Smith DEADER IN Fine and Rare Books NEW STREET ’ ' | jj^MJ §jjSf 'vjHlo" ,^V«v; | ,,'^y r£% ' '*A /”• l . 7 k - 11 - V&fi In this Catalogue are many hand¬ some Books appropriate for Holiday presents that will suit the most fas¬ tidious taste. Special attention is called to page 91 for interesting Curios. Also page 93 for choice Library Sets. (See No. 101). (See Missale Romanum No, 239), GEORGE D. SMITH'S Illustrated Catalogue OF FINE BOOKS (See John Harrington No. 142). 50 New Street New York 1903 4 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. ANOOAOriA AUfOPHN E P r r P A M M A T H H a-utriSei/uttur cratyfii tTri' Ao t.a '' p$j*0iT JyrcGitncny } as lift* rfifawr* ; FLO RI E £ G1VM DIVE R SORVM £ P Is gumm&tum in fef tsm libras difiinclum > dh ligenti cdftigdtione emmcUtum. C VI NON N VILA N V P £ R IN VENT A epgYitmmdtd ■ in fine ddietfd [tint 7 V N A v C V M I*N D I C E X A M E. E R V M, cfuam auciarum cofiojiffimo. FRIOSj M. D. L. 1. ALDINE ANTHOLOGY. Florilegivm Diversorvm] epigrammatum in feptem libros diftinctum, diligenti caftigatione eruendatum, Cvi Nonn- vlla Nvper Inventa epigrammata in fine adiecta funt, Vna Cvm Indice Tam Rervm, quam auctorum copiofifsimo. Small 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, paneled sides, corner ornaments, with center pieces stamped in gold, gilt edges, inside broad gold borders, by Cape. Venetiis, 1550. 37.00 * A remarkably fine, clean copy. The 3d and most complete edition of the “Greek Anthology,” published by Aldus, and contains the valuable Index Rerum and Index Authorum which occupy nine leaves. Very rare. See Illustration. Catalogue of Rare Books 5 ’ Christopher Sauer's “ Imitation of Christ." Printed in Germantown 1749. 2. A ’KEMPIS, THOMAS. The Christian Pattern, or the Imitation of Jesus Christ, being an abridgement of the works of Thomas a Kempis. By a Female Hand. 8vo, original sheep. Germantown. Christopher Sauer, 1749. 18.00 * An unusually fine and well preserved specimen from this famous Pennsylvania Press. 3. ALDUS. Martialis Epigrammata. 12mo, full old Orange morocco gilt, gilt edges. Venetiis. Aldus, 1517. 25.00 * An exceptionally fine Copy of this rare and interesting book, having the Vernon Arms in gold on the sides, and the De L,a Cortina and Duke D’Aumale’s levant bookplates inside. 4. ALDUS. Dialogi di M. S. Speroni nuovamente restampati, et con molta diligenza riveduti e corretti. 12mo, vellum gilt with red and green levant labels. In Vinegia, 1543. 22.00 * First Aldine Edition. Fine Copy with the Library Stamps of Pope Clement XI on title page. 5. ALDUS. PTOLEMAEI Planispherium. Jordani Planisphaerium, Federici Commandini Urbinatis in Ptolemaei Planisphaerium Commen- tarius. With woodcut diagrams. Small 4to, original limp vellum. Vene¬ tiis, 1558. 30.00 * An exceptionally fine large copy. The Syston Park Copy sold for ^"9.0.0. 6. ALDUS. ALEXANDRI Aphorodisiei in Topica Aristotelis Com- mentarii. Graece. Small folio, full olive levant. Venetiis; Aldus, 1513. 65.00 *THR FIRST PRINTED EDITION of the works of this philosopher. This is Jo. B. Rosarius copy, whose signature is on the title-page. Rosarius was a famous French humanist, Greek scholar and physician of the beginning of the 16th Century. He was the first to translate Alexander from Aphrodisia s works into Latin, and he evidently intended to publish the correct Greek text of the philosopher. The present volume as corrected by Rosarius represents this correct text , which never was published. As Rosarius states in his long manuscript note on the title-page, he collated this printed Aldine text with not less than five ancient manuscript codices, one of which was in his own possession (he refers to it as “codex meus ” or abbre¬ viated c. m.), the other in S. Mark’s library in Venice (vetus codex or v. c.); the third codex is referred to as “ antiquus codex” or a. c., etc. In a beautiful handwriting Rosarius gives us the different readings of the five different codices as compared with the Aldine text. It is therefore safe to say that this book is, from a scholarly standpoint as well as from the point of view of a collector, a very extraordinary treasure. Aiken's Sporting Plates* 7. ALKEN, HENRY. Memoirs of the life of the late John Mytton, Esq. With notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits. By Nimrod. With brilliant impressions of the 18 clever colored plates by Henry Aiken. The ANALYSIS OF THE HUNTING FIELD, being a series of sketches of the principal characters that compose one. With many full page colored plates and 43 illustrations on wood by Henry Aiken. 2vols., 8vo, new full crimson crushed levant, elegantly gold tooled with sporting emblems, double with turquoise blue levant, rough edges gilt, original cloth covers bound in, by David. London, 1846. 160.00 *First Edition with these illustrations. In choice and appropriate new’binding. Bussy-Rabutin's Amorous History. 8. AMOURS. Histoire Amoureusedes Gaules suivie de la France Galante. Romans satiriques du xvii siecle attribues au Comte de Bussy. 2 vols. 12mo, new half morocco. Paris, n. d. 8.50 *This work which has been described as worthy of Petronius Arbiter was written for the Author’s Mistress the Marquise de Montglas. Among the Intrigues and gallant adventures chroni¬ cled, those of Madame de Sevigne, the Author’s Cousin, are particularly noticed. Best Edition. 6 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. Early XIVth. Century Manuscript on Vellum. 9. ARISTOTELES ETHICORUM. A magnificent Manuscript in Roman Script written in Eatin on 126 leaves of the finest vellum, with 11 very char¬ acteristic and ornamental Initial Letters painted by hand. Small 4to, full brown morocco extra, gilt edges. S^EC. XIV. 225.00 * Unique original Manuscript with the Scribe’s Signatures at end “HIERONYMUS MEDIO- LA.NI SCRIPSIT FELICITER.” Written very early in 1300 and in a beautiful state of preservation. 10. AUTOGRAPHS. Meditations of an Autograph Collector, by Adrian H. Joline. Portrait of Charles Lamb and numerous illustrations of letters written by famous people. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1902. 3.00 * First Edition. Early Venice Printing on Vellum, 1473. 11. AUSMO. Incipit liber qui dicit Supplementum. Splendidly printed on 284 pages of the finest vellum. Gothic letter, 45 lines to the page, double column, with a beautiful illuminated Initial Letter on first page and hundreds of hand-painted initials through the text. 4to, old red morocco, gilt edges. Venetiis. Bartholomceus Cremonensis, 1473. 525.00 * A Magnificent Incunable in rich binding. Only 2 other copies on Vellum known. See Illus¬ tration. 12. BANKS, JOHN. Cyrus the Great; or, The Tragedy of Love. As it is acted at the Theatre in Little-Lincoln’s Inn Fields by His Majesty’s Servants. 4to, half brown crushed levant extra, gilt edges. London. Printed for Richard Bentley at the Post Office in Russel Street, Covent Garden, 1696. 10.00 * First Edition. “ This play was at first forbidden to be acted, but afterwards came on and met with very much success. Downes, the prompter, says that Smith, having a long part in it, fell ill upon the fourth day and died. This occasioned it to be laid aside, and it was not acted afterwards.” Halliwell. 13. BASKERVILLE IMPRINT. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis. 4to, full tree calf, tooled back, gilt edges. Birming- hamiae Typis Joannis Baskerville, 1757. 20.00 * The First and Best of the two Baskerville Virgils bearing this date. Choice Copy. See illus¬ tration. 14. BASKERVILLE IMPRINT. Testamentum Graecum Juxta Exem¬ plar Millianum. 8vo, entirely uncut, in the original boards. Typis Joannis Baskerville, Oxonii, 1763. 17.50 * The only Greek book issued by the Baskerville Press. The present copy, entirely uncut and in the original publisher’s boards, is probably unique. 44 Le Manage de Figaro,” \ 7 85. 15. BEAUMARCHAIS, PIERRE AUGUSTIN CARON DE. La Folle Journee ou le Mariage de Figaro, Comedie en cinq actes en prose. Par M de Beaumarchais. Representee pour la premiere fois par les Comediens Francais ordinaires du Roi, le Mardi 27 Avril, 1784. 8vo, new full old rose crushed levant extra, entirely uncut, the original gray wrappers bound in. Paris, Au Palais Royal, chez Ruault, 1785. 65.00 ♦Matchless copy on “ papier fort ” of the first edition of this famous comedy which was acted at the Comedie Francaise for two years running and played at the Petit Trianon with Marie Antoinette as Rosine. Contains 5 beautiful full-page illustrations by Saint Quentin, engraved by Malapeau. Jn nomine tmtnortn fefu Cbrtili Fmen. liber qui Oictf Hupplememum. man magtftrmuien piianella uulgarttcr nu cupat $ c? opedioiita re ap 6 oftrtcres corns lofcuu.Ct c\2 cfaba. cas qttatoes nirntu i fuie tfnieregtf corrupts ac jp c? bieutta re t pft% lute dctfiotto ualde Oubta Scla/ 7 fuppledoe idigee, ]dcirco ad cbe* tpltau ofdToiZ militate cjtiu rmbi tms te derit 6 creui tndl fummi err.edatl ad coe? qrraroe? reducer ac e?b*euttati qt b:tu? ua Iuero q 5 utim ftierit^xeedire adden° iup> plerc-utq* addt° cogfcat: t e? pdcipto / . 5 n fine • Ira e; rub° ponef tee ium me alphabetic! odmc feqndo **T gagpBos in marginito p qnas notido port pdctptu cap. I? t pfata iuma opucef pn"\p § i 7 & pdi&j B op 9 fupplemetu appellari pot - 'B&M& t Ihc morteTc toferr potert fine fubdit.s pztmam tonfuram: 7 ouos oidmes mi poree: t€modo fit lacerdos : 11 mw ipfita fit ei fm more pffcrendo^t er 6 mu 7 4X0 cotmgat.?. tndem?* 4 > dOtdfnesmmorea Ium bortia rtat ,; bpfaimiftat^: ledorat?: ejorctrta^ ac colim 9 . 7 pdmtrtat^rr le dozad* tde funt ut pot colltgt qr tejrttj 7 glo.tct.c. Cu cotiggp /Ibbas apt oferre po cert ledoratft tsco c Cu ottgat.t.c qmofe qucter 7 bortiartatu q pcedit. 7 itc trtos duos.cuad o:dies ft fi t peed endum g fat m et.te de. per fal.p. cuno. &< Doc h porter eledus t abbare? fi epusfcilferat m bened'cere.tic.joc lupple-ne pkrtaratmus Jf +. fbi otctt 1 1 ep 6 cento cu burnt]trace ac teuococ ficut ouenu reqftms-abbates bn dtcere force reimenc eifclej abbacib tcear fzopos mocbos bfidtcercrT alia q at) of/ ficift BuFmodi pemnct cjrerccfeftoncc tpU » ept burial lui recogtter r abbates bndt/ cere no reader- - Jlltcnts auc oferre non $ put abbaces dbt dr nec ahbanb Heim? fit altis mortertczr Tuo rum ouerrts 7 qut ad tila ouolaucric.T in qs eccfiarttcac 7 qi epticopale? iurtCido/ nem obttret pm a? cficale? oferre tbfura ii eto id operat ej pIco pfate led 10 idfco. fe. /fbbae 7 qhb? ouencuaf plac'? reqmrer mocbos fugitiuos. / ./Idder ciedoa uc uagadi. jl.a-Jato. *• . 6 t ad clatirtrij reducer ialua oidinia dfapltnarejc 6 rgfa. ne uagandi- k ./Iftcipu ne rcligioft inde .) aportafia.v^u. b . Utrum abbas perttc licentiare fubdiros fuos ad aham religionem. tv-fecundum mottaldm: pot qde Intwre ad eqle? religto nem 5 ofenfu capimlttafr non;ad miVorei i^ro no pot ar.jnyr.q.ui rtatuini^.^i.q. ii. fine ejrcepttoe,te artiojt iV'o rdigtone tstc. mq.relt°.v§ t. p . 6 / ibi oidte pot colligi ^ ad arnore? poc litctare n cederet i grace tadura feu infamta ogregatota unde trifle v ltd epatu qq? it iubdit^eligat platuo It ceciare pot et non rtqitio pi eturef 6 elec, ft fine It ,xi. &fjnreilige ft ta* fuertt fada eledonaut eledbntfuture*ut x eje - te clec.vbt t?r cu ccceffa rdigto fo a (Uperiof fuo lima ut eledoi F protnfio nt ft qua 6 tpib ottgeret fieri fuu? dare pof fit alfenlu? abitote utno uia paret.nuli? el ertrtere poffe uolum^ firmuad. h i ■ ; Jlbbas unus no pot jpftdere \ dwlfm mode nts.ef te t ft- ^ ^btet df ne qs 1 otdfts morteab locpf ittbdftffeci pfumat- Uide b. j.rltgto.p 0 ;.^^^^qr ibt tiftie p$ f rdigto&s ft pot pteeft; pi/ hm mortems feu eccFtta curam atapttetL bus lie aiidoJitate fedis apFtce;ft nartefta feu eccFta dpedeat er a°. Fadiiici Jmt Inepe. b . • r/ -- * Hbbas t collatbe alic^ porat‘ ? ft pot, altqo nouum onus ipnere.B qrp:erte otinebat in qdam tecretali exuagantt aiepandri qtn que lj bodte reuccata lie ppbemtu? gicgo (See No. 11). 8. Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 16. BEWICK, THOMAS. History and Description of Land Birds, 1797. History and Description of Water Birds, 1804. Supplements to Land and Water Birds, 1821. A General History of Quadrupeds, 1991. With hundreds of fine woodcuts engraved by Thomas Bewick. 4 vols, 8vo, full green crushed levant handsomely gold tooled, inside borders, gilt edges. Newcastle, 1791 - 1821. 55.00 * Large paper copies with very superior impressions of the engravings. A particulatly^fine and rare set from the Falconer Library with Bookplates. XVth. Century Manuscript on Vellum. 17. BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. A superb Latin manuscript version of the Bible, commencing at Proverbs and continuing to the end of the Apoca¬ lypse. Double columns written in bold gothic characters, 52 lines to the column, with a large number of small initial letters painted in red and blue, and many finely executed large initials, with half page borders. Written on 222 leaves of fine vellum. Folio full brown morocco extra, the sides gold tooled with Fleurs-de-lys. In Stynavia, 1425. 600.00 * Manuscript Bibles on vellum are of extreme rarity. This noble volume has the Scribe’s note at end that he completed his work on the eve of the Festival of the Nativity 1425 ; signing himself JACOBUS PRYMKONAW. See illustration. Koburger's Bible, With Woodcuts, 1483. 18. BIBLE IN GERMAN. Begins : Das erst Blat. Hie hebet an die Epistel des heyligen priesters Sant Jheronimi, etc. Ends : Disz durchlenhigist werck der gantzen heyligen geschrifft.gege dem lateynischen text gerechtuertigt .... Un mit schonen figuren .... hat hie ein ende. Gothic Letter, double column of 50 lines. Illustrated with a large number of extraordinary woodcuts, vividly colored by a contemporary hand. 2 vols. Folio, full russia, gilt backs. Nuremburg. Ant Koburger, 1483. 300.00 *The first Bible in the German language printed in Nuremberg. Issued without title-page or pagination. In this copy many of the painted initials and wood-cuts have been beautifully height¬ ened with gold. Of extreme rarity, there being no copy in the Crawford, Sunderland or Perkins Libraries. The Ashburnham copy sold for £59 0 0. In this Version of the Bible the temptation of Joseph is attributed to the wife of Pharaoh, not Potiphar. The Celebrated “Tigurine” Bible, Prepared by The Divines of Zurich, 1543. 19. BIBLIA SACROSANCTA Testamenti Veteris et Novi, e sacra Hebrseorum lingua grsecorumque fontibus, consultis simul orthodoxis inter¬ prets, religiosissime translata in sermonem. 3 parts in 1 vol. Small folio, original stamped pigskin, with brass clasps. Tiguri: Ch. Froschover, 1543-4. 150.00 *This version of the Bible is principal^' the work of Leo Judah who was engaged upon the translation for upwards of 18 years. Theodore Bibbander translated the 8 last chapters of Ezechiel, Job, the last 48 Psalms, Ecclesiastes and Canticles. The Aprocrypha was translated from the Greek by Peter Cholin. The New Testament is Erasmus’s translation revised by Rudolph Gualter. The whole work was revised and edited by Conradu Pellican. “The Latinity of this version has been generally considered as very pure and perspicuous.” Peltigrew's Bibl. Sussexiana. The fine series of woodcut initials which ornament the book represent a very Spirited Dance of Death. Fine copy. 20. BLAKE’S ILLUSTRATIONS. The poetical works of John Scott. With beautiful allegorical frontispiece by Bartolozzi after Angelica Kauff¬ man and numerous fine vignettes by William Blake and others after Stothard. 8vo, half russia. London, 1782. 15.00’ * Extremely scarce. Catalogue of Rare Books 9 :*, IBC illiQI Brosmi to» miitM toiS HI H | H i 3 ! I;m wpiwwd mm JEM p! ■: :ft«T -fib '^MTOg tjhrl&im^ ^Sj/yi q^fcd li^'-na^qi p«^4iWii0jfm v - #m 4 ror (j cm 0 fk&jpi&tff cm pit! m$ ijtta^ H TtmftM nrn tnfmmt poU® 'pnnpB A ntt% a Hi 0kmcinbms tmp^pomfa®^txcinom H itfty mcm ft ntfhu fl Uft utytftfpi 0 tfirnqi 0 /t«nu‘min fib Hr* tilteS 0i oiitotgnanmwifm fftitflftnctitZ tHamc CnQrtnnfttftflrTflwi tt&tfffi rtHwstttt. ttffMftcms hftlefro 4 * ftfrnf m banno gm p«? pria fmgiife ffltrttom? mntTtmJttti' i nS pf , mtnm pp#w$ ctfc pfahi eft* opto nr m, Yiin udcm r fn€ttricn$ tn& IfilfiroC Cni iitcdTc fttit lift* drift fOitttH iiatMd ill If.. ilv fhtt fjtiivcS ctwhtgebT fir?|?fnii*t qtftP* tin ftittfonfftftg | nt tcfhtnouuT 0tt& ijtqnft : tnnr jj tc$ fitvm mftnft&t' nftr ttntft tiS‘l ft 2 cjntffi t|ii fttwn* rot? tiifj &ngft pm qiiC ctT per pfruTimncin ctvinpljj 4 gcimS IjfiftmT qnftlfttfiDftraerfc pCfnpfiT ecu emt p&uftronc vtmfimn&t • native 4 lib ovu ctUSti/jdftt fccti&rtnf ii fa itfrpW fb. qtrift fcd>ftofe6ftt pfantu mrroct Irene irgoa fn ftqwh, „ 8 « / i^lbcr cptftmwiS ftljM Mm nmn $> fteS f fl#ncntS* E 1 j, !I! nmnS4tr^fe^^£^ H f teftntiim Tmtmcpmiik ntBctpth ■ ■ nmrfftmnt tn^i Sdtttc ffS fta* ttdfmdfn'^mfini ^fySBhS Gan mmj p mimic ff#ncme fitmaftiir-f q«m‘'imtun Gc^fimriirste M/mMtop mmvp&n$ ptn pm ut $»f cfiwn #t%n ac om&lkia mjmfcmtl fimaiSftiraSSl^ p ' . j80!tmt& mpmit ifnmmi mM nimm m$ itii| t'cft&n. &ii0ws0 ifen fii (tncoe mtmer^fis it Mpw m iimtter enr ^ 30 W& rntS turn m mn$m tmmfm* mnychMtibfim tnMmrnt Vmd tumor imnmm mum $mj®t£iwrn (0 k $&urfilt top, uncut. London, 1883. 12.00 * Best edition. Scarce. Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book* 24. BOOKE OF CHRISTIAN PRAIRS, Collected out of the Ancient Writers, and best learned in our time ; worthy to be rad with an earnest minde of all Christiens in these dangerous and troublesom daies that God for Christ’s sake will yet still be merciful unto us. Title within beautiful woodcut border, with woodcut portrait of Queen Elizabeth at devotions on reverse. The Bfacftfeder text printed within elaborate woodcut borders •containing the Holbein Dances of Death, Biblical Scenes, Grotesque Mon¬ sters, etc., in miniatures. 8vo, full pigskin, gilt top. Printed for the Com¬ pany of Stationers. London, 1608. 115.00 * A unique and beautiful copy of this excessively rare Old English Book of Hours. Tastefully and appropriately bound in brown pigskin, etched on the fore-cover with the picture of Queen Elizabeth most artistically produced with the pyrographic needle. On the cover is etched one of the woodcut borders illustrating Judith and Holofernes. See Illustration. A Specially Decorated Copy of the New Standard Prayer Book of 1892^ 25. BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, and Administration of the Sacra¬ ments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, together with The Psalter, or Psalms of David. Printed in red and black within decorative foliated borders, designed by Daniel B. Updike. 4to, vellum gilt, with gilt clasps. Printed for the Committee at the De Vinne Press. New York, 1893. 65.00 * One of the rare large paper presentation copies, with the text printed throughout within •ornamental borders of trees, flowers and plants, “chosen generally with reference to their sym¬ bolism, and arranged with due regard to liturgical requirements.” Fine, fresh copy of this beautiful book. The Boston Tea-Party* 26. BOSTON Tracts of the Tea Party, being a memoir of George R. T. Hewes, one of the last of its survivors, with a history of that transaction, reminiscences of the Massacre, and the Siege and other stories of Old Times, by a Bostonian. Portrait. 16mo, original cloth, uncut. New York, 1835. 75.00 ♦Unique Copy, having inserted an Autograph Bill, “Thomas Hancock to James Griffin,” the Owner of “ Griffin's Wharf,” and an Autograph Bill, “John Hancock to Richard Clarke,” the Consignee of the Tea Dated 1757. 12 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. The Ship of Fools, 1488. 27. BRANDT. SEBASTIAN. StultiferaNavis profectionis nunquam satis laudata. with large and curious woodcuts on almost every page. Small 4to, new full olive green levant, inside arabesque borders, gilt top. Lyon. Impressum per Jacobum Zachoni de Romano, 1488. 37.50 * Excessively rare edition and an unusually tall copy. Unique Browning Items. 28. BROWNING, ROBERT. Strafford; a Tragedy. With Notes and Preface by Emily H. Hickey, and an Introduction by Samuel R. Gardner, EE.D. Small 8vo, sheets folded, uncut. London, 1884. 85.00 * Browning’s original proof with MS. corrections and alterations. With the stamp of Charles Whittingham of the Chiswick Press, at foot of title, dated March 19, 1884. 29. BROWNING, ROBERT. Letters to Various Correspondents. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Privately printed. London, 1895. 275.00 * One of a very limited number of copies printed for private circulation only. Laid in are 12 of the ORIGINAL LETTERS IN BROWNING’S AUTOGRAPH. 30. BROWNING, ROBERT. Strafford. An Historical Tragedy. 8vo, new half red levant. London, 1837. 12.50 * First edition. Best Edition of Mrs* Browning's Works* 31. BROWNING, MRS. E. B. Poetical Works. Choice portrait of the author by Hollyer. 5 vols., small 8vo, boards uncut. New York, 1884. 30.00 * No. 7 of 20 copies printed on Japan paper. 32. BROWNING, MRS. E. B. Poems, 2 vols, 12mo, original cloth uncut. London, Moxon, 1844. 12.00 *First Edition. 33. BROWNING, MRS. E. B. Poems before Congress. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, London, 1860. 5.00 ♦First Edition, From the W. H. Arnold Collection with his Bookplate. 34. BROWNING, MRS. E. B. Last Poems. 12 mo, cloth, uncut. Lon¬ don, 1862. 4.50 ♦First edition. 35. BROWNING, MRS. E. B. The Greek Christian Poets, and the English Poets, 12mo, new full olive brown levant morocco, tooled back, inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere, London, 1863. 12.50 ♦First Edition. Beautiful Copy. 36. BUCHANAN, ROBERT. Undertones, 16mo, original cloth, uncut, London, 1863. 4.00 ♦First Edition. Very fine Copy. The Emperor Maximilian's Copy* 37. BUCCANNEERS OF AMERICA. Piratas de la America. Yluz. a la defensa de las costas de Indias Occidentales. (Translated from the Flemish into Spanish by Dr. De Buena Maison.) Map, portraits of the pirates, views and the folding armorial plate. 4to, half roan. Colonia Agrippina, 1681. 65.00 A very rare edition of Esquemeling’s famous work, from the library of the Emperor Maximilian, with his bookplate and that of J. M. Andrade. See Illustration. Catalogue of Rare Books 13 PUBLII VIRGILII M A R O N 1 S B U C O LI CA GEORGICA, e r AE N E I S. BIRMINGHAM. I AE. Typis JOHANNIS BAS.KERVILLE. MDCCLVII, (See No. 13). P I R A T A S D E L A America, Y luz a la defenfa dc las coftas de. Indias Occidentales. D E D I C' A D O D0N BERNARDINO ANTONIO De Pardifias Villar■ de Francos , Cavallero del Ordende S. Tiago, Secrerario del Ex n, °. S' DuquedeMedina-Cceli, enelempleo dePrimer Miniftrode fuMageftadCatholica. ROR EL ZELO Y CUY.6ADO DE DON ANTONIO FREYRE, Natural de la Inclyta Ciudad de laCoruna en el Reynode Galicia i y Vezino de la Herculeade Cadiz. Traducido de ja lengua Flameqca en Elpanola, por el D or DE BUENA - MAISON, Medico Prattico en la Ampliflima y Magnifica Ciudad de Amfterdam. Imprefloen Colonia Agrippina, wiCafade Lorenzo 5 r r uick m a n. Anode 1681. (See No. 37). 38. TBUNYAN, JOHN. A discourse upon the Pharisee and the Publican. Wherein several great and weighty Things are handled. As the Nature of Prayer and Obedience to the Taw with how far it obliges Christians and where¬ in it consists. Wherein is also shewed the equally deplorable condition of the Pharisee, a Hypocritical and Self-righteous Man, and of the Publican, or Sinner, that lives in Sin, and in open violation of the Divine Laws. Together with the Way and method of God’s free grace in pardoning penitent Sinners, proving that he justifies them by imputing Christ’s Righteousness to them, written by John Bunian, author of Pilgrim’s Progress. With the very rare engraved title-page containing the portrait of Bunyan at the age of 57. 12mo, old calf. London, 1685. 100.00 *First Edition. Of excessive rarity. 39. BUNYAN, JOHN. The books of that eminent Servant of Christ Mr. John Bunyan. Minister of the Gospel and formerly pastor of a Congre¬ gation at Bedford, with copper-plates adapted to the Pilgrim’s Progress, the Holy War, etc. The Third Edition, to which are now added The Divine Emblems, and several other pieces, which were never printed in any former Collection. With a Recomendatory preface by the Rev. George Whitefield, 2 vols, folio, full sprinkled calf neat. London, W. Johnston, 1767. 15.00 ♦Rare Edition, with the fine large portrait of Bunyan and many curious engravings. Excellent Copy. 14 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. THE ENGLISH BARDS, WANDERER; AND .OR, llcbtClOtrS, female difficulties . A SATIRE. BY THE AUTHOR OF EVELINA; CECILIA; and CAMILLA. I had rather be a kitten, and cry, mew ! Than one of these same metre ballad-mongers. Shakspeare. 1N riVE VOLUMES. Such shameless Bards we have ; and yet ’tls true, VOL. L There mad, abandon’d Critics too. Pope. ^ _ LONDON: Primed for JAMES CAWTHORN, British Lidrarv, No. 24, CocaspuR Street. (See No. 41.) LONDON: PRINTED TOR LONGMAN, HURST, REFS, ORME, AND BROWN, TATSBNOSTER-ROW. 1814. (See No. 40). 40. BURNEY, MISS. The Wanderer, or Female Difficulties. By the author of Evelina. 5 vols, 12mo, original half calf, uncut, London, 1814. 65.00 *Fitst Edition. Excessively rare, in uncut condition. See Illustration. 41. BYRON, LORD. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. A Satire. 12mo, boards, uncut. London. James Cawthorn, n. d. 15.00 * First Edition. See Illustration. 42. BYRON, LORD. Hours of Idleness. A series of poems, original and translated. Bv George Gordon, Lord Byron. A Minor. Small 8vo, calf gilt. Newark, 1807/ 50.00 * First edition. Very rare. The 44 Kilmarnock ” Burns* 43. BURNS, ROBERT. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 8 vo, full crimson levant, the sides and back beautifully gold tooled in the style of Roger Payne. Kilmarnock, J. Wilson, 1786. 750.00 * First edition. An unusually desirable copy of this rarest of rare books. Catalogue of Rare Books 15 44. BYRON, LORD. The Genuine Rejected Addresses, presented to the Committee of Management for Drury Lane Theatre; preceded by that written by Lord Byron and adopted by the Committee. Small 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1812. 9.50 * First Edition. 45. BYRON, LORD. The Giaour, a fragment of a Turkish Tale. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. London. John Murray, 1813. 6.50 * First Edition. 46. BYRON, LORD. Manfred, a dramatic poem. 8vo, original wrap¬ pers, uncut. London, 1817. 7.50 * First Edition. 47. BYRON, LORD. Sardanapalus, a Tragedy; The Two Foscari, a Tragedy; Cain, a Mystery. 8vo, boards uncut. London. John Murray, 1821. 6.55 * First Edition. 48. BYRON, LORD. Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice. An Historical Tragedy in five acts. The Prophecy of Dante, a poem. 8vo, boards uncut. London. John Murray, 1821. 6.55 * First Edition. 49. BYRON, LORD. Cain, a Mystery. 16mo, sewed. London. Printed for the Booksellers, 1822. 3.55 * First separate Edition. 50. BYRON, LORD. The Age of Bronze; or Carmen Seculare et Annus haud Mirabilis. 8vo, wrappers. London. Printed for John Hunt, 1823. 7.50 * First Edition. The Life of Burns, Extra-Illustrated* 50a. BURNS, ROBERT. The Works of Robert Burns ; with a complete life of the poet, and an essay on his genius and character. By Professor Wil¬ son. Also numerous notes, annotations and appendices and 81 portraits and landscape illustrations. 2 vols, 8vo, full apple green levant with 8 line bor¬ ders on sides, backs tooled with thistles, inside borders, gilt tops, uncut. Glasgow, 1852. 475.05 * Unique extra-illustrated copy. Having inserted the original manuscript in Burn’s autograph of his “Elegy on the Year 1778 ” consisting of two folio pages and containing slight variations to the published verses Also the original autograph manuscripts of two poems in the handwriting of the celebrated “Clarinda” and OVER 80 VERY APPROPRIATE VIEWS AND FINE PORTRAITS OF BURNS, SCOTT, RAMSEY, LOCKHART, Allen Cunningham, Grose the Antiquarian, Mrs. Grant of Laggan, and others. A SUMPTUOUS WORK IN RICH BINDING. The Kamashastra Society's Arabian Nights. 51. BURTON, SIR RICHARD F. Alf Laylah wa Laylah. A plain and literal translation of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, now entitled The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. With introduction, explana¬ tory notes on the manners and customs of Moslem Men and a terminal essay upon the history of the Nights. 10 vols. Supplemental Nights to the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. With notes anthropological and explanatory. 6 vols. Together 10 vols., imp. 8vo, original cloth. Benares printed by the Kamashastra Society for private subscribers only. 1885- 1888. 250.05 ♦The genuine edition of Burton’s MAGNUM OPUS with which his name will be inseparably and forever connected. Only 1000 sets published and now exceedingly difficult to procure. 'IroiajlabatJtpollc THE ILIADS OF 'homer Prince of Poets Seucr before in anv Lm jma truck tninjlated Ld. ) ..o j ( omat 'vjkn feme ct tis chufc i . f facts ; | rheme arcorama ,■ * LmJen printedJxr SS\itfameL Jliittt fevS: Nil mo i^f ilitur Inepte h't'h’-'Ji L _-*- 5 Vf !/ xfhi ficmir TiTtor ifulcibcr in 'Troidm , (See No. 55). Catalogue of Rare Books 17 52. CAESAR. Commentarii di Gaio Giulio Cesare tradotti di latino in nolgar .lingua par Agostino Ortica. Small 8vo. Venetia, Aldus, 1547. 12.50 * The best Italian edition. The present copy belonged to the Cardinal Gonzaga, and has his signature on title, ‘ Dominus hujus libri est M. Franciscus Gonzaga Mantouanus.” Colored Caricatures. 53. CARICATURES. A Collection of 123 old English and French .colored Caricatures by Rowlandson. Alken, Metz, Sharpe, Boilly, Atkinson, and Cruikshank. Folio, full green straight-grained morocco, the sides and back elaborately gold tooled, silk linings and fly-leaves by C. Lewis. 1790-1825. 225.00 * A very unusual collection of old prints containing some of Rowlandson’s and Aiken’s freest and rarest subjects. 54. CARLYEE, THOMAS. Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship, a novel from the German of Goethe. 3 vols., 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh, 1824. 27.50 * First Edition. Very rare. 55. CHAPMAN. The Iliads of Homer, Prince'of Poets. Never before in any language truely translated, with a comment upon some of his chief places; done according to the Greeke by Geo. Chapman. Engraved title (mounted) by William Hole, having on either side full length figures of Achilles and Hector, and at the top, a head of Homer, supported by Vulcan and Apollo. Small folio, full olive brown levant extra, carmine edges gilt. Printed for Nathaniel Butter. London, 1612. 85.00 * First edition of the XXIV Books and containing 16 sonnets by Chapman addressed to his pa¬ trons. A desirable copy of this rare book. See illustration. 56. CHAPMAN, GEORGE. The Hymns of Homer; The Batrachomy- omachia; and two original poetical hymns, with an introductory preface by :S. W. Singer. Fine portrait by Swaine. Small 12mo, boards uncut. Chis¬ wick. From the Press of C. Whittingham, 1818. 5.00 * Charming copy of this beautifully printed edition. 57. CHAUCER. The Nonnes Preestes Tale of the Cok and Hen. By Geoffrey Chaucer. Introduction by W. C. Bamburgh. Qgfacftfeffer. Por¬ traits of Chaucer by Houbraken and Occleve and illustrations. Small 4to, limp vellum with tiepieces, uncut. New York. The Grafton Press, 19<»2. 50.00 * Unique Copy, being Exquisitely Ornamented throughout with original Illuminated Initials and Borders by W. C Bamburgh. Only 130 copies of the book were printed, and the above the only one illumined and colored by hand. The Authorized Uniform Edition of Mark Twain's Works* 58. CLEMENS, SAMUEL. The writings of Mark Twain. Finely illus¬ trated. 22 vols., 8 vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Hartford, 1899. 75.00 * Limited edition. 59. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. The Watchman. Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive. A weekly miscellany. 8vo, full sprinkled calf gilt, yellow edges. Bristol, published by the author, S. T. Coleridge, 1796. 32.50 * First editions of all the numbers. Contains at end Coleridge’s announcement: “ This is the last number of the Watchman. Henceforth I shall cease to cry the state of the political atmosphere.” Extremely rare complete. 60. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. The present State of Learning in the College of New York. 8vo, new half straight grained morocco. New York. Printed by T. and J. Swords, Printers to the Faculty of Physic of Columbia ■College. No. 169 William Street, 1794. 12.00 • 18 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y Thomas M'Kean's Copy. 61. CONSTITUTION PROPOSED for the Government of the United States of America by the Federal Convention held at Philadelphia in the year 1787. To which is annexed the ratification thereof by the Delegates of Pennsylvania in the State Convention. 8vo, new full blue levant, uncut, by Bradstreets. Phil.: Hall and Sellers, 1787. 50.00 * On the title-page is written: “Mr. Robert Montgomery from Thos. McKean 1780”’ The name of the signer of the Declaration of Independence also appears amongst the list of Delegates- on the last page. Gravelot's Illustrations. 62. CONTES MORAUX, par M. de Marmontel de 1’ Academie Francoise, with fine portrait of the author by St. Aubin after Cochin, 3 frontispieces by Duclos after Gravelot and 23 charming designs by Gravelot, exquisitely en¬ graved by Ee Mire, De Eongueil, Baquoy and others. 3 vols., small 8vo r original French calf, a Paris, chez J. Merlin, 1765. 20.00 * First Edition. Brilliant Impressions of the plates. Unique Set of Corneille's Works. 63. CORNEILEE. Le Theatre de P Corneille, revue et corrige, et aug¬ ments de diverses pieces nouvelles suivant la Copie imprimee a Paris, 1664. 5 vols. in 4 vols. EES Tragedies et Comedies de Th Corneitte revues et corrigees, et augmentees de diverses pieces nouvelles, suivant la Copie im¬ primee a Paris, 1665, 1676-1678. 5 vols. Together 10 vols. in 9 vols. 12mo r half straight grained red morocco, richly gilt backs, entirety uncut, by Thouvenin Jeune (Amsterdam. Elzevir), 1689-1693. 200.00 * Excessively rare. No uncut Copy is described in the Morgand or Fontaine Catalogue who price the set at 5000 and 3200 francs respectively. See illustration. 64. CORTES. Ea Prectara Narratione di Ferdinando Cortese della Nuova Hispagna del Mare Oceano. 4to, full crimson levant morocco, richly tooled back, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Hardy- Mennil. Venetia ; Bernardino De Viano, 1524. 110.00 * A similar copy in the Barlow sale brought $215 in 1889. 65. CHRONICEE. Ee Premier, le Second, et le Tiers Eivres des Illus¬ trations de Gaule et Singularitez de Troye, composez par tres excellent His- toriographe Maistre Jan te Maire de Betges. Gothic Letter, printed in double columns. With numerous fine woodcut Initial Eetters, 3 very beautiful title pages, many small woodcut engravings of Military and Romantic Sub¬ jects, Printers’ Devices and other illustrations. Small 4to, old brown calf with Arms in gold on the sides. Imprime a Eyon par Jacques Mareschat, 1524. 100.00 * “ All that is most human and romantic in the legends of the ancients regarding Troy, is with all the gravity of the 15th century historic narrative related here. Yet so far from being a compila¬ tion and nothing more, the book, by its Hypnerotamachian and poetic accounts of Heathen Temples more especially, deserves a place among the most original and imaginative products ot the period.’’ The Author is described on the second title page as the “ Secretarie et Judiciare ” of Anne of Brittany. Good sound copy with the rare Fourth Part, “ Tepistre du Roy a Hector de Troye.” 66. CRUIKSHANK. Eetters on Demonology and Witchcraft, addressed to J. G. Lockhart by Sir Walter Scott. Frontispiece by Eizars, and 12 full- page etchings by George Cruikshank. 16mo, new full crimson levant emblematically tooled with Witches’ Hats and Brooms, Cats and Demons, inside borders, gilt tops, by H. Wood. London, 1830. 37.50 * First edition, Beautiful Copy having 3 proof sets of the plates bound in, one set being finely hand colored. Catalogue of Rare Books 19 L E THEATRE D E T. CORNEILLE, Reveu , corrige y o- augments de diverjes fkces nouvellis. I. PARTIE Suivant la C opie imprtmec , A P A.R I S. M, DC. LXXXXII. (See No. 63). 67. CRUIKSHANK. George Cruikshank’s Table Book. Edited by Gilbert a Beckett. With 12 full page etchings and numerous clever woodcut engravings by George Cruikshank. 8vo, original cloth gilt. Published at the Punch Office. London, 1845. 35.00 * First edition. Choice Copy. 68 . CRUIKSHANK. Phrenological Illustrations, or an Artist’s View of the Craniological System of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim. With 33 character¬ istic Illustrations, on 6 large plates, by George Cruikshank. Oblong 4to, original wrappers. London, 1873. 12.00 * Finely colored throughout. 20 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 69. liCURIOSA. The Life of Madame de Maintenon. Translated from the French. 12mo, original calf. London, 1772. 7.50 * Amours’of Louis XIV; La Valiiere; Madame de Montespan; Madame Scarron ; Amours of the King and Mademoiselle de Fontanges. 70. DALY, AUGUSTIN. Woffington. A Tribute to the Actress and the Woman. 4to, full brown pigskin, gilt top, uncut. Printed for the author. New York, 1882. 150.00 * No. 6bf 150 copies signed bv the author. Full bound in light pigskin containing in the centre of the fore cover a square panel of brown calf, on which the earliest known portrait of Peg Woffing¬ ton is pyrographically executed within a frame of laurel leaves and shamrocks, and the whole enclo ed by an elaborately tooled border containing the Comic and Tragic Masks, Dagger, Irish Harp and other Dramatic emblems intertwined with shamrocks The lower cover in the centre is ornamented with the Tragic and Comic Masks supported by palm branches. The back panels are lettered pyrographically “ Woffinglon ” and “Daly,” and tooled with shamrocks and other emblems. A rare old book on dancing. 71. DANCING. The Dancing Master; or, The Art of Dancing Explained. Wherein the manner of performing all steps in ball dancing is made easy by a new and familiar method. In two parts. Done from the French of Monsieur Rameau by J. Essex, Dancing Master Illustrated with 60 curious copper plate engravings by G. Alsop and G. Bickham. Small 4to, calf gilt. London, 1728. 45 00 * First edition. Unique copy, having many of the plates of the second edition inserted, showing variations of the figures. Extremely rare. 72. DANIEL PRESS. Odes, Sonnets and Lyrics of John Keats. Fine portrait of Keats by Severn. Small 4to, wrappers uncut. Oxford. Daniel, 1895. 15.00 * Beautiful copy. Only 250 printed. 73. DANIEL PRESS. Noontide Branches. A small Sylvan Drama interspersed with Songs and Invocations. By Michael Field. Small 4to, original blue wrappers uncut. Oxford, Henry Daniel, 1899. 12.00 * Edition of 150 copies. 74. DANTE. On the Vernon Dante, with other Dissertations. By H. C. Barlow, M. D, etc. 8vo, full crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, London, I860. 15.00 * Presented to “ Mr. Asay of Chicago with the Author’s compliments.” 75. DONNE, JOHN. Poems by J. D. with elegies on the author’s death. 4to, half straight grained olive morocco gilt. Printed by M. F. tor John Marriott. London, 1633. 45.00 * The rare first edition. Contains the 4 pp “ The Printer to the Understanders,” frequently wanting, With fine impression of the portrait of Donne by Lombart. French copy sold for 00. 76. DORAN, DR. Habits and Men, with Remnants of Record touching the makers of both. 8vo, new full dark blue morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. London, 1854. 20.00 * Extra illustrated with 23 choice portraits, including Robert Herrick by E. Smith, after Clint ; Dr. Jyhnson by Freeman, after Bartolozzi ; Shakespeare, by W D. Smith ; Henry VIII, by Vertue ; Queen Adelaide by Cook ; Annie Bullen by Ryall, and other fine old prints. 77. DOYLE’S ILLUSTRATIONS, Ccelebs the younger in search of a wife or the Drawing Room Troubles of Moody Robinson Esquire. With clever illustrations by C. A. Doyle. Square 12mo, original cloth, gilt edges. London n. d. (1850). 6.00 * First edition. 78. DOYLE’S ILLUSTRATIONS. The Scouring of the White Horse ; or the Long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk. By the author of “ Tom Brown’s School Days ” With numerous spirited illustrations by Richard Doyle.Square 12mo, original cloth, gilt edges, London, 1859. 6.00 * First edition. AND ADVENTURES NICHOLAS NICKLEBY. BY CHARLES DICKENS. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY PHIZ. LONDON: CHAPMAN AND HALL, 180, STRAND. ... mtccvxxxm* (See No. 80). 22 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. Choice Editions of Dickens's Works. 79. DICKENS, Charles. Nicholas Nickleby, with portrait and illustra¬ tions by “Phiz. ” 8vo, full levant morocco gilt, gilt edges. London. Chap¬ man and Hall. 1839. 450.00 * First Edition. Unique Copy, containing inscription. “William Harrison Ainsworth, from his friend Charles Dickens, May, 1841. See illustration. 80. DICKENS, CHARLES. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. With 43 illustrations by R. Seymour and “Phiz.” 8vo, full tree calf extra, gilt edges. London, Chapman and Hall, 1837. 150.00 * First edition, with the original wrapper of Part I., by Seymour, bound in. Contains auto¬ graph note “ With Mr. Charles Dickens’ Compliments” signed in full and dated from Tavistock House. 80a. DICKENS, CHARLES. Pictures from Italy, with Woodcut Vignettes by Samuel Palmer. 12mo, original cloth, London, 1846. 4.50 *First Edition. 81. DICKENS, CHARLES. The Battle of Life, a Love Story, with Charming illustrations by Maclise, John Leech, Doyle and others. 16mo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. London, 1846. 5.00 First Edition. 82. DICKENS, CHARLES. David Copperfield. With 40 full-page etchings, by H. K. Browne—“ Phiz.” 8vo, new full crimson crushed levant, tooled back, inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1850. 37.50 * Magnificent copy of the first edition, bound up from the original 20 parts, with pictorial wrapper and advertisements. 83. DICKENS, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities. With 16 illustrations by “Phiz.” 8vo, half dark green levant extra, gilt edges. London, 1859. 16.00 * First edition. Handsome copy. 84. DICKENS, CHARLES. A Curious Dance ’Round a Curious Tree. 12mo, original mauve wrappers. (London, privately printed, 1860.) 12.00 * First edition. Rare. 85. DICKENS, CHARLES. The Poor Traveller: Books at the Holly Tree Inn and Mrs. Gamp. 12mo, new three-quarter crimson levant, elegantly tooled back, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. London, 1862. 9.00 * First edition. Beautiful copy. 86. DTCKENS, CHARLES. Child Pictures, from Dickens. Illustrated by Sol Eytinge. 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1868. 5.00 * Tittle Nell. The Marchioness. The Fat Boy. Tiny Tim. Oliver Twist, etc. First edition. 87. DICKENS, CHARLES. The Lamplighter; A Farce. 12mo, half red levant, original printed wrapper, bound in. London, privately printed, 1879. 18.00 * First Edition. Very rare, only 250 Copies having been printed. 88. DICKENS, CHARLES. To be read at Dusk and other Stories, Sketches and Essays. Now first collected. Frontispiece by “ Phiz. ” 12mo, new half crimson levant, gold tooled back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1898. 5.00 * First Edition. Catalogue of Rare Books 23 89. DICKENS, CHARLES. The “ Charles Dickens ” series of Character Dialogues, by John Wallace, Jr. The 6 series in I vol., with all the pink pictorial wrappers (each containing portrait of Dickens). Post 8vo, cloth. Lond., n.d. 12.50 * Uare. Comprising “ Messrs. Dodson and Fogg,” “ Bardell versus Pickwick,” “ The Gentle¬ man Next Door,” “ Bob Sawyer’s Bachelor Party,” etc. 90. DICKENS, CHARLES. Letters to Wilkie Collins. Edited by Laurence Hutton, with portraits and facsimiles. Folio, half blue crushed levant, extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. New York, 1892 85.00 * Unique copy extra-illustrated by the insertion of 5 views and 93 portraits including those of Dickens Collins Macaulay Dr. Arnold Jerrold Miss Glyn Jsliakespeare Macready John Leeeli A remarkable collection Wilkie Candor Samuel Rogers llulwer-Lytton Dr. Johnson T. Cooke, the Actor Meyerheer Hark Lemon “ Barry Cornwall ” prints; mostly rare and fine proofs. Longfellow Irving Turner, the Artist Hans Andersen Charles Matthews Napoleon III Egg, the Artist Georges Sand and John Poole Matchless Set of Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities. 90a. DIBDIN, THOMAS FROGNAL. Typographical Antiquities: or the History of Printing in England, Ireland and Scotland. Containing Memoirs of our Ancient Printers and a register of the Books Printed by them. Begun "by the late Joseph Ames, considerably Augmented by William Herbert and now greatly enlarged with Copious Notes and illustrated with Appropriate Engravings. 4 vols. Imperial 4to, original half vellum, entirely Jincut . London, 1810-1819. 325.00 * One of the very few Copies on Imperial Large Paper, with fine Mezzotint Portraits and Plates in duplicate, Proofs on India Paper. Unique Set having an Extra Volume lettered Typographical Antiquities Ames and Herbert by Dibdin. Illustrations. This valuable Supplement was formed by Dr. Dibdin himself in selecting the illustrations for the 4 vols. and among the original 94 plates is a specimen leaf from Caxton’s Aesop, 1484. and an original leaf of the Statutes printed by William Machlinia. A large Woodcut by Lucas Cranach 14701550 with his Four Marks. ‘‘Cranach’s Crucifixion.” A Folio Woodcut Portrait of Albert Durer at the age of 61 (Bartch 156). Two Biblical Cuts on Wood by Holbein, Fine Woodcuts from the ‘‘Nuremberg” and Sebastian Munster’s Chronicles. Pages from a XVth Century Book of Hours printed within fine wookcut borders. Folio woodcut Titlepage, in red and black, with the device of Jodocus Badius Ascensius. Many other specimens of early engraving and printing and very fine later specimens of the work of Bewick, Nisbet, Branston and other English Artists. With Dibdin’s notes and numbers. Together 5 vols, in uniform binding. Original Edition of Diderot's “Indiscreet Toys." 91. DIDEROT, Denis. Les Bijoux Indiscrets. Engraved title pages, frontispiece and 5 curious full-page plates. 2 vols., small 12mo original, bright red morocco, tooled backs, gilt edges, by Derome. Au Monomotapa n. d. Paris, 1748. 16.00 * Fine tall copy of this celebrated and very curious work. 92. DIDEROT, DENIS. CEuvres Choisies precedees d ’une Introduction par Paul Albert. 6 vols., 12mo, new half violet levant, richly gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris. Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1877-1879. 15.00 * Holland Paper Set, in charming new French binding. Best edition, containing his -celebrated essay, “ Sur les Femmes,” Le Neveu de Rameau, Correspondence with Mile. Volland -and other curious pieces. 24 Geo. IX Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 93. DRAYTON, MICHAEL. Poems collected into one volume. Newly corrected. Finely engraved title by William Marshall, containing Dray¬ ton’s portrait. 16mo, full dark brown levant extra, gilt back, gilt edges. London. Smetwick, 1637. 35.00 * Choice copy, with bookplates of Francis Blake Delaval and James Maidment. See Illustration Boucher's Illustrations. 94. DUCLOS,CHARLES P1NEAU. Acajou et Zirphile. Conte. Illustrated with 10 charming and characteristic Copper Plate Engravings by Chedel after Boucher, and 3 fine vignettes by Cochin and Duflos. 4to, full mottled calf extra, tooled back, inside borders, gilt top, uncut by Ruban, A Minutie (Paris), 1744. ' 37.50 * One of the very few copies of the First Edition printed on Large Paper. Catalogue of Rare Rooks 25 - (See No. 95). 95. EISEN’S ILLUSTRATIONS. Zelis au Bain. Poeme En quatre chants. Par le Marquis de Pezay. With engraved title page, 4 beautiful full page plates and 8 charming vignettes, by Le Mire, Aliamet and De Longueil, after Eisen. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, tooled at corners with Turtle Doves, elegantly tooled back, inside borders, marbled edges, gilt by Trautz-Bauzonnet. A Geneve, 1763. 65.00 * Magnificent copy, with most brilliant proof impressions of the plates, each being initialed in ink, by the author, D. P. The Brayton-Ives copy witlVbookplate. See Illustration. (See No. 99), ■ Catalogue of Rare Books 27 95a. DUGANNE, AUGUSTINE. Parnassus in Pillory. A Satire. By Motley Manners, Esquire. 12mo, original cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1851. 6.00 * First Edition. “ Caleb L,yon of Lyonsdale. With Regards of A. J. H. Duganne ” is written by the Author on the flyleaf. 96. EARLY AMERICAN ENGRAVINGS. The Polyanthos. With choice impressions of the portraits of Jeremy Belknap, T. A. Cooper the Actor, Commodore Preble and G. R. Minot the Historian, all finely engraved by S. Harris. 16mo, boards uncut. Boston, 1816. 8.50 * Fine Copy of the First Volume. 97. EARLY FRENCH POETS. Specimens of the early poetry of France from the time of the Troubadours and Trouveres to the Reign of Henri IV. By Louisa Stuart Costello, with frontispiece and portraits of Jean de Meun, Christine de Pise and Charles, Duke of Orleans, all beautifully ■executed in gold and colors from ancient Manuscripts. 12mo, brown morocco gilt, gilt edges. London. William Pickering, 1885. 10.00 * First edition. Rare. Has a scarce portrait of Thomas Moore inserted and the bookplate of J. S. Copley Greene. 98. EARLY PRINTING. Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi secundum serie quatuor Evangelistarum : per Fratre Daniele Agricola. S$fac8; fcffct• Fine large woodcut of the Twelve Apostles on title page, by Virgil Solis and 20 fine woodcuts in the text by the same artist. Small 4to wrappers. Basel, 1519. 25.00 * Extremely rare. Lane's Caricatures* 99. EGAN, PIERCE. The Life of an Actor. Dedicated to Edmund Kean, Esq. The poetical descriptions by T. Greenwood. Illustrated with 27 finely colored full page plates, designed and etched by Theodore Lane, and with original designs on wood by Mr. Thompson. 8vo, new full crimson crushed levant, inlaid at the corners of the sides and in the back panels with green levant, inside borders, gilt top, uncut. London, 1825. 75.00 * First edition. Beautiful copy. See Illustration. 100. EGAN, PIERCE. The Show Folks ! “ Valk up ! Valk up ! The players ! the players ! the players ! are here ! ” With 9 clever illustrations by Theodore Lane. 12mo, new full polished calf extra, gilt top, uncut, original cover bound in, by Tout. London, 1831. 10.00 * First Edition. Contains Bibliography of Theodore Lane. Beautiful Copy. 101. EISEN’S ILLUSTRATIONS ANACREON, Sapho, Bion et Moschus. Traduction nouvelle en prose, suivie de la Veillee des Fetes de Venus, et d’un choix de pieces de differents auteurs, par M. M***C*** Illus¬ trated with two beautiful frontispieces and 25 exquisitely engraved vignettes, by Massard and Duclos after Eisen. 8vo, original polished calf, gilt edges. A Paphos, et se trouve a Paris, 1773. 75.00 * One of the most beautifully illustrated books produced by the French Artists and Engravers of the Eighteenth Century. See illustration before frontispiece. (See No. 102). 102. EISEN ILLUSTRATIONS. Le Temple de Gnide. The text engraved throughout. Frontispiece containing a Medallion Portrait of Mon¬ tesquieu and 9 very beautiful full page illustrations by Eisen exquisitely engraved by Le Mire. 8vo, original red morocco by Derome, Paris. Chez Le Mire, Graveur, 1772. 140.00 ♦Exsen’s Masterpiece. Large paper copy. Mr. French’s copy, sold for $225.00. See illus¬ tration. Catalogue of Rare Books 29 104. KLZEVIROVID. Pub Ovidii Nasonis Opera. Daniel Heinsius tex turn recensuit. Accedunt Breves Notce ex collationecodd Scaligeri et Palatinis Iani Gruten. Engraved title page with beautiful Medallion Portrait of Ovid. 3 vols., 18mo, new full crimson crushed levant, inside borders, gilt edges, by Tout. Lugd. Bat. 1629. 22.00 * Splendid Copy from the Osterley Park Library with the Earl of Jersey’s Plates. 105. ELZEVIR. Juvenalis et Auli Persii Satyrse. Engraved title page. 24mo, old French brown morocco, sides and back covered with fleur de¬ lis tooling, gilt edges. Amstelodami; Elzevir, 1671. 12.00 * Beautiful copy, bound for Louis XIV. 106. ELZEVIR. Severus, Sulpitius, Opera omnia. 12mo, old red morocco, full gilt back, large gilt borders on sides, gilt edges. Lugd.-Bata- vorum : Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1635. 7.50 * Very fine copy of the rare first issue. 107. ELZEVIR. P. Gyllii de Constantinopoleas Topographia. With very beautiful engraved title page. 24mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gold tooled back, inside den telle borders, uncut edges gilt, by Allo. Lugdini Batavorum. Ex-Officina Elzeviriana, 1632. 18.50 ♦Unique and Beautiful Copy of the rare First Edition. 108. ERASMUS. Des Erasmi Roterod, Colloquia nunc emendatiora. With the engraved portrait of Erasmus on title page. Small 12mo, red levant uncut. Eugd. Batavorum, Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1636. 17.00 * Matchless Copy of the First and Best Elzevir Edition. Unique Copy. Printed on Vellum. 109. EROTICA. De Amoribus Pancharitis et Zorce, Poema Eroticon ; Seu Umbratica Eucubratio de cultu Veneris, Mileto olim peracto, ut Ama- thuntei Mysta Sacelli subduxit et vulgavit Athenis. With a very charming frontispiece of the Venus of Milo, Cupids and the Graces. 8vo, original French calf gilt. Parisiis, apud Molini, via Dicta Mignon. 1798. 75.00 * The preface is signed by P. Petit Radel. Described in the Catalogue of Books printed on vellum in the “ Bibliotheque du Roi ” as the only copy printed on vellum. See Illustration. * Fine, sound copy of this exceedingly rare and interesting work. See Illustration. 110. FIELD, EUGENE. Eugene Field’s First Book, the Tribune Primer, with additional sketches now first collected from the Denver Tribune. Small 4to, half brown morocco. The Marion Press, Jamaica, New York, 1900. 25.00 * One of 26 copies on Japan paper. 111. FEORIDA. La Florida del Ynca. Historia del Adelantado, Hernando de Soto, Gouernador y Capitan general del Reyno de la Florida y de otros heroicos Caualleros Espanoles e Indios ; escrita por el Ynca Gar- cilasso de LA Vega, Capitan de su Majestad natural de la gran ciudad del Cozco, Cabefa de los Reynos y prouincias del Peru. Printed in double columns. 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt panels on back and sides, with corner ornaments, gilt edges, by W. Pratt. En Lisbona. Con licencia de la Santa Inquisicion, 1605. 60.00 * “ This work was taken principally from the relation of a witness to the events recorded. It was reprinted in 1723. A French translation was published in 1670, but it has never appeared in English.” Rich. From the library of Henry Stevens with his bookplate. tietolp pipnteo/teptl) tfte tronpde,antes : stiD Defies Hone m tlfe tgitteoftfje ' 'tepgneof % mode excellent ,, pjpn^e fjwige iSentp tfte ini. fatfjeeunto eus jtpff 0 ia 8 llM*; : : - , 7ra.Miei0.20 '' ftpnge o' . l^enrp tl;e •, ,t«U ^ Or ,.;V*v ... ' Co te 1 all ijOBGiu 4 , anD topfull coiitpnaanffewlf* ’ . pjofperoua t#gne s to 4|r. _■ pleafute of goo a»K ■ * ‘ ; . toeale of tins tji5 tcalme, ; - :,v i mcntpt! atftortDoti BptopiipamKafteiU (See No 112) Catalogue of Rare Books 31 Blackletter Chronicle, 112. FABYANS CRONYCLE, newly printed, wyth the cronycle, actes and dedes done in the tyme of the reygne of the moste excellent prynce, Kynge Henry the VII. Fine woodcut border on title pages and numerous large woodcut initials. printed in double columns. 2 vols. in 1 vol. small folio, full brown morocco, panelled sides with centre and angle ornaments in gold, carmine edges gilt. Prentyed at London. By William Rastell, 1533. 75.00 Rare Early English Poetry* 113. FORD, THOMAS. Virtus Rediviva. A Panegyrick on our late King, Charles the First, etc., of ever blessed memory. Attended, with severall other pieces from the same pen. Namely, I. A Theatre of Wits : Being a Collection of Apothegms ; II. Fcenestra Pectore: or a Century of Familiar Letters ; III. Love’s Labyrinth : A Tragi-Comedy. IV. Fragmenta Poetica: or Poetical Diversions. Concluding with a Panegyrick on His Sacred Majesties most happy return. By T. F. Small. 8vo, olive calf gilt, gilt edges. Printed by R. and W. Leybourn for William Grantham, 1661. 37.50 * First edition. Contains general title page as above and five separate titles, with the Errata for the whole volume on the last page. Fine copy. Excessively rare. A Broadside Form of Confession and Absolution. Printed in Nuremberg, by Creussner, in 1842. 114. FORMA CONFESSIONALIS, with the Forma Confessional^ printed in handsome gothic characters, with blank spaces left for the names of the priest and the recipient of the letter. 33 lines on one page. 4to. Nurnberg. Friedr Creussner, 1482. 85.00 * These Xylographic Impressions of Letters of Indulgence of the 15th Century are of superlative rarity. Breslauer and Mayer, of Leipzig, quote an identically similar letter only printed in Munich in the same year “ as the only one known.” 115. FRANKLIN IMPRINT. Elementa Philosophica. Containing chiefly, Noetica, or Things relating to the Mind or Understanding ; and Ethica, or Things relating to the Moral Behavior. By Samuel Johnson. 8vo, original binding. Printed by B Franklin and D. Hall at the New-Printing- Office, near the Market. Philadelphia, 1752. 85.00 * Extremely rare. 116. FRANKLIN IMPRINT. THE CHARTERS of the Province of Pensilvania and City of Philadelphia. A Collection of all the Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania now in Force —An Appendix containing a Summary of Such Acts of Assembly as have formerly been in Force, but since expired altered or repealed. 3 vols., small folio, half straight-grained morocco. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, 1742. 75.00 117. FRANKLIN. CEuvres de M. Franklin. Resident a la Cour de la Grande Bretagne pour Plusieurs Colonies Britanniques Americaines. Por M. Barbeu Dubourg. With the rare portrait by Ma.tinet, and copper plates. 2 vols. 4to, original calf, a Paris, 1773. 15.00” * Good sound copy. Very rare. 118. FRENEAU, PHILIP. Poems written between the years 1768 and 1794 by Philip Freneau, of New Jersey. A New Edition Revised and Corrected by the Author, including a considerable number of pieces never before pub¬ lished. 8vo, original sheep. Monmouth, N. J. : Printed at the Press of the Author at Mount Pleasant, near Middletown Point, 1795. 20.00? * Unusually fine copy. FORIAND0 FVRIOSO Q.Ci In relissr. OlCAL WMWMA sust utJtorf&fthjrams jj ¥h£ a ™jjttw'riSnonvltima *n jlMoract 3 T^ st \ (See No 141). Catalogue of Rare Books 33 The Rare Elzevir Edition of 44 Galileo*” 119. GALILEO. Dialogus de Systemate Mundi. Autore Galilceo Galilcei Lynceo, Mathematico extraordinario. With engraved title page containing the portraits of Aristotle, Ptolemy and Copernicus and portrait of Galileo. 8vo, vellum. Leyden, Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevir, 1635. 30.00 * First edition, and like all Galileo’s works of that date, exceedingly rare. Willems, 426. 120. GALILEO. Dialogus de Systemate mundi. Autore Galilseo Galilaei Lynceo. 4to, in the original publisher’s boards, entirely uncut. Lugduni, 1641. 20.00 * Unique in this state. Galileo’s Dialogues on the Copernican System were rigidly suppressed* This edition contains a very fine poi trait of Galileo by Audran. (See No. 122). 34 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 122. GESSNER, SOLOMON. Works. Most beautifully printed on large holland paper ; the 20 magnificent plates by Gessner are splendid proofs before lettering ; numerous vignettes. 2vols., 4to, blue morocco, gilt backs and sides, gilt edges, by LEwis. Zurich, 1777-78. 35.00 * A matchless copy of the first and best edition of this splendid 18th Century work. The fine and characteristic binding is in as excellent a condition as the text and the proofs. Quaritch quotes a copy at ^18. See Illustration. 123. GESSNER, SOLOMON. Mort d’Abel. Poeme de Gessner traduit par Hubert. Frontispiece portrait of Gessner and 5 beautiful plates printed in colors by Colbert aud Casanove after Monsiau. 4to, original calf, gilt edges. A Paris, 1793. 20.00 * Rare. A beautiful specimen of color printing. The First Play, Written, Acted and Printed in America. 124. GODFREY, THOMAS. Juvenile Poems on Various Subjects with the prince oe parthia, a Tragedy. By the late Mr. Thomas Godfrey, Jr., of Philadelphia. To which is prefixed some account of the author and his writings. 4to, original sheep, gilt back. Philadelphia. Printed by Henry Miller in Second Street, 1765. 37.50 * Good, sound copy of this very interesting and rare volume. The author was a native of Philadelphia, and took part in the Expedition against Fort Du Quesne. See Illustration. THE VICAR Q F WAKEFIELD: A TALE. Suppofed to Be written by Himself* Sperott miftri , cavete falices. V O L. I. SALISBURY: Printed by B. C O L L I N S< Itor F. Newbkry, in Pater-Nofter-Row, London* MDCCI V YI, (See No. 125). JUVENILE POEMS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. WITH THE PRINCE OF PARTHIA, A TRAGEDY. BY THE LATE M! THOMAS GOD FRET, Jun' of Philadelphia. i To which is prefixed. Some ACCOUNT pf the Author and his Writings. Peer a nafeitur non fit. Hon, PHILADELPHIA, Printed by Henry Miller* in Second-Street. M DCC LXV. (See No. 124). Catalogue of Rare Books 35 THE Citizen of the World; O R LETTERS FROM A Chinese Philosopher, Refiding in L O N D O N, TO HIS FRIENDS in the EAST. Volume the First. LONDON: Printed foi J. Newbery, at the Bible and Suv> in St. Paul's Churchward . MDCCLXII. “The Vicar of Wakefield/' Salisbury, 1766. 125. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Vicar of Wakefield : a Tale Sup¬ posed to be written by himself. 2 vols., 12mo, full crimson crushed levant, •elegantly tooled backs, inside borders, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Salisbury. B. Collins for N. Newbery, 1766. 550.00 * Beautiful copy of the first edition. See Illustration. 126. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Citizen of the World ; or Letters from a Chinese Philosopher residing in London to his friends in the East. .2 vols., 12mo, new full wine levant, gilt tops. London. J. Newberry. 1762. 35.00 * First edition. See'Illustration. 36 Geo. D. Smith. 50 New St., N. Y. Life of Goethe. Finely Extra-Illustrated. 127. GOETHE. The Story of Goethe’s Life. By George Henry Lewes. Portrait. 12mo, half-blue levant gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1873. 22.50 * First edition. Unique copy, having a one-page autograph letter from the author inserted and 30 extra illustrations, including appropriate views and finely engraved portraits of Goethe Lessinsr Wieland Baeli Seliiller Georare H. Lewes Dr. Johnson Frederick II. Voltaire Charlotte Keatner Shakespeare Tasso Carl>le and Richter llyron 128. GOLDSMITH. OLIVER. Histoire de Francis Wills, ou JJe Triomphe de la Bienfaisance, par 1’auteur du Ministre de Wakefield. Tra¬ duction de 1’anglais. 2 vols., 12mo, original mottled calf. A Neuchatel. De l’lmprimerie de la Societe Typographique, 1774. 45.00 * Extremely rare, no English edition known. 129. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Beauties of English Poesy. 2 vols., 12mo, new full crimson crushed levant extra, gilt tops, by Schl,EUNIG and Adams. London. William Griffin, 1767. 30.00 * First edition. With presention inscription on half title, “ Miss Geraldine Arden from John Poole.” 130. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Little Goody Two-shoes. The History of Little Goody Twoshoes, otherwise called Mrs. Margery Twoshoes. With the means by which she acquired her learning and wisdom, and in conse¬ quence thereof her estate. Set forth at large for the benefit of those “ Who, from a state of rags and care, And having shoes but half a pair, Their fortune and their fame would fix. And gallop in their coach and six,” See the original manuscript in the Vatican at Rome and the cuts by Michael Angelo. Illustrated with the comments of our Modern Critics. Illustrated with extremely quaint woodcuts. 32mo, original boards, yellow edges. Worcester, Mass. Isaiah Thomas, 1787. 55.00 * The extremely rare first American edition of this charming little book, written by Oliver Goldsmith. 131. GOSSE, EDMUND W. On Viol and Flute. Woodcut Vignette on title page. 12mo, boards uncut. London. Henry S. King, 1873. 10.00 * The rare first edition. Justin H. McCarthy’s copy, with his bookplate and autograph. 132. GRAY, THOMAS. An Elegy Wrote in a Country Church Yard. Small 4to, full mottled calf extra, inside borders. Condon. R. Dodsley, 1751. 60.00 * The second edition. Printed the same year as the first, and an exact reprint with the single exception of the word “ hidden ” being changed to ” kindred ” ou page 10. 133. GREENE, JOHN. A Refutation of the Apology for Actors, divided into three briefe treatises wherein is confuted and opposed all the chiefe grounds and arguments alleaged in defence of playes : and withall in each Treatise is deciphered Actors, 1 Heathenish and Diabolicall Institution. 2 Their Ancient and Modern Indignitie. 3 The Wonderfull abuse of their impious qualitie. By J. G. Small 4to, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London. W. White, 1615. 155.00 * Very rare. Fine copy. See Illustration. A REFVTATION of the Apology for Actors. Divided into three briefe Treatifes. Wherein is confuted and oppofed all the chicfe Groundes and Arguments alicaged in defence of Places: And withallin each Trcatile is deciphered . A dors, C i. Heathcnifh and Diabolical! inftitution. with Myddyl- ton’s full page Device on reverse of title and numerous fine woodcut initials. Folio full red crushed levant extra, gilt edges. London. Wyllvam Myddyl- ton, 1525. ' 100.00 * A copy of the greatest beauty, with unusually large margins. See illustration on last page of cover. Fullers History of “The Crusades.” 138. FULLER, Thomas. The Historie of the Holy Warre. By Th. Fuller, B. D., Prebendairie of Sarum. Engraved title page, by W. Marshall, with poetical explanation opposite signed J. C. and folding map. Small folio, full sprinkled calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Cambridge, 1640. 17.00 * Choice copy. 139. HAKLUYT, RICHARD. The Famous Historie of the Indies: Declaring the adventures of the Spaniards, which have conquered these Countries, with varietie of Relations of the Religions, Lawes, Governments, Manners, Ceremonies, Customs, Rites, Warres, and Funerals of that People. Comprised into sundry Decads. Set forth first by Mr. Hackluyt, and now published by L. M. Gent. 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt panels on back and sides, with corner ornaments, gilt edges, by Francis- Bedford. Printed for Michael Sparke. London, 1628. 90.00 *The second edition. No copy in the Brinley, Murphy, Ives, Barlow or Deane Collections, Beautiful copy from the library of Henry Stevens, with his Bookplate. Rare Early English Poetry. 140. HALL, JOHN. Poems. The Second Book of Divine Poems. 16mo. Full polished calf extra, gilt edges by Bedford. Cambridge, Roger Daniel, 1647-1647. 25.00 First edition. Beautiful copy. 141. HARRINGTON, SIR JOHN. Orlando Furioso in English Heroical verse. Now thirdly revised and amended with the additions of the author’s- epigrams. Engraved title within a very ornamental border containing' portraits of Ariosto and Harrington, and 46 full page, curious copperplate engravings, Folio, new three quarter wine levant extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. London. G. Miller for J. Parker. 1634. 65.00 * A very beautiul copy of the rare first issue of the third edition with the reversed plate at HhS- and containing the epigrams for the first time included in the Book. With brilliant impres¬ sions of THE PLATES and title page. See illustration. 142. HARRINGTON, JOHN. The Grecian Story, being an historical poem in five books. To which is annexed The Grove, consisting of diverse shorter poems upon several subjects, with the rare portrait of Harrington by Faithorne, and frontispiece to The Grove, by Van Hove. Small 4to, calf gilt, gilt edges. London, William Crook, 1684. 25.00 * First edition. See Titlepage of Catalogue. 143. HARTE BRET. Outcroppings: being Selections of California Verse. Square 16mo, original cloth, gilt edges. San Francisco, 1866. 20.00 * First edition. Extremely scarce. 1 44. HARTE, BRET. The Overland Monthly. Devoted to the De¬ velopment of the Country. Vol. I. 8vo, half brown morocco. San Francisco, 1868. 10.00 * Contains first editions of Harte’s “Duck of Roaring Camp,” “ The Angelus,” “ Fate,” “ Sa» Francisco from the Sea,” and other poems. Catalogue of Rare Books 39 THE 1 GRECIAN STORY: BEING AN Hiftorical Poem, I N FIVE BOOKS. To which is Annex’d THE GROVE: Confiding of Divers SHORTER POEMS upon feveral Subjc&s. By J. H. Efq;. Mundi Schema. & Effigies Hifloria j Trifle cum flic undo , Dulce cum Amaro : Bonum , malumque Humanum Gcnyr-, multum fragile Animo , ut Corpore : fumma per Obferva- tionem Prudentia $ Plena varietatis Natura , & Fortuna etiam , Utraque admiranda. LONDON, Printed for William Crooks, at the Green Dragon without Temple Bar , near Devereux-Court. 1684. (See No. 142). 145. HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. True Stories from History and Biography. Illustrations by Billings. 16mo, new full citron levant extra, inside borders, gilt top, original cloth covers bound in. Boston, 1851. 15.00 * First edition. 146. HAYWARD, SIR JOHN. The Life and Raigne of King Edward the Sixt. With brilliant impressions of the fine portraits of the King, by Vaughan, and of Haywarde by Will Pass, Small 4to, full polished calf. John Partridge, London, 1630. 37.50 * First edition. Beautiful copy. See illustration. 40 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y (See No. 146). 147. HINDOSTAN. A collection of 20 highly original and finely colored drawings of Oriental Priests, Warriors, Pilgrims, Dancing Girls, Brahmans, Faquirs, Yogis and penitents. All beautifully finished on vellum, interleaved with bark. Narrow folio, Indian red morocco. SCEC. XVII. 150.00 * Unique and h’ghly important historical collection from the famous Didot Library and described in his Cata ogue as veiy curiously illustiatu g the singular piactices of the Religious fanatics in India, and the costumes of the lower classes of that countiy On the back of each draw¬ ing is written in French of the 17th Century an explanation of the subject represented. See Illustration. (See No. 147). 42 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. Heine's “ Deutschland/' 148. HEINE, HEINRICH. Deutschland Ein Wintermahrchen. 12mo, full light blue levant, gold panelled sides, gilt top, uncut, original paper wrappers, bound in by Stikeman. Bei Hoffmann andXampe. Hamburg, 1844. ; 20.00 * The first edition of Heine’s famous poem in beautiful*binding. See Illustration. Boy dell's Edition of Hogarth's Works. 149. HOGARTH, WILLIAM. The Original and Genuine Works of William Hogarth. With 2 portraits of the artist and 107 plates of the artist’s works, including the entire series of the “ Harlot’s Progress, ” “ Marriage a la Mode,” “The Idle and Industrious Apprentice,The Rake’s Progress,” “Before and After,” etc. Folio, original half leather binding. Uncut London, 1790. 75.00 * Boydell’s Famous Original Edition, with magnificent impressions of the plates. 150. HOLMES, O. W. The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Engraved frontispiece and illustrations. 12mo, new three-quarter green levant, gilt top. Boston, 1858. 12.00 * First edition. First issue. 151. HOLMES, O. W. The Professor at the Breakfast Table, with the Story of Iris. 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1860. 8.50 * First edition. 152. HOLMES, O. W. The Poet at the Breakfast Table. 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1872. 10.00 * First edition. - 0ttt*ne m - • 1 r«C x fico^ **r jw - : (See No. 154), 44 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 153. HORACE. Quinti Horatii Flacci Carminum Libri Quatuor, 12mo., contemporary calf gilt. Birminghamise, Typis S. Baskerville. 1777. 17.50 * A splendid specimen of Baskerville’s printing. XVth Century u Hours ” on Vellum. 154. HORAE BEATAE Mariae Virginis, secundum usum EcclesiaeRo manse. Cum Calendario. Written in latiuon 1331eaves of the finest vellum, and ornamented with 13 full page m iniatures exquisitely painted and finished and enclosed in gold architectural borders; also 2b smaller miniature por¬ traits of the Saints very delicately executed in gold and colors. Every PAGE HAS A RICH BORDER OF FLOWERS AND FOLIAGE ON A GOLD GROUND and the Script is beautifully ornamented with many hundred Initial and Capital Letters finely painted and gilt. 8vo, green velvet with gilt clasps, gilt edges SCBC. XV. 1100.00 * A Flemish Manuscript of the greatest desirability for its profuse and brilliant ornamentation and the artistic skill of the illustrator. See Illustration. 155. HOWARD, HON. EDWARD. Caroloiades, or The Rebellion of Forty-one. In ten Books. A Heroic Poem. Title ruled in red. Small 8 vo, new half blue levant gilt, gilt top, by Stikeman. London. Printed by J. B. for the author, 1689. 12.50 * First edition. Fxtremely rare. Not in the Lefferts or McKee Libraries, or mentioned by Lowndes or in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. Contains preliminary verses signed J. S.; G. M.; and T. C. and a letter to the Author signed PAUL RYCAUT. 156. HUNT, LEIGH. The Palfrey, a Love Story of Old Times. With charming woodcut illustrations by Fianklin and Henry Meadows. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. London 1842. 6,50 * Choice copy of the first edition. 157. HUGO, VICTOR. Hernani ou l’Honneur Castilian. Drame par Victor Hugo, represente sur le Tbeatie Francais le 25 Fevrier 1830. 8vo, half calf gilt. Paris, Marne et Delaunay-Vallee. 1830. 20.00 * The very rare first edition, with one page autograph letter, signed Victor Hugo, inserted. 158. INDIANS. A Key into the Language of America, or, An Help to the Language of the Natives in that part of America, called New England. Together with briefe Observations of the Customes, Manners, and Worships, etc., of the aforesaid Natives, in Peace and Warre. in Life and Death, etc. By Roger Williams, of Providence in New England. 16mo, brown calf, gilt back. London. Printed by Gregory Dexter, 1643. 235.00 * This very rare work by the ceh brated founder rf Rhode Inland and Providence plantations, is not only the first bork printtd relating to the Indians of New England, but is the first of a philo¬ logical character on the aboriginal languages. Robert Southey’s Copy, with His Autograph on Fly See illustration. 159. INDIANS. History of the Indian Tribes of North America. With Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the principal Chiefs. By Thomas L. M ’Kenny and James Hall. With 120 colored portraits. 3 vols,, folio, half red levant extra. Philadelphia. 1838-1844. 125.00 * The mrst important end costly wcik ever published on the Ametican Irdians. The plates are accurate portraits of celebrated Chihfs or of chat act efi.-tic individuals of the Race, and are colored with care, so as to faithfully represent their features and costumes. Exceptionally fine set. Catalogue of Rare Books 45 A Key into the 0 F AMERICA o ^ ^ f A.n help to the Language of the Natives lR c hat part of A m er I C A, called ME^ENG L AND. Together, with briefe Obferv axiom of the Cu~ Homes Manners and W orfhips, &c. of the atnrdatd in Peace and Wane, in Life and Death. Qn all which are added Spirituall ObfervM'mgi Generali and Particular by the of • chide and fpeciali ufe(upon all oecafionsjco all the Bngtijb Inhabiting thole parts* yet pleafant and profitable to , the view of all men : if BT ROGER WILLIAMS ot Providence in - " I -_ LO,R$OK ■ Wv Printed by Gregory dexter $ iikjl (.See No. 158). 160. INDIANS. Georgi Horni de Originibus Americanis. Libri Quatuor. Title page printed in red and black. 12mo, new full green levant, inside borders, gilt edges. Hagce Comitis. Sumptibus Adriani Vlacq. 1652. 28.00 ♦This is the celebrated treatise on the origin of the Americans, written in answer to Hugo Grolius De Origine Gentium Americanorum. It provoked an angry r» joinder from the letter which was answered by a counter treatise from I/iet. All of these essays display a degree of learn¬ ing and refinement which we shall look for in vain in later works.” The Second Book Printed in Quebec* 161. INDIANS. Nehiro Iriniui Amihe Massinahigan, Shatshegutsh Misht’, Assinitsh, Skekutimitsh, Ekuanatsh, Gaie missi missi nehiroiri- niui Astshitsh, ka tatjits, ka kueiasku aiamihatjits ka utshi. Small 8vo, original Sheep. Uabistiguiaths, Massinahitsetuau, Broun gaie Girmor, Quebec, 1767. 90.00 * Of expessive rarity. Fine crisp copy in the original sheep, of a rare and little known book printed at Quebec by Brown and Gilmore, the first printers in Canada, and one of the earliest pro¬ ductions of their press. It is a Prayer Book, Catechism, etc., in the dialect of the Montaignais, and was prepared for the Indians on the Saguenay and about hake St. John, by Father ha Brosse. See Illustration, 162. INDIANS. A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England from the first Planting thereof in the Year 1607 to the Year 1677, containing a Rela¬ tion of the Occasion, Rise and Progress of the War with the Indians in the Southern, Western, Eastern and Northern parts of said Country. By William Hubbard, A. M., Minister of Ipswich. Small 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1775. 35.00 * Very scarce. See Illustration. 163. INDIANS. A Biographical Sketch of the Life of the late Capt. Michael Cresap. By John J. Jacob. 12mo, original half roan. Printed for the author by J. M. Buchanan. Cumberland, Md., 1826. 65.00 * The extremely rare original edition. This account of Cresap’s life and services in “ Dun- more’s War” was written in refutation of the charges made against him, by Mr. Jefferson in his Notes on Virginia, of the murder of Uogan’s Family and of the statements in Doddridges’ account of Dunmore’s War. The author’s own copy with numerons corrections in his handwriting. A NARRATIVE OF THE Indian Wars I N NEW-ENGLAND, From the firll Planting thereof in the Year 1607, to the Year 1677. CONTAINING A Relation of the Occasion, Rise and Procress of the War with th z Indians, in the Southern, We/' tern, Eajitrti and Northern Parts of laid Count rt. B Y WILLIAM HUBBARD, A. M. Minifler of Ipfusich, And the Lord (aid unto Mofes, write this for a Memorial in a Hook. Ixod. XVil. 14. Which we have heard and known, and our Fathers have told us. That the Generation to come might know them, even the Child¬ ren which fhould be born : Who ihotild ari/e and declare theta to their Children. Psal. LXXV11I. 3 , 6 . NEHIRO-IRINIUI A I A M I H E MASSINAHIGAN, Shatshegutsh, Mitinekapitsh, Iskuamiskutsh, Netsheratsh, Misht’, Assinitsh, Shekutimitsh, Ekuanatsh, Askuabmushuanitsh, PlAKUAG AMITSHj Gaie mifli mifli nehiro-iriniui Aftftiitfh ka tatjits, ka kueiafku aiamihatjits ka utftii. U ABISTIGUIATSH. BOSTON: Frintcd and Sold by John Boyle in Marlbprouglu Street. 1775. (See No. 162). Mafiinahitfetuau, Broun gaie Girmor, 1767 . (See No. 161). Catalogue of Rare Books 47 164. IMAGE OF GOVERNANCE, THE. Compiled of the Actes and Sentences notable of the most noble Emperour Alexander Severus, late trans¬ lated out of Greke into Englyshe, by Sir Thomas Eliot, Knight in the favour of Nobylitie. Fine woodcut Border to title. Printed in Small 4to, old blind-tooled calf, gilt edges. Londini. In officina ThomcE Bertheleti, 1541. 32.50 * First edition. Magnificent specimen of Black Letter printing from this famous English press. Berthelet was the second “printer after Pynson, who had the honour of being made King’s Printer ; but he is the first whom we know to have received such honour by patent.”— Dibdin. 165. IRVING, WASHINGTON. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. The original 7 parts in 2 vols. 8vo, half calf neat. New York. 1819-1820. 50.00 * First edition. Unusually good copy. Has a fine two-page autograph letter _from Irving laid in, regarding the reviewing of his books. 166. JANE SHORE, or The Goldsmith’s Wife. An Historic Tale. By the Authoress of The Jew’s Daughter (Mrs. Bennet). With portrait of Jane Shore, and 4 fine steel plates. 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. (1840). 7.50 * Curious and rare. Saint Thomas Aquinas, Venice, 1480* 167. JENSON PRESS. Incipit liber primus de veritate Catolice fidei et errores gentilium; editus a venerabili fratre Thoma de Aquino, etc. Btfcicftfetfer. Printed in double columns. Small folio, old calf. Venetiis. Nicolaus Jenson. 1480. 90.00 * Avery beautiful specimen of Jenson’s printing ,with fine wide margins. 168. JES7' BOOKS. Polly Peachum’s Jests. In which are comprised most of the witty apothegms, diverting tales and smart repartees, that have been used for many years last past, either at St. James’s or St. Giles’.s Suited alike to the capacities of the Peer and the Porter. 12mo, half calf gilt. London. 1728. 28.00 _ With the bookplate of James Maidment, the antiquarian. A very free and very rare Collection. M 3 169. JOHNSON, SAMUEL. The Rambler. No. 1, March 20. 1750, to No. 208, March 17, 1752, inclusive. 2 vols., small folio, old calf, neatly rebacked. London, 1751-1752. 50.00 * First edition. 169a. JOHNSON, SAMUEL. A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. 8vo, original calf. London. Printed for W, Strahan, 1775. 10.00 * Good, sound copy of the rare first edition as issued. 170. BEN JONSON. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Ben Jonson, Esq., Poet Laureat to King James the First and King Charles the First, with an abstract of the lives of their favourites, Somerset and Buckingham. Collected from the writings of the most eminent historians, and interspersed with the pasquils of those times. To which are added two comedies (wrote by Ben Jonson and not printed in his works) called THE widow and eastward hoe, by W. R, Chetwood. 12mo, sprinkled calf extra, by Kaufmann. Dublin, 1756. 20.00 * A very choice copy. “ Eastward Hoe so incensed King James and his Court that Jonson was seized and imprisoned.” 48 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. (See No. 179). Catalogue of Rare Books 49 171. JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. Antiquitates Judaici et de Bello Judaico e Graeco in Latinum traductum per Rufinum 2 vols. in 1 vol., folio, old half calf. Venetiis Jo Vercellenses, 1486. 35.00 * Extremely rare. 172. KEATS, JOHN. Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes and other Poems. By John Keats. 12 mo, original boards, uncut. London. Printed for Taylor and Hessey. 1820. 175.00 * First edition, very rare. See Illustration. 173. KEATS, JOHN. Life, Letters and Literary Remains of John Keats. Edited by Richard Monckton Milnes. Portrait by Severn. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth uncut. London. 1848. 32.50 * First edition. “Barry Cornwall’s” copy with presentation inscription from the author “ B. W. Proctor with the editor’s best regards.” 174. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Golden Legend of Master William Caxton done anew. With 2 woodcuts, designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones. 3 vols. 4to, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith. 1892. 90.00 * Edition of 500 copies. 175. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The History of Reynard the Foxe, done into English out of Dutch by William Caxton. Woodcut titlepage and border. Imp. 8vo, limp vellum with tiepieces, uncut. Hammersmith. 1892. 60.00 * Edition of 300 copies. 176. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Nature of Gothic. A Chapter on the Stones of Venice. Woodcut border and initials. 8vo, vellum, uncut Hammersmith. 1892. 45.00 * Edition of 500 copies. 177. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Life of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal Archbishop of York. Woodcut boarder and initial letters. 8vo, limp vellum with tiepieces. Hammersmith. 1893. 45.00 * Edition of 250 copies. 178. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Maud. A Monodrama, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Woodcut title page, birders and iaitial letters. 8vo, limp vellum with tiepieces, uncut. Hammersmith, 1S93. 35.00 * Edition of 500 copies. 179. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Order of Chivalry. Translated from the French by William Caxton and reprinted from his edition of 1484. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Woodcut frontispiece, designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones. 8vo, limp vellum with tiepieces, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893. 37.50 * Edition of 225 copies. See Illustration. 180. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Utopia. Written by Sir Thomas More. Woodcut initials. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893. 50.00 * Edition of 300 copies. 181. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Gothic Architecture: A Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, by William Morris. 18mo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893. 20.00 * Edition of 503 copies. The first 16mo book printed at the Kelmscott Press. 182. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Psalmi penitentiales; an English Rhymed Version of the Seven Penitential Psalm*. Eiited by F. S. Ellis. Woodcut borders. 8vo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894. 30.00 * Edition of 300 copies. From the W. H. Arnold collection with bookplate. Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 50 183. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Sonnets and Lyrical D ' Gabriel Rossetti. Woodcut borders and Initial Letters, with tiepieces. uncut. Hammersmith, 1894. * Edit ion of 310 copies. See Illustration. Poems by Dante 8vo, limp vellum, 45.00 184. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile. Done out of the Ancient French into English by Wm. Morris. Woodcut title- page. 16mo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894. 22.00 * Edition of 500 copies. 185. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Tale of the Emperor Coustans and oi Over Sea, done out of Ancient French into English by William Morris. Woodcut title pages and Initial Letters. 16mo, half holland, uncut. Ham¬ mersmith, 1894. 35.00 * Edition of 525 copies. 186. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Tale of Beowulf. Done out of the Old English Tongue by William Morris and A. J. Wyatt. With specially de¬ signed title-page and borders. Imp. 8vo, limp vellum with tiepieces, uncut. Hammersmith, 1895. 45.00 1 Edition of 300 copies. 187. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Syr Perecyvelle of Gales. Edited by F. S. Ellis. With woodcut frontispiece after Sir E. Burne Jones. And woodcut border and Initial Letters. 8vo, boards, uncut. Hammersmith, 1895. 23.00 * Edition of 350 copies. 188. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Houre and the Leafe; and the Boke of Cupid, God of Love, or The Cuckowand the Nightingale. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Large woodcut initials. 8vo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith. 1896. 28.00 * Edition of 300 copies. 189. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Sundering Flood. By William Morris. ' Woodcut border and map. 8vo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith. 1897. 40.00 * Edition of 300 copies. 190. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Laudes Beatse Mariae Virginis. Poems taken from a psalter written in England about A. D. 1220. Edited by S. C. Cockerell. Imp. 8vo, halfholland, uncut. Hammersmith. 1896. 60.00 * Editio n of 250 copies. One of the most beautiful books issued from the Kelmscott Press: being printed in black, red and blue. Contains the rare slip generally wanting, ascribing the authorship to Stephen Langton. 191. KENTUCKY. A Topographical Description of the Western Terri¬ tory of North America. By G. Imlay. Maps. The Discovery. Settlement and Present State of Kentucky. By John Filson. 2 vols, 12 mo, original sheep. New York. Samuel Campbell. 1793. 15.00 * Very scarce. 192. KORAN, commonly called the Alcoran oe Mahommed; trans¬ lated from the original Arabic, with explanatory notes. By George Sale. 8vo, half antique calf. London. 1845. 3.50 (See No. 183). A TALE OF ROSAMUND GRAY AND Old Blind Margaret. BY CHARLES LAMB. LAMIA, ISABELLA, THE EVE OF ST. AGNES, OTHER POEMS. BY JOHN KEATS, AUTHOE OP EKDTMION. LONDON, PRINTED FOR LEE AND HURST NO. 3*, PATER-NOSTER ROW, 1798. LONDON: PRINTED FOR TAYLOR AND HESSEY, FLEET-STREET. 1820 . (See No. 172). 193. LAMB, CHARLES. A Tale of Rosamund Gray, and Old Blind Margaret. By Charles Lamb. 12mo, full polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Francis Bedford. London, Printed for Lee and Hurst, 1798. 300.00 * First Edition. Beautiful copy of this excessively rare little book. See illustration. 194. LAMB, CHARLES. The Adventures of Ulysses. With fine fron¬ tispiece and both the engraved and printed title-pages. 12mo, original sheep. London, 1808. 65.00 * Frst Edition. Very rare. Not in the Foote collection. 195. LAMB, CHARLES AND M ARY. The First Book of Poetry. For the use of schools. Intended as reading lessons for the younger classes. By W. F. Mylius. With two engravings. 16mo, original sheep. Printed for M. J. Goodwin & Co. at the Juvenile Library. London, 1815. 70.00 * Excessively rare. Contains many of the poems in “ Poetry for Children,” together with the Frontispieces. 196. LAMB, CHARLES. Elia. Essays which have appeared under that signature in the London Magazine. Both Series. 2 vols. crown 8vo, choicely bound in russet levant morocco extra, gilt backs, inside borders, gilt tops, uncut, by Stikeman. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Carey, 1828. 125.00 * First Edition. Fine clean, tall copy of this rare woik. Vol 2 appeared 5 years before the English ediiion. Inserted is a one-paee A. L. S . with the stamped wrapper in Lamb s handwriting, to his publisher, Ollier, regarding one of Elia’s E'Says, •• That Handsome Is That Handsome Does.” The McKee Copy sold for $100.00, without autograph or extra binding. Catalogue of Rare Books 53 Indians* 197. LAWSON, JOHN. A New Voyage to Carolina. Containing the Exact description and Natural History of that Country, together with the present State thereof. And a Journal of a Thousand Miles Travelled Through Several Nations of Indians. Giving a particular account of their Customs, Manners, etc. By John Lawson, Gent, Surveyor General of North Carolina. Map of North Carolina and Plate. Small 4to. London. Printed in the year 1709. 55.00 * “ The relation of a man of acute habits of observation, some intelligence and doubtless en¬ tire veracity regarding the Indians of North Carolina, at a very interesting period of their existence. Lawson was a land surveyor in the employment of the government, and was the unhappy cause of the exile of the Tuscarora tribe to New Yoik and its fonsequent incorporation into the Iroquois Con¬ federacy, by which its name was changed to the six Nations.”— .Held. Sir Egerton Brydges' Rare Publications. 198. LEE PRIORY PRESS. The Brothers in Law, a Comedy, 1817; Desultoria; or, Comments of a South-Briton on Books and Men, 1815; The Sacrifice of Isabel: A Poem, by Edward Quillinan, 1816; Brath- wayte's “Odes.” or Philomel’s Tears, edited by Sir Egerton Brydges, Portrait , 1815; Breton’s '‘Praise of Virtuous Ladies , ” edited by Sir Eger¬ ton Brydges, 1815; Select Lyrical Poems, by George Wither, written about 1622, portrait , 1815. 6 pieces in I vol., small 8vo, full straight grained green morocco, charmingly gold tooled on sides and back, crimson end papers and fly-leaves, gilt edges by C. Lewis. Kent printed at the private press of Lee Priory, 1815. 30.00 * A choice collection of those very beautifully printed works in handsome contemporary Bind¬ ing. The number of Copies printed at the Prtss in no case exceeded 100 Copies. 199. LEECH’S ILLUSTRATIONS. Merrie England in the Olden Time. By George Daniel, with clever full page etchings and numerous wood cuts by John Leech, 2 vols. 8vo, new half crimson levant gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1842. 15.00 * First Edition. Choice Copy, 200. LIBERTY BELL, THE. By Friends of Freedom. Woodcuts. 16mo. original boards. Boston, Massachussetts Anti Slavery Fair, 1841. 10.00 * First Edition of poems and articles by B Godwin, L> dia Maria Child, Wendell Phillips, Lady By ton W. L- Oarrison and others The Rtrest of the Liberty Bell Series. Wendell Phillips’ Copy with his Autograph an^l that of Sally Phillips. Also contains some of his Pencil Notes. 201. LIBRARY OF ROBERT HOE. A contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America. By O. A. Bierstadt, with 100 Illustrations taken from Illuminated Manuscripts, Title pages, Early printed Books and Histori¬ cal Bindings in the collection. 8vo, original cloth uncut. New York, 1895. 10.00 ♦Japan Paper Copy of which only 350 numbered Copies were printed. 202. LILLY, JOHN. Sixe Courte Comedies, Often prefented and Acted before Queen El zabeth. by the Children of her Majesties Chappell, and the Children of Paules, Written by the onely Rare Poet of that time, the Witie, Comicall, Facetioutly Quicke and vnparalelled: Iohn Lilly, Mafter of Arts. Decies Repetita placebunt. 12mo, full russia, gilt edges. London, 1632. 55.00 * First edition. A beautiful, clean and perfect copy of “ These six ingots of refined inuention : richer than gold.” 203. LINCOLN. Short Studies in Party Politics. By Noah Brooks. With portraits of Washington, Jefferson, Burr, Hamilton, Lincoln and others. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1895. 5.00 * First edition. “ William Carey, from his aged and lively uncle, Noah Brooks,” written on flyleaf. 54 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 204. LINCOLN and Other Poems. By Edwin Markham. Portrait. 12mo. cloth, uncut. New York, 1901. 5.00 * First Edition. Autograph copy with “Come, I,et Us Live the Poetry We Sing, Edwin Markham,’’ written on flyleaf by the author. Early XVIth Century Livy, With Woodcuts. Menu, 1523. 205. LIVY. Romische Historien Titi Livii mit etlichen newe Transla¬ tion. With numerous very fine and artistic woodcuts of the Strasslurg School of the beginning of the Century. Stout, small folio in old leather binding. Mentz Johannes Scheffer, 1523. 90.00 * The German translation of this beautifully illustrated volume was performed by Bernhard Schoffeilin and Ivo Wittig. The Eatin dedication to the Emperor Maximilian ends with the following statement relating to Mentz : “ In which town, also, the wondrous art of printing was originally invented, firstly by the ingenious Johann Guttenbergk. H5U years as it is counted from the binh of our Eord Christ; and thereafter improved and made permanent by the diligence, cost and labour of John Faust and Peter Schoffer at Mentz, etc. 206. LOCKER-LAMPSON, FREDERICK. Loudon Lyrics. Fine portrait by Sir John Millais. 12mo, new full wine levant, tooled back, gilt top, uncut, original cloth covers bound in by Stikeman. London, 1876. 16.0(1 ♦Beautiful copy of the best edition, “enlarged and finally revised ” and noticeable as con¬ taining the portrait of the author by Millais. 207. LONGFELLOW, H. W. Syllabus de la Grammaire Italienne. 12mo, original half roan. Boston, 1832. 12.5(V * First edition. 208. LONGFELLOW, H. W. Outre-Mer; a Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea. 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1835. 20.00 * First edition. An exceptionally fine copy. 209. LONGFELLOW, H. W. Hyperion; a Romance. 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1839. 18.00 * First edition. 210. LONGFELLOW, H. W. Voices of the Night. 12mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Cambridge, 1839. 18.00 * First edition. Beautiful copy. 211. LONGFELLOW, H. W. The Waif: a Collection of Poems. Edited by Longfellow. 16mo, original cloth, gilt, Boston, Ticknor & Co., 1846. 12.OC * This scarce little volume bears the bookplate of Dr. Bennoch, and the following presentation inscription bv J T. Fields : “ For Mr. Bennoch with the best wishes of his friend, James T. Fields, Boston, Oct. 31, 1848.” 212. LONGFELLOW, H. W. The Song of Hiawatha. 12mo, original cloth. Boston. 1855. 5.00 * First Edition. 213. LONGFELLOW, H. W. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 3 vols. 8 vo, original cloth. Boston. 1867. 20.00 * First Edition. 214. LONG ISLAND. Notes Geographical and Historical relating to the Town of Brooklyn in Kings County on Long Island. By Gabriel Furman. Small 8vo, half red morocco, uncut. Brooklyn. 1824. 22.00 5 * Extremely rare. Catalogue of Rare Books 55 215. LOWELL, J. R. A Year’s Life. 12mo, boards, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1841. 65.00 * The rare first edition, see Illustration. 216. LOWELL, J. R. The Liberty Bell, by Friends of Freedom. Vignette frontispiece and portrait of John Pierpont. 16mo, original boards. Boston. Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Fair, 1842. 8.50 * First editions of Two Sonnets by Lowell, “ Great Truths are portions of the Soul of Man ” and “The Hungry Flame Did Never Yet Seem Hot,” together with original pieces by John Pierpoint and W. L. Garrison. 217. LOWELL, J. R. The Vision of Sir Launfal. 12mo, boards, un¬ cut. Cambridge, 1848. 22.50 * First edition. See illustration. THE VISION OK YEAR’S LIFE. dir Hauitfal. 6 Y U Y JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. Jd) babe gelebt unb geliebet. CAMBRIDGE: BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY GEORGE NICHOLS. C. C. LITTLE AND J. BROWN. 1 848. - M DCCC XLI. (See No. 215). (See No. 217). 56 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 218. LOWELL, J. R. The Poet and the Man, Recollections and Ap¬ preciations. By Francis H. Underwood. 12mo, new thiee quarter light blue levant gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. Boston, 1893. 15.00 * Charming copy. Fxtra-illustrated with 22 fine portraits of Lowell, Agassiz, Bret Harte, Hawthorne, Whittier. Bryant, and others. 219. LONG ISLAND. The History of the Town of Flatbush, in Kings Connty. L. I. By Thomas M. Strong, D. D. Folding tinted map and plates. 12mo, cloth. New York. 1842. 12.50 * Very scarce. 220. LONG ISLAND MISCELLANIES. By Rusticus, Gent. Litho¬ graph views of Mr. Furman’s residence at Maspeth, White Pot School House, Bushwick Church, and the rescue of Prince William Henry (afterwards King William IV, of England) from drowning in the Collect Pond, New York; City. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1847. 45.00 * One of the rarest works relating to hong Island. Royal Rinding. 221. LOUIS XV. Le Sacre de Louis XV, Roi de France et de Navarre, dans l’Eglise de Reims le Dimanche, 25 Oct. 1722. The text engraved throughout and illustrated with 77 magnificent doubue page plates, vshowing in full the details of the Coronation of the King, its ceremonies, Dignitaries of the Church and State, Pageantry, etc. Folio, contemporary green morocco, with the Royal Arms of France in the centre of each cover, the crowned initials at the corners and in the back panels, gilt edges. Paris, 1722. 325.00 * A splendid specimen of French engraving, the woik of Cochin, Tardieu, Audran. Larmessin, Edelinck, Petit and other famous artists. A similar copy is priced in a recent catalogue of Sotheran’s at /'84.U.0. “ Club of Odd Volumes.” 222. LOUIS XV. The Last Years of Louis XV. Translated from the French of Imbert de Saint- Armand. Two photogravure portraits of Marie Antoinette and Madame Dubarry, one printed in colors and in bistre, the other in duplicate, black and bistre. Small 4to, boards, uncut. Boston, 1803. 26.00 * Only 150 copies printed on Holland hand-made paper for the “ Club of Odd Volumes.” 223. LUTHER, MARTIN. The Life and Death of Dr. Martin Luther. The Passages whereof haue bin taken out of his owne and other Godly and most Learned men’s writings, who lived in his time. By Thomas Hayne. Engraved title, and fine portrait of Luther, engraved by Theo. Holman. 4to, old calf. London, 1641. 25.00 224. MACROBIUS. Somnium Scipionis Ciceronis Libro de Republica Excerptum -Conviviorum primi diei saturnaliorum Libri VIII., printed In Roman characters without pagination or catchwords. Folio original oak boards covered with stamped leather. Brescia. B de Boninis de Ragusia, 1485. 35.00 ♦Rare early specimen from the Brescia Press, containing many passages printed in Greek types of a very uncommon character, and an interesting woodcut map of the world before the discovery of Amerrca. nm umhz tu ttmr tflataf. nnmikircet fttranUc ttoniittA vfo «A4ll4»tt »fai - 6 Tfcif feii^mt}ommc fonc^uttwmn l»(furo Wtaxxttt (it ceta^ utr atu^ Sttferttcc ^ticbctrf^ferttt^ ttt&rnL .jKC&iii §r ItutasS |j ^ipaiti *<$leaum ^ciucfumc featcsa? a atbusu uo q> A twx&t vmt ut^r 4^ * fmASp&oictb $ (hi uxmunwc m% ^Jk cpfoct tjtn&ecjt' ffa^u&(&dto,nm-tiffs “i #&£ &. riotfot B «t iftam<«paMta ftms 4fett% cim ! ifsw «w tttxfmttl- ' / ^feSiftitaur 4^twuccm* fj^ t eit^btxmc **- * tucc.meu(tmc luf$«t ciiieCoIcHt'abci ■ taCi^lK^atr* ^noncm f$*invu$ tu& ^>C(at^ $ in aio oaA«t« u tamjttv 1 m {$c© hjc cok» nt co^ctp.^fi wtoSs, 6ntr fe Whu^tttuwwt ladOttUytsSt- <& ntiuccut fajo$t mfi«5>atc func mfiuitfo* F ^tKutf fumet tas&akiE£tu&dttt §ox <£nud &n(u tfUt^^tcAttcttr ecuuu*; | t^^«nrA0m^ua*b^4|cn(tnmndcm? I 4ttt^A mtetnotveta.^ r- Atf-blt^timncrwane 1: '"'^ffiSEwa / pu^omjh^n^mrm^htS ^(umfcwti&wat^^ pjito mthoicQ-jft cft-.ncrmiuoa c^axu®t^Atcticc^c*i‘mcc . 0 -. immiAbxuiiX€xmM..i^tni^mmi(c 7/11 P^4f0ima3^!llfl 140 cu40 imc tcmoflm nr ctidmt40 tuae cdasmc# 45iu \m*ic CUio finite ir pmmtinaoitrjfotciau yiJSrntc modiiejtpctc vx maoitmn fnwrgtotii 4111111 cuxk.iSlii pu. po£ jtroitiw ifclb aiDiipliab? ■p;, jCataOfo. jy y^PfqftCT^ik Mg'" Spy* pottn r; mpt. tc liberate faiiun. i3 : mmim7lb bac/oic ulq; op uigilui natitaa’' pin po 0:011c twcl'd: 0:0. *6 lea iiiafa^ttioqdbtx nuric.Tcrcu oiovz:^ oium ftoduiuuir 6clic tnc.Siuo ifin cbdoma *D4in fiutftftu.pma 0:0 *o: tc ftfto.£& *oc *oiuc4. ca4 *oc Tea maia.'lcccb c olebn p4uli ap5to noma SggPIfo&tBaaiccc nee. JBJqma boy c w nee ™Topiio (nugcXlunc at pptoz c 111:1 fatu&qjua at atdtonnuo.inov pccfiic. xnce ait 14 pp:opiqtubit. 'Tibiaam-crgo oga tone tearuuvT ntouam^inna luci&fic uc Imc I.011 efibe ainbntaviBo rcbmdta i * 011 * 8 ? ct ibztozinbxM' ■ , ••>*• ; -.vpv;- n*; xviitntir? *4 oin..iSfc. acini ncrli qec ccpxric * cnitxt i40 tiu* noct'* aba fcccor tin?rjnaC tc matamur ptc&entc ♦1 4 ? (See No. 239 and Frontispiece). 62 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. Montaigne's Essays, 4567. 241. MONTAIGNE, Les Essais de Michel, Seigneur de Montaigne, Nouvelle Edition exactment purgee des Defauts des precedentes, selon le vray original, Et enrichie et augmentee aux marges du nom des Autheurs qui y sont citez, et de la Version de leurs passages Grecs et Latins; avec des Observations tres importantes et necessaires pour le Soulagement du Lecteur, Ensemble la Vie de TAutheur, et deux Tables. With the rare and very fine portrait of Montaigne. 8vo, boards. Paris. 1657. 37.50 * Tall, handsome copy of this valuable edition. 242. MONTAIGNE. Works of Michael de Montaigne. His Essays, Journey in Italy and Letters. With Notes from all the Commentators, by Hazlitt. A new and carefully revised edition. Edited by O. W. Wight, Portrait on india paper. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Printed at the Riverside Press. Cambridge, 1864. 25.00 * Edition of 75 copies on large paper for subscribers. 243. MOREAU’S ILLUSTRATIONS—Querlon, Meunier de. Les Graces. With beautiful frontispiece of the Three Graces, by Boucher, en¬ graved by Simonet, the engraved title-page and five lovely plates by De Launay, Massard, Simonet and De Longueil after Moreau. 8vo, new full lilac levant, elegantly panelled sides and back, inside 5 lined borders, whito watered silk linings and fly leaves, gilt edges by David. Paris. Laurent, Prault. 1769. 80.00 * The rare original edition in charming binding and with unusually brilliant impressions of the famous plates. The French copy in new blue levant sold for $131.00. See illustration. 244. MORMONS. The Book of Mormon: An account written by the hand of Mormon, upon plates taken from the plates of Nephi. By Joseph Smith, Junior, Author and Proprietor. 8vo, sheep. Palmyra, New York. 27.50 * Fine copy of the first editien. 245. MORRIS, WILLIAM. The Story of Sigurd, the Volsung, and the Fall of the Niblungs. Square 12mo, original cloth. London. Ellis and White, 1877. 10.50 * First edition. Scarce. 246. MORRIS, WILLIAM. The Well at the World’s End : A Tale. 2 vols., 8vo, half holland. London. 1896. 10.00 * The handsomely printed Chiswick Press edition. 247. MORRIS, WILLIAM. The Roots of the Mountains wherein is told somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale, their friends, their neighbors, their foemen and their fellows in-arms. Sq., 12mo, cloth, uncut. Reeves and Turner. London, 1890. 7.50 * First edition. 248. NABBES, THOMAS. Microcosmus ; A Morall Maske, presented with generall liking at the private house in Salisbury Court and heere set down according to the intention of the authour. Device on title, small 4to, new full crimson levant extra, gilt top. London. Printed by Richard Culton for Charles Greene, 1637. 45.00 * First edition. Very rare. See Illustration. 249. NASH, THOMAS. Tom Nash ; His Ghost. To the three scurvy fellowes of the upstart family of the Snufflers, Rufflers and Shufflers. Wood- cut of the ghost on title page. Small 4to, polished calf. London, 1642. * Very rare. See Illustration. Catalogue of Rare Books 68 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y, (54 (See No. 243), T H E ACTS Of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY Of the PROVINCE of N E W- JERSEY From the Time of the Surrender of the Government of the faid Province, to the Fourth Year of the Reign of KING GEORGE the Second* Collctted and Published by Order of the faid Assembly* With a T A ftLE of the Principal Matters therein contained. PHILADELPHIA: Printed and Sold by IVilliam and Andrew Bradford , Printers to the King’s Moft Excellent Majefty, for the Province of New-Jerfey , MDCCXXXII. Lewis Morris's “Laws of New Jersey/' 1732* 250. NEW JERSEY. Acts of the General Assembly of the province of New Jersey, from the time of the surrender of the government of the said province, to the Fourth year of the Reign of King George the Second, collected and published by order of the said Assembly, wich a table of the principal matters therein contained. Small folio, original sheep. Philadelphia. Printed and sold by William and Andrew Bradford, printers to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, for the province of New Jersey, 1732. ‘ 250.00 * An exceptionally fine and perfect copy of this very rare Bradford imprint, and containing the pages 283-299 and 4 final pages, not generally found in the few copies known. Contains the book plate of Lewis Morris, the signer of the Declaration of Independence and on the title page is the autograph signature of his grandfather, Lewis Morris, who was Chief Justice of New York and New Jersey, and Governor of New Jersey from 1738 to 1746, and who is memorable for having taken the principal part in effecting the division of New York and New Jersey. In his handwriting at page 233 (and at other places) are some extremely interesting and valuable historical notes. At the end of the book is the signature of Michael Kearney who married the daughter of Lewis Morris and became Secretary of New Jersey. His autographs are of extreme rarity . There was no copy of these laws in the Weekes’ or Dr. Samuel Miller’s Library and in the Grolier Club Bradford Catalogue the earliest book from the Andrew and William Bradford press was dated 1740. See illustration. 66 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 251. NEW ENGLAND. Acts and Laws of Her Majesties Province of the Massschusetts Bay in New England. Royal Arms on title page. Folio, boards. Boston. Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council for Benjamin Eliot and sold at his shop on the North Side of Kings Street, 1714. 37.50 * Choice copies of these rare and interesting acts; 252. NEW ENGLAND PRIMER, improved, or an easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. To which is added the Assembly’s Catechism Adorned with cuts. 32mo, original cedar boards, covered with blue paper, leatherback. Boston. Printed by James Loring, 1798. 12.00 * Beautiful copy. 253. NEW ENGLAND PRIMER, improved, for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. Adorned with plates. To which is added the Assembly of Divines Catechism. Woodcuts, square, 32mo, original gray wrappers. Albany. G. J. Loomis, 1818. 10.00 * Very rare. Fine copy. 254. NEWFOUNDLAND. The Golden Fleece. Divided into three parts. Translated from Cambriol Colchos, out of the southernmost part of the Hand, commonly called the Newfoundland. By Orpheus Junior (Sir William Vaughan). Small 4to, morocco, gilt edges. For Francis Williams. London, 1626. 85.00 * With the excessively rare folding map of Newfoundland, generally lacking. This curious book, partly in verse, partly in pro s e, was written to encourage emigration to Newfoundland, where the author owned a large tract of land Chapter V of the third part tells how “Sir Ferdinando Gorges is accused by the western fishermen of England for hindering them of their stages to dry their fish in New England.” 255. NEW JERSEY. Lutheri Catechismus Oferswatt pa American - Virginiske spraket. With the rare engraved title-page containing the full length portrait of an Indian. 12mo, full calf, with the monogram and Crown of Charles the Eleventh of Sweden on the sides, and his monogram and Crown in the panels on the back. Stockholm, 1696. 40.00 * The rare translation by John Campanius, of Luther’s Catechism into the Delaware Language of the Indians of New Jersey. Contains the Indian Vocabulary by Thomas Campanius. 256. NEW YORK. Laws of New York, from the year 1691 to 1751 inclusive. Published according to an Act of the General Assembly. Arms of the State on titles. Folio, boards. New York. Printed by James Parker, printer to the government at the New Printing Office, in Beaver Street, 1752. 45.00 * Compiled by William Livingstone and William Smith, Jr. Contains five pages of Subscribers Names and Autograph of “William Mouat His Book 1757” on title. Excellent copy. 257. NODIER, CHARLES. La Fee aux Miettes, 8vo, half light calf, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1835. 6.00 * Best Edition of this very facetious Book. 258. NORTHBROOKE, JOHN. A Treatise wherein dicing, dauncing, vaine plaies, or enterludes with other Idles, pastimes, etc., commonly used on Sabbath Day, are reproved, by the authoritie of the worde of God and ancient writers. Woodcut border to the title. JBfacftfeffer . 4to, full olive brown crushed levant morocco extra, elegantly tooled back inside borders, gilt edges. Thomas Dawson for George Bishoppe. London, 1579. 85.00 * Beautiful copy of this rare book. One of the earliest treatises against the stage in the Eng¬ lish language. See illustration. Catalogue of Rare Books 67 A Treatije wherein T)i cing,Daucing,Vaine plaies or En- terhides with other idle pafttmes com- monly vfed on the Sabboth day, arc rep^ooticti^p mttbo?ttie of the worde of God and auncu ent Writers, Made Dtaloguevrife by John Northbrocke Mtnifler, and Preacher of the worde ~ of God. Cicero lib.i.deofficiis# Wee are not to this end bo*neyhat wee should fern to he createdfor flay and fafiimo ; hut wee are rather home to ftpnejfe, &> to certaine grauer and greater Jludies. ! Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawfon^for George fii/boppe, jtnno, 157^. lr >( 8 ^ (See No. 258). 68 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 259. OLDHAM, JOHN. Poems and Translations. 8vo, new full wine levant extra, inside borders, rough edges gilt, by the Club Bindery. Lon¬ don. H. Hindmarsh, 1697. 22.50 * Contains the famous “ Satires upon the Jesuits,” and other very curious and free poems. 260. PASCAL, BLAISE. Apologie des Lettres Provinciales de Louis de Montalte, contre la Derni£re Reponse des PP Jesuites intitulee, Entre- tiens de Cleandre ET d’Eudoxie. 2 vols. 12mo, contemporary bright calf gilt, a Rouen et se vend a Delf, 1697. 17.50' * Choice copy of the very rare First Edition in fine binding, with the Arms of the Duke D’Aremberg in gold on both sides, and his Bookplates. 261. PENNSYLNANIA. Etat Present de la Pensilvanie, ou l’on trouve le detail de ce qui s’yest passe depuis la defaite du General Braddock jusqua la prise d’Oswego avec une carte particulere de cette Colonie, 12mo, original French calf gilt. Paris. 1756. 16.00 * Rare. Has Molls’ interesting old Map of New England, New York, New Jersey and Pensil- vania inserted. 262. PERCY SOCIETY. Reprints ofEarly English Ballads and Popu¬ lar Literature of the Middle Ages, edited from original manuscripts and scarce publications. 96 vols, in 31 vols., 8vo, three-quarter dark green levant, gilt tops by Bedford. London. 1840-52. 85.00- * A fine set of this invaluable collection. Vol 31 contains the two rare and very curious sup¬ pressed tracts “Quippes for a new-fangled gentlewoman” and Bansley’s “Pride and Abuse of Women.” A complete collection of the Society’s publications. Priced in Quaritch’s Catalogue at ^24.0.0 and Southern's at ^28.0 0. 263. PH^EDRUS. Fabulce iEsopiae cum novo Commentario Petri Burmanni. Finely engraved frontispiece and very choice portrait by Houb- raken. 4to, contemporary red morocco, with beautiful gold tooled “pome¬ granate ” borders on sides, elegantly tooled back, gilt edges. Leyden, 1727. 16.00 * A rare large paper copy, ruled in red throughout, and splendidly bound by Deromb. William Pickering's Miniature Editions. 264. CATULLUS. Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius. Engraved frontis¬ piece. 32mo, original green morocco, gilt edges. Londini; Inpensis G. Pickering, 1824. 5.00 264a. DANTE. La Divina Commedia. Portrait of Dante by Raphael Morghen. 2 vols., 32mo, original cloth, uncut. Londra; G. Pickering, 1822. 8.50 264b. HOMER. Homeri Ilias et Odyssea. Graece. Portrait of Homer and Aldine device on title-pages. 2 vols., 32mo, original green morocco, gilt edges. Londini: Gulielmus Pickering, 1831. 12.50 264c. MILTON. Paradise Lost: a Poem in Twelve Books by John Milton. Frontispiece by Stothard. 32mo, original cloth. London, 1828. 6.50 First Aldine Edition of Plautus* 265. PLAUTUS. Ex Plauti Comcediis XX. quarum Carmina magna ex parte in mensum suum restituta sunt, curis And Asulani. 8vo, original vellum. Venetiis : Aldus. 12. 27.50' * Splendid specimen of the first Aldine Edition. 266. PIRATES. History of the Pirates, containing the Lives of those noted Pirates, Captains Misson, Bowen, Kidd, Lew, Halsey,White, Condent, Bellamy, Flj", Williams and their Several Crews ; also an Account of the Piracies and Cruelties of John Augur, Cunningham, Dowling, Ling and others, who were tried, condemned and executed at Nassau, New Providence. With a correct Account of the Expedition of Commodore Porter. 12mo, original sheep. Hartford, 1829. 12.00 * Very rare. Catalogue of Rare Books 69 Curious Work on Hair Dressing. 267. PLOCACOSMOS: or the Whole Art of Hairdressing: wherein is con¬ tained ample rules for the young artizan, more particularly for ladies’ women, valets, etc., as well as directions for persons to dress their own hair; also ample and wholesome rules to preserve the hair. By James Stewart. With an elegant frontispiece and other copper plates. 2 vols., 8vo, new half crimson levant, elegantly tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1782. 70.00 * A. unique and EXCEEDINGLY curious work., with 100 additional plates inserted, including many fine colored plates illustrative of hairdressing from the earliest-times and in all countries to 1780; combs of the Middle Ages and Renaissance; colored caricatures in the st>le of Rowlandson and Gilray; authentic portraits of celebrated court beauties; and other rare prints by Chodowiecki, Rowlandson, Rosmoester, Dighton and others. A charming collection. Jenson's Edition of Pliny's Natural History. Venice, 1472. 258. PLYNIUS. Caii Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historic, Liber I. Printed in Roman characters, with large initial letters, painted in gold and colors at the beginning of the sections, and with numerous smaller initials, painted in blue. Folio, vellum. Venetiis, per Nicolaum Jenson, 1472. 125.00 * Described by Dibdinasthe ‘“Chef d’Oeuvre’’ of Jenson’s press. As a Latin volume printed in the XVth century there is nothing that surpasses it. An exceptionally tall and clean copy with all the margins in almost their pristine condition. The Woodhull copy sold for ^35.0,0. and the Craw¬ ford for ^f40 0.0. 269. PLINY. Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historise libri triginta septem. A Paulo Manutio multis in locis emendati. Folio, old half morocco. Venetiis, Aldus. 1559. 18.00 * Fine copy. Rare in good condition. 270. POLE, CARDINAL. Reformatio Angliae. Ex decretis Reginaldi Poli Cardinalis, Sedis Apostolicse legati, 4to, new full crushed claret levant, Aldine anchors on sides, gilt edges. Romae: Aldus, 1562. 16.00 * Magnificent copy of the famous work of Cardinal Pole. Of the greatest rarity on account of the vigorous efforts made to suppress its circulation. 271. POMPONIUS MELA. De Situ Orbis, Julius Solinus. Intinerarium provinciarum Antonini Augusti. Dionysius Afer de Situ Orbis Prisciano interprete. Small 8vo, new full light brown crushed levant, Aldine devices on sides, inside borders, gilt edges. Venetiis: Aldus, 1518. 25.00 * Very fine copy of this excessively rare and valuable book. This is the first Aldine and at the same time the first correct edition of Pomponius Mela. The Syston Park copy sold for ^T0, 5s.; another copy sold lately for £il. 272. PONTANUS. Joannis Joviani Pontani opera omnia soluta oratione composita. 3 vols., 8vo, full old calf, gilt backs. Venetiis : Aldus, 1518-19. 27.50 * Very rare. Vol. II contains the famous dialogue between Charron and several ghosts, in which the vices and licentiousness of churchmen are coarsely and powerfully printed by fictitious episodes. Most copies with these passages were destroyed by order of the Inquisition. Lord Hopetoun’s fine tall set with his bookplates. 273. PONTIFICALE ROMANUM ad omnes Pontificias Csereraonias* quibus nunc utitur Sacrosancta Romana Ecclesia accommodatum. Folio, in the original old red morocco, richly tooled sides, gilt edges. Venetiis: Apud Juntas, 1572. 65.00 * The chEF-D’CEuvRE of the famous Junta Press, profusely illustrated with splendid woodcuts, text and musical notes printed in red and black. The text and the binding are in excellent preservation. A copy is priced by Quaritch at £28. 274. POPE, ALEXANDER. The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope, with the fine portrait by Vertue. Small folio. London. W. Bowyer for Bernard Lintot, 1717. 25.00 * First collected edition. Pope’s celebrated epistle to Eloisa first appeared here. 70 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 275. POPE, ALEXANDER. The Dunciad, Variorum, with the Prolegomena of Scriblerus. Vignette of the Ass on title page. 4to, contemporary red morocco, broad gold tooled borders on sides, gilt edges. London. A. Dod, 1729. 12.50- * The first avowed edition. 276. PORTRAITS. Physiognomical Portraits. 100 Distinguished Characters from undoubted originals. Engraved in the Line Manner by the most eminent British Artists. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London. John Major, 1824. 45.00 * iyarge Paper Copy with Brilliant India Proof Impressions of the Plates. 277. PORTRAITS. The gallery of portraits; with Memoirs. By Charles Knight. 168 fine steel plates. 7 vols. tall 8vo, half dark green morocco, gilt tops uncut. London, 1837. 30.00 * An invaluable collection. The engravings are all First Impressions from the plates and are by such fine artists as Scriven, Hell. Wagstaff, Woolnoth and others 278. PRINTING. A History of the Art of printing, from its invention to its widespread Development in the Middle of the 16th Century. Preceded by a short account of the origin of the alphabet and the successful methods of recording events and multiplying MS. Books before the invention of printing. By H. Noel Humphreys. With 100 illustrations in colors and tints. Folio Cloth. London. Quaritch, 1867. 18.00' * A Splendid book, beautifully illustrated. Only 300 copies printed. 279. PTOLEM^EI PLANISPHERIUM. Jordani Planisphserium. Fed- erici Commandini Urbinatis in Ptolemaei Planisphserium Commentarius. With woodcut diagrams. Small 4to, original limp vellum. Venetiis, 1558, 30.00 * An exceptionally tall copy. The Syston-Park copy sold for ^9.0 0. 280. RABELAIS. CBuvres de Maitre Francis Rabelais, suivies des Remarques par M. Le Motteux. With a beautiful portrait of Rabelais, and 75 extremely grotesque copper-plate engravings. 3 vols., 8 vo, original mottled calf. Paris, 1798. 37.50 * Choice copy of this very rare and desirable edition. See Illustration. 281. RABELAIS. CEuvres de Rabelais. Edition conforme anx derniers textes revus par l’auteur. Une Notice et un Glossaire par Pierre Jannet. With numerous very striking full page colored plates and humorous illustrations on every page of text by Robida. 2 vols., 4to, new three- quarter crimson levant, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, n. d. 20.00 * Scarce. Handsome copy. “Reynard the Fox”, Illustrated by Kaulbach. 282. REINEKE FUCHS von Wolfgang von Goethe mit Zeichuungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach. 4to, in the original 10 parts, with pictorial wrappers; uncut. Miinchen, 1816. 20.00 * First edition with brilliant India proof impressions of all Kaulbach’s clever designs. Very rare. 283. REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. Portraits, Memoirs and Charac¬ ters of Remarkable Persons from the Revolution in 1688 to the end of the Reign of George II.. collected from the most authentic accounts extant. By James Caulfield. Illustrated with the fine series of 157 portraits by Grave. 4 vols., 8vo, full dark blue morocco, handsomely blind and gold tooled, gilt edges. London, 1819. 32.50 * Choice copy of these extraordinary Memoirs in fine “ Romantic” binding of the period. Catalogue of Rare Books c/d w 05 > P 8 W rt H HH a w Q t -4 Oh H < Ph s tO o Q rt pd ^ £ o- 55 -0 W o § 2 ft W CO l> o }3 •J W o ft w pp 5 to ft W Q H > w w CO ^ P Q £ •M ft S ft H o 55 ed p£ w w Pp w g o H 7t co PP <1 PM Chez Ferdinand ,BASTIEN, Imprimcur-Libraire, rue de la Harpe , N° 4 ^ 3 . 72 Goo. L>. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 284. RHODOGINUS, CCELIUS. Antiquae Lectiones. Title-page and anchor printed in red. Folio, old half green morocco gilt. Venetiis, 1516. 15 00 * Fine sound copy of th ; s rare work which contains long dedication to Grolier the friend and patron of Aldus. Rare Early English Poetry. 285. RICHARDS, NATHANIEL. Poems, Sacred and Satyricall, viz.: Prayers Paradice. The World. The Flesh. Thejesuite. The Devill. Mans Misery. Sinnes Infirmity. Sinnes Impudence. The Penitent Sinner. The Soules Sea Fight. The Single and Married Life. Teares Tnmmph. Mercies Miracle. Faith, Hope, Charity. Midnight Meditation. Virtues Pyramid. Chasity and Lust. The Divine Dreame. The Divine Echo. Death’s Masqueing Night. With engraved frontispiece and the rare portrait by T. R. 12mo, full green crushed levant extra, gilt edges, by De Coverley. Printed at London by T. Paine, L641. 75.00 * First edition. Very rare, See Illustration, Catalogue of Rare Books 73 286. ROGUE, THE ; or The Life of Guzman de Alfarache. Written in Spanish by Matteo Aleman, servant to His Catholike Majestie and borne in Seville. Small folio, original panelled calf with arms in gold on sides. Oxford. Printed by William Turner for Robert Allot, 1630. 20.00 * Translated by James Mabbe to whom several copies of commendatory verses by Ben Jonson and William Browne are addressed. Rare. 287. ROSSETTI, D. G. The Early Italian Poets from Ciullo d’Alcamo to Dante Alighieri in the original Metres with Dante’s Vita Nuova. Trans¬ lated by D. G. Rossetti. 12mo, full green crushed levant, gilt top, uncut. London, 1861. 35.00 * First edition. 288. RUSKIN, John. The Seven Lamps of Architecture. With illustrations drawn and etched by the author. Tall 8vo, cloth, uncut. London. Smith, Elder, 1849. 25.00 * First edition. Rare. 289. RUSKIN, JOHN. The Work of John Ruskin : Its Influence Upon Modern Thought and Life. By Charles Waldstein. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London. Methuen, 1891. 10.00 * One of 35 copies on Japan paper. 290. RUSKIN, JOHN. Letters from John Ruskin to Rev. J. P. Faunthorpe. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Privately printed. London, 1895. 10.00 * Only a very small edition printed. 291. RUSKIN, JOHN. Letters from John Ruskin to Fredrick J. Furn' ivall and other Correspondents. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Privately printed. London, 1897. 7.50 ♦Rare. Only 30 copies printed. 292. SABELLICUS. Marcus Antonius Sabellicus de Venetae urbis situ—De proetoris officio libellus, etc. Small 4to, half old calf neat, n. p. n. d. Venetiis, 1483. 45.00 ♦ Choice copy of this very rare book. Count Hoyms copy sold for ^30.0.0., and the Syston Park copy on vellum for 0 0. 293. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Ivanhoe; a Romance. 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1820. 35.00 ♦ First edition. Splendid copy. 294. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Quentin Durward. 3 vols., 8vo, boards* uncut. Edinburgh, 1823. 20.00 ♦ First edition. 295. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Tales of the Crusaders. The Betrothed 2 vols. The Talisman, 2 vols. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut paper labels, Edinburgh, 1825. 40.00 * One of the rarest of Scott’s first editions. 296. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Landscape illustrations of the Waverly Novels, with Descriptions of the Views. 8vo, extremely fine steel plates on India Paper engraved by Finden after Westall, De Wint, Prout and others. 2 vols. 4to, half green morocco. London. Tilt, 1832. 17.50 297. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Complete Works. With frontispieces and vignette title pages by Turner, Stanfield, and others. 98 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, elegantly tooled backs with green and red levant labels. Edin¬ burgh. Cadell 1861. 150.00 Extremely handsome and desirable set comprising The Waverly Novels, Prose and Poetical ■works and the Life by Lockhart. 74 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. (See No. 298) Catalogue of Rare Books 75 298. SAVONAROLA. Tractato divoto et utile delle Humilita composto per Fratre Hieronymo da Ferrara. With a beautiful woodcut of Christ in the Tomb within a very ornamental border, a smaller woodcut of the Flagella¬ tion, and on the last page a woodcut of Christ surrounded by the Emblems of the Passion. Small 4to, Italian boards. Florence (about) 1490. 60.00 * A beautiful specimen of early engraving by a Florentine artist. Extremely rare and unknown to Hain, Kristeller and the other bibliographers, and no copy is in the British Museum or Bodleian library. See illustration. 299. SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS. De conjuratione Catilinae, ejusdem de bello Jugurtino, ejusdem oratio contra M. T. Ciceronem, etc. Small 8vo, new olive green crushed levant extra, gilt Aldine devices on sides, gilt edges. Venetiis : Aldus, 1508. 22.00 * First Aldine edition. Extremely rare. No copy in the Sunderland library. Beckford’s copy sold, twenty years ago, for ^8.15s. 300. SCOTTISH POETRY. The Acts and Life of the Most Victorious Conqueror, Robert Bruce, King of Scotland. Wherein also are contained the Martiall deeds of the valiant princes, Edward Bruce, Sir James Douglas, Earle Thomas Randel, Walter Stewart and sundry others. (By J. Barbour). SSfacftfeffer- Small 8vo, full polished calf, with Ducal Crown and Crest on sides in gold, gilt edges. Edinburgh. Andrew Anderson, 1670. 25.00 * Very rare. 301. SECRET HISTORY of the Green Rooms: containing authentic and entertaining memoirs of the actors and actresses in the three Theatres Royal (Drury Lane, Covent Garden, The Haymarket). 2 vols. in 1 vol., 12mo, three quarter half light brown levant gilt, gilt top. London. 1790. 25.00 * The rare first edition of this rare and curious work. Thomas Taylor’s (the playwright) copy, with his autograph on the title page. From the McKee library with his bookplate. 302. SECRET MEMOIRS. Secret and Historic Court Memoirs. Nu¬ merous fine etched portraits and water color illustrations. 20 vols., 8vo, buckram. Paris. The Grolier Society. 1900. 45.00 * Limited Edition de Luxe. Comprises: Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XIV, the Regency of Louis XV. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Napoleon and Josephine the Court of Berlin under Fredeiick William II, the Courts of Catherine II. of Russia, the Courts of Sweden and Denmark, the Court of Henry IV. of France and Navarre, the Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois the Court of Marie Antoinette, the Memoirs of Madame la Marquise de Montespan, Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz. Early Lithographs by Senefelder, the Inventor of Lithography* 303. SENEFELDER, ALOIS. Vollstandiges Lehrbuch der Stein- druckerey enthaltend eine richtige und deutliche Anweisung zu den ver- schiedenen Manipulations Arten derselben in alien ihren Zweigen und Manieren. With many fine specimens of the lithographer’s art in black, gold and colors. Small 4to, boards. Munchen. 1818. 45.00 ♦Rare, choice copy. 304. SHAKESPERE and his Forerunners. Studies in Elizabethan poetry and its development from early English. By Sidney Lanier, profusely illustrated with portraits and title pages and other illustrations. 2 vols.. 8vo, cloth extra, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1902, 10.00 * Contents: The Elizabethan Writers. The Supernatural School in Early English. Home of English Poetry. Sonnet Makers from Surrey to Shakespeare. Music of Shakespeare’s Time. Shakespeare’s Spiritual Development, etc. 76 Geo. D. Smith. 50 New St., N. Y QUEEN MAB; A PHILOSOPHICAL POEM: THE CENCI. WITH NOTES. A TRAGEDY, BY PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. IN FIVE ACTS. — By PERCY B. SHELLEY. ECRASEZ L’INFAME! Correspondance de Voltaire . Avia Pieridum peragro loca, nullius ante Trita solo j juvat integros accedere fonteis ; ■Atque haurire: juratque novos decerpere flores. Unde prius nulli velarint tempora musx. Primum quod magnis doceo de rebus; et arctis Rcligionuin animos nodis exsolvere pergo. Lucret. lib. it. Aor or» j-3, xa> xoj/*ov nitneu. Archimedes. LONDON: PRINTED BY P. B. SHELLEY, S3, Chapel Street, Grosvcnor Square. 1813. (See No. 305). ITALY. Printed for C. and J. Ollier VERB STREET , BOND STREET. LONDON. 1819. (See No. 306). Rare Editions of Shelley's Poems. 305. SHELLEY, PERCY B. Queen Mab : a Philosophical Poem. With Notes. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. Printed by P. B. Shelley, 23 Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square. London, 1813. 425.00 * First edition. Beautifully bound in full polished calf extra, gilt top, uncut, by Bedford. Unmutilated copy, containing the title-page imprint, that on page 240, and the dedication “To Harriet****.” Beautilul copy. Extremely rare. See Illustration. 306. SHELLEY, PERCY B. The Cenci : a Tragedy, in five acts. By Percy B. Shelley. 8vo, half green levant, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by W. Pratt. Italy. Printed for C. and F. Ollier. London, 1819. 160.00 * First edition. Printed at Leghorn under Shelley’s personal superintendence. Fine portrait inserted. See Illustration, 307. SHELLEY, PERCY B. Rosalind and Helen : a Modern Eclogue, with other poems. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. 8vo, full olive levant morocco, gilt back, paneled gilt sides, gilt top, rough edges, by Tout. London, C. and J. Ollier, 1819. 150.00 * First edition. Handsome copy, containing autograph letter from Shelley referring to the book by name, 308. SHELLEY, PERCY B. Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 8vo, full olive levant morocco, gilt back, paneled sides, gilt top, uncut, by Tout. London. J. and F. H. Hunt, 1824. 75.00 * Very rare. The whole impression of this first edition of Shelley’s posthumous poems (excepting a few copies that had been distributed or sold) was almost immediately withdrawn by Mrs. Shelley, in accordance with an arrangement with Sir Timothy Shelley. Choice copy. Catalogue of Rare Books 77 309. SHELLEY, PERCY B. Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. With an introductory essay, by Robert Browning. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London. Moxon, 1852. 50.00 * Very rare. Most of the letters proving to be spurious, the edition was suppressed. 310. SHELLEY. A Letter from Percy B. Shelley to Thomas Peacock, July, 1816. Thin 8vo, antique boards, uncut. Privately printed at the Essex House Press. London, 1901. 40.00' * First edition of the letter in its complete and original form. Only 50 copies printed. Illuminated Copy of Shakespeare's Poems. 311. SHAKESPEARE. The Poems of William Shakespeare, according to the text of the original copies, including the lyrics, songs and snatches found in his dramas. 8vo, vellum, uncut. London 1899. 100.(0* * The beautifully printed Essex House edition. Special copy with illuminated title PAGE AND 20 FINELY COLORED BORDERS, INITIAL LETTERS AND TAIL PIECES, by W. C. Bamburgh. 312. SHAKESPEARE. Romeo and Juliet. With an introduction by R. H. Stoddard and numerous fine full page illustrations by Jacques Wagrez^ and Louis Titz. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. New York, 1892. 15.00 * Edition of 350 numbered copies on Holland paper. 313. SMITH, WILLIAM. The History of the Province of New York,, from the first discovery to the year M.DCC.XXXXII. To which is annexed A Description of the Country, with a short account of the inhabitants, etc. 4to, half calf. London. Printed for Thomas Wilcox, 1757. 125.00 * The very rare original edition with the large folding view of Oswego, N. Y. See Illustration.. 314. SMOLLETT, TOBIAS. The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included the Memoirs of a Lady of Quality. 4 vols. 12mo, full mottled calf extra, inside borders, gilt edges by De Coverlej*. London. Printed for the author, 1751. 55.00* * The rare First Edition containing much curious matter suppressed in all later Editions. See Illustration. 315. SMOLLETT, TOBIAS. The History and Adventures of an Atom. 2 vols. small 8vo, full sprinkled calf, gold tooled backs, gilt edges by De Covereey. London, 1769. 28.00' * First Edition. With the date 1749. Tall fine copy. 316. SMOLLETT, TOBIAS. Plays and poems written by T. Smollett. Vignette portrait by Ravenet after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Small 8vo, full polished calf extra, citron edges. London, 1777. 12.50 * First and Best Edition. Contents. The Regicide or James the First of Scotland. The Reprisal or the Tars of Old England. The Tears of Scotland. Ode to Independence, etc. 317. STEELE, RICHARD. The Crisis, or a Discourse representing the just causes of the late Happy Revolution, with some seasonable remarks on the dangers of a Popish Succession; Remarks upon Mr. Steele’s “Crisis,” inscribed to the Clergy of the Church of England; Mr. Steele’s Apology for Himself and his Writings, Occasioned by his Expulsion from the House of Commons. 3 works in 1 vol. 4to, old half calf. London, 1714. 20.00 * All first editions Richard Steele was expelled from the House of Commons for writing “The Englishman” and the “Crisis.” 78 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 05 % 2 2 5 o o co P CO *-* ti¬ er 5 * c O 5 a • ti- S* sf O'- E t* o» y a £ s ® c- » ' f Cl, 3 § t- 1 O ** o & i > b b >a s& ^ S’* 5 ?;• 3 ^ R I-i <0 1 f. 3 * < ej w v e <* ? o b < 1 1 © * i >-• t- 5j- 3 £ § CJ tc_ If « S ? 5* w *TJ ^ «> O § pa s* 5 r* > a o •n € > r t—t H xj R >-0 a> *-t o CfQ ■-» 5' CD •-d o' 7T ?T 9 CO 8? a o 3 O a pr S $ & JL I * 5 w .O O b< ^.V» Q • Ir9 % 5'^Hl V5 S- § e 2 § ^v§-b 3 « a.~ 5 n> -> s.1-* I i •8 *• 3 s J5- & § i 3 - « "<■ «u % 5. ^ i §> z I'n; &■& g 3 - o 9* ^ o ^ H % | jrg - R | o 2-^3 3 O S » g ?;• o’ 3 X 3- O 3 Cu o§.> o *“* o O* ^ 8 = £ c ^ n> a 5 o cu 3 ►n t=P o & O c o *1 rt o rt D- o • OF Virginia, Xew-England, and the Summer lies. with THE NAMES OF THE ADVENTURERS, PLANTERS, AND GOVERNOURS FROM THEIR FIRST BEGINNING. AN. 1564. TO THIS PRESENT 1626. WITH THE PROCEEDINGS ■OF THOSE SEVERALL COLONIES AND THE ACCIDENTS THAT BEFELL THEM IN ALL THEIR IOURNYE9 AND DISCOVERIES. ALSO THE MAPS AND DESCRIPTIONS <3f those coontryes, their commodities, people, government, CUSTOMERS AND RELIGION YET K.NOWNE. W DIVIDED INTO SIXE BOCKES. By CAPTA1NE IOHN SMITH, SOMETYMES 60VERN00R OF THOSE COUNTRYES AND ADMIRALL OF NEW ENGLAND VOL. II. FROM THE LONDON EDITION OF 1629. RICHMOND : Hftpublij^eD at tbe iFcanfilm j&rc#. William W. Gray, Printer. 1 8*19. 349. VESTRIS, MADAME Memoirs of the Life, Public and Private Adventures of Madame Vestris. With interesting and curious anecdotes of celebrated characters in the fashionable world. Detailing an interesting variety of singularly curious and amusing scenes, as performed before and behind the curtain. By a naval officer. Dedicated to the King. Por¬ trait and 5 curious and free colored plates. 12mo, three-quarter citron levant, gilt edges, by Bedford, London n. d. 37.50 * The rare suppressed original edition containing much scandalous and facetious matter rigidlv suppressed in the second edition. See Illustration. 350. VIRGINIA. The True Travels and Observations of Captaine Iohn Smith in Europe, Asia, Africke and America, beginning about the yeere 1593 and continued to this present, 1629. Portrait, coat of arms and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, uncut. Richmond. The Franklin Press. 1819. 25.00 * Beautiful Copy. See Illustration of titlepage of Vol. n. 350a. VIRGINIA. The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captain John Smith. Portrait and folding plates. 2 vols., 8vo, original sheep. Richmond, 1819. 12 00 86 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 351. VILLON SOCIETY. Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp; Zeim ul Asnam and the King of the Jinn: two stories done into English from the recently discovered Arabic text by John Payne. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lon¬ don, 1889. 12.00 * Printed for the „Villon Society by private subscription and for private circulation only. Earge Paper Copy. Early Editions of Virgil's Works. 352. VIRGIL. Publii Virgilii Maronis Opera: cum Servii Mauri Honorati grammatici: Aelii Donati ; Christophori Landini atque Domitii Calderini; Comentariis. Q$facSfeffcr> with the commentary surrounding the text in smaller type, with the initials in red, 4to, old calf finely gilt edges. Nuremberg Ant Koberger, 1492. 45.00 * A temai kably interesting specimen ot Koberger’s printing- 353. VIRGIL. Publii Virgilii Maronis Opera. Printed in Roman letter ; surrounded by the commentary, and illustrated with 217 exceedingly curious large woodcuts. Small folio, old calf gilt. Argent. Johannis Grieninger, 1502. 65.00 * Pei haps the most remarkable of the early woodcut Books produced at Strassburg, A few leaves have been carefully repaired, but otherwise an unusually fine copy. Excessively rare. 354. VIRGIL. Opera Virgiliana cum decern commentis, docte et familiariter exposita etc. Elaborate woodcut border to title and a great number of very fine and large woodcuts. Folio, calf. Lugduni. Johan Crespini, 1529. 50.00 * Very rare A very desirable specimen of the early wood engravers’ art. 355. VIRGIL. The XII Aeneids of Virgil, the most renowned Laureat- prince of Latin poets. Translated into English deca-syllables by John Vicars. Finely engraved title page. Small 8vo, old calf. London, 1632. 35.00 * First Edition. Good sound copy. Very rare. 358. WALLER., EDMUND. Poems, etc., written by Mr. Ed. Waller of Beckonsfield,E>quire ; lately a.Vlember of the Honourable House of Commons. 12mo, calf. London. Printed by T. W. for Humphrey Mosley, 1645. 65.00 * First Edition. V* ry rare. 3 9. WALLER, EDMUND, The Maids’Tragedy Altered. With some other pieces By Edmund Waller, Esq., not before printed in the several Editions of his p* ems. 8vo, half polished calf, rough edges gilt. London. Jacob Tonson, 1690. 12.50 * First Authorized Edition. 360. WALLER. EDMUND. The works of Edmund Waller, Esq., in verse and prose, published by Mr. Fenton. Choice portrait of Wallerby Vertue after Kneller, portrait of Lady Harley and numerons fine Vignettes by Vertue. 4to, original calf. London. Printed for J. Tonson in ye Strand, 1729, 22.50 361. WALTON AND COTTON. A Bibliography of “The Complete Angler” of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton: being a chronologically arranged List of several Editions and Reprints from the First Edition, 1653,. until the year 1900. By Arnold Wood. Illustrated by 86 engravings of title- pages and fine portraits. Small 4to, vellum gilt, uncut. New York, 1900, 30.00 * Only 120 copies of this sumptuously printed work were published. 362. WALTON, IZAAK. The Life of Mr. Rich. Hooker, the author of those learned books of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. Small 8vo, new full dark green levant extra, inside borders, gilt top, by Stikeman. London. Printed bv J. G. for Rich. Marriott, 1665. 18.00 * First Edition. Choice copy. Izaak Walton's Copy. 363. WALTON, IZAAK. The Lives of Dr. John Doune ; Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker. Mr. George Herbert. Written by Izaak Walton. To which are added some letters written by Mr. George Herbert, at his being in Cambridge, with others to his mother, the Lady Magdalen Herbert, written by John Donne, afterwards Dean of St. Pauls. Portrait. Small 8vo, old calf. London. Printed by Tho Newcomb for Richard Marriott, 1670. 50.00 * First Edition. Walton’s own copy, with his initials on title-page, and numerous autograph corrections of the text. 364. WALTON, IZAAK. Thealma and Clearchus : a Pastoral History in smooth and easy verse. Written long since by John Chalkhill, Esq., an acquaintant and friend of Edmund Spencer. 8vo, full straight-grained red morocco, gilt edges. London. Printed for Benj. Tooke at the Ship in St. Pauls’ Church Yard, 1683. 35.00 * First Edition. Contains a preface by Walton, to whom this rare book is now entirely ascribed. Handsome copy fr«m the Gaisford library, with book-plate. L A PUCELIE D’O R L E A N S, P O E M E EN YINGT-UN CHANTS. Avec des Notes, Auquel on a joint plujieurs Pieces qui y ont rapport 4 PREMIERE- PARTIE. A L O N D R E S. ■>i ■" ■ -- !♦ M. DCC. LXXX. 365. VOLTAIRE. La Pucelle d’Orleans, poeme en vingt un chants, avec des notes, auquel on a joint plusieurs pieces qui y ont rapport. With frontispiece and 21 charming vignette illustrations by DuPEESSis-BER- taux. 2 vols. 18mo, old French calf, gilt edges. A Londres (Paris), 1780. 18.00 * Cazin’s rare little'miniature edition. See Illustration. 88 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. 365a. WASHINGTON, D. C. A Chorographical and Statistical Descrip¬ tion of the District of Columbia, the seat of the general government of the United States. With an engraved plan of the district and view of the Capitol, by Detournelle. 8vo, original red boards, uncut, Paris. Printed and sold by Smith, Rue Montmorency. 18IG. 35 00 * Exceptionally fine copy of this rare and interesting hcok having presentation inscription from the author to “ Sir John Byerley, from his obliged friend, D. B. Warden.” 366. WASHINGTON. George Washington. By Henry Cabot Lodge. Portraits. 2 vols., 12mo, new half dark blue levant gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Stikeman. London, 1889. 27.00 * Beautiful copy, choicely extra-illustrated with 57 etched and engraved portraits and views. 367. WHITE, HENRY KIRKE. Clifton Grove, a Sketch in Verse, with other Poems. 12mo, full polished calf gilt, gilt edges by Bedford. London, 1803 16.00 * First Edition of the author 's first poems. Choice copy. 368. WHITMAN, WALT. Leaves of Grass. 8vo, original half green morocco. New York, 1867. 55.00 * First Edition of Drum Taps, Songs before Parting and other poems with Whitman’s autograph inset iption on title-page, "To j H. Littlefield from Walt Whitman.” Littlefield was formeily in the 1 iw office of President Lincoln. 369. WHITTIER, J. G. Poems written during the progress of the Abolition Question in the United States between the years 1830 and 1838. Illustrated. 16mo, original cloth. Boston, 1837. 35.00 * First Edition. 370. WHITTIER, J. G. Poems. 12mo, new full dark blue levant, gold tooled on side and back, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1838. 30.00 * First Edition. Autograph note from Whittier bound in. See Illustration. 371. WHITTIER, J. G. The Panorama, and other Poems. 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1856. 4.00 * First Edition. 372. WHITTIER, J. G. In War Time and other Poems. 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1864. 3.50 * First Edition. 373. WILDE, OSCAR. Salome. Drame en une acte. Small 4to, original wrappers. Paris, 1893. 25.00 * Presentation copy, with Oscar Wilde’s autograph inscription to Leon Deschamps. 374. WINSTANLEY, WILLIAM. Poor Robin, 1671, an almanack after a New Fashion, wherein The Reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation. Being the 3rd after Bissextile or Leap Year. Containing a two fold Kalendar, viz: The Julian or English; and the Round- heads, or Fanaticks: with their several Saints days and observations upon every Moneth. written by Poor Robin, Knight of the Burnt Island, a well wilier to the Mathematicks. Title page printed in red and black. 16mo, half red morocco, gilt edges. London, 1671. 21.00 * First Edition. Extremely rare. The author gives his name in the form of an acrostic on back of title. See Illustration. 375. WITHER. GEORGE. The Psalms of David translated into Lyrick Verse, according to the scope of the Original. 18mo, calf. Imprinted in the Netherlands by Cornelis Gerrits Van Brenghel, 1632. 25.00 * First Edition of this little book which from a typographical view is considered the most elegant of Wfther’s Works. Extremely rare, only two or three copies being known. See Illustration. 2 fs q ■ i , ■ ;-> M O jf * ^ Si^> <50 » :ll^ 5 la *>e» ?! ~§ 5so Il'sR fso -fsg Iso J.SS fso 5? g a <5 * ~ ." I'5'o *|3J>? . C/3 s a o Oh tf w ,H H W £ Jp | » 5 1 f H s s a -s- a *® !§!!! Ill 11 ||^s| g = .3 .9 « iS-55 iilfl £ 1 £ r a Ivltl si ?f f ■|S| 1 ■ |J«! illl! I!?fl| ailll >0 2 * a * « S5 S .. a < P 5 s s a s 2 s » g 2 g |! s S w 2 * oo R {a* w ' ^ 2 " g g m q § (X. w fc'X a o £ «3 H W H W Hi 2 «€# - '$#. I St 90 Geo. T>. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. “New England's Prospect," 1634 , 376. WOOD, WILLIAM. New England’s Prospect. A true, lively and experimentall description of that part of America commonly called New Eng¬ land : discovering the state of that countrie, both as it stands to our new come English planters ; and to the old native inhabitants. Eaying downe that which may both enrich the knowledge of the mind travelling reader or benefit the future voyager. With folding map of the South part of New Eng¬ land. Small 4to, full polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Printed at London by Tho. Cotes for John Bellamie. 1634. 725.00 * The earliest topographical account of the Massachusetts Colony, so far as its settlement extended, with a full descripiion of its Fauna and Flora and of The Natives. Excessively rare. 377. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. Lyrical Ballads, with a few other Poems. 12mo, full polished calf extra, gilt edges by Bedford. London, 1798. 23.00 * First Edition. 378. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, Poems, including Lyrical Ballads and the Miscellaneous Pieces of the Author. With additional Poems, a new Preface and a supplementary Essay. Fine Frontispieces by S. W. Reynolds and J. Bromley. 2 vols., 8vo, half brown calf, with red labels. London, 1815. 12.00 * First Edition. 379. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. The Waggoner, a Poem. To which are added Sonnets. 8vo, new full royal blue levant, inside borders, gilt edges by Bradstreets. London, 1819. 15.00 * First Edition. 380. ZOLA, EMILE. Novels. Unexpurgated translations. Numerous illustrations. 18 vols., 8vo, original cloth. London, Vizetelly, 1884-1889. 90.00 ♦ Comprises The Soil, Fat and Thin, A Love Episode, The Conquest of Plassans, His Excellency Eugene Rougon, How Jolly Life Is, The Fortunes of the Rougons, Abbe Mouret’s Transgression, His Masterpiece, The Ladies’ Paradise. Therese Raquin, The Kush for the Spoil, Piping Hot, Ger¬ minal, Nana, The “ Assommoir.” The Supprersed “Rougon Macquart ” Series. 381. ZOLA, EMILE. L’Assommoir. With the long series of remark¬ able illustrations by AndrL Gill. Tall 8vo, half red cloth. Paris, n. d. 12.50 * Zola’s Masterpiece, Bound up from the original 59 parts. Very rare. Laid in is a Manuscript preface by Zola for the Rougon Macquart Series. 382. AUDUBON’S BIRDS AND QUADRUPEDS. The Birds of America, from Drawings made in the U. S. of America ; The Quadrupeds of North America. By James J. Audubon. 11 vols., 8vo, half brown morocco. $185.00 ♦ Extremely fine clean set, containing 750 beautifully colored plates. Catalogue of Rare Books 91 (pictures, £urioe anb (Reftce. PRESIDENT MADISON’S SEAL. Ivory handle seal with steel die engraved with the letterM. Also used by Mrs. Madison in her correspondence from the White House. 25.00 * With Notary’s Certificate attesting its genuineness. DOLLY MADISON’S JEWELRY. Pair of gold mounted pendant Ear Drops and Solid Gold Cross, all mounted with the President’s and Mrs. Madi¬ son’s Hair. 75.10 * With Stamped Certificate attesting their genuineness. WHITE CREPE SHAWL. Handsomely embroideried with wdiite silk flowers and heavy white silk fringe. Worn by Mrs. Madison at Balls and on State Occasions. 25.CO * With Stamped Certificate attesting its genuineneas. ANTIQUE SILVER LADLE. Formerly the property of President and Mrs. Madison. An Interesting Relic of the “Father of the Constitution. ” 15.00 * With Stamped Certificate attesting its genuineness. ANTIQUE SILVER SPOON. Pierced and elegantly chased to represent an angling Scene. Fine and interesting piece with Hall mark about 1750. 12 50 SILVER CANDLE SNUFFERS. Elegantly chased and carved in the English Georgian Style. 10.00 CUT GLASS SALT CELLAR. Formerly the property of Dolly Madison and bequeathed by her to her adopted daughter, Anna Payne. 10.00 * With a stamped ceitificate attesting its genuineness. LOUIS PHILIPPE, King of the French. Sevres Cup and Saucer, white with gilt Monogram and Crown in wreath, with the Sevres Mark. Used in the Royal Chateau of Compiegne. 15.00 BARTOLOZZI. Bacchante and Cupid. Oval stipple engraving printed in Colors. Diameter 4 inches; in square ebony frame. 10.00 SNUFF BOX. Antique French Snuff-Box, beautifully painted on the lid with a Charming Nude Subject, “Raphael and His Mistress.” 25.00 PEG WOFFINGTON. Original Miniature portrait painted on copper in gold frame. 45.00 * A very charming Old Miniature beautifully executed. MARIE ANTOINETTE. Miniature portrait on ivory most delicately colored and finished. Oval, in square ebony frame. 25.00- Old American China* BOSTON STATE HOUSE. A large and beautiful Water Ewer in blue and white, with a view of the State House frcm the Ccnmcn. Has the Mark of the American Eagle on base—the rarest of all Marks found on Ameri¬ can Historical Pieces. In perfect condition without flaw ( r scrat( h. A dupli¬ cate of this rare Ewer is now in the Essex Institute at Salem, but it lacks the rare Eagle Mark. $100.00 PHILADELPHIA. Deep Bowl in Blue and White, 12)4 inches in diame¬ ter, with a View of the Upper Ferry Bridge over the Schuvlkrll. with beautiful deep three-inch foliated Border containing the American Eagle repeated three times. 60.00 PHILADELPHIA. Water Ewer in rich blue and white, with Conventional river scene with Temple in foreground, Fishermen, etc. 35.00 92 Geo. D. Smith, 50 New St., N. Y. SILVER. SEDAN CHAIR. Miniature specimen exquisitely engraved in relief with Cupids and Pastoral Subjects in high relief. Height 4 inches. The work of a French Artist about 1760. 25 00 SILVER SCISSORS. With long chain and Chatelaine Holder. Of Eng¬ lish Make about 1830. A very ornamental and desirable piece of old Silver¬ ware. 15.00 CLARA MORRIS, Early Daguerreotype in fine old Ebonite case. With her Autograph Inscription to Augustin Daly, “Let me add to your collection of Curiosities this photograph taken in Cincinnati, April, 1870, by a 15th amendment.” 30.00 LOWELL. The Grolier Club Medallion Portrait in Bronze. By Charles Calverly. Diameter, 7 inches. New York, 1895. 27.50 * Only 375 Impressions of this beauiiful Bronze were struck off. POE’S COTTAGE AT FORDHAM Painted in oils and signed by J. F. Cropsy, N. A. Size 19 inches by 12 inches. 1896. 185.00 * A very beautifully finished little picture by this clever artist whose pictures are rapidlv advanc¬ ing in value. His painting of The Hathaway Cottage was bought by Edwin Booth for $5,000. GRANT AND LEE. “General U. S. Grant at Lookout Mountain watch - ing the charge on Bragg”—* Gen. Robert E. Lee at Malvern Hill. ” A pair of beautifully finished water color paintings in elaborate gold frames, in Ebony Shadow Boxes. Painted by Henry Ogden and signed H. O. 75.00 AUGUSTIN DALY’S CIGAR CASE. Ram’s Head finely mounted with Silver and Scotch Cairngorms; having silver gilt case, ash tray and other appointments for Cigars. Engraved on lid is “Augustin Daly from Fanny Davenport, July, 1876,’’and silver plate with Daly’s Monogram. 125.00 MARIE ANTOINETTE AND LOUIS XVI. Jewelled ring made for pres¬ entation on the occasion of the Marriage of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. It contains the portraits of the King and Queen exquisitely painted on Ivory and enclosed with cut crystal. The miniatures are surmounted with a Crown composed of Rubies, Pearls and Brilliants all cut in the beautiful style of the period and set in very pure gold chased by hand. 350.00 * A charming Specimen of French Art and a most valuable Historical Relic. MARIE ANTOINETTE AND LOUIS XVI. Grand allegorical engraving by MasquelieR after Monnet, representing the Union of the King and Queen under the auspices of Religion. Size, 15 inches by 10 % inches, in appropriate gold frame. Paris. 1770. 20.00 BARTOLOZZI ENGRAVING. Achilles discovered by Ulysses and conducted to the Siege of Troy. Stipple engraving after Angelica Kauff- mann, printed in colors. Size, 14 inches by 11 inches, in Spanish oak frame. London, Boy dell, 1782. 10.00 VAN BUREN, MARTIN. Miniature portrait on ivory. Painted during his presidential term. Size 3 inches by 2^ inches. 17.50 VOLTAIRE. Bronze Medal with profile portrait of Voltaire, with in¬ scription “Voltaire Ne le XX Fevrier MDCXCIV. ” On the obverse his Tomb “tire d’apres Nature au Chateau de Ferney/’ With the engraver’s name, C. Waechter. Diameter 2^ inches. 12.50 Catalogue of Rare Books 93 LINCOLN. Bronze Medal with profile portrait inscribed “Abraham Lincoln.” On the obverse, “Inaugurated President of the United States, March 4, 1861. Assassinated April 14, 1865; ” engraved within a laurel and cypress wreath. Diameter, 3 inches. 10.00 LINCOLN, WASHINGTON and GARFIELD. Engraving of the three profile portraits, with inscription ‘Triumviri Americani. ” Oval in square Oak frame. Size 24 inches by 21 inches. 8.50 LINCOLN. “Emancipation proclamation issued Jan. 1, 1863.” Litho¬ graphed by Duval and designed by Gilman Russell. Contains fine full length portrait of Lincoln in the centre, 14 inches high. Size of plate with orna¬ ments, within gilt frame, 26 inches by 18 inches. Philadelphia, 1865. 15.00 * Very scarce. FRANKLIN. Old Bronze Statuette of Benjamin Franklin seated, with Electric Machine and pile of Books beside him. On oval ebony pedestal. Height 12 inches. 17.50 * Interesting and scarce American Specimen. OLD ARMY PORTRAIT. Equestrian portrait in water colors of Col. W. R. Boote in uniform as aide de camp to Gen. Wade Hampton in the War of 1812. In the background is a Battle Scene. On the margin of the drawing Col. Boote is also described as the Governor of Frederictown, Maryland. Size 7inches by 4^ inches. Signed Houseal pinxt. 65.CO OLD ARMY PORTRAIT. “Captain Michael Houseal, of the Light Dragoons : Aide de Camp to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, Commander in-Chief of the British Army in North America, 1778.” Water color drawing of Battle with Indians, with equestrian portrait of Captain Houseal in foreground. Signed W. Houseal, 1824. Size, 7 inches by 6 inches. 75.00 WASHINGTON. Original Crayon Portrait, tinted, profile to right. By Gilbert Stuart. Dated 1789. Size, 9 inches by 5 inches, in solid oak frame. 200.00 * From the Domville and Lord St. Helens Collection. FINE AND VALUABLE LIBRARY SETS. In Handsome Bindings. New and Unused at Half Published Prices. Suitable For Presentation Purposes. BEAUX AND BELLES of England, Memoirs of. Illustrated with 100 Etchings, Mezzotints, &c. on Japan paper some of which are colored by hand. 14 vols, 8vo, three quarter levant Morocco, top edges gilt. London. Grolier Society. 1900. 90.00 BYRON, LORD. Complete works of. Poems, letters, journals and his life by Thomas Moore. Edited by R. H. Stoddard. Nearly 100 etchings, &c. on Japan paper. 16 vols, 8vo, three quarter Morocco, gilt tops. Boston. 1900. 57.50 BURTON’S ARABIAN NIGHTS. The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. A plain and literal translation of the Arabian Nights Enter¬ tainments, with introduction, Explanatory notes on the Manners and Customs of Moslem Men and a terminal Essay upon the History of the Nights. By Richard F. Burton. Illustrated with 100 full page plates on Japan paper by Stanley Wood. 16 vols., 8vo, black cloth, gilt. Benares, printed by the Kamashastra Society for private subscribers only. 65.00 -94 Fine Library Sets DISRAELI, B. Novels of. 10 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs and tops. London. Longmans, n. d. 22.00 * Contents, Henrietta Temple, Alroy, Ixion, Popanilla, Contarini Fleming, Coningsby, Venetia, Young Duke, Count Alarcos, Tancred, Sybil, L,othair, Vivian Grey. DODSLEY’S OLD PLAYS. A Select Collection of old English Plays, originally published by Robert Dodsley in 1774. Fourth edition. Now first chronologically arranged, revised and enlarged. With notes of all the com¬ mentators by YV. Carew Hazlitt. 15 vols, 8vo, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt. London, 1874. 37.50 DUMAS. Celebrated Crimes. Translated by I. G. Burnham. Proofs of the numerous fine plates in two states, on Japan and Holland vellum paper. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut, top edges gilt. Philadelphia, n. d., 1895, 25.00 * Iyiinited edition printed on Japan paper and sold by subscription at 100.00 net. DRAMA. Best plays of the old Dramatists (unexpurgated). Mermaid Series. Portraits. 22 vols. 12mo, half morocco, top edges gilt. London, T. F. Unwin, 1896. 55.00 HOGARTH. The Life and Works of William Hogarth. Edited from the texts by John Nichols, Geo. Steevens, Samuel Ireland, with a new and critical introduction by John Lafarge. With Chronological catalogue raisonn£ by Austin Dobson Portrait and 153 full page illustrations of Hogarth’s Works. 10 vols., royal 8vo, buckram, top edges gilt. Philadelphia, 1900. 60.00 INGERSOLL, ROBERT G. Works of. Portraits and plates on Japan paper, 12 vols., royal 8vo. polished buckram, gilt top. New York, 1900. 22.50 * Handsomely made book. Sold only by subscription at 30.00 net. JACKSON, LADY CATHARINE. Old Paris, its Court and Literary Salons, The Old Regime, Court, Salons and Theatres. The Court of France in the Sixteenth Century 1514 1559. The Last of the Valois and accession ot Henry of Navarre 1559-1589. The First of the Bourbons 1580-1595, The French Court and Society, Reign of Louis XYI and First Empire. The Court of the Tuileries from the Restoration to the flight of Louis Phillippe. Numerous Portraits and Plates. 14 vols., 8vo, buckram, top edges gilt. Paris, The Grolier Society, n. d. 35.00 KINGSLEY, CHARLES. Works of. (Hypatia, Westward Ho, etc.) Introductions by Marcus Kingsley. Portraits and Plates. 14 vols., 8vo, buck¬ ram, top edges gilt. New York, n. d. 20.00 * Handsome book. A limited number printed from type at University Press, Cambridge, and sold by subscription only at 49 00, net. LODGE’S PORTRAITS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES OF GREAT BRITAIN. 240 portraits engraved on steel. 12 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1900. 40.00 * Only a limited number of sets published. The most famous and authoritative collection of illustrated biographical essays in the English language. LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. Works of. Steel portraits and photo¬ gravures. 11 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Cambridge, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1890. 18.00 * Standard library edition. Sold by subscription only. MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON. The History of England from the Accession of James IE. Critical Essays and Miscellaneous Writings. 11 vols., 8vo, half crimson calf, tooled backs. London, 1849. 35.00 * Handsome set of the best and most complete edition of Macaulay’s Historical Works. Fine Library Sets 95 ORIENTAL TALES. Consisting of the Thousand Nights aud one Night, 9 vols. Tales from the Arabic, 3 vols. Aladdin, 1 vol. Persian Let¬ ters, 1 vol. Tartarian Tales, 1 vol. translated by John Payne, with 70 plates by Albert Letchford and 30 by Lalauze. Together 15 vols. 8vo, polished buckram, top edges gilt. 42.50 * Privately printed. PARKMAN, FRANCIS. Complete Historical Works. Numerous por¬ traits and illustrations. 17 vols., 8vo, polished buckram, top edges gilt. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1900. 27.50 * Handsome copy. RICHARDSON, SAMUEL. Writings of. Illustrated by Burney and Stothard. 20 vols., Crown 8vo, half red morocco. London: Chapman & Hall. 40.00 * Limited to 250 sets. SAND, GEORGE. Writings of. Now for the first time completely translated into English. Illustrated with 100 photo-gravures and 20 water- color fac similes. 20 vols., 8vo, buckram. Philadelphia. Barrie. 100.00 MACAULAY, LORD. The complete works of. 48 portraits on Japan paper. 12 vols., 8vo, half levant morocco. London, Longmans, Green & Co. 37.50 ♦Limited and numbered, printed from new type, upon deckle edge paper. Many of the Portraits are now reproduced for the first time. MARRY ATT, CAPTAIN. Works of. With 150 illustrations by Fred¬ erick Barnard and others. 24 vols., 8vo, polished buckram. Boston, 1898. 50.00 * Author’s limited edition. “ As a novelist and story-teller he possessed a lively imagination and a keen sense of humor as well as sound literary talent.” UNIQUE AND MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE BEST EDITION OF VICTOR HUGO’S WORKS HUGO, VICTOR. CEuvres Completes. 46 vols, 8vo, new full crimson crushed levant morocco, chastely gold tooled backs, inside dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, original green wrappers bound in, by Pagnant, Paris. Hetzel etQuantin 1860-1885. 7000.00 * “Edition Definitive”. No. 2 of 100 Sets on Holland Paper. Presentation set from Victor Hugo to his Friend Meaulle the famous Engraver, and containing his Autograph inscriptions on five of the titlepages. The set is beautifully and uniquely extra illustrated by the Insertion of 36 very clever Original Drawings by Famous French Artists, some of them being in water colors or sepia, original autograph Letters from Hugo, Renduel the Publisher and others, India proofs of Meaulles Engravings and other interesting Items. The Extra Illustrations to the various volumes are the following: ODES ET BALLADES. Presentation Inscription by Victor Hugo to Madame Meaulle, and an Original Sepia Drawing by Vogel. LES ORIENTALES. An Autograph Dedication by Victor Hugo to M. Paul Meaulle. An Original Water Color Drawing by Zier as frontispiece. An Original Pen and Ink Drawing by Vogel, page 236. 96 Victor Hugo’s Works 2105723 LES CHATIMENTS. An Original Drawing inserted in the volume as frontispiece. EES CHANSONS DES RUES. An Original Drawing by Vogel as frontispiece. DRAMES. VOL. II. ‘ ‘HERNANI. ” An Autograph Presentation In - cription by Victor Hugo to “Son. excellent et cher Fortune Meaulle.” At page 160 an Original Drawing by Tichel. At page 332 an Autograph Page of Music by Leo Delibes, signed by him and dated 1882, and two. other original drawings. DRAMES. VOL. Ill “ LUCRECE BORGIA.” One Original Drawing. DRAMES. VOL. IV “ RUY BLAS.” An Autograph Dedication by Victor Hugo to Mademoiselle Yvonne V. Meaulle, and at page 72 an Original Drawing by Zier of “ Ruy Bias. ” NOTRE DAME DE PARIS. VOL. 110. An Original Drawing inserted in the volume as a frontispiece. LES MISERABLES. VOL. I. An Autograph Letter of Victor Hugo, dated March 25th, 1848 ; Autograph Letter of his Publisher, M. Renduel; a Contract written by Victor Hugo relating to the publication of his works ; Proof of a Wood Engraving, “PORTRAIT OE GENERAL HUGO,” by Meaulle; Two India Proof Engravings ; One Original Watercolor by Victor Hugo, representing a corner of his study at Guerney, looking out on sea; An Original Watercolor by Victor Hugo, representing the drawing room of his house at Guernsey. LES MISERABLES. VOL. II. An Original Drawing by Vogel, bound in the volume as frontispiece. LES MISERABLES. VOL. III. An Original Drawing by Vogel, bound in the volume as frontispiece. LES MISERABLES. VOL. IV. An Original Drawing by Vogel, bound in the volume as frontispiece. LES MISERABLES. VOL. V. An Original Drawing by Vogel, of ’93, bound in the volume as frontispiece, and an Autograph Dedication of Victor Hugo to Mademoiselle Yvonne Meaulle—“ Hommage.” BUGJARGAL. At page 172, an Original Watercolor by Zier, and at page 380 another watercolor drawing. LES TRAVAILLEURS DE LA MER. AN ORIGINAL AND UNPUB¬ LISHED WATERCOLOR EXECUTED BY VICTOR HUGO, WITH A FEW LINES IN HIS OWN HANDWRITING. L’HOMME QUI RIT. VOL. II. An Original Drawing by Legrosse, as frontispiece. LEGENDE DES SIECLES. Vol. 1. An Original Drawing by Maillart, as frontispiece. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. An Original Drawing signed “E. D. ,r (Deveria) HAN DTSLANDE. A Watercolor by Zier, bound in the volume as frontispiece, and An Original Drawing signed “Gr. ” MILl.S PRINTING CO., 318-320 E. 23D ST., N. V.