A Correspondence School in Municipal Accounting and Reporting Founded by Herman A. Metz To be conducted by the directors of the New York Bureau of Municipal Research Ex-Comptroller Herman A. Metz has written from his branch factory in ** Hamburg, Germany, that he has de¬ cided to establish a fund of $10,000 a year for three years “to make avail¬ able to American cities the best prin¬ ciples and practice worked out in mu¬ nicipal accounting and reporting.” The fund is to be administered by the directors of the New York Bureau of Municipal Research. Comptroller Prendergast has assured the heartiest co-operation by New York City’s de¬ partment of finance. Before informing the Bureau of his decision, Mr. Metz wrote to a number of city comptrollers, asking for their advice as to making the fund of great¬ est service. Following is a copy of his O.S\ letter to Alonzo Tweedale, president of the American Society of Comp¬ trollers and auditor of the District of Columbia: “During my present trip on this side of the ocean, I have been im¬ pressed by the fact that, in Germany especially, the uniformity of account¬ ing methods among the larger cities gives a much better basis for compar¬ ison as to cost of administration, main¬ tenance, etc., than we have at home. As even under our various systems of administration of municipal affairs, all our cities are dependent upon their ability to float their bonds, and appar¬ ently in ever increasing amounts, it would seem only natural that bond buyers should have a means of as¬ certaining what financial and account¬ ing methods are in force in the re¬ spective cities and be able to make comparison as to credit ability, based on something more than a general legal provision as to borrowing ca¬ pacity. “I am writing you therefore to ask your personal and official co-opera¬ tion in some educational work in which we both have an interest, and to apprise you of my purpose to pro¬ vide a fund of $10,000 a year for three years to make available to American cities the best principles and practice worked out in municipal accounting and reporting. “The fund is to be administered by the directors of the New York Bureau of Municipal Research. But having in mind its national application through the co-operation of various comp¬ trollers, I am keeping it as a separate fund. While it is obvious that the $10,000 will not reorganize the ac- fBUDGET EXHIBITJUY BE SHOWN Id