Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/historyofmcleanc01hasb Of TH£ JACOB L. HASBROUCK. HISTORY of McLEAN COUNTY ILLINOIS By JACOB L. HASBROUCK IN TWO VOLUMES ILLUSTRATED VOLUME ONE Historical Publishing Company topeka-lndianapolis 1924 311, • -• EDITOR'S PREFACE McLean County has just rounded out its first century of civilized life. During the autumn of 1922 there were held certain ceremonies com- memorating the Centennial Anniversary of the first settlements of the county by white men. From that distant time to the present, stretches a period of years marked by the most momentous events in the world's his- tory at large, and the entire recorded history of this county. In the space of less than four generations, the territory now comprising McLean County, has changed from an unbounded wilderness, y - ; z\ in potential greatness, but all undeveloped, into an e ..cent and a kingdom in wealth, prosperity, and the influence of its people. The history of the pioneer times of this county has been written pretty fully in years gone by by able men who were personally acquainted with its conditions and the men and women who made it. To these historians I am indebted for most of the facts connected, with the strictly formative period of the county. They include E. M. Prince, Capt. J. H. Burnham, Prof. Duis, publisher of "Good Old Times," Prof. John W. Cook and many others who have passed to their reward, and to E. Rhoads, custodian of the McLean County Historical society and its officers, and to Milo Custer of the Central Illinois Historical society. Especially have the records and relics of the McLean County Historical society museum been of value in this connection. It is hoped in presenting this work to bring the history of the county down to date and to make note of many of the modern phases of life and its people. We put it forth and commend it to the charitable judgment of our contemporaries and of future generations. Jacob L. Hasbrouck. Bloomington, 111., May 1, 192 A. 89 ! 949 INDEX Abbott, J. E. 598 Adams, Ira D. 816 Agle, George 407 Aldrich, Carlon Cook 1281 Aldrich, Frank W. 1280 Alexander, W. D. 1218 Allen, Mattie 1164 Allin, William P. 903 Allison, Frank 649 Ambrose, Edward 665 Anderson, James G. 772 Anderson, Millard F. 1044 Anderson, William 673 Arbogast, W. J. 565 Argo, H. H. 865 Armstrong, DeWitt T. 1243 Armstrong, Russell 926 Armstrong, Van 654 Arnold, Noah A. 833 Arnold, Scott 1203 Arrowsmith, E. H. - 1240 Ashabran, J. W. - 614 Atkinson, Charles 780 Augustine, Archie M. 448 Augustine, Henry 449 Augstin, Daniel 881 Ausmus, Jessie Ross 970 Bach, William R. 851 Backlund, Andrew O. 1009 Baillie, Charles Tuffer 436 Ball, John S. 594 Bane, G. E. 1127 Bane, Russel W. 813 Barclay, John W. 867 Barker, Charley 826 Barley, Frank C. 974 Barnard, Austin Y. 1059 Barnes, J. H. 1295 Barnes, John L. 1234 Barniville, Robert 1253 Barton, John 1191 Barton, R. W. 1012 Batterton, Roy W. 534 Bean, Sidney B. 580 Beatty, Estell 1245 Beck, John A. 1219 Beckwith, John Wesley 606 Beich, Paul F. 845 Beier, Olliver 1230 Belcher, Albert W. 434 Beller, Andrew 824 Benedict, George 1229 Benjamin, A. P. 1067 Benjamin, Frank W. 862 Benjamin, Timothy 571 Bent, Horatio G. 520 Bevan, Harry H. 1003 Bilbrey, Allen 817 Bingham, W. S. 1140 Bischoff, Albert 550 Bishop, D. D. 538 Blair, Moses 579 Blose, Frank H. 446 Blue, William 1190 Bode, William H. 899 Bohrer, Jacob A. 483 Bracken, William K. 808 Brady, John 775 Brady, R. J. 739 Braley, Theodore A. 584 Brand, Edward Parrish 472 Branson, John 959 Bressie, Albert J. 963 Britt, John C. _. 1116 Brock, Enoch 498 Brokaw, J. T. 1158 BroLeen, David A. 462 Brown, Allen 542 Brown, C. C. 1195 Brown, Charles S. 755 Brown, G. H. 829 Brown, George E. 633 Brown, J. T. 1098 History of McLean County Broyhill, George C. 527 Bruce, W. H. 1014 Brucker, Charles 1238 Brust, Pliney E. __, 1257 Buck, Thomas Lee 904 Buckles, Elizabeth M. 1090 Builta, Fred C. 1254 Builta, George A. 1256 Builta, Mary E. 1255 Builta, Roselia Jane 1255 Bunney, J. T. 1259 Burdett, Arthur L. 1065 Burke, C. B. 1286 Burnham, John Howard 1261 Burns, Willard 1253 Burr, Hudson 732 Burbank, E. H. 818 Burtis, Willam T. C. 661 Busby, George W. 771 Butler, Harry 1209 Cantrell, Thomas D. 412 Capen, Charles L. 507 Carlock, Horace Burton 878 Carmody, Edward J. 910 Carnahan, A. G. 518 Carroll, Edward J. 1207 Carson, G. M. 1134 Carson, N. B. 470 Cavins, Lester B. 1058 Chaddon, Roy 839 Champion, George 549 Champion, Thomas Ellis 424 Chapin, Charles E. 624 Chapman, P. A. 964 Chism, Perry 842 Chrisman, Edward W. 991 Claggett, R. T. 650 Cline, Noah W. 596 Claudon, David Nicholas 717 Claudon, J. H. 1215 Claudon, Jesse D. 719 Coale, Benjamin 1005 Colaw, William 952 Cole, John C. 1027 Conery, James 1244 Cooksley, Isaac 1087 Copenhaver, J. H. 1137 Coss, Leander 1115 Costello, James J. 1173 Cowan, F. C. 1119 Cox, Ernest E. 770 Coyle, A. L. 923 Craig, Ebenezer 1099 Creel, Charles 435 Crookshank, John A. 1194 Crowder, Herbert W. 1247 Crowley, James A. 834 Crumbaugh, Hiram H. 1076 Cunliffe, Arthur 599 Curley, Michael J. 998 Curry, Bernice 944 Curtis, T. 735 Dahm, Louis 605 Dalton, John H. 913 Danforth, Henry P. 1166 Darnall, Warren C. 1290 Dauel, Louis W. 460 Daugherty, Albert E. 1048 Davidson, George Allen 1249 Davidson, John B. 1250 Davis, David 793 Davis, George Perrin 792 Davis, Judge David 257-791 Davis, Leta C. 415 Davis, Mercer 794 Davis, Sam E. 1273 Davis, William Osborn 1179 Dawson, O. F. 680 Dawson, Thomas A. _, 642 Deetz, Clarence 831 Deleno, William 814 Dement, Nettie Bills 621 DePew, Earl Russell 908 Diggle, H. E. 953 Dillon, Adolphus 938 Dooley, George E. 1184 Dooley, Lue 1103 Dooley, O. M. 1102 Dotson, Charles 1114 Douglass, E. B. 1172 Douglass, O. Vaughan 907 Downey, M. R. 776 Downey, Thomas M. 1004 Downs, Edward S. 582 Duncan, Charles M. 918 Dunlap, M. 1189 History of McLean County Dunlap, Oliver W. 496 Dunn, Richard F. 973 Eckhart, George 766 Edwards, Ralph O. 987 Edwards. William H. 672 Ehlers, Fred 822 Elbert, N. L. 806 Elson, Elmo 687 Engle, W. F. 437 Enright, Thomas, Jr. 758 Erickson, A. G. 906 Erickson, Edwin 1007 Evans, Charles Thomas 1001 Evans, E. M. 1063 Ewins, Chester R. r - 873 Eyestone, F. A. 525 Farlow, Lawrence Edgar 406 Farmers Bank of Chenoa 1221 Feicht, John 441 Felmley, David 488 Ferguson, Wilbert 947 Fever, William H. 762 Ficken, C. H. 796 Fielding, James 781 Fincham, Palmer 795 Finley, Stephen A. 653 Fischbach, Frank 950 Fisher, Frank Crist 1168 Fisher, Joseph 860 Fissel, August 548 Fitchhorn, Marshel 875 Fitzgerrell, D. G. 486 FitzHenry, Louis 1036 Fitzpatrick, John F. 1192 Flegel, Robert 1091 Fleming, Florence Sample 1062 Flesher, E. L. 864 Flesher, Harry E. 613 Fletcher, Joseph A. 821 Flinspach, George 1129 Flinspach, Henry 812 Flint, Charles A. 1142 Foltz, Clarence 759 Forman, Louie 1074 Forrest, John B. 1252 Foster, Harrison 805 Foulk, F. S. 574 Fox, Asa L. 398 Fox, Ralph D. 397 Franklin, Bertram Adolph 471 Franklin, Noah 656 Franklin, Wesley P. 638 Froehlich, W. E. 726 Fulton, Albert 1262 Fulton, James 858 Funk, Deane N. 898 Funk, Eugene D. 1069 Funk, Frank H. 1054 Funk, John 901 Gaddis, James 835 Garrison, Guy L. 1106 Garretson, W. P. 511 Gerbrick, Marcus 887 Gerken, William A. 752 Gerling, L. C. 1125 Giermann, Paul F. 519 Gillespie, C. J. 710 Gillespie, Frank M. 936 Gillespie, James Frank 478 Gillespie, Park C. 480 Goff, Fred W. 543 Golden, Mayo 1153 Gomien, Amos 787 Gooch, De Witt R. 1146 Goodwin, John A. 784 Gose, Charles William 1133 Graves, Arthur J. 578 Graves, Clinton E. 856 Gravett, Clarence M. 892 Gray, De Witt G. 939 Gray, George T. 940 Gray, John W. 986 Green, Benoni S. 744 Green, H. W. 978 Green, Tracy 524 Greenleaf, Paul E. 421 Gregory, Ira 750 Griesheim, Wolf 402 Griffin, F. C. 1122 Griffin, Wyett P. 933 Guard, Ed 1086 Guild, Cliff 492 Guingrich, J. P. 1010 Gummermann, John B. 1051 Guthrie, Parmeno A. 1035 History of McLean County Habecker, J. N. ._ 871 Hall, Calvin Springer 712 Hall, Homer W. 847 Halsey, Alexander 1068 Hamilton, Clair O. 444 Hamilton, Franklin Young 444 Hamilton, O. C. 5< Hanna, George Stipp 736 Hanson, Charles P. 468 Hanson, Frank O. 942 Harris, Glenn C. 1233 Harris, John C. 872 Hart, Edson B. 625 Hart, Harlan H. 627 Harwood, Thomas F. 601 Harwood, Thomas Fitch 602 Harwood, Willis S. 600 Hasbrouck, Jacob Louis 1185 Hatfield, John H. 954 Havens, Hiram 669 Hawks, Joseph, K. P. 626 Hawthorne, William H. 678 Hay, Louis C. 632 Hayden, Thomas J. 562 Heafer, Edgar M. 1080 Heagler, Francis H. 1237 Healy, Cornelius 685 Heberling, George C. . 431 Heineman, A. F. 849 Heiple, J. R. 922 Henderson, Albert F. 457 Henninger, E. L. 537 Hensley, Alexander 641 Herder, Charles 609 Herman, James M. 1258 Hersey, Lynn E. 1016 Higdon, Ernest Eugene 1050 Hill, William 592 Hilpert, John W. 1112 Hilton, Guy A. 877 Hilton, Jacob N. 576 Hoblit, H. K. 477 Hogben, Frederick D. 840 Holland, Edward 1053 Holton, Campbell 493 Holton, Thomas T. 504 Hoopes, Albert Harwood 1055 Hoose, Oscar G. 535 Hopt, Peter 967 Hoselton, J. C. 508 Hougham, F. B 1266 "Hougham, James A. 868 Hougham, R. L. 1203 House, C. M. 962 Houston, Louis 1265 Howell, Harry Lee 426 Howell, Vinton E. 439 Hudson, J. Heber 475 Huffington, Glenn 555 Hughes, C. R. 757 Hughes, Clinton B. 481 Humphreys & Company, J. H. 1270 Humphreys, Howard 1269 Humphreys, John F. 1268 Humphreys, Rogers 1270 Humphries, Paul A. 924 Humphries, William 663 Hutson, Austin L. 900 Hyneman, L. F. 617 Iden, Joseph H. : 1079 Ijams, W. M. 855 Illinois Feed and Elevator Co 530 Irwin, S. P. 563 Jacobs, J. H. 1130 Jacobs, John 715 Jefferies, John 581 Jenny, M. E. . 651 Jenson, James 1154 Johnson, Charles 1245 Johnson Family, W. C. 1073 Johnson, Howard K. 1045 Johnson, Lyford McChesney 1232 Johnson, Robert R. 1046 Johnston, John S. 646 Joiner, C, E. 1093 Jones, Bennie 1275 Jones, F. E. 1095 Jones, R. G. 1024 Jones, Robert E. 644 Jontry, James E. 677 Kahle, Edward and Walter 937 Kauffman, Carey F. 891 Kaufman, Elmer 741 Keady, Alex 539 Keeran, Elmer 1214 History of McLean County Keiser, Henry 705 Kelly, James S. 1221 Kelly, H. W. 1174 Kelso, George B. 1088 Kennedy, T. F. 788 Kennedy, Thomas 400 Kennedy, Walter 1117 Keogh, W. 595 Kerber, Edward __: 1246 Kerber, Fred 827 Kerr, Charles Roy 681 Kerrick, Thomas C. 394 Kilgore, Thomas B. 616 Killian, John C. 1015 Kimball, Caroline F. 515 Kimler, R. E. 977 King, Austin 927 King, J. H. 1025 Kinnie, J. S. 972 Kinnie, Sage H. 971 Kinsella, C. W. 896 Kinsella, Michael 911 Kinsella, Thomas H. 965 Kinzinger, E. A. 866 Kirkpatrick, Jonathan H. 1211 Kitch, John A. 1020 Klassen, John H. 721 Klein, John 768 Klein, Phillip 943 Klemm, C. W. 467 Klemm, Julius P. 466 Koch, Caroline T. 1057 Koch, Christian F. 1056 Kollman, John 1202 Kranzusch, Frank A. 963 Krieg, Simon 1105 Krum, E. P. 1227 Krum, -Guy S. 1226 Krum, R. S. _- 1224 Kruse, Albert 815 Kuhn, Bert Marley 547 Kummer, Harry C. 1006 Kyle, O. A. 487 LamBeau, V. E. J. 912 Lander, Robert W. 870 Langstaff, John L. 631 Lanter, Enos I. 551 Lanier, E. B. 854 Larrison, G. B. 1019 Lasky, W. E. 1170 Lauritson, Louis 1122 Lausterer, William F. 830 Lawrence, C. B. 1264 Lawrence, Gilbert 786 Lawrence, N. P. 1111 Leary, Daniel D. 1282 Leech, Robert K. 443 Lehmann, Joseph A. 459 Lehr, Adam 773 Lighthart, Frederick 843 Lillard, John T. 469 Lindheimer, Horace G. 916 Lindsay, Calvin G. 1167 Lindsay, W. C, Jr. 621 Lindsay, W. C, Sr. 619 Livingston, Milton R. 491 Livingston, S. P. 660 Long, William G. 648 Lord, Marcus M. 676 Lorig, John M. 789 Lundgren, Harlan O. 799 Lyons, E. S. 980 Lyons, U. S. 798 McBarnes, John 1026 McCann, B. H. 1040 McCarty, Francis A. 988 McClure, Marion L 463 McClurg, Logan 591 McConnell, William M. 1085 McCormick, Ferdinand C. 541 McCormick, Henry G. 564 McCormick, Nelson K. 983 McDowell, Samuel Kline 528 McElvaney, Robert B. 1204 McFee, Pulaski 1128 Mcintosh, William 783 Mclntyre, Allan 1148 McKinney, Alonzo 510 McKnight, William W. 554 McLean, Richard Warren 993 McNaught, Joseph B. 664 McNutt, James C. 920 Magill, L. M. 630 MaGirl, P. H. 1279 Mahan, Edward Curtis 662 History of McLean County Manahan, John W. 1126 Manchester, Orson L. 500 Mandel, Oscar 1096 Maple, Frank 674 Marius, M. H. 1022 Markland, Lucien 711 Marquis, DuBois 957 Marsh, John 1123 Martens, E. C. 533 Martens, E. W. 526 Martensen, John 1163 Martin, Lester H. 534 Masso, Charles 917 Masso, Emil 933 Maurice, Thomas W. 1272 Means, W. C. 429 Meeker, Edward B. 1165 Meiner, George H. 1049 Merritt, E. M. 1156 Messer, Frank 670 Messer, John L. 763 Meyer, Albert W. 1144 Meyer, Frederick 1145 Mikel, John 573 Miller, A. B. 869 Miller, Frank I. 1131 Miller, George H. 413 Miller, Henry N. 885 Miller, Samuel 968 Miller, William R. 596 Minch, Frank P. 994 Moews, Andrew 961 Moncelle, Charles 667 Moon, John 1052 Moore, Eldo M. 1276 Moore, L. W. 634 Moore, Palmer Q. 440 Moore, William H. 804 Morrison, Jacob E. 536 Mortland, W. E. 1198 Murphy, Isaac 1110 Murray, Paul 1106 Murray, Peter E. 583 Murray, Thomas P. 1033 Musselman, Wallace J. 1171 Myers, Clarence 1107 Nafziger, August 897 Naylor, William 828 Neal, Rolla Basil 552 Neuhauser, Edwin V. 740 Newlin, Clayton J. 1023 Nickel, Victor L. 675 Oberkoetter, Frank 1176 Oberkoetter, Frank 1177 Oberkoetter, Henry • 1178 O'Connell, Richard M. 1175 O'Donnell, James F. 1152 Ogden, Albert S. 659 Ogden, Frank 968 Olander, Barney L. 1236 Oliver, Marion 1101 Olson, Ola 1120 O'Neil, Daniel M. 560 O'Neil, Daniel P. 561 Owens, John B. 540 Packard, Francis A. 611 Parham, Nellie E. 482 Parke, George W. 588 Parker, James William 422 Patton, Claud C. 1231 Patton, H. Bert 419 Patton, Tilden M. 628 Paul, Lee P. 1251 Paullin, William Arthur 1271 Peasley, Granville 1048 Peasley, Isaac N. 960 Peck, Charles 921 Percy, John S. 1075 Pershina, Rudolph 684 Peters, Harry H. 417 Peterson, Albert Wilhelm 1160 Peterson, Paul 1222 Petrie, Frank H. 566 Pickering, Oscar 825 Pierson, Arthur Van Dyke 640 Pike, E. M. 946 Pike, Noah H. 679 Pitzer, S. J. 819 Piatt, William E. 657 Poole, L. D. 966 Popejoy, Isaac 802 Porter, Families of James and Ra- chel 544 Powell, Frank 797 Prather, J. W. 589 History of McLean County Preston, George 1283 Price, C. N. 1135 Price, Scott 995 Priest, George W. 652 Pringle, Ralph W. 969 Punke, Gustave 848 Quinn, M. F. 1032 Ramage, M. F. 597 Ramseyer, M. L. 671 Ransom, Charles E. 658 Reece, John Stewart 909 Reeder, Samuel James 863 Reeves, Gilbert 754 Reynolds, Elzy 782 Reynolds, Herman L. 1191 Reynolds, Shepard 607 Rhoades, Aaron P. 1101 Rhoades, Ora M. 1100 Rice, Frank M. 522 Rice, Joseph F. 461 Rich, Joseph S. 747 Rich, Silas 751 Richardson, Matthew 1021 Rike, W. W. 820 Richmond, Joseph E. 464 Rigby, Delia H. 568 Riley, James F. 608 Rinkenberger, John F. 749 Rinkenberger, Samuel 748 Risser, Peter 1104 Ritchie, Robert 1157 Ritter, W. H. 1235 Robinson, James Edwin 512 Rocke, John 1136 Rocke, Jacob 716 Rodee, Hiram A. 1178 Rodgers, John W. ___„ 497 Rodman, Oscar O. 428 Roeseler, Adolph 767 Rogers, Arthur E. 425 Rogers, Walter C. 1124 Rolofson, John J. 454 Romans, John P. 935 Ropp, Walter A. 882 Ross, Oscar F. 836 Rowley, Charles Smith 742 Rupp, Andrew Oliver 745 Rusmisell, H. L. 1042 Rust, Thomas J. 1008 Russum, C. H. 1060 Ryburn, Edward 1072 Sager, Edgar 668 Sailor, Daniel D. 880 Salch, H. M. 1205 Sample, Alfred 1061 Sams, Le Roy R. 837 Sandham, Grant 949 Sargent, Alonzo 603 Sarver, Lloyd 683 Savidge, Asa M. 997 Saxton, J. F. 1248 Saxton, W. F. 1109 Schad, W. D. 1016 Schausten, Julius 490 Schmidt, Henry 861 Schmitt, John 1228 Schramm, William 1018 Schultz, L. J. 832 Scott, John T. 1151 Scott, Walter A. 1118 Seibel, Oscar E. 1213 Sellers, George M. 1200 Settle, W. H. 955 Shade, C. W. 984 Sharp, Benjamin 725 Shaver, John 637 Shields, John P. 466 Shiner, John D. 1174 Sholty, Jacob 1077 Sholtey, L. W. 1289 Shorthose, Frank E. 432 Sieberns, Walter H. 733 Simmons, Aaron Trabue 1043 Simpson, Ed F. 1267 Skaggs, O. P. 1029 Sloan, Edwin P. 720 Slown, J. M. 738 Smith, Charles C. '. 777 Smith, Dudley Chase 556 Smith, George J. 618 Smith, Grace Sealey 1277 Smith, J. E. 1138 Smith, John R. 416 Smith, L. H. 643 Smith, Robert T. 823 History of McLean County Smith, William A. 639 Snoddy, David L 1121 Snyder, D. W., Jr. ... 414 Sommer, J. C. 1149 Soper, Clinton P. 728 Soper, Horace A. 731 Soper, Willard Burr 729 Spafford, Ralph 499 Spaid, John W. 1197 Springer, David V. 1143 Springer, William H. 890 Stack, John J. 451 Stautz, William A. 610 Steele, B. W. 590 Steele, Hazel -- 724 Stephenson, C. A. 494 Stephenson, John H. 1028 Stevenson, Adlai E. 255 Stevenson, Letitia Green 930 Stevenson, Lewis Green _ 928 Stewart, John H. 979 Stewart, Walter R. 753 Sticklen, H. W. 810 Stine, H. D. 1155 Stone, Hal Marot 484 Stoppenbeck, Fred 1066 Strange, Algy F. 989 Strayer, L. B. 615 Strimple, William O. 604 Strubhar, Valentine 459 Struebing, H. C. 1150 Stubblefield, David R. 1208 Stubblefield, Henry B. 996 Stubblefield, Joseph W. 570 Stuckey, Homer 756 Stutzman, David M. 951 Stutzman, U. G. . 883 Summerland, Hannah McBarnes 1210 Supple, Frank 844 Sutter, Joseph 915 Sweet, F. C. 1013 Sweeting, Frank E. 1064 Swinehart, George 888 Sylvester, Thomas 456 Talbert, John C. 990 Tanton, T. O. 761 Taylor, J. Earl 925 Tearney, James 1034 Teter, Ralph 859 Thielman, August 1171 Thiss, Charles 807 Thomas, Charles 442 Thomas, S. Edgar 1274 Thompson, A. B. 1159 Thompson, D. W. 1196 Thompson, Orris M. 1092 Tilden, William W. 433 Tobias, Arthur H. 458 Tobias, James F. 458 Townley, Wayne C. 514 Trautman, John A. 1206 Trimble, Charles Edwin 1287 Trimmer, D. F. 635 Trimmer, Manfred J. 655 Trimmer, Walter Havens 941 Trohler, Henry i 746 Troyer, Emmanuel 886 Truckenbrod, J. C. 1169 Tyner, Arthur P. 914 Ulmer, George 1241 Ulmer, H. B. 1162 Umstattd, Charles F. 1260 Van Alstyne, H. C. 774 Vandervort, Franklin Cady 410 Van Dolah, James W. 765 Van Ness, Sidney B. 893 Vansickle, Charles C. 1147 Vaughan, Hugh 682 Vaughan, John G. 919 Vercler, Elmer A. 723 Vrooman, Carl S. 800 Wait, Guy F. 975 Wakefield, Cyrenius 408 Wakefield, F. L. 876 Walden, Wayne 1196 Walker, Frank Albert 575 Wallis, William 982 Walsh and Sons 447 Ward, J. F. 760 Ward, J. R. 1201 Washburn, Frank L. 567 Watchinski, Joseph A. 948 Watt, Lawrence 934 Webber, Raymond 1119 History of McLean County Weeks, Alferd S. 1277 Weeks, Vernon 1239 Welch, C. W. 1284 Welch, Henry A. 577 Welch, William Henry 623 Weldon, Lawrence 501 Wells, Matthew B. 1199 Wernsmann, Fred 778 Wersch, A. W. 1257 West, Simeon H. 1216 Westhoff, F. W. 553 Wheaton, Lewis C. 645 Whitehouse, Carl E. 603 Whitesell, Ray 1188 Whitmer, Leroy G. 418 Whitmore, W. W. 506 Whitney, W. H., Jr. 916 Wiley, J. J. ___■ 992 Williams, Arthur Rowland 453 Williams, Chesler C. 976 Williams, E. C. 1002 Williams, Robert E. 529 Wilson, C. T. 727 Wilson, David 1223 Wilson, Frank L. 1030 Wilson, James 666 Wise, Frank C. 636 Wissmiller, Frank 1000 Wochner, Adolph 1220 Woodard, B. F. 838 Woodmancy, George W. 895 Yarrington, Wesley 1141 Yolton, John L. 399 Youle, Frank B. 1161 Youle, George 1285 Young, Edward V. 465 Young, George K. 734 Young, H. L. 999 Young, Miles K. 1278 Young, William B. 958 History of McLean County CHAPTER I. PRIMITIVE McLEAN COUNTY. McLEAN COUNTY A CENTURY AGO AND NOW— SOIL, TOPOGRAPHY AND VEGETA- TION — ANIMAL LIFE — INDIANS — KICKAPOOS MOST NUMEROUS — CHIEF MACHINA— OTHER TRIBES — INDIAN SETTLEMENTS — REMOVAL OF INDIANS TO THE WEST. CHAPTER II. EARLY WHITE SETTLEMENTS. FIRST SETTLEMENT IN 1822— PIONEER FAMILIES— BLOOMING GROVE — NATURAL RESOURCES^DIGGING SALT— SETTLERS OF 1824-1825— EARLY CONDITIONS- BREAKING THE PRAIRIE — HAVENS GROVE— STERLING QUALITIES OF PIO- NEERS — FIRST MINISTER AND ORGANIZED CHURCH — WEATHER AS A GOVERNING FACTOR — DEEP SNOW OF 1831 — "BIG FREEZE" OF 1836 — HARD- SHIPS OF PIONEERS— PASTIMES AND SPORTS. History of McLean County CHAPTER III. COUNTY ORGANIZATION. MOVEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW COUNTY — NAME — TERRITORY COM- PRISING McLEAN COUNTY— FIRST ELECTION DISTRICT— McLEAN COUNTY CREATED DECEMBER 25, 1830— ORIGINAL BOUNDARIES— FORM OF GOVERN- MENT — EARLY ROADS — VALUATION — MERCANTILE METHODS — OFFICIAL ACTS— NEW TOWNS— ORGANIZATION OF TOWNSHIPS. CHAPTER IV. TOWNS AND TOWNSHIPS. ALLIN— ANCHOR — ARROWSMITH — BELLFLOWER — BLOOMINGTON — BLUE MOUND — CHENEYS GROVE— CHENOA— CROPSEY— DALE— DANVERS— DAWSON— DOWNS DRY GROVE — EMPIRE. CHAPTER V. TOWNSHIPS AND TOWNS, CONTINUED. FUNK'S GROVE — GRIDLEY— HUDSON— LA WND ALE— LEXINGTON— MARTIN— MONEY CREEK — MOUNT HOPE — NORMAL — OLD TOWN — RANDOLPH — TO WANDA — WEST— WHITE OAK— YATES. History of McLean County CHAPTER VI. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. COUNTY SEAT— LOCATED AND NAMED BY ACT OP GENERAL ASSEMBLY — SALE OF LOTS — INCORPORATION OP TOWN — OFFICIALS— PARKS— FIRE DEPARTMENT — WATER WORKS — PAVEMENT— SEWERS — ELECTRIC LIGHT-^FORMS OF GOV- ERNMENT. CHAPTER VII. GREAT FIRE OF 1900. ORIGIN IN B. S. GREEN BUILDING — RAPID SPREAD— SCOPE OF DESTRUCTION — COURTHOUSE — FIRE FIGHTERS FROM PEORIA AND SPRINGFIELD — BUILD- INGS BURNED— LOSS— REBUILDING. CHAPTER VIII. MODERN NORMAL. BUILT AROUND UNIVERSITY— EARLY NURSERIES — HORSE BUSINESS— ERA OF IMPROVEMENT— CITY OFFICIALS— WOMEN'S IMPROVEMENT LEAGUE — COM- MERCIAL CLUB— STORES— COUNTRY CLUB. History of McLean County CHAPTER IX. BLACK HAWK AND MEXICAN WARS. CHIEF BLACK HAWK — McLEAN COUNTY FURNISHED TWO COMPANIES — BATTLE OF STILLMAN'S RUN— CLOSE OF WAR — BLOCK HOUSES — HOME GUARD*— MEXICAN WAR: McLEAN COUNTY COMPANY — "BAKER'S BOYS" — ACTIVE SERVICE IN MEXICO — BATTLE OF CERRO GORDO — CASUALTIES. CHAPTER X. CIVIL AND SPANISH-AMERICAN WARS. EVENTS LEADING UP TO CIVIL WAR — PUBLIC SENTIMENT IN McLEAN COUNTY- ANSWER TO FIRST CALL OF PRESIDENT — FIRST COMPANY— OTHER COM- PANIES AND REGIMENTS IN SERVICE — RELIEF WORK— SOLDIER'S MONU- MENT—SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. CHAPTER XI. SCHOOLS. PIONEER TEACHERS — FIRST SCHOOLS— FREE SCHOOL LAW— SCHOOL LANDS- PROMINENT EDUCATORS — PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS — OTHER SCHOOLS — ERA OF DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTY. History of McLean County CHAPTER XII. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. ORGANIZED IN 1850— FIRST PROFESSORS— PRESENT LOCATION— EARLY STRUGGLES —ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS— PRESIDENTS— IN THE WORLD WAR— RESOURCES —DR. KEMP— DR. DAVIDSON — LATEST STATISTICS. CHAPTER XIII. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. THE PIONEER NORMAL SCHOOL — QUESTION OF LOCATION — LAW CREATING NOR- MAL SCHOOL— SITE CHOSEN— CASH PLEDGES— CONSTRUCTION OF FIRST BUILDING; — DIFFICULTIES— DEDICATION — EXPANSION — PRESIDENTS — BUILD- ING AND DEPARTMENTS — ATTENDANCE— SOCIETIES. CHAPTER XIV. CHURCHES. FIRST MINISTER— OTHER PIONEER PREACHERS — FIRST EDIFICES— METHODIST EPISCOPAL — CATHOLIC — UNITED BRETHREN — PRESBYTERIAN — OTHER DE- NOMINATIONS AND PASTORS— BAPTISTS — CONGREGATION ALISTS— DISCIPLES OF CHRIST— GERMAN LUTHERAN — EVANGELICAL FRIENDS — UNITARIAN- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE— EPISCOPALIAN — ILLINOIS CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. History of McLean County CHAPTER XV. AGRICULTURE. A PRE-EMINENTLY AGRICULTURAL, COUNTY— PIONEER METHODS— CHEAP LANDS —CORN, A CHIEF PRODUCT— LIVE STOCK— NEW ERA WITH THE COMING OF RAILROADS— GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY— DRAINAGE— IMPROVED IMPLE- MENTS—TRACTORS—LAND VALUES — LIVE STOCK AND GRAIN — OTHER PRODUCTS. CHAPTER XVI. PUBLIC UTILITIES. DEVELOPMENT CO- EXTENSIVE WITH CITY AND COUNTY — CRUDE METHODS AT FIRST — ILLINOIS POWER AND LIGHT CORPORATION — DEVELOPMENT OF STREET RAILWAY SYSTEM — FORMER OPERATING COMPANIES — FIRST ELECTRIC LIGHTS— DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRY— GAS COMPANIES— TELE- PHONE SYSTEMS. CHAPTER XVII. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. MANUFACTURING— RAILROAD SHOPS — TELEGRAPH COMPANY — EWING AND FLAGG — PLOW FACTORY — BRICK AND TILE — COAL MINE — PORK PACKINGS — MEADOWS MANUFACTURING COMPANY— AMERICAN FOUNDRY AND FURNACE COMPANY — PAUL F. BEICH COMPANY — MaGIRL FOUNDRY— BLOOMINGTON CANNING COMPANY— WHOLESALE GROCERS — NURSERIES. History of McLean County CHAPTER XVIII. RAILROADS. ILLINOIS CENTRAL OLDEST — FINANCES — BUILDING OF EAST AND WEST LINES- VOTING OF BONDS— BUILDING ROAD NORTH AND SOUTH— C. & A. SHOPS- GROWTH OF RAILROADS— VALUATION OF RAILROAD PROPERTY— ELECTRIC RAILROADS— TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. CHAPTER XIX. BANKS. FIRST RECORDED LOAN IN COUNTY — PIONEER BANKS^PANICS — INCREASE IN NUMBER OF STATE BANKS — LIST OF PRESENT McLEAN COUNTY BANKS — DEPOSITS. CHAPTER XX. McLEAN COUNTY BAR. HIGH PROFESSIONAL STANDARD— LAW LIBRARY— ABRAHAM LINCOLN PRACTICED HERE — ADLAI E. STEVENSON— DAVID DAVIS — EARLY ATTORNEYS WHO PRATICED HERE— A LIST OF OTHER McLEAN COUNTY LAWYERS — PRESENT DAY LAWYERS. History of McLean County CHAPTER XXI. MEDICAL PROFESSION. TREATMENT OF PIONEER SICK — FIRST DOCTORS — MEDICAL SOCIETY ORGANIZED —EARLY MEMBERS— PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF FORMER YEARS^— PRESENT MEMBERS OF COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY— PHYSICIANS IN WORLD WAR. CHAPTER XXII. COUNTY DENTAL SOCIETY. ORGANIZED IN 1902 — FIRST MEETINGS — FIRST OFFICERS — CONSTITUTION ADOPTED — LIST OF OFFICERS— DEATHS— TWO STATE CONVENTIONS HELD HERE. CHAPTER XXIII. THE PRESS. FIRST NEWSPAPER — BLOOMINGTON OBSERVER— THE PANTAGRAPH— DAILY BUL- LETIN—OTHER NEWSPAPERS— LABOR ORGANS — NEWSPAPERS IN THE COUNTY — OTHER WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PUBLICATIONS — SCHOOL PERIOD- ICALS. History of McLean County CHAPTER XXIV. COUNTY AND OTHER OFFICERS. CIRCUIT JUDGES— CIRCUIT CLERKS— SHERIFFS— SCHOOL, SUPERINTENDENTS- STATE'S ATTORNEYS — COUNTY JUDGES — PROBATE JUDGE AND CLERK — COUNTY CLERK — TREASURERS — RECORDERS — SURVEYORS — CORONERS — STATE SENATORS — STATE REPRESENTATIVES — OTHER STATE AND FED- ERAL OFFICERS FROM McLEAN COUNTY. CHAPTER XXV. WORLD WAR. UNITED STATES ENTERS WAR — SOME OF THE THINGS McLEAN COUNTY DID— THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES — DRAFT BOARDS — RED CROSS — RELIEF ASSOCIATIONS — LOAN CAMPAIGNS — FOOD CONSERVATION — WOMEN IN SERVICE— COUNCIL OF DEFENSE — FOOD ADMINISTRATION — FUEL ADMINIS- TRATION — GENERAL HARBARD — FOUR-MINUTE MEN. CHAPTER XXVI. AMERICAN LEGION. ORGANIZED HERE^NAMED IN HONOR OF LOUIS E. DAVIS— FIRST OFFICERS — INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIP— STATE HEADQUARTERS IN BLOOMINGTON — OFFICERS— WOMEN'S AUXILIARY — POSTS IN McLEAN COUNTY — WORLD WAR VETERANS. History of McLean County CHAPTER XXVII. HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL— BROKAW HOSPITAL — MENNONITE SANITARIUM — JESSA- MINE WITHERS HOME — VICTORY HALL — DAY NURSERY — HOME FOR COL- ORED CHILDREN— THE BABYFOLD— GIRLS' INDUSTRIAL HOME— FAIRVIEW SANITORIUM— SALVATION ARMY — BUREAU OF SOCIAL SERVICE. CHAPTER XXVIII. THE ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE. FIRST ORGANIZATION — BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION — EARLY OFFICERS — SECRE- TARY HUDSON— ACTIVITIES OF ASSOCIATION— VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS — INFLUENCE — MEMBERSHIP 824 — COMMITTEES — DIRECTORS. CHAPTER XXIX. FARMERS ORGANIZATIONS. BETTER FARMING ASSOCIATION FORMED — D. O. THOMPSON'S WORK — NAME CHANGED TO FARM BUREAU— OFFICERS— MEMBERSHHIP— POULTRY SHOW- SWINE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATIONS — SHORTHORN CATTLE, JERSEY CATTLE AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS— FEDERAL LOANS — PRODUCER'S MARKET- FARMERS GRAIN DEALERS ASSOCIATION. History of McLean County CHAPTER XXX. HOME BUREAU. PERMANENTLY ORGANIZED— FIRST OFFICERS — BRANCHES — VARIETY OF WORK- MONTHLY BULLETIN— VARIOUS ACTIVITIES. CHAPTER XXXI. LIBRARIES OF THE COUNTY. FIRST COLLECTION OF BOOKS— EARLY LIBRARIES— BLOOMINGTON AND McLEAN COUNTY LIBRARY— LADIES' LIBRARY ASSOCIATION — WITHERS' LIBRARY — WESLEYAN AND ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL LIBRARIES— C. & A. LIBRARY- OTHER LIBRARIES. CHAPTER XXXII. SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' HOME. HAD INCEPTION HERE— ESTABLISHED IN 1865 — LOCATION CONTESTED— TEMPO- RARY HOME OPENED IN 1867 — EARLY SUPERINTENDENTS— RALPH SPAF- FORD— MANAGING OFFICER. History of McLean County CHAPTER XXXIII. McLEAN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ORGANIZED IN 1892 — FIRST PRESIDENT — OTHER OFFICERS — FIRST VOLUME PUBLISHED— SECOND VOLUME — INCORPORATED IN 1901— OFFICERS— IN Mc- BARNES MEMORIAL BUILDING — HISTORICAL COLLECTION— MEETINGS. CHAPTER XXXIV. MISCELLANEOUS. McBARNES MEMORIAL BUILDING — COURT HOUSES— COUNTY JAILS— MOTOR CAR AND ERA OF PAVED ROADS. CHAPTER XXXV. MISCELLANEOUS, CONTINUED. EXTINCT TOWNS AND VILLAGES — POLITICAL HISTORY — POPULATION STATISTICS- INTERESTING FACTS. ILLUSTRATIONS Adams Branch, Scene on 104 Adams, Ira D. 816 Anderson, Millard F. 1044 Arrowsmith, Mr. and Mrs. James A. 1240 Augustine, A. M. 449 Augustine, Henry 448 Beller, Andrew 824 Bellflower, High School at 176 Bent, Horatio G. 520 Blooming Grove Marker 81 Bloomington High School 169 Bracken, William K. 808 Braley, Theodore A. 584 Brand, Rev. and Mrs. E. P. 472 Britt, Mr. and Mrs. John C. 1116 Brokaw Hospital 321 Buck Memorial Lihrary 185 Buck, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. 904 Builta, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick 1256 Champion, Thomas E. 424 Chapin, Charles E. - 624 Chenoa School Building 120 Colaw, William and Amos 952 Consistory Building 33f> Country Club 104 Court House 6.i Crumbaugh, Amanda M. 1077 Crumbaugh, J .H. L. 1077 Crumbaugh, Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram H. 1077 Curry, A. Bernice 944 Davis, David 793 Davis, Judge David 257 Davis, George P. 792 Dawson, O. F. and Family 680 Dooley, George E. 1184 Dooley, Rose L. West 1184 Downey, M. R. 776 Dunlap, Oliver W. 496 Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. William H._ 672 Fairview Sanitorium 331 Fell Memorial Gateway 192 Felmley, David 488 Fisher, Frank C. 1168 FitzHenry, Louis 1063 Fitzpatrick, John F. 1192 Flesher, E. L. 864 Forrest, John 1252 Franklin, Noah 656 Gerken, William A. 752 Gillespie, Frank M. 936 Gillespie, Park C. 480 Goodwin, John A. 784 Graves, Clinton E. 856 Green, Benoni S. 744 Hall, C. S. 712 Hall, Rachel S. 713 Halsey, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. 1068 Hanna, George S. 736 Harris, John C. 872 Hart, Edson B. 624 Hart, Harley H. 624 Harwood, Thomas F. 600 Harwood, Thomas Fitch 600 Harwood, Willis S. 600 Hasbrouck, Jacob L. Frontispiece Hawks, Joseph K. P. _■ 624 Hay, Louis C. 632 Heafer and Company, Edgar M. 1081 Heafer, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M 1080 Hill, Dr. and Mrs. William 592 Hilpert, Mr. and Mrs. John W. 1112 Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob N. 576 Holton, Thomas T. 504 Howell, Vinton E. 439 Illinois State Normal University 192 Illinois Wesleyan, North Building.. 185 History of McLean County Illinois Wesleyan, Main Building--- 185 Indignation Meeting — 1865 152 Johnson, Dr. L. M. Hospital 1232 Jones, R. G. 1024 Keiser, Henry '05 Kelso, George B. 1088 Kennedy, Thomas 4 00 Kerrick, Thomas C. 394 Kickapoo Indian Fort Marker 96 Kilgore, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.__ 616 Klein, John 768 Koch, Christian F. 1056 Krum, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. 1224 LamBeau, V. E. J 912 Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. 1264 ;,eRoy, High School at 176 Lexington Public School 120 Long, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. , 648 McBarnes Memorial Building 373 McCann, B. H. 1° 40 McDowell, Samuel K. r 528 McFee, Pulaski and Family 1128 McNemar, Sarah E. ^ 4 McNutt, J. C. 92 ° Main Street, Bloomington 128 Mandel, Oscar 1° 96 Maurice, Thomas W. 1 272 Meadows Manufacturing Company— 1136 Meyer, A. W. U44 Miller Park Views 368 Miller, Samuel 969 Moon, Mr. and Mrs. John 1052 Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Q. 440 Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. 536 Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Rolla B. 552 Normal High School 175 Oberkoetter, Frank H76 Oberkoetter Frank, Sr. 1176 O'Donnell, James F. H 52 Olson, Ola and Family 1120 O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. 560 Patton-Pierson House 72 Peasley, Granville and Family 1048 Peasley, Isaac N. 960 Peterson, Albert W. 1160 Pierson, Arthur Van Dyke 640 Porter, James and Rachel 544 Public Buildings, Bloomington 240 Punke, Mr. and Mrs. Gustave 848 Quinn, M. F. 1032 Rhodes, O. M. 1100 Richmond Family, Joseph E. 464 Rigby, Delia H. 568 Riley, James F. 608 Risser, Mr. and Mrs. Peter 1104 Risser, Residence of Peter __ 1104 Robinson, James Edwin 512 Rocke, John 1136 Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H 1124 Russum, C. H. _. 1060 Rust, Florinda Bishop 1008 Rust, Thomas J. 1008 Ryburn, Edward 1072 Sailor, Daniel D. 880 Saxton, J. F. and Family 1248 Schad, W. D. 1016 Schultz, Residence of L. J. 832 Sellers, George M. 1200 Service Flag, Dedication of 296 Shade, C. W. 984 Shorthose, Frank E. 432 Sloan, Edwin P. 720 Smith, John R. 416 Smith Library, Lexington 357 Soldiers Orphans Home Gymnasium 361 Soper, Clinton P. 728 Stanford Community High School 180 Stevenson, Adlai E. 256 Stevenson, Letitia Green 928 Stevenson, Lewis Green 928 St. Joseph's Church, Chenoa 840 St. Joseph's Hospital 319 St. Patrick's Church 1193 Stubblefield, Mr. and Mrs. D. R 1208 Sweeting, Frank E. 1064 Swinehart, Mr. and Mrs. George 888 Sylvester Family, Thomas 456 History of McLean County Thompson, O. M. 1092 Trotter Fountain 352 Umstattd, Residence of Charles F._1260 Vrooman, Carl 800 Wakefield, Cyrenius Ward, J. F. 408 760 West, Martha O'Neal 1216 West, Simeon H. 1216 Wiley, J. J., and Residence 992 Williams, C. C. 976 Wissmiller, Jacob 1000 Withers Public Library 352 Y. M. C. A. Buildi 208 I) History of McLean County CHAPTER I. PRIMITIVE McLEAN COUNTY. McLEAN COUNTY A CENTURY AGO AND NOW — SOIL, TOPOGRAPHY AND VEGETA- TION — ANIMAL LIFE — INDIANS — KICKAPOOS MOST NUMEROUS — CHIEF MACHINA— OTHER TRIBES — INDIAN SETTLEMENTS — REMOVAL OF INDIANS TO THE WEST. Two airplanes sailed over central Illinois, 100 years apart in time. Of course, the first of these was purely mythical, for there were no air- planes in the world 100 years ago. But imagination can serve as the pilot, and when the plane hovers over the territory which is now McLean County, we can picture in our minds the scene as the pilot would have seen it. As far as the eye could see, only stretches of prairie, broken here and there by the thread-like line of the streams and the darker patches of woods or groves. Just at the edge of Blooming Grove could be seen a curling column of smoke from the cabin of the first one or two white families who had settled there. More distant, another column of smoke from the wigwams of the Kickapoo Indians at the edge of what we call Old Town timber. Perhaps up toward the Mackinaw river might have been seen faint outlines of a camp of Delawares, last remnants of their tribe, and to the northwest the last camp of the Pottawattamies. No road or highway crossed the vast stretches of the prairie, but sloughs or ponds at intervals marked the undrained depressions in the landscape. 65 (3) 66 History of McLean County Wild animals roamed at large, but over the scene brooded a strange silence, as of expectation of the coming of the white man to take charge of this domain. The second airplane, pausing in mid-air in the summer of 1923, saw nestling beneath him, beautiful and busy Bloomington, county seat of a populous and well-cultivated county. Just north lay embowered Normal, and as the eye of the pilot explored the more distant scene, he saw clus- ters of houses marking the site of the many villages and towns — Hudson to the north, Danvers and Carlock west, Shirley and McLean to the southwest, Heyworth to the south, Downs and Leroy southeast, Say- brook and Arrowsmith to the east, Cooksville and Colfax to the north- east, and Chenoa, Lexington and Towanda to the further north. Cross- ing the scene at many places were the well-defined roads, many of them paved, along which rolled hundreds of motor cars. Twin lines of rails marked the course of the steam and electric railroads, along which trains passed at frequent intervals. Between the railroads, highways and towns lay hundreds of farms, with their golden grain harvests just ready for the reapers, with their flocks and herds browsing in the pasture lands. Large bar»ns and comfortable houses denoted the habitations of a well- fed rural population, and school houses at intervals indicated the means of their enlightenment. The whole picture was of a contented and pros- perous empire where once the wilderness existed. The part of Illinois now comprised in McLean County was and is one of the most fertile sections. It is composed of rich black alluvial soil, on which for thousands of years before it was settled by the white man had grown luxuriant crops of prairie grass. The wide spaces of open prairie were broken here and there by more rolling sections of land bor- dering along the streams, and at intervals there were groves or small forests of native trees, oaks, elms, hickory and other varieties. The prairie grass would grow from six to eight feet in height in the more watered sections. Some of the lands, on account of the lack of drainage, would in the wet seasons assume almost the character of swamps. The rank growth of grasses gave rise to great danger of prairie fires in the fall of the year when the season was dry. If started by some accidental means, even by the lightning, there was no way of stopping their spread until the white settlers grew numerous enough to offer some serious resistance. Great stretches of the prairie lands were often left black and History of McLean County 67 barren after the sweep of these fires. The fires would also invade the timber and cause the destruction of thousands of trees. The land was not without its inhabitants even before the white set- tlers came. There were thousands of wild creatures who lived on the prairies, in the groves or along the streams. These were deer, wolves, rabbits, raccoons and probably even bear in the more distant times. Numerous kinds and numbers of wild birds furnished a sort of compan- ionship for the white settlers when they first came. But they also fur- nished a more practical assistance in the form of game and the wild meat which the settler secured with his guns and traps was his chief supply of that kind. There were human beings here also long before the white settlers arrived. These were the Indians who roamed over these prairies and haunted the woods. There are today traces of Indian villages in some parts of the county, notably in the vicinity of Arrowsmith and in West township. The tribe of the Kickapoos were the most numerous in this immediate vicinity. They formed the first neighbors of the white settlers, and from the time when the first families of whites located in the county, until the Indian tribes finally disappeared from the scene, there was never any scene of bloodshed resulting from collisions of the two kinds of races. Machina, known as Old Machina, was the name given by the white men to the great chief of the Kickapoos who inhabited this region at first. He was pictured as a real chief in stature and bearing. He never displayed any great hostility toward the whites in the form of violence, but soon after the first families came to Blooming Grove he appeared at the settlement one day and gave them warning in his sym- bolic language that they must leave the country soon. This he did by throwing leaves into the air and letting them fall, indicating that the whites must not remain after the leaves on the trees should fall in the autumn. The warning was not heeded, and Old Machina was obliged to accept his fate. After the final dispersal of the Kickapoos from central Illinois, some people of the tribes settles in the west, and it is said that a remnant of the tribe remains there to this day. In addition to the Kickapoos which inhabited this part of the country, there were detachments of tribes of the Delawares and the Pottawato- mies. The Kickapoos, who were living in what is now McLean County when the white settlers came, removed here from the vicinity of Danville 68 History of McLean County after a treaty in 1819 gave that territory to whites. The Indians estab- lished a village on the Mackinaw River 17 miles northeast of the present site of Bloomington. Four localities in McLean County are notably connected with Indian history. One is in Randolph Township; one in Arrowsmith, known as the Indian battle ground; a third in West, known as the Kickapoo fort; and the fourth in Lexington township, where was a small Indian town as late as 1829. In this latter village, according to tradition, were Indians from the three tribes of the Kickapoos, the Delawares and the Potta- watomies. A Kickapoo chief, known as Ka-an-a-kuck, was famous for his religious exhortation, having become a Christian under influences of some religious sect in the East. About 1828, the Kickapoos who had been living in McLean County, removed their headquarters to a point within the present boundaries of Livingston County, where they erected a council house and village on the east side of Indian Grove. In 1830 they removed again, to Oliver's Grove, known as Kickapoo Grove, where a census showed 630 souls, men, women and children. In 1832, the government moved the remnants of the tribes to a place west of St. Louis. The remnants of the tribe are! still in Kansas, where they were visited a few years ago by Milo Custer, a local historian, who collected valuable information concerning their present ways of life. CHAPTER II. EARLY WHITE SETTLEMENTS. FIRST SETTLEMENT IN 1822 — PIONEER FAMILIES — BLOOMING GROVE — NATURAL RESOURCES— DIGGING SALT — SETTLERS OF 1824-1825 — EARLY CONDITIONS- BREAKING THE PRAIRIE — HAVENS GROVE — STERLING QUALITIES OF PIO- NEERS — FIRST MINISTER AND ORGANIZED CHURCH— WEATHER AS A GOVERNING FACTOR — DEEP SNOW OF 1831 — "BIG FREEZE" OF 1836 — HARD- SHIPS OF PIONEERS*— PASTIMES AND SPORTS. It was four years after the state of Illinois had been admitted to the Union, that the first white families came to make their homes in that part of the state now known as McLean County. The state had only 45,000 people within its confines when it sought admission to the Union in 1818. At that time the settlemens were all in the southern part of the state. Vandalia had been made the state capital and also the county sea of Fay- ette County, which then included a large territory stretching far up into the central portion of the state. John Hendrix and John M. Dawson with their families came west from Ohio in the fall of 1821 and settled in Sangamon County, which included the present area of McLean County. The following April, 1822, they moved northward, and reaching a beautiful grove of timber decided to build themselves cabins. This was the beginning of the settlement of Blooming Grove, about four miles southeast of the present site of the city of Bloomington. One can imagine the hard conditions under which these first settlers lived. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix were the first white couple to build a home in the Grove. Mr. Dawson came with them, but left his family in Sanga- 69 70 History of McLean County mon County. There was a man named Segar also in the party. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix became parents of eight children. They lived on the farm where they first settled until their deaths. The Hendrix place afterward became the property of 0. H. P. Orendorff. When Mr. Dawson finally brought his family to Blooming Grove, he settled on a farm afterward owned by David Cox. John Hendrix was a native of Virginia, and John W. Dawson was a native of Kentucky. They met in Ohio prior to their migration to Illinois in 1821. The little colony at Blooming Grove formed the whole world in this vicinity, so far as white men were concerned. There were no other houses north of this settlement until Chicago were reached. A few men engaged in digging salt at where Danville now stands, and a few miners near Galena composed all the northern Illinois settlements. Reports from this part of the country having drifted back to the older settlements, other pioneers soon began to arrive. Gardner Randolph and family came in December, 1822. In the spring of 1823, John Benson, a soldier of the war of 1812, came with his family and lived in a linn bark hut at the Grove. In the same year, the Stringfield family, consisting of the widow and her sons, Severe and Alfred, settled at what is now known as Randolph Grove. Isaac Funk and Absalom Funk came to this county in 1824 and set- tled at the timber which became known as Funk's Grove. William and Thomas Orendorff came to Blooming Grove the year previous. Then there was an old Quaker, Ephraim Stout and his son Ephraim, Jr., settled at what became known as Stout's Grove. Robert Stubblefield and his family and Thomas 0. Rutledge were among the other arrivals at about this time. The year 1825 saw many accessions to the McLean County settle- ments. Rev. Peyton Mitchell came to Stout's Grove in March, and in the fall of the year Jonathan Cheney made a settlement at the Grove now called Cheney's Grove. William Evans, Rev. Ebenezer Rhodes and Rev. James Stringfield were others who arrived at the Blooming Grove settle- ment. These early settlers had to live the simple life. They had to go as far as Attica, Ind., to get their grain milled. They lived largely on game and milk from their few cows, with some little flour which they ground from corn. Rev. Ebenezer Rhodes had erected a mill in the year 1825. Breaking the tough prairie sod with the crude plows of that day was History of McLean County 71 no child's play. It required five or six yoke of oxen to draw the plow. The settlers raised their own wool and flax and wove their own cloth. The wolves were the chief enemy of the sheep. Large bounties for wolf scalps were offered by the settlers, and at last the legislature also offered rewards for killing these beasts. If the settlers succeeded in raising a number of cattle, they had to drive them to market at Pekin, Peoria or Chicago. From the very first, the Funk family were the largest cattle raisers. The name for the first settlement came about in a natural way. There were many flowers blossoming in the Grove, and Mrs. William Oren- dorff suggested that it be called Blooming Grove. Thomas Orendorff and John Rhodes in letters written about this time first gave the name to the settlement. One story is' to the effect that previously it had been called Keg Grove, because the Indians had found a keg of whiskey there. Between the years 1823 and 1830 there were many other settlements made in various parts of what is now McLean County. In August, 1826, the Trimmer family arrived and located at Smith's grove. Jacob Spawr, who afterward became one of the oldest men in the county, at first lived with the Trimmers. During the early summer of 1827, Stephen Webb, William McCord, George and Jacob Hinshaw settled either at Blooming Grove or Dry Grove. Matthew Robb and Robert McClure came to the county at the same time, settling at Stout's Grove. In 1828 the Francis Barnard and the Henline families settled on the north of the Mackinaw river on Hen- line creek. The Conger family settled near Stout's Grove the same year. The year 1830 saw important accessions to the county settlements. Jesse Havens settled at a grove near where Hudson now stands and which became known as Havens Grove. Benjamin Wheeler also settled there. Most of the early settlers chose the timber tracts for settlement, owing to their natural protection from storm, wild animals and Indians. At that time nobody thought the prairie would ever be settled up at all. From the earliest days, the population of McLean County has been known for its strong and substantial character, its religious cast, if you please. This may be due in large part to the sterling qualities of the first settlers. John Hendrix was a deeply religious man, and the first church services held in this county were held at his home, conducted by Rev. James Stringfield. Rev. Ebenezer Rhodes, the first minister who settled at Blooming Grove, in 1824, soon organized a congregation or eight per- 72 History of McLean County sons who held regular meetings and formed the first organized church in this county. In the earlier settlement of this state there was a class of immigrants who formed a floating population. They never stayed long at any one place. They drifted about seeking the easiest places to eke out a preca- rious livelihood. This class of settlers did not find much welcome in the Blooming Grove neighborhood. Messrs. Hendrix, Dawson and the others wanted men and women of substantial character to come and live here, and these always found genuine welcome and what help could be afforded them in getting established. By the time of the organization of the county government, there were several hundreds of families, nearly all of this solid and substantial character. So near to nature did the early settlers live;that the weather was one of the governing factors of their lives. Therefore any great natural phe- nomenon was recorded in their memories. One of these great red letter events was the deep snow of the winter of 1830-31. The weather during the fall had been dry and so continued until late in the winter, with mild temperature. But in the latter part of December there came a snow the .like of which none of the settlers had ever known. It snowed from four to six feet deep all over the landscape. The settlers were literally penned in their cabins, and could do little but grind their corn to eat and keep their wood fire burning to keep warm. A great deal of stock was frozen to death. Deer grew tame, and wolves came to the settlement for pro- tection and to scout for food. Stories of the "deep snow" formed a stock in trade for reminiscences by the old settlers until all the generation who had remembered it had passed away. In the spring of 1831, when the snow melted, the whole country was covered with sloughs and ponds. Another of the natural phenomena which created a lasting impres- sion on the early settlers was the big freeze of December, 1836. The weather had been mild, with rains following the snows, changing to slush. One afternoon the temperature dropped 60 degrees in a few hours, fall- ing from 40 above to 20 below zero. The country assumed the aspect of the arctic regions. Stock and men alike who were caught out in the storm were frozen to death if they were unable to reach shelter. Chick- ens were frozen fast in their tracks, and great suffering resulted to man and beast. The families who first settled this county came here with little or no money. In spite of this fact, with their own hands they wrung from OF THE History of McLean County 73 the soil and their surroundings enough of the actual necessities to keep them in fair comfort, although they lacked all of what we consider today the luxuries of life. They provided food and shelter, clothing and some means of transport. They traveled long distances on horseback or with a crude wagon to get their wheat or corn milled and to barter for or buy the other necessities of their lives. Owing to the constant danger of prairie fires, they never left their homes without the fear that when they returned they would find their fields, houses and barns a mere blackened waste. And yet they lived on and built up here this great community of civilized and educated people of McLean County today. And yet the people of the early settlements, especially the young people, had their amusemeaits of the kind that their circumstances af- forded. There were no theaters, clubs, daily papers, magazines, or li- braries. The people therefore sought most of their pastimes in the great outdoors. Horse racing was the favorite sport for the men, since nearly every family had horses, and it was an event when the young men met to test the speed of their favorite animals against each other. Foot-racing by the men themselves, wit hwrestling, boxing and other athletic pas- times furnished diversions from the hard everyday life of the pioneer. There was no baseball in those days, no schools with their football and basketball teams; no coaches nor uniformed teams in various lines of athletics as there are today. Life in sport as well as in everything else was of a simpler sort in the early days of the county. For the women, dancing and other indoor games were the pastimes of most popularity. Whole neighborhoods would come for miles to at- tend a dance, and some of the young people of that day developed re- markable skill and grace in waltzing, quadrille, Virginia reel and other forms of the dance. Spelling bees and singing schools were also of com- mon occurrence. Hunting was indulged in both for the sport of it, the chase and to furnish meats for the families. Deer, wild turkey, geese and ducks, quail, and prairie chickens were common among the food animals; while wolves, foxes, wildcats and other "varmints" were killed to rid the settle- ments of their destructiveness. Many times a large wolf hunt was or- ganized, and the really dangerous beasts were rounded up a«id killed in numbers. The advent of the railroads took away the truly pioneer char- acter of the country; made communication more rapid and convenient, and began the modern era of the county. CHAPTER III. COUNTY ORGANIZATION. MOVEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OP NEW COUNTY — NAME — TERRITORY COM- PRISING McLEAN COUNTY — FIRST ELECTION DISTRICT — McLEAN COUNTY CREATED DECEMBER 25, 1830 — ORIGINAL BOUNDARIES^FORM OP GOVERN- MENT — EARLY ROADS — VALUATION. — MERCANTILE METHODS — OFFICIAL ACTS— NEW TOWNS— ORGANIZATION OF -TOWNSHIPS. Tazewell County had been formed from part of the vast area orig- inally comprised in Sangamon County. By the year 1830, there were many small settlements in this immediate vicinity, and the people began to talk about forming another county of their own. Mackinawtown was the county seat of Tazewell, and the people there were opposed to cutting off any of the territory from Tazewell. But one of the young men who had come here in 1829, James Allin by name, became the leader in the movement for forming a new county. He with others circulated the petitions addressed to the legislature asking permission for organizing the new county. When finally signed by numbers of settlers, the petitions were taken to Vandalia, the state capital, by Thomas Orendorff, James Allin and James Latta. The speaker of the house at that time was Wil- liam Lee E. Ewing, who took an interest in the proposition. After sev- eral days of waiting, Mr. Ewing called Messrs. Allin, Orendorff and Latta into his room and asked them what name they would have for their county. Hendricks was suggested in honor of Mr. Hendricks of Indiana. But it was decided not to name the county after any living man. Finally the name of McLean was suggested, in honor of John McLean of Shawnee- town, who had been speaker of the house, member of Congress and United 74 History of McLean County 75 States senator. The bill then organizing the new county with the name of McLean was passed by the house of the legislature in the morning of one day, and by the senate in the afternoon. It is interesting to trace the origin of the political unit of McLean County from its very beginning. By the year 1824 there were 40 or 50 families living in the vicinity of Blooming Grove, but they were over 100 miles from the county seat at Vandalia, and there was no voting place near. Consequently, no one of the settlers cast his vote at the elec- tion of 1824 when the slavery question was at issue in this state. As the election of 1826 drew near, the people of this region agitated for a voting precinct in their neighborhood. It was accordingly created and named' Orendorff precinct. This was the germ of the future county of McLean. At the session of county commissioners of Fayette County in March, 1826, it was decided that all that part of the county north of township 17 shall compose an election district, and that William Oren- dorff, John Benson and James Latta were named judges of election there. William See and W. H. Hodge were clerks of the election. The area of the precinct was enormous, taking in all of the present McLean County, part of DeWitt and Piatt, also territory north to the Wisconsin line, the latter mostly unsettled. The Blooming Grove settlement was the most important between Vandalia and the Wisconsin line. Settlements grew in number and population from 1826-27 and espe- cially after the Indians had bee nremoved from the county in 1829 and the prairie lands began to be settled. In the year 1827 Tazewell County was organized with Mackinawtown as its county seat. The western row of townships, Danvers, Allin, and Mt. Hope, belonged to Sangamon until Tazewell County was formed. In June, 1827, the Tazewell board of super- visors created an election precinct called Blooming Grove precinct and embracing territory east of the third principal meridian and north of township 22, which would include all of the present county east of the Danvers-Mt. Hope strip. The first election here was held at the house of John Benson, county treasurer. Population continuing to grow in this region, the number of families residing in the territory of the present county had grown to 350 by the year 1830. There were 350 votes cast at the election that fall in the precinct. Many of the leading men of the time then began to talk of forming a new county, for they saw that the immense territory of Tazewell County could not always be held together 76 History of McLean County as one political unit. It was at this time that James Allin came here, he being a young man of much push and having been county commissioner of Fayette County in the years 1823-25. Allin therefore at once agitated the forming of a new county and establishing a county seat at or nsar Blooming Grove. A petition was therefore circulated and largely signed, and sent to Vandalia, the state capital, in December, 1830. Thomas Oren- dorff and James Latta took the petition to Vandalia, and Allin furnished them letters to prominent men at the capital, Mr. Allin himself being unable to go. The law creating McLean County was passed by the legis- lature on December 25, 1830, and commissioners were appointed to go to the neighborhood and select the site for the county seat, which should be known as Bloomington. This month was the month of the historical "deep snow," and on that account the site committee did not make the trip until the following spring. When it did finally make the journey of inspection, the committee selected a part of the tract of land which James Allin had entered from the government, having first obtained the rights therein of William Evans, a former claimant. This was at the north side of Blooming Grove, where James Allin had already established a store. It is said that the settlers in the grove itself did not care to have the new village located in their vicinity. John McLean, for whom the county was named, had died just the previous year, hence his name was then prominently honored by Illinois people. The original boundaries of the county as formed when the bill was passed were these: Bounded on the north by the Illinois river; on the east by range six east of the third principal meridian; on the south by the township line of township 21 north ; on the west by range One west of the third principal meridian. In 1898, the McLean County Historical Society erected in the east corridor of the courthouse in Bloomington, a very handsome memorial tablet in honor of John McLean, for whom the county was named. This tablet contains the following inscription: "1791-1830. In Memory of John McLean, of Shawneetown, Illinois, for Whom This County was Named. First representative in Congress, 1818; U. S. Senator 1824-25 and 1829-30. Erected by the board of supervisors and McLean County Historical Society, Dec. 6, 1898." The business of McLean County was first transacted by a board of three commissioners. Their first meeting was held May 16, 1831. The History of McLean County 77 members were Jonathan Cheney, Timothy B. Hoblit and Jesse Havens. Isaac Baker was appointed first clerk of the commissioners' court, and held the office for many years. The first tax levy was one-half of one per cent. This was a small levy, but the settlers were poor, and the tax was no light matter for payment. Thomas Orendorff was first treasurer of the county, but the money that he handled would be considered a laugh- able quantity at the present time. Of the first commissioners, Cheney came from Cheney's Grove, Hoblit represented the Waynesville neighbor- hood, now in DeWitt County, and Havens came from Havens' Grove, in the northern part of the county. Five voting precincts were formed from the territory of the county: Kickapoo precinct, in the southwestern part, comprising some of the terri- tory of the present Logan and DeWitt Counties ; Salt Creek precinct, the eastern portion of the county ; Bloomington precinct, taking in the county seat and territory to the west and north ; Mackinaw precinct, covering an immense tract which was sparsely settled, including Lexington, Money Creek and north of the Mackniaw river to the north county line; lastly Panther Creek precinct, mostly in the present area of Woodford county and extending down to Stout's Grove and Danvers. There were 2,016 sections of land in the county, which comprised at that time approxi- mately 1,290,000 acres. After various tracts had been cut off the county from time to time, its area was narrowed down to 1,166 square miles, or 1,068 sections, about one-half its original area. For the first 18 years of the history of the county, from 1831 to 1849, the commissioners' form of government prevailed. In addition to the first three commissioners, the names of men who served in this ca- pacity while the form of government prevailed included Andrew Mc- Millan, Seth Baker, Joseph Bartholomew, William C. Johnson, James R. Dawson, William Orendorff, Nathan Low, John B. Jones, William Cona- way, Jesse Funk, William Bishop, Henry Van Sickle, Ezekiel Arrowsmith, Israel W. Hall, and James Van Dolah. At the adoption of the constitu- tion of 1848, there were two forms of county government provided in Illinois. One was the County Justices' Court, consisting of three judges, one probate and two associates; or the people of any county could by proper adoption on popular vote take on the system of township organiza- tion. The southern section of the state generally used the county com- missioners' form of government, having taken it from the southern states, 78 ' History of McLean County whence most of the settlers came. In northern and central Illinois the township form was more popular. Some items from year to year taken from the official records of the commissioners' court of McLean County serve to designate the progress which the county was making in population and other material interests. Much of the business of the commissioners' court during the earliest years was connected with the laying out of roads, as this was one of the first requisites of the new settlements. As early as July 27, 1831, on petition of Jacob Spawr and others a road was laid out from Rook's place on the Vermilion River past Money Creek, Sugar Creek at a point north of Bloomington, through Randolph Grove and Long Point to the south line of the county. In the January term, 1832, a road was laid out from Bloomington to Funk's Grove. In the March term a road from Bloom- ington southeasterly to the county line. To give an idea of the small total of property values in the county in the early years it may be stated that the total revenues of the county for the year 1829 were $1,061.89, and the expenses $898.53. At the March term of 1832 the county levied a tax of one-half per cent on the following property: All horses, mules, meat cattle three years old, town lots, sheep one year old, pleasure carriages, wagons, household property, watches and all distilleries. The county taxes collected for 1832 were $2,313, and the assessor was paid the sum of $40. An interesting item of busi- ness for the December term, 1832, was the appearance of John Scott, Ebenezer Barnes, and William McGhee and making application for the privilege of proving themselves to have been Revolutionary soldiers. After due investigation, the court confirmed their declarations as true. The same was done in the case of Thomas Sloan. A matter of business indicative of the crude mercantile methods of that day was the application before the county commissioners of a num- ber of men who applied for license to sell goods. These men were James Allin, M. L. Covell, John and Samuel Durley, and Benjamin Haines. The merchant of the early times carried a miscellaneous collection of articles such as he thought would supply the needs of the pioneer. When he wanted to replenish his stock, he would go among his neighbors and try to collect enough of their outstanding debts to at least pay his expenses on a trip to Pekin or St. Louis, which he made partly by wagon and partly History of McLean County 79 by boat. Chicago in those days was little known or patronized by McLean County people. In the March term, 1833, a license was granted to Greenbury Lari- son for $5 to keep a tavern in the town of Bloomington. This same term levied a tax of one-half per cent on all personal property and town lots. The first instance of granting public aid to the poor was in the case of a girl by the name of Maryann King, who was 8 years of age, and she was bound as an apprentice to the house of Gervis Gaylord until s 7 ie should reach the age of 18. New election precincts were formed at the June term, 1833, and election judges were named. At the March term, 1834, it was reported that the total amount realized from the sale of lots in the town of Bloom- ington was $963.92i/ 2 . In March, 1835, a permission was granted to George W. Wallis to erect, under certain restrictions, a milldam and mills on the Mackinaw, and to Tebulan G. Cantrill and Metthew McElhiney each a permit to build a mill on the Kickapoo. The sheriff was, authorized at this session to rent the court house for a school house under certain restrictions, at $3 per month. The taxes for the year 1835 were reported as $1,241.4214. The first case on the county records of advertising for public bids was that of the October term, 1835, when the court was directed to insert in the "Illinois Republican" a notice that proposals would be received for the erecting of a court house 40 feet square two stories high, of brick. The county treasurer was authorized to pay for this little "adv." New towns were springing up at this time, as evidenced "by the fact that in December, 1835, a plat of the village of New Castle was presented to the county commissioners by Timothy B. Hoblit and James Allin, and of the town of Leroy by Asahel Gridley and M. L. Covell. Applications for license to sell goods in Leroy was made by John W. Baddely; in Waynesville by David Duncan and R. Post, and in McLean county by A. Gridley, Ortagal Covell and Calvin Carpenter. The county commissioners appointed Thomas H. Haines their attorney to effect a loan of $5,000 at not to exceed 8 per cent interest, in preparation for the building of a court house. From 1850 to 1857 the discussion of the question of what form of county government should prevail in McLean was waged with intensity. 80 History of McLean County Three elections on the question were held, one in 1850, the second in 1856, and the third in 1857. In the first two, the proposal for township organ- ization did not receive a majority of all the votes in the county, although it received a majority of all votes cast in each case. The discussion was brought to a head by the act of the County Justices' Court in 1857 in donating $70,000 worth of swamp land for the location of the State Nor- mal University in this county. This land had been given the county by the federal government, and up to that time its disposal was a matter of uncertainty. The county court's liberal offer of this land was the de- ciding factor in the location of the Normal University, but when the prof- fer to give this land for the purpose was made, it stirred much discussion, and many people thought the county court had exceeded its authority. The action of offering the land was done in secret session, so as »not to let the chief competitor, Peoria, know of this liberal donation. Although this secrecy was much criticised, the action was ratified by the first meet- ing of the board of supervisors after county reorganization was adopted. The final vote on township organization was taken on Nov. 3, 1857, and stood as follows: For township organization, 2,109; against township organization, 786; majority in favor, 1,323. The last meeting of the old County Court was held in March, 1858, and the new form of township organization was perfected at the elections in April, when supervisors were elected from the various townships which had been created. This board met on May 17, 1858. Several changes of the names of the townships have been made since they were first organized in 1858. Savanna township has been changed to Downs; Leroy is now Empire; Lee was changed to Padua; Kickapoo to West, in honor of Henry West; Pleasant to Arrowsmith; Prairie to Bell- flower; Mosquito Grove changed to Allin, in honor of James Allin, the pioneer; Padua changed to Dawson, in honor of John Wells Dawson: Cropsey was divided into two townships, and the new one was named Anchor, the division being made in 1877. Chenoa was divided in 1863, the new township being named Union, which was afterward changed to Yates, in honor of Richard Yates, the Civil war governor of Illinois. (jRffMflf of m BLOOMING GROVE MARKER. CHAPTER IV. TOWNS AND TOWNSHIPS. ALLIN — ANCHOR — ARROWSMITH— BELLFLOWER — BLOOMINGTON — BLUE MOUND — CHENEYS GROVE — CHENOA— CROPSEY — DALE — DANVERS — DAWSON — DOWNS DRY GROVE — EMPIRE. A condensed story of the early settlement and development of the various townships of McLean County, together with the founding and incorporation of the towns and villages is told as follows: Allin Township. — Originally this township was called Mosquito Grove, in honor of one of the three groves which were located there. On May 3, 1867, the name was changed to Allin, in honor of James Allin, the pio- neer. The groves were Mosquito, Brown's and Brooks' groves. With the exception of these, totaling 1,400 acres, the township was prairie land. The first settler was Miles Brooks, in whose honor the grove was named. William Brown was the man after whom the other grove was named. Mosquito Grove was early inhabited by a family by the name of Reddon, a notorious band of outlaws and horse thieves who were supposed to be one link in the chain of such characters which stretched across Iowa and Illinois. Robert Stubblefield at one time caught one of the Reddons red- handed with stolen horses and he was indicted and convicted. At an- other time Isaac Funk, Robert Stubblefield, John Stubblefield, Ebenezer Mitchell and others made a midnight call at the Reddon home looking for stolen horses, but found none. It was after a famous murder of one Co?. George Davenport at Rock Island, with which the Reddon gang was sup- posed to have had some hand, that the decent people of the neighborhood decided to rid the community of them, which was effectively done by a 81 (4) 82 History of McLean County "ring hunt" which had the desired effect and scared the men away, never to return. Stanford, the town located in Allin township, was laid out by John Armstrong in 1867 on the Jacksonville branch of the Alton road, and was incorporated as a village. It was first called Allin, but the name was changed to Stanford. The town is among the richest in the county, hav- ing two general stores, a fine school house, one bank, two implement and hardware stores, three elevators, and many other places of business. For many years Stanford has maintained a fair which attracts many people every autumn. The population is about 700. Anchor Township. — This township is practically all prairie land, and it remained unsettled for many years after other parts of the county were populated to more or less extent. R. M. Rankin entered the first lands in Anchor townshi pin August, 1850, and Robert Cunningham was the second claimant in 1851. Robert Stackpole settled in the township in 1853 and bought a tract of over 2,300 acres. He incurred large expenses for fencing and other improvements, and crops failed for a year or two after, her started farming, hence his lands were sold for debt about the time of the Civil war. Anchor township was first a part of Cropsey, but in 1877 was separated from it, leaving Cropsey only half the area of a congressional township. George R. Birch, its supervisor, gave it its name. After the Civil war the township was rapidly settled up, A. R. Jones ac- quiring most of the lands formerly owned by Stackpole. Among the earlier settlers after the war were A. S. Dart, John Ingram, N. Brinley, Henry Gilstrap, M. H. Knight, R. H. Arnold, Daniel B. Stewart, W. H. and F. M. Anderson. The settlers of this vicinity were largely of German extraction for the last 30 years, and being of a thrifty character the farms of Anchor are among the best in the county. With the building of a branch of the Illinois Central railroad through this township in 1880, a town, also called Anchor, sprang up on a site covering part of Daniel B. Stewart's land. It formed a trading center for the people of Anchor and Cropsey townships. The village was incorporated soon after it was set- tled. The source of the Mackinaw river is generally presumed to be in Anchor township. Arrowsmith Township. — This township has one of the most romantic histories in the county so far as the times before the white settlers came History of McLean County 83 is concerned. It was here that one of the chief Indian settlements in the county is said to have existed, and here too, are evidences of an Indian fort and scenes of battles, either between hostile tribes of Indians or be- tween white men and Indians. The township was first called Pleasant, but afterward named Arrowsmith in honor of Ezekiel Arrowsmith, who was supervisor of the township in 1858, when the change of name was made. Jonathan Cheney entered the first land in the township, having laid claim to a tract near the grove in the southwest part, which was in fact part of the Old Town timber. Here was located, according to evidence of early settlers, quite an Indian town, and also an Indian burying ground belong- ing to the Kickapoos. John Wells Dawson, the first settler, had personal knowledge of these two Indian habitations. The Indian burying ground was just over the line from West township in Arrowsmith, while the Indian town was a few miles northwest of this, near the home of John Dawson. But the most notable Indian relics were those found near a grove in the eastern part of the township, first owned by Jacob Smith, on section 24. At the headwaters of the Sangamon river in this vicinity is a hill or mound some 20 feet in height and an acre in extent at the top. Early settlers found there many excavations or pits, which later became overgrown with grass and underbrush until they were almost lost to sight. Some distance away, about the distance which may be calculated as a gunshot, are located zigzag pits or ditches. Here have been found from time to time many leaden bullets. From all these evidences the local his- torians have concluded that a battle occurred here between an attacking party in the ditches and the defenders of the hill with its pits. The course of the Sangamon, the location of the hill and the "rifle pits," and the find- ing of bullets in the vicinity, all point to a battle. The McLean County Historical Society, under the direction of the late Capt. John H. Burnham, made many attempts to excavate these pits and mounds for historic evi- dences, and they were in part successful. The society obtained some two pounds of leaden bullets by their several explorations. Those who do not credit the theory of a battle between the Kickapoos and some hostile tribe, say the battle might have been between the Kickapoos and a band of French soldiers from Fort Chartres, who were once said to have been sent out to "chastise" the Kickapoos, known as the "Indians of the prai- rie." A half-breed Indian of the Pottawatomie tribe, is quoted by one authority as having heard traditions among his people of a battle between 84 History of McLean county the Kickapoos and Foxes on one side and the Ottawas and Chippewas on the other, which occurred in a fortification near the Sangamon river. This seems to identify the Arrowsmith "battle ground" as the site of an an- cient struggle of hostile tribes. The late Hiram Beckwith of Danville, a noted Illinois historian, held to the theory that the McLean County Indian battle ground was the scene of a fight between Indians and French gar- risons from Fort Chartres. The village of Arrowsmith was founded when the railroad, afterward known as the Lake Erie, was built through the township, for which Ar- rowsmith township voted the sum of $25,000 in bonds to aid in its build- ing. Trains began running through the village in 1872, and at once it became an important grain and stock shipping point. The only stone quarry in McLean County was located near Arrowsmith for many years, but was later abandoned, since the stone was of poor quality. The land upon which this village is located belonged to Anderson Young, Jonas Fry, James Crosson and M. Ullmer, ten acres each. When it was decided in 1871 that the railroad would run through this place, the town was platted. S. E. Cline put in a scales the same year and he and James Lari- mer began buying and cribbing corn. The railroad switch was put in and a depot built in 1872. Larimer & Jones built the first store north of the railroad, and W. H. Thompson moved his store from Cross Roads in 1873. The postoffice was also moved to Arrowsmith from that place. R. S. Crum built the first residence. The village of Arrowsmith was organized in 1890 and since has had a good growth. The population is 400 and it is well supplied with religious and educational facilities. Bellflower Township. — This township was originally named Prairie when the township organization was effected in 1858. It was the only township in the county which possessed no timber. The first supervisor, Jesse Richards, chose the name of Bellflower, that being his favorite ap- ple. It is the most southeasterly township of the county. It was first used as a cattle range by the pioneers of Cheney's Grove and other sec- tions. The township possessed much wet land, classified by the govern- ment as swamp land, and this was donated by the county commissioners in 1857 to secure the location of the Normal University in the county. Springfield parties bought up this land, but it was not drained and occu- pied until after the Civil war. Much of the land of the township has al- History of McLean County 85 ways been owned by nonresidents and operated by tenants. Neverthe- less it has become one of the best farming sections of the county. The people voted in 1871 $30,000 in bonds to secure a branch of the Illinois Central railroad through their township. It was the first township in the county to erect a township high school, the structure costing $9,000, being built in 1905. Its example in this respect was in later years followed by many other townships. With the I. C. railroad running through the cen- ter of the township and the Wabash cutting off a corner, there are six shipping stations in the township, namely the village of Bellflower, McNulta Switch, and Laurette on the main line of the I. C. ; and Meharry and Sumner on the Rantoul branch of the Central, and Osman on the Wa- bash. Just over the line in Champaign County are two others, Harpster and Lotus. M^o^v-^oa-^ The village of Bellflower was platted and laid out by George N. Black of Springfield, who owned much land in that vicinity. The first man who engaged in business in the town was R. E. Moreland, who began buying grain in August, 1871. A. and A. J. Henry started in business there the following winter. John Nichols built the first residence and started a grocery in 1871. A. Libairn started a general store about the same time. T. B. Groves erected a home and started a hardware store in 1872. Other early business men were J. W. Eyestone, E. L. Rush, R. Rome, Hiram Rush, and G. W. Stokes. The first postmaster was A. H. Marquis. Bell- flower has always been a great grain market. Many churches and sev- eral fraternal organizations are included in the community interests. Originally an entirely prairie township, yet the people have planted many trees and the town and countryside are well supplied. The population is about 500 people. Bloomington Township. — The settlement of Bloomington township grew out of the original settlement of the county, at Blooming Grove. As stated elsewhere, the grove was first called Keg Grove, owing to the tradition that Kickapoos had found a keg of rum there soon after the white men arrived. Before the whites' came here there had been an Indian village at the timber farther east, known to early settlers as Old Town timber, after the old Indian town. The nearest white settlements prior to that of Blooming Grove were at Peoria, 40 miles distant, and at Starved Rock, old Fort St. Louis, 60 miles north. John Hendrix and 86 History of McLean County John Dawson came to Blooming Grove in April, 1822, and next year Dawson's family followed. Dawson in 1826 moved to Old Town timber, later named Dawson township in his honor. Other settlers followed the first two, until by the year 1831 there were 50 families living in and around Blooming Grove. Burnham's history of Bloomingto»n gives the names of these families as follows: John Hendrix, Rev. E. Rhodes, Jere- miah Rhodes, William and Thomas Orendorff, Rev. James Latta, Henry Little, John H. S. Rhodes, William Goodheart, William H. Hodge, William Lindley, Mrs. Benjamin Cox, David Simmons, John Benson, James Ben- son, George Hinshaw, William Chatham, Moses Dunlap, William Waldron, Anthony Alberry, William Thomas, John Canady, James Canady, Oman Olney, Joseph Walker, Sr., William Michaels, John Lindley, Joseph Bailey, Harbord, Achilles Deatherage, William Walker, Timothy M. Gates, William Lucas, John Cox, Dr. Isaac Baker, Maj. Seth Baker, H. M. Harbord, Parr Rathbone, John Mullins, Michael Allington, Nathan Low, John Benson, Jr,. and Benjamin Depew. There were also a number of single men liv- ing in the grove at the time. Just north of the grove and within the territory afterward inside the city limits lived Henry Miller, James Tol- liver, James Allin, John Greenman, William Evans, John Maxwell, John Kimler and James Mason. The young single men in the city limits when first laid out were William Dimmitt, William Evans, jr., Frank Evans, William Durley, Merritt L. Covell, W. H. Allin, William Greenman, Esek Greenman, Samuel Durley, John Durley and Samuel Evans. James Allin seems to have been the first man to see in this flourish- ing young settlement the chance to secure the county seat of a new county and to build up here a little city. He therefore platted the town, and on July 4, 1831, the first auction sale of lots was held. There were probably between 250 and 300 people in the settlement at that time. A postoffice had been established at Blooming Grove in 1829, and it was moved to the town in 1832, being named Bloomington, probably as a •natural adaptation of the original name of Blooming Grove. This was the third place in the United States to be called Bloomington. From Milo Custer's investigations it appears that James Allin en- tered the east half of the southwest quarters of section 4, township 23 north range 2 east of the third principal meridian, eighty acres, on Oct. 27, 1829. This roughly comprised the land now in the city of Blooming- ton between East, Monroe, Roosevelt avenue and Oakland avenue. Allin History of McLean County 87 later bought from Robert H. Peebles another 80 acres lying north of his entry. A commission of the legislature in the winter of 1831 had been appointed to investigate a site for the county seat of a new county to be organized under act of the legislature of Dec. 25, 1830, and named McLean County. This commission reported to the county commissioners at their session on May 16, 1831, that James Allin had obligated himself to do- nate 22 acres at the north end of Blooming Grove settlement. Dr. Baker was employed to plat this tract into town lots and advertise their sale on July 4. The sale was held accordingly at the date advertised. Timothy B. Hoblit, one of the county commissioners, acted as auctioneer, and Dr. Baker as clerk. The people in attendance followed the auctioneer around from lot to lot until all were sold. There were six lots to a block, three fronting each street running east and west, with an alley between. The record of the county commissioners of date Feb. 10, 1833, shows that deeds were executed to buyers of the lots in the original town plat as fol- lows: James Latta, Martin Scott, A. Gridley, Nathan Low, William R. Robertson, John Maxwell, Ebenezer Rhodes, Cheney Thomas, Solomon Dodge, Caleb Kimler, Jesse Frankeberger, Jesse Havens, Fredrick Trim- mer, M. L. Covell, John W. Dawson, David Wheeler, Alvin Barnett, Jona- than Cheney, Joseph B. Harbert, Eli Frankeberger, Hezekiah M. Harbert, Richard Gross, William Harbert, Samuel Durley, Orman Robertson, Bai- ley Kimler, Bailey H. Coffey, Lewis Sowards, John W. Harbert, Isaac Baker, Absolom Funk. Several of the lots offered at auction on July 4 were not disposed at that time but were sold at later dates, as shown by deeds of record. The block which had been set aside for the site of the court house, bounded by Main, Jefferson, Center and Washington streets, was not all held out from the sale, but two lots fronting on Jefferson street were sold, that at Jefferson and Center to James Latta for. $16, and that at Jefferson and Main to M. L. Covell, who paid $80 for this and four other lots. The buyers of these two lots afterward disposed of them to other parties, and finally the county commissioners purchased the lots for the county, the Latta lot for $100 in 1847, the Covell lots for $210 in 1849. Thus the entire square became county property. The young county seat had a steady growth at first, and by 1836 had a population of 450 people. It was the center of trade for all the settlements in McLean County. The country around was farmed after 88 History of McLean County a crude fashion, wooden plows being more common than iron, and wheat was cut with a sickle. Markets were distant and not of easy access. Stock, mostly hogs, were allowed to run almost wild, and driven long distance to market. The town had a comparatively slow growth until the advent of railroads in the '50's gave it a new impetus. The history of Bloomington township and the city of Bloomington were so closely interwoven as to be inseparable for many years. More of the details of the growth of the city is given under its proper heading. The territory of the original town or village was approximately one mile square. It was incorporated as a village in 1843 and elected trustees until 1850, when it was organized as a city with mayor and aldermen. The city council thereafter made many additions to the city. The city was finally divorced from Bloomington township, when in. 1911 the voters of the city voted favorably on the proposed organization of the township of the city of Bloomington, whose boundaries should be co-extensive with the city limits. This left a strip of land lying on three sides of the city which is now known as Bloomington township. The cutting off from this outlying township of much of its revenue by trans- ferring all the taxable property of the city to the township of the city of Bloomington, left Bloomington township much handicapped from a financial standpoint. Normal Township also lost by the change, for part of the Normal township lay inside the city limits of Bloomington. Since the date of this reorganization, the city and township have been governed jointly, very little difference being made in the procedure except as to the collection of taxes. The part of the former Bloomington township which was left after the organization of the township of the city of Bloomington maintains its township government, with school trustees, highway commissioners and other necessary officers. Its business relates mostly to roads and school affairs. It is handicapped in many ways by smallness of its reve- nues due to the exclusion of a large portion of its taxable property from the present township by the formation of the city township. The pres- ent supervisor of Bloomington township is George W. Knight. Blue Mounds Township. — This township, consisting entirely of prai- rie land, takes its name from a ridge which was to be seen in the early days located in section 28, but which is now not visible from a distance History of McLean County 89 owing to the obstructions of hedges, orchards, etc. Being prairie, the township was not settled until a later period than sections of the county which had timber. The land composing the township was largely govern- ment or railroad lands, which were held off the market for some years after settlements had been made elsewhere. The first settler was sup- posed to have been Thomas Arnold, who located in 1853 on section 27. In the next year came J. S. Stagner and W. L. Burton and others. There were several farms taken up before the years 1857 and 1858, when the general panic and failure of the wheat crop bankrupted many farmers. James H. Doyle was the first supervisor when the township was organized in 1858, and David Wheeler was supervisor when the civil war broke out. Many soldiers went into the army from this township, but owing to there being no postoffice their enlistments were credited to other townships. After the close of the civil war was the great rush of settlers, and most of the farms were taken up by 1867, many by returning soldiers, who married and established homes. When the Kankakee branch of the Illinois Central road was built in 1884, it resulted in establishing two villages or grain shipping points. One was Cooksville on the eastern border, the other Fletcher, on the western. Cooksville was named after F. W. Koch of Bloomington, who owned land in the vicinity. The German form of the name was anglicized. The village was incorporated in 1901 with about 300 inhabitants. Blue Mound township possesses on an average about the best prairie soil in the county, and its farms are prosperous and well kept of late years in spite of early hardships. Money Creek flows through the southwestern part of the township, while two small streams unite in the northeast and flow into the Mackinaw river. Cheney's Grove Township. — Jonathan Cheney, who with his family had lived at Blooming Grove, set out to find another location in 1825, and decided to build his home at another grove to the north and east. This grove of 3,000 acres of timber ever after took the name of Cheney, and his home became the center of the new settlement which grew into a township and the town of Saybrook. The grove is located at the head- waters of the Sangamon river, which flows through it and makes a de- lightful place in pioneer times or the present. Until about the year 1829, the Cheneys were the only settlers at this grove, but in the latter year 90 History of McLean County came James Van Scoyoc and the Robert Cunningham family, followed the next year by the Means, Riggs and Myers and the Ball families. During the year of the Black Hawk war, 1832, some of the families were removed to locations farther east in Champaign County, for the sake of safety. The settlement grew in permanent character, and many of the families intermarried. The land of part of this township is not as rich and deep as some of the other black soil townships. Being hilly and roll- ing, it suffered from hard rains. The settlers in the early years had to go long distances for their milling and supplies, to Bloomington or Mack- inawtown, or eastward to the Wabash river, since most of the mills of the time were run by water. A village called Saybrook was established, but it had a very slow growth in the first years, until after the railroad was built in 1871. Robert Cunningham built a grist mill and a saw mill on the banks of Sangamon, but the flow of water was uncertain. In 1850 he changed to steam power. The postoffice which was established in 1831 under the name of Cheney's Grove was changed to Saybrook in 1865. The Methodist church and school board united and built a two- story building along in the '60's. Cheney's Grove furnished many soldiers for the civil war, and one company recruited here became Co. F of the 116th Illinois. In the world war the township furnished its full quota of soldiers for every branch of service. A new era dawned for Cheney's Grove when the charter for the rail- road was obtained from the legislature in 1867 through the efforts of W. H. Cheney, son of Jonathan Cheney, who was then state senator. Senator Cheney was elected in 1865 to fulfill out the unexpired term of Isaac Funk, who died that year. Cheney defeated Col. John McNulta, who ran as a»n independent republican. Cheney tried to get the road built through 'the south side of the grove near his own farm. By the gift of $10,000 from the village of Saybrook and $50,000 from the township, a station was secured for Saybrook, deflecting the line to the south a con- siderable distance from a straight line. After the railroad was built, Saybrook had a more rapid growth than formerly, and became one of the flourishing towns of the county, in spite of several bad fires it experienced. Saybrook's business section is among the best built of any town in the county. It has several large brick structures of two and three stories. Flourishing lodges of Masons and Odd Fellows are located here, and a live History of McLean County 91 post of the American Legion. The churches are the United Brethren, Methodist and Christian. The school system includes a community high school and the grades, with a gymnasium in a separate building where basketball and other sports are carried on. There is a live Parent-Teach- ers' Association. Two live clubs for women are the Fortnightly and the Progressive Literary club. They are both devoted to serious studies. The little park in the center of the city is the scene of annual chautau- quas, band concerts and other public entertainments. The Weekly Ga- zette supplies Saybrook and vicinity with readable weekly news, con- ducted by Frank Woolley. J. S. Harper, a veteran newspaper man of McLean County, made his home at Saybrook for many years. The city has a volunteer fire department of ten men, with horse-drawn gasoline pump for equipment. In case of emergencies, water from the railroad tanks can be used. Chenoa Township. — The name of this township was meant for Che- •nowa, which Matthew T. Scott, its earliest settler, gave it. He came from Kentucky, and Chenowa was the Indian name of Kentucky and he be- stowed it upon his new settlement. The postoffice department made a mistake in first noting the name, leaving out the "w", and refused ever afterward to correct it, hence Chenoa was the word that stuck. The prairie lands of Chenoa Township long remained unsettled after other portions were taken up. The Chicago & Alton railroad having been built through the township in 1854, settlers began to come after that. By 1856 there were rumors of a new road to be built east and west. Matthew T. Scott, a you»ng man from Kentucky, had taken up a large tract of land in the vicinity, and he wanted to found a town where the new road would cross the Chicago & Alton. To locate the spot, he went east and found engineers running lines. Being an amateur engineer, he was able to calculate about the place where the line would reach the Alton road, and there he took up land and laid it out in town blocks. Meantime, another man, W. M. Hamilton, formerly a friend of Mr. Scott, started a rival town east on his own land lying considerably east of the Scott tract. The Hamilton plat was called "East Chenoa." The latter plat became the more popular section of the town for residences. In 1854, J. B. Lenney, then living in Pennsylvania, was informed by friends living along the Mackinaw river that there was a good site for a town at the new railroad 92 History of McLean County crossing. He sent his brother-in-law, John Bush, to erect a building there for store and shop, but after arrival Bush was dissuaded from building. Next year Mr. Lenney himself arrived and put up the building which became known as the Farmers' Store, west of the Alton and south of the T. P. & W. tracks. Mr. Bush erected a building for a hotel known as the Bush House, and Mr. Lenney put up a residence in "East Chenoa." John M. Bryant built the "National Hotel" in 1856. The first drug store was built back of the Bush House in 1857 by Dr. Stevenson, the first practic- ing physician. In the same year George Lounsberry built a blacksmith shop and he with Louis Ziegler erected a wagon shop. The first depot was built on the Wye, some distance north of the present one, and occu- pied by Samuel Emery as a hotel along with the station uses. But it caught fire while the first meal was being prepared and burned down. The town was organized in Aug., 1864, and elected J. B. Lenney as presi- dent, Thomas Sandham as clerk, and R. C. Rollins as treasurer. The town's charter of 1868 forbade sale of liquors within the village, but in 1873, the place was incorporated under the general law for towns and villages, which permitted saloons, resulting in Chenoa having saloons for many years when other towns of the county were without them. The first mayor under the city corporation was J. R. Snyder. In fixing the boundaries of the town, the board included the plats of both Chenoa as laid out on the Scott land and East Chenoa on the Hamilton land, with the territory lying between. The election on organization as a city was held Aug. 5, 1873, with 150 votes cast for it and 18 against. Chenoa has many churches. The Presbyterians organized a congregation in 1860, the Catholics in 1863, and the Methodists built a church in 1867. A Con- gregational church was organized July 21, 1867. The Masons formed a lodge in Chenoa in 1859, and The Times was started as the first news- paper in 1867 by Silas P. Dryer and James McMurtrie. Chenoa now has a population of 2,000, has many good business buildings, a fine school house, many blocks of paved streets, a modern brick railroad station and one newspaper, the Times-Clipper, edited by W. H. Hawthorne. The township of Chenoa formerly comprised the territory now in- cluded in Yates Township, which was later separated and formed a sepa- rate organization. Being located within a mile of the Livingston County line, much of the trade of Chenoa is drawn from Livingston. The farms were taken up in large tracts in the early days, and even yet much of the History of McLean County 93 land is farmed by tenants rather than by owners. The estate of Mat- thew T. Scott still owns a large tract of land, Mr. Scott having left it to his widow, Mrs. Julia G. Scott, who died in 1923. Chenoa at present is a modern little city, having much pavement, good schools and other advantages. It is on the main line of the Illini trail state hard road. It has several churches and one newspaper con- ducted by W. H. Hawthorne. The Roman Catholic church was built in 1869, the Baptist church founded in 1866 and the Methodist church the same year. One of the strongest Congregationalist churches in the county existed there for many years, and there was a Presbyterian church also. Chenoa has suffered much from fires, having been swept by sev- eral which were very destructive. Chenoa adopted the commission form of city government in 1916, and in April, 1917, held its first election for commissioners. Park C. Gil- lespie was elected mayor over John H. Ketcham, and the commissioners elected were W. A. Chapman, C. F. Churchill, S. T. King and L. J. Schultz. The second election for mayor and commissioners was held in 1919, when the following were elected: Mayor, W. A. Chapman; commissioners, Jacob Balbach, B. F. Elfrink, L. L. Silliman and T. W. Weatherwax. In the quadrennial election of 1923, Mayor Chapman was re-elected, and Messrs. Balbach, Silliman, Elfrink and Weatherwax were also chosen again. The city clerk in 1923 is F. M. Power, the treasurer V. L. Nickel, and the police magistrate is M. F. Quinn. The 1923 supervisor for Che- noa was V. L. Nickel. Cropsey Township. — Col. A. J. Cropsey came to this county in 1854 from Joliet and settled in the northeasternmost part, which was- named Cropsey Township in his honor. It was nine miles by six, in 1877, the six miles to the south was cut off and named Anchor township, leaving Cropsey only half a township in extent. After a short residence in Crop- sey, Col. Cropsey moved to Fairbury, where he became an influential citizen and was elected to the Legislature. In the Civil War he became major of the 129 Illinois regiment, which was made up in Livingston County. However, many of the enlisted boys were from McLean County. Being far removed from the county seat, the people of Cropsey in 1858 sought connection with Ford County, but the project was voted down by the voters of other sections of McLean County. In the year 1877 94 History of McLean County the Illinois Central railroad projected a branch from Kankakee to Bloom- ington which should pass through Cropsey township. For this road the people gave liberally, Daniel B. Stewart donating $10,000 for the ten miles in McLean County. The first extension of the Kankakee line in Mc- Lean County was to Colfax, giving both Cropsey and Anchor a road ; then the line was later extended to Bloomington. This was the first connection by railroad between the county seat and the neighborhoods to the extreme northeast of the county. At one time a village named Potosi was started on the line between McLean and Livingston counties, but twenty years after- ward, when the railroad passed some miles away, it dwindled and died. The village of Cropsey is almost on the county line, and draws as muf.h trade from Livingston and Ford as from McLean. Dale Township. — This township was settled among the first in the county, along about 1827 or '28. Robert H. Johnson was among the early settlers, and William Beeler came to this section about 1830. There were still many Indians in the vicinity when Beeler settled here. This township was blessed with much timber, Twin Grove being one of the larger tracts, located on the northern border; Hougham's Grove, or Har- ley's Grove in the center, and the west point of Blooming Grove in the eastern. Dr. Isaac Baker and Deacon James Tomkins of New York were among the first settlers on the prairie lands. Sugar Creek and its branches furnished the water courses of the township. A water mill for grinding corn was built by Abraham Harley about 1847 on section 47, which ran for several years. There are two unincorporated villages in the township, Shirley and Covell. Shirley has two elevators, a school house, -two churches, stores and several residences. Covell has a union church, a school house, stores and some residences. A Methodist church which stood on section 2 was blown down in the big storm of 1902. Danvers Township. — This township contains more territory than the ordinary one, having 45 square miles. It is located in the north- west part of the county, containing much prairie land and over 10,000 acres of timber, of which Stout's Grove is the most important part. The timber attracted early settlers, and Ephraim Stout came here from Tennessee in 1825, being followed in 1827 by Matthew Robb, Robert McClure and Peyton Mitchell, Jonathan Hodges and his sons, U. S. and W. F. Hodges. Five years later Stout built a mill, which was a head- History of McLean County 95 quarters for farmers for many miles during several years. Wheat was a staple crop of the farmers of this section for many years, and is still raised to some extent, but not so profitably. The old state road from Danville to Peoria passed through Danvers, and much east and west travel went that way. An early tavern was Wayside Inn, located in the west part of the township and kept by Alvin Goodenough. The first school was a private one taught by Archibald Johnson in 1832-33. The second teacher was Lyman Porter and the third Hosea Stout, who was convert- ed to Mormonism and went to Nauvoo and became an apostle. Matthew Robb acted as school treasurer and justice of the peace. He was also elected to the legislature. James Wilson was the first supervisor from Danvers township. The present supervisor is Chester R. Ewins, who served many years and was chairman of the board for a time. There have been many religious organizations in Danvers, the Friends, Cum- berland Presbyterians, United Brethren, Methodists, Congregationalists, Christians, Baptists and Mennonites being represented. The fifth house built in the settlement was erected by Thomas Walker for a church, building it of hewn logs. Many earlier religious bodies have disappeared. The Friends moved away, leaving no organization. Lutherans and Menno- nites have prosperous organizations. Danvers had honorable records in all the wars, from the Mexican War to the World War. George H. Fifer, a brother of Governor Fifer, who went from Danvers in the Civil war, was killed in battle in Texas. Several young men from Danvers lost their lives in the Word war. The village of Danvers, laid out in February, 1836, was first called Concord, for the sake of Israel W. Hall, who came from Concord, N. H. The name was changed to Danvers in 1861. The first postoffice was called Stout's Grove, founded in 1848. Danvers is now a progressive and modern little city. It has a water works deriving its supply from wells; a public library, two banks, three elevators, an electric interurban road and steam road, and for years the Willow Park sanitarium, a drink and drug cure, was run by Dr. Parkhurst. The Danvers Independent is a weekly newspaper. The village population is about 650. There are lodges of the Masons and Modern Woodmen in Danvers, and a post of the American Legion. The Danvers club is a progressive social organization. The schools are up-to-date, and live parent-teachers' association keeps the women in touch with the schools. Five churches 96 History of McLean County are functioning, the Presbyterian, Zion Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist and Baptist. Danvers has no pavement, but the streets are well oiled. Dawson Township. — This township was named in honor of John Wells Dawson, one of the two early settlers of Blooming Grove, who made his home for a time in 1826 in a site that is a part of the area of the township. The Dawson home was on the land afterwards occupied by John Wirt, near where the Old Settlers picnic was held for many years. There were many Indians in the vicinity when Dawson settled there. In fact, they had a small village near his home, having moved from the older site at Old Town timber. The Indians remained in this vicinity for a few years, when they moved to Livingston county. Other settlers joined Dawson in 1827 and 1829 in the persons of William Goodheart and Jesse Frankeberger, the latter a local preacher. Dawson was but one of the several townships which were formed from the settlements grouped about Old Town timber, a body of 12,600 acres of fine grove. There were 4,600 acres in Dawson, 6,620 acres in Old Town, about 250 acres in West, 320 acres in Arrowsmith, 300 acres in Downs and 600 acres in Empire. The Indians naturally grew attached to this fine grove, and great was their grief when they finally departed. The late Hon. Simeon H. Wist donated to the county 20 acres of the timber which he owned in West Township, to be a perpetual county park. About one-fourth of the total area of Dawson Township was originally in timber, much of it being very wet and needing drainage to make it good farming land. The headwaters of the Sangamon River and Money Creek were in this township. When a railroad was proposed to be run through this region from Bloomington east, many of the townships voted bonds to aid in its con- struction, and of this sort of aid Dawson voted $30,000. The road was first called Lafayette & Bloomington, later the Lake Erie, and finally absorbed as part of the Nickel Plate system. Two stations were located on this road in Dawson Township, one in the east called Ellsworth, the other to the west called Padua. The township was also called Padua at first, but the board of supervisors in 1891 changed the name of the town- ship to Dawson on request of the citizens. Ellsworth was named for Oliver Ellsworth, who with Jonathan Cheney and A. B. Ives owned the land on which the town was located. Cheney and Ives were directors in the new railroad. The station of Holder, just across the line in Old KICKAPOO INDIAN FORT MARKER NEAR ARROWSMITH. <* l£ History of McLean County 97 Town, was named for' Charles W. Holder of Bloomington, another direc- tor in the railroad. At one time there was a settlement called Stump- town south of Ellsworth, where a mill had been erected in the timber; it disappeared after the railroad went through. A village settled largely by Quakers was named Benjaminville, in the northwest corner of the township, but the station of Holder attracted nearly all the business that Benjaminville formerly enjoyed. Annual meetings are still held at the Quaker church at Benjaminville. On July 11, 1885, there was an Old Settlers association formed by a body of citizens assembled in Shinkle's hall in Ellsworth, and for 25 years an annual meeting and picnic was held at Betzer park, south of Ellsworth. The first president was Mark Banks, who served till 1902, when he retired. He died in 1907. The or- ganization was incorporated in 1898, the incorporators being Mark Banks, William Van Gundy, H. R. Arrowsmith, C .H. Whitaker, and G. W. Bane. The continued interest in the picnic was remarkable, the attendance often reaching from 5,000 to 8,000. In the years of its prosperity, many notables addressed the meetings, including Judge Weldon, Gen. McCler- nand, Hon. T. C. Kerrick, President David Falmley, Gov. Joseph W. Fi- fer, Hon. J. H. Rowell, Judge Thomas F. Tipton, Rev. J. J. Burke, Hon. John A. Sterling, Judge Roland A. Russell, L. H. Kerrick, I. N. Phillips, Dr. Richard Edwards, Dr. A. E. Stewart, Hon. Simeon H. West, and many others. Judge Tipton served as president of the day from 1891 until his death. On Aug. 8, 1901, the McLean County Historical Society met with the Old Settlers association and the papers on this occasion were of great historical value, recounting the early history of that region. They have all been preserved in the archives of the Historical society, and will some day be published, no doubt. The paper of Simeon H. West on the history of Old Town Timber was the best ever given on that sub- ject. The farming lands of Dawson Township are not so large in extent nor so rich in soil as some other townships, but values have gradually increased with the years. Downs Township.— When township organization was perfected in 1858, this township was named Savanna, but owing to there being an- other township of that name in the state, the name was changed to Downs in honor of Lawson Downs, who settled in 1829 at a tract of tim- ber known as Diamond Grove, part of this township. There were 1,300 (5) 98 History of McLean County acres of timber land in the county originally. Downs served under Cap- tain Covell in the Black Hawk war shortly after he settled here. Henry Jacoby became one of the first neighbors of Downs. Thomas Toverca, a preacher, settled here in 1830 and John Price came in 1836. The village of Downs as first laid out was called Priceville, but afterward changed to Downs. Sylvester Peasley was an early settler who left his mark upon the community. He began farming in a crude way in 1837, breaking the ground with an iron plow drawn by oxen. He raised cattle and razor- back hogs, which he drove to market in Chicago. He was elected super- visor for 15 years, and served as chairman of the board two years. John Cusey was another influential early settler who came here in 1836. He was employed by Jesse Funk in the cattle business. He was a republican, an anti-slavery man and was elected state senator. Several saw mills were erected in Downs Township along the Kickapoo Creek, but they thrived awhile then died out. Sevier Stringfield built a grist mill in 1831, using stones picked up from the land. In 1840 John Rice built another mill. The village of Downs was laid out in 1870 by P. B. Price. It thrived from the first, and is one of the prosperous villages in the county. It was incorporated about ten years ago. Dry Grove Township. — This is one of the few townships of the county which has no town or village. Its name is taken from the grove of timber which is located in the southwestern part. William McCul- lough and his son, Peter, first came to the neighborhood in 1826. The son of Peter McCullough, William McCullough, became circuit clerk and sheriff. He served in the Black Hawk war in his youth, and at the time of the Civil War was lieutenant colonel of the Fourth Illinois cavalry, being killed in battle at Coffeeville, Miss., on Dec. 5, 1862. Henry Van Syckle came in 1828 and was afterward one of the county commissioners. James Garton and Wilton Williams were among the first teachers who conducted schools in this township. Matthew Harbord built the first mill, which ran with horse power, and known as the "corn cracker" va- riety. A Mr. King built another mill which ground flour for years, and which was later abandoned and used for a barn, which is still standing. Stephen Webb, one of the earliest settlers of this vicinity, came from Tennessee in 1827 with William McCord, George and Jacob Hinshaw. Stephen Webb was one of the characters of the settlement, tall and History of McLean County 99 straight, being over six feet in height. In later years his hair and beard were white. He was full of cheerfulness and optimism. Empire Township. — Ever since the settlement of the county, Empire has had a leading part in its history. It formed a desirable place for first settlers, being provided with timber, water and rich prairie land. John Buckles came to this section in 1827 and settled at the grove which bears his name. This and other groves in the township comprise 8,700 acres. Buckles and his family of thirteen children always bore a leading part in the township's history. Michael Dickerson came in 1830. He had two sons, Henry and Frank, who were leading citizens. The Greenman fam- ily settled at Blooming Grove in 1829 and afterward removed to Buckles Grove. The Crumbaughs came in 1830. Henry Crumbaugh kept a noted pack of hounds. David Crumbaugh was another well-known member of the family. Squire Hiram Buck was a settler in 1837 and was the first postmaster at Leroy. He also served as justice of the peace for eighteen years and was one of the members of the county court in the '50's. Mah- lon Bishop came to Buckles Grove in 1835 and was elected to the legisla- ture in 1837. He was one of the first known "farmer candidates." A school was built in 1837, known as the Clearwater School, of which Will- iam Johnson was the first teacher. Empire Township was early the home of the most prosperous farm- ers and cattle raisers of the county. There was timber for building, water for the stock and rich prairie lands for grazing. The earliest mill in this township was built in 1835, and shortly afterward there were mills built on Salt Creek by David Phillips and Isaac Williamson. They were crude affairs, but helped to grind the grain of the settlers. A new era dawned for the township on the construction of the first railroad, the Danville, Urbana, Bloomington & Pekin, later the Big Four and now part of the Ntcker-Ptete/ The township donated $75,000 toward the construction of the road, and got two stations, Leroy and Empire. Later a branch of the Illinois Central was built from Leroy to Rantoul and West Lebanon, Ind. Asahel Gridley and Merritt Covell laid out the village of Leroy in 1835, but owing to hard times it made slow progress the first few years. In 1838 Edgar Concklin built a frame store and next year a post route was established with Hiram Buck as postmaster. The route ran from t 100 History of McLean County Danville to Pekin via Leroy and Bloomington. John W. Badderly had started a town called Monroe a mile south of Leroy, but moved to Leroy when that place was laid out. Badderly and Amos Neal were Leroy's first merchants. Other early merchants were Baker & Greenman, L. H. and B. F. Parke, E. L. Morehouse & Son, and T. J. Barnett. Joseph Kee- nan was merchant, farmer and banker. The first church was established about 1830 by James Latta. In 1838 the Methodists built a church on a lot given them by Edward Concklin. In 1902 the Methodists built their present large and modern church. The Christian church was organized in 1888. Universalists have carried on services for many years and erected a chapel. The Cumberland Presbyterians organized a congrega- tion very early and in 1898 erected a brick church, also conducting the Leroy Seminary for higher learning for some years. The Spiritualists had a flourishing congregation at one time, and the late J. T. Crumbaugh left them an endowment for a church which is to be built at some time in the future. In 1904, on April 22, the McLean County Historical Society sponsored a celebration of the 75th anniversary of the settlement of Buckles Grove, at which papers recounting all the early history of Em- pire Township were read by Simeon H. West, Thomas L. Buck, John McConnell, George Hedrick, Mrs. J. V. Smith, Mrs. Adam Murray, Mrs. E. B. Young, Mrs. John McConnell, Mrs. A. L. Rike, John M. Harper, Nel- son G. Humphrey, J. R. Covey, Charles Williams, Joseph Keenan, S. D. Baker, Rev. W. E. Leavitt, A. B. Conkling. Leroy had several grist and saw mills in its day, the owners of these being Elisha Gibbs, and Buckles & Farmer. The first burned down and the second was eventually dismantled. Leroy has always had a good school system. It now has one of the best township high schools in the county. The Eugene Field school houses the grades. Leroy has one large factory, a branch of the Bloomington Canning Company, which is a busy place in certain seasons. It has one newspaper, the Journal, run by Melvin A. Cline. There are all kinds of retail stores. Leroy is the third largest town in the county, having a population of about 1,700. Modern Leroy has some two miles of fine paved streets and one of the best city water plants in the state for a place of its size. Just at the west end of the main business section is a pretty little park and foun- tain, the gift of Simeon West, a pioneer. The city has several fine churches, flourishing lodges of Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, History of McLean County 101 Red Men, Modern Woodmen, Eastern Star, Rebekahs, and a large post of American Legion named for Ruel Neal. The churches are the Presby- terian, Christian, Methodist, and Universalist. Leroy is one of the few places of its kind which maintains a Commercial Club, it being ten years old and having a record of much activity. There is a women's auxiliary to this club. Fine club rooms are kept up. The women of the city maintain an active Parent-Teachers' Association for co-operation with the schools. Other organizations of women are the Woman's Relief Corps and the Garden Club, besides several strictly social and literary bodies. There is a Country Club in Leroy, with a fine golf course and club house. Some day the city will enjoy a public library as a gift from the Crum- baugh estate. They have a splendid new high school building. The Leroy fair is one of the best managed and most prosperous pub- lic enterprises of its kind to be found anywhere. It has continued for many years and drew great crowds for a whole week by its agricultural exhibits and entertainment features. CHAPTER V. TOWNSHIPS AND TOWNS, CONTINUED. FUNK'S GROVE — GRIDLEY— HUDSON — LAWNDALE— LEXINGTON — MARTIN — MONEY CREEK — MOUNT HOPE — NORMAL — OLD TOWN — RANDOLPH — TOWANDA — WEST — WHITE OAK — YATES. Funk's Grove Township. — Taking the name of the earliest and most prominent family of settlers, this township is one of the most noted farming tracts in McLean County. Isaac and Abraham Funk came to this county in 1824, and after looking at the conditions at Blooming Grove and Old Town Timber, they decided to locate at the grove to the west, which afterward took their name. William Brock came with them from Ohio, and he with the Funks set to work in the business of raising cattle. Brock built his cabin on Section 30 and the Funks built theirs on Section 16. Having built up a good business in cattle, Brock was. driving a lot to the market in Ohio, when he was taken sick at the home of John Dawson in Old Town, where he died of typhoid fever. The first spring the Funks were here they planted a crop and cleared off a tract in the edge of the grove, meanwhile building a house such as they could from poles and bark of the linden trees, 12 by 14 feet. One window was put in and a puncheon floor laid. Eighteen persons lived in this cabin in the winter of 1824-25. The cabin stood till 1832, when it was burned down. Isaac Funk was born in Kentucky Nov. 14, 1797. The family moved to Ohio in 1807 and from there to McLean County in 1824. Isaac Funk had little education, but he was a man of great practical knowledge, being wise in matters of handling cattle. He went into debt $2,000, a great sum for those times, and acquired his first land. Every dollar he could get he invested in more land, until he acquired 20,000 acres. He was 102 History of McLean County 103 married to Cassandra Sharp in 1826, and they had eight children. Land values greatly increased with the coming of the Illinois Central railroad, and shortly after that time Mr. Funk added 12,000 acres to his holdings, for which he contracted debts of $80,000. He fed and marketed large numbers of cattle and hogs, and became known far and wide as the larg- est dealer of that kind in Central Illinois. Mr. Funk took an interest in politics and was a man of positive con- victions. He was a Whig for years, then joined the republican party. He was a friend of Abraham Lincoln, and in the campaign of 1860 he appeared in a Lincoln parade in Bloomington driving twelve yoke of oxen hitched to a wagon on which was a "float" representing the rail splitter. In 1862 he was elected to the state senate, and finding there much senti- ment in opposition to the Lincoln and union war policy, he made a thrill- ing speech denouncing the opponents of Lincoln as traitors. It thrilled the whole state by its vigor and directness. In the winter of 1865 Mr. Funk came home, was taken sick and died on January 29. His wife died the next day. The Funk lands were amicably divided among his sons after his death, and they remain largely in the hands of the family to this day, the third and fourth generation being now in charge. The lands were developed along lines different from that of ordinary farms, being devoted to "corn breeding," where new varieties and better qualities of seed are constantly bred, after the manner of breeding stock. The Funk Bros. Seed Company was the outgrowth of this kind of agricultural methods, and this company built up a business in seed corn and other grains which extends all over the country and to many foreign lands. Many of Isaac Funk's sons and grandsons have attained local distinction in other lines than purely agricultural. Benjamin F. Funk, one of the sons, was mayor of Bloomington and congressman, while his son, Frank H. Funk, grand- son of Isaac Funk, is the present member of congress from this the Sev- enteenth district (1923). Another grandson, Eugene D. Funk, was mem- ber of the government food commission during the World War. Lafay- ette Funk, son of Isaac, was state senator for some time; also member of the board of supervisors and chairman of the board at one time. Gridley Township. — This, the northwestern township of the county, is the largest in extent, being nine miles by six. Its southern border is 104 History of McLean County along the Mackinaw River and there are 3,180 acres of timberland in the township. The first settlers came in 1833 and 1835, being James Bigger, Reuben and Taylor Loving, locating in the Mackinaw timber. John Sloan and John B. Messer arrived in 1833 and 1834. Messer had previously lived at Lexington and was a great hunter. He had given names to Tur- key Creek and Buck Creek from the kind of game he had found along the streams. Loving Creek, in south Gridley Township was named for one of the Loving Brothers. After the first settlers came, Gridley did not get many new inhabitants until along in the '50's, most of the settlements being along the edge of the Mackinaw timber. The Mackinaw River runs for five miles through the township. The village of Gridley was laid out by Thomas Carlyle and George W. Kent on land they had bought from General Gridley, and they conse- quently named the place in his honor. It was platted in 1856, and the new railroad, the Toledo, Peoria & Western, ran its first train through the town on Feb. 28, 1857. The village grew slowly for some years owing to the backwardness of the farming country around it. A great storm swept over the country May 13, 1858, causing much, damage to timber and property of all kinds. The villages of Gridley and Chenoa were both great sufferers. The first school house was built in the village in 1859. The town was incorporated in 1869, the first trustees being H. E. Stevens, president; W. H. Boies, George Juett, D. E. Sloan and S. L. Martin. A great windmill was built in Gridley in 1874 which for many years suc- cessfully competed with water and steam mills of the county in the way of making flour and grinding the grain of the farmers for feed and other uses. It was one of the notable institutions of the county during its exist- ence, but finally went out of business. Gridley has prosperous churches of the Methodist, Congregationalist and Mennonite denominations. Among the notable characters of Gridley for many years were the Drum brothers who were great hunters, and made annual excursions to Arkansas, to the Rocky Mountains and elsewhere to hunt big game. Gridley has many good stores and is a point for much trading from northern McLean and southern Livingston counties. Hudson Township. — The township and village of Hudson took their names from Hudson, New York, which had formerly been the home of some of the men who organized a colony and entered most of the land SCENE ON ADAMS I'.RAXCII. LEXINGTON TOYVNSHII' , IJHIJ jaHllin COUNTRY CLUB, BLOOMIXGTOX *# A '<-. X History of McLean County 105 which comprised this township. The very earliest settlers of the vicin- ity were Bailey Harbert, his son-in-law, Richard Gross, and Mosby Har- bert, who arrived here probably in 1828 or '29. Jesse Havens came in 1830, from Blooming Grove, and bought out the claims of the earlier settlers. Havens had been a soldier of 1812 and served as county com- missioner after his settlement in this county. His son, Hiram Havens, grew to be a leading citizen. David Trimmer was the first blacksmith of the neighborhood. The Illinois Land Association, organized at Jackson- ville, in Feb., 1836, entered large tracts of land in this township in the names of Horatio N. Pettit, one of the three charter members, the other two being John Gregory and George F. Durkitt. This was one of the many colonization schemes which flourished about that time as land speculating enterprises. Each member paid $235, for which he was to receive 160 acres of land, four lots in the town of Hudson and a share in the net profits of the whole scheme. Some timber land was also prom- ised to each, but finding a limited amount of timber to give out, caused discontent among members of the colony. Some left, but of those who remained there were Pettit and Gregory, John Magoun, James H. Robin- son, Oliver March, James and Joseph Gildersleeve, Jacob Burtis and Sam- uel P. Cox. The colony had got a good start when the panic of 1837 hit it, and things were at a standstill until about 1850. Among the buildings erected at the start was a frame structure used as school house and church. The first preacher was John Dunham, a United Brethren mis- sionary. Rev. James Latta organized the first Methodist church. The German Baptists or Dunkards also had a congregation here. The first man buried in the township was Solomon Lewis, a soldier of Captain Brown's company en route from Danville to the Black Hawk war. The company camped here, Lewis was taken sick and died at the house of Jesse Havens. The houses built by the Hudson colonists were of frame, in contrast to log houses erected in other settlements. This required sawed lumber, and a saw mill was among the first structures erected. J. Moats erected such a mill in 1836, and George Mason built a grist mill on the Mackinaw. Among the earlier settlers aside from those compos- ing the colony, were James Smith, who removed here from Smith's Grove in Towanda Township, Benjamin Wheeler, the Hinthorns, Elijah Priest, Isaac Messer and Isaac Turnipseed. 106 History of McLean County The village of Hudson was laid out Aug. 13, 1836, by Horatio Pettit. The main street was laid out 120 feet broad, and other streets 80 feet wide. When the Illinois Central Railroad was built it passed through the township and the village, going along one side of the main street, or "Broadway." A celebration was held at Hudson under auspices of the McLean County Historical Society, at which time a boulder was set mark- ing the site of the last camping ground of the Pottawatomie Indians in that vicinity. It stands just at the turn of the road in front of F. A. Carrothers' residence. Mrs. Carrothers was a Havens. Lawndale Township is made up of rich prairie lands and contains many excellent farms. The settlement of the township took place between 1851 and 1854, when emigrants bought lands from the government. Hon. John Cassedy, one of the early settlers and members of the Legislature, was the one who suggested the name, the land suggesting to his mind a great lawn. Cassedy was a man of great stature and equally great brain, a marked character of his time and station. Henline Creek, which crosses the township and flows into the Mackinaw, was named for John Henline, who settled here in 1828. He with his three sons, David, Will- iam and Martin, were the only settlers living here at the time of the deep snow. By the year 1832, when the Black Hawk war broke put, there were many settlers living in Lawndale, Martin and Lexington townships. They banded together and built a stockade and block house for mutual protec- tion against roving bands of hostile Indians. Jacob Spawr, an early set- tler, says this stockade was about six rods long and four rods wide. Mc- Lean County at that time extended beyond the present site of Pontiac, and was almost on the Indian frontier. Some of the settlers being in ter- ror of the unknown extent and ferocity of the Indians, fled the country and went back east. The only known Indian band in this immediate vicinity at that time were the "praying Indians" of the Kickapoo tribe, then located at Oliver's Grove in what is now Livingston County. This fear of them caused the government to remove them west of the Mis- sissippi River in September of that year. This panic over supposed In- dian dangers probably lost the county many permanent residents at that time, some leaving never to return. While Lawndale Township contains no town or village, the town of Colfax is within a half mile of the township line and forms the trading History of McLean County 107 center for Lawndale residents. Anchor and Lexington also furnish con- venient trading places. Lexington Township. — Indians still had their villages in this town- ship when the first white settlers came, one band of Kickapoos being located near where Selma was afterward, and the Delawares with a band farther up the Mackinaw. In 1828 several white men arrived, including Conrad Flesher, John Haner and his sons, Jacob, John and William; Isaac and Joseph Brumhead. John Patton and family 1 reached the settlement next spring, having wintered near the home of John W. Dawson at Bloom- ing Grove. When Patton arrived he found the deserted wigwams of the Kickapoos, who had moved out. The Indians came back in the summer, but found their habitations occupied by white men. The red men stayed around the vicinity all summer and helped Patton build his first cabin. In the fall they removed to Livingston County to remain. Patton's house was turned into a block house or fort during the Black Hawk War, but no Indians attacked it. Valentine Spawr and Milton Smith were the next additions to the settlement. The latter became a prominent citizen and member of the county commissioners' court. The Mackinaw River and its surrounding timber proved an attraction to settlers and several mills were early built along the stream. William Haner, John Patton, John Haner and Harrison Foster were those who erected grist and saw mills. Patrick Hopkins was a newcomer about 1831 and he became well known. He and General Bartholomew made a noted trip to the Indian settlement at Oliver's Grove in Livingston County, to see if the Indians were dis- posed to be hostile. Instead, they were given a friendly greeting. Hop- kins was in demand by Judge Davis as a juryman and served many times in different court houses. James R. Dawson arrived at about the time of the Black Hawk war and he became county commissioner in 1845. Lexington Township had two villages, one of which survived, the other passed away. The village of Lexington was laid out by James Brown and Asahel Gridley in 1837, taking its name from Lexington, Ky. The panic of 1837 struck the town as it did everything else, and it got a slow start. Jacob Spawr, who was born in January, 1802, in Pennsylvania, settled here in 1826, and located in Money Creek. He lived in the vicinity of Lexington until his death on Aug. 20, 1902, having attained the remark- able age of 100 years, six months and 26 days. Spawr's tavern was a 108 History of McLean County favorite stopping place for lawyers and others going from one county- court to another, and among the other guests at the place was Abraham Lincoln on several occasions. The village of Lexington began its pros- perity when the Chicago & St. Louis Railroad was built through the place. Noah Franklin and his bride rode to Bloomington on the first train that ran through the village. Franklin and Long built a hotel, and among the early merchants were J. C. Mahan, George Dement, and men by the name of Gregory and Knotts. Soon after the village was incorporated on July 12, 1855, the citizens held a public meeting to denounce intemperance and take measures to put the rum sellers out of business. There were two of them, Edward Gleason and Albert Hancock. They set a price upon their stocks, which sum was raised by public donations, and the liquors then emptied upon the streets. No liquor was afterward sold in Lexington for many years. William M. Smith, a prominent resident of Lexington and member of the Legislature, secured the passage of a law giving power to the town council to prohibit the sale of liquors. At- tempts to incorporate under the general law were defeated until 1901, when the change was made and Lexington had licensed saloons until prohibited under the local option law in 1914. There were three saloons in 1907 each paying $1,200 annual license. William M. Smith was per- haps Lexington's most distinguished citizen for many years, being legis- lator, speaker of the House, and member of the Railroad Commission. Bernard Claggett, another resident of Lexington, was Democratic candi- date for State Treasurer on one occasion. He afterward moved to Okla- homa and died there. W. M. Claggett, of Lexington, was superintendent of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Normal for several years and was very successful in the position. Lexington always had progressive schools and churches. The United Brethren, Methodists and Baptists were the earlier denominations. The Christian Church later organized a congre- gation, and the Catholics also formed a church there. The town in Lexington Township which once was and is not now, was Pleasant Hill, in section 21, which was laid out in 1840 by Isaac Smalley. It had a fine location and good prospects until the location of the Chicago & Alton Railroad left it isolated, when it began to go backward. Mr. Smalley tried to get the proposed east and west line, the Peoria & Oquawka road, to pass his town, but he died before success crowned his History of McLean County 109 effort, and when the road was finally built it ran considerably north of Pleasant Hill. Only one or two buildings now mark the site of the village. Lexington held a notable celebration on July 4, 1901, when a meeting under the auspices of the McLean County Historical Society commemo- rated the seventy-fifth anniversary of the settlement of the upper Macki- naw. Hon. Lawrence Y. Sherman was the speaker of the occasion, and Joseph Spawr, then in his 100th year, was the guest of honor. Governor Fifer, Judge Tipton and others gave talks, and at night there was a con- cert and fireworks in the city park. Lexington Township made the first attempt at making hard surfaced roads in McLean County. Using the beds of gravel that abound in the township, the road commissioners in 1887 began hauling it to the roads forming a central bed ten feet wide with earth roads at the side. It cost about $1,200 a mile and served the purpose of travel in wet weather bet- ter than any other form of improved highway in the county up to that time. Thirty miles of such road was constructed in the township. Lexington people have always believed in education, and have now two as substantial schools as can be found in any place of similar size. The primitive churches have given way to beautiful and substantial edi- fices. Lexington has one of the best town parks in the county. The public library is one of the things of which Lexington is proud, being well supplied with books and also serving as a public meeting place. The busi- ness district is well built, mostly of brick buildings two and three stories in height. It is electrically lighted, with some paved streets and sewer systems. It is a fine trading center and is well known as a grain and stock shipping point. The city has two banks and one weekly newspaper, the Unit-Journal, edited by Miss Florence Wright. Martin Township. — This township took its name from Dr. E. Mar- tin, of Bloomington, who owned a tract of 1,700 acres in the township. The land is largely prairie, with originally about 1,040 acres of timber. The Mackinaw River runs west along the northern tier of sections, and here most of the timber is located. One grove was known many years as Funk's Bunch, being on a tract of 1,000 acres which Isaac Funk owned. It was later sold to Peter Harpole and the timber became known as Har- pole's Grove. William and L. R. Wiley, brothers, bought land near the 110 History of McLean County Mackinaw in 1835, partly located in Lawndale and some of it in Martin Township. Curtis Batterton came about 1837, both he and the Wileys being from Kentucky. Martin Batterton bought land on the north side of the Mackinaw in Lawndale Township. The Batterton and Wileys were hunters and spent much time in trying to exterminate the wolves which prayed on the stock. Deer were found in the vicinity as late as 1865. When the rush for prairie land was on from 1865 to 1870, most of the tracts in Martin Township were taken up. Martin long sought to secure a railroad when the new lines were being platted across this part of the state. It failed in the effort to get the extension of the Wabash south from Forrest, for the line was built through Gibson to Decatur. But the Clinton, Bloomington & Southwestern, now known as the Kankakee branch of the Illinois Central, was built from the northeast into the township and for two years had its terminus at the new town of Colfax. This town boomed at first, being platted on W. G. Anderson's land. A coal mine was soon started and continued in operation for many years, but finally discontinued. It was 200 feet deep and had a two-foot vein. The village of Colfax was incorporated in 1880, and from the start was growing and prosperous. There was a large amount of grain shipped through the three elevators located there. The business district was laid out on a wide street, and the residences were of substantial and mod- ern character. It has always had schools of a high grade for the size of the town, and modern school facilities have been provided. There are several churches. For many years the question of "license" or "no li- cense" formed the main question at the local elections, but finally saloons disappeared under the state local option plan of voting and then by the enactment of national prohibition. The news of Colfax and vicinity is purveyed by the Colfax Press, edited by H. C. Van Alstyne, and this paper has a page devoted to news of Anchor and vicinity. The mercantile interests of Colfax are varied, and it has one bank and one modern moving picture theater. Money Creek Township. — The township takes the name of the creek which enters its borders near the southwestern corner and passes to the northwest. The Mackinaw River crosses its northeast corner. Being well supplied with water and timber land, the township was settled very early, Lewis Sowards arriving here in 1825. Jacob Harness came about History of McLean County 111 the same time and Jacob Spawr in 1826. Being accustomed to the wild life of the frontier, Sowards moved to Wisconsin when his neighbors be- came too "thick" — that is, when there were several within a few miles of him. Gen. Joseph Bartholomew was perhaps the most distinguished of the early settlers of this township, coming here from Bartholomew County, Ind., in 1830. He had a distinguished military record in the Revolutionary War, in the Indian wars that followed and was an officer in the battle of Tippecanoe, where he was wounded. He was a distin- guished citizen of Indiana, when he met financial reverses and emigrated to Illinois to attempt to recuperate his fortunes. When the Black Hawk War was on in 1832, the people of this sparsely settled county were in fear of attacks by the red men, hence sent General Bartholomew to the Indian village in Livingston County to learn the real intentions of the Indians. They met a friendly reception, and their report served to allay many of the fears among the settlers of this county. Nevertheless, General Bartholomew believed in "preparedness," hence he advised the building of rude forts or block houses as means of defense. One such was erected at the home of John Patton near Selma in Lexington Township and the Henlines also erected one. General Bartholomew and his son Marston laid out the village of Clarksville on July 13, 1836. In a few years it had grown to quite a town, with a hotel, store, shoe shop, carding mill, cabinet shop and saloon, there being about twenty buildings. Gen- eral Bartholomew died in 1840, leaving his plans for bridging the Macki- naw River incomplete, and the town of Clarksville gradually lost prestige and population until there are only two buildings left on its site. Always interested in public affairs, General Bartholomew took an active part in the campaign of 1840 for his friend and old commander, Gen. William Henry Harrison. His exertions in the campaign resulted in his collapse and death on Nov. 2 that year. Many mills were built in Money Creek Township in the early days, but none of them remain. Among the pro- prietors of these mills were George W. Wallis, Adam Hinthorn, W. G. Bishop. There is one village in the township, Fifer by name, but it has no postoffice. United Brethren and Methodist churches were organized in the township, but only two U. B. churches remain at present, people of other denominations going to Towanda or Lexington. The C. & A. rail- road crosses a corner of this township, but there is no station in the township. 112 History of McLean County Mt. Hope Township. — Another of the townships of the county which was settled mainly by a colonization scheme. Located in the southwest- ern part of the county, it contains 48 sections of land, of which 940 acres were originally timber. Among its earlier settlers was William Johnson, who located at a grove on Sugar Creek named in honor of him. He was justice of the peace and county commissioner 1837-40. Among the other early settlers of the region were Phillip Cline, James Murphy, Jacob Moore, John and Robert Longworth, Daniel Proctor, Ezra Kenyon and Nicholas Darnell. The Mt. Hope colony was formed in Rhode Island in 1835 with $12,500 in capital and composed of many men of means and intelligence. It was proposed that each one's share in the new settlement would be 320 acres of land and four lots in the village of Mt. Hope. Twenty-two sections, 14,000 acres, were entered, and the village of Mt. Hope laid out. There were 6,000 acres also held in trust for the general purposes of the col- ony. Fifteen families formed the advance guard of the colony in the spring of 1837, coming by way of New York, Pittsburgh, down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to St. Louis, then by wagon to this county. The settlers soon established their distinctive New England institutions, the school house, Thanksgiving day and the Congregational church. How- ever, owing to the hard times of 'that period, the colony had rough sled- ding and lost many of its original members. In 1845 the trust lands were sold at $3 to $5 per acre. A proposed railroad from Pekin to Blooming- ton along in the '40's was never built, and the hopes of this colony for a railroad were deferred till the building of the Chicago & Alton road in 1853, which had a station at McLean. The township of Mt. Hope was organized in 1858 with Daniel Windsor as first supervisor. The village was laid out by Franklin Price, former mayor of Bloomington, in June, 1855. Among the first settlers in the village were G. L. and F. A. Wheelock, E. G. Clark, John Kellogg, H. W. Wood, and Dr. F. P. King. The Wheelocks and Wood opened stores. The first postmaster was John Goodhue. Early grain buyers were A. H. Dillon and Mark Marions, J. S. and G. P. Barber. The grain elevator erected in 1868 by C. C. Aldrich was conducted by him many years and now belongs to his son, Frank W. Aldrich. Many saw and grist mills were built in this township in the early days, but all of them eventually were abandoned, the latest survivor being Moore's grist mill on Sugar creek in Johnson's grove, History of McLean County 113 built about 1840. Schools and churches were among the first institu- tions of the Mt. Hope colony, the first school being in the village of Mt. Hope. There are now four churches in McLean, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Christian. The town has one newspaper, the McLean Lens, published by Crihfield from Atlanta. Mt. Hope Township is the center of the chief dairying industry of McLean County, there being several farmers who keep large dairy herds. Snow & Palmer of Bloomington is the principal distributing means for the milk and cream. Barnes & Tudor and Leach & Sons are two others dairying firms. The village of McLean has one of the best community high schools in the county, it having been completed in 1921 at a cost of $200,000. The grade schools are housed in good substantial buildings. Practically all lines of trade are represented in the stores of the village. A fine little park in the center of the town adds to its beauty and utility. Normal Township. — The boundaries of Normal Township and the city of Bloomington formerly overlapped each other, that part of the city of Bloomington between Empire and Division Streets being located within Normal Township. This made a confusing state of affairs espe- cially in election precincts. This was remedied in the year when the voters of Bloomington organized the township of the city of Blooming- ton, whose boundaries were co-extensive with the city limits. Normal Township thus lost some of its territory and population. Jesse W. Fell, who located his home on a high rise of ground north of the then city of Bloomington in 1833, began at once to secure public improvements for his neighborhood. When the crossing place of the two new railroads, the Illinois Central and the Chicago & St. Louis, was fixed, the site was first called the "Junction," and later North Bloom- ington. Jesse Fell early conceived the idea of locating here some kind of educational institution, and when on June 15, 1854, a sale of lots was held at North Bloomington, one block was named "Seminary Block." Being a strong temperance man, Mr. Fell provided in every deed for a lot sold that no liquor should be sold on that lot, thus establishing the new town as an anti-liquor community. In 1867 on a petition of the people of Normal, this prohibition was enacted into special statutory form. Pursuing his intention to secure an educational institution, Mr. Fell went to work after a convention of educators held in Bloomington on (6) 114 History of McLean County Dec. 26, 1853, had decided in favor of founding a state institution for the training of teachers, and this had been followed by a bill passed by the Legislature on February 18, 1857, providing for such a training school. Mr. Fell, Prof. D. Wilkins and others started in to gather funds for mak- ing an offer for the location of the normal training school at "North Bloomington." They were successful, making a much better bid than Peoria, their nearest competitor, and the State Normal University was thus founded and located here. In honor of the new school, the name of the Junction was changed from North Bloomington to Normal, and the township was likewise named. The change officially took place April 6, 1858. Mr. Fell had for many years after his first settlement here been busy in planting trees, and hence when the state committee to locate the normal school visited this new community they saw in it possibilities for great future beauty. This was one of the deciding factors in the location of the new school. The lands of Normal Township had originally been rich black prairie. A second state institution was secured for Normal in 1867, when through the generosity of Jesse Fell, Judge Davis and others, the Sol- diers' Orphans' Home was located here. Normal has been from its beginning a center of the nursery industry in Illinois. Jesse W. Fell had a nursery of limited extent, while along from 1855 to '59 Cyrus R. Overman conducted a nursery in company with his brother-in-law, Capt. W. H. Mann, a veteran of the 94th Illinois and father of the famous congressman, James Mann, who died in 1923. The F. X. Phoenix nurseries were famous in their day, and later Capt. Henry Augustine conducted a large nursery, which is now owned by his Son, A. M. Augustine and run under the name of the Augustine Nursery Co. George J. Foster, H. K. Vickroy and B. J. Vandervoort were other nurserymen of later years. The town of Normal was incorporated in 1865 under the general law. The first trustees were L. A. Hovey, Wesley Pierce, D. P. Fyffe, John A. Rockwood and S. J. Reeder. For many years the town struggled under the handicap of lack of paved streets, but some fifteen years ago, under the mayorship of 0. L. Manchester, an era of improvement struck the citizens and practically every principal street of the town was paved before they stopped. Broadway, which is a boulevard, is one of the hand- somest drives to be found in any town of the state. Two of the state History of McLean County 115 paved highways passed through Normal in 1923, one from the south- west to northeast, the other from north to south. The population of Normal is made up largely of families who originally moved to the place to educate their children and became permanent residents. The town has a modern business district and several small factories. Several paved streets connect it with Bloomington, making the two corporations prac- tically as one town, which some day they may become in name as well as in fact. Old Town Township. — The belt of timber across the southern border gave its name to this township, the grove in turn taking its name from the old Indian town. The grove covered 6,620 acres, being 18 miles long and three miles wide. It was at the headwaters of the Kickapoo Creek. William Evans was the first settler within the township borders, coming in 1826. His farm buildings were destroyed by a tornado in September, 1827, and he gave up and moved to Blooming Grove. His land afterward became a part of the city of Bloomington and was quite valuable. John Bishop was a settler in Old Town in 1830 and William Bishop in 1832. John Hendryx and Lewis Case also came about that time. The first school was in Lewis Case's home, taught by Callista Stanton in 1838. The same house also sheltered the first church meeting. In 1853 the Methodists built a church at Benjaminville, which was later moved to the village of Holder and sold to the United Brethren. The Society of Friends formed the religious influence at Benjaminville. When the rail- road afterward known as the Lake Erie road was built, the village of Holder was laid out in 1871 by Charles W. Holder. It occupies ten acres in section 13. The hamlet of Gillum is located in the southwestern part of the township and is on the New York Central, or Nickel Plate rail- road. Pleasant Grove church and cemetery are located on section 26, and an older cemetery on section 22, not now in use. Randolph Township. — Gardner Randolph was the first white man to settle in this immediate vicinity, and for him the grove where he settled was named, and in turn gave the name to the township formed. This was a favorite resort of the Indians before the white men came, and many relics of the red men have been found by Milo Custer and others in the vicinity of Randolph Grove. Gardner Randolph reached his stop- ping place in December, 1823, and set up a hut formed of brush, hay and 116 History of McLean County the canvas cover of his wagon. Born in North Carolina, Randolph had first moved to Alabama, then to White County, Illinois, then to Sanga- mon County, thence to McLean. After this region was pretty well set- tled, he moved on to the west, locating in Kansas, and at last went on to California, where he died in 1866. It was a hard life indeed for the Randolph family the first year, as they had little to subsist upon, not even milk from a cow until the second year. Other settlers joined Ran- dolph in the grove in the following two years, the Stringfields, John Moore, Samuel Stewart, Thomas 0. Rutledge and Jesse Funk. Gardner Randolph was a religious man, an adherent of the Methodist Church, but in politics opposed to the Abolitionists. John Moore came into promi- nence in the early years of the county, was elected to the legislature, became lieutenant governor of the state and later state treasurer. His grave is in one of the old cemeteries of Randolph neighborhood. Jesse Funk was a sturdy stockman. He raised hogs and drove them to Galena to market. In one of these trips in the winter of '31 he was caught en route with other men in the deep snow, but they finally got out alive. He was instrumental in retaining the north tier of sections in township 2 for McLean County instead of giving them to DeWitt as was proposed when the latter county was organized. Jesse Funk was a county com- missioner 1844 to 1849. Capt. John Karr, a Revolutionary war soldier, came with his sons in 1835. The Rust family, the Nobles, Stewarts and others were among the earlier settlers. Dr. Harrison Rust and Dr. A. E. Stewart were prominent citizens, soldiers, writers and farmers. Camp- bell Wakefield and Isaac Van Ordstrand were also early and prominent settlers. Randolph Township was famous for its mills in the early days, these using the water power of the Kickapoo Creek, which was sufficient to turn wheels about half the year. Probably the first water mill in the county was one built by Michael Dickerson, and later sold to William Hampton and Martin L. Bishop. James Hedrick put up a sawmill on the Kickapoo at the then young village of Lytleville. John Baldwin bought this mill and was really the founder of Lytleville, which was once a flour- ishing and ambitious village, but died out when Heyworth was started as a station on the new Illinois Central railroad, two miles away from the Lytleville site. G. Kimler and a Mr. French were other owners of early time saw mills on the Kickapoo. Rev. Ebenezer Rhodes conducted the first History of McLean County 117 church in 1823. Jesse Walker, a missionary and Rev. John See, a Meth- odist, were also pioneer preachers. The village of Heyworth was laid out by Campbell Wakefield Sept. 11, 1858, and incorporated in 1869. It is one of the most flourishing and up-to-date towns in the county, with modern homes, two banks, churches, a newspaper and other business enterprises. Heyworth has good churches. The Presbyterian congregation was organized in 1844 by Rev. Josiah Porter and has a good building and parsonage. Flourishing Methodist and Christian congregations are also in the town. Heyworth is supplied with modern grade and high schools. Heyworth's weekly newspaper is named the Heyworth Star. The paper is edited by P. A. Chapman. The town is a grain and stock shipping point. It has many good stores, two banks, elevators and lumber yards. The Illinois Central and the Illinois Traction System supply its transportation. An excellent school system includes a community high school, among the best in the county, with grade schools. A progressive Parent-Teacher association is at work. The churches of the city include the Christian, Presbyterian and Methodist. There are many lodges, numbering among them the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, both of which own buildings of their own; the Mod- ern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors, Masons and Eastern Star, Pythian Sisters, Rebekahs, and Court of Honor. There is a large post of Amer- ican Legion. Towanda Township. — Being a prairie district, Towanda was not set- tled as early as some of the townships having timber. There is only 460 acres of timber in the township and the rest of the land is rich prairie soil. Smith's grove, named for David Smith, who settled there in 1830, is in the center of the township, while in the north part is a strip of timber along Money Creek. John Trimmer and family were the first settlers, coming in 1826, following an Indian trail from the Wabash coun- try and settling at the grove. Frederick Rook came soon afterward, but later moved to Livingston County. William Halterman settled on the prairie in 1840. About 1837 Elbert Dickason and John Pennell erected a sawmill on Money Creek. David Trimmer had a blacksmith shop at the head of Money Creek timber as early as 1828. Jacob Spawr and Eliza Ann Trimmer were married on Dec. 3, 1826. Notices of the proposed 118 History of McLean County wedding were posted, in lieu of getting a license from the county seat. W. C. Orendorff performed the wedding service. The postoffice of the township was at the home of William D. Moore, on the site of the present town of Towanda. The first preacher was John Dunham at Smith's Grove in 1832. Rev. Ebenezer Rhodes visited this section in his rounds. There are now Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Catholic churches in the township. Peter Badeau and Jesse W. Fell laid out the village of Towanda on Dec. 1. 1854. Charles Roadnight, then treasurer of the Chicago & Alton road, established here a country place which became famous in its time for the elaborate expenditures which he lavished upon it. He tried to boom the town and built there a two-story building 50 by 100 feet, the upper part of which was designed for a public hall. But the structure fell to decay and finally burned down. A good flour mill was erected by Roadnight and Strothers, but did not long continue in use. Henry War- ner's mill met with a similar fate. William R. Duncan was one of the earliest breeders of fine cattle in this vicinity. Towanda at present is a village of some considerable prosperity in trading. It is located on the state paved road forming the direct line of travel between Chicago and St. Louis. The Chicago & Alton railroad runs through it and has a new station there. Two other railroad stations are in the township, both Barnes and Merna being on the branch of the Illinois Central. Merna is the center of a large and prosperous farming district mainly composed of adherents of the Catholic church, and they have a large church at the town. There are two community halls and two elevators. West Township. — It was first attempted to name this township Pot- tawatomie in honor of the Indian tribe of that name; then Kickapoo for that tribe, but at last the board of supervisors gave it the name of West in honor of Henry West, one of the early settlers and largest landowners. The first entry of lands from the government in the southeast part of the county was by Jonathan Cheney, this land being located near the old Indian town. Absalom Funk entered a large tract in the same vicinity, on which was the site of the supposed Indian fort. Henry West entered a tract of 2,500 acres in 1850, while John Weedman took up a large tract in the southeast part of the township. These two men early developed History of McLean County 119 a large cattle business. The tract of timber on section 5 was named Weedman's Grove. Henry West was elected first supervisor when the township was organized in 1858 and continued for 20 years. During the civil war he distinguished himself by his activity in providing means for caring for the families of soldiers. Mr. West also prevented the sale of the school lands owned by the township, so that the school tract grew to 720 acres which yielded an income of $2,000 to $3,000 annually, which income was applied to school maintenance for many years, thereby re- ducing the school taxes of the township. He served the people well in his day and generation. West township is distinguished by having within its borders two of the most notable Indian relics of the county. These are the sites of an old Indian town and also that of an Indian fort. The late Capt. John H. Burnham was most active in seeking to trace to authentic records some of the facts concerning this town and fort. The town was deserted be- fore the white settlers came, after the Kickapoos had suffered from a scourge of smallpox, and they moved to the grove further north, which became known as Old Town timber, and so remains to this day. Accord- ing to researches of Captain Burnham and the late Hiram W. Beckwith of Danville, there were traditions that the Indians here had been attacked by white troops and driven away. By some it was said to have been a detachment sent by General Harrison from Indiana, but in other quarters it was said to have been a squad of state rangers who attacked the Indian camp and drove them off. A survey was made in 1880 of the site of the old Indian town and fort by the McLean County Historical Society. It was figured that the fort consisted of some kind of trenches and para- pets surmounted by stakes driven into the ground, but which were after- ward pulled up and used for fuel. In 1906, at the instigation of Hon. Simeon West, son of Henry West, the Historical Society took steps to erect a marker for the site of the old fort. Accordingly, on a plot of ground two rods square, donated by its owner, George W. Funk, a granite monument costing $100 was erected, on which was inscribed: "Site of Ancient Kickapoo Fort. Erected by the McLean County Historical So- ciety." This was mostly paid for by Mr. West and George P. Davis, president of the society, in order to preserve from oblivion this most valuable historic relic. West Township assisted by public subscription in building two lines 120 History of McLean County of railroad. One was the I. B. & W., later called the Big Four and now the Nickel Plate, to which West Township gave $20,000 and which crossed the southwest corner of the township. It was built in 1870. The largest town on the road that is near to West Township is Farmer City, in De- Witt County. Another road to which West contributed in 1878 was a narrow gauge, which was afterward purchased by the Illinois Central and standardized. The station of Glenavon, in Bellflower Township, is nearest to West on this line. A branch of the Illinois Central was built across the southeast corner of the township in 1872, without aid from the public. Weedman is the station on this line in West Township. Sabine is near the center of the township on the former narrow gauge line. Hon. Simeon H. West, son of the first settler of that* name, was long a member of the supervisors, and in 1883-85 was a member of the Legis- lature. He owned hundreds of acres of land which he inherited from his father. In later years he moved to Leroy and built a fine home. His act of most public interest was his donation of 20 acres of timber land to the county to be perpetually used for park purposes. This is in section 6 and was donated in 1906. It has been suitably marked and named West Park. White Oak Township. — This, the smallest township in McLean County, contains only about one-half the ordinary area of a congressional township. Its peculiar shape is due to the politics of two families, the Benson and the Carlocks. When Woodford County was formed, the Carlocks wanted to be in that county, because it was Democratic, while the Bensons wanted to be in the Whig county of McLean. Consequently the line was drawn half way between the Benson and the Carlock farms. Only one-half of White Oak Grove is in this township, the remainder being in Woodford County. Smith Denman was the first settler, in Sept., 1829. He was followed next year by Elisha Dixon, John Brown, Samuel and Robert Phillips, and a little later by John, James and William Benson. The father of the Bensons was a soldier of Tippecanoe under General Har- rison, who had come to Blooming Grove in 1823. He afterward became the first treasurer of Tazewell County. The sons served in the Black Hawk war, and the grandsons in the Civil War. Oak Grove was one of the towns of McLean County which was destined to arise, flourish for a time, then die out. It was situated in White Oak Township, and there a town hall was built, a postoffice established, several stores and shops opened. But when the Lake Erie Railroad was built and a station placed PUBLIC SCHOOL BriLDIXd, LEXINGTON, ILLINOIS. SCHOOL BUILDING, CHENOA, ILLINOIS. Of THE ? haS bee " in ^nunl 300 miners, but of later years owL t 1 " emP ' 0yed betwee " 2 °<> and ther south with deeper veins of ZT s ° Pemng ° f man * min ^ fur- ton mine had m£Z^?^«S^**-*» large part of the supplies of coal used » ^ '* fu ™>'shed a in, the World War served as a 1 esavL toT^ " "^ ^ dur " was hard to obtain from distant nZ ™ commu nity when coal somewhere near 100 men employed Z t„ W (1923) there "ore served as manager of the mme for many mme ' LyMan M ' Graham ' wh « agement during 1922. y yearS> gave U P the active man- For many years there was in operation in ri • mg plant, located on South East Sw? * Bloomin «ton a pork pack- road. I„ the days of its prime h ^ 1 IT T* ° f the Big F °" Rail- hogs every day of the weT and if. \ T" " nd PaCked hund -ds of amounted to hundreds of thousand o/do^a "■ ^ T^ ° f the year were later taken over by Campbel HoLn & Co'" tl ", ^ ^^ who now occupy them with several enlarge^nte * 6Sa ' e « WC "™' stove ll«T Z y ZZ^TstTT^ has had one « -»- along the Alton road «S7^ZSTa^T' ^^ buiMin *' a big manufacturing business. A fire Ld nth f """ *~" a " d did to finally close down. On the east side 1 ! '° SSeS CaUSed the Plant long located the Co-onerative%7 n C ' ty ' at Empire Str ^ was Hayes Stove Company ""^ faCt ° ry ' " 0W the Hamilton! -unty, when the Kocke brotht ^^ f^ ^ 240 History of McLean County grain elevators at the town of Meadows, east of Lexington. This grew until it was too large for the community of its birth, and it was removed to Pontiac, where a large factory building was erected and where it con- tinued to expand for several years. Then its Pontiac quarters having been outgrown, a proposal to locate the plant in Bloomington was taken up by the Association of Commerce, with the result that a tract of land in the southeast part of the city was acquired and deeded to the com- pany in consideration of locating the plant here. The company was re- organized* with increased capital and erected on the land buildings cost- ing upward of $300,000. In 1923, owing to after-war conditions, the company went through a process of re-capitalization, and is now on a substantial basis and doing a very large business in manufacturing wash- ing machines, grain elevators and other articles of general use. The com- pany employs a large number of skilled mechanics and other workmen. A district east of the Illinois Central Railroad in Bloomington devel- oped into an important territory of the city in an industrial way. The American Foundry and Furnace Company, established 30 years ago as the Soper Foundry, has become a well-established business of wide client- age. It was founded by Horace W. and Clinton P. Soper and was carried on by the second generation of Clinton Soper's family. Leroy G. Whit- mer is the president of the company, Horace A. Soper is the vice-presi- dent, and Guy Haley is secretary. The plant occupies a half block of buildings, and employs 100 men or more. The other industrial plant in the same vicinity is that of the Portable Elevator Company, which has grown from small beginnings for the past twenty-five years, having taken over the factory formerly occupied by the W. R. White Gate Company. The Portable makes grain elevators and kindred products and has patronage extending from one end of the coun- try to the other. G. Burt Read is president of the company; W. S. Har- wood vice-president, and L. G. Whitmer secretary. Further north along the Illinois Central Railroad are located the plants of the Dodge-Dickinson Company, makers of mattresses and kin- dred products ; the Hayes-Hamilton Stove Company, and the Davis Ewing Concrete Company, all doing a large business. The Paul F. Beich Company, owners and operators of a very large candy-making plant in Bloomington, is one of the well-established and best-known industries of McLean County. Mr. Beich, the founder, began B:*.«j»j*s» J a.ffi 3 aj a | Of THE History of McLean County 241 operations in a small way when he was a young man, in a room on Front Street. Later he acquired the Lancaster Caramel Company, which occu- pied the building near the Alton station which had been originally built for a buggy factory. Eventually Mr. Beich gained control of the whole company and its plant, and the Paul F. Beich Co. was incorporated. Sev- eral additions to the building have been made in the last fifteen years, the last of which was erected in 1923. The company manufactures a great variety of candies, and its sales cover the whole country and many foreign countries. The same concern operates a factory in Chicago, but the main offices are in Bloomington. The factory here employs scores of people, many of them young women. The officers are: Paul F. Beich, president; Frank E. Sweeting, vice-president; Ernest H. Black, secretary. The MaGirl Foundry and Furnace Works, located on East Oakland Avenue, has been in operation for many years successfully manufactur- ing a line of furnaces and other similar products. It was founded by Pat- rick H. MaGirl now deceased. The manager at present is James D. MaGirl. The Bloomington Canning Company is one of the important indus- trial plants of the county. Its plant is located inside the corporate limits of Normal, just north of Division Street. It has been in operation for about twenty-five years, and. each season it gathers and packs hundreds of thousands of cases of sweet corn which is grown on its own leased farm lands or bought from farmers with whom contracts are made at the be- ginning of each season. The active canning season is carried on for only about six or eight weeks beginning about the middle of August and run- ning into late September each year. While packing is in progress, the factory employs several scores of people in the various operations. A smaller force of employes are in the plant the year round for the pur- pose of boxing and shipping out the product as ordered. The sales of the goods from this factory cover nearly every part of the country. The company was owned and managed for several years by Peter Whitmer, R. F. Evans, William L. Evans and J. 0. Willson, all now deceased. The present officers of the company are: Ira S. Whitmer, president; Leroy G. Whitmer, vice-president; Charles D. Myers, secretary. For the past 20 years Bloomington has been known as an important point for jobbing interests. This has been especially true in the line of wholesale grocery establishments, of which there are three larger ones. (14) 242 History of McLean County Each of these handles hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of groceries in a year, having large establishments. J. F. Humphreys & Co. for many years occupied a building at Grove and East, but lately bought the large warehouse on South Main, formerly used by the Illinois Moline Plow Co. The officers are : Howard Humphreys, president; R. O. Ahlenius, vice-president; Rogers Humphreys, secretary- treasurer. The Campbell Holton Company, wholesale grocers, have a large ware- house and shipping plant on South Gridley Street, formerly the plant of the Continental Packing Company. It has been remodeled and enlarged for the use of the Holton Company and is a modern plant in every way. The officers of the company are: Campbell Holton, president; H. W. Kelly, vice-president; C. A. Stephenson, secretary; E. M. Evans treasurer. The Cumming Wholesale Grocery Company occupies the building on South Center which is a part of the Johnson Transfer Co. plant. It was formerly known as Hawks, Incorporated, having been founded by E. B. Hawks and his associates and transferred last year to the present corpo- ration. The officers are W. H. Cumming, president and treasurer ; Egbert B. Hawk, vice-president; L. W. Bosworth, secretary; directors, W. H. Cumming, Charles F. Scholer, E. B. Hawk, L. W. Bosworth and Charles F. J. Agle. In years gone by, the nurseries of the county formed an important factor in its business. They were located mostly in the vicinity of Normal, where the era prior to the Civil War several very large nurseries, they being among the largest in the central west, in fact. They were the Over- man nurseries, the Mann nurseries, the Phoenix nursery, the Augustine nurseries, and Home nursery, the Corn Belt, and several others. Changes have taken place in that business as in all others in the last generation, but the nursery business still forms an important part of the general business and industrial activities of the county. The last city directory of Bloomington and Normal indicated that there are eight nurseries now doing business here, some of them of many years' establishment, and others having come upon the field of comparatively recent date. The manufacturing and industrial interests of Bloomington and Mc- Lean County include very many smaller plants both in the county seat, at Normal and in several towns of the county. The products of these plants are widely distributed, and the money coming in from them forms one of the factors of the prosperity of the county and its people. CHAPTER XVIII. RAILROADS. ILLINOIS CENTRAL OLDEST— FINANCES — BUILDING OF EAST AND WEST LINES- VOTING OF BONDS — BUILDING ROAD NORTH AND SOUTH — C. & A. SHOPS- GROWTH OF RAILROADS — VALUATION OF RAILROAD PROPERTY— ELECTRIC RAILROADS— TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. McLean County has four steam railroads passing through its county seat, and there are two other steam roads crossing the county, one along the northern edge, the other across the southeast corner. The oldest of these roads in point of first being projected, is the Illinois Central, which was part of the great scheme of internal improvements which the state legislature voted in 1837. The road was to be built from Galena to Cairo, but its exact route across the state was uncertain. The state voted its credit to the Central road to the extent of $3,500,000. The building of the road was started, when the financial catastrophe of 1841 occurred, and its further construction was delayed ten years. On Sept. 30, 1850, a law passed congress donating to the State of Illinois for the use of the Cen- tral railroad nearly 2,500,000 acres of public land, the state to dictate the terms on which the land was to be granted. The state in turn required by law that the Central road should pay to the state treasury 7 per cent of its gross receipts. This payment grew as years went on until it reached $1,000,000 per year. Afterward many of the counties, including Mc- Lean, complained that part of this money received from the Illinois Cen- tral, should go into the county treasuries of the counties through which the road was built. When the line was to be laid out for the construc- tion of the road, General Gridley was in the Legislature, and he tried to 243 244 History of McLean County get it routed through Decatur, Clinton and Bloomington, three county seats within his district. Owing to much rivalry for the route, it seemed that his purpose might be defeated, but he secured its final routing to pass within five miles east of the corner of town 21 north range on 1 east. This point is two and a half miles east of Heyworth, which would have routed the road eight miles east of Bloomington. General Gridley's pur- pose was accomplished, for when the building of the road was begun it was seen that it must be constructed through Decatur, Clinton and Bloom- ington. The first part of the line was built from the north, and a train was run down from LaSalle to Bloomington on May 3, 1853. The panic of 1857 came soon after the building of the road this far, and the further development of the line was much retarded. The east and west steam roads running through Bloomington had checkered careers in getting started. The line known as the Big Four of recent years, and later as the New York Central, from Peoria to Dan- ville, was first projected in 1837 as part of the great internal improve- ment scheme mentioned in connection with the Illinois Central. The road had been graded from Pekin to Mackinaw when the hard times of 1841 came. This retarded the completion of the road for more than ten years, in j 857 a vote was taken on the proposition of Bloomington Township voting bonds of $100,000 to assist in financing this road, but by a vote of 1,570 to 1,166 it was defeated. The project lay dormant until about 1866, when it was revived. The following year Bloomington Township did vote the $100,000 bonds for this enterprise, while Empire Township also bonded itself for $75,000 to aid the road, and West Township gave $20,000 in a similar way. The line was completed from Pekin to Bloom- ington on May 31, 1870. It later became known as the Indianapolis, Eioomington & Western, then the Peoria & Eastern, and finally the Big Four and now the New York Central. Early in the '50's there was a project for building the Peoria, Bloom- ington & Lafayette Railroad, which, however, did not get much of a start. It was revived in 1867 under the name of the Lafayette, Bloomington & Mississippi, to be built first from Bloomington to Lafayette, Ind., and eventually completed west to Peoria. On June 3, 1867, Bloomington Township voted $100,000 in bonds to aid this road, McLean County also subscribed for $20,000 of bonds, and various townships along its route voted aid as follows: Padua, $30,000; Arrowsmith, $30,000; Cheney's History of McLean County 245 Grove, $50,000; village of Saybrook, $10,000. The road was completed from Lafayette to Bloomington in 1872, and it was completed west to Peoria in 1885. The name changed several times, being known as the Lake Erie & Western, and now as the Nickel Plate. The state constitu- tion of 1870 prevented any county or municipality issuing bonds to aid a railroad, hence after that year no railroad bonds were voted. In point of its future effect upon, the prosperity of Bloomington and of McLean County in general, the most important railroad built into the city and county was what is now known as the Chicago & Alton, but which in its earlier stages was known as the Alton & Sangamon road. This road, connecting the great cities of Chicago and St. Louis, with Bloom- ington its principal division terminal, was built in sections under at least five different charters granted by the State of Illinois. When it came into McLean County it arrived rather quietly, and with no flourish of trumpets as had the Illinois Central road. The Central had been under discussion in the State of Illinois since 1836, and its extension south from LaSalle in 1853 brought to Bloomington its greatest crowd of peo- ple known up to that time when the first train reached the city. On Feb. 6, 1851, General Gridley, then a member of the State Senate, wrote a letter to the Western Intelligencer, published at Bloomington, in which he exulted over the passage by the Legislature of the bill chartering the Illinois Central Railroad, and added: "I am also of the opinion that the bill extending the charter of the Alton & Sangamon Railroad Company to Bloomington will pass the house and become a law; in which event I am assured by the agent of the company that the road will be constructed and completed in two years." The bill did pass the Legislature, surveys were made, the contracts let for building the road north to Bloomington, and on Oct. 16, 1853, the first trains were run from the south into Bloomington. For several months the trains from the south connected with the Illinois Central at Blooming- ton Junction (Normal), thence over the Central via LaSalle to Chicago. At that time the road advertised to take passengers to New York via Chicago "in only sixty hours." As the road reached Bloomington in the late fall, it was impossible to finish the line north until the following summer. The building started north from Bloomington and was finished so that an excursion train was run down from Lexington on July 4, 1854. The Joliet & Chicago road had 246 History of McLean County been previously constructed, so that when the extension north from Bloomington to Chicago was made, the line was completed from St. Louis to Chicago. The Illinois Central depot was located at the eastern edge of town, and the leaders of that day, Jesse Fell and others, thought it best to locate the Chicago & Alton depot on the western edge, thinking the town would spread out between the two. Jesse Fell, David Davis, General Gridley and others secured, donations of land and other gifts to secure for Bloomington the location of the repair shops of the new road, thus laying the foundations of what proved to be the city's chief indus- trial enterprise. The shops in turn gave rise to the idea of building from Bloomington the new division to Jacksonville in 1867, for which Bloom- ington Township and city of Bloomington voted bonds of $75,000. If this aid had not been given, the Jacksonville line would have been built north from Delavan to Washington. The small shops of the C. & A. erected in 1853-54 were burned down in 1867, and it required a strong effort on the part of citizens to secure consent to rebuild here, for Chicago, Springfield and Joliet were all seek- ing the location. The fact that the road had three divisions centering here was one of the main arguments in favor of Bloomington. As an indication of the growth and developments of the railroads and their holdings in McLean County, the figures of the assessed valuation of railorad property in the county for the year 1923 may be cited. There are in this county for the year 1923 a total of 218 miles of steam rail- way lines, the total property value of which as assessed by the state tax commission was $4,144,542, while the total assessed valuation was $2,589,- 677. It is well known that the assessed valuation is one-half of the real valuation, and even at that the figures are always very low. Railroads of the county, the number of miles of each and the total amount of prop- erty as assessed by the state tax commission for the year 1923 were as follows : Chicago & Alton — Forty-two miles; assessed valuation, $849,712; property values, $1,807,620. Bloomington & Jacksonville (branch of Chi- cago & Alton), 14 miles; assessed valuation $198,729; property values, $296,171. Chicago and Springfield division of the Illinois Central — Ten miles; assessed valuation, $136,383; property values, $201,600. History of McLean County 247 Kankakee and Southwestern division of Illinois Central — Twenty- nine miles; assessed valuation, $233,864; property values, $275,551. Main line Illinois Central — One mile; property values, $953. Rantoul division Illinois Central — Seventeen miles; assessed valua- tion, $136,067; property values, $164,316. Lake Erie & Western — Forty-two miles; assessed valuation, $421,900; property values, $543,181. Peoria & Eastern — Thirty-seven miles; assessed valuation, $371,442; property values, $529,805. Toledo, Peoria & Western — Twenty-one miles; assessed valuation, $211,394; property values, $278,472. Wabash, C. & P. — Two miles; assessed valuation, $30,197; property values, $46,873. Bloomington, Decatur & Champaign Electric Railroad — Thirteen miles; assessed valuation, $78,558; property values, $93,989. St. Louis, Springfield & Peoria Electric Railroad — Sixteen miles; as- sessed valuation, $101,033; property values, $128,922. The two electric railroads last mentioned are parts of the Illinois Traction System, whose total mileage in this county is 30 miles, and total assessed valuation $179,591 ; total property values, $223,285. The first use of a telegraph line into Bloomington or McLean County took place on January 28, 1854. The line was from Springfield to Bloomington, which was constructed after citizens of Bloomington had subscribed $1,000 as a bonus to the Western Union Telegraph Company for such a line. In August, 1853, John Caton, pioneer of the Western Union, came to Bloomington and told General Gridley that if the citizens would take- $1,000 of stock his company would give the city an office on the line from Springfield to Chicago. The purse of $1,000 was made up, mostly in subscriptions of $50 each, and the poles were soon set and wires strung. The first message, sent on January 28, from Springfield to the editor of the Pantagraph, as follows: "C. P. Merriman: May the new communication by telegraph, so aus- piciously opened, continue for ages. Signed, S. Francis." Matthew L. Steele was the first operator, who served till 1866, when Arthur T. McElhiney succeeded him and filled the position for 25 years. 248 History of McLean County The telegraph companies in Bloomington have kept pace with modern facilities and improvements in other lines. The Western Union now has a large and handsomely equipped office located at 210 West Washington Street. The Postal Telegraph Company established an office in Bloomington some 20 years' ago and have since maintained it. CHAPTER XIX. BANKS. FIRST RECORDED LOAN IN COUNTY— PIONEER BANKS— PANICS — INCREASE IN NUMBER OF STATE BANKS — LIST OF PRESENT McLEAN COUNTY BANKS — DEPOSITS. Banks and banking- institutions as we know them now did not exist in the earlier years of McLean County. In fact, for many years after the white settlers began to take up land in this section of Illinois, they could buy the land from the government at $1.25 per acre, but they were unable to secure funds with which to buy the necessary implements and stock for the proper conduct of their farms. The first recorded loans of money made in this county were those in the year 1829, when Dr. Peebles seemed to be the principal man engaged in any kind of money loaning business. In the period just preceding 1836, there was a large influx of population into this county, and money became more plentiful, due to speculative buying and selling of lands and town lots. Then came the panic of 1837, and money went flat again, for everybody was hard up. Governor Ford, in his message of 1843, told the Legislature that he did not believe there was over $400,000 of money in circulation in the whole state of Illinois. For the ten-year period prior to the Civil War there were three banks in Bloomington, operating under the state banking law, but none in any other town of the county. When the Civil War came on, banks holding bonds of the southern states found them very greatly depreciated and some banks caught with many southern bonds had to go out of business. One such bank was the Lafayette Bank of Bloomington. Gridley's bank, 249 250 History of McLean County started in 1853, found its notes subject to great discounts. The prede- cessor of the First National Bank had declined to use southern bonds as the basis of its issues, hence it got over the crisis and reorganized in 1862 as the First National Bank. It then began to operate under the national banking laws instead of the state. Peoria, Springfield, Chicago and In- dianapolis banks in those days supplied most of the money needed by farmers for buying cattle and other farm operations. The interest charges were very high, being 2 per cent per month as the minimum. Another era of hard times in 1873 resulted in the failure of the Home Bank of Bloomington, run by McClun, Holder & Co. The First National Bank, which had been organized on a 'permanent basis in 1865, remained as solid as a rock and pursued a careful and judicious policy. The number of banks grew rapidly in the 20 years from 1875 until 1895, and at the close of the period there was one or more banks in nearly every important town in the county. Many of these were private banks, but when a law was passed about 1911 that all private banks must organ- ize under state or federal direction, then some of the smaller banks went out of business. At one time in Bloomington, about 1905, there were seven banks in operation. Then consolidations took place, and the num- ber of banks in Bloomington now (1923) is five. The Corn Belt Bank, the McLean County Bank and the American State Bank were the younger of the institutions, but they have outlived some of the older banks. The Third National was first absorbed by the First National. Then the State National and the State Trust and Savings were combined with the First National Bank and the building of the latter was remodeled to accommo- date the larger institution. The American State bought the Metropole Hotel Building in 1923 and made it into a first-class banking house. The Corn Belt remodeled its entire interior. The People's Bank erected in 1902 a seven-story bank building, the only seven-story structure in the downtown district. In towns outside of Bloomington many of the banks own their own homes, and occupy up-to-date quarters. The following is a list of the banks in McLean County, with the year of their organization and their present officers: Anchor State Bank, founded 1895, president, Jacob Martens; vice- president, J. H. Nafsizer; cashier, H. B. Ulmer. History of McLean County 251 Arrowsmith State Bank, founded 1893 ; president, J. H. Jacobs ; vice- presidents, G. F. Lester and G. A. Builta; cashier, Raymond Webber. Bellflower Exchange Bank; founded 1906; president, J. E. Smith; vice-president, H. F. Helmick; cashier, Helen Helmick. Bellflower State Bank, founded 1892 ; president, A. F. Gooch ; vice- president, D. R. Gooch, Jr. ; cashier, A. G. Gooch. Corn Belt Bank, Bloomington, founded 1892 ; president, John J. Pitts ; vice-president, 0. P. Skaggs; cashier, C. J. Mover. American State Bank, Bloomington; founded 1902; president, Albert Wochner; vice-president, Frank Oberkoetter; cashier, Adolph Wochner. First National Bank, Bloomington ; founded 1865 ; C. W. Robinson, chairmon of board ; Wilber M. Carter, president ; H. K. Hoblit, H. W. Hall, J. J. Condon, vice-presidents; Frank M. Rice, cashier. First Trust and Savings Bank, Bloomington; president, Wilber M. Carter; vice-presidents, H. K. Hoblit and W. J. Carter; cashier, Leonne Robinson. Liberty State Bank, Bloomington; founded 1920; president, John W. Rodgers; vice-presidents, E. E. Fincham and Phil Wood; cashier, P. A. Johnson. McLean County Bank, Bloomington; founded 1903; president, Lee Rust; vice-presidents, R. R. Johnson, Howard H. Rust; cashiers, W. L. Rust, J. P. Arnett. People's Bank, Bloomington; founded 1869; president, W. L. Moore; president of board, F. D. Marquis ; vice-president, L. H. Weldon. Farmers State Bank, Carlock; founded 1899; president, J. E. O'Hara; vice-president, S. E. Maurer; cashier, H. B. Carlock. Farmers Bank, Chenoa ; founded 1884 ; president, J. S. Kelly ; vice- president, Maurice Monroe; cashier, C. H. Merriott. State Bank of Chenoa, founded 1892; president, A. D. Jordan; cashier, L. L. Silliman. Farmers State Bank, Colfax; founded 1903; president, Charles At- kinson ; vice-president, Joseph Martin, Sr. ; cashier, Edna M. Atkinson. Citizens State Bank, Cropsey ; president, E. T. Lange ; vice-presidents, S. E. Thomas, John Brucker; cashier, G. M. Meeker. Cropsey State Bank; founded 1892; president, M. B. Meeker; vice- president, H. C. Cantle; cashier, J. H. Barnes. 252 History of McLean County State Bank of Cooksville; founded 1892; president, N. L. Elbert; vice- president, Wesley Woodard; cashier, Edward Weidner. Farmer State Bank, Danvers; president, J. C. Nafziger; vice-presi- dent, W. Miller; cashier, W. D. Kitchell. First National Bank, Danvers ; founded 1903 ; president, C. R. Ewins ; vice-president, Peter Risser; cashier, Lyle Stuckey. Farmers State Bank, Downs; founded 1901; president, J. R. Carlisle; vice-president, W. M. Buckles; cashier, E. B. Lanier. Bank of Ellsworth, founded 1891; president, C. A. Shinkle; vice-presi- dent, Tobey Bane; cashier, C. C. Kreitzer. State Bank of Gridley; founded 1891; president, W. D. Castle; vice- president, J. R. Heiple; cashier, J. R. Heiple. Farmers State Bank, Hey worth, founded 1906; president, C. H. Russum; vice-president, Albert Fulton; cashier, J. T. Buck. Heyworth State Bank; founded 1891; president, J. P. Shelton; vice- president, F. L. Wakefield; cashier, L. T. Rutledge. Bank of Holder, Holder; founded 1905; president, H. M. Murray; vice- president, S. Evans; cashier, F. W. Boston. Hudson State Bank; founded 1900; president, J. F. Shepard; vice- president, William Humphries; cashier, R. A. Ensign. First National Bank, Leroy; founded 1903; president, H. H. Crum- baugh; vice-presidents, G. E. Dooley and J. W. Weidner; cashier, R. E. Kimler. 1924 Leroy State Bank; W. F. Crumbaugh, president; vice-president and cashier, J. Keenan. People's Bank, Lexington; founded 1900; president, J. J. Kemp; vice-president, R. T. Claggett; cashier, L. B. Strayer. State Bank of Lexington; founded 1895; president, Noah Franklin; vice-president, N. E. Franklin; cashier, O. L. Hiser. McLean State Bank, McLean; founded 1860; president, Frank W. Aldrich; vice-presidents, H. M. Palmer, S. B. VanNewss; cashier, J. W. Baker. First National Bank, Normal; founded 1893; president, D. G. Fitz- gerrell; vice-president, D. C. Smith; cashier, W. H. Odell. Normal State Bank ; president, E. E. Finsham ; vice-president, Thomas Sylvester; cashier, J. F. Shepard. History of McLean County 253 Saybrook Bank, Saybrook; founded 1878; president, C. A. Schure- man; vice-president, Robert Means; cashier, R. R. Cheney. Saybrook State Bank; president, F. B. Youle; vice-president, Jacob Froehlich; cashier, C. 0. Parvin. Stanford State Bank; founded 1891; president, W. H. Springer; vice- president, F. W. Schulz; cashier, Frank L. Garst. The total deposits of the banks in McLean County will reach the large figure of over $21,000,000. When we consider that a few years ago prac- tically all the money that was loaned in this vicinity came from banking institutions in the east, the fact of the great sums on deposit now belong- ing to our own people, which is used in turn for the promotion of business and farming enterprises within the county, it can be seen that the popu- lation of the county is now on a self-sustaining basis such as might have been not dreamed of in the former times. In the old days, the banks of the city and county depended upon voluntary deposits for the funds with which to operate, outside of their own capital. In the last two decades, however, a decided change of policy has come over the banks, and they now advertise in the columns of the newspapers much the same as other commercial enterprises. There is one difference, however: the banks urge and teach thrift, the virtue of saving, in order that each customer increase his balance and therefore his own independence. In this way, the increase of bank deposits tends to increase the general welfare and stability of the whole community. CHAPTER XX. McLEAN COUNTY BAR. HIGH PROFESSIONAL STANDARD — LAW LIBRARY— ABRAHAM LINCOLN PRACTICED HERE — ADLAI E. STEVENSON — DAVID DAVIS — EARLY ATTORNEYS WHO PRATICED HERE— A LIST OF OTHER McLEAN COUNTY LAWYERS — PRESENT DAY LAWYERS. Special distinction attaches to the organization of the McLean County bar, for its membership has included scores of men who attained local, state or national eminence in their profession, or in its ally, statesman- ship. The bar of the county as a whole has always borne a reputation for high ideals of professional action. In the realm of public affairs, the bar of McLean County has given to the state and nation a vice-president, a president of the U. S. Senate pro tern, a United States Senator, a justice of the Supreme Court, a United States minister plenipotentiary, a member of the interstate commerce commission, an assistant postmaster-general, seven members of Congress, a judge of the United States court of claims, a federal district judge, two governors of Illinois, a secretary of state of Illinois, a judge and two reporters of the Supreme Court of Illinois, a chairman of the State Board of Pardons, two state railroad and warehouse commissioners, a peniten- tiary commissioner and many men who attained exalted military rank in the service of their country. The bar of this county included graduates from many of the prin- cipal universities and law schools of the United States, including Har- vard, Michigan, and Chicago and Illinoiss Universities. The Bloomington Law School, an adjunct of the Wesleyan University, has turned out many able and well-qualified attorneys of late years. 254 History of McLean County 255 A large and comprehensive law library is maintained by the bar asso- ciation, with a large room in the court house set aside for its accommo- dation. In the great fire of June 19, 1900, this library was practically a total loss, the monetary damage being placed at $40,000. Nevertheless, it was reorganized and incorporated and a new stock of law books pur- chased. Its shelves are now a treasure house of legal citations, and are much consulted by the members of the bar. No summary of the history of the bar of McLean County could claim to be complete without having mentioned the fact that Abraham Lincoln, the great American President and martyr, once practiced in the courts of this county, as well as those of the other counties of the old Eighth Judi- cial Circuit. Long before Lincoln was known to national fame, he rode the circuit with David Davis, Lawrence Weldon, Leonard Swett, and other lawyers of that day, going from county seat to county seat as the terms of court were held. He used to put up at the hotels or taverns of the town at that time and was a welcome companion in many a social circle in the interims of court. The home of Mrs. Judith Bradner, which long stood at the corner of Jefferson and West Streets, had entertained him on several occasions of a social nature, and Mrs. Bradner during her later life used to relate circumstances of his actions and appearance in those years. The late Stephen Smith, a well-known merchant of Bloomington, just after the Civil War, was an intimate friend of Lincoln, and Mrs. Smith traveled on the train with him when he went to Washington to be inaugu- rated. Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter of the D. A. R. erected, in 1922, a granite marker with a bronze tablet upon it in the court house yard in Bloomington to commemorate the fact that Abraham Lincoln often trav- eled this way on his professional journeys as a lawyer. The highest national office to which any citizen of McLean County was elected was that of vice-president of the United States, which was filled from 1893 to 1897, inclusive, by Adlai Ewing Stevenson. Mr. Steven- son also occupied several other offices of importance, both elective and appointive, during his long and honorable career at the bar of his adopted city and state. Mr. Stevenson was born in Christian County, Kentucky, Oct. 23, 1835, the son of John T. and Eliza (Ewing) Stevenson, and re- moved with his parents to Bloomington in 1852. He attended Wesleyan University and also Centre College, in Kentucky, studied law and was admitted to the bar in Illinois in 1858, locating for practice first at Meta- 256 History of McLean County mora, Woodford County. For ten years he continued at this place, occu- pied in succession the positions of master in chancery and state's attor- ney. In 1868 he returned to Bloomington, and for many years was in partnership in law practice with James S. Ewing, his cousin, whom after- ward he had appointed U. S. minister to Belgium. In 1864, Mr. Steven- son had been candidate for presidential elector on the Democratic ticket, and was delegate to his party's national conventions in 1884 and 1892, serving as chairman of the Illinois delegation in the latter year. He was elected to congress two terms, serving with distinction, from 1875 to 1877 and from 1879 to 1881. In 1877 he was appointed by President Hayes as a member of the board of visitors for West Point. Under the first administration of President Cleveland, Mr. Stevenson was appointed first assistant postmaster general, serving from 1885 to 1889. In 1892 he was nominated by the Democratic convention for vice-president, being elected with Cleveland in the latter's second term. He served with great distinction for the four years, and on his retirement was presented with a very handsome silver service by members of the Senate for his unfail- ing courtesy and fairness in presiding over the deliberations of that body. In 1897 Mr. Stevenson was appointed by President McKinley as mem- ber of the bi-metalic monetary conference, authorized by act of Congress, and he attended the sessions of the conference held in England, France, Italy and Belgium. In 1900 Mr. Stevenson was again nominated for vice- president, this time on the ticket headed by William Jennings Bryan, but the election in November failed to give the ticket a majority, and Mr. Stevenson again resumed his law practice in his home city. Shortly after this he wrote a book entitled, "Some of the Men That I Have Known," a very readable and popular publication of personal reminiscences. In 1908, Mr. Stevenson was nominated on the Democratic ticket for governor, opposed to Gov. Charles S. Deneen. He ran nearly 200,000 ahead of his ticket and came within a few thousand votes of being elected on the face of the returns. In fact, his friends always contended that he was elected, but they were unable to secure a recount from a Republican assembly. Mr. Stevenson was married to Miss Letitia Green at Chenoa on Dec. 20, 1866. They were the parents of four children: Lewis, Mary (now deceased), Julia and Letitia. Mr. Stevenson was prominent in many Bloomington business enterprises, being president of the McLean County Coal Company for 20 years, director of the People's Bank, and interested ADLAI E. STEVENSON. OF THE ■ LlPmqy JUDGE DAVID DAVIS. History of McLean County 257 in other commercial matters. Mr. Stevenson died on June 14, 1914, and his wife preceded him on Dec. 25, 1913. The son, Lewis G. Stevenson, served as Secretary of State of Illinois, 1914-16. Julia Stevenson became Mrs. Martin D. Hardin, wife of Rev. Mr. Hardin, now of Ithaca, N. Y. Mr. Stevenson lived his later years quietly at his home in Blooming- ton, honored, respected and beloved by the whole community and a large circle of friends elsewhere to whom he had endeared himself during his long life of kindness and good deeds. He stood out as the most distin- guished citizen of Bloomington and McLean County, and lived long to enjoy his merited honors. As an evidence of his high standing in the community, there was placed in the art room at the public library in Bloomington soon after his death a life-sized portrait of him by a fa- mous artist. This picture was secured by a popular subscription, to which people in all walks of life contributed. It remains as a lasting community memorial to Mr. Stevenson. Three generations of the David Davis family have had much to do with the settlement and upbuilding of McLean County. The first two generations have passed away, and now the third generation is in the active years of life, while the fourth generation is represented by young people just coming onto the stage of action. David Davis, the elder, was born in Cecil County, Md., on March 9, 1815. He was educated at Kenyon College, at Gambier, Ohio, then a noted school, where some of his college mates were Edwin M. Stanton, Stanley Matthews, Rutherford B. Hayes, Henry Winter Davis and others who afterward gained fame in public life. Graduating from college in 1832, young Davis studied law at Lenox, Mass., with Judge Bishop and then at the New Haven law school. In the fall of 1835 he came west, locating at Pekin, and then after one year removing to Bloomington. He succeeded to the law business of Jesse W. Fell, who was beginning to give his whole time to real estate transactions. On Oct. 30, 1838, Judge Davis married Sarah Walker, daughter of Judge Walker, at Lenox, Mass. In 1840, Judge Davis was Whig candidate for state senator against Governor Moore, but the latter succeeded. In 1844 he was elected to the lower house of the Legislature, serving one term and declining re-election. In 1847 he was chosen delegate to the constitutional convention and helped frame the new basic law which was adopted by the people. In 1848 he was elected without opposition as judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, (15) 258 History of McLean County embracing fourteen counties. Judge Davis was a model of the upright jurist, being prone to administer the equity of the case in all instances. He was just, considerate and deeply learned in the law. In the Eighth Judicial Circuit at that time were some of the most distinguished lawyers and judges of the Illinois bar of those times. Judge Logan was the leader of the bar, and among the other distinguished names were Abraham Lin- coln, Stuart, Baker, Linder, Gridley, Judge 0. L. Davis, Judge Thornton, 0. B. Ficklin, Judge Emerson, C. H. Moore, Judge Benedict, Judge Parks, Judge Edwards and others. Lincoln and Judge Davis were very often companions as they rode from county to county of the circuit. Naturally this close association between these men led Judge Davis to come to the front at an early date and propose the name of Abraham Lincoln for president of the United States. After "Lincoln's nomination and election, Jesse W. Fell, who had been credited with having first pro- posed Lincoln, wrote a letter, in which he said: "To Judge Davis, more than any other man, living or dead, is the American people indebted for this extraordinary piece of good fortune, the nomination and election of that man who combined in his person in so high a degree the elements necessary for a successful administration of the government through the late most critical period of our national history." In 1862, Judge Davis was appointed by President Lincoln as one of the associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. This appointment was made without solicitation on the part of Judge Davis. This gave him a wider field for his eminent legal talent, and his work on the bench here included some decisions which attracted more attention than any others since the time of Justice Taney. He laid down funda- mental principles of constitutional law which served as landmarks if. many years. Judge Davis resigned his high judicial position in 1877 to become United States Senator from Illinois in succession to John A. Logan after the latter's first term. Senator Davis served in that position with sucl distinction that on Oct. 13, 1881, he was elected president pro tern of thi senate, after Vice-President Chester A. Arthur had succeeded to the presi- dency of the United States on the death of President Garfield. Senator Davis served out his term as acting vice-president. He then returned to Bloomington and died on June 26, 1886. History of McLean County 259 How near to becoming president of the United States Judge Davis approached, is shown by a glance at the history of the campaign of 1872. Judge Davis was then on the supreme bench. The liberal Republicans held a convention in Cincinnati to consider a nominee for the presidency to oppose President Grant. There were five names prominently before the convention, of which Judge Davis was pre-eminent, the others being Gov. B. Gratz Brown, Lyman Trumbull, Charles Francis Adams, and Ho- race Greeley. It was generally conceded that if Judge Davis were nomi- nated he would have been endorsed by the Democratic convention and this would have meant his election. But a series of deals in the Cincinnati convention resulted in the nomination of Horace Greeley, who was de- feated at the election. Prior to the meeting of the Cincinnati convention, when the name of Davis was being boosted for the nomination, plans were made for a special train bearing McLean County men to go over and at- tend the meeting. There were 500 men with a band, and the delegation made a great impression on the convention as showing the popularity of Judge Davis in his own home and state. Good judges of political events have said that if he had been nominated there is little doubt he would have been elected. Judge Davis was an excellent judge of real estate, and to his presci- ence in this line it was due the foundation of his fortune. He made excel- lent investments in Chicago, and also acquired many thousands of acres of farm land in McLean and adjoining counties, as well as Bloomington city property. His liberality and public spirit were many times mani- fested. He gave 40 acres of land to secure the location of the State Nor- mal University and 60 acres to locate the Soldiers' Orphans' Home in Normal. When the Alton shops were burned in 1869, Judge Davis in Chi- cago learned of a move to remove the plant to another city, and his activity in a great measure prevented this and saved the great industry for Bloomington. Jesse W. Fell was the first lawyer to make his home in McLean County. He was born in Chester County, Pa., in 1808, and came to Bloomington in 1832. He had been admitted to the bar in Ohio, and was later admitted in Illinois, but retired from active practice in 1844. He served as school commissioner of McLean County and was paymaster in the U. S. army in the Civil War. As recounted elsewhere, he was influential in founding 260 History of McLean County the town of Normal and locating the Normal University and Soldiers' Orphans' Home there. He died in Bloomington on Jan. 25, 1887. Welcome P. Brown was an early lawyer of prominence, coming to the county in 1835. He served as probate judge and also police magistrate. In 1842 he removed to Woodford County, where he served as county judge. Later he moved to Kansas and died in Colorado. Colton Wells came to the county in 1837 and was admitted to the bar in 1842; was probate judge, 1839-43; removed to St. Louis, where he died in 1849. Gen. Asahel Gridley was a lawyer in addition to his other activities. He was born in Cazenovia, N. Y., in 1810 and came to Bloomington in 1831. He served as an officer of militia in the Black Hawk War; was elected to the Legislature in the 12th, 17th and 18th assemblies ; engaged in banking and other commercial enterprises. Died Jan. 20, 1881. Kersey H. Fell, brother of Jesse W. Fell, was admitted to the bar in this county in 1841. Retired in 1854; died in 1893. Judge John M. Scott was admitted to the bar in St. Clair County in 1847 and came to McLain County the next year. He served as city attor- ney of Bloomington and circuit judge 1862-70. He served as justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois 1870-88. He died Jan. 21, 1898. Gen. William W. Orme came to Bloomington in 1850 and was admitted to the bar two years later. Was master in chancery and delegate to the constitutional convention 1862. Was colonel of the 94th Illinois in 1862, later promoted to Brigadier General. Died in 1866. Leonard Swett was born in Maine in 1825; came to this county in 1853 and began practice. Served one term in Legislature 1858. He was a close friend of A. Lincoln. He removed to Chicago in 1865 and died there, having retired in 1889. Thomas F. Tipton, a native of Franklin County, Ohio, came to McLean County in 1844 and began practice in 1854. Served as state's attorney for Eighth Circuit 1867-8; circuit judge 1870-76; was elected to Congress in latter year. Served as circuit judge 1891-97. Died in 1904. Owen T. Reeves, born in Ohio 1829; graduated Ohio Wesleyan 1850; removed to Bloomington 1854 and began practice; elected circuit judge 1877-91. Was member appellate court last three years. In Civil War served colonel of 100-day emergency regiment. Was one of founders of History of McLean County 261 law department of Wesleyan University, where he served as dean many years. Reuben M. Benjamin born at Chatham Center, N. Y., 1833; graduated at Amherst; admitted to bar in Bloomington in 1856 on certificate from Abraham Lincoln. He was a prominent member of the constitutional convention of 1870. Served as county judge 1873-86. Was author of several books on law, and taught for many years in Wesleyan Law School. Ezra M. Prince, native of Maine, located in McLean County in 1856. He served as master in chancery and taught in Wesleyan Law School. Was secretary of McLean County Historical Society from its organiza- tion until his death, and was author of many local historical papers. Ward H. Lamon was one of the prominent early lawyers of the county. A native of West Virvinia, he came here in 1857, having pre- viously practiced in Danville, where he was associated with A. Lincoln. Served as states attorney for the old eighth district. After Lincoln's election, he appointed Lamon marshal for the District of Columbia. For a short time during his residence in Washington he served as colonel of a regiment of volunteers. He died in 1893. James S. Ewing came to Bloomington in 1840; in 1859 was admitted to the bar of Illinois and practiced law continuously up to the time of his death, except the year when he was U. S. minister to Belgium during the presidency of Grover Cleveland. He lived for many years in the fine brick house at Mulberry and East Streets, which after his death was sold to become the site of the Consistory Temple. Jonathan H. Rowell was born at Haverhill, N. H., in 1833; came to McLean County in 1849 ; graduated from law department of Chicago Uni- versity in 1865. Had taught in Eureka College prior to the Civil War and during that struggle served as captain in Company G, 17th Illinois. After the war was chosen master in chancery and states attorney. Served four terms in Congress, 1882-90. He died in 1904. John McNulta came to McLean County in 1859; served in Civil War from private to colonel of 94th Illinois. Was elected state senator in 1868 and to Congress in 1872. During his latter years he spent much time as receiver of railroads, one of them being the Wabash. He re- moved to Chicago in 1895 and died there in 1900. Ira J. Bloomfield, a brigadier-general of the Civil War, practiced law in this county from 1866 to 1884, when he removed to Colorado. 262 History of McLean County George P. Davis, son of Judge David Davis, born in 1842, was ad- mitted to practice in 1867, but retired from active practice in 1870, devot- ing himself to his banking and farm interests. He served as president of the McLean County Historical Society several years prior to his death. Hamilton Spencer, former general manager of the Chicago & Alton road, was also a practicing lawyer for several years. He died in 1891. Lawrence Weldon, born in Ohio in 1829, came to Illinois in 1854 and practiced in DeWitt County for several years. Was elected to Legislature and chosen as elector on Republican ticket 1860. He was named by President Lincoln as district attorney for southern Illinois, serving till 1866, when he removed to Bloomington. In 1883 he was appointed jus- tice of the U. S. Court of Claims and served in that capacity in Wash- ington till his death in 1905. Leonidas H. Kerrick, an extensive farmer, was also a lawyer, prac- ticing for five years, 1865-70. Served one term in Legislature and sev- eral terms as trustee of the University of Illinois. Was president of the board at his death in 1907. John M. Hamilton, born in Ohio, came to McLean County in 1869 and began practice in 1870. In 1876 was elected state senator and in 1880 lieutenant-governor. In 1883 he succeeded to the office of governor when Governor Cullom was chosen U. S. Senator. On retirement from governorship in 1885 he removed to Chicago, where he died in 1908. Joseph Wilson Fifer, born in Virginia in 1840, came to McLean County as a boy. Served as private in 33d Illinois through the Civil War ; was badly wounded. In 1868 graduated from Wesleyan University and Law School. Served as city and state's attorney and was member of state senate 1880-84. In 1888 he was elected governor of Illinois and served four years. He was member of the Interstate Commerce Commission in Washington 1899-06. He served as member of state constitutional con- vention 1920 and is in active practice of his profession (1923). Colostin B. Myers was admitted to the bar in Michigan, 1874, began practice of law in this county same year. Was city attorney and state senator one term, 1888-92. Was county judge for 12 years and for 18 years served as circuit judge. He served on the appellate bench and was mentioned for justice of the Supreme Court and he received a large vote in convention. He died Jan. 12, 1920. History of McLean County 263 Thomas C. Kerrick came to McLean County in 1868 and practiced many years. He served as city attorney and was state senator one term, 1888. He was one of the delegates to the constitutional convention, 1920. Is still in active practice. James S. Neville began practice in 1881. He served as alderman and mayor of Bloomington and died while occupying the latter office in 1906. For several years he served as member of the state warehouse and railroad commissioner. John A. Sterling was admitted in 1885 ; elected state's attorney in 1892, and served four terms. In 1902 he was elected to Congress and re- elected for each succeeding two-year term except in the Sixty-third Con- gress. He met accidental death on Oct. 17, 1918, when an automobile in which he was riding was overturned on a road near Pontiac. Alfred Sample was judge of the Eleventh Circuit for many years until his death. Practiced in Ford County, served as city attorney of Paxton; as presidential elector for Garfield, 1880. Charles Laban Capen came to McLean County in 1857; began prac- tice in 1871 ; served as president of State Bar Association ; now and for many years dean of the Wesleyan Law School; served many years on the state board of education, in management of the Illinois State Nor- mal University. Hudson Burr was here after 1854; served as adjutant of 94th Illinois in Civil War. Died in 1891. John E. Pollock was admitted to the bar in Ohio and Virginia, and came to this county in 1866. Served as master in chancery and also was on the state board for management of penitentiaries. Two lawyers who practiced outside the county seat and yet who made their mark in their profession during their lives were Wesley M. and Les- lie J. Owen, both of Leroy. They were native sons of McLean County, being born at Covell, their parents being Martin J. and Sarah Hopkins Owen. Leslie taught school when a young man, worked as railway mail clerk, and then graduated at Wesleyan Law School. Mr. Owen practiced very successfully in partnership with his twin brother, Wesley, for many years at Leroy, and after the latter's death Leslie continued until his own tragic death. He was killed by being hit by an automobile near the Big Four station in Bloomington on the morning of Nov. 12, 1922. Wesley 264 History of McLean County M. Owen also taught school when a young man, and then attended Wes- leyan Law School, graduating in 1894. Establishing in practice at Leroy with his brother, he took part in politics and in 1900 was elected to the Legislature. He served with distinction. In 1910 he was appointed by President Roosevelt as judge of the Panama Canal zone, which office he filled with great ability for several years. On retirement he resumed, practice until his death on Oct. 16, 1917. Erskine M. Hamilton was admitted to practice in McLean County in 1871 ; had served in 84th Ohio in Civil War, and afterward was city attor- ney of Steubenville, Ohio; acted as pension atorney in Bloomington for many years. Died about ten years ago. Darius H. Pingrey began service here in 1877; taught in Wesleyan Law School; was author of several legal text-books, including one on international law. Sain Welty, after graduating from Yale Law School at the head of his class in 1883, came to Bloomington and formed a partnership with John A. Sterling in 1884. He served as city attorney and as master in chancery. In 1915 he was elected circuit judge and filled the position with distinction until his death in April, 1920. Judge Edward Barry, the sitting jurist of this judicial district, was admitted to the bar in 1887, and for years practiced in partnership with Joseph F. Fifer and later with John J. Morrissey. He was elected judge without opposition at a special election after the death of Judge Welty in 1920, and in June, 1921, was elected for a full term. Robert E. Williams was one of the eminent members of the bar in the earlier days. Born in Pennsylvania, he lived in Texas for some years after being admitted to the bar. He came to McLean County in 1856 and remained here until his death in 1899. He attained more than ordinary local prominence as a lawyer. In 1868 he was nominated by the Demo- cratic party as candidate for attorney-general of Illinois, but he with his party met defeat, after an able campaign. It is impossible to give sketches of all the lawyers of other years who practiced with ability and success in McLean County, and who adorned the bar by their lives. A mere list of some of their names will bring to mind of the older citizens, men who served their day and generation well. Following is a fairly complete list of the names: Franklin Brattan, William H. Hanna, Major W. Packard, Amzi Mc- History of McLean County 265 Williams, Levi Hite, William H. Holmes, Henry L. Haskell, Washington Wright, Jesse Birch, Andrew W. Rodgers, L. L. Strain, Almon B. Ives, James C. Walker, George 0. Robinson, James E. Flagg, David Brier, Thomas H. Sparrow, Samuel H. Dent, Robert E. Woodson, William H. Cord, Jeremiah Learning, John M. Stillwell, William P. Boyd, Walter M. Hatch, John B. Cohrs, Thomas C. Peek, Simeon P. Ives, Richard Williams, Jesse Bishop, John B. Perry, David Quigg, Augustus C. Reed, Benjamin F. Betzer, Oliver C. Sabin, Thomas Slade, John A. Spence, Chas. R. Dichin- son, Isaac S. Mahan, Henry A. Ewing, J. W. Straight, James Wells, Rob-. McCart, Wm. E. Hughes, Zachariah Lawrence, Joseph Pancake, Henry G. Reeves, Hezekiah Benson, Thomas A. Underhill, Winfield S. Coy, Aaron G. Karr, Louis H. Karr, John F. Winter, William Van Voris, William E. Gapin, Thomas McNulta, Isaac W. Stroud, Orlando Aldrich, Charles Shack- elford, Cornelius G. Bradshaw, James D. Spencer, James R. Brooks, Parke E. Temple, John C. Scovel, Joseph M. Weakley, W. C. P. Remine, Nathan F. Pusey, Robert B. Porter, Miletus S. McGrew, William H. Whitehead, Benjamin D. Lucas, Albert Bushnell, John G. Tipton, A. B. Campbell, Ran- dolph Pike, Asahel Dickinson, Richard Osborn, Marshall Williams, Will- iam Duff Haynie, James Gordon Forbes, Jesse Lynch, Henry D. Spencer, Alfred Davidson, Frank Jackson, Samuel P. Robinson, Robert W. Sabin, Hiram Hadley, John Stapleton, Hamer H. Green, Edwin H. Miner, Ivory H. Pike, George A. Hill, Franklin Blades, Frank B. Henderson, William H. Beaver, Frank Y. Hamilton, Jacob P. Lindley, David C. Ross, Edgar Holly, Andrew J. Barr, Robert L. Fleming, Henry Dooley, Otto Lowen- traut, Robert P. McNulta, David P. McDonald, Frank B. McKennan, Dwight E. Will, Roland A. Russell, Joseph J. Thompson, Harvey Hart, George F. Jordan, Miss Effie Henderson, James G. Condon, Ralph F. Potter, Jesse R. Long, John Mayne Pollock, R. D. Calkins, Arthur M. Conard, Edward Peirce, Thomas L. Pollock, Oliver R. Trowbridge, Walker McLean, Earl D. Riddle, James P. Grove, Thomas W. Tipton, James M. Reeves, Daniel H. Bane, Wave Miller, Samuel H. Dooley, John G. Boeker, Egbert B. Hawk, Herman Fifer, Charles F. Agle, Benjamin L. Goodheart, Albert F. Monroe, Edward M. Hoblit, Edgar Milton Heafer, James J. Love, Verne J. Swartz, Thomas V. O'Donnell, Walter C. Muxfeld. Following are the present (1923) members of the McLean County bar, who are in active practice, together with the year in which each be- gan his practice: John Alexander, 1902; William R. Bach, 1894; William 266 History of McLean County F. Costigan, 1911; Fred W. Wollrab, 1915; L. Earl Bach, 1921; Dwight E. Beal, 1912; William K. Bracken, 1892; Miles K. Young, 1890; Nicholas W. Brandicon, 1878 ; Martin A. Brennan, 1903 ; Enoch Brock, 1886 ; Charles M. Buck, 1902; Charles L. Capen, 1868; W. B. Carlock, 1870; A. E. De- Mange, 1877; Ralph C. DeMange, 1907; Earl R. Depew, 1915; D. D Donahue, 1899; E. E. Donnelly, 1885; E. A. Donnelly, 1916; Richard F Dunn, 1915; Delmer Dunn, 1919; Joseph W. Fifer, 1869; Jacob A. Bohrer 1896; John A. Fulwiler, 1868; Frank Gillespie, 1890; Homer W. Hall 1892; Lester H. Martin, 1903; Oscar G. Hoose, 1914; Frank O. Hanson 1903; Louis C. Hay, 1887; C. B. Hughes, 1900; H. A. Iungerich, 1910 Charles P. Kane, 1914; Thomas Kennedy, 1886; Kaywin Kennedy, 1920 W. H. Kerrick, 1892; Sylvan L. Kupfer, 1915; W. Blake Leach, 1902 Huber Light, 1902; James A. Light, 1908; John T. Lillard, 1874; Robert E. Williams, 1886; Sigmund Livingston, 1894; W. W. Whitmore, 1894 Mrs. Stella Whitmore, 1918; James L. Loar, 1888; Aurelius M. Miller 1903; John J. Morrissey, 1880; John M. Sullivan, 1906; Adlai H. Rust 1914; J. B. Murphy, 1920; H. M. Murray, 1890; M. M. Morrissey, 1905 Edmund O'Connell, 1876; R. M. O'Connell, 1910; E. W. Oglevee, 1900 B. A. Franklin, 1902; A. W. Peasley, 1888; Charles M. Peirce, 1889; H. I Pratt, 1912; R. J. Heffernan, 1913; Roy Ramseyer, 1918; W. C. Radliff 1914 ; Calvin Rayburn, 1879 ; Harry E. Riddle, 1915 ; James C. Riley, 1899 H. A. Rodee, 1912; D. J. Sammon, 1895; Hal M. Stone, 1900; George F Dick, 1909; Edward W. Sutherland, 1898; Wayne C. Townley, 1920 Thomas S. Weldon, 1909; John F. Wight, 1885; Charles I. Will, 1892 Charles A. Zweng, 1912; Loren Lewis, 1918; Harold M. Hulse, 1920 Claude Kitchell, 1921; Chalmer C. Taylor, 1920; Maurice Stern, 1921 Herbert M. Livingston, 1921 ; Horatio G. Bent ; Horatio C. Bent ; Spencer Ewing; Birney F. Fleming; George K. Foster; Howard Rhen, Hubert J. Thompson. CHAPTER XXI. MEDICAL PROFESSION. TREATMENT OF PIONEER SICK— FIRST DOCTORS — MEDICAL SOCIETY ORGANIZED —EARLY MEMBERS— rHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF FORMER YEARS^- PRESENT MEMBERS OF COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY'— PHYSICIANS IN WORLD WAR. In the very early times of the county, the settlers had to do without the services of a professional physican, and some of the settlers them- selves, especially the women, developed considerable skill and perhaps some science in the matter of treating the common ailments to which the flesh is heir. Aunt Jane Hendrix and Aunt Ann Dawson were women of this kind. Mrs. Gardner Randolph was another. Their materia medica was of simple proportions ; sweating and the use of native herbs were their main reliance. The first doctor known to have visited the county was Dr. Herring- ton of Springfield, who was called to Blooming Grove in 1825 to attend a sick man at the home of John Wells Dawson, he being a U. S. surveyor. Dr. John Anderson settled here in 1833, Dr. Thomas H. Haines soon after- ward, Dr. John F. Henry in 1835, Dr. David Wheeler in 1836. According to some authorities among the early settlers, Dr. Wheeler came even before Dr. Anderson ; at least he was among the very first physicians who located in the settlement. Dr. Haines died in 1838 and Dr. Anderson in 1842, both believed to have succumbed to overwork in the hard condi- tions and much sickness of the time. Dr. Wheeler lived to the age of 89 and died at Waynesville. Dr. Henry removed to Burlington, Iowa. Dr. Jarvis Gaylord and Dr. E. M. Colburn were other early physicians who 267 268 History of McLean County remained in McLean County only a few years. Dr. Garrett Elkin lived here from 1845 to 1853. The McLean County Medical Society was organized in 1854, with the following as its first officers: President, Dr. A. H. Luce; vice-presi- dent, Dr. H. Noble; corresponding secretary, Dr. E. R. Roe; recording secretary, Dr. W. A. Elder; treasurer, Dr. T. P. Rogers. The society con- tinued from that time until the present, and has never neglected to hold occasional meetings and keep up its organization. The pioneer physician was a man of strong type, mentally and physi- cally, for he could not have practiced his profession under the trying conditions of that time unless he had been strong. The last survivor of the charter members of the medical society was Dr. Charles R. Parke, who wrote a history of the society which was published in 1905. Dr. Parke graduated from the medical department of the University of Penn- sylvania in 1848, the same year went overland to California, came to Bloomington in 1852, was surgeon in the Russian army 1855-56, returned to Bloomington in 1857 and remained here until 1902, when he retired and removed to Louisville, where he died. He was surgeon-in-chief of St. Joseph's Hospital for twenty years. The McLean County Medical Society celebrated its golden or fiftieth anniversary with a banquet at the Illinois Hotel in Bloomington on April 7, 1904, at which there were present about 50 members and former mem- bers and their families. Among the guests of honor was Dr. Charles R. Parke, one of the charter members and the eighth president, who came from his retirement in Louisville to be present on this occasion. There were visitors from many cities. Some brief statement of facts about the more prominent members of the society during its long years of history, most of whom have passed on or have retired, may be made at follows: Dr. S. T. Anderson, graduate of Rush, located here in 1881 and was a prominent practitioner until his death several years ago. Dr. T. W. Bath, born in Wales, located first in Normal and then went to the Philippine Islands as an army surgeon. After again locating here he practiced several years, then departed for the far west. Dr. A. T. Barnes was a superintendent of the Illinois Hospital for In- sane at Anna before coming to McLean County; he was president of the County Medical Society, and prominent Republican politician in addition History of McLean County 269 to be a doctor; he was appointed postmaster of Bloomington and served as such until shortly before his death. Dr. H. F. Ballard, graduate of Rush, practiced in Chenoa and Cooksville. Dr. N. B. Cole located in Bloomington in 1865, was physician at the Soldiers Orphans' Home until shortly before his removal in 1896 to Phoe- nix, Ariz., where he died several years later. Dr. E. K. Crothers located in Bloomington in 1850 and was a leading physician until his death in 1893. He was the father of Rachel Crothers, the famous playwright. Dr. C. J. Corley, graduate of Rush Medical College, located here in 1884 and practiced with success until his death in 1898. Dr. William Cromwell, graduate of University of Maryland, located here in 1858, was appointed postmaster of Bloomington in 1867 and served four years. Died in 1874. Dr. Henry Conklin was a physician in this county between 1864 and 1888, practicing in both Bloomington and Hudson. Dr. Samuel L. Chapin, native of DeWitt County, graduate of Jeffer- son Medical College, practiced in Holder and Saybrook between 1875 and 1904. On Aug. 18 of the latter year he was murdered by an insane man as he was returning to his office. Dr. J. E. Covey, born near Leroy, graduated from Rush, spent five months in Germany, and practiced in Bloomington from 1904 to 1907, when he died. Dr. A. T. Darrah, native of Ohio, graduated from Rush in 1865, and was located in Bloomington from 1883 until his death in 1889. He was prominent in Masonry, and the father of Delmar D. Darrah, afterward Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Masons in Illinois. Dr. W. A. Elder, prominent practitioner in Bloomington from 1851 until his death in 1895. Dr. F. H. Godfrey, graduate of Miami Medical College, practiced in Bellflower, and in 1890 came to Bloomington, where he practiced until his death. Served many years on the city board of health. Dr. William E. Guthrie, one of the eminent surgeons of his time, served as chief surgeon for Lake Erie and the Chicago & Alton Railroads ; was on staffs of St. Joseph's and Brokaw Hospitals and devoted himself exclusively to surgery from 1900 to the time of his death. 270 History of McLean County Dr. John Haig, graduate of Miami Medical College, lived and prac- ticed at Leroy for many years and served as postmaster for several years. Dr. William Hill, native of Ohio, surgeon 48th Illinois Regiment in Civil War ; located in Bloomington at close of war and practiced here until time of his death. Dr. Silas Hubbard, native of New York, graduate of Castleton Medi- cal College, Vermont; practiced at Hudson from 1858 to 1900, when he removed to East Aurora, N. Y., to be with his son, Elbert Hubbard, the famous writer. Dr. Hubbard and his son are both deceased. Dr. M. D. Hull, graduate of Louisville Medical College, practiced at Arrowsmith for many years, and after 1894 in Bloomington, until his death. Dr. F. 0. Jackman, graduate of Northwestern University Medical Col- lege, served on staffs of insane hospitals at Topeka, Jacksonville, and Mt. Pleasant, Iowa ; now retired, living in Bloomington. Dr. Jehu Little, native of Indiana ; graduate of Belleville Medical Col- lege; served as surgeon in Civil War; was prisoner in Libby Prison; prac- ticed in Leroy and Bloomington from 1866 to death ; served as president, secretary and treasurer of McLean County Medical Society. Dr. A. H. Luce located in Bloomington 1842 and practiced until his death in 1893. Was charter member and first president of County Medi- cal Society. Dr. Ernest Mammen, graduate of Rush, studied in Europe on several occasions ; served as county physician ; practiced surgery many years in Bloomington; now in China delivering lectures at medical colleges. Dr. D. 0. Moore, native of Ohio, practiced in Bloomington from 1863 until his death in 1901. Dr. Nelson K. McCormick, graduate of Chicago Medical; located in Normal in 1889 ; served as physician at Soldiers Orphans' home ; was chief of staff and one of the main promoters of Brokaw Hospital ; now deceased. Dr. Harrison Noble, graduate of Ohio Medical and Rush, located in McLean County in 1832; was member of Legislature in 1864-65; died in 1870. Dr. C. T. Orner, located in Saybrook in 1871 ; Bloomington in 1884, until his death ; was on staff St. Joseph's Hospital. Dr. F. J. Parkhurst, graduate of Chicago Medical ; located in Danvers ; conducted Willow Bark Institute until his death in 1902. History of McLean County 271 Dr. Thomas P. Rogers came from Philadelphia, located in Woodford County, then in Bloomington; elected to Legislature 1872-80; is now deceased. Dr. E. R. Roe, located in Bloomington before Civil War; served as lieutenant-colonel in Civil War; later was U. S. marshal in southern Illi- nois ; died 1893. Dr. R. W. Shinn, graduate of Rush, practiced many years in Chenoa. Dr. T. E. Stahl, practiced in Bloomington and Mackinaw, 1874-87, and died in Mackinaw in 1887. Dr. L. H. Skaggs, located in Ellsworth in 1872; served as assistant surgeon of 94th Illinois in Civil War. Dr. George R. Smith, graduate of Chicago Medical; began practice in Bloomington 1887 and continued to his death. Dr. G. M. Smith, graduate of Cleveland Medical, came to Blooming- ton in 1883 ; elected mayor 1894 ; died in November, 1897. Dr. Lee Smith, graduate of Rush Medical ; served as surgeon in charge of army hospital in Washington, 1862-63 ; practiced in Bloomington after- ward until his death. Dr. A. E. Stewart, native of McLean County ; graduate of Jefferson Medical ; was assistant surgeon 94th Illinois ; elected to Legislature 1872- 76; died 1899. Dr. R. Wunderlich, graduate of Tubingen College, Germany; prac- ticed in Germany and Chili; came to Bloomington 1868; died in February, 1893. Dr. Thomas F. Worrell, graduated from Louisville Medical, located in Bloomington in 1850; died in September, 1887. Dr. J. M. Waters, graduate of Jefferson; practised in Normal and later in Gibson City, 1868-79. Dr. J. L. White, graduate of Harvard Medical College, located in Jerseyville and later in Memphis ; came to Bloomington in 1870 ; served as member of Legislature 1894-96; died in 1902. Was head of staff of St. Joseph's Hospital for many years. A list of many of the other prominent physicians and surgeons of McLean County of former years who have either died or removed to dis- tant places would include the following: Dr. Charles Ayling, Dr. Paul Allyn, Dr. A. A. Absher, Dr. Edwin M. Adams, Dr. J. C. Adams, Dr. W. J. Ballard, Dr. L. A. Burr, Dr. W. A. 272 History of McLean County Balcke, Dr. C. 0. Burke, Dr. R. R. Burns, Dr. G. W. Bartin, Dr. Samuel Bane, Dr. John Y. Bonnett, Dr. Robert D. Bradley, Dr. C. R. Carr, Dr. Charles Carle, Dr. Howard C. Crist, Dr. D. 0. Crist, Dr. H. S. Chapin, Dr. W. R. Chew, Dr. David L. Crist, Dr. H. M. Dally, Dr. D. T. Douglas, Dr. R. W. Dunlap, Dr. G. D. Elder, Dr. George W. Elder, Dr. Charles S. Elder, Dr. J. R. Freese, Dr. D. M. Foster, Dr. T. D. Fisher, Dr. Elias Grey, Dr. C. Judson Gill, Dr. Daniel 0. Golding, Dr. R. Earl Gordon, Dr. D. 0. D. Haer- ing, Dr. T. T. Haering, Dr. J. W. Hall, Dr. C. E. Hayward, Dr. Z. L. Hoover, Dr. Edward P. G. Holderness, Dr. Lewis J. Hammers, Dr. William Hal- lam, Dr. N. F. Jordan, Dr. E. B. Johnson, Dr. Albert G. Jones, Dr. M. S. Kopf, Dr. S. L. Kerr, Dr. J. E. Kunkler, Dr. William J. Kirk, Dr. L. S. Keith, Dr. 0. A. Kell, Dr. A. F. Kaeser, Dr. T. W. Keys, Dr. James S. Lackey, Dr. Hiram C. Luce, Dr. Julius Lehman, Dr. R. G. Laughlin, Dr. Thomas R. Mullen, Dr. James Montgomery, Dr. John P. Moore, Dr. George W. Mason, Dr. J. M. Miller, Dr. D. H. McFarland, Dr. William Mcintosh, Dr. John F. McKenzie, Dr. D. H. Nusbaum, Dr. Stephen W. Noble, Dr. Harvey Parkhurst, Dr. J. R. Peirce, Dr. A. R. Penniman, Dr. W. L. Pol- lock, Dr. William Patch, Dr. Ernest S. Reedy, Dr. W. H. Reedy, Dr. J. W. Read, Dr. S. L. Stevens, Dr. Charles C. Sater, Dr. J. M. Suggett, Dr. J. H. Stein, Dr. E. M. Stretch, Dr. E. E. Sargent, Dr. L. E. Spear, Dr. John Sweeney, Dr. George W. Stipp, Dr. Frank A. Stubblefield, Dr. John A. Tut- hill, Dr. E. M. K. Taylor, Dr. A. P. Tenney, Dr. Thomas M. Taylor, Dr. Nathaniel P. Ward, Dr. H. A. Winter, Dr. M. C. Wilson, Dr. S. B. Wright, Dr. J. W. Waters. Dr. W. H. Gardner, one of the younger physicians of the city, carried on his practice for several years in connection with the Kelso Sanitarium, and then went into military service in the World War. He made a fine record, taking part in the operations of the Argonne. After the war he gave up practice and engaged in business with his father and brothers. The names of the physicians and surgeons who are members of the McLean County Medical Society the present year (1923) are as follows: Bloomington — Drs. F. W. Brian, E. L. Brown, C. E. Chapin, Bernice Curry, E. G. Covington, T. D. Cantrell, L. B. Cavins, A. J. Casner, J. J. Condon, G. M. Cline, Frank Deneen, H. W. Elder, J. Norman Elliott, J. H. Fenelon, Ralph A. Fox, A. R. Freeman, J. W. Fulwiler, A. L. Fox, F. C. Fisher, H. W. Grote, W. W. Gailey, Paul E. Greenleaf, M. V. Gunn, F. H. Henderson, E. B. Hart, J. K. P. Hawks, H. L. Howell, L. L. Erwin, George History of McLean County 273 B. Kelso, Alvin Keller, Ralph R. Loar, A. W. Meyer, J. C. McNutt, R. N. Noble, W. E. Neiberger, Ralph P. Peairs, D. D. Raber, 0. M. Rhodes, A. E. Rogers, G. A. Sloan, E. P. Sloan, 0. J. Sloan, J. Whitefield Smith, A. C. Schoch, F. C. Vandervort, F. J. Welch, H. W. Wellmerling, Harold R. Wat- kins, J. L. Yolton, Rhoda G. Yolton, W. M. Young, E. G. Weiland, J. P. Noble, C. M. Noble, Eliza Hyndman, A. L. Fox, Harlan H. Hart, A. L. Chapman. Normal — Drs. Florence Ames, Ferd C. McCormick, W. L. Penniman. Lexington — Drs. Martha Bull, L. J. Hammers. Bellflower — Dr. J. H. Copenhaver. Danvers — Drs. W. A. Coss, E. M. Minnick, B. 0. Swinehart. Colfax— Drs. H. W. Langstaff, H. E. Pinkerton. Heyworth — Drs. Frank Turner, F. L. Wakefield. Cropsey — Dr. H. C. Cantle. Stanford— Dr. S. T. Cavins. Chenoa — Dr. C. R. Kerr. Saybrook — Dr. James Jensen. Towanda — Dr. P. A. Humphries. Gridley — Drs. Thomas Moate, E. M. Adams. Leroy— E. R. May, E. E. Sargent. Downs — Dr. E. C. Williams. McLean— Dr. C. W. Ritter. Elsewhere — Dr. E. S. Horine, Maywood, 111. ; 0. F. May, Fort Bayard, N. Mex. ; V. D. Thomas, Greystone Park, N. J. ; John Zeigler, Farmer City. The list of McLean County physicians who saw active service in the army or navy during the World War was as follows: Dr. Harry Howell, Dr. R. A. Noble, Dr. Wilfred Gardner, Dr. A. E. Rogers, Dr. J. W. Wallis, Dr. T. D. Cantrell, Dr. J. K. P. Hawks, Dr. L. B. Cavins, Dr. Frank Sayers, Dr. Fred Brian, Dr. F. C. Vandervort, Dr. G. H. Galford, Dr. W. W. Gailey, Dr. L. L. Irwin, Dr. A. E. Behrendt, Dr. A. J. Casner, Dr. J. L. Yolton, Dr. H. A. Elder, Dr. W. L. Penniman, Dr. D. D. Raber, Dr. E. R. Hermann (Stanford), Dr. A. R. Freeman, Dr. Paul Greenleaf, Dr. C. E. Schultz, Dr. Frank Deneen, Dr. L. 0. Thompson (LeRoy), Dr. 0. A. Coss, Arrow- smith. The Board of Examiners in McLean County were as follows: Drs. F. C. Vandervort, E. Mammen, J. L. Yolton, F. H. Godfrey, J. H. Fenelon, Frank F. Fisher, William Young, Harry L. Howell, Charles E. Chapin. (16) 274 History of McLean County The Exemption Board Examiners: Drs. N. E. Nieberger, E. P. Sloan, E. B. Hart, W. E. Gutherie, R. D. Fox, G. B. Kelso and J. Whitefield Smith. In the last 15 years, Bloomington has become the location of several physicians of the newer schools of practice. There are now eight dif- ferent practitioners of the osteopathic method, and they have become recognized among the substantial professional class of the city. The names of the osteopaths listed in the 1923 directory were Warren E. Atkins, Mrs. Annie B. Bunn, Ethel L. Burner, John D. Cunningham, Daugherty & Mantle, Charles P. Hanson and Eugene Pitts. Chiropractors are another class of practitioners who have become established in the county seat, there being listed in 1923 the following: Frank J. Esper, V. Emil Lambeau, E. Russell Scott, Alfred T. Spath. CHAPTER XXII. COUNTY DENTAL SOCIETY. ORGANIZED IN 1902 — FIRST MEETINGS — FIRST OFFICERS — CONSTITUTION ADOPTED— LIST OF OFFICERS— DEATHS— TWO STATE CONVENTIONS HELD HERE. The organization of dentists of McLean County is of comparatively recent date. It was on Oct. 10, 1902, that a meeting of dentists was called at the rooms of the Business Men's Association, with the following pres- ent: F. H. Mcintosh, J. M. Crigler, J. S. Reece, J. H. Campbell, W. H. Land, G. D. Sitherwood, 0. J. Jarrett, M. D. Young, E. B. Coen, J. G. Besley, J. W. Kasbeer, B. M. VanDervoort, C. P. Holland and A. J. Elmer. Dr. F. H. Mcintosh was chosen as temporary chairman and B. M. Van- Dervoort as temporary secretary. It was voted to form the McLean County Dental Society, and the following committee was appointed to draw up constitution and by-laws: A. J. Elmer, G. D. Sitherwood and J. H. Campbell. Every practicing dentist in McLean County was to be invited to join the new society. At the second meeting, held one week later, the following dentists in addition to those present at the first meeting, expressed in person or by letter their willingness to join the society: Harry Stevenson, H. C. Rodenhauser, J. B. Brown, B. Henline, P. H. Geiger, C. D. Eaton, 0. R. Griffith, J. M. Gallahugh of Chenoa, D. M. Field of Danvers, J. T. Scott, of Saybrook, A. T. Hanson of Lexington, B. L. Stevens of Lexington, D. M. Field of Danvers, A. M. Wilkes of Leroy. The following were the first permanent set of officers elected : Presi- dent, F. H. Mcintosh; vice-president, J. H. Campbell; secretary, B. M. 275 276 History of McLean County VanDervoort; treasurer, A. M. Field of Danvers. Executive committee, G. D. Sitherwood and 0. J. Jarret of Bloomington, J. S. Reece of Normal. Board of censors, J. M. Crigler and J. B. Brown of Bloomington, J. M. Gallahugh of Chenoa. The first death among the members of the society was noted in the proceedings of Nov. 21, 1902, when resolutions on the death of Dr. 0. T. Hansen of Lexington were passed. The society held its first banquet at the new Illinois Hotel on Dec. 15, 1902, when a fine dinner was followed with a program of toasts, including speeches by Dr. Kasbeer, Dr. Sitherwood, Dr. VanDervoort, Dr. Coen, Dr. Crigler and Dr. Jarrett. At the meeting held on Sept. 12, 1904, this society adopted the con- stitution of the state society and became affiliated with the state or- ganization. In October, 1903, the following officers were chosen: President, G. D. Sitherwood; vice-president, J. W. Kasbeer; secretary, B. M. VanDer- voort; treasurer, J. B. Brown. In the following year, Dr. VanDervoort was chosen president; J. W. Crigler, vice-president; J. S. Reece, secre- tary, and M. D. Young, treasurer. Soon after the society was organized, members from outside coun- ties were admitted. At the third annual banquet, responses tp toasts were made by Dr. Piper of Pontiac, Dr. Kasbeer, Dr. Sitherwood, Dr. Brown and Dr. Crigler. At the election of 1905, J. B. Brown was elected president; P. A. Pyper of Pontiac, vice-president; J. S. Reece, secretary, and M. D. Young treasurer. The officers in various succeeding years were as follows: 1906 — J. W. Kasbeer, president ; O. J. Jarrett, vice-president ; S. B. Powers, secretary; J. G. Beesley, treasurer. 1907 — 0. J. Jarrett, president; M. D. Young, vice-president; G. D. Sitherwood, secretary; R. J. Brady, treasurer. 1908 — P. A. Pyper, president; J. S. Reece, vice-president; A. J. El- mer, secretary; R. J. Brady, treasurer. 1909 — J. S. Reece, president; J. E. Long, vice-president; T. H. Smith, secretary; J. B. Stannard, treasurer. 1910 — J. R. Rayburn, president; T. H. Smith, vice-president; H. G. McCormick, secretary; 0. J. Jarrett, treasurer. History of McLean County 277 1911 — W. H. Land, president; W. L. Meyer, vice-president; H. G. McCormick, secretary; 0. J. Jarrett, treasurer. 1912 — N. B. Newsome, president; George T. Moore, vice-president; J. W. Kasbeer, secretary; J. S. Reese, treasurer. 1913 — A. M. Wilkes, president; J. B. Brown, vice-president; J. W. Kasbeer, secretary-treasurer. 1914 — H. G. McCormick, -president; J. F. Mohan, vice-president; J. W. Kasbeer, secretary-treasurer. 1915 — J. F. Mohan, president; E. R. Weart, vice-president; A. B. Lee, secretary-treasurer. 1916 — J. S. Reece, president; A. M. Wilcox, vice-president; H. C. Rodenhauser, secretary-treasurer. 1917 and 1918, same officers as above. 1919-1920 — B. L. Stevens, president; A. D. Shaffer, secretary- treasurer. 1921 — George T. Moore, president; J. F. Mohan, vice-president; J. E. Willman, secretary-treasurer. 1922 — J. E. Willman, president; C. G. D. Shaddle, vice-president; Richard McLean, secretary-treasurer. In the course of its history, the society has been called upon to mourn the death -of some of its original members. Dr. Elmer died in 1909, Dr. Harry Stevenson in the same year; Dr. Brown in 1914; Dr. Mcintosh, the first president, in 1923. Twice has the McLean County Society entertained the State Dental Society. The first time was in May, 1903, and the second time in May, 1918. On both occasions very successful conventions were held. CHAPTER XXIII. THE PRESS. FIRST NEWSPAPER — BLOOMINGTON OBSERVER — THE PANTAGRAPH— DAILY BUL- LETIN — OTHER NEWSPAPERS — LABOR ORGANS — NEWSPAPERS IN THE COUNTY— OTHER WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PUBLICATIONS — SCHOOL PERIOD- ICALS. From the very beginning of McLean County, the people have been intelligent and well informed in the current events of the day. This has been due largely to the fact that they have supported a public press which has at all times been marked by ability of editing and comprehensiveness of their scope. The county was but six years old when the first newspaper made its appearance in the form of the Bloomington Observer, which is believed to have been the pioneer newspaper not alone of this county but of the central part of the state. Only a very few copies of this paper are extant, but one of these is framed and hangs on the walls of the Panta- graph office at the present time, dated June 2, 1838. The caption says that the paper is "published every Saturday by J. W. Fell; office in the white house at the corner of Madison and Grove Streets." The first issue of the Observer was on Jan 14, 1837. William Hill was editor, while the printing material was owned jointly by James Allin, Jesse Fell and A. Gridley. After a year, Mr. Fell became editor and publisher. He contin- ued it until about June, 1839, when owing to hard times the paper sus- pended and no other was published in Bloomington until about 1846, when Charles P. Merriman established the Western Whig, a weekly. After various changes from that time to 1851, the paper became the property of C. P. Merriman and J. W. Fell, and a year later the name was 278 History of McLean County 279 changed to the Pantagraph, meaning "write all things." The paper lived through several changes in name and proprietorship, one of the names being the Intelligencer. Its office was first on Front Street, then on Main, and there it was burned out in the big fire of Oct. 16, 1855, when the whole block bounded by Washington, Center, Front and Main was consumed. After this the remnants of the office were bought by William E. Foots, a young printer from Keesville, N. Y. He built up a good plant and increased the prestige of the paper. The first issue of the Daily Pantagraph was on Feb. 23, 1857, William R. McCracken being local editor. In 1860, Mr. Foote sold out to A. J. Merriman, nephew of C. P. Merriman. Different men connected with the editorship and publi- cation of the paper from that time to 1868 were: A. J. Merriman, F. J. Briggs, and the firm of Steele, Carpenter & Briggs; John S. Scibird and Orin Watters, Thaddeus B. Packard. In 1868 the paper came under the management of Jesse W. Fell, William 0. Davis and James P. Taylor, con- tinuing to 1871, when Mr. Davis become sole proprietor. Mr. Davis con- tinued in sole charge until the company was incorporated under the title of the Daily Pantagraph, with H. 0. Davis, son of W. 0. Davis, as presi- dent, C. C. Marquis secretary and treasurer. The other owners of the stock of the corporation were the two daughters of W. 0. Davis, Mrs. Helen Stevenson and Mrs. Jessie F. Merwin. Among the men who served as editor of the Pantagraph during these years were Edward J. Lewis, William E. Foote, Henry B. Norton, Thomas Moore, J. H. Burnham, J. F. Diggs, B. F. Brigg, Edward R. Roe, William R. McCracken, William Mc- Cambridge, Daniel A. Ray, Joseph B. Bates, Roy H. Crihfield and Jacob L. Hasbrouck. The Pantagraph was Whig in politics until the organiza- tion of the Republican party, since which time it adhered to that party, with a decidedly independent attitude in political matters. The daily edi- tion continued with slight interruptions from 1857, and for many years the weekly was also published, but for the last ten years, owing to the circulation of the daily extending to the rural districts since rural free delivery came about, the weekly edition was dropped. The Pantagraph covers the news of the world with special attention to happenings in the eleven counties of central Illinois in which it circulates. Its circulation is about 18,000. The only evening newspaper in Bloomington is the Daily Bulletin, published by Braley & O'Donnell. The firm is composed of James F. 280 History of McLean County O'Donnell, the business manager, and Mrs. Carrie P. Braley, widow of the late Theodore A. Braley, who was for many years its editor. The Bulle- tin is Democratic in politics. It was founded on Feb. 8, 1881, owned by a joint stock company with John H. Oberly as editor. Matthew T. Scott shortly afterward acquired a control of the stock and Oberly continued as editor. Oberly finally removed to Washington, and in 1884 Matthew T. Scott sold the paper to Owen Scott, who came to Bloomington from south- ern Illinois. Mr. Scott continued as editor until 1892, when he was elected to Congress and sold the paper to Braley & O'Donnell. The Bulletin grew in patronage and prestige under the present firm, and finally ab- sorbed its only evening competitor, the Daily Leader, formerly conducted by M. F. Leland. The Bulletin also absorbed the Sunday Eye, a weekly paper founded and edited for many years by George L. Hutchin and C. M. Leek. In 1907 the Bulletin bought a lot on Madison Street near the inter- urban station and erected there a modern newspaper plant which is com- plete in every respect. The Bulletin covers the field thoroughly and issues the only Sunday newspaper in McLean County. The other newspapers which are published in Bloomington at present are the Searchlight, a weekly labor paper owned and published by the labor unions ; the Wesleyan Argus, a weekly paper by the students of the Wesleyan University; the Normalite, weekly, published in Normal by Clarence Burner ; the Vidette, weekly, published in Normal by the students of the Normal University; the Bloomington Journal, a weekly published in the German language by John B. Gummerman. Newspapers by the dozens have been published for short periods in Bloomington and McLean County, then died of inanition and passed away. The Daily Leader, an evening sheet, lived from 1869 to 1899, being suc- cessively run by M. F. Leland, Scibird & Watters, Wilbur F. Crawfords, George B. Wheeler, 0. C. Mason, E. R. Morse, L. A. Cass, Verne McGil- vray, Owen Scott, H. C. DeMotte. It was finally merged with the Bulletin. The Bloomington Courier preceded the Bulletin as a Democratic or- gan, living from 1879 to 1881. A chronological record of the various papers and the years in which they flourished is as follows: 1837, The Observer; 1845, The Register; 1846, Western Whig; 1848, Illinois Reveille; 1851, Bloomington Intelligencer; 1851, Illinois State Bul- letin; 1853, The Pantagraph; 1854, Illinois Central Times; 1855, National Flag, Illinois Baptist; 1856, Illinois Baptist; 1858, Illinois Statesman; History of McLean County 281 1863, McLean County Echo; 1864, Central Illinois Democrat, Daily Even- ing Democrat; 1865, McLean County Journal; 1866, Republican, Index, Wesleyan; 1868, Daily Leader, Democrat, Anzeiger; 1870, Republican, Ad- vertiser, Alumni Journal; 1872, Banner of Holiness, Trades Review, Real Estate Journal; 1873, Anti-monopolist, Enterprise, Little Watchman, Illi- nois Schoolmaster; 1874, Sunday Morning Star; 1875, The Appeal; 1876, Democratic News, Western Advance, Spirit of the Grange; 1877, Sunday Herald, Students' Journal ; 1878, Courier, Herald of Health, Sunday Morn- ing Eye; 1879, McLean County Press, Bloomington Journal; 1880, Bric-a- Brac, Through Mail, Daily Mail; 1881, Independent, Illinois School Jour- nal Prohibitionist; 1881, Daily Bulletin, The Bee; 1884, Odd Fellow, The Pilot; 1885, The Illinois Freemason, Weekly Times, Illinois Wesleyan Mag- azine; 1886, The Tailor; 1888, The Vidette, Elite Journal, Greek Oracle, The Avenger; 1889, Real Estate Exchange, Public School Journal; 1890, Interstate Herald, Record, Illinois Redman, Athenian; 1891, Home Circle, Saturday Truth; 1892, Index, Normal School Quarterly, Quarterly Bulle- tin; 1893, The Chimes, Wesleyan Argus, Souvenir Echo; 1895, Trades Re- view, Watchtower, Wesleyana; 1896, Temperance Pulse; 1897, The Owl, Tribune, Aegis, Methodist; 1898, Home and School Education, Citizen at Work; 1900, Commonwealth; 1902 ,The Pioneer; 1918, Farm Bureau Bul- letin, Home Bureau Bulletin; 1923, The American Review (magazine). For many years the labor unions of Bloomington have published a weekly paper for the special advocacy of their teachings and the news of the field of labor from their own standpoint. This was formerly called the Trades Review, which had a career of several years under various managements. At one time, about 1895-97, it was owned and edited by Louis FitzHenry, who is now the federal judge of the Southern Illinois district. The Trades Review later was abandoned as a labor organ, al- though it continued to be published for some time under the management of W. A. Luzader. Finally, some ten years ago, the labor unions of the city formed a co-operative company to buy the equipment for a new weekly organ, which was christened The Searchlight. This paper continues up to the present time as the organ of the local labor unions. It was edited for about five years by W. H. Whitehead, and is now in direct charge of J. H. North. A board of censorship, from members of the different unions, has the general oversight of the editorial policy. The newspapers published in the various towns of McLean County at 282 History of McLean County present and some brief mention of others which formerly were published and passed away are as follows: Chenoa — The Clipper-Times, weekly, is the only paper in Chenoa at present. It is owned and edited by W. H. Hawthorne, who succeeded the firm of Stansbury & Hawthorne. Leslie 0. Stansbury edited the Clipper- Times for several years, Mr. Hawthorne being in charge of the mechani- cal department. The Times previously had been edited by Beard Bros., who founded it in 1900. It was merged with the Clipper, founded in 1893 by Verne McGilvray, then managed in succession by E. S. Pike and G. E. Stump until its merger with the Times. There had been an earlier Times in Chenoa, founded in 1867 and continuing to 1874, managed in succes- sion by McMurtrie & Dyer, Miss Louise Dyer, C. H. King, C. R. Shore, C. H. John and Bovard Bros., who changed the name to Monitor. From 1874 it was published as the Monitor by the Bovards, C. H. John and Mann Bros., and the latter changed the name to Gazette. It continued- as the Gazette to 1900, the different managers being Mann Bros., C. H. Stickney, Hedge & Sons, and E. S. Pike. The latter merged the paper with the Gridley Herald and Chenoa Clipper, which in turn became part of the present Times-Clipper. Carlock — The Tribune, weekly, was published for ten years by J. A. Mace, L. B. Chapman and A. L. Chapman, discontinuing publication sev- eral years ago, being absorbed by the Danvers Independent. Arrowsmith — The News, published by Wooley Bros., Frank Wooley editor, is published in connection with the Saybrook Gazette, having been run for 15 or 20 years. Bellflower — John S. Harper started the Bellflower Journal, which ran until about 1904 with several changes of owners. Colfax — The weekly Press is edited by H. C. Van Alstine, who suc- ceeded A. E. Potts, founder of the paper about 1897. Part of the edition is printed under the name of Cooksville Enterprise and filled with Cooks- ville news. Danvers — The Independent, weekly, is owned and edited by A. C. Gingerich, who succeeded H. L. and Roy P. Stuckey, who started the paper in 1912. The Dispatch was the earliest paper in Danvers, being founded in 1879 by John S. Popple, who conducted it until about 1915, when it was merged with the Independent. There was an earlier paper also called the Independent, which was founded by Dr. D. C. Gideon and History of McLean County 283 George Bunn. The Commercial, edited by J. D. Clevenger, lived from 1898 for a few years. Ellsworth — The Tribune was started in 1898 and run for some time by N. B. Webster and Abbie Benedict. Gridley — The Gridley Advance is printed at Chenoa in connection with the Times-Clipper, with A. 0. Rupp as local editor for Gridley. The Advance was merged with the Chenoa paper under Stansbury & Haw- thorne. It was started in 1893 by C. S. Rowley. The Gridley Monitor flourished some years ago under Bovard Bros., then under H. 0. Hedge. Its name was changed to Herald before it became part of the Chenoa Clipper. Heyworth — Natural Gas was formerly the name of the weekly pub- lished here by P. A. Chapman. It is now called The Star. It was founded by J. A. Lasswell in 1898, who was succeeded by A. 0. McDowell, who conducted the paper until two years ago, when Mr. Chapman acquired it. The Natural Gas was formerly the Heyworth Reporter, having been founded in 1892 by Mr. Stackhouse. The Heyworth Standard flourished from 1881 to 1889 under Dudley Creed, publisher, Hugh Robb, editor. Hudson — The Gleaner was established in 1899 by Chris C. Taylor, and ran for a few years, then died. Leroy — One paper at present is published in Leroy, being the Jour- nal, edited by Melvin A. Cline. Its life has continued from 1888, when it was founded by John S. Harper, and he was succeeded in turn by W. C. Devore, and J. M. Zellhoefer. The Journal is a wide-awake weekly. Leroy has been the scene of the temporary publication of many weekly papers, all having died except the Journal. As far back as 1856, James Levens published the Observer for a few months. John S. Harper founded the Sucker State in 1871 and ran it for two years. The Leroy Exchange was edited a couple of years in the '70's by J. W. Wolfe. Charles Davis founded the Enterprise in 1877 and it ran only a short time. The Eagle and the Free Press were two other papers started by J. S. Harper and which soon died. The Prohibition Statesman was run for six months in 1884, then sold to the Lancet in Bloomington. Rutledge and Crumbaugh were the owners of the Democrat, which had a short life. Lexington — The Unit-Journal is the only paper here, being a weekly owned and edited by Miss Florence E. Wright, whose father conducted it until his death. This paper was started in 1891 by Verne McGilvray, 284 History of McLean County who sold it to E. F. Wright in 1897. There were several paper in Lex- ington which arose, lived and died. In the '50's the Globe was conducted by Batterton & Craig, then by Knotts and Mahan. It was discontinued in 1861, and for two years, 1863-65, Isaac Mahan and John D. Rogers ran the Herald. The Courier, edited by J. W. Fisher, flourished from 1869 to 1872, its name being changed to The Banner later. Rogers edited the Mackinaw Sentinel in 1873, and the same year E. M. King edited the En- terprise. The Spectator and Review were other short-lived Lexington papers. The Review lived from 1883 to 1891, run by Stark and Shepherd and later sold to McGilvray. McLean — The Lens is a weekly paper published here since 1880, owned by Crihfield Bros, of Atlanta. Various men have served as local editors, including Mr. Scott, D. G. Palmer, A. R. Dillman, A. M. Howell, R. E. Gifford and W. C. Arnold. Normal — The Normal Advocate, weekly, was started by John A. Lasswell, in 1887, then sold to E. H. Bailey and Charles S. Neeld, then to Neeld and J. L. Hasbrouck, then to W. A. Luzader, then to B. H. McCann and lastly to C. C. Lewis. The McLean County Herald was conducted for several years by W. A. Luzader, and the Normal Independent ran six months edited by Elmer Edwards and C. M. Coen. The Morning Call was started as a semi-weekly by A. G. Smith and sons in 1895 and ran to 1903 under Barger Bros, and C. C. Lewis in succession. The Normalite by Clarence Burner is the only weekly published in Normal now. Saybrook — The Gazette has for several years been conducted by Woolley Bros, with Frank Woolley as editor. It was founded in 1896. A paper of the same name flourished 1881-84 under M. H. Tipton and George M. Adams. The News was run by Thomas Horsley 1881-84, then merged with Gazette under Mace & Adams; Adams sold to Mace, who ran it to 1888 ; then to W. H. Rodman and then to Al Mace, who changed name to Independent. Mace Bros (J. C. and H. T.) conducted the paper to 1898, then sold to N. B. Webster, then to Frank Woolley. The earliest Saybrook paper was the News, started by J. S. Harper in 1872. The Banner, later the Anti-Monopolist, flourished 1872-3. The Herald was published 1875- 91, then merged with Gazette. Stanford — The Star, weekly, is published by Crihfield Bros., being founded in 1893. F. L. Garst is local editor. History of McLean County 285 Towanda — The Topic and the News were two Towanda papers which were edited in the '90's and early 1900. J. A. Murray was editor of the News. In addition to the newspaper and kindred publications, McLean County has seen the rise and progress of many other sorts of weekly and monthly periodicals, most of them of an educational nature. These have been published mostly in connection with one or another of the educational institutions of this county. Some of them flourished for a time, then died away, owing to changed conditions or the shifting of popular interest in the subjects treated. The members of the faculties of the State Normal University and the Wesleyan University have in the course of the years published several text-books on subjects related to their class-room work. The first state school journal published in Illinois appeared in Feb- ruary, 1855, printed in Bloomington under the title of the Illinois Teacher, Merriman & Norris, publishers, and edited by such educators of the time as W. F. M. Amy, Newton Bateman, C. E. Hovey and Simeon Wright. In 1873 it was merged with the Illinois Schoolmaster, of which Aaron Gove and C. E. C. Hewett were editors. George P. Brown for many years carried on a successful publishing business for school people, and after his death his work was carried on an enlarged scale by his son, George A. Brown and the latter's son, Alfred 0. Brown. It is now incorporated under the title of the Public School Publishing Company. The list of its publications at present includes a successful bi-monthly magazine of national circulation, and several school periodicals of national and international scope. The name of the maga- zine is the American Review, which was first issued in 1923. The periodi- cals published by this company include the Illinois Teacher, the direct suc- cessor of the Public School Journal and of "School and Home Education" ; the Journal of Educational Research, which has an international reputa- tion; and the Year Book of the National Society for the Study of Education. Several periodicals are published in connection with the Wesleyan University, including the weekly Wesleyan Argus, and the year book called the Wesleyana. These are edited by students under direction of the faculty. The State Normal University publishes a weekly paper for students, called The Vidette. The year book of the university is called the Index, 286 History of McLean County and is edited by students. The state school also issues The Alumni Quar- terly, which keeps the graduates of the university in touch with each other and with the present activities of the school. The Bloomington High School issues a year book under the title of The Aegis, which contains a summary of the work of each year as it appears. CHAPTER XXIV. COUNTY AND OTHER OFFICERS. CIRCUIT JUDGES— CIRCUIT CLERKS — SHERIFFS— SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS- STATE'S ATTORNEYS — COUNTY JUDGES — PROBATE JUDGE AND CLERK — COUNTY CLERK — TREASURERS — RECORDERS — SURVEYORS — CORONERS — STATE SENATORS— STATE REPRESENTATIVES — OTHER STATE AND FED- ERAL OFFICERS FROM McLEAN COUNTY. A long list of distinguished names are found in the roster of the men who have occupied county offices in McLean County from the earliest times to the present. Here is the list: Circuit Judges — Samuel D. Lockwood, to and including May term, 1834; Stephen T. Logan, April term, 1835; Thomas Ford, September term, 1835; Stephen T. Ford, April and September terms, 1836; William Brown, April and September terms, 1837 ; John Pearson, September term, 1837 ; Jesse B. Thomas, May term, 1838; Daniel Stone, September term, 1838; William Thomas, October term, 1839; Samuel Treat, May, 1845, to Sep- tember, 1848 ; Theophilus L. Dickey, April term, 1849 ; David Davis, Oc- tober, 1849, to September, 1862; Charles Emerson, September, 1860, to December, 1861; Oliver L. Davis, March term, 1862; John M. Scott, De- cember term, 1862, to March, 1870 ; Charles Emerson, June, 1864 ; Thomas F. Tipton, September, 1870, to February, 1877 ; Owen T. Reeves, March, 1877, to April, 1890; John Burnes, March, 1877; Nathaniel J. Pillsbury, November, 1879; Franklin Blades, February, 1881; Alfred Sample, .No- vember, 1886; February, 1887; September, 1889, and April, 1890; Thomas F. Tipton, September, 1891, to April, 1897; Alfred Sample, April term, 287 288 History of McLean County 1897, 1896; Colostin D. Myers, September, 1897, to 1915; Sain Welty, June, 1915, to April, 1920 ; Edward Barry, April, 1920, to present time. Circuit Clerks— James Allin, 1831-32; Merritt L. Covell, 1832-45; James T. Gildersleeve, 1845-48; William H. Allin, 1848-50; James Allin, Jr., 1850-51; William McCullough, 1851-62; Luman Burr, 1862-63; Ed- ward R. Roe, 1862-68; Robert E. Guthrie, 1868-72; Samuel F. Dolloff, 1872-76 ; James C. McFarland, 1876-84 ; James H. Leaton, 1884-96 ; James C. Elder, 1896-1910 ; John C. Allen, 1912-20 ; J. Huber Allen, 1920-24. Sheriffs— Cheney Thomas, 1832-34; Martin Scott, 1834-40; Green B. Larison, 1840-42; Richard Edwards, 1842-44; William McCullough, 1844- 48; Jonathan Glimpse, 1848-54; John J. Price, 1854-56; Joseph H. Moore, 1856-58 ; William P. Withers, John L. Routt, 1860-62 ; Norvel Dixon, 1862- 64 ; Henry A. Ewing, 1864-66 ; Edward M. Pike, 1866-68 ; Gustave Lange, 1868-70; Richard Osborn, 1870-72; Henry Houscherdt, 1872-74; James Goodheart, 1874-78; Joseph Ator, 1878-82; Henry H. Swaim, 1882-86; Vinton E. Howell, 1886-90 ; William J. Bishop, 1890-94 ; James Stone, 1894- 98; George Johnson, 1898-1902; Frank Edwards, 1902-06; A. L. Moore, 1906-10 ; James Reeder, 1910-14 ; George R. Flesher, 1914-18 ; Ralph Spaf- f ord, 1918-22 ; J. E. Morrison, 1922. Sheriff Spafford resigned in the sum- mer of 1922 to become superintendent of the Soldiers Orphans' Home at Normal, and the board of supervisors appointed J. E. Morrison, a deputy, to the position of sheriff. In the election of November, 1922, Morrison was elected for a full term. School Superintendents — The head of the school system of the county was first called school commissioner. Those who served in that capacity were: William D.urley, 1834; Jesse W. Fell, 1836; Cheney Thomas, 1841; William H. Hodge, 1841 ; James B. Price, 1849 ; John M. Scott, 1852 ; C. P. Merriman, 1857; Daniel Wilkin, 1858; C. P. Merriman, 1863. The posi- tion was changed to superintendent of schools about 1865 and the incum- bent elected. Those who have been elected as superintendent of schools were: Daniel Wilkin, 1863-69; John Hull, 1869-75; William Hawley Smith, 1875-81 ; John A. Miller, 1881-94 ; John S. Wren, 1894-06 ; Benjamin C. Moore, 1906-1922 ; Mrs. Nettie B. Dement, 1922. State's Attorneys. — Until 1870, the state's attorney was elected for the judicial district. The records of the circuit court with few exceptions History of McLean County 289 do not show the name of the state's attorney until 1850. They show Thomas Moffitt, May term, 1833; Charles E. Emerson, April term, 1836 Jesse B. Thomas, April term, 1837 ; A. Campbell, September term, 1838 A. Campbell, 1849-53 ; A. McWilliams, 1854-56 ; Ward H. Lamon, 1856-60 Harvey Hogg, March term, 1861 ; W. H. Young, 1861-62 ; Robert E. Wood- son, March term, 1863 ; Henry S. Green, 1863-66 ; Thomas F. Tipton, 1866- 68; Jonathan H. Rowell, 1868-72; Joseph W. Fifer, 1872-80; Robert P. Porter, 1880-84; Edwin H. Miner* 1884-92; John A. Sterling, 1892-96; R. L. Fleming, 1896-1904; William R. Bach, 1904-12; Miles K. Young, 1912- 20 ; Lester H. Martin, 1920-24. County Judges. — Amasa J. Merriman from date of township organi- zation in 1858 to 1873; Reuben M. Benjamin from 1873 to 1886; Colos- tin D. Myers, 1886; Roland A. Russell, 1897-1902; 1897-1910; Homer W. Hall, 1910-1914; James C. Riley, 1914-1921; William C. Radliff, 1921-24. Judge Radliff was appointed by the governor to succeed Judge Riley in 1921 when the latter was appointed master in chancery, and Radliff was elected to the position for a full term in 1922. Probate Judge. — Under the census of 1920, McLean County had more than 70,000 population, permitting the election of a probate judge in ad- dition to a county judge. The first election for this office was in 1922, when Jesse E. Hoffman was elected to the position. Probate Clerk. — When the probate court was established, the first election for a probate clerk in 1922 resulted in the election of W. Scott Rodman to that position. County Clerks. — Isaac Baker was appointed in 1831 as clerk of the county commissioners' court and served to September, 1839, when Bai- ley H. Coffey succeded him, serving to 1849. In 1849 the county court was organized with Coffey as clerk, serving to 1853. E. H. Rood elected in November, 1853, served to 1857, when township organization was ef- fected. The clerks of the county since that time were : William C. Hobbs, to 1860 ; R. L. Davis, to 1864 ; R. S. Mclntyre to 1869 ; J. W. Straight, to 1873; R. L. Davis, to 1878; Charles W. Atkinson, to 1886; Robert Maxton, to 1894 ; M. H. Newton, to 1898 ; R. L. Carlock, to 1902 ; C. C. Hassler, to 1910 ; Parmeno A. Guthrie, to 1924. (17) 290 History of McLean County County Treasurers. — Under the county commissioners the treasurers were as follows: Thomas Orendorff, 1831-33; David Wheeler, 1836; James Rains, 1837; Richard Edwards, 1838; G. B. Larison, 1839; Asahel Gridley, 1839-41 ; Welcome P. Brown, 1842 ; William H. Temple, 1842-52 ; William Thomas, 1851-58. Under township organization the county treas- urers from 1858 to the present time are as follows: William Thomas, 1858-60; Thomas Fell, 1860-64; John L. Routt, 1864-68; Lewis E. Ijams, 1868-72 ; Joseph Denison, 1872-74 ; Isaac W. Stroud, 1874-76 ; Joseph Den- ison, 1876-86; Lewis E. Ijams, 1886-90; J. L. Douglass, 1890-94; W. J. Baldridge, 1894-98; Joseph C. Means, 1898-1902; James Smith, 1902-06; William A. Stautz, 1906-10; Phineas Stubblefield, 1910-14; Joseph F. Rice, 1914-18; William C. Means, 1918-22; C. C. Baldwin, 1922. County Recorder. — Samuel Durley, 1832-33; Isaac Baker, 1833-49; William H. Allin, 1849-51; James Allin, Jr., 1851-52; William McUllough, 1852-62; Luman Burr, 1862-63; Edward R. Roe, 1863-68; Robert E. Guth- rie, 1868-73 ; Samuel Dolloff , 1873-77 ; James C. McFarland, 1877-80 ; Mar- tin H. Newton, 1880-88; Stacy Tantum, 1888-96; Matthew R. Cunning- ham, 1896-1904; N. B. Carson, 1904-24. County Surveyor — Isaac Baker, 1832-35; Elbert Dickason, 1835-40; M. R. Bullock, 1840-41 ; H. Noble, 1841-47 ; Nelson Buck, 1847-50 ; James T. Swartz, 1850-51; Peter Folsom, 1851-57; William L. Horr, 1857-60; John P. Healea, 1860-62; J. L. Spaulding, 1862-66; George P. Ela, 1866- 70; W. P. Anderson, 1870-76; George P. Ela, 1876-84; A. J. McComb, 1884- 92; Arthur H. Bell, 1892-1924. Coroners— Elijah Watt, 1831-35; John Kimler, 1835-36; Elijah Rock- hold, 1836-42; William McCullough, 1842-46; Thomas Fell, 1846-51; John Thrasher, 1851-54; William M. Smith, 1854-55; Angus Elder, 1855-56; William Matthews, 1856-64; H. S. Herr, 1864-65; Mark Ross, 1865-67; Luke Nevin, 1867-70; William B. Hendryx, 1870-78; D. M. Foster, 1878- 80; William Matthews, 1880-83; Ben W. Riser, 1883-92; James F. Hare, 1892-96; N. B. Carson, 1896-1900; J. M. Rugless, 1900-08; James F. Hare, 1908-20; Lee McReynolds, 1920-24. State Senators — James Allin, Whig, 1836-40; John Moore, Democrat, 1840-42; Robert F. Burkett, Whig, 1842-44; George W. Powers, Whig, 1844-48; Asahel Gridley, Whig, 1848-50-54; Isaac Funk, Republican (died History of McLean County 291 in office), 1862-65; William H. Cheney, Republican, 1866-68; John McNulta, Republican, 1868-72 ; John Cusey, Republican, 1872-76 ; John M. Hamilton, Republican, 1876-80; Joseph W. Fifer, Republican, 1880-84; Lafayette Funk, Republican, 1884-88 ; Thomas C. Kerrick, Republican, 1888-92 ; Vin- ton E. Howell, Republican, 1892-96; George W. Stubblefield, Republican, 1896-1908; Frank H. Funk, Republican, 1908-12; N. Elmo Franklin, Re- publican, 1912-16; William H. Wright, Republican, 1916-20; Frank O. Han- son, Republican, 1920-24. State Representatives — Welcome P. Brown, Democrat, 1834-36 ; George Henshaw, Democrat, 1836-38; John Moore, Democrat, 1838-40; Asahel Gridley, Whig, 1840-42 ; Isaac Funk, Whig, 1840-42 ; Mahlon Bishop, Dem- ocrat, 1842-44; Andrew McMillan, Democrat, 1842-44; David Davis, Whig, 1844-46; Matthew Robb, Whig, 1846-48; James B. Price, Democrat, 1848- 50; John E. McClun, Whig, 1852-56; John H. Wickizer, Republican, 1852- 56; Leonard Swett, Republican, 1858-60; Harvey Hogg, Republican, 1860- 62; Harrison Noble, Republican, 1862-66; William M. Smith (elected speaker in 1871), 1866-72; Edward R. Roe, Republican, 1870-72; Warren C. Watkins, Republican, 1870-72; George W. Funk, Republican, 1870-72; Leonidas H. Kerrick, Republican, 1870-72; Archibald E. Stewart, Repub- lican, 1872-76; Thomas P. Rogers, Democrat, 1872-80; John Cassedy, Re- publican, 1872-74; John F. Winter, Republican, 1874-78; Thomas F. Mit- chell, Republican, 1876-84; Henry A. Ewing, Republican, 1878-80; Will- iam Hill, Democrat, 1880-82; George B. Okeson, Republican, 1880-82; La- fayette Funk, Republican, 1882-84; Samuel B. Kinsey, Republican, 1882- 86; Ivory H. Pike, Republican, 1884-86; Frank Y. Hamilton, Republican, 1886-88; John Eddy, Democrat, 1886-92; Ivory H. Pike, Republican, 1888- 90; Henry L. Tarpenning, Republican, 1888-92; Edmund O'Connell, Re- publican, 1890-94; Bernard J. Claggett, Democrat, 1892-94; Edward Stub- blefield, Republican, 1892-96; James F. O'Donnell, Democrat, 1894-98; John L. White, Republican, 1894-96; Duncan M. Funk, Republican, 1896- 1902 ; Arthur J. Scrogin, Republican, 1896-1902 ; Miles Brooks, Democrat, 1898-1900 ; John F. Heffernan, Democrat, 1900-94 ; Wesley M. Owem, Re- publican, 1902-04; Cassius M. Coyle, Republican, 1904-08; Paul Finnan, Democrat, 1904-08; W. H. Wright, Republican, 1908-12; Daniel D. Dona- hue, Democrat, 1908-12; Frank Gillespie, Democrat, 1912-14; William Rowe, Republican, 1912-22; Daniel D. Donahue, Democrat, 1914-18; J. C. 292 History of McLean County Harvey, Republican, 1914-16; George E. Dooley, Democrat, 1918-20; Mar- tin A. Brennan, Democrat, 1920-24. The following is the list of citizens of McLean County who have held offices of more or less importance in the national and state governments: United States Senate — Adlai E. Stevenson, Democrat, vice-president of the United States and presiding officer of the senate, 1892-96. David Davis, Independent, United States Senator, 1877-83; also act- ing president of the senate during the last two years of his term. Representatives in Congress — John McNulta, Republican, 1873-75; Adlai E. Stevenson, Democrat, 1875-77 ; Thomas F. Tipton, Republican, 1877-79; Adlai E. Stevenson, Democrat, 1879-81; Jonathan H. Rowell, Republican, 1881-91 ; Owen Scott, Democrat, 1891-93 ; Benjamin F. Funk, Republican, 1893-95; John A. Sterling, 1903-13; Louis FitzHenry, Demo- crat, 1913-15; John A. Sterling, Republican, 1915-18; Frank H. Funk, 1921-25. John A. Sterling met accidental death in October, 1918, and Frank L. Smith of Dwight was appointed to succeed him, serving until 1921. Diplomatic Service — James S. Ewing, Democrat, United States min- ister to Belgium, 1894-97. United States Judiciary — David Davis, Republican, justice Supreme Court, 1861-77; Lawrence Welson, Republican, judge of U. S. Court of Claims, 1883-1905; district judge of Southern Illinois Federal District, Louis FitzHenry, 1918 to the present time. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture — Carl Schurz Vrooman, 1914-19. Paymaster in Navy — Lewis G. Stevenson, 1917-18. U. S. Navy — Julius Freeman, lieutenant, 1871-84. U. S. Regular Army — Brig.-Gen. Harry Gore Bishop, 1905 to present time; Major Ralph B. Bates, 1903-23; now retired; Brig.-Gen. James G. Harbord, 1889-1923 ; now retired. U. S. Consul — John F. Winter, served at several different stations in Europe, 1880-90. United States Marshal — John L. Routt, Republican, 1869-71; Edward R. Roe, Republican, 1871-80. Assistant Postmaster General — Adlai E. Stevenson, Democrat, 1885- 89 ; Giles A. Smith, Republican, 1869-72. John L. Routt, Republican, second assistant, 1871-75. State Officers — John Moore, Democrat, lieutenant governor, 1842-46; John M. Hamilton, Republican, lieutenant governor, 1881-83; John M. History of McLean County 293 Hamilton, governor, 1883-85; Joseph W. Fifer, governor, 1888-92; John Moore, Democrat, state treasurer, 1848-57 ; James Miller, Republican, state treasurer, 1857-59 ; Richard Edwards, state superintendent public instruction, 1887-91; John M. Scott, judge Supreme Court, 1870-88; Owen T. Reeves, judge appellate court, 1888-91 ; Colostin D. Myers, judge ap- pellate court, 1903-07 ; Lewis G. Stevenson, secretary of state, 1914-17. Railroad and Warehouse Commissioners — Richard P. Morgan, Demo- crat, July 1, 1871, to March 13, 1873 ; William M. Smith, Republican, Feb. 21, 1877, to March 8, 1883; Isaac N. Phillips, Republican, Feb. 27, 1889, to Jan. 18, 1893 ; James S. Neville, June 20, 1901-08. Supreme Court Reporter — Isaac N. Phillips, Republican, October 24, 1894, to his death in 1910; Samuel P. Irwin, from Oct. 21, 1910, to the present time. Judge State Court of Claims — Martin A. Brennan, 1916-20. State Penitentiary Commission — H. H. Green, 1892-94. State Board of Pardons — Lewis G. Stevenson, 1913-14. CHAPTER XXV. WORLD WAR. UNITED STATES ENTERS WAR — SOME OF THE THINGS McLEAN COUNTY DID— THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES— DRAFT BOARDS — RED CROSS — RELIEF ASSOCIATIONS — LOAN CAMPAIGNS — FOOD CONSERVATION — WOMEN IN SERVICE— COUNCIL OF DEFENSE— FOOD ADMINISTRATION— FUEL ADMINIS- TRATION — GENERAL HARBARD— FOUR-MINUTE MEN. When the cataclysm of war which had flooded Europe from the time of its outbreak in 1914 had finally overrun its bounds and swept across the Atlantic to the shores of America, in 1917, some of its waves broke into the farthest corners of our country. The awakening to the awful fact of war was somewhat slow; the people rubbed their eyes and for a time thought that it must be some horrible dream — that it could not be true. But when once aroused to the truth that they, too, along with the peoples of all America and the sorely oppressed population of Europe, were to taste the terror and suffer- ing, if not the actual devastation of war, they arose in spirit to the height of energy and sacrifice that must for many years, and even many generations, remain a page of their history which is glorious and unfor- gettable. Here are some of the things which McLean County people did toward the overthrow of the world menace: Offered some 2,500 young men as volunteers for service in the army and navy. Sent more than 2,500 more young men into service through the opera- tion of the draft law. 294 History of McLean County 295 Offered the very lives of more than 150 men from this county or former residents here, who died on battlefields, in camps and on the seas. Raised more than $11,000,000 in the five different liberty loan drives to lend to their government to prosecute the war. Gave some fifty or more of the leading physicians and surgeons to the service of the government during the war, on battle fields and camps. Gave a score or more of nurses to succor the wounded and sick on the field and in hospitals. Sent a half hundred men and women to the service in the work of the Y. M. C. A. and its allied humanitarian fields. Raised more than $140,000 for the work of the Red Cross in the two great drives of the war. Enlisted 14,000 men, women and children in the active membership of the Red Cross in this county. Raised some $50,000 for the work of the Y. M. C. A. in war in the different drives for that purpose. Contributed the sum of over $170,000 in the United War Work drive. Donated thousands of dollars for the work of the Salvation Army, the Jewish Welfare campaign, the Armenian Relief campaign and other humanitarian, projects connected with the war. Contributed to the use and comfort of the men in the service more than 441,114 articles valued at $123,000 through the work of the women of the Red Cross in McLean County. Organized the women and girls of the county into bands of tireless, unselfish working people whose time and strength was given without stint to the business of furnishing war-needed materials. Subscribed for more than a million dollars' worth of War Saving Stamps by which the thrift of the people of smaller means was promoted. The List of Dead. The list of those from McLean County who gave up their lives in the World War is a notable one. Clyde Lorranie Allison, of Lexington, died of influenza at Camp Mills on Oct. 24, 1918, the day after his division, the 31st, sailed for France. Frederick Allen, of Bloomington, died of influenza at Camp Mills, Oct. 18, 1918. 296 History of McLean County George Herman Anna, Wesleyan student in the law school, was fa- tally wounded in battle on Nov. 10, 1918. Jesse S. Anderson, son of City Commissioner John F. Anderson, died of pneumonia in a hospital at Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 2, 1918. Harry and George Abrama, formerly of Hudson, both lost their lives. George died of influenza at Camp Lewis, Wash., shortly after he entered. Harry was killed in battle Aug. 2, 1918. Both enlisted from Montana. Lyle Best, Wesleyan student, died of influenza at Great Lakes naval station on Aug. 27, 1918. Corporal Ernest Benedict, of McLean, was fatally wounded at Cha- teau Thierry and he died July 7, 1918. Orville Bechtel, of near Holder, died in a hospital at Augusta, Ga., in October, 1918. Sergt. ETdie Bailey, formerly of Hudson, was killed in battle Oct. 9, 1918. Howard A. Bolin, son of J. F. Bolin, of Bloomington, was killed in battle in France, July 20, 1918. Dewey Burger, of McLean, fell in action on July 19, 1918. He was one of four brothers who enlisted in May, 1917. Lieut. Hugh Bromfield, formerly of Hudson, was shot down by the enemy when flying over their lines near Verdun in October, 1918. Melvin Bossingham, of Stanford, died of influenza at Camp Mills, Oct. 19, 1918. Thomas Backhouse, of Bloomington, was killed in action on Oct. 19, 1918. William Frank Barnes, of Cropsey, died in a military hospital at La- fayette, Ind., on Dec. 9, 1918. Earl Brown, of Lexington, died of pneumonia at Havre, France, Oct. 11, 1918. John Betton, of Gridley, died in Camp Mills, from influenza. G. Dooley Blue, of Bloomington, was killed in action while serving with a Canadian regiment. Lieut. Richard Boydston, of Bloomington, died on board ship while en route to France. Roy E. Crotinger, of Saybrook, died of wounds received in battle on Nov. 3, 1918. i imw Of THE History of McLean County 297 Charles A. Clarke, of Bloomington, died of influenza at Great Lakes in October, 1918. Eugene Conley, of Bloomington, was shot down in action Oct. 4, 1918. William H. Campbell, of Bloomington, lost his life in battle Oct. 9, 1918. Henry Campbell, of McLean, was killed in action Aug. 6, 1918. Roy Crutchley, of McLean, was killed in battle at St. Mihiel, Sept. 13, 1918. George Carlock, formerly of Carlock, died of influenza in a Paris hos- pital on Oct. 22, 1918. Milo R. Chaney died of wounds in battle on Aug. 13, 1918. Thomas Cooney, of Bloomington, died of pneumonia in France in November, 1918. James Carroll, of Arrowsmith, died at Camp Grant of pneumonia, Sept. 27, 1918. David Humphrey Daniel, of Saybrook, died on shipboard on October 21, following an attack of pneumonia. Lieut. Louis Eddy Davis, of Bloomington, was killed when his air- plane fell at Ellington field, Texas, on May 10, 1918. Isaiah Deckard, of Carlock, died of wounds in action in October, 1918. Lieut. Elmer Doocey, Wesleyan student, was killed in action on Aug. 13, 1918. Bernard Davis, of Colfax, met his death in battle Sept. 28, 1918. Corp. John L. Dorrell, of Heyworth, lost his life in the battle of the Argonne, October 3. Chester Daniel, died of pneumonia, in France, August 10. William Dunlap, of Bloomington, died in a naval hospital in Brook- lyn, Oct. 16. Edward Dwyer, of Cooksville, was killed in action in August, 1918. Pearl Dickerson, of Leroy, was drowned in the sinking of the steamer Otranto, off the coast of Scotland. Joseph A. Erbe, of Normal, was killed in action in Aug. 7, 1918. William H. Eckhart, of Weston, died of pneumonia at Fort Bliss, Texas, on Oct. 11, 1918. Lieut. George H. Edwards died at Trieste, in February, 1919, after he had been sent there on military duty. Warren H. Fletcher, of Heyworth, was killed in battle Sept. 29, 1918. 298 History of McLean County Corp. Lyle Fike, of Bloomington, lost his life in battle Oct. 20. Sergt. Charles E. Gunter, of Bloomington, died in a hospital at de Meucon, France, on Feb. 24, 1919. Earl Grant, of Bellflower, died of influenza at Jefferson Barracks on Oct. 18. His brother, Ervin Grant, died while with the army of occupa- tion in Germany, in January, 1919. William S. Golliday, of Lexington, died of pneumonia at Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 20. Vergne Greiner, officer in the Wesleyan student corps, died of influ- enza in this city, Oct. 22, 1918. Harry Oscar Grail, of Bloomington, was killed in the Argonne drive on Sept. 29. Joseph Hauptman, of Bloomington, was killed in action on June 6, 1918. Elmo Franklin Hill, of Lexington, died of pneumonia in a hospital in France, on Sept. 23. J. W. Hartley, of Normal, died of wounds in battle in France in October. Robert Hoffman, former Normal student, died of wounds in France, Oct. 1. Herbert H. Holman, of Bloomington, was accidentally killed while ashore at Queenstown, Ireland, on leave from his ship, in January, 1919. William Roy Hinthorn, of Normal, died at Jefferson Barracks, in January, 1918. Charles E. Harrison, of Chenoa, died of pneumonia in a New Jersey hospital. Sergt. Ralph Hoover, of Bloomington, died of pneumonia at Fort Ste- vent, Ore. William G. Haynes, of Leroy, died of pneumonia in a hospital in France. William Hensley, of near Colfax, died of wounds in battle in June, 1918. Matthew Holman, of McLean, died in a military hospital at Syracuse, Oct. 10. Thomas R. Helmick, of Leroy, died while serving in the regular army in the Philippines, Feb. 7, 1919. Edwin Iehl, formerly of Normal, died at Camp Mills, Oct. 14. History of McLean County 299 Auda A. Humble, of McLean, died of pneumonia in France Oct. 2, 1918. Frank M. Jordan, of Bloomington, died of wounds in France, Nov. 11, 1918. Loring F. Jones was a victim of influenza at Camp Grant, Oct. 13. Lieut. Allington Jolly, of Cropsey, was killed in an accident while fly- ing an army plane at Freeport, N. Y., April 27, 1919. John Oscar Jenkins, of Lexington, was killed in battle in France. Ransom Johnson, of Bloomington, died of pneumonia at Gloversville, N. Y., Oct. 1. Lemuel Jones, Wesleyan law student, was killed in action Oct. 4. Louis Karl Koch, of Bloomington, was killed in battle Sept. 12. Ben Kaplan, of Chenoa, died of pneumonia at Jefferson Barracks, Oct. 7. Wilbur Killion was killed by a fall from a train while returning home to Bloomington from a southern camp. Albert Louis Kerber, of Colfax, died of measles in a hospital in France, Dec. 7, 1918. Ernest G. Knecht, of Bloomington, died in service at Charlestown, W. Va., Oct. 19. Clyde Kind, of Covell, died in a hospital at Great Lakes, Oct. 1. Leonard J. Kilgore, died of pneumonia at Gates Hospital, Chatta- nooga. John H. Kraus, of Danvers, was killed in battle July 18, 1918. Edwin C. Kitterman, of Bloomington, was killed in battle Sept. 28. Kline Alfred Lantz, of Downs, died of influenza at Fort Benjamin Harrison. Fridolin C. Lanzer, of Chenoa, died at Camp Dodge, April 18. Leslie 0. Lash, of Bloomington, died at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington. Jennings Bryan Maxwell, of McLean, died at Norfolk, Va., of influ- enza, Oct. 2. Owen Gilbert Means, of Bloomington, was a victum of pneumonia at Great Lakes. Corp. Carl E. Miller, of Heyworth, was killed in battle May 18, 1918. Harry C. Myers, of McLean, lost his life in battle in June, 1918. Roy F. Mitchell, of Lexington, died at Jefferson barracks in Feb- ruary, 1917. 300 History of McLean County Harvey C. Mishler, of Covell, died at Great Lakes in March, 1919. Thomas L. McVey, of Bloomington, died of pneumonia in France. Homer W. Mitchell, of Twin Grove, died on the hospital ship Mercy off coast of Virginia, Oct. 21. David Thomas Morgan, of Bloomington, was killed at Chateau Thierry in June, 1918. Erwin P. Mertenson, of Anchor, was killed at Belleau Woods, June 21. Glen Martin, of Heyworth, died in a hospital in France, in October. Eugene McCarthy, of Bloomington, died of influenza at Great Lakes. Clyde Robert Miller, of Danvers, died at Camp Grant, Oct. 9. Edward Maddock, of Bloomington, died of pneumonia in a hospital in France. Grant E. Metcalf, of near Bloomington, died of wounds in action Sept. 20. Ulysses Miller, of Holder, was killed in battle Oct. 20. Arthur Niedmeyer, formerly of Bloomington, died at the San An- tonio aviation field from disease in January, 1918. Corp. Charles E. Nelson, of Leroy, was accidentally killed while on duty in France, Sept. 13. Ruel Neal, of Leroy, was killed in action in France in September, 1918. Wayne Newcomb, of Saybrook, died of pneumonia with the army of occupation in Germany in January, 1919. John Lincoln North, of Gridley, died of pneumonia at Camp Mills in October. Fred O'Connor, of Bloomington, died at Camp Grant, Oct. 8, of in- fluenza. Henry Peckmann died at Camp Funston while serving with the army Y. M. C. A. Clarence Earl Patterson, of Bloomington, died at Camp Grant Oct. 2. Sergt. Leslie G. Pfiffner, of Normal, lost his life in battle Sept. 26. William Robert Patton, of Lawndale, was killed in battle in October. Bud Peterson, of Bloomington, died at Camp Grant, Oct. 9, 1918. Capt. Hugh Mitchell Price, formerly of Bloomington, died of acci- dental injury at Newport News, Nov. 4. Henry Pietsch, of Bloomington, died at Camp Grant from influenza, Oct. 2. Willard Pierson of Bloomington died in a military hospital in France, Oct. 12. History of McLean County 301 Herbert Quarnstrom, Wesleyan student, died of pneumonia at Camp Grant in April, 1918. Lee J. Roebuck of Bloomington was killed when his airplane fell at Deseronto, Canada, where he was in training, Oct. 20, 1917. Alfred Ross of Heyworth died of pneumonia at Great Lakes, Sept. 28. Maurice Musick Roberts, Wesleyan corps student, died of pneumonia on Oct. 17. Howard Rodman of Bloomington died of pneumonia at Hoboken, Oct. 10. Sergt. Wesley Ruyle of Bloomington was killed in the Argonne drive. Harry Rusmisell of Stanford died of pneumonia at Havre, France. John M. Redd of Bloomington, was killed in battle in October. John E. Shreck of Gridley was a victim of pneumonia at Camp Sheri- dan, Ala. Fred Skinner of Bloomington died in a hospital at Glasgow, Scotland. Earl Spencer of Bloomington died of wounds in battle Sept. 25. Sergt. Jesse G. Spence of Bloomington died of pneumonia at Quan- tico, Va. Benedict J. Roth of Chenoa died of pneumonia in France. Earl T. Smith of Cooksville died at Camp Taylor from pneumonia. William and Melvin Savage, formerly of Dawns, lost their lives, William being drowned when he fell from a ship at Norfolk, and Melvin dying when he came home to attend his brother's funeral. George R. Simons of Normal died in a hospital at Brest, France, Oct. 9. Edmund W. Sutherland of Bloomington died of influenza at Camp Grant, Oct. 7. Clayton Sholty of Bloomington died at Jefferson Barracks on Feb. 10, 1918. Archie F. Stewart of Randolph died on board ship from pneumonia and was buried at sea on Sept. 26, 1918. Walter C. Seeger of Bloomington was killed in battle Oct. 15. Sergt. David B. Stevenson, was killed in action Nov. 4, 1918. Charles F. Smith of Gridley died of wounds in action. William Stroh of Anchor died at Camp Mills from influenza, Oct. 18. Charis Streenz of Bloomington died at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Oct. 18. 302 History of McLean County Harley B. Salzman died in France on January 25, 1918, in a military hospital. Elmer Steffen of Cropsey died at home just after he had been dis- charged. Alva H. Smith of Carlock died in a Liverpool hospital Oct. 20. Herbert Schroeder of Bloomington died in a hospital at Baltimore in October, 1918. Frank M. Thoennes of Bloomington died of influenza in a hospital in Glasgow. Leo Sherburn of Bloomington was killed in battle in October. Van Todd of Danvers was killed in battle in Sept., 1918. Alva Roy Ulmer of Anchor died at Camp Mills Oct. 21, from pneu- monia. Remi Vereecke of Bloomington was a victim of pneumonia at Camp Servier, S. C. George Gray Wheelock of McLean died at Camp Grant from pneu- monia. Maurice Wakefield of Heyworth died in S. A. T. C. service at Iowa Ag. college. Rudolph D. Watt of Leroy died of tuberculosis in France in Jan., 1919. Clarence Weakley of Lexington died in a hospital at Hoboken, Jan. 19, 1919. Louis Weiler died while serving in the merchant marine in Dec, 1918. Edwin Wendell of near Bloomington was killed in battle June 7, 1918. Bud Williams was killed in action in September. John R. Wilson of Danvers died at Fort Wright in April, 1918. John T. Wakefield of Heyworth died of pneumonia on the U. S. S. Maine on Oct. 2. Howard Wiley of Danvers died from pneumonia at Great Lakes Oct. 8. Warren K. Webber of Arrowsmith died in Washington Oct. 15. Fred Wampler of Arrowsmith died at Fort Riley March 30, 1918. Charles Theodore Witt of Arrowsmith died at Camp Mills, Oct., 10. Sergt. Edwin D. Waltmire of McLean was killed in action July 19. Leo Vincent died from the result of war exposures, although his death did not take place until in April, 1920, after long suffering. History of McLean County 303 The Draft Boards. The war had been in theoretical progress only for a few months, when the Congress of the United States saw that some kind of a general military service law would become a necessity ; to summon the man power of the country to the call of duty. Accordingly the so-called draft law was passed by the Congress in May, 1917, and the date of June 5, 1917, was set for the time when all the men of the nation between the ages of 21 and 31 should register in their respective homes as subject to military call. On the date mentioned, there were 5,800 young men registered in the various prcincts of McLean County. McLean County was divided into two districts, one including the city of Bloomington together with Allin and Dale Townships ; the other district to include all of the county court ; chairman of city board No. 2, Judge Sain Welty, including most of the county precincts was known as No. 1 and the city district No. 2. The personnel of the two boards ap- pointed for these respective districts was as follows: Exemption Board No. 1 — Chairman, C. R. Ewins, of Danvers ; clerk, Dr. B. F. Elf rink, of Chenoa ; Isaac Murphy, of Leroy ; chief clerk, Reube B. Prothero; assistant clerk, Mrs. Edward A. Mott; soldier member, John Farley ; stenographer, Miss Dorothy Mason. Exemption Board No. 2 — Chairman, Judge Colostin D. Myers, Bloom- ington; secretary, H. M. Murray, Bloomington medical examiner, Dr. E. Mammen; chief clerk, Ralph Freese; assistant clerk, Miss Loretta Grady; soldier member, Thomas J. Shanahan. Local Advisory Board — Chairman of board No. 1, Judge J. C. Riley, of the country court ; chairman of city board No. 2, Judge Sain Welty, of the circuit court. Medical Advisory Board— Dr. B. F. Elf rink, of Chenoa ; Dr. E. Mam- men, of Bloomington ; clerk, Walter P. Prenzler. Instruction Board — Capt. C. B. Hamilton, chairman. McLean County Red Cross — At a meeting of the Civic League of Bloomington early in June, 1915, Mrs. N. D. McKinney, president of the Woman's Club, presented the subject of organizing a Red Cross Chapter in Bloomington. The suggestion met with cordial approval, and action was taken authorizing the chairman, E. M. Evans, to appoint a committee to take preliminary steps toward that end. That evening Dr. E. Mammen, Mrs. G. S. McCurdy, Mrs. E. R. Morgan, Mrs. N. D. McKinney, and E. M. 304 History of McLean County Evans paid their membership fee, the necessary one-half of which was sent to the Red Cross director, in Chicago, with application for permission to organize a chapter. After a number of memberships had been enrolled which made the organization of a chapter appear feasible, the committee appointed by the Civic League called a meeting to be held at the public library on July 27. At this meeting a board of twelve directors was elected, Dr. Mammen appointed temporary chairman and Mrs. McKinney, tempo- rary secretary. The officers were not elected until the meeting of Dec. 5, 1915, when the following were chosen: Chairman, Campbell Holton; first vice-chair- man, C. F. Agle; second vice-chairman, B. F. Harber; secretary, Alice 0. Smith ; treasurer, Frank D. Marquis. Miss Smith served as secretary until May, 1916, when she resigned and was succeeded by Mrs. McKinney. During May and June, 1916, a campaign for members was conducted under the leadership of Dr. C. M. Noble. In July, 1916, a charter mem- bership of 174 was sent to Washington and a charter granted. The chairman and treasurer of the chapter, Mrs. N. D. McKinney, served since 1915; the secretary since May, 1916; the two vice-chairmen since October, 1917. Campbell Holton, chairman, president of Campbell Holton & Co., wholesale grocers. He has been prominent in Y. M. C. A., the Blooming- ton Association of Commerce, Rotary Club and other community activities. Davis Ewing, vice-chairman, president of the Davis Ewing Concrete Co., has been president of the Rotary Club and active in civic affairs. E. M. Evans, vice-chairman, president of the Association of Commerce in 1919 and 1920; served two years as president of the. Civic League and connected with other community organizations. F. D. Marquis, treasurer, president of the People's Bank and a leading man in business circles. The personnel of the county branches of the Red Cross were com- posed of many of the leading men and women of their several communities. Shipments by McLean County Chapter to Bush Terminal and Central Division from May 21, 1917, to June, 1919: Surgical dressings 331,732, value $ 11,262.68 Hospital garments 39,091, value 20,152.03 Hospital supplies 32,106, value 5,642.94 Refugee garments 7,971, value 7,081.11 History of McLean County 305 Comforts _ 5,408, value 1,744.05 Knitted articles 24,806, value 77,256.50 Totals 441,114, value $123,139.31 The French, Belgian-Allied Relief Association carried on strenuous work in relief ways from the fall of 1917, to March 28, 1919, when it filed its final report. The officers of this association were as follows: Presi- dent, Mrs. G. B. Read ; first vice-president, Mrs. H. S. Eckhart ; second vice-president, Mrs. A. W. Anderson; secretary, Mrs. F. C. Cole; treas- urer, Mrs. W. L. Moore; directors, Mrs. Kate Brown, Mrs. R. C. Baldwin, Mrs. Charles Brokaw, Mrs. David Davis, Mrs. Alonzo Dolan, Mrs. C. B. Detrick, Mrs. Ralph D. Fox, Mrs. J. T. Johnson, Mrs. Anna B. Wade, Mrs. K. D. Welch, Mrs. Louise Robinson. Liberty Loan Campaigns. — The people of McLean County loaned to the federal government during the war a total of about $11,000,000 of their money to help bring ultimate victory. This great sum was the pay- ment on liberty bonds bought by the people of the county during five dif- ferent drives which the government put on at different times, averaging in a rough way about six months apart during the period of American participation in the war. This huge total was nearly thirty times the cost of the court house of the county which was built just after the great fire. By subscribing its portion to the Victory Loan in 1919, McLean County did two things worthy of its name and its august history. It oversubscribed the last of the great war drives, the campaign that brought the boys home. And it also raised a sufficient sum to make the total pledges of five loans greater than the combined quotas of those loans. Thus McLean County was more than 100 per cent in its financial aid to the war. It defies reproach. It has maintained his historical prestige of sound sense, integrity and patriotism. Here are the figures that show the financial war history of McLean County: Loan Quota Subscription First $ 1,300,000 $ 800,000 Second 1,700,000 1,200,000 Third 1,762,000 3,000,000 Fourth 3,676,000 3,805,000 "Victory" 2,866,900 2,885,900 Grand total _ _$11,305,900 $11,690,900 (18) 306 History of McLean County Food Conservation. — To any one who read the newspapers during the first few months of 1917, it was apparent that when the United States de- clared war on Germany, there would be some sort of organized campaign for food conservation in this country. The question of food had become critical. The prompt action of Bloomington and McLean County women in organizing to meet this need will always be one of the greatest matters of pride to this county. During the latter part of April, just after our declaration of war, Mrs. Spencer Ewing went before the officers of the McLean County Chapter Red Cross, and offered her services for any work in food conservation that might be taken up. The offer was at once accepted, and thereafter during the whole period of the war and reconstruction months that followed, Mrs. Ewing was county leader in food conservation. Throughout the emergency, the food conservation work of McLean County was done equally through the Red Cross committee and the Wom- an's Committee, C. N. D., and reports were made to both organizations. In May, 1917, forty-five groups for the study of new problems that confronted housewives,' were organized. It was during the fall of 1917 that agitation for employment of a home adviser was first begun here, Mrs. Ewing, Mrs. Frank W. Benjamin, and other leaders in household science work, initiating the movement. A permanent organization called the Home Improvement Associa- tion was formed in April. It had a membership of 1,500 women from all over the county, each paying $1 per year toward its support. The gov- ernment likewise paid $1,500 per year. There was a director in each town- ship, who stood for food conservation in his community. In June th( home adviser began work. She was Miss Clara R. Brian, formerly of San Jose. Women in the Service. — Of the women of McLean County who were in the army service, either as attaches, of the Red Cross or nurses other- wise, the following are well worthy of especial credit : (Serving overseas) : Miss Alice O. Smith, Normal; Miss Florence Schreiner, Bloomington; Miss Carolyn Schertz, Bloomington; Miss Ethel Irwin, Bloomington; Miss Catherine Smith, Bloomington; Miss Fannie E. Woodbury, Bloomington; History of McLean County 307 Miss Virginia Langley, Bloomington; Miss Charlotte Bender, Blooming- ton; Miss Mary Agnes Burke, Bloomington; Miss Mable Brust, Bloom- ington ; Miss Bessie Moon, Bloomington ; Miss Mary Sheridan, Bloomington. List of Army nurses and others who served in camps in the States: Miss Alice Markland, Ft. Sam Houston. Bloomington. Miss Emily Ransom. Bloomington. Miss Ruth Maxwell, Walter Reid Hosp., D. C. Bloomington. Miss Charlotte Ross, Camp Shelby, Miss. McLean, 111. Miss Eva Ely, Camp Shelby, Miss. Bloomington. Miss Florence Johnson, Camp Shelby, Miss. Normal, 111. Miss Mary Mortimore, Camp Shelby and Ft. McHenry, Bloomington. Miss Grace Gaines, Ft. Oglethorpe. Bloomington. Miss Evelyn Worley, Ft. Oglethorpe. Bloomington. Miss Sarah Wells, Camp Grant, 111. Bloomington. Miss Bertha Duff, Camp Grant. Bloomington. Miss Anna Miller, Camp Grant. Bloomington. Miss Edna Smiley, Camp Grant. Bloomington. Miss Bertha Dunn, Camp Grant and Fort Snelling. Lexington. Miss Arne A. Allen, Camp Dix. Bloomington. Miss Margaret O'Reilly, Camp Dix. Bloomington. Miss Amy L. Clark, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Bloomington. Miss Myrtle Crum, Camp Gordon, Ga. Bloomington. Miss Clara Mann, Walter Reid Hosp., Tacoma Park, D. C. Bloom- ington. Miss Beulah Leuberman, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. and Walter Reid Hospi- tal, D. C. Bloomington. Miss Amelia Hughes, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Bloomington. Miss Opha Wren, Bloomington. A. E. F. Miss Margaret Merwin, Bloomington. A. E. F. McLean County Council of Defense. — One of the most important chapters in the history of the World War, is the part taken by the McLean County Council of Defense. It is but common justice to pay tribute to the patriotic body which performed its mission so unobtrusively and without ostentation and yet which was one of the most efficient and essen- tial organizations of the nation. In the vast work of unification, in the carrying from Washington to the people, the messages and measures of 308 History of McLean County the national government and in the transmission back to Washington of the moods and aspirations of a people at war, the council of defense sys- tem with its more than 180,000 units set down in every county of the country, played a definite, stirring, and highly fruitful part. Launched May 2, 1917, the Council of National Defense forged into action immedi- ately. The McLean County organization was as follows: Mayor E. E. Jones, chairman; B. F. Hiltabrand, secretary; R. C. Baldwin, John Normile, W. T. Wolcott, D. G. Fitzgerald, J. J. Condon, and Elmo Franklin, directors. This board appointed the numerous com- mittees divided by chairmen. County Food Administration — Only a few weeks after America's en-, try into the war, the Bloomington Association of Commerce was asked by Harry A. Wheeler, Federal Food Administrator for Illinois, to appoint an Administrator who should select a committee of four to co-operate with him in representing our Government in handling all questions that might arise on this subject. R. C. Baldwin, president of the Association of Commerce, went to Howard Humphreys along in September of 1917, stating that as he was looked upon as the dean of the grocery business in this section, he felt that Mr. Humphreys should accept this appointment, which he immedi- ately did, wiring Mr. Wheeler that he would give it the best attention possible and be very careful in the selection of the Conference Committee. Accordingly he made the following appointments of men who, though very busy in their affairs, accepted them and pledged their support and co-operation : President David Felmley, of Normal University. John J. Morrissey, Attorney. D. O. Thompson, County Farm Advisor. Mrs. J. M. Patterson, President of the Woman's Union Label League. A few weeks later, Mr. Humphreys was asked to become a member of the State District Board. J. J. Thomassen was appointed county food administrator for McLean County. A county food administration was completed in February, 1918. After a few weeks of very active service, Mr. Thomassen was obliged to resign the position, and Mr. Hal M. Stone accepted the appointment of County Food Administrator. Charles O'Mal- ley gave him very valuable assistance in handling one of the most im- History of McLean County 309 portant features at that time, the question of sugar distribution, and regulations of the quantity to be sold. In this respect, Mr. O'Malley was acing as County Food Administrator and was sworn in as such. These arrangements continued until December, 1918, when practi- cally all restrictions were withdrawn and the activities of the Food Ad- ministration ceased. Fuel Administration — Restrictions on the use of fuel became more drastic from time to time during the late fall and early winter of 1917-18. The climax was reached when the order was issued for the closing of all manufacturing plants except those making food supplies for a period of five days, from Jan. 18 to 22, inclusive, of 1918. At the same time the order was issued that all retail stores except food stores should be closed one day each week for a period of five weeks. Monday was chosen as closing day. With the work of the strenuous winter of 1917-18 past, Mayor Jones resigned from the chairmanship of the local fuel committee, and Spencer Ewing, who had served as secretary, was named in his place. His work in charge of the local situation continued through the spring of 1918, and plans were outlined for a campaign among the people for the next season which would prevent the fuel shortage of the previous winter. On May 1, 1918, Mr. Ewing was called to Chicago as director of state requirements in the Illinois office of the U. S. fuel administration. He served in that capacity until August 1 of that year, being in charge of fuel distribution for the State of Illinois outside of Chicago. Bertram A. Franklin was named as head of the McLean County fuel administration when Mr. Ewing was called to Chicago. He continued the work until and after the close of the war, for the signing of the armis- tice did not end the existence of the fuel administration. Mr. Franklin finally received his instructions in January, 1919, to close his office on Feb. 1, which was accordingly done, and the fuel administration passed out of existence. Maj. Gen. James G. Harbord — It was an honor to McLean County in connection with the World War that one of the men highest in the coun- cils of the military expedition in Europe was a man who had his birth and youth in this county, and who retained his friendship and acquaintances here, returning for a visit in person after he returned victorious from the 310 History of McLean county world struggle. He was Gen. James G. Harbord, who went to Europe in 1917 as chief of staff to Gen. John J. Pershing, the commander in chief of the A. E. F. and who later became the chief of the American Service of Supply, which kept the lines of fighting men fed with munitions and rations in the great campaigns which they carried on in the summer and fall of 1918. General Harbord was born in Blooming Grove Township in 1866. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. George Harbord, well known McLean County residents a half century ago. The family later moved to Saybrook, thence to Missouri and then to Kansas, where General Harbord graduated from the Kansas State Agricultural College in 1886. During his life in McLean County, General Harbord attended the Irv- ing school in Bloomington. The Four-Minute Men — The committee of public information at Wash- ington on Oct. 15, 1918, appointed C. B. Hughes, a well-known attorney, as chairman of the Four-Minute Men of McLean County. Medals for making more than 10 speeches during Liberty Loan Campaigns were given to James C. Riley, Edmund O'Connell and C. B. Hughes. C. B. Hughes spoke 142 different times in county during war on war subjects. CHAPTER XXVI. AMERICAN LEGION. ORGANIZED HERE— NAMED IN HONOR OF LOUIS E. DAVIS— FIRST OFFICERS — INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIP — STATE HEADQUARTERS IN BLOOMINGTON — OFFICERS — WOMEN'S AUXILIARY — POSTS IN McLEAN COUNTY — WORLD WAR VETERANS. Within fifteen months after the armistice in 1918, when the service men and women had returned from their war service, there were many posts of the American Legion organized in McLean County. The idea of this organization had its inception with a group of U. S. army officers in Paris in February, 1919, when they met to study the problems of the return of the soldiers to civil life. Following the caucus of veterans in Paris, France, early in 1917, a similar caucus was held in St. Louis, Mo. Thomas Fitch Harwood, of Bloomington, was selected as delegate to the first caucus in this country. Immediately after his appointment he called for service men of this county to accompany him to St. Louis. Ben S. Rhodes and R. M. O'Con- nell attended the meeting. The aim and purpose of the American Legion was outlined and drawn into a temporary constitution, which was adopted. The name "Louis E. Davis" was selected by a committee composed of T. F. Harwood, James D. Foster and Oscar G. Hoose. Their report included the following: "He was the first man of his class in camp to qualify as a reserve military aviator, and on the day of his death was then completing his bombing course, at that time the most advanced in aviation. At the time of his death he was preparing for overseas service. The remains of Louis E. Davis were buried with military honors in the 311 312 History of McLean County Evergreen cemetery, Bloomington. It is fitting and proper that this organ- ization gathering within its ranks those who gave and sacrificed for the freedom of country and mankind should honor itself by the choice of such a name." The first officers of the organization elected Jan. 15, 1920, were: Past Commander, Charles P. Kane; Commander, Harry L. Howell; Vice-Com- mander, Thomas Ivan Costigan; second Vice-Commander, Miss Grace Gaines; Chaplain, Rev. William B. Hindman; Adjutant, James D. Foster; Sergeant-at-Arms, Albert S. Coomer; Executive Committee: Charles P. Kane, F. Carlyle Willey, Oscar G. Hoose, James Owen, Len L. Hogan and John J. O'Connor. In a later meeting Ralph Morath was elected finance officer. William B. Geneva was elected historian. The Louis E. Davis Post, American Legion of Bloomington which occupies spacious quarters in the McBarnes' Memorial building, is the largest post in Illinois, having a roster of about 1,000. The increase in membership of the Louis E. Davis Post is the result of the steadily growing current of sentiment in favor of the Legion in this locality, which began in 1919 when Charles P. Kane was appointed temporary commander, and continued to increase throughout the admin- istration of Dr. Harry L. Howell who served for two years. His leader- ship was supplemented by that of Fitch Harwood in 1922. It has been through the ceaseless and united effort of the entire membership that the membership campaign has been brought to such a sussessful cul- mination. During the past three years, a great amount of effort, particularly through the service department, has been made in taking care of the claims against the government for compensation insurance, bonuses, voca- tional training and hospitalization for unfortunate members and also for ex-service men generally who happened to be in need. During this period of time, although no record has been kept, from requests and claims have been recorded and thousands of dollars and innumerable cases of relief have been brought to the unfortunates through the efforts of the post. Along similar lines the Post has expended thousands of dollars which it has been able to amass through the good will of the people, in render- ing service of various kinds, such as medicine, food, clothing, rent, etc., for ex-service men generally who have been found to be in need. The Post History of McLean County 313 has endeavored to exercise care and caution in the distribution of this fund and have assisted only those who were really deserving. The McLean County Board of Supervisors have generously co-oper- ated, setting aside a fund annually for the assistance necessary in such cases. Hundreds of transients who I ecame stranded here have been helped from time to time. One of the outstanding achievements of the Post during the past year has been the acquisition of a burial ground at the Park Hill Ceme- tery which has been contracted by the Fost for the sum of approximately $2,300. The site is located at the southeast corner of the cemetery and will be set apart exclusively for the bursal of ex-service men, who at the time of their death, are eligible to membership in the Legion. The burial space will accommodate 303 graves and a site for a monument. It is lo- cated in full view of the Illinois boulevard and is a most beautiful spot. Five bodies are already buried there. The Kiwanis Club of Bloomington voted to turn over the proceeds of their summer chautauqua toward the purchase of this burial ground. The site is set apart from the rest of the cemetery by means of parkways and shrubbery. The local Post of the American Legion was, in a large measure, re- sponsible for the culmination of the wishes of John McBarnes in the erection of the McBarnes Memorial. It was through the activities of the Post that the plan was presented to Mr. ^ iarnes which resulted in the present structure. The lease for the site /as secured for the supervisors by the Post on condition that a building t ,'itable to the desires of Mr. Mc- Barnes be erected thereon. During the regime of Mr. Harwood, the state department of the American Legion of Illinois was persuaded to change its headquarters from Springfield to Bloomington and this arrangement was subsequently made permanent by constitutional amendment. The state department and the local post have co-operated in every way possible for the benefit of the organization. The local post by its fair dealing secured the good will and hearty co-operation of all the civic bodies and the public gener- ally and has always maintained a high standard of ideals in all their dealings. The Post always endeavored to be fair with the masses as well as the classes and in this way has merited the good will of all. 314 History of McLean County The local Post was also active in getting the $50,000 appropriation for the hospital at the Soldiers' Orphans' Home. The Post also adopted and are sponsoring two troops of Boy Scouts at the Home. The officers of the Post are: Commander, Oscar J. Hoose; First Vice-Commander, Edward A. Donnelly; Second Vice-Commander, Cath- erine S. Brooks; Finance Officer, C. E. Dimmett; Adjutant, Paul Gott- schalk; Service Officers, Harry Riddle, Wayne Townley, H. A. Rhodee; Executive Committee: Charles P. Kane, H. L. Howell, T. F. Harwood, C. E. Yeager, Dudley Smith, Wayne Townley, W. C. Murphy, E. A. Don- nelly, Ben S. Rhodes and T. D. Carroll. The present Commander is Kay win Kennedy, and the present Adju- tant is Erwin Albee. First permanent officers of the Women's Auxiliary to the Louis E. Davis Post 56 were: President, Mrs. Irma Greiner; Vice-President, Mrs. Thomas B. Foster; Secretary, Miss Ina Rhodes; Treasurer, Mrs. Louis Wollrab ; Executive Committee, Mrs. J. A. Goodwin, chairman ; Mrs. Harry Howell, Miss Winifred Elliott, Mrs. W. W. Gailey. Numerous other posts of the American Legion later came into being after the first post formation in Bloomington, including Ruel Neal, Le- Roy; Erwin Martensen Post, Anchor; Ben Roth Post, Chenoa; Elmo F. Hill Post, Lexington ; Benedict-Crutchley Post, McLean ; David Humphrey Daniel Post, Saybrook; Grant Post, Bellflower, and Saybrook Post 427, Saybrook. Committees from the Louis E. Davis Post 56, organized the Steven- son-Lewis Post 556, of the American Legion, as the second post in Mc- Lean County, which was solely for former service persons of the colored race. Lincoln Page was named as temporary chairman, and started the organization safely on its course. Ruel Neal Post was named in honor of Ruel Neal, the first LeRoy boy to lose his life in the war, he being killed in action, in a front line trench on the Meuse river on October 2, 1918. The officers of the Post first elected were: Commander, Dr. 0. M. Thompson; Vice-Commander, Herman L. Thomas; Adjutant, R. E. Kimler; Finance Officer, Miles C. Grizzelle; Chaplain, Rev. H. R. Browne; Sergeant-at-Arms, Charles Bane. The present officers of Ruel Neal Post are : Commander, Dr. Owen Thomp- son; Adjutant, J. K. Kincaid. History of McLean County 315 David Humphrey Daniels Post, named in honor of the first soldier from Saybrook to give up his life in the war, had the following officers: Commander, Cecil Rhodes Hudson ; Vice-Commander, Fred G. Cary ; Treas- urer, Roy Return Cheney; Adjutant, Ora Francis LaTeer. The present Commander is Fred G. Gary; Adjutant, Earl Crotinger. The organization of Ben Roth Post No. 234, took place at Chenoa in May, 1919. It was named in honor of Ben Roth, a Chenoa soldier who died in France. There are about sixty-five members of this Post, and they have been active in promoting the interests of the soldiers, giving several entertainments, maintaining teams in athletic sports and other activities: The officers were: Commander, Pierre Turck; Vice-Com- mander, Frank Hogan; Adjutant, Calvin R. Gentes. The present Com- mander is Dr. L. V. Daniels; Adjutant, Joseph Watchinski. Erwin Martensen Post No. 164, at Anchor was named in honor of a soldier from that community who was killed in action. The post is one of the newer ones, being organized in 1920. The officers are: Com- mander, Henry L. Simpson ; Service Officer, John A. Schmidt ; Finance Office, Joe Garrett; Adjutant, Albert Brandt. The present Commander is Arthur Gantz; Adjutant, August Brandt. Burger-Benedict Post No. 973, of the American Legion, was formed at McLean at a meeting held on Feb. 26, 1920. It was named from Dewey Burger and Ernest Benedict, two McLean boys who were killed in battle in France. The officers elected were: Commander, C. R. Van Ness; Vice-Commander, Ray A. Bowers; Past Commander, Ansel Stubblefield; Adjutant, Grant V. Wilcox; Finance Officer, Martin W. Hildebrandt; Ser- geant-at-Arms, Otto Humble ; Service Office, George N. Snyder ; Historian, George Benedict; Chaplain, Dan McFarland; Athletic Officer, Harry Mat- thews. At present the Commander is Lyle E. Wilcox; Adjutant, Martin W. Hildabrant. A post was organized at Colfax in June, 1920, and was named the Davis-Kerber Post in honor of Bernard Davis of Martin Township who was killed in action, and Albert Kerber, who died of pneumonia in France. The officers elected were as follows: Commander, Reid Horney; Vice- Commander, Fred Scholl; Finance Officer and Adjutant, C. R. Steven- son; Sergeant-at-Arms, Edsell B. Downey. The Commander in 1923 was Smith McHatton; Adjutant, Roy Stevens. 316 History of McLean County Gridley Post No. 218 was organized in 1919 with the following offi- cers: Post Commander, Lynn C. Sieberns; Adjutant, Everett F. Kent; Sergeant-at-Arms, John D. Rediger. The present Commander is Ever- ett F. Kent, the Adjutant, McKinley Benedict. Elmo Hill Post at Lexington is among the larger and more active posts in McLean County, with a big membership and enterprising officers. This post has engineered several affairs for the good of the service men of Lexington and the general public. The present Commander is Elmer J. Roy; the Adjutant, A. E. Pritt. Danvers Post is well represented with the service men of that com- munity. The Commander is George A. Kraus, and the Adjutant, Morris Rockwell. Grant Post No. 202, at Bellflower, was named in honor of Earl and Erwin Grant, sons of Richard Grant, both of whom gave up their lives in the war. Earl died in Jefferson Barracks, and Erwin died in France after the close of the war, when he was returning with his regiment from Germany. The first officers of the post were: Commander, S. W. Haig- ler; Senior Vice-Commander, J. Warner Carlyle; Finance, A. G. Gooch; Adjutant, B. F. Hinshaw; Service Officer, DeWitt R. Gooch, III; Ser- geant-at-Arms, John Jensen. The present Commander is Levi Barnhart; the Adjutant, Harry Shornick, Jr. The Witt-Webber-Carroll Post at Arrowsmith was named after James Carroll, Warren K. Webber, and Charles T. Witt, all Arrowsmith boys who lost their lives in the war. The present principal officers are: Com- mander, Elmer Paxton; Adjutant, Glenn Raney. Corporal Carl Miller Post at Heyworth was organized in 1920 and flourished for a few years, but at this writing it was not active. The of- ficers at its last election were: Commander, Elmer L. Bell; Adjutant, Donald Cruikshank. Cropsey Post was named for William F. Barnes, who died in the war. The present officers are: Commander, Meedie Buck; Adjutant, Harvey L. Meeker. Redd-Williams Post in Bloomington was made up of colored ex-service men, and the officers are: Paul Turlington, Commander; Taylor Cisco, Ad j utant. There was organized in Bloomington during the winter and spring of 1920 a local post of World War Veterans, an organization composed History of McLean County 317 of service men as its name indicates. It was named the Hauptman, Morgan, Conley Post, from the name of three Bloomington men who had been slain in battle. These men were Joseph A. Hauptman, David Thomas Morgan, and Eugene Conley. The first list of officers for the post were these: Commander, W. F. Witty; Senior Vice-Commander, Robert Switzer; Junior Vice-Commander, E. P. Downey; Chaplain, Lee Crosland; Adjutant, William A. Sammon; Quartermaster, Arthur Garbe. The board of trustees were: William J. Hull, J. P. Murray and Wade H. Fielder. The post holds monthly meetings. CHAPTER XXVII. HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL— BROKAW HOSPITAL— MENNON1TE SANITARIUM — JESSA- MINE WITHERS HOME — VICTORY HALL — DAY NURSERY — HOME FOR COL- ORED CHILDREN— THE BABYFOLD — GIRLS' INDUSTRIAL HOME — FAIRVIEW SANITORIUMI— SALVATION ARMY — BUREAU OF SOCIAL SERVICE. McLean County is noted for its number and the quality of its elee- mosynary institutions, which show the care of the portion of the popula- tion who are self-supporting* for that smaller portion which is afflicted with disease or suffers from misfortune and disaster. Chief among such institutions are the two large hospitals in Bloomington, one of them under the auspices of the Catholic Church, and the other under the patronage and management of non-sectarian organization, although mostly com- posed of representatives of the Protestant churches. St. Joseph's Hospital, located in the southwestern part of Blooming- ton, occupies a tract of two blocks of land, and the building as it now stands is the result of several additions made to a large central structure* which was the original hospital. The hospital project was started in the fall of 1879, when Rev. Mother Frances and Sister Augustine from St. Francis Hospital in Peoria came to Bloomington to look over the ground with a view to establishing a hospital here. They met with Dr. Sweeney and Dr. C. R. Parke, who went with them from house to house for funds. The money was secured to make the first payment on the home of Sam- uel W. Waddle, which was purchased for a nucleus of a hospital. On March 22, 1889, the hospital opened with Sister Augustine and Sister Joseph Aloysia in charge. The medical staff first appointed consisted of 318 History of McLean County 319 J*#«««S| 320 History of McLean County Drs. Sweeney, Parke, A. Luce, Worrell, Lee Smith, Elder and Wunderlich. In two years the first unit of the present building was erected, costing $22,000. In 1889 the second wing was built, costing $11,000. In 1885 the first operating room was created and named for Dr. Parke, and in 1899 the beautiful chapel was erected. In March, 1905, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the hospital was celebrated. Up to that time more than 5,000 patients had been treated in the institution, of whom 1,672 were charity cases. The last and perhaps the greatest addition made to the hospital was that of the year 1922, when $60,000 was expended in building a large wing to the west, fronting on Morris Avenue, which makes a western front for the institution and adds to its impressive appearance. This newer structure is five stories in height, and it includes a modern operat- ing room with every known facility for the latest surgical treatments. St. Joseph's Hospital now represents a total investment of nearly a half million dollars. The medical faculty of the hospital includes many of the best known physicians and surgeons in the county. The hospital takes care not alone of those who come to it with ability to pay for a portion of the cost of their treatment, but it also receives some who are abso- lutely without means. For instance, in the years of its existence it has housed, fed and given medical attention to scores of men and women who otherwise would have had to go to the county farm to spend their last days. Brokaw Hospital — In May, 1893, there was organized in Bloomington a society for the establishment and maintenance of a Protestant hospital, the only hospital then in the city or county being the one under the direc- tion of the Catholic Church. Subscriptions to the amount of $5,000 were pledged and in part collected, and an option obtained on a certain piece of property in the city as a start on the hospital. The house was found to be unsuitable for the purpose, and the project was allowed to lapse for the time being. In 1895 some of the doctors in Bloomington and Normal organized to found a hospital, and secured an option on a tract of land just inside the corporate limits of the town of Normal, located on Franklin Avenue at the corner of Virginia Avenue. This is the present location of the hos- pital known as Brokaw Hospital, a large and modern institution. The History of McLean County 321 o O O o PQ i-f <: H t— I P* en O O PQ (19) 322 History of McLean County earlier organization then turned over to this newer society what funds it had and its pledges so far as renewable. By 1896 the original or cen- tral building was erected and opened for patients. The hospital had been turned over for management to the Mennonite Deaconess Nurses, under the charge of Rev. Mr. Sprunger, and the hospital was first called the Deaconess Memorial Hospital. In this form it was continued until Au- gust, 1897, when it was taken over by the Methodist Episcopal Deaconess society of Chicago. With comparatively meager facilities and a small staff, the hospital was operated successfully under the Deaconess man- agement until the year 1901, when it was the recipient of a large bene- faction from I. Abraham Brokaw, at which time the name was changed to Brokaw Hospital and its management turned over to an incorporated society for that purpose. Mr. Brokaw was one of the leading characters of McLean County in its early days. He came here when land was cheap and started a wagon and plowmaking shop, which grew to prosperous proportions for those times. Having become interested in the charitable work of the Deaconess Hospital, when he sold the building where his plow works had been lo- cated for many years, he created a trust fund of $30,000 for the use of the hospital. At that time the name of the hospital was changed to Brokaw, and this name was carved in the stone capping over the main entrance. When Mr. Brokaw died in 1905, he willed to the trustees of the hospital a fund amounting to $200,000, and a large and rich farm located in Dale Township. This endowment fund placed the hospital on a more substantial basis than it had ever before been. A third building was erected, attached to the others on the south. This structure was designed with the very latest ideas in hospital architecture, and included an operat- ing room which was the very latest word in such equipment. An X-ray room of the most modern design was also included. . The Brokaw endow- ment yields an annual income of considerable size, although not enough to meet the expenses of the institution. A number of the leading business and professional men of Blooming- ton and Normal have been untiring in their efforts to build, equip and maintain this institution on the very highest plane. Among the early loyal supporters was Dr. J. L. White who served as president of the medi- cal staff until his death in 1915. History of McLean County 323 C. P. Soper, for many years one of Bloomington's most public spirited and successful business men was president of the board for seven years, and it was largely through his personal attention and executive ability that the hospital was carried through one of its most critical periods and its splendid growth and permanence were made. Mr. Soper passed away in Los Angeles, Cal., January, 1916. In 1909 Dr. N. K. McCormick, of Normal, was elected president of the board and served most efficiently until his death in 1919. Although not in robust health there was hardly a day in the year that Dr. McCormick did not visit the hospital and show his deep interest in its affairs. He gave much time and study to the plans of the new fire-proof building also to issuing and marketing the bonds which made the build- ing possible. From the time of the organization of the hospital until his death, in 1919, Dr. William E. Guthrie was one of the hospital's most active supporters and for five years of this time was Medical Director. Much of the success of the hospital in its whole history was due to Dr. Guthrie's skill, energy, and devotion. Brokaw Hospital should not be considered strictly a Bloomington and Normal institution. It receives patients from any locality, and its records show an increasing patronage each year by people who live in the country and small Illinois towns who wish to avail themselves of this institution for medical or surgical treatment. In January, 1902, the directors of Brokaw Hospital established a training school for nurses to be conducted in connection with the hospital. The school, incorporated under the title of the Brokaw Hospital School for Nurses, offers to women desirous of becoming professional nurses, a course of practical and theoretical instruction. The practical knowledge is gained by actual care of patients, under the supervision of the superintendent and her assistants. Graduate nurses are in charge of the following departments: House- keeping, Operating Rooms, Floor Work, Night Duty and District Nursing. The superintendent has immediate charge of the Training School, subject to the authority of the House Committee of the hospital. The curriculum has been lengthened to three years, thus fully meeting the re- quirements of the State Registration Board for Nurses. During the year 324 History of McLean County 1909, a separate building was erected for a Nurses' Home. This provides for the needs and recreation of the nurses when off duty and offers, besides the necessary home comforts, many of its pleasures. Miss Lula J. Justis has been the resident superintendent of Brokaw Hospital since 1908, and she has managed the institution with noted ability and general satisfaction. The first superintendent after the reor- ganization of the hospital and its accession from the order of Deacon- esses, was Miss Carrie S. Flatt, who was in charge for about six years. Miss Flatt was the person mainly responsible for the organization of the training school for nurses. Miss Flatt, shortly after her resignation, was married to L. S. Rupert, a well-known Bloomington citizen. Under the management of Miss Justus, many notable changes have been made, including the addition of two of the modern additions to the buildings and an entire revolution in the internal management. Mennonite Sanitarium and Training School. — Since history is in pro- portion to events, and events, in turn, in proportion to time, the Mennonite Sanitarium has a comparatively short record. Nevertheless it perhaps would be fitting in passing, to briefly review the origin of the Mennonite Sanitarium. For a number of years, it was the conviction of a few of the leaders of the Mennonite Church, that the church ought to do more to meet the needs of the sick and suffering.. These convictions with a growing interest led to the organization of the Mennonite Sanitarium Association on the 23d day of January, 1919, with the following named Board of Directors: Rev. E. Troyer, Rev. J. H. King, Rev. John Kinsinger, Rev. Ben Rupp and Rev. Allen Miller. The Association immediately purchased the Harber property located at 1308 N. Main Sreet, Bloomington, 111. This building being a large resi- dence property, was remodeled and temporarily fitted for hospital use. The first patients were received May 1, 1919, as soon as the building was ready for occupancy, with Rev. Ben Rupp as superintendent. The question of a new building was seriously considered by the board, estimates and plans were already in hand when it became known that the Kelso Sanitarium, a fully equipped institution, was available. At a called meeting of the Association, the board was authorized to purchase the sani- tarium, which was done, the board taking full charge of this institution with its training school, May 1, 1920. Steps were immediately taken to History of McLean County 325 reorganize the training school and put it on an accredited basis, recognized by the State of Illinois. All students who finish the course of training required are eligible to the credentials of a State Registered Nurse. This institution has at its command a medical and surgical staff equal to any in the central west covering the entire medical and surgical field. All departments of the institution are well equipped, the surgical depart- ment being one of the most splendidly equipped in the state. The seriliz- ing rooms adjoining are fitted with the latest devices for sterilizing dress- ings, instruments, utensils and clothing. Much consideration has been given to the equipment of the maternity department to meet the needs of all such cases. For the purpose of making an accurate diagnosis of dis- eases there is a standard X-ray machine and a first-class laboratory. The bath department situated in the new building is so arranged that it is. easy of access both from the outside and by elevator on the inside. The bath rooms are sunny, cheerful and efficient. As an auxiliary in the building up of physical conditions, this is an important feature. They are able to offer the best in the way of Sitz, Steam, Needle and Shower Baths, Electric Light, Electric Water and Electric Robe Baths, Salt Glows, Oil Rubs, Hot Packs, Fomentations, Scotch Douches and Massage. The present need is more room and plans are being formulated to enlarge the institution in the near future. The ideal is a Christian insti- tution where service may be given in the Spirit of Him who said, "Even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and give His life a ransom for many." The Jessamine Withers Home is an institution designed for the resi- dence of aged women who can fulfill the regulations as to entry, and who, having once become residents, may remain there throughout their lives. The Home is located on the north side of West Locust Street in the 300 block. It was formerly the home of Mrs. Sarah Withers, a well-known woman of Bloomington for many years. She left the property in trust for the uses indicated, and after it was put upon a substantial basis it was named Jessamine Withers Home in her honor. Along about 1913, when the property was first turned over to the trustees of the Second Presbyterian Church for the care of aged women, the house was in a bad sta'te of repair, and there was no funds to repair it. Through the gener- osity of Mrs. Martha Horr and Col. D. C. Smith, a cottage was built on 326 History of McLean County the rear of the lot, and here a few women, otherwise alone in the world, were able to secure board and room at reasonable rates. This was in the inception of the Withers Home. In 1914 Capt. S. Noble King and Mrs. King, foreseeing the possibilities of the place, created an endowment for its upkeep by deeding to the trustees the fine farm of Captain King north- east of Normal. Its management was put in the hands of a board of trus- tees consisting of one woman from each of the Protestant churches of Bloomington and Normal. Contributions of money and furnishings began to accumulate, and at the end of the first year the Horr cottage and the original Withers house, now remodeled and improved, housed nine women. From that time to 1923, there were 23 different women who found homes and comfort there in the declining years of their lives. When a woman, otherwise without a home, invests in one here, she is assured of a real home in every sense of the word for the rest of her life. Whatever she may have beyond the $500 purchase price is invested for her by the trustees, used by her during her lifetime, and at her death is bequeathed to the Home for the benefit of the family. If $500 is the sum of her possessions, all of the benefits of the home are equally hers at that price, whether she lives one year or twenty-five. The board of management for the year 1923 was composed of the fol- lowing women : Members at large — Mrs. S. Noble King, Mrs. Allen Brown, Mrs. F. C. Davison, Mrs. Willis Harwood, Mrs. Guy McCurdy, Mrs. Milton White. Representing the county at large — Mrs. J. M. Anderson, of Saybrook, Mrs. William Mcintosh, of Colfax. Representing the various churches in Bloomington and Normal — Mrs. Will Barnard, Park Methodist; Mrs. Mahlon Bishop, Second United Brethren; Mrs. Hester Bonnett, First Christian; Mrs. A. L. Chapman, First Presbyterian; Mrs. E. L. Darr, First United Brethren; Mrs. Alonzo Dolan, Baptist; Miss Bernice L. Foster, Grace M. E. ; Mrs. W. P. Garret- son, Second Presbyterian; Mrs. John R. Gee, Unitarian; Mrs. Arthur Graves, Episcopal; Mrs. Campbell Holton, Second Christian; Mrs. Edwin Pattison, Congregational; Mrs. C. L. Schneider, Christian Science; Mrs. A. Schwarzman, Synagogue ; Mrs. Elizabeth Young, First Methodist ; Mrs. E. P. Brand, Normal Baptist ; Mrs. John Goodwin, Normal Christian ; Mrs. W. H. Johnson, Normal Methodist. History of McLean County 327 Mrs. Clara Simpson and her helpers have worked out a system of housekeeping lubrication whereby the maximum efficiency is produced with minimum friction in all details of the Home life. The contentment and happiness which broods over the place are due in great measure to these competent workers. Victory Hall. — In the spring of 1919 there were thirty homeless Mc- Lean County boys living in the Girls' Industrial Home, an institution for girls, as its name indicates. What should be done for these boys needing care and protection? Mrs. E. R. Morgan, president of the board of di- rectors, called together a group of interested women to organize a home for boys. This group included Mrs. Davis Ewing, Mrs. Charles Burr, Mrs. Frank Chase, Mrs. Oscar Mandel and Miss Bertha Cowles. A board of directors was formed, for a boys' home, of which Mrs. Fred B. Capen was the first chairman. The project was at first financed by memberships at $5 each per year. A drive was undertaken and a house and grounds on West Hovey Avenue in Normal were purchased and named Victory Hall. It was the former Brooks home, a large house with ample grounds. Later a gift of $3,000 permitted the purchase of six lots of additional ground. On the west is a playground, and on the north a garden and fruit trees. A small frame house on the new lots serves as a hospital when needed. Every activity that makes the boys mingle with other children is encour- aged. They not only go to the public schools, but also to Sunday school. There are swimming classes at the Y. M. C. A. The boys have their own scout troop. It is a good one. Holidays are well provided for at Victory Hall. They have circus and movie treats, dear to the hearts of all boys. For the last two years, Victory Hall has participated in the general welfare drive and receives an apportionment of about $5,000 per year for the maintenance of the institution. The board of management for the year 1923 was made up as follows: Mrs. Davis Ewing, president; Mrs. Holmes, vice-president; Mrs. Louis Eddy, treasurer; Mrs. Fitch Harwood, secretary ; Miss Jeanette Johnston, corresponding secretary. Board : Mrs. Fred Capin, Miss Bertha Cowles, Mrs. Mercer Davis, Mrs. Harold Gard- ner, Mrs. Harris Hoblit, Mrs. Louie Kuhn, Mrs. Oscar Mandel, Mrs. James Melluish, Mrs. Eugene Funk, Mrs. Manchester, Mrs. L. Probasco, Mrs. Ebon Jones, Miss Julia Hodge, Mrs. Herman Ochs. 328 History of McLean County Day Nursery — In January of 1907, at the call of Mrs. Albert Schwarz- man, a group of women met at the Illinois hotel to organize and establish a day nursery where mothers might leave their children when they went out to earn a livelihood. Mrs. A. E. Stevenson presided. The organiza- tion was completed, and soon afterward a small frame house on West Mul- berry Street west of the Alton road was rented, the first year's rent being paid by Col. D. C. Smith and Howard Humphreys. Mrs. R. 0. Graham was first president, and continued in office till she left the city some years later. After a few years the Day Nursery expanded when funds were secured from the public for purchasing a twelve-room house farther to the west on Mulberry. It was secured free of debt and remodeled to suit its uses. In the present quarters, the expenses of maintenance is about $300 per month. Miss Jennie Thompson served as resident superintendent until her death in the winter of 1923. Mrs. Glines, her former assistant, succeeded Miss Thompson. Some of the women who have been prominent in the management of the Day Nursery are Mrs. C. M. Harlan, Miss Nel- lie Parham, Mrs. R. C. Baldwin, Mrs. Frank Aldrich, Miss Laurastine Mar- quis, Mesdames Harry Eckart, Harris K. Hoblit, A. Schwarzman, Fred B. Capen, Clinton P. Soper, Kern Beath, H. M. Rollins, Alfred Sample, Louise Robinson, Miss Margaret Robinson and Miss Lulu Peters. At the present house, a branch library is maintained, a kindergarten conducted, sewing and cooking classes, and night school for Americanization kept up. The McLean County Home for Colored Children is one of the newer and smaller philanthropic institutions, but it is one which is serving a real need of the city and county. It is located in a house at 1203 West Moulton Street. There are from five to ten children in the Home at all times, and a colored matron is in charge. The boy children get good care and are sent to school during the usual term time. This Home par- ticipates in the general welfare drive which is annually put on in Bloom- ington for the combined charitable causes and institutions. The Babyfold, located in Normal, is one of the most unique and inter- esting charitable institutions in McLean County, or indeed anywhere in Illinois. It has grown from a small beginning to a large house full of babies, all of its expansion and increase in usefulness having been accom- plished without incurring at any time any debt which could not be promptly discharged. Some twenty years ago, Mrs. Mason, of Normal, History of McLean County 329 donated her home on North Street for the purpose of founding a Deacon- ess Home, but after the Deaconess (now Brokaw) Hospital had provided a home for its nurses, the Mason property was converted into a home for homeless babies. Mrs. Asher, the present superintendent, took charge of it in 1903, and with the increase in the number of babies which came into her charge, it was found that the Mason property was inadequate. In 1910 this house was traded for a piece of property on Willow Street in Normal, just east of the Illinois Central and extending back to Cypress. The house had 11 rooms, and the grounds were large. A gift of $3,000 afterward allowed the property to be improved and enlarged. Then Dr. Quine, of Chicago, a son-in-law of Mrs. Mason, gave the Babyfold a gift of $5,000, with the provision that he should be allowed interest on it till his death, then it was to be an outright gift. With this money a small farm on Main Street was secured, on which the cows are kept for fur- nishing milk to the Babyfold. Several years later another and larger brick addition was built to the Babyfold. As many as 65 babies have been cared for in this institution at one time, ranging from new-born infants to children five or six years of age. Many of the babies are secured per- manent homes in good families, so that the Babyfold serves a double purpose. The Babyfold formerly was supported by private donations. Now it participates in the general welfare drive, and secures an appor- tionment from the proceeds of that campaign. The Girls' Industrial Home, a well-known and established McLean County institution, has been in existence for twenty-five years. It has a large brick building located on South State Street, where there are con- stantly a number of girls in good care who have been deprived of their natural family protection, either by death or separation of their parents. The first entry in the records of the institution was made in 1899, in the handwriting of Miss Mattie Marble. The records further show that when some thirty women formed a board for the establishment of the Girls' Industrial Home, Mrs. Ellen Light was chosen its first president. The names of the other persons interested at the founding of the Home were Gertrude Willever, Fannie Fell, Louise Maxwell, Sallie Kerrick, Ellen Phil- lips, Clara Waite, M. Louise Crothers, Frances C. Funk, Anna C. Read, Mary O'Connell, Sarah H. Aldrich, Mattie Newton, Carrie Brownell, Hat- tie Allin, Sue R. Cooper, Letta Livingston, Amelia Griesheim, Joseph 330 History of McLean County Thompson, Thomas Tipton, Edmund O'Connell, Louise J. Woods, Lydia McCoy, Mary C. White, Mattie Marble, Eliza Davis, Henry Augustine, Malinda Anderson, Anna L. Randolph, Orpha Hiett, Lydia Morehouse, Lydia Aldrich, Sarah E. Samms, Elizabeth Coale, Louise Wilson, Mary Jordan. For many years the Home occupied a wooden building, which had formerly been a residence. Then about 1916 a campaign was put on for securing funds to build a brick fire-proof building, three stories in height, which was successfully accomplished and the new structure was occupied in the fall of 1917. The girls at the Industrial Home attend the public schools and the Sunday schools and churches of that vicinity. The county of McLean, by action of the board of supervisors, each year appro- priates a sum at a certain rate per capita for all the girls who are resi- dent there. Some of the girls are placed in homes, and others on reach- ing the age limit are sent out into the world with good training for their future lives, either as wives or fitted to undertake a career. Miss Carrie Smith is the efficient superintendent, a position she has held for several years. The present board of management is as follows: President, Mrs. E. R. Morgan, vice-presidents, Mrs. Howard Humphreys and Mrs. George L. Parker; secretary, Mrs. Clara D. Munce; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Cole. Mrs. Munce succeeds to the secretaryship after the death of her mother, Mrs. H. C. DeMotte, who held the position for niany years. One of the notable helps to the permanency of this home was the bequest left in her will by Miss Mattie Marble, one of the charter mem- bers of the board. This was a very substantial sum, and after some liti- gation concerning final approval of the will has been disposed of, the sum will become a permanent endowment for the home. Mrs. Aldrich, an- other charter member who died in 1923, left $500 in her will for the home, which the board placed to a separate use under the title of the "Mrs. Aid- rich Fund." Mrs. E. R. Morgan, long time president of the board in her last annual report, says: "Many have gone from this Home to useful corners, many wives and mothers in happy homes. We feel there is a growing knowledge on the part of the public that this home is a satisfac- tory harbor for girls who have been deprived of the shelter and protec- tion of their natural homes and we hope to justify and maintain this position, not only at home, but abroad. Fairview Sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis persons is a McLean County institution which had its inception in a privately organ- History of McLean County 331 332 History of McLean County ized body of citizens who gave their time and money to promoting the fight against the disease which had a record at that time of being the most destructive single ailment to the human family. At a meeting held in the office of Capt. J. H. Rowell in January, 1908, the subject of the organ- ization of such a society was first discussed. Col. D. C. Smith was chosen chairman, and J. L. Hasbrouck secretary. In addition, those present were Edmund O'Connell, Clinton P. Soper, Dr. F. 0. Jackman, Dr. E. Mammen and Dr. J. H. Fenelon. At that first meeting, Edmund O'Connell was asked to go to Springfield to attempt to secure a law for permitting coun- ties in Illinois to levy a tax to establish and maintain an institution for the care and cure of tuberculosis patients. At a meeting on Sept. 26, 1911, it was voted that the society be called the McLean County Anti- tuberculosis Society. On Oct. 17 following, the following officers were elected: Colonel Smith, honorary president; E. W. Cole, active presi- dent; Henry Behr, treasurer and corresponding secretary; J. L. Has- brouck, recording secretary. The law for the authority of counties to levy a tax for establishing sanatoriums for tuberculosis people was passed and became effective July 1, 1909. Agitation was at once begun to secure action of the board of supervisors for submitting this question to the people. This was with- out effect for several years, and it was not until Nov. 7, 1916, that the question was voted upon, with the result that 9,661 votes were cast in favor of it, and 7,714 against it, the favorable majority being 1,947. The county tuberculosis society had meanwhile carried on extensive educa- tional work, having hired a visiting nurse and furnished information to families free where there were members suffering from the disease. The board of supervisors, following the referendum vote, levied and collected the prescribed tax of one mill on the $100 valuation. Three trustees were named to administer this fund, they being Dr. C. M. Noble, Mrs. J. A. Bohrer and Jacobs Martens. The first of the county agencies established to combat tuberculosis was the public dispensary, opened in January, 1918, in a room at 103 East Market Street, where it continues; to this day. Here free examinations and diagnosis were furnished to the public, Dr. Bernice Curry acting as medical director. The first year there were 333 cases handled by Dr. Curry and Mrs. Brett. In 1918 a site consisting of forty acres just north of Normal situated along Main Street on a commanding rise of ground, was bought for the location of the proposed History of McLean County 333 sanatorium. The name of "Fairview" was chosen upon public sugges- tions, after many other names had been offered. The building was erected in the spring and summer of 1919, and on August 17 was formally dedi- cated with imposing ceremonies. The McLean County Sanatorium was the second one of its kind in Illinois, only one other county having pre- ceded this in erecting such a building. The original capacity of the sana- torium was 34 patients, and a later addition provided six other rooms, accommodating a total of 49. One section was set apart for soldiers of the World War, of whom there were several at the start and have been ever since. In the lobby of the sanatorium, over the fire place, was un- veiled a bronze tablet in honor of Mrs. Florence Fifer Bohrer, who had from the start been a moving spirit in the work of the McLean County Anti-tuberculosis Society and of the sanatorium project. Miss Catherine Smith was the first superintendent of the sanatorium, and she was suc- ceeded by Dr. A. Bernice Curry, the present head. Mrs. Brett, after serv- ing several years as visiting nurse, resigned and was succeeded by Mrs. Earl Cooper, the present incumbent. The Tuberculosis Society still car- ries on its educational work, its fundsi being furnished by sales of Red Cross seals. The sanatorium is constantly filled with patients, and usually there is a waiting list. Since beginning her work here Dr. Curry has examined 1,473 patients. It is the second sanatorium built and operated under the Glacken law. Fairview Sanatorium is for the treatment of all stages of tubercu- losis, children admitted and negroes are admitted in a separate building. The capacity of the Sanatorium is 49 beds, and it is free to residents of McLean County. The original cost of building which is fire-proof was $100,000; ground, $15,000; equipment, $10,000. Since original cost three new rooms, six beds and a cottage for colored people have been added. It is located three miles north of the C. H. at Bloomington and can be reached by street car from Bloomington to Normal ; transfer to Normal loop ; leave car at Lincoln and School Streets, and walk six blocks. Salvation Army. — By purchasing and improving a three-story build- ing at Madison and Washington Streets, Bloomington, in 1923, the Sal- vation Army took its place among the permanent establishments of Mc- Lean County which are devoted to religious and humanitarian work. It had been operating in Bloomington for several years previously, having 334 History of McLean County first been located here as a post in the year 1891 by Col. Jack C. Addie. The organization had a precarious existence for many years, consisting of a small band of devoted followers who held religious meetings on the streets, and then in a small hall, and supported by the meager voluntary contributions secured by "drum-head"' collections on the streets. Later a small room was rented from James Shaw on South Center Street, and under various officers of the world-wide organization assigned to this sta- tion, the work was carried forward. In the year 1918 under World War conditions, the Salvation Army was put on a more substantial basis by creating a council of administration, composed of citizens of all parts of the county, who formed an annual fund for its sustenance and thereby relieved it from the former hand-to-mouth way of getting on. In 1923, from a balance left over from war drives and some funds made up in other ways, the Army, then under charge of Captain Ainsworth, made a first payment on the three-story business building at Madison, for which $20,000 was the price. The balance is to be made up in future payments. The building was remodeled and occupied in January, 1924. The Bureau of Social Service, the central charitable organization in Bloomington was first broached at a mass meeting held in the Second Presbyterian Church on April 10, 1900. There were eight charitable or- ganizations of the city represented, and it was voted to form an Associ- ated Charities, modeled after the one in Chicago. Col. D. C. Smith was chairman, Mrs. Sue A. Sanders, secretary. Miss Charlotte Capen ex- plained the object of the meeting, and a committee on constitution was named, consisting of Mrs. B. P. Marsh, M. Levy and H. R. Evans. One week later, Colonel Smith called a meeting to hear the report of the com- mittee on constitution, and also announced a large committee headed by Mayor L. B. Thomas and ex-Mayor C. F. Koch to canvass the city and create interest in the project. At the meeting on April 19, a constitution was adopted and the fol- lowing officers elected: President, Howard D. Humphreys; first vice- president, R. D. Levy ; second vice-president, C. P. Soper ; third vice-presi- dent, J. J. Thompson; secretary, J. L. Loar. On the following Sunday night, a union mass meeting of the churches of the city was held at the Second Presbyterian, when Charles F. Weller of the Chicago Associated Charities delivered an address. History of McLean County 335 Miss Ida Lange was appointed the first office secretary and general overseer of the work. The idea of a clinic was incorporated with the or- ganization, and work of that kind was carried on with the co-operation of the physicians of the city. Mrs. Nannie Dunkin was named general sec- retary about a year after the organization, and she continued in the posi- tion for a number of years. In the list of officers and directors during the earlier stages were several changes, and the list for the year 1905 were as follows: President, R. F. Evans; vice-presidents, Oscar Mandel, Henry Capen, Mrs. Lucy Lucas; treasurer, W. L. Moore. Mrs. Dunkin in her report for the year 1904-5 showed that 762 cases had been taken care of. The treasurer showed $2,875 received, with a balance at the end of the year of $643. Mrs. Dunkin remained as general secretary and superintendent from the time of her appointment in 1902 until 1915, when she resigned and was succeded by Mrs. Mabel H. Seymour, who had been assistant in the office. Mrs. Seymour acted as superintendent for about nine years, re- signing in May, 1920. Her services covered the period of the World War, when the Associated Charities was called upon to do more and greater work than at any previous period. The co-operation with the Red Cross and other relief agencies for the care of the families of soldiers called into the service, and to the adjustment of their compensation and other work of that sort, created additional functions for the organization. In the year 1918, at the annual meeting in May, the name of the society was changed from Associated Charities to that of the Bureau of Social Serv- ice, that being more in line with its work and better suited to its co-opera- tion with similar societies elsewhere. At about the same time, through co-operation with the board of supervisors, the city and county relief work were combined in the same office, and Mrs. Seymour was made county overseer of the poor for the city of Bloomington, as well as gen- eral secretary of the Bureau of Social Service. Her salary was partly paid by the county and partly by the Bureau. This was a great advan- tage all around, for it prevented duplication of relief and simplified the procedure in many ways. Upon the resignation of Mrs. Seymour in May, 1920, the position of general secretary and overseer of the poor was filled by Mrs. Naoma M. Fry, who had been assistant. Mrs. Fry is still in charge, and she has as her present assistant Mrs. Florence Strohmeier. The office of the 336 History of McLean County Bureau has been located for more than twenty years in offices over No. 320 North Main Street. The Bureau is supported by private contribu- tions, for which an annual campaign is put on. Of recent years the organi- zation has received several bequests of large sums which are to be used as an endowment fund. These bequests came from the estates of George S. Hanna, Judge Myers, William T. Shorthose, Lyman M. Graham, Luman Burr and Mrs. Margaret Packard. It is interesting to recall the names of the persons who have served as presidents and secretaries of the board of directors of the Bureau of Social Service since its formation. James A. Wilcox was first president, serving in 1902-3. Col. D. C. Smith served for a short period in 1903. R. F. Evans then was president in 1904 and 1905. The next president was Henry Behr, in 1906 and 1907. Charles Northrup served in 1908 and 1909. Then began the long term of E. W. Cole, who was elected in 1910 and served until 1917, when he removed to California. John W. Harber served as president the next two years, 1918 and 1919. James G. Melluish was chosen president in 1920 and served for three years. At the annual meeting of 1923, Ralph M. Green was elected president, and he still holds the position. Miss Ida D. Lange was chosen first secretary, and was succeeded in 1903 by Mrs. Lucy Lucas, who served until 1916. In the latter year, Mrs. Alonzo Dolan was chosen secretary and served until 1920. Mrs. Julius Griesheim succeeded her, and acted as secretary until the annual meet- ing of 1923, when Mrs. Louis FitzHenry was elected. ' 7F* 1 « M, CHAPTER XXVIII. THE ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE. FIRST ORGANIZATION — BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION — EARLY OFFICERS— SECRE- TARY HUDSON— ACTIVITIES OF ASSOCIATION — VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS INFLUENCE — MEMBERSHIP S24 — COMMITTEES — DIRECTORS. The period of the great fire saw a transformation in the history of Bloomington in one regard. It created a spirit of co-operation among the people of the city which had never before been in existence, or at least had never found expression. One of the means of this expression which came into being was the organization first formed under the name of the Business Men's Association, and now known as the Association of Com- merce. This association has had a continuous and active existence from the year of the great fire. When the city lay prostrate in ashes after the conflagration had swept out its heart, the business men saw that if it was ever to rise from the ashes in better shape than before, it would be only by the united efforts of all classes of citizens. In that feeling was born the Business Men's Association. On the evening of Nov. 22, 1900, a mass meeting was held in old Washingtonian Hall, in the upper story of the building then known as the Leader Building. There were present 200 of the leading business men of the city, and after some preliminary discussion it was decided to form a permanent organization for mutual advantage. Eighty-nine men signed the roll as charter members of the new association, and the following were the first officers elected by the association: President, Benjamin F. Har- ber; first vice-president, C. P. Soper; second vice-president, C. W. Klemm; treasurer, John J. Cowden ; directors, S. R. White, A. B. Hoblit, Robert Johnson, Maurice Levy, Frank Oberkoetter, Milton R. Livingston, John 337 (20) 338 History of McLean County Eddy, H. B. Harwood, Oscar Mandel and Louis FitzHenry. The first of- fice secretary chosen for the association was R. F. Berry, and offices were fitted up in the Eddy Building, where activities were begun which were destined to accomplish much for the good of the city for the coming twenty years. For the first few years of its existence the Business Men's Association operated in a rather informal way and with but meager funds and re- sources. It first had rooms in the second story of the Stephen Smith Building at the corner of Jefferson and Center Streets. Shortly after- ward its office was moved to a single room in the Unity Building; in fact, its secretary simply had a desk in a lawyer's office. The next move was to a room on the first floor of the Illinois Hotel Building, where the work was carried on for a couple of years. A suite of rooms in the front part of the Griesheim Building were next remodeled to suit the needs of the Association, and here its working force and field of activities was much expanded. The Griesheim suite having become outgrown, the quarters of the Commercial Club, as its name had become by this time, was taken to the Durley Building, where a series of rooms stretching along the Main Street front of the second story, were occupied. The Farm Bureau, the Traffic Bureau, the credit rating bureau, and other minor activities had been added by this time. The final move, made in November, 1922, was to the present large and well appointed quarters in the B. S. Greeen Building. Here the Asso- ciation of Commerce occupies three-fourths of the first floor, and also a large assembly room with kitchen attached on the second floor. The lat- ter are used for meetings of various kinds, often irt cases where groups of people gather at luncheon to discuss any given project. Since this building was occupied, the assembly rooms have been the scenes of many notable public gatherings. The lower floor is divided into compartments for the use of the general secretary, the credit bureau and its employes, the traffic bureau and its managers, and there is also a large committee room for smaller meetings than needed when the assembly room is not required. The list of the presidents of the Association of Commerce and its predecessors, the Commercial Club and the Business Men's Association, have been the following from the time of its organization in the year 1900: History of McLean County 339 Benjamin F. Harber, 1901-2; John Eddy, 1903-4; Samuel R. White, 1905 ; John J. Pitts, 1906 ; Hamer H. Green, 1907 ; Paul F. Beich, 1908-9 ; Alonzo Dolan, 1910-11; G. Burt Read, 1912-13; George A. Washburn, 1914- 15; George C. Heberling, 1916; R. C. Baldwin, 1917-18; E. M. Evans, 1919-20; Leroy G. Whitner, 1921-22; Milton R. Livingston, 1923-24. R. F. Berry was the first employed office secretary, and held the po- sition until his death, four or five years after the association was organ- ized. Then William Schmidt was placed in charge of the office work, de- voting what time it needed along with his own business. He was the secretary at the time of the great Chicago & Alton shop expansion cam- paign in 1910 as described in detail elsewhere. Mr. Schmidt was followed by Jos. Joplin, who had been traffic manager for Harber Bros. Mr. Jop- lin was an expert on the transportation question, and devoted most of his energies to that phase of the work. He finally went west, giving up his position here. In the year 1913, J. Heber Hudson was selected to the secretaryship, and he continues to this time. He had formerly been a traveling salesman for Seibel Bros., and it transpired that he was quali- fied in every way for the duties of secretary. Under his direction the Association has witnessed most of its growth and expansion. Ever since Secretary Hudson assumed the office, he has issued each year a printed report of the Association's activities. Extracts from these reports indicate the many things done or planned. The first report, is- sued in January, 1915, for the year 1914 tells of the introduction of the semi-annual Style Shows by the Retail Interests committee. It tells of the formation of the Better Farming Association, which was the prede- cessor of the present McLean County Farm Bureau. A trade extension excursion was run, when 500 business men joined in a day's trip to visit a score of towns within a radius of fifty miles. A public time table of trains at all Bloomington stations was posted at the Corn Belt Bank cor- ner. The sum of $500 was donated toward building the gap in the Shir- ler hard road. A great public spectacle, called Venetian Night, was given at Miller park in July. The rebuilt Alton shops were dedicated. The offices were moved to the front of the Griesheim Building, and 4,000 peo- ple visited the office during the year. The membership for the year was 448, and a total of $12,507.19 was handled in the office. In 1915 an effort for the construction of a Community Bulding was made, but for several reasons it was finally abandoned. D. O. Thompson 340 History of McLean County was hired as the first McLean County farm adviser to work with the Better Farming Association, which now numbered 350 members. The first Middle-West tractor demonstration was put on this year, the show being in fields adjoining Orendorff Springs. It was attended by 50,000 people during the week. In the fall a great corn show was given, and a great McLean County picnic was held at Funk's Grove in celebration of the first settlement of Isaac Funk in this county. The horse breeders' sales were promoted, and an agricultural short course was arranged. The collection and credit rating department was established in charge of Jesse B. Havens. The Corn Palace attracted 24,000 visitors, and cost $4,497 to put on. A great many conventions were entertained during the year. Another trade extension excursion was carried out. A lawn and garden contest with suitable prizes was planned and carried out. A Christmas charity fund of $1,666 was raised. The total amount of money handled during the year was $11,340, and the membership was 506. A second and greater tractor demonstration was put on in August, 1916, when 75,000 people attended. It was held in fields east and south of the city, and cost the Commercial Club $4,714. The Corn Palace that year encountered terribly bad weather and came out with a deficit of $3,000. This was the year that saw the total motorizing of the fire de- partment of Bloomington, which was encouraged by the Commercial Club, the change costing $21,000. Many conventions were provided for that year, and E. M. Evans as chairman of the committee on city planning, outlined a comprehensive program. The membership that year was 538, and the money handled amounted to $9,292. The year 1917 was also marked by the opening of war activities on the part of this association as well as in every other organization. The tractor demonstration, the K. of P. encampment and other enterprises of a civic character were abandoned on this account. The retailers organized a co-operative delivery company for more efficient handling of merchan- dise. Company M was formed for a home guard military organization in the absence of young men in draft bodies. Capt. C. B. Hamilton was in command. The Better Farming association expanded its membership and put on a colt show. The convention committee secured permanent street decorations which might be used for any public occasion. Busi- ness was good, there being no commercial failures, and the C. & A. paid out $3,500,000 in Bloomington. A city planning program was organized. History of McLean County 341 The membership for the year was 650, and the total amount of money handled was $10,508. In 1918 the move to the large quarters in the Durley building was made. War activities continued to be the main interest. Capt. Hills as chairman of, the committee secured a fund to erect memorial arches at the court house in honor of the McLean county soldiers who had died in the war. The A. of C. gave much assistance to the Wesleyan in its estab- lishment of the S. A. T. C. and erected barracks for the student soldiers. A great corn show dedicated this building, it being managed jointly by the Farm Bureau of the A. of C. The sum of $5,000 was realized, but soon afterward the Wesleyan abandoned its S. A. T. C. program owing to the close of the war, and the money was divided between the Farm Bureau and the A. of C. This year saw the organization of the McLean County Home Bureau and of the free employment bureau under the aus- pices of the government, for which the A. of C. contributed liberally for rent, etc. Several celebrations were held in honor of the centennial anniversary of the admission of Illinois to the union. E. M. Evans donated a tract of eighty acres of land northeast of the city for a park, to be known as Centennial park. The A. of C. planned to erect a monument there. One of the organizations promoted this year was the Association of Commerce Glee Club, which was very successful. The A. of C. mem- bership was 646. One of the achievements of the year 1919 was to settle forever the question of the proposed removal of the Wesleyan University, which had been strongly advocated in the Illinois Conference. The faith of Bloom- ington was so stoutly exemplified in the Wesleyan that the conference backed up the decision of the trustees that the institution should per- manently remain here. The same year witnessed the closing of a deal with the Meadows Manufacturing Company for the removal of its Pontiac plant to Bloomington and to erect new buildings costing $600,000 on a tract of fourteen acres secured by the A. of C. and given to the company as a site. The proposition was financed by the platting and selling lots in the Association of Commerce addition, adjoining the Meadows tract. Two other smaller factories were secured that year. The returning sol- diers from the world war were provided with public receptions whenever a contingent of any size arrived. The strip of three miles of concrete road east on Empire street was constructed by co-operation between county 342 History of McLean County and state road agencies. This same year witnessed the construction of the Lafayette Apartments, the largest family residence building ever erected in the city. 0. D. Center became county farm adviser succeeding D. 0. Thompson, called to the State Agricultural association. In 1920, the traffic department, under charge of E. L. Henninger had expanded into one of the most important of the A. of C. subsidiary agen- cies. It audited 25,000 freight and express bills, quoted 3,836 rates to customers, and secured refunds of $8,482 overcharges. It issued a weekly bulletin of its activities, and traced 283 carloads or less than carload ship- ments. The year witnessed the consummation of the Meadows enter- prise. The Wesleyan Committee of the Association of Commerce bought properties near the Wesleyan which should be needed in its proposed expansion campaign. There were more than 1,000 members this year, and the total sum of money passing through the office was $129,991. The outstanding achievement in the 1921 review was the successful completion of the Greater Wesleyan campaign, under the chairmanship of E. M. Evans, which was wound up on June 30 with a total of pledges $692,000 in a campaign which started out to raise $650,000. The report of Secretary Hudson characterized this as "the greatest single project ever undertaken by a group of citizens of McLean County." In further- ance of the program made possible by this accomplishment, there had already been $100,000 of real estate added to Wesleyan holdings near the campus, a dwelling had been acquired north of Kemp hall as further dor- mitory room for girls, the $170,000 gymnasium was already under con- struction, and plans made to start the Buck Memorial library in the spring. The A. of C. traffic bureau reported a busy year, having adjusted 1,331 overcharge cases and secured refund of $11,220 overcharges. The bureau had assisted the Ritter Motor Bus Company in starting its service to outside towns, and the company had carried 7,328 passengers between July and December. Further efforts to secure reduced rates on coal ship- ments to Normal and Bloomington were under way. The credit bureau under W. J. Tuohy had answered 2,719 calls. The road committee was busy with oiling projects and securing right of way for state paved roads. The Association had delivered deeds to $14,457 worth of property in the A. of C. addition, making a total delivered $108,525, with $21,000 yet to be sold or delivered. The Association had helped refinancing the Hamil- ton-Hayes Stove company, and had co-operated with the American Legion History of McLean County 343 in work for the McBarnes Memorial building. There had been 18 miles of road oiled out of Bloomington, the style shows and Dollar Days of the retail interests were great successes. A tourist bureau had been maintained, and boulevard lights for East Washington street arranged for. The amount of money handled by the A. of C. for the year was $84,775. One of the outstanding features of Association of Commerce activity in 1922 was using its influence in bringing about a settlement of the shopmen's strike at the Chicago & Alton. A complete suspension of work at the great Alton plant had taken place July 1, the men acting in con- junction with their fellow craftsmen all over the country. After months of inactivity, the A. of C. through its president, L. G. Whitmer, brought the union officials and the company officials together in a series of con- ferences where the differences were threshed out and a basis of settle- ment arrived at. It was a matter of good news to all concerned when the 2,000 men went back to work. The A. of C. traffic bureau had another good year, auditing 100,000 freight bills and securing repayment of $8,873 overcharges. The Credit rating bureau answered 4,000 ca^ls for infor- mation, being in charge of W. J. Tuohy and E. W. Moeller. A good start was made on the new building program of the Wesleyan, the gymnasium and library being under construction. Of the pledges made in the finan- cial campaign of the previous year, there had been $116,942 collected up to Jan. 1. The A. of C. erected a memorial gateway at the Main street entrance of the campus district. The year saw the actual work begun in the betterment of the Bloom- ington and Normal Sanitary district, by the deepening and widening of Sugar Creek so that it could carry all flood waters. It has not since once overflowed. The A. of C. assisted in the celebration and setting of a stone marker at Randolph commemorating the 100th anniversary of the the settlement of Gardner Randolph there. The move into the large new quarters in the B. S. Green building was made on November 1 of this year. The project for the refinancing of the Meadows Manufacturing was set upon its feet. The general financial statement showed $70,132 passed through the hands of the treasurer. For the year 1923, a budget system was prepared and followed. The membership was 824, and the sum of money passing through the Asso- ciation was $180,525. At the annual dinner and business meeting held 344 History of McLean County at the end of this year, when over 1,000 people were present, the work of the year was grouped under the headings of various committees, each of which reviewed the activities of 1923. These committees and their chairmen were as follows: Membership, Roy E. Chew; legislative, Fred W. Wollrab; Wesleyan ; E. M. Evans; retail interests, A. Schwarzman; roads, J. L. Murray; ad- vertising and promotion, John W. Rodgers, jr. ; entertainment, C. H. Mar- quis; conventions, George C .Heberling; agriculture, R. C. Baldwin; audit, A. V. S. Lloyd; visiting and fellowship, W. W. Tilden; U. S. chamber of commerce, Paul F. Beich; music, C. E. Stewart; water, Sumner Good- fellow; trade extension, J. P. Klemm; sanitation and health, Ignatz Led- erer; retail grocers, Henry Nierstheimer ; finance and audit, Charles F. Agle; public improvements, Harry K. Dick; jobbing interests, Charles A. Stephenson; industrial interests, James A. Gray; A. of C. addition to the city, Dan W. Snyder; railroads and transportation, R. 0. Ahlenius; labor relations, Leroy G. Whitmer. In 1923, because of the general depression in all agricultural lines, the Meadowy Manufacturing Company had encountered financial diffi- culties. Through the A. of C, settlements were effected with all credit- ors and a special committee from the A. of C. sold $150,000 worth of bonds, the proceeds to be used as working capital by the Meadows Com- pany. This company is now on a sound financial basis and their product is being shipped throughout a large territory- The Association of Commerce has been of great assistance in the matter of hard roads development, having secured many important sec- tions of right-of-way in cases where the lands could not be secured by the townships. Approximately $15,000 has been expended by the A. of C. for right-of-way on the hard roads thus far completed. There is also expended $7,500 per year for road oil, and $2,500 per year on roadside advertising. Large sign boards are maintained on all roads leading to Bloomington, some of these signs being placed as far as seventy-five miles from the city. Direction arrows point the way to Bloomington from every direction. The affairs of the Association are guided by a board of 24 directors who serve two-year terms. Each director is chairman of a standing com- mittee. The board meets the first and third Monday of each month. The Credit Rating bureau, which is considered one of the most efficient in the History of McLean County 345 United States, is under the direct supervision of the Retail Credit Men's association. Accurate ledger information is furnished the merchants from files kept up to date. A daily reporter is issued by this department which contains copies of all court records, property transfers, business changes, removals and all information which is of value to members and credit men. The Traffic Bureau, under the management of E. L. Henninger, is supervised by the Transportation and Jobbing Interests committees. Twelve people comprise the office staff of the Association of Commerce, and it is the clearing house for all community activities. CHAPTER XXIX. FARMERS ORGANIZATIONS. BETTER FARMING ASSOCIATION FORMED— D. O. THOMPSON'S WORK — NAME CHANGED TO FARM BUREAU— OFFICERS — MEMBERSHHIP— POULTRY SHOW — SWINE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATIONS — SHORTHORN CATTLE, JERSEY CATTLE AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS — FEDERAL LOANS — PRODUCER'S MARKET — FARMERS GRAIN DEALERS ASSOCIATION. Learning a lesson from all the other forms of business activity, the agricultural interests began to discuss some form of permanent organiza- tion for mutual interests along in the years from about 1912 to 1914. More and more the idea of organization grew in the minds of the more wide-awake farmers of the county. Eventually, about the year 1914 or early in 1915, an organization to be known as the McLean County Better Farming Association was formed. The first list of officers included the following: President, G. C. (Lyle) Johnstone; vice president, C. L. Mays; secretary, Fred J. Blum; treasurer, W. E. Rayburn; and the directors were Allen Brown, Price N. Jones, Charles Yanney, F. J. Hanley and John Kinsinger. Having perfected the organization, the services of a man who knew farm problems and could devote his time to helping the farmers solve them was given consideration. After casting about for available men, the association finally employed D. 0. Thompson (known as Dave). He was a graduate of the agricultural college of Purdue, was young and full of enthusiasm, and came to the position with proper equipment and much energy. He began work in this county in 1916 and served through until 1919. This covered the period of the world war, during which time 346 History of McLean County 347 the farmers of the country were called upon to make greater effort toward food production than at any other time in the history of the nation. McLean county farmers took their place alongside the best farming sec- tions of the country in advancing war time production and the scientific farming in general. Mr. Thompson's reputation had spread by his work here, and in 1919 he was called to higher responsibilities as secretary of the Illinois Agricultural Association. For several months in 1919 were was no official farm adviser, for the committee had difficulty in securing a man whom they felt could fit into the work that had been advanced by Mr. Thompson. In the latter part of that year, however, they employed 0. D. Center, who was a man of more mature years and of much practical experience. He remained here until Sept., 1921. In that period the McLean County Farm Bureau (the name having been changed to that) employed R. L. Cuff as special livestock adviser, and he carried on that branch of the work until Dec, 1921. Harrison Fahrnkopf was employed by the Farm Bureau in the capacity of an assistant in 1920, and after the resignations of Mr. Center and Mr. Cuff he became the official farm adviser, which position he holds at this time (1923). The name of the Better Farming Association was changed several years ago to the McLean County Farm Bureau. The officers of this asso- ciation are: 1923 — Simon C. Moon, Towanda, president; Sam Elkins, Dry Grove, vice president; Vaughn Douglas, Shirley, secretary; Walter Tenney, McLean, treasurer. Directors — John Kinsinger, Clifford Brown, Dave Stutzman, H. A. Horney, Walter Nichols, Frank Moberly, Homer Caton. 1924 — Officers the same as for 1923, except that Harry Dixon of Covell succeeds Frank Moberly as director. The McLean County Farm Bureau began in April, 1923, its ninth consecutive year of existence. The organization justified its formation and continued existence many times over by the practical value it proved to its members and the farmers in general. It began with 300 members, and in the war times of 1917 to 1920 the membership ran up to the total of 3,100. In the slump of 1921 and 1922 the number dropped back to 2,000 and has been maintained about at that figure in the last year. The work of the organization took on a wide range. For the past twenty years, the farmers of McLean county have maintained a winter indoor school, so to speak, known as the McLean 348 History of McLean County County Farmers' Institute. The institute held in this county is one of a series held throughout the state under the general auspices of the State Agricultural Society. Formerly the institute was held for four or five days in the winter, always in the county seat, and addressed by a series of eminent speakers along different lines. Of later years, the meetings have been divided up into smaller units, one meeting of two or three days' duration, or sometimes of a single day, being held in nearly every town- ship of the county. Of recent years, these have been under direction of the McLean County Farm Bureau. The officers of the Farmers' Institute elected in 1920 were: C. L. Mays, president; W. E. Rayburn, secretary. For the year 1921, the elected officers were: W. F. Coolidge, president; Ralph Benjamin, vice president; W. E. Rayburn, secretary; C. E. Hill, treasurer. This last list of officers was re-elected for the years 1922 and 1923. For several years past, S. B. Mason of this county has served as one of the directors of the State Farmers' Institute for this congressional district. The threshermen of McLean county have maintained an organiza- tion known as the McLean County Threshermen's Association, with the following officers: C. F. Kauffman, Stanford, president; A. P. Tyner, Danvers, vice president; H. B. Noder, Normal, secretary. Many years ago there used to be held an annual poultry show under management of a city poultry association. Of recent years this project has been taken over by the farmers and poultry raisers, who held a fine show in Dec, 1922, and another in the winter of 1923-24. The officers elected were: E. D. Lawrence, president; C. L. Albee, vice president; Mrs. F. J. Blum, Normal, secretary ; A. C. Lantz, Normal, treasurer. Directors, Lyle Funk, Chas. Stiger, C. E. Hill, B. Riseling, Mrs. Whitwood. A mar- keting auxiliary to the Poultry association was organized in March, 1923, to market full blood stock. Its officers were: I. N. Price of Ellsworth, chairman; Mrs. C. M. Fifer, Bloomington, and William Ertmoed of Lex- ington, directors. The board of supervisors appropriated $250 for the first poultry show under the auspices of this society. A McLean County Beekeepers' association was formed in February, 1922, and at the first annual meeting in 1923 the following officers were elected: Dr. H. B. Henline, Bloomington, president; W. L. Archer, McLean, vice president; W. B. Brigham, Bloomington, secretary-treasurer. History of McLean County 349 The McLean County Swine Breeders' association is a live and pro- gressive organization. Its 1923 officers were: W. D. Brickey, Bloomington, president; Simon Moon, Towanda, vice president; F. J. Basting, Bloom- ington, secretary; J. E. Donnelly, Lexington, treasurer. The association co-operated with the officials of the LeRoy Fair in holding the county Swine Show. This show was pronounced by authorities in touch with the different fairs of the state as ranking one of the very best held any- where. The large number of animals shown in the different breeds pos- sessed a type and quality which is the resultant only of constructive breeding. The members of the swine breeders association fostered the Boy and Girl Pig Club show. They helped make arrangements for the show, furnished the judges and also paid a goodly part of the prize money. One of the organizations in the county which has been of the incal- culable value to its members is the McLean County Cow Testing associa- tion. This association was reorganized during the past year and very good reports have come from the various members. There are twenty-six herds containing approximately six hundred seventy cows in the associa- tion. For the year 1921-1922 approximately one hundred unprofitable cows were sold. The officers for 1923 were: President, C. M. Mounts, McLean; secretary, J. L. Withrow, McLean; treasurer, Pearl Mauny, Bloomington. The McLean County Jersey Cattle club is formed to promote the in- terests of owners of Jersey cattle. The officers are: President, D. M. Stutzman, Chenoa ; secretary, Lloyd H. Mason, Armington ; treasurer, W. L. Mays, Bloomington. Shorthorn cattle owners and breeders also organized an association, whose officers in 1923 were: President, John 0. Bozarth, Gillum; vice president, W. T. Stautz, Bloomington; treasurer, Sam Elkins, Blooming- ton; secretary, Ebon C. Jones, Bloomington; directors, C. C. Brown of Heyworth and W. F. Mecherle of Heyworth. Swine breeders who are especially interested in Durocs have formed an association of their own, with the following officers: President, Fred J. Blum, Bloomington; vice president, Simon Moon, Towanda; secretary, F. J. Basting, Bloomington; treasurer, G. C. Johnstone, Shirley. Horsemen have been active and up to date in the last few years, in spite of the fact that the breeding of heavy horses is not now what it 350 History of McLean County used to be in this county. The McLean County Percheron association is officered as follows: President, Dan Augstin, Carlock; vice president, M. L. Ramseyer, Hudson; treasurer, L. F. Stubblefield, McLean; committee- man, C. L. Mays, Bloomington; directors, S. L. Stutzman, Ed Miller, Fred Blum, E. M. Merritt, William Henline, John Peck. The farmers of McLean county have formed a county branch of the Federal Farm Loan organization, with the following officers: President, Frank Stewart, Lexington; vice president, John Howard, Leroy; secre- tary-treasurer, Harrison Fahrnkopf, Bloomington; directors, J. Ben Mc- Reynolds, Stanford; Mrs. Flora Orendorff, Randolph. One of the biggest projects which the County Farm Bureau has under- taken was the securing of a building for the use of the Producers' Market and an office headquarters for the Home Bureau and the Farm Bureau. The building at the corner of Center and Monroe streets in Bloomington was leased, and considerable money spent in remodeling and renovating it to make it fit for its new uses. The structure had many years ago been an armory, and earlier than that a library building. Farmers Grain Dealers Association of Illinois, an affiliation of 550 Farmers Co-operative Elevator Companies in Illinois, was organized at Springfield, Feb. 19, 1903. At that time there were about 30 Farmers Co-operative Elevator Companies in Illinois and 17 of them were repre- sented at that meeting. J. C. Collins was the first president and J. A. McCreery the first secretary. Mr. McCreery continued his duties as man- ager of the Mason City Farmers Grain and Coal Company, giving only part of his time to the Association work. The office remained at Mason City while Mr. McCreery was secretary. In 1913 A. N. Steinhart was employed as secretary to give his full time to the work. At that time the office was located at Bloomington, where it has since remained. The association now occupies two rooms in the Peoples Bank Building, with Lawrence Farlow as secretary and two office assistants. Fred A. Mudge of Peru, 111., is president of the organization. CHAPTER XXX. HOME BUREAU. PERMANENTLY ORGANIZED — FIRST OFFICERS — BRANCHES — VARIETY OF WORK — MONTHLY BULLETIN— VARIOUS ACTIVITIES. One of the modern developments of McLean county which indicates its progress is the permanent organization of the McLean County Home Bureau, composed mostly of farm women and women from the rural communities who work together for the promotion of the best interests of their homes and families. The organization had its inception in the work of the women in the world war, and took on its permanent form in 1918, when the name of the McLean County Home Improvement Asso- ciation was taken. This name, however, was shortly changed to that of the McLean County Home Bureau, which is still maintained. The or- ganization is now in its sixth year of successful existence. McLean county was the eighth county in Illinois to form a Home Bureau. It is the only county which has constantly since it started employed the same field secretary, or as she is known, the home adviser, in the person of Miss Clara Brian. Mrs. Spencer Ewing of Bloomington was the moving spirit in the organization of the Home Bureau, and acted as its first president. She continued to serve for two years and a half, then was succeeded by Mrs. Homer R. Johnson, who filled out Mrs. Ewing's last year and served two other years. Mrs. F. L. Wakefield of Heyworth is the present president (1923). Mrs. Homer R. Johnson was the first county secretary, being succeeded by Mrs. Jennie Barlow, and she in turn by Mrs. Charles Yan- cey of McLean, the present secretary. The first treasurer was Mrs. 351 352 History of McLean County Allen Brown of Normal, who was succeeded by Mrs. William L. Moore of Bloomington, and she in turn by Mrs. W. E. Clark of Bloomington. The last and present treasurer is Mrs. Frank L. Washburn of Bloomington. The county organization comprises 26 branches, one for each town- ship, and there being one branch for Bloomington city and one for Bloom- ington township. The financial backing of the Home Bureau is included in an annual budget of $5,500, of which sum $1,500 comes from the fed- eral government; $1,000 is appropriated each year by the county board of supervisors, and the remainder, $3,000, is secured by individual con- tributions in the form of annual dues of $1 each from the members. It is a unique fact that in the six years of the bureau's work, the member- ships have been maintained by the township units without any special drive for membership. At no time has the real work of the employed home adviser been diverted to solicitation for funds to maintain the organization. The executive management of the bureau is composed of the roster of county officers, together with one director for each unit, these composing the executive board. The headquarters of the bureau is in the building leased by the County Farm Bureau in Bloomington. Miss Brian, the home adviser, has her office there, with an office secretary to assist her. There were about 1,400 members in 1923, and the same number had made up the organization for the past few years, following the larger figure during the war. The work of the Home Bureau is varied, as the name of the organi- zation indicates; its aim is to make better homes and more efficient home-makers. In its second year, a series of courses of study for women was outlined and submitted to the different units for consideration. Each unit votes on which course it shall take, and the majority picks the course. This later is succeeded by other courses in turn. For instance, one course is on meal planning, and seven months of study is devoted to this subject. There have been two schools of instruction carried on in home millinery. A course in the making of baskets of all kinds from crepe paper rope was carried on, and many women became very proficient. There have been demonstrations in the uses of the pressure cooker, and sanitary methods of canning foods in tin were among the other subjects dealt with. The course for home nursing includes seven lessons. There is a course in meal planning with seven lessons. The course in sewing and textiles deals in practical dressmaking, artistic dressmaking, undergarments, dress Histury of McLean County 353 forms, and experiences in dyeing materials. There is a second sewing course, in which adviser and local leader work together in demonstra- tions on cutting and fitting. Home accounting and equipment is the sub- ject of one course. Home and community life is the general topic for another course of five lessons. Preparation of food is the subject of study in one course. The Home Bureau publishes a monthly bulletin of four pages, which is supported by advertising patronage of merchants. This has been one of the most effective agents of the bureau's publicity work. The news- papers have devoted liberal quantities of space to work of the Bureau through all the years. A well organized campaign for the teaching of the value of hot lunches in schools, especially in the rural districts, was carried on for some time, and had its results in the general introduction of this valued feature for the proper care of children of the schools. That the Home Bureau may be of practical benefit in other than the rural districts is shown in its work in Bloomington, where in co-operation with the Day Nursery and the Federation of Churches it carried on a series of classes in home cooking at the Day Nursery, for the benefit of women of that section of the city who lacked opportunities which more favored sections enjoyed to learn of modern home methods. The Day Nursery furnished the equipment, the Federation of Churches the money, and the Home Bureau the instructor. Two years these classes have been in successful operation. (21) CHAPTER XXXI. LIBRARIES OF THE COUNTY. FIRST COLLECTION OF BOOKS— EARLY LIBRARIES— BLOOMINGTON AND McLEAN COUNTY LIBRARY— LADIES' LIBRARY ASSOCIATION — WITHERS' LIBRARY — WESLEYAN AND ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL LIBRARIES— C. & A. LIBRARY — OTHER LIBRARIES. The public libraries of McLean County have proved a first aid to the public school system. They have enabled students to pursue a wider range of reading than could have been possible if everyone were obliged to buy his own books. From the earlier years, the need of public libraries at several points in the county was recognized. The very first collection of books brought to the county was in 1833, when Amasa C. Washburn returned from the east with a small array of books, which he placed at the disposal of the Sunday school of the First Presbyterian church. About 1840, the Bloomington and McLean County Library was es- tablished with about 1,000 volumes, those responsible for its establish- ment being Jesse W. Fell, Dr. John F. Henry, Dr. W. C. Hobbs and James Allin. After being used for a few years the books became worn out and scattered and the library as an institution was lost. The Ladies' Library Association was the next organized effort to have a public library, it being formed at a meeting held Oct. 2, 1856, at Major's hall, where $417 was raised as a nucleus of a library fund. The library was opened in February, 1856, first in a room on Center street, then removed to Judge Davis' building at Front and Main, where free quarters had been offered. This, the predecessor of the present Blooming- ton library, had a changing history and many moves. In 1865 it moved from the Davis building to the second floor of the building at 403 North 354 History of McLean County 355 Main street, where it remained until 1871. The next move was to 109 and 111 West Monroe street, and it remained there until the year 1887, when it made its final move to the building at the corner of Washington and East street. The Ladies' Library association was in 1867 incorporated as the Bloomington Library association. Its stock of books and other material increased as years rolled on, and in 1882, Mrs. Sarah B. Withers presented to the association the lot at Washington and East street for the purpose of having erected there a suitable building. The library was still under direction of a board of management and supported by private donations. The sum of $20,000 was subscribed for the building, which was con- structed and dedicated in December, 1887. It was named the Withers public library in honor of Mrs. Withers. In 1894, the board offered to the city of Bloomington the library and its building and grounds, subject only to a debt of $4,000 which remained unpaid. It was accepted by the city council and later a library tax was assessed for the support of the institution. The members of the board are now appointed by the mayor of the city for terms of three years. For a few years after the library occupied its new building, the upper story was used as club rooms by the Bloomington club, which paid a rental. However, it became necessary in time that the library have the entire structure, hence the Bloomington club formed plans for a bond issue to erect its present modern three-story brick building which stands east of the library. The library then remodeled the upper story of its building into a reading and reference room. The library has a large col- lection of books, upward of 40,000 volumes, and is patronized by thousands of Bloomington people and some from outside who pay a small fee. Miss Nellie Parham is the present librarian, having occupied the position for several years. The Wesleyan University has a very fine library which is independent of the city library. It occupies a fine new stone building which was a gift of Mrs. Martha Buck of Decatur as a memorial to her husband, Hiram Buck. The structure was erected and dedicated in 1923. It stands just opposite the main campus, is a massive building and very perfect in its appointments for the uses for which it is designed. The library prior to the building of the Buck Memorial, had been housed in the old academy building of the Wesleyan, a too small and wholly inadequate structure. 356 History of McLean County The Illinois State Normal University has one of the best libraries for the use of the students of the school. It has been in existence and grow- ing from the very first year of the school. Supt. Hovey reported at the end of the University's first year that there were 145 volumes in the Philadelphia society library, same number for the Wrightonian society, 103 public documents, 2,600 volumes in the text-book library, 95 reference books, and 44 maps in the geographical section. From that beginning, its growth has been constant. The Illinois State Natural History society established itself in the Normal University in 1860, bringing 500 volumes of scientific works. The libraries of the two literary societies increased to 2,000 volumes by 1890. Great quantities of public documents are re- ceived annually from various departments of the government. For many years, up to the administration of Dr. Edwards as president, the school furnished free text books to the students, but this practice was discon- tinued later and few text books remain. The books of the State Natural History society were divided in 1884-5, a part of them being removed to the University of Illinois, leaving at Normal the books adapted to teach- ing natural history, and these have slowly increased in number. The first little collection of reference works was the nucleus of the present library. It was at first in charge of student librarians, but in 1899 President Hewett recommended that the books be catalogued and a regular librarian employed. Early in 1890 Miss Ange V. Milner was engaged for this work, and she still continues in charge. The books of the two literary societies were added to the general library, and the whole removed to larger rooms. On the completion of the gymnasium build- ing, the library was established in the second floor with ample space for those days, although now somewhat crowded. This move was made in 1898. In 1914 it was moved to spacious quarters in the Model School building. Missionary reference books were added for the use of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. President John W. Cook and President Arnold Tompkins each made improvements in the administration of the library, and under President David Felmley other changes have been made. The methods of giving library instruction have been changed and improved. Students assist the trained librarian. The Normal University library now con- tains something like 20,000 bound volumes, some 10,000 pamphlets, and subscribes to upward of 100 periodicals. Special books connected with each study in the curriculum are kept, and many special works on peda- History gf McLean County 357 gogical subjects are also to bo found. Students and faculty members are constant patrons, the library being kept open in daytimes throughout the year and during evenings in the summer terms. Alumni of the university are also frequent visitors to use the books. In addition to the general public library and the ones connected with the Wesleyan and the Normal universities, there is still another public library in Bloomington, it being the Chicago & Alton railroad library, located in a building set apart by the company for that purpose just north it»£^ SMITH LIBRARY, LEXINGTON, ILL. of Chestnut street and adjoining the railroad property for the accommo- dation of the employes. The C. & A. library association was organized at the home of E. M. Prince in the winter of 1879. Entertainments to secure, funds gave a fund of about $200 to start. Soon afterward the company erected the frame building for its accommodation, and directors donated $1,100 to a fund to buy books. The first 1,000 volumes were thus pro- vided, and in 1880 the association was incorporated. The incorporators were Mrs. E. M. Prince, Mrs. VV. O. Stahl, E. N. Edmunds and Robert Bell. From the start, the library was well patronized by Alton railroad 358 History Of McLean County men and their families. Over 300 members are on the lists for taking out books regularly. Miss Margaret Fenton has been the librarian in charge for many years, and she is well acquainted with all the patrons and their needs. There are nearly 5,000 volumes, besides many periodi- cals regularly received. The company furnishes and lights and heats the building and pays the librarian. The members pay the other expenses. Several of the towns of McLean county outside of Bloomington have smaller but very complete and efficient libraries for their own people to use. One of the best of these is at Lexington, which was founded in 1895 as a result of a public meeting called by Mrs. L. S. VanDolah. Money was pledged, an executive committee appointed, and plans made for pro- viding a public reading room. The first executive committee was com- posed of: A. J. Scrogin, chairman; Mrs. L. S. Van Dolah, vice president; Prof. Jesse Smith, secretary. This committee conducted the library until it came into control of the city of Lexington in 1897. The reading room was opened in January, 1896, with funds in sight for only one year's support. In August of that year the city council levied a one mill tax for library purposes, and the mayor named a board of control. Jesse L. Smith was the first chairman of the municipal board of control. The reading room developed into a full fledged library in 1898, when the first installment of books for general circulation was received. By private generosity and money raised by entertainments, frequent addi- tions have been made, the Woman's club and the Music club being among the most active supporters. About 1905 the library expanded into two rooms, one for adults and one for juveniles. It has a circulating stock of books numbering almost 2,000 volumes, and subscribes for about thirty periodicals. It is kept open afternoons and certain hours of the evenings. Miss Mary V. Gray, afterward Mrs. Benj. Bertles, was the first librarian, from 1896 to 1897, when she was succeeded by Lela Gray God- dard, who in turn was succeeded by Mrs. Ella Dooan, who served three years. Miss Angeline Mahan served some months in 1904, during which time she introduced the Dewey Decimal system of cataloging. On her resignation, Miss Nellie Brown was chosen, serving until 1907. Miss Anna V. Pierson served as the librarian for several years, until her marriage to Harry Blue. The present librarian is Miss Lois I. McFarland, who has held the position since the resignation of Miss Pierson. The make-up of the library board at the present time is as follows: President, Mrs. Addie History of McLean County 359 J. Kennedy ; secretary, Dr. L. M. Magill ; treasurer, Mrs. Alta Arnold ; Mrs. Bess Schantz, Mrs. Nettie Dement, Mrs. Frances Finfgeld, Dr. W. H. Welch, H. Ellis, and H. L. Hyre. The Bloomington high school has a large library for the benefit of the students of that school. It has been gradually growing through the years, and is now established in very fine rooms in the new high school building which was dedicated in 1916. Miss Emma Onstott is the librar- ian and has filled the position with efficiency for many years. CHAPTER XXXII. SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' HOME. HAD INCEPTION HERE — ESTABLISHED IN 1865 — LOCATION CONTESTED — TEMPO- RARY HOME OPENED IN 1867 — EARLY SUPERINTENDENTS— RALPH SP AF- FORD — MANAGING OFFICER. Aside from the Normal university, the only state institution in McLean county is the Illinois Soldiers' Orphans' Home, located about a mile northeast of the center. of Normal. It had its inception in a public meeting held January 19, 1864, in which the people of Bloomington sent a memorial to the legislature calling attention to the need of an institution to care for the dependent children of civil war soldiers. This memorial from McLean county found a ready response throughout the state, and on Feb. 7, 1865, the legislature passed an act establishing such a home and empowering the governor to appoint nine trustees. A commission of five persons was appointed by the governor to secure a location for this institution. At first there was no appropriation of state money to estab- lish or maintain such a home, and consequently various counties made voluntary donations for it in the earlier days. In 1867, an amendment to the original act was made, whereby a sum of $34,000 in the state treasury left from the "deserters' fund" was turned over to the trustees. A further appropriation of $70,000 was appropriated for buying grounds, etc. The act released the counties which had voted voluntary contribu- tions to the Home. In 1869, further amendments were made to the act, granting enlarged powers to the trustees. But the chief feature of this act was the appro- priation of $45,000 per year for the next two years for the expenses of the Home, besides certain other sums for buildings, etc. In the law of 360 History of McLean County 361 April 15, 1875, the name of the institution was officially made the "Illinois Soldiers' Orphans' Home." By an act of 1897, the age limit to which children could be kept in the Home was extended from 14 to 16 years, and in certain cases of peculiar need to 18 years. o K CO < Pk P3 o GO Q O CO CO O 362 History of McLean County A law was passed in 1899 which removed the restriction of the ad- mittance of only civil war orphans, and made the Home accessible to or- phans of the soldiers or sailors of any war. Under this act, many orphans of Spanish war veterans were received, and lately even orphans of World war veterans. The location of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Normal was the result of liberal offers made by the citizens of Normal, under the leader- ship of Jesse W. Fell, who had previously been so largely instrumental in locating the Normal university there. Under the act of the legislature of 1867, the governor appointed a commission to locate the Home, of which Dr. H. C. John of Decatur, Col. W. Wiles of Bellville, Major J. M. Beardsley of Rock Island, Col. J. H. Raymond of Geneva, and Col. T. A. Marshall of Charleston were the mem- bers. This led to a lively contest, and the citizens of Normal organized and made pledges of money and lands estimated at $50,220. David Davis gave 80 acres of land, valued at $12,000, Jesse W. Fell gave ' 2,000 acres valued at $10,000, Kersey H. Fell gave 160 acres worth $2,000, W. H. Mann gave $1,000 in land, H. P. Taylor 20 acres valued at $2,400, W. A. Pennell gave $1,000, N. Dixon gave land worth $1,000, F. K. Phoenix gave 20 acres worth $2,500, while W. H. Allin, G. Diedrich and C. G. McClure gave $1,000 each. The Chicago & Alton donated freight haulage to the amount of $10,000. When the commission met, it was found Normal's offer amounted to $50,220; Springfield pledged in cash and land $60,000, and Rock Island gave cash and land worth $15,000. Decatur offered 22 acres of land and Irving 40 acres. After due consideration, On May 3, 1867, the Normal offer was accepted. The contracts were awarded and buildings erected, which were dedicated on June 17, 1869. The cost of this first main struc- ture was $125,000. It still stands, being four stories in height, 140 feet long and 80 feet wide. In 1872 more room being needed, a kitchen, and boiler house, were built back of the first structure, costing $6,000, and a steam heating plant installed at a cost of $12,000. The school house was erected soon afterward costing $15,000, and the hospital in 1881 for $5,000. In 1889 the legislature appropriated $66,618 for a new chapel, dining hall, new heating plant and other additions, which were soon erected. In 1891 an electric light plant was erected at a cost of $4,000. In 1895 an industrial training building for boys was erected and in 1899 History of McLean County 363 a new hospital was built west of the main structure costing $10,000 and the old hospital was changed to an industrial building for girls. A few years ago the cottage system was installed, and a row of cottages erected along the driveway south and east of the main building. In each of these cottages there live about thirty children in charge of a house mother, who has all care of them except for their schooling. There are six of these cottages at present. The Orphans' Home was first opened in a building secured for tem- porary use on Main street in Bloomington on August 5, 1867, nearly two years before the main building at Normal was completed. Mrs. Ira Mer- chant had charge of this temporary home. A second temporary home became a necessity in a few months, and another house was secured at Prairie and North streets, where Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Sharp were placed in charge. The third house was opened in February, 1868, at Springfield, in charge of Mrs. Virginia C. Ohr, who later became general superintend- ent of the new Home when opened at Normal. All the children from the three temporary homes were transferred to the new buildings at Normal on June 1, 1869, and Mrs. Ohr assumed charge as first superintendent. Mrs. Ohr's management of the Home con- tinued nearly twenty years, or until the spring of 1887. She conducted the institution with a minimum of friction. She introduced humanitarian methods of treatment which come down among the wholesome traditions of the Home. When Mrs. Ohr retired, the Home was in charge of Capt. Edwin Harlan, one of the trustees, for a short time, until Harvey C. DeMotte, who had been president of Chaddock college, was secured as superintend- ent. Mrs. DeMotte, who had taught English and literature at Chaddock, assumed the duties of matron. They took charge in June, 1887. Dr. DeMotte and his wife served for six years in their respective positions, during which time the plant was partly reconstructed and improved. Thirty acres of additional ground was secured at this time, and the Home then owned a farm of 96 acres in a rectangular form. The school was put upon a higher plane, as might have been expected in the hands of trained educators. Charles E. Bassett was the next superintendent, he having been ap- pointed by Gov. John P. Altgeld after a political landslide had changed the state administration to democratic. The new board of trustees ap- 364 History of McLean County pointed by Gov. Altgeld decided to put in a superintendent of the same political faith as the governor, although they admitted Dr. DeMotte's administration had been satisfactory. Supt. Bassett assumed charge in August, 1893, with his wife as matron. When in 1896 the state adminis- tration had again become republican, the Home saw another change, and J. L. Magner succeeded Capt. Bassett. The administration of Supt. Mag- ner was brief, owing to complaints of conditions while he was there. Col. Isaac L. Clements of Carbondale was appointed, with his wife as matron. Col. Clements did not stay long, for he received appointment to the Sol- diers' Home at Danville. The next superintendent was Major R. N. Mc- Cauley of Olney, and Mrs. McCauley came as matron. Major and Mrs. McCauley remained in the Home for fourteen years, and their adminis- tration was marked by many changes and improvements. The new hos- pital was erected, a new and adequate sewerage system installed, and the internal management of the Home improved in many ways. The system of cottages for the better housing of the girls was also completed during Maj. McCauley 's regime, in the year 1904. Maj. and Mrs. McCauley con- tinued in charge of the Home for fourteen years, retiring in 1913, and being succeeded by Edwain M. Van Petten, who had formerly been super- intendent of schools in Bloomington. Mr. Van Petten remained only six weeks, for he accepted a federal government appointment and gave up the work at the Home. His successor was W. H. Claggett of Lexington, who with his wife took charge of the Home. They remained for about four years, and the conditions at the institution were very satisfactory during their regime. On Dec. 15, 1917, John W. Rodgers of Bloomington, a well known business man, was appointed to the superintendency at the Home. He and Mrs. Rodgers remained in charge of the Home for four years. There was considerable progress in the modernizing of the buildings and the addition of new features that were needed for the comfort and con- venience of the children. In April, 1921, the appointment of Ralph Spafford of Bloomington to the position of managing officer of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home was announced from the office of Gov. Small. Mr. Spafford was sheriff of McLean county, and inasmuch as he could not well resign that position on short notice, he did not take charge at the Home until June 6 of that year. He is the present managing officer, being assisted in the work by Mrs. Spafford. The Home now accepts not only orphan children of sol- History of McLean County 365 diers and sailors of all wars, but under an amendment to the law made a few years ago, the children who would otherwise be sent to county alms houses in counties of Illinois are received here to be wards of the state and to receive a good education. This has increased the population of the Home to a great extent, there being over 500 enrolled at the present time. From the time of its establishment to the present, the Soldiers' Orphans' Home has housed and taken care of, and educated, more than 5,000 children who would otherwise have become inmates of alms houses or left to drift to the whim of fate. Under recent provisions of the law, many of the children left to the care of this institution have been placed in private homes, where their foster parents have legally adopted them. One of the changes of recent years is that of supervision. When the state departments were consolidated under Gov. Lowden, the general oversight of this and several other charitable establishments were put in the hands of the director of public welfare, the position being now (1923) held by Judge C. H. Jenkins of Sangamon county. The title of the resident manager is changed from that of superintendent to "managing officer." One of the most appreciated additions to the physical equipment of the institution is that of a fine modern gymnasium, which was first used some three years ago. This gives facilities for all kinds of athletic exer- cises and indoor games, such as are in vogue in all modern schools. The children of the institution have competent leadership in this line, and their health is accordingly conserved. CHAPTER XXXIII. McLEAN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ORGANIZED IN 1892 — FIRST PRESIDENT — OTHER OFFICERS — FIRST VOLUME PUBLISHED^SECOND VOLUME— INCORPORATED IN 1901— OFFICERS— IN Mc- BARNES MEMORIAL BUILDING — HISTORICAL COLLECTION— MEETINGS. One of the institutions of which McLean County people have reason to be proud is the McLean County Historical Society, started in a small way in 1892 and continued to the present time with ever-growing influence and prestige. On the invitation of Captain J. H. Burnham and E. M. Prince, a few persons assembled on March 12, 1892, for the purpose of forming a local historical society. The object of the society, according to its constitution, was "To dis- cover, collect and preserve whatever relates to the natural, civic, military, literary and religious history of Illinois in general and McLean county in particular; to maintain a museum and library, and to extend knowledge upon these subjects by appropriate meetings and publications." The first president of the society was Judge John M. Scott; J. B. Orendorff vice president; Ezra M. Prince, secretary; George P. Davis, treasurer, and John H. Burnham chairman of the executive committee. Judge Scott held the position of president until his death, when George P. Davis was elected to succeed him. Mr. Davis in turn held the presidency until his death. Mr. Prince carried on the work of the secretary of the society and custodian of the society's library and museum until his death. When Mr. Davis was promoted to the presidency, he relinquished the office of treasurer, and Mr. Burnham was elected to that place. 366 History of McLean County 367 Judge Scott, the first president of the society, was a man eminently fitted for the position. He was a native of St. Clair county, Illinois, and came to McLean county in 1848. He had a very wide knowledge of Illinois history from the beginning, and of McLean county history from its forma- tive period. He was the inspiration of the society during his lifetime and read many valuable papers at its several meetings, which papers were mostly preserved in the printed volumes of the society's proceedings. J. B. Orendorff, the first vice president, lived in McLean county all his life and continued to be a figure of importance until his death. The persons who gathered at the initial meeting included the above officers of the society, and in addition the following were added to the membership very shortly: Peter Folsom, Charles L. Capen, Joseph B. Weaver, Mrs. J. N. Ward, John W. Cook, Robert 0. Graham, Richard Edwards, Mrs. W. W. Marmon, William McCambridge. Within five years after the formation of the society, the directors had gathered the material for the publication of the first volume of the "Transactions." This formal title concealed a most laborious and com- plete work gotten out under the direct charge of Capt. J. H. Burnham and Ezra M. Prince, who were from the first the moving spirits of the society. The volume was sub-titled "War Record of McLean County." It contained a complete story of the part which McLean county people had borne in the Black Hawk war, the Mexican war and the civil war. The book con- tained a list of the name of all McLean county men who served in the civil war, together with brief histories of all the regiments which con- tained any McLean county men. This information was gathered with great pains from the records of the state adjutant general at Springfield. i In the same book was published the official records of the board of super- visors so far as it pertained to any civil war actions. The lists of the county officers from the foundation of the county up to that time was also included. A collection of miscellaneous papers on historical subjects completed the volume. The second volume of the Historical society's "Transactions" was published in the year 1899. The book was called the "School Record of McLean County," and contained many interesting papers concerning the development of the educational interests of the county. The third volume contained a complete text of all the papers and historical data collected at the time of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the great 368 History of McLean County convention held in Bloomington on May 29, 1856, which was the founding of the republican party in Illinois, and at which time Abraham Lincoln delivered his celebrated "lost speech." This little book is the most in- teresting and complete work extant concerning the historic convention and the recollections of the persons who attended it and who were still alive fifty years afterward, in 1906. At the meeting on March 5, 1898, the death of Judge Scott, the first president of the society, was reported and suitable resolutions enacted. George P. Davis was elected president. On Dec. 5, 1898, a great memorial meeting in honor of John McLean, for whom the county was named, was held and a tablet of bronze in his honor set in the walls of the court house. • In January, 1901, the society was incorporated, and on March 14, 1903, the following officers elected: President, George P. Davis; vice presi- dent, J. B. Orendorff; secretary, E. M. Prince; executive committee, Messrs. Burnham, Prince and Davis, Mrs. W. W. Marmon and Mrs. J. N. Ward. The roster of officers remained practically unchanged until the death of the secretary, E. M. Prince, which occurred August 27, 1908. At the following annual meeting, in March, 1909, the list of officers elected were : President, George P. Davis ; W. J. Rhodes, vice president ; secretary, Dwight E. Frink; treasurer, J. H. Burnham; trustees, Lafayette Funk, Reuben M. Benjamin, Simeon H. West, Mrs. W. J. Rhodes, Henry McCormick. Milo Custer was appointed custodian of the museum to succeed Mr. Prince, on Aug. 2, 1909. At first his salary was raised by private sub- scriptions, but in March, 1910, the board of supervisors appropriated $480 per year for the custodian's salary. The same list of officers served until 1914, when George P. Davis was elected president; A. V. Pierson vice president ; D. E. Fink, secretary, and J. H. Burnham, treasurer. In May, 1916, a rule was passed that the relics for the museum should be confined to those specified in the constitution, only such as related in some way to McLean County history. No oriental or non-American relics are to be received. On Jan. 10, 1917, resolutions were passed on the death of George P. Davis, president of the society. Only ten days later, Jan. 20, the society mourned the death of Capt. J. H. Burnham, one of the charter members Of THE History of McLean County 369 and a main promoter. Similar memorial resolutions on Capt. Burnham were adopted by the society on Jan. 29. On Feb. 1, 1917, W. B. Carlock was elected treasurer, and on March 1 of that year Emanuel Rhoads was chosen custodian to succeed Milo Custer. Henry McCormick, who had been vice president, was chosen president to succeed Mr. Davis. Prof. McCormick served as president until his death on June 17, 1918. On the death of Prof. McCormick, Hon. Thomas C. Kerrick was chosen president, and he serves till the present time. Early in 1919, Dwight E. Frink, the secretary, died, and E. Rhoads was selected to succeed to that position. Mr. Rhoads still occupies the secretaryship. In November, 1921, appears the first record of action by the Histor- ical society looking to a change of location to the new McBarnes Memorial building when it should be completed. This society had a part in the laying of the corner stone on May 27, 1922. T. C. Kerrick was appointed to represent the Historical society on the board of management of the McBarnes building. The first meeting of the directors of the society was held in the new McBarnes building on Jan. 27, 1923. The present officers of the society are: Thomas C. Kerrick, president; Thomas Kennedy, first vice president; Scott Price, second vice president; Mrs. John McBarnes, third vice president, taking the place of F. H. Newcomb, who resigned ; W. B. Carlock, treasurer; Mr. Kerrick, N. W. Brandicon, Sue A. Sanders, Mary L. P. Evans, W. B. Carlock, David Davis and John G. Welch, direct- ors. Emanuel Rhoades was reappointed secretary and custodian of the society's museum. At the last annual meeting, Mrs. McBarnes was made a life member of the society. From the very first, the promoters of the society desired to assemble a museum of the articles, pictures and manuscripts which should preserve in a visible form the early history and progress of the county. The board of supervisors set aside a room in the court house which was built in 1901 for the special use of the Historical society. Here was gathered a wonderful assemblage of relics of pioneer times, of the mementoes of all wars, pictures of the earlier settlers and their homes, and a thousand and one other articles such as a local historical museum should contain. E. M. Prince was appointed as custodian of the museum, and he served until his (22) 370 History of McLean County death, at a mere nominal salary, for the society had no funds except private donations and a small appropriation each year from the board of supervisors. The room in the court house soon became too small and too cramped for accommodation and classification of the increasing assemblage of relics, and for many years the chief promoters of the society had dreamed of a larger and fire proof building for its use. Such a dream came true in a measure at least along in the year 1921- 22, when the project for the McBarnes Memorial building, as explained elsewhere, grew into an assured fact. In planning this building, the majority of the space on the first floor was set apart for the use of the County Historical society. When the building was completed, the society moved its vast museum into this room, which even from the first proved to be no more room than was needed, if enough. Emanuel Rhoads had succeeded to the office of custodian, after the death of Mr. Prince and a period when Milo Custer had occupied the position. Mr. Rhoads set about to arrange the collection of relics in a systematic manner in the new quarters, and he succeeded admirably, with the advice and counsel of the officers of the society. The museum is now the best and most complete to be found in Illinois outside of the state museum at Springfield. Indeed, there is probably no better in the middle west. The Historical society holds quarterly meetings, and its many valu- able and comprehensive papers have served to preserve in permanent form the material of local history which would otherwise have been irreparably lost. The officers of the society have, in mind the publication of another volume of "Transactions" at some time in the near future, which will make available some of the material which has been prepared since the second volume appeared. The Historical society museum is open to the public every day, and is visited by hundreds of people every year. CHAPTER XXXIV. MISCELLANEOUS. McBARNES MEMORIAL BUILDING — COURT HOUSES — COUNTY JAILS— MOTOR CAR AND ERA OF PAVED ROADS. McBarnes Memorial Building.— One of the outgrows of the world war as it affected McLean county was to bring to the surface the munifi- cent generosity of one of the county's well known wedded couples, Mr. and Mrs. John McBarnes of near Holder, who were the instruments by which the soldiers and sailors of all the wars are to perpetually enjoy a great building erected for their especial benefit. It stands at the south- east corner of Grove and East street, the same corner on which stood for many years the home of Dr. Stipp and earlier of James Allin, the building first used as a court house or county building. The Stipp house had been torn down several years before the world war, and the lot was vacant when the proposition of erecting there a memorial building was first broached. Housed within the friendly walls of this handsome McBarnes Memor- ial edifice are the patriotic organizations of the city and county, who for years to come will enjoy the privileges that have been made possible by the donor of the building and the taxpayers of the county, who, through the efforts of the Board of Supervisors, provided the splendid site upon which the stately structure now stands. In the fall of 1920 the people of McLean county voted to erect a suit- able building as a memorial to those of her sons who had made the great sacrifice. However, it was found that no provision was made for further taxing powers to provide funds sufficient to warrant such an undertaking 371 372 History of McLean County and this necessitated the abandonment of the plan. Again in June, 1921, the proposition of a bond issue and additional taxing power was sub- mitted to a vote of the people, and upon this occasion the issue was defeated by a decisive vote. During the time that intervened between the elections, the Board of bupervisors had contracted for a location for the building, and even though the bond issue was defeated, they were under contract for the purchase of the Stipp lot, bounded by Grove, Albert, Olive and East streets. The site being only six blocks from the public square was considered ideal for such a building, not only because of its location but by reason of the historical lore which this spot holds. It was upon this site that once stood the McLean county court house where the immortal Abraham Lin- coln practised law and made many of the great addresses which have come down through the years as an inspiration to succeeding generations. It was just at a time that the soldiers of the county and the public spirited citizens who had favored the erection of a building, were about to give up in despair, that John McBarnes appeared before the Board of Supervisors and made a proposition to donate dollar for dollar to a fund for the erection of a Memorial building. The board found that they were without funds and could not accept the offer of Mr. McBarnes. Mr. McBarnes then presented another proposition in which he agreed to pay the sum of $125,000 for the erection of the building, providing the super- visors would provide a suitable site. The county board provided the Stipp lot and the contract for the erection of the building was signed on Sept. 24, 1921. On Oct. 26, 1921, Mr. McBarnes passed to his reward, without living to see the ground broken for this building which was commenced April 1, 1922. On May 27, 1922 the corner stone was laid and the structure was dedicated on April 30, 1923. The building is three stories in height, one hundred feet wide and eighty feet deep. This leaves on the rear of the lot, 141 feet upon which is to be erected a Memorial auditorium, and for which funds are to be raised by the local organization within a period of five years. The struc- ture is of the monumental type, of grey pressed brick, trimmed with Bedford stont. The building is managed and controlled by a board of management composed of one member of each organization for each one hundred of History of McLean County 373 374 History of McLean County its membership, one member from the board of supervisors and one mem- ber of the McLean County Historical society. The building committee spent $132,000 for the actual construction of the building. The furnishings as furnished by the county, cost $17,000. Upon entering the first floor of the building, one first comes into the spa- cious lobby, which is furnished with a library table, two formal high back chairs, and on the west wall of the lobby are large pictures of Mr. and Mrs. John McBarnes. On the east wall is the huge bronze tablet contain- ing the names of all of the McLean county soldiers, sailors and marines who lost their lives in the World war. Immediately to the left of the lobby is the room occupied by the Grand Army of the Republic. This contains a large rug, leather furniture, card tables, chairs, and other equipment necessary for the comfort of the veterans. On the right of the lobby are a suite of rooms occupied by the state department of the American Legion, consisting of private offices for the commander and adjutant and for finance department and a spacious work room for the clerical force. There is a large vault for the records and a stock room for supplies. At the end of the lobby will be found the McLean County Historical society, which has one of the largest and finest collections of relics, curios, and historical data of varied character of any organization in Illinois with the exception of the State Historical society. In quarters in the southeast corner of the building are located the colored soldiers, whose quarters are furnished in keeping with the other appointments of the building. Across the front of the second floor is a room 22 by 50 feet in dimen- sions which is used as a lounge room. At the east end of this room is a brick fire place which adds to the homelike atmosphere of the place. A handsome rug 18 by 46 covers the floor; there is a library table in the center; there are nine pieces of overstuffed velour furniture, eight chairs upholstered in tapestry and two mahogany writing desks with chairs to match. The three large windows in the front are hung with cretonne drapes. To the east of the lounging room is the board of manager's office, coat rooms and toilet. To the west of the lounging room are the office rooms occupied by the local post of soldiers organizations. History of McLean County 375 In the center of the second floor is the music room. There are six French plate glass doors leading from this to adjoining rooms. A rug 18 by 32 feet covers the floor. The furnishings consist of two leather daven- ports, library table and twelve fumed oak chairs. This is also used as a reading room. At the rear of the building on the second floor, will be found the bil- liard and recreation room. This is equipped with two billiard and four pool tables and card tables. To the east of the recreation room is the canteen which is equipped with an eight foot soda fountain, small steam table from which sand- wiches and coffee are served. There is also a cigar and candy stand* Extending from front to rear in the center of the third floor, is the assembly room which is 51 by 78 feet in dimensions. There are three large windows across the front and false or mirrowed windows in the rear. There are three sets of French doors on either side. The walls are tinted grey, trimmed with mahogany. The furniture consists of one hundred mahogany chairs and mahogany pedestals. On the northwest corner of the third floor will be found the ladies' parlor. It is covered with a large taupe rug and his thirty-two pieces of frosted wicker furniture. Immediately south of this room is the ladies' retiring room. In the southwest corner is located the store room, where four hun- dred feet of collapsible banquet table and three hundred folding chairs are housed when not in use. In the northeast corner is the men's smoking room which has two 9 by 12 rugs and twelve pieces of wicker furniture. In the southeast corner is the kitchen. This is thoroughly equipped to banquet four hundred people. There is a large supply of dishes, silver- ware, etc., a large double gas range, battery of coffee urns, work tables and other necessary equipment. The structure, both inside and out, is of ornate design, is complete in all its appointments and is withal, a building of which the soldiers and citizens of the city and county must have just cause to be proud. Willis S. Harwood of Bloomington was the chairman of the building committee during the erection of the McBarnes building. Ben S. Rhodes was vice chairman; Harris K. Hoblit, treasurer; Oscar Hoose, secretary; John Bozarth, Charles P. Kane, Walter Arbogast and T. F. Harwood were 376 History of McLean County the other members of the committee. Mr. McBarnes chose some of the members of the committee and the American Legion selected the others. The ones chosen by Mr. McBarnes were W. S. Harwood, Messrs. Hoblit, Bozarth and Arbogast. The ones selected by the Legion were Secretary Rhodes, Oscar Roose, Charles P. Kane and T. F. Harwood. Court Houses. — In the course of its history, McLean County has built four court houses. The first building used as a court house was really the residence of James Allin, situated on the block bounded by East, Grove, Albert and Olive streets. Here the first term of court was held in September, 1831, but it did not do any business except receive the report of the grand jury, which had held its session out of doors under a tree. James Allin was clerk, Cheney Thomas sheriff and Thomas Orendorff bailiff. In the year 1832, September, the first jury trial was held at the same place, the case of Steer vs. Dawson, growing out of the defendant taking up cattle without advertising. The first divorce case was Neville vs. Neville, the wife being granted a divorce. An important case of that time was that of the Illinois Central Railroad Company against the county of McLean, involving the power of the legislature to exempt the road from taxation on its paying a certain sum. Abraham Lincoln was the company's attorney, and he afterward sued for his fee of $5,000, which the jury allowed him. All four of the court houses were built on the square bounded by Jefferson, Main, Washington and Center streets. The first was a one- story frame building 18x30 feet, divided into three rooms. It was built in 1832 by Asahel Gridley for $339.25. It was used also for a school house and public meetings. The second court house was erected in 1836 and used for 30 years. Leander Munsell was the builder, and the cost was $6,375. It was brick, two stories high, 40x45 feet, contained five rooms. It had doors on alf four sides. It was used for many political meetings, but the commis- sioners refused its use to the Abolitionists, as they were considered enemies of the country. One of the stirring scenes in this building was on May 25, 1862, when within a short time a military company of 248 men was recruited for emergency guard duty at Springfield to replace other companies who had been sent to the front. Many noted judges presided in this building, including Samuel H. Treat, T. Lyle Dickey, Oliver L. History of McLean County 377 Davis, Charles Emmerson, David Davis, John M. Scott. Among the noted lawyers were Abraham Lincoln, John T. Stuart, Stephen T. Logan, James Shields, James A. MacDougall, Edward D. Baker, Leonard Swett and Robert G. Ingersoll. The third court house was erected in 1868 and was used until it was ruined in the big fire of 1900. A. B. Ives, as chairman of the board of supervisors, cast the deciding vote on the question of building a new court house. It was 11 years later, in 1879, that the building commis- sion reported the building completed at a cost of $404,727.51. The exter- ior was of Joliet limestone, and the structure was large and beautiful and convenient. In the fire of June 19, 1900, the wooden window frames and other parts caught fire and the heat ruined the stone facings, so that the board voted to tear down the building and erect another. The fourth and present court house was built of Bedford sandstone with interior finishings of marble and scagliola. It is conveniently ar- ranged, and contains besides the offices for the county officials large rooms where the Historical Society and the old soldiers had headquarters until the McBarnes Memorial building was erected in 1922, when these latter organizations were removed to that structure. The total cost of this building was $474,000, which was paid off in five years after the building bonds were issued. During the building of this court house, all county business was done in old Turner Hall on South Main street. County Jails. — The first county jail was erected in 1831 on the north line of the court house yard, 16x16 feet in dimensions, and costing $331. It was built of hewed logs and contained one room above the other. One of the rooms of the jail was a dungeon. On July 4, 1836, the first jail delivery of the county occurred, when one Dick Morrow, deliberately crawled out of the window between the bars and began looking for the sheriff to help him celebrate the 4th. In 1837 the jail was condemned as unfit for use, and on July 6, 1836, the board contracted with Dr. Isaac Baker for a new jail. The second jail was built at the corner of Market and Center streets. It was of brick exterior and with hewed logs on the inside below. The top floor was finished like a dwelling house. This building cost $1,500 and was used as a jail until 1849. It was torn down in 1857. The third jail was built at the northwest corner of the court house square in 1848, the contract going to William F. Flagg for $2,216. 378 History of McLean County It was a two-story brick structure 20x41. There were two compartments in the jail proper, one for persons arrested for crime, the other for those imprisoned for debt. Outside the building was a stockade, with toilet accommodations, etc. An ell built on the main part was for residence purposes for the jailer. The fourth jail was built at the corner of Center and Market, on the site where the second jail was torn down. It was erected in 1857 and cost $13,150. It was two stories in height and contained the sheriff's residence in addition to the jail. This building, meant to house ten prisoners, was considered a model when it was erected. It was continued in use for 20 years, during which the county grew from 22,000 to nearly 60,000 popu- lation, and of course the jail was outgrown. Sometimes there were 40 prisoners in the spacer meant for ten. George Perrin Davis, chairman of the committee on public buildings, made a report to the board of super- visors in 1879 condemning the building for further use as a jail. There had been several escapes of prisoners owing to the weakened condition of the iron gratings of the cells. The matter hung fire before the board until March 8, 1881, when the contract for the fifth and last jail was let. The jail at the southwest corner of Center and Market streets was the scene of the only lynching in the history of McLean County. One night in October, 1831, Frank Pierce, who had been put in jail on a charge of stealing a horse from Guy Carlton, tried to break out. In so doing, he secured a gun and shot the jailer, Teddy Franks, who died shortly after- ward. A crowd gathered at the jail, and in spite of the efforts of Sheriff Joseph Ator, to prevent their getting the prisoner, they dragged him from the jail and hanged him to a tree in a vacant lot at the northeast corner of the street. Afterward the crowd quietly dispersed. The present jail stands on a lot at the corner of Madison and Monroe Streets; is built of brick and limestone trimmings, and contains the jail proper and the sheriff's residence. It cost $72,000 when built, and has been several times remodeled. The residence is separated from the jail proper, so that the sheriff's family is not required to mingle with prison- ers except when necessary for feeding them. In addition to the usual cell tiers, there are compartments for boys, for women, and separate rooms for the temporary detention of insane persons. It is equipped with suitable sanitary arrangements. Of late years many of the federal prisoners sentenced to confinement by judges at Peoria, Springfield and History of McLean County 379 other federal courts, have been sent to McLean County to serve their sentences, owing to the fact that the jail in this county is superior to those of many other counties. Motor Car and Era of Paved Roads. — One of the chief factors in the retardation of the development of McLean County was the fact that while our soil was excellent for raising crops, it was abominable in its natural state for the building of a road for constant travel. The nature of the soil was and is such that when it is soaked with water it is of the con- sistency of putty or worse. This natural condition of the soil, added to the fact that in the early years it was overgrown with long prairie grass, and its natural surface crossed by sloughs and shallow streams, made the general body of the land in McLean County a terror to travelers. Before the land begun to be drained or improved, it was for perhaps six months of the year so soft and yielding in its consistency that it would not bear up a wagon and team, and hardly hold a horse and rider. Indian trails formed the nearest approach to what we would now call a road in McLean County. The earliest immigrants who settled here, soon found the shortest cut from grove to grove, and made a sort of rude kind of road along these routes. The Legislature wrestled with road ques- tions from its earliest years. It laid out many "state roads" on paper, but these in fact were about as impassable as the uncharted trails of the Indians. Not many years after the first settlers came to McLean County, there was what was called the Bloomington and Springfield state road, and there was a general notion of a main traveled road from Peoria east, which crossed this county. The Galena lead mines were one of the prin- cipal industries of Illinois in the '30's, and roads leading to them were laid out from many points in the state. When stock dealers or others wanted to drive to Chicago, they just cut straight across the prairie as best they could find their way. There was little semblance of a road to guide them. The streams were of course unbridged for many years. The people had no money to build bridges, and no engineering skill to construct them even if they had had the money. Sometimes farmers of a neighborhood would get together and build some sort of a rough bridge that would sup- port their wagons in crossing the Mackinaw River, Kickapoo Creek, Money Creek or Salt Creek. It was not until after township organization had 380 History of McLean County been adopted in 1858 that the question of bridges received any co-opera- tive attention. The townships one after another took up the subject and voted funds to build the most necessary bridges. By the time of the Civil War something of an attempt to make main roads north and south and east and west had been accomplished. They might be traveled with some hope of progress in the summer and fall when the weather was dry, but for the winter and spring months the people were practically marooned in their own homes, except as dire neces- sity compelled them to undertake the hazards and discomforts of travel by horseback or team. The "good roads" question has therefore been a constant issue with the people of McLean County, from the earliest times until the very recent past, when a program of state and county aid in building roads bids fair to at last "pull Illinois out of the mud." Many a time has the question of road building become a live politi- cal issue for the past forty years. In the earlier days of agitation for the improvement of the highways, it required a brave man to suggest that an artificial hard surface could be applied to an Illinois mud road and make a construction that would stand up under the effect of rains, at a cost that would not actually bankrupt the whole population. One of the "good roads" conventions when the agitation became acute was that held in Bloomington on Sept. 19, 1899. This was a dis- trict affair, the delegates coming from McLean and many surrounding counties. Capt. S. Noble King was the presiding officer. After two days of discussions, the meeting adopted resolutions to the effect that paved roads were impracticable, but that the delegates would all go home and boost for the best dirt roads that they could make. This agitation had its effect nevertheless, and within a few years afterward, the people of Bloomington voted a tax of something like $20,000 to construct two strips of "hard road" west and south of the city limits of Bloomington. This road was built under the general direction of James G. Melluish and it stands today, although nearly worn out. Some of the outside townships, notably Lexington, many years ago took practical steps toward improving the roads outside of Lexington for several miles in each direction. The people of that township were fortu- nate in having a supply of gravel along the Mackinaw River bottoms, and the township road commissioners supervised the distribution of this ma- History of McLean County 381 terial along the roads. The consequence was that Lexington had grav- eled roads that were several hundred per cent better than the average dirt road, for many years prior to the general movement for improved highways got under way. But to return to the subject of paved roadways: Some fifteen years ago a number of enterprising farmers and other people down the road toward Shirley, assisted by citizens of Bloomington, raised a fund for putting a hard surface on the Bloomington-Shirley road. The Funks fur- nished a large proportion of the money for this interesting experiment, which was the most pretentious road building enterprises that had been undertaken in McLean County up to that time. The road was built of a composition of asphalt and other ingredients put down on a foundation of crushed rock. It stood up under the traffic conditions for several years, until the multiplication of automobiles made it impossible to hold up longer, and it had about gone to pieces prior to the project by which the State of Illinois built the paved road from Bloomington to Shirley along what was known as the Illini boulevard road. The factor above all others which contributed to good roads senti- ment in McLean County, as elsewhere, was the advent of the motor car, or as it was first known as the "horseless wagon." It is not the province of this history to trace the origin of the invention of the automobile, but when this form of locomotion became a practical affair in the United States, McLean County took up the new vehicle and adopted it for gen- eral use as fast as the people understood it. The first motor vehicle brought to Bloomington was a steam-engine propelled machine owned by E. E. Ellsworth, an engineer on the Alton road. It was viewed as a great curiosity at first, but gradually other machines came to the city and county, and the era of motor travel had dawned for this section. Motor cars demanded a better and more constant road that they could travel. At first the owners of motor cars put them up for the win- ter as soon as the roads got muddy in the autumn. But this was an uneco- nomical use of the expensive machines, for from one-third to one-half of their time was wasted. Therefore people said that the all-round year round road must be made. Therefore under the administration of Gov- ernor Lowden the Legislature passed a law granting permission for the state to embark upon a stupendous road building program. A bond issue of 860,000,000 was put up to the people, and passed by a very large vote. 382 History of McLean County The bonds were to be paid by license fees paid by the automobile owners. There was very general support of the proposal by newspapers of all kinds, and by organizations of every sort. The result was that out of 661,815 votes cast on the proposition, 507,419 were favorable to it. The vote was taken in November, 1918, and at once thereafter steps were taken to bring before the Supreme Court the question of the constitution- ality of the law. The court sustained the law, and plans were made to carry out its provisions. Illinois meantime had secured $3,300,000 from the government allot- ment as its share of the $75,000,000 appropriated to aid states in build- ing roads. McLean County, however, had built some paved road prior to the let- ting of the first state contract for roads in this county. A strip of about three miles in length was constructed east of the city limits of Blooming- ton on Empire Street, and later another short strip to connect with it on the east end. The state road building program got started so far as McLean County is concerned, in the years of 1922 and '23. The hard road paralleling the Alton railroad extends clear across the county, this being part of the great Chicago-St. Louis paved roadway to be known as the Illini boule- vard. Another road, to extend eventually from Peoria east to Paxton and beyond, is partly built, from Bloomington west to the county line and beyond. Still another state road is under way, north and south, known as the Meridian Trail road, to pass eventually from Cairo to Rockford. CHAPTER XXXV. MISCELLANEOUS, CONTINUED. EXTINCT TOWNS AND VILLAGES — POLITICAL HISTORY— POPULATION STATISTICS — INTERESTING FACTS. Extinct Towns and Villages. — In the course of years there have been many towns proposed and some of them laid out on paper or perhaps actually surveyed and platted, which events of later years caused to be abandoned. The county has several such, which are worthy of a passing note in a chronicle like this. Clarksville was laid out by Joseph and Marston C. Bartholomew in 1836 in Money Creek Township. It contained twenty-four lots. Gen. Bartholomew was a noted man of his time, having been a commander in the Indian wars. Clarksville at one time had a two-story hotel, a card- ing mill, several business houses, and its population numbered 300. After Gen. Bartholomew died in 1840, the village fell into decay, and finally only one or two buildings and the cemetery mark its site. Monroe was laid out in Empire township by John W. Badderly the year before LeRoy was platted. It never grew to large dimensions, and when Gen. Gridley and M. L. Covell laid out Leroy they gave Badderly 27 lots in the new town and he moved his buildings to Leroy, where he continued for many years in business. Lytleville was laid out in 1836 by John Baldwin, consisting of 85 lots located in section 23 of Randolph township, northeast of Heyworth. Peru was another town in the same township on section 24. The latter never had any buildings in it, being a paper town. Lytleville once aspired to become the metropolis, even competing for the county seat. A saw 383 384 History of McLean County mill located on the Kickapoo had been erected by James Hedrick, and this mill formed the center of Baldwin's town. But fate was against Bald- win, and in spite of his energy he was never able to permanently establish his little city. Baldwin added a grist mill to his saw mill, and at one time did a flourishing business. There are now (1923) only two old build- ings left standing in Lytleville. A town called Livingston was once projected in White Oak town- ship, but it never got beyond the paper stage. Oak Grove was another village in White Oak township, located on section 28, and from 1878 to '88 it looked promising. Several stores, a postoffice, mill, harness shop and twenty dwellings were erected. In 1887 when the Lake Erie railroad passed a mile and a half southwest of Oak Grove and the town of Carlock established on the railroad, most of the buildings in Oak Grove were moved to Carlock, and the former village disappeared. Pleasant Hill was laid out on section 21, Lexington township on April 6, 1840, and twelve years later an addition of 48 lots was planned. Isaac Smalley was the founder of the town, and the name was appropriate to' the location. Smalley was a live citizen and gave his energy to promotion of his settlement, at one time having succeeded in having there three churches, several stores, several work shops, one Academy of fifteen rooms, and some 50 dwellings. Smalley tried to get the Alton railroad to pass through his town, but it finally went through Lexington and Pon- tiac, passing by Pleasant Hill and sounding the latter town's death knell. The town of Oneida, east of Pleasant Hill, was another of Smalley's dreams, but after his death in 1855 both towns degenerated, only two or three houses still remaining at Pleasant Hill. Danvers township was the site of the once planned town of Wilkes- borough, in section 24. It was laid out in 1837, and in 1859 had some fifteen families residing within its boundaries. At one time the postoffice was at Wilkesborough, and the people of Concord (Danvers) had to go there to get their mail. The town, however, died out and Danvers survived. The village of Mt. Hope was laid out June 16, 1837, by William Peck, agent of the Farmers' and Mechanics' emigrating society, being located near where the town of McLean now stands. It was a part of the Mt. Hope colony scheme, promoted in Rhode Island, by which each stockholder History of McLean County 385 was to have 320 acres of land and four town lots. The panic of 1837 hit the colonization scheme and destroyed the hopes of the village. A certain Dr. Whipple had the largest house built, and there were several others. When the Alton road was built and the village of McLean was established, the church and other buildings were moved from Mt. Hope to McLean, and the town plat was vacated and reverted to farm lands about 1854, when Hudson Burr and others bought the site. A town called Newcastle was once laid out about two miles from Atlanta, but it was abandoned when the Alton road established a station at Atlanta. West was the name applied to a proposed town in West township which never got further than the paper stage. Just across the line over in Woodford county north of the McLean County border, was the town of Bowling Green, which early promised to rival Bloomington as a trading center. Four miles west of Bowling Green was a rival town, Verseilles, and these two competed for many years to become county seat of Woodford. Verseilles finally won and enjoyed the reputation of a county seat for several years. When the Illinois Central road was built, a few miles east, both Bowling Green and Verseilles went backward and finally disappeared. Political History. — It is a cause of pride for McLean County that it has a political record worthy of its people. It has furnished a number of distinguished men to the state and nation, and has taken an active and patriotic part in every election, local, state or national. The first record of political feeling among the people living in this section is that of a history written by the late Capt. J. H. Burnham many years ago, in which he told of the sentiments of the settlers at Blooming Grove in the presidential election of 1824 as being "decidedly in favor of freedom." The slavery question was paramount at that time. The first political divi- sion with which the people came in contact was the organization of Oren- dorff voting precinct, which was a part of Tazewell county and took in a wide stretch of territory. The election of 1832 was the first one in which the people here took a part after the organization of McLean county. The leaders of the Democratic party in its early history were Gen. Merritt L. Covell, Gen. Henry Miller, Welcome P. Brown, and Gov. John Morr Moore. Covell and Miller were heroes of the Black Hawk war. (23) 386 History of McLean County The Whig leaders of the early days were Jesse W. Fell, David Davis, Asahel Gridley, Gen. Joseph Bartholomew and Dr. John F. Henry. John Moore was the most successful politician of the county in his times. He was a member of the house, of the state senate, lieutenant governor, and state treasurer. In the Mexican war he became lieutenant- colonel of the Fourth Illinois volunteer regiment. He was a man of great ability and wide popularity. Welcome P. Brown was the first McLean county man to be elected to the legislature, this being in 1834. The following term, John Moore and George Hinshaw, Democrats, were both elected. The Mexican war period saw political feeling aroused to a high pitch in McLean county as elsewhere. Coming on down to 1851, the time of the granting of the charter for the Illinois Central railroad through Illi- nois, McLean county was fortunate to have as a member of the state sen- ate Gen. Gridley, by whose shrewd work alone the railroad was routed through his district, composed of McLean, DeWitt and Macon counties, and thus the cities of Bloomington, Clinton and Decatur were assured of the new road. Gen. Gridley was a Whig, a man of force and eloquence and a person of great influence in the senate. One of the periods of high tide in politics of McLean county was that prior to the Civil war, when the agitation on the slavery question was shaping itself along lines which later led to the Civil war. Of course the great personage who stands out shoulders and head above all others in that time was Abraham Lincoln, and his name and fame are closely woven into McLean county history in those days. As a lawyer he trav- eled this circuit, and as a politician was a familiar figure and a welcome guest at every gathering. Some of his closest personal friends were McLean county men, such as David Davis, Jesse Fell and others. It is the most interesting fact of local history, perhaps, that when Lincoln became a subject of serious discussion for the presidential nomination, it was Jesse Fell of Bloomington who besought him to write a short biography of himself, in order that it might be sent broadcast over the country and the people informed as to his life. Mr. Lincoln thereupon sat down and on two short • sheets of paper wrote that famous autobiography of himself which has become a classic in American political literature, and copies of which have been put into every library and political history of the country. The original manuscript of Lincoln's autobiography was in History of McLean County 387 the hands of the daughters of Jesse Fell until recent times. It may event- ually become the property of the United States government in its Wash- ington archives. The most famous political convention ever held in McLean county was that of May 29, 1856, when the formation of the Republican party in Illinois was cemented and when Lincoln as one of the delegates and the principal orator of the occasion delivered one of his most masterly speeches, which became known as the "lost speech." The fiftieth anni- versary of that occasion was celebrated in a notable way in Blooming- ton on May 29, 1906, when many of the survivors of the convention were present and gave their personal reminiscences of the occasion. To pre- serve these personal recollections in permanent form, the McLean County Historical society published a volume embodying the complete proceed- ings of the anniversary celebration. That volume gives the whole story and it can be only briefly referred to here. The convention in Blooming- ton was inspired by a meeting of newspaper editors held in Decatur on February 22 preceding, at which resolutions were passed defining the principles of the new party which was then coming into being. The Decatur convention called for the later meeting in Bloomington whose purpose was to nominate a slate of candidates for state offices and offi- cially launch the new party. Suffice it to say that the speech of Lincoln at that May convention served to cement the various elements of the newly formed party in a harmonious whole, and started the Republican party upon its long series of triumphs in the state of Illinois. The joint debates between Lincoln and Douglas in the senatorial campaign of 1858, further served to elevate Lincoln to a place of promi- nence in Illinois and the nation. None of these debates took place in McLean county, but two years later at the state Republican convention in Decatur Lincoln was formally proposed for nomination for president, which proposal was accepted in the Chicago convention in June. The three men most influential in securing Lincoln's nomination were Jesse W. Fell, David Davis and Leonard Swett. Then followed the war, the emancipation proclamation, the thirteenth amendment to the constitu- tion, and the end of the long slavery contest in the United States. The next notable political epoch so far as McLean county is con- cerned was in 1868, when David Davis was prominently mentioned for president before the meeting of the liberal Republican convention at Cin- 388 History of McLean County cinnati in May. Davis received a large vote at one time, but his strength finally went to Greeley, who was nominated and defeated at the election. In the wave of monetary agitation which arose in the '70's, Adlai E. Stevenson was elected to congress on the greenback-democratic ticket. One of the factors of a political nature was the constitutional convention of 1870, at which Judge Reuben M. Benjamin of McLean county first wrote into a legal document the doctrine on which was based legislation for the public control of the railroads. In the presidential deadlock of 1876, Adlai E. Stevenson of this county voted in congress for the elec- tion of an electoral commission to settle the dispute, which course of action probably prevented armed strife. Two men from McLean county became successively governor of Illi- nois along in the '80's. John M. Hamilton was elected lieutenant-gover- nor in 1880, and he became governor on February 6, 1883, when Gov. Cullom was elected United States senator. Joseph W. Fifer was elected governor in 1888 and served a term of four years with high honor, being defeated for re-election in the Democratic landslide of 1892. The latter year saw another McLean county man elevated to high station, when Adlai E. Stevenson was elected vice president of the United States. His term of four years at Washington under President Cleveland was a period of fine public service. In 1908, Mr. Stevenson was the unsuccessful can- didate of his party for governor of Illinois. In the great campaign year of 1912, when the Republican party was split by the formation of the Progressive party with Theodore Roosevelt as its head, a McLean county man was called into service as Progressive candidate for governor in the person of Frank H. Funk, who had pre- viously been state senator. Mr. Funk made a good showing, for he ran within a few thousand votes of the regular Republican nominee, Deneen. The Democratic candidate, Edward F. Dunne, was elected. Several citizens of McLean county have served their state and coun- try in appointive offices of great responsibility. Gov. Fifer served many years on the interstate commerce commission in Washington. Carl S. Vrooman was assistant secretary of agriculture in the Woodrow Wilson administration. There have been several judges, including Judge David Davis of the supreme court, Judge Lawrence Weldon of the U. S. court of claims, Judge Louis FitzHenry of the Southern Illinois Federal judicial History of McLean County 389 district, Judge Martin A. Brennan of the Illinois state court of claims. Judge Wesley M. Owen served as federal judge in the Panama canal zone for several years. The political history and tendencies of the voters of McLean county may be traced in the total vote cast for candidates for president in the different elections held since 1832, when the first recorded balloting in this county took place. The results by years were as follows: 1832— Clay (Whig) 128; Jackson (dem) 275. 1836— Clay (Whig) 425; Van Buren (dem) 427. 1840 — Harrison (Whig) 683 ; Van Buren (dem) 531. Birney, abo- litionist, received 159 votes in Illinois but none in McLean county. 1844— Clay (Whig) 586; Polk (dem) 477; Birney (abol) 22. 1848— Taylor (Whig) 753 ; Cass (dem) 626 ; Van Buren (free soil) 94. 1852— Scott (Whig) 1,256; Pierce (dem) 1,058; Hale (free soil) 40. 1856 — Fremont (rep) 1,937; Buchanan (dem) 1,517; Fillmore (Ameri- can) 650. I860— Lincoln (rep) 3,547; Douglas (dem) 2,567; Bell (union) 58; Breckinridge (dem) 7. 1864— Lincoln (rep) 4,001; McClellan (dem) 2,582. 1868— Grant (rep) 5,895; Seymour (dem) 3,858. 1872— Grant (rep) 5,845; Greeley (lib dem) 3,335. 1876— Hayes (rep) 6,363; Tilden (dem) 4,410; Cooper (greenback) 518. 1880— Garfield (rep) 7,317; Hancock (dem) 5,202; Weaver (green- back) 317. 1884— Blaine (rep) 7,437; Cleveland (dem) 5,569; Butler (green- back) 58 ; St. John (pro) 449. 1888 — Harrison (rep) 7,709; Cleveland (dem) 5,939; Weaver (green- back) 63; Fisk (pro) 694; Streeter (labor) 36. 1892 — Harrison (rep) 7,445; Cleveland (dem) 6,487; Weaver (green- back) (peo) 63; Wooley (pro) 769; Debs (soc) 95. 1896— McKinley (rep) 9,964; Bryan (dem) 6,320; Palmer (gold dem) 94; Lovering (pro) 307. 1900— McKinley (rep) 9,487; Bryan (dem) 6,613; Wooley (pro) 583; Debs (soc) 95; Barker 12; Maloney (soc lab) 15; Leonard (U C) 2; Ellis (U R) 11. 390 History of McLean County 1904— Roosevelt (rep) 8,722; Parker (dem) 4,149; Swallow (pro) 1,114; Debs (soc) 846; Corregan (labor) 47;' Watson (peo) 24; Holcomb (cut) 3. 1908— Taft (rep) 8,953; Bryan (dem) 5,982; Chafin (pro) 840; Debs (soc) 197; Gilhaus (soc lab) 15; Hisgen (ind) 22; Turney (U C) 4; Watson (peo) 10. 1912— Taft (rep) 4,624; Wilson (dem) 5,336; Chafin (pro) 376; Debs (soc) 562; Reimer (soc lab) 26; Roosevelt (progressive) 4,350. 1916— Hughes (rep) 14,988; Wilson (dem) 11,699; Hanley (pro) 1,016; Benson (soc) 450; Reimer (soc lab) 7. 1920— Harding (rep) 16,680; Cox (dem) 6,411; Debs (soc) 133; Wat- kins (pro) 396; Christensen (farmer labor) 1,904; McCauley (single tax) 15; Cox (soc lab) 16. Population Statistics. — The population of McLean county when or- ganized was estimated at 2,000. Its area was twice its present area, comprising what is now part of Woodford, Tazewell and DeWitt counties. The first census of McLean county, in 1835, gave the population as 5,308. After the Black Hawk war there was a large immigration to the county from the south and east, Kentucky furnishing the majority of the new- comers. This southern inflow continued until about 1850, and it gave a southern tinge to the slavery sentiment, which lasted until the approach of the Civil war, when anti-slavery sentiment predominated. By 1840, the census showed population of 6,565, of whom 42 were colored. Part of the county had been set off to Logan, DeWitt and Piatt counties, and this year another part was set off to Woodford. In. 1845 the population was 6,904, the hard times having affected the growth of population, and part of the county having been cut off to Wood- ford since the last census. Federal census of 1850 showed 10,163. The census of other years showed: 1860— Population 28,772; native 25,063; foreign 3,709; colored 192. 1870— Population 53,980; native 46,026; foreign 7,962; colored 427. 1880— Population 60,100; native 52,384; foreign 7,716; colored 687. 1890— Population 63,063; native 54,479; foreign 8,557. 1900— Population 67,843; native 60,464; foreign 7,319. 1910— Population 68,008; native 62,371; foreign 5,637. 1920— Population 70,107; native 64,447; foreign 4,554; colored 1,060. History of McLean County 391 Following is the population of the incorporated cities, towns and villages in McLean county for the years 1900, 1910 and 1920, according to the official reports of the United States census: 1920 1910 1900 Arrowsmith 344 366 317 Bloomington 28,725 25,768 23,286 Chenoa 1,311 1,314 1,512 Colfax 976 965 1,153 Danvers 616 593 607 Downs 295 Gridley 720 750 715 Heyworth 851 681 683 Hudson 309 375 378 Leroy 1,680 1,702 1,629 Lexington 1,301 1,318 1,415 McLean 697 707 532 Saybrook 752 805 879 Towanda 404 404 467 The following is the official U. S. census report of the population of McLean county for the years 1910 and 1920, divided into townships : 1920 1910 Allin township, including Stanford village 1,115 1,197 Anchor township 825 932 Arrowsmith township, including Arrowsmith village 946 1,013 Bellflower township, including Bellflower village __ 1,183 1,167 Bloomington township 2,034 2,025 Bloomington City township, coextensive with Bloom- ington city 28,725 25,768 Blue Mound township, including Cooksville 1,053 1,176 Cheney's Grove township, including Saybrook village 1,479 1,557 Chenoa township, including Chenoa city 2,002 2,117 Cropsey township 514 531 Dale township 866 1,022 Danvers township, including Danvers village 1,497 1,543 Dawson township 1,109 1,235 392 History of McLean County Downs township, including Downs village Dry Grove township Empire township, including Leroy city Funk's Grove township Gridley township, including Gridley village Hudson township, including Hudson town Lawndale township Lexington township, including Lexington city Martin township, including Colfax village Money Creek township Mt. Hope township, including McLean village Normal township, including Normal town Oldtown township Randolph township, including Heyworth Towanda township, including Towanda village West township White Oak township Yates township Total McLean County 1 70,107 68,008 Interesting Facts. McLean County embraces 1,186 square miles with an approximate acreage of 760,000. The First Methodist church of Bloomington was organized in 1832. The First Baptist church was organized in 1835. The Unitarian church was organized in 1859. Ira Lackey put in the first plate glass front for a store in Bloomington. The First Presbyterian church was organized in 1853 by Rev. C. W. Babbitt. The first Roman Catholic church was organized in Bloomington in 1853 by Father Bernard O'Hara. A. Gridley, J. Y. Scammon and J. A. Birch organized the first bank in McLean county. J. G. Miller was the first blacksmith in the city or county, having opened a shop in Bloomington in 1850. 1,137 1,278 848 903 2,523 2,635 624 791 1,753 1,833 1,062 1,095 685 755 2,123 2,211 1,624 1,601 716 753 1,497 1,486 5,959 4,844 774 946 1,978 1,829 1,123 1,210 871 999 655 692 807 864 History of McLean County 393 A. B. Ives of Bloomington was a passenger on the first passenger train running south of Hudson on the Illinois Central. The first church bell in Bloomington was put up in the Methodist church. The first church organ was in the First Presbyterian. The first Masonic lodge was organized in 1847 and W. C. Hobbs was the first man raised. The first Odd Fellows lodge was formed in October, 1851, and John M. Scott was first initiated. The first fire company in Bloomington was organized in 1854 and the first fire engine purchased in Philadelphia. George T. McElheny was the first fire department chief. The McLean County Bible society was organized in September, 1852, and Rev. F. N. Ewing was president ; D. Wilkins was first secretary ; John Magoun first treasurer. Robert Park was the first station agent in Bloomington for the Chi- cago & Alton railroad. He died in St. Louis in 1879. Bloomington and McLean county have the unique distinction of hav- ing two of their women elected to the position of President General of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The fact is further interesting because these two women were sisters, they being Mrs. Letitia Green Stevenson and Mrs. Julia G. Scott. Mrs. Steven- son, wife of Vice President Adlai E. Stevenson, was elected the second president general, following the death of Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, the first chief executive. Mrs. Stevenson's election occurred February 22, 1893, and she was re-elected Feb. 22, 1894. Then followed the administra- tion of Mrs. John W. Foster, after which Mrs. Stevenson was again elected to the position on Feb. 22, 1896, and her fourth term began with her re-election on Feb. 22, 1897. PART II. Biographical History Hon. Thomas C. Kerrick, eminent lawyer and prominent citizen of Illinois, is a native of Indiana. He was born in Franklin County, Ind., April 24, 1848, and is the son of Nimrod and Mary (Masters) Kerrick. Nimrod Kerrick was born in Loudon County, Va., Oct. 13, 1808, and died Dec. 13, 1897, in his ninetieth year. Mary (Masters) Kerrick was born in Lancaster County, Pa., Sept. 15, 1815, and died Jan. 8, 1908, in her ninety-third year. They were married in Fairfield, Franklin County, Ind, May 9, 1839. In 1860 they removed to Woodford County, 111., and to Bloomington, McLean County, in 1877. In his early young manhood Nimrod Kerrick taught school a num- ber of years, during which time he fitted himself for the ministry, and became one of the early self-sacrificing Circuit riders of the Methodist Church. After coming to Illinois he engaged in farming. Their chil- dren were Eleanor Josephine, deceased wife of Cyrus Mull, also de- ceased, Phoebe Ann, widow of William H. Bracken, residing at Brook- ville, Indiana, William M., who was killed in battle during the Civil War, Leonidas H., deceased husband of Sarah E. Funk, also deceased, and Thomas C, the subject of this sketch, who from the age of 12 to 21 years remained and worked on the farm. Prior to removing to Illinois he had received the benefit of good public schools, and an advanced, privately conducted, academy. His next school attendance was a two years elec- tive course in the Wesleyan University at Bloomington, which institu- 394 THOMAS G. KERRICK. Of rm History of McLean County 395 tion, some years after he had been successfully practicing law, conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts, Pro Merito. He was licensed to practice law Jan. 7, 1875, and at the same time was admitted to an equal membership in a well established law firm of the Bloomington Bar, with which he had read law, and had at times attended to some of the legal work of the firm. During the many years of his arduous law practice he has held the high esteem of members of his profession and of the courts wherever his legal activities have called him. In the sixties, particularly when the Civil War had greatly depleted farm help, farmer boys of 12 and upward to military age were practically required to do men's work. Nevertheless Mr. Kerrick acquired and re- tained a liking for farming, and farmer people, and the open country life, and devotes much of his time and thought to his farming interests. In politics Mr. Kerrick is a Republican, and, although preferring the attainment of high standing in his profession to political eminence and distinction, he has taken an active part in promoting the welfare of the party of his choice, and the success of its worthy candidates for public office. In his early practice of law he served the City of Bloomington two terms as its official legal adviser and attorney. In 1888, without opposi- tion in his own party, he was nominated for membership in the State Senate, and elected for the- four-year term. During this term he was Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and the Penal and Reformatory Committee, and a member of other important committees. Of the many bills, resolutions, etc., referred to his Committees, not one was smothered or left unacted upon by the Committee. Each and every one, with amend- ments proposed by the Committee, if any was returned to the Senate for its action, with a recommendation either "that it do pass," or "that it do not pass." In recognition of his services in the Senate he would have received a second unanimous nomination had he not declined to be a candidate for re-election. Together with Ex-Governor Fifer, Mr. Kerrick was also a member of the recent Constitutional Convention, Ex-Governor Fifer and he being the two delegates elected from the Senatorial District composed of Mc- Lean and Ford counties. 396 History of McLean County For more than 50 years Mr. Kerrick has been an active and efficient worker in movements to promote the general welfare of his community. Always a friend of education, he served many years as a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Wesleyan University, and was one of the two Generals in command of the compet- ing forces which in a little more than one month, in the summer of 1922, obtained subscriptions amounting to more than $700,000.00 for the use of the Wesleyan. He was the first president of the Bloomington Club, and served in that capacity a number of terms, is president of the McLean County Historical Society, and also for many years one of the trustees of the Brokaw Hospital Endowment Fund, a fund donated by Abram Brokaw, the income of which makes possible the permanent great usefulness of the Brokaw Hospital. Although diligent and thorough in the practice of his profession, his versatility includes aptitude as a toastmaster and an after dinner talker on festive occasions, and in public speaking in general, a liking for indoor and outdoor recreative sports and exercises, and socially ming- ling with his friends. In recognition of his organizing and executive ability, a mass meet- ing of Bloomington citizens, held while he was trying a law suit in .i distant part of the State, unanimously elected him to formulate and conduct a campaign which resulted in changing the aldermanic city government of Bloomington to the commission form. Upon the notable occasion of the visit of President Roosevelt to Bloomington, in which preparations upon an elaborate scale were required to be arranged for a full day and evening of appropriate entertainment and exercises, he acted as chairman of the general committee of arrangements by request of a preliminary meeting of prominent citizens. On Aug. 29, 1871, Mr. Kerrick was united in marriage with Miss Tollie Armstrong, an adopted daughter of David and Sarah Armstrong. Mrs. Kerrick's death occurred May 8, 1902. Three children were born to this union, the first of whom died in early infancy. Leonidas H., the second born, the husband of Leonia (Van Lear) Kerrick, is a farmer and resides on his farm adjacent to Kerrick, a station on the Illinois Central Railroad, which takes its name from the subject of this sketch, as is also the case with the Kerrick Grain Company, operating at this station. History of McLean County 397 The daughter, Alice Kerrick Dunn, the wife of Warren C. Dunn, re- sides in Columbus, Ohio. There are four grandchildren, Elizabeth, Jose- phine, and Thomas VanLear Kerrick, and Alice Leonoir Dunn. On June 20, 1907, Mr. Kerrick was married to Miss Alice Harpole, daughter of Peter and Laura Harpole, natives of Ohio, resident in Bloom- ington, 111., at the time of their decease. There were no children of this marriage. Mrs. Kerrick departed this life Aug. 17, 1918. Mr Kerrick has many friends throughout the State of Illinois, and is among its most honored and respected citizens. Although now in his seventy-sixth year, judged by his physical and mental vigor and alert- ness, it would be a grossly absurd misnomer to characterize his seventy- sixth as a "declining year." Dr. Ralph D. Fox, a successful physician and surgeon of Blooming- ton, whose practice is limited to eye, ear, nose and throat diseases, to which he has devoted special study and attention, is a native of Michi- gan. He was born at Cedar Springs, Mich., Sept. 14, 1877, and is a son of Dr. Asa L. Fox, one of the oldest physicians now engaged in the prac- tice in Bloomington, and a sketch of whom appears in this volume. Dr. Ralph D. Fox was reared at Cedar Springs, Mich., Three Rivers, Mich., Heppner, Ore., and Bloomington, 111., where his father was engaged in the practice of his profession. He received his preliminary education in the public schools and the Illinois Wesleyan University at Bloomington, graduating in the class of 1899 with the degree of A. B. He then entered the department of medicine and surgery at the Univer- sity of Michigan, where he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1903. He then located in Bloomington with Dr. A. L. Fox for eight years, then attended the University of Vienna. He has taken Post Graduate work at Harvard, Massachusetts, Eye and Ear Infirmary and the University of Vienna. On Nov. 25, 1913, Dr. Fox was married at Bloomington to Miss Adella F. Mcintosh, a native of Bloomington, and a resident of this city. She is a daughter of George and Helen (McGregor) Mcintosh, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of Canada. George Mcintosh died in 1917 and his wife departed this life in 1907. To Dr. Ralph D. and Mrs. 398 History of McLean County Fox have been born two children, Ralph M. and Walter S., both attending school in Bloomington. Dr. Fox is a Republican and a member of the M. E. Church, and Mrs. Fox is a member of the Presbyterian Church. He is a 32nd degree Mason, being a member of the Bloomington Consistory. Dr. Fox is a capable physician and surgeon and recognized as one of the leaders of his pro- fession. Dr. Asa L. Fox, one of the well known physicians and surgeons of Bloomington, who has been successfully engaged in the practice of his profession for many years, is a native of Pennsylvania. He was born two miles east of Danville, Pa., Jan. 23, 1846, and is a son of Daniel M. and Eliza (Lichtenmalner) Fox, both natives of Pennsylvania, the former of Bucks County and the latter of Northampton County. The father was a school teacher in early life and during the latter part of his active career he was engaged in farming. Dr. Fox was one of six children born to his parents, the others being as follows: Mrs. Marietta Goodrich; Elizabeth Fox; Mrs. Eliza M. Kidney, and John P. Fox, all of whom are deceased, and Daniel Fox, who resides at Battle Creek, Mich. When Dr. Fox was a child his parents removed to Calhoun County, Mich., where he was reared and attended the country schools. He later attended Olivet College and the University of Michigan, where he was graduated from the pharmacy department in 1869 and from the medical department in 1870. Immediately after receiving his degree from the medical college he engaged in the practice of his profession in Michigan, where he remained for 15 years. He then went to Oregon and for eight years was engaged in the practice in that state. Thirty years ago he came to Bloomington and since that time has been actively engaged in the practice here. It will thus be seen that he has the unusual record to his credit of having been continuously engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery for 53 years. On July 18, 1876, Dr. Asa L. Fox was married at Lewistown, 111., to Miss Cornelia V. Deems, of Lewistown, where she was born April' 5, 1850, a daughter of John and Phoebe (Brown) Deems, natives of Ohio and History of McLean County 399 early settlers in Illinois. John Deems was born in 1809 and died in 1898, and his wife was born in 1809 and died in 1886. To Dr. and Mrs. Fox was born one son, Dr. Ralph Deems Fox, a well known physician and surgeon of Bloomington, a sketch of whom appears in this volume. Dr. Fox is a Republican and he and Mrs. Fox are members of the Methodist Church. As a physician and surgeon and a citizen, Dr. Fox ranks high in the community. Dr. John L. Yolton has been a successful and well known physician of Bloomington for many years. He was born in Avena Township, Fay- ette County, 111., Aug. 10, 1858, and is the son of William and Belinda (McGeehon) Yolton. William Yolton was a native of Pennsylvania, as also was his wife. They were early settlers of Fayette County, 111., where Mr. Yolton en- gaged in farming in Avena Township. Mr. and Mrs. Yolton, now de- ceased, were the parents of two children: Dr. John L., the subject of this sketch, and Geneva, born in 1862, now living in North Dakota, is the wife of John Arnold. Dr. Yolton was reared on his father's farm in Fayette County and received his education in the district schools, and taught school for a time. In 1887 he was graduated from Woman's Medical College at Chi- cago and served one year as interne in Woman's Hospital, Chicago. From 1889 to 1892 Dr. Yolton was physician at Croy Agency, Mont., in the settlement of the Crow Indians. Since that time he has been located in Bloomington. Dr. Yolton now lives retired at 208 E. Jefferson St., Bloomington. Dr. Yolton was married the first time in 1886 to Miss Ella B. Smith, a native of St. Elmo, 111., who died in 1889. To this union two children were born: Blanche Hossack, born in 1887, lives in Syracuse, N. Y., and Wyman B., born in 1889, died in 1919. On Oct. 22, 1896, Dr. Yolton was married to Dr. Rhoda Galloway, a native of Iowa, born in 1862, and a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Hall) Galloway, natives of Pennsyl- vania. Mr. Galloway died in 1862, and his wife died in 1919. To Dr. John L. and Rhoda (Galloway) Yolton one child was born, Leroy W., 400 History of McLean County born in 1900. He now teaches school in Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Dr. Yolton is a Republican, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and belongs to the Masonic lodge and the Knights of Pythias. Dr. Yolton was among the first to tender his services at the outbreak of the World war and he was assigned to the Student Army Training Corps of Illinois Wesleyan University. It was his lot to take care of the boys of the educational institution who were anxious to participate and who occupied the barracks erected for their accommodation north of the west end of the university buildings. Dr. Yolton served faithfully and efficiently during the period of the war and the excellent health of the students during this period was largely due to the careful attention given them by Dr. Yolton and his associates. Judge Thomas Kennedy, a prominent attorney of Bloomington, is a member of one of Illinois' oldest and most prominent pioneer families. He was born on a farm in Minonk Township, Woodford County, 111., and is a son of Thomas and Catherine Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy received his education at the winter terms of the dis- trict schools in the neighborhood and in the city schools of Minonk. His mother died when he was a small child and his father died when he was 19 years of age. He worked on a farm first for his father and after- ward as a farm hand for neighboring farmers. While working on the farm Mr. Kennedy prepared himself for teaching, received a certificate and taught school for about four years, the last year of which was spent in the city schools of Minonk. While teaching his last year he entered the law office of Martin L. Newell, a well known lawyer and author of law books, at Minonk, 111. Here he studied for two years and passed the examination, being admitted to the bar in 1886. He served as city attorney of Minonk, was appointed Master in Chancery of Woodford County in 1887, and moved to Metamora, where he opened a law office, near the old court house, now a Lincoln Memorial building owned and cared for by the state of Illinois. In 1888, Mr. Kennedy was elected State's Attorney of Woodford County, and the following year entered into a partnership with his for- THOMAS KENNEDY. of ms History of McLean County 401 mer preceptor, Martin L. Newell and returned to Minonk. Mr. Newell was state senator and was engaged in writing law books and much of the law business of the firm was handled by the junior member. This partnership continued until 1893 when Mr. Newell, having been ap- pointed assistant attorney general of the state of Illinois and reporter of the appellate courts, moved to Springfield. Mr. Kennedy filled the office of state's attorney for eight years, retiring in 1896. He after- wards held the same office for a term of four years, 1912 to 1916, making 12 years in all as a public prosecutor. During that time and since his retirement from that position he has taken part in the prosecution of many of the most important criminal cases tried in central Illinois. In a case recently tried in one of the counties of central Illinois, where he was seated with the state's attorney, the defense moved the court to order his withdrawal from the case, his experience being one of the grounds urged in support of the motion. The judge, however, refused to take such a radical step. In 1898 Mr. Kennedy was elected county judge of Woodford County and held that position for two terms, eight years. During that time, in addition to discharging the duties of a judge, in Woodford County, he held exchange terms in many of the surrounding counties. He had a very extensive law practice and was well known in the courts of Pontiac, Ottawa, Lacon, Peoria, Pekin and Bloomington, as well as in his own county. In 1918, he moved to Bloomington and opened a law office in the Griesheim building, across from the northeast corner of the court house square. In November, 1920, he formed a law partnership with his son, Kaywin Kennedy, and they are now in active practice under the firm name of Kennedy & Kennedy. They have an extensive practice here and still retain a large practice in the surrounding counties. Judge Kennedy married Miss Clara Hart, a daughter of Allen Hart, one of the pioneers of Woodford County. Her mother, Mrs. Martha A. Hart, is now living in Bloomington. There are two sons in the Kennedy family, Kaywin and Thomas Hart Kennedy. Kaywin Kennedy is a grad- uate of the University of Illinois and of the Northwestern Law School of Chicago. Thomas Hart Kennedy is a graduate of Culver Military Academy and has taken courses in economics and transportation at Le- land Stanford and Columbia universities and has written many articles, and a book on aviation, transportation and kindred subjects. Both of (24) 402 History of McLean County them served their country in the World War and came out of the army as commissioned officers, and one of them, Kay win, saw service over- seas. Judge and Mrs. Kennedy live in a beautiful home on Broadway, in Normal, adjacent to Bloomington, and take an active part in the educa- tional and social affairs of the community. Wolf Griesheim. — Fifty-nine years have passed since Wolf Griesheim left his kindred in the fatherland to make his way in the land of his adop- tion. He has never had reason to regret his step. His fellow citizens have never had reason to regret his coming. For it was men of his type that built up the business field of the Evergreen City until it ranked with the soundest and most successful of the inland cities of the great west. They built upon foundations of integrity and honor. They won the confi- dence of the community. They earned the respect and esteem of unnum- bered friends. Now at the sunset, it will be timely to recall something of their early days and their experiences, the vicissitudes of the pioneer com- mercial activities, as they blazed the way for those who were to follow and later relieve them of the burdens and responsibilities that they had so long and so ably carried. Mr. Griesheim was 19 years of age when he arrived in Bloomington. It was on a Christmas morning. He had $5.00 in his purse, his sole pos- sessions outside of a purposeful ambition and industry. He made the journey from New York on an emigrant train, due to the lower price of fare. He was eight days in covering the journey of 1,000 miles, which now takes less than two. With a small bundle, which carried his spare clothing, he started to walk up West Chestnut Street to the city, the Chi- cago & Alton depot being located in the freight yards in those early days. Unable to speak the English language, Mr. Griesheim found some dif- ficulty in securing information, but finally met Tol Lawrence, later of Denver, who was able to understand the name of Resiel Livingston, whom Mr. Griesheim knew in Germany. Lawrence guided the newcomer to the Livingston store, then known as the S. & A. Livingston, located at the northwest corner of Center and Washington streets. He was given a cor- dial welcome and ate breakfast at the home of Sam Livingston. Mr. History of McLean County 403 Griesheim was then taken to the store of Abe Berman, now the site of the Livingston building, where he went to work at once as a clerk. It was the original plan of Mr. Griesheim to start out as a peddler and sell goods in the rural districts, but Berman argued against this and advised the youth to learn the business and then embark upon his own hook. He started his new clerk at the munificent salary of $100 per annum, which included board, lodging and washing. The new clerk startled the natives with his energy. He found the store dirty and unkempt and the stock neglected, poorly arranged, and carelessly displayed. In a few days he affected a transformation. He washed the windows, scrubbed the floors at night on his hands and knees, rearranged the stock, put on attractive displays, etc. In those days the merchants had wide wooden awnings and a large proportion of the stock was displayed on the sidewalk during the day. So faithful was the new clerk and so valuable did he become that Berman raised his pay three times, until he was finally drawing the princely wage of $35 per month and board. Then came a calamity. Ber- man died. A. Livingston took possession of the store while Mr. Gries- heim went to the S. & A. Livingston store at the northwest corner of Center and Washington Streets, known as the headquarters. Maik Liv- ingston and Mr. Griesheim were given an eighth interest in the business in 1868 when a new building was erected, but the two boys were dissatis- fied and the firm then sold out to the pair and they formed a partnership, known as Livingston & Griesheim, which continued until 1886, when the partnership was dissolved, Mr. Griesheim opening a store alone three doors to the north. Of that little group of German born business men who came to Bloomington in the sixties and who became such an impor- tant part in the mercantile field, Mr. Griesheim is the last surviving. The new store was known as the U. S. and the name was selected by William McCambridge, then a well-known member of the Pantagraph editorial staff. While Mr. Griesheim was in New York, McCambridge looked after the advertising. He kept the cabalistic letters "U. S." before the public and had everybody in central Illinois guessing as to the mean- ing. The day of the opening a page "ad" in the Pantagraph explained the secret and the inaugural was a great success. Finding it necessary to expand and being unable to purchase either of the adjacent buildings, Mr. Griesheim in 1890 purchased the site of the present Griesheim building, paying more for the lots than ever previously 404 History op McLean County recorded for business realty, and erecting Bloomington's first sky-scraper in 1896. This structure was destroyed by fire in the great fire of 1900, but Mr. Griesheim with his usual energy was open for business four days later, securing a building on Front Street, which he occupied until the present fine structure was erected the following winter, moving in on Dec. 1st. Mr. Griesheim sold out in 1915 to his two sons, and has since taken life easy, enjoying to the fullest the fruits of his labors as a busi- ness man of Bloomington, his sons successfully carrying on the enterprise that he had launched and so ably conducted. Mr. Griesheim gives much of his credit for success to the warm friends whom he met after arriving in Bloomington. Among the first was W. 0. Davis, who came to Bloomington in 1865. Others included Col. D. C. Smith, Charles Gehmlin, Squire Vanordstrand of Hey worth; Chris Naffziger, of Danvers; J. E. McCormick; Wesleyan Crain, of McLean; Jacob Gingerich, of Dry Grove, who was his first customer; Sam A. Deal, of Dry Grove; Julius Reichel, Peter Whitmer, Joseph Pitts, William Muhl, and Warren C. Watkins. The latter saved him from serious finan- cial loss. His money, in the early seventies, was deposited in the old Home Bank. Watkins learned that the bank was insolvent and warned him to withdraw his funds. He did so just in time. Otherwise he might have been ruined. In the reconstruction days that followed the Civil War and the panicky era of the early seventies, many retail and whole- sale firms went under, and it required careful pilotage to steer clear of the shoals that perilled the mercantile craft. Twenty years' service on the board of supervisors enabled Mr. Gries- heim to do much for the city and county, and he proved a valuable mem- ber. It was the fashion in those days to ignore the claims of justices of the peace and constables for services rendered. Mr. Griesheim inves- tigated such accounts and when he found that they were legitimate and had been well earned, he made an effective plea that the bills be allowed, and the committee, thanks to his efforts, did so, thus earning for him the gratitude of the men who had previously experienced great difficulty in securing satisfaction. Mr. Griesheim was always a great admirer of Gov. J. W. Fifer, and, when the latter made his race for governor, Mr. Griesheim sent to Dan- vers and with the aid of Pete Elkins secured a wagon load of brick that Fifer and Elkins had made when they were boys together on the Danvers History of McLean County 405 farm. The brick were placed in the Griesheim window and proved an effective advertisement for the governor. The display was written up in the Chicago and down state papers and proved a great hit. Many changes have been noted by Mr. Greisheim in merchandising methods. Forty to 50 years ago traveling clothing salesmen brought the whole garment along instead of the picture style books with samples of clothes that thus reduce traveling expenses. Sometimes the salesmen would carry as many as 30 trunks filled with suits of various kinds. To- day the average salesman of clothing carries usually a single suit case. The styles have changed also. No one would wear the bell bottom trou- sers today of two generations ago; the plug hats, the tape edged cut- aways, the Windsor flowing ties, and other evidences of elegance and smartness displayed by the Beau Brummels of long ago have gone, per- haps never to return except possibly in the movies. In the early days no one thought of keeping tailors in the stores to remodel suits. If the trousers or vests were too loose, they were tight- ened by the buckle. Alterations had to be performed by the patron, if they were made. This change in conditions as well as many others that might be recalled came by degrees, but so gradually that the public paid little attention to them. The great palaces of trade now bear little resem- blance to the insignificance of stores of the sixties with their small stocks and primitive methods. Only those who have been privileged to witness the transformation can fully realize the contrast. As a leading member of the Bloomington Benevolent Society for many years, Mr. Griesheim took an active part in looking after the needy and dependent, and hundreds have had reason to bless his generosity and consideration for those afflicted or in distress. Now, in retrospection, as he gazes back over the years he has no regrets and finds satisfaction in completed service, well performed. Through unfaltering courage, a character stainless, a name that is hon- ored, he achieved unusual success, a goal that many seek in vain. Wolf Grieshem was married in the old Sherman House in Chicago, Oct. 12, 1870. Mrs. Griesheim was born in Albany, N. Y., June 14, 1846, a daughter of Samuel and Henrietta Friend. Mr. Griesheim practically retired from the mercantile business about ten years ago, and his sons, Myron H. Griesheim and Julius Griesheim, continued the active management of the Griesheim clothing business, 406 History of McLean County which is located in the Griesheim building on the northeast corner of the public square. In 1923 Myron H. Griesheim died and the business is now under the management of the other brother, Julius. Myron H. Griesheim, deceased, was born in Bloomington, Oct. 10, 1879. He was educated in the Jefferson schools and the State Normal University, and Wesleyan University. At the age of 18 years he entered the store of his father and when he was 21 years old he was taken into the firm, then composed of his father, Wolf Griesheim, and his brother, Julius, who continues the active management of the business. Besides the two sons, Myron H. and Julius, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Gries- heim have had had two daughters, Florence, now Mrs. Milton Livingston, and Cora, married E. B. Heller, and died April 1, 1912, in St. Louis, Mo. A son, Edward Griesheim, died in October, 1893, at about the age of 21 years. Lawrence Edgar Farlow, secretary of the Farmers Grain Dealers Association of Illinois, is among the substantial business men of Bloom- ington. He was born in Jefferson County, 111., Jan. 2, 1889, and is the son of Samuel Marion and Nancy M. (Redmond) Farlow. Samuel Marion Farlow, a native of Jefferson County, III, attended Ewing College and taught school for a number of years. He was a suc- cessful farmer and now lives retired. His wife died in October, 1897, and is buried in the Hams Grove Cemetery, near Mt. Vernon, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Farlow were the parents of four sons and seven daughters. Lawrence Edgar Farlow grew up on his father's farm near Mt. Vernon and attended the public schools and Ewing College at Ewing, 111. After teaching school five years Mr. Farlow was made manager of the Fisher Farmers' Grain & Coal Co., at Fisher, 111., in 1912. He con- tinued in that work until 1919 when he was appointed state secretary of the Farmers Grain Dealers Association of Illinois. On Feb. 26, 1910, Mr. Farlow was married at Farmington, Mo., to Miss Bertie A. Bumpus ,a native of Jefferson County, 111., and the daugh- ter of Rev. Samuel and Effie (Riggs) Bumpus, natives of Illinois, who live at Green Valley, III, where Reverend Bumpus has charge of a Metho- History of McLean County 407 dist Church. To Mr. and Mrs. Farlow two children have been born: Coenia Blanche, born Feb. 3, 1911, and Edwin Marion, born June 22, 1914. Mr. Farlow is a Democrat, a member of the First Methodist Episco- pal Church and belongs to the Masonic lodge and Bloomington Consistory. He is a reliable citizen and merits the esteem in which he is held in the community. George Agle, retired, has been a prominent citizen and successful business man of Bloomington for many years. He was born in Erie County, N. Y., in 1843, and is the son of Frederick and Laney (Henry) Agle, both natives of Germany. Frederick Agle came to America with his parents when a boy of 11 years and settled in Erie County, N. Y. His father, George Agle, was a soldier under Napoleon for llV-> years, during which time he was at the memorable siege and burning of Moscow, Russia. He lived to be 80 years of age, and a unique incident of his life was the fact that he had never ridden horseback or in a wagon. Frederick Agle followed agri- culture pursuits in Erie County, N. Y., until 1880 when he removed to Bloomington. There were eight children in the Agle family, of whom George, the subject of this sketch, was the third in order of birth. George Agle lived on a farm until he was 16 years old and received his education in the district school. He then went to Hamburg, Erie County, N. Y., and engaged in the tanning and currier trade, at which he served three years. He then removed to Illinois, locating at Bloomington, where he became a dealer in hides, wool, feed and leathers. Mr. Agle now lives retired and the business is carried on by his sons, George F., William F., and Charles F. J. Agle. Mr. Agle was married in 1869 to Miss Caroline W. Eckhardt, who was born in Erie County, N. Y., the daughter of George and Margaret (Bley) Eckhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Agle have three sons, mention of whom is made above. George Agle is a Republican and a member of the German Lutheran Church. He is a substantial citizen and his family has always stood high in Bloomington. His wife died May 20, 1918. She was a member of the German Lutheran Church. 408 History of McLean County Dr. Cyrenius Wakefield, of old English stock, was born in Water- town, N. Y., July 12, 1815, and was the fifth in a family of six. When a youth he worked his father's farm in summer and taught school in win- ter. In 1837 he came to Bloomington, on the lakes to Chicago, from there by stage to LaSalle, on the river to Pekin, where putting his luggage on a wagon loaded with merchandise coming this way he set out on foot, reaching the town of Bloomington in two days. For a time he taught school south of here but lived west of Farmer City, where later he also taught school. In four years he owned a farm and comfortable home. He was now ready for marriage and his heart went back to a beloved schoolmate in the home of his youth. On Aug. 17, 1843, he was mar- ried to Miss Harriet Richardson, a, relation of General Grant. To Dr. and Mrs. Wakefield four children were born as follows: Emma, Oscar, Harriet and Homer. Emma, deceased, was the wife of A. S. Eddy, also deceased. To this union five children were bora as follows : Emma Agus- ta, wife of H. N. Woods, Bloomington; Florence Josephine, deceased, was wife of H. 0. Davis, Bloomington ; Adelbert Cyrenius, Los Angeles, Calif. ; Louis 0., manager of C. Wakefield & Company factory, Bloomington; and Maxwell, residing in Chicago, 111. Oscar, deceased, early lost his two sons, Herbert and Bruce. Harriet now resides in Bloomington. Homer, a physician, lives in New York City. He is the father of three children, Sherman, Elizabeth and Harriet, all of whom reside in New York and vicinity. Harriet (youngest daughter of Dr. Cyrenius Wakefield) was edu- cated in the public schools of Bloomington, later attending Miss Grant's Seminary in Chicago, followed by an extended trip abroad. On May 11, 1886, she was married to Albert B. Brady, a native of Iowa, born Sept. 19, 1862. Mr. Brady was a direct descendant of General Warrington of Revolutionary fame. On graduating from Knox College he was engaged in newspaper work, which he soon gave up in order to assist his dear friend, S. S. McClure, to found McClure's Magazine. Mr. Brady occupied the position of secretary and advertising manager of the McClure Pub- lishing Company until his death, Dec. 25, 1900, in Rome, Italy. To Albert B. and Harriet (Wakefield) Brady two children were born: Florence, now residing with her mother in Bloomington; and Albert B., who lives in Los Angeles, Calif., where he is engaged in business. DR. OYRENirS WAKEFIELD. s&sny of wjw*? History of McLean County 409 Dr. Cyrenius Wakefield's brother Zera was a fine physician and had much experience in the South before coming to Illinois in 1843. The two brothers opened a store at Point Isabelle, Dewitt County, 111. Such a de- mand was made for Zera's medicines that preparations were made to manufacture them. Dr. Zera Wakefield died in 1848, leaving his brother sole owner of the business and formulas. Dr. Cyrenius Wakefield became very skillful in his work. Early in 1850 he built a two story frame house in Bloomington, where the large store of A. Livingston & Sons stands today. Passing into the front door from the hall you could enter the living room to your left, or the drug store to your right. The stairway led to sleeping rooms. In 1851 Dr. Wakefield erected a three story brick building on a lot lying to the west, which was devoted to the manufacture of his medicines — by this time well established. In 1852 he purchased an additional building and placed it on the west of the large brick building. In the third story he pub- lished a paper known as the "Illinois State Bulletin." His brother-in-law, Robert Thompson, was a partner in this business. When the firm was burned out Dr. Wakefield erected a building four stories high. The signs read "Drugs and Medicines, Wholesale and Retail", and the building, springing as it did from the ashes, came to be known as old Liberty Hall, later Phoenix Hall. It was in one story of this that many public meetings were held, including the speeches of Lincoln. In 1856 Dr. Wakefield re- tired from the general drug business and gave his entire attention to his own medicines. Dr. Cyrenius Wakefield was for years a prominent member of the Bloomington Benevolent Society to which cause he contributed liberally in strength as well as finances. He was a member of the school board and took much interest in educational affairs. He had many fire losses and losses from going security for others, and yet he prospered financially — building a handsome stone residence where the high school building now stands. He traveled extensively both in America and Europe. Dr. Wake- field helped to form the Republican party in Bloomington, Sept. 9, 1854. Abraham Lincoln was often a friendly guest in his home and they were greatly attached to each other. Dr. Wakefield contracted pneumonia while personally relieving cases of destitution, and died Feb. 20, 1885. Following the death of her husband (Albert B. Brady) Dr. Wake- field's daughter Harriet gave up her home in New York and returned to 410 History of McLean County Bloomington, where she is well known and highly esteemed. She is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and active in the work of this and other social and patriotic organizations. On Lincoln's Birthday, Feb. 12, 1924, fitting unveiling services were held on the oc- casion of Mrs. Brady's presentation of a bronze tablet at the entrance of A. Livingston & Sons store — where Lincoln had previously ascended the stairs to speak at Phoenix Hall. The inscription on this memorial tablet is as follows: "This Tablet Marks the site of OLD LIBERTY HALL Later PHOENIX HALL Where ABRAHAM LINCOLN Made a Number of Speeches Placed 1924 by Harriet Wakefield Brady A Member of Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution In memor}^ of her father DR. C. WAKEFIELD A Friend of Abraham Lincoln And Owner of Phoenix Hall Dr. Franklin Cady Vandervort, a successful physician and surgeon of Bloomington, is a native of Illinois. He was born at Cedar Point, LaSalle County, 111., Aug. 5, 1858, and is the son of Dr. I. A. and Isabel (Noble) Vandervort. Dr. I. A. Vandervort was a native of Clinton County, Ohio, as also was his wife. He was educated at the Medical Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was a commanding figure in his community, where he prac- ticed medicine for 30 years. This was in LaSalle County, 111. Dr. Van- dervort was also interested in the breeding of good road horses and was History of McLean County 411 successful in breeding Shorthorn cattle. He died in Bloomington, Oct. 30, 1901, and his wife died Jan. 31, 1892. They were the parents of the following children: Charles R., died in 1911 while principal of Greeley School in Peoria, 111. ; Janie, who is a graduate in music ; Mina, married Rev. George A. Miller. She died in Washington, D. C, in 1910; Dr. F. C, the subject of this sketch, and two sons who died in infancy at Cedar Point, 111. Dr. Franklin Cady Vandervort grew up in LaSalle County, 111., and after finishing high school at Tonica, 111., he entered Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind., and was graduated from Rush Medical College on Feb. 22, 1881. Dr. Vandervort then returned to the town of his boy- hood, Tonica, where he began the practice of his profession. In 1888 he came to Bloomington to carry on the practice of Dr. William E. Guthrie, who was taking post graduate work in Germany at the time. In the year 1906 Dr. Vandervort took 3 months Post Graduate work in Lon- don, Eng. Dr. Vandervort was surgeon for the Chicago & Alton Railroad for seven years, and in 1893 was appointed district surgeon of the Illinois Central Railroad, in which capacity he still serves. On Sept. 3, 1884, Dr. Vandervort was united in marriage with Miss Hattie Morehouse, a native of Bloomington, Principal of 3rd Ward School. She died April 10, 1899, leaving three children, as follows: Isabel More- house, a graduate of the University of Illinois, now teaching in the high school at Kenosha, Wis. ; Marion Louise, married Harry L. Stubblefield, lives at 516 E. Locust St., Bloomington, and Franklin Cady, Jr., a mechan- ical engineer associated with the Johns-Manville Company in Chicago. Mrs. Vandervort was the daughter of John and Jane (Parmelee) Morehouse, natives of New York. Mr. Morehouse died in 1898 and his wife died in 1908. On June 25, 1902, Dr. Vandervort was married to Miss Olive Harrison, a daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Harrison of Granville, 111., both of whom are deceased. Dr. and Mrs. Vandervort were married in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Restine. Dr. Vandervort is a Republican and a member of the Second Pres- byterian Church. He has served as health officer of Bloomington, county physician and president of the city school board for two years. He belongs to the Masonic Lodge and the Knights of Pythias. Dr. Vander- vort was appointed a member of Southern Illinois Normal School Trustees by Governor Tanner in 1899, and served 11 years, the last three as presi- 412 History of McLean County dent of the board. He has served as president of the McLean County Medical Society for three years, and as president of North Central Illinois Medical Society for one year. He also belongs to the Illinois State Society, the American Medical Association, and the American Association of Railway Surgeons. During the World War he was appointed a surgeon with rank of Lieutenant at Student Army Training Camp of the Illinois Wesleyan University. He is a trustee of the public library of Bloomington appointed by Mayor Jones. Dr. Vandervort is a sub- stantial citizen of McLean County and a progressive man in his profession. Dr. Thomas D. Cantrell, who ranks among the leading physicians and surgeons of Bloomington, is a veteran of the World War. He was born on a farm near Waynesville, 111., in Dewitt County, Feb. 3, 1864, and is the son of Zebulon D. and Susan (Foreman) Cantrell. Zebulon D. Cantrell was a native of Springfield, 111., and when he was six months old his parents moved to Waynesville, where he was reared. He followed general farming during his entire life and met with success. In 1854 Zebulon D. Cantrell and his father rode on horse- back over the prairie land between Waynesville and Clinton and returned home satisfied that there was nothing worth entering at $1.25 per acre and that people could only live in the timber and along the edge; he afterward paid the Illinois Central Railroad Company $17.00 per acre for his first 80 acres. Mr. Cantrell died May 16, 1897, and his wife, who was a native of Union County, Ohio, died March 14, 1915. They were the parents of five children, as follows: Carmi G., lives at Topeka, Kan.; Joanna J., deceased; Elmer E., lives at Des Moines, la.; Martha Angeline Lichten- berger, lives at Philadelphia, Pa., and Dr. Thomas D., the subject of this sketch. Dr. Cantrell spent his boyhood on his father's farm near Waynes- ville and attended the district schools. He attended one year at Illinois Wesleyan University and graduated at Rush Medical College in Chicago in 1888. Dr. Cantrell practiced his profession as a general practitioner until 1917, when he was commissioned and served 18 months during the World war, nine months of which were spent in France, in command of History of McLean County 413 the X-Ray Laboratory of Base Hospital No. 11. Since the close of the war, Dr. Cantrell has specialized in X-ray and radium, his laboratory being located at 303 N. East Street, Bloomington. He has an excellent practice and is known as a thoroughly capable man in his profession. On Aug. 31, 1887, Dr. Cantrell was united in marriage with Miss Marietta Arnett, a native of Arrowsmith, 111., and the daughter of John D. and Mary Margaret (Hatch) Arnett, natives of Ohio. Mr. Arnett died March 3, 1920, and his wife lives at Saybrook, 111. To Dr. and Mrs. Cantrell two children were born: Leta Fenn Briggs, lives at Minier, 111.; and Leona Fae, born Nov. 6, 1890, and died Dec. 4, 1890. During the Spanish American War Dr. Cantrell received a commis- sion but was not called into active service. He is at present captain of the Medical Reserve Corps. He is a Republican, a member of the Chris- tian Church, and a 32nd degree Mason. Dr. Cantrell and his wife are well known in Bloomington and have many friends. George H. Miller, a well known architect of Bloomington, has been engaged in his professional work for 52 years. He was born in Bloom- ington, May 7, 1856, the son of John George and Louisa (Scherer) Miller. They were natives of Wurtemburg, Germany, and came to this country in 1854 and settled on a farm in McLean County. They were the parents of eight children, six sons and two daughters. Four members of the family are now living, as follows: George H., the subject of this sketch; William B., who is engaged in the grocery business in Bloomington; Charles L., a jeweler in Bloomington, and Ida, a professional nurse. John M. Miller, one of the brothers who is now deceased, was engaged in the drug business in Bloomington for a number of years. George H. Miller was reared on a farm to the age of 11 years and received his education in the public schools. When he was 15 years old he entered the office of Richter & Bunting, who at that time were the only architects at Bloomington. Later, Mr. Richter went to Indianapolis, Ind., where he achieved fame as an architect, and Mr. Bunting went to Springfield, 111., and became state architect. In 1874 Mr. Harris went to Columbus, Ohio, and Mr. Miller went with him. One year later Mr. Miller returned to Bloomington and joined Henry A. Miner, a mill con- 414 History of McLean County tractor, and remained with him for 10 years. In 1885 Mr. Miller en- gaged in business for himself. He has had an active and successful busi- ness career and has been identified with the construction of many of the important buildings of Bloomington and other towns and cities in Illi- nois. He was the architect of the Oberkoetter building, which was built in 1875 when he was 19 years old. He was also architect of the county jail and built the Corn Belt Bank building, the Durley building, and the Livingston building, and superintended the construction of a number of other buildings in Bloomington as well as buildings in Peoria, Decatur, East St. Louis, Ottawa, and a number of other places. He was the first to introduce the modern system of side lighting in school buildings. This was at the Normal Training School building, and since that time this system has become in general use over the country. In 1887 George H. Miller was married to Miss Rose Stautz, a daughter of Jacob and Bibiana Stautz, early pioneer settlers of McLean County, who came here from Germany in 1853. To Mr. and Mrs. Miller have been born three children, as follows: Kenneth A., an architect of Chi- cago; Raymond Porter, who is employed in the Federal Reserve Bank at Chicago, and Sallie, who resides in Bloomington with her parents. The Miller family are members of the Unitarian Church. Mr. Miller is a member of the Knights of Pythias and is past chancellor of his lodge. He has served as alderman and is one of the substantial and highly respected citizens of Bloomington and McLean County. D. W. Snyder, Jr., general manager of the Bloomington & Normal Division of the Illinois Power & Light Corporation, is a leading citizen of Bloomington. He was born at Easton, Pa., March 24, 1885, the son of Chester and Amanda (Barron) Snyder. Chester Snyder is a native of Easton, Pa., and his wife was born at Bethlehem, Pa. They have resided at Easton for many years, where Mr. Snyder is president of the First National Bank. Besides D. W., Jr., the subject of this sketch, there is another son, Edward C, who resides at Easton. D. W. Snyder, Jr., was reared in Easton, Pa., and after finishing the high school course there was graduated from Lafayette College. The History of McLean County 415 outline of his business career is as follows: 1907, employed in the shops of the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company at Pittsburgh, Pa. ; 1908, employed in the shops of the same company at Newark, N. J., sales engineer of the arc lamp department, and construction engineer for the M. A. Maswell Consulting Engineers of Boston, Mass. ; 1909, general superintendent of the Northampton Traction Company, Easton, Pa. ; 1910, general manager of the Clinton Gas & Electric Company of Clinton, 111. ; 1914, general superintendent of the Jefferson City Light, Heat & Power Company of Jefferson City, Mo., and also superintendent of the Jefferson City Bridge & Transit Company. Since 1916 Mr. Snyder has served as general manager of the Bloomington & Normal Division of the Illinois Power & Light Corporation. He is also vice president of the Lincoln Water & Light Company of Lincoln, 111. On November 8, 1911, Mr. Snyder was united in marriage at Cape Girardeau, Mo., with Miss Lenora Ethel Gramling, a native of Dryers- burg, Tenn., and the daughter of E. G. and Tennie (Gordon) Gramling, the former a native of Arkansas, and the latter of Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Gramling now reside at Cape Girardeau, Mo. To Mr. and Mrs. Snyder two children have been born, Chester and Mary Gordon Snyder. Mr. Snyder is a Republican and is affiliated with the following lodges and clubs: Masons, Elks, Rotary, Consistory, D. K. E., Young Men's Glub, Bloomington Club, and the Bloomington Country Club. He is at present president of the Illinois State Electric Association, vice president of the Union Building & Loan Association, director of the Bloomington Association of Commerce, and trustee of the Illinois Wesleyan Univer- sity. Mr. Snyder is one of the progressive citizens of the county and is well and favorably known. Miss Leta C. Davis, assistant state secretary of the Illinois Christian Missionary Society, is a native of Illinois. She was born near Redmon, in Edgar County, Sept. 23, 1892, and is a daughter of Samuel H. and Alice (Jones) Davis. Samuel H. Davis was born in Washington County, Pa., and followed farming during his life. He died June 13, 1893. Mrs. Davis, who was born near Crawfordsville, Ind., now resides in Bloomington with her two 416 History of McLean County daughters, Leta C, and Day. Their home is at 1020 East Front street. The only son of Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Harlan, died in infancy. Miss Davis lived in Paris, 111., until 1916. After finishing high school at 16 years of age there, she became secretary to the superintendent of Paris city schools. Her next position was as secretary to the county superintendent of schools in Edgar county. After holding a position as bookkeeper in a building and loan office, she was appointed assistant state secretary of the Illinois Christian Missionary Society, which position she has held for the past eight years. Miss Davis is also state super- intendent of Christian Endeavor for the Disciples of Christ. Miss Davis is a member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She is an energetic young woman with a large circle of friends. John R. Smith. — Farming, blacksmithing, banking and merchandizing constitute the scale of activities which lifted the name of John R. Smith to enviable prominence and influence in the city of Bloomington. Mr. Smith is a man of varied capacity and unusual resource. His ideals in business and general life were on the ascending scale, else he had always followed the plow or wielded the hammer and anvil. Born in Madison County, Ky., Jan. 14, 1820, his early influences were inspiring, for his parents, Jacob and Eliza (Porter) Smith, natives of Philadelphia and Kentucky respectively, were successful people, and upon taking up their residence in Bloomington in 1851, invested heavily in farm lands, the su- pervision of which occupied the time of the elder Smith for the balance of his active life. He died Aug. 18, 1874, and his wife, March 13, 1875, both being 83 years old at the time of death. John R. Smith was reared on a Kentucky farm and profited by the best training to be found in the country school. In early manhood he learned the blacksmith's trade, and upon this basis of support, he estab- lished a home of his own in Madison County, Ky., marrying Charlotte P. Fox, who was born in Madison County, Oct. 30, 1826. Mr. Smith and his wife accompanied his father to Bloomington in 1851, and here he found a lucrative field for his trade, which he followed in a well patronized little shop for several years. He then became one of the chief organizers and for ten years was president of the McLean County Bank, an occupation JOHN R. SMITH. Of (HE. History of McLean County 417 which he was obliged to abandon owing to the close confinement which seriously undermined his health. In a boot and shoe establishment which he opened he found the variety and change required for regaining his health, and he was thus employed until a few years before his death, April 23, 1886. To Mr. and Mrs. Smith were born three children: Mary E., who mar- ried first Homer McLean, who died Dec. 13, 1869, and who later married D. C. Carmichael, who died Nov. 14, 1883. He was in the civil service as mail operator with the Chicago & Alton Railroad and later in the shoe business. She has a daughter, Charlotta, the wife of Charles T. Stevenson ; Nannie B., the widow of James Challis, lives with her sister, Mrs. Car- michael; and I. D. Smith, deceased. Mr. Smith was one of the best known men in Bloomington and no figure was more familiar upon the streets of the city. He had a fine nature and noble ideals, and these were reflected in the expression of his face, in the clasp of his hand, and the genuine sympathy and good fellowship which seemed always to dominate his immediate environment. Harry H. Peters, state secretary of the Illinois Christian Missionary Society, is a widely known citizen of McLean County. He was born near Lancaster, in Lawrence County, 111., July 9, 1871, the son of Robert and Loretta (Sapp) Peters. Robert Peters was a native of Lawrence County, 111., and his wife was born near Mt. Carmel, in Wabash County, 111. Mr. Peters was a school teacher in the early days, and died in 1915. His wife lives at Indianapolis, Ind. They were the parents of the following chidren: Mrs. Christ Lmdeman, Robert H. Peters, and James E. Peters, who lives at Glendale, Cal. ; H. C, lives at Evansville, Ind. ; Mrs. Richard Lord, lives at Glendale, Cal. ; Mrs. Russell Peed, lives in Indianapolis, Ind. ; Mrs. Meade Powell lives at Indianapolis, Ind. ; John W., lives at Evansville, Ind. ; H. H., the subject of this sketch; Rosa May, deceased, and three daugh- ters who died in infancy. H. H. Peters lived in southern Illinois until he was 25 years of age, and is a graduate of Eureka College. After teaching school for three years, Mr. Peters entered the ministry. After serving as pastor for 12 (25) 418 History of McLean County years, he served as Endowment Secretary of Eureka College five years, pastor of the Paris Christian Church for four years, and has been State Secretary of the Illinois Christian Missionary Society for nearly eight years. On Nov. 5, 1892, Mr. Peters was married to Miss Minnie E. Rigg, a native of Bellmont, 111., and the daughter of John Mac and Mary Jane (Ballard) Rigg, natives of Illinois, both of whom are deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Peters two daughters were born: Mrs. Mary Loretta Cleaver, whose husband is a process engineer with the Remy Electric Company, Anderson, Ind., and Mrs. Ruth Jane Risser, whose husband is an elec- trical engineer with the Westinghouse Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. Peters is a Democrat and belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America. He and his wife are members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and are highly respected members of their community. Leroy G. Whitmer, president of the American Foundry and Furnace Company of Bloomington, is a member of one of McLean County's promi- nent pioneer families. He was born at Bloomington, July 15, 1871, and is the son of Peter and Lucy (McDonald) Whitmer. Peter Whitmer, a leading business man of Bloomington for many , years, was born at Chambersburg, Pa., Feb. 22, 1828, the son of Peter and Mary (Hess) Whitmer, the former born Nov. 27, 1775, in the same house which was the birthplace of his son and in which he lived all his life, dying there Sept. 8, 1852. Mary (Hess) Whitmer was a native of Cumberland County, Pa., born April 2, 1799, and she died March 4, 1842. Peter Whitmer was educated in the country schools of Pennsylvania and learned the harness making and saddlery trades. In April, 1852, he came west and located at Bloomington, 111., where he established himself in the saddlery and harness making business, under the firm name of Moore & Whitmer. The business was located at the corner of Wash- ington and Center streets, the present site of the Peoples Bank. Mr. Whitmer later sold his business and engaged in the grocery business on Center Street for three years. He then became interested in the lum- ber business in Bloomington, to which he devoted his time for 17 years. On Jan. 10, 1875, he sold his business and accepted the presidency of the History of McLean County 419 Peoples Bank, and for 30 years remained at its head. He was also one of the organizers of the Bloomington Canning Company, which was organ- ized in 1888, and later was very active in that industry. Peter Whitmer and wife were the parents of the following children: Mrs. Dr. A. Hooper, lives at Pasadena, Cal. ; Charles C, an invalid, lives at Godfrey, 111. ; Mrs. J. 0. Willson, 611 North East Street, Bloomington; Mrs. H. C. Hawk, Battle Creek, Mich. ; Ira S., President Bloomington Canning Company at Bloomington, and Leroy G., the subject of this sketch. Leroy G. Whitmer received his education in the public schools at Bloomington and was graduated from Eureka College in 1890, and in 1894 from the law department of Illinois Wesleyan University. He began his business career as a bank clerk and practiced law in Bloomington from July 1, 1894, to July 1, 1900. On that date he was elected vice-president of The American Foundry & Furnace Company, which office he held for 16 years. In January, 1916, he was elected president and treasurer of the company, which office he now holds. On April 30, 1896, Mr. Whitmer was married to Miss Mildred E. Murphy, a native of Fort W T ayne, Ind., and a daughter of Robert W. and Mary A. (Dixon) Murphy, the former a native of New York, the latter of Wisconsin. Mr. Murphy died in 1917 and his wife died three years later. To Mr. and Mrs. Whitmer have been born two children, as fol- lows: Robert P., associated with the management of the American Foun- dry & Furnace Company, lives at home, and Mildred F., a student at Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Mr. Whitmer is a Republican but has never held office. He and his wife are members of the First Christian Church of Bloomington, and are both active in the social life of the city. Mr. Whitmer served as presi- dent of the Association of Commerce during 1921 and 1922. He is a substantial member of the community and a highly esteemed citizen. H. Bert Patton, manager and secretary of the Bloomington Produce Company, has been identified with the business development of Bloom- ington for over a third of a century. He was born in Carroll County, Ind., April 10, 1867, the son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Schock) Patton. Hezekiah Patton was a native of Maryland and his wife was born in Indiana. He came to Indiana when 14 years of age in 1835. In 1850 420 History of McLean County he went to California, where he spent two years. He made the trip overland and returned by water and the Isthmus of Panama. Mr. Patton died in Indiana in 1901 and his wife died in 1915. There were three children: H. Bert, the subject of this sketch; John A., lives at Wichita Falls, Texas, and Emma, who died in 1918, was the wife of Perry Million, of Monticello, Ind. H. Bert Patton was reared on a farm and educated in the public schools and Northern Indiana Normal School at Valparaiso, Ind. He then engaged in teaching for a time, and later became interested in the poultry and egg business at Goodland, Ind., in 1888. In 1890 he came to Bloomington and engaged in the same business, locating the following year at his present location, 512-514 South Main Street. Mr. Patton began business under the firm name of Patton Bros., with his brother who now resides at Wichita Falls, Texas. In 1907 the company was incor- porated under the present name. The Bloomington Produce Company started in a very small way and has grown to one of the largest shipping businesses in the country. In 1923 the business amounted to two million dollars. The supplies are drawn from local buying and car lot business from other states and the outlet markets are in the east, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and con- tributing markets. The company is capitalized at $60,000. The officers are : Charles F. J. Agle, president ; Egbert B. Hawk, vice president ; Henry Gilberts, treasurer, and H. Bert Patton, manager and secretary. The Bloomington Produce Company buys and sells produce all over and is the only institution of the kind in Bloomington. H. Bert Patton was married on March 27, 1890, to Miss Nellie E. Gilman, of Goodland, Ind., and the daughter of William W. and Nellie (Morse) Gilman, natives of New York. At an early date Mr. Gilmar went west to Minnesota and later came to Illinois, and finally located at Goodland, Ind., where he spent the remainder of his life. He was promi- nent in politics and served in the legislature and also the senate of Indiana. He was a Republican. Mr. Gilman died in 1912 and his wife died in 1920. Mrs. Patton is one of six children living, as follows: Minnie, married Milton Wertsbaugh, now deceased, and she resides at York, Nebr. ; William, lives at Goodland, Ind. ; Jessie, married Frank Hitt, lives in Chicago; Fred, deceased; Carrie, married Dr. O. H. Mohney, lives at Goodland, Ind.; and George, who lives in Chicago. To Mr. and Mrs. Patton three children were born: Owen B., assistant manager of the History of McLean County 421 Bloomington Produce Company; Feme, resides in Chicago, where she is interested in musical work, and Crystal Pearl, a high school student. Mr. Patton is a Republican, a member of the First Christian Church, and belongs to the Kiwanis Club and the Y. M. C. A., being a director of Y. M. C. A. Board, chairman of board of directors of Home Sweet Home Mission of Bloomington, and interested in all church and community work for public good. Dr. Paul E. Greenleaf, a successful physician engaged in the practice of his profession with offices at 220 14 North Center street, Bloomington, 111., is a native of Indiana. He was born at Markland, Ind., Nov. 12, 1885, a son of Dr. Hannibal A., and Mary A. (Strain) Greenleaf, the former a native of Nathez, Miss., and the latter of Cincinnati, Ohio. The father now resides at Jeffersonville, Ind., and the mother died in May, 1919, and is buried at Vevay, Ind. Dr. Hannibal A. Greenleaf was a capable physi- cian and surgeon and was engaged in the practice for many years. He is now living retired. Dr. Paul E. Greenleaf was one of four children born to his parents, as follows : Mrs. Grace Pell, Louisville, Ky. ; Carroll Greenleaf, Charlotte, N. C. ; Joseph Greenleaf, Waco, Texas, and Dr. Paul E. Greenleaf, the subject of this sketch. Dr. Greenleaf was reared at Markland, Switzerland County, Ind., and received his education in the common and the high schools at Vevay, Ind., and Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind. He taught school for three years. He then entered the medical department of the University of Louisville, at Louisville, Ky., where he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. After serving a hospital interneship at St. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital, at Louisville, Ky., he came to McLean County and engaged in the practice of his profession at Lexington. Three years later he located in Bloomington where he has built up a large practice. When the United States entered the World war, Dr. Greenleaf was among the first to offer his services to the government. He was com- missioned first lieutenant on May 11, 1918, and left Bloomington, June 13, 1918, upon receiving a call to the service. His first orders sent him to the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York City where he was given special instruction in the Carrel-Dakin method of the treat- 422 History of McLean County ment of infected wounds. Upon completion of this course he was ordered to report for temporary duty at Base Hospital at Camp Gordon, Ga., near Atlanta. He remained there during July and August and was then ordered to leave Camp Gordon and proceed to the Medical Officers Train- ing Camp at Camp Greenleaf, Ga., for a course in military training and military surgery. After two months at Camp Greenleaf he was ordered to Bellevue Hospital, New York City, for a special course in the treatment of fractures and war injuries. This course was intended for men who were to be sent overseas for taking care of the wounded in base hospitals. His final period of duty was at Camp Meade, Md., where he was stationed at the base hospital where the formation of a base hospital was being made for overseas duty. Just when his unit was completed and all the members were in readiness to go to France, the armistice was signed and the orders to sail were countermanded. Dr. Greenleaf, however, was kept in active service until January, 1919, when he received his discharge and resumed his practice in Bloomington. Dr. Greenleaf was married at Bloomington, June 16, 1915, to Miss Julia E. O'Neil, a native of Bloomington, and a daughter of Daniel M. and Joan (Pyne) O'Neil, natives of Ireland and both now deceased. The mother died in February, 1914, and the father in February, 1922. To Dr. and Mrs. Greenleaf has been born one child, Paul Anthony Greenleaf, born Jan. 26, 1920. Dr. Greenleaf is a Republican and a member of the Catholic Church. His lodge affiliations are with the Knights of Columbus, Woodmen of the World and the Court of Honor. Dr. Greenleaf has an extensive acquaint- ance in Bloomington and McLean County and is held in the highest esteem. James William Parker. — The firm of Parker Bros., of Bloomington, are establishers and promoters of one of the largest lumber and coal enterprises in McLean County. James William Parker was born in Nicholas County, Ky., Sept. 18, 1844, the son of John and Nancy (Talbot) Parker. John Parker was a native of Virginia, born in 1808, and his wife was born in Bourbon County, Ky., in 1814. Mr. Parker was educated in Virginia and when a young man moved to Kentucky with his parents, where he followed farming the remainder of his life. He died in 1849 and his wife died Jan. 19, 1860. History of McLean County 423 They are buried at Carlisle, Ky. There were seven children in the Parker family, as follows : Sarah Jane, married W. W. Talbert ; Thomas, a mem- ber of the firm of Parker Bros., lives at 804 East Grove St. ; George Luther, lives at 711 East Grove St.; James William, the subject of this sketch; Elizabeth Mary ; Emma, married I. M. Chism, and John T. Parker died in 1877. James William Parker lived in Nicholas County, Ky., until he was five years old, when his parents moved to Bourbon County. He received his education in the common schools and attended Kentucky Wesleyan University and a business college in Covington, Ky. He began life as a farmer. The first member of the family to respond to the local lumber need was George Luther Parker, who arrived in Bloomington in 1866. Two years later he, with others, purchased the Horace McCurdy Lumber business and operated it under the name of Parker, Means & Scott. Means retired during the first year and in 1870, after working for the company for two years, James William and Thomas Parker purchased an interest in the business. Since that time the firm has been known as Parker Bros. The firm remained intact until 1904 when Thomas Parker resigned, his place being taken by George W. Parker, a son of James W. Parker. This partnership continued until June 1, 1922, when George Luther Parker retired, selling out his interest to the other partners, who now constitute the firm of Parker Bros. The place of business is at 923 East Grove Street, where ample buildings, sheds, and general facilities' are provided for conducting the trade with method and dispatch. In the early history of the firm of Parker Bros., before the building of the Big Four and Lake Erie Railroads, lumber was hauled from their yards as far as Ford County, 111. Most of the lumber at that time came from Michigan and Wisconsin by way of Chicago. On Nov. 17, 1874, James William Parker was married in Bloomington to Miss Rosanna C. Weith, a native of Peoria County, 111., and a daughter Of George and Elizabeth (Walters) Weith. Mr. Weith was born in Hes- sedarmstadt, Germany, and came to the United States as a young man. His wife was born in Switzerland and came to this country with her parents in childhood. He died in 1851 and his wife died in 1862. To James William and Rosanna C. (Weith) Parker six children have been born as follows: George Weith, lives at 1015 East Grove Street, and is associated in business with his father; Nancy Maud, married Raymond D. Dooley, lives at 614 East Walnut Street; Elizabeth Grace, a teacher 424 History of McLean County in Bloomington High School, lives at 803 East Front St. ; Christina Ella, married Henry L. Carter, lives at Carlisle, Ky. ; Emma Ruth, married Charles J. Robinson, lives at Des Moines, Iowa; and Mary Alice, at home. Mr. Parker is a member of the Baptist Church and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He lives at 803 East Front Street. Mr. Parker is a reliable business man, one of the substantial citizens of his community and the Parker family ranks among the leading families of McLean County. Thomas Ellis Champion is a well known retired business man of Nor- mal. He was born in Bristol, England, March 5, 1843, the son of George and Eleanor (Ellis) Champion. George Champion was a native of England, as also was his wife. He died in 1843 on the coast of Africa and 11 years later his wife brought her three children to the United States and settled in Kane County, 111. There were three children, as follows: Thomas Ellis, the subject of this sketch ; George, a retired merchant of Normal, a sketch of whom also appears in this volume; and Miss Athaliah, who lives with her brother, George. Thomas Ellis Champion was 11 years of age when his mother brought him to this country and he received his education in the district schools of Kane County, 111. After finishing his school work, Mr. Champion was employed by D. F. Barkley of Elgin, 111., where he learned the tinner's trade, and received $30.00 per year for his services. In 1864 he went to Waukegan, III, and worked in a tin shop there for three years, after which time he came to Normal and opened a hardware and tin shop with his brother, George. Mr. Champion later sold his interest to his brother and then opened a canning factory at Normal, which he successfully con- ducted for 56 years. The factory is located on East Ash Street, adjoining the Champion home. In 1919 Mr. Champion sold his factory and since that time has lived retired. On May 5, 1866, Mr. Champion was married to Miss Fannie Hopkin- son, a native of Waukegan, 111., born in 1850, and the daughter of Isaac and Pulcheria (Davis) Hopkinson. Mr. Hopkinson was a prominent at- torney at Waukegan for a number of years. Mrs. Champion died May 13, 1906, leaving six children, as follows : Grace, deceased ; Trevor, lives at I THOMAS E. CI TAMPION. OF THE History of McLean County 425 Chicago and has three children, Beatrice, Ellsworth and Catherine; Elea- nor, married Bert G. Finch, lives in Oklahoma City, Okla. ; Ethel Louisa, married L. R. Manning, lives at Normal, and has one child, Hortence Clark ; Jacquelin, married Bert Kuss, lives at Gary, Ind. ; and Blanche, the widow of Edwin Iehl, lives at Long Beach, Calif. Thomas Ellis Champion is an independent voter and he is a member of the Methodist Church. He is a man who is highly esteemed in his community and he is a valued citizen. Dr. Arthur E. Rogers, who has practiced his profession for over 25 years with honor and exceptional ability, is a veteran of the World War and one of Bloomington's broadminded and public spirited citizens. He was born at Covell, 111., in 1870, the son of Thomas A. and Isabella M. (Shade) Rogers. Thomas A. Rogers and his wife were natives of Lancaster, Pa., and early settlers of Covell, 111., where Mr. Rogers owned and operated 400 acres of farm land. He held public offices and was supervisor at the time of his death in 1892, which was caused by a runaway accident. His wife died in 1921. They were the parents of five children, as follows: Mary B. Hoover, died Dec. 19, 1923; Maggie J., deceased; Rev. S. A. D. Rogers, deceased; Nettie E. Mitchell, lives at Bloomington; and Dr. Arthur E., the subject of this sketch. Dr. Arthur E. Rogers received his early schooling in the schools of Covell and Bloomington, and Illinois Wesleyan University. After teach- ing school for two years he entered Louisville Medical College in 1894, but the following year went to Rush Medical College at Chicago, from which he was graduated in 1897. He immediately entered Dr. Godfrey's office at Bloomington, where he remained until the fall of 1897, when a partnership was entered into with Dr. D. H. Nusbaum, which lasted until 1900, the time of the big fire in Bloomington which destroyed their offices and equipment. Dr. Rogers then practiced his profession in the Greis- heim building and later in the Peoples Bank building at Bloomington. In the fall of 1908 he took post graduate work in eye, ear, throat and nose work at London and Berlin, and on his return specialized in that line of work until the time of the World War in 1917. He entered service at Fort Riley, Kan., as a specialist in the X-ray department and was as- 426 History of McLean County signed to Evacuation Hospital No. 16 at Camp Meade, Md., and later sent to France. He assisted in caring for the wounded during the battle of St. Mihiel and the Argonne campaign, being located near Verdun. After the close of the war his organization was sent to Coblenz, Germany, in charge of the main hospital there. At the time of his discharge in 1919 he held the rank of Major. He again took up the practice of medicine at Bloomington as an X-ray and skin specialist. He is now serving as member of Pension Board for McLean County. In 1896 Dr. Rogers was married at Stanford, 111., to Miss Sadie R. Paul, a native of Stanford, 111., and a daughter of William and Louise Paul, natives of Ohio, now deceased. Dr. and Mrs. Rogers have two children, as follows: Byron S., a graduate of the law school of Illinois Wesleyan University, lives at Bloomington; and W. Paul, associated with the F. W. Woolworth Co. In politics Dr. Rogers is identified with the Republican party and he belongs to the Masonic lodge, being a member of the Consistory ; the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows; the Modern Woodmen of America, and the R. N. A., also a charter member American Legion and Veteran of Foreign Wars. He is a member of the First Methodist Church and his wife belongs to the Christian Church. Besides his practice, Dr. Rogers has also been interested in the housing situation of Bloomington and Normal, and has made a specialty of building and selling homes on the payment plan. Dr. Rogers is widely known in McLean County and has well earned the respect and esteem of his many friends. Dr. Harry Lee Howell, a capable physician and surgeon who has been successfuly engaged in the practice of his profession for the past 20 years in Bloomington, with the exception of a period of 29 months in the Medical Department of the United States Navy during the World War, is a native of Indiana. He was born in Porter County, Ind., June 3, 1878, a son of Lee Griggs and Kate Rhea (Bailey) Howell, the former a native of Springfield, Ohio, and the latter of Terre Haute, Ind. Lee Griggs Howell was educated in Antioch College. He was a promi- nent farmer and raised horses and cattle extensively. He served as county commissioner of Porter County, Ind., for several terms. He died May 28, History of McLean County 427 1908, and is buried at Valparaiso, Ind. His widow resides at 308 E. Jef- ferson Street, Bloomington, 111. They were the parents of three children ; Irene, who died in infancy; Dr. Harry Lee, the subject of this sketch; and Mrs. Ruth Isabelle Sutton, 900 Taylor Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Dr. Howell grew to manhood in Porter County, Ind., and attended the public schools at Kouts, Ind., and later the Valparaiso High School and Purdue University at Lafayette, Ind. He then entered Rush Medical School at Chicago, 111., where he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1904. He then began the practice of medicine and surgery at Bloomington, 111., and was continuously in the practice here until the United States entered the World War, when he tendered his services to the government. He was accepted for service in November, 1917, and was first sent to the Great Lakes Naval Training station. Soon after he was ordered to the Atlantic coast and assigned as one of the medical officers of the U. S. S. "Valamares" which was in the transport service. Remain- ing on this boat from April until October, he was transferred to the giant transport Leviathan, which was the greatest troop carrying ship under the American flag during the war. It had formerly been the Vaterland of the German Hamburg-American line, but was interned in an American port at the outbreak of the war. It was taken over by the United States government and converted into a troop ship. This vessel had a carrying capacity of 12,500 men, and the medical officers of such a ship naturally had great responsibilities. In his capacity as medical officer, Dr. Howell made 15 trips across the Atlantic during the war, but after the signing of the armistice came an even greater task for him. The great move- ment of troops homeward from France required extra work for the troop ships and the Leviathan was one of the most relied upon on account of its great capacity and speed. The medical officers' duties were strenu- ous, for many of the returning soldiers had been wounded or gassed. Prior to April 30, 1919, Dr. Howell had charge of the surgical department for troops alone, but after that date his jurisdiction was extended to cover the crew also. Dr. Howell continued in this active service until the fall of 1919, when he was permitted to return home on a furlough. Not until the spring of 1920 did he receive his discharge. He had attained the rank of lieutenant, which is a high naval rank. After his discharge he re- turned to Bloomington and resumed his practice and is recognized as one of the leading physicians and surgeons of central Illinois. Dr. Howell was married at Chicago, Sept. 16, 1902, to Miss Rose 428 History of McLean County Belle Bachrach, a native of Litchfield, 111., and a resident of Bloomington. She is a daughter of John S. and Emilie (Mandel) Bachrach, the former a native of Baltimore, Md., and the latter of Germany. Mr. Bachrach died June 13, 1904, and his widow resides at 410 East Front Street. Bloomington, 111. To Dr. and Mrs. Howell have been born two children, Jane Lee and June Irene, both students in the Bloomington High School. Dr. Howell is a Republican and ranks high in Masonry, being a mem- ber of all the Masonic bodies, including the 33d degree. He is also a mem- ber of the Elks, the Odd Fellows, and the Modern Woodmen of America. Oscar O. Rodman, a retired farmer of McLean County, now living at Bloomington, has been known for years as a successful stockman. He was born on the David Davis farm, near Bloomington, Dec. 7, 1854, and is a son of Scammon and Elizabeth Rodman. Scammon Rodman was born in Buck County, Pa., Aug. 27, 1810, and his wife was also a native of the same county. In September, 1853, they removed to McLean County, and rented a farm for two years. Later, Mr. Rodman purchased 80 acres of land and became a successful farmer. At the time of his death he was one of the large landholders of the county. Mr. Rodman served as justice of the peace for a number of years and also as township supervisor. His wife died Jan. 28, 1880. Mr. and Mrs. Rod- man were the parents of ten children, nine of whom were sons. Mrs. Amanda Porter, their daughter, and four sons are now living. Oscar O. Rodman was the youngest child and spent his boyhood on his father's farm. He engaged in general farming and stock raising and lived on the Rodman homestead for 27 years. Since 1917 he has lived retired in Bloomington. On April 7, 1880, Mr. Rodman was married to Miss Kate B. Schultz, a native of Bloomington, born Aug. 2, 1861, and the daughter of John F. and Catherine (Dobbins) Schultz. Mr. Schultz was born in Germany and in 1852 came to Bloomington where he operated a transfer business for many years. He later purchased a farm in Old Township, McLean County, where he lived until 1894. He died at Bloomington in 1896, and his wife died the following year. Mrs. Rodman was the only child. To. Mr. and Mrs. Rodman six children have been born, as follows: Elizabeth J., born April 9, 1881, died in infancy; Orlando Scott, born April 12, 1884, died History of McLean County 429 Oct. 2, 1888; Myrtle S., born April 4, 1887, married Floyd Campbell, lives at Holder, 111., and they have one child, Muriel L. ; Mildred Permelia, born Sept. 28, 1892, married J. Whitwood, lives at Hudson, 111. ; she is a gradu- ate of Grays Music College; Fairy Dell, born Feb. 19, 1897, is a graduate of Grays Music College, Bloomington, lives in Chicago; and Howard Newton, mention of whom is made below. Howard Newton Rodman was born July 7, 1899, and received his edu- cation in the public and high schools at Downs, 111. He was employed in the office of the Pantagraph at the time of the World War and enlisted when he was 18 years old. He died in a government military hospital at Hoboken, N. J., on Oct. 9, 1918, after undergoing an operation, and is buried in Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Old Town. He was a member of the Downs Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar 0. Rodman are members of the Methodist Church and are highly respected citizens of McLean County, where they have spent their entire lives. W. C. Means, a former county treasurer and a member of one of the very early pioneer families of McLean County, is a native of this county. He was born in Cheneys Grove Township, Jan. 4, 1852, and is a son of David Dixon and Rebecca (Cline) Means. David Dixon Means was a son of Robert and Sarah (Rumsey) Means, who moved from Kentucky to Vermilion County, 111., in the fall of 1829. They spent the winter there and in the following spring removed to Che- neys Grove Township, McLean County, arriving there on March 9, 1830. They located on the north side of the grove, about one mile from the west end, and was the fourth white family to settle at Cheneys Grove. The place where Robert Means settled in Cheneys Grove is now owned by three of his grandchildren, the children of his youngest child, Mrs. Mar- garet Means Vanscoyoc. Robert Means lived about five years after com- ing to McLean County. He died Aug. 1, 1835, leaving his widow with 10 children. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. David Dixon Means, father of W. C. Means, was about four years old when his parents settled at Cheneys Grove. He grew to manhood amidst the pioneer surroundings of this county in the early days. When he attained his majority he entered 120 acres of land from the govern- 430 History of McLean County ment, one and one-half miles north of the land settled by his parents in Cheneys Grove Township. In 1850 he was married to Rebecca Cline and began housekeeping in the old log cabin which his father built when the family settled at Cheneys Grove. This was the home of David Dixon Means for only a few years when he built on his own land. Rebecca Cline, the wife of David Dixon Means, was the daughter of George Cline, who was also one of the early pioneers of Illinois. He lived near Old Berlin, 16 miles west of Springfield. He was a veteran of the War of 1812 and was a Whig up to the time of the organization of the Republican party. He was a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln and one of Lincoln's ardent political supporters. W. C. Means was born in the old log cabin which his grandfather, Robert Means, built at Cheneys Grove. He was the oldest of a family of 12 children, nine brothers of whom are living. Two brothers are de- ceased, one dying at the age of three years and the other at the age of 12, and one sister who died at the age of six years. W. C. Means was reared on the farm which his father entered from the government in Cheneys Grove Township. He began his educational career on April 1, 1858, in a new school house, which was built by the settlers in a new district which had just been formed. His first teacher was Charles Randall, who taught a term of three months. The second teacher of the new district was Charles Bovee and the third was Miss Laura Case. After 1861 young Means' school days were limited to the winter months as he had to assist his father with the farm work during the summer months. In 1866 and 1867 he attended what was known as the Saybrook Academy for six months each year, and in 1872 he was a student at the Wesleyan University at Bloomington for six months. On Nov. 3, 1875, W. C. Means was married to Miss Mary Alice Lewis. She is a daughter of John D. and Margaret (Riggs) Lewis, early settlers in Cheneys Grove Township. Mrs. Means was reared on a farm just one mile from the boyhod home of Mr. Means. They knew each other from early childhood and attended the same district school together. To Mr. and Mrs. Means have been born two children, as follows: Roy DeBell, teller in the First National Bank of Pueblo, Colo., married Grace King of Lamar, Colo., and they have one child, Roy D., Jr. ; and Margaret Pearl Means, resides in Bloomington with her parents. Mr. Means began life for himself as a farmer and stock raiser. In 1883 he was elected township collector of Cheneys Grove Township and History of McLean County 431 served three years. In 1886 he moved to Saybrook where he was engaged in the grocery business for 12 years. He was elected township assessor and served 14 years in that capacity. In 1899 he accepted a position as aassistant county treasurer under Joseph C. Means and served for four years, when he was again elected assessor of Cheneys Grove Township and served two years. In 1905 he accepted a position as deputy county recorder with M. B. Carson and served in that capacity until December, 1910. He then became deputy county treasurer under P. M. Stubblefield, serving for four years, and also served as deputy county treasurer for four years under Joseph F. Rice. In 1918 he was elected county treas- urer, serving until the expiration of his term, Dec. 1, 1922. Mr. Means is a Republican and a member of the Methodist Church. He cast his first presidential vote for Rutherford B. Hayes. He says that he was a Republican before he was old enough to vote by virtue of the influence of his grandfather, George Cline, who was a charter mem- ber of the Republican party and a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Means is one of the widely known men of McLean County and the many positions of public trust which have been delegated to him have been faithfully and efficiently filled. George C. Heberling, president of the Heberling Medicine and Ex- tract Company of Bloomington, is a well known and successful business man of McLean County. He was born at Cadiz, Ohio, March 12, 1875, and is a son of W. S. and Rose (Hagan) Heberling. W. S. Heberling was born at Cadiz, Ohio, and his wife was a native of Adena, Ohio. He followed farming and stock raising for many years and is now living retired at Buchanan, Mich. His wife is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Heberling had five children: Mrs. Iona Webb, lives at Bloomington, 111. ; J. G., lives at Peoria, 111. ; H. S., lives at West Liberty, Iowa; Mrs. Madella Phillips, lives in Bloomington; and George C, the subject of this sketch. George C. Heberling spent his boyhood at Cadiz, Ohio, and received his education in the public school. After completing a commercial and stenographic course at Valparaiso, Ind., he was employed in the office of the Griffin Wheel Company in Chicago for five years. In 1902, Mr. Heber- ling came to Bloomington and organized the Heberling Medicine & Ex- 432 History of McLean County tract Company, in which business he has been engaged ever since. This company manufactures medicines, flavoring extracts, toilet articles, etc., and is known in 25 different states. There are 300 people employed in the manufacture and sale of the company's product. In 1900, Mr. Heberling was married to Miss Mertle Dickerson, a na- tive of West Liberty, Iowa, and a daughter of John C. and Sarah A. Dick- erson, natives of Iowa, now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Heberling have one daughter, Lucile, who married Edward J. Harpfer, and they live in De- troit, Mich. Mr. Heberling is a Republican and has served as president of the Bloomington Association of Commerce, and also president of the Bloom- ington Club. He is a member of the Second Christian Church and belongs to the Masonic Lodge, Consistory and Shrine. He is also a member of the Woodmen and the T. P. A. Mr. Heberling is a member of the Blooming- ton Country Club and the Maplewood Country Club. He is at present a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Commerce, and has always taken an active part in the industrial development of the city in which he lives. Frank E. Shorthose, deceased, was born near Danvers, March 29, 1865, the son of John L. and Eleanor (Frazier) Shorthose. John L. Shorthose was born in Staffordshire, England, June 25, 1827, and his wife was a native of Belmont County, Ohio, born Oct. 16, 1837. Mr. Shorthose came to America in 1849 with his two brothers and landed in New York City. He lived in Zanesville, Ohio, for two years, and then came to Illinois and engaged in the milling business with his brothers at Danvers. Mr. Shorthose later purchased a farm of 480 acres of land in Danvers Township, which he improved, and for many years he was among the leading and successful stockmen of McLean County. He bred Short- horn cattle, Poland China hogs and high grade horses. Mr. Shorthose re- tired one month before the time of his death, Nov. 14, 1898. He was a staunch Republican and served on the school board for a number of years. Mrs. Shorthose died May 14, 1914, at Seward, Neb. There were eight children in the family, as follows: Mrs. Alice Dickinson, lives at Seward, Neb. ; A. R., Danvers, 111. ; Mrs. Johanna Hartsock, lives in Los Angeles, Calif. ; John L., died June 25, 1876 ; Thomas H., accidentally killed in Den- PRANK E. SHORTHOSE. OF THE - History of McLean County 433 ver, Colo., July 2, 1912; Belle, died Jan. 3, 1883; Frank E., the subject of this sketch; and William T., died March 17, 1921, at Bloomington, 111., where he had been a druggist for a number of years. Frank E. Shorthose was educated in the public schools of McLean County and lived on the home farm until he was 22 years old. After spending three years in Denver, Colo., Mr. Shorthose returned to McLean County and farmed for five years and then entered the employ of the Chicago and Alton Railroad on March 29, 1903, as a fireman. After three years and eight months he was promoted to engineer. Mr. Shorthose held a splendid record for his services with the company. In April, 1923, he was elected mayor of Bloomington in a sweeping victory. He was a Repub- lican and received 5,222 votes while the Democratic candidate received 1,860 votes. It was one of the most decisive victories that has been re- corded in Bloomington for many years. He retained his position as en- gineer with his duties as mayor, having a leave of absence from the rail- road company. On Jan. 4, 1924, during his term of office Mr. Shorthose died. Mr. Shorthose was married on April 12, 1917, to Miss Flora Schlegel, a native of McLean County and the daughter of Charles Schlegel, a native of Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Shorthose had no children. Mr. Shorthose was always a Republican. He was a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason and a member of the Bloomington Consistory and the Shrine at Peoria and belonged to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- neers, Division No. 19. Mr. Shorthose was favorably known throughout McLean County as a progressive citizen and a man of enterprise and ability. William W. Tilden, a prominent citizen of Bloomington, who was suc- cessfully engaged in the lumber business, is a native of New York. He was born at Jamestown, Dec. 22, 1867, and is the son of Adalbert L. and Mary C. (Wheeler) Tilden. Adalbert L. Tilden was born at Garrettsville, Ohio, and is now living retired at New Haven, Conn. For many years he was engaged in lum- bering and farming in Erie County, Pa., and served as assistant secretary of state four years, under Governor Patterson, Harrisburg, Pa. His wife, who was born at Batavia, N. Y., died in 1902, and is buried at Union City, (26) 434 History of McLean County Pa. There were three children in the Tilden family: Charles A., died in 1916; Mrs. R. K. Fenno, lives at New Haven, Conn.; and William W., the subject of this sketch. William W. Tilden was reared at LeBouf, Erie County, Pa., and re- ceived his education in the schools of Waterford, Pa. He began life as a farmer and in 1889 entered the retail lumber business at Wichita, Kan., afterward being located at Winfield and Arkansas City, Kan., Guth- rie, Okla., Memphis, Tenn., St. Louis, Chicago and Decatur, 111. Mr. Til- den has been connected with the Corn Belt Lumber Company of Bloom- ington for several years. On June 10, 1901, Mr. Tilden was united in marriage with Miss Pa- milla A. Ruff, a native of Chicago and a daughter of Joseph and Desde- mona (Anderson) Ruff, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of New York. At the time of her marriage Mrs. Tilden lived at 3036 Lake Park Avenue, Chicago. Mr. Ruff lives at 1347 Hood Avenue, Chicago. His wife died April 1, 1902. To William W. and Pamilla A. (Ruff) Tilden have been born three children: Margaret A., Pamilla W., and William W., Jr. The Tilden home is located at 43 Whites Place, Bloomington. Mr. Tilden is a Republican and he and his family are members of the Baptist Church. He is affiliated with the following clubs and lodges: Arts & Crafts Lodge No. 1017, A. F. & A. M., Bloomington Consistory, Bloomington Club, Maplewood Country Club, McLean County Country Club, Consistory Club, Rotary Club and Y. M. C. A. Mr. Tilden has been unusually successful and is considered one of Bloomington's most effi- cient citizens. Albert W. Belcher, now living retired at Bloomington, has been a sub- stantial citizen of McLean County for many years. He was born at Brim- field, 111., Feb. 22, 1840, and is a son of Daniel and Rachel Belcher. Daniel Belcher was born near Boston, Mass., and came to Illinois in 1835, locating at Brimfield where he owned and operated a hotel for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Belcher had three children, of whom Albert W., the subject of this sketch, is the only one now living. Albert W. Belcher was educated in the district schools and assisted his father about the hotel for several years. On Aug. 27, 1862, he en- listed in Company H. 86th Illinois Volunteer Infantry and served through- History of McLean County 435 out the war. He was with the regiment in every battle and was never sick or wounded. He was with Sherman on his famous March to the Sea, and was discharged June 28, 1865. Mr. Belcher then returned home and engaged in the grain and milling business for a number of years. He entered the employ of the Hays Pump & Planter Company as a travel- ing salesman, and remained in the employ of this company for 28 years. He has lived in Bloomington since 1892 but did not retire from business until 1918. In December, 1869, Mr. Belcher was married to Miss Sarah Slocum, the daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Slocum, who resided at Brimfield, 111. To Mr. and Mrs. Belcher four children were born, as follows: Thad- deus, died at the age of 34 years; Lois, married A. W. Sumner, who is engaged in the real estate business in Bloomington; Delia, married H. P. Ferguson, an engineer in one of the large sugar plants at Cuba, where they reside; and Allen, died at the age of seven years. Mr. and Mrs. Belcher attend the Christian Scientist Church at Bloom- ington. He has voted the Prohibition party, after that any other, but his candidate must have a clean record. Charles Creel, now living retired at Bloomington, has had a success- ful career as a farmer and stockman of McLean County. He was born in Dawson Township, McLean County, Dec. 17, 1860, and is a son of Will- iam and Rebecca (Jacoby) Creel. William Creel was one of the earliest settlers of McLean County. He was born in Virginia, April 26, 1805, and came to Illinois in 1838, locating at Bloomington, where he worked at his trade as shoemaker. In 1844 he purchased a farm in Dawson Township, McLean County, where he spent the remainder of his life. Mr. Creel died Dec. 13, 1901, and his wife died Nov. 6, 1876. She was born in Illinois, Sept. 23, 1821, and was the daughter of Henry and Julie (Clark) Jacoby. To William and Re- becca (Jacoby) Creel seven children were born, as follows: Elizabeth Dooley, deceased; Mary Weber, lives at LeRoy, 111.; William, deceased; George, lives retired at Bloomington ; Sarah, lives with her brother Charles in Bloomington; John lives retired in Bloomington; and Charles, the sub- ject of this sketch. Charles Creel spent his boyhood on the home place in Dawson Town- ship and was educated in the district schools. He has always followed •436 History of McLean County farming and has been among the extensive breeders of hogs in McLean County. He usually had about 400 hogs on his place and was also a feeder of stock. Mr. Creel owned 427 acres of well-improved land, which was located in Dawson and Empire Townships. For the past four years he has lived retired at 1219 East Washington Street, Bloomington. Mr. Creel is identified with the Democratic party in politics. He has an extensive acquaintance in McLean County and is highly respected. Mr. Creel is unmarried. Rev. Charles Tupper Baillie, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of Bloomington, is a leading and influential citizen of McLean County. He was born at Pictou, Nova Scotia, Dec. 9, 1884, and is a son of George William and Janet Ellen (Calder) Baillie. George William Walker Baillie was a native of Pictou, Nova Scotia, and his wife was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He began life as a news- paper reporter at Pictou and later became owner and editor of one of the daily papers there. He was a graduate of Pictou Academy and after com- ing to this country worked as a reporter on several papers, including Boston papers. Mr. Baillie was owner and editor of The Pictou Standard at the time of his death, in 1887. He is buried at Pictou, Nova Scotia. His wife lives with her son, Rev. Charles T. Baillie, at 1301 E. Washing- ton Street, Bloomington. Mr. and Mrs. Baillie were the parents of four children, as follows: George, deceased; Nettie, deceased; Arthur Cald- well, secretary of the Home Insurance Company, 56 Cedar Street, New York City; and Rev. Charles Tupper, the subject of this sketch. Rev. Charles Tupper Baillie was reared in Halifax, N. S., and at- tended the public and high schools there, after which he was graduated from Dalhousie University at Halifax, N. S. He was a candidate for the Rhodes Scholarship from Nova Scotia, obtaining second place. In 190o he won the degree of M. A. and entered the Law School of Dalhousie Uni- versity. Mr. Baillie went to San Fernando, Trinidad, B. W. I. in 1906 to become Head Master of Naparina College, a school modeled on the great English public schools. In 1909 he came to New York to enter the Union Theological Seminary, whence he graduated in 1912, winning the Trav- eling Fellowship awarded annually by the Seminary. Thereafter he studied in Germany for two years, at the Universities of Marburg, Ber- lin and Halle. History of McLean County 437 In 1914, Mr. Baillie accepted a position on the teaching staff of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary, San Fernando, B. W. I. His health broke down and in 1917 he returned to New York. After a few months' rest he was able to accept the position of student assistant in the Church History Department of the Union Theological Seminary. Mr. Baillie held this post for two years, accepting the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church, Plattsburgh, N. Y., in 1919. He came to Bloomington, April 1922. On Aug. 24, 1909, Mr. Baillie was united in marriage with Miss Nina Vincent, a native of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. She is a daughter of Col. Harry and Jane H. (McClean) Vincent, both natives of Great Britain, and a sister of Capt. Claude H. Vincent of the British Royal Flying Corps, who won high distinction during the World War Col. Vincent is a retired officer of the British Army and lives at Port-of- Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. His wife died in March, 1920. To Reverend and Mrs. Baillie five children have been born, as follows : Ar- thur Vincent, Nina Marjorie, Phyllis Maude, Mary Janet McClean, and Charles Douglas Baillie. Mr. Baillie is a member of the American Church History Society and of the Masonic Lodge, Plattsburgh, No. 828. He also belongs to the Bloomington Rotary Club and is one of the highly esteemed citizens of Bloomington and McLean County. W. F. Engle, retired, has been a well-known and successful business man of McLean County for many years. He was born in Allegany County, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1859, and is the son of T. M. and Mary Jane (McGibeny) Engle. T. M. Engle was a native of Allegheny County, N. Y., born Aug. 27, 1824, and his wife was born near Troy, N. Y., March 21, 1831. Mr. Engle studied for the ministry, but was obliged to give it up on account of im- paired health, which affected his voice. After teaching school for sev- eral years he engaged in farming and stock raising, and lived to be 85 years of age. He died Sept. 14, 1909, and his wife died June 30, 1890. They were the parents of seven children, as follows: Florence Virginia, born March 22, 1852, died Sept. 29, 1853; Rosamond A., born Aug. 31, 1854, married George A. Sanford; John Samuel, born Feb. 22, 1856, a 438 History of McLean County retired farmer lives in Angelica, N. Y. ; W. F., the subject of this sketch; Jennie May, born May 11, 1864, married Frank Baker, lives in Angelica, N. Y. ; Sarah L., lives in Angelica, N. Y. ; and M. B., born Feb. 2, 1871, lives at Angelica, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Engle were active members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and he was Sunday School superintendent for many years, sometimes conducting as many as three schools at the same time. W. F. Engle grew to manhood in New York and was educated in the public schools there and attended Alfred University in Allegany County, N. Y. After teaching school and music for several years, Mr. Engle be- came interested in a hosiery manufacturing company at Rockford, 111., which was then known as the S. B. Wilkins Company. The trade-mark name of the company afterwards became "Black Cat" and the factory was later moved to Kenosha, Wis. This company was one of the largest industries of its kind in the United States. Mr. Engle purchased a portion of the stock and traveled on the road representing it for 30 years. He has lived in Bloomington since 1887 and has been retired since 1919. Mr. Engle owns several properties and apartment buildings in Bloomington and has large land holdings. On June 12, 1884, Mr. Engle was united in marriage with Miss Lilian L. Worden, a native of Rushford, N. Y., and a daughter of Percy and Asa Worden. Mr. Worden was a native of Lyon, N. Y., and Mrs. Worden of Rushford, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Worden were the parents of the following children: Alton M., born in 1849, a large landowner in Tennessee and Alabama; Olivia, married Samuel DuBoyce; Ida, the widow of Charles Leach; W. W., lives in Des Moines, Iowa; Grace, married F. M. Wishard, lives in Redland, Cal., and Catherine, married J. A. Darforth, president of the Deer Creek Bank, Deer Creek, 111. To W. F. and Lilian L. (Worden) Engle five children have been born, as follows: Grace, a student of Illi- nois Womans College, married to W. B. Rayburn, lives in Cleveland, Ohio; Worden, died in infancy; Mary Elizabeth, a graduate of Smith College, married B. A. Danforth, lives at Deer Creek, 111. ; Esther A., a graduate of the University of Illinois, a teacher in the Bloomington High School, lives at home; and Ruth L., a graduate of Oberlin College, lives at home and teaches in the high school at Lakewood, Ohio. Mr. Engle has been a progressive business man of Bloomington and is highly esteemed throughout McLean County. W ' VINTON B. HOWELL. History of McLean County 439 Vinton E. Howell, now deceased, was a veteran of the Civil War and a substantial citizen of Bloomington and McLean County for many years. He was born on a farm in Licking County, Ohio, Nov. 30, 1840, the son of George P. and Matilda (Preston) Howell. The Howell family came to Illinois in a covered wagon in 1852 and settled in the Price neighborhood in McLean County, where they lived in a log cabin. In 1855 they removed to Bloomington and located on what was then the main street. Here George P. Howell farmed on land entered from the government until the time of his death. There were ten children in the Howell family, all of whom are now deceased except Hattie Wirt, who resides at Battle Creek, Mich. Vinton Howell spent his boyhood on his father's farm and attended the district schools. When he was 17 years old he enlisted for service during the Civil War, and served throughout the war in Company C, 33rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He took part in the siege of Vicksburg; the captain of his company was Captain Lewis, later editor of the Pantagraph of Bloomington. After his return from the war, Mr. Howell engaged in general farming in Anchor Township on a large scale with his brothers, Samuel P. and Alfred Howell. He became an extensive stockman and was also a grain farmer. He drained his land and improved it with good farm buildings. In 1875, Mr. Howell moved to Arrowsmith, where he engaged in shipping stock exclusively. Mr. Howell served as sheriff of McLean County from 1886 to 1890 and as a member of the United States Senate in 1893. He later purchased a home at 1606 N. Main Street, in Bloomington, and organized the Corn Belt Bank, and was elected president and director, which office he held until the time of his death, April 5, 1911. On Nov. 11, 1873, Mr. Howell was united in marriage with Miss Frances A. Hill, and to this union three children were born, as follows: Sarah M., married Guy L. Garrison, lives at Bloomington; Frank A., fur- ther mention of whom is made below ; and Louie, married Dr. E. B. Hart, a sketch of whom appears in this history. Frank A. Howell was born in 1880 and received his education in the public and high schools of Bloomington, and was also graduated from Illinois State Normal University. At the age of 18 years he entered the employ of the Corn Belt Bank at Bloomington, where he remained until 1917, at which time he retired. He is still a director in the bank and owns 400 acres of good farm land in McLean County and a large ranch 440 History of McLean County in South Dakota. Mr. Howell is a 32d degree Mason and a member of the Elks Lodge. Frank A. Howell was married on Dec. 5, 1911, to Miss Olive A. Lucas, a native of Bloomington, who died during the influenza epidemic on Dec. 4, 1918. Vinton E. Howell was a Republican. He was one of the dependable and excellent citizens of McLean County and the Howell family is repre- sentative of the best citizenship of the community. Palmer Q. Moore, who now lives retired at Normal, has been a well known farmer and stockman of McLean County for many years. He was born in Green County, Wis., Oct. 31, 1861, and is a son of J. W. and Sarah J. (Armstrong) Moore. J. W. Moore was born in Tennessee and was a son of Francis Moore, who moved to Illinois when his son was nine years of age. Francis Moore followed farming during his life and died in Livingston County, 111. His son, J. W. Moore, was a minister of the Christian Church and was among the pioneer preachers of Iowa, having gone there in 1863. Before that time he had lived in Woodford County, 111., and in Wisconsin. He died in 1904 at the age of 68 years and his wife, a native of Bowling Green, Ind., died in 1900 at the age of 75 years. They were the parents of five children, two of whom are now living, Palmer Q., the subject of this sketch; and Mrs. A. A. Kelley, who lives at Troy Mills, Iowa. Palmer Q. Moore was reared in Iowa and attended the public and high schools at Clarksville, Iowa. He lived on his father's farm until 1885, at which time he moved to McLean County, where he rented land for 10 years. Mr. Moore then purchased a farm in Normal Township, which he improved, and for many years he was a widely known farmer and stockman. He has lived retired in Normal since December, 1906. He owns 485 acres of land in Linn County, Iowa, and is a stockholder in three grain elevators, located at Kerrick, 111., Alburnett, Iowa, and La- fayette, Iowa. Since retiring from his farm, Mr. Moore has spent four years in Iowa, where his sons and sons-in-law farm Mr. Moore's land. On March 8, 1885, Mr. Moore was united in marriage with Miss Hattie Hall, a native of McLean County, and the daughter of Isaac and Martha J. Hall, the former a native of McLean County, and the latter of MR. AND MRS. PALMER Q. MOORE. OF THE History of McLean County 441 Kentucky. The Hall family originally came from Kentucky. To Mr. and Mrs. Moore have been born four children, as follows: Etta, married Wil- liam Wilson, lives in Linn County, Iowa, and has three children, Joseph, Franklin and Leonard; Elmer N., married Orlou Stick, lives in Linn County, Iowa, and has three children, Vera Marie, Bernetta Lucille and Franklin Nolan ; Ina J., married Charles Griffin, lives in Linn County, Iowa, and has two children, Zetta Bernice and Cecile Leota; and Harriet Marie, married Clarence Stahley, lives in Linn County, Iowa, and has one child, Betty Marie. Mr. Moore is identified with the Republican party in politics and has served as school trustee, health officer and as alderman of Normal. He is a member of the Christian Church and is a substantial and highly re- spected citizen of McLean County. John Feicht, now living retired, has been a prominent business man of Bloomington for many years. He was born in Bloomington, Dec. 25, 1865, and is the son of Christ and Lydia (Farney) Feicht. Christ Feicht was a native of Studgard, Germany, and came to the United States in 1840 when he was about 18 years of age. He located at Peoria, 111., and later went to Mackinaw, 111., where he managed a dis- tillery. Mr. Feicht died in 1910, and his wife died Oct. 31, 1901. They were members of the German Lutheran Church. Mr. and Mrs. Feicht were the parents of six children, as follows: Frederick, died in 1920; Anna, married Frank Wagoner, lives at Alton, 111. ; Augusta, died in in- fancy; John, the subject of this sketch; Kate, married Edward Kingston, lives at Bloomington; and Flora, married E. J. Leirman, lives at Bloomington. John Feicht spent his boyhood days in Bloomington and attended the public schools there. His first employment was that of a tobacco stripper at $1.25 per week, and at the age of 13 years he learned the blacksmith trade which he followed for two years. His next employment was in a pool room where he received $1.00 per day, working daily from 7 a. m. until 11 p. m. When he was a young man Mr. Feicht engaged in the saloon business which he continued until prohibition came into effect. He now lives retired at 914 South Madison Street, Bloomington. 442 History of McLean County In 1890 Mr. Feicht was married to Miss Hulda Harting, a native of Bloomington, and the daughter of Charles and Minnie (Feicke) Harting. Mr. and Mrs. Harting were natives of Germany and came to the United States in 1870, locating at Bloomington, where Mr. Harting worked at his trade as blacksmith. He and his wife are now deceased. To John and Hulda (Harting) Feicht four children were were born, as follows: Mabel, died in 1910, at the age of 19 years; Charles A., cashier of the Cudahy Meat plant in Bloomington, married Miss Tjaden, and they have one son, Howard Eugene; John Elmer, died in infancy; and Earl L., born in 1907, a student in high school. Mr. Feicht is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Elks Lodge, Red Men, and the Loyal Order of Moose. He is a dependable citizen and is well known in McLean County. Charles Thomas, who is successfully engaged in farming and stock raising on his farm of 151 acres in Randolph Township, was born in Ger- many, April 25, 1851, the son of Carl and Louise Thomas. Carl Thomas and his wife were natives of Germany and came to America in 1871, locating on land in McLean County. Mr. Thomas fol- lowed general farming during his life and died at Bloomington, Jan. 6, 1895, and his wife died March 9, 1894. They were the parents of the following children: Charles, the subject of this sketch; Costa, deceased; and John, a retired farmer, lives on Madison Street, Bloomington. Charles Thomas was reared and educated in Germany and at the age of 20 years enlisted in the German army and served in France for two years. While he was in service his parents moved to the United States and shortly after his discharge from the army he came to this country and located at Chicago for one year. He then came to McLean County and worked on a farm near Hudson for one year, after which he returned to Chicago. He returned to McLean County, however, and rented a farm, which he operated for 11 years. Mr. Thomas now owns a well-improved farm in Randolph Township, but resides at 507 Moulton Street, Bloomington. In 1877 Mr. Thomas was married to Miss Wilhelmina Reanke in Chi- cago, and to this union the following children were born: Bertha, born Jan. 2, 1878, married Albert Shultz, lives in McLean County; Amelia, History of McLean County 443 born Dec. 5, 1879, married Ernest Koos, lives in McLean County ; Ida, born March 2, 1881, married Carl Bruckman; Herman, a farmer, lives in Mc- Lean County; Martha, born Dec. 26, 1885, deceased; Clara, born May 7, 1889, married Louis Grese, lives in McLean County; Emma, born March 21, 1892, married John Graf, a farmer, lives in McLean County; and Carl, born June 29, 1894, lives at home. Mr. Thomas and his family are members of the German Lutheran Church at Bloomington and they are reliable and substantial members of the community. Robert K. Leech, now deceased, was for many years a well known and highly respected citizen of Bloomington. He was born at McKees- port, Allegheny County, Pa., in 1831, and was a son of James and Dorcas Leech. In 1859 Robert K. Leech went to Leon, Iowa, and worked at his trade, which was that of a brick mason. He was married at Leon and two years later came to Bloomington, 111., where he worked at his trade and contracting until the time of his death in July, 1911. He was a vet- eran of the Civil War, having enlisted in Bloomington in 1862, and became a member of Company F, 94th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He took part in a number of battles, including the siege of Vicksburg, and after serv- ing three years was honorably discharged at Fort Morgan. Mr. Leech was married to Miss Elizabeth Mikel, a daughter of Will- iam and Catherine (Warren) Mikel, of J^eon, Iowa, and to that union were born the following children: Lenna, married James R. Clark, and they had one son, an attorney, who is now located at Springfield, 111. ; Norma F., married W. D. Master, a retired farmer, and they have one daughter, Edith L., who is a teacher in the Petersburg, 111., high school; John S., who served for a number of years in the government printing office at Washingfton, D. C, and later was sent to Manila in the govern- ment printing service, where he remained 13 years, and is now in the employ of J. P. Morgan & Co., in New York City, as credit man; James William, was a printer and died at San Antonio, Texas, leaving one daughter who resides in Colorado ; Katie Florence, who died in Blooming- ton at the age of 22 years. The Leech family are all members of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Leech resides at 607 East Jefferson Street, Bloomington. She is recognized as [V 444 History of McLean County one of the honored pioneer women of McLean County, and the Leech family is highly respected. Clair O. Hamilton, state bank examiner, is a prominent citizen of Bloomington and McLean County. He was born in Bloomington, Dec. 5, 1883, and is the son of F. Y. and Emma (Cone) Hamilton. F. Y. Hamilton, a native of Richwood, Ohio, was a well-known attor- ney of Bloomington for many years. He died Nov. 29, 1922, and his wife, who was born in Adrian, Mich., died March 9, 1888. They were the par- ents of two children: Clair 0., the subject of this sketch; and Ethel, who died Oct. 29, 1920. She was the wife of Senator Frank 0. Hanson. Clair 0. Hamilton received his education in the public and high school's of Bloomington, after which he was graduated from the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington, Va. He is also a graduate of the Rose Polytechnic Institute of Terre Haute, Ind. After completing his school work, Mr. Hamilton followed his profession as electrical engineer for a number of years, being located at Houston, Texas, and at Greenville, Miss. He later owned a tailoring establishment and men's furnishing business in Bloomington and Normal, which he conducted successfully for 11 years. At the present time Mr. Hamilton is serving in the capacity of state bank examiner and lives at 711 East Empire Street, Bloomington. On Aug. 12, 1901, Mr. Hamilton was united in marriage with Miss Nell Kimler, a native of LeRoy, 111., and the daughter of Frank and Jane (Pemberton) Kimler, natives <*f Ohio and Indiana, respectively. Mr. Kimler died in 1917 and his wife died the year previous. To Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton four children have been born: Frank K., Jack R., Margaret R., and Nancy Jane Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton is a Republican, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and belongs to the Masonic Blue Lodge and Consistory. He is a nephew of former Governor John Marshal Hamilton of Illinois. Franklin Young Hamilton was born Dec. 27, 1852, at Richwood, Ohio, in a one and a half story log house of two rooms, which is still stand ing. His parents were Samuel and Nancy Hamilton. He was the fourth son of a family of nine children. The family came to Illinois when he was History of McLean County 445 a year old, locating first on a farm near Varna, whence in 1866 they re- moved to Wenona. He obtained his education, first at the Illinois Wes- leyan University, afterwards at Adrian College, Michigan, the latter con- ferring upon him the college degree. ,In 1882, upon his graduation, he came to Bloomington, and in 1884 entered the law office of Rowell & Hamilton as a student; the latter, his brother, was afterward a state senator, lieutenant governor and gov- ernor. Upon the completion of his law studies, he was admitted to the bar of the state, and in 1886-88 he served as a member of the state legis- lature, making there an honorable record. At the conclusion of this term of service he entered upon the active practice of his profession, and so continued until his death at Brokaw Hospital, Nov. 24, 1922. As a lawyer, he was recognized as one of the leaders, was for 29 years the local counsel of what is now the Big Four railroad system. He always enjoyed the confidence of all, a good practice, and was frequently engaged in important cases; besides, what he preferred, an extensive office practice, in which his superior business ability and judgment, and his thorough knowledge of the law gave him "success. He was prominent and faithful in civic matters. He was a member of Bloomington Lodge No. 43 of Masons, and of the Bloomington Con- sistory; a charter member of the College Alumni and Longfellow Clubs, and for many years an Odd Fellow; until his later years was active in the church, and in the Y. M. C. A. For many years he was a trustee of Brokaw Hospital, as such a representative of Abraham Brokaw, his client, and rendered great service in procuring the latter's bequest to that char- ity, as well as in other important respects. He was thrice married, first to Emma J. Cone, at Morenci, Mich., Oct. 3, 1875. For a time the husband and wife taught school at Sheridan, Mich. They had two children, Claire 0. Hamilton and Ethel Hamilton, the latter married Frank 0. Hanson, and died in 1920. In 1890 Mr. Hamilton married Olive Hudson, and in 1916 Mrs. Anna Morrison, each of whom preceded him into the great beyond. Two sisters, Mrs. E. H. Miller of Chicago and Mrs. 0. C. Allen survive him. He was affable, a true friend, a gentleman, always ready to serve others. He left behind him the kindly recollections of his brethren at the bar, and of a wide circle of friends who feel a personal loss and be- reavement in his death. One by one, the third generation of Blooming- ton's lawyers is passing away; the present one of younger men taking 446 History of McLean County their places, who will be stimulated, encouraged and have much to learn from the examples of faithfulness, energy and devotion to the high ideals of Mr. Hamilton. Frank H. Blose, alderman from the Third Ward of Bloomington, is a well known and successful business man of McLean County. He was born on a farm in Warren County, Ohio, May 16, 1860, the son of John W. and Jacqueline (Hayner) Blose. John W. Blose and his wife were natives of Virginia and the parents of two children, as follows: Frank H., the subject of this sketch; and Jennie, married Charles H. Smith, a farmer, lives in Warren County, Ohio. Mr,. Blose died Dec. 31, 1923, at the age of 90 years. His wife died in April, 1909. Frank H. Blose was reared on his father's farm in Ohio and attended the public schools. When he was 19 years old he began his apprentice- ship as blacksmith and three years later worked at his trade in Spring- boro, Ohio, a short distance from his home. In October, 1881, he came to Illinois and located at Delana, now Glenavon, where he remained until 1888, at which time he moved to Bloomington. Mr. Blose has been in business at Bloomington during all these years; his shop located at 413 N. Center Street, until 1892 when he moved to his present location at 218 S. Center Street. When Mr. Blose embarked in the horse shoeing business in Bloomington there were probably as many shops as there are now garages. He has been privileged to witness the closing of the farrier shops one by one until now but a few remain. On April 5, 1883, Mr. Blose was united in marriage with Miss Ora B. Batson, a daughter of Alexander A. and Mary C. (Babbitt) Batson, na- tives of Indiana. The Batson family came to Illinois in 1880 and settled near Glenavon. Mr. Batson served throughout the Civil War and is now deceased. His widow resides with her daughter, Mrs. Blose. To Frank H. and Ora B. (Batson) Blose four children have been born, as follows: Gertrude, married Harry H. Craig, a member of the Chicago police force; Annie M., married Frank Baker, lives in Bloomington; George H., died in infancy ; and Edgar L., has been an electrician for the Bloomington Light Company for 16 years, is married and has one child, Marian Barbara. He is a veteran of the World War. History of McLean County 447 Frank H. Blose was elected alderman from the Third Ward in 1923 and he is chairman of the finance committee and also of the judiciary and light companies. Since the death of Mayor Shorthose, Jan. 4, 1924, Mr. Blose has been acting mayor of Bloomington. He is a member of the Masonic Lodge No. 43 and has filled all the offices of his lodge, including master from 1896 to 1897. He is one of the oldest past masters of the Bloomingtn Lodge and is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Blose and his family are members of the Christian Church and he is a highly respected citizen of his community. Walsh & Sons, dealers in stone and granite, are among the enter- prising and successful business men of Bloomington. The firm was organized by Michael Walsh many years ago and is now conducted by his sons. He was a native of Ireland, born in 1857. Following his mar- riage, Mr. Walsh came to the United States and settled at Bloomington, where he was employed by the Chicago & Alton Railroad as a stone cutter. After several years he became a contracting stone mason and his first piece of work was the residence of Reverend Weldon on North Main Street. The stone yard was located at the corner of Center and Market streets, the present site of the Will building. The present location is at 600 West Olive Street. Mr. Walsh died in 1909. In 1856 Michael Walsh was married to Miss Anna Shaunessy, a native of Ireland, and to this union the following children were born: Michael E., a member of the firm; Mary, married William Young, lives in Bloomington ; Anna, married James Cavello, lives in Bloomington ; Thomas M., a veteran of the World war, also a partner in the business; Julia, married Fred Gerth, lives in Bloomington; Lawrence P., a partner in the business; Margaret, married Lawrence Wagoner; Eleanor, married Thomas Salmon ; John J., a partner in the business, and Edward, serving in the United States Navy, and is now stationed in Washington. Mrs. Michael Walsh died in 1914. Walsh & Sons, as the firm is still known, is among the leading business enterprises of Bloomington. They handle stones of all kinds and domes- tic and imported granites. Since the death of their father in 1909, the Walsh boys have invested a considerable amount in the business and enlarged it extensively. They have about $50,000 invested and do $120,000 worth of business annually. 448 History of McLean County Archie M. Augustine, nationally known horticulturist and nursery- man, is a resident of Normal and a member of one of McLean County's prominent pioneer families. He was born at Pontiac, 111., Nov. 10, 1869, and is the son of Capt. Henry and Margaret (Gapen) Augustine, a com- plete sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this history. Mr. Augustine was educated in the public schools and the Illinois State Normal University. After completing his education he entered the nursery business at Normal with his father, who was already widely known through his horticultural pursuits. In September, 1890, Mr. Augustine left Normal and went to Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic, where he established a nursery. After four years of work and study there he returned to Normal. In 1905 he went to Michigan, where he established an orchard in the northern part of the state. Two years later, however, he became interested in the banking business at West Branch, Mich., where he remained two years. Mr. Augustine has in- herited his ability along horticultural lines from his father and has even advanced further in the new methods. He has devoted practically his entire life to this work and the name of Augustine is closely associated with horticulture throughout the country, as well as in many countries abroad. On Sept. 14, 1895, Mr. Augustine was united in marriage with Miss Belle Cothran Marsh, a native of Bloomington, born Sept. 5, 1873, and the daughter of Dr. Benjamin P. and Mary F. (Ayres) Marsh. The Marsh family came to Illinois in 1850 from New York and in 1866 Dr. Marsh located in Bloomington, where he served as the first high school principal in 1867. He later engaged in the practice of medicine there, which he followed successfully until the time of his death in 1911. He was 71 years of age. Dr. Marsh was a well educated man, being a grad- uate of Knox College, Galesburg, 111., Rush Medical College and Hanna- man Medical College, Chicago. He always took a keen interest in state and religious affairs and for many years was among the influential citi- zens of Illinois. Mary F. (Ayres) Marsh was a prominent woman of her day. She conducted the first kindergarten school in Bloomington and for a number of years had charge of the Girls' Industrial School. Mrs. Marsh held many club offices, was Regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and was an active church member. She died in 1912 at the age of 69 years. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, two OF TBK ?6x^vy sflc<*> ©■ History of McLean County 449 of whom are now living, Mrs. Archie M. Augustine, and Mrs. Catherine Risley, lives at Albany, N. Y. Mrs. Archie M. Augustine is a graduate of Bloomington High School and the Illinois Wesleyan Conservatory of Music. She is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and is regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution at the present time. To Archie M. and Belle Coth- ran (Marsh) Augustine two children have been born, as follows: Frances Marsh, the wife of Herman Schimpff, lives in Peoria, 111., and they have one child, Mary Frances; and Areta M., a student at Illinois State Normal University. Mr. Augustine has served as president and secretary of the Central Illinois Horticulture Society, as secretary of the Illinois State Horticulture Society for nine years, and for 10 years had charge of the Illinois Horti- cultural Society Experimental Stations in Illinois. He was elected presi- dent of this society but resigned that office soon after his election. Mr. Augustine also served as secretary two years and president two years of the Illinois State Nurserymen's Association. Mr. Augustine is a Republican, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and belongs to the Masonic Lodge and all its branches. He served as a director of the Illinois Children's Home Finding Society for 10 years, taking the position left vacant by his father's death. Mr. Augustine also belongs to the Rotary Club of Bloomington. He is a man of high civic ideals, capable and practical in all phases of his work, and a citizen of whom his community is justly proud. Capt. Henry Augustine, deceased, was of German ancestry. He was born in Lancaster County, Pa., July 25, 1840, the son of John A. and Anna (Miller) Augustine. John A. Augustine was a native of Wurtemburg, Germany, and came to America as a boy, locating in Lancaster County, Pa., where he married and reared a family of ten children. In 1857 he brought his family to Canton, 111., and here his death occurred in 1870, his wife having died four years previous. Henry Augustine was 17 years old when the family removed to Illinois. He received his education in his native state and engaged in farming until the outbreak of the Civil War. He enlisted on Aug. 3, 1861, in Company A, 55th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, as company sergeant. On (27) 450 History of McLean County Aug. 1, 1862, he was commissioned second lieutenant and on Oct. 2nd of the same year was promoted to first lieutenant. June 27, 1864, he was commissioned captain and commanded Company A until the following Nov. 8 when he resigned, and upon his return recruited Company I, 51st Illinois Volunteer Infantry, as captain. In this capacity he continued until November, 1865, when he was mustered out of service and honorably discharged, having participated in 32 hard fought battles, and been under the enemy's fire for 196 days. During six months of his service he was judge-advocate of a military court. His promotion from rank to rank speaks for itself, and certainly in the Union ranks there was no more earnest, courageous and helpful soldier. Two of his brothers, Michael and J. M. Augustine fell and were buried by the captain on the battlefield, and the remains were brought home by him and interred at Canton, 111., after the war. The former, who was a member of the 103rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry was killed at Missionary Ridge, while the latter, who was lieutenant-colonel of the 55th Illinois Infantry regiment lost his life at Kenesaw Mountain. After the war Capt. Augustine engaged in the drug business in Can- ton, 111., until 1868, when owing to failing health he engaged in farming and the nursery business at Pontiac, 111. In 1876 he came to Normal and established the present nursery business on a small scale, which at present is one of the best known enterprises of the kind in the State of Illinois. A regular and important part of the business in the past has been its foreign trade, having had business connections with France, England, Germany, Scotland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Captain Augustine introduced many new and valuable fruits and to him is ascribed the Sudduth, one of the most valuable varieties known of the pear, as well as the introduction in the west of the Snyder blackberry. He was superintendent of the Illinois State Fruit Exhibit at the Columbia Exposition in Chicago, in 1893, and the creditable showing of Illinois fruit at that time was due to his unceasing efforts and pride in local conditions. He served as president of the National Nurserymen's Association and Illinois State Horticultural Society, and contributed to the literature and general undertakings of both these organizations. To the enviable reputation as soldier and horticulturalist must be added that of philanthropist, the latter perhaps the most unceasing and tireless of the efforts of Captain Augustine. For more than 35 years he devoted time and money to the noble cause of the Children's Home and History of McLean County 451 Aid Society, an organization which has accomplished untold good for the homeless waifs of society. He was an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and served as president of the Illinois State Sunday School Association, and the McLean County Sunday School Association. For 14 years he was Sunday School superintendent at the Soldiers' and Orphans' Home at Normal. He was also identified with the Grand Army of the Republic, being a member of the W. T. Sherman Post, Bloomington. The marriage of Captain Augustine and Margaret E. Gapen occurred March 17, 1869, and of this union there is a son, Archie M., a sketch of whom appears in these volumes. Mrs. Henry Augustine was born in Penn- sylvania and educated in Fulton County, 111., where she removed with her parents in early life, they being Bachriach and Margaret (McGee) Gapen. On March 8, 1913, Capt. Augustine was killed by a Chicago & Alton passenger train in front of his office, which is located at the Illinois Cen- tral and Chicago & Alton Crossing. Mrs. Augustine is now living in Los Angeles, Calif. Captain Augustine was one of the solid, substantial and highly es- teemed men of McLean County and his life was an expression of rare ability, noble purpose, well directed generosity and faith in the goodness and possibility of his fellowmen. John J. Stack, now living retired at Bloomington, is a member of a well known pioneer family of McLean County. He was born in Blooming- ton, June 5, 1868, and is a son of Patrick and Helen (Kinsella) Stack. Patrick Stack was a native of Ireland, born March 17, 1831, and was one of a family of eight children, all of whom are deceased. In the spring of 1848 Patrick Stack and his brother Edward came to New Orleans in a sailing vessel that took over eight weeks to make the voyage. When they landed in New Orleans there was an epidemic of cholera there and they both hired out as deck hands and worked on the Ohio and Missis- sippi rivers. Later they worked at their trades as stone and brick masons in St. Louis for one year. From there they went to Lexington, Ky. Three years later they heard of a building boom in Chicago and went there for two months and then went to Bloomington. This was in 1852. They were employed by the Illinois Central Railroad Company as stone masons. At this time the railroad was being built from Chicago to Clinton, 111., and 452 History of McLean County the work lasted for several years. Mr. Stack then became interested in paving and was instrumental in having the first brick pavement laid in Bloomington. The bricks were made by James McGregory and the brick yard was located southeast of Bloomington. He was first appointed fore- man under the street commissioner and after three years was elected commissioner. Later Mr. Stack became interested in the proposed water works for Bloomington and he located a well north of the cemetery, which was 65 feet in depth and 40 feet in diameter. This well furnished all the water used in Bloomington until 20 years ago. Mr. Stack was also identi- fied with the sewage system in Bloomington and most of the pipes fur- nished for this purpose were eight feet in diameter. All of the brick used was purchased from the McGregor & Hafter Brick Company. Patrick Stack owned 480 acres of land near Bellflower, 111., and a great deal of property in Bloomington. He was a Republican and a mem- ber of the Holy Trinity Church. Mr. Stack was married in Lexington, Ky., to Miss Helen Kinsella, a daughter of Patrick and Helen (Burnes) Kinsella. To this union the following children were born: Edward, de- ceased; William, deceased; Robert, deceased; John J., the subject of this sketch; Elizabeth, married Harry Barnett, lives in Chicago; Mary, mar- ried Patrick Fitzgerald, lives in Bloomington; and Kate, married John Killian, lives near Bloomington. Mr. Stack died Jan. 20, 1902, and his wife died Nov. 24, 1900. John J. Stack spent his boyhood in Bloomington and received his edu- cation in the public schools there. When he was a young man he engaged in general farming and stock raising and for 30 years owned and oper- ated a fine stock farm near Bellflower, 111. He also engaged in the grain business extensively and met with marked success in all his business un- dertakings. He owns 1,000 acres of land near Bloomington, which he now rents. Mr. Stack resides in a fine brick home on Oakland Avenue, in Bloomington, which was formerly the home of J. D. Robertson. On Jan. 30, 1901, Mr. Stack was united in marriage with Miss Nora Tobin, a daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Trainor) Tobin. Mr. Tobin was born in Ireland and came to the United States in 1867, locating in New York for a short time, after which he came to McLean, 111. He later purchased a farm near Bellflower, where he and his wife now reside. They are the parents of the following children : Nellie, deceased ; Cather- ine, the widow of John Malone ; Mrs. Stack ; Simon, deceased ; Sarah, de- ceased; and Belle, married Frank Yeagle. To John J. and Nora (Tobin) History of McLean County 453 Stack 11 children have been born, as follows: Harry P, born Jan. 20, 1902, a graduate of Brown Business College of Bloomington, now editor of a newspaper in Des Moines, Iowa ; Joseph, born Oct. 31, 1903, employed in the First National Bank of Bloomington; John 0., born Sept. 7, 1905, died Nov. 6, 1917; William W., born April 23, 1908; Walter E., born April 9, 1910; Nora Mary, born Oct. 19, 1911; James Edward, born May 12, 1914; Margaret E., born Feb. 12, 1916; Dorothy F., born Oct. 4, 1919; Robert G., born April 27, 1921, is the fourth Robert in the Stack family; and Helen M., born Sept. 8, 1923. John J. Stack is a member of the Holy Trinity Church and belongs to the Elks Lodge and the Knights of Columbus. He is a representative and dependable citizen of McLean County and has many friends and ac- quaintances. Arthur Rowland Williams, director of the School of Commerce of Illinois State Normal University, is a leading citizen of McLean County. He was born at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., May 28, 1877, and is the son of Dr. Wesley and Harriet (Newell) Williams. The first of the Williams family to come to the western hemisphere was Richard Williams, a captain in the British Navy. After retiring from his service, he came to this country in 1809 and located in Balti- more, Md. Dr. Wesley Williams, father of the subject of this sketch, was born at Guelph, Ontario, Canada, in 1849. His wife, also a native of Canada, was born at Owen Sound, Ontario, in 1854. Dr. Williams has long been a prominent man in his profession as dentist and is a well known figure in the Democratic party of Michigan. He and his wife reside at Sault Ste. Marie. They have two children: Arthur Rowland, and Dr. Harold Keyes Williams, a successful dentist of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Arthur Rowland Williams was reared at Sault Ste. Marie, and after finishing high school there entered the Armour Institute in Chicago. He is also a graduate of Kenyon College, at Gambier, Ohio, the Univer- sity of Michigan, and the University of Chicago. Mr. Williams' first occupation in life was that of editor of the Weekly Times at Sault Ste. Marie. His positions since that time have been as purchasing agent for the Talbot Construction Company of Sault Ste. Marie; teacher at St. John's Military Academy, Delafield, Wis. ; vice-principal of Deerfield 454 History of McLean County Shields High School, Highland Park, 111., and director of the School of Commerce of Illinois State Normal University. Mr. Williams is also head of the A. R. Williams & Company, public accountants of Bloomington. On Sept. 2, 1913, Mr. Williams was united in marriage with Miss Gertrude Ann Nevins, a native of Highland Park, 111., and the daughter of Edward and Eleanor (Murphy) Nevins, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of Watertown, N. Y. Mr. Nevins lives retired at Highland Park, 111. His wife died in 1913. To Mr. and Mrs. Williams two children have been born: Arthur Richard and James David, both students at Metcalf School, Illinois State Normal University. Mr. Williams is a Democrat and a member of the Episcopal church. His wife belongs to the Catholic Church. He is a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, Michigan Alpha Chapter at Ann Arbor, Mich., and a member of the Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholarship fraternity of Kenyon College. Mr. Williams belongs to the Rotary Club and the Maple- wood Country Club of Bloomington. The Williams family is one of the highly esteemed families of the community. John J. Rolofson, deceased, was a widely known and successful auc- tioneer. He was born in Wilson Township, Dewitt County, 111., Oct. 1, 1862, a son of John B. Rolofson. John B. Rolofson was born in White County, 111., June 23, 1829, and was a son of Moses Rolofson, a native of Kentucky, born in 1802. He was a pioneer of Illinois and a son of Law- rence Rolofson, who was a native of Pennsylvania and was a cooper by trade. Lawrence Rolofson removed from his native state to Virginia and later went to Kentucky. He spent his last days in Illinois where he lived to be a very old man. Moses Rolofson lived in Kentucky until he was about 25 years of age. In 1823 he came to Illinois and settled in White County where he was engaged in farming until 1834 when he re- moved to DeWitt County, remaining there one year. He then removed to McLean County where he purchased land, but after remaining a few years he removed to Iowa and later went to Missouri where he died in 1885 at the age of 83 years. He married Ruth McClellan, a native of South Carolina, born in 1800. She was a daughter of James McClellan, a native of South Carolina and of Irish descent, who served in the Revo- lutionary war. Moses Rolofson and his wife were the parents of twelve History of McLean County 455 children, ten of whom grew to maturity, as follows: Mary, Margaret C, John B., Jane, Lucinda, Robert, Arminda, Elizabeth, Adeline and Lucy. John B. Rolofson was about six years of age when his parents settled in DeWitt County. He received his education in the old log school houses which were conducted on the subscription plan. When he was 14 years of age he began working out by the month and so continued for ten years. He then bought a farm and added more land later, becoming one of the prosperous farmers of DeWitt County. He was married Nov. 23, 1851, to Miss Mary Bird, a native of White County, 111., born in 1831. To them were born six children: James M., Mrs. Laura Swearingen, Belle, Mrs. Martha E. Thorp, John J., the subject of this sketch, and Charles S. John B. Rolofson and his wife were members of the Christian Church and he was a Republican and took a prominent part in the affairs of his com- munity. John J. Rolofson spent his boyhood on his father's farm in Wilson Township, DeWitt County, and attended the district schools. In 1884 he engaged in farming for himself on rented land in Wapella Township. He was thus occupied for six years and in 1890 he removed to Wapella where he engaged in the hardware and farm implement business. He built up an extensive trade in that business and also bought and sold horses from 1892 to 1907. On June 30, 1897, he was appointed postmaster of Wa- pella, serving three terms in that capacity. For many years Mr. Rolof- son was engaged in auctioneering and was well known and successful in this field of activity. He conducted sales over a large scope of terri- tory and his services were in constant demand. He died suddenly Dec. 9, 1923. On Feb. 27, 1884, John J. Rolofson was united in marriage with Miss Erne M. Wilson, a native of Wapella Township, DeWitt County, born Dec. 26, 1862, and a daughter of John and Nancy A. (Funk) Wilson, early set- tlers in DeWitt County. Nancy A. Funk Wilson was a daughter of Jesse Funk, a prominent early day citizen of McLean County. S. A. Wilson, a brother of Mrs. Rolofson, lives in Los Angeles, Calif., and a half-brother, Wesley E. Thompson, lives at Gardner, Mont. John Wilson died in 1865 and his wife died in 1882. To John J. and Effie M. (Wilson) Rolofson, were born two children, one of whom died in infancy, and J. J. Rolofson, who is engaged in the practice of law at Clinton, 111. He was educated in the Clinton High School, Wesleyan University of Illinois and Yale University, and was admitted to the Illinois bar in June, 1908. Mrs. Effie 456 History of McLean County M. (Wilson) Rolofson died Sept. 30, 1910. She was a lifelong member of the Methodist Church and a member of the Rathbim Sisters. She was a woman known for her many excellent qualities and loved and respected by the entire community. For 13 years she served as assistant postmas- ter at Wapella. Mr. Rolofson was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, a 32d degree Mason, the Uniformed Rank Knights of Pythias, Mod- ern Woodmen of America and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He was a Republican and a member of the Methodist Church and served as superintendent of Sunday School for a number of years. Thomas Sylvester, well known retired brick contractor of McLean County, and vice president of the Normal State Bank at Normal, is a native of England. He was born Jan. 26, 1846, the son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Simpson) Sylvester. There were six sons in the Sylvester family, as follows: William, lives in England; John, lives at Staffordshire, England; George, lives at Staffordshire, England; James, deceased; Thomas, the subject of this sketch; and Joseph, lives at Champaign, 111. Thomas Sylvester received his education in the schools of England, attending Widenberry School. After finishing his school work he learned the brick mason trade with his uncle, Rodger Witicker, and followed the trade in England until 1869, at which time he came to the United States. Mr. Sylvester was employed on the farm of Robert Anderson in Park County, 111., until May 13, 1869, when he moved to Normal and engaged in the brick laying trade. After being in the employ of Blake, Huston and Sweeting at Normal for one year, Mr. Sylvester went into the contracting business for himself, which he followed until 1916, at which time he re- tired. He has built many interesting landmarks in McLean County, among them being the Fell Memorial. Mr. Sylvester owns 240 acres of land in Clay County, Minn., and 44 acres within the city limits of Normal. He has a residence at Bloomington as well as a home on Broadway and Ver- non Avenue at Normal, and he also owns a large amount of the business section of Normal. On Oct. 27, 1871, Mr. Sylvester was married to Miss Martha Ellen Dunseth, a native of Money Creek Township, McLean County, born Jan. 25, 1854. To this union 12 children were born, as follows: Frank, lives History of McLean County 457 at Webster City, la. ; Thomas, lives in Iowa ; John, lives at Normal ; Wil- liam, lives at Normal; Nettie, married Edward Sheilds, lives at Normal; Fannie Burk Pepple, lives at Normal ; Anna, married James Lyda, lives at Bloomington ; Louise, married Curtis Keyes, lives at Bloomington ; Charles, lives at Normal; Neil, lives at Normal; Elizabeth, deceased; and Minnie, deceased, was the wife of Clifton Green. After the death of his first wife on Nov. 3, 1916, Mr. Sylvester was married on Oct. 29, 1921, to Miss Jane Shirley, a native of Johnson County, Mo., born March 6, 1854. In politics Mr. Sylvester is a Democrat and he served as a member of the city council of Normal for 11 years. He is a member of the Chris- tian Church and laid the brick for that church at Normal, and he belongs to the Masonic lodge. Mr. Sylvester is well known in the county, where he has a reputation for good citizenship and progressive ideas. Albert F. Henderson, now living retired in Bloomington, is among the substantial and well known citizens of McLean County. He was born in Canada, near Montreal, July 15, 1841. At the age of 19 years he went to California and followed gold mining for two years after which he re- turned to Canada. In 1864 he came to McLean County and located at Towanda, where he engaged in teaching for eight years. He then pur- chased a farm of 240 acres near Colfax, 111., which he operated success- fully until the time of his retirement in 1910. The farm is now owned by his son Roy Henderson. In 1873 Mr. Henderson was married to Miss Rachel Fincham, a daughter of Robert and Martha Fincham, natives of Virginia and early settlers of Illinois. To Mr. and Mrs. Henderson the following children were born: Lillian, lives in Chicago; Pearl, engaged in the real estate business in Mississippi ; Dr. Francis, a well known eye, ear and nose specialist of Bloomington with offices in the Griesheim Building; Archie, lives at Peoria, 111. ; Ernest, State Attorney, lives in Woodford County, 111. ; Dr. George, a successful dentist of Bloomington, also located in the Griesheim Building; Addie, married Leonard Funk, lives at LaCrosse, Wis., and Roy, who farms the home place near Towanda, 111. Mrs. Hen- derson died in 1897. Mr. Henderson served as supervisor of Colfax for five years. He and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and he belongs 458 History of McLean County to the Masonic lodge. The Henderson family is well known and highly esteemed in McLean County. Arthur H. Tobias, manager of the Bloomington Creamery Company, is among the prominent business men of McLean County. He was born at Congerville, Woodford County, 111., June 23, 1888, and is the son of James F. and Rosine (Strubhar) Tobias, a sketch of whom appears else- where in this volume. Arthur H. Tobias spent his early life on a farm near Congerville, 111., and was educated in the grade schools there and attended Normal High School. He later lived on a farm near Lexington, 111., and for the past 12 years has resided at Bloomington, where he is associated in business with the Bloomington Creamery Company. On Dec. 21, 1910, Mr. Tobias was united in marriage with Miss Ida M. Lehman, a native of Flanagan, 111., and the daughter of Joseph A. and Martha A. (Unzicker) Lehman, a sketch of whom also appears in this volume. To Mr. and Mrs. Tobias have been born three children: Bernice Eleanor, born Oct. 1, 1914; Louise Frances, born Feb. 1, 1917; and Joseph Franklin, born Oct. 12, 1920. In politics Mr. Tobias is identified with the Republican party. He and his family hold membership in the Mennonite Church and he is a member of the Masonic Lodge, being a 32d degree Mason. He also be- longs to the Rotary Club. Mr. Tobias has been successful and is con- sidered one of Bloomington's efficient citizens. James F. Tobias was born in Walnut Township, Pickaway County, Ohio, Aug. 26, 1860. His father died shortly after his birth and he was reared by an uncle, Dan Zinser of Washington, 111. At the age of 13 years he made his home with Michael Foster of Deer Creek, 111. At the age of 18 years Mr. Tobias worked out by the month in the vicinity of Congerville, 111., where he became acquainted with Rosine Strubhar and was married to her on Dec. 13, 1883. Mr. Tobias and Rosine Tobias spent the early days of their life on the farm, later opening a hardware and implement business at Conger- ville, 111., which they operated for 10 years, after which they purchased History of McLean County 459 a farm south of Congerville, where they resided two years. They pur- chased a farm near Lexington, where they resided until the death of James F. Tobias, which occurred April 8, 1910. Rosine (Strubhar) Tobias was born in Danvers Township, McLean County, Feb. 2, 1863, where she lived to maturity.' To Mr. and Mrs. James F. Tobias were born three children: Arthur H., a sketch of whom appears in this volume ; Effie May and Ida, who both died in infancy. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Tobias resided with her son, Ar- thur H., until her death, Feb. 8, 1918, at Bloomington. Valentine Strubhar was born in Alsace Lorraine, France, Sept. 26, 1817. At the age of 17 years he immigrated to America and settled in Ohio, where he resided for several years. He then moved to Illinois, where he met Barbara Guingerich, whom he married in the year 1845. He was of the old Mennonite faith and was one of the founders of the first Mennonite churches erected in Illinois. One of these churches, lo- cated three miles north of Danvers, is still standing. Mr. Strubhar died Nov. 30, 1861, at the age of 64 years. Barbara (Guingerich) Strubhar was born in Alsace Lorraine, France, March 19, 1827. Her people immigrated to America in 1829, and settled in Ohio, later moving to Danvers, 111., where she resided until 1898, then moving to Piper City, 111., where she lived with her daughter until the time of her death, which occurred March 26, 1923, at the age of 95 years. To Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Strubhar seven children were born: John, lives at Danvers, 111. ; Magdalene Salzman, lived at Danvers, 111., and now deceased; Emil E., lives in California; Peter A., lives at Murray, Iowa; Mrs. John Schaff er, lived at Deer Creek, 111., now deceased ; Mrs. Elizabeth Ehresman, lives at Piper City, 111. ; and Mrs. Rosine Tobias, deceased. Joseph A. Lehmann, a well known and successful farmer of McLean County, living at Chenoa, was born five miles north of Bloomington, April 2, 1863, the son of Peter and Magdalena (Stalter) Lehmann. Peter Lehmann was a native of Alsace Loraine, France, and his wife was born at Bavaria, Germany. At an early date Mr. Lehmann came 460 History of McLean County to this country and located on a farm near Danvers, 111., later removing to a farm near Bloomington. In 1866 he went to Livingston County, 111., and lived on a farm near Gridley and later lived near Flanagan, where he died. There were six children in the Lehmann family: Jacobina Ver- cler, lives at Meadows, 111.; Peter R., born Dec ; 3, 1861, died Jan. 4, 1901; Joseph A., the subject of this sketch ; Ella Rich, lives at Deer Creek, 111. ; Elizabeth Zehr, lives at Graymont, 111. ; and Dr. C. W., lives at Flanagan, 111. Joseph A. Lehmann was reared and educated in Livingston County, 111., and has always been a farmer. On Feb. 3, 1887, he was united in mar- riage at Danvers with Miss Martha Amelia Unzicker, a native of Lexing- ton, 111., and the daughter of Joseph and Magdalena (Smucker) Unzicker, the former a native of Canada and the latter of France. Mr. Unzicker died Oct. 28, 1909, and his wife died July 23, 1906. To Joseph A. and Martha Amelia (Unzicker) Lehmann the following chidren were born: Emma M. Augspurger, born March 11, 1888; Martha Amelia Schrock, born Jan. 11, 1890; Ida M. Tobias, born Jan. 8, 1892; Pearl E. Zimmer- man, born June 18, 1893; Joseph P., born Dec. 21, 1894; Matilda E. Por- zelius, born Oct. 10, 1898 ; and Magdalena I. Zehr, born April 27, 1904. Mr. Lehmann is a Republican and he and his family are members of the Mennonite Church. Louis W. Dauel, who is successfully engaged in the reaLestate and insurance business in Bloomington, is a native of Germany. He was born in Hanover, Dec. 11, 1861, and is a son of Frederick and Dorothy (Gathmann) Dauel. Frederick Dauel and his wife died when Louis W., the subject of this sketch, was a young boy. They were the parents of the following children: Mary, died at the age of 22 years; Frederick, died in infancy; Louise, died in 1919, was the wife of August Wichmann; Henry, lives in Los Angeles, Calif. ; F. W., lives in St. Paul, Minn. ; and Louis W., the subject of this sketch. When Louis W. Dauel was 13 years old he and his brother came to the United States and lived with their older brother, a farmer in Mc- Lean County. After two years he went to Iowa and worked on a farm, and five years later Mr. Dauel returned to Illinois. He engaged in the hardware and implement business for a number of years and met with History of McLean County 461 success. In 1899 he came to Bloomington and became deputy sheriff of McLean County, which office he held for two years. He then became manager of the Darlington Lumber Co. at Arrowsmith, 111., for three and one-half years, then purchased the business of August Boeker in Bloom- ington. Mr. Dauel does a large volume of business in real estate, insur- ance, and loans and his office is located in the Corn Belt Bank Bldg. He owns a fine residence in Bloomington beside other city property. On March 27, 1883, Mr. Dauel was married to Miss Emma M. George, a daughter of Henry and Anna (Schlueter) George, the former a native of Germany. To Mr. and Mrs. Dauel seven children have been born, as follows: Minnie was the wife of Martin Homuth, died in 1918, leaving one child, Dorothy; Louise, married Godfrey Olson, lives in Bloomington, and they have three children, Ralph, Robert and Margaret; Henry, an engineer on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, had two children, Evelyn and Lois; William, lives in Bloomington; Rose married Elmer Peterson who died in 1914, Mrs. Peterson now making her home with her parents ; Lillian, married Walter Miller, a jeweler in Bloomington; and Alvina, married Virgil Bierbower. Mr. Dauel was president of the Real Estate Board of Bloomington and is the agent for several steamship lines. He is a member of the Trinity Lutheran Church and is a substantial and reliable citizen of Bloomington. Joseph F. Rice, who is successfully engaged in the real estate business in Bloomington, is a member of one of McLean County's pioneer families. He was born in Bloomington, March 13, 1872, and is the son of Charles and Lena (Schneckloth) Rice. Charles Rice was born in Mecklenburg, Schwereing, Germany, Nov. 22, 1830, and his wife was born at Schonberg, Germany, Aug. 15, 1845. In 1849 Mr. Rice came to this country and first settled in LaSalle County, and in '1872 located on a farm in Bloomington Township, McLean County, where they lived for many years. Mr. Rice became a successful farmer and was a bee-keeper also. He served throughout the Civil War in Com- pany I, 104th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was highway commissioner of Bloomington Township for a number of years, and died Feb. 28, 1910. His wife lives in Bloomington with her daughter, Mrs. 462 History of McLean County Lena H. Scott, 504 E. Taylor Street. To Mr. and Mrs. Rice three chil- dren were born, as follows: Joseph F., the subject of this sketch; Lena H., married P. E. Scott; and Regina E., married Bert H. Castle, lives on a farm near Mackinaw, 111. Joseph F. Rice spent his boyhood on his father's farm and received his education in the Price school and also attended Evergreen City Busi- ness College in Bloomington. After engaging in general farming for a number of years, Mr. Rice traveled for the patent medicine company of Dr. Falone. Five years later he became interested in the gardening busi- ness and soon after entered real estate, in which he has been most suc- cessful. In politics Mr. Rice is identified with the Republican party. He served as highway commissioner of Bloomington Township for six years, and was elected supervisor one term and re-elected for the second term, resigning to take the office of County Treasurer, having been elected in November, 1914, which office he held for a term of four years. Mr. Rice is unmarried. He is among the substantial and highly esteemed citizens of his community. David A. BroLeen is a well known and highly esteemed business man of Bloomington. He was born in Sweden, Dec. 15, 1873, and is the son of Andrew and Mary (Sjoberg) BroLeen, natives of Sweden, and now deceased. There were four children in the BroLeen family: John, a machinist, lives in Sweden; Hulda, married Mr. Fridell; Frank, a mer- chant tailor, lives at Pontiac, 111. ; and D. A., the subject of this sketch. D. A. BroLeen was reared and educated in Sweden and came to this country at the age of 20 years. He located at Des Moines, Iowa, where he worked a't his trade for a number of years, and in 1899 he removed to Bloomington, where he entered the employ of George W. DuNah, Since 1904 Mr. BroLeen has been a member of the firm of BroLeen & DuNah, merchant tailors, and they are located at 106 W. Washington Street. In 1904, Mr. BroLeen was united in marriage with Miss Hannah Bets- berg, a native of Sweden who came to America at the age of three years. She is the daughter of Carl G. and Amelia (Goss) Betsberg, who came to this country in 1843, and are now deceased. To D. A. and Hanna History of McLean County 463 (Betsberg) BroLee one daughter has been born, Gladys, who will be graduated from Bloomington High School in June, 1924. Mr. BroLeen and his family are members of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is identified with the Masonic Lodge and Con- sistory, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Rotary Club, and the McLean County Country Club. Marion L. McClure, who resides at Bloomington, is a large landowner of McLean County and a successful farmer and stockman. He was born in McLean County, Dec. 6, 1854, and is the son of Samuel and Delilah (Orendorf) McClure. Samuel McClure followed farming for a number of years and died February, 1858. His widow and five children then moved to Hopedale Township. The children were as follows: Aaron B., born Dec. 3, 1848, lives retired at Hopedale; Samuel A., lives retired in Kansas; William R., died in 1904; Marion L., the subject of this sketch; and Milton B., who died in 1921. Marion L. McClure received his education in the district schools of Hopedale Township and when he was 16 years old his mother died. He then went to live with Frank Orendorf until he was 20 years old, at which time he rented a farm from his brother, Samuel. Later, however, he went to Chicago for a short time and upon his return again engaged in general farming and stock raising, and lived on a farm until 1892, at which time he moved to Bloomington to educate his children. Mr. Mc- Clure owns a fine home facing Franklin Park on Prairie Avenue. On Sept. 20, 1877, Mr. McClure was married to Miss Arabelle S. Stephenson, a native of Ohio, born Aug. 9, 1857, and the daughter of David and Elizabeth (Jewell) Stephenson, natives of Ohio and early set- tlers of Illinois, having come here in 1859. Mr. and Mrs. McClure had the following children: Lee, cashier of the First National Bank of Dan- vers, 111., married Elizabeth Powell, a native of Mexico, Mo., and they have two sons, Marion Lee and David Stephenson; Elizabeth D., married Hiram Bicket, lives in Chicago and they have four children, Marion Mc- Clure, Eleanor, James Hiram, and Jane. Mrs. McClure is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Mr. and Mrs. McClure are mem- 464 History of McLean County bers of the Presbyterian Church at Danvers and they are highly respected citizens of McLean County. Mr. McClure has always been a heavy investor in farm land and now he and his wife own over 3,000 acres of land in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Mississippi, and have given each of their children large farms in Iowa and Mississippi. Joseph E. Richmond, a prosperous farmer of McLean County, who resides at Normal, is the owner of well improved land in Tazewell and Logan counties, 111. He was born on a farm in Tazewell County, 111., Feb. 18, 1857, the son of Wilson and Emily (Fisher) Richmond. The Richmond family originally came from Ohio, where Wilson Rich- mond was born, Dec. 8, 1815, in Zanesville. In 1830 he came to Illinois and engaged in farming and stock raising in Tazewell County, and be- came well-to-do. He died June 19, 1908. His wife, who was born in Dillon Township, Tazewell County, Jan. 20, 1829, lives in Tazewell County and is 95 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond were the parents of nine children, of whom, Joseph E., the subject of this sketch, was the second in order of birth. Joseph E. Richmond grew up on his father's farm and received his education in the district schools of Tazewell County and also attended Brown Business College in Jacksonville, 111., from which he was graduated in 1876. Two eminent men, William Jennings Bryan and Senator Richard Yates, former governor of Illinois, were debators in the Brown's Business College, while Mr. Richmond attended that college. After finishing his school work, Mr. Richmond engaged in farming and in 1881 purchased 80 acres of land at $40.00 per acre. Several years later he added 80 more acres at $50.00 per acre, and in 1892 he purchased 157 acres for $12,000. Mr. Richmond sold hogs for $2.25 per hundred pounds and corn for 16 cents per bushel. He has lived at Normal since 1901, but still owns his farms. Mr. Richmond was married on Feb. 3, 1881, to Miss Emma Britt, a native of Logan County, 111., born Sept. 8, 1859, and the daughter of W. S. and Sallie (Burt) Britt, the former a native of Bowling Green, Ky., and the latter of Tazewell County, 111. One child was born to Mr. and Mrs. MRS. EMMA BR1TT RICHMOND. JOSEPH E. RICHMOND. ■«Hjfef-iWS^lr ■L m ^m ------ ....... j MISS OLLIE RICHMOND NANCE. MRS. OLT.TR RICHMOND NANCE. History of McLean County 465 Richmond, Ollie, born Jan. 1, 1886, and she died Dec. 27, 1918. She was a graduate of Normal High School and Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, and married Ross A. Nance, June 12, 1917. One child was born to Mr. and Mrs. Nance, Ollie Richmond Nance, born Dec. 24, 1918, and she lives with her father, a merchant, at Petersburg, 111. In politics Mr. Richmond is a Republican and he is a member of the Christian Church. He is a man of industry and ability who has made a success of his work. Rev. Edward V. Young, pastor of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church of Bloomington, is a leading and influential citizen of McLean County. He was born at Carlinville, 111., May 31, 1883, and is the son of Peter and Augusta (Gunterburg) Young. Peter Young was born and reared on a farm in Macoupin County, III, near Carlinville. After living on the same farm for 60 years, he retired and moved to Carlinville, where he and his wife now reside. They are the parents of the following children : William J. and Mrs. Elsie Sen- sel, live at Carlinville; Leo and Anita live at Carlinville; Mrs. Nellie Mer- raman, lives at Springfield, 111. ; and Rev. Edward V., the subject of this sketch. Rev. Edward V. Young was reared on his father's farm and received his early education in the country grade schools. He is a graduate of Blackburn Academy, at Carlinville, Illinois Wesleyan University, and the Drew Theological Seminary at Madison, N. J. Reverend Young was only 20 years of age when he was received into the Illinois Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has served the following pastorates in the Illinois Conference: 1904, Shiloh; 1905-1909, Thayer; 1910, Spring- field First Church (assistant pastor); 1911 at school; 1912, Westfield; 1913-1914, Williamsville ; 1915-1918, Moweaqua; 1919-1922, Shelbyville, First. In September, 1923, Reverend Young became pastor of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church in Bloomington. On Sept. 6, 1911, Reverend Young was united in marriage at Spring- field, 111., with Miss MaryC. Galeener, a native of Warsaw, 111., and the daughter of Rev. Chris and Talitha C. (Kilgore) Galeener, the former a native of Green County, Ohio, and the latter of Vermilion County, 111.. (28) 466 History of McLean County Reverend and Mrs. Galeener reside at Carrollton, 111. To Reverend and Mrs. Young three children have been born, Margaret, Marita and Esther. They are eleven, nine and seven years of age, respectively. Reverend Young is a Republican and is a member of the Masonic Lodge and Bloomington Consistory, the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows and the Modern Woodmen of America. He and his family are well and favorably known in Bloomington. John P. Shields, a substantial citizen of Bloomington, was born in Bloomington, 111., Jan. 19, 1881, and is the son of Patrick and Mary (Christy) Shields. Patrick Shields and his wife were both born in Ireland and after their marriage in 1865 came to this country, settling in Bloomington. Mr. Shields was employed in the shops of the Chicago & Alton Railroad for many years and was crippled when he was struck by a train. His wife is deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Shields seven children were born, as follows : Catherine, married Robert Litford; Mary; John P., the subject of this sketch; Edward, a machinist in the Chicago & Alton Railroad shops; James, lives in Bloomington; Frank, also a resident of Bloomington; and Elizabeth, married Paul Coogan, lives in Bloomington. John P. Shields was reared and educated in Bloomington, where he has always lived. On Oct. 20, 1915, he was married to Miss Agnes Kath- erine O'Neil, a daughter of Daniel O'Neil, a sketch of whom appears else- where in this history. To Mr. and Mrs. Shields two children have been born: Elizabeth Pyne, born June 4, 1918; and Joan Katherine, born April 6, 1920. Mr. Shields is a member of the Knights of Columbus and he and his family belong to the Catholic Church. Julius P. Klemm, secretary of the C. W. Klemm, Incorporated, of Bloomington, is an enterprising young business man and a veteran of the World War. He was born in Bloomington, Nov. 20, 1890, and is the son of C. W. and Emelia (Bender) Klemm. A biographical sketch of C. W. Klemm and his family appears elsewhere in this volume. History of McLean County 467 Julius P. Klemm was reared and educated in Blooming-ton and started life as an office boy for J. F. Humphreys & Company. He has been associated in business with his father for a number of years and has charge of the wholesale department. On June 1, 1917, Mr. Klemm enlisted for service during the World War and received the commission of lieutenant. He received his training at Camp Logan, Houston, Texas, and Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga. He was discharged on Nov. 28, 1918. Mr. Klemm was married on May 14, 1919, to Miss Carita Wayne, a native of Delavan, 111., and the daughter of Edwin M. and Harriet (Bai- ley) Wayne, natives of Illinois and residents of Delavan. Mr. and Mrs. Klemm have one daughter, Martha Bender, born June 18, 1922. In politics Mr. Klemm is identified with the Republican party. He is a member of the Unitarian Church and his wife belongs to the Presby- terian Church. Mr. Klemm belongs to the Masonic Lodge, and the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity of the University of Illinois. He and his wife are favorably known in Bloomington and have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. C. W. Klemm, who ranks among the leading and successful business men of Illinois, is a pioneer merchant of Bloomington. He was born in Haynrode, Germany, and came to this country in 1868, locating at Springfield, 111., where he entered the employ of the C. A. Gehrman Com- pany. Five years later he came to Bloomington and rented a store room two doors east of the intersection of Center and Jefferson Streets. The fiftieth anniversary of the business was celebrated on Nov. 7, 1923. When Mr. Klemm first opened for business, he economized in expenses by sleeping in a room over the store and boarded at what was known as the St. Nicholas Hotel, afterwards the Butler. Some of his companions of those early days were Lyman Graham, E. H. Aldrich, Jacob Heldman and others, later prominent in Bloomington's business life. He bought a store building from A. Fitzwilliam and later the store adjacent to Mc- Conkey, and rebuilt as fast as possible. In the fire of 1900 the entire double store building was destroyed, but within seven months a new building was erected, modern in every respect. The wholesale depart- ment is located on North Center Street, between Jefferson and Monroe and 4G8 History of McLean County which also shelters the overall and shirt factory. There is a branch in operation at Leroy. In 1920 the building to the west of the present retail store was taken on a long time lease and is known as the Annex, and in 1920 the Evans building, adjacent to the east, was purchased and even- tually will be added to the store for housing additional departments. The Klemm establishment, which compares favorably with the most extensive of any in a similar field in central Illinois, employs a force of 100 people in the retail department and an equal number in the whole- sale department. Mr. C. W. Klemm was united in marriage with Augusta Seibel, in the fall of 1874; she died 12 years later; by this marriage three children were born, now living, Mrs. Helen Howard, Mrs. Charles Agle and Carl H. Klemm. His second marriage was to Miss Emilia Bender, a native of Peoria, 111., who died June 7, 1921. To this union one child was born, Julius P., a sketch of whom appears in this volume. Carl H. Klemm is at the head of the retail department of the fa- ther's business and Julius P. has charge of the wholesale. They have been thoroughly impregnated with the same high ideals of commercial in- tegrity and acumen and will doubtless worthily maintain the establish- ment founded by their parent, and of which he is yet actively a part. C. W. Klemm's career is unique in that his whole life is centered in his business. He has never thought it necessary to seek relaxation. His establishment has been paramount and his whole soul has been cen- tered in its welfare. It has been his life work and now at the close of 50 years he has reason to feel proud of what he has accomplished. Satis- fied customers and confidence, due to fair dealing, have been important factors in the success of the enterprise. Dr. Charles P. Hanson, well known and successful osteopathic phy- sician of Bloomington, is a native of McLean County. He was born at Gridley, July 31, 1877, and is the son of P. -M. and Amanda (Coon) Hanson. P. M. Hanson and his wife were born in Ohio. They removed to Illi- nois in early life, where Mr. Hanson farmed for u number of years. He later became a merchant at Fifer, 111., and now resides at Normal, where he is engaged in the real estate and insurance business. His wife died History of McLean County 469 Aug. 29, 1923, and is buried at Kappa, 111. To Mr. and Mrs. Hanson seven children were born, as follows: Frank Owen, lives in White Place, Bloomington ; Dr. Charles P., the subject of this sketch; Herbert, lives on Linden Street, Normal ; William Cassel, lives in Washington, D. C. ; Archie M., lives at Lincoln, 111. ; Rachel Hodgkinson, lives at Normal ; and Dorothy Lynch, lives at Normal. Dr. Charles P. Hanson received his education in the public and high schools of Gridley and attended Illinois Wesleyan University, and the University of Illinois, graduated from the American School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Mo. Before taking up the study of osteopathy, Dr. Hanson taught school for several years. He received his degree from the Amer- ican School of Osteopathy in June, 1910, and since that time has been located in Bloomington, where he has established a large practice. On Sept. 28, 1910, Dr. Hanson was united in marriage to Miss Ber- nice Bright, a native of Normal, and the daughter of Reuben G. and Sarah (Dillon) Bright, natives of Illinois. Mr. Bright resides in Normal and his wife is deceased. Dr. and Mrs. Hanson have no children. In politics Dr. Hanson is identified with the Republican party. He is trustee of the Illinois Osteopathic Association and a charter member and first president of the Bloomington Kiwanis Club. He belongs to the Ma- sonic Lodge, Bloomington Consistory and Ansar Shrine. Dr. and Mrs. Hanson are members of the First Christian Church and are favorably known in McLean County. The family residence is at 1011 Broadway, Normal. John T. Lillard has practiced law in Bloomington since 1874. He was born in Boyle County, near Danville, Ky., April 1, 1852, a son of Thomas Madison and Mary (Bright) Lillard. His education began under private tutors in the home of his parents, then after two years in the col- lege preparatory, he entered Centre College, Danville, Ky., where he was graduated in 1872 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. In June, 1906, he received from Illinois Wesleyan University the honorary degree of Master of Arts. He settled in Bloomington in August, 1873. After some previous legal preparation he read law in the office of Williams and Burr, was ad- mitted to practice in September, 1874, and has ever since been a member 470 History of McLean County of the Bloomington Bar. His law offices are in the First National Bank Building. Since 1890 he has been the senior member of the law firm of Lillard and Williams. Mr. Lillard was married in 1878 to Miss Sallie Elizabeth Williams, daughter of Robert E. Williams, a Bloomington lawyer. She died on May 8, 1907. In October, 1908, Mr. Lillard was married to his present wife, Sarah Davis Lillard, daughter of Judge David Davis, during his lifetime distinguished locally and nationally. In 1889 Mr. Lillard with others organized the Union Gas and Elec- tric Company, was its vice-president for seven years, and is still its attor- ney. In 1891 he organized the Manufactured Ice and Cold Storage Com- pany, and was its president for 13 years. He with others organized the Kinloch-Bloomington Telephone Company and has ever since been its president. In addition to his profession he has other business interests. He served as city attorney for two terms. He has been connected with the board of trustees of Illinois Wesleyan University, and the Board of Trustees of the Bloomington City Library. He and his wife are mem- bers of the First Christian Church of Bloomington. N. B. Carson, County Recorder of Deeds in McLean County, was born near New Lexington, Ohio, May 2, 1856, and is a son of Hiram and Harriet (Bell) Carson. The Carson family originally came from the North of Ireland and were among the early settlers of Virginia. James B. Carson, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Philadelphia, in 1869, and was six years old at the time the Declaration of Independence was signed; he remembered distinctly of hearing the ringing of the Independence bell. He was a woodworker by trade and during the War of 1812 was employed by the government in the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Va. He later moved his family to Brownsville, Pa., and after a short residence there to Mus- kingum County, Ohio, in 1833, where he and his wife spent the remainder of their lives. Hiram Carson was a glass blower by trade and later engaged in farm- ing. He came to Illinois with his family in 1872 and died in 1885. His wife died the same year and they are both buried at Bellflower, 111. She was the daughter of Nemihah Bell (formerly spelled Beall), a native of History of McLean County 471 Maryland, who was also employed by the government in the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Va., as a gunsmith. He came to Ohio in 1819, settling in Muskingum County. N. B. Carson was one of two children born to his parents. A brother, J. W., died near Burlington, Iowa, several years ago. Mr. Carson was 16 years of age when his family came to Illinois and settled in McLean County. He was reared on a farm and received his education in the pub- lic school. He followed farming until he was 25 years of age, and then engaged in the mercantile business at Delana, in West Township, McLean County. He was later in business at Bellflower and remained there until 1892 when he came to Bloomington. After being employed as a clerk he was elected coroner in 1896 and served in this capacity eight years. In 1904 he was elected county recorder of deeds and since that time has been elected five successive terms. Mr. Carson was married on July 4, 1877, to Miss Hattie Eva Brad- bury, a native of Indiana, and resident of Bellflower, 111. She was the daughter of William T. Bradbury, at one time supervisor of Bellflower and prominent in politics. Mrs. Carson died in 1886 and was buried in Bellflower. To that marriage four children were born, as follows: Charles T., lives in San Diego, Cal. ; Kate, deceased; Pearl, married Rob- ert Carson, lives in Portland, Ore. ; and Bessie died in infancy. Mr. Car- son was later married to Miss Anna Gibson Hardy, a native of Bellflower, and to that union one child was born, Robert H., who lives in Birming- ham, Mich. Mrs. Carson died in 1906. Mr. Carson is a Republican, a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and belongs to the Masonic Lodge. Because of his efficiency in office and his interest in public affairs, Mr. Carson is ranked among the substantial citizens of McLean County, and he merits the approval in which he is held in this community. Bertram Adolph Franklin, a well known and successful attorney who is engaged in the practice of his profession at Bloomington, is a native of McLean County. He was born in Money Creek Township, Sept. 6, 1876, the son of Noah and Sarah Catherine (Spawr) Franklin, a sketch of whom appears in this history. Bertram Adolph Franklin was reared in Lexington and received his 472 History of McLean County education in the public and high schools there. He then attended Mor- gan Park Academy near Chicago and was graduated from Eureka Col- lege in 1896, after which he attended Harvard University, finishing there in 1899. Mr. Franklin was also graduated from Wesleyan Law School in 1902, after which he began the practice of law at Lexington. After remaining there for three years he came to Bloomington and since 1909 has been associated with the firm of Oglevee and Franklin. Mr. Franklin has been identified with many of the important cases of McLean County and is a capable lawyer. On Sept. 16, 1909, Mr. Franklin married Miss Mildred Sountag, a native of Plainfield, 111. She died Jan. 20, 1923, leaving one child, Mary Catherine, who was born Jan. 7, 1911. On March 11, 1924, he was married to Elizabeth H. Hoblit, a native of Eureka, 111., the widow of E. M. Hoblit and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Harber, of Bloomington, 111., natives of Woodford County, 111. Mrs. Franklin has a daughter by her first marriage, Helen Hoblit, born June 6, 1910. Mr. Franklin is a member of the Christian Church and belongs to the Masonic Lodge and the Elks Lodge. Rev. Edward Parrish Brand, D. D., a prominent Baptist minister of Normal, who has attained a marked degree of eminence as superintendent of the Illinois Baptist State Convention, is a native of West Virginia. He was born at Morgantown, Aug. 9, 1854, a son of Alexander W. and Sarah (Bussey) Brand, both natives of Virginia where they spent their lives. Dr. Brand was educated in the public schools, and a private school in Pennsylvania, in the State Normal and State University of West Vir- ginia. He then spent two years at Newton Theological Seminary, Massa- chusetts. In 1878 he was licensed to preach, being ordained at Zoar, W. Va., Oct. 30, 1880. During the time he was attending the university he was engaged in preaching at some of the Baptist churches in Monongahela County, W. Va. Before he became superintendent of the Baptist State Convention he had been pastor of the following churches : Taylortown and Sugar Grove, Green County, Pa., 1885-1886; Madisonville (Cincinnati), Ohio, 1886-1890; Orion and Alpha, 111., 1890-1891; Atchison, Kan., 1891- 1892, and Cambridge, Alpha and Orion, 111., 1892-1898. EH W o td History of McLean County 473 In June, 1906, Ewing College, Illinois, conferred upon him the hon- orary degree of Doctor of Divinity and Shurtleff College also in 1915 con- ferred upon him the same degree. In addition to his work as superintendent he was editor and pub- lisher of the Illinois Baptist Annual from 1898 to 1921 and published the Illinois Baptist Bulletin from 1909-1922. He has also found time to manage a farm near his home. Since he began his career as a minister he has always made it a rule to preach a sermon every Sabbath day, wherever he may be. As a pulpit orator he has attained considerable distinction. He has done work in the line of his calling in seven different states of the Union and has traveled in 30 states and in foreign countries. Some time ago he let it be known that he desired to give up the work of superintendent on Jan. 1, 1922, and at the following state convention his request was granted but he was unanimously elected to another position for life which involves lighter duties, including the writing of a Baptist history to which he is now devoting about half of his time. In 1885 Dr. Brand was married to Miss Vienna Moore, a daughter of Joseph and Sarah Moore of Point Marion, Pa., and to this union were born the following children: Sylvia Pearl, born Sept. 22, 1886, died Oct. 18, 1891 ; Sarah Hazel, born Nov. 26, 1888, married Oswald Carl Yeager, of Danville, 111., and they have two children, Elizabeth Ann, born Aug. 8, 1914, and Philip Edward, born Oct. 2, 1916; Lila Marjorie, born Aug. 9, 1894, a teacher and Mildred Dorothy, born Feb. 21, 1896, married Lyndon Rutledge Wilson and they reside at Tuscon, Ariz. They have one child, Margaret Anna, born July 29, 1921. Dr. Brand's work in the capacity of superintendent of the Illinois Baptist State Convention has been carefully reviewed by President George M. Potter of Shurtleff College, in an article which appeared in the Baptist Standard, Oct. 18, 1919, under the title of "A Kingdom Highway Builder," which in part is as follows : ''Twenty-one years ago the Illinois Baptist State Convention for the third time offered its superintendency of State Convention work to E. P. Brand, then pastor of the Alpha and Orion churches in Henry County. The work of the convention was in a discouraging situation. The super- intendent had resigned, there was no great amount of funds, the churches were not enthusiastic about the work and altogether it was a most unin- viting offer. Nevertheless it was accepted and for twenty-one years E. P. 474 History of McLean County Brand and the Baptist State Convention of Illinois have been inseparable in the minds not only of the Baptists of this one state but also of the Baptists of all the states in the central Mississippi valley. "With keen foresight and consecrated judgment he has laid out cer- tain lines along which Baptist work is to be developed. He has spied out the land, has had a vision of the future and with able leadership has led the Baptist hosts of the state to catch the vision and to give them- selves to the realization of certain definite plans. "He has stressed evangelistic campaigns, encouraged churches to develop the evangelistic gifts of their pastors, and to employ the most con- secrated and efficient evangelists. He has sought to bring to the state splendid men to carry on state-wide campaigns and he has always met the offers of the national societies by securing abundant funds with which to place evangelists in the field and to carry on the campaign for the con- version and spiritual development of men and women. It is the writer's opinion that Dr. Brand himself must think this phase of his work one of the most satisfying and outstanding of his numerous activities. "When Doctor Brand undertook the state work the trust funds of the convention was small. He set himself resolutely to increase these funds and the endowment has gradually grown to such an extent that it is now more than $106,000. More than any other leader before him in the state, he has succeeded in interesting men and women of means in this phase of convention work and many large gifts which are to come in the future will no doubt be traced to his influence. In this connection too our super- intendent has made the convention the conservator of Baptist property and the friend of all needy Baptist churches. The starting of Baptist work in some localities and the chance to carry on such work in many others has been due to Doctor Brand's help and counsel. "When the affairs of Shurtleff College were at their lowest and many of its best friends were confused and doubtful about the outcome it was Doctor Brand who called for a committee of the board of trustees of the institution to meet with the state board of the convention at its ses- sion in Bloomington. Out of this meeting came the decision which re- sulted in the action of the state convention at its meeting in Elgin in 1911 whereby Shurtleff College became the college of the state convention recognized as the Baptist State College of Illinois. "He also brought about the building and establishment of our Baptist work at the State University of Illinois. With his active enthusiasm he History of McLean County 475 threw a representative of the state convention into the canvass and secured the present grounds lying in a strategic location. A few years later the state convention authorized the building of a church edifice and pastor's home and Doctor Brand was directed to employ a man to push the campaign for funds and a few months later about $40,000 was raised and the work immediately begun. "No summary of Doctor Brand's work for the Baptists of Illinois can be complete, for who can count the days and nights spent on trains, in carriages, in automobiles, as he traveled over our boundless prairies? He has been a veritable builder of highways for the kingdom of Jesus Christ and these five great trunk lines stand out pre-eminent as roads over which he has led the Baptist host toward greater things: constant evangelistic endeavor ; greater financial strength to the convention ; denominational education of our young people; care of them while they are being edu- cated at our state university, and strong cooperation between our great metropolis and the rest of the state; from these great highways Doctor Brand is even now laying out branch lines." J. Heber Hudson. — A position that is unique in the community, and a work which is peculiarly interesting and beneficial alike to the city and county is that of J. H. Hudson, secretary of the Bloomington Association of Commerce. This position he has filled and this work he has carried on for ten years, a record in that particular line which has no equal in Illi- nois and perhaps but few anywhere in the country. While Mr. Hudson is not a native of McLean County, he has spent most of his life in this state and county. He was a native of Wiscon- sin, being born at the town of Milton, in that state, on Jan. 16, 1872. He is the son of Lewis B. and Alice A. (Gilbert) Hudson. His parents were both natives of the state of New York, but they located in Wis- consin after their marriage and remained there until the year 1881, when they removed to Bloomington. The subject of our sketch was then a lad of only nine years of age, and the city to which he then came with his parents has since that time been constantly his home. The parents removed to Aurora, 111., in 1892, but Heber remained in Bloomington. The father died in Aurora in 1915, and the widow lived there for many years afterward, her death occurring 476 History of McLean County early in the year 1924. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Hudson were the parents of seven children, but two of whom are now living, they being J. H. Hud- son of Bloomington and Mrs. John J. Trauten of Aurora, 111. J. H. Hudson attended the public schools of Bloomington, and when it came time for him to start out in life on his own hook he secured work as a cash and delivery boy for a store. Later he took up the work of a com- mercial traveler, being employed by the firm of Seibel Bros., wholesale milliners of Bloomington. He was on the road for that firm continuously for 28 years and had a very wide circle of business friends throughout his territory. In 1914, Mr. Hudson was offered the position of secretary of the Bloomington Commercial Club, now known as the Association of Com- merce. He was chosen from a large field of applicants, and the remark- able record he has since made showed the wisdom of the choice. The Commercial Club was then a comparatively small organization, with meager equipment and practically no working force aside from the secre- tary himself. With the accession of Mr. Hudson to the position of execu- tive secretary, the club took on new life. Its membership was increased several hundred per cent, its offices enlarged and moved to larger quarters three times in succession, and new branches of work for the good of the city and county were added from year to year. One of the most notable achievements of the Association first accomplished was the formation of the Better Farming Association, now known as the McLean County Farm Bureau, which was sponsored by the Commercial Club and had offices with it until the Farm Bureau became so large and robust a child that it left its home nest and established permanent headquarters in a building which it had leased. This project has done more to cement good relations between the city and rural population of the county than anything else. It is impossible within the limits of this sketch to outline all the accom- plishments of the Association of Commerce in the ten years in which Mr. Hudson has been secretary, but these are given more in detail in the chapter of the general history in this work which is devoted to that sub- ject. The Association of Commerce now occupies two floors of the B. S. Green building, and its office force consists of fourteen people. It is a general clearing house for community activities. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have passed through its office in the last decade all expanded in the interest of the general good of the city and county. The success History of McLean County 477 and growth of the Association in this period has been due in large part to the universal confidence which its membership has in its secretary. In 1894, Mr. Hudson was married to Miss Carrie Scott, a native of Bloomington, and a daughter of Benjamin F. Scott. To Mr. and Mrs. Hud- son two children have been born, as follows: Gladys, married A. V. Padou, lives in Indianapolis ; and Heber S., an attorney of Bloomington. He received his education in the public and high schools of Bloomington and after attending Illinois Wesleyan University was graduated from the University of Michigan in 1922. He has charge of the credit depart- ment of the W. H. Roland Co. J. H. Hudson is a Republican, a member of the Second Presbyterian Church, and belongs to the Masonic Lodge and Consistory of Blooming- ton. He belongs to the Rotary Club, the Young Mens' Club, the Bloom- ington Club, and the Maplewood Country Club. He is secretary-treasurer of Post L of the Travelers' Protective Association, the post having a mem- bership of more than 800. He is also a member of Bloomington Council of the United Commercial Travelers, the National Union and the Court of Honor. Mr. Hudson has served as president of the Illinois Commercial Secretaries' Association and is a director of the National Association of Commercial Secretaries. He is universally regarded as one of the sub- stantial and highly esteemed citizens of McLean County. H. K. Hoblit, vice-president of the First National Bank of Blooming- ton, is a well-known citizen of McLean County. He was born in Spring- field, 111., Aug. 10, 1882, and is a son of A. B. and Anna (Keys) Hoblit. A. B. Hoblit was born in Canton, 111., and his wife was born in Spring- field, 111. He was a leading banker of Illinois for many years and in 1878 organized the State Bank of Bloomington. Previous to that time he had organized the Farmers National Bank at Pekin, 111., and was cashier there for two years. Mr. and Mrs. Hoblit were the parents of two children, as follows: Edward, died in 1921, was married to Elizabeth Harbor, who lives in Bloomington; and H. K., the subject of this sketch. Mrs. Hoblit died when H. K. Hoblit was a child and her husband was later married to Sarah Coolidge, who now resides in Bloomington. A. B. Hoblit died in June, 1920. 478 History of McLean County H. K. Hoblit was educated in the public schools at Bloomington and was engaged as a collector for the State Bank there. After many pro- motions he was made president of the bank in 1920 and the following year when the bank was consolidated with the First National Bank, Mr. Hoblit was made vice-president. He is also vice-president of the First Trust & Savings Bank and of the First Title & Savings Company. In 1904, Mr. Hoblit was married to Miss Florence Herrick, a native of Oak Park, 111., and daughter of D. C. Herrick. Mr. Herrick came to Bloomington after the fire here in 1900 and became a leading merchant. He sold his business in 1923 and now lives retired in Chicago. One child was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hoblit, Barbara, born in 1913. Mr. Hoblit is a Republican and a member of the Masonic Lodge and the Consistory of Bloomington. He also belongs to the Elks. Mr. Hoblit inherited the banking ability of his grandfather, Isaac Keyes, who or- ganized the Farmers National Bank of Springfield, 111. Mr. Keys was appointed Provost Marshal under President Lincoln. James Frank Gillespie. — Rising by his own efforts from surround- ings that called for the best that was in him, James Frank Gillespie has established himself in a secure place among the successful attorneys of McLean County, to which he came thirty-two years ago. He is a native of Virginia, a state which is called the mother of presidents and from whose bosom have come scores of men who have achieved renown for themselves and reflected credit upon the land of their nativity. Mr. Gil- lespie is now right in the prime of his professional career. He is located in the county seat, Bloomington, and has offices in the Livingston building. Mr. Gillespie was born at White Sulphur Springs, Va., on April 18, 1869, and is the son of James and Henrietta Laurestine Gillespie. The Gillespie family were early settlers of Pennsylvania, but they later moved to Virginia, where James Gillespie was born and where the family lived their entire lives. The father was a prosperous farmer of the Old Domin- ion. He died in April, 1905, and the mother of our subject died on Feb. 15, 1923. James Frank Gillespie was reared and grew to young manhood ir> his native state, where he secured his early education. He graduated from the normal school at Concord, Va., and then attended and graimt*$h>r? tbo> tfTCitj? for xxi ore J: bare thirty i2e ka«? £een connected u?ii"h the l5cxxr<> of tfoucaKoi? of the (£itv of l3ioominahm, ano durina aiieffhar fringe has ^^eem it *^ fittma. llxar he should 6c honoreo- in His lifetime f in some appreciative ivav. ^c t&erefoce resolW t(sat ttie naitse of the new school now being, erecke£^ajz&eZHjux>tkocneScCxoo[ site Ivfhe _ ^^@l : llpk 5ccm wk es^petrfaftV ^itti2^7~-^x0jK^tcrfiic location ™o| the school kcino, in the same neia / h£orhooi> as rhe &ome of «^Ha-^!3easf", ix'here he has? Hved ditri*2<£ w o a History of McLean County 681 eight children, two of whom are now living: Thomas A., extensive farmer, who lives at Lexington, 111. ; and 0. F., the subject of this sketch. O. F. Dawson was educated in the schools of Lexington and has always lived in McLean County. When he was 21 years of age, Mr. Dawson started farming on his father's land in Chenoa Township, which he later became heir to. He made extensive improvements on the place and until 1915 Mr. Dawson was among the leading stockmen of the county. He lived retired at Bloomington for one year and now lives at Lexington. On Aug. 21, 1898, Mr. Dawson was united in marriage with Miss Catherine Farr, a native of Yates Township, McLean County, and the daughter of William R. and Martha Ellen (Gallehugh) Farr. The Farr family came to McLean County from Virginia and were prominent farmers of Yates and Gridley Townships. To 0. F. and Catherine (Farr) Dawson two children have been born, as follows: Grace, married Benjamin Schifer, lives at Chicago and they have two daughters, Grace and Glee Frances; and John W., a farmer in Lexington Township, married Miss Helen Crumbecker, and they have one daughter, Roslyn Lynet. Mr. Dawson is a Democrat and a member of the Christian Church. He is one of the substantial citizens of the community, where the Dawson name has always stood for community development and improvement. Dr. Charles Roy Kerr, a prominent physician of Chenoa, is a vet- eran of the World War. He was born at North Star, Mich., Jan. 10, 1885, the son of Alpheus and Addie (Doty) Kerr. Alpheus Kerr was a native of Ohio and an early settler of Michigan. He later moved to Brockport, N. Y., where he died in March, 1917. Mr. Kerr was a successful farmer and fruit grower and his wife owned 150 acres of land in New York. He was a Republican, and belonged to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mrs. Kerr now resides at Brockport, N. Y. She is a member of the Methodist church. They were the parents of three children, as follows: Anson, farmer, lives at Adams Basin, N. Y. ; Dr. Charles Roy, the subject of this sketch; and Luther B., lives in Rochester, N. Y. Dr. Charles Roy Kerr was educated in the public and high schools of Brookport, N. Y., and then was graduated from medical college in Chicago in May, 1913. He was then connected with the staff of a Chi- 682 History of McLean County cago hospital for twelve months and later practiced at Anchor, 111. At the outbreak of the World War Dr. Kerr enlisted for service and received the commission of first lieutenant at Camp Beauregard in Louisiana. He still holds the rank of first lieutenant in the medical reserve corps. In October 22, 1923, he received his commission as captain. Dr. Kerr took up his practice of medicine at Chenoa on October 1, 1919, and since that time has built up a large practice and is widely known as an able physician and a high class citizen. On March 15, 1915, Dr. Kerr was married to Miss Jessie Helen Cor- bett, a native of Illinois, and the daughter of John W. and Catherine (Dacy) Corbett, the former a native of New York and the latter of Mil- waukee, Wis. Mr. Corbett now resides in Chicago. His wife died April 27, 1899. They had three children, as follows: Mary Ethel, married to A. J. Malboeuf, lives in Ohio; Mrs. Kerr; and Edward T., lives in Wis- consin. Dr. Kerr is a member of the Masonic Lodge and was commander of the American Legion at Chenoa No. 234, in 1922 and Vice-commander in 1923. Hugh Vaughan, deceased, was a prominent farmer and stockman of McLean County for many years. He was born in Montgomeryshire, Wales, the son of Edward and Elizabeth (Edwards) Vaughan. Both Edward Vaughan and his wife spent their entire lives in Wales. They had six children, as follows: Jane, deceased; Hugh, the subject of this sketch ; Robert, deceased, was for many years a prosperous gold mine owner in Montana; Edward, deceased; John, lives in Wales; and Mary, lives in Wales. Hugh Vaughan came to the United States when he was 21 years of age, making the trip in a sailing vessel. He lived in New York for four years and then came to Illinois and purchased a farm in Lexington Town- ship, McLean County. Later, Mr. Vaughan located in Chenoa Township on a farm of 240 acres. He became a prosperous farmer and was among the leading stockmen of the county. Mr. Vaughan helped survey the northern part of McLean County when the roads were being laid out and he was a strong advocate of better schools during the early days. He died Jan. 7, 1907, and is buried in the Chenoa Cemetery- History of McLean County 683 On April 8, 1865, Mr. Vaughan married Miss Ellen Jones, also a native of Wales, born Nov. 19, 1838, and the daughter of Hugh and Jane (Evans) Jones, both deceased. Mrs. Vaughan had the following broth- ersers and sisters: Rolland, deceased; Grace, married Thomas Jones, deceased; Elizabeth, deceased; Hugh, deceased; Jane, lives in Wales; Margaret, lives in Chicago; John, retired farmer, lives in Spokane, Wash. ; Catherine, lives in Wales ; David, banker, Spokane, Wash. ; and Ivan, merchant, lives in Wales. To Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vaughan eight children were born, as follows: Edward, born Sept. 24, 1866, died July 24, 1892; Viola, married Kenneth Mclver, ranchman, lives in Great Falls, Mont. ; Hugh, deceased ; Mary, lives with her mother ; Grace, married Earl Starkey, lives at Mount Pleasant, Iowa; Robert, farmer, Chenoa Township; Margaret, married Frank Thayer, farmer, lives at Chenoa; and John, farmer and stockman, Chenoa Township. Mrs. Vaughan has 13 grandchildren. One grandchild, Angus Vaughan Mclver, is a veteran of the World War. He enlisted at Great Falls, Mont., and was instructor in training civil engineers. He was in service in France for 15 months and also with the reconstruction army in Germany. Mr. Mclver is a graduate of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Mich. Mrs. Vaughan now owns 80 acres of land in Chenoa Township. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan made a visit to Wales after being in this country for 42 years and remained there for four months. They were accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Starkey. Hugh Vaughan was a Republican and a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was an excellent citizen and merited the high esteem in which he was held by the community. Lloyd Sarver, a veteran of the World War, is one of Chenoa's enter- prising and successful young business men. He was born in Shelby County, 111., Aug. 5, 1894, the son of Alonzo and Ella Poteet Sarver. Alonzo Sarver, a native of Tennessee, came to Illinois many years ago and settled in Shelby County. He followed farming and stock rais- ing for a number of years and is now interested in the produce business at Chenoa with his son, Lloyd, the subject of this sketch. Mr. Sarver is a Republican and a member of the Methodist Church. He and his wife reside at Chenoa, and have but one child, Lloyd Sarver. 684 History of McLean County Lloyd Sarver was educated in the public and high schools of Chenoa and has been engaged in the produce business since 1914 with his father. He enlisted for service during the World War and was sent to Camp Brad- ley and later to South Carolina, and served for 10 months with Battery B, 4th Battalion. Mr. Sarver was the first commander of Ben Roth Post at Chenoa, American Legion Post No. 234, and he is prominent in all activities of the Legion. Mr. Sarver and his father deal in farmers' produce and also have a place of business at Lexington, 111. On March 10, 1920, Mr. Sarver was married to Miss Erletta Haus- halter, a native of Livingston County, 111., and the daughter of E. H. and Ella A. (Curry) Haushalter, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Illinois. Mr. Haushalter is engaged in the shipping of stock from Chenoa, and does an extensive and profitable business. Mr. and Mrs. Haushalter have the following children: Harvey L., telegraph operator, Chicago and Alton Railroad, lives in Chicago; Paul, deceased; Lena, de- ceased; Arietta, born Oct. 26, 1898, the wife of Lloyd Sarver. Mr. Haus- halter is a prominent citizen and has always taken an active interest in the affairs of Chenoa. To Lloyd and Arietta (Haushalter) Sarver one child has been born, Wayne Lloyd, born Feb. 20, 1921. Mr. Sarver is a Republican, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and belongs to the Masonic Lodge. He is well known in McLean County and has many friends. Rudolph Pershina is a progressive young business man of Chenoa and a veteran of the World War. He was born in Toplice, Austria, April 17, 1895, the son of John and Mary Pershina. John Pershina was a native of Toplice, Austria, born January, 1858. He was a farmer in the old country and in 1890 came to the United States and first settled at Birmingham, Ala., lived there nine years and worked in the coal mines there. He made a trip back to the old country in about 1893 for his wife. They then returned to the United States and settled near Birmingham, Ala., where they lived about five years, when they came to Springfield, 111., where they are both now living. Mr. and Mrs. Pershina have four children, as follows: John, deceased ; Mary, married Bert Mlaker, lives in Springfield, 111. ; Rudolph, the subject of this sketch; and Albina, lives in Springfield, 111. History of McLean County 685 Rudolph Pershina spent his boyhood in Springfield, having come to this country in 1904. After attending the public schools, he was employed as a machinist for 11 years, and spent part of that time in the employ of the Firestone Tire Company, Akron, Ohio, and also with the Ford Motor Car Company. Mr. Pershina was inducted into service during the World War and served with the 64th Company, Battery D, Heavy Field Artillery, and was in service 16 months, eight months of which was spent in France with the 7th Division. He was on the firing line for three months and discharged April 3, 1919. Mr. Pershina has con- ducted a tailoring and dry cleaning establishment at Chenoa since Feb. 1, 1922, and during that time built up a successful business. On Aug. 25, 1921, Mr. Pershina married Miss Fannie Beyer, a native of Illinois, born in 1893, and the daughter of Frank Beyer. Frank Beyer was born in New York and came to Missouri where he engaged in farm- ing, and later came to Morton, 111., where he and his brothers engaged in the electrical business. In 1901 there was an explosion in the plant, killing two children of Mr. Moses Beyer. He then, after the explosion, engaged in general farming and stock raising and purchased 160 acres of land in Tazewell County, 111., which he improved, which he later sold and bought 160 acres in Indiana, and now owns, having a tenant on same. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beyer now live at Morton, 111., where he is engaged in the feed milling business. To Rudolph and Fannie (Beyer) Pershina one child has been born, John Edwin, born May 18, 1922. Mr. Pershina is a Republican. Cornelius Healy, who has been in the employ of the Toledo, Peoria and Western Railroad for 45 years, is a substantial citizen of McLean County. He was born at Galena, 111., April 25, 1857, the son of James and Margaret (Ryan) Healy. James Healy was a native of Ireland, as also was his wife. He came to the United States when he was a young man and settled in New York for a short time, and later came to Illinois and lived at Galena. Mr. Healy later moved his family to Gilman, 111., where he died. He was employed as a section laborer on Illinois Central and the Toledo, Peoria and Western railroads during the many years he lived in this country. Mrs. Healy died Jan. 1, 1913, and they are buried at Gilman, 111. They were the parents 686 History of McLean County of the following children: James, deceased; Cornelius, the subject of this sketch; William, section foreman, Toledo, Peoria and Western Railroad, lives at Gilman, 111. ; Patrick, a passenger conductor on the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad and has the run known as Daylight Special between Chicago and St. Louis, lives in Chicago; and Mary, married William Devlin, con- ductor on the Illinois Central Railroad, lives at Gilman, 111. Cornelius Healy was educated in the schools at Gilman and started life railroading. He came to Chenoa on March 15, 1886, and has been in the employ of the Toledo, Peoria and Western Railroad for the past 45 years. Mr. Healy is one of the pioneer railroad men of this section of the state and is now section foreman. He is known as a reliable and de- pendable citizen and his record with the railroad during his many years of service proves that he is efficient and capable. On Feb. 9, 1887, Mr. Healy was married to Miss Margaret Kelley, a native of Weston, 111., born Sept. 29, 1866, and the daughter of John and Ann (Flanigan) Kelley. Mr. Kelley was born in Ireland and was em- ployed on the Toledo, Peoria and Western Railroad as section foreman for a number of years at Chenoa, 111., where he died. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley were the parents of the following children: James, deceased; John, de- ceased ; Mrs. Healy ; Thomas, deceased ; William, lives at Forrest, 111. ; Frank, deceased ; and two children died in infancy. Mr. Kelley died Sept. 1, 1886, and his wife died Aug. 3, 1906. To Cornelius and Margaret (Kel- ley) Healy nine children were born, as follows: James, born March 3, 1888, lives at Fairbury, 111. ; Rev. John, further mention of whom is made below; Mary, further mention of whom is made below; Francis, born March 17, 1891, deceased; Vincent, mention of whom is also made below; one child died in infancy ; Margaret, born July 18, 1901, has taught school for one year and lives at home; Bernice, born April 15, 1906, at home; and Cornelius, Jr., born April 3, 1910, at home. Rev. John Healy was born at Chenoa, July 28, 1889, and was or- dained to the priesthood on June 24, 1916, being the first priest ever or- dained from Chenoa. Rev. Healy is located in the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Chicago. Mary Healy was born Sept. 27, 1890, and was educated in the grade and high schools of Chenoa and at Illinois State Normal School. She taught in the rural schools for three years and for the past 11 years has taught in the Chenoa High School. Miss Healy is one of the pioneer teachers of Chenoa, and is well known throughout the county. History of McLean County 687 Vincent Healy was born Oct. 6, 1896, and now lives in Chicago. He is a veteran of the World War, having enlisted in the first part of the war, and he was the first boy to enlist from Chenoa. Mr. Healy was sta- tioned at Springfield, 111., and later sent to Texas. He served in Company G, 108th Ammunition Train, and was in France for 13 months, taking part in several important battles, including the Toule Drive, the Argonne Drive, and the battle of Saint Mihiel. He was also with the army of occu- pation in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Healy have three grandchildren, as follows: Rose Kathleen Healy, lives at Fairbury, 111., born July 12, 1914; Francis Healy, born Jan. 20, 1916, lives at Fairbury, 111. ; and John Healy, born Sept. 26, 1921, lives at Fairbury, 111. Cornelius Healy, Sr., is a Democrat and a member of the Catholic Church. He and his family are highly respected citizens of McLean County and have many friends. Elmo Elson, a successful young farmer of Chenoa Township, was born in the township where he now lives, Aug. 4, 1898, the son of Lorenzo and Mary E. (Bauman) Elson. Lorenzo Elson, now living retired at Chenoa, has been a prominent farmer and stockman of McLean County for a number of years. He was born in Peoria County, 111., and engaged in general farming in Pike Town- ship, Livingston County, for a number of years. When he was 25 years old Mr. Elson moved to Chenoa Township, where he now owns 474 acres of land. Mr. Elson is a Democrat and a member of the Presbyterian Church. There are six children in the Elson family, as follows: Leta I., married Peter Claudon, farmer, Chenoa Township; Gilbert, farmer, Che- noa Township; Lester I., further mention of whom is made below; Elmo, the subject of this sketch; Ira, farmer, lives in Gridley Township; and Raymond, lives at Chenoa. Elmo Elson grew up on his father's farm and received his education in the public schools. He now operates 234 acres of land, which belongs to his father. Mr. Elson has lived on this farm in Chenoa Township since 1919 and has Shorthorn cattle and Duroc Jersey hogs. His wife raises Rhode Island Red chickens extensively and now has about 300 on hand. 688 History of McLean County On Dec. 22, 1921, Elmo Elson was married to Miss Vera Wessels, a native of Yates Township, McLean County, born March 30, 1901, and the daughter of Jons and Katherine (Myers) Wessels. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wessels are natives of Germany and now live retired at Fairbury, 111. They are the parents of the following children: Anna, married David Munz, farmer, lives near Fairbury, 111. ; Martin, farmer, lives in Yates Township; Jennie, married Paul Munz, a farmer, Indian Grove Township, Livingston County; John, farmer, lives in Yates Township; Fred, farmer, lives near Fairbury, is a World War veteran, having served in the army for 13 months, 10 of which were spent in France and in the Army of Occupation; Frank, also a veteran of the World War, having served with the 33d Division overseas for six months, when he contracted rheumatism and scarlet fever; Minnie, married Donald Ortman, a farmer, lives in Livingston County ; and Mrs. Elson. To Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Elson has been born one child, Marshall Wayne, born Aug. 13, 1923. Lester I. Elson, a brother of Elmo Elson has been unable to do any- thing since the World War. He was inducted into service from Bloom- ington and was in service for 10 months, seven of which were spent over- seas with the 135th Machine Gun Battalion, 35th Division. He contracted rheumatism and was in a government hospital for about four months and now lives at Chenoa. Mr. Elson married Miss Gladys Paden, a native of Kentucky. Elmo Elson is a Democrat and a member of the Masonic Lodge. He and his wife are well known throughout McLean County and have many friends. «" ay -y