OF THE U N I VERS ITY or ILLINOIS" 977.1 H83h 1907 v.l iv:.. -^.-u':-^^'',-:.;;.-^,. !.„ . re- spons'iWrfor‘itrmu?n?'®fJ"1-r'®* '® which it was withdrawn latest Dote staged bdow" MAY 2 6 W JUN 1 6 Im JUL t 5 198f Mug. \ 2 SEP. 1 0 1986 2 9^5111 FEB 2 1 Ir. i-hf' '^^■■■■"■'•■■' ' ■■ •■' f'l -■■■•. L161— 0-1096 I » *■ 'Ui' f- LlbRAKY UNiVtRSIIY Of ILUMOiS URBANA / / . / « ■> HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS ...OF... OHIO IN TWO VOLUMES. ' AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE STATE : HISTORY BOTH GENERAL AND LOCAL, GEOGRAPHY WITH DESCRIPTIONS OP ITS COUNTIES, CITIES AND VILLAGES, ITS AGRICULTURAL, MANUFACTURING, MINING AND BUSINESS DEVELOP- MENT, SKETCHES OF EMINENT AND INTEREST- ING CHARACTERS, ETC., WITH NOTES OF A TOUR OVER IT IN 1886. ILLUSTRATED BY ABOUT TOO ENGRAVINGS. Contrasting the Ohio of 1846 with 1886-90. ' E^om Drawings by the Author in 1846 and Photographs Taken Solely for it in 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, and 1890, of Cities and Chief Towns, Public Buildings, Historic Localities, Monuments, Curiosities, Antiquities, Portraits, Maps, ETC. THE OHIO CENTENNIfIL EDITION. By henry , WE, LL. D. AUTHOR “HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS CP VIRGINIA’’ AND OTHER WORKS Volume I. . PUBLISHED BY THE STATE OP OHIO. C. J. KREHB[EL & CO., PRINTERS AND BINDERS. Cincinnati, Ohio. COPYRIGHT 1888 BY HENRY HOWE. 1907 Digitized by the Internet Archive^^^^l in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/historicalcollec01howe_1 PREFACE. '/•/ [This is the Preface to the first edition issued in 1847, and printed from the old plates.] 4 Introductory to this work, we state some facts of private history. In the year 1831, Mr. John W. Barber, of Nev/ Haven, Ct., pre- pared a work upon that our native city, which combined history, biog- raphy and description, and was illustrated by engravings connected with its rise, progress and present condition. Its success suggested to him the preparation of one, on a similar plan, relative to 'the State. For this object he travelled through it, from town to town, collecting the materials and taking sketches. After two years of industrious application in this, and in writing the volume, the Historical Col- lections of Connecticut was issued, a work which, like its successors, was derived from a thousand different sources, oral and published. As in the ordinary mode, the circulation of books through ^‘the trade,’^ is so slow in progress and limited in sale, that no merely local work, however meritorious, involving such an unusually heavy outlay of time and expense as that, will pay even the mechanical labor, it, as well as its successors, was circulated by travelling agents solely, who thoroughly canvassed the state, until it found its way into thousands of families in all ranks and conditions, — in the retired farm-house equally Avith the more accessible city mansions. That book, so novel in Its character, was received with great favor, and highly commended by the public press and the leading minds of the state. It is true, it did not aspire to high literary merit: — the dignified style, — the generalization of facts, — the philosophical deduc- tions of regular history were not there. On the contrary, not the least of its merits was its simplicity of style, its fullnes of detail, in- troducing minor, but interesting incidents, the other, in ‘fits stately march,” could not step aside to notice, and in avoiding that philosophy which only the scholastic can comprehend. It seemed, in its variety, to have something adapted to all ages, classes and tastes, and the un- learned reader, if he did not stop to peruse the volume, at least, in many instances could derive gratification from the pictorial represen- tation of his native village, — of perhaps the very dwelling in which he first drew breath, and around which entwined early and cherished associations. The book, therefore, reached more minds, and has been more extensively read, than any regular state history ever issued ; thus adding another to the many examples often seen, of the productions of industry and tact, proving of a more extended utility than those emanating from profound scholastic acquirements. This publication became the pioneer of others r a complete list of all, with the dates of their issue, follows: 1839. (( “ Massachusetts John W. Barher. 1841. (( “ New York; cc J.W.Barher and JI.Howa 1843. a “ Pennsylvania : (( Sherman Bay. 1844. « “ New Jersey; (i J .W .Barher and H.Howe r‘ 1845. a “ Virginia; C( Henry Howe. 1847. a ‘‘ Ohio : (( Henry Howe. 1 1 62406 PRBPAOfc. ( VIIHfVII'.l' / ( t I ^roiB this list it will be perceived that OHIO makes the seventh stais tvork published on the original plan of Mr. Barber, all of which thus fai circulated, were alike iavorably received in the states to which each respect- ively related. Early in January, 1846, we, with some previous time spent in preparation, commenced our tour over Ohio, being the fourth state through which we have travelled for such an object. We thus passed more than a year, in the course of which we were in seventy-nine of its eighty-three counties, took sketches of objects of interest, and every where obtained information by con- versation with early settlers and men of intelligence. Beside this, we have availed ourselves of all published sources of information, and have received about four hundred manuscript pages in communications from gentlemen in all parts of the state. In this way, we are enabled to present a larger and more varied amount of materials respecting Ohio, than was ever before embodied ; the whole giving a view of its present condition and prospects, with a history of its settlement, and incidents illustrating the customs, the fortitude, the bravery, and the privations of its early settlers. That such a work, depicting the rise and unexampled progress of a powerful state, destined to a controlling ini^uence over the well-being of the whole nation, will be looked upon with interest, we believe ; and furthermore expect, that it will be received in the generous spirit which is gratified with honest endeavors to please, rathei &an in the captious one, that is dissatisfied short of an unattainable perfection. Whoever expects to find the volume entirely free from defects, hts but little acquaintance with the difficulties ever attendant upon procuring such m& terials. In all of the many historical and descriptive works whose fidelity wc have had occasion to test, some misstatements were found. Although we have taken the best available means to insure accuracy, yet from a variety of causes unnecessary here to specify, some errors may have occurred. If any thing materially wrong is discovered, any one will confer a favor by ad- dressing a letter to the publishers, and it shall be corrected Our task has been a pleasant one. As we successively tsntered the va- rious counties, we were greeted with the frank welcome, characteristic of the west. And an evidence of interest in the enterprize has been variously shown, not the least of which, has been by the reception of a mass of valua- ble communications, unprecedented by us in the course of the seven years we have been engaged in these pursuits. To all who have aided us, — to (uur correspondents especially, some of whom have spent much time and re- search, we feel under lasting obligations, and are enaoled by their assistance to present to the public a far better work, than could otherwise have heei* produced. H. H. INTRODUCTION TO THE CENTENNIAL EDITION. A ONCE aged friend of mine, now no longer aged, was wont to refine a very beautiful life with golden scraps of philosophy that seemed to fit in with the varying incidents of seeming good or ill that he or his friends met on their path- way. One of his expressions was : “ We don’t know what is before us.” When, in 1847, 1 had written the preface on the preceding pages I could little imagine that forty years later I should make a second tour over Ohio and put forth a second edition Not a human being in any land that I know of has done a like thing. It is in view of what I have been enabled to do for a great people I regard myself as having been one of the most fortunate of men. A spot is now reached which even in my dreams could not have been visioned, and I here rejoice that in the year 1839, now just half a century, I turned my back on Wall Street, with its golden allurements, where I had passed more than a year, to follow an occupation that was congenial with my loves and would widely benefit my fellow-men. “ He that hasteth to be rich shall not be innocent,” but he that labors to spread knowledge in the form of good books that will reach the humblest cabin in the wilderness will feed his own soul, and earth and sky be a delight in his eyes all his days through. When, in 1846, my snow-white companion. Old Pomp, carried me his willing burden on his back entirely over Ohio it was a new land opening to the sun. Its habitations were largely of logs, many of them standing in the margins of deep forests, amid the girdled monsters that reared their sombre skeleton forms over a soil for the first time brought under the benign influence of human culti- vation. So young was the land that in that year the very lawmakers, 84 out of 107, were born strangers. The list of the nativities of the members of the legisla- ture, which I have saved from that day, is as follows : Pennsylvania, 24 ; Ohio, 23; Virginia, 18; New York, 10; all the New England States, 18, of whom 6 were from Connecticut ; Maryland, 7 ; Europe, 6 ; Kentucky 1, and North Caro- lina, 1. Only four years before had the State grown its first governor in the per- son of Wilson Shannon, born in a log-cabin, down in Belmont county, in 1802, and to be soon thereafter a fatherless infant, for George Shannon, whose son he was, in the following winter, while out hunting, got lost in the woods in a snow- storm, and, going around in a circle, at last grew sleepy, fell and froze to death. The present governor, J. B. Foraker, that very year of my tour, was born in a cabin in Highland county, July 5th, the day after the American flag had been thrown out joyously to the breeze while booming cannon announced the seven- tieth anniversary of that great day when the old bell proclaimed liberty and independence throughout the land. The very State Capitol, as is shown on these pages, in which the legislature assembled, was a crude structure that scarce any Ohio village of this day would rear for a school-house. But the legislators made wise laws, and on the night of INTRODUCTION TO THE CENTENNIAL EDITION. their adjournment in that year, after having been absent from their families for months, were hilarious as so many school-boys, and to my astonished eyes from their seats some of the more frolicsome were pelting each other with paper wads. In September, 1847, I published my book in Cincinnati with 177 engravings, mainly from my drawings. Seven years of my young life had been given to the travel — very much of it pedestrian — over four States of the Union, and making books upon them — New York and New Jersey in connection with Mr. J. W. Bar- ber, and Virginia and Ohio alone. For thirty years Cincinnati was my home. There my children were born and there I devoted myself to the writing and 'publishing of books, a very secluded citizen, mingling not in affairs of church nor State, still paying my pew-rent and always voting on election days a clean ticket. In my life a third of a million of my books have gone out among the people and done good — gone out exclusively in the hands of canvassers number- ing in the aggregate thousands and penetrating every State in the Union. In 1878 I returned to my native city. New Haven, and the proud, stately elms appeared to welcome me, there in that charming spot where even the very bricks of old Yale seem to ooze knowledge. In September, 1885, I resolved to again make the tour of Ohio for a new edition. The romance of the project and its difficulties were as inspirations. Since 1846 Ohio had more than doubled in population, while its advance in intelligence and resources no arithmetic could measure. No publisher or capitalist, even if I had desired, which I did not, had the courage to unite with me — the enterprise was too risky, involving years of time and many thousands of expense, its success depending upon the uncertain tenure of the life of a man entering his seventieth year. Furthermore, any publisher would have looked upon my enterprise simply from the money-making point of view. I should have been hampered for the means to make the work every way worthy. I could brook no restrictions and would not give the people of this great State any other than the best and most complete results of my efforts. The book must be brought down to the wonderfully advanced point of the Ohio of to-day. I could not in the years of labor required supply the capital to do this, but my health was and is perfect, and I have a light body to move. I formed my plan. First I went among my fellow-townsmen of means for a sub- scription loan to fairly launch me upon the soil. They responded nobly, more than glad to aid me, looking upon me as the instrument for a public good. Some of them had been school-boys with me. Together we had conjugated in the old Hopkins Grammar School : ‘‘Amo, amas, amat,” “ I love, thou lovest, he loves,” and this was a second conjugation. In the meantime Judge Taft, Gov. Hoadley and ex-President Hayes had written me encouraging words. I had known the three from their early lives. The latter invited me to his home and was my first subscriber in the State. My plan for getting over Ohio was by obtaining advance-paying subscribers. And so good was the memory of the old book and so strong the love of the State with its leading men upon whom I called that it worked to a charm. My tour had something of the character of an ovation. I was continually greeted with ex- pressions of gratitude from men of mark for the good my book had done them in their young lives in feeding the fires of patriotism and in giving them an accurate knowledge of their noble State. It had been the greatest factor extant to that end, and, as Mr. R. B. Hayes, who has had no less than ten copies in the course of his life, once wrote, has been of an inestimable benefit to the people. INTRODUCTION TO THE CENTENNIAL EDITION. ■ Sometimes the expressions of those upon whom I called were too strong for my humility. One old gentleman said : “ What I you are not the Henry Howe who wrote our Ohio History ? ” Yes.” With that he sprang for me, grasped me around the waist, hugged me, lifted me off my feet and danced around the floor. Short of stature, but strong as a bear, there was no resisting his hug. Speaking of it afterward, he said he never did such a thing before — embracing a man I But when I told him who I was a crowd of memories of forty years came upon him and he was enthused beyond control. In other cases old gentlemen brought in their children to introduce to me. In many places visited I did not offer my subscription list. Time would not allow ; only when funds were short did I pause for the means to move. Beside, it is not honorable to draw upon the resources of generous spirits beyond absolute necessity. Everywhere I made arrangements with local photographers and took them to the standpoints I selected for views to be taken. These were for new engravings to make a pictorial contrast of the Ohio of 1846 with that of 1886. About one hundred were seen. My tour finished, in March, 1887, 1 returned my family to Ohio — to Columbus — for a permanent home, where, in connection with my son, I am now publishing the work, and will endeavor to give every family in Ohio an opportunity to obtain it through township canvassers. In no other possible way can the people be reached and a fair remuneration given for the extraordinary labor and expense. No other State has in its completeness such a work as this, and none under the same extraordinary circumstances of authorship. The introductory articles are written by the best capacity in the State upon the subjects treated. Sketches __ of those contributors are given with their articles, as I wish the living public and that unborn to know about the gentlemen who have thus aided me. And as for my own part, no one living has had an equal and like experience, and my self-appointed task has absorbed the best of which I am capable. To call it a history tells but a part of the truth. So broad its scope that, to speak figuratively, it is the State itself printed and bound, ready to go into every family in the State, to show the people of every part concerning the whole collectively, and each part in succession, and in all the varied aspects that go to form the great Commonwealth of Ohio, and the history that went to make the sons of Ohio the strong men they are, ever appearing in the front in every department of activity and acquisition. Wherever I have introduced living characters my rule has been to admit only such as the public at large should know of, and never to the knowledge of those introduced if it could be avoided. None have been allowed to pay their way into this book, and, where portraits have been engraved for it, it has been at my expense. Sketches of living men with their portraits are herein, which they will never learn from me personally. I have adopted this course to make the work clean throughout, feeling that the people will sustain me in perfect uprightness. Throughout are occasionally introduced Travelling Notes, so that it should combine the four attractions of History, Geography, Biography, and Travels. The observations of one travelling over the same ground after a lapse of forty years would naturally be interesting. This feature enables me to make it more useful and instructive to the young, and to give some of the philosophy that has come from experience, and which has helped to brighten and make glad my own INTRODUCTION TO THE CENTENNIAL EDITION, way so well that, though the rolling years have at last whitened my locks, within I still feel young, move with agility, and love the world the better the longer I live in it. “ I love the world,” wrote old Isaac Walton ; “ it is my Maker’s creature ; ” but how much stronger would not that old fisherman love it were he here now. Human life never had such a full cup as in these our days of expand- ing knowledge and humanities. When I began this work I did not anticipate bestowing upon it so much time and labor, but as I progressed my ambition enlarged, and so I enlarged the plan. Throughout, my great struggle has been financial, but in the darkest hour when beside this burden I was brain-weary from incessant work and diversities re- quiring thought and the turning aside for investigation, I had full faith I should triumph. Providence would not allow such a work for such a people to perish. From the citizens of the State I have received, with a single exception, no direct pecuniary aid other than by advance payments of subscriptions. This exception was Mr. Henry C. Noble, of Columbus, who, in the last dark, trying moment, most generously came to my rescue, and then the fog lifted that had gathered around the very summit of final success. Of my old townsmen in New Haven who, in 1885, first aided me for a start, I am more especially indebted to Profs. Henry W. Farnam and Salisbury, of Yale; Henry T. Blake, attorney-at-law; Dr. E. H. Bishop; Charles L. English, ex-banker, and Dr. Levi Ives. Of the twenty-seven on the list five have since finished their life-work and passed away, viz., Henry C. Kingsley, Treasurer of Yale ; Major Lyman Bissell, U. S. A. ; Robert Peck ; Thoihas Trowbridge, shipping merchant, and John Beach, attorney-at-law. Prof. S. E. Baldwin, of theYale Law -School, was the first subscriber anywhere to this work. One effect of my work will be to increase the fraternal sentiment that is so marked a characteristic of Ohio men wherever their lot is cast, and that leads them to social sympathy and mutual help. And if we look at the sources of this State love we will find it arises from the fact that, Ohio being the oldest and strongest of the new States of the Northwest, by its organic law and its history has so thoroughly illustrated the beneficence and power of that great idea embodied in the single word Americanism. But I must here close with the observation that I have passed the allotted age of human life, and, although in sound health, cannot expect for many more years to witness its mysterious, ever- varying changes. But it will be a just satisfaction to me if, in my declining days, I can see that this work is proving of the same widespread benefit to the present people of Ohio as did that of my young life to those of forty years ago. Henry Howe. 41 Third Avenue^ Columbus, 0., January 1, 1889. CONTENTS VOL. 1. A PAGE. Abbott, David, Escape of. 679 Abolitionists, Salem 449 Academies and High Schools «... 143 Agriculture in Ohio, History of 100 Ammens, Sketch of the 339 Amusing Incidents 277 Ancient Works,.. ..264, 285, 325, 470, 552, 586 Andrews, Lorin, Ohio’s First Volunteer 253 Andrews, S. J., Sketch of. 511 Animal Intelligence.... 891 Anthony, Charles, Notice of. 404 Anti-Slavery Societies 280 Appleseed, Johnny 260 * Arbor Day Celebration, First in Ohio.... 802 Armstrongs, Notice of 609 Arnett, Rev. Dr., Notice of. 45 Art Museum and Art Academy 707 ' Ash Cave 931 Ashtabula Harbor 273 Assault on Gen. Jackson 607 B Bachelor Hermits, The Two 489 Badger, Rev Joseph 279 Bark Cutters, The 231 Baldwin, John, Notice of. 626 Baum, Martin 847 Bears and Wolves 278, 317, 492, 552 Beatty, John, Sketch of. 581 Beatty, Gen. John, Sketch of. 150 Bebb, Gov. William, Sketch of. 349 Beckett, William, Sketch of. 350 Beecher, Hon. Philemon, Notice of 598 Beecher, Rev. Dr. Lyman 824 Beecher, Catharine 824 Beer Gardens and Music 784 Benedict, Platt 945 Bingham, Hon. John 889, 902 Bishop, Gov. Richard M 813 Black Hoof, Sketch of. 299 Black Watch, A Veteran of. 405 Black Swamp 903 Blind Institution for the 637 Bloss, G. M. D., Sketch of. 422 Bluejacket 908 Blue Jacket, Sketch of. 300 Bockinghelas, Notice of. 550 Bodily Exercises 279 Boone, Daniel, Anecdotes of. 693 Boquet, Col. Henry, Sketch of 476 Boquet’s Expedition 472 Boulders 93 Bowman, Expedition of. 694 Boynton, Gen. H. V 852 Bradstreet’s Expedition 565 Bravery of Capt. McClelland 878 Breckinridge, Reminiscences of. 674 Brilliant Women 787 Brown, Gov. Ethan Allen 812 Brown, Hon. Ezekiel, Notice of. 551 Broadhead’s Expedition 480 Brough, Gov. John 615 Buckeye State, Why Ohio is Called.. 200 PAGE. Buckeye Songs 202 Bullit, Capt., Boldness of. 693 Burkhal ter, Christian 847 Burnet, Judge Jacob 816 Burnet Woods 795 Bureau, John Peter Romaine, Notice of 681 “Buskirk’s Battle” 963 Byxbe, Col. Moses, Sketch of..,.,,.,...,.., 551 c Campbell, Col. Lewis D., Sketch of. 349 Canal, Sandy and Beaver 359 Captain, A Sick 776 Captina, Battle of. 307 Captivity and Escape of Sam’l Davis 953 Capture and Escape of Dr. John Knight 882 Carney, Gov. Thomas, Notice of. 558 Carpenter, Charles, Notice of 585 Carroll, Charles, of Carrolltpn, Notice of 359 Cary, Alice 835 Cary, Gen. Samuel F 838 Cary Homestead, 837 Cary, Phoebe 835 Case, Leonard, Sketch of. 513 Cass, Major, Allusion to 344 Cascade at Clifton 724 Catholics of St. Martin’s 340 Central Insane Asylum 630 Chase, Bishop Philander 988 Chase, Hon. Salmon P., Boyhood Pranks of. 613 Chase, Sec’y Salmon P 829 Cheese Industry on the Western Reserve 690 Chillicothe, Old 692 Cholera, The Asiatic 761 Cincinnati a Literary Centre 788 Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce 707 Cincinnati Clubs and Club Life 800 Cincinnati Court House Riot of 1884 806 Cincinnati, Early Intellectual Life of..., 822 Cincinnati, Eminent Citizens of, in Cab- inet and Field 772 Cincinnati Expositions 799 Cincinnati Incorporated 755 Cincinnati in the War Times 765 Cincinnati in 1847 755 Cincinnati in 1888 781 Cincinnati Jail Riot of 1848 808 Cincinnati Newspapers in War Times... 778 Cincinnati, Settlement of. 747 Cincinnati, Siege of. 772 Cincinnati Southern Railway 794 Cincinnati Under Martial Law 773 Cist, Charles 831 Cist, Henry M 832 Cist, Lewis J 832 Civil War, Ohio in the 150 Clarke, Robert 840 Cleveland, Its Past and Present 503 Cleveland, Gen. Moses, Sketch of 510 Climate, Ohio 87 Climatic, Changes 535 Clinton, Gov. George, Sketch of. 423 Coal Trade on the River, The Early 322 CONTENTS. SH PAGE. Cockerill, Col. John A., Notice of......... 229 Cofl&n, Levi 826 Coffin, Catharine 827 Coffinsberry, Andrew., 870 Cole, Thomas ..972, 979 Colleges and Universities........ 144 College Lands, Settlement of. 283 “College of Teachers” 822 Collier, James 979 Columbia Pioneer Celebration 808 Columbia, Settlement of. 747 Confederate Conspiracy at Sandusky 572 Contraband Soldiers ........ 780 Cooke, Bleutheros, Sketch of 574 Cooke, Jay, Anecdote of.... 582 Coon-Skin Library 288 Copperas Works. 973 Coppock, Edwin, Last Letter of... 453 Copus Tragedy, The 257 Corwin, Thomas, Anecdotes of 403 Coshocton Campaign 480 Courts, Primitive 700 Cowles, Edwin, Sketch of. 513 Cowles, Betsy M., Sketch of. 280 Crawford, Col., Notice of. 483 Cranberry Marsh 486 Crusaders Among the Germans 785 Custer’s Birthplace 899 Custer, Gen. Geo. A 900 Customs, Early, 243, 260, 318, 343, 534, 550,565, 589, 733 Cumming, Rev. E. H., Sketch of 403 Cyclone at Washington Court-House... 604 Cyclone, the Jamestown 724 D Dahlgreen, Madelaine Vinton, Sketch of. 681 Darlington, Gen., Notice of. 229 Darke, Gen. William, Sketch of. 529 Dayton, Riley, The Trapper and Hunter 664 Deaf and Dumb Asylum 636 Defiance, Fort, Naming of 545 Delaware Grape, The 558 Delaware Tribe, Sketch of. 549 Denver, Gen. James W., Sketch of 432 Dennison, Gov. William, Sketch of. 653 Deserters Executed 343 Deserted Camp, The 425 Devenny, Capt. John, Notice of 238 Dickey, Hon. Alfred S., Notice of. 602 Doctor, Ride with a 899 Donalson, Israel, Captivity of. 224 Dorn, Hon. Henry, Sketch of. 119 Dow, Lorenzo, Sketch of. 412 Downing, Escape of 225 Drake, Benjamin 822 Drake, Dr. Daniel 821 Drinking Habits of Cincinnati Pioneers 754 Drouth, The Great 683 Drouillard, Joseph, Notice of. 681 Dunkards, Society of..... 254 Dunlap’s Station Attacked 750 Drummed Off the Island 574 E Early Acquaintance, An 268 Eckley, Gen. Ephraim R., Notice of. 362 Eden Park 795 Edgerton, Hon. Alfred P., Sketch of 547 Edison, Thomas Alva, Sketch of. 580 Edgingtons, Attack on the 227 Educational Progress in Ohio 137 PAGE. Elevations in Ohio 60 Ellison, Andrew, Captivity of. 227 Enos, Dr. Robert K 939 Erkenbrecher, Andrew 848 Escape of Eliza Harris 827 Evans, Platt, as a Captain 771 Ewing, Thomas, Autobiography of 289 Ewing, Thomas, and Family, Sketch of 594 F Factory and Workshop Inspection...... 208 Factories, Children in 216 Famous Fifth Ohio, The 405 Farmer, A Ride with a 897 Farrar, Hon. Wm. M., Sketch of 200 Feeble-Minded Youth, Institution for... 639 Fee, Mary E., Notice of 421 Female, Sharp-Shooting of a 527 Flood, The Xenia 703 Findlay, Gen. James 870 Fins, The 275 Fire Escapes 212 Firelands 165 • First Gas Wells at Findlay 868 First Newspaper 754 First Settlements in Hamilton Co 746 First Great Northwestern Confederacy.. 471 First Anti-Slavery Speech in U. S. Con- gress 416 Fink, Mike 322 Fink, Capt. John, Notice of 322 Foot, John A., and the Connecticut Legislature 524 Force, Gen. M. F., Sketch of 570 Ford, Gov. Seabury, Sketch of. 686 Forks of the Muskingum 481 Fortieth Ohio Infantry 537 Forts: Amanda, 241 ; Barbee, 302 ; Defi- ance, 540; Dillie’s, 306; French Margarets, 282; Gower, 283; Green- ville, 530; Hamilton, 342; Harri- son, 393 ; Industry, 565 ; Jefferson, 529; Jennings, 303; Junandat, 565; Recovery, 529 ; Winchester, 542 ; Sandusky 565 Forrer, Samuel, Sketch of. 121 Fourierite, Association, A 420 Four Little Maids... 268 Four Literary Men ... 712 Four Votes, The 939 Foraker, Gov. J. B 917 Forts (Findlay, 867), (Finney, 859)- (Hill, 922), McArthur, 876), (Wash’ngton, 751) Fortitude of a Boy 923 Floating Mills 810 Frankensteins, The, Sketch of. 404 Freest City on the Globe 792 French Policy 255 French Traders, 255, 282, 564, 584, 585, 662 French Settle Gallipolis 672 Freshet of February, 1832 761 Funeral of a Soldier 779 Funks, Fighting Family of. 603 G Gallagher, William Davis, Sketch of 712 Galloway, Samuel, Sketch of 658 Garden of Ohio 342 Gas, Natural 77 Gas Wells of Findlay 871 Gawky Officer, The 780 Geddes, James, Sketch of. 120 CONTENTS. 21 PAGE. Geography and Geology of Ohio 69 Geological Surveys, State 62 German Colonies 305 German Element in Cincinnati 847 Giddings, Joshua R., Anecdotes of, 269 Giddings, Joshua R., Sketch of 271 Giles, John, A Talk with 899 Girty Brothers, Notice of 303 Girty, James, An Interview with 909 Girtys, The 905 Girty, Simon 907 “Globe Factory,” The 525 Glacial Man in Ohio 90 Goodale, Dr. Lincoln, Notice of 649 Goshorn, Sir A. T 847 Governors of Ohio from Cincinnati 812 Grant, U. S., Chronology of Life 421 Grant, Jesse R., Notice of. 414 Grant, U. S., Boyhood of. 331 Reminiscences of Parents of. 334 Analysis of Character of. 335 Grape Culture at Martin’s Ferry 326 Graveyard, Ancient 264, 470 Great Dam at Cincinnati in Ice Age 740 Great Indian Council 543 Greatest Floods in Ohio River 804 Greene, Mrs., Captivity of. 589 Greenville Treaties 532 Greenwood, Miles 820 Grindstone Consumption, The 525 Groesbeck, Hon. Wm. S .*. 845 Guthrie Gray Regiment 779 H Hall, Capt. Chas. F 840 Hall, Judge James 823 Halstead, Murat, Sketch of 351 Hamer, Gen. Thomas Lyon, Sketch of.. 331 Hammond, Charles, Sketch of 311 Hard Year, The 922 Hardin, Col. John 838 Harper, Hon. Lecky 991 Harris, Col. Leonard A 851 Harrison, Pres. William Henry 813 Harrison, Pres. Benjamin 815 Harrison, General, Anecdote of 362 Harrison Campaign Meeting 374 Harrison, Gen., Interview with Tecum- seh 392 Harrison, Gen. W. H., Inimitable Tact of 546 Hardshell Baptists 539 Harpers, Privations of the 266 Hayden Falls 659 Hayden, Peter 934 Hayes, ex-President Rutherford B., Heatheringtons, The 322 Hentz, Mrs. Caroline 823 Hero, Visit to the Birthplace of a 897 Hewitt, Moses, Captivity and Escape of 284 Hinkson, Col., Notice of 426 Historic Horn 947 Hitchcock, Judge Peter, Sketch of. 687 Hoadly, Gov. George 839 Hocking Valley Coal Mines 933 Hoge, Rev. Dr. James, Sketch of. 649 Holmes County Rebellion 940 Horse-Thieves and Counterfeiters 734 House That Jack Built 323 Howells* Reminiscences 967 Howells, William Dean, Sketch of. 327 Howells, William Dean, Notice of. 718 PAGE. Howard, J. Quay, Sketch of. 184 Hughes, Rev. Joseph S., Notice of ....... 552 Hunt, Josiah, The Indian Fighter 698 Hunter, Capt. Joseph, Notice of. 588 Hunter, Hocking H., Notice of. 598 Huntington, Gov. Samuel, Sketeh of... 505 Hurd, Hon. Frank H 991 Hutchins, Capt. Thomas, Sketch of. 479 I Inclined Planes 784 Indian, Pleasing Feature in Character of the 610 Game of Ball 294 Customs 297 Murders 306 Indians, Delaware, Notice of 255, 548 Indians, Friendships of. 942 Indians Tried for Murder 944 Indian Towns, 242, 255, 293, 387, 466, 532, 542, 553, 578, 609, 662, 692 Indian Chiefs, 242, 299, 391, 476, 532, 543, 549, 571, 603, 610, 664 Industrial Expositions 784 Industrial Home for Girls 558 Industrial Home for Boys 600 Industrial Home for Boys, Visit to 600 Inscription Rock 586 Itinerant’s Nest 891 J. Jamieson, Milton, Notice of 422 Jerome, John Baptiste, Notice of. 255 Jerks, The 279 Jewett, Hon. Hugh J 979 Jewett, Judge Thomas L 979 Johnny Cake, A Huge 278 John, Capt., Ferocity of 603 Johnson’s Island 572 Jurisdiction, Early Civil 122 K. Kail, Mrs. Mary E., Sketch of. 364 Karg Gas Well 873 Kautz, Gen. August V 849 Keifer, Gen. J. Warren, Sketch of 406 Kelly, Hon. Alfred, Sketch of. 649 Kelley’s Island, Grape Culture of 585 Kelley, Datus, Notice of. 585 Kennan, George 945 Kenton, Gen. Simon, Adventures of. 377 Anecdote of 374 Kenton, Simon, Conversion of 879 Kenyon College 986 Kilbourne, Col. James, Sketch of. 614 Kilbourne, John, Sketch of. 128 Killbuck, Notice of. 549 King, Gen. Edward 822 Kinney, Col. Coates, Sketch of. 714 Kingsburys, Sufferings of the 263 Kirkwood, Capt., Cabin of. Attacked.... » 314 Kirtland, Jared Potter, Sketch of 511 Klauprecht, Emil 848 Knight, Prof, George W,, Sketch of 137 L. Lands, Public, of Ohio 128-133 Lane, Judge Ebenezer, Sketch of 577 Large Fruit Trees 582 Latham, E. P., Sketch of. 687 Laws, The Black 101, 45 Leatherlips, Execution of 611 22 CONTENTS. PAGE. Leatherwood God, The 730 Leavitt, Judge H. H 978 Lee, Gen. John Calvin, Notice of. 558 Lefifel, James, The Inventor, Sketch of.. 406 Leggett, Gen. Mortimer, Sketch of. 687 Lesson in Ornithology 971 Lesquereux, Prof. Leo, Sketch of 656 Liberty Party, The 830 Life Among the Indians of the Maumee 661 Life in the Woods, Our Cabin, or 315 Literary Symposium on Cincinnati 791 Logan, The Mingo Chief. 960 Lombardy poplars 321 Longstreth, Lorenzo, Notice of. 355 Longworth, Nicholas 817 Looker, Gov. Othniel 812 Lost Child, The 417 Loyal Legion, Sketch of, and Roll of Ohio Commandery 155 Lubberland, A Sort of 969 Lundy, Benj., Sketch of 311 Lytle, Gen., Notice of 416 Lytle, Gen. Wm. H 834 M. Mad Ann Bailey, Heroine of Point Pleas- ant 677 “Makatewah,” Poem 788 Mann, Horace, Sketch of. 723 Mansfield, E. D., Sketch of. 430 Manufactures of Springfield, Origin and Growth of 399 Maple Sugar Industry 685 Map, First, of Ohio 614 Margaret Garner Case 827 Markbreit, Leopold 849 Marshes, The Great 880 Martin’s Mrs. Story 958 Mastodons, Remains of. 293, 484 Mather, D,r. William 957 Matthewsr Justice Stanley 845 McArthu , Gov. Duncan, Anecdote of.. 307 McBride, James, Sketch of. 356 McCooks’ The Fighting 366 McDonald, Senator J. E, Notice of. , 350 McDonald, James A. W 979 McDow ell, Gen. Irvin, Sketch of 647 McFarland, President, Notice of. 355 ‘ Mcllyaine, Bishop Charles P 989 McK*eever, Abbie C., Notice of 422 MacLean, J. P., Sketch of 350 Medary, Samuel, Notice of 414 Medill, Gov. William, Sketch of 598 Mendenhall, Prof. T. C 979 Merrill, Bishop S. M 979 •• Miller, Col. John 979 Milliken, John M., Sketch of. 349 Milliken, Thomas, Sketch of 349 Milliken, Col. Minor, Sketch of 357 Miner and His Mule Partner, The 322 Mineral Wealth in Southern Ohio 958 Mines and Mining Resources of Ohio... 110 Minter, Capt. John 552 Missionaries 301, 467, 578, 584 Mitchell, Gen. Ormsby M 832 Mob, Bank 764 Monstrous Apple-Tree 545 Moor, Gen. August 849 Morehouse, Gov. A. P., Notice of. 558 Morgan, Gen. G. W 990 Morgan’s Raid 777 Morgan, Gen. John, Anecdote of 360 Morgan’s Raid Through Ohio 453 PAGE. Morris, Sr., Thomas, Sketch of 414 Moselle Explosion 760 Mt. Pleasant 590 Mud Cottage of an Emigrant 463 Murder, Execution of Indian for 497 Music Hall and Exposition Building 797 Musical Festivals 784 Mutiny, The Black Swamp 248 “My Native Land,” Poem 828 N. Nash, Judge Simeon, Sketch of.. 681 Nast, Dr. Wilhelm 848 Natural Gas Jubilee 874 Natural History, A Bit of 897 Natural Gas Wells of Lancaster 592 Nichols, Col. Geo. Ward 844 Niggering Corn 243 North Bend in 1846 860 North Bend, Reminiscences of 861 North Bend, settlement of 748 Norwalk Academy 945 Noyes, Gen. Edward F 841 O . Ogontz, The Story of. 571 Ohio in New York Journalism 718 Ohio, General Description of 51 Ohio River Flood 804 Ohio River, Sources of...... 804 Ohio State Forestry Association 802 Ohio Society of New York 178 Ohio, Outline History of 33 Ohio Officers, State and National 166 Ohio History and Historical Men 184 Ohio River Experiences 237 Ohio Flour, The First Sent East 584 Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home 707 Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home, Notes on 709 Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailers’ Home 569 Ohio State Fish Hatchery 570 Ohio Wonderland 920 Oil-Field Largest on the Globe 246 Oil Refineries 247 O. K. Origin of 377 “Old Guard,” One of the 932 Oldest Methodist Church in Ohio 411 Ordinance of 1787 217 Orton, Prof Edward, Sketch of 59 “Over the Rhine” 794 P. Paddy’s Run — 352 Paleoliths 742 Paper-Mill, First in Ohio 436 “Parting Day,” Poem 899 Past and Present of Columbus 614 Payne, Sr., Henry B., Sketch of. 514 Peculiar Cartridges 775 Pendleton, Hon. Geo. H 844 Penneyroyaldom 732 Pensioner of the Revolutionary War 604 Perils of the Coal Miner 966 Perkins, Joseph, Sketch of. 514 Perry, Hon. Aaron F 842 Personal Experiences with Cincinnati Home Guards 773 Peters, Mrs. Sarah 822 Peters, Hugh 828 Petroleum ^7 Petroleum Nasby Characters. 69i CONTENTS. 23 PAGE. Pettenger, Wm 97^ Penitentiary, Ohio 642 Phenomenon, Singular 231 Philanthropist Office, Destruction of.... 762 Piatt, Jacob WykofF 819 Piatt, John H 818 Pike, Samuel N 849 Pillories, Stocks aud Whipping Posts... 752 Pioneer Art in Cincinnati 855 Pioneer Day at Kenton 884 Pioneer Engineers of Ohio 119 Pioneer Trials 266 Pipe, Capt 255 Piqua, Destruction of. 387 Plucky Pioneer Woman, A. 527 Plumb, Senator Preston B., Notice of... 558 Poe, Adam and Andrew, The Indian Fighters 436 Poems : Alone With Night and the Stars 236 Centennial Ode 715 Crown Our Heroes 364 Drift Away 422 Epitaph of Reuben Miller 407 Fifty Years Ago 713 Hills of Ohio, Song with Music 296 Eament for the Dead 433 Marching Song of Sherman’s Army... 597 Only 423 Ohio 364 Rain on the Roof 717 Song of Bucyrus 485 The Spotted Fawn 714 The Lassie Music 356 Pompey’s Pillar 723 Pontiac, Birth-place of. 543 Poor Man’s Railroad 318 Popejoy, Esq., Method of Dispensing Justice 602 Powder-Mill Explosion 702 Powell, Judge Thomas W., Notice of..... 558 Prehistoric Monuments of Hamilton County 743 Public Spirit of Cincinnatians 781 Pugh, Hon. Geo. E 839 Purcell, Archbishop John B., Notice of... 340 R. Railway Disaster, Ashtabula 274 Rankin, Rev. John, Sketch of, 338 Read, T. Buchanan 850 Read, Prof. M. C., Sketch of. 188 Reemelin, Karl Gustave 848 Reese, Dr. Freidrich 848 Reese, Wm. J., Notice of 598 Reid, White law. Sketch of.. 718 Reilly, John 349 Relic, Ancient 264 Reminiscences of Dr. Watt and James Galloway 704 Reserve, Western..., 261, 565 First Landing of Sur- veyors on 261 Missionary in 279 Settlement of. 682 Drouth in 683 Reynoids, Jeremiah N., Romantic His- tory Of, 431 River Beacons.... 239 “Road t< Hell”... 928 Robinso^ Gen. James 883 PAGE. Rock Bridge 930 Rock House 925 Rockefeller, John D 517 Rodter, Heinrich 848 Riot of 1841 762 Rosecrans, Gen. W. S., Sketch of. 558 Rouse, Mrs. R. E. C., Sketch of 515 Rudolph, Major, Fate and Cruelty of.... 343 Ruffner Fight, The 257 Ruffner Family, Massacre of. 257 Ruggles, Hon. Almon, Sketch of 583 Russell, Addison P., Sketch of. 430 f s. Sandstone Industry 525 Sanitary Commission, Ohio’s Work in.. 188 Scalping of Col. Elliott 759 Schools, Graded, Beginning of. 142 Scioto Company 614, 668 Scioto Salt Works 951 Scotch-Irish, The 237 Seitz, Enoch Berry, Sketch of. 532 Serpent Mound, The 233 Shannon, Gov. Wilson, Sketch of 313 " Shaw, Suffering Bennie 971 Shaylor, Capt., Escape of 529 Sheep Talk, A Walk and a 892 Sheep Statistics 893 Sheep Raising, Profits of. 893 Shellabarger, Hon. Samuel, Notice of... 404 Sherman, Senator John, Speech on Pot- tery Industry 460 Sherman, Judge Charles, Sketch of....... 595 Sherman, Gen. W. T., Sketch of...... 596 Simpson, Bishop 891, 901 Sinton, David 843 Slave Hunters at Rankins 339 Slave Rescue, The Ad. White Case 384 Smith, Solomon, Sketch of. 551 Socialistic Society, A 582 Society of Friends at Wapakonetta 301 Soldier’s Creed, The 358 Soldier’s Widow, The 711 Spencer, Platt R., Sketch of. 276 Spencer, Oliver M 759, 810, 908 Spiritualistic Community, A 420 Spring Grove Cemetery 795 Springs 487, 554, 558, 584, 722 Squirrels, A Grand Hunt for 658 Stage-Coach Talk 691 Stage Driver, The Old 885 Stallo, Judge J. B 849 Stanbery, Hon. Henry, Sketch of. 652 Notice of 598 Standing Stone, The 888 Stanton, Sec’y Edwin M 894, 976, 977 Stanton Family 972 Starbuck, Calvin W 843 State Institutions at Columbus 629 Starling, Lyne, Sketch of. 649 St. Clair, Gov. Arthur, Biography of..... 311 Steptoe, Rev. Stephen, Experience of... 607 Stone, Amasa, Sketch of. 517 Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher 823, 824 Stowe, Prof. Calvin E„ 823 Strawberry Culture 324 Strength, Sources of Ohio’s 124 Sullivant, Lucas, Sketch of. 648 Sullivant, William, Sketch of. 648 Sullivant, Michael L., Sketch of. 649 Sullivant, Joseph,...,,. 649 “Summer Clouds,** Poem 899 24 CONTENTS. PAGE. Swan, Joseph R., Sketch of 655 Swayne, Chief Justice, Sketch of. 655 Sweatland, Solomon, Driven Across Lake Erie 264 Swinonia 245 Symmes City Laid Out 749 Symmes, Judge John Cleves 850 Symmes’ Hole 349 Symmes, Judge, Notice of 348 Sycamores, The Twin 730 T. Tablet, The Cincinnati 791 Taft, Judge Alphouso 842 Tailor Justice, The... 489 Tappan, Judge Benj 971, 978 Tarhe, The Crane 588 Tecumseh 328, 374, 387, 391, 532 Temperance Crusade, The Women’s 428 Territorial Government, Seat of. 754 Thoburn, Bishop J. M., Sketch of ... 313 Thomas, Capt., Death of. 372 Thrilling Adventure of Mary Robinson 410 Thurman, Judge Allen G., Sketch of..... 656 Tile Drainage in Ohio 625 Tobacco, “White Burley” 330 Topography of Ohio 60 Tornado of 1887 882 Tornadoes 374, 682 Touching Incident, A 585 Tourgee, Albion W., Sketch of 280 Townshend, Prof. N. S., Sketch of. 100 Trees, Famous 881 Trimble, Gov. Allen 917 Trimble, Hon. Wm. 4 917 “Trollope’s Folly” 794 Trout Streams 691 Tupper, Gen. E. W., Anecdote of 680 Turkey Bottom 812 Tuttle, Hudson, Notice of. 583 Tyler Davidson Fountain 795 u. Underground Railroad, First Station on 338 Underground Railroad, The 419 Underground Railroad, President of..... 826 V. Vallandigham, Clement L., Biography of 439 Vallandigham Campaign 445 Van Derveer, Gen. Ferdinand, Sketch of 350 Vance, Gov. Joseph. Sketch of. 382 Van Tassel, Rev. Isaac, Notice of 664 Vaughn, John C., Notice of. 558 Vaughn, Prof. Daniel 829 Virginia Military Lands 223, 232 Volunteers to Civil War, First Company of 33g Von Stein, Albert 848 Voorhees, Senator Daniel W., Notice of 350 w. Wade, Benj. F., Sketch of. 271 Wade, Jephtha H., Sketch of. 519 Wagoners, Attack on 343 Walk-In-The-Water, First Steamboat on Lake Erie 585 Ward, J. Q. A., Sketch of 383 Ward, James W 840 Warder, Dr. John A 840 Warmus, The 927 Wayne, “Mad Anthony,” Anecdotes of.. 225 “Wayside Spring,” Poem 851 Weitzel, Gen. Gottfried 849 Welch, Judge J., Sketch of. 287 Weller, Hon. J. B., Sketch of. 349 West, Charles W 845 Wetzel, Adventure of the Indian Hunter 758 Wetzel, Lewis 308 Wet Land 409 Whingwy Pooshies, Grief of. 543 Whipping, A Public 985 Whiteeyes, Capt., Death of. 436 White Woman, Mary Harris, The 468 Whittridge, Worthington, Sketch of..... 405 Whittlesey’s Reminiscences 932 Whittlesey, Col. Charles, Sketch of 519 Wickedest Man in Ohio 428 Wilberforce University 721 Willich, Gen. August, Sketch of. 303 Wills’ Creek, Whites Attacked near 726 Wilcox, Phineas Bacon, Sketch of. 658 Windom, William, Notice of. 325 Windom, Sec’y Wm 991 Witch Story 760 Witch Story, A 414 Wiwelipea, Oratory of. 299 Women’s Raid at Greenfield 923 Women’s Temperance Crusade 914 Woods, John, Sketch of. 349 Woodmansee, James, Sketch of. 350 Wormlee, Dr. T. G. and Mrs., Sketch of 657 Wright, Prof. G. Frederick, Sketch of.. 90 Y. Young, Gov. Thomas L 812 z. Zane’s Trace 588, 681 728 Zane, Elizabeth, Heroism of. i 314 Zeigler, Major David 847, 853 Zoological Gardens 795 Cities, Towns and Villages Vol. I. A. PAGE. Aberdeen 841 Ada 885 Albany. 292 Arcanum ...» 638 Archbold 668 Ansonia 539 Arcadia 874 Ashland 251 Ashley 563 Ashtabula 272 Athens 286 Austin burg 279 Avondale 863 B. Barnesville Batavia Beaver Dam Bedford Bellaire Bentonville. Bellbrook Bellevue Benton Ridge Berea Berlin Berlin Heights Bethel Black Creek Blanchester Bloomfield Bloomingburg Bluffton Bond Hill Boston Bowerston Bridgeport Brilliant Brooklyn Buchtel Bucyrus c. 324 409 251 528 320 240 724 948 874 525 941 582 414 941 434 980 608 250 866 421 902 313 980 528 292 483 Cadiz 888 Cairo 251 Cambridge 728 Camp Dennison 866 Canal Winchester 660 Carbon Hill 934 Carrollton 360 Carthage 865 Castalia 584 Cedarville 725 Centreburg 992 Chagrin Falls 526 Chambersburg 681 Chardon 689 Chester Cross Roads 692 Chicago 949 Cincinnati... 789 Clarksville 435 CleveSc 866 PAGE. Cleveland 497 Clifton 864 Clifton 724 Coalton 959 College Hill 865 College Corner 358 Collinwood 528 Columbiana 465 Columbus 614 Conneaut 263 Coolville 292 Coshocton 469 Crestline 493 Crown City 681 D. Danville... Deersville, Defiance... Delaware.. Delphos ... Delta Deshler ... Dunkirk... 992 902 541 553 249 667 911 886 E. East Cleveland.. 528 East Eiverpool 459 East Palestine..., 465 Elida 251 Elmwood 865 Elliottsville 980 Euon 407 Euclid 528 F. Fairfield Fayette Fayetteville Felicity Findlay Flushing Forest Franklinton .... Fredericktown, Freeport 725 667 341 421 867 327 886 613 991 902 Galena Gallon Gallipolis Gambier Geneva Georgetown Gettysburg Glendale Glenville Gore Greenfield ...I Greenville Greenwich 563 488 677 992 275 330 538 865 528 934 924 530 949 26 CONTENTS. H. PAGE. Hamilton 347 Harlem Springs 365 Harrison 864 Harrisville 903 Hartwell 865 Haydenville 934 Hayesville 260 Hicksville 547 Higginsport 340 Hillsborough 912 Holgate 911 Holraesville 941 Home City 866 Hopedale 903 Huntsburg 692 Huron 584 I. Independence 528 Irondale 980 Ivorydale 865 J- Jackson 955 Jamestown 724 Jefferson 266 Jeffersonville 608 Jeromeville 255 Jewett 902 K. Kenton 878 Killbuck 940 Kingsville 270 L. Lafayette 251 Lancaster 591 Laurelville 934 Leesburgh 925 Leesburg 363 Leetonia 465 Liberty Centre 911 Lima 242 Linwood 866 Lockland 865 Locust Grove 240 Logan 928 Loudonville 260 Loveland 421 Lynchburg 925 M. Madisonville 865 Manchester 230 Martin’s Ferry 325 Martinsburg 992 Martinsville 434 McComb 874 Mechanicsburg 384 Mechanicstown 365 Middlefield 692 Middletown. 350 Milan 577 Milford 411 Millersburg 937 Millville.... 934 Mingo Junction 981 Minster., 306 Monroeville 949 Morristown 327 Moscow 421 Mt. Auburn 864 Mt. Blanchard 874 Mt. Healthy 865 Mt. Pleasant 980 Mt. Vernon 983 Mt. Victory 886 Mt. Washington 864 Murray City 934 Mutual 386 N. Napoleon 905 Nashville 941 Nelsonville 292 Neville 421 Newburgh 528 New Alexandria 980 New Athens 902 New Bremen 305 New Carlisle 407 New Harrisburg 365 New Lisbon 438 New London 949 New Paris 386 New Petersburg 925 New Richmond 418 New Vienna 434 North Bend 866 North Fairfield. 950 North Lewisburg.... 386 Norwalko 942 O . Oak Hill 958 Ohio City 499 Olm stead Falls 528 Osborn 725 Ostrander 563 Oxford.... 354 P. Parkman 692 Patriot 681 Patterson 886 Perrysville 260 Point Pleasant 420 Polk 260 Port Williams 435 Price’s Hill .... 864 R. Reading 865 Richmond 980 Ridgeway 886 Ripley 336 Rock Creek 282 Rome 240 Roscoe 470 Roundhead 886 Russellville 341 s. Sabina 434 Salem 448 Salineville 465 Sandusky 567 Sandy Springs 240 Savannah 260 CONTENTS, 27 PAGE* Sdo 902 Sinking Springs 925 Smithfield 980 Somerville 359 South Bloomingville ; 934 South Charleston 407 Spencerville 251 Springfield 397 Spring Valley 725 St. Bernard 865 St. Clairsville 308 St. Mary’s 302 Steubenville 964 Sunbury 563 T. Toronto 980 u. Union City 539 Urbana 372 Utopia 420 V. Van Buren 874 Vanivue 874 Venice 584 Vermillion 587 Versailles 539 W. PAGE. Wakeman..., 950 Walker’s 465 Wapakonetta 295 Washington C. H 604 Washington 730 Washington ville 466 Wauseon 613 Wellston 957 Wellsville 464 West Chester 359 West Cleveland 528 Westerville 659 Westminster 251 Westwood 866 West Union 228 Whitehouse 772 Williamsburg 416 Wilmington 425 Winchester 240 Winesburgh 941 Woodstock 386 Worthington 613 Wyoming 865 X. Xenia 700 Y. Yellow Springs, 722 ILLUSTRATIONS. VOL. I. Frontispiece. PAGE. Andrews, Col. lyorin, Ohio’s First Vol- unteer 253 Ancient Map, Sandusky 565 Apple Dale Tile Works 625 Art Buildings 766 Ashland, 1846 252 Ashland, 1888 252 Ashtabula, 1846 272 Ashtabula, 1887 272 Ashtabula Bridge 273 Ashtabula Harbor 273 Ashtabula Bridge, Ruins of. 274 Athens Asylum for the Insane 288 Bailey, Mad Ann, Heroine of Point Pleasant 679 Bailey, Mad Ann, Cabin of. 680 Baptist Church at Columbia 809 Batavia, 1846 410 Baum, Martin, Portrait of. 846 Beatty, Gen, John, Portrait of..., 150 Beautiful Beech at Athens 287 Beecher, Rev. Dr. Lyman 824 Bellaire, 1887 321 Benedict, Platt 946 Bingham, Hon. John. 890 Blind Asylum, 1846 632 Blind Asylum, 1888. 632 Block House near North Bend 862 Boquet’s Council with the Indians 477 Boquet, Surrender of Captives to 477 Bower of Lost Child 417 Brough, Gov. John, Portrait and Auto- graph of 522 Brush Electric Light Company’s Works 507 Brush Chas. F 512 Buckeye, Leaf, Nut, Burr and Flower.... 200 Bucyrus, 1846 483 Bucyrus, 1887 483 Burnet, Judge Jacob 816 Butler County Court-House, Hamilton.. 345 Cadiz in 1846.. 890 Cambridge, 1846 729 Cambridge, 1887 729 Cary Sisters, The 835 Carrollton, 1846 361 Carrollton, 1887 361 Cascade at Clifton 725 Catholic church after the cyclone 607 Central Insane Asylum, 1846 631 Central Insane Asylum, 1888 631 Chagrin Falls, 1846 527 Champion Mower Shops 401 Chardon, 1846 689 Chardon, 1887 689 Chase, Bishop Philander, and Wife 987 Chase, Chief-Justice Salmon P 975 Cheese-Factory, Interior of. 690 Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce 738 Cincinnati, Fourth Street in 1858 769 Cincinnati in 1802 768 Cincinnati in 1810 768 PAGR Cincinnati in 1846 768 Clark, Gen. George Rogers, Portrait and Autograph of. 402 Cleaveland, Gen. Moses, Portrait of...... 509 Cleveland Medical College, 1846 499 Cleveland, Superior Street, 1846 496 Cockerill, Col. John A., Portrait of. 231 Coffin, Catherine.... 826 Coffin, Levi 826 Columbus, 1846 616 Columbus, 1887 615 Couneaut in July, 1796 262 Coppock, Edwin, Monument of 450 Copus Family, Monument to Memory of 259 Cowles, Betsy M., Portrait of 281 Cowles, Edwin M., Portrait of..... 513 Coshocton, 1846 469 Coshocton, 1887 469 Cottage of a German-Swiss Emigrant... 463 Crusading Women of New Vienna 429 Cummings, Rev. E. H., Portrait of, 403 Custer, Gen. Geo. A., Portrait of. 895 Custer, Gen. Geo. A., Birthplace 895 Dam, The Great, at Cincinnati in the Ice Age 741 Dawes, Colonel E. C., Portrait of 155 Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 1846 631 Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 1888 631 Decline of Day on the Upper Ohio...’ 462 Defiance, Fort 540 Defiance, 1846 541 Defiance, 1887 541 Delano, Sec’y, Columbus 990 Delaware, 1846 555 Delaware, 1886.. 555 Dennison, Gov. William, Portrait and Autograph of. 522 Dexter Mausoleum, Spring Grove........ 857 Dorn, Hon. Henry, Portrait of. 208 Dow, Lorenzo, Portrait of. 413 Drake, Dr. Daniel 821 Early Settlers Pounding Corn 244 Edgerton, Hon. Alfred P., Portrait of.... 547 Edison, Thomas Alva, Portrait of 580 Edison, Thomas Alva, Birth-place of..... 581 Ewing Mansion, The 594 Ewing, Hon. Thomas, Portrait and Autograph of. ... 593 Ewing, Gen. Thomas 178 Farrar, Hon. William, Portrait of. 201 Female Seminary, Steubenville 970 Fern Cliff 401 Field of Derricks, Lima 248 Findlay, Gen. James 869 Findlay in 1846 869 Findlay in 1890 872 First Church in Cincinnati 753 F'irst Court-House in Greene County.... 695 Foraker, Gov. J. B 919 Forks of the Muskingum 468 ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE. Forrer, Samuel, Portrait of 119 Fort Hill, Map of 921 Frankenstein Homestead, The 404 Franklin County Court-House 624 French Settlers Cutting Down Trees. .. 675 Friends’ Yearly Meeting-House, Barnes- ville 325 Galion, 1887 489 Gallipolis, 1790 672 Gallipolis, 1846 678 Gallipolis, 1886 678 Galloway Chair, The 706 Garfield’s Monument 506 Geddes, James, Portrait of 119 Geneva, 1888 276 Geological Map of Ohio 65 Georgetown, 1846 330 Giddings, Joshua R., Portrait and Auto- graph of. 269 Giddings, Joshua R., Law Office of. 270 Giddings’ and Wade’s Monuments 269 Girty’s Island 906 Glaciated Area of Ohio, Map of. 91 Glaciated Area ofNorth America, Map of 92 Glaciated Area, Hamilton County,Map of 93 Glaciated Area of New Jersey, Map of.. 97 Goshorn, Sir Alfred T 847 Grant School-House, Georgetown 332 Grant Homestead and Tannery 332 Grant, Birth-place of. 420 Grant, U. S., Portrait and Autograph of 333 Grant, Jesse R., Portrait and Autograph of 333 Grant, Mrs. Hannah, Portrait and'Auto- graph of 333 “Gray Old Farm House,” The 838 Greenville in 1846 531 Greenville in 1886 531 Greenwood, Miles 821 HaU, Capt. Chas. F 841 Halstead, Murat, Portrait of. 353 Halstead, Murat, Boyhood Home and Sycamore Grove at 353 Hamer, Gen. Thomas Lyon, Portrait of 331 Hamilton, 1846 346 Harrison, Autograph of Pres. W. H 813 Harrison, Pres. W. H 811 Harrison, Benj 811 Harrison, Mrs. William Henry 813 Hayden’s Falls 628 Hayes, President, Birth-place of. 557 Heatherington, Jacob, Portrait of 323 Highland House 783 Hillsboro Court House 915 Hillsboro, Business Street in 918 Hillsboro, Residence Street in 918 Hitchcock, Judge Peter, Homestead 687 Hoadly, Gov, George 839 Horn, A Historic 947 House that Jack built 323 Howard, J. Q., Portrait of...... 184 Howells, William Dean, Portrait of 327 Howells William Dean, Birth-place of... 327 Hunter, Capt. Robert, Portrait of. 155 Imbecile Youths, Asylum for 632 Inclined Plane, Mt. Auburn 783 Inscription Rock 576 Jack, the Mule 323 Xackson in 1886 952 29 PAGE. Jefferson, 1846 267 Johnson’s Island Prison 575 Kail, Mrs. Mary E., Portrait of. 364 Kelly, Hon. Allred, Portrait of. 649 Keifer, Gen. J. Warren, Portrait and Autograph of.. 406 Kennan, George ; 946 Kenton Court House Square 877 Kenton in 1846 877 Kenton, Simon, Portrait of. 376 Kenton, Simon, The Grave of. 376 Kenyon College 987 Kinney, Col. Coates, Portrait of. 714 Kirtland, Dr., Portrait of 510 Knight, Prof. Geo. W., Portrait of. 137 Lamp, A Log-Cabin 884 Lancaster, 1846 591 Lancaster, 1886 591 Lane Seminary 757 Latham, E. P., Portrait of 688 Latham, E. P , Specimen of Handwriting of. 688 Lee, Homer, Portrait and Autograph of 178 Lewis Div 915 Lima, 1846 245 Lima, 1887 245 Logan in 1 846 926 Logan in 1890..... 926 Longworth, Nicholas 818 Longworth’s Vineyard 857 Loving Dog and Horse 948 Lundy. Benjamin, Portrait of 312 Lytle, Gen. Wm. H 834 Manchester Landing 230 Maple Sugar, Old-Time Way of Making 685 Martin’s Ferry, 1887 326 Matthews, Judge Stanley 845 McBride, James, Portrait of 356 McCook, Major Daniel, Portrait of 366 McCook, Dr. John, Portrait of. 366 McCook, Martha L., Portrait of. 367 McCook, Gen. Robert Latimer, Portrait of 368 McCook, Brig.-Gen. Daniel, Portrait of.. 368 McCook, Charles Morris, Portrait of..... 369 McCook, Brig.-Gen. Anson George, Por- trait of. 370 McCook, Col. John James, Portrait of... 371 McDowell, Gen. Irvin, Birth-place of..... 648 Mcllvaine, Bishop Chas. P 990 McKeever, Abbie C., Portrait of. 422 Miami University, Oxford 354 Middletown, 1846 351 Middletown, 1887 351 Milan, 1846 578 Mill, The Old 919 Millersburg in 1846 938 Millersburg in 1890 938 Millikin, Col. Minor, Portrait of. 357 Miners’ Cottages 320 Miners’ Tools 952 Mitchell, Gen. O. M 838 Monnett Hall 556 Morgan, Gen. John, Portrait and Auto- graph of 452 Morgan, Gen. John, Surrender of 452 Morgan, Gen. G. W 991 Morris, Senator Thomas, Monument of 415 Mount Pleasant 590 Mt. Vernon in 1846 984 80 ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE. Mt. Vernon in 1886 984 Music Hall and Exposition Building 793 Napoleon in 1887 906 New Lisbon, 1846 438 ' New Lisbon, 1886 439 Norwalk in 1846 943 Norwalk in 1886 943 Noyes, Gen. E. F 842 Ohio Boys’ Industrial School 599 Ohio Normal University 885 Ohio Penitentiary,Prisoners Marching in 631 Ohio Penitentiary, 1846 644 Ohio River Beacon 235 Ohio State University 621 Ohio University, 1846 286 Ohio Wesleyan University 556 Ohio, Map of. 8 Old Harrison Mansion, Ground Plan 861 Orton, Prof. Edward, Portrait of.... 59 Our Cabin, or Life in the Woods 316 Over the Rhine Saloon 786 Paleolith from Abbeville, France 95 Paleolith from Trenton, New Jersey 96 Pendleton, Hon. Geo. H 844 Pennyroyal Distillery, A 732 Perkins, Joseph, Portrait of...., 514 Perry’s Den. 735 Perry Statute, Monumental Park, Cleve- land. 505 Peter, Mrs. Sarah 823 Piatt, John H 818 Piatt, Jacob Wyckoff. 819 Poison Crystals, Forms of. 657 Pompey’s Pillar 723 Pottery, Knowles, Taylor & Knowles, East Liverpool — 460 Purcell, Archbishop, Portrait of. 341 Purchase of the Ohio and Scioto Land Companies... 671 Quarries at Berea 526 Rankin, Rev. John, Portrait of. 838 Read, Prof. M. C., Protrait of 188 Read, T. Buchanan 851 Reid, Whitelaw, Portrait and Autograph of 719 Reid, Whitelaw, Birth-place of. 719 Residence of the Late President Harri- son, North Bend 862 Ripley, 1846 337 Robinson, Gen. James 883 Rock Bridge 931 Rock House Cave 931 Rocky Gorge of Paint Creek 921 Rosecrans, Gen. W. S., Portrait and Autograph of. 564 Rossville, View from Hamilton, 1846 346 Rouse, Mrs., Portrait of. 515 Roy, Hon. Andrew, Portrait of. 110 Runyan, Mrs 915 Ruggles, Hon. Almon, Portrait of. 583 Salem, 1846 449 Salem, 1887 449 Salem Town Hall, Audience Room 450 Sandusky Harbor, 1846 569 Sandusky Harbor, 1888 565 Sausage Man, The 786 Seal of Ohio.. 51 PAGE Seitz, Enoch Berry, Portrait of. 533 Serpent Mound, Diagram of. 232 Serpent Mound, The Head of 234 Serpent Mound Park 222 Serpent Mound, Skeleton Found in 222 Sherman, Gen. W. T., Portrait and Au- tograph of. 593 Simpson, Bishop Matthew 890 Singing Before a Saloon. 915 Sinton, David 844 Soldiers* and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home... 720 Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home, Sitting Room 71 i Soldiers Returning from the War 782 Solitary Elm, The 353 Springfield, 1846 397 Springer, Reuben R 843 Spencer, Platt, R., Portrait and Auto- graph of. 277 Squirrel Hunters Crossing the Pon- toons at Cincinnati 782 Stanton’s Boyhood Home 970 Stanton, Secretary Edwin M 975 Steubenville in 1846 965 Steubenville in 1886.. 965 Stewart, Mother 915 Stowe, Harriet Beecher 824 St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, Portrait and Au- tograph of 402 St. Clairsville, 1846 309 St. Xavier’s College 757 State Capitol of Ohio 610 Stanbery, Hon. Henry, Portrait of. 653 Strata along the Niagara River 98 Surveys of Public Lands, Map 134 Suspension Bridge 796 Swayne, Chief-Justice, Portrait of. 655 Symmes, Judge J. C., Autograph of 348 Symmes, Judge J. C., Monument to Memory of. 348 Symmes, Judge John Cleves 813 Taft, Judge Alphonso 842 Tappan, Judge Benjamin 978 Tecumseh, Birthplace of. 390 Thurman, Hon. A. G., Portrait and Autograph of. 564 Tod, Gov. David, Portrait and Auto- graph of. 522 Tomb of the Late President Harrison... 862 Tourgee, Judge Albion W., Portrait of 280 Townshend, Dr. N. S., Portrait of 100 Transrhenane Waiter 786 Twin Sycamores, The 730 Tyler Davidson Fountain. 793 Urbana, 1846 375 Urbana, 1886 .. 375 Vallandigham, Clement L., Portrait of 451 Vallandigham, Homestead 451 Valley of the Cuyahoga 495 Viaduct, Cleveland 495 Wade, Senator Benj. F., Portrait and Autograph of. 269 Wapakonetta, 1887 295 Ward, J. Q. A., Portrait of.... 383 Warder, Dr. John A 840 Washington C. H., 1846..... 605 Washington C. H., 1886 605 Wauseon, Central View in 662 ILL USTRA TIONS, 81 PAGE. Wayne, Gen. Anthony, Portrait and Autograph of. 402 Weiner Wurst Man, The 786 Wellsville, 1846 464 West Union, 1846 229 Wetzel’s Springs 308 White Sulphur Springs 559 Whittlesey, Col. Charles, Portiait and Autograph of. 521 Whittlesey Homestead 521 Wilberforce University 722 Willich, Gen. August, Portrait of 303 Willich, Gen., Monument to Memory of 303 PAGE. Wilmington, 1846 424 Wilmington, 1886 424 Wittenberg College 398 Wood, Gov. Reuben 511 Worthington Female Seminary, 1846.,.. 612 Wright, Prof. G. Frederick, Portrait of 90 Xenia, 1846 701 Xenia, 1886 701 Zeigler, Major David 846 Zoological Garden 783 lotroductory Articles FAGK Outline History 83 General Description Frank Henry Howe, 51 Geography and Geology Prof. Edward Orton, 59 Glacial Man Prof. G. Frederick Wright, 90 History of Agriculture Prof. Norton S. Townshend, 100 Mines and Mining Resources Hon. Andrew Roy, 110 Pioneer Engineers Coe. Chas. Whitteesey, 119 Civil Jurisdiction Coe. Chas. Whitteesey, 122 Sources of Ohio’s Strength Coe. Chas. Whitteesey, 124 Public Lands John Kiebourne, 128 PAGE Public Land Surveys Coe. Chas. Whitteesey, 133 Educational Progress Prof. G. W. Knight, 137 Ohio in the Civil War Gen. John Beatty, 150 Ohio Commandery of the Loyal Legion 155 Ohio Officers, State and National 166 Ohio Society of New York 178 A Glance at Ohio History' and Historical Men J. Q. Howard, 184 Ohio’s Work in the United States Sani- tary Commission Prof. M. C. Read, 188 Ohio, the Buckeye State Hon. Wm. M. Farrar, 200 Workshop and Factory Inspection Frank Henry Howe, 208 Ordinance of 1787 217 Couoties. (ADAMS TO KNOX.) PAGE Adams 223 Allen 241 Ashland 251 Ashtabula 261 Athens 282 Auglaize 293 Belmont 306 Brown........ 328 Butler 342 Carroll 359 Champaign 372 Clark 387 Clermont 408 Clinton 423 Columbiana 436 Coshocton 466 Crawford 482 Cuyahoga 494 Darke 529 Defiance 539 Delaware 648 PAGE Erie 564 Fairfield 587 Fayette 602 Franklin 609 Fulton — 661 Gallia 668 Geauga 682 Greene 692 Guernsey.. 726 Hamilton 739 Hancock 867 Hardin 875 Harrison 887 Henry 903 Highland 912 Hocking 925 Holmes 934 Huron 941 Jackson 950 Jefferson 959 Knox.... .« 981 OHIO. OUTLINE HISTORY. The territory now comprised within the limits of Ohio was formerly a part of that vast region claimed by France, between the Alleghany and the Rocky mountains, first known by the general name of Louisiana. In 1673, Marquette, a zealous French Missionary, accompanied with Monsieur Joliet, from Quebec, with five boatmen, set out on a mission from Mackinac to the unexplored regions lying south of that station. They passed down the lake to Green Bay, thence from Fox River crossed over to the Wisconsin, which they followed down to its junction with the Mississippi. They descended this mighty stream a thousand miles to its confluence with the Arkansas. On their return to Canada, they did not fail to urge, in strong terms, the immediate occupation of the vast and fertile regions watered by the Mississippi and its branches. On the 7th of August, 1679, M. de la Salle, the French commandant of Fort Frontenac, on Lake Ontario, launched, upon Lake Erie, the Griffin, a bark of about 60 tons, with which he proceeded through the Lakes to the Straits of Michillimackinac. Leaving his bark at this place, he pro- ceeded up Lake Michigan, and from thence to the south west, till he arrived at Peoria Lake, in Illinois. At this place he erected a fort, and after having sent Father Lewis Hennepin on an exploring expedition. La Salle returned to Canada. In 1683, La Salle went to France, and, by the representations which he made, induced the French Government to fit out an expedition for the purpose of planting a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi. This expedition failed. La Salle being murdered by his own men. This disaster did not abate the ardor of the French in their great plan of obtaining possession of the vast region westward of the English colo- nies. A second expedition sailed from France, under the command of M. D’Iberville. This officer entered the mouth of the Mississippi, and explored the river for several hundred miles. Permanent establishments were made at different points; and from this time the French colony west of the Alleghanies steadily increased in numbers and strength. Previous to the year 1725, the colony had been divided into quarters, each having its local governor, or commandant, and judge, but all subject to the superior authority of the council general of Louisiana. One of these quarters was established north west of the Ohio. At this period the French had erected forts on the Mississippi, on the Illinois, on the Maumee, and on the lakes. Still, however, the communi- cation with Canada was through Lake Michigan. Before 1750, a French ( 33 ) 34 OUTLINE HISTORY. post had been fortified at the mouth of the Wabash, and a communication was established through that river and the Maumee with Canada. About the same time, and for the purpose of checking the progress of the French, the Ohio Company was formed, and made some attempts to establish trading houses among the Indians. The French, however, established a chain of fortifications back of the English settlements, and thus, in a meas- ure, had the entire control of the great Mississippi valley. The English government became alarmed at the encroachments of the French, and attempted to settle boundaries by negotiations. These availed nothing, and both parties were determined to settle their differences by the force of arms. The claims of the different European monarchs to large portions of the western continent were based upon the first discoveries made by their subjects. In 1609, the English monarch granted to the London Company, -all the territories extending along the coast for two hundred miles north and south from Point Comfort, and “ ttp into the land, throughout from sea ^^7 west and north-west.” In 1662, Charles II. granted to certain set- tlers upon the Connecticut all the territory between the parallels of lati- tude which include the present State of Connecticut, from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. The claims which Massachusetts advanced, during the revolution, to an interest in the western lands, were founded upon a similar charter, granted thirty years afterwards. When the king of France had dominions in North America, the whole of the late territory of the United States, north-west of the river Ohio, was included in the province of Louisiana, the north boundary of which, by the treaty of Utrecht, concluded between France and England in 1713, was fixed at the 49th parallel of latitude north of the Equator. After the conquest of the French possessions in North America by Great Britain, this tract was ceded by France to Great Britain, by the treaty of Paris, in 1763. The principal ground whereon the English claimed dominion beyond the Alleghanies was, that the Six Nations owned the Ohio valley, and had placed it with their other lands under the protection of England. Some of the western lands were also claimed by the British as having been actually purchased, at Lancaster, Penn., in 1744, at a treaty between the colonists and the Six Nations at that place. In 1748, the “Ohio Com- pany,” for the purpose of securing the Indian trade, was formed. In 1749, it appears that the English built a trading house upon the Great Miami, at a spot since called Loramie’s Store. In 1751, Christopher Gist, an agent of the Ohio Company, who was appointed to examine the west- ern lands, made a visit to the Twigtwees, who lived upon the Miami river, about one hundred miles from its mouth. Early in 1752, the French having heard of the trading house on the Miami, sent a party of soldiers to the Twigtwees and demanded the traders as intruders upon French lands. The Twigtwees refused to deliver up their friends. The French, assisted by the Ottawas and Chippewas, then attacked the trading house, which was probably a block house, and after a severe battle, in which fourteen of the natives were killed and others wounded, took and destroyed it, carrying away the traders to Canada. This fort, or trading house, was called, by the English, Pickawil- lany. Such was the first British settlement in the Ohio valley, of which we have any record. After Braddock’s defeat, in 1755, the Indians pushed their excursions as far east as the Blue Ridge. In order to repel them, Major Lewis, in Janu- ary, 1756, was sent with a party of troops on an expedition against the Indian towns on the Ohio. The point apparently aimed a^ was the upper Shawanese town, situated on the Ohio, three miles above the mouth of OUTLINE HISTORY. 35 the Great "Kanawha. The attempt proved a failure, in consequence, it is said, of the swollen state of the streams, and the treachery of the guides. In 1764, Gen. Bradstreet, having dispersed the Indian forces besieging Detroit, passed into the Wyandot country by way of Sandusky Bay. He ascended the bay and river as far as it was navigable for boats, and there made a camp. A treaty of peace was signed by the Chiefs and head men. The Shawnees of the Scioto river, and the Delawares of the Muskingum, however, still continued hostile. Col. Boquet, in 1764, with a body of troops, marched from Fort Pitt into the heart of the Ohio country on the Muskingum river. This expedition was conducted with great prudence and skill, and without scarcely any loss of life, as treaty of peace was effected with the Indians, who restored the prisoners they had captured from the white settlements. The next war with the Indians was in 1774, generally known as Lord Dunmore’s. In the summer of that year, an expedition, under Col. M’Donald, was assembled at Wheeling, marched kito the Muskingum country and destroyed the Indian town of Wapato- mica, a few miles above the site of Zanesville. In the fall, the Indians were defeated after a hard fought battle at Point Pleasant, on the Virginia side of the Ohio. Shortly after this event, Lord* Dunmore made peace with the Indians at Camp Charlotte, in what is now Pickaway country. During the revolutionary war, most of the western Indians were more or less united against the Americans. In the fall of 1778, an expedition against Detroit was projected. As a preliminary step, it was resolved that the forces in the west, under Gen, MTntosh, should move up and attack the Sandusky Indians. Preliminary to this. Fort Laurens, so called in honor of the President of Congress, was built upon the Tuscarawas, a short distance below the site of Bolivar, Tuscarawas county. The expe- dition to Detroit was abandoned and the garrison of Fort Laurens, after suffering much from the Indians and from famine, were recalled in August, 1779. ^ month or two previous to the evacuation of this fort. Col. Bowman headed an expedition against the Shawnees. Their village, Chillicothe, three miles north of the site of Xenia, on the little Miami, was burnt. The warriors showed an undaunted front, and the whites were forced to retreat. In the summer of 1780, an expedition directed against the Indian towns, in the forks of the Muskingum, moved from Wheeling under Gen. Broadhead. This expedition, known as “ the Coshocton cam- paign,” was unimportant in its results. In the same summer, Gen. Clark led a body of Kentuckians against the Shawnees. Chillicothe, on the Little Miami, was burnt on their approach, but at Piqua, their town on the Mad River, six miles below the site of Springfield, they gave battle to the whites and were defeated. In September, 1782, this officer led a second expedition against the Shawanese. Their towns. Upper and Lower Piqua,* on the Miami, within what is now Miami county, were destroyed, together with the store of a trader. There were other expeditions into the Indian country from Kentucky, which, although of later date, we mention in this connection. In 1786, Col. Logan conducted a successful expedition against the Mackachack towns, on the head waters of Mad River, in what is now Logan county. Edwards, in 1787, led an expedition to the head waters of the Big Miami, and, in 1788, Todd led one into the Scioto valley. There were also minor expeditions, at various times, into the present limits of Ohio. The Moravian missionaries, prior to the war of the revolution, had a number of missionary stations within the limits of Ohio. The mission- aries, Heckewelder and Post, were on the Muskingum as early as 1762. In March, 1782, a party of Americans, under Col. Williamson, murdered in cold blood, ninety-four of the defenceless Moravian Indians, within the present limits of Tuscarawas county. In the June following. Col. Craw- 3 ^ OUTLINE HISTORY. ford, at the head of about 500 men, was defeated by the Indians, three miles north of the site of Upper Sandusky, in Wyandot county. He was taken prisoner, and burnt at the stake with horrible tortures. By an act of the Parliament of Great Britain, passed in 1774, the whole of the late north-western Territory was annexed to, and made a part of the province of Quebec, as created and established by the royal proclama- tion of the 7th of October, 1763. But nothing therein contained, relative to the boundary of the said province of Quebec, was in any wise to affect the boundaries of any other colony. The colonies having, in 1776, renounced their allegiance to the British king, and assumed rank as free, sovereign and independent States, each State claimed the right of soil and jurisdiction over the district of country embraced within its charter. The charters of several of the States embraced large portions of western unappropriated lands. Those States which had no such charters, insisted that these lands ought to be appro- priated for the benefit of all the States, according to their population, as the title to them, if secured at all, would be by the blood and treasure of all the States. Congress repeatedly urged upon those States owning western unappropriated lands, to make liberal cessions of them for the common benefit of all. The claim of the English monarch to the late north-western Territory was ceded to the United States, by the treaty of peace, signed at Paris, September 3, 1783. The provisional articles which formed the basis of that treaty, more especially as related to the boundary, were signed at Paris, November 30, 1782. During the pendency of the negotiation relative to these preliminary articles, Mr. Oswald, the British commis- sioner, proposed the river Ohio as the western boundary of the United States, and but for the indomitable perseverance of the revolutionary patriot, John Adams, one of the American commissioners, who opposed the proposition, and insisted upon the Mississippi as the boundary, the proba- bility is, that the proposition of Mr. Oswald would have been acceded to by the United States commissioners. The states who owned western unappropriated lands, with a single exception, redeemed their respective pledges by ceding them to the United States. The State of Virginia, in March, 1784, ceded the right of soil and jurisdiction to the district of country embraced in her charter, situated to the north-west of the river Ohio. In September, 1786, the State of Con- necticut also ceded her claim of soil and jurisdiction to the district of country within the limits of her charter, situated west of a line beginning at the completion of the forty-first point degree of north latitude, one hundred and twenty miles west of the western boundary of Pennsylvania ; and from thence by a line drawn north parallel to, and one hundred and twenty miles west of said line of Pennsylvania, and to continue north until it came to forty-two degrees and two minutes north latitude. The State of Connecticut, on the 30th of May, 1800, also ceded her jurisdictional claims to all that territory called the “ Western Reserve of Connecticut.” The states of New York and Massachusetts also ceded all their claims. The above were not the only claims which had to be made prior to the commencement of settlements within the limits of Ohio. Numerous tribes of Indian savages, by viitue of prior possession, asserted their respective claims, which also had to be extinguished. A treaty for this purpose was accordingly made at Fort Stanwix, October 27, 1784, with the Sachems and warriors of the Mohawks, Onondagas, Senecas, Cayugas, Oneidas, and Tuscaroras; by the third article of which treaty, the said Six Nations ceded to the United States all claims to the country west of a line extend- ing along the west boundary of Pennsylvania, from the mouth of the Oyounayea to the river Ohio. OUTLINE HISTORY. 37 A treaty was also concluded at Fort McIntosh, January 2I, 1785, with the Wyandot, Delaware, Chippewa, and Ottawa nations, by which the boundary line between the Uniteci States and the Wyandot and Delaware nations was declared to begin “ at the mouth of the river Cuyahoga, and to extend up said river to the Portage, between that and the Tuscaroras branch of the Muskin- gum, thence down that branch to the crossing place above Fort Laurens, then westerly to the Portage of the Big Miami, which runs into the Ohio, at the mouth of which branch the fort stood which was taken by the French, in 1752 ; then along said Portage to the Great Miami, or Omee river, and down the south side of the same to its mouth ; then along the south shore of Lake Erie to the mouth of the Cuyahoga river, where it began.” The United States allotted all the lands contained within said lines to the Wyandot and Delaware nations, to live and hunt on, and to such of the Ottawa nation as lived thereon ; saving and reserving for the establishment of trading posts, six miles square at the mouth of the Miami, or Omee river, and the same at the Portage, on that branch of the Big Miami which runs into the Ohio, and the same on the Lake of Sandusky where the fort formerly stood, and also two miles square on each side of the Lower Rapids of Sandusky river. The Indian title to a large part of the territory within the limits of Ohio having been extinguished, legislative action on the part of Congress became necessary before settlements were commenced ; as in the treaties made with the Indians, and in the acts of Congress, all citizens of the United States were pro- hibited settling on the lands of the Indians, as well as on those of the United States. Ordinances were accordingly made by Congress for the government of the Northwestern Territory, and for the survey and sale of portions of lands to which the Indian title had been extinguished. In May, 1785, Congress passed an ordinance for ascertaining the mode of disposing of these lands. Under that ordinance, the first seven ranges, bounded on the east by Pennsylvania, and on the south by the Ohio river, were surveyed. Sales of parts of these were made at New York, in 1787, the avails of which amounted to 1^72,974, and sales of other parts of said range were made at Pitts- burg and Philadelphia, in 1796. The avails of sales made at the former place amounted to ;$43,446, and at the latter, ;^5,I20. A portion of these lands were located under United States military land warrants. No further sales were made in that district until the Land Office was opened at Steubenville, July i, 1801. On the 27th of October, 1787, a contract in writing was entered into between the Board of Treasury for the United States of America, of the one part, and Manassah Cutler and Winthrop Sargeant, as agents for the directors of the New England Ohio Company of associates, of the other part, for the purchase of the tract of land bounded by the Ohio, from the mouth of the Scioto to the intersection of the western boundary of the seventh range of townships then surveying ; thence by said boundary to the northern boundary of the tenth township from the Ohio ; thence by a due west line to Scioto ; thence by the Scioto to the beginning. The bounds of that contract were afterwards altered in 1792. The settlement of this purchase commenced at Marietta, at the mouth of the Muskingum river, in the spring of 1788, and was the first settlement formed within the limits of Ohio. An attempt at settlement within the bounds of Ohio had b®en made in April, 1785, at the mouth of the Scioto, on the site of Portsmouth, by four families from Redstone, Pa. ; but difficulties with the Indians compelled its abandonment. In October, 1787, Congress appointed Gen. Arthur St. Clair, an officer of the Revolution, Governor ; Winthrop Sargeant, Secretary ; and the Hon. Samuel Holden Parsons, James Mitchell Varnum, yudges, in, and over the Territory. The territorial government was organized, and sundry laws were made, or adopted, by the Governor and Judges Parsons and Varnum. In 1788 John 38 OUTLINE HISTORY. Cleves Symmes was also appointed judge. The county of Washington, having its limits extended westward to the Scioto, and northward to Lake Erie, em- bracing about half the territory within the present limits of the State, was estab- lished by the proclamation of the Governor. On the 15th of October, 1788, John Cleves Symmes, in behalf of himself and his associates, contracted with the Board of Treasury for the purchase of a large tract of land situated between the Great and Little Miami river, and the first settlement within the limits of that purchase, and second in Ohio, was com- menced in November of that year, at Columbia, at the mouth of the Little Miami, five miles above the site of Cincinnati. “ A short time after the settlement at Marietta had commenced, an association was formed under the name of the Scioto Land Company. A contract was made for the purchase of a part of the lands included in the Ohio Company's pur- chases. Plats and descriptions of the land contracted for, were, however, made out, and Joel Barlow was sent as an agent to Europe to make sales of the lands for the benefit of the company ; and sales were effected of parts thereof to com- panies and individuals in France. On February 19, 1791, two hundred and eighteen of these purchasers left Havre de Grace, in France, and arrived in Al- exandria, D, C., on the 3d of May following. During their passage, two were added to their number. On their arrival, they were told that the Scioto Com- pany owned no land. The agent insisted that they did, and promised to secure to them good titles thereto, which he did, at Winchester, Brownsville, and Charleston (now Wellsburg.) When they arrived at Marietta, about fifty of them landed. The rest of the company proceeded to Gallipolis, which was laid out about that time, and were assured by the agent that the place lay within their purchase. Every effort to secure titles to the lands they had purchased having failed, an application was made to Congress, and in June, 1798, a grant was made to them of a tract of land on the Ohio, above the mouth of the Scioto river, which is called the ‘ French Grant' ” The Legislature of Connecticut, in May, 1795, appointed a committee to receive proposals and make sale of the lands she had reserved in Ohio. This committee sold the lands to sundry citizens of Connecticut and other States, and, in September of the same year, executed to several purchasers deeds of conveyance therefor. The purchasers proceeded to survey into townships of five miles square the whole of said tract lying east of the Cuyahoga; they made divisions thereof according to their respective proportions, and com- menced settlements in many of the townships, and there were actually settled therein, by the 21st of March, 1800, about one thousand inhabitants. A num- ber of mills had been built, and roads cut in various directions to the extent of about 700 miles. The location of the lands appropriate for satisfying military land bounty warrants in the district appropriated for that purpose, granted for services in the Revolutionary war, commenced on March 13, 1800; and the location of the lands granted to the Canadian and Nova Scotia refugees commenced February 13, 1802. The lands east of the Scioto, south of the military bounty lands, and west of the fifteenth range of townships, were first brought into market, and offered for sale by the United States on the first Monday of May, 1801. The State of Virginia, at an early period of the Revolutionary war, raised two description of troops. State and Continental, to each of which bounties in land were promised. The lands within the limits of her charter, situate to the northwest of Ohio river, were withdrawn from appropriation on treasury war- rants, and the lands on Cumberland river, and between the Green and Tennes- see rivers on the southeasterly side of the Ohio, were appropriated for these military bounties. Upon the recommendation of Congress, Virginia ceded her lands north of the Ohio, upon certain conditions ; one of which was, that in case the lands south of Ohio should be insufficient for their legal bounties to OUTLINE HISTORY. 39 their troops, the deficiency should be made up from lands north of the Ohio, between the rivers Scioto and Little Miami. In 1783, the Legislature of Virginia authorized the officers of their respective lines to appoint superintendents to regulate the survey of the bounty lands promised. Richard C. Anderson was appointed principal surveyor of the lands of the troops of the continental establishment. An office for the reception of locations and surveys was opened at Louisville, Kentucky, August i, 1784, and on the 1st of August, 1787, the said office was open for the reception of surveys and locations on the north side of the Ohio. In the year 1789, January 9th, a treaty was made at Fort Harmar, between Governor St. Clair and the Sachems and warriors of the Wyandot, Chippewa, Potawatomie, and Sac nations, in which the treaty at Fort McIntosh was re- newed and confirmed. It did not, however, produce the favorable results anti- cipated. The Indians, the same year, assuming a hostile appearance, were seen hovering round the infant settlements near the mouth of the Muskingum and between the Miamies, and nine persons were killed within the bounds of Symmes’ purchase. The new settlers became alarmed and erected block-houses in each of the new settlements. In June, 1789, Major Doughty, with 140 men, from Fort Harmar, commenced the building of Fort Washington, on a spot now within the present limits of Cincinnati. A few months afterwards, Gen. Har- mar arrived, with 300 men, and took command of the fort. Negotiations with the Indians proving unavailing, Gen. Harmar was directed ' to attack their towns. In pursuance of his instructions he marched from Cin- cinnati, in September, 1790, with 1,300 men, of whom less than one-fourth were regulars. When near the Indian villages, on the Miami of the lake in the vicinity of what is now Fort Wayne, an advanced detachment of 310, consisting chiefly of militia, fell into an ambush and was defeated with severe loss. Gen. Harmar, however, succeeded in burning the Indian villages and in destroying their standing corn, and having effected this service, the army commenced its march homeward. They had not proceeded far when Harmar received intelli- gence that the Indians had returned to their ruined towns. He immediately detached about one-third of his remaining force, under the command of CoL Hardin, with orders to bring them to an engagement. He succeeded in this early the next morning ; the Indians fought with great fury, and the militia and the regulars alike behaved with gallantry. More than one hundred of the militia, and all the regulars except nine, were killed, and the rest were driven back to the main body. Dispirited by this severe misfortune, Harmar imme- diately marched to Cincinnati, and the object of the expedition in intimidating the Indians was entirely unsuccessful. As the Indians continued hostile, a new army, superior to the former, was assembled at Cincinnati, under the command of Gov. St. Clair. The regular force amounted to 2,300 men ; the militia numbered about 600. With this army, St. Clair commenced his march towards the Indian towns on the Maumee. Two forts, Hamilton and Jefferson, were established and garrisoned on the route, about forty miles from each other. Misfortune attended the expedition almost from its commencement. Soon after leaving Fort Jefferson, a considerable party of the militia deserted in a body. The first regiment, under Major Hamtramck, was ordered to pursue them and to secure the advancing convoys of provisions, which it was feared they designed to plunder. Thus weakened by desertion, and division, St. Clair approached the Indian villages. On the 3d of November, 1791, when at what is now the line of Darke and Mercer counties, he halted, intending to throw up some slight fortification for the pro- tection of baggage, and to await the return of the absent regiment. On the following morning, however, about half an hour before sunrise, the American army was attacked with great fury, as there is good reason to believe, by the whole disposable force of the northwest tribes. The Americans were totally OUTLINE HISTORY. defeated. Gen. Butler and upwards of six hundred men were killed. Indian outrages of every kind were now multiplied, and emigration was almost entirely suspended. President Washington now urged forward the vigorous prosecution of the war for the protection of the Northwest Territory; but various obstacles re- tarded the enlistment and organization of a new army. In the spring of 1794 the American army assembled at Greenville, in Darke county, under the com- mand of Gen. Anthony Wayne, a bold, energetic and experienced officer of the Revolution. His force consisted of about two thousand regular troops, and fifteen hundred mounted volunteers from Kentucky. The Indians had collected their whole force, amounting to about two thousand men, near a British fort, erected since the treaty of 1783, in violation of its obligations, at the foot of the rapids of the Maumee. On the 20th of August, 1794, Gen. Wayne en- countered the enemy, and after a short and deadly conflict, the Indians fled in the greatest confusion, and were pursued under the guns of the British fort. After destroying all the houses and corn-fields above and below the British fort, on the Maumee, the victorious army returned to the mouth of Au Glaize, where Wayne erected Fort Defiance. Previous to this action, various fruitless attempts had been made to bring the Indians to peace. Some of the messen- gers sent among the Indians for that object were murdered. The victory of Wayne did not at first reduce the savages to submission. Their country was laid waste, and forts were erected in the heart of their ter- ritory before they could be entirely subdued. At length, however, theybecame thoroughly convinced of their inability to resist the American arms and sued for peace. A grand council was held at Greenville, where eleven of the most powerful northwestern tribes were represented, to whom Gen. Wayne dictated the terms of pacification. The boundary established by the treaty at Fort McIntosh was confirmed and extended westward from Loramie’s to Fort Re- covery, and thence southwest to the mouth of the Kentucky river. The Indians agreed to acknowledge the United States as their sole protector, and never to sell their lands to any other power. Upon these and other conditions, the United States received the Indian nations into their protection. A large quan- tity of goods was delivered to them on the spot, and perpetual annuities, pay- able in merchandise, etc., were promised to each tribe who became a party to the treaty. While the war with the Indians continued, of course but little progress was made in the settlement in the west. The next county that was established after that of Washington, in 1788, was Hamilton, erected in 1790. Its bounds in- cluded the country between the Miamies, extending northward from the Ohio river to a Ime drawn due east from the Standing Stone forks of the Great Miami. The name of the settlement opposite the Licking was, at this time, called Cincinnati. At this period there was no fixed seat of government. The laws were passed whenever they seemed to be needed, and promulgated at any place where the territorial legislators happened to be assembled. In 1789 the first Congress passed an act recognizing the binding force of the ordinance of 1787, and adapting its provisions to the federal constitution. At this period, the judges appointed by the national executive constituted the supreme court of the territory. Inferior to this court were the county court, courts of common pleas, and the general quarter sessions of the peace. Single judges of the common pleas, and single justices of the quarter sessions were also clothed with certain civil and criminal powers to be exercised out of court. In 1795 the governor an I judges undertook to revise the territorial laws, and to establish a system of statutory jurisprudence, by adoptions from the laws of the original States, in conformity to the ordinance. For this purpose they assembled in Cincinnati in June and continued in session until th^ latter OUTLINE HISTORY, part of August The general court was fixed at Cincinnati and Marietta; other courts were established, and laws and regulations were adopted for various purposes. The population of the territory now continued to increase and extend. From Marietta, settlers spread into the adjoining country. The Virginia military reservation drew a considerable number of revolutionary veterans, and others, from that State. The region between the Miamies, from the Ohio far up toward the sources of Mad river, became chequered with farms, and abounded in indications of the presence of an active and prosperous population. The neighborhood of Detroit became populous, and Connecticut, by grants of land within the tract, reserved in her deed of cession, induced many of her hardy citizens to seek a home on the borders of Lake Erie. In 1796 Wayne county was established, including all the northwestern part of Ohio, a large tract in the northeastern part of Indiana, and the whole territory of Michigan. In July, 1797, Adams county was erected, comprehending a large tract lying on both sides of the Scioto, and extending northward to Wayne. Other counties were afterwards formed out of those already established. Before the end of the year 1798 the Northwest Territory contained a population of five thousand free male inhabitants, of full age, and eight organized counties. The people were now entitled, under the ordinance of 1787, to a change in their form of government. That instrument provided that whenever there were five thousand free males, of full age, in the territory, the people should be au- thorized to elect representatives to a territorial legislature. These, when chosen, were to nominate ten freeholders of 500,acres, of whom the president was to appoint five, who were to constitute the legislative council. Representatives were to serve two, and councilmen five years. The first meeting of the terri- torial legislature was appointed on the i6th of September, 1799, but it was not till the 24th of the same month that the two houses were organized for busi- ness ; at which time they were addressed by Gov. St. Clair. An act was passed to confirm and give force to those laws enacted by the governor and judges, whose validity had been doubted. This act, as well as every other which originated in the council, was prepared and brought forward by Jacob Burnet, afterwards a distinguished judge and senator, to whose labors, at this session, the territory was indebted for some of its most beneficial laws. The whole number of acts passed and approved by the governor was thirty-seven. Wil- liam H. Harrison, then secretary of the Territory, was elected as delegate to Congress, having eleven of twenty-one votes. Within a few months after the close of this session, Connecticut ceded to the United States her claim of jurisdiction over the northeastern part of the ter- ritory; upon which the president conveyed, by patent, the fee of the soil to the governor of the State, for the use of grantees and purchasers claiming under her. This tract, in the summer of the same year, was erected into a new county by the name of Trumbull. The same congress which made a final arrangement with Connecticut, passed an act dividing the Northwestern Territory into two governments, by a line drawn from the mouth of the Kentucky to Fort Re- covery,, and thence northward to the territorial line. East of this line, the government, already established, was continued ; while west of it another, sub- stantially similar, was established. This act fixed the seat of the eastern gov- ernment at Chillicothe; subject, however, to be removed at the pleasure of the legislature. On the 30th of April, 1802, Congress passed an act authorizing the call of a convention to form a State constitution. This convention assembled at Chil- licothe, November ist, and on the 29th of the same month a constitution of State government was ratified and signed by the members of the convention. It was never referred to the people for their approbation, but became the fun- damental law of the State by the act of the convention alone ; and, by this act, Ohio became one of the States of the Federal Union, 4 * OUTLINE HISTORY, Besides framing the constitution, the convention had another duty to per- form. The act of Congress, providing for the admission of the new State into the Union, offered certain propositions to the people. These were, first, that section sixteen in each township, or, where that section had been disposed of, other contiguous and equivalent lands, should be granted to the inhabitants for the use of schools ; second, that thirty-eight sections of land, where salt-springs had been found, of which one township was situated on the Scioto, one section on the Muskingum, and one section in the United States u'ilitary tract, should be granted to the State, never, however, to be sold or leased for a longer term than ten years ; and third, that one-twentieth of the proceeds of public lands sold within the State, should be applied to the construction of roads from the Atlantic, to and through the same. These propositions were offered on the condition that the convention should provide, by ordinance, that all lands sold by the United States after the 30th day of June, 1802, should be exempt from taxation, by the State, for five years after sale. The ordinance of 1785 had already provided for the appropriation of section sixteen to the support of schools in every township sold by the United States ; and this appropriation thus became a condition of the sale and settlement of the western country. It was a consideration offered to induce purchases of public lands, at a time when the treasury was well-nigh empty, and this source of revenue was much relied upon. It extended to every township of land within the territory, except those in the Virginia military reservation, and wherever the reserved section had been disposed of, after the passage of the ordinance. Congress was bound to make other equivalent provision for the same object. The reservation of section sixteen, therefore, could not, in 1802, be properly made the object of a new bargain between the United States and the State ; and many thought that the salt reservations and the twentieth of the proceeds of the public lands were very inadequate equivalents for the pro- posed surrender of the right to tax. The convention, however, determined to accept the propositions of Congress, on their being so far enlarged and modified as to vest in the State, for the use of schools, section sixteen in each township sold by the United States, and three other tracts of land, equal in quantity, respectively, to one thirty-sixth of the Virginia reservation, of the United States military tract, and of the Connecticut reserve, and to give three per centum of the proceeds of the public lands sold within the State, to be applied under the direction of the legislature, to roads in Ohio. Congress assented to the pro- posed modifications, and thus completed the compact. The first General Assembly under the State constitution met at Chillicothe, March i, 1803. The legislature enacted such laws as were deemed necessary for the new order of things, and created eight new counties, namely : Gallia, Scioto, Franklin, Columbiana, Butler, Warren, Greene and Montgomery. The first State officers elected by the assembly were as follows, viz. : Michael Bald- win, Speaker of the House of Representatives; Nathaniel Massie, Speaker of the Senate ; William Creighton, Jr., Secretary of State; Col. Thomas Gibson, Auditor; William McFarland, Treasurer ; Return J. Meigs, Jr., Samuel Hun- tington and William Sprigg, Judges of the Supreme Court; Francis Djjnlavy, Wyllys Silliman and Calvin Pease, Judges of the District Courts. The second General Assembly convened in December, 1803. At this ses- sion, the militia law was thoroughly revised and a law was passed to enable aliens to enjoy the same proprietary rights in Ohio as native citizens. At this session, also, the revenue system of the State was simplified and improved. Acts were passed providing for the incorporation of townships, and for the establishment of boards of commissioners of counties. In 1805, by a treaty with the Indians at Fort Industry (site of Toledo), the United States acquired, for the use of the grantees of Connecticut, all that part of the western reserve which lies west of the Cuyahoga. By subsequent trea- OUTLINE HISTORY. 43 ties, all the country watered by the Maumee and the Sandusky have been acquired, and the Indian title to lands in Ohio extinguished,* In the course of the year 1805 the conspiracy of Aaron Burr began to agitate the western country. The precise scope of the conspiracy does not distinctly appear. “ The immediate object, probably, was to seize on New Or- leans and invade Mexico. The ulterior purpose may have been to detach the West from the American Union. In December, 1806, in consequence of a con- fidential message from the Governor, founded on the representations of an agent of the general Government deputed to watch the motions of Burr, the legisla- ture passed an act authorizing the arrest of persons engaged in an unlawful j enterprise, and the seizure of their goods. Under this act, ten boats, with a considerable quantity of arms, ammunition and provisions, belonging to Burr’s expedition, were seized. This was a fatal blow to the project.” The Indians, who since the treaty at Greenville had been at peace, about the year 1810 began to commit aggressions upon the inhabitants of the West.' The celebrated Tecumseh was conspicuously active in his efforts to unite the native tribes against the Americans, and to arrest the farther extension of the settlements. His proceedings, and those of his brother, ” the Prophet,” soon made it evident that the West was about to suffer the calamities of another Indian war, and it was resolved to anticipate their movements. In 1811 Gen. Harrison, then Governor of Indiana Territory, marched against the town of the ” Prophet,” upon the Wabash. The battle of Tippecanoe ensued, in what is now Cass county, Indiana, in which the Indians were totally defeated. This year was also distinguished by an occurrence of immense importance to the whole West. This was the voyage, from Pittsburg to New Orleans, of the first steamboat ever launched upon the western waters. In June, 1812, the United States declared war against Great Britain. Of this war the West was a principal theatre. Defeat, disaster and disgrace marked its opening scenes ; but the latter events of the contest were a series ot splendid achievements. Croghan’s gallant defence of Fort Stephenson ; Perry’s victory upon Lake Erie; the total defeat, by Harrison, of the allied British and sav- ages, under Proctor and Tecumseh, on the Thames ; and the great closing triumph of Jackson at New Orleans, reflected the most brilliant lustre upon the American arms. In every vicissitude of this contest, the conduct of Ohio was eminently patriotic and honorable. When the necessities of the national Gov- ernment compelled Congress to resort to a direct tax, Ohio, for successive years, cheerfully assumed and promptly paid her quota out of her State treasury. Her sons volunteered with alacrity their services in the field ; and no troops more patiently endured hardship or performed better service.^ Hardly a battle was fought in the Northwest in which some of these brave citizen soldiers did not seal their devotion to their country with their blood. In 1816 the seat of the State Government was removed to Columbus, the proprietors of the town having, pursuant to an agreement entered into, in good faith, erected the State-house and other public buildings for the accommodation of the legislature and the officers of State. “In January, 1817, the first resolution relating to a canal connecting the Ohio river with Lake Erie was introduced into the legislature. In 1819 the * Indian Treaties . — The Western Reserve tract west of the Cuyahoga river was secured by a treaty formed at Fort Industry (Toledo) in 1805. The lands west of Huron and Richland counties and north of the Indian boundary line [that is, the Greenville treaty line, that treaty being the one made by Gen. Wayne in August, 1795] to the western limits of Ohio, were purchased by the United States in 1818 by a treaty made at St. Mary’s, Lewis Cass and Duncan McArthur, commissioners. The lands so ceded were called the “ New Purchase.” By the terms of this treaty certain tracts or reservations were made within the purchased tract to the Wyandots, Delawares, Senecas, etc. These reservations were subsequently ceded to the United States; the last by the Wyandots in 1842, they then being the only Indians remaining in the State. The next year they removed to Kansas, and numbered at that time about 700 souls. 44 OUTLINE history: subject was again agitated. In 1820, on recommendation of Gov, Brown, an act was passed providing for the appointment of three canal commissioners, who were to employ a competent engineer and assistants, for the purpose of surveying the route of the canal. The action of the commissioners, however, was made to depend on the acceptance of Congress of a proposition on behalf of the State for a donation and sale of public lands lying upon and near the route of the proposed canal. In consequence of this restriction nothing was accomplished for two years. In 1822 the subject was referred to a committee of the House of Representatives. This committee recommended the employ- ment of an engineer, and submitted various estimates and observations to illustrate the importance and feasibility of the work. Under this act James Geddes, of New York, an experienced and skilful engineer, was employed to make the necessary examinations and surveys. Finally, after all the routes had been surveyed, and estimates made of the expense had been laid before the legisla- ture at several sessions, an act was passed in February, 1825, ‘ To provide for the internal improvement of the State by navigable canals,’ and thereupon the State embarked in good earnest in the prosecution of the great work of in- ternal improvement.” The construction of the canals gave new life to the progress of the State. Firstly, the work of their building supplied funds to the settlers along their lines and then opened a market for the product of agriculture. These in many sections had previously next to no cash value, and this, with the large amount of sickness incident to opening up a wilderness, had occasioned the settle- ments to languish. The total canal m.ileage in the State is now 788 miles, and the reservoirs cover an area of 32,100 acres, or over fifty square miles. The total cost was about sixteen millions of dollars. Railroads soon followed. The first railroad west of New York State was the ” Erie & Kalamazoo,” which led from Toledo, Ohio, to Adrian, Michigan. It was opened with horse-power in the fall of 1836. A locomotive was put on in the following July, 1837, the first used in the West. The next railroad in Ohio was the Mad River & Lake Erie, which was incorporated in 1832, with a prospective route from Dayton via Springfield to Sandusky. Construction was begun in 1835, and in 1839 ^ portion opened sixteen miles from Sandusky to Bellvue, and the second locomotive in Ohio was used there. Ten years later, in 1 848, this road, in connection with the Little Miami Railway, which was built from Cincinnati to Springfield, formed the first through line across the State. The second through line from the lake to the Ohio was opened in 1851 under the name of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Little Miami Railroad. The next year chronicled the opening of a third line from Cleveland to Pitts- burg. The railroads of Ohio had in 1887 developed to 9,849 miles of track, on which, with equipment, had been expended nearly 500 millions of dollars. In 1835 the long dispute between Ohio and Michigan in relation to the boundary line between them culminated in what was termed the “ Toledo War.” Both States assembled their troops, but before any opening of hostili- ties occurred peace commissioners from the President arrived on the ground, and the next year Congress decided in favor of Ohio, Michigan receiving as compensation for the* relinquishment of her claims the large peninsula bounded by the three great lakes and so rich in mineral wealth. In the decade between 1830 and 1840 Ohio made surprising progress, owing largely to the development of her canal system. Her increase of population was 68 per cent., and she had become the third State of the Union with 1,519,- 467 inhabitants. Cincinnati, her chief city, had a population of 46,338; Co- lumbus, 6,048 ; Cleveland, 6,071, and Dayton 6,067, which were the three next in order. Her manufacturing and commercial interests had received through that of OUTLINE HISTORY, 45 her agriculture a vigorous start, and her mining began. The number of men employed was 620. In 1840 occurred the famous “Hard Cider and Log Cabin Campaign/' which resulted in the election of General William Henry Harrison to the Presidency by the Whig party and of Thomas Corwin as Governor by a ma- jority of 16,000 over Wilson Shannon. Two years later Corwin was defeated by Shannon, who thus became the first Governor born on the soil. For the war with Mexico, declared in 1846, Ohio supplied four regiments of volunteers and a company over, in all 5,536 men, more than any other Northern State, of whom 57 were killed and wounded. One of the regiments, the Second, was commanded by Col. Geo. W. Morgan, of Mt. Vernon, later a brigadier-general in the war of the rebellion. In this same year, 1846, bituminous coal was introduced into Ohio as a fur- nace fuel at Lowellville, in Mahoning county, an event of prime importance to the development of the iron industry of the State and country. Its first suc- cess was the year before in an adjoining county in Pennsylvania. At this period the slavery question assumed such importance as to soon revolutionize the politics of the State. In the session of 1848-9 the legisla- ture was nearly equally divided between the Whigs and Democrats, with two Free Soilers, namely, Messrs. N. S. Townshend, of Lorain county, and John P'. Morse, of Lake county, holding the balance of power. The repeal of the Black Laws,* which had long marred the statute books of Ohio, and their choice for a United States Senator, were the primary objects with the Free Soilers. Beside the election of a Senator, two judges were to be elected to the Supreme Bench. Mr. Morse made overtures to the Whigs, but there were some few from the southern counties who opposed the repeal of the laws and to Joshua R. Giddings, his choice for Senator, and hence he failed. Mr. Townshend was successful with the Democrats. They united with the Free Soilers, the Black Laws were repealed (in which vote most of the Whigs joined), Salmon P. Chase, the personal choice of Mr. Townshend, was elected to the Senate, and two Democratic judges to the Supreme Bench. This legislation provided schools for colored children. They were, however, in a certain sense Black Laws, inasmuch as a distinction was thereby shown between the races. This distinction was not entirely obliterated until the session of 1886-7, when they were repealed through the eloquent efforts of Benjamin W. Arnett, D. D., member-elect from Greene county. He was the first colored man in the United States to represent a constituency where the majority were white and the first to be foreman of a jury where all the other members were white. On May 6, 1850, the second constitutional convention, consisting of 108 members, met at Columbus to revise and change the old constitution and adapt it to the changed condition of the commonwealth. It was in actual session in all about four and a half months. The adjournment was March 10, 1851. The constitution was ratified by a majority of 16,288. William Medill, its president, was elected the first Governor under it. On July 13, 1855, Free Soilers, Whigs, Democrats and Americans, opposed to the extension of slavery, met at the Town Street Methodist Church in Co- lumbus and held the first Republican State Convention. They elected John Sherman chairman and announced in their platform that they would “ resist the spread of slavery under whatever shape or color it may be attempted. They nominated Salmon P. Chase as their Governor. The Whig party was from thenceforth no more. Mr. Chase was elected by a ma- * For an account of the “Black L?ws,” see sketch of Mr. Townshend preliminary to his article on the “History of Agriculture in Unio,” page loo. 46 OUTLINE HISTORY. jority of 15,651. His opposing Democratic candidate was Gov. Medill. Ex* Governor Trimble, the candidate of the American, or Know Nothing party, re- ceived 24,276 votes. In 1857 Mr. Chase was again re-elected Governor by 1,503 majority over Henry B. Payne, the Democratic candidate. The great measure of Mr. Chase’s administration was his suggestion to the legislature to organize the militia. It seems as though his vision was pro- phetic of coming events. In 1858 a grand review was held of the newly-or- ganized military forces at Dayton, and rules and regulations governing military drills were printed and scattered among the militia, thereby creating a martial and patriotic spirit which afterwards burst out with almost uncontrollable en- thusiasm. “ Slowly the nation was approaching the crisis of its history, and Mr. Chase marched abreast of all events that led to it. In October, 1859, John Brown made his famous invasion of Virginia, and immediately after Gov. Henry A. Wise wrote to Gov. Chase, notifying him that Virginia would pursue abolition bands even into sister States to punish them. Mr. Chase dignifiedly replied that Ohio would obey the constitution and laws of the United States and dis- countenance unlawful acts, but under no circumstances could the military of other States invade Ohio territory. This was his last official declaration as Governor. In January, i860, his term closed, and he was a month later elected United States Senator.”* William Dennison, the first of “ the War Governors,” succeeded Mr. Chase, being elected over Judge Rufus P. Ranney, his Democratic competitor, by a majority of 13,331 votes. The legislature was in session when the news was received of the fall of Sumter and sent a thrill through that body. In the midst of the excitement the shrill tones of a woman’s voice resounded from the gallery: “Thank God! It is the death of slavery.” They were the screaming tones of Abbie Kelly P'oster, who for years had been noted as an anti-slavery lecturer of the most fiery denunciatory type. Ohio’s response to the proclamation of President Lincoln, calling for 75,000 of the militia of the several States, was immediate. From all parts of the State came proffers of services from tens of thousands, and on the 19th of April, only four days after the issuance of the call, the First and Second Regi- ments of Ohio Volunteers had been organized at Columbus and were on their way to Washington. The legislature simultaneously voted an appropriation of a million dollars for war purposes. Senator Garfield also offered a bill, which was passed, “ to define and punish treason against the State.” In his report Mr. Garfield said : “ It is high time for Ohio to enact a law to meet treachery when it shall take the form of an overt act ; to provide when her soldiers shall go forth to maintain the Union there shall be no treacherous fire in the rear.” His bill was passed in consequence of the efforts of the Hon. C. L. Vallandigham, who was in Columbus, and, believing that the Union could not be sustained by force of arms, was vainly endeavoring to stem the patriotic fervor which led the Democratic members of the Assembly equally with the Republican to maintain the Government. Governor Dennison was soon enveloped “ in a whirlpool of events ; but he proved himself equal to the emergency.” Having contributed to the safety of Washington by the despatching thither of two regiments, his next attention was given to the southern border, along which for 436 miles Ohio was bounded by the slave States Virginia and Kentucky, and liable to invasion. The atti- tude of Virginia was most alarming. Her western mountains were a natural fortification admitting of perfect defence and behind which Richmond and the *From “A History of Ohio,” inclusive of Biographical Sketches 01 me Governors and the Ordinance of 1787, by Daniel J. Ryan, Secretary of State. An excellent little compend. A. H. Smythe, pub- lisher, Columbus, 1888, i:^here the lake is now. Thus we prove that the Niagara gorge represents the work of erosion done by the river since the glacial period. The next problem is to ascertain how fast the river is wearing back the gorge. That the gorge is receding is evident from the occasional reports heard of por- tions of the shelving rocks falling beneath the weight of water constantly pour- ing over them. If a continual dropping wear a stone, what must not such a torrent of water do? From measurements made between forty and fifty years ago and others repeated within the last few years, it has been ascertained that the falls are receding. The recent surveys of the government show that during the last forty-five years very nearly six acres of rock surface have broken off from This plate (taken from “Studies in Science and Eeligion”) shows, in addition to the glaciated area of New Jersey, the glacial terraces of gravel along the Lehigh and Delaware rivers, and also the delta-terrace at Trenton, from which Dr. C. C. Abbott has taken palaeolithic implements. g9 GLACIAL MAN IN OHIO. the verge of the falls, making an average annual recession of about ^wo and a half feet per year for the last forty-five years. Making allowances for portions of the work which had been done before the glacial period by smaller stream in the same channel, and for some other facts which there is not time here to men- tion, Mr. G. K. Gilbert, of the United States Geological Survey, concludes that the falls of Niagara cannot be more than 7,000 years old. This brings the glacial period much nearer than was formerly supposed. But there are many things in our own State which go to confirm this calcula- tion. The citizens of Ohio have not to go out of their own boundaries to find facts helping to solve the question of man’s antiquity. Nearly all the rivers emptying into Lake Erie have somewhere in their courses cataracts which can serve as chronometers of the glacial period. In the most of these cases it is pos- sible to ascertain what part of the channel is pre-glacial and what post-glacial, and to form some estimate of the rate of recession. This can be done on the Chagrin, the Cuyahoga, Rocky, and Black rivers, and probably on some others. Let the 3mung students of the State attack these problems before going abroad for great fields of discovery. In the central and southern part of the State the problems are equally inter- esting. Since the glacial period the streams have been constantly at work enlarging their channels. How much have they enlarged them, and what is the rate of enlargement? These are definite problems appealing for solution on nearly all the tributaries of Ohio. Professor Hicks, of Granville College, set a good example in this line of investigation a few years ago. Raccoon creek, in Licking county, is bordered by terraces throughout its course. These are whaj; w'e have described as glacial terraces, and are about fifty feet above the present flood plain of the stream. It is evident that at the close of the glacial period the valley was filled up to that level with pebbles and gravel, and that since that period the stream has been at work enlarging its channel until now it has removed gravel to the amount that would fill the valley up to the level of these terraces and across the whole space. Multiply this height, fifty feet, by the breadth from which the material has been removed, and that by the length of the stream, and make allowance for the diminution of the valley as the head- waters are approached, and you will have the cubical contents of the material GLACIAL MAN IN OHIO. 99 removed by the stream since it began its work at the close of the glacial period. Tliis is the dividend. Then find out how much mud and sand the stream is car- rying out : this will be your divisor. It cannot be far from 10,000 years old. The result in the case of Raccoon Creek was not materially different from the calculations concerning Niagara Falls. I have made a similar calculation con- cerning the age of Plum Creek in Oberlin, and the result is likewiae to show that the glacial period cannot have been so long ago as was formerly supposed. If the glacial period closed much more than 8,000 or 10,000 years ago in Northern Ohio, the valleys of the post-glacial streams would be much larger than they really are. Again I say let the young investigators of the State attack the chro- nological problems offered by the streams in their own vicinity before sighing for other realms of science to conquer. In conclusion, then, we may say it is not so startling a statement as it once was to speak of man as belonging to the glacial period. And with the recent discoveries of Dr. Metz, we may begin to speak of our own State as one of the earliest por- tions of the globe to become inhabited. Ages before the mound builders erected their complicated and stately structures in the valleys of the Licking, the Scioto, the Miami and the Ohio, man in a more primitive state had hunted and fished with rude implements in some portions at least of the southern part of the State. To have lived in such a time, and to have successfully overcome the hardships of that climate and the fierceness of the animal life, must have called for an amount of physical energy and practical skill which few of this generation possess. Let us not therefore speak of such a people as inferior. They must, therefore, have had all the native powers of humanity fully developed, and are worthy ancestors of succeeding races. The recent discoveries of Dr. Metz, above alluded to by Prof. Wright, are described in full by an article communicated to me which will be found on page 20, Vol. II., of this work; also on page 18, Yol. II., some valuable facts from Wright’s ^Mce Age in North America,” with a map of Lake Ohio, formed by a glacial dam at Cincinnati. This lake extended up the valley to beyond Pittsburgh, and occupied an area of 20,000 square miles, equal to half that of Ohio. ‘ Under the head of ‘^Palaeolithic Man in Ohio,” Yol. III., page 365, is an article detailing a discovery of Mr. W. C. Mills, made in October, 1889, in the Tuscarawas Valley, identical with those of Dr. Metz in the Little Miami Valley. —H.H. HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE IN OHIO. By NORTON S. TOWNSHEND, M. D., Professor of Agriculture and Veterinary Science in the Ohio State University Norton Strange Townshend was born at Clay Coaton, Northamptonshire, England, December 25, 1815. His parents came to Ohio and settled upon a farm in Avon, Lorain county, in 1830. Busy with farm work, he found no time to attend school, but in leisure hours made good use of his father’s small library. He early took an active part in the temper- ance and anti-slavery reforms, and for some time was superintendent of a Sundoy-school in his neighborhood. In 1836 he taught the district school, and in 1837 commenced the study of medicine with Dr. R. L. Howard, of Elyria. The winter of the same year was spent in attending medical lectures at Cincin- nati Medical College. Returning to Elyria he applied himself to medical studies with Dr. Howard and to Latin, Greek and French with other teachers. In the winter of 1839 he was a student at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York, spending what time he could command as voluntary assistant in the chemical laboratory of Professor John Torry. In March, 1840, he received the de- gree of M. D. from the University of the State of New York, of which the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons was then a department. Proposing to spend a year or more in a visit to European hospitals, the Temperance Society of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, requested him to carry the greeting of that body to similar societies on the other side of the Atlantic. This afforded him an opportunity to make the acquaintance of many well-known temperance men. The Anti-slavery Society of the State of Ohio also made him their delegate to the World’s Anti- slavery Convention of June, 1840, in London, Eng. This enabled him to see and hear distinguished anti- slavery men from different countries. He then visited Paris and remained through the summer and autumn, seeing practice in the hospitals and taking private lessons in operative surgery, auscultation, etc. The next winter was passed in Edinburgh and the spring in Dublin. In 1841 he returned to Ohio and commenced the practice of medicine, first in Avon and afterwards in Elyria. In 1848 he was elected to the Legislature by the anti-slavery men of Lorain county and took an active part in securing the repeal of the Black Laius of Ohio and in the election of S. P. Chase to the United States Senate. The Black Laws of Ohio covered three points. 1. The settlement of black or mulatto persons in Ohio was prohibited unless they could show a certificate of their freedom and obtain two freeholders to give security for their good behavior and maintenance in the event of their becoming a public charge. Unless this certificate of freedom was duly recorded and produced it was a penal ojfence to give employment to a black or mulatto. ' 2. They were excluded from the common schools. 3. No black or mulatto could be sworn or allowed to testify in any court in any case where a white person was concerned. In 1850 Dr. Townshend was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention and in the same year to the Thirty-second Congress. In 1853 he was elected to the Ohio Senate, where he presented a memorial for the establishment of a State Institution for the Training of Imbeciles. At tbe next session this measure was carried, and Dr. Townshend was appointed one of three trustees to carry the law into effect, a position he held by subsequent appointment for twenty-one years. While in political life he had relinquished the practice of medicine and with his family returned to the farm in Avon. Being deeply impressed with the value of some scientific training for young farmers, in 1854 he united with Professors James H. Fair- child and James Dascomb, of Oberlin, and Dr. John S. Newberry, of Cleveland, in an attempt to establish an Agricultural College. Winter coui-ses of lectures were given on the branches of science most intimately related to agriculture for three successive winters, twice at Oberlin and once at Cleveland. (lOO) NORTON S. TOWNSHEND. HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE IN OHIO. lOl This effort, perhaps, had the effect of exciting public attention to the importance of special educa- tion for the young farmer. In 1858 Dr. Townsheud was chosen a member of the State Board ot Agriculture, and so continued for six years. lie also served in the same capacity in 1868-69. Early in 1863 he received the appointment of Medical Inspector in the United States Army, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, in which capacity he served to the end of the war. In 1867 he was appointed one of the committee to examine the wool aj)praisers’ department of the New York and Boston custom houses to ascertain how correctly imi)orted wools were classified, etc., etc. The report of this committee aided in securing the wool tariff of the same year. In 1869 he was chosen Professor of Agriculture in the Iowa Agricultural College. In 1870 the law having passed to establish an Agricultural and Mechanical College in Ohio, he was appointed one of the trustees charged with the duty of carrying the law into effect. In 1873 he resigned the place of trustee and was immediately appointed Professor of Agriculture, which then included Botany and Veterinary Medicines. During the college vacation in 1884 he visited the agricultural, veterinary schools and botanic gar- dens of Great Britain and Ireland, and attended the English National Fair at Shrewsbury, that of Scotland at Edinburgh and of Ireland at Dublin. Dr. Townshend is at present the Professor of Agri- culture in what was previously the Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College, now the Ohio State University. The agriculture of a country is dependent, -not only upon its soil and climate, but also on the character of the people and their institutions. In 1787 the Con- tinental Congress made an ordinance for the government of the Northwestern Territory which prohibited the introduction of slavery, and thus exerted a con- trolling influence, not only upon the agriculture of the Northwest, but also upon the future of its entire material and social progress. This practically secured for the States soon to be formed an industrious, intelligent and thrifty population. State Claims. — Virginia, New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts made claims based on charters granted by kings of England to portions of the territory north- west of the Ohio. After much controversy it was proposed by Congress that these States should relinquish their claims in favor of the United States, and that the land should be sold for the benefit of the United States Treasury, and should be formed into hew States to be admitted into the Union when their population warranted. This plan was adopted, except that Virginia res^ved a tract of more than 3,000,000 acres between the Scioto and Little Miami rivers for the benefit of the soldiers from that State who had served in the war of the Revolution. This tract was known as the Virginia Military district. Connecticut also made a reservation of a tract in the northeast part of the territory, running west 120 miles from the Pennsylvania line and containing 3,800,000 acres. This was known as the Connecticut Western Reserve and was intended to compensate her soldiers for service in the Revolutionar}^ war. Five hundred thousand acres from the west part of the Reserve, afterwards known as the Fire Lands, was given as compensation to her citizens who had sustained the loss of property by fire during that war. The whole of the Western Reserve was surveyed into town- ships of five miles square. These townships were divided into sections of a mile square and further subdivided into quarter sections. Ohio Company . — The formation in Massachusetts of the Ohio Company and their establishment at Marietta (so named in honor of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France) on the company’s purchase of 1,500,000 acres, marks an epoch in Western history. General Rufus Putnam and associates left their New England homes, and at Pittsburg procured a boat which they called the “ Mayflower ” and floated down the Ohio and landed where Marietta now stands on the 7th of April, 1788. On the 15th of July following a Territorial government was established, General Arthur St. Clair having been appointed governor. Land Laws . — From this time extensive sales and grants of Ohio lands were made by Congress. A change was afterwards made in the United States land laws by which sales had been restricted to not less than a mile square, or 640 acres. This was changed to quarter-sections of 160 acres, and sold at $2 an acre, with a credit of five years. The beneficial effect of the change may be estimated from the fact that in 1800, the year in which the law was modified, the entire Northwest had a population of only 45,000, while in ten years from that time Ohio alone reported a population of 240,000. Forests . — At the time of the first settlement of the Ohio Territory almost the whole region was covered a dense forest. This forest consisted of oak, elm, ash, beech, maple, hickory, chestnut, butternut, black walnut, wild cherry, syca- more, tulip-tree, basswood, locust, sweet-gum, poplar, willow, mulberry, cucum- 102 HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE IN OHIO. ber, box-elder, buckeye, etc. The native fruits were the cranberry, which grew in marshes, huckleberry, blackberry, pawpaw, persimmon, plum, wild grapes, and cherries, etc. Chestnuts, black walnuts, hickory nuts and butternuts were abundant, while beechnuts and acorns supplied the food upon which hogs fat- tened. Wild Animals were numerous. Deer supplied many of the early settlers with meat. Bears, wolves, foxes, raccoons, woodchucks, opossums, skunks and squir- rels were, some of them, too common. Wild turkeys, geese and ducks, partridges, quails and pigeons were abundant. Eagles and turkey-buzzards were frequent visitors."^ Owls and hawks were more common and the latter very troublesome among the farmers’ cliickens. Hunting was one of the active employments of the early settlers, either for the purpose of obtaining supplies of venison and other game, or for the destruction of troublesome animals, a bounty from county treasuries being paid for wolf scalps. Occasionally drives or general hunts were organized. Hunters sur- rounded a township or other tract and moved in line toward some designated point. Deer and other animals were surrounded; many deer were sometimes killed and numbers of more mischievous animals were occasionally destroyed. In the afternoon of the 1st of May, 1830, the writer, with two companions, walked from Cleveland some eighteen miles on the State road leading westward. The place of destination was not reached until late in the evening, when conversation had become difficult from the incessant howling of wolves. It is not a little remarkable that a gray wolf should have been killed in the west part of Cuya- hoga county on the 30th of April of the present year. For many years raccoons were specially troublesome in the ripening corn, and consequently the necessity of cooning was everywhere recognized. Active boys, with dogs, would visit the cornfields at night when the green corn attracted the raccoons, which were some- times caught in the field, but oftener by cutting trees in the vicinity upon which they had taken refuge. Fishing. — In the spring fishing was a common resource for the settlers, especially in the vicinity of Lake Erie. When the fish started up the rivers at spawning time various devices were employed to capture them. Seines were most successful, but a simpler method was more common. The fisherman at night, with a lighted torch made of hickory bark in one hand and a fish-spear in the other, waded knee-deep or more into the stream ; then, as fish attracted by the light came near, they were struck with the spear and thrown out of the water or otherwise secured. Pike, pickerel, catfish, sturgeon, muscalunge and mullet, as many as the fisherman could carry home, were sometimes caught. Some were used fresh, but more were salted and kept for future supply. Work. — In the early settlement of the State a formidable amount of work con- fronted the pioneer — building of houses and barns, of schools and meeting- houses, the making of roads, bridging of streams, clearing and fencing the land. Then came planting or sowing, cultivation and harvesting of crops and the con- stant care of his animals. The first buildings were of logs a foot or more in diameter. These were cut of suitable length and brought together, then neigh- bors were invited to the raising. One axeman went to each of the four corners to notch and fit the logs as others rolled them up. In some cases larger logs split in halves were used. These could be placed with the split sides inward so as to make a tolerably smooth and perpendicular wall. The log school-houses and meeting-houses were built in the same manner, though, as in the case of dwelling- houses, the logs were sometimes squared before being put up. The structure was then called a block-house. Log-houses were covered with long split oak shingles held in place by smaJl logs or poles so that no nails were required. Floors and doors were made from logs split into fiat pieces and hewn smooth. When saw- mills had been introduced and lumber could be obtained for door-frames, doors, window-frames, etc., houses could be much more neatly finished. After lumber became plentiful frame buildings superseded those of logs. More recently brick and stone have come into general use. . Road-making was at first very simple. A surveyor^ or some other person sup- posed to know the proposed route, blazed the trees in the line ; this was sufficient to mark the course, then the track of sufficient width was underbrushed, and the HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE IN OHIO. 103 dead logs cut, and rolled or drawn aside. When the amount of travel made it necessary the timber from the whole breadth of the route was cut and removed. Upon low, wet places logways were made by placing logs of equal size closely together, and sometimes a light covering of earth was placed over the logs so that vehicles could pass over smoothly. Small bridges, where timbers of extra length were not required, were easily made, but across streams not passable by an easily made bridge or ford ferries were established. If a person or team needed to cross a stream, the ferryman with his boat took them over ; if they came to the river from the side opposite to that on which the ferryman lived, they found near the road a tin horn tied to a tree ; this they blew, until the ferryman brought over the boat. Clearing . — For clearing away the forest, the chopping was usually done in the winter months. First the underbrush was cut and piled, the logs already down were cut into lengths, which permitted them to be drawn together ; occasionally these dead logs were burned into pieces by small fires kept up until the logs were burned through. The timber suitable for rails was next cut down and into suitable dengths, and drawn to the lines where fences were to be built; the bal- ance of the timber was then cut down, and chopped into convenient lengths for logging. When the brushwood and timber upon a tract. was all cut it was left through the summer, and called a summer-fallow, the timber in the meantime becoming dry. In the fall the brush-heaps were burned, then the logs were drawn together by oxen, and rolled into log-heaps and burned. Next the rail- cuts were split into rails, and the worm-fence built, after which came the wheat- sowing. In some sections, or upon some farms, the timber was not all cut down, many of the larger trees being notched around or girdled, so that they died. This process of deadening the large trees was a great saving of labor in the first instance; but as dead limbs and trees were liable to fall, and perhaps do mischief, it was not generally approved. Ashes — Sugar . — The first valuable product which the settler obtained from his land was the ashes which remained after the timber was burnt. These were care- fully gathered and leached ; the lye was then boiled into black salts, which were marketable at the country stores. In many towns asheries were established, which bought the ashes or black salts, and converted them into pot- or pearl-ash for Eastern markets. Another product of the forest also'required the farmers’ atten- tion : with the first warm days of spring the sap of the maple-trees was started. The hard maples were tapped, and in some localities even the soft maples ; the sap was collected in troughs made by the axe, and boiled to the consistency of syrup, or carried a step further, until crystallization was secured. Maple-sugar making saved the early settlers from what would have involved a large ex- penditure. Teams . — The team-work necessary in clearing, and for farm-work in the new country, was chiefly done by oxen. The employment of oxen appeared to secure many advantages ; the first cost was less than for horses, oxen are more easily kept, the yoke with which they were worked could be made by any handy farmer, and was therefore much less expensive than the harness necessary for horses. The log-chains used wkh oxen were well adapted for work among timber, and when broken could easily be mended by the country blacksmith ; and if any accident befell the ox, and he became unfit for work, this probabl}^ did not pre- vent his being fattened and turned into beef. In general, steers were easily trained. Sometimes they were worked with those already broken, but, whatever plan was adopted, they soon learned to make themselves useful. Before the introduction of improved breeds of cattle all working oxen w^ere of what was called native stock; after the introduction of Devons into some parts of the State, these were found to be greatly superior for work. In addition to their uniform beautiful red color and handsome horns, the Devons proved more active and more easily taught than other breeds. Since the introduction of the mower, reaper, and other forms of farm machinery, the quicker-stepping horse has been found more desirable for team- work, not only upon the road but also on the farm. Wheat . — After clearing and fencing, wheat was sown broadcast among the stumps with a rude harrow called a drag; it was scratched under the surface. For many 'years the wheat when ripe was cut with a sickle; in some parts of the HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE IN OHIO. ro4 State the grain-cradle was introduced as early as 1830, or perhaps earlier, and this gradually superseded the older implement. After being cut, the wheat was allowed to stand some days in shock, in order to dry before it was hauled to the barn or stack. It was usually thrashed with the flail, though the more expe- ditious method of treading out the grain by horses was sometimes employed. After thrashing the wheat was separated from the chaff by throwing them up before the wind ; or a fan, with a revolving frame, to which pieces of canvas were attached, was used to raise the wind ; finally, the fanning-mill came into use some (years before the horse-power thrashing-machine. We may now be thankful for 'more expeditious methods, for the United States census for 1880 reports the Vheat crop of Ohio at 49,790,475 bushels; only the State of Illinois produced more. Grass . — In the spring, as early as April, or perhaps earlier, it was customary to sow grass-seed and clover among the growing wheat. At the time of harvest there was but little grass to be seen, but when no longer shaded it made rapid growth, and a pasture or meadow was soon established. For many years the grass crop was cut by the scythe, and tedded, or spread from the swath with a fork. When dry, it was gathered together with a hand-rake, and hauled to the barn or stack upon a cart drawn by oxen. Mowing with a scythe required skill as well as strength, and hence to be a good mower was an object of ambition among young farmers. It must nowadays appear strange to good old mowers, who still remain among us, to see a half-grown boy or a sprightly girl jump upon a mowing-machine, and with a pair of horses cut as much grass in an hour as the best mower could aforetime cut in a whole day. Com. — On land newly cleared and fenced early in May corn planting com- menced. A bag to hold the seed-corn was suspended by tape or string around the waist of the planter. The corn was usually planted dry, though sometimes it was soaked to insure more speedy germination. The implement used in plant- ing was a heavy, sharp hoe ; this would raise the rooty or leafy soil, and allow the corn to be thrown under : what had been raised could then be pressed down with the back of the hoe or with the foot ; or an old axe was used to make a hole, into which the corn was dropped. When the corn was a few inches high the w’eeds were cleared away wdth the hoe, and the soil stirred about the hill. On lands that had been cleared a few years and the roots decayed, the plow, drawn , by oxen, was used between the rows of growing corn, the oxen wearing baskets on their muzzles to prevent them from cropping off the corn ; the cultivator had not then made its appearance. The corn, when ripe, was husked standing, or it was cut and shocked, and the husking left until the farmer had leisure. If one became sick, and fell behind in his work, the neighbors would give him the benefit of a husking-bee; ten or a dozen, or possibly twenty of them, would come to- gether, and give a half-day’s, or perhaps a whole day’s work. Yellow dent or gourd-seed corn was preferred for feeding, but in the northern part of the State white- flint corn was raised for many years, because it found such ready market at higher price with the Hudson’s Bay Fur Company, by whom it was hulled, and supplied to their trappers. The corn crop of Ohio has largely increased during the century. The United States census for 1880 reports the corn crop of the State at 119,940,000, or within a fraction of one hundred and twenty millions of bushels. Farm Implements . — For many years after tillage commenced in Ohio the plow with wooden mould-board was in use, the landside, share and point being of iron and steel. The cast-iron plow of Jethro Wood appeared about 1820, but did not immediately come into general use. The next improvement consisted in chill- ing and hardening the cutting parts. Then plows of well-tempered steel came into use, and finally the sulky plow, on which the plowman rides comfortably while the work is done. Tlie pioneer harrow was made from the crotch of a tree. It usually had four teeth on each side and one in front. This was called a drag. It was a very convenient implement for covering grain among stumps and roots. After a time the double Scotch harrow and then the Geddes Harrow came into use. Finally the Acme was reached. The wheat drill for seeding had long been used in other countries and was introduced into Ohio as soon as the stumps and roots were out of the way. At the State Fair, held in Cleveland in 1852, grain HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE IN OHIO. 105 drills, corn planters, broadcast wheat sowers, corn shellers for horse and hand power, corn and cob crushers and one and two-horse cultivators were on exhibi- tion, The cultivator for use among corn and the revolving horse-rake were patented in 1824, McCormick’s reaper in 1831 and Hussey’s mower in 1833. At a State trial for reapers and mowers, held in Springfield in 1852, twelve different reapers and mowers competed for the prize. Later came the reaper and binder, the hay loader and stacker and the steam thrasher and cleaner. These imple- ments have so changed the character of harvest work as to make it possible to increase almost indefinitely the amount of cereals raised. Flax was at one time an important crop in Ohio. It was sown, cleaned, pulled, rotted, broken, swingled, hatcheled, spun and woven in the home and made into linen for the household and into summer garments for men and boys. In 1869 Ohio })roduced nearly 80,000,000 pounds of flax fibre and had ninety flax mills in operation. In 1870 the tariff on gunny cloth grown in the East Indies was removed and as a result every flax mill in Ohio was stopped and the amount of flax fibre reduced in 1886 to less than 2,000,000 pounds. Improvement of Stock . — In 1834 the Ohio Importing Company was organized in Ross county by Mr. Felix Renick and others. Agents of this company visited England and brought to Ohio many first-class Shorthorns. Previous to this Mr. Patton had brought into the State the descendants of cattle of a previous importa- tion made into Maryland. Since that time many importations have been made. Devons, Shorthorns, Herefords, Ayreshires, Red Polled, Alderneys, Jerseys, Guernseys, Polled Angus and Holsteins are now all seen at the State and County Fairs. For a time in the early history of the State there existed a serious hin- drance to the improvement of Ohio’s cattle in the prevalence of a Htal disease, known as bloody murrain. Gradually this has become less and less troublesome, until at the present time it is scarcely known. Dairying . — For many years dairying in Ohio has been one of the leading in- dustries. In the winter of 1851-2 the Ohio Dairymen’s Association was formed. In 1861 the statistics of cheese production were first collected. In 1886 the amount of factory cheese made in the State exceeded 16,500,000 pounds, and that of farm dairies was nearly 3,000,000 pounds. The change in the style and pur- pose of Ohio cattle will be observed. At first those were preferred that were best adapted for labor, then those that were specially fitted for beef, and more recently tnose which are best suited for the dairy. Sheep had early been brought to this country and raised both for wool and mutton. The first importation of Spanish Merinoes into the United States was made by General Humphreys near the beginning of the present centur3^ Some descendants of that importation were brought to Ohio by Mr. Atwood. Messrs. Wells and Dickinson also brought valuable sheep to the State. Merinoes, Saxons, Silesians, French Merinoes, and the long-wooled and mutton sheep of England, Lincolns, Coteswolds and Leicesters, also Sussex, Ham])shire and Shropshire Downs have all been exhibited at State Fairs. Sheep in Ohio were more numerous a few years since, but the change made in the tariff upon for- eign wools in 1883 has considerably reduced their number. Swine . — A great change has been made in the swine of the State. At first the hog that could make a good living upon what fell from the trees of the forest and could most successfully escape from bears and wolves, in accordance with the law of the “ survival of the fittest,” was the most likely to increase. Under the influences tc which swine were subjected for the first quarter or half a century it is not surprising that the common hog of Ohio was known as a “ rail splitter.” Tn tlie latter part of the century Berkshires, Chester Whites, Irish Graziers, Chinas, Neapolitans, Essexs and Suffolks have been introduced, until to-day what is sometimes called the Butler county hog, or Poland China, may be said to com- 'bine the excellencies of all. Horses, though less used than formerly for distant travel, are coming more and more into use on the farm. In the early part of the century the only recognized way of improving the quality of this serviceable animal was by the importation and use of thoroughbred stallions. Such animals were introduced into nearly every county of the State and many beautiful horses for light draft was the re- sult. At State Fairs the classification has usually been : Thoroughbreds, Road' HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE IN OHIO. to6 sters, of which class Morgans were a conspicuous example, General Purpose and Draft Horses. This was thought more convenient than classification by breeds, such as Clydesdale, Cleveland Bay, Norman, Percheron, etc., all of which, how- ever, are seen at our fairs. Fruit — From several quarters the fruits of Ohio have been improved. The first settlers at Marietta had among their number men interested in fruit culture. On the Western Reserve Dr. Kirtland early imported fine varieties of fruit from New Jersey. The improvements he himself made in cherries were of still greater importance. At Cincinnati Nicholas Longworth had established a vineyard upon Bald Hill as early as 1833, and succeeded in introducing fine varieties of grapes. Gradually it was seen that the climate of the southern shore of Lake Erie and the adjacent islands was better adapted to grape culture than portions of the State more inland. The important work accomplished for the improvement of the fruit of the Northwest by the gentlemen named and by Dr. John A. Warder, N. Ohmer, Geo. W. Campbell and their associates of the Ohio Bornological So- ciety, which was organized in 1852, and of its legitimate successor, the State Horticultural Society, since 1867 cannot be estimated. Transportation . — For many years the principal means of communication be- tween Ohio and the Eastern States was by pack-horses. As roads improved Pennsylvania wagons, drawn by four or six heavy horses, were seen. Such was the difficulty of travel that in 1806 Congress ordered the construction of a national road from Cumberland Gap to the Ohio river, and from thence to the western boundary of the State. This road was finished to the Ohio in 1825 and com- pleted to the Indiana line in 1834. The first steamboat left Pittsburg for New Orleans in 1811. An event which greatly affected the prosperity of the North- western States was the opening of the Erie Canal through the State of New York in 1825. In 1824 wdieat was sold in Ohio for thirty-five cents a bushel, and corn for ten cents. Soon after the completion of the Erie Canal the prices of these grains went up fifty per cent. In 1825 the Ohio Canal was begun and finished in 1830. Railroads were begun in Ohio in 1835 and the first completed in 1848. The influence of these improved facilities for transportation may be seen in the fact that in 1838 sixteen pounds of butter were required for the purchase of one pound of tea, now two pounds are adequate ; then four pounds of butter would prepay one letter to the seaboard, now' the same amount would pay the postage on forty letters. The price of farm produce advanced fifty per cent, on the com- pletion of the canals. The railroads appear to have doubled the price of flour, trebled the price of pork and quadrupled the price of corn. Underdraining has for some years past occupied the attention of Ohio farmers, but only for a few years has its importance become generally understood. It has, however, been practiced to a limited extent for a long period. In the summer of 1830 the writer of this paper advised and superintended the construction of drains upon the farm of a neighbor in Lorain county for the double purpose of making useful a piece of very wet land and to collect spring water and make it available for stock. A year later the writer, with similar objects in view, put in a drain upon land which he now owns, and the drain then made is running well at present. Horse-shoe tiles were at first made by hand, but before 1850 tile machines had come into use. In consequence of clearing off the forests and the surface drainage necessary for crops many of the smaller streams and springs have ceased to flow in the summer months. This has compelled many farmers to pump water from wells for the use of stock. Well water has an advantage over surface water in its more uniform temperature. To make the w^ater of deep wells available for stock, pumping by wind-mills has become very common since about 1870, when the first self-adjusting wind-mill was exhibited at the Ohio State Fair. Soiling and Ensilage are among comparatively modern improvements. The ex- tent of the dairy interest in Ohio and the necessity of obtaining milk at all seasons to supply the needs of an increasing population had led to the prac- tice of cutting succulent green crops to feed to animals in their stalls when the pasture is insufficient. Growing rye, oats, peas and vetches, clover, lucern, young corn, Hungarian and other millets have been employed. To secure more juicy fodder in winter a method of preserving these and other green crops has HISTORY OF AGRICULTURF IN OHIO, loy been adopted, numerous silos have been built and many dairymen are enthusi- astic in regard to the value of ensilage. Animal Diseases. — One of the great improvements made in Ohio agriculture is due to the efforts of a number of well-educated veterinarians and the consequent better knowledge and treatment of animal diseases. It is doubtless true that a still larger supply of intelligent veterinarians is desirable and that a better knowledge of the nature and causes of disease by stock-owners is requisite, inas- much as this is essential to securing the proper sanitary management of stock. Although in the past the State has been backward in this particular, there is reason to expect more rapid advance in the future. Agricultural Papers. — Among the agencies which have contributed to the prog- ress of agriculture in Ohio it is but just to place agricultural periodicals in the foremost rank. The first of these known to the writer was the Western Tiller^ published in Cincinnati in 1826; The FarmePs Review^ also in Cincinnati, 1831 ; The Ohio Farmer^ by S. Medary, at Batavia in 1833 ; The Ohio Cultivator., by M. B. Batcham, in Columbus in 1845; Western Farmer and Gardener, Cincinnati, 1840; Western Horticultural Review, at Cincinnati, by Dr. John A. Warder ; The Ohio Farmer., at Cleveland ; Farm and Fireside, at Springfield ; Farmer's Home, at Day- ton ; American Grange Bidletin, at Cincinnati. County and State Societies. — As early as 1828 County Agricultural Societies were organized in a few counties of the State. These societies doubtless did good if only by getting men awake to see the dawn approaching. In 1846 the General Assembly passed a law for the encouragement of agriculture, which provided for tlie establishment of a State Board of Agriculture and made it the duty of the Board to report annually to the Legislature a detailed account of their proceed- ings, with a statement of the condition and needs of the agriculture of the State. It was also made the duty of the Board to hold an agricultural convention annually in Columbus, at which all the counties of the State were to be represented. This act and one of the next year provided for a permanent agricultural fund and gave a great stimulus to the formation of County Agricultural Societies. Since that time scarcely a county in the State has been without such an organization. In 1846 the Board met and organized by the choice of a President and Secretary and subsequently made their first report. The First State Fair was held at Cincinnati on the 11th, 12th, 13th of September, At this fair Shorthorn and Hereford cattle were exhibited, and Leicester, South Down, Merino and Saxon sheep. Although the first State Fair was very different from the fairs of later date, it nevertheless made it easy to see something of the educational value of such exhibitions. Among other valuable labors inaugurated by the Board were many important investigations. Competent com- mittees were appointed to examine and report to the Board upon such subjects as Texas Fever, Hog Cholera, Potato Rot, Hessian Fly, Wheat Midge and a mul- titude of others equally interesting. Essays upon almost every agricultural topic were secured. Any person who has preserved a complete set of the Agricultural Reports will find in them a comprehensive and valuable cyclopedia of information. In these annual reports were directions for the profitable nfanagement of county societies and also of farmers’ clubs. Such instruction has saved many organiza- tions from the more tedious process of learning only by experience. Several State associations, each devoted to some special interest, have heartily co-operated with the State Board and held their annual meetings near the time of the Agri- cultural Convention for the mutual convenience of their members. Such are the State Horticultural Society, the Wool-Growers and Dairymen’s Associations, various associations of Cattle-men, Swine Breeders, Bee Keepers, Tile Makers, Forestry Bureau, etc., each representing a special field, but working together for the general good. Ohio Agricultural College. — Scarcely any subject has excited more interest in Ohio than that of agricultural education. Mr. Allen Trimble, first President of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, in his Annual Report to the General Assembly in 1848, recommended the immediate establishment of an Agricultural College in Ohio, in which young farmers should obtain not only a literary and scientific but an agricultural education thoroughly practical. In 1854 the Ohio Agricultural College was established. James H. Fairchild, James Dascomb, John S. Newberry io8 HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE IN OHIO. and N. S. Townshend arranged to give annually at Oberlin winter courses of lec- tures to young farmers upon branches of science most intimately related to agri- culture, wz., geology, chemistry, botany, comparative anatomy, physiology, me- chanics, book-keeping and meteorology, etc. These lectures were given for three winters in succession, twice at Oberlin and once at Cleveland. An effort was then made to interest the Ohio State Board of Agriculture and the General Assembly in the enterprise. The State Board appointed a committee of their number upon the subject; this committee made a favorable report, and the Board then asked the Legislature for a sum sufficient to pay the expenses of the college at Cleveland and make its instruction free to all. This request was not granted, and soon after the first Ohio Agricultural College W'as closed. Farmers’ College. — Pleasant Hill Academy was opened by Freeman G. Cary in 1833 and prospered for a dozen years or more. Mr. Cary then proposed to change the name of the academy to Farmers’ College and to adapt the course of study specially to the education of young farmers. A fund was raised by the sale of shares, a suitable farm was purchased, commodious buildings erected and a large attendance of pupils secured. Mr. Trimble, in his second report to the General Assembly, as President of the State Board of Agriculture, refers to Farmers’ College and expresses the hope that the example found in this institution will be followed in other parts of the State. In his third annual report Mr. Trimble corrects the statements made in the former report in regard to Farmers’ College; he had learned that the agricultural department contemplated was not yet estab- lislied. In September, 1856, that department, under three appropriate professor- ships, went into operation. Mr. Cary had earnestly endeavored to impress upon the farmers of Ohio the necessity of special agricultural education, and had made great efforts to supply the need. The Ohio Agricultural College had opened at Oberlin in 1854 and therefore has an earlier date. Land Grant and Ohio State University. — In 1862 Congress passed an act donating lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for instruc- tion in agriculture and the mechanic arts. The Ohio State Board of Agriculture promptly sought to secure for the State of Ohio the benefits of the donation. Notwithstanding the efforts of the Board and many other citizens the Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College was not put in operation until September, 1873. In 1870 the law was passed to establish such a college, a Board of Trustees was appointed, a farm purchased, buildings erected, a faculty chosen aud the following departments established : 1. Agriculture. 2. Mechanic Arts. 3. Mathematics and Physics. 4. General and Applied Chemistry. 5. Geology, Mining and Metallurgy. 6. Zoology and Veterinary Science. 7. Botany, Vegetable Physiology and Horticulture. 8. English Language and Literature. 9. Modern and Ancient Languages. 10. Political Economy and Civil Polity. In May, 1878, the General Assembly changed the name of the Ohio Agricult- ural and Mechanical College to Ohio State University, probably thinking that the latter name better expressed the character of an institution having so many departments. The University has been in successful operation for fifteen years. Its first class of six graduated in 1878; the class which graduated in 1886 num- bered twenty-five. The teaching force and means for practical illustration are steadil}^ increasing. New departments have been added — Civil, Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Agricultural Chemistry, Veterinary ^ledicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, etc. Two courses of study have been arranged for young farmers : the first occupies four years and secures a degree ; the second, or short agricultural course, is completed in two years. A Geological Survey of Ohio was ordered by the General Assembly in 1836 and some preliminary surveys were made and reports published. The Legislature of 1838 failed to make an appropriation for the continuance of the work. In March, 1869, a law was passed providing for a complete geological, agricultural and HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE IN OHIO. lo^ mineralogical survey of each and every county of the State. In pursuance of this law surveys have been made. Six volumes of reports, in addition to two volumes specially devoted to Paleontology, have already been published. These reports have been of great service and have given great satisfaction. The Grange, or Order of Patrons of Husbandry, from its beginning had a most happy influence upon the families which have enjoyed its benefits. It has dem- onstrated to farmers the good results of organization and co-operation. A long way in advance of many other associations, the Grange admits women to equal membership and promotes the best interests of families by enlisting fathers, mothers and children in the same pursuits and enjoyments. The Ohio State Grange was organized in 1872. The National Grange, which was in existence some five or six years earlier, declares its purpose to be : “ To develop a better and higher manhood and womanhood among ourselves, to enhance the comforts and attractions of our homes and strengthen our attachments to our pursuits, to foster mutual understanding and co-operation, to maintain inviolate our laws, and to emulate each other in labor to hasten the good time coming,” etc. Institutes . — In the winter of 1880 and 1881 Farmers’ Institutes were held in some twenty-five or more different counties of the State. Every succeeding year the number of institutes and the interest in them has increased. Each institute usually continues for two days. The time is occupied by addresses and papers on topics related to agriculture and with questions and discussions upon subjects of special interest. The institutes were generally held under the management of the County Agricultural Societies. The Ohio State Board of Agriculture and the Ohio State University shared the labor when desired to do so. The effect of these meetings of farmers has been highly beneficial in very many respects. The Ohio Experiment Station was established by tlie Legislature in April, 1882, and placed in charge of a Board of Control. The first annual report was made by the Director, W. R. Lazenby, in December of the same year. Since that time successive annual reports and occasional bulletins have been published and dis- tributed. The investigations reported relate to grain-raising, stock-farming, dairy husbandry, fruit and vegetable culture and forestry. Appropriations made by the State were limited and the work of the station was to the same extent restricted. In March, 1887, Congress made liberal appropriations for experiment stations, which, however, were not available until March, 1888. The congressional allowance puts new life into the work and inspires the hope that a period of rapid progress has been inaugurated. The Ohio Experiment Station is located upon the farm of the Ohio State University. This close association, it is believed, will prove beneficial to both institutions. THE MINES AND MINING RESOURCES OF OHIO, By ANDREW ROY, Late State Inspector of Mines. Andrew Roy was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, in 1834. He attended school until he was eight years of age and then went to work in the coal mines. When he was sixteen his father and family moved to America and settled in the coal regions of Maryland. Young Roy remained with his parents a few years and then went west, working in the mines of a num- ber of Western States. In 1860, together with a friend, he was digging coal in Arkansas. The booming of the rebel cannon before Fort Sumter shook the woods of that half-savage State. Roy saw the gathering clouds of civil war and did not hesitate a moment. He threw down his tools, hastened east and joined a Pennsylvania comfiany of volunteers. He served under McClellan in the bloody battles before Richmond, was shot through the body at Gaines’ Hill and was left as dead by theVetreat- ing Federals. The rebels, however, found him yet alive and sent him back to Libby Prison. In a few months he was paroled, returned home, had a surgical operation performed on his wound and recovered. He married Janet Watson in 1864, and a few years later moved to Ohio. After the dreadful Avondale disaster Mr. Roy was sent by the miners to Columbus to urge upon the legislature the necessity of mining laws for Ohio. Governor Hayes ap- pointed him to serve with two others on a com- mission to investigate the condition of the mines and report the same to the legislature. The result of the report was the passage of mining laws. Governor Allen appointed Roy mine inspec- tor for four years, and Governor Foster did the same. In 1884 Mr. Roy retired from the office, enjoy- ing the respect of the miners of the State. During the time he held the inspector’s office he gained a considerable reputation as a geologist. His efforts on behalf of the miners were unceasing, and he has been called the father of mining laws in Ohio. He is the author of several books on coal-mining and frequently contributes articles to the noted mining journals of the country. At present (1888) he resides at Glen Roy, a mining village in Jackson county, Ohio. The Ohio coal-field is part of the great Appalachian coal-belt which extends from Pennsylvania to Georgia and which runs through portions of nine different States, namely : Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia. The State of Ohio contains about 12,000 square miles of coal-producing strata, the line of outcrop extending through the counties of Trumbull, Geauga, Portage, Summit, Medina, Wayne, Holmes, Co- shocton, Licking, Perry, Hocking, Vinton, Jackson, and Scioto. Outliers of coal strata are found in several counties west and north of this line, but they contain little coal of any value. The coal measures of the State, as well as all the rocks of the geological scale, dip to the east at an average rate of twenty feet to the mile. Hence the eastern margin of the coal strata in the high laiid bordering the Ohio river in the counties of Belmont, Monroe, Washington and Meigs, attains a thickness of l,4Gi7 lo 1,600 feet. These strata are separated into three divisions by our geologists and are known as the “ lower measures,” the “ barren measures,” and the “ upper measures.” The lower measures are about 550 feet thick, the barren measures 450 to 600 feet thick, and the upper measures about 600 feet thick. In the lower measures there are twelve, to fourteen different beds of coal which, (no) ANDREW ROY. THE MINES AND MINING RESOURCES OR 0*{r^ ,,, in some portions of the coal-field, rise to minable height, and also many thm veinft of no immediate commercial value. Besides the workable beds of coal th^Tp are numerous seams of iron ore, fire-clay, limestone, building stone of great extent and value. In the barren measures there are no seams of coal of minable height that are worked, and but one seam that may be regarded as a workable vein. The upper measures hold nine different beds which rise to three feet and upward, the thickest, most extensive, and by far the most valuable of the series being the lower bed of the series known as the Pittsburg vein. In the lower measures the lowest coal, known as No. I in Dr. Newberry’s nomenclature, is extensively mined in the counties of Jackson, Stark, Summit, Mahoning and Trumbull. In the two last-named counties this coal is now well- nigh exhausted. It is known in market as the Briar-Hill coal, and enjoys a wide reputation as one of the best dry-burning or furnace coals in the United States. The vein, as mined, ranges from two to five feet in thickness, and is met in troughs or basins which are separated from each other by extensive intervals of barren ground. Hence, while the greater portions of the townships of Brookfield, Vienna, Liberty and Hubbard, in Trumbull county, and nearly all of the town- ships of Mahoning county, in the Mahoning valley, are underlaid with coal- bearing strata, not one acre in fifty holds the coal where it is due. Similar con- ditions exist in Stark and other counties in the Tuscarawas valley as well as in Jackson county. The sw^amps or basins in which this coal reposes are long, narrow and serpen- tine, and seem to have been formed by erosive agencies before the coal flora grew. The rocks underlying the coal are spread out in level sheets with the normal dip to the, east, while the coal itself pitches and waves sometimes at an angle of twenty-five degrees. It grows gradually thinner as it rises out of the swamp until, on the edge of the basin, it disappears as a feather-edge. The other beds of the lower measures which are in most active development are the Wellston coal of Jackson county and the Nelsonville or great-vein coal of the Hocking valley. The Wellston coal lies about 100 feet above the lower, or coal No. 1, and is a seam of great purity and value. It is three to four feet thick, a homogeneous mass, of an open burning character, and is used for smelting iron in a raw state in the blast furnaces of Jackson county. The greater portion of the output of the mines, however, is shipped west and north to the vast coalless regions, and is used for household purposes and for generating steam. The Nelsonville or great-vein coal is more extensively mined than any seam of the series. It is the thickest coal in the State, rising at niany places in the Hocking valley to ten feet or more, and in the great majority of the mines of the Hocking region the coal is never less than five and a half feet thick. The bed is met in three divisions, known as the lower bench, the middle bench, and the upper bench, these benches being separated by two bands of shale. The lower bench is about twenty-two inches thick, the middle bench about two feet thick, and the upper bench from two feet to six feet, according to the height of vein. Where the seam rises to nine, ten and eleven feet, the unusual height is due to the union of two seams, a rider of the main seam, two to three feet thick, coming down upon the main seam. There are a dozen districts in the State in which coal is extensively worked from some one or other of the lower beds of the State series. These are the Mahoning valley region, the Tuscaraw^as valley region, the Salineville region, the Coshocton region, the Dell Roy or Sherrodsville region, the Cambridge region, the Jackson region, the Ironton region, the Nelsonville or Hocking valley region, the Steu* benville region, the Zanesville region, and the Dennison region. Only one seam is extensively mined in the upper measures: the Pittsburg seam, which is the coal worked at and around Bellaire and at and near Pomeroy, both regions being on the Ohio river. On Wheeling creek, a few miles east of Bellaire, as well as at several points along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, the Pittsburg vein is also quite extensively worked, but these districts may properly be included in the Bellaire region. The coal is opened by drifts, shafts, and slopes, according to the prevailing conditions of a district Where THt. MNAS AND MINING RESOURCES OF OHIO. the vein is level free it is won by drift mining; but where it lies Under cover at all points it is reached by shafts or slopes. Slopes are not suited to mine coal at depths exceeding 100 feet, and shaft mining is the favorite method. None of the shaft mines of the State exceed 300 feet of perpendicular depth, and the majority of shaft mines are less than 125 feet deep. An opinion prevails among mining geologists that the lower coals, which are due on the Ohio river at Bellaire and Pomeroy 1,000 feet below the surface, do not exist there, and such practical facts as we have on hand — the result of boring for salt, oil, and gas — ^ seem to encourage that view. There are extensive wastes or areas of barren ground in all the regions of the State, and it is never safe to count with absolute certainty on the presence of a seam of coal at any point of the coal-field until it has been found by prospecting on the hillside or struck by the driller’s chisel in boring. These barren areas are due to a number of causes, such as water-spaces in the old coal-marsh, water-currents flowing over the coal vegetation while the peat bogs of the carboniferous age were undergoing decomposition, and mineral- ization, etc., etc. The seams are also liable to thicken up and to dwarf down to a mere trace, when followed from one county to another. There are several varieties of coal in the Ohio coal-field, such as open-burning, or furnace coal, cementing or coking coal, and cannel coal. The first of these varieties is often used as it comes from the mine for smelting iron ; while the cementing variety has to be converted into coke before it is fitted for the manu- facture of iron, for it melts and runs together in the act of combustion, forming a hollow fire, and hanging in the furnace. Cannel coal is smooth and hard, and breaks with a conchoidal fracture. This variety contains more gas than the ordinary free-burning and coking kinds. It burns with a bright flame, 'and the gas manufactured from it possesses high illuminating power. Cannel frequently changes to the ordinary bituminous variety, and vice versa. The development of the coal trade of the State has been very remarkable. Some of the pioneer miners still survive. Mr. Henry Newberry, father of Dr. John S. Newberry, the eminent geologist, was one of the pioneer miners of Eastern Ohio, and made the first shipments to Cleveland in the year 1828, for the purpose of supplying the lake steamboats. A few years ago the writer, in pub- lishing this fact in his annual report as State Inspector of Mines, received the following letter from H. V. Bronson, of Peninsula, who took the first boat-load to Cleveland : “Peninsula, Summit County, Ohio, April 8, 1878. “Andrew Boy, Esq. : “NA.* Not long since I saw in the papers that in your annual report as State Inspector of Mines you stated that the first coal shipped to Cleveland was in the year 1828, and by the late Mr. Henry Newberfy, of Cuyahoga Falls, father of Prof. Newberry, of Cleveland. I took that coal to Cleveland for Mr. Newberry, it being fifty years ago since it was done. I was then in the seventeenth year of my age, and have resided in this place ever since 1824. There were three of us boys on the boat. One of them was about a year my junior, and now resides in one of the townships of Cuyahoga county, and became a successful inventor and business man. The other was then in his twelfth year, and is now a lawyer, with a lucrative practice, in a beautiful growing city in an adjoining State. On the first of January last I made a New Year’s call on Prof Newberry at his home in Cleveland. A few years ago I presented Prof. Newberry with a lump of the coal taken from one of the boat-loads of that coal. As this whole transaction is somewhat remarkable, I have taken the liberty to write you about it, especially as we three boatmen are natives of Cuyahoga county. “Very respectfully, “H. V. Bronson.” The late President Garfield was a canal boatman from the mines of Governor David Tod, of Briar Hill, near Youngstown, to Cleveland, when he was a boy of fifteen years of age; and an accident which occurred to Garfield while on a canal-boat, by which he was nearly drowned, determined in some degree his future career. He fell into the canal and could not swim, and was saved, as he believed, by providential interference. He resolved to become a scholar, believing that God had destined him for some great purpose in life. The mines of the Mahoning valley region were first opened by Governor David Tod, in the year 1845, at Briar Hill, and such was the superior quality of the coal that the coal of the Mahoning and Shenango valley was ever after known >,r*»A XJiVES AND MINING RESOURCES OF OHIO. rrt :n knarket as Briar Hill coal. At Mineral Ridge, a few miles from Briar Hill, the coal-seam is split in two, the intercalated material consisting of a seam of black band iron ore, from four to fourteen inches in thickness. This ore is mined in connection with the coal, and is used in the blast-furnaces of the region with the hematite ores of the Lake Superior region, producing a very superior grade of iron, known in market as American Scotch pig. The seams of coal and iron ore of the Hocking valley region were noted by the first white men who visited this country. A map of the Western country now in the possession of Judge P. H. Ewing, of Lancaster, Fairfield county, published! in the year 1788, notes a number of sections of coal and iron-ore beds. The development of the great coal region of the Hocking valley was due to the construction of the Hocking valley branch of the Ohio canal. Among the pioneer mine operators of this region was the elder Thomas Ewing, afterwards United States Senator from Ohio, and a member of President Lincoln’s cabinet. His mines were located at Chauncy, at Nelsonville. The best market for coal at that time was the old Neil House, in Columbus. Thomas Ewing, and his asso- ciates in business, Samuel F. Vinton, Nicholas Biddle, and Elihu Chauncy, also mined salt in the Hocking valley, the first salt-well of the region being sunk in the year 1831 by Resolved Fuller, the water yielding ten per cent, of salt. The Ohio and Mississippi rivers are the greatest and cheapest coal carriers in the world, and the vast coal-trade development of these famous streams dates back fifty years. The cost of shipping coal from Pittsburg to Louisville is only one and three-quarter cents per bushel, or forty-three and three-quarter cents per ton, the distance being upward of 600 miles. From Louisville to New Orleans, a dis- tance of 1,400 miles, the freight on coal is two cents per bushel, or fifty cents per ton, and this includes the return of the empty barges. The lowest freights charged by railroads is one cent per mile. In the year 1818 a merchant of Cincinnati made an estimate for. the benefit of Samuel Wyllis Pomeroy, who owned the coal-lands on which the mines of Pomeroy are now opened, of the amount of coal then used on the Ohio river between Pomeroy and the falls of the Ohio. “ I am able,” wrote the merchant to Mr. Pomeroy, “ to communicate the follow- ing information: Cincinnati steam-mill consumes annually, 12,000 bushels. “ iron-foundry “ “ 20,000 (( “ Manufacturing Co. “ 5,000 u “ Sugar Manufacturing Co. “ 2,000 u Steam Saw-mill Co. “ 5,000 (i In Maysville, used or sold. 30,000 u “ Louisville, “ “ “ 30,000 “ Dean steam-mill, 100 miles below Cincinnati, 12,000 <( Total, 116,000 (( One of the noted pioneer miners of the Ohio river is Jacob Heatherington of Bellaire. Mr. Heatherington is a practical miner of English birth who came to Bellaire more than half a century ago. He purchased a mule which was named Jack, and leased three acres of coal-land fronting the Ohio river. Jack did ser- vice as a mining mule for thirty years, during which time Mr. Heatherington prospered in business. When the faithful mule was no longer able to work his master turned him out to pasture and with great solicitude watched over his de« dining years. When poor Jack fell and was too old and infirm to rise he was gently raised to his feet by loving hands, and when death came at last the faith- ful animal was buried with great ceremonies. Mr. Heatherington lives in a fine mansion on the Ohio river, and upon the keystone of the arch over the hall dooi has been carved the head of the faithful mule. While Governor David Tod was the pioneer miner of the Mahoning valley, the great coal king of that region is Chauncey Andrews. The lucrative nature of the coal business of the Mahoning valley owing to the superior quality of the coal and its proximity to Lake Erie attracted tlie attention of Mr. Andrews. As the / tT4 THE MINES AND MINING RESOURCES OF OHIO. coal is at all points in this region below water level and is found in basins or pots of limited area it has to be located by boring. Mr. Andrews was unsuccessful for several years, spending many thousand dollars and bringing himself to the verge of financial ruin. But he continued prospecting until success rewarded his per^ severing efforts, and he is now one of the greatest coal miners in the State, being owner besides of blast furnaces, rolling-mills and railroads which he has built by his determined perseverance and business successes. The extraordinary prosperity of Youngstown is due to Chauncey Andrews more than to all other causes com- bined. The space allotted to this article is too brief to include a sketch of the develop- ment of the coal trade, and of the men who were the pioneer miners of the State. Such a sketch, however, could not fail to be of great interest to the people of Ohio, for coal is the power upon which the future wealth and prosperity of the people will largely depend. The manner of mining is the same in every mining district. Where the coai is level free it is follow’ed into the hill sides, and the workings are opened up by driving galleries eight feet wide on the face slips of the coal, which run in a northerly direction. At intervals of 150 to 200 yards branch galleries are opened of the same width as the main ones, and the rooms or chambers from which the coal is chiefly mined are opened out from the side or branch entries. The rooms are driven forward eight to ten yards wide for eighty to one hundred yards, pillars or columns of coal being left between the rooms for the support of the superincumbent strata. Where the coal is won by shaft mining the same system of working out the coal obtains as where the seam is level free, but larger columns of coal are left to keep in place the overlying rocks in deep shafts than in shallow ones or in drifts or level free openings. Some seams of coal are more tender than others and larger pillars are required in consequence. Such seams of soft coal are less able to resist the overlying pressure than those of a firm and compact character. Asa general rule mining operators aim to take out about 66 per cent, of coal in working forward, and after the workings have, been advanced to the boundary of the plant the pillar coal is attacked in the far end of the excavation, and as much of the pillar coal mined as can be recovered. When an area of several acres has been all worked away the roof falls to the floor, and while the rocks are breaKing the whole of the overlying strata appears to be giving way, but the miners con- tinue at their posts until the crash finally occurs, when they retreat undismayed under the protection of the unmined pillars. The pillars bordering the last fall are next attacked and worked out until another crash comes on, and this method is repeated until the workmen reach the bottom of the shaft or the mouth of the drift. If the seam of coal is five or six feet thick and the overlying strata not more than 150 to 200 feet, great chasms are frequently made on the surface of the earth directly over the places where the coal has been mined out. Houses and parts of villages are sometimes involved in the subsidence. A system of working coal prevails in some of the mining regions of Illinois and Kansas, of working all the coal out as the miners advance with the excavations. This plan is known as the long wall systemj^and is only practiced in seams of four feet or less in thickness. Where bands of shale or fire clay are met fn the coal and have to be sorted out and thrown aside in the mine, they are an advan- tage in long wall working, as they assist in the construction of the pack walls, which require to be built where the miners are at work. WTiile long wall min- ing has many warm advocates among practical miners in Ohio this system has never obtained a permanent foothold in the State. Several of our coal seams are well adapted to long wall working. In excavating the coal a groove or undercut is made in the bottom of the bed three to six feet in depth, along the width of the room. A hole is then bored in the coal with a drill having a bit about two inches wide. A charge of poivder is inserted in the hole proportioned to the necessity of the case, when the powder is tightly tamped and the blast set off. The miner generally loads all the coal in the car as he breaks it down in his room, and after it is raised to the surface it is formed into lump, nut and slack as it passes over the screens into the railroad cars at the pit mouth, the lump coal falling into one car, the nut coal into anothei THE MINES AND MINING RESOURCES OF OHIO. iti ; and the slack into still another, and thus assorted the various grades are shipped to market. The capacity or output of the mines of the State varies greatly. Thick coals are capable of a greater daily output than thin seams, and as a general rule drift mines possess greater advantages for loading coal rapidly than shaft openings. In many of the mines of the great vein region of the Hocking valley the capacity is equal to 1,200 to 1,500 tons per day. In shaft mines 600 to 700 tons daily is regarded as a good output. The first ton of coal in a shaft mine 100 feet in depth and having a daily capacity of 600 tons frequently costs the mining adventurer upwards of $20,000, £fnd cases are on record where owing to the extraordinary amount of water in sinking, $100,000 have been expended before coal was reached. Drift mines, as they require no machinery for pumping water and raising coal, cost less than half the amount required in shaft mining. Water is, however, an expensive item in drift mines opened on the dip of the coal, and underground hauling under such conditions is unusually costly, par- ticularly if horses or mules are used. Many mining companies use machinery instead of horse-power, and this is always true economy. Two plans obtain where machinery is used, namely, by small mine locomotives and by wire ropes operated by a stationary engine located outside or at the bottom of the mine. Locomotives are objectionable owing to the smoke they make, though under the management of a skilled mining engineer who is master of the art of mine ventilation, the smoke from a mine locomotive can be made quite harmless. Three gases are met in coal mines which make ventilation a paramount con- sideration. ' These gases are known among miners as fire damp, black damp and white damp. Fire damp is the light carburetted hydrogen of chemistry, and when mixed with certain proportions of atmospheric air explodes with great force and violence, producing the most dreadful consequences. Black damp is carbonic acid, and white damp is carbonic oxide gas^ They are formed by blasting, by the breathing of men and animals, and they escape from the coal and its associate strata. Fire damp is seldom met in alarming quantities in drift or shallow shaft mines, and as our mines in Ohio are all less than three hundred feet below the surface, few explosions of a very destructive nature have yet occurred in the State. Black damp is the chief annoyance in Ohio mines. There is an excitement in coal mining as there is in ever}^ branch of mining the useful and precious metals. Few men who go into the coal business ever turn their backs upon it afterwards. And, indeed, there are few failures in coal min- ing enterprises, while nearly every adventurer grows rich in time. Until the year 1874 there was no attempt made to collect the statistics of the coal production of the State. In that year the General Assembly created the office of State Inspector of Mines, and the inspector published in his annual re- ports from the best data obtainable a statement of the aggregate annual output, beginning with the year 1872. For several years after the enactment of the law creating the Department of Mines operators were unwilling to furnish the mine inspector with a statement of the output, and as the law did not require this to be done, the statistics were generally estimates based on the returns made to the mine inspector by such companies as chose to report the product of their mines. In 1884, however, the law was so amended as to require all the mining firms in the State to report the product of coal, iron ore and limestone, and the annual output of these minerals is now more accurate and valuable than formerly. Annual Coal Production of Ohio from 1872 to 1886 . Years. Tons. Years. Tons. 1872 5 , 315,294 1880 . . ... . . 7 , 000,000 1873 4 , 550,028 1881 . . . . ... 8 , 225,000 1874 3 , 267,585 1882 9 , 450,000 1875 4 , 864,259 1883 . ....... 8 , 229,429 1876 3 , 500,000 1884 7 , 650,062 1877 5 , 250,000 1885 7 , 816,179 1878 5 , 500,000 1886 8 , 435,211 1879 6 , 000,000 1887 ... 10 , 301,708 iTf THE MINES AND MINING RESOURCES OF Coal Production by Counties for 1885 and 1886. WIO. Counties. Tonnage for 1886. Total |l886. 1 Total 1885. Lump. Nut. Perry 1,346,131 261,535 1,607,666 1,259,592 Athens 766,411 132,635 89$,046 823,139 Jackson 717,516 139,224 856,740 791,608 Hocking 637,224 104,347 741,571 656,441 Stark 519,992 73,430 593,422 391,418 Belmont 462,252 111,527 573,779 744,446 Guernsey 349,503 84,297 433,800 297,267 Columbiana 268,465 67,598 336,063 462,733 Mahoning 251,515 61,525 313,040 275,944 Jefferson 242,051 33,615 275,666 271,329 Tuscarawas 212,362 55,304 267,666 • 285,545 Medina 223,747 28,664 252,411 152,721 Carroll 184,095 32,535 216,630. 150,695 Meigs 165,627 26,636 192,263 234,765 Trumbull 162,331 26,200 188,531 264,517 Lawrence 139,173 27,760 166,933 , 145,916 Wayne 99,174 9,883 109,057 81,507 Muskingum 85,011 11,590 96,601 86,846 Summit 70,221 12,004 82,225 145,134 Portage 61,273 9,066 70,339 77,071 Vinton 49.392 10,621 60,013 77,127 Coshocton 43,361 9,573 52,934 99,609 Gallia 14,862 2,562 17,424 16,383 Holmes 10,491 2,179 12,670 11,459 Harrison 5,132 377 5,509 • • • • Washington 4,000 1,500 5,500 5,000 Morgan 4,370 . • • * 4,370 5,536 Noble 3,342 3,342 Scioto None repo’d * 2,'446 Totals 7,099,024 1,336,187 8,435,211 7,816,179 The following table gives a summary, in a condensed form, of the tonnage, time worked, employes and casualties in each county in 1887 .* Table of Tonnage, Time Worked, Number of Men, etc., in Each County in 1887. Counties. Tonnage. Number of Mines. Average weeks worked. Number of Miners. Outside Em- ployes. Accidents. Fatalities. Athens 1,083,543 44 35 2,080 318 2 6 Belmont . 721,767 54 43 1,092 241 6 3 Columbiana 516,057 57 44 872 185 1 1 Coshocton 124,791 20 •47 219 33 1 Carroll . 293,328 27 44 533 87 5 Guernsey 553,613 15 31 795 104 5 1 Gallia . 15,365 2 40 30 3 Holmes 10,526 12 40 31 6 Harrison 4,032 7- 16 1 1 Hocking 853,063 17 * 3i 1,389 253 2 3 Jackson 1,135,605 64 35 2,213 291 5 3 J efferson 293,875 20 40 495 94 3 * . * Mine Inspector’s report. -THE MINES AND MINING RESOURCES OF OHIO. nr Table of Tonnage, Time Worked, Number of Men, etc., in Each County in 1 887 — Continued. Counties. Tonnage. Number of , Mines. Average weeks worked. 1 Number of Miners. Outside Em- ployes. Accidents. Fatalities. Lawrence 143,559 22 42 306 52 ] 2 Meigs . 185,205 15 28 495 118 1 Muskingum 171,928 73 38 385 91 2 Mahoning 272,349 31 43 642 98 3 i Medina 225,487 9 41 550 61 3 Morgan (estimated) . . . . 4,100 10 2 Noble 6,300 i 8 4 Perry 1,870,841 70 34 3,008 633 7 5 Portage 65,163 3 34 138 35 Summit 95,815 11 38 156 28 3 Stark . . 784,164 57 35 1,561 253 17 6 Tuscarawas 506,466 47 37 852 149 3 2 Trumbull 167,989 26 33 533 96 4 Vinton 89,727 19 44 200 51 1 Wayne 105,150 5 36 261 71' 1 i Washington 1,880 1 I 2 Totals 10,301,708 729 913 18,877 3,360 75 36 The beds of iron-ore associated with the coal-seams of the Coal Measures are known by the general name of black-band ore, limestone ore, block ore, kidney ore, etc. Black-band is a dark gray, bituminous shale with reddish streaks run- ning through it. It is met in pacing quantities in only two horizons in the State; namely, that of the lower coal of the series, as has been already stated, and over coal No. 7. In its best development in the mines of the Mahoning valley it yields a ton of ore to a ton of coal, but one ton of ore to three tons of coal will be the general average, and it is present in only a few mines of the valley. In the Tuscarawas valley, near Canal Dover and Port Washington, the black- band capping coal No. 7 is met in basins of limited area. In the centre of these basins the ore is sometimes met ten to twelve feet in thickness, but it soon dwarfs to a few inches and disappears entirely. Black-band has been met on other hori- zons of the lower Coal Measures, but never of such quality as to justify mining. The limestone ores, as calcareous' and argillaceous carbonates and hydro-perox- ides or linonites, are very abundant and have been mined for fifty years in the Hanging Eock regions of Ohio and Kentucky. They were the base of the char- coal iron industries of this famous iron region — an industry which, owing to the growing scarcity of timber, is fast disappearing forever. The limestone ores derive their name from being associated with a thick and extensive deposit of gray limestone which is spread over a greater portion of the counties of Lawrence, Scioto, Jackson and Vinton, in Ohio, and the counties of Greenup, Boyd and Carter, in Kentucky. The iron made from this ore has always held a front rank in market, the cold-blast iron being particularly prized for the manufacture of ordnance, car wheels and other castings requiring tough iron. In the manufacture of charcoal iron the linonite ore was preferred, and as this ore appeared as an outcrop it was mined by stripping the overlying cover. The counties constituting the Hanging Rock iron region on both sides of the Ohio river, along the horizon of the gray limestone ore, have been worked over in every hill and the ore stripped to a depth of eight to twelve feet, forming a line of many miles of terrace work. Since the decline of the charcoal iron industry the miners have penetrated boldly under cover and worked away the ore as coal is mined underground. The linonites when followed under cover change to car- bonates, and become less valuable in consequence. There are six to eight distinct ore horizons in the Hanging Rock region, but none of these deposits bear com- THE MINES AND MINING RESOURCES OF OHIO. parison with the gray limestone ore both as regards quality of mineral and thick- ness of vein. The ores of value in the horizons of the Hanging Rock region are known as the big red block, the sand block and the little red block. These deposits lie lower in the geological scale than the limestone ore, and are obtained by stripping. The big red block sometimes rises to eighteen inches in thickness, but it is gen- erally met in beds of six inches or less. The sand block ore is also less than six inches thick, and is inferior to the big or little red blocks in quality, containing less iron and more silica. The little red block is not more than four inches thick on an average. These ores are mined in connection with the limestone ore wher- ever they are met in paying quality and quantity. They are too thin as a general rule to follow under cover. Occasionally other seams are met and mined, and a deposit known as the Boggs, which rises to three and four feet in thickness, but occurs as a local deposit, is recovered by drift mining. In most of the coal regions of the State iron ore is mined to a greater or less extent, the deposits of the Hanging Rock region reappearing as equivalent strata on the same geological horizons in every part of the coal-field. The ores have local names, as the coals have local names. Nowhere is exclusive reliance placed in the native ores of the State in the manufacture of stone coal iron, the Lake Superior and Iron Mountain ores of the specular and hematite varieties forming an important mixture at every blast-furnace, -while in several of the iron producing districts foreign ores are used exclusively. We have no hematite ore in the Coal Measures of Ohio, although our linonites, which are simply argillaceous carbo- nates oxydized by the action of the atmosphere, bear some resemblance to hema- tite ore. Black band and clay band ores are the main product of the Coal Meas- ures. The following is the output of ore for the year 1887, as copied from the last annual report of the inspector of mining. Amount of Iron Ore Mined in 1887. % Counties. Tons of Black Band. Tons of Clay Band. Lawrence 147,479 Vinton 37,920 Jackson 36,362 Tuscarawas 61,595 Perry *27,71 i Mahoning 21,630 Trumbull 4,740 • • • * Columbiana 7,800 Scioto 14,784 Hocking 9,118 Gallia •8,326 Total tons 87,965 289,500 JAMES GEDDES. SAMUEL FORRER. PIONEER ENGINEERS OF OHIO. BY COL. CHARLES WHITTLESEY. [Of the many who contributed a paper to the first edition of this work, Col. Whittlesey was the only one living to contribute to the second edition and this is the paper. He has not, we profoundly regret to have to say, lived to see it in print. For a notice of its very eminent author the reader is referred to Cuyahoga county.] When Governor Ethan Allen Brown became an ardent advocate for navigable canals in Ohio, he did not meet with the opposition which DeWitt Clinton en- countered in New York. The leading men of this State, whether from Episcopal Virginia, Scotch-Irish New Jersey, Quaker Pennsylvania or Puritan New England, were endowed with broad views of public policy. Many had seen military ser- vice from the old French war, through that of the Revolution, the Indian wars and that of 1812. They foresaw the destiny of Ohio in case her affairs were administered judi- ciously. Men who were not appalled by the scalping knife, or its directing power. Great Britain, were equal to an encounter with the wilderness after peace was secured. The hope and courage of our citizens, with a rich soil and a genial climate, constituted the resources of the State. In response to Gov. Brown’s earnest recommendation, the legislature appointed a committee to consider a plan for internal navigation in January, 1819. Early in 1820 a call was made for information from all sources on that subject. On the 21st of January, 1822, a joint resolution was passed, appointing a canal board, which consisted of Alfred Kelley, Benjamin Tappan, Thomas Worthington, Isaac Menor, Jeremiah Morrow and Ethan Allen Brown, with power to cause surveys to be made for the improvement of the Falls of the Ohio at Louisville ; and to examine four routes for a canal or canals from Lake Erie to the Ohio. Six thou- sand dollars was appropriated for that purpose. Prior to 1778, Capt. Thomas Hutchins, of the Provincial army and the inventor of the American System of Land Survey , had made a survey of the Falls, which re- (” 9 ) 120 PIONEER ENGINEERS OE OHIO. / suited in a map and report of a plan to facilitate the progress o/ fiat-boats and their freight. i Neither instruments nor engineers could be procured by the commissioners to survey the rapids of the Ohio, and nothing was done by them in that direction, James Geddes, one of the engineers of the Erie canal in New York, was employed as chief engineer in Ohio, and Isaac Jerome was appointed assistant. Only one leveling instrument could be obtained. One or more of the commissioners were generally in the field with the engineers. Several matters appear in the first re- port in the winter of 1822-23 well worthy of the attention of the present genera- tion. They were not promised and did not receive pay for their services. Their personal expenses for 1822 amounted to one hundred and seventy-six dollars and forty- nine cents. During the season over 800 miles of canal routes had been surveyed with one instrument at a cost, including services, of two thousand four hundred and twenty- six dollars and ten cents. Such were the characters to whom were committed this great project to build up a growing State. They had been directed to survey routes from Sandusky to the Ohio river; from the Maumee river to the Ohio river; from Lake Erie to the Ohio river by the Black and Muskingum rivers ; also by the sources of the Cuya- hoga, and from Lake Erie by the sources of the Grand and Mahoning rivers. In December, 1822, a full and able report was made by Chief Engineer Geddes and by the commissioners, including estimates on all the routes. What is especially remarkable, the final construction came within the estimates. To comprehend the task imposed upon the engineers and commissioners, the wilderness condition of the State in 1822 must be realized. All the routes were along the valleys of streams, with only here and there a log-cabin, whose inmates were shivering with malarial fever. These valle3^s were the most densely wooded parts, obstructed by swamps, bayous and flooded lands, which would now' be regarded as impassable. Between 1822 and 1829, Isaac Jerome, Seymour Kiff, John Jones, John Brown, Peter Lutz, Robert Anderson, Dyer Minor and William Latimer, of the engineers, died from their exposures and the diseases of the country. Chain-men, axe-men and rod-men suffered in fully as great proportion. Among the engineers who survived was David S. Bates (chief-engineer after Judge Geddes), Alexander Bourne, John Bates, William R. Hopkins, Joseph Ridgeway, Jr., Thomas I. Matthews, Samuel Forrer, Francis S. Cleveland, James M. Bucklang, Isaac N. Hurd, Charles E. Lynch, Philip N. White, James H. Mitchell and John S. Beardsley, assistants. During the construction of the canal, from 1825-35, many other engineers of reputation became resident engineers, among whom were Sebried Dodge, John W. Erwin, who still survives, James H. McBride, Leonder Ransom, Richard Howe and Sylvester Medbury. JAMES GEDDES. In the published histories of Onondaga county. New York, Judge Geddes occu- pies a conspicuous place. He was born near Carlisle, Pennsylvania, July 22, 1763, of poor Scottish pa- rents. After working on the farm and teaching school until he was of age, he made a journey to Kentucky, intending to settle there, but was too much dis- gusted with slavery to become a resident. In 1793 he prepared to manufacture salt at Onondaga lake, at a place since known as Geddis, there being then no Syracuse. After much deliberation, the Indians refused his presents and he departed, leaving the goods in their hands. They solved the difficulty by adopt- ing him as a white brother, and the salt business went on. He was a self-made surveyor and'civil engineer, and engaged upon the survey and construction of the Erie canal. After his service in Ohio and the completion of the Erie canal, he was employed by the United States on the Chesapeake and Ohio canal until 1828. In that year he was requested to survey a canal route from the Tennessee to the Altamaha, but declined in order to engage upon the Pennsylvania canals. In PIONEER ENGINEERS OE OHIO. f2f person he was rather short and robust, but very active and capable of great endur- ance. His disposition was genial, his manner cordial, inclined to be communi- cative. Mr. George B. Merwin, of Rockport, Cuyahoga county, remembers Judge Geddes principally as a lover of buttermilk. Mr. Merwin, when a boy, was furnished with a pony and jug to scour the country up the valley to supplv the surveying party with this drink, which does not intoxicate. SAMUEL FORRER. No engineer in Ohio spent as many years in the service of the State as did Mr. Forrer. He came from Pennsylvania in 1818 and in 1819 was deputy surveyor of Hamilton county, O. In 1820, Mr. William Steele, a very enterprising citizen of Cincinnati, O., employed Mr. Forrer at his own expense to ascertain the eleva- tion of the Sandusky and Scioto summit, above Lake Erie. His report was sent to the Legislature by Gov. Brown. This was the favorite route, the shortest, low- est summit and passed through a very rich country. The great question was a supply of water. It would have been located and, in fact, was in part, when in the fall and summer of 1823 it was found by Judge D. S. Bates to be wholly inadequate. Of twenty-three engineers and assistants, eight died of local diseases within six years. Mr. Forrer was the only one able to keep the field permanently, and use the instruments in 1823. When Judge Bates needed their only level, Mr. Forrer invented and constructed one that would now be a curiosity among engineers. He named it the “Pioneer.” It was in form of a round bar of wrought iron, with a cross like a capital T. The top of the letter was a flat bar welded at right angles, to which a telescope was made fast by solder, on which was a spirit level. There was a projection drawn out from the cross-bar at right angles to it, which rested upon a circular plate of the tripod. By means of thumb-screws and rever- sals, the round bar acting as a pendulum, a rude horizontal plane was obtained, which w'as of value at short range. Mr. Forrer was not quite medium height but well formed and very active. He was a cheerful and pleasant companion. Judge Bates and the canal commis- sioners relied upon his skill under their instructions to test the water question in 1823. Pie ran a line for a feeder from the Sandusky summit westerly and north of the water-shed, taking up the waters of the Auglaize and heads of the Miami. Even with the addition the supply was inadequate. Until his death in 1873, Mr. Forrer was nearly all the time in the employ of the State as engineer, canal commissioner or member of the Board of Public Works. He was not only popular but scrupulously honest and industrious. His life- long friends regarded his death as a personal loss, greater than that of a faithful public officer. He was too unobtrusive to make personal enemies, not neglecting his duties, as a citizen zealous but just. He died at Dayton, Ohio, at 10 a. m., March 25, 1874, from the exhaustion of his physical powers, without pain. Like his life he passed away in peace at the age of eighty, his mind clear and conscious of the approaching end. EARLY CIVIL JURISDICTION. SOUTH SHORE OF LAKE ERIE. BY COL. CHARLES WHITTLESEY. While the French occupied the south shore of Lake Erie, there was not the semblance of courts or magistrates for the trial of civil or criminal issues. This occupation ended in 1760, but it is an open historical question when it began. La Salle was in the Ohio country from 1669 to 1671 or 1672; though if he estab- lished posts, the records of his occupation are lost. There are, on the Western Reserve, quite a number of ancient axe marks on the trees, over which the growth of woody layers correspond to those dates ; and which appear to me to have been made by parties of his expedition. The French had posts at Erie, Pa., on the Cuyahoga, on Sandusky Bay and on the Maumee and Great Miami rivers as early as l749 and 1752, and probably earlier at some points in Ohio and Penn- sylvania. In 1748 the English colonists from Pennsylvania had a trading post at Sandusky Bay, from which they were driven by the French. Pennsylvania had, however, no civil authority west of her boundary, which is described as being five degrees of longitude west from the Delaware river. The colony of Virginia had claims under various charters and descriptions to a part of Pennsylvania, and all the territory west and northwest as far as a supposed ocean called the South sea. Immediately after the peace of 1763 with the French, the Province of Canada was extended by act of Parliament, southerly to the Alle- ghany and Ohio rivers. Great Britain promised the Indian tribes that the whites should not settle north of the Ohio river. So far as I am now aware, the first civil organization under the authority of Virginia covering the Western Reserve was that of Botetourt county, erected in 1769 with the county-seat at Fincastle, on the head waters of the James river, between the Blue Ridge and the Alleghanies. But before this, there must have been a Virginia county covering the forks of the Ohio and extending probably to Lake Erie; for the troops captured at the Forks (now Pittsburg) by the French, in 1749, were Virginia militia under Ensign Ward. It is probable that he was or supposed himself to be within the county of Augusta. Settlers from that colony located on the Monongahela and Yough- iogheny. In 1776 three counties were erected on those waters, some parts of which possibly included a part or all of the Reserve. These covered a part of Westmoreland county. Pa., which was settled from Vir- ginia. This conflict of authority brought on a miniature civil war, which was soon overshadowed by the war of the RTevolution, in which both Virginians and Pennsylvanians heartily joined. In 1778, soon after the conquest of the British forts on the Mississippi and the Wabash, by Gen. George Rogers Clark, Virginia erected the county of Illinois, with the count 3 ^-seat at Kaskaskia. It embraced the south shore of Lake Erie, Detroit, Mackinaw, Green Bay and Prairie Duchien, but for practical purposes, only Kaskaskia, Cahokia and St. Vincent, or Vin- cennes. The British held possession of the Ohio country and all the lakes. For the English forts on both shores of the lakes, there was no county or civil organ- ization during the Revolutionary war. The government of this almost unlimited region was exclusively military, of which Detroit was the central post. British soldiers and officers were at all the trading posts in Ohio, exercising arbitrary authority over the Indians and the white traders, including the Moravian settle* ments on the Tuscarawas and the Cuyahoga. After the treaty of peace in 1783, the same state of affairs continued, until, by ( 122 ) EARLY CIVIL JURISDICTION. 123 successive campaigns against the Indians, the United States drove them off by military force. All the lives lost, the forts built, and the expeditions made in the northwest, from 1785 to 1794, were a continuation of the war of the Revolution against England. Even after the second treaty in 1795, she built Fort Miami, on the Maumee, within the State of Ohio. The result of the battle of the Rapids of the Maumee, in August, 1794, put a stop to her overt acts against us for a time; but it was not until after the war of 1812 that she abandoned the project of recovering the American colonies. While in her possession until 1799, there were at the posts on the lakes, justices of the peace, or stipendiary magistrates, exercising some civil authority, but none of them resided on the south shore of this lake. This subject of early civil jurisdiction is a very obscure one, owing to indefinite geographical boundaries. I have received the-assistance of Judge Campbell, of Detroit; of Silas Farmer, the historian of Detroit City ; and of Mr. H. C. Gilman, of the Detroit Library, in the effort to trace out the extent of the Canadian dis- tricts and counties with their courts from 1760 to 1796. Their replies agree that it is difficult to follow the progress of civil law on the peninsula of Upper Canada, westward to the Detroit river and around the lakes. In 1778 Lord Dorchester, Governor-General of Canada, divided Upper Canada into four districts for civil purposes, one of which included Detroit and the posts on the upper lakes. Early in 1792 the Upper Canadian parliament authorized Governor Simcoe to lay off nineteen counties to embrace that province. It is presumed that the county of Essex, on the east bank of Detroit river, included the country on the west and south around the head of Lake Erie, but of this the information is not conclusive. Some form of British civil authority existed at their forts and settlements until Detroit was given up and all its dependencies in 1796. When Governor St. Clair erected the county of Washington in Ohio, in 1788, it embraced the West- ern Reserve east of the Cuyahoga. West of this river and the Tuscarawas was then held by the Indians and the British. The State of Connecticut claimed jurisdiction over the Reserve, but made no movement towards the erection of counties. When she sold to the Land Com- pany, in 1795, both parties imagined that the deed of Connecticut conveyed powers of civil government to the company, and that the grantees might organize a new State. As the United States objected to this mode of setting up States, this region was, in practice, without any magistrates, courts, or other organized civil authority, until that question was settled, in 1800. Immediately after the British had retired, in 1796, Governor St. Clair erected the count}^ of Wayne, with Detroit as the county-seat. It included that part of the Reserve west of the Cuyahoga, extending south to Wayne’s treaty line, west to the waters of Lake Michigan and its tributaries, and north to the territorial line. Its boundaries are not very precise, but it clearly embraced about one-third of the present State of Ohio. The question of jurisdiction when Wayne county was erected in 1796 remained open as it had under the county of Washington. In 1797 the county of Jefferson was established, embracing all of the Reserve east of the Cuya- hoga. When Trumbull county was erected, in 1800, it embraced the entire Western Reserve, with magistrates and courts having full legal authority under the temtorial government. Before this, although no deeds could be executed here, those executed elsewhere were, in some cases, recorded at Marietta, the county-seat of Washington county. Some divines had ventured to solemnize marriages before 1800 by virtue of their ministerial office. During the first four years of the settlement of the Reserve there was no law, the force of which was acknowledged here; but the law-abiding spirit of New England among the early settlers was such that peace and order generally prevailed. By the organization of Geauga county, March 1, 1806, what is now Cuyahoga county, east of the river, belonged to Geauga until 1809, when this county was organized. I THE STATE OF OHIO-SOURCES OF HER STRENGTH. A paper read at the annual meeting of the Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical Society^ November, 1881, by its President, COL. CHARLES WHITTLESEY. Not long before the President left Mentor for Washington, he is reported to have said to a New York politician that Ohio had about all the honors to which she is entitled. The response was “ that she had about all the other States could stand.” This sentiment appears to be a general one, not in an offensive sense, but as a widespread opinion, honestly entertained. Whitelaw Reid, in a recent address at Xenia, Ohio, showed conclusively from the blue books, that as to the number of citizens from this State who have held Federal offices, the}^ are not in excess of her share, and are not proportionally equal to those from Massachusetts and Virginia. If it be a fact that our representative men have attained a leading influence in national affairs, it cannot be because of numbers alone, and it should be remembered that they have been raised to place and power, principally by the suffrages of the whole people. If their influence at the Capital is overshadowing, and it is exercised for the good of the nation, there should not be, and probably is not any feeling of jealousy. If our representative men are prominent, it may be a source of honorable State pride ; for while great men do not make a great people, they are signs of a solid constituency. Native genius is about equally distributed in all nations, even in barbarous ones ; but it goes to waste wherever the surroundings are not propitious. Intellectual strength, without cultivation, is as likely to be a curse as a blessing. If it has cultivation and good moral qualities, it cannot even then become prom- inent without great occasions ; and in republican communities, without the back- ing of a people equal to the emergency. Leaders are not the real power, only its exponents. Storm signals are not the storm, they are only indications. History clearly shows that in free or partly free communities, great men rise no higher than the forces behind them. It also informs us that those nations which have been the most powerful, have become so by a mixture of races. Cross-breeding, by a law of nature fortifies the stock physically, on which mental development greatly depends. Why the mingling of certain races, like the Teutonic and the Celtic, produces an improved stock, while the same process between Caucasian and Negro or the North American Indian results in depreciation and decay, is one of those numer- ous mysteries, as yet unfathomed by man. Also, why the greatest unmixed races, such as Mongolian, Tartar, Japanese, Chinese, Hindoo, Arab and Heorew, soon reach the limits of their improvement. A portion of the Aryan family mi- grated northwestwardl}^ mingling with the Caucasian, reaching Europe by the north of the Black sea. They acquired strength as they spread out on the waters of the Danube, the Elbe and the Rhine, becoming powerful and even dominant under the general name of Goths, having a language from which the Saxon and English were derived. This might be attributable to the medium climate between the Baltic and the Mediterranean, if other people had not enjoyed aa temperate climes, and had not gone on increasing, either in mental, phyrdcal or political power. When the Celtic and Scandinavian people had pushed forward to the Western sea, and met in the British Islands, they w^ere for a long time unable to go farther, and thus had the best of opportunities to coalesce. The Atlantic was Hnally overcome, and their propensity to migrate was gratified by crossing the (124J OHJO—SOURCES OF HER STRENGTH. 125 sea to North America. This great stream of humanity kept the line of a temper- ate climate, the central channel of which, as it crossed the continent, occupied the State of Ohio. In King John’s time, an English people existed who exhibited their power through the barons at Runymede. Cromwell was endowed with a mental capac- ity equal to the greatest of men ; but he would not have appeared in history if there had not been a constituency of Roundheads, full of strength, determined upon the overthrow of a licentious king and his nobility. The English stock here proved its capabilities on a larger scale than in the days of King John. Washington would not have been known in history if the people of the American colonies had not been stalwarts in every sense, who selected him as their repre- sentative. In these colonies the process of cross-breeding among races had then been carried further than in England, and is now a prime factor in the strength of the United States. I propose to apply the same rule to the first settlers of Ohio, and to show that if she now holds a high place in this nation, it is not an accident, but can be traced to manifest natural causes, and those not alone climate, soil and geograph-^ ical position. There were five centres of settlement in Ohio by people of somewhat different stock; four of them by people whose social training was more diverse than their stock. Beginning at the southwest, the Symmes’ Purchase, between the Great and Little Miami rivers, was settled principally from New Jersey, with Cincin- nati as the centre. Next, on the east, between the Little Miami and the Scioto rivers, lay the Virginia Military District, reserved by that State to satisfy the bounty land warrants, issued to her troops in the war of the Revolution. It was like a projection of Virginia (except as to slavery), which then included Ken- tucky, across the Ohio river to the centre of the new State. Chillicothe was the principal town of this tract. The pioneers came on through the passes of the Blue Ridge, their ancestors being principally English and Episcopal, but claim- ing without much historical show, a leaven of Norman and Cavalier. With Marietta as a centre, the Ohio Company was recruited from Massachusetts and other New England States. In colonial times, their ancestors also came from England, but of opponents to the Church of England, in search of religious free- dom. One hundred and fifty years had wrought great differences between them and the Virginians. Next, west of the Pennsylvania line, lies the “ seven ranges ” of towmships, extending north of the Ohio to the completion of the fortieth paral- lel of latitude, being the first of the surveys and sales of the public land of the United States. Most of the early settlers here came over the Alleghenies from the State of Pennsylvania ; some of Quaker stock, introduced by William Penn; and more of German origin, in later days. . North of them to Lake Erie lay the Western Reserve, owned and settled by inhabitants of Connecticut, with Cleve- land as the prospective capital of a new State, to be called “ New Connecticut.” This tract extended west from Pennsylvania one hundred and twenty miles. West of the seven ranges to the Scioto, and south of Wayne’s treaty line, is the United States Military Reservation, where the first inhabitants were from all the States, and held bounty warrants issued under the resolution of 1776. They were not homogeneous enough to give this tract any social peculiarity. The north- western part of the State was, until the war of 1812, a wilderness occupied by Indians. The New Jersey people brought a tincture of Swedish and Hollander blood, mingled with the English. Those from Pennsylvania had a slight mixture of Irish, Scotch and Scotch-Irish. The settlers of new communities leave their im- press upon the locality long after tliey are gone. In Ohio these five centres were quite isolated, on account of broad intermediate spaces of dense unsettled forests, through which, if there were roads or trails, they were nearly impracticable. They all had occupation enough to secure the bread of life, clear away the trees around their cabins, and defend themselves against their red enemies. Though of one American family, their environment delayed their full social fusion at least one generation. Their differences were principally those of education, and includ- ing their religious cultus, were so thoroughly inbred that they stood in the relation of different races, but without animosity. A large part of them had 126 OHIO— SOURCES OF HER STRENGTH. taken part in the war of the Revolution, or they would have been lacking in courage to plant themselves on a frontier that was virtually in a state of war until the peace of 1815. The expeditions of Harinar in 1790, St. Clair in 1791 and Wayne in 1792-94 embraced many of them as volunteers. Full one thousand whites and more Indians were killed on Ohio soil before peace was assured. Nearly every man had a rifle and its accoutrements, with which he could bring down a squirrel or turkey from the tallest tree, and a deer, a bear or an Indian at sixty rods. They had not felt the weakening effect of idleness or luxury. Their food was coarse, but solid and abundant. In spite of the malaria of new countries, the number of robust, active men fit for military duty was proportion- lally large. As hunters of wild animals or wild men, they were the full equals of the latter in endurance and the art of success. They were fully capable of defend- ing themselves. The dishonorable surrender at Detroit, August 16, 1812, became known on the Western Reserve, where the settlements were wholly unguarded, between the 20th and 22d; probably at Washington not before the 25th or 26th. General Wadsworth, commanding the Fourth Division of the State Militia, ordered the Third Brigade (General Perkins) to rendezvous at Cleveland. On the 23d, the men of the Lake counties were on their way, each with his rifle, well- , filled powder-horn, bullet-pouch and butcher-knife, in squads or companies, on foot or mounted ; and on the 26th, one battalion moved westward. By the 5th of September, before any orders from Washington reached them, a post was established on the Huron river, near Milan, in Huron county. Nothing but these improvised troops lay between General Brock’s army at Detroit and the settled portions of the State. The frontier line of settlements at that time turned south, away from Lake Erie at Huron, passing by Mansfield and Delaware to Urbana, in Champaign county. The war of 1812 brought nearly all our able-bodied men into the field, which had the effect to hasten a closer relationship between the settlements. In 1810, there were 230,760 inhabitants in Ohio. The vote for Governor in 1812 was 19,752. Probably the enrolled militia was larger than the vote. It is estimated that for different terms of service 20,000 were in the field. War has many com- pensations for its many evils, especially a war of defense or for a principle in which the people are substantially unanimous. Few citizens volunteer for mili- tary service and go creditably through a campaign, its exposures and dangers, whose character is not strengthened. They acquire sturdiness, self-respect and courage. These qualities in individuals affect the aggregate stamina of commu- nities and of states. The volunteers in 1812-14, with a variety' of thought, man- ners and dress, engaged in the common cause of public defense, coalesced in a social sense, which led to a better understanding and to intermarriages. At that time very few native-born citizens were of an age to participate in public affairs. Tiffin, the first governor, was a native of England. Senator, and then Governor Worthington was born in Virginia. Return Jonathan Meigs, Jr., senator, gover- nor and postmaster-general, in Connecticut; Jeremiah Morrow, sole member of Congress from 1803 to 1813, then senator and governor, in Pennsylvania; General Harrison, afterwards president of the United States, in Virginia; General McArthur in New York ; and General Cass in New Hampshire. Nearly all the generals of the war of the Rebellion in command of Ohio troops were natives. When the State had recovered from the sacrifices of the war of 1812, the native element showed itself in public affairs. The Legislature, reflecting the character of its constituents, took high ground in favor of free schools, canals, roads and official integrity. To this day no disgraceful scandal or corruption has been fas- tened upon it, or the executive of the State. Two generations succeeded, their blood more completely mingled, their habits more thoroughly assimilated, their intelligence increased, public communication improved, and in 1861 wealth had not made the people effeminate. Such are the processes which, by long and steady operation in one direction, brought into existence the constituency which rose up to sustain the Federal government. Three hundred thousand men were found capable of filling all positions, high and low, especially that of efficient soldiers in the ranks. Foi commanders, they had Gilmore, Cox, Stanley, Steed- man, Sill, Hazen, McCook, Rosecrans, McDowell, McPherson, Sheridan, Sherman and Grant, all raised, and except three, born on Ohio soil, and educated at West OHIO— SOURCES OF HER STRENGTH 127 r- V Point. Was it fortuitous? I think I perceive sufficient causes working toward this result, not for one generation, or for a century, but reaching back to the Eng- lish people of two or three centuries since. Nations, races and families decay, and it is possible it may be so here; but wherever the broad political foundations laid in Ohio are taken as a pattern, and there is a general mixture of educated Anglo- Saxon stocks, the period of decline will be far in the distance. On the 4th of March, 1881, three men of fine presence advanced on the platform at the east portico of the Federal capitol. On their right is a solid, square-built man of an impressive appearance, the Chief- Justice of the United States [Morrison R. Waite]. On his left stood a tall, well-rounded, large, self-possessed personage, with a head large even in proportion to the body who is President of the United States [James A. Garfield]. At his left hand was an equally tall, robust and graceful gentleman, the retiring president [Rutherford B. Hayes]. Near by was a tall, not especially graceful figure, with the eye of an eagle, who is the general commanding the army [William Tecumseh Sherman]. A short, square, active officer, the Marshal Ney of America, is there as lieutenant-general [Philip Sheri- dan]. Another tall, slender, self-poised man, of not ungraceful presence, was the focus of many thousands of eyes. He had carried the finances of the nation in his mind and in his heart, four years as secretary of the treasury, the peer of Hamilton and Chase [John Sherman]. Of these six, five were natives of Ohio, and the other a life-long resident. Did this group of national characters from one State stand there by accident? Was it not the result of a long train of agen- cies, which, by force of natural selection, brought them to the front on that occasion ? THE PUBLIC LANDS OF OHIO. BY JOHN KILBOURNE. John Kilbottrne was born in Berlin, Connecticut, August 7, 1787, graduated at Vermont Uni* versity, and emigrating West was occupied for several years as Principal of Worthington College, Franklin county, of whicli his uncle, James Kilbourne, the famed surveyor and founder of the Scioto Company, was the president trustee. Subsequently he removed to Columbus and engaged in authorship and book selling and publishing, and there died March 12, 1831, aged forty-four years. He published a “Gazetteer of Vermont,” a “Gazetteer of Ohio,” a map of Ohio, a volume of “ Public Documents Concerning the Ohio Canals,” and a “ School Geography.” The article upon “ The Public Lands of Ohio,” which here follows slightly abridged from the original, is from his “Ohio Gazetteer,” the first edition of which appeared in 1816. It went through several editions and was a work of gieat merit and utility. This article on the lands was carefully written, and having been copied into the first edition of the “ Ohio Historical Collections,” was highly valued by many of its readers. We are glad to reproduce it here with this preliminary notice of the author. In most of the States and Territories lying west of the Allegheny mountains, the United States, collectively as a nation, owned, or did own, the soil of the country, after the extinguishment of the aboriginal Indian title. This vast national domain comprises several hundreds of millions of acres ; which is a bountiful fund, upon which the general government can draw for , centuries, to supply, at a low price, all its citizens with a freehold estate. When Ohio was admitted into the Federal Union as an independent State, one of the terms of admission was, that the fee-simple to all the lands within its limits, excepting those previously granted or sold, should vest in the United States. Different portions of them have, at diverse periods, been granted or sold to various individuals, companies and bodies politic. The following are the names by which the principal bodies of the lands are designated, on account of these different forms of transfer, viz. : 1. Congress Lands. 8. Symmes’ Purchase. 15. Maumee Road Lands. 2. U. S. Military. 9. Refugee Tract. 16. School do. 3. Virginia Military. 10. French Grant. 17. College do. 4. Western Reserve. 11. Dohrman’s Grant. 18. Ministerial do. 5. Fire-Lands. 12. Zane’s do. 19. Moravian do. 6. Ohio Co.’s Purchase. 13. Canal Lands. 20. Salt Sections. 7. Donation Tract. 14. Turnpike Lands. Congress Lands are so called because they are sold to purchasers by the imme- diate officers of the general government, conformably to such laws as are, or may be, from time to time, enacted by Congress. They are all regularly surveyed into townships of six miles square each, under authority, and at the expense of the National government. All Congress lands, excepting Marietta and a part of Steuben- ville district, are numbered as follows : VII ranges, Ohio Company’s purchase, and Symmes’ pur- chase, are numbered as here exhibited : 6 5 4 3 2 1 36 30 24 18 1 12 6 7 1 8 1 9 10 11 12 35 29 23 17 11 5 18 17 16 15 14 13 34 28 22 16 ! 10 i 4 19 20 21 22 23 24 33 27 21 15 9 3 30 29 28 27 26 25 32 2G 20 14 i 8 1 2 31 32 33 34 35 36 I 31 25 19 13 ' 7 1 ( 128) THE PUBLIC LANDS OF OHIO. 129 The townships are again subdivided into sections of one mile sqriare, each containing 640 acres, by lines running parallel wdth the township and range lines. The sections are numbered in two different modes, as exhibited in the preceding Igures or diagrams. In addition to the foregoing division, the sections are again subdivided into four equal parts, called the northeast quarter section, southeast quarter section, etc. And again, by a law of Congress, which went into effect in July, 1820, these quarter sections are also divided by a north and south line into two equal parts, called the east half quarter section. No. and west half quarter section, No. , which contain eighty acres each. The minimum price has been reduced by the same law from $2.00 to $1.25 per acre, cash down. In establishing the township and sectional corners, a post is first planted at the point of intersection ; then on the tree nearest the post, and standing within the section intended to be designated, is numbered with the marking iron, the range, township and number of the section, thus : R21 T 4 S 30t R 21t T 3 S 1 R 20 T 4 fS 31 The quarter corners are marked 1-4 south, merely. fR 20 T 3 S 6 Section No. 16, of every township, is perpetually reserved for the use of schools and leased or sold out, for the benefit of schools, under the State government. All the others may be taken up either in sections, fractions, halves, quarters, or half quarters. For the purpose of selling out these lands, they are divided into eight several land districts, called after the names of the towns in which the land offices are kept, viz. : Wooster, Steubenville, Zanesville, Marietta, Chillicothe, etc., etc. The seven ranges of townships are a portion of the Congress lands, so called, being the first ranges of public lands ever surveyed by the general government west of the Ohio river. They are bounded on the north by a line drawn due west from the Pennsylvania State line, where it crosses the Ohio river, to the United States Military lands, forty-two miles ; thence south to the Ohio river, at the southeast corner of Marietta township, thence up the river to the place of begin- ning. Connecticut Western Reserve, oftentimes called New Connecticut, is situated in the northeast quarter of the State, between Lake Erie on the north, Pennsylvania east, the parallel of the forty-first degree of north latitude south, and Sandusky and Seneca counties on the west. It extends 120 miles from east to west, and upon an average fifty from north to south : although, upon the Pennsylvania line, it is sixty-eight miles broad, from north to south. The area is about 3,800,000 acres. It is surveyed into townships of five miles square each. A body of half a million acres is, however, stricken off from the west end of the tract, as a dona- tion, by the State of Connecticut, to certain sufferers by fire, in the revolutionary war. The manner by which Connecticut became possessed of the land in question was the following: King Charles II., of England, pursuing the example of his brother kings, of granting distant and foreign regions to his subjects granted to the then colony of Connecticut, in 1662, a charter right to all lands included within certain specific bounds. But as the geographical knowledge of Europeans' concerning America was then very limited and confused, patents for lands often interfered with each other, and many of them, even by their express terms, ex- tended to the Pacific ocean, or South sea, as it was then called. Among the rest, that for Connecticut embraced all lands contained between the forty-first and forty-second parallels of north latitude, and from Providence plantations on the east, to the Pacific ocean west, with the exception of New York and Pennsylvania colonies; and, indeed, pretensions to these were not finally relinquished without considerable altercation. And after the United States became an independent nation, these interfering claims occasioned much collision of sentiment between 130 THE PUBLIC LANDS OF OHIO. them and the State of Connecticut, which was finally compromised by the United States relinquishing all their claims upon, and guaranteeing to Connecticut the exclusive right of soil to the 3,800,000 acres now described. The United States, however, by the terms of compromise, reserved to themselves the right of juris- diction. They then united this tract to the Territory, now State of Ohio. Fire-Lands^ a tract of country so called, of about 781 square miles, or 500,000 acres, in the western part of New Connecticut. The name originated from the circumstance of the State of Connecticut having granted these lands in 1792, as a donation to certain sufferers by fire, occasioned by the English during our revo- lutionary war, particularly at New London, Fairfield and Norwalk. These lands include the five westernmost ranges of the Western Reserve townships. Lake Erie and Sandusky bay project so far southerly as to leave but the space of six tiers and some fractions of townships between them and the forty-first parallel of latitude, or a tract of about thirty by twenty-seven miles in extent. This tract is surveyed into townships of about five miles square each ; and these townships are then subdivided into four quarters ; and these quarter townships are numbered as in the accompanying figure, the top being considered north. And for individual conven- ience these are again subdivided, by private surveys, into lots from fifty to five hundred acres each, to suit individual purchasers. United States Military Lands are so called from the circumstances of their hav- ing been appropriated, by an act of Congress of the 1st of June, 1796, to satisfy certain claims of the officers and soldiers of the revolutionary war. The tract of country embracing these lands is bounded as follows : beginning at the north- west corner of the original VII ranges of townships, thence south 50 miles, thence west to the Scioto river, thence up said river to the Greenville treaty line, thence northeasterly with said line to old Fort Laurens, on the Tuscarawas river, thence due east to the place of beginning ; including a tract of about 4,000 square miles, or 2,560,000 acres of land. It is, of course, bounded north by the Greenville treaty line, east by the “ VII ranges of townships,” south by the Congress and Refugee lands, and west by the Scioto river. These lands are surveyed into townships of five miles square. These town- ships were then again, originally, surveyed into quarter townships of two and a half miles square, containing 4,000 acres each ; and subsequently some of these quarter townships were subdivided into forty lots of 100 acres each, for the accom- modation of those soldiers holding warrants for only 100 acres each. And again after the time originally assigned for the location of these warrants had expired, certain quarter townships, which had not then been located, were divided into sections of one mile squ-are each, and sold by the general government like the main body of Congress lands. The quarter townships are numbered as exhibited in the accom- panying figure, the top being considered north. The place of each township is ascertained by numbers and ranges, the same as Congress lands ; the_ ranges being numbered from east to west, and the num- bers from south to north. Virginia Military Lands are a body of land lying between the Scioto and Little Miami rivers, and bounded upon the Ohio river on the south. The State of Virginia, from the indefinite and vague terms of expression in its original colonial charter of territory from James I., king of England, in the year 1609, claimed all the continent west of the Ohio river, and of the north and south breadth of Virginia. But finally, among several other compromises of conflict- ing claims which were made, subsequently to the attainment of our national inde- pendence, Virginia agreed to relinquish all her claims to lands northwest of the Ohio river, in favor of the general government, upon condition of the lands, now described, being guaranteed to her. The State of Virginia then appropriated this body of land to satisfy the claims of her State troops employed in the continental line during the revolutionary war. This district is not surveyed into townships or any regular form ; but any individual holding a Virginia military land warrant may locate it wherever he chooses within the district, and in such shape as he pleases wherever the land shall not previously have been located. In consequence of this deficiency of THE PUBLIC LANDS OF OHIO. 131 regular original surveys, and the irregularities with which the several locations have been made, and the consequent interference and encroachment of some loca- tions upon others, more than double the litigation has probably arisen between the holders of adverse titles, in this district, than there has in any other part of the State of equal extent. Ohio Cowpany^s Purchase is a body of land containing about 1,500,000 acres ; including, however, the donation tract, school lands, etc., lying along the Ohio river; and including Meigs, nearly all of Athens, and a considerable part of Washington and Gallia counties. This tract was purchased of the general gov- ernment in the year 1787, by Manasseh Cutler and Winthrop Sargeant, from the neighborhood of Salem, in Massachusetts, agents for the “ Ohio Company,” so called, which had been then formed in Massachusetts for the purpose of a settle- ment in the Ohio country. Only 964,285 acres were ultimately paid for, and of course patented. This body of land was then apportioned out into 817 shares of 1,173 acres each, and a town lot of one-third of an acre to each share. These shares were made up to each proprietor in tracts, one of 640 acres, one of 262, one of 160, one of 100, one of 8, and another of 3 acres, besides the before-mentioned town lot. Besides every section 16, set apart, as elsewhere, for the support of schools, every section 29 is appropriated for the support of religious institutions. In addition to which were also granted two six miles square townships for the use of a college. But unfortunately for the Ohio Company, owing to their want of topographical knowledge of the country, the body of land selected by them, with some partial exceptions, is the most hilly and sterile of any tract of similar extent in the State. Donation Tract is a body of 100,000 acres set off in the northern limits of the Ohio Company’s tract, and granted to them by Congress, provided they should obtain one actual settler upon each hundred acres thereof within five years from the date of the grant; and that so much of the 100,000 acres aforesaid, as should not thus be taken up, shall revert to the general government. This tract may, in some respects, be considered a part of the Ohio Company’s purchase. It is situated in the northern limits of Washington county. It lies in an oblong shape, extending nearly 17 miles from east to west, and about 7^ from north to south. Symmes’ PurchasCy a tract of 311,682 acres of land, in the southwestern quarter of the State, between the Great and Little Miami rivers. It borders on the Ohio river a distance of 27 miles, and extends so far back from the latter between the two Miamis as to include the quantity of land just mentioned. It was patented to John Cleves Symmes, in 1794, for 67 cents an acre. Every 16th section, or square mile, in each township, was reserved by Congress for the use of schools, and sections 29 for the support of religious institutions, besides 15 acres around Fort Washington, in Cincinnati. This tract of country is now one of the most valuable in the State. Refugee Tracf a body of 100,000 acres of land granted by Congress to certain individuals who left the British provinces during the revolutionary war, and es- poused the cause of freedom. It is a narrow strip of country 4^ miles broad from north to south, and extends eastwardly from the Scioto river 48 miles. It has the United States XX ranges of military or army lands north, and XXII ranges of Congress lands south. In the western borders of this tract is situated the town of Columbus. French Grants a tract of 24,000 acres of land bordering upon the Ohio river, in the southeastern quarter of Scioto county. It was granted by Congress, in March, 1795, to a number of French families, who lost their lands at Gallipolis by invalid titles. Twelve hundred acres, additional, w'ere afterwards granted, adjoining the above-mentioned tract at its low^er end, toward the mouth of Little Scioto river. Dohrman’s Grant is one six mile square township, of 23,040 acres, granted to Arnold Henry Dohrman, formerly a wealthy Portuguese merchant in Lisbon, for and in consideration of his having, during the revolutionary war, given shelter and aid to the American cruisers and vessels of war. It is located in the south- eastern part of Tuscarawas county. ) ?32 THE PUBLIC LANES OP OHIO. Moravian Lands are three several tracts of 4,000 acres each, originally granted by the old Continental Congress, July, 1787, and confirmed, by the act of Con- gress of 1st June, 1796, to the Moravian brethren at Bethlehem, in Pennsylvania, in trust and for the use of the Christianized Indians living thereon. They are laid out in nearly square forms, on the Muskingum river, in what is now Tusca- rawas county. They are called by the names of the Shoenbrun, Gnadenhutten and Salem tracts. Zauri’s Tracts are three several tracts of one mile square each — one on tlie Muskingum, which includes the town of Zanesville — one at the cross of the Hocking river, on which the town of Lancaster is laid out — and the third, on the left bank of the Scioto river, opposite Chillicothe. They were granted by Con- gress to one Ebenezer Zane, in May, 1796, on condition that he should open a road through them from Wheeling, in Virginia, to Maysville, in Kentucky. There are also three other tracts, of one mile square each, granted to Isaac Zane, in the year 1802, in consideration of his having been taken prisoner by the Indians, when a boy, during the revolutionary war, and living with them most of his life ; and having, during that time, performed many acts of kindness and beneficence toward the American people. These tracts are situated in Champaign county, on King’s creek, from three to five miles northwest from Urbana. The Maumee Road Lands are a body of lands averaging two miles wide, lying along one mile on each side of the road from the Maumee river at Perrysburg to the western limits of the Western Reserve, a distance of about 46 miles; and comprising nearly 60,000 acres. They were originally granted by the Indian owners, at the treaty of Brownstown in 1808, to enable the United States to make a road on the line just mentioned. The general government never moved in the business until February, 1823, when Congress passed an act making over the aforesaid land to the State of Ohio ; provided she would, within four years there- after, make and keep in repair a good road throughout the aforesaid route of 46 miles. This road the State government has already made; and obtained posses- sion and sold most of the land. Turnpike lands are forty-nine sections, amounting to 31,360 acres, situated along the western side of the Columbus and Sandusky turnpike, in the eastern parts of Seneca, Crawford, and Marion counties. They were originally granted by an act of Congress on the 3d of March, 1827, and more specifically by a supplementary act the year following. The considerations for which these lands were granted were, that the mail stages and all troops and property of the United States which should ever be moved and transported along this road shall pass free from toll. The Ohio Canal lands are lands granted by Congress to the State of Ohio to aid in constructing her extensive canals. These lands comprise over 1,000,000 of acres, a large proportion of which is now (1847) in market. School Lands . — By compact between the United States and the State of Ohio, when the latter was admitted into the Union, it was stipulated, for and in con- sideration that the State of Ohio should mever tax the Congress lands until after they should have been sold five years ; and in consideration that the public lands would thereby more readily sell, that the one-thirty-sixth part of all the territory included within the limits of the State should be set apart for the support of common schools therein. And, for the purpose of getting at lands which should in point of quality of soil be on an average with the whole land in the country, they decreed that it should be selected by lot, in small tracts each, to wit: that it should consist of section 16, let that section be good or bad, in every township of Congress lands; also in the Ohio Company, and in Symmes’ purchases; all of which townships are composed of thirty-six sections each; and for the United States military lands and Connecticut Reserve, a number of quarter townships, two and one-half miles square each (being the smallest public surveys therein then made), should be selected by the Secretary of the Treasury, in different places throughout the United States military tract, equivalent in quantity to the one-thirty-sixth part of those two tracts respectively. And for the Virginia mili- tary tract. Congress enacted that a quantity of land equal to the one-thirty-sixth part of the estimated quantity of land contained therein should be selected by lot, in what was fhen called the “ New Purchase,” in quarter township tracts of three miles square each. Most of these selections were accordingly made ; but, THE PUBLIC LANDS OF OHIO. 33 in some instances, by the carelessness of the officers conducting the sales, or from some other cause, a few sections 16 have been sold ; in which case Congress, when applied to, has generally granted other lands in lieu thereof; as, for instance, no section 16 was reserved in Montgomery township, in which Colum- bus is situated ; and Congress afterwards granted therefor section 21 in the town- ship cornering thereon to the southeast. College townships are three six miles square townships granted by Congress ; two of them to the Ohio Company for the use of a college to be established within their purchase, and one for the use of the inhabitants of Symmes’ purchase. Ministerial Lands . — In both the Ohio Company and in Symmes’ purchase every section 29 (equal to one-thirty-sixth part of every township) is reserved as a per- manent fund for the support of a settled minister. As the purchasers of these two tracts came from parts of the Union where it was customary and deemed neces- sary to have a regular settled clergyman in every town, they therefore stipulated in their original purchase that a permanent fund in land should thus be set apart for this purchase. In no other part of the State, other than in these two pur- chases, are any lands set apart for this object. Salt Sections . — Near the centre of what is now (1847) Jackson county Congress originally reserved from sale thirty-six sections, or one six mile square township, around and including what was called the Scioto salt-licks; also one-quarter of a five mile square township in what is now Delaware county ; in all, forty-two and a quarter sections, or 27,040 acres. By an act of Congress of the 28th of December, 1824, the legislature of Ohio was authorized to sell these lands, and to apply the proceeds thereof to such literary purposes as said legislature may think proper ; but to no other purpose whatever. To the foregoing article of Kilbourne we append Tract No. 61 of the Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical Society,” by the late Col. Charlej' Whittlesey, and entitled • SURVEYS OF THE PUBLIC LANDS IN OHIO. The surveys of the government lands were commenced in July, 1786, under the management of Thomas Hutchins, the geographer of the United States. There were surveyors appointed — one from each State ; but only nine entered upon the work in 1786. Among them were Anselm Tupper, Joseph Buell, and John Matthews. Rufus Putnam was appointed from Massachusetts, but was then engaged in surveys in what is now the State of Maine. The geographer planted his Jacobstaff on the Pennsylvania line at the north bank of the Ohio river. Having been one of the Pennsylvania commissioners on the western boundary in 1784,'*' he was familiar with the country from the Ohio river to Lake Erie. He ran a line west over the hills of Columbiana and Carroll counties in person, now known as the “ Geographer’s Line,” a distance of forty- two miles. At each mile a post was set and on each side witness-trees were marked. Every six miles was a town corner. From these corners surveyors ran the meridian or range lines south to the Ohio, and the east and west town lines. Hutchins began the numbers of the sections, or No. 1 at the southeast corner of :the township, thence north to the northeast corner. The next tier began with No. 7 on the south line, and so on, terminating with No. 36 at the northwest corner. This system of numbering was followed in the survey of the Ohio Com- * The best astronomical and mathematical talent of the colonies was employed on the western boundary of Pennsylvania, which had long been contested by Virginia. It was fixed by a transit sighting from hill to hill, the timber cut away, so that the instrument could be reversed and thus cover three stations, often several miles apart. As the monuments put up by the surveyors were nearly all of wood, there were few of them visible in 1796, when the surveyors of the Western Reserve began their work. The vista cut through the woods on the summit of the hills to open the Pennsylvania line had nearly disappeared when the country was cleared for settlement. On this survey, when the Ohio river was reached the Virginia commissioners retired, because that State had ceded the country north of the Ohio. 134 THE PUBLIC LANDS OF OHIO. pany’s purchase and in the Symmes purchase. It was changed to the present system by the act of 1799, without any apparent reason. The towns in the seven ranges were, by law, numbered from the Ohio river northward, and the ranges from the Pennsylvania line westward. In the history of land surveys this is the first application of the rectangular system of lots in squares of one mile, with meridian lines, and corner posts at each mile, where the number of the section^ town, and range was put on the witness-trees in letters and figures. It should be regarded as one of the great American inventions, and the credit of it is due to Hutchins, who conceived it in 1764 when he was a captain in the Sixtieth Royal- American regiment, and engineer to the expedition under Col. Henry Bouquet to the Forks of the Muskingum, in what is now Coshocton county. It formed a part of his plan for military colonies north of the Ohio, as a protection against Indians. The law of 1785 embraced most of the details of the new system. It was afterwards adopted by the State of Massachusetts in the surveys of her timber lands in the province of Maine, and by the purchasers of her lands within the State of New York, also by the managers of the Holland purchase in Western New York and the State of Connecticut on the Western Reserve. Although the Indian tribes had ceded Southern Ohio to the United States, they were bitterly opposed to its survey and settlement by white people. They were so hostile that troops were detailed from Fort Harmar for the protection of surveyors. The geographer’s line ended on the heights south of Sandyville, in Stark county, about three miles east of Bolivar. In September, 1786, Major Doughty, of Colonel Harmar’s Battalion, advised them that he could not guar- antee their safety. The subdivision of very few townships was completed that year. In 1787 the work was pushed more rapidly. The west line of the seven THE PUBLIC LANDS OF OHIO. 135 ranges, as they have ever since been designated, was continued southward to the Ohio river, a few miles above Marietta, being about fourteen (14) towns or eighty- four miles in length. The meridian lines of the seven ranges diverged to the right, or to the west, as they were extended southerly. The magnetic variation was seldom corrected. The country was rough, and revengeful savages lurked in the surrounding forest. The work of these brave men should not be closely criticised, even where there are some irregularities. The variation of the needle in 1786 must have been about (2) two degrees east, decreasing about (2' 30") two and one-half minutes yearly. If the magnetic meridian was followed, the result would be a deviation from the true meridian, and going south would be to the west, and the departure would be sixteen chains^ eighty links for each township. No account was then taken of the divergence of meridians, which in working southward amounted in a degree of sixty-nine and one-half miles to about eight chains. Not less than an entire section was offered for sale, and the priee was two dollars per acre. Supplies were brought to the lines from Fort Steuben (now Steubenville) through the woods on pack horses. By the act of May 18, 1796, the tract north of the geographer’s line to the Western Reserve was directed to be surveyed, but it was not until 1810 that the sections were closed up to that line. A discussion having arisen between the Connecticut Land Company and the Federal Government, as to the location of the forty-first parallel of latitude, Surveyor-General Professor Mansfield was directed to examine the line, in that year, who advised that it be not disturbed. After the death of Geographer Hutchins, in April, 1789, the entire management of the surveys devolved upon the Board of the Treasury, until the Constitution of 1787 went into operation, and for some years after. Before the Constitution there was no Federal executive, or cabinet, and executive business was transacted by committees, or boards filled by members of Congress, subject to the direction of Congress. Legislation was a very simple matter. A convention of delegates from the several States, in such numbers as they chose to select and to pay, each State having one vote, constituted the supreme power. Their legislative acts took the form of resolutions and ordinances, which were final. As early as August, 1776, it was resolved to give bounties in land, to soldiers and officers in the war of liberation. A tract was directed to be surveyed for this purpose in Ohio, in 1796. It is still known as the '"'Military bounty lands , lying next west of the seven ranges, fifty miles down the line to the south, bounded north by the treaty line of 1795, and extending west to the Scioto river. Its southwest corner is near Columbus. For this tract the surveyors were able to bring supplies up the Muskingum and the Scioto rivers in boats. In the bounty lands the townships were directed to be five miles square, with subdivisions into quarters, containing 4,000 acres. The allotment of the quarter towns was left to the owners. It was not until 1799 that the surveys were again placed in charge of a special officer, with the title of surveyor-general. General Rufus Putnam, of Marietta, was appointed to the place, which he held until the State of Ohio was admitted into the Union. Putnam was a self-taught mathematician, surveyor and engineer, on whom Washington relied for the con- struction of the lines investing the city of Boston in 1775-1776. He compre- hended at once the rectangular system of surveys, and so did the surveyors of the New England States. He served until the State of Ohio was organized in 1803 and was succeeded by Jared Mansfield, of the United States Military En- gineers. Both these gentlemen were for their times accomplished mathematicians and engineers. The sale of lands in the seven ranges was so slow, that there was for several years no necessity for additional surveys. At two dollars per acre, and in tracts of not less than a section of 640 acres, the western emigrant could do better in other parts of Ohio and in Kentucky. The purchasers of the Symmes’ purchase paid for the entire tract sixty-seven cents per acre. On the Reserve the State of Connectieut offered her lands at fifty cents. In the Virginia military reservation, the whole was available in State warrants that were very cheap. The Ohio Company paid principally in continental cer- tificates. 136 THE PUBLIC LANDS OF OHIO. After 1796 the military bounty land came in competition, which could be had in tracts of 4,000 acres for bounty certificates, issued under the resolutions of 1776 and 1780. In 1795 the Western Reserve was sold in a body at about forty cents per acre. These large blocks covered full half of the State of Ohio. By the act of May 18, 1796, additional surveys were provided for. First: In the district between the Ohio Company and the Scioto river. Here it was found that a correctional meridian was necessary, because of the excess in the sections, abutting on the west line of the company at range fifteen.* The correction was made by establishing a true meridian between ranges seventeen and eighteen with sections of an exact mile square. Between the Ohio river and Hampden, in Vinton county, the correction north and south amounted to a mile. The errors from the variation of the needle were such that quarter sections abutting on the true meridian on the east, were nearly as large as full sections on the west. There are also discrepancies on the north line of the Ohio Company, especially between Hocking and Perry counties. On the south side the sections overrun in some instances twenty acres. On the north, the government surveys are some- times short 25 to 28 acres. On the county maps in the Symmes’ purchase, the section lines present a singular appearance. Their east and west boundaries are the most irregular, especially in the later surveys. This difference is due not so much to the compass as the chain, and the allowance for rough ground. Land was of so little value that very little care was given to the accuracy of surveys. Secondly : By the same act, seven ranges were to be surveyed on the Ohio river, next west of the first meridian, now in Indiana ; also in the country between this meridian and the great Miami. In both tracts, the towns were numbered from the river northward. Quarter posts were required at each half mile, and the land was offered in half sections, to be divided by the purchaser, the price remaining at two dollars per acre. It was not until after the war of 1812-15, and the conquest of the Indian ter- ritory north of Wayne’s treaty line, that surveys were ordered in the northwest quarter of Ohio. For this- tract a base line was run on or near the forty-first parallel of latitude, corresponding to the south line of the Reserve. The ranges were numbered east from the first meridian, being the west line of Ohio, and the towns numbered north and south from the base. It is seventeen ranges east to the west line of the Reserve, and from the Pennsylvania line twenty-one ranges west, making the breadth of the State about 228 miles. From 1779 to 1785 parties holding Virginia State land warrants located them on the north side of the Ohio. This was done against the law of Virginia and her cession of 1784. The valley of the Hocking river was occupied as far as Logan when, in the fall of 1785, the claimants were removed by the United States troops. Probably these claims had been surveyed. In the Virginia military tract the private surveys were so loose as to be entirely useless for geographical purposes. In order to fix the Little Miami river on the official maps, an east and west line was run from near Chillicothe through the reservation, connecting the United States surveys from the Scioto river to the Little Miami. According to the present practice there are corrective lines and guide meridians within thirty to fifty miles of each other. The towns and sections are thus made nearly equal by these frequent checks upon errors of chaining, of the variation of the needle, and the convergence of meridians. It was not until 1804 that sales were made in quarter sections, and it was 1820 before the price was fixed at $1.25 per acre, which could be located in half or quarter sections as it has been ever since. '* See line A A of plan. HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS IN OHIO, By George W. Knight, Ph. D., Professor of History and Political Science in Ohio State University. George Wells Knight was born June 25, 1858, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, of New York and New England parentage, and through his mother is a lineal descendant of William Bradford, second Governor of the Plymouth colony. He was edu- cated in the public schools of Ann Arbor, being graduated from the high school in 1874, and at the University of Michigan, from which he was graduated in 1878 in the classical course. After studying law for a year at the university he was for two years principal of the high school at Lan- sing, Michigan. He was married in January, 1882, to Marietta A. Barnes, of Lansing, a gradu- ate of Vassar College. Having had from his youth a special fondness for history and political science he returned to Ann Arbor and continued his studies in those lines at the university, receiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1884. After teaching history for a year in Ann Arbor he was elected professor of history and English literature in the Ohio State University at Columbus, and in 1887, by a rearrangement of the teaching force, became professor of history and political science in the same institution. In 1885 he published through the American Historical Association a work on “ The History and Management of Land Grants for Education in the Northwest Territory.” In 1887 he was made managing editor of the Ohio ArchcBO logical and Historical Quarterly, the oflScial publication of the State Historical So- ciety. COMMON SCHOOL ENDOWMENT AND TAXATION. In few regions into which civilization has advanced have the educational be- ginnings been made before settlements were planted and the children actually needed school facilities. The history of education, or of the provisions for it, in Ohio commenced, however, before there was an American settlement northwest of the Ohio river or any wave of migration was rolling towards the wilderness between the great lakes and “ the beautiful river.” In an ordinance passed by Congress in 1785 for the survey and sale of the western lands, it was provided that section sixteen, or one thirty-sixth, of every township included under the ordinance should be reserved from sale for the maintenance of public schools within the township. This reservation was made not because Congress especially desired to foster education at public expense, but rather as an inducement to migration and the purchase of land by settlers. In 1787 the famous ordinance for the government of the Northwest Territory de- clared that “ schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged,” thus pledging both the general government and the future States to provide in some manner for public schools. In the same year, in the contract between the Board of Treasury and the Ohio Company, it was specified that one section in each township of the purchase should be reserved for common schools and “ not more than two complete townships ” should be “ given perpetually for the pur- poses of an university.” A little later, by the contract for the Symmes purchase along the Little Miami, one township, in addition to the usual school sections, ( 137 ) GEO. W. KNIGHT. EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS IN OHIO. 138 was set aside for the benefit of “ an academy and other public schools and sem- inaries of learning.” Two things should be noted in this connection : First, the foregoing provisions were all made before any settlement was planted within the territory to which they applied ; second, whatever the original intention of Congress may have been, these grants established, once for all, the idea that it is the duty of the American State to provide schools for its children and that it is the part of wis- dom for Congress, both as a land-owner and a governing body, to take measures which shall ensure the establishment and assist in the maintenance by the States of public schools and colleges. As these lands were at first merely reserved from sale and settlement, no steps were taken by the territorial Legislature to apply them to the intended purpose. When Ohio became a State the school lands already reserved were granted to the State to be disposed of by the Legislature. Provision was also made whereby in the Western Reserve, the United States and the Virginia Military Districts, not included in the earlier legislation, one thirty-sixth of the land should be de- voted to schools. This act terminated the direct relations of the United States to the schools of Ohio and left in the hands of the Legislature a splendid school endowment of 704,000 acres of land. The Constitution of 1802, repeating the famous educational clause of the or- dinance of 1787, made it the duty of the Legislature to carry out its intent. It also provided that all schools, academies and colleges founded upon or supported by revenues from the land-grants should be open “ for the reception of scholars, students and teachers of every grade without any distinction or preference what- ever.” The Constitution of 1851 was far more specific and shows by its provisions that there had grown up by that time a positive demand for public schools. In plain terms it declares the duty of the General Assembly to provide by taxation or other- wise “ a thorough and efficient system of common schools throughout the State.” Such have been the organic provisions and constitutional obligations assumed by the people of Ohio in regard to public education. What has the State done in fulfilling these duties? As Ohio was the first State coming into possession of an extensive land endowment for education, she had no precedents to follow and could look to no older State for ideas concerning its management. Only the in- come arising from the proceeds of the lands could be expended. The fund itself must remain intact forever. The policy of leasing the lands was first adopted, and all laws on the subject until 1827 provided for leases of various periods and terms, the rents “to be impartially applied to the education of the youths” in the several townships. The character of the leases, the low appraisals of the lands and the terms of payment authorized show conclusively that during the greater part of this time the interests of the lessees were more carefully guarded by the Legislature than were those of the schools. Several special legislative committees were appointed between 1820 and 1825 to investigate abuses in the management of the school lands, and as a result the policy of leasing was abandoned and provision made for selling the lands and investing the proceeds. It was expected that by this change the school fund would be benefited and the income increased. The statute-books and executive reports from this time con- tain a curious mixture of wise and unwise suggestion and legislation and many complicated transactions concerning this trust fund. Without stopping to re- count these measures, not all of them creditable to the wisdom and honor of the General Assembly, it may be said that nearly all of the school lands have long since been sold, and that those unsold are under perpetual lease at an extremely low rental. As fast as the lands were sold the proceeds were paid into the State treasury, and the State has pledged itself to pay six per cent, interest thereon forever, the interest being annually distributed among the various townships and districts for school purposes. As a matter of fact the fund itself has been bor- rowed and spent by the State and the annual interest is raised by taxation. The fund thus exists only on the books of the State and merely constitutes a legal and moral obligation on the part of the people to tax themselves a certain amount annually for school purposes. That this disposition of the fund was never con- templated when the grant was made cannot be questioned. Of the original grant of 704^488 acres about 665,000 acres have been sold, producing a fund of $3,829,- EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS IN OHIO. 139 551.06, which yielded ar? income in 1887 of $229,392.90, to which should be added the rents of the unsold lands, making a total income from the Congressional land- grant of about $240,000. In the course of a careful study of this subject a few years since the writer of the present sketch reached the following conclusions : “ That the possibilities of the grant have not been realized is acknowledged and regretted by all. The great underlying cause was one by no means peculiar to Ohicr or to the times — the failure to appreciate the responsibility imposed upon the State in guarding this immense trust. It seems undeniable that many of her lands were forced into market in advance of any call for their sale. So long as the State was the guardian of the property it ought not to have sanctioned proceedings which sold land for five, ten or twenty per cent, of what might have been realized. “ Yet, even though much has been wasted, the grants have been instrumental, in a degree that cannot be estimated in mere dollars and cents, in promoting the cause of education. Perhaps the greatest benefit rendered by the funds has been in fostering among the people a desire for good schools. The funds have made practicable a system of education which without them it would have been im- possible to establish.” For many years both before and after the land grant began to produce any in- come, whatever schools were in existence in Ohio were sustained wholly or prin- cipally by private subscription, and by rate bills paid by those whose children attended the schools. These were hardly public schools and certainly not free schools since, like academies or denominational colleges, they were open’ only to those who could afford to pay for the tuition. In 1821 the first law was passed that authorized the levying of a tax for the support of schools. By this law authority was given for the division of townships into school districts, and for the election of district school committees, who might erect school-houses and lay a school tax not greater than one-half the State and county tax. While this law committed the State to the idea of taxation for the support of schools it was a permission, not a compulsory law, and was not de- signed to make “ free public schools ; ” for the proceeds of the tax were to be used only for buying land, erecting buildings, and making up the deficiency that may accrue by the schooling of children whose parents or guardians are unable to pay for the same.” The day of free schools had not yet arrived. But the idea of local taxation for the maintenance of schools has developed from 1821 to the present, and in 1887 the local taxes in Ohio for school purposes aggregated $7,445,399.02. In 1838 a State Common School Fund of $200,000 was established, made up from various sources. This sum was to be annually raised and distributed among the various school districts, in addition to the income from the lands and to the local taxes for schools. This law marks the beginning of general State taxation for school purposes. In 1842 this fund was reduced to $150,000, in 1851 raised to $300,000 per annum, and in 1853 abolished. In 1825 a law was passed levying in every county a uniform tax of one-half mill on the dollar for school purposes. This, too, was in addition to the local township and district taxes. The rate of this levy was modified at various times until 1853, when the whole system of general taxation for school purposes was revised. The township and district taxes were left unchanged, but all other laws providing revenue for schools by taxation were repealed, and in their place “ for the purpose of affording the advantages of a jree education to all the youth of this State” a “State Common School Fund” was established consisting of the pro- ceeds of a tax of two mills upon the dollar on all taxable property. These pro- ceeds were to be annually distributed to each county “ in proportion to the enumeration of scholars.” This tax has since 1871 consisted of one mill on the dollar, but the valuation of taxable property has so increased that the proceeds have not diminished. In 1887 the fund from this source amounted to $1,678,561.12. Since 1827 fines for many petty offences have, when collected, been paid over to the township treasury for the use of common schools. In 1887 these and certain local license fees devoted to the same purpose aggregated $372,685.62. The following table shows the growth of the educational system of the State 140 EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS IN OHIO, during the last thirty years. Complete figures for earlier years are not ac- cessible. Ohio. 1857. 1867. 1877. 1887. Number of School-houses . 9,795. 11,353. 11,916. 12,'589. Income from land grants . . Common School Fund (State Tax) Fines, licenses, etc Sale of bonds Local (township and district) Taxes $137,533 21 1,070,767 72 96,086 57 530,353 19 $221,800 10 1,409,403 50 208,660 92 3,019,055 72 $233,660 62 1,528,278 86 215,382 10 328,609 52 5,569,972 96 $242,636 76 1,678,561 12 372,685 62 494,011 12 7,445,399 02 Total income (excluding bal- ances from previous year) . $1,834,740 69 $4,858,920 24 $7,875,904 06 $10,233,293 64 Total youth between 6 and 2 1 Average fund per capita . . 838,037 $2 19 995,250 $4 88 1,025,635 $7 68 1,102,721 $9 28 Total children enrolled in Schools Average fund per child en- rolled 603,347 $3 04 704,767 $6 89 722,240 $10 90 767,030 $13 34 THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOLS. Few records of the primitive schools of Ohio have been preserved. Nearly everything else of interest, and much that is not, of the doings of the pioneers have been faithfully recorded in various places, while little has been said of the schools. Ohio was made up of settlers from various parts of the East. They generally came in groups and located in groups, and the educational and religious character of each of these groups or villages depended mainl}^ upon the previous training and habits of the pioneers. As this training had differed in different ones of the old States so the educational development of the settlements in Ohio differed widely, and these differences have not even to-day entirely disappeared. In set- tlements planted by New Englanders schools almost immediately sprang up, while in those made by pioneers from some of the central and southern States education received far less attention at the outset. The records of the Ohio Company show that on March 5, 1788, a resolution was adopted by the directors to employ “ for the education of the youth and the pro- motion of public worship among the first settlers,” an instructor eminent for literary accomplishments and the virtue of his character, who shall also superin- tend the first scholastic institutions and direct the manner of instruction.” Under this resolution Rev. Daniel Story was employed, and began his services as preacher and teacher at Marietta in the spring of 1789. In July, 1790, the directors appro- priated $150 for the support of schools at Marietta, Belpre, and Waterford. Again in 1791 money was appropriated by the Ohio Company to assist in main- taining schools in the same places and “ to engage teachers of such a character as shall be approved by the directors.” Hildreth says that “notwithstanding the poverty and privations of the inhab- itants of the garrison, schools were kept up for the instruction of their children in reading, writing, and arithmetic nearly all the time during the Indian war.” EDUCATIONAL ' PROGRESS IN OHIO. f4# 'T'ne funds were provided partly by the Ohio Company and partly from the lank pockets of the settlers. Among the early teachers at Marietta were Jonathan Baldwin^ Mr. Curtis, and Dr. Jabez True. In Campus Martius, a school was kept “in the winter of 1789, in the northwest block-house, by Anselm Tupper, and every winter after by different teachers.” Among them was Benjamin Slocomb. At Belpre, one of the first things done was to provide for teaching the children reading, writing, and arithmetic. Bathsheba Rouse, in the summer of 1789, and for several subsequent summers, taught in Belpre. She was the first woman, and probably the first person, who taught a school of white children in Ohio. In the winters a man was hired to teach the school. Among the first teachers at Belpre were Daniel Mayo and Jonathan Baldwin, the former a Harvard graduate, the latter “ a liberally educated man.” These schools like those at Marietta were supported chiefly by the contributions of the settlers. In 1793 and thereafter schools, especially in winter, were “kept” in Waterford. In 1792, at Columbia, the first settlement in Hamilton county, a few miles above the present site of Cincinnati, a school was opened by Francis Dunlevy. Burnet tells of a frame school-house, on the north side of Fourth street in Cincinnati, as occupied, though unfinished, in 1794 or 1795. In the Western Reserve the first permanent settlement was made in 1796 and schools were probably started very soon, though the writer can find no record of any prior to 1802, when one was opened in Harpersfield. Among its first teachers were Abraham Tappan and Elizabeth Harper. In Athens, where the first pioneer built his cabin in 1797, a school was started in 1801 with John Goldthwaite as teacher. The school build- ing was of logs and was used for many years. Walker relates the following inci- dent of Henry Bartlett, the second teacher of this school. “ On one occasion, when the scholars undertook, according to a custom then prevalent, to bar the master out, and had made all very fast, Mr. Bartlett procured a roll of brimstone from the nearest house, climbed to the top of the school-house and dropped the brimstone down the open chimney into the fire ; then, placing something over the chimne}^, he soon smoked the hoys into an unconditional surrender.” The foregoing cases serve to show that in most of the communities a school followed close upon the beginning of the settlement. The pioneers in general lived up to the full spirit of the famous ordinance, not simply because it was law, but because they knew the benefits of schools and desired their children to enjoy them. These scliools were not public schools in any true sense, and not free schools in any sense. The land grants were not yet available and school taxes were un- known. The teacher made an agreement to “ keep school ” a certain length of time, and those who sent children agreed to pay from one to three dollars for each child sent. The school was in reality a private school. The building in which a pioneer school was conducted, if a separate building was used, was ex- tremely simple and uncomfortable. It was generally from fifteen to eighteen feet wide and twenty-four to twenty-eight feet long, and the eaves were about ten feet from the ground. Built of logs, its architecture was similar to that of the log- cabin of that day even to the “ latch-string.” The floor was of earth or of pun- cheons or smooth slabs. In the more elegant buildings the inside walls were covered with boards, but the more common coating was clay mortar. The fur- niture consisted principally of rude benches without backs made by splitting logs lengthwise into halves and mounting them, flat side up, on four legs or pins driven into the ground. Desks similarly though less clumsily made were some- times furnished to the “ big boys and girls.” The room, or at least one end of it. was heated from an immense fireplace. There was no blackboard, no apparatus of even the rudest description to assist the teacher in expounding the lessons. Reading, spelling, writing and arithmetic constituted the course of study, and in some districts as late as 1825 a rule was in force prohibiting the teaching of any other branches. Text-books were few. Murray’s “Reader,” Dillworth’s or Webster’s “Speller,” Pike’s “Arithmetic” and the “Columbian Orator” were the usual outfit of the teacher, and each of the pupils generally had one or more of the books in the list. Reading and spelling were the great tests of learning, and io have mastered arithmetic was to kavv^ “acquired ao oducaiiovi,” at least in lim •^^aller districts. EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS AV OHIO, While all honor should be paid to those who maintained and those who attended these schools, and all credit given for the results achieved, it has been truly said that “ schools worthy of remembrance between 1802 and 1820 were known only in the most enterprising towns. The mass of the people had privi- leges in such ‘ common ’ institutions as might be expected among communities in which school-teachers were tolerated but were neither examined for qualifica- tion nor encouraged for merit.” In 1821 the law was passed, already referred to as the first one authorizing taxation for the support of schools. This law was, however, simply permissive, and not until 1825 was any law adopted requiring the levying of taxes for school purposes, and providing for the appointment of school examiners. With these laws the schools began to improve. Still, in 1837, twelve years later, there were few public schools in Ohio. Fortunately in the latter year provision was made for a state superintendent of schools, and Hon. Samuel Lewis was appointed to the office. His three years of service produced an immediate and permanent effect upon the schools. In 1838, as a result of his suggestions, a law was framed that placed the schools of Ohio on a sure footing. It provided for a uniform system of schools, with county superintendents and township inspectors, and the state superintendent at the head to enforce the law and look after the general interests of the schools. Other laws were adopted in later years that supple- mented and amplified this, and made possible the present efficient schools. In 1825 began the system of examining teachers before they were employed, but as lato as 1838 the law only required that they should be examined in read- ing, writing and arithmetic. These requirements have been raised from time to time by the addition of other subjects, but while the great majority of the teach- ers in the State to-day are thoroughly competent, the requirements and the methods of examination still permit many poorly-equipped teachers to practice upon the boys and girls in the rural districts. In 1845 the first teachers’ institute was held and in 1848 a law was passed pro- viding for the appropriation of money in each county for the purpose of having such institutes conducted. They are now held annually in most of the counties and are a great help to the teachers and hence to the schools. A long and per- sistent attempt, beginning in 1817, has been made to have the State establish one or more normal schools for the training of teachers. For various reasons all attempts have thus far failed, though nearly if not quite every other State in the Union has found such schools not merely helpful but necessary to the proper equipment of teachers for the public schools. There are in the State several pri- vate normal schools which seek to give training to teachers. The majority of them are in reality academies affording a general academic education and paying more or less subordinate attention to the normal department. In Decemberj 1847, was organized the State Teachers’ Association, which has held annual meetings from then to the present time. While a purely voluntary association of teachers, it has in many ways been infiuential in improving the tone of education in Ohio and in bringing about wise school legislation. Among its officers and members have been enrolled the best-known names in Ohio educa- tional circles. , GRADED SCHOOLS. In the early schools of Ohio, as of every other State, all the pupils sat and recited in one room and to a single teacher, and any systematic gradation or classification was impossible even if proposed. The chief impediment was the lack of suitable and sufficient school-buildings. Where two or more schools existed within a village or city the pupils were divided geographically, not by grades, among the several schools. Pupils of all ages and degrees of advance- ment sat in the same room. The first systematic gradation and classification of pupils in Ohio was in Cincinnati, between 1836 and 1840, by virtue of a special law, dividing the city into districts and providing for a building in each district. In each building the pupils were separated into two grades, studying different subjects and grades of work. This was followed in a few years by the establish - mont of Centra) 'Scbo<4 . Ip Cleveland the first free school was estab- lisiied ill i.834, and in 1840 tne scnoois were graded. Portsmouth, Day tun EDUCAT/ONAL PROGRESS IN OHIO. Columbus, Maumee, Perrysburg and Zanesville soon, by special acts of the Legis- lature, organized graded schools. In each of these places provision was made for from two to four grades of pupils ; but, except in Cincinnati, no definite course of study, such as exists everywhere to-day, was adopted for any of the grades until about 1850. No sketch of the educational progress of Ohio would be worthy of notice that did not describe the Akron law, which when extended to the whole State estab- lished the present system of free graded schools. The Akron law, passed in 1847, organized the town of Akron into a single district and provided for the election of one board of six directors, who should have full control over all the schools in the town. It authorized the board to establish a number of primary schools . and one central grammar school; to fix the terms of transfer from one to another; to make and enforce all necessary rules; to employ and pay teachers; to purchase apparatus ; to determine and certify annually to the town council the amount of money necessary for school purposes ; to provide for the examina- tion of teachers. In 1848 the provisions of this law were extended to other incorporated towns and cities. In 1849 a general law was passed enabling any town of two hundred inhabitants to organize as under the Akron law ; this last law provided for the establishment of “an adequate number” of primary schools “ conveniently located ; ” a school or schools of higher grade or grades ; for the jree admission of all white children ; and that the schools 'nimi be kept open not less than thirty-six weeks in each yea'r. Thus was the State provided with a system of free graded schools, under which there should be uniformity in grading and unity in management. “ By the close of the year 1855,” says Superintendent R. W. Stevenson, “ the free graded system was permanently established, met with hearty approval, and received high com- mendation and support from an influential class of citizens who had been the enemies of any system of popular education supported at the expense of the State and by local taxation.” ACADEMIES AND HIGH SCHOOLS. Public high schools were not known in Ohio before the middle of the century. Long before that, however, many private academies had been founded to furnish an education superior to that given by the district school. The few colleges founded in the first half of the century also maintained preparatory schools, which, doing work similar to that of the academy, bridged over the chasm between the ungraded school and the college proper. The Constitution of 1802 provided for the establishment of academies and col- leges by corporations of individuals, and from that time until 1838 public senti- ment appears to have crystallized into the idea that private seminaries were the proper and only necessary means for attaining an education higher than that of the common school. There was apparently felt no public obligation to afford educational facilities, beyond instruction in reading, writing and arithmetic, and, later, grammar and geography. Accordingly in many places academies were started, either as private enter- prises or under the general sanction and control of religious sects. In these academies, many of which did excellent work and furnished superior advantages for those days, most of the men who for the past generation have been promi- nent in Ohio either finished their “schooling” or obtained their preparation for college. With the rise of the public high school most of these academies closed their doors, though a few broadened their courses of study and entered upon collegiate instruction. The history of these academies and an account of the good done by them is one of the most interesting as well as the most neglected chapters of Ohio’s educational growth. Without them and without the influence of the graduates they sent out, the establishment of a State system of education would have been long delayed. According to the best accounts Burton Academy, incorporated in 1803, was the pioneer among these institutions. Close upon it followed the Dayton Academy, which enjoyed a useful and prosperous career until the establishment of the high school in that city. In Cincinnati Kinmont’s Academy, Madison Institute. EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS IN OHIO. Locke’s Academy, Pickets’ Young Ladies’ Academy and others flourished. At Chillicothe, Salem, Springfield, Gallipolis, Circleville, Steubenville, Columbus, Norwalk and other places successful academies were maintained. Few of them are to-day in existence, though about two hundred are known to have been founded within the State. In the latest report of the State Commissioner of Schools but fourteen academies are listed, and of these two are connected with colleges as preparatory schools. Thus thoroughly has the public high school supplanted the private academy. From an early date in the history of the State tlie governors were far in advance of public sentiment on educational matters. Some of them recom- mended the seminaries to a more hearty popular support, while others with a truer conception of the duty of the State advocated the establishment of high schools, in which instruction should be free, in place of or in addition to these pri- vate seminaries which w^ere obliged to charge large tuition fees in order to maintain themselves. It was not until the years from 1845 to 1850, however, that the first high schools were opened in Cincinnati and Columbus. The experiment was so immediately successful that such schools became, in the language of a close observer, “ a recognized necessity to the existence of the common school sys- tem.” Even before 1845 a few “higher” schools had been started in smaller places, under authority implied in the law of 1838. Among these, and probably the first high school in the State, was one at Maumee, started in 1843-4. To-day a high school, supported by public funds as a part of the common school system, is to be found in nearly every town and village in the State. While many children are unwisely withdrawn from school by their parents just when they are ready to take up this broadening high-school work, still a large percentage of the youth of Ohio avail themselves of the advantages ofiered. Late reports of the educational department of the State show the existence of about three hundred high schools, and the number is yearly increasing. COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Ohio is pre-eminently a community of many colleges, the reports showing that it possesses more institutions claiming the title of college or university than are contained within any other State of the Union. While abundant opportunities for obtaining a higher education are thus afforded, there is little doubt that this almost abnormal prolificness has been at the expense of strength and high de- velopment of many of the colleges. A sketch, first of the colleges supported by national endowment and State aid, and then of the older of the private and de- nominational colleges follows. Ohio University. — The Ohio Company, in its contract with the government, obtained a gift of two townships for the endowment of a university, “to be applied to the intended object by the Legislature of the State.” The townships of Alex- ander and Athens, in Athens county, were selected for that purpose. In 1802 the Territorial Legislature chartered the American Western University^ located it in the town of Athens and gave it the two townships. No steps were taken dur- ing the territorial days to organize the university, and in 1804 the charter was repealed and provision made for the establishment of Ohio University at Athens. The lands were appraised and many of them immediately leased on ninety-year leases. A revaluation was to be made once in about every thirty years, and a rental of six per cent, of each valuation was to be paid annually. The next year the law was modified in some parts, but the revaluation clause was not touched. When the time for the first revaluation came the Legislature was prevailed upon hy a strenuous lobby of the lessees to declare that the intention had been to repeal the revaluation clause. As a consequence of this unfortunately legal action of the General Assembly, two townships of land are to-day under perpetual lease at an average rental of about ten cents an acre, the total income from rents amounting to about $4,500 per year. The annual income of Michigan University from a grant of the same size and kind is over $38,000. The university was opened for students in 1809 and the first class was grad- uated in 1815, consisting of Thomas Ewing and John Hunter. These men bore the first collegiate degrees ever conferred in the Northwest Territory. In 1822 a EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS IN OHIO, u<; full faculty was organized, consisting of five men. At the outset the old time classical course was the only one laid down, with a preparatory department or academy to fit students to enter the freshman class. Within recent years a sci- entific course (a course without Greek or Latin) and a normal course have been added. The latter is, so far as known, the only provision ever made by the State for training teachers. The university has once been obliged to close its doors for a few years on account of financial embarrassment, but now seems destined to continue its long and honorable career of usefulness. It is a State University in that its trustees are appointed by the Governor, and its scanty income is occa-' sionally increased by all-too-slender appropriations from the State treasury. ' Miami University. — Under the contract between John Cleves Symmes and Congress one township of land was donated by the latter for “ an academy and other public schools and seminaries of learning.” Knowing that but one insti- tution of learning at the most could be maintained by the income from a single township, the Legislature chartered Miami University in 1809 and made it the beneficiary of the grant. The same unwise policy, as in the case of Ohio Uni- versity, was adopted in disposing of the lands, and the institution has received an annual income of but $5,600 from the grant. The college was located at Oxford, Butler county, and was opened for students in 1824. While it has always been crippled by lack of funds and has twice been obliged to suspend for periods of ten or twelve years, its influence has been great and its history notable. Taking into account its size and its misfortunes, “ few institutions have done better work or sent forth so large a proportion of graduates who have become eminent in the various walks of life.” Probably, however, no other college in America has ever been obliged to print in any of its catalogues a notice similar to the fol- lowing: “Tuition and room-rent must invariably be paid in advance and no deduction or drawback is allowed ; and if not paid by the student it is charged to the faculty, who are made responsible to the Board for it.” Like Ohio Uni- versity, it is a semi-State institution, its trustees being selected by the Governor, and its starving treasury receives occasional pittances from the State. The Uni- versity was reopened in 1885 after a lapse of twelve years, and whether it will once more regain the position it once held among Ohio’s colleges is a question not yet easily answered. Ohio State University. — In 1862 a grant of lands was made by Congress to each of the States and Territories for “ the endowment, support and maintenance of at least one college where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the Legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe.” Under this act Ohio received land scrip for 630,000 acreSo An institution, first known as Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College, and later as Ohio State University, was chartered by the Legislature and received the scrip as an endowment, sub- ject to the conditions imposed hy Congress. This scrip was sold at an extremely low price, like the previous college land endowments in Ohio, and produced a fund now something more than a half million of dollars, from which the univer- sity receives an annual income of six per cent The university was located at Columbus upon a fine farm of three hundred acres, upon which substantial buildings were soon erected. The site was purchased and the first buildings erected and equipped by a gift of $300,000 from the county of Franklin and city of Columbus. The college, now within the city limits of Columbus, was opened for students in 1873 and the first class was graduated in 1878. In accordance with the terms of the land grant the chief attention is given to instruction in agricultural, mechanical and technical branches, but full collegiate courses are given, and pursued by many students, in classical and literary lines of work. For the last few years the General Assembly has annually appropriated moderate sums for carrying on the work so well begun. The three foregoing universities are State institutions, amenable to State con- trol and obtaining their support from the land endowment of the general govern- ment and from State appropriations. Ohio differs from most States in having three higher institutions which are in reality a part of the public educational system of the State. Whether the interests of education are best conserved by 14 ^ EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS IN OHIO. the maintenance of three institutions, or whether a union of the three into one stronger than either to-day, or a fusion or co-operation of the three under one general'management would be wiser, are questions that have been discussed for some years. In any case the sentiment of the State has definitely crystallized into the idea that the State ought to provide at public expense for the higher education of its citizens by maintaining one or more public colleges. There are also many denominational or private colleges within the State, some of them strong and prosperous, and all of them doing to the extent of their ability the work of higher education. The limits of this sketch will not permit a de- scription of all, but the more prominent of those founded before 1850 may be briefly mentioned. Kenyon College. — Through the efforts of Bishop Philander Chase, Kenyon College was established in 1824, at Gambier, as a college and theological seminary, under the control of the Protestant Episcopal Church. The lands were purchased and the buildings erected with funds raised in this country and in England. The town — which is to-day one of the most beautiful college sites in America — the college, and the principal edifices are named respectively after three English noblemen. The college was soon opened with a strong faculty and a goodly number of students. Financial troubles beset the college, however, and the next fifteen years found an emissary of the institution almost constantly in the East or in Europe seeking aid for the starving college. In 1841 the college and the theological seminary were separated so far as their faculties were concerned. The college has done excellent work, and has afforded good facilities for the pursuit of the old-time classical course. It drew many of its students from the South, and hence suffered severely upon the outbreak of the rebellion. Though not large in membership, it has always had a fine body of students, and has main- tained a good reputation. In 1886-87 its corps of instructors numbered nine, and there were fifty-five students in the collegiate department. Western Reserve University. — This institution, now better known as Adel- bert College, was chartered in 1826, and opened for students in the same year at Hudson, Summit (then Portage) county, in the Connecticut Western Reserve. It was designed by the education-loving settlers of the Westeni Reserve to be an independent college, free from ecclesiastical control, but from the outset and until the removal of the college to Cleveland the members of the board of trustees were all ministers or members of the Presbyterian or Congregational churches, and its general policy has been affected by this fact. The objects of the college were “to educate pious young men as pastors for our destitute churches,” “ to preserve the present literary and religious character of the State,” and “ to prepare competent men to fill the cabinet, the bench, the bar, and the pulpit.” Drawing most of its students from the Reserve, the college soon entered upon a prosperous career in both the theological and collegiate departments and in its preparatory school. In 1859, however, the theological department was closed, and definitely aban- doned. The institution has been sustained entirely by donations and students^ fees. In 1881 a magnificent bequest was made to the collegiate department, suffi cient to erect new and elegant buildings and to increase largely its endowment fund, on condition that the collegiate department should be transferred to Cleve^ land, and called Adelbert College of Western Reserve University. The conditions were accepted, and the removal made upon the completion of the new buildings. The preparatory school is still maintained at Hudson, and a medical department has been united to the University at Cleveland. Like the greater number of Ohio colleges, this institution was for some time open to students of either sex, but in 1888 the trustees decided that hereafter women should not be admitted. The attendance in 1886-87 was seventy eight, when there were ten members of the faculty. Dennison University. — This institution, located at Granville, Licking county, was chartered in 1832 as the Granville Literary and Theological Institution ; in 1856 it assumed its present name, in commemoration of a gift from William Dennison, of Adamsville, Ohio. Its board of trustees constitute a close corporation, under the control of the Baptist denomination, and all of its trustees must belong to that church. The college itself is unsectarian in its teachings, the theological department having been given up some years ago. The classical and scientific EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS IN OHIO, courses are offered to students, the former — as in most colleges originally literary alone — having the better equipment. In 1886-87 there were eleven instructors and eighty students. Oberlin College, — This was chartered in 1834 as the Oberlin Collegiate Institute, at Oberlin, Lorain county, and in 1850 assumed its present name. The institution is under the direction of the Congregational Church, and a theological seminary was early established as a part of the college. The board of trustees is a close corporation. From the outset, but especially in later years, the college has assumed a prominent place among Ohio colleges, indeed, among American colleges. Both sexes have always been admitted to its classes, and — for some time alone among colleges — it almost from its foundation admitted colored students. As it was the pioneer in that regard, its name was soon widespread, and it became a strong promoter of anti-slavery principles. It has from time to time extended its range, and to-day sustains theological, collegiate, musical, art, and preparator}; departments. In its collegiate department in 1886-87 were enrolled 400 students under a faculty of eighteen members. Marietta College. — The Marietta Collegiate Institute, located at Marietta, was chartered in 1832. This charter, however, gave the institution no authority to confer degrees, and was defective in other particulars. A new charter free from these defects was accordingly obtained in 1835, from which year the existence of Marietta College dates. The college was founded by some of the men, or their immediate descendants, who were instrumental in obtaining the grant of two townships for an university in the Ohio Company’s purchase. Just why they did not lend their energies solely towards building up the institution (Ohio Uni- versity, at Athens) founded on that land-grant it is difficult after this lapse of time to determine, unless it be that the growth and development of that institu- tion did not accord with the ideas brought to Marietta from New England. The following, believed to be from the pen of the late President I. W. Andrews, par- tially explains the matter: “After spending forty years or more in removing the forest, they (the settlers of Marietta) could no longer postpone the establishment of an institution of learning, embodying those principles and methods which had made the old colleges of New England so efficient and prosperous. There was a deep conviction on the part of many of the most intelligent men in Southeastern Ohio that a literary institution of high order was essential to the educational and religious interests of a large region, of which Marietta was the centre.” The board of trustees has always been a close corporation, but there are no restrictions as to religious belief of the members. As a fact, the majority of the trustees have usually been members of the Presbyterian or Congregational churches. The col- lege has been unsectarian in its teachings, but distinctly Christian in both theory and practice. It has been a remarkably successful, though never a large institu- tion ; and the proportion of graduates to freshmen has probably been larger than that of any other Ohio college. Pleasantly located and comfortably equipped for classical and literary study, it has closely resembled in its staid dignity the older New England colleges. In 1887 its collegiate students numbered eighty-seven, its instructors ten. Ohio Wesleyan University. — This institution, located at Delaware, under the control of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was chartered in 1842. The alumni and four Conferences of the church are each represented by five members in the board of twenty-five trustees. The endowment of the institution has been con- tributed chiefly in small amounts by adherents of the church. The college has advanced in its requirements and increased in attendance until it is one of the largest colleges in the State. With the possible exception of Oberlin College, the Ohio Wesleyan University has been more thoroughly permeated with religious sentiment and zeal than any other of the Ohio colleges. The majority of its stu- dents belong to families adhering to the Methodist Episcopal Church, and it has sent out a large body of graduates. In 1886 there were 336 collegiate students and twenty-five instructors. Wittenberg College. — This college is located at Springfield, Clark county, and was chartered in 1845. It is under the control of the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and its trustees are chosen by various local Synods of that denomination. The institution was founded to meet the religious and EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS IN OHIO. t I educational wants of the Lutheran denomination in that vicinity. A theological department has always been a prominent part of the college. The institution has never been large, but, with a moderate endowment and comfortable buildings and equipment, it has always prospered. In 1886 it had sixty-five students in the collegiate department and eleven instructors. Otterbein University. — This institution, located at Westerville, Franklin county, was chartered in 1849, under the auspices of the United Brethren in Christ, and received its name from the founder of that church. Like Wittenberg College, and many others in the West, it was established to meet the educational needs of a religious denomination, and has drawn its financial support almost solely from them. It has always ranked among the smaller colleges of the State, and has not always been liberally supported by the church. It was uniortunate in losing its main building, including the library and much apparatus, by fire in 1870. A new building was soon erected, and the institution has continued its career, its pathway often beset with the rocks of financial embarrassment that are encountered by most small denominational colleges. In 1886 there were seven instructors and fifty students in the collegiate department. Many other colleges exist in Ohio, some of them strong and prosperous, and several professional institutions have been established, while the number of com- mercial and business “ colleges ” is very large. The foregoing are, however, the leading colleges or universities, properly so called, founded before the middle of the present century, and the limits of this sketch permit mention only of the names and a few statistics concerning the others. The figures given below, as well as those that have preceded, are based mainly upon the official report of the State Commissioner of Schools. Name. Location. Date of • Charter. Religious Denomination. No. of Instructors 1886-87. No. of Students Collegiate Dep’tment 1886-87. Buchtel College Akron 1870 Universalist 11 79 Ashland College Ashland 1878 Brethren ^ 4 Baldwin University Berea 1856 Meth. Episcopal 12 45 German Wallace College Berea 1864 Meth. I^iscopal 5 44 St. Joseph’s College Cincinnati 1873 Rom'an Catholic 11 200 St. Xavier’s College Cincinnati 1846 Roman Catholic 10 44 University of Cincinnati Cincinnati 1870 Non-Sectarian 14 118 Belmont College College Hill 1846 Non-Sectarian e 21 Capital University Columbus 1850 Evangel. Lutheran 8 76 Findlay College Findlay 1882 10 169 Hiram College Hiram 1867 Disciples 8 34 Mt. Union College Mt. Union 1858 Non-Sectarian 12 115 Franklin College New Athens 1825 5 22 Muskingum College New Concord 1837 United Presbyteri’n 4 56 Rio Grande College Rio Grande 1875 Free Will Baptist 5 11 Scio College Scio 1866 Meth. Episcopal 5 125 Heidelberg College Tiffin 1850 Reformed 8 85 Urbana University Urbana 1850 New Church 4 25 Wilberforce University Wilberforce 1863 African Meth. Epis. 6 23 University of Wooster Wooster 1866 Presbyterian 18 226 Antioch College Yellow Sp’ngs 1852 Non-Sectarian 8 36 In conclusion, we may quote the words of Prof. E. B. Andrews, uttered after a careful study and discriminating praise of the good results accomplished by many of the Ohio colleges : “ It is unfortunate that there are in Ohio so many colleges of denominational origin, when, with a broader view of the subject of higher learning, combinations could have been effected which, without any sacrifice of religious influence, would have given us institutions of greater strength and dig- EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS IN OHIO. 149 nity, and of ampler facilities for affording a broad and generous culture This entire misconception of the true function of the college has led to such a multiplication of colleges in Ohio that all are hindered and many are dwarfed.” Authorities consulted in preparing this sketch : Hildreth’s “ Pioneer History Walker’s “History of Athens County;” American Journal of Education ; Knight’s “Land Grants for Education in the Northwest Territory;” “A History of Education in the State of Ohio” (Columbus, 1876); “Historical Sketches of Higher Educational Institutions in Ohio” (1876); Ohio School Commissioners’ Reports ; Reports of United States Commissioner of Educa- tion ; Ohio Executive Documents ; Ohio Laws. In addition to the foregoing, and with a view to supply what seems to be an inadvertent omission, we subjoin the following statement in reference to the efficiency and progress of educational legislation in Ohio. We allude to the “Act to provide for the reorganization, supervision, and maintenance of Com- mon Schools, passed March 14, 1853.” Prior to the passage of this act the common schools had become inefficient in their character, and the laws so often amended as to render them incapable of being understood, or receiving a consistent judicial construction. It was for this reason that the first General Assembly, under the new constitution of 1851, revised the school laws and passed the reorganizing act of March 14, 1853. This act introduced radical changes in the school system — changes which have given the common schools a deservedly high character for their excellence. The provisions of the act, with slight amendments, remained in force for twenty years, when most of its provisions were embraced in the codification of the school laws in 1873, and are still operative. It will be readily seen by a reference to James W. Taylor’s “ History of the Ohio School System,” published in 1857, that Harvey Rice, the Senator from Cuyahoga, and chairman of the standing committee on schools, was the author of the bill, now known as the Act of March 14, 1853. Soon after the act came in force, and generally throughout the State since that time, he has been called the “ father of the Ohio School System,” an honor to which his devotion to the ^ welfare of public schools justly entitles him. We take the following reference to Mr. Rice and his educational labors from the “ History of Education in the State of Ohio ” — a centennial volume — published by authority of the General Assembly in 1876. “ The school law passed by the General Assembly, March 14, 1853, was chiefly prepared by the Hon. Harvey Rice, of Cleveland, a member of the Ohio Senate and chairman of the committee on common schools. Mr. Rice was born in Massachusetts, June 11, 1800, and graduated at Williams College. He came to Ohio in 1824, and settled in (Cleveland. For a short time he engaged in teaching while preparing for the practice of law, upon which he soon entered. Mr. Rice’s abilities and worth were soon recognized by his fellow-townsmen, who manifested their appreciation by electing him to various important offices in the county, and to a seat in the lower House of the General Assembly. “ In 1851 Mr. Rice was elected to the Senate. The session which followed was a very important one. Ohio had outgrown her old constitution, and this was the first meeting of her Legislature under the provisions of the new. It was evident to all, who had watched the growing educational needs of the State, that the school system needed a thorough revision. Since the passage of the act of 1838 the population of the State had more than doubled, and its re- sources had increased in a still greater ratio. Mr. Rice addressed himself to the work of procuring the passage of an act for the reorganization of the common schools, and providing for their supervision. The bill passed the Senate with but two negative votes. He had previously taken a prominent part in the pas- sage of an act providing for the establishment of two asylums for lunatics, and he now advocated the establishment of a State Reform Farm School, at that time a novel idea. A few years saw it in successful operation. “Mr. Rice still lives in Cleveland. He has lived to see the State of his adop- tion enjoy the fruits of his labors, and to see her in his own words ‘ lead the column in the cause of popular education and human rights.’ His active life as a politician and public-spirited citizen has not prevented the cultivation of his taste for literature. He is well known as a graceful writer both in prose and verse.” OHIO IN THE CIVIL WAR BY GEN. JOHN BEATTY. General John Beatty was born near Sandusky, Ohio, December 16, 1828. His education was obtained at the district school of a pioneer settlement. His grand- father, John Beatty, was an anti-slavery man of the James G. Birney school ; from him the present John imbibed in boyhood his first political tenets, and to these he has adhered somewhat obstinately ever since. In 1852 he supported John P, Hale for the presidency. In 1856 he cast his vote for John C. Fremont. In 1860 he was the Kepublican presidential elector for the district which sent John Sherman to Congress. When the war broke out in 1861, he was the first to put his name to an enlist- ment roll in Morrow county. He was elected to the cap- taincy of his company, subsequently made lieutenant- colonel, then colonel of the Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and in 1862 advanced to the position of briga- dier-general of volunteers. He was with McClellan and Rosecrans in West Virginia, summer and fall 1861; with General O. M. Mitchel in his dash through Southern Kentucky, Middle Tennessee and Northern Alabama in the spring of 1862. Returning with General Buell to the Ohio river, he joined in the pursuit of Bragg, and on October 8, 1862, fought at the head of his regiment in the battle of Perryville, Kentucky. In the December follow- ing he was assigned to the command of a brigade of Rous- seau’s division, and led it through the four days’ battle of Stone River, closing on the night of January 3, 1863, with an assault on the enemy’s barricade, on the left of the Murfreesboro’ turnpike, which he carried at the point of the bayonet. He was with Rosecrans on the Tullahoma campaign, and after the enemy evacuated their stronghold, overtook them at Elk river, drove their rear guard from the heights beyond, and led the column which pursued them to the summit of the Cumberland. While the army rested at Winchester, Tennessee, he was president of a board to examine applicants for commissions in colored regiments, and continued in this service until the urmy crossed the Tennessee river and entered on the Chattanooga campaign. In this advance into Georgia his brigade had the honor of being the first of Thomas’ corps to cross Lookout mountain. He was with Branuan and Negley in the affair at Dug Gap, and took part in the two days’ fighting at Chickamauga, September, 1863, and in the affair at Rossville. At the re-organization of the Army of the Cumberland he was assigned to the command of the second brigade of Davis’ division Thomas’ corps, but was with Sherman at the battle of Mission Ridge; and when the rebel line broke he led the column in pursuit of the retreating enemy, overtook his rear guard near Graysville, where a short but sharp encounter occurred, in which Gen. George Many, commanding the opposing force, was wounded, and his troops compelled to retire in disorder. Subsequently he accompanied Sherman in the expedition to Knoxville for the relief of Burnside, and the close of this campaign ended his military service. Gen. Beatty was elected to the Fortieth Congress from the Eighth Ohio district, and re-elected to the Forty-first and Forty-second Congresses, serving first as member of the Committee on Invalid Pensions, then as Chairman of the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and finally as Chairman of Committee on Public Printing. In 1884 he was one of the Republican electors-at-large, and in 1886-7 a member of the Board of State Charities. He has since 1873 been engaged in the business of banking at Columbus, Ohio. JOHN BEATTY. It would be impossible to make an exact estimate of the number of men who entered the National army from Ohio during the war for the preservation of the Union. Those embraced in regimental and company organizations of the State can, of course, be enumerated, and, with some degree of accuracy, followed to the time of their death, discharge, or final muster out; but these organizations did not by any means include all the patriotic citiz'.ns of Oliio who left peaceful homes to incur the risks of battle for tlie mairoenance of national authority. Five regiments credited to West Virginia were made up in large part of Ohio men ; the same may be said of two regiments credited to Kentucky; also of the Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Colored Infantry, and of two regi- ments of United States colored troops. In addition to those enrolled in regi- (150) OHIO IN THE CIVIL WAR. ments credited to other States, thousands entered the gun-boat service, of whom O.bi.o has no record, while other thousands enlisted in the regular army. *'■ From the best prepared statistics of the Provost Marshal-General and Adju- tant-General of the U. S. A. and the Adjutant-General of Ohio, excluding re- enlistments, ‘ squirrel-hunters ’ and militia, and including a low estimate for regular enlistments in the army and navy not credited to Ohio, it is found that Ohio furnished of her citizens 340,000 men of all arms of the service for war; reduced to a department standard, they represent 240,000 three-years soldiers.”* The State contributed in organized regiments : 26 regiments of infantry 43 regiments of infantry 2 regiments of infantry 27 regiments of infantry 117 regiments of infantry 13 regiments of cavalry 3 regiments of artillery for three months, for 100 days, for six months, for one year, for three years, for three years, for three years. To these should be added twenty-six independent batteries of artillery, and five independent companies of cavalry. 6,536 Ohio soldiers were killed outright in battle. 4,674 were mortally wounded and subsequently died in hospital. 13,354 died of disease contracted in the service. Tn brief, 84 Ohio soldiers out of every 1,000 enlisted men lost their lives in the war of the rebellion. “The total losses in battle of all kinds in both the American and British armies in the seven years’ war of the Revolution, excluding only the captured at Saratoga and Yorktown, is 21,526. This number falls 4,000 below Ohio’s dead- list alone during the' late war The loss of Ohio officers is known to have reached 872, nearly ten per cent, of the grand total of officers.” f In the two hundred and thirty-one regiments, twenty-six independent batteries of artillery, and five independent companies of cavalry which entered the field from Ohio, there Were but 8,750 drafted men ; all other members of the organiza- tions referred to being volunteers. It should be observed, however, that the patriotic impulses of many who volunteered during the later years of the war were to some extent stimulated by the offer and payment of liberal bounties. This fact, without being permitted to detract at all from the credit of the soldier who accepted the money, should be remembered to the honor of the loyal citizen who paid it cheerfully and promptly. No army ever had a more abundant and sympathetic support than that accorded by the loyal men and w'omen of the North, who carried forward with intense energy the ordinary business of civil life, while sons, brothers and hus- bands were in the field. Indeed, when we consider that more than one-half of the adult male population of Ohio was in the army, and that probably one-half of those who remained at home were unfitted by age or physical infirmity for military service, and that very many others were held to their farms and offices by business obligations, which could not be honorably disregarded, or family ties it would have been cruelty to sund<^r, we shall be at some loss to determine whether those who by their industry and liberality made it possible for an army to live, are entitled to less or more credit from the country than those who fought its battles and won its victories. To the young there is nothing more attractive than war and nothing more precious than martial honors. It must occur, there- fore, that the brother who remains at home to provide for the wants of the house- hold, and attend to interests which cannot be wholly abandoned, often makes a greater sacrifice of inclination and exhibits a more unselfish devotion to duty than the one who dons a uniform, and with music, banners and loud hurrahs marches to the front. It would be very difficult in any work, and wholly impracticable in this, to mention by name the private soldiers of Ohio who rendered faithful service to * Address Gen. J. Warren Keifer, at Ne o**rk, 1878. t Gen. J. Warren Keifer, OHIO IN THE CIVIL WAR. 152 the country, or to make special reference to those even who were killed in battk and interred in hurriedly-made graves on the fields where they fought. There are none so obtuse, however, as not to know that in patriotism and courage, and frequently in education, wealth and natural capacity, the private soldier of the Union army was the full equal of those under whom he served, and to whose orders he gave prompt and unquestioning obedience. In war, as in politics, all .cannot be leaders, and often in both spheres the selfish and incompetent push clamorously to the front, while men of superior merit stand modestly back, con- tent to accept any place in a good work to which accident may assign them. While those who bore the brunt and burden of the conflict are, as has been suggested, too numerous to receive special recognition, many of them may find pleasure in reviewing the list of Ohio generals whom their patience, skill and courage helped to render more or less conspicuous in the history of the war : Generals : Ulysses S. Grant was born at Point Pleas- ant, Ohio, April 27, 1822.* William T. Sherman, born Lancaster, Feb- ruary 8, 1820.* Philip H. Sheridan, Somerset, March 6, 1831.* Major- Generals : Don Carlos Buell, born Lowell, March 23, 1818.* George Crook, Montgomery county, Sep- tember 8, 1828.* George A. Custer, Harrison county, De- cember 5, 1839.* Quincy A. Gillmore, Lorain county, Feb- ruary 28, 1825.* James A. Garfield, Cuyahoga county, No- vember 19, 1831. James B. McPherson, Clyde, November 14, 1828.* Irvin McDowell, Columbus, Oct. 15, 1818.* Alex. McD. McCook, Columbiana county, April 22, 1831.* William S. Rosecrans, Delaware county, September 6, 1819.* David S. Stanley, Wayne county, June 1, 1828.* Robert C. Schenck, Warren county, Octo- ber 4, .1809. Wager Swayne, Columbus, 1835. Godfrey Weitzel, Cincinnati, Nov. 1, 1835.* Major-Generals Resident in Ohio hut Born Elsewhere : Jacob D. Cox, born in New York, October 27, 1828. William B. Hazen, Vermont, September 27, 1830.* Mortimer D. Leggett, New York, April 19, 1831. George B. McClellan, Pennsylvania, De- cember 3, 1826.* 0. M. Mitchel, Kentucky, August 28, 1810.* James B. Steedman, Pennsylvania, July 30, Brigadier- Generals of Ohio Birth: those having brevet rank of Major-General marked with f. William T. H. Brooks, born New Lisbon, January 28, 1821.* William W. Burns, Coshocton, September 3, 1825.* t Henry B. Banning, Knox county, Novem- ber 10, 1834. C. P. Buckingham, Zanesville, March 14, 1808.* John Beatty, Sandusky, December 16, 1 828. Joel A. Dewey, Ashtabula, September 20, 1840. . t Thomas H. Ewing, Lancaster, August 7, 1829. fHugh B. Ewing, Lancaster, October 31, 1826. James W. Forsyth, 1835.* t Robert S. Granger, Zanesville, May 24, 1816.* t Kenner Garrard, Cincinnati, 1830.* t Charles GriflSn, Licking county, 1827.* t Rutherford B. Hayes, Delaware, October 14, 1822. fJ. Warren Keifer, Clark county, Jan- uary 30, 1836. William H. Lytle, Cincinnati, November 2,' 1826. John S. Mason, Steubenville, August 21, 1824.* Robert L. McCook, New Lisbon, Decem- ber 28, 1827. Daniel McCook, Carrollton, July 22, 1834. John G. Mitchell, Piqua, November 6, 1838.^ Nathaniel C. McLean, Warren county, February 2, 1815. t Emerson Opdycke, Tiumbull county, January 7, 1830. Benjamin F. Potts, Carroll county, Jan- uary 29, 1836. A. Sanders Piatt, Cincinnati, May 2, 1821. t James S. Robinson, Mansfield, October 11, 1828. fBen. P. Runkle, West Liberty, Septem- ber 3, 1836. J. W. Reilly, Akron, May 21, 1828. William Sooy Smith, Pickaway county, July 22, 1830.* Joshua Sill, Chillicothe, December 6, 1831.* John P. Slough, Cincinnati, 1829. Ferdinand Van DeVeer, Butler county, February 27, 1823. t Charles R. Woods, Licking county.* ♦Graduates of West Point. OHIO IN HHE CIVIL WAR. 153 fWilliard Warner, Granville, September 4, 1826. 7 William B. Woods, Licking county. I Charles C. Walcutt, Columbus, February 12, 1838. M. S. Wade, Cincinnati, December 2, 1802. Brigadier- Generals Resident in Ohio hut Born Elsewhere: those having brevet rank of Major-General marked f. Jacob Ammen, born in Virginia, January 7, 1808.* t Samuel Beatty, Pennsylvania, September 16, 1820. fB. W. Brice, A^irginia, 1809.* Ralph P. Buckland, Massachusetts, Jan- uary 20, 1812. H. B. Carrington, Connecticut, March 2, 1824. George P. Este, New Hampshire, April 30, 1830. t Manning F. Force, Washington, D. C., December 17, 1824. t John W. Fuller, England, July, 1827. t Charles W. Hill, Vermont. t August V. Kautz, Germany, January 5, 1828. George W. Morgan, Pennsylvania. William H. Powell, South Wales, May 10, 1825. E. P. Scammon, Maine, December 27, 1816.* Thomas Kilby Smith, Massachusetts, 1821. t John W. Sprague, New York, April 4, 1827. fErastusB. Tyler, New York. I John C. Tibball, Virginia.* TAugustWillich, Prussia, 1810. General Eli Long, for a time Colonel 4th Ohio Cavalry ; General S. S. Carroll, for a time Colonel 8th Ohio Infantry ; and General Charles G. Harker, first Colonel of the 65th Ohio Infantry, are not included in the above list, for the reason that they were officers of the regular army, and neither by birth nor resi- dence Ohio men. It would hardly be safe for a reader in search of truth to assume that rank at all times, or even generally, indicated the relative merit of officers in the volun- teer service. Brevet rank conferred neither additional pay nor authority, and near the close of the war the government was prodigal of gifts which cost it nothing, and of such gifts gave freely to all for whom they were asked. On the other hand it would be a mistake to conclude that some of those brevetted were not justly entitled to greater honors and compensation than many whose rank was higher and commands larger. It is but natural for governors to provide well for those nearest to them officially and otherwise, for senators and representa- tives to be partial to their own kinsfolk and following, and for victorious generals to think first of their intimate personal friends. Still the honors were probably as fairly awarded as those in civil life. Accident, opportunity, family and social influence, when favorable, are important helps in war, as well as in love, politics and business. It will be observed that the graduates of West Point kept well to the front during the war. They were educated for this purpose, and the government exer- cised its authority wisely when it sustained them even under circumstances which would have been deemed sufficient to retire a volunteer officer in disgrace. It may be truthfully said, also, that the officers of the regular army, with few ex- ceptions, sustained each other loyally, and never permitted even a straggling honor to escape which could by hook or crook be gathered in for the glorification of their Alma Mater. The officers of Ohio birth whose names are given above, were, with but few exceptions, born during the first thirty years of the present century, when Ohio was simply a vast wilderness with here and there a clearing and a cabin. Many were farmers’ sons, who received the rudiments of an education in the log-school houses of pioneer settlements during the winter months, and in summer assisted their fathers in the rough work of converting heavily timbered lands into produc- tive fields. The habits of frugality and industry then attained undoubtedly contributed much to their subsequent success. In enumerating the Ohio Generals I have followed the course pursued by White- law Reid in his “ Ohio in the War,” but it must be admitted that in doing so a door is left wide open for adverse criticism. If Grant should be credited to Ohio be- cause he was born in the State, then Generals Halbert E. Paine, of Wisconsin, Ben Harrison, of Indiana, Robert B. Mitchell, of Kansas, and others, should also be credited to Ohio ; while McClellan, O. M. Mitchell, Hazen, and others should * Graduates of West Point. OHIO IN THE CIVIL WAR. be credited to the place of their birth rather than to that of their residence. It is apparent, therefore, that the claim usually made by Ohio goes too far or not far enough, and that a wiser adjustment of the whole matter could be attained by pooling the honors of the war with other loyal States and simply boasting that those who won them were American citizens. No fair estimate of the magnitude of Ohio’s contribution to the war, however, can be obtained without taking into consideration the services of eight men in civil life who did more, probably, to insure the success of the Union cause tiian any eight of the Generals whom the State sent to the field. Edwin M. Stanton, born at Steubenville, Dec. 19, 1814, Attorney -General United States, 1860, and Secretary of War from January, 1862, to August, 1867. Salmon P. Chase, born in New Hampshire, January 13, 1808, United States Senator from Ohio, Governor of Ohio, and from March, 1861, to 1864, Secretary of the Treasury. John Sherman, born at Lancaster, May 10, 1823, United States Senator from Ohio, and member of the Finance Committee of the Senate. Benjamin F. Wade, born in Massachusetts, October 27, 1800, United States Sen- ator from Ohio, and Chairman of the Senate Committee on the conduct of the war. William Dennison, born at Cincinnati, November 23, 1815, Governor of Ohio from January, 1860, to January, 1862. David Tod, born at Youngstown, February 21, 1805, Governor of Ohio from January, 1862, to January, 1864. John Brough, born at Marietta, September 17, 1811, Governor of Ohio from January, 1864, to the close of the war. Jay Cooke, born at Sandusky, August 10, 1821, Special Agent United States Treasury Department for the negotiation of bonds. The population of Ohio probably represented more nearly than that of any other State, the people of all the older sections of the Union. Settlers from New England and New York predominated in the Western Reserve. Pennsylvania had peopled the eastern counties ; Virginia and Kentucky the southern and south- western ; and so we find that Grant’s father and Rosecrans’s came from Pennsyl- vania ; Sherman’s and Tod’s from Connecticut; McPherson’s and Garfield’s from New" York ; McDowell’s, Kentucky; Dennison’s, New Jersey ; Gillmore’s, Massa- chusetts; Stanton’s, North Carolina; while Chase was born in New Hampshire, and Ammen, Brice, and Tibball were natives of Virginia. It was thus on Ohio soil that the people North and South first met and frater- nized, and by their united and harmonious efforts transformed, within less than half a century, an unbroken wilderness into a rich and powerful State. ROLL OF MEMBERS OF THE OHIO COMMANDERY MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. With an Introductory Sketch Giving the History and Patriotic Objects of the Order, Brev.-Lieut.-Col. E. C. DAWES, U. S. V., Capt. ROBERT HUNTER, U. S. V., Commander Ohio Commandery, Recorder Ohio Commandery. The Military Order of the Loyal Legion is an association of officers and honorably discharged officers of the army, navy, and marine corps of the United States, regular and volunteer, who took part in the suppression of the rebellion. It was organized in Philadelphia in 1865. The Order acknowledges as its funda- mental principles: (1st) a belief and trust in Almighty God; (2d) true allegiance to the United States of America. Its objects are to cherish the memories of the war waged for the unity of the Republic, to strengthen the ties of fellowship formed by companionship in arms, to advance the best interests of its members, to extend assistance to families of deceased members when required, to foster the cultivation of military and naval science, and to enforce allegiance to the general government. The Order is organized into State Commanderies, of which there are now seven- teen, with a total membership of over 5,000. There is also a National Com- mandery-in-Chief, composed of the Commanders, ex-Commanders, Vice-Com- manders, ex-Vice-Commanders, Recorders, and ex-Recorders of the different Commanderies. The Commandery-in-Chief is the supreme judicial and executive body. It meets once a year. It was instituted 21st October, 1885. Previous to this time the Pennsylvania Commandery acted as Commandery-in-Chief. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock was the first Commander-in-Chief. Upon his death Gen. Philip H. Sheridan succeeded him. Col. John P. Nicholson is Reccrder- (155) ITS® ROLL OF MEMBERS OF THE OHIO COMMANDERY in-Chief. The headquarters are at Philadelphia, Pa. A congress composed of the Commander-in-Chief, Recorder-in-Chief, and three delegates from each Com? mandery assembles once every four years. All legislative powers, not reserved by the Constitution to the State Commanderies, are vested in it. The Order is not sectarian and is not political, nor is it secret. Its members are known as Companions, and are of three classes. The first class is composed of commis- sioned officers and honorably discharged commissioned officers of the United States army, navy, or marine corps, regular or volunteer, who were actually engaged in the suppression of the rebellion. Also, the eldest, direct, male, lineal descendants, or male heirs in collateral branches, of officers who died prior to 31st December, 18.85, who at the time of death were eligible. To the second class are eligible the eldest sons, twenty-one years of age, of living, original members. Upon the death of those through whom they derive membership. Companions of the second class become Companions of the first class. A third class is composed of civilians who were distinguished for conspicuous loyalty to the government during the Rebellion. The diploma of membership and insignia of the Order may be conferred, by a vote of a congress of the Order, after nomination by the Commandery-in-Chief, upon any gentleman who served during the war of the Rebellion on staff* duty without commission. Those so chosen are known as Members-at-Large, and are recognized as first- class Companions of the State Commandery they affiliate with. This distinguished honor has been conferred upon two members of the Ohio Commandery : the late Col. John H. Devereaux, of Cleveland, who during the war was Superintendent of Military railroads in Virginia, and Maj. William D. Bickham, of Dayton, who served on the staff* of Gen. W. S. Rosecrans. The Insignia of the Order is a badge pendant by a link and a ring of gold from a tricolored ribbon. The badge is a cross of eight points gold and enamel, with jays forming a star. In the centre on the obverse side is a circle with the national eagle displayed, and around it the motto. Lex regit arma tuenter. On the reverse side are crossed sabres, surmounted by a fasces, on which is the Phrygian cap ; around it an arch of thirteen stars and a wreath of laurel ; in the circle about it the legend : “ M. O. Loyal Legion, U. S., MDCCCLXV.” The Commandery of Ohio was instituted 7th February, 1883. Its headquarters are at Nos. 57 and 59 Fourth street, Cincinnati, where it has neat and commo- dious rooms for its office, library, and meetings. It holds seven regular meetings each year. At each meeting — except the annual election in May — a paper is read by some one of the members, giving his personal recollections of some cam- paign or battle in which he was a participant. Two volumes, of 600 pages each, of these papers have already been published by the Commanderv. and it is intended to publish one annually. OFFICERS OHIO COMMANDERY, 1889-1890. Commander — Brev. Lieut.-Col. E. C. Dawes, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commander — Brev. Maj. -Gen. J. Warren Keifer, U. S. V, Junior Vice-Commander — Brev. Col. Cornelius Cadle, Jr., U. S. V. Recorder — Capt. Robert Hunter, U. S. V. Registrar — Capt. James C. Michie, U. S. V. Treasurer — Brev. Maj. F. B. James, U. S. V. Chancellor— Capt. William E. Crane, U. S. V. Chaplain — Capt. George A. Thayer, U. S. V. Council— Maj. W. H. Chamberlin, U. S. V. ; Brev. Brig.-Gen. R. W. Healy, U. S. V. ; Brev. Maj. W. R. Lowe, U. S. A. ; Brev. Maj. William R. McCoraas, U. S. V. ; Lieut.-Col. George M. Finch, J. S. V. MEMBERS OF OHIO COMMANDERY, JUNE, 1889. Abbott, E. A., Capt. 23d O. V. I., Cleveland, O. Abbott, H. R., 1st Lieut. 180th O. V. I. {Trans- ferred to Mich.) Abbott, N. B., 1st Lieut. 20th Conn. V., Colum- bus, O. Abert, J. W., Maj. U. S. Engineers, Brev. Lieut.- Col. U. S. A., Newport, Ky. Adae, C. A. G., Capt. 4th O. V. C., Cincinnati, O. Alexander, I. N., Lieut.-Col. 46th O. V. I., Van Wert. O. OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. 157 Ammou, J. H., Lieut.-Col. 16th N. Y. Heavy Art. {Transferred to Mass.) Anderson, Ed., Chaplain 37th 111. V. T., Col. 12th Ind. V. Cav. {Transferred to N. Y.) Anderson, L., Capt. and Brev. Lieut.-Col. 5th Inf., Col. 8th Reg. C. V., Cincinnati, O. Ashmun, G. C., 2d Lieut. 7th Ind. Troop O. V. C., Cleveland, O. Austin, D. R., 1st Lieut. 100th O. V. I., Toledo, O. Ayers, S. C., 1st Lieut, and Assist.-Surgeon U. S. V., Brev. Capt. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Babbitt, A. T., 2d Lieut. 93d O.V. I. {Deceased.) Babbitt, H. S., 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M., 31st O. V. I., Dorchester, Mass. Bacon, G. M., Capt. 24th O. V. I. {Deceased.) Bacon, H. M., Chaplain 63d Ind. V. I., Toledo, O. Baer, Louis, 1st Lieut. 2d O. H. A., Washington C. H., O. Bailey, C. D., Lieut.-Col. 9th Ky. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Baker, C. C., 1st Lieut. 6th O. V. C., New Lis- bon, O. Baldwin, A. P., Capt. 6th Ohio Batt. Light Art., Akron, O. Baldwin, J. G., Capt. 2d O. V. I., Warren, O. Baldwin, W. H., Lieut.-Col. 83d O V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Ball, E. H., 1st Lieut. 53d O. V. I., Portsmouth, O. Barber, G. M., Lieut.-Col. 197th O. V. I., Brev. Brig. Gen. U. S. V., Cleveland, O. Bard, S. W., 2d Lieut. 2d Mo. Cav., Capt. Bard’s Ind. O. V. C., Cincinnati, O. Barker, Jas. G., Capt. 36th O. V. I., Marietta, O. Barnett, James, Col. 1st O. L. Art., Brev. Maj.- Gen. U. S. V., Cleveland, O. Barnitz, Albert, Maj. 2d O. V. C,, Capt. 7th U. S. Cav., Brev. Col. U. S. A. {retired)^ Cleveland, O. Bates, Caleb, Maj. and A. D. C. {Deceased.) Bates, C. S., 1st Lieut. 13th O. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Bates, J. H.. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Beatty, John, Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Colum- bus, O. Beatty, W. G., Maj. 174th O. V. I., Carding- ton, 0. Bell, John B., Maj. 15th Mich. V. I., Brev. Lieut.- Col. U. S. V., Toledo, O. Bell, John N., Capt. 25th Iowa V. I., Day- ton, O. Bell, Wm. H., Maj. and A. Q. M. U. S. A., Den- ver, Colo. Bentley, R. H., Lieut.-Col. 12th O. V. C., and Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Mansfield, O. Berlin, Carl, 1st Lieut. 1st N. Y. Light Art., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Soldiers’ Home, Dayton, O. Bickham, Wm. D., Maj. and Aid-de-Camp on staff of Gen. Rosecrans, Dayton, O. Bigelow, H. W., Capt. 14th O. V. I., Toledo, O. Billow, Geo., Capt. 107th O. V. I., Akron, O. Bingham, Wm. {Third Class), Cleveland, O. Bishop, J. C., 1st Lieut. 1st Vet. W. Va. Vol. Inf., Middleport, O. Blaek, Thos. S., Capt. 122d O. V. I., Zanes- ville, O. Blair, J. M., Capt. 2d Ky. Vol. Inf., Cincin- nati, O. Bliven, C. E., Capt. Brev. Maj. U. S. V. {Trans- ferred to III.) Bockee, J. S., Capt. 114th N. Y. Vols., Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. V., Louisville, Ky. Bond, F. S., Maj. and A. D. C. U. S. V., New York City, N. Y. Bond, L. H., 1st Lieut. 88th O. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Bonnell, D. V., 1st Lieut. 93d O. V. I., Middle- town, O. Bonsall, W. H., 2d Lieut. 1st O. V. Heavy Art., Los Angeles, Cal. Booth, Chas. A., Capt. and A. Q. M. U. S. A., and Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. V., Los Angeles, Cal. Botsford, J. L., Capt. and A. A. G., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Youngstown, O. Boyd, C. W., Capt. 34th O. V. I., Levana, O. Brachman, W. E., Capt. 47th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Brand, T. T., Capt. 18th U. S. I., Brev. Maj. XT. S. A. {retired), Urbana, O. Brasher, L. B., 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M., 54th Ky. Mounted Inf., Meeker, Colo. Brinkerhoff, R., Col. and Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. , Mansfield, O. Brooks, M. L., Jr., 1st Lieut, and Assist.-Surgeon 93d O. V. I., Cleveland, O. , Brown, A. M., Assist.-Surgeon 22d O. V. I., Maj. Acting Staff-Surgeon U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Brown, E. F., Col. 128th N. Y. V. I., Day. ton, O. Brown, Fayette, Maj. and Paymaster U. S. A., Cleveland, O. Brown, F. W., 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Colored Cav., Cincinnati, O. Brown^ H. H. {Second Class), Cleveland, O. Brown, J. Morris, Surgeon Maj. U. S. A. {Trans- ferred to Neb.) Brown, J. Mason, Maj. 10th Ky. Vol. Cav., Col. 45th Ky. Mounted Inf., Louisville, Ky. Brown, M. G., 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M., 111th O. V. I., Cleveland, O. Brundage, A. H., Maj. -Surgeon 32d O. V. I., Xenia, O. Buchwalter, E. L., Capt. 53d U. S. C. I., Spring- field, O. Buck, A. E., Lieut.-Col. 51st U. S. C. I., Brev. Col. U. S. V., Atlanta, Ga. Buckland, H. S. {Second Class), Fremont, O. Buckland, R. P., Brig.-Gen., Brev. Maj.-Gen. U. S. V., Fremont, O. Burbank, C. S. {First Class by Inh.), Capt. 10th Inf., Fort Lyon, Colo. Burnet, R. W. {Third Class), Cincinnati, O. Burns, J. M., 1st Lieut. 17th U. S. Inf., Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Burrows, J. B., Capt. 14th O. Batt. Light Art., Painesville, O. Burrows, J. S. {Second Class), Painesville, O. Burrows, W. S., 2d Lieut. 1st N. Y. Vet. Vol. Cav., Cleveland, O. Burt, Andrew S., Lieut.-Col. 8th U. S. Inf., Fort Washakie, Wyo. Burt, M. W., Maj. 22d Mass. V. I., Brev. Col. U. S. V., Cleveland, O. Burton, A. B., 1st Lieut. O. Batt. Light Art., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Bush, T. J., Capt. 24th Ky. V. I., Lexington, Ky. Cable, C. A., Capt. 18th O. V. I., Nelsonville, O. Cadle, C., Jr., Lieut.-Col. and A. A. G. 17th A. C. Brev. Col. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. 158 ROLL OF MEMBERS OF THE OHIO COMMANDERY Campbell, John, Capt. 70th O. V. I. {Trans- ferred to £>. C.) Carnahan, J. R., Capt. 86th Ind. Vol. Inf. ( Trans- ferred to Ind.) Carrick, A. L., Maj. -Surgeon 2d E. Tenn. V. Cav., Cincinnati, O. Casement, J. S., Col. 103d O. V. I., and Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Painesville, O. Cavett, G. W., 1st Lieut. 53d O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Chamberlain, H. S., 1st Lieut. 2d O. V. C., Capt. and A. Q. M. U. S. V., Chattanooga, Tenn. Chamberlin, J. W., Capt. 123d O. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Tiffin, O. Chamberlin, W. H., Maj. 81st O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Chamberlin, W. P., 1st Lieut. 23d O. V. I., Knox- ville, Tenn. Chance, J. C., Capt. 13th U. S. I., David’s Isl- and, N. Y. Chance, J., 1st Lieut. 17th U. S. I. {Deceased.) Chandler, D. J., 2d Lieut. 17th Me. Vol. Inf., Chattanooga, Tenn. Chapman, J. H., Capt. 5th Conn. Vol. Inf., Capt. Vet. Res. Corps, Soldiers’ Home, Dayton, O. Chase, D. H., Capt. 9th Ind. Vol. Inf., Capt. 17th U. S. I. {Transferred to Ind.) Cherry, E. V., 1st Lieut. 63d O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Chester, F. S., Capt. 2d Conn. Vol. Inf., Cuyahoga Falls, O. Childe, C. B., Capt. 8th Vt. Vol. Inf., Wyom- ing, O. Childe, J. B. {Second Class), Wyoming, O. Chisman, Homer, 1st Lieut. 7th Ind. Vol. Inf., ■ Ludlow, Ky. Churchill, M., Col. 27th O. V. I., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Zanesville, O. Cist, H. M., Maj. and A. A. G., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Clark, D. M., 1st Lieut. 83d 111. Vol. Inf., - Elyria, O. Clarke, J. S., Maj. 8th Ky. Vol. Inf., Lexing- ton, Ky. Clarke, R. W., Capt. 120th N. Y. V. I., Toledo, O. Clarke, W. C., 1st Lieut, and Reg. Com. 2d 111. Cav., Lithopolis, O. Coates, B. F., Col. 91st O. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Mineral Springs, O. Cochran, N. D. {Second Class), Toledo, O. Cochran, R. H., 1st Lieut. 15th O. V. I., To- ledo, O. Cochran, T. J., 1st Lieut. 77th O. V. I., San Francisco, Cal. Cockerill, J. A. {First Class by Ink.), New York City, N. Y. Coe, E. S., Lieut.-Col. 196th O. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Coleman, Horace, Maj.-Surgeon 147th O. V. I., Troy, O. Collamore, G. A., Maj.-Surgeon 100th O. V. I., Toledo, O. Collins, C. L. {First Class by Ink.), 2d Lieut. 24th Inf., Fort Bayard, N. M. Comly, Clifton, Maj. Ordnance Dept. U. S. A. {Transferred to Ind.) Comly, J. M., Col. 23d O. V. I., Brev. Brig.-GeJl. U. S. V. {Deceased.) Comstock. D. W., Capt. 121st Ind. Vol. Inf. ( Transferred to Ind.) Conger, A. L., 1st Lieut. 115th O. V. I., Ak- ron, O. Conger, K. B. {Second Class), Akron, O. Conner, P. S., Assist.-Surgeon, Brev. Maj. U. S. A., Cincinnati, O. Conrad, J., Col. U. S. A. {Retired.) ( Transferred to D. C.) Cooke, H. P., Capt. and A. A. G. U. S. V., Cin- cinnati, O. ( Cooke, W. W., Capt. 182d O. V. I., Toledo, O. Coon, John, Maj. and Paymaster U. S. A., Cleve- land, O. Cope, Alexis, Capt. 15th O. V. I., Columbus, O. Corbin, D. T., Capt. 3d Vt. Vol. Inf., Capt. Vet. Res. Corps, Brev. Maj. U. S. V. {Transferred to 111.) Corbin, H. C., Maj. and A. A. G., U. S. A., Brev. Brig.-Gen. tl. S. V., Chicago, 111. Coverdale, R. T., Capt. 48th O. V. I-, Capt. and A. Q. M. U. S. V., Cincinnati, 6. Cowan, A., Capt. 1st N. Y. Ind. Batt. Light Art., Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. V., Louisville, Ky. Cowen, B. R., Maj. and Paymaster U. S. A., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Cox, J. D., Maj. -Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Cox, J. D., Jr. {Second Class), Cleveland, O. Cox, Theo., Lieut.-Col., Brev. Col. and A. A. G. 23d A. C., Cincinnati, O. Crane, W. E., Capt. 4th O. V. C., Cincinnati, O. Crawford, G. S., Capt. 49th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Crawford, James, Capt. 9l8t O. V. I., West Union, O. Crook, Geo., Maj.-Gen. U. S. A., Chicago, 111. Cross, F. G., 1st Lieut. 84th Ind. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Crouse, G. W. {Third Class), Akron, O. Crowell, J., Capt. and A. A. G. U. S. V. {De- ceased.) Crumit, C. K., Capt. 53d O. V. I., Jackson, O. Cullen, Robt., Capt. 74th O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Cumback, Wm., Maj. and Paymaster U. S. A. {Transferred to Ind.) Currie, G. E., Lieut.-Col. 1st Inf. Miss. Marine Reg., Dayton, Ky. Cushing, H. K., Maj.-Surgeon 7th O. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Cushing, W. E. {Second Class), Cleveland, O. Cutler, Carroll, 1st Lieut. 85th O. V. k.. Clove- land, O. Davies, S. W., Capt. 1st O. V. I., Dayton, O. Dawes, E. C., Maj. 53d O. V. I., Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Dawes, R. R., Lieut.-Col. 6th Wis. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Marietta, O. Day, J. B., Maj. 6th U. S. Colored Cav., San Antonio, Texas. Dayton, L. M., Col. U. S. A., Cincinnati, O. De Bus, Henry, Capt. 1st U. S. Colored Cav. {Deceased.) De Gress, J. C., Capt. 9th U. S. Cav., Brev. Lieut.- Col. {Retired), Washington, D. C. Dennis, C. P., Ist Lieut. 47th O. V. I., Ports- mouth, O. Devereux, J. H., Col, and Vol. Aid by appoint- ment. {Deceased.) De Witt. Calvin, Maj.-Surgeon U. S. A., Beaver Falls, Pa. OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. 159 De Wolfe, James, 2d Lieut. 96th O. V. I., Colum- bus, O. Dickerson, W. P. {First Class by Ink.), New- port, Ky. Donnellan, J. W., Lieut.-Gol. 27th U. S. C. T., Laramie, Wyo. Doolittle, C. C., Brig, and Brev. Maj.-Gen. U. S. V., Toledo, O. Dowling, P. H., Capt. 111th O. V. I., To- ledo, O. Du Barry, H. B., 1st Lieut. 88th Ind.V. I., Pitts- burg, Pa. Dudley, E. S., 1st Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. {Trans- ferred to Neb.) Edgerton, R. A., Ist Lieut. 72d O. V. I., Little Rock, Ark. Edwards, Wm. ( Third Class), Cleveland, O. Ekin, Jas. A., Col. and Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. {retired), Louisville, Ky. Ellison, H. C., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 115th O. V. I., Cleveland, O. Elwell, J. J., Lieut.-Col. and A. Q. M., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cleveland, O. Emerson, H. D. {Second Class), Cincinnati, O. Emerson, Lowe, 1st Lieut, and Q. M. 15th N. J. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Enochs, W. H., Col. 1st Vet. W. Va. Vol. Inf., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Ironton, O. Evans, N. W., Capt. 173d O. V. I., Ports- mouth, O. Everts, O., Maj.-Surgeon 20th Ind. V. I., College Hill, Cincinnati, O. Ewing, E. E., 1st Lieut. 91st O. V. I., Ports- mouth, O. Ewing, M. B., Lieut.-Col. 2d O. H. A., Cincin- . nati, O. Faulkner, J. K., Col. 7th Ky. Vol. Cav., Louis- ville, Ky. -Fechet, E. O., 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. {Trans- ferred to Mich.) Fee, F. W., 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M. 1st Ky. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Felton, Wra., Capt. 90th O. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Columbus, O. Fenner, A. C., Capt. 63d O. V. I., Dayton, O. Ferrell, T. F., 1st Lieut. 18th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Finch, C. M., Maj.-Surgeon 9th O. V. C., Ports- mouth, O. -Finch, G. M., Capt. 2d O. V. I., Lieut.-Col. 137th O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Flemming, R. H., Capt. 77th O. V. I., Lud- low, Ky. Foley, J. L., Maj. 10th Ky. Vol. Cav., Cincin- nati, O. Foley, J. W., Capt. 181st O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. ■"Foote, A. R., 2d Lieut. 21st Mich. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. ^ Foraker, J. B., 1st Lieut. 89th O. V. I., Brev. Capt. U. S. V., Columbus, O. Forbes, S. F., Maj.-Surgeon 67th O. V. I., Toledo, O. Force, M. F., Brig, and Brev. Maj.-Gen. U. S. V., Sandusky, O. Ford, Collin, Maj. and Brev. Col. 100th U. S. C. I., Cincinnati, O. Ford, D. T. {First Class by Inh.), Youngs- town, O. Foster, R. S., Brig, and Brev. Maj.-Gen. U. S. V. ( Transferred to Jnd.) Fountain, S. W., Capt. 8th U S. Cav., Fort Keogh, Mont. Fowler, H. P., 2d Lieut. 1st Mass. Heavy Art., Toledo, O. Fox, Geo. B., Maj. 75th O. V. I., Wyoming, O. Fraunfelter, E., Capt. 114th O. V. I., Akron, O. Frazee, J. W., Maj. and Brev. Col. 119th U. S. C. T., Cincinnati, O. Frazer, A. S., 1st Lieut. 34th O. V. I., Xenia, O. Freeman, H. B., Capt. 7th U. S. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. A., Camp Pilot Butte, Wyo. Friesner, W. S., Lieut.-Col. 58th O. V. I., Logan, O. Fuller, J. W., Brig, and Brev. Maj.-Gen. U. S. V., Toledo, O. Fuller, W. G., Capt. and A. Q. M., Brev. Lieut.- Col. U. S. V., Gallipolis, O. • Gahagan, A. J., 1st Lieut, and A. Q. M. IstTenn. Cav., Chattanooga, Tenn. Galligher, M., 1st Lieut. 16th Pa. Vol. Inf., Urbana, O. Gano, J. W., 1st Lieut. 75th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Garfield, H. A. {First Class by Inh.), Cleve- land, O. Garrard, Jeptha, Col. 1st U. S. Colored Cav., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Garretson, Geo. A., 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art., Cleveland, O. Gaul, Jos. L., 1st Lieut. 5th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Gibson, W. H., Col. 49th O. V. I., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Tifiin, O. Gillett, S. P., Lieut.-Commander U. S. N., Evans- ville, Ind. Gilruth, I. N., Lieut.-Col. 27th O. V. I., Yazoo City, Miss. Godfrey, E. S., Capt. 7th U. S. Cav., Leaven- worth, Kansas. Godwin, E. A., Capt. 8th U. S. Cav., Fort Meade, Dakota. Goodloe, Wm. C., Capt. and A. A. G. U. S. V., Lexington, Ky. Goodnow, E. W., 1st Lieut. 4th Mass. Vol. Cav., Toledo, O. Goodrich, B. F., 1st Lieut, and Assist.-Surgeon 35th N. Y. Vols. {Deceased.) Goodspeed, J. M., 1st Lieut. 75th O. V. I., Athens, O. Goodspeed, W. F., Maj. 1st Reg. Ohio Lt. Art., Columbus, O. Goodwillie, Thos., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 150th O. V. I., Cleveland, O. Goodwin, E. M., Acting Assist.-Surgeon U. S. N., Toledo, O. Gothschall, O. M., 1st Lieut. 93d O. V. I., Day- ton, O. Granger, M. M., Lieut.-Col. 122d O. V. I., Brev. Col. U. S. V., Zanesville, O. Greenleaf, C. R., Maj.-Surgeon U. S. A., Wash- ington, D. C. Greeno, C. L., Maj. 7th Pa. V. I., Brev. Lieut.- Col. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Grosvenor, C. H., Col. 18th O. V. I., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Athens, O. Guenther, F. L., Major 2d U. S. Art., Brev. Col. U. S. A., Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn. Guthrie, J. V., Maj. 19th lU. V. I., Cincin- nati, Q. i6o ROLL OF member:^ OF THE OHIO COMMANDERY Hager, J. B., Capt. 12th Ind. Vol. Inf., Capt. 14th U. S. I. {Deceased.) Hale, Clayton, Capt. 16th U. S. I., Brev. Lieut.- Col. U. S, A., Fort Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hall, J. C., Capt. 55th Mass. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Hamilton, J. K., Capt. 113th O. V. I., To- ledo, O. Hamilton, W. D., Col. 9th O. V. C., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Athens, O. Hanna, H. M., Paymaster U. S. N., Cleve- land, O. Harris, Ira, Lieut.-Commander U. S. N. (TVans- J erred to 111.) Harris, L. A., Col. 2d O. V. I., Col. 137th O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Harris, Wm. H., Capt. and Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. A., Cleveland, O. Harrison, Benjamin, Col. 70th Ind. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Washington, D. C. Harter, Geo. D., 1st Lieut. 115th O. V. I., Can- ton, O. Hastings, Russell, Lieut.-Col. 23d O. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Hamilton, Bermuda Is. Hawkins, M. L., 1st Lieut. 36th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Hawthorn, L. E., Capt. and Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Newport, Ky. Hay, C. E., 1st Lieut. 3d U. S. Cav., Brev. Capt. U. S. A. {Resigned), Springfield, 111. Hay, John, Maj. and A. A. G., Brev. Col. U. S. V. , Washington, D. C. Hayes, Birchard {Second Class), Toledo, O. Hayes, Edward, Lieut.-Col. 29th O. V. I., Wash- ington, D. C. Hayes, Rutherford B., Brev. Maj.-Gen. U. S. V., Fremont, O. Hayes, R. P. {First Class by Ink.), Fremont, O. Hayes, Webb C. {First Class by Inh.), Cleve- land, O. Haynes, W. E., Lieut.-Col. 10th O. V. C., Fre- mont, O. Hazen, W. B., Brig.-Gen. U. S. A., Maj.-Gen. U. S. V. {Deceased.) Head, Geo. E., Maj. 3d U. S. Inf., Fort Meade, South Dakota. Healy, R. W., Col. 58th 111. V. I., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Hearn, J. A., Capt. 16th U. S. Inf., Brev. Maj. U. S. A. {Retired), Newport, Ky. Heath, T. T., Col. 5th O. V. C., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Heistand, H. O. S. {First Class by Inh.), 1st Lieut. 11th U. S. Inf., Fort Ontario, Oswego, N. Y. Hernden, G. B., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 44th N. Y. V. I., Cleveland, O. Herrick, H. J., Maj.-Surgeon 17th O. V. I., Cleveland, O. . Herrick, J. F., Lieut.-Col. 12th O. V. C., Cleve- land, O. Herron, Wm. C., Acting Ensign U. S. N., Cincin- nati, O. Hickenlooper, A., Lieut.-Col. IT. S. V., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Hilt, Jos. L., Capt. 12th O. V. I., Middle- town, O. Himes, I. N., Maj.-Surgeon 73d O. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Hipp, Chas., Maj. 37th O. V. L, St. Mary’s, O. Hitchcock, P. M., 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M. 20tb O. V. I., Cleveland, O. Hobson, E. H., Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Greensburgh, Ky. Hodge, Noah, 1st Lieut, and Adj. 52d U. S. Ct Inf., San Diego, Cal. Hoeltge, Augustus, Assist.-Surgeon 47th O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Hoffman, Lewis, Capt. 4th Ind. Ohio Batt. Lt. Art., Cincinnati, O. Holter, M. J. W., Lieut.-Col. 195th O. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. Y., Batavia, O. Hood, R. N., Capt. 2d Tenn. Vol. Cav., Knox- ville, Tenn. Horr, J. F., 1st Lieut. 2d O. V. I., Key West, Fla. Hosea, L. M., Capt. and Brev. Maj. 16th U. S. I., Cincinnati, O. Houghton, F. H., 2d Lieut. 17th Ohio Batt. Lt. Art., Columbus, O. House, L. D., Capt. 108th U. S. C. I., Amelia, O. Howard, W. C., 2d Lieut. 17th Ohio Batt. {Trans- f erred to Minn.) Howe, Geo. W., 1st Lieut. 1st Ohio Vol. Art., Cleveland, O. Hunt, C. B., Lieut.-Col. 2d Mo. Vol. Cav., Cin- cinnati, O. Hunter, Robert, Capt. 74th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Hurd, E. O., Capt. 39th O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Hutchins, H. A., Maj. and Paymaster U. S. A., Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. V., New York City, N. Y. Hutchins, John {Third Class), Cleveland, O. Hutchins, John C., 1st Lieut. 2d O. V. C., Cleve- land, O. Ingersoll, Jos., Capt. 76th 111. Vol. Inf., Cleve- land, O. Innes, Robert S., 1st Lieut. R. Q. M., 1st Reg, Mich. Engineers, Kenton, O. Isham, A. B., 1st Lieut. 7th Mich. Vol. Cav., Cin- cinnati, O. Isom, John F., Capt. 25th 111, Vol. Inf., Cleve- land, O. Jackson, J. R., Capt. 69th Ind. Vol. Inf. {Trans- ferred to Ind.) Jacobs, Wm. C., Maj.-Surgeon 81st O. V. I., Akron, O. James, F. B., Capt. 52d O. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Jenkins, C. C., 1st Lieut. 115th U. S. C. Inf., Toledo, O. Jewett, L. M., Capt. 61st O. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Athens, O. Johnson, R. M., Col. 100th Ind. Vol. Inf., La Vegas, N. M. Johnson, W. C., 2d Lieut. 42d U. S. C. I., Cin- cinnati, O. • Johnston, J. R., 2d Lieut. 25th Ohio Batt. Lt. Art., Canfield, O. Jones, F. J., Capt. and Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Cin- cinnati, O. Jones, Geo. E., Acting Assist.-Surgeon U. S. N., Cincinnati, O. Jones, J. K., 2d Lieut. 24th O. V. I., Columbus, O. Jones, Toland, Lieut.-Col. 113th O. V. I., Lon- don, O. Jones, Wells S., Col. 53d O. V. I., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Waverly, O. V OF THE LOYAL LEGION. OF THE UNITED STATES. i6i Kauffman, A. B., Capt. 8th U. S. Cav., Fort Buford, Dakota. Keifer, J. Warren, Col. 110th O. V. I., Brev. Maj.-Gen. U. S. V., Springfield, O. Kell, W. H., 1st Lieut. 22d U. S. Inf., Fort Keogh, Montana. Keller, T. G., Capt. 66th O. V. I., Urbana, O. Kellogg, A. G., Commander U. S. N. {Trans- ferred to D. C.) Kellogg, C. W., Capt. 29th O. V. I. ( Transferred to Mass.) Kelly, R. M., Col. 4th Ky. Vol. Inf., Louisville, Ky. Kelly, S. B., 2d Lieut. 10th Ky. Vol. Cav., Hart- well, O. Kemper, And. C., Capt. and A. A. G. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Kemper, G. W. H., Assist.-Surgeon 17th Ind. V. I. {Transferred to Ind.) ' Kendall, F. A., Capt. 25th U. S. Inf. {Retired), Cleveland, O. Kennedy, R. P., Col. 196th O. V. I., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Bellefontaine, O. Kilbourne, Jas., Capt. 95th O. V. I., Brev. Col. U. S. V., Columbus, O. Kilpatrick, R. L., Col. U. S. A. {Retired), Spring- field, O. Kimball, W. C., Capt. and Cora, of Sub. U.S. V., Tiffin, O. Kirby, T. H., 1st Lieut. 36th Ind. V. I. {Trans- ferred to Ind.) Kirk, E. B., Maj. Quartermaster U. S. A., Jeffer- sonville, Ind. Kirkup, Robert, Lieut.-Col. 5th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Knapp, A. A., Capt. 40th O. V. I. {Transferred to Ind.) Knefler, Frederick, Col. 77th Ind. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. {Transferred to Ind.) Kuhn, W. E., Capt. 47tlMll. Vol. Inf., Capt. and A. A. G. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Lafferty, N. B., Assist.-Surgeon 1st Ohio Heavy Art., Hillsboro, O. Laird, Geo. F., Capt. 4th O. V. I., Kingston, N. M. La Motte, C. E., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. {Deceased.) Lane, H. M. {Second Class), Cincinnati, O. Lane, P. P., Col. 11th O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Landram, J. J., Lieut.-Col. 18th Ky. V. I., War- saw, Ky. Landram, W. J., Col. 19th Ky. V. I., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Lancaster, Ky. lieggett, L. L. {Second Class), Cleveland, O. Leggett, M. D., Maj.-Gen. U. S. V., Cleveland, O. Lewis, E. R., Capt. 21st Mass. V. I. {Trans- ferred to Ind.) Lewis, G. W., 2d Lieut. 111th O. V. I., Cleve- land, O, Lewis, J. R., Maj. 44th U. S. I., Col. U. S. A. {Retired), Atlanta, Ga. Lewis, J. V. H., Capt. and A. Q. M. U. S. V., Boston, Mass. Lewis, R. H., 1st Lieut. 1st Del. Ind. Batt. Heavy Art. {Transferred to III.) Lindsay, C. D., 1st Lieut. 67th O. V. I., Toledo, O. Lindsey, B. N., Capt. 98th O. V. I., Steuben- ville, O. Little, G. W., 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M. 60th O. V. I., Cleveland, O. Lloyd, H. P., Capt. 22d N. Y. V. C., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Locke, J. M., Capt. 14th U. S. I., Brev. Lieut.- Col. TJ. S. A. {Resigned), Cincinnati, O. Longstreth, T., Capt. 183d O. V. I., Columbus, O. Lostutter, David, Jr., Capt. 7th Ind. V. I. ( Trans- ferred to Ind.) Lovell, E. H. {First Class by Inh.), Cincin- nati, O. Loving, Starling, Maj.-Surgeon 6th O. V. I., Columbus, O. Lowe, W. R., Capt. 19th U. S. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. A., Newport, Ky. Luckey, J. B., Capt. 3d O. V. C., Elmore, O. Lukens, E. J., 1st Lieut. 2d 0. V. C., Cincin- nati, O. Lybrand, A., Capt. 73d O. V. I., Delaware, O. Lybrand, R. G., Capt. 192d O. V. I., Dela- ware, O. Lynch, Frank, Lieut.-Col. 27th O. V. I. {De- ceased.) Macauley, Daniel, Col. 11th Ind. V. L, Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Findlay, O. Madeira, J. D., Capt. 73d O. V. I., Chillicothe, O. Madigan, M. F., 1st Lieut. 27th O. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Mansfield, I. F., 1st Lieut. 105th O. V. I., Beaver, Pa. Markbreit, L., Capt. 28th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Marshall, Wm. S., Maj. 5th Iowa Vol. Inf., Chat- tanooga, Tenn. Marvin, David L. {Second Class), Columbus, O. Marvin, U. L., Capt. 5th U. S. C. T., Brev. Mai. U. S. V., Akron, O. Mason, F. H., Capt. 12th O. V. C., Frankfort, Germany. Mathews, W. S., Capt. 60th O. V. I. {Deceased.) Mattox, A. H., 1st Lieut. 17th Ohio Batt. Light Art., Cincinnati, O. Meade, A. N., Capt. 128th O. V. I., Cleveland, O. Merrill, W. E., Lieut.-Col. 1st U. S. Vet. Vol. Engineers, Lieut.-Col. Corps of Engineers, Brev. Col. U. S. A., Cincinnati, O. Meyer, E. S., Capt. and Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. A., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cleveland, O. Michie, J. C., Capt. 1st U. S. Vet. Inf., Coving- ton, Ky. Miller, F. C., 2d Lieut. 1st O. V. Light Art., New- port, Ky. Miller, S. J. F., Acting Assist.-Surgeon U. S. A., National Home, Togus, Me. Milward, H. K., Lieut.-Col. 18th Ky. V. I., Brev. Col. U. S. V., Lexington, Ky. Mitchell, John, 1st Lieut. 32d O. V. I., Nor- walk, O. Mitchell, John B., 1st Lieut. 83d O. V. I., Cin- cinnati, O. Mitchell, John G., Col. 113th O. V. I., Brev. Maj.- Gen. U. S. V., Columbus, O. Mitchell, John T., Lieut.-Col. 66th O. V. I., Urbana, O. Molyneaux, J. B., Capt. 7th O. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Molyneaux, W. V. {Second Class), Cleveland, O. Monfort, E. R., Capt. 75th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Monteith, Geo., Capt. 4th Mich. V. I., A. A. G. tJ. S. V., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. i 62 roll of members OF THE OHIO COMMANDERY Moore, F. W., 1st Lieut. 19th U. S. I., Col. 83d O. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cincin- nati, O. Moore, W. A., Capt. 7th Rhode Island V. I., Canton, Ohio. Morey, H. L., Capt. 75th O. V. I., Hamilton, O. Morgan, W. J., Capt. 41st O. V. I., Cleveland, O. Morrison, Walter, Capt. 9th O. V. C., Colum- bus, O. Mosler, Max, 2d Lieut. -lOSth O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Munday, W. H., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 23d Ky. V. I., Louisville, Ky. Munson, G. D., Lieut.-Col. 78th O. V. I., Brev. Col. U. S. V., Zanesville, O. Murdock, James E. {Third Class), Cincinnati, O. Murphy, Daniel, 2d Lieut. 27th U. S. C. T., Lynchburg, O. Myers, L. D., Capt. and A. Q. M. U. S. V., Columbus, O. McAllister, A., Capt. 10th U. S. Colored Heavy Art., Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. V., Cleveland, O. McCallay, E. L., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 27th U. S. C. T., late 1st Lieut. U. S. A., Middletown, O. McClung, D. W., Capt. and A. Q. M. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. McClure, Chas., Brev. Col. U. S. V., Maj. and Paymaster U. S. A., Sioux City, Iowa. McClymonds, J. W., 1st Lieut. 104th O. V. L, Massillon, O. McComas, W. R., Capt. 83d O. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. McConnell, Ezra, 1st Lieut. 30th O. V. I., Flush- ing, O. McConnell, Thomas, Capt. 66th O. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Urbana, O. McCook, A. McD., Col. 6th U. S. I., Brev. Maj.- Gen. U. S. A., Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. McCormick, A. W., Capt. 77th O. V. I., Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. McCormick, F. R. {Second Class), Washington, D. C. McCormick, I. H., Capt. 148th O. V. I., Rays, O. McCown, A. F., Maj. 13th W. Va. Vol. Inf., Point Pleasant, W. Va. McCoy, Milton, Capt. 2d O. V. I., National Mil. a Home, O. McCullough, S. M., 1st Lieut. 5th W. Va. V. I., Washington, D. C. McCurdy, John, Maj.-Surgeon 11th O. V. I., Youngstown, O. McDonald, I. H., 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. C. {Resigned), Urbana, 0. McDowell, H. C., Capt. and A. A. G. U. S. V., Lexington, Ky. McGinnis, G. F., Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. {Trans- ferred to Ind.) McGinniss, J. T., Capt. 13th U. S. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. A. {Retired), Olney, 111. McGrath, John {Second Class), Cincinnati, O. Mcllwaine, D. B., Capt. 14th W. Va. V. I., New York City, N. Y. McKinley, Wm., Jr., Capt. 23d O. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Washington, D. C. McMillen, W. L., Col. 95th O. V. I., Brev. Maj.- Gen. U. S. V., New Orleans, La. McMillin, E., 2d Lieut. 2d W. Va. Cav., Colum- bus, O. McNaught, J. S., Capt. 20th U. S. Inf., Madi< son, Wis. Nash, Sumner, 1st Lieut. 115th O. V. I., Ak- ron, O. Neff, C. A. {Second Class), Cleveland. O. Neff, E. W. S., 2d Lieut. 1st Ohio Heavy Art., Cleveland, O. Neff, G. W., Col. 88th O. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Neil, H. M., Capt. 22d Ohio Batt. Light Art., Columbus, O. Neil, John B., Maj. 46th O. V. I., Columbus, O. Neil, Moses H., Maj. 1st O. V. C., Columbus, O. Neil, Wm. {Second Class), Columbus, O. Nesbitt, W. B., 1st Lieut. 12th O. V. I., Lieut.- Col. 176th O. V. I., 1st Lieut. 25th U. S. Inf., Xenia, O. Neubert, H. G., Capt. 14th O. V. I., Toledo, O. Newton, Chas. H., 1st Lieut. 2d Ohio Heavy Art., Marietta, O. Nichols, G. W., Capt. and A. A. D. C., Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. A. {Deceased.) Noble, C. H., Capt. 16th U. S. I., Fort Duchesne, Utah. Norton, H. D., Capt. 32d Mass. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Washington, D. C. Noyes, E. F., Col. 39th O. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Offley, R. H., Lieut.-Col. U. S. A., Fort Da Rus- sell, Wyo. Oglevee, J. F., 1st Lieut. 98th O. V. I., Colum- bus, O. Osborn, Hartwell, Capt. 55th O. V. I., Chicago, Osborn, T. H., Capt. 4th O. V. C., Cincinnati, O. Ostrander, James S., 1st Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf. {Resigned.) {Transferred to Ind.) Otis, Elmer, Col. 8th U. S. Cav., Fort Meade, South Dakota. Overturf, J. W., 1st Lieut. 91st O. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Portsmouth, O. Park, Horace, Col. 43d O. V. I., Columbus, O. Parker, W. S., Maj.-Surgeon 192d O. V. I., Piqua, O. Parrott, E. A., Col. 1st O. V. I., Dayton, O. Parrott, H. E., 1st Lieut. 86th O. V. I., Dayton, O. Partridge, C. A., 1st Lieut. 48th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Partridge, W. T. {Second Class), Cincinnati, O. Patton, A. G., Lieut.-Col. 1st N. Y. Mounted Rifle Vol., Columbus, O. Patterson, E. L., Capt. 79th O. V. I., Cleveland, O. Patterson, J. E., Assist.-Surgeon 118th O. V. I., Glendale, O. Payne, E. B., Lieut.-Col. 37th 111. V. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cleveland, O. Payne, W. S., Capt. 2d La. V. I., Fostoria, O. Pease, W. B., Capt. 9th U. S. I. {Retired), New Haven, Conn. Peck, B. B., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 27th Mass. V. I. {Transferred to Ind.) Peck, W. H. H., Capt. 5th Vt. V. I., Capt. 19th Vet. Res. Inf., Cleveland, O. Peelle, S. J., 2d Lieut. 57th Ind. V. I. {Trans- ferred to Ind.) Penney, C. G., Capt. 6th U. S. Inf. {Transferred to 111.) OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. 163 Perkins, G. T., Lieut.-Col. 105th O. V. I., Brev. Col. U. S. V., Akron, O. Perkins, S,, Jr., Capt. and A. Q, M. U. S. V., Sharon, Pa. Perry, Oran, Lieut.-Col. 69th Ind. V. I. {Trans- ferred to Ind.) Pettit, J. S. {Second Class), 1st Lieut. 1st U. S. I., West Point, N. Y. Pettit, Stacey, 1st Lieut. 104th O. V. I., New Lisbon, O. Phillips, R. E., Lieut.-Col. 59th U. S. C. T., Marietta, O. Pickands, James, Col. 124th O. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Pierce, Calvin, 1st Lieut. 42d O. V. I., Youngs- town, O. Pierson, H. W. {Third Class), {Deceased.) Pierson, J. Lacy, Maj. 2d N. J, Vol. Cav., Paines- ville, O. Platt, J. D., Lieut.-Col. 10th O. V, C., Day- ton, O. Pollard, J. K., 2d Lieut. 182d O. V. I., West Union, O. Potter, J. B., Surgeon 30th O. V. I. {Deceased.) Potter, J. M., 1st Lieut. 117th U. S. C. I., Cincin- nati, O. Potts, I. B., Capt. 95th O. V. I., Columbus, O. Powell, Eugene, Col. 193d O. V. I., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Delaware, O. Price, E. H., Capt. 11th O. V. I., Chattanooga, Tenn. Prindle, J. A., Capt. 7th Vt. V. I., Cleveland, O. Putnam, Douglas, Lieut.-Col. 92d O. V. I., Ash- land, Ky. Quinn, Timothy, Lieut.-Col. 7th N. Y. Vol. Cav., Washington, D. C. Rannells, W. J., Capt. 75th O. V. I., McArthur, O. Ranney, H. C., Capt. A. A. G. U. S. V., Cleve- land, O. Raper, J. T., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 26th O. V. I., Chillicothe, O. Rathbone, E. G. {First Class hy Inh.), Hamil- ton, O. Ratliff, R. W., Col. 12th 0. V. C., Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. {Deceased.) Raynolds, J. M. {First Class hy Inh.), La Vegas, N. M. Raynor, W. H., Col. 56th O. V. L, Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Toledo, O. Reaney, T. A., Maj. -Surgeon 122d O. V. I., Cin- cinnati, O. Reese, H. B., Maj. and Paymaster U. S. A., Lan- caster, O. Rees, Jonathan, Capt. 27th O. V. I., Newark, O. Relley, W. W., Capt. 30th O. V. C., Portsmouth, 0. Reynolds, J. K., 1st Lieut. 6th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Rice, A. V., Col. 57th O. V. I., Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Ottawa, O. Rice, Owen, Capt. 153d Pa. V. I., Chicago, 111. Richards, Channing, Capt. 22d O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Ricks, A. J., 1st Lieut. 104th O. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Riebsame, C., Capt. 116th 111. Vol. Inf. {Trans- ferred to III.) Rifenberick, R. P., Capt. 4th O. V. C., Middle- town, O. Riley, C. T., 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M. 71st O. V. I., Troy, O. Roberts, C. S., Capt. 17th U. S. I., Chicago, 111. Roberts, J. D., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 53d O. V. I., Chattanooga, Tenn. Robertson, R. S., 1st Lieut. 93d N. Y. V. I., Brev. Capt. U. S. V. {IVansf erred to Ind.) Robinson, James S., Brig.-Gen and Brev. Maj.- Gen. U. S. V., Kenton, O. Robinson, A. R., Capt. 39th O. V. I., Pleasant Ridge, O. Rochester, M., Lieut.-Col. and A. A. G. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Rodgers, J. H., Maj.-Surgeon 104th 0. V. I., Springfield, 6. Roots, L. H., Capt. and Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. V. ( Transferred to 3Io.) Rose, J. T. {First Class hy Inh.), Syracuse, N. Y. Rose, T. E., Col. 77th Pa. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Capt. 16th U. S. I., Brev. Lieut.-Col. U. S. A., Fort Duchesne, Utah. Ruhm, John, 1st Lieut. 15th U. S. Colored Inf., Nashville, Tenn. Rule, Wm., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 6th Tenn. V. I., Knoxville, Tenn. Russell, James M., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 118th O. V. I., Urbana, O. Sanderson, F. M., Capt. 21st Mass. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Sanderson, T. W., Col. 10th 0. V. I., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Youngstown, O. Sargent, H. Q., Capt. 12th N. H. Vol. Inf., Cleve- land, O. Scarlett, J. A., Ensign U. S. N., Cincinnati, O. Schenck S. C. {First Class hy Inh.), Washington C. H., O. Schwarz, G. W., Capt. 2d Pa. Vol. Cav., Cincin- nati, O. Scofield, Levi T., Capt. 103d O. V. I. and Top. Engineer 23d A. C., Cleveland, O. Scovill, E. A., Lieut.-Col. 128th O. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Scovill, E. T. {Second Class), Cleveland, O. Scranton, E. E., Capt. 65th O. V. I., Alliance, O. Sechler, T. M., 1st Lieut. 2d Ohio Heavy Art., Moline, 111. Seibert, Albert, Capt. 183d O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Seward, L. D. {First Class hy Inh.), Akron, O. Shanks, T. P., 1st Lieut. 9th Ky. Vol. Cav., Louisville, Ky. Shattuc, W. B., 1st Lieut. 2d O. V. C., Cincin- nati, O. Shaw, Wm. L., Capt. 11th O. V. I., Brev. Maj- U. S. V., Winchester, O. Shellenberger, J. K., 1st Lieut. 64th O. V. I., Humboldt, Iowa. Sherman, H. S., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 120th O. V. I., Cleveland, O. Sherman, Wm. T., Gen. U. S. A. {Retired), New York City, N. Y. Shields, J. C., Capt. 19th Ohio Batt. Light Art., Cleveland, O. Shively, J. W., Surgeon U. S. N., Kent, O. Siebert, John, Capt. 13th O. V. I., Columbus, O. Skinner, B. M., Maj. 9th W. Va. V. I., Pome- roy, O. Smith, A. J., Capt. 4th N. Y. Heavy Art, Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Cleveland, O. 1 64 ROLL OF MEMBERS OF THE OHIO COMMANDERY Smith, Brewer, Capt. 65th O. V. I., Brev. Mai. U. S. V., Crown Hill, W. Va. Smith, C. H., Maj. 27th O. V. I., Cleveland, O. Smith, Orland, Col. 73d O. V. I., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Smith, O. M., 1st Lieut. 22d U. S. I. {Trans- ferred to Ind.) Smith, S. B., Capt. 93d O. V. I., Ludlow Falls, O. Smith, Wm., Capt. 2d O. V. C. {Deceased.) Smith, W. H. H., 1st Lieut. 21st Ohio Light Art., Toledo, O. Smith, W. J., Col. 6th Tenn. V. C., Brev. Brig.* Gen. U. S. V., Memphis, Tenn. Smith, W. O., Maj. 7th Ky. V. C., Cincinnati, O. Spaeth, H. P., 1st Lieut. 9th O. V. I., Aurora, Ind. Speed, G. K., Capt. 4th Ky. V. C. {Deceased.) Speed, James, {Third Class.) {Deceased.) Speed, James B., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 27th Ky. V. I., Louisville, Ky. Speed, Thomas, 1st Lieut, and Adj. 12th Ky. V. I., Louisville, Ky. Stafford, S. R., Capt. 15th U. S. I., Fort Randall, Dakota. Stambaugh, D. B., Capt. 105th O. V. I., Youngs- town, O. Stanley, D. S., Brig.-Gen. and Brev. Maj.-Gen. U. S. A., San Antonio, Texas. Starkey, R. A. Capt. 53d O. V. I., Springfield, O. Starr, Wm. C., Lieut.-Col. 9th Va. V. I. {Trans- ferred to Ind.) Steele, H. K., Maj .-Surgeon 44th O. V. I., Day- ton, 0. Sterling, J. T., Lieut.-Col. 103d O. V. I., Brev. Col. U. S. V. t Transferred to Mich.) Stevenson, B. F., Maj.-Surgeon 22d Ky. V. I., Covington, Ky. Steward, L. T. {Second Class). {Transferred to III.) Steward, T. L., 1st Lieut. 11th O. V. I., Day- ton, O. Stewart, Geo. F. {Second Class), Cincinnati, O. Stewart, J. E., Capt. 167th O. V. I., Brev. Col. U. S. V. {Deceased.) Stewart, J. R., Capt. 17th Ind. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Stoms, II. G., Capt. 39th O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Stone, B. F., Capt. 73d O. V. I., Chillicothe, O. Storer, J. B., Capt. 29th O. V. I., Akron, O. Strickland, D. W., Lieut.-Col. 48th N. Y. V. I. {Trayisf erred to Colo.) Strong, E. E., 1st Lieut. 16th Conn. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Strong, H. C., 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M. 128th O. V. 1., Newark, O. Stroup, L. K., Capt. 91st O. V. I., New Hamp- shire, 0. Stubbins, B. A., Surgeon 14th Vet. Ky. Vol. Inf., New Lexington, O. Stuckey, J. D. {First Class by Inh.), Washing- ton C. H., O. Sullivant, L. S., Maj. 113th O. V. I., Columbus, O. Swaine, P. T., Col. 22d U. S. I., Fort Keogh, Montana. Swing, P. F., Capt. 9th O. V. C., Cincinnati, O. Taber, Benj. C., 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M. 55th O. V. I., Norwalk, O. Tafel, Gustav, Lieut.-Col. 106th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Taylor, John, 2d Lieut. 70th O. V. I., West Union, O. Taylor, J. G., Capt. 71st O. V. I., Capt. and A. D. C. U. S. V., Cincinnati, O. Taylor, John N., 2d Lieut. 143d O. V. I., East Liverpool, O. Taylor, V. C., 1st Lieut. 84th O. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Temple, H. F., Capt. 21st Ky. Vol. Inf., Chat- tanooga, Tenn. Thayer, Geo. A., Capt. 2d Mass. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Thomas, D. W., Capt. 29th O. V. I., Akron, O. Thomas, Samuel, Col. 64th U. S. C. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., New York City, N. Y. Thompson, A. C., Capt. 105th Pa. Vol. Inf., Portsmouth, O. Thompson, J. T. {First Class by Ink.), 2d Lieut. U. S. Art., Fort Monroe, Va. - Thrall, W. R., Maj.-Surgeon 27th O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Thrift, R. W., Maj.-Surgeon 49th O. V. I., Lima, O. Thruston, G. P., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Nash- ville, Tenn. Thurstin, W. S., Capt. 111th O. V. I., Toledo, O. Tillman, Wm., Maj. and Paymaster, Brev. Lieut.- Col. U. S. A., Louisville, Ky. Tillotson, E., 1st Lieut. 27th U. I., Urba- na, O. Toad, S. A., 1st Lieut. 44th O. V. 1st Lieut. 8th O. V. C., Springfield, O. Townsend, Amos, 1st Lieut. 1st Ohio Batt. Light Art., Cleveland, O. Townsend, E. F., Lieut.-Col. 11th U. S. I., Fort Yates, Dakota. Trush, Jacob, Acting Staff-Surgeon U. S. A., Cincinnati, O. Tullidge, F. G., Capt. 57th Ind. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Turley, J. A., Col. 91st O. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Portsmouth, O. Turner, T. M., 1st Lieut. 36th O. V. I., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Hartwell, O. Tyler, F. E., Capt. 74th N. Y. V. I., Brev. Lieut.- Col. U. S. V., Chattanooga, Tenn. Vance, A. F., Jr., Maj. and Paymaster U. S. V., Urbana, O. Vance, J. L., Lieut.-Col. 4th W. Va. V. I., Gal- lipolis, O. Vance, Wilson, 1st Lieut. 14th U. S. C. T., Brev. Capt. U. S. V., Findlay, O. Vandegrift, G. A., 1st Lieut. 2d O. V. I., Maj. 137th O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Van Deman, J. H., Capt. 66th O. V. I., Assist- Surgeon 10th O. V. I., Chattanooga, Tenn. Van Derveer, Ferd., Brig.Gen. U. S. V., Hamil- ton, O. Van Dyke, A. M., Capt. and A. A. G. U. S. V., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Wyoming, O. Van Voast, James, Col. 9th U. S. Inf. {Retired), Cincinnati, O. Voris, A. C., Col. 67th O. V. I., Brev. Maj.-Gen. ' U. S. V., Akron, O. Waite, Norman, Maj. 189th O. V. I., Toledo, O. Waite, Richard, Capt. 84th O. V. I., Toledo, O. Wagoner, A., 2d Lieut. 6th O. V. C., Akron, O. Walcutt, C. C., Brev. Maj.-Gen. U. S. V., Lieut' Col. 10th U. S. C., Columbus, O. OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. 165 (Valcutt, C. C., Jr. {Second Class), 2d Lieut. 8th U. S, C., Fort Buford, Dakota. Walden, W. A., Capt. 36th O. V. I., Columbus, O. Walker, W. T. {Third Class), Toledo, O. Wallace, F. S., Maj. 82d O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Wallace, Lew, Maj. -Gen. U. S. V. {Transferred to Ind.) Wallace, W., Capt. 105th O. V. I.p Warren, O. Ward, J. H., Lieut.-Col. 27th Ky. V. I., Louis- ville, Ky. Warner, Willard, Col. 180th O. V. I., Brev. Maj.- Gen. U. S. V., Tecumseh, Ala. Warnock, W. R. Maj. 95th O. V. I., Brev. Lieut.- Col. U. S. V., Urbana, O. Warwick, N. R., 2d Lieut. 91st O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Warwick, W. W. {Second Class), Cincinnati, O. Wasson, A. M. L., 3d Assist.-Engineer U. S. N., Cincinnati, O. Watson, C. T., Capt. and A. Q. M., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Atlanta, Ga. Weber, Daniel, Col. 39th O. V. I., Cincinnati, O. Webster, E. F., 1st Lieut. 25th Ohio Batt. Light Art., Wellington, O. Wedemeyer, W. G., Capt. 16th U. S. I., Fort Duchesne, Utah. Wehrle, J. C., Capt. 76th O. V. I., Brev. Lieut.- Col. U. S. V., Newark, O. Weist, J. R., Maj.-Surgeon 1st U. S. C. T. {Transferred to Ind.) Welch, G. P., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 10th Vt. V. I., Cleveland, O. Welch, J. M., Maj. 18th O. V. I., Athens, O. Werner, F. J., 1st Lieut. 106th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O, Wheeler^ X., Capt. 129th O. V. I., Chattanooga, Tenn. Whitbeck, H. N., Lieut.-Col. 65th O. V. I., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Cleveland, O. White, Ambrose {First Class by Ink.), Cincin- nati, O. White, W. J., Capt. 4th U. S. Colored Heavy Art., Brev. Maj. U. S. V., Dayton, O. Whitfield, S. A., Lieut.-Col. 123d U. S. C. I., Washington, D. C. Whittlesey, R. D., 1st Lieut. 1st O. V. Art., Toledo, O. Wiehl, F. F., 2d Lieut. 78th Pa. V. I., Chat- tanooga, Tenn. Wight, E. B., Maj. 24th Mich. V. I., Cleveland, O. Wilcox, A. M., Cap. and Com. U. S. V., Brev. Maj. U. S. V. {Transferred to 3Io.) Wilder, John T., Col. 17th Ind. V. I., Brev. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V., Johnson City, Tenn. Wilkinson, F. M., Capt. 68th Ind. V. I., Zanes- ville, O. Willard, E. B,, 2d Lieut. 91st O. V. I., Hanging Rock, O. Williams, A. J., 2d Lieut. 7th O. V. I., Cleve- land, O. Williams, E. Cort, Acting Ensign U. S. N., Cin- cinnati, O. Williams, E. P., Capt. and Com. of Sub. U. S. V., Fort Wayne, Ind. Williams, E. S., Capt. 71st O. V. I., Troy, O. Williams, II. M., 1st Lieut. 11th Ind. Batt. Light Art., Fort Wayne, Ind. Williams, W. II., Maj. 42d O. V. I,, Welling- ton, O. Williams, W. S., Capt. 3d Ind, Ohio Batt. Light Art., Canton, O. Williams, W. W., Pay Director U. S. N., San Francisco, Cal. Wills, A. W., Capt. and A, Q. M., Brev. Lieut.- Col. U. S. V., Nashville, Tenn. Willson, W. H., Surgeon 179th O. V. I., A. A. Surgeon U. S. N., Greenfield, O. Wilshire, J. W., Capt. 45th O. V. I,, Cinti., O. Wilson, Albert, Maj.-Surgeon 113th O. V. I., Sidney, O. Wilson, Chas. L,, Maj.-Surgeon 75th O. V. I. {Transferred to Ind.) Wilson, C. P., Maj.-Surgeon 138th O. V. I., Cin- cinnati, O. Wilson, G. W., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 54th O. V. I. Hamilton, O. Wilson, Harrison, Col. 20th O. V. I., Sidney, O. Wilson, R. B., 1st Lieut. 194th O. V. I., Cincin- nati, O. Wilson, Robert, Capt. 12th O. V. I., Middle- town, O. Wilson, W. C., Col. 135th Ind. V. I. {Trans- ferred to Ind.) Wilson, W. M., Capt. 122d O. V. I., Xenia, O. Wiltsee, W. P., Captain Benton Cadets, Cincin- nati, O. Wise, John, 1st Lieut. 12th O. V. I., LouiS' ville, O. Witcher, John S., Maj. and Paymaster U. S. A., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Newport, Ky. Wolcott, J. L., 2d Lieut. 67th O. V. I., Toledo, O. Wolfley, Lewis, Maj. 3d Ky. Vol. Cav., Tucson, Arizona. Wood, C. O., Lieut.-Col. 8th California Inf., Brev. Col. U. S. V., Capt. 9th U. S. I. {Re- signed), Akron, O. Wood, E. Morgan, Capt. 15th U. S. I. {Resigned)^ Dayton, O. Wood, Geo. H. {Second Class), Dayton, O. Wood, Thos. J., Maj .-Gen. U. S. A. {Retired)^ Dayton, O. Woodbridge, Robert {Second Class), Youngs- town, O. Woodbridge, T., Surgeon 128th O. V. I., Youngs town, O. Woodrutf, C. A., Capt. 2d U. S. Art., Brev. Lieut.- Col. U. S. A., Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Woodruff, T. M., 1st Lieut. 5th U. S. I., Fort Bufort, Dakota. Worthington, Thomas, 1st Lieut. 106th O. V. L, National Mil. Home, O. Worts, George, 2d Lieut. 67th O. V. I., Toledo, O. Wright, Geo. B., Col. 106th O. V. I., Colum- bus, O. Wright, J. T. {Second Class), Indianapolis, Ind, Yeoman, S. N., Lieut.-Col. 90th O. V. I., Wash, ington C. H., O. Young, Chas. L., Brev. Lieut.-Col. N. Y. Vols., Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Toledo, O. Youtsey, T. B., 1st Lieut. 37th Ky. V. L, New- port, Ky. OHIO OFFICERS-STATE AND NATIONAL STATE OFFICIALS FROM 1788 TO 1888. GOVERNORS OF OHIO. TERM, TWO YEARS. Arthur St. Clair [1], 1788-1802. Charles W. Byrd [2], Hamilton County, 1802-3. Edward Tiffin [3], Ross, 1803-7. Thomas Kirker [4], Adams, 1807-8. Samuel Huntington, Trumbull, 1808-10. Return Jonathan Meigs [5], Washington, 1810-14. Othniel Looker p], Hamilton, 1814i Thomas Worthington Ross, 1814-18. Ethan Allen Brown [6], Hamilton, 1818-22. Allen Trim- ble p], Highland, 1822, Jeremiah Morrow, Warren, 1822-6. Allen Trimble, Highland, 1826-30. Duncan McArthur, Ross, 1830-32. Robert Lucas, Pike, 1832-6. Joseph Vance, Champaign, 1836-8. Wilson Shannon, Belmont, 1838-40. Thomas Corwin, Warren, 1840-2. Wilson Shannon [7], Belmont, 1842-4. Thomas W. Bartley p], Richland, 1844. Mordecai Bartley, Richland, 1844-6. William Bebb, Butler, 1846-9. Seabury Ford [8], Geauga, 1849-50. Reuben Wood [9], Cuyahoga, 1850-3. William Medill [10], Fairfield, 1853-6. Salmon P. Chase, Ham- ilton, 1856-60. William Dennison, Franklin, 186(>-2. David Tod, Mahoning, 1862-4. John Brough [11], Cuyahoga, 1864-5. Charles Anderson [f], Montgomery, 1865-6. Jacob D. Cox, Trumbull, 1866-8. Rutherford B. Hayes, Hamilton, 1868-72. Edward F. Noyes, Hamilton, 1872-4. William Allen, Ross, 1874-6. Rutherford B. Hayes [12], Sandusky, 1876-7. Thomas L. Young [f], Hamilton, 1877-8. Richard M. Bishop, Hamilton, 1878-80. Charles Foster, Seneca, 1880-4. George Hoadly, Hamilton, 1884-6. Joseph B. Foraker, Hamilton, 1886-90. [1] Arthur St. Clair, of Pennsylvania, was Governor of the Northwest Territory, of which Ohio was a part, from July 13, 1788, when the first civil government was established in the Territory, until about the close of the year 1802, when lie was removed by the President. • [2] Secretary of the Territory, and was Acting Governor of the Territory after the removal of Governor St. Clair. [3] Resigned March 3, 1807, to accept the office of United States Senator. [4J Return Jonathan Meigs was elected Governor on the second Tuesday of October, 1807, over Nathaniel Massie, who contested the election of Meigs on the ground “that he had not been a resident of this State for four years next preceding tlie election as required by the Constitution,” and the General Assembly, in joint convention, decided that lie was not eligible. The office was not given to Massie, nor does it appear from the records that he claimed it, but Thomas Kirker, Acting Governor, continued to discharge the duties of the office until December 12, 1808, when Samuel Huntington was inaugurated, he having been elected on the second Tuesday of October in that year. ! 5 ' Resigned March 25, 1814, to accept the office of Postmaster-General of the United States. 6' Resigned January 4, 1822, to accept the office of United States Senator. 7 Resigned April 13, 1844, to accept the office of Minister to Mexico. 8] The result of the election in 1848 was not finally determined in joint convention of the two houses of tne General Assembly until January 19, 1849, and the inauguration did not take place until the 22d of that month. 9] Resigned July 15, 1853, to accept the office of Consul to Valparaiso. 10] Elected in October, 1853, for the regular term, to commence on the second Monday in January, 1854. 11] Died August 29, 1865. ’12] Resigned March 2, 1877, to accept the office of President of the United States. *1 Acting Governor. Succeeded to office, being the Speaker of the Senate. _tj Acting Governor. Succeeded to office, being the Lieutenant-Governor. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS. UNDER THE NEW CONSTITUTION OF 1851. TERM, TWO YEARS. William Medill, 1852-4. James Myers, 1854-6. Thomas Ford, 1856-8. Martin Welker, 1858-60. Robert C. Kirk, 1860-2. Benjamin Stanton, 1862-4. Charles Anderson, 1864-6. Andrew G. McBurney, 1866-8. John C. Lee, 1868-72. Jacob Mueller, 1872-4. Alphonso Hart, 1874-6. Thomas L. Young [1], 1876-7. H. W. Curtiss [2], 1877-8. Jabez W. Fitch, 1878-80. Andrew Hickenlooper, 1880-2. R. G. Richards, 1882^. John G. Warwick, 1884-6. Robert P. Kennedy [3], 1886-7 Silas A. Conrad, 1887-8. William C. Lyons, 1888-90. i l j Became Governor, vice Rutherford B. Hayes, who resigned March 2, 1877, to become President of the United States. 2] Acting Lieutenant-Governor, vice Thomas L. Young. [3] Resigned to take a seat in Congress. [4] Acting Lieutenant-Governor, vice Robert P. Kennedy. MEMBERS OF THE CONVENTION, WHO FORMED THE FIRST STATE CONSTITUTION, ADOPTED IN CONVENTION AT CHILLICOTHE, NOVEMBER 29, 1802. Edward Tiffin, President and representative from the county of Ross. Adams County. — Joseph Darlinton, Israel Donalson and Thomas Kirker. Belmont County . — James Caldwell and Elijah Woods. Clermont County . — Philip Gatch and James Sargent. Fairfield County . — Henry Abrams and Emanuel Carpenter. Hamilton County. — John W. Browne, Charles Willing Byrd, Francis Dunlavy, William Goforth, John Kitchel, Jeremiah Morrow, John Paul, John Riley, John Smith and John Wilson. (1 66) OHIO OFFICER^—STATE AND NATIONAL. 167 Jefferson County . — Eudolph Bair, George Humphrey, John Milligan, Nathan Updegraflf and Bez- aleel Wells, Boss County . — Michael Baldwin, James Grubb, Nathaniel Massie and T. Worthington. Trumbull County . — David Abbott and Samuel Huntington. Washtngton County . — Ephraim Cutler, Benjamin Ives Gillman, John Mclntire and Eufus Putnam, Thomas Scott, secretary of the convention. MEMBERS OF THE CONVENTION, WHO FORMED THE SECOND STATE CONSTITUTION, ADOPTED IN CONVENTION AT CINCINNATI, MARCH 10, 1851. S. J. Andrews, Cuyahoga County. Ed. Archbold, Monroe. Wm. Barbee, Miami. Joseph Barnett, Montgomery. David Barnett, Preble. Wm. S. Bates, Jefferson. Alden J. Bennett, Tuscarawas, John H. Blair, Brown. Jacob Blickensderfer, Tuscarawas. A. G. Brown, Athens. Van Brown, Carroll. R, W. Cahill, Crawford. L. Case, Licking. F. Case, Hock- ing. David Chambers, Muskingum. John Chaney. Horace D. Clark, Lorain. Wesley Clay- pool, Ross, George Collings, Adams. Friend Cook, Portage. Otway Curry, Union. Wm. P. Cutler, Washington. G. Volney Dorsey, Miami. Thos. W. Ewart, Washington. John Ewing, Hancock. Jos. M. Farr, Huron. L. Firestone, Wayne. Elias Florence, Pickaway. Robert Forbes, Mahoning. H. N. Gillet, Lawrence. John Graham, Franklin. H. C, Gray, Lake. Henry H. Gregg. Jacob J. Greene, Defiance. John L. Greene, Ross. W. S. Groes- beck, Hamilton. C. S, Hamilton, Union. D. D. T. Hard, Jackson. A. Harlan, Greene. W. Hawkins, Morgan. Jas. P. Henderson, Richland. Reuben Hitchcock, Cuyahoga. Peter Hitchcock, Geauga. G. W. Holmes, Hamilton. Geo. B. Holt, Montgomery. John J. Hoot- man, Ashland. V, B. Horton, Meigs. S. Humphreville, Medina. John H. Hunt, Lucas. B. B, Hunter, Ashtabula. John Johnson, Coshocton. J. Dan Jones, Hamilton. Wm. Ken- non, Hamilton. Jas. B. King, Butler. S. J. G. Kirkwood, Richland. Thomas J. Larsh, Pre- ble. Wm. Lawrence, Guernsey. John Larwell, Wayne. Robert Leech, Guernsey. D. P. Leadbetter, Holmes. Jas. Loudon, Brown. John Lidey, Perry. H. S. Marion, Licking. Samson Mason, Clark. Wm. Medill, Fairfield. Matthew H. Mitchell, Knox. Samuel Moor- head, Harrison. Isaiah Morris, Clinton. Chas. McCloud, Madison. J. McCormick, Adams. Simeon Nash, Gallia. S. F. Norris, Clermont. C. J. Orton, Sandusky. Wm. S. C. Otis, Sum- mit. Thomas Patterson, Highland. Daniel Peck, Belmont. Jacob Perkins, Trumbull. Samuel Quigley, Columbiana. Rufus P. Ranney, Trumbull. Chas. Reemelin, Hamilton. Adam N. Riddle, Hamilton. D. A. Robertson, Fairfield. Ed. C. Roll, Hamilton. Wm. Saw- yer, Auglaize. Sabirt Scott. John Sellers, Knox. John A. Smith, Highland. George J. Smith, Warren. Benj. P. Smith, Wyandot. Henry Stanberry, Franklin. Benj. Stanton, Lo- san. * Albert V. Stebbens, Henry. Richard Stillwell, Muskingum. E. T. Stickney, Seneca. Harmon Stidger, Shelby. James Struble, Hamilton. J. R. Swan, Franklin. L. Swift, Sum- mit. Joseph Thompson, Stark. Jas. W. Taylor, Erie. H. Thompson, Stark. N, S. Towns- hend, Lorain. Elijah Vance, Butler. Joseph Vance, Champaign. W. M. Warren, Delaware. Thos. A. Way, Monroe. J. Milton Williams, Warren. Elzey Wilson. E. B. Woodbury, Ashtabula. Jas. T. Worthington, Ross. SUPREME JUDGES. JUDGES UNDER THE TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT, APPOINTED UNDER THE ORDINANCE OF CONGRESS. James M. Varnum. Samuel H. Parsons. John Armstrong. John -C. Symmes. William Barton George Turner. Rufus Putnam. Joseph Gillman. Return J. Meigs. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT OP OHIO UNDER THi; CONSTITUTION OF 1802. Samuel Huntington, Cuyahoga County. William Sprigg, Jefferson. Daniel Symmes, Hamil- ton. Thomas Morris, Clermont. Ethan Allen Brown, Hamilton. John McLean, Warren. Jacob Burnet, Hamilton. Peter Hitchcock, Geauga. Elijah Hayward, Hamilton. Henry Brush, Ross. John C. Wright, Jefferson. Ebenezer Lane, Huron. Matthew Birchard, Trum-' bull. Edward Avery, Wayne. William B. Caldwell, Hamilton. Return Jonathan Meigs, Washington. Georgo Tod, Trumbull. Thomas Scott, Ross. William W. Irwin, Fairfield. Calvin Pease, Trumbull. Jessup N. Couch, Hamilton. Charles R. Sherman, Fairfield. Gus- tavus Swan, Franklin. John M. Goodenow, Jefferson. Reuben Wood, Cuyahoga. Joshua Collett, Warren. Frederick Grimke, Ross. Nathaniel C. Read, Hamilton. Rufus P. Spalding, Summit. Rufus P. Ranney, Trumbull. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OF 1851. Thomas W. Bartley, Richland County. Allen G. Thurman, Ross. William B. Caldwell, Hamilton. William Kennon, Belmont. Jacob Brinkerhoff, Richland. Ozias Brown, Marion. Milton Sutliff, Trumbull. William Y. Gholson, Hamilton. Hocking H. Hunter, Fairfield. Luther Day, Portage. George W. Mcllvaine, Tuscarawas. Walter F. Stone, Erie. William J. Gilmore, Preble. John W. Okey, Franklin. Nicholas Longworth, Hamilton. Wm. H. Upson, Summit. Selwyn N. Owen, Williams. William T. Spear. Trumbull. Thaddeus A. Minshall, Ross. John A. Corwin, Champaign. Rufus P. Ranney, Trumbull. Robert B. War- den, Franklin. Joseph R. Swan, Franklin. Chas. C. Converse, Muskingum. Josiah Scott, Butler. William ,V. Peck, Scioto. Horace Wilder, Ashtabula. William White, Clarke. John Welsh, Athens. William H. West, Logan. George Rex, Wayne. W. W. Boynton, Lor- ain. Wm. W. Johnson, Lawrence. John H. Doyle, Lucas. Martin D. Follett, Washington. Gibson Atherton, Licking. Marshall J. Williams, Fayette. Franklin J. Dickman, Cuyahoga. i68 OHIO OFFICERS—STATE AND NATIONAL. SUPREME COURT COMMISSION. APPOINTED IN 1876, CONCLUDED ITS LABOES IN 1879. Josiah Scott, Crawford County. D. Thew Wright, Hamilton. Thos. Q. Ashburn [1], Clermont, W. W. Johnson, Lawrence. Luther Day [2], Portage. Ill Appointed in place of Henry C. Whitman, from Hamilton County, who resigned in March, 1876. [2] Appointed in place of Kichard A. Harrison, from Franklin County, who resigned in January, 1876. APPOINTED IN 1883, CONCLUDED ITS LABORS IN 1885. Moses M. Granger, Muskingum County. Franklin J. Dickman, Cuyahoga. John McCauley. Seneca. George K. Nash, Franklin. Charles D. Martin, Fairfield. CLERKS OF SUPREME COURT. TERM, THREE YEARS. Rodney Foos, 1866-75. Arnold Green, 1875-8. Richard J. Fanning, 1878-81. Dwight Crowell, 1881-4. J. W. Cruikshank, 1884-7. Urban H. Hester, 1887-90. SECRETARIES OF STATE. From 1802 to 1850 the secretaries were elected for three years by joint ballot of the Senate and House of Representatives. Since 1850 the elections have been by the people for terms of two years each. Winthrop Sargent [*•], 1788-98. Wm. H. Harrison p], 1798-9. Charles Willing Byrd [*], 1799-1803. Wni. Creighton, Jr., 1803-8. Jeremiah McLene, 1808-31. Moses H. Kirby, 1831-5. B. Hinkson, 1835-6. Carter B. Harlan, 1836-40. William Trevitt, 1840-1. John Sloane, 1841-4. Samuel Galloway, 1844-50. . Henry W. King, 1850-2. William Trevitt, 1852-6. James H. Baker, 1856-8. Addison P. Russell, 1858-62. Benjamin R. Cowen, 1862. Wilson S. Kennon, 1862-3. Wm. W. Armstrong, 1863-5. Win. H. Smith, 1865-8. John Russell, 1868-9. Isaac R. Sherwood, 1869-73. Allen T. Wikofi*, 1873-5. William Bell, Jr., 1875-7. Milton Barnes, 1877-81. Charles Townsend, 1881-3. James W. Newman, 1883-5. James S. Robin- son, 1885-9. [*1 Secretary of the Northwest Territory. TREASURERS OF STATE. UNTIL THE ADOPTION OF THE NEW CONSTITUTION IN 1851. TERM, THREE YEARS; AFTERWARD, TWO YEARS. John Armstrong Jl], 1792-1803. William McFarland, 1803-16. Hiram M. Curry [2], 1816-20. Samuel Sullivan, 1820-3. Henry Brown, 1823-35. Joseph Whitehill, 1835-47. Albert A. Bliss (Elyria), 1847-52. John G. Breslin, 1852-6. W. H. Gibson [3], 1856-7. A. P. Stone, 1857-62. G. V. Dorsey, 1862-5. W. Hooper, 1865-6. S. S. Warner, 1866-72. Isaac Welsh [4], 1872-5. Leroy W. Welsh, 1875-6. John M. Millikin, 1876-8. Anthony Howells, 1878-80. Joseph Turney, 1880-4. Peter Brady, 1884-6. John C. Brown, 1886-90. 1] Treasurer of the Northwest Territory. '2' Resigned February, 1820. 3 Resigned June, 1857. 4] Died November 29, 1875, during official term. COMPTROLLERS OF THE TREASURY. THE OFFICE WAS ABOLISHED IN JANUARY, 1877. TERM, THREE YEARS. W. B. Thrall, 1859-62. Joseph H. Riley, 1862-5. Moses R. Brailey, 1865-71. William T. Wilson, 1871-7. AUDITORS OF STATE. UNTIL THE ADOPTION OF THE NEW CONSTITUTION IN 1851. TERM, THREE YEARS ; AFTERWARD, FOUR YEARS. Thomas Gibson, 1803-8. Benjamin Hough, 1808-15. Ralph Osborn, 1815-33. John A. Bryan, 1833-9. John Brough, 1839-45. John Woods, 1845-52. William D. Morgan, 1852-6. Francis M. Wright, 1856-60. Robert W. Taylor, 1860-3. Oviatt Cole, 1863^. James H. God- man, 1864-72. James Williams, 1872-80. John F. Oglevee, 1880-4. Emil Kiesewetter, 1884-8. Ebenezer W. Poe, 1888-92. ATTORNEYS-GENERAL. TERM, TWO YEARS. Henry Stanbery, 1846-51. Joseph McCormick, 1851-5. George E. Pugh, 1852-4. George W. McCook, 1854-6. Francis D. Kimball, 1856. C. P. Wolcott, 1856-61. James Murray, 1861-3. L. R. Critchfield, 1863-5. William P. Richardson, 1865. Chauncey N. Olds, 1865-6. William H. West, 1866-7(). Francis B. Pond, 1870-4. John Little, 1874-8. Isaiah Pillars, 1878-80. George K. Nash, 1880-4 James Lawrence, 1884-6. Jacob A. Kohler, 1886-8. David K. Wat- son, 1888-90. OHIO OFFICERS— STATE AND NATIONAL, 169 ADJUTANT-GENERALS. Cornelius R. Sedan, 1803. Samuel Finley, 1803-7. David Ziegler, 1807. Thomas Worthing- ton, 1807-9. Joseph Kerr, 1809-10. Isaac Van Horn, 1810-19. William Daugherty, 1819-28. Samuel C. Andrews, 1828-37. William Daugherty, 1837-9. Jacob Medary, Jr., 1839-41. Ed- ward H. Gumming, 1841-5. Thomas W. H. Mosely, 1845-51. J. W. Wilson, 1851-57. H. B. Carrington, 1857-61. C. P. Buckingham, 1861-2. Charles W. Hill, 1862-4. Ben. R. Cowen, 1864-8. Ed. F. Schneider, 1868-9. William A. Knapp, 1869-74. James O. Amos, 1874-6! A. T. Wikoff, 1876-7. Charles W. Karr, 1877-8. Luther M. Meily, 1878-80. William H. Gibson, 1880-1. S. B. Smith, 1881-4. E. B. Finley, 1884-6. H. A. Axline, 1886-90. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. TERM, THREE YEARS. Samuel Lewis, [1] 1837-40. Hiram H. Barney, 1854-57. Anson Smythe, 1857-63. C. W. H. Cathcart, 1863. Emerson E. White, 1863-66. John A. Norris, 1866-9. William D. Henkle, 1869-71. Thomas W. Harvey, 1871-5. Charles S. Smart, 1875-8. J. J. Burns, 1878-81. D. F. DeWolf, 1881-4. Leroy D. Brown, 1884-7. Eli T. Tappan, 1887-90. [1] From 1840 to 1854 the Secretaries of State were the ex-officio School Commissioners. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. TERM, THREE YEARS. Alexander McConnell, 1836-8. John Harris, 1836-8. R. Dickinson, 1836-45. T. G. Bates, 1836-42. William Wall, 1836-8. Leander Ransom, 1836-45. William Rayen, 1839-40. William Spencer, 1842-5. O. Follett, 1845-9. J. Blickensderfer, Jr., 1845-52. Samuel Forrer, .1845-52. E. S. Hamlin, 1849-52. A. P. Miller, 1852-55. George W. Manypenny, 1852-53. James B. Steedman, 1852-6. Wayne Griswold, 1853-7. J. Blickensderfer, Jr., 1854-8. A. G. Conover, 1856-60. John Waddle, 1857-60. R. L. Backus, 1858-61. John L. Martin, 1859-62. John B. Gregory, 1860-3. Levi Sargent, 1861-4. John F. Torrence, 1862-5. James Gamble, 1863-4. James Moore, 1864-71. John M. Barrere, 1864-70. Philip D. Herzing, 1865-77. Richard R. Porter, 1870-76. Stephen R. Hosmer, 1872-5. Martin Schilder, 1875-81. Peter Thatcher, 1876-9. J. C. Evans, 1877-80. George Paul, 1879-85. James Fullington, 1880-3. Stephen R. Hosmer. 1881-84. Leo Weltz, 1883-4. Henry Weible, 1883-6. John P. Martin, 1884-7. C. A. Flickinger, 1885-91. Wells S. Jones, 1886-9. William H. Hahn, 1887-90. COMMISSIONERS OF RAILROADS AND TELEGRAPHS. TERM, TWO YEARS. George B. Wright, [1] 1867-71. Richard D. Harrison, [2] 1871-2. Orlow L. Wolcott, 1872-4. John G. Thompson, [3] 1874-76. Lincoln G. Delano, 1876-8. William Bell, Jr., 1878-80. J. S. Robinson, [4] 1880-1. Hylas Sabine, 1881-3. Hylas Sabine, 1883-5, Henry Apthorp, 1885-7. William S. Capeller, 1887-9. 1] Resigned October, 1871. ;2] Died April. 1872. 3] Resigned December, 1875. 4) Resigned February, 1881. SUPERVISORS OF PUBLIC PRINTING. TERM, TWO YEARS. L. L. Rice, 1860-4. William O. Blake, 1864. W. H. Foster, 1864-7. L. L. Rice, 1867-75. Charles B. Flood, 1875-7. William W. Bond, 1877-9. William J. Elliott, 1879-81. J. K. Brown, 1881-3. J. K. Brown, 1883-5. W. C. A. De la Court, 1885-7. Leo Hirsch, 1887-9. SUPERINTENDENTS OF INSURANCE. TERM, THREE YEARS. William F. Church, 1872-5. William D. Hill, 1875-8. Joseph F. Wright, 187S-81. Charles H. Moore, 1881-4. Henry J. Reinmund, 1884-7. Samuel E. Kemp, 1887-90. COMMISSIONERS OF LABOR STATISTICS. TERM, TWO YEARS. H. J. Walls, 1877-81. Henry Luskey, 1881-5. Larkin McHugh, 1885-7. Alonzo D. Fas- sett, 1887-9. INSPECTORS OF MINES. TERM, FOUR YEARS. Andrew Roy, 1874-8. James D. Posten, 1878-9. David Owens, 1879-80. Andrew Roy, 1880-4. Thomas B. Bancroft, 1884- 8. R. M. Hazel tine, 1888-92. INSPECTOR OF WORKSHOPS AND FACTORIES. TERM, FOUR YEARS. Henry Dorn, 1885-9- 170 OHIO OFFICERS— STATE AND NATIONAL, DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSIONERS. TERM, TWO YEARS. S. H. Hurst, 1886-7. F. A. Derthick, 1887-8. F. A. Derthick, 1888-90. STATE LIBRARIANS. THE STATE LIBRARY WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1817, WITH ABOUT 500 VOLUMES. NOW IT CONTAINS OVER 55,000 VOLUMES. John L. Harper, 1817-8. John Mcllvain, 1818-20. David S. Brodrick, 1820-4. Zachariah Mills, 1824-42. Thomas Kennedy, 1842-5. John Greiner, 1845-51. Elijah Hayward, 1851-4. James W. Taylor, 1854-6. William T. Coggeshall, 1856-62. S. G. Harbaugh, 1862-74. Walter C. Hood, 1874-5. H. H. Robinson, 1875-7. R. M. Stimson, 1877-9. H. V. Kerr, 1879-81. Joseph Geiger, 1881-3. Howard L. Conard, 1883-5. H. W. Pierson, 1885-6. Frank B. Loomis, 1886-7. John M. Doane, 1887-90. LAW LIBRARIANS. James H. Beebe, 1867-80. Frank N. Beebe, 1880-89. SIXTY-EIGHTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. SENATORS. Dist. Names. Politics. County. Post-oflSce address. Occupation. 31st Adams, Perry M. D Seneca Tiffin Attorney-at-Law. 26th Alexander, J. Park R Summit Akron Manufacturer. 5th Barrett, Isaac M. R Greene Spring Valley Merchant Milling. 28th Braddock, John S. D Knox Mt. Vernon Real Estate. 1st Brown, Harmon W. R Hamilton Cincinnati, Stahi “C’' 1 Ticket AgentUnion ( Passenger Station. 33d Carlin, William L. R Hancock Findlay Real Estate. 7 th Cole, Amos B. R Scioto Portsmouth Farmer. 2;id Coulter, Thomas B. R JelFerson Steubenville A tto r ney-a t-Law. 3d Crook, Walter R Montgomery Tadmor Farmer. 11th Cowgill, Thomas A. R Champaign Kennard “ 13th Cutler, James R Union Rich wood Banker. 14th Davis, Theodore F. R Washington Marietta Editor. 19th Dorr, Anthony I. D Noble Berne Physician. 24th Ford, George H. R Geauga Burton Banker. 33d Geyser, William R Fulton Swanton Merchant. 20th Glover, George W. R Harrison Cadiz ii 15th HufFman, Joseph G. D Perry New Lexington Attorney-at-Law. 29th Kerr, Winfield S. R Richland Mansfield <( « 4th Lindsey, Frank L. D Brown Georgetown • (< « 6th Massie, David M. R Ross Chillicothe a it 1st Mack, Henry R Hamilton Cincinnati Merchant. 32d Mehaffey, Robert D Allen Herring Banker. 25th Morison, David R Cuyahoga Cleveland Real Estate. 18th Mortley, David H. D Coshocton Coshocton Retired Merchant 8th Rannells, William J. R Vinton McArthur Attorney-at-Law. 2d Rathbone, Estes G. R Butler Hamilton Ranker. 1st Richardson, James C. R Hamilton Glendale Paper Manufacturer. 12th Robertson, Andrew J. D Shelby Sidney Marble Dealer. i6th Sinnett, Edwin D Licking Granville Physician. 1st Stueve, Henry R Hamilton Cincinnati Lime and Cement D’r. 23d Stull, John M. R Trumbull Warren Attorney-at-Law. 21st Snyder, Thomas C. R Stark Canton Manufacturer. 25th Taylor, Vincent A. R Cuyahoga Bedford 9th Townsend, Charles R Athens Athens Attorney-at-Law. 10th Wallace, William T. D Franklin Columbus It ft 30th Zimmermann, Joseph D Sandusky Fremont Editor. REPRESENTATIVES. County. Names. Politics. Post-office address. Occupation. Adams Joseph W. Shinn D West Union County Auditor. Allen William E. Watkins R Delphos Farmer. Ashland John T. McCray D Ashland Attorney-at-Law. Ashtabula Elbert L. Lampson R .Tefferson Editor. OHIO OFFICERS—STATE AND NATIONAL, REPRESENTATIVES.— I7I County. Names. Politics. Post-office address. Occupation. Athens Emmitt Tompkins R Athens Attorney-at-Law. Auglaize Melville D. Shaw D Wapakoneta X (( Belmont Christian L. Pootman R Bellaire Editor. ii Alex. T. McKelvey R St. Clairsville Farmer. Brown William W. Pennell D Eastwood School Teacher. Butler Frank. R. Vinnedge D Hamilton Farmer. Carroll John H. Fimple R Carrollton Attorney-at-Law. Champaign Samuel M. Taylor R Urbana Clarke George C. Rawlins R Springfield « (( Clermont Elkany B. Holmes R Williamsburg Merchant. Clinton Wilford C. Hudson R Blanchester Farmer. Columbiana William T. Cope R Salineville Banker. John Y. Williams R Clarkson Farmer. Coshocton Jesse B. Forbes D Coshocton Attorney-at-Law. Crawford Philip Schuler D Galion Real Estate. Cuyahoga John J. Stranahan R Chagrin Falls Editor. Edward J. Kennedy R Berea Real Estate. U John P. Haley R Cleveland Polisher. ii Evan H. Davis R ii Puddler. ii Jere A. Brown R ii Mechanic. William T. Clark R ii Attorney-at-Law. Darke Andrew C. Robeson D Greenville « u Defiance & Paulding John L. Geyer D Paulding Surveyor. Delaware John S. Gill D Delaware Attorney-at-Law. Erie . Fred. Ohlemacher D Sandusky City Manufacturer. Fairfield Thomas H. Dill D Lithopolis Farmer. Fayette D. I. Worthington R Washington C. H. Attorney-at-Law. Franklin Lot L. Smith D Columbus « « ii John B. Lawlor D ii Printer. Fulton Estell H. Rorick R Fayette Physician. Gallia Jehu Eakins R Patriot Geauga and Lake Hosmer G. Tryon R Willoughby Farmer. Greene Andrew Jackson R Cedarville Lumber Merchant. Guernsey William E. Boden D Cambridge Manufacturer. Hamilton Charles Bird R Cincinnati Attorney-at-Law. ii Charles L. Doran R Journalist. ii Byron S. Wydman R ii Holder. ii Walter Hartpence R Harrison Editor. ii John C. Hart R Cincinnati Attorney-at-Law. ii William Copeland R Market Master. ii Oliver Outcalt R ii Printer. ii Frederick Pfiester R ii Superintendent Asso. ii Frederick Klensch R ii Grocer. Hancock Henry Brown D Findlay Attorney-at-Law. Hardin Michael F. Eggerman D Ada Teacher. Harrison Jasper N. Lantz R Moo refield Farmer. Henry Dennis D. Donovan D Deshler Gen’l Business Man. Highland Jonah Britton R Willettsville Farmer. Hocking Carl H. Buerhaus D Logan Attorney-at-Law. Holmes Thomas Armor D Millersburg Farmer. Huron Lewis C. Laylin R Norwalk Attorney-at-Law. Jackson Benjamin F. Kitchen R Jackson Physician. Jefferson Charles W. Clancey R Smithfield Knox Frank V. Owen R Fredericktown Attorney-at-Law. Lake and Geauga Hosmer G. Tryon R Willoughby Farmer. Lawrence Alfred Robinson R Arabia Physician. Licking Samuel L. Blue D Homer Merchant. Logan William W. Beatty R Huntsville A tto r n ey-at-Law. Lorain William A. Braman R Elyria Real Estate. Lucas Charles P. Griffin R Toledo ii James C. Messer R East Toledo Farmer. Madison Daniel Boyd R Plain City “ Mahoning Lemuel C. Ohl R Mineral Ridge “ and Teacher. Marion Boston G. Young D Marion Attorney-at-Law. Medina Thomas Palmer R Chippewa Farmer. Meigs Walter W. Merrick R Pomeroy Attorney-at-Law. Mercer Charles M. LeBlond. D Celina (( <( Miami Noah H. Albaugh R Tadmor Nurseryman. Monroe James H. Hamilton D Calais Teacher. Montgomery Wickliffe Belville D Dayton A ttorn ey-at-Law. « Martin Eidemiller D Vandalia Farmer. “ Wilson S. Harper R Trotwood Physician. Morgan Leroy S. Holcomb R Pennsville Morrow George Kreis D Cardington Merchant. 172 OHIO OFFICERS—STATE AND NATIONAL. BEPKESENTATI VES— County. Names. Politics, Post-office address. Muskingum Daniel H. Gaumer D Zanesville John C. McGregor D <( Noble Capell L. Weems R Caldwell Ottawa William E. Bense D Port Clinton Paulding & Defiance John L. Geyer D Paulding Perry Nial R. Hysell D Corning Pickaway ThaddeusE. Cromley D Ashville Pike John W. Barger R Waverlj Portage Friend Whittlesey R Atwater Preble Andrew L. Harris R Eaton Putnam Amos Boehmer D Fort Jennings Richland James E. Howard D Bellville Ross William H, Reed D Chillicothe Sandusky James Hunt D Fremont Scioto Joseph P. Coates R Portsmouth Seneca Elisha B. Hubbard D Tiffin Shelby Jackomyer C. Counts D Sidney Stark John E. Monnot D Canton George W. Wilhelm R Justus Summit Henry C. Sanford R Akron Trumbull Mark Ames R Newton Falls “ Thomas H. Stewart R Church Hill Tuscarawas Francis Ankney D New Philadelphia Union John H. Shearer 1 R Marysville Van Wert Levi Meredith ; D Van Wert Vinton Stephen W. Monahan i D Hamden Junction Warren William T. Whitacre R Morrow Washington John Strecker 1 R Marietta Wayne John W. Baughman j D Wooster Williams Robert Ogle R Montpelier Wood George B. Spencer R Weston. Wyandot Matthias A. Smalley D Carey. Occupation. Editor. Teacher and Farmer. Attorney-at-Law. Real Estate & Loans Surveyor. Miner. Farmer. a Attorney-at-Law. <( (( Farmer. Lumber Merchant. Attorney-at-Law. (t (i Druggist. Laborer. Attor n ey-at-Law. Merchant. Attorney-at-Law. Merchant. Physician. Farmer. Editor. Mercha^it. Physician. Farmer. Manufacturer. Attorney-at-Law. Farmer. Physician. Real Estate. OFFICERS BY APPOINTMENT. Office. Name. Residence. Term of office. Years. Expires. Adjutant-General Henry A. Axline Zanesville Two 1 2d Monday in Jan, Assistant Adjutant- General William S, Wickham Norwalk U j 1890. Commissioner of Labor Statistics Alonzo D. Fassett Youngstown U February 16, 1889. Comm’r of Railroads & Telegraphs Win. S. Cappeller Cincinnati il March 12, 1889. Dairy and Food Commissioner F. A. Derthick Mantua n May, 1888. Engineer of Public Works Samuel Bachtell Columbus May 22, 1888. Law Librarian Frank N. Beebe “ Three September 27, 1889. Inspector of Mines Thomas B. Bancroft Gallipolis Four April 30, 1888. Inspector of Oils Louis Smithnight Cleveland Two May 14, 1888. Inspector of Workshops Henry Dorn “ Four April 29, 1889. Meteorological Bureau George H. Twiss Columbus Three Not specified. Superintendent of Insurance Samuel E. Kemp Dayton June 3, 1890. Not specified. State Geologist Edward Orton Columbus Two State Librarian John M. Doane Cleveland April 18, 1889. Supervisor of Public Printing Secretarv of Board of State Charities L. Hirsch Albert G. Byers Columbus << April 14, 1889. Secretary State Board of Agriculture iL. N. Bonham Oxford One January 11, 1888. OHIO OFFICERS— STATE AND NATIONAL. 173 OFFICERS OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT FROM OHIO. SUPREME COURT JUSTICES OF THE UNITED STATES FROM OHIO-CHIEF-JUSTICES AND ASSOCIATES, John McLean, [1] 1829-61 ; born 1785, died 1861. Noah H, Swayne, [2] 1862-81 ; born 1805, died 1884. Salmon P. Chase, [1] 1864-73; born 1808, died 1873. Morrison R. Waite, [1] 1874-87; born 1816, died 1887. William B. Woods, 1880-87 ; born 1824, died 1887. Stanley Matthews, 1881. [1] Chief-Justices. [2] Kesigned. SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. J. Warren Keifer, 47th Congress; December 5, 1881, to March 4, 1883; born 1836. UNITED STATES PRESIDENTS FROM OHIO. William Henry Harrison, 1841 ; born 1773, died 1841. Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-77 ; born 1822, died 1885. Rutherford B. Hayes, 1877-81 ; born 1822. James A. Garfield, 1881 ; born 1831, died 1881. Benj. R. Harrison, 1889-93 ; born Aug. 20th, 1833, at North Bend, O. UNITED STATES CABINET OFFICERS FROM OHIO. Thomas Ewing, Secretarj of Treasury. Appointed March 5, 1841, by William H. Harrison; April 6.. 1841, by John Tyler. Thomas Corwin, Secretary of Treasury. Appointed July 23, 1850, by Millard Fillmore. Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of Treasury. Appointed March 7, 1861, by Abraham Lincoln. John Sherman, Secretary of Treasury. Appointed March 8, 1877, by Rutherford B. Hayes. Ulysses S. Grant, ad interim Secretary of War. Appointed August 12, 1867. William T. Sherman, Secretary of War. Appointed September 9, 1869, by Ulysses S. Grant. Alphonso Taft, Secretary of War. Appointed March 8, 1876, by Ulysses S. Grant. Thomas Ewing, Secretary of Interior. Appointed March 8, 1849, by Zachary Taylor. Jacob D. Cox, Secretary of Interior. Appointed March 5, 1869, by Ulysses S. Grant. Columbus Delano, Secretary of Interior. Appointed November 1, 1870, by Ulysses S. Grant; March • 4, 1873, by Ulysses S. Grant. Return J. Meigs, Jr., Postmaster-General. Appointed March 17, 1814, by James Madison; March 4, 1817, by James Monroe ; March 5, 1821, by Janies Monroe. John McLean, Postmaster-General. Appointed June 26, 1823, by James Monroe; March 4, 1821, by John Q. Adams. William Dennison, Postmaster-General. Appointed September 24, 1864, by Abraham Lincoln ; March 4, 1865, by Abraham Lincoln; April 15, 1865, by Andrew Johnson. Henry Stanbery, Attorney-General. Appointed July 23, 1866, by Andrew Johnson. Alphonso Taft, Attorney-General. Appointed May 26, 1876, by Ulysses S. Grant. William Windom, [1] Secretary of Treasury. Appointed March 4, 1881, by James A. Garfield ; October 20, 1881, by Chester A. Arthur. Edwin M. Stanton, Attorney-General. Appointed December 20, 1860, by James Buchanan; Secretary of War, January 15, 1862, by Abraham Lincoln ; March 4, 1865, by Abraham Lincoln ; April 15, 1865, by Andrew Johnson. Charles Foster, Sec’y of Treasury, appointed Jan., 1891 ; Frank Hatton, P. M. General, Oct., 1884 ; Jeremiah M. Rusk, Sec’y of Agriculture, March, 1889; Wm. H. H. Miller, Attorney-General, March, 1889 ; Jno. W. Noble, Sec’y Interior, March, 1889. DATES OF THE NUMBERS OF THE UNITED STATES CONGRESSES. 1st.— 1789-1791. 2d.— 1791-1793. 3d.— 1793-1795. 4th.— 1795-1797. 5th.— 1797-1799. 6th.— 1799-1801. 7th.— 1801-1803. 8th.— 1803-1805. 9th.— 1805-1807. 10th.— 1807-1809. 11th.— 1809-1811. 12th.— 1811-1813. 13th.— 1813-1815. 14th.— 1815-1817. 15th.— 1817-1819. 16th.— 1819-1821. 17th.— 1821-1823. 18th.— 1823-1825. 19th.— 1825-1827. 20th.— 1827-1829. 21st.— 1829-1831. 22d.— 1831-1833. 23d.— 1833-1835. 24th.— 1835-1837. 25th.— 1837-1839. 26th.— 1839-1841. 27th.— 1841-1843. 28th.— 1843-1845. 29th.- 184'5-1847. 30th.— 1847-1849. 31st.— 1849-1851. 32d.— 1851-1853. 33d.— 1853-1855. 34th.— 1855-1857. 35th.— 1857-1859. 36th.— 1859-1861. 37 th.— 1861-1863. 38th.— 1863-1865. 51st and 52d Congress. 39th.— 1865-1867. 40th.— 1867-1869. 41st.— 1869-1871. 42d.— 1871-1873. 43d.— 1873-1875. 44th.— 1875-1877. 45th.— 1877-1879. 46th.— 1879-1881. 47th.— 1881-1883. 48th.— 1883-1885. 49th.— 1885-1887. 50th.— 1887-1889. See Addenda, Vol. III. OHIO DELEGATES TO THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. William H. Harrison, Hamilton co., 6 Cong. Paul Fearing, Washington co., 7 Cong. William McMillan, Hamilton co., 6 Cong. UNITED STATES SENATORS FROM OHIO. Thomas Worthington, [3] Ross county, 8, 9, 11 to 13 Congress. John Smith, [1] Hamilton co., 8 to 10 Cong. Edward Tiffin, Ross co., 10, 11 Cong. Return J. Meigs, [2] Washington co., 10, 11 Cong. Alexander Cam})bell, Brown co., 11, 12 Cong. Stanley Griswold, Cuyahoga co., 11 Cong. Jeremiah Morrow, Warren co., 13 to 15 Cong. Joseph Kerr, [4] Ross co., 13 Cong. Benjamin Ruggles, Belmont co., 14 to 22 Cong. 174 OHIO OFFICERS— STATE AND NATIONAL. Salmon P. Chase, [11] Hamilton co., 31 to 33, 37 Cong. Benjamin F. Wade, Ashtabula co,, 32 to 40 Cong. George E. Pugh, Hamilton co,, 34 to 36 Cong. John Sherman, [12] Richland co., 37 to 45, 47 to 50 Cong. Allen G. Thurman, Franklin co., 41 to 46 Cong. Stanley Matthews, [13] Hamilton co., 45 Cong. George H. Pendleton, Hamilton co,, 46 to 48 Cong. Henry B. Payne, Cuyahoga co., 49, 50 Cong. Wm. A. Trimble, [5] Highland co., 16, 17 Cong. Ethan A. Brown, [6] Hamilton co., 17, 18 Cong. William H. Harrison, [7] Hamilton co., 19, 20 Cong. Jacob Burnet, [8] Hamilton co., 20, 21 Cong. Tlios. Ewing, [9] Fairfield co., 22 to 24, 31 Cong. 'I'homas Morris, Clermont co., 23 to 25 Cong. William Allen, Ross co., 25 to 30 Cong. Benjamin Tappan, Jefferson co., 26 to 28 Cong. Thomas Corwin, [10] Warren co., 29 to 31 Cong, l] Resigned. 2J Vice Smith, resigned. 3] Resigned December 8, 1810, to accept oflBce of Governor of Ohio. 41 Vice Worthington, resigned. Died in 1822 fi om the effects of a vi'ound received in the battle at Fort Erie, in the war of 1812. _6J Vice Trimble, deceased. Resigned in 1828 to accept appointment of Minister to Colombia. Vice Harrison, resigned. Vice Corwin, deceased. 10] Died in 1849, prior to the convening of the 31st Congress, to which he was elected. 11 Resigned to accept appointment of Secretary of the United States Treasury. 12] Vice Chase, "esigned. Resigned in 1877 to accept appointment of Secretary of tiie United States Treasury. James A.'Garfield was elected Senator by the 64th Assembly on the 14th of January, 1880. He declined the office on the 18th of January, 1881, having in the meantime been nominated to the Presidency of the United States by the Republican party, and John Sherman was elected Senator in his place. [13] Vice John Sherman, resigned. MEMBERS OF U. S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FROM OHIO. Alexander, John, Greene county, 13, 14 Congress. Allen, William, Ross co., 23 Cong. Alexander, James, Jr., Belmont co., 25 Cong. Allen, Jno. W., Cuyahoga co., 25, 26 Cong. Andrews, Sherlock J., Cuyahoga co., 27 Cong. Allen, William, Darke co., 36, 37 Cong. Ashley, James M., Lucas co., 36 to 40 Cong. Ambler, Jacob A., Columbiana co., 41, 42 Cong. Atherton, Gibson, Licking, 46, 47 Cong. Anderson, C. M., Darke co., 49 Cong. Beall, Rezin, Wayne co., 13 Cong. Barber, Levi, Washington co., 15, 17 Cong. Beecher, Philemon, Fairfield co., 15 to 16, 18 to 20 Cong. Brush, Henry, Ross co., 16 Cong. Bartley, Mordecai, Richland co., 18 to 21 Cong. Bell, James M., Guernsey co., 23 Cong. Bond, William Key, Ross co., 24 to 26 Cong. Brinkerhoff, Jacob, Richland co., 28, 29 Cong. Brinkerhoff, Henry R., Huron co., 28 Cong. Bell, John, Sandusky co., 31 Cong. Bell, Hiram, Darke co., 32 Cong. Barrere, Nelson, Adams co., 32 Cong. Busby, George H., Marion co., 32 Cong. Ball, Edward, Muskingum co., 33, 34 Cong. Bliss, George, Portage co., 33 Cong. Bliss, Philemon, Lorain co., 34, 35 Cong. Bingham, John A., Harrison co., 34 to 37, 39 to 42 Cong. Blake, Harrison G., Medina co., 36, 37 Cong. Bliss, George, Wayne co., 38 Cong. Buckland, Ralph P., Sandusky co., 39, 40 Cong. Bundy, Hezekiah S., Jackson co., 39, 43 Cong. Beatty, John, Morrow co., 40 to 42 Cong. Banning, Henry B., Hamilton co., 43 to 45 Cong. Berry, John, Wyandot co., 43 Cong. Butterworth, Benj., Hamilton co., 46 to 50 Cong. Brown, Charles E., Hamilton co., 49, 50 Cong. Boothman, M. M., Williams co., 50 Cong. Creighton, William, Jr., Ross co., 13, 14 Cong. Caldwell, James, Belrnotit co., 13, 14 Cong. Clendenen, David, Trumbull co., 13, 14 Cong„ Cam})bell, John W., Adams co., 15 to 19 Cong, Chambers, David, Muskingum co., 17 Cong. Creighton, Wra., Jr., Pickaway co., 20 to 22 Cong. Crane, Jos. H., Montgomery co., 21 to 24 Cong. Corwin, Thomas, Warren co., 22 to 26, 36, 37 Cong. Cook, Eleutheros, Huron co., 22 Cong. Chaney, John, Fairfield co., 23 to 25 Cong. Coffin, Charles D., Columbiana co., 25 Cong. Cowen, Benjamin S., Belmont co., 27 Cong. Cunningham, Francis A., Preble co., 29 Cong. Cummins, John D., Tuscarawas co., 29, 30 Cong. Canby, Richard S., Logan co., 30 Cong. Crowell, John, Trumbull co., 30, 31 Cong. Campbell, Lewis D., Butler co., 31 to 35, 42 Cong Corwin, Moses B., Champaign co., 31, 33 Cong. Cable, Joseph, Carroll co., 31, 32 Cong. Cartter, David K., Stark co., 31, 32 Cong. Cockerill, Joseph R., Adams co., 35 Cong. Cox, Samuel S., Franklin co., 35 to 38 Cong. Carey, John, Wyandot co., 36 Cong. Cutler, William P., Washington co., 37 Cong. • Cary, Samuel F., Hamilton co., 40 Cong. Clarke, Reader W., Clermont co., 40 Cong. Cowen, Jacob P., Ashland co., 44 Cong. Cox, Jacob D., Lupas co., 45 Cong. Converse, George L., Franklin co., 46 to 48 Cong. Campbell, J. E., Butler co., 49, 50 Cong. Cooper, William C., Knox co., 49, 50 Cong. Crouse, George W., Summit co., 50 Cong. Davenport, John, Belmont co., 20 Cong. Duncan, Alexander, Hamilton co., 25 to 28 Cong. Doane, William, Clermont co., 26, 27 Cong. Dean, Ezra, Wayne co., 27, 28 Cong. Delano, Columbus, Knox co., 29, 39 Cong. Duncan, Daniel, Licking co., 30 Cong. Dickinson, Rudolphus, Sandusky co., 30, 31 Cong Disney, David T., Hamilton co., 31 to 33 Cong. Day, Timothy C., Hamilton co., 34 Cong. Dickinson, Edward F., Sandusky co., 41 Cong. Dodds, Ozro J., Hamilton co., 42 Cong. Danford, Lorenzo, Belmont co., 43 to 45 Cong. Dickey, Henry L., Highland co., 45, 46 Cong. Dawes, Rufus R., Washington co., 47 Cong. Edwards, John S., Trumbull co., 13 Cong. Edwards, Thomas O., Fairfield co., 30 Cong. Evans, Nathan, Guernsey co., 30, 31 Cong. Ellison, Andrew, Brown co., 33 Cong. Emrie, Jonas R., Highland co., 34 Cong. Edgerton, Sidney, Summit co., 36, 37 Cong. Eckley, Ephraim R., Carroll co., 38 to 40 Cong. Eggleston, Benjamin, Hamilton co., 39, 40 Cong. Edgerton, Alfred P., Defiance co., 32, 33 Cong. Ewing, Thomas, Fairfield co., 45, 46 Cong. Ellsbury, W. W., Brown co., 49 Cong. Findlay, James, Hamilton co., 19 to 22 Cong. Florence, Elias, Pickaway co., 28 Cong. Faran, James J., Hamilton co., 29, 30 Cong. Fries, George, Columbiana co., 29, 30 Cong. Fisher, David, Clinton co., 30 Cong. Finck, William E., Perry co., 38, 39 Cong. Foster, Charles, Seneca co., 42 to 45 Cong. Finley, Ebenezer B., Crawford co., 45, 46 Cong. OHIO OFFICERS—STATE AND NATIONAL. 175 Follett, John F., Hamilton co., 48 Cong. Foran, Martin A., Cuyahoga co,, 48 to 50 Cong. Gazlay, James W., Hamilton co., 18 Cong. Goodenovv, John M., Jefferson co., 21 Cong. Goode, Patrick G., Shelby co., 25 to 27 Cong. Giddings, Joshua P., Ashtabula co., 25 to 35 Cong. Gaylord, James M,, Morgan co., 32 Cong. Galloway, Samuel, Franklin co., 34 Cong. Groesbeck, William S., Hamilton co., 35 Cong. Gurley, John A., Hamilton co., 36, 37 Cong. Garfield, James A., Portage co., 38 to 46 Cong. Gunckel, Lewis B., Montgomery co., 43 Cong. Gardner, Mills, Fayette co., 45 Cort, Conn. Jones, J. P., U. S. Senate. Kohler, J. A., Akron, O. Kimball, W. C., 35 Warren street, N. Y. Loi^, J. A., Akron, O. Loud, Enos B., Paris, France. Lynch, Wm. A., Cleveland, O. McFadden, F, T., Cincinnati, O. Matthews, Stanley, Washington, D. C. McBride, John H., THE OHIO SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Cleveland, O. Means, Wm., Cincinnati, O. McGettigan, John E., Indianapolis, Ind. Mattox, A. H., Cincinnati, O. Morrison, Walter, Columbus, O. McGillin, E. M., Cleveland, O. Marble, G. L., Toledo, O. Neil, John G., Detroit, Mich. Post, Chas. A., Cleveland, O. Payne, Henry B., U. S. Senate. Plumb, P. B., U. S. Senate. Perdue, E. H., Cleveland, O. Parsons, S. H., Ashtabula, O. Powell, J. H., 657 Broadway, N. Y. Reinmund, H. J., Lancaster, O. Robison, David, Jr., Toledo, O. Shotwell, Wm. W., Minneapolis, Minn. Sherman, John, U. S. Senate. Smith, Orland, Cincin* nati, O. Scott, Frank J., Toledo, O. Stettinius, John L., Cincinnati. Shayne, John T., Chicago, 111. Townsend, Amos, Cleveland, 0. Tod, George, Youngstown, O. Tod, John, Cleveland, O. Upson, Wm. H., Akron, O. Wick, Caleb B., Youngstown, O. Wick, Henry K., Youngstown, O. Wolf, Simon, Washing- ton, D. C. Woodward, J. H., San Francisco, Cal. ■ IN MEMORIAM. Died in 1886. — Mr. William Hunter, Mr. J. Monroe Brown. Died in 1887. — General W. B. Hazen, Mr. Henry De Buss, Mr. George Emerson, Mr. J. M. Edwards, Hon. Algernon S. Sullivan, Gen. Thomas Kilby Smith. Died in 1888. — Col. Charles W. Moulton, Chief-Justice Morrison R. Waite, Col. Chas. T. Wing, A GLANCE AT OHIO HISTORY AND HISTORICAL MEN. BY JAMES Q. HOWARD. James Quay Howard is a native of Newark, Licking county, Ohio. His mother was the daughter of Judge Quigley, of Pennsylvania. His father, Deacon George W. Howard, was a soldier in the war of 1812 and his grandfather an officer in the war of the Revolution. James Q. Howard was fitted for college at Granville and was graduated at Marietta College with honors. In 1859 he delivered the Mas- ter’s Oration and received the second degree. He was admitted to the bar at Columbus, having studied law with Hon. Samuel Galloway. In 1860, at the request of Follett, Foster & Co., the publishers of the “Lincoln and Douglas Debates,” he wrote a brief “ Life of Abraham Lincoln,” which was translated into German. On September 6, 1861, he was appointed by Mr. Lincoln United States Consul at St. John, New Brunswick. The Chesapeake piracy case, the Calais bank raid, bringing about the cap- ture of blockade-runners and enforcing Stanton’s passport orders, conspired to render the duties of con- sul at this great shipbuilding port on the Bay of Fundy as responsible as. those of any like officer in the service. The authorities at Calais, Maine, gave Consul Howard credit for having saved the town from destruction by fire. A dozen blockade-runners were captured through information which he fur- nished. He received the frequent thanks of Secretary Seward for “ zeal and activity ” and his com- mendation for “ fidelity and ability.” - On returning home in 1867 Mr. Howard purchased an interest in the Ohio State Journal, and, while an editorial writer on that paper, his articles on finance were commended widely and copied by the New York press. While writing for the reviews and magazines, his address before the Alumni of Marietta College, in 1871, was characterized by Charles Sumner as “admirable, practical, useful.” In 1876 he was selected by the immediate friends of Governor Hayes to write the authorized life of the Republican candidate for the Presidency, published by Robert Clark & Co., of Cincinnati. He was soon after placed on the editorial force of the New York Times, where he wrote all the articles on the important subject of counting the electoral vote. In 1877 he was appointed to a position in the New York Custom House, and in the following year was nominated and confirmed as an assistant appraiser of merchandise. In 1880 he was deemed most worthy of promotion to the responsible office of Chief Appraiser, one of the two national offices of largest discretionary power, outside of the Cabinet. It is through the work of the appraiser’s depart- ment at New York that the government is supplied with the bulk of its revenue. Mr. Howard has held important office under five presidents of the United States, and passed the United States Senate three times by a unanimous vote. His present home is on the border of Central Park, New York city. The paper which follows was originally delivered before the Ohio Society of New York. JAMES Q. HOWARD. I PURPOSE to present the briefest possible outline of that Ohio field of biogra- phy and history which it would be both pleasant and profitable, for all Ohioans especially, to explore. That Territorial and State history relates to historical events and historical men. Some of these far-reaching events worthiest of our particular study are: the first permanent settlement at Marietta in the spring of 1788; the second settlement at Columbia near the site of Cincinnati, in the autumn of the same year; the establishment of a Territorial government with Gen. Arthur St. Clair as the first and only duly commissioned Territorial Gov- ernor ; the formation of the first four counties in the Territory, with the noble Revolutionary names of Washington, Hamilton, Wayne and Adams; the disas- trous defeat of Gen. Harmar by the Indians, in June, 1790; the more disastrous defeat of Gov. St. Clair, November 4, 1791, in that western Ohio county since appropriately called Darke; the inspiring victory of Gen. Anthony Wayne, in August, 1794; the enactment and enforcement of much-needed laws by the Gov- ernor and Territorial Judges; the assembling of the first Territorial Legislature OHIO HISTORY AND HISTORICAL MEN. 185 on September 24, 1799 ; the ceding by Connecticut of her claims to that territory called the Western Reserve of Connecticut, on May 30, 1801 ; the formation of the first State Constitution at Chillicothe, in November, 1802 ; the first general election under that constitution, in January, 1803 ; the transition from a Terri- torial to a State government, in February and March, 1803 ; the Burr conspiracy, with the State’s vigorous action in suppressing it, in 1806 ; the gallant defence of Fort Stephenson and Perry’s splendid victory on Lake Erie during the War of 1812 ; the establishment of the permanent seat of government at Columbus, in 1816 ; the beginning of the construction of the great canals of the State, at New- ark, in the fitting presence of Governors Jeremiah Morrow, DeWitt Clinton and Hon. Thomas Ewing, July 4, 1825; the building of the first and the other great lines of that network of railroads which has done more than any single agency to advance the material interests of the State ; the creation of those noble insti- tutions of charity, benevolence and learning and of that system of public schools which have so honored the State in all succeeding years ; Ohio’s preparation for and part in the War for the Union ; her action with respect to the latest and best amendments to the national Constitution ; her courageous course in the prolonged contests for a sound currency with coin resumption, and her firm maintenance, untarnished, of the State’s and the nation’s credit and faith. Turning from events, some of which can be treated in essays, others only in volumes, to the meritorious men identified with Ohio’s history — men whom we all ought to know more about, much more than the libraries can teach us — we cannot omit from the briefest historical list. General Rufus Putnam and Dr. Manasseh Cutler, so worthy to be enrolled among the founders of States ; Gen. Arthur St. Clair, who passed from the Presidency of the American Congress to the Governorship of the Northwest Territory, remaining our Territory’s executive chief, through alternate successes and defeats, for fourteen years ; Gen. Samuel H. Parsons, Gen. James M. Varnum and John Cleves Symmes, the able and emi- nent Territorial Judges; Dr. Edward Tiffin, president of the convention which framed the first constitution of the State, and first governor of Ohio under that constitution ; Return Jonathan Meigs, the first cabinet officer that Ohio furnished the republic, whose grave is one of the objects of historic interest in old Marietta ; Judge Jacob Burnet, the Western Lycurgus, who helped to give our confused mass of laws consistency and adaptation; honest old Jeremiah Morrow, the last and best of the governors of the pioneer race : faithful Peter Hitchcock, for twenty years in the Legislature and in Congress, and for twenty-five Chief- Justice of the State ; William Henry Harrison, the pure patriot of highest virtue, whose political triumph of 1840 was not greater than his earlier triumphs over our Indian foes; Justice John McLean, who combined the manners and graces of the old school of jurists with the learning of the new ; Samuel F. Vinton, the able and dignified Whi^ leader, who preferred his dignity to his existence in office; Charles Hammond, among the strongest of the members of the American bar; the brilliant and eloquent Thomas L. Hamer, who sent Grant to West Point ; Judge Bellamy Storer, alike popular on the bench and on the stump ; Hocking Hunter, every inch and in everv fibre a lawyer, and Henry Stanbery, that perfect type of courtly gentleman. Especially should we of this generation learn more about the two most dis- tinctively representative historical men of Ohio, Thomas Ewing and Thomas Corwin, the one the embodiment of all the robust strength, physical and mental, of the great Northwest, declared to be at the period of his death the ablest law- yer in the United States; the other, in the concurrent judgment of all who have felt the spell of his matchless eloquence, the greatest natural orator and most marvelous wit, mimic and master of the passions of men that the continent has yet known. Passing from these two extraordinary men, who taught the great men of the later period how to become great, but not forgetting, in passing, the high-minded and massive-minded Chase, the slavery-hating Joshua R. Giddings, bluff* Ben Wade, burly, brainy John Brough, and the strong but gentle David Tod, we reach that race of native historic men whose lives touch ours, we might almost say whose lives preserved ours : Grant, the peer of Marlborough, Von Moltke, Wellington and Napoleon, the modern world’s first soldiers; Stanton, the creator OHIO HISTORY AND HISTORICAL MEN. 1 86 of armies and mighty forger of the Thunderbolts of war; Sheridan, who turned retreats and defeats into advances and victories, and rode with the swiftness of the wind to fame; Sherman, the only soldier or statesman in our history who refused the honor of the Presidency when it was thrice within his reach; Hayes, who called around him as able a cabinet as the nation has had and whose admin- istration of the government was so acceptable to the people that they voted for another politically like it; Garfield, the most learned and scholarly president, not excepting John Quincy Adams, who has filled the executive chair, the pathos of whose death touched all hearts in all lands ; and the tenderly-loved McPher- son, whose untimely death alone cut him off from equality with the greatest. And in what more fitting connection can we refer to those two peerless living Ohio statesmen, similar in name and fame, Sherman and Thurman, the one greatest as a financier, the other as a lawyer, both of highest distinction in the making and in the administration of law, and each gratefully honored for his noble public services by the discriminating, everywhere? Conspicuous for their eminent abilities as are Rufus P. Ranney, William S. Groesbeck, Samuel Shellabarger, John A. Bingham, George H. Pendleton, Thomas Ewing, H. Jo Jewett, Aaron F. Perry, Jacob D. Cox, Joseph B. Foraker, Win. Mc- Kinley, Chief-Justice Waite and Associate Justices Woods and Matthews, among Ohioans, we must not forget in our biographical studies other useful- or brilliant men still living or who have passed away, leaving honored names worthy of long remembrance within and beyond the limits of their own State. It will not, I trust, seem invidious to call to mind Elisha Whittlesey, Joseph R. Swan, Alfred Kelly, George E. Pugh, William Allen, James G. Birney, Samuel Lewis, William Dennison, Samuel Galloway, R. P. Spaulding, Valentine B. Horton, Doctors Delamater, Kirtland and Mussey and General J. H. Devereux, or such public- spirited benefactors as Dr. Daniel Drake, William Woodward, Reuben Springer, Leonard Case, Lyne Starling, John Mills, Douglas Putnam, Jay Cooke, Nicholas Longworth, J, R. Buchtel, David Sinton and William Probasco. Such born jurists and gentlemen as Justice Noah H Swa3me and Judges Leavitt, Nash and Gholson are everywhere held in honor, as will also long be re- vered the names of those eminent scholars and divines. Dr. Lyman Beecher, Bishop Philander Chase, Bishops Mcllvaine, Simpson, Ames, Bishop Edward Thomson, Dr. Henry Smith and Presidents Finney of Oberlin and Andrews of Marietta. There are other Ohio names that are too prominently connected with the his- tory of the nation to be overlooked, among which are those of Generals McClel- lan., Rosecrans, McDowell, Buell, Custer, Crook, Hazen, Quincy A. Gillmore, Schenck, Steadman, Swayne, Walcutt and the McCooks; the great inventor, Edi- son; the Arctic explorer. Dr. Hall; the Siberian traveller, George Kennan; the astronomer. Prof. 0. M. Mitchell ; the geologists, Newberry, Orton and Wright, and the Director-General of our National Centennial Exhibition, Sir A. T. Goshorn. What are Ohio’s most honored names in literature, intelPgent readers of course know all about; and while her sons may have accomplished less, perhaps, in that field than in VN^ar, politics or art, one can safely say that Artemus Ward and Petroleum V. Nasby compare favorably with the first humorists of the nation ; William D. Howells and Albion W. Tourgee with the foremost novelists of their day, while Charles Hammond, Samuel Medary, E. D. Mansfield, Washington McLean, Henry Read, Fred Hassaurek, Joseph Medill, Richard Smith, Murat Halstead, Donn Piatt, Samuel Read, Edwin Cowles, J. A. MacGahan, William Henry Smith and the present editors of the Nm York Tribune^ the JSew York World and the Cincinnati Enquirer have yielded or are now yielding as large a measure of influence as has fallen to the lot of any American journalists. Buchanan Read, Francis W. Gage, William D. Gallagher, Alice and Phoebe Cary, William H. Lytle, John James Piatt, Manning F. Force, Henry Howe, S. P. Hildreth and John Hay have done nobly all that they have attempted to do at all, and John James, and Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt, Edith Thomas and Mrs. Kate Sherwood are making poetry and fame just as fast as the muses will permit. And while it would take many essays to show what Ohioans have accomplished in art, none can afford to be ignorant of the lives and works of the world-famous OHIO HISTORY AND HISTORICAL MEN. 187 Thomas Cole and Hiram Powers, or of the achievements of America’s first ani- mal painters, James H. and William H. Beard, or of the noble works which adorn so many of our parks and cities of this country’s greatest sculptor, Quincy Ward, whose Indian Hunter,” “ Shakespeare,” “ Washington ” and “ Equestrian Thomas ” will live a thousand years after all that now has life shall have perished. I close this'appeal for the study of our State’s history by reminding all that Ohio can lay full or partial claim to four Presidents of the United States, Harri- son, Grant, Hayes and Garfield; to one Vice-President, by birth, Hendricks; and one Speaker of the House, Keifer; to two Chief- Justices, Chase and Waite, and four Associate Justices, McLean, Swayne, Matthews and Woods; to one Sec- retary of State, through fourteen years’ residence, Lewis Cass ; to five Secretaries of the Treasury, Ewing, Corwin, Chase, Sherman and Windom ; three Secretaries of War, McLean, Stanton and Taft; to three Secretaries of the Interior, Ewing, Cox and Delano ; to two Attorneys-General, Stanbery and Taft, and to three Postmasters-General, Meigs, McLean and Dennison. If all these men have not-done enough to command your interest and studious attention, set to work, gentlemen of the Ohio Society, and do something to honor the Buckeye State yourselves ! THE WORK OF OHIO IN THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION IN THE CIVIL WAR. By M. C. read. Matthew Canfield Eead was born in Wil- liamsfield, Ashtabula county, Ohio, August 21, 1823, of New England parents, who were among the early pioneers. In those days of few books a circulating library of standard works gave him in bis early boyhood a taste for solid reading, and a copy of Goldsmith’s “Animated Nature,” which at the age of ten years he had read and re-read till it was substantially memorized, exerted an important influence upon his subsequent studies; when twelve years of age his parents removed to Mecca, Trumbull county, where he remained working upon the farm and attending district school until eighteen years of age, when he com- menced preparations for college at Western Re- serve Seminary, in Farmington, Trumbull county, which was completed at Grand River Institute, in Austinburgh, Ashtabula county. He entered tbe Freshman class of Western Reserve College, Hudson, in 1844, and graduated in 1848, subse- quently receiving the degree of A. Mf from his Alma Mater. The early bias given by “ Goldsmith’s Animated Nature” led him to devote much time during his preparatory and college course to the study of the natural sciences, and most of his leisure during this time was occupied in acquiring a knowledge of the fauna and flora, and the geology of the neighborhood. His vacations were given almost wholly to these studies, to which very little time . MATTHEW C. READ, was given in the prescribed course of study. The knowledge thus obtained in hours which ordi- narily go to waste with the college student, was fully as valuable to him in after life as the regular college course. After graduation he taught school in Columbus and in Gustavus, Ohio, and read law with Chappee & Woodbury, of Jefferson, Ashtabula county. He was married August, 1851, to Orissa E. Andrew's, youngest daughter of William Andrews, Esq., of Homer, N. Y., and soon after was called to Hudson to edit The Family Visitor^ published by Saw- yer, Ingersoll & Co., and which was started by Profs. Kirtland and St. John, with the design of fur- nishing a family, scientific, and literary paper of a high order, containing nothing of the obnoxious matter found in many papers. During one year while editing this paper he had sole charge of the preparatory department of the Western Reserve College. After he had edited the paper for a little over two years its publication was suspended because of the financial failure of the publishers. He then commenced the practice of his profession as attorney in Summit county, and had acquired a lucrative practice w'hen the war of the Rebellion commenced. Soon after the organization of the United States Sanitary Commission he was appointed a general relief agent in that organization by Prof. Newberry, who was in charge of the Western department, and continued in the service of the Com- mission till the close of the war. A severe sunstroke after the battle of Pittsburgh Landing and sub- sequent exposure so impaired his health that he was never able to return to full practice in his profession. He served for a time as deputy-collector of internal revenue, and upon the organization of the geological survey of Ohio was appointed assistant geologist, and contributed largely to the final report. He has since done a large amount of work in the examination of mining property in the States and Territories and the Dominion of Canada, and contributed many articles to the scientific journals on ornithology, entomology, archaeology, geology, forestry, etc. He had charge of the archaeological exhibits of Ohio at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, and the Centennial Exposition at New Orleans. Quite a full report made by him of the latter has recently been published by the Historical Society of Cleveland. For several years before the removal of .the Western Reserve College to Cleve- land he held the position in that institution of Lecturer on Zoology and Practical Geology. He still maintains his position at the bar, doing as much work as his health will permit, dividing his time between the practice of law and scientific studies and pursuits. The history of Oliio’s services in the war of the Rebellion would be incomplete without a sketch of its work in the United States Sanitary Commission. (i88) OHIO'S WORK IN U S. SANITARY COMMISSION. i8g This was an organization proposed by some of the best medical men of the country, and at their request authorized by the general government. Its primary object was the systematic inspection of camps and hospitals, for the purpose of aiding the medical department of the army in the adoption of such sanitary measures as would best preserve the health of the army and promote the recovery of the sick and wounded. The part that Ohio took in this work assumed more prominence than that of any other of the Western States. This is to be attributed largely to the fact that the secretary selected to take charge of the Western department was a citizen of the State, and to his exceptional qualifications for the work. Prof. John S. Newberry, now of the Sc*hool of Mines of Columbia College, in New York, and then in the government service at Washington, was appointed a member of the Sanitary Commission, June 13, 1861. He immediately resigned his position at Washington, returned to Ohio, and entered with characteristic earnestness and zeal upon his new work of extending the organization of the Commission over the valley of the Mississippi. He established branches of the Commission at Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati, as well as others at Buffalo, Detroit, Pittsburg, Chicago, Louisville, etc., and gave such unity and efficiency to the Commission’s work that he was appointed secretary of the Western depart- ment, an office which he held with honor to himself and the Commission till the end of the war. In the meantime, the patriotic revival that was carrying the best young and middle-aged men into the army was sweeping into its current almost all the women of the North, who were organizing “ Soldiers’ Aid Societies ” in all the cities, villages, and hamlets of the loyal States, for the purpose of prepar- ing and collecting necessities, comforts, and luxuries for the soldiers in camp and hospital. There was an urgent necessity of a general organization, which could gather all these rivulets and streams into one channel, and provide for their sys- tematic and economical disposition. This work naturally devolved upon the Sanitary Commission — authorized by the government, national in its purposes, regardless of State lines, and solicitous only for the comfort and health of the entire army, and for its success in the struggle. With the natural desire in each locality to collect and forward supplies to the soldiers enlisted in that locality, and of the officers of each State to make special provision for its own soldiers, it was a difficult task to educate the people into the idea that the soldiers of each regiment and of each State could be best cared for by systematic provision for the whole army. This result was substantially accomplished through the skilful management of the secretary, aided by the unselfish patriotism of the managers of the local societies, so that the transporta- tion and distribution of these stores was mainly, and especially in Ohio, intrusted to this Commission. Very rapidly an organization was perfected, some of the best and most experienced physicians selected, who were commissioned and dis- patched to their work. Among the first of these were Dr. A. N. Read, Dr. W. M. Prentice, and Dr. C. D. Griswold, all of Ohio, who immediately entered upon their duties — followed the army into the field, inspecting camps and-hospitals, looking after the distribution of stores, and when battles occurred assisting in the care of the wounded. Other inspectors from Ohio were Drs. Henry Parker, of Lorain county, M. M. Seymour, of Paiuesville, T. G. Cleveland, at first surgeon of the Forty-first O.W. I., and R. C. Hopkins, of Cleveland. These all labored with a zeal and intelligent devotion to their duties which commanded the highest encomiums of the medical and general officers of the army. Their work was of a delicate nature, requiring much tact and skill, and was of the greatest importance. The medical and gen- eral officers had a very inadequate estimate of the importance of sanitary precau- tions for the preservation of the health of the men, and at the beginning the deaths from preventable diseases were many times in excess of those resulting from casualties in battle. These medical inspectors, representing the best medical skill of the State, with their associates from other States, supplied with suggestive circulars prepared by the best medical men of the nation, furnished very material aid to the officers of the army in securing the adoption of sanitary precautions for the prevention of sickness, that resulted in saving the lives of many thousands of soldiers. No TQO OHIO'S WORK IN U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. statistics can be compiled which will measure the value of this work, but those who watched its progress can to some extent appreciate it, and long before the close of the war it secured the adoption of the best sanitary measures that wer^ ever adopted in any army. While the Commission was primarily organized for this sanitary work other important duty was rapidly crowded upon it. The women of the entire North were working for the soldiers, and societies were established in every city, with local societies auxiliary to them in every village and township. This was par- ticularly true in Ohio. Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus organized branches of the United States Sanitary Commission, and secured the greater part of the contributions of the local societies, assorting, re-packing, and marking them, and entrusting their distribution to the Commission. The Branch at Cincinnati organized with the following members : Cincinnati — R. W. Burnett, Charles F. Wilstach, James M. Johnson, Joshua H. Bates, C. C. Comegys, M. D., Edward Mead, M. D., Samuel L’Hommedieu, M. D., Rev. E. T. Collins, A. Aub, O. M. Mitchell, E. G. Robbins, J. B. Stallo, Larz Anderson, Micajah Bailey, E. S. Brooks, Charles E. Cist, David Judkins, M. D., W. H. Mussey, M. D., Rev, W. A. Sniveley, Henry Pearce, Thomas G. Odiorne, Mark E. Reeves, B. P. Baker, Robert Hosea, George Hoadly, S. J. Broadwell, A. G. Burt, Charles R. Fosdick, John Davis, M. D., George Mendenhall, M. D., Rev. M. L. P. Thompson, George K. Shoenberger, Bellamy Storer, W. W. Scarborough, Thomas C. Shipley, F. C. Briggs. Dayton — B. W. Steel, J. D. Phillips, James McDaniel. President, R. W. Burnett ; Vice-President, George Hoadly ; Recording Secretary, B. P. Baker ; Corresponding Secretary, Charles R. Fosdick ; Treasurer, Henry Pearce. This branch sent out inspectors and relief agents into all parts of the Missis- sippi valley occupied by the Union army, who kept its officers thoroughly in- formed as to the wants of the soldiers, and the manner in which its contributions were distributed. In addition to the large amount of stores contributed the society raised in money $330,769.53, of which $235,406.62 w^ere the net avails of “The Great Western Sanitary Fair” held at Cincinnati in the month of Decem- ber, 1863. The most of this large fund was used in the purchase of supplies of the best quality, which were sent to all parts of the army as the wants of the sick and wounded required. The United States Sanitary Commission contributed to this branch $15,000. The success of the fair of 1863 was at the time unprecedented. At the head of the roll of managers was the name of General Rosecrans, and nearly all the prominent ladies, business men and merchant princes of the city combined their efforts to make it a success. This branch established and maintained at Cincinnati a “ Soldiers’ Home ” at an expense of $64,131.86, in which it furnished lodgings to 45,400 and meals to the number of 656,704. The Cleveland Branch of the Soldiers' Aid Society of Northern Ohio was organized on the 20th day of April, 1861, five days after the first call by President Lincoln for volunteers to put down the rebellion. It was organized by the appointment of the following officers : President, Mrs. B. Rouse ; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. John Shelley and Mrs. Win. Melhinch ; Secretary, Miss Mary Clark Bray ton ; Treasurer, Miss Ellen F. Terry. Two hundred and seventy-nine of the Cleveland ladies enrolled themselves as members of the society, and without constitution or by-laws, with only the verbal pledge of the payment of a monthly fee, and to work while the war should last, they furnished an illustrious example of the patriotism, as well as the efficiency of Ohio women. The officers of the society gave their whole time to the work until the close of the war, asking and receiving no salaries and drawing nothing from the treasury for travelling or other expenses, even when absent on tlie neces- sary business of the society. They secured the active and cordial support of 525 auxiliary societies, the members of most of them meeting weekly to work for the soldier. And the influence of that work is not to be measured by the articles prepared or the gifts contributed. Every such local society was a school of patriotism : it made patriotism the fashion ; everywhere the wives and daughters of the most bitter opponents of the OHiaS WORK IN U S, SANITARY COMMISSION 191 war were drawn into these societies, caught the dominant spirit, and carried its influence into their homes. These societies gave a moral support to the soldier in the field, and were worth more than thousands of bayonets in preserving peace at home. The names of the women engaged in the work of this central society and its 500 auxiliaries who deserve prominent mention would fill many pages of this volume, and it would be unjust to the others to record the names of a part of them ; but all will concur in giving the first place to good Mrs. Rouse, the president of the society, who in feeble health and with a devotion that only a mother can exhibit gave her whole time to the work; a model example of womanly Christian patriotism. Her recent death at a ripe old age has emphasized her worth. In June a number of the most patriotic and influential citizens of Cleveland were appointed associate members of the United States Sanitary Commission, and in October of the same year they united to organize a branch commission for the accomplishment of the same objects that engaged the attention of the branches elsewhere, and to lend to the already flourishing Soldiers’ Aid Society whatever aid might be necessary in the execution of its work. The gentlemen who joined in this movement are as follows : T. P. Handy, Joseph Perkins, William Bingham, M. C. Younglove, Still- man Witt, Benjamin Rouse, Dr. E. Cushing, A. Stone, Jr., E. S. Flint, Dr. A. ' Maynard. The first duty which suggested itself to them was to provide a military hospital for Northern Ohio, which should receive the sick of the regiments quartered at Cleveland for whom no other asylum had been opened. By application to the Secretary of the Treasury a part of the marine hospital at Cleveland was placed at their command. This was fitted up by the co-operation of the ladies of the Aid Society, and continued to meet the wants of the class it was intended to accom- modate until the building of the Cleveland Soldiers’ Home removed the necessity for its continuance (see Dr. Newberry’s report on the Sanitary Commission in the valley of the Mississippi). These gentlemen co-operated heartily with trie ladies in their work and contributed largely to its success. In addition to those whose names are given above Dr. Newberry makes special mention of Mr. L. M. Hubby, president of the C. C. & C. R. R. Co., and Mr. H. M. Chapin, who w'ere especially active and efficient. The general work of this society is admirably and concisely stated in the fol- lowing extract from the final report of its officers : The foregoing pages are a brief sketch of the work that loyalty prompted one small district to do for the soldiers. They are submitted in the hope it may not be uninteresting to trace the history of a society which was the first permanently organized, one of the first to enter the field, and the last to leave it ; which began with a capital of two gold dollars and closed with a cash statement of more than $170,000 ; which grew from a neighborhood sewing circle to become the repre- sentative of 525 branch organizations in disbursing hospital stores valued at nearly $1,000,000 ; which built and supported a Soldiers’ Home and conducted a special relief system and an employment agency from which 60,000 Union soldiers and their families received aid and comfort, and a claim agency which gratuitously collected war claims aggregating $300,000 at a. saving to the claimants of over $17,000. The ladies close their report with the following words : All who had a part in the beneficent work in which it was woman’s peculiar privilege to serve her country must feel abundantly rewarded in having been able to do something for those who gave health, manly strength, worldly prospects, ties of home, and even life itself in the more perilous service in the field. As already sweet flowers and tender plants creep over and half conceal the battle foot-prints, but lately left on many a field and hillside of our land, so sweet charities and tender memories come to envelop the gaunt figures, and veil the grim visages of war, that must forever stand a central object upon the canvas that protrays the history of these memorable years. A single instance may be added illustrating the efficiency and devotion of these noble workers in the Soldiers’ Home est^lished at the railroad station in 192 OHIO'S WORK IN U. S, SANITARY COMMISSION Cleveland. On the 29th of July, 1864, telegrams announced that a full brigade of hungry soldiers would reach the Home that night; special preparations were immediately made for their comfort, and when after long hours of weary waiting the train steamed into the depot bringing the Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth Wisconsin and the Twenty-seventh Michigan, 1,350 men, a sumptuous repast was awaiting them, which would have been a credit to any of the hotels of the city. In the memory of these men and of the many thousands of others who were thus provided for, the good works of these Cleveland women are permanentlv enshrined. The Columbus Branch was organized in October, 1861, with the following members : Governor Wm. Dennison, F. C. Sessions, J. B. Thompson, M. D., S. M. Smith, M. D., P. Ambos, Robert Neil, Rev. Dr. Fitzgerald, W. M. Awl, M. D., T. J, Wormley, M. D., S. Lovering, M. D., J. H. Riley, Rev. Joseph M. Trimble, D. D., Hon. John W. Andrews, Joseph Sullivant, Francis Carter, M. D., Francis Collins. Officers: President, W. M. Awl, M. D. ; Vice-President, J. B. Thompson, M. D. ; Secretary, F, C. Sessions; Treasurer, T. J. Wormley, M. D. Five thousand dollars was appropriated to this branch by the United States Sanitary Commission, and several thousand dollars was subsequently contributed to aid in the equipment and maintenance of the Soldiers’ Home. In co-operation with this branch a Ladies’ Aid Society was organized embracing most of the patriotic wmmen of the city, with Mrs. W. E. Ide as the first president and Mrs. George W. Heyl the first secretary. The records of the amount of contributions of this branch are not accessible, but they found their way to nearly every battle- field and hospital in the Mississippi valley. Mr. Sessions was early in the field as a volunteer in the care of the sick and wounded, and continued his labors to the close of the war. Dr. Smith was subsequent!}^ surgeon-general of the State, and from the begin- ning to the close of the w’ar was an indefatigable and judicious worker. The location of this branch gave it an unusual amount of local work, which was always efficiently and faithfully done. Here as well as elsewhere in the State the names of those deserving special mention cannot be given without the appro- priation of more space than can be given to this sketch. By the work of local societies, the aid of sanitary fairs, and the labor of solicit- ing agents, a corps of whom were organized and put in the field by Dr. Newberry, the supplies came in in continuous streams and the Commission received in the aggregate $807,335.03 in money and stores for distribution of the estimated value of $5,123,376. At first there was a natural tendency in each locality to provide for regiments organized in the locality, and then to attempt in each State to pro- vide for the soldiers of that State ; some continuing this attempt to the close of the war. But it was soon seen by those in the field that the readiest way to pro- vide for an}^ particular regiment was by a united attempt to provide for all. Ohio was quick to learn this fact, and the broad patriotism of its people was shown by an almost universal disregard of localities and State lines, and by devoting all their energies to the relief of the Union soldier wherever found. Its contributions to this end largely exceeded those of any other State in the Mississippi valley, a fact in which every citizen may take laudable pride. After the field work was well organized Dr. Newberry established his head- quarters at Louisville, as the most favorable point for superintending the opera- tions of the Sanitary Commission in the Mississippi valley. He selected Charles S. Sill of Cuyahoga Falls as treasurer and H. S. Holbrook of the same place to organize and manage a hospital directory, which grew into a bureau of information for all having friends in the army. The local agents of the Commission after every battle obtained promptly lists of the killed and wounded, and daily reports from all the hospitals, showing admissions, discharges, deaths and transfers to other hospitals, which were all copied into the local registers of the Commission. Then the originals were forwarded to Mr. Holbrook, who embodied the facts into his records in such a manner that he could promptly give the location and hospital history of every patient and the date and place of every death in the western army so far as was known. Frequently and especially after every battle parties who failed to hear from their friends in the army, becoming anxious about their OHiaS WORK IN U S. SANITARY COMMISSION 193 safety, would send to this bureau for information, and sometimes these inquiries by letter and telegram would number hundreds in a day. If in the hospital or on the list of killed a reference to the records would furnish full information ; if not the inquiry was forwarded to the agent of the post where the regiment was stationed. The records there were searched and if they afforded no information the regiment was immediately visited, the companions of the missing man found and questioned, and in a large majority of cases the desired information obtained. Under Mr. Holbrook’s excellent management this work was so perfected that these records were largely used by the officers of the army in locating or deter- mining the fate of missing men. The number of names on Mr. Holbrook’s records was 799,317 ; the number of deaths recorded 81,621, and the number of inquiries received and answered 24,005. Mr. Holbrook with the persevering industry of a man and the overflowing sympathy of a woman was admirably adapted to this work, but it wore him out faster than service in the field, and though able to keep his post till the close of the war, its close found him so pros- trated and exhausted that his health was never perfectly restored. The personnel of the central office at Louisville was as follows : Secretary Western Department Sanitary Commission, Dr. J. S. Newberry; assistant secretary, Robert T. Thorne ; chief clerk, Dr. N. E. Soule ; cashier, C. S. Sill ; superintendent hospital directory, H. S. Holbrook ; superintendent ware- houses, W. S. Hanford ; editor Sanitary Reporter, Dr. G. L. Andrew ; hospital visitor, Rev. F. H. Bushnell; superintendent hospital trains. Dr. J. P. Barnum ; superintendent hospital and supply steamer, H. W. Fogle; claim agent, H. H. Burkholder. Of these officers Drs. Newberry and Soule and Messrs. Sill, Hol- brook, Hanford, Fogle and Burkholder were from Ohio. Free transportation over freight and express lines was generously given for the stores of the Commission, and the free use of private and military telegraph lines to all its agents who had depots of stores at every important post, and whose agents with supplies were present on nearly every battle-field. It established feeding stations and Soldiers’ Homes so as to supply all the wants of the soldiers discharged at the most southern point reached by the army until he reached his home, in which also the friends of the soldier found ample accommodations. As an illustration of the extent and the benefits of these Homes one instance may be given : A woman from Central New York made her way to Chattanooga, Tenn., to visit her sick husband, but reached the place too late to see him alive. Her money was exhausted, for she expected to obtain from her husband means for her return. A childless widow who had given her all to the country she could not bear to leave the remains of her husband on her return home. An appeal was made by the agent of the Commission to the military undertaker who had a lucrative business at that post, who readily consented to embalm the body and furnish a burial case without charge, and the express company forwarded it to its destination without charge. The agent furnished her with free transporta- tion over the military roads to Louisville, and open letters to the superintendents of the Homes and to the railroad conductors stating the facts of her case and soliciting their interest in her behalf. At the Homes in Nashville, Louisville, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Buffalo she obtained meals, and lunches to take into the cars ; the conductors passed her free over their roads, and she reached Syra- cuse, N. Y., with the body of her husband and without any expense. An important work new in military history was inaugurated, and made a marked success by the Ohio men in the Commission. When the Army of the • Cumberland had raised the siege of Chattanooga, and in the winter of 1864 was preparing for a vigorous, aggressive campaign, it was evident the army was likely to suffer severely during the coming summer for the want of vegetable food. It could not be brought to so distant a point from the Northern States, and no dependence could be placed upon the adjacent country for a supply. Scurvy had prevailed to an alarming degree in this army during the previous summer when stationed at Murfreesboro, much nearer the base of supplies. An experi- ment had there been made in gardening, under the management of Mr. Harriman, a gardener detailed from the One-hundred-and-first O. V. I. in 1863, which was so far successful as to warrant, in the opinion of the agent at Cliattanooga, a more extensive effort in 1864, and commensurate with the increased necessities of the 194 OHiaS WORK IN U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. army. He immediately conferred with the medical director of the army, Dr. Perrin, and proposed with his co-operation and the approval of the commanding general, to establish a sanitary garden of sufficient extent to provide for all the probable wants of the sick and wounded. Tlie proposition was heartily welcomed as a probable solution of what had been regarded as an insolvable problem. He immediately approved a proposi- tion prepared by the agent for submission to Gen. Thomas, proposing that if the general would authorize the Commission to take possession of abandoned lands suitable for cultivation, would provide for the protection of the garden, and furnish horses and necessary details of men, the Commission would provide a good market-garden, tools, seeds, and appliances for the work, and would under- take to supply all the hospitals at Chattanooga and the neighboring posts with all the vegetables needed, distributing the surplus to convalescent camps and regiments. The general at once issued the necessary orders for carrying on the work ; a body of land between Citico creek and the Tennessee river was selected, a detail put to work building a fence, so as to include within it and the two streams something over 150 acres, and a requisition forwarded to Dr. Newberry for seeds and tools. When these arrived application was made for horses, and it was learned that there were none at the post that could be spared for the work. An advertisement was inserted in the Chattanooga papers for the purchase of horses and mules, but none were offered. Then authority was obtained to impress from the country. The agent scoured the neighboring territory for some twenty miles on all sides of Chattanooga without finding anything to impress. Returning somewhat discouraged from his last trip, he stumbled upon a corral of sick and disabled horses, and the difficulty was at once overcome. An order was secured directing the quartermaster to turn over fifty of these horses selected by the Commission and as many harnesses. There was no difficulty in finding horses unfit for military duty which would do fairly good work before the plow or liarrow. They were put promptly at work. But during these delays the season had so far advanced that more tools were needed than were sent from Louisville. To meet this want some were impressed from the country and others made to order by the quartermaster; and soon the fifty horses and nearly a hun- dred men were actively employed under the supervision of Mr. Thomas Wills, of Summit county, who was sent by Dr. Newberry as head gardener. The work was pushed with energy during the whole season, much of the ground being made to yield two and three crops, all the articles raised in an ordinary market- garden being cultivated. It happened that wagons were employed distributing the products to the hospitals on the day that the first of the wounded from the Atlanta campaign arrived, and from that time till the close of the season the supply was much in excess of all the wants of the hospitals, the large surplus being distributed to convalescent camps and regiments. As the season advanced the details of men fit for duty in the field were revoked, and details made from the convalescent camps. These men, placed in good quarters, abundantly sup- ])lied with vegetables, and moderately worked, were restored to health much faster than those left in the camps. The men were so well pleased with their })Osition and their work that the prospect of a revoking of their detail for any insubordination secured strict discipline. At the close of the season voluntary testimonials were furnished by all the surgeons in charge of the hospitals of the great value of the work, and that it' had been the means of saving the lives of thousands. The details for a guard and for work constituted as efficient part )f the garrison of the post as if left within the camps, and there was with them ctii almost entire exemption from sickness. The horses from the sick corrals, well fed and cared for, rapidly recovered, and the whole practical cost was the price of seeds and tools, and the salary of the gardener. The fact was demonstrated that, at a military post, when a garrison is to be maintained through the summer, an abundance of vegetable food can be raised by the garrison without any impair- ment of its efficiency and at a very trifling cost. At the urgent request of all the surgeons of the post the general ordered a con- tinuance of the work during the following year. The whole work of the Commission was a novelty in military operations. Its OHIO'S WORK IN U S. SANITARY COMMISSION, i95 agents were everywhere — in hospitals, in camps, and on the battle-fields — co- operating with the medical officers in the care of the sick and wounded, and in precautions for preserving the health of the men ; and the voluntary testimonials of the officers, surgeons, and privates to the value of their work would fill a volume. What is reproachfully called “ red tape ” in the army is system, method, a careful scrutiny of expenditures, without which the richest nation would be bankrupted by a short war; its hardships in individual cases are mitigated and almost entirely removed by such a voluntary association as the Sanitary Com- mission, with its agents in all parts of the army, harmoniously working with the medical officers, and provided with supplies of all kinds for the relief of the soldiers, which can be promptly distributed without formal requisitions, simply on the request of the surgeon and attendants, or wherever a needy soldier is found by the agents. They supplement the government supplies, and are a provision for every emergency when the government stores are not available or cannot be obtained in time. This is a brief and imperfect sketch of the work of the United States Sanitary Commission in the Mississippi valley, in which the citizens of Ohio took so hon- orable and important a part. First in the list of workers stands the name of Prof. John S. Newberry, who had general charge of the Western department. The entire work of organization and general superintendence was his, the selection of all agents, and the determination of all their duties and salaries. Before the war he had a national reputation as a geologist and palieontologist, and at its close returned to his favorite studies. He was appointed chief geolo- gist for Ohio, and, with the aid of his assistants, prepared a report upon the geology of the State, alike creditable to him and to his assistants and to the State. He was, while engaged in this work, elected as Professor of Geology and Palae- ontology in the School of Mines of Columbia College, New York, a position which he now occupies. His scientific labors have given him not only an American but also an European reputation as one of the most prominent scientists of the age. The following extract from a recent number of an influential English periodical Bhows the estimation in which he is held in that country: ‘‘A large circle of admirers, both English and American, will see with pleasure that the Murchirson medal of the Geological Society is to be conferred this year on Dr. J. S. Newberry, of New York, the well-known professor of Columbia Col- lege. Dr. Newberry, however, has been in his time active, and indeed distin- guished in other matters besides geology. ‘ I remember,’ writes a correspondent, ‘ meeting him by chance in Nashville in November, 1863, when he was at the head of the Western department of the Sanitary Commission, an immense organization, whose business it was to dispense for the benefit of the soldiers of the Republic great quantities of stores, consisting mainly pf medicines, clothing, and comforts of all sorts subscribed by enthusiastic citizens of the Northern States. Dr. New- berry took me down with him from Nashville to the then seat of war on the boundary of Georgia, and I can ])ear witness to the workmanlike manner in which he administered his department, and the devotion with which he was regarded by all of his assistants.’ ” Dr. Newberry’s office assistants were Charles Sill, of Cuyahoga Falls, treasurer; H. S. Holbrook, of Cuyahoga Falls, in charge of the hospital directory ; H. M. Fogle, clerk, and W. S. Hansford, in charge of transportation, both also of Cuya- hoga Falls ; others were employed from time to time as clerks, but these remained in his office till the close of the war. Mr. Sill and Mr. Fogle are now deceased. Mr. Holbrook retired from his work greatly debilitated, and never recovered his health. Of the medical inspectors. Dr. A. N. Read, of Norwalk, leaving a lucrative practice, entered the service in Kentucky when our army first crossed into that State, was almost the sole representative of the Commission at the battle of Perrysville, followed the army to Nashville and Pittsburg Ijanding, and after- wards returned to Nashville, and made that his headquarters as chief inspector and general manager of the work of the Commission in the Army of the Cumber- land. He followed the army to Chattanooga, worked assiduously in care of the ig6 OHIO'S WORK IN U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. wounded in the battle of Chickamauga until, prostrated with sickness, he was compelled to return home with his son, who was severely wounded in that battle, to recruit his health by rest. He soon returned to his headquarters at Nashville, and gave his general superintendence to the work, proceeding to the front at the commencement of the Atlanta campaign, and accompanying the army to Atlanta. His work during all that campaign was severe and exhausting, and returning to Nashville, he continued his labors to the close of the war, when he returned home so prostrated by exposure and fatigue that his health has never since been fully restored. He received many voluntary testimonials from the officers of the army for the fidelity, skill, and tact with which he discharged the duties of his position. Dr. M. M. Prentice, an eminent physician of Cleveland, commenced his work as medical inspector early in the war, and followed it with such a self-sacrificing fidelity that his health and strength failed him, and he died at his post while the issue of the war was uncertain. Henry Parker, of Lorain county, and M. M. Seymour, of Painesville, eminent physicians, abandoned their practice and assumed the duties of medical in- spectors, which they discharged with eminent success till the close of the war. Dr. T. G. Cleveland, previously surgeon of the Forty-first Ohio regiment, entered the ser vice of the Commission as medical inspector in 1861, and continued his work with marked ability till the close of the war. Dr. R. C. Hopkins, of Cleveland, entered the service as medical officer of the relief steamer “Lancaster,” chartered by Dr. Newberry for the transport of stores and the sick and wounded, and afterwards took charge of the work of the Com- mission at Memphis. His wife accompanied him until he was prostrated by overwork and on his way home died at Evansville, Ind., January 26, 1863. Mrs. Hopkins sought relief from her affliction by a return to the work and continued it at Nashville until her services were no longer needed. Prof. H. N. Hosford of Hudson, Rev. N. P. Bailey of Painesville, Rev. J. E. Wilson of Ravenna and Mr. George G. Carter of Cleveland, who was then a stu- dent of theology, labored efficiently and faithfully as hospital visitors. Their duties were to visit daily the hospitals of the posts at which they were stationed, promote the general comfort of the patients, write their letters, furnish them reading, administer religious consolation to the dying and transmit their last messages to their friends. Many in their dying hours blessed them for their timely Christian labors and many who recovered will remember with gratitude their faithful and unselfish work. F. R. Crary, of Northern Ohio, early entered the service as storekeeper and gen- eral relief agent; followed the Army of the Cumberland to Chattanooga and was one of the field relief corps during the Atlanta campaign. Energy, faithfulness and enthusiastic devotion characterized his work. William Cowdery, then of Hudson, now of Mecca, Trumbull county, rendered faithful and valuable work at Chattanooga for about a year. Alfred H. Sill was sent to Chattanooga by Dr. Newberry after the battle of Chickamauga. The rebels occupied the left bank of the Tennessee river and their sharpshooters made it impracticable to us^ the short road from Bridgeport to Chattanooga for the transportation of supplies, and a mountain road, difficult and some sixty miles long, was the best practicable route. Sanitary stores in wagons attached to the army trains were sometimes pillaged by teamsters and train hands. Mr. Sill came at the request of the general agent at Chattanooga for an energetic man, courageous and faithful, who would act as special guard of the Sanitary train, could sleep in the woods with a blanket for his bed, keep the train under his direct observation till it reached Chattanooga, and shoot down if necessary any man who attempted to plunder it. This work he continued with- out complaint, riding backward and forward over this long, dreary and dangerous route, until the opening of transportation by rail and river after the battle of Chattanooga. M. C. Read, an attorney of Hudson, Ohio, left a lucrative practice in February, 1862, and joined his brother. Dr. A. N. Read, in the work at Nashville; worked there for a short time and accompanied his brother to Pittsburg Landing, when he was assigned to duty at Hamburgh Landing, a few miles further up the river. OHIO'S WORK IN U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION, 197 Here, while superintending the removal of stores, from tlie landing to the rooms of the Commission, lie was prostrated by a sunstroke and compelled to return home. A few weeks in the Lake Su})erior region so far restored his health that he was able to return to Nashville, and was put in charge of the work at Mur- freesboro; thence he followed General Rosecrans’ army to Bridgeport and finally reached Chattanooga in company with General Rosecrans and his staff. Here he remained in charge of the work at this post until after Lee’s surrender. He then returned home and rode over Ohio and West Virginia, selecting in all the principal cities Sanitary Commission Claim Agents, who were commissioned to collect claims and secure pensions for all soldiers applying to them, without charge to the soldier. This closed his work, except a short return to Chattanooga, to close out some unfinished business there. The effects of the sunstroke and subsequent labor and exposure have ever since seriously interfered with his pro- fessional work. Jeremiah R. Brown, of Hudson, a brother of the famous John Brown, entered the service early in the war, and very appropriately was put in charge of the work in Kansas, where he labored with distinguished zeal and ability, assisted by his daughter Fanny Brown, until the work of the Commission was closed. Thomas Wills, then of Cuyahoga Falls, was sent to Chattanooga in the spring of 1864 as superintendent of the Sanitary garden. This position he held until the end of the summer of 1865, and the remarkable success of the garden was largely due to his skill and fidelity. Dr. George L. Starr, of Hudson, after completion of his medical studies, entered the service of the Commission at Knoxville, Tenn., and did good work for about four months investigating the wants of posts accessible from that point and sup- ])lying them from the storehouse in that city. He afterwards practised his pro- fession in Youngstown and is now in successful practice in Hudson. Rev. T. Y. Gardiner, of Cleveland, was also engaged for some time in the work at Knoxville as general agent, doing excellent service and accompanying General Stoneman on his raid to care for the sick and wounded. He has since been a successful preacher in the Congregational Church. Charles Seymour, son of Prof. N. P. Seymour of Western Reserve College, was engaged in the work at Knoxville; was in all things efficient and faithful. He became so much attached to the place that he remained in Knoxville after the close of the war as a real estate agent, has secured a wide influence in the neighbor- ing country, and has made his business profitable to himself and his employers. Captain Isaac Brayton, of Ravenna, early entered the service of the Commis- sion, followed the Army of the Cumberland to Murfreesboro, was for a time in charge of that post, until transferred to Nashville as superintendent of the Soldiers’ Home established there. This position he filled with great ability until the Home was no longer needed. Colonel Charles Whittlesey, of Cleveland, well known in scientific circles, did efficient service as special relief agent in all parts of the West, employed espe- cially in the emergencies following important battles. Dr. R. Brundret, of Dayton, remained in the service during most of the war and mainly in the Army of the Cumberland. He was one of the most valuable workers, doing everything well and at the right time. Rev. 0. Kennedy, Chaplain of the One-hundred-and-first 0. V. I., came by acci- dent into the employ of the Commission. After the battle of Chickamauga, while the fate of the army in Chattanooga was uncertain and all trains moving toward that place were ordered back, he fell in with a train of sanitary stores destined for Chattanooga, but turned back with the Government trains. He took charge of ii, conducted it to a place of safety, distributed a part of the stores to the needy and carried the rest safely to Chattanooga. Tliis experience gave him a love for the work and commended him to the agents of the Commission. He obtained leave of absence from his regiment and entered with energy upon the Commission work. The military authorities were transferring the sick and wounded as fast as possible to the rear, where supplies for their comfort could be more easily obtained ; but it was over sixty miles of difficult mountain road, on which no supplies could be obtained. The Commission immediaiely sent tents, cooking utensils and supplies for a feeding-station in the mountains and arranged with 198 OHIO’S WORK IN U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. the medical director for notice to be sent by the Courier line of the time of start- ing of each train and the number of sick and wounded in it, so that a warm meal could be in readiness for them on their arrival. Mr. Kennedy, with a few assistants, took charge of this solitary station in the mountains, liable constantly to be raided by bushwhackers, and from that time until after the siege of Chat- tanooga was raised, provided all the sick and wound who crossed the moun- tains with an ample meal, no matter at what hoar of the day or night they reached the station. Also, many a belated or hungry officer and soldier returning to the army has had reason to bless this lodge in the wilderness. After the open- ing of the river and railroad he established feeding-stations at Kelley’s Ferry and Bridgeport, and for the most of the time was in charge of one of them. If a benediction is bestowed for the giving of a cup of cold water to the thirsty, cer- tainly he shall not lose his reward. John H. Millikan, of Kirtland, and a brother-in-law of Mr. Howe, so long the efficient superintendent of the Reform Farm, and for some time one of the elder brothers in that institution, served the Commission long and faithfully, until he died at his ])ost in Knoxville in 1864. Nor should Mr. Place, whose first name is not now recalled, a private of the One-hundred-and-fifth 0. V. I., be forgotten. When his regiment reached Murfreesboro he was detailed for work with the Commission at that point, and was so faithful and efficient that his detail was continued and only revoked at Chattanooga that he might join his regiment to muster out of the service. Dr. H. A. Warriner w'as a professor in Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, when he entered the service of the Commission, discharging varied duties with the highest degree of ability and industry. After the capture of Vicksburg he was for a time General Superintendent of the work at that post and until he be- came the editor of the Sanitary Reporter, published at Louisville, Ky., which was the official ])aper of the Western Department of the Commission, and executed a potent influence in promoting its efficiency. After the close of the war he undertook the task of collating the records of all the posts of the Western Depart- ment and the preparation of an official history of its w’ork. With characteristic devotion he applied himself to this task until physical and mental prostration compelled him to abandon it, and, exhausted and worn out by the work for the Commission, he died in the prime of manhood. Dr. N. E. Soule was a teacher in Cincinnati when the war commenced, and soon after its commencement entered the service of the Commission. He was made chief clerk in the central office of the Commission at Louisville, where during the entire war he rendered most efficient assistance to the secretary and the heads of the different departments of the Commission’s work, and by his ripe scholarship and genial manners won the respect and affection of all his associates. Rev. G. C. Carter of Cleveland, in addition to his duties as hospital visitor, already mentioned, rendered important service as general relief agent. In the spring of 1863 a Free Claim Agency was opened by the Sanitary Com- mission at Louisville and soon began to demonstrate its usefulness by becoming the medium of communication with the government for white and colored soldiers Avho were both poor and ignorant and who, with the widows and orphans of deceased soldiers, constituted as worthy objects of charity as the Sanitary Commission at any time took under its care. This agency was placed in charge of Mr. H. H. Burkholder, previously a resident of Yellow Springs, Ohio, and it continued with increased usefulness till the autumn of 1865, when the organiza- tion of the Western Department of the Sanitary Commission was broken up and the care of the office was assumed by the Kentucky branch. Mr. Burkholder’s good work was prolonged beyond the close of the war, and in his report made July 1, 1867, he had received 1575 claims, of which 660 had been allowed and $99,765.89 paid over to the claimants. Soon after a terrible tragedy ended at once the life and good work of Mr. Burkholder. Returning from Cincinnati with his young wife their steamer was burned and both were lost. The various aid societies and branches of the Commission sent many delegates to work with the agents of the Commission, whose services were of great value, but a list of their names cannot be here given, as it has been found impossible in OHIO'S WORK IN U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. 199 all cases to distinguish between the workers from Ohio and other Western States. The papers and records of the Western department are practically inaccessible, being stored in New York. If they were collected and published the evidence of the magnitude and importance of the work would surprise even those who took the most prominent part in it, who, like the soldiers of a single regiment in a great battle, could see but little except that in which they were engaged. It will be seen by this sketch that Ohio furnished much more than her share-, of workers in the Commission. Of these many gave up their lives in the work^ and of the residue quite as large a number returned to their homes with, health permanently broken, or greatly impaired, as from the rank and file of the army. Many of them if in the regular service would secure pensions from the govern- ment, but no provision has been made for this and not one has asked any pecuniary compensation for the loss of health resulting from his exposure and labors. If, as is probable, the names of regular employees of the Commission who were citizens of Ohio are omitted from this sketch, prepared by one of their co-workers, it is hoped that the omission will be pardoned, as reliance has to be placed mainly upon memory, and the dominant spirit of all the workers was to ignore State lines, so that in many cases the memory recalls the work that each did and not the State from which he came. Those who may be interested in investigating further the part taken by Ohio in the great work of the Sanitary Commission will find much more than we have space for in this brief sketch in the final report of Dr. Newberry, which forms a handsome volume of 543 pages, 8vo., entitled “The United States Sanitary Com- mission in the Valley of the Mississippi,” published by Fairbanks & Benedict, Cleveland, in 1871, and which has been of invaluable use in the preparation of this sketch. Prof. J. S. Newbery requests the publishers to give at the end of this article the following testimonial of his sense of the eminent services of its author in the work of the Sanitary Commission. This we are pleased to do, from the convic- tion that it is fully deserved. “Among the thousands of devoted men and women who gave their time, their strength and their hearts to the work of the Sanitary Commission, and who by their contributions and ministrations to the army in the field, and by inspiring and maintaining the patriotism of the people at home, hastened and perhaps se- cured the final triumph, none rendered to the cause of humanity and liberty more faithful and efficient service than my friend and co-laborer, Mr. M. C. Read. “ On the roll of honor left by them to the gratitude of posterity in the list of those who by achievement and sacrifice ‘ deserved well of their country,’ his name should have a prominent place. “ J. S. Newbery.” The Ohio Buckeye. WHY IS OHIO CALLED THE BUCKEYE STATE? By william M. FARRAR. William M. Farrar was born September 3, 1824, in Washington county, Pennsylvania, of Welsh-English and Scotch-Irish ancestry. After completing the usual course of education he read law and was admitted to practice at Washington in 1848, and soon after removed to Ohio, settling at Cambridge, in Guernsey county, w'here he has since resided, and was elected the first clerk of the courts under the constitution of 1850, and re-elected in 1854. Upon the breaking out of the war in 1861 he, in connection with Major Samuel C. Brown (who was killed at Chickamauga), recruited what afterwards became Company H of the Sixty- fifth Regiment, O. V. I., and also a part of the well- known Sherman Brigade, a military organization that rendered distinguished services during the war, of which General C. G. Marker, who fell in the assault on Kennesaw, was the first commander. Captain Farrar also served as aide-de-camp to General Garfield, and was present with that officer at the conference held at General Rosecrans’ head- uarters at the widow Glenn house on the night of eptember 19, 1863, when the plan of battle for next day was determined, and was employed until long past midnight in preparing written orders for the several corps and division commanders, and on the next day (Sunday forenoon) was an eyewitness of the fatal mishap that broke the Union line and swept the right wing of the army from the field. He has since resided at Cambridge, where he has filled various public offices, and from 1884 to 1887 represented Guernsey county in the General Assembly. The name Buckeye as applied to the State of Ohio is an accepted sobriquet, so well recognized and so generally understood throughout the United States, that its use requires no explanation, although the origin of the term and its significance are not without question, and therefore become proper subjects of consideration during this centennial year. The usual and most commonly accepted solution is, that it originates from the buckeye tree which is indigenous to the State of Ohio and is not found elsewhere. This, however, is not altogether correct, as it is also found both in Kentucky and Indiana, and in some few localities in Western Virginia, and perhaps elsewhere. But while such is the fact, its natural locality appears to be in the State of Ohio, and its native soil in the rich valleys of the Muskingum, Hocking, Scioto, Miamis and Ohio, where in the early settlement of the State it was found growing in great abundance, and because of the luxuriance of its foliage, the richly colored dyes of its fruit, and its ready adaptation to the wants and convenience of the pioneers it was highly prized by them for many useful purposes. It was also well known to and much prized by the Indians from whose rude language comes its name “ Hetuck,” meaning the eye of the buck, because of the striking resemblance in color and shape between the brown nut and the eye of tliat animal, the peculiar spot upon the one corresponding to the iris in the other. In its application, however, we have reversed the term and call the person or thing to which it is applied a buckeye. In a very interesting after dinner speech made by Dr. Daniel Drake, the eminent botanist and historian of the Ohio valley, at a banquet given at the city of Cin- cinnati on the occasion of the forty-fourth anniversary of the State, the buckeye was very ably discussed, its botanical classification given, its peculiar charac- teristics and distinctive jiroperties referred to, and the opinion expressed that the WILLIAM M. FARRAR. 202 OHIO, THE BUCKEYE STATE. name was at first applied as a nickname or term of derision, but has since been raised into a title of honor. This conclusion does not seem to be altogether warranted, for the name is not only of Indian origin as stated, but the first application of it ever made to a white man was made by the Indians themselves, and intended by them as an expres- sion of their highest sense of admiration. S. P. Hildreth, the pioneer historian of Marietta, to whom we are indebted for so many interesting events relating to the settlement at the mouth of the Musk- ingum, tells us that upon the opening of the first court in the Northwest Terri- tory, to wit on the 2d day of September, 1788, a procession was formed at the point where most of the settlers resided, and marched up a path that had been cut and cleared through the forest to Campus Martius Hall, in the following order : 1st. The high sheriff with drawn sword. 2d. The citizens. 3d. Officers of the garrison at Fort Harmar. 4th. Members of the bar. 5th. Supreme judges. 6th. The governor and clergymen. 7th. The newly appointed judges of the Court of Common Pleas, General Rufus Putnam and Benjamin Tupper. There the whole countermarched, and the judges, Putnam and Tupper, took their seats ; the clergyman, Rev. Dr. Cutler, invoked the divine blessing, and the sheriff, Col. Ebenezer Sproat, proclaimed with his solemn 0 yes ! that a court is opened for the administration of even-handed justice, to the poor as well as to the rich, to the guilty and the innocent, without respect of persons, none to be pun- ished without a trial by their peers, and then in pursuance of law ; and that although this scene was exhibited thus early in the settlement of the State few ever equalled it in the dignity and exalted character of the actors ; and that among the spectators who witnessed the ceremony and were deeply impressed by its solemnity and seeming significance was a large body of Indians collected from some of the most powerful tribes of the northwest, for the purpose of making a treaty with the whites. Always fond of ceremony among themselves they wit- nessed the parade of which they little suspected the import with the greatest in- terest, and were especially impressed with the high sheriff who led the procession with drawn sword ; we are told that he was over six feet in height, well propor- tioned and of commanding presence, and that his fine physical proportions and dignified bearing excited their highest admiration, which they expressed by the word “ Hetuck,” or in their language “ big buckeye.” It was not spoken in derision, but was the expression of their greatest admiration, and was afterwards often jocularly applied to Colonel Sproat, and became a sort of nickname by which he was familiarly known among his associates. That was certainly its first known application to an individual in the sense now used, but there is no evi- dence that the name continued to be so used and applied from that time forward, or that it became a fixed and accepted sobriquet of the State and people until more than half a century afterwards ; during all of which time the buckeye con- tinued to be an object of more or less interest, and as immigration made its way across the State, and the settlements extended into the rich valleys where it was found by travellers and explorers, and was by them carried back to the east and shown as a rare curiosity from what was then known as the ‘‘ far west,” possess- ing certain medicinal properties for which it was highly prized. But the name never became fully crystallized until 1840, when in the crucible of what is known as the “ bitterest, longest and most extraordinary political contest ever waged in the United States,” the name Buckeye became a fixed sobriquet of the State of Ohio and its people, known and understood wherever either is spoken of, and likely to continue as long as either shall be remembered or the English language endures. The manner in which this was brought about is one of the singular events of that political epoch. General William Henry Harrison having become the candidate of his party for President, an opposition newspaper said “ that he was better fitted to sit in a log- OHIO, THE BUCKEYE STATE. 203 cabin and drink hard cider, than rule in the White House.” Tlie remark was at once taken up by his friends and became a party slogan of that ever memorable canvass. Harrison became the log-cabin candidate, and was pictured as sitting by the door of a rude log- cabin through which could be seen a barrel of hard cider, while the walls were hung with coon-skins and decorated with strings of buckeyes. Political excitement spread with wonderful rapidity ; there was music in the air, and on the 22d of February, 1840, a State convention was held at the city of Columbus to nominate a candidate for governor. That was before the day of railroads, yet from most of the counties of the State large delegations in wagons and on horseback made their way to the capital to participate in the convention. Among the many curious devices resorted to to give expression to the ideas embodied in the canvass there appeared in the procession a veritable log-cabin, from Union county, built of buckeye logs, upon a wagon and drawn in the pro- cession by horses, while from the roof and inside of the cabin was sung this song : “ Oh where, tell me where Was your buckeye cabin made ? ’Twas built among the merry boys Who wield the plough and spade, Where the log-cabins stand. In the bonnie buckeye shade, ’ ’ “ Oh what, tell me what, is to be your cabin’s fate? We’ll wheel it to the capital and place it there elate. For a token and a sign of the bonnie Buckeye State. ’ ’ From that time forward the buckeye became an important factor in the car. vass ; cabins were multiplied and drawn in processions at all the leading meeting? The name was applied to General Harrison as “ Hurrah for the father of the Great West, For the Buckeye who follows the plough. ’ ’ The name was also applied to Mr. Corwin, the candidate for governor, as — ‘ ‘ Tom Corwin is a Buckeye boy. Who stands not for the pay. ’ ’ And generally as “ Come all ye jolly Buckeye boys. And listen to my song. ..... See what a host of lumber, And buckeye poles are here — And Buckeye boys without number. Aloft the logs to rear. ’ ’ But the buckeye was not only thus woven into song and sung and shouted from every log-cabin, but it became a popular emblem of the party and an article of commerce more especially along the Old National Road over which the public travel of the country was carried at that day in stage coaches, and men are yet living who, in 1840, resided at Zanesville and can remember seeing crowds of men and boys going to the woods in the morning and returning later in the day carrying great bundles* of buckeye sticks to be converted into canes and sold to travellers, or sent to adjoining States to be used for campaign purposes. At a mass meeting held in Western Pennsylvania in 1840 delegations were organized by townships, and at a preliminary meeting held to appoint officers to marshal the procession and make other necessary arrangements, it was resolved that each officer so appointed should provide himself with a buckeye cane as a 204 OHIO, THE BUCKEYE STATE. badge of authority, and thereupon committees were sent to Ohio to procure a supply of canes for the occasion, witli what success can be judged from the fact that wliile a procession extending over two miles in length and numbering more than 1,500 people, halted on one of the Chartiers creek hills until the one in front moved out of its way, an inventory taken showed the number of buckeye canes carried in the delegation to be 1,432, and in addition over 100 strings of buckeye beads were worn by a crew of young ladies dressed in white, who rode in an immense canoe, and carried banners representing the several States of the Union. These may seem to be rather trivial affairs to be referred to on such an occasion as the present, but they serve to show the extent of the sentiment that prevailed at the time, and the molding process going on, so that when the long and heated canvass finally closed with a sweeping victory the crystallization was complete, and the name “ Buckeye ” was irrevocably fixed upon the State and people of Ohio, and continues to the present day one of the most popular and familiar sobriquets in use. So early as 1841, the president of an Eastern college established for the educa- tion of young women, showing a friend over the establishment said : “ There is a young lady from New York, that one is from Virginia, and this,” pointing to another, “ is one of our new Buckeye girls.” A few years later, the Hon. S. S. Cox, a native Buckeye, and then a resident of Ohio, made a tour of Europe, and wrote home a series of bright and interesting letters over the nom de plume of “ A Buckeye Abroad,” which were extensively read, and helped still further to fix the name and give it character. The Bucke^m State has now a population of more than 3,000,000 live Buckeyes, Buckeye coal and mining companies, Bucke}^ manufactories of every kind and description. Buckeye reapers and mowers. Buckeye stock, farms, houses, hotels, furnaces, rolling-mills, gas- and oil-wells, fairs, conventions, etc., and on to-morrow we propose to celebrate a Buckeye centennial. To the foregoing valuable article of Mr. Farrar we here append entire tne speech of Dr. Drake to which he alludes : “ But why are the natives of our valley called Buckeyes, and to whom are they indebted for the epithet? Mr. President, the memory that can travel a few years into the last century, and it only, can supply the answer. As the buckeye has a soft wood, and is peculiar to the valley of the Ohio, later emigrants to both banks of the river thought it a fit emblem for the native children, whom they found untaught and awkward, amusing themselves in the shade of its luxuriant foliage, or admiring the beautiful dyes of its ripening nuts, and Buckeye was, therefore, at first, a nickname — a term of derision. Those very children have, however, raised it into a title of honor ! They can have no higher eulogy. The tree which you have toasted, Mr. President, has the distinction of being one of a family of plants, but a few species of which exist on the earth. They constitute the genus ^sculus of the botanist, which belongs to the class Heptan- dria. Now the latter, a Greek phrase, signifies seven men; and there happens to be exactly seven species of the genus — thus they constitute the seven wise men of the woods; in proof of which, I ma}" mention that there is not another family on the whole earth that possesses these talismanic attributes of wisdom. But this is not all. Of the seven species our emblem-tree was discovered last — it is the youngest of the family, the seventh son! and who does not know the manifold virtues of a seventh son ! Neither Europe nor Africa has a single native species of ^sculus and Asia but one. This is the ^sculus Hippocastimum, or horse-chestnut. Nearly 300 years since, a minister from one of the courts of Western Europe to that of Russia found this tree growing in Moscow, whither it had been brought from Siberia. He was struck with its beauty, and naturalized it in his own countr}". It spread with astonishing rapidity over that part of the continent, and crossing the channel, became one of the favorite shade-trees of our English ancestors. Such is the power of the buckeye wand ; and its influence has not been limited to the West. We may fearlessly assert that it has been felt over the whole of our common country. Till the time when the buckeye tree was discovered, slow, OHIO, THE BUCKEYE STATE, 205 indeed, had been the progress of society in the new world. With the exception of the Revolution, but little had been achieved and but little was in prospect. Since that era society has been progressive, higher destinies have been unfolded, and a reactive Buckeye influence, perceptible to all acute observers, must assist in elevating our beloved country among the nations of the earth. From the very beginning of emigration it has been a friend to the ‘new-comers.’ Delighting in the richest soils, they soon learned to take counsel from it in the selection of their lands ; and it never yet proved faithless to any one who confided in it. When the first ‘ log-cabin’ was to be hastily put up, the softness and lightness of its wood made it precious : for in those times laborers were few and axes once broken in hard timber could not be repaired. It was, moreover, of all the trees of the forest, that which best arrested the rifle-bullets of the Indian. When the infant Buckeyes came forth, to render these solitary cabins vocal, and make them instinct with life, cradles were necessary, and they could not be so easily dug out of any other tree. Thousands of men and women, who are now active and respectable performers on the great theatre of Western society, were once rocked in Buckeye troughs. Every native of the valley of the Ohio should feel proud of the appellation, which, from the infancy of our settlements, has been conferred upon him; for the Buckeye has many qualities which may be regarded as typical of a noble character. It is not merely a native of the West, but peculiar to it; has received from the botanists the specific name of Ohioensis, from its abundance in our beau- tiful valley ; and is the only tree of our whole forest that does not grow else- where. What other tree could be so fit an emblem of our native population? In those early days, when a boundless and lofty wilderness overshadowed every habitation, to destroy the trees and make way for the growth of corn was the great object — hie labor, hie opus erat. Now, the lands where the buckeye abounded were, from the special softness of its wood, the easiest of all others to ‘clear,’ and in this way it afforded valuable though negative assistance to the ‘ first settlers.’ Foreign sugar was then unknown in these regions, and our reliance for this article, as for many others, was on the abounding woods. In reference to this sweet and indispensable acquisition, the buckeye lent us positive aid; for it was not only the best wood of the forest for troughs, but everywhere grew side by side with the graceful and delicious sugar maple. In the period of trying deprivation, to what quarter did the ‘ first settlers ’ turn their inquiring and anxious eyes ? The buckeye — yes, gentlemen, to the buckeye tree, and it proved a friend indeed, because, in the simple and expressive language of tiiose early times, it was ‘a friend in need.’ Hats were manufactured of its fibres — the tray for the delicious ‘ pone ’ and ‘ Johnny-cake,’ the venison trencher, the noggin, the spoon, and the huge white family bowl for mush and milk, were carved from its willhig trunk ; and the finest ‘ boughten ’ vessels could not have imparted a more delicious flavor or left an impression so enduring. He who has ever been concerned in the petty brawls, the frolic and fun of a family of young Buckeyes around the great wooden bowl, overflowing with the ‘ milk of human kindness,’ will carry the sweet remembrance to the grave. In all our woods there is not a tree so hard to kill as the buckeye. The deepest ‘girdling ’ does not ‘ deaden it,’ and even after it is cut down and worked up into the side of a cabin it will send out young branches, denoting to all the world that Buckeyes are not easily conquered, and could with difficulty be destroyed. The buckeye has generally been condemned as unfit for fuel, but its very incombustibility has been found an advantage, for no tree of the forest is equally valuable for ‘ backlogs,’ which are the sine qua non of every good cabin fire. Thus treated, it may be finally, though slowly, burnt; when another of its virtues immediately appears, as no other tree of our woods affords so great a quantity of alkali ; thus there is piquancy in its very ashes ! The bark of our emblem-plant has some striking properties. Under a proper method of preparation and use, it is said to be very efficacious in the cure of ague and fever, but unskillfully employed, it proves a violent emetic; which 206 OHIO, THE BUCKEYE STATE. vnay indicate that he who tampers with a Buckeye will not do it with impunity. The fruit of the buckeye offers much to interest us. The capsule or covering of the nut is beset with sharp prickles, which, incautiously grasped, will soon compel the aggressor to let go his hold. The nut is undeniably the most beautiful of all which our teeming woods bring forth ; and in many parts of the country is made subservient to the military education of our sons who, assembling in the ‘ muster-field ’ (where their fathers and elder brothers are learning to be militiamen), divide themselves into armies, and pelt each other with buckeye balls ; a military exercise at least as instructive as that which their seniors perform Iwith buckeye sticks. The inner covering of the nut is highly astringent. Its ^substance, when grated down, is soapy, and has been used to cleanse fine fabrics in the absence of good soap. When the powder is washed a large quantity of starch is obtained, which might, if tim^s of scarcity could arise in a land so fertile as the native soil of this tree, be used for food. The water employed for this purpose holds in solution an active medicinal agent, which, unwarily swallowed, proves a poison ; thus again admonishing those who would attempt to ‘ use up ’ a Buckeye, that they may repent of their rashness. Who has not looked with admiration on the foliage of the buckeye in early spring, while the more sluggish tenants of the forest remain torpid in their winter quarters? and what tree in all our wild woods bears a flower which can be compared with that of our favorite? We may fearlessly challenge for it the closest comparison. Its early putting forth, and the'beauty of its leaves and blossoms, are appropriate types of our native population, whose rapid and beautiful development will not be denied by those whom I now address, nor disproved by a reference to their character ; while the remarkable fact that almost every attempt to transplant it into our streets has been a failure, shows that it will die in captivity, a guaranty that those who bear its name can never be enslaved. Finally, the buckeye derives its name from the resemblance of its nut to the eye of the buck, the finest organ of our noblest wild animal ; while the name itself is compounded of a Welsh and a Saxon word, belonging therefore to the oldest portions of our vernacular tongue, and connecting us with the piimitive stocks, of which our fathers were but scions planted 'in the new world.” Ohio Buckeye, or American Horse Chestnut. [From “ The North Americau Sylva ; ” by F. Andrew Michaux. Paris : printed by C. D’Hautel, 1819.] Pavia Ohioensis. P. Foliis quinatis, insequaliter dentatis; jioribus subjlavis; fruct- ibus muricatis. “ This species of horse chestnut, which is mentioned by no author that has hitherto treated of the trees and plants of North America, is unknown in the Atlantic parts of the United States. I have found it only beyond the mountains, and particularly on the banks of the Ohio for an interval of about 100 miles, between Pittsburg and Marietta, where it is extremely common. It is called ‘ buckeye ’ by the inhabitants, but as this name has been given to the pavia lutea, I have denominated it ‘ Ohio buckeye ’ because it is most abundant on the banks of this river, and have prefixed the synonym of ‘American horse chestnut’ because it proved to be a proper horse chestnut by its fruit, which is prickly like that of the Asiatic species instead of that of the pavias. The ordinary stature of the American horse chestnut is ten or twelve feet, but it sometimes equals thirty or thirty-five feet in height and twelve or fifteen inches in diameter. The leaves are palmated and consist of five leaflets parting from a common centre, unequal in size, oval-acuminate and irregularly toothed. The entire length of the leaf is nine or ten inches and its breadth six or eight inches. The bloom of this tree is brilliant. Its flowers appear early in the spring and are collected in numerous white bunches. The fruit is of the same color with that of the common horse chestnut and of the large buckeye, and of about half the size. It is contained in fleshy, prickly capsules, and is ripe in the beginning of autumn. On the trunk of the largest trees the bark is blackish and the cellular integ- ument is impregnated with a venomous and disagreeable odor. The wood is white, soft and wholly useless. OHIO, THE BUCKEYE STATE. 207 The value of the Ohio buckeye, or American horse chestnut, consists chiefly in the beauty of its flowers, which, with its rapid vegetation and hardy endurance of cold, will bring it into request both in Europe and America as an ornamental tree.” Michaux says he found the large buckeye, or pavm \utea, in its greatest pro- fusion and expansion in the mountains of the Carolinas and Georgia. He first met with it on the Allegheny mountains in Virginia, near latitude 39°. It there towers to the height of sixty or seventy feet, with a diameter of three or four feet, and is considered as a certain proof of the richness of the land. “ The wood,” he says, from its softness and want of durability, can subserve no useful purpose. Even in beauty this species is inferior to the common horse chestnut, and can never supplant that magnificent tree.” The engraving in this article is copied from that in the superb work of Michaux. INSPECTION OF WORKSHOPS AND FACTORIES OF OHIO: Prepared by Frank Henry Howe from the Reports of HENRY DORN, CHIEF INSPECTOR FOR THE STATE, ILLUSTRATING HIS PECULIAR AND EFFECTIVE SYSTEM. Henry Dorn was born in Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, Feb. 16, 1843, where he attended the public school from the age of six to fourteen years. He learned the trade of machinist, serving as an ap- picntice from 1857 to 1862. During his apprenticeship he attended the night college in his native city and S')on became, from natural aptitude and close applica- tion to his studies, an accomplished draughtsman. After the completion of his apprenticeship Mr. Dorn went to Paris, France, where he obtained employment in the shops of the Northern Railroad Company. He also worked in other shops on stationary engines, tools, telegraphic instruments, and in other branches of mechanism, as well as in the drawing-rooms of differ- ent firms and companies by whom he was employed. He attended college in that city, thereby more readily acquiring a knowledge of the French language. Mr. Dorn now speaks with fluency and accuracy German, French and English. In 1869 Mr. Dorn left Paris and came to America, landing in Philadelphia, where he soon ])rocured em- ployment as a mechanical engineer. Here, on the 12th of September, 1871, he was married to Miss Emily Dorn (though of the same name, no relation), by whom he has had four children. Shortly after his marriage he removed to Cleveland, where he continued to reside until 1884. While in that city he was employed by the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad Com- pany for over six years. He left the employ of this company to accept the position of superintendent of the iron work of the Cleveland viaduct, one of the finest structures of the kind in the world. He was subse- quently employed by the civil engineer of Cleveland to superintend the laying of the block pavement on some of the streets of that city. In 1880 Mr. Dorn was employed in the erection of the building and in putting up the machinery of the H. P. Wire Nail Company, the largest factory of the kind in the United States. Just as the structure was about completed, in 1881, through the carelessness or ignorance of the general manager of the company, Mr. Dorn met with an accident resulting in an injury to his spine, from which he has never fully recovered, his right side remaining in a partially paralyzed condition for nearly three years. On the 11th of April, 1884, Gov. Hoadly tendered Mr. Dorn the position of insj)ector of workshops and factories, under the law which had just passed the Legislature creating that office. He accepted the position and immediately entered upon the discharge of its duties. In this position he has shown exceptional qualifications and been of incalculable benefit to those for whose protection in health and limb the office was created. His first annual report to the governor showed the importance of the office, and the legislature very wisely provided him with three assistants. His ability as a mechanical engineer and his careful and systematic management of the office have placed it in the front rank of offices of that character in the United States. Taking a deep interest in the subject of factory inspection generally, Mr. Dorn made an appeal to all officers of that kind in the United States, and by untiring efforts succeeded in getting together the first national convention of factory inspectors ever held in this country. It was held in Philadelphia, Pa., on June 8 and 9, 1887, and Mr. Dorn had the honor of being the first presiding officer of the con- vention, and before the close of the session was unanimously elected permanent secretary and treasurer. The second convention was held in the city of Boston, Mass., on August 8, 9 and 10, 1888^ and Mr. Dorn was unanimously re-elected for a second time. HENRY DORN. WORKSHOPS AND FACTORIES. 209 On April 4, 1884, an act was passed by the Legislature of Ohio for the inspec- tion of workshops and factories. This was the third legislative act on the part of any State in the Union for such a purpose. Section 2,873a of that act reads as follows : “ The governor of the State shall appoint a suitable person, to be known as the inspector of the sanitary condition, comfort and safety of shops and factories, who shall be a competent and practical mechanic in practice, whose duty it shall be to visit all factories or shops where ten or more persons are employed, and to carefully inspect the sanitary condition of the same, to examine the system of sewerage in connection with said shops and factories, the situation and condition of water-closets or urinals in and about such shops and factories, and also the system of heating, lighting and ventilating all rooms in such factories and shops where persons are employed at daily labor, and also as to the means of exit from such places in case of fire and other disaster, and also all belting, shafting, gear- ing, elevators, drums and machinery of every kind and description in and about such factories and shops, and see that the same are not located so as to be dan- gerous to employees when engaged in their ordinary duties, and that the same, f-o far as practicable, are securely guarded, and that every vat, pan, or structure filled with molten metal or hot liquid shall be surrounded with proper safeguards for preventing accident or injury to those employed at or near them.” In pursuance of the provisions of this act, on April 11, 1884, Mr. Henry Dorn, of Cleveland, Ohio, was appointed inspector, at a salary of $1,500 per year and $600 allowance for travelling expenses. Three days later he took the oath of office and entered upon the discharge of its duties at his office in Cleveland. Owing to the inadequate appropriation of funds, but a comparatively small part of the 20,000 or more workshops and factories throughout the State could be visited. The zeal of Mr. Dorn caused him to be as energetic and economical as possible in order to accomplish the most good with the means at his command. The success of the entire system of the department is no doubt largely due to his energy and perseverance. His being a practical engineer, draughtsman and machinist and possessing the knowledge necessary for imparting information in relation to improvements on machinery, its preservation, protection, etc., espe- cially adapts him to the highly responsible duties of his office. In his first re- port, covering only the last six months of the year 1884, he says : “ I began my inspection in the city of Cleveland, Cuyahoga county, but finding it impossible to make a proper inspection of all the shops and factories in the cit}^ of Cleveland first, without entirely neglecting other parts of the State, I confined my inspection to the leading establishments, and to such less prominent places as my attention was called to by persons employed therein. Out of nearly 300 establishments in the city of Cleveland I inspected 173 from April 16th to June 16th, out of which I found only twenty-seven complying with the requirements of the law creating the office of State Inspector of Shops and Factories. I ordered important changes in forty-one establishments and minor changes were ordered in most of the others. On the 17th of June I started on an inspection tour and stopped first in Crest- line, Crawford county, where I inspected two establishments, ordering minor changes in one. From Crestline I went to Gabon, Crawford county, where I inspected five establishments, ordering minor changes in one and very important changes in another. From Gabon I went to Delaware, Delaware county, w'here I inspected six establishments, two of which were complying with the requirements of the law creating this office, and minor changes were ordered in three establishments. From Delaware I went direct to Columbus, Franklin county, where my first duty was to notify all establishments in that city of my coming. I found that there were nearly' 200 establishments to be visited, and out of this number I visited seventy-five from June 23d to July 15th, out of which I found only ten that were being operated in accordance with the law creating this office. I ordered important changes in thirteen establishments and minor changes in most of the others. During the same time I visited also Logan, Hocking county, where I inspected ^10 WORKSHOPS AND FACTO RIBS. seven establishments, out of which I found only one not amenable to the law. Minor changes were ordered in lour and very important changes in two establish- ments. On July 16th I left Columbus and went to Cincinnati, Hamilton county, where I found a great field of labor. An investigation disclosed the fact that Cincin- nati had over 1,000 manufacturing establishments to be visited, which would, if properly inspected, take the inspector over a year, as most of the buildings are from five to seven and even more stories high. The most careful work was required here, as sanitary conditions, safety and comfort and every provision of the law, were found to present a strong claim to attention. I visited, in the city of Cincinnati, one hundred and seventy-five (175) of the lep.ding establishments, and such others as my attention was called to, from time to time, by persons employed in such shops and factories. I started out in the same manner, as I did in other cities, by notifying all manufacturers and owners of shops and factories, nearly 1,300 in number, of my coming. Out of the 175 establishments visited, from July 17 to October 11, I found only eleven being operated in accordance wfith the law creating this office. I ordered important changes in sixty establishments, and minor changes were ordered in most of the others. During the time I stayed in Cincinnati I made occasional trips to the other cities and revisited shops and factories where I ordered changes with satisfactory results. I found many shops in Cleveland which complied with my requests in regard to important changes, also a number in Columbus and Logan. Receiving a letter from Akron, Summit county, calling my attention to the shops and factories of that city, I started on October 21 from Cleveland to Akron, where I found nearly fifty (50) establishments to be visited, and, after notifying all owners of shops and factories, I inspected forty-five of them from October 21 to 31. . It is a pleasure to state that, generally speaking, I found the establishments in Akron in better condition and nearer the requirements of the law than any that I have visited. Out of the forty-five establishments I inspected I found twenty-five working in accordance to law creating the office of Inspector of Shops and Factories. Minor changes were ordered in nine establishments and very important changes in eleven. Nearly all of the latter changes were in sewer pipe factories and potteries. In these establishments the greatest danger I found was in the mills where the clay is ground. These mills are started or stopped by means of a cone or fric- tion pulley, and I found the most of these pulleys were not given lift enough or clearance enough to make them safe, as it will sometimes happen that these mills will start up of themselves, either through dirt falling between the two fric- tion pulleys, or through the starting lever slipping from the bolt, which I found in many instances very poorly secured. Most of the levers were only provided with a common iron rod, with an eye in the end, which eye was carelessly hooked on to a common bolt or spike, which was driven in the wall, whereas those eyes should, by all means, be properly provided with hooks securely fast- ened in the wall, so that the jarring of the mill cannot unhook the iron rods and thereby start the mill up suddenly, endangering the lives of persons engaged in shoveling clay out of the mills. Several accidents of that kind happened in Akron, one man being killed and others had their legs broken and were badly maimed. Emery Polishing Wheels. I found in polishing establishments, stove foundries and other shops and fac- tories where emery wheels are used continually that those wheels, in a good many instances, were too high-speeded, which is very dangerous and often re- sults in their bursting and consequently in the killing or serious injury of some- body. I herewith present a table for speeding solid emery wheels of different diameters : WORKSHOPS AND FACTORIES. 211 Diameter of Wheels in Inches. 4 5 6 7 8 9 lOi 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Number of Revolutions per Minute. 4,500 3,700 3,200 1 1 2,700 2,400 2,100 1,800 1,600 1,350 1,200 1,050 950 900 850 1 1 750 Wheels which are speeded higher than is shown in the above table are dan- gerous to the operator. Another danger which arises from emery wheels of all descriptions is that most of them are not provided with exhaust fans, and the persons working at them are compelled to inhale the poisonous dust, which will settle on the lungs, and in most cases consumption will be the result. Providing emery wheels with ex- haust fans is not only beneficial to the person operating such wheels, but also to the owners of establishments where such wheels are used. An exhaust fan will absorb every bit of emery dust which escapes from the wheel, and therefore all other machinery in such establishments, especially shaft- ing, will be freed from emery dust, and consequently last three times as long. The saving of shafting and boxes alone will pay the cost of the use of an ex- haust fan, and still many proprietors of such establishments are totally blind to these facts. Buzz-Saws. Another important matter is the use of buzz-saws in planing-mills and other establishments. They are, in fact, the most dangerous tool in use, and although persons operating them know their danger, in tlie course of time they become careless. Therefore a protection is absolutely necessary, and this also can be done at a small expense, and to the advantage of both operator and owner, by putting a guard or hood over the buzz-saw, which will not in the least interfere with the work of the sawyer, but, on the contrary, will enable him to turn out more work in less time, while protecting his life and limbs. By investigating the facts about accidents I found through the reports of some accident insurance companies that there are on an average from fifty to fifty- three persons killed or injured daily in the United States alone through accidents occurring by operating buzz-saws. Fly-Wheels. Another prolific source of danger is the non-protection of fly-wheels on sta- tionary engines, which can easily be done by putting an iron or wooden railing or casing around the fly-wheel. The eccentric of an engine is generally located between the bed-plate of the engine and the fly-wheel, and the engineer is, therefore, compelled to go close to the same to oil either the eccentric or other parts of his engine, and many accidents take place through neglect in not fencing in the fly-wheel properly. One accident occurred to an employee in Cincinnati which resulted in his death. The deceased, endeavoring to ascertain the time of day from a clock hanging on the wall near the engine, in some unexplained manner passed too near the fly- wheel, was caught by the wheel and held fast, and, being whirled around at a great velocity, was almost instantly killed. Hundreds of similar accidents occur every year and many valuable lives are lost. Now, all such accidents can be prevented by a small outlay of money, which will, at all events, be less expensive than contesting suits for damages in court. I have and shall in the future enforce the law in regard to these matters to the letter. Elevators. Another danger I Ijave discovered — and it is one that I meet everywhere — the very unsafe condition of elevators. 212 WORKSHOPS AND FACTORIES, In many places elevator wells, or shafts, are not properly and in many cases not at all protected. On all floors doors open either directly into the shafts or have no protection or safeguards, and the lives of persons working at their ordinary avocations are endangered. All these places should be protected by automatic doors or safeguards, so set that they will raise and lower v/hen the elevator is at the floor. I have not 5^et gone further than to suggest that all elevators be provided with automatic doors, but wherever the necessity for protection exists have insisted upon an adequate safeguard being provided. Fire-Escapes. Nothing in the course of my inspection has more strongly impressed me than the necessity of requiring all shops and factories of a greater elevation than two stories to be provided with a safe and efficient system of fire-escapes. The duty of supplying safeguards against casualties always likely to occur in the event of conflagrations in crowded shops and factories is so obvious and imperative that there can be no difference of opinion respecting it. It is of that class of self-as- sertive obligations which admit of no controversy, the only question being as to the best method of adequately meeting it. Nevertheless it is a fact, amply demonstrated in the observation I have had, that very many owners and pro- prietors of shops and factories are wholly indifferent to this important duty, and 1 have found some so utterly destitute of all concern for the safety of employees as to refuse to provide proper escapes when their attention was called to the ne- cessity for such provision. It is somewhat difficult to speak with calmness of men whose overweening selfishness has excluded from their natures every spark of consideration for their fellow-beings, who, while liberally insuring their prop- erty against fire, so that in case of such a visitation — a danger always imminent — their pockets shall not suffer, will not expend a dollar for the security of the lives of those by whose labor they profit, and it is but simple justice that this class be compelled, by the mandate of inflexible law, to perform a duty which men of ordinary humane instincts accede to without a question. The frequent occurrence of fires which have their most serious result in the loss of human lives furnishes fearful warnings that should not be heedlessly dismissed from at- tention, and I submit that the business of legislation can have few worthier ob- jects than that of diminishing, so far as may be, the possibility of such calamities. In Cincinnati many of the buildings used for shops and factories are from five to nine ctories high, and generally the first tliree or four floors of the building are used as storerooms, the employes occupying the upper floors, escape from which would in most cases be extremely difficult in the event of a rapidly spread- ing fire, and loss of life or serious bodily injury almost inevitable. Most of the buildings are improperly constructed with reference to means of egress, the ingenuity of the architects having apparently been exerted to secure the greatest possible economy of space in the matter of stairways. Some of these buildings are provided with but a single stairway, and where there are two or more -they are generally located so near together that a fire which would render any of them useless as an avenue of escape would be very likely to do so with all. In many cases, also, these stairways are located near elevators, which are most potent aids to the rapid progress of fire. While it is not the province of the State to require that these faults and defects in the construction of buildings shall be remedied, it is unquestionably within the rightful powers of the State to demand that the security which the builders have failed to provide shall be supplied in some other way, and a thorough system of fire-esca})es is the only other practicable method. The use of straight ladders, as a substitute for some improved fire-escape, on buildings over two stories high, should not be allowed, since the}" are worse than useless as a means of escape. Not one in twenty who should attempt to reach the ground in this way would get there in safety. They might escape the fire only to find death or permanent injuries from being j^recipitated to the earth below. The great pertinency of these remarks was brought forcibly to the notice of the people of the State by two horrible casualties which occurred in Cincinnati during WORKSHOPS AND FACTORIES, 213 the spring of 1885 : one the burning of Dreman & Co.’s rag- factory, by which nine lives were lost, the other the burning of tlie building on West Sixth street, occupied by the Parisian Dyeing and Scouring Company and the Sullivan steam- printing establishment, by which sixteen lives were sacrificed, and several persons seriously wounded, if not maimed for life. In both these holocausts most if not all of the lives lost could have been saved had the buildings been provided with properly constructed fire-escapes. In my judgment the most secure and effective plan is that of a balcony on each story, with incline ladders extending from one another between the windows. Persons descending on ladders thus placed avoid the flames that issue from the windows, are in no danger of falling, and by the exercise of the simplest care in their movements may make their escape unscathed. I found Cincinnati to be a great field of labor, and during the necessarily short time that I was there I ordered the erection of about fifty fire-escapes on shops and factories. In most cases these orders were complied with, but in several instances the agents for buildings refused to pay any attention to the demand of the Inspector that fire- escapes should be supplied. The law relating to this matter would seem to be sufficiently explicit in its requirements, and the penalties for violation ample to insure a universal compli- ance with it, but such is very far from being the fact. In 1887 Chief-Inspector Dorn invented a fire-escape which has been pronounced by all experts to be the simplest and most practicable invention of the kind extant. It consists of a rectangular enclosure of brick, built from the foundations to the roof, and within the exterior walls of the building. This enclosure or well contains the stairways, access to which is had from balconies constructed on the outside of the building at the level of each floor. The balconies communicate by a door with each floor of the main building and by another door with the enclosure ( ontaining the stairwa^^s. By means of this arrangement the occupants of each floor can immediately pass out of the building on the same floor, and along the balcony to the stairway which, being entirely cut off from the interior of the entire building, would be perfectly free from flame or smoke, even if the whole building should be on fire. This escape evidently obviates a serious objection to all others, viz., the fear people have of descending them, especially from very high buildings. This invention, the result of Mr. Dorn’s ingenuity, has not been patented, owing to the humane desire of its inventor to make its adoption as universal and free from expense as possible.” On the subject of “ child labor ” Mr. Dorn says : “The subject of child labor has engaged the earnest attention of publicists and pliilanthropists for generations, and in the general progress of ameliorating influ- ences and agencies this matter has received a share of consideration. That it has not obtained that full measure of regard which its great importance merits will not be seriously questioned by any one whose experience or observation give him authority to speak. Legislation has bravely sought to baffle the cupidity and selfishness of those who would profit by the labor of children, but its success has been only partial and irregular, and throughout this enlightened nation thousands of children of tender years are now laboring ten and twelve hours a day in shops and factories, the great majority of whom should be acquainted with no severer tasks than those of the school and the home. Ohio, I regret to say, has her full share of guilt in this matter, the statute relating to the employment of children under sixteen years of age being freely and persistently violated, for the obvious reason that no adequate means are provided for its enforcement. In visiting the different shops and factories in the regular course of my duties I made it a part of my inquiries to ascertain the extent to which children were employed, and in many places I found children of nine or ten years of age per- forming labor that should give employment to adults, or at least to minors who have passed the period of childhood, and might properly be expected to earn their own livelihood. In the cigar-factories of Cincinnati I found a great num- ber of children employed, the demand for this class of workers being at that time 214 WORKSHOPS AND FACTORIES. probably exceptionally large, owing to the strike of the cigar-makers. I also found many young children in chair-factories in different parts of the State, where they worked at polishing and painting chair-frames and making cane-seats. They were also found in printing-offices, nickel-plating works, paper-box-fac- tories, match -factories, etc. While it is true that much of the work required of children thus employed is not of a severely exacting nature, yet it must be maintained that the practice of subjecting young children to a daily round of labor for which they receive a mere pittance in the form of wages is a wrong alike to the children and to the State, and wholly antagonistic to the enlightened and liberal sentiment of this age. The tens of thousands of children throughout the country who are in this way deprived of the opportunity to obtain as much of an education as would enable them, when grown to adult age, to understand the obligations of citizenship, is a dark blot upon our character as a people, for which our advanced civilization and wonderful material progress do not atone. It is true that ample provision is made for securing to every child in the State at least an elementary education, but the State is still derelict if it fails to compel those in whose behalf such pro- vision is made to take full advantage of it. Now it is sufficient to declare, in the form of a statute, that this must be done. Laws do not enforce themselves. There must be an active, energetic, and vigilant executive force behind them, fully armed with the power to put them into effect. There is hardly any limit to what may be said upon this subject, but the object in referring to it here is simply to bring it to the thought and attention of the legislative power, and not to give to it elaborate discussion. Such discussion, indeed, it cannot need with intelligent men, who intuitively understand that the intellectual and moral training of the youth of the commonwealth is of far greater importance to its future welfare than can be any consideration relating to its merely material affairs. But the policy of controlling and restricting child labor finds approval as well upon economic as upon moral grounds. There is no gain to the general welfare from this class of ill-remunerated toil. Its products are not materially, if at all, cheapened to the consumer. The profit is reaped by the employers, and it is the heartless cupidity of this class, incidentally aided by the improvidence of parents, that is responsible for the extensive prevalence of child labor. To successfully combat this sordid instinct there is required something more aggressive than a simple statutory declaration of hostility. As previously observed, there must be a zealous and vigilant executive force, amply supported behind the declaration.” • During the first six months after the enactment of the law for the inspection of workshops and factories Mr. Dorn visited 487 establishments, with a working capacity of 45,511 males and 4,808 females. Letters from many of the leading manufacturers and business men of the State were received, congratulating him on the success of his efforts, and expressing their approbation of his recommenda- tions, and asking for a vigorous prosecution of the good work and the rigid enforcement of the law. The work performed by Mr. Dorn was remarkable in its extent and efficiency, , and it was only by his perfect system of conducting the affairs of his office that so much was accomplished. The appropriation was so small in consideration of the work necessary for the enforcement of the law as to almost defeat its own object, and in closing his first report Mr. Dorn called the attention of the Legislature to the necessity of an increased appropriation, as follows : “ To carry on the office so as to do justice to all interests there should be at least three deputy -inspectors appointed. One inspector cannot do the work a» thoroughly and satisfactorily as it should be done. An appropriation should also be made by the General Assembly to create a contingent fund outside of the travelling expenses. So far the Inspector has had to use a portion of his own salary for defraying necessary expenses, such as postage, telegran?.^, express charges, and many other items too numerous to mention. The Inspector would also recommend the striking out of the word “ ten ” in section 2873a, where it says, “ whose duty it shall be to visit all factories and WORKSHOPS AND FACTORIES. 2X1 shops where ten or more persons are employed,” and insert the word “five.” I have found many shops where fewer than ten persons were employed which needed many changes, but the Inspector had no power to require them to be made. The allowance of $600 a year for travelling expenses is insufficient. The In- spector has, while exercising the greatest economy in expenditures, used from April 16 to November 15 $469.23, leaving but $130.77 of the allowance in hand, a sum hardly sufficient to pay travelling expenses to the close of the year ending December 31, 1884. The Inspector also deems this the proper place in which to state that, owing to no appropriation having been made for office purposes, he has been compelled to establish an office in his own home, where the business has been necessarily carried on at some disadvantage. The Inspector should have an office located with refer- ence to the class of persons with whom he has official relations, so that he can be at all times easily accessible.” In pursuance of the recommendations in Inspector Dorn’s first report an amendment to the act creating the office was passed April 25, 1885. The amend- ment made provision for the inspection of all workshops and factories, the act of 1884 providing only for the inspection of those employing ten or more persons. It also gave the chief-inspector power to appoint three assistant inspectors, each at a salary of $1,000 per year and $500 for travelling expenses ; continuing the salary of the chief-inspector at $1,500 annually, with $600 additional as a con- tingent fund for office and other incidental expenses. Provision was also made for a room in the State-house for the transaction of the business of the office. With 1>hese increased facilities the work of inspection was very much extended and the efficiency of the office greatly increased. In 1886 the efficiency of the office was still further increased by a small appropriation for clerical hire ; previous to this all the clerical work of the office had been performed by the chief-inspector. During the year 1877 the number of shops and factories visited was 3,581, being an increase of 474 over the previous year. Again, from a later report, we quote Mr. Dorn’s language : “ When the great number of establishments* in the State engaged in the various branches of industry — over 20,000 in 1880, according to the federal census of that year — using every conceivable kind of machinery, employing hundreds of thousands of people, of all ages and conditions, from the delicate child of eight or nine years to the gray-haired man and woman, some little idea may be formed of the interests involved and the importance to the State of a complete and satis- factory inspection of these numerous generators of disease and death as well as of wealth. The magnitude of the duties devolving upon the chief-inspector and his assistants can readily be seen, and to enable them to accomplish the purposes for which they were appointed they require, and should receive, the hearty sup- port of every intelligent citizen of the State. The importance, if not the necessity, of a thorough inspection of all places where people are employed at labor, no matter what the character of the work, must be apparent to every person who has given the subject the least considera- tion. On the thoroughness of such inspection depends, in a great measure, the safety of tens of thousands of our population, men, women, and children. And who will claim that there is anything more deserving the careful attention of the General Assembly than the lives and health of the people on whom the State depends for its wealth and prosperity? This subject transcends in importance all other matters coming before the Legislature, with the possible exception of that of education. Not only Ohio, but most of the other States, as well as the general government have provided, by the creation of commissions and the expenditure of large sums of money for the protection of domestic animals from contagious and other dis- eases, and from brutal treatment by their owners and others having them in charge. No one objects to this ; but, on the contrary, it is continually urged that the State does not do as much in this behalf as it should. Figures of por- tentous magnitude are given, showing the immense value of our live-stock, and, therefore, the obligation of the State to make every effort to protect this interest 2i6 . WORKSHOPS AND FACTORIES. This protection is asked mainly in the interest of owners, a purely dollar-and- cent view of the question. The urgency for legislative action in any particular case seems to be proportioned to the monetary value of the interest involved. And no one questions the propriety of such legislation. The fruits of their toil should be secured to the toilers as far as they can be by the State without inter- fering with individual freedom of action, or attempting to lessen individual re- sponsibility. In some cases, as in the one under consideration, individual, isolated action is of no avail to stay the ravages of disease, especially if of a contagious character, and the State is called upon to interpose its power, not for the especial benefit of a single individual or of a class, but in the interest of all. It was for such purposes the State government was established, that society itself was organized. If legislation for such a purpose is entitled to the indorsement of our people, who will question the propriety of all legislation necessary to protect human beings — to protect the lives, the limbs, the health of those who wield the indus- trial power of the State, and from whose ranks, in a few years, will come those who will administer the political affairs of the State, and, to a great extent, give tone to our moral and social fabric? Intelligence and moral worth are not developed and propagated in poorly ventilated workshops, nor are the better instincts of man assisted by maimed and mutilated limbs. Owing to circumstances which it would be out of place to discuss here, many children of tender years, instead of attending school and acquiring the knowledge necessary to fit them for future usefulness, are forced into workshops and fac- tories to assist their parents in supporting the family. They are incapable of forming correct opinions as to the sanitary conditions of the places in which they are employed, of the safety of the buildings, or of the dangerous character of the machinery by which they are surrounded. If a bullock or a horse is considered worthy of the protecting care of the law-making power of the State, cerfainly the tender child, endowed with reason, immature and undeveloped as yet, can lay claim to a part of the attention of those whom the people have entrusted with the management of the government. These children will, in a few years, constitute a large portion of the political power of the State, and their future characters and worth to society depend largely upon their happiness or unhappiness, upon their sound bodies and sound minds, their healthy or diseased constitutions, in their youth. The more they are poisoned by the impure atmosphere that too often fills workshops from cellar to garret, or are mangled by insecure machinery, the less likely they will be to possess either the ability or the inclination to perform the more important duties devolving upon them as men and women in such manner as will secure their own welfare as well as that of their fellow-beings. These undeniable truths should be well pondered by every one who has the welfare of his fellow-creatures at heart. To make the superstructure durable the foundation must be sound and free from defects of any kind.” f ORDINANCE OF 1787. [The Confederate Congress, July 13, 1787.] An Ordinance for the government of the territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio. Section 1. Be it ordained by the United States in Congress assembled^ That the said territory, for the purpose of temporary government, be one district, subject, however, to be divided into two districts, as future circumstances may, in the opinion of Congress, make it expedient. Sec. 2. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, That the estates both of resident and non-resident proprietors in tlie said territory, dying intestate, shall descend to, and be distributed among, their children and the descendants of a deceased child in equal parts, the descendants of a deceased child or grandchild to take the share of their deceased parent in equal parts among them ; and where there shall be no children or descendants, then in equal parts to the next of kin in equal degree; and among collaterals, the children of a deceased brother or sister of the intestate shall have, in equal parts among them, their deceased parent’s share; and there shall, in no case, be a distinction between kindred of the whole and half blood ; saving in all cases to the widow of the intestate, her third part of the real estate for life, and one-third part of the personal estate ; and this law relative to descents and dower, shall remain in full force until altered by the legislature of the district. And until the governor and judges shall adopt laws as hereinafter mentioned, estates in the said territory may be devised or bequeathed by wills in writing, signed and sealed by him or her in whom the estate may be, (being of full age), and attested by three witnesses; and real estates may be conveyed by lease and release, or bargain and sale, signed, sealed, and delivered by the person, being of full age, in whom the estate may be, and attested by two witnesses, provided such wills be duly proved, and such conveyances be acknowledged, or the execution thereof duly proved, and be re- corded within one year after proper magistrates, courts, and registers, shall be appointed for that purpose; and personal property may be transferred by de- livery, saving, however to the French and Canadian inhabitants, and other settlers of the Kaskaskies, Saint Vincents, and the neighboring villages, who have heretofore professed themselves citizens of Virginia, their laws and customs now in force among them, relative to the descent and conveyance of property. Sec. 3. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, That there shall be appointed, from time to time, by Congress, a governor, whose commission shall continue in force for the term of three years, unless sooner revoked by Congress; he shall reside in the district, and have a freehold estate therein, in one thousand acres of land, while in the exercise of his office. Sec. 4. There shall he appointed from time to time, by Congress, a secre- tary, whose commission shall continue in force for four years, unless sooner revoked ; he shall reside in the district, and have a freehold estate therein, in five hundred acres of land, while in the exercise of his office. It shall be his duty to keep and preserve the acts and laws passed by the legislature, and the public records of the district, and the proceedings of the governor in his executive de- partment, and transmit authentic copies of such acts and proceedings every six months to the Secretary of Congress. There shall also be appointed a court, to consist of three judges, any two of whom to form a court, who shall have a 2I8 ORDINANCE OF 1787 . common-law jurisdiction, and reside in the district, and have each therein a free- hold estate, in five hundred acres of land, while in the exercise of their offices ; and their commissions shall continue in force during good behavior. Sec. 5. The governor and judges, or a majority of them, shall adopt and publish in the district such laws of the original States, criminal and civil, as may be necessary, and best suited to the circumstances of the district, and report them to Congress from time to time, which laws shall be in force in the district until the organization of the general assembly therein, unless disapproved of by Congress ; but afterwards the legislature shall have authority to alter them as they shall think fit. Sec. 6 . The governor, for the time being, shall be commander-in-chief of the Militia, appoint and commission all officers in the same below the rank of general ■)fficers ; all general officers shall be appointed and commissioned by Congress. Sec. 7. Previous to the organization of the general assembly the governor ball appoint such magistrates, and other civil officers, in each county or town- ihip, as he shall find necessary for the preservation of the peace and good order n the same. After the general assembly shall be organized the powers and iuties of magistrates and other civil officers shall be regulated and defined by be said assembly ; but all magistrates and other civil officers, not herein other- vise directed, shall, during the continuance of this temporary government, be appointed by the governor. Sec. 8 . For the prevention of crimes and injuries, the laws to be adopted or made shall have force in all parts of the district, and for the execution of pro- cess, criminal and civil, the governor shall make proper divisions thereof ; and he shall proceed, from time to time, as circumstances may require, to lay out the parts of the district in which the Indian titles shall have been extinguished, into counties and townships, subject, however, to such alterations as may thereafter be made by the legislature. Sec. 9. So soon as there shall be five thousand free male inhabitants, of full age, in the district, upon giving proof thereof to the governor, they shall re- ceive authority, with time and place, to elect representatives from their counties or townships, to represent them in the general assembly : Provided^ That for every five hundred free male inhabitants there shall be one representative, and so on, progressively, with the number of free male inhabitants, shall the right of representation increase, until the number of representatives shall amount to twenty-five ; after which the number and proportion of representatives shall be regulated by the legislature ; Provided, That no person be eligible or qualified to act as a representative, unless he shall have been a citizen of one of the United States three years, and be a resident in the district, or unless he shall have re- sided in the district three years ; and, in either case, shall likewise hold in his own right, in fee-simple, two hundred acres of land within the same : Provided ^Iso, That a freehold in fifty acres of land in the district, having been a citizen of one of the States, and being resident in the district, or the like freehold and two years’ residence in the district, shall be necessary to Qualify a man as an elector of a representative. Sec. 10. The representatives thus elected shall serve for the term of two fears ; and in case of the death of a representative, or removal from office, the governor shall issue a writ to the county or township, for which he was a member, to elect another in his stead, to serve for the residue of the term. Sec. 11. The general assembly, or legislature, shall consist of the governor, legislative council, and a house of representatives. The legislative council shall consist of five members, to continue in office five years, unless sooner removed by Congress ; any three of whom to be a quorum ; and the members of the council shall be nominated and appointed in the following manner, to wit: As soon as representatives shall be elected the governor shall appoint a time and place for them to meet together, and when met they shall nominate ten persons, resident in the district, and each possessed of a freehold in five hundred acres of land, and return their names to Congress, five of whom Congress shall appoint and commission to serve as aforesaid ; and whenever a vacancy shall happen in the council, by death or removal from office, the house of representatives shall nominate two persons, qualified as aforesaid, for each vacancy, and return their ORDINANCE OF 1787. 219 names to Congress, one of whom Congress shall appoint and commission for the residue of the term ; and every five years, four months at least before the expira- tion of the time of service of the members of the council, the said house shall nominate ten persons, qualified as aforesaid, and return their names to Congress, five of whom Congress shall appoint and commission to serve as members of the council five years, unless sooner removed. And the governor, legislative council, and house of representatives shall have authority to make laws in all' cases for the good government of the district, not repugnant to the principles and articles in this ordinance established and declared. And all bills, having passed by a majority in the house, and by a majority in the council, shall be referred to the governor for his assent; but no bill, or legislative act whatever, shall be of any force without his assent. The governor shall have power to convene, prorogue, and dissolve the general assembly when, in his opinion, it shall be expedient. Sec. 12. The governor, judges, legislative council, secretary, and such other officers as Congress shall appoint in the district, shall take an oath or affirmation of fidelit}^ and of office ; the governor before the President of Congress, and all other officers before the governor. As soon as a legislature shall be formed in the district, the council and house assembled, in one room, shall have authority, by joint ballot, to elect a delegate to Congress, who shall have a seat in Congress, with a right of debating, but not of voting, during this temporary government. Sec. 13. And for extending the fundamental principles of civil and religious liberty, which form the basis whereon these republics, their laws and constitu- tions, are erected; to fix and establish those principles as the basis of all laws, constitutions, and governments, which forever hereafter shall be formed in the said territory ; to provide, also, for the establishment of States, and permanent government therein, and for their admission to a share in the Federal councils on an equal footing with the original States, at as early periods as may be consistent with the general interest : Sec. 14. It is hereby ordained and declared, by the authority aforesaid, that the following articles shall be considered as articles of compact, between the original States and the people and States in the said territory, and forever remain unalterable, unless by common consent, to wit : ARTICLE I. No person, demeaning himself in a peaceable and orderly manner, shall ever be molested on account of his mode of worship, or religious sentiments, in the said territory. ARTICLE II. The inhabitants of the said territory shall always be entitled to the benefits of the writs of habeas corpus^ and of the trial by jury ; of a proportionate repre- sentation of the people in the legislature, and of judicial proceedings according to the course of the common law. All persons shall be bailable, unless for capital offences, where the proof shall be evident, or the presumption great. All fines shall be moderate; and no cruel or unusual punishments shall be inflicted. No man shall be deprived of his liberty or property, but by the judgment of his peers, or the law of the land, and should the public exigencies make it necessary, for the common preservation, to take any person’s property, or to demand his particular services, full compensation shall be made for the same. And, in the^ just preservation of rights and property, it is understood and declared, that no law ought ever to be made or have force in the said territory, that shall, in any manner whatever, interfere with or affect private contracts, or engagements, bona fide, and without fraud previously formed. ARTICLE III. Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged. The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards the Indians ; their lands and property shall never be taken from them without their consent ; and in their property, rights, and liberty they never shall be invaded or disturbed, unless in just and lawful wars authorized by Congress; but laws 220 ORDINANCE OF 1787. founded in justice and humanity shall, from time to time, be made, for prevent- ing wrongs being done to them, and for preserving peace and friendship with them. ARTICLE IV. The said territory, and the States which may be formed therein, shall forever remain a part of tins confederacy of the United States of America, subject to the Articles of Confederation, and to such alterations therein as shall be constitu- tionally made ; and to all the acts and ordinances of the United States in Congress assembled, conformable thereto. The inhabitants and settlers in the said territory shall be subject to pay a part of the Federal debts, contracted, or to be contracted, and a proportional part of the expenses of government to be apportioned on them by Congress, according to the same common rule and measure by which apportionments thereof shall be made on the other States ; and the taxes for paying their proportion shall be laid and levied by the authority and direction of the legislatures of the districts, or districts, or new States, as in the original States, within the time agreed upon by the United States in Congress assembled. The legislatures of those districts, or new States, shall never interfere with the primary disposal of the soil by the United States in Congress assembled, nor with any regulations Congress may find necessary for securing the title in such soil to the bona-fide purchasers. No tax shall be imposed on lands the property of the United States ; and in no case shall non-resident proprietors be taxed higher than residents. The navigable waters leading into the Mississippi and Saint Lawrence, and the carrying places between the same, shall be common highways, and for- ever free, as well to the inhabitants of the said territory as to the citizens of the United States, and those of any other States that may be admitted into the con- federacy, without any tax, impost, or duty therefor. ARTICLE V. There shall be formed in the said territory not less than three nor more than five States; and the boundaries of the States, as soon as Virginia shall alter her act of cession and consent to the same, shall become fixed and established as follows, to wit: The western State, in the said territory, shall be bounded by the Mississippi, the Ohio, and the Wabash Rivers ; a direct line drawn from the Wabash and Post Vincents, due north, to the territorial line between the United States and Canada; and by the said territorial line to the Lake of the Woods and Mississippi. The middle State shall be bounded by the said direct line, the Wabash from Post Vincents to the Ohio, by the Ohio, by a direct line drawn due north from the mouth of the Great Miami to the said territorial line, and by the said territorial line. The eastern State shall be bounded by the last-mentioned direct line, the Ohio, the Penns3dvania, and the said territorial line : Provided^ hoioever, And it is further understood and declared, that the boundaries of these three States shall be subject so far to be altered, that, if Congress shall hereafter find it expedient, they shall have authority to form one or two States in that part of the said territory which lies north of an east and west line drawn through the southerly bend or extreme of Lake Michigan. And whenever any of the said States shall have sixty thousand free inhabitants therein, such State shall be admitted, by its delegates, into the Congress of the United States, on an equal footing with the original States, in all respects whatever; and shall be at liberty to form a permanent constitution and State government: Provided^ The constitu- tion and government, so to be formed, shall be republican, and in conformity to the principles contained in these articles, and, so far as it can be consistent with the general interest of the confederacy, such admission shall be allowed at an earlier period, and when there may be a less number of free inhabitants in the State than sixty thousand. ARTICLE VI. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted: Provided always^ That any person escaping into the same, from ORDINANCE OF 1787. 221 whom labor or service is lawfully claimed in any one of the original States, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed, and conveyed to the person claiming his or her labor or service as aforesaid. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, That the resolutions of the 23d of April, 1784, relative to the subject of this ordinance, be, and the same are hereby, repealed, and declared null and void. Done by the United States, in Congress assembled, the 13th day of July, in year of our Lord 1787, and of their sovereignty and independence the twelfth. <3 John Cone Kimball, Photo., Peabody Museum. Serpent Mound Park. [The skeleton was found three feet below the surface of the mound. The bones below the femora were removed before the rest of the skeleton was uncovered.] John Cone Kimball, Photo., Peabody Museum Serpent :Mound Park. Showing three full folds of the Serpent from the neck to the central portion of the body.] COUNTIES ADAMS. Adams County lies on the Ohio River fifty miles east of Cincinnati and one hundred south of Columbus. It derives its name from John Adams, second President of the United States. It was formed July lo, 1797, by proclamation of Governor St. Clair being then one of the four counties into which the North-west Territory was divided. The three others previously formed were Washington, July 27, 1788; Hamilton, Jan. 2, 1790; and Wayne, 1796. The land is generally hilly and broken. Many of its first settlers were from Virginia, Kentucky, and North Ireland. It has 625 square miles. In 1885 the acres cultivated were 85,873 ; woodland, 84,598; lying waste, 11,123. Productions: corn, bushels 94,223; oats, 105,645; wheat, 88,533, and tobacco 1,600,976, being the eighth county in amount in the State. School census 1886,8750; teachers, 176. It has 28 miles of railroad. Townships and Census, 1840 1880 1840 1880 Bratton 1053 Monroe 828 1400 Franklin 1358 1541 Oliver 1064 Green 1081 1886 Scott 916 1192 Jefferson 938 3444 Sprigg 1984 2652 Liberty 1096 1355 Tiffin 1533 2212 Manchester 1493 Wayne 858 1125 Meigs 1071 2124 Winchester 1 1 12 1464 The population in 1820 was 10,406; in 1840, 13,271 ; in i860, 20,309 and in 1880, 24,005 of whom 212 were employed in manufactures, and 20,516 were Ohio born. The first settlement within 1>he Virginia military tract, and the only one between the Scioto and Little Miami until after the treaty of Greenville, in 1795, was made in this county, at Manchester, by the then Col., later, Gen. Nathaniel Massie. McDonald, in his unpretending, but excellent little volume, says : Manchester Settled. — Massie, in the win- ter of the year 1790, determined to make a settlement in it, that he might be in the midst of his surveying operations and secure his party from danger and exposure. In or- der to effect this he gave general notice in Kentucky of his intention, and offered each of the first twenty-five families, as a dona- tion, one in-lot, one out-lot, and one hundred acres of land, provided they would settle in a town he intended to lay off at his settlement. His proffered terms were soon closed in with, and upwards of thirty families joined him. After various consultations with his friends, the bottom on the Ohio River, opposite the lower of the Three Islands, was selected as the most eligible spot. Here he fixed his station, and laid off into lots a town, now (223) 224 ADAMS COUNTY. called Manchester, at this time a small place, about twelve miles above Maysville (formerly Limestone), Kentucky. This lit- tle confederacy, with Massie at the helm (who was the soul of it), went to work with spirit. Cabins were raised and by the mid- dle of March, 1791, the whole town was en- closed with strong pickets firmly fixed in the ground with block houses at each angle for defence. Thus was the first settlement in the Vir- ginia military district and the fourth settle- ment in the bounds of the State of Ohio ef- fected. Although this settlement was com- menced in the hottest Indian war it suf- fered less from depredation, and even inter- ruptions from the Indians, than any settle- ment previously made on the Ohio River. This was no doubt owing to the watch- ful band of brave spirits who guarded the place — men who were reared in the midst of danger and inured to perils, and as watcl)ful as hawks. Here were the Beasleys, the Stouts, the Washburns, the Ledoms, the Edgingtons, the Denings, the Ellisons, the Utts, the McKenzies, the Wades, and others, who were equal to the Indians in all the arts and stratagems of border war. As soon as Massie had completely pre- pared his station for defence, the whole pop- ulation went to work and cleared the lower of the Three Islands, and planted it in corn. The island was very rich, and produced heavy crops. The woods with a little indus- try, supplied a choice variety of game. Deer, elk, buffalo, bears, and turkeys, were abun- dant, while the river furnished a variety of excellent fish. The wants of the inhabitants, under these circumstances, were few and easily gratified. When this station was made, the nearest neighbors north-west of the Ohio were the inhabitants at Columbia, a settlement below the mouth of the Little Miami, five miles above Cincinnati; and at Gallipolis, a French settlement near the mouth of the Great Ken hawa. The station being established, Massie continued to make locations and surveys. Great precautions were necessary to avoid the Indians, and even these did not always avail, as is shown by the following incidents, the first of which we copy from the American Pioneer. ISRAEL DONALSON’S NARRATIVE OF HIS CAPTIVITY. I am not sure whether it was the last of March or first of April I came to the ter- ritory to reside; but on the night of the 21st of April, 1791, Mr Massie and myself were sleeping together on our blankets (for beds we had none), on the loft of our cabin, to get out of the way of the fleas and gnats. Soon after lying down I began dreaming of Indi- ans, and continued to do so through the night. Some time in the night, however, whether Mr. Massie ’waked of himself, or whether I wakened him, I cannot now say, but I observed to him I did not know what was to be the consequence, for I had dreamed more about Indians that night than in all the time I had been in the western country before. As is common, he made light of it, and we dropped again to sleep. He asked me next morning if I would go with him up the river, about four or five miles to make a survey, and that William Lytle, who was then at the fort, was going along. We were both young surveyors, and were glad of the opportunity to practice. TaJceti Captive . — Accordingly we three, and a James Tittle, from Kentucky, who was about buying the land, got on board of a canoe, and were a long time going up, the river being very high at the time. We com- menced at the mouth of a creek, which from that day has been called Donalson creek. We meandered up the river ; Mr. Massie had the compass, Mr. Lytle and myself car- ried the chain. We had progressed perhaps one hundred and forty, or one hundred and fifty poles, when our chain broke or parted. but with the aid of the tomahawk we soon repaired it. We were then close to a large mound, and were standing in a triangle, and Lytle and myself were amusing ourselves pointing out to Tittle the great convenience he would have by building his house on that mound, when the one standing with his face up the river, spoke and said, “ Boys, there are Indians. ” “ No,” repiled the other, “ they are Frenchmen.” By this time I had caught a glimpse of them ; I said they were Indians, I begged them to fire. I had no gun, and from the advantage we had, did not think of running until they started. The Indians were in two small bark canoes, and were close into shore and discovered us just at the instant we saw them ; and before I started to run I saw one jump on shore. We took out through the bottom, and before getting to the hill, came to a spring branch. I was in the rear, and as I went to jump, something caught my foot, and I fell on the opposite side. They were then so close, I saw there was no chance of escape, and did not offer to rise. Three warriors first came up, presented their guns all ready to fire, but as I made no resistance they took them down, and one of them gave me his hand to help me up. At this time Mr. Lytle was about a chain’s length before me, and threw away his hat ; one of the Indians went for- ward and picked it up. They then took me back to the bank of the river, and set me down while they put up their stuff, and pre- -pared for a march. While sitting on the bp ilk of the river, I could see the men walk- ADAMS COUNTY, 225 ing about the block-house on the Kentucky shore, but they heard nothing of it. Evening Camp.—Th&y went on rapidly that evening and camped I think on the waters of Eagle creek; started next morning early, it raining hard, and one of them seeing my hat was somewhat convenient to keep off the rain came up and took it off my head and put it on his own. By this time I had dis- covered some friendship in a very lusty In- dian, I think the one that first came up to me ; I made signs to him that one had taken my hat ; he went and took it off the other In- dian’s head and placed it again on rnine, but hai not gone far before they took it again. I complained as before, but my friend shook his head, took down and opened his budget, and took out a sort of blanket cap, and put it on my head. We went on ; it still rained hard and the waters were very much swollen, and when my friend discovered that I was timorous, he would lock his* arm in mine and lead me through, and frequently in open woods when 1 would get tired I would do the same thing with him and walk for miles. They did not make me carry anything until Sunday or Monday. They got into a thicket of game and killed, I think, two bears and some deer ; they then halted and jerked their meat, eat a large portion, peeled some bark, made a kind of box, filled it, and put it on me to carry. I soon got tired of it and threw it down ; they raised a great laugh, examined my back, applied some bear’s oil to it and then put on the box again. I went on some distance and threw it down again; my friend then took it up, threw it over his head and carried it. It weighed, I thought, at least fifty pounds. While resting one day, one of the Indians broke up little sticks and laid them up in the form of a fence, then took out a grain of corn, as carefully wrapped up as people used to wrap up guineas in olden times ; this they planted and called out squaw, sig- nifying to me that that would be my em- ployment with the squaws. But, notwith- standing my situation at the time, I thought they would not eat much corn of my raising. On Tuesday, as we were traveling along, there came to us a white man and an Indian on horseback ; they had a long talk, and when they rode off, the Indians I was with seemed considerably alarmed ; they immedi- ately formed in Indian file, placed me in the center and shook a war club over my head, and showed me by these gestures that if I attempted to run away they would kill me. The Shawanee Camp . — We soon after ar- rived at the Shawanee camp, where we con- tinued until late in the afternoon of the next day. During our stay there they trained my hair to their own fashion, put a jewel of tin in my nose, etc., etc. The Indians met with great formality when we came to the camp which was very spacious. One side was entirely cleared out for -our use, and the party I was with passed the camp to my great mortification, I thinking they were going on ; but on getting to the further end they wheeled short round, came into the camp, sat down — not a whisper. In a few minutes two of the oldest got up, went round, shook hands, came and sat down again ; then the Shawanees rising simultaneously came and shook hands with them. A few of the first took me by the hand, but one refused, and I did not offer them my hand again not con- sidering it any great honor. Soon after a kettle of bears’ oil, and some craclins were set before us, and we began eating, they first chewing the meat, then dipping it into the bears’ oil, which I tried to be excused from, but they compelled me to it, which tried my stomach, although by this time hunger had compelled me to eat many a dirty morsel. Early in the afternoon an Indian came to the camp and was met by his party just outside, when they formed a circle and he spoke, I thought, near an hour, and so pro- found was the silence that had they been on' a board floor I thought the fall of a pin might have been heard. I rightly judged of the disaster, for the day before I was taken I was at Limestone, and was solicited to join a party that was goifig down to the mouth of Snag creek where some Indian canoes where discovered hid in the willows. The party went and divided, some came over to the Indian shore and some remained in Kentucky, and they succeeded in killing nearly the whole party. Two White Men . — There was at this camp two white men ; one of them could swear in English, but very imperfectly, hav- ing I suppose been taken young ; the other, who could speak good English, told me he was from South Carolina. He then told me different names which I have forgotten, ex- cept that of Ward ; asked if I knew the Wards that lived near Washington, Kentucky. I told him I did, and wanted him to leave the Indians and go to his brother’s, and take me with him. He told me he preferred stay- ing with the Indians, that he might nab the whites. He ^nd I had a great deal of chat, and disagreed in ^almost everything. He told me they had* taken a prisoner by the name of Towns, that had lived near Wash- ington, Kentucky, and that he had attempted to run away, and they killed him. But the truth was, they had taken Timothy Downing the day before I was taken, in the neighbor- hood of Blue Licks, and had got within four or five miles of that camp, and night coming on, and it being very rainy, they concluded to camp. There were but two Indians, an old chief and his son ; Downing watched his op- portunity, got hold of a squaw-axe and gave the fatal blow. His object was to bring the young Indian in a prisoner; he said he had been so kind to him he could not think of killing him. But the instant he struck his father, the young man sprung up- on his back and confined him so that it was with difficulty he extricated himself from his grasp. Downing made then for his horse. 226 ADAMS COUNTY. and the Indian for the camp. The horse he caught and mounted ; but not being a woods- man, struck the Ohio a little below Scioto, just as a boat was passing. They would not land for him until he rode several miles and convinced them that he was no decoy, and so close was the pursuit, that the boat had only gained the stream when the enemy appeared on the shore. He had severely wounded the young Indian in the scuffle, but did not know it until I told him. Bat to re- curn to my own narrative : two of the party, viz., my friend and another Indian, turned back from this camp to do other mischief, and never before had I parted with a friend with the same regret. We left the Shawanee camp about the middle of the afternoon, they under great excitement. What detained them I know not, for they had a number of their horses up and their packs on from early in the morning. I think they had at least one hundred of the best horses that at that time Kentucky could afford. They cal- culated on being pursued and they were right, for the next day, viz., the 28th of April, Major Kenton with about ninety men was at the camp before the fires were ex- tinguished ; and I have always viewed it as a providential circumstance that the enemy had departed, as a defeat on the part of the Kentuckians would have been inevitable. I never could get the Indians in a position to ascertain their precise number, but concluded there were sixty or upward, as sprightly looking men as I ever saw together, and well equipped as they could wish for. The Major himself agreed with me that it was a happy circumstance that they were gone. Escapes. — We traveled that evening I thought seven miles and encamped in the edge of a prairie, the water a short distance off. Our supper that night consisted of a raccoon roasted undressed. After this meal I became thirsty, and an old warrior to whom my friend had given me in charge, directed another to go with me to the water, which made him angry ; he struck me, and my nose bled. I had a great mind to return the stroke, but did not. I then determined, be the result what it might, that I would go no farther with them. They tied me and laid me down as usual, one of them lying on the rope on each side of me ; they went to sleep, and I to work gnawing and picking the rope (made of bark) to pieces, but did not get loose until day was breaking. I crawled off on my hands and feet until I got into the edge of the prairie, and sat down on a tussock to put on my moccasins, and had put on one and was preparing to put on the other, when they raised the yell and took the back track, and I believe they made as much noise as twenty white men-could do. Had they been still they might have heard me, as I was not more than two chains’ length from them at the time. But I started and ran, carrying one moccasin in my hand ; and in order to evade them, chose the poorest ridges I could find ; and when coming to tree-logs lying crosswise, would run along one and then along the other. I continued on that way until about ten o’clock, then ascending a very poor ridge, crept in between two logs, and being very- weary soon dropped to sleep and did not waken until the sun was almost down ; I traveled on a short distance further and took lodging for the night in a hollow tree. I think it was on Saturday that I got to the Miami. I collected some logs, made a raft by peeling bark and tying them together ; but I soon found that too tedious and aban- doned it. I found a turkey’s nest with two eggs in it, each one having a double yolk ; they made two delicious meals for different days. Arrives at Fort Washington . — I followed down the Miami, until I struck Harmar’s trace, made the previous fall, and continued on it until I came to Fort Washington, now Cincinnati. I t^ink it was on the Sabbath, the first day of May ; I caught a horse, tied a piece of bark around his under jaw on which there was a large tumor like a w-art. The bark rubbed that, and he became rest- less and threw me, not hurting me much however ; I caught him again, and he again threw me, hurting me badly. How long I lay insensible I don’t know ; but w-hen I revived he was a considerable distance from me. I then traveled on very slow, my feet entirely bare and full of thorns and briers. On Wednesday, the day that I got in, I was so far gone that I thought it entirely useless to make any further exertion, not knowing what distance I was from the river ; and 1 took my station at the root of a tree, but soon got into a state of sleeping, and either dreamt, or thought, that I should not be loi- tering away my time, that I should get in that day ; of wfflich, on reflection, I had not the most distant idea. However, the impression was so strong that I got up and walked on some distance. I then took my station again as before, and the same thoughts occupied my mind. I got up and w^alked on. I had not traveled far before I thought I could see an opening for the river ; and getting a little further on, I heard the sound of a bell. I then started and ran, (at a slow speed un- doubtedly) ; a little further on I began to perceive that I was coming to the river hill ; and having got about half way down, I heard the sound of an axe, which was the sweetest music I had heard for many a day. It was in the extreme out-lot ; when I got to the lot I crawled over the fence with diffi- culty, it being very high. William Woodward. — I approached the person very cautiously till within about a chain’s length undiscovered ; I then stopped and spoke ; the person I spoke to was Mr. William Woodward, the founder of the Woodward High School. Mr. Woodward looked up, hastily ^cast his eyes round, and saw that I had no deadly weapon ; he then spoke. “ In the name of God,” said he, “ who are you ? ” 1 told him I had been a ADAMS COUNTY. 227 prisoner and had made my escape from the Indians. After a few more questions he told me to come to him. I did so. Seeing my situation, his fears soon subsided ; he told me to sit down on a log and he would go and catch a horse he had in the lot and take me in. He caught his horse, set me upon him, but kept the bridle in his own hand. When we got into the road, people began to inquire of Mr. Woodward, “ Who is he — an Indian } ” I was not surprised nor offended at the inquiries, for I was still in Indian uni- form, bare headed, my hair cut off close, ex- McDonald gives in his Sketches the at Manchester: Ellison's Captivity . — In the spring of the year 1793, the settlers at Manchester com- menced clearing the out-lots of the town ; and while so engaged, an incident of much interest and excitement occurred. Mr. An- drew Ellison, one of the settlers, cleared a lot immediately adjoining the fort. He had completed the cutting of the timber, rolled the logs together and set them on fire. The next morning, a short time before daybreak, Mr. Ellison opened one of the gates of the fort and went out to throw his logs to- gether. By the time hg had finished this job, a number of the heaps blazed up brightly, and as he was passing from one to the other, he observed, by the light of the fires, three men walking briskly towards him. This did not alarm him in the least, although, he said, they were dark skinned fellows ; yet he concluded they were the Wades, whose complexions were very dark, going early to hunt. He continued to right his log-heaps, until one of the fellows seized him by the arms, and called out in broken English, “ How do } how do 1 " He instantly looked in their faces, and to his surprise and horror, found himself in the clutches of three Indians. To resist was useless. He there fore submitted to his fate, without any resist- ance or an attempt to escape. The Indians quickly moved off with him in the direction of Paint creek. When break- fast was ready, Mrs. Ellison sent one of her children to ask their father home ; but he could not be found at the log-heaps. His absence created no immediate alarm, as it was thought he might have started to hunt after the completion of his work. Dinner- time arrived, and Ellison not returning, the family became uneasy, and began to sus- pect some accident had happened to him. His gun-rack was examined, and there hung his rifle and his pouch in their usual place. Massie raised a party and made a circuit around the place and found, after some search, the trails of four men one of whom had on shoes ; and as Ellison had shoes on, the truth that the Indians had made him a prisoner was unfolded. As it was almost night at the time the trail was discovered, the party returned to their station. Next morning early, preparations were made by cept the scalp and loretop, which they had put up in a piece of tin, with a bunch of turkey feathers, which I could not undo. They had also stripped off the feathers of about two turkeys and hung them to the hair of the scalp ; these I had taken off the day I left them. Mr. Woodward took me to his house, where every kindness was shown me. They soon gave me other cloth- ing ; coming from different persons, they did not fit me very neatly ; but there could not be a pair of shoes got in the place that I could get on, my feet were so much swollen. following incidents of Indian history Massie and his party to pursue the Indians. In doing this they found great difficulty, as it was so early in the spring that the vegeta- tion was not of sufficient growth to show plainly the trail of the Indians, who took the precaution to keep on hard and high land, where their feet could make little or no im- pression. Massie and his party, however, were as unerring as a pack of well-trained hounds, and followed the trail to Paint creek, when they found the Indians gained so fast on them that pursuit was vain. They therefore abandoned it and returned to the station. The Indians took their prisoner to Upper Sandusky and compelled him to run the gauntlet. As Ellison was a large man and not very active, he received a severe flogging as he passed along the line. From this place he was taken to Lower Sandusky and was again compelled to run the gauntlet, and was then taken to Detroit, where he was generously ransomed by a British officer for one hundred dollars. He was shortly after- wards sent by his friend the officer to Mon- treal, from whence he returned home before the close of the summer of the same year. Attack upon the Edgingtons . — Another incident connected with the station at Man- chester occurred shortly after this time. John Edgington, Asahel Edgington, and another man, started out on a hunting expedition towards Brush creek. They camped out six miles in a north-east direc- tion from where West Union now stands, and near where Treber’s tavern is now situ- ated, on the road from Chillicothe to Mays- ville. The Edgingtons had good success in hunting having killed a number of deer and bears. Of the deer killed, they saved the skins and hams alone. The bears, they fleeced ; that is, they cut off all the meat which adhered to the hide without skinning, and left the bones as a skeleton. They hung up the proceeds of their hunt on a scaffold, out of the reach of the wolves and other wild animals, and returned home for pack horses. No one returned to the camp with the two Edgingtons. As it was late in December, no one apprehended danger, as the winter season was usually a time of repose from Indian incursions. When the Edgingtons 228 ADAMS COUNTY. arrived at their old hunting camp, they alighted from their horses and were prepar- ing to strike a fire, when a platoon of In- dians fired upon them at the distance of not more than twenty paces. Asahel Edgington fell to rise no more. John was more fortu- nate. The sharp crack of the rifles, and the horrid yells of the Indians, as they leaped from their place of ambush, frightened the horses, who took the track towards home at full speed. John Edgington was very ac- tive on foot, and now an occasion offered which required his utmost speed. The mo- ment the Indians leaped from their hiding- place they threw down their guns and took after him. They pursued him screaming and yelling in the most horrid manner. Edgington did not run a booty race. For about a mile the Indians stepped in his tracks almost before the bending grass could rise. The uplifted tomahawk was frequently so near his head that he thought he felt its edge. Every effort was made to save his life, and every exertion of the In- dians was made to arrest him in his flight. Edgington, who had the greatest stake in the race, at length began to gain on his pur- suers, and after a long race he distanced them, made his escape, and safely reached home. This truly was a most fearful and well contested race. The big Shawanee chief. Captain John, who headed the Indians on this occasion, after peace was made and Chillicothe settled, frequently told the writer of this sketch of the race. Captain John said that “ the white man who ran away was a smart fellow ; ” that the “ white man run and I run ; he run and run, at last the white man run clear off from me.” The first court in this county was held in Manchester. Winthrop Sar- gent, the secretary of the territory, acting in the absence of the governor, appointed commissioners, who located the county seat at an out-of-the- way place, a few miles above the mouth of Brush creek, which they called Adamsville. The locality was soon named, in derision. Scant. At the next session of the court its members became divided, and part sat in Manchester and part at Adamsville. The governor, on his return to the territory, finding the people in great confusion, and much bickering between them, removed the seat of justice to the mouth of Brush creek, where the first court was held in 1798. Here a town was laid out by Noble Grimes, under the name of Washington. A large log court-house was built, with a jail in the lower story,* and the governor appointed two more of the Scant party judges, which gave them a majority. In 1800, Charles Willing Byrd, secretary of the territory, in the absence of the gov- ernor, appointed two more of the Manchester party judges, which balanced the parties, and the contest was maintained until West Union became the county seat. Joseph Darlinton and Israel Donalson, were among the first judges of the Common Pleas. In 1847 on the publication of the first edition of this work both of these gentlemen were living in the countyq Gen. Darlinton being at the time clerk of the court, an office he had held since 1803. They were also members of the convention for forming the first Constitution of Ohio, only three others of that body being then living. West Union in 1846. — The annexed view shows on the left the jail and market and in the center the Court House and county offices. These last stand in a pleasant area shaded by locusts. The Court House is a substantial stone building and bears good testimony to the skill of the builder, ex-Gov. Metcalfe of Kentucky, who commencing life a mason, acquired the sobriquet of “ Stone Hammer.” The first court house was of logs. West Union contains four churches, one Associated Reformed, one Presbyterian, one Methodist, one Baptist ; two newspapers, a cla.s- sical school, and nine mercantile stores. It had in 1820 a population of 406; in 1840,462. (Old edition.) West Union is on a high ridge on the old Maysville and Zanesville turnpike, about ten miles from the Ohio at Manchester and one hundred and six from Columbus. It is nine hundred and ten feet above sea level, four hundred and ten above Lake Erie and four hundred and seventy-eight above the Ohio at Cincinnati. It is the only county seat in Ohio not on the line of a railroad. County officers in 1887: Probate Judge, Tsaac N. ADAMS COUNTY. 229 Tolle ; Clerk of Court, William R. Mahaffey ; Sheriff, W. P. Newman ; Prosecuting Attorney, Philip Handrehan ; Auditor, J. W. Jones ; Treas- urer, W. B. Brown; Recorder, Leonard Young; Surveyor,. A. V. Hutson; Coroner, George W. Osborn ; Commissioners, J. R. Zile, Thomas J. Shelton, James H. Crissman. The name of West Union was given to it by Hon. Thos. Kirker, one of the commissioners who laid it put in 1804, and one of its earliest settlers. In 1880 its population was 626 ; in 1886 school census, 317. It has one bank, that of Grimes & Co. ; and three newspapers, viz., Neiv Era, Repub- lican, Mrs. Hannah L. Irwin, editor; People s Defender, Democratic, Joseph W. Eylar, editor, and Scion, Republican, Samuel Burwell, editor. It has also a Children’s Home with forty-one children. The buildings are large and the appointments excellent. > Drawn by Henry Howe in 1846. THE COUNTY BUILDINGS, WEST UNION. In reply to an inquiry, Hon. J. L. Coryell of West Union has sent us a communication giving brief mention of valued characters identified with the history of Adams County. Such an one upon every county in the State would be a benefit serving to bind the people of the commonwealth in closer fraternal bonds through the greater mutual knowledge thus obtained, and minister to a laudable pride in the possession of the laws and institu- tion that could give the highest wealth of character. He was prompted to thus aid us through his memory of the old edition, a copy of which he earned when a youth by chopping wood at twenty-five cents a day. Thus writes the Judge. “ Adams is an old and pretty good county and has an excellent history. She has had many good men, denizens, citizens and residents, native and to the manor born. Among the former were Gov. Thomas Kirker, John Patterson, marshal of Ohio about 1840, John W. Campbell, congressman, and U. S. Judge. Col. J. R. Cockerill who died in 1875 succeeded Gen. J. Darlinton as clerk of court. Darlinton was a good and useful man. Cockerill was one time member of Congress, Colonel of 70th O. V. I., a highly valued citizen. He was the father of Col. John A. Cockerill who was born near the Serpent Mound: at about fifteen years of age was a drummer boy at Shiloh. He afterwards edited papers in Adams and Butler counties and was managing editor of the Cincinnati Enquirer ; later traveler and correspondent in the far East, Turkey, etc.; then edited the Post Dis- patch of St. Louis; now is the managing editor of the New York World, a brilliant young man. • Joseph McCormick, a native of this county, was ADAMS COUNTY. Attorney-General of Ohio about 1850. General A. T. Wikoff of Columbus, Presi- dent Cleveland & Marietta R. R., is a native of this county ; John P. Leedam, formerly clerk of our courts, then member of Congress and now Sergeant- at-arms of House of Representatives, is a citizen of this town. J. H. Roth- neck, a native of this county, is now a Supreme Judge in Iowa. David Sinton of Cincinnati, so noted for his benefactions, was reared in this town where his parents died. Dr. Thomas Williamson, forty years a missionary to the Dakota Indians, was reared and educated in this county.” Manchester, one of the oldest settlements in the State, is on the Ohio, sixty miles east south-east of Cincinnati, twelve miles above Maysville, Ky. and at the foot of the Three Islands. It was widely known early in this century to the traveling public, being a point of transshipment on the great stage route east from Lexington to Maysville and from here through Chillicothe, Zanesville, Wheeling, etc. Up to 1846 it was an insignificant place having at that time not exceeding fifty dwellings. It is now the largest town in the county. It has churches, two Methodist and one Presbyterian. Newspaper, Signal, Independent, J. A. Perry, editor. Banks, Farmer’s, W. L. Vance, president, L. Pierce, cashier ; Manchester, R. H. Ellison, president, C. C. W. Naylor, cashier. Edward R. Gregory, Photo., Manchester, 1887. THE LOWER OF THE THREE ISLANDS AND LANDING, MANCHESTER. Industries and Employees . — Manchester Planing Mill Co., twenty-eight hands; L. W. Trenary, Lumber, twelve hands; S. P. Lucker & Co., Carriages, eight hands; Manchester Rolling Mills, six hands; Weaver & Bradford, fruit jugs, etc., five hands. State Report 1887. Population in 1880, 1455 ; school census in 1886, 643. Manchester was the fourth point permanently settled in the State which has developed into a town, the other three being Marietta, Gallipolis and Cincinnati, the last named originally called Losantiville. Those who have seen only the rivers of the East, as the Hudson, Dela- ware, Connecticut, etc., can have no adequate idea of the topograph- ical features of the Ohio. Those streams come up within a few feet of the meadow lands or hills wherever they bound them. Not so the Ohio. This stream occupies an excavated trough, where in places the bounding hills rise above the water 500 and 600 feet. ADAMS COUNTY, 231 The river is highly picturesque from its graceful windings, softly wooded hills and forest clad islands. In but few places is it more pleasant than at Manchester. The islands in the river are all very low. They were originally formed on sand-bars where floating trees lodged in seasons of freshets and made a nucleus for the gathering of the soil which is of the richest. In the June freshet they are overflown, when with their wealth of foliage they seem as huge masses of greenery reposing on the bosom of the water. Those born upon the Ohio never lose their interest in the beautiful stream ; and few things are more pleasant for the people who dwell along its shores than in the quiet of a summer’s evening when their day’s work is done, to sit before their doors and look down upon the ever-flowing waters. Everything is calm and restful : varied often by the slow measured puff of an approaching steamer, heard, may be, for miles away, long before she is seen, or if after dark, before her light suddenly bursts in view as she rounds a bend. Up to within a few years the barren hills in this and some other river coun- ties remained in places the property of the general Government They afforded, however, a fine range for the cattle and hogs of the scattered inhabitants and no small quantity of lumber, such as staves, hoop poles and tan bark, which were taken from the public lands. Dr. John Locke, one of Ohio’s earliest geologists, from whose report made about the year 1840 these facts are derived, thus describes the peculiar people who dwelt in the wilderness. The Bark Cutters . — There is a vagrant class who are supported by this kind of busi- ness. Thej’^ erect a cabin towards the head of some ravine,^ collect the chestnut-oak bark from the neighboring hill-tops, drag it on sleds to points accessible by wagons, where they sell it for perhaps $2 per cord to the wagoner. The last sells it at the river to the flat boat shipper, at $6 per cord, and he again to the consumer at Cincinnati, for $11. Besides this common trespass, the squatter helps himself out by hunting COL. JOHN A. COCKERILL, Managing Editor “New York World.” 2%2 ADAMS COUNTY. deer and coons, and, it is said, occasionally by taking a sheep or a hog, the loss of which may very reasonably be charged to the wolves. The poor families of the bark cut- ters often exhibit the very picture of improvi- dence. There begins to be a fear among the inhabitants that speculators may be tempted to purchase up these waste lands and deprive them of their present “range” and lumber. The speculator must still be a non-resident, and could hardly protect his purchase. The inhabitants have a hard, rough region to deal with and need all of the advantages which their mountain tract can afford. Mr. Coryell, from whom we have elsewhere quoted, has given us these facts illustrating the changed condition of this once wilderness. “In 1871 Congress gave all vacant land in Virginia military district to Ohio, and her legislature at once gave them to the Ohio State University. Her trustees had them hunted up, surveyed and sold out, and they are all E. G. Squier and E. H. Davis, Surveyors. PL.\N OF THE SERPENT MOUND. now on the tax duplicate, and one half our tobacco, for which this county has become somewhat noted, is produced east of Brush creek. Tan bark% hoop poles and boat gunnels are no longer a business. Portable saw mills have peregrinated every valley and ravine, and very much of the timber (and there was none finer) has been converted into lumber for home con- sumption and shipment to Cincinnati via river and railroad. Ten years ago Jefferson township, east of Brush creek, polled 500 votes, to-day 1000, brought about by sale of cheap lands and immigration from the tobacco counties of Brown and Clermont and also Kentucky.” ADAMS COUNTY. 233 THE SERPENT MOUND. Probably the most important earthwork in the West is The Serpent Mound. It is on Brush creek in Franklin township, about six miles north of Peebles Station on the C. & E. Railroad, twenty-one miles from West Union, the county seat, thirty-one miles from the Ohio at Manchester, and five miles south of Sinking Springs, in Highland County. The engraving annexed is from the work of Squier and Davis on the “Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Val- ley,” who thus made this work known to the world by their survey in 1849. Their plan annexed is in general correct, but the oval is drawn too large in proportion to the head ; and the edge of the cliff is some distance from the oval. The appendages on each side of the head do not exist. They have been shown by Prof. Putnam to be accidentally connected with the serpent. The mound was erected doubtless for worship, and appended to their description of it they make this statement : “ The serpent, separate, or in combination with the circle, egg, or globe, has been a predominant symbol among many primitive nations. It prevailed in Egypt, Greece and Assyria, and entered widely into the superstitions of the Celts, the Hindoos and the Chinese. It even penetrated into America, and was conspicuous in the mythology of the ancient Mexicans, among whom its sig- nificance does not seem to have differed materially from that which it possessed in the Old World. The fact that the ancient Celts, and perhaps other nations of the old continent, erected sacred structures in the form of the serpent, is one of high interest. Of this description was the great temple of Abury, in Eng- land — in many respects the most imposing ancient monument of the British islands. It is impossible in this connection to trace the analogies which the Ohio structure exhibits to the serpent temples of England, or to point out the extent to which the symbol was applied in America — an investigation fraught with the greatest interest both in respect to the light which it reflects upon the primitive superstitions of remotely-separated people, and especially upon the origin of the American race.” Public attention has recently been attracted to this work through the exer- tions of Professor F. W. Putnam, of the Peabody Museum of Cambridge, Mass., who by the aid of some Boston ladies in the spring of 1887 secured by sub- scription about $6,000 for its purchase and protection, as it was fast going to destruction. The purchase includes about seventy acres of land with the mound, the title vesting in the museum attached to Harvard University. This he has laid out in a beautiful park to be free to the public, and with the name “ The Serpent Mound Park.” It is in a wild and picturesque country and must eventually be a favorite place of public resort. The Professor, who is an accom- plished archaeologist, regards this as one of the most remarkable structures of its kind in the world. His description of the work is as follows : “ The head of the serpent rests on a rocky platform which presents a pre- cipitous face to the west, towards the creek, of about 100 feet in height. The jaws of the serpent’s mouth are widely extended in the act of trying to swallow an egg, represented by an oval enclosure about 12 1 feet long and 60 feet wide. This enclosure consists of a ridge of earth about five feet high, and from eighteen to twenty feet broad. The body of the serpent winds gracefully back toward higher land, making four large folds before reaching the tail. The tail tapers gracefully and is twisted up in three complete and close coils. The height of the body of the serpent is four to five feet, and its greatest width is thirty feet across the neck. The whole length of the mound from the end of the egg on the precipice to the last coil of the tail is upwards of 1,300 feet. The Serpent Mound is not in a conspicuous place, but in a situation which seems rather to have been chosen for the privacies of -sacred rites. The rising land towards the tail and back for a hundred rods afforded ample space for large gatherings. The view across the creek from the preci- 234 ADAMS COUNTY, pice near the head, and indeed from the whole area, is beautiful and impres- sive, but not very extensive. To the south, however, peaks may be seen ten or fifteen miles away which overlook the Ohio River and Kentucky hills, while at a slightly less distance to the north, in Pike and Highland counties, are visible several of the highest points in the State. Among these is Fort Hill, eight miles north in Brush creek township on the extreme* eastern edge of Highland County. Fort Hill is one of the best preserved and most interesting ancient enclosures in the State. It is estimated that in the limits of Ohio alone are 10,000 ancient mounds and from 1500 to 2000 enclosures. The importance of the study of the subject, the present method of procedure and the general progress are thus dwelt upon in a lecture delivered by Prof. Putnam, Oct. 25, 1887, before the Western Reserve Historical Society. The proper study of history begins with the earliest monuments of man’s occupancy of the earth. From study of ancient implements, burial- places, village sites, roads, enclosures and monuments we are able to get as vivid and correct a conception — all but the names — of pre-historic times as of what is called the historic period. The study of archaeology is now assuming new importance from the improved methods of procedure. P'ormerly it was considered sufficient to arrange archaeological ornaments and implements according to size and perfection of workmanship and call it a collection. But now extended /. C. Foulk, Photo. Hillsboro. HEAD of the SERPENT MOUND. is the principal thing, said to have been ex- were dug through them the contents thus en- inspected. Now it is the exploration of a off with the greatest care earth examined and graphed. The skeletons with great care, being and then moistened so usually the bones can be The record of the ex- works where imple- skeletons are found is the possession of the and minute comparison Formerly mounds were plored when trenches in two directions and countered, removed and considered essential to mound that it be sliced and every shovelful of every section photo- are now also examined first gently uncovered as to harden them, when moved without fracture, cavation of the earth- ments, ornaments and more important than objects themselves. Although an immense field still remains to be explored, we have gone far enough to show in a general way, that southern Ohio was the meeting- place of two diverse races of people. Colonel Whittlesey’s sagacious gen- eralizations concerning the advance of a more civilized race from the south as far as southern Ohio, and their final expulsion by more warlike tribes from the lake region, are fully confirmed by recent investigations. The Indians of Mexico and South America belong to what is called a “ short-headed ” race, i.e., the width of their skulls being more than three- fourths of their length, whereas the northern Indians are all “ long headed.” Now out of about 1400 skulls found in the vicinity of Madisonville near Cincinnati, more than 1200 clearly belonged to a short -headed race, thus connecting them with southern tribes. Going further back it seems proba- ble that the southern tribes* reached America across the Pacific from southern Asia, while the northern tribes came via Alaska from northern Asia. A description of Fort Hill alluded to above will be found under the head of Highland County, and that of the Alligator Mound under that of Licking County. This last named has been classed with the Serpent Mound, it liaving evidently been erected like that for purposes of worship. ADAMS COUNTY. 235 TRAVELING NOTES. As Adam was the first to lead in the line of humanity, so it seems proper for Adams to lead, at least alphabetically, in the line of Ohio counties ; yet it was about the last visited by me on this tour. A few days before Christmas I was in Kenton. Two or three points on the Ohio were to be visited and then my travels would be over. Would I live to finish.^ Ah! that was a pressing question. As the end drew near I confess I was a little anxious. Some had predicted I would never get through. “ Too old." It is pleasant to be is being petted by the hotel clerk ; it is good to see everywhere young life asserting its power, pulling on the heart strings ; in its weakness lies its strength. Within it is warm, without, intensely cold ; the landscape snow clad. Day is breaking beautifully and the moon and stars in silence look down upon our world in its white shroud. I go out upon the porch and enjoy the calm loveli- ness of the morning coming on in silence and purity. All of life does not consist in the getting of money ; with my eyes I possess the stars, while the cold, pure air seems as a perfect elixir. Still there must always be some- OHIO RIVER BEACON. encouraged ; a higher pleasure often comes from opposition ; it enhances victory. Old age ! that is a folly. Live young, and you will die young. Learn to laugh Time out of his arithmetic ; amuse him with some new game of marbles. Then on some fine summer’s day you will be taking a quiet nap, and when you awake maybe find your- self clothed in the pure white garments of eternal youth. Tuesday Mor^i, Dec. 21.— It is now six o’clock. Am in the office of the St. Nicho- las Hotel at Kenton. A dozen commercial travelers sit around, mutually strangers. They sit sleepy in chairs, having just come off a train : its locomotive hard by is hissing steam in the cold morning air. A hunting dog lies by the stove and the landlord’s five- year-old daughter, wearing a checked apron. thing to mar the acme of enjoyment and this is mine, the wish that cannot be grati- fied, that I for the time being was trans- formed into some huge giant, so as to offer a greater lung capacity for the penetration of the exhilarating air and a greater body surface for it to envelop and hold me in its invigorating embrace ; a desire also for greater penetration of vision, to take in the stars beyond the stars I see. Thus must it ever be — on, on and on, life beyond life, eter- nity, God ! “ Canst thou by searching find out God } ” To find him, to learn him fully, requires all knowledge ; with all knowledge must come all power. This can never be, so the mystery of the ages must continue the mystery of the eternities ; still on, on, stars beyond stars ! It 's at night when in solitude, far from 236 ADAMS COUNTY. home and friends, that as one looks up to the starry dome the soul responds most fully to the sublimity of creation. Then the stars seem as brothers speaking, and say, “We too, O human soul, are filled with the all filling sublimity and the eternal vastness. We each see stars beyond stars ; there is no limit. We know not whence we came, but we do know that we are created by the Eter- nal Incomprehensible Spirit and cast into illimitable space so that each of us rolls on in an appointed orbit. We alike with thee feel His presence and worship Him who seems to say, ‘ Do your work, shine on, shine on, let your light illumine the hearts of men that they may be lifted in one eternal song of gladness.’ ” It was years ago when, far from home and friends and alone with night and solitude I endeavored in verse to describe the scene around me, and to express the thoughts that filled me with the all pervading sense of the Divine. ALONE WITH NIGHT AND THE STARS. AN OLD man’s soliloquy. Musing under the leaf-clad porch He sat in the soft evening air, Where zephyrs fragrant fanned his brow. And tossed the snow locks of his hair. He thus discoursed unto himself within. As though spirit and soul were two : Of Nature, the great open book ; Of Mystery, the old and yet ever new. “ Alone with night and the stars I My soul is enraptured and free ; Looks up to the deep above. Where the hosts are beaming on me. “ Alone with night and the stars ! — Like specters stand trees on the hill. While insects flash their evening lamps And piteous cries the whip-poor-will. “ Alone with night and the stars ! — The lake its bosom lays bare And softly it quivers and heaves Little stars as if cradled there. “Ye stars ! Oh beauteous thine eyes ! Ye stud the black dome of night. Thine eloquence greater than words The silvery speech of thy light. “ Ye smiled o’er the cot of my youth. My slumbers watched sweetly above ; And now I am stricken, waxed old, I am thrilled in the light of thy love. “ Old I am, and yet I hope young. Light and love have followed my days : Eternal youth remains to the soul Responsive to the good always. “ Alone with night and the stars ! It seems as if every hill, every tree Was thinking, silently thinking. We are thine, O God, belong to Thee. “And striking the chords of my soul, F rom the farm-house over the lea I hear them singing, sweetly singing, ‘ Nearer, my God, nearer to Thee.’ ” When morn broke over the hills Celestial where no storm ever mars The mortal to youth had arisen, Immortal with God and the stars. Wednesday Morn, Dec. 22. — Am in the Sheridan Hotel, Ironton, where that long water ribbon called the Ohio finds for the people of the State its southernmost bend, and seems to say “ Here shalt thou come and no farther; beyond thy statutes are of no avail.” Bcllefontaine . — Ironton is 220 miles from Kenton by my route: I left Kenton after breakfast, stopped two hours at Bellefon- taine and one at Columbus. I entered Belle- fontaine by the train from the north as I did forty years ago ; but how different my en- trance. Then it was late in the fall or early winter ; I had sketched the grave of Simon Kenton a few miles north, when night over- took me : it became intensely dark, I was on the back of old Pomp, and in some anxiety as I could see nothing except a faint glimmer from the road moistened by the rain ; a sense of relief came when the straggling lights of Bellefontaine burst in view. In the morning I awoke to find this place with a beautiful name, little more than a collection of log cabins grouped around the Court House square. I was surprised yesterday to find it such a handsome little city. Old Soldiers . — There in his office in one of the fine buildings that had supplanted the crude structures of the old time, I called up- on a young man of whose history I had heard in my New Haven home ; for he was a youth in Yale when Sumter fell. Then he gave his books a toss into a corner and fol- lowing the flag made a record. He is now the Lieut. -Governor of the State, Robert Ken- nedy. He is strongly made ; a picture of physical health. He is of medium stature, yet every man who from love of country has breasted the bullets of her foes will stand in my eyes half a foot taller than other men. In this tour I have met many such and no matter how humble their position, I feel everywhere like taking them by the hand ; for they seem as men glorified. My memory carries me back to the meeting in my youth with soldiers of the American Revolution, venerable men who had come down from a former generation, and th*e people every- where honored them ; they too were as men glorified. Women of the Scioto Valley . — It was near evening when I arrived at Columbus ; wffiere I walked the streets for an hour finding them ADAMS COUNTY. 237 thronged with people engaged in their Christ- mas shopping. On resuming my seat in the cars to continue south, I found them filled with women living down the Scioto Valley, some ten, some fifty miles away, returning to their homes with packages of happiness. Two or three of them were blondes, young ladies of tasteful attire and refined beauty. This famed valley is of wonderful fertility, equal in places probably to the delta of the Ganges where a square mile feeds a thou- sand. Almost armies perished here in this valley by malaria before it was fairly sub- dued, and could produce such exquisite fancifully attired creatures as these. Their grandmothers were obliged to dress in homespun, dose with quinine, and listen to the nightly howls of wolves around their cabins ; but these graceful femininities can pore over Harper s Bazaar, indulge in ice-cream and go entranced over airs from the operas. By ten o’clock the Christmas shoppers had been distributed through the valley and I was almost alone when my attention was attracted by a young man near me, of twenty-two, so he told me. He said he had been a farm laborer in Michigan, and was go- ing into Virginia to begin life among stran- gers ; going forth into the world to seek his fortune. He evidently knew nothing of that country and it seemed to me as though he was under some Utopian hallucination. His face was of singular beauty. A tall, conical Canadian black cap set it off to ad- vantage ; his complexion was dark, his teeth like pearls, features delicate and eyes radi- ant. Then his smile was so sweet and his expression so innocent and guileless that he quite won my heart in sympathy for his fu- ture. There was some mystery there. I could not reconcile his story of being a farm laborer with such refinement. Wed. Dec. 22. 5 p. M. — As I sat this morning in a photograph gallery in I ronton, the photographer exclaimed “ There’s the Bostonia — that’s her whistle.” “Where is she bound ? ” “ Down the river.” In a twinkling I decided to go in her and now just at candle light I’m on the Ohio, sixty miles below Ironton. In this sudden decis- ion to leave I fear I greatly disappointed Editor E. S. Wilson of the Register, who, having read my books in boyhood, had greeted my advent with warmth and ex- pected to have a day with me. The Scotch Irish . — At Ironton I had a brief interview with a patriarch now verging on his 8oth year. Mr. John Campbell, long identified with the development of the iron industry of this locality. In my entire tour I had scarcely met with another of such grand patriarchial presence : of great stature and singular benignancy of expression, he made me think of George Washington ; this was increased when he told me he was from Vir- ginia. He is from that strong Scotch Irish Presbyterian stock that gave to our country such men as Andrew Jackson, John C. Cal- houn, the Alexanders of Princeton, Felix Houston of Texas, Horace Greeley, the McDowells, etc. Stonewall Jackson was one of them, and his famous brigade was largely composed .of Scotch Irish, whose ancestors drifted down from Pennsylvania about 1 50 years ago and settled in the beau- tiful Shenandoah Valley about Augusta and Staunton. They were never to any extent, more than they could well help, a slave- holding people ; indeed they have been noted for their love of civil and religious liberty. While in the American Revolution the Episcopalians of eastern Virginia largely de- serted their homes, as numerous ruins of Episcopal churches there to-day attest, and followed King George, these “ hard-headed blue Presbyterians,” as one of their own writ- ers called them, from the loins of the old Scotch Covenanters, were a strong reliance of Washington ; On the Ohio . — How cheap traveling is by river. I go, say 100 miles by water, and pay $2. 00 and they feed me as well as move me ; a general custom on the Ohio and Missis- sippi river boats. This is a large comfort- able boat, and I’m given ice-cream for both dinner and supper, and for drink any amount of Ohio river water, now filled with broken ice, a remarkably soft, palatable beverage. Persons inexperienced in traveling on the western rivers often see the expression, “ wharf boat ” and it puzzles them. Owing to the continual changes in the level of west- ern rivers, in seasons of extreme flood ris- ing fifty and more feet, permanent wharves for the receipt of freight and passengers are impossible. So flat bottomed scows floored and roofed, called wharf boats are used. The steamboats are moored alongside and the passengers go on the wharf boat on a plank, cross it and then on other planks reach land. The river passes between the steam- boat and wharf-boat with frightful velocity. The instance is hardly known of a passen- ger falling between the two, no matter how good a swimmer he was, escaping death ; he is drawn under the wharf boat ; many have thus been drowned. At night light is shed over the scene by a huge lump of burning coal taken from the furnace and suspended from a wire basket : if this does not give sufficient light a handful of powdered resin is thrown on it. The scene at a landing on a dark night is picturesque. The passengers crowding ashore, the confusing yells of the porters on the wharf-boats, the hustling to and fro of the deck hands, while the dancing flames from the burning coal blowing in the wind throws a lurid, changing light over the spot, rendering the enveloping darkness beyond still more awe inspiring. This with the thought that a fall overboard is death makes an unpleasant im- pression. Hence as it is excessively dark and I cannot see well after night I dread the landing; for a single foot slip may be fatal. When the Ohio some forty years ago was the main artery for traffic and passengers. ADAMS COUNTY. 238 these river towns were greatly prosperous ; the river was the continuous subject of con- versation. When neighbor met neighbor the question would be “ How’s the river ? ” “ Good stage of water, eh } ” Even their very slang came from it. In expressing con- tempt for another they would say, “ Oh he’s a nobody — nothing but a little stern wheel affair ; don’t draw over six inches.” The Old Tiuie Traveling upon the great rivers of the West, the Ohio and Mississippi, was unlike anything of our day. All classes were brought in close social contact often for days and sometimes for weeks together, and it was an excellent school in which to observe character. It was as a pilot on the Mississippi . that Mark Twain took some early lessons in the gospel of humor which he has since been preaching with such tell- ing effect. And I think the people like it for I have ever observed that when a good text is selected from that gospel, and a good preacher talks from it, saints and sinners arm in arm, alike rush in great waves, fill the pews, overflow the aisles, bubble up and foam through the galleries, and none drop asleep no matter how lengthy the discourse. So Love and Humor with their compajnions. Good Will and Cheerfulness, serene and white robed, take us gently by the hand and lead us over the rough places to the ever smiling valleys and to the eternal fountains. On the steamboats up the river, on their way to Washington and Congress, went the great political lights of the South and West — Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, Tom Benton, Gen. Harrison, Tom Corwin, Yell of Arkan- sas, Poindexter of Mississippi, and Col. Crockett of Tennessee, the hero of the Alamo, whose great legacy was a single sentence — “ Be sure you are right and then go ahead.” Arrived at Wheeling the pas- sengers were packed in stage coaches for a ride of two or three days more on the National road over the mountains; — packed a dozen inside, eight facing each other and knees more or less interlocking. At that period the country east was cob- webbed with stage roads. The traveling public, men, women and children, were crammed into stages and sent tentering in all directions up and down the hillsides and through the valleys, the stages stopping every ten miles at wayside taverns to change horses, when the passengers often largely patronized the bar. Nowand then an upset from a hilarious driver made a sad business of it. The fares in the northern States were usually six cents, and in the southern States ten cents a mile. Steamboat Racing. — In that day on the steamers scenes of dissipation were common. Every boat had its bar, liquors were cheap and gambling was largely carried on, knots gathering around little tables and money sometimes openly and unblushingly dis- played, as I saw when I first knew the river, now nearly half a century ago. Steamboat racing was at one time largely indulged in and strange as it may appear, when a race was closely contested, the passengers would often become so excited as to overcome their beginning timidity and urge the cap- tain to put on more steam ; then even the women would sometimes scream and clap their hands as they passed a rival boat. An explosion W'as a quick elevating process. The racing “brag boat,” “ Moselle,’’ which exploded at Cincinnati, April 26, 1 838, hurled over two hundred passengers into eternity. For a few moments the air w'as filled with human bodies and broken timber to fall in a shower into the river and on the shore near by. The captain of one of those large passen- ger boats was a personage of importance, the lord of a traveling domain. His will was law. And when he carried some nota- ble characters such as Henry Clay or Andrew Jackson, his pride in his position one can well imagine. Thorough men of the world, some of them were gentlemen in the best sense, whose great ambition was to well serve the floating populations under their care. Experience of an Old Thite River Man . — A fine specimen of the old time river men is Capt. John F. Devenny whom I met at Steubenville on this tour. He has known the river from early in this century. In con- versation he gave me some of his experi- ences. He was born in 1810 in Westmoreland Co., Pa., near the mouth of the Youghi- ogheny, pronounced there by the people for short, “ Yough.” In 1 81 5 his father removed with his family to Steubenville which since has been the captain’s residence. Steuben- ville was the first considerable manufacturing point in south-eastern Ohio, and his father put up there the machinery for a large woolen factory, a paper mill, and a grist mill. In 1829, at the age of 19, Mr. Devenny was an engineer on a river boat; in 1835, commanded a boat which ran from Pittsburg to St. Louis and New Orleans. In the war he was captain of a transport engaged in the Vicksburg campaign. “ In the early days of boating,” said he, “ drinking and gambling were almost universal. I found in my first experiences I was being drawn into the vortex ; the fondness for drink and the passion for gaming were getting a hold upon me. I stopped short off and was saved. A large part of the young men who went on the river died drunkards. Of those who went with me on the first boat, the ‘ Ruhamah,’ I am the sole survivor. On my -own boat I never allowed gambling. I have outlived two generations of river men who have perished mainly from intemperance. I ascribe my long life to my refraining from such habits and the longevity of my family.” His father lived to the age of 96, and the captain himself, a large, fine-looking gentle- man, seems at seventy-six as one in his prime. An Amusing Incidcfit occurred when he ADAMS COUNTY. 239 was in command of the “ North Carolina ” running from Pittsburg to New Orleans. He started out from a port with another boat which had wooden chimneys. She had lost her chimneys by their striking against some trees, and being in haste had constructed these for temporary use ; boxes of plank they were, fastened together. “ I laughed at the sight of them,” said Devenny, “when the captain replied I would find it no laughing matter: he should beat me into New Or- leans. We moved along in company when after a few hours we discovered his chimneys were on fire. There was great excitement on his boat. He called up his crew and we saw them tumble them overboard. We were greatly amused at the sight, laughing heartily. I thought it was all up with them. But they had an extra set, had them up in a twinkling and got into New Orleans first. Prevenimg Explosions. — Captain De- venny has long held the position of govern- ment inspector of steamboats. He ascribes explosions as generally if not always occur- ring from the water getting low in a boiler, and then when fresh water is let in upon the bare metal thus superheated its sudden conversion into steam rends the boiler. This is now guarded against by boring holes in the parts of the boiler that would first be- come exposed to the heat in case of a di- minution of water ; which holes are plugged with block tin. At the temperature of 442° the block tin melts the holes open, and the steam escaping gives warning, whereupon the engineer opens the furnace door and the fire goes down. The plugs are externally hollow brass screws, the center tin. They are put in from the inside of the boiler into which the workman crawls for their inser- tion. River Beacons . — In former times there were no beacons or lights on the western rivers. “ There were places then on the Mississippi,” said Devenny, “ where we had to lie by all night. Sometimes we had to send a skiff across the river to build a bon- fire as a guide to the channel. This was constantly changing from year to year.” In going down the Ohio my attention was arrested by the new feature introduced by the Government, of beacons erected on the banks, which greatly lessens the dangers of navigation. These are petroleum lamps commonly set upon posts and shaded by small roofs as is shown in the picture. A small steamer, the “ Lily,” plies on the Ohio between Cairo and Pittsburg, supplies oil, pays the keepers, puts up new lights where wanted and changes the old ones, which is often required from the changes of the channel. The lights are placed on the channel side of the river, where the water is deep. Some- times three or four beacons are put up on a single farm. The steamers steer from light to light. The farmers on the river largely consign the duty of attending to the lights to their wives and daughters who thus earn “ pin money,” some few dimes daily for each lamp. And the reflection is certainly inter- esting that along on these rivers, sweeping the margins of many states in the aggre- gate, are hundreds of worthy thrifty females daily ascending ladders and attending to the lamps ; and among them all I venture to say no five foolish virgins could be found so long as Uncle Sam with smiling visage stands ready with his huge cans to pour out the oil. The Ascetision of Ladders must be classed as among the accomplishments of the softer sex. In Vienna and other continental cities females carry the hod, and with us that high class, the library women, are continually go- ing up ladders while Providence seems to have a watch over the delicate fragile crea- tures in this peril. Alarmed at the sight of an ascension in the Mercantile Library of Cincinnati for a book she had wanted, a lady in terror tones exclaimed, “ Don’t go up there for me. I’m afraid you will fall.” “ Humph,” gruffly retorted a voice at her side, that of her other half, “ that is what she is put here for, to go up ladders ! ” In this connection it is interesting to men- tion that the statistics of a public library in Manchester, England, showed that the average life of a library book was eighty readings, when the book would be useless from torn and missing leaves and general shackling condition. Where such a book was on a top shelf its procurement and re- turn would require 160 ladder ascensions ere it could be classed as defunct literature. Thursday Morn, Dec. 23, — Well, here I am safe in Manchester. The boat porter took a lantern and holding me by the hand I got ashore with perfect ease ; a flood of light being thrown on the plank. The por- ter of the McDade Hotel, a colored lad, took me in charge. He also had a lantern and taking my hand we floundered through the mud up the river bank, my rubber san- dals getting boot jacked off by the way. After leaving my “ grip ” at the hotel which faced the river, the boy taking a lan- tern went with me to make a call ; but the party was not at home. It is bad to get about in many of these places at night. The walks are so ugly with so many sudden “step up’s”- and “go downs,” that it is dangerous for a stranger to move about without a lantern or a pilot. I gave the boy a good sized coin for going with me. He could hardly believe his eyes. “What” said he, “all this.?” “Yes.” I then sent him out for cigars. When he re- turned I asked, “ How old are you ? ” “ Nineteen.” “Be a good boy,” I rejoined, “ and you will have plenty of friends.” “ Yes, I try to be. I don’t drink, nor use tobacco, nor swear.” Thinks I, “ that boy is almost a saint ! ” This is one of the oldest places in the State. The tavern is evidently very old 240 ADAMS COUNTY. the room I was in, a small dingy spot. In ancient days of free^ liquor it had been a bar- room, doubtless a loitering place for the scum of the river and village. I took out my note-book and made some notes while the^ old clock ticked away faith- fully, not skipping a single second. My only companion, indeed the only person I had seen about the premises, the boy, tipped his chair against the wall and dropping asleep snored in unison with the clock ticks. Soon my iiotes were finished. I gave him a gentle touch, and then felt as though I had^ a saint in black to light me to bed. All of life does not consist in keeping awake. Then how sweet is sleep when without a thought or care of trouble one can sink into oblivion while the grand procession of the stars passes over him. Blest sleep which beguiles with visions of far isles. So calm and so peaceful heart can wish for no more. With cool, leafy shades, and green sunny glades. And low murmuring waters laving the shore. Somnus^ King of Sleep ^ “gentlest of the gods, tranquillizer of mind and soother of careworn hearts:” his subjects all welcome him, and nod at his coming. “We are all nodding, nid nod nodding. We are all nodding at our house at home.” Few of them have their pride touched as he passes by, and so get mad and grumble, say- ing, “ He would not speak to me.” The Best Sleep in History . — As long as the world has stood, Somnus has pursued his vo- cation with an industry worthy of all praise. But the greatest of his feats, for which we are the most grateful, was in the first exercise of his power. Way back in the ages it was, when he put the first man asleep in a garden and during that sleep a rib was taken from him, and when he awoke there lay by his side amid the fragrance of the flowers a beautiful creature. The doves cooed from among the roses and the fiat went forth that thereafter man should not live alone. Thus was mar- riage instituted with flowers and love songs, while the bending leaves, its witnesses, whis- pered of the great event, and moved by the unseen spirits, the zephyrs, they danced in joy : it was the original wedding dance, that in Eden : the dance of the leaves. But ah ! there was a sad omission to that union : no preliminary courtship, none of those blissful walks by moonlight in the dreamy poetic hours, to throw a halo of ro- mance over love’s young dream, and which gives to many a joyous couple in their serene old age their most delicious sacred retrospect. Still the moon must later have put in her ap- earance, smiling and happy as she played o-peep from behind the soft, fleecy clouds, and blessed them, as she ever does us all. The Blessing of the Moon . — We may all worship and love the moon, so beautiful and so chaste. Silent and solemn are her minis- trations. Her soft light drops down from on high — reflects from the bosom of many waters, bathes the mountain sides, relieves the gloom of the forest with ribbons of silver, lies over the fields and habitations of man, touches with the tips of her fingers the clustering vines of the trellis, and entering the chamber window spreads her angel light over the pure white couch where youth and innocence are sleeping. And the heart of man wells up in calm seraphic joy. He feels it^ is the power of God and he says: “Great is the gift of human life that it is made receptive of such hallowed, chaste beauty.” It is the common blessing, alike to the lofty and the lowly — the blessing of the beauty of the moon. ‘ But i return from my allegorical poetical excursion to the McBade, the home of my young friend the black boy. Son of Night. At daylight I was awakened by music. It was a monotone, especially grateful as I was so nicely nestled. ^ The music was the sound of a steady pouring down rain on the roof over me ; but far above the first beams of the rising sun were striking upon the rolling mists, lighting them up as an aerial ocean of golden ^ory : a vast and awful^ solitude of ethereal beauty. Great is Creation ! and the wonder is that it can be, and our lives with so little of real evil. Winchester is on the line of the railroad in the northwest corner of the county, thirteen miles from West Union. It has one newspaper, The Signal^ Rufus T. Baird, editor ; the Winchester Bank, George Baird, president, James S. Cressman, vice-president, L. J. Fenton, cashier; and one Baptist, one Pres- byterian, and one Methodist Episcopal church ; population in 1880, 550; school census, 1886, 196; do. at Rome (fifteen miles southeast of West Union), 160; at Bentonville (five miles southwest of West Union), 142 ; Locust Grove 99, and Sandy Springs 56. ALLEJSr. Allen County was formed April 1, 1820, from Indian Territory, and named in honor of a Col. Allen, of the war of 1812 ; it was temporarily attached to Mercer county for judicial purposes. The southern part has many Germans. A large part of the original settlers were of Pennsylvania origin. The western half of the county is flat, and presents the common features of the Black Swamp. The eastern part is gently rolling, and in the southeastern part are gravelly ridges and knolls. The Dividing Bidge ’’ is occupied by handsome, well-drained farms, which is in marked contrast with much of the surrounding country, which is still in the primeval forest condition. Its area is 440 square miles. In 1885 the acres cultivated were 119,175; in pasture, 29,598; in woodland, 53,395; pro- duced in wheat, 460,669 bushels; in corn, 1,157,149; wool, 103,654 pounds. School census, 1886, 11,823; teachers, 178 ; and 118 miles of railroad. Townships and Census. 1840. 1880. Townships and Census. 1840. 1880. Amanda, Auglaize, 282 1,456 Ottawa, 7,669 1,344 1,512 1,749 Perry, 923 1,465 Bath, 1,532 Richland, 3,372 German, 856 1,589 Shawnee, 756 1,241 Jackson, 1,176 1,893 4,488 2,182 Spencer, Sugar Creek, 1,646 Marion, Monroe, 672 1,032 The population in 1830 was 578 ; 1850, 12,116 ; 1860, 19,185 ; 1880, 31,314, of whom 25,625 were Ohio born, 3 were Chinese, and 4 Indians. The initial point in the occupancy of the county by the whites was the building of a fort on the west bank of the Auglaize in September, 1812, by Col. Poague, of Gen. Harrison’s army, which he named in honor of his wife Fort Amanda. A ship-yard was founded there the next year, and a number of scows built by the soldiers for navigation on the Lower Miami, as well as for the navigation of the Auglaize, which last may be termed one of the historical streams of Ohio, as it was early visited by the French, and in its neighborhood were the villages of the