CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTY: A UNION LIST OF THEIR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS Including the Semi -Off icial Institutions THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES DOCUMENT SECTION Chicago 1934, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign CONTENTS Foreword, by A. F, Kuhlman. iii Introduction, by James G. Hodgson , iv PART I. OFFICIAL Cook County 1 City of Chicago 22 Municipalities Now a Part of Chicago 182 Austin, Clearing, Hyde Park, Lake (town}, Lake View, West (town) Park Districts in Chicago 184 Albany, Fernwocd, Irving, Jefferson, Lincoln, North Shore, Northwest, Old Portage, Ridge Avenue, Ridge, River, South, West Chicago, Park Annuity Funds Sanitary District 196 PART II. SEMI-OFFICIAL Adler Planetarium and Astronomical Museum. • 208 Art Institute of Chicago 208 Bo:j.rd of Supervising Engineers, Chicago Traction 211 Chicago Academy of Sciences 213 Chicogo Historical Society 215 Chicago Now Charter Convention , 219 Chicago Regional Port Commission 220 Chicago Zoological Society 220 Field Museum of Natural History 220 Municipal Museum „ 223 Museum of Science and Industry 223 INDEX 224 870592 Ill FOREWORD This bibliography represents the first completed portion of a project undertaken under the Civil Works Administration. It was originally- endorsed by the librarians of five Chicago libraries: John Crerar, Newberry, Northwestern University, Public, and University of Chicago. It was sub- mitted to the Civil Works Administration through Mr. Carl B. Roden, Librarian of the Chicago Public Library, as a part of *& survey and listing of the p\iblications of public and private agencies in Chicago which issue reports, statistics, studios, surveys, etc., on subjects of public interest," Originally the project was set up under the Woman's Division of the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission. It was later transferred to the Federal Civil Works Administration, and was finished under the aus- pices of the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission. For the possibility of undertaking and completing the project thanks are due to the sympathetic interest of Mr. Robert J. Dunham, Chairman, Illinois Emergency Relief Com- mission; Mr. Wilfred S. Reynolds, Executive Secretary of the Federal Civil Works Administration of Illinois; Dr. Martin H. Bickham, Director of Work Relief for the State of Illinois; Mrs. Mary Gillette Moon, Director of Women 1 s Work, and her assistants who aided in the selection of suitable personnel and in the continuation of the project. The planning and general supervision of the project were left to the Document Section of the University of Chicago Libraries. For the successful completion of the project thanks must be expressed to those who worked on it: Miss Pauline Downing, Miss Julia A. Elliott, Mrs. Ilona S, Luhmann, Mrs. Mary Ruth Jones, and Miss Mildred M. Miller. The work was carried out under the immediate direction of Mr. James G.Hodgson, and the credit for actual accomplishment belongs in large measure to him. Cooperation on the part of the various libraries was important. Printed cards were donated by the John Crerar Library, the Library of Congress, and the University of Chicago Libraries, and these formed the provisional list against which the holdings of libraries were checked. All of the libraries gave freely of their time and space in order to facilitate the work, while the Municipal Reference Library supplied a typewritten copy on sheets of the pertinent material in its catalog. Particular mention should be made of the personnel in charge of the Civics Room of the Public Library which cheerfully accepted the confusion inevitable from the added force which occupied the limited space near its document shelves. Space for the making of the original list, for editing and mimeographing, was provided by the University of Chicago Libraries, which also met the incidental expenses of mimeographing and issuing this list. A. F. Kuhlman IV INTRODUCTION This list attempts to record the publications of the local govern- ments which have jurisdiction within the limits of Chicago and Cook County and to show in which libraries they are available. Besides Cook County and the City of Chicago, which are similar to counties and cities in other parts of the United States, there are a number of overlapping local bodies, public and semi -public, v»rhose publications are here included. Having the same boundary lines as Cook County, the Forest Preserves District is nevertheless a separate municipal corporation with its own taxing powers, whose only connection with Cook County itself is that the members of the Board of Commissioners are ex -officio members of the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners. In the city itself the various park districts were in the past entirely distinct, self contained bodies, although as a result of the popular vote of April 10, 1934, they have been combined into a single district. Under the new plan the Chicago Park Commissioners will bear about the same relation to tho city government as do the present Board of Education and the Board of Directors of the Public Library. The Sanitary District is another independent body whose territorial limits have been determined not by existing political boundaries, but by the geo- graphical factors controlling drainage in the vicinity of Chicago. Chicago also has a number of organizations which can be classified only as "semi-official u . "While not strictly governmental they have a public function which closely identifies them with the life of the city. Some of these institutions receive public support. Others occupy public grounds or are in publicly owned buildings or are required to have public representa- tion on their governing boards. In each case there is at least one such factor - in addition to its activities of a public nature - which takes it out of the class of a private organization. Considerable difficulty was encountered in determining which material was to be classified as "official". Neither Chicago or Cook County has a central printing office whose imprint marks the official character of tho various items. Hence many publications issued by various agencies of the government carry no indication of their official origin. This is particularly true of proposed ordinances which often carry no information as to their status or the authority upon which they were issued. In reality many such "ordinances " were issued by private groups as an indication to what they thought should be given legal status. Due to this situation undoubtedly some publications not official have been included, while others have been improperly excluded. The list was started by means of the printed cards which the Library of Congress, the John Crerar, and the University of Chicago Libra- ries have issued. This provisional list was then checked against tho catalogs of four Libraries for holdings: John Crerar, University of Chicago, Public, and Municipal Reference Libraries, In the case of the iiunicipal Reference Library the list was checked against a typewritten copy of the entries in that library's catalog under the subject headings, Chicago and Cook County . Holdings in the Civics Room of the Public Library, however, were made up from the documents themselves on the shelves. This actual handling of material, together with the checking of several hundred doubtful cases on the shelves in other libraries, was responsible for the discovery of a number of variant editions and reprints which would not have been brought to light had the catalogs alone been used. While every effort commensurate with the limited time available for making the list was taken to insure correct listings, undoubtedly minor errors have crept in. Begun as a "union list" of four libraries, the compilers cannot claim completeness for their work, even though all known titles were in- cluded. The fact that the major collections of local documents in Chicago were checked however raises the hope that the list may serve as a preliminary check list. While manuscript material of an "archives" nature was excluded, typewritten copies of reports and hearings were included. The following abbreviations were adopted to indicate the libraries whose holdings have been checked: J John Crerar Library M Municipal Reference Library P Public Library P-C Public Library* Civics Room U University of Chicago Libraries Entries have in general been listed alphabetically under the issuing offices or agencies, which are also alphabetized as authors accord- ing to Library of Congress rules. Thus ordinances have been grouped to- gether, although proposed ordinances are put under the recommending of- fice when known. Both imprint and collation have been shortened. Place should be understood to be Chicago unless otherwise indicated. Publisher is omitted when the same as author but the printer is always given when known. In the case of annual reports, the dates given are for the period covered, not imprint dates. In order to facilitate use, references have been made in the in- dex to the more important subjects which have been treated by different offices. For the same reason references have been made to certain personal authors and to inverted corporate author names. For such faults as the list may have the undersigned wishes to ac - knowledge responsibility. For the opportunity of working on the project he wishes to thank Dr. A. F. Kuhlman, Associate Director of the University of Chicago Libraries, who conceived the project and whose interest and helpful advice did much towards bringing it to a successful conclusion. For much of the value and accuracy of the list he wishes to thank those who worked with him, particularly Mrs. Ilona S. Luhmann, who assisted in handling a large part of the detail of editing copy. James G. Hodgson PART I OFFICIAL BODIES COOK COUNTY ADULT PROBATION DEPARTMENT ...Annual report. . .v. 1-16, 1911/12-1926/27 No. 1-3 title reads: Annual report of the Adult probation office... Report year ends Sept. 30 No more published No. 6-16 also published in BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Charity service reports, 1916/17-1926/27. Summary reports 1927/28-date are in- cluded in BOARD OF COM/IIS SI ONERS Annual message of the President... J 1-16,1911/12-26/27 M 1,1911/12; 15,1925/26 P-C 1-2,1911/12-12/13; 6-11, 191S/l7-2l/22; 15-16,1925/26-26/27 U 1-16,1911/12-26/27 Probation methods. c 1920d 8 p. J Report for the six months ending April 1, 1915-cl919 3 M 1914/15-1918/19 P-C 1914-/15 ADVISORY BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT Appointed by the Board of Cook County Commissioners Problems of governmental simplification, adgrLnistrative processes and fiscal affairs of the various local taxing agencies in Chicago and Cook County, January, 1929. . . ^Live stock press, 1929=. 31p. M P-C ASSESSOR Established in 1932, succeeding Boaird of assessors Cook County personal property assessment for 1932. c 1953a Caption title, 5 v. U Real estate assessment manual, Cook County, Illinois. . .for the years 1931 to 1934, inclusive. 1933. 92 p. ,i*lus. ,map. j"m P-C Unit value land maps of the 1931 quadrennial real estate assessment, Cook County, Illinois. General rules and standard unit values used in determining the values of lots and parcels Of land in all the town- ships, cities and villages in Cook County. 1933. 242 p., illus. , sq.F. J M P-C U BOARD OF ASSESSORS Abolished in 1932. Succeeded by assestor The assessment of real estate for taxation in Chicago. 1926. 16 p., illus. M Assessors' manual, Cook County, Illinois. . ,cl929. 84 p., illus. M Ed. 2. 1930. 89 p., illus. J U P-C COOK COUNTY, Continued. BOARD OF ASSESSORS, Continued. Key map of publication districts, Cook County, 111. 1928. 1 sheet. Photographic copy. P-C Map of Cook County showing the tax levying units of government and their total tax rates, as. of 1930. n-d. , 1 sheet. M ...Personal property assessment for 1951. c 1933?n 4 v. J U P-C Real estate assessment for assessed by the Board of assessors and revised by the Board of review, 1899-1928.'. ' Caption title, 1899, 10 v.; 1907, 2 v.; 1927, 8 v.; 1928, 7 v. Binder's title; Cook County real estate assessment list... J 1907, 1927 M 192 7, 1928 P 1899 (in 11 v. ) P-C 1899, 1927, 1928 Taxes In Cook County. cl908? a Caption title, c8 3 p. J Defines duties of the Board of review and the Board of assessors. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Previous to 1871 was called Board of supervisors. Addresses delivered at the corner-stone laying of the new Cook County Court house, Sept. 21, 1906. cHenry 0. Shephard Co., printers , 1906=, Caption title, 12 p. P-C Annual message of .. .president, Board of commissioners of Cook County, Illinois. . .1901-32. Title varies 1914 not published Published also in its Charity service reports 1927-1932 includes summaries of reports of various Cook County departments . J 1927-32 M 1903, 1905-07, 1909, 1915-32 P-C 1903, 1907, 1909, 1915-32 U 1901, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1917, 1919-32 Annual reports of the Cook County agent, warden Insane Asylum and Poor house, medical superintendent Cook County insane asylum, warden Cook County hospital, Cook County physician for the year 1874-cl877 3 Cover title, 4 v. Year ends Dec.l J 18 74/75 P 18 73/74-76/77 Annual statement. .. 1879/80. J. M.W.Jones stat.and, 1880. 16 p, J P-C COOK COUNTY, Continued BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, Continued Charity service reports, Cook County, Illinois. . .together with annual message, President county board. .. 1901/02-1926/27 Report year ends Dec.l. Title varies. 1901/02-1902/03 do not include annual message of Pros., 1913/14 never published. Summary reports/if departments continued in Annual message of the President of the Board of commissioners. J 1901/02-12/13, 1914/15-26/27 M 1901/02-12/13, 1914/15-26/27 P-C 1904/05-08/09, 1910/11-12/13, 1914/15-25/26 U 1902/03-12/13, 1914/15-26/27 Cook County appropriation bill. .. 1911-1933 Resolution of Board of commissioners of Cook County incorporating the annual appropriation bill J 1913, 1931-33 M 1911-13, 1917, 1919-35 P-C 1928, 1931-32 U 1912-13, 1916, 1928, 1931-32 The cost of Cook County government activities with data on the applica- tion of the county "Corporate fund" dollar. cby J. L. Jacobs and Company 3 c1925d c28 3 p. , tpw. M Letter addressed to Board of Cook County commissioners on letter- head of J.L.Jacobs and Company, dated August 20, 1925. Election districts, polling places, and judges of election for the various towns in Cook County not under the jurisdiction of the Election commissioners . . . 1930-33. M 1930-33 U 1932-33 Farewell address of Daniel D.Hcaly, president ... for the period Dec. 3, 1894... cto 3 Dec. 3, 1898. 1898. 32 p. M P-C Handbook of Cook County institutions. Review of its business transactions and financial affairs for year 18 95. .. Published under the supervision of President D. D.Hcaly, compiled and edited by H.B. Meyers. W. C.Hollistcr &bro., 1896. 160 p. , illus. P-C Inaugural mcssagescs 3 of .. .President of the Board of commissioners of Cook County. 1905-08. J 1908 M 1905 P-C 1905-06, 1908 Map of Cook County, 111. ,... showing highways and forest preserves, 1924-32. 1 sheet, folded. Printed in colors M 1926, 1932 P-C 1924, 1928, 1930, 1932 COOK COUNTY , Continued BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS , Continued Map of metropolitan area of Chicago. . eThe Board, 1930 3 Folded sheet, printed on verso. P-C 1931 ed. M Printed in colors Official messages to Board of Cook County commissioners 1894-1898, with introduction 1886-1894, by D.D.Hcaly... J.M.W. Jones stat.and,1898. 206, c2d p. J M P-C Includes annual messages, 1894-97, and Inaugural addresses, 1894- 1896. Official proceedings. . ,1866-1933. 1868-1874 have no title page and index Title varies slightly J 1871/72-73/74, 1875/76-78/79, 1884/85, 1886/87-31/32 M 1866/67-1931/32 P-C 1868-70, incomplete, 187l/72-76/77, 18 78/79-79/80, 1882/83- 1906/07, 1908/09-17/13, 1919/20-28/29, 1930/31-1932/33. U 1886/8 7-94/95, 1396/97-97/98, 1899/l900-1950/ol Report of Committee on naming of judges and polling places in precincts of Cook County country towns outside of the jurisdiction of election commissioners... cChicago, 1913d 14 p. Entry from University of Illinois library The roll of honor, containing the names of soldiers, sailors and marines of all the wars of our country who arc buried in the cemeteries of Cook County. . .E.R. Lewis, compiler... 1922. 310,c2 3 p., illus., maps. J M P-C Rules and duties... c Calumet Publishing Company, 1931? 3 12 p. M Rules for period Dec.l, 1930, to first Monday of December, 1931. A study of Cook County. 1914. 63 p., illus., fold. map. By A. A. McCormick, president County board. J M P-C U Bibliography: p. 63. Why Cook County should have a new infirmary. . .Recommendation Special committee, 1902. Report of New infirmary site committee. Report of engineers on condition of building. Resolution county board recommending bond issue... H.O.Shepard co., printers, c1908d. 37, c 6dP., illus. J Year book. Cook County appropriation bill, 1912, and Comptroller's annual report, 1911. Robert M. Swcitzor, comptroller. .. c 1912:, 44,c2 3 p. U BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. BUILDING COti.ilTTEE Architectural competition for designs of a Court ho\isc and City hall, to be erected in Chicago, 111. Jameson & Morse, 1872. 12 p. In vol. lettered: Designs of a Court house and City hall, 1872-1372, Signed by the Building committee of the County commissioners of Cook County, the Building committee of the Common council of the city of Chicago, and the Board of public works of the city of Chicago. J p COOK COUNTY , Continued BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. BUREAU OF SOCIAL SERVICE. Sec BUREAU OF SOCIAL SERVICE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Special report to County commissioners giving a comparative statement of Cook County expenses and other matters from 1871/72 to 1881/82... J. M. Jones stat.and, 1882. 12 p. P-C BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS A compilation of the cost of the public buildings of Cook County from March 8,1866, to Dec. 3, 1883. Prepared by John O'Neill. 1884. c4 3 ,xxlv,396 p. J M P-C BOaRD OF COMMISSIONERS. COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE COUNTY OFFICES Cook County civil service extension. Official record on proposed civil service extension in Cook County. -Report of investigating committee. - Action by County commissioners. -Resolution adopted by Republican county convention. -Reports of Civil service conference comrnittco and County civil service commission. -Draft of bill introduced in Legislature. 1907. 24 p. J M P-C BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON COURT HOUSE HISTORY Report of Special committee appointed March 27,1862, to compile all communications, resolutions, reports and contracts pertaining to the erection of the new Cook County court house. Being from June 17, 1872, to July 17,1882. 1882. xxvi,544 p. J M P-C BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON NEW COURT HOUSE Cook County court house. Report... 1908. 28 p., illus. M P-C William Bus so, chairman BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE JUVENILE DETENTION HOME The Juvenile detention home. Report of investigation of Special committee, appointed by the Hon. Peter Reinbcrg, February 20,1917. Calumet Publishing Company, C 1917 D 16 p. J 1,1 P-C BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. SPECIAL NEW HOSPITAL COMMISSION Report... c 1910d Cover-title, MLp. J 1.1 P-C U U copy has only c 7 3 pages BOARD OF EDUCATION ...Reports of the President of the Board of Education and the Principal of Cook County normal school for 1890. J.M.W. Jonos stat.and 1890. 52 p. J p_C See Also COOK COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL, and DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COOK C OUNTY , C ont inuc d . BOARD OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS ...Annual report... 1914-19 J 1914 M 1915-19 P-C 1915 U 1915 A bill for an act regulating the registration of voters in cities cf more than 150,000 inhabitants. . .prepared by the Board of election commissioners. . . John F. Higgins, n.d. Cover title, 27 p. p-C Election calendar. . . 1914-34. M 1914-34 P-C 1916, 1922, 1928-33 U 1933 The election laws relating to general and special elections in the city of Chicago... 1898-1951. 1922-1931, title roads: General election laws... J 1898, 1905, 1908 M 1899, 1908, 1914-15, 1917-18, 1920-21, 1923, 1925-26,1928-31 P-C 1902, 1912-15, 1920, 1922, 1951 IT 1905, 1920, 1926 ...Election precincts comprising the various wards, districts and towns... Oct. 1914. c 1914 3 P-C Folder showing apportionment of wards and precincts into congressional and senatorial districts... n.d. c 12 3 p. P-C How to mark and count ballots illustrated by plates and examples shewing forms of marked ballots and how they should be counted... c 1930a 38,c2 3 p. U Information for the use cf judges and clerks of the primary election of April 11, 1916. c 1916a Cover title, 24 p. P-C Map showing Cook County congressional districts. .. as apportioned by the 42nd General assembly. In force July 1, 1901. Issued. . .August , 1916. c 1916a M Covers Chicago and Cicer© only. Jan. 1919 P-C Fob. 1930 M 1927-28 P-C Map shewing Cook County senatorial districts .. .as apportioned by the 42nd General assembly. In forco July 1,1901. Aug. 1916. =1916= Covers Chicago and Cicero only. M Jan. 1920 P-C Apr .1923 M COOK COUNTY , Continued BOARD OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS, Continued Map showing Cook County senatorial districts. . .as apportioned ty the 42nd General assembly. In force July 1,1901. 1927-28 P-C Covers Chicago and Cicero only. Feb. 1930 M dvlaps of wards and election precincts. 50 ward plan 3 1922-30. 1922 51 maps 1927-28 53 maps (includes Chicago Heights, Cicero) 1928-30 54 maps (includes Evergreen Park, Chicago Heights and Borwyn) M 1922, 1928-30 P-C 1922, 1927-28 c Maps of wards and election precincts. 35 ward plan^ 1901-20. 1901-02 36 maps 1905-10 36 maps, 37 maps (including Cicero) 1913 35 maps 1915-20 37 maps (including Cicero) J 1905-10 (36 maps), 1913 P 1901-02 P-C 1905-10 (37 maps), 1915-20 Memoranda for primary election of Thursday, Sept. 15, 1910 1910. 6 p. J Precinct committeemen elected in the city of Chicago and town of Cicero, April 9th, 1912... 1912. 38 p. M Primary election laws... 1905-1931. Title varies J 1905 (Oct. ) M 1914 (Jan.), 1915 (Oct.), 1917 (Oct.), 1920 (Mar. Aug.) 1922 (Jan.), 1923 (Jan.), 1929 (Mar. D ec.), 1931 (Jan. Dec. ) P-C 1912 (Mar.), 1913 (Feb.), 1915 (Oct.), 1920 (Aug.), 1922, 1928 (Mar.) U 1928 (Mar.) Registered voters. Election of April 5, 1910. el910? a 43 p. M ...Rules and regulations for election, April 4th, 1916. s John F. Higgins,1916 3 7 p. P-C At head of title: Board of election commissioners of the city of Chicago. Title varies. Nov. 6, 1928. 30 p. M Apr. 12, 1932. 23 p. 1.1 P-C Oct. 1932 M Nov. 8, 1932 30 p. M P- COOK COUNTY , Continued BOARD OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS, Continued ...Rules and regulations for registration and reasons .. .for election of Nov. 2, 1920. cl920 D 8 p. P-C The truth about "The voting machine deal" comp. and approved by Chas. H. Kellormann, Howard S. Taylor. . .William H. Stuart... cl9l4 3 20 p. J M U Voting machine law.. . =1912? a Cover title, 9 p. P-C •BOARD OF FOREST PRESERVE COMMISSIONERS A separate political entity, coextenvise with Cook County and with the Cook County Board of Commissioners ex-officio, acting as the Board of forest preserve commissioners. Forest preserve district. . .Auditor ' s report... 1924-25 J 1925 M 1924-25 P-C 1924-25 U 1924-25 Forest preserve district of Cook County. Clohesey printers, 1918. 1 map. J Forest preserve trails... n.d. 1 fold. sheet printed on both sides. illus. P-C Forest preserves of Cook County... Clohesey & co. , printers cl918?a folder (15, dap. incl.maps) J M P-C U ' 1S18. 145 p., illus. J M P-C 1921. 223 p., illus. J M P-C U Forestry laws and court decree creating the Forest preserve district of Cook County and the municipal code... Compiled and codified by Adolph D. Weiner,... r - Clohesey & Co., printers, 1918, j c4i , v, 8-93, x p illus. J M P-C Cover-title: The municipal code of the Forest preserve district of Cook County. Map of Forest preserve district... 1921, M Developed by H. E. Rice. 1922 J P-C Official record of the proceedings... 1915-3 2, Published irregularly. J 1915-27, 1929-32 M 1915-22 P-C 1915 (Mar. 5) -1917 (Dec. 24); 1918-24; 1925 (Jan. 12,19); (Feb. 2,9,16); 1929 U 1930-3 2 Ordinance... establishing police department and regulating use of pro- serves... Compiled by Joseph P. Savage,.. Goorge A, Basta, il927' VII, 31 p. M P-C COOK COUNTY, Continued BOARD OF FOREST PRESERVE COMMISSIONERS, Continued Reasons why the forest preserves of Cook County should be visited... cChicago railway printing co.,1925?^ 14 p., fold. map. M P-C Report. . .by. .. cthe 3 President. 1916-32. Title varies: 1916-1928, Annual message of .. .President. . . J 1917-32 M 1916-32 P-C 1917-32 U 1916-26; 1928-32 BOARD OF FOREST PRESERVE COMMISSIONERS. CHICAGO ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS COMMITTEE Report.. .August 9, 1920. . . c Calumet publishing Co.,1920 3 16 p. J P-C F. J.Wilson, chairman Gives the results of a survey of several zoological gardens in various cities of the United States BOARD OF FOREST PRESERVE COMMISSIONERS. FOREST PRESERVE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Recommended plans for forest preserves of Cook County, Illinois, prepar- ed... by the Forest preserve advisory committee. . .in cooperation with the staff of the Forest preserve district and the Chicago regional planning association... 1929. 11., 37 numb.l., illus., mimoo. U BOARD OF REVIEW Abolished in 1932. See different items under BOARD OF ASSESSORS. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Sec BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE Organized, legally, on Dec. 1,1925, to tako over all social service activities for which the Cook County Board of commissioners wore responsible, except the Juvenile court and the Adult probation department. New organization became effective Oct. 1,1926. annual report... 1926/27. ^1927^ 86 p. M P-C Also printed in Charity service reports of 1926/27. No more published. Summary reports, 1927/28-date, arc included in BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Annual message of the President... Material relief given city of Chicago, July 1932... d932a 1 p. M Office manual... cl933 3 Cover-title, 1 v. U Loose-loaf. Foreword signed by Joseph L. Moss , director . The problem of unemployment and possible destitution submitted to Chicago Municipal markets commission, by Miss Amelia Sears, Diructor, Bureau of Public wclfaro, Cook County, October 1,1914. 13 p., tpw. M 10 COOK COUNTY , Continued BURJAJJ OF SOCIAL SERVICE Created in Feb. 1916, end on Dec. 1,1925 combined in nowly organ- ized BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE, although actual combination did not take effect until Oct. 1,1926. . . .Annual report. . . 1916-1925/26 Report year ends Nov. 30. First report covers the period Ilarch-Nov. 1916. 1925/26 report includes :Roport with recommendations on organization of the County bureau cf public welfare to the Board of commission- ers by the General committee on plan, January 12,1926. 1918/19, not published. Statistics for 1918/19 included in the re- port for 1919/20. Title varies: 1916-17/18, Report cf Superintendent; 1919/20, Report cf the Director and Superintendent, Contained also in BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Charity service reports, 1915/16-1925/26. J 1916-17/18 M 1916-17/18 P-C 1916-17/18 U 1916, 1917/18, 1925/26 .. .publication no. 1-2. 1916-1917. 2no.ini v. J LI P-C U No more published Contents. -1. marriage and divorce analysis of Cook County statistics fercthc D years 1914 and 1915. -2 . The Public health division cf social service, Cook County outside cf Chicago. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ...Annual report... 8-26* "1902/03^1926/27 Report year ends Aug. 31(1910/11, J u nc 30). No report for 1903/04. Also in Charity service reports, 1902/03, 1904/05 -1926/27. Summary reports, 1927/28-date, in Annual message cf the president. J 18-26, 1912/13-20/21 II 18-26, 1912/13-20/21 P-C 18-20, 1912/13-14-15; 24-26, 1918/19-20/21 U 18-20, 1912/13-14/15; 23-26, 1917/18-20/21 Civil service in Cook County, Illinois. A compilation of the laws, rules, classified service, and other information... 1903-1914. Title varies J 1914 LI 1903,1905,1909,1912-14 P-C 1905,1909,1913-14 U 1905 Civil service law. Cook County Civil service commission, cl912 3 15 p. I.I P-C Draft... of an act tc regulate the civil service in counties of 150,000 or more inhabitants. el915? a 14 p . u Investigation. . .of the Cook County institution at Oak Forest. 1911. 9 parts, tpw. I.I 11 COOK COUNTY, Continued CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, Continued Official bulletin. . . 1913-17. Broadsides Vol.4, no. 60, last published „ J v. 3, no. 16-4 no. 60, Hay 31, 1913- July 21,1917. (Vol. 3, no. 18 , 25,30,33,34,48,49; vol. 4, no. 41, 51, wanting. ) practical civil service tests in Cook County... 1913. unp.,illus., no text. M cl914?3 M P-C Report... on investigation of Juvenile detention home. Clohesey & co., printers, c 1917a Cover-title, 7, cl 3 p. J M P-C COMMISSION ON NEW COUNTY BUILDINGS. See COMMITTEE ON NEW COUNTY JAIL AND CRIMINAL COURT EUILDING COMMITTEE ON NEW COUNTY JSAIL AND CRIMINAL COURT EUILDING Report.., to Albert A. Sprague, chairman, Commission on New county buildings. cHodstrom-Barry Co. , printers, 1924?:, 48 p. J M P-C U COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE OPERATION OF JUVENILE COURT Appointed by Board of Commissioners under resolution of August 8,1911. The Juvenile court of Cook County, Illinois; report... c cl912 3 3 p.l., 294 p. J M P-C U Willard E. Hot chkiss, chairman of committee. COMPTROLLER ...Classification of expense accounts. .ALphabctically listed and classi- fied to conform with standard appropriation accounts. 1913. Cover-title, 52 p. M P-C At head of title: Department of Finance. Office of the Comptroller. Cook County year book, 1896. n.d. 96 p. J ...Departmental and comptroller's estimates... 1916-31. M 1916-19, 1931. ...Financial statement... 1904/05-1930/31 J 1911/12 P-C 1911/12-13/14; 1915/16; 1918/l9; 1920/21-23/24; 1925/26-27/28 1929/30-30/31 U 1904/05, 1911/12 The meaning of the Illinois supreme court's decision reversing the county court of Cook County on the Cusar case, by M.S.Szymczak. cl932? 3 6 p. M 12 COOK COUNTY , Continued COMPTROLLER, Continued ...Report... 1909/10-1930/31 In several reports accounts arc corrected up to January of following year. Fiscal year ends Dec.l J 1911/12-25/26, 1927/28-30/31 M 1909/10-17/18, 1919/20-30/31 P-C 1914/15, 1917/18-20/21; 1923/24-24/25 U 1911/12-30/31 Sec Also BOARD OF C012H SSI ONERS. Year book... d912 D COOK COUNTY EMPLOYEES' ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND. Soo_ RETIREMENT BOARD OF THE COOK COUNTY EMPLOYEES' ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL, CHICAGO. ...Annual reports... 1884/85-1927/28 At head of title: 1907/08-1926/27: Cook County hospital, Chicago, Illinois. Comprising the General hospital, the Tuberculosis hos- pital, Children's and contagious hospitals, New men's hospital, the Pathological laboratory, and the Psychopathic hospital (with variations ) Title varies: 18 84/8 5 -85/8 6: Annual report of the warden of the Cook County hospital (issued as a combined report) 1901/02 Report... 1902/03-06/07: Annual report... 1913/14 not published 1901/02-26/27 published also in BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Charity service reports 1926/27 last published. Brief reviews of the work, 1927/28-date, are included in the Annual message of the president of the Board of cominis si oners of Cook County J 1884/85-85/86, 1901/02-06/07, 1909/10-26/27 M 1908/09-09/10, 191l/l2, 1914/15-25/26 P-C 1926/27 U 1913/14-16/17, 1918/19-27/28 Cook County hospital bulletin, 1910. S.D.Childs & co. , printers, 1910. 6 p.l. , 196 p. Comp. and ed. under the direction of the Publication committee of the Cook County hospital attending staff Title from Library of Congress Cook County hospital reports... 1890-1906 Title varies: 1890- Medical and surgical reports... 1890 in "two volumes, each covering six months J 1890, 1906 M 18 90, 1906 P-C 1906 U 1906 Rules and regulations for the government... 1865-1915 J 1865, 1867-68, 1874, 1877, 1881 M 1910, 1915 15 COOK COUNTY , Continued COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL, CHICAGO, SCHOOL OP NURSING Report of the deun und director of the nursing service of the Cook County school nursing. . . 1931/32-1932/33 Mimco. Year ends Nov. 30 M 1931/32-32/33 Lionthly Minco. LI Sept. -Nov. 1931, Jan. 1932-Dcc. 1933 COOK COUNTY INSTITUTIONS, DUNNING, ILL. Including the Infirmary, Hospital for consumptives, Hospital for insane, and the poor farm. From Dec. 1910 to 1912, all institu- tions, except the Hospital for the insane, wore moved to Oak Forest, the latter being taken over by the State on July 1,1912 Rules and regulations for the government... c Cameron, Amber g and co., printers, 1910a 34 p. P-C COOK COUNTY INSTITUTIONS, Dunning, 111. HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE Report of the superintendent. . .for the year 1890. J.M.W. Jones stat. and , 1891. P-C COOK COUNTY INSTITUTIONS, Oak Forest, 111. ...Annual report of the general superintendent... 1909/10-1926/2 7 Report covered Hospital for insane at Dunning, 111., until it was taken over by the State on July 1,1912 \ Li 1909/10-11/12, 1914/15-15/16, 1921/22-22/23, 1924/25-26/27 P 1911/12 U 1918/19-19/20, 1926/27 ...Bringing home to the Oak Forest institutions, a Cook County achieve- ment, by Frank Venecek. . . cFrcd J. Ringley co.,1925? 3 31 p., illus. 11 P-C Oak Forest Optimist. Official paper of the Cook County tuberculosis hospital and infirmary. 192 9 M v. 6, no. 5-6, Oct. -Nov. 1929 Report of the Oak Forest infirmary advisory committee to the Board of Cook County commissioners. Feb. 20, 1932. n.d. 11 p. M Rules governing the Cook County institutions. Oak Forest infirmary and tuberculosis hospital, Oak Forest, 111. cCharity service of Cook County:, 1916. 95 p. II COOK COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL Founded in 1368, and known in early years as Cook County Normal and Training school, Englcwood, 111. Transferred to the City of Chicago beginning with the school year , 1895/96, See Als o CHICAGO. CHICAGO NORI.IAL SCHOOL Catalogue and circular... 187l/72-lG78 P 1871/72, 1875/76, 1878 14 COOK COUNTY , Continued COOK COUNTY NORLL1L SCHOOL, Ccntinuod Course of study... J.M.W. Jonos stat.and, 1093. 77 p. P-C U 1395 104 p. P-C U Heading lessons applicable to nature study, geography, history, and mathematics, arranged by grades from I to VIII, selected from Cock County normal school envelope, 1895-96. Cook County Normal school print, 1896. cl72^p. U Various paging CORONER c Chart showing statistics of accidents and premature deaths in Cock County. 1905-1921 3 J c 1915-1921 3 M Coroner's safety bulletin. 1914-1915 llimco. Later issues: Coroner ' s bi-monthly safety bulletin U 1-2, Aug. 15, Aug. 29, 1914 P 4, Nov. 6, 1914, Jan. 15, 1915 Crcwner's quest. Sec CORONER. Report. Intermediate crib disaster. Transcript of testimony taken and proceed- ings at inquest before peter 11. Hoffman, Jan. 27, 1909. 1442 p, , tpw. M Iroquois theater fire... List of all victims. H.O.Shopard co. , printers, 1904. 12 p. J P-C U "Compiled by John E.Tracger:, coroner, Cock County, Illinois, Chicago. 1931 Coroner's survey of automobile fatalities in Cook County, 111. c 1932? 3 12 p., mimeo. I.I The race riots... See CORONER. Report. ...Report... 1874/75-1917/19 Title varies Irregular Report year ends Nov.30 v 1874/75-76/77 has title: "Cr owner ' s quest." Three Annual reports of Emil Dictzsch. . . 1912/14 issued in two forms, 167 p. (1915) and 176 p.(cl914) and also under title: "Things you must know for safety. ' 1917/19 has title:The race riots ; biennial report 1918-1919... J 1074/75-76/77, 1906/07-12/14, 1917/19 U 1903,1907,1908/11-1917/19 P 1874/75-76/77 P-C 1874/75-76/77, 1902/03, 1900/11, 1912/14, 1917/19 U 1074/75-76/77,1902/03,1906/07,1908/11-13/15,1917/19 15 COOK COUNTY , Continued CORONER, Continued Report made... in investigation of the Iroquois theatre fire; conclusions and summary, together with a copy of the testimony. 1904. ella, 159 p. , tpvr. M c Cover title; Iroquois theatre fire investigation; testimony reports Things you must know for saf ety. . .Public safety commission of Chicago and Cook County, 1915. 173 p., illus. II P-C printed largely from same plates as the 167 p. edition of his 1912/14 biennial report 1917. M Transcript of testimony before the Coroner's jury, July 24,25,26,27,28, 29, on the body of Kate Austin and all others lost by the overturning of the excursion steamer Eastland while tied to the dock at Clark and S. Water Streets in the city of Chicago, July 24,1915... Clohesey & co. , printers, c 1915^ Cover-title, 156 p. J II P-C July 24,1915 to August 5,1915. cl915 3 862 p., tpw. M Title begins: Investigation of accident to steamer "Eastland," transcript of proceedings. c Verdict on the Iroquois theater fire. 1904 3 cl2 3 p.,tpw. J COUNTY AGENT. See BEE&RTMFT OF OUTDOOR RELIEF COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. SUPPORT DEPARTLIENT . See DEPARTMENT OF OUTDOOR RELIEF. Annual report. COUNTY BOARD OF VISITORS Report... 1911/12-1918/19 Report year ends Nov. 30 The function of the Board is to visit all institutions, societies and associations receiving children J 1911/12 LI 1911/12-18/19 P-C 1911/12 U 1911/12 COUNTY CLERK City of Chicago valuations. . .Divided into personal property, capital stock, real estate, railroad. Compiled by Robert II. Sweitzer... 1928-1930. Photostat. M 1928-30 Cook County valuations. .. (by towns) Divided into personal property, capital stock, real estate, railroad. Compiled by Robert M.Sweitzor. 1928-1930. Photostat II 1928-30 Cook County year book, 1896. See COMPTROLLER COOK COUNTY , Continued COUNTY CLERK, Continued List of state officers, United States senators (Illinois )congrcssmen, state senators, state representatives, trustees University of Illinois, county, town officers, police magistrates and justices of the peace, county of Cook. List of city officials of city of Chicago, supreme court, circuit, superior and county courts, municipal court, city courts, sanitary trustees, park commissioners. Information for taxpayers, election information, hunting and fishing information, marriage license information, etc. Issued by... County Clerk. 1896-1933. Title varies J 1923,1931,1933 M 1911-18, 1920, 1922-23, 1925-26, 1928-29 P-C 1896?, 1915-16, 1920, 1922-23, 1925 , 1927-29, 1933 U 1923,1929 Selected list of names of firms and individuals protesting the payment of part of the general taxes of 1916 as extended by the c Cook a county clerk, showing "£ho total amount of taxes objected to. n.d. 6 p., tpw. M Tax rates for the City of Chicago. 1925/28-1929/30 M 1926/29,1927/28,1927/30,1928/29,1928/31,1929/30 P-C 1925/28,1926/29,1927/28 COUNTY COLLECTOR ...Statement of extensions, collections and uncollected taxes as of Dec. 18, 1933. cl933n 2 mimeo. leaves. p-C 1928 and 1929. 1 p., photostat. M CRIMINAL COURT Report and recommendations of the Chief justice. . .for the year commencing Sept. 1,1919 and ending June 30,1920. n.d. 8 p. J DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Abolished by the Board of commissioners in adopting the 1929 appropriation bill. Rural nursing service became a division of the Bureau of public welfare Annual report for the year 1925. n.d. mimeo. M List of health officers in towns and villages of Cook County. cl926? 3 tpw. M DEPARTMENT OF OUTDOOR RELIEF In 1926 the work of the County agent was taken over by the Bureau of public welfare ...Annual report of the county agent... 1901/02-1925/26 Also published in BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Charity service reports, 1901/02-25/26 (Continued) 17 COOK COUNTY, Continued DEPARTMENT OF OUTDOOR RELIEF, Continued ...Annual report of the county agent ... Continued Title varies: 1901/02 Report, Department of Outdoor relief; 1902/05- 1 903/04, Annual report, Cook County department of outdoor relief; 1904/05-1 906 >/07, Annual report, Cook County dept. of poor relief; 1907/00-1912/13 include report of Support department, County attorney's office. 1913/14 not published. J 1908/09,1919/20 Li 1907/08-09/10, 1911/12, 1915/16-10/19, 1921/22-25/26 P-C 1907/08-08/09, 1912/13, 1914-/15, 1918/19-20/21, 1925/26 U 1907/08, 1909/10-12/13, 1917/18-19/20 DEPARTMENT OF POOR RELIEF. See_ DEPARTMENT OF OUTDOOR RELIEF DEPARTMENT OF PUULIC CHARITIES Annual report of the Superintendent and medical director of public charities... 1872 Caption title Report year ends Dec.l J 1, 1872 Report of the Superintendent and medical director of public charities. . . cl872, Quarterly See Also DEPARTMENT OF OUTDOOR RELIEF DEPARTIIENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION achievement course. School-home project outline 1915-18, Cook County schools. Read-Witter printing co. , cl915 3 -1918. 4 v. Title varies 11 1916, 1918 P-C 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918 Biennial report. See its Statistical report. ...Cook County school achievement 1916-1918 achievement is devoted to boys and girls who have taken courses in school-home projects, particularly in the field and garden courses. J 1916, 1917 H 1916, 1917, 1918 P-C 1917 Course of study for rural and non-supervised schools. 1914. M Public schools of Cook County, 111. 1915/16-1924/25 Directory of schools outside Chicago 1.1 1915/16-18/19, 1924/25 P-C 1915/16-19/20 18 COOK COUNTY , Continued DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, Continued ...Pupils school-hone project record book. n.p., n.d. 4 pams. P-C Canning, Field, Poultry, Sewing and Cookery Statistical report of the County superintendent of schools... 1071/72-1924/26 Title varies: 1371/72, First annual report;..; 1882/84-1912/14 Bi- ennial report... Report year ends June 30 (1371/72- ? ,0ct.l) July 1,1910-June 30,1920, 1920/22, cover two years J 1871/72,1802/34-1806/83,1090/92,1898/1900-1904/06,1908/10- 24/26 tvl 1896/98, 1902/04-00/10, 1912/14-15/16,1917/18-20/22 p-C 1871/72, 1874/75, 1879/30-80/81, 1882/84-84/86, 1800/90, 1094-/96- 1912/14, 1916/18-24-/26 U 1004/06-1900/10, 1916/10-20/22 See Also BOARD OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ...Report of the Cook County schools, by the school commissioner. 1862. No. 1,1861/2 J DUNNING INSANE ASYLUM. See COOK COUNTY INSTITUTIONS FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT. See BOARD OF FOREST PRESERVE COMMISSIONERS GRAND JURY Report of members. . .for May, 1898, on method of handling boy offenders by the city, county, and state. Rand,McNally & co. , printers, 1098. Cover-title, 16 p. J Report of the C ok County grand jury concerning the Chicago unification transportation ordinance, with an appendix by state's attorney, Ilaclay Hoyne . Presented and filed August 31,1910, in the criminal court before acting chief justice Robert E. Crowe. 36 p., mimeo. M HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Highway map of Cook County showing detours and highway construction for week ending. . . 1926 . P-C Oct. 6, 13, Nov. 3, 17 Menorunduia agreemont for the conduct of highway investigation and re- search, c 1924a cl7 3 p., mimeo. p-C Report of a study of highway traffic and the highway system of Cook County, in the United States Bureau of public roads and the Cook County highway department. 1925. 96 p., illus,, maps. M P-C Township maps of Cook County... 1931. c 77 3 p., maps, F. M P-C Planograph reproductions 19 COOK COUNTY, Continued HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. Sec COOK COUNTY INSTITUTIONS. JAIL Annual report. . . 1922/23-1930/31 1923 has title: Superintendent's report... M 1922/23] 1925/26, 1928/29, 1930/31 JOINT COMMISSION ON REAL ESTATE VALUATION Created in 1927. Consisted of the 5 members of the Board of assessors, the 3 members of the Board of review, 3 members of the Board of county commissioners, and 15 private citizens. Property assessments, public revenue and retrenchment for 1932. ejj, state- ment prepared for the Chicago Board of education:, 1932. Cover- tit lc, 14- p. M P-C Report... 1927-1933. Each report has individual title. Contents: cls-A study of assessment methods and results in Cook county. 1927. 2-A study of assessment organization and legislation in its applica- tion to Cook County. 1928 3-A study of the present financial difficulties of local govern- ments and their causes. 83 p. 1929 c3d A summary. 18 p. 1929 4-A study of the assessment and taxation of personal property in Cook County. 1930 5-Appraisal standards for the assessment of personal property. 1932. 6-Rcal estate deflation in Chicago, 1928-1933. 1933. J 1-5, 1927-32 If 1-4, 6, summary of no. 3, 1927-30, 1933 P-C 1-6, summary of no. 3, 1927-33 U 1_5, summary of no. 3, 1927-32 JUDICIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Report of the Judicial advisory council of the state of Illinois and the Judicial advisory council of Cook County. cSpringf ield 3 1931. 42 p. M U .JURY COMMISSIONERS Annual report... to the Judges of the Courts of record. .'. 1914-19 J 1914 M 1914-19 JUVENILE COURT . . .Annual report. . . 1905/06-1926/27 At head of title, 1907/08-26/27: Juvenile court and Juvenile detention home of Cook County, Illinois Published also in the Charity service reports, 1905, 1906/07, 1909/10-11/12, 1924/25-26/27 Report year ends Nov. 30 ( 1905, Dec. 31) (Continued) 20 COOK COUN TY, Continued JUVENILE COURT, Continued . . .Annual report. . . 1905/06-1926/27, Continued 1905/06 reprinted by the Juvenile court committoo 1907/08 includes report of the work done by thu Children's hospital society of Chicago for these institutions 1912/13 issued in two forms: Juvenile court and Juvenile detention hone. Annual reports; Report of the Cook County juvenile court 1913/14 Report of... judge 1926/27 jinnual report Juvenile court branch and Institute for •Juvenile research 1926/27 last published. Summary reports, 1927/28-datc included in the Annual message of the President of the Board of commis- sioners J 1905/06,1907/08-03/09, 1912/l3v24/25 M 1907/00-12/13,1914/15-25/26 (both forms of 1912/13) P-C 1912/13-14/15,1916/17-26/27 IT 1905/06, 1908/09-10/ll, 1912/13, 1915/16-24/25 (both forms of 1912/13) The Juvenile detention home in relation to Juvenile court policy; a study of intake in the Cook County Chicago juvenile detention home, by Savilla i.Iillis. . . d927 3 96 p. J M P-C U Programme of ceremonies on dedication of the Juvenile court and Detention home building, August seventh, 1907. d907 3 13 p. P-C U Report of Hon.Mcrritt 11. Pincknoy, judge of Juvenile court, from the date of its organization to Dec. 1,1913. 1913. 7 p. M Report of the Juvenile detention home to the County of Cook and the City of Chicago, showing the children detained during all or part of the month of April, 1908. n.d. M Statement of cases of dependency and delinquency which are handled by the Juvenile court and of the- cases for which other courts and agencies are responsible. n.d. 15 p. 1,1 Suggestions to Juvenile court workers of Cook County, Illinois. cl906 3 7 p. Title from University of Illinois library JUVENILE DETENTION HOME. Sec JUVENILE COURT 0AX FOREST INSTITUTIONS. S_ee COOK COUIITY INSTITUTIONS OUTER BELT PARK COMMITTEE ...Forest preserve and parkways for Chicago and Cook County, address by... Henry G. For man. . .April 21,1904. c 1904 a 16 p. P-C Reprinted from official proceedings of County board PROBATE COURT Annual report of the clerk... 1913/14-1915/16 II 1913/14-15/16 21 COOK COUNTY , Continued RECORDER Index to tract books in the office of Recorder of deeds of Cook County. Alphabetically arranged according to subdivision. n.d. 380 p. M Official list. Abstracts of title to Cook County real estate on the records and contained in letter press books of the Recorder's office. May 1877. n.d. 616 p. M ...Torrens and real estate data for Cook County. Compiled by J.Scott Matthews. Allied printing trade council, cl919. 48 p., illus., maps. J P-C At head of title: Joseph F. Haas, recorder of deeds and registrar of titles, Cook County, Illinois. J.T.Igoe company, cl927. Cover-title, 82, c2=,p. M P-C RETIREMENT BOARD OF THE COOK COUHTY EMPLOYEES ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND Act relating to the County employees' annuity and benefit fund of Cook County. Approved and in force, July 2,1925. c 1925? 3 51 p. M P-C c Annual report:, 1926-1930. M 1926, 192 9-30 P 1930 Leading provisions of the act regulating the County employees' annuity and benefit fund. . .with accompanying tables. cpref. 1927s 41 p. M P-C U SHERIFF Annual report year ending Nov. 1,1929. n.d., tpw. M STATE'S ATTORNEY .annual report, 1929/1930 (Letter to Citizens' Assn. of Chicago) n.d. 4 p. , mimeo. M SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. See DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TREASURER New laws, important to taxpayers. 1928. Real estate special assessment, n.d. 1 sheet. M Taxpayers' guide, official information concerning your taxes. 1926-1931. Title varies J 1921 M 1926, 1928, 1930-31 P-C 1927 ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. See , under head SEMI -OF FICIAL BODIES, CHICAGO ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY Z illus. J p_c Chicago public continuation schools: purpose, benefit, history and sup- port, letters. d921 D 15 p. p_C Reprints Jan. 1922, May 1923 The Chicago public school spelling book for grades four, five, six, seven, eight. Board of education, 1913. 2 p.l., 156 p. U Chicago public schools library list for elementary schools. adopted September 11,1907:, 1907. 55 p. j U "Prepared under the; direction of Mr. James F.Hosic, head of the Department of English in the Chicago normal school." Chicago public schools; reports on underfed children. c Chicago 1908:, 23 p. J p_c Reprinted from Minutes of the Board of education of the city of Chicago, October 21,1908 Chicago schools journal... v. 1-14, 1918-1933. Monthly from Sept. to June inclusive. Preceded by the Educational bimonthly J 1-14, Sept. 1918- June 1932 P 1-3, Sept. 1918 -June 1921 P-C 1-15, Sept. 19 18 -June 1933 U 1-2, 1918/20; 4-14, 1921/32 Chicago vacation schools, 1914. 1914. 2 1., 12°' p_C Circular of information. Free evening schools elementary and high. Americanization classes. 1921-28 P-C 1923-25, 1928 U 1921-26 25 CHICAGO, Continued BOARD OF EDUCATION, Continued Community centers of the Chicago public schools, 1916-1917. n.d. 8 p., 12° P-C 1913-19. n.d. 4 p. M Course of lectures on the junior high school, Hay, 1924. c 1924s 160 p. J P-C U Course of study for elementary schools. 1904-14 Title varies J . 1904, 190 7 P-C 1910, 1912, 1914 ...Course of study for special divisions for subnormal children. = 1921:, 10 p. P-C Course of study for the high schools of Chicago, with requirements for admission to the normal school. 1908-15. J 1908, 1909 P-C 1900, 1914, 1915 Course of study in physical education for high schools. 1912, 12 p. J Course of study, Manual training department of the elementary public schools, Chicago. . .1098/99-1899/1900. Prepared by R. F. Beardslcy. . . c Chicago, 1898-1899:, 2 v., illus. J U Bibliography prepared by American manual training association in each volume • Courses of study. For later courses of study, Sec BOjiRD OF EDUCATION. EDUCAT I OH "DEPARTMENT Directory of the public schools of the City of Chicago. 1094/95-1932/33. Cover title Beginning 1923/24 also issued in an edition lacking index of names J 1898/99, 1901/2-1921/22, 1926/27 M 1900/01, 1906/07. 1909/10, 1911/12-1931/32 P-C 1896/97, 1898/99, 1901/02-02/03, 1904/05-06/07, 1908/09- 26/27, 1928/29-30/31 Ed. without index, 1923/24-1932/33 U 1894/95, 1896/97, 1901/02-04/05, 1907/08, 1913/14, 1915/16- 19/20, 1921/22-24/25, 1926/27-30/31 Drawing outline. Chicago public schools, grades 5, 6, 7, 8. 1903. Cover-title, 24 p. J The Educational bi-monthly. Published by the Board of education, city of Chicago. Edited. . .with the cooperation of the faculty of the Chicago normal school. Vol. I-eXI,no.4a , cOct. 3 1896- .April 1917. The Chicago normal school press, c 1907-1917:, 11 vol. Vol. 1-2 published by the Chicago normal school Ceased publication April 1917, succeeded by Chicago schools journal (Continued) 26 CHI CAGO , C o nt i nu c d BOARD OF EDUCATION, Continued The Educational bi-monthly, Continued J 1-11, 1906-17 U 1-10, 1906-16 cEnglish lessons for foreign born. By Frances K. Wctmore. 1919a Sec CHICAGO ASSOCIATION OF COILIERCE. cEnglish lessons. . . 1919a Exorcise in science for a course of 20 weeks in physiology and sanitation for the 1st year in high school, by J.E.Armstrong... 1911. 36 p. J Finding list of books authorized for high school libraries by the Board of education of the city of Chicago. 1914. Normal college press cl914a 178 p. J P ...Free evening high schools. 1915-1919. At head of title: Chicago public schools P-C 1915(0ct), 1917(Scpt), 1919(Scpt) Free evening schools. . .Americanization classes (Circular of information) 1922-28 J 1922 M 1922-24, 1926, 1928 Graded course of instruction for the public schools of Chicago; with accompanying directions to teachers. Revised edition. Adopted by the Board of education, July 1,1862. Rowc & Hyatt , printers, 1862. 80 p. J --- May 29,1866. Dean & Ottaway, printers, 1866. 75 p. J P-C Prepared by W.H.Wells, prof. Fourth edition revised, adopted by the Board of education, April 16,1872. Bryant, Walker & Craig, printers, 1872. c4, 7,-115 p., illus. ...Gymnastics with special apparatus for elementary grades. By Henry Sudor... 1902. 60 p., illus. J At head of title: Chicago public schools Historical sketches of the public school system of the city of Chicago, to the close of the school year 1878-79. Prepared by Shepherd Johnston... Clark & Edwards, printers, 1880. 1 p.l., 79 p. J I.I P-C Reprinted from the 25th annual report of the Board of education of the city of Chicago for 1878/79 In memo ri am, James R. Doolittle, jr. , member of the Board of education of the city of Chicago, from July, 1803, to August , 1889. Died August 8,1889. cl089 3 37 p. P U In momoriam, Wm.I.Ioorc Lawrence, Albert Richard Robinson, Henry Silas Tibbits. Dec. 1910. 1910. 10 p. J 27 CHICAGO , Continued BOARD OF EDUCATION, Continued In the matter of the appraisement of school fund property, 1895. Answer of the Board of education of the city of Chicago to the statement filed by Lucius B. Otis as to lots 35, 36, 37, and 38, in block 142, school section addition to Chicago. Chicago legal news co. c 1895o. Cover title, 16 p. P-C An intensive study of the causes of truancy in eight Chicago public schools including a home investigation of eight hundred truant children. By Gertrude Howe Britton of Hull-house, Miss Bange, Miss Thompson and Miss Farnsworth of the Visiting nurse association, Mr. Caparelli, Mr. Schnagel, Hiss Rothen & Mrs. Gleason of the Compulsory education department of the Chicago Board of education. . . cPress of Hollister brothers, 1906 D 48 p., illus. J M P-C U This report is presented to the Conference on truancy-its cause and prevention. The Conference is called by the Chicago Board of education for December sixth, seventh and eighth, 1906 Junior high schools in theory and practice: handbook for teachers in Chicago junior high schools. Revised Jan. 1931. c Crane technical high school, 1931:, 32 p. M P-C List of school property owned by the Board of education Hay 1,1918. 58 p., tpw. M March 1,1921. 77 p., tpw. M A manual for the use of teachers in the public schools of the city of Chicago: containing the rules and regulations of the Board of educa- tion relating to schools; an outline of the course of study; and a manual of methods of instruction in arithmetic. 1878. c ln, 8, 14, d D , 96 p. P-C U "A manual of methods of instruction in arithmetic .. .by Duane Doty has special t-p. and separate paging (96 p. at end) Manual of exercises in physical education for elementary schools, first to fourth grades. Revised edition. By Henry Suder. 1919. 187 p., illus. P-C At head of title: Chicago public schools ...Manual of exercises in physical education: light gymnastics for elementary schools. Revised edition. 1916. c 2 3 ,214 p., illus. At head of title: Chicago public schools P P-C . . .Manual of gymnastics on apparatus for elementary schools. By Henry Suder... 1911. 115 p., illus. J H P P-C At head of title: Chicago public schools Revised edition. 1916. 115 p., illus. P-C Manual of school procedure for school clerks. Edited by the supervisor of school clerks... 1930. 74 p. M P-C G.M.Watson, supervisor of school clerks 28 CHICAGO , Continued BOARD OF EDUCATION, Continued Official report. . .adopted by the Rules committee on June 5,1316... Adopted by Board of education June 14,1916. e 1916 a Caption title, 16 p. P-C An opinion submitted to the Special committee on revenues of the Board of education of the city of Chicago, with reference to the validity of certain school leases, and of certain modifications thereof. Clarence N. Goodwin. . . c 1907s Cover title, d 3 ,27 p. M P-C Our public schools must not close. c 19333 15 p. I.I P-C Outline of course of study. City of Chicago. Adopted February 7, 1884. cl8843 21 p. J Adopted J u ne,1894. cl894 3 48 p A plea to take the small boy and the girl from the city streets by the Board of education, and a Committee representing the Consumers' league of Illinois, the Juvenile protective association of Chicago, the Mothers' congress of Illinois, and the Illinois Federation of womens clubs. cl912? 3 7,clr,p., illus. J Proceedings... 187l/72-1932/33 Period covered varies J 1871/72-1932/33 M 1871/72-74/75, 1876/77-77/78, 18 79/80-1931/32 P-C 1873/74-1932/33 U 1871/73-1879/80, 1881/82, 1883/84-193l/32 ...Programme of exercises in physical training. . .by Henry Sudor... cl896-1901n J 3d series, pt.l, 3d cd. ; 4th series, pt.1-2, 4th ed. At head of title: Chicago public schools Contains the programme for the fifth, seventh and eighth grades ...Programme of exercises in physical training. First to fourth grades. Revised edition... By Henry Suder... cl902. 126 p. J A programme of relief for the school system of Chicago, without increas- ing taxes... and over a period of twenty years. .. off ccting an ;» 18, 750,000.00 saving. Recommended and unanimously adopted by the Board of education of the City of Chicago. cl931=i 15 p. M P-C Public continuation schools. May, 1921. 15 p. M Public continuation schools: annual report... no. 2-5, 1919/20-22/23 no. 2-4, Edwin G.Coolcy, principal no. 5, Vfilliam Bcchrack, director P-C 2-5, 1919/20-22/23 U 5, 1922/23 CHICAGO , Continued BOARD OF EDUCATION, Continued Record of appraisement of school fund property... cl895 3 Knight, Leonard & co. , printers, 1895. 592 p. J 1.1 "For the Board of education, W. A. S.Graham, clerk. 1905. Barnard & Mil lor d905? 3 1 p.l., iii,337,iv p. J M P-C John McLaren, Wm.D.Korfoot and Arba N. Waterman, appraisers 1925. cl925? 3 el 3 380, ii p. U albert H.Wcttcn, Paul Stcinbrechcr , and Benjamin F.Lindheimer , appraisers Reference books and supplementary reading matter for Chicago public schools. ^1917? 3 35 p. J Relation of civics to history. c 1903? 3 47, ds p. P-C Title page wanting Report of Raskins & Sells of examination of books and accounts of the Board of education, calumet publishing company, c1916d c26 p. J P-C U Report of social centers. See BOARD OF EDUCATION. Report on community centers Report of the committee on relations between high schools and elementary school. Barnard & l.Ii Her, printers, cl925?^ 19 p. P-C Report of the director of special schools, 1922/23. 1923. M P-C U Report of the school census... 1874-1916. Biennial J 1874-76, 1878, 1892, 1894, 1908-12, 1914, 1916 1.1 1894, 1898, 1900, 1910, 1914-1916 P 1882, 1886-90, 1894-96 P-C 1882-1894, 1910-16 U 1900, 1910, 1914, 1916 ...Report on child-study investigation (March, 1899, to June 23,1899) by W.S.Christopher. . . J.F.Higgins, c1899:j Cover title, 48 p. At head of title: Chicago public schools J P-C Reprint from the annual report of the Board of education of Chicago, 1898-1899 For later reports, See_ BOARD OF EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF CHILD STUDY AND PEDAGOGIC INVESTIGATION Report on community centers... 1910/12-1917/18. Title varies: 1910/12, Report of social centers in the Chicago public schools 1910/12, biennial] 1915/16, 1917/18 annual 1915/16, 1917/18 from Report of Superintendent of schools J 1910/12, 1915/16, 1917/18 1,1 1915/16, 1917/18 P-C 1910/12, 1915/16, 1917/18 U 1910/12, 1915/16, 1917/18 30 CHICAGO, Continued BOARD OF EDUCATION, Continued ...Report on crime prevention and the duty and opportunity of the school. c 1919?3 9 p. J Rules and regulations of the Board of education of the City of Chicago, adopted March 20, 1878-cSept . 21 , 1922? Title varies J 1896(?)j liar. 1904 LI liar. 1904; Sept. 1905; May 18,1910; Sept. 1,1922. P-C Liar. 20, 18 78;^ Aug. 14, 1884; 1889(?); Feb. 1891; liar. 1904; Sept. 1,1922 U 1896 (?); Liar. 1904; Sept. 1905; Sept. 1,1922 Rules, regulations, and salary schedules of firemen, janitors, etc. Adopted at Board meeting, June 20,1928. 6 p. M Safety education; a plan book for the elementary school, by a committee appointed by the superintendent of schools, Chicago, Illinois. 1923. 160 p., illus. J M P P-C "Bibliography and other sources": p. 143-156 School map of Chicago. c cl914 3 cover-title, c4u,25 p., maps, 36 x 29™ J M cl917. 24 p. M cl922. I.I ...Spelling. Elementary schools. 1927. viii, 34 p., illus. U Standardized stock supplies, 1922: lists of commodities authorized for use in Chicago high and elementary school buildings and administration building. c 1922a 70 p. Li 1931. u Study course in drawing and drawing manual. Grades 1-2-3-4. Prepared by Emma March, Lucy S. Silke, Elizabeth C. Buckley, Harriet Cecil Magec... Board of education, 1908. 58 p. J At head of title: Chicago public schools Suggestions for choosing a course of study in the Public high schools of Chicago... 1922. 4 p. P-C Suggestions for studying the Chicago public schools... 1922. 40 p. J LI P-C Prepared for 1922 meeting of Department of superintendence of the N.E.A. Suggestions to instructors on a course in citizenship and language, adapt- ed to adults having little command of English, aho are applicants for citizenship... B el921a 44, 17 p. J P-C "Quotations for use in citizenship classes, comp.with a foreword by P.W.Wobor, November, 1920" (17 p.) has special t.-p. 31 CHICAG O, Continued BO,J?D OF EDUCATION, Continued c Supplementary reeding list. a n.d. 39 p., tpw. P-C c Supplementary reading list for elementary schools. Chicago, 1920? d c 145a 1. , mimeo . J Suppressed records of the Board of education of the city of Chicago c Fob. 10 and 24, and March 24,1909a. d909 3 Caption title, 12 p. J II A tentative program for community centers... 1919. Cover-title, c2a,ll,cl 3 p. J 1.1 P-C Two-year courses in vocational subjects in the high schools. cl910? 3 4 p. J A year of Americanization work, July 1918-July 1919. Has it paid? Read the answer! Board of education of the city of Chicago cooperating with the Chicago association of commerce. cl919 3 Cover-title, C 20 D p., illus. J I! P-C See Also BO.-RD OF SCHOOL INSPECTORS, and names of various schools, i.e. CHICAGO PARENTAL SCHOOL, CRANE JUNIOR COLLEGE. BOARD OF EDUCATION. BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Chicago examinations. Elementary. Specials. 1925-1931. Title varies. 1.1 1926 (Dec); 1928 (j u ne) P-C 1925(Dcc); 1926(Dcc); 1927(j u no); 1928(Junc); 1928 (Dec. )j 1929(July); 1930 ( June- July); 1930(Dcc); 1931 ( June- July) ; 193l(Doc. ) Chicago examinations. Elementary teachers. Chicago, Board of education, 1921-1928. I! 1926 (June); 1928 (June) P-C 1921 (Dec); 1922 (June); 1924 (June); 1924 (Dec); 1925 (June); 1928 (June) U 1924 Chicago examinations. Entrance to elementary schools and kindergarten, June 28,29,1920. ^920^ Cover title, 8 pts., 1 1. each. Chicago examinations. Entrance to Normal college. 1920-1931. Title varies slightly 1929(july, 1931 (J u ne- July) partly typewritten 1924 contains letter from Wm. B. Owen on entrance requirements II 1928 (June 26,27) - P-C 1920(july); 1924 (Juno); 1924(Dec); 1925(Junc 30- July 1); 1925 (Dec); 1926 (Juno); 1926(Doc); 1927(june); 1928(June); 1923 (Dec); 1929(July); 1929(Doc); 1930 ( June 30- July 1-2); 1930 (Dec); 193HJuno 29, 30- July l); 1931 (Dec); 1932 (June) U 1924 32 CHICAGO , Continued BOARD OP' EDUCATION. BOARD OF EXAMINERS, Continued Chicago examinations. Entrance to, principals, high schools and specials June 28,29,30,1920. Chicago, Board of education. Cover title, unp. P-C Chicago examinations. Junior high school teachers. Chicago, Board of education, 1924-1933. Cover title LI 1926(june); 1926(Doc); 1928(June) P-C 1924(july); 1925(June); 1925(Dcc.)j 1926(juno); 1926(Dec); 1927 (June); 1928(Dcc); 1929(dcc); 19 30 (Juno 30-July 1-2); 193l(Dcc); 1932(july); 1933Wune) U 1924 Chicago examinations. Principals. 1922-1929. Cover title M 1926(Aioril 26-28) P-C 1922(June 26,27,28); 1926(April 26,27,28); 1929(july 1,2,3) Chicago examinations. Senior high school. 1924-1932. Title varies M 1926 (Dec. 27-29); 1928 (June 25-26) P-C 1924(Dec); 1926(Dec); 1928(June); 1928(Dec); 1929(july); 1930(june 30-July 1,2); 1930(Dec); 1951(june 29, 30-July l); 193l(Dec); 1932(0ct.c7 separate l. D ); 1932(J u ne); 1932(Dec); 1933(June) Chicago examinations. Teachers of Normal and junior college. 1920-1932. P^C 1920, 1924, 1930, 1932 Chicago public schools. Rules and information regarding examinations of candidates for certificates... <=1903-1932:> 1916 issued by Education division Title varies :... Circular of information about examinations; and... Examination of candidates for certificates... J 1904-08, 1910, 1932(July) M 1931 (July) P-C 1903, 1916(Aug)j 1925(Aug.); 1926(Aug. ); 1932(july) U 1903-04 c Examinations for 3 special teachers of subnormal divisions. 1927 P-C 1927 (July 29-30) Handiwork; Psychology and methods. 2 pams. 1 1. each cHigh school teachers' examinations 3 - 6 pts., 1 1. each, 1916, 1927. Contents: Mathematics -major; mathematics -minor; professional study-minor; physics -minor; English high school-minor; commercial geography-minor . ' M 1927 Uune 27-28) P-C 1916(Dec.26,27) Physical education, men, high school, major. June 29,30-Julv 1.1931. 1 1. P-C CHICAGO , Continued BOARD OF EDUCATION. BOARD OF EXAMINERS, Continued Vocational guidance! occupations and industries; history and literature, June 29,30,1925. 2 1. P-C Vocational guidance} occupations and industries; history and literature; civics and economics. Dec . 27, 28, 29, 1926. 3 1. P-C Vocational guidance: social legislation; history and literature; profes- sional study; english. June 27-20,1927. 4 1. P-C BOARD OF EDUCATION. BUILDING STAFF. Chicago building survey; c report on building program for Chicago public schools, submitted by the Building staff to the superintendent of schools, October 22,1924;, prepared by Homer Davis... d924 3 2 p.l., 3c 7 3 , 161 1., maps. M P BOARD OF EDUCATION.. BUREAU 0?' CHILD STUDY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF fEACHERS Report... 1928/29-1931/32 P-C 1928/29 ' U -1928/29:;' 1931/32 BO^RD OF EDUCATION. BUREAU OF RECREATION ...Annual report... 1925-1930/31. Year ends Dec. 31, except for 1931/31 which ends June 30 M 1925-26, 1930/31 P-C 1925-26, 1930/31 BOARD OF EDUCATION. BUREAU OF SAFETY Help prevent accidents to children. n.d. 4 1., map P-C BOARD OF EDUCATION. BUREAU OF STANDARDS AND STATISTICS. See B0..RD OF EDUCATION. DEP.JlTi.iENT OF STANDARDS AND STATISTICS BOARD OF EDUCATION. BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION. See BO^RD OF EDUCATION. DEPARTMENT OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION BOARD OF ECUCATION. BUREAU OF VOCATIONAL GUID.JJCE. See B0..RD OF EDUCATION. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE BUREAU BOARD OF EDUCATION. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT ...Annual report of the Business manager... 1925-1929. Report year ends Dec. 31 The report for 1926 contains historical data about the schools of early Chicago J 1926-29 M 1925-29 P-C 1926-29 U 1926, 1928-29 34 CHICAGO, Continued BOARD OF EDUCATION. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT, continued Business manager's report of estimated resources and requirements for the fiscal year 1931 Mimco . M BOARD OF EDUCATION. CHIEF ENGINEER Instructions to engineer-custodians, Chicago public schools. John Howatt, chief engineer. n.d. 15 p. M BOaRD OF EDUCATION. COMMITTEE ON PITYSIOGRaPHY Physiography syllabus and outlines. Chicago high schools. Committee re- port. 1912. 29 p. J Physiography. Syllabus for the course of 20 weeks in the first year of the Chicago high schools. cl912?=> 62 p. J BOARD OF EDUCATION. DEPARTMENT OF CHILD STUDY AND PEDAGOGIC INVESTIGATION Chicago public schools. A special report... on children attending the public day-schools for the deaf in Chicago... cChicago newspaper union, 1908 ^ ^2^,88 p. J M U Running title: Experimental studies cof^ doaf children 'An enlarged and revised edition of a Preliminary report submitted to the Board of education and printed on Hay 25, 1906. ...Report... Child study report no.cl_4 3 , 1898/99-1901/02 Title varies slightly J 1-4, 1898/99-1901/02 M 1-4, 1898/99-1901/02 P-C 2-3, 1899/1900-1900/01 U 1-4, 1898/99-1901/02 ...Special report ofpupils enrolled in the classes for deaf children in the public schools, 1904-5. Request for investigation. Proceedings Board of education. Jan. 18, 1905 .. . cl905?:> 19 p. Title from U.S.Bureau of education library BOARD OF EDUCATION. DEPARTMENT OF COLLPULSORY EDUCATION Annual report of the superintendent... 1905/06-1922/23 Annual report for 1913/14 included in BOARD OF EDUCATION. Report of the school census, 1914. J 1905/06 P-C 1922/23 (tpw) U 1905/06 Report on parental schools. Submitted to the Chicago Board of education by Yf. Lester Bodine, superintendent of compulsory oducation. A review of the various systems of parental schools in Boston, Brooklyn, New York and elsewhere, with recommendations. c J.F.Higgins, printing and bindings 1900. 12 p. Title from U.S.Bureau of Education library 35 CHICAGO, Continued BOARD OF EDUCATION. DEPARTMENT OF STANDARDS AND STATISTICS Bulletin... 2-16, 1918-19 No. 2, part 1, July 20,1918. Grade progress 1916-17 M P-C At head of title: Board of education. .. Education division No. 16, April 1919. Expenditures from the educational fund for the decade, 1908-1918. . M Research bulletin. No.l, Feb. 1924. P-C Division of instructional research See Also BOARD OF EDUCATION. EDUCATION DIVISION BOARD OF EDUCATION. DEPARTMENT OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION Was formerly called Bureau of visual instruction ...Catalogue of steropticon slides and 16mm. motion picture films... January 1,1933. d933 3 84 p. M At head of title: Chicago public schools ...Index of lantorn slide sets and other visual aids. 1923. 40 p. At head of title : Chicago public schools M P-C 1925 36 p. J M P-C .. .Lantern slides. 1920 143 p. P-C At head of title: Chicago public schools Suggestions on visual aids for principals and teachers. By Dudley Grant Hays. 1924. 20 p., illus. J M P-C Visual instruction. . .by D.G.Hays. . .and "ITi 11 iam M. Andrews. . . 1924 17 p. J M P-C BOARD OF EDUCATION. DEPARTMENT OF VOCATIONAL GUIDaNCE. See BOARD OF EDUCATION. BUREAU OF VOCATIONAL GUIDaNCE BOaRD OF EDUCaTION. EDUCATIONAL COMMISSION Appointed by the Board of Education, Dec. 12, 1923 Report on the work-study-play or platoon system of the elementary school organization. Majority report... cl924 3 8 p. J M P-C Proposal to establish junior high schools in thu city of Chicago. Presented to Board of Education, April 30,1924... Printed by tho Chicago teachers' federation, May 3,1924 M P-C See Also EDUCATIONAL COMMISSION cl398 3 BOaRD OF EDUCaTION. EDUCaTION DIVISION Previous to 1919 known as Education Department ...Bulletin... no. 1-23, cl917-1922 3 No. 10. Department of standards and statistics, a list of books for supplementary reading. . .adopted Feb. 13, 1919. (Continued) 36 CHICAGO, Continued BOARD OF EDUCATION. EDUCATION DIVISION, Continued . . .Bulletin. . .no. 1-23, Continued No. 17. Department of stcindr.rds and statistics. List of required spelling words Ho.21. (1921). Reprinted in 1923 J 1-2 1 , 4, 11, 15-23 ;.i 20-21 P-C 10, 15-17, 20-23 U 1, 2 (incomplete), 4, 11, 14-17, 20-21 Sec Also BOARD OF EDUCATION. DEPARTUENT OF STANDARDS AND STATISTICS ...Cooking in tho elementary schools, January, 1922. cl922. 47 p. Lettered on cover: The preparation of food ...A course of study for the high schools. August, 1917. c1917d c 2 a, 45 p. J M July, 1922. M *»■ course of study in the social sciences. Chicago public schools bulletin SS-739. 1931. 213 p. M U Elementary schools. Elementary general science: nature study, science, informal geography. July 1919. E 1919 3 19 p. P-C Elementary schools. Geography. An outline of the course of study- July 1919. 1919. 30 p. J P-C Elementary schools. Language arts: composition, grammar, spelling, penmanship, printing, music. July 1919. 1919. 16 p. P-C Elementary schools. Manual arts: art, construction work, mechanical drawing, woodwork, cooking, sewing. July 1919. C1919 3 24 p. P-C Elementary social science: history, geography. July 1919. c1919d 7 p. P-C Sept. 1921. cl921 3 64 p. M P-C Jan. 1923 d923^ 73 p. 1.1 P-C Elementary social studies: history. Sept. 1923. cl923 3 64 p. P-C High school English syllabus. Oct. 1920. cl920^ 49 p. P-C High schools; modern and ancient languages: French, Spanish, Latin. cl922^ 18 p. P-C Manual of instructions for behavior istic scoring. n.d. 15 p. M An outline of the course of study for elementary schools. 1917. 58 p. Adoptod Aug. 1917 J H P-C 37 CHICAGO, Continued BOARD OF EDUCATION. EDUCATION DIVISION, Continued Outline of the high school course of study. 1920-1922. Cover titlo J 1922 (July) P-C 1920 (July, 1922 ( July) Revision of course of study in arithmetic. Sept. 1921. 1921. 28 p. P-C Rules, the Education department of the Board of education of the city of Chicago, adopted May 18,1910. d910^ ix p., 1 1., 42 p. J M P-C Salary schedules. Education department. Chicago public schools. In force during the fiscal year 1918. ^1918^ 4 1. P-C BOARD OF EDUCATION. HOUSEHOLD ARTS DEPARTMENT Bulletin. 1-4, 1917-1918. P-C 1, May 12,1917; 3, June 26,1917; 4, May 29,1918 BOARD OF EDUCATION. PERMANENT SCHOOL EXTENSION COMMITTEE Report. 1909/10-1910/11 P-C 1909/10 U 1910/11 BOARD OF EDUCATION. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ...Special report of the Committee on school management on the promotion- al examination and secret marking of teachers... 1906. Caption title, 45 p. J M BOARD OF EDUCATION. STATISTICS OFFICE Statistical bulletin, no. 1-15, March 7, 1929-Sept .8, 1931 U 1-15 BO.Jtf) OF EDUCATION. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annuel report. See BOARD OF EDUCATION, Annual report. Circular of announcement. 1910-1913. 4 leaf folders, various items, now rules, vacation announcements, etc . P-C 3, Oct. 1,1910; 5,0ct.29,1910; 6 , Nov. 17, 1910. Scr.III,15, Mar. 24, 1913 Educational service bulletin, Chicago public schools. E.E. Keener, edit- or. Tilden Tuch. press, 1926-1927. P-C v.l, no. 1-9. Scpt.1926-i.iay 1927 Report of the Superintendent of schools to the Committee on survey. d917 3 Caption title, 16 p. J M P-C 38 CHI (L. GO, Continued BOARD OP 1 EDUCATION. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, Continued ...Report on school lunches. cl916 3 34 p. P-C Report of the Superintendent of schools for the year 1915-16. ...Reports on the work for exceptional children and on school lunches in the elementary schools. cl917^ 121, c 4 a p. J M At head of title: ...Report of the Superintendent of schools for the year 1915/16 1924 M 1926(?) M Safety lessons, June 1921. 1921. 11 p. P-C School facts', v. 1, no. 1, Doc. 16, 1929-v. 4,no.l, July 17,1933. Five numbers appeared in mimeographed form before v.l,no.l, was issued M il-5 , 2 l-3, 3l-2(?), 4* P (In Teachers room) l 1 " 5 , 21-3, 3 1 , 4 1 U 11-5, 22-3, 3 1, 41 Suggestions for teaching saving and thrift in the Chicago public schools. cl924 a 16 p. P-C Survey of Chicago public schools, 1914. Reprinted from annuel report of the superintendent of schools for year ending June 30,1914. 257 p. M Withdrawal of school physicians and nurses. Letter of protest of the Superintendent of schools to the Commissioner of health. Dec. 10, 1951. 3 p. , mimeo. M BOARD OF EDUCATION. SUPERINTENDENT'S ADVISORY COUNCIL Education for citizenship; a report prepared by the Committer on civic education... 1933 c 2n,52 p. J P-C A.R.Hatton, chairman "Financed by a fund contributed by the Union league club of Chicago." "Bibliography of materials concerning civic education," p. 32-43 BOARD OF EDUCATION. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE BUREAU Known as Bureau of vocational guidance, 1914-16; Vocational guidance bureau and employment certificate office, 1920; De- partment of vocational guidance, 1921; Vocational guidance de- partment, 1921-23; Bureau of vocational guidance, 1924; and Vocational guidance bureau, 1924-30. After high school; opportunities for college training in the Chicago public school system. May 1924. 16 p., illus. M Arc you thinking... c 1921? a cover-title, 16, dap., illus. J P-C .urc you thinking about your future, or just guessing? jjn opportunity to prepare for business or professional life. Jan. 1922. cl6 D p. Obi. P-C CHICAGO , Continued BCURD OF EDUCATION. VOCATIONAL GUIH«1ICE BURLAU, Continued Barber apprentices... n.d. =33 inimeo.l. P-C A chance for every child. Special schools and divisions for handicapped children in the Chicago public school . system. ccl922=> Cover title, 28 p., illus. F. M P-C Child labor law. Continuation school law. Illinois laws which protect boys and girls at work. c1921d Cover title, 14 p. M P-C Prepared by the Industrial studies division Conditions which children face today when they leave school for employ- ment . n.d. clal., 5 1., mimeo . P-C Do you want to be...? Start training now! Vocational guidance department, Chicago Board of education, cl922-cl927. ccl923 on back cover of each pamphlet^ 28 pams. (each 4 p. folder) Contents: ^ji untrained worker in a blind alley job, a trained worker in a job with a future; accountant; advertising; architect; banker: business executive; chemistry; civil service; contractor; dentistry; domestic science expert; draftsman; employment man- agement; engineer; farmer; foreign commercial service; indus- trialist; journalist; lawyer; library service; manager; medicine; nursing; pharmacist; private secretary; salesman; social worker] teacher . Reference list for each vocation on back cover List of bulletins on untrained worker, back cover M Lacks manager P-C Lacks chemistry, employment management, medicine, nursing High school- plus Crane college; Chicago normal college; Post-graduate commercial course. Fifth printing. December 1928. 26 p., illus. Cover title: Choosing a vocation Information for the prospective college student. c 1922? 3 Cover title, 7 cl D p., map. P-C Prepared by a committee of high school advisors Junior high school . A book of information for sixth and seventh grade boys and girls and their parents... by... Anne S. Davis, director... 1929. 32 p., illus. P-C April, 1931. M Leaflet, no. 1-8, 1928-1931 II 1-8, 1928-31 P-C 1-6, 1928-29 Occupation studies, no. 1-22, 1924-1931 I.I 1-8, 10, 12-22 P_C 1-2, 4-8, 10-22 U 1, 5, 8-9, 15 40 CHICAGO, Continued BOARD OF EDUCTION. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE BUREAU, Continued Organization chart - 1924. . .A center of vocational guidance activities, including: counseling; certification of 14 to 16 year old children; placement; industrial studies; publicity. c 1924a Caption- title, c4 3 p. P-C Pamphlet on high school opportunities... 1925-1932. Cover title: Futures M 1925, 1928 (2nd), 1932 P-C 1926 (mid-year) A reference book list on the subject of vocational guidance. cc1923d 15, clap. M P-C Report, 1916 P 1916 U 1916 Social service manual for schools. 1930. c2 3 ,56 p. P-C Trade bulletin.. . , 1-12, 1925-1930. M 1-7, 10-12 p_C 1-5, 7-8, 10-12 U 2, 4 Vocational guidance in the Chicago public schools... 1920. 16 p. J P-C Vocational guidance news and periodical review. 1923-1925. Title varies Irregular P 1923, Mar oh, Mays 1923/24, v.2,nos.l-3, 7-9; 1924, 4pril(?) 5 nos,l-2, Nov. -Dec; 1925, Feb. You - and college training... Third revision. cl927. 17 p. U P-C BOaRD OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS. So^ COOK COUNTY. BOARD OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF OPERATORS OF AUTOMOBILES Annual report ... 1900. . . ^ John F. Higgins, print . , 1901?:, 15 p. U On cover: First annual report... BOARD OF HEALTH, 1867-1875 Succeeded by the Department of health, which in turn in 1932 was succeeded by a new Board of health. Report... 1867/69-1874/75 1867/69 contains a sanitary history of Chicago from 1833 to 1870 J 1867/69-74/75 M 1867/69-74/75 P-C 1867/69-74/75 U 1867/69-74/75 41 CHICAGO , Continued BOARD OF HEALTH, 1867-1875, Continued ix report... on the necessity of an extension of the sewerage of the city. By John H.Rauch, U.D., sanitary superintendent... Ottaway, Brown & Colbert, printers, 1873. 22 p. J M P-C See ,aso DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BOARD OF HEALTH, 1932- Precodcd by Department of health ...Annual report... 1932. J 1932 Li 1932 P-C 1932 U 1932 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPR0VL1ENTS Organized under act of June 14,1897. Set up as a separate department in 1901. An act concerning local improvements. Act of June 14,1897, in force July 1,1897 cwith amendments!, 1898-1929 Editions of 1923-1929: Compliments of George A. Mason M 1898, 1902, 1908, 1915, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929 Look of rules - Sewer division... 1914. 62 p. M Chicago plan, by the Board of local improvements. cHousc of Sovering- haus, 1922 3 c 16 3 p., illus. Li P-C Iff copy is cl4ap. Chicago plan. See also CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION. Chicago plan. Creating a world famous street. Argument of Charles H. Wacker, chairman of the Chicago plan commission, in behalf of widening and extending Michigan avenue to properly connect the north and south sides of Chicago; with ordinance for same, detailed drawings and estimate of cost as prepared by the Board of local improvements of the city of Chicago. = J. F.Higgins, printer and binder , 1913a Cover-title, 5 p. 1., 57 p., fold, plans. J 11 Mr. Wackor's argument' 1 was presented at a public hearing of the Board of local improvements, May 20,1913 Data on overloading of trucks. Report to the sub-committee of the city council committee. Submitted by H.J.Fixmcr, div. engineer .. . June 1928. 19 p. blue-prints. M July 1928. Submitted by L.lvi. Bolger , Bureau of engineering. 60 p. U eAn illustrated report of the most important activities during the past six years. d cl921n 20 p., illus. P-C Title from text of report. Dated July 30,1921. 42 CHICAGO , Continued BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, Continued Information and instructions for sidewalk inspectors. .. comp, by N.J]. Hurray, superintendent of sidewalks. 1912. 75 p., maps. M 1917 Budget, Michigan avenue improvement. C1916 3 Caption title, cl6zi mimco.p, 11 public hearing at Council ohambcr, city hall, Chicago, May 13,1913. c 1913d Caption title, 57 p., illus. P-C U A hearing before the Board of local improvements to consider the proposed widening of North Michigan avenue from Randolph st. to Chicago river, and other improvements depending thereon. February 25,1914. e 1914a Caption title, 61 p., 95 fold. diagr. J 1-.I U Quadrennial report. See its Report... ...Report of the Board of local improvements of the city of Chicago... 1901-1918. Published irregularly 1915-18 has title: Quadrennial report... J 1903-04, 1915-18 M 1901-10, 1915-18 P-C 1901-10, 1915-18 U 1901-10, 1915-18 Report upon pavements recently built by the Board of local improvements of the city of Chicago. By Ira 0. Baker ,.. .Urbana, Illinois . c Barnard & Miller, printers, Chicago, 1916. c6 3 ,49 p. J M P-C A sixteen-year record of achievement. 1915-1931... Compiled by A.E. Burnett... c Buckley, Dement & company, 1931^ xii,391 p., illus. Michael J. Faherty, president J M P-C "The expense of publication and distribution of a limited number of copies of this book has been personally underwritten by Michael J. Faherty." - Introd. Special notice to property owners... con securing local improvement s D n.p., n.d. 8 p. folder. P-C State street subway-route no.l. c 1930a Sec CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. State street subway-route... This is the first pamphlet issued under the direction of tho Board. . . in its advocacy of the proposal to construct two level streets or subways under the existing local improvement laws... n.d. 23 p. M What the voter should know about the bond issues. By Michael J. Faherty, president. . d928=. 6 p. folder. M Widening Michigan avenue. Statements of amounts expended of 1916 ap- propriation, original bills and vouchers on file in City comp- troller's office. c8 3 p., mimeo. M 43 CHICAGO, Continued BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, Continued The work of M.J.Faherty, president of the Board of local improvements, Chicago. The work of .. .members of the board and its legal, engineer- ing, expert and administrative staffs, 1915-1923. A survey by J.H. Prior... c 1923d c2^,33 p., illus., maps. J LI P-C On cover: Report to the Board of local improvements BOARD OF POLICE. See POLICE DEPARTMENT BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Abolished by ordinance of Sept . 18, 1876. Succeeded by the Department of public works ...Annual report of the Board of public works to the Common council of the city of Chicago, no. 1-15. 1861/62-1874/75. Year ends March 31, except 15th, which ends Doc. 31, 1875 J 1-15, 1861/62-75 M 1-15, 1861/62-75 P-C 1-15, 1861/62-75 U 2,1862/63; 4,1864/65; 7-9,1867/68-69/70; 11,1871/72; 13-15, 1873/74-75 Architectural competition. .. 1872. See, under heading COOK COUNTY, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. BUILDING COMMITTEE Rules and regulations. Board of public works. Water department. 1869. press of Jameson & Morse, 1869. 20 p. J Includes Regulations of the Board of Water commissioners prior to organization of Board of public works." See Also DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BOARD OF SCHOOL INSPECTORS The first Board was chosen by the Council on May 12,1837. iindre-as, v.l, p. 209. Report on Common schools. Printed at the Democrat office, 1338. 12 p. N.H.Bolles, president Report of a special committee, adopted by the Board BOARD OF SEWERAGE COMMISSIONERS Chicago seworage. Report of the results of examinations made in relation to sewerage in several European cities, in the winter of 1856-7, by the chief engineer... 1858. 95 p., 4 fold. plans. J P-C Signed: E. S. Chesbrough Report and plan of seworage for the city of Chicago, Illinois, adopted... December 31,1855. C.S C ott, printer , 1855. c3,,22 p. J p_C U Report... Jan. -June 1360. I860. J LI ?_c 44 CHICAGO, Continued BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND Firemen's pension fund, city of Chicago: report of audit of funds; pension law of 1917; list of pensioners as of December 1,1919. c 1919a 32 p. H Firemen's pension law, 1917, as amended. City of Chicago... cl929? 3 11 p. II P-C Opinion by Dr. H.L.Rietz con proposed pension lawn , Ilarch 1927. c1927d 8 p., mimco. M Opinion of George C. Sikes upon the proposed Chicago firemen's pension law as drafted by Mr. Zimring. April 1927. <:1927=> 14 p., mime o . M Pension survey... Liado by the Labor bureau, Inc. O.D. Zimring, director. July 1,1926(?) 171 p., tpw. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MUNICIPAL PENSION FUND Act of 1911, creating the municipal pension fund of the city of Chicago, n.d. cL,9 p. 1.1 Beneficiaries. . .July 1,1916 -April 30,1918. 1918. c3 3 p. M The Municipal pension fund act of city of Chicago. c 1915? a 17 p., 12 mo. 1.1 P-C cl917? 3 c8 3 p. J M P-C Report of audit and examination of the books, accounts and vouchers of the Municipal pension fund of the city of Chicago, July 1911-Dcc.31, 1917. William E. Mason, Jr. & company, certified public accountants, March 12,1918. c 1918 3 8 p. H Sec Also RETIREMENT BOARD OF THE MUNICIPAL EMPLOYES' ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE POLICE PENSION FUND Report upon the police pension fund of the city of Chicago, including the report of the actuary. 1915. Cover-title, 22 p. J II P-C Sec Also RETIREMENT BOARD OF THE POLICEMEN'S ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC LIBRARY EMPLOYES* PENSION FUND By-lav/s and rules... January , 1906. cl906 3 23 p. Title from Library of congress July, 1913. cCamoron,Ambcrg & co., 1913 3 23, clap. M 1915. 16 p . H Nov. 12,1923. cl923^ 16 p. J 45 CHICAGO, Continued BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC LIBRARY EMPLOYES' PENSION FUND, Continued ...Report for year esi . . • 1915-23. Year ends Sept. 30 J 1923 M 1915-19 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS * PENSION AND RETIREMENT FUND •..Annual statement of the condition of the... fund, 1919/20-1932 18th-25th statements, fiscal year ends Aug. 31 26th statement covers Aug.31,1930-Dec ..31,1931. M 15-27, 19 20-32 ...Proceedings... 1-9 , 1895- -1932 Title varies J ,1-?=, 1895- -1914 M cl-9--, 1895- -1932 P-C cl-7-, 1895- -1928 Report of examination of the Chicago teachers 1 pension fund and the com- pulsory and voluntary retirement fund of the Chicago Board of education, by Henry R, Corbett, F.A. .I.A. actuary pension fund examiner. December 193 2. 36 p. M Report of the committee on pension law and rules... Recommending principles and propositions as the basis for supporting or resisting any proposed changes in Chicago teachers 1 pension lav/, at 1920 Session of Illinois General assembly. 1920. 7 p. J Rules and regulations. . .in force April 17, 1914. Also Chicago teachers' pension laws as amended and in force July 1, 1913. tl914?T 59, v, p. M BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Succeeded, in 1862, by the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Report made to the Water commissioners of the city of Chicago, September 26, 1851, on supplying the city with water. By William J. M' Alpine .. , Seaton & Peck, printers, 1851. 51 p. J P-C . .. Semi -annual report of the Board of Water commissioners to the Common council on the city of Chicago... ^7-19^, 1854-1860 Contains report for entireyear. Odd numbered reports are dated Jan. 1 of year following period covered J ell-., 1856; cl3^, 1857; --15^, 1858; tl9-, 1860 M p11-, 1856; J.5-, 1858; ol7=, 1859; ■-19*, 1860 P-C .7,, 1854; c.9,, 1855; ell,, 1856; .13„, 1857; t 15, 1858 U =17-. , 1859 BUREAU OF ARCHITECTURE Drawings made by Charles W. Kallal of buildings owned by Department of health, Police department, Fire department, and Special parks commission. n.d. 46 CHICAGO, Continued BUREAU OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Bi-monthly bulletin, vol. 2, no. 6-vol. 15, no. 1. Nov. 1921- Jan. 1934 M 20-35, 43.73, 7 5 -10 5 , 121-15 1 BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT A behavior study of Abraham Bernstein... by Dorothy Embry Cross (Mrs. William T.Cross). Foreword by Herman M. Adlcr, M.D. ' i:1924d 39 p. J M P-C One of 123 cases studied in the summer of 1924 by the Bureau of employment, Department of Public Welfare Cover title: The case of .abraham Bernstein BUREAU OF ENGINEERING Under the direction of the City engineer. For convenience in listing, all publications credited to the CITY ENGINEER are list- ed here even for periods when the Bureau of engineering was not used ♦..Map of the city of Chicago and sanitary district showing contours, • pumping stations, tunnels, cribs, and parks. July 1921. 1 sheet . M At head of title: ... Design division May 1925 M A century of progress in water works, 1883 Chicago 1933. . . cFrod Ringley company, printers, 1933s 47 p. M P-C Chlorination manual. Information and instruction concerning the supply- ing, use and control of chlorine and chlorination equipment for dis- infection of the Chicago Water supply at pumping stations. Jan. 1926. 68 p. M Comprehensive plan. Chicago improved water system 1920-1955. Cost and building program. P. S. Combs, city engineer. cl920 3 Cover-title, 2 1., 57 numb. 1., 2 1., 7 numb. 1., 11. M Construction division. . .Rules for guidance of employes. Edition of 1914... c Barnard & Miller, 1914?:, cl 3 ,41 p. P-C Drawings of bridges in the city of Chicago. 10 bridges. cl919? 3 Unp. From Div. of bridges Greetings, American water works association, 47th annual convention, June 6-11,1927... Souvenir booklot illustrating Chicago's water works system... cEont ley, Murray and co., 1927:, Cover title, 24 p. M P-C Investigation of the use of well water in Chicago, Nov. and Doc. 1930. Report to Loran D. Gayton, city engineer, by H. H. Gorstcin, sanitary engineer. March 1931. New Rush street bridge, Chicago. A brief memorandum of its construction, completed July 1884... Press of John 1 //. Weston, 1884. Cover titlo, 11 p., fold.diagr. M 47 CHICAGO, Continued BUREAU OF ENGINEERING, Continued Notes on Chicago city datum, 1923. c 1923a 24 p. J M Signed: W. R. Matthews, Bench engineer Notice to water users. Issued to City engineer. 1926. 1 sheet. M Official duty tests of steam turbine driven centrifugal pumps at 68th street pumping station. 1917. illus., tables, diags, M Preliminary report on the lowering and reconstruction of thu transporta- tion tunnels at La Salle street and Washington street, Chicago. By John Ericson, city engineer. The Council committee on local transportation, 1904. 15 p., 8 fold. plans J P-C U Proposal and specifications to supply coal for the use of the Department of public works, city of Chicago, Bureau of engineering... n.d. 12 p. M Proposal specifications, forms of contract and bond. Operator's houses and enclosure walls. Double-leaf trunnion bascule bridge over the south branch of the Chicago river. 1926. 50 p. M Proposal, specifications, forms of contract and bond; Portland cement. 1913. 9,c7 3 p. M Proposal, specifications, forms of contract and bond; rubber hydrant valves and gaskets. 1916. 8,c6ap., blue-print, part mimoo. M Proposal, specifications, form of contract and bond; to buy and remove two pumping stations, two boilers and two structural steel tanks at Washington Heights pumping station and Morgan Park pumping station... Dec. 1914. c1914?d cl 3 ,8 1., c5^p., part mimoo. J M P-C The quality problem in relation to Chicago's water supply. Official re- port to Col.A.A.Sprague, commissioner of public works, by John Ericson, city engineer. cThe F r ed J. Ringlcy company, printers, 1925 29,c3 3 p., illus. J M P-C U 1925. 18 p., mimoo. U Regarding the. . .application dated September 15,1933, for permission to construct a fixed bridge... at the extension of N.Ashland avenue. -19333 9 p., mimeo., blue -prints. M Title from head of letter dated Oct. 30, 1933. Report, loss of head due to friction in fire hydrants... October 1914. cl914? 3 c34 3 p. P-C Report of thu committee on 1926 meter test. March 1927. c 1927a 31 p. M Report, official duty test of booster pumps, Roseland pumping station, Chicago... October 27,1914. c 1914a ' 14 p. , illus. J P-C 48 CHI CAGO , Continued BUREAU OF ENGINEERING, Continued Report official tests of 340 horsepower water tube boiler and auxiliaries, Harrison street pumping station, Chicago. cBarnard & Mi Her a 1915. 14 p. J P-C Report by special "Board of engineers" of three Report on the water supply system of Chicago, its past, present and fu- ture. By John Ericson... c Cameron, Amber g & co. , printers:) 1905. 68 p., illus. J M P-C U Report on the water system of the city of Chicago, by John Ericson. . . and Report on electrolysis, by Ray Palmer... 1911. 47 p., illus., maps. M P-C U Reprinted from the Journal of the proceedings of the City council of the city of Chicago, Illinois (November 20,1911) Report on transportation subways... 1909. See CITY COUNCIL. COM- MITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. Report on transportation subways... Rules and regulations governing service pipe installation. .. 1926. cTho Prod J.Ringley company, 1926= Cover-title, 23,cl 3 p., illus. J M 1924 M Specifications governing the construction, repairs and rebuilding of viaducts over railroad tracks. January 1917. 61 p. M Statement to accompany 1915 estimates... cl915? 3 Caption title, cl 3 ,22 1. J P-C Supplemental report on transportation subways. No.l location, design capacity, tariff, operation... 1909. cl7=,, 2-129, 130-148ci. G.5 a , 11, 17, clap., tpw. P-C 1909. cl6a,122, 11, 17 p. M Tabulation of data on universal metering of water in answer to question- naire sent to cities ov'jr 100,000 population, by Mr. John Ericson, city engineer. Chic ago, April 29,1926. n.d. 1 p., tpw. M Wcter meter division. . .Rules for guidance of employes. Edition of 1914... cBarnard & Miller , 1914?= Cover-title, 29 p. H P-C Tutor pipe extension division. Telephone directory. .. corrected to May 15,1925. 46 p., map. M The water supply problem in relation to the future Chicago. By John Ericson... c Tho F. J.Ringley company, printers, 1925? a 25 p. J M P-C 27 p., mimeo. M The water supply system of Chicago, by John Ericson... cBarnard & Miller prints 1924. 30,c2 3 p., illus. J 1.1 P-C U 49 CHICAGO , Continued BUREAU OF ENGINEERING, Continued Wator works shops. . .Rules for the guidance of employes. Edition of 1914... c Barnard & Miller, 1914? ^ c2 3 ,27p. M P-C See Also BUREAU OF WATER BUREAU OF ENGINEERING. DESIGNING DIVISION Map of Chicago and sanitary district showing contours, pumping stations, tunnels, cribs and parks. . . July 1921. 1 sheet. M May, 1925. 1 sheet. M Preliminary report on movable bridges vs. fixed bridges. April 16,1923. 7 p, , fold. map. M BUREAU "OF ENGINEERING. DIVISION OF WATER SAFETY CONTROL An extraordinary storm. Oct. 21-24, 1929. Its effect on the Chicago water supply. A report to H.H.Gcrstoin, by T.Schmid,jr. c 1929?=> 54 p., mimeo . M BUREAU OF FOODS, MARKETS, AND FARM PRODUCTS. Eulletin. no.l. 1919. J M P-C U No.l. Sugar shortage and substitutes for sugar. 15 p. -Program, and governing propositions. .. Adopted by the Advisory board, Aug. 6,1919a cl919^ ~6 p. J Summary of activities to date. March 1,1920. c1920d 4 p., mimeo. M (not on shelf) bureau of Gardens Fall garden bulletin. By James W.Calloy... c1918?d Caption title, 12 p. M P-C ■Miscellaneous publications. 1917. 5 pams. P-C Grow a garden, 1917; Have a window box for flowers, 1917; Have some flowers, 1917; Seeds for the garden, 1917; You can have a garden, C 1917:i. BUREaU OF MAPS AND PLaTS .area of the city of Chicago by wards. Compiled Sept . 12, 1924. 1924. 1 p. , tpw. M Revised to Feu. 14., 1929. 1929. 1 p., tpw. M Letter of John D.Riley, Superintendent of maps... See CITY COUNCIL, COMMITTEE ON STREET NOMENCLATURE. Report... on a general system. .. 1912 Map of Chicago showing growth of city by annexations. 1915-1930. M 1915, 1922, 1924, 1930(Fob.5) 50 CHICAGO , Continued BUREAU OF MAPS AND PLATS, Continued Map of the city of Chicago showing density of population as per United States census of 1910. 1911. M Map showing fire limits of... 1915. M 1924. 1 sheet. Title reads: Sectional map ... showing fire limits New street names adopted by City council, as per ordinances of April 14 and July 30,1913, and amendments thereto. Effective Aug. 15,1913. c 19133 ' 16 p. P-C Compiled by John D.Riley, Superintendent of maps Sec Also DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC T70RKS. Revised list of street names... 19T3T Report on proposed change of house numbering system for city of Chicago. Prepared for council Committeo on street nomemclature by Jno. D. Riley. . . 1907. r j.F.Higgins,print, 1907d Cover-title, 31 p. inc. maps. M P-C BUREAU OF MEDICAL INSPECTION Hand-bool: of general orders, instructions and rules for field employes... 1913. 1 p.l., vii,c2 3 -106 p., fold. chart. J M U Fold. chart and "Corrections and additions. .. effective March 1,1914" laid in. In J and U copies. M has it as a separate October , 1914. c Cameron, Amborg & co.,1914. 182 p., fold. chart . M P-C Hand bock of general regulations... 1915. See DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Executive series, no. 4 BUREAU OF MEDICAL INSPECTION. DIVISION OF CHILD HYGIENE Directory of cooperating agencies baby welfare work. 1912. 20 p. M 1915. 16 p. M BUREAU OF PARKS, RECREATION AND AVIATION as Bureau of Parks and Playgrounds took over activities of the SPECIAL PART COMMSSTONTIi Tnich "s"Jo f later was called Bureau of Parks, Playgrounds, and Bathing Beaches, and in 1930(?) was given present form of name. Chicago municipal airport. Rules and regulations governing operating of airport... n.d. 4 p., folder. M n.d. 8 p., folder. M Chicago municipal airport statistics. Oct. 13, 1932. cl932 3 1 p., tpw. M 51 C HICAGO , Continued BUREAU OF PARKS, RECREATION AND AVIATION, Gontinuod Directory 1930. 20 p. M Life guard manual, 1931. Unp., illus. M Report of activities at the Chicago municipal airport in the years 1930 and 1931. cn.d. 3 1 p., tpw. ...Rules and regulations governing the operation of municipal play- grounds... cThe F.J.Ringley co., 1924? 3 20 p., 8 1. J M P-C cl925? 3 19 p. M cl927? 3 63,cl 3 p., illus. M P-C U BUREAU OF POLICE RECORDS The streets of Chicago alphabetically arranged, showing lowest and high- est house numbers within each police precinct, also police division and precinct boundary map and miscellaneous information. 158 p. M BUREAU OF PUBLIC RELATIONS , . , Method of procedure for handling discourtesy complaints. 1926. 2 p., tpw. BUREAU OF SA17ITATIQH Conditions found in 1000 Chicago bakeries. 1908. 24 p. M Report... 1907/10-1923/25 1907/10 in onu volumes 1923/25 in Chicago, Dopt. of health. Reprint scries . P-C 1907/10 U 1907/10, 1923/25 A report on zoning in the city of Chicago. Charles B.Bali, C.E., chief, Bureau of Sanitation. .. John Dill Robertson, Ivl.D. , commissioner of health... 1923. c2 3 , 281-317 p. , illus. J "Reprinted from the triennial report, Department of health, city of Chicago, 1919-1921. " BUREAU OF SETTERS Report on Chicago city datum and city bench marks. cBy William Hawkins Hodge s, 1095. 73 p. J II BUREAU OF SEV7ERS. DIVISION OF HOUSE DRAINS ...Laws and ordinances, rules, and regulations, 1912. c1912d 46 p. M BUREAU OF SOCIAL SURVEYS . . .Bureau of social surveys: comments and appreciations. Valeria D. iicDormottjCd. cScveringhaus, 1919a 4 p.l., 103 p. J M P-C (Continued) 52 CHICAGO, Continued BUREAU OF SOCIAL SURVEYS, Continued ...Bureau of social surveys, Continuod «t head of title: Department of public welfare, city of Chicago... The Italian in Chicago... 1919. 20S p. M See Also DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. The Italian in Chicago...,- and ~ Bulletin, v.2, no. 3. Living conditions for small-wage earners in Chicago. By Elizabeth A. Hughes... 1925. 62 p., illus. J M P-C U ...Preliminary report ... showing general need by wards throughout Chicago for extended use of public schools as social and community centers. cCahill-Carborry 7 oo.,1915 a 32 p. J U P-C U tut head of title: City of Chicago. Department of public welfare Selected bibliography on housing, zoning and city planning in Chicago... 1926. 19 p. J LI P-C "Material largely found in the Crerar library, Municipal reference library, and the Civics department of thu Public library. '' Study of boys in the Municipal court... by F.O.Boek. Sec DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. Bulletin, v. 2, no. 4 Use and cost of ice in families with children, by Slsie P. Tfolcott . . . 1925. 20 p. J II P-C BUREAU OF STATISTICS Created by ordinance in June, 1900. In 1905 became the Bureau of Statistics and Municipal Library. In march 1913, thu Munici- pal library was placed under the authority of the public li- brary, bo coming the Municipal Reference Library. The Bureau of Statistics and the Municipal Reference Library continued to use the same quarters until i923, when "tRo Bureau of Statistics was absorbed by the MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARTT which " scoT Catalogue of thu Chicago municipal library, 1908... c1908d 149 p. J M P P-C U Chicago: a review of its governmental history from 1837 to 1906, by Hugo S. Grosser... 1906. illus., maps, tables. Souvenir of the 10th annual convention of the Leaguo of American municipalities, held at Chicago, Sept. 26, 27 and 28, 1906. The Chicago city manual. . .Comp. by Francis A. Eastman, city statistician. 1908-1916. Sub -title varies "The manual of the city government now produced. .. is in place of the quarter -yearly report of Chicago statistics, which will, when issued, be number the seventeenth." - Introd. , p. 7, 1908. (Continued) 53 CHICAG O j Continued BUliIl.U OF STATISTICS, Continued The Chicago city manual. .. Continued J 1908-16 ivl 1908-16 P 1908-16 P-C 1908-16 (with typewritten index) U 1908-16 City of Chicago statistics... a March, 1901c -February, 1908 3 1901-08. Biuonthly, March 1901-January 1902; quarterly (with certain ox- captions), **pril 1902-Fobruary 1908. v.5,no.3, not printed, the statistics for that period being made part of v. 5, no. 4, the 'Vinnual nui.tbor, ( 1905. " v.6-7 issued as follows: v. 6, no. 1-2, " 3 cni -annual number January to June 1906. "-v. 6, no. 3-4, "Annual number, 1906. " -v. 7, no. 1-2, ''January to June 1907." -v. 7, no. 3, "Quarterly, October 1907,." -v.7, no. 4, "Sixteenth quarter yearly report, February , 1908. Ceased publication: material included in Chicago city manual. J v.1-7, 1901-03 M v.1-7, 1901-08 P-C v.1-7, 1901-08 U v.1-7, 1901-08 ...Information bulletin, v.l, no.l, Oct. 1917. cl917 3 J v.l, no.l, Oct. 1917 M v.l, no.l, Oct. 1917 Refuse collection and disposal in American cities... n. d. 22 p., tpw. M Report of Hugo S. Grosser. . .on the telephone question. December 31,1906. cl907 a 6 numb.l. U Report on the disposal and cremation of pauper dead. n.d. 7 p. J M BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND MUNICIPAL LIBRARY. See BUREAU" OF STATISTICS BUREAU OF STREETS Building service census showing garbage removal classification. 1918. 1 sheet. M Cleaning of streets-re.. loval of snow. Collection and removal of garbage, ashes and miscellaneous waste. Expenditures by wards for 1929,1930. cn.d.D 1 sheet, photostat. M Mileage of various types of pavement in the streets and alleys of Chicago, December 31,1922. n.d. 1 sheet. M Dec. 31, 1923. n.d. M Pavement laid by special assessment and private contract. 1922, 1 Shout. M 1923 M 54 CHICAGO, Continued BUREAU OF STREETS, Continued Pavement maintained by Bureau of streets, 1922. n.d. 1 sheet. M 1923 n.d. M Proportion of improved and unimproved streets and alleys, Occembor 31, 1922 - Dec. 31, 1932. M Dec. 31, 1921, Dec. 31, 1924-25, Dec. 31, 1927-30, Dec. 31, 1932 Recapitulation: traffic census in "Loop" district. n.d. cl 3 l. J F. P-C P copy badly worn, heading obscured Standard practice in street repairs. . .Manual for foremen. cThe Fred J.Ringley co.,1925 3 84 p. J Traffic census of central business district... cl915o 4, 45 1. M Vehicle tax expenditures by wards - day labor. Pavement repairs. 1926. 1 sheet, photostat. M 1929 M Vehicle tax fund, statement showing amount, location and cost of street repairs and improvements paid out of fund provided by Vehicle licenses. . .Dec. 31,1908. cl909?^ Cover-title, 20 p. M P-C Signed by: Comptroller, Commissioner of public works, and Super- intendent of streets Vehicle tax repairs... 1922. 1 sheet. M 1923 M 1928. 4 p. folder M 1929. 4 p. folder M BUREAU OF VALUATION STATISTICS .. . ' ..'. Report on taxicab rates and vehicle traffic. . .Oct .5, 1914. . . eH.G. Adair, printer, 1914 3 c 2 3 ,73 p. J M P-C BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS Buroau and division reports. Sea DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Monthly bulletin. BUREAU OF WATER Report of meters tested during the year 1905. n.d. tables M ...Results of water wastage, instructions how to road meters. 1927 Cover-title, folder M P-C Summary of statistics - Chicago water works, year ending Dec. 31, 1932. 2 1. U 55 CHICAGO, Continued BUREAU OF WATER, Continued Sec nl so BUREAU OF ENGINEERING CARL SCHUEZE EVENING HIGH SCHOOL . . . Standard courses for diplomas. Sc^t. to Juno... p-C 1928/29 CARL SCHURZE EVENING SCHOOL Schedule of classes, Feb. 1929. Caption title, 4 p. P-C CARTERS An act to amend the act entitled "An act to reduce the law incorporating the city of Chicago and several acts amendatory thereof, into one act, and to amend the same, approved February 14,1851;" with the ordinances of the Common council, passed from September 22,1856, to April 5,1358. Daily press book and job steam print, 1858. 119 p. J P-C P copy incomplete An act to incorporate the city of Chicago. Passed March 4,1837. Chicago democrat, 1837. 23 p. Title from Chicago historical society An act to provide a charter for the city of Chicago, 111. , in force upon adoption by city... Springfield, 111. , Phillips bros. state printers, 1907. 104 p. M Act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages, adopted by the city of Chicago, April 23,1875. cl875? 3 99 p. M P-C Amendments to the City charter, 1837-41... See ORDINANCES, etc., Amendments to the City charter Charter and ordinances... 1856. Sec ORDINANCES, etc,, Charter and ordinances, 1856 Charter of the city of Chicago. 1867. E.B.i/tyors & Chandler, 1867. 43 p. J P-C Cover-title: ^jnended charter of the city of Chicago Charter of tho city of Chicago and amendments with rules of Council and ordinances. Democrat office, 1849. 116 p. P-C Revised charter. .An. act to reduce the charter of the city of Chicago and the several acts amendatory thereof into one act, and to revise the same, improved February 13,1863. S. P. Rounds, book and job printer, 1863. Cover-title, 112 p. J P-C The revised charter and ordinances... 1851. Sec ORDINANCES, etc . , The revised charter and ordinances... 1851. See ulso CHICAGO CHARTER CONVENTION, 1905-1909, and PERMANENT CHARTER CONVENTION, 1914-1915 56 CHICAGO, Continued CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Riverside. Established as the John Worthy school in Chicago. Name changed in 1915(?) to present form. School opened under now name, Oct. 1916; discontinued 1931. A few chronological facts in relation to its beginning. c 1915? p 1 1., P. P-C ...Report... 1900-1929/30 Title varies: 1900-10, First -eleventh annual report of the John Worthy school of the city of Chicago. Report year since 1916/17 ends July 1 No reports printed for 1910-16, 1920/21-22/23 J 3-10,1902-09j 1918/19-19/20; 1923/24-29/30 M 1-9,1900-08; 1916/17-19/20, 1924/25-29/30 P-C 1-9,1900-08; 1916/17-19/20, 1924/25, 1926/27-29/30 U 1-11, 1900-10; 1917/18-19/20, 1923/24-29/30 CHICAGO ATHLETIC COMMISSION State law, municipal ordinances, rules and regulations for the government of the Chicago Athletic commission and the Chicago Billiard commission. 1921, 5 p., tpw. M CHICAGO BILLIARD COMMISSION. £cc_ CHICAGO ATHLETIC COMMISSION CHICAGO CHARTER CONVENTION, 1905-1909 Authorized by legislative act of May 6, 1905, and by popular vote on Nov. 7, 1905, the Convention, composed of representatives of the different governmental bodies which include Chicago, met on Dec. 12, 1905. a proposed charter was taken to the state legis- lature in 1907 which passed it as a law on Mar. 12, 1907, but it was rejected by popular vote on Sept . 17, 1907. The convention then reassembled and in 1909 re-issued the charter in the form of 11 bills, none of which wore passed by legislature An act to provide a charter for the city of Chicago. Chicago Charter convention convened Dec. 12, 1905. cl905 3 143 p. J M P-C U P-C copy has also Index of XI p. Amendments proposed to the report of the committee on procedure, etc. d909?^ Caption title, 2 p. P-C Orrin N. Carter, president Bill for an act to provide a charter for the city of Chicago... cl905? J 144 p. P-C On P-C copy, "First printed bill." cl905s 150 p. J M BillcS 3 nb.l-ella c Chicago, 1909?3- 11 pams. M P P-C Bills introduced in State legislature in 1907 57 CHIC AGO, Continued CHICAGO CHAPTER CONVENTION, 1905-1909, Continued Chicago Charter convention. Convened Dec. 12, 1905. Officers. List of delegates. Rules and committees. c 1905d 28 p. J Digest of city charters, together with other statutory and constitutional provisions relating to cities; prepared under the direction of the Chicago Chartur convention, by Augustus Raymond Hatton. . . 1906. xxi, 351 p. J M P P-C U Draft of proposed charter as revised by the Chicago Charter convention. . . c Chicago, 190 5 a 149 p. J M P-C Draft of proposed charter, as submitted by committee on rules, procedure and general plan... c 1905 3 14-6 p. J M A letter .. .with reference to corporate powers of the city of Chicago granted by former special charters. By Clarence N. Goodwin. cl909 3 Caption title, e 2 a 1. P-C Letter dated Feb. 4, 1909 Proceedings. . .October 3, 1906 -March 1,1907. J 1906 (Oct. 3 ) -190 7 (Mar. 1) M 1906(0ct.6)-1907(Mar.l) P-C 1906 (Oct. 3) -1907 (Fob.) U 1906 (Dec. 14-28) cProposcd chartur for Chicago^ rChicago, n.d. 3 30 1., long 0. P-C P-C copy lacks cover In parallel columns, texts as proposed by convention and as adopted by legislature. Report of the committee on procedure, etc. to the Charter constitution. d909 3 Caption title, 8 p. P-C Orrin N. Carter, chairman ...Report of committee on rules, procedure and general plan... c 1905?3 11 p. P-C Revised copy Rules for Charter convention, 1906-07, giving list of its officors; a list of the delegates; rules for the Charter convention and the committees and the respective members of each committee. 8 p., tpw. M Two proposed bills for park consolidation. Bill no.l: adopted by the Chicago Charter convention, and submitted to thu legislature by the Judiciary committee of the city council, June 1912. John F.Higgins, printer. 25 p. P-C Printed on one side of tho page only goo Also under the heading, S emi - Offi cial, CHICAGO NEV. r CHARTER CONVENTION, 1902",' and under Chicago, PERMANENT CILiRTER CONVENTION, 1914-1915. 58 CHICAGO, Continue d CHICAGO COMMISSION ON THE LIQUOR PROBLEM Distribution, ownership, physical characteristics and operation of licensed saloons in the city of Chicago. Information collected by license officers of the Department of police. Statistical analysis and compilation prepared. . .by J.L.Jacobs, July 3,1916. cl916u 17 p. , tpvr, M Prcliirdnary report to the mayor and aldermen... e Barnard & Miller a 1916. 65 p. incl. map. J M U proceedings... September 10, 1915-Dccember 15,1916. tpw. M (not on shelf) . . .Questionaire on the financial and economic aspects of the use of in- toxicating liquors in Chicago. c 19153 Caption title, 9 p. John Toman, chairman J P-C "Reprinted from the Journal of proceedings of the City council of Nov. 15, 1915." ...Reply of Chicago Brewers' protective association to questionnaire of commission. April, 1916. c 1916u Cover-title, 72 1. J M P-C CHICAGO NEGRO HEALTH COMMITTEE. Gee DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Report on a negro health survey. .. 1927 CHICAGO NORMAL COLLEGE The original Normal school was discontinued in 1877. A Training School for Teachers was established in 1895, and transferred to the "buildings at" Snglewood whon the Cook County Normal School was transferred by the county to the" "city in 189 6~! In 1926~(~?) name was changed from School to College. Announcements 1904/05-1933/34 J 1904/05-05/06, 1907/08, 1910/11, 1926/27 M 1913/14 P-C 1931/32-33/34 Arnold Tompkins, died August 12,1905... Issued by the faculty of the Chicago normal school, 1905. 31, c 3 up., illus. J Dedication of the Chicago Normal school April 20 and 21, 1906... cl906u 19 p. 24 cn * J Dedication of the Chicago Normal school, April 20 and 21,1906... d906u 79 p. 22 cm . Title from U.G.Bureau of Education library Educational bi-monthly. See BOARD OF EDUCTION. Educational bi- monthly. Faculty handbook of information. el9ll?a 16 p. J 59 CHICAGO , Continued CHICAGO NORMAL COLLEGE, Continued Normal college extension. June 30 -Aug. 1, 1913. cl913 3 11 p. J Student's handbook of information. c 1911? a 14 p. J Summer session. c Board of education printing plants 1926-1927 J 1927 P-C 1926 CHICAGO NORMAL COLLEGE. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND SOCIOLOGY. Chicago normal school outline for teaching civics in elementary schools. Introduced by a brief statement of the relation of civics to history as implied in the new Chicago course of study... d904?a 47,d 3 p. "A briof general bibliography," p. 47. J p-C Municipal studies no. 1-2. c!901?a No.l, issued by the Chicago normal school, department of sociology, copyrighted 1901, by Board of education of the city of Chicago. No more published Contents. -no. 1. Thurston, H.Yf. The fight for life in Chicago. A sketch of the sanitary history of the city; compiled largely from official reports (caption title: The sanitary history of Chicago). c2d,52 p. -no. 2. Same. The history of Chicago's water supply (caption title: The story of Chicago's water supply). c4a, 40,d 3 p. J 1-2 M . 1-2 P 2 P-C 2 U 2 Outline in gymnastics. n.d. 15 p. J CHICAGO NORMAL COLLEGE. DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE Nature study leaflets. No. 1-3. n.d. J 1-2 P-C 3 CHICAGO NORMAL COLLEGE. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCE ...Experimental syllabus of social science lessons for the grades... cChicago, 1900a 12 p. U CHICAGO NORMAL SCHOOL Name changed in 1926(?) to CHICAGO NORMAL COLLEGE, Which See CHICAGO PARENTAL SCHOOL ...Annual report of the Chicago Parental School for the yearcSa ended December 31. 1902-1911, 1925. Continued after 1911 in the Annual report of the Board of education (Continued) 60 CHICAGO , Continued CHICAGO PARENTAL SCHOOL, Continued . . . Annual report . . . Continued J 1-10, 1902-11 M 1-10, 1902-11 P-C 1-9, 1902-10 U 1-8, 1902-09; 10, 1911; 1925 Dietary for the Chicago parental school, January to May, 1902. c8 D p. M CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION The first commission was appointed by the Mayor on Nov. 1,1909, to carry on work begun by the COMMERCIAL CLUB OF CHICAGO. PLAN COMMITTEE, Address at a meeting of the Chicago Plan Commission, by Charles H. Wacker, at the Hotel Sherman, on November 4,1926. cl926n 38 p., maps. M Address of Charles H. Wacker, chairman. .. at the celebration of the widening of Twelfth street, Dec. 20, 1917. cl917? 3 8 p., map. M Address of Charles H. Wacker, chairman Chicago plan commission, in favor of the petition of the South Park commissioners to the United States government for permission to create a park along the lake front of Chicago and between Grant park and Jackson park. Submitted to the Secretary of war of the United States, at Washington, D.Q. , on November 20,1913. c Chicago 3 1913. 20 p. M "Reprint of the Lake front improvement recommendation, submitted the City council of the city of Chicago, Sept. 25, 1911: " p.cl3 3 -20. Analysis and digest of the reports of the executive officers and the architectural and engineering staff of the Chicago plan commission, of Mr. John F.Wallace and Mr. Bion J. Arnold, to the Committee on railway terminals of the City council of the city of Chicago. Chicago, Illinois, 1913. 12 p. J M Signed: Charles H. Wacker, chairman Annual report... 12-21, 1921-1930 Nos. c2 3 -23, 1911-32, are printed in the Proceedings of the... meet- ing . . . M 8, 1917; 12-21, 1921-30 P-C 16-21, 1925-30 U 12, 1921; 16-21, 1925-30 An appeal to business men. Provide work now for the unemployed. Relation of national prosperity to city planning. Business and the Chicago plan. By Charles H. Wacker... d921 3 17,cl 3 p. M Argument of war time continuation of preliminary work on public improve- ments - the Ogden avenue extension; being a statement made to the City council committee on Home defense, Chicago, Dec. 1,1917, by Charles H. Wacker, chairman, Chicago plan commission. c 1917a 11 p. M 61 CHICAG O, Continued CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION, Continued ...The axis of Chicago, by Edward H. Bennet...and Harry T. Frost. Bennet, Parsons and Frost, 1929. 43 p., illus. M P-C At head of title: Chicago plan commission. .. Committee on west side streets Cover title: The axis of Chicago. Congress street super-highway compared with other projects The boulevard link. Paper road by George A. Mason at the Law club, Feb. 28, 1919. cl919 3 c2 3 ,29 p. J Chicago can get fifty million dollars for nothing.'. How it can be done by building the South shore lake front park land... 1916. 20 p. M Contents. -Lake front plans and waste disposal, by C. H. Wacker. - Expert report by R.T.Fox. The Chicago plan... cl922? 3 Folder (16 p.), illus. "Souvenir of the Pageant of progress exhibit made jointly by the city of Chicago, 77m. Hale Thompson, mayor, Board of local improve- ments , Michael J. Faherty, president, Chicago plan commission, Charles H. Wacker, chairman, Frank I. Bennett, vice-chairman. " Title from Library of congress. The Chicago plan in 1933; twenty-five years of accomplishment. 1933. 24 p., illus. M P-C U Chicago plan progress. 1927. 2 p.l., 43p. M U Chicago plan... See also BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. Chicago plan... Chicago's financial needs; a statement by Charles H. Wacker. . . May 10,1919. 9 p. M Chicago's greatest issue, an official plan... 1911. 93 p., illus. Charles H. Wacker, chairman. J M P P-C U Chicago's world-wide influence in city planning... cl914 3 Cover-title, 75 p. J M U Discussion of the economic value and civic importance of an office build- ing in Chicago for administration of the local affairs of the State of Illinois. By Charles H. Wacker... cl914 D 10 p. M Discussion of the proposed. . .West side post office... 1915. See MAYOR, 1915-1923 (William H.Thompson). Discussion... How the La Salle street improvement affects you... cl924n 51 p. J M Improvements which the officers of the Chicago plan commission urge for the freight terminal of the Pennsylvania railroad, based on the Wallaco recommendation for a freight terminal south of Harrison stroet. Being a supplement to the recommendations for a West side terminal area. . . submitted to Mr. John F. Wallace, to Mr. Bion J. Arnold, and to the Committee on railway terminals ... Dec. 4, 1913. n.p., n.d. 4 p. M 62 CHICAGO , Continued CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION, Continued ...A list of suggested new projects and of improvements in the making... 1921. 15 p. , 23 x 9jcm. M Meeting of the delegation appointed by the Mayor of Chicago to present arguments to the Hon. Williaa G. MoAdoo . . . f or the West side post of- fice recommendation of the Chicago plan commission, thu Commercial club of Chicago committee and the Chicago association of commerce... November 1,1915. cl915 3 20 c l 3 p. M Memorandum of meeting, . .held Monday, June 27,1927... cl927= 24 p., illus. M Michigan avenue extension; an address by Charles H. Yfockcr . . . in commemora- tion of the initial work on the extension of North Michigan avenue, April 13,1918. 7 p. M The North and south side boulevard improvement plan no. 3 of the Chicago plan commission, adopted and recommended by the North and south side boulevard property owners' association... c1911d Cover-title, 2 fold. plans. J M The Outer drive along the lake front, Chicago. cMcrcury press, inc., 1929?:, 153 p., 11., illus. J M P P-C U Lettered on covers The Outur drive, Chicago. Chicago plan commis- sion. The plan of Chicago in 1925. A report to the citizens of Chicago setting forth what has been accomplished by united civic effort during the past fifteen years... c Press of Regan printing houses 1925. 1 p.l., 53,cl D p., illus., maps. J M U Proceedings of the. . .meeting. . . 1-33, Nov. 4, 190 9 -May 18,1933. Caption title. Pagination irregular. Beginning with J u nc 19,1911 (p. 235) all Pro- ceedings, whether of the commission or of the executive committee are paged consecutively. 19th meeting, April 9,1920, has title: ...Ten years' work of the Chicago plan commission, 1909-1919. .. , and has double pagination, 69 p. and d019 3 -87 p. J 1-15, 17-19 (1909-20) M 1, 3-10, 12-14, 19-29, 33 P 19 (Apr. 9, 1920) U 1-20, 22-23, 25, 30, 33 The public spirit of the citizens of Chicago still lives and therein lies the promise of the future. cBundscho, 1921 3 Cover-title, 1 p.l., c9:> p. , illus. M Pull Chicago out of the hole. .. indebtedness per capita; Chicago foots a list of 163 cities. . .facts revealed by the 1917 United States census. May 2,1919. 22 p., tab. M The railway terminal situation; an illustrated report representing the best product of the efforts of the executive officers and the archi- tectural and engineering staff of tho Chicago plan commission, but not passed upon by the Plan commission. 1913. 45 p., plans. M 63 - CHICAGO, Continued CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION, Continued Reclaim South water street for all the people... 1917. Cover-title, 3-55 p., illus. M U Foreword by Chas. H. backer Recommendations for the West side terminal area which are fundamental in conserving the plan of Chicago. Submitted to the Committee on railway- terminals... Nov. 28, 1913. n.p., n.d. 18 p., plans. M Signed by Chas.H.Wacker, chairman Chicago plan commission Reconstruction platform of the Chicago plan commission... Dec. 1918. c 1918 a 7*p. M Charles H. "packer, chairman Reconstruction platform of the Chicago plan commission adopted by the Executive committee, December 6,1918, and sent to the City council at its meeting, December 16,1918. 7 p., tpw. M Solving the traffic problem, by Hugh E.Young and Eugene S.Taylor. 1926. 26 p., illus. M An S S to the public spirited citizens of Chicago, by Charles H.Wacker, Feb. 16, 1924. 29 p. M South "later street facts. Why the improvement should go forward without delay. d922 3 11 p., illus. M Souvenir of Wackcr drive, Chicago. 1926. 16 p. M A statement by Charles H.Wacker. . . in rebuttal of the statement made by the Union station company, through its attorney, to the Council committee on railway terminals, on June 9,1913. Submittod to the Council committee on railway terminals on behalf of the executive officers and the architectural and engineering staff of the Chicago plan commission. J u nc 30,1913. c 1913d 29 p. J M Ten years' work of the Chicago plan commission, 1909-1919... 1920. 68 p. See Proceedings of the .. .meeting. . . 19th, April 9,1920. Through traffic streets. Prepared ...for the City council committee on efficiency, economy and rehabilitation. cTho F r cd J.Ringlcy co., printers, 1925? 3 23,cl 3 p. J M U Wackcr drive. The now water-front street supplanting South water street. d926:, 7 p., illus. J M P-C By Hugh E.Young, engineer , Chicago plan commission "Reprinted from the American city magazine for April, 1926. " -p.c2:> Wackcr 's manual of the plan of Chicago; municipal economy. Especially ar- ranged for study in the public schools of Chicago... by Walter D. Moody... C H. C. Sherman & co. ,1911a 143 p., illus. J U cl912 3 7p.l., 11-147 p., illus. M P Second edition... 1916. xvi,137 p., illus. J II P 64 CHICAGO, Continuod CHICAGO PLuiN COMMISSION, Continued Tracker's manual of the plan of Chicago... by ''falter D.Moody... 1911. 110 p. M Teacher's handbook V/hat of Chicago? truths pronounced through the publicity channels of the Chicago plan commission: seed thoughts for sermons; the humanitarian side of the plan of Chicago. Compiled from the publications of the Plan commission for the use of the clergy of the city in preaching upon this subject on Plan of Chicago day, Jan. 19,1919. 8 p. M See iilso BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Proceedings of the. . .meeting. 1-86, Nov. 16, 1909-1927. Beginning with June 19, 191l(p. 235) paging is continuous with the Proceedings of the. . .meeting of the Chicago plan commission. 23rd mooting includes both regular session, and Executive session. J (Bound with Proceedings ... of commission) M 6-15, 17-18, 20-32, 34-37, 40-73, 78, 81-86 P_C 44-52 (Apr. 6, 1920-Fob. 1,1921) U 1-52, 58 (1907-1923) CHICAGO PNEUMONIA COMMISSION ...Preliminary report. Herman N. Bundcscn, M.D., chairman. ccl925a 12 p. "Reprinted from the Journal of the American medical association March 21,1925, v. 84, pp. 884-887." CHICAGO REFORM SCHOOL ...Report of the Board of Guardians. . .to the Common council of tho city of Chicago. 1-16, 1856-Aug.31 , 1872. No. 1-15 title reads: Annual report... In 4iugust 1872 the school passed out of existence J 1-16, 1856-72 P 1-16, 1856-72 U 1-9, 1856-65; 11,1866/67; 13,1868/69; 15,1870/71 Rules and regulations... Guilbcrt & Clissold, printers, 1870. Cover- title, 6 p. J CHICAGO SCHOOL OF SANITARY INSTRUCTION Bulletin. See DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Chicago's health. CITIZENS' COMMITTEE ON RIVER STRAIGHTENING River straightening. Report. . .September 9,1925. cThe Fred J.Ringlcy company, printers, 1925 3 44 p., 2 1. , illus. J M P-C U Silas H. Strawn, chairman 65 CHICA GO , C ont i nuc d CITIZENS* COMMITTEE ON RIVER STRAIGHTENING, Continued Tho straightening of the Chicago river. ^ Press of Janes T. Igoc com- pany, 1926. 214 p., illus. J Li P P-C U Silas H. St r awn, chairman "River straightening. Report... Sept. 9,1925" (p. e39 3 - c 95^ ) issued also separately. Straightening the Chicago river... cJ.T.Igoc co., 1930 3 174 p., illus. M CITY ATTORNEY Report... Soo_ LAW DEPARTMENT. Annual report... CITY CLERK .. .annual report. 1-?, 1908-1916 J 1,1908; 1915-16 II 1,1908; 1915-16 P-C 1,1908; 1915-16 U 1,1908; 1915-16 ' Complete digest of traffic regulations governing motor vehicles. State laws; ordinances of the city of Chicago; park ordinances; police parking rules... Dec. 1923. ' cl923^ 32 p., 160. j y p_C List of franchises granted by tho City council of the city of Chicago, from March 4,1837, to April 10,1896... J.F.Higgins, printer, 1896. 84 p. II P-C U List of special assessment rebates of the city of Chicago. 1896. 22 p. M List of stolen or lost vehicle license tags, 1925. 29 p. M 1931. M Regulations for the city of Chicago governing motor vehicles and motor cycles, including state laws, city ordinances and park ordinances in force May 1,1918. c 1918a 91 p. M cComp. , arranged and indexed by Edward J.Padden. ..d Sundry communications and legal opinions concerning the use of the streets by the Sanitary district for the laying of conduits, erection of polos and stringing of wires for the transmission of electrical energy for certain purposes ... June, 1908 . c J.F.Higgins, print, 1908a 29 p., 1 1. J || P-G Contents. -Communications from Hon. F. A. Busse, mayor . -Reports of V'm. Carroll, city electrician. -Report of J. J.Hanberg, commissioner of public works, to Hon. F. A. Busse, mayor . -Opinions of tho Law de- partment . -Report of the Committee on f inanco(concurrcd in by the City council, June 8,1908) 66 CHICAGO , Continued CITY CLERK, Continued Sundry proposals and plans for the development of local transportation facilities in the city of Chicago, including elevated railroads, street railways, passenger subways, motorbus lines... November, 1924. c 1924a 5 1 v. maps (l fold.) J P-C U Contents. -l.Insull,S. Chicago Rapid transit company's program of proposod extensions of elevated railroad lines. c 4 3 , 13 p. -2. Blair, H.A. Outline of a plan for a comprehensive system of local trans- portation. 6 p. 1 fold. map. -3.Busby,L.ii. Proposal of the south side street railway lines. 8 p. -4. Condon, J. G. Suggestion of franchise grant to the Chicago motor coach company. 16 p. -5.Kclker, R.F. Plan for an independent municipal system of rapid transit lines, including elevated railroads and subways. 52 p., maps. Sundry regulations of the city of Chicago concerning certain types of motor vehicles. . .March, 1928. cl928s c2 D ,8 p. M P-C A synopsis of the laws of Illinois and ordinances of Chicago relating to the use of motor vehicles and motor cycles on public highways. 1912. c8 3 p. J Traffic regulations, city of Chicago, as amended and in force June 15,1929. dhe Fred J.Ringlcy co.,1929 3 39 p. M P-C CITY COLLECTOR List of licensed saloons in the city of Chicago. Licenses issued May 1, 1908. . . 1908. 83 p. J P-C U CITY COUNCIL Act authorizing cities, villages and incorporated towns to construct, purchase, lease and operate gas works and electric lighting works for public and private use. Submitted to the Illinois state legislature and recommended for adoption by the City council of the city of Chicago, February 2,1903. 12 p. M . . .Agreement for unified operation of surface street railways in the city of Chicago, being exhibit "A" of an ordinance passed by the City council... ^1913?., Caption title, 32 p. P-C At head; In reprinting for the convenience of members of the City council. . . Amended draft of an ordinance concerning buildings, amending chapter 15 of the revised municipal code of Chicago of 1905 (Building code) as amended. 1909. 181 p. J A bill for an act entitled an act to authorize cities to own and oporate street railways. Submitted to the Illinois state legislature and recommended for adoption by the City council, Jan. 19,1903. 6 p. M A bill for an act to authorize and empower the city of Chicago to provido for the regulation of public utilities. n.d. 28 p. J M 67 CHICAGO , Continued CITY COUNCIL, Continued Bill for non-partisan elections... cl913 3 See CORPORATION COUNSEL. Bill for non-partisan elections... Building districts and restrictions. A bill for an act granting to cities and villages in the state of Illinois power to create residential, business and industrial building districts or zones. Recommended by the City council of the city of Chicago to the General assembly of the state of Illinois for enactment into law. And a statement of the de- sirability of giving the city of Chicago power to create building districts, presented to the Committee of judiciary of the City council of the city of Chicago, by alderman Charles E.Mcrriam. . . cJ.F. Higgins, printer a 1917. 56 p. J 11 P-C U Chicago finances. Reports of comptroller S. S. Hayes, ordinance, proceed- ings of the City council, and opinion of McAllister, J., on temporary loans of Chicago. Bulletin Printing co., 1876. 40 p. J P-C Draft of ordinance for through routing, etc. May 15,1913. Chicago, 1913 . c6ap. J M P-C Plan no.l. June 20,1913. 11 p. M Plan no. 2. June 26,1913. 11 p. M July 7,1913. 11 p. M Endorsement. .. of proposed legislation to require the licensing of motor vehicle operators and chauffeurs. Resolution and bill. City clerk d929a. 7 p. P-C Hand book. 1916/17-1918/19 M 1918/19 U 1916/17 Journal of tho proceedings... 1861/62-1933/34. 1861/66 title reads: Council proceedings; 1866/76, Proceedings of the Common council; 1876/1908, Proceedings of the City council. Year covered irregular. J 1861/62-1933/34 H 1865/66-1931/32 P-C 1864/65-1933/34 U 1870/71, 1872/76, 1877/81, 1882/84, 1885/1931 (1906/10 in- complete) General index of the proceedings of the Chicago city council, from May 10,1880, to April 8,1886 inclusive d886 3 220 p. P-C c Members and committees a 1909-10 - 1931-33. P-C 1909-10, 1912-13, 1915-16, 1916-17, 1919-20, 1921-22, 1923- 25, 1927-29, 1929-31, 1931-33 Memorial to congress con keeping Columbian exposition open on Sundays 3 rl892? 3 Caption title, 22 p. P-C 68 CHICAGO, Continued CITY COUNCIL, Continued An ordinance for the establishment of Harbor district number three; the construction by the Illinois central railroad company of a new passen- ger station; electrification of certain of the lines of the Illinois central and Michigan central railroad companies within the city; and the development of the lake front, (Draft of Doc. 7,1918) Chicago, Barnard & Miller print c 1919a 85 p. M U (Draft of Hay 16,1919) 1919. Cover -title, iv,87 p. J M U (Draft of June 14,1919) 1919. Cover-title, iv,89 p. M U (Draft of June 27,1919) 1919. Cover-title, iv,95 p. M U (Draft of July 5,1919) 1919. M (Draft of July 7,1919) 1919. M Reported to the City council. .. July 7,1919. 1919. Cover- title, iv,lll p. M U Pamphlet. . .Ordinances recommended for passage... 1913-1934. Caption title cSeries 1 3 1-1314, Apr . 18,1913-Mar . 31, 1923 cSeries 2^ 1-126, May 2, 1923-Mar.25, 1925 ^Series 3= 1-167, May 6, 1925-Mar . 16, 1927 c Series 4^ 1-161, May 2,1927-Mar . 28, 1929 cSeries 5^ 1-124, Apr . 22,1929-Feb. 25, 1931 ^Series 6^ 1-107, May 6, 1931 -Mar . 22, 1933 ^Series 7^ 1-51, Apr. 26, 1933-Feb. 15,1934 M ^series l^no. 1-c Series 7 3 no.51 P-C ^Series 2^5-6, 18-18, 59, 1287-90; cSeries 3^100, 162; cSeries 6^26-107; cSeries 7 3 1-51 U cSeries l 3 no. 272-cSeries (incomplete) Powers of the city council under an act approved June 28,1919, in force July 1,1919... cl919? 3 16 p. P-C Proceedings... See Journal of proceedings Proceedings of a memorial meeting. . .held Thursday, November 16,1893, also proceedings of a meeting of ex-aldermen and ex-employes of the city, together with a compendium of resolutions passed by the city councils of sister cities; and including a biographical sketch of Carter H. Harrison. J.F.Higgins, 1893. 80 p., illus. J M P-C U Opinion of William R. Fctzer, Alderman 7th ward, on the question of the legality of the appointment of the eleven members of the Board of education of the city of Chicago, made by Mayor ?[illiam Halo Thompson on October 28,1918... c1918d 20 p. M (Not on shelf) CHICAGO, Continued CITY COUNCIL, Continued Report... on local transportation development in great cities, by George E. Hooker, Feb. 1,1904. 1904. 72 p., tpw. J U Rules and order of business. 1908/09-1933/35 Title varies J 1923 M 1923 P-C 1923, 1931/33, 1933/35 U 1908-09, 1923 Subways in Chicago. The inner circle system for terminals cby 3 Arthur S. Robinson. . .Addenda cby a Bion J.Arnold. . .abstract of report on subways to Chicago city council, 1902. n.d. 48 p., map M Sec Also COMMON COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL. BUILDING COMMITTEE .architectural competition. .. 1872 . Sec, under the heading COOK COUNTY, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. BUILDING~COMMITTEE. Architectural competition ... 1872. CITY COUIICIL. COMMITTEE ON BATHING BEACHES AND RECREATION PIERS. Joint preliminary report of the Committee on bathing beaches and recrea- tion piers and the Lake shore reclamation commission, to Mayor Bussc and the City council, December, 1910. Henry 0. Shepard company, printers, 1910. 36 p. J M P P-C U W.P.Dunn, chairman of Committee on bathing beaches and recreation piers; Theodore K.Long, chairman of Lake shore reclamation commission. CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Proposed building ordinance. Being an amendment to chapter xv of the Revised municipal code of Chicago of 1905 concerning buildings, recommended by the Committee. . .and deferred and published June 27, 1910, together with sundry proposed amendments and sundry communica- tions relating thereto... c J.F.Higgins,print, 1910=> Cover-title, c 711 3 -885, 13 p. M Revision of the building ordinances of the city of Chicago; ordinance pending before the committee on building department of the city council, November 1909. ^1909d 72 p. M CITY COUiiCIL. COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS AND THE CITY HALL Proposed revision of the Fire prevention ordinance... n.d. 48 p. M CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON COiiPENSATION Arguments advanced relative to the repeal of the sub-sidewalk space rental ordinance at the public hearing. . .Nov 24,1911. cl911 a 19 p. M (Not on shelf) 70 CHICAGO, Continued CITY COUNCIL, COMMITTEE ON CRIME Grand jury sub -committee. Report on the grand jury... C 1915 D 15 p., mimco . M Roport... iildcrman Charles E. Mcrriam, chairman. c Prcss of H.G.Adair 3 1915. 2 p.l., v p., 2 1., 9-88, 88a-88f, 89-196 p. J II P-C U Contents: -Introduction and summary. -Statistics relating to crime in Chicago, by Miss Edith Abbott. -Underlying causes and practical methods for preventing crime, by R.H.C-ault. -Description and analysis of criminal conditions, by M. L. Davics and F. Dobyns. -Bibliography. Statistics relating to crime in Chicago, prepared by Miss Edith A. Abbott.. 1914. vi, 48 p., tpw. M What shall be done for Chicago's vromun offenders? Recommendations and re- port of the City council crime commission. Issued by the Juvenile Protective association of Chicago, 1916. 12 p. M CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY AND REHABILITATION Argument for a bill to declare... d923^ Sec under the heading, CHICAGO, Argument for a bill to declare... Ordinance recommended for passage. . .Transfer of Department of smoke in- spection to Department of health. 1919. 3 p. M Preliminary roport on the proposed consolidation and unification of local governmental activities. . .recommending the creation of "The Chicago metropolitan council." Concurred in by the City council... on Dec. 22, 1931. City clerk d932?^ 9 p., nar.O. P-C Public contractors. Proposed regulations as to local off ice, records, uniform system of accounts... cl931= 16 p. M Report of data and costs relating to waste disposal in Chicago, prepared for the members of the Committee. . . in connection with its trip of investigation on waste disposal in certain eastern cities. October 23,1922. cl922^ 13 p., mimeo. M Through traffic streets... cl925? D See_ CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION. Through traffic streets... CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY AND REHABILITATION. SUB- COMMITTEE ON WASTE DISPOSAL Operation, maintenance and construction of the municipal reduction plant of the city of Chicago. Report .. .together with a Report of Irwin S. Osborn, consulting engineer... c 1921d 16 p. J M P-C Prank J. Link, chairman of sub-committee 71 CHICAGO , Continued 3ITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS Re -districting of the city into thirty-five wards. c 1911j 23 p. J Reprinted from Journal of proceedings of the City council, Nov. 27, 1911, 3ITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Inalysis of the report of city electrician... c 1913j See , under the hoading Sanitary District , BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Analysis of the report., • Chicago* s budget problem for the year 1930, statement submitted to the City council... November 27 , 1929. c 1929?z> c4 3 p., F. P-C Communication from Pres.R.McCormick. . . 1906. See , under the heading Sanitary District , BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Communication... 1906. liotter* ..concerning the proposed rate to be fixed for the election. , .1914. See , under the heading Sanitary District, BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Letter... 1914. Municipal tuberculosis sanitarium investigation. Testimony taken before the committee on finance* c April 8, 1916-June 1, 1916s Caption title, 7 29 p., tpw. M Report of the Committee on finance... Consists of the annual Appropriation bill as presented by the Committee 1874/75 and 1876 have half title: Appropriation bill. J 1912-1915, 1917, 1922,, 1924 M 1896, 1900-18, 1922, 1924, 1929-30, 1932-33 P-C 1874/75-79, 1882, 1886, 1891, 1896, 1907, 1912-17 Report on the employment of professional and technical experts by the city of Chicago. Submitted to the committee on finance Vy the sub-committee ...Chairman, Willis 0. Nance. . .Thomas J. Lynch, . *01iver L, V. r atson... 1918. 33 p., mimeo., M Salary increases recommended for 1919 by the Committee on finance. n.d. 8 p. M 3ITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. SUB-COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Report on corporate revenues. Sub-committee on finance. March 28, 1917. r 1917a 59 p., mimeo. 3ITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. SUB-COMMITTEE ON WATER BUREAU SURVEY Report. ..^n water bureau survcyj initial phase of the investigation, control and rate, April, 1930. r 1930 a 138 p. M P-C 3ITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON GAS, OIL AND ELECTRIC LIGHT completed draft of the Chicago Telephone Co. ordinance as recommended by the Committee. . .July 26 > 1907. n.p. unp, M 72 CHICAGO, Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON GAS, OIL AND ELECTRIC LIGHT, Continued In the matter of tho forfeiture of the Automatic telephone system of the Chicago tunnel company. Opinion rendered. .. July 1,1915. By Stephen A. Foster... cl915 3 =43,56 p. J II P-C In the natter of the proposed forfeiture of the telephone rights and property of the Chicago tunnel company. Opinion given to the Mayor and the Committee on gas, oil and electric light... by Waltor L.Fisher. July 3,1915. c 1915a 62 p. M . . .Investigation fire alam and police signal systems in cities of New York, Detroit, Boston, Montreal, Quebec; also preliminary survey cf fire alarm, telegraph and police signal systems, Chicago. c 19283 31 p. H P-C At head of title: Report of City council. Committee on gas, oil and electric light. By N. Eanlcs Cregier Low grade gas and high grade rates. c 1927s Caption title, 7 p. P-C Signed by Donald R. Richberg, Special counsel, and Leo J.Hasscnauer , assistant special counsel. Official record of proceedings. .. in re regulation cf telephone rates and proposed ordinance for the Chicago telephone co., from Feb. 7, 1906, to Nov. 1,1907, with index, t 1906-073 8 v., tpw. M (v. 8 missing) An ordinance fixing the maximum rates for telephone service. .. Statement prepared by Prof. Edward 17. Bemis on telephone rates; an ordinance creating a telephone bureau... an ordinance amending the Chicago telephone ordinance of Nov. 6, 1907, relative to nickel prepayment telephone service. .. June 1913. c 19133 47 p. M Ordinance governing rates to be charged by the Commonwealth Edison company recommended by the Committee. . . in a report to the City council. De- ferred and ordered published March 5,1908. cigoS 3 63 p. J U Linn H. Young, chairman Preliminary report on rates and standards of gas... by Donald R. Richberg and Edward!?. Bemis, Dec. 1,1916. c 19 16 3 9 p., tpw. M Report ... January 29,1906. J. F.Higgins, printer and binder cl906 3 Cover- title, 59 p. J 1.1 P-C U Report on an ordinance recommending the establishment of a rate of seventy-five cents per thousand cubic feet for gas. Report. . .March 26,1906. J. F.Higgins, printer cl906 a Cover title, 44 p. U Report of a minority . . . "An ordinance granting permission to the Chicago tunnel cc, to sell and transfer its telephone plant, system and equipment, together with certain space and rights in its tunnels, as described herein, to the Chicago telcphono co." Submitted by Aid. Charles E.Mcrriam,Ald. Robert M. Buck, Aid. James A.Kcarns. cl916 D 12 p. J M P-C 73 CHICAGO, Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE Oil GAS, OIL AIID ELECTRIC LIGHT, Continued Report of electrical engineers of elevated and surface companies of Chicago. .. respecting proposed ordinance entitled "An ordinance re- quiring certain electrical equipment in order to prevent damage by electrolysis.'' 1921. 33 p., illus. M Report of sub-committee. .. appointed to draft ordinance in accordance with Snow resolution. May 28,190 7. ^190 7 D 7 p. M Report on the automatic telephone situation in the city of Chicago... by Xcmpster B. Miller... cBarnard & Miller, 1915 3 1 1., ii, 63 p. M P-C Report on the investigation of the Chicago telephone company... by Prof. Edward Yf. Bcmis. cBarnard & Miller, 1912a 2 p.l., iv, 127 p. J P-C U Report on the investigation of the Chicago telephone company... By Edward Vf. Bcmis. c 1912? o 116 p. M Report on the investigation of the Chicago telephone company... by William J. Hagenah, in charge of telephone investigation. H.O. Shepard co., printers, 1911. 113 p. J M P-C U Report... on the investigation of the Commonwealth Edison company, 1913. Sec DEPARTMENT OF GAS AND ELECTRICITY. Report to the Committee on gas, oil and electric light... Report on the question of suitable regulation of gas service for the city of Chicago... by D.C. & Win.. B. Jackson... cHcdstrom-Barry co., printers, 1909 D 16 p. J M P-C Report on the telephone situation... cl907 3 See SPECIAL TELEPHONE COMMISSION. Report... Report upon the price of gas in Chicago... by Edward W. Bcmis. The H.O. Shepard co., printers, 1911. 31 p. J M P-C U Report upon the reduction of rates of the Chicago Edison company and the Commonwealth electric company... by Bion J. Arnold. .. and William Carroll. . .March 16,1906... cl906? 3 1 p.l., 12 p. 23 cm . (Arnold roport,no,8) J M P-C U Revised draft of the Chicago telephone company ordinance. .. June 28,1907. c 1907 3 Cover-title, 39 leaves. J M P-C U Schedule of rates and general information regarding telephone service in the following named cities: New York city, eotc.a... c 1906 3 28 p. J M P-C On cover:... By Linn H. Young, chairman. November 27,1906. Some questions asked Dec. 6... and the answers by the Chicago telephone co. , Doc. 10,1912. cl912, 16 p. M 74 CHICAGO , Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON GAS, OIL AND ELECTRIC LIGHT, Continued Telephone service and rates. Report... September 3,1907. ej. P. Higgins, printer, 1907 3 298,c2 3 p., illus. J M P U M copy has 303 p. Tentative draft of the Chicago telephone company ordinance.. J u nc 3,1907. d907 3 Cover -title, 31 1. M Text on verso, blank pages on recto. CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE Oil GAS, OIL AND ELECTRIC LIGHT. GAS SUB-COMMITTEE Investigation of the Peoples gas light & coke co...By William J.Hagcnah, in charge of gas investigation. The H.O.Shcpard co., printers, " 1911. 83 p. J M U CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON GAS, OIL AND ELECTRIC LIGHT. TELEPHONE SUB- COMMITTEE Report... on the investigation of the Chicago telephone company. Chicago, December, 1910. The Henry O.Shcpard co., printers, 1910. 55 p. William J. Pr ingle, chairman J M P-C U William J. Hagenah, in charge of telephone investigation CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON HARBORS, WHARVES AND BRIDGES Lake Calumet harbor; report... by Benton F. Kleeman. . .Submitted to the Mayor and City council. . .October 31,1928. cTho F.J.Ringley co., 1928 3 29 p. J M P-C "Plan of proposed Lake Calumet harbor, approved by City council, city of Chicago, June 21,1921," (an illustration) Plan and report Lake Calumet harbor, by Arend Van Vlissingen. . . Junc, 1920. d920 3 ' 36,d 3 p. J M P-C U Report on Lake Calumot agreements, Harbor district no. 4, 1916. Arend Van. Vlissingen... cBarnard and Miller, 1916z, Cover-title, 11 p., fold. maps. M P-C Rcp.o-rt technical board-vessel safety. . .March, 1916. c28 3 p. , tpw. M Suggestions submitted. .. in re proposed ordinance relating to the agreement betweon the South Park commissioners and the Illinois central railroad company, March 22,1912. d912^ 23 p. M Waterway developments... 1933. Scj£ COMMITTEE ON BARGE CLEARANCE AND BARGE TERMINALS. Waterway developments... CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON HARBORS, WHARVES AND BRIDGES. SUB-COMMITTEE ON HARBOR DEVELOPMENT. Report... October, 1911. J. F. Higgins, printer, 1911. 229 p., 13 fold, maps. J ivi p-c U Theodore K. Long, chairman of sub -committee 75 CHICAGO , Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON HEALTH c Proceedings, May 28 to Nov. 12, 1914, on Report of the Vice commission, 505 p. , tpw. M Proceedings. . .Nov. 2, 1916: consideration of merchandise in cold storage in Chicago; report of the health commissioner on cold storage in Chicago. cl916 3 9 p., tpw. M Report on the more economic distribution and delivery of milk. . . 1917. See MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY. Municipal reference bulletin no . 8 Summary of evidence and argument concerning proposed refrigeration ordinances, submitted to the Hon. Tcrrcncc F. Moran, and the members of the Commission on public health. Nov. 2, 1929. n.d. 24 p. M CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON HEALTH. SUB-COMMITTEE ON MILK Hearings. .. on the production and sale of inspected and pasteurized milk. May 27,1912-June 14,1912. d912 3 317 p., ctpw. a M CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON HIGH COSTS AND HIGH RENTS AND PUBLIC MARKETS Trip of inspection... Sept. 30 to Oct. 20, 1921; itinerary. folder. M See jllso CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON RENTS CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON HOME DEFENSE Argument of war time continuation of preliminary work on public improve- ments. Sec CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION. Argument... CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY Statement on the desirability of giving the city power to create building districts .. .by Alderman Charles E. Mcrriam 1917. See CITY COUNCIL. Building districts and restrictions... Two proposed bills. . . 1912. See CHICAGO CHARTER CONVENTION, 1905-1909. Two proposed bills... CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LICENSE. Report to the mayor and aldcrmon. . . on the public licensing, regulation and control of the liquor traffic in Boston and New York city... d917 D 58 p. J M P-C U John Toman, chairman The saloon in its relation to municipal revenue and other financial and economic aspects. n.d. 10 p., mimco. M CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE OK LOCAL INDUSTRIES Reclamation of public lands. Report ... December 29,1913... cJ.F- Higgins, printer, 1914. Cover-title, 4 p. J M 76 C HICAGO , Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Address ... on transportation subways. By John Ericson, chairman Chicago subway commission... cl911 D Cover-title, 16 p. J M Address by Local transportation committee, submitting an analysis of re- sults of public hearings on the traction problem. Dec. 17, 1921. d921 3 12 p. M Agreement with the building and operating company for street railways in Vienna. . .translated from the German by Alderman Herman. Clohesey and co., printers, n. d. 28 p. M cAn analysis of the financial and legal problems in the local transporta- tion situation:, d921? 3 26 p. J H P-C Title from caption on p. 5 Signed by Ulysses S. Schwartz, chairman of committee Pages 5-26 same as p. 13-20, a-n, of his "Discussion..." Which See below. Addressed to sub-committee, and signed Dec. 19, 1921. Annual report. . . 1909/10-1915/16 Report year irregular ^ J 1912/13-15/16 M 1909/10, 1912/13-15/16 P-C 1912/13-15/16 U 1912/13-13/14, 1915/16 Appraisal of the properties of the Chicago railways co., Chicago city railway co., Calumet and South Chicago railway co., Southern street railway co... by Board of appraisal, W. B. Parsons, W. J. Hagenah, and R. F. Keller, Jan. 26, 1925. d925 a 20, 20 p., mimeo . M Arnold reports, no. 1-9. 1905-06 Each report is cataloged separately. NO 3'., 1-5"., 9„. were.- issued:' by the CITY COUNCIL, COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION, and no. 8 by the CITY COUNCIL, COMMITTEE ON GAS, OIL AND ELECTRIC LIGHT. el 3 Report on the engineering and operating features. . .Nov. 1902. 1905. 2 Report' upon methods for increasing the capacity. . . 1905 3-5 Reports on through routes... 1905 6 Report on the probable gross earnings... 1905 7 Report giving specifications... 1905 8 Report upon the reduction of rates... 1906 9 Report relating to trolley construction. . . 1906 Chicago railways co. and Board of supervising engineers. Report on audit for the seven years ended January 31,1914, to the city of Chicago. M. & L.W. Scuddcr, certified public accountants. cl914 D 134 p. M (not on shelf). See also, below, c An examination of the books . . . 3 c Communication of Ulysses S. Schwartz to local transportation committee containing suggestions on the solution of the traction problem. Chicago, December 17,1921 a 12 p. M P-C Same as p. 1-12 of his "Discussion..." Which Sec, below. 77 CHICAGO , Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION, Continued A discussion of the traction problem in Chicago with a proposal of a fi- nancial plan for municipal acquisition of the properties and the opera- tion thereof. Submitted by Ulysses S. Schwartz, chairman... Hawkins & Loomis co., law printers, 1921. Cover-title, c 2 3 , 20, a-n p. Dated Dec. 19, 1921. j P _ c See also, above, his "An analysis of..." and "Communication of. Draft of form... Sec Preliminary draft of form. The electrification of railway terminals as a cure for the locomotive smoke evil in Chicago with special consideration of the Illinois central railroad. Prepared. . .by Milton J. Foreman, chairman. . jWilliam A. Evans; commissioner of health; Paul P. Bird, smoke inspector; Gilbert E. Ryder, cofa Smoke inspection department; Herbert H. Evans, mechanical engineer. R.R. Donnelley & sons company, 1908. 353 p., illus. J M P P-C U can examination of the books and records of the Board of supervising en- gineers from its inception to 31st January, 1914 3 Barrow, "Wade, Guthrie & co. cl914? 3 18 numb.l. P-C Mss. copy presented by mayor Carter H. Harrison -22. fiL s _.» ab ° vc > Chicago railways co., and Board. . . Sec Also, following, Investigation of the books... .eAn investigation of the books and records of the Calumet and South Chi- cago railway company for the period from 1st February, 1908, to 31st January, 19 14 3 Barrow, Wade, Guthrie & co. c 1914a 63 numb.l. part. fold. P-C Mss. copy presented by mayor Carter H. Harrison. Investigation of the books and records of Chicago city railway company and Southern street railwjay company, Calumet and South Chicago railway com- pany, Board of supervising engineers, Chicago railways company, May 7, 190 7- January 31,1914... Barrow, T. r adc, Guthrie & co. ' c 1915^ Cover- title, 362 p. M P-C Separate title pages for different parts , So o Also, below, Schedules accompanpanying. . . c Investigation of the books and records of the Chicago city railway com- pany and the Southern street railway company for the seven years ending 31 January, 1914 3 Barrow, Wade, Guthrie co. ' c 1914a 206 numb.l. P-C Mss. copy presented by mayor Carter H. Harrison. Investigation of transportation services in western cities, March 4-26, 1921. Report... Submitted July 8, 1921. d921 3 1 p.l., cll a p. U. S. Schwarte, chairman j jj p_c y J reports copy as cl4 3 p., unpagod. Letter from Hon. Edw. F. Dunne... Sec MAYOR, 1905-1907 (Edward F.Dunne) Letter ... Letter from Walter L. Fisher .. .transmitting comment upon proposals of the local traction companies for a new franchise. . .Anril 27,1918. d918 3 22 p. M 78 CHICAGO, Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE OU LOCAL TRANSPORTATION, Continued Letter of George F. Heir ding. . .with proposition to lease street railways. May 24,1901. d901 D 19 p. M Municipal railway of the city of Chicago. General requirements and pre- liminary specifications... Bion J. Arnold... Chicago, June 1,1905. 300 p., tpw. M Sec ^.lso, below, Notice to bidders... The now traction ordinance. A plan for the development of rapid transit facilities in Chicago by means of a comprehensive unified local transportation system, consisting of surface lines, olevated lines and city-owned subways... A summary of the important provisions of tho or- dinance showing what the people will get in the way of improved service, prepared by Henry D. Capitain, chairman... cl918 3 44 p., 1 1. Title from Library of Congress Notes on tho fundamentals of a traction settlement and remarks on the ordinances of 1918 and 1925, with an abstract of the proposod ordinance of 1927. Prepared. R.F. Kclkcr,jr. July 24,1928. cl928 3 54 p. , mimeo. M Notice to bidders. Instruction to bidders. Condensed specifications and forms of proposals relating to the construction and operation of a municipal street railway for the city of Chicago. Prepared by Bion J. Arnold... 1905. 120 p., illus. (diagrs. ) , 29 fold.diagr. J M P-C "Notice to bidders" signed: Carter H. Harrison, mayor Opinion of tho value of the Chicago rapid transit company's properties. 16 p., mimeo. M Letter dated Sept. 7, 1929, and signed by ^.A.Spraguc, chairman, Joshua D'Esposito, George Woodruff, members of a committco appoint- ed by tho Committee on local transportation. Opinion on exclusion act and abandoned rights. Submitted. . .by Clarence S. Darrow and Glen E. Plumb, special counsel. n.d. 8 p. M An ordinance authorizing unified operation of the surface street railways in the city of Chicago, and the operating agrcomont made a part of said ordinance. -Recommended for passage. .. October 27,1913. Report of Sub-committco on unification of surface linos. Opinion of Corporation counsel with reference to the above mentioned ordinance and other questions. cl913 3 Cover-title, 38 p. J M P-C An ordinance granting certain rights to the Chicago city railway company and report thereon... Barnard & Miller, print., cl904 3 63 p. J M P-C An ordinance providing for a comprehensive municipal local transportation system. As rccommondod for passage. . .Feb. 11, 1925. . . cChamplin law printing company, 1925 3 1 p.l., xix,204 p. J M P-C U 79 CHI C^GO , C ont inucd CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION, Continued Ordinance to the Chicago railways co. covering the linos operated by the receivers of the Chicago union traction co. as reported by Committee... January 15, A. D. ,1907. d907 3 1 1., 145 p. M Pending ordinances for the Chicago city railway company, the West Chicago street railroad company and the North Chicago street railroad company, with report thereon... December 4,1905. Barnard & Miller, c 1905 3 Cover-title, v, ^281^, p. 11 U Physical plan for a transportation system for the city of Chicago. .. sub- mitted by A.B.Allen. c Chicago 3 1925. Cover-title, 15 p., illus. J M P-C Preliminary draft of form for proposed ordinances covering the lines operated by the Chicago city railway company, and the lines operated by the Receivers of the Chicago union traction company... cl905=> 47 ci.c,96 3 p. II Text printed on one side of leaf only. Craft of form for proposed ordinance covering the lines operated by the Receivers of the Chicago union traction c ompany ... January 10,1907. d907z, iii, 142 numb.l. M Third revised draft. . .December 29,1906. c Chicago , 1907? 3 Cover- title, 95 ci.e.l93D p. M Fourth revised draf t ... January 10,1907. ^Chicago, 1907 D Cover- title, 105 ci.o.212 3 p. J M P-C Preliminary report on the lowering and reconstruction of the transportation tunnels at La Salle and Washington street, Chicago. By John Ericson. . . 1904. 15, 7 p., maps (fold) M Proceedings. .. in re investigation of Board of supervising engineers... June 1914. d914o 52 p. M Progress report on the preparation of subway plans .. .R.F.Kelker, jr., engi- neer, Nov. 1927. cl927 3 67 p., mimeo., maps M Proposal, instruction to bidders ... 1913. See HARBOR AND SUBWAY COMMIS- SION. Proposal, instructions to bidders, ordinance. .. 1913 Proposed re-routing in the downtown district, March, 1924. 28 diag. M Re draft of ordinance for initial subways based upon Bion J. Arnold's re- port. Submitted... February 28,1914. d914:> 33 p. M Recommendations and general plans for a comprehensive passenger subway system for the city of Chicago, made... by Bion J. Arnold, January , 1911. cl911 3 75 p., illus. J M P P-C U Report and opinion on comprehensive plan for settlement of traction problem, by Stephen A.Foster, William H. Sexton and Jerome N.Frank, counsel... June 26,1922. c1922d 64 p. M 80 CHICAG O, Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRiUTSPORTATION. Continued Report. . .and ordinances tc the Chicago city railway company and the Chicago railways company, January 15, 1907.... cPrcss of J.F.Higgins, 1907? Ccvcr-titlc, 117, da p. J U P-C U Passed by the City council February 11,1907. ii.C. Anson, cl907 3 120 p. J M P-C U Report and recommendations on a physical plan for a unified transportation system for the city of Chicago... by R. F. Kolkcr,jr. c James T. Igoe company, printers^ 1923. 6 p.l., 9-175 p., illus.,maps. J M P-C U '— Extracts from The report and recommendations. . .by R. F. Kclker,jr. c James T. Igcc company^ 1923. 27 p., Q. M Report ... giving specifications for reconstruction and extension of the properties of the Chicago street railway companies, being exhibits B of ordinances. d905 3 32 p. J M P-C U jirnold report no. 7 Report of engineers to the Committee on local transportation. .. and Citi- zens' traction settlement committee. October , 1929. cl929^ 36 p. M Report on Chicago railways c outlet for seven years ending Jan. 31, 1914^ cNew York, 1914? d M. & L.W. Scudder. Caption title, various tpw. pages. P-C Mss. copy presented to Public library by mayor Carter H. Harrison Report on elevated railway properties. . -May 8,1912. 21, 2 p., tpw. M Report of valuation committee on elevated railway properties Report on initial subways for the city of Chicago submitted. . .March 22, 1922. Committee of engineers on initial subway plan. 1922. 8 p . , mimeo . M Report on the engineering and operating features of the Chicago transporta- tion problem. ..By Bion Joseph Arnold. . .Chicago. November, 1902 . New York, McGraw publishing co., 1905. 310 p., illus., and atlas of 14 fold. plans. J M P P-C U c Arnold report, no.lj Report... on the immediate construction of subways, by R. F. Kelker, jr. 1924. cj. T. Igoe company, printers, 1924 3 52 p., maps. J M P-C Report... on the probable gross earnings and division of profits between the Chicago street railway companies and the city of Chicago. c 1905a 23 p. J M P-C U Arnold report no. 6 cReport...on the proposals of the local traction companies for a new franchise, by "/alter L. Fishery 1918. 22 p. J P-C 81 CHIC AGO , Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. . . Continued Report on the trr.nsportc.tion subway systems of Boston, New York, Phila- delphia, Paris, London... 1909. 151 p. J M P-C U Milton J. Foreman, chairman Report on the Union elevated loop railroad, submitted. . -by George Weston, April, 1908. d908 3 34 p., illus., map J M U Report on transportation subways. Committee on local transportation City council of the city of Chicago. Hilton J. Foreman, chairman. . .Prepared by the Bureau of engineering of the Department of public works . cPrintod by R. R. Donnelly & sons co. 3 1909. 3 v. illus., maps., 39 x 61 cm . J M U John J. Hanbcrg, commissioner of public works John Ericson, city engineer Contents. -1. General elements. -II. Public service utilities. -III. Water supply analysis. High-pressure water systems. Report on valuation of physical property, including real estate and rights of way, of the South side elevated railroad company, Metropolitan west side elevated railroad company, Northwc stern elevated railroad company and Chicago & Oak park elevated railroad company... by Pro- fessor George F. Swain, upril 50,1912... cl912 3 19 p. M Report relating to trolley construction, underground conduit construction and subways... by Bion J. Arnold, July 2, 1906... cl906? 3 1 p. J., 9 p., fold. map. M P-C U (Arnold report, no. 9) Report upon methods for increasing the capacity and reducing the noise of the Union elevated railroad of Chicago... by Bion J. Arnold, March, 1905. rChicago, 1905 3 54 p., illus. J M P P-C D Arnold report no. 2 Reports on through routes and loops for the Chicago street railway com- panies, including exhibits A and C of ordinances. .. by Bion J. Arnold, Oct. and Nov. 1905... cl905 3 24, 23, 14 p. 5 fold. maps. Arnold reports no. 3, 4 and 5. J M P-C Reports relative to the construction of subways and lowering and recon- struction of La Salle and Washington streets tunnels... By George W. Jackson... c 1904 3 51 p. M P-C U Revised draft of an ordinance providing for a comprehensive municipal local transportation system. January 4, 1925. 24 p. M Schedules accompanying report on investigation, Chicago city railway co. , Southern street railway co., February 1,1907, to January 31, 1914... Barrow, Yfade, Guthrie & co. cChicago, 1915? a 2 1., 126 p. (pag- ing irregular), long 0. M P-C See also, above, Investigation of the books and records of Chicago city railway company. . . 82 CHICAG O, Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. Continued Standards no.l, specifications for structural design and track work. State street subway -route no.l. Advisory subway engineering commis- sion. . .Committee on local transportation. G.M.Wisner, chairman. R. F. Kelker, jr., chief engineer. August 1, 1950. c 1930d 18 p. M State street subway-route no.l. Prepared by the Committee on local transportation of the City council, Hon. Joseph B. McDonough. .. chair- man, and the Board of local improvements of the city of Chicago, Hon. M. J. Fahorty. . .president. November 21,1930. cl930 3 200 diagrs. Obi. F. M P-C Suggested outline of street railway franchise renewal ordinance, together with a discussion of some of the features thereof. Prepared. . .by the secretary, cGeorge C. SikcSa... 1901. 24 p. J M P-C U No title-page Suggested outline of work for the Committee. .. Submitted by the secretary. 1900. 22 p. M Summary of bills for legislation granting home rule to Chicago, Second special session, 55th General assembly... cSpringf ield, 111., Schnepp & Barnes, printers ? 1928. 10 p. P-C Joseph B. McDonough, chairman See Also BOARD OF SUPERVISING ENGINEERS, CHICAGO TRACTION See Also CITY CLERK. Sundry proposals and plans for the development of local transportation facilities... c1924d See a1so_ CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION See Also TRACTION VALUATION COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB-COMMITTEE ON CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY Ordinance authorizing the Chicago city railway company to maintain and operate a system of street railways in certain streets and public ways in the city of Chicago. November 14, 1903. 69 p. M Report of Sub-committee. .. of a tentative ordinance for the Chicago city railway company, with exhibits. cl903 3 Cover-title, c 2 3 , 71 p. William Mavor, chairman J P-C U Nov. 14, 1903. cl903 3 67 p. M CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB-COMMITTEE ON FORMA- TION OF TRACTION PLAN Draft of an ordinance authorizing the city of Chicago to acquire, con- struct and own... its municipal railway system. .. Prepared. .. June 26, 1922, by Stephen A. Foster, William H. Sexton, Jerome N. Frank. . . cl922= c3 a l., 32 1., nar. F. M P-C 83 CHICAGO , C ont inuc d CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE OK LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB-COMMITTEE ON FORMA- TION OF TRACTION PLAN, Continued Opinion and report on the use of the traction fund for the construction of subways by the city and legal obstacles in the way of immediate construction. Submitted. . .by William H. Sexton, Stephen A. Foster, cand:, Jerome N. Frank, attorneys for the sub-committee. Together with letter of introduction by Ulysses S. Schwartz... House of Sovoring- haus, d922 D Cover-title, c2 a , 28 p. J M p-C Opinion and report submitted. . .by William H. Sexton, Stephen a. Foster c&nda Jerome N. Frank. Feb. 1, 1922. c House of Sever inghaus, 1922a c7 3 p. H P-C M copy has 5 p. CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE 01! LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB -COMMITTEE ON INDETER- MINATE FRANCHISES cRcport on investigation of indeterminate franchises or terminal permits by a sub-committcca n.d. 6 p., mimco. M P-C Donald McKinlcy, chairman CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB-COMMITTEE ON MERGERS Recommendations for proposed merger ordinance for surface and elevated railway properties in the city of Chicago, based upon the February 11, 1907 ordinances. . .By Bion J. Arnold, March 6, 1913. c 1913 3 1 p.l.j 34 p. M P-C U Mr. Arnold was the representative of the Board of supervising en- gineers, Chicago traction - CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB-COMMITTEE ON REORGANI- ZATION Report... on the reorganization and consolidation of the Chicago rapid transit co., and the Surface lines companies in reference to letter of the Bankers' committee, dated March 6,1930. Signed James B. Bowler, Oscar Nelson, John Toman, Jacob Arbey. March 19, 1930. c 1930a 9 p., mimeo. M CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB-COMMITTEE ON SUBYIAYS Joint report... 1912. See HARBOR AND SUBWAY COMMISSION. Joint report... CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB-COMMITTEE ON TRACTION ORDINANCE Proceedings. . .to consider suggestions relative to the traction ordinance, Wednesday, December 4,1918, 2:30 o'clock. cl918 a 148 p., tpw. M CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB-COMMITTEE ON TRACTION SETTLEMENT Letter to Aid. E. L. Frankhauscr, and members of sub-committco on traction settlement giving financial plans for a unified transportation system in accordance with the principles adopted by your committee." (Continued) 84 CHICAGO , Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB-COMMITTEE ON TRACTION SETTLEMENT, Continued Letter to .ild. E. L. Frankhauscr. . .Continued Sept. 6, 1928. Unp., mimeo. M Signed: R. F. Kclkcr, jr. See Also, below, Statement of principles... Notes on the fundamentals of a traction settlement and remarks on the or- dinances of 1918 and 1925 with an abstract of the proposed ordinance of 1927. 1929. 54 p., mimeo. M Preliminary draft of an ordinance authorizing the Chicago traction co. to construct, maintain and operate a system of local transportation. . . together with oxhibits A, B, and C thereto attached and made a part thereof ... June 28, 1918. c 1918a 127 p. M July 18, 1918. M Aug. 1, 1918. Draft. M Statement of principles and outline of a financial plan, with draft of an ordinance for a unified transit system for Chicago Prepared under the direction of the Sub-committee. . .Aid. E. I. Frankhauscr, chairman. Approved with amendments September 22, 1928. c John F. Higgins, 1928=, ix, c4d, 95 p. J M P-C "Submitted to Sub-committee on Traction settlement September 6,1928, by R. F. Kclkcr, jr., engineer." See Also, above, Letter to Aid. E. I. Frankhauscr... CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB-COMMITTEE ON UNIFICA- TION OF SURFACE LINES. Report... 1913. Seo_ CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. Ordinance authorizing unified operation. . . CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON POLICE AND MUNICIPAL INSTITUTIONS Report... in re investigation of the administration and operation of the policemen's, firemen's c.nd municipal employes' pension funds, with constructive recommendations. 1925." 26 numb.l., 4 1., tpw. U Report .. .prepared on the authorization of the Committee. . .by J. L. Jacobs & co., December, 1924. cl925?3 115 p., mimeo. M On police pension funds CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC RECREATION AND ATHLETICS. annual report of municipal recreation c 1923/24 a Cover-title reads J Municipal recreation. Report of progress by the Committee. . . M 1923/24 P-C 1923/24 U 1923/24 CHICAGO, Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC RECREATION AND ATHLETICS, Continued Bathing beach development along the North shore. Report of a sub-committee ...Alderman T. 0. Wallace, chairman. Submitted to the City council July 15, 1924. Together with an ordinance fixing the boundary line between certain lands of the city of Chicago and Lincoln park; etc. Passed by the City council of the city of Chicago July 15,1924... c 1924:, 4 p. M P P-C CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC UTILITIES Proceedings. . .July 17, July 21, 1915. cl915 3 tpw. M CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON RAILWAY TERMINALS Analysis and digest of the reports... of Mr. John F. Wallace... See CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION. Analysis and digest of the reports... Analysis of Citizens' committee report and railway acceptances in connection with river straightening prepared for Committee... Dec. 1925. cl925 3 Various paging M In the matter of the rights of the city of Chicago with respect to streets and slips north of Randolph street and east of Michigan avenue; an opinion given to the Committee. . .by Walter L. Fisher, May 21,1919. c 1919 3 55 p. M An ordinance recommended for passage by the Committee. . .reported to the City council, Thursday, October 17, 1929. Amendment of the "Lake front development ordinance." cl929 3 30 p. M Position of the officers of the Chicago plan commission... 1913. See CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION. Position of the officers... Proceedings... May 12, 1913-Mar . 26, 1914. 7126 p., in 9 v., mimeo. M The railway passenger terminal problem at Chicago. Report to the... Com- mittee... Prepared by Edward J. Noonan. . . cl934 3 c5 3 1., cl23=>, illus. J M P P-C U Oscar F. Nelson, chairman Edward J. Noonan, consulting engineer The railway passenger terminal situation at Chicago. Report to the... Com- mittee... Oscar F. Nelson, chairman... Prepared by Edward J. Noonan... July 9, 1931. rPress of J. F. Higgins Printing co., 1931:, cQi, 38 p. 7 fold. maps. J M Recommendations for the West side terminal area... 1913. Sec CHICAGO PLAN COLLIISSION. Recommendations for the West side terminal "area. . . \ Report of ];r. John F. Wallace to the Committee. . . cBarnard oc Miller print, 1913 3 36 p. J M U Special report of Mr. John F. Wallace to the Committee. .. on conditions realtive to the proposod Union station company ordinance proposed by Mr. Bion J. Arnold and also on recommendations made by the officors of the Chicago plan commission, c Barnard. & Miller, print 3 1913. J M P-C CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON RAILFAY TERMINALS, Continued A statement by Charles H. Factor. . .1913. Sec CHICAGO PL^T COMMISSION. A statement by Charles II. Factor .. .1913 £o£ Also RAILFAY TERMINAL COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Proceedings... Dec . 14, 1911. . . cl911 3 62 p., tpw. M CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON REVENUE, COMPENSATION AND ELECTIONS Abstract of liconso, permit, inspection and scrvico fee ordinances in force in the city of Chicago. Published by the Committee... Comp. by G.Koohler ... ly^l. 1 1., iii, 78 numb.l., mimco . M U CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON REVISION OF ACCOUNTS. ...Letter transmitting report relating to system of municipal accounts for ...Chicago, the necessary ordinances, and other data... cl901 3 c2d, 63 p. J M p_c Report on the special assessment accounts of ...Chicago, October 9 1071 to April 30,1901. To. .. Committee. . . Haskins & Sells, certif icd'public accountants... cJ.F.Higgins, print. ,1903=, c 2 a , 3-40 p. j M U Report relating to system of municipal accounts f or ... Chicago. Dated Nov- ember 20,1901. To Hon.Carter if. Harrison, mayor, Hon.L.E.McGann, comp- troller, Hon.iTm.Liavor, chairman, Committee on finance. Committee on the revision of the accounts of the city of Chicago. Haskins & Sells, cer- tified public accountants... cN ew York? 1901, 1 p.l., 96 numb.l. (part fold.) J M P-C U Text runs parallel with back of book. __ Supplemental report relating to system of municipal accounts for Chicago. Ordinances. Dated Nov. 20, 1901 .. . Haskins & Sells, certif icd public accountants... cNew York?1901 3 1 p. 1. , 77 numb.l. J U Text runs parallel with back of book. CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON SCHOOLS, FIRE, POLICE AND CIVIL SERVICE. Recommendations for reorganization of the public school system of.. Chicago. Report of an investigation by the Committee... Testimony of educational experts who appeared before the committee. Concurred in ?. ° Cx tLlT nCil o Doccmbcr 7 ' 1917 <1.0.1916 3 cBarnard & Miller, printers, 1916?, 2 p.l., 83, d 3 p . j M P _ c Thomas J. Lynch, chairman Report on the proposed rehabilitation and reconstruction of police stations oi...0hicago prepared. a sub-committoo. . . d9l4 3 12 p. J M P-C Report on the question of a reorganization of the Department of police. (Deferred and pub. November 25, 1912, p. 2416-2433 of the Journal of bindSri912^ lot ^^ C Tu ] '-' '"■ B «*"- ***« «* o / CHICAGO, Continued CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON STREET NOMENCLATURE Report... on a general system of street nomenclature... cDrovcrs journal press 3 1912. 115 p. J 1.1 P-C Jacob A. Hey, chairman Report on proposed change of house numbering system... cl907 3 Sec BUREAU OF HAPS AND PLATS. Report on proposed change... CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON STREETS AND ALLEYS Report of European trip... July-August, 1922. Submitted to the City coun- cil. .. October 4,1922... cPrcss of J. F. Higgins, 1922:, 15, clap. John Toman, chairman J M P-C Includes also a brief account of the streets of Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Munich, Frankfort on the I.Iain, Cologne, Paris, London, etc. CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON TRACK ELEVATION. Elevation or depression of railroad tracks. n.d. 2 p., tpw. 1,1 CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PUBLIC SAFETY In 1928 this Committee vfas called the Committee on traffic regu- lations and public safety The greater Chicago traffic area. A preliminary report on the major traf- fic parts of... Chicago and the surrounding region. Prepared for the Illinois commission on future road program... 1932. 35 p. John A. Lias son, chairman M P-C I'd Her HcClintock, consultant A limited way plan for the greater Chicago traffic area. A physical and fiscal program for the limited way construction in the city. . .and. . . surrounding regions... 1933. 103 p. P-C John A. Mas sen, chairman Miller I.IcClintock, consultant Limited ways for the greater Chicago area; a report prepared for the Illinois commission on future road program by the Committee... John A. Mass on, chairman. Consultant :Miller I.IcClintock. 1932. c2 D ,5-57 p. illus. (incl.maps) J M U Uniform traffic code for the city of Chicago... 1932. 60 p. J CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PUBLIC SAFETY SUB-COMMITTEE ON TITO-LEVEL STREETS AND SEPARATED GRADES A memorandum and preliminary report with reference to elevated through highways for the Chicago metropolitan area... 1928. cl6 D p., illus. J M P-C U J. A. Lias sen, chairman A further preliminary report... May, 1929. c7 3 p. 2 fold. maps. J U P-C U 88 CHIC AGO , Continued CITY COUNCIL. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP COMMITTEE Report... John F. Higgins, 1903. 31 p. M CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTIONAL PROPOSALS. Proposed article of the new constitution for Illinois to be entitled "City of Chicago" to be submitted to the Constitutional convention, Report... unanimously adopted by the City council. .. January 5,1920... c 1920 ( _ 15 p. J M P-C John H. Lylc, chairman Rcvisod draft of a proposed article of the new constitution for Illinois to be entitled "City of Chicago' to be submitted to the Constitutional convention. Report... cl920 3 7 p. J H John H.Lylo, chairman Tentative propositions affecting the city of Chicago to be proscntcd to the Constitutional convention. Preliminary report... Submitted to the City council Dec. 1, 1919. . . c1919d 15 p. J John H.Lylo, chairman CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON KZHIBIT Catalogue of exhibits of twenty-three departments. . .at the International municipal congress. . .Sept. 18-30, 1911. Caption titlo, 8 p. P-C CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATION OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT Proceedings, April 24,1924, to December 17,1924. d924 3 tpw. M CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. Report... to the City council. . .outlining the provisions of a street railway franchise renewal ordinance. Dec. 16, 1901. . . c1901d J P-C U CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON NEW CONSTITUTION Report. .. outlining reasons for opposing the proposed new constitution for the state of Illinois; to be voted upon at a special election to be held on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1922. c 1922s 4 p. P-C CITY COUNCIL. SPECIaL COMMITTEE ON RENTS Proceedings. .. in ro Hool realty co., Friday, Feb. 13, 1920, 10:30 o'clock A.M. d920 3 18 p., tpw. M Proceedings. . .M nday, March 1,1920, 10:00 o'clock A.M. In re complaints against Hendricks & Lulcen. cl920 3 36 p., tpw. M Proceedings. . .Saturday, Feb. 21, 1920, 2:00 o'clock P.M. In re complaints against Hendricks & Lukcn. cl920a 27 p., tpw. M CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON STREET NOMENCLATURE Report of the Commissioner of public works... cl886 3 See DEPaRTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Report of tho Commissioner... Report. . .presented to the City council, Nov. 18, 1889. J.F.IIiggins, successor to M. B.Kenny, printer, 1889. 110 p. J 89 CHICA GO, Continued CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON STREET RAILWAY FRANCHISES aND OPERATIONS Report... on the street railway franchises and operations of the Chicago city railway company, the North Chicago city railway company, the North Chicago street railroad company. .. e etc. a to January 1,1898. March 28,1898... J.F. Higgins, 1898. 2 p.l., iv, c5 3 -313 p. fold. map. J H P P-C U Folded map in pocket Special committee, appointed October 18,1897: John Haynard Harlan, William S. Jackson, -idolphus W. ijaltby, William T. Maypole. Carter H. Harrison, mayor and chairman ex-officio. CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON TELEPHONE RATES Report... Presented to the city council. . .March 2,1903. cl903^ 19 p. M CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE SOCIAL EVIL preliminary report... 1913. 4 p. J Testimony and addresses on segregation and commercialized vice presented before the City council's committee of nine appointed by mayor Harrison to consider and report on the subject... 1912. no. 1-2. Title from University of Illinois library. CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. Report con the city's affairs^ ... submitted to the City council of the city of Chicago, Monday, March 7,1904. J.F. Higgins, printer, d904:> 21 p. J CITY ELECTRICIAN. Sec- DEPARTMENT OF GaS AND ELECTRICITY CITY ENGINEER. See BUREAU OF ENGINEERING CITY MARSHALL Report... 1875. See_ POLICE DEPARTMENT. Report*.. CITY TREASURER .. ...nnual report. . . 1900-1932 J 1900, 1909-31 M 1900, 1909-22 P-C 1900-32 U 1900, 1910-31 See also COMPTROLLER ' S OFFICE. „nnual report ...First report on fund operating system. Prepared by Andrew J. Quiglcy. . . c 19163 c5 3 , 152 1., tpw. M CITY WASTE COMMISSION Appointed by the Mayor, under resolution adopted by the council on July 28,1913 ,„ .. . J (Continued) 90 CHIC AGO, Continued CITY WASTE COMMISSION, Continued Proceedings of a meeting. . .regarding the disposal of the city's garbage Feb. 6, 1913. cl913 3 tpw. M Due. 11, 1913. cl913 3 M Dec. 16, 1913. d913^ M Report... cpross of Barnard & Liiller^, 1914. Cover-title, c 4 3 , ii, c 7 3 -69 p., illus. J M P-C U Willis 0. Nance, chairman Report on collection and disposal of refuse. . .made to Chicago city waste commission by Irwin S. Osborn. . . John T. Fethcrston. . . 1914. c 2o, 3, 136 p., tpw. M P-C CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Alphabetical list of positions in the service of the city c with classifi- cations and salaries^ 1932. 55 p., mimeo. II Annual report. . . 1-31, 1895-1925 ;.ftor 1901 usually appeared in two forms. The full form, running from 321 to 718 pages, includes the Minutes of the Commission. The short form, without Minutes, runs from 78 to 160 pages in length. J (with minutes) 2-6,1896-1900; 8-16,1902-10; 18-21,1912-15; 25-26,1919-20 (without minutes) 7,1901; 22-24,1916-18; 26,1920; 31,1925. M 2-31,1896-1925 P- 1,1895; 4-16,1898-1910; 18,1912 P-C (with minutes) 1-14,1895-1908; 16-21,1910-15; 23,1917; 25-26,1919-20; 31,1925. (without minutes) 7,1901; 11,1905; 15,1909; 22,1916; 24,1918; 31,1925. U (with minutes) 1-19,1895-1913 (without minutes) 13,1907; 15,1909; 20-26,1914; 31,1925. Book of instruction to applicants for positions in the fire department. Issued Sept. 1913. cl913s 19 p. M Issued March, 1916. c 1916 3 20 p. M ...Book of instructions for applicants for thu positions of deputy clerks and deputy bailiffs of the Municipal court of Chicago. d90-? 3 81 p, Ii U ...Book of instructions for applicants of th>j position of patrolman in the Department of police... cChicago newspaper unions n.d. 32 p. M P-C cl913 3 64 p. 1.1 Civil Service, examinations." cFile of examinations 3 J and II have files of specimen examinations. 91 CHICAGO, Continued CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, Continued Civil service laws and rules ... 1895-1925 Title varies J 1895, 1920, 1925 M 1895, 1920, 1925 P 1895 ?-C 1902, 1909, 1925 U 1895, 1902, 1905, 1920, 1925 Civil service record. 1-14, ~ug. 15, 1915- Mar.. 2. , 1916. Preceded by Official bulletin. . . Which See Below. U 1-14, Aug.l5,1915-Har.2,1916 Civil service text book... 1910-11, 1911-12 J 1910-11, 1911-12 M 1910-11, 1911-12 P 1910-11 P-C 1910-11, 1911-12 U 1910-11 Classified civil service, city of Chicago. 1920. 1 sheet (blue print) U Final report, police investigation. Inquiry conducted by authority of his honor, Carter H. Harrison, mayor, Sept. 5, 1911, to March 7,1912. Details of vice investigation - departmental analysis - reorganization plan - conclusions and recommendations,.. ^Western newspaper union press, 1912 3 54 p. J I.I P-C U Findings of ^.llcn, Ross & Sullivan, constituting trial board. . .to investi- gate charges... in relation to certain alleged defective pavements laid... 1916. Liar. 28, 1917. c 1917^ 8 p. M ...Instructions to applicants and specimens of examination questions. 1898. 128 p. J Instructions to applicants for positions in the classified service. In effect August 26,1895. 1895. 16 p. J Manual and general information... F. Klein co., printers, 1932. 24 p. J M P-C U Memorandum of casos to come up before the Police trial board of the Civil service commission during the year 1925. n.d. 368 p. M Official bulletin. . . 1, no. 1-5, no. 36, Doc . 1, 1910-Aug. 3, 1915. Broadside Weekly. No moru published; succeeded by the Civil servico record, Which Sec Above . J" Dcc.l,1910-,.ug.3,1915 P-C 1-4, Doc.l,1910-Mov.24,1914 Preliminary report. . .PolilSe investigation- Western newspaper union press, i911 3 _ 44 p. J M P-C U Dated: December 7,1911. 92 CHICAGO, Continued CIVIL SERVICE COi.LIISSION, Continued Proposed civil service rule 1, reclassifying the public service... Barnard & Miller, 1917. 26 p. J M Rates on compensation for city positions. . .prcparod and adopted by the City council. c 1922? 3 11 p. LI P-C Special report... on the compensation and expenditures and conduct and actions of the appointees of the City council committee on crime. . . Cook county civil service reform league, 1915 3 47, c la p. P-C copy has 51 p. J M P-C Summary of classes, grades, titles & total and average compensation. . . position in the clerical service. Class C... 1912. 2 charts J CIVIL SERVICE COI.LIISSION. EFFICIENCY DIVISION Analysis of employment and charts showing departmental organizations and distribution of employes, city of Chicago, March, 1913. Outline report of work of the Efficiency division, Civil service commission, 1909-1912 ... cV'estern newspaper union, 1913o 99 p. M P-C Harmon li. Campbell, president of Commission Charts of organization of all departments of the city of Chicago ... Showing lines of authority and responsibility, titles, classification, grades, number and salaries of positions... 1910-1912 Cover -title Title varies Printed on only one side of the page J 1910-11 II 1911-12 P-C 1911-12 U 1910-11 Inspection service of city of Chicago. "Appendix A," attached to communica- tion from Hon. Eugene R. Pike, city comptroller, submitted to the City council. Jan. 24, 1916. 1916. 6 p. J M P-C Investigation of methods, conditions and basis of compensating engineers and janitors in the service of the Chicago Board of education. . . 1913 27 p. I! Report on appropriations and expenditures, Bureau of streets... Inquiry conducted at request of the Committee on finance of the City council and the Special commission regarding v/ard appropriations, July 15,1912- November 15,1912. Uniform standards and percentages for ward estimates and appropriations... cWcstern newspaper union, 1912a 64 p. J P-C U Report on the budget of educational estimates and expenditures, Board of education... Educational budget... February 27,1914, to April 8, 1914... c J.F.Higgins, printer and binder, 1914 3 42, 42a-k, 43-95, 101-558 p. J P-C U 93 CHICAGO, Continued CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. EFFICIENCY DIVISION, Continued Report on the Department of buildings. .. Inquiry conducted at request of Mr. Henry Ericsson, commissioner of buildings, December 28,1911, to Hay 6,1912. Conditions, methods and systems in use - organization - conclusions and recommendations... c1912p 59 p. J M P-C U Report on the investigation of engineer and janitor service, Board of education. . . Inquiry conducted at the roquest of the Board of educa- tion, Hay 1,1913 to September 5,1913... cH. G.Adair, 1913d 71 p. J 1.1 P-C U Efficiency divisions James Miles, J.L.Jacobs Report on the investigation of prison labor and management, House of cor- rection. .. Inquiry conducted at the roquest of the Committee on finance, December 11,1913 to March 24,1914. Statutory provisions, organization, management, record system, inmates and prisoners, contract labor, ex- tension of industries, present industries, conclusions and recommenda- tions... c1914d 66 p., illus. J M P-C U Reports on the budget of educational estimates and expenditures, Board of education... Educational budget... February 27,1914, to May 2,1914... c J.F.Higgins, printer and binder, 1914a 49 p. J M P-C Efficiency division: James Miles, J.L.Jacobs. Reports on the Bureau of streets... Investigations conducted at the order of the City council and at the request of the Commissioner of public works, April 21, 1913-Octobcr 15,1913. Methods, systems, standards and schedules of service - bases of estimates and appropriations - adminis- trative questions, organization of the Bureau of streets and of other departments having similar activities... cl913o 113 p., illus. J M P-C U Cover-title: Reports by the Commissioner of public works and civil service commission, city of Chicago-1913. Bureau of streets in- vestigation. Reports on the Department of electricity... Inquiries conducted at re- quest of Mr. Ray Palmer, city electrician, May 24 to November 29,1912. Conditions, methods and systems in use and organization of the Depart- ment of electricity... cBarnard and Miller, 1913 3 1 p.l., ii,40 p. J M P-C U Efficiency division^ James Miles, J.L.Jacobs. Reports on the investigation into organization and administration, Depart- ment of health. . .Inquiry conducted at the roquest of Dr. George B. Young, commissioner of health, May 26,1914, to April 19,1915. Statutory and ordinance provisions, organization, administration, methods of pro- cedure, equipment, conditions, records and systems - conclusions and recommendations... cW. J.Hartman co., printers, 1915 3 160 p., illus. J H P-C U CIVIL SERVICE COMIITTEE Set up by CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION to study reclassification. Report... on reclassification of the clorical scrvico. May 15,1932. cl932 3 10 p., tpw. M 94 CHICAGO, Continued COMMISSION ON BATHING BEACHES Report of investigation of bathing beaches. . .September 1913... C1913 3 25 p. , illus. M COMMISSION ON CALUMET SEWERAGE. Sco, under the heading, SANITARY DISTRICT, COMMISSION ON CALUMET SEWERAGE. COMMISSION ON CITY EXPENDITURES Bureau of streets, Civil service commission and special assessment; ac- counting system of the city of Chicago, reports submitted to the Chicago commission on city expenditures, pub. by the Chicago bureau of public efficiency, December, 1911. el911 3 112 p. J P U Buroau of streets, report of Richard T. Fox; the Civil service com- mission, report of Russell Whitman and others; special assessment accounting system, report of T.W.Bctak. Preliminary report on Southwest land and lake tunnel system. cJ.F. Higgins print 3 1910. 43 p. J M P-C U Signed: A. J. Hammond, consulting engineer Preliminary report on street paving. = John F. Higgins prints 1910. 34 p. Signed: S.Whitney, consulting engineer. J M P-C Preliminary report on the Building department. 1910. 23 p. C.E.Merriam, chairman J M P-C U Preliminary report on the Business agent's office... 1910. 16 p. C.E.Merriam, chairman J M P-C U Preliminary report on the Department of electricity. 1910. 39, cb p., illus. (map) J M P-C U C.E.Merriam, chairman Preliminary report on the Division of bridges and harbor, Department of public works. 1910. 32 p., illus. J M P-C U C.E.Merriam, chairman 'Report of W.W.Curtis, expert bridge engineer": p. 21-32 Preliminary report on the Fire department... c J. F. Higgins, prints 1910. 53 p. J P-C U C.E.Merriam, chairman Preliminary report on the House of correction. 1910. 40 p. C.E.Merriam, chairman J M P-C U Preliminary report on the McGovcrn street repair contract of 1908. 1910. 31 p. J M P-C U C.E.Merriam, chairman Preliminary report on the Police Department. 1910. 18 p. C.E.Merriam, chairman J M P-C U CHI CAGO , continued COMMISSION ON CITY EXPENDITURES, Continued Preliminary report... on the purchase of castings from the Cummings foundry company by the business agent on requisitions from the Department of public works. 1907-1909. c 1910a 19 p. J M P-C U C.E.Morriam, chairman Preliminary reports on the purchase of lumber, budget making, Lawrence avenue sewer, Bureau of sowers, City clerk's offico, purchaso of coal. 1910. 90 p. J M P-C U C.E.Mcrriam, chairman ...Report of proceedings... Nov. 1, 1909-0ct . 14, 1910. C.E.Morriam, chairman Typewritten M Nov.l,1909-0ct.l4,1910 (In 9 v. ) U Nov.l0,1909-0ct.l4,1910 (in 6 v. ) The water works system of the city of Chicago; report of Dabney H. Maury to the Chicago commission on city expenditures, pub. by the Chicago bureau of public efficiency, December, 1911. c J. F.Higgins, printer , 1911^ 52 p. J M P U cChicago bureau of public efficiency. Publications, 9 a COMMISSION ON DOWNTOWN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT Canal street utility gallery... cBarnard & Miller, printers, 1916a c2 3 , 5, da p. J M P-C William J. Healy, chairman Progress report and recommendations. 1915. 5 p. J M P-C Progress report to the Commission. .. on relief for sub-surface congestion in the downtown Chicago streets. Alvord & Burdick, engineers... cDrovers journal prcssa 1914. 58 p., 11., illus. J M P-C U Appendix: A. Report of European practice in the accommodation of utility pipes and conduits cby L.A.Dumonda M copy is typewritten and has 10 7 p. Public utility galleries and sewerage systems of Europe. Report of Aid. Wm. J. Healy, chairman of Commission... Scptembor , 1914. c 1914a 24 p. J P-C U Report of work. . . March 21,1917. c 1917a 12 p., tpw. M COMMISSION ON HIGH PRESSURE WATER SYSTEMS Report... 1903-1905. c J. F.Higgins, 1905? 3 95 p., illus. Submitted by Honore Palmer, chairman. J M P-C U "Report... by the secretary, Herman B.Soely, consulting fire protec- tion engineer": p.cl5a-49. "Ordinanco instituting high pressure water systems for fire protec- tion only - July 20,1903": p. 7-9. 96 CHICAG O, Continued COMMISSION ON HIGH PRESSURE WATER SYSTEMS, Continued Report in answer to Advisory board of experts of 1902 to the Commission on high pressure water systems for the city of Chicago, appointed by the mayor, Carter H. Harrison, from Geo. W. Jackson... d904 3 16 p. fold. map. M U Report on a high pressure water system to the Commission... By Geo. W.Jack- son, engineer. 1904. 26, c 2 3 p., illus. M U COMMISSION ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION ...Preliminary draft of proposed enabling legislation providing for the creation of transportation districts to be managed by trustees elected by the voters thereof, to own and operate street railway systems at a 5-cent fare. n.d. 14 p. M Report... cprinted in the house of Severinghaus, 1921;, Cover-title, 51 p. J M P-C U Samuel A. Ettelson, chairman Report on matters incident to obtaining improved local transporta- tion facilities for the people of the city of Chicago at a perman- ent five-cent fare through the creation of a public body clothed with power to own, control and operate a system of local trans- portation in a district embracing the city of Chicago and such portions of adjoining cities, villages and towns as logically form a part of the metropolitan district of Chicago. COMMISSION ON THE CHICAGO RIVER Report. . .submitted December 11,1899. c 1899? 3 Cover-title, 10 p. J P-C U COMMISSION ON UNEMPLOYMENT . See MAYOR'S COMMISSION ON UNEMPLOYMENT COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH. See DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH COMMITTEE ON BRIDGE CLEARANCE AND BARGE TERMINALS Waterway developments, barge terminals and bridge clearances, a report prepared. . .for submission to the Sub-committee on bridge clearances... of the Committee on harbors, wharves and bridges... 1933. 91 p., illus., fold. maps. P-C Planographed COMMITTEE ON IROQUOIS FIRE cReport to Mayor, and testimony taken 3 c1904d 159 p. U Dated Jan. 8, 1904 Report signed by Committers of Builders' club, Chicago architects' business association, Builders exchange, Mason builders' associa- tion, and Illinois chapter of American institute of architects. COMMITTEE ON NEW COUNTY JAIL AND CRIMINAL COURT BUILDING. See, under heading, Cook County , COMMITTEE ON NEW COUNTY JAIL AND CRIMINAL COURT BUILDING 97 CHICA GO , C ont i nu e d COMMITTEE ON PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND BEACHES Annual report... 1916. Seo SPECIAL PARK COMMISSION. Annual report... COMMITTEE ON STATISTICS The necessity of a ship-canal between the East and the West. Report... submitted to the National convention, assombled at Chicago, Juno 2, 1863. Tribune company's book and job printing office, 1863. 45 p. Signed: J. W. Foster, chairman. .. cand others 3 J P COMMITTEE ON THE NEED OF IMPROVED POSTAL FACILITIES Why Chicago needs a new post office; report, March 2,1925. cl925 3 plans, tab. M COMMON COUNCIL Proceedings... See CITY COUNCIL. Journal of the proceedings... Rules and order of business. . .adopted. . .April 13,1857. cl857 3 7 p. J COMMON COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Annual financial statement of the city of Chicago, for the municipal year... 1851/52-18.55/56. . " ' " Rcpdr't.y5ar ends in Feb. Later reports made by the City comptroller and the Department of finance *. bT 1851/52-55/56 COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE Abstract of receipts, appropriations and expenditures 1900. U 1900 annual report. . . 3-75, 1859/60-1931 18-? - 1875 have title: City comptroller's annual statement; 1875-1901, Annual statement of the financos of the city of Chicago; 1902-09, Annual report.... Bindor's title: Comptroller's annual report. At head of title: Department of finance Fiscal year ends Apr . 1,1858-1875; Dec. 31, 1875-1931. 19, 1875 covers period Apr.l to Dec. 31, 1875. 1878 is in the Report of tho Dopt. of public works. M 20-21, 1876-77; 25-75, 1881-1931. P-C 3, 1859/60; 7, 1863/64; 15-38, 1871/72-1894; 40-75, 1896-1931. U 21-22, 1877-78; 25-27, 1881-83; 33-34, 1889-90; 36-75, 1892- 1931. Annual statement of the finances of tho city... 24-40, 1880-1896. In Annual reports of tho various departments. .. c 1880-1896;, Each statement has separate pagination. 98 CHIC AGO , C ont inue d COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, Continued Bonded debt of Chicago. 1899-1900. M 1900 U 1899 Chart showing the portion of the taxpayer's dollar spent "by various taxing bodies in Chicago during the years 1919 to 1927, incl. Also showing how these portions have increased or decreased since 1919. Prepared by V.S.Patterson. . .Hay 14,1928. cl928 3 1 sheet, map. M Chicago finances. Reports of Comptroller... 1876. See CITY COUNCIL, Chicago finances... City of Chicago departmental and comptroller's estimates - water fund and vehicle tax for the year 1925. c 1925 3 tab. M 1930. d930 3 M City of Chicago special assessment improvement bonds. Outstanding Dec. 31, 1899. n.d. 9 p. M ...Communication in re finances of the city of Chicago. c 1931a d5 3 p. At head of title: Chicago, June 24,1931. M P-C Letter to banks signed by mayor and comptroller. The cost of local government. c 1916a c2 3 p. P-C Departmental and Comptroller's estimates. .. 1887-1934 Cover -title Title varies J 1901,1912-19, 1922-29, 1931-32 M 1894, 1896-1934 P-C 1887-89 U 1903-04, 1911, 1913, 1915-19, 1925 Distribution of the bonded debt of,.. Chicago according to various purposes and the interest rate for the year ending Dec. 31, 1913. n.d. 4 p., tpw. 1.1 Financial summary for the fiscal year ending Dec. 31. .. 1913-1920. Cover title, 1918-20: Report of the Comptroller, city of Chicago. M 1913-20 P-C 1913, 1918-20 Reprint of part of Annual report. • .Which Soo. Inspection service of city of Chicago.. . dSlO? -9ve CIVIL SERVICE COM- MISSION. EFFICIENCY DIVISION. Inspection service... Instructions as to preparation of departmental estimates t . .budget of 1915. n.d. 1 p. M ...Pay rolls... June 1900 - May 1915 J Dec.'1906, Dec. 1911, May 1913 M June, Sept. 1900, Nov. 1901, Dec. 1903, Dec. 1906, Dec. 1911, May 1913, May 1915 P Sept. 1900, Dec. 1911, May 1913, May 1914, May 1915 U Sept. 1900, Dec. 1903, May 1913. 9? CHICAGO , Continued COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, Continued Report of S. S. Hayes... on the power of the city to borrow money. Septem- ber 6, 1875. S.Thompson & co., printers, 1875. 21 p. J P-C The report on Chicago telephone co. rate revision, 1918. Eugene R. Pike, city comptroller; Harry G. Westphaln, certified public accountant; Edward W. Bemis, consulting engineer. 1919. tables. H Report... on cost of telephone service by Chicago telephone company for year ending March 31, 1910... by D.C and William B. Jackson and Arthur Young and co. cl910 3 c la, 102-139 p. J P-C Reprinted from Journal of the proceedings of the City council, May 9, 1910, p. 102-139. Report... on the investigation of the Commonwealth edison company. 1913. See DEPARTMENT OF GAS AND ELECTRICITY. Report to the Committee on gas, oil and electric light... ...Schedule of commodities, services, benefits and claims, alphabetically listed and classified to conform with standard accounts. September, 1910. c 1910 D 79 p. M P-C U 1916. Cover-title, 210 p, J M For later editions, Se_e COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. DIVISION OF STATIS- TICS. A summary of the financial condition of the city of Chicago. Prepared by the City comptroller for Mayor Wm» Hale Thompson and the City council, May 2,1927. cThe Rogerson press, 1927 D Cover-title, c7, p. M The truth in relation to the city finances; report of Yfai. K. Ackerman, comp- troller, on the condition of the city treasury, made to the Finance committee, October 26, 1894. 1894. Title from Newberry library. Your 1928, 1929 and 1930 taxes; read about them, this will interest you. d932 3 7 p. M P-C COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. DIVISION OF STATISTICS ...Classification of accounts and commodity code... 1926. cThe F. J. Ringley co., printers, 1926;, Cover-title, 127, c la p. M 1931. 76 p . M p_c ...Manual of classification; revenue and expenditure accounts, department numbers and commodity code... 1918. Cover-title, 195 p. J 1.1 P-C COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. EFFICIENCY DIVISION Communication of the comptroller .. .to the mayor and City council concerning the conditions and resources of the corporate fund. December 25,1918. cMacDonald-Kaitchuck printing company, 1919? 3 Cover-title, 52 p. (Continued) J M P-C l T 100 CHICAGO , Continued COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. EFFICIENCY DIVISION, Continued Communication of the comptroller ... Continued "Comparative analytical report to the comptroller ... on corporate fund financial matters. Prepared by Efficiency division...": p. d3 3 -52. Report... on a proposed centralized and consolidated purchasing organization for city of Chicago. November 1917. cl917 D 70 p., mimeo. blue- prints. M Report... on a proposed reorganization of the Bureau of sanitary inspection, department of health. Nov. 28, 1917. c1917d 70 p., mimeo. blue- prints. M CORPORATION COUNSEL Address by... Samuel A. Ettleson, at a hearing on the Bacharach bill... Hay 2 3,1922. cl922 3 40 p. 11 Annual report... Sec LAW DEPARTMENT. Annual report... Answer of Edward J. Brundage... to the report of the Citizens' association, published January 30,1911. cl911 3 15 p. M Bill for non-partisan elections for municipal offices. Transmitted to the City council by Carter H. Harrison, mayor, on February 6,1913. Con- curred in by City council, March 31,1913. c 1913d 24 p. M Prepared by the Corporation council Communication dated February 16,1927... See DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Communication, dated February 16,1927... Communication of Samuel A. Ettelson. . . to the City council in response to its order of November 18,1918, relating to gas matters... December 2, 1918. c 1918a 8 p. M Draft of an ordinance for the grant of a terminable permit for the operation of a system of street surface transportation. . . Prepared in accordance with the directions and under the authority of the Committee on local transportation of the City council... by the office of the corporation counsel. Submitted April 16,1926. cPrcss of J.F.Higgins,1926 3 145 p. LI P-C U Francis X. Busch, corporation counsel Draft of an ordinance for the grant of a terminable permit to the Chicago rapid transit company for the operation of a system of elevated railways for rapid transit... Prepared in accordance with the directions and under the authority of the Committee on local transportation of the City council... by the office of the corporation counsel. Submitted J u nc,1926. cPress of J.F.Higgins, 1926 3 119 p. M P-C Duplicate rail system; opinion on the frontage law for the Street railway commission... Charles M. Walker, corporation counsel. . .Sept . 17, 1900. c 1900^ 13 p. M 101 CHICAGO , Continued CORPORATION COUNSEL, Continued Final report of Charles S. Thornton. . .April 5,1899. d899 1 p 1 17 p. J i.i u House bill 555; why the city of Chicago asks the passage of this bill ,1921?. 14 p. M Legal status of the Chicago, North shore and Milwaukee railroad in reference to the operation of its trains in the city of Chicago. Opinion of the Corporation counsel. .. submitted to the City council November 21 1923 Francis X. Busch, corporation counsel, C.Morton Doty, assistant'eorpor- ation counsel; Stephen A. Foster, Wm. H. Sexton, William H. Holly Jerome N. Frank, counsel for Local transportation committee Il923. Cover-title, 20 p. J m P-C Letter... to Committee on health in re - recommendations on Vice commission containing draft of proposed ordinances and comment on various recom- mendations. Letter no. one. Barnard & Miller cl914o Cover-title 8 p. J M P-C Letter to Hon. W. 0. Nance, November 20, 1913, giving an opinion as to the validity of an ordinance prohibiting distribution of handbills et al. c!913:> 4 p., tpw. u Opinion from the city Law department, advising the Committee on gas, oil and electric light of the City council. . .upon certain questions con- nected with the municipal regulation of rates for supplying electri- city. July 18,1912. =1912= 4 p. M Opinion in regard to a canvass of the votes recently cast for mayor. 1876. i first assistant corporation ^^harb^r P ^° P ° Sed ^dinance considered by Committee of City council ^ SecemCr flTsTl *» d brid ^ s ' "- 23,1911. Ratifying contract ? , !, 11>19H, between South park commissioners and Illinois central m tHT " W ° rdinance Prepared by corporation counsel and transmitted to the committee with said opinion. 1912. Cover-title £1 p. J H P-C ' Wm. H. Sexton, corporation counsel 102 CHICAGO, Continued CORPORATION COUNSEL, Continued Opinion on the application of the receiver of the Union traction co. to F.W.Blocki. . .for the issuance of permits for the installation of elec- tric appliances for an overhead trolley system over certain cable tracks. c 1903 3 31 p. J Opinion. power of Health department to prevent pollution of water in harbor caused by dumping of waste by park boards under federal permits. Sept. 21, 1924. cl924 3 3 p., mimeo. II Opinion... to the Hon. Jos. B. McDonough on enabling bills before the Local transportation committee on Chicago transportation. Dec. 28, 1927. rl927 D 7 p., mimeo. M Opinions for the committee of Chicago city council on harbors, wharves and bridges, December 14,1909, October 16,1909, Edward H. Cassels, counsel, n.d. Cover-title, 50 p. M P-C c4: c5: c6: c7: 356 p. 1925 1911 1911 1305 p. cl914 3 1101 p. cl914n 451 p. <1915 3 1118 p. cl923a 988 p. cl923 3 920 p. cl923?^ 896 p. cl925 3 780 p. cl925 3 29 4 v. 1926-29 Opinions of the corporation counsel and assistants from Jan. 1872-Apr . 15, 1929. cl 3 Jan. 18 72 -March 1897 381 p. 1897 c2 3 Apr.5,1879-Apr.l0,1905 1325 p. d905 3 c3d Apr. 10, 1905 -Apr. 15, 190 7 Apr. 15, 1907-Dec. 31, 1908 Dec, 31, 1908-Apr . 1, 1911 Apr.l,1911-Dec.31,1912 Jan. 1,1913 -Oct. 5, 1914 c8s 0ct.6,1914-Apr.25,1915 c9 3 Hay 1,1915- June 30,1916 cIOd July l,1916-Dec.31,1919 cll 3 Jan.l,1920-Apr.l5,1923 cl2^ Apr.l6,1923-Apr.l5,1924 c13d Apr.l6,1924-Apr.l5,1925 14-17 Apr.l6,1925-Apr.l5,1929 J c 1 a , c6— 8 3 , c12-13d M =1-13= P-C cl-3 3 , c6 3 -17 U cl-2a, c6a General index to opinions of the corporation counsel and assistants from Jan. 1,1872 to April 15,1925. 1926. 359 p. LI P-C Outstanding features and salient provisions of An ordinance providing for a comprehensive municipal local transportation system. Passed by the City council of Chicago, February 27,1925. Prepared by Francis X.Busch ... c James T. Igoe company, 1925;, 12 p. J P-C U Outstanding features and salient provisions of An ordinance providing for a comprehensive municipal local transportation system recommended to the City council, Feb. 11, 1925, by the Committee on local transportation. Prepared by Francis X.Busch. . . 1925. 12 p. maps. M 103 CHICAGO . Continued CORPORATION COUNSEL, Continued The people ex rel. the Cort theatre company, appelee, vs. William H. Thompson, uavor, et al., appellants... e 1918o 15 •> P-C Opinion filed February 20, 1918 "With the compliments of .. .Corporation counsel." "Provisions of the new Chicago franchise, 1 ' by Allan T. Gilbert, spec. asst. corporation counsel, assigned to the Committee on local transpor- tation. March 12, 1931. cl931a 12 p. M Report of Assistant corporation counsel Haft on the removal of Board of supervising engineers .. .from office. May 11, 1914. 1914 M Report of the Assistant corporation counsel on legislative matters at Springfield iay 24,1915. c 1915 n 21 p., tpw. M Statement of Samuel A. Ettelson. , .to a committee of the city of Chicago m reference to the gas rate litigation. May 9,1918. cl9183 21 p. Statement on "Chicago's bonding bills" by Samuel A. Ettelson. , .pending in the 1927 session of the Illinois legislature. n.d. 13 p. M Vital considerations relating to terminable permits and proposed Illinois legislation, by Francis X. Busch...and C. Morton Doty... c Press of J. *. Higgins, 1926?3 112 p. j. M p-c See Also LAW DEPARTMENT COURT OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS. See MUNICIPAL COURT. COURT OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS CRANE JUNIOR COLLEGE Bulletin. . . Title varies: 1920-1921, A circular of information concerning Crane junior college... J 1920-21, 1923 P-C Mar. 1927, Sept. 1929, Summer 1931 Catalog of... municipal college of Chicago, maintained by the Board of education... 1930. 44 p. P-C A circular of information... 1919-1930 J 1919 P-C 1929-30 CRIME COMMISSION. See_ CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON CRIME DEPARTMENT FOR INSPECTION OF STEAM BOILERS, STEJU AND COOLING PLANTS Annual report for the fiscal year ending Dec. 31... 1916-1930 M 1916-23, 1930 104 CHICAGO, Continued DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS Annual report... to the Mayor and Common council... 1893 - In .annual reports of the various departments. . .1895. Each report has separate pagination For separate issues, See, below, Report... Building inspector's hand book.' 1897. 384 p. j jj Detailed report on the construction of the various Chicago theatres, sub- mitted by the commissioner of buildings (through mayor Harrison) to the City council, Nov. 2, 1903. cl903. 35 p. M Permit and inspection fees. ..List of licenses from Municipal code of 1922 n.d., tpw. ii Report... to the Mayor and the City council. .. 1907/08-1910 Title varies slightly 1907/08, report year ends April 15;' 1908^-1910 Dec *1 J 1907/08-1910 M 190 7/08-1910 P-C 1910 U 1907/08 For 1893 report, S_e_e, above, Annual report... Ruling governing the design and construction of reinforced concrete flat slabs... 1918. Cover-title, lip. M DEPARTMENT OF COMPENSATION OP^UBLICWORKS 1116 ^ ****** ° T C0MPENSATI0N in thu APARTMENT Annual report ^^work done. . .during the year ending Dec. 31, 1923-1931. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY Jt%ptStotL 19 ^- u^ WaS chan S ed t0 DEPARTMENT OF GAS AND iiijiiC/lKICITY, Which See. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE The Department of Finance, while under the control of the Comptroller, is composed of a number of distinct sections See CITY COLLECTOR, CITY TREASURER, and COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE ~ Annual report... Sec COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. Annual report. DEPARTMENT OF GAS AND ELECTRICITY Annual report... 1-36, 1897-1932 Previous to Jan. 1914: Department of Electricity. J 4-36, 1900-32 Y M 1-36, 1897-1932 P-C 1-22, 1897-1918; 24-34, 1920-30 U 1-36, 1897-1932 Commonwealth Edison Rates. 1913. 7 105 CHICAGO, Continued DEPARTMENT OF GAS AND ELECTRICITY, Continued Contract, specifications, bond and proposal for furnishing labor and ma- terial for the extension of the municipal street lighting system in the South Chicago and Southwest districts of Chicago. 1S24. M in the Northwest and Byron districts. 1924 M in the Wabansia and R.R.Waller districts. 1924 M Electrical code. Rules and regulations. . .for the installation of wires and apparatus for electric light, heat and power, and for the construction and installation of electric signs and displays. .. 1905-1930 J 1909 M 1905, 1909, 1912, 1914, 1916, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1926, 1930 P-C 1909, 1912, 1914, 1916, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1926 Report of Ray Palmer, city electrician, on the valuations of the telephone system of the Chicago tunnel company. 1913. 25 p. J M A report of the expenditures of bond issue funds provided during the years 1922, 1924 and 1925, for the extension and rehabilitation of the munici- pal electric streot lighting system... 1926. Cover -title, 31 p., illus. M P-C U Report to the Committee on gas, oil and electric light on the investigation of tho Commonwealth cdison company. c J. F.Higgins, printer 3 1913. 1 p.l., iv, C 3 3 -113 p. J M P-C U Letter of transmittal signed: Ray Palmer, city electrician, John E. Tracger, city comptroller. "A re-port upon the results of an investigation of the Commonwealth edison company, which has been carried on, under the direction of the city electrician, by A. C. King, engineering expert for the Department of electricity, and C.B.Willard, oxpert accountant for the city comptroller . "-p. ^d Report to the .. .Finance committee of the City council... in answer to the reports of W.G.Clark and G.W.Pullin, and Edward W. Bonds, respecting the cost of electric energy for street lighting furnished by the Sanitary district... By Ray Palmer, commissioner of gas and electricity. cl9143 Cover-title, 25 p. M P-C Rules and ordinances... With an historical appondix. 1900. 238 p. J Scc^Also SANITARY DISTRICT. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Analysis of tho report of the City electrician. . . DEPARTMENT OF GAS AND ELECTRICITY. BUREAU OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTION. Soc BUREAU OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH The first DEPARTMENT OF HE..LTH was abolished in 1860. The new Department, established in 1876, succeeded the BOARD OF HEALTH, 1867-1875, and was in turn succeeded in 1932 by the BOARD OF HEALTH, 1932- 106 CHICAGO, Continued DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Continued . . .Annual summary. Issued as first number each year of State of Chicago's health, Which See, below, as: Chicago's health... 1905 is~v79, no.l. 1906 1906 is v.10. no.l. 1907 A brief resume' of Chicago's cooperative child health program. n.d. 6 p . , mimco . M Bulletin. See Chicago's health Bureau and division reports. See its Monthly bulletin Care of infants and young children during the hot season... c 1907d J English, Lithuanian, Polish, German, Italian, Yiddish, Bohemian, Swedish. cChart of appropriation, 1914a Fold, diagr. P-C Chicago's health. . . 1902-1931 Edited by the Commissioner of health of Chicago Title varies: 1902-1905, State of Chicago's health 1906-Aug.l907, City of Chicago. Bulletin of the Department of health. Aug. 1907-1923, Bulletin, Chicago school of sanitary instruction. Jan. -Oct. 1924, Weekly bulletin. Jan. -Nov. 1, 1902, published only in the Chicago record-herald; Oct. 25, 1902, reprinted from the Chicago record-herald. Volume numbering irregular. Nov. 8 -Dec. 27, 1902, called nos. 44-52; began volume number in 1906 as v. 9; Aug. -Dec. 1907, old scr.v.10, nos. 31-52, also called new series v.l, no. 1-22. cn.s. 3 v.17, no. 43, Oct. 27, 1923 is: What will you tell your child and how? By H.TT.Bundcsen. 20 p. cii.So v.19, no. 43, Oct. 27, 1925 is: Our babies. By H.TT.Bundcsen. 68 p. cn.s.=> v.20, no. 50, Dec. 14, 1926 is: Before the baby comes. By H.N. Bundesen. en. s.3 v.21, no. 44, Nov. 8 ,1927 is: The growing child; his needs and care. By H.N.Bundcsen. 144 p. ^First editions J o.s. ,v.?-n.s. ,v.25 1902-31 M o.s.,v.9-n.s. ,v.22 1906-28 P-C o.s. ,v. '§ 1906(lncompletc); n. s. ,v r .ioI907 (incomplete) ; n.s.,2 1 - 46 * 48 ~ 52 - 251-14, 16, 1906-31(junc 30) U o.s.,v.?-n.s.,v.24, 1902-30(1902,1903,1904,1905,1926,1927, 1928, incomplete) ...Chronological summary of Chicago mortality, 1843-1902. cl905?a c 28 3 p. J M U ...Circular of information and advice concerning the milk supply of Chicago. Addressed to the consumer, to the producer, and especially to the milk dealer, by Chas. J.Whalcn. . . 1906. 15 p. J U 107 CHICAGO , Continued DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Continued Clean living. Published monthly by...cthe:> Commissioner of health. . .vol. 1, nos. 1-12, April 1916-March 1917. cl916-1917 3 J M P-C Cover-title J.D.Robertson, commissioner Ceased publication March 1917 Condensed statement of mortality in. .. Chicago. . . 1886-1894 U 1886-89, 1894 Directory of cooperating agencies, baby welfare work for 1912-1915. J 1912-13 P-C 1912, 1915 Dr. Arnold H. Kegel's ordinance regulating the design, construction and installation of refrigerating systems circulating any volatile sub- stance to produce refrigeration. Pending before City council. August 9, 1929. cl929^ 12 p. M Educational series. 15. See Report on an epidemic of influenza... 1918 A 3. " "See Save the baby... 1911 A 18. See Syllabus of lectures on home nursing... 1917 Electrification of railway terminals... 1908. See CITY COUNCIL. COM- MITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. Electrification of railway terminals... Executive series, 1-6. 6 v. no. 1. Hand book of general regulations. .. in force May 1,1915. c1915j 113 p. -no. 2. Hand book of general orders, instructions and rules for laboratory employes in the municipal laboratories., in force April 1,1915. cl915=, 41, c4:> p. _ no. 3. Hand book of general regulations, and Bureau rules for employes in the Bureau of food inspection. .. in force April 15,1915. c 1915? a 96 p. - no. 4. Hand book of general regulations and Bureau rules for office employes in the Bureau of medical inspection. .. in force May 1,1915. cl915 3 78, c2 3 p. -no. 5. Hand book of general regulations and Bureau rules for employes in the Commissioner's off ice... in force May 1,1915. d915=> 3 1., 35 p. -no. 6. Hand book of general department regula- tions applying to all employes. .. (Abstract from general hand book) force May 1,1915. ^1915^ 16 p. M 1-6 c 1915b P-C 1-6 cl915 3 Formaldehyde disinfection as performed by the Chicago Health department, by Charles W.Behm... 1900. 15 p. P-C Hot weather care of infants and young children. . . Prepared by P.W.Reilly. 3d edition. 1897. 8 p. J Instructions to meat inspectors... 1906. Folder. M 108 CHICAGO, Continued DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Continued Laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and certificates of instructions re- lating to the ventilation, light, drainage and plumbing of proposed new buildings for habitation. 1837. 16 p. J 1396. 21 p. U 1901. 18 p. M ast of local public improvement clubs and associations. .. distributed according to sanitary divisions... plotted for vital and sanitary sta- tistics by the Department of health. .. 1918. c30 3 p., tpw. M ...Monthly bulletin... Jan. 1395 -Nov. 1901. Caption title. Jan. 1895-Feb, 1899, and Sept . 1399-Sept. 1900, published by the Bureau of vital statistics of the Department of health under the title: Bureau and division reports. TVhen the title was changed, the Bureau and division reports continued to be published as a part of the Monthly bulletin. Dec. 1899-Nov. 1901 called vol.6, no. 12-vol.8,no.ll. Ceased publication. J Jan. 1896-Nov. 1901 P-C Dec. 1897-Nov. 1901 (v. 7, no. 6 missing) U 1895-96, 1897 ( Jan. -Aug., Oct. -Dec), 1898-1900, 1901 (Jan.- Nov.) See Also Chicago's health... Octennial report,.. 1911-18. See Report.,. Our babies from birth to two years, by Herman IT. Bundesen. . . 1925. 68 p illus. M See Also Chicago's health, v. 19, no. 43, Oct. 27, 1925, "Our babies., Priziure jimas Mazu Kudikiu ir Vaiku per Vasaros Karscius. Aplinkrastis Sveikatos Uzveizdos I.leisto Chicago. n.d. 10 p. J ...Report of... 1875/76-1926/30 Title varies: 1893-1894, 1906, Annual report... 1895-96 — 1897-98, 1904-05, Biennial report. . . 1911-18, Report and handbook... Many combined reports No reports published for the years 1899-1905 inclusive. Succeeded in 1932 by the Annual report of the Board of health J 1875/76-98, 1904-30 M 1875/76-1930 P-C 1875/76-98, 1904-30 U 1881-85, 1887-88, 1891-30 Report... 1383-1896. In Annual reports of the various departments. .. 1883-1896 Each report has separate pagination 109 CHICAGO , Continued DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Continued Report of the Health commissioner on cold storage in Chicago. See CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON HEALTH. Proceedings. .. Nov. 2 , 1916. . . Report on a negro health survey and the recommendations of the advisory committee to the Commissioner of health. Negro in Chicago, a public health survey by H.L.Harris, jr. October 10,1927. c 1927a 73 p. M A report on an epidemic of influenza in... Chicago in the fall of 1918. By John Dill Robertson... 1918. 109, cl a p. (Educational series no. 15) J M P-C U Reprinted from the Octennial report, 1911-1918 Report on streams examination... 1902. Sce_ SANITARY DISTRICT. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Report of streams examination... 1902. Reprint series. .. 1-46, 1911-1926 J 17 M 1-18, 20-31, 34-35, 37-40, 42-46 P-C 1-18, 28-30, 32-37 U 17, 43 Restrictions and prevention of consumption... Prepared by F.W.Roilly. 1895. 8 p. J Rules, health laws, ordinances, etc. 1873-1881. J 1873-74, 1881 Save the baby. .. circular of information and advice... cBarnard & Miller, 1916? 3 14 p. (Educational scries-A 3) P-C George B. Young, Commissioner of health State of Chicago's health. Sec Chicago's health. Syllabus of lectures on home nursing given at the Chicago training school for home and public health nursing... John Dill Robertson... 1919. c8 3 , 5-194 leaves. (Educational series-A 18) J Mimeographed 5th edition. 1920. 277 p. (Educational serics-A 18$ Uniform regulations. . .prescribed and in force Sept. 1, 1912. . . cDrovcrs journal press, 1912 D 28 p., illus. P-C G.B.Young, Commissioner of health ...Vital statistics of... Chicago for the years 1899 to 1903 inclusive. 1904. c 2 3 , 128 p. J M P-C U Previous reports published as part of the Bionnial report. . . Weekly bulletin. Sec Bulletin. What must we do to be saved?... Hot weather care of infants and young childron... el911 3 12 p. J 110 CHICAGO, Continued DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Continued What will you toll your child and how? 1923. Soo Chicago's health, v. 17, no. 43 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. AUXILIARY MEDICAL CORPS Bulletin of the Anti-toxin medical corps... 18g'5/96 1896 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. BUREAU OF FOODS, MARKETS, AND FARM PRODUCTS. Sec BUREAU OF FOODS, MARKETS AND FARM PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. BUREAU OF MEDICAL INSPECTION. Sec BUREAU OF MEDICaL INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. BUREAU OF SANITATION. Sec BUREAU OF SANITATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. DIVISION OF CHILD HYGIENE Our babies... cPross of H.J.Adair, 1917a Cover-title, 32 p. J M P-C The Public library also has this in Bohemian, Croatian, German, Italian, Lithuanian, polish, Serbian, Swedish and Yiddish. cHouso of Sevoringhaus, 1921 3 Covor -title, 32 p. M P-C 1923. M 1930. M See aIso DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Our babies... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. PNEUMONIA COMMISSION. Scc_ CHICAGO PNEUMONIA COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. VENTILATION DIVISION Suggested standards in ventilation design. By Vernon Hill. 1914. 5 p. J DEPARTMENT OF LAW. Sce_ LAW DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Traction expert's report... cAnnual report for year ending Dcc.31,1908 D c1909d Caption title, 16 p., mimco. M DEPARTMENT OF POLICE. Sec POLICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Soc BOARD OF EDUCATION Ill CHICAGO, Continued DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE ...Annual report... 1914/15-1921 Report year ends in March, .for 1914/15 1916-20 in one report J 1914/15-1921 M 1914/15-1921 P-C 1914/15-1921 U 1916-21 Chicago subway plans, including a discussion of a compromise subway pro- posed by Henry ^.Go'otz. Montague Ferry, commissioner of public ser- vice. March 15,1915. cPress of H.G.Adair, 1915 3 26 p. J P-C Count of automatic telephones connected with the system of the Illinois telephone and telegraph company... February, 1915. c 1915 3 Cover- title, c 8 9=, -142 p. J M U From its first Annual report. The Department of public service... August 15,1914. cPress of Barnard oc Miller, 1914=, cZ*, 6 p. J M P-C Departmental directory of the city of Chicago... 1924. P-C 1924 Preliminary report. . .upon interlocking control of public utilities in the city of Chicago... July 1,1914. cPress of Barnard & Miller, 1914=, Cover -title, 9 p. J I;I P-C Report on the Chicago pneumatic tube company. October 17,1923. cl923=. 24 p., mimeo. , maps. M Addendum to report. May 21,1925. 36 p., mimeo. 1.1 Table monthly rentals - present and proposed - 1920; based on complaints received. n.d. 2 p. M Valuation of the Chicago elevated railways, January 1, 1915; physical property, together with supplementary report... c 1915a Cover- title, 91 leaves, mimeo. J M P-C U J copy incomplete Valuation of the physical property of the Chicago elevated railways as of Jan. 1, 1915. cl915 3 Cover-title, d 3 , 144-242 p. P-C Extracted from the first Annual report of the Department of public service . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE. BUREAU OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. See BUREAU OF PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE. BUREAU OF VALUATION STATISTICS. Sec BUREAU OF VALUATION STATISTICS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE. ELECTRIC BUREAU. See ELECTRIC BUREAU 112 C HICAGO , Continued DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE. TELEPHONE BUREAU. See_ TELEPHONE BUREAU DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE. TRANSPORTATION BUREAU. See TRANSPORTATION BUREAU DEP..RTI.IENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE ...Annual report... 1914/15-1928/29 The Department of public welfare was established in 1914; a First serai-annual and a General report were published in 1915, and Work accomplished was published in 1916, all titles being listed separ- ately. J 1923/24-27/28 1:1 1914/15-28/2 9 P-C 1923/24-24/25, 1927/28-28/29 U 1923/24-28/29 Bulletin... Vol. I,no.l-II, no. 5. August, 1916- June, 1919. cl916-1919 3 Caption title, 9 pts. Department serial number, 1-10. Editor: V.D.McDermott . j y[ p-c u "Published for circulation among the municipal officials, social agencies and social workers of Chicago." No more published. Contents : v.I, no.l. Announcement number, Aug. 1916. no. 2. Employment bureau, municipal wood yard, municipal gar- gardens. Sept. 1916. no. 3. Public comfort stations. Oct. 1916. no. 4. Loan shark number. Nov. 1916. v.II, no.l. St. Charles study. Sept. 1917 no. 2. Report of social service work in Women's dept., Houso of correction. 1917/18. n.d. no. 3. Italian in Chicago... by Frank Orman Beck... Emma Martin ... Feb. 1919 no. 4. Study of boys in the Municipal court of Chicago... May 1919 no. 5. Report of social service work in Women's dept., House of correction. Sept. 1, 1917-Llar.l, 1919. J u nc 1919. Care of the aged in Chicago. I. Industrial pensions in the care of the aged. II. Trade union provisions for the aged. By Elizabeth A.Hughes and Elsie Wolcott Hayden. . . c The Fred J.Ringley co.a 1927. 132 p. J M P-C U ...Catalogue of contributions available for community and social center programs. Jan. 3, 1916. Cahill, Sarberry & co. d916 3 Cover-title, 16 p. M P-C Chicago social service directory. See Social service directory... Chicago takes another step. Elizabeth A. Hughes... n.d. 7 p. P-C Reprinted from the March 1927 Welfare magazine. The Department of public welfare an asset to Chicago. Mary E. McDowell, commissioner... cl924 3 Folder. M P-C 113 CHI CAGO , Continued DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE, Continued First semi-annual report... March 15,1915. cWestern newspaper union, 1915, 125 p. J M P-C U Leonora S. Meder, commissioner No more published A general report. .. covering the period from May 20,1915, to September 8, 1915. By Louise Osborne Rowe, commissioner. cH. G.Adair, printer, 1915:, 13, c2 3 p. J M P-C U ...The Italian in Chicago. cHawkins & Loomis co. 1919 3 Cover-title, 18 p. P-C In English and Italian See Also BUREAU OF SOCIAL SURVEY. The Italian in Chicago... and "TffiPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. Bulletin, v. 2, no. 3. The public welfare, city of Chicago. . .v. 1, no.l, Feb. 1,1915. P-C v.l, no.l, Feb. 1,1915 ...Social service directory 1915. cH. G.Adair , printings 1915. 250 p. J M P-C U 2d ed. by Valeria D. McDermott and Annie Elizabeth Trotter. cBurmeister printing co.s 1918. 1 p.l., vi, 271, cl a p. J M P-C U A study of family desertion, by Earle Edward Eubank... 1916. c6 3 , 73 p. M P-C ...Work accomplished. .. during the year 1916 and work already planned for the year 1917, by Louise Osborne Rowe, commissioner. c 1916?a Cover-title, 4 p. M P-C pub, exclusively for members of the City council DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT. See BUREAU OF EM- PLOYMENT . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. BUREAU OF GARDENS. See BUREAU OF GARDENS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. BUREAU OF SOCIAL SURVEYS. See BUREAU OF SOCIAL SURVEYS DEPaRTI/IENT of public works Organized in 1876 to succeed the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Annual report. . . 1-57, 1876-1932 1880, 1889-1910 title reads: Mayor's annual message and the... annual report of the Department of public works. Continues the reports of the Board of public works J 1-56, 1876-1931 M 1-57, 1876-1932 P-C 1-56, 1876-1931 U 2-56, 1877-1931 Annual report. . . 5-21, 1880-1896. In annual reports of the various departments. .. 1881-1897. Each roport has separate pagination 114 CHIC AGO , Continuod DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . .An appeal to the citizens of Chicago cthat the streets and alleys of the city bo kept in a clean and sanitary condition^ c 1919s Caption title, c 4 3 p. P-C Ceremonies inaugurating the work of straightening the south branch of Chicago river. . .river parade, Thursday, September 20,1928... cF.j. Ringlcy co. 1928?:, Cover-title, c8a p. M P-C ...Chicago's water supply system. .. 1928. Folder M cl929s Folder M P-C ht head of title: October 1929 Communication, dated February 16,1927, addressed to Hon. William F.Mulvihill A.^.Spraguc. . .and Francis reference to contract erdinance between the city of Chicago and the Nickel plate railroad, passed by the City council, pertaining to the construction of a deep water harbor in Lake Calumet. cl9273 Cover-title, 18 p. M P-C Communication and report. Relative to water waste and proposed remedial action... c 1927 3 42 p. M P-C U Do you want clear, pure drinking water in Chicago 365 days of the year? 1930. Folder. M Filtration and motorization of tho Chicago water supply system. . .Soptomber 1930. cl930? 3 cover -title, 8 p. M P-C The financial side of the Chicago water supply system, report submitted to the Hon. Wm.Hale Thompson. . .by Richard W.Vfolf e. . .May 7,1929. cl929= Cover-title, 11 p. M P-C Richard W.WolfCj commissioner of public works. Ordinance water meters. Provision for the installation in all buildings. (Amends sections 3241, 4128, 4128, 4130, 4131, 4136, 4137, 4139, 4140, 4141, 4142, 4151, 4152 and 4166 C.M.C. ' The Fred J. Ringlcy co. , printers, 1925 3 24 p. M P-C Submitted to the mayor and City council by the commissioner of public works Our Chicago; a periodical devoted to the activities of the Dcpt. of public works . . . v.l, no.l, May 1929 M v.l, no.l, May 1929 P-C v.l, no.l, May 1929 Our Chicago. . .address delivered "Temple" radio station WSBC on Tuosday, April 2,1929. c 1929 3 12 p. M Richard W.Wolfe, c ommi s s i oner Proposal, specifications, forms of contract and bond to dosign, proparo, set and deliver material and machinery, construct and erect garbage (Continued) 115 CHICAGO , Continued DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, Continued Proposal, spocifications. . .Continued reduction plant, receive and properly dispose of garbage delivered. . . during a period of five years at location near 48th Avenue and the Drainage canal, as required by Department of public works. . .1913. 63 p. M Report of Mr. F.W.Gorccko, cnginocr-in-chicf , water works . do the commis- sioner of public works a cl888 3 Caption title, 34 t2^ p. J "Reprinted from the American engineer' Report of the Commissioner of public works, Dcwitt C. Cregier, to the special committee of the City council on street nomenclature and re- numbering. . .Al so recommendation by... the mayor. Franz Gindole printing co. c1886d c23c p., maps. F. P-C Report to the City council on garbage collection and disposal... 1905. 11, cl 3 p. J M P-C U Report to the Hon. Commissioner of public works and the Hon. City comptrol- ler... re regulation of --,..- • •" rates under the telephone ordi- nance of Nov. 6, 1907, by D.C. & Wm.B. Jackson. . .Arthur Young & co. n.d. 79 p. M n.d. 95 p., tpv. M Report to the Mayor and City council on the collection, removal and final disposition of garbage... by Joseph M. Patterson, Commissioner of public works. cl906^ 16 p. J M U Reports. . .Feb. 25 and June 15, Oct. 11,1888. The Chicago pumping engines, n.d. 34 p. J Reprinted from the American engineer Reports by the Commissioner of public works and Civil service commission... Bureau of streets investigation... C1913 3 See CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. EFFICIENCY DIVISION. Reports on thc~Buroau of streets... Resurfacing macadam streets - survey and recommendations. 1929. 4 p. Folder. M Revised list of new street names adopted by City council, as per ordinancos of April 14, July 30, 1913, and amendments thereto. 1913. 8 p. J Sec Also BUREAU OF MAPS AND PLATS. New street names adopted... 1915. Saving the taxpayers' money. 1929. 4 p. Folder M Souvenir program. Banquet commemorating the historic event of straightening the Chicago river. Doc. 19,1929. C1929 3 12 p., illus M Specifications... c31 papers^ c 1890-1900 3 Ob. 0. Partly tpw. J 116 CHIC AGO , Continued DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, Continued Summary and outline of the report on the Chicago river bridge survey; on the question of fixed vs. movable bridges, 1923-1925. Submitted to the Mayor and City council. .. June 15,1925. Prepared by Griffenhagcn & associates, ltd... for A.A.Spraguc, commissioner of public works. cThe F.J.Ringley co. , printers, 1925:, 153 p. J M P-C U Summary of statistics - Chicago water works, year ending Dec. 31, 1932. cl933= Caption title, 2 1., mimeo. P-C DEPaRTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. BUREAU OF ARCHITECTURE. Sec BUREAU OF ARCHITECTURE. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 1TORKS . BUREAU OF ENGINEERING. Sec BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. BUREAU OF MAPS AND PLATS. See BUREAU OF MAPS AND PLATS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. BUREAU OF SEWERS. So£ BUREAU OF SEWERS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. BUREAU OF STREETS. Sec BUREAU OF STREETS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. BUREAU OF WATER, See_ BUREAU OF WATER DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. COMMITTEE ON BRIDGE CLEARANCE AND BARGE TER- MINALS. See COMMITTEE ON BRIDGE CLEARANCE AND BARGE TERMINALS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. ENGINEERING COMMISSION. See ENGINEERING- COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF SMOKE INSPECTION Established by Ordinance of July 8,1907, which transferred the du- ties of smoke inspection from the DEPARTMENT FOR INSPECTION OF BOILERS, STEAM AND COOLING PLANTS to the new department. From Sept. 1919 to July 1927 was the DIVISION OF SMOKE ABATEMENT of the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, when duties wore transferred to the DEPART- MENT OF STEAM BOILER INSPECTION, without designation as a division. Under Ordinance, adopted Dec. 19, 1928, on Jan. 1,1929 the duties of smoke inspection were transferred to the DEPARTMENT OF SMOKE INSPECTION AND ABATEMENT, Whic h See . Annual report... 1907/10-1911 1907-1910 published together with title: Report... Report for 1907-1910 covers the period from the time of organiza- tion in Oct. 1907, to Doc. 31, 1910; 1911 covers calendar yoar, but has 1911-1912 on cover. No more published J 1907/10-1911 M 1911 P-C 1911 U 1907/10-1911 117 CHICAGO, Continued DEPARTMENT OF SMOKE INSPECTION, Continued . ..Bulletin I-II, 1908. No more published J I-II, 1908 M I-II, 1908 P-C I-II, 1908 U I-II, 1908 Electrification of railway terminals... 1908. Sco CITY COUNCIL. COM- MITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. Electrification of railway terminals.., Firing in Chicago river. Instructions for firing a vessel without making dense smoke while in the Chicago river and harbor. 1911. M Methods of approaching the smoke problem. .. Issued April 1913. cl913 3 6 p., tpw. M Jan, 1,1914. c 1914 3 6 p., tpw. M April 1915. cl915 D M Notes on smoke abatement ... Issued April, 1913. c 1913^ 6 1. M Jan. 1,1914. d9143 5 p., tpw. M April, 1915. cl915a M Notes on smoke abatement and methods of approaching the smoko problem... 1914. 11 p., tpw. P-C ...Suggestions for fuel conservation. William H. Reid, smoke inspector, cn.d.u c2 3 , 5 c5:> p. P-C DEPARTMENT OF SMOKE INSPECTION AND ABATEMENT. For historical note, s_ee DEPARTMENT OF SMOKE INSPECTION Department of smoke inspection and abatement established. Dec. 19, 1928. cn.d, 3 5 p., mimeo. M Standards, rules and regulations. c 1930? 3 10 p., mimoo. M DEPARTMENT OF TRACK ELEVATION Report... 1900 Subsequent reports in Annual reports of the Department of public works . J 1900 M 1900 P-C 1900 U 1900 Track elevation within the corporate limits of. ..Chicago to Doc. 31, 1908. . . (Continued) 118 CHI CAGO , Continued DEP.vRTI.iENT OF TRACK ELEVATION, Continued Track elevation within the corporate limits of... Continued cCamcron, Amborg & co. 3 1909 1061 p. J M P-C U From Jan. 1,1909, to June 30,1911... cPrcss of Barnard & Miller, 1911, c2,, 257 p. J H P-C U DEPARTMENT OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Annual report. . . 1907-1931 1930 report not printed J 1907 E 1907-29, 1931 P-C 1907-16, 1918, 1920, 1922-29 U 1913-29 Specifications and tolerances for weighing and measuring apparatus in... Chicago. 1914. Cover-title, c 20=> p. J M P-C Vfeights and measures. Suggestions to the housewife... Comp. by W.F.Cluett, chief deputy. c 1925? 3 Cover-title, 15, cl a p. J M P-C Comp. by Joe. Greene ? a 1931. 16 p. M DRAINAGE AND WATER SUPPLY COMMISSION Preliminary report... January, 1887. 1887. 47 p., illus. J P-C Rudolph Hcring, chief engineer EDUCATIONAL COMMISSION Report of the Educational commission. .. appointed by the mayor. .. Jan. 19, 1898. cLakcside press, R.R.Donnelly & sons co.n 1899. xvi, 248 p. William R. Harper, chairman J M P-C U 2d cd. The University of Chicago press, 1900. xviii, 248 p. U See Also BO.UID OF EDUCATION, EDUCATIONAL COMMISSION c 1923-24:, ELECTRIC BUREAU The Electric bureau of the Department of public service... Oct. 1,1914. c 1914s Cover -title, c l 3 , 20 p. M P-C Report on activities of first year ENGINEERING COMMISSION Report to the Commissioner of public works ... on the tunnels of the Illinois tunnel company, by the Engineering commission, appointed July 6,1905. cPress of s tcvcns, Maloney & co.,1905^ 18 p. J P-C U The Illinois tunnel co., on its organization in 1903, purchasod the property and rights of the Illinois telephone and telegraph co* 119 CHICAGO , Continued ENGINEERING C OMISSION, Continued Special report on the tunnel construction and the subsidence of streets in Chicago. 1905. J Report presented Aug. 14. FIRE DEPARTMENT Organized as an independent department, August 1875. Achievement and work. . . 1928. c1928?d Cover-title, 16 p. M P-C Directory... 1922. M Facts about Chicago fires as shown by the original records of the Fire department for 1913... Brief of argument before the Committee on build- ings and City council. .. 1915 24 p. M The Fire department. Ordinance of the city of Chicago. Rules and regula- tions... 1925... Joseph F.Connery, fire commissioner. cl925^ 79, c28 :1 p. M P-C General order 3 -83 ci.o.85 D . Fire marshal's office. d873-1874=i cl06 3 mounted p. J Copying-press copies of manuscript orders. Two extra orders numbered 64 and 65; no.l, 3, imperfect; no. 4 want- ing. History of the Fire department. .. old and new. .. Chicago in ruins .. .archi- tectural growth of the city... 1890. M Investigation, report and recommendations on fire alarm and police signal systems of ... Chicago. Frank W. Swenic, chief operator, Fire alarm telegraph, June 14, 1916. ^19163 5, 24 p., mimeo. M ...Report of the fire marshal... 1867/70-1930 1867/75 title reads: Report of the Board of police, in the Fire department. . . 1867/75 report year ends March 31; 1875 covers 9 mos. to Dec. 31. J 1867/70, 1874/75-1878, 1894, 1900, 1909-30 M 18 71/72-1930 P 1871/72, 1873/74-1906, 1908-30 U 1892-93, 1899-1907, 1911-16, 1918-20, 1924-30 Report of the fire marshal. . . 1880-1896 In Annual roports of the various departments. .. 1880-1896. Reports oach have separate pagination Rules and regulations 1885. 104 p. M 1911. 129 p. M 1925. 79 p. and index. M 120 CHICAGO , Continued FIRE DEPARTMENT, Continued Rules and regulations for the Chicago fire department and Department of electricity for the installation of wires and apparatus for electric light, heat and power and for the construction and installation of electric signs and displays. 1901. 87> tij P- M FIRE DEPARTMENT. BOARD OF POLICE. Report... See FIRE DEPARTMENT. Re- port. . . FIRE MARSHAL. See FIRE DEPARTMENT FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND. See_ BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND GAS BUREAU An outgrowth of the City gas inspection bureau established in 1911. Report. . .1913/14 First report dated October 1,1914 J 1915/14 M 1913/14 P-C 1913/14 HARBOR COMMISSION, 1905 Report. . .1905. John F.Higgins, d905? 3 61 p. M P-C Report dated December 5, 1905 HARBOR COMMISSION, 1908 . v Appointed by the Mayor in 1908 to prepare a plan for harbor devel- opment . The development of commercial ports... What the ports of Europe are doing ... Chicago's commercial opportunity. Report to the Chicago harbor commission by J. Paul Goode. d908:i 2 p.l., 103 p., map. -t* J M P-C U Included also in Report to the mayor .. .Which See, below. , Minutes... 1908. 219 p., tpw. M (not on shelf) t> d908o c75o p., tpw. U ■•■■ Minutes for March 10, July 17, Aug. 11, 1908. A new harbor for Chicago; plans and suggestions introduced for its location and construction, by Alfred Beirly. . .written at the request of the Harbor commission... d908:> Cover-title, c3 3 -16 p. P-C U Proceedings of the Commission appointed by... the mayor of Chicago, to make a comprehensive study of and report on the question of whether some portion of the city's lake front should be reserved and utilized for harbor purposes. Jan 31, 1908. cl908:> 799 p., tpw. M 121 CHICAGO, Continued HARBOR COMMISSION, 1908, Continued Report on the Chicago dock problem with special reference to the questions of municipal ownership and leasing policy. Prepared for John M.Ewen, Chicago harbor commissioner, by George C. Sikes. cl909 3 81 p. J M P-C U Report to the Chicago harbor commission on obstacles to Chicago's water shipping development, by George C. Sikes... cl908 3 39 p. J M P Included also in Report to the mayor. . .Vfhich See, below. A report to the Chicago harbor commission on the volume and trend of traffic to and from the Central west. Submitted by George G.Tunell... c1908d 39 p. J M P-C Included also in Report to the mayor. . .W hich See, below. Report to the Mayor and aldermen... 1909. 58 p., fold. map. M Edition without "Special reports..." cpress of H.G.Adairc 1909. viii, 383 p. J M P-C U John Li. Swen, chairman ''Special reports to the Harbor commission" (p. c 59d-242): The develop- ment of commercial ports. J. Paul Goode. -Obstacles to Chicago's water shipping development. George C. Sikes. -The volume and trend of traffic to and from the central West. George G.Tunell. HARBOR AND SUBWAY COMMISSION. Croatcd by act of the City council on Dec. 4, 1911, absorbing the activities of the SUBWAY COMMISSION. Address on subways, by chairman John Erickson. . .before the Irish Fellow- ship club, Hotel La Salle, March 2,1912. cl912 3 24 p., tpw. M Chicago's harbor development, 1914-1920. cl916? 3 Cover-title, 48 p. M Half title: Chicago's harbor development. Harbor district no.l. Municipal pier no. 2. 1915. Joint report on comprehensive system of passenger subways for the city of Chicago, by the Harbor and subway commission and Sub-committee of the Council committee on local transportation... cBarnard & Miller prints 1912. Cover-title, c 2 3 , 14 p. J M P-C U Supplemental report... October 30,1912. cl912= Cover-title, 24 p. J M U Proposal, instructions to bidders, ordinance and specifications for the construction, oquipment, maintenance and operation of a comprehensive system of rapid transit subways for passongor transportation in. . . Chicago. November 1913. Form prepared by Council committee on local transportation and tho Harbor and subway commission... cl913 3 39 p. M Proposal, instructions to bidders, specifications, forms of contract and bond to construct substructure for pier no. 2, harbor district no.l, as required by Harbor and Subway commission... 1913. cl913 3 31 p. M 122 CHICAGO, Continued HARBOR AND SUBWAY COMMISSION, Continued Proposal, instructions to bidders, specifications, forms of contract and bond to furnish and drive foundation piles for buildings to bo erected on pier no. 2, harbor district no.l, as required by Harbor and subway commission. . .Mar. 1914. Press of Barnard & Miller, cl914 3 20 p. M Report on dock and pier development, harbor district no.l... cThc Hollis- tcr Press, 1912:, 19 p. J M P-C U John Ericson, James J. Reynolds, E.C.Shankland, commissioners. Report on independent system of subways. . .February 19,1912. c 1912a 7 p. , tpw. M HOUSE OF CORRECTION ...Annual report of the Board of inspectors, Superintendent and the House physician. ..1-50, 1872-1921 Title varies slightly No.l and 2, published together, contain "Act of organization"; no. 40-46 published together. J 1-10, 1872-81; 13-19, 1884-90; 24-27, 1895-98; 31-50,1902-21. M 1-50,1872-1921. P-C 1-3,1872-74; 5-21,1876-92; 25,1896; 29-38,1900-09; 46-50, 1917-21. U 4-6,1875-77; 8,1879; 10-15,1881-86; 21,1892; 24-29,1895-1900; 31-50,1902-21. Annual report of the Board of inspectors. . .Reports of the Superintendent and City physician to the Board. 12-25, 1883-1896. In annual reports of the various departments ... 1883-1896. Each report has separate pagination. The Corrector. A journal devoted to the uplift of the inmates of penal institutions, v. l,no. 1-v. 17, no. 12, 1915/16-1931/32 Caption title. Subtitle varies slightly. Monthly; v. 1, no.l, is July 1915; v. 2, no. 13, is July 1917; v. 3, no. 2, is ^ugust 1917; July and August 1919 both called v. 5, no.l. v.5,no.3 skipped. J 1-17,1915/16-31/32 „ „ _ ,_ ,«,-,« t * c in to M -^-4,9-12; 2 1 - 1 ^, 3 2-6,10-12 > 41-12^ gl-2,4-12^ gl-3, 5, 10-12 71-8,10-12 8 _ 12 l j 1915/16-1926. , , „ ,„ P_C 12-3,9-12^ 2 1 " 13 , 32-6, 10^12 )4 l-i2^ gl-8,10-12^ gl-4,6-12 f 7l-3, 1915-1921 U 1-17, 1915/16-31/32 ...The House of correction. . .A retrospect covering a half century of en- deavor from the founding of the institution to the present time. 1871-1921. Comp. from original records, reports and files, and other sources of information, by G.A. Claussenius, chief clerk. cl922? 3 1 p.l., 71 p., illus. M P-C U Inmates in the House of correction. . .by months during the year 1928. n.d. 1 sheet, tpw. M 123 CHICA GO, Continued HOUSE OF CORRECTION, Continued Rules and regulations for the government of employes. .. 1924. 20 p. M Statistical tables. .. 1913. 17 p. M Views of the House of correction and John Worthy school. . .August 1905. cl905 3 Cover-title, 46 p. U HOUSE OF CORRECTION. EMPLOYEE'S PENSION FUND The House of correction. Employee's pension fund. Act of nineteen hundred fifteen. n.d. 12 p. M HOUSE OF CORRECTION. RESEARCH DEPARTMENT Publications. . .Bulletin. . . 1-3, July -Nov. 1915. Cover -title. Contents: 1. Psychopathic dept. 1. Kohs. A new departure in the treat- ment of inmates of penal institutions. July 1915. 2. Medical dept. 1. Sceleth and Beifeld. Cerebral edema. Sept. 1915. 3. Psychopathic dept. 2. Kohs. Practicability of the Binet scale. Nov. 1915. J 1-3 Li 1, 3 P-C'l, 3 U 1, 3 HOUSE OF CORRECTION. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Report of social service work... See DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. Bulletin v. 2, no.l, and v. 2, no. 5. JACOB BEIDLER PUBLIC SCHOOL. LIBRARY Catalogue of the. .. library. 1901. 103, da p. J JOHN WORTHY SCHOOL. See CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Riverside. JUVENILE COURT. See , under the heading, Cook County, JUVENILE COURT. LAKE SHORE RECLAMATION COMMISSION Joint preliminary report ... 1910. See CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON BATHING BEACHES. Joint preliminary report ... Report to the mayor and the City council... Theodore K.Long, chairman. Chicago, 1912. Barnard & Miller, printers, ^1912 3 2 p.l., c5=- 383 p. J M P-C U A report of the proceedings in reference to the acquisition, for the use of the public, of that portion of the water front of Lake Michigan between Jackson park and Grant park, in the city of Chicago. 124 CHICAGO, Continued LAKE SHORE RECLAMATION COMMISSION, Continued Report to the mayor and the City council of the city of Chicago. . .Theodore K. Long, chairman. Chicago, 1915. J.F.Higgins, printer, c1915d 72 p. M P-C U LAW DEPARTMENT The Department of law is headed by the Corporation counaol, and in- cludes the City attorney's office and Prosecuting attorney's office. See Also CORPORATION COUNSEL. Annual report of the Department of lav/ of the city of Chicago. . . At head of title: Law department of the city of Chicago Title varies: 1903-1905, 1909, 1926 title reads: Report of... City attorney. Published irregularly. 1333-84 in one panu J 1896, 1898, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1913-14, 1923-24, 1926 M 1898-99,1903-07,1912-26 P-C 1883-86, 1903, 1907, 1913-14, 1924-26 U 1896,1898,1903-04,1907,1913,1926 See Also CORPORATION COUNSEL. Final report of Charles S. Thornton... c 1899 3 Opinion in regard to a canvass of the votes rocently cast for Mayor. 1876. See CORPORATION COUNSEL. Opinion in regard... Opinion. . .upon certain questions connected with the municipal regulation of rates for supplying electricity... 1912. See CORPORATION COUNSEL. Opinion from the city law department... Statement. .. in regard to appropriation for 1918. n.d. 6 p. M MAYOR Annual message. 1880-1927. Presented in April or May, 1830-1919; presented in October or Novem- ber, 1923-1926. October 17,1923, called Annual report... October 22,1924 in two forms: printed by Fred J.Ringley co., 55 p.; printed by John F.Higgins, 57 p. J 1923-26 M 1387, 1889-91, 1894, 1899-1900, 1902-1909, 1912-16, 1918-19, 1923-26. P-C 1880, 1892-94, 1896-97, 1899-1900, 1902-07, 1909, 1911-16, 1918-19, 1923-26. U 1C-37, 1890, 1895, 1397, 1399-1900, 1902-06, 1908, 1914-16, 1918-19, 1924-27. annual message. .. 1881-1897 In ..jonual reports of the various departments. .. 1880-1896. Each message has separate pagination. Annual mossage, 1881, 1890-1911. See DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Annual report. . .1880, 1889-1910. 125 CHICAGO, Continued MAYOR, Continuod Inaugural address of ... 1855-1856 J 1855-56 MAYOR, 1879-1887 (CARTER H. HARRISON, SR. ) Message... to the City council... on the subject of pumping works. £l831j- . "Caption -title, 5 p«' J MAYOR, 1895-1897 (GEORGE B. SWIFT) Financial statomont and comparison of pay-rolls... cl897 3 34 p. J P-C U MAYOR, 1897-1905 (CARTER II. HARRISON, JR. ) Mayor Harrison on the Department of hoalth. 1904. 7 p. J Mayor's message to the City council. .. outlining the provisions of a street railway franchise renewal ordinance, January 6,1902. c J.F.Higgins, printer, 1902 D 20 p. J P-C U Notice to bidders... See_ CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTA- TION. Notice to bidders... MAYOR, 1905-1907 (EDWARD P. DUNNE) Letter... to Alderman Charles Werno, chariraan of the Committee on local transportation. April 27,1906. c 1906d 7 p. M The so-called "Werno letter." Letter... to alderman Charles Werno, chairman of Committee on local transportation of the City council... cl906 3 16 p. J M P-C Veto messages. .. concerning ordinances to the Chicago City railway company and the Chicago railways company. February 11,1907. John F.Higgins, printers. d907 3 c8 3 p. M P-C MAYOR, 1911-1915 (CARTER H. HARRISON, JR) Bill for non-partisan elections... 1913. See CORPORATION COUNSEL. Bill for non-partisan elections... A brief statement of the financial condition of . . . Chicago; also a copy of the proposed amendment to the Juul law now pending before the legisla- ture. d912? 3 c8 3 p. P-C Communication. . .to the City council. . .recommending submission of questions of alternative construction of subways to a referendum vote, June 30, 1913, and drafts of ordinances transmitted therewith. Ordinance for downtown subways to be leased to elevated railroads. Ordinance for a comprehensive independent system of rapid transit subways. 1915. Cover-title, 39 p. J M P-C 126 CHICAGO , Continued MAYOR, 1911-1915 (CARTER H. HARRISON, JR) Continued "How shall wc control our public utilities?" address... at conference of American mayors, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 13, 1914. c 1914a 12 p. M MAYOR, 1915-1923 (WILLIAM H. THOMPSON) Agreement , city of Chicago and the Pullman company and the Pullman land association relating to lands and riparian rights in Lake Calumet, Chicago. July 23,1917. Ordinance authorizing agreement passed June 25,1917, c.p.806, amending ordinance passed Dec. 3, 1917, c. p. 1604. Agreement acknowledged by mayor and city clerk, May 11,1918. cn.d.n 34 p. M Chicago. Eight years of progress. January, 1923. cl923 3 154 p., illus. Introduction signed: Wm.Hale Thompson J M P-C U The Mayor's annual report to the City council M copy is 149 p. Chicago. A record of progress. Sec, under heading, CHICAGO, Chicago, A record of progress... Discussion of the proposed site and typo of building for the West side post office in Chicago. Address of Hon. William Halo Thompson, mayor... Address of Mr. Charles H.Waclcer... Chicago plan commission, October 6, 1915. d915:, 18 p., illus. M Food shortage warning... cl917n Cover-title, c7 3 p. M P-C Law enforcement in. .. Chicago. A report of the formal proceedings of a conference hold in the office of the mayor on Jan. 19, 1922 cto discuss the crime situation in Chicago, particularly as it may be related to the illegal sale of intoxicating beverages or "moonshine. a Including the outline of a plan for the further reduction of crime through co- operation of the forces which stand for law and order, proposed by mayor William Hale Thompson. cl92 2 3 Cover-title, 10 p. J M P-C "The now traction ordinance." Veto message... to the City council... August 22,1918. c1918d 16 p. J Problems to be met by the government of... Chicago in the immediate future. Special message. .. submitted November 10,1919... 1919. Cover-title, c4 3 p. M P-C U Responsibility for economic conditions and suggestion of a remedy therefor. Special message... to the City council. .. July 21,1919... 1919. Cover -title, c4=> p. J M P-C Thompson plan for people's ownership and operation of street railway systems at a 5c fare. Submitted to the Chicago City council in special session September 9,1919... cl919 D Cover -title, 22 p. J M P-C U 127 CHICAGO, Continued MAYOR, 1923-1927 (WILLIAM E. DEVER) "American ideal" week. Saturday, February 6 to Friday, February 12,1926. Proclamation of .. .mayor. . . c 1926 3 Broadside. P-C Dated Jan. 6, 1926. Annual report... See MAYOR. Annual message... Conditions of municipal employment in Chicago; a study in morale. .. sub- mitted to the City council. .. June 10,1925... cby Leonard D .White ^ cJohn F.Higgins, 1925s 114 p. P-0 "The investigation was made at the request of the Hon. William E. Dover . " "Dover plan" for local transportation development. October 22,1924. cl924 3 39 p., mimeo., map. M Plan for the celebration of the centennial of Chicago as submitted to mayor William E. Dover on August 17,1923, by Myron E.^dams... cl923 3 Caption title, c 4d p. J Special message. .. concerning Chicago's local transportation problem, sub- mitted to the City council... October 22,1924... c Press of the J.T. Igoc co. 1924 3 23 p., 1 fold. map. J M P-C U MAYOR, 1927-1931 (WILLIAM H. THOMPSON) An address by mayor Wm. Hale Thompson. . .chairman Chicago flood control conference. Delivered before the Mississippi river commission at its hearing in St. Louis, July 12,1927. d927=, 15, d=, p. P-C Inaugural message. .. submitted April 18,1927. c John F.Higgins print co., 1927 3 Cover-title, c 8a p., nar.O. M P-C Regarding the budget veto. No. 3... Jan. 1930. d930 D 3 p. M MAY' OR 1931-1933 (ANTON J. CERMAK) Inaugural message. .. submitted April 27,1931... cl931:> Cover-title, c60 3 p. M P-C On appointment of mayor's advisory commit too. MAYOR, 1933- (EDWARD J. KELLY) What every Chicago citizen should know about our schools... =19333 Folder. F. P-C MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMISSION ON ADMINISTRATIVE REORGANIZATION Preliminary report on the proposed consolidation and unification of local governmental activities. Concurred in by the City council, Dec. 22, 1931. cl931 a 9 p. M Report to the Mayor's advisory commission on a study of the organization and procedure of thu fiscal offices of... Chicago by a Committee of the Illinois Society of certified public accountants. July 1932. cl932 3 39 p., mimeo. M 128 CH ICAGO , Continued MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMISSION ON ADMINISTRATIVE REORGANIZATION, Continued Summary report and recommendations. . .transmitted by mayor Anton J.Cermak to the Chicago City council, Dec. 1,1931. c 1931a 8 p. P-C S ewe 11 S. Avery, chairman MAYOR'S COMMISSION ON UNEMPLOYMENT Report... cCamoron, Amborg & co., printers^ 1914. 175, cl a p. J M P-C U Charles R. Crane, chairman, Charles Richmond Henderson, secretary. MAYOR'S COMMISSION TO STUDY MUNICIPAL PROBLEMS IN EUROPE Control of vice conditions in European cities; observations of alderman ITillis 0. Nance and alderman Ellis Gciger. Embodied in a report to Hon. Carter H. Harrison, mayor... ci914n 7 p. P-C U mayor's Safety c omission annual report... 1925-1932 J 1925 1.1 1926-30, 1932 Safety alphabet. cn.d, 3 4 p., mimco. M cn.d.n 26 p., illus. M Safety lesson no,l. cn.d. 3 6 p., mimco. M MEDILL COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION. Bulletin... 1923/24. Superintendent of Schools, c 1923s 19 p. P-C Information bulletin of the School of commerce and administration. . . Superintendent of schools, 1922. Cover-title, 18 p. P-C MERRIAM COMMISSION. See COMMISSIONERS ON CITY EXPENDITURES MORALS COURT. Sec MUNICIPAL COURT. MORALS COURT MOTION PICTURE COMMISSION. Report. . .September 1920. cPrinted in the House of Sevcringhaus, 1920 D Cover -title, iv, 184, C 2 D p. M P-C U MUNICIPAL aIRPORT. See BUREAU OF PARKS, RECREATION AND AVIATION MUNICIPAL COURT Annual report. 1-25, 1906/07-1929/31 Report year irregular First annual report covers the period from December 3,1906, to November 30,1907 lOth-llth, 12th-14th, 16th-18th, 19-22d, 24th-25th, issued as com- bined reports, respectively. (Continued) 129 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL COURT, Continued Annual report . , . Continued Contains court rules Supplement to Annual report for 1929 is: The legal status of eugenical sterilization. . .Which See . J 1-25, 1906/07-29-31 M 1-25, 1906/07-29/31 P-C 1-25, 1906/07-29/31 U 1-25, 1906/07-29/31 Civil practice rules. .. Off icial copy... 1933. xxxi, 229 p. P-C John J. Sonsteby, Chief justice. Civil practice rules. . .together with the amended Municipal court act and proscribed forms of papers used in actions in the court. 1933. xxiv, 291; xi, 252 p. M P-C Second part has separate title page: Forms of papers used in actions. . . Commencement of suits and keeping of the records in the Municipal court of Chicago. 1906. 25 p. M Decisions of the Supreme and Appellate courts affecting the Municipal court and the practice therein. c1924?d 60 p. P-C Harry Olson, Chief justice cl925?3 c2 3 , 69 p. J M 1929 M Judge John Stclk's report to chief justice Harry Olson on the automobile court of the Municipal court... from the first Monday of December 1919 to the first Monday of December 1919. Pub. by permission of author by Chicago motor safety league. n.d. 26, c 4 3 p. M The legal status of eugenical sterilization; history and analysis of liti- gation under the Virginia sterilization statute, which led to a decision of the Supreme court of the United States upholding the statute. By Harry H. Laughlin. . . dhe Fred J. Ringley co. , 1930;, 83, d 3 p. M P-C U On cover: Supplement to the Annual report of the Municipal court... for the year 1929. A modern experiment in judicial administration; the Municipal court... Address. ..delivered. . .by Herbert Harley. Barnard & Miller, print, 1915. 43 p. M The Municipal court of Chicago, a tribunal of procedural reform and social service. . .Address by Hon. Harry Olson. ..May 10,1916. cl916 3 15 p. M New Municipal court system, by Hon. Hiram T. Gilbert. Address delivered before the Union league club of Chicago, April 10,1906. cl906 3 20 p. M 130 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL COURT, Continued Proposed amendments to the Municipal court act relating to the selection and retirement of the judges of that court, by Albert M. Kales. July, 1914. c 1914 3 31 p. M Record entries and abbreviated forms. Commencement of suits and keeping of records. List of Municipal court blanks. n. d. 310 p. ' M Research studies of crime, as related to heredity... 1925. 89 p., illus. J M P-C U Contents. -Crime and heredity, by H.Olson. -Crime from a psychia- trist's point of view, by C.W.Burr. -The fundamental biological and mathematical principles underlying chromosomal descent and recombination in human heredity, by H.H. Laughlin. -Socio-cconomics of crime and criminals, by W. J. Hicks on. Rules... 1907-1930. Cover-title. Title varies . J 1907 M n.d, 1907, 1914, 1922, 1930 P-C 1907, cl910 3 , c 1918? 3 , rl922 3 U 1907, cl91-? 3 Rules in relation to bail in criminal and quasi-criminal cases, in force May 11,1932. c 1932 3 29 p. M MUNICIPAL COURT. BOYS' COURT Anticipating crime: the Boys' court: report by Judge Daniel P.Trudo... n.d. c3 3 p. M MUNICIPAL COURT. CHIEF BAILIFF Report. . .for. . .January 1928-January 1929. d929 3 M MUNICIPAL COURT. CLERK ...Motorists' manual. Useful information for the guidance of motor vehicle users. Issued by James A. Koarns... cFrcd J. Ringley co. 1930:, 31 p. P-C At head of title: January, 1930. ...Safety first. Useful information for the guidance of motor vehicle users. Issued with the compliments of James A.Kcarns... c Thc F.J. Ringley co. 1927:, 23 p. Title from Library of Congress MUNICIPAL COURT. COURT OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS Established April 3,1911 The Court of domestic relations, a branch of tho Municipal court, and three judges who made it famous. . .Nov. 3, 1914. d914? 3 Mimco. J 131 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL COURT. COURT OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS, Continued Report... 1911/12-1917 Title varies. Year ends irregularly. 1917 includes a "Special report on its organization and operation. . . by Judge John Stclk. J 3, 1913/14; 1917 M 1, 1911/12; 3, 1913/14; 1917 P-C 1, 1911/12; 3, 1913/14; 1917 U 1, 1911/12; 3, 1913/14 MUNICIPAL COURT. MORALS COURT. ...The People of the state of Illinois vs. Julia Rector... cl92- D 8 p. J In the Municipal court of Chicago, Morals branch, before the Hon. Arnold Heap, judge. Upon the complaint of Samuel P. Thrasher, superintendent for the Committee of fifteen, Julia Rector, one of the entertainers at the Entertainers' cafe, Chicago, was placed on trial, charged with violating section 224j=r of the Criminal code of the Revised statutes by participating in an obscene and indecent show and entertainment. MUNICIPAL COURT. PSYCHOPATHIC LABORATORY Eugonical sterilization in the United States, by Harry Hamilton Laughlin. . . 1922. xxiii, 502 p., 1 1., illus. J M P-C U Lettered on cover: A report of the Psychopathic laboratory of the Municipal court of Chicago. Report... May 1,1914 to April 30,1917. c Chicago, Fred Klein co. , printers, 1918 3 392 p., illus. J M P-C U MUNICIPAL EFFICIENCY COMMISSION Final report... 1909-1911. c!911? a 41 p. J M P P-C U Frank I. Bennett, Bernard W.Snow, and others, members of the com- mission. "This commission. . .has ended its work, in cooperating with the Civil service commission, by standardizing public employment." -p. 5. Report... (Extract from Journal of the Proceedings of the City council, Nov. 29, 1909)... c 1909, 16 p. Elton Lower, chairman Title from Library of Congress MUNICIPAL FLAG COMMISSION Proposed rules and regulations to govern the public competitive contest for a suitable design of a municipal flag f or. .. Chicago. cl917 D c33 1. J Mounted mimeographed sheets . Report... cn.d.a 3 p., tpw. M 132 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL FLAG C OMISSION Rules adopted. govern the public competition contest,.. ci9i7? 3 c4 3 1., mimeo. P-C MUNICIPAL LIBRARY. See BUREAU OF STATISTICS and MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY MUNICIPAL MARKETS COMMISSION Chicago municipal markets commission, appointed by mayor Harrison to make a comprehensive study and report on the subject of municipal markets and other agencies tending to bring the producer and the customer into closer contact... cH. G.Adair, printer, 1914 3 54 p. Alderman James H. Lawley, chairman. j jj p_q u On cover: Preliminary report to the mayor and aldermen. . .by the Chicago municipal markets commission. . .April 27,1914. Report to the mayor and aldermen. .. on a practical plan for relieving desti- tution and unemployment in the city of Chicago. cH. G.Adair, printer:, 1914. 69 p. J i.i p_c U Alderman James H. Lawloy, chairman Dated December 28,1914 Appended are a report by Miss Amelia Soars, director of the Bureau of public welfare of Cook county, on the problem of unemployment and possible destitution, and letters from Eugonc T. Lies, general superintendent of the United Charities of Chicago, submitting plans for dealing with unemployment and poverty. Statement submitted to the Committee on judiciary of the Chicago City council on the proposed ordinance licensing and regulating commission merchants, jobbers and brokers, in farm produce and foodstuffs. cl914 3 11 p., tpw. M See ^vlso COOK COUNTY, BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE. The problem of unemploy- ment... 1914. F J MUNICIPAL MUSEUM. See under heading, Semi-Off icial Bodies, MUNICIPAL MUSEUM. MJ.^J.x-jxi, •; MUNICIPAL PENSION FUND. See_ BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MUNICIPAL PENSION FUND, and RETIREMENT BOARD OF THE MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES' ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY By ordinance, in March 1913, the library of the BUREAU OF STATISTICS becamo undor its present name a branch of tho Public library. The ordinance was repealed on March 31,1918, when the Library became a separate institution. Address on the distribution of municipal reports and couments in American cities, by Frederick Rex. Read before the Annual convention of thu Special libraries' association, at Clovoland, June 12,1931. d931 3 3 p. M 133 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Advantages of subways. Compiled by Frederick Rex... 1926. 3 p., tpw. M ..mount of gasoline tax per gallon and disposition of revenue from gasoline taxes in various states, distributed according to state, county and municipal highway construction purposes... 1929. 5 p., tpw. M Analysis and summary of replies received from 66 pawnbrokers relative to sundry inquiries contained in a questionnaire* of the Committee on license of the Chicago City council, including information pertaining to capital invested, sales, payrolls, rentals, gross income, dividends and personal property taxes paid in 1917... April 1918. d918 3 11 1., mimoo., 36j§- x 22cm. j jj Annual report. . . 1918-1932 M 1918, 1923-26, 1928-30, 1932 P-C 1923-24, 1928 Books and pamphlets in the. .. library relating to garbage collection and disposal. March 23,1922. d922, 10 p., tpw. M Bocks, pamphlets and other material on file in the. .. library. . .relating to pension, superannuation, retirement and disability laws, ordinances and systems for policemen, firemen and other classes of municipal and private employes. n.d. 14 p., tpw. M ...Brief list of references on fire hazards and fire resistance of office buildings... d922 3 1 1. M Bric; T n ^ st of rofort;nccs on housing in Chicago, compiled by Frederick Rex. 192 7. M Brief list of references on municipal fire insurance compiled by Frederick Rex... 1924. 1 p., tpw. M Brief list of references on, (a)pollution of public water supplies by phenol wastes and methods of prevention or disposal of such wastes: (^elimination of chloral-phenol tastes in water; and (c)use of lime in lieu of chlorine on the treatment of public water supplies. 1928 4 p., tpw. M Brief list of references on the care, upkeep, administration and control of cemeteries. 1922. 2 p., tpw. M Brief list of references en the collection of garbage and refuse and the cleaning of streets and alleys in the city of Chicago. 1932. 2 p., Brief list of references to books raid pamphlets on file in the. .. library bearing upon the subject of fixed cr permanent bridges for the ChicLo river. April 1923. d9233 2 p., mimoo. Br %ll^°i/ U l Cr T CS -^ b °° kS ^ P^P hl ^ ts elating to the financial history of street railways. 1930. l p ., tpw. M 134 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Brief list cf references tc books and periodicals relating tc steriliza- tion of criminal insane and similar defectives. n,d. 2 p., mimco. M Brief list of references to books, pamphlets and periodicals in the... . library relating to the disposal of garbage, ashes or refuse at city- dumps. March 192 2. cl922 3 2 p., mimeo. M Brief list of references to books, pamphlets and periodicals in the. . . library relating to reduction and incineration of garbage, ashes and rubbish. March 1922. c 1922a 2 p„ , mimeo. M Brief list of references to books, pamphlets and periodicals in the... library, relating to street cleaning. March 1922. cl922 3 2 p., mimeo. M Brief list of references to books, pamphlets and periodicals in the... library relating to the collection and transportation of garbage ashes and rubbish. March 1922. cl922^ 2 p., mimeo. M Brief list of references to ordinances on file in the. .. library relating to franchises granted private companies for supplying heat from a cen- tral heating station to buildings and industries in American cities. Compiled by F.Rex, librarian. 1930. 3 p., tpw. M Brief list of references to state laws and municipal ordinances regulating or prohibiting the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products to minors. 1927. 3 p. , tpw. M Briof notes on closing of barber shops on Sundays in American cities, prepared. . .by Frederick Rex... 1926. 3 p., tpw. M Brief notes on the use of public school buildings in cities for miscella- neous neighborhood or community activities... August 1924. c1924d 6 p. , tpw. M Brief summary of the motor vehicle laws of various states limiting the width of tires, weight and speed of commercial vchiclos, trucks and trailers, with recommendations relating to the foregoing made by the Massachusetts Special commission on motor vehicles. January 1921. cl921 3 ,2 3 , 4 p., tpw. M Cartage and drayage charges at lake ports in the United States. 1933. 2 .p. , tpw. M Cartage and drayage charges at United States seaports. 1933. 3 p., tpw. M Chronology of movement providing for the electrification of stoam rail- roads in. . .Chicago. . . Nov. 1918. cl918 3 2 p., tpw. M Civic educational number. Guide to duplicate municipal documents of... Chicago available for school use. November 1919. By Frederick Rex, librarian. cl919 3 13 p., mimeo. M 135 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Comparative information on private banks and banking. Compiled for the Committee on judiciary, Chicago City council, Alderman Otto Kcrner, chairman... c 1916s 37 1., mimco. J M Comparative ordinances of cities fixing a standard loaf of bread. Compiled for tho Committee on judiciary... October 1916. c 1916 3 6 p., tpw. Title from New York public library. Comparative statistics of ... Chicago. . .December 1915. e 1915a 7 p., tpw. M Comparative statistics of rates of fare charged by public taxicabs engaged in carrying passengers for hire in largo cities of the United States... c 1933s 13 p., mimeo. P-C Comparative statistics on the climate of cities in tho United States having a population of 300,000 and over, in the year 1932. January 1934. c 1934s 3 p. , tpw. M Comparative table of standing and special committees of city councils and boards of aldermen in twenty-four large cities... cn.d.s tpw. M Comparative tax rates of 93 cities in the United States having a popula- tion of over 100,000 for the year 1930. Compiled by Frederick Rex, librarian. 1931. 4 p. M , 1931. 1932. 4 p. M 1933. 1934. 4 p . M Data showing the number of councilmen or aldermen in cities in the United States... 1929. Caption title, 1 1., mimeo. M P-C Tho depression of railroad tracks as a method of grade crossing elimina- tion. .. Mar. 1,1929. e 1929s 14 p., tpw. Includes report on Winnetka. Digest of the more important city ordinances and state laws regulating maximum weights, width of tires, speed, etc., of motor trucks, tractors, and trailers. Novombcr 1920. c 1920s 16 p., tpw. I. Educational bulletin. Sept. 1919. cl919s Caption title, els, 12 p., mimco. P-C Extracts from municipal ordinances prohibiting gambling or wheels of fortune in public parks and playgrounds. Compiled by Frederick Rox. . . 1926. 2 P'> tpw* M Extracts from municipal ordinances providing for licensing of engineers or operators of refrigeration plants. cn.d.s 3 p., tpw. M 136 CHICAGO , Continuod MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Extracts from ordinances of various cities having for their purpose the prevention of the use or obstruction of sidewalk space for the display and sale of produce. July 1927. c 1927 3 9 p., tpw. M Extracts from ordinances of various cities relating to the suspension and revocation of licenses. 1924. Caption title, 4 1., mimco. M P-C The fine arts in the City hall, a brief review of important works of sculpture and painting in the City hall. . .Chicago. An address by Frederick Rex... Feb. 9, 1933. c 1933s 6 p., tpw. M The "Fire shanties" of the Chicago fire. Released for publication, Wednes- day, October 9,1929, the anniversary of the Chicago fire of October 9, 1871. Prepared by F. Rex, librarian. 1929. 2 p., tpw. M ...Foodstuffs, retail prices in twenty-four cities. Comparative statement, prepared for Committee on health of City council... by Frederick Rex... cl916 3 7 p. Tables showing the retail prices of twenty principal articles of food in twenty-f our cities of the United States, November 1,1916. Title from Library of Congress. Grade separation at street intersections. September 1927. c 1927s 2 p., tpw. M Greatest length and greatest width of each of the fifty wards of ... Chicago, compiled by Frederick Rex... August 1,1924. c 1924d 1 p., mimeo. M The growth of State street. 1933. 6 p., tpw. M Highway grade separation. 1927. 1 p., tpw. M Historical notes relating to early Chicago and one hundred and nineteenth anniversary of the Fort Dearborn massacre. Compiled by Frederick Rex ... August 15,1931. cl93ls 4 p., mimeo. M Historical notes relating to the bridge across the Calumot river at 106th street... 1929. 5 p., tpw. M Incorporated municipalities of state of Illinois (since July 1,1872); date of incorporation laws in force. cl922 3 4 p., tpw. M Information on the origin and derivation of the "Y" design, frequently used in the city of Chicago as graphically illustrating or symboliz- ing the city of Chicago... October 15,1915. cl915 3 3 p., tpw. M Information relating to the first or original system of subways construct- ed in New York city, Philadelphia, and Boston... cl924? 3 Caption title, 8 p., mimco. M P-C 137 C HICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Laws and ordinances of cities in the United States and Europe regulating the over-crowding of steamships and boats engaged in carrying passen- gers on excursions and pleasure 1915. 4 p., tpw. Title from Now York Public library. Laws and ordinances of states and cities other than Illinois and Chicago prohibiting or regulating the carrying of concealed weapons. Prepared at the request of the Committee on schools, fire, police and civil service... March 1918. cl918 3 42 p., tpw. 1.1 Legacies or bequests which have been made by public spirited citizens of Chicago for various purposes to our public park systems. Municipal reference library, F.Rex, librarian. Letter July 23,1931. C1931 3 4 p. , tpw. M Letter from Frederick Rex... giving history of acquisition of Stone street by Potter Palmer estate. Jan. 11,1933. cl933 3 3 p., tpw. M Letters received from Purchasing agents of various cities relative to prices obtained by the city as a purchaser of standard commodities, cn.d. 3 15 p. , tpw. M License fees in various cities for garages and gasoline filling stations. Compiled by Frederick Rex, librarian. 1925. 3 p. , tpw. M License rates in cities having a population of over 30,000, for transiont, itinerant and traveling merchants, vendors and professions... 1919. 12 p., tpw. M List of cities incorporated in. .. Illinois prior to the incorporation of Chicago as a city March 4,1837. cn.d.n 1 p., tpw. M List of civic organizations, business men's associations and improvement clubs in the city of Chicago... cl919 3 15 p., tpw. M List of current periodicals on file. . .October 1922. 1922. 4 1., mimco. J M List of references in the. .. library on the subject of recreation in Chicago. cn.d.a 3 p., tpw. M List of references on publicity for municipal reports and facts. Compiled by Frederick Rox. . . 1926. 2 p., tpw. M List of references on taxpayers' savings clubs. 1932. 1 p., tpw. M List of references on the subject of "tax fighters," tax strikers," and "tax caters," in. .. Chicago. 1871-1880. c n.d. 3 2 p., tpw. M ...List of references on the unlimited transferable weekly pass as an electric railway fare. Caption title, 1 1., tpw. M At head of title* ... Bureau of statistics and Municipal reference library. 138 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued List of roforonccs relating to the effect of Rapid transit and Electric railway extensions on real estate values in cities, compiled by Frederick Rex, librarian. 1929. 2 p., tpw. M Revised. 1930. 3 p., tpw. M List of references to articles appearing in early departmental reports and city council proceedings having a bearing upon the history of Chicago... September 23, 1927. cl927 3 2 p., tpw. M Historical list no.l. List of references to books and periodicals on file in the. .. library relating to the indeterminate franchise or permit for public utilities. 1925. 1 1., mimeo. M List of references to books, pamphlets and periodicals in the. .. library, of interest to bureau and division heads, and executives, as well as other employees in the Health department of .. .Chicago. 1-74, Llarch 21, 1927-0ct.26,1933. Variant title; Public-health list. M 1-74, Llar.21,1927-0ct.26,1933. List of references to Chicago Council proceedings relating to taxation and taxes. n.d. 5 p., tpw. M List of references to material on file in the. .. library relating to the payment of taxos on the installment plan cither before or after maturity. 1932. 1 p. , tpw. M List of references to material on. file in the. .. library relating to the Polish-Americans in. . .Chicago, 1907-1931. 1932. 2 p., tpw. M List of references to municipal ordinances licensing chain stores. cn.d. : 1 p. , tpw. M List of references to ordinances or laws introduced in cr passed by city councils or state legislatures in the United States since December 14, 1932, licensing and regulating the sale of beer or malt and fermented beverages, May 1933. cigSS" 1 3 p., mimeo. M List of references to publications on filo in the. .. library. . .relating to the Sanitary district of Chicago. June 1924. c 1924 3 4 p., mimo o . J H List of references to recent publications on the subject of smoke nuisance and its prevention and abatement, including references to municipal ordinances and regulations. 1928. 4 p., tpw. 11 Local neighborhood newspapers in Chicago. September 1933. cl933 3 2 p., tpw. H Meaning of the Chicago flag, by F. Rex, librarian. 1929. 1 p., tpw. U 139 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued. Memorandum on state laws relating to delinquent automobile licence fees, 1932. 2 p., tpw. M Memoradum on state laws relating to the payment of taxes under protest, but requiring prepayment of the taxes in whole or in part before such protest is filed. 1933. 6 p. M Memorandum relating to large cities in the United States which provide for city comptrollers or city auditors and city treasurers by appointment or election. 1933. 1 p., tpw. M Memoradum relating to the sewerage system of the city of Chicago. cn,d 3 6 p., tpw. M Monuments and memorials to George Washington in... Chicago... 1933. 1 p., tpw. M Moving picture theatres, municipal rules and regulations... c 1915 3 cId, 12 p., tyw. Title from Nov/ York Public Library. Municipal licenses on business and business activities. January 1, 1925. cl925 3 2 p., mimeo. M ...Municipal ordinances and regulations providing for the abatement of noise, with particular reference to noise made by building, excavating and pile driving machinery and equipment in large cities. Prepared... by Frederick Rex, librarian... r" cl928 3 cl 3 , 24 p., tpw. J M P-C Municipal ordinances of cities in the United States other than Chicago licensing and regulating livery stables: license fees for livery stables in fourteen cities... June 1918. c 1918 3 13 p. tyw. M Municipal ordinances or regulations requiring the use of identification marks for new-born babies in hospitals. Prepared... by Frederick Rex, Nov. 1931. cl931 3 13 p., mimeo. M Municipal ordinances providing for the installation of gas shut-off valves in buildings. Compiled... by Frederick Rex... May 1925. c 1925d 5 p., tpw. M Municipal ordinances relating to "tag days". 1932. 4 p., tpw. M Municipal reference bulletin. 1-8, 1913-1917. No. 1 Rates of fare of public motor vehicles in fifteen large cities 1913 c8 3 p. No. 2 Municipal dance halls. 1914. , 9,cl 3 p. No. 3 A study of rapid transit in seven cities. 1914 26,cl 3 p. No. 4 The payment of fines in installments by offenders. 1914 16 p. No. 5 Speculation or scalping in amusement tickets. Analysis of mu- nicipal ordinances prohibiting or regulating the said of tick- ets of admission at advanced prices. 1915. 20 p. 140 CHICAGO , Continued. MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued. Municipal reference bulletin. (Continued) No. 6 Municipal flags. c 1915 3 25 p. No, 7 Area, density of population and distribution by wards of public parks of... Chicago. 1916. 19 p. No. 8 Report on the more economic distribution and delivery of milk in... Chicago by the Committee on health, Chicago City council. 1917. 15 p. J 1-8, 1915-17 M 1-8, 1915-17 P-C 1-8, 1915-17 U 1-8, 1915-17 Municipal regulations or ordinances providing f6r the candling of eggs, cn.d. a 9 p., tpw, M Municipal war activities; report on war activities in other cities of the United States than Chicago. c 1917a tf.2 3 p» tpw. M Notes on laws of states fixing the number of Jurors necessary to render a verdict in jury trails. Compiled for the use of the Committee on judiciary, Chicago City council, Hon. Jacob M. Arvey, chairman, Fred- erick Rex, librarian... 1927. 4 p. tpw. M Notes on laws of various states granting exemption from taxation in whole or in part, to widows or veterans and other owners of small homes. Prepared... by F. Rex, librarian, 1950. cl950 3 5 p. M Notes on leasing of municipal real estate for housing purposes. 1926. 2 p. tpw. M Notes on municipal home rule provisions in state constitutions prepared at the request of the Chicago Council commission on constitutional proposals... el919 3 8 p., mimeo. M prepared at the request of the Chicago City council Committee on judiciary, Alderman Jacob M. Arvey, chairman... by Frederick Rex, lib- rarian... 1927, 12 p. mimeo. M P-C Notes on recommendations by crime commissions relative to placing profess- ional criminals, chronic repeaters, charged with felonies, persons committing or attempting robbery with a gun or other deadly weapon, and offenders having long criminal records, under high bail bonds or sureties. By F. Rex, librarian. Oct. 18, 1950. d950 3 5 p. mimeo. M Notes on the birthday of the city of Chicago, March 4, 1950. c 1950 3 5 p. tpw. M March 4, 1951. cl95l 3 5 p., tpw. Notes on the collection and disposal of dead animals in Chicago and other cities. 1328. 10 p. tpw. M 141 CHICAG O, C ont inu e d MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Notes on the Douglas district. Compiled by Frederick Rex... c n.d. 3 3 p. , tpw. M Number of auto thefts reported in 83 cities of the United States ... 1930. 2 p., mimeo. M P-C Number of feeble minded in state institutions in the United States for the years 1918, 1919, 1920 and 1921, and for the period ending June 30, 1922. cn.d.zj Caption title, 1 p., mimoo. IvI P-C Number of firemen in... Chicago killed in the performance of duty during the yoars from 1875 to April 21, 1924 inclusive, and number of policemen in Chicago killed in the performance of duty during the years from 1878 to April 21, 1924, inclusive... 1924. 1 p., tpw. M Number of known offenses reported in 81 cities of the United States... for the nine months period ending Sept . 30, 1930. c1931?d Caption title, 12 p., mimeo. P-C Number of murders, reported in. ..cities of the United States having a popu- lation of over 100,000. . .1930-1932. cl 3 9 months ending Sept. 30, 1930 c 2 a For the year 1930 c3 a For the years 1930 and 1931 c4 D For the years 1930, 1931 and 1932 M cl-4 3 P-C da, c3 3 Number of square blocks in. ..Chicago according to wards... 1930. 1 p., tpw. M ...Opinions rendered by the Attorney general of ... Illinois , during the years 1908 to 1928, to cities and villages, on filling of vacancies in the office of mayor of cities or president of boards of village trustees, and the election of mayors of cities and presidents of village boards protcm. 1933. 9 p., tpw. M Ordinances of American cities requiring ownors and operators of public taxi-cabs and other motor vehicles carrying passengers for hire to furnish indemnity or surety bonds. .. 1920. 16 p., tpw. M Ordinances of and license rates prevailing in cities for newsboys and news stands... June 1919. 8 p., tpw. M Ordinances of certain cities in the United States providing for the equip- ment of restaurants with lavatories and toilets. 1923. 5 p., tpw. M Ordinances of cities providing for numbering of houses at the rear on alley entrance to the premises... cl921n 2 p., tpw. M Ordinances of various cities in the United States licensing peddlers. 1932. 7 p., tpv. M 142 CHICAG O, Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Ordinances of various cities prohibiting keeping open on Sunday retail grocery stores and meat markets, bakeries, delicatessen, drug stores, or similar retail establishments. Compiled by Frederick Rex. cn.d. 3 8 p. , tpw. M Ordinances of various cities providing for marking of motor vehicles forming part of funeral corteges and giving vehicles so marked the right of way. 1928. 2 p., tpw. M Ordinances of various cities providing for the licensing and regulation of roofing contractors. Prepared. . .by F. Rex, librarian. Feb. 1930. cl930 3 4 p. , tpw. M Ordinances regulating or prohibiting the carrying of red flags in the cities of Chicago, San Francisco, Salt Lake City and Minneapolis. el918 3 4 p., tpw. M Ordinances regulating the delivery of coal, building materials and other heavy commodities in the congested or business districts of cities... cn.d. a 8 p. , tpw. M Ordinances relating to charges paid public carters, expressmen, and porters for handling trunks and similar baggage. Aug. 1933. ^ 1933a 4 p #J tpw. M Ordinances, resolutions of other cities regarding unemployment. Jan. 1932. c 1932 D 3 p., tpw. M Origin of the name of Robcy street. June 16,1927. cl927 3 M Park districts in Chicago. 1924. 2 p., mimeo. M Park districts in Chicago and Cook County. 1926. 3 p., mimco. M P-C 1928. 3 p., mimeo. M P-C Partial summary of the principal activities of the. .. library. . .for the eight months' period ending August 31,1918. September 3,1918. c 1918 a 11 p. , mimco. M Placos and things of interest in. . .Chicago. . . 1915. cl 3 , 27 p., tpw. M Poll taxes levied in cities of the United States in year 1917, arranged by states. March 1919. c 1919a 7 p., tpw. M Population and appropriations for ward work by the Bureau of streets. .. for the years 1914, 19.15, 1916 and 1917... di.d., 1 p., tpw. M Population, area in acres and square miles, density of population. .. accord- ing to wards... 1925. Caption title, 24 p., mimeo. M P-C 143 CHICAGO , Continuod MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Population of... Chicago according to wards and geographical divisions as of April 1,1930 and July 22,1921, with total increase or decrease, and percentage of gain or loss. cn.d. D 2 p., mimeo. M Population of... Chicago, below 6 years of age, below 4 years of age, or below 1 year of age, according to the reports of the biennial school census of the city by the Board of education, during the years from 1872 to 1916. m.d.3 2 p., tpw. M Population of each of the 50 wards . . .and total population of . .-.Chicago, estimated as of January 1,1925. Compiled by Frederick Rex... cn.d.: 1 p. , mimeo. M Estimated as of January 1,1927... cn.d.r, M Population of Illinois senatorial districts outside of Cook county for the years 1920, 1910, 1900, compiled by Frederick Rex. .. October 1925. c 1925 3 4 p., mimeo. M Population of native parentage, foreign born parentage and foreign born, • and negroes in eighteen cities of the United States having a population of over 300,000, compiled from report on population as shown by 13th census of the United States for year 1910... cn.d.n 1 p., tpw. M Population of the wards of... Chicago by election precincts, according to school census of May 4,1914. Estimated population and number of registered voters in wards of city of year 1916. Prepared for Com- mittee on judiciary... cl916 D Caption title, ela, 12, el a 1., mimeo. J M P-C Proposed apportionment of Cook county into three Illinois Supreme court judicial districts, each district having approximately the same number of inhabitants. Prepared. . .by Frederick Rex, librarian. c n. d.n M Proposed constitution and by-lows suitable for the organization of neigh- borhood local improvement associations. Prepared by Frederick Rox, librarian. 1929. 4p. , tpw. M ...Proposed subways in. .. Chicago: a list of references to material on file in the. ... library (chronologically arranged) compiled by Frederick Rox, librarian... December 1,1932. c 1932 3 Caption title, 15 numb.l., mimeo. J M Public employees. Describes conditions in America and foroign countries. September 1915. cl915 3 4 p., tpw. Title from New York Public library. Public employees; outlines the various organizations and thoir purposes. September 1915. c 1915s 5 p., tpw. Title from New York Public library. Public opportunities and facilities for leisure time recreation, amusement and instruction in American cities. cl926 3 (Continued) 144 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Public opportunities and facilities. .. Continued Cover-title, 1 p.l., 114 numb.l., tpw. M P-C U Caption title: Survey of public opportunities and facilities for leisure time recreation, amusement and instruction in American cities. By Frederick Rex, librarian. Questionnaire regarding garbage and rubbish disposal. d930?^ 2 p., tpw. M Rank of states according to population, including proposed state of Chicago, compiled by Frederick Rex... July 1,1925. cl925 3 1 p., tpw, M Population figures for July 1, 1923. Reading listcSa for applicants preparing for Civil service examinations. 1931. 15 pts. M Compiled by Frederick Rex. Record of important matters acted upon by the Chicago City council during the period from April 25,1921 to December 6,1922, inclusive. cn.d.: 90 p. , mimeo. M References on traffic regulations to temporary zones of quiet. 1927. 1 p. , tpv. M Referendum votes on repeal of Illinois prohibition act. 1920-1930. cn.d. D 2 p., tpw. M Regulations relating to the hours during which drawbridges shall remain closed in American cities. Prepared. . .by F. Rex, librarian. December, 1929. c 19293 4 p., tpw. M Replies received from state public utilities commissions and officials relating to indeterminate franchises or permits for public utilities. c n.d. o 35 p. , tpw. M Report of cities which have established safety departments or accident prevention bureaus, charged with the duty of devising ways and means for the prevention of accidents by motor and other vehicles. . .Feb. 1, 1924. d924 3 9 p., tpw. M Report of methods employed in various cities in receiving applications from employees for increases in salaries... May 11,1923. cl923=> 13 p. , tpv/. M Report of municipal war activities, mobilization and preparedness in the leading European countries at war .. .Nov. 1917. cl917 3 8 p., tpw. M Report of the Ford and Detective bureau squads motor vehicles in the Chicago Police department, by Frederick Rex... 1926. 2 p., tpw. M Report on budget appropriations and tax rates during the years from 1915 to 1920 in cities of the United States, and on new sources of municipal revenue. ..By Frederick Rex. . . c 1921?3 1 p.l., 22 numb.l., tpw. J 1.1 U 145 CHIC AGO, Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Report on censorship of motion picture films in cities in the United States other than Chicago. Prepared at the request of alderman Walter p. Steffen, c and others^, sub-committee, Committee on Judiciary... cl917 3 cl9 3 1., mimeo. J M P-C U Report on costs of various kinds of street and alley paving in twelve cities of the United States having a population of over 500,000... 1917. 13 p., tpw. M Report on daily allowance made to prisoners confined in houses of correc- tion for non-payment of fines , in cities of Boston, Buffalo, Detroit, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle and Toledo. Compiled by Frederick Rex... 1925. 2 p, M Report on garbage and refuse collection and disposal in 33 cities of the United States other than Chicago. . .December 1918. cl918 3 16 p., tpw. Report on method of removal of garbage, ashes and refuse from the apartment buildings in various American cities... 1923. 8 p., tpw. M Report on methods adopted in American cities providing for the electrifica- tion of steam railroads as the result of municipal ordinances, of state laws, or by voluntary action of the steam railroads. Prepared at the request of Hon. Jacob M. Arvey, chairman, Committee on judiciary, Chicago City council, by Frederick Rex, librarian. . . July 1926. c 1926a 14 p., tpw. M Report on methods employed in large cities in preventing or abating the dust nuisance on public streets and alleys. Prepared by Frederick Rex, librarian... November 1926. c1926d 10 p., tpw. Report on methods employed in large cities in the purchase of motor trucks and other motor vehicles for municipal use. Compiled by Frederick Rex 1925. 4 p. , tpw. M Report on methods prevailing in large American cities providing for the regulation or prevention of over-loading of motor trucks, trailers and similar commercial vehicles... December 1925. c 1925 3 8 p., tpw. M Report on minor highway privileges as a source of municipal revenue, in nine citius of the United States, including sub-sidewalk vaults or tunnels, overhanging signs, building balconies or other projections, switch tracks, etc. March 1924. ^19243 12 p., tpw. M Report on municipal golf courses in the South park, Yfost park, and Lincoln park systems of... Chicago and in the Forest preserves of Cook county, Illinois, by Frederick Rex, librarian. cn.d.u 11 p., tpw. M Report on municipal insurance of policemen and firemen, and on awards mado to the families and dependents of policemen and firemen killed while (Continued) 146 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Report on municipal insurance of policemen and firemen. . .Continued engaged in the discharge of their duties: prepared. . .by Frederick Rex ... 1920. 16 p., tpw. M Report on municipal junk yards and the collection of waste paper on munici- pal waste reclamation... January 1919. cl919 3 8 p., tpw. M Report on municipal ordinances and laws providing for the general registra- tion of the population in cities... 1919. Caption title, 13 p., mimoo. M P-C Report on municipal ordinances and regulations governing the cutting of weeds :nd the removal of rubbish from vacant property, and providing for thu assessment of the cost of such removal against the owner or owners of such property. Prepared. . .by Frederick Rex, librarian... September 1920. c 1920 3 '- 14 p., tpw. M Report on municipal ordinances and regulations providing for safety devices, guards and standards for passenger and freight elevators... July 1918. c 1918 a 25 p., tpw. M Report on municipal ordinances, city charters, state constitutions or state laws, empowering city councils to license for the purpose of regulation and revenue various kinds of business, industries, occupations, trades, professions and callings. Prepared. . .by Frederick Rex. ..March 1921. d921 D 23 p., tpw. M Report on municipal ordinances fixing individual liability for fires duo to carelessness or neglect. .. June 1921. c 1921s 9 p., tpv;. Report on municipal ordinances licensing and regulating the construction and operation of miniature golf courses and golf courses. Compiled by F. Rex, librarian. Nov. 1930. d930^ 24 p., mimoo. M Report on municipal ordinances prohibiting speculation or scalping in amusement tickets and the sale of tickets of admission at advanced prices. . .March 1921. cl921 3 14 p., tpw. M Report on municipal ordinances regulating the rates and charges for moving household furniture, pianos and similar articles by public express, expressmen and cartmen. . . July 1918. c 1918a 7 p., tpv;. M Report on municipal ordinances requiring the establishment of public com- fort stations in connection with gasoline filling or service stations. c n.d.3 15 p. , tpv;. M Report on municipal ordinances requiring whoul tax on vehicles used princi- pally upon streets of the municipality. Prepared. . .by F. Rex, librarian. Nov. 1929. cl929 3 7 p., tpw. M Report on pavements. Cuts and openings. October 1927. cl927= 13 p., tpw. M 147 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Report on preference for appointment to public positions under civil ser- vice in American states and cities extended to honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines. Preference for appointment to public positions under civil scrvico in Australia and Canada extended to honorably discharged soldiers and sailors... 1918. d 3) 28 1., mimco. J M Frederick Rex, librarian. Report on procedure followed in American states and cities in increasing salaries and wages of public employes as a means of mooting increased living costs... c November 3 1919. c 1919s 53 p., tpw. M Report on state laws and municipal ordinances providing that subdivisions of large tracts of land shall not be accepted, approved or recorded by public officials, unless in such subdivisions reservations are made for public parks, cctc 3 Frederick Rex, librarian. 1926. 13 1., mimco. J M P-C Report on street and back yard playgrounds in Now York city, based on in- formation furnished by the Police department of Now York city, as of June 25,1918... cl918 3 3 p., tpw. M Report en street opening and pavement cutting permits and practices in large cities.., May 1927. cl927 3 8 p. M Report on the coordination and cooperation of the inspection services of ...Chicago for the purpose of eliminating overlapping jurisdiction, duplication of work end conflict of authority. Submitted to Hon. Albert A. Sprague, commissioner of public works... by Frederick Rex... 1926. 17 p., tpw. M Report on the cost of motor truck and team hire in cities in the collection of garbage, ashes and miscellaneous refuse. Prepared. . .by Frederick Rex... June 1926. d926 3 6 p., tpw. M Report on the jurisdiction, control and regulation exercised over motor buses and similar motor vehicles engaged in carrying passengers for hire over the streets, boulevards and public highways, by public utility commissions, city councils or boards of aldermen, park boards or other state and local governmental authorities. October 1924. c 1924 ^ 66 p., tpw. M Report on the removal of public officers by the recall, compiled for the Committee on judiciary, Chicago City council... c n.d. 3 29 p., tpv. M Report on the repair of public motor vehicles and trucks in municipal re- pair or work shops and by private contract. 1933. 19 p., tpw. M Report on the use of pulmotors or lung motors by municipal and private ambulances in various cities in the United States... cSept. 1917s cl917 3 6 p., tpw. M 148 CHICAGO , Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Report on the uses of the summons in place of arrest by warrant or without process in cities of the United States... cSept.l917 3 c 1917 3 18 p., tpw. M Report on use of elevated loading zones or platforms for street car pas- sengers in cities. Prepared. . .by Frederick Rex. . .September 1926. 1926 3 5 p., tpw. M c . Supplement. c 1926 3 3 p., tpw. M Report upon cities in the United States other than ,Chicago licensing and regulating food stands, food carts and counters. .. Juno 1918. cl918 3 9 p. , tpw. M Salaries of South, West and Lincoln park police. Information obtained December 1,1924. d924 3 1 p., tpw. M School buildings erected in. ..Chicago during the years from 1915-1927 inc., according to location by wards. cn.d. 3 5 p., tpw. M Select list of references on Chicago's transportation problem... 1926. 3 p. , tpw. Select list of references to books and pamphlets on file in the. .. library relating to the Chicago harbor problem and allied topics. May 12,1924. d924 3 13 p. , tpw. Addenda, 1924-1930. c n. d. 3 3 p., mimco. 1.1 Statement relating to the center of population of... Chicago during the period from 1900 to 1930. Compiled by Frederick Rex. 1932. 1 p. ,tpw. Statement relating to yacht harbors established in Chicago and other cities for mooring yachts, motor boats and similar craft maintained for purposes of pleasure, prepared. . .by F. Rex, librarian. 1929. 6 p., tpw. M Statistics of arrests for drunkenness in cities in the Unitod States... during the years 1915 to 1925 inclusive... 1926. c 3 3 p., mimeo. P-C Statistics of arrests in the years 1925, 1924 and 1923, made by Police departments in cities in the; United States having a population over 100,000, including number of arrests per 1,000 population, and ratio of population to each arrest. July 1926, cl926 3 4 p. , mimco. M Statistics of building permits issued in Chicago during the six months period ending Juno 30,1927, for the construction of residences, apart- ments, apartments and stores, and stores, according to wards, having a value of c 5,000 and over. cn. d. 3 1 p., tpw. M Statistics of the eighth ward. 1927. 4 p., tpw. M Statistics of the fifteenth ward. ..(Juno 1918). 5 p., tpw. M comp.... 1921. d921 3 4 p., tpw. 1,1 149 CHICAG O, Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Statistics of the seventh ward (J u no 1918) cl918 3 9 p., tpw. Statistics of the thirty-third ward. 1920. 6 p., tpw. M Statistics on accidental drownings in. ..Chicago for the 13 year period from 1912 to 1924 inclusive, and for a period from January 1,1925 to July 10, 1925. Compiled by Frederick Rex, librarian. 1 p., tp.v. M Statistics on fatal and non-fatal accidents to residents of... Chicago while boarding and alighting from street railway cars and elevated trains during the years from 1913-1929 inclusive. By F.Rox. cn.d.u 1 p., tpw. M Statistics on principal recreation facilities in the public parks of... Chicago. 1933. 6 p., tpw. M Statistics on the number of deaths due to alcoholism in twenty large ^cities in the United States during the years from 1918 to 1922, inclusive, and for nine months period ending September 30,1923. cii.d. 3 1 p., tpw. M Statistics on the number of deaths due to homicides in twenty-one large cities in the United States during the years from 1918 to 1922 inclu- sive, and for nine months period ending September 30,1923. cn.d. 3 1 p., tpw. M Statistics on the number of deaths due to motor vehicle accidents in eighteen large cities in the United States during the years from 1918 to 1922 inclusive, and for the nine months period ending September 30, 1923. cn.d. 3 1 p., tpw. M Statistics on the number of registered motor vehicles in various cities in the United States. March 1924. cl924z, 4 p., tpw. M Statistics on the number of unemployed colored men and women in. ..Chicago as of April 15,1921. c 1921s Various paging. 1,1 Statistics relating to the fifty wards of ... Chicago, by Frederick Rex, librarian. May 25,1929. c 1929 3 3 p., tpw. M Statistics relating to the number of police, employed by the South park commissioners, Lincoln park commissioners, and West Chicago park com- missioners. June 1,1929. c 1929 3 1 p., tpw. 11 Statistics showing the number of arrests in cities of the United States for the years 1918-1921. cn.d.? 1 p., mimeo. P-C Statistics showing the number of insane in state hospitals ... 1918-1921 and for the period ending June 30,1922. c n.d. 3 Caption titlo, 3 p., mimeo. M P-C Statistics showing the number of prisoners in state and federal peniten- tiaries ... 1918. . .-1921 and for the six months ending June 30,1922. cn.d. 3 Caption title, 1 p., mimeo. H P-C 150 CHICAGO, Continued MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, Continued Statistics showing the strength cf the police forces in cities of tho United States during tho yearcs=, 1918... -1921 and for the period ending June 30,1922. c n.d. a 1 p. , mimco. LI P-C Summary of bank deposit guaranty laws, 1932. 3 p. M Survey of public opportunities and facilities for leisure timo recreation, amusement and instruction in American cities. By Frederick Rex... c 1926a caption title, els, 114 1., mimco. J Survey of the 17th ward. (August 1921) d921 3 7 p. M Survey cf the 37th ward. d921 3 7 p., tpw. 1.1 Survey of the 12th ward. (January 1922) d922 3 M Synopsis of municipal ordinances of New York city, Philadelphia, St. Louis and New Orleans, licensing and regulating pawnbrokers: annual liconso fee and bond required of pawnbrokers in 19 large cities. (May 1918) c1918d 5 p., tpw. M Tax rates for various governmental purposes on each g'lOO. of assessed valuation of property in. ..Chicago during the years from 1909 to 1917 inclusive. en.d.a 1 p., tpw. M Total expenditures of police departments in cities of the United States for the years 1918. .. -1921. 1922. 1 p., mimoo. M P-C Trunk line railroads entering Chicago torminalj railroads in Chicago. May 1,1928. c 1928 a,.. 1 p. , tpw. M Votes on bond propositions submitted to the voters of... Chicago during the years from 1885 to 1929 inclusive, by F. Rex, librarian. 1930. 12 p. , tpw. M Wasteful delivery service. (November 1917) cl917 D 3 p., tpw. M . . ."What our city councils arc doing; brief list of references to ordi- nances introduced in or passed by the city councils of large cities... 1-25, 1922-1932. Caption title . Lists no. 1-4 have title: What other city councils are doing; brief list of references to ordinances introduced in or passed by city councils other than Chicago. . . M 1-25, 1922-32 P-C 1-3, 1922; 5-7, 1923-24; 9-25, 1924-32 See Also BUREAU OF STATISTICS 150a CHICAGO, Continued MUNICIPAL TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUM ...Annual report. .. 1916-1925. 1916-17 called 1-2; 1918-22 has title: Five year cumulative report, 54 p, J 1916-25 M 1916-22 P-C 1916-22, 1924 U 1916-24 Bulletin, v. 1-12, 1917-1932 v. 1,110.1, October , 1917; v. 1, no. 6-7 never published, published irregularly. v. 1, no. 1-9, October 1917-Dcccrabor 1918, Monthly bulletin. J 1-11, 1917-31 11 1, 1917; 6-9, 1926-29 P-C 1, no. 1-5, 8-10, 1917-19; 2, no. 1-3, 1920; 3, no. 1-3, 5-11, 1922-23; 4, no. 1-2, 1924; 5, no. 1-10, 1925; 6-8, 1926-28; 9, no. 1-9, 1929; 10, no. 1-8, 10-12, 1930; 11-12, 1931-32. U l,no.l-5, 8-9, 1917-18; 2, no. 1-3, 1920; 3, no. 1-11, 1922- 23; 4, no. 1-2, 1924; 5-6, 1925-26; 7, no. 1-10, 1927; 8,no.7-8, 1928; 12,1932. M 151 CHICAG O, Continued MUNICIPAL TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUM The Chicago Municipal tuberculosis sanitarium and. its various agencies.., Sanitarium dedication, Feb. 16, 1915. cRagaro & Hall co., printers, 1915 o 23, el a p., illus. J M P-C U ...Five year cumulative report. cl918-1922 D See Annual report... General rules and regulations in force March 1,1918. c1918d 137 p. . . . Lo que debe usted saber sobre tuberculosis o tisis. en.d. 3 14, c 2 a p. P-C The municipal control of tuberculosis in Chicago. City of Chicago Munici- pal tuberculosis sanitarium, its history and provisions. To the Mayor and the City council... 1915. 96 p., illus. J LI P-C U The service of the Municipal tuberculosis sanitarium. .. presented in synop- sis, with special reference to the work among the children. 1926. 8 p. , illus. M ...What you should know about tuberculosis or consumption. cii.d. 3 7 p. P-C MUNICIPAL TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUM. DISPENSARY DEPARTMENT ... Bulletin no. 1. Nurses' papers on tuberculosis. . . 1914. 66 p. No more published? J M P-C U MUNICIPAL TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUM. RESEARCH LABORATORY. Collected studies.. . d-3a, 1923-1931. J cl-3 3 , 1923-31 P-C ch, 1923-25 U d:,, 1923-25 OIL INSPECTOR Illinois state law for the inspection of oil, gasoline, naptha, benzine and other mineral oils, products of petroleum, in effect July 1,1915. cl915 3 3 p. M ORDINANCES, etc. Proposed ordinances are listed under the name of the body which published or which sponsored them. Amended ordinance pertaining to the inspection, alteration, construction, repairing and removal of buildings... Clark L Edwards, printers, 1877. 56 p. M Amendments to the City charter, 1837-41; and laws and ordinances of... Chicago passed in Common council since June 19,1837, and in force May 16,1042; and, laws and ordinances of... Chicago passed in Com.on council since Juno 1,1842, and in force December 1843. cn.d.r, 30,c6d p. . , (Continued; 152 CHICAGO, Continued ORDINANCES , etc. Continued Amendments to the City charter, 1837-41. . .Continued Title page and cover missing. Title from the Chicago historical society. Annual appropriation bill... 1900-1933. Cover-title . Title varies slightly. J 1901, 1914, 1925-29, 1931-33 1,1 1900-33 P-C 1912-13, 1915, 1924-27, 1931-33 U 1924-25, 1927-33 Building ordinances. . .with amendments up to and including July 1,1924... cPross of F.J.Ringley co., 1924?^ 404 p., 1 1. J i-1 P-C Issued by the Municipal reference library with amendments up to and including January 16,1928... c1928d 334 p. 1 fold. map. J I/I P-C U Issued by the Municipal reference library Carbonated beverages; ordinances of ... Chicago, 111., from Chicago code of 1911. cn.d.3 6 p. M The charter and ordinances of... Chicago (to Sept. 15, 1856 inclusive), together with acts of the General assembly relating to the city, and other miscellaneous acts, with an appendix. Comp., rev. and codified, by order of the Common council, by George W. and John A. Thompson. . . Pub. by D.B.Cook & co., 1856. 1 p.l., cV^-xvi, 574 p., 11. J M P-C Chicago City council ordinances, orders and resolutions relating to the elevation or depression of the tracks of the South Chicago branch of the Illinois Central railroad from April 1923 to April 27,1931. c n.d. 3 4 p. , tpw. M Compiled by Municipal reference library. The Chicago code of 1911 containing all the general ordinances of the city in force March 13, A. D. 1911, together with an appendix containing all prohibition and local option ordinances in force on said date; also certain material provisions of the statutes of the state of Illinois relating to municipal governments. Passed March 13,1911. Published by authority of the City council in book form April 12,1911. Revised and codified by Edward J. Brundage. . .assisted by Howard 77. Hayes and George E. Dierssen. . . Callaghan & co., 1911. ix, c2d, 1270 p. J IvI P-C U Index to new general ordinances passed. .. subsequently to the enactment of the Chicago code of 1911 up to and including July 21,1919. Compiled and arranged by Edward J. Padden, chief clerk... cl919?3 c4d, 7-188 p. J M P-C U On cover: The Chicago code of 1911 brought down to date. The Chicago municipal code of 1922, containing the general ordinances of the city in force November 22,1922, and repealing former general ordinances with certain exceptions, passed November 22,1922. Pub. by (Continued) 153 CHIC AGO , Cont inuo d ORDINANCES, etc. Continued The Chicago municipal code of 1922. .. Continued authority of the City council in book form December 21,1922. Revised and codified by Samuel A. Ettclson. . .assisted by Leon Hornstcin, Frank W. Derby and Ruth C Nelson... T.H. Flood & co., 1922. xvi, 1366 p., fold. maps. J M U Chicago ordinances relating to the Department of oil inspection, from 192 2 City code. c n.d.D 2 p., tpw. M Chicago Railways company supplemental ordinance book... trl909? 3 Cover- title, 115 p. M Ordinances passed 1907-09. 1911. 229 p. M Chicago Railways company; ordinance of February 11, 1907: (ordinance to the Chicago Railways company with index. .. digest and supplement containing ordinance to the Chicago City railway co. with index.) cn.d.n 208 p. M Chicago surface lines. An ordinance authorizing unified operation of the surface street railways in... Chicago and the operating agreement made a part of said ordinance passed by the City council... on November 12,1913 cl9l3a 29 p. Title from Library of Congress Chicago zoning ordinance, passed by the City council. ..on April 5,1923... cPress of J.Yf.Higgins, 1923?^ 23 p. 49 (i.e. 98) maps, diagrs. J M P-C Two maps of the entire city of Chicago (Use district map and volume map) in 49 sections each, are a part of the ordinance; the sections arc printed on opposite pages with duplicate pagination. with amendments up to and including July 1, 1924. . . . cF. J.Ringley co., 1924? 3 Cover-title, 22 p. 49 (i.e. 98) maps, diagrs. J M P-C cwith amendments up to and including Sopt.l,1927 3 cF. J.Ringley co., 1927? D 20 p. -48 (i.e. 96) maps, diagrs. P-C U ...The City ordinance relating to the protection, regulation and control of trees and shrubbery in the parkways of ... Chicago . (...passed by the City council, Mar. 22,1909, and rev. Nov. 22, 1922) cn.d.. 10 p. J M P-C ...City ordinances governing the exhibition of moving pictures. c 1915a Folder. M 1924. M - 1928. M Taken from Chicago Municipal code. .. 1922. .. sec. 2785-2794. 154 CHICAGO, Continued ORDINANCES , etc . C ont inue d Clean street ordinance, passed "by the City council, Feb. 18, 1901. . . cn.d.a 6 p., folder. P-C cl901^ Cover-title, 11 p. J U Department of public works. cArticles for the establishment of the depart- ment a c 1881 n Caption title, 13 p. M P-C Extract from Municipal code, 188l(?) Draft of form for proposed ordinance covering the lines operated by the receivers of the Chicago Union traction co. Jan. 10, 1907. cn.d.a 142 p. M Fire ordinances of .. .Chicago. Published by order of the Board of public works, March 1872. Jameson and Horse, printers, 1872. Cover-title, c3=>, 30 p. P-C Fire prevention ordinances and other ordinances relating to the fire de- partment of ... Chicago, with amendments up to and including Hay 15,1928 cl928 3 268 p. M P-C if ...Fireworks. Ordinances passed by the City council. . .December 7,1908... cJ.F.Higgins, print, 1908d 8 p. J II Gas ordinance passed by City council. .. June 25,1917, in force July 31,1917 d917n Cover-title, 15 p. J |f P-C General ordinances of ... Chicago; from the adoption of the Municipal code April 18,1881, to August 13, 1383 ; arranged by Clarence A. Knight, assistant City attorney. Beach, Barnard & co., 1883. vi, 74 p. M P-C c adopted since April 1.1890, to and inclusive of July 10,1894 3 cn.d.D 607 p. P-C Title page wanting. Ice ordinances of ... Chicago, 111. From Chicago code, 1911... Callaghan and compamy, 1911. 4 p. P-C Illinois telephone and telegraph company. Ordinances passed by the City council. . .Feb. 20, 1899, July 15,1903, July 20,1903. Pub. for the Com- mittee on gas, oil and electric light of the City council. cJ.F. Higgins 3 1908. Cover-title, 24 p. J P-C Index to new general ordinances. See, above, under The Chicago code of 1911. ...Law and ordinances relating to the ventilation, light, drainage and plumbing of buildings. 1891. 24 p. J Laws and ordinances governing. . .Chicago, January 1,1866, with an appendix, containing the former legislation relating to the city, and notes of decisions of the Supreme court of Illinois, relating to corporations , . . Comp. and arranged by Joseph E. Gary. . . E. B. Myers and (Continued) 155 CHICAGO, Continued ORDINANCES, etc. Continued Laws and ordinances governing. .. Chicago. .. Continued Chandler, 1866. 1 p.l., 691 p. J M P-C Comp. and arranged by Murray F. Tuley. . . Bulletin printing com- pany, 1373. 1 p.l., vi, 730 p. J M P-C U as in force April 2,1890. With explanatory annotations digesting the decisions of the Supreme and Appellate courts to date. By Henry Binmore... E.B.Myers and co. , 1890. 2 v. P U as in force April 2, 1890. Compared and revised by Jonas Hutchin- son. .. and M.W.Robinson. With explanatory annotations digesting the decisions of the Supreme and Appellate courts to date. By Henry Binmore. E.B.Myers and co., 1890. vii, c la p., 1 1., 1395 p. J M fromApril 2,1890 to July 10,1894. With notes and cross refer- ences .. .Being a supplement to the compilation of April 2,1890, Comp. by Henry Binmore. E.B.Myers & co., 1894. iv p. , 1 1., 607 p. M U The laws and ordinances of... Chicago passed in Common council. Printed at the office of the Chicago democrat, 1837. 21 p. Title from the Chicago historical society. Edward H. Rudd, 1839. 46, c6 3 p. Title from the Chicago historical society. License ordinances of .. .Chicago. Department of License... Jan. 1,1924. c 1924? a 77 p. J M P-C U "This pamphlet is for use of license investigators, and contains a brief summary of the various licensing ordinances." Milk and milk products; ordinances. . .from Chicago code of 1911. cn.d. 3 12 p. M ...The movement for tree planting in the streets of the city... cClohesey & co., printers, 1909 3 e8a p. M P-C At head of title: City of Chicago. Special park commission. The city ordinance relating to the planting, preservation and pro- motion of trees and shrubbery in the streets and to the functions of the city forester. The municipal code of Chicago; comprising the laws of Illinois relating to. . .Chicago, and the ordinances of the City council; codified and revised by Egbert Jamieson and Francis Adams... Beach, Barnard & co. , printers, 1881. vii, da, 859 p. J M P-C U Supplement. .. (from April 18,1831, to January 1,1887)... Comp. by Clarence A. Knight... tE. B.Myers & co. 1887 3 xv p., 1 1., 9-264 p. P-C U Municipal grants involved in North Chicago case, together with index, abstract of time limit provisions of oach construction grant, (Cont'd) 156 CHICAGO, Continued ORDINANCES , etc. Continued Municipal grants involved in llorth Chicago case. .. Continued and classification of constructed lines in accordance with time limit provisions of the grants under which they wore constructed. (Rev.) cBarnard & Miller print, 19 — a cl 3 , xii, 118 p. II U Half-title. Municipal grants involved in West Chicago case, together with index, ab- stract of time limit provisions of each construction grant, and clas- sification of constructed lines in accordance with time limit provi- sions of... the grants... cgarnard & Miller, print, 1904? a ch, xiv, 155 p. M U The municipal pension fund act of .. .Chicago. . . cKallis & Dane, printers , 1917? a d0 3 p. P-C Now and amended license, permit and inspection fee ordinances of ... Chicago. d920 D 20 p., tpw. M The new traction ordinance. An ordinance authorizing the Chicago local transportation company to construct, maintain and operate a system of local transportation, including street railways and elevated rail- roads, in streets, alloys and public ways of ... Chicago, and providing for the construction of subways by. .. Chicago, and the operation there- in of local transportation facilities by the Chicago local transporta- tion company. September 1918... c Barnard & Miller, printers, 19183 92 p., 1 1. fold. map. J M The new traction ordinance. A plan for the development of rapid transit facilities in Chicago by means of a comprehensive unified local trans- portation system, consisting of surface lines, elevated lines and city- owned subways. . .Submitted to the people for approval at the election to be held November 5,1918. Summary of the important provisions of the ordinance. . .prepared by Henry D. Capitain. cn.d.3 44 p., map. J M P-C 1930 Chicago electrical code. Standards and specifications for the in- stallation, alteration and use of electrical equipment as recommended by the Electrical commission, and adopted as an ordinance by the City council... 1930. c 2 3 , 360 p. P-C An ordinance amending certain sections of the Chicago code of 1911 con- cerning the use of water, the installation of water meters, and meter rates. c 1918 3 15 p. J An ordinance amending the rules and regulations prescribed by the Depart- ment of public works governing the supply and use of water. 1898. 16 p. J An ordinance approving and confirming a certain contract entered into Dec. 11, 1911, between the South park commissioners and the Illinois Central railroad co. c n.d. 3 24 p. J P-C An ordinance authorizing the Calumet and South Chicago railway company to construct, maintain and operate a system of street railways in streets (Continued) 157 CHICAGO, Continued ORDIHAITCES, etc. Continued An ordinance authorizing the Calumet and South Chicago railway. .. Continued and public ways of .. .Chicago. Passed by the City council. . .March 30, 1908. J.R.McCabe, city clerk, 1908. Cover -title, 53 p. J M An ordinance authorizing unified operation of the surface street railways in. .. Chicago, and the operating agreement made a part of said ordi- nance passed by the City council... on November 13,1913. cn.d. 3 22 p. M Ordinance concerning the widths of tires on vehicles and an ordinance for licensing vehicles. Passed by City council. . .Feb. 3, 1908; also, an ordinance prescribing certain rules of the road. Passed by City coun- cil. . .Dec. 3, 1906. 1908. 8 p. J Ordinance creating a Bureau of fire prevention and public safety, fire department, city of Chicago. Passed July 22,1912, with amendments and additions up to March 10,1913. With an index thereto... 1913. 175, xix p. M U with amendments and additions prior to January 1,1916, with an index thereto... Printed by order of the City council. . .March 1916. c 1916 ^ 213, xxiv p. M P-C Ordinance defining the powers and duties of the chairman of the Committee on local transportation. cn.d. 3 2 p., tpw. M Ordinance. . .for boundary lino between lands, respectively, of city of Chicago and the New York, Chicago and St. Louis railroad company. cl924?= 34 p. M U An ordinance for the establishment of Harbor district no. 3; the construc- tion by the Illinois Central railroad company of a now passenger station; electrification of certain of the lines of the Illinois Cen- tral and Michigan Central railroad companies within the city; and the development of the lake front. Passed July 21, 1919, approved July 31, 1919; certified copy filed for record in the Recorder's office, Mar. 5, 1920, as document no. 6753370. With amendments passed Jan. 14, 1920, and Feb. 5, 1920. . .permit from Secretary of War.. .etc. Barnard & Miller print, d920 3 Cover -title, iv, 176 p. J M P-C Ordinance for the reorganization Police department. . . Passed December 30, 1912, amended January 27,1913. c 1913d 12 p. J M P-C U Ordinance governing the Department of the inspection of steam boilers and steam plants... in effect May 1,1903. cn.d.a M c 1915?3 28 p. M 1920 29 p. M Ordinance granting privileges to the Chicago tolophono company and an ordinance regulating telephone charges in. . .Chicago, passed by the City council, Nov. 6, 1907. John Higgins, print. c1908d 27, c 2 3 p. J 158 CHICAGO, Continued 0RDINAIIC3S, etc. Continued Ordinance granting the Atchison, Topcka and Santa Pc railway co. the right to maintain and operate certain railroad tracks and providing for the construction of certain subways and viaducts and the vacation and dedi- cation of certain streets. December 1924. c n.d.3 47 p. M Ordinance granting to the Pennsylvania co., operating the Pittsburgh, Ft.waync and Chicago railway, its successors and assigns, the right to lay down and maintain two tracks in Stewart Avenue. .. and the right to construct, maintain and operate railroad tracks and facilities neces- sary to its freight terminal station and coach yard, located between Lumber st., West Polk st., South branch Chicago river, and South Canal st. n.d. 18 p. H Ordinance gro.nting to the Union station co., a corporation, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate railroad passenger station in. .. Chicago. Mar. 23, 1914. cn.d.n 31 p. M An ordinance in relation to the construction, equipment, maintenance and operation of a comprehensive system of subways for passenger transporta- tion in. .. Chicago. Oct. 15, 1913. =n.d.= 31 p. J 1.1 P-C An ordinance licensing and regulating the keeping of hotels. Passed by the City council. .. Jan. 7, 1907. . . cn.d.^ 3 p. J An. ordinance limiting the issuance of dramshop licenses in. ..Chicago (Passed by the City council. .. June 25,1906) and an ordinance fixing the annual fee for dramshop licenses at c 1,000. 00 (Passed by the City council. . .liar ch 5,1906)... c Mayer fe Miller co., printers, 1908d c4z, p. Title from Library of Congress. An ordinance making appropriations for corporate, school and public library purposes for the fiscal year from January 1,1908 to December 31,1908. passed by the City council. . .February 21,1908... cJ.Higgins, print, 1908= 83 p. J U P-C Ordinance of... Chicago for the establishment of tho boundary lino between lands, respectively, of... Chicago and the Now York, Chicago and St. Louis railroad, the dedication of certain streets, the construction and operation of a belt line railroad, the reclamation of certain land, the construction of a part of the harbor in Lake Calumet and for other purposes, Jan. 20, 1925. cn.d.^ 30 p., maps. M An ordinance (pending in the Chicago City council) providing for the con- struction of Lake Calumet harbor together with certain proposed amend- ments thereto, (Maps omittod)... ^1925^ 15 p. J P-C Folded map of Lake Calumet harbor laid in. An. ordinance prescribing the maximum rates for electricity to bo charged by the Commonwealth Edison company for a period of years ending July 31,1912. Passed by the City council. . .Liar ch 23,1908... c 1912s 15 p. J U U 159 CHICAGO, Continued ORD I NANCES , ot c . C ont i nu o d An ordinance providing for a comprehensive municipal local transportation system. Passed by the City council. . .February 27,1925. To be voted on by the people at a special election April 7,1925... c Pross of J.F. Higgins, 1925^ 1 p.l., ii, 63 p. J U P-C U An ordinance providing for a comprehensive unified local transportation system, f or ... Chicago and metropolitan area, passed by the City coun- cil. May 19,1930... c J. P. Higgins ptg. co., 1930a d0 3 , 43 p. J M P-C U Drafted by Committee on local transportation, James B. Bowler, chairman. iin ordinance providing for a local improvement consisting of a subway and other underground structures and improvements along and in North and South State street, West Chicago avenue, under the Chicago river and in private property to be acquired. Passed by the City council. . .December 15,1930... cp r ess of J.F.Higgins printing co., 1930?:, 42 p. J M P-C Submitted by the Board of Local improvements. An ordinance ratifying, approving o.nd confirming a certain contract entered into December 11,1911, between the South park commissioners and the Illinois central railroad company; defining certain rights and privi- leges of ... Chicago, the South park commissioners and the Illinois cen- tral railroad company in respect to the lands adjoining and under the waters of Lake Michigan, the location of the Field museum of natural history and the location and construction of a railroad passenger ter- minal by the Illinois central railroad company; consenting to the tak- ing by said South park commissioners for boulevard purposes of the por- tion of East Twelfth street lying between the cast line of Michigan avenue and the west line of the right of way of the Illinois central railroad company; and providing for the vacation of portions of cer- tain streets and alleys and for other matters. clOU? 3 24 p. M Ordinance regulating headlights on automobiles, motorcycles or other vehicles, passed by the City council en March 30,1914. c n.d,3 c3, p. M An ordinance regulating the production, transportation and sale of in- spected and pasteurized milk in. ..Chicago and repealing sections 1273 and 1274 of the Chicago code of 1911... Passed by the City council... August 14,1912. cl912 3 8 p. An ordinance relating to the Department of buildings and governing the erection of buildings, etc., in. .. Chicago. Moorman & Gcllor, print- ers, 1903. 149 p. M P-C U Passed March 28,1898, end all amendments thereto as in force and effect on September 1,1903. passed March 13,1905. Moorman & Gcllor, printers, 1905. 384 p. J M P P-C U 160 CHICAGO, Continued ORDINANCES , etc. Continued An ordinance requiring certain electrical equipment in order to prevent damage by electrolysis. Passed by the City council July 15, 1912. cn.d.3 c3d p. P-C An ordinance requiring the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway company to elevate that portion of its roadbed and railway tracks of its so- called "Evanston division," between Graceland avenue or Irving park boulevard, and the north limits of ... Chicago; and changing the grades of portion of certain streets and avenues; and providing for connecting tracks between the tracks of the said Evanston division and the tracks of the Northwestern elevated railroad company; and also providing the manner of operating part of said railway with electric power. =1908 3 44 p. U An ordinance to provide for altering the channel of the south branch of the Chicago river between West Polk stroet and West Eighteenth, and to provide for certain property adjustments in connection therewith. Submitted to the Committee on railway terminals of the City council... June 18, 1926... cl926 D Cover-title, iii, 205 p. J M U Passed by the City council July 8, 1926. Submitted to the City council by its Committee on railway termi- nals, June 25,1926. cl926 3 195 p. M Ordinances amending building ordinances of March 28, 1898, and other ordinances pertaining to the same. cn.d.D 60 p. M Ordinances containing the water rates and charges and regulations govern- ing collections of the Bureau of water... 1917. 36 p. M Ordinances enforceable by the Department of weights and measures taken from the Chicago municipal code of 1922... Comp. and arranged by W.F.Cluett, chief deputy. rl925? 3 44 p. J H P-C With amendments to Sept. 25, 1929. cn.d.n 53 p. M Ordinances from the Chicago municipal code of 1922, Bureau of water, De- partment of public works... 1st ed. 1923. <=4 3 , 27 p. J M P-C U For 1911 edition, Se_e WATER DEPARTMENT, 1911. Ordinances from the Chicago municipal code of 1922. .. issued by the Bureau of fire prevention and public safety. Fire department, 1923. 139 p. M P-C Ordinances governing and pertaining to the Department of health. . . Passed April 18, 1881. Rev. and authorized to be published as in forct; on the second day of April, A. D. 1390. P. F. Pcttibone & co. , printers, 1891. 89 p. U Ordinances governing and relating to Bureau of streets... cn.d.a 58 p. P-C (.-Drovers J urnal press, n.d. a cL, 61 p. P-C cl92-? 3 94 p. M P-C U 161 CHICAGO, Continued ORDINANCES, etc.. Continued Ordinances governing the Department of weights and measures. The Chicago code of 1911 passed March 13, 1911, and amendments, to December 4,1911 ... Compiled and arranged by V'.F. cluett, chief deputy. Clohesey & co., printers, cl911 3 . 23 p. J M P-C and amendments to c March 29,1915a... Compiled and arranged by W. F. Cluett, chief deputy. Pearl printing company, c 1915? a 38 p. M P-C Title page reads : and amendments to December 28,1911, corrected from text. Ordinances governing the Department of weights and measures; tho revised municipal code of Chicago of 1905, passed March 20,1906 and amendments to June 1, 1908... Compiled and arranged by W. F. Cluott... c 1908?^ 20 p. P-C Ordinances of the Building and Health departments of... Chicago and the annexed towns of Lake View, Hyde park and tho Town of Lake, in force March 1, 1892. Together with many valuable tables for contractors, builders and others. Third edition, revised and enlarged. 1892. 143 p. J D . . Wi lki c , c ompi lcr . Ordinances relating to the Department of buildings and governing the erec- tion of buildings, etc., in. . .Chicago, passed by the City council, March 1905, also ordinances governing the Department for the inspection of steam boilers and steam plants; a complete handbook for architects, contractors, builders, engineers and any ".Tho are engaged in the erec- tion of buildings. Directory of architects, contractors and builders, manufacturers and dealers in building material. c cl905 3 18 p.l., c 53-178, e4a p., fold. map. Ordinances, rules and regulations: harbor, harbormaster, bridges, -.wharves and vessels of the city of Chicago. 1911. 17 p. 4th ed. 1924. 22 p. U U Plumbers and plumbing, ordinances of ... Chicago, Illinois, from Chicago code, 1911... 18 p. M Plumbing code of. .Chicago, reprinted from the Chicago Municipal code of 1922. 1923. 23 p. M Edition of 1924... Bureau of statistics and Municipal reference library... cF. J.Ringley co. , 1924?.-, c 2 3 , 50 p. J P-C U with amendments up to and including Nov. 2, 1927. . . . Municipal reference library... C P. J. Ringley co., 1927?=, 52 p. ! : Plumbing ordinance of Chicago, Illinois. 1908. Chas. B. Ball, cl908 3 30 p. J P-C 162 CHICAGO, Continued ORDINANCES, etc. Continued Provisions of ordinances relating to the numbering of houses and lots in. . . Chicago... July 1909. elmprint illegible^ 4 p. P-C Regulations f or ... Chicago governing motor vehicles and motorcycles includ- ing state laws, city ordinances and park ordinances in force Hay 1, 1918. . . m.d.3 91 p. M Revised building ordinances of ... Chicago. Passed December 5,1910, with amendments and additions up to... With an index thereto. 1911-1920. Edition showing revision to Jan. 1,1912, pub. in 1911. J Jan. 1,1912,- Aug. 1, 1913 M Sept.l, 1912] Aug. 1, 1913; Mar. 22, 1915; Feb. 21, 1916; May 26, 1920 P-C Mar. 22, 1915; Feb. 21, 1916 U Jan. 1, 1912; Mar. 22, 1915. The revised charter and ordinances of ... Chicago: to which are added the constitutions of the United States and state of Illinois. Arranged, revised and published under the direction of the Common council, 1851, by George Manierre... Printed at the Daily democrat office, 1851. viii, 256, lxxviii p. J M P-C U Ordinances. . .passed since the publication of the revised ordi- nances of 1851, and now in force. Collected, arranged and published by order of the Common council, by Arno Voss... 1853. 120 p. J M U Revised Chicago code of 1931, containing the general ordinances of. . . Chicago in force May 27,1931, and repealing all former general ordi- nances with certain exceptions therein noted. Passed by the City coun- cil. . .May 27, 1931. Revised, compiled and edited by Francis X. Eusch. . . and Leon Hornstein. . . assisted by John H. Lewson and Ruth C. Nelson... Published by authority of the City council in book form, June 25, 1931. cFrod Klein co., printers, cl931=> xvi, 1675 p., fold, maps. J M P-C U The revised code of Chicago. (Pub. by authority of the City council) Rev. and codified cby 3 William. G. Bcale. . . Assisted by Daniel F. Flannery and Byron Boyden. W. B. Conkoy company, 1897. xiv, 1 1., 1064 p. J M p P-C U ...Revised municipal code governing the erection of buildings, etc. Adopted May 20, 1905; including all amendments to September 22, 1906... Mayer & Miller co., 1906. 200 p. M U At head of title: Chapter XV The revised municipal code of Chicago of 1905. Passed March 20, 1905... Containing all the general ordinances of the city in forco March 20, A.D 1905, together with an appendix containing all prohibition and local option ordinances in force on said date, and the track elevation ordinance of February 23,1893; also certain material provisions of tho statutes of .. .Illinois relating to municipal governments. With a supplement containing all general ordinances passed by the City coun- cil betweon March 20, 1905, and September 25, 1905. Revised and codi- fied by Edgar Bronson Tolman. . . assisted by William H.Arthur and (Continued) 163 CH ICAG O 3 Continued ORDINANCES, etc. Continued The revised municipal code of Chicago. . .Continued Roswcll B. Mason... Chicago, Rochester, N.Y. , the Lawyers' Co-operative publishing company, 1905. vi, c2 3 , 979 p. J J| U Amendments... and new general ordinances passed by the City council. . .between March 20, 1905, and cSopt. 1, 1907. . .Supplement no. I-II a cl906-1907 D 2 v. No.l compiled by Edward J. Padden J 1-2 M 1 P-C 1 All amendments. . .and all new general ordinances and ordinances creating prohibition and local option districts passed by the City council. . .from March 20, 1905, to January 1, 1909. Supplement number III... 1909. 433 p. M P-C U Compiled by Edward J. Padden "This supplement is complete in itself. " Revised municipal code of Chicago of 1905 relating to City comptroller's office... cn.d. 3 35 p. M Sanitary code, 1911, city of Chicago... Callaghan & co. , 1911. 227 p. J LI P-C Supplement I-:IV 3 to Sanitary code. .. Containing ordinances and amendments thereto, passed during the period January 1912 to c Jan. 1, 1915^ 1913-1915, 4 nos. J 1-2, Jan. 1912-Aug.29,1913 M 1-4, Jan. 1912 -Jan. 1,1915 Sanitary code, 1922, with an index thereto. 1923. 266 p. M Sanitary code of ... Chicago, with amendments and additions up to and including July 15, 1925... cl925 3 468 p. J M P-C U Sections of the Chicago Revised code of 1931 relating to undertakers, burials, and dead bodies, with amendments up to and including March 9, 1932. c n.d. D 12 p. M Special ordinances... Arranged and compiled under the supervision of Charles 5. Thornton. Ed. by Edward J. Hill. 1898. xlii, 2193 p. J M P P-C U Special ordinances of Chicago... Special ordinances passed by the City council. . .prior to January 1, 1915, and passed by the various cities, villages and towns theretofore annexed and then a part of Chicago, together with certain private laws of ... Illinois and certain historical facts. Arranged and compiled under the supervision of William H. Sexton, John W. Beckwith, and Richard S. Folsom, during their incum- bency as Corporation counsel.,. T. H. Flood & co., 1915. c8 3 , 1982 p. J M P P-C Statutes and ordinances concerning elections in. .. Chicago, and the towns of North, South and West Chicago... Dunn Bros. & Heggie, printers, 1877. 28 p. J 164 CHICAG O, Continued ORDINANCES, etc. Continued Street railway ordinances of ... Chicago. , .With operating agreements of the street railway companies, passed or approved subsequent to February 7, 1907... cn.d.3 340 p. II P-C Sundry ordinances passed by the City council. ..on July 21, 1919. cl919 3 15 p. M Electric installations; speed limitations for motor vehicles and motorcycles at street railway intersections; residence of city officers and employes within the city limits; vehicle license fees; licensing and regulation of coffee houses; licensing and regulation of ico-cream parlors; wood lathing and plastering in buildings. Uniform traffic code f or ... Chicago. . . 1931-1933 Original passed by the Council, July 30, 1931. Editions for follow- ing years include amendments. IS. 1932-33 P-C 1931-33 U 1932-33 "Universal" installation of water meters; changes in water rates; etc. 1925. 16 p. J 1,1 P-C Ordinance passed Sept. 1, 1925 . Use of hollow tile in the construction of buildings. Ordinance passed by the City council. . .March 10, 1926. cl926 3 1 p. Vehicle ordinances. Rates of fare, motor vehicle law and rules for the rogulation of street traffic. Issued by the Police department... eI915 3 Covor -title, 32 p. J M P-C PENSION COMMISSION Comments on suggestions and recommendations made by the secretary and the actuarial advisor of the Chicago Pension commission. October 1926. cl926a 52 p. Comparison of the laws relating to the Annuity and benefit fund of Chicago for policemen and for the municipal employes, with the recommendations of the Illinois Pension laws commission (1918-19) and the Pension commission of Milwaukee (1920), by H. L. Rietz, actuarial advisor... June 10,1926. cl926 D 20 p., mimeo. M Constructive criticism of the law relating to the annuity and fund for policemen of Chicago, by H. L. Rietz, actuarial tidvisor . . . July 2,1926. b 1926 a 20 p. , mimeo. M Main facts about Chicago's nine public pension funds. July 17,1926. cl926 3 57 p., mimeo. M Memoranda on a suggested plan for annuity and benefit fund for firemen, - future entrants only, by II'. L. Rietz. July 1926. cl926 3 24 p., mimeo. M CHICAGO, Continued PENSION COMMISSION. Continued Memoranda on plans for providing pensions for present employes in the fire service, by H, L. Rietz (actuarial advisor, .. ). August 18, 1926. cl926 3 6 p., mimeo. M Memoranda on the operation of certain pension funds of Chicago with, certain suggestions and recommendations, by H. L. Rietz (actuarial advisor...) cn.d.a 31 p., mimeo. M Recommendations of G. C. Sikes regarding Chicago Pension commission situation, taken from his report to the Commission dated July 21,. 1926, entitled "Suggestions regarding the organization and management of Chicago pension funds." =1926:j 3 p., tpw. M Report. . .Submitted to the City council. . .August 31, 1927... c J.F.IIiggins ptg. co., not inc., 1927 3 67 p. J M P-C U Arthur F. Albert, chairman Stenographic report of meeting. . .held in one of the Committee rooms of the City council in the City hall, Chicago, on Monday, June 14, 1926, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. cl926 3 24 p., mimeo. M Suggestions regarding the organization and management of Chicago pension funds, by George C. Sikes, secretary... July 21, 1926. cl926 3 17 p . , mime o . M PERMANENT CHARTER COMMISSION, 1914-1915 A commission of thirty appointed by the mayor under Resolution of the City council on April 27, 1914. The first meeting was held May 18, 1919. Proceedings... Nov. 24, 1914 - Mar. 27, 1915. Caption title, which varies. el 3 Nov. 24, 1914 c2d Dec. 8, 1914, includes Report of committee on plan and procedure. c3 n Jan. 26,1915, includes Draft of bill for park consolidation c4d Feb. 25,1915 e 5a Mar. 27, 1915 J cl-4a M =1-5 3 P-C c3a U ci-2, Proceedings... 1913-1915 cn.d.s lip. M P-C Summary of proceedings. See Also CHICAGO CHARTER CONVENTION, 1905-1909 PNEUMONIA COMMISSION. Sec CHICAGO PNEUMONIA COMMISSION POLICE DEPARTMENT An act to create a Board of police f or. .. Chicago. Rules and regulations established by the Board of police for the government of the police, (Continued) 166 CHICAGO, Continued POLICE DEPARTMENT . Continued An act to create a Board of police. . .Continued. and instructions as to the powers and duties of police officers. Adopted for the government of the police. . .March 16, 1866. Staats Zeitung print, 1866. 103 p. J Boole of rulos and regulations of the Department of police... Adopted and in force May 1, nineteen hundred and five. cl905 D 163 p. J P-C U Boys' employment bureau - Chicago police department... 1928. cn.d.o 2 p. , tpw. M Complaint forms, criminal and quasi criminal, compiled and edited by direction of Morgan A. Collins, superintendent of police February 15, 1925. c 1925 3 317 p., mimeo. M The daily bulletin... v,c24d-42, 1914-1932 Caption title; no index. Began numbering of issues with v. 26, no. 102; discontinued with v. 42, no. 64, July 5, 1932. During 1931-33 a mimeographed daily list of cars stolen and recov- ered was also circulated. J 26, no. 43-30, 1916-20 (incomplete) M 24-41, 1914-31 P_C 24-29, 1914-19; 31-42, 1921-32 U 39-42, 1929-32 (incomplete) Investigation, report and recommendations on fire alarm and police sys- tems of ... Chicago. Frank 17. Swinic, chief oporator, fire alarm tele- graph, Juno 14, 1916. <= 1916a 5, 24 p., mimeo. M Map of Chicago showing police districts. Order of September 25,1921. cl921 D M 1922. M July 1927. cl927 3 M October 1931. c 1931a M Report of the General superintendent of police... to the City council. 1867/68-1932 1867/75 title reads: Report of the Board of police in the Police department to the Common council; 1875, Report of the City mar- shal. 1867/75 report year ends March 31. 1875 covers 9 months ending Dec. 31 1872/3 never pub li shod. 1913 -date, Annual report. J 1867/68-68/69, 1870/71-71/72, 1873/74-1378, 1881-90, 1392, 1394-1932 M 1873-1932 P-C 1371/72, 1873/74-1378, 1382-1904, 1906-32 U 1873/74, 1893, 1895-1919, 1921-32 167 CH I CAGO , C ont inu o d POLICE DEPARTMENT. Continued Report of the General superintendent of police... 1880-1396. In Annual reports of the various departments .., 1380-1896. Each report has separate pagination Rules and regulations... Prescribed and in force November first, nineteen hundred and ten. c Cameron, Amborg & co. , printers, 1910:, 189 p. J M U Prescribed and in force October first, nineteen hundred twenty- four. cThe F. J. Ringley co., 1924?n 136 p. J M P U Prescribed and in force Dec. 13, 1933. cl933 3 173 p. M Rules for revolver practice at school of instruction... en. d. ^ 7 p., illus. M Rules for the regulation of street traffic, 1910-1916. Folder, caption title. J Hay 16, 1910s Jan. l 4 1916 M May 16, 1910; Sept. 1, 1914 P-C May 16, 1910; Jan. 1, 1916 Summary of ordinances relating to sanitation and to the maintenance of streets and alleys. To be enforced by the Department of police... July 1915. c 1915 = 29 p. M U POLICE DEPARTMENT. BUREAU OF POLICE RECORDS. See BUREAU OF POLICE RECORDS POLICE DEPARTMENT. DETECTIVE DIVISION. PAWN SHOP SECTION. . . . Bulletin. . . 1929-1930 U no. 99 (Oct. 2, 1929) - 116 (June 20, 1930) POLICE DEPARTMENT. PRECINCT SCHOOL cReferences for study a cn.d.^ 4 v., mimeo. P-C v.l, Nov.21,1913-Jan.20,1914 v.2-4, 1st to 3rd year, 1914/15-16 POLICE PENSION FUND. See BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE POLICE PENSION FUND, and RETIREMENT BOARD OF THE POLICEMEN'S ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND . P u 168 CHIC AGO > Continued, PUBLIC LIBRARY, Actable one-act plays... Comp. by Samuel Kaplan... 1916. 15p. Annual report. 1-61, 1872/73-1932 Report year ended in June to 1919. J 1-61, 1872/73-1932 M 1-61, 1872/73-1932 P 1-61, 1872/73-1932 U 1-61, 1872/73-1932 ...Annual report of the Board of directors... 1879/80-1895/96 In Annual reports of the various departments. . . 1880-1896. Each report has its separate pagination. Alphabetical list of reference books in the Chicago public library. 1887 T Cover-title, 66 p. U Book bulletin, v. 1-21, Jan. 1911-Oct. 1931. Preceeded by Bulletin, Which See. Monthly, except July-August, through 192 9; 1930-31 Quarterly. Ceased publication. J l 1 ' 5 , 1911; 10 7 , 1924. P 1-21, 1911-31. U 1-21, 1911-31 Books added See Books of 1911-1927 Books of 1911-1927. Cumulated from the Book bulletin of the Chicago public library. Each fifth year is a cumulation for five years under variant titles covering 1911-15, 1916-20, 1921-25. 1911-15 in three parts: Pt.I Fiction. 72 p f ; pt.2, Non-fiction. 582 p.; pt. 3, Young people's books. 48 p. J 1912-27 M 1911-27 P-C 1911-27 U 1915, 1920 Books on advertising, available at the Chicago public library. Compiled for the Advertising Council of the Chicago Association of Commerce. 1929. Cover-title, 1 p.l., 57 p. P Books in foreign languages added... Sec Bulletin... Books on Artie exploration and discovery. 1909. 20 p. J Books on ceramics-pottery-glass china and glass painting. 1907. 11 p. J P ...Books on domestic economy. 1906. 30 p. J P Books on gardoning. 1906. 29 p. J P ...Books on indoor amusements. 1905. 25 p. J P ... Books on nature study. 1905, 21 p. P. 169 CHICAGO , Continued. PUBLIC LIBRARY, Continued. ...Books on proverbs, quotations and toasts. 1905. 23 p. P Books on summer sports and pastimes. 1905. Cover-title, 3-23 p. J P Bulletin, no. 1-96. c 1888-1910=, Superseded by the Book bulletin. No.l, Dec. 11, 1887-Feb. 1, 1888; no. 96, June 1-Sept. 1, 1910. Various bulletins cover books in foreign languages, J 1-96. M 48-79, 81-84, 86-88. P 1-96. U 3-18, 20, 30-31, 39, 41-42, 55-63, 75, 78, 81-84, 86-37. By-laws of the Chicago public library. Revised June, 1888. 1888. Cover-title, 20 p. J Revised Llay, 1891. 1891. 24 p. J U Revised October, 1903. cl903 3 31 p. J Caption title: By laws... revised August, 1903. March 10, 1919. 1919. 19 p. M Amendments... October 19, 1931. cl931 3 4 p. II Catalogue of English prose fiction and juvenile books in the Chicago pub- lic library. 1889. 153 p. J P Supplement. No. 1-4. January 1889-Jan. 1897. 1890-1897. 4 v, J P 1898. vi,3l2 p. J U Contains all accessions to Jan, 1, 1898. 1898-c99 3 vi,334 p. P "Re-issue of the catalogue, Jan. 1, 1898 with appendix on red tint- ed paper: First supplement to English prose fiction... Jan. 1, 1898 to April 1, 1899": P. 313-354. 1898-cl901 3 vi,384 p. J P U Reissue of the catalogue, Jan. 1, 1898 with appendix on red-tinted paper: Supplement... Jan. 1, 1898 to Nov. 1, 1901"* p. 313-384. Supplement... ela-2. 1904-1907. 2 v. J P U No. da covers Jan. 1, 1898 to Sept. 1, 1904 and is p, 313-428* No. 2 covers Sept. 1, 1904 to Jan. 1, 1907 and is p. 429-476/ Continued by: Finding list of English prose fiction... 1911, and Fiction, a finding list... 1922. Ceske 1 knihy; Books in the C Z ech language. 1925. 30 p. P 1/U CHICAGO, Continued. PUBLIC LIBRARY * Continued. Check list of books and pamphlets on municipal eovernnent p™™* ■ «. free public libraries of Chicago Ts^rJ t S ° Verrment fou nd m the national municipal confess and exposition " tio » with the ^ter- 30th, 1911. 1911. £ 44p. ^P * 1 ^ Chicago, September 18th to "t;:? Pref. :^. 1 :^ 011 was perf °™ ed * th * chi - g o P ubi ic i ib . The Chicago public ^library. A handbook. 1905. 32 p. incl . front ., From "Libraries of the city of Chicago," 1905. :.f? d - ed ' 1909 ' 45 P- illus. Title from Library of Congress. 3d> ed# 19n# 48 pe illug ^ ^ Chicag^Public Library; its service, its oppertunities, its needs. l 926 fourth and sixth, 1923^ cl92 3 ! 96 pf J**"?' °" ""*' ^Xrillus^^ ^ US 'W- ^ **~* ^nefaction. n.d. •^•#2 Sbr^- ce i 9 ir oo i3T masazii ? T icies in - Circular ^1874= c 1874 = 8 p. J .Circular concerning, Branch no. 13 in tho Montefiore school. n.d. te/confercnce, .hic^o? ^TJ^lT^ SS^ "iT"^ "^ P u By Kirk Hawos. '^^on in^Sfh 1 ^ a°dult°rin' th St0 ri 0S ^ ° th ° r f °™= ° f *«. «- 1921. iSalr 301 p " ^ 5 hl0aE0 PUbUc librar >'. *™"V 1, Supp. 1. Jan.l, 1921- Jan. 1, 1926. 1927 78 p. M P 171 CHICAGO, Continued. PUBLIC LIBRARY, Continued. Finding list of books in branch reading room, no. 2. 1896. Cover- title, 3-12 p. P Supplement... 1901. Cover -title, 3-7 p. P Finding list of English prose fiction in the Chicago public library. 1911. 301 p. J M P "Consolidation of all previously printed catalogues, supplements, and bulletins... includes all accessions to the library to Jan- uary 1, 1911." "Aids to reading and studying fiction": p. 5-9. Preceeded by Catalogue of English prose fiction, and suceeded by Fiction; a finding list... cSup.I:, is Books added, 1911-1915. Pt. I Fiction. Which See , above, under Books of 1911-1927... • « Finding list. See Also , Philosophy, religion. Finding lists. Bulletins. See Bulletins Finding lists of the Chicago public library. 3d. ed. Printed by Jeffer- son & Tfroe, 1876. 4 p.l., 174 p. J cWith suppl? 3 W.J. Jefferson, c 1877:, 4 p. 1. 178, 24p. Ed. 5., with supplement. 1881 301,56 p. J 6th ed. 1884 2 v. in 1, Title from University of Illinois library. Supp. 1-3 1885-87 3 v. in 1. Title from University of Illinois library. 7th ed. 1889-99. 9 pt. in 1 v. J IvI P U(lacks pts. 1-4) "English prose fiction and juvenile books, and books in foreign lan- guages are not included in this volume." Paged continuously (896 p.) not including special t.-p. and index of each part, which are paged separately. CONTENTS** cpt.l 3 History and biography. Oct. 1889.- c pt.2 3 Geogra- phy and travels, March, 1890. - c pt. 3= Poetry and drama. Essays and miscellanies* Collected works, March, 1891.- c pt.4 3 Language and literature. Greek and Roman classics. Bibliography. Periodicals. June, 1891.-cpt.5a Fine arts. Practical arts. Natural sciences. Sept. 1892.-cpt.6D Political science. Social science. Education. Dec. 1893.-cpt.7 3 Philosophy. Religion. Medicine. Law. -First supplement. Oct. 1895.- Second supplement. May, 1899. -Index. For fiction See above, Catalogue of English... For foreign See below, Finding lists in foreign... (Continued) 172 CHICAGO , Continued. PUBLIC LIBRARY, Continued. Finding lists of the Chicago public library. (Continued) Eighth edition. 1901-1908. 6 pts. in 2 vol. J M P U(cxcept Useful arts) Paged continuously. Contents, -Hi story and biography. 1901. c 6 3 , 365 p.- Geography and travels. 1904. c4 3 p.,p. 367-517.- Poetry and drama. Essays and mis- cellanies. Collected works. 1904. e2s p., p. 519-644.- Language and literature. 1905. c4 3 p., p. 645-832.- Fine arts. 1907. c 4 3 p., p. 833-940.- Useful arts. 1908^. c8 3 p., p. 941-1132 Finding lists cin foreign literature. 3 Seventh edition. 1890. 219 p. J P U Wo general title-page. Paged continuously; each part with separate title page. Supplement 1899,1901. p. 221-318 J P U Supplemented by: Books in foreign languages added to the Chicago Public Library issued as Bulletins, no. 15,20,25,30,35,40,45,55, 60,65,70,75,80,85,90. Genealogies added to the library between 1901-1910... n. d. Typewritten list. "These books are not listed in any of the printed finding lists." Title from Newberry library. German books added to the Chicago public library since 1909. 1912, 21 p. J Helps for teachers; lists and other aids. No.l, November, 1910, c 1910 3 14, cl a p. P Ksiazki polskie... 1926. 24 p. P Latvian books (Cikagas Publiskas Bibliotekas. Latviesu gramatas ) 1929. 63 p. P A library plan for the whole city; proposed system of regional and auxil- iary branches. 1916. c8 3 p. illus. J M U List of publications on file. cl898? 3 11 p. M ...List of Russian books. Chicago, Jan. 1st, 1890. l^ew, Y L ork, Brooks & Goldstein, printers c 1890 3 c7 3 p. U A later list,"Russian literature, pt.2," v;as pub. as pt. 6 of the . Finding lists in foreign literature. ...List of Russian books, Chicago, January, 1902. SeveringhauS & Beilfuss,d902 3 c 7 3 p. See Also, below, Russian literature. 173 CHICAGO , Continued. PUBLIC LIBRARY, Continued. Music. Catalog of the collection of instrumental and vocal scores in the Chicago public library. 1923. vi, 269 p. P U Supplement I, 1926. 39 p. Periodicals currently received in the Chicago public library; a check list primarily for staff use* 1924. vi, 80 p. J U Philosophy, religion, medicine. Finding list, Chicago Public Library... 1916. 454 p. J P Rehabilitation, mental-physical-vocational, of crippled and disabled sold- iers; select list of references to books and periodicals in the Chi- cago public library. 1919. 19 p. J M P Robert Emmet... list of books and magazine articles in the Chicago public library. 1910. 5 p. P ... . Rule book for guidance of the staff in branches. 1911. 30, c2 3 p. J 2d and rev. ed. 1915 54 p. J Russian literature, including Ulcrainian. . . 1918, 88 p, J U Compiled by John J. Schmidt St. Patrick; list of books and magazine articles in the Chicago public library. 1910. 8 p. Title from Library of Congress. Scandinavian books, Danish-Norwegian and Svvedish, added to the Chicago public library since 1909. 1913. 16 p. U 192"9 2 p. 1., 172 p, The social sciences; finding list, Chica.go public library. 1914. 371 p. J M P U " A new and completely revised edition of the Finding list entitled: Political science; social science; education, the seventh edition of which, issued in 1893, has long been out of print. The subject of law has been added and all of the subjects included have been greatly amplified. "-Note. p,c2 3 Special bulletin no, 1-7. .., 1901-1909. 7 nos. in 1 vol. No more publishod. No. 1 (rev.) 1906 No. 2 (rev. ) 1903 J 1-7 M 1-4, 6-7 P 1-7 U 3-4,6 174 CHICAGO , Continued. PUBLIC LIBRARY, Continued. ... . Staff news. ...1-10, 1922-1932. "Preliminary no." May, 1922; v.l, no.l, Sept. 1922. V.9 no.l wrongly numbered v,8, no. 8. Issued monthly to v. 8, no. 4, Dec, 1929; bimonthly after v,8 no. 5, Mar. 1930. J 1-10, 1922-32 P 1-1Q, 1922-32 U 8 , 9 1 " 6 , 10 1 " 8 , 1929-32 William Shakespeare, 1616-1916. Selected list of books in the Chicago public library. 1916. 32p. J P World war poetry index, compiled by John F. James... cl926 3 4 p.l.', ' vi p., 1 1., 199 p. P "An author, title, and first line index." "Primarily an index to the collection of World War poetry in the Chicago Public Library, which includes most, if not all, of the important anthologies and collections." Ono copy typewritten, 1925. Young people 1 s books; finding list, Chicago public library. 1912. 320 p. J P U Supplemented by Books added 1911-1915 pt.3 Young people's books. Which See , above, under Books of 1911-1927... PUBLIC LIBRARY. ADVISORY COMMISSION. A report presented to the Board of directors of the Chicago public lib- rary by the Advisory commission, 1909. Harry A. Wheeler, chairman, N.D.C. Hodges, Thos. F* Holgate, George E. Vincent, J.I. Wyer,jr. Her- bert W. Gates, executive secretary. c1909d 28 p., 1 1„, illus. J P PUBLIC LIBRARY. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. proceedings... v. 1-26, April 11, 1872- December 26, 1927. v.l published in 1888. J 1, 3-26 M 1-26 P 1-26 U 16-17, 1906/10 PUBLIC LIBRARY. CIVICS AND DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT. 100 helps for reducing the high cost of living, c Bibliography, compiled by the- Civics and Documents Department of the Chicago Public Library. e .1917 3 2 p.l., 2-9 f. Title from the Nov/ York Public Library. PUBLIC LIBRARY. HIRAM KELLY BRANCH. Information for users. 1911. cl6 3 p. J 175 CHICAGO , Continued. PUBLIC LIBRARY. MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY See MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY. PUBLIC LIBRARY. READERS' BUREAU. Reading with a purpose, A personal service. n.d. 4 p. J PUBLIC LIBRARY. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. School department and room for teachers. n.d. c6 3 p. J PUBLI.C LIBRARY EMPLOYES PENSION FUND Se_e BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC LIBRARY EMPLOYES' FUND. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS' PENSION AND RETIREMENT FUND. See BOARD OF TRUST- EES OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS' PENSION AND RETIRE] INT FUND. RAILWAY TERMINAL COMMISSION. Preliminary report. .. Submitted to City Council Committee on Railway Ter- minals. March 29, 1915. cl915 = viii, 144 p*-, illus. J M P-C U Report of John F. Wallace, chairman... submitted to the mayor and City council, March, 1921. cPrinted in the house of Severinghaus, 1921 3 3 p. 1., 5-20 p., 2 1., 33 p. 6 1. illus. J M P-C U Statement covering past and possible future activities of the railway terminal commission, presented by Alderman Ellis Geiger. n. d^ 14 p. mimeo. M RETIREMENT BOARD. MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ANNUITY ABD BENEFIT FUND. Established under Act approved June 29, 1921, in force July 1, 1921. Act relating to municipal employees' annuity and benefit fund, Chicago, with explanatory statement and accompanying tables... c1921d 130 p. ' M P-C t as amended, 1923. 71 p. M , as reprinted. 1923. 71 p. M Annual statement of the Employees ' Annuity and Benefit Fund for the year ending December 31, 1925. Exhibit "L". tpw. M Condensed financial statement of the Retirement Board covering the period of operation from January 1, 1922, to September 30, 1924. October 31, 1924. 1 1. M Sec Also BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MUNICIPAL PENSION FUND. CHICAGO , Continued. RETIREMENT BOARD OF THE POLICEMEN'S ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND. Act relating to the policemen' s annuity and benefit fund of Chicago as in force and effect... 1922-1931. M Jan. 1, 1922, July 8, 1927, July 1, 1931. P July 8, 1927, July 1, 1931. Report for the calendar year, da-11, 1922-1932. 7, 1928 also contains figures for 1927. M cl 3 , 1922; 7-11, 1928-32. P-C cl a , 1922; c 5 3 , 1926; 11, 1932 U cl aj 1922; 11, 1932. Report on audit of the books and accounts of the Policemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund, Chicago... 1924-1926. M 1924-1926 Rules and regulations... adoptod Dec. 1, 1923. n.p. n.d. 10 p. M P-C Rules for conducting olections by active policemen of the city of Chicago for the purpose of electing a member of the Policemen's annuity and benefit fund of Chicago, in accordance with the act creating such re- tirement board. Adopted October 3, 1924* 11 p. M SAFETY COMMISSION See MAYOR'S SAFETY COMMISSION. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION. See MEDILL COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION. SMOKE INSPECTOR See_ DEPARTMENT OF SMOKE INSPECTION. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON DISPOSAL OF GARBAGEi Appointed by Mayor following Resolution of Council adopted September 24, 1900. Report... March 25, 1901. ■ John F. Higgins, Printer, cl901 3 . 15 p. M SPECIAL PARK COMMISSION. Established by resolution of City Council, November 6, 1899, and included appointees of Mayor, park boards, and members of Civic organizations, elected by the Commission. Succcded in 1917 by the Bureau of Parks and Playgrounds, ^callod BUREAU OF PARKS, RECREATION AND AVIATIONV Which See Annual report Special Park Commission, city of Chicago for the yearcS 3 ending December 31, 1900-1916. Title and subtitle vary: 1916, annual report of the Committoe on Parks, Playgrounds and Beaches. Continued in Annual report of the Department of Public Works. J 1900, 1904-16 M 1900-16 P-C 1900, 1905-16 U 1900-01, 1905-16. ... Bulletin... . 1-2. 1910. J 1-2, 1910 177 CHICAGO , Continued. SPECIAL PARK COMMISSION, Continued. Directory of municipal playgrounds, parks, "bathing beaches and natatoriums. 1916. J H U . ,. . Pamphlet. ...1-7, May 1909-April, 1915. J 1-7, May, 1909-April 1915, P 2-7, July 1909-April 1915. If 1-7, May 1909- April 1915. A plea for playgrounds,.. cW, J.Hartman Company, printers 3 1905. Cover- title, 19,c3 3 p. illus. J M P-C U A circular of appeal, 4 p. tipped in. Report of investigation of bathing beaches by . . , September, 1913... cl913? 3 25 p. illus. J P-C A.W. Beilfuss, chairman. ... , Report of the Special Park Commission to the City Council of Chica- go on the subject of a metropolitan park system. Report compiled by Dwight Heald Perkins, 1904. c 17. J.Hartman Company, printers, 1905 3 149 p., illus, maps. J M P-C U Report of the year's work at the municipal playgrounds,,, by D„H. Perkins, Chairman of the Playground Committee, Dec. 6, 1904. n.d. 7 p, M Special park commission; bureau of park playgrounds, bathing beaches and street tree planting; members of the commission and sub-committees; location of parks... May, 1914, 16 p. M Trees and lawns for the streets. ... pamphlet no, 6, April 1914* c 1914a"".'. c2a»"29 p., illus. M SPECIAL TELEPHONE COMMISSION. Report on the telephone situation in the city of Chicago, in respect to service, rates, regulation of rates, etc. Submitted to the Committee on gas, oil and electric light of the City council of the city of Chicago, by a special commission composed of Dugald C Jackson, Will- iam H* Crumb, George W. Wilder, sec'y, April, 1907. cTho Gunthorp- Warren printing co., 1907 3 1 p.l., 124 p., J M P-C U On cover: Report of Special telephone commission, Chicago, April, 1907. STREET RAILWAY COMMISSION. Report... Milton F, Foreman, chairman, ... December 1900. J, F. Higgins print c 1900a 136 p«, J M P-C U Text of street railway bill as submitted to the city council.., December 17th, 1900... n.d.. 16 p. M 178 CHICAGO , Continued. SUBWAY ADVISORY COMMISSION. Appointed by the Sub-committee on subways, Local transportation committee, Chicago City council. Report of the Subway advisory commission to the Sub-committee on subways ... Printed by order of local transportation committee,.. August 1926. c 1926 3 Cover -title, v, 123 p. M P~C U SUBWAY COMMISSION. Organized by a resolution of the City Council Committee on Local transportation, and absorbed by the HARBOR AND SUBWAY COMMISSION on its creation, December 4, 1911. Address... by John Ericson. . . 1911 Sou Chicago. City Council. Commit- tee on local transportation. Address before... 1911. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS See BOARD OF EDUCATION. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. TELEPHONE BUREAU. The telephone bureau of the department of public service., city of Chicago ... Oct. 1, 1914. d914 3 Cover-title da, 16 p. M P-C First report of Bureau. Telephone directory of Main 447; private exchange City Hall, Chicago; in effect September 1, 1921. 20 p. M 1924. 42 p. M TERMINAL COMMISSION. Before the interstate commerce commission. In re application of the New York Central Railroad Co., for certificate of public convenience and necessity. Suggestions of tho terminal commission. n.d. 43 p. M The Chicago railway terminal problem. Reports... dated May 12th and July 11th, 1892. Letters, reports, briefs, opinions, court decisionSj and leading articles discussing the Chicago railway terminal problem, and its solution, from the standpoint of mechanical and hydraulic engineers lawyers, judges, and the public press. c New York, press of Jenkins & McCcwan, 1892. 3 147 p. J M TRACTION AND SUBWAY COMMISSION. Preliminary draft of an Exhibit "B" (to be attached to a draft ordinance) Prepared as a basis for consideration by the local transportation committee of the City Council of Chicago of certain general principles ,oc of a comprehensive system of local transportation as recommended in Report (1916) of the Chicago traction und subway commission on a unified system of surface, elevated and subway lines for the City of Chicago, n.p. n.d. Caption title, 38 p. Q. M P~C 179 CHICAGO , Continued. TRACTION AND SUBWAY COMMISSION. Continued. Recommendations and suggestions by the Chicago traction and subway Commis-* sion, the companies, and Walter L. Fisher on life of franchise, rate of return and regulation and control. cl925? D Cover-title , 7 p. J M P~C Report... on a unified system of surface, elevated and subway lines. cRand McNally & co., printers^ 1916. 68 p. illus. J M P-C "Advance print of report not including the supplement." Wm. Barclay Parsons, chairman. Report... on a unified system of surface, elevated, and subway lines. cRand McNally & co., printers^ 1916. 2 p.l. vii-xix p., 2 1., 446, bA-1 3 ~AI13 p. M P-C U Wm. Barclay Parsons, chairman. Valuation of the Chicago elevated railroads; supplementary to the Report of the Chicago traction and subway commission... on a unified system of surface, elevated and subway lines. c 1916s c5d, 350-488 p. J M P-C U "This volume contains chapter XII... reprinted from the Report and, in addition detailed valuation summaries." TRACTION EXPERT See DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL TRANSPORTATION TRACTION VALUATION COMMISSION. Report on the physical properties and intangible values of the Calumet electric street railway company and the South Chicago city railway company as of February 1, A.D. 1903, submitted to the Committee on local transportation... by Bion J. Arnold, George Weston... March 18, 1908. cl908 3 2 p. 1., c7 3 -30p. J M P Detailed exhibits of the physical property and intangible values of the Calumet Electric Street Railway Company... . Chicago, March 1908. c 19083 583 p. illus. J M P U " Detailed exhibits of the physical property and intangible values of the South Chicago City Railway Company... . Chicago, March 1908. cl908 3 448 £. illus. J M P U Report on the physical property and intangible value of the Southern Street Railway Company, as of August 1, A.D. 1908, submitted to the Committee on Local Transportation... by Bion J. Arnold, George Weston, Glenn E. Plumb. cl909? 3 26 p. J M P Detailed exhibits... . Chicago, December 2, 1908. c 1909? 3 228 p illus. J M P U Report on the value of the tangible and intangiblo properties of tho Cal- umet Electric Street Railway Co., and the South Chicago City Rail.. Co., submitted to the committee on local transportation... by Bion J. i'a*nold and George Weston. March 13, 1906. cl906 3 various paging. M 180 CHICAGO , Continued. TRACTION VALUATION COMMISSION, Continued. Report of the values of the physical property of the Chicago & Southern Traction Company inside the city limits; submitted to the Committee on Local Transportation... by Bion J. Arnold, George Weston... July 1911. c 1911 a c2 D vic7,-148 p. J M Report on the values of the properties of the Chicago consolidation trac- tion company inside the city limits, submitted to the Committee on local transportation... by Bion J, Arnold, George Weston. . .August, 1910 cAnd, Detailed exhibits... accompanying the valuation report... 3 cl910 3 713 p. illus. J M P P-C U "Detailed exhibits": p.c9 a -713. Report on the values of the tangible and intangible properties of the Chi- cago city railway company and Chicago union traction company, submitt- ed to the Committee on local transportation... by Bion J. Arnold, Mort- imer E. Cooley, A.B. du Pont... December 10, 1906. cl906 3 1 p.l., 79 p. J M P P-8 U Detailed exhibits of the tangible property of the Chicago City Rail- way Company as of June 30, A.D. 1906, accompanying the valuation re- port.*. 1906. 451 p. J P U Detailed exhibits of the tangible property of the street railway sys- tem in the possession of and operated by the receivers of the Chicago Union Traction Company as of June 30, A.D. 1906 accompanying the val- uation report... 1906. 967 p. J M P P-C U TRANS PORTAT ION BUREAU . ...Count of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in bound-7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Typical week day. 1923 to 1924. c 1924 3 1 typewritten page. M Report. J 1913/14 M 1913/14 TREASURER See_ CITY TREASURER VICE COMMISSION. The social evil in Chicago; a study of existing conditions with recommen- dations... Gunthorp-Warren printing company, 1911, 3 p.l., 339 p, illus. J M P~C U 4th edition. Republished by the Vice commission of Chicago, inc. for distribution by the American vigilance association. Chicago, New York e 1912 3 3 p.l., 399 p. illus. U Lettered on cover: America vigilance association. VICE COMMISSION See Also CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON HEALTH. cProcoedings, May 28th to Nov. 12, 1914... 3 181 CHICAGO , Continued, WATER DEPARTMENT, 1869. See BCLlRD OF PUBLIC WORKS. WATER DER.1RTI/IENT, 1911. According to the Chicago city manual during this period the BUREAU OF WATER, Which See , was a part of the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Ordinances * rules and regulations for the management of the Water Depart- ment of the city of Chicago. First edition, Issued by Department of Public works, city of Chicago, 1911. cl911 3 c 4j, 37 p., M For 1923 edition, See ORDINANCES* Ordinances from the Chicago Muni- cipal code,.. ZONING APPEALS BOARD See BOiJID OF APPEALS (ZONING) ZONING COMMISSION. Business men's associations and neighborhood improvement associations in Chicago. June 1922. typ. M Final report... together with a proposed zoning ordinance... submitted to the City Council March 14, 1923... cl923 a 26 p. 49(i.c.99) maps. J M P-C U Contains the "use district map" amd "volume district map" consist- ing of an index map, and two maps of 49 sections each,, covering the entire city of Chicago. ... Proposed zoning ordinance for the City of Chicago. Use and volume district maps... £ 1923 3 3v.> plans. 3CH=rcm. J At head of title: January 5, 1923 ... Contents: North section, plates 1 to 16, inclusive. Central section. Plates nos. 17-32, inclusive. South section. Plates nos. 33-49, inclusive. Tentative report and a proposed zoning ordinance for the City of Chicago, January 5, 1923. 1923 35, \2i ,16,16, ^1 D , 17-32,^0 ,33-49, 33-49 p. illus., maps. 31 cm. J F-C U Two maps of the entire city of Chicago (Use district map, and Volume district map), in 49 sections each, are a part of the ordinance. The sections are printed on opposite pages with duplicate pagination, ^Zoning mapsj 2 l.,49 maps, 64 cm, P-C Zoning Chicago. The Chicago zoning commission is now preparing a zoning ordinance for the city of Chicago ... April, 1922. ^_1922j 11, 1 p. » illus., maps. J M T-C U ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, See, under head Semi-offici al, CHICAGO ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY 182 MUNICIPALITIES NOV. r PART OF CHICAGO AUSTIN Annexed April 4, 1899, by clction. AUSTIN. BOARD OF EDUCATION Report... School district number two, town of Cicero, Cook County, 111. 1896. 68p. J CLEARING Annexed April 6, 1915 by election. CLEARING. ORDINANCES Chapter XVII,.. .compiled ordinances; misdemeanors, passed, 28th of June, 1913... Published 10th of July, 1913. 8p. M Compiled ordinances... published by order of the Board of Trustees; January 22, 1913; compiled by Jesse E. Roberts... n. d. 92p. M HYDE PARK Annexed June 29, 1889 by election. Annual reports of the president and village officers... 1881/82-1888/89 Title varies. Report year ends April 1. J 1881/82-82/83, 1885/86-86/87, 1888/89 M 1887/88-88/89 P-C 1883/84 U 1885/86 HYDE PARK. BO.J^D OF EDUCATION Pr.oc'ae dings... 1837-1889 U May 24, 1887-July 6, 1389 HYDE PARK, ORDINANCES, ETC. Laws and ordinances... together with its charter and general laws affecting municipal corporations: special ordinances and charters under which corporations have vested rights in the village. Also, summary of decisions of the Supreme court relating to municipal corporations, taxation and assessments... Rev, and arranged by Con- sider H. Willett... Hydo park dlazlitt & Rud 3 1876. 595p. J P P-C U Municipal code... together with general laws affecting municipal corpor- ations; charters and special ordinances, granting certain privileges in the village. Adopted by tho President and Bourd of trustees... and approved by said Prosidcnt March 28, A.D. 1887. printed and published by authority.,. . Revised and published by Honry V. Freeman. . . Hyde Park, 111. 1887. x, 475 p. J P U 183 MUNICIPALITIES , Continued HYDE PARK. ORDINANCES, ETC. , Continued Revised ordinances . . . adopted November 2nd, 1872. Inter-Ocean c Beach & Barnard:, Steam Printing House d087? D d 3 , 459p. ? P-C Revised to 1087. 1076. M Binder's title. Caption title: Laws and ordinances of the Village of Hyde Park. M copy defective, lacks t.-p. and has only p.c9 3 -395. HYDE PARK. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Village of Hyde Park. Map showing water mains and improved streets... March 31, 1088. fold map. I.I Signed by A.V. Powell, Supt. Public Works. LAKE Annexed June 29, 1889 by election. ■ LAKE. BO.JiD OF TRUSTEES. cProcecdings ofa Town of Lake. Board of trustees. April 16, 1307- April 5,. 1008. n.p. Unpaged. M April 16, 1887 is inaugual meeting. LAKE. ORDINANCES. Charter and ordinances... Pitkin &, Curvcr, 1874. 87p. M The revised ordinances... comprising the laws of Illinois relating to the Town of Lake, and the ordinances of the Board of trustees. Pub- lished by authority of the board of trustees. Beach, Barnard & Co., printers, 1882. v, c l 3 , 311 p. J P Revised and compiled by Frank D. Thomason. J.LIorris company, printers, 1887. vi, c 2 3 , 361 p. J LI LAKE VIEW Annexed June 29, 1889 by election. Annual reports of the city officers... 1884/85-87/88 1304/85-86/87 title reads: Annual reports of town officers... J 1334/85-67/88 U 1306/07-07/88 LAKE VIEW. CITY COUNCIL Proceedings... municipal year c s 3 1387/30-1009. Volume I -III, Vol. 5 covers April 15-July 12, 1889. J v.l, 1887/30 v. 2-3, 1000/09-1009 P-C v.1-2, 1007/00-1000/09 184 MUNICIPALITIES , Continued LAKE VIEW HIGH SCHOOL ...Annual report... 1005/86 Report year ends July 1. J 12, 1805/86 LAKE VIEW. ORDINANCES Laws and ordinances... together with its charter, and amendments there- to. Printed and published by authority of the Board of trustees... Lake View,cC.E. Sinclair, printer ^ 1079. 218p. J LAKE VIEW. TREASURER Report of ... treasurer 1873/74-1883/04 1380/01 includes supplementary report from March 15, 1880 to April 19, 1300. J 1873/74, 1075/76-83/34 IS 1880/81 WEST. TOWN BOARD Report of Robert McChesney, expert, employed by a Committee of West Town Board, to investigate affairs of West Chicago park commissioners' office. Submitted September 8th, 1877. Holland, Taylor & Co., print- ers, 1877. 56 p. J PARK DISTRICTS IN CHICAGO In 1869, by three separate acts, the Illinois Legislature established the three major park gbverfmichts of Chicago: Commissioners of Lincoln park, South park commissioners, and West Chicago park commissioners. The other park districts were established under the general enabling act of July 1, 1895. ALBANY PARK DISTRICT. ORDINANCES. Albany park district ordinance making appropriations for corporate purposes... for fiscal year commencing on the second Friday of May, 1931. cn.d. ■ M FSRNW00D PARK DISTRICT Established May 16, 1908. 185 PARK DISTRICTS , Continued. FERN/TOOD PARK DISTRICT. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A sketch of the Fernwood park district, Chicago, Illinois, together with some supplemental notes relating to the history of the community within its boundaries. Compiled by James E. Todd. 1929 89 r 2 n illus. J ' P< FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT See COOK COUNTY. BOaRD OF FOREST PRESERVE COMMISSIONERS IRVING PARK DISTRICT Established April 12, 1910. IRVING PARK DISTRICT. BO^RD OF COMMISSIONERS . . .Annual report. . . 1914/15-1918/19 Year ends Hay 31. M 1914/15-18/19 (Reported as "Not on shelf") IRVING PARK DISTRICT. ORDINANCES. ...General ordinances of the Irving Park District. Adopted August 20th, 1929, 37p. M ...Operating report and payroll analysis for the six months ending June 1930. McCoy, Holland, Arndt and Sweeney c 1930 3 Cover title 12 p tpw. p_C JEFFERSON PARK DISTRICT. BOaRD OF COMMISSIONERS ...Operating report and payroll analysis for the six months ending June 30, 1930. McCoy, Holland, Arndt and Sweeney d930 3 Cover*, title, 12p. tpw. P-C LINCOLN EuRKj COMMISSIONERS OF ,.n act to fix the boundaries of Lincoln park... and erovide for its im- provement. Approved, February 8th, 1869. i.nd acts supplemental and amendatory thereto. Horton & Leonard, printers, 1872. Covcr- titlc, 19p. J p„c Ceremonies attending the unveiling of the statue of Robert Cavalier do La Salle at Lincoln park, Chicago, October 12, 1889. Knight and Leonard Co., printers, 1889. 23p. J Y&6 PARK DISTRICTS , Continued LINCOLN PARK, COMMISSIONERS OF, Continued Financial report... See Report on examination... Information for delegates attending the second annual Conference of community centers, Chicago, April 17-21, 1917. n.d. c 4 3 p. P-C Lincoln as Illinois knew him. e portrait by William. Patterson, painted for Lincoln park administration building. Testimonial letters, 1927 3 27 p. M P-C Lincoln park. cl922 D 4 leaf folder with map. P-C Lincoln park, Chicago's scenic play ground... cl929 3 8 leaf folder, with map. M P-C Lincoln park data. January 2,1930. n.d. 13 p., mimeo. M Lincoln park golf course... (Contains ground rules and etiquette) n.d. card. M cMap of Lincoln park. 1916?^ 1 fold. map. J Blue print Map of Lincoln park, showing present park area, proposed extensions, and work under construction. 1908. 1 p. M Report of the Commissionors and a history of Lincoln park; compiled by I. J. Bryan. 1899. 188 p. J M P-C Report on examination... 1378/79-1931 1886/93 Report covers period from Dec. 1,1886, to Jan. 1,1893 1893/94 Report covers period from Jan. 1,1893, to March 31,1894 1898/1900 Report covers period from Apr . 1, 1898, to Dec. 31, 1900 1913/15 has cover-title, Report. .. 1915, and is "Summary of work accomplished during the period July 31,1913, to July 31,1915, including financial statement for year 1914." Title varies: 1878/79-85/86, 1897/98, title reads: Annual report...; 1886/93-96/97, 1898/1900-1906, 1908, 1913/15: Report...; 1907, 1909-13, 1916-22: Financial report. Report year ends Dec. 31; 18 78/79- 97/98, March 31. J 1878/79-80/81, 1882/83-98/1900, 1904-18, 1920-21, 1923-26 M 1878/79-79/80, 1886/93-1931 P-C 1879/80, 1882/83-1900, 1903-18, 1922-23, 1925, 1928, 1930 U 1893/94-98/1900, 1903-19, 1931 Specifications for brcalcwator and jetty for Lincoln park extension between Mpntrose avenue and Margate terrace. Instructions to bidders, proposal, specifications, contract, and contractor's bond. 1930, 32 p. P-C Topographical map of Lincoln park, between North avenue park.vay and Diver soy parkway. 1918. M 187 PARK DISTRICTS , C ont inuo d LINCOLN PARK, C0MI.lI SSI ONERS OF. CIVIL SERVICE BOARD. Rules... as in operation September 31, 1911. cl911 3 51 p . ,; Nov. 9, 1921. ,19213 M Oct, 16, 1932. cl9323 93p. || LINCOLN PARK, COMMISSIONERS OF. ORDINANCES. General ordinances... adopted October 13th, 1920. Comp. and codified by Euu.1 C. Wetten. .. Amendments 1921. c 1921 3 40p. u October 13, 1926. Comp. and codified by Robert H. Farrcll cl926 3 64p. M P-C -* September 9, 1931. c 1931 : M Laws and ordinances relating to Lincoln park, Chicago... Compiled and codified by Franlc Hamlin, .... Assisted by Byron Boyden. Containing a digest of decisions. c 1903, c 2 a , v, 283,c2,p. j M jL c Compiled by Yfilliam Beclman,... July 1, 1928. n. d. 457p. M Laws ordinances and decisions relating to Lincoln park, Chisago. Corn- - piled, by 2.. 0. Bream... August 1,-1894. n.d. 128 p. M Motor bus ordinance; an ordinance to regulate the operation of motor buses or omnibuses, upon the boulevards, parkways and streets under the control of the Commissioners of Lincoln park and authorizing the Chicago motor bus company to operate lines of motor buses or omnibuses upon such boulevards, parkways and streets adopted June 19 lQifi n.d. 23p. map. y * ' "' NORTH SHORE PARK DISTRICT Established Hay 10, 1900 NORTH SHORE PARK DISTRICT. ORDINANCES Motor bus ordinance; an ordinance to regulate the operation of motor buses, or omnibuses, upon the boulevards, parkways and streets under the control of the North Shore park district and authorizing the Chi- cago Motor coach company to operate lines of motor buses or omnibuses upon such boulevards, parkways and streets. 1924. 18p. Municipal code, North Shore park district, 1917. n.d. 34p. M NORTHWEST T£SK 'DISTRICT'" Organized June 30, 1911 NORTHWEST PARK DISTRICT. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Report.. including the years of Juno 30, 1911, June 30th, 1918. C 1918 3 5bp. lllus. y Annual report for the year ending June 30, 1915 in Citizen and taxpayer p. 5-12. No annual report submitted, for 1912, 1913, 1914. lBfi PARK DI STRICTS , Continued OLD PORTAGE PARK DISTRICT Organized in 1912. OLD PORTAGE PARK DISTRICT. ORDINANCES Municipal code of Old Portage park district... edited und revised by John E. Van Natta. . . 1917. 21p. I.I RIDGS AVENUE PARK DISTRICT Established April 18, 1896. RIDGE AVENUE PARK DISTRICT. ORDINANCES. General ordinances... adopted March 23, A.D. 1925. cl925 3 48p. M Municipal code... Adopted June, 1931. cl93l 3 35p. Ordinances adopted... September 22, 1919. cl919=, M RIVER PARK DISTRICT Established by election In Feb. 1917 RIVER PARK DISTRICT. ORDINANCES Annu;.l appropriation ordinance... 1929/30-1932/33 Fiscal year ends April 30. M 1929/30, 1932/33 SOUTH PARK COMMISSIONERS Created by Illinois Act of February 24, 1869, and approved by popular vote of the towns of South Chicago, Hyde Park and Lake. At first territory was all outside the city limits of Chicago. cAct of Legislature and decision of Supreme Courts cl869? 3 1 l.,c5 a - 50,c2 3 p. P-C P. copy defective, lacks t.-p. and covur. Title made up from con- tents. Last statistical data is for Sept. 23, 1869. Agreement between South park commissioners and. .. c various individuals, holders of land and riparian rights 3 . Barnard A Miller, 1912 6 poms. M All agreements dated Nov. 1,1912. Agreement between the South park commissioners and the Illinois Central railroad company relating to lands and riparian rights, removal of passenger depots, location of viaducts, etc., etc... December 11, 1911. n.d. 23p. map. M Journal of the proceedings of the South park commissioners. March 19, 1930/ Feb. 15, 1933. n.d. 386p. M Map of South park district, showing parks and boulevards. 1917. M 1928. ii 1S9 P.xRK DISTRICTS , Continued. SOUTH PuRIC COolJSSIONERS, Continued. LIcKinloy monument memorial. . • c!905 3 96p. illus. J I.Iodcrn end most velucblc park development in the South park district... Progress made in large undertakings. . ofollov/ing the Burnham plan and the City plan commission. 1923. cl3 3 p. 1.1 P-C . . .Organization and regulations governing the operating department 1916. c0 3> 104p. P-C petition to Llayor and City council concerning proposed ordinance in connection with the agreement between the South park commissioners and the Illinois Central railroad company. January 23, 1912. c 1912 3 c 4 3 p . LI Report... 1369/72-1923/24- Titlc varies 1872-1906 Report year ends Dec. 1; 1908-24 Feb. 28 First report covers period from date of organization to Liar. 1,1872; 1S72 covers Liar. 1-Doc. 1,1872; 1906/08 covers 15 months, Dec. 1,1906 -Fob. 29, 1908. Original edition of reports has full imprint. Reprinted edition lacks imprint. 1902/03 is in sane type as reprints. J 1869/72-1913/19; 1922/23-23/24-"" I! 1881/82, 1883/84-90/91, 1892/93-93/94, 1896/97-1923/24 P-C Regular ed. 1869/72, 1872/73-1915/13, 1917/18-22/24 Reprint ed. 1869/72-1872/73, 1874/75, 1876/77-77/78, 1379/80 U 1869/72-1923/24 ...Report accompanying plan for laying out the South park. cBy 3 OL.isted, Vaux & co. ... Book and job printing house> 1871. 56 p., nap. t c 1904? 3 41 p. II P-C U -R-cprint'-of -0 Iras ted, VaiJ&c & co. report. South park, ^cts of the general assembly relating to the sane... Deci- sions of the supreme court relating thereto. Ordinances... 1375. c2 3 , 84p. J c 1904? 3 96p. P-C Reprint vfithout imprint, probably issued in 1904. South park coix.iissioners and Illinois Central railroad company; agreement relating to lands and riparian rights, removal of passenger depots, location of viaducts, and other Matters... and canceling agreement of Doocmbor 11, 1911. cl912 D 24p. Li South park coix.iissioners a.v& the Illinois Central railroad company; agroo- ment relating to property botwocn Twelfth Strict and Fifty-first Stroet Chicago. June 26, 1912. cl912 D 17p. - IJ South Parks laws and decisions of the Supremo Court of the State of ' Illi- nois relating thereto. Jameson & .orse, printers, 1872. 57p. P-C 1& PARK DIS TRICT S, Continued. SOUTH PARK COMHISSIOBERS, Continued. Statistics: south parks and boulevards, Chicago. c Rand> McUally &. co. , printers. 1908? 3 Caption title, ''24p. -illus.} .fold col. imp.. P-C U Suggestions submitted to the Committee on harbors, wharves and bridges concerning proposed ordinance relating to the agreement between the South park commissioners and the Illinois Central railroad company March 22, 1912. C 1912 D 23p. LI SOUTH PARK COMMISSIONERS. CIVIL SERVICE BOARD Annual report. .. 1929' U 1929 Rules... 1912-1928 Title varies. M 1912, June 1,1913, Jan. 1, 1914, Jan. 1, 1917, Dec.l, 1919, June 1, 1924, Apr, 16, 1928. P-C Jan. 1, 1917. U Apr. 16, 1928. SOUTH PARK COMMSSIONERS. HORTICULTURAL DIPARTMEHT Report of L.B. Sid.vay, chairman. • . for five years ending March 31, 1876. Geo. E. Marshall & Co., printers, 1876. 14p. J SOUTH PARK C0M.HSSI01JERS. ORDINANCES . Charter, ordinances and resolutions... 1887. 96p. J H .-..Laws, ordinances and regulations governing the use of driveways in the South parks and boulevards, Chicago. cl907 3 2p.l.,3-28p. P-C Motor bus ordinance; an ordinance to regulate the operation of motor bus- es, or omnibuses, upon the boulevards, parkways and streets under the control of the South park commissioners, and authorizing the Chicago motor bus company to operate lines of motor buses, or omnibuses, upon such boulevards, parkways and streets. n. d. 35p. fold. map. Li Municipal code... adopted June 1907. c 1907d 40p. 1.1 October 1911. c 1911 a 41p. M March 1919. cl919 3 2p. 1. , iii,vi,46p. M P-C March 1923. cl923 3 4,iii,vi,50p. J M P-C ; lS adopted March 13, 1923, and subsequently amended. December 16, 1925. cl925a lp.l.,c9 3 ,53p. M Oct. 28, 1927. cl927 3 M v c b. 1929. cl929 3 M 19*1' P.iRK DISTRICTS , Continued. SOUTH PARK COIi'ICSIOHERS, ORDIHaNCES^ Continued. Municipal code... with general laws and special ordinances as revised and codified by James R. ;.Iann... Approved, 1897. E.B. lyors & company, 1G97. c6 3 , iii, 5-3l6p. P-C U Ordinances for the regulation and government of the South park. d872 3 Caption title, c3d p. P-C Dated July 23, 1872 (one ordinance) South perk motor bus ordinance with first, second, and third amendments; an ordinance to regulate the operation of motor buses, or omnibuses upon the boulevards, parkways and streets under the control of the South park commissioners and authorizing the Chicago motor bus company to operate lines of motor buses or omnibuses upon such boulevards, parkways and streets. Adopted Liar ch 7, 1917. c 1917j 52p. ...Statutes and special ordinances, printed and published... February, 1903. G-unthr op-barren Ptg. Co. c 1908 3 2p. 1. ,xix,413p. 2! P-C See Also SOUTH PARK COMMISSIONERS South park. Acts of the general assembly. . . WEST CHICAGO PARK COMMISSIONERS Established by Illinois Act of February 27, 1069 and approved by popular vote of town of West Chicago, and those voters in the parts of the towns of Lake View and Cicero which wore in- cluded in the district. Acts of the general assenbly pertaining to parks and boulevards, prepared by the West Chicago park commissioners, together with the ordinances of the city of Chicago which affect said commissions, and the ordin- ances of said. . .commissioners. United States Printing Company, 1890 xiii,172 p. Ill P-C compiled for the... commissioners, by Edward T. Noonan. . . c 1895 3 \2,v 3 -xv, 258 p. J 1,1 Annual report. 1-60, 1869/70-1928; Jan. 1, 1930-Fob.28, 1931 Report year irregular. Ordinances, resolutions, orders from Nov. 1869-Fcb. 1898 in 30th annual report of commissioners year ending Dec. 31, 1898 J 1-60, 1869/70-1923 M 1, 1869/70; 3-60, 1871/72-1928; Jan.l, 1930-Fcb.28, 1951 P-C 1-8, 1869/70-76/77; 10-13, 1878/79-31/32; 17-25, 1385/86- 93/91-; 26-41, 1895-1909; 43-47, 1911-15; 49, 1917; 51-60, 1919-28 U 3-9, 1871/72-77/78; 12-15, 1030/81-03/34; 10-25, 1886/87- 93/94; 27-30, 1896-98; 32, 1900; 34-53, 1902-22; 59-60, 1927-28; Jan. 1, 1930-Fcb. 28, 1931 Annual r^oort of W .R. Jonos...*5arch 2G, 1931. B 1031 a Caption tit"" . c4 3 p. P-C 192 PARK DISTRICTS , Continued. "/EST CHICAGO PARK C 0: Z II SS I OFJRS, Continued. Catalogue guide to Garfield park conservatory. el924 3 80 p. i'L P-C Greo.ter West Chicago park system, after the plans of Jens Jensen. 1922 59p. illus., LI Maps of the parks under the jurisdiction of 'Test Chicago park commission- ers. 1912. 6 maps. LI Official record... Sec' Proceedings... Parks in the west division of the city of Chicago, The several acts of the Legislature authorizing the location of parks in the west division of Chicago; and governing the commissioners in locating and improving the same. Also, the laws in relation to the condemnation of lands for public purposes: so far aS the same apply to the establishing of parks in said division. RcpuM&fK&b&n Job Printing Company, 1869. 5C-p. J P-C Playgrounds and recreation centers... cFrcd Klein Co. Printers^ 193 7. Cover title, 35p. illus. J LI P-C Proceedings... 1906-1926. Caption title; no index. Title varies; March 7, 1893-lIarch 1910: Official record; 1915-18, Journal of the proceedings... 1908-11, 1913-20: Proceedings of the Board of '.Test Chicago Park commissi oners and Board of local im- provements. J 1906-20 d 1906, 1908-21, 1925-26 P-C 1908-Fcb. 1920, 1920-23 (incomplete) U 1915 (July 20)-1923 (July 13) Prospectus. Bonds of the town of West Chicago, $1,000,000. 5yo semi- annually. For sale by 'Test Chicago park commissioners. 1391 16p. LI Prospectus, $1,000,000 small park bonds, under vote of Nov. 8, 1910. cl911 3 Cover title, 38 p. LI Recreation centers, playgrounds and swimming pools... issued on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the organization of the "Jest park board. 1919. Cover title, 80p. illus. Li P-C Report dealing with the physical condition, business and administrative practices, personnel management and financial situation in the Wost Chicago park system... during periods prior to Jan. 30, 1933. Sub- mitted to. . .governor of Illinois, oy... Harry Joseph, prcsidont... June 10, 1933. cl933 3 Cover title, various paging ci.e. 56p. D mimeo.f. P-C Report of Jens Jensen, architect... 1905. 6p. Report of Robt. acChosncy. . . See VJEST (township). T017N BOARD 15* PARK DISTRICTS , Continued. YJEST CHICAGO PARK COul.ISSIONERS, Continued. Report of the Committee of the whole... regarding the donation of a site in Garfield park, and the appropriation of ^100,000 for the erection of a museum to house the Gunthor collection of war relics December 11, 1906. n.d. 2 p. M ...Report of the West Chicago parks on the £{10,000 bond issue... edited by Tomaz F. Deuther... d929 3 128 p. illus. f. LI P-C At head of title: 1927-1929 John Dill Robertson, pros. Second issue of Civic Questions, oditod by Thomas Deuther 12 8p. LI A treatise on acts of the Legislature and court decisions relating to the rights and duties of the West Chicago park commissioners, also acts of Legislature now in force pertaining to West parks, by Robert E. Gentzcl. 1919. 380p. M West Chicago park commissioners, 1926, 3p. tyw. M West Chicago park commissioners - Schedule "A" - Classification of posi- tion into grades and schedules of pay. 1930c? a 22p. mimeo. II The West Chicago parks and 32 miles of boulevards. Their facilities and activities. 1902. c8 3 p. J -"1922. c 8 3 p. J M The West parks and boulevards of Chicago. c 1913d 23p. illus. M '.' Cover title, c48 3 p. illus,, map. J P-C U The West parks magazine, a monthly journal, v.l, no.l, June 1921. M v.l no.l, June 1921 P-C v.l no.l, June 1921 What you can see at the recreation centers. . .Schedule of activities April 16 to 22, 1917. Printed for the information of delegates to the second National confcrcnco on community centers. Clohossey and Co. Printers cl917 3 10, c3 3 p. P-C When in Chicago for a Century of Progress visit the West parks... cl933? 3 12ci.c.24 D p. folder. P-C 194 PARK DISTRICTS , Continued. WEST CHICAGO PARK COLL.ISSIONERS, CIVIL SERVICE BOARD. ...Annuel report... 2-9, 1912-1919. Second report printed; 6, 8-9, mimoo. Fifth annual report included in: Civil Service Board... 1916 edition M 2,1912; 6,1916; 8-9,1918-19 P-C 2,1912; 6,1916; 8-9,1918-19 Civil service board. . . 1911-1916 Title of 1916 edition reads: Civil service board of the Woat Chica- go park commissioners... Civil service rules, Park civil service act, Illinois. Fifth annual report, Civil service board. Fifth anhuallropiartf, supt. of employment. Efficiency regulations. 1916 11 1911-12, 1916 P-C 1916 ...Standard for marking efficiency of common laborers. n. d. 2 1., mimeo. P-C In force December 1916. WEST CHICAGO PARK COMMISSIONERS. B0..RD OF LOCAL L IPR0V3AIENTS . Journal of proceedings of the Board of "[est Chicago park commissioners, sitting and acting as a board of local improvements. 1906-1917 Caption title; no index. Title varies; October 9, 1906-Decembcr 1907: Proceedings of the board of local improvements. 1908-1909: Official record. 1910- 1914: Proceedings... From September 1918 with West Chicago Park C ommi s s i oner s . Pr o ce e dings .. . J 1906-11, 1913 (February 4)-1917 (June 12) U 1915 (February i)-1917 (June 12) WEST CHICAGO PARK COMMISSION. ORDINANCES. General ordinances... 1924. Adopted January 12, 1924. Compiled and oodified. .. under the supervision of Edwin T. Farrar, president. c 1924a 65,c7ap. J i.I P-C .adopted and in force Kay 4, 1933. e 1933a 64p. J M P-C General ordinances... relating to motor vehicles and penalties for viola- tion thereof... Prepared by Daniel A. Roberts,... c 1925a 19, clap, illus., map. LI 1927 1.1 The municipal code... Adopted... April 28, 1903. As revised and codified by Delavan B. Cole... e 1903a 42,c6 3 p. I.i P-C U adopted. . .December 12, 1916. as revised and codified by Jacob C. LeBosky. . . c anda William Levine... d917 3 xvi,54p. J LI P-C U 198 PARK DISTRICTS , Continued. WEST CHICAGO PARK COMMISSION. ORDINANCES, Continued. Santa Fe ordinance (December 1924 draft) with proposed amendments pro- viding for improvements in South "Western Avenue, by joint action of the West Chicago park commissioners, Sanitary district of Chicago, City street railway co., and Santa Fe. 1925. 58p. maps. M Traffic code... Adopted October 29, 1931. c 1931 3 60p. M WEST CHICAGO PARK COMMISSIONERS. SAFETY COMMISSION. 1929 annual report of the Secretary... cl930 3 cl 3 ,8 1., mimeo. P-C WEST CHICAGO PARK COMMISSIONERS. SUPERINTENDENT OF EMPLOYMENT. See WEST CHICAGO PARK COMMISSIONERS. CIVIL SERVICE BOARD. Civil service board... 1916 edition. RETIREMENT BOARD OF THE PARK EMPLOYES' ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND Act relating to the Park employes' annuity and benefit fund, as amended and in force July 2, 1925. c 1925 3 Cover-title, 51p. J M P-C 1931. Cover-title, 64p. J M ...Annual report... 1919/20-1931/32 Cover title. Year ends June 30. J 1-13, 1919/20-31/32 M 7-13, 1925/26-31/32 P-C 8-11, 1926/27-29/30 # 7, 1925/26; 13, 1951/32 Financial statements based upon annual report of the. . .Board. . .Condensed form - , of the.. .annual report... for., .employe participants. .. 1919/23- 1929/30 Fiscal year ends June 30. M 1919/23, 1928/29-29/30 P-C1928/29-29/30 See Also Report... Information relating to Park employes' annuity and benefit fund... 1925. 22p. J M P-C 1928. Park employes' annuity and benefit fund for employes of Lincoln, West Chicago and South Parks in City of Chicago... A copy of the act and explanatory statement of the distinctive features of the act. cl919 3 57p. J M P-C 196 P.iRK DISTRICTS , Continued. RETIREMENT BOARD OF THE PARK EMPLOYES' iiNNUITY AMD BENEFIT POND, Contiiw uod. Report concerning the activities of the Retirement Board of the Park Em- ployes' Annuity and Benefit Fund. July 8, 1926.. 3p. mimco. M Sec Also Annual report... RETIREMENT BOARD OF THE PARK POLICEMEN'S ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND ...Annual report... Nos. 6-11, 1927-1932. 6th has title: Annual statement covering operations for the calen- dar year, 1927. J 6, 1927; 8-11, 1929-32 M 8-11, 1929-32 P-C 6,1927; 8-10, 1929-31 SANITARY DISTRICT A municipality organized by the Illinois Act approved May 29, 1889. The first Board of trustees was elected December 12, 1889 and took office in January, 1890. Originally the district did notinclude all of the city of Chicago, although it did include some 42 square miles to the west of the city. Later the terri- tory was extended to take in all of Chicago and much of the rest of Cook County. ATTORNEY Sce_ LAW DEPARTMENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES The activated sludge process for handling Packingtown m&*le wastes... re- port of Langdon Pcarsc and W.D.Richardson made to the Board... and to the Committee representing the Stock yards interests, April 16, 1917. cl917 3 35p. P-C Address of Hon. B.A. Eckhart, president... at the inspection of main drainage channel by the International conference of the state Boards of health... Juno 11, 1896. J.F.Higgins, printer, 1896. 22p. J Address of President Robert R. McCormick on the disposal of sewage in the Calumet district, and address of Dr. W.A» Evans, commissioner of hoalth, on the purification of the water supply of the city of Chicago dclivorod before the Board... February 10, 1909... d909 3 Cap- tion title, 20p, 8 fold, diagr. J Analysis of the report of city electrician Ray Palmer to the city council concerning electric street lighting rates to be paid by the city to the Sanitary district... by Robert M. Buck. Transmitted to tho finan- ce committee of the city council by Wallace G. Clark and Goorgc W. Paullen. .. c 1913a Cover title, 26p. M P-C 197 SANIT^JIY DISTRICT , Continued. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Continued. Argument sustaining the prayer of the Sanitary district... for a permit to reverse the flow of the Calumet river. Presented to the Hon. Wm. H. Taft, secretary of war, by Isham Randolph... c 1906 3 Cover-title, 16 p. J P-C Brief ruport, accompanied by photographs; describing the sewage treatment plants visited by a party of trustees of the Sanitary district, 1S19. Dallas, Atlanta, New Orleans, Memphis, and San Antonio were visited. h. d. 47 p., maps. M Budgetary codes... prepared by J.L. Jacobs & co., Chicago, August, 1917... c 1917 3 83 p. M P-C Communication from President R, McCormick to Finance committee of the City council concerning the price fixed by the Sanitary district for electric power to be furnished to municipalities. March 16, 1906. c 1906 3 12p. M ...Comparative tables showing cost of theoretical channels of various sizes in earth and rock, from Ashland avenue, Chicago, to Lockport, Illinois... H.M.Shabad, printer, 1893. cl 3 ,iii,56p, U Contract, specifications, bond and proposal for the dredging and excava- tion of certain promises adjacent to the South branch of the Chicago river... 1909. 23p. M A copy of the report of the International waterways commission upon the Chicago drainage canal, issued at Toronto, Ontario, on January 4, 1907 . . . 1924. 1 ' "* ■ 17p. l,i The diversion of the waters of the Great Lakes by way of the Sanitary and ship canal... a brief of the facts and issues, by Lyman 2. Coolcy. tClohesey & co., printers,;} 1913. viii, 216p. fold, maps, J M P-C U Drainage channel and waterway: a history of the effort to secure an effective and harmless method for the disposal of the sewage of the city of Chicago, and to create a navigable channel between Lake Michi- gan and the Mississippi river. By G.P. Brown. R.R. Donnelley &. Sons' Co., 1894. ix, 480 p. illus. 4 maps. J M The Electrical department... A report by Gardner S. Williams, consulting engineer, Ann Arbor and Chicago. (Special edition as authorized and directed by the Board of Trustees... January 11, 1917.) cl917 3 xii, 186 p.. M Engineering data... c 1910 3 15 p. J M P-C U 1921. 31 p. incl. map. P-C Engineering facts corioorrirg. . . Soo The Sanitary district of Chicago. . 19» S ANITARY DISTRICT , Continued. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Continued. Engineering problems and methods on Mississippi river and Panama canal. Report made to Board of Trustoes by Committee... 1914. 97p., illus., maps. M Engineering works, 1928. 108 p. illus., maps. M P-C U Facts concerning health problem of Sanitary district... Mandatory re- quirements of United States government relative to same. Legislative relief is essential. c 1929 3 46 p. M P-C Facts demonstrating the Sanitary district of Chicago's need of and right to the diversion of necessary water to protect the lives and health of its 3,500,000 citizens and other millions of people having social and business relations with them. Submitted to the Committee on riv- ers and harbors, House of representatives, Sixty-eighth Congress, first session... April, 1924... cl924 3 Cover-title, 82 p. J M Formal opening of the North side sewage treatment project. October 3, 1928. d928 3 50 p. illus. The Illinois river; physical relations and the removal of the navigation dams. With supplement on the waterway relations of the Sanitary and ship canal... by Lyman E. Cooley. cClohesy 6c Co, 3 1914. x, 121p. J M P-C U ...In re the application ... for permission to reverse the current of the Calumet river, pending before Hon. Wm. H. Taft, secretary of war. Statement on behalf of the Sanitary district... Gunthorp-Warrer. printing 3 Cover-title, lOp. p-C At head of title: Department of war. In the matter of the application.*, for a permit to divert not to exceed ten thousand cubic feet 'of water per second for sanitary purposes from Lake Michigan; suggestion en behalf of the Sanitary district of Chicago. cn.d.n 44 p. M In the matter of the application... to tho secretary of war and chief of engineers for approval of its proposal to compromise controversies with the United States government relative to the withdrawal of water from Lake Michigan at Chicago. Brief on behalf of the Sanitary district cf Chicago... c 1919a 1 p. 1. , viii, 297p, incl. map, J Appendices H-I (p. 181-297) :.. .Reports on the regulation of the Niagara and the St. Lawrence rivers. Francis C. Shenehon, consult- ing engineer, Minneapolis. September, 1919. Appendices H-I have also a separate t.-p. and separate paging, and are also issued separately. Industrial development along Chicago sanitary and ship canal. c By Hoyt King:, Reprint from Opportunities of to-day, Chicago... cl907? D Capti ^11. title* .,10, c 2 3 p. illus. M 199 SANITARY DISTRICT , Continued. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Continued. The lakes and gulf waterway as related to the Chicago sanitary problem. The general project of a waterway from Lake Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico: in respect to the Chicago terminus, physical features of the route, charater of the project, its utility and the methods of its accomplishment. A preliminary report... by L.E. Cooley... J.W.Wost- on cl891 3 xv, 92,34 p. H P-C Prepared for Board of trustees of the Sanitary district, but pri- vately published - Preface. Cooley was chief engineer of the District until December 10, 1890. Letter to the honorable chairman and members of the Finance committee of the City council... concerning the proposed rate to be fixed for the electricity furnished by the Sanitary district to the city of Chicago for its electric street lighting system, by Thomas 1.1. Sullivan, trusty oq, Edward B. Ellicott, electrical engineer, Edmund D. Adcock, attor- ney... January 2, 1914. cl914 3 M Map of Sanitary district... showing dilution project and sewage treat- ment projects. 1926. M ...Map of the Calumot sag channel from the westerly reserve line of the Illinois and Michigan canal in sec. 14, T. 37N. ,R. 11 E. of the 3rd*- P.M. to the north and south center line of sec. 32,T.37 N, , R. 14 E. of the 3rd. P.M. c 1910 3 Fold, map in folder P-C ...Map of the right of way of the North shore channel, September, 1908. c 1908? a Fold, map in folder P-C Drawn by Thomas F. Parry. Map of the Sanitary district of Chicago and surrounding territory shov/- ing the main, North shore and Calumet-sag channels, Lawrence Ave. and Thirty-ninth St. conduits, 1915. c 1915 3 Fold. map in folder. M P-C Drawn by F.W. Kirk. Memorandum concerning the drainage and sewerage conditions in Chicago and the diversion of 10,000 C.F.S. from Lake Michigan at Chicago... 1923. 92p. J M P-C U Memorial presented by the trustees... favoring the widening and deepening by the United States government of the Chicago river from its mouth through the main and south branch, to the beginning of the main drain- age channel at Robey street. cF. Klein co., printer, 1906u 14p. P-C U Memorial presented by the trustees... to the Congress of the United States. Deep waterway from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi rivor. cl900 3 39cl 3 p. illus. J P-C First issue, March 1900. — cJ. J.Kenney, printer, 1902:, Cover-title, 43rl 3 p. illus. map. U At head of title: To the Congress of the United States. Reissue of November 1902, with slightly different title. (Cont'd.) 2<30 SANITARY DISTRICT , Continued. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Continued. Report of streams examination, chemic and bactoriologic, of the waters between Lake Michigan at Chicago and the Mississippi river at St. Louis, for the purpose of determining their condition and quality be- fore and after the opening of the drainage channel. Made under the direction of Arthur R. Reynolds, M.D. , commissioner of health... Blake- ly printing company, 1902. 140 p. illus. 196 tables. J M P-C U Report on a definite budget plan... Prepared... by J.L.Jacobs & Company... Chicago, August 2, 1917. ' d917 D 36p. J M P-C Report on contracts for street lighting system installed by the Sanitary district of Chicago for the city of Chicago, 1916. 1916. 216 p. illus. maps. M Report on sewage disposal... Made to the Board of trustees by George M. Wisner. October 12, 1911. Fred. Klein co., printers, 1911. Cover- title, 83p. illus., fold, maps* J M P-C U On verso of front cover: Reprinted from Proceedings of the Board of trustees... Oct. 26, 1911. Report on the construction of the Lockport hydroelectric plant. n.d. 37 p. tpw. M ...Report on the sanitary & ship canal. c Jacobs & Holmea, printers, 1906 3 c34 3 p. J M P-C U 1907. M Report to Hon. Robert R. McCormick, president, of the disposal of sewage from the Calumet subdivision of the Sanitary district... by Rudolph Hering... c 1907 3 Cover-title, 37 cl 3 p. P-C Report upon the operation of the Winnetka water and light plant by electric current, furnished by the Sanitary district of Chicago... n.d. cll 3 p. M Reports of cthen International Waterways Commission concerning the Chica- go diversion and terms of treaty. O'Hanley's report to the Canadian government (1896). Reprinted from "Compiled reports of the Internation.- al Waterways Commission 1905 to 1913... d924 3 89 p. J ... Reports on the regulation of the Niagara and the St. Lawrence rivers. Francis C, Shenehon, consulting engineer, Minneapolis. September, 1919. d919 3 1 p.l., ii, 41p., 1 1., c43 3 -71 p. map, J Resolution... calling on members of Congress representing the state of Illinois to take steps to institute an investigation of the amount of water now being diverted from the Niagara river and Lake Erie by the Canadian power interests. Adopted March 13, 1924. c1924d 7 p. M 201 SANITARY DISTRICT, Continued. LOARD OP TRUSTEES, Continued. c J.F.Higgins, printer, 1904 3 43,cl 3 p. illus. J Revision and reissue of August, 1904. Message of cthe 3 president... 1894—1929 1894-96 title reads: Annual message. . .and includes reports of Clerk, Treasurer, Chief Engineer, Attorney and Marshal. J 1894-96, 1902, 1906-13 M 1901-02, 1904, 1906-10, 1912-14, 1927, 1929 P-C 1894-96, 1899, 1902-03, 1905-13 U , 1894-96, 1897(Dec.7,15), 1908(Sept.23,Dec.23), 1910, 1914, 1927 North side sewage treatment project; an outline of its construction, operation and effect... c 1928 3 50p. illus. P-C Contains also: Program of the ceremonies incident to the formal dedication of the North side sewage treatment project. Pending legislation in the Illinois legislature providing for the ox- tension of the Sanitary district.. .as a deep waterway and granting... the right to develop water power incidentally created by such exten- sion. cF. Klein Co. , printers, n,d«a Cover title, cl6 3 p. map. M P-C Preliminary message of president.. . 1913-19 M 1913-19 P-C 1913 Proceedings... 1890-1931 J 1890-1928, 1930-31 M 1890-1932 P-C1890-1932 U 1890-91, 1893-1922, 1925-31 Progress report on contract between the Sanitary district... and the city of Chicago for new street lighting system, 1912. cl912? 3 c 40 3 p. M F-C Proposal, contract, specifications, and bond for work on street lighting circuits... 1919. 50 p. M Regulation of elevation and discharge of the Great lakes, design for gates, sluices, locks, etc. in the Niagara and St, Clair rivers, by John R. Freeman... Rev. to Oct. 1, 1926. Providence, Akermannc 1926 D XXIII, 5-548 p. fold, diagr. M P-C Cover title: Regulation of the Great lakes and effect of diversions by Chicago Sanitary district. A report to the Sanitary district. ...Report of receipts and expenditures... 1890/1905-1916/17 Report year irregular. First report covers period from date of organization, Jan. 18, 1890, to July 1, 1 905. At head of title: Sanitary district of Chicago. J 1890/1905-1916/17 M 1890/1905-1916/17 202 SANITARY DIS TRICT. , Continued. . BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Continued. The sewerage system of Chicago, cby 3 CD. Hill. Sewage disposal in the U.S. and abroad cby 3 Langdon Pearse... 1911. Cover-title, p. c 545 3 -591. illus., 3 fold. maps. J P-C "Reprinted from the Journal of the Western Society of Engineers, September 1911." Statement of facts in support of the application of the Sanitary district ... for permission to withdraw, through its channels, from Lake Mich- igan an annual average of 10,000 cubic second feot of watur. Submitted to the Hon. John W. Weeks, Secretary of War... February, 1925. c 1925 3 13p. M The story of the canal by Richard Henry Little, c 1920a Caption title, c 8 3 p» ■ -■-" M P-C Cover title: A little trip on a great canal. Summary of Packingtown* treatment-, situation. Preliminary draft 5f. agreement between the Sanitary district... and Stockyards co., and industries. Prepared in 1919. Issued November 1925. d923 3 23 p. M Sundry communications and legal opinions concerning the uro of the streets by the Sanitary district... c 1908a Sec under the heading Chicago, CITY CLERIC Sundry communications... Supplement to the brief on "The division of the waters of the Great Lakes by way of the Sanitary and ship canal... The Calumet district, Lyman E. Coolcy... June, 1913. Clohcssey & Co. printers d913 3 c2 3 , 40 p. 2 maps (l fold.) M P-C The waterway from the Groat Lakes to the gulf of Mexico, America's great- est need; facts and records of a century, by George F, Barrett... 1926. 2 p. 1., v, cId, 194, xxi p. map. J M P-C U The preservation of sewage by the aid of chloroform and cold storage cby 3 Dr. Arthur Lederer and Harry B. Hommon. cl910 3 16 p. P-C Sewage disposal investigation, the Sanitary district of Chicago. The purification of municipal water supplies. An address delivered by... cArthur Lcderer, before the Lake Michigan Water Commission, Milwaukee, September 10, 1908. d908? 3 16 p. J p-C CHIEF ENGINEER S_e£ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CLE1JK ...Clerk's semi-annual report... 1929-1933 Mime o gr a phe d . P-C Jan. 1929- July 1929, July 1931-Dec. 1932, Jan. 1933- June 1933 Report... See BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Message of cthe 3 president... 203 SANITARY DISTRICT , Continued. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Continued. Rules and regulations and rules of order of the Board... Adopted Novem- ber 26, 1910. 1910. 48 p. P-C Passed as amended, October 28, 1915. 1916. 64p. The sanitary and ship canal... c 1907-19083 3 v. in 1, illus., maps. The sanitary and ship canal, facts briefly told. cn.d. 3 Caption title, 8 p. P-C The Sanitary district of Chicago, 1923... cYtfebb-Linn, 1923:, 32 p. maps. J M P-C On cover: Engineering facts... May, 1923* 1925. U c 1927 3 71 p, 1,1 P-C U On cover: Engineering facts... June 1927. The Sanitary district of Chicago, and the Chicago drainage canal: a review of 20 years of engineering work... By Isham Randolph... c 1909 3 Caption title, 15 p. illus., fold. map. J M P-C The Sanitary district of Chicago. History of its growth and development as shown by decisions of the courts and work of its Law department. Prepared by C. Arch Williams, attornry. . . Bentley Murray & co. 3 1919. 3 p. 1., ix, 256 p. J Ivl P-C U The Sanitary district of Chicago, its influence on Chicago's health, by Willis 0. Nance... c 1923d Cover title, 8 p. M P-C The Sanitary district of Chicago, resolution by Wallace G. Clark, trustee presented December 7, 1916 to the Board of trustees. Adopted December 14, 1916. d916? 3 cl 3 ,ll p. M P-C On withdrawal of waters from Lake Michigan. The sanitary situation of Chicago; water supply and sewage disposal. Report of Langdon Pearse made to the Board of trustees. . . January 29, 1914. c1914d ell, p. M ...Semi-annual report... July 1, 1930-January 1, 1934. At head of title: In the Supreme court of the United States. State of Wisconsin c etc. 3 vs. State of Illinois eeto.a M July 1, 1930-January 1, 1933, January 1, 1934. P-C July 1, 1930-January 1, 1934. Sewage disposal of the Calumet district. Addross of President .Robert". R. McCormick and. ad are si o£ Dr. W.A. Evans... •' n.d. 1 p.l., 3-22p. M The sewage testing station of the Sanitary district... by Langdon Pearse, c1910d Cover title, 10 p. P-C Reprinted from Engineering News. 204 SANITARY DISTRICT , Continued. COMMISSION ON CALUMET SEWERAGE Sewage disposal of the Calumet district. Report of the Comission Commission on Calumet sewerage... and the Sanitary district... February 8, 1909. rl 909-1 9 p. J P-C G . l.i , Wi sne r , c hai man . COMMISSION ON SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND WATER POWER DEVELOPMENT Water power development. Report... submitted to the Board of trustees, November 12, 1914, and published in its proceedings. Reprinted by the Commission for professional circulation. 1914. 105 p. M P-C 205 SANITARY DISTR ICT, Continued, COMMITTEE ON ENGINEERING. Calunet-Sag canal a vital necessity. Report... recommending the immediate construction of a channel to protect the water supply of the Calumet district. Adopted May 25, 1910. c 1910s 16 p. J M Wallace G. Clark, chairman. Report on industrial wastes from the stockyards and Packingtown in Chica- go. Made to the Beard of trustees... cPrinted in the house of Sever- inghaus, etc. a 1914-21. 2 v. illus. J M P-C U Chief engineer: George M. Wisner c v. l^-Albert W. Dilling, v. II. . . .Stockyards treatment plant. Report... adopted and ordered passed by the Board of trustees on October 23, 1919, report of chief engineer, report and opinion of attorney and counsel, supplemental opinion of attorney... cBentley Murray & co. 3 1919. 51, cl 3 p. J M P-C Wallace G, Clark, chairman. Summary of report on industrial wastes from the stockyards and Packing- town. the Beard of trustees... January, 1921. c Sever inghaus, 1921 ^ 51 p. J M P~C Summary of v. 2 of its Report on industrial wastes from the stock- yards and Packingtown in Chicago... 1921. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Annual appropriation bill. . . 1926-1933 M 1926,1928,1930-33 U 1917 COMMITTEE ON IMPROVEMENT OF NORTH BRANCH OF CHICAGO RIVER. ...Final report... cJ.F.Higgins prints 1903. 12p. J Thomas J. Webb, chairman. COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY. ...Report of Trustee George W. Paullin, ... upon a resolution advocating the consolidation of the Sanitary district. . .with the County of Cock or city of Chicago. Adopted by the Board of trustees at its meeting held February 7, 1917. ' c 1917 3 cover-title, c8 D p. J M P-C COMMITTEE ON REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT. The manufacturing site possibilities of the land along the Chicago sani- tary and ship canal. 1916. c24 3 p. illus., maps. M P-C COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE CONDITIONS ON THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND WORK ON THE PANAMA CANAL. ...Rennrt of committee aooointed by th« Board of trustees... c J. 7.Hig- gins, printer^ 1914. 97 p. 1 fold. map. J The committee was composed of J.i.I. Daily, F. D. Breit, and E. Kane, trustees; E.J.Kelly, assistant chief engineer, and P. Harrington, resident engineer. -cf. Letter of transmittal. 206 SANITARY DISTRICT , Continued. CONTRACT DEPARTMENT. Power development of the Sanitary district... W.P.Dunn.' co. , printers, 1911?:, 22 p. illus. P P-C ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Statistical and comparative report of income and operations... 1910. P-C Jan. -June 1910 ENGINEERING BOARD OF REVIEW ON TEE LAKE LOY/ERING CONTROVERSY. Report... on the lake lowering controversy and a program of remedial measures... 1924-1927. 4 v. Recommendations including brief statement of findings and conclusions... Dec. 20, 1924. c 1924 3 17p. First issued under title and not called part of the report;\tfas substantially reprinted in chapter I of part II. Pt.II. The technical basis for the recommendations of the Board of review. Jan. 23, 1925. c 1925=, c2 3 , v~ix, 109p. illus,, maps. Pt. Ill cConsists only of appendices. 3 App.I. Sewage disposal, an appendix to accompany chapter IV of part ."II » Fob 21, 1925. c 1925 3 xix, 254 p. App. II. Hydrology of the Great Lakes By Robert E. Horton in collaboration with C.E. Grunsky. 1927. xvii, dag 432 p. J pts. 1-2, pt. 3, app. 1 M pts. 1-2, pt. 3, app. 1-2 P-C pts. 1-2, pt. 3, app. 1-2 U pts. 1-2, pt. 3, app. 1-2 Value of diverted water for transportation. Lake Michigan to Gulf of Mex- ico. Report of committee no. 5 of the Board. Nov. 30, 1924. n. d. 56 p. M ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Annual report... 1898-1926 M 1914-26 P-C1898 U 1899-1903 ...Chief engineer's report and recommendations to the Board of Trustees 1926-1933. Report is on activities for calendar year past, recommendations are for the years given on title page. Title varies: 1930, Annual budget report to the Board of trustees making recommendations for 1930. J 1926, 1928 ivi 1926-33 P-C 1926-28, 1930 U 1926-28 207 SANITARY DISTRICT , Continued. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, Continued. ...Report of George Li. Wisner. . .relating to existing lalce levels, January 1917. . .adopted by the Board of trustees at its meeting held March 1, 1917. cl917 3 c7 3 p. M P-C Report on pollution of Des Plaines river and remedies therefor. Made to the Board of trustees... July, 1914. cl914? 3 55 p. maps. P-C George Ivl. YJlsner, chief engineer. Sanitary district of Chicago. A concise report on its organization, re- sources, constructive work, methods and progress... Prepared by the Chief Engineer. 1894-1904 I sham Randolph, chief engineer. J May 2, Nov. 1,1894; Apr. 1, 1895, May 1, 1896, Nov. 1, 1899, Aug. 21, 1901, Sept. 1905, May 1904. M Aug. 21, 1901, May 1904 P-C Sept. 1903, May 1904 U Nov. 1, 1894, Apr. 1, 1895, May 1, 1896, Nov. 1, 1899, Sept. 1903, May 1904. Sevvage disposal of the Calumet district, report of chief engineer George M. Y/isner to the Board of trustees... June 9, 1909. C 1909? D 10 p. P-C LAW DEPARTMENT Annual report of attorney... 1929 P-C 1929 See also BOARD OF TRUSTEES message of c the 3 president... Laws in reference to the Sanitary district of Chicago... n. d. 28 p. M Nov. 12, 1906. cl906 3 c 3 3 , 144 p. M Laws of and in reference to the Sanitary district of Chicago, with anno- tations and references... 1922. 2 p. 1., vii, 366 p. J M P-C 1926. c 3d, viii, 396 p. U MARSHALL Report See BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Message of cthe 3 president. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT Industrial development by the Sanitary district... cGlennon & Kern, printers, 1910:, el2 3 p. illvs. P-C On cover: Summary of industrial development by the Sanitary district ... explaining the advantages of the sanitary and ship canal. TREASURER Report See BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Message of the president... 208 .PART II SEMI-OFFICIAL BODIES ADLER PLANETARIUM AND ASTRONOMICAL MUSEUM The Adler planetarium and astronomical museum. By Phillip Fox, Director. n.d. 2 p., tpw. M guide to the museum. cl932 3 Cover-title, 57 p. illus. J Reprinted from Popular astronomy, vol. XL, 1932. an account of the optical planetarium and a brief guide to the museum. 1933. 62 p. illus. J U ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO Incorporated May 24, 1879 as Chicago ^.cadcmy of Fine Arts. Name changed to present form Dec. 21~ 1S82I Catalogs of single loan and special exhibits have net been included. ...Annual exhibition. . . 1-3, Jan. 13, 1883-Feb. 14, 1885. Title from Ryorson library of Art institute of Chicago. ...Annual report... with reports of the Director, Treasurer, and Librarian, catalogue of members, list of gifts, etc., together with the by-laws, 5-53, 1882/83-1931/32 Report year ends in June. Titlo varies slightly. J 5, 1882/83; 9-53, 1886/87-1931/32 M 5-29, 1882/83-1907/08; 34-53, 1912/13-31/32 P 10-14, 1837/38-92/93; 16-49, 1894/95-1927/28 U 5, 1882/83; 10-52, 1887/38-1930/31 Bulletin... v. 1-26, 1907-1932. Caption title. Vol. 1-8 published quarterly; v. 9-11 monthly except June to Sept.: v. 12-26 monthly except June to August. J 1-26, 1907-32 P 1-25, 1907-31 U 2-4, 1908-11; 6-25, 1912-31 By-laws of the Art institute of Chicago, with its organization... 1883. 12 p. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. (and amendments to date). 1892. 12 p. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. and amendments to date. 1895. 10 p. illus. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. 1929. c 1929a Cover-title, 14 p. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. By-laws of the Chicago Academy of fine arts, with its organization and general policy. Ilazlitt & Reed, 1879. 16 p. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. 209 ART INSTITUTE OF Catalogue of objects in the museum. Part I. Sculpture and painting. 1895. 128 p. illus. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. 2d ed. 1896. 144, da illus. U On cover: Illustrated ed. 3rd ed. 1898. 165, cl 3 p. illus. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. ...Catalogue of paintings, sculpture, and other objects exhibited at the opening" "of the new -museum. December '8, 1893. cl893n 32 p. illus. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. January 1, 1894. 32 p. illus. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. ...Catalogue of paintings, sculpture, and other objects in the museum. Not including the antiquities, metals, and other objects on second floor, south wing. March 15, 1894. cl894 3 75 p. illus. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. Catalogue of the... annual exhibition of oil paintings and sculpture by American artists... 3-37, 1890-1924. Title varies. P 3-4, 1890-91; 7-21, 1894-1908; 23-28, 1910-16 U 9, 1896; 11-18, 1898-1905; 21-33; 1908-20; 35-37, 1922-24 ...Catalogue of the... annual exhibition of original designs for decora- tions and examples of art crafts having distinct artistic merit... 1-21, 1902/03-1923 P 1-9, 1902/03-1910 U 3, 1904; 10, 1911; 21, 1923 Catalogue of the... annual exhibition of water-colors, pastels and minia- tures by American artists... 6-32, 1894-1920 Title varies. P 6-19, 1894-1907; 21-26, 1909-14 U 9, 1897; 11, 1899; 13-19, 1901-07; 21-32, 1909-20 ...A catalogue of the... annual exhibition of works by Chicago artists... under the joint management of thu Art institute and the Municipal art league of Chicago. 1899-1924 Title varies slightly. U 1899-1900, 1902-20, 1923-24 Catalogue of the. . .exhibition of work by the alumni... 1918. U 1918 Charles Lawrence Hutchinson, 1854-1924, president of the Art institute of Chicago, 1382-1924. 1925. 31 p. illus. J Cover-title: In memoriam. Charles Lawrence Hutchinson. A Chinese Buddhist stele of the Wei dynasty in the collections of the Art institute... 1927. c7 3 p. illus. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. 210 ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO, Continued. ...General catalogue of objects in the museum, August, 1901. 1901. 288 p. illus, J P U January, 1904. 1904. 291 p. illus. U ...General catalogue of paintings, sculpture and other objects in the Museum, 1915. c 1913a P 1914. dllustrated ed. 3 c 1914 3 238 p.,1 1., illus. ... General catalogue of sculpture, paintings and other objects. February, 1907. 1907. 357 p. illus. U June, 1910. 1910 c5 3 ~262 p. U ...A guide to the paintings in the permanent collection. 1925. vii, 171 p. illus. Title from Library of Congress. 1932. viii, 132p. illus. U ...A handbook of the Egyptian collection, by Thomas George Allen... with the co-operation of the Oriental institute of the University of Chica- go... Pub. for the Art institute of Chicago by the University of Chicago press c 1923d ix, 173 p. illus. U Historical sketch and description of the Art institute of Chicago, by W.M.R. French... 1904. 23 p. M P ...Illustrated catalogue of the antiquities and casts of ancient sculpture in the Elbridge G. Hall and other collections... by Alfred Emerson, PH.D. 1906-07. 2 v. illus. U Paged continuously. Important facts regarding the Art institute... with reproductions of the Demidoff masterpieces. cLibby & Sherwood printing company 3 1905. Cover-title, 3l,cl 3 p. illus. Titie from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. Information about the Art institute of Chicago, January 1, 1900. d900 3 Cover-title, 24 p. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. The International water color exhibition. cCatalogue 3 1921-1924. U 1921-24 Painters of the far west... Annual exhibition... 1913 P 1913 U 1913 Research design in nature, Field museum of natural history, School of the Art institute... John Gilbert Yfilkins... ed. and publisher. Chicago, 1924-1925 3 p.l., 205 pi. f°. P Work of J.G. Vfilkins' class of the Chicago Art institute, which is studying at the Field Museum of natural history. 211 ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO, ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY Book of words; a pageant of the Italian renaissance, by Thomas Vlood Stevens, produced at the Art institute, Chicago, January 26 and 27, 1909, under the auspices of the Antiquarian society... cAlderbrink press, cl909 3 85 p. P U Yearbook. 1399-1903 P 1902 ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO. ART SCHOOL. . . .Catalogue. Title varies: 1892/93-1917/18 Circular of instruction... 1918/19- 1933/34 Catalogue J 1904/05, 1907/08-24, 1927/28-33/34 Summer 1915, 1917 P 1892/93-99/1900, 1901/02-02/03, 1906/0 7- lO/ll, 1912-13-17/18 U 1899/1900, 1903/04, 1906/0 7-07/0 8, 1913/14, 1915/16, 1925/26. 27/28, 1929/30-30/31 Summer 1931 Catalogue of school library. Books upon Art, History, Biography, Practice, Design, Illustration. cA. J. Madden^ 1885. 17 p. Title from Ryerson library at Art institute of Chicago. Prospectus and catalogue of the schools of the Chicago Academy of fine arts, 1882-83. cOttaway printing co„, 1882:, 16 p. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO. RYERSON LIBRARY. Books on textiles in Ryerson library not included in Textile foundation list. cBy Mrs. Julie (Michelet) Fogelberg^ 1932. 20 p. tpw. Title from Ryerson library of Art institute of Chicago. Descriptive catalogue of Japanese and Chinese illustrated books in the Ryerson library... by Kenji Toda. cPrinted at the Lakeside press, R.R. Donnelley & sons company 3 1931. xxxii, 466 p., 11. illus. Title from Library of Congress. ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO. TRUSTEES OF THE B.F. FERGUSON FUND. Dedication of the Ferguson fountain - of the Great Lakes, Chicago, Septem- ber 9, 1913. Benfamin F. Ferguson, donor; Lorado Taft, Sculptor. cR.R. Donnelly & Sons Co., 1913?:, 3 p.l., 7-49 p. M BOARD OF SUPERVISING ENGINEERS, CHICAGO TRACTION. Organized under Ordinance passed February 11, 1907. Consists of three engineers, one appointed by the traction companies, one appointed by the City, and the third appointed jointly by the City and the companies. ...Annual report.. . 1-26, 1907/08-1932/33 Bion J. Arnold, chairman. Report year ends Jan. 31. J 1-18, 1907/08-24/25; 20-26, 1926/27-32/33 P-C 1-26, 1907/03-32/33 U 1-25, 1907/08-31/32 212 BOARD OF SUPERVISING ENGINEERS, CHICAGO TRACTION, Continued. Contract, specifications, bond and proposal P - 1 for reconstruction of the La Salle St. tunnel between Randolph St., and Michigan St., for the Chicago Railways Co. Issued... July 28, 1909. cl910 3 59 p. Discussion of service standards for surface street railways, city of Chi- cago. Reprint from sixth Annual report of the Board of supervising engineers. . .Submitted to the Committee on local transportation... January 27, 1915... Gunthorp-Warren Printing Co., 1915. 27 p., illus. M Initial routes for surface line subways provided for in the 1907 traction ordinances as recommended by the Board of Supervising Engineers, October 29, 1913 and supplemental recommendations on additions and extensions. Requested by and submitted to the Committee on local transportation of the City council of the city of Chicago. 1914. 14 p. J M Bion J. Arnold, chairman. Letters from George Weston and Walter Lo Fisher on removal of Mr, Weston as city's representative on Board of supervising engineers June 23, 1914. ' e 1914 a 8 p. M Proceedings... May 7, 1907~Septem±.cr 17, 1915. M May 7, 1907-Sept. 17, 1915 Recommendations for proposed merger ordinance... c 19l3a Soo , under heading Chicago, CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. SUB- COMMITTEE ON MERGERS. Recommendations for proposed merger... Recommendations... on initial routes for surface line subways, provided for in the 1907 traction ordinances. Requested by and submitted to the Committee on local transportation of the City councilo.. 1913. 8 p. J M Bion J. Arnold, chairman. Reply to an order by the Chicago City council for information respecting Improvements made under the- 190"?' ordinances in service - ," operation and equipment of. th r e. Chicago surface -tra'ot ion- Tines . Submitted -£y the Board... 1913. 35 p. M P-C Report in. investigation of traffic conditions and track capacity with respect to the possibilities of improved street railway service and re-routing of cars of the Chicago surface lines. Advance reprint from the ninth Annual report of the Board. . .March 1, 1916. cThe Gunthorp Warren Printing Company, 1916 3 159 p. illus. J M P-C U Rulings. . .relating to charges to the renewal funds provided for in the various traction ordinances passed by the City council... 1911. 20 p. M Statement of Bion J. Arnold... with referonco. to the report, dated April 28, 1914, of Barrow, Wade, Guthrie L Co., accountants, made to... city comptroller... upon the accounts of the Chicago City railway com- pany. Read at the 601st meeting of the Board... . May 14, 1914... 1914. 39 p. J M U 213 BOARD OF SUPERVISING ENGINEERS, CHICAGO TRACTION, Continued. Study of obstructions on through routes, February 1, 1909. c 1910 3 tables, diagrs., (blue prints) M See Also CHICAGO. CITY COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. CHICAGO ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Organized 1857 as the Chicago academy of natural sciences; in- corporated 1859 under present name. Act of incorporation, constitution, by-laws, and lists of officers and members... with a historical sketch of the association, and reports on the museum and library. Brewster & Hanscom, printers, 1865. lxiii p. J P ...Annual address read by E.17. Blatchford, president... January 22, 1878, with the reports of the secretary and treasurer. 1878. 31 p. J P The only report published before those for 1895-1897. Reports for 1908-12 published in the Bulletin. ...Annual report. 38-40, 1895-1897. 1908-12 published in the Bulletin... J 1895-97 M 1895-96 P 1895-97 Bird excursions. n. d. 53 p. J Building and installing of the Illinois Telephone & telegraph co.'s con- duits and telephones, o.nd their value to the citizens of Chicago; the lowering of the city's tunnels at LaSalle and Washington Streets j \ the city's present sewer system and its relation to a high water pres- sure system; an address delivered November 25., 1902, at a meeting... by George W. Jackson. c 1902 3 16 p. H Bulletin. 1-4, no. 2, 1883-1913. Irregular. No more published. Includes its Annual report. 1908-12 J 1-4, no. 2, 1883-1913 M 1, no. 1-10; 2 no. 1-4 P 1 no. 1-10; 2 no.l;3; 4 no. 1-2, 1883-1913 The charter, constitution and by-laws... 1859-1900. Title varies. J 1887, 1895, 1900 P 1859 Chicago academy of sciences, Lincoln park, Chicago. 1911. 16 p. J Exhibit by Lowell observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona. 1916. 22 p. 214 CHICAGO ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, Continued. Historical sketch... with the act of incorporation, by-laws, and list of officers and members, 1877, Jameson & Morse, printers c 1877 3 32 p. cA letter 3 to the friends and correspondents of the Chicago academy of sciences = concerning the fire 3 . 1871. Caption title. 4 p. J Signed: J.Vv r , Foster, president, Vfcu Stimpson, secretary. List of batrachia and reptillia of Illinois, by N,S. Davis, Jr., and F.L. Rice. 1883. M Natural history museum and science work-shop, n.d. 4 p. J News bulletin... v. 1-2; Jan. 1928w0ct, 1929. cl928-29 3 2 v. in 1. illus, J Continued as the Program of activities of the Chicago academy of sciences. Observations on f luviatile deposits in Peoria Lake, 111. by Rev. Joseph D. Wilson, 1883. M Program of activities... 1-4, 1930-1933. Caption title. Quarterly Quarterly. Supersedes its News bulletin. Includes Notes from the Illinois Audubon Society, J 1-3, 1930-32 U 1-4, 1930-33 Report of the Committee on the microscopic clays of Chicago and vicinity. 1884. M ....Special publication... 1-3, 1902-1911. No more published. J 1-3, 1902-11 M 1, 1902 P 2-3, 1908-11 Transactions... v. 1-2, art. 1, 1867-1870. 1 v. and 1 pt. illus. J Vol. 1 is in two parts, 1867-69, with separate t.-p. but continu- ous pagination. No more pub. Out of print; the original stock, together with the plates, was destroyed in the Chicago fire. CHICAGO ACADEMY 0? SCIENCES. NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY. Bulletin... 1-8, 1896-1927 Nos, 1-2 have title: Bulletin of the Geological and natural his- tory survey, J 1-8, 1896-1927 M 1-2, 3 pt. 1,4 pts. 1-2 P 1-8, 1896-1927 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Organized in 1856* Incorporated by the Illinois Legislature, February 7, 1857. Annual meeting of the Chicago historical society, November 19th, 1868. Addresses by J. Young Scammon, president, and Isaac N« Arnold. Church, Goodman and Donnelley, printers, 1868. 32 p. P U The address by Mr. Arnold (p.c7 3 ~29) includes a historical sketch of the society. A letter from Capt. Elijah lies to Mr. Arnold, relative to Lincoln's having served as a private in the Black Hawk war: p. c30 3 -32. Annual report... See Charter, constitution, by— laws • . . , and c Proceed- ings 3 . . . Biennial report of the Chicago historical society to the governor of Illi- nois. cl860-1862 3 Springfield, Baker & Phillips, printers, 1863. 13, el 3 p. P U Only report published in this series. Brief reports for 1857-65 ap- peared in Historical magazine, but the society printed no more till 1888. A brief history of the Chicago historical society, together with constitu- tion and by-laws, and list of officers and members ... Fergus printing company, 1881. 31 p. J Bulletin, v. 1-4, Hay 1922-May 1926. Issued irregularly (v. 1 has 11 no.; v, 2, 8 no.; v. 3, 10 no.; v. 4 1 no. ) Publication suspended May 1926. J 1-4 M 1-4 U 1-4 ...The centennial of Illinois statehood, commemorated by the Chicago his- torical society, Orchestra hall, April nineteenth, HDCCCCXVTII ... Address: Illinois in history, by the Right Reverend Charles P. Ander- son, D.D. The University of Chicago press, 1918. 30 p. At head of title: 1818-1918. Title from Library of Congress. Ceremonies at the unvoiling of the bronze memorial group of the Chicago massacre of 1812. 1893. 23 p., illus. P U ...Charter, constitution, by-laws, membership list, annual report... 1856- 1919. Date on cover varies. To 1906/07 is for term of new officers. 1907- 1919 is for year of report. 1903-1906, report year ends in November; 1907-1919 in October. Title varies. Some issues do not contain charter, others do not have annual report. 1903/04-1911 are paged as part of c Proceedings 3 J 1882/83, 1885/86, 1888/89, 1894/95, 1898-1919. Ii 1905/06-1919. P 1371, 1880/31, 1882/83, 1885/86, 1903/04-1919. U 1882/83, 1885/86, 1901-1919. 216 CIIICaGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Continued. Chicago and the sources of her past and future growth... by William Boss... 1880. 18 p. P Chicago Historical Society, November 19, 1868. Introductory address, by Hon u J. Young Scammon, president; address, by Hon. Isaac IT. Arnold, giving a history of the society and its acquisitions up to that time, with incidents in the lives of Abraham Lincoln and Major Anderson; also, of Luther Haven, George Manierre, and other early settlers of Chicago. Fergus Printing Company, 18 77. 31 p. J Chicago historical society's collection, v. 1-12. 1882-1928. I. Flower, G. History of the English settlement in Edwards County, Illinois. II. Reid, H. Biographical sketch of Enoch Long. 1884. III. Edwards, N. The Edward papers. 1884. IV. Mason, E. G,, ed. Early Chicago and Illinois. 1890. V. Boggess, A. C. The settlement of Illinois, 1778-1830. 1908. VI. -IX. Polk, J.K. The diary of James K. Polk... 1845 to 1849... ed. ... by M.M. Quaife. 1910. X. Putnam, J. IT. The Illinois and Michigan canal. 1918. cXId Ingraham, C.A. Elmer E. Ellsworth and the zouaves of '61. cl925 3 XII. Knight, Robert and Zeuch, Lucius H. The location of the Chica- go portage route of the seventeenth century. 1928. J 1-5, 10 P 1-12 U 1,3,5,10-11 The convention that nominated Lincoln; an address delivered... on May 18, 1916, the fifty-sixth anniversary of Lincoln's nomination for the presidency, by P. Orman Ray... The University of Chicago press c ccl916 3 38 p., illus. J The Dearborns; a discourse commemorative of the eightieth anniversary of the occupation of Fort Dearborn, and the first settlement at Chicago; read... Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1883, by Daniel Goodwin, jr. With remarks of Hons. John Y/entworth, J. Young Scammon, E.B. Washburne, and I.N. Arnold, Fergus printing company, 1884. 6 p.l., c 7 3 -56 p. illus. J P eAdded t.-p. : Chicago historical society's proceedings. .. a The diary of Orville H. Browning, a new source for Lincoln's presidency; a lecture delivered... March 29, 1923, by Theodore Calvin Pease... The University of Chicago press c 1924d 36 p. U ...Exhibition of objects illustrating the history and condition of the republic of Liberia... Catalogue. cl914 3 42 p. J P Fort Dearborn scries. cla Rood, C.B. Masters of the wilderness. cl914 a 144 p., map. U Sec Also Masters of the wilderness. . .in cProceedings, v.4 3 Illinois through two hundred and forty-five years, 1673-1918. Catalogue of objects illustrating Illinois history, selected from the collections of the Chicago historical society, exhibited in Orchestra hall in comme- moration of the centennial of Illinois statehood, April nineteenth, MDCCCCX7III. cGhicago, 1918=, c 44 a p. Title from Library of Congress, 217 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Continued. In memoriam. John Nelson Jewett, LL.D., president of the Chicago histori- cal society, 1899-1904. Memorial meeting in the lecture hall of the Chicago historical society, February 29th, 1904. c 1904 3 2 p. 1., 7-37 p. J U "A joint meeting of the Chicago historical society, the Chicago bar association, and the John Marshall law school," In memoriam; John S. Wright; an address, by Augustine W, Yfright. 1885. 40 p. P ?~C The Indian as a diplomatic factor in the history of the Old Northwest; a paper read... March 28, 1907, by Isaac Joslin Cox... 1910. 1 p.l, p. 209-235. P See ^lso cProceedings, v.5 3 The influence of Chicago upon Abraham Lincoln; an address delivered... on February 10, 1922, by Willaim E. Barton... The University of Chioago presscc!923 3 54 p., Illus. M P U The Jeff erson-Lemen compact. The relations of Thomas Jefferson and James Lemen in the exclusion of slavery from Illinois and the Northwest territory with related documents 1781-1818. A paper read... February 16 1915, by Willard C. MacNaul. The University of Chicago press, 1915. 58, clap. U o Lincoln. 1911. Cover-title, c 5 np. 12. p By Vf. J. Cameron. Reprinted from the Detroit News, February 12, 1909. The Lincoln and Douglas debates; an address... February 17, 1914, by Horace White. The University of Chicago press c cl9l4n 32 p., Illus P U Lincoln and the convention of 1860; an address... April 4, 1918, by Addi- son G. Procter... 1918. 29 p., Illus. P Lincoln's "House divided" speech; did it reflect a doctrine of class strug- gle? An address... on March 15, 1923, by Arthur Charles Cole... The University of Chicago press c cl923 3 36 p. U Masters of the wilderness. See Fort Dearborn series, and cProceedings, V . 'n Memorial addresses commemorative of the lives and charaters of Hon. Isaac N, Arnold... and Hon. Thomas Hoyne... delivered... October 21, 1884. By Hon. E.B. Washburne, Hon. Thomas Drummond, and Hon. Van H. Higgins, in respect of Mr. Hoyne. Fergus printing company, 1884. 1 p.l., 43 p. J P The memorial address upon Mr. Arnold was also published in the Chi- cago historical society's Collections, v. 4, p. 27-52. Memorial of Col. Samuel Stone, by Mrs. William Barry. Read... by B. F. Culver, esq., January 15, 1878. cKnight & Leonard, printers, 1878. 3 25 p, J 218 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Continued. c Mono graphs 3 cl-3a 1921-1923 da Memories of the Chicago fire. Written by I.I. E. and E.W. Blatchford for their children cH.L. Ruggles & Co., printers, 1921:, c4aiii-v, 43p., illus. "Privately printed by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blatchford for the benefit of the Gunther fund of the Chicago his- torical society, October, 1921." clla Chicago's highways, old and new, from Indian trail to motor road, by Milo M. Quaife, with an introduction by Joy Morton. D.F.Keller & Company, 1923. 278 p. illus. maps. cilia The book of Lake Geneva, by Paul B. Jenkins. Put. for the Chicago historical society by the University of Chi- cago press ccl922 3 xvii, 225, da p. illus. fold. map. P U Bibliography: p. xiii-xiv. Pictorial history of Chicago. cl930. 1 p.l., 36 pi. J P Descriptive letterpress on versos facing the plates. cProceedings. . . T. 1-5, 1888-1911 3 Made up of the annual, quarterly and special meetings, issued separate- ly, with continuous pagings for each volume. Ko general t.-p, but, beginning with v. 2, each part has special t.-p. Annual report given at annual meeting in November, 1888-1902. Later reports are included in Charter, constitution, by-laws. . .which 1903/04, were paged to form part of v. 2-5 of this series. See Also Charter, constitution. . . v.l, 1882-1902. p. 1-380, includes following series, none of which arc regular: Report of quarterly meeting, Jan. 17, 18 8 8 -Apr. 20, 1897 Report of special meeting, Apr . 29, 1897-Apr .26, 1900. Jan. -19, 1897, has separate pagination Report of tho annual meeting, Nov. 20 , 1888-Nov. 18, 1902. 1889-1892, 1898, not included. See also (above) The Dearborns; a discourse. . . v.2, 1903-1905. p. 1-54, charter cotc.= 1905/04 p. 55-74 ? p. 75-86, Iiann,C.W. The Chicago Common council and the fugitive slave law of 1850 p. 87-117, IvicCulloch, David. Early days of Peoria and Chicago p. 119-48, Radebaugh, William. Boundary dispute between Illinois and Wisconsin p.cl51 3 -256, Charter cetcn 1904/05 p. 257-292, Grover, F.R. Some Indian landmarks of the North Shore. p.c295a-370, Charter cotc.a 1905/06 v. 3, 1905-1907 p. 1-21, Blatchford, E.W. Biographical sketch of the Hon. Josuph Duncan. p. 25-32, Brown, E-0. Biographical sketch of Hon. John Peter Altgold. p. 33-57 .ilvord, C.W. Old Xaskaskia records p.c64a-151, Charter c otc.a 1906/07 p. 153-80, Grover, F.P. Father Pierre Francois Pinet and his Mission of the Guardian angel of Chicago. (Continued) 219 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Continued. cProceedings. . . ^Continued. p. 181-224 Chicago historical society, 1857-1907... addresses by- Ezra B. McCagg and Franklin H. Head. . . p. 225-52 Hamilton, H.E. Biographical sketch of Gurdcn Saltonstall Hubbard. p. c 253 3 -338 Charter, c etc. 3 1907. v.4, 1908-1909 p. 1-104 Charter c etc. a 1908. p. 107-33 Selby, Paul. Abraham Lincoln, the evolution of his eman- cipation policy, p. 137-73 Reed, C.B. Masters of the wilderness. p,cl74 3 -321 Charter c etc, 1909. v. 5, 1910-1911. p. 1-176. ? p. 177-204 James, H.G. Preamble and beundry clauses of the Illinois constitution, p. 205-37 Cox, I. J. Indian as a diplomatic factor in the history. oc p. c 238 :,-385 Charter c ete, 1910 p,c388 3 -562 Charter cetc? 1911 J 2, p. 87-117 M 2, p. 75-86; 3, p. 181-224; 4, p. 107-73 P 1 (lacks p.l-105)-5 (Incomplete) U 1 (lacks p. 8-10, 39-40, 49-50, 61-7C, 323-39)-5. (Incomplete) Report of quarterly meeting See cProceedings^ Report of special meeting. See cProceedings D Report of the annual meeting. See cProceedings D Reynolds' history cf Illinois. By own times: embracing also the history of my life. By John Reynolds... 1879. 1 p.l., xx, 395 p., illus. U First edition published under title: My own times. Belleville, 111., 1855. CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. LIBRARY. Chicago historical ecciety, library. 1856-1906. A handbook. Chicago, 1906 14p., illus. J P By Caroline M. Mcllvaine, librarian. CHICAGO NEW CHARTER CONVENTION, 1902. Convention, made up of representatives of various bodies, in- cluding the City Council, met October 28, 1902, and adopted draft to Amendment of State constitution to permit changes in Chicago charter. Amendment was adopted by Legislature on April 22, 1903, and was approved by popular veto in Nov. 1904, per- mitting the calling of the CHICAGO CHARTER CONVENTION, 1905- 1909, Which See, under the section on Chicago. A bill for an act to amend the charter of the City of Chicago and to con- solidate in the City of Chicago the powers and functions now vested in the towns and park districts... c 1903? 3 Caption title, 10 p. P-C 220 CHICAGO NEW CHARTER CONVENTION, Continued. Proceedings of the Chicago New Chater Convention. c 1903 3 19 p. J M P-C U CHICAGO REGIONAL PORT COMMISSION. Appointed by the President of the Chicago Association of Com- merce and supported by grants of /l5,000 each made by the Leg- islatures of Illinois and Indiana in 1931. ...Interstate port handbook... 1932. cl932. 40 p. illus. J M P-C Advertizements paged in. ...Report on the creation of an interstate port authority for the states of Illinois and Indiana, prepared by the commission. Jan. 1953. cGun- throp-Y/arren Ptg. Co., 1933 3 2 p.l., 89 p. illus. maps. i.l CHICAGO ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Under the auspices of the Board of Forest Preserve Commissions operates the new Chicago Zoological Gardens at Riverside. ...Year book. 1927-1930. J 1927-30 P 1927-30 U 1927 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Called the Field Columbian Museum until 1907. Album of Abyssinian birds and mammals from paintings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes... c 1930 3 Caption titlei . 2 p.l, ,- 32 30^-x26cm. Descriptive letterpress on verso of each plate. J P Loose in portfolio, within case. ...Annual report of the director... 1-9, 1894/95-1932. Report year ended Oct., to 1905; 1906-1932, December. Field museum of natural history. Publication. Report series. Separate reports are combined irregularly into volumes. J 1894/95-32 M 1094/95-32 P 1894/95-30 U 1894/95-32 ...Anthropology design series no. 1-4, 1924-1926 J 1-4 P 2-3 U 1 ...Anthropology memoirs... v. 1-3, 1925-1931. v.l contains 3 parts; v. 2, 2 parts. J 1-3 M l 3 , 3 P 1,3 U 1-3 The birds of eastern North America... by Charles B. Cory... Special edition printed for the Field Columbian Museum, " 1899. 2 pt. in 1 v, illus. U *> :y 221 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Continued. Field Museum and the child: an outline of the work carried on.., among school children of Chicago through the N.7T. Harris public school ex- tention and the James Kelson and Anna Louise Raymond public school and children's lectures... 1928. 34 p., illus. J M U Field museum news... v. 1-4, 1930-1933 J 1-4, 1930-33 U 1-2, 1930-31 Flora of the Indiana dunes, a handbook of the flowering plants and forns of the Lake Michigan coast of Indiana and the Calumet district, by Eonald Culross Peattie. 1930, 432 p. illus., fold. map. J Geology memoirs, v.l, no. 1. 1930. J P U Editor: 1930- 0. C.Farrington. Guide to the museum. lst-16th editions. 1894-1933 Title varies. J 4, 1896; 7, 1903. M 15-16, 1931-33 P 2, 1894 U el a 1894; 2, 1894; 5, 1897-98 Handbook, General information concerning the museum, its history, building exhibits, expeditions, endownments and activities, June, 1931, c 1931 a 67 p. M 3rd edition. July, 1933, cl933 3 M ...Manual. 1922. 51 p. J Museum technique series... 1-3, 1925-1930. J 1-3 U 1-3 Publications. . . These publications are numbered in one series irrespective of sub- ject. Each subject also has its own series sequence. Publications... anthropological series, v. 1-22, 1895-1933. J 1-22 . P 1-18 1 , 22 M 1-18 1 - 3 , 19 1 , 20 1 , 21 1 , 22 publications. Botanical series... 1-11, 1895-1932 J 1-11 P 1-8, 10 U 1-6, 7 1 - 4 , 8 1 - 6 , 91-2, io, ll 1 " 4 publications... Geological series, 1-6, 1895-1933 J 1-6, nos. 1-2, 1895-1933 P 1-4, 1895-1931 U 1-3 1 " 8 ' 10 , 4 1 " 8 , 5 1 " 2 , 6!~2, 1895-1933 222 FISLD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Continued. Publications... cHistorical series^ Vol. l x "" , 1894-1895. Ceased publication. J 3.1-2 P I 1 U 11-2 Publications... Ornithological series, v.l. 1896-1916 ci.e,1917 3 ix, 363 p. pi. maps. J P U Complete in 11 nos.; each number has special t.-p. which, in nos.l- 2, 4-5, 11 is included in paging, and in nos. 3, 6-10, is unpaged. Publications... Report series. See Annual report... Publications... Zoological series* v. 1-20 1895-1933. J 1-13 2 - 6 , 14-15, 17-20. P 1-17 (1895-1930) U 1-9, 11-20 Report of material acquired at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Fransico, 1915* e 1916 a U Research design in nature... S ee ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO Research de- sign in nature... Special Zoology leaflet. 1. Lion spearing. By Carl E* Akeley. Sept*, 1926. 7 p. illus. J Taxidermy and sculpture, the work of Carl E. Akeley in Field Museum of natural history,- Chicago. el927 3 Cover-title, 4 p. port,, 44 p. Plates with introductory note* P Mainly a representation of Mr. Akeley' s work as chief taxidermist '> of the museum, from 1894 to 1909. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY* DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY. ... . Leaflet... . 1-31, 1922-1933. J 1-11, 13-31 P 1-29 U 1-11, 13-31 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY. >., . Leaflet... 1-16, 1922-1930. J 1-16 P 1-10, 13 M 1-14, 16 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY. ... . Leaflet... . 1-14, 1922-1933. J 1-14 P 1-12 "U 1-3, 5-14 223 FIELD MUSEUM OF HaTURAL HISTORY. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY. ... . Leaflet... . 1-12, 1922-1930 J 1-12 P 1-12 U 1-12 MUNICIPAL MUSEUM Organized at the suggestion of Miss Jane Addams to collect social and economic material about the City of Chicago. In- corporated in Nov. 1904, it was given quarters for a time by the Chicago public library. cClippings'from newspapers relating to' Chicago Municipal' Museum^. •' -'Scrapbook of* 12 p; - . «J The first report of the Municipal Museum of Chicago, Chicago public Lib- rary. 1905-1907. cChicago, 1907:, 56p. plates, maps, diagrs. No more published. J M MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY FOUNDED BY JULIUS ROSEN.TALD. Originally known as the Rosenwald Industrial Museum, the corpo- rate name was subsequently changed to the present form. ...Annual report... 1-2, 1928/29-1930. No. 1 covers the period July 1, 1928 to Dec. 31, 1929. J 1928/29-1930 p 1928/29-1930 U 1930 ...News bulletin... v. 1-5, 1930-1932. v.l, no. 2 is Jan. 15, 1930. Semimonthly. Mimeographed. No issues in March 1930* J 1-3 (incomplete) From cave-man to engineer; the Museum of science and industry founded by Julius Rosenwald, an institution to reveal the technical ascent of man, by "VTaldemar Kaempff ert. cR.R, Donnelley & sons company, 1933. 128, c^p. J U Revealing the technical ascent of man in the Rosenwald Industrial Museum, By 'Tlademar Kaepffert... c New York, 1929s Cover-title, pc481-498 3 . illus. J M "Reprinted from the Scientific monthly, June, 1929, vol.xxviii." The story of coal... 1933. 103, da p. illus. J "Exhibits... July 1, 1933": p. 44-103. 224 INDEX OF MAJOR SUBJECTS AND AIDS TO IKE IDENTIFICATION OF TITLES (Ordinances, and publications of the Municipal Reference Library- are not fully indexed.) Abbott, Edith, 70 Ackerman, YJm, E. , 99 Adams, Francis, 155 Adams, Myron E., 127 Adcock, Edmund D., 199 Adler planetarium, 208 Administrative reorganization, 127-28 Akeley, Carl E., 222 Albany park district, 184 Allen, A. B., 79 Allen, Thomas George, 210 Allen, Ross & Sullivan, 91 Alvord, C.W., 218 Alvord & Burdick, 95 Americanization, 22, 26, 31, 127 Anderson, Charles P., 215 Appropriations, Cook County, 3, 4 Architecture, bureau of, 45 Arnold, Bion J., 69, 73, 76, 79, 80, 81, 179, 180, 211, 212 Arnold, Isaac N., 215, 216 Art institute, 208-11 Art school, 211 Austin, 182 Avery, Sewell S., 128 Aviation, 50-51 B Baker, Ira 0., 42 Barrett, George F., 202 Barrow,, Gutherie & Co., 77, 81, 212 Berry, Mrs. William, 217 Basta, George A., 8 Bathing beaches, committee, 94; — and recreation piors, commit- tic, 69j See also Recreation Beale, William G., 162 Beardsley, R. F. , 25 Beck, F. 0., 52 Beckman, William, 187 Bcckwith, John W., 163 Behm, Charles W. , 107 Beifeld, Dr. ,123 Beirly, Alfred, 120 Bemis, Edward Iff. , 72, 73 Bennet, Edward H., 61 Binmore, Henry, 155 Bird, Paul P., 77 Blair, H., 66 Blatchford, E.W., 213, 218 Blatchford, M. E., 218 Board of supervising engineers, Chicago traction, 211-13 Bodine, W. Lester, 34 Boggess, A. C, 216 Bolger, L. M. , 41 Bonded debt, 98, 105 Boss, William, 216 Bowler, James B., 159 Boy's court, 130 Boy's employment bureau, 166 Bridge clearance and barge ter- minals, committee, 96 Britton, Gertrude Howe, 27 Brown, E. 0., 187, 218 Brown, G. P., 197 Brundage, Edward J., 152 Buck, Robert M., 196 Building dept., committee, 69 Buildings, dept., 104 Bundeson, H. ¥. , 106, 108 Burnett, A. E. , 42 Burr, C. W. , 130 Busby, L. A., 66 Busch, Francis X., 100, 101, 102, 103, 162 Calumet sewerage commission, 204 Cameron, W. J., 217 Capitain, H.D., 78, 156 Carroll, William, 73 Cormak, Anton J. , 127 Charity See Social service Charters, 55-56; conventions, 56-57, 165, 219-20; revision, 88 Chicago, 22-181 Chicago academy of science, 213-14 Chicago city railway, sub-com- mittee, 82 225 Chicago historical society, 215-19 Chicago regional port commission, 220 Chicago river commission, 96 Chicago schools journal, 24 Chicago zoological society, 220 Chicago's health, 106 Christopher, W« S., 29 City expenditures, committee, 94- 95 City hall, 4; committee, 69 City Marshall, 166 City of Chicago statistics, 53 Civics and documents dept., 174 Civil service, Chicago, 90-93; Cook County, 5, 10-11 j park boards, 187, 190, 194 Civil service record, 91 Clark, Wallace G., 20 3 Claussenius, G.A., 122 Clean living, 107 Clearing, 182 Cleveland, Chester E., 101 Cluett, W. F., 160, 161 Cole, Arthur Charles, 217 Cole, Delavan B., 194 Collins, M rgan A., 166 Compensation, committee, 69; dept., 104 Condon, J. G., 66 Cook County, 1-21 CAolcy, Lyman E., 197, 198, 199, 202 Cooley, Mortimer E., 130 Corbett, Henry R.> 45 Corrector, 122 Cory, Charles B., 220 Court house, 2, 4, 5 Cox, Isaac Joslin, 217, 219 Cregier, Dewitt C, 115 Cregicr, N. Banks, 72 Crime committee, 70 Crunb, Willi .m H., 177 Doty, C. Martin, 101, 103 Doty, Duano, 27 Downtown municipal improvement, committee, 95 Dumond, L. A. , 95 Dunne, Edward F., 125 Dunning institutions, 13 du font, A. B. , 180 E Eastman, Francis A., 52 Eckhart, John W. , 23 Education, Chicago, 23-40, 43, 55, 56, 86, 92, 93, 103, 118, 128, 175, 221; Cook County, 17-18, 184; See also Normal school Educational bi-monthly, 25 Educational service bulletin, 37 Edwards, N., 216 Efficiency commission, 131; division, 92-93; — - economy and rehabilitation, committee, 70 Elections, 3, 4, 100, 101; Com- missioners, 6-8; Committee on, 71 Electric light and power, 72, 73, 74, 101, 104, 105, 118, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 206 Electrical inspection, 46 Electricity, dept., 104 Elevated railways, 78,. 83, 111 Ellicott, Edv^ard B., 199 Emerson, Alfred, 210 Employment, bureau, 46 Ericson, John, 47, 48, 76, 79, 121, 122 Ettlcson, Samuel A., 100, 101, 103, 153 Eubank, Earle Edward, 113 Evans, Herbert H., 77 Evans, William A., 77, 196, 203 Exhibit, special committee, 88 Expenditures, city, committee, 94- 95 Darrow, Clarence S., 78 Davies, M.L., 70 Davis, N. S., 214 D'Esposito, Joshua, 78 Dcuthcr, Tomaz F., 193 Dover, William E., 127 Dietzsch, Enil, 14 Dilling, iUbort W. , 205 Dobyns, F., 70 Domestic relations court, 130 Faherty, M. J., 42, 43 Fenwood park district, 184-85 Farrar, Edwin T., 194 Farrell, Robert H., 187 Ferguson, Benjamin F., 211 Fotho-rston, John T., 90 Fctzer, William R. , 68 Field museum of natural history, 22 0-23 226 Finance committee, 71, 97; 104 Fi d, 88 Fishe dcpt. , 85, 104 'ire dept. , investigate committee, 88 : iher, Walter L. , 72, 77, 80, 179, 212 Fixmor, H. J., 41 Flag, city, 131-32, 138, 140 Flower j G., 216 Folsom, Richard S., 163 Foods, markets and farm products, bureau, 49 Foreman, Milton J., 77, 81, 177 Forest preserve, 8-9 Foster, Stephen A., 72, 79, 82, 83, 101 Fox, Philip, 208 Fox, R. T., 61 Frank, Jerome N., 79, 82, 83, 101 Freeman, E-nry V., 182 Frost, Harry T., 61 G Garbage, See Waste Garbage disposal, special com- mittee, 176 Gardens bureau, 49 Gary, Joseph E., 154-55 Gas, 72, 74, 103, 104, 120; and electricity dept., 104-5; — oil and electric light committee, 71-74; sub-committee, 74 Gates, Herbert YJ. , 174 Gault, R. H., 70 Geiger, Ellis, 128, 175 Gcrocke, F. YJ. , 116 Gerstein, H.H., 46 Gilbert, Allan T., 105 Gilbert, Hiram T., 129 Goode, J. Paul, 120, 121 Goodwin, C. N., 57 Goodwin, Daniel, jr., 216 Grand jury sub-committee, 70 Griff enhagen & associates, Ltd., 116 Grosser, Hugo S., 52, 53 Grover, F. P., 218 Grunsky, C. E., 2 06 H Hagenah, William n., 73, 74, 76 Hamilton, H. E., 219 Hamlin, Frank, 187 Harbor development, sub-committee, 74 Harding, George F.. 78 Harlcy, Herbert, 129 Harper, William R., 118 Harris, E. L., jr., 109 Earrison, Carter H. , jr. ,68, 125- 26 Earrison, Carter E., sr.,125 Easkins & Sells, 29, 86 Eatton, A« R., 57 Eawcs, Kirk, 170 Eaydcn, Elsie Yi'olcott, 112 Eayes, Dudley Grant, 24, 35 Eayes, S. S., 67, 99 Bead, Franklin E., 219 Health, 64, 93, 102, 180, 198, 200, 203; Board of, 40-41; committee, 75; dept., Chicago, 105-10; Cook County, 16; Sec also Hospitals Healy, Daniel D., 3, 4 Bealy, Yfcu J., 95 Hendricks & Luken, 88 Hering, Rudolph, 200 Herman, Aid., 76 Eickson, W. J., 130 Eigh pressure water systems, commission, 95-96 Hill, CD., 202 Hill, Edward J., 163 Hill, Vernon, 110 Hodges, N. D. C, 174 Hodges, W. H. , 51 Holgate, Thos. F., 174 Holly, William H. , 101 Eommon, Earry B., 202 Hooker, Geo rge E., 69 Eool realty co., 88 Hornstein, Leon, 162 Horton, Robert E., 206 Hospitals, 1, 12-13 Hotchkiss, Willard E., 11 Eoyne, Maclay, 18, 101 Eughes, Elizabeth A., 52, 112 Eutchinson, Charles L. , 209 Eutchinson, Jonas, 155 Eyde Park, 161, 182-83 Inder terminate franchises, sub- committee, 83 Inspection services, 103, 107, 116-17 Insull, S., 66 Investigating committee, special, 89 Iroquois fire, committee, 96 Irving park district, 185 227 Jackson, D. C. & 7Jm. B,, 73, 99, 115 Jackson, Dugald C, 177 Jackson, George 77., 81, 96, 213 Jacobs, J. L. , 58, 93; — and company, 197 Jail, 11, 19 James, John F., 174 Jamie son, Egbert, 155 Jefferson park district, 185 Jenkins, Paul B., 218 Jensen, Jens, 192 Johnston, Shepherd, 26 Jones, 7/. R., 191 Joseph, Harry, 192 Juvenile court, 11, 19-20; See Also Boy's court Juvenile detention home, 5, 11, 19-20 K Kacmpffert, 7/aldemar, 223 Kales, Albert M. , 130 Kallal, Charles 7/., 45 Kammerling, Edith, 170 Kaplan, Samuel, 168 Kearns, James A., 130 Kegel, Arnold H., 107 Kelker, R. F., jr., 66, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83-84 Kellerman, Chas. H., 8 Kelly, Edward J., 127 King, B>>yt, 198 Klooman, Benton F., 74 Knight, Clarence A., 155 Knight, Robert, 216 Kohs, 123 Lake lowering controversy, Board of review, 206 Lake (town), 161, 183 Lake View, 161, 183-84 Laughlin, Harry H., 129, 130, 131 Le Bosky, Jacob C, 194 Lederer, Arthur, 202 Levin, Nathan R., 170 Lcvine, Y/illiam, 194 License,, 75 Licenses, 86 Lies, Eugene T., 132 Lincoln park, 185-87 Liquor problem commission, 58 Little, Richer d Henry, 202 Local improvements, Board of, 41- 43; Y/est Chicago parks, 194 Local industries, committee, 75 Local transportation, commissi-n, 96; committee, 76-34; dcpt.,110 special committee, 88; Sec also Transportation Long, Theodore K., 123, 124 McAllister, J., 67 McCagg," Ezra B., 219 McChesncy, Robert, 184 McClintock, Miller, 87 McCormick, Robert R., 196, 197, 203 McCulloch, David, 218 McDormott, Valoria D., 51-52, 112, 113 McDowell, Mary E., 112 Mcllvaine, Caroline M., 219 MacNaul, Willar.d. C, 217 Manicrre, George, 162 Mann, C. 7J., 218 Mann, James R., 191 Maps, 3-4, 6-7, 18, 22-23, 30, . 49-50, 181, 183, 199 Maps and plats, bureau, 49-50 Markets, 132 Mason, E«. G., 216 Mason, George A., 41, 61 Matthews, J. Scott, 21 Medical inspection, bureau, 50 Merriam, Charles E., 67, 70, 95 Meyers, H. B., 3 Miles, James, 93 Milk, . sub-committee, 75; supply, -106 Miller, Kcmpster B. 73 Millis, Savilla, 20 Mississippi river, committee, 205 Moody, Salter D., 63, 64 Municipal court, 52 Municipal museum, 223 Museum of science and industry, 223 N Natural history survey, 214 Nance, Willis 0., 128, 203 Negroes, 15, 58 Nov/ Charter convention, 219 Noonan, Edward J., 85 Noonan, Edward J., 191 Nornal school, 13-14, 31, 32, 58- 59 North shoro park district, 187 Northwest park district, 187 Oak Forest institutions, 10, 13 Old portage park district, 188 Olmsted, Vaux & Co., 189 Olson, Harry, 129, 130 Osborn, Irwin S.* 70, 90 Our Chicago, 114 Outdoor relief dept., 16-17 Padden, Edward J., 152, 163 Palmer j Ray, 48, 105 Parental school, 59-60 Parke, 20, 184-96, 219; Bureau of, 50-51; Special commission, 176-77; Seo Also Recreation Parsons, V&u Barclay, 76, 179 Patterson, Joseph M. , 115 Paullin, George W., 208 Pawn shop section, 167 Pe ar s e , Lang d on , 20 3 Pease, Theodore Calvin, 216 Peattio, Donald Culross, 221 Pensions, Seo Retirement funds Perkins, Dwight Eeald, 177 Philanthrophy, See Social service Pike, Eugene R., 99 Pinckney, Morritt M., 20 Plan commission, 60-64 Play grounds, see Recreation Plumb, Glenn E., 78, 179 Pneumonia commission, 64 Police,. 86; — and municipal institutions committee, 84; dept., 165-67 Polk, J. K., 216 Poor roliof dept., 17 Port commission, 220 Postal facilities, committee on improved, 97 Probation, adult, 1 Procter, Addison G., 217 Psychopathic laboratory, 131 Public charities dept., 17 Public instruction dept., 17 Public recreation and atheletics committee, 84-85 Public relations bureau, 51 Public service dept., 111-12 228 Public utilities committee, 85 Public welfare bureau,, 9 Public welfare dept., 112 Public works board, 43; dept., 113-16 Putnam, J. '.V., 216 Q Quaifc, Liilo M., 218 Quiglcy, Andrew J. , 89 R Radcbaugh, Y/illiom, 218 Railway terminals, 61, 62, 63, 77, 85-86; commission, 175; com- mittee, 85-86; Terminal commission, 178 Sauch, John H., 41 Randolph, Isham, 197, 203 Ray, P. Orman, 216 Real estate, dept., 207; develop- ment committee, 205 Recreation, 33, 84-85, 123-24, 176-77; bureau, 50-51; See also Parks Reed, C. B., 216, 219 Reform school, 64 Rcid, H., 216 Reilly, F. W., 107, 109 Rents, 75, 88 Residential districts committee, 86 Retirement funds, 21, 44-45, 84, 123, 164-65, 175-76, 195-96 Revenue, compensation and elections committee, 86 Revision of accounts committee, 86 Rex, Frederick, 132-50 Reynolds, Arthur R., 200 Reynolds, John, 219 Rico, F. L*, 214 Richardson, W. D., 196 Richberg, Donald R«, 72 Ridge Avenue park district, 188 Riley, J. D. , 50 River park district, 188 River straightening, 64-65, 115 Rictz, H. L., 44, 164, 165 Roberts, Daniel A., 194 Roberts, Jessie F., 182 Robertson, John Dill, 109 Robinson, Arthur S., 69 Robinson, 1.1. \i, , 155 Rosonwald industrial museum, 223 Rowe, Louise Osborne, 115 Ryder, Gilbert E., 77 Ryerson library, 211 229 Safety, 14-15, 30, 33, 87, 128, 195 Sr.loons, 66 Sanitary district, 65, 196-207 Sanitation, bureau, 51 Savage, Joseph P., 8 S common, J. Young, 215, 216 Sculcth, 123 Schmidt, John J., 173 School facts, 38 Schools, fire, police and civil service committee, 86 Schwartz, Ulysses S., 76, 77, 83 Scuddor, M. & L.W., 76, 80 Sears, Amelia, 9, 132 Seely, Herman B,, 95 Selby, Paul, 219 Sower division, 41 Sewerage commission, 43-44 Sewers, bureau, 51; Sec also Haste disposal Sexton, william H., 79, 82, 83, 101, 163 Shenchon, Francis C, 198, 200 Sidney, L. B., 190 Sil-es, George C., 44, 82, 121, 165 Smoke inspection and abatement dept., 117 Smoke inspection dept., 116-17 Social evil, special committoo to investigate, 89; Vice commis- sion, 180 Social service, Chicago, 107, 112- 13, 122-23, 129, 130, 131; Cook County, 2, 3, 9-10, 15, 16-17 Social service, bureau, 10 Social surveys, bureau, 51-52 Sonsteby, John J., 129 South park commissioners, 188-91 Sprague, A, A., 78 State of Chicago's health, 106 Statistics, bureau, 52-53; committee, 97 Stelk, Judge, 129 Stevens, Thomas Y/ood, 211 Strawn, Silas H., 64, 65 Street nomenclature, committee, 87; special committee, 88 Street numbers, 50, 51, 115 Street railways, 66, 76-84, 89, 94 177, 178-79, 211-13; special committee on franchises, 89 Streets, 41-43, 63, 92, 93, 114; and alleys committee, 87; bureau of, 53-54 Stuart, William H., 8 Subways, 42, 47, 48, 69, 80, 82, 111, 121-22,125, 178, 178-79 Suder, Henry, 26, 27, 28 Sullivan, Thomas LI., 199 Surface railways, See Street railways Swain, George F., 81 Sweitzer, Robert M., 15, 16 Swenie, Frank W. , 119, 166 Swift, George B., 125 Szymczak, M. S., 11 Tases, 1-2, 16, 19, 21, 54, 98 Baylor, Howard S., 8 Telephone, special commission, 177; special committee on rates, 89; sub-committee, 74 Telephones, 71, 72, 73, 74, 105, 111, 115, 118, 178, 213 Terminals, See Railway terminals Thompson, George W«, 152 Thompson, John A. , 152 Thompson, William H., 126, 127 Thornton, Charles S., 101, 163 Thurston, H. W. , 59 Todd, James E., 185 Tolman, Edgar Bronson, 162 Tompkins, Arnold, 58 Track elevation, committee, 87; dept., 117-18 Traction plan, sub -committee, 82-83 Traffic and safety committee, 87 Transportation, 66, 69, 76-84, 88, 96, 100, 102, llo, 117-18, 126, 127, 177-80, 187, 190, 191, 211-13 Trotter, Annie Elizabeth, 113 Tuberculosis sanitarium, 150a-51 Tuley, Murrary F., 155 Tunell, George C, 121 Two level streets sub-committee, 87 U Unemployment, 9, 12 8, 132 Unification of surface lines, sub- committee, 78 V Van Natta, John E. , 188 Van Vlissingon, Arend, 74 Ventilation commission, 110 Vincent, George E., 174 230 Visitors "board, Cook County, 15 Vocational guidance news, 40 Voss, Arno, 162 Voting, See Elections W Yfacker, Charles H., 41, 60-64,126 Y/allace, John F., 85, 175 Wallace, T. 0., 85 Waste commission, 89-90 Waste disposal, 70, 115, 176, 196-205, 207, 213; sub- committee, 70 Water, bureau, 54-55 ; bureau sur- vey sub-committee, 71; commis- sioners, 45; power development commission, 204; supply, 43, 46-49, 95-96, 114, 116, 118, 181, 196 Y/eights and measures dept., 118 Weiner, Adolph D. , 8 YYorno letter, 125 Y