367 Sol3s of ^^"^ O^tiicasa. JllUnaia 1930 of (SrgamzBb April 24, 1915 a[l|^ i^ortetg of miblanh Autl|nta HONORARY PRESIDENTS James Whitcomb Rilej^ Hobart C. Chatfield-Taylor FORMER PRESIDENTS Hobart C. Chatfield-Taylor John M. Stahl Emerson Hough Alice Gerstenberg Edwin Balmer Harriet Monroe Maude Radford Warren Edwin Balmer Douglas Malloch 11 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 1929-1930 PRESIDENT Edgar J. Goodspeed VICE-PRESIDENTS Mary Hastings Bradley Illinois Meredith Nicholson i[" Indiana ^^'^^ ^'•^"'^h j^^^ Wilham Allen White Kansas ^^" Swift IZI'Michigan Ole E. Rolvaag Minnesota Jay Wilham Hudson Missouri H. Adelbert White Nebraska Stuart Walker qj^j^ Joseph Mills Hanson South Dakota 2°"^ Gale Wisconsin SECRETARY Elizabeth Knobel TREASURER Clara Ingram Judson DIRECTORS Dorothy Aldis Llewellyn Jones Baker Brownell Douglas Malloch Fanny Butcher John T. McCutcheon Thomas Curtis Clark Harriet Monroe Frances R. Donovan Henry Justin Smith Alice Gerstenberg Eunice Tietjens HISTORICAL SKETCH By Hobart C. Chatfield-Taylor During the fateful year when the world began to war, Mr. John M. Stahl, our treasurer, conceived the venturesome idea of gathering the writers of the state of Illinois together under the sponsorship of the Writers' Guild, his purpose having been to form them into a state society of authors. None but a bold man would have sought to weld such individualistic — dare I say egotistic? — creatures as authors into a society of any sort; yet Mr. Stahl plied his typewriter so assiduously during the summer of the year 1914 that a goodly proportion of the gifted of the gods were induced to attend a dinner given for them at the Auditorium Hotel on the evening of November 28th by the Writers' Guild — or rather by Mr. Stahl, its insistent President, my suspicion be- ing that in his hands the Guild was as pliant as we authors. To silence Mr. Stahl and his typewriter we came, albeit dubiously, only to find that he and Douglas Malloch, his valiant coadjutor, had distributed the limelight so tactfully that we became contented components of a harmonious whole. Yet harmonious is not the mot juste for the occas- ion, I fear, Hamlin Garland having been there in forensic majesty. Bent upon broadening Mr. Stahl's parochial idea, this doughty champion of the Middle West orated unabat- ingly until the domain of the proposed society had been so extended as to include within it all that vast region of the land lying north of the Ohio River and between the Alle- ghanies and the Rockies. Being temperamentally adverse to the term "Middle West," I mildly suggested the word "Midland" between flights of Mr. Garland's eloquence, and for my unwonted in- terference was elected to bear upon my shoulders the weight of the new Society's chairmanship. Indeed, vdthout any of 4 us knowing precisely how it happened, we authors of the Commonwealth of Illinois, whom Mr. Stahl's persistence had brought together and Mr. Malloch's tact had placated, became so fired by Mr. Garland's enthusiasm that we re- solved ourselves into a Society of Midland Authors, pledged to recruit our ranks to full war strength from those of our fellow craftsmen in eleven other states of the Union. After thus upsetting Mr. Stahl's good intention, Mr. Gar- land fled precipitously to effete Manhattan, where in all but sentiment he has ceased to be a Midland Author. Howso- ever dire his action may have seemed to Mr. Stahl, it has been justified by the success attained by the Society, — a suc- cess due, I believe, to the loyalty and wisdom of its direc- tors. Having resided in remote places during the greater portion of my incumbency of the Presidential ofifice, I can- not take credit to myself for the work of recruiting and or- ganizing the Society. I know, nevertheless, how deeply the Society is beholden to: Mary Aldis Clara E. Laughlin Edwin Balmer Vachel Lindsay Lilian Bell Douglas Malloch Clara Louise Burnham Harriet Monroe George Fitch Randall Parrish Alice French Ella W. Peattie Hamlin Garland John M. Stahl Alice Gerstenberg Maude Radford Warren Emerson Hough Edith Wyatt As the Society's first President and now its Historian, I take pleasure in inscribing their names in alphabetical order upon this, its Golden Book, since to them more than to all others its success is due, they having been its most willing and efficient workers. Though the achievements of the Society are gratifying, I suspect that both Mr. Stahl and Mr. Garland aimed to make of it a more austere organization than it has become. But authors are "onery critters" and therefore difificult to drive. Moreover, to expect them to prepare masterful creations merely to read to each other, when millions of readers are crying for their wares and affluent publishers with cheque books lying open before them wax impatient at their desks, is to demand too much of human nature. Indeed, those wise men and women whose names I have recorded saw both the futility and absurdity of boring the members of the Society of Midland Authors with the reading of sempiternal papers on which no royalties are paid. Morever, being authors themselves, they knew that even authors, if they can be caught unawares and induced to unbend, like to play and make good cheer, not only at Christmas ibut at other seemly times; hence "a closer association among writers of the Middle West" was declared to be the Society's prime object. It is true that "the stimulation of creative literary effort" is a secondary tenet of its creed; yet how may authors be inspired better than by meeting each other and swapping ideas? As Historian of the Society, I am gratified to find that there is a little of an uplifting nature to record and much that is joyful and humanizing. We Midlanders do assemble once a year, it is true, to listen to pajpers read by fellow members; but even these solemn occasions have proved far from depressing; for instead of being bored by "high-brow" sapience we have been diverted by the pleasing wit of Alice French, Meredith Nicholson, Randall Parrish, George Ade, Emerson Hough, Zona Gale, and Margaret Hill Mc- Carter Even at the last annual meeting, when the death of our beloved Honorary President made personal reminiscenes of him the order of the day, we did not wear long faces or pass stilted resolutions. On the contrary, we just sat to- gether in a friendly group while Clara EaughHn, Edith 6 Wyatt, and Harriet Monroe told us human stories of James Whitcomb Riley's lovableness and quaintness. But the annual meeting is the only formal conclave of the year, and even that is followed by sufficient cheer and wel- come to make what Shakespeare calls a "merry feast." Decked in paper motley, we then devour the roast beef of old England and quaff October ale; or, in more homely guise, eat pork and beans and pumpkin pie until the hard cider which has washed them down begins to tingle in our toes. Then we must needs dance a reel to the tune of ''Old Dan Tucker," till the perspiring fiddler will bow no more. No, there is but little wisdom and false philosophy in the Society of Midland Authors, and much that is human and edifying, even our annual meetings being far from staid events. In the winter time, however, we gather at such Bo- hemian places as Mme. Galli's, the Bismarck Garden, or De Jonghe's French restaurant; while in summer we hie either to Lake Forest for a sylvan outing or to the Chicago lawn of our charming Secretary, whenever wandering Thespians raise their trestles there. Indeed, if the Society of Midland Authors has a just reason for being, it lies, I repeat, in its avowed purpose of bringing the writers of the Middle West together in closer association. Though a society of authors, it is nevertheless free from cant and prejudice, the creation of both friend- ship and goodfellowship among the men and women of the Middle West who write for a living being the object for which it was founded. 'Because of this it differs from other societies of its kind and plays, I fondly believe, a useful as well as pleasing part in the life of this workaday por- tion of the land. CONSTITUTION OF THE SOCIETY OF MIDLAND AUTHORS I. NAME The name of this association shall be THE SOCIETY OF MIDLAND AUTHORS, and it shall include represen- tative writers resident in the twelve Central Western States between the Alleghany Mountains and the Rocky Moun- tains and north of the Ohio River, i. e., Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. II. OBJECTS The objects of the Society are: A closer association among the writers of the Middle West, the stimulation of creative literary effort, and the establishment of a library of books and manuscripts by members of the organization. III. OFFICERS The officers of the Society shall be: A President; twelve Vice-Presidents, each representing one of the above states; a Secretary; a Treasurer; and a Board of Twelve Directors. The Vice-Presidents shall constitute an Advisory Council, and, with the President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be ex-ofificio members of the Board of Directors. The Society may elect an Honorary President. IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Council and of the Board of Directors. 2. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President from the first of the states, alphabetically arranged, shall preside; and in his absence, the next in order. 3. The Secretary shall be elected to serve two years, and shall keep the minutes of all the meetings of the Society and of committees, and shall be the custodian of all records. 4. The Treasurer shall be elected for a term of two years, and shall have custody of the funds of the Society. He shall receive all dues, and make disbursements upon the authority of the President, or the first of the Vice-Presidents, and the Secretary. 5. The active management of the Society shall be vested in the Board of Directors. Five Directors shall constitute a quorum. 6. The Vice-Presidents, w^hen so requested, shall furnish the Board of Directors any available information concerning the eligibility of candidates for membership. V. ELECTIONS One month before each annual meeting the Board of Directors shall appoint a nominating committee of five mem- bers who shall prepare a ticket of all ofificers to be elected for the ensuing year, this constituting the regular ticket to be voted on at the annual meeting. An independent ticket or tickets may be put in the field upon the signed request of fifteen members. Two weeks before the annual meeting the Secretary shall send the ticket or tickets to all members, who may return their votes by mail. A majority of the whole number of votes cast shall determine election. The officers elected at the preliminary meeting shall hold office until the annual meeting of October, 1915. VI. MEETINGS The annual meeting of the Society shall be held in Chicago on the last Saturday in October. Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors, or by petition of six mem- bers of the Advisory Council, or by petition of twenty-five members of the Society. VII. DUES The dues shall be Five Dollars per annum, payable in advance. Amendment: Dues shall be Three Dollars per annum for residents of Chicago and Two Dollars for non-residents. VIII. QUALIFICATIONS The Board of Directors shall appoint a committee on membership, consisting of five members, which shall pass on all candidates for membership, a majority vote constituting election. Any three members of the Society may present a candidate. At a meeting of the Officers and Directors of the Society of Midland Authors, held September 27, 1917, the following amendment to the Constitution, VIII., Qualifications, para- graph 1, was proposed: The 'Board of Directors shall constitute the Committee on Membership, a majority vote constituting election. Any one member of the Society may present a candidate, but each candidate must have the endorsement of at least two other members. Any proposal for membership shall be sent to the Secretary. Each Director shall be notified by mail of such intended election. Vote on such membership may be taken at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Each Director shall be required to attend such meeting or vote by mail. A failure to reply to the Secretary will be deemed an affirmative vote. Any writer, resident within the twelve states enumerated above, who is the author of a book of poetry, fiction, history, biography, travel, or criticism, published in the regular course of trade, or who is the author of a play produced by professional players on a public stage, shall be eligible to membership. Writers of books privately printed, or of books on legal, medical, political, theological, scientific, or technical subjects, or of pamphlets, cannot be considered qualified thereby for membership. But the membership committee by unanimous vote may elect to membership any candidate who, in its judgment, has achieved distinction as a contributor to magazines. IX. AMENDMENTS This constitution may be amended at any annual meeting, or meeting called for the purpose, by two-thirds vote of the memibers present; upon the recommendation of the Advisory Council; or upon request in writing of twenty-five members. The Society shall be required to send each member a copy of the amendment proposed at least thirty days before the meet- ing at which it is to be considered, with notice of said meeting. X, INTERPRETATION The interpretation and application of this constitution shall rest with the Board of Directors. 10 MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY OF MIDLAND AUTHORS April, 1930 Addams, Jane Hull House, 800 South Halsted Street, Chicago Ade, George Hazelden Farm, Brook, Indiana Aldis, Dorothy (Mrs. Graham) 100 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago Aldrich, Bess Streeter (Mrs.) The Elms, Elmwood, Nebraska Altrocchi, Julia Cooley (Mrs. Rudolph) 760 Coventry Road, Berkeley, California Altrocchi, Rudolph ( Prof.) 760 Coventry Road, Berkeley, California Amsbary, Wallace Bruce (Prof.) 4724 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago Armstrong, Edith M. (Mrs. Morgan K.) 2815 "Q" Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Arnold, Julian B 1400 Hyde Park Boulevard, Chicago Atwater, Richard Chicago Evening Post, 211 West Wacker Drive, Chicago Atwood, Harry Fuller... .28 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago Balmer, Edwin 1714 Asbury Avenue, Evanston, Illinois Barnes, Margaret Ayer (Mrs. Cecil) 1153 North Dearborn Street, Chicago Barrett, Ethel Jl^ook (Mrs.) 807 South Eleventh Street, Newcastle, Indiana Barrett, Oliver R 310 South Michigan Boulevard, Chicago Barton, William E. (Rev.) Pine Knoll on Sunset Lake, Foxboro, Massachusetts Battenhouse, Henry M. (Prof.) 409 Allen Place, Albion, Michigan •Biaum, James E 550 Spruce Avenue, Lake Forest, Illinois Bayliss, Clara Kern (Mrs.) Isle View, 1419 Twenty-Seventh Street West, Minneapolis, Minnesota Beach, Joseph Warren 1801 University Avenue, S. E., Minneapolis, Minnesota Beebe, Ethel Fairmont (Mrs. Murray C.) Cheshire, Connecticut Bennett, Estelline Plaza Hotel, 1553 North Clark Street, Chicago Blanden, Charles Granger 4320 Avalon Drive, San Diego, California 11 Borden, Courtney (Mrs. John) Ambassador Hotel, Chicago Summer residence. Lake Forest, Illinois Bowman, James Cloyd (Prof.) 900 'North Front Street, Marquette, Michigan Bradley, Mary Hastings (Mrs. Herbert E.) 5344 Hyde Park Boulevard, Chicago Brazelton, Ethel M. Colson (Mrs. F. M. S.) .1354 East Forty-Eighth Street, Chicago Brown, Katherine Holland 428 North Ninth Street, Quincy, Illinois Brownell, Baker (Prof.) 1200 Sherwin Avenue, Chicago Bundy, Walter E. (Prof.) 307 East Walnut Street, Greencastle, Indiana Burton, Charles Pierce....439 Downer Place, Aurora, Illinois Butcher, Fanny Chicago Tribune 435 North Michigan Boulevard, Chicago Caldwell, Frank 519 South Washington Street, Eldorado. Kansas Casey, Robert J Chicago Daily News 400 West Madison Street, Chicago Chapman, William Gerard, International Press Bureau 330 South Wells Street, Chicago Chappell, Frederick A Chicago Daily News 400 West Madison Street, Chicago Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart C 900 Hot Springs Road, Santa Barbara, California Clark, Thomas Curtis 1812 South Seventh Avenue, Maywood, Illinois Clute, Willard N Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana Cole, Mabel Cook (Mrs. Fay-Cooper) Tilden Hall, 3945 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D.C. Conrad, Lawrence H 915 De Mun Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri Cooke, Edmund Vance 11338 Mayfield Road, Cleveland, Ohio Cox-McCormack, Nancy (Mrs.) 28 East Eleventh Street, New York, N. Y. Crawford, Nelson Antrim (Prof.) The Household Magazine, Topeka, Kansas Darrow, Clarence S 11 West Washington Street, Chicago Dean, Alexander (Prof.) Department of Drama Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut Dillon, George 5142 Kimfcark Avenue, Chicago 12 Donahey, Mary Dickerson (Mrs. William) 2331 Cleveland Avenue, Chicago Donahey, William 2331 Cleveland Avenue, Chicago Donovan, Frances R. (Mrs.) 5845 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago Dresbach, Glenn Ward 741 Belden Avenue, Chicago Drumm, Stella M 5741 McPherson Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri Dumont, Henry 51 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Eberhart, Mignon G. (Mrs.) P. O. Box 168, Valentine, Nebraska Fairbank, Janet Ayer (Mrs. Kellogg) 1244 North State Parkway, Chicago Faulkner, Georgene 4746 Dorchester Avenue, Chicago Field, Walter Taylor 211 Park Avenue, Hinsdale, Illinois Fishbein, Morris (M.D.) American Medical Association, 535 North Dearborn Street, Chicago Fiske, Horace Spencer 1373 East Fifty-Seventh Street, Chicago Fordyce, Claude P. (M.D.) American Medical Association, 535 North Dearborn Street, Chicago Foulke, William D Corner 18th and S. A. Streets, Richmond, Indiana Freer, Agnes Lee (Mrs. Otto T.) 81 East Elm Street, Chicago French, Alice (Octave Thanet) 321 East Tenth Street, Davenport, Iowa Gale, Zona Portage, Wisconsin Gardner, Helen 5749 Dorchester Avenue, Chicago Garnett, Louise Ayres (Mrs. Eugene H.) 1226 Judson Avenue, Evanston, Illinois Gerstenberg, Alice 1120 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson (Prof.) 5706 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago Green, Allen Ayrault Greenland Farms, Oakville, Iowa Grover, Edwin O 569 Osceola Avenue, Winter Park, Florida Grubb, Mary B 206 Morgan Street, Crawfordsville, Indiana Hackett, Karleton 114 East Walton Place, Chicago Haldeman-Julius, E Girard, Kansas Haldeman-Julius, Marcet (Mrs. E.) Girard, Kansas Hall, Frederick 156 Higgins Road, Dundee, Illinois Hamilton, David 1505 Astor Street, Chicago Hansen, Harry New York World, New York, N. Y. Hanson, Joseph Mills (Captain) Yankton, South Dakota 13 Harmon, Beatrice (Mrs. R. E. Moore) Route 2, Box 35, Bloomfield, Montana Harper, Samuel A 19 South LaSalle Street, Chicago Harrison, Edith Ogden (Mrs. Carter H.) 2100 Lincoln Park West, Chicago Hartley, S. Francis 66 Mulberry Street, Waterloo, Iowa Hatfield, James Taft, (Prof.) 617 Foster Street, Evanston, Illinois Hauck, Louise Piatt 2211 Francis Street, St. Joseph, Missouri Hill, Elizabeth Sewell 5748 Harper Avenue, Chicago Hohman, Elmo P. (Prof.) Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Hormel, Olive Deane 419 North Shiawassee Street, Owosso, Michigan Hough, Lynn Harold (Rev.), 1190 Dorchester Street West Montreal, Quebec, Canada Hudson, Jay William University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri Huling, Caroline Alden 438 Belden Avenue, Chicago James, James Alton (Prof.) 2127 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, Illinois Johnson, Gertrude E 2020 Kendall Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin Johnson, William Savage (Prof.) 1509 Crescent Road, Lawrence, Kansas Jones, Llewellyn 1223 East Fifty-Third Street, Chicago Judson, Clara Ingram (Mrs. James M.) 1122 Judson Avenue, Evanston, Illinois Kavanagh, Hermine Templeton (Mrs. Marcus) Auditorium Hotel, Chicago Kilner, Colleen Browne (Mrs. F. R.) 523 Washington Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois King, Frank O., Chicago Tribune 435 North Michigan Boulevard, Chicago Knittle, Rhea Mansfield (Mrs. Earl J.) 420 Center Street, Ashland, Ohio Knobel, Elizabeth 6300 Kenmore Avenue, Chicago Laughlin, Clara E 410 South Michigan Boulevard, Chicago Laughlin, Elmer O. (M. D.) 110 South Main Street Paris, Illinois LeCron, Helen C. (Mrs.) 3401 Lincoln Place Drive, Des Moines, Iowa Lindsay, Vachel 603 South Fifth Street, Springfield, Illinois 14 MacDonald, Jessica North (Mrs.) 5207 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago Malloch, Douglas 1532 Thome Avenue, Chicago Matter, John 5811 Dorchester Avenue, Chicago McCarter, Margaret Hill (Mrs.) 1534 College Avenue, Topeka, Kansas McCutcheon, John T Chicago Tribune 435 North Michigan Boulevard, Chicago McGovern, William Montgomery (Prof.) Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Meeker, Arthur, Jr 1100 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago Meeker, Marjorie 256 South Columbia Avenue, Columbus, Ohio Meigs, Cornelia 1307 Grand Avenue, Keokuk, low^a Mellett, John C. (Jonathan Brooks) Bell Avenue at the Canal, Indianapolis, Indiana Merryman, Mildred Plew (Mrs. Carl M.) Valparaiso, Florida Merwin, Samuel Concord, Massachusetts Mitchell, Marion Strobel (Mrs. James Herbert) 190 East Chestnut Street, Chicago Monger, Miriam 4340 Lake Park Avenue, Chicago Monroe, Harriet 232 East Erie Street, Chicago Morgan, Bayard Q. (Prof.) University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mowery, William Byron P. O. Box 425, Urbana, Illinois Muilenburg, Walter J. (Prof.) Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan Newcomb, Rexford ( Prof.) 405 West Green Street, Urbana, Illinois Nicholson, Meredith 625 Chamber of Commerce, Indianapolis, Indiana CBrien, Howard Vincent Chicago Daily News 400 West Madison Street, Chicago O'Donnell, Charles L. (The Very Reverend) Office of the President, Notre Dame University Notre Dame, Indiana O'Hara, Frank Hurburt Hitchcock Hall, University of Chicago, Chicago Parrish, Emma Kenyon (Mrs.) 4137 Lawn Avenue, Western Springs, Illinois Payne, Barrie 30 North LaSalle Street, Chicago Payne, Will Ridgefield, Connecticut Perkins, Eleanor Ellis 2319 Lincoln Street, Evanston, Illinois 15 Perkins, J. R. (Rev.) 118 Fifth Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa Perkins, Lucy Fitch (Mrs. Dwight H.) 2319 Lincoln Street, Evanston, Illinois Piper, Edv^^in Ford, (Prof) University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Pond, Irving K 180 North Michigan Boulevard, Chicago Raymund, Bernard Indian Run Farm, Hilliard, Ohio Reed, Earl H 4758 Lake Park Avenue, Chicago Reid, Dorothy E 33 North Fifth Street, Columbus, Ohio Remmelkamp, Charles H. (Pres.) Illinois College, Jacksonville, Illinois Rice, Wallace 2701 Best Avenue, Chicago Richards, John T 140 South Dearborn Street, Chicago Richardson, William L 2317 Commonwealth Avenue, Chicago Richman, Irving Berdine P. O. Box 294, Muscatine, Iowa Riley, Alice C. D. (Mrs. Harrison B.) 1822 Sheridan Road, Evanston, Illinois Robinson, Luther E. (Prof.) 1032 East Boston Avenue, Monmouth, Illinois Rolvaag, Ole E 311 Manitou Street, Northfield, Minnesota Sarett, Lew Laona, Wisconsin Schultz, William Eben (Prof.) 609 Clark Street, Canton, Missouri Scott, Arthur P. (Prof.) 5649 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago Seiffert, Marjorie Allen (Mrs. Otto H.) 1628 Eleventh Avenue, Moline, Illinois Seymour, Flora Warren (Mrs. George Steele) 1223 East Fifty-Third Street, Chicago Seymour, George Steele 1223 East Fifty-Third Street, Chicago Shaw, Frances (Mrs. Howard) .2450 Lake View Avenue, Chicago Shorey, Paul (Prof.) 5516 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago Sigmund, Jay G 2429 Fourth Avenue, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Simpson, William H 4440 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago Slaughter, Gertrude E. (Mrs. M. S. ) 633 North Francis Street, Madison, Wisconsin Smith, Henry Justin Chicago Daily News 400 West Madison Street, Chicago Snell, Roy J 705 North Wheaton Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois Southerland, MyrteJlla 424 Comstock Street, Adrian, Michigan 16 Spicer, Anne Higginson (Mrs. Vibe K.) 312 Essex Road, Kenilworth, Illinois Stapp, Emilie Blackmore 985 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Massachusetts Starrett, Vincent 940 Buena Park Terrace, Chicago Stern, Renee B 5234 Dorchester Avenue, Chicago Stewart, Charles D Hartford, Wisconsin Stifler, James M. (Rev.) 628 Lincoln Street, Evanston, Illinois Stocking, Charles Francis 30 North Mernitz Avenue, Freeport, Illinois Stratton, Clarence Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio Swift, Ivan Hotel Morris, 120 Montcalm Avenue Detroit, Michigan Synon, Mary The Wyoming, Columbia Avenue at California Street, Washington, D. C. Taft, Lorado 6016 Ingleside Avenue, Chicago Taylor, Graham, (Prof.) Chicago Commons, 955 West Grand Avenue, Chicago Thorne, Mabel (Mrs. Paul) 927 iB'uena Park Terrace, Chicago Thorne, Paul 927 Buena Park Terrace, Chicago Tietjens, Eunice (Mrs. Cloyd Head) 154 East Pearson Street, Chicago Twitchell, H. (Mrs. M. C.) 1113 West Johnson Street, Madison, Wisconsin Vandenberg, Arthur H. (Sen.) vVardman Park Hotel, Washington, D. C. Vogt, Von Ogden (Rev.) 5601 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago Walden, Walter (Captain) Box 11, Watertown Station, East Moline, Illinois Walker, Stuart Taft Auditorium, Cincinnati, Ohio Ward, Estelle Frances 1725 Hinman Avenue, Evanston, Illinois Ward, Florence (Mrs.).— 154 Morton Street, Batavia, Illinois Ward, May Williams (Mrs.) Belpre, Kansas Ware, Harlan 2129 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, Illinois Warren, Louis A 2530 Maple Place, Fort Wayne, Indiana Webster, Henry Kitchell 1411 Maple Avenue, Evanston, Illinois White, H. Adelbert (Prof.) 1718 South Twenty-Sixth Street, Lincoln, Nebraska White, William Allen 927 Exchange, Emporia, Kansas Wild, Payson S 1149 East Fifty-Sixth Street, Chicago 17 Williams, Whiting 3030 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio Wilson, Lillian P. (Mrs. J. Wood) Marion, Indiana Woodburn, James A 519 North College Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana Wyatt, Edith Franklin. ...1212 North State Parkway, Chicago Youmans, Eleanor (Mrs. Brigg) P. O. Box 102, Pataskala, Ohio Young, Agnes Brooks (Mrs.) 3280 Chadbourne Road, Cleveland, Ohio HONORARY MEMBER Michelson, Albert A. (Prof.) 1220 East Fifty-Eighth Street, Chicago 18 IN MEMORIAM George Fitch 1915 James Whilcomb Riley 1916 Lieut. Kenneth Sawyer Goodman 1918 Lieut. Walter Smith Poague 1918 Dr. Paul Carus 1919 William Morton Payne 1919 Dr. George Frank Butler 1921 Bert Leston Taylor 1921 Elizabeth Gordon 1922 Captain Emerson Hough 1923 Randall Parrish 1923 Gene Stratton Porter 1924 Lydia Avery Coonley Ward 1924 Frances Trego Montgomery 1925 Herbert Quick 1925 Louis J. Block 1927 Clara Louise Burnham 1927 Harry Pratt Judson 1927 Lily A. Long 1927 Keith Preston 1927 George Barr McCutcheon 1928 Charles A. Myall 1930 Cornelia Baker 1930 William Nelson Gemmill 1930 Vi-f ' •! . - '