenn., 600 26th Ave., N. ; 1907. Jones, Orlean C, Knoxville, Tenn., U. of T. ; 1911. Jones, Pattie P., Covington, Tenn.; 1894. Jones, Phillip B. ; L.L, '88 (deceased). Jones, Richard H., Andalusia, Ala. ; 1891. Jones, Sam H., Brentwood, Tenn. ; 1907. Jones, Susie; L.L, '93 (deceased). Jones, Theodore L., Mill Springs, Ky. ; L.L, '98. Jones, Thos. N., Tyler, Tex. ; L.L, '80. Jones, Walter R. ; L.L, '03 (deceased). Jones, Wm. C, Santa Maria, Tex.; L.I., '91; B.S., '92. Jonnard, W. A., Sewanee, Tenn. ; 1907. Jordan, Ada, Atlanta, Ga., 19 Augusta St. ; L.L, '91 ; A.B., '92. Jordan, Albert, Jr., Hartsville, S. C. ; L.L, '98. Jordan, Arthur C, Pine Bluff, Ark. ; 1881. Jordan, Arthur M., Ocilla, Ga. ; 1907. Jordan, Fannie, Nashville, Tenn., 235 Miller Ave. ; 1892. Jordan, Nettie E., Nashville, Tenn., 904 17th Ave., S. ; 1907. Jordan, Wm. C, Monterey, La. ; L.L, '07. Joseph, Delia H., Nashville, Tenn., 210 24th Ave., S. ; L.L, '80. Josey, Robt. H., Lanes, S. C. ; 1896. Joslin, Mattie A., Port Orchard, Wash. ; 1900. Jumper, Ada (Mrs. Claude Worrill), Thomaston, Ga. ; L.L, '91; A.B., '93 Jungerman, Arthur J., Nashville, Tenn., Church St. ; 1893. Justice, Henry D. ; L.L, '92 (deceased). Justice, Irma, Cordove, Tenn. ; 1906. Justice, Pearle J., Bethel, Ark. ; 1909. Kagey, Chas. D., White Springe, Fla. ; 1897. Kanouse, Anna Mae, Dallas, Tex. ; L.L, '09. Karns, Bertie H., Erin, Tenn. ; 1911. Kay, Petty C, Orange, La. ; 1902. KNOWN ALUMNI. 43 Keen, Katie G. (Mrs. J. M. Gallagher), Nashville, Tenn. ; L.I., '98. Kearse, Lois, Donna, Tex.; L.I., '09. Keebler, Eskridge, Jonesboro, Tenn. ; 1905. Keel, Stella, Nashville, Tenn., 530 5th Ave., S. ; L.I., '90 ; B.L., '90. Keeney, Mary S. (Mrs. Daniel S. Hearon), Gate City, Va. ; L.I., '89. Keeney, Robt. H., Newnan, Ga. ; L.I., '84. Kefauver, Charlotte, Madisonville, Tenn. ; 1908. Keller, Clementine; L. I., '02 (deceased). Keller, Emma, Bordeaux, Tenn. ; 1903. Keller, Jos. P., Nashville, Tenn., 142 7th Ave., N. ; L.I., '98 ; A.B., '00. Keller, Ollie A. (Mrs. W. F. Melton ), Oxford, Ga. ; L.I., '89. Kellie, Bertie, Jasper, Tex. ; 1910. Kellough, Louise (Mrs. Spencer), Lexington, Ky. ; 1885. Kelliun, Jno. G., Tallahassee, Fla. ; 1895. Kelly, Canaille (Mrs. McCorquodale), Benton, La.; L.I., '04. Kelly, Geo. L., West Point, Tenn. ; 1885. Kelly, Robt. J., Ruskin, Tenn. ; 1906. Kelso, Fannie L. (Mrs. Register), Jacksonville, Fla., Walnut S. ; 1907. Kemp, Austin J., Carthage, Tenn. ; 1899. Kennedy, Anna, Smith's Grove, Ky. ; 1910. Kennedy, Mrs. Edwin W., Johnson City, Tenn. ; 1901. Kennedy, Gustavus A., Rayne, La. ; L.I., '98. Kennedy, Jas. A., Cottage Home, Tenn. ; 1900. Kennedy, Jos. E., Cottage Home, Tenn. ; 1904. Kennedy, Robt. V., Asheville, N. C. ; L. I., '96 ; A.B., '96. Kennerly, Chas. J., Dallas, Tex. ; L.I., '01. Kenney, Eunice (Mrs. C. G. Yarbrough), Ladonia, Tex.; L.I., '10. Kenney, Jno. H., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1911. Kenton, Icie L., Mt. Juliet, Tenn. ; 1910. Kenyon, Alma (Mrs. R. E. Berry), Ash Grove, Va. ; L.I., '88. Keown, M. Elizabeth, Washington, D. C, 3341 17th St., N. W. ; L.I., '96. Kerr, Ethel M., Kenton, Tenn. ; 1909. Kerr, Mrs. Lillian W., Eastlake, Tenn. ; L.I., '04. Kerr, Mary E., Brownsville, Tenn. ; L.I., '95. Kerr, Maude A. (Mrs. Walter L. Kerr), Waynesboro, Va. ; L.I., '98. Kerr, M. Byron, Glendale, Tenn. ; 1905. Kerr, Walter L., Waynesboro, V. ; L.I., '96. Kershaw, Harriet D. (Mrs. H. G. Leiding), Charleston, S, C. ; L.I., '94. Kesselus, Erna P. (Mrs. ), Memphis, Tenn.; L.I., '02; A.B., '03. Keyes, Jno. J., Nashville, Tenn., 908 Meridian; L.I., '92; B.S., '92. Kidd, Mary E., Pretoria, Ga. ; 1905. Kilgore, Frances W., Woodruff, S. C. ; 1906. Killough, Jennie; L.I., '86 (deceased). Killough, Mabel C, Piano, Tex. ; L.I., '09. Kilpatrick, Jas. M., Cullman, Ala. ; 1902. Kimball, Delia (Mrs. C. E. Trevillian), Vicksburg, Miss.; 1907. Kimberly, Fannie M., Asheville, N. C. ; L.I., '94 ; B.L., '95. Kimbro, Grace E., Haley, Tenn. ; 1906. Kimbrough, Ethel (Mrs. E. C. Wright), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '97. Kimbrough, Katherine, Houston, Tex. ; L.I., '10. Kimbrough, Maria J., White Haven, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Kincannon, Bessie (Mrs. Dougherty), Columbus, Miss.; 1901. King, Adair W. (Mrs. Will Baird), Shreveport, La.; 1904. King, Allie M. (Mrs. Allan Shelton), Waterproof, La.; 107. King, Anna M., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; L.I., '04. King, Eula V., Rayville, La. ; L.I., '09. King, Fannie M. (Mrs. Granville B. Lester), Alexandria, Tenn. ; L.I., '94. King, Harmon C, Anderson, S. C. ; L.I., '10. King, Jas. M., Jr., Nashville, Tenn.; 2308 West End Ave.; L.I., '91; B.S., '92. 44 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN, King, Jas. T., Quitman, Ga. ; L.I., '89. King, Jeannette M., Murfreesboro, Term. ; L.I., '91 ; B.S., '92. King, Joe J., N. Y. City, 16tb St. and 2d Ave.; L.I., '04; B.S., '06; M.S., '06. King, Mary F. (Mrs. King), Murfreesboro, Tenn.; 1901. King, Nimmie (Mrs. Davie), Smyrna, Tenn.; 1905. King, Norma, Nasbville, Tenn., T09 Woodland St. ; 1906. King, Patty B., Anniston, Ala. ; L.I., '99. King, Ruby, Ennis, Tex. ; L.I., '10. King, Victoria O., Nasbville, Tenn., West Sta. ; 1911. King, Vivian (Mrs. J. P. Reed), Port Arthur, Tex.; 1909. Kinnard, Rutb, Dublin, Ga. ; L.I., '95. Kinney, Sadie D, N. Y. City, 61 5th Ave.; L.I., '93; B.L., '94; A.M., '95. Kirby, Jas. W., Fayetteville, Tenn. ; 1903. Kirk, Adam B. ; 1904 (deceased). Kirk, Chas. S. ; L.I., '95; A.B., '96 (deceased). Kirk, Jas. A., Eldorado, N. C. ; 1895. Kirk, Jas. W., Dallas, Tex., 509 E. Jefferson St. ; L.I., '89. Kirk, Jennie L. (Mrs. C. L. Palmer), Palmersville, N. C. ; L.I., '98. Kirk, Rufus P., Oklahoma City, Okla., 317 W. 10th St. ; L.I., '94. Kirk, Thos. B., Plant City, Fla. ; L.I., '83. Kirk, Thos. V., Jacksonville, Fla. ; L.I., '89. Kirk, Verona (Mrs. Daniel), Palmersville, N. C. ; L.I., '01. Kirk, Wm. F., Washington, D. C. ; L.I., '93 ; A.B., '94. Kirkland, Toinmie, Murray, Ky. ; 1910. Kirkman, Jno. Nashville, Tenn., 1913 Belmont Circle ; 1906. Kirkpatrick, Chas. S., Crabtree, N. C. ; L.I., '00. Kirkpatrick, Sadie M., Jonesboro, Tenn. ; L.I., '89. Kirtley, Geo. R., Bullettsville, Ky. ; 1910. Kleiser, Robt. J., Nashville, Tenn. ; Peabody and 5th Ave., S. ; 1893. Kline, Bertha, Houston, Tex., 818 Chartres St. ; L.I., '93. Kline, Gaylord, Haskell, Tex. ; L.I., '93. Kline, Georgie (Mrs. Dan Nailor), Vicksburg, Miss.; 1907. Kline, Hollie, Lamar, Ark. ; 1905. Kline, Linus K., Cambridge, Mass., 9 Sumner Rd. ; L.I., '89. Knight, Jno. F., Beeville, Tex. ; L.I., '92 ; A.B., '93. Knox, Frances H. (Mrs. Campbell), Nashville, Tenn.; 1898. Knox, Georgia C. (Mrs. C. W. Jones), Nashville, Tenn., 1897. Koger, T. G., Hutto, Tex. ; 1910. Kolb, Harmon J., Lebanon, Ark. ; L.I., '96. Kolb, Richard H., Nashville, Ark. ; L.I., '94 ; A.B., '95. Koonce, Jno. E., Nogal, N. Mex. ; L.I., '89. Kramer, Ernest C. H., Santa Cruz, Cal., B.L., '98 ; L.I., '99. Kranz, Annie L. (Mrs. Odmn), Philadelphia, Pa.; L.I., '06; A.B., '08. Kranz, Carolyn M., Hendersonville, Tenn. ; A.B., '11. Kreig, Mary F., Nashville, Tenn., 6 Polk Flats; 1894. Krenkel, Emma R. (Mrs. Judd), Memphis, Tenn.; L.I., '36; B.S., '96. Kuhlmann, Katie, Legonia, La. ; 1909. Kuykendall, Edgar D, Greensboro, N. C. ; B.L., '00. Kyser, Mary H., Minter, Ala.; 1906. Lackey, Jas. G., Canton, Ky. ; 1907. Lackey, Walter H., Cavite, Island of Luzon, P. I. ; 1899. LaCost, Maggie C, St. Charles, S. C. ; L.I., '94; B.S., '94. Lacy, Wm. E,, New Orleans, La., 8240 Plum St. ; L.I., '00. Lair, Wm. H., Magazine, Ark. ; L.I., '96. Laird, Abel S., Dallas, Tex., 413 E. 9th St. ; L.I., '88. Lamar. Emmie, Montgomery, Ala. 1036 S. Perry St. ; L.I., '05. Lambert, Jno. W., Centreville, Tenn. ; 1903. Lancaster, Louise, San Antonio, Tex. ; L.I., '96. Landers, Maud L., West Plains, Mo. ; 1911. KNOWN ALUMNI. 45 Landis, Bryant E. ; L.I., '78 (deceased). Landis, Florence, Uniouville, Term.; 1901. Landis, Mrs. Jennie, Bethesda, Tenn. ; 1909. Landis, Robert, Eagleville, Tenn.; 1910. Landis, Robert C, Bethesda, Tenn.; L.I., '07. Landruin, Lonny I., DeFuniak Springs, Fla. ; 1907. Lane, Virgil M., Birmingham, Ala, Rising Sta. ; 1899. Lang, Theodosia S., Tifton, Ga. ; 1909. Langford, E. Frank, Nashville, Tenn., Porter Pk. ; L.I., '96. Langley, Zillah, Nacogdoches, Tex. ; 1904. Lanier, Jabez J., Atlanta, Ga. ; L.I., '83. Lannom, Berry T., Nashville, Tenn., 1609 Fatherland St. ; 1904. Lanz, Mary, National City, Cal. ; 1907. Lapsley, Elsie K., Anniston, Ala. ; L.I., '09. LaRoe, Winnie D., Terrell, Tex. ; L.I., '11. Lassiter, Jno. H., Nashville, Tenn., 17th and Russell Sts. ; L.I., '05; B.S., '06. Lassiter, Nettie G. ; L.I., '86 (deceased). Laster, Seiden L. ; L.I., '88; A.B., '89 (deceased). Latham, Queen, Ft. Smith, Ark. ; L.I., '96. Lathrop, Lillian G., Mapto, Korea ; 1907. Latimer, Arthur H., Charleston, S. C. ; B.S., '03. Latimer, Mina (Mrs. J. S. Lanham), Santo, Tex.; L.I., '97. Latimer, Nannie V., Nashville, Tenn., 519 Shelby Ave. ; L.I., '77. Lattner, Delia (Mm F. L. Neville), Terrell, Tex.; L.I., '02. Laude, Bertha (Mrs. E Allen), Plaquemine), La.; L.I., '03; B.L., '04. Laude, Edith (Mrs. Poore), Carlsbad, N. Mex. ; L.I., '07; A.B., r 08. Lauderdale, Jennie, Boston, Mass., Simmons College ; 1905. Laudis, Mrs. Jennie, Unionville, Tenn. ; 1908. Lawless, Alberta (Mrs. Blevin), Garden City, La.; 1903. Lawrence, Augusta J., Huntsville, Tex. ; L.I., '88. Lawrence, Ida, Huntsville, Tex. ; L.I., '82. Lawrence, Rowena EL, Nashville, Tenn. ; Charlotte Pk. ; 1911. Lawrence, Walter S., Memphis, Tenn., 348 Union Ave. ; L.I., '90 ; B.S., '91. Laws, Lila M. (Mrs. Phelan), Norman, Okla. ; L.I., '98. Lawson, Laurie M., Darlington, S. C. ; 1898. Lawson, Lucy M., Ringgold, La. ; 1907. Lea, Corabel, Nashville, Tenn., University St. ; 1900. Lea, Katherine N. (Mrs. Geo. A. Barcer), Normal, 111.; L.I., '01. Leake, Kate S. (Mrs. Mat Gilmore) ; L.I., '80; (deceased). Leanard, Bertie, Greenville, Tenn. ; 1906. Leath, Mary L., Hampshire, Tenn. ; 1901. Ledbetter, Ethel, Anniston, Ala.; 1910. Ledbetter, Gussie, Montgomery, Ala. ; 35 Holcomb St. ; 1882. Lee, Anna G., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1876. Lee, Arthur E., Ft. Smith, Ark., 212 Merchants Bk. ; L.I., '86. Lee, Augustus S., Evelyn, W. Va. ; A.B., '10. Lee, Caroline V., Holliday's Cove, W. Va. ; L.I., '97. Lee, Eva T., Martin, Tenn. ; 1896. Lee, Gertrude L., Martin, Tenn. ; 1898. Lee, Jane V. Hangchow, China ; L.I., '91 ; A.B., '92. Lee, Lou Effie (Mrs. J. M. Dewberry), Birmingham, Ala.; L.I., '85. Lee, Loulie, Summerville, S. C. : L.I., '04. Lee, Lula Daisy (Mrs. M. B. Fetzer), Nashville, Tenn., Gilmore Ave.; L.I., '94. Lee, Margaret R. (Mrs. J. D. Matlock), Ensley, Ala.; L.I., '92. Lee, Mayola, Lake Arthur, La. ; L.I., '11. Lee, Ola, Decatur, Ala., 721 Oak St. ; 1910. Leek, Ida L. (Mrs. Jno. Turner), Nashville, Tenn.; 1903. 46 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Lefkovitz, Louis, Nashville, Tenn., 3.4 ini. Noelton; 1895. Leftwich, Sadie (Mrs. Sol. Lowenstein), Nashville, Tenn.; 1899. LeGraff, Edith F., Nashville, Tenn., R. R. No. 7 ; 1905. Leiper, Macon A., Bowling Green, Ky. ; L.I., '99 ; A.B., '01. Lellyett, Catherine, Nashville, Tenn., Charlotte Pk. ; 1911. Lellyett, Mary F., Nashville, Tenn., Charlotte Pk. ; 1911. Lenehen, Walter, Nashville, Tenn., 1302 Woodland St. ; 1895. Lenox, Pearle, Ashland City, Tenn. ; 1909. Leonard, Bertie, Greeneville, Tenn. ; 1907. Leonard, Cella, Petersburg, Tenn.; 1910. Leonard, Ella, Petersburg, Tenn. ; 1906. Leonard, Lillian, Petersburg, Tenn. ; 1905. Leonard, Mary A. (Mrs. W. S. Ross), Gainesville, Tex., S. Denton St. L.I., '97. Leonard, Rebekah J.; L.I., '96 (deceased). Leonhard, Estell (Mrs. G. E. Murid), Jacksonville, Fla. ; L.I., '89. Lerman, Frances, Nashville, Tenn., 115 16th Ave., N. ; L.I., '93. LeRoi, Ottie, Nashville, Tenn., 711 Woodland St ; L.I., '90 ; A.B., '91. LeRosen, Wesley A., Lafayette, La. ; L.I., '85. Leroy, Louis, Memphis, Tenn., Byrd Bldg. ; B.S., '99. Lester, Effle M. (Mrs. Jas. McKennon), Madison, Fla.; 1904. Lester, Emma S., Augusta, Ga. ; L.I., '02. Lester, Eunice E., Statesboro, Ga. ; 1911. Lester, Julia P. (Mrs. Wm. B. Dilon), Augusta, Ga. ; L.I., '90. Lester, Samuel J., Tyler, Tex. ; L.I., '09. LeSueur, Alice H., Nashville, Tenn., 612 Russell St. ; 1900. LeSueur, Alice M. (Mrs. G. R. Harsh), Birmingham, Ala.; L.I., '82. Levick, Mary, Nashville, Tenn., 6th Ave., N. ; 1892. Levy, Leah (Mrs. Alex. Weinbaum), Nashville, Tenn.; 1895. Lewin, Annie D., Meridian, Miss., 1220 29th Ave. ; 1906. Lewis, Albert S. J., Dallas, Tex. ; A.B., '91 ; B.L., '92 ; A.M., '93. Lewis, Chas. C, Lake Providence, La. ; L.L, '96 ; A.B., '98. Lewis, David L., Society Hill, S. C. ; L.L, '90 ; A.B., '91. Lewis, Edward C. ; L.L, '90; B.S., '91 (deceased). Lewis, Evie M„ Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1907. Lewis, Fannie N., Epes, Ala. ; L.L, '10. Lewis, Jno. H., Crowley, La. ; L.L, '94 ; A.B., '95. Lewis, Ora C, Hot Springs, Ark. ; L.L, '06. Lewis, Paul B., Brooklet, Ga. ; L.L, '01. Lewis, Sarah Z. (Mrs. A. E. Richardson), Erin, Tenn.; L.L, '00. Lewis, Sterling A., Jr., Marion, Ohio ; L.L, '02. Lewis, Wm. H., Lone Mountain, Tenn. ; A.B., '06. Lide, Mattie B. (Mrs. H. L. Shannon), Eldorado, Ark.; L.L, '99. Liggett, Sara K., Philadelphia, Tenn. ; L.L, '11. Ligon, Bessie A. (Mrs. Will Cole), Nashville, Tenn.; 1901. Ligon, Helen L. (Mrs. Walker Burt), Lavergne, Tenn.; L.L, '04. Ligon, Margaret, Ensley, Ala.; L.L, '03; B.S., '05. Lillie, Mary E., Franklin, Tenn. ; L.L, '11. Lindsley, Jacob M., Port Barre, La. ; L.L, '78. Lindsley, Louise, Nashville, Tenn., Gallatin Rd. ; L.L, '78; A.B., '79. Lindsley, Maie, Greenwood, Tenn. ; 1911. Link, Belle, Thomasville, Tenn. ; L.L, '93. Link, Lois, Thomasville, Tenn. ; 1907. Linn, George F. (Mrs. F. A. Voorhees), College Park, Ga. ; L.L, '89. Liles, Mary E. (Mrs. Wagner Slusser), Memphis, Tenn.; L.L, '07. Lipscomb, Granville, Nashville. Tenn., 1412 Woodland St. ; 1901. Lipscomb, Sallie E., Gallatin, Tenn. ; 1909. Lipscomb, Tallulah H. (Mrs. B. W. Waters) ; L.L, '83 (deceased). Lipscomb, Thomas H., Lexington, Miss.; L.L, '96; B.S., '97. Litchfieid, Elizabeth E., Nashville, Tenn., 707 Shelby Ave.; 1906. KNOWN ALUMNI. 47 Litterer, Win. Jr., Nashville, Tenn., Glendale Park ; 1898. Little, Ada T. (Mrs. Mixon), Macon, Ga., 105 Cleveland Ave.; 1894. Little, Chas. E., Nashville, Tenn., Peabody College; L.I., '87; A.B., '91. Little, Root. N., Houston, Tex., 2018 La. Ave. ; L.I., '90 ; A.B., '91. Littlejohn, Eldridge G., Galveston, Tex. ; L.I., '82. Littlejohn, Ernest N., Pacolet, S. C. ; L.I., '03. Lloyd, Sallie A. (Mrs. Washington Berry), Hope, Ark.; L.I., '97. Locke, Linnie M., Covington, La. ; L.L, '11. Lockett, Eva E., Couchatta, La. ; 1910. Lockett, Mamie L., Lynchburg, Va., 1022 Fillmore St. ; L.L, 06. Lockey, Jos. B., Lima, Peru, S. America ; B.,S., '02. Loftin, Bettie, Eutaw, Ala. ; 1905. Loftin, Elizabeth, Eutaw, Ala. ; 1905. Loftin, Jas. A., Hogansville, Ga. ; 1905. Lofton, Maynor C, Nashville, Tenn., 1000 Broadway; 1895. Logan, Alice M. (Mrs. Bennett Coiley), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '99. Logan, Anne G., Nashville, Tenn., 421 Woodland St. ; 1910. Logan, Edna M., Alton, 111. ; L.L, '06. Logan, Josephine, Nashville, Tenn., 421 Woodland St. ; 1911. Logan, Julia C, Highlands, N. C. ; L.L, '80. Logan, Louisiana (Mrs. Wm. C. Bentley), Richmond, Va. ; L.L, '85. Logan, Sydney S. ; L.L, '07; A.B., '09; "New" A.B., '10 (deceased). Loller, Susie E., Lucy, Tenn. ; 1910. London, Laura L., Lewisburg, Tenn. ; 1905. London, Levi S. ; L.L, '91 (deceased). Long, Annie B. (Mrs. Sexton), Nashville, Tenn., Richland PL; 1878. Long, Jno. L., Dallas, Tex., 2017 Commerce St. ; L.L, '82. Long, May E., Cedar Hill, Tenn. ; 1905. Long, Nannie M., Rockvale, Tenn. ; 1905. Long, Parke C, Mt. Vernon, Tex. ; L.L, '90. Long, Sallie G., Atlanta, Ga., 136 W. Peachtree St. ; L.L, '87. Longacre, Mary A.; L.L, '85 Middle St.; L.I., '02. Maury, Mary C, Nashville, Tenn., 628 Shelby Ave. ; 1895. Mauzy, Grace S., Lynchburg, Va., R.-M. College; 1911. Mauzy, Laura A., Lynchburg, Va., R.-M. College; 1911. Maxwell, Chas. J., Dallas, Tex.; L.I., '90; A.B., '91; B.S., '93. Maxwell, Evelyn C, Pensacola, Fla. ; L.I., '82. Maxwell, Robt. R. ; L.I., '94 (deceased). Maxwell, Wade H., Barnesviile, Ga. ; L.I., '95. May, Elizabeth, Nashville, Tenn., 15th Ave. and Church St. ; 1900. May, Elma V. (Mrs. Andrew Moore), Columbia, S. C. ; L.I., '89. May, Ernest, Nashville, Tenn. ; 1419 Church St. ; 1903. May, Kate, Nashville, Tenn., 15th Ave. and Church St. ; 1903. Mayes, Boce, Lynnville, Tenn. ; 1900. Mayfield, Lillie, Walnut Springs, Tex. ; L.I., '01. Mayo, Mrs. Mary K., Nashville, Tenn., 1910 Grand Ave. ; L.I., '01. McAdams, Bonnie (Mrs. Thurston Whitaker), Fayetteville, Tenn.; 1902. McAdams, Ocie B. ; L.I., '01 (deceased). McAfee, Mary L., Delina, Tenn. ; 1904. McAlexander, Ella, Nashville, Tenn., 702 18th Ave., S. ; 1897. McAlister, Arch G., Solomonville, Ariz. ; L.I., '94. McAlpine, Ida M., Franklin, Tenn. ; 1909. McAnally, Maud J., Waynesboro, Tenn. ; 1907. McBride, Jennie (Mrs. Davis), Nashville, Tenn., 14th and Stratton ; 1903. McBride, Joe K., Swan, Tex. ; 1893. McBride, Lizzie E. (Mrs. Anderson) ; L.I., '94 (deceased). McBride, Rosa D. (Mrs. Wm. F. Macon), Fredonia, Tenn.; L.I.. '95. McCain, Beulah, Culleoka, Tenn. ; 1901. McCaleb, Jno. W., Petersburg, Va., 611 Raleigh Ave.; L.I., '88. McCaleb, Mildred J., Norfolk, Va. ; L.I., '96. McCall, Beulah (Mrs. T. L. Bass) ; L.I., '90 (deceased). McCampbell, Anna R., Donelson, Tenn. ; L.I., '04. McCampbell, F. M., Donelson, Tenn. ; 1903. McCampbell, Maggie, Donelson, Tenn. ; 1903. McCampbell, Marie E., Donelson Station, Tenn. ; 1903. McCandlish, Sarah E. (Mrs. Frank A. Miller), Hartsville. S. C. ; L.I., '99. McCarthy, Mary C, Nashville, Tenn., Gallatin Pk. ; 1880. McCarthy, Susie, Richmond, Va., 920 Hawthorne Ave., Ginter Park Ave.; 1904. McCarty, Mary C. ; L.I., '81 (deceased). McCaw, Beatrice, Rives, Tenn. ; 1904. McChesney, Alexander G. ; L.I., '99 (deceased). McChesney, Alice J., Charleston, W. V., 505 Capitol Ave. ; L.I., '01. McChesney, Lila K. (Mrs. Robt. Morris), Harrisville, W. Va. ; L.I., '97. McChesney, Lizzie (Mrs. E. S. Doolittle), Huntington. W. Va. ; L.I., '88. McClary, Mattie J., Houston, Tex. ; L.I., '87. McClellan, Cora, Concord, Tenn. ; A.B., '11. McClellan, Ethie M. (Mrs. Thomas), Eldorado. Ark.; L.I., '09; A.B., '11. McClelland, Mattie R., Giddings, Tex. ; L.I., '86. McClendon, Daisy D., Donelson, Tenn.; 1903. McClure, Mns. Dora, Natchez, Miss. ; 1908. KNOWN ALUMNI. 51 BfcGlnre, Emma E., Weatherford, Tex.; L.I., '80. McClore, Florence G. (Mrs. Richards) ; L.I., '80 (deceased). McClure, Glenn; L.I., '04 (deceased). McOlure, Jno. A., Ada, Okla. ; L.I., '82 ; A.B., '82. MK'ollister, Jas. II., Harrisonburg, La.; L.I., '01. McCollister, Luther D., Merryville, La,; L.I., '00; A.B., '02. McCluskey, Johnnie D. (Mrs. E. M. Huggins), Egypt, Miss.; L.I., '01. McConico, Mercer, Birmingham, Ala., 1209 19th St., S. ; 1910. McConico, Willie, Birmingham, Ala., 1209 19th St., S. ; L.I., '11. McConn, Mary E. (Mrs. W. C. Henderson), W. Alexandria, Pa.; L.I, '95 ; B.L., '96. McConnell, Blanche, New Orleans, La., 1313 8th St. ; 1899. McCook, Anna R., Robeline, La. ; 1904. McCord, Alice, Lewisburg, Tenn. ; 1909. McCord, Annie L., Lewisburg, Tenn. ; 1897. McCord, Mary L., Pelham, Ga. ; L.I., '94. McCord, Sallie L., Pulaski, Tenn. ; L.I., '95. McCown, Sara, Fayetteville, Tenn. ; 1907. McCoy, Katie C, Milan, Tenn.; 1906. McCoy, Lulu, Huntsville, Tex. ; L.I., '84. McCracken, Annie, Knoxville, Ala. ; 1902. McCreery, Sarah E., Tampa., Fla., 20 7th Ave.; L.I., '01; A.B., '02; A.M., '03. McCrory, Kate G., Coffeeville, Miss. ; L.I., '04. McCue, Vergie C, Birmingham, Ala., 1120 Cullum St. ; 1909. McCulley, Kate (Mrs. M. M. Phillips), Springfield, Tenn.; L.I., '00. McCulley, Vera M., Arlington, Tenn. ; 1910. McCullough, Wm. H., Nashville, Tenn., 1201 16th Ave., S. ; 1896. McDanell, Sarah L., Pullman, Wash. ; L.I., '01 ; B.S., '02. McDaniel, Daniel S. ; L.I., '98 (deceased). McDaniel, Lizzie, Santuck, S. C. ; 1910. McDaniel, Lou, Union City, Tenn. ; L.I., '99. McDaniel, Mary A., Santuck, S. C. ; 1910. McDavid, Gertrude, Newbern, Tenn. ; 1909. McDonald, Leota, Hot Springs, Ark., 232 Mt. Ida St. ; L.I., '07. McDonald, Percy, Denton, Tex. ; L.I., '97 ; A.B., '98. McDonald, Robt. C, Washington, D. C, U. S. Army ; L.I., '03. McDonald, Sallie D., Laurel Hill, Tenn. ; 1905. McDonald, Samuel, Bells, Tenn.; 1901. McDougal, Ruth (Mrs. Lawrence Nichols), Nashville, Tenn.; 1892. McDowell, Frances A., Memphis, Tenn. ; L.I., '07. McDowell, Nathan D., Rochester, N. Y., 365 East Ave. ; L. I., '92 ; B.S., '94. McDowell, Sarah C. (Mrs. Whelan), Hanford, Wash.; L.I., '95; B.L. '96. McEachern, Mabel, Campti, La. ; L.I., '11 : McEllreth, Mrs. Sallie, Clyde, N. C. ; 1909. McElroy, Glen, Nashville, Tenn., 25 Carroll St. ; 1911. McElroy, Margaret (Mrs. L. O. Durosh), Phoenix, Ariz.; L.I., '03. McElroy, Talmage, Nashville, Tenn., 65 Carroll St. ; 1903. McElwain, Jane B., Kingston, La. ; L.I., '11. McElyea, Neal, Nashville, Tenn.; 1905. McFadden, Anna B., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1903. McFadden, Clemmie I. (Mrs. A. S. Moffett), Pensacola, Fla.; L.I., '94; B.S., '95. McFail, EflSe M. (Mrs. Albright), Atlanta, Ga., 146 N. Jackson; 1898. McFarlan, Mary J. (Mrs. J. C. Bridgewater), Schuleuburg. Tex. ; L.I., '87. McFarland, Alice, LaGrange, Ga. ; 1906. McFarland, Ben E., Humboldt, Tenn. ; 1907. McFarland, Geo. P.; L.I., '81 (deceased). McFarland, Nannie M.. McKenzie, Tenn. ; L.I., '08. McFarland, Wm. N., Baton Rouge, La.; L.I., '86. 52 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. McParlin. Jno. L., Quincy, Fla. ; 1882. McFerrin, Annie P., Nashville, Tenn., 1803 Belmont Circle; 1895. McFerrin, Clio, Franklin, Tenn. ; 1901). McGahey, Mary L., Miami. Fla. ; L.I., '03. McGann, Wm. S., Nashville, Tenn., 211 N. 16th St. ; 1893. McGee, Berry, Italy, Tex. ; L.I., '90. McGee, Joe J.; 1894 (deceased). McGee, Jno. S., Ft. Worth, Tex., 2925 College Ave. ; L.I., '95. McGee, Wm. T., St. Louis, Mo., 5447 Easton St. ; L.I., '94. McGehee, Nannie P. (Mrs. Wm. I. Dale), Malesus, Tenn.; L.I., '06. MeGehee, Wm. D., Wayside, Tex. ; L.I., '81. McGibboney, Eve, McMinnville, Tenn. ; 1910. McGill, Lizzie (Mrs. A. F. Whitesides), Gastonia, N. C. ; L.I., '94. McGough, Maggie M. (Mrs. Frank L. Cato), Ainericue, Ga. ; L.I., '92. McGovern, Susie, Nashville, Tenn., 314 14th Ave., N. ; 1906. McGrath, Birdie L., Memphis, Tenn., 1675 Madison Ave. ; L.I., '00. McGregor, Thos. H., Rayville, La. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '98. McHenry, Virginia (Mrs. G. W. Hale), Nashville, Tenn., West End; 1897. McHutcheon, Fannie (Mrs. W. H. Matthews), Del Rio, Tex.; L.I., '04. Mcllvane, Florence V. (Mrs. Ray), Tampa, Fla., Magnolia St.; L.I., '81. Mcintosh, Jas. S., Taylorsville, N. C. ; L.I., '91. Mcintosh, J. K., Chicago, 111., 22 N. Hall ; 1906. Mclver, Effie, Nashville, Tenn., 124 7th Ave., S. ; 1903. McKay, Clarence O., Washington, D. C, 1751 Kilbourne St.; L.I., '01; B.S., '05. McKay, Irving B., Durham, N. C. ; 1905. McKee, Mary M. (Mrs. Blaine Danley), Nashville, Tenn., 1022 Lischey ; L.I., '00. McKemie, Florence, Thomaston, Ga. ; L.I., 91 ; A.B., '92. McKenzie, Ernest, Newport, Ark. ; A.B., '09. McKenzie, Roy, Jackson, Miss. ; A.B., '09. McKenzie, Ury, Hot Springs, Ark. ; L.I., '98 ; A.B., '00. McKie, Lena, El Paso, Tex., 720 N. Florence St. ; L.I., '83. McKinley, Bertha O. (Mrs. J. G. Dickinson), Gadsden, Ala.; L.I., '94. McKinney, Emily, Houston, Tex. ; L.I., '11. McKinney, Minnie L., Dallas, Tex. ; L.I., '07. McKnight, Beatrice J., Hampshire, Tenn. ; 1910. McKnight, Ernest B., Jackson, Tenn. ; A.B., '09. McKnight, Mary L., Carter's Creek, Tenn. ; 1910. McLaurin, Paul D., Globe, Ariz. ; A.B., '04. McLaurine, Wm. M., Jackson, Tenn. ; A.B., '09. McLean, Bessie O. (Mrs. Wm. Allen), Gallatin, Tenn.; 1890. McLean, Nannie, Nashville, Tenn., Castner-Knott Co. ; 1891. McLeran, Benj. B., Double Springs, Ala. ; L.I., '98. McMichael, Samuel J., Washington, D. C, Treas. Dept. ; L.I., '89. McMillan, Jas. L., Clarksburg, W. V. ; L.L, '00 ; A.B., '01. McMillan, O. Hoyt, Mullins, S. C. ; '02. McMillan, Wm. H., Brentwood, Tenn.; L.L, '99. McMillin, Eddie C, Nashville, Tenn., 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg. ; L.I., '03. McMillin, Joe E., Nashville, Tenn., 307 7th Ave., N. ; 1901. McMillion, Edna; L.L, '03 (deceased). McMorrough, Theodore J., Lexington, Mies. ; 1898. McMullen, Edgar, Austin, Tex., Univ. Sta. ; L.L, '91. McMullen, Edwin W., Sutherland, Fla.; L.L, '02; A.B., '04. McMullen, Jas. S., Bay View, Fla. ; 1906. McMurry, Jno. F., McAlester, Okla. ; L.L, '82. McNeil, Perry M., Bessemer, Ala.; L.L, '92; A.B.. '93. McNeill, Hallie, Nashville, Tenn., 709 5th Ave., S. ; L.L, '96. McPheters, Alice, Windom, N. C. ; 1907. KNOWN ALUMNI. 53 McQueen. Mattie, Nashville, Term. ; 1903. McRae, Jno. D., Tampa, Fla. ; 1890. McReynoMs, Ballette M., Sherman, Tex., 802 S. Crockett St.; L.I., '00. McVicker, Katie L., Locust Grove, Ga. ; 1910. McVicker, Leone, Locust Grove, Ga. ; 1910. McWhirter, Susie, Nashville, Tenn., 16th Ave. ; 1900. McYVhorter, Zach D., Calypso, N. C. ; L.I., '89. Meacham, Will (Mrs. Riddle), Durant, Okla. ; L.I., '07. Meadows, Addie D., Haynesville, La. ; L.I., '99. Meadows, Asbury, Hot Springs, Ark. ; L.I., '87. Meadows, Joe G. ; L.L, '99 (deceased). Meadows, Jno. P.; L.L, '04 (deceased). Meadows, Julia, Wuchow, China ; L.L, '04. Meadows, Lena F. (Mrs. W. Y. Dawson), San Benito, Tex.; L.L, '88. Meadows, Leon R., Greenville, N. C. ; L.L, '06. Meadows, Lora G., Cookeville, Tenn. ; 1910. Meadows, Mary E. (Mrs. Joe P. Jacobs), Kansas City, Mo.; L.L, '87. Meadows, May, Haynesville, La. ; L.L, '93. Meek, Fannie (Mrs. Buckley), N. Y. City, 11th St. and Univ. PI.; 1885. Meek, Thos. S., Meadville, Pa.; L.L, '80. Melson, Ida E., Atlanta, Ga., 210 Holderness St. ; L.L, '98. Melson, Marianne, Atlanta, Ga., 210 Holderness St. ; L.L, '95 ; A.B., '95. Melton, Wightinan F., Oxford, Ga. ; L.L, '89. Mercer, Elias E., Farimont, W. Va. ; L.L, '90 ; A.B., '91. Meriwether, Fannie (Mrs. Lucius Browne), San Antonio, Tex.; L.L, '91. Meriwether, Robert, Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; L.L, '89. Merritt, Alfred G., Jr., Nashville, Tenn., 2430 Vanderbilt PI. ; L.L, '89. Merritt, Dixie L., Nashville, Tenn., Nashville Banner ; 1902. Merryman, Annie T., Waverly, Tenn. ; 1909. Messick, Houston B., Covington, La. ; L.L, '02. Messick, Lemuel E., Plaquemine, La. ; L.L, '01 ; B.S., '04. Metcalfe, Mrs. Felicia Z., Fayetteville, Tenn. ; 1909. Metz, Eloiee E. (Mrs. Ryan), Nashville, Tenn., Demonbreun St.; 1902. Middleton, Walter C, Logansport, La.; 1903. Milam, Bessie, Guthrie, Ky. ; 1906. Milam, Otto, Decaturville, Tenn.; 1909. Miles, Henry W., Terrell, Tex. ; 1880. Miles, Lucile G. (Mrs. Robt. R. Darden), Birmingham, Ala.; L.L, '04. Millan, Wm. W., Washington, D. C, 1755 Park Rd., N. W. ; 1883. Millard, Grace B. (Mrs. Wm. Loving), Fayetteville, Tenn.; L.L, '99. Miller, Chas. M., Whitesburg, Tenn. ; 1909. Miller, Claudia S., Bradentown, Fla.; L.L, '98. Miller, Edwin E. ; L.L, '91 (deceased). Miller, Elizabeth L., Memphis, Tenn., 1143 Union Ave. ; 1904. Miller, Frances M. (Mrs. Batey), Smyrna, Tenn.; 1902. Miller, Frank, Kansas City, Mo., Scarritt B. & T. Sch. ; 1904. Miller, Frank A., Hartsville, S. C. ; L.L, '96 ; A.B., '99. Miller, Jno. D., Bridgewater, Va. ; L.L, '97. Miller, Jno. J.; 1887 (deceased). Miller, Mary W., Ninety-Six. S. C. ; L.L, '92. Miller, Sallie, Christiana, Tenn. ; 1906. Miller, V. A., Lake Arthur. La. Miller, W T ilbur W. ; L.I.. '82; A.B.. 'S2 (deceased). Miller, Wm. C, Preseott. Ariz.: B.L., '93. Milligan, Annie R., Jacksonville, Ala. ; 1905. Milliron, Van, Nashville, Tenn., Nolensville Rd. Milliron. Willie S. : 1890 (deceased). Milner, Lillie, Barnesville, Ga. ; 1900. Milner, Lola W., Clarkston, Ga. ; 1900. Milton, Bernice, Quitman, Ga. ; 1909. 54 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Minis, Lela, Minden, La. ; L.I., '91 ; A.B., '92. Minchener, Benj. E., Montgomery, Ala., 30 Commerce St. ; L.I., '96. Minmier, Geo. S., Paris, Ark. ; L.I., '90. Minter, Arthur C, Nashville, Tenn., 1900 Broadway ; L.I., '89 ; A.B., '90 ; A.M., '91. Minter, Mattie G. (Mrs. F. O. Favre), Sealy, Tex.; L.I., '95. Minter, Thos. S., Canyon, Tex. ; L.I., '88. Mitchell, Alice (Mrs. E. T. Clymer), Leonard, Tex.; L.I., '03. Mitchell, Carleton; L.I., '82; A.B., '82 (deceased). Mitchell, Clara A., Tupelo, Mies. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '03. Mitchell, David A.; L.I., '01 (deceased). Mitchell, Jno. F., Dardanelle, Ark. ; L.I., '04 ; A.B., '06. Mitchell, Jno. Franklin, Dardanelle, Ark. ; L.I., '98. Mitchell, Jno. R., Crossville, Tenn. ; L.I., '96. Mitchell, Kate, Brazoria, Tex. ; L.I., '82. Mitchell, Lang A., Frederick, Okla. ; L.I., '04. Mitchell, Laura V., Nashville, Tenn., Methodist Tr. School. ; 1909. Mitchell, Lizzie, Zebulon, Ga. ; L.I., '88. Mitchell, Mary A., Brazoria, Tex. ; L.I., '81. Mitchell, May, Leesville, La. ; L.I., '09. Mitchell, Wm. T. ; L.I., '94; B.S., '95; A.M., '96 (deceased). Mitchum, Countess A., Nashville, Tenn., Cahal Ave. ; L.I., '08 ; A.B., '10. Mitchum, Hazel (Mrs. M. S. Ross), Nashville, Tenn., Cahal Ave.; L.I., '03; B.L., 07. Mitchum, Milliard F., Nashville, Tenn., Cahal Ave. ; 1909. Mitchum, Robt. M., Nashville, Tenn., Cahal Ave. ; 1909. Mixon, Ada, Washington, D. C, 1499 Irving St., N. W.-l ; L.I., '86. Moate, Luther B., Devereux, Ga. ; 1898. Moffatt, Anna H. (Mrs. Curry), San Antonio, Tex.; L.I., '99; A.B.. '99. Moffitt, Wm. A., Bentonville, Ark. ; L.I., '89 ; A.B., '90. Monahan, Katie A., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; L.I., '91 ; A.B., '92 ; A.M., '93. Moncreiff, Wm. F., Nashville, Tenn., 824 19th Ave., S. ; L.L, '87 ; A.B.. 89; A.M., '92. Moneyham, Mollie, Silver Point, Tenn. ; 1907. Monroe, Thos. H., New York, 901 Knabe Bldg. ; L.L, '97. Monroe, Wm. H., San Francisco, Cal., Capt. C. A. C. ; L.L, '96; B.S., '96. Monroe, Wm. W., Fayette, Ala. ; 1899. Montgomery, Americus L., Tyler, Tex. ; L.L, '83. Montgomery, Ida, Raleigh, N. C. ; 1894. Moody, David W., Ballinger, Tex. ; L.L, '11. Moore, Annebel, Brownsville, Tenn. ; L.L. '00. Moore, Annie L. (Mrs. Jno. T. Clark), Prairie Point, Miss.; L.L, '96. Moore, Bartie; L.L, '03 (deceased). Moore, Bertha (Mrs. J. T. Rogers), Paris, Tenn.; L.L, '99. Moore, Bessie; L.L, '00 (deceased). Moore, Clara W., Colfax, 111. ; L.L, '11. Moore, Elizabeth, Belleair, Fla. ; 1907. Moore, Fannie E., Gray, Ga. ; 1909. Moore, Florence (Mrs. E. L. Hughes), Greenville, S. C. ; L.L, '87. Moore, Harry H., Nashville, Tenn., Russell St. ; 1909. Moore, Jas. C, Nashville, Tenn., Russell St. ; 1896. Moore, Jas. P., Nashville, Tenn.. 512 Russell St. ; 1907. Moore, Jefferson J., Cullman, Ala. ; 1905. Moore, Jno. L., Nashville, Tenn., 19 Carroll St. ; A.B., '10. Moore, Mrs. Julia, Nashville, Tenn.. 3515 Charlotte Ave. ; B.S.. '99. Moore, Kate, Shelbyville, Tenn. ; L.L, '06. Moore, Mary V., Hillside, Wis. ; 1901. Moore, Maud, Collierville, Tenn. ; 1903. Moore, M. E., Leavenworth, Kan. Moore, Nannie C, Warrentown, N. C. ; 1911. KNOWN ALUMNI. 55 Moore. Nell, Shelbyville, Tenn.; L.I., '03. Moore, Nellie G., Clarksville, Tenn.; 1903. Moore, Nettie E. ; L.I., '87 (deceased). Moore, Sam, Pleasant View, Tenn. ; 1909. Moore, Susan, Ingram, Tex. ; L.I., '03. Moore, Veola T., Henning, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Moore, Virginia P., Nashville, Tenn., State Capitol ; 1897. Moore, Win. C, N. Y. City, Columbia Univ. ; B.S., '03. Moran, Janie, Franklin, Tenn., 1909. Morelock, Horace W., Canyon, Tex. ; L. I., '01. Morgan, Annie, Nashville, Tenn., 908 2d Ave., S. ; L.I., '81. Morgan, Clara, Iuka, Miss. ; 1909. Morgan, Mary L., Water Valley, Miss. ; L.I., '84. Moriarity. Margaret T. ; L.I., '01 (deceased). Morris, Beatrice (Mrs. T. P. Henry), Detroit, Mich.; L.I., '99. Morris, Benj. W., Parkersburg, W. Va., 804 Quincy St. ; L.I., '03. Morris, Ferdie (Mrs. Seebecker), Philadelphia, Pa., 3523 W. 24th; 1902. Morris, Hortense (Mrs. Erie Cooper), Parkersburg, W. Va. ; L.I., '99. Morris, Joel M., Asheville, Fla. ; 1903. Morris, Leila (Mrs. Neil), Millsaps, Tex.; L.I., '05. Morris, Lelland S., Parkersburg, W. Va. ; 1906. Morris, Mary L., Greenwich, Conn. ; 1899. Morris, Mary L., Ridge Top, Tenn. ; 1893. Morris, Mary S. (Mrs. F. C, Deval)), Parkersburg, W. Va., 819 Swan St. ; L. L, '03. Morris, Minnie A., Sewanee, Tenn. ; 1901. Morris, Moman H., Midlothian, Tex. ; L.I., '97 ; A.B., '98. Morris. Robt. L., Nashville, Tenn., L. & C. Bldg. ; 1894. Morris, Robert, Harrisville, W. Va. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '97. Morrison, Eloise B., Nashville, Tenn., 16th St. ; 1901. Morrison, Wm. P., Centreville, Tenn. ; L.I., '92 ; A.B., '99. Morrisey, Lena R. (Mrs. Gaston), Nashville, Tenn., 6th Ave., S. ; 1910. Morrow, Elizabeth L. (Mrs. W. A. Timmons), Nashville, Tenn.; 1909. Morrow, Irene E., Antioch, Tenn., R. R. No. 3 ; 1909. Morrow, Libbie L., Nashville, Tenn., West End Ave. ; 1900. Morrow, Maggie D., Ft. Worth, Tex. ; L.I., '04. Morse, Jno. H., San Jacinto, Cal. ; A.B., '93. Morse, Laura (Mrs. Abram), Nashville, Tenn., 6th Ave., N. Morton, Jno. T., Pamplin City Va. ; 1902. Morton, W 7 alter P., Columbia, Tenn. ; L.I., '06. Moseley, Arthur G., St. Louis, Mo., New Natl. Bk. ; L.I., '78; A.B., '79. Moseley, Emma M. (Mrs. W. V. Eldridge), Richmond, Va. ; L.I., '79. Moseley, Hattie B., Dallas, Tex. ; L.I., '06. Moseley, Lucy P. (Mrs. D. E. Davidson), Dillwyn, Va. ; L.I., '83. Moseley, Maria A., Orrville, Ala. ; 1909. Mosley, Jas. W., Forsyth, Ga. ; L.I., '04. Mosley, Joel R., Macon, Ga., Lakeside; L.I., '91; B.S., '92; A.M., '93. Mosley, Mary E., Lebanon, Tenn. ; 1907. Mosley, Millard C, Byron, Ga. ; L.I., '00; A.B., '02. Moss, Anna G. (Mrs. Guy Reynolds), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '03. Moss, Claudia, Nashville, Tenn., Washington St. ; 1903. Moss, Nettie (Mrs. Bourland), Houston, Tex., 1108 McKee St.; A.M., '89. Moyers, Minnie, Doyle, Tenn. ; 1905. Moxley, Rosa E., Nashville, Tenn., 1504 12th Ave., N. ; 1909. Mueller, Metz D., Uvalde, Tex. ; 1900. Mullen, Annie I., Waco. Tex., 1901 21st Ave., S. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '09. Mullen, Jos. S., Ardmore, Okla. ; 1898. Mullen, Nellie V., Waco, Tex. ; L.I., '90. Mullins, Kate, Nashville, Tenn., 752 Wedgewood Ave. ; 1910. Mullins, Tipton, Clanton, Ala. ; L.I., '90 ; A.B., '91. 56 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Mulloy, Teresa, Nashville, Teim., 705 Brinkley Ave. ; 1906. Mulloy, Win. A.; L.I., '89; A.B., '90 (deceased). Munford, Lily U., The Plains, Va. ; L.I., '01. Munro, Ida, Putnam, Ga. ; L.I., '83. Murf"ree, Bessie C, Shelbyville, Tenn. ; 1900. Murphree, Albert A., Gainesville. Fla. ; L.I., '92; A.B., '94. Murphree, Celia E., Chillicothe, Tex. ; L.I., '09. Murphree, Ethridge W., Birmingham, Ala., 201 Spring St. ; L.I., '92 ; B.S., '93. Murphree, Jno. C., Pelham, Ga. ; L.I., '09. Murphree, Walter T., Gadsden, Ala. ; L.I., '85. . Murphey, Bessie R., Meridian, Miss. ; 1899. Murphy, Bessie H. (Mrs. J. M. Crowell), Columbia. Tenn.; 1909. Murphy, Marie E., Ft. Worth, Tex. ; L.I., '02. Murphy, Martin J., Nashville, Tenn. ; 1516 Hayes St. ; 1883. Murphy, Perry, Scotts Hill, Tenn. ; 1906. Murray, Grace (Mrs. H. S. Abercronibie), Petrey, Ala.; 1898. Murray, Jas. EL, Tiptonville, Tenn. ; L.I., '10. Murray, Jennie (Mrs. W. A. Johns), Nashville, Tenn., 1049 3d Ave. ; 1902. Murray, Maggie M., Moss Point, Miss. ; L.I., '98. Murray, Margaret B. (Mrs. J. A. Bevill), Memphis, Tenn.; L.I., '00. Murray, Maude (Mrs. Hodge), Franklin, Ind. ; L.I., '93; B.S., '94. Murrell, Ida M., Birmingham, Ala. ; L.I., '10. Murrey, Carrie O., Lewisburg, Tenn. ; 1906. Muse, Anna J. (Mrs. O. E. Brown), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '79. Myers, Annie, Cookeville, Tenn. ; 1909. Myers, Wm. J., Nashville, Tenn., 916 Marian St. ; L.I., '96. Myhand, Estelle O., Westlake, La. ; 1909. Naive, Jesse B., Nashville, Tenn., Vand. Med. ; A.B., '09. Naive, Lillie, Goodlettsville, Tenn. ; 1903. Napier, Alice, Milledgeville, Ga. ; L.I., '89. Napier, Florence R., Franklin, Tenn. ; 1910. Nash, Mary E., Kaufman, Tex. ; L.I., '05. Neal, Annie D.. Nashville, Tenn., 1905 Acklen Ave. ; 1911. Neal, Ariel Eliz.. Watertown, Tenn.; 1911. Neal, Basil Y., Birmingham, Ala., Y. M. C. A. ; 1903. Neal, Jno. D., Newport, Ark. ; 1884. Neal, Lucy M., Lebanon. Tenn. ; 1905. Neal, Mary L. (Mrs. J. M. King), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '91; A.B., '92. Neal, Ovid, Brush Creek, Tenn. ; 1910. Neal, Sallie R., New England, W. Va. ; 1900. Neal, Samuella P., Nashville, Tenn., 1115 Shelby Ave. ; L.I., '83. Neale, Mary S., Richmond, Va., 1521 Floyd Ave. ; L.I., '00. Neatherly, Carrie E., Nashville, Tenn., Stahlman Bldg. ; 1905. Neblett, Sara L., Martin. Tenn. ; L.I., '05. Neel, Martha C, Galax, Va. ; 1895. Neely, Anna, Eagleville, Tenn. ; 1910. Nees, Sarah K, Nashville, Tenn. ; 1907. Nesbit, Mary G. (Mrs. Jno. Whitman), Ardmore, Okla. : L.I., '99. Nestor, Mary, Nashville, Tenn., 2014 Patterson St. ; 1887. Nestor, Nellie A., Nashville, Tenn., 2014 Patterson St. ; 1896. Nettles, Eva L. (Mrs. J. A. Loughridge), Waco, Tex.; L.I., '95. Neville, Frances (Mrs. M. D. Currie), Ville Platte, La.; L.I., '04. Neville, Garnet (Mrs. Robt. N. Thompson), Missoula, Mont; L.I.. '07. Nevils, Julia K., Memphis, Tenn., 1018 Carr Ave. ; L.I., '97 ; A.B., '08. Newbill, Annabel, Tarpley, Tenn. ; 1901. Newbill, Gertrude, Trezevant, Tenn. ; 1909. Newcomb, Mattie G. (Mrs. Gibson). Rochester. N. Y. ; L.I., '88. Newcomb, Minnie I. (Mrs. Schumpert). Brookhaven, Miss.; L.I., '02. Newell, Hattie L., Paris, Tenn. ; L.I., '99. KNOWN ALUMNI. 57 Newsom, Maud A., Kingston Springs, Tenn. ; 1907. Newton, Susan; L.I., '87 (deceased). Niblack, Mary V. (Mrs. V. A. Niblack), Ardinore, Okla. ; L.I., '83. Nichol, Jennie M. (Mrs. Jno. H. Bennett), Smyrna, Tenn.; L.I., '83. Nichol, Johnnie S. (Mrs. Baugh), Franklin, Tenn.; L.I., '90; A.B., '91. Nichol, Maggie L. (Mrs. I. G. Crutchfield), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '87. Nicholas, Maggie E. (Mrs. Dement), Louisville, Ky. ; L.I., '88; A. B., '90. Nichols, Alhert O., Potosi, Mo. ; L.L, '91 ; A.B., '92. Nichols, Harriet (Mrs. E. R. Stevenson), Long Beach, Cal. ; 1909. Nicholson, Ben, Columbia, Tenn. ; 1910. Nicholson, Ira, Cheap Hill, Tenn. ; 1906. Nix, Wm. C, Pope, Tenn. ; 1911. Nixon, Forest, Centreville, Tenn. ; L.L, '89. Noble, Cecile C. (Mrs. Woodson Nash), Kaufman, Tex.; L.L, '98. Noble, Ermie (Mrs. Pendergrass), Leonard, Tex.; L.L, '96. Noble, May, Gainesville, Tex. ; L.L, '05 ; A.B., '05. Noel, Clarence L., Nashville, Tenn., Church St. ; 1909. Noel, Frances, Nashville, Tenn., 1519 Hayes St. ; 1911. Nolan, Geo. E., Orlando, Fla. ; L.L, '90. Noland, Jas. M. ; 1894 (deceased). Noland, Thos. W., Nashville, Tenn., 940 Russell St. ; L.L, '84. Nonnenmacher, Louise, Anniston, Ala., 1311 Gurnee Ave. ; 1910. Nonnenmacher, Ruby, Gadsden, Ala. ; L.L, '10. Noonan, Mary A. (Mrs. Wm. McKinstry), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '92. Nordyke, Mrs. H. S., Franklin, La. ; 1909. Norrell, Byron, Ada. Okla. ; L.L, '03. Norris, Guy H., Anderson, S.C., ; L.L, '00; A.B., '02. Norsworthy, Lillian G. (Mrs. Dougherty), Uvalde, Tex.; L.L, '06. Northern, Ethel, Nashville, Tenn., 47 Vauxhall ; 1893. Northington, Belle, Prattville, Ala. ; 1909. Northway, Carrie L., Jackson, La. ; 1910. Norton, Mollie M. (Mrs. Whitaker), Fayetteville, Tenn.; L.L, '95. Norton, Ruth M., Birmingham, Ala., 1630 11th Ave., S. ; L.L, '05. Norvell, Flora (Mrs. W. R. Jackson), Franklin, Ky. ; L.L, '83. Notgrass, Eugenia (Mrs. Chaa Wetterau) ; 1906 (deceased). Nowlin, Harriet G., Columbia, Tenn. ; 1910. Noyes, Jas. A., Atlanta, Ga., 182 N. Jackson St. ; L.L, '78 ; A.B., '79. Nunn, Etta, Newbern, N. C. ; 1903. Nunnally, Mattie H. (Mrs. W. A. Johnson), Atlanta, Ga., Copenhill Ave.; 1879. Oakley, J. Etta, Nashville, Tenn., 8th Ave. ; 1911. Oakley, Willie M. (Mrs. Chas. Black), Dickson Springs. Tenn.; L.L, '01. O'Banion, Jno. W., Ouanah, Tex. ; 1909. O'Brien, Carrie; 1903 (deceased). O'Connor, Carobel D, Nashville, Tenn., 1507 18th Ave. ; 1911. O'Daniel, Lillie, Nashville. Tenn., 1104 Beaohwood Ave. ; 1910. Odbert, Alberta (Mrs. B. Noble), Nashville, Tenn., 18 Carroll St.; 1902. Oden, Philip A., Somerville, Ala.; L.L, '00. Odom, Alonzo A.; L.L, '94 (deceased). Odom, DeWitt W. ; L.L, '90; B.S.. '91 (deceased). Odom, Malloe L. (Mrs. Wilev Reynolds), Nashville, Tenn.; 1903. Oewel, Clara M. (Mrs. J. V. Hollar), Wytheville, Va. ; L.L, '93. Oewel. Susannah W. (Mrs. D. A. St. Clair), Wytheville, Va. ; L.L, '91. Officer, Edda M., Madison, Tenn. ; 1909. Officer, Henry R„ Sngartown, La. ; L.L, '03. Officer, Mary, Nashville, Tenn., Cabal Ave., 2 E. Gallatin Rd. ; 1910. Ogden. Ellen S., Farmington, Conn.; L.L, '95; B.L., '95. Oglesby, Mabte, Lafayette, Tenn. ; 1903. Oglesby, Mary P., Binghampton, Tenn. ; 1906. Oglesby, Robt. W., Winnfield, La. ; L.L, '00. 58 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Oldham, Eva J., Nashville, Term., 1309 Grantland Ave. ; L.I., '11. Oldham, Sadie M., Laguardo, Tenn. ; 1902. Oliver, Edna E. (Mrs. D. L. Gramling), Tallahassee, Fla. ; 1894. Oliver, Leta M., Columbia, Tenn. ; 1900. Oliver, Mary B. (Mrs. D. L. White), Jackson's Gap, Ala.; L.I., '81. Oliver, Virginia, Groveland, Tenn. ; 1907. Olwill, Eleanor L. (Mrs. Harris), Nashville, Tenn., 1604 Forrest; L.I., '04. Omohundro, Orvillina V., Nashville, Tenn., 1705 West End Ave. ; 1901. Oman, Catherine S., Nashville, Tenn., 939 6th Ave. ; 1900. O'Neal, Benj. G., Weatherford, Tex. ; B.L., '98 ; L.I., '01. O'Neil, Jas. M., Clarendon, Tex. ; L.L, '99. O'Neill, Alberta A., Nashville, Tenn., 238 Berry St. ; 1906. Oney, Alice E. (Mrs. J. D. Peddle), Terra Haute, Ind. ; 1893. Oney, Marian M., Nashville, Tenn., 819 Central Ave. ; L.I., '99. O'Rear, Rufus A., Jasper, Ala. ; L.I., '91. Orgain, Lucy, Cunningham, Tenn. ; 1909. Orndorff, Wm. R., Lost City, W. Va. ; L.I., '89. Orr, Effie M., Lottie, La. ; L.I., '11. Orr, Ellen C. (Mrs. Abram E. Chrislip), West Alexandria, Pa. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '02. Orr, Virgil E. ; L.I., '78; A.B., '79 (deceased). Orum, Ruth (Mrs. Holmes Orgain), Nashville, Tenn., Chapel Ave.; L.I., '04; A.B., '04. Osborne, Lonnie E., Schenectady, N. Y., 3 Charles St. ; L.I., '01. Osbourne, Delia G., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Oslin, Sallie B. (Mrs. Milton Hoover) ; L.L, '84 (deceased). Oslin, Sallie, Nashville, Tenn., Sta. B. ; 1903. Osment, Clara, Mt. Juliet, Tenn. ; 1903. Osment, Eloine, Mt. Juliet, Tenn. ; 1910. Osteen, Alam G., High Springs, Fla. ; 1907. Osteen, Hubert G., Sumter, S. C. ; L.L, '90. Outlaw, Sadie B., Gallatin, Tenn. ; 1903. Overaker, Myrtle L. (Mrs. R. H. Neville), Piano, Tex.; L.L, '96. Overton, Jessie (Mrs. R. Culbertson) ; L.L, '88; A.B., '89 (deceased). Overall, Mary R. (Mrs. Guy C. Conley). Jonesboro, Tex.; L.L, '02. Overby, Eldora, Tullahoma, Tenn. ; 1911. Overton, Mattie J. (Mrs. H. L. Meadows), Bradford, Tenn.; L.L, '92. Owen, Chas. F., Whittier, N. C. ; L.L, '01. Owens, Myrtle, Montgomery, Ala., 511 S. McDonough St. ; L.L, '03 ; A.B., '04. Owens, Thos. R., Gadsden, Ala. ; L.L, '06. Owsley, Kate H. (Mrs. Treppard), Nashville, Tenn., R. R. No. 3; 1895. Pace, Ruby M., Ashland City, Tenn. ; 1906. Paddison, Annie (Mrs. J. C. Pretlow), Point Caswell, N. C. ; 1904. Padgett, May E., Ridge Sprngs, S. C. ; 1910. Page, Boney W., Raleigh, N. C. ; L.L, '04 ; A.B., '04. Page, Frederic J., Franklin, Tenn. ; L.L, '82. Page, Mary F., Knoxville, Tenn. ; 1911. Page, Nellie G. (Mrs. L. R. Sewell), Madera, Cal., Charlotte Ave.; L.L, '79. Page. Thos. B., Stewart's Ferry, Tenn. ; L.L. '78. Paine, Memphis (Mrs. P. Gerhart), Denver, Col., 1135 Columbine: 1891. Painter, Bessie, Plattsburg, N. Y., 21 North Wills St. ; L.L, '03. Painter, Lillie (Mrs. J. A. Matthews), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '01. Painter, Pansy F„ Johnson City, Tenn. ; L.L, '09. Palm, Clara E. (Mrs. Robt. W. Barbee), Memphis, Tenn.; L.L, '99. Palmer, Florence L., Gainesville, Fla. ; 1897. Palmer, J. Holland, Ashburn, G. ; L.L, '96; B.S., '98. Palmer, Margaret C. (Mrs. Horner), Johnson City, Tenn.; L.L, '04. KNOWN ALUMNI. 59 Pankey, Jos. II., Vernon, La. ; 1900. Panuill, Maggie (Mrs. Hastings), Corsicana, Tex.; L.I., '07. Parchall, Minnie D.; 1883 (deceased). Pardue, Geo. B., Chapel Hill, Tenn. ; 1910. Pardue, Henry P., Walnut Cove, N. C. ; L.I., '03; A.B., '07. Pardue, Littleton J., Ashland City, Tenn. ; L.I., '90. Pardue, Susie, Cheap Hill, Tenn. ; 1905. Pardue, W r illie B., Ashland City, Tenn. ; 1905. Parham, Mary E., Nashville, Tenn., 207 14th Ave. ; 1903. Paris, Jeesie L., McMinnville, Tenn. ; 1907. Paris, Jno. T., Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '90; A.B., '91. Paris, Ruth C, Nashville, Tenn., 1504 19th Ave. ; S. ; 1911. Park, Bettie L., Friendship, Tenn. ; 1902. Park, Elsworth S., Jacksonville, Tex. ; L.I., '02. Park, Lela G. (Mrs. H. A. Stanley), Marietta, Okla. ; L.I., '01; B.S., '03. Parker, Chas. J., Raleigh, N. C. ; L.L, '88. Parker, Daysie, Bellevue, Tenn. ; 1903. Parker, Howard, Oklahoma City, Okla. ; L.L, '93 ; A. B., '94. Parker, Jas. W. ; L.L, '86 (deceased). Parker, M. Belle, Tulia, Tex. ; 1900. Parker, Theo., Nashville, Tenn. ; 518 Joseph Ave. ; 1889. Parks, Marie G., Atlanta, Ga., 32 St. Charles Ave. ; L.L, '02. Parr, Alice, Dyersburg, Tenn. ; L.L, '00 ; A.B., '01. Parr, Asa G., Jeffersonton, Va. ; L.L, '87. Parrish, Ethel L, Antioch, Tenn. ; L.L, '05. Parrish, Nella B., Nashville, Tenn., 831 2d Ave., S. ; 1897. Parrish, Olive E., Sharon, Tenn. ; 1905. Parsons, Ida E., Columbus, Miss., 719 7th St. ; L.L, '95. Partlow, Natalie M. (Mrs. G. B. Oakshott), Spokane, Wash.; L.L, '95. Partridge Mortimer, Fernandina, Fla. ; 1904. Pascal, Floy (Mrs. Cowan), Nashville, Tenn.; West End Park; 1901. Paschall, Addie G., Clarksville, Tenn. ; L.L, '07. Pasmore, Stella L. ; L.L, '95 (deceased). Patten, Mary, Thomasville, Ga. ; 1907. Patterson, Caleb P., Memphis, Tenn. ; 1909. Patterson, Lizzie D. (Mrs. Leonard), Oklahoma City, Okla.; L.L, '98; A.B., '00. Patterson, Minnie L. (Mrs. Patterson), Paragon Mills, Tenn.; L.L, '90. Patterson, Minerva L. (Mrs. Walter Nix), Pope, Tenn.; 1908. Patterson, Norma, Beaumont, Tex., 1076 Herbert St. ; L.L, '08. Patterson, Pearl, Nashville, Tenn., 611 S. 10th St. ; 1898. Patterson, Walter C, Britt's Landing, Tenn. ; L.L, '11. Patterson, Winnie L. ; L.L, '90; A.B., '91 (deceased). Patteson, Mary G., Warren, Va. ; L.L, '81. Patteson, Sallie W. (Mrs. A. B. Livingston) ; L.L, '81 (deceased). Patton, Erma M., Hendereonville, Tenn. ; L.L, '10. Patton, Indianola, Water Valley, Miss. ; L.L, '86. Patton, Myra W 7 ., Bakers, Tenn. ; L.L, '09. Patton, Ora L., Bakers, Tenn. ; L.L, '03. Paty, Leon, Bell Buckle, Tenn. ; 1908. Paty, Robt. M., Jr., Bell Buckle, Tenn. ; 1910. Paul, Jas. G., Euchie, Tenn. ; L.L, '97. Paul, Linda, Santa Ana, Cal., 702 Spurgeon St. ; L.L, '86. Paul, Lucy T., Cleveland, Tenn. ; 1901. Paulin, Annie J. (Mrs. Posten), Denison, Tex.; L.L, '81. Payne, Clara L. (Mrs. R. H. McClelland), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '97. Payne, Fannie E. ; L.L, '86 (deceased). Payne, Henry C, Zion City, 111.; L.L, '95; A.B., '96. Payne, May (Mrs. Frank Fields), Nashville, Tenn., 711 18th Ave.; 1889. 60 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Payne, Minnie C, Fairfield, Fla. ; 1895. Payne, Wm. D., Charleston, W. Va., 1337 Va. St ; L.I., '86. Paysinger. Mamie, Boyce, La. ; L.I., X)9. Peacock, Myrtle, Dublin, Miss. ; 1904. Pearce, Margaret E. (Mrs. Joe. Hall), Evergreen, Ala.; L.I., '89. Pearce, Pauline, Washington, D.C. ; L.I., '80. Pearman, Carrie O., Anderson, S. C. ; 1904. Pearsall, Grace A., Nashville, Tenn. ; 1022 Second Ave., S. ; 1892. Pearson, Alice C, Beaumont, Tex. ; L.I., '05. Peay, Evelyn, Searcy, Ark. ; 1911. Peck, Grover C, Algood, Tenn. ; 1906. Peck, Lora B., Houston, Tex. ; L.I., '04. Peden, Virginia, Batesville, Ark. ; 1903. Peebles, Claude W., Dayton, Tenn. ; L.I., '05. Peebles, Irene, New Iberia, La. ; 1909. Peebles, Mallie, Smyrna, Tenn. ; L.I., '97 ; A.B., '00. Peebles, Sallie A., Smyrna, Tenn. ; L.I., '99. Peebles, Samuel W., Smyrna, Tenn. ; L.I., '97. Peebles, Wm. C, Gibson, Ga. ; L.I., '08. Peek, Meda O., Nashville, Tenn., Vand. Univ. ; 1911. Peeler, Chas. B., Jacksonville, Fla., 417 E. Duval St. ; L.I., '95. Peeler, Sam. H., Dallas, Tex., 312 W. 12th Sti 1905. Peevy, Floye D. ; L.I., '96 (deceased). Pence, Polycarp M., Grottoes, Va. ; L.I., '92 ; A.B., '93. Penfield, Andrew J., Wartrace, Tenn. ; L.I., '96 B.S., '97. Penick, Eliza M., Lexington, Va. ; L.I., '01. Penick, Lillias E., Stamford, Tex., 305 E. Hamilton St.; A.B., '11. Perkins, Bessie R. (Mrs. Foster), Louisville, Miss.; 1884. Perkins, Jas. M. ; 1900 (deceased). Perkins, Kate E., Delta, La. ; 1909. Perkins, Martha E. (Mrs. J. R. Turner), Jonesboro, Ark.; L.I., '08. Perrin, Jas. S., Yazoo City. Miss. ; L.I., '81 ; A.B., '82. Perry, Alia J., Oscella, Ga. ; 1906. Perry, Frances L., Columbia, S. C, 1425 Marion St. ; L.I., '94. Perry, Will E., Iron City, Ga. ; 1905. Pescud, Mary T., Raleigh, N. C, 404 Polk St ; L.I., '84. Peters, Ella M. (Mrs. W. M. Campbell), Winnifield, La.; L.I., '04. Peters, Jas. I., Bogalusa, La. ; 1906. Peters, Sara J. (Mrs. Jno. F. Fink), Ft Smith, Ark.; L.I., '89. Peterson, Carrie T. (Mrs. Read), Waxahachie, Tex.; L.I., '92. Pettey, Alice, Center, Tex. ; L.I., '11. Pettigrew, Caroline, Tryon, N. C. ; L.I., '82. Pettit, Martie (Mrs. C. H. Everest), Oklahoma City, Okla. ; L.I.. '82: A.B., '82. Pettus, Alice, Selma, Ala.; 1905. Pettus, Mary E., Triune, Tenn. : 1905. Pettus, Samuel L.. Triune, Tenn. ; 1901. Pettus, Thos. I.; L.I., '98 (deceased). Petty, Alice J., Many, La.; 1910. Petty, Crit, Many, La.; L.I., '03; B.S., '04. Petway, Willie M., Nashville, Tenn., Vauxhall Annex; 1898. Peyton, Agnes, Marlin, Tex. ; L.I., '00. Peyton, Frances M.. Marlin, Tex. ; L.I., '04. Pfciffer, Madeline M.A., St Joseph, Mo., 272 Seneca St. ; L.I., '85. Pfeiffer, Mamie, St. Joseph, Mo., Seneca St. ; 1887. Pharr, Rosa B. (Mrs. R. H. Fletcher), Forsyth, Ga. ; L.I.. '97. Phelps, Ruth C, Greenbrier, Tenn.; 1910. Phillips, Abram T.. Terrell, Tex., 606 W. Moore Ave. ; 1895. Phillips, Alice R. (Mrs. Calvert) ; L.I., '77 (deceased). Phillips, Andy E., Houma, La.; L.I., '04; B.S., '06. KNOWN ALUMNI. 61 Phillips, Daniel K., University Park, Col.: L.I., '93; A.B., '98; A.M., '94. Phillips, Etoile F. (Mrs. A. D. Hatcher), Flournoy, La.; L.I., '01. Phillips, Ida J„ Nashville, Tenn., 1213 McGavock St.; 1890. Phillips. Lena L. (Mrs. Fred Hicks), Kaufman, Tex.; L.I., '06. Phillips, Middleton M., Springfield, Tenn. ; L.I., '98 ; A.B., '01. Phillips. Theda B. (Mrs. F. E. Hill), Bloomfield, N. J.; A.B., '97. Phillips. Walter W., Nashville, Tenn., 820 17th Ave., S. ; 189G. Philoinena, Sister, Nashville, Tenn., St. Cecelia Acad. ; 1903. Phipps, Creed M.. Month of W T ilson, Va. ; L.I., '02. Phipps, Jno. C, Bridle Creek, Va. ; 1909. Phyfer, Jno. W. ; L.I., '82 (deceased). Pickel, Mollie E. (Mrs. Jos. O. Hodnett), Marion, La.; L.I., '89. Pickel, Elvira B., Bell Buckle, Tenn. ; L.I., '02. Pickens, Minnie C, Weaverville, N. C. ; 1906. Pierce, Chas. D., Baywood, La. ; L.I., '03 : B.L.. '03. Pierce, Mary D., Farmville, Va. ; L.I., '90 ; A.B., '00. Pierce, Mary J., Smith's Station, Ala. ; 1910. Pierce, Mattie D. (Mrs. Jas. A. Tate), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '92. Pierce, Nellie, Nashville, Tenn., 927 Fatherland St. ; 1893. Pierce, Ora; L.I., '96 (deceased). Pierce, Rosa N., Nashville, Tenn., 927 Fatherland St. ; L.I., '01. Pierson, Bertha, Columbia, S. C. ; 1909. Pigford, Daisy D. (Mrs. Jas. D. Mitchell), Booneville, Miss.; L.I., '98. Pilcher, Nannie D. (Mrs. R. Folk), Nashville, Tenn.; 1899. Pilcher, Selina W. (Mrs. F. Thompson), N. Y. City, 307 5th Ave.; 1894. Pinkerton, Mary, Franklin, Tenn. ; 1903. Pinson, Jno. H., Eldorado, Ark. ; 1910. Pipkin, Wm. M., Mena. Ark. ; L.I., '95. Pitt, Rosa B., Springfield, Tenn. ; 1910. Pittman, Alma M., Nashville. Tenn., 915 18th Ave., S. ; 1905. Pittman, Eva E. (Mrs. Belt White), Athens, Ala.; L.I., '92; B.L., '93. Pittman, Lena, Nashville, Tenn., 915 18th Ave., S. ; 1888. Pittman. Martha A., Roanoke, Ala. ; L.I., '02. Pitts, Kate C, Demorest, Ga. ; 1908. Pitts, Mary (Mrs. Albert Moulthrop). Eufaula, Ala.; L.I., '08. Pitts, Ollie P., West Raleigh, N. C. ; L.I., '02 ; A.B., '03. Pitts. Rosa B., Springfield, Tenn. ; 1910. Pitts, Rufus K., Gadsden, Ala. ; 1908. Platen, Hugo B., Savannah, Ga., 209 Best St. ; 1878. Platz, Kate; 1890 (deceased). Pless, Jennie (Mrs. J. L. Breathwit), Little Rock, Ark.; 1888. Plummer, Mary S., Binghampton. Tenn. ; L.I., '94. Polk, Annie M., Nashville, Tenn., 821 Stephens St. ; 1899. Polk, Elise W. (Mrs. Percy H. Whiting), East Lake Ga. ; L.I., '97. Polk, Eva M., Nashville, Tenn., 1208 McGavock St. ; 1893. Polk, Minnie T., Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; 1907. Polk, Priscilla, Nashville, Tenn., 905 Villa Place ; 1905. Pollard, Albert J., Alvin, Tex. ; L.I., '91. Poore, Ethel I., Centreville, Tenn. ; 1905. Poore, H. T., Knoxville, Tenn., 811 Spring St. Poore, Wm. A., Carlsbad, N. Mex. ; L.I., '07 ; A.B., '08. Pope, Ina, Collins, Miss. ; 1907. Pope, Jas. D., Nashville, Tenn., 1101 Halcyon Ave. ; 1911. Pope, Mary E., Nashville, Tenn., 1709 Broadway ; L.I., '82 ; A.B., '83. Poplin, Blanche D., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1911. Porcher, Isabelle D. ; L.I., '81 (deceased). Porter, Addie L., Springfield, Tenn. ; 1910. Porter, Adele B., Sweetwater, Tenn. ; 1894. Porter, Annie R., Winchester, Tenn. ; 1907. Porter, Dudley, Paris, Tenn.; 1905. 62 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Porter, Elmira, Dayton, Tenn. ; 1909. Porter, Eva, Springfield, Tenn. ; 1909. Porter, Flora, Nashville, Tenn., 504 Clay St. ; L.I., '11. Porter, Geo. H. ; 1883 (deceased). Porter, Mabel A. (Mrs. A. A. Hammond), Hattiesburg, Miss.; L.I., '05; A.B., '07. Porter, Martha S., Clarksville, Tenn. ; L.I., '07. Porter, Mary E., Dayton, Tenn. ; 1910. Porter, Mattie L., Norton, Va. ; L.I., '95. Porter, Nellie F., Nashville, Tenn., 304 6th Ave., S. ; 1911. Porter, Robt. S., Rural Retreat, Va. ; L.I., '04. Porter, Willie E., Clarksville, Tenn. ; L.I., '07. Porterfield, Mrs. Ruby, Keachie, La. ; 1908. Potter, Finis, New Edinburg, Ark. ; L.I., '93. Powel, Edith F. (Mrs. Guy Garrard), Newnan, Ga. ; 1904. Powel, Richard F., Jr.; L.I., '99 (deceased). Powell, Andrew J., Nashville, Tenn., 315 Cole Bldg. ; 1906. Powell, Bertha, Jasper, Tex. ; 1910. Powell, Ruby, Jasper, Tex. ; 1910. Power, Susie B., Magnolia, La. ; L.I., '04. Powers, Addie B., Palmyra, Tenn. ; 1909. Powers, Sue M., Palmyra, Tenn. ; L.I., '08. Powers, Vernon B., Cheapside, Tex. ; 1902. Poyas, Sampie M. (Mrs. A. C. Hurt), Los Angeles, Cal. ; L.I., '04. P'Pool, Maggie B., Learned, Miss. ; 1905. Prather, Eva H., South Orange, N. J.; L.I., '80; A. B., '80. Prather, Lee R., Baldwyn, Miss. ; 1905. Preston, Cheba M., Walla Walla, Wash, 416 Cypress St. ; L.I., '99. Preston, Mary F., Decatur, Ga., 31 Church St. ; L.I., '00. Prevatt, Jos. B.,. Largo, Fla. ; 1899. Price, Chas. N., Nashville, Tenn., 316 Main St. ; 1898. Price, Sarah C. ; L.I., '85 (deceased). Prichard, Mary S., Halls, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Pritchett, Adolph H., Maysville, Ga. ; 1902. Pritchett, Mabel E., Jonesboro, Tenn. ; 1903. Pride, Genette (Mrs. G. P. Rose, Jr.), Nashville, Tenn., Nolensville Pk. ; 1897. Pride, Margaret L., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1823 78th St. ; L.I., '89. Priest, Jas. H., Nashville, Tenn., 605 5th Ave., S. ; 1910. Pritz, Bessie, Nashville, Tenn., 110 Vand. Place; B.L., '97. Privett, Elizabeth A., Jacksonville, Ala. ; L.I., '96. Proctor, Susan M., Franklin, Ky. ; 1903. Proflitt, Helena (Mrs. N. B. Wright), Savannah, Ga. ; L.I., '94; A.B., '95. Prophit Ella K. (Mrs. Shaw), Marion, Ind. ; L.I., '05; A.B., '07. Pruett, Jno. F., Christiana, Tenn.; 1907. Pruett, Mary E. (Mrs. E. F. Alston), Midway, Ala.; L.I., '02. Pruett, Nathalee, Bogalusa, La. ; L.I., '05. Pryor, J. C, Washington, D. C, 1779 Mass. Ave., N. W. ; 1892. Puckett, Mattie H., Spring Creek, Tenn. ; 1910. Pugh, Louise (Mrs. E. E. Smith), Birmingham, Ala.; L.I., '00. Puleston, Chas. G., Birmingham, Ala., 500 Fulton Ave. ; 1903. Puleston, Sallie, Monticello, Fla.; L.I., '02. Pulley, Kirk, Donelson, Tenn.; 1906. Purvis, Susie E., N. Y. City, 1230 Amsterdam Ave. ; L.I., '02. Puryear, Annie H. (Mrs. J. H. Sims), Los Angeles, Cal.; L.I., '82. Puryear, Florence, Nashville, Tenn., 1601 Broadway; 1906. Putnam, Agnes (Mrs. R. D. Spea), Weatherford, Tex.; 1876. Pybas, Chesterfield, Trenton, Tenn. ; 1908. Pybas, Frances P. (Mrs. Robt. Erwin), Mobile, Ala.; B.L., '93. Pybas, Stella, Trenton, Tenn. ; 1910. KNOWN ALUMNI. 63 QuarteS, Ada J. (Mrs. Stewart), Nashville, Term., Beechwood Ave.; 1905. Quarles, Flora L., Nashville, Tenn., 210 S. 10th St. ; 1908. Quiiicy, Hendricks J., Douglas, Ga. ; 1899. Quinn, Edith M. (Mrs. Warner), Rockvale, Mont.; L.I., '97. Quinn, Lawson E., Ashdown, Ark. ; L.I., '83. Rader. Lena M. (Mrs. Myricks), Una, Tenn. ; 1889. Ragan, Lou E. (Mrs. Black), Nashville, Tenn., 107 Rains Ave.; 1890. Etagland, Allen T., Cookeville, Tenn. ; L.I., '10. Bagland, Ella B., Cleburne, Tex. ; L.I., '04. Ragland, Mattie H., Cookeville, Tenn. ; 1909. Ragsdale, Jno. W., Memphis, Tenn., U. of T. ; L.I., '11. Ragsdale, Minnie; L.I., '95 (deceased). Ragsdale, Rosebud, McCalla, Ala. ; 1908. Ragsdale, Samuel L., Memphis, Tenn. ; L.I., '02 ; A.B., '10. Rahn, Marie K., Haynesville, Ala. ; 1901. Raines, Annie (Mrs. DeW. Hoffman), Surgoinsville, Tenn.; L.I., '96. Raines, Minnie (Mrs. H. T. Wilkerson), Nashville, Tenn.; 1895. Rainey, Leila, Hickory Point, Tenn. ; 1906. Rambo, Luella G., Fayetteville, Tenn. ; 1908. Ramey, Mary, Hickory Point, Tenn. ; L.I., '10. Rarney, Sue, Hickory Point, Tenn. ; 1907. Ramsaur, Daisy, Atlanta, Ga., 176 Highland Ave. ; L.I., '02. Ramsaur, Mary (Mrs. P. C. Williams), Tampa, Fla. ; L.I., '04. Ramsey, H. C, Lane, Tenn. ; 1905. Randall, Blanche D. (Mrs. H. C. Haden), Galveston, Tex.; L.I., '98. Randle, John, Louisville, Miss. ; 1911. Rankin, Marion F., Nashville, Tenn., 328 Arrington St. ; 1905. Rason, Alpha P., Alhambra, Cal. ; L.I., '01; B.S., '01. Rather, Ernest M. ; L.I., '85 (deceased). Rauch, Ernestine, Knoxville, Tenn., U. of T. ; L.I., '11. Ravenscraft, Edward C, Los Angeles, Cal., 5636 Pasadena Ave. ; L.I., '85; A.B., '89. Rawles, Lexia. Dyersburg, Tenn. ; 1910. Rawlings, Minnie O., San Angelo, Tex., 528 Upton St. ; A.B., '90. Rawlings, Sallie E. (Mrs. E. E. Easterling), Beaumont, Tex.; L.I., '90. Ray, Chas. R., Town Creek, Ga. ; 1905. Raymond, Sister, Nashville, Tenn., St. Cecelia Acad. ; 1903. Ready, Marie M., Nashville, Tenn., Hillsboro Pk. ; L.I., '08; A.B., '10. Reams, Mary A., Vivian, La. ; L.I., '08. Reams, Sarah A., Gainesville, Tex. ; 1910. Reaves, Geo. A.; L.I., '97 (deceased). Reavis, Mabel, Stuttgart, Ark. ; 1911. Reavis, Rosa I., Nashville, Tenn., 211 7th Ave., N. ; L.I., '11. Record, Medora, Lynchburg, Tenn. ; 1908. Rector, Rebecca B. (Mrs. G. W. Allen), Nashville, Tenn., 212 Union St.; L.I., '01. Reding, Mrs. Petrona, Ashland City, Tenn. ; 1909. Reece, Julia E., Nashville, Tenn., 614 Russell St. ; L.I., '99. Reed, Frank W., Urbanna, 111., U. of 111. ; L.L, '00 ; A.B., '02. Reed, Mary M., Trenton, Ga. ; L.L, '08. Reeder, Sallie, New Orleans, La., 7303 Elm St. ; L.L, '91. Reese, Pauline M., Pensacola, Fla. ; L.L, '88. Reeves, Riley J., Nashville, Tenn., 15 Carroll St. ; L.L, '03. Reeves, Robt. V., Floyd, La.; L.L, '02. Reeves, Wm. G., Beaumont, Tex. ; L.L, '98 ; A.B., '00 ; A.M.. '02. Register, Don, Jacksonville, Fla., 1209 Walnut St. ; L.L, '04. Reid, Ida J. (Mrs. Tyler Calhoun), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '84. Reierson, Roy R., Kemp, Tex. ; L.L, '96. Reimunde. Jane G., Benton, La. ; 1901. Renegar, Kate (Mrs. Carl Brown), Lebanon, Tenn.; 1908. 64 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Renick, Harry, Bumpas Mills, Tenn. ; 1905. Rex, Else C, New Decatur, Ala. ; 1904. Reynolds, Alonzo C, Cullowhee, N. C. ; L.I., '94; A.B., '96. Reynolds, Chas. B., Atlanta, Ga., Atlanta Natl. Bk. Bid.; L.I., '82; A.B., 83. Reynolds, Ethel, Pulaski, Tenn. ; 1905. Reynolds, Jno. B., Grayburg, Tex. ; L.I., '97 ; A.B., '99. Reynolds, Jno. W. Leicester, N. C. ; L.I., '08. Reynolds, Jos. L., Black Mt, N. C. ; L.I., '07. Reynolds, Lorena (Mrs. N. C. Hoskins), Whittier, Cal., L.I., '84. Reynolds, Mattie J., Booneville, Miss.; L.I., '98; A.B., '99. Reynolds, Pauline (Mrs. W. D. Witkerspoon ) , Nashville, Tenn.; 1893. Reynolds, Tonimie, Rucker, Tenn. ; L.I., '11 ; A.B., '11. Rhea, Erma V., Pulaski, Tenn. ; 1901. Rhoads, Alma B. (Mrs. Nanny), Brown wood, Tex.; L.I., '94; B.P., '94. Rhodes, Eula M., Shuler, Ark. ; L.I., '09. Rhodes, Geo. E., Welch, W. Va. ; L.I., '04. Rhodes, W. B., Junction City, Ark.; 1910. Rice, Jno. D., White's Creek, Tenn. ; 1900. Rice, Lela W., Nashville, Tenn., 825 4th Ave., S. ; 1910. Rich, Amy L., Nashville, Tenn., 511 2d Ave., S., 1903. Rich, Carrie R., Nashville, Tenn., 511 2d Ave., S. ; L.I., '11. Rich, Jno. C, Dellwood, N. C. ; L.I., '05. Rich, Leonora, Nashville, Tenn., 1903 Hayes St. ; 1911. Rich, Marie (Mrs. W. S. Middleton), Clark's Hill, S. C. ; L.I., '99. Rich, Maurice, Nashville, Tenn., 511 2d Ave. ; 1907. Rich, Theresa R. (Mrs. Breyer), Dunnellen, N. J.; 1895. Richards, Chas. W., Ardmore, Okla. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '03. Richards, Grace (Mrs. I. S. Baker), Antioch, Tenn.; 1905. Richards, Ruth, Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; L.I., '09. Richardson, Anna E., Austin, Tex. ; B.S., '03. Richardson, Chas. C, Columbus, Miss., 503 6th St., S. ; 1898. Richardson, Edwin S., Baton Rouge, La. ; L.I., '00. Richardson, Elizabeth, Delta, La. ; 1910. Richardson, Elsie M., Nashville, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Richardson, Isabelle, Holly Springs, Ark. ; 1909. Richardson, Mary M. (Mrs. Wm. T. Gerhardt), Murfreesboro, Tenn.; L.I., '03. Richardson, Mettie (Mrs. H. B. Clements), Lee Hall, Va. ; L.I., '01. Richardson, Wm., Jr., Nashville, Tenn., 1028 16th Ave. ; 1910. Richmond, Lena M., Nashville, Tenn., R. R. No. 3; 1910. Richmond, Mary, Germantown, Tenn. ; 1906. Ridge, Agnes B. (Mrs. Pitts), Goodlettsville, Tenn.; L.I., '98. Ridley, Ida, Nashville, Tenn., 1813 Patterson St. ; L.I., '00. Ridley, Mary, Donelson, Tenn. ; 1903. Ridley, Mollie, Nashville, Tenn., 1813 Patterson St. ; 1889. Rightor, Mary H., Helena, Ark. ; 1907. Riley, Albert F. ; L.I., '93; A.B., '97 (deceased). Riley, Alice (Mrs. Gardner), Nashville, Tenn.; 1903. Riley, Eva A., Nashville, Tenn., Waverly Place; 1900. Riley, Lillian, H., Nashville. Tenn., Waverly Place; 1903. Rion, Annie B., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1910. Rishton, Carrie M. (Mrs. David S. Willis), Newbern, N. C. ; L.I., '82. Ritha, Dillma P., McMinnville, Tenn. ; 1909. Rittenberry, Lavonia, Boyce, Tex. ; L.I., '11. Roark, Daniel B., Ferris, Tex.; L.I., '04; A.B., '06. Roark, Julia (Mrs. O. F. Robinett), Rosebud, Tex.: 1903. Roark, Madison L. ; L.I., '93; A.B., '95 (deceased). Bobbins, Nathan O., Grandview, Tex. ; L.I., '08. Roberson, Carrie, Alpine, Tex. ; L.I., '06. KNOWN ALUMNI. 65 Roberts, Alice (Mrs. Geo. M. Kiinberly), Catonsville, Md. ; L.I., '95. Roberts, Editb E. ; L.I, '89 (deceased). Roberts, Edwin L., Nashville, Tenn., 1510 8th Ave., S. ; A.B., '98; A.M., '01. Roberts, Emma M., Santa Fe, Tenn. ; 1910. Roberts, Frances (Mrs. F. C. Ratliff), Vivian, La.; L.I., '08. Roberts, Geo. B., Knoxville, Tenn.. 1206 Highland Ave. ; L.I., '09. Roberts, Jas. A., Soddy, Tenn. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '03. Roberts, Jno. W., Lawton, Okla., 705 6th St. ; L.I., '90. Roberts, Lncile, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Roberts, Mary E., Lake Village, Ark. ; 1898. Roberts, Morgan S. ; L.I., '81 (deceased). Roberts, Rena (Mrs. E. B. Donnell), Jacksonville, Fla., 1209 Walnut St.; 1904. Roberts, Thos. H., Arrington, Tenn. ; 1903. Roberts, W. F., Nashville, Tenn., 1815 Broadway. Robertson, Edna B., Nashville, Tenn., 901 1st Ave., S. ; L.I., '11. Robertson, Harrell B., Seymour, Ind. ; 1907. Robertson, Helen P., Aiken, S. C. ; L.I., '05. Robertson, Jennie B. (Mrs. Jno. R. Payne), Nashville, Tenn.; 1901. Robertson, Laura B., Nashville, Tenn. ; 2223 White Ave. ; 1910. Robertson, Mary C. (Mrs. W. H. Pardue), Aiken, S. C. ; L.I., '00. Robertson, Maud, Taylors, Tenn. ; 1905. Robertson, Sallie P. (Mrs. A. F. Robertson), Richmond, Va. ; L.I., '96. Robeson, Jeptha M., Centreville, Ala. ; L.I., '05. Robinson, Billie, Monticello, Ark.; L.I., '03; A.B., '03. Robinson, Bowman L., Meridian, Miss. ; L.I., '99. Robinson, Cloydia, Nashville, Tenn., 1708 Grand Ave. ; 1892. Robinson, Harry, Nashville, Tenn., 58 Lindsley Ave. ; L.I., '91. Robinson, Lineal (Mrs. E. T. Beard), Milan, Tenn.; L.I., '02. Robinson, Lura C, Nashville, Tenn., 1708 Grand Ave. ; L.I., '97. Robinson, Maggie, Nashville, Tenn., 1708 Grand Ave. ; 1897. Robinson, Mary E., Plainview, Tex. ; L.I., '92 ; A.B., '93. Robinson, May (Mrs. H. L. Willis), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '89. Robinson, Sue M., Franklin, Tenn. ; 1904. Robinson, Wm. L., Smithville, Tenn. ; 1908. Robinson, Willis M. ; L.I., '85 (deceased). Robison, Geo. D., Springfield, Tenn. ; L.I., '00. Robnett, Sherman E., Riverside, Tenn. ; L.I., '01. Robnett, Susie M., Riverside, Tenn. ; 1900. Roche, Elizabeth R. (Mrs. C. E. Weise), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., 95. Roche, Nellie J., Nashville, Tenn., 317 Fatherland St. ; L.I., '99. Roddy, Mrs. Corry, Honey Grove, Tex. ; 1908. Roddy, Wm. C, Honey Grove, Tex. ; 1909. Roger. Alvah, Beebe, Ark. ; 1904. Rogers, Christine E.. Johnson City, Tenn. ; L.I., '02. Rogers, Daniel T., Hill City, Tenn. ; 1909. Rogers, Eddie G., Chattanooga, Tenn., Ridgedale Station ; L.I., '92. Rogers, Gertrude E. (Mrs. Wm. Barker), Hixson, Tenn.; 1906. Rogers, Lawrence A., Hixson, Tenn. ; 1907. Rogers, Maggie L., Carrollton, Ga., 50 College St. ; 1890. Rogers, Maude E. (Mrs. H. B. Adams), Carrollton, Ga. ; L.I., '91. Rogers, Mattie (Mrs. R. A. Whitworth), Nashville, Tenn., 234 Treutland St.; 1885. Rogers, Silas W., Conway, Ark. ; L.I., '04. Rogers, Thos. F. ; L.I., '06 (deceased). Rogers, Wm. M., Retro, Tenn. ; 1890. Roheleder, Mary (Mrs. Thacker) ; L.I., '85 (deceased). Roller, Lizzie R. (Mrs. W. T. Eubank), Polytechnic, Tex.; L.I., '04. 66 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Rolston, Mamie (Mrs. Geo. R. Bitzer), Valdosta, Ga. ; 1899. Romine, Wm. B., Pulaski, Tenn. ; L.I., '87. Rooks, Jessie, Paducah, Ky. ; 1904. Roper, Lelia, Nashville, Tenn., 210 9th Ave., N. ; 1893. Roper, Edw. E., Nashville, Tenn., 301 1 Church St. ; 1893. Rooney, Jno. J., Nashville, Tenn., 910 Commerce St. ; 1909. Rose, Andrew, Texarkana, Tex.; L.I., '00; A.B., '00. Rose, Fernando C, Allen, Tex.; L.I., '01. Rose, Grace, Nashville, Tenn., 437 7th Ave., N. ; 1894. Rose, Wickliffe, Washington, D. C, Southern Bldg. ; L.I., '88 ; A.B., '89 ; A.M., '90. Rosenweig, Flora (Mrs. Tschopik), Montgomery, Ala., 606 S. Hull; 1898. Ross, Alice H. (Mrs. Chas. II. Clarke), Murfreesboro, Tenn.; L.I., '96. Ross, Ethel L., Hampton, Va. ; 1901. Ross, Jno. Jr., Clarksburg, W. Va., 223 Goff Bldg. ; L.I., '94. Ross, Jno. N., Jefferson, Ga. ; L.I., '82. Ross, Marcus M. ; L.I., '84 (deceased). Ross, Marion D. (Mrs. W. G. Boswell), Nashville, Tenn., 30 Cole Bldg., L.I., '06. Ross, Montague S., Nashville, Tenn., Cahal Ave. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '03. Ross, Olive, Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '86; A.B., '90: A.M., '91. Ross, Wm. H„ Nashville, Tenn. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '96. Rosser, Hattie, Madison, Tenn. ; L.I., '96. Rothrock, Sadie Lee (Mrs. Gentry Castleman), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '11. Rountree, Annie L. ; L.I., '00 (deceased). Rountree, Nell A. (Mrs. Geo. D. Boone), Erin, Tenn.; L.I., '99. Rouse, Chas. A., Abilene, Tex.; L.I., '02. Rouse, Wm. H., Clintwood, Va. ; L.I., '96 ; A.B., '00. Routh, Mary A., Houston, Tex. ; 608 Baker St. ; L.I., '95. Rowan, Samuel L., Wesson, Miss. ; 1899. Rowan, Walter H., Wiggins, Miss.; L.I., '96; B.S., '98. Rowe, Lola L. (Mrs. Fountain), Ennis, Tex., 309 W. Knox; L.I., '93. Rowan, Bessie P.; 1899 (deceased). Rowan, Jennie, Nashville, Tenn., 33 Carroll St. ; 1902. Rowland, Jno. F., Hot Springs, Ark. ; L.I., '95. Rowland, Rosa B., Chicago, 111., 1526 W. Monroe St. ; 1898. Rowland, Wm. P., Nashville, Tenn., 814 Joseph Ave. ; 1897. Rowland, Willie T., Gulfport, Miss. ; L.I., '09. Roy, Mary M., Mt. Willing, Ala. ; 1906. Royal, Laura B. (Mrs. Copland), Richmond, Va., 117 N. Vine; L.I., '04. Royal, Walter B. ; L.I., '96 (deceased). Rucker, Lucie E. (Mrs. Van Hoose), Rome, Ga. ; L.I., '82; A.B., '82. Ruffin, Jessie L., Jr., Helena, Ala. ; L.I., '85. Rugg, Luzon S., Boyce, La. ; L.I., '03. Ruhn, Zara L. (Mrs. Frierson), Mt. Pleasant, Tenn.; 1896. Rundle, John, Louisville, Miss. ; 1898. Rundle, Nannie, Nashville, Tenn., 81 L. & C. Bldg. ; 1890. Runyan, Cora E. (Mrs. T. R. Sartor), Oberlin, La.; L.I., '06. Rupert, Lomega, Rupert, W. Va. ; 1900. Russell, Chas. L. ; 1898 (deceased). Russell, Cora M., Pelican, La. ; 1909. Russell, Daisy, Houston Heights, Tex. ; 1909. Russell, Daisy L. (Mrs. C. P. Gray), W. Monroe, La.; L.I., '06. Russell, Edwin A., Keyser, W. Va., Main St. ; L.I., '95; B.S., '96. Russell, Jas. T., San Saba, Tex.; L.I., '00. Russell, Marcus J., Conway, Ark. ; L.I., '91 ; A.B., '92. Russell, Mary E. (Mrs. A. P. Vaughan), Houston, Tex.; L.I., '89. Russell, Pearle, Houston, Tex. ; 1515 Rutland St. ; L.I., '10. KNOWN ALUMNI. 67 Kussell. Win. P.. Twin Mountain, W. Va. ; 1895. Rutherford, Mrs. B. C, Coleman, Tex. ; 1904. Rutherford, Susie; 1896 (deceased). Rutledge, L. D., Doyle Station, Tenn. ; 1910. Ryiner, Jno. V., Harriiuan, Tenn. ; L.I., '93. Ryinarkwicz, Balbene (Mrs. J. Halbach), Nashville, Tenn., Blair Blvd.; 1892. Rynian, Daisy (Mrs. Gu£ Coggins), Nashville, Tenn., 514 2d Ave.; 1891. Sadler, Ella M. (Mrs. Wickliffe Rose), Washington, D. C. ; L.I., '89. Sadler, Wm. W., Booneville, Miss. ; 1907. Sale, Ednionia B. (Mrs. Marshall), Canton, China; L.I., '90; A.B., '93. Salter, Julia, Evergreen, Ala. ; 1909. Sample, Antionette E. ; L. I., '93 (deceased). Sample, Ollie E., Vivian, La. ; L.I., '05. Sams, Carrie O., Gaffney, S.C. ; L.I., '94. Sams, Wm. C, Meridian, Miss. ; L.I., '98. Samuels, Etta V., Richmond, Va., 2229 W. Grace St. ; L.I., '04 ; B.L., '06. Sanders, E. May, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1911. Sanders. Florence N., Guadalahava, San Felipe, 772 Mexico; L.I., '04; B. S., '04. Sanders, Jno. L., Anderson, S. C, 1043 W. Market St. ; 1902. Sanders, Letitia C, Petersburg, Tenn. ; 1910. Sanders, Pearl (Mrs. Stewart), Memphis, Tenn., 221 Main St.; 1893. Sanders, Robt. L., Anderson, S. C, 402 S. Manning St. ; 1902. Sanders, Thos., Racine, Wis. ; 1900. Sanders, Zulena, Ashland City, Tenn. ; 1909. Sandidge, Carrie O. (Mrs. Wooten), Dennis Mills, La.; L.I., '95; A.B., '95. Sandling, Lenore, Memphis, Tenn., 378 LaClede Ave. ; 1910. Sandridge, Sadie M., Norfolk, Va., 150 Main St. B. ; L.I. '04. Sandridge, Walter, Cleveland, Tenn. ; 1904. Sands, Claud C, Corsicana, Tex. ; L.I., '11. Sanford, Robt. G., Bells, Tenn.; L.I., '11. Sanford, Virginia, Galveston, Tex.. 3719 Ave. P ; L.I., '95 ; B.L., '95. Sanner, Fay, Atlanta, Ga., 75 Forrest Ave. ; 1902. Sanner, Minnie (Mrs. J. G. Davis), Atlanta, G. ; 1904. Sappington, Winnie B. (Mrs. Rawlings), Little Rock, Ark.; L.I., '01. Satterfield, Dollie Nashville, Tenn., 240 N. 2d St. ; 1900. Saunders, Laura B., Durham, N. C. ; L.I., '86. Savage, Emma L., Antioch, Tenn. ; 1904. Savage, Thomas, Antioch, Tenn. ; 1910. Sawyer, Alexina, Brentwood, Tenn. ; 1909. Sawyer, Sadie J. (Mrs. Fuller), Birmingham, Ala., Ensley Sta. ; 1900. Saxon, Robt. E., Little Rock, Ark., 401 State Bk. Bldg. ; 1904. Sayers, Edward A., Nashville, Tenn., 203 Jackson Bldg. ; 1904. Sayle, Pattie O., Carthage, Tenn. ; 1900 . Scales, Frances R., Reidsville, N. C. ; L.I., '91. Scales, Jno. D., Triune, Tenn. ; 1903. Scanlon, Franklin T., Clear Lake, Iowa, Main St. ; L.I., '04. Scarboro, Jason, Tifton, Ga. ; L.I., '93 ; A.B., '94. Scarborough, Fannie, Water Valley, Miss. ; L.I., '94. Scarbrough, Nannie L., Lafayette, Ala. ; L.I., '07 ; A.B., '10. Schard, Elizabeth, Tiptonville, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Schlotterbeck, Lula ; L. I., '87 (deceased). Schnell, Bessie, Nashville, Tenn., 1300 Jefferson St. ; L.I., '04. Scholastica, Sister, Nashville, Tenn., St. Cecelia Acad. ; 1889. Schumpert, Bailey T., Brookhaven, Miss. ; L.I., '00 ; A.B., '02. Scobey, Robt. H., New Orleans, La., 1301 Tulane Ave. ; L.I., '00 ; A.B., 01. Scott, Albert S., Jasper, Ala. ; L.I., '07. Scott, Bessie L., Brunswick, Mo. ; L.I., '07. 68 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Scott, Ella (Mrs. Baxter Scott), Winona, Miss.; 1898. Scott, Emma Y., Beaumont, Tex., 464 Sabine Pass Ave. ; L.I., '04. Scott, Florence E. (Mrs. R. C. Deen), Alexandria, La.; L.I., '08. Scott, Jennye B. (Mrs. J. W. Jones), Haley ville, Ala.; 1908. Scott, Jessie (Mrs. Chas. J. Montgomery), Augusta, Ga. ; L.I., '91. Scott, Jno. M. Piney Flats, Tenn. ; L.I., '98. Scott, Katherine L., Poplarville, Miss. ; 190G. Scott, Thos. E., Washington, D. C. ; L.I., '04. Scott, Sarah A., Pulaski, Tenn.; 1905. Screws, Nellie A., Greenwood, S. C. ; L.I., '91. Scruggs, Anna L. (Mrs. I. J. Rice) ; L.I., '84 (deceased). Scruggs, Ethel L., Nashville, Tenn., 001 Boscobel St.; 1904. Scruggs, Isabel B., Houston, Tex. ; 2119 Bagby St. ; L.I., '01. Scruggs, Mary I. (Mrs. J. B. Gray), Louisville, Ky. ; 1893. Sealey,Julia, New Iberia, La. ; 1905. Searle, B. E., Nashville, Tenn., 1107 Shelby Ave. ; 893. Searle, Hilda V. (Mrs. Owen), Nashville, Tenn., 114 Neill Ave.; 1893. Searle, Lydia, Nashville, Tenn. ; 1107 Shelby Ave. ; L.I., '94. Seat, Virginia K. (Mrs. Turney), Watertown, Tenn.; L.I., '98; A.B., '00. Seay, Alma (Mrs. Phillips), Wylam, Ala.; 1900. Seay, Jas. E., Birmingham, Ala., 2908 Cypress Ave. ; L.I., '97. Seay, Jno. L., Whitwell, Tenn. ; 1901. Seay, Lillian B., Franklin, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Seay, Sam C, Pratt City, Ala. ; 1904. Sedberry, Corinne (Mrs. Jas. Chapell), Birmingham, Ala.; 1905. Sedberry, Elsie B. (Mrs. Allen), Nashville, Tenn., 22d Ave.; 1897. Sehorn, Lydia W., Halls, Tenn. ; L.I., '07. Seitter, Wm. F., Ambridge, Pa. ; L.I., '01. Self, Lemuel B., Birmingham, Ala., 716 Eliza St. ; L.I., '86. Self, Lucile, Dublin, Tex. ; L.I., '03 ; B.S., '05. Sellers, Jordan, Morrillton, Ark. ; L.I., '89 ; A.B., '90. Semmes, Katherine, Sardis, Miss. ; 1898. Sensing, Nelle, Humboldt, Tenn. ; 1910. Senter, Martin L. ; 1880 (deceased). Senter, Rebekah D., Boone, N. C. ; 1911. Sergeant, Nettie C. (Mrs. F. Rice, Jr.), Chattanooga, Tenn.; L.I., '80; A.B., '80.. Setliff, Daisy I., Flat Creek, Tenn. ; 1893. Sewell, E. E. Nashville, Tenn., Nash. Bible Sch. ; 1906. Sexton, Church L., Nashville, Tenn., 1522 Douglas Ave. ; 1893. Sexton, Lula S. (Mrs. H. F. Estill), Huntsville, Tex.; L.I., '87. Sexton, Robt. M., Jefferson, La. ; 1905. Shackelford, Samuel D., Roanoke, Va. ; L.I., '95. Shands, Anna; L.I., '99 (deceased). Shannon, Lizzie M. ; L.I., '93 (deceased). Shannon, Minnie (Mrs. H. P. Gilbert), Orlinda, Tenn.; 1907. Shapard, Alice T., Jackson, Tenn. ; L.I., '90 ; A.B., '91. Shapard, Louise, Nashville, Tenn., 50 Woodland St. ; 1909. Sharp, Jas R., Nashville, Tenn., 808 Broadway; L.I., '97. Sharp, Lila K., Mercer, Tenn. ; 1908. Sharp, Mattie E., Nashville, Tenm, 1401 Gartland Ave. ; 1890. Sharp, Walter C, Nashville, Tenn., 1701 18th Ave., S. ; 1907. Shaver, Lee B., Oakland, La. ; L.I., '04. Shaw, Connor B., Chicago, 111., 6028 Ingleside Ave. ; A.B., '10. Shaw, Edward D., Monroe, La. ; L.I., '09. Shaw, Emma I. (Mrs. N. Smylie), Batesville, Ark.; L.I., '84. Shaw, Jno. C, West Liberty, W. Va. ; B.S., '82; L.I., '93; A.M., '94. Shaw, Kate J. (Mrs. Nichols), Granville, Tenn.; 1891. Shaw, Phillip E., Teachey, N. C. ; L.I., '92. KNOWN ALUMNI. 69 Shaw, Wm. M., Crowley, La. ; L.I., '08. Shea, Mollie G. (Mrs. Jas. A. Hennessey), Chicago, 111.; 1896. Shea, Naoma (Mrs. Leary), Nashville, Tenn., 122 14th Ave., N. ; 1878. Shea, Thos. A., Nashville, Tenn., 809 2d Ave., S. ; 1903. Sheetz, Mary S., Keyser, W. Va., 29 Piedmont St. ; L.I., '86. Sheffer, Aaron, Nashville, Tenn., 509 4th Ave. ; 1909. Shelby, Flora D., Woodlawn, Tenn. ; L.I., '07. Shelby, Goldner E., Knoxville, Tenn., U. of Tenn. ; 1910. Shelby, Grace F., Jordan Springs, Tenn. ; 1909. Shelby, Letitia M., Woodlawn, Tenn.; L.I., '08. Shell, Jacob J., Rosepine, La. ; L.I., '03. Shelton, Dora, Whitwell, Tenn.; 1905. Shelton, William J., Whitwell, Tenn.; 1903. Shemwell, Lorena, Humboldt, Tenn. ; 1909. Shepard, Mary S. ; A.B., '92; A.M., '93 (deceased). Shepard, Carrie M. (Mrs. Lupton), St. Petersburg, Fla. ; L.I., '93. Sheppard. Jas. M., Eldorado, Ark. ; L.I., '85. Sheppe, Mary L., Nashville, Tenn., Ward Seminary; L.I., '94. Sherer, Thos. H., San Benito, Tex. ; L.I., '00. Sheridan, Frank M„ Greenwood, S.C. ; L.I., '85. Sherrill, Wightman S., Birmingham, Ala., 1030 1st Ave. ; L.I., '93. Sherrod, Irene; 189G (deceased). Shewmaker, Jno. W., England, Ark.; L.I., '99; A.B., '00. Shewmaker, Middleton F. ; L.I., '98 (deceased). Shields, Geo. R., Washington, D. C, Bond Bldg. ; 1900. Shinn, Chas. L., Russellville, Ark. ; L.I., '95. Shirley, Jno. C, Hubbard Woods, 111. ; L.I., '83. Shivers, Allie F. (Mrs. Jas. M. Willis), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '00. Shoffner, Clarence L., Wartrace, Tenn.; L.I., '98; B.S., '99. Shoffner, Mamie C, Haley, Tenn. ; 1904. Shoffner, Omar, Bellbuckle, Tenn.; L.I., '01. Shofner, Austin W., E. Chattanooga, Tenn. ; L.I., '07. Shofner, Claude W., Mulberry, Tenn. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '99. Shook, Elma C, Pulaski, Tenn. ; 1910. Shook, Lou K., Tracy City, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Short, Mamie E. (Mrs. R. A. Lawton), Macon, Ga., 812 Cherry St. ; 1891. Short, Tacitus, Atlanta, Ga., Foreman Fire Dept. ; L.I., '92. Showalter, Edward T., Snowville, Va. ; L.I., '99 ; A.B., '00. Showalter, Jennie T., Lockney, Tex. ; L.I., '01. Showalter, Milton V., Austin, Tex. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '03. Shuptrine, Monnie (Mrs. C. B. Blackburn), Fayette, Ala.; 1903. Shumate, Lucian D., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1903. Sibley, Salenah L., Plain Dealing, La. ; L.I., '11. Sikes, Mrs. Allie, Nashville, Tenn., 49th Ave. ; 1903. Sikes, J. H., Nashville, Tenn., 607 49th Ave. ; 1903. Silberman, Lily, Nashville, Tenn., 800 5th Ave., S. ; L.I., '02. Simmons, Sarah, Bowling Green, Ky. ; 1910. Simpson, Holland B., Breeding, Ky. ; 1901. Simpson, Jessie P., Jhehun, India, Good Samaritan Hosp. ; L.I., '86. Simpson, Jno. N., Morgantown, W. Va. ; L.I., '91 ; A.B., '93. Simpson. Mary A., McMinnville, Tenn. ; 1907. Sims, Edna I. (Mrs. L. N. Green), Ocala, Fla.; L.I., '07; A.B., '10. Sims, Henry, Stephenville, Tex. ; L.I., '95 ; A.B., '99. Sims, Sallie, Newnan, Ga. ; L.I., '00. Sims, W T m. J.; 1896 (deceased). Singleton, Emma G. (Mrs. J. A. Crapo), Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '96. Sisk, Thirmie K., Cookeville, Tenn. ; L.I., '00 ; A.B., '02. Sizemore, Daniel M., Guin, Ala. ; L.I., '03. 70 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Sizemore, Henry H., Gum, Ala. ; 1903. Skaggs, Consadine; 1893 (deceased). Skaggs, Wm. L., Rector, Ark. ; 1905. Skelly, Elizabeth F., Nashville, Term., 707 2d Ave., S. ; L.I., '01. Skelly, Thomas D., Nashville, Term., 707 2d Ave., S. ; 1903. Skinner, James M., New Martinsville, W. Va. ; L.I., '93. Skinner, Mary V., Adamsville, Ala. ; 1907. Shipwith, Ladye; L.I., '96 (deceased). Slaughterbeck, Sarah L. ; L.I., '87 (deceased). Sledge, Inez (Mrs. A. B. Bryan), Clemson College, S. C. ; L.I., '00. Sloan, Geo. E., Columbia, Tenn. ; 1911. Sloan, Ida M. (Mrs. H. L. Bush), Tellico Plains, Tenn.; 1906. Sloan, Mamie, Nashville, Tenn., 139 9th Ave., N. ; 1901. Sloan, Nellie W. (Mrs. Ramsey), Birmingham, Ala., 1421 17th Ave.; 1893. Slover, James W., Harrison, Ark. ; L.I., '93. Slover, Maud M. (Mm Jones), Seattle, Wash., 1800 E. 65th St.; 1900. Slover, Walter B., Bay City, Tex. ; 1901. Slover, Wm. M., Silvis, 111., 158 10th St. ; L.I., '00. Smartt, Josephine (Mrs. Elkins), McMinnville, Tenn.; L.I., '95; B.S., '95. Smith, Aaron J., Nashville, Tenn., 800 5th Ave., S. ; 1907. Smith Smith Smith Smith, Amanda E., New Iberia, La. ; 1905. Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Ada, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Alfred H., Nashville, Tenn., 613 Hitchcock Bldg. ; L.I. Alma E., Nashville, Tenn., 1103 Gilmore Ave. ; 1905. '07. '01 (deceased), '97. ; L.I. L.I., L.I., Annabel (Mrs. Harry Bringhurst) ; L.I Annie M., Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; 1906. Archibald S. H., Scotland Neck, N. C. ; A.B., Burr P., Belfast, Tenn. ; L.I., '04 ; A.B., '05. Carrie R., Nashville, Tenn., 1910 Grand Ave, Delia (Mrs. King), Nashville, Tenn., 19th and La. Edna, Nashville, Tenn., 322 5th Ave., S. ; 1906. Effie H., Oakland, Tenn. ; 1905. Eleanor S., Scotland Neck, N. C. ; L.I., '91. Elizabeth C, Bartow, Fla. ; 1902. Elsie R., Groveton, Tex. ; L.I., '06. Eph. E., Rutherford, Tenn. ; 1907. Frances E. (Mrs. J. L. Allison), Knoxville, Tenn. Frances M., Minneapolis, Minn., 3136 Colfax Ave. Harry M., Nashville, Tenn., Vand. Med. Dept. ; 1910. Henry F., Russellville, Ark. ; L.I., '96 ; A.B., '98. Jno. W., Waco, Tex., 2010 Cleveland St. ; L.I., '02. Josephine (Mrs. Claud Morris), Obion, Tenn.; L.I., '09 Julia, Nashville, Tenn., 220 6th Ave., N. ; 1911. Layde M., Oakland, Tenn. ; L.I., '06. Lizzie, Delina, Tenn. ; 1903. Margaret A., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; L.I., '99. Mrs. Mary B., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. Mary E., Delina, Tenn. ; 1902. Mary H., Twin Falls, Idaho ; L.I., '90. Mattie S„ Bethel, Tenn. ; L.I., '08. Maud (Mrs. G. White, Jr.), Granite Hill, Ga. Minnie E., Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; 1906. Nellie (Mrs. Tom Brown), McDonough, Ga. ; 1896. Nola B. (Mrs. E. H. Reed), Lewisburg, Tenn.; L.I Oscar O., Laurel Branch, N. C. ; L.I., '04. Sallie C. (Mrs. Richard Johnson), Duke, N. C. ; Wm. B., Spring Hill, La. ; L.I., '03. Wm. J., Daisy, Tenn. ; 1907. '10; B.P., iO. Ave. ; L.I., '03. 1906. L.I., '93 ; A.B., '94. ,, '09. 1898. KNOWN ALUMNI. 71 Smith. Wm. P., Nashville, Tenn., 1102 18th Ave., S. ; 1903. Smith. Wm. W., Paradise, W. Va. ; L.I., '91. Smith. Willie (Mrs. Albert M. Shields), Brandon, Miss.; L.I., '98. Smith, Willie M. (Mrs. R. Satterfield), Oklahoma City, Okla. ; L.I., '02. Smith. Zelma M., Atlanta, Ga., 40 Beecher St.; L.I., '05; A.B., '07. Smith, Zula (Mrs. D. W. Rice), Nashvilile, Tenn., 113 Scott Ave.; 1904. Smitherman, Fannie, Liberty Hill, La. ; 1907. Smithson, Robt. E. L., Gassoway, Tenn.; 1902. Smithson, Robt. L. ; L.I., '93 (deceased). Sinizer, Charlotte E., Culleoka, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Smyth, Edna G., Nashville, Tenn., 822 5th Ave., S. ; 1907. Smyth. Ethel G., Beaumont, Tex. ; L.I., '07. Snead, Aldine K., Carrollton, Ga., 32 Spring St. ; L.I., '96. Snead, Annie L., Nashville, Tenn., 851 Bradford Ave. ; 1895. Sneed. Bethenia P., Antioch, Tenn. ; L.I., '04. Sneed, Lillian, Gilmer, Tex.; L.I., '06. Sneed, Mayce C, Newport, Ky. ; A.B., '11. Sneed, Patti C. (Mrs. Johnson), Hudsonville, Miss.; L.I., '04. Sneed, Susie V. (Mrs. I. L. Gunson), Hinson, Fla. ; L.I., '07. Snell, Benton S., Nashville, Tenn., 903 Gilmore Ave. ; L.I., '05. Snell, Jno. A., Soochow, China, Soochow University; A.B., '03. Snell, Ralph W., Memphis, Tenn. ; 1902. Snell, Ruth A. (Mrs. S. J. Davis), Lemon City, Fla.; 1904. Sonenfield, Celia, Nashville, Tenn., 1526 Hayes St. ; L.I., '98. Snyder, Horace W., Albion, Mich. ; 1904. Sowder, Wm. J., Johnson City, Tenn.; L.I., '96 B.S., '97; A.B., '03. Spain, Cornelia S., Murfreesboro, Tenn., E. Main St. ; L.I., '08. Spalding, Laura C, Birmingham, Ala.; L.I., '98; A.B., '98. Spann, Mary E., Biltmore, N. C. ; L.I., '91. Sparkman, Ernest, Nashville, Tenn., 2145 Blakemore Ave. ; L.I., '89 ; A.B., '90. Spears, Minnie J., Gleason, Tenn. ; 1907. Spence, Joseph A., Ashboro, N. C. ; L.I., '93. Spence, Mamie, Nashville, Tenn., 2211 Patterson St. ; 1903. Sperry, Bessie L. (Mrs. J. T. Keeling), Baton Rouge, La.; 1903. Sperry, Mary D., Nashville, Tenn. ; 1407 Broad St. ; 1911. Spicer, Laura E., Paris, Tenn. ; 1906. Spidell, Dorcas, Nashville, Tenn., 606 Fatherland St.; L.I., '81. Spight, Elizabeth, Durhamville, Tenn.; 1900. Spight, Mamie, Durhamville, Tenn. ; 1899. Spight, Minnie, Durhamville, Tenn.; 1898. Spinks, Mamie E., Meridian, Miss. ; 1896. Spinks, Valeria W., Birmingham, Ala., 2800 12th Ave., N. ; 1904. Sprinkle, Ada, Leap Year, Tenn. ; 1901. Sprinkle, Edna., Cameron, Tex. ; 1907. Sprouse, Gertrude M., Springfield, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Spurlock, Sara; B.S., '00 (deceased). Squires, Lloyd L., Merryville, La. ; L.I., '01. Srygley, Hubbard F., Tyler, Tex., 422 E. Front St. ; L.I., '06. Srygley, Sadie J., Wylam, Ala. ; L.I., '06., Robt. E., Spartanburg, S. C. ; L.I., '86. Stackhouse, Wade, Dillon, S. C. ; L.I., '87. Staggers, Essie L., W T estpoint, Miss. ; 1907. Stagner, Hughley F. ; 1905 (deceased). Stalvey, Archie B., Roxboro, N. C. ; L.I., '94. Stancell, Wm. M., Washington, D. C, War Dept. ; 1898. Stanfield, Wm. J.; L.I., '84 (deceased). Stanford, Jas. A., Amarillo, Tex. ; L.I., '87. Stanley, Ellen D. (Mrs. Geo. Watkins), Columbia, S. C. ; L.I., '87. 72 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Stanley, Jno. F. ; L.I., '88 (deceased). Stanley, Louise, Columbia, Mo. ; L.I., '01 ; B.S., '03. Stapleton, Caroline S. (Mrs. Jas. H. Strickland), Concord, Ga. ; L.I., '01. Stapp, Annie R. (Mrs. Henry Hayes), Monroe, La.; 1907. Stark, Mamie E., White's Creek, Tenn. ; 1909. Stark, Sarah G., Como, Miss. ; 1910. Starke, Bettie K., Charleston, W. Va. ; L.I., '93. Stearns, Wilfried D., Galveston, Tex. ; L.I., '87. Stebbins, Martha E., Pickens, Miss. ; 1898. Stedman, Bennie (Mrs. Goodloe), Nashville, Tenn., 1518 Hawkins; 1890. Steed, Eugene T., Carrollton, Ga., 95 Newman St.; L.I., '92; A.B., '93. Steed, Mildred (Mrs. Robt. A. Holmes), Sylvester, Ga. ; L.I., '81. • Steele, Edgar A., Horace, Kan. ; 1902. Steele, J. A.; 1903 (deceased). Steele, Lizzie I., Bethesda, Tenn.; 1904. Steinheimer, Stella (Mrs. Henry Bauer), Atlanta, Ga.. 52 Wash. Ter- race; L.I., '95. Stennis, Sam D., Carlsbad, N. Mex. ; L.I., '00. Stephens, Alexander H., Waelder, Tex. ; L.I., '06. Stephens, Ida, Young Harris, Ga. ; A.B., '92. Stephens, Jonathan E., White's Creek, Tenn. ; 1891. Stephens, Elizabeth E. (Mrs. Hyde) ; L.I., '92 (deceased). Stephens, Pearl, Macon, Ga., 512 Washington St. ; L.I., '82. Stephens, S. Edmund, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; L.I., '08. Stephenson, Victor H., Booneville, Miss. ; 1900. Stephenson, Willie A., Nashville, Tenn., 813 Demonbreun St. ; 1910. Stephenson, Wm. T., Jennings, Fla. ; 1896. Stevens, Annie W., Rome, Ga. ; L.I., '99 ; A. B., '01. Stevens, Isabel, Dyersburg, Tenn. ; 1905. Stevens, • Mary C, Shreveport, La.; L.I., '94; A.B., '94. Stewart, Alva B., Nashville, Tenn., Watauga Flats ; 1902. Stewart, Elizabeth, Los Angeles, Cal., 2367 W. 23d St. ; L.I., '10. Stewart, Grace (Mrs. G. E. Mullen), Los Angeles, Cal., 1811 Church St.; L.I., '02. Stewart, May, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. ; 1907. Stewart, May, Waynesboro, Ga. ; L.I., '00. Stewart, Nolan, Asylum, Miss. ; L.I., '83. Stewart, Oscar S., Fayetteville, Tenn.; 1902. Stewart, Paul E., Stanford University, Cal. ; L.I., '03. Stewart, Rosia L. (Mrs. C. J. Nellis), Los Angeles, Cal.; L.I., '01. Still, Wright P., Daleville, Miss. ; L.I., '99. Stockird, Leonora, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1910. Stockton, Alice B., Jackson, Term., 455 E. Main St. ; L.I., '89. Stokes, Geo. E. ; L.I., '83 (deceased). Stolzfus, Amanda L., Tuleta, Tex. ; L.I., '86. Stolzfus, Fannie M., Tuleta, Tex. ; L.I., '90 ; A.B., '91. Stone, Geo. E., Lafayette, Tenn. ; 1910. Stone, Josephine, Columbia, Tenn. ; 1907. Stone, Susie C. (Mrs. Robinson), Decatur, Ga. ; A.B., '90; A.M., '90. Stores, Annie R., Yazoo, Miss. Story, Belle M. Bradentown, Fla. ; 1911. Stoiy, Thos. L., Marthaville, La.; L.I., '00. Stovall, Jas. M., Gyrene, Ga. ; L.I., '00; B.S., '04. Stovall, Sarah, Cordele, Ga. ; L.I., '04. Stovall, Susie B., Huntland, Tenn. ; L.I., '11. Stover, Edward B., Mexia, Tex.; L.I., '94; A.B., '96. Stowe, Mary B. (Mrs. Carlton Duke), Hopkinsville, Ky. ; L.I., '03. Stowers, Kate L. (Mrs. R. E. Boyles), Nashville, Tenn., 4311 Idaho Ave.; L.I., '98. KNOWN ALUMNI. 73 s trader. Homer K. ; L.I.. '90; A. B., '98; A.M., '00 (deceased). Stranam, Wm. C, Rawla Springs, Miss.; 1910. Streater, Elizabeth, Guadalajara, Mex., Institute Colon ; 1891. Street, Julia (Mrs. Win. Sneed), Boaz, Ala.; L.I., '92. Street. Sidney B., Columbus, Mies.; 1897. Strickland, Ophelia, Statesboro. Ga. ; 1911. Striekler, David C, Vidalia, La. ; L.I., '97 ; A.B., '99. Strode, Margaret E., Highland Park, Tenn. ; L.I., '00. Strong, Ida (Mrs. Doss). Nashville, Tenn., 619 2d Ave., S. ; L.I., '77. Strong, Lois (Mrs. T. S. Wright), Kirbyville, Tex.; L.I., '03; A.B., '05. Strong. Lula, Kirbyville, Tex. ; L.I., '07. Strong. Mattie A., Brighton, Tenn. ; L.I., '97. Stroud, Delia (Mrs. B. F. Blankenship), Nashville, Tenn.; 1897. Stroud, Homer A. Jonesboro, Ark. ; L.I., '97 ; A.B., '99. Stroud, Kate W.. Nashville. Tenn., 706 Boscobel St. ; L.I., '95. Stroud, Maybel V., Nashville, Tenn., Harding Pk. ; 1894. Strozier, Albert W., W 7 hite Plains, Ga. ; 1901. St. Sing, Jno. W., Lexington, N. C. ; 1907. Stuart, Martin H., Moultrie, Ga. ; 1903. Stuart, Robt. W 7 . ; L.I., '03 (deceased). Stuart, Rose S., Gallatin, Tenn.; 1900. Stuckey, Emanuel 0.,Atlanta, Ga., 537 Washington St. ; L.I., '97 ; A.B., '02. Sturdivant, Judith, Randolph-Macon, Va. ; 1909, Sturdivant, Zana (Mrs. G. E. Brewer), Dadeville, Ala.; 1881. Suell, Ruth, Thomasville, Tenn. ; L.I., '10. Sugg, Anna C, Christiana, Tenn. ; 1910. Sullenberger, Hattie A., Waco, Tex., 1234 N. 18th St. ; L.I., '99. Sullivan, Elijah, McConnells, Ala.; 1900. Sullivan, Jas. P.. McConnells. Ala. ; 1900. Sullivan, Lulie D. (Mrs. Collingwood), Woodcliff Lake, N. J.; L.I., '83. Sullivan, Margaret, Martha, Tenn. ; 1910. Sullivant, Marue, Havana, Ark. ; L.I., '03 ; B.S., '05. Sulzbacher, Dorothy (Mrs. Sig Marks), Nashville, Tenn., Bell St.; 1899. Sulzbacher, Martha W. (Mrs. Jos. Morse), Nashville, Tenn., 131 7th Ave. ; 1894. Summers, Bertha L., Opelika, Ala. ; 1903. Summers, Fannie M., Estill Springs, Tenn. ; 1909. Summers, Kate, Opelika, Ala. ; 1903. Supple, Chas. M., W r axahachie, Tex. ; L.I., '83. Sutcliff, Minnie E., Monroe, La. ; L.I., '09. Sutcliff e, Jeannette M. (Mrs. C. W. Morris), Corsicana, Tex.; L.I., '97. Suter, David I., Upperville, Va. ; L.I., '94. Sutherland, Bessie E., Nashville, Tenn., 1709 Broad St. ; 1886. Sutherland, Robt. L., Booneville, Miss. ; L.I., '05. Sutton, Sterling A., Bushnell, Fla. ; 1907. Swafford, Martha J., Hawiey, Tex. ; L.I., '11. Swafford, Whitten, Anson, Tex. ; 1901. Swann, Jeptha H., Raleigh, N. C, 501 Deveaux St. ; L.I., '97. Swaringer, Jas B., Atlanta, Ga., 334 Fornwalt St. ; L.I., '95. Swearinger, Scott A.. Washington, D. C, C'k Treas. Dept. ; L.I., '83. Sweat, Wisloca C, Starke, Fla. ; L.I., '96. Sweatt, Aileen E. : L.I., '01 (deceased). Sweet, Florence G., Stanton, Tenn. ; 1904. Swift, Lizzie, Greenbrier, Tenn. ; L.I., '06. Swift, W T innie J., Palmyra, Tenn.; 1909. Swilley. Maude, Eldorado, Ark. ; 1910. Swindall, Edith A., Terrell, Tex., Pacific Ave, ; 1896. Swingley, Guy M., Chattanooga, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Swingley, Kate M., Vidalia, La. ; L.I., '08. 74 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Syler, Annie M., Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1911. Tabler, Mamie A. (Mrs. M. B. Yates), Atlanta, Ga., 587 N. Blvd.; L.I., '95. Talbot, Gertrude E., Nashville, Tenn., 3d Ave., S. ; 1891. Talley, Willie A., Nashville, Tenn., 756 Lynnvvood ; 1909. Tamble, Annie C, Nashville, Tenn., Dickerson Rd. ; 1887. Tankersley, William, Hope Hull, Ala. ; L.I., '94 ; A.B., '95. Tankersley, Wm. H., Nashville, Tenn., 913 8th Ave., S. ; 1894. Tanksley, Julia, Nashville, Tenn., 19 Lindsley Ave. ; 1892. Tanksley, Lonnie, Nashville, Tenn., 18 Academy Place; L.I., '02. Tanner, Arthur, Clarksville, Tenn., 2G9 Marion St.; 1897. Tanner, Erminie L. (Mrs. M. A. Winter), Lynchburg, Va., 402 Walnut St.; L.I., '86. Tant, Georgiana, Nashville, Tenn., 514 3d Ave.. S. ; 1887. Tant, Lera M., Nashville, Tenn., 514 3d Ave., S. ; 1903. Tappey, Maud W. (Mrs. Gordon), Houston, Tex., 820 Crawford St.; L.I., '84. Tarpley, Robt. D., Nashville, Tenn., 1017 Villa Place; 1911. Tate, Aris, Bell Buckle, Tenn. ; 1907. Tate, Brownie, Nashville, Tenn., 1510 Russell St. ; 1911. Tate, Wm. B., Tate, Ga. ; L.I., '81. Tate, Wm. K., Columbia, S. C. ; L.I., '91; A.B., '92. Tatum, Eugenia C. (Mrs. Geo. I. Davis), Ocklocknee, Fla. ; L.I., '83. Tatum, Pinkie V. (Mrs. Underwood), Farmersville, La.; L.I., '95. Tavenner, Eugene, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; L.I., '99 ; A.B., '99. Taylor, Addie D., Petersburg, Tenn. ; 1910. Taylor, Alice M., Nashville, Tenn., 711 16th Ave., S. ; 1893. Taylor, Bayard A., Thessalia, Va. ; 1909. Taylor, Eliza H., Charleston, S. C, 31 Smith St.: L.I., '06; A.B., '08. Taylor, Emily F. (Mrs. Gill Gallagher), Leadville, Colo.; L.L, '94. Taylor, Fannie M., Devine, Tex. ; L.L, '97. Taylor, Flora, Fulton, Ky. ; 1907. Taylor, Frances M. (Mrs. J. W. Brister), Nashville, Tenn.; 1907. Taylor, Jean, Lynchburg, Va. ; L.L, '03. Taylor, Jno. M. ; L.L, '82 (deceased). Taylor, Laura M., Nashville, Tenn., 602 5th Ave., S. ; L.L, '90. Taylor, Lena F., Cleveland, Tenn. ; 1901. Taylor, Lillian, Nashville, Tenn., Jackson Flats; 1898. Taylor, Marjorie H., Nashville, Tenn. ; L.L, '09. Taylor, Mary, Charleston, S. C, 31 Smith St.; B.S., '03. Taylor, Mary D., Ocala, Fla.; 1909. Taylor, Mary E., Columbia. Tenn. ; L.L, '99. Taylor, Martha C. (Mrs. Thompson Talioferro), Winnsboro, La.; 1907. Taylor, Nina B. (Mrs. Parke), Friendship, Tenn.; L.L, '09. Taylor, Posey, Lloyd, Fla. ; L.L, '97. Taylor, Rebecca, Nashville, Tenn., 1914 Adelicia Ave. ; 1903. Taylor, Ruth W., Charleston, S. C, 67 Rutledge Ave.; 1902. Taylor, Sue D., Springfield, Tenn.; 1905. Taylor, Verna L., Nashville, Tenn., Dickerson Rd. ; L.L, '03. Taylor, Mrs. W. E., Nashville, Tenn., Porter Rd. ; 1910. Taylor, Jessie H., Columbia, S. C, 112J W. Main St.; L.L, '92. Teal, Arthur A., Weogufka, Ala.; 1903. Teasley, Agnes A. (Mrs. Coggins), Canton, Ga. ; L.L, '85. Tenhet, Ethel V. (Mrs. Chas. J. Baldwin), Marshall, Tex.; 1902. Terral, Leila, Little Rock, Ark., 2015 Izard St. : 1908. Terrell, Russell F., Key West, Fla.; L.L, '03; A.B., '04. Terrett, Amelia, Nashville, Tenn. ; L.L, '91 ; A.B.. '92 ; A.M., '93. Terry, Ella L., Columbus, Miss.; L.L, '98; B.S.. '00. Terry, Kate I., Ft. White, Fla. ; L.L, '00. KNOWN ALUMNI. 75 Tfaach, Janie W. (Mrs. Jno. Reading), Little Rock, Ark.; L.I., '89. Thacker, Annie C. (Mrs. A. C. Barksdala), Carter's Bridge, Va. ; L.I., '85. Thackston, Barry B., Atlanta, Ga., care Diamond Rubber Tire Co.; 1907. Theobald, Catherine, Nashville, Tenn., 2d Ave., S. ; 1910. Thigpen, Bessie, Lake Coino, Miss. ; 1902. Thomas, Clara, Oak Cliff, Tex. ; 1902. Thomas, Claudia I., Jonesboro, N. C. ; 1910. Thomas, Elizabeth, Eutaw, Ala.; 1908. Thomas, Ella P., Dyersburg, Tenn. ; L.I., '03. Thomas, George A. (Mrs. O. G. Floyd), Oak Ridge, La.; L.I., '04; A.B., '05. Thomas, Geo. M., Nashville, Tenn., 1905 Hayes St. ; 1898. Thomas, Grace M. (Mrs. P. P. Bates), St. Louis, Mo., 11 Beverly PL; B.L., '95. Thomas, India I. (Mrs. J. A. Gillespie), St. Louis, Mo.; 1890. Thomas, Jean M. (Mrs. G. Benton), Nashville, Tenn., 941 Russell St.; 1890. Thomas, Jessie; 1903 (deceased). Thomas, J. P., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta., R. No. 7.; 1903. Thomas, Leila, Hendersonville, Tenn. ; 1911. Thomas, Mabel, Clovis, Cal. ; 1910. Thomas, Musidore K., Burnet, Tex. ; L.I., '99. Thomas, Mrs. N. D., Pensacola, Fla. ; 1903. Thomas, Robt. L., Shelby, Ala.; 1910. Thomas, Roscoe L., Tyler, Tex.; L.I., '08; A.B., '10. Thomas, Ruby (Mrs. J. H. Yelverton), Palatka, Fla.; L.I., '11. Thomas, Ruby E., Mcintosh, Fla.; 1905. Thomas, Sister M., Nashville, Tenn., St. Cecelia Academy; 1903. Thomas, Wm. R., Gainesville, Fla.; 1886. Thomas, Woodlief A., Eldorado, Ark. ; 1909. Thomas, Mrs. W. J., Winchester, Tenn. ; 1901. Thomason, Chas. F., Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '08. Thomason, Rose (Mrs. Coppedge), Dover, Tenn.; L.I., '08. Thompson, Cora W., Jackson, Tenn., 225 W. Deaderick St. ; L.I., '91. Thompson, Edward W., New Orleans, La., 305 Vallette St.; L.I., '02; B.S., '03. Thompson, Gertrude I., Gadsden, Ala. ; L.I., '09. Thompson, Grace E., Germantown, Tenn. ; 1906. Thompson, Holland D. ; 1897 (deceased). Thompson, J. M., Knoxville, Tenn., 2d and Laurel St. ; 1911. Thompson, John W., Springfield, Tenn. ; 1911. Thompson, Joseph W., Knoxville, Tenn., 1303 W. Main St.; L.I., '11. Thompson, Kate, Seattle, Wash., 1454 E. Harrison St. ; 1904. Thompson, Katherine W., Dyer, Tenn. ; 1907. Thompson, Lois J. (Mrs. R. W. Thompson), Monroe, Wash.; 1905. Thompson, L. O. (Mrs. Webb H. Martin), Cotton Valley, La.; L.I., '02. Thompson, Mary A., Nashville, Tenn., Tulane Hotel ; 1905. Thompson, Mary P., Nashville, Tenn. ; L.I., '01 ; A.B., '01. Thompson, Mollie E., Jonesboro, Ark., 219 E. Matthews Ave. ; L.I., '95. Thompson, Nancy M. ; L.I., '94; B.S., '95 (deceased). Thompson, Robt. N., Missoula, Mont; L.I., '02; B.S., '05. Thompson, Sara E.. Oakdale, La. ; L.I., '11. Thompson, Verda, Lakeland, Fla. ; 1910. Thompson, Walter A., Memphis, Texas ; L.I., '03. Thomson, Lelia, Hendersonville, Tenn. ; 1911. Thomson, Willette B., Hendersonville, Tenn. ; L.I., '09. Thorne, Robt. G., Jr., Nashville, Tenn., 305 7th Ave., N. ; 1898. Thornhill, Dora E., Tracy City, Tenn.; 1900. Thornhill, William D., Bluefield, W. Va. ; L.I. '81. 76 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Thornton, Florence G., Houston, Tex. ; L.L, '85. Thornton, Katherine F., Aniericus, Ga., Felder St.; L.L, '01. Thornton, Leila (Mrs. Jno. D. Everett), Weldon, N. C. ; L.L, '00; B.L., '03. Thrailkill, Mrs. Ella; 1891 (deceased). Thrailkill, Grace, Ridge Springs, S. C. ; 1911. Thrasher, Eunice S. (Mrs. J. I. Dalrymple), Bossier City, La.; L.L, '06. Thrasher, Lillian S. (Mrs. E. B. Brewbaker). Springwood, Va. ; L.L, '05. Thrower, Eugenia, Henderson, N. C. ; L.I, '93. Thurmond, Mamie, Gallatin, Tenn. ; 1893. Tibbs, Minnie J., Nashville, Tenn., Peachtree St. ; 1907. Tigert, Jo Ellen Howell, Tenn. ; 1900. Tilford, Ollie (Mrs. Dargan), Stamford, Conn.; L.L, '89. Tillinghast, Robena L., Durham, N. C. ; 1898. Tillman, Susie P., Nashville, Tenn., Grand Ave. ; 1876. Tilman, Rayner A., Wetumpka, Ala. ; L.L, '02. Timberlake, Edward J., Jr., Ft. Hunt, Va. ; L.L, '89. Timmons, Melinda, Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1909. Timothy, Aileen G. (Mrs. Chas. McCabe), Nashville, Tenn., 4 Polk Flats; 1902. Tinnon, Susan G., Brentwood, Tenn. ; L.L, '11. Tinsley, P. J., Nashville, Tenn., Hillsboro Pk. ; 1904. Tinsley, Ruth (Mrs. Kirkpatrick) ; 1908 (deceased). Tippens, Arthur C, Nashville, Tenn., Lischey Ave. ; L.L, '08. Tipton, Luna (Mrs. McClanahan), Conway, Ark.; L.I., '97. Tipton, Nannie, Conway, Ark. ; L.L, '92. Tipton, Sarah L. (Mrs. Suggs), Dyersburg, Tenn.; L.L, '89. Todd, Mary S. ; L.L, '84 (deceased). Todd, Nannie P., Rucker, Tenn.; L.L, '07. Toland, Thos. L., Wichita Falls, Tex. ; L.L, '94 ; B.L., '94. Tolmie, Agnes, Nashville, Tenn., 1800 Broad St. ; 1899. Tolmie, Margaret, Nashville, Tenn., 1800 Broadway; 1903. Tomlinson, Lutie, Culleoka, Tenn. ; L.L, '03. Tomlinson, May B. ; L.L, '03 (deceased). Tomlinson, Mary L. (Mrs. J. E. Lippett), Memphis, Tenn., 1078 Carr ; 1903. Tomlinson, Nellie G. ; 1902 (deceased). Tomlinson, Virgie (Mrs. Y. Paul Wooten), Lebanon, Tenn.; L.L, '91; A.B., '92. Tomlinson, Willie (Mrs. Covey), Glendale, Tenn.; 1895. Tompkins, Maud S. ; L.L, '89 (deceased). Toon, Eunice, Springfield, Tenn. ; 1910. Towry, Waldimar, Coldwater, Tenn. ; 1900. Toy, Bessie E. (Mrs. Durham), Nashville, Tenn., 1529 9th Ave.; 1910. Trabue, Carobel (Mrs. Foster Hume), Memphis, Tenn., 1576 Carr Ave.; 1894. Trabue, Marian S. (Mrs. H. R. Steele), Nashville, Tenn., 2401 Bel- mont Ave.; 1889. Trainmell, Annie C, Lafayette, Ala.; L.L, '98. Trammell, Jas. R.. Alpharetta, Ga. ; L.L, '95; A.B., '96. Trammell, Stella F., Shiloh, Ga. ; L.L, '03. Travis, Hattie, Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1903. Travis, Jno. A.; L.L. '97; A.B., '98 (deceased). Traweek, Pascal B., Tuscaloosa, Ala. ; L.L, '99. Traynham, Willie B. (Mrs. Jno. W. Hopkins) ; L.L, '89 (deceased). Treadwell, Ewel E., Decatur, Ga. ; L.L, '95 ; A.B., '96. Trebing, Marie A., Nashville, Tenn., 19 Church St. ; 1910. Trembly, Chas. E., Terra Alta, W. Va. ; L.L, '97. Trent, S. Bessie, Flowella, Tex. ; B.L., '91. Trigg, Julia A. (Mrs. E. S. Stewart), Summertown, Tenn.; A.B., '10. Trim, Chas. P.; L.L, '84 (deceased). KNOWN ALUMNI. 77 Trimble, Belle, New York City, 405 W. 118th St. ; L.I., '91. Trimble, Kate (Mrs. Sharber), Nashville, Tenn., 1 E. Belmont Cir. ; 1888. Trimble, Louise M., New York City, 405 W. 118th St. ; L.I., 97 ; A.B., '98. Trotter, Elizabeth L. (Mrs. J. E. Alexander), Crowley, La.; L.I., '02. Trousedale, Levi J., Nashville, Tenn., 2500 Beech Ave. ; 1885. Trousdale. Mattie S., Stonewall, Tenn.; L.I., '07. Truett. Elizabeth G., Franklin, Tenn.; 1897. Trussell, Carrie, Dlo, Miss. ; 1911. Tucker, Johnnie. Sewanee, Tenn. ; 1893. Tucker, Irina, Carter's Creek. Tenn. ; 1910. Tucker, Rosa (Mrs. S. A. Taylor), Horn Springs, Tenn.; L.I., '78. Tucker, Susie B. (Mrs. E. C. Huntington), Hamilton, N. Y. ; L.I., '90. Tucker. Willie N., Nashville, Tenn., 121G Calvin Ave. ; 1907. Tune, W. L., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1896. Turbeville, Ella G., Nashville, Tenn., Sta. B. ; L.I., '93. Turbeville, Mary T.. Nashville, Tenn. ; L.I., '08. Turbeville, Nannie L. (Mrs. Lewis Curry), Nashille, Tenn., McLean Sta.; 1884. Turnbull. Mamie, Athens, Ga. ; L.I., '91; A. B., '92. Turner, Bessie (Mrs. J. A. Parker), Orangeburg, S. C. ; 1909. Turner, Bismark, Knowles, N. Mex. ; 1910. Turner, Eloise J., Nashville, Tenn., Waverly Place; 1900. Turner, Jas. T., McMinnville, Tenn. ; L.I., '94. Turner, Eugene T., Memphis, Tenn., U. of T. ; 1899. Turner, Thos. A., Greenwood, Miss.; L.I., '95; B.S., '95. Turner, Moss, Bells, Tenn. ; 1906. Turney, Felix, Auburn, Tenn. ; 1907. Turney, Wm. H., Watertown, Tenn. ; L.I., '99 ; A.B., '99. Tyler, Philip M., Ballsville, Va. ; L.I., '87. Ulrich Mamie A. (Mrs. Geo. W. Howard), Newberne, N. C. ; L.I., '84. Underwood, Elizabeth, Huntsville, Ala. ; 1905. Underwood, Willie E., Magnolia, La. ; 1907. Usry, Jas. T., Dallas, Tex., 538 Bryan St. ; L.I., '97. Ussery, Agnes (Mrs. Geo. W. Nicholas), Columbia, Tenn.; 1892. Valentino, Clara L. (Mrs. W T . R. Fickeffen), Glencoe, La.; 1907. Van Brunt, Richard W., Palatka, Fla. ; L.I., '98. Vandergrift, Albert S. J., Los Angeles, Cal. ; 1882. Vanduzer, Ira C, Elberton, Ga. ; L.I., '81. Vanham, Mary O., Uvalde, Tex. ; 1901. Van Horn, Annie L., Memphis, Tenn., 410 Exchange Bldg. ; 1909. Vardaman, Annie, Sylacauga, Ala. ; 1910. Vaughan, Ashley P., Houston, Tex., 513 Main St. ; L.I., '89. Vaughan, Buena V., Hillsboro, Tex. ; L.I., '04. Vaughan, Hallie, Goodlettsville, Tenn. ; 1910. Vaughan, Ida M., Pulaski, Tenn. ; 1910. Vaughan, Israel J., L.I., '93; A.B., '94 (deceased). Vaughan, Myrtle E., Linden, Tenn. ; L.I., '00. Vaughan, Wm. E., Memphis, Tenn.; L.I., '99; A.B., '00. Vaught, Susie A., Nashville, Tenn., Charlotte Ave. ; 1907. Vick, Jennie L., Houston, Tex., 2906 Caroline St.; L.I., '05. Vinson, Nannie D., Waycross, Ga. ; 1911. Von Geltch, Ernest, Grand Rapids, W T is., 518 St. Clair Ave. ; 1909. Wade, Wm. J.; L.I., '91 (deceased). Waddy, Laura V., Thompson Sta., Tenn. ; 1909. Waddy, Mary M., Thompson Station, Tenn. ; 1907. Wade, Mayme (Mrs. Ben McCann), Nashville, Tenn., Maple St.; 1892. Waggoner, Millie, Goodlettsville, Tenn. ; 1903. Waggoner, Nettie, Martin, Tenn. ; 1910. 78 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Wagoner, Ellison L., Goldsboro, N. C. ; L.I., '93. Wagstaff, Bess M. (Mrs. Jno. M. Harwood, Jr.), Pulaski, Tenn. ; L.I., '05. Wagstaff, Adelaide H., Lynnville, Tenn.; 1907. Wakefield, Harry U., Cornersville, Tenn. ; 1895. Walden, Lena E., Weatherford, Tex. ; L.I., '99. Waldkirch, Sophia, Nashville, Tenn., 11 Lawrence Ave. ; 1894. Waldoon, Jas. L. ; L.I., '02 (deceased). Walker, Bettie M., Wartrace, Tenn. ; 1911. Walker, Bradley, Nashville, Tenn., 712 16th Ave., S. ; L.I., '97 ; A.B., '98. Walker, Carrie, Columbia, Tenn. ; 1905. Walker, Darthula, Columbia, Tenn.; L.I., '96. Walker, Erneste S. ; L.I., '96; B.S., '98 (deceased). Walker, Itus M., Conyere, Ga. ; 1906. Walker, Maude (Mrs. Fred C. Barrow), Wichita Falls, Tex.; L.I., '95; A.B., '96. Wall, Drew B. ; L.I., '02 (deceased). Wall, Horace P., Lake Charles, La. ; L.I., '04. Wall, Lucile (Mrs. C. L. Scott), Brownsville, Tex.; L.I., '00; A.B., '01. Wallace, Maggie M., Stamford, Tex. ; L.I., '08. Waller, Beulah (Mrs. Whitsitt), Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1902. Waller, William K., Dallas, Tex.; L.I., '04; B.S., '05. Wallace, Fannie M. ; L.I., '92 (deceased). Walling, Kate P., Cookeville, Tenn. ; 1905. Walsh, Mary E., Nashville, Tenn., 1152 Broadway ; 1911. Walters, Eoline (Mrs. Omar Shofner), Bell Buckle, Tenn.; A. B., '00. Walton, Alice D, Nashville, Tenn., Gallatin Pk. ; L.I., '90. Walton, Emma E., Nashville, Tenn., Gallatin Pk. ; L.I., '07. Walton, Ernest B., Nashville, Tenn.; 1907. Walton, Oscar B. ; L.I., '81 (deceased). Walton, Sallie C, San Antonio, Tex., care Female College ; 1883. Wampler, French M'Ferrin, Fountain City, Tenn. ; L.L, '01. Wampler, G. K., Wytheville, Va. ; L.L, '04. Wampler, I. S., Nashville, Tenn., Peabody College ; L.L, '91. Wampler, William C, Mt. Clinton, Va. ; L.L, '95. Ward, Chas. T., Ward's Mill, Va. ; L.L, '04. Ward, J. S., Nashville, Tenn., Caldwell Lane; 1909. Warner, Annie (Mrs. J. D Duckett), Houston, Tex.; L.L, '96. Warner, Carrie C. (Mrs. Hardison), Nashville, Tenn., 402 S. 11th St.; L.L, '99. Warner, Susie W. (Mrs. W. A. Maddox), Farmville, Va. ; L.L, '04. Warr, Otis S., Memphis, Tenn., Univ. of Tenn. ; L.L, '02. Warren, Frances, Portland, Ore. ; 1893. Warren, Francis P., Nashville, Tenn., 117 5th Ave., N. ; 1900. Warren, Jas. E., Beechgrove, Tenn. ; 1900. Warren, Jos. E. J., Indian Creek, Tex.; L.L, '89; A.B., '90. Warren, Ruth C, Nashville. Tenn., 618 Boscobel St.; 1911. Washington, Kate (Mrs. J. W. Armistead), Columbia, Tenn.; 1887. Washington, Mary L. (Mrs. Jno. B. Hunt), Sewanee, Tenn.; 1887. Waters, Carrie M., Nashville, Tenn., 3 mi. Gallatin Rd. ; L.L, '02. Waters, Christine, Nashville, Tenn., 227 Fatherland St.; 1904. Waters, Grace, Holmes Gap, Tenn. ; 1905. Waters, Loie (Mrs. C. F. Yarbrough), Atlanta, Ga., 832 Piedmont. Ave.; L.L, '92. Watkins, Bessie, Corsicana, Tex. ; L.L, '10. Watkins, Chloe (Mrs. Henry McCarthy), Jackson, Miss.; L.L, '98. Watkins, Claire; L.L, '99 (deceased). Watkins, Coleman E., Rose Hill, Miss. ; A.B., '00. Watkins, Commodore R., New Haven, Conn., Yale Univ. ; L.L, '04. Watkins, Croyzette, Nashville, Tenn., 925 5th Ave., S. ; L.L, '97 ; A.B., '98. KNOWN ALUMNI. 79 Watkins, Geo. K.. Wjutoii. Ark.; 1907. Watkins, Inez M.. Boyce, La.; L.I.. "07. Watkins, Lillian. Nashville. Tenn.. 925 5th Ave., S. ; L.I., '00; A.B., '02. Watkins. Mary W. (Mrs. 11 ix McConless), Ennis, Tex.; L.I., '96. Watkins, Sadie A.. Marshall, Tex.; L.I., '05. Watkins. Vivian. Nashville, Tenn., 925 5th Ave., S. ; L.I., '00; A.B., '02. Watson, Alex M„ Ellenton, Fla. ; 1900. Watson, Georgia (Mrs. Geo. Bergeron), Calvert, Tex.; L.I., '99. Watson, Ida A., Adairville, Ky. ; 1909. Watson. Joseph P., Hazlehurst, Miss. ; 1899. Watson, Lucile, La Pine, Ala. ; L.I., '09. Watson. Margaret E., Clarksville, Tenn., 503 Main St.; L.I., '07. Watson, Mattie W T . (Mrs. Edwards), Covington, Tenn.; L.I., '06. Watt, Sara B., Bearden, Tenn. ; 1909. Watters, Exas, Relief, La.; 1911. Watters, Pryde. Lake Charles, La.; 1909. Watts, Bessie, Madison, Tenn. ; 1902. Wauchope, Roberta C. (Mrs. J. R. Mickler), Tampa, Fla., 608 Piatt St.; 1882. Wayne. William F., Kendrick, Miss. ; L.I., '94. Wear, William M., Paris, Ark. ; L.I., '91 ; A.B., '93. Weatherford, Virginia F. (Mrs. Callaway), Camp Verde, Ariz.; L.I., '99. Weatherly, David M., Franklinville, N. C. ; L.I., '91. Weaver, Annie E, ; L.I.. '89 (deceased). Weaver, Jas. R., Roanoke, Va. ; L.I., '91; B.S., '91. Weaver, Lloyd C, Linden, Tex.; L.I., '94; B.L., '95. Weaver, Nina, Tracy City, Tenn. ; 1910. W T eaver, Will P., Nashville, Tenn., Bransford Realty Co. ; 1899. Webb, Agnes P., Kinston, N. C. ; L.I., '10. Webb, Alonzo C, Champaign, 111., 209 Johns St.; 1906. Webb, Cecil, Fulton, Ky. ; 1905. Webb, Cornelia, Bell Buckle, Tenn. ; 1905. Webb, Hanor, Memphis, Tenn., West Tenn. Normal; A.B., '08. Webb, Jesse, Addie, Tenn. ; 1903. Webb, Minnie Lee (Mrs. Reeder), Waverly, Ala.; L.I., '87. Webb, Susan, Bell Buckle. Tenn. ; 1904. Webb, Susanna, Murfreesboro, Tenn., M. T. N. ; L.I., '11 ; A.B., '11. Wedge, Anna M., Clinton, La. ; L.I., '08. Weems, Elizabeth T., Nashville, Tenn.; L.I., '01. Weeme, Maude E. (Mrs. L. F. Wheelis), Cove, Ark.; L.I., '07. Weir, Gertrude S. (Mrs. K. M. Rowe), Broken Arrow, Okla. ; 1900. Weir, Laura Lou (Mrs. Hubbard), Cardenas, Cuba.; L.I., '95. Weir, Nelly R. (Mrs, Frank Risinger), Trickbam, Tex.; L.I., '09. Weir, William C, Nashville, Tenn.; 36 University St.; A.B., '11. Weisiger, Lucy Lee, Hendersonville, Tenn. ; 1910. Weisman, Vialo B. (Mrs. Sam Wolff), Marshall, Tex.; 1902. Weisner, Adolphus B., Pilot Point, Tex. ; L.I., '01. Weiss, Paul, Marion, La. ; 1910. Weiss, Mrs. Paul, Marion. La. ; 1910. Welch, Columbus, Pensacola, Fla., 1911 10th Ave. ; L.L, '07 ; A.B., '08. Welch, William S., Bessemer, Ala., 1718 Arlington Ave. ; L.L, '99. Welker, Birdie, Winchester, Tenn. ; L.L, '11. Wells, Beulah S., Searcy, Ark. ; L.L, '03. Wells, Grace G., Searcy, Ark.. Galloway College. ; L.L, '09. Wells. Ruth II., Alexandria. La., 3rd St.; L.L, '11. Welsh, Mary C, Nashville. Tenn., 1006 3rd Ave., S. ; L.L, '11. Wemyss, Hattie, Gallatin, Tenn. ; L.L, '05. Wersiger, Florence K., Hendersonville, Tenn. ; 1907. Wert, Greeta A., Chattanooga, Tenn., 117 McCallie Ave. ; 1910. 80 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. West, Erl H., Columbia, Tenn. ; L.I., '09. West, Maude E., Palmyra, Tenn. ; 1910. Westerfield, Virginia (Mrs. Frank Hudgins), Honea Path, S. C. ; 1911. Wetteran, Mattie M. (Mrs. Lord), Little Rock, Ark.; 1902. Wetzel, Clara H., Paul's Valley, Okla. ; L.I., '09. Wetzel, Marguerite Lee, Monroe, La. ; L. I., '11. Wetzler, Mary L., Somerville, Tenn. ; L.I., '07. Whaley, Blanche (Mrs. Marion Clopton), Gainesville, Tex.; L.I., '07. Whaley, Emily M., Pensacola, Fla. ; 1909. Wharton, Emma W., Nashville, Tenn., 1714 Broadway.; 1899. Wharton, Mary E., Nashville, Tenn., 113 23d Ave., N. ; L.I., '06. Whatley, Bess., Newnan, Ga.. Broad St.; 1904. Wheeler, Lena, Alexandria, Tenn. ; 1905. Wheeler, Mamie, Rough Point, Tenn. ; 1904. Wheeler, William L., Nashville, Tenn., 310 Vaughan St.; L.I., '02. Wheelis, Lewis, Cove, Ark. ; 1902. Whetstone, Murph F., Eclectic, Ala.; 1887. Whitaker, Clara M. (Mrs. W. H. Saunders), Bartow, Fla.; 1888. Whitaker, Helen (Mrs. Kyser), Marlin, Tex.; 1898. Whitaker, Lela (Mrs. Roy N. Stout), Decaturville, Tenn.; L.I., '08. White, Aline, Springfield, Tenn.; 1907. White, Bessie (Mrs. Ben M. Dortch), Abilene, Tex.; L. I., '06. White, Clyde V., Portsmouth, Va., 524 London St. ; L.I., '04. White, Dortch C. ; 1905 (deceased). White, Elizabeth (Mrs. Joe Plaskett), Nashville, Tenn., 227 Fatherland; 1904. White, Elmer, Hartsville, Tenn. ; L.I., '03 ; A.B., '05. White, Frances (Mrs. W. J. Small), Italy, Tex.; L.I., '05. White, Geo., Jr., Granite Hill, Ga. ; A.B., '05. White, Jas. B., Jr., Nashville, Tenn., 1302 Stratton Ave. ; 1901. White, Jessie, Paragould, Ark. ; 1906. White, Jno. A., Doyle, Tenn. ; 1906. White, Joshua A., Hohenwald, Tenn. ; 1910. White, Kate; 1899 (deceased). White, Leola B. (Mrs. Jno. T. Nixon), Crowley, La., 214 Ave. I; L.I., '90. White, Lila, Royse City, Tex. ; L.I., '10. White, Lydia (Mrs. Fred A. Burns) ; L.I., '92 (deceased). White, Margaret P. (Mrs. G. H. Boutelle). Bradentown, Fla.; L.I., '02. White, Mattie A. (Mrs. Kirk), Fountain Creek, Tenn.; L.I., '81. White, Marie, Boston, Mass., Simmons Sch. of Domestic Science ; 1910. White, Mary F., Tracy City, Tenn. ; 1906. White, Minnie M., Cookeville, Tenn. ; 1911. White, Nellie P., Nashville, Tenn., 225 Boscobel St. ; 1911. White, Norvia, Bon Aqua, Tenn. ; 1907. White, Opal, Nashville, Tenn., 117 17th Ave., S. ; 1907. White, Richard C, Nashville, Tenn., Sta. B. ; L.I., '07; A.B., '09. White, Virginia G. (Mrs. D H. Allen), Talluah, La.; L.L, '06. Whitehurst, Bettie (Mrs. Edward B. Stover), Mexia, Tex.; L.L, '97. Whitehurst, Francis J., Brownsville, Tenn. ; 1904. Whitenton, Robt. O., Weatherford, Okla., State Normal College ; A.B., '06. Whitesides, William E., Hillsboro, Tex., 500 Elm St.; L.L, '97; B.S., '98. Whitfield, Hardy C, Sanderson, Tex. ; L.L, '83. Whitlock, Andrew P., Statesville, Tenn. ; 1906. Whitlock, Edna F., Bell Buckle, Tenn.; 1906. Whitman, Ethel; L.L, '03 (deceased). Whitsett, Chas. L., Nashville, Tenn., McLean Sta. ; 1896. Whitsitt, Maggie (Mrs. J. L. Wright), Nashville, Tenn., 1109 Holly St.; L.L, '86. Whittle, Jno. R. ; L.L, '92; A.B., '93 (deceased). KNOWN ALUMNI. 81 Whitwell, Nora, Hohenwald, Tenn. ; 1901. Whitworth, Richard A., Nashville, Tenn., 234 Treutland St.; L.I., '94. Wicker, Katherine M., Norfolk, Va., 345 Dnke St. ; L.I., '93 ; A.B., '93. W T icker, Lee (Mrs. Jas. P. Kinard), Rock Hill, S. C. ; L.I., '91; B.L., '92. Wickware, Bessie J. (Mrs. Pickup), Nashville, Tenn., 4306 Delaware Ave.; L.I., '07. Widick, Alice, Springfield, Tenn. ; 1903. Widick, Ellen, Springfield, Tenn. ; 1903. Widick, Jas. W., Springfield, Tenn.; 1903. Widick, Sara E., Springfield, Tenn.; L.I., '03. Wiggs, Rena O., Lewisburg, Tenn. ; 1909. Wikle, Jessie, Cartersville, Ga., 409 N. Erwin St. ; 1901. Wilder, Albert W., Orange, Fla. ; 1909. Wilkerson, Glenna, Nashville, Tenn., 25 Lindsey Ave. ; 1909. Wilkerson, Sallie L., Quitman, Ga. ; 1909. Wilkes, Sue; 1895 (deceased). Wilkins, Charlotte, Columbia, Tenn., 305 9th St. ; 1906. Wilkins, Robt. A., Ft. Worth, Tex. ; Station A. ; L.I., '98. Wilkinson, Annie Lou, Mountville, Ga. ; 1901. Wilkinson, Kitty R., Nashville, Tenn., 9th Ave., N. ; 1909. Wilkinson, Sallie L., Quitman, Ga. ; 1910. Wilkinson, Tell H., Pelham, Ga. ; A.B., '10. Willey, Minnie M., Lake Arthur, La. ; L.I., '01. Williams, Athela, Silver Creek, Miss.; 1906. W T illiams, Aurine (Mrs. Ira L. Smith), Hopkinsville, Ky., 226 E. 16th St.; L.I., '81. Williams, Berta (Mrs. Clifton Pogue), Dadeville, Ala.; 1903. Williams, Bessie (Mrs. Andrew Rose), Texarkana, Tex., 821 Olive St.; L.I., '01. Williams, Carrie E. ; 1881 (deceased). Williams, Cora (Mrs. Jas. E. Staton), Notasulga, Ala.; L.I., '03. Williams, Eugene (Mrs. Albert S. Vandegrift), Los Angeles, Cal; L.I., '84. Williams, Jas. E., Alexandria, Tenn. ; 1910. Williams, Jimmie, Chattanooga, Tenn., 219 McCaulie Ave. ; 1909. Williams, Jos. C, Why Not, Miss. ; 1889. Williams, Jos. D., Birmingham, Ala., 226 S. 57th St. ; L.I., '00 ; A.B., '02. Williams, Leonard J., Graysville, Ga. ; 1898. Williams, Lottie C. (Mrs. R. V. Reeves), Floyd, La.; L.I., '03. Williams, Maggie May, Franklin, Tenn. ; 1907. Williams, Martha L., Brownsville, Tenn.; L.I., '08. Williams, Maude E., Orlando, Tenn. ; 1906. Williams, Maude M. (Mrs. J. K. McBride), Swan, Tex.; L.I., '94. Williams, Pauline J., Portsmouth, Va. ; 1901. Williams, Philip C, Tampa, Fla., 2202 24th Ave. ; L.I., '03 ; A. B., '05. Williams, Ruth (Mrs. C. Z. Ballard), Robinwood, Miss.; 1906. Williams, Shelah D., Granite, Okla. ; L.I., '02; A.B., '04. Williams, Sophronia P., Alva, Fla. ; L.I., '01. Williams, Victor H., Jasper, Ala.; L.I., '04; B.S., '04. Williams, William G., Senatobia, Miss. ; L.I., '04. Williams, Willie W. (Mrs. Radway) ; L.I., '84 (deceased). Williamson, Florence, Culleoka, Tenn.; L.I., '90; A.B., '91; A.M., '92. Williamson, Henry C, Jr., Memphis, Tenn., 1290 Peabody Ave. ; 1897. Williamson, Jno. Y., Milan, Tenn. ; 1901. Williamson, Katherine, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; 1907. Williamson, Lura, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; L.I., '05. Williamson, Mary (Mrs. Mary W. Williams), Eagleville, Tenn.; 1895. Williamson, Olivia, Goodlettsville, Tenn. ; 1903. Williamson, Susie (Mrs. B. Ivy Thornton), Elberton, Ga. ; L.I., '03. 6 82 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Williamson, Tabitha, Culleoka, Term. ; 1896. Williford, Quincy L., Madison, Ga. ; A.B., '90; A.M., '90. Willis, Berry D., Rayville, La.; 1907. Willis, Snowden B., Columbia, Mo.; 1010 Walnut St.; L.I., '89. Willoughby, William J., Franklinton, La.; L.I., '08. Willson, Uta (Mrs. J. Tbos. Davis), Nevasota, Tex.; L.L, '04. Wilson, Annie M., Nashville, Tenn., 220 Russell St. ; L.L, '05. Wilson, Arpatia (Mrs. V. H. Williams), Jasper, Ala.; L.L, '02; A.B., '03. Wilson, Bessie Lee, Arrington, Tenn. ; 1907. Wilson, Bessie M., Orlinda, Tenn. ; 1907. Wilson, Clyde L., Faceville, Ga. ; 1910. Wilson, Cora B., Denton, Tex., 170 West Oak St.; L.L, '02; A.B., '02, Wilson, Eugenia (Mrs. W. C. Proctor), Corsicana, Tex.; L.L, '97. Wilson, Evelyn M., Joelton, Tenn. ; 1907. Wilson, Ida M. (Mrs. Robt. H. Waller), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '88; A.B., '90; A.M., '96. Wilson, Isabella (Mrs. Jno. C. Organ), Dodd City, Tex.; L.L, '86. Wilson, Kate W., Fayetteville, Tenn.; L.L, '11. Wilson, Latimer J., Nashville, Tenn., 803 Shelby Ave.; 1889. Wilson, Lelia T., Madisonville, Ky. ; 1909. Wilson, Maggie A. (Mrs. R. D. Warren), Nashville, Tenn.; L.L, '85. Wilson, Russell E., Athens, La.; 1911. Wilson, Sara L., Sparta, Tenn. ; L.L, '02 ; A.B., '09. Wilson, Virginia, Nashville, Tenn. ; 1906. Wilson, William J., Chico, Tex. ; 1903. Winder, Louise C, Houma, La. ; L.L, '01 ; A.B., '03. Winder, Nina M., Houma, La. ; L.L, '01 ; A.B., '03. Winder, Sara S., Houma, La. ; L.L, '01 ; A.B., '03. Winfrey, Katie L. (Mrs. Paul Fanning), Nashville, Tenn.; 1894. Wing, Laura C. (Mrs. Edmund H. Dryer), Birmingham, Ala.; 1897. Wingo, Faustine, Hickman, Ky. ; 1909. Wingo, Spurgeon, Scottsboro, Ala. ; L.L, '00. Winn, Mabel (Mrs. Robt. H. Prause), Nashville, Tenn., 53 Washington; L.L, '06. Winn, Sara A., Hickory Point, Tenn.; 1909. Winstead, Robt. W., Natchitoches, La., State Normal School ; L. I., '97 ; A.B., '02. Winter, Eddie I., Lebanon, Tenn. ; 1901. Wise, Helen G., New York City, 273 Madison Ave. ; 1901. Wise, Minna G. ; B.L., '00 (deceased). Wiseman, Cora, Lynchburg, Tenn. ; 1909. Wisner, Catherine A., Chicago, 111., 5822 Drexel Ave.; 1909. Wolf, Thos. L., Little Rock, Ark., 1002 Oak St. ; L.L, '97. Wolfe, Joseph E., Pensacola, Fla. ; L.L, '81. Womack, Jos. P., Stephens, Ark. ; 1907. Wood, Blanche, Bolivar, Tenn.; L.L, '99; A.B., '01. Wood, Ethel D., Wilmington, N. C; L.L, '05; A.B., '10. Wood, Juliette R., Nashville, Tenn. ; 1910. Wood, Lillian M., Blocton, Ala. ; 1911. Wood, Maggie (Mrs. Jas. E. Bates), Loudon, Tenn.; L.L, '05. Wood, Mattie (Mrs. Roy Berry), Rome, Ga. ; 1901. Wood, Nannie M., Nashville, Tenn., 46 Carroll St. ; 1896. Wood, Nellie, Nashville, Tenn., 46 Carroll St. ; 1893. Wood, William H., Alva, Okla, ; L.L, '96; A.B., '99. Woodall, Mrs. Annie M., Oxford, N. C, Woman's College; 1903. Woodall, Eliz. E. (Mrs. Bayliss Little), Dresden, Tenn.; 1903. Woodall, Jno. L., Colfax, La. ; L.L, '93 ; A.B., '94. Woodard, Denna M., Beaver Dam, Ky. ; 1906. Woodard, Elizabeth C, Springfield, Tenn. ; 1910. KNOWN ALUMNI. 83 Woodcock, Wilson W., Nashville, Tenn., G04 28th Ave., N. ; 1901. Woodfln, Bettle, Nashville, Tenn., Cor. 3rd Ave. and Carroll St. ; L.I., '78. Woofin, William M., Swathinore, Pa.; A.B., '03. Woodring, Maxie M., Chickasha, Okla. ; L.I., '05. Woodruff, Lizzie, Adams, Tenn. ; 1907. Woodruff, Mary St. Clair, Anniston, Ala.; L.I., '94; B.L., '95. Woodruff, Sallie (Mrs. E. M. Martin), Meridian, Miss.; L.I., '98. Woodruff, Susie A. (Mrs. Patterson) ; 1898 (deceased). Woods, Edwin O., Chicago, 111., St. Luke's Hospital; L.I., '03; B.S., '06. Woods, Mary, Nashville, Tenn., 121 7th Ave., N. ; 1889. Woods, Nannie E. (Mrs. A. C. Reynolds), Asheville, N. C. ; L.I., '95. Woodside, Alice E. (Mrs. Geo. F. Trigg), Henderson, Ky. ; L.I., '08; A.B., '10. Woodson, J. B., Bethpage, Tenn. ; 1906. Woodson, Lena, Gallatin, Tenn. ; 1908. Woodward, Bessie G. (Mrs. M. R. Hatcher), Portsmouth, Va. ; L.I., '97. Woodward, Sallie L., Tylertown, Miss.; L.I., '03; A.B., '05. Woofter, Thomas J., Athens, Ga., Univ. of Ga. ; L.I., '85; A.B., '92; A.M., '93. Woolfolk, Bessie Jo., Bainbridge, Ga. ; 1909. Woolworth, Lizzie, San Angelo, Tex. ; L.I., '99. Wootten, Maida, Washington, Ga. ; 1906. Word, Lola Mae (Mrs. T. C. Hassell), Dallas, Tex., 3223 Elihu St.; 1906. Word, May D., Okolona, Miss. ; L.I., '11. Workman, Jno. H., Southside, Tenn.; L.I., '00; A.B., '02. Worley, Jennie (Mrs. Jones), Alma, Ark.; 1903. Worley, Sara C. (Mrs. J. W. Brandon), Dover, Tenn.; L.I., '07. Workman, Ruby J., Poplarville, Miss. ; L.I., '11. Wortham, Dora J. (Mrs.), Unionville, Tenn.; 1906. Wortham, Geo. L., Unionville, Tenn.; 1909. Wortham, Thos. H., Unionville, Tenn. ; 1906. Wray, Edward H., Chicago, 111., 1379 E. 57th St., U. of C. ; L.I., '99. Wren, Floyd C, Jonesboro, La. ; 1901. Wren, Herbert B., Muskogee, Okla., 1107 Fremont Ave.; L.I., '95; A.B., '96. Wren, Marcus D., Minden, La. ; L.I., '98. Wright, Alma, Glendale, Tenn.; 1909. Wright, Clara, Nashville, Tenn., 4806 Indiana Ave.; 1903. Wright, Cyrus A., Amarillo, Tex. ; L.I., '98. Wright, Edgar M., Troy, Ala., Prof. Ped. Normal Sch. ; L.I., '93 ; A.B., '95. Wright, Florence (Mrs. Carl Matthi), Nashville, Tenn., 1706 Ashwood Ave.; 1899. W T right, Horace, Georgetown, S. C. ; 1902. Wright, Jemmie Louise (Mrs. J. T. Lloyd), Pine Bluff, Ark.; L.I., '87. Wright, Jos. C, Atlanta, Ga., Ga. Bldg. (P. O. Dept.) ; 1900. Wright, Lannie, Hendersonville, Tenn. ; 1910. Wright, Lewis G., Nashville, Tenn., 310 7th Ave., N. ; 1910. Wright, Mabel (Mrs. F. P. Dawson), Chester, S. C. ; L.I., '00. Wright, Mary V., Nashville, Tenn., 2211 Dixie PI.; L.I., '96; A.B., '97. Wyant, Zada K. (Mrs. Jno. A. Pfeiffer), W. Philadelphia, Pa., 1504 N. 56th St.; L.I., '91; A.B., '91. Wyatt, Hardee, Rockport, Tex.; L.I., '00. Wyatt, Hurley T., Chicago, 111., Univ. of Chicago; A.B., '03. Wynn, Mary, Cedar Hill, Tenn.; 1903. Yancey, Elizabeth (Mrs. Jos. Spence), Nashville, Tenn.; 1900. Yancey, Irene, Nashville, Tenn., 1516 McGavock St.; L.I., '09. Yantis, Edith, Houston, Tex., 1522 Yale St. ; L.I., '10. Yarbrough, Joe, Lynnville, Tenn. ; 1910. 84 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Yater, Hattie M., Nashville, Tenn., 1402 Beechwood Ave. ; 1903. Yates, Annie Elizabeth (Mrs. J. A. Owens), Heflin, Ala.; L.I., '03. Yeager, Ella, Celeste, Tex.; 1905. Yeaman, Mary E., Nashville, Tenn., 916 Douglas Ave. ; L.I., '10. Yeaman, Vera I., Nashville, Tenn., 38 Halcyon Ave. ; L.I., '08. Yeargin, Alice M. (Mrs. J. W. Gillock), Nashville, Tenn., Gallatin Rd. ; 1891. Yoder, Annie (Mrs. M. L. Brown), Lynchburg, Va., 1109 10th St.; L.I., '94. Yoho, Arthur D. ; L.I., '95; B.S., '96 (deceased). York, Ozie, Athens, Ala.; 1907. York, Sara C, Alamo, Tenn. ; 1910. Young, Althea I., Athens, Ga. ; L.I., '85. Young, Carlyle S., Edgewater, Va. ; 1901. Young, Elizabeth, Springfield, Mo.; 1909. Young, Emma T., Springfield, Mo. ; L.I., '09. Young, Hattie W., Joplin, Mo. ; 1905. Young, Ruth E., Magnolia, Ark. ; 1902. Young, Sallie H., Corinth, Miss., 1550 Tate St. ; 1894. Yount, Nora, Goodlettsville, Tenn.; L.I., '09. Youree, Mary; 1902 (deceased). Youree, Maud O. ; 1910 (deceased). Zeigler, Will J., North Chattanooga, Tenn.; 1903. Zernow, Lelia Rives, Chelsea, Okla. ; L.I., '10. Zibart, Myrtle C. (Mrs. Sam Berger), Nashville, Tenn., Harding Pk. ; 1895. Zimmerman, John B. ; L.I., '82; A.B., '83 (deceased). Zimmerman, Ida M. (Mrs. A. F. Riley), El Dorado, Ark.; L.I., '97. Zimmerman, Walter McSwain; L.I., '85 (deceased). Zink, Phrania R. (Mrs. V. H. Cooper), Harrisville, W. Va. ; L.I., '00. Zuccarello, Emily R. (Mrs. W. V. Davidson), Nashville, Tenn., 805 Rus- sell St. ; L.I., '86. GRADUATES OF AUGUST, 1911, NOT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED: I.— L.I. Frazier, Neal Douglas, Nashville, Tenn. Hatton, Ethel Lucile, Dothan, Ala. Holt, Geordia Irene, Milan, Tenn. Hunter, Mary Theresa, Dothan, Ala. Moore, Veola Theresa, Ripley, Tenn. Seay, Lillian Brown, Franklin, Tenn. Sibley, Salenah Lee, Plain Dealing, La. II— A.B. Webb, Susanna, Nashville, Tenn. OMITTED BY MISTAKE FROM L.I. LIST OF AUGUST, 1904: Jarrett, Robert Patton, Acton, Texas. LOST ALUMNI. 85 LOST ALUMNI About five months ago we published a "Lost Alumni" list. As one result of this a number of new addresses have been received. We repeat in this bulletin the names of those on the list whose addresses are still unknown, hoping to secure in this way additional addresses. Information that will enable us to locate any of the follow- ing is earnestly desired. Name. Name Married Alumnae. Original Address. Last Known Address. Adams, Melville G McDonald, Ga. Alexander, Anna E Mrs. Lexington, Miss. Allen, Mary Jane Nashville, Tenn. Allison, Gulie E Mrs. Daves Bayou LaChute, La Chicago, 111. (823 Sunny side Ave.) Allison, Humphrey D Live Oak, Fla. Allison, Thomas C Quincy, Fla. Andrew, Columbus Kings Creek. N. C. Anthony, Katherine S Ft. Smith, Ark New York City, (313 W. 82d St.) Anthony, Mary Mrs. Thomison Cyrustin, Tenn Fayetteville, Tenn. Applewhite, Ary G Vaiden, Miss. Argo, Lena R Nashville, Tenn. Armour, Marv J Mrs. Pike Welborn, Fla Edenfield, Fla. Arthur, David F Macedonia, S. C. Aydelotte, Wm. T Oxford, Ga. Bache, Charles W Marion, Fla. Ballard, Carrie D Mrs. Sasser Senoi, Ga Atlanta, Ga. Banks, Fitzhugh Rocky Mt., La. Barham, Sallie Mrs. Cameron Nashville, Tenn Clarksville, Tenn. Barnett, Beulah Lake City, Fla. Barnett, Jno. W Parkersburg, W. Va. Bates, Julia C .Macon, Ga. Baugh, William Dardanelle, Ark. Beck, Mabel K Oak Hill, Fla. Bellamy, R. A Burtons, Miss. Bennett, Geo. N Finis Creek, N. C. Biggers, Willia A .Nashville, Tenn. Bishop, William H Spencer, W. Va. Bobo, Louise Spartanburg, S. C. Boling, Robt. W Alamo, Tenn Paragould, Ark. Bond, Albert R. (Rev.) Nashville, Tenn Marietta, Ga. Bordelon, Albert L Long Bridge, La. Bostick, Sadie E Hendersonville, N. C. Bouldin, John L Washington, Ark. Bowen, Vlvienne M Memphis, Tenn. Braden, Thomas N., Jr Bellevue, La. Bradford, Jas. H Mansfield, Tex Jacksonville, Tex. Bradshaw, Aschel B Knoxville, Tenn. Brady, Maude Nashville, Tenn Spokane, Wash. Brady, Nell Nashville, Tenn Nashville, Tenn. (R. R. No. 7.) Brantley, Mary B Nashville, Tenn. Brlnkley. Martba M Mrs. Howard Camak, Ga Atlanta, Ga. Brower, Laura H Van Buren, Ark. Brown, Eleanor R Anderson, S. C. Brown, Jno. H Hiram, Ark Rogers, Ark. Brown, Spencer C Concord, Tenn Jonesboro, Tenn. Brown, Virginia E El Dorado, Ark. Brown, Virginia M Cumberland Co., Va Washington, D. C. Brown, William I Lawrence, Ala. Brunner, Mae A Athens, Tenn. 86 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Name. Name Married Alumnae. Original Address. LLast Known Address. Bryant, Mrs. Loula L Woolsey, Ga. Buchanan, R. N Dennis, Tenn. Buckingham, Ollie Mrs. Leign Bastrop, La. Buhrman, Mary E Glade Springs, Va. Bunch, Lee G New Era, Tenn. Bunch, Myrtle Dardanelie, Ark. Burnett, Fred M Black Mt., N. C. Burrow, Ella Johnson City, Tenn. Bush, Lula D Nashville, Tenn. Butler, James W Bentonville, Ark. Cain, Mary J . . . . Adairville, Ga. Calvert, William T West Point, Miss. Camp, Elizabeth Mrs. Pritchett .... Hay nesville, La San Marcos, Tex. Campbell, Emmie L Willis, Tex. Campbell, James D Belton, S. C. Cardin, John W Stephensville, Texas. Carr, Elizabeth M Johnson City, Tenn. Carr, Marjory Ann Augusta, Ark. Carter, Jesse A Buckingham, Va. Carter, Leila J Mrs. Hague Hillsboro, Tex Dallas, Tex. (338 Victor St).) Carter, Nebraska L Paulding, Miss. Caruthers, Mary P Lynchburg, Va. Castleman, Wm. B Partlow, Tenn Nashville, Tenn. Cates, Van E Union City, Tenn. Cbamblee, Sigma V Rosinburg, N. C. Chandler. Nina Alexandria, Va. Charles, Minnie L Clinton, Ark. Christopher, Frank Pushmataha, Ala. Church, Jas. D Columbia, Tenn Klamath Falls, Ore. Clark, Elizabeth Logtown, La. Clotfelter, Chas. T Conyers, Ga East End, Ga. Cogburn, Thomas I Johnston, S. C. Collins, Thos. W Brownstown, Ark. Cone, John L Lake City, Fla. Connel, Kate Eliz Nashville, Tenn. Cooper, Elizabeth J Mullens, S. C. Cooper, Maggie Mrs. Whifemore ....Nashville, Tenn Nashville, Tenn. (4500 Col. Ave.) Corbin, Jno. E Good Hope, W. Va. Coulter, Wm. H Dardanelie, Ark. Covington, Delia H Mrs. Pittman Arrington, Tenn Okla. City, Okla. (317 W. 10th St.) Croft, Charlotte M Greenville, S. C. Croom, Mally L Greenwood, Ark. Cross, Geo. W Bowl, Tenn. Crutcher, Clarence D Nashville, Tenn. Cunningham, Annie Lee Ft. Smith, Ark. Curtis, Jno. E Bordeaux, Tenn Nashville, Tenn. Daniel, Alonzo W Andy, Tenn Linden, Tenn. Dashiell, Mary F Richmond, Va Richmond, Va. (1009 E.Clay.) Davidson, Ruth R Mrs. Oxford, Miss. Davie, Eudora W Roxborrow, N. C. Davis, Jas. H Bowen, W. Va. Dean, Alexander G Canton, Texas. Dean, Mary A Mrs. Chalmers Franconia, Ala Waco, Tex. DeBell, Jno. T Centreville, Va. Delery, Martha R Galveston, Texas. DeMoss, Walter M Rock Mount, La. Dennis, William C Speck, Tenn. Dever, Sallie F Tuscumbia, Ala. Dial, Marshall F Lehl, Ark. Dixon, Evelyn E Sumterville, Ala Plkeville, Ky . Dodds, Annie Nashville, Tenn. Dodge, Louise F Kissimee, Fla. Drake, Mary Parkersburg, W. Va. Driver, Thomas F Temperance Hall, Tenn. DuBose, William H Choctaw Co., Ala. Duke, Henry L Winnsboro, N. C. Dumford, Jno. A Newbern, Va. Dunovant, Jas. D Mine Creek, S. C. Dutton, Geo. A Seven Mile Ford, Va Honey Grove, Tex. Dyer, Gertrude Cookevllle, Tenn. Eaton, Mary G Mocksvllle, N. C. Edens, C. M Rowland. N. C. Edwards, D. J Savannah, Tenn. Eldrldge, Benj. T., Jr Buckingham, Va. LOST ALUMNI. 87 Name. Name Married Alumnae. Original Address. Last Known Address. Eldridge, Daisy Brenbam, Texas. Ellis, James N Buckingham, Va. Emerson, Alice Jacksonville, Fla. Engle, Robert H Raleigh, N. C. Ervin, Ethel M Mrs. Miller Camden, Ala Hood River, Ore. Ervln, George F Perth, N. C. „ , Brwln, Thos. J., Jr Wartrace, Tenn Greeley, Colo. ESssary, Flora E Tazewell, Tenn. Evans, Anna Monroe, La. Evans, Bettie M Seale, Ala. Evans, Evelyn R Bastrop, La Farmerville, La. Everett, Agnes W Yazoo City, Miss. Fair, Sallie M Mansfield, La. Fancher, Bell Fancher's Mill, Tenn. Feaster, Jacob H Feasterville, S. C. Fender, E. F Griggs, Ga. Fisher, Mary G Mrs. Boone Gallatin, Tenn Trenton, Okla. Fisher, Minnie Franklin, Tenn. Flynn, Lizzie E Edgefield, Tenn. Fowler, Jessie Ringgold, Ga. Freeman, William T Troy, Ala . Fry, Alleen Mrs. Williams Galveston, Tex Huntsville, Ala. (311 E. Holmes St.) Fry, Richard A Cool Springs, N. C Loray, N. C. Fulkerson, Emma Tazewell, Tenn. Fuller, Ellen Jackson's Creek, N. C. Fuller, Leila B Blackshear, Ga. Fuller, Robert W Waynesboro, Ga. Gardner, Addie R Mrs. Farthing Shelby, N. C Bluff City, Tenn. Garner, Robert LaGrange, Ga. Garrett, Chas. T Clarksville, Ark Ft. Gibson, Okla. Garrett, James D Rover, Tenn Unlonville, Tenn. Garrison, Chas. L Lineville, Ala. Gathright, Mary B Bryan, Texas. Gathright, Willie W Bryan, Texas. Gaut, Lena Knoxville, Tenn. Gayle, Jessie M Orville, Ala. Gilbert, Allen A Greenville, S. C. , , Gilbert, Florence Athens, Ala. Gilliam, Willie G Memphis, Tenn. Girdner, Mamie E Rock Hill, Tenn. Glascock, Wm. V Ennis, Tex. Goldammer, Belle Mrs. Yonker Nashville, Tenn Bowling Green, Ky. Goode, Harley Rutherford Col., N. C Connolly Spgs., N. C. Goodrum, Wm. J Fall Creek, Tenn. Goodwin, Eva G New Orleans, La. Gordon, Ella M Shelbyville, Tenn. • Gray, Cecil Graysville, Ga. Gray, Jennie B Rockledge, Fla Asheville, N. C. Gray, William F Petersburg, Va. Green, Mrs. J. H , Uvalde, Tex. Green, Lucy H Decatur, Ga. Grubb, W. F Big Springs, Tenn. Guthrie, William N Romney, W. Va. Hall, Beulah M Mrs. Barnes Richmond, Va Richmond, Va. (616 N. 10th St.) Halley, Chas Nashville, Tenn Baltimore, Md. Hamil, Mary Mrs. Sawyers Nashville, Tenn. Hamilton, Jno. W Sunset, W. Va. Hamilton, John H Smithville, N. C. Hammon, Fiske E. (Rev.) Centerville, Tex Galveston, Tex. Harrell, Stephen D Oats, S. C. Harrington, Marie A Chattanooga, Tenn. Harrison, May E Mrs. Wienke Nashville, Tenn Zionsville, Ind. Hart, Florence H Meridian, Miss. Harwood, Ruth P Atwood, Tenn. Hawkins, Oscar B Keener, Ala. Hayes, Annie Eliz Clinton, La. Haynes, Agnes New Orleans, La. Hays, Mabel O Atoka, Tenn. Hays, Will T Wesson, Miss. Heidt, Mrs. Ida S Selma, Ala Montgomery, Ala. Henderson, Ellen H Winchester, Tenn. Hendley, Albert E Ansonville, N. C. Hendrick, Mary A Shelby. N. C Fayetteville, Tenn. Henry, Agnes V Mrs. Johnson Nashville, Tenn Birmingham, Ala. (3d Ave. S.) Hlcken, Frederick D Ft. Smith, Apk. Hicks, Mary E Knoxville, Ga. 88 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Name. Name Married Alumnae. Original Address. Last Known Address. Hill, Clara E Austin, Texas. Hill, Fannie C Mrs. Rainey Nashville, Tenn Spring Hill, Tenn. Hobson, Mamie R Mrs. Nichols Glencliff, Tenn Birmingham, Ala. Hoggins, Susie K Craggie, Hope, Tenn Bakersneld, Cal. Holladay, Elise F .Kelly, Miss Mempnis, Tenn. (1092 Vance Ave.) Holland, Mattie Mrs. Clifford Peytonsville, Tenn. Holland, W. P Belton, S. C. Hollingsworth, Lillie Austin, Texas. Holmes, Lyde V Jackson, Miss. Hook, Harriet L St. Mathews, S. C. Hord, Geo. J Shelby, N. C. Hoskins, Rob R Carlton's Store, Va. House, Willo May Mrs. Kelly Dallas, Tex Ft. Worth, Tex. Howerton, Jennie Edgetield, Tenn Nashville, Tenn. Hughes, William B Little Rock, Ark. Humphrey, Jne. B Durant, Miss. Hunter, David B Jefferson, Ga. Hunter, Effie D Mrs. Noland Manassas, Va Ashburn, Va. Hunter. T. H., Jr Paris, Tenn. Hurt, W. N Winona, Miss. Irwin, Elizabeth F Savannah, Tenn Ft. Smith, Ark. (1114 N. 14th St.) Jackson, Festus S Perry, Fla. Jackson, Hattie Shelby, N. C. Jackson, Leila L Mexia, Texas. James John M Trail Branch, N. C. James, Luther R Greenville, S. C. James, William Necklaw, W. Va. Jeffares, J. W Feasterville, S. C. Jones, Eleanor San Antonio, Texas. Jones, Ella V Mrs. Marshall Birmingham, Ala Lambert, Miss. Jones, Eugenia L Nashville, Tenn Denver, Colo. Jones, Jessie L Mrs. Ledbetter .... Wyeth City, Ala Anniston, Ala. (1400 Quintard Ave.) Jones, Thomas W., Jr Johnson, S. C. Jordan, Aubrey Triune, Tenn. Jordan, Lizzie S Augusta, Ga Forest City, Fla. Jordan, Susie E Crawfordsville, Ga. Journey, J. W Leftwich, Tenn. Kennedy, Clara S Orange, Va. Kennedy, Oscar L Orange C. H., Va Norfolk, Va. Kennedy, Stephena M New Orleans, La. Killough, Mabel Florence, S. C Dallas, Tex. King, Alonzo T Wilmington, N. C. King, Dora Mae Mrs. Aiken Plat Rock, Tenn Nashville, Tenn. King, James W Palmersville, N. C. King, John H Chestnut Mound, Tenn. . . . Alexandria, Tenn. Kingsley, Charles L Raleigh, N. C. Kirby, Addie S Nashville, Tenn. Knoch, Katie Mrs. Billings Nashville, Tenn Dunedin, Fla. Kyle, Mary J San Angelo, Tex. Lamkin, Estelle Magnolia, Miss. Laney, Walter H Smackover, Ark Little Rock, Ark. Laramore, Birdie C Atlanta, Ga. Laramore, Carrie B Atlanta, Ga. Lashmit, Enoch P Winston, N. C. Laws, Mary F Mrs. Meadows .... Thompson Sta., Tenn Meridian, Miss. Layman, Leah Mrs. Blitz Nashville, Tenn New York City. Lee, Annie Eliz Selma, Ala. Lemond. Robert A Edom, Texas. Lewis, Victor Mullins, S. C Okla. City, Okla. Light, Brownlow Simpsons, Va. Linn, Bessie Tallahassee. Fla. Little, William L Shelbyville, Tenn. Litton, J. P Little Rock Mills, Tenn. Locan. Maude T Flat Rock. Tenn. London, Adria Mrs. Sanders Stamper, Tenn Toluco, Mex. Love, Annie L Atlanta. Ga. Love, Nat C. T Johnson City, Tenn. Lowrey, Lucy B Mrs. Hardin Dawson, Ga Atlanta, Ga. Luster, Percy J Carthage. Tenn. Lyman, Margaret L Nashville, Tenn. Lynn, Bessie Tallahassee, Fla. Lyons, Susie L New Orleans, La. Mackoy, Mary L Turin, Ga. Maddox, Joseph W Sherman, Tex. Malcolm, Helen Bealton, Va. LOST ALUMNI. 89 Nam. . Name Married Alumnae. Original Address. Last Known Address. Marshall, Cyril J Stout's Mill, W. Va Lambert, Miss. Marshall, Bertha Groesbeck, Texas. Marshall, Dtrinda M Mrs. Lane LaFayette, Tenn Dallas, Tex. Marshall, Mary Eilz Clarksville, Tenn Gulfport, Miss. Martin, L. G Three Churches, W. Va. Massey, Cora O Mrs. Sansing Wiluiar, Ark Doyline, La. May, Anna Pulaski, Tenn. Mayes, Mattle Gorman, Tex. McCall, Addie L Mrs. Love Franklin, Tenn St. Joseph, Mo. McCampbell, Mamie Knoxville, Tenn. McClelland, Lora Covington, Tenn El Paso, Tex. (1218 Mont. St.) McClure. Lilla Waldo, Ark. McDonnold, Reed L Nashville, Tenn Phoenix, Ariz. McDowell, W. K Island Ford, N. C. McFarland, John L., Jr Quincy, Fla. McGee, William C Rileys, S. C. Mcintosh, Louisa E Doyesville, S. C. McKee, Elizabeth Nashville, Tenn. McLary, Joseph Ashdown, Ark. McNeil, Florence V Saltville, Va. Meadows, Arthur C Whiteville, Tenn. Mebane, William B Elon College, N. C. Mercy, Esther Nashville, Tenn. Meriwether, Leonard T Trenton, Ky Bastrop, La. Milam, Caleb W. (Rev.) Charleston, W. Va Madison, N. J. Miller, Bell Rutherfordtxm, N. C. Miller, Edward G Mt. Airy, N. C. Miller, Eula R Clarksville, Ark Clarksville, Tenn. Miller, Eva Wheeling, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa. Miller, Hettie B Mrs. Mitchell Nashville, Tenn Glendale, Tenn. Miller, Isabel Rutherf ordton, N. C. Miller, Joseph L Beech Hill, W. Va. Miller, Mary E Dyersburg, Tenn Wichita Falls, Tex. Millsaps, Susie G Brown's Mill, Miss. Milner, William T Athens, Ga. Mitchell, Jessie Nashville, Tenn. Moffat, Mary Elizabeth Tracy, Tenn. Montgomery, William P Fayetteville, Tenn. Moon, Robert L Monroe, Ga Buchanan, Ga. Moore, Fannie C Mrs. Brown Scooba, Miss Crystal Springs, Miss. Moore, Laura P Tallassee, Ala. Moore, Mamie A Mrs. Morgan Nashville, Tenn Los Angeles, Cal. (S.Hill St.) Moore, Walter Grant Falls, N. C. Moran, Carrie So. Pittsburg, Tenn. Motes, Fannie Unknown. Mounger, Henry C Meridian, Miss. Mountien, Loren Vernon, Fla. Munday, C. D Russellville, Ark. Munn, Earnest Bodcaw, Ark. Murohy, Walter E Waverly Hall. Ga. Myers, Willis M Gainesville, Fla. Naff, Jodie V Bulger's Mills, Ala. Nash, John J Duluth, Ga. Neal, Mattie A Lebanon, Tenn. Neal, William J Macon, Tenn. Noel. Nora Atlanta, Ga. Nettleship, Earnest L Favetteville, Ark. Neves, Robert L Tigerville, S. C. Nevill, Samuel G Cnapel Hill, N. C. Nevins, Frances C Mrs. Williams Nashville, Tenn San Antonio, Tea:. Newton, Annie E San Antonio, Texas. Newton, Sadie San Antonio, Tex. Niblack, Bessie Unknown. Nichols, Francis E Lincoln, Va. Nichols, Sarah E Joelton, Tenn Dallas, Tex. (456 Ross Ave.) Nixon, Forrest Centerville, Tenn. Nool, Mattie A Rutherford College. N. C. Norris, Mary O Cartersville. Ga. O'Donnell, Mamie Memphis, Tenn. Oliver, Florence Nashville, Tenn Eclectic, Ala. Ong. Edna May Wellsburg, W. Va. Orr. Willie R Newnan, Ga. Overton, John H Toledo, Ark. Overton, Rebecca Springhill, Tenn. Owen, Annie L Roanoke, Ala. Owen, Carrie Bell Winton, N. C. 90 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Name. Name Married Alumnae. Original Address. Last Known Address. Owen, Mnbel H Atoka, Term. Ownby, Elvira Ruth, W. Va. Pabst, Alpha Nashville, Tenn Decatur, Ala. Painter, Luster B *»Mrs. Ross Johnson City, Tenn. Palmer, Milliard Montgomery, Ala. Park, Mrs. Eula L Pendergrass, Ga. Parker, John W Whitesboro, Tex Sanger, Tex. Parker, W. S Hico, Texas. Parsons, Sam W Veal Sta., Texas. Paschall, Minnie D Searcy, Ark. Pasteur, Sarah T Greensboro, Ala. Peach, Emma B Nashville, Tenn. Perkins, Lucy North, Ala. Perkins, Willie Jefferson, N. C. Perkins, W. T Orion, N. C. Petty, Bell , Ark. Phillips, Ella P Water Valley, Miss. Phillips, Jobn P Tyler, Texas. Phillips, Sallie M Mt. Lebanon, La. Pittman, J. W Qulncy, Fla. Plunkett, John H Brown, Ark. Pollard, Albert S Dover, Ark. Porter, Aileen Pleasant Hill, Miss. Porter, John T Harmony, Ark. Porter, Lillian J Tallapoosa, Ga. Poyas, Fannie F Carrollton, Ala. Prickett, Ada Bell Ravenswood, W. Va. Priester, Ella L Mrs. Breaker Greenville, S. C Pulaski, Tenn. Pritchard, Bessie Frankllngton, N. C. Privett, Blanche Darlington, S. C. Pugh, Ila H Mrs. Baskette Clarksville, Tenn. Pugh, Ruth Mrs. Bond Clarksville, Tenn. Purvis, Ethel Mrs. Ramage Nashville, Tenn Nashville, Tenn. (426 6th Ave. N.) Quinn, Elizabeth V Redford, Va. Ramsey, Oline A Cleveland, Tenn. Randle, Helen Aberdeen, Miss. Ratteree, Mattie J Mrs. Barnett King's Mt., Tenn Bethel, S. C. Rauch, Henry Wyse's Ferry, S. C. Rawls, Dora Marshallville, Ga. Ray, Eva B Mrs. James Petersburg, Tenn Clarendon, Tex. Ravne, Mary L Mrs. Payzant New Orleans, La Mexico City, Mex. Reding, Miriam S Austin, Tex. Redman, Charles C Thompson Sta., Tenn. Reed. Kate Lee Nashville, Tenn St. Louis, Mo. Reeves, Kathleen Jonesboro, Tenn Bristol, Tenn. Revill, Minnie L Greenville, Ga. Rhodes, Sarah V Durham, N. C. Riley, Jennie R Union Springs, Ala. Rivers, Rosalee Thomaston, Ga. Robertson, Ada Harmony Hill, Tex. Robertson. Walter C Winnsboro, S. C. Robison, Fannie M Dennis, Tex Talihina, Okla. Robinson, Frances Troy, S. C. Rodd, Mattie New Orleans, La. Ross, James W Denton, Tex. Rorie, Lena Lonoke, Ark. Rountree, Walter , Carrooche, Ga. Rudolph, Chesterfield Paducah, Ky Clarksville, Tenn. Salmon, William T Lynchburg, Tenn. Sanders, Mary B Nashville, Tenn. Schubert, Catherine Hohenwald, Tenn. Scott, Warren Austin, Ark. Sebrell, Maud G Hamilton, N. C. Shapard, Alice T Jackson, Tenn. Sharp, Jesse C Durham, i\. u. Shearer, Georgia M Spanish Oaks, Va. Sheats, William N., Jr Tallahassee, Fla. Sheets, Mary A Charleston, W. Va. Shi, Madge Halesboro, Texas. Shields, Rebecca W Scotland Neck, N. C. Shine, Charles F Tallahassee, Fla. Shrader, Iola Manchester, Tenn. Slme, Clough W Columbia, S. C. Sims, James V Dillsboro, N. C. Sims, William J Jamestown, Ark. Smith, Arthur A Sparta, N. C Kimmerer, Wyo. Smith, Effle Church Hill, Tenn. Smith, Ella E Jefferson, Ga. LOST ALUMNI. Name. Name Married Alumnae. Original Address. Last Known Address. Smith, Ida C Bluegrass, Tenn. Smith, Jcs. E Raleigh, N. C Gary, Ind. (808 Madison St.) Smiths Mary A Ehenezer, Tenn. Smyly, Sam E Vineland, Ala. Smyth, Edgar B Mexla, Texas. Snodgrass, Minnie H Mrs. Hodgson Scottsboro, Ala Tamnallmas, Mex. Snyder, Sam J Amettsville, W. Va. Somervllle, Thomas H Franconia, Ala. Spear, Eaolean Montgomery, Ala. Speer, Virginia M Roopville, Ga. Spencer, Susie H Fayetteville, Ark Tacoma, Wash. Stanford, Minnie M Bush, Ala. Starke, Alexander W Decatur, Ga. Staton, Th«mas W Canton, Texas. Steele, Alexander M Stewart's Ferry, Tenn Nashville, Tenn. (620 Shelby Ave.) Stephens, Cletus Wayne, W. Va. Stephenson, Brockie M Fine Creek, Va. Stevenson, Ermina M Fine Creek, Va. Stewart, Eva Vicksburg, Miss. Stewart, Jessie Waterproof, La. Stewart, R. W Buie's Creek, N. C. Stiles, Laura L Vicksburg, Miss Lockhart, Miss. Stith, Virginia W Pass Christian, Miss. Stout, Amye O Bay Village, Ark. Stowers, Eunice I Mrs. Price Nashville, Tenn St. Louis, Mo. Strader, David L Bason, N. C. Stravinsky, Mamie Mrs. Marks Nashville, Tenn Covington. Tenn. Street, George R Spring Place, Ga. Sullivan, Mary D Due West, S. C. Swann, Daisy Scales Allisona, Tenn. Tait, Sallle E Mobile, Ala. Taylor, Fannie Eliz Blakeville, Tenn. Taylor, William J Montgomery, Miss. Terry, Cuba S Mrs. Hubbard Point, La Sequatchie, Mies. Thigpen, John H Keachie, La. Thomas, Allle Cumberland City, Tenn. Thomas, Cornelia F Staunton, Va. Thomas, Ella Nashville, Tenn. Thompson, Emma T Mrs. Freeman Houston, Tex Corsicana, Tex. Thompson, Fannie V Nashville, Tenn. Tillinghast, Mary E Morgantown, N. C. Tillman, James , Texas. Tinsley, J. S Leesville, La. Torlan, Eunice V Mrs. Lewis Omega, Tenn Nashville, Tenn. Trent, Dora H Roanoke City, Va Washington, D. C. ilG43 10th St.) Trivitte, Leander W Net, N. C Booneville, N. C. Tucker, Carey D Sewanee, Tenn. Tucker, Marjorle J Okolona, Miss. Turk, Eva S Livingston, Ala. Twyman, John A Buckingham, Va. Twyman, Mabel B Buckingham, Va. Vinson, Marcus E Heber, Ark Judsonia, Ark. Wade, Georgia E Milan, Tenn Louisville, Ky. (1012 Cherokee Rd.) Walker, Cornelius L Rogersville, Tenn. Walker, Marlon J Gautville, Ga. Walton, Nannie C Newnan, Ga. Walton, Richard Lee Cartersville, Va. Ward, Inez Homer, La. Ward, Josephene Rutherford, Tenn Bogolusa, La. Ward, Margaret C Mrs. B. von CollanyHomer, La Atlanta, Ga. (449 Crew St.) Watson, Edward T Sherman, Texas. Watson, lone R Mrs. Batcheler Talladega, Ala Helena, Mont. Watson, John R Raleigb, N. C. Watt, Ella R Forest Home, Ala. Wauchope, Jessie B Lake City. Fla. Webb, Annie B Linden, Tenn Nashville, Tenn. (116 8th Ave. N.) Webb, Estella Kenton, Tenn. Webb, Mary L Lafayette, Ala Corsicana, Tex. Welmer, Willie G Russellville, Ark. Weir, Alice J Kings Mt., N. C. West, Mamie C Thomson, Ga. West, Mary C Thomson, Ga. 92 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Name. Name Married Alumnae. Original Address. West, Perry B Lafayette, Tenn. White, Chas. H Hainptonvllle, N. C. . White, Margaret M Chattanooga, Tenia. Whitlow, Stephen M Pleasant Plains, Ark. Williams, Daisy L Nashville, Tenn. Williams, Joel C Whynot, Miss. Williams, James D Warren, Ark. Williams, James O Lisbon, La. Williams, Pauline K Portsmouth, Va. Williamson, Maggie E Nashville, Tenn Willis, W. H , Fla. Wilson, Irene M Dade City, Fla. Wilson, Sue Burnsvllle, N. C. Wilson, William T Livingston, Tenn. Wingo, Lillie M Spartanburg, S. C. Witherspoon, James Michigan City, Miss. Wolfe, William H Adwolf, Va. Wollen, Mariam A Mrs. Patterson . ...McLemoresvllle, Tenn. Womack, George F Dlbrell, Tenn. Womack, Leila S College Grove, Tenn. Wood, Thomas P Cedar Plains, Ala. Woodard, Bees C Mrs. Hatcher Springfield, Tenn. . . . Woolen, Mariam A McLemoresvllle, Tonn. Wright, Jeanette B Montlcello, Ark. Wright, Jennie Humboldt, Tenn. Wright, Leona D Warnersvllle, Ga. Wynne, Lizzie Charleston, W. Va. Yancey, Mamie F Marlon, N. C. Yarbrough, Cecil G Lynnville, Tenn Yearwood, Minnie Eliz Burt, Tenn Yerby, Annie E Greensboro, Ala. York, Cora Emory, Tex Young, Ruth Magnolia, Ark. Last Known Address. ■ Chapel Hill, N. C. Bethpage, Tenn. Springfield, Tenn. (606 Linden Ave.) Cotton Wood, Tex. Houston, Tex. (2717 Chenevert.) Roswell, N. Mex. (800 S.Lee St.) PROGRESS OF THE SCHOLARSHIP CAMPAIGN. 93 PROGRESS OF THE SCHOLARSHIP CAMPAIGN. As is known to many, the Alumni, at their reunion, which met in Nashville, in June, 1911, during the week of the last commencement exercises held on the old campus, took decided and definite action looking toward the reestablishment of the scholarship system which had been in vogue at Peabody from 1S75 to 1904. After full consideration and discussion a resolution was passed pledging, for this cause, the sum of $200,000, to be raised by the Alumni themselves. The same resolution pro- vided for the selection of an executive committee consisting of the president, the secretary, the treasurer, of the general asso- ciation, and a vice president from each of the Southern States, with instructions to formulate plans and to proceed to raise the amount pledged. As secretary of the association and as fiscal agent, named by the executive committee, I desire, at this time, to give some statement of what has been done, and report what progress has been made. My first duty, it seemed to me, was to locate the Alumni, to acquaint them thoroughly with the undertaking, to keep them informed regarding the plans for the reorganization of Greater Peabody, and for the reestablishment of the scholar- ship system. We lost no time, therefore, in trying to interest Alumni in our scholarship campaign, but early began the presentation of the cause through personal letters, circular information and otherwise. From August, 1911, to September, 1912, this method was pursued, with the result that during that period something over |20,000 in pledges had been received. In the latter part of September, 1912, a more direct and personal method of campaign was begun. Since that time visits have been made to a number of Alumni in the four States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Alabama. We are 94 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. glad to announce that subscriptions now (May 1) aggregate something over $70,000. Wherever we have gone and pre- sented the cause personally, Alumni have responded most lib- erally, even beyond expectations. It has certainly been most gratifying to find so many scholarship students ready to pledge the amount they received. Indeed, non-scholarship Alumni, both graduates and non-graduates, have also shown a loyal interest in the work and have made generous contribu- tions. Believing that Alumni in other States will be no less loyal and liberal than those in States already visited, which is only a fair presumption, it is easy to predict what the final result will be. The executive committee is anxious to close out the campaign by the time the College reopens. We are sure every former student will want to have some part in this great work. It will be impossible for us to see all of the more scattered ones. We should be glad to hear from these, as we desire the privilege of explaining to them by letter, at least, how subscriptions may be made and the liberal conditions governing payments. It must be cause for felicitation and congratulation to us all that the success of this movement is so well assured. George Peabody made his gift to the whole South. Peabody College has served the educational interests of every Southern State. This she was able to do only through means of the scholarship system. To continue to serve the several States, as in the past, the College must have the due quota of scholarships from each. Firmly convinced that we have undertaken the biggest thing yet attempted by Alumni in the South, and as fully con- vinced that we are going to win in due time, and thanking the Alumni most heartily for the noble response they have made to our appeals thus far and the encouragement they have given, we remain, Most sincerely, I. S. Wampler, Alumni Secretary and Fiscal Agent. Since the above was written the Fund has increased about $20,000, making the total to date (June 1, 1913) approximately $90,000. z > 3 m > 03 m Z 3] o r r m a i" ■a m > 03 o o -< ■o 33 m CO m z H Z > 3 m > > X X m O > r c 3 z >^ s x 8 i TO I H i 5 i 5 i > a D 33 m CO a z o r c o z CO H X m m H Z C 3 00 m X TO to «> — to 3 o 2, J7 °> The Seaman A. Knapp School of Country Life GEORGE PEABODY SEAMAN A. KNAPP ' - - -■*.- PROPOSED BUILDING FOR SEAMAN A. KNAPP SCHOOL OF COUNTRY LIFE AT GEORGE PEABODY COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, NASHVILLE, TENN. WHAT THE SCHOOL WILL STRIVE TO DO. 1. The Seaman A. Knapp School of Country Life, in connec- tion with George Peabody College for Teachers, will represent the first attempt in America to build an institution devoted exclusively to the study of the problems of rural life. 2. The School will teach thousands of farmers and their sons the principles of better farming, better business methods on the farm, and better living in the country, and thus promote the agricultural interests of the South. 3. The School will maintain courses on the College campus and make demonstrations on the Knapp Farm. The Knapp 7 98 PEABODY COLLEGE BULLETIN. Farm will be established as an object of interest and imitation for the entire South, a model of its kind. The School will offer cooperation to help convert part of the grounds of country schools in all sections of the South into similar models for their respective communities. It will also help to convert the farms of its friends into such models. 4. It will demonstrate on its large farm, with diversified con- ditions, on the farms of country schools cooperating with it, and on the farms of its friends, the best methods of growing every plant which may be profitably grown in the South. It will determine upon and demonstrate the best methods of gathering, curing, storing, packing, preserving, shipping and selling these crops. 5. It will study and demonstrate the best policy for Southern farmers with respect to live stock of all kinds ; the best methods of breeding, selection, and care ; the best systems of preserving, storing, shipping, and selling the various kinds of live stock products. 6. It will ascertain the best system of buying lands, equip- ment, and supplies, and will present the results in the most practical way to the farmers of the South directly, as well as through the country teachers, county demonstrators, and others. 7. It will work out the most efficient forms of farm credit, and demonstrate their practicability and assist in their develop- ment. 8. It will analyze the systems of taxation of agricultural prop- erty, products and activities, and advise with the farmers as to their efficiency and justness, and will present, for the considera- tion of all, the best systems of taxation and the use of the funds secured, the administration of school funds, etc. 9. It will beautify the lands of the Knapp Farm by abundant planting, constant improvement, splendid roads, and in every way create and keep an ideal farm. 10. It will be one agency to check the exodus from the country and to demonstrate all possible means of meeting the increased burden of production now placed upon the country by the im- mense growth of population and of urban centers. 11. It looks to the service of the farmers, their wives, their sons, and their daughters in the South, to the end that a decided impetus may be given to life in the country. 12. It will bring together the one thousand farm demon- stration agents of the South and the leading school teachers, groups which represent two of the most effective agencies for the rehabilitation of country life. SEAMAN A. KNAPP SCHOOL OF COUNTRY LIFE. 99 13. It will become a center for the exchange of ideas and expe- riences on the part of all rural leaders of the South. 14. It will teach the intricate lessons of scientific agriculture bj simple methods which appeal directly to human senses, — by ocular demonstration of scientific principles. 15. The numerous diflicult problems met by the farm demon- stration agents of the South will here be worked out, thus re- sulting in the widest application of modern teachings to the farms themselves. 16. The benefits of certain plants, as crops for use in farm rotations and in soil improvement, will be shown. The one-crop system, too prevalent in many quarters, will thus be corrected. 17. The latest teachings regarding methods of renovating depleted and neglected soils will be shown here and carried by the demonstrators and teachers to all quarters. 18. It will educate and train practical men and women for rural leadership as farm demonstrators, home improvement workers, rural teachers, marketing experts. 19. One of its great objects is to train and develop men and women for those positions wherein they are to serve the country people by taking information from educational institutions, experiment stations, agricultural colleges, etc., and disseminat- ing it at the homes and on the farms. It will be a training school for rural service workers. 20. The great need of the country life today is cooperation — cooperation for schools, churches, better roads, better farming, better marketing. It will seek to teach the principles of cooperation. 21. From its location in the vicinity of Nashville, an educa- tional center so easily accessible to all parts of the South, it will derive great benefit; and it will profit by all the work of George Peabody College for Teachers. 22. It will quickly repay the sums invested in it because of its service to the eighty-five per cent of our population who live in the country and are responsible for the creation of so large a proportion of our wealth. 23. It will exist as a practical and useful memorial, perpetu- ating the influence and the fame of Dr. Seaman A. Knapp, the Southern farmers' greatest benefactor, and the friend of the boys and girls of the country. 24. It will beneficially supplement and enhance all instru- mentalities of progress now in existence in the South, and will cooperate with them all for genuine service to this section. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OFFICE OF THE 8ECRETARY WASHINGTON, D. C. May 12, 1913. Dr. Bruce Payne, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. My dear Dr. Payne : I am delighted to know that you are making progress in your plans for the Seaman A. Knapp School of Country Life at the Teachers College. I am convinced that the biggest problem confronting us is the rural life problem, and yet it is one which in its larger aspects has been ignored. Recently the attention of the country has been directed to this problem in very emphatic ways. State and Fed- eral agencies are more fully alive to the importance of it than ever before. The establishment of a school directing its attention specifically to coun- try life seems very opportune. We need leaders in every community and need them badly. This Depart- ment is finding difficulty in discovering men to un- dertake the new enterprises that are developing here. It seems to me singularly appropriate that the school should bear the name of Seaman A. Knapp. He was a pioneer in country life work in no small sense. The last years of his life he devoted with great zeal to the upbuilding of the Southern States. The school will be a most fitting monument to him, and I sincerely hope it will be generously provided for. Faithfully yours, (Signed) D. F. HOUSTON, Secretary. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 111958895 THE TRUSTEES OF GEORGE PEABODY COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS PRESIDENT JUDGE EDWARD T. SANFORD, Knoxville, Tenn. VICE-PRESIDENT HON. J. B. ASWELL, Natchitoches, La. SECRETARY-TREASURER E. A. LINDSEY, Esq., Nashville, Tenn. CHAIRMAN OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE JUDGE J. C. BRADFORD, Nashville, Tenn. Dr. B. J. Baldwin, Montgomery, Ala. Hugh S. Bird, Esq., Fredericksburg, Va. W. A. Blair, Esq., Winston-Salem, N. C. Stuart H. Bowman, Esq., Huntington, W. Va. James E. Caldwell, Esq., Nashville, Tenn. Hon. J. M. Dickinson, Nashville, Tenn. Thos. B. Franklin, Esq., Columbus, Miss. Joseph K. Orr, Esq., Atlanta, Ga. A. H. Robinson, Esq., Nashville, Tenn. Bolton Smith, Esq., Memphis, Tenn. Prof. W. K. Tate, Columbia, S. C. Gov. Ben W. Hooper, Ex-Officio, Nashville, Tenn. Bruce R. Payne, President of the College. "Education, a debt due from present to future generations."— George Peabody.