c/- ^ THE '^REPORTER’S ASSISTANT AND LEAENEE’S GUIDE TO A KNOWLEDGE OF PHONOGRAPHY: A KEY TO THE HEADING OF THE HEPOETING STYLE OF PHONOGRAPHY, AND A COURSE OF LESSONS FOR LEARNERS IN SHORTHAND OUTLINES. BY ISAAC PITMAN. Second Edition, FRED. PITMAN, 20 & 21 PATERNOSTER ROW, B.C. BATH: ISAAC PITMAN, PHONETIC INSTITUTE. . 'a/u'* 1883. . [Entered at Stationers’ Hall.] Printed by Isaac Fitmari, PboEicti® Ifistitutej B Pfc?3r \Sii PREFACE. The “ Reporter’s Assistant ” is the fruit of much labor. All the words in the dictionary, not exceeding three consonant strokes, (and such is the brevity of Phonography that compara- tively few words are written with more than three strokes,) excluding terms of art and science that are little used, were written out in shorthand, cut up, and assorted by the Phonetic Alphabet. The work has been transcribed six times with a view to its improvement. From this extensive list of outlines we have now drawn out all words that contain the same consonants, classi^ng^em first according to their forms^ and secondly ac- cording to^Rir positions^ as determined by the principal vowel, it is-^ndf/'h^ever, to be expected that we have secured every ght to find a place in the “ Reporter s Assistant.” issions or errors will be gratefully received by the ■ word tha't r Nqtiges'df DIRECTIONS FOR READING REPORTS AND CONSULTING THE “ REPORTER’S ASSISTANT.” When, in the reading of a phonographic report, a word can- not be deciphered, find its outline in the following list of words, and see which of the words containing the same consonants will make sense with the context. For words not to be found here (which have outlines of their own) supply the “ natural vowel ” — the easy sound into which a sinks in “ S > 1 pad, Paddy, pod, pied 2 paid, pay-day, epode 3 pughed, pewed, pood 1 padding, 3 pudding 1 paddle 2 pedal, puddle, puddly 3 poodle 1 padder 2 pudder 3 powder, powdery 1 patch 2 poach 3 pitch, pitchy, peach, pouch 1 patcher 2 poacher 3 pitcher 1 pack, pock, pocky ,pike, pica 2 peck, peculiar {contr.)^ poke, epic, epoch, opaque 3 pick, peak, pique, pekoe, puke 1 packed, pact. Compact packet, pocket 2 poked 3 epact, picked, piqued, Piet, picket 1 compacted, pocketed 3 picketed 1 packs, pax, pox 2 apex, opacous 1 packman, pikeman 2 peccant 3 piquant \ piacular 1 packer 2 pecker, pucker, poker 3 picker epicure 2 peg, pug 3 pig 2 pagan 3 piggin pave, puff puffin, Paphian Epiphany puffer puffery 1 path, apathy 3 pith, pithy pathetic, apathetic puffy Pythons Pythoness 1 pass, compass, pause, paws, poise, pies 2 pays, pace, apace, apiece, pus, pose, oppose, compose 3 peace, piece, peas, pews, puce, puss, appease. Upas 1 posse, pious \ 2 poesy \ posy 3 pussy f 1 passable, possible, possibly 2 opposable 3 peaceable-y, appeaseable 1 past, compassed 2 pest, paste, post 3 pieced 1 possit, paucity, apposify, opposite,coraposite,opacity 2 pasty, upset 1 apostate, posited 2 pasted, posted 1 pastil 2 postel, pustule 3 pistol,pistil,pistole,pastille 1 pastor, piastre 2 pester, poster 1 compositor 2 pastry 1 pasture, posture 1 pastorate 2 upstart aposteriori, posterior 2 upside, composed, episode 3 appeased 1 paschal 2 epicycle psf— pnt 7 V \ \iy 1 pacifies 2 post-oflfice 1 passes, pauses, apsis 2 paces, poses, composes, opposes 3 appeases,pieces 3 Pisces possess 1 apposition, opposition 2 Possession 3 position, composition Vlpoisoned 1 apostle, piously 2 puzzle, pestle, postal 3 epistle 1 passer, pauser 2 poser, opposer, composer, pacer 3 piecer pessary 1 pash, pashaw 2 apish, uppish 3 pish, push 1 passion, compassion 2 potion 1 option V \> * 1 ^ 1 passionate, compassionate patient \ 1 passions, compassions ^ _ 2 potions V' patience 1 palm 2 poem, opium 3 puma 1 pomp, Pompey 2 pump 3 pimp 1 pampas, pompous 1 pamper 2 pumper V \ 1 palmed 2 pomade 1 happen, pan, pawn, pine, opine 2 upon, open, pen, pain, pane, pun 3 pin, oppugn, peon, p^an 1 piony, pawnee, piny, piano 2 company, penny, pony 3 peony, puny, puisne 1 panoply, pine- apple pea-nut, pennate V \-9 V V \ pat— pi 1 happened, point, pant, pond, pint, pined, appoint 2 opened, pound, pent, ap- pend, compend, pained, paint, pinned, compound, penned,punned, oppugned penates, pea -nuts 1 panted, pointed, appointed 2 painted 1 panter, pointer, pander, ponder 2 painter, punter 3 pounder, compounder 1 pantry pondrous, ponderous 1 panch, paunch 2 punch 3 pinch 1 panic, pinic 3 Punic 2 pence, pens, pains 3 pounce 1 happiness 3 pinnace panacea pianist punish openly, pineal ^ pansy — p compensate \ 1 pannel 3 penal 'X penalty penult penniless, painless 1 pawner, pinery 2 opener, punner 3 oppugner pioneer penury pannier 1 companion, Apennine 2 pennon 3 pinion 1 poignant 2 pennant, op- ponent, component openness, penance 1 apply, ply, comply, apple 2 play 3 plea, plough 1 happily, pall, pawl, appal, pile, compile, Paul, Apollo 2 pale, pail, compel, pole, poll, opal 3 appeal, peal, peel, pill, pull, pool, pule, pulley, pillow, piUau 8 pip— plks \ V\ v\ \ plks— plmt V X] 'S VI > > V7 1 apple-pie 1 polype, palp 2 pulp, pulpy 1 polypous 2 pulpous 1 pliable, appliable 1 applied, plat, plot, corn- plot, plight 2 plate, plait, complete 1 palate, pallet, palliate, pilot, polite, Pilate 2 pelt, pellet, epaulet 3 pullet, pollute 1 polity 2 Plato 1 platted, plotted 2 plated 3 completed 1 piloted 2 pelted 3 polluted 1 platten ^ 3 platoon ^ platina palatine 1 platter, plotter 2 plater, plaiter 1 palter 2 pelter, upholder 3 polluter 1 paltry 2 poultry, peltry 1 plaid, plod, applaud, plied complied 2 played, pled 3 plead, ploughed 1 appalled, piled, compiled 2 paled, compelled, polled 3 appealed, pealed, peeled, pulled 1 plodder, applauder 3 pleader pledge V7 pledger plagiary pilager 1 plica 2 pluck, applicable, applicability [contr.) 1 polacca 2 polka 1 Pollux 2 pole-axe 3 pillow-case com- plexion 1 complex ^ application, complication plague, plug 1 apologue 2 epilogue plaguily playful pailful 1 palfrey 3 pilfer plover \/^ 1 palaver 1 applause 2 plays, place, plaiee,plus 3 please,pleas 1 palace, palliasse, Pallas 2 pulse, appulse, pilose 3 pelisse, police policy palsy 1 plaster 1 pilaster pulsatory 1 placid 1 palsied 3 pleased ^ • 2 palisade 3 pellucid placeman 3 p^cdice- 1 complaisant 2 pleasant, complacent pleasantness, complacent - ness 1 complaisance 2 complacence complacency 2 placer \ compal- 3 pleaser V sory 1 plash 2 plush 1 polish 2 palish, Polish ^ 3 completion V 2 palliation, appelation, ap- pulsion, compilation, compulsion 3 pollution 2 plum, plumb 3 plume playmate, plummet VV v- V Xq_P 3 plmnt— pr 9 prp--prtk 1 complement, compliment ^ 1 plan ^ 2 plain, plane, complain \ ✓o 1 pollen, Pauline, Apollyon ^ 2 opaline, Pelion 3 pillion ^ 1 plant, pliant, compliant 2 plaint, plaintiff (conir.J. planed, complained, com- plaint 1 1 planet 2 plenty 1 opulent 2 ap ellant , upland plaintive s \r^ X 1 planter 2 plunder planet- ary 1 appliance, compliance pliancy 1 opulence 1 polonais, polonese 2 paleness ' 1 planner 2 plainer, planer, complainer plenary 1 applier 2 player 3 plougher 3 plura 1 pallor, piler, compiler 2 paler, polar, poller , com- peller 3 pillar, peeler, puller, appealer 3 pillory 1 plyers 3 pleurisy ^ polarize, p^l^us V 1 pry 2 /?7y/,prey,upper,pro 3 principal^ prinetple, prow 1 par, pyre, happier 2 pair, pare, pear, payer, compare, per, pore, pour S peer, appear, pier, com- peer, poor, power 1 parry, opera, pariah 2 perry, apiary, pory 3 pure, Peri j 1 prop, apropos 2 proportion, proportioned (conir.J 3 prepay 1 propped parapet 1 perhaps 2 propose, prepays 3 prepuce 1 porpoise 2 purpose proposal 'VV^’posely 2 preposession 3 preposition, proposition proportionate X o Prepa- ration probe, probable-y-ility {contr.) 1 probity, appro- bate 2 probate ^ probed V M V 1 approbation 2 probation 1 parable \y\^\ par- 2 comparable boil, parabola 1 particular 2 opportunity^ prate 1 part, apart, parrot, pirate, operate 2 pert, port, com- port, upright 3 uproot 1 party, parity 3 pirouette, purity prated 1 parted 2 comported 3 uprooted 1 operatic 2 portico _ 1 particle, piratical prtk— prdjs 10 V M M > partake, partook, ^r^que 1 comparative 1 operative Proteus 1 apartment, ^ proteine, compartment j Pr(5teafif 2 appertain, pertain 3 opportune 3 puritan P®''- % tent tend J pre- tend pretence 3 prettiness pertness, uprightness pertinence appurtenance, opportune- ness V prettily VI ) prattle proudly portal 1 partly 2 pertly, portly, port-hole, uprightly 2 prater, portray 2 p raetor aper- \ ture \ porter parterre operator 2 portrait, portrayed 3 protrude 3 protrusion ] ^ 3 pre- terition' 1 pride, pried, prod 2 prayed, preyed 3 proud^ude,per^ 1 pard 2 paired, pared. coinpared, poured, pored 3 peered, appeared 1 parried, parody 2 parade 3 period prodigies, ^ 1 _ prodigious ) 2 predicate 3 predict •> ■> V/ prdkshn— prvd 2 production ^ predi- 3 prediction | cation . 1 paradise 1 produce \/^ 2 parades 3 produce 3 periods 1 pardons 3 prudence 3 predal \ 3 predia l, proudly 1 parch purge 2 perch, porch. perjury V \_r V- 'X, \y\ 2 approach 3 preach 1 porridge 3 peerage, perigee peijure, purger 2 practice- d-al (contr.) ' 3 prick 1 park 2 perk, pork 3 peruke, pyrrhic parks ^ proxy 1 proximate, approximate 1 precaution 2 percussion 3 prickle, X/— parochial prickly ^ 3 preclude percolate Paraclete 3 preclusion 3 procure procurate porker 3 prig N/”"" periwig perco- lation 1 app7‘ove 3 proofs Prove perform (contr.) 3 purify purvey V 3 privy 1 prophet, profit, private 3 privity Him; \ prvd— prs 11 prs— prsmn proved perfect, prefect, provoked i perfection 2 preface, profess 3 profuse prophecy, prophesy, privacy proviso profession, profusion, professional {contr.) profile powerful 1 proffer prefer 1 porphyry 3 periphery perforate, pervert, preferred perverse, prefers 1 paraphrase 2 peEiilhr^( 3 peripheries perfumer X > ^ mery prevent profanation, prevention previous pervious 2 privation 3 provision, prevision approval, ^ privily prevail prover, approver purveyor 1 price, prize, apprise, com- prise 2 press, oppress, compress, praise, prose prosy 3 prowess 1 parse 2 pores, purse 3 pierce, oppears, peers 1 Paris, operose, uprise 2 porous, upraise, uprose 3 peruse X vf V 'V \A. X \ 'N 1 Parsee, piracy 2 purs;y , ' pursue 3 peeress precipice, presuppose, prospects {contr.) perception apper- ^ O ception 1 prosper 1 prospers ' perspire prosper ous, perspires presbyter p^sbytery 2 pressed ^\p presto, 3 priest f prussiate 2 apiarist 3 purest, puris t 1 parasite 2 porosity, pursuit 3 priests 1 priestess 1 preside, prosody 2 praised, precede, proceed 1 parricide 2 pursued 3 perused 2 president, precedent 3 precedent ' precedence presi- dency prussic, Persic prosaic 1 prosecute ^*^cute ^cXnV^ persecution prosecutor VM '’®cuter 1 prescribe, proscribe 1 prescription, proscription oppressive, compressive, perceive apperceive 1 precise 2 process persist processed 2 procession 3 precision, pr ecisian prism, presume ^ ^ press- pressman money prsmil— prmt 12 parsimony 3 prison \ 9 ~^ 1 parson, comparison, por- ^ cine 2 person 3 Parisian V present presentee i pursuant V" per cent, personate precentor W 1 parsonage 2 personage 1 parcel, parsley 2 prosily 1 parasol 3 perusal V* 1 priceless, parcels presser, oppressor, com- presser, praiser, appraiser, purser, proser preservation (contr.) ^0^ 3 piercer presence, prosiness 1 parsons 2 persons >1 1 parish \yy 3 perish, Persia '\^ Prussia 5. 3 appre- \ 1 parachute \><^ ciate ^ 2 perished c\ V oppression, compression, ^ Prussian 2 operation 3 apparition \yO portion, apportion, Persian •v. 1 prime 2 proem 3 prim t- X peremp- tory 3 Purim 1 prompt, primate 2 pro mote, permeate 3 permit 1 prompted 2 permeated, promoted 3 permitted 1 prompter 2 promoter 3 perimeter 3 prema- ture pmid— prl 1 primed 3 piramid 1 promise, primus, premise, compromise 2 premiss 1 primacy, promisee 1 promised 2 uppermost 1 promiser, compromiser 1 promissory - 2 promotion, permeation, pre-emption 3 permission 3 primer 1 pi*i- 1 paramour mary 3 premier 1 prominent 2 permanent ^ - / 3 pre-eminent 1 prawn 2 prone, apron 3 preen, prune \/^ 2 Parian, epergne 3 Pierian ^ print % 1 operant 2 parent, appa- rent 3 aperient prints n apprentice 1 prance \/^ 3 appear- 3 prince ^ ance 3 poor- 3 pure- ness ^ ness 'N. ^ apprehensive, comprehen- ^ 3 princes ^ princess pronouns pronounce proneness peren- nial prunella, prunello 1 parley ^ 2 parliament pearl, pearly, purlieu, April 3 prowl 3 poor-law, poorly V I apparel 2 parole, purl, peril 8 puerile 3 purely 13 btn— bks prld— btn prelude perilled P^®' ^ peerless, / lacy Y powerless \y^ 1 paralyze 2 perilous 1 purloin 2 pur^ 3 parhelion, p^ih^on 1 pryer, prior 2 prayer, preyer 1 priory 2 a priori, prairie] X 2 uproar, parer, porer, com- parer 3 uprear ^\/] 1 priority 1 priors 'VO 1 prioress \ uproarious 3 poor- rate B \ \ 1 dy, abb, Abba, abb^, ab- bey, ba, boy, buoy, buy • 2 de, bay, bey, bow, beau, obey, ebb, h autboy 3 to be, bee, bow 1 bob, bobby 2 babe, baby 3 bib, booby 1 bobbin 3 baboon 1 babble, bauble, Bible 2 babel, bubble 0 V \ \ V bout, about 1 bat, batta. battjae^ com- bat, bought, abbot, bite 2 bet, abet, bait, bate, abate, butt, abut, boat 3 beat, boot, booty, bout, beauty 2 betake, b^tock, boat- hook 3 beTboF 3 beautify 3 obtuse, beauteous 1 bottom, betime V 2 be N^sbi 2 boatman bitumen abatement, abutment 1 batten, baton 2 button, obtain 3 bitten, beaten 1 botany 2^beto^ > 1 battle, \ bottle 1 battalia 3 beetle ^ butler battle-array 1 batter, battery, biter 2 better, abettor, butter, buttery, betray 3 bitter, beater V IbiSy"' V s \ 1 bad, bawd, bide, abide 2 bed, abed, abode, obeyed, bud, ebbed, bid, bead, bude 1 1 b^Hy 3 Buda, bedew V 1 ibidem 3 bedim 1 badly ^ 3 beadle V 1 bodily 3 beau-ideal s 3 bidder \i boudoir > b bedrid 1 obdurate 1 batch, botch, botchy 3 bitch, beach, beachy > 1 botcher 3 butcher, butchery > 1 badge 2 budge, object {contr.) > abject, object {verb) > 1 badger 3 abjure abjuration, objuration 2 become 3 to become \- 1 back, aback, balk 2 bake, beck, buck 3 beak, book, bouquet V baked, bucket \u__D 1 Bacchus, box 2 bakes 3 books bks— bst 14 bst— bmn ^ bakehouse ^ 1 becalm 2 became ^ 2 beckon, bacon 3 beacon 1 balker 2 baker, bakery 3 beaker 1 bag, bog, boggy 2 beg, bug, buggy 3 big 1 begot 2 beget 3 bigot 1 began, begone, bygone 2 begun 3 begin, biggin 1 boggle 3 beagle, bugle 1 beguile 2 beggar, beggary 3 bigger begirt beggared before, buff^ befriend beforehand 1 Bath, bath ^ 2 bathe 2 both V 3 booth 1 bother, by their 2 bather 1 bass, boss, boys, buoys, buys, by his, ibis 2 base, bass, buss, baize, buzz 3 abuse, booze, bows 1 besought 2 beset, bestow, obesity 1 boisterous \ 3 abstruse 2 bestial, bestowal 3 beastly, bastilft 2 boaster q 3 bestrew 3 bistrft I bestir, \ J bestower ' 1 abstract \ 1 a^trac- 9. I tion 2ob- J) struction 3 abstrusely 1 ba stion 2 abfl'am, combustion 1 bask 2 busk, obscurity {contr) 1 basket 2 bisect 3 biscuit 3 obse- ; quious 3 obscure 1 boister- ously basis 1 abscess, o bses ^ 3 bosom, besom 1 bison 2 basin, boatswain 3 obscene 1 absent v o i. 2 absent V . ? obscenity 1 bossy, abbacy, bias 3 busy, \ ^oozy, i (bou^^ bespoke, bespeak 1 bossed ' 2 best, based, baste, boast, * bust 3 beast i 3 absentee 1 absence 2 baseness, obei- sance 3 business 1 basil 2 basely, bustle 3 busily 1 basalt, absolute, obsolete 2 baysa^ 1 bazaar 2 baser 3 abuser observation (contr.) absurd, buzzard 1 abash, boyish, bosh 2 beauish 3 bush, bushy 3 bijou, bougie 1 balm, balmy 2 bomb 3 beam, beamy, boom bowman, bemoan femnd— bit 15 bltd—blr V bemoaned -bom; 1 combine, ban 2 been, bane, bun, bone, eb(^ 3 boon, bean 1 bonny 2 boney, ebony 1 band, bond, bind, com- bined 2 bent, bend, bunt, bound, abound 1 benight, bonnet, buoyant 2 bayonet 3 bounty > 1 banded, bonded 3 bounded bandied 1 bandage, bondage 1 binder bounden ^ 1 abandon abundant ^ 1 abandoned 1 bans 2 bones 3 bounce abeyance; bonus A 1 buoy- ) ancy 1 banyan, benign 2 bunyon ’ 1 banana V. 1 banner, binary 1 bang 2 bung, being 1 bank, banco 2 bunk 2 able, ably, blow 3 belief, believe, blew, blue 1 ballet, ball, bile, by-law, boil, belie 2 bell, belly, billet, bale, bailie, bellow,below,belay 3 bill, billow, bull, bully, buhl, connubial driSTa^ bulb VI 1 blabber 2 blubber belabor 1 blot, blight 2 bloat 3 bleat 1 ballot 2 belt, bolt, oblate 3 billet, bullet ability 1 balloted 2 bolted 3 billeted 2 bolder, bolter, boulder 3 builder bloater able to, build-ing, bled, blade, blood, bold, bleed 2 bloody \ 1 bald, 3 blue-eyed r boiled ballad V ^ 1 bladder \ 1^ bloodier 1 baldness 1 blotch 3 bleach 1 oblige boldness N/V belch 1 biology 2 bulge 3 bilge 1 black, block 3 bleak, oblique 1 belike 2 bulk, bulky 3 bilk, bullock blockhead, blockade 1 blackish, blockish 3 bleakish blufif ' 2 bless, blaze 3 bliss, blouse 1 obolus 2 bellows, bolus 3 bitimw, bullies 3 bowels 1 blast 2 blest 1 ballast 1 blaster 2 bluster 3 blister 1 ballister, baluster 2 bolster 1 blasphemy 3 blaspheme 1 blossom 1 balsam 2 blush y T. T 1 . 3 bluish abolish 2 oblation 3 abolition, ab- lution, ebullition 2 blur, blayer 3 blear, bluer brl— brdr 16 brtn— brs 3 biliary! 2 blame 3 bloom blain, blown 3 balloon, billion, bullion 1 bland, blind, blond 2 blend, blunt 1 blandness 2 blindness 3 blueness balance 1 blanch - 2 blench r 1 belong*, oblong* 2 belaying, bellowing 1 blank 3 blink 1 liberty 2 member^ o'emember-ed 3 number, brew, brow 1 bar, buyer 2 bare, bear, obeyer, bur, burr, boar, bore 3 beer, bier, boor, bower 1 barrow, borrow 2 berry, bury, bewray, borough, burrow, bureau 3 bowery 1 bribe 1 barton baritone 1 broad, brad, abroad, bride ^ 2 bread, bred, braid, brood N. 1 bard, byword ^ 2 bird, board, bared 3 beard M l by-road, borrowed 2 berried, buried 2 boarded 3 bearded j 1 broaden burden «V^ 1 broidery 1 broider 3 breeder 1 bridle 1 brad- awl, bridal, broadly, bridewell 2 broach 3 breach bridge, abridge 1 barge > 2 birch \/ \ 1 barb 1 bribed \/^ barbed 1 briber bribery \/^ 1 barber \ y\ / Barbara, Barbary, ^ ^ barberry 1 brat, brought, bright, ebriety 3 bruit, brute 1 burgeois 2 burgess 2 brake, break, broke 3 brick, brook 1 bark, barque, barrack 2 burk breakage, brocage brachial, broccoli ^ breaker, \ 7 1 barker, hrnVp'r ^ barkery I broker 1 brag 2 brogue burglar 3 brig burglary British 3 brittle, brutal ^ brutish ) 1 brightly Y 3 brutally V ^ 1 barter, border 2 boarder \y] 1 barrator, barratry 1 brighten, Brighton 3 Britain, Briton ■v 2 brave 3 brief, breve 1 bravo bereave barefoot bereft braver 2 bravery, breviary 3 brevier, bravura 1 broth 2 breath 1 brass 2 brace, braze 3 breeze, bruise birth 17 brl— tbit brs— brngk 1 brassy 3 breezy 2 bourse \,^ Boreas beerhouse abTeak S. 2 brazed 3 bruised brisk, britzska, brusque boracic bristle, bristly, Brazil 2 brazier, bursar 3 bruiser, browser bursary brush 2 bearish, bearish 3 boorish, barouche abrasion 1 abortion aberration 2 brougham 3 brim, bream, broom 1 barm 1 bran, brawn, brine 2 brain 3 brown, bruin I brawny, briny, bryony 3 brownie 1 barn, born, barren, baron 2 burn, borne, bourne 3 burin barony burnt brunette \/^ burnish 1 branchia 3 brink k_ k I \ I 1 brawl, broil, barley 2 burl, burley 1 barrel 2 beryl, burial, boreal - barely barilla 1 brilliance burliness brilliancy 1 brawler, broiler burler 1 briar 2 brayer 3 brewer 1 briery 3 brewery 1 barrier 2 barer, burier, borer, borrower T 1 at, ought, aught, taw, tie, iota 2 it, ate, eight, eighty, toe 3 out, eat, tea, comity, com- mittee, commute 1 tap, top, atop, type, tapis 2 tape, tup, tope 3 tip 1 tapped, 2 tepid 3 tippet, teapot tiptoe 1 topic J 2 tapioca 3 tipster 3 typical 1 tapestry 1 topmast, topmost Utopian twopenny 1 topple 3 tipple taper, toper 1 tab, taboo 2 tub 3 tibia, tube 1 tableau 2 table 3 eatable, commutable 1 tablet t 1 tabulate 2 Jj. tbr— tf k I i \ K 1 / L_ L L 18 tft— tmt 2 tabor, tabernacle {conir.) 3 tuber 1 tat, taught, tight 2 tut, tit, teat, tout, committed tattoo 1 tattle, title 2 total 3 tittle 1 tatter, totter, tighter 2 tetter 3 titter, twitter, touter, tutor 3 tutors ^ tutoress 1 tod, tide, tidy, toddy 2 toad, toady 3 outdo tide-water, tide-waiter, toad-eater 1 toddle, tidal, twaddle 3 tweedle 1 tawdry 2 tedder 3 Tudor 1 attach 2 tetchy, touch, touchy 3 teach tetchiness, touchiness 1 tack, attack, talk, tike, attic 2 take, tuck 3 tick, took, teak 1 tact, attacked, talked 2 etiquette 3 ticket 1 tactic 3 tick-tack 2 text, context 3 outcast, ’twixt texture, contexture 2 taken, token 3 toucan 1 tackle 3 tickle 1 tacker, attacker, talker 2 taker, tucker 3 outcry 1 tag 2 teg, tug, toga 3 outgo 1 tiger 2 tugger 3 outgrow 2 tough I 1 taffy 3 tiff ^2 tuffy totally h V >- J J b u u 1 taffeta 2 tufty, Tophet 3 outfit 1 typhus 3 outface 2 toughen 3 tiffany, typhoon 2 eighth, eightieth 3 teeth, tooth, eye-tooth 1 tithe 3 teethe 1 tither 2 tether 1 at his, toss, toys 2 its, it is 3 itself, te2ize, contuse, committees 1 tossed 2 test, attest, con- test, taste, toast 1 tacit 2 tasty, testy 3 outset testable, contestable, tastable tested, attested, contested, testate, tasted, toasted tester, attester, taster, toaster etcetera 3 outside, Tuesday 1 task 2 tusk 3 phthisic, phthisicky 1 tassel 2 tussel 3 teazle 1 attach^ 2 tush 1 outshine, outshone 3 tuition 3 contusion 1 atom, atomy, autumn, time, item 2 contemn, tame, tome 3 team, teem, tomb 1 tamper 2 temper, attem- per 3 timber tameable, tumble tempt, attempt, contempt tomato 19 tnjns— tl tmtbl— tnjnt t temptable, contemptible 1 tom -tit 2 tempted, attempted 2 contemned 3 timid, tumid atomic, tomahawk 1 atomist, timist 2 utmost 3 outmost 1 ottoman 2 etymon, tomin 2 attainment, atonement, tenement {contr.), 3 com- mitment contaminate 1 timely, contumely 2 tame- ly, oatmeal 3 tumuli 2 tumulous, contumelious 2 tamer 3 tumor to-morrow L con- tinue U u u S Uv' ^ \ J u J 1 tangent 3 contingent ^ 1 tan, tine, ton 2 ten ta’en, attain, tone, atone, ton, oaten, eighteen 3 teen, tune, attune, eaten, town 1 tawny, tiny 2 tunny, Tony 3 tinny 2 tenable, attainable 3 tunable 1 taunt, concomitant 2 taint, tent, tend, attend, contend, attained 3 tuned 1 to-night 2 tenet, twenty 3 tenuity, continuity 1 taunted 2 tented, contented, tainted, attainted 3 tinted attended, tended, contended attendance continued tendeney 2 tender, contender, at- tender, attainder 3 tinder 2 tonage, contingency {contr.) 3 tinge, twinge d d Ld w u i cL V L U. r k- 3 contingence 1 tannic, tonic, atonic 3 tunic tinfoil, tuneful 2 tenth 3 eighteenth 1 concomitance 2 tense 3 tunes, towns tennis, continues '^continuous 1 tonsile 2 tensile, utensil 3 tinsel tenacious, contentious tension, attention, conten- tion attenuation, continuation 1 tannin 2 tenon tenant 1 attenuant continuant, continent 1 continence 3 continuance tunnel continual, continually 2 toneless, tuneless 1 tanner, tannery 2 tenor, container, atoner 3 tinner, tuner tenure 1 tang 3 tongue 3 ting 1 tank 3 tink, twink tincal, tinkle, twinkle 1 tangle 3 tingle 1 at all 2 tell 3 till 1 tall, tile, toil, tally, tallow, taglia 2 ft will, tail, tale, tole, toll 3 teal, tool, ’twill, outlaw, outlay, utile, committal towel tit— trbl 20 trbl-trdl P V7 U K 1 K k V 1/^ k k\ I laMet Y\ 3 utility 2 told, till it 1 toiled 2 tailed 3 tilled, tooled 1 etiology, tallage 2 tollage 3 tillage 1 talc, italic K T 1 i n telegraph f — ^ telegraphy 2 twelve 3 outlive 1 at last, at least, tallest 3 outlast 1 talon, Italian 3 outline 1 talent 2 it will not 1 taller, tiler 2 teller, tailor 3 tiller 3 outlawry 1 try, attar, otter, troy, con- tra, water, watery 2 truth, tray, trough, utter 3 true, tree, eater, outer 1 tar, tor, attire 2 tare, tore 3 tear, tour, contour, tower 1 tarry, tyro, tiara 2 terra, tory 1 trap, tripe 2 trope 3 trip, troop 1 torpid tripod 3 torpedo ] U r” k M H/ \ U 1 1 trapper 3 tripper, trooper 1 torpor tribute, attribute, contribute turbid, turbit, turbot ki 'L-, V tributary contributor 3 attribution, contribution turban tribune n 1 tribal, triable 2 treble, trebly, trouble, utterable T, kk 2 terrible 3 iterable 1 tried, trot, trite, contrite, attrite 2 toward, tret, trait, trade, treat, trout 3 treaty 1 tart, contort 2 turret 3 iterate, outright, outroot trotted, \y\ 2 turreted treated k 3 iterated 3 treatise, treaties 1 triton [/[j 1 tortoise 1 tartan 1 triteness 1 tartness 1 ‘ritely |] 1 tartly 1 trotter 2 traitor 3 treater tartar 'k s 1 Tartary 2 territory traitors \ traitress tar- water traitorous 1 triad, trod 2 tread 1 tired, attired 3 towered 1 torrid 2 tirade 3 outride contradiction towards I 1 tiredness 2 towardness I traduc tion traduce 1 contra- ct dance treadle 1 tardily trcli— trsl 21 trsl— d ; H ) L L torch 3 out- reach trudge \/J 3 outrage 3 outrages, outrageous turgid ^ 1 track 2 trachea, truck, trochee, Turk 3 trick 3 outwork 1 tract, attract, contract 3 tricked 1 tractor, contractor 1 o turkeys n I? rr \ 1/ i I 1 1^ 1 } Y s tricksy 2 Turkish 3 trickish truckman, Turcoman 2 truckle 3 trickle, treacle 2 tracheal tri -weekly 1 trough, n contrive i trophy 1 tariff I ^ 1 torrefy 2 turf 1/ V. 2 terrify,turfy 1 trifle I tre- L tear- 3 truffle ^ foil ful 1 travel 3 trivial 1 contriver 2controversy''(ctf«/‘/'.), trover 1 trice 2 tress, trace, truss 3 truce 2 terrace 3 uterus 1 contrast 2 tressed, trust 3 tryst 1 atrocity 2 trusty, trustee 3 truest 3 tourist 1 contrasted 2 trusted 1 trysail 2 trestle, trussel Lr V L u u L k \~r 0 u n u i/^ u 1 torsel 2 tersely 1 trash, trashy 3 attrition, 1 tortion, contrition contortion 2 tertian, iteration 1 tram 2 term 3 trim 1 tramp 2 trump 2 termed 3 trimmed 2 uttermost 3 outermost 1 torment terminate 2 terminus 3 trimness 1 trammel 2 turmoil 3 trimly 3 trimmer, tremor 1 trine q 1 triune 2 train 2 attorney 1 tarn 2 tern, turn, torn 2 Tyrian, tureen, uterine tea-urn tyranny trend, trained 2 eternity ^ 1 . . 3 truant, triunity J trinity 1 torrent, tyrant 2 iterant 3 turnout 1/^ tornado 1 trance 2 trains, utterance 3 trounce 2 attorneys 3 trueness 3 tyrannize, tyrannous trunnion [/^ Tironian 1 trinal 2 eternal, trunnel triennial D 1 kad, die, add, odd 2 do, day, aid, ode, owed, dough, doughy, eddy 3 different, difference, ado d-dt 22 dtd— dks S k L k ko dew, dewy, due, adieu 1 dap 2 depot 8 dip, deep, dupe 1 adapt, adopt 2 adept 3 depute, dipped deputy adapted, adopted, deputed adaptation, deputation adapter, adopter depth, . idiopathy I depose,depots depositor depository 2 depone 3 deepen 1 dapple 3 deeply 1 dapper, diaper 3 dipper, deeper 1 depart I deport, depurate 1 department 2 deportment I L I i L3 y 1 deprive 2 deprave 1 dab, daub 2 dub, debut 2 debase 3 dubious •> S debit, debate debouch, debauchee 1 dabble, audible 3 edible, double 3 dibble } > L_ L 1 debar I 1 dauber 3 dewberry 3 debris 1 debark 2 daybreak 1 dot, diet, dight, doit, audit, oddity, commodity 2 debt, date, dote, data, edit, 3 ditto, ditty, doughty, idiot, duty, deity, duet doubt I 1 dieted 2 dated, I ^ doted, edited ^1 ted doubtful I dutiful H dutifully daytime, datum detention, detonation 1 daughter, auditor 2 debtor 3 doubter, detour deter editor 1 auditory, dietary detriment determined 1 died, added 2 did, dead, deed 1 dada 2 dado, dodo 3 dowdy deduct, dedicate dedicated, deducted dedication deduction Idawdle 3 diddle,doodle ^ 1 di drachm 3 day-dream 2 Dutch, 1 1 dodge, adage, duchy J adagio 3 ditch ' 2 doge digest, adjust 1 dodger 2 danger (contr^) 3 dowager 1 dock, dike, decoy 2 deck, decay, duck 3 duke, dicky 1 docked, docket 2 duct, conduct, ducat, edu- cate 3 addict, edict 2 conducted, educated 3 dictate, addicted 1 decoyed 2 decade, decayed 1 doxy dkshn— dflkshn 23 L> \ U J-o U U h L L U U I I I h L L. L U U L3 3 diction 2 introduction 3 interdiction 1 decamp 3 dickens, deacons S' deaconess declension, declination 1 decry 2 decker 3 decree decrease | / decorous 1 idiocrasy 1 dog 2 dug, dignity {contr.) 3 dig 1 dogged I — j ^ dog- day 1 dogma, digamma 1 dagger 3 digger, degree 1 digraph ideography 1 doff, dive 2 advantage, deaf, dove 3 difficult 1 defy 2 edify 3 deify 1 daft, dived 2 devote 3 devotee, defeat, deviate, devout 1 divide, devoid 2 David 1 defied 2 edified, I 3 diffident, 3 deified j dividend defec- tion 2 edification 3 deification 2 deface, edifice 3 diffuse 1 dauphin, define, divine 2 deafen 1 defined, divined I defi- 2 defaned, defend, ^ nite deafened defence, deafness diaphanous, I dic^ 'v g defiance 2 defanation, definition deflection, defluction L lo liT L./ I I s dflr— dsptd deflower defiler 2 defray 3 differ 2 defer,devoir ^ 3 devour deifier, defier, edifier 3 differed defraud, defrayed 1 dia- phragm deform 1 device, devise, advice 3 devious advisable, devisible divested, devastate 2 deviation, devotion 3 division 2 devotional 3 divisional 1 deviser, devisor, adviser 1 diver 2 advertise-d-ment (contr.) 1 divers, j ^ 2 diverse, adverse ^ divorce adversity diversity 1 adversary 2 adversaria death, doth 1 adds, odds, dice 2 dace, days, does, dose, odious 3 douse, deuce, adduce ideas 1 despite 3 dissipate, dispute dissipated, disputed 24 dstn— dstrs 1— dstf Idespi se 2 dispose V dispo 4 despisable, disposable disposition, dispossession 1 despiser 2 disposer deception, dissipation 1 despond, disappoint dispenser, dispensary 1 disciple I 1 despoil ~ ’• ’ 2di! ’ 2 display dispel joiled, dispelled displayed Jv despoiled, r di 1 disciples 2 displace 3 displease displayer ■^e^Pa-rcl^ disappear desperate, disport, dispirit, dispart dispread J 2d( ^3 di despaired disappeared 3 disproof, disprove, disap- prove disproval, disapproval dispraise disperse 2 disported 3 dispirited 1 docible 2 disable 3 adducible, educible, con- ducible 2 dust, dosed 3 doest, adduced I 1 audacity • p 2 dusty U dusted, 1 3 deceit ‘ destitute 1^ deistic ^ distich deist 1 dyestuff 3 distaff destine | ^ destiny 2 destined 3 distant distance j destinies distension, destination distinction 1 diastyle 3 distil diastole A destroy distribute disturbed distressed. L 1 decide distrust [ 3 deicide j- 2 desk, dusk, dusky 3 disc d- desiccate J— j dissected J — discover J ^ discovery 2 discuss 3 discus J _ dissection, desiccation, dis- eussion 1 descant 3 discount 2 descanter 3 discounter ^ IdfscT/ef I discretion, desecration, dis- ’ cursion disgust, disguised L 3 deceive, disavow, con- ducive 3 deceiver ^ dissever J 3 disease, I 1 diocess J disuse ^ 3 decease J desist J diseased I de- 9 ^ } ceased disasters disastrous ‘rrcT^rr'^/'r ^r'K>-rrr- dszhn— dsrd 25 dsrs— dn l I 2 dissuasion 3 decision deism dismay J. ^“te, is mlyed 3 dismission dissemi- decimation dismount 2 decimal 8 dismal 1 design 2 dozen, disown 1 disunite 2 descent 3 decent disunity dissenter Iq ^ disinter dysentery 1 designed 2 descend, condescend descended, condescended (disendowed, join ou) 2 odiousness, commodious- ness 3 dizziness decency dishonest t-p ( ^ ’ dishonesty dissension, condescension decen- 1 dishonor, designer ary 1 dazzle, docile 2 odiously, commodiously 3 disallow 3 dissyllable, dissoluble, dis- allowable 2 desolate 3 dissolute 2 desolateness 3 dissoluteness 2 desolately 3 dissolutely 1 disliked 3 dislocate docility 1 desolation 1 desire 2 dozer 3 douceur 3 dissolution disarray desert desired disarrayed Ly U y u u L L_ L br U L S' s J desires desirous 1 dash 3 dish, douche edition addition, condition additional, conditional 1 dam, dime, demy 2 dame, dumb, dome, demi, condemn, dummy, odium 3 dim, deem, doom 1 damp 2 dump, dumpy admit b dimity 1 demotic, idiomatic 1 damned 2 condemned 3 dimmed, deemed, doomed 1 damson 3 Damascene 1 damsel, domicile 2 domain 3 demon, demean, demesne 1 dominie, domino 1 diamond, adamant, condi- ment 2 dement 3 demesned 1 dominated j deman - 2 demented ^ ded 2 demonstrate 3 administrate 2 demonstration 3 administration 1 admonish 3 diminish 1 admonition 3 diminish 2 damnation, domination, dimension, condemnation 3 admonition, diminution 2 dumbness 3 dimness, demonize 2 condemner domi- 3 demeanor neer 1 admire 2 demur 3 demure 1 don, dawn, dine, condign, iodine 2 done, den, Dane, dun 3 down, din, dean, adown dn-dlfa L j h L, s J 1 donna, deny 3 downy, duenna 1 had not, do not, daunt 2 did not, dent, dint dainty, denote 1 daunted 2 dented 3 dinted dentation, dentition 1 dandy, denied 3 denude 1 dance, dons Danes, dunce condensed 2 addenda 2 dense, 3 downs 1 dynasty I 2 density 1 dancer 2 condenser donation, condonation 1 denier 3 ding 1 dangle 3 dingle 1 condignly, denial 2 doner 8 dinner, deanery 2 dung, doing 1 dank, donkey 1 addle 1 doll, dally, doily, oddly 2 dell, dale, dole, condole, daily, dahlia, dull 3 dill, deal, dele, dooley, duly, duTia idle, idyl, idol, ideal, ideally 1 dial 3 dowel, dual, duel 1 delight 2 dealt, dolt, day light, dilate, adult 3 delete ideality 3 duality 1 delighted 3 deleted, diluted idolatry idolater adultery idolatrous idolaters adulterous adulators 1 dolphin 2 Delphin, Delphian 26 dld-drd SaSSf ^ condoled ideology deluge deliver, delivery ‘"“’iditulf’ ^dowlas 3due\Tst V'ldealist dullest dulcet 2 dolesome, 3 dualism idealism 2 dilation, adulation 3 deletion, dilution, delusion 1 dalliance idleness dulness 1 dallying 2 delaying, doling 3 dealing dueling idler 1 dollar 2 delayer, dolor, condoler, duller I j 3 dealer, ^dueler 2 dolorous 3 delirious 1 Dr, draw, dry, eider 2 dear, dray, aider, udder, odor 3 during, drew 1 dor, dire, dyer, commodore 2 dare, door, adore 3 deer, dower 1 diary, diarrhoea 2 dairy 3 dowry 1 drop 2 drape 3 drip, droop 1 dropper 2 draper, drapery n 'Y! I v 'n \r\ 1 k k I 1 drab 2 drub I 1 k 1 drabble 3 dribble 1 droit 3 drought lA. 2 adorable ^ 3 durable 1 dart 2 dirt dirty 1 dried 2 dread 1 dryad 3 druid I dared, ^ adored drd - drnr 27 drnr— chinp H ; 1 7 L s u u i i L l 1 deride, Dorado dredger, drudger, drudgery 1 dark 1/ 1 Doric 2 dirk, drake ^ 2 Derrick 1 drag 2 drug n 1 dragged drugget L 2 derogate, drugged 1 drags 2 dregs, drugs 1 dragon 3 dragoon 1 draff, drive \ P ^ 2 drove V 1 draft 2 drift 1 drafted 3 drifted 1 driver 2 drover 1 dross 2 dress, address 3 drowse dressy S drowsy 1 ^ h P 1-. K ] p u p-p L odorous dressed, addressed 1 diarist 2 dearest durst 3 drizzle, drizzly, drowsily door-sill ^ dorsal 2 adoration, duration 3 derision 1 dram, drama 2 drum 3 dream, dreamy 1 diorama 2 drummer 3 dreamer 1 drawn 2 drain, drone 3 drown 1 darn, dorn, adorn 2Snlss P 3 durance 1 direness drainer dernier ks P ) \ p" U adorner 1 drank 2 drunk 3 drink 1 drawl,dryly 2 droll,dearly 3 drill 1 drawled 3 drilled 1 dryer 2 dearer adorer dwell *1/^ 3 dreary 1 drawers CH / < < < / r z_ A / A A 1 much 2 which, etch 3 each, itch, itchy, chew, ouch 1 chap, chop 2 chapter {contr.) 3 chip, cheap chapiter 1 chapel 3 cheaply chub, chubby 1 chat 2 etched, itched, chit, cheat 1 chatter 2 cheater 1 chad, chide 3 chid 1 chalk, chock 2 check, chuck,choke 3 chick,cheek 2 checker, choker 3 chicory 1 chaff 2 which chough 3 chief 3 chiefly 1 choice 2 which is, chess, chase, chose 3 choose, cheese 2 chest, chased 2 chasten, chosen wldchisnot ^ chastened 1 chime 2 chum 1 champ 2 chump chmbr— jks 1 champer 2 chamber 3 chimney J O o/ h f ; < /I h h 1 chine 2 chain / i /-.i • 3 chin 1 China 1 chanter chantry 1 chance / o • 2 chains Cp » Chinese 3 chill, chilly, chiel children chaldron 2 etcher 3 cheer 1 char 2 chare cherry, ^ chary ^ 1 chariot 1 chart 1 charity 1 charter cherry-tree charioteer 1 Charley 2 churl 3 cheerily 2 charily 1 Charles 3 cheerless 28 jknd— jnt 1 jocund 1 j aconet 1 jag, jaggy, jog 2 jug 3 jig 1 j oggle, conj ugal 2 j uggle 3 jiggle juggler LJ^~\ jugular jugglery 1 jogger 3 jigger jovial, jovially 1 joys 2 ages 3 religious, Jews 1 jo)'^ous 3 Jewess, juicy 1 j oist 2 j est , congest, just, adjust 3 gist Jesuit 2 j ested, congested, adj usted jester, juster J/ gesture / < C r / ( Z- L I—D 1 large, joy, Jah, jaw, congee 2 age, jay 3 gee, Jew, ogee 1 job, gibe 2 Job 3 jib 3 giblet jubilate 1 iabber, iobber, giber 3 jibber Ijot 2 jet, jetty, jut 3 jute 1 jawed 2 edged, jade, aged 3 Jude geodesy ^ Judaize 1 j ack, j ockey 2 j oke 1 jacket 2 eject jocose 1 jackass L. z Z/ A / / f 6 t J~ C A I ' — ^ L J C J L i' 1 joyousness 3 juiciness ^ 1 joyously 1 jostle 2 j ustly generation Ijam 2 gem 3 Jim geometer geometry 1 jammed 2 gemmed Ij'oin, conjoin 2 general- ly, Jane 3 religion, gin, June 2 January (contr.), Jenny 3 augean, genii, Juno 1 gentleman, j'oined, joint, conjoint, conjoined, jaunt 2 gentlemen, gent 1 giant 2 genet 1 jaunty 2 agent junta, junto 29 jntd— jrmn / V j f 6 h / A / K 1 A f / A_ 1 jaunted, jointed / 2 gentle, Gentile ^ gently f 3 genteel genital gentry agency ' 1 janitor, jointer j ointure ginger V gingery 1 joins, conjoins 2 Janus ^ / 3 genus, genius 3 genial, congenial 1 joiner, joinery 2 genera 3 junior junction, conjunction 1 jangle 2 jungle 3 jingle 1 largely, jolly, July, agile 2 jail, jole, jelly 3 jill, congeal, jowl jewel 2 jolt 1 jollity, 3 jilt ^ 1 agility 3 congealed jellied 1 joyless 2 jealous 1 joylessly 1 jollier 2 jailer 3 j ewelry 1 larger 1 jar, ajar, gyre 2 conjure 3 jeer, adjure, conjure 2 Jerry 3 jury 1 j arred 3 jeered, adjured, conjured 1 gyrate jerk, Jericho germ, Jeremiah jrm— kbk U feTmane Germany /o adjourned ^ journeyed 2 conjurer 3 juror K 1 can, coy 2 come, ache, oak, echo, key, coo, cow, cue, eke 1 cap, cop, copy, occupy 2 cup, cape, cope, capable (conlr.) 3 keep, coup, coupee 1 occupied 2 kept, capot 1 capital, capitally, capitol capture jealousy 2 jealously ^ jeweller captor 1 copse, coppice 2 capias, copious 1 copyist capacity 2 copiousness ^ 3 concupiscence 1 capsule 2 copiously * 1 captious 2 capacious 1 caption ^ occupation ^ 3 capuchin 1 copula 3 cupola couplet 1 copulate 1 copper 2 caper, cupper 3 kipper, keeper, cooper, coopery copier, occupier 1 coppers 2 capers 3 keepers, caprice ^ copperas 1 copyright 2 co-operate 1 cab, cob, kibe 2 cub, can be 3 cube 3 cubit . 3 cubic kbn-kd 30 kdt— kth 1 cabin, concubine 1 cobble 2 cable 1 cabal, cabala 1 cobbler 1 cobra 1 cabaret cupboard 3 key-board 1 act, cat, cot, caught, kite 2 could, connect, acute, cute, cut, coat, Kate, kit can it, Cato 1 acted 2 connected 1 actuate 1 chaotic 1 catcall 3 cuticle 1 active, octave 2 connective, caitiff 1 octavo 2 could have 1 acts 2 cates, connects 1 cat’s-paw, catsup 1 cotton 3 kitten acuteness cutaneous 1 cattle, actually 2 kettle actual cutlet 1 actuality T V ~1 T ~1 Cadet 1 caddie, caudle 2 cuddle 1 catch 2 ketch, coach 3 couch, couchee 2 kedge, cage cudgel cajole 1 cadger, codger 1 cock, caulk 2 cake, coke, cocoa, kick, cook, cuckoo 1 concoct, cocked 2 coquet 3 kicked, cooked, cockatoo 1 concoctor coquetry 1 caucus 2 coax kecksy , coaxed 3 kickshaw 1 concoction 2 Caucasian cocagne, cocoon 1 cockney 1 cackle, cockle 1 cocker, caulker 2 kicker " cookery 1 cog 2 keg 1 calf, cough, coif 2 cave, concave, cove, cuff 1 cafe, coffee 1 coffer N. coiffure cutler cutlery 1 actor, cotter 2 cater, cutter 3 accoutre 1 cattarrh 1 actuary, cautery 2 coterie 1 actress cauterize 1 cateress 1 cad, caddy, cod 2 cade, cud, cuddy, echoed 3 kid, kiddow, cowed can have, covey 1 cavity, concavity 2 caveat, covet 1 cavil 2 coeval ^ caviler cavalier cavalry 3 kfth ks— ksmr 31 kstn— ksm 1 cause, because, axe, ox 2 case, kiss 2 chaos, cowhouse 1 causey 2 cosy 1 accept, occiput 2 accept, expiate 1 accepted 2 excepted acceptor expiator expedience expositor expe- diency exposi- tory exception, expiation 1 expand 2 expend, expound, expenditure {conh'.) 1 expanded 2 expended 3 expounded 1 expanse 2 expense, expensive [contr.) expansive — expel 'V' u -f -t If -tP -f -f 3 keystone 1 excitant 2 extant, extent, extend 1 costly, extol 1 caster, coster 2 coaster 1 exciter 2 extra 1 castrate 2 custard 1 extort extract, extricate 1 extraction 2 castration — 6j extri- cation 3 extrusion 1 extortion 2 extersion 1 oxide 2 caused 3 acceed, exceed, exude, accused 1 oxidize 2 exodus 2 oxidation 3 exudation 1 accident, Occident 1 oxygen 2 exogen exigence 7S>i oxygenize explode ^ expelled explosion explore expeller expire 1 expiry -vie. parte expression ^^expiration 1 cast, cost, accost 2 coast 1 excite 2 exit 1 accosted — P 2 excited 1 custody 1 caustic 2 acoustic 1 costive, causative, excitive 3 accusative 1 costume 2 custom, accustom — f customer, customary -f -t exigency 1 cask, cassock, cossack, kiosk, 1 exact, casket 2 execute excuse execrate excoriate execration, excursion, ex ■ cretion 1 excisable 2 accessible excoriation 1 cassava 8 exuvia ] axis, causes 2 cases, kisses 1 access 2 excess, caseous excise causation, accusation, accession 1 chasm, axiom, example {contr.), 2 exhume ksmtk— kn 32 kn— kl — 1 florid 2 flurried florescence, efflorescence 1 offer 2 for 1 fry 2 ffom, fray, affray, fro %free 1 far, afar, fire, afire 2 fir, confer, fair, fare, affair, fur, four, fore, afore 3 fear, fewer 1 faro, farrow, fiery, fora}'’ 2 ferry, fairy, furry, furrow 3 fury fripper frippery 1 friable 3 fribble furbelow 1 fraught, fright 2 fret, freight,frit, fruit, freed 1 affright 2 effort, comfort fort, forte,"ferret 1 forty 2 (piano) forte 1 affrighted 2 fretted, freighted, com- forted 2 freightage 3 fruitage 1 frightful 2 fretful 3 fruitful 1 frightfulness 2 fretfulness 3 fruitfulness fortune frighten fourteen fortnight, fortunate 2 fertilize ^ comfort- 3 fruitless ^ less further, from their, fretter, fritter comforter, for there, for their farther offertory 1 fraud, fried, Friday 2 frayed, afraid, Fred. 0 1 fired 2 fared, conferred 1 forehead 2 furrowed forage forge forger forger}' 1 frock, fracas, Afric, Africa 3 freak fork 1 fracted 2 furcated 1 fraction 3 friction 1 African 2 firkin •frequence '^frequency 1 frog 2 forgive {contr.) farrago forego 2 forget 3 frigate fragrance fragrancy 1 froth, frothy 3 frith forth, firth furthest farthest 1 offers 2 for his 2 phrase, furze 3 frize, freeze 1 farce 2 force, fours 3 fierce 2 Pharos, ferreous 3 furious euphrasy pharisee frst ^ 1 frost 1 forest, aphorist 2 fairest frosty ferocity forced frstrt— frnt 43 frntd— vd first-rate ^ frustrate fire- side aforesaid 2 fresco 3 frisk, frisky 2 forsake 3 forsook > 3 fierceness ou“sniss 2 foresail 3 fiercely frizzle ^ 3 furiously forcer friseur — V J fairish 1 fieriness fresh, afresh freshen, fruitien frame forum 1 farm, form, 'conform 2 firm, confirm, affirm 1 farmed, formed, conformed ^ 2 affirmed, confirmed framed 1 conformist 2 foremast, foremost 1 formation, -conformation ^ 2 affirmation, confirmation 2 firman 3 freeman 1 fireman 2 foreman forewoman ferment firmer, confirmer, conformer former farmer frown 1 foreign 2 fern 3 ferine farina friend, front, frowned ^ affront, confront fronted affronted, confronted frontier ''>) f^^niture effrontery franchise, affranchise furnace V_/^ conference V fairness 2 frail, furlough 3 ti ill, freely, free-will fairly, furl farewell foreland 1 friar 3 freer friary ^ 1 farrier 2 fairer, furrier 3 furor 1 farriery 2 furriery forward froward Y 1 vie, via, convoy, ivy, halve, connive, Ave 2 have, convey, ova 3 view, vow, avow, eve 1 viper V-v X vapory 2 vapor ^ ^ 1 evaporize 3 oviparous 1 vat 2 vote 3 veto V victuals vitalize voter votary vitreous voters vi votaries 1 vied, void, avoid 2 evade, conveyed, vowed, avowed, viewed vd— vsr 44 vsrd— vltr 1 vide 2 Veda-, evidence voidance, avoidance Vd vizard, visored 2 ovation, evasion 3 vision 1 van, vine 2 heaven^ vain, vein 3 even, convene 2 vetch 3 vouch, avouch 3 voucher, avoucher evoke, convoke 1 convict, convocate, evacu- ate 3 evict, convict, vacuity victor 1 convex 2. vex convexo 1 viny, avenue 2 veiny 3 vena, venue 1 viand, vaunt 2 event, vent, vend, convent, veined vignette ^ -nig, vaunter venture vindicator, V^™dic- 1 vinus, connivance 2 con- veyance 3 evince, con- vince, Venus, Viennese 1 vaccine 3 vixen 2 vacation, vocation, avoca- tion, convocation 3 eviction, conviction, evac- uation . conveyancing, evincing convincing conveyancer, convincer vanish, evanish 1 viscount, evacuant vacant vocal, vocally vague, vogue vigor vagary 1 vase, vice, voice 2 avis 3 eaves ~ 1 vast, avast 2 vest V V 1 vasty 2 vesta 3 visit 1 vastation 3 visitation 1 vastly 2 vestal 2 vestry 2 vesture 3 visitor 1 vascular 3 vesicular 2 evasive, vice versa {conir.) 3 vis a vis 1 vassal 2 vessel 1 viceroy 3 visor, vizier, viscera 2 convention 3 Venetian 2 convenience 3 evenness conveniency venal ^Sv^enja^ 1 vinery 2venery 3 veneer convener venerate W d’ 1 vile, vial, viol 2 vail, vale, veil, avail, oval, ovule 3 veal, vowel, avowal 3 evil 1 valley, value, volley 2 ovolo, vale 3 villa, uvula 1 valuable, voluble 2 available 1 vault, valet, violet, violate 2 volute, convolute volta 1 vaulted, violated 3 convoluted violator vltr -vrtkl 45 vrtr— vrrt Vs^/^ 1 valuator 2 vulture ^ silled V 3 evil-eyed valve, evolve, convolve convulse Vy^ valise V iO 2 violation 3 volition, evo- ^ ution, convolution valuation ^ convulsion volume, vellum ^ liniin ^ -Uainy valiant, violent volunteer voluntary V ^ 1 valance, V violence vileness villainous, villanies Valhalla, vilely valor, valuer 1 over 2 ever, every 2 very 3 hovoever ivory vary, aviary, ovary, avowry 2 aver, conveyor ^ 3 veer, avower, viewer V-Aaliy ^variablo C- s V averter, ^converter overture veered 1 convert 2 convert avert, overt :, C virtu, ; j virtue 1 variety 2 verity vertebra, vertebrae converted averted 1 overtake, overtook 1 vortex 2 vertex 1 vortical 2 vertical averse, converse ^ 1 overhead, ,| overdo 1 overdraw verdure V verge, C ^ converge j average 1 overact 2 overcoat virgo virago 1 overgrown 2 evergreen verse 1 avarice, virus 2 various 1 oversee ^ conversed V ^ I oversight veracity, voracity ^ oversell, vari- f conversely ously 1 overseer 2 cenverser ^ 1 overshot, overshoot 1 voracious 2 veracious espouser 2 spacious 3 specious, species auspicious 1 spry, sapper 2 spray, supper 3 spree, sipper, super, supra 1 spar, spire, conspire 2- spare, spur 3 spear sparry, ^ asper, sparrow “x ospray aspire \/\^ 2 separable 3 superable \/\/^ superbly X 1 sprat, sprite 2 spirit, spread, sprout 2 spaciousness 3 speciousness 2 spaciously 3 speciously 1 span, spawn, spine, supine 2 spun 3 spin, spoon, supine 3st-y ^ -P- 2 sponge, spongy 3 spinage sapience Vp spinous V 1 sponsor 2 spenc( spaniel 1 s 1 spanner 3 spinner, spinnery I supply 2 supple spurt, sport, support, sup- purate separate 1 asperate, aspirate 3 seaport asperity 2 separated 3 spirited, sprouted supported, suppurated sportive, suppurative spirits spirituous. 1 sprightly 2 spiritual separately 1 sprightless. 2 spiritless, spiritualize- 1 spile, spoil 2 spell 3 spill, spool, sepal espial 1 splatter 2 splutter, sepulture spoliator 1 spoiled 2 spelled 3 spilled, spooled splash, splashy 1 supplant 2 splint,suppliant supplier 1 spoiler 2 speller 3 spiller V- % V) separator X supporter, ^ conspira- ' tor 1 conspired 2 spared, spurred 3 speared spread, superadd 1 sprack (local) spark, sparrow-hawk 1 surprise cypress 2 suppress 3 spruce sparse V’ 3 spurious conspiracy asperse sprns~st 48 st— stdns spruceness V'^ sprucely, suppressal sparsely spuriously suppressor separation, suppression suppuration aspersion, asperation, aspi- ration 2 sperm 3 supreme spearman super- human sprain spurn soprano, Cyprian superannuate I, aspirant 1 sprang 2 sprung 3 spring, springy V- sprawl Vs^irS'^’ sparely supperless sporules o 1 conspirer 2 sparer,spurrer 3 superior n 1 has {as) to he, sob 2 sub \ 3 is to be subtile 1 Sabbath 2 Sabaoth 1 subacid, Q subside j subdue 2 subsidy I subsection, subscription {contr.) sable Sibyl sabre, sober sybarite sobriety suborn, Siberian 1 sat, sight, sot, sought, cite 2 set, sate, sit, seat, conceit, soot, suit, east > \ I \ { \ ( o f f r 1 sty 2 as it, has it, stay, stow, settee, suttee 3 is it, city, stew, sooty, suet, suety 1 stop 2 step 3 steep, stoop, stupe 1 constipate 3 stupid, stew-pot 1 stopped 2 stepped 1 stopple 2 staple 3 stipple, steeple 1 stopper 2 stooper, stupor 1 stab 2 stub, stubby stable, stubble, constable suitableness < suitable, suitably stab le- 1 statue 2 state, stet 3 stout 1 satiety 3 situate 1 sighted, acetate 2 sated, estate 3 seated, suited, conceited, astute, ousted stated statute ) situated states, status estates statutes constituency astuteness, conceitedness 2 stately stater, stutter statuary 3 stoutly stature 2 stead, staid, stud 3 steed, stood 2 steady, study 3 studio staidness ^steadiness stdl— stn staidly |f citadel 49 /■ steadily stage ; stowage l- cL J J I 1 stack, stock, stalk, stocky 2 stake, stuck, stoke, stick, sticky. Stoic, stucco sciatica ) ascetic 2 stoical 3 stickle 1 stockholder 2 stakeholder 1 stalker 2 sticker, stoker 1 staff 2 stuff 3 stiff stifle stiffly stave, stove 2 stays 3 stews, cities 1 sights, assets 2 sits, seats, conceits, suits 1 sottish 2 cetacea station citation situation stationer, stationery, sta- tionary stem, steam 1 asthma 2 esteem 1 stamp 2 stump, stumpy 1 stamped 2 stumped 1 stampei stumble stumbler estimate stamen stemless, stimulus 1 stammer 3 steamer 1 satin 2 Satan 3 seton 4 L p "1 L { L- S E_P V L I C L u I asteroid Saturday straddle Easter- day tereod, storied stereo d. sturdily ^ astraddle stretch ^ ostrich stretcher starcher storage, steerage 1 strike 2 struck, stroke 3 streak, streaky 1 stark, stork satiric, citric historic 2 construct, stroked 3 strict, constrict constructed 3 constricted structure, stricture 2 constructor 3 constrictor^ stricter constriction strickle satirical historical 1 striker 2 s-troker 1 straggle 2 struggle 1 straggler 2 straggler 1 strife, strive 2 strove strophe starve stress storehouse satirize 2 strum _ 3 stream, streamy 3 streamed stormed strain, csv constrain strn— sch 51 V f f 5 h r h 1 Saturn 3 citron 2 astern 3 eastern historian n 1 p r 1 Austrian 1 strand 2 strained, constrained 2 strange 3 constringe Saturnine, Saturnian 2 strung 3 string, stringy 1 sad, sod, side 2 said, sowed, soda 3 seed, concede, seedy 1 acid, aside 2 assayed, essayed 3 seaTweed sedate acidity soda-water ^ sudatory 2 suds 3 seduce Sadducee f assiduous ^ assid 1 sidesman P Saddu- 3 seedsman cean soi disant 1 sadden, sodden, Sedan 2 sudden 1 saddle, sidle 1 sadly 3 cedilla sedulity ^ acidulate 1 sideling 3 seedling saddler saddlery soldier 1 solder, cider 2 consider 3 cedar considered considerate such f 4 * f ) sj— skns 2 suggest-ed-ion-ive(? 2 /r.) sedge, sage, sedgy ,^3 siege assuage 1 sack, sock, sky, skyey 2 sake, suck, soak, sick, seek, skew 1 ask 2 esquire {contr.) 3 askew 2 scape, skope 3 skip scab, scabby escape sky-blue I Scot, socket 2 skate, skit, scote, scout, sect 1 Scottish 3 skittish 1 scatter 2 skater, sector sectary cicatrize, cicatrice 2 scud 3 skid 1 Scotch 2 sketch 1 scoff 2 skiff scuffle sackfull 1 sacks 2 sex, six sixty, siccity 2 sexton, sextane 3 sixteen section, suction scum, succumb, skim, scheme 1 scamped 2 skimmed, schemed skimmer, schemer k sycamore 1 scan 2 skein, skin, sicken skinny 1 scant 2 second scanty askant scandalize, scandalous 1 sconce 2 scones askance o — ^ sickness 52 sknr— skrpshn skrpls— sf •ly' Q_y^ V r > U 0— /\ cr^ 1 scanner 2 skinner, schooner 3 seakale, sea- coal 1 cycle 2 suckle, sickle, school ■'1 scall 2 scale, scull 3 skill, scowl scaly, sickly scalp, scollop sculptor, sculpture 1 skylight 2 skillet 1 sc£tld '2 scaled, scold, skilled ^ schooled seclude 1 scalder 2scolder seclusion osculation succulent esculent succulence scaliness, sickliness schooling, suckling scaling 1 scholar 3 scaler, sculler, secular scullery scholarly, secularly 1 Scripture yS 2 i.ck.eT 2 sucker, succor, soaker, seeker, screw 1 scar 2 scare, score 3 secure, scour, skewer skurry, succory, scoria asker 1 scrap 2 scrape 3 scrip scarp, Scorpio script, conscript conscription ascription o- 'V n V 3 scruples 1 scribe 2 scrub, scrubby ascribe 1 scrabble 3 scribble secret, secrete, consecrate skirt security L/ escort scortatory scrutator secretary, secretory 2 sacred 3 screed 1 scarred 2 scared, scored, secured 1 scratch Q — _ 1 scorch 3 screech A 2 scourge 1 scrag, scraggy 2w Q— ^ scirrhus scarcity secretion, ' consecration ^ scorn, saccharine 3 securely scarlet scurrility succorless, scurrilous succorer scourer, securer 1 squalor 2 squealer 1 squire 2 square squint, consequent 1 signify, sag, Saga 2 sago safe, sofa, Sophia, Sofi C sft- sst 53 sst— snt \ c c °> 1 soft sifted safety assafetida softer, sifter suffocation ^ 1 suffice 2 suffuse 1 soften, syphon ossifica- tion 1 sapphire 3 sphere 1 cipher 2 safer, suffer 1 ciphered 2 suffered. spheroid. suffrage ossifrag© 1 salve. Savoy 2 several^ save 3 conceive^ sieve 3 sea-viev8i seven savant savory severity savorily savanna savior, severe V severely soever asseverate 2 saith 3 sooth, south 1 scythe 3 seethe, soothe 1 as is, has his 2 is as, is his, his is 1 sauce, assize, concise 2 says> assess, oasis 3 Suez 1 size 3 seize, souse 1 saucy, sycee < ice-house 3 see-saw ) 2 assessed 3 assist, cist, ceased consist. ] IJ) ) X. >- > )/ 0 :u n siesta, society assistant, ^ sustained ^ consistent consistenqe ^^-^consistenoy sister. consistory sisterly ^5^ consistorial, 3 sea-side, secede, suicide secession, cessation 1 assassin 3 ceasing sa.uciness, conciseness saucily, concisely isosceles 3 ceaseless 1 assizer, saucer 2 assessor, 3 Caesar, seizer Cicero, Sisera 1 sizeable 3 seizable 3 season 1 sizer 3 seizer, seizure cesura satiate, consociate associate association, consociation cession, session, concession 1 psalm 2 s(?me, same, seem, con- sume, semi, seamy, simia 1 Siam 2 asemble^y {contr.) 3 assume. rsfi^ie ^ -ply cymbal, consumable 1 smite ^somewhat, smut, smote, consummate smutty smtm— snt 54 sntd— snshn 0 i same time, some time, symptom 2 semitone 3 smitten smuttily, consummately 1 smatter,smiter 2 scimitar, smoother, smotlier,sumpter (Cemetery, symmetry, sump- tuary 1 smack, smock 2 smoke, smoky, sumach 2 smith, smithy 3 seemeth 3 smooth 1 psalms 2 seems, consumes, simious 1 Siamese 3 assumes consumption, Summation, consummation assumption 1 Shimon 2 shmmon simony 3 seaman, seamen samehes's <5^ summons something {contr.), seeming I sign, consign, consignee, sine 2 sane, son, sun, sin, seen, scene, soon, snow, snowy, senna, sinew, sinewy, sunny assign, Ossian 1 Sion 2 essential-ly {contr.) assignee 1 snap, snappy, snipe 3 snip 1 snapper 3 snipper 1 snob 2 snub sanable snowball assignable 1 as not, has noi^ sent, son- net 2 is not, scent, cent, senate, consent, saint, snout, se’nnight 1 sanity, sonata 2 cento, 3 sinuate ascent, ascend, assent sienite n n 'M r Ip scented, consented assented cenotaph, sanative senate- sonnetize ^ centennial centre, consenter, senator, sender, sunder, sounder, cinder s entry centaur sonneteer sanatory, sanitary, century centric, concentric 1 sand, signed, consigned 2 send, sound, sinned 1 sandy 2 Sunday 3 synod 1 sanded 3 sounded ascended llZtmy "^sun-dial \ sundry 1 asunder 1 snack 2 scenic, snake, snick, sneak, snaky 1 snag 2 snug snuggle, snugly 2 snuff 3 sniff 1 snaffle 2 snuffle, sinful 1 sans, signs 2 sense, since, sins, scenes, sneeze, snooze iciness ^ 1 science 2 essence, seance S assignees sinuous sensible, sensibly {contr.) sinuosity 1 cynosure 2 censer, censor, sincere sincerely, sensorial ^rnuS sensate, sunset sushi— sit 55 sltd— slvj sensual, seneschal 1 consonance 2 saneness, sunniness synonym, synonymy snail, senile, sanely sunless, sinless, sinewless 1 sig-ner, consigner 2 sinner, sooner 2 snare, snore 3 sneer, senior scenery, seigniory assignor snared, snored, sneered sunrise, sonorous snarer, snorer, sneerer 1 sang, song 2 sing, sung 1 sank 2 sunk, sink single, singly songsters songstress 1 sal, Sol, soil, sly, sallyj sallow, consol, consul 2 soul, sail, sale, sole, slay, slow, sully, console, solo 3 seal, slew, silly assail 1 slap, slop, sloppy 2 slope 3 slip, sleep, sloop, sleepy 2 aslope 3 asleep 3 slipper, sleeper, slippery 1 slab 2 slub 1 soluble 2 saleable, conso- lable 3 syllable, concealable assailable 1 slabber, slobber 2 slubber 2 celebrity celebrate ° 13 salubrity 1 salt, slight 2 slate, slit, sleet, slut, sa- lute, consult, conciliate ^ 2 slaty 3 sleety )- 5 Oj a r" n K" n 1 assault, Vi assaulted, / * is ■ ' isolated isolate, oscillate 1 salted, slighted, solitude 2 consulted 1 saltish 2 sluttish saltation, consultation, salutation Sultan Sultana 1 saltness, slightness psalter, slaughter, slighter, slater, slitter, consulter, conciliator, saluter sultry assaulter oscillatory 1 psaltery, solitary, salutary, consolatory 2 conciliatory solitaire 1 slide, soiled, salad, sallied, solid 2 sailed, sold, soled, consoled, sled 3 sealed, concealed, slid, slued 1 solidity 3 consolidate llo^r Oz-'diery sledge, sludge 1 slack, Salic 2 slake, sulk, sulky 3 silk, slick, sleak, silky 1 slacked 2 select, sulcate rn ^ ^ 1 slacken 3 silken ^ A- 1 slackness 2 sulkiness 3 sleekness, silkiness 2 sulkily 3 sleekly 1 sol-fa, salify 2 self, slough 3 sylph sulphur sulphury 2 sulphurous 3 saliferous sulphureous 1 solve, salvo, saliva 2 slave 3 sleeve, Sylva salvable, solvable 1 salvage 2 selvage slvslin~sr 56 sr— srs r’ r a r e y \y^ salvation, salivation 2 sloven 3 sylvan 1 salver, salvor, solver, sali- vary 2 slaver, slavery 3 silver, sliver, silvery 1 slice, solace, consols 2 solus 3 sluice solaced sciolist solstice, solicitous 1 slash, slosh 2 slush, slushy 12 salacious 3 silicious 2 conciliation, consolation 3 Cilician, solution oscillation isolation 1 slam, slime, slimy, solemn, salaam 3 slim asylum 1 solemnize, solemnness, sliminess 3 slimness 1 saline 2 slain, sullen 3 saloon 1 slant, silent 2 salient 1 aslant 2 assailant slander, slender, cylinder Icelander silence 1 slyness, sallowness 2 slowness, soleness 3 silliness 1 slang- 2 slung- 3 sling 1 slank 2 slunk 3 slink 1 slyly 2 slowly, solely 3 sillily 2 slur, cellar, seller, sailor, solar, consoler, slower 3 sealer, concealer 1 salary 2 celery 3 ciliary assailer oscillary cellaret ^ ^ celerity 1 sire 2 sir, sore 3 cere, sear, sere, sour o^\ -Ao cy' y y oP o/[ CvAVd 1 sorry, sorrow 2 sierra, Sarah 1 sawyer, sigher 2 sower, assayer, connc seur, seer, sewer sirup, sirupy surplus, surplice 1 sort, consort, concert 2 serrate 1 concerto 2 sortie 1 assort 2 assert 1 sorted, consorted 2 serrated, concerted 1 assorted 2 asserted 1 sorts, concerts 2 cerates 1 sorites 2 Certes certain ascertain sorter assorter sword, surd, seared, soared, soured 3 seaward, sewered 1 sorrowed 2 serried search, serge sewerage sergeant sergeanty circuit, surcoat ^ — o cir- ^ cus circulate, circlet, circled serf, serve, conserve, surf, seraph survey servitor, conservator surveys, service server, conserver surveyor source, sirs 1 sorrows 3 serious, series, Ceres, serous srs— shb 57 shbl— shl ) y \ j < 3 sea-horse serum 8 sea-room 2 sermon ov cere- 3 cerumen mQn 3 f, cerement, surmount sermons sermonise, ceremonious concern 1 saurian, syren 3 serene, Syrian 3 sea-worn surround, concerned! serenade serenity ^ 2 soreness, concerns Vp o ^ 3 sourness 1 seraglio, sorrel 2 surly, sorely 3 serial, sourly sorrily 2L sirloin. 3 cerulean Z 2 vms 3 whosey. usBy. ease, easy, ooze zone 1 Zion 2 zany 3 zeal, easily, eazelV ouzel 1 Czar 3 easier, user zero SH 1 ash, ashy, Shah,, pshaw, shy 2 shall, shall, show, showy 3 she,, wish, shoe 1 shop, chapeau 2 shape 3 ship, sheep d { •i i- ± -4 X S' J 3 sheepwalk, sheephook ship -master, sheep -master 1 shabby 2 shall be, show- -boy 3 shoe-boy <4 1 shabbily 2 show-bill 1 shot 2 sheet, ^ eye- shut, shoot, shout shot 1 chateau 3 shoe-tie shatter, shutter, shooter, shouter 1 shad, shod, shied, shoddy, shadow, shadowy 2 shade, shady, shed, showed 3 shoed shadiness, shadowiness shedder, shudder 1 shaft 3 shift shave, shove shoveler ^ 'I--- chivalry 2 shaver 3 shiver. 1 shack, shock 2 shake, shaky 3 sheik, shook fhican4 ^Shekinah 1 shackle 2 shekel shag, shaggy sugar, sugary 1 sham, shammy, chamois 2 shame shamed, ashamed shameful, shamefully 1 shammer 2 shamer 1 shone, shine %shown, shun, Asian, ocean 3 shin, sheen 1 sha’nt 2 shunt shanty, Ashantee 1 shyness, conscience 2 showiness 1 shawl, shallow, ash -hole 2 shell, shale, shoal, shoally, showily 58 mpts- embrdr sMv— mpt > V t . j) J J y shelve, sjhelvy 2 usher 3 sure, shrew, wisher 1 shire 2 share, shore, ashore, shower 3 sheer, assure, shower,shear 1 ashery 2 sherry 3 showery 1 short shirt 3 surety shorthand ^ shortened 2 shred 3 shrewd, shroud, shroudy 2 sherd, shared 3 sheared, assured, showered charade shrewdly assuredly 1 shark 2 shirk 3 shriek sureness >o assurance 1 shrank 2 shrunk 3 shrink 3 shrill, surely 2 shoreless 3 showerless 2 sharer 3 shearer, assurer ZH usual, usually pleasure azure usury M 1 me, my, am, maw 2 him, may. May, mow, mew, aim 1 imporiani-ance 2 improve-d-meni, imp 1 mapped, mopped . 1 impiety 1 3i] 2 moped i impute lmap,mop,myopy 2 mope impetus 1 -/I n /nT* impetuous 1 amputation 3 imputation 1 impossible, iambus, em- boss 2 improvements, impose, impious embassy 1 impostor imposture impatient impassioned impend, impound, impugned 1 ample, imply, employ 2 maple maypole 1 amply 2 impel, impale implead - impelled, r impaled impletion impulsion 1 employer 2 implore empire, umpire, empower, embower, impair, impure 1 impart 2 import 1 imparted 2 imported 1 imparter 2 importer , impemous emprise, p imporous, empress, imperious impress embarrass impregn empyrean imbue, imp 1 mab, mob 2 may be mobility, amiability embody, ] mobbed impede * embezzle, imbecile 1 amble 2 amiable, amiably 1 amber, ombre 2 ember, umber 1 ambry 2 umbra 3 imbrue, embryo embroider embroi- dery mbrkslui— mdst 59 mdst— mth embarcation, embrocation embrace, imburse embroil, umbrella 1 mighty meiy mat, omit 2 meet-ingy mate, moat, meat, meet, mete, moot, mute, emmet, emit n 1 motto, mighty, moiety, amity 2 empty n, '1 Op emptied, omitted, moated, meted, motet, mooted 1 mattock 2 emetic 1 amative 2 motive mutation, imitation 1 matin 2 mutton 3 mitten 3 mutiny 1 matins 3 mittens 1 mightiness 3 muteness, mutinies, mutinous a. -7 "7 7 n modest 1 madam 1 madden 7 modesty 2 medium 2 maiden Madonna madness 2 muddiness 3 moodiness 1 match 2 majesty {contr.)y Maji 3 image imagine, Magian major 7- imagery 1 mack, mock, macaw, mica 2 make, muck, meek, mucky amicable, amicably 1 mocks 2 makes, mix, mucous machination, mechanician mickle 71 1 motley, mightily 2 metal, mettle 3 meetly, mutely, mutual, mutually mutilate mutuality 1 amatory 2 motory 1 macula 2 meekly, muckhill 1 mocker, mockery 2 maker mug, muggy. Omega maggot, maggoty 1 magnet 2 magnate 7 amateur, meteor, mature 1 matter, mitre 2 mutter, mother, metre, mooter, mouther n a. maturate, meteorite maturity 1 matrass, matross 2 mattress, matrice maternal 7 matronal, matronly 1 maugre 2 meagre 1 migrate 2 emigrate, immigrate 1 migration 2 emigration, immigration 2 muflf 3 miff magfnify emphasis, emphasize muffle. Mayfly n 7 1 material-ly^'^-'Y^ mature- materiel ’ ly 1 mad 2 madey moody mud mode, meed, mid, aimed 2 Mayday, meadow, mead- owy, muddy 3 middy modify midst, amidst 7 muffler, Mayflower 1 math, moth, mothy 2 mathematics {contr.) 3 myth, mouth 1 methought 2 method methodical, methodically 3 meathe, mouthe a rrrrr ^ ms— msms 60 msmnt— mn 1 myself y mass, moss, mice, alms, amass 2 himself , Miss, mess, ma?e, aims, miss, muss, moose, mouse, muse, amaze, amuse 1 massy, mossy, Messiah, 2 Monsieur 1 amassment 2 amazement, amusement 1 moisten 2 mason, mizzen 1 massiness, mossiness 2 Macaenas amazing, amusing, missing 1 most,, mast^ amassed; moist 2 must, missed 2 musty 3 misty masted masthead 2 mastic 3 mystic, mistook mastiff mystify 1 moistness 2'mustiness 3 mistiness amazingly, amusingly oistener masaniy mislay, missal, muscle, muzr - zle, mizzle, mousehole mislaid, mislead Moslem, mausoleum 1 maslifi misceU. 2 muslin lany 1 miser 3 mouser, muser 1 master 2 muster. Mister 1 masseter, mastery, mois- ture 3 mystery mistress mysterious 2 amazed 3 misdo, amused 1 almsdeed 2 misdeed message, messuage misery, emissary 1 Masorite, miswrite, mac-, erate Messieurs mossrose miserly misrule ■ 1 mask, mosque, mistake {contr.) 2 musk, musky, music^ Mosaic muscat, musket o ? mosquito musketry k”tee'r miscall, musical muscular, mouse-color 1 masquer, massacre miscarry 1 massive 3 must have, missive, omissive 1 masses, mosses. 2 Misses, messes. 1 almshouse 2 missay, Mrs 3 misuse {noun) 1 mash 2 mesh, mush mashed, emaciate motion, emotion, mission,, emission, immission machine missionary 2 2 Mishna machinery 1 ma’am, mamma, mime 2 maim, mum, mummy, mome immaterial -ly mimosa malmsey, mammal, mammalia memory, mummery, memoir 3 misuse {verb) 1 miasm, miasma 2 museum mismaze,museums, meseems immortal' 1 man, mine 2 men, mean, main, mane, moan, moon mn— mnsng 61 innsl— mid 1 manna, many, Mina 2 money, minnow, mania, ammonia 1 mind^ manned, almond, monde may not ^amount, meant, mint, mount, mend, amend, mound 1 mantua, ammonite 2 emanate, amenity 3 minute, minuet, immunity 1 monotone ' 2 maintain mountain- eer mam- tainer 1 mantle, mantel - 2 mental, mentally 3 minutely 1 minder mounter 1 monitor minuter 2 mender 2 mentor, ^ 1 monitory 2 monetary 3 minatory 1 manhood, monad, monody 2 Monday 1 minded 2 mended,amended 1 mander, meander 1 manage 2 mange, mangy 1 manager 2 manger ■ maniac, ammoniac t 1 manakin 2 manikin 3 minever, manoeuvre 2 month 3 Maynooth 1 manse 2 men’s, mince, means 1 ominous, minus 2 manes, menace, immense minced, menaced, meanest 1 amnesty 2 immensity 1 monster 2 minster, minister ministry monastery ' menacing, mincing 1 mannish 1 ominously <2 immensely, mainsail 3 minutia, minutiae 1 mansion 2 mention, emanation, moni- tion, munition, ammunition moonshine 1 omnium 2 ammonium, minim emanant,eminent, imminent, immanent, mignonette eminence, imminence, meanness among, aiming — monk, monkey - r> 1 Manx 2 minx, monks, 3 monkies 1 manly, manual 2 mainly 1 3 menial, meanly, manilla 1 manner, manor, miner, minor 2 meaner minority, minaret mainyard, manured monarch, monarchy mannerly,manorial, mineral 1 my lord, mal, maul, mile, moil, mallow 2 mail, male, mole, mull, Malay, mellow, mel^e 3 meal, mill, mule, mealy 1 malt, mallet, malleate, omelet, amulet, emoliate 2 melt, moult, mullet, milt, millet, immolate mlattoo multiply, multiple melted, moulted, militate, immolated melter, milter, moulder, emulator military 1 mauled, mild 2 mailed, mould, milled 1 malady 2 mellowed, mouldy, mole- eyed, melody 3 mildew mlds— mrdr 62 mrdr— npls 1 maladies melodize, melodious milk, milky 1 malice 2 mails, aimless, emulous 1 milestone 3 millstone 1 malster 2 molester 1 mollusk 2 mollusca 3 militia, mellowish, mulish 2 emulsion, immolation, emulation 1 malign 2 melancholy {conir.), mel- Ion, mullion 3 million 1 mollient, emollient mile-end ' mellowness, mealiness 1 maligner 2 millionaire ' 3 milliner millenary, millinery 2 molar, miller, mulier malaria, miliary, millrea meliorate, ameliorate melioration, amelioration 1 more 2 Mr. mere, aimer, omer 1 mar, mire 2 mare, mayor, * mohr, mower, myrrh 3 moor,ameer,amour,immure 1 marry, marrow, morrow, miry 2 merry, mower, emery, Mary, Maria 1 mart 2 merit, commemo- rate, muriate merited, commemorated ' 1 marten, martin myrtle mortal mortally 1 marred 2 moored, immured 1 married, maraud 3 myriad % murder marauder C t) murders murderous, murderess marriage — 1 mark, marque, marquee, morocco 2 murk, murky, America marked, market 1 marker 2 mercury 1 Mars, Morse 2 immerse, o mayoress 3 moors,amours 1 marries, morass, amorous, morris 2 morose, amerce r-V) I morceau 2 mercy, amoroso Mersey amerced, immersed marsh, marshy _ mersion, emersion, com- memoration, immersion 1 Mormon 2 merman 1 morn, morning 2 mourn, murrain, morone, marine, moreen,maroon, murrhine merino, moor-hen 1 miriness 2 merriness mariner mourner 1 moral, morally 2 merely 1 marline 2 merlin, merlon N 1 in^ any, gnaw, nigh, awn, annoy 2 no, know, own, nay, neigh, knee, knew, gnu, new, common, inn, e’en, anew, commune, eon 1 nap, nappy, unhappy 2 nape 3 nip, neap nipple 2 commonplace 3 Common-pleas unhappily nb— ntshn 63 ntm— ntrnd 1 knab, nab, knob, knobby, nob 2 neb 3 nib 1 anybody 2 nobody 1 unbind 2 unbend, unbound 2 noble, nobly, knowable, enable, unable 3 nibble nebula neighborhood inbred '-t. 1 anatomy 3 entomb 1 nightman ^ 3 uneaten, untune anti- mony 1 antenna 2 antennae intent natant, unatoned, untuned intend intense, neatness 2 unborn 3 inborn, new-born 1 not, night, gnat, knot, naught, knight, ant, aunt 2 nature, net, nut, note, knit, nit, neat, knout, comment, connate 1 natty, knotty, naughty, untie 2 into, unto S community, annuity notwithstanding {contr.) 1 knotted, annotate, un- taught 2 netted, noted, commented entity knighthood untidy n 1 in toto antedate, antidote r n/ annotator, commentator unattached, untouched 1 antic, antique 2 nut-hook intact integrity ^5“ integrate 1 entice 2 notice 1 enticed 2 noticed 1 enticement 2 New Testament {contr.) 1 natation, annotation 2 notation 3 nutation intuition n knottiness, naughtiness intention inattention, intonation 1 nightly 2 nettle, until 8 natural -ly {contr.) 1 intaglio 2 natal, entail 3 neatly, inutile nettled, untold entailed, untilled 2 entry ^ entire 3 untrue ' 2 inter 1 neither, in their, in there, nitre, knotter, commander 2 another, enter, neater, neuter, commenter, corn- mender commentary, notary 1 nitrate, untried, introit 2 entreat, intrude, untrod, unuttered intort notoriety 1 untired 2 interred, untow- ard 3 neat-herd nitric night -work, network Siri’ ^notorious ^ intorsion interment * “tn- untrained 1 knight-errant 2 unturned 1 entreaty ntrl— ndrs 64 ndrs— nkrnd > r n r V 2 untruly 3 neutral entirely lreSi.e-r3.naturalize 1 anterior 2 interior 1 hand, nod 2 under, end, knead, need, node, nude 1 noddy,, annoyed, handy, Naiad 3 needy, Eneid, en- dow, endue, undo, undue nudity 1 indicted 2 indebted 3 undoubted 1 handed, commanded, in- deed 2 needed, kneaded) unaided, ended indicate, induct 1 hand-cushion 2 indication induction, indiction indefinite undefined 1 handful 3 needful 1 commandment 3 endowment 1 anodyne 2 undone, Indian Indiana ind^t commandant andante 1 handiness 3 neediness 1 handle, handily, noddle, nodule 8 needle, noodle endless endless - endlessly 2 nadir 3 kneader unduly needless need- le lessness v_>( need- le lessly endure indoor, undoer n V V V V endorse indoors N 4 g undress L j inodorous endurance 1 notch 2 in which 3 niche enchased, unchaste enchain, unchain 1 enjoy 2 knowledge (c 1 nigher, annoyer 2 in your, ’ inure, ne’er 3 newer V 1 unwrap, unripe 2 unrepre- sented (< {contr.) enrobe, unrobe nrbl-l 67 Ip— Itr "1 honorable, honorably narrate ^ unhurt enroot, unroot, inwrought narrator nurture 1 honored 1 nard 2 unheard, neared 1 onward, inward narrowed, unread, unready, inroad energy enrage 1 honors, Norse 2 owners, nurse unhorse 1 narrows 2 onerous unarmed, unharmed 3 nearly _ enroll, unroll, unreal narrowly, unruly 2 honorer ' 3 nearer 1 honorary narrower NG- 1 language, owing 2 thing, young ink, inky, unco 1 ankle 2 uncle 1 anchor, anger 2 younker, younger 1 angry 1 angle, commingle ungual 1 law, la ! lie, Allah, ally, alley, alloy, aisle, isle, oil, oily 2 Lo7d, lay, low, ell, ail, ale, allay, olio 3 allow, lea, lee, loo, ill, eel. low, Leah s* r r\. r\ 1 lap, lop. Alp 2 help, elope 3 lip, leap, loop 1 helped, lapped, lopped, lappet 2 eloped 3 leaped, looped 1 lapse, elapse 2 lapis 3 ellipse 1 Alpine 3 lupin 1 lapper, lopper 2 leper 3 leaper leap-year r-r leprous leprosy n n a n a. 1 lob, lobby, alibi 2 lobe, elbow 1 libel, liable 2 label 3 allowable labial, lobelia 1 liber, libra 2 lubber libretto elaborate 2 labored, liberate, low-bred 3 ill-bred libration, liberation, elabor ation lubberly, liberal, liberally laborer library 1 light, lot, alight, allot, 2 /i^/,late, leet,lute,lout,elate 1 alto, laity, oolite 1 lighted, alighted, allotted 2 elated 3 looted 1 lattice 2 lettuce, lotus light-house I latten, Latin, lighten litany 1 lightness, lateness Latinize 1 lightly 2 little, lately latter', letter, lighter, loiter, altar (join o), later lottery Itr-lktr 68 Iktd— Ivbl latria, low-water, ultra literate ^ lit. literati 1 lighterage 2 liturgy light -horse literacy 1 lateral, laterally 3 literal, literally, littoral loiterer literary 1 auld 2 old 1 lad, laud, lied, allied, elide, alloyed 2 led, laid, load, lode, lady, allayed 3 lead, lewd, allude, elude, loud, aloud, Iliad leadsman, ladies’ man 2 laden, leaden, olden 3 ill -done, Lydian ladle 1 ladder, lauder 2 elder, older,loader 3 leader,louder 1 latch 2 Lord Chancellor 3 leach, leech lecher lechery 1 lodge 2 Lord Jesus, ledge, allege, elegy 3 liege legible, legibly, eligible illegible, illegibly logic, elegiac allegiance 1 lodger 2 ledger, alleger 1 lack, lackey, lock, like 2 lake, luck, lucky 3 lick leak, leek, leaky, look 1 loch 1 alack, alike 2 elk 3 ilk. Iliac 1 locked, locket 2 locate 3 leaked, looked, look-out 1 allocate 2 elect 2 lecture 3 lictor elector f ^ located ^ \ n lackaday alcade n 1 lock-jaw 3 leakage ^ ° 1 lacks, locks, likes 2 lakes f 3 leaks, licks, looks a 1 Ilex 2 elks locust ^ ^ location election 2 allocation ‘ ^ 3 allocution, elocution local, locale ^ ^ 1 likely 2 luckily cr alkali alcohol ^ 1 lacquer, locker 3 licker, ‘ liquor, looker, lucre Z' 1 lag, log 2 leg, lug ' 3 league f' I 2 legate 3 legatee ^ linage ^ ^ legation ^ ^ UgSn C Elgin legal, legally ^ 1 1 agger, lager, allegory ' 2 allegro, lugger 3 leaguer ^ allegoric, oligarch, oli- ' garchy 1 laugh, life, Alpha, ' ^ 2 luff, loaf, elf 3 leaf, leafy, aloof 1 laughed, loft, aloft ' 2 left 3 lift lofty r\r 1 lifeless 3 leafless 1 laugher 2 loafer 1 live, alive, olive, lava 2 lave, love, levy 3 live, leave lovable, leviable, alleviabl# Ivt—lsr 69 Isr— Ind 2 levity, elevate 3 Levite, alleviate leaven, eleven 2 level ^ 1 lively 3 alluvial ' ^ 2 lovely levf^ler r\ n\ ^ livelier leveler ( \J ] ^ lovelier 1 olivet 2 laver, lover 3 liver, lever, livery Hath 2 loath 3 Leith, Lethe lusory illusory 1 lacerate lacerta, ' 2 ulcerate f • lazaretto ulcers ulcerous lazar-house 1 laceration 2 ulceration lucern lazaroni 1 lash, eyelash 2 lush ' J 3 leash 1 lithe 2 lathe, loathe 1 lithesome 2 loathesome 1 lather, lither 2 leather, leathery, leather 1 laws, lass, alas, loss, lice, lies, lias 2 less, lace, else, alias 3 allows, lease, lees, loose, lose, louse also, lassa, lasso, ale-house 2 lazy 3 lousy P A C. 1 last, lost 2 lest, laced, lust, lowest 3 least, list, leased, loosed 1 lawsuit 2 lusty 3 elicit, licit 1 lasted, lassitude 2 lusted 3 listed 2 lustily 3 licitly lustrous, illustrious lustration, illustration 1 last day 3 ill used, lee-side, lucid Lord and Saviour 2 lotion, elation 3 lesion elision, allusion, illusion 1 lamb, lime, limy, lama 2 lame, loam, lemma 3 limb, limn, learn, loom 1 alum 2 elm 3 illume 1 lamp 2 lump, lumpy 3 limp 2 lamed 3 limbed 3 illumed oilman illumine lament 1 aliment, allemande 2 element, ailment 3 illumined 1 alimentary 2 elementary 2 lameness 3 luminous elimination, illumination library ^almoner 1 allusive 3 elusive, illusive 2 lessen, lesson 3 listen, loosen 2 lessened 3 listened, loosened 1 license 2 laziness 3 looseness' 3 lousiness 3lSly lazily 1 lazar 2 lesser, lessor, else- where, ulcer 3 loser, looser r C n n 1 line, lawn, loin, lion, lien 2 loan, lane, lain, Eolian 3 lean, loon, Ulan alone, alien 3 luna 1 land 2 lent, lend 2 linnet 3 lunette, lunate lenity ^ alienate 2 lentil 3 lintel landau Inch— Irn 70 Irnd— rpl 1 launch 2 lunch 2 lunge 3 lineage, lounge 1 lines, lawns, loins 2 loans, lanes 3 leans aliens 1 lance, alliance, lioness 2 lens, lowness 3 illness, allowance oiliness 3 lunacy li^^sey 1 lance-head, lawn-seed 3 linseed alienation “ n ^ linen. Leonine, Linnaean 2 lonely lineal, lineally 1 liner 3 lunar, linear, leaner 1 long, lying 2 lung, laying, ailing 3 allowing along lank, lanky, link length, lengthy 1 loll, loyal, loyally 2 lull, lowly 3 lily 1 lar, lawyer, lyre, liar 2 lower, lore, lair, layer, allayer 3 leer, lure, allure, lower (to threaten) 1 larry,Lyra 2 lory 3 lowery 1 lard, laureate 2 laird, alert, lowered 3 allured 3 lurid ^ learned {verb) ' ^ learner learned {adjective) E 1 raw, rj-^e 2 are, ray, row, roe 3 our, hour, rue, row 1 or, ire, aura, arrow, awry 2 yotir, air, ere, heir, oar, ore, airy, area, aria, array 3 year, era 1 rap, rappee, ripe 2 represent {contr.), rape, rope, ropy, repay 3 rip, reap, rupee Europe 1 rapt, rapped, rapid 3 ripped, repeat, repute repeated, reputed rapidity repudiate eruptive, irruptive repetition, reputation rapidly, reptile rapture, rupture, repeater 1 re-pass 2 repose, represents {contr.) repast, reposed lyric 1 larch 2 lurch lark, ^ lurk r larker, lurker larva, larvae alarm, alarum 1 lorn 2 aularian, learn, learning /\o /%> rapacity, / >p 1 rhapsody I reposit 1 2 rape-seec reposit 1 2 rape- seed eruption, irruption orpiment repayment 1 ripen, repine 2 re-open European re-appoint, repent reply, ripple 1 ripely 2 repel 3 repeal replied, rippled, replete 71 rbr— rtr l-rblt 2 repelled 3 repealed 1 replies 2 replace 2 repulse, repels 3 repeals repletion /'\r ^ repulsion replier 1 wrapper 3 reaper 2 rapier, repair 3 re- appear ropery- report re-appeared, repaired reprieve, reproof, reprove repression 1 rob. Rabbi 2 rub, robe 3 rib, ruby orb, Arab rebutter arbifcOT 1 rabid, rabbet, rabbit 2 robed 3-ribbed, rubied _ roebuck, rebuke 1 Arabic, prbic 3 year-book 2 robes 3 ribs, rebus orbs, Arabs, Erebus 1 Rabbin, robin 2 raw-bone 3 ribbon Arabian, urban, urbane 1 re-bind 3 rebound, re-bound 1 rabble 2 rubble, rubbly 3 rouble arable rebel ribald, rebelled, rebuild rebuilt 1 robber 2 rubber N -Vp /L /T robbery 1 art 1 rat, rot, wrought, right, rite, write, riot, ryot 2 rate, rut, rote, wrote 3 writ, root, route, rout, rooty 1 aright, errata 2 aerate rateable, irritable 2 rotate 3 irritate 2 retake 3 retook erratic article ^ reticule ratify artful 1 rightful ratafia artfulness rightful- ness 1 rights, righteous, riotous 1 righteousness, riotousness, 2 reticence artisans righteously, riotously 2 rotation, irritation 3 artesian 1 ratan, ratten, rotten 2 retain 3 routine, rateen, ratoon retina retinue written 2 retained, rotund 3 irritant 1 right-hand rotunda 1 rattle 1 rightly 3 retail, ritual artillery retailer 1 writer, rioter 2 rater dnr 72 rdl— rkvr 1 orator, 1 artery, oratory 2 oratorio rotary retreat 1 retort retard, retired ■1 3 reiterate re-tread orators rhetorical ’v'^ oratorical 1 writers 2 retrace b retortion reiterationi oratorial, arterial \yard 2 word, aired, eared 1 rod, ride, comrade 2 read, red, raid, road, rode, ready, ruddy, rowed 3 read, reed, rood, rude, reedy 1 arid 2 arrayed 2 redouble 3 readable redoubt 2 radiate, irradiate, erudite 3 aridity eradicate 2 redcoat radical /\ ridicule ISdtcS ^ 1 radish 2 reddish 2 radiation, irradiation 3 erudition 2 rhodium 3 redeem, iridium re-adn.it 2 redemption 3 re- admission ^odmn ^ ordain 2 radiance 3 riddance 2 redness, readiness 3 rudeness ordinary, ordainer -T /I yf A_p -7 4 4 4 "5 2 reddle, ruddle 3 riddle 2 radial, readily 3 rudely "Y^ ordeal 1 rider 2 redder, rudder 3 reader, ruder order, or their, ardor ordure 1 arch 2 urge 2 wretch, roach 3 rich, reach 1 raehet 2 wretched arched 1 archness ^ richness urchins 1 archly 3 richly archer archery 3 richer, reacher 1 orgie, Rajah 2 rage, origi- nal {contr.) 3 ridge, ridging^ 1 rej'oice, orgies 3 regius register registry 1 origin, rejoin 3 region 1 rejoined 3 regent 1 ark, arrack, ore 2 work, irk 1 rack, rock, rocky 2 wreck, rake, ruck 3 rick, reek, rook 1 racket, rocket, rochet 2 wreck^ 3 re- act 1 rackety 3 rickety worked, erect, eruct rector yT^ rectory _ erector re-echoed arcade, work -day V recover recovery 73 rks— rgnt rgns— rvl 1 orchis 2 works 3 ear-wax orchestre — 6| orchestra reaction erection 1 recoin 2 reckon 3 racoon oracle, auricle, recall recoil auricula reckless 2 re- close 3 recluse 1 oracular 3 auricular recoiler, re- color 1 rocker 2 wrecker, raker, recur rookery 2 record, recreate 3 recruit recreant rack-rent recurrent request requisite 1 rag 2 rug, rogue, regu- lar-ity-ly [contr.) 3 rig, ragout regality 1 argue 2 irregular-ity-ly {contr.) 3 ear-wig regatta arrogate, irrigate 1 ragged 2 rugged 1 raggedness 2 ruggedness 1 raggedly 2 ruggedly 1 argosy 3 irriguous rogation irrigation regain organ, organize- d {contr*) argand, arrogant Argonaut arrogance riggle, regal,. Regel, reigle regale, regalia reglet, regulate / ^ regaled riggles Regulus rigor, roguery regard ^ arguer I regret rigors, rigorous, regress 1 raff, rife, rive 2 rave, rove, rough 3 reef, reeve, roof /V 2 reform {contr.) 3 reefy, roofy 1 raft 2 reft, rift, roughed refit, refute refitted, refuted refuge, refugee orifice, 2 reforms Orpheus ^ 3 refuse orphan, Orphean 1 refine 2 roughen, ruffian refiner refinery 1 raffle, rifle 2 rulHe 3 refill, rueful /\j^ roughly reflex, reflux reflection, refluxion refer, referee reformation {contr.) re-form, re-affirm arrive, arriving 2 reverend {contr.), revenue ^ {contr.) 3 review 1 raven 2 raven 3 riven, ravine arrival, orvaA rvl— rstd 74 rstl— rsh 1 ravel, rival, revile 2 revel 3 reveal reveille revolt, revolute, rivulet 1 rivalled, reviled 2 revelled 3 revealed ^ 2 .'revelation, revulsion ' 3 revolution 2 raver, rover 3 river revere, reviewer reverie, revery revert, revered reverse 2 rovers 3 fivers 1 wrath, wroth 2 earth, earthy 3 ruth, wreath orthodox -y {contr.) 1 wrathful 3 ruthful 1 rise, rice 2 rose, race; raise, rase, raze, rays, Russ 3 ours, hours, ruse, rouse 1 arise, iris 2 yours, airs, heirs, erse, oars, arrowSj areas, erase 3 years, ears, arouse, urus racy rosy, razee /O A A As risible irascible A 1 heiress, Ursa 1 rasp 2 recipe, respect {aontr.) respond 2 recipient rasper respire 1 roist 2 rest, raced, rust, roast, wrest 3 wrist, roost erst, arrest 1 recite 2 rusty, russet, rosette, rose ate 3 receipt, re-seat 1 recited 2 rested 3 re-seated arrested 1 -f A' AA A A A A A 1 recital 2 re - settle, rustily aerostation A recitation 1 roster, roister 2 roaster 3 rooster restore reciter, rose-water 1 reside 2 raised, razed, rosewood, residue 2 erased 3 aroused 2 rescue, rusk 3 risk, risky recess A) re-seizo resume, re-assume resume 2 resemble, re-assemble 3 resumable 1 resign 2 resin, raisin 3 risen, reason arson, arisen 2 resent 3 recent 1 resigned 3 reasoned, rescind, resound re- ascend resinous, raciness A A A :) 3 recency 1 resigner 3 reasoner 1 arising 2 erasing 3 arousing 1 rising 2 racing, raising 3 rousing wrestle, rustle, re-sale, re-sell, Russell result, ^ irresolute resolute ^ 1 riser 2 racer, razor, rai- ser, resurrection, {contr.) rosary 3 rouser resort A re-assert race- horse racers, resource 1 rash 2 ratio, rush, Russia Irish rshn— ram 75 rml— ras ration, Russian rational, rationally 1 rasher 2 rusher oration re-assure rasure erasun 1 arm,armj>' 2 aroma, worm, wormy 3 Urim 1 ram, rhyme, rime, rimy 2 rum, roam 3 rim, ream, rheum, rheumy, room, roomy 1 rhomb, romp 2 rump, rhumb 1 ramble 2 rumble 1 romped 2 remit, remote aromatic rheumatic remoteness remotely, remittal armed 1 rammed, rhymed 2 roamed 3 rimmed X' armada ^ remedy 1 remodel ^ I 2 remedial ^ armadillo remake, romaic 1 arms, armies 2 aromas, worms 1 remise 3 remiss, reams V— V remain, Roman ^ 1 remand, remind 2 raiment 3 re-mount ruminate ^ b reminder, remainder ^ remains, Romans romance, Romanize Arminian, Armenian ^ Roumanian 1 arm-hole 3 ormolu armless rhymeless, Romulus 1 rammer 2 rummer, roamer , remark- able [contr.) 3 rumor armory remarry 1 ran, Rhine 2 wren, rain, reign, rein, run, roan iron -- 1 Aaron, Aryan 2 earn, urn, d your own 3 urine 1 ranny 2 rainy 3 ruin renew irony 3 arena 1 rant, rind 2 rent, rend, ^ runt, rained, reigned, round 1 arrant 2 errant, errand, arraigned, around, orient rennet, runnet, are not ornate, aeronaut 3 hour-hand, ruined renewed > iron -wood rondeau 1 rental, rundle 3 roundel, roundly, roundelay oriental 1 ranter 2 renter, re-enter re-entry errantry render, . , rounder ^ K reindeer 1 orange 2 arrange _ ironic — Aaronic ■ Runic 2 runs 3 rinse 1 rawness 3 ruinous 2 erroneous 3 Uranus, urinous mst— rlst 76 rim— 'wjr 3 rinsed earnest Arianism > 1 renascence 2 renaissance 3 ruinousness j erroneousness, earnestness 3 ruinously erroneously, earnestly renown, re-union renal, renewal urinal reigner, runner \ renewer urinary, your honor 1 rang, wrong 2 rung, wrung, rowing 3 ring, wring ■ 1 rankle, rankly 3 wrinkle, wrinkly 1 wronger 3 ringer 1 royal 2 rail, role, roll 3 rill, reel, rule, real, rowel 2 earl, early, air-hole, airily, oral, orally. Oriel 3 year- ly, aeriel, aurelia, aureola 1 rally, royally, rely 2 relay, railway 3 hourly, really, rouleau relate, roulette 1 royalty 3 reality 2 railed, rolled 3 rilled, ruled 1 rallied, relied 3 re-load relic, rowlock relieve, relievo 2 rayless 3 release, realize heirless, your lordships 1 royalist 2 released 3 realist, realized earliest, your last realm relume heirloom 2 railing, rolling 3 reeling, ruling yearling railery 2 railer, roller 3 ruler \ earlier 2 rather {confr.), rare, roar, rower 3 rear 2 error ^ I orrery 3 arrear 2 aurora V arrowroot rarely 3 rural 1 W 2 way, away, weigh, woe 3 woo, wee 1 wipe 3 weep 1 wiped 2 wept 1 wot 2 wait, weight, wet, wit 2 weighty 3 witty wetted, waited, weighted wetness, witness 2 weightiness 3 wittiness weightily, wittily waiters \ waiteress 2 wed, wade, weighed, we do 3 weed, wood, wooed,woody 2 wedded, waded, we did 3 weeded 1 watch 3 witch wedge, wage wager, wagering wk— wntd 77 wnd— whpr 1 walk 2 wake, wick, weak, week, woke awake, awoke 1 walked 2 waked, wicket 2 wicked 3 week-day, weak- eyed 1 walks, wax 2 wakes, weeks windy, window, one-eyed 1 wander 2 wonder, win- ter, wonderful [contr.) one another 1 wines 2 one'Sy once 3 wins, wince wench, winch 1 waxed 2 weakest winner 1 wax-end 2 week’s-end waken, weaken awaken weakens weakness 1 wallow 2 waylay 3 willow 1 wall, wile, wily 2 will (verb), well, wail, wale 3 will (noun), wool, wooly 2 walker 3 weaker wicker 1 wag 2 wig waggish wagger, waggery 1 wife 2 waif, wave, wove 3 weave, woof 1 waft 2 waved, weaved,weft 1 waffle 2 woeful woefully 2 weather 3 wither way-house 1 wasp, with respect 3 wisp 2 west, waist, waste 3 wist C n (TI r wasteful, wistful, wistfully 1 wassail, wisely 3 weasel womb we may 1 woman 2 women 1 wallet 2 welt, wilt 1 wild 2 wold 1 walled 2 weld, wailed waled, well-a-day 3 weald, willed, wield, wieldy 1 wallowed 2 waylaid 2 welded 3 wielded wealth, wealthy 1 walls, wiles 2 wells,Wales, Wells 3 wills 1 wiliness 3 wooliness 1 wire, wiry 2 were, we are , ware, wear, wore, aware, wary, worry 3 weary 1 awarded 2 worded 2 worse 3 weirs, wearies warn, warning warrant, warranty, war-note ^ I worn-out we are not, were not warrior wearer 1 wine, wan 2 one, won, wen, wane 3 win, wean WH 1 winy 2 wenny 3 winnow 1 want, wand, wind 2 went, won't, wont, wind, weaned, wound wanted, wonted 1 why 2 whether, whey 3 whither 1 whop 3 whip 1 whopper 3 whippet wht— htr 78 M— hum 1 white * 2 whet, whit, wheat 1 whity 1 whiten 2 wheaten whittle A whitlow whisk, whiskey 3 whiz, wheeze 1 whine 3 whin whinny (7 1 while 2 whale 3 wheel awhile where, wherry wherein whereon c< Y 1 yaw 2 ye, yea 3 yew, ewe 1 yacht 2 yet A 1 yachter 3 yew-tree yon, yawn A 1 yawl 2 yell 3 yule yellow 2 yore 3 ewer 1 yarn 2 yearn ;