UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ' AGMCULTUP WON CIRCULATING CHECK FOR UNBOUND CIRCULATING COPY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN NO. 143 ECONOMY OF THE ROUND DAIRY BARN BY WIL,BER J. FRASEK URBANA, ILLINOIS, FEBRUARY, 1910 SUMMARY OF BULLETIN No. 143 1. Round barns v, onld be more generally built if their advantages were known and if the few which have been erected had been rightly constructed. Page i. 2. The round dairy barn offers greater convenience in storing, handling and distributing the feed. Page 5. 3. In the circular construction, much greater strength is secured with less lumber. Page 6. 4. The material for rectangular barns costs from 34 to 58 percent mot^ than for round barns of the same area and capacity. . Page 7. 5. Round and rectangular barns compared. Page n. 6. Round and rectangular barns, including silos, compared. Page 13. 7. Detailed account, with illustrations showing how the round barn at' the University was built. Page 17 8. Itemized statement of cost of a 6o-foot round barn. Page 29. 9. Brief descriptions with illustrations and plans of several round dairv barns in actual use. Page 31. TO. Conclusions. The advantages of the round dairy barn are convenience, strength and cheapness. Page 44. UNIVERSITY OF EOONOMY OF THE KOUND DAIRY BARN SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILED COST AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW SIXTY-FOOT CIRCULAR DAIRY BARN AT THE UNI- VERSITY. SAVING OF ROUND OVER RECTANGULAR BARNS. NOTES ON SEVERAL ROUND BARNS ON DAIRY FARMS.* BY W. J. FRASER, CHIEF IN DAIRY HUSBANDRY The planning, construction, and arrangement of farm buildings do not usually receive the thought and study these subjects warrant. How many dairymen have compared a circular, 40-cow barn with the common rec- tangular building containing the same area? How many understand that the circular structure is much the stronger; that the rectangular form re- quires 22 percent more wall and foundation to enclose the same space; and that the cost of material is from 34 to 58 percent more for the rectangular building? In a community in which everyone is engaged in the same oc- cupation, one person is likely to copy from his neighbor without apparently giving a thought as to whether or not there is a bet- ter way. In a district of Kane county, Illinois, a certain type of dairy barn is used by nearly everyone, while in the next county a dis- tinctly different type prevails, and the dairy barns of another ad- jacent county differ from those of either of the former, simply because the early settlers of this particular locality came from an eastern state and started building the style of barn then common in Pennsylvania. In a certain community in Ohio where a milk condensing fac- tory is located, a large number of farmers have barns 36x60 feet, with an "L" the same size. The loft of the "L" is used for the storage of straw, and the cows run ioose in the lower portion. These barns are all built on practically the same plan and are usu- ally of the same size, and this is the only community known to the writer where this form of barn is used in this manner. This tendency to imitate emphasizes the fact that men do not exercise sufficient originality. Because most barns are rectangular is no reason that this is the best and most economical form. *Special acknowledgment is made to Mr. H. E. Crouch and Mr. R. E. Brand for their assistance in working out the detailed data which are the bases for i he economic comparn of the round and rectangular barns made in this bulletin. BULLETIN No. 143 WHY MORE ROUND BARNS ARE NOT BUILT [February, In an early day when lumber was cheap, buildings were built of logs, or at least had heavy frames. Under these conditions, the rectangular barn was the one naturally used, and people have fol- lowed in the footsteps of their forefathers in continuing this form of barn. The result is that the economy and advantages of the round barn have apparently never been considered. This is be- cause they are not obvious at first sight, and become fully appar- ent only after a detailed study of the construction. For these rea- sons, the rectangular form still continues to be built, altho it re- an tin n n no n n n rm rml wH^ FIG. l. BARN No. 5. 100 FEET IN DIAMETER, SCALE 20 FEET TO ONE INCH; SHOWING INCREASED MOW CAPACITY GIVEN BY SELF-SUPPORTING ROOF. igio] ECONOMY OF THE ROUND DAIRY BARN 3 quires much more lumber. As the price of lumber has advanced so materially in recent years, the possible saving in this material is a large item, and well worth investigating. The objections to round barns have usually been made by those who have only a superficial knowledge of the subject, and do not really understand the relative merits of the two forms. To the writer's knowledge, there has never been published a carefully fig- ured out, detailed comparison of a properly constructed circular barn with the rectangular barn. The difficulty with most round barns that have been built, thus far, is that they do not have a self-supporting roof, and conse- quently lose many of the advantages of a properly constructed round barn. This is the principal reason why round barns have not become more popular. A straight roof necessarily requires many supports in the barn below. These are both costly and in- convenient, and make the roof no stronger than a dome-shaped, self-supporting roof which nearly doubles the capacity of the mow. See Fig. (i). Many who have thus disregarded capacity have also wasted lumber and made a needless amount of work by chopping or hew- ing out the sill and plate, thus requiring more labor and lumber, besides sacrificing the greater strength of a built-up sill. Rightly constructed round barns are, however, being built to a limited ex- tent. One contractor has erected twenty-four round barns, with self supporting roofs, in the last nine years. These barns vary in size from 40 feet in diameter with i8-foot posts to 102 feet in diameter with 3O-foot posts. Another reason for the scarcity of round barns is the difficulty in getting them built. Most carpenters hesitate to undertake the work because in the erection of a round barn the construction should be entirely different from that of the rectangular form. Many new problems present themselves, but when these are once understood, the round barn offers no more difficulties in construc- tion than the rectangular form. It is, however, important to have a head carpenter who is accustomed to putting up round barns, as a man with ingenuity and experience can take advantage of many opportunities to save labor and material. KIND OF BARN NEEDED The first thing to consider in the erection of a barn is a con- venient arrangement for the purpose for which it is to be used. At the University of Illinois, two years ago, a twenty-acre demon- stration dairy farm was started, the sole object being to produce the largest amount of milk per acre at the least possible cost. To BULLETIN No. 143 [February, meet the requirements of a barn for this purpose, it became im- perative to build one that was convenient for feeding- and caring for the cows, economical of construction, and containing a large storage capacity in both silo and mow. These are the requirements of a barn for every practical dairyman. A silo was needed that could be fed from the year round. With the small number of cows- kept, a deep enough layer of silage could not be fed off each day to keep it good thru the summer, if the silo was more than 12 feet in diameter. As this small diameter was a necessity, it would require two silos 33 feet, deep to supply enough silage. Two silos of such small diameter would not only be costly, but difficult to make stand, unless built of concrete. This difficulty was overcome by using the circular barn and placing in the center a silo which is 12 feet in diameter and 54 feet deep, thus FIG. 2. FILLING THE SILO. making the one silo, with as much capacity as the two before men- tioned, answer every purpose. This deep silo is an important part of the round barn, as it not only forms a support for the roof, but is protected by the barn, thus saving the cost of siding. Then, too, besides occupying the space least valuable for other purposes, it being 1 centrally located, is in the most convenient place for feed- ing. The silage chute being open at the top forms a suction of air, which keeps the silage odor from the barn at milking- time, and also assists in ventilation when the door to the chute is open. lu'UXu.MV UK lilt. KOLM) U.UKY 1'iAk.N ADVANTAGES OF THE ROUND BARN The points of superiority that the round dairy barn shows over the rec- tangular form are convenience, strength, and cheapness. ROUND BARN MOST CONVENIENT Considering that the barn on a dairy farm is used twice every clay in the year, and that for six months each year the cows oc- cupy it almost continuously, and that during this time a large amount of the labor of the farm is done inside the barn, it is evi- dent that the question of its convenience is a vital one. The ^SJU FIG. 3. INTERIOR OF BARN, SECOND FLOOR, SHOWING SILO AND LOCATION OF ENSILAGE CUTTER. (TEAM UNHITCHED TO SHOW CUTTER.) amount of time and strength wasted in useless labor in poorly ar- ranged buildings is appalling. People do not stop to consider the saving in a year or a lifetime by having the barn so conveniently arranged that there is a saving of only a few seconds on each task that has to be done two or three times every day. The round barn has a special advantage in the work of distrib- uting silage to the cows. The feeding commences at the chute where it is thrown down, and is continued around the circle, end- ing with the silage cart at the chute again, ready for the next feed- ing. The same thing is true in feeding hay and grain. BULLETIN No. 143 [February. Still another great advantage is the large unobstructed hay mow. With the self-supporting roof, there are no timbers what- ever obstructing the mow, which means no dragging of hay around posts or over girders. The hay carrier runs on a circular track around the mow, midway bet wen the silo and the outside wall, and drops the hay at any desired point, thus in no case does the hay have to be moved. but a few feet, which means a saving of much labor in the mowing. To successfully embody all of the above discussed advantages in a dairy barn is one of the large problems in milk production. In a careful study of the barn question it soon became apparent that it was impossible to embody all of the requirements advan- tageously in anything but a circular form of building, and the 60- foot round barn, which is here described, was built. FIG. 4. SOUTH VIEW, SHOWING WELL LIGHTED STABLK. CIRCULAR CONSTRUCTION THE STRONGEST The circular construction is the strongest, because it lakes ad- vantage of the lineal, instead of the breaking strength of the lum- ber. Each row of boards running around the barn forms a hoop that holds the barn together A barrel, properly hooped and headed, is almost indestructible, and much stronger than a box, altho the hoops are small. This strength is because the stress comes on the hoops in a lineal direction. Any piece of timber is many times stronger on a lineal pull than on a breaking stress. Take for example a No. I yellow pine 2x6, 16 feet long, with an ECONOMY OK THE ROUND DAIRY BARN actual cross section of 1^x5^ inches. If placed on edge and supported at the ends, as a joist, the limit of safety for a load" evenly distributed is 642 pounds, while the limit of safety for a load in the lineal direction of the same piece of timber is 12,800 pounds, or twenty times as great. All exposed surfaces of a round barn are circular, as both the sides and roof are arched, which is the strongest form of construc- tion to resist wind pressure; besides, the wind, in striking it, glances off and can get no direct hold on 'the walls or roof, as it can on the flat sides or gable ends of a rectangular structure. If FIG. 5. IN cow STABLE, SHOWING siix> AND FEED Aij y EY IN CENTER OF BARN; STANCHIONS ON RIGHT, MII,K SCALES AND RECORD SHEET ON I,EFT. the lumber is properly placed in a round barn, much of it will per- form two or more functions. Every row of siding boards running around the building serves also as a brace, and the same is true of the roof boards and the arched rafters. If the siding is put on vertically and the roof built dome shaped, no scaffolding is required inside or out. These are points of economy in the round con- struction. RECTANGULAR BARNS REQUIRE 34 TO 58 PERCENT MORE MATERIAL In order to compare the amount and cost of material in round and rectangular barns, the following figures have been carefully worked out by an expert barn builder. Two comparisons, based BULLETIN No. 143 [February, on wood construction thruout, are made, in which round barns 60 feet and 90 feet in diameter are compared with both plank and mortise frame rectangular barns containing the same number of square feet of floor space, re- spectively. Since the most prac- tical width of a rectangular dairy barn is 36 feet, its length will de- pend upon the number of square feet required in the barn. Figures 6 to 9 are side and end views, showing the detail construction and size of the tim- bers of the plank frame and mor- 6. SHOWING CONSTRUCTION OK tise frame barns here figured- MORTISE FRAME BARN, END VIEW. The detailed figures of the lum- ber bills for each of these barns were carefully worked out, but are too voluminous for publication here. The total number of feet of each kind of lumber required is given in Tables lA and iB. Since the proportion of the different kinds of lumber and shingles varied for the different barns, to draw an exact comparison it was fe : FIG. 1, SHOWING CONSTRUCTION OF PL.ANK FRAME BARN, SIDE VIEW. igio] ECONOMY OF THE ROUND DAIRY BARN necessary to base it upon the money value, and for this purpose the total cost of lumber has been figured in each case. The lumber values used thruout are the best average prices that could be ob- tained. As the same prices are used for the material of all the barns, the comparisons of cost are correct, altho these exact prices will not hold for all localities and all times. Since a silo cannot be economically built inside of a rectangular barn, the first com- parison is made with the barns simply enclosed, altho one of the chief advantages of a round barn is the deep silo which it is pos- sible to build so economically in the center. Another item of economy in the circular barn is less framing lumber. This form has the strongest possible construction with the least lumber in the frame, and the least bracing, not a single [T-OW- FIG. 8. SHOWING CONSTRUCTION OK P^ANK FRAME BARN, END VIEW. i -6 1 air "C ?8 f H Y X N 7 \ ~7~ ~^\ 7~ "\ 7~ "^ 7 S 7_ N s \ 7 \ 2x9 j, S N / \ 9*9-, / N / \ / -\ 7 \ / N ;9x9 s \ / \ s \ f \ f~ \ / \ r- Fio. 9. SHOWING CONSTRUCTION OF MORTISE FRAME BARN, SIDE VIEW. 10 BULLETIN No. 143 [February, ~t 1C rH \C ^ 00 00 1^ ^ H 1 * V S o >- oo' SH .2 ro u ^ * o -M' -M' (5g> 3 H oo H * >/3 O r^. \n o CO o 4 8 M rH* 1 /J 5 a * K 4 rt X) q M ri r*5 ^H 1 O GO 00 00 1^ 00 CM 4 3 w^ t^*. 00 O> 4 bo O\ ro O M CO 3 5 S J O Rectan V S ri T ii ii VO f>l J2. t2 "5 wr w^ f^. CM T- 5 OQ _ri T . 3 cC 4H o ri M f>l V) 0* 3 "vj d ^ g S 5 **-* O D ~ *; r H PH <4-( 4-1 ^x_/ 1 O O t- t^ Q ro" rf *" CD CO CO ET rH rH * 1^ C T- H El 3 bjb C 5 2 'C 8 i (fj . TJ M 1 C jj 1 5 ri u 5 vT ** Xi i V V H ! X) "S ^ O a to MH !Q o 3 S T ^ ^_i U 4 ho 01 O J 9 4 4 | S 1 42 Cd O .n > in 43 J3 O fe cn 03 w O 13 H Contem ro ro O O O iO CO IO u t^ 00 C1 00 ri 00 * O ro rH 9v N CD 3 II II II CM <*-! ci ci t^ ^^ ^j D ^ ro' H M (S" 1 (S) *^ \^. t *; J g O O VD rO 00 ^t 8 * ^ cf C\ 00 O 1C ( 4 rH 10 0* CM ri 5 00 rO O O ro O "1 1> CO 3 he a o co ri o o- c-i oo ci N o Recta I a u MH VO CM O (M IN l>- 9& o CM j^ ** n ^> ri S MH MH g O . ^. N" 10 00 00 O rO (N rH cd rH CM w m 00 'C 1C CO H . ci H ro" ^ 0) B t^- rt* ro i II II II CO CM CO '-o M r< ic fr "C /~~* s~^. ' c a (2) v) ^yi 3 " | i " -w (8) s-i IH S 1 ON >C Q CM U) CD o" rf i>-" ro N O\ CM CM CO bib c o s ^J* ri V ~ . he IH 1 a 0) V .S J3 S.H CO 3 - MH o !o 3 -- he 4J U bo .2 (A O i- (H ^ "S S (it g H 13 4-1 rt D T* i G C x: js o "o O fa cC cC CQ H O lyio] ECONOMY OF THE ROUND DAIRY BARN 11 timber larger than a 2x6 being required above the sill. The arched circular roof requires no supports, and no scaffolding is needed inside during its construction. The accompanying tables show the comparative amount and value of lumber and cubical content in round barns 60 and 90 feet in diameter, and rectangular barns of equal area and height of posts. ROUND AND RECTANGULAR BARNS COMPARED In comparing the 6o-foot round barn with a rectangular barn of the same area, the two barns should afford the cows the same amount of space on the platform. Allowing each cow in the 60- foot round barn 3 feet 6 inches in width at the rear of the plat- form, it will accommodate 40 cows and leave space for two passage ways. But in a rectangular barn, only 3 feet 4 inches of platform space need be allowed for each cow, and the 78^/2 foot barn, with two 3-foot passage ways across it for convenience in feeding, will accommodate 42 cows. While the rectangular barn has stall room for two more cows, the round barn contains space in the center for a silo 1 8 feet in diameter. The floor space and cubical content of the round barn 60 feet in diameter, and the rectangular barn compared with it in these tables, are practically the same, and the barns are therefore di- rectly comparable. This being true, the percentages which were figured from the complete bills of material for these barns show the exact saving in lumber on the 6o-foot round barn over the plank and mortise frame rectangular barns 36x781/2 feet. The lumber bills of the rectangular barns show an increase in cost of 28 percent for the plank frame and 54 percent for the mortise frame. The round barn, 60 feet in diameter, contains i88*/>, and the rectangular barn 225 lineal feet of wall. The rectangular barn has, therefore, 22 percent more lineal feet of outside barn wall, requiring a proportional increase in both paint and foundation. The 1 76^4 -foot rectangular barn would hold 100 cows, allow- ing each cow 3 feet 4 inches in width and providing for 3 passage ways of 3 feet each across the barn. The go-foot round barn would hold 100 cows iii two rows headed together, 65 of which would be in the outer circle, and have 3 feet 6 inches each in width at the gutter. This leaves sufficient room for feed alleys and walks, and two passage ways, one three feet and the other seven feet wide for the manure and feed car- riers. All of this is outside of a central space for a silo 20 feet in diameter and 71 feet high, with a capacity for 620 tons of sil- age, and in the mow there would still be an excess, above the ca- pacity of the rectangular barn, of 33,000 cubic feet, which would 12 BULLETIN No. 143 [February, 1 fc M H L tt-l D C rH O 'O *J" OS M f) i/) 10 rO O O^ M rH (S| 10 O CD 5> 00 00 10 (D IO M ob & M X .4 rO t> O B 3 1 H i3 M be C fe ri S N ROUND 811,08. V 05 td _5 |>. O ^O CSJ O\ CS) SO 0^ rH (SI ee O N r* 00 CO CO CO M C *- o en c" fl 0.5 ^ rt I'-s ^ S o (D CD A O *"* s c -5 O 00 >O IO 3 -M o * o M H PM a /^ s - . (0 O .1 -S -S ^ /) 1^- O ro 00 00 U) CO IO <*H !_ -* r-( IT) o 00 ^ ws O ^ 0*1 VD rH % CO X B C M J3 rt "3 bo n r^ (4 C U D u H-l t^ O M vo 00 ^O 0) a> (D * C rt 1^ ^O rO 8^ -t r-( IO CO CO CO r- E N M W CO H V g | 1.2 00 '^ O rf rO O 00 O 'O n rO VO CO CO CO O O 3 ^ P^ CM * 5 O <4H ed c B .2 i 13 a V *O |^ > 4J a" o ^ a M 90 ** o " t u 5 H (B MH .S-S.5 ^ S | .2 S o o c ,4 ^ S H inch thick. The milk room is plastered on the inside, the plaster being applied directly to the brick walls, excepting in the case of the ceif- FIG. 22. FEED ALLEY, SHOWING COMBINED HAY CHUTE AND VENTILATOR. A DOOR ON THE SIDE WHICH IS HINGED AT THE BOTTOM, 3 FEET FROM THE FLOOR, is LET IN TOWARD THE SILO, SLIDING THE HAY ONTO THE FLOOR. IN HOT WEATHER THIS OPENING TAKES THE HEAT OUT OF THE BARN; DURING THE WINTER THIS DOOR is KEPT CLOSED AND THE VENTI- LATION IS REGULATED BY RAISING THE SLIDE, AS SHOWN IN THE CUT. ing, which is lathed. The floor and cooling tank are of cement. The passage from the barn to the milk room is thru a small hall- way, which is open to the outside, thus preventing the stable air getting into the milk room. BARN SATISFACTORY This round dairy barn above described has been in use for over two years at the University of Illinois, and has given entire satis- faction. igio] ECONOMY OF THE ROUND DAIRY BARN FIG. 23. NORTHEAST VIEW, SHOWING DAIRY UNDER DRIVEWAY. THE BARN IS ON THE SAME SCALE AS THE DRAWING ON PAGE 28. FIG. 2\. INTERIOR OK DAIRY; COOLING TANK ON T.EKT. 28 BULLETIN No. 143 [February, RE;-ARRANGEMENT OE BARN TO ACCOMMODATE 40 Cows If it is desired to keep cows in stalls in a round barn of this size, the circular manger can be enlarged to 38 feet in diameter, which gives room for forty cows, as shown in Fig. 25, and the silo, to hold sufficient silage to feed the year round, enlarged to 18 feet in diameter. The present mow room is sufficient to store enough hay and bedding for this number of cows. The barn on the Twenty-acre Demonstration Dairy Farm was built this large, as it was thought it might be desired at some fu- ture time to increase the size of the farm and herd, and the barn could easily be changed to accommodate a larger herd by simply enlarging the silo, without rebuilding the barn. Fro. 25. SHOWING HOW THIS 60-FOOT BARN MAY BE ARRANGED TO ACCOMMO- DATE 40 COWS IN STALLS. To SUPPLY THIS SIZED HERD AND THE NECESSARY YOUNG STOCK WITH SILAGE FOR EIGHT MONTHS WOULD REQUIRE A 370-TON SILO, OR ONE 18 FEET IN DIAMETER AND 56 FEET DEEP; WlTH A SEVEN- FOOT FEED ALLEY AND A 2^ -FOOT MANGER, THE CIRCLE AT THE STANCHIONS WOULD BE 38 FEET IN DIAMETER, OR 119>^ FEET IN CIRCUMFERENCE; ALLOWING 4# FEET FOR TWO PASSAGE WAYS, THE STALLS WOULD EE 2 FEET INCHES WIDE AT THE STANCHION, AND 3 FEET 6 INCHES AT THE DROP. I9io] ECONOMY o* THE ROUND DAIRY BARN 29 ITEMIZED COST OF THIS- ROUND BARN 60 pieces. Jx 6x12 Y. P. Excavating, foundation, and first story brick wall.. ....$904.00 Lumber : 149 pieces, ix 4x16 Y. P. 31 16 165 17 226 20 6 15 120 23 IOO 144 67 2X 6x22 2X 6x24 2X 8xIO 2x 8x16 2x10x14 2XIOXI2 " 2X10X22 IXIOXI2 1x10x14 Cypress 1x12x14 i^xSxio Cyp. 828 1x1^x12x14 ix 4x14 Cypress 30 ix 4x12 4 ix 6x16 Y. P. 6 ix 6x14 " 9 2x 4x12 4 2X 4Xl6 II 2X 4x14 I 4x 4x14 I 2x12x16 " i 2x12x14 2X 6x20 " 22 2X 6X1 6 2 2X 6xl8 " 2 2X 6x26 6000 feet of 8-inch ship lap 3150 feet of 10-inch ship lap * 71 M 5/2 red cedar shingles 165 Lineal feet of 2-inch Cr. molding 240 Lineal feet of Cr. molding 270 feet of 4-inch Y. P. Si 8 4000 feet of 6-inch rough pine 62 feet of f^-inch Y. P. Ceiling 850 feet of 6-inch No. i flooring 230 feet of 6-inch fence flooring 56 lineal feet of ^x3-inch battening 32 lineal feet of lattice 444 lineal feet of 4-inch cypress 3 lo-foot cedar posts Total cost of lumber $1.313.63 Mill work: Window sash and doors $270.00 W r indow and door frames 71.00 Sawing lumber for silo, roof, bridge and stanchions 29.78 Cost of hardware 96-57 Carpenter work : Head carpenter 518 hrs. @ 40c=$2O7.2O Carpenters 1057 hrs. @ 35c= 369.95 Common labor 429 hrs. @ 2oc= 85.80 Total cost for carpenter work 662.95 Tiling around barn and silo, sewer from dairy room, retaining wall, ce- ment floor in alley, dairy, doorway of barn, and steps and tanks. .. . 128.54 Plastering dairy room and inside of silo 104.60 Painting 89.54 Total cost of barn $3670.61 30 BULLETIN No. 143 [February, The cost of this barn, if built on the ordinary dairy farm, could be materially reduced without shortening the life of the barn. Owing to the conditions under which this barn was built, it was necessary to pay for hauling all material to the farm, two and one- half miles from town. All of the labor had to be hired, and as it was necessary for the men to board themselves the wages paid were proportionately higher. The farmer usually does the exca- vating and hauls the brick, sand, and lumber with his own teams, tends the mason, and does quite an amount of the rough work with his own help, besides boarding the men, all of which would FIG. 26. BARN No. 2, 80 FEET IN DIAMETER; ENGINE ROOM IN FOREGROUND. greatly reduce the cost. The construction could also be cheapened by using drop siding to cover the outside, instead of shingles, which in this case were used over ship lap on the side walls to improve the appearance. This barn could be still further cheapened by put- ting hoops, five feet apart, around the studs, and covering with common 1x12 boards, put on vertically, as is done in some cases. A saving could also be made on the mill work and large doors by ECONOMY OF THE ROUND DAIRY BARN 31 having the carpenters make these plainer and leave the windows out of them. Anyone wishing to build a round barn can get local bids on the lumber bill, and determine approximately the cost in his local- ity. This will vary with both the location and the year. OTHER ROUND DAIRY BARNS BARN No. 2 Built 1897. Diameter, 80 feet. Capacity, 75 cows in 2 rows, tails together, 51 head in outer circle, 24 head in inner circle. FIG. 27. INTERIOR OF BARN NO. 2, SHOWING TWO ROWS OF STANCHIONS AND DRIVE BEHIND cows WHICH is USED IN CLEANING BARN; Sii,o ON RIGHT. Cost, $1800. Studs, 2x6s, placed 2^/2 feet on center. Supports, two 2x6s in each stanchion. Joists, main span 3x125, 20 feet long, placed 14 inches on cen- ter. Short spans over feed alleys, 2x1 os. Plate, ixio-inch boards sprung around near top of studs. BULLETIN No. 143 [February, Roof supports, 6x6s placed 12 feet apart. Purline plate rests on these posts and consists of ix8s sprung to the circle. Siding, 8-inch, put on horizontally, first story ceiled inside. To clean out, a wagon is driven around between the two rows of cows. The chief objection to this barn is insufficient light in the cow- stable. This barn and No. 3 are approximately the same in construc- tion, and are more substantially built than barns No. 4 and 5. 10 20- OCALE FIG. 28. ARRANGEMENT OK cow STABLE ix BARN NO. 2; Two ROWS OP cows TAILED TOGETHER. THE BARN is CLEANED BY DRIVING AROUND BEHIND THE COWS. IQIO] ECONOMY OF THE ROUND DAIRY BARN 33 FIG. 29. BARN No. 3, 80 FEET IN DIAMETER. BARN No. 4 Built in 1900. Diameter, 90 feet. Capacity, 105 cows, two rows heading together. Cost, $3000. Foundation, width at base and top, 18 inches; depth in ground. 20 inches, (not sufficient). Sills, 2x8s, sawed in short lengths, and placed flatwise. Studding, 2O-foot 2x8s, placed 3 feet on center and toenailed to sill. Supports, first story 4x45 placed between stanchions in each row, making two rows of supports between the outside wall and the 34 BULLETIN No. 143 [February, silo ; 4x45 cut to a circle placed on top of these supports. The out- side span, over cows, is 13 feet 6 inches; middle span, over feed alley, 6 feet 8 inches, and inside span, over cows, 13 feet. Joists, 2x8s placed 3 feet apart at studs on outside wall. There are as many joists in center of barn as at the outside. Supports, second-story, consist of one row of posts running around at a point immediately under the break in the roof. Tliese are 16 feet apart and are made of three 2x8s kept 2 inches apart by horizontal braces which run from studding near the eave thru these posts to studding in silo. See Fig. 31. Plate, rafter is set on top of each stud, and no plate is used. Rafters, 2x6s resting on studs at outside and on circular plate at break in roof. FIG. 30. BARN No. 4, 90 FEET IN DIAMETER; ONE OF THE FEW DAIRY BARNS WITH SUFFICIENT LIGHT; SAME SCALE AS DRAWING ON PAGE 37, ECONOMY OF THE ROTND DAIRY BARN 35 FlG. 31. SlLO IN CENTER OF BARN No. 4; UPPER PORTION IN HAY LOFT, LOWER PORTION IN COW STABLE. 36 BULLETIN No. 143 [February, Siding, 8-inch drop siding, put on horizontally, nailed with lod nails. Ends holding well. "Windows, 12 light, 10x12 glass; one window every six feet. This gives an abundance of light in the center of the barn. Doors, built on circle; (not satisfactory). Silo, round ; diameter, 24 feet over all ; height, 53 feet, ex- clusive of 12-foot space for water tank on top; capacity, 500 tons. FIG. 32. INTERIOR OF BARN NO. 4, SHOWING STALLS AND FEED AL.I.EY. Studs of silo, 2x48 placed 12 inches on center. Ceiled inside of studs with two thicknesses of half-inch lumber with paper between. Remarks : Considering its size, the construction of this barn is apparently too light to be substantial, as the joists and studs are too small and too far apart, yet it has stood for nine years with no more evidence of wear than is common with any barn. \Yere the owner to build again he would place the studs only 2}/2 feet apart and use 2x12 joists, 2^ feet apart at the outside wall. He would also use cement plaster on inside of silo. I9io] ECONOMY OF THE ROUND DAIRY BARN 37 The owner says it would have cost him as much to have built a rectangular barn without the 500-1011 silo, and containing- 1300 sq. ft. less floor space. In other words, he gained a 5oo-ton silo and 1300 sq. ft. of floor space, besides an immense amount of mow room, by building a circular barn. WALK Fio. 33. ARRANGEMENT OK cow STABLE IN BARN No. 4, 90 FEET IN DIAMETER; Two ROWS OK COWS HEADED TOGETHER. 38 BULLETIN No. 143 [February, BARN No. 5 Built in 1906. Diameter, 100 feet. Capacity, 115 cows. Cost, $3400. Studding, 1 6- foot 2x6s, placed 3 feet on centers. Supports, 3 rows 4x43. Joists, 2x1 os, placed 3 feet on centers. Hemlock and yellow pine. Floor, laid in eight directions. Rafters, 2x6s spiked to studs. A band of two ix6s is placed around the studs just below the rafters, and helps support the rafters. Supports for roof. There are three purline plates. Two of these are supported by posts, the other by braces running out from the silo. The roof is straight from eaves to peak. The bracing is similar to that of barn No. 4. Silo, 1 8 feet in diameter, 56 feet deep, 2 feet in ground. Ca- pacity, 350 tons. FIG. 34. BARN 92 FEET IN DIAMETER; Two ROWS OF cows HEADED TOGETHER; 811,0 IN CENTER. ECONOMY OF THE ROUND DAIRY BARN 39 FIG. 35. VIEW OF 70-FooT SEI/F SUPPORTING ROOF ON BARN SHOWN IN FIG. 36; NOTE HOOPS ON STUDS IN RIGHT FOREGROUND. FIG. 36. BARN 70 FEET IN DIAMETER; FRAME HOOPED FOR PERPENDICU- LAR SIDING; I/OWER SECTION SIDED. 40 BULLETIN No. 143 THE SMALL, DAIRYMAN 'a BARN [February. The round barns previously described do not meet the nee/ds of the man with only a few cows. He usually wants a general- purpose barn. The circular form can be made satisfactory for this FIG. 37. BARN 40 FEET IN DIAMETER. 81 m FIG. 38. BARN 48 FEET IN DIAMETER, 16-FooT POSTS; NOTE METHOD OK TAKING HAY INTO SMALL ROUND BARN. ECONOMY OF THE ROUND DAIRY BAK.N 41 purpose if proper attention is given to the plan. It is necessary that the cow stable be distinctly separated from all other stock by a tight wall. Round barns with this arrangement are giving sat- isfaction in Illinois at the present time. FIG. 39. SHOWING CONSTRUCTION OF BARN IN FIG. 40. HOOPS IN PLACE READY FOR PERPENDICULAR SIDING; ROOK SHEATHED FOR SHINGLES. T^'jfc v":*~v FIG. 40. BARN 102 FEET IN DIAMETER AND 85 FEET HIGH. 42 BULLETIN No. 143 [February. DISADVANTAGES OF THE POLYGONAL BARN , A polygonal barn has the disadvantages of both the rectangu- lar and the round barn, and is less stable than either. It must necessarily have a heavy frame, which is expensive, and as the sid- ing cannot run around the corners, it is very difficult to tie the dif- ferent sides together' sufficiently to prevent the barn being racked by the wind. BARN No. 6 i6-sided. Built, 1888. FIG. 41. BARN No. 6; 85 FEET IN DIAMETER; SAME SCALE AS DRAWING ON OPPOSITE PACK. ECONOMY OF THE ROUND DAIRY BARN 43 Diameter, 85 feet. Height, 26-foot posts on 9-foot wall. Capacity, 88 cows ; 350 tons of hay. Foundation and first story, cement wall 9 feet above cement floor. Supports, 4x85, placed just back of stanchions, 3 feet on center. Studs, 2x1 os, 26 feet long, placed 2^2 feet on center. 10 ZO 3CALZ. FIG. 42. ARRANGEMENT OK cow STABLE IN BARN No. 6. Joists 3x125, 20 feet long, 14 inches on center for main span. Rafters, self supporting. Sheathed with ix6s with no space between. This roof has a purline plate thrown in the gambrel. The plate is supported only by the braces which tie the joints. The barn has been racked three times by the wind, replumbed and heavy iron rods put in to brace it, yet it is out of plumb at the present time. 44 BULLETIN No. 143 [February, CONCLUSIONS In summing up the data given in this bulletin, it is obvious that the advantages of the round barn are convenience, strength, and cheapness. The round barn is the more convenient, because of the unob- structed mow, which reduces the labor required in mowing hay, and because of the greater ease and fewer steps with which the feed can be gotten to the cows, owing to the central location of the supply. The circular construction is the strongest because advantage is taken of the lineal strength of the lumber. All exposed surfaces are circular, and withstand greater wind pressure, as the wind can get no direct hold, as on the sides or gable ends of a rectangular barn. In round numbers, rectangular barns require, according to their construction, from 34 to 58 percent more in cost of material than round barns with the same floor area and built of the same grade of material. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBAN/I