THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY From the collection of James Collins, Drumcondra, Ireland, Purchased, 1918. •1 i' f-r ■f" ',■' ‘'IH 1 DEED OF THE TLlB^iUiili iLX^mTY COMP ANIL OF BUBOH: EBTABLIBHED IN THE YEAR MDCCLXXX ; WITH CONTAINING All the Rules of the Company- ~ rTi ~ r*"*^ ~ rr"""— D UB LIN: N. KELLY & SON, Pkintbrs, 6, South Great George’s.street. 1833. V %. f- h St?". 5 U U A TABLE OF CONTENTS. The Index'" contains the whole substance of the Deed^ and all the Rules of the Company , Meedt oj" •Agreement, Sec. i. p. V. Purpose of Society’s Establishment Con- stitution of Company, Sec. ii. p. vi. Subscriptions of Members Fines for being in arrear : — Further penalty of expulsion Previous notice thereof to Member’s Wife Her right of paying up such arrears. Sec. iii. p. ix. Inadmissibility of Military persons, &c. Members enlisting, &c., or going on foreign voyages, must insure for benefit of Company— Members residing out of Ireland— Penalty on such Member for not corres- ponding with Secretary &c. Seciv.^. xi. Manner of Member’s selling out his Share Secv. xiv. Annuity payable to Widows.— Manner of Widow’s proceeding to entitle her to the Annuity. Sec VI. p. xxi. Appointmentto Children— Forfeiture of Widow on second marriage— Notice of same. &c. Sec vii p. xxiv. Meetings of the Company &c. Sec viii. p. xxvi. Mode of Electing Officers -Meetings of. Committee. Sec ix p. xxvii. Motions.— Laws how made. Sec X p. xxviii. Widow residing abroad. Sec xi y>xxix. Admission of Members— Payment upon Admis- sion-Fines on subsequent marriages, &c. Sec xii/>xxxiv. Lodging, &c. of capital stock. Trustees, Non- resident Member.— Fines for Non-attendance.— Notice of Wife’s death, &c. Sec xiii p. xl. Executors— Arbitration of disputes. The Inde» Vhe Imieop containing the substance of the Deed, along with All the Rules of the Company— viz. : — 1— As to general management of Company's Affairs — p. 3 to 8 2 — As to Committee tind Officers — p» 8 and 9 3 — As to Admission of Members — p* 9 to p. 12 4 — Duties and Privileges of Members — p. 12 to 21 5^Widows of Members— 21 to 80 6 — Chidren of Members—^. 30 to 32 List of the Members — p. 33 to 36 List of Annuitants — p, 37 In«omeofthe Company — p, 38 Certificate of Admission of Member— p. 38 D E E D, ^C. OF CONCLUDED upon the 4th day of May, in the year of our Lord, 1786, between the several persons whose respective names are hereunto sub' scribed, for forming themselves into a society for raising a certain capital stock, and thereout pro- viding certain annuities for the respective widows, or widows and children fas the case may happen) of such respective under- writers as shall die Mem- bers of the said Company ; subject nevertheless, to the conditions herein after for that purpose, by common consent, agreed on and witnessed. Whereas, on or about the fourth day of May, 1780, several of the subscribers hereto, and otherst by a deed in writing and executed, formed them- selves into a company for raising a fund of money and thereout providing certain annuities for their respective widows and children ; And whereas it hath since appeared from experience, and the A VI. opinion of men of great learning and judgment, that the principles upon which said company had founded their plan were defective and inadequate ; Now it is agreed upon between all the subscribing parties hereto, that their company shall continue under the name of The Liberal Annuity Com- pany, and shall immediately alter the execution ol these presents, elect, by ballot, one of tneir own members as President ; as also, one of their ovrn members as Secretary to the said company, and thirteen other members, then residing in the city of Dublin, for a standing committee of the said company, seven of whom are always to make a quorum, for and until the 4th day of May, 1767, for the purposes herein after mentioned- Sec- II. It is agreed upon between all the said subscribing parties, that every new or future mem- ber shall pay to the Secretary, for the time being, the sum of £34 2s- 6d. towards the said capital stock of the said company, in mannei as herein after mentioned, or such further or other sum as shall be judged necessary by the majority of the said company, and that every present and future member, over and above the respective stock by him respectively paid to the Secretary as aforesaid, shall also pay to the Secretary, for the time being, the further sum of £5 13s. 9d. a year, by two equal half yearly payments, that is to say, on every 4th (lay of May, and every 5th day of November in VII. every year, as his respective annual subscription to the support and increase of the said capital stock ; the said annual sum to be respectively paid by every present or future member to the Secretary, for the time being, on or before every fourth day of May, and fifth day of November, in the year, during such member’s continuance in the said company ; and for the greater convenience of each and every subscriber, it is further agreed on by the under- writers hereto, that every present or future member shall be allowed the full space of three montlis from and after each of the said half- yearly days of payment herein before appointed, the better to enable him, to make good and pay his said half-yearly subscription ; such Member paying at the rate of three pence per diem for every day subsequent to said half-yearly day of pa^yment, during the said three months, should the same remain unpaid ; but if the said half- yearly subscription be not paid within the said three months, such present or future member ne glecting to pay or make good the same, shall for- feit and pay to the use of the saidcompany b pence for each and every day the same shall remain unpaid, after the expiration of the said three montlis ; and if the same shall remain unpaid for the space of six months over and beyond the said half-yearly day of payment, every such member so neglect- ing shall thereby be excluded from the said company, and his widow, or widow and child. Yin. or children, (as the case shall happen) be de- prived of every benefit which she or they should otherwise be entitled to ; six weeks previous no- tice immediately after the end of the said 6 months, being first given by the said Secretary to the wife of such Member’s neglect, within which term of six weeks, she shall have liberty to clear off her said husband’s arrears ; it being the intention of the parties hereto that such non- complying member shall forfeit to said company as well his said respec- tive stock as his said half-yearly subscription, by him already paid, all such forfeitures to enure to the increase of the said capital stock ; but if it shall happen that any member or under-writer of the said company having neglected to make good his said half-yearly subscription within the time herein before appointed, for payment thereof, shall die before the expiration of the said six ca- lender months and six weeks, then and in such case his widow, child, or children, upon payment of all such sum and forfeits, as shall be then in arrear by her deceased husband, shall and will be entitled to her and their annuity in the same man- ner as if the said half-yearly payment of the de ceased member had been duly made at the time of his decease, it being the true intent and meaning of the parties hereto^ that subject to the penalties and forfeits aforesaid, each and every member shall be allowed 6 months from the said days of payment to makegood his half-yearly subscription before he IX. shall be so utterly expelled or excluded the said company as aforesaid : and also that the widow^ or widow and child, or children only, of a person continuing to the the time of his death, a member of the said company, shall, under the limitations herein mentioned, be deemed to be entitled to any annuity, either wholly or distributively from the said company. Sec. III. It is agreed upon between all the said parties, that no person engaged in a military, or any kind of sea-service, be elected a member of said company, nor shall any present or future member enlist or engage himself in any military service at land or sea, or in any kind of sea-service, or undertake a voyage to the East or West- Indies, Asia, Africa, or America, or to any foreign part or parts whatsoever, or to any part of Europe, (Great Britain and France only excepted) without first having insured his life for £200, in the name of the Secretary of said company, by such insurers as shall be appointed by the committee ; such insurance to be made for the benefit of said com- pany. And in case any present or future member, who shall engage in the land or sea-service, or undertake a voyage to any foreign part or parts, except as aforesaid, without such assurance as aforesaid, then and from the time of such his enlist- ing or engagement in either service, or undertaking such voyage, and proof thereof being made satis- X, factory to the company, or the majority thereof, such member shall be considered as really to have withdrawn himself from being a member of said company, and shall forfeit his share and interest in the said company ; provided always, that serving or being arrayed in the militia, or incorporating in any of the volunteer corps, now or hereafter subsisting in this kingdom ; and provided also, that gentlemen on half-pay, while they continue so, or accept of full pay, for the purpose of selling out only, shall not be deemed as enlisting, or be engaged in a military service, w'ithin the meaning of these presents. And it is further agreed between all the subscribers hereto, that every member who shall go and reside out of Ireland shall correspond half-yearlywith the Secretary, or some other of the members of this company, and inform him or them of such his family circumstances as concern the com- pany, and shall within the space of six months af- ter his quitting said kingdom, acquaint tne Secie- tary, or some other member of this company, of the place of his residence ; and in case the wife of such absent member shall happen to die, he shall within six months after her decease give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary of the company ; and if any such absent member shall neglect or refuse to give such notice within the time aforesaid, such absent member shall forfeit and pay to the said company, the sum of £20 sterling, to be paid or remitted by him to the Secretary of the said XI. company, for and towards their capital stock, within six months after such absent member shall be proved guilty of such neglect : and any mem- ber who shall receive such notice from such absent member, shall, within the space of fourteen days after the receipt thereof, deliver the same to the Secretary of the said company for the time being, or shall acquaint the company therewith on the first general meeting which shall be held after the receipt of such notice, or otherwise shall forfeit and pay to the Secretary of the said company for their use and towards their capital stock, the sum of £20 sterling, within fourteen days after such member shall be proved guilty of such ne- glect; and every member residing out of Ireland, who shall neglect to correspond with the Secre- tary for the time being, or some other person of the said company, for the space of one year, such non-complying member shall forfeit to the said company all his said stock and subscription by him then paid, and shall from thenceforth, be utterly expelled, and shall cease to be a member of the said company. Sec IV, It is agreed upon between all the said parties, that in case any present or future member of the said company, shall at any time be desirous of selling out, then and in such case, such subscri- ber shall give notice thereof, in writing, to the said company at some one of their half-yearly days XU. of meeting, and at the same time inform the com- pany of the person to whom, with the consent of the company he has agreed to sell his share of the capital stock, and for what sum; and if married shall also give a certificate of his wife’s consent to such sale, signed by her, of which certificates the following are precedents. Wife’s consent to the Sale. “ A. B. otherwise C. do hereby certify that it "‘ is with my free will and consent that my husband, “ B. B. should dispose of his interest, share, or pro- “ portion in the capital stock of the Liberal Annuity “ Company. Given under my hand this > day of “ Present u)hen Mrs. A. B. did sign this certificate, and declared that she signed voluntarily, her husband being absent.” Certificate to whom he intends to sell. “ I, A. B., do hereby certify and attest that I have agreed to sell my proportion of the capital stock of the Liberal Annuity Company, to C. of (married or unmarried) aged about years, for the sum of Irish money. Given under day of my hand, this Xlll. Then the said Company may accept of such re- signation ; and the person proposed shall be bal- lotted for ; and if admitted by three-fourths of the members present, shall immediately enjoy all the advantages (rank excepted) of the person so selling out his said interest ; and the member so selling shall give a proper release from all future demands, either by himself or by his widow, or widow and child, or children, (if he shall have any issue) in consequence of his first other subscrip- tions to this company, in the following form ; — Whereas the members of the Liberal Annuity Company, at my request, and pursuant to rule, have accepted my resignation, and have elected C' D., of married, (or unmarried) aged about years, in my room, who has this day paid me £ Irish money, being the sum ordered to be paid me by said company, for my share of their capital stock. Now 1 do hereby for ever release and dis- charge the said company from all future claims which I, my wife, or wife and child, or children, (as the case shall be) or any of us might, or could have, for, or on account of my having been a subscribing member of said company. Witness my hdnd and seal this day of 18 Sealed and delivered inf the presence of us, ^ B X1V« And the said company and their capital stock shall be for ever exempted from any charges or annuities, in consequence of his first or other sub- scription, except such as shall accrue to the mem- ber chosen in his room, the widow or widow and child, or children of such elected member to be entitled to the same annuity on the same footing and subject to the same provisoes, limitations and restrictions with the widow, or widow and child, or children, of every other member of the said company, according to his rank and the ensu- ing table. Sec. V. It is agreed upon between all the said subscribing parties, that upon the death of any under- writer, or party continuing a member of the said company to the time of his death, pro- vided such person shall have been a member at least two years, the widow of such deceased mem- ber shall be entitled to receive from the said company, subject to the provisoes herein after- mentioned, during her natural life, and to be paid by the said Secretary for the time being, who is hereby appointed a trustee for the payment of such annuitant a yearly sum or annuity, in manner, and on the terms and conditions following, that is to say, £ * JI3 ^ 2 3 years 1 5 ty ■ 4 A on S s • g OJ ^ s ^ QA iJ fi 0 1 J3 CS 7 40 H«ity hath been giyen for the use of his child or children, or any deed appear to be produced, whereby he shall given the same, or that such member shall appear to have died in’- testate, the widow of such deceased member shall make and produce an affidavit in writuag to the said Secretary for the time being that she does not know or believe that her late husband made any deed or will, whereby he appointed any part of the said annuitv for the use of his child or children, which affidavit is to be made aod verifyed in man- ner afforesaid ; but in case any member should happen to die in a foreign country, or in any other place or country, save in Ireland, then such affi- davit shall be made by the widow of the deceased, before the chief magistrate of the place of such member’s decease, who is to attest the same, pro- vided such widow shall foe at that time in such fo^- reign country, or distant residence aforesaid, and on producing the aforesaid affidavit, such widow shall be entitled to receive her whole annuity for her own use, and the same shall be from time to time paid to her on her proper receipt, and no XVlll. other, in case such widow shall then be in Dublin, or within 10 miles thereof ^ and in case such widow shall not be in Dublin or within 10 miles of the same, the said annuity, or such part thereof as shall be then due shall be paid to her lawful attorney, such attorney producing a certificate, signed by the minister and church-wardens of the parish where such widow shall then reside, attest- ing such widow to be alive,' and the said attorney shall produce a receipt signed by herself, and at- tested by the said minister and church-wardens, acknowledging to have received such gale or pay- ment of her annuity, due and payable to her during her life, and as long as she shall reside in Great Britain or Ireland, in which receipt shall be ex- pressed the time such gale became payable, which receipt or receipts shall from time to time be entered by the said Secretary, and by her, or her attorney, to be signed in a book, to be provided for that purpose The said annuity to be paid by the said Secretary, to such widow, or her lawful attornej, as aforesaid, half yearly, by even and equal propor- tions, the first half-yearly payment thereof after the death of her said husband ( happen when it may, provided it shall not happen within the first two years) to begin and be made either on the fourth day of May, or fifth day of November, next ensu- ing the death of her said husband, which ever shall first happen, and so to continue half-yearly during her life’; the forms of which several affidavits, cer- tificates and letters of attorney to be as follow : XIX. Widow’s Affidavit of her Husband’s Death. County of To Wit. A- B otherwise A. C., Widow, "maketh oath, that her late Hus- ► band, C. B., of Z)., died on the day of last ; that deponent does not know of, or believe that any deed was executed by her late Husband, whereby any disposition is made of the Annuity arising to his Widow from the Liberal Annuity Company, nor does she know of any will made by him, but verily believes he died intestate. Sworn before me this day of Widotv's Letter of Attorney. Know all men, that I, A. B., Widow of C. B., late of D., bo hereby empower C. D., of E., to demand and receive from the Secretary of the Liberal Annuity Company, for the time being, the sum of being the Annuity to which I am eniitled as a Widow of the said C. B., and for me, and in my name to sign and give all necessary receipts and discharges for the same, hereby ratifying and confirming whatever my said attor- ney shall do by virtue hereof. Witness my hand and seal, this day of Sealed and delivered in the presence of Mayor, (.Sovereign or Bailiff) of in the County of XX. Widow’s Receipt for the Annuity. Received from the Secretary of the Liberal Annuity Company, the sum of pounds, bsifiy half a year’s annuity due to me by the said company, tMs day of as widow of Me cf deceased. Present Minister and Church Wardens’ Certificate oj Widows being Alive. This is to certify that A. B., widow of C. B., late of D., deceased, is now present, and hath sub- scribed this certificate, being well known to us. Given under our hands the day of \ Rector of the Parish of Church-W ar dens of the Parish of And in case any member of the said company, after bis having been such for 10 years at least, but not otherwise, shall happen to die without leaving any such widow, but shall happen to have at the time of his death, one or more child or children, lawfully begotten, then twid in that case, such eJhild or children shall receive from th® Secretary of the said company, for the time being, out 0 n.^ . -. ' ‘ ;,' > • ■ : ■ ’ ■■''■ ■ ;• ' ■ 4maketh Oath, that she is the widow to wit. i J of C. B., of D., who died on the day of last ; that deponent does not know of, or believe that any deed or writing was executed by her said late husband whereby any disposition is made of the Annuity arising to his widow from the Liberal Annuity Company, or of any part thereof^ nor does she know of any will or testamentary disposition made by him, hut verily believes he died intestate. Sworn before me this day of Wldow^s Letter of Attorney. Know all men, that I, A. B., widow of C. B., of D., do hereby empower C. D., of E., to demand and receive from the secretary of the Liberal Annuity Company, for the time being, the sum of being the annuity to which I am entitled as a widow of the said C. B., and for me, and in my name to sign and give all necessary receipts and discharges for the same, hereby ratifying and confirming whatever my said attorney shall do by virtue hereof. Witness my hand and seal, this day of Sealed and delivered in the presence of 25 vr. If such Widow’s husband shall have died — s»m*. any where out of Ireland^ the above Affidavits shall be made by her before the Chief Ma- gistrate of the place of the Member’s decease, who shall attest the same provided she shall be there at that time. VII. The above preliminaries having been once Subsequent do« ^ *11 cuments. complied with, the Widow becomes entitled to receive the Annuity for her own use, to be paid to her on her own receipt, and no other. If she resides more than ten miles from Dublin, the receipt must, besides, he attested hy the Minister and Chureh-Wardens of the Parish she resides in, and she must procure from them also, a Certificate of her being alive. Her receipt, where she resides so far from Dublin, must be produced along with the last-mentioned Certificate, by her Attor- ney lawfully authorized^ and such receipts shall be entered in a book by the Secretary* and from time to time be there signed by her or her Attorney.— Siec. v. 26 Annuity payable. Widow’s Receipt for the Annuity: Received from the Secretary of the Liberal Annuity Company, the sum of pounds, being half a year’s annuity due to me by the said company, this day of as widow of late of deceased. Present ( name of Witness ) Minister and Church'-Warden^s Certificate of Widow's being alive. This is to certify that A. B., widow of C. B,, late of D., deceased, is now present, and hath sub- scribed this certificate, being well known to us, i A. B., Rector of the V Parish of Given under our hands f jG. D., 8(c. Church-War- f dens of the Parish of VIII. The Annuity is to be paid by the Secretary half-yearly, by equal portions ; the first half- yearly payment to a widow on such half-yearly day of meeting as may next ensue after her Husband’s death, happen when it may .—Sec. v 27 IX. Every Widow remaining unmarried, shall make an Affidavit thereof before a Magistrate, and shall produce same with her receipt to the Secretary every half year — vi. Affidavit of being unmarried* County of i Ji, B,y otherwise O., maheth Oath to wit. ) and saithy that she is the widow of C, D.y who died in the year cin^d that she hath not since intermarriedy hut hath from thence hitherto and still iSy sole and unmarried. Signed A, B. Sworn before €, D.y ^c,y this day of Note— Where it happened that a Widow was incapable of taking any Affidavit, the Affidavit of other persons were received, the Secretary having first waited upon the Widow to satisfy himself of her then state, &c.— See Minutes, 5th Nov. 1809. X. Any Widow marrying again forfeits twororfei^o^w years of her annuity towards the increase of the Capital Stock, and if she be only entitled to a portion, she forfeits such portion for two years ; and in such case, should the child to whom a portion is appointed, die in the Wi- dow’s lifetime, the Widow shall forfeit her additional share thus accruing, for two years from the time such additional share or shares shall respectively fall in — Sec. vi. •28 The second Marriage of the Widow shall not in any wise affect the shares of the child* -rSec- vi. XL Notice of second Marrying again, the Widow shall, morriage. within 3 Hionths after, givc Notice thereof in writing to the Secretary, under penalty of losing all benefit arising from the Company.— vi. NOTICE. Take Notice, 1, A. B., (present name) otherwise C*, (former name) otherwise D., (maiden name) late widow of C. C., of D., was married to E. B., of on the day of Given under my hand, this day of To the Secretary of the Liberal Annuity Company. XII. Third, &c. mar- The above Rules as to a second Marriage, riagg, apply to every subsequent Marriage of a Member’s Widow —iSec* vi. XIII. Her own receipt and no other, to be deemed Wldow’i own /V. . 1 1 . , meipt. suifacient by the Secretary, notwithstanding such subsequent marriage,— /Sfec. vi. 29 XIV. Any Widow desirous of residing in place out of Ireland or Great Britain, must obtain a License to that effect in writing, from the President, Secretary, and Com- mittee, who may upon reasonable cause grant the same, under penalty if she shall for one continued year and a day absent herself without such License, of forfeiting her growing Annuity during her absence ; her forfeiture not to affect any share to which any child may be entitled. — Sec. x. XiICfEjNSES, Sco. Whereas Mrs, A. B, widow of late of hath applied to us for liberty to reside for some time in her health (^or business) requiring. Now, we the President, Seeretary, and Committee of The Liberal An- nuity Company, by virtue of the power to us granted in the Charter of the said Company, do hereby grant our leave and licence to the said 4» B. to go and reside in for the space of Given under our hands this day of 30 XV. donitipgent re. duction of Annu. Ities. Whenever the amount of the annual expen- ces and annuities paid by the Company shall exceed the amount of the Company’s annual subscriptions and interest on the Capital Stock, the Widows of Members are to be ap- prized thereof, and shall be offered a choice of selling their annuities to the Company at a fair valuation, or otherwise to be subject to a rateable reduction ; so that the amount of the Company’s annual expenditure shall never, hereafter, exceed the annual amount of Sub- scriptions, with the said interest — Bye- Law, November 1799* Note—For instance of purchase of a W idow’s Annuity, see Minutes. 4th May, 1789. IMEEIKEBEB.S’ CHIUltEM'. ^^hildres. ^ Appointment to A Member may, by Deed or Will duly ex- ecuted, appropriate a portion not exceeding one-half' of the annuity by the Company, towards the support of his lawful child or children, during the life of his Widow, and no longer ; or he may, by such Will or Deed, 31 appropriate a like share of the annuity during his Widow’s life, or for a shorter time, towards education, maintenance, and support of such child or children, in such proportions, and payable at such times, as he shall have by such Deed or Will appointed to the Executors, Trustee, or Trustees, named in such Will or Deed, or their lawful Attorney to be duly attested, and the receipts of such Executors or Trustees to be sufficient for the Secretary ; the Secretary shall also enter said receipt in the books, and in like manner, as is provided for the receipts of the Widows* — See Sec. v., II. Such child of such deceased Member so ChlW of default- entitled, has the same right of preventing a forfeiture by paying up arrears, &c., as Member’s Widow. III. A Member of 10 years standing, dying and leaving -fuoWidow, may in like manner ap- point £60 in such shares as he may direct, amongst his children ; and if he shall not so appoint, the said sum shall be paid by the Se- cretary amongst such children equally. Sec. v 32 IV. Child not affec. The rights of Children not to be affected tea by] Widow’s default; |,y Marriage^ &c,i of Widow-— “See* vi. V. Child of marri- ChM, of any Marriage taking place after a Meniber’s reaching 60 years of age, is entitled to any share of annuity, unless such Member survived his Marriage two years, — Skc> xi. Note— For a case where payment made to Children, &c., see 4th May, 1808, Mintite Book. I M EMBSB.S OF THE LIBERAL COMPANY. frames. 1 George Waller, 2 William Little, 3 Mathew Maguire, 4 Henry White, 5 William Humphreys, 6 William C. Hogan, 7 Peter R, Courtney, 8 John Hughes, 9 John Morgan, 10 Mark Monserratt, 11 John Taylor, 12 Rev. Thomas Willis, 13 Francis Wemyss, 14 Rev. Theophilus Blakel 15 George Whitaker, Jun. 16 Simon Briglel', 17 James Moore, 18 Robert Smyth, 19 John Bennett, 20 Christmas B. Peter, 21 Thomas H. Orpen, 22 Abraham Palmer, 23 William Stewart, 24 William Allman, 25 Surgeon James Willett, 26 William Conolly, 27 Nicholas D. Kelly, 28 Dean Wilson, 29 John Chambers, 30 James A. Heyland, 31 Folliot T, Mostyn, 32 Bernard Murphy, 33 John Edwards, 34 George Studdart, 35 Thomas Talbot, 36 Richard Freeman, 37 George Farrell, Age. state when Present Date of Admission. Adm. State. 29 4th May, 1782 b m 30 5th Nov. 1782 m m 20 5th Nov. 1783 m w 25 2d. Jan. 1784 m m 29 5th Nov. 1784 m m 22 5th May, 1788 b m 31 4th May, 1791 m w 22 4th May, 1797 b m 27 5th May, 1800 b m 36 4th May, 1804 m m 31 4th May, 1807 m m 23 do. 1808 b m 30 do. m m y 38 do. m m 5th Nov. 1808 b b 38 do. 1812 m m 23 4th May, 1814 m m 30 do. m m 39 5th Nov. 1814 m m 38 do. m m 39 4th May, 1815 m m 33 do. m m 22 do. b m 39 5th Nov. 1815 b w 25 do. 1816 b b 24 do. b w 23 do. b m 32 do. m m 28 do. m w 33 5th May, 1817 b w 32 do. b m 25 do. b m 39 do. m m 35 5th Nov. 1817 m w 34 do- b m 29 do* b m 29 1 ^ 1 t m MEMBER^S NAME^I, S4 No. Names. Age. Date of Admission. State when Adm. Present State 38 William Farrell, 39 Thomas Stuart, 40 Andrew McCormick, 41 Willoughby Perry, 42 Barry Collins, 43 James A. Mayne, 44 Benjamin Waller, 45 Sir N. W. Brady, 46 John W Stubbs, 47 John Kelly, 48 George Gillington, 49 Robert S, Bradshaw, 50 Anthony Ashley, 51 George Symes, 52 William J. Ward, 53 George Hoyte, 54 John J, Rigby, 55 Rev. George Blacker, 56 Caleb Palmer, 57 Robert Mosley, 58 George B. Grant, 59 William Rigby, 60 St. George Gregg, 61 R. W. Osborne, 62 Rev. Edward Mayne, 63 Henry J, De Veaux, 64 John T. Boileau, 65 Thomas Hill, 66 Benjamin Poyntz, 67 Thomas Fallon, 68 Joseph Elliott, 69 John Goldsmith, 70 Joseph J. Jeifries, 71 George Browne, 72 Geo. W. Boileau, 73 Jonathan Hill, 74 Thomas Walker, 75 Edward Loughlin, 76 Richard Mollan, 77 John Chadwick, 78 Henry Smyth, 79 Richard Turner, 32 5th Nov. I8l7 m m 35 do. m m 33 do. m m 34 5th Nov. 1818 m m 32 do. b m 34 do. m m 35 4th May, 1819 b m 29 do. m m 21 5th Nov. 1819 b m 31 4th May, 1820 b m 34 do. m m 26 5th Nov. 1820 m m 30 4th May, 1821 b m 23 do. b m 29 do. b m 28 5th Nov. 1821 m m 25 4th May, 1822 b m 31 5th Nov. 1822 b b 28 do. b b 26 do. m m 26 4th May, 1823 b m 38 do. b m 28 do. b m 31 do. m m 33 5th Nov. 1823 b m 34 do. b m 30 4th May, 1824 m m 38 do. m m 37 do. m m 31 5th Nov. 1824 b m 21 do. b m 26 do. b m 29 do. m m 39 do. m m 31 do’ m m 37 4th May, 1825 m m 36 5th Nor 1825 : m m 39 4th May, 1826 m m 24 do. b b 28 5th Nov. 1826 m m 31 do. b b 29 do. b m MEMBERS’ NAMES. 35 jSTo. Names. 80 Richard M. Powell, 81 Hamilton Rankin, 82 Joseph Goldsmith, 83 Saunderson Spear,, 84 Abraham Palmer, Jiin. 85 Ret. Arthur S. Adamson; 86 George Connor, Jun. 87 John Smith, 88 George Mullen^ 89 John T. Le Bel, 90 Richard Mosley , 91 Thomas C. Butler, 92 Charles Benson, 93 W. R. Croker, 94 James West, 95 Edward Walker, 96 Courtney K Clarke , 97 Robert Symes, 98 Henry W. Goodwin, 99 Thomas Abbott, 100 Robert Gregg, 101 W* Hamilton Cuthhert 102 Drury Jones Dickinson' 103 Richard Johnston, 104 Robert Godbev, 105 William Taylor, 106 Christopher Campion, 107 William x\hhott 108 Richard B. Dowse, 109 Charles Humphreys, 110 James J. Bromlow. 111 George Robinson, 112 Edward L. Alma, 113 William Mollan, 114 William Batt, 115 John Kidd* 116 John Colhoun, 117 A. Parker, 118 Edward Murphy, 119 John Drew, 120 W. P. Fletcher, Age. Date of Admission. State waen Adm. Present State. 37 5th Nov. 1826. 36 4th May, 1827 28 do- 25 do. 30 5th Nov. 1827 33 do. 34 do. 39 do. 31 4th May, 1828 28 do. 26 do. 23 5th Nov. 1828 34 do. 38 4th May, 1829 24 5th Nov. 1829 33 do. 34 24 34 31 27 34 27 35 28 30 30 35 36 34 27 24 29 27 32 34 37 33 30 25 35 1830 1831 do. do. do. do. 4th May, 1830 do. do. do. do. 5th Nov. do. do. 4th May, 1831 do. do. 5th Nov. do- do, do. do. 4th May, 1832 do. 5th Nov. do. do. 1832 m m b m h m m m m m b b m m m m b b b b m b b b m b b m m b m m m b m b m m m b m m m m m b ra m ni m m b m w m m m m b b b m m b b m m m m w b m m m b m b m m m b MEMBERS^ NAMES. Agei Date of Admission^ State when Adm> Pressent state- Namesi i }>.' ^ iV. 'X.;i«' ' ;en -•• . - .> " ■ ;ikv -’■- • • • ' . t- ^'- :«?■ -••• . . ;■ >,{ ■ s ... , ,: :'.v^-'-' > - ■• , ■ ' :■• ■..' ^ 1." ■■'.».■..■•'■ • ■ .. Yf ■ ■- ■' ' ' . !'' ■ i ■ ’ '■ ' ■ ■ ’ Kllf. 37 iinniiitaiit^ on the Company*, mm Late Present 1 Eliza Hughes, .... 2 Eliza Campbell, .... 3 Grace Collins, .... 4 Sidney M. Armstrong, 5 Eliza Clare Baron, . . . 6 Jane Adams, . . . . 7 Margaret Crofton . . . . 8 Margaret Keene, .... 9 Lucy Boileau, .... 10 Anna M. Courtney, . . 11 Frances Stewart, ... . 12 Esther Courtney, . . . . 13 Jane Edmonson, . . . . 14 Jane Dickinson, . . . . 15 Ellen Smyth, 16 Elizabeth Kennedy, 17 Isabella Wallice, .... 18 Jane Boileau, . . . . 19 Ethelinda R. Warren, 20 Maria Seymour, 21 Jane Evatt, .... 22 Elizabeth Keightley, 23 Agnes Foxall, 24 Tilly Magrath, .... 25 Madeline Tunbridge, 26 Jane Higginbotham, 27 Marianne Annesley, 28 Mrs. Gudgeon, .... 29 Mrs. Little, . . . . Currency. Currency, £ £ s. d ... 60 — 55 7 8 60 — 55 7 8 60 — 55 7 9 25 — 23 1 7 60 - 55 7 8 60 — 55 4 8 60 — 55 7 8 60 — 55 7 9 60 — 55 7 8 60 — 55 7 8 40 — 36 18 6 60 — 55 7 8 60 ^ — 55 7 9 60 — 55 7 8 60 — 55 7 8 60 - 55 7 8 45 — 41 10 10 60 — 55 7 8 60 — 55 7 8 60 ~ 55 7 8 60 — 55 7 9 60 ~ 55 7 8 60 — 65 7 8 60 — 55 7 9 60 — 55 7 8 60 — 55 7 8 60 - 55 7 9 60 — 55 7 8 40 — 36 18 5 £1620—1523 1 6 38 Income ot tl\e Compsny . 5th. Nov., 1882. i£’l 0,176 17 1 Bank Stock, at 9 per Cent, £915 18 2 5900, .... 3 per Cent. Consols, •• 117 0 0 i08 Members’ Subscriptions, at 5 Guinea^s^^ ^ ^ 09.cll •••• •••• •* 9 Ditto, as Country Members, at 6 Guineas each, • • • • £1656 12 2 Annuites paid to 29 Widows, £1523 1 6 Annual expcnces of manage- | 32 2 q— 3 6 ment, exclusive of Printing &c. ) Surplus to be added to theCapital Stock £100 8 8 -- — -mm Certificate of Admission of a Member. Iiiberal Annuity Company of Dublin. This acknowledgelh that was on the duly admitted a Member of this Company ; and the Widow of said Member shall be entitled according to the foregoing Deed. Signed by the President, Secretary, and present Committee of said Company, this . Prm*^' . ;< f / / ^ ■ '/T . .- /j U-lAl^-^-' ^{a- /1^’:¥A-'> / 6 ‘ ■= f ''' . /3>t n-v; i -^ -■■ ■ ' /. / /