FI V, 10:2-16 V, 12:1-8 cop. 2 INC. CENTRAL CIRCULATION BOOKSTACKS The person charging this material is re ble for its return to the library TO RENEW CALl TELEPHONE CENTER. 3M-840O .UN.W.TY OF .U.NO.S L..RARY AT UMANA-CHAMP..O.K. a <"io, ARRiyi When renewing by phone, write new due date bel prevums due date. ow 7952l FI FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PUBLICATION 246 ZOOLOGICAL SERIES VOL. XIV, No. 4 CONTENTS TO VOLUME XIV NUMBERS I tO 3 WILFRED H. OSGOOD Curator, Department of Zoology EDITOR THE LIBRARY OF THE ONIVERSITYQFILLINOIS CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1928 Natural History Library PUBLICATIONS OF FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGICAL SERIES VOLUME XIV \ NATURAL HISTORY THE UBMKY OF THE FEB141938 ownrERsmr OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1921- 1925 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PUBLICATION 246 ZOOLOGICAL SERIES VOL. XIV, No. 4 CONTENTS TO VOLUME XIV NUMBERS I to 3 WILFRED H. OSGOOD Curator, Department of Zoology EDITOR CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1928 FT v. I- CONTENTS A Monographic Study of the American Marsupial, Caenolestes. By Wilfred H. Osgood 1-156 The Brain of Caenolestes obscurus. By C. Judson Herrick 157-162 Review of Living Caenolestids with Description of a New Genus from Chile. By Wilfred H. Osgood 163-172 The Brains of the South American Marsupials Caenolestes and Orolestes. By Jeannette Brown Obenchain 173-232 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES I. Caenolestes obscurus. II. External characters. III. General musculature after removal of superficial fascia. IV. Muscles and glands of the head and neck. V. Muscles of the legs. VI. Muscles of throat and inner side of thigh. VII. Parts of alimentary system. VIII. Reproductive organs. IX. Dissections of male organs. X. Parts of reproductive, alimentary and respiratory systems. XI. Cervical vertebrae. XII. Bones of sternum, hind leg and thoracic region. XIII. Scapula, pelvis and lumbar vertebrae. XIV. Sacral and caudal vertebrae. XV. Humerus, ulna and radius. XVI. Manus and pes. XVII. Longitudinal section of skull. XVIII. Dentition and hard palate. XIX. Fig. I. Mounted skeleton of Nesogale dobsoni. Fig. 2. Mounted skeleton of Caenolestes obscurus. XX. Skull of Caenolestes. XXI. Dorsal and lateral surfaces of brain. XXII. Ventral view of brain. XXIII. Figs. I, la, ib. Skull of Caenolestes obscurus. Figs. 2, 2a, 2b. Skull of Orolestes inca. Figs. 3, 3a, 3b, 30. Skull of Rhyncholestes raphanurus. XXIV. Orolestes inca. Dorsal view of brain. XXV. Orolestes inca. Ventral view of brain. XXVI. Orolestes inca. Fig. 3. Lateral view of brain. Fig. 4. Median section of brain. XXVII. Median surface of hemisphere. Fig. 5. Orolestes inca. Fig. 6. Caenolestes obscurus. XXVIII. Figs. 7-10. Cerebella of Caenolestes, Notoryctes and Perameles. Fig. II. Development of mammalian "hippocampal figure." XXIX. Figs. 12-15. Reconstructions of hemispheres. Fig. 16. Ventral diverticulum-of recessus superior. XXX. Fig. 17. Dissected diagram of hippocampus of Caenolestes. Fig. 1 8. Temporal hippocampus of Didelphis. XXXI. Temporal recurving of hippocampus. Fig. 19. Hypsiprymnus. Fig. 20. Rabbit. Fig. 21. Felis leo. Fig. 22. Notoryctes. XXXII. Transverse sections of brain of Caenolestes. XXXIII. Transverse sections of brain of Caenolesles. XXXIV. Transverse sections of brain of Caenolestes. XXXV. Transverse sections of brain of Caenolestes. XXXVI. Transverse sections of brain of Caenolestes. Records of Caenolestes and Orolestes. MAP vii Page 1 6 INDEX Names of new family, genus and species are printed in bold-faced type. Abductor caudae externus 38 Abductor digiti indicis 47 Abductor digiti minimi 47 Abductor pollicis 47 Abductor pollicis longus 44 Abductors 46-4? Aberrant bundle 200 Accessory olfactory bulb 189 Accessory olfactory nucleus 194 Acromio-deltoideus 40 Acromio-trapezius 24 Adductor brevis 48 Adductor longus 47 Adductor magnus 47 Adductors 46-57 Alimentary Canal 69 Amygdaloid complex 185-201 Anconeus. 42 Anterior olfactory nucleus 191 Arm 89 Auditory ossicles 107 Auriculo-occipitalis 23 Biceps brachii 41 Biceps f emoris 49 Biventer cervicis 25 Brachialis anticus 41 Brachioradialis (Supinator longus). .44 Braincase 99 Brain stem 1 60 Buccinator 31 Canines 1 1 8 Caudal vertebrae 84 Caudofemoralis 48 Cerebellum 159-186 Cerebral hemispheres 158 Cervical vertebrae 77 Cervico-auricularis 23 Choriod fissure 185 Circulatory System 77 Claustrum 221 Cleido-mastoideus 33 Cleido-occipitalis 34 Complexus 25 Coracobrachialis brevis 41 Cremaster 35 Dentition 1 1 1 Digastricus 32 Diprotodonty 128 Distribution 15 Dorso-cuticularis 23 Epitrochlearis 40 Ethmoid 101 Extensor brevis digitorum 54 Extensor carpi radialis brevis 44 Extensor carpi radialis longus 44 Extensor carpi ulnaris 45 Extensor caudae lateralis 39 Extensor digitorum communis 45 Extensor digitorum lateralis 45 Extensor hallucis longus 55 Extensor indicis 46 Extensor longus digitorum 55 External Characters 19 Fasciculus aberrans 200 Femoro-coccygeus 48 Fimbrio-alvear fissure 184 Fimbrio-dentate fissure 184 Fissura amygdaloidea 181 Fissura rhinalis arcuata 179 Flexor accessories 52 Flexor carpi radialis 42 Flexor carpi ulnaris 42 Flexor digitorum fibularis 51 Flexor digitorum profundus. ..... .43 Flexor digitorum sublimis 43 Flexor digitorum tibialis 52 Flexors 46 Foot 95 Forearm 89 Frontals 103 Gastrocnemius ' 50 Gemelli 37 Genioglossus 33 Genio-hyoideus 32 Glands 73 Gluteus maximus 36 Gluteus medius 36 Gluteus minimus 37 Gracilis 50 Habits 17 Hand 92 Hippocampal commissure 210 Hippocampal fissure 184 Hippocampal formation 206 Hyoglossus 33 Hyoid 106 Iliacus 37 Iliococcygeus 39 233 234 INDEX Iliocostalis 29 Incisors 1 16 Inf racoccygeus 39 Inf raspmatus 40 Interossei 46 Intestines 72 Ischiococcygeus 39 Lacrymals 103 Larynx 77 Latissimus dorsi 24 Leg 93 Levator scapulae 24 Liver 73 Longissimus 28 Longissimus capitis 25 Longus colli 27 Lumbar vertebrae 84 Lumbricales 56 Lungs 76 Mammae 75 Mandible 108 Mandibulo-auricularis 31 Masseter 30 Maxillae 102 Measurements 21 Molars 102 Mouth 69 Muscles of the abdomen 35 Muscles of the anterior limb 40 Muscles of the back 24 Muscles of the forefoot 46 Muscles of the head 30 Muscles of the hind foot 56 Muscles of the hind limb 47 Muscles of the neck 32 Muscles of the sacrum 36 Muscles of the skin 22 Muscles of the tail 38 Muscles of the thorax 34 Mylo-hyoideus 33 Myrmecoboides 139 Nasals 101 Neopallium 180 Obliquus capitis inferior 26 Obliquus capitis superior 26 Obliquus externus abdominis 35 Obliquus internus abdominis 35 Obturator externus 38 Obturator internus 37 Occipitals 104 Oesophagus 71 Olfactory areas 189 Olfactory bulbs 158-178 Omo-cleido-transversarius 34 Omo-hyoideus 33 Orolestes 168-178 Palatine 105 Palmaris longus 42 Pancreas 74 Parietals 103 Parolfactory nuclei 199 Pectineus 48 Pectoral girdle 87 Pectoralis major 34 Pectoralis minor 34 Pelvic girdle 88 Periotic 106 Peroneus brevis 52 Peroneus longus 53 Peroneus tertius 53 Phylogeny 140 Plantaris 51 Popliteus 55 Premaxillae 102 Premolars 119 Pronator quadratus 44 Pronator teres 42 Psoas magnus 30 Psoas parvus 30 Pterygoideus externus 31 Pterygoideus internus 31 Pubococcygeus 39 Pyriformis 37 Pyriform lobe 180-200 Quadratus f emoris 37 Quadratus lumborum 29 Rectus abdominis 35 Rectus capitis anticus major 27 Rectus capitis anticus minor 27 Rectus capitis lateralis 27 Rectus capitis posterior major 26 Rectus capitis posterior minor 26 Rectus capitis posterior superficialis 26 Rectus femoris 49 Respiratory System 76 Retractor naris 32 Rhinal fissure 180 Rhomboideus 24 Rhyncholestes 169 Rhyncholestes raphanurus. ... 170 Ribs 86 Sacral vertebrae 84 Sacrococcygeus 39 Sacrospinalis 29 Salivary glands 74 Sartorius 50 Scalenus 35 Semimembranosus 50 Semispinalis cervicis 28 Semitendinous 49 Septal region 199 Serratus magnus 34 Serratus posterior inferior 25 INDEX 235 Serratus posterior superior 25 Skeleton 77 Skull 99 Sphenoid bones 105 Spinalis dorsi 27 Spino-deltoideus 40 Spino-trapezius 24 Spleen 74 Splenius 25 Squamosal 103 Sterno-hyoideus 32 Sterno-mastoideus 33 Sterno-thyroideus 32 Sternum 86 Stomach 71 Stria terminalis 204 Styloglossus 33 Subclavius 34 Subcrureus 49 Subscapularis 40 Supinator (brevis) 45 Supracostalis 34 Supraspinatus 40 Taxonomy 140 Temporalis 30 Teres major 41 Thigh 93 Thoracic vertebrae 82 Thymus 75 Thyrohyoideus 33 Thyroid 75 Tibialis anticus 53 Tibialis posticus 54 Tongue 70 Trachea 77 Transversus abdominis 35 Triceps brachii 41 Tuberculum olfactorium 185, 195 Turbinals 101 Tympanic 106 Urinogenital System 61 Vacuities 107 Vastus externus 49 Vastus internus 49 Vomer 105 Wynyardia 136 Wynyardiidae 138 Zygomata 103 Zygomaticus 32 THE LIBRARY OF THF UNIVERSITY OF ? 30112040456151