LI B R.ARY OF THE UN IVLRSITY OF ILLINOIS 9294 Gt5g H Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign • AMERICAN NAMES A Guide to the Origin of Place Names in the United States By HENRY GANNETT Formerly Geographer of the U. S. Geological Survey LpubLle c^fnai%± < lP%z±± Public Affairs Press, 2153 Florida Ave., Washington 8,D. C. Copyright, 1947, by American Council on Public Affairs M. B. Schnapper, Executive Secretary and Editor r cr t 1 have fallen in love with American Names, The sharp names that never get fat, The snakeskin-titles of mining claims, The plumed war-bonnet of Medicine Hat, Tucson and Deadwood and Lost Mule Flat. Stephen Vincent Benet NTRODUCTION During the compilation of this work a large correspondence was carried on with State and local historical societies, State, county, and township officers, and individuals in all parts of the country for the purpose of obtaining information concerning the subject in hand. The greatest interest was shown and much work done by correspond- ents, who have thus contributed very largely to the work. Much val- uable material was collected in this way which otherwise would have been unavailable. Among my correspondents, special thanks are due to the following persons and organizations: Thomas M. Owen, Department of Archives and History, Montgom- ery, Alabama, for valuable references. Major G. E. Bailey, of San Francisco, California, for extensive information concerning the Spanish nomenclature of several hundred towns in California. C. M. Drake, of Eureka, California, for information concerning names in Monterey and Humboldt counties. The Bureau of American Ethnology, to which I am especially indebted, not only for much information concerning Indian names, but for guidance, advice, and suggestions in obtaining sources of informa- tion. Indeed, most of the information concerning the meaning of Indian names is derived, either directly or indirectly, from this source, and all names of Indian origin have been verified and corrected by officers of this Bureau. William N. Byers, of Denver, Colorado, for additions to and cor- rections of count}' names. Mrs. J. V. Calver, Washington, District of Columbia, who has furnished valuable and extensive information concerning hundreds of place names in all the States of the Union. Robert C. Rockwell, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, for additions to and corrections of Connecticut and Massachusetts place names. 7 8 PLACE NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES Otis Ashmore, Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Georgia, for revising list of counties. C. J. Bassett, Secretary of State, Boise, Idaho, for revising and adding to list of counties. Charles Evans, Chicago Historical Society, who sent a compre- hensive list embracing most of the important names in his State. William R. Sandham, Wyoming, Illinois, superintendent of schools, Stark County, 1882-1898, for much valuable information concerning the nomenclature of several hundred cities and towns, and corrections of county names in the State of Illinois. J. P. Dunn, Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, for additions to and corrections of county names. M. W. Davis, State Historical Society, Iowa City, Iowa, for much valuable information about his State. All of the information con- cerning town names in this State was received from him. George W. Martin, Kansas State Historical Society, for much val- uable material concerning the place names of his State. In addition to the list of counties, he also sent a great deal of material concerning town names, in which was included information furnished by Mrs. N. R. Calver. Mrs. Jennie C. Morton, Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, Kentucky, for additions to and revisions of names of counties. William Beer, Howard Memorial Libraiy, New ( )rleans, Louisiana, for helpful references and suggestions. Grace King, Louisiana Historical Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, for additions to and corrections of parish names. Francis E. Sparks, Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Mary- land, for valuable information regarding names of counties. George Francis Dow, Secretary, The Essex Institute, Salem, Massa- chusetts, for additions to and corrections of Massachusetts town names. Samuel A. Green, Massachusetts Historical Societ} 7 , Boston, Massa- chusetts, for references which proved of great assistance in compiling information concerning the State. Charles J. Tajdor, Great Barrington, Massachusetts, for nomencla- ture of towns and physical features in Massachusetts. H. F. Keith, Mount Washington, Massachusetts, for information regarding the meanings of names in the Berkshire Hills. George K. Holmes, Department of Agriculture, Washington, Dis- trict of Columbia, for valuable information concerning physical fea- tures in the Berkshires, and additions to place names in Massachusetts, New York, and Connecticut. C. M. Burton, Michigan Historical Societ}^, Detroit, Michigan, for assistance in collecting information. Mr. Burton went to much trouble to get information concerning the names of towns in his State, which resulted in adding much material to that branch of the work. INTRODUCTION 9 Warren Upham, Secretary The Minnesota Historical Society, for a revision of the complete list of Minnesota county names. Franklin L. Riley, Mississippi Historical Society, University, Mis- sissippi, for information concerning town names in his State. G. C. Broadhead, Columbia, Missouri, for additions to the list of Missouri names. Miss Marjory Dawson, Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Mis- souri, for a large amount of information concerning Missouri names. Mary C. Gardner, Helena Public Library, Helena, Montana, for numerous additions to the list of town names in Montana. Mrs. Laura E. Howey, Montana Historical Library, Helena, Mon- tana, for data concerning county and town names in the State. ^ Eugene Howell, by A. W. Morris, Deputy, Department of State, Carson, Nevada, for correcting list of names of counties. C. W. Ernst, Boston, Massachusetts, for information concerning names in New England. N. F. Carter, New Hampshire Historical Society, for valuable references. William Nelson, New Jersey Historical Society, Paterson, New Jer- sey, for references, revision of names of counties, and a valuable list of town names. J. W. Reynolds, Secretary of New Mexico, for corrections of and additions to list of counties. F. J. H. Merrill, Historical and Art Society, Albany, New York, for names of towns in the State. E. Tuttle, Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn, New York, for list of town names. William Strunk, jr., Ithaca, New York, for corrections of trans- lations. Edwin Baylies, LL.D., Johnstown, New York, for translations of German and Indian names in New York. Julius Schoonmaker, Kingston, New York, for great assistance con- cerning town names. Robert H. Kelly, New York Historical Society, for additions to and corrections of county names. Kemp P. Battle, Department of History, University of North Caro- lina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, for complete list of town names. E. F. Porter, Secretary of State, Bismarck, North Dakota, for many additions to list of counties. Nearly all the information concerning county names in this State was furnished by him. H. C. Hawkins, Cleveland, Ohio, for valuable additions to the list of Ohio city and town names. Bishop J. M. Levering, President Moravian Historical Society, Beth- lehem, Pennsylvania, for much valuable information concerning the names of towns in Pennsylvania. 10 PLACE NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES John W. Jordan, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for much valuable aid. Names of counties, towns, and natural features were sent by him. A large amount of material has been drawn from manuscript books compiled by Mr. Watkins, of Beaver, Pennsylvania. Clarence S. Brigham, Rhode Island Historical Society, for numerous references concerning names in his State. A. S. Salley, South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, South Carolina, for much material of value in connection with the State names. Complete lists of county and town names were sent by him, also information concerning his State not otherwise available. Doane Robinson, Department of History, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, for names of counties and many town names. Charles P. Garrison, Texas Historical Society, Austin, Texas, for list of town names. Mrs. E. W. Parker, for county names in Texas. Through her cour- tesy and kindness were obtained the origins of nearly all the county names of that State. Joseph A. De Boer, Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier, Ver- mont, for list of county and town names. John M. Comstock, Chelsea, Vermont, for list of town names in Orange County. Virginia Historical Society, for corrected list of names of counties. Edward N. Fuller, Washington Historical Society, Tacoma, Wash- ington, for references and other assistance. J. P. Hale, Historical and Antiquarian Society, Charleston, West Virginia, for material in the shape of county and town lists. Joseph Barry, Harpers Ferry, W r est Virginia, for information relat- ing to towns in that State. Hu Maxwell, Treasurer, Trans-Allegheny Historical Society, Mor- gantown, W x est Virginia, for additions to lists of counties, towns, and natural features in West Virginia. R. G. Thwaites, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, for much material, valuable suggestions, and references, especially in the way of putting me into communication with other sources of information. In addition to the above, many courteous and useful letters have been received from county clerks, treasurers, and other State and county officials, all of whom have shown interest and have furnished all the material in their power. AUTHORITIES. Information was obtained from the following books, two and three authorities being quoted in cases where differing opinions exist con- cerning origins: INTRODUCTION H INDIAN NAMES. The Aboriginal Races of North America, by Samuel G. Drake; fifteenth edition, revised by Prof. II. L. Williams. The American Indian, by Elijah M. Haines, 1888. League of the Iroquois, by L. H. Morgan, 1857. Indian Local Names, with their Interpretations, by S. G. Boyd, 1885. Algonquin Series, by W. W. Tooker. The Story of the Indian, by George Bird Grinnell. The Siouan Tribes of the East, by James Mooney: Bulletin 22 of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico, by J. W. Powell: Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 1-142. The Ghost-dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890, by James Mooney: Fourteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 641-1110. Calendar History of the Kiowa Indians, by James Mooney: Seventeenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American EthnolQgy, pp. 129-445. Tribes of the Extreme Northwest, by W. H. Dall: Contributions to North Ameri- can Ethnology, Vol. I. Vocabularies of Tribes of the Extreme Northwest, by W. H. Dall: Contributions, to North American Ethnology, Vol. I, pp. 121-153. Cherokee Nation of Indians, by Charles C. Royce: Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 121-378. The Menomini Indians, by W. J. Hoffman: Fourteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 3-328. Klamath Indians of Southwestern Oregon, by Albert Samuel Gatschet: Contribu- tions to North American Ethnology, Vol. II, 1890. The Seminole Indians of Florida, by Clay MacCauley: Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, pp. 469-531. Tribes of California, by Stephen Powers: Contributions to American Ethnology, Dakota- English Dictionary, by Stephen R. Riggs: Contributions to North American Ethnology, Vol. VII. Pamunkey Indians of Virginia, by John Garland Pollard: Bulletin 17 of the Bureau of American Ethnology, Tribes of Western Washington, by George Gibbs: Contributions to North Ameri- can Ethnology, Vol. I, pp. 157-241. INDIVIDUAL STATES. ALABAMA. History of Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi, by Albert James Pickett. ARKANSAS. A Journal of Travels into the Arkansas Territory, by Thomas Nuttalls 1821 Some Old French Place Names in the State of Arkansas, by John C. Branner. CALIFORNIA. History of the State of California, by John Frost. History of the State of California, by Miguel Venegas. Report of Exploring Expedition to Oregon and California, 1843-44, by John Charles