Microcopy No. T-66O DESPATCHES FROM UNITED STATES CONSUI^ IN PRETORIA, I898-I906 Roll 1 Volume 1 July 1, 1898 - December 30, 1900 THE NAIIONAL ARCHIVES NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SEEVICE GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Washington : 1962 \3 <6N"V * ; W t /• .'.4 «,. 1. .4' ■■^i.' ,V^ n -«i' •■\ 'V' ' , , ^ # iS » ■ ' .M , r„. ■•n - . V^ "" I vt .«<\ >..^ •■H' • * K.' i'^»\ >'ii*vl» -4.- •* ■ ■■ • . -^ .» ',«. «. ,.1*1^ .^ ,^ ^ " •'<••«'/ '►*•'' •«■ '■ •'7--->'> /• • ,, ^ <: ,. \ •—. ,Vj.'j'-- 'r, .. «.Jr,.,.;.rf«|*.«5, , ► VI ♦' ^.♦'■^ », ,»♦■--■ -4 5^'^r .■5- •'V ■» ■ 4,._ (_«» ...v., ... ^ >' ^ ••rtv .V i . ^i f ♦■• V> \f5j»« ■«.'-^"--.' **-4i. * .t ■ • ♦ -.l-«f . ^i A..^ v.. •.^' ■^1. , ■ «. ; - •- C^.^ .■; ... ^ •■■■ ''.■ •- '•. ' •*/■ ».>■ • /. / '. - . .- ...» .1 'vV /^ ■ r - 1 ■ •• ,'.■- • X t •*-J.*^-. ■•>, • ■ •A- u-^ . .-. .. / / 7^ ^<^?ce. 3/ / 9 , ■ V • •». .■••' ... .. ... • V ., / m - I 4 . • • * • ^i- , <•») ^"^^.^-^^ ^■^ ..4 >- IT- • m 4 ■« k ■•_.'' %*■■ .•.TA. •*»• ■• ■ ■•-, S. V '■.^.•-yJ*. ,\ s^: ..•■ '.'X^fcj,^ .'.*,:. ♦a .^■.. .^J:.^ <■■,» •fv mmmw^mm^r^ wm •^•^•m Mil nil ^HPTfjMwpan) p I .t.; c>?i. .' 6 '96 ^>i 6imda/(i/i- n/i/ie '^Snitrd Oliiti.i, ^a,.^i.: rTZ. --C^ f (f iA_^ c^ //^ &e/iar^mf?U o/ Qia/e. Q^^/t^ect: tj ^^■Mi/?f/rr/ o/'(^i}tk/iU. ^■'^. ■v > L^g^t .-..aAJiM^i^yte -' -* -''-"■■ ^'' lu.^ -..>,.'■ ■ iia^'lBi'iili •-//^. t Co/tiUi/cUc o/l/te '^b/u/ec/ Of((/<6. ;^ O-y^nr i^^^^ /^: Ji'} f J/ '^>7if!y(vf'/e y . S^>hU>U(r?U Qht'j^eta'H^i f/ Qfa^e^ 9Aoi/t/n \ ^ I \ :: XulSlLk'X' u ^^5h. t \ If ^ i- .♦. - '•■', Imtph 0i)pntmjnl %t%m '{^'//a/ /3 '1 i^^Uv '5(e«>u«viK. / / .^^ JulT 8, 1896. f^, i?3l %r^:.^ Honorable John B« Moore^ Assistant l3aoretarj of StAta, Washington, D. C« ■ ?■; : V #¥%'>»*♦"'* Sir: I hava the honor to inform you that, according to the instructions received from Mr* Cridler, allowing me |300«00 for fumishments of my office at Pretoria, I have made a partial purchase, through and with the the advice of Mr. Roosa, your Despatch Agent here, who will transmit the < account and which you will charge against my allowance* I trust this will be satisfactory and I have the honor to Remain,.: Sir, Yotu' i^ost^ob^dient servant. C ^ U. S. Consul* % •-: \ r 1 K* \/L/ \ • » J •--./ » I 1 v> ^tOUU^ff J ■-TyTyfp^ (V^- i^- ^• '4t^ •!■■ ^ *<***•, :SECftC>^'.'.. >\^ §EPMJ898 j ii li I nn 1^ if \ / 1 I * 4f^ A^^^ C£^0^^U^^ \ ^ /^ > '> ii i^(^-* . . s . .^^.„^'Ak - '■■ *!■" hfft/fe^tiH r^~^ -"*-- k^y.^^. ^^ *J --.*. ■ A ^.to- - -' LW^aUii*. «' V— W_^ t-^^'. 'iTuSiiiJW'i •! ■♦ w< ^■V^ -.■r- TviJp'" " # '■♦■ 1 'i •I !i u -i*- ■■'^ ■'^■^'•tfiii I H I "ilk\\\ aii I \M jI^m^ \u -JLm.^ m I I iilillltii .III- 11 I ^^ X ^sr tttod ?^ 9md iato at Kr«tonjk of ^^ xCX. (iHtfrici Wt9^mti^ VilllMi #i9t« •r 9fe«tonA hmrmumttmr •Mfl*^ Hk^ i»- lA loa iV €< Willi tr tiM lat^d tiAVw of ri , Also or flpatorla, Im^iMiftAr fttr^^d ihm y^mm— vit* fliB Mid Oitorl«« i^«dttrl«fe tlllUB #ifl>« li*r«lr to l«t t« tJia Ma« CaiArlM tViUrSOB to iar« Vm. ii A %n His AfM^M«l• «!• oald i^ooor otr«oo to <)«livttr orr tli* ftald OfficAs ;< to tHo laid in gooo MM tufcototUl atata of r«9oir togotkor ititk tHo fytBitcro at •aid OfiO «MiOttt%iid fOOsaOOiOB Of tlHi t«Mi &for*talO. in thm afor«- foil fi*«« for til* ofaoa or (i| And tho taio «flo io« aoo •m lao p i^QA kio partt Ootli oov^oaiit ttet Ha vill oot oiM«t tHo said Of- aor fortioa t li« r oof aor OUT taiUl olt«ratioD8 tiioroia vftlMSt tbm oonosoit of U^ said Vistor^ in vrltlng , firct had and oMaiaoO* 0)« Ihat tbm taiO &«oi •lyai wtll aao foaotaal ly vbj or oaua« to W paid all imtao aod aoa that at any Ximm durlAt tbo aaid tats fall da« and owlat ia raoyact of tb« said Offi saips acMl vatar-ratas vhloh shall b« A hm yaidi ky tJi* •or* t at tl^ UtttlM t tHa Mkitf t*M Of tltt«« I y«M« or Ho a»ii bo u«naiy oaiio« to do to tte SAM ordor ood oooOitioB oo to olMll to tlio ioo4 ] Ol 11 tt«ly MT or oooi to W pa4 to tiM oa&d %Moor at HAo •Tft^o^ fHtoria to W aaclo ta f irot ] tlio lot OC^<.<.''d.-^i^^ ■ i ! 1 1 - I ,■ ^0'/^ t "' l( OCT 5J898 rip ^ f^Z^'Ci/^ (X, //U ^ >^. y^ /a^^oc^ u^ZyCu^ ii o4^. > cc 1 f ^'^i.^Cc^^t^ /^ z^^^^;^?:/ pv^ ^/^ /yt^rn^ : ^' V 'T'^ /5^ ^ yinr^: ?rJ} -A 'Y :7^" /CL^v- / ^ ; r2/>^ O .-C< «^>^ ifr( /Zi^ CUy^Cf /Ly -^t^t^/^n^ ^yf^^tM^^fL-c^ ^f-^^ 7 Ct<^ A^a^^ (/ltu^\ ^^?^ -Az^ /V*^,.-^ aj--<^^^ ^i-^ 0%i^^ ~/f'(n^ (C'^-c^ t^lA^M^ ^' /u^^<-^e^a^^^i>>^ ^ ^o^^^<,^S^^w^,^' ^^/^ / 7 /?wn^\ 7 ^a/^ V7 /Arf?//m a), y/rr/4, /'€Cj/'4, iere^fai, /a^^M. ana //A^i //4c/aj/y nm/e// 4 //a// eomr /an{/!i o/ /A/' 4a(//.C^^tyi\JL..f=^..*.J^y^ //a nanm ^/ any //e4j{)n /oi n/j a^6 a4 Jam. /f/CC^. . ^^.rs-^h^^Lj . . /i?/c' ///r {?4 fn/c' amM any /ati^ n{?i/^ ^ A^ieay/tl enar/ea, am/ /a/A a// / //u'i da/f^j now oi ns4^a/r£i //iwm//y fmA/^^ea Af) anon mm a^ dua / Signed, sealed, ami /t\livered in the presence of— ■^ "w Slate of.. .. .. - , County of. - :..,ss: '^.t^/^j^.:.., ^ns wMm- na^??m / :^.. . . - --?r?5«t /"j^i - Ci ...a^.....^- y 6M^ cii^a//cn, oi aaiecmen/ o/nc4 /nan aMeaU on /n€ mcc /Mco/. M f^fy a{m4^4J /Jr yfa. A.^^aAi/.AfA/^ ^ / « >y^ <7> <^*:*'.^.J^^ y/., /M'^- oo'^suu 'micfjfi a. Bepartment of Stdf^t /'rajnma/on, ..... T , m Secretary of State , ^JLO^A. ^^Mer.sons, who must sign iheir names as witn^lii)!. 4th. The United States attorney of the district in which the sureties reside must certify that they are suft'icient to pay the jKiialty of the lx>nd and are citizens of the United Slates. If, however, the sureties are not citizens of the United States their sufficiency to pay the penalty of the l)und should l>e certified by the consul. 5th. Ik)nd to be dated. 6th. Women will not be accep>ted as sureties; but by the act of August 13, 1894, a security or guaranty company which has com- plied with the provisions of that act is permitted to become security on a consults lx)nd in lieu of individual sureties. ..::i*»-- •• \ ( TRANSLATION. Pretoria ,26th August 1898 0- Your Excellency, 9 I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Exceliencys coubninicition dated the 5th of July 1898 intimating that Mr Charles EJilacrum has been appointed by your Govemunent Consul for the United States of North America and in which you request this Govenunents' acknowledgement of the appointment. This Government notes the appointment with great pleasure and trusts that it will ad4 to the friendliness and good feeling which exists between the two Governments and trusts the ap- pointment may tend to facilitate the ial relations al- > ready existing between both countries. It will always afford this Government pleasure to assist your Consul in every way to facilitate him in the •xecution of his duties. As requested by your Excellency the necessarry acknowledgement of his appointment together with his credentials will be for- v/arded to him in due course. I have the honour tobe Your Obedient Servant r t- .' -< t (Scd) F.W.REITZ State Sectetary ^:r'//o/^ , / ■•■/:■«? ^ »'" ' • » * ;■ » ■^." r 1 ■^■/vi-.. ' .t. u; ^..*'.jif bIJ dvontueele roforte i brief bovenstaando an te halen. k ^) eJ>atiefneni van ^i7ouihntanc^ocHe c^afcen. ouve "nemenh Q/Vantoor. i^/i^'li^j o / ^^r? // <^'/* -^tltA » Ti^/^n7 ^^>z^f-ci ;a^. / / J^i^-^^r » / I/. -D J 9/ ^^^^^^ ^i • I :f-C >■*■• <^» ^ ^ * * < ■ < « y ^ /^ u 1 / 'i-: : Ll .. li /' ^t i<- ■ <.-^Jf: : ; /V^' ^Cr^r-Y-t^ ^^ '^ .'-Ai / 'f^r^i-i- wtP- wi / / V T^ * > 7^/ T^-j^/ i^^ JiZ ■ /^ l / I- i'y^'e^ rz^ J. .1 /I ^, / / / y ^; \? ^ a^-^ 4^^ honoredy and as I have no past records to guide me I am (not) r i '(.■*r^ ' •Tr*< 'CT I, * not absolutely certain that I get everything in exactly t the proper shape* although I do the best I can and* no doubt* shall soon succeed. t have the honor to be Sir. Your obedient servant* UtS.Consul* li Enclosurest 1-2 Invoices of 3uplles» receipted* r ft is ) ■""/H 'ni^ * ft M , » ^ ^ 1& «« f ''^^KEMnr* ' cyf?i.A, ^ f Pretoria, S. A.R. , October 8th, ^J(^<^Q, % •^11 X •'.A^:c.^^ ^■' a v <^yf6r-. Mac rum. c^ lAe ^c/ia'y^fTne^^ o/ QtcUe. Qh/mcl: Contemplated appointment of S«A«R* Consul to U.S. Frank on Mail. Information from Foreign Secretary of probable appointment of Consul for S.A.R. to N.Y.City. — Likely a N.Y. resident. Have been extended a frank on official mlil within S.A.R. •;"* ' ' ' ^, ^njn^'-i**!!- ,.■ '.Mr**'"*'- -.i.t • ,1 c^<^. 4* Pretoria, S. A»R« , October 8th ^ j^g 8 'S^^^i^ara^/e i^la/>m o/ Q^cUe, Wu&Aln^^loTi, ^. 61 Qi^. I have the honor to Inform you that while calling at my *■ office yesterday, the Honorable P,C«V.Crobler, Under Sec- retary of State for Foreign Affairs, took occasion to in- forn me. khat the Covernment of the South African Rep. con- templated the appointment of a Consul at New York City in the near future, but that they had not yet decided on the man, and he intimated that it would be a business man. already resident In New York. I have also the honor to report that I have been ex- tended a frank on all official mail addressed within the limits of this State. I have the honor to be Sir, 1four obedient servant, 4U U.S.Consul. ■,T^» ^ r . t^ X ^ I cJ^.h. '^':!y 14'% c^^^. Mac rum. (^fUa/tUe o^lAe ^?ule{/ QialeA^ Pretoria, S.A.P*, >>#«*"»^'' c% />^« ^e^ati^Tnen^i o-^ QtcUc. Oic^^ecl: Leave of Absence to J*C»Manlon, Consular Agent* S^^A4:rucl o/ ^(pnle'rUA. Application for leave of absence granted. — A«J«Yeonan in charge '\ w\ Pretoria, S.A.H., October 11th , ^c^^ 8 S^^ia}^a^/e^ohT\ B. Moore, S^McSla/?U Q&^^H^^oA^ €-/ Q^cUe^ WtiAA(>n^tan, ^. 61 Q^. I have the honor to Inform you that J. C.Man ion. Con- sular A^ent at Johannesburg, has applied for leave of absence from October 12th until about the first of Movember, in order to meet Mrs.Manion at Cape Town on her arrival from America, ^ which application t have granted as provided by Regulation^. Mr. Manlon has named to have charge of the Agency, / Mr. A. J. Yeoman, a copy of whose signature I enclose. I have the honor to be Sir, YouT Obedient servant. ' Enclosure: Copy of A. J. Yeoman's sig ienauire. * t y " ■ » -; ... C^ • c. II JBmCY mk^idM^. 6di ^. ai»e,«^ ffigi!irtj*# lt>.,r* ^fi«teu. *^ ^Ott?ii;^ lfe'M»3li»- t .^ ! ^ / ■) *' h ^ V » ^ ^^-r • -.* ■^ c' ' .■ 1 v./ k. •> 1 ■ ./^' /■ » 1 ♦ f J • ! /" ' / ..y ^ 9 f. f" / V 1 i U ^ ^» u 1 ? ^ / •^ i > ^ • \ f( *-■ > V>1^ i wtfe^ ,*^' • --"^t. .-.a^x .i^s!^8 .^--^ -irtAk^ :tr;*' # #15W Jft»^ e -•i-*A^v0 •^♦»J V ^ FWIS.T'J" ■■•iM.ujPV'«P'wiiii««st: c>^. «• \ A^. c-/^^. Mac run. f c^ Pretoria, StAtRt, October 15th, , J<^^ B 3*<*^' yw/^--^- ^ S^ Me ^efiao^t^men^l o/ QtcUe. NOV .■f ^i^ecl: Subscription to Directory and Newspaper. tiw Bequest for authority to purchase Business Directory.— Ditto to subscribe to newspaper. ■*T^ ^ o^a. 6. Pretoria, S.A.R., October 15th, , J<^aQ lie John B. Moore, S^6AUla7il Qw'>^a^ o/ Q^cUe^ WmAt^^flcm, ^. (5 9t^. I have the honor to request authority to purchase for the use of this Consulate, a copy of the Directory of the Bus- iness houses In the S.A.R., at a cost of one pound (MiS?) or lesst I assure you that such a volume is, I find, an absolute necessity, in view of the numerous Inquiries which come in, I have also to request authority to subscribe to the Johannesburg "Daily Standard and Dippers News" for one year, this being the leading paper published here, the subscription price of which is three pounds ten shillings (•IT.OS) per an- num, a price, which, while it looks large, is commensurate with the prices of all the other necessaries of life in this rather expensive country I have the honor to be Sir, Your obedient servant. C L c f t • ' -■'■»■ -•■TC T^ T»"r cJ^.l. \2J ::'>'y(-" !^o. ^^y- _ ^ y c-/^^. Macruir., Pretoria, S.A.R., October 20th, ^ J^G^ S^ iAe ^e/iaT^tmenl o/ Qlale. Qh/md: Correction of NewsoaDer Item, M Cto/or S^^^/Hocl o/ (^(>rUe}TM. Enclose Newspaper clipping which is. an error, also copy of my letter correcting same -n> -••T ' r ■ ^m^i^f^ ^m 7PP W*P|"W*i I I I «>' imiPVP^iiPlifVipiillpiVIRIPil^iiPf ^ J^" I «J ^ ■^H^W" ■^■■■^KM^i4^iU*«MlMW > i ^ / ClipDlnp: from the Johannesburg •'Standard ^ Dl?^ers News" of Oct. 20th, 1896. y* r'/ y '^ r r o V ) < I- i — CO c;: If A ^t «i j^K^lVr Pretoria Day by Day. a n cl Things. Mien f Official and Pbitob'Il, Oclolm 19^h (8peoia])._Tl!e other dfty * flAtberia; recognition of ^e Prt3idsDl'« eflfor^1 in ihe com of B«|mbU* oaDUm wr^ exbibitcni when wver^ AcDerio:ja residents in ^m TranBvaml, he::dfld by the Amerioan Coeval, piW>eded to Prelorm Mod pteienled Hh HDaour vith » wtU-ool Mid ab apely Amorif^n Mgle ia gold. Tha gif% WM QkQuh lip, #iu£i.ttd, not, of c ^Tiiit, lor it^ value, which / musl be ttmAider^blf: b;:* bee-.^M of Chr geod ^ad fratiemU feeling wbiob ib rapteeUi -. .3l-_ ■ s r .»..; «ft ^ \ ^^"^^p^^^-^^r- ^ •««p-^^niiipPilpMH^iiWHn^p-'vw^M|p 1 ^ 1^^ ««««Pii«!i« f ■*,-''^ ^lud^©^^«f^o^ sd* moil ^nlaailO / "8W0H tie^plG % btsbnBiZ .3«8I,H>Oe.ioO lo If / irf#fw **^ut»i I " QOVERNMENT GAZJETT.I, t ■'-"^4r *'• ""^ J."'". ««©•■»:▼' i '•>r. C ■ CD 0) S5' ^ - O c/> (J) c r > PI • ^* ^ I K \ y • : 1 ■ r •yw- , ^ ^* ' ■ f " ' ■ .' r-t ' '^ • 7T V --^ ; T" "T ■ • "r t- ^ 4 rr;r?criA, s.a.p.., Octoh«r 2oth,i(^08 Ed iter Standard und Dljf«rs N«««» Johar.ne3);urr' • Sir: n -v* I be' to call your attention to an iteic which af>pears In tcd?i3^»s Issue of your yaluabl© far-^^t rcferrin-' to the pre- 7 -i-IWTfttation of an Aeeilcan Earlo In 7old to Ills Honor Procldent ».< • 1 ( X /• y Kru;cr, by a nuirbor of American residents of t:.o Tra^£va?.l» in ifBicI: '-'oti s?v tho delegation fis "headod by the An^erlcan CO « ' ' Cfl^na^lV C-n thR f.'ai- tho nrosertatior. took :>l?.ce I was con- S^a'-. i to TV hore with 2. sli.thl indisoofi tion and of course 0) cft^id not bo pre*ont, and I ar inforr,ed that neither wae Mr* < ,_ Mln^fan, rnr Corsiilax Arent at Johanne$biir<^, present* tn I hate the honor to be, Slrf \ours f?lthfuUy, United States Consul V ^TlftVftl^. ,ff,fryr'j "-'^ lyr^ -' •.'••■. v..-" T-^^T/ r'/avr;^, 'w ^,'>.M«^i>^i.,wp9;'|! ^vq p ■^11 J!i»^i|f|i,jpi^«-i,5.^"T«,, V * r • -r- "-^ ■;5i'- ' -'r^ - T»*-', .H9P(,rt''»C^ T«»r'o.tnO ,,?l.A,^ ,A!-I)ra:n ,•*•?! ttt^-ia I-aii btBbfliS^a ttliba r • 5-iii !&f».Tnsflof,. :tl2 Wi '.TCOT-.r i' A . «< •n«^i HA 0^ notlnAilfi ti/j^ II«o *>♦ ©i I . ( ^.♦.- 'ifri I '.'.' J i • n?»: x».r»t n^oliOuTA lo lo-jTsja q no I jfijfTvv^i^ C/) PI , ■ 1 1 . ■ 'J 1 - i siuo'f ■«*• * ,*:i^ I fan-C .jAii;^?. hf^JlnU '■.-Tr»w*f';f.^».T'i^w- . w^jJvn^jtJ^-^'^'TZfiwri^iwm^'mi'JI. " H;jWWfniP*W^i'.^''.? ' TT J^l[ -y-rvufr; • •^ "■^■T Bn^TTWTrJ' T^ F".- V .r::'5'T.- 0^.8. .'liHo-^^ /..v *.7 . ; f- -- c^&^. Mac rum. ^mAu/ale o^ lAe ^ri^itec/ Q^cUm^ Pretoria, S.A.R., October 25th, ^ ^ l/is ^e/iar^menl 0/ Qta/c. ot.(. •'*-/.: X '^' ■M '/' ^ f W '*' \ yj \v /■ ■v -v^ •••»;»,„,.»'*' Qh/t^ecl: Action on Petition of Airericans interested in Electric Tran. Receive petition from AT:eri cans. -- Send coiriruni cat i on to State Secretary^ S.A.Ft-- Government reserves sole right to £^rant franchises* — Proffer r?y good offices.-- Precedent ouoted. — Courts without oower.-- Quotations from Lav.s, »v r -Z "TT' «,&«!*■ ^« ' "^i ;, '-'^ ^*^jr' .'WrW "r^ -»- -jr. ;r»^ '■ •',•■" w ^",-., ■^.' T" ' ■"-'-^■'" "'.■' '"'^i»:,';5UP'.'^?. cy^. 8. (^7i^y^Republ i c , copy of which I also enclose. The circumstances here are peculiar. The Government reserves the sole right to ?rant franchises, and it is there- fore necessary to go direct to the Covernment for relief, under the present c i rcurr.stances • While I ao' aware that I am not invested v. i th any dip- Icr.atic functions, at the same time I am the only rerresen- tative our Coverniren t has in this country, and in view of the fact this refusal or failure to confirrr: the contract in cues- t i on has occasioned cuito a p-reat deal of financial distr(^ss. I v:as convinced that it was my duty to offer my good offices iri the matter, for which thero seems to be abundant precedent, (sen ICharton's Int. Law Dip' est, vol. 11, or, 655 to 660 - 664 - 665. ) (In .« V '■^•^Wftr- I I Pf ■■HR.pipi P W I '' In alrrost any other country the courts would be open for the adjustment of this contract, but in this the courts are entirely subservient to the Executive and Lef^islative branches of the Government* This ro'sition has been taken bv the le^rislature (Volksraad) in Law No.l of 1897, supported by the First Volksraad, or highest branch of the lep^i slature , in Resolution No. 461, passed February 26th, 1897. I have before me the said Law, from which I cuote: ''Every Court shall accept all Volksraad resolutions as law - not criticise same, and what has once^been accepted by Volksraad can never be considered by Courti' o ( (literal translation.) A2:ain: ''The testinr ri^ht is not with the Judicial r>owerl' (lit<^ral translation.) For the reasons above set forth I sincerely hope vour decision will suooort the steps taken. I have the honour .to be. Sir, Your Enc 1 osures : 1 Petition from Americans in re Electric Trar.way. 2 Copr of T.y letter to State Secretary, S.A.R. Johanne»burg» OCT IV 1888 Comiul of the ll« 8. ▲• P r • ^ o r 1 a. Z. ▲» R. Dear Sir:- We, t.he undersigneds all American Cltlsens, who hold tJia controlling lnt«ereit. In the Company formed under a Contract, made and executed try the Government of the South African Republio, reepeotrully request you to use your good offices^ and those of our own country, ( not officially, but in a friendly vay, ) to assist us In securing our just rights. The said Contract grants the right of running, afte construction, an Slectrlc Tranway In and around Johannesburg, ▲s the Sxecutlve Council and Oovemment had full power iinder the lav, to make and execute a Contract involving the use of electric power for driving cars on a Tramway, we Invested our honest money, and seourad the e«ileaaftABg Interest in the » * enterprise. Che Contract was made and executed under the law of 1890, which gave to the Sxecutlve Council and Oovemment, full power to act. All the stipulations of the Contract were literally complied with, the most Important of which, was the submission of Uie necessary plans, for approval by the Oovem- ment. These plans were submitted within the stipulated time, and we enclose Government's receipt for saae. . Certain antag- onlstlc influences were brought upon the Go v ernment, to delay the approval, or disapproval of the plans, and in consequence, the G<>vemment has failed to act. The following are the facts or the ease:-- I On ^Tovember 4th 1890, the Go v e rnm ent made and executed a Contract, under^ the law of 1800, with Messrs .Keller De Beer, Botha, and Lombard as principals, to construct and \ Tramway in Johannesburg. A company \ (Chas. E. !lacruin Ssq . ) (S) formed t^o oonstruot* &nd znin a T r aj wray under this Contract, and the tinders igned Anerloan Cltdsem bought out tbe controil Ina Interest In the Conpany so romed. in Decement in the a:ric?.blc adjustment of the said contract with your Honorable CovernRjent, and it is v/ith this in view that I take occas-ion to address you. Honorable Sir, and throufh you y^ur Honolrible Covernmeht ith ? request for a speedy approval of the plans submitted or for an indication of the plans which would be an roved if those alread''- submitted are not In accord with the vicvs of your Honoxablo Covemirent. The facte in the cn.se ale thesis: Under the law of 1890 your Honorable E"ecutlve Council and Covernr.ent, by virtue of the -O'.er Invested in them, made and duly executed a contract with Ilessrs. Lombp.rd, De Beer, Botha and Keller ar. principals, for an Electric TraRwav in Johannesburg-- Pv the teiir.s of the cnn- trrcl. t;»e ?iGcessa r"^^' r.lans were dulr cubrritte;:? tc tbc Govern- Font within t'ae specified tirrie as shov/n by the Covemrent's rerr-jrt i n r sarre, Va- the terrs of the contract also, five thous-rno ;^o\m<^s sterling; ^^"^t deposited to the credit iW; the r.ovprrirent In the National r?nk v;lthin the specified tine anr! Gtll] rem Ins to its crerjit. T'><^ contract as si'^ned an^ c.ecuted bv the Oovemrent iears date of fovember 4th% 18G6, In December 1896 the Volks- raad nassed a resolution derrivinn: the Executive Council and overninent of the full pov;er to rrant trarsway rights involving \ October 19th, 1698 l.'ost Honorable Sir I have the honor to stafee that I have been re/titioned the Tmerican citl?ens Interostcr! \ ■ »- .^ ■ V^M^ «M«V^P>Vi^- f t ,» t |4^ i . i0^ta^0>^- ' » ■> \ mmt^*"^ I S **¥*■ » ■ I I ■ ■ I » <. • » ; •■ ■oli'^'fl^- ■^':,'*J'* » I • ■'^ji^Mh-*f v-rut the case before the Haad in July 1397. tw^that bcdv tho ratification of the contract ftet a determlnnri opposition Tor the fellov.'lnp- rcasonisr one ?r:enber arose and said that the contract was not a nrovisional one but •. final one r-rid thr.t there- ■ r re ratification ^as not nocessa rv. Another r^er.bor r-r.id tl:?.t H 4 it ".'as not a ir-atter that concerfted the F.aad at all, brcnirn th« 1?y; ^ave the Fy«cutlve Council and Govcrnrent full pov.er « o 3ct ?nd th<^ Government had acted within the r>ov/er t ranted b-- the law. Still rncthor rer.ber said that It would be a reflection u; on ti-.e roverniTient if the iar'd should ratify and he therofcre o'^osed such action* Kanv others so e: rrcssed thensel ves •. ^r^\ riiitly enou-^h, th^' Ear--] refused to ratify, but only by a vote ci 1'.? to 11. ( Be'^' ^t?.ats-Courant for dates nairedj Tiiis failure of the C:overnrr.ent to act ha.^ ov^erated vcrv V . • . . * severolv ur^on those interested, >^rincioal arnon^ rhlch are rr.y iCllov^ clti r^ns, Tb.e.^'o pr^o^^lc h:'-in^ absolute faith in, and reoo^nlfi r."' tbo full ^ov/er of thn "c: ornrent , invested ^ un- • ' ri ta-^.ln^- ly , their hon.st rroney, solely on the fact thai the ^. ontract hmd been rade and executed bv a novrer fully corrioetont ^n; . by so doin-", have toon sorel'" distressed because of t':.n / 1 1 (-5) lonr delay oi the Governrnont to act on the plans, -.vhich has f rl? i d rl e n all v/ o rk • •I" On beh?. If of n-y fello-// count ryrren, therefore, I now ap- :^eal to your Honorable Covernrrent for relief, and pray that your Honorable Covernrrent will e-erclse Its full r^ower under the law and see that justice Is done to rnany honest sufferers "::■'•] ap"rovln'^ and returnin'^ the nlans submitted. Finally, ri\y countrymen interested have that faith in the integrity of 3'our Honorable Executive Council and Government that thev dc not w.lsh or ask for the ratificatioi of the con- trDct ty the Faad, but only the approval of the plans by the Covernrrent, Ana now, Boaorable Sir, I trust that you vrll? crese">t. t Ir rnttrr to your Honorable Government, and I have ©very (Perron to l: elleve that those I rto resent in this case will be dealt v.'ith in that spirit of absolute justice -vhlch has so characterized this Adrrinlst ration of the Covernrrnnt of the South African Pepublic, I have the d istin<^ui shed honor to be Honorable Sir, Your wost C':edient servant. «« United States Consul. T\ Tie :-;onorable F. :;, Peit-, S^creta r-- of -ftate of th-i "outh Alrican Re-njMic, ▼"» T> tZi r" /~» ^ I A . > / < <-N^ ^•- (-. o CO o '-J J ) CO > O O :z 0) c r > m V ^ -.. r- \f » * flf||^|>*»'f- * t -"y^ H ;J !• ■V^^gfW •^■tr I '•Tflt w i J O^A 9. • ■ .• < ^',' # Pretoria, S.A.R.s October 29th,* ^ yj^^ 8, r^€n'. Mac rum. '^i l/te &ff/ia7^t7nf7U c/ Qta/c. V Q(l/i^£Cl. Record Fooks kept in this Consulate. ■I Actual condition of all Record Eool-s kept in this Consulate in % i response to Derartment's circular of Senterrber 20th, 1898. ^> atch lOOK^- Un to date. 2 Letter Cooy Eoolc:- Uo to date* 3 Fee Book:- Ur to date* 4 Passport Eook:- Ud to date. c 5 Invoice Book:- No use for it as vet. 6 Miscellaneous Riecorri Book:- Have found no use for it so far. T Resistor of Official Letters received:- Ur^ to date. 8 Register of Official Letters sent:- Ud to date. Account Foo' :- Ud to date. IC Press Cop2: Fook for Dis:~atches, eTcr- Ud to date. I have the honour to be, Sir, Vo^. 10. ^;^^^/^ 4 V. /t ncc'D. V (^n^ti/aU o/l/ie '^'^ulec^ QtateA^ Pretorlat S.A.^.t NoTAmber 6th ^ Vc^^ 8 '^^o v^^ L/^^^. Mac run 9 ^ J^ l/ie &^i/i€i^t7nf9rt o/ Qta/e. Qii/i^ed: Conpultary Military Service «f Aliens , > /<^ /}^acl f^/ ^(vn4en /Ji . In prosecuting war the S.i.R.CoTernBent resorts to drafttnf* — Asttssaents nade on persons exvfipt Troo the draft. — British sublets exenpt. — Many inquiries reoelved froi Aaericati. x%%- idents. — Visit the State Secretary*-- He states that only burghers are being drafted*-- Newspaper clipping enclosed* — Request directions* — /■ ! w-ji ,/ ijvi-JCiiOU li Oi I IOC N n r 12 1893 ^^<^^2>^ //^- Cvzr ffC^^ Z^C^tA.^^ > '^fP'f. VJyT* ' 1 , ■■■^? /C"^ 7^c^^-t^J-Y ^^^ -^ 'X^>«S^^^^ %i.4yL^ir-^^cW I » r ^ ' J?^. /('. Mii4a j't. /j'^-^ ^^-^ ^\^^^ U-, ->/V. 10. Pretoria, S«A.R*> llo?einb«r 5th, ^ j^^ 8. -'J^'/urra/t/f John B, Moore, ^'IhU'Uft nt Qecj^eld'Tt^y * v/;-'.* I have the honour to present to your notice that in pros- ecutlng the war against the natives in the Korthern part of State the Government resorts to the system know here as "Con- nandeering" or,as we have it, drafting, with the provision that persons exempt from personal service may be assessed to a cer- tlan amount In cash or *'ln kind*'* By virtue of a certain treaty with Great Britiih It appears that Her Majesty's sub- jects are exempt from personal service, and, the British Dip- lomatic Agent informs me, from cash or other assessment as well We have no such treaty and this is the occasion of many inqui- ries which reach me from American citizens residing here as to their liability to service. A few days since I called on the State Secretary and asked if the Government intended commandeering aliens. He replied that they "were not commandeering any but burghers." It was obvious that he did not care to say what would be done if things got too warm for the burgher force available. (I (2) I append a clipping from one of the Gov* t organs on the subject. Nay I suggest that you outline the course you desire me to take t "comoandeered." in the event oC our citizens being I have the honour to bf» Sir, Encltsurt r ^ Newspaper Clipping* V \ •-»» ^ « • . V V '. \ \\-., •■^N.. ■ r X \ rtErrrvSTTTT" The Military Law. British Subjects and Com mandeering. Britishers' Privileges. An Emphatic Protest The State . Attorney Explains. Paetoeia, Noyember Ut (Speoial).— In tbe Fint R&ftd to-tlfty the Military Law was pro- oeeded with. The forftyofooni A^rliel^ provided that peraona exempt from personal aervioe wonld have to contribute in kind or oaah to a Talae not ezoeeding £15. The mentor member for Pratomt Mr A D Wolmarana, axpres^d hia aatoniabment thai Britiah enbjeots refusing to go to tbe f root, were not commandeered for gooda instead. He bad beard that Capa boje declined ^ft^f?tC9y bat that did not remove liability to tnpply j^ooda. At the aame timo be belief ei that it waa a paltry treaty with Baglaad by which Britiab anbjecta were •zempt from service, and he woold warn the Baad to be c^refal in confirming these treatiei» protooob and the^lie. It waa a auioidal polioy to be alwaya granting privi- leges to Qreat Britain, and wodd reealt in the Repablic being oanght in the nooze. In hia opinion, a Britisher waa liable to bear a ahare of the espenae of war, if ttot for actual aarvice Mr Loveday suggested that a Commiaaion oonsiating of the Commandant^ the Field* nomet and thb L^nddroet, should be «mtrosted with the duty of oommandeeriog. It should not be left in the hands of one maa, as pro- Tided by the present law. Aa refparda con* tribotioas, he thought a war tax woaki ovar«; nome the diffioDlty. The tax oouU be applied lo one and all. ^ . > The membervi for Wolmaranaatad and Kmgeradorp objected, aa tba people had do$ agreed to the principle of suoh a tax» which would have to ooma bafota the nntioii fbat of alL Tbe member for Krugeta* dorp further opined that it waa moat unjuat that the subjects of a foreign Power ahould be free from any military reaponaibility. Why ahoold burgherA do all tbe fighting to defeiul the State and baar the expeaaes aa well I In reply to a qneation aa to whether the 1) jnbjeeta of Qr ^4 B.UCS ooQimandeered, ttoraa nda< tun aervi oe , ufflA Upon to eu Wf ra eqtiMBy If, rurther on, maae ims ampiy dear, for* there it waa dearly apeoifiad tliM the kihabitants of the Siata who were protected from military service by treaty-, would ba liable to bear an equal ahare with the burghers in the expense of the Aa regards Aritiah subjects it must be borne in mind that the nation having iha aioat privi* lege waa atyled the *' most ^favoured nstion,^ whioh in this State was the Portugueae. By trmty with Portugal the subjaots of th«s kingdom were free froes military aarvioa, but this did not protect even the Portugueae from the oommos Uw ol the land, hot M must contribute to bearing the ezpenaa of war. Jf the Portugueae were not exempt #M it was obvious that the Britiahers alao ware not exempt He thought that tha daoaa before the House was not in oonfiict with tha ^m^Taiiag Aoglo-d A.R. treatiea. It waa deoided to accept the elnas), with tbe rider that aohoolboys and atudeots be exempt from servioe- Tr\e next oiauae prov^nl tbat every indi- vi ^uaI b«* li*b'(H oo serui^ lu th^ tvc^nt of ij^arttcVL-iw beiog pf^^iMmad. Tdvs, witn ; Att 44, that Dontur^hera be liable so con^ tri»3aie in kind waa paaaed without oom* ment. She following cUitaes, speoifyiae tha oon* saitution uf war couaciia and oourts, wacn Jfaaaed. ' vA mption by Mf T r^ ^J/'. 1 1 fW Co/i.if/e John fe^ Noore^ >'M'U,Uff/d ^y^'reUfyy^u {>/ Qf(/l£-^ *^ W\f>'>/H'9f^lmi, G^. ^ / — V?' I have the honour to Inform you that twice within the last week the Foreign Secretary has suggested that a recipro'- cal treaty between the United States and the South African Republic would find much favor with his Covernment^ and I have promised hin that' I would communicate his wishes to, and if possible obtain the views of my Covernnent In the matter* My personal opinion. If It is of any value, is that we have everything to gain and nothing whatever to lose in promulgating such a convention, in the way of favorable Import duties, extradition of criminals, exemption from enfor#ed mil- itary service, consular privileges, etc., etc. ' I have no doubt that points may be embraced in such a convention that would put our citizens residing here in a feeling of greater security and would very much enhance our trade with this- rich and growing little country. I am well aware that this matter is without the bounds of consular duties and practice: but I have no choice (but », ->■ i / ^ y ^ /^ (2) but to submit it for your inT«stigationt and should the question of treaty be farorably received irith my CoTern- nent it would be m (reat priTilage for ne to meet the TrantTaal CoTtrnnent strictly within the lines that may be authorized* r#» If there is no objectioj\ to such a procee4ure» I haTe the honour to request. that your reply be so worded that I may lay it before the Foreign Secretary* I have the honour to be Sir, rwiinty United States Consul* ...»- ♦ ' » . ^»V*'V»'V»V*'V*'V • t m.m "v^- 9 ■ "^ir"»w«Yr]|P''^r'w»^"^iiT'^r»^**^ w^ ^i^irw?/. 12 '«I.Ji«.'^ rV{rY/'>, A. Mac run 9 Fr«t6rla» S*A*R*» lloT«nb«r 12th \ •^ //^ !^('/i,a'tif7runl o/ QiaU. / yj^^ 8. — - - 'V^ OEC 15 1898 ' X "**^ M^'*' V*'W*V'vW*^VV*V ^i/f^ecl: Consular Of f lo«t. >'^6^t^acl o/ (^(>nle'nli. L^ % \ b Acknowledge receipt of No. 6« — Lease InTolves no responsibility « on the Covernoient. — Forner furnishings of the roons* — Request authority to make some tew further purchases. ^t.'^' 'ij f? U i-' r t n S t^f ■M'.l^' y Pretoria, S.A.R.i November 12th, , yj^^S. •j¥y> nc i'i/r//// Qee/'el Pr^torlat S«A.R.» Hovtnber 12th j^c^" , uuy ■^y J'. NicruBf / r^a //. ((7^hnf/(^ <'/ Qt{//e. Q^z/i^ecl: Whereabouts of Robert C* McKee '^ Acknowledge receipt of Ho. 7«V- Inquired ol R*R«Creech»«-> Will apply to the police if necessary* 1 / m ^ •>^V. IS Pretoria^ S.A*R«» November ll^th ,j^o^ ^y/vfUif^aJ'ff John B» Nooret 9^ii'i(6/((/tl Qecreia^ o/ QicUe^ Wlu/un^OTi, ^. (5 I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 7 of October Uth, 1808, requesting Information as to tfte whereabouts of Robert C« McKee» formerly of Buffalo, . N«Y* : I hare to say that I happen to know personally Mr* R* I. Creech who Is spoken of in connection with the natter and who Is now, I believe. In Johannesburg, ahS I have written to hlB asking him If he knows anything of Mr* NcRee. In case Mr* Creech knows nothing of NcKee I shall Inquire of the police, and If he is In the Transvaal they I will find hla for ae. Tou will be advised prooptly of any Information I receive. I have the honour to be. Sir, Tour obedient servant. United States Consul. mmm aifci > ^— ^M ___ ^^ - -S=S! r IPI PMP ) r.. V I • .'"<> ^ ^' .J^ i r Pretorlaf S.A.R., November 12th \J<^^ 8. V^ nV -^^>;^. Mac rum. DEC in 180- ' y> \ OEC 15 1898 <>^i Qh/ui £*Piftment of !^ Nomination of Mr. ran Arterlngen as Vice Consul, I Acknowledge receipt of No.8,— What hie business !», — Believe hlB to be perfectly competent. — Application enclosed. .%. y '-^'jSi^JkjcHSSj^^im ■ rk 1 1 YJ^ir^ -" .A<^„ IVWP^^ '-••"T'l r • <^.\4. 'TT r^y^^T-'^ W^f^^ ' I Prtttrlftt S*A»R«« lfoTtab«r Iftth* 1898. J^(^ S^^nora/f/c' OftYiii B. Moore» S^6(4l floe. 06neul at Pretoria. I enclose application. \ In reply tliere to I have to eay that I can aee no reason why his conneetinn with two Italian wine houaes» one 'I teat >tnd one nanufaoturer of BarKerinet both In Holland would Bake hie appointnent at Tioe Consul undesirable^ these being all the foreign Bercantile houses he is in any way connected [ vithf his business being principally Insurance and Beal Estate. Me begs bo to state that in the Portuguese and Scandi- naTlan languages he is able only to speak» not read and write. I Bay add that he bears a first-class reputation and \% popular In all circles herot and is I think perfectly conpetent. I have the honour to be» Sir, flour obedient Cnclosurt: Application for office ed States Consul. I ^ «« e f ^p^av «^^^^ • ..r^ * ' I .- - > <-: *■ -N • ^ 'f ' -J*""' '_!■'■ ■«. '-,-,.'.1?' »i •4 -- f /I - ^•■i ■ ' "^V^^^W f^ ^ '^T^F^ ,. «" L ■■t ' f^^ f -1 f dp m * A ^. \ Xr -%- i* -• ^'i- wmf^www^mw ^'^rr^ 'J"^ r '- .7' / ,','■<,■ -'■V' •»*«*• fl ..•' - ^ Vcyf^. 16 (jHj^fiAriMf Vtv. >• (%^nAtc/cUe o^ (:Ae ^^-Ti^^lecl QtateA^ Pretoria* S«A*R.9 Noveiiibet 1 c% l/ie (^e/ia'Htme^t o/ Qta4e. Q^i/^^ed: Meaning of Paragraph 164 of Consular Reg* requested Bequest for Information. — Passport applied for with no eTldence but expired prior passport* — Applicant Intends sending direct to America* — Vho should issue this passport? — Correspondence enclosed* ■f ■v-i I ni i / r>^. 18. iy I \ • Pratorlat S*A«K«» Hoveiiber 17th , j<^o^ S^y^ O'/ifiyu /i/e John B* Nooro* S^iiMAla?d Qkcrela^/, a/ Qfrife^ v Wti^/uyn^oTi, ^. C -Jfji . ' I have tht honour to request inforaation as to the exact ■eaning of paragraph 164 of the Consulur Itegulatlons^ in , t which are the words **ita7 be taken within two years fron its date as priaa facie evidence of the citizenship of the appli- I cant"* the case in point is thiit On the 6th inst* I received froa A*E»Hurford of Niddleburg a letter* oopy of which with ay reply I enclose* As the old passport* issued by the Secretary of State* had expired about a aonth before I could not* accord- ing to the said paragraph (164) issue a new one. Now he writes ne that Mr* Calgood's intention to send direct to Anerica (pre- ^unably to the Dep*t of State for his passport)* see copy of last letter which I also enclose with my reply. Nay I ask who* under the circuDstances* should Issue the passport* the Departnent or nyself* and are the words **within two years** to be taken literally? I have the honour to be* Sir* Your obedient Enclosures: Letter ll/2/96*Hutford and do. 11/14/98 do. i- L ••^•*««»Wr**«Miap*« i (copy) Box 987» NUdltburgt 2«I»t* new* find. 1806. Th« iB«rloan Consul* --^ Froteria. Siri I horowlth oAoloso Mr* Isaac Calgooi's pm9 as an Aaarloan citlzan* vhlch jou will nota axpirad on tha 6th of Oetabar last. Nr* Calfood vlsliaa to kaav **ls It la you? paaar to vanov this**, if not coul4 you Tarlfy It for hlat to anabla hla ta fatvaHl It to Aaarioa for ranaval. t aa Sir* Toura faltlifully* ■■»«■- *''»>:i V*-, i ( Y^o») 8081 .bnfi .TON .i.A.S ,siud«lbklN «T8ft xo8 tIutAo9 Aftolt*aA •dT •«lfOl»1^ / ttlE naoliMiA ii« •« taq t'^oiIaO o«c«l .yII •••font Hlt««t«fl I ^•lt«I i»doloO )• rfl8 •rfl ite Mttqx* •ion (fiv uof itotitv «fi8flllo ,'*tlrfl ¥•«•! ol i*««4 tiMI Hi II at** vtffil el atiftlv bo»8l80 .IN ol II M«wf«l •! aM •Id8ff* el ••IH lel II x^ltev net kluee len II ft 18 «« 1 •t»wift lol •elteai ttnulrfllAl ttueT tM*ltul»l*A (befijlt) •t.^ •M el ttM fittflef etMl^ (•8081 a Tel •eiiA i.eei) ' >*e" '•'•*/^ ** FretoTln, S.A-.T'. , MovoiTitor Bt.h, lec.-e A. r. Hurfor'l, Fsr,, •Mr' 'Mr 'Mir-, S •/.,?.. Don: 'Mrr _ I ho7#» Vi^nrs of th^ 2nfi Inst, re Mr. -?>lf-oorf*s nasoort, anci I .o\iir: sAy lbr»t I c;?tn issue thn pasnort rut not on the evirlonco of nn o: *~ I r^d r^asrr:rrt# If Mr» Calond I3 .^ natur- 3ll:'pd cltior; of the U»S. l* "iJI b<" r.ecf>ssary for hie to e-'^brrit his cnriiiicates of natr. ral 1 :a t lor, for ::" InsTiectlon and if a native hr r.usi have a v.ltBOSs to si«;;n in nroof. 1: 'c; ii! nrl'Mr*^ i:n on those r'Oint? I will send the v. • a- iic-Micr.:: • .- i wis si nnt'jrf?. Tli*^ foo i:r C/-'^^. '■curs £lncor«:ly. I !J r. 11 f t 4 r» ^ L't 1 n: C(:hi:\' 1 • (C> J- X ^^ of^ (X^oo) 8081 «b«ifi .foil .n*k*X «itud»IbklN «T89 xol «lutAoO AAOtttaA trlT / lie fi«oli*cA n» •« tA^ t*booilaO o«««l •tN •••Ioa« HI t«ti«rf I ^- f^ * «. i 1 < M ^ »t fc i^X |»'l.4 ^ **^ ) 1i '.««;» J t .« > s fc .n »^ ^ ♦ ♦i ^ I iji '. ^ i »L > ^ * I % ^ «i * \ 4fr#^ . - . t . . V 1 . » . » , r ' • . f^.*** . t » k ' / ; J ' r ^. T «> ' "^ I • •* r. T f* ^ • • A • 1 - r' i ' I »r r * r- ' ■> '• * J . f^ |0 ^ 1 -4 (copy) NiddUburgt Z.A.R*, lloT«Rb«r 14th» 1806 Th« Ai^riean Consult Pr«torU» Slrt In antvtr to jour* of tht Sth Inst, m Nt. C«lcood's passport* !• Inrorac ■• that ho eannot produoo his oortlfloatos of naturalization as thoy aro In tho Statos. In tho oront of your not bolnc nblo to 4o any thine far hia* vlll you plaaso roturn tho oxplrad passport to no. *Tis Mr. CalKood*s intontlon to sond dlroot to Anorioa*. TourV faithfully, (sifAod) A«t«fufUN^ (Mo. i Ant. loT 17 laoa.) iXqoo) 8081 .rf^M itda^ToW «*ff.A«^ ,siud*Ibblll ^«|fo|^l^ t ?^ ?<>i^ ••fioniHtOtM •••bMf tMHtfo ♦< l«ill ••.••l#ln»^.v«lt«q««M lyot to ln ro.ly to :o„r, o, the Ht„ ,ns..., , h,„.,th .ncioso * r • -floods p a 5:' rt ^^ o r t • If ho har hie nnl.ir^ll-aUon oakery the- lo r.- ior ev.,-: j na t Ion I »ni tr.' « S'^nt out and th«n sends M Vcurs vory trul- , :a.x^u^u^ * * *• ' ♦ • • .-^ c /... r. < . , Con* * ! ,,^ g4^^ jPBP^*^ L '' - .t; 8081 tdlM itdfltToN fff.A*^ •siudtlbblN r, •<% V 1 . * . <. ' i tlytiYoO AAOlitflA sriT ,#lTOi#t^^^<, h • £. i I : f )f> : tits t*booiU9 .tM M .i»nt Hl« tHI lo Muot ot t#v«M «l tft%9 "i w •' e^ «/f T •^ -J ' « tWlpoiqtSA^ W*? 3^1 .1 CI*-. -•« tr 'At •'>!lY*Tlitat8Jf it .. : ft ! « ^ fr »« J " ■ . i s- > .. , ^« *"» y • I i '. « t ■ « I ^ I - '* * ' r » it k ; < ♦ f f .^ * 'T : . > V > ' f • . '^ ^. A\, ^ f r 1 " ,:^ '.•.. b#l I :■ ^ » -w i ? ^t -f ^ -^ »■ ♦ f^ .t t <' ^ \ { : ^ i^j . *♦ ' * " « > ' r » • *l*1.«» «. 1n*»lV*« » • • « • *^ » « . » • f .1 ♦ ^ttir*; ^1 'f-Hl •««•'** •-"•^ . M- • A f '♦ '% "\ • < ,. t t I i t k ' , f •^ ^ ^i..':-- . ♦ • ) •^ . V ♦ ■^ ( . 1 *^-> 4 ^ .J . ♦^ ^?p^ o^. 16. ^^. '•^ RCC'O, V . .'^r': I 9 '98 No (^(>nAii/ale {^f lAe '^^'Tifledi Qt(U^A^ »-«*•, Pretorlat S.A.R,, HoTenber l^th yj^^S <^a lAe ^e/iaT^tme.'ni: o/ Qtale. Qh6^£cl: Whereabouts of ROBERT C* NcKEE. Jo ^ i^ ' Nr*R«H«Creeoh left NcKee in Uitall» Rhodeeia» in Kaj last««- He Is believed to be now in Bulavayo. — Rave written to Umtali and Bulawayo for infornation. — ., .♦-! r« i *^ *rf' rj'b: !«• Prttorla» S*A*R«f NoTenb«r 10th . J^^ '^^"^i^'/iara/i/e 't^ohn B. Moor«» S^6-tAl^ii?U o/ Q^cUe^ WuA/ti)m^o^^ ^ (^ Q^'n: : In the matter of the whereabouts of Robert C* McKee'y the subject of your dispatch 1lo»7 of Oct*!) th»1806» IhaTe the honour to report that I haTO learned from Mr* B*'1l« Creecht who was in Pretoria this week» that he left McKee in Untali^ Rhodesiay In May this year* and has not seen hin since* He says he has good reason to beliewe NcRee is now in Bulawayo* He has giwen ne the addresses of persons In Untali and Bulawayo» whom he says would be Bost likely to know of NcKee*s present whereabouts* and to when I hawe written on the yjbject* i I shall report ianediately upon receipt of replies from these parties, which Bay not be receiwed for several weeks» owing to the slow Bail serTice between these points and Pretoria* I hawe the honour to be» Sir, ^ es Consuli "V"^' 7-WWt- ■•^T; "f ^^'/T'.^ir ;^«Fe'-r^. cJ^M. (JAM 20*9<'i ^V r^^v'. Mac run. Pretoria, S«A»R«t December Mth, ^ J(^g^* ?^ //te ^ff/ia'filmf/nl o/ Qtah QL/i^ecl: Whereabouts of ROBERT C. NcXEE* ^ ?1 ibii^ *♦ Answering dispatch Mo*? of Oct.UtldOd*' — Copy of letter fro* )^^ ClTll Conalssloner of Untall glTen. — NcKee now undergoing jail sentence for theft* .^^^pcr- cM-. \i. Pr«torla» S«A«R«» December 14th» . J^(^ 8. Hi t 1 4 •3^'nova/'/e David J, Rlll» S^MiAlci7d Q^yeta/>i^ o/ Q^cUe^ Wu,^ Ai'm^^^ion, ^. ^ Uf'f^ . ' In further response to your dispatch Nok7 of 0cttl!»I898, In re the whereabouts of' Robert C* McKee* I have the honour to infora you that I have received the following letter: i! **CIVIL COMM I SS I OMER'S OFFICE, UMTALI , December 2nd 1898 "The United States Consul Pretoria, S«A«R« "Sir* It Ihave the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th ult* asking for Information regarding one Robert C NcKee, and in reply regret to inform. you that this man is at present undergoing sentence of three months in Untali Gaol for theft, his sentence expiring on the 10th of January 1809. f* I have the honour to be, etc., (signed) J. V* Robertson, for Civil Commissioner. ft I have the honour to be. J h 18. rifc.^"^^' '^*./. «^/^y.. Macruiti, &yfi6u^/iUe <^iAe ^^Sni^ted Qta^6-^ y. fit;/. ^ «EC'l) ', Pretoria, S«A.R*» January 6th, S^ l/ie ^f/ia^lm.fnt o/ Qta/e. , y<5*^ 0. ** I - 1'.! .V " • Qh/i^eci: omplalnt of Dr. H.A.Loeser. M^i^y^^.ynu^^ /^ c-^K^^ ^^^-y^ j/^ a//C:^->^-^t-l_^ /'h/t^-'v-^ /^^o /£> JLiUt / //f/tt^^. /^ lJvy(lA t -J -^ >^-^ ZL^ A z^^ 4-^^ < /l^"^^ M^ %^, ^y- c7 ^^^^(Ly».-(-^ Ajuuv^^ jl^ AjL^C«J>^ '^i/- y4^0C. /I M^^^L^L^ 7 yh<^ ^ /^ ,>c^ Li Jty/i iff /)-i'--u^ li-^'/J f^yie^u^ M.JL )lJiyu%.^tJt \ > yu 7/M/C-C^ //Al\A^ /f^ M-n^--^L^--^ /tn' j^AyC^ , GT . ^ * ' %. v^ , \ vi N S ^ I F ^ CD CO J3- Q " O CO ^ c r > in r ^ • V ,fP|Y*bi ">it».<|V/(i -^ »"»» ' wftfj^ I ,,u,Lt"JiJ .\m .ffii ^ii"«* Pretoria J3/?ni. B«r!ftmb«r 1898 H. W. J. Llor« Esq P. 0, Box 31 JOHANNESBURG Dear Sir, In reply to 2'"0ur fa^'^our of the Srd. October I8P8, re the admission of llr, H, A. Loeser as a doctor, and with re- ference to thft letter from the Secretary of th^ board of Examiners of the 26th. October 1398, I ha^'^e the honour to ln"f*orm you, that the said Official no^.- reports, that the Chairman of th^ Medical Board, ">vho ad^^"Lsesthe Board of Ex- aminers on such cases, is of opinion, that the application of Dr. Loeser has been so thoroui^hly considered, that it Hill be impossible to arrive at ej\y other result than that already communicated bir ^h'^ decision of the ?joard of Ex- aminers, taken on the ad'""ice of the Medical Board, I ha^'^e the honour to be. Yours faithfully, "3 (Slid) J, Bosch Acting Under State Secretary, \ It N n*liiiy I \. • A • \l i\ :• 898S/'98. ;, li, ^. I 1) t \ flit iMclr n't'nl*' lint 1in\ tii.staaiiJ** 1,11 '!"" .1.1 1 1 1) lialrii, hjlci.jv'n >r/o>/f/j S8 December c^ /J^8. Den Weledelen Heer H.W. J, Blore JOHlUNT^SBTJRG ,Bus SI. Weleclele Heer, In Ein-bwoord op uw schryven d.d. $ October J.l« re de -toe- lating van den Heer H.A. Loeser als gene«sheer en onder verwy- zing naar de missive van den SecretArls van den Raad vaji Hsca- minatoren d.d. 26 October j.l,,heb Ik de eer,u te Informeeren, dat genoemde Ambtenaar thajis rapporbeert., dat. de Voorzittier der Geneeskundige Commlssle,die over dergelyke zaken den Raad van Examlnatoren advlseert.,van gevoelen ls,dat. de appllcatle vaJi Dr. Loeser zoo van alle kanten beschouwd ls,dat het on— ander Raad op advles der Geneeskundige Commlsssle, is medegedeeld. Ik heb de eer -be zyn Uw dlenst/W. dienaar 'h^fflUe^ S"baats s«cret»ar Is •«»;■" ,11 m i".i«" y^TT^ w HF^^'^IPni^iinP* wmmmr « CO . - ^- -• • • 10'. * - • • 'nr/.3!:- .;t.h, lOCC . .^n. . roM rr^ ilnder iUato .Socrotnry for Toroi'^n Affairst I A • 1 • ! i.^-i .. t;^ i\c .ct;; tt: snv tt\f\t, althou h I i ?/ e had no ronl^' to V IcUrr t'-' -rv. ro.loL', of lev. 26th, 1^<:, I 'a-e had pnclo?«»d to nc ;:y * r« •?•*•!• '.-lore of Johinno&kur^, a letter to hlc written ' Actln-UnJcr State Secretary Eosch urHcr date of Dec* 22nd, leOF, i • lorr r<^^ li^fl t!\or<^to ?tr\tlr^ thnt the r.atter wat i: r; hands nnd ho har; nothin-^ lurthar to do v^ 1 th it« ;/ ; jT I } P! r tho honour to call yonr it ten I Ion tc iUe fact 4 1^4 ' V : -i^ :r)»<«fr' Tl. Trr.er'_ r- hrr,rlr." ^clClO th<5 ExCCt.' 1 1 Ve r.ouncn .-"^'' p'r*"*"' tr- ^>-'.. -r'?eort the Ch%lrrAn cf the VodlcRl oard that v/n -i"ht h-^-^r vhother tho said rh?lrr£p'? n*'^ _H that the hcfticnl ! oard h?d decided to o>*c?udo ftorr ■^ ^' r' < "> t ♦" r <* /• 1 2lcir cchooli. It £ft'5!!i£ th^l Ihls I 'J ^^hat w© are to undnrstr-.d, r.ot-i thctand In?' the fact that Dr» l.our-i h : op«rly expressed a willin-ncss tc co'^nlr with an* o*ar.l nation that he raay I i»A . f^ *,ho ho'ionr to Vo, Voiir c'rediont servant. CO e» Ul H > C 0) s *-J / / •Pi ' '• n -^^T^A "v^np 1 1^ r . t ' ^> t « « • r , t •. I t • « r , < • ) ' y » • t H (Vv' . t 1 / t : . t • -^ I i i:' ■ .'"Msr^ r '• o7 M . . , " .1 . . 0. % - -» f ♦ ^ -> * , I ^ ^ 1 ^> t •'* I ► ' ♦ ^ ♦ • t - t T .-» ,' '" f » < f - •■• ^TiV' i • J . } 1 -» > > ♦ - ' ' » - -r f f , .. , f A ' . ' ^' r • f • f J JrSJ^.-, • < ■ , » I.-.,-- ' ' r \ ■ ^ ■♦ t 1 - i • « « :■ • r . I : 1 . i I •. /; ;'»o : :- r « « V ^ \ u H ft* < i^M J « D < (/) • Z CO o ^ o CCS o • CO Od A t •, « ^ . ^ T > T ♦ ^ ' » I » ' I i Printed in Special Cftnsiilat^ Rdp6i*ts XIX r i / rW :' 19. ACKNOWLtDGtO FLB 28 1399 M of foretg!» Commerce^ iri^u/fUe o^ lAe ^l^/ulcd QitUci^ Pretoria, S.AtR., January 17th ^ J<^G^^ % > \Vf-TX OA-) v., > :^o"'K .'^ ^ "i f/^^^. Kacrum, •— ' cS? //^^ ^('^laT^lment o/ QtcUe. €^^/f/ecL' Paper in the South African ReJ^ublic Answering circular of Nov. 16, 1898. — Population. — Paper manufacturing concession granted in 1892. — Terms of the concession. — Renewal of concession. — Number of printers and publishers. — Ho data as to prices, etc., etc. 0.73/99. 4 /- *\ F CONSULATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Pretoria, S.A.;R. 9 January 27th, ] f ^ Hon, John Hay, Secretary of State, Washington, U.S.A. Si r: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt, on today's mail, of your dispatches Nos.l4 and 15, under date of Decem- ber 22nd, 1898, relating to a treaty of reciprocity between the United States and the South African Republic. It will be impossible to prepare the necessary informa- tion for the next week'i$ mail, which leaves early on Monday morning; but I have no doubt I shall have it ready for the mail on the following weel:. I have the honour to be. Your obedient servant d States Cons .? '^h0^'^'.' iiL . Al, >•■■ *V. />•«' .ii .■f V- y memorandum!*^ f^i's^:':m »^-"i" fc. * t- - j- ;t \. •►,4 J''" * - H Aiti ^f^ -A * ■ - -ll>: ■ c i > t I i^ff^^- i'* v|<^ h»,* ^' V ktr',','* r .-.- -^t^'.-t • •• ■ . > -■ >jfF% # ■- - «• » V . - .r* < #. * . '«. ;: . T 7J^^ V*'- , .■■■•V ■■*rtoi» ;■< v.. •• . V ■ f vv<- . I, * * r-'.*- »^ ^ *--»-», ♦ »- 4i% • j«.; .»- s mmmmmm^^^"'^ ^— !>■ K i -o^. 20. \ ^ Qt^rN MAR r> 'ii .-«'> fe>/^. Haorua* 1 (^^n6u///20. Pretoria, S. A. R. , February 4th y^^ 9 3W>/ir'ra/f/r David J. HHU S^66('^f(f?it €?ec)'eta^, r/ Qfa/e^ 9/t( "mw I I mil ■iii.pn p pumnni^i.pii " I mm' ' , n\KW'fmii^rr'fmmf^rwm^'mffmii^fimiimi'i'Wff^g'^W'f''WW^' iwn.^if c>?i. 2U (!^i^fi6{i/(r/f o/ 1'. < rttc'D. Pretoria, y 4th ^ ^<^g 9 c, ,--^ r^' ,^'*-' „.«i *-■*•'- k. v.. ;\. ->-•-.< ^" : ^•^ r^^v^ Macrulrr' ■■'> MAR 9 1H99 /^ f^ ///^ (^f/iaTt^/ment o/ QlaU. Qli/i^ecl: G^' ■fl^' CUln of NELSON THOMPSON vs. CoTernnent of S.A.R. Affidavit of Thompson enclosed* also ray letter ^o Foreign Sec- retary.— Tho^>son wants his own property* of which he was de- prived on arrest* iramediately.-- Bequest for further instruot- ions. '>^V'. 21 ; Pretoria, S,A:R., February 4th, . J(^^9 •3?^'/i(!yu/f/r Darid J. Hill, ^iS6f6^{i/U Q^j^eta'H^j o/ QfrUe^ 9Aoi/if9ir/to9i, ^ 6: -^(}t : I have the honour to bring to your notice the case of Nelson Thompson against the Covernment of the South African Rep- ublic, as set forth In his affidavit before ne, which affidavit / I have enclosed herewith. I have the honour to enclose also. ■y letter to the Foreign Secretary of the S.A.S. this being the only step I have taken In the case thus far* The aboveaentloned documents describe the case so fully that I think further comment Is unnecessary* It will be seen that all that Thompson desires Immediately Is his property, of which he was deprived at the time of his arrest. This looks rather a strange and Improbable case, but It Is strictly In accordance with scores of stories of the absolute rottenness of the police system of this State. I have the honour to request your Instructions as to any further action In the above case. I have the honour to be Tour obedl Enclosures: > Thompson's Affidavit, 'i. My letter to the Foreign Secretary. /, ■ : r 'ir • '■ • 1 ( '-^ '( AFFIDAVIT . I th« uria«i-s Ifened NELHON TiC»1PF>0N, at pi*esent oi* Pie tor la in the ?>outh Al'rlcan Republic, make oath and say : 1. I am an Ameilcan subject boin on' the 8th March lti«»6 at Falls, Washington U.S.A. 2. In the begin] ling ol* th«s yeai* 1897 I was mana- ger or the rirm Morgan & Thompson, mining conti*ac- tors to White's Consolldarted Ld, and was living at Buluwayo, Bi'ltlsh South Al*rlca. S. I lert Ri'ltlsh tei-rltoi-y In October 1897 with a vlev/ or prospecting In the dlsti'lct of Zoutpans- berg, South African Republic. 4. On the ^Oth of October 1897, whilst camping on the big Letaba In the dlstilct of Zoutpansbei-g al'oresald, I was fired on by the moun AcL police of the South African Republic and was ariested without any wai'i^ant and without any chai*gc; against me being communicated to me. .T' ^ ; ' > M Ha I Li— . ■ .fci.^^..^.- .«A - /-..->•.« ?«A -'jL* Crl ... a^in^'K^BrTTA-ajJHcc. "jTs! jT I'^^i ?»w~-»^iJ"«;'w •'.T^^«*W- "fw '/r ~.f T ''W W'l'^ip'^ ' ' 1 or my derence not being laid befoie the Judge and Juiy the July broxight In a veialct or qullty. 9. I was then sentenced by thts Judge, J»^*, Justice Reltz, to el^tcjen months hai*d laboui*. 10. Acting on the sug^^estlon or the Judge at the ti-lal I sent In a petition Toi- release to the liwe- i outlve Council or the South Ai'ilcan Republic, setting out above racts and pointing out that In this case thc!ie was no aoubt that a miscarriage ol* justice had taken place. 11. i'heieupon, viz on the 6th or Januai-y 1899, artei- having seived a little over 7 months, I was le leased on aroresald petition by order or the Exe- cutive Council ol* the South Al'i-lcan Republic. 12. I now humbly apply ror the assistance ol* the Goveiniaciit or the United States ol' America In oi-der to obtain leparatlon, especially rinanclal, rion the Governiiieht or the South Al'rlcan Republic. 13. The .%uf V,, 1 ^ \ M ■ j(^-"r'» »»- -j-T^vi D cr clafia I make Is as follows : .fl R* ^he gOGCLS taken away Trom me by the Police . ,) Iricluulii^ the cash I had on ine, were of a va- lue or £89.10.- stg. "b, the dFunages sustained by me thi'ough the Ille- gal arrest and detention set Toith above, I estluiate at at least ctilOOO.- stg. Pi-etorla S.A.R. SO Januai-y 1899. 'J^^ XL*H xj'^J yo f-.ai mo I'l y/v/.r u-^Hf^ ej>.-0^ t' CO c ->'v^ .R "lo *.yiev7 ,f>m .; > -i'^il 1 f' t: C J F -<:'\ i -»^- ■ I \ :^ i , , .i.Vv\\ •!on. S i : V ^ V i^fOc ••t.-*-. r 1 o •• . ; ' jn£ .• w \... ^^.•. :t-ii f Oli< C^out" ane or- i n -) DOjt \ Uo -• -JK." ^ > * '"■ 1 • . > » Y -» * . % • '"^ '^ "^ 1 V 1 • • To'- I "!♦ I ': : r ' ' 1. 1 r. o I r r "> i is» 1 • '^ -^ 1 f* T \ -> • > ^"^r '-..noin to o^^ ^. \'?"r nttf^ntlo'i to t'^o <"ollo-in- c^so. r 1 . v^ « ^ [ C-^ ! r r • 1 ^' ■•» ■ ^ t -^ 1 • C -. 1 W -^ m C . L- Tt . n 1 1 .^ i ^ i. I ■ ■ o i "\ i • o oin o •! • It is as i T i-.\ -f u . i X O 1 ii i - I t '■» 1-, . ri\j ' I. X •- V-. . # Ii / .t :: ■ *;t» ■ orn on t'lC 2t^ of ". urch, 1?3?, -xi S^u- '^ r» . r*. e -» w. » • ! :• f-.c ':c',iiu>ln- O: t*\ ' -ear ICj? I '.c?.s .Tana oi Of" t'-ic i 1 m of cr in "! Tior-oscn. tntn ocat r-iotors tc "hito's -onsO'lld;\tO'i,Ltd, . '\ 's llvln- ^t . •il->.v^^'o, "ritlsh ^cit^ \frlc^.. I i-^ft iltis't toi-rucr'; In Cot o'er loC7 k\\.\ i vio'v to pros- - 1 . ill t'lo -'lijtriot of "out vins'ur-^, "o-jt'i Ifricaii P.coiiMlc, 4, • ♦ • I <- '. ■ -v-t'^ of t^'.oor 13C7t -Mliit ciiiir^lir on tho 'l- Leta'^a In 'l.>triGt of : ovt-anii'-Gi • afoies-ild, I *.as flrod on '>y the ciountod {:>ollGO "li*^ »!'-•-- f J Wl ^■*-^- «'?_ olUo Of f-,0 :^ouf> Urjcin ^9,0-110 a,,:, was ■ V « 4 it'-iCL:t ?.ny c'l^.r^e -^ arrested vlthout any -r "> l!1':t H'-f^ ^^r\ comcunlcated to r:iG. rr- '^ patrol of .-01; I! t e-f ■: - ] i .: - ':^{M. t c:^ :. 1:: tod of sor^aejit Krl-e, \ rockers Vr>ntf»r *rtci,N . . _ • t* . s ^.ntei, osloo ,ni T>enec' o. T^ey st^rto'l firm- corporal ^. i ,^v j>i.^rT.en iirin-- on :iini.,. an. ..itiout cnUln- on ?l9 to surrender. o. '".''-: ')uH 5 '.-..-.d.-.-s-, .3 ,;„ t,en trooper .'enter *3s.uU«d .e an-J - ^ I '1.:., tn' t ^.- ' f I • ■ ■• ^vci to "ict-'r-s'-T -s .^ ». 4 , , *• 1 * -w V " * V. ^^ ;':it'^. t c : i •> - > J «. . ,. .^ I i. I :. . ?. s t r 1 t »■ . n "yol . i^rc- I • ••% r. *. » <^ • • > * ^ V /^ .. ti! - • i • » :1c- e- '^< ', * — 4 1 ! — '-^1 ' ''^ "'U^crv'-r- Tifcrcs-id - ^ ' '^ I':- , r ■ I - :: ;' .'1 : ^1' He "Prosecutor to ^ave I \ni • i 12. i.c.i ;., Uryor iiist ructions .0 ..-.oon, ,o.,t n,rt,.-n ttno.ses. ,„. U.o to ^V . :,u^, ,,oduo. . . -;« nor tSf of.or sa« ^t-ne. and in ooiwe- .. ciefcno.^ cm Uld -efore t^e J:i-!--; :,n:^ j^^v, t^.. .;„ rv-ht In a verdloi jf vllt-. M-: ^00* s, brt nrlt'ior f ry V 'istlcf? Pnltr, to ©1-hteen I as then sentanced -■y the Jud-e, "r, onfii* hard la'roijr, 10. I., i.- estlon o. the Jud;e at the trl.^l I gent In a -'^■•icn r.r release to th. S.eoutlv, Council of the Tout-, .UrUan M.. .etll.- o.t.tV. a'^OTe facts and .olntlr,: c.t that In tM» (cuso « V \r ? t'v 10 '^s no -Jou't t'-iat a Tilscarrl?i-^o of justice had ta'en Dlace# r^'jrcuD'jn, vl ■: ';n the .i"i .>; J-n.vi^r^' lOOC, ^fter hrxvltr- served a 1 o/er seven .onthSf I ;^;- i:l-j.i:^\id on the aforesalri petition ^y ^ : 0! the Eocutlvo Co'jncll of th ^ South .African He'jj'.^lic. ! n hvr'l/ i^-l foi the ^ssistanco of tho Covorn-ont of the M. ' .^tr.t-i.- Im ur-lsr to o' tain rcoaratlen, es^oclally fln^.nclil, Ironi ; t o ■" t h I'o'j th *i ;' r 1 c ■• ■•» ' e**" •' lie. i:. ■n* I riL* 4 ».• t • th •^ o 1 oHjo^ tnolvrM!)' t'lo C7i:i\ I 'I -" re o 4 ' • -\ I M -^ of r •'^ l^T- -tcrlin '•■n 1 r. , - » > » } M 4'>^ . »' thro'i h the lllc-nl aric^t r.rH dctontlon - f V- ?.i.:,o I J ti...ito at at ioast £1,OCO sterliu-. (si -nod) :-;.oi;i aricl so ^cri :r:d tr erore .re, the 3Cth day of -anuaryt In tho ^onbjlar Seal) (sl-ned) Chas. ~. Kaoruuu United States Consul The a' ove constitutes tho clalu- of :i* T'-.ofgDSon against the "ov^rn- / ^" — V ^nt of tho South *frlci'i PeTdhllc, >.n-! ITr, Tho!!f5son InforiijS ifiQ that \kz seen and tal' cd to His Honour th^ ^resident, 'vho advised hi!? to icsorit a petition to i^^ "-ocutlve Council and that ho AOiild loo'- af- r it. This I '^elicve .rill ' o done iT\ the course of a day or txo (-ut ! 2. ^ o" - o - r > m 131 /99, Hon. Sir: have unda a c 10, the bee; CONSULATE OF THE UNITED STATES vr;-. OF AMERICA. / , ; r < , Pretoria, S.A.R. , Hon. Thos. W. Cridler, Third Assistant Secretary of State, February 18th, 1899 1 ^- j.^ r. - ■^ /". <-/ Washington* U.S.A. /.^t; Sir: Replying to your despatch No. Hi of December 14th, 1898, I have the honour to say that I ai enclosing to your Depart nent today under a separate cover, and in connection with another despatch, a copy of the military law of the Republic, The charactar of the service, as set forth in my despatch No. 10, was an expedition against the natives in the northern pajrt of the State, this expedition, however, has now returned, having been entirely successful in their undertaking. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedie nited States Consul • ft / O^ \ Dear i.tr. Cridler:- '/N I y * • 1 1-» , •^•■** indicated in my previous nemoraaidumj I found from an extnination of the general question, that ao- cording to the preponderance of authority, alien residents na:/ be required to perform service in a local force raised for the naint ena nce of internal order or tliO defense of the territory from an invasion by sava/jes or an uncivilised na- tion; but tiiat they cannot bo forcibly enrolled in the regu- lar army of the country or in any force organized to defend it apainst a civilized poxver . It is ^anderstool that the expedition referred to by the consul had for its p^orpose the quelling of an uprising of natives . Services of this character would seem to come within the description first above mentioned, viz: services in a local force for the Maintenance of internal order. I have had Ur. Thomas read to ne enough of the military law of the South African Republic^ however^ to siiow that the mili- tary force for which it provides is to be composed of ••white r^ nd colored nale residents above sixteen years of age"; that it nay be called togetiier for the preserr.at ion of order and for such circurostances as nay arise in the case of domestic insurrection, for the defense of the country; "and for the purpose of na'cing war upon foreign enemies" . This would in- dicate that t.ie railitary force referred to is the regular, permanent amy of the Republic, and tiiat persons drafted into it are liable to be called upon to assist in wagin^^ war a- ,^aLnst forei^'jn enemies of the State. I do not think this I - ovem^ient should acquiesce in the forcible enrollment of ; 4- „ * : X ; lus Citizens under such circumstances. As it appears that tiie apprehensions of tite consul that citizens of the United States mic^iit be "commandered" or ,'' drafted for service in the war against the natives have not been realized and the war has eoided, it would seem unneces- sary at this time to pass upon the question presented. It is sufficient for the present to instruct the consul to in- form the Department in the event that it is sought to enroll a citizen of the United States in the military force of the South African ]\epublic against his will. If'/lien an actual case arises, the Departrient can take appropriate action. An •J^h. 23 . t'., /^/ H' y. Mac rum f .. ' ^^u>A^££:^ (^"vv/J^z/r/A yV/^ ^''}h/i//((l OtfUf,), Pretoria, S.A.S., February 18th^./c^^9 r^ //^ ^/r/;^//7^r/V <^^r//^. ^\'\ ■ ■ ' • O^/Z/^ecl: Proposed Treaty. ^^.*^J'^.^^liA:if^y^^a-, MBMlCii* f **jm>im^ mmmmmmmmammm Responding to Despatches Nos.M and 15» contents of which were communicated to Foreign Secretary o r/H }'<(/'/( John Hay* ^^^ifMK^^i^/ fye<:re^((}i}/ <'/ G?9 Der. WelBdelOestren^^ n Heei OiarleE I V-acrua :or-3'Jl i^r 7,8t^t^rr. van lloord-Anerik;^, P r tor ^ • Deze Re^eerine heef-b met byzonder veel genoegen van den inhoud van Uw schryven kennis genoraen en waardeert ten zeer- ste de vriendschappelyke uitingen vaji Syne Bixcellentie ten Haren opzichte. Het zal Haax aajigenaara zyn te zyner tyd een ccfbept tractaat te ontvangen , waaraan zy niet nalaten zal hare me est nauwkeurige aandacht te iryden , we Ik tractaat , in- dien tot stand gekomen , naar zy vertrouwt en hoopt zal strelc- ken tot versterking' der vriendschappelyke verhoudingen tus- schen de beide Rapublieken . - x; ,' De in Uw schryven vervatte punten net betrekking tot de docuraenten benoodlgd in verband met het optrekken van een cocepttractaat in opvolging behandelende , kan ik \J raede deelen met betrekking tot , Punt I , dat hieromtrent tot rayn leedwezen geene voldoende inlichtingen kunnen worden verstrekt , aangezien in dezen Staat g^ene uitvoerregulaties van kracht zyn, Punt II, dat de waarde en hoeveelheid van goederenAdie in deze Repuboiek worden ingevoerd , maandelyks in de statistieken worden opgenoraen , van welke statis- tieken een exemplaar te JMer inTormatie hierneve.ns gaat . Punt III, dat aangezien dienaangaande geen speciale aantee- •• kening^' ^ I ► < Cf ^ »•' f 0' 0^ f\ • r Ir. i ' .. r r '^ *| o/J /* » • f V •. :/ WET N° 20, 1898, voor den Krijusdiciist in de Zuid-Afk*ik. Repuhliek. 'loedgekeurd door den Ed. Achtb. Kerstcn Volksraad blj art. Ljis ~!jiicr notuleii dd. .V November iSOS. OORLOGSVERKLAUING. Art. 1. l)e Staatspresident, met toeste mining van zooveel mogeli.jk behoorlijk van geiiees- en heelkundige liulj) voorzien wordt. ADMINISTRATIE. 11. Tot indeelintj; van de krijgsmaclit wordt het gmndgebied dezer Republiek verdeeld in vcldkornct- scliappon en districten. Do scheidingslijnen dior veld- kornetscliappen on districten worden bepaidd door en bij gezamonlijk ovorleg van den Comniandant-Generaal on do aan^^renzondo Coniinandanten on Veldkornetten, onder naaere goedkeuring en bekrachtiging van den I Utvoerendon Raad ; on ioder inwoner zal verplicht wezen oin ondor hot veldkornetschap of district, waaronder bij woont, aan die autoritoit to gehoorzamen. 12. Do ollicieron uonlen bij meordoiiieid van stemmon gekozon, namolijk : de Assistent-Voldkoinotten en Yoldkornotten. door de stemgerecbtigde burgers dor wijken; zoo ook de Commandanten' door do stemgo- rechtigd(^ burgers dor districten. 13. Zij wordon aangesteld: de Commandanten voor 5 jaron, de Veldkornetten en Assistent-Veldkornotten voor 3 jarou. on zijn bij al'troding herkiosbaar. 14. Vo(tr elk district zal uiet meer dan eon Com- mandant gokozen worden. 15. Do Commandanten on Veldkornetten voldoen aan de bov«ilen dor Landdroston, voor zoo vorre zij volgons de bojuiling dor wotten omtrent do rocliterlijko administratiovt' macbt daarmede in aimmerking komen. 1(3. De lijston door do Veldkornetten jiangelegd en aan den Commandant-Genoraal toegezonden,zullen aantoonen de dienstplicbtigo burgers hunner respectievo wijken. 17. Ilij verdeelt doze lijsten in drie staten. De eei'ste staat bevat jongelingen beneden 18 en de mannen bovon de 50 jaar. De tweedo staat bevat de mannen van 18 tot 34 jaar. De dorde staat bevat do mannen van 'M tot 50 jaar. 18. Ilij zal de op die lijsten voorkomende oven ben gestelde officieren en ambtenaren. '23. A Is officieren dienen de Assistent-Veld-, de Veldkornetten, benevens Commandanten en de Com- mandant-Generaal. 24. De oflicieren. met uitzondering van den Comman- dant-Generaal, le;:gen bij bet aanvaarden van bun ambt in banden van den Commandant-Genenml of van den Landdrost van bun district den ambtseed af. tT). Hun eed zal zijn van den volgenden inhoud: « Ik belool en zweer plechtig trouw aan bet volk dezer Republiek: in mijne betrekking naar wet. recbt en billijkbeid te zullen handelen volgens mijn beste kennis en geweten, zonder aiinzien des persoons, dat ik aan niemand eenige gilt of gunst gedaan of beloofd heb om tot die betrekking te geraken: van niemand eenige gift of gunst te zullen aannemen wanneer ik vermoeden kan, dat deze gedaan of bewezen zou worden om mij in mijne betrekking ten voordeele van den gever of begunsti^er over te balen: te zullen geboorzamen aan ae bevelen der boven mij gestelden. volgens de wet. en (') aclit moeten worden gegeven naar het meerdere of mindere vermogen der ingezetenen. '^. Indien door weigering of onwil, de Veldkornet ]iet voorgeschreven aantal manschappen, of ook de voor- geschreven wagons of ossen niet kon verkrijgen, neemt nij op oigen verantwoordelijkheid en met inachtneming van de regelen boven gesteld, maatregelen om het ontbrekende aan te vullen. 31. leder, die zich over de bovenstaande beschik- kingen op goeden grond meent te kunnen beklagen, heeft liet reclit van den Veldkornet op den Commandant en van dezen op den Commandant-Generaal en Krijgs- I'aad zich te bei'oepen, die fmiuil beslist. Indien de Krijgsraad bij onderzoek der zaak bevindt, dat zijne gronden op valsche voorstellingen rusten en door zijn verzet misscliien een ander ingezetene in zijne plaats persoonlijken dienst heeft moeten doen ofeeni^e oenoodigdheden opbrengen, dan zal hij dezen volledig sciiadeloos stellen. !^. De uitgetrokken dienstphchtigen worden vergezeld door een commissaris voor mond- en krijgsbehoeften, belast met de zorg voor proviand en ammunitie, die aangesteld wordt door den Commandant-Generaal. na goedkeuring van den Krijgsraad. Zijne verplichtin*^en en werkzaamheden zijn geregeld bij de wet in de Instructies van den Commandant- Generaal. goedgekeurd door den Krijgsraad. Tot op het oogenblik, dat de uitgetrokken dienst- phchtigen bij het groote lager zuUen zijn gekomen, zijn de Commandanten en Veldkornetten der verschil- lende districten en wijken belast met de zorg voor mond- en krijgsbehoeften hvmner afdeelingen. Het salaris van den krijgscommissaris tevens maga- zijnmeester, wordt bepaald op i^l.lO per dag, gedurende den tijd dat hij op commando dienst doet, terwijl hij voldoende borg moet stellen ter goedkeuring van den Commandant-Generaal. 33. VrijwiUigers op commando hebben dezelfde verplichtingen en voorrechten als degenen, die gecom- mandeerd zijn. 34. De Commandanten en Veldkornetten zullen toezien, dat geene schade door nalatigheid of moedwil- ligheid aan de benoodigde wagens. ossen en zoo voorts worde veroorzaakt : eenig persoon zich hieraan schuldig makende zal verplicht zijn de schade te vergoeden. Het Gouvernement echter blijft aan de eigenaars ver- antwoordelijk. 35. De verplichtingen der Staatsartillerie. wanneer zij aan een burgercommando wordt toegevoegd, wjrden bepaald door den Commandant-Generaal. Aan den Commandant-Generaal en Krijgsraad is opgedragen het / en v(x'tr of in tijd van oorlog of commando verlaten, zal sterling, of eene gevangenisstraf van een tot vijf jaar* in beide gevallen met verlies van stemrecht ; indien do (lagvaartling niet op hem persoonlijk kan gediend worden, zal hij minstens '3i) dagen voor de zitting van zoodanig Hof gedagvaard worden bij edicte in de S/aa)'a/'/(- David J. Hill» 9^Mal(in/ o/ Q^cUe^ Wtu/ttn<^lo' I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your 898 ng me of the appointment of Mr.Emil A«Tan Atteringen to be Tioe-GTonsul of the United States at Pretoria, and enclosing blank bond for execution. Iha?e also the honour to enclose herewith tbe said bond duly executed according to instructions, and to await the certificate of Mr. van Ameringen'S appointment. I ha7e the honour to be. Sir, Tour obedienV^erTant, Enclosure: ted States Consul. Official Bond WW -^' ' 4 •■?■ 'A' V; '.;. ;-«'^'," V '*"' 'ft. ^•v i 'X..' ' ijf- • t Z uicl - Af rikaeiiiBclie I^epiabliek ■J M TRAKTAAT ' .' v^>^ > r^;«'T \ >-1 'A-if '. TUSSCHEN DE ZUID-AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK EN DE FRANSCriE REPUBLIEK. ^^'CoCoUn op 10 ci^uli 1SS5. — ^at"vjtcalicn ui^(^c\vi»cid op ^T ^lUi tSST cfn nvt^filtuj c^citcdox 27 5ufi ISS7. — ^p-:>cq|C>aac von af 27 o^uCi \S£^T. / Gcdrukt tor Staatsdriikkerlj vjui :>c^ op ^~ ^uCi 1887. cln iLvtAitv^ <^c\iu:dcn ^T c^ufi 1887. — ^5*p^^:aGaa^ van af 27 S^ufl 18i^7. Gcdmkt ter Staatsflrukkcrij van de Zuid-Afrikaiinschc Rcpubliek, Pretoria — 1898. TRAKTAAT TLSSCHENf DE ZUID-AFRIKAANSCHK Rr:PUBLIHK EN DK FRANSCHE REPUBLIEK. (n\s/ofr// op JO Juti JiS\S\}. — tfafificaficn uitgcivisscld op 27 Juli 1SS7. In wcrkini] ijctrcdcn 27 Jii/i 1SS7. — Opy.rgbaar nan af 27 Juli 1S97. Do Stiiutbpresicleiit \;in de Zuid-Afri- kaansche Repiibliek en de President van tic Fmnsehe Republiek, bezield met Jen- /(^Ifdeii wensch, cm de betrekkiiifron van viiendschap en van koophandel tusschen beide landen te ontwikkelen, hebben besloten ten dieu einde eon traktaat te sluiten en hebben tot hiinne gevolmachtigde benoemd, 1e weten : De Staatspresident van de Zuid-Afii- k;iansche Republiek, de heer Beelaerts van Blokland, Minister-Resident van de Zuid- Afrikaansche Republiek te Parijs, etc., etc.; on de President van de Franschc Repu- bliek. den heer C. de Freycinet, Seaator, Minister van Buitenlandsche Zaken, etc., etc; die, na aan elkand^r hunne in gaeden €ii behoorlijken vorm bevonden volmachten te hebben medegodeeld, de volgende artikelen fubberi vast^resteld. Artikel 1. De undeiiioorigen van elk der beide < untracteerende partijen zullen wederkeerig, tjvenals de burgers, en zonder eenig onder- lesquels, apres s'^tre communique leurs pouvoirs, trouves en bonne et due forme, ont arr^te les articles suivants: Article 1. Les ressortissants de chacunc des deux parties contractantes auront, reciproquement, comme les nationaux et sans aucune dis- tinction de race ou de religion, la faculte de voyager, de resider ou de s'etablir partout oil ils le jugeront convenable pour leurs inter^ts; d'exercer toute espece d'industrie ou de metier; de faire le commerce tant en gros qu'en detail, et toute espece d'ope- rations commerciales; de faire et administrer eux-memes leurs affaires ou de se faire suppleer par des personnes dument auto- risees. soit dans I'achat ou la vente de leurs biens, effets ou marchandises, soit dans leurs propres declarations en douane; d'acquerir, posseder et transmettre par succession, testament, donation ou de quel- qu*autre maniere que ce soit, les biens, meubles ou immeubles situes dans quel^ue lieu que se soit des territoires respectifs; le tout sans ouMls puissent etre tenus a acquitter des droits autres ni plus eleves ' ♦ ^ rf 1 «» t y , rf .W._ ..j#^%^^ t,^ ..MjJk^ :, A' ..1- .. . lAIj -^ >*'- »J,\jli.d*'. •!>..' If. ^A^iA— iMifri. ■ .■:m i^i^fi u^'A^MMLA-^-j»f.Ai^-'Jiii'4 ....■'. t *\i 1 r "diLiii 1 • 'fL. . o \ ^^ %' dat zij verplicht kuuneii worden oni aiidere of hoogere rechten te betaleii dan die, welke ill gelijice gevalleii aan burgers zolve niochten worden ongelegd. Zij zullen geuieteu alK^ reoliten of voor- deelen, toegesttaii aau de ouderhooi igen van de raeest beguiistigde natie, met betrekking tot deii krijgsdionst, lletzij bij het leger, hetzij l)ii do scbiittorij of militie, de rechter- lijke, administratiove of gcmeeiitelijkoainbten of bedieningeii, de railitairo requisitii'n on praesUitien, do ooilogsbelastingen, voor- schottru van Ixdastingen, Iceningen (^i hef- fin^eiu of andore buitongewono laston van welkeii aard ook, die in eon dor beide landeu ^vegeiis l)uitengewon(^ omstandig- hodcn mocliten cordon opgelegd. Zi zuUen vrijoii on geniakkelijkon toe- gang hebben tot de rechtbanken, zoowel vaor de opvordering als voor ile verdodiging hunner rechten, en zij znllen ook in dit opzicht dezelfdo rechten m voordeelen als de burgers zelvo genieten. Zij zullen volkomon vrijhoid gonieten om hunne Godsdienst nit to oefenen, welko ^ie ook wezen naoge, op voorwaarde van zich |e onderwerpen aan do wetten van bet land. Ailikel 2. De voortbroiigselen van don groiid en van de nijverheid van Frankrijk of van zijne kolonien, die ia de Zuid-Afrikaansche ne- publiek zullen worden ingevoerd, en do voort- brengselen van den grond of van de nijver- heid van de Zaid-Afrikaansche Republiek, die ia Frankrijlc zullen wordon ingevoerd, en die bestemd zullen zijn, hetzij voor binnen- hiTidsch verbniik, hetzij voor opslag, hetzij vaor weiiernitvoer, zullen niet onderworpen zij a aan andere of hoogore rechten dan die, welke geheven 7ullen woixlon van.dezelfde vaortbrengseleii van de meest begnnstigde natie. HetzeHVle geldt van den uitvoor. De beido f:oiitracteoren Us auront un libre et facile accesaupres des Tribunaux de Justice, tant pour reclamer que pour defendre leurs droits, et jouiront, sous ce rapport, egalement des mt^mes-droits^ et avantages que les nationaux eux-memes. Us joniront (rune entiore libcrte fjour Texercicci de^leur religion, quelle qu'elle soft, a la condition de se soumettre aux \o\s du pays. Article 2. , Les produits (Ju sol et de Tindustrie de la France ou de ses colonies qui seront importes dans la Repubfi^ue Sud-Africaine^ et les produits du sol ou de Tindustrie de la Republique Sud-Africaine qui seront im- portes en France et^qui seront destines soit a la consommation int^rieure, soit a I'eirtre- posage ou a la i;pexpedition, ne seront pas soumis a des droits autres ou plus eleve« que ceux qui seront yergus sur les memes produits de la nation la plus favorisee. II en sera de memo pour Texportation. Les deux parties contractantes so gamn- tissent d'ailleurs, le trditement de la nation la plus favorisee pour tout ce qui concerne le transit, la navigation et le commerce en general. Toutefois, il est fait reserve au profit de la Republique Sud-Africaine. de la faculte de maintenir ou de conceder des avantages particuliers a un ou plusieurs des etats ou colonies limitrophes, en vuc des facilites jiccordees ou a accorder aux ressortissants oil aux produits de ces etats ou colonies pour le commerce frontiere. Ces avantages ne pourront pas etre reclames par la France, comme consequence de ^on droit au traite- ment do la nation laplus favorisee^ amoins qu'ils ne viennent a etre etendus a un etat non-limitrophe, notamment a un de ceux dont relevent ou releveraient les pays aux- quels les dits avantages ont ete ou seraient accordes; dans ce dernier cas, le benefice en serait immediatement acquis aux ressor- tissants fran^ais. / Artikel 3. De bepalingen dei-^voorafgaande artikelen zijn toepasselijk op de landen of landstreken, waarmede de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek een toleenhoid vormt of zal vormen. « • 4i*tikol 4. Elk der contnicteerendc partijen zal de bevoegdheid hebben om Consuls-Generaal, Consmfe, Vice-Consuls'of Consulaire Agenten jtan te stellen op hot grondgebied der andere partij. Evenwel. beholden zy zich hct^echt voor, om de plaatseh aan to wijzen, die zij raadzaam mochten* achten daarvan uit te zonderen. Dit voorbehoud zal overigens niet kunnen worden toegepast op eene der con- tracteeiende partijen, zonder dat het insgelijks voor alle andere Staten geldt. ^ De Consuls - Generaal, Consuls, Vice- Gonsuls en Consulaire Agenten zullen in functie- treden, nadat zij, op vertoon van hunne aanstelling, het exequatur hebben verkre^en, dat hun kosteloos zal worden uitgereikt, en naar de vormen in de weder- zijdsche landen bepaald. Artikel 5. De Consuls-Generaal, Consuls, Vice- Consuls en Consulaire Agenten, zoowel als hunne kanseliers, zullen in de beide Staten alle ontheflingen, voorrechten, vrijdommen, privilegien ^n rechten van welken aard ook genieten, die zijn of zullen worden toegestaan aan de ambtenaren van denzelfden rang van de meest begunstigde natie. Artikel 6. Het tegenwoordige tractaat is ^esloten voor tien jaren, te rekenen van de uitwisse- ling der ratificatien. In geval geene der contracteerende partijen een jaar voor het verstrijken van dien termijn het voornemen zal hebben kenbaq^r gemaakt, om de werking daarvan te doen ophouden, zal het traktaat van kracht blijven tot het verstnjken van een jaar, te rekenen van den dag waarop een der partijen het zal hebben opgezegd. Artikel 7. Het tegenwoordige traktaat zal gerati- ficeerd worden en de ratificatien zullen te Parijs uitgewisseld worden, zoodra de forma- liteiten zullen zijn vervuld, voorgeschreven door de constitutioneele wetten van de contracteerende Staten. * Ter oorkonde waarvan de wederzijdsche gevolmachtigden deze hebben onderteekend en van hun zegel voorzien. Article 3. Les dispositions des articles qui prece- dent sent applicables aux pays ou terntoires avec lesquels la Republique Sud-Africaine forme ou formcra unc union douaniere. Article 4. Chacuno des parties contractantes aura la faculte d'etablir des Consuls Generaux, Consuls, Vice-Consuls ou Agents Consulaire? sur le torritoire de Tautre. ToutQfois elles se reservent respectivement de designer les localitos qu'elles jugeraieiit convenables d'excepter. Cette reserve ne pourra, d'ailr leurs, (Ure appliquoe a Tune des parties contractiintes sans qu*elle le soit egalement a tons les autres etats. Les Consuls Generaux, Consuls, Vice- Consuls et Agents Consulaires entreront en fonctions apres avoir, sur la presen:^ation de leur brevet, obtenu Texequatur aui leur sera delivre, sans frais, et suivant les for- malites otablies dans les pays respectifs. Article 5. Les Consuls Generaux, Consuls, Vice- Consuls et Agents Consulaires, ainsi que les chanceliers, jouiront dans les deux etats de toutes les exemptions, prerogatives, immunites, privileges et droits, quelconques^ qui sent ou seront accordes aux ageate d^ la m6me qualite de la nation la plus favo- ris^e. Article 0. La ^resente convention est conclue pour dix annees, a partir de Techange des rati- fications. Dans le cas ou aucune des parties contractantes n'aurait notifie, une annee avant Texpiration de ce terme, son intention d'en faire cesser les diets, le traite con- tinuera d'etre iigatoire jusqu'a Texpiration d'une anT>' , a compter du jour oil Tune des pn^ acs Taura denonce. Article 7. Le present traite sera ratifie et les ratifications en seront echangees a Paris aussit6t apres Taccomplissement des for- malites prescrites par les lois constitution- nelles des etats contractants. En foi de quoi, les plenipotentiaires respectifs Tout signe et y ont appose leurs cacnets. Gedaan te Parijs in dubbel, den tienden Fait en double expedition a Paris le Juli achttien honderd vijf en tachtig. dix Juillet, mil-huit-cent-quatre-vingt-cinq. (Get.) Beelaerts van Blorland. J) C. DE Freycinet. (L.S.) Signe C. de Freycinet. (L.S.) Signo Beelaerts VAN Blorland. ■ -^ i^^^k.^^. LA:H-,i^'i\, •^.. :iJi^"i.k._. ,..■" w^ «jt.- •■ VY.'.- . -, i V*. I : ^ *\ ■, Iff . ^ **«iV ' *^'- '^IK^ «PN 1 '4 V. ^ t^ «^ f y • » .V V a •% 1. A VERKLARING. De Regeering van Je Zuid-Afrikaaiische Republiek en de Regeering van de Fransche Republiek wenschende eene afdoende be- scherming te verzekeren aan de voortbreng- selen der nijverheid van de beide landen, zijn overeengekomcn omtrent de volgende bepalingen, in afwachting van eone defini- lieve scnikking. Zoodra de Regeering van de Zuid- Afrikaansche Republiek de noodige maat- regelen zal liebben genomen tot bescnerming van de handels- en labrieksmerken, de in- dustrieele teekeningen of model len, de etiquetten der koopwaren en hare omslagen of verpakking, de handelsnamen en de octrooien van uitvinding, zullen de Fransche onderhooripen te dien opzichte in de Zuid- Afrikaansche Republiek aezolfde waarborgen genieten als de burgers. De onderhoorigen van de Zuid-Afnkaan- sche Republiek zullen in Frankrijk eveneens dezelfde beschcrming als de burgers genieten op voorwaarde van wederkeerigheid. Ter oorkondo wiuirvan de onderj^etee- kenden, behoorlijk te dien einde gemacntigd, de tegenwoordige verklaring hebben onder- teekend en van hun zegel voorzien. -^ ^ \ r i* / DECtARATrON^. lO 4. M ublfqup Franpaise et le Gouvprnenient de. W Repu- /* bhque ^ud-Africain^ desii^t as^rer am productions in^pstrielles des^ deux pays\un^: protection eilicace, sent convenu^ des -^is-' Sositions suivantes, en attehdantlat^oncjusion 'un accord *definitif. \-" ^ ' . ■ ^' ^ Des que le >^Uverne|nent de la Repu- blique Sud-Africaine aiira pris.les mesures necessaires pour , proteger les marques de fabriaues et de commerce, les desseins ou % modeies industriell^, les etiquettes des merchandises et leurs eriyfel^oppes ou ein- bailages, les noms commerciattx 6t les brev^ d'invention, les ressortissants. Fl^n^ais joui— ront a cet egard, dans la RejnlbftqiieSud- Africaine des tn(>mos gai^nties ^ue le& nationaux. ^ ^ ^ Les ressortissants de la Republique Sud-Africaine en ^^hince j^iront ^galement , de la mfeme protection que les nationaux sous condition de reciprocite. En foi de quoi les' soussignes, dunient autorises a cet elTet, ont signe la presente declaration et y ont appose^ leur cachet. ^ ^\ ^1 - \\ 4\ Gedaan in dubbel, te Parijs, den tienden 'Juli achttien honderd vijf en tachtig. Fait en double exemplaire a f^aris le dix Juillet mil-huit-cent-quatre-ving^cinq. (Get.) Beelaerts van Blokl.\nd. D C. DE FrEVCINET. (Sig.) C. DE Freycinet. > i> Beei-aerts van Blukland. ; Cf 4 >r> H.' «, *>» Vi; V". ZUID-AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK. ■^■f^ *.■ A .\ *^' 1 ....- «j**,> ^. .^:;^^. ^' *X' ' •" ' •. A . jj ,-^. JL XV Jl\. V-^ X XjL JljL X ■.f ^ /: TUSSCHEN 1)E ZUID-AFRIKAANSCHE KEPUBLIEK BN "?^' ;*-'»«5. V. DUITSCHLAND. GESLOTEN TE BERLIJN 22 JANUAHI 1885. RATIFICATIEN UITGEWISSELD 24 JUNI 1886. IN WERKING GETREDEN 24 JULI 1886. OPZEGBAAR JAARLIJKS VAN AF 24 JULI 1895. '4 •> -V ^ '-^i ' I'' ■ < to-' ^'■fe m: GEDRUKT TER STAATSDRUKKERIJ VAN DE Z. A. REPUBLIEK. 1897. • ^ . -J 4 ' **4 ■^ ^ «■ '3- ■S'^-^- ,»/ \ .V V.-S' -.%#r»w.^. -* 4/ \. ,'-^' 3L" . » . 1 * 1 \ ZUID-AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK. TRACTAAT Tl SSCIIKN 1)E ZIJID-AERIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK FA DUITSCHLAND. GESLOTEN TE BERLIJN 22 JANUARI 1885. RATIFICATIEN UITGEWISSELD 24 JUNI 1886. IN WERKING GETREDEN 24 JULI 1886. OPZEGBAAR JAARLIJKS VAN AF 24 JULI i895. CxEDRFIvr TKR STAATSDHUKKEHIJ. VAX DE /. A. KEPUBLIEK. I 8 7. T R A C TA AT TL'SSCHKN DE ZUID-AFRIKAANSGHE REPOBLlEt EN DIIITSCflLAND. GESLOTEN TE BERLIJIN 22 JANUARI 1885. RATIFICATIEN UiTGEWISSELD 24 JUNI 1886. IN WERKING GETREDEIN 24 JULI 1886. OPZEGBAAR JAARLUKS VAN AF 24 JULI 1895. ZIII'jI. KKf,AKirrs v\\ l^LoKiANn: Zijih' Maj(^stoit /('! ts liiiitenLrrwiUh'ii (irzant rii (i('V(>liiiaclitii:«lt'ii Minister Inj lit't Koiiinklijk Nrlmacl itcn. Iiet voljiende tl';ilaatselijke vorderiiitren. Iief- liriijen. l>e|HM^kinir(Mi of verplielitinfren. van Si'ine l\\<-(dlen/ der St AATseKASinpAT (]rv Si*i(latVikaiiis(dien liepnl^Iik. (miert^(Mts, nnd "^viw Majestat iU'v DFa'TscnK Kaisfj:. Ktiiii^^ van Trtaiszen, ini NaiiHMi des lUmt- sclieii l{(delis, ander'erseits, von d(Mn Wiin- sclie ^^tdeitet, die l)ezielmn;^n'»n zwisclieii lieideii l.iindeni zii foi'dern nnd zu betes- ti^jfeiL liat)eri iM'Sidilossen. einen Fi'ennd- sclialts- nnd I landtdsvertra;^ ahznselilieszen nnd /ii l>evollni:i( litjt^teii ernannt : SeilH' Kxeellenz der StA ATsnHASIhKNT t\i'V Sii(l;i1'rikanis(dien Repnhlik ilen Jonklieer (iFi{Ai{n ItFFi.AKHTs VAX HLOKLANn. Seine Majestat dec |)KrTS( hf Kaisfk. KTmin: von lM'eas/:eii. AII(M*hrHdien : AlJTlKFI. I. Znisidieii dem DeiitsidhTi lUdelie nnd i\{A' SihlatVikanisclien liefadilik soil l»ul- daneriid I'liede mid Ki'enndsidial't nnd zwiselitoi den A ii,Lreliori<:-en dei* lieiden J.iindci' I'reilieit (\{'<^ llaiid(ds hestelien. hie .Vnjieln'n'ijLreii eines jeilen der \ei*- tra;^srli!ieszenden Tlieile sollen in dem (i(d)ietr (\r<^ andei'en lMnsielitli(di dei^ AnsiiUiin.ir ihrei* li(di;-rinii, so\vi<,' in Ilezng ant' hamlel nnd (iewcM'lMd^etried) dieselUen |{eelit(\ hi'ivih^^deii nnd He;j:iinsti^iin^en aller Art ^^enic^szeii. weli lie (U'M Inliindern znstelnoi ofler zusteluMi ^verd(m, nnd k(M'n(»n anderen odcM* liisti^^'reii allgemeinen oder (h'tiirlKMi Al)^Ml)eii, Autlagen. Jies(diriin- knnjjeii oder V(*rf)tlirlitmiiren ii^ond welelier o ^ \ uclkeii :i;ir(l ()(»k. (unlerworjuMi zijii ulsanii Hie \Viiar;i;ui dr ondrrlioorigiMi \an de nioi^st ))o;^iiiisti^de iiatic <)Ti(lor\V()r|M'n zijii ofoiidei- M'(H'|M'ii /iiMcii wordni. AlM'IKKI. 2. « \W (HidcM'liuoi'i;^!'!! van elk d(4* coiilrailt'i*- I'eiide partijcii zulK^ii c^p ju^l {^rmid^cbitMl der aiidcre partij gclijke beVDeplheid liebben als d(» hiirg(M*s oin hiiniK^ woonplaatson tc ki('/(Mi, tc ivi/iMi, ;^ro()t- on khdnhandel iv drijven. eike soort van roerendr of onrnc*- ivndf ;i:(MMl(Men ti* bt^zittrn. door kuop. rnil, S( lienkinjj:. uitiM*st('\vilsbi»sibikkin;j; of op antleiv uijzr znike j]f()od(M*en \v verkrijj^cn (Ml daarovor te bescbikken, als ook nalaten- S(!iap|)rn te vtMkriJgr^n krarlitens i{v wet. Ook zull(Mi zij in j^eiMi dezer gevalliMi aan andere ol" bcHjgiM'e vorderingen en bcd'lingiMi bin'gers nndi als d i\v erworpen zijn. AnriKKL r{. De Dnitsebers in de Znid-Afrikaansi be Repnbiiek en di* onderbourigen der Zuid- AiVikaansclie I{ei)nbli(»k in Duitsebland zuUen voile vrijbeid liebben. evenals do burgers, onn luinne zaken. betzij persoonlijk, hetzij dooi' agonten van bunne eigone kens te regelen. zonder vorplicbt teziju daarvoor aan bovooireobto porsonen of corporation oene vergoeding of sebadeloosstelling te be- talen. (lit* niet ook door de burgers zelveii zon niooten betaald worden. ZiJ znllen vrijen toegang tot de (ierecbtshoven bebbon v\\ voor dt* opvordering en verdediging bnnner leebten alio vrijdoninu'n v\\ voor- reeblen van d(» burgers genieten. AUTIKKL \. Aandeebnaatsebappijen en andere niaat- s( bappijen van koopjiandel, nijverbeid of j^eldzaken. die 0|> bet gi'ondgobied van eene egunstigde natie toekonien. Alt nnterliegen. als deiijt»nigen. wideben die Ang'tdhu-igen der moist begiinstigten Natit)n unttM'Woidon sind oiler unterworfen >t'in werdoii. AuTlKKL 'i. hie Angebrnigen eiiu^s jeden del' v*4r- trai;seldieszend(Mj Thoiio sollen in donnde- bicte des andoren gleieb i\i.n\ Inliindorn IxM'eobtigt soin, ibren Wolinsitz zu nelimen, zu reisen. (irosz- und Kloinbanie Dental ben in der Siidafrikanisebon Hepublik, und die Angeborigen der Siid- afrikanisebon liopublik ii I KMitschland, sol- len voile Kreibeit baben, wie die Inlander ibre (iescbafte^ entweder in Person odor dureh einen Agonten ilirer eigenen Wabl zu regeln. oline verptlii btet zu sein. hier- iur bevorreclitigten Kinzelnen oder Kiiner- schatten eine Vergiitung odor Scbauios- lialtimg zu zablen, welche niebt aueli von den Iniandern selbst zu zablen wiire. Sie sollen freien Zutritt zu den Gerichten baben und binsicbtlieb der Verfol^ungund Vortboidigung ibrer Hcrbtealle Itetreiungen und Vorrei lite der Inlander genieszen. AiniKKL 4. Aktit^ngesells( baften und sonstige kom- nierzielle, industrielle oder linanzielle (ie- sellscbaften, welebe in dem (iebiete des einen der vertragscblieszendt^n Tbeile na( b Maszgabe der doil geltenden (iesetze er- richtet sind, sollen in dem (Jebiete des anderen Theils alle Hecbte auszuiiben be- fugt sein, welebe den gleiohartigen Gesell- scbaften dor meistbegiinstigten Nation zu steben. AirriKKL 5. !)(» ondorboorigen van elk der beide con- traotoerende partijen zullen op bet grond- gebied van de andere met betrekking tot den krijgsdi^nst, zoowel bij bet geregelde legor als bij de militie en scbutterii. alsmede mot betrekking tot elken ambtsdienst van geroi btelijken, administratieven of plaatse- lijken aard. met tetrekking tot alle militaire reouisition en praestatien, als ook met be- trelvking tot gedwongen leeningen en andere laston. die tot oorlogsdoeleinden of ten ^e- volpo van andere buitengew^one omstandig- lieiuMi opgelogd worden, dezolfdo recbten Ahtikkl 5. Die Angebririgon jenls-( ioiioraak Consuls, \'ioo-(\Mi- snls on hnnne KansolitM's ot' Soort^tarissou. alsnied(^ (h^ (nnsulaii'o AfzenltMi, die ondor- liooi'inliodon of iiorin^idocndon o|) t(» bron^LTon liohlieii. Zij n^niivn iiorli in Iioiditonis, iitMdi jj:o- vanLioii uonoiiion \vnrd('n. Indialvo voor liaii- doliniion dir dt' strafwot^icviny; van don Staat, Avaai'iii /.ij iiun Zftol lioldjon. als mi^- (»st»'lliin;-!; von Konsnlar x\}i;enlon kaiiii dnroli dio (i(Mi(»ral Konsuln, Konziiln niid Vizo Konznlii orrol;o(jnatnr -^ soil ibnon kostonfivi ortb(Mlt werdon. Hoidt* TIkmIo bidialton sirb tins Ko(dd vor, das Kxo(|natin\ nnt(*r Mit- tlioihiii«i dor I5(*\vo;jfj:ri'nido. wiodcr znri'iok- znzi(dion. \nii jodor Arndornn*^^ d(M* Aintsboziikr iU'V Konsnin \vird dio |{o;^d(»mn;i dos Staats, ill \vtdolioin si(» ibr«*n Amtssitz babcn. in Koniitnisz ;iosrt/t wt'rdon. AUTIKKL \l Ili4' (Itiioral Konsnhi, Konsnin. \ i/( - Konsuln und ihro Kair/lor ndi^r Sokietaro. snwio (\'\r Konsnlai* Afirnton, \V(dclu* An;it'- hi)i*i;io dos Staatos sind, der sio ornannt hat, sollon vou dw MilitiireincjuartiiniiL^ nnd don Milit;irlast(»n iiborlianpt. von dm diivkUMi ((Porsonal-.Nbjbiliar)) und Luxiis- stenorn bofVoit soin. inr»^^ori solcbe vom Staat otloi' Von d(Mi (i(Mn(»ind4Mi ani'orloLM srin, OS soi donn. dasz si(» (Irnndbezitz baboii, liandol odor iijzond oin GewiM'bo l)otr(Ml»oi], ill welobon Kiillon sio dons(dl)en Taxoii. Laslt'ii und Stouoi'n untor vorfon sein stillon, Aveirlit' (lit' sonsti^en Kinwobnor dos Landr< als (inmd(M^^»ntbinnoi*, Kaufl(Mite odcM- (i« - weih(droil)ondo zii tMitiiohton liaben. Siediirton wodn* \t'rlialtot nocb fjolan^jlioli oiii^'ezo}irn wordcii, ausjzonominen ini' Iland- InnjioiL wolcdio di^* Straffzesotzf?(d)nn;/ do Staatos in wididiom sio ibron Amtssitz lia- ison, als \'orbro( hen bezeiobnet nnd Ijostratt. ) AuriKKL l(L 1)o ( onsul>-(ionoraal. Consuls. Vioo-Cori- siils on bunnr Kansoliors ot* Seciotarisson, alsmedo d(» l'«Hisnlairo A^^'uton, zijn <:;o- lioudon voor d(Mi roobtor jiotuiironis af to lopgen, waiHit'or do rocbters van hot land (lit noodifz oordeolon. In dat p'val o( liter zal de roohterlijko ovorboid ben bij anibtelijk scbrijvon verzookon voor baarte V(M-scbijnen. In ^eval van veibindering di^i* bedoolde ainbtonaren, zal. wanneer zij onderboorigen zijn van don Staat, die* ben bmoeind Ik^oIY. do roolitorlijke ovorboid ziob, om ben nmn- V. Ahtikkl 10. Dio (TOiK^ral Konsuln, Konsuln, \i/ - Konsuln und ibro Kanzlor odor Sekrotiiiv. sdwio die Konsnlar AjzonttMi sind vorbundm. vor (ieriobt Zou/inisz abzu logon, ^v(^nn 'li«' Land(^s<:(*riobt(» sobdios IVir erforderliob lul- t(Mi (loob soil di(» (icMJcbtsbehrirde in diosnn Falle sie niittidst anitliobon ScbroibfMis oi- siioln^n. vor ibr zu erscdieinen. Ki'ir den Kail dtM' liobindorun^ di'i' p^' daiditon Iteamten soli, %vonn dieselben An- geboi'igo des Staatos sind, welcber sie ernannt bat. die (ieriobtsbebr»rde sioli, uin sie niini'l- — / of* Im'Ii vtM"/o(^k(Mi scliiirtolijk g(»tuig(Miis al' {c K'j^^SV^i. lit lift liuitstc geviil li(^l)l)('n di* ;mil)tvimr(Mi :ian lu^t vcrlangon del' ovcM'lirid (Hivci'w iJM t(' voldocii cu liaar liiiiiiic vcr- khiriiifJKMi, vooi'zirn v;ni liuniM* oiidrilri^kc- niiij: (Ml lnni andds/rgfd ovcm* tc iiKikdi. Aktikkl I I. he ('(Hisuls-(i(Mi('raal, ('oiisiils. Vicc-Cnii- sids (Ml (\)usiilaii*(* A^^enten mofivn aari het (\Hisnl;iats<»*(d)()!i\\ \\vi wajKMi l)(*vesti;j;(Mi van deii Staat. di(* Ikmi bcnoeind Innd't, met lit^t <)l)sclirirt (d oiisulaat-(nMUM'aal)), ((Coiisnlaat)), « Vi(*t^-( niisulaat », ol'^c ('oiisnlaii* A;4LMits(dia|) van )> opi^cvat knnncii \vni. In iievallen van verliinderin;i, afwe/i/^dieid ot overlijden van ( 'onsnls-(ien(Maal. ( 'onsnis nl" Vi(*e-('()nsnls. /nlleii d(* Kanseliers (Mi Secretaiisseii. voei* znover zij als zoodanig l)ekend goniaakl zijn. aan de Hegeerin;^ van den Staat in welkeii zij bnn zetel b(d)b(Mi. v;ni ivcbtswege Ijevoe^^d zijn inniiddels d(* eonsniaire aniljtslievoep^dbeden nit te nefenen, (Ml /ij znllen gediirtMub* dezjMi tijd de vrij- dninnuMi m niivih^jiir'n licnietiMi, di(* voIl^mis It 1raeta;it daarann V(M*linnd(Mi zijn. AlJTIKKI. I i. He ('(Hisnls-(ien(M'a;ib Consuls (mi Viee- C'^nsnls of ( onsulaire Aj^^enten, kunricn bij de nitoet'ening dor linn v(Tleend(^ anal)t(*- bjke l)evoegdbeden zicb wenden tot d(» anto- litejten in bnn rossort, om bezwaai* te inakeri lieb zn vernelniKMi, in ibre Wobnnii'j; be- gebiMi (hI(M* sie nin srbi*irtlieb(* AbgabcMbces Z(MignisseS(Msneben. Iin IetzttM*(Mi lalle baben di(» l>e;i!nt(Mi dcMO V(M*lang(Mi d(M' l>eb(>rde (dine Wrzn;^" zn (MitspreidnMi nnd derselben ibre Anssage niit ilnuM* rnbM'sehrirt nnd ilir(Mn anitlieli(Mii Si(^gel V(M'seb(Mi znznstelleii. Aktikkl 1 1. Die (l(MhM'a! Koiisnln, Kensnln. \ ize- Konsnln nnd Knnsniar Ag(Mit(Mi, k(ain(Mi an d(Mn l\(Misnlalsgeb:inde das W'appcMi des Staates, weleluM' sie ernannt bat, mil der rnisebiilt : . . . ^bMnaal Koiisniat, Kon>nliit, Vi/e Kniisnlal oder Konsnlai* Agcaitnr von . . , anl)ring(Mi nnd ibre f.andesllagge anl' d(Mn Kunsnl;itsg(d);iiid(» anl'zieb(Mi. Ks vorstebt sieb vnii solbst, dasz diese ;iiisz(M'(Mi Ab- Z(Meli(Mi iii(MnaIs so aiifgefaszt werrh^n din Ten, als bi*^riindet(Mi sie ejn Asvlrecbt. AirriKKL hi. hie l\un>iilatar(*bive sind jeder Zeit nn- V(M'letzlieli nnd die L;ind(*s belir>i'd(*n di'irlen iint(M* keineni NOrwaiide nnd in keiiuMn l\ill(» die znd(Mi Ar(diiv(Mi g(dh'irigen Di(Mist- pa|^i(M'(» einselicMi nibn* niit llesclilag belegcMi. hie |)i(Mistpapi(M*e miissiMi stots von d(»n das et\vaig(* KaufniMnnisebe (Jesidiiift nder (ie\V(M'l)(* (li'> Konsiikir JJeainbten })etr*enen- den HiieluMMi nnd Papi(M'(Mi vollstandig ge- sondert sein. |)i(^ Anitsninnie nnd Wobinin- gen d(M' l5(M-nt*s Konsnln. welebe Angeln'Mige des Staates sind, d(M* si(* ernannt bat. S(dlen je(lerzeit Mnverletzli( b simii. hi(^ Laiides- bebrd(Mi ilires Aints- bezirks WfMiden. nin u'eg(Mi jed(» V(M*let/nrig s tt'ucii cIInc sclit'ii(liii(^- Inii'don nirlit lioriu ksii litigt worden. so k(*innon sio. in Krnianpolini^^ oinos diplo- niatisclion Vortrt^tors d(»s genannton Staut(»s, si( li an dio CVntralivgiormig d(»s l.amlis won- on. AiniKKL IT). lU^ l'o!isuls-( ionoraaK Consuls. Vioo-Con- sids on hninio Kansoliors. alsook doConsu- lairo AgtMiton, liohbon liot roolit, zoowtd in liuinu^ kanselarii alsook in i\c woinn.u" (U^v botrokkonon zoodanigo vorklaringon to ont- vangiMi als i\v roizigois, liandeldi'iJvtMidon en alio andero onderlioori;ion van don Staat, dii^ hen honoonid heott. lu^hhon to gt^viMi. Zij knnnon bovendion, vooi' zoovcm* zij naar (Ir \vt^tton van dion Staat daartoo lu^voogd zijn, alio nitorsti* wilsbosi hikkingen van ondorliooripon van dion Staat ontvang(Mion ojunakiMi. Op gtdijkon voet knnnon zij alio andort* akton anthontiok ojanakon waai-bij dc^zo ondorhoorigon, hotzij alloon. hetzij genietMi- sohappolijk mot ondorhoorigoii of aiidoi-o inwonors van hot land, waarin zij linn ainbls- zetol hobbon, liotrokkon zijn. Tot hot anthontiok «»pniakon van aktiMi. \vaarbij nitslnitiMifl <»ndoihoorigen van don Staat. uaariii eivnd(* gooileren di(^ zi( h in dion Staat bovinden, of aangelegonhedon die aldaai' boslist niooton worden. Do ('onsulairo anil>to- nai'on knnnen ook cdko sooil van bi^schoirlon on van stiikkon uilgc^gaan van antoi'itoilon of anibtenaron van den Staat. die hen bo- ^ no«Mnd heoft. vortalon en lo^^alisooron. Alio hovongenioldi* akton, alsniodo dt* al- si hriften, nittn^ksels of voi'talingen van znlko akton zullen. wanneer zij door (h» bcNloelde consnlaire ainbtenaren behooi*lijk zijn gelegaliseerd vu met bed eonsulairo and>tszegel voor/ien, in idk der b(»ide Staten dezelfde kracht en working li(d)ben alsof zij dooi' een notaris of anderen onenbaren of gi^rechtcdijken in di^n eencn of rlen anderen dei* beide Station bevoegden ambtenaar op- gesteld waren. met dien v(»rstande, dat zij onderworpen zijn [lan hot zegol, de registratie of olke andere in den Staal. waarin zij nit- gevoerd moeten worden, bestaande belasting of hefting. iMo lioneial Kpnsnln. Konsnin, Vi/o Kon- snln nnd ihri^ Kanzler. sowii* die Konsular Agonten habon das Hec ht, sowuld in ihrei* Kanzloi, als auib in der Wohnmig dor llotlieiligten tliojonigiMi Krkliirnngon anl- zunobnien. wolohe rigen dies<»s Staates anfnidnniMi nnd beniknnden. In glei( her Weise kiiimen sio alle anderen R(»(htshandlnng(Mi anfnehm(»n und beur- kunden. hoi weh lion dieso Angtdirn'igi'n, soi OS alloiii. s(m es gonieinseliaftlicb mit Angelh'jrigon odei* sonstigen Einwobnern des Landes, in woh hem sit^ ilireii Am^ssit/ Iiaben. botheiligt sind. /nr Aiifnahme nnd lUMirknntbmg von Koehtshandlnngen. an woIoIkmi aiissehlies/- liidi Angebr»rigc* des Staatc^s. in wcdeheni dit* l\on>nlarbeamton ihi-en Aintssitz habon. od(M' eines dritttMi Staat(»s betlieiligt sind, >ind dioso l>eainten naoli Mas/gain' Aw (iesetzt* ili}^^ Staates. wcdihor sio (»rnannl hat. dann befngt. wonn die Ueohtshand- InngtMi bow«*gli(ho odor unbewegliidio (io- genstiinde, weh Im» sirb in diescMii Stnato bolindon, oder Angologonheiten. wel^ho dasolbst znr Krledignng ki^nnuen sollon. anssi hlioszlii h betrellen. l>io Konsidarbe- amten konnen aiioli jede Art. von Verhand- Inngen nnd Si hi'iftstiieken, wolelie von Uo- lh»rden odoi* Heamten des Staates. wohrher sio tM'namit hat. ansgogangen sind. iiher- sotzen mid boglanbig(Mi. Alle vororwiihnten Irkimden. sowio i\\r Absrhriften. Ansziige odei* I'obprsotznngoii soUhor ri-knnden sollon. wenn sie dln•l^l die liaar verlangOM, het (lorspronkcilijk^^ stnk tor vergelijkiiig besohikl)aar stidlon. AiiTiKKr !t». |)(» I'nusuls-Gencraal, Consuls «»ri Vicr- Tonsuls van liet Duitsclio Kijk in do Zuid- Afrikaansohe Republiek. beblion, voor zoover /ij door liunne Regoering daartoc gomachtigd '/ijn. liot roobt aldaar bui'goi-lijk goldige hnwidijkon van onderliooi'igon van hot Duitsoiio liijk, ovoreonkomstig do wotton van dat lUjk, te sluiten, alsuiode akten van uobui^rton, van buwolijkon en van ovoi'lijdon van dio nn(liap bebooren. to vcrzegelen. nadat hij van (ioze alnbtsvi^rriobtinji kennis beeft go- ;j:even aan de bevoegdo [vlaatsoHjko autori- toit. (He daarbij kan tegenvvoordig zijn on iiu'do hrn'ri'zijds kan vtTzegtden. Ts rr van beide zijden vei'zogold, zoo kan rv zondor medewei'king van de phiatsolijk(^ jiitoriteit niet ontzegeld wordon. In(Hen oobter laatstgcMinrnide na vvnc door don consnlairen anibtenaar aan liaar g(*- riobte uitnoodiging oni de opbollingder van beidr zijden gelegde zo^ols bij to wonen, niot vorsebijnt binnen 48 nren, berokend van de ontvangst dor uitnoodiging, dan kan dr consnlaiie anibtenaar alb^'U tot do ont- zrgeHng i)vergaan. De consulaire anibtenaar liooft na do ont- zegeHng een inventaris van alio vonrworpen der nalatenscbap to maken m wel in tegen- woordigheid der niaatselijke antoriteit, indi(*n deze kracbtens novongemekb* uitn(K)diging 'mj de ontzegeling tegenwoordig is. Do plaatselijke antoriteit zal de in ban* togoinvoordigbeid gestel(b' protorollen met hare medeonderteekening voorzion, zondor dat zij voor hare ambtelijko medewerking tot dez(» verrichtingen eenigerlei onkosten boegenaamd mag in rekoning brongen. W(4in gogen dio (ienanigkeit odor (he Kcbtlieit (l(»r Abscbriften, Auszi'ige oder I ;el)ersetznngen Zweifol i^rhoben werden, so soil die KonsnlarbebiU'de der zustiindigen Landesl)eb(*»rde auf Verlangen die Ursi^brift l)ohnfs Voi'gloiebung zin* V(»rfi'igungstellon.^ Artikkf. 1(). J)io (ienoial Konsnln. Konsnhi imd \ize Konsuln d(*s J)eutschen R(Mebs in der Siid- Afrikanisoben Republik haben^ soweit sie von ibrer Ri^gierung dazn ermacbtigt sind, das Recht daselbst biirgeriiob giiltige Ehesehliesznngen von Angeh(')rigen des Deutscbon Reiobs nacb Maszgabe der Gesetze des letzteren vorzunebmen, sowie die Ge- bnrten, Ib^iiatben und SterboHille solehei' Angeb(ii*igon zu beurkmuhMi. AUTIKKJ. 17. Vorstii'bt (*in Deutscbor in (hT Siid- Afrikaniscben Republik odor (un Angebiiriger der Si'id-Afrikanischen Re[)ublik in Deutscbland an einem Orte, an weUhem ein General Konsul, Konsnl , Vize Kon- sul, oder Konsular Agent des Staates, welcbem drv Vc^rstorbene angebOrte, seinen Amtssitz bat, oder in der Niibeeines solchen Ortes. so bat die zustiindigc* Ortsbebfirdc^ der Konsularbeh(irde hiervon unverzi'iglich Nacbrieht zu gebc^n. In gleicbor Weise bat di(» Konsularbt^- hfirde, wenn sie zuei*st von dem Todesfall Kenntnisz (M-halt, die Ortsbeb(*»rde mit Naehrieht zu versehen. Die Konsularbehiirde hat das Recht, von Amtswegen odor auf Antrag der Betheilig- tou' alle Naehfaszgtgenstiinde unter Siegel zu logon, naehdem sie von dieser Amts- liandlung dio zustandig(^ Ortsbeborde be- naehrichtigt bat, W(dche derselben beiwolmen mid (^bonlalls ibre Siegel anlogen kann^ Dio beidersoits angelogti^n Siegel diiifen ohne Mitwirkuiig dw Ortsbebi'^rde nieht abg(Uiommen werdon. Sollte jedocb dic^ letzteiv auf eine von d(»r Konsularbehiirde an sie (^rgangeno Kinladung der Abnabine dor beidersoits angelegton Siegel beizu- wobnon innerlialb aobtundvierzig Stunden, voni Empfange der Einladung an gereehnet, sioh ni(dit oingefunden liabon. so kann die; Konsularl)ehorde allein zn dor .g(»daebten Amtshandlung scdireiten. Die KonsnlarbeTi(*>rde bat nacb Abiiahnn* der Siegel (^n Verzeiohnisz allor Naehlasz- gegenstand(» aufzunehin(»n und zwar in (legenwart der Ortsbeh(*»rde. wenn diese in Folge der vorerwiibnten Einladimg jenor Amtshandlung beigewobiit batte. Die OrtsbeViorde soil don in ilm^* Gegen- wart aulj^enommenen Protokollen ibro Unterschrirt beifugen, ohiu^ class sie fiir ihro amtliche Mitwirkung bei diosen Arntshand- buigen Gebi'ihren irgondwolobei' Art beaii- s[)rucben kann. 10 AiniKKi. IS. J)(' l>ev(K\uril('ittMi van lit^t huul iulleii (It' ill lict land ^i4)niiki*lijke of dnov (Iv wetten (laarvaii voorj^^c^schivvcn aaii- koiidiginjJ'Vn dot'ii wejiens hot npenvallcii ) en do t)priM*piii{j: drr rrf- ml(h'is(*lier<; eii do'/(* aan- kondigiiigon aan diMi consnlairiMi ambteiiaar inededeelcMi, oiivtM'inindiM'd dr aankcjiidi- ^ziiiigfii, die «)}) ^(dijke ^vij/t^ dnor d»'/jMi knnih'ii jiodaan wordrn. ilcv nalatoiisidia f^eiKuneii of s(* • J)o ronsulaii'i^ ainbtiMiaar kaii alh* beder- fidijkc I'ooreiidt^ voor\vi'i'|K'n dcr nalatoii- scha|> on alio zondanigt^ waarvan hot ho- waron aaninorkohjke kostonaan diMialaton- sohap zoii voi'oinvakeru mot inaohtiieining van d(* vornion voorjiosohroviMi door (h^ wotten on fi:ohniikou van hot landwaarhij zijn zottd liooft. ill h(*t opoiihaar laten yrr- J<()opon. AuriKKL '20. I)( oonsnlaii'o ainhlonaar hooft do }j;o- inventarisooivlo voorworpon dor nalaten- schap, hot hodra^^^jJoj;^^^ oiitvaiigen schulcl- oj)brengst vair (feu vorK(>o|vvan voorwerpen (ler nalatonschap to bowaroii tot den atloop vail oen termijn van zos m:i;ind(»n; to rekenon .van den dag dor huitste luinkojidiging die de pbatsolijko antoriteit omtront het oj^en- vallen der nalatonschap godaan heeft, of indien door do plaatselijko antoriteit geone jiankondiging goschiod is. tot don atloop van e'en termijn van aoht maandeii na den dag van hot overlijden. Do consnlain* ambtenaar h(*eft editor de bovoegdheid dt* kosten van de la;itst(* ziekto en de begrafonis dos ovei- ledenen, hot loon der dionstboden, Iniur- IKMuiingen. gereohtelijke on oonsnlaatsj>ostt^n en soortgelijke kosten, a Is ook uitgaven voor bet ond(*rhoud van hot ^ezin des r>ver- .ledenen nit hot bodrag dor nalatonsrliafi (Indolijk ti' vol(h)en. ^ Artikkl 21. ( )nvormindord ile bepalingen van bet voor- fjaand artiktd hoeft de eonsulaireambtenaar let reoht. ten opzichte van do roerende of onroerende nalatonschap des overledenen alle zekerhiadsmaatregelen te nemen, die hij in liet belang der erfgenanien doelmatig acht. De oonsulaire ambtenaar kan de na- latenschap, hetzij persoonlijk, hetzij door .daartoe gekozen en in zijn naam handelende vertegenwoordigers boheeren, en hij heeft bet recht in ar plaats der erfgenamen in .ontvang te nemen alle aan deiKoverledone ,behoora hebbende voorwerpen van waarde, die zich in openbare kassen of bii bijzondere ^personen in no waring mochti^n bevinden. AirriKKL 18. 1 )io /nstiijuligon LandoshohiirdiMi sollm iluicl oo(M' ^iiannigor onassiMi nno oioso ixMvamn- niaohnngon dor K Misnlailx^hciido niitthoilon, nnlM'sohad(4 dtM* llokanntmachnngon widoho in gloiohor Woi c von (hosor i^twa iMlasscn woi'don. , AniiKKL 1!». Dio Ki»nsnhirhohr>rdo kann alio bowog- hchon Naohlaszgogenstando. wdohe dein Vordt^rhon ansgosetzt sind nnd alio diojenigtMi rde soil jimIocIi die liefagnisz habon, dio Kosten der letzten Krankheit nnd der J>o- erdignng des Verstorbenen, den rj)hn der Dionstboten, Miethszins, Gerichts- nnd Knii- snlatkosten und Kosten iihnlicher Art, sowie etwaige Ansgaben fiir den Lntorhalt der Faniili(» des N'erstoi'benen aus deni Erl<»s des Nacblasses sofort vorwog zn ontn(*hineii. AlJTIKEL 21. Vorbohaltlii'li der Destinnnungon dos vor- ht^rgehenden Aitikels soli die Konsularho- horde das Recht haben, liinsichtlich dc> l)ewe^lichen oder nnlieweghgen Nacblasses des Verstorbenen alle Sicherungsmaszrej^oln zu treilen, welclie sie im Interesse der En)oii IVir zweckmiiszig erachtoL Der Konsular lieambte kann den Nachlasz entwedor poi- sonlicli oder durch von ihm erwiihlto and in seinom Xamen handelnde Vertreter wv- walten, und er soil das Recht haben. aIN* deni Verstorbenen zugehorigen Werthgc- genstiinde die sich in offentlichen Kasseiu oder bei Privatpersonen in Venvahrun;jj befinden sollten, an Stelle der Frboii m Empfang zu nehmen. i) Waimoci iNvijlcl ^aitstaut oxcv dc iiaiivv- kdiriglieid of de eclithoid der afschritlen, nittrcKsels of vertalingeii, moet de corisulaiiv ambteiiaar voor di* bevoegde maclit van het land, op liaar verlangeji, het oors[)i'()nk(dijke stiik t(U' ver^^elijking boschikbaar stelleii. Arttkft. ttl. \)c ( uiisiils-Genrraal, Consuls vu Vire- ronsiils van het Diiitsrlic Hijk in d(* Znid- AlVikaansilic Uepubliek. liebboii, vour /oover /ij door hunne Regeering daartoe gemachtigd zijn. liet nrlit aldaai' biirgerlijk goldige Imwclijkon van oudei'hooi'i^cMi van het Duitscho Uijk, overoonkomstig di' wetten van dat Rijk, te sluiten, alsnicnh^ akten van ^ebuorten. van liuwelijken en van overlijden van die underlioorig^'n n\) te niakcn. Aktikki, 17. Shn'ft e» n Diiitschci* in di^ /uid-Airi- kaansclie Hc^public^k, of ven onderhoorige van de Zuid-Afrikaansclie - Uepubliek in 1 Initseliland, oj) eene plaats waar een Consul- (leneraal. Consul, Vire-Consnl of Consulaire Agent van den Staat ^vaartoe de gestorvene beboorde, zijn 7.etel lieeft, of in de nabijheid van /(HKlanige plaats, dan berft de bevoegde laatselijke autori|pk daarvan""onvervvijld ;( nnis te geven aan (Jen eonsukiiren aml)- tenaar. Insmdijks beefl de eonsulaire ambtenaar. indien bij lu't eerst van een sterfgeval kennis krijgt, iuin de plaatselijke autoriteit (laarvan niededeeling te doen. De e^jnsulaire ambtenaar bee ft bet recht van ambts^vege of op verzoek der betrok- kenen alle voor\v(Mpen, dit* tot eene nalaten- scbap bebooren. te vcrzegelen. nadat liij van dr/e ainbtsvcMTiehting kennis beeft ge- geven aan de Ixnoegde jjlaatselijke autori- teit. die daarbij kan tegenwoordig zijn (*n nu'de liarcrzijds kan verzegelen. Is er van beide zijden verzegeld, zoo kan or zonder inedeweiking van de plaatselijke iintoriteit niet ontzegeld wnrden. Indien eebter laatstgennenide na eene door den consulairen ambtenaar aan baar ge- ricbte iiitnoodiging om de o[)beningder van beide zijden gelegde zegels bij te wonen, niet versehijnt binnen 48 uren, berekend van de ontvangst der uitnoodiging. dan kan de consulaire anribtenaar alburn tot de ont- zegeling overgaan. De consulaire ambtenaar bereft na de ont- zegeling een inventaris van alle voorwerpen der nalatenschap te maken en wel in tegen- ^voordigheid der plaatselijke autoriteit, indien dez^^« krachtens novengemelde uitnoodiging Ihj do ontzegeling tegenwoordig is. De plaatselijke autoritcMt zal de in bare tegenwoordigheid gestelde protocollen met hare medeonderteekening voorzien, zonder rde mit Naehricht zu verseben. Die Konsularbeborde bat das lleciit, voii Amtswegen oder auf AntiMg doi* Betlieilig- ten alle Nacbraszgegenstiinde nnter Siegel zu legen, nacbdem sie von die^ser Amts- bandlung die zustiindige Ortsbebiirde be- nacbriclitigt bat, welche derselben beiwobueu und elxmialls ibre Siegel anlegen kann. Die beiderseits angelegten Si(*get diufeii ubne Mitwirkung der Ortsbebfirde nicht abgenomnien werden. Sullte jeducb di<». letztere auf eine von d(»i' Konsularbeborde. an sie tTgangene Einladung der Abnabnie. der beiderseits angelegtiMi Siegel beizu- wobnen innerbalb acbtundvierzig Stunden, vom Empfange der Einladung an gerechnet, sicb niebt eingefunden bab«»n. so kann die Konsularbebiirde allein zn dei* gedacbten Arntsbandlung scbreiten. Die Konsidarbeburde bat nacb Abnabmc. der Siegel ein Verzeicbnisz allei* Nacblasz- [egenstande aufzunebnien und /wai* in egenwart der Ortsbelnirde, w(»nn diese iu Folge der vorerwahnten Einladung jeuer Arntsbandlung beigewobnt liatte. Die Oilsbeh(irde soil dcu in ibrer Gegen - wart aufgenommenen Protokollen ihro Unterscbriit beifiigen, obne dasssie fiir ihr^ amtliche Mitwirkung bei diesen Amtsband- lungen Gebiihren irgendwidcboi* Art bea#*- sprucben kann. ■•■».'.•.•.■.',•. .^•^»;. - to ) \ AWTIKKI. IS. zuIKmi (!«' ill liet land fj^i'bniikt'lijke ol'dntu* di' wt^tttMi i»ro»^pinaai' lattMi vn*- krioprn. AnriKKi. '20. IK^ (MUisulairo anibtrnaar lirtd't df gt^- invtMitarisoei'dt* vnin-wtTpen dt'r ualaten- scliap, hot iK'diag dor ontvaiigen sehuld- vorderingeii on inkumsttMi, alsmede ersonen in bo waring morhU^n bovinden. AirnKi-.i, IS. nio /iistiindimMi Laiidi'sb(dir^riisnlarbohordo niittheiNMi, uubosohadot i\('\' Iti'kannlniaoinnigon widolh* ill gloiidior Woi-o von ihos.M* otwa oilasson wiM'don. .AllTIKKL l*d. \)[i' Konsuhu'boln'irdo kann alh^ bowou- liidion Naolilas/gogenstiiiido, \v(^- ordignng dos Vorstorbonen, don Fohn dtM' Dionstboten, Mietbszins, Gerichts- und Knn- snlatkoston nnd Koston iihnlicher Art, sowie otwaigo Aiisgaben fiir den Unterhalt dei' Faniilio (\oi^ Vorstorbenon aus dein Erlr»s dos Naohlassos sotort vorweg zu ontnt linitMi. AnriKEr. '21. Vorbi^haltlioh dor Bestininiungon dos vor- horgehendon Ailikels soli die Konsularho- hrirno das Roclit haben, hinsirhtlich des bewe^liclien oder unboAvegligen Nachlasses des \ erstorbenen alle Sicherungsmaszregela zu trelfen, Avelclie sie im Interesse der EnxMi fur zweckinaszig erachtet. Der Konsular I^ambte kann den Nachlasz entweder |hm'- sonlioli oder durch von ihm orwiihlte nnd in seinom Namen liandelnde Vertreter vei- ^\alton, und er soil das Recht haben. allt* deni Verstorbenen zugehorigen Wertlige- genstiinde die sich in (ifTentlichen Kasseiu oder bei Privatpersonen in Verwahruiig befinden sollten, an Stolle der Erbon m Empfang zu nehmen. — II — AicriKFrr ±2. Indicii (*r ji;('vlnivn(l(' den in aj*t. 21) ver- iii(dd(Mi tri'inijn vtTschil nioclit nntstaan ovitv aaiispiakon van oiidiilKMiritrcn van liet huiil (if van (*en derdcn staat (j[> de nalatenschap, (Ian ki^nit etrrkking bebl)ende aangelegenheid de belangen df^- erfgenamen waar te nemen. terwiji zij de reehten van deze doen gelden ol de tegen die rechten opge\vorpc»n aan- ^[»i;aken bestrijden. Zij zijn echter verplieht aan den execateui- t^stannentair. wanneer die er is, of aan df» AjniKir. 22. \Venn wiihrcnd der ini ai'tiktd 20 i^i- wiilniten Ki'ist i'l beret waigc Ansprii(di(* voii Landesaiigebririgen odrv Angelu'lrigrn eines di'itten Staates gegen den Nachlasz Streit entstelien sollte, so steht die Kiitstdieidiing i'lbei' diesis Anspi i'lclie, sof^rn sie nicbt aul oint^m Krbanf^pi-uelie od(r Veiinaclitnisse beruluMLausscbli(?szlieliden LaiicJesgerieliton zu. Kails der Jie^tand des Nacldasses zur iniverkiii'zten l^ezahlinig (hn* Scbnld(^n nicht ansreicht. sollen die (iliiubiger, sofern die (lesetze iU'> Lmdes (lieses gestatten, bei <](T zustiindigen Ortsbehf^rdi^ die Krilllnung des Konkurses beantragen krmniMj. Nacli ericdg- tcv KonkursenilVnung sollen ujln Nacblasz- gegenstiinde d(^r zustiindigen Oi'tsbeln'irde oder (Jen Verwaltern n- nen. um in jeder sicb auf den Nachlasz beziehenden Angelegenheit die Interessen der Frben wahrzunenmt»n. indeni siederen Rechte geltend rnachen, oder sich auf die gegen dieselbcn erhobenen Ansprihhe ein- lassen. Sie sindjedoch verpllii litet. zui* Kenntnisz der Testamentsvollstreeker. wenn solch*^ — Ili trg('ii\\(>(M' dc ivgeling del* nalatcnsrlia|» iK^irkkin^ lierll oviu'cenkouisti^ Je wtdtcn van iliiMi Staat "kunnrn itisttdlen. llct spreekt van /eh dat daaidt^ ('nn>ul>- (ientM'aal, ('miMds. Vi( r-CMiisuls, en I'onsn- laire Agenten als ^ifnolinaehtif^don dei erlgenamen wuideii aau^^enierkt, ;iooit tt*jj;en deze anibttMiareii |>ersr)onliJk et'nr XnrdcM'inu: betivlleiidr dr lukdiMisihap k;ifi woidiMi inp'sti^ld. vnrhanden sind. od(»r dcr }j;egen\v;irti{^t»ri odei' vorselii'iftsniiis/ij^ vei*ti'<'tcMien Krbori jeden Anspriuli /u biin^^en, welcher Ijin ibnen j2;egon die Naehlaszniasse erhoben scmd sollte. dariiit die Vollstn^'kiu' odor die Mrbon ibre I'twaigeii lanrerlen daf^oj^en tM'bebi'n konnen. Sio sollon <;l(Mchtalis die \'ornninds(diatt otlei* IMlegsebat't iiber die Angeh(irip;en des Staat(*s, der sit* ei'naiint bat, fiir alles auf die Naeblas7ivgebin^^ li(*/iifjflicbe in (ie- niiis/bcMt der Clesotze di<'ses Staati*s eiideitoii kiumen. Ks vei'stebt vii b von stdbst, (Jasz da (bti (leneral !\«^iisidn. Koiisuhi, Vize Kniisiilii und Konsidar Agenten als lU^volhniiiditigto i\cv Kil>en lielraelitet werden, iiieinals geo;en diese Meanitcn persrinbrb ein . Met erl'reebt alsni^Mi. d«* vi»rdeeling van de nalatenseba|> dt*s i>v<*rltMirn(^ii ri^g»'ltMi zieb naar dc wetten van zijn kind. AUe vordtM«ingen, di«' o \ rrfivi bt irii vf^iHleeling van et.*ue iialaleu^e iaj> K^rekkiiig l^as l\rlu>nbt. sowit* die Tbeilun;^^ des Naeblasses {\^s Verstoi'lK*neiu rii liten sirh naeb den (Icsetzeii seines Landes. A lie Anspriielie. welebe sieb auf Ei'breebt und Naeblasztbeiliiiitr bezieben sullen durob die hebben, znll(*n dooi* dr reebters of andere'^'lieriebte ndci" sonst zustiindigen Behoi'd^'o bevnegd(* autoiiteitfn van datztdfde hind desselben Kandts und in Geinaszbeit dt^* overeenkumstig de wetten van dat land (u^st^/e dieses Landes entsehieden \v»idfML besbst wordtMi. AkTIKKI. I^i. Indien et'n i^!iii>eber in dt^ Znid-.ltrikaan- selie Heptiblif^k of pen ond(*rbof>rige vandf /uid-Afrikaan^rJM' IJcpnIdiok ni Diiitsebhind op eene plaats .-terft waar. of in dtMiabijb(?id \vaai*van g»MMi r.»n>nlaii' anibtmiiai- van zijn Staat aanwe/ig is. znn be«'ft ti^ b^norgdr phiatselijkc antiM'itt'it «»voi'e»*nkon]>tig de fandswi^ttt'u >t;i|»pen t»' dnen tot vt'izrgeling en in\tMitarisatie ib*i ludatenscbap. (ie- \vaarnierkte afsebriftrn der daai'Vnor "j^ge- sbdde stukktMi nioctt'ii do a( t«' van M\«»rlijden en de stnkkei^ waar'int do nationabtoit des "Soverledenen bbjkt. /on >poodig niogtdijk wordtii ovei'gtMuaakl a^n d(*n ni»M'>t nabij- /ijiolen Cons 111 a iron And^tenaar. [)e bevoegde jJaatsenjko autoritoi! nioft tot zekerludd d«'r nalatonsebap alled«>ordr lands\vett(Mi ^on^gosehreveno niaatregel(Mi nenien. en bet be^hag dor nalatiMisi bap in zoo koi't niogidijkiMi tijd na bet vtM^stiMJktMi van den in ait. 2() bejKUilden tcnniin aan den be- doelden ( 'onsulairen Ainbtenaar Mverniaken. r ilet sju'eekt van mM tlat van bet oogt>n- bbk, \vaai()j> do bevoegtb* Consulaiie Anil>- tenaar versebenen is nf een vertegenwoor- diger tt*i- plaatse gezonden lieeft, rle plaat- sebjke autoriUdt al hrrXt zij reeds :5tap{)en gedaan, zich naar de in de vorige artikelen veiTatto voor^rbi'iften h♦^eft t»^ gedrjgtMi. AlM'IKKI. :^». AV( nn ein iK'Utsebei* in der SiidafVikaiii- seben llepuWik. oder oin Aiigeboriger der Si'idafrikaidselien Repubbk in heutsebland an oinom Drto verstirbt. an \velrdit»ni rdt^ naib Masz{i;abi' dt - benden Artikeln eiitlialtenen Voisi lndtyfi zu riebten baben wird. — II — AUTIKITL 'J'J. AiniKKL '12. hiil'h'ii (V jj;r<|iii'(Miil(' MtMi ill ai't. '20 ver- iiirlt(»naar htdast l)lijft mc^t helangon van do ondor- Staat, dio honi In^oit iud hijzonder inot de van zoodanigo onder- lioorigon die afwozig, iiiindorjarig of uit andore lioid'don tot oigon b«diai1iging hnnner briaiigon oiilx^kwaani /ijn. AirriKKL 'SX Na voistrijkon van don in ait. liO vast- grsteldon tormijn zal, wannoer geone voi- doring tegen de nalatenschap aanliangig is, do (onsulaii'o ainbtenaar. nadat alio kosten III rekoningon ton lasto (lev nalatensohap ovoieonkomstig d(^ landswetton zijn voldaan, lifiaal in liot Ix^zit komon van do nalaton- s( ha)> <^i (\vzv vorolloni^n on aan do go- roibtigdon ovorinaken, zondoi* rt*konini; to liolibt^n af to loggon aiidors als aan zijno oigon I'fgoiM'ing. AlJTIKKL t2'l. do waarnoiiiing dc^ lioui'igon van doi aantrostcld on .^ , , .. in vortoi^onwoordiijinji' AVonii wiibroud dor ini ai'likol 20 or- wiibntoii Krist ilb(Tot^vaig(* Anspriiolio von Landosaiigolh'irigon odor Angeiirn-igi'n oin(.»s (h'itton Staatos gegen don Nacblasz Sti^oit (^ntstoben sollte, so sti^ht dio Kntsobeidnng i'lbor dioso Anspii'icbo, sof^iii sio nicbt auf oinom Erbanspi'uolie odor \ orniiicbtni sse b(M'nli(Mi.aiisscblioszlirhdon Landt^sgoricliton zn. KalU der IJo>tand dos Naoldassos zni* iinv(H*ki*ir/ten IJozaldnng dor Sclnildon nicht aiisroiolit. si)llen dio (ll;iubig(.M*, soforii dio (losotzo (Jos L.ndes diosos gestalttTi, boi dor zustiindigon Ortsbolii'irdo di(» KnUfnung d(3s Konkni'sos boantragen kr^rnion. Nacdi orlV)lg- tor KonkurscM-rillnung sollon alio Xacblasz- gogonstiiftdo dor znstandig(^n ( )i-tsbcdir)rdo odor don Vorwaltorn dor Konkursinasso i'lborliolort Avordei ^vob^»i dio Konsular- boln'irdo init dor \ dn*nolininng der Inte- rosson fostgosetz- ton I^Yist soli, wonn keine Forderung gegen don Narldasz voi^liegt, die Konsularbebordo, nacbdeni alle doni Nacblasse zur Last fat- london Kosten und Rocimungen nacb Masz- gabo der Landesgosotzo boricbtigt worden sind. endgidtig in den Hesitzdes Nacblasses gelangon^ welchon sie licpiidiron, und don UorecbtigttMi iibrn'.weison soil, obne dasz sie andoi^welK als ilirer eigon(Mi liegiornng Horbnnng abzniogon bat. AnTiKFj; 2i. In alio vi'ag«*n waartoo bet uponvalion. lift btbt^rr on do vertdVening dor nalaten- s(ba]>pen van ondorboorigen van een dei* beido Staten in dru anderen SUuit aan- leiding kan govon. vortegonwoordigen de iM'trokken Consids-Genoi-aal. Consuls, Vice- Consuls, eu Consulairo Agenten de orfge- naineii van lechtswege. en zijnzij ambteUjk als bunne gevohnacbtigdi^n te orkennen. zninlor dat zij vorplicbt zijn, bun mandaat door oono bijzondere akte te bewijzen. Zij /ullon alzoo in persoon of door vert<*gon- woordigers, (bo zij uit de daailoo naar do lands wet bevoegd(» personen gekozen bebbiMi. vnoi do Indrokkene autoriteiten kunnen optroden, om in olke op de nalatenscbap k'trokking bebbejido aangelegenbeid do bolangen der erfgenamen waar te nemen. terwijl zij de reehten van deze doen gelden <»1 do tegen die redden opgewor[)on aan- spraken bestrijden. Zij zijn echter verplirbt aan den executeui- t^stainentair. wannoer_die er is, of aan do In alli'ii Kragon, zu donen dio Krrdlnnng die W'rAvaltung und dio Liipiidirung d(»r Naobliisse von Angebr)rigen oines der beiden Staaten in dem anderen Staato An lasz goben kiinnen, vr^rtreten (Ho botrolfondon (Jenoral Konsuln, Konsuln, Viz(* Konsuin und Kon- sular Agenten die Krb(»n von Heclitswegen und sin(] amtlicb als dio Hevolbniiiditigten derselben anzuerkennen, obne dasz sie v(t- nllicht^t wiiren. ibren Auftrag durcb einc* besondere I'rkunde nachzuAveis(»n. Sie sullen (bingemasz in Person odor durob V(»r- treter, weir be sie aus don landosgesotzlic b dazu befiigt(»n Personon erwiiblt babon, vor den zustiindigen Beb(irdon auftroton kiui- nen, um in joflei' sicb auf don Narblasz beziebenden Angelegenbeit dio Interossen der F>bon wahrzunehmon. indeni siederen Kecbte geltend inacben, (Kler sicb auf di(^ gegen dieselben (Tbobenen Anspriicbo (*in- lassen. Sie sindjecJoch verplliobtot. zui' Konntnisz del' Testamentsvollstrerker. wonn so1cb(* It> — > te}4011\V(KHfzolijks d(M'Ooj^dij oirurat<*(*l(* ()\cr dr oiiderlioorigt^ii van don Slaat, die hen lH'n(ienid hcid't vnor al wat on dc rogeling dcr iialatonschap hotrc^kking iii»rt'1 (jvercenkonistig de widten van dirn Staat kunni^n instellon. Ili^t s|)re(*kt van ztdl' dat daardi' (\nisiils- Liener'aal, Ooiisnls. Vic o- Consuls, en Consu- laire Agonton als govidmai Idigdon dev erl'genanien wnrden aangenierkt, wnni tt'g(Mi doze anihtonurni persnonlijk rcnc voide^'ing brtivlViMidt* (le nalatrnsrliap k;ni wordrn iiigrstrld. voiliandrn sind. nder dn* gog(»n\N;irtigrii (mU'V vorschriftsiniiszig vriti'ctiMien l^rbrn jeden Anspi'ncli zu l)rin;j[en, welcWei* \u^i ilinen gegen di(» Naiddaszmassi* erlioben scin snllte. damit die Vnllsti*(Mkri* oder die lu'ben ihre etwaigen KinredtMi dagegon ei'bebni klinnen. Sie sollon gl(M(dd'alls dit^ Vnrnnindsobaft oder Ptlegsebaft iibrr die Angt»hr)rigen dt*s Staat(»s, del' sit^ ri*nainit liat, fur all(»s auf (lit* Nacblaszregidung itrzi'iglicdii' in (ie- niiiszheit del' (u^st^tze dieses Staates einleitiMi koniKMi. Es vrrsteht sii b von >«dbst, dasz da dir (ieneral Konsuhi. Konsnln, Size Koiisulu und Konsniar Agenten als IWollmiiehtiglH der Kiben lietraelitot werdcn, nienials gegen dit*se l^x^aniten peisrudii li ein tiintligen Behdi'deii desselben Land(\< und in Geniiiszbeit der (iesetzo dieses Laiide< entsebiedeii ueidtMi. AirriKi.L 2r». AllTIKKI. iJ^i. \ ln(ben ei'ii JUiitseber in rle Zuid-.t tVikaan- >elie lie|»ub!iek of i*t*n onderboorigo vande /uid-Afrikaansebe Hepuldiek in Didtsebland op etMie plaats sterft waar, of'iu d(* nabijbtud Avaai'van geen eonsulaii' anibtenaar van zijn iStaat aanwezig is. zoo bendt de bevoegde ihuitselijke antoriteit (jvereenkonistig de andswettrn >tap[)en te doen tot veizegeling iMi inv(»ntai'isatie der nalatensebap. Ge- A\aannerkte afsebrift4»n der daarvoor o^>ge- stelde slnkken incjeten de arti* van overliiffen t^n de stukkiMi, waaiuit de nationaliteit des Nverledenen blijkt, zolaatselijke autoriteit nioet tot zekerbeid dei* nalatensebap alle doorde hindswettcMi voingeselu'cvene niaatregelen nemen. en bet JK^drag dei' nalatensiulai'bebr>rrde soil /in' Sieberung dei* Naeblasses alle dur( h 'li^- Landesgesetze voi^gesebriebenen Maszivgelri trelTen und dc^n liestand des Naeblasses in infiglicbst kurzer Frist inub Ablauf dei ini Artikel 20 bestinimten Frist der ged:i( liteii Konsularbebrirde iil)ernntteln. Es verstebt sicb vf»n selbst dasz von dein Angt^nblicke an. wo dei zustiindige Ivn- snlarbeaiTite ersebieneii sein oder enxn Vertreter an Ort und Sttdle gcsidiiekt iKd»eTi sollte. die Ortsbeb/irdo. welcbe et\v;i tiii gesebritten ist, sieb naeb den in den vor>te- benden Artikeln entbaltenen Vorsrbiift''r\ zn riebten baben wird. — i:{ — Ahtikkt. '27. • Is eon oiiderhoorigf van c^eii der beidt* Stateii b(^laiiglH^bbeiulo bij (»eiic op hct gebied van den anderen Staat opengevallen nidatenschap dan /al, ook indien de orflater oiiderhoorige van laatstgemelden ofvaneen (Icrden Staat was, do plajitselijko autoriteit aan dt^i naastbijzijnden Consulairon Amb- Iciiaar van liet ()i)envallt'n d^^r nalatonschap oveiAvijId konnis geven. Ahtikkl !28. I)r bi^palingcn van dil tracttat zulleii (4) <^elijkc wijzo toepassolijk zijn op de nalaten- siliaj) van e(Mi ondorhoorigo van een der beide Staten die, overladen buiten liet grondgebi(Ml van don anderen Staat. aldaar n^erend of onrorrciMl good lu^eft nagfdaten. AUTIKEL 21>. ])c Consuls-lientM^aal, Consuls. Vice-Con- suls of Consulaiirr Agonten zijn uitsluitend l>elast met do invcMitarisatie en de overi^e tot behoud en tot verelTening gevorderne ambtsvcrriclitinf]^en bij de nalatenschap van it^der reizigcr, ciie in den Staat waar de be- doeldc araotenaar zijn zetel heeft, overleden is, on asselijk zijn, zal genitifi- ceerd eii de iiitilicatiiHi zulleii te Derlijii zuodia nu)gelijk uitf^ewisseld wordeii. Hot zal ill werking troden eene maand jKi het uitwissiden dei' ititilicaticin en tieii jaivn van kiacht blijveii, U' rekenon van den dag van lict in working trcden. Indien een jaar voor hot verstrijken van dien tijd geen dvv contracteerende partijen iu\n do andore partij door eene arnotelijkt^ verklaring zijn oogmerk te kennen geeft OTM de werking van hot tractaat te doen ophoiiden, zoo zal het nog cnm jaar van kmelit blijven van den dag af waarop de eeno of de andi^re der contracteerende par- tijen deze kennisgeving Lceft gedaan. De e. (vv.g.) Hkki.akrts van Ulokland. ( » ) (tRAK BlSMAUCK-S(HoNnArSKN. ( » ) Mki.iwk;. Tbeile gegenwiirtig oder kiinftig zollgeeinten liiinder oder Gebiete erstrecken, soil mtifizirt und die Ratifikationen sollen in Berlin S4^- bald als moglieb ausgewecbselt werden. Derselbe soil einenMonat nacb der Aus- wechsehing der Ratifikationen in Kraft treten und zehn Jalire, vom Tage des In- krafttretens an gerochnet, in Wirksamkcit bleiben. Wennein Jabr vor Ablauf dieses Zeitraiinies keiner der vertragschlieszenden Theile deni anderen durch eine amtliche Erklaiune seine Absicht kund giebt, die WirksamKeit des Verti'ages aufnoren zu lassen, so soil derselbe nocb ein Jalir von dem Tage ab in Geltnng bleiben. an welchem der eine oder der andere der vertragsehlieszenden Tbeile denselben g(^- kiindigt haben wird. Die verti-agschlieszenden Tbeile bebalten sicb die Befugnisz vor, nacb gemeinsamer Verstandigung in dii^sen Vertrag jederlei Abiinderungen aufzunehnien, welche mit dem Geiste und den Grundlagen desselben nicht im Widerspruch stehen und deren Ni'itz- licbkeit durch die Erfabrung dargetbaa sein sollte. Zu Trkund (lessen baben die beider- seitigen BevoUmachtigten den ^egenwai- tigen Vertrag unterzeiclinet und ihre Siegel beigedruckt. So gescheben zu lierlin, den t^2sten Ja- nuar 1885. ^(gezeiehnet) (iraf Bismari^r Sc^honhauskn. ( ^ ) Hkllwig. ( H ) liKKI.AERTS VAN BlOKLANU. \- , *-' ■^ "^-mTi'-T^/i ^•i* i'- ■ ,« *- J «^ <<: V. ; •N*' ,*---• 4 'V. I 1 N . A r ' . . '^ f •• • J X -/^ ZUID-AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK. ■r. rxu TRACTA AT X * .' • ■* . i TUSSCHEN I)E ZUID-AFRIKAANSCHE KEPIIBL 1'*. ' •'I EN ITALIE. GESLOTEN 6 OCTOBER 1886. RATIFICATIEN UITGEWISSELD 10 SEPTEMBER 1888. IN WERKING GETREDEN 10 SEPTEMBER 1888. OPZEGBAAR VAN AF lO SEPTEMBER 1893. . GEDRUKT TER STAATSDRUKKERIJ VAN t)E Z. A. REPUBLIEK 1897. y. .. r*: , .', *^^--'- J:.9i *- '•'5 1 '«'' .■^.< ^v ;*-_ ^ :. >^ ^ . > ZUID-AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK. TRACTAAT TUSSCHEN BE ZUID-AERIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK f 4 i EN ITALIE. i I GESLOTEN 6 OCTOBER 1886. RATIFICATIEN UITGEWISSELD 10 SEPTEMBER 1888. IN WERKING GETREDEN 10 SEPTEMBER 1888. OPZEGBAAR VAN AF 10 SEPTEMBER 1893. GEDRUKT TER STAATSDRUKKERIJ VAN DE Z. A. REPUBLIEK. 189 7. T PACTA AT TUSSCHEN DE ZUiD-AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK EN ITAUE GESLOTEN 8 OCTOBER 1886. RATIFICATIEN UlTGEWISSELD 10 SEPTEMBER 1888. IN WERKING GETREDEN 10 SEPTEMBER 1888. OPZEGBAAR VAN AF 10 SEPTEMBER 1893. ZlJNK KXCELLKNTIK Dk StAATSI»HKS1J>KNT van lie Ziiid-AlVikaansrho Ropiibliek on ZrjNK Maiesteit dk Koninc; va\ Itauk, Avillende ontwikkoleii en Ix^vostigen er Loro Plenipotenziarii : Sua Maesta il Re d'Italia, ilsignorConte Enrico Della Croce di Dojola, Grande IJfliciale delK Ordine dei Santi Maiirizio e Lazzaro e della Corona dltalia e Suo Tnviato straordinario e Ministro i)lenipoten- ziario presso Sua Maestii il Re dei Paesi Bassi: e Sua Eccellenza il Presijiente della Repubblica Siid-Atrirana, il signer JonkheerGKRARD Beelaerts van Blokli.and, Cavnliere delT Ordine del Leone Neorlan- dese, Ministro Residente della Repubblica Sud-Africana presso la Germania, la Fi-aneia, il Portogallo, ecc, ecr., i quali, dopo avere scambiati i pieni poteri risi>ettivi, Ij'ovati in buona e debita lorma, lianno con\oniito negli Articoli soquenti: AUTKOLO I. 1 ?^udditi di ciascuna delle due Alto Parti ronti^aenti avranno gli stessi diritti o non pntranno essere assoggettati ad altri Ou^richi che non sieno imposti ai na/ionali ]>oi tntto cio che concerne I'esercizio del orocultii roli- gioso, Tesercizio del commercio e dell' indus- tiia e la faoolta di aequistare e di posr^^xlere beni d'ogni specie edi trasmetterli per venditti, pennnta, donazione noncho per succesi=^ione testamentaria ab intestato, salvo tutta via, in questo ultimo case I'applicazione della loro legge nazionale per tutto cio che si riferisce alui validita intrinscca delle disposizioni ;estanientarie ed nil' ordine delle sureessioni. * ' '•> V.' ' \ i \uury\V]\\C {jfeMigluid van de niterste Avils- lH»s(liikkinaese, nel quale dovra esercitare le »sue funzioni e ciascuna delle Partie contraenti avradiritto di eccettuare i luoghi, nei cjuali non le convenisse di ammettere simili agenti. ( Juesta riserva, tuttavia, non sani upplicata ad una delle Alte Parti contraenti senza esserlo ugualmente ad ogni altra I\)tenza, AUTKOLO \. Gli agenti diphunatici, ConsoH-Generali, Consoli, Vice-Consoli ed Agenti Consolari di ciascuna delle due Alte Parti contraenti godranno, reciprocamente, negli Stati delP altra di tutte le facolti'i, esenzioni ed immu- nity di cui godono o godranno i funzionari della stessa qualita della nazione piu favorita. ,r:' .• > . '^1 M< ,'ftl/^ i t I > .V" >!•■•• -X • t , (TlV'V ,,. >*'wfvxK'!i*r.'v':*> «»,pi.»ur^T'^.«^ 'i'TW: TW^»^ JJP.lT'irW-'^'- ■ ■". ■ ' ' ■ " S^ ■ w -f^ fVTV ''^ Fi » jr^-onwisjpiwi,. — 5 Artikel 5. In geval van overlijden van een onder- hoorige van een der beide Hooge Contrac- teerende Partijen op het grondgebied van de andere Party, zalde plaatselijke overheid daarvan onverwijld kennis hebben tegeven aan de meest nabiizijnde Consulaire Agent, en wederkeerig zullen de Consulaire Agenten. ingeval zij met zoodanig overlijden het eerst beKend waren, daarvan bericht geven aan de plaatselijke overheid. Indien de belanghebbenden bij de erfenis niet ter plaatse vertegenwoordigd ziin door een bekend erfgenaam in het voile bezit zijner burgerliike rechten of op eenige andere wettelijlce wijze, zullen de Consulaire Ambtenaren zoolang in deze vertegenwoor- diging niet is voorzien, het recht hebben, om voor de bewaring en het beheer van de erfenis alle handelingen te verrichten, die de wet van het land, waar zij gevesti^d zijn, toestaat aan executeurs-testamentair, of aan hen, die erfgenamen vertegenwoor- digen, en met name om te verzejjjelen en te ontzegelen, eene. boedelbeschrijving te maken ue erfenis te beheeren, in oen woord. om allc uiaatregelen te nemen, noodig als waai'berg voor de belangon • I ^' > * , , ,. 1 .. > -• >•• . I . • I .■ t -• ' ' 1 ,. » . .< I » '• •» L'autoritii locale competente sara avvertita della apposizione dei sigilli; essa notra assistere ed in crociare i suoi, ed i cloppi sigilli non potrann^j essere levati die di comune accord o. Tuttavia, se Tautoritii locale com|>etente, dopo essere stata debitaniente invitata. non si presenta per la levata dei doppi sigilli, entro quarantott' ore a partire dal riceve inento delT avviso, Tautorita consolare potni procedere sola a tale operazione. Nel caso, in cui dei sudditi del paese o d'una terza Potenza avessero a far valei-e dei diritli nella successione, o se della diflicolta insorgessero, s|)ecie in seguito ad un qualche reclamo che dia luogo a con- testazioni, gli agenti consolari non essendo aiitorizzati a terminare od a ris^dvere qneste diHicolta, i tribunali del jiaese, dovranno conosi^erne, secondo che loio spettii di i»rove- dere o di giudicarli. Gli agenti consolari rinit*ttrraimo ai tri- bunali tutti i docun)enti atti a gettaro hue sulla questione. Kssi dovranno esrguire la smten/a pro- nunciata, se non si inter|M>nr ap|>tdlo, e continiieranno, di pien diritto, la li(|Hi- dazione rhe fosse stata sos|M»sa (inn alia conclusione della hte. Ahtk OLO r>. Quando un italiano nella HfiMibblica Siid- Africana ed un suddito della Itepubblira in Italia muore in una local ita dove nun V .1 J. .•c>«a' ... ..• "•■ i 1 — () lt;ilie striTt op vruv plaats, waar {j:(HM1 ( on- siiliiir Ainl)t(»naar van zijiie Natie is, zal tic bov()('^o(l(^llH»sclinjvirijj; dor zakon on He ver- olVoninfj: (U'l gCKHJei'en dii* hij zal liobbon na^olaton, en zal ^^eliouden zijn, orn in don kortst niogolijkon tijd rokonsohapaf to lofznren van do nitkornst dozer liandoling. aan hot moost nahijzijndt* Consniaat. Maar zoodni asselijk op de landen en landstreken waarniodo de Znid-Afrikaansobo Rej)nbliek. eono toleordieid vormt of zal voi^men. Ahtjkkl 0. Indien oonige inotnlijkboid nioort oprijzon tei* zako van de nitlegging van ait tractaat, vorbindt*n do beide Hbogo contracteerendo Pai'tijen ziob. daarover te laten beslissen doer accor- dare a Stati o Colonic innnodiatauiente con- tinanti ptT facilitare il commercio di frontiera non |K)tninno essere protesi dair altra par'tO, lino a tanto che questi favori sieno rionsati ancbo a tntti gli altri Stati e Colonie non limitroli. Fra ipit^sti nltinii si (b^vra annoverare anche lo Stato non linitimo protettore di una Coltmia alia ([ualo venissero accordate faoilitazioni dolla specie iniute. In fede de che, i summenzionati pleni- potenziari hanno firmato il presente Trattato e vi hanno apposto i loro suggelli. Fatto in doppi(^ originale air Aja, addi 6 del mese di Ottobre 188(>. (l.s.) Beelakhts van Blokland » E. Bella Croce. P R O T C O L. P R T O C L L 0. De Gevolinachtigden van de beide Hooge Contracteerende Partiien zijn, op het oogen- blik van het onderteeKenen van net Tractaat van Vriendschap en Koophandel tusschen de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek en Italic het volgende overecm^ekomen. Gelet op de bepaling van ailikel 4 van de Conventie van Londen van 27 Februari 1884 is het verstaan, dat het tractaat eerst zal worden geratificeerd na de uitdrukke- lijke of stilzwijgende goedkeuring van de Britsche Regeering. Die goedkeunng zal aan de Italiaansche Regeering worden medegedeeld door de Regeering van de Zuid-Afrikaansche Repu- bliek. Ter ooi'konde waarvan de l>ovengemelde Gevolmarhtigden het tegenwoordig protocol liebben onoerteekend en van nun zegel voorzien. Gedaan in dubbel origineel te 'sGravenhage den 6otenziari delle due Alte Parti' contraenti, al momento di firmare il Trattato di amicizia e di commercio tra I'ltalia e la Repubblica Sud-Africana, lianno convenuto di quanto segue: Avuto riguardo alle disposizioni dell' Articolo 4 della Convenzione di Londra del 27 Febbrajo 1884, resta inteso che il Trat- tato sara ratificato soltanto dopo la sua approvazione espressa o tacita per parte del Govemo Britannico. Tale a^)provazione sara communicata al Governo italianr> da quello della Repubblica Sud-Africana. In fede di che, i summenzionati Pleni- potenziari hanno lirmato il presente Pro- tocollo e vi hanno apposto i loro suggelli. Fatto in doppio ori^inale all' Aja, addi G del mese di Ottobre 1886. (l.s.) Beelaerts van Blokland. » F. Della Croce. .148/99. ' ' • r t \ J SP: f'^M'. pirviro. •UMMHi^MMffMM CONSULATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Pretoriaf S.A.R., R ^^<^/<;y4^ _ «K #Ai<3h*iiJMAM^ I I February 25th, 1899. Hon, John Hay, Secretary of State, Washington, U.S. A vj S i r Supplementary to ray despatch No. 23 of February 18, 1899, I have the honour to say that I find that on the item ''Grain, meal and flour" there is a special import duty of seven and one-half per cent, ad valorem. I have the honour to be, . Sir, Your most ob ited States Consul J V v K. rJ^ZAi ( ^* RFC'D. "^0. '^(>r-. Mac rum. Pretoria, S.A.R., March Uth, ^ j<^a'^ S^ lAe ^€/ia'}tlr?ze7U c/' QtcUe. Qic6^l: Change in Bond of Mr. E.Aivan Aitierlngon. In response to Despatch Mo. 19. — What is meant by the words "permanent residents of the United States".. — Must sureties have property in the United States. — • * .1 m.\- . *^ir ^. ^ibliLti 'Ab. '>A . Co7iii.u^€Ue o/ lAe ^Snctec^ Q^a/ed, Pretoria, 5. A. P.,, March 11th, . J<^^ 9. S/^cno ya/'/e Da v i d *.' . Hill. ^ii6e4^a/U Q^)teta/>m d/ Qiale^ WtuAcn^toTi, ^ 6: -^v?' "-^fn: Referring to your despatch No.13f.of January 28tht 1399, r-^lativc to the chan^© ir. the form oft and the necessary sureti es '■A ■V .5 on, tb.e bond of Mr. '/an A:ttates sufficient to cover the amount '^i the securltv* Mr. -.-an *ff.erinc!en informs me that while he o ?n hardly obtain sureties row living in the ^'.S., he has no *. ! our • e in s*^^^i^-£ *'ell to do Micrican citizens here, who 'nay not have property at ho.'iie. '. have t^:e honoui to be. Sir, Your obedi at es Consul * :> ' 7 i' ''■ "i^^n. r- \ '^■T~' ™*ipW> 7 ' ^ r ""■ '-P 1 "W. ^ . cJ7i. 25. T?r .r '-re- ■■ r-- .♦ ' f ' * i- ai/Z; N ;;■ RCC'D. ^ ^^ I ->!- r^vF. Mac rum. ; - -^wywmr^- }f^ju/^ M ^ • »• (^MiAa/ale c^ t/i£ ^^nctec^ Pretoria, S.A.R., April 1st ^ J^a '^ £^lAe ^f/i€io^t7nfmt <)/ Qtale. t^Xf X^ •;;L iic •^AV 4 1899 «.f. /i •*, r ' li ^-^ 4. - »^*■ -^-."<»*' Qlc6^£cl: A In re Nelson Thomoson 7s S.A.R. Covernment* ■:j C^z<«Y c ff^i S^^l'ftact c/ (^(>nt^ni^. ^ eforrinj to my despatch Mo. 21 of Feb. 4,1 899. -- Copy of trans- t; Uti.on of letter f rorr S.A.P. Gov't,--- Copy of Thonjpaon's reply * • t'"»oreto, — I thinl'. Thompson's claim Is just and some action .se'?Ti3 necessary for safety of Americans. ■<». * i^^. J ^.m . ..^ Ii> ooatlnuenoe of w.y letlii of February 1st, lffiCG> an-i In further -,-sj^ri' ■{■•0 yours of tho oCt'i <. . J.i.ii .r,; , \>. in- rr;f n-'. . - ♦■c '\ ^-.^tI- «-or -!?v"^'® ^^ ^^ fitiorlc-^n cltlon, Nolson Thompson, I have the bopour to say th-t 111 ?ovGrnffor«t h?.s isade an Irjvestlvatlon of the circumstances in t'u- :'i^" . ^-'v' foi i;)"it.- 'cj.i: 'lO los'.jlt: I'M' V' :. "010' nr, lo97, fhe polico at Port Ilendrina (Zoutpauwi- cur ) .01^ ir..fon-.)rl t/v:\f. -^ coitain \t'{vr; had benn robbed by five por- son:^. '. 3'v);:ons .va.-^i t'j^iouooii iy.iiuJ;:'. I o c i.'io arr-'^st ot ihe five aocused, aiaoji • .:.: -.i "\-i t'v sr\iw .'lil^on T'lO.. Joon, i:"ii t'\ j . .-evo wiTistoH arri la * riry r' » cone iSc^ir l\'\' .j\' :i '\in:.l l''io •)j11:;c t^^.v' (t'.e :oiiOi>) Arere obii -') : '. > ire ou t^o*.; i-avl .^.)o ;\s ' lllo-', ! ; I \v .a I'' . . «::; ^'^ M Oil t-iern to > c : - 'I' V • .} ; • 4 '-■ v-> » • " C I 1 .. !- . i ^ \ ':■ . ' I . t r V % ?. V in lilt r ea t- Qi rhau.:.s.. ■>ai not ■'>-••. <•• > ■ \ V.' -4 io.'^ . t f. il-^l .■:;:i.-i he (Thc);;;n .';::.) haL nci-cr bo- :«U,' V C . • V itTiec" Oi It., • -» i 1 • 1 • « r> • *> t ^ ' O' rr^r'' c>r:ncr^ <"♦ ~1 z-)!! tho aac scd to •'t'.''"!"?v •''.('• ..S'"- ' V'OS -> 1 • /» '^ ( -rr c:,%rN ' 5- ^ttorno\' h^.:5 .Mot followed his In^l j;ict i cn;^ tn -ot ?;1 ^ w-^ . .^r^ , frr 1 M s t^e*^-ovorn' ont oi.;* not V-e held »^ . '.' V' ^ .:'!3-;'* :or^ tv;r^ v.i t.i :^^:;^3 o-tllo^ jo , one jr. r^rt-e:^ 'w .■ T. i. jnje ^o .vaj *'Oin^ to Mc ^'ic :r c\^tcr it. !^i ocers'^ur^ ♦ v.'ncre lAr) oh3o ..as trladf 'r. > ro'joivo-' .fro:: t^.: orsoiis In ruo^tlon sovorr.i Iii:'crc::t dccuxsrits ?^:n s'^ndvi^t^^ -iIjo 1 1 vo re^'^oivors, lour horses aii- Iol;i sad:!ic£, Tho orsos ^':v>\'^>i -^.nd c^•^d^loSf accordin-: to their ier::r: , 1 ' A( oTor to th.3ir attorney. Their r-onei Ic tho anoiint oi t'l^/in '^ is rocn paid ^y order of thn cob-rt to the ccnst?.'"lr of the court in -^art .■^ayu.snt of scttlopcnt of jud -o'.v;nt ta' en bv Atlornov van -oonen against them fox iciondln'- thcT.. The docu::^r.ts and sundries -vcrc landed r to them. Mt'> ihr- f- ceoticn of tho rev ^'^.■^or* •■•<**'••» »l«^f '^^/■>'>i>ccutor 1* ^ eltcrs" r- . Thi:. '■overnr.iGiit li-^i; 'on f\uthr»r inf' r-od -y tho States Attorney t";:xt t>.e o-xao \ _^\nzt .'Iclson Tho.Toson, "is he calls hiniself at presoiit, (—at L I ^^ — . • ■ . «■ ^ •«» ■ *» • • «^M «■» Wto ^^B VIA In oontlnuenoe of niy loll-ii of February 1st, 18CC> ani In further rnsAer to yours of Xho oCth o. J.iao.rv, 'li. .In-^^ rfjfrac'i:- ♦"o -^ cl^l- for d?^.a-'C of an S^orlcT^n citl'on, Nelson Thompson, 1 have the bopour to say th^t tM- ?overnffon1. h?.s sade an lnvastl2:atlon of tho circumstances In thi- '.'y-, tho i 01 !.'.r'lT;." ';cii)r '»o rosjlt: Vw ^Ct'^ 0- -oio'nr, 1697, the police at Fort Jlendrina (^utpana* cu r- ) -or.': infcrn^).-! Vvc-t. i cortain -l^'lu^; had been robbed by five per- sons, U s'.'jniions ,va.-5 thaiou'-on is.-iuxjo loc fhrj arrost ot the five accused, aiROii • :.i -:i "\;5 t'v^ saiil 'lolaan r')0..)3on, i:ii th).,- zero ^riostod and la '< Gon£;'' thair il'h.::ii: ri'-.iniit. the lolLiJc t'\cY (the Doiioa) -/vere obii -o: t ) firo ou thOM -iiul u.)0 ."iii 'llle-', '^n i V\v a.-v, ..::: '->':! en them 4 r^ i • ^cM.t^"-^'' 7or>tor ftavln^ illtreat- ed rhO!i::s.-: 'vis not :c::i s*iu;ri :t l2t-\l :;:jd he (T'loir.n.son ) has no^er bo- ioii. v,.o /^ 1 'ilnec 01 i t • \ •- i'v^I -^ } * -^ . '\ "1 «■ -Mo^: cv^T" chr.ncr ; 5^^ --1 von tho acc'sod to ''«:f OP' • 'u^' .sf'l \^Qs ^ » » if 7"^o^-nc;r%ri' 5? ^ttornc^v h^.rs not followed his Inst rvict 1 cn;^ ^^ -ot *.v1^>rs>os, fca* t'^ls the'^-ovornf-ont oa?* not 'e hol t:-. u lie "iccr;c\'tor it Pietersbur-, v.hcre th^ case ..as tried. 'ii '^ reooivo-f fro:: th.-j or&ons In -uoiJtloa sovcr?.! iiffcrc:;! docuxents ani simdri^is, ali>o five revolvers, lour horses an-; lour sadc-ics. The -vises hor.-j'?.s ^.nd sad'^los, according, to their reruci : , Kui' • over to their attorney, their H'onej/ to tho an.oijnt of £d6/7/7 has been paid :^y cider of tho court to the ccnst?.'-^^lr of the court In part 6ay.T.snt of settlement of jud -o'nent taben bv Attornov van T^eonen against them for 'icirndln-' thex. The documents and sundries '.vcre handed r to them. ^ith the e ceotien of tho rev thciie ";ero !5ot because V > . ; "* had O....C ^ • i \ ' .— ' r^:\'>^^<-^ no dvty ha^ 'eeu '^aid on thefa ^\()so revolvnrs are stiil i-^ thr. :or.EQ3sion of the ?r>lic ?ronccutor ut Peltcrs- .:r- • Thi:; Covernr.'.ont li^j; eon further inf'jr^.od by tho States Attorney t:.:it the case a alnst !Iol3orr Tho.'T}-)son, as he calls hinself present. (—at ^--- ■ABa^M^-OB^ c - 2 - --t thc^tlme of his arrest he called hlrr-sclf Captain Nelson — has been 1 early proven srnd for that reason they dont feel justified In paying; the lalm ft-*!' damages. I ini^-ht add to this th^t >tc»lson ?h ^rroson alias C;:i')t:iin jcicon and is' four frionds are V.no^^n outsid-^ -'-^ : Aepubllo as bandits. This has been '< ■ V Cvi y 1 telegram from a Justice of the Peace at Franclstown to the ubilc ""rosocutor at Pietersbur?;. For your «;ul dance I enclose herewith coDV t'loroof. Fi'-JinoostoxT; , ''ovc.T.ber "^^Irr', 12C''. '1 ^ I r c r.' to T ^. 7 ,?. ric\r\uftstu-.-n, ?>;":: 11^ ^rc. t: . !: oi't "''i^t'.rs*"'ur-:. obbeii; roferre':! to In i'our tcle^ri^c ^re 'jndo'jbtedly saste parties who [ rled to o'^t^.t? t^otov -^vidsr f'\lso '?rctonuc5 >.'^r<3, iLsO ma-Je m attoiaot steal hor;3Cs fro': Konarch -^'-ot:! reoten^>''er ?3t^ "^n I firei on native :iar -? c^ '^ p -• o toi i I ■■ •. T r bors'^s fro'; one -vviinisy at ?ranccsto.vn. The olio-'ln^ n'^ht, t"^c7 t^reyto!>.ft': b-ev^r*'! D'Tsonc; -lt,h bodily Injury, made 1 3.r:.:o.- rcGi:it:\noo to the oolioe hero on Seot. '^Sth, osoaoin-^, from ir:t9J^ oi ;.cn •.:crG Mli Tiiir, t-xii '...'i:\ t:xir :.,ou.'5t iohD; 'Ial(jri'?', short Juan \nd\ mc'jJX\Gho; :..-lj;'., t,";i:i i.r.n if^dlMi; hoi '•'it Aniorlo^ia -iocen-lf ant'.ji-', r.'o---- niC-'lU'i 'i'^1 ht «D.nd / ;r.oi'stn.cho Oolonlai born; and another aiue lui! iiOuTi. • t h i. •. V » ( i i < i ■ « : ii / V J t I . 1 • t I I t I . I o r •^. f ' »A-«, iw^-«.- rt rood ?.r.r — aoalell nir.Uc':) Hr)p.T;trf boiUo er' .tae'iijB aid lo G/nlJ orft V. r:-i '■ '■ H jc f : C' e o/^i oi rtvo^eranifl's >f. ©Oi /roil nirij-ftls^ jr •{:;' Ij . » -• % • • w n/ «*k w / » • V V V , / I >^ 1^ ' r IW • I f i s : ',7. .1 - c ' ■ ■ >-i -vo ^ -^ on^ I T ^■m 1 ..■:iV J^'i f -^ W - • X - f., : td'yoiarjunhiZ . -•' •/ -*■ , r- • r C - i r^ T <^ '- f^i r^r'-'toT'- C3ir^ Tr.hr.': vonOT '7,',p,*.''o ot ! '■; t -• -.♦ -.— . • .*~^^ — >»» j»»- • -* 'j\lJ/n nc '-^tP- ir- ;'tCC • "- '--v^'^o" ;f';a 'r ^'cinno^.. rctl. tjoeicr' J/:f)i. jr . . ■ . ■ ; ; 6 ^c r ; 1 ' . fr v r : .-> r , ' bf.r fVi'i'rnt vf/lo » '1 ! e^-^-ir r' c; W ,r ioi n r' i'"r > rw ^'•'>'f -'i •• :»'-'t .V- 'f -fTj- : A \ :t:'.i ' frr-T i -Jii^r^-^eo ., Jc; .Jfr»^ ; • r,-;?-;' •->(. no-:- ot',^ .11 oorr/^ifelaoi lo ^-i rr ii^LM- *? -» > V • ♦ ; i;r ^ JVf''r:m I im'^'ii''^ ■41 J'lLr'i. !V' 1 ,: i tJ 31Cfv: ;ic . "^a : t>. j'jv;- r* ;*lArtf»j« Ji • J »r jj*ir f ,> r- ^ -^ - r * ( #> •>o ' 'ir ;cioJ ir-.l.Tjtc'": rf.-'orj ♦ • •» , ;> • .n •.o»t '».•■, •"!. •■ T - z: J »- . »•- _ .-■■«» ^ •-• « •« "^r- u H < -J D CO 7L • < o • o C/) CO <" u 1- re < O H h- CO UJ QC o a LU H i{ ■t ' ^h: , < UJ H < -1 3 • CO Urn z m < o • o CO CO m < LU h- cc < O H H CO UJ QC Q 0. UJ H Z 3 ^Kfr ^y^/'W^iiw^ ;K'AY rro'-i) > .^ c\\/ V / ^> STATES • A • R« 9 Alirll nth, 1899. Hon. David J Assistant Secretary of State, *3^^'' * / Washington, U.S.A. Sir: Referring to your communication of July 2nd, 1898, granting to this office an allowance of »300 for messenger service for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1899, I have the honour to request a renewal of this order in accordance with the last clause thereof, viz: "This allowance will cease on June 30th, 1899, unless it b expressly renewed on or before that date." I have the honour to ^e. Sir, Your obedient se <. X ( states Consul. ( cJ'^. 25. U^ CONPIDENTIilL. ^^i^f^>^i •MAY ir)'99 ^^ N< Pretoria, S.a:R., Ajiril 16th . yj^^ 9 K'/ ninc7^a^i/e David J. Hill» S^M{'<}^a?a 5^' 'rslci'Hn Q!^. I have the honour to inform you that the situation here between the British subjects resident in this country' and the Government of the Transvaal is rather critical at this time, and a serious outcome is looked for. I have just had a conference with a gentleman ;Tho is very close to the {Government f ountainhead, who informs me that the Dutch here look for quite a serious time before the trouble is settled, and indeed many of them do not think a settlement possible without a resort to arms. It would be useless for me to go over the whole matter now, as it has, wi,thout doubt, come to your notice through the medium of the cables long ere this reaches you; but we have in this country some 2500 to 5000 Am- erican citizens and if the worst comes many of them will be in a bad olight, as was the condition of many of the non-combat4nts during the Jamison raid, which was of much shorter duration than the prospective trouble now, if it comes, can possibly be. Food supplies will be, beyond any question, tcarce, not to say utter- ly unobtainable. Of course if this contingency should arise you would l:no;v it at home almost as soon as we, and I trust you will take steps to cable instructions fully in the matter, as well as to give me proper instructions by mail if sufficient time is al- lowed. I have no copy of the cable code and think I should (have - 2 - have ono. If sent to roe. It would be wise, I think, to send It under registry to Col. Stowe at Cape Town, who '.vlll forward it to me by the most practicable route. It Is to be sincerely hoped that trouble may be averted, but the tension Is so great here that something must snap before long, and I do not think those away from here realize the magnitude of the trouble as well as we who are on the ground. The truth is that the people who have caused all this ferment are, in the greater part, a lot of floating i rresponslbles who are never hapoy unless stirring up strife, and who, by misrepresentations, have entangled in their schemes some of a better class. I am criad to say that as a rule our citizens do not take kindly to such a leadership and to a great extent take sides with the Dutch as a?;ainst the Leaguers. I shall have the honour of reporting on the sit- uation again by next week's mail, I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedlen Ited States Consul. V ^244/99. \ o^'-' CONSULATE OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA. Pretoria, S.A.R. 9 Hon. Thos. >f. CridUr, Third Assistant Secretary of State, ' y If. MAY 2gM899 • - . / • Washlng:ton, U.S.A. Sir: I I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt, on todays ma all, ' of your despatch No. 23, of March 18th, 1899, In re claim of Nelson Thompson vs the Government of the South African Republic, and would say that I submitted further Information In my No.25, to which I am a.valtlng a reply. I have nothln«y further to reoort In the matter at this time. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient ' *i ted States Consul cAh. 26. CONFIDPJfriAL. 1? /v KEC'D. '^: yrU{i./M*-: -^-t, J -^wiy vf^'Jl''^ '».''.? 'vwTmm (^u-Z-^fSoL^^e-^tjU dtM (^n4ic/(Us c/lAe ^^Mmf/rd QifUcii^ oi>^. 4^ REC'D. "^C Pretoria, S..&.R., May 6th, ^ y<^^ 9 ; ' c^^'V. friaries E. Mac rum, ^a M^ Wi'^ia'y^tTneTvt o/ Qtale. 1 V ■1 l,-::;:v*^^.??t*-: Qh/ued: The Situation in the Transvaal. 4 f r. a {7*^^^ /^y Lnclosin';^ a cooy of a Petition on request of the Porelp;i^Sec- retar".- Ooenlri'^ of the Volksraad and the ^resident' ^ speech.-- ^ '^ 1 cM. ^'T, Pretoria, S . A . t^ . , May 6th ♦ . J^(p 9. Wona)fa/i/e David --T . Hill, \ WudAin^lan, ^. 61 a^/ .■»."li0.1l ^v I have the nonour to inform you that I am in receipt of a <*" iHter 1 rorn the Foreign Secretary here, copy of which -.vith a t -'.rs 1 at i or I herewith enclose, enclosin": to me a oetitior to V ... v^overnment from about 9,000 ":;it landers" residin,^ in this Re- .■:.ic, .vhich he requests that I transmit to my Covernment, and . •":ich I also enclose as per his request. , I have the .honour to say further that I attended, by m.-itatior, the formal ooenirg of the "Volksraad" (Ler.islature) list Monday, May 1st, at '.vhich President :r« p«tltionarlsB«ii sub]altt««r«n m«t d«n m#«it v«rsohuIdlgd«n dsrbied de navolgrnvt* fei't«n onA«r T^r• naridaQht s Bat sy all«n uitland«r» syn^Britii* oind«rdaii«n«A]ft«rlkan«n9Duitsoh«rs faransoh«n «n Pollandoirs wn ond€rdan4»n van and«r« nKtloniillMi't«n| Dat zy v«nionan h^b«n dat vra Joh«nn«sburs #4n ^root* i>4rtltl«. ond«rt«9k«nd M«t Sl^OOO niiawt»#Jc»n Uig«i» v«nond«n Is aan H«H«d« Kb- iiint^ln YBn ^g^laod^lMtw^lk ons e^«^ «n ad onb«ir«id Is; Dat In (;«ft<»ld« p«tlti« soud« b«w««rd syn^dat do >!#7gd«Rflir«esaa« prot«kti« so«ft van l«v«n on el jiendonmen^ An •ubnit tih« following fii^Tts for your eoxv^ ftidextitlon* 'Riat they ar« all **Tii-tlatvl«rft'* • Brltlsh^AsuirifsanpClttnQfmpFl'cnOh lJut>oh oTKt 8ubJ«tltion^si67ied by 21,000 IndlvldualBfhAS been eent to Fer ^Ixnoiovii ^J«ity the Queen of ^in^rlarKlyand. ivhloh we know notbim; about^amd that It Is alleged In the said petition that the Fonoratole ^Tovemn«it of the ^outh Afrioan Repiibllo sives no protection to life or property^and that is their lives and property are in jeopaamy^ivhioh we hetreiwith most sQphatlcally deny* That the hixXA petition further ntates that the s^^^^ral adialnl- » stration is so bad and detrlniental for ther. and for the oountry^whi^ vre also rteny» That you that the petition to Fer 'tek.lesW the Q.tieen of H^land has been oaused attain their ob:1ect,that it InclucUneT the *njltlanders"» front very reliable souroes hy the Capitalists^ not by the public, and that if the Capitalists ital to the whole publlo. (4 That your petitioners wish to rj:ive yom- Fonors the fullest assiw rance that they are pearfeotly satisfied wlt)i the rT;-.T T ,-. H\Y Ist, 1309. Cicntlcmen,— It Is ^ again a great p lasure to me to bid you welcome in this vour Assembly Hall, and to express my liearifelt gratitude to bhat CJod Who governs the universe and Who has spared ail vi you to devote all your powers, with iiis help, to the interesta of our dear Land and Volk. 1 Where, according to register, dif- tertni members of your Honourable As- liemMy retired last year, 1 have opened frp»h elections for members of the First and Second Kaads. The result of these eiettions wilJ be laid before you. J. As the vacancy caused by the retire- ment of Mr. A. D. W. Wolmarans, who wds elected a member of the Executive luunal, had to be filled up as speedily as possible, I have caused a fresh election to lake place for a new member for the to\ni ana district of Pretoria. The result of thin election will be made known to you later. 3. The time of service of Mr.- S. W. Burger, member of th^ Executive Council, will expire on the 6th inst. I therefore request you to fill the vacancy before that date, and allow me to remind you that the present office-holder is re- eligible. 4. I hope during this tittinf,, as early as possible, to direct your attention to certain proposals which I desire to make to you with reference to the franchise, bewaarplaatsen, and dynamite. 5. It is a gr^t pleasure to me to be able to state anew that the HepubUc cuni nue« to stand in a friendly relation t ) I he Foreign Powers. The corre«>on- dence between our and the British Gov- cm men t, arising from the difference of opinion regarding the international posi- tiun of the Republic as against Gfreat Bntain ajid Ireland, has not yet con- cluded; I trust, however, that this matter uiU speedily be brought to a satisfactory isfcue. It ;s my constant aim to do everything m my power to maintain the stability of thfe>e good relations. t). Ihe Council of Deputies held its annual sittmg this year at Bloemfontein. The rei>ort with the recommendations of this body will be submitted to you. Those rr( ominendations. of which this Oovem- me-Jt approves, deserve your serious con* ?i:deration. T. i'ursuant to the resolutions of your Honourable Assembly regarding the re- f nimendations of the Council ol Deputies during 1898, Commissions were appointed IV the Ciovernments of the Republics in rdcr to tr>' to make the Constitutions , <»; both States as uniform as possible. I i i.t'se i'omimfisions met during February . t rit Pretoria. The report ot their pro- ^•^eGings will be submitted to vou. A C oramjssion, coaaisting of the Chief Misti'jes of the two Renublics, has under- '^iLmi to make further proposals ug:trding uniformity of the laws, .■^ i iLiance wiuh your resolutions during • ♦^ 1 i^b bcssion. This important work T' .u.;rc^. liowever, extensive consideration id L iture deliberation, and* this Com- ^^ n has not yet complerted a work, '■r.-li, ubcn once accepted as law by the K-jitti lives of the people of both ^*'«*f^ \v;li certainly promote the welfare : 1 irospcnty of both sister Republics. V N';:oi:dtions have been opened with '^laii^'e Free State Government \i-ith rtt. tine to the payment of registration * " :or goods, whioh, according to •v\x will no doubt receive with interest, will be submitted to you this session for con- firmation of ihe recomTocndations and proposals contained therein. 10. An invitation has been received from the Government of the German Bm- nirc to depute a representative of the P*T)ubiic to attend an international Veterinary Art Conference, which will be held at Rsden-Baden during Auoai' awu;uuua to >i>ar reao Willi iclcAcuce 10 Uie i^ic&auu^ ox d Uuiiu. :io Uit; leioicd Uieiiiutri' oi ti^e r^jiecut^^ v «. 'v^ouucii, «^i-r. J. j>x. A. W VAUxn^idiWi. 1 nave lu tjLpxcee Luy tunct^Ae icgiu^ taa. «Ue aa^i oeea lorceu u> ludi^a o> «.ue bta;cc oi ''iiiti .at:a«La, ae navMi^ aiw^ys utxm *k gieai ttuppoit ill ta4! ii^^ecuvivc Louuu., Kjii accoaxi4. ol Ois Citar si^aicuaeda, acuiv^ I power, «iaa luteal iuve lui* aib couati^, waere ae cuawAauaiiy proveU U) t^appuiv lae true uiicrcSLS oi .baiia en Voii^; auu i taaaul at^^etc maaiuug aim lor tac i^iuii oeai UM aati aoae, uosliag luac yuu Wiu pflUM a iavouiauie redOiUUuii upua lac rci^ULet Aireauy aaioe oy me, as cuaiurafce, leader saip, auU sagacity of our Coaiaianaant ueaerai ana uuicers lo oruig tUis war to a saiuxactory termination, aaU tne gooQ ana urave conUuct oi our ourguera, ana to coa^^iatmate us au upon tae quick ana QfcCAttJve manner in waich tnis reoeiuoo aas oeen suppresbcu. We regret tUat aiso liiis commaaao aaa again aeuiaaaeO some ^ ^uaoie victims, ana our sympatay rests wita the Dereaved. On the spot wnere tne laagers were, the Government hss es tabiisned a dorp with the name of Louis Inchardt, and 1 am convinced that you will approve of the Government's action. 15. As the Netherlands Railway Com- pany has decided to return the £2,000.000 borrowed from the Government, there is no necessity for the Government to raise u loan at present. 16. On behalf of myseff and the Exccu tive Council, 1 must exprjess our high satis- taction with the work and actions of our Jilnvoy Extraordinarj', Dr. V\ . J. Leyds, who reported to us during his visit here. 17. i^Yom different statements, it appear! that the minmg industry made the greatest progress durmg the past year. Gold to the value of £16,240,630 was gained, being an increase of £4,686,905 over 1897. Up to the end of 1898 the total value of gold gained in our country amounted to £70,228,603. The resulU of 1896 place the Houth African Republic above any other gold producing country by a large majority, and represent 28^ per cent, of the esti- mated production of the whole world. 18. The Government has decided to fldve effect to the previous reaalutipns regaimng the coolie question, and it^m July 1, 1898« coolies mav only live in the wards of different towns and Tilkigei fixed for them. 19. There are many plans for public works, chiefly bridges and boildi^^s, which could not be executed, or eould not leven be considered, because the Executive Coun cil was overwhelmed wilh to many other matters, and alto beouiM fiipitfioial ar- rangements had to be made for that pur- Dose. > r . :?rr- 20. In consequeaet of ^roiir iMiRKtion, the Government ^laa rjrfilithiMl in the ''Staatscourant" the . draft Of^cnett and the Criminal Prodtdure for ttir aMNnsbation of the public. Yoar eamat attention is directed to these important laws. 21. Pursuant to your iitstyiictioQ, the Government will oace more eoiMBii to you a Pension Law fer neniitostiun. I ti-ust that this law will ^peopift your ser- icus consideration. 22. I was permitted te TJilt eome dis- tricts and townn, and to keU meetings at Heidelberg, Rustenbiyi. and Joliaiines- M tliia burg. I hope, dnrinf tAia estting, ^ draw your attention to'tlie wMim and de sires of the burghers, ■# fmw m tlieee were brought td my natiee. 23. From different f«l>arts it appeared to tiie Gove^ment tSeit approximately 746,500 cattle succumbed te rinderpest. With great gratitude^ bajrcrer. I can inform you that this treMM disease can be considered as a>li |# iai i t gone. Only 81 Lydenburg, KrMi^WOrp. and Pietm tief nave some caeea occurred during January last, but through the immediate [execution of the orders oontained in tlie I proclamation, and through the kindness iof Providence, it was oonffned to these places, and no farther spread of the die- case resulted. 24. The Government has given instruc- tions for the taking ifp of fauns for irri gation purpoees, and K^l lay t^ report thereanent before you. 25. A list of newly-appointed, retired, suspended, and diamii^ oflficials will be submitted for your approval. 26. The different reports of the heads of departments will be laid before you. 27. Different laws and amendments of laws will be submitted for your approral. 28. The Government has, as far as was possible, carried out your instructions, as will appear from the document* and re- pc-rts to be submitted to you. ^ The Government intends, durmg the present sitting, to direct your attention to different matters, of more or lees import- apce for your consideration and decision. And yrith this, gentlemen. I once more, with confidence, place the interests of our dear land en volk in your hands. God give you the necessary power and wisdom U' regulate, with His great blessing, the n)atter8 which will be considered by you, for the welfare and prosperity of land en , volk. 'I o .'>/V'. 28. Pretoria, S.A.R.. May 26th , //J^^ ^y^^ I'. Charles E. Mac rum. r^ //r Gfr/farhnf?i{ o/Qt(dc. 9 •^ Inquiry into the citizenship of Pichard Floyd the Pretoria Jail, accused of hig^h treason. t * ■/6d/)iac^ o/(^i/i/{:/f/'). \cknoA led^e receipt of cablegram,-- Call on Nichols in company with Col. J. C. Stowe.-- Nichols statement.-- He is not an Ame lean citizen. wfrnummmmH '■*»wi I tu t m < %p ' 'yi?\ 2h / Pretoria, r>.*. .P.. Mav 26th, . J<^^ 9. •y/vnora/'/e D a v 1 d . U ''ill, X — v^' S^6A{6fa?U Qect^etci'tt^ o/ QicUe^ Wtu/i(m.^07i, ^. (5 •> ■ ' c; ! have \\\q honour to ac'nowled<^e the receipt of Mr. cablegram dated vesterda", reterrin- to one Nichols, who is :• .'ail hero accused o! hi^^h treason. In conipany '.vith Col. St owe, • r. is visltin?; nie, 1 caUed at the orison to see Nichols this ■ciT.ln-., and questioned him as to his Anierlcan citizenship. He . -ates that his lull narre is Fichard Pl'^vd Nichols, that he was 'crr in Cornv.al 1 ,Er gland , 37 years a<-,o: that his father, F'rancls N- -iCi-. Aent aione to America about 1S70, leavin-^, his family in ■•• a:;d, Jirui settled and r.TiS natura 11 /-ed in Marquette County in •■■ hi -a-.. cbtainln.'T his citi'enship (he thinl'.s) in the year 1375; r -t >-o . Pi chard) folio.ved in 15*^1 •.vhen 19 years of a^e and hadL '. ir.-t" oarers issued to hiii, which ^.aners he has left in Eno;land: • V •• i.^ lather died in Washi n'-ton ,P.C. in l^'^?. '^e further states ] r. > I loft the 'nited States shortly alter the d^ath of his father .■ n e V or i u 1 i '.• na t u ra i\ ' ed . r^e trial vi I i ta -.e clace in a ,vee^ or two, and I t • ^t'h it closel*/ and leoort. t '' ha'-e the honour to be. T ▼ our obedient ted States Consul. •^ ," -Ah. 29. {^in6(c/(f/e o/^/ie ^/t//((/ Ot(U(A, ^ Pretoria, S.A.R., June 5th, , J<^^9, ■y/rff. Ch a r 1 es F , Mac ru m , ■^ //(€ {^fAat^^mfnt o/ Qta/c. «4^' Oh/i^ecl: Authentication of Le^,al Documents. lAylA^-^^ >'/' 1^'? -esoonriln^ to Peoartment resoatch No. 26, of At) ri 1-28, 1899.-- Lo-al Paoers Should be Authenticated before the Secretary of State. •J'l>. 99, Preioria, S.A.P., -June 6th, > ^c^^9. •yFonO'T^a/i/e David J. Hill, S^Sd(6l(i?U n/ Q^ale^ Wiu/ic7i^t(yn, ^ ^ In response to your Despatch No. ^6 of April 28, 169P, .'ith reference to the orooer method of leo^alizlnp documents in the "nited States for use in the South African Republic, I have t!ie honour to sav that I have had an interview Alth the Foreio-n .-■ecretary here and upon requesting; his views on the matter he informed me that within a short time the Government here would ancclnt a £b^sul -general to Washington, but that In the meantime leo-al documents should be authenticated by the r^ecretary, or one cf the Assistant Secretaries, of State of the ''nited States, whose <- • 1 -nature I could authenticate here. This I believe is the method thov have adooted in such cuiitrles as no Corsuls have as vet been apti^olnted. I ha-ve the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient ser .ZSi. M'j- (^j^ri^^) V • , I r^ , I S TIo. 30. V ' Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., lune 7th, l^^^- ''^'^\ Mr. Charles E. Macrum, To the Deoartment of State. < % <> Subject: Death of Julius H. Pratt. Abstract of Contents. Peolyin>^ to Denartment's desoatch No.Pl, of ^eb.?! , 1B99. -- Enclose Death Certificate of -J.H.^ratt . -- Five shillings exDenses Incurred in oostacre and stamos. f; Cons'.j lat o\ the ''nited '-tat os , i r."' ' re to 1 1 a • .K.y^., UT'O 7 or.oiiraf ' 1 e Pa vid \ssi.Uant /'nrret.iiv of r^'ta ♦. e^ Washi n ;t on , » • t -^ • '• ilnal reol" to ■.our desr-.it c;>\ Ko."^!, of -'^eb, ?1,]^0P, -.;i o r^^e ^ononr to sa v th?!t throu"!i ha:in:- ^ome oersonal f-^itdi- in rniiawayo . as ."e have no Consii.=ir A'-ent th^ro that n-^' of, ' '.'.as enabled to obtain tho enrJoned certil'^ate of - ■rat^-. of Uiliiis r. Pratt, to^;ether v.ith a letter frcni the '' ^ obt ai r^ed it for .re . Mcs- r<: . F' rasf» r ^. ''^h^^ 1 to r^ , 1 r. ■ : ]^. real- ^- IoIioa'.;. "'w? re.^.ret the delay in attcndin--, to e, raured T'V -Jhartered ^-o, otilclalo* Fnclosed olea>'e ♦~ ^/e'.' 'ert::i at^ o; .math, .'i^-ned hv ro:;idprt Tia^ 1st rate, hO::' -c», -pt^ -^ ;>P'-^ i'.ast 1 oi '' i ^h I '' ' rt . ^ ■••r. ■•'ei,- Ic has I ' I . 'i ^.ttcrno;. I lo::. ".r:^. Pratt to adrnini .ste r the estate ■•. - ort re e rva-iai '-e rt i :' I ^at e an i li. co'jbtlcs;< f * y. at*ei , *■ h i C ^ t V. e ^n \ f^ no.v loft i n h 1 s !' r ''; o i rx :- t^ D A 1 1 vO [ " ^' r ?) h o "/ o I p t ^ r r , it " e ^^ r ■ s ■5 ^ • ' » » r'. RT] ^, f V / es-i I a s r r 0\ a 1 iv. e iz a nd ^i v s e 1 !" nr,e^- '^-'^ a r" t re ' ' n <• I'i Vo I. ■ r ■',r' '• > a " t^ eyp'^n.ied ar. out ^ "•^ i ! i : : -.•• i ^, : t . V i ^1 t ^^ f 1 o 1 i . (1 : V n J.. ?c)ii: 10 1 I • ^ '••W \M Q^ (^^ I ,' ^'0.31. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.P.., June 10, 1899. Mr. Charles F., Mac rum. To the Deoartment of State. V /^-^ Subject. Pichard^ P loyd Nichols charged with Hi^h Treason. CXu--^ \bs tract of Contents. 9^ all on *'ichoIs.-- Relatives living in the "nlted States. -- ro-.'ision for defense.-- Send Nexsr-aoers containinq: account / ^; : trial. \ -0.51 Consulate of the rinlted States, Pretoria, S.A.R., June 10, 1899. onourable David •1. '!ill. Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, •'. S. A. c / 1 r : I'd / - »■-' t In further response to Department's cablegram of 1399, referring, to one Richard Flo\'d 'Nichols, now incarcerated in Pretoria Jail unde*r charc;e and on trial for ;:irh Treason a-^ainst the Government of the South African Fepublic, I have the honour to %5ay that Nichols sent for rye anc^ I called on him this morning. He says that he has ?o:'ie relatives livin.-^ in Washington, D.C, as well as a sister :ivin»; in Montana, near Butte City. His ob.ject^ln sending lor ;ne was to ask if I would aoooint an attorney to look « after the case for him, but in the neantine the Pritlsh " -^.ont has provided for their defense, and he is satisfied that no heln is needed flbnus. I have watched the trial closelv, but nothino^ 01 interest to the "nited States has transpired. I ta''>e occasion to 'send ;'ou the dailv press accounts of the case,* •'.Ich is st enoc-raohic . and therefore mich no re comnlete "in a.n- :>otos I have ta^en. ! have the honour to be. r ou ^'•.: r ^'e.v spacers under sec a rate cover. V mm t^tttttmrni^i *" ~ ' A.^^ lL_A. J MhAMk^MliMMMiM^ w. f u i HIGH . BEASOU I' TRIAL. > |.|;i;i,nilNARY EXAMINATION. ■ ■ ■ > THREE STATE WITNESSES. K:i:toria,' ^^^ 7 [Leadku Spccial.]-- Tlii' nioniiiijr, l)t^f<>re Mr. Botha, the First Criuiiniil Laiiadro^t, Charles Agar Ellis, larl.ird Mitcliell, Edward Jamea Trem- lett <'eor«^'e rattei;9on, Kuhard Floyd Nkliolls, U. Tool llf>oi>or, atul Christopher r.uiUMUiiderwont a prelinunary exaniina- ^,,,, ,,„ n (har-e of hi-h tre^ison. Advocate pc VilllTs a;»[HMred for the State, and \,lvoiilL' lhi>:l)ury,iii^tnicted hy Mosfcra. TuH^red aiiil Luimon, ro]>rescnted Putter- son and NiohuUs. AdvoiMie I>e Yilliers said he would ouly prmrcd a-ainst Patterson, Hooper, XicIio'In and r.utler,and he would with- ,liav.' tho iliar^'e against Tremlett, ElKs, ;in 1 Miu-he!!. He Avoiild call them as \vit- ',!0>M»--, and lie would ask that they should \)v lei.iiiiotl. 1 . 1 f \. locate Duxhury said that before -niii- inio ilie ca>e lie wanted to ask a few ^m»Ti Mis (>[ the representative of the Sjtatj AttoiiKy. His attorneys had beea'plaffii jn p»^es.si.n\ uf certain statements niioy l.v Trondett, Ellis, Mitchell, and eh V()m Kuiiod <'artcr. He >vanted to know -V>n v.li It ^lalenn-nts were his (dient* arrested. ilo a^n^vanted to see a copy of the war- . •■'0»t. - Tlii ruhlic Prosecutor said the j;eneral^ l^n.roiluro for an advo(»ate for the defence i(i adopt was to i^ef all the information from the State Attorney. Tlie l*ublic l»i()M'cat(»r >honld not he nuestioned in I hilt iiiiTiiier. Warrants had been issued a/inisi ihr aroused, and tlie declarations 1m' i.a-l iiirhti »ncd, to;;ether ^nth Dctec- li\c' l^'iUys, were all that had b<^en^ nia«hj. Ailv:.c-ate Duxhury said he only wanted to know if there were any other declara- tion-. Ho had asketr 1 leave t<» see his le;,Ml advi>fi, and tliat reqtiest, as Mr. P*erran«'e' had ^^':c1, atid the letter w;., iiifido'd to th.» ihitish Aj^ent on Miy ::o. Wi.y hiul that jlett^r be^n de- l.ive i '; \\ !iat riLiht had Conirnaiidant >.;: ;•! and D'tectiNe Heatly to po to M' ' ".l'- ill .'.lo! nn'l a-h* hiiu t'» j^dve evi dc::'-" ill t I i\ «• ;• ■' t >Lh<^;' orisoner.^ had al-» !''0a a;)|K<»a 'h'? I hy Sfliutte and llrit^V. 1 \ 1 ..' I a •.. riM-ec\itor sai I the course I l»y tlie advoeat'' fur the defence S: itenieiils v/ere niadeaiid r 'n> t loll- ,i-!;«* 1. Ml l>ii\!eiry : I ca!i pri>ve it. Til'*. l*ii>!ic rn)s(» •nt«>r said 1h^ knew ni';',:l!i_: uhoit the que^-tions whieh had M l);i\ iMvy ^tid he had not uttered a j '^^^ •' i he (• oihi not provM, ;nnl he was pre- ' 1' ■ '"l I > r ill Ni«-iioI!- to prove ins stale- a 'Aa> 11 i»'_:'iia r.M' !*uhlir l*rM-.';']itf»r said they had II' ►' .hl; l> 'lo wiih that at the pteliuiinary e\:i»iiiiiati 01. The L inddro.-l >aL only {i» a<'.»iM t«» lakt^ » vidtoi.'w It wa^ not tl" ''•'; r t'.'iie t» place Nicholls in tl aid ht) was ('wUvcrsanV ^Mtil.iv' ruh.* «)i" Conrl ]>r(M'edure. He "' ii*'l l'> di iw the (.'onrt's attenlion to "r'.i;ii ii !;jnlarities whi(h had taken Ml t\ . M I>u\'»(irv 1 ^h nc' mMi, he l)»}lievc*l, the State Attor- y^^ ap)>ioval. riie iiaa idrost s litl rverv possible op]»or- tunity W) i!,l Ik' -iven to the advocate for j l''- l-feuv-j to defend his clients. | t'hi^, MitLdicU, and Tremlett then left th box, and,>f Mr. Daxbury's reques^ ♦ ih'* othcr\\itnfj-»o«< in the case left tTro Charles A«^r EIH^^ AvSTl-dreAsed indivi- dual with a pointed moustache, declared : JMy address is 93, Juta Street^ Braamfon- tein, dohannesburg, and my business place ifl Jlf Rissik Street, ri^dit opposite the Government Building'-?;. I know Captain Patterson and NiohollS; i ; 4' '. Mr. l)e VillieM: I ^vein^' ^^enerally enj^'aged duriii;,' tlie (lay, ! an^ o;ily at liljcrty in the evun- ini;s and on Satunhiy a/ternoons and Suntlays. Kindly name the date and place for mo to eall, or ^oti niiiycalloa me. A. FloV!) N'icholi.s, Cliairman Ford.shurg Hrancli S. A. Lea«;uo. Witness, continuhi;]:, said: I received that letter on March \'l. I saw Cajdain Patterson in mv (dlice before I received the* letter. It was ni)out ft>ur days l)cfore I 'received the lettej-. PaUerson asked mojf I was ^^illin;.4 to join the movement. ^fr. (or (\ijdain) IVttersun, kr>»win;» t hat f had been in tiie army, tohi m-* (hat lie would like me to meet Mr. Nicholls. Mr, (or Ca;»taih) Pattt r.N(»n said he wi.-^hed me to see Mr. NivholU, as lie wishe»l t<» l)e iulroducel t* any m»'n who v.on!*! ad Hs ollncrs. ('ajdain Pattersf»Ti tii,l not tell me then v^haL t]i«5 movement was, li" told me to;4;o iii'd.seoNicholIr; and ho would titdl me all aliont it. Then I received ^he letter frnii the i^liairnian of the Lea;^ie. I went about three days afterwards to .see Nichtdls. It was in the evenin;^. Then I met Ni(di(dls. I doii't ktiow in who've h(uiso it was. He boarded there I be- lieve. 1 1 was No. 27, Crow7i JLoad, Fords- hur^. Xicliolls took me into a rcMMU and we had a private converj^ation. Hi the first place NiclioUs asked nri if I was willinjjf to enter into a moven)ent to take po.saes^ion of .Tohannesliuri;, fort ami town. (Iiau*;hter ill (a)url. ) I a.sked him to e.x- fdain the partic ulurs ni the laov^hient antl also who was the chief and who wa^ the military leader of the movenietit. He then stated that he wis not at lihcriy at that moment to tell lue t.lie name of the leader for fear that he wcmld iHi put over the border. lie told me that he was an experienced miliuiry m.-ui— ^an ex-Imi>erial othcor. ! ean't swear that he said ex- imperial olVn er, or wiiether he said '*was'' or 'Ms" an ex Tmperi il ofticcr. The idea was—at least Mr. XichoJU told nic— that the otticers— of whieh I M^as sup- posed to bo a lieutenarit -must ;.:et as many people as possible, especially [leojde with milicary knowied^'c, ainl tell Uiem to be ready it *24 hours noiiee, when re<]uired He stated— or I then asked him ul>cut arms, commissariat, transport, ami every- thing' connected with war or miliufy tactics. I may state here that on two I occasions Nicholls called them tools, and then he said arms. By tools he meant arms. I told him that I wanted k> know everything about the move- ment l>efore I joined. He told me that the ambulance, etc., wtne all in rea4iiness, and ** nnmey w;i.s no object.' I understoofl that the Ko-ealled chief, whom I did not know, wmild pay the expenses. I asked Nicholls whether tlie South African Lcat^ue knew anythin*; alsjut the ease and I mentioned the names of Wehb anf I By Public Prosecutor : My po8itionM|e l>eloog» tfi, the Lca^^^e — had j. asked vhira how many I reliable men could he get' togethtr in t itfjjfctent of a row — I presume he meant wai (Mr. Duxbury ; You nmst not presume Well 1 understotaiu in the 17th Lancers. J^ did not know Hooper prior to my arrest. I have seen him in the street. The only*j transaction I had with Ihitler was that Tt^ wanted a ]>artner for my business. (Mr. j De Villiers : Never mind). I don't knoW:, who the ex- Imperial officrer, our chief, was to be. It was an understanding that his name would be kept secret for fear of his bpiiig put over the border. I understood citat, as soon as the thing started from the moment we got our ordere, we would lie paid by this chief: I don't know that we were going to get anything before tlie time. The chief, through Ni^hglls, I understood, was to provide funds for the^ movement. I have my opinion on the mat- ter, but nothing was said tome as to w^ere the money would otmje from. W^hen l9i.id in a former affidavit that the money wais to be found by capitalists, that was ^ . Only My Opinion. .'■i< I am not a burgher of the 8 A.IJ^ \ 5g^s Cross-examineJ?.Heugh, , detective at Kruger^dorp. Do you wiuit to know all about hdw } have carri^ i)V living aiiice I came here 1 ,^,\ ; ^^safc^-^ '^ 4> \Vi(iiei*> : Well, ill 1^04 1 was in char;^^ f(nMiativ(vpolico of Ui© Minets' Siiuita-^ uii I)c^|>aniiient I li»d to (\rill them— r- inisi' ti!«' foivc. Thin hillot wixs j,'ivon V Mr Van dor Morwe. I never '*.; . .»r. -. -V ' * ■■'-^■'*.""i( li;'' I'' ,;ii t.> Kni^^ermlorp, Rs lIeu|^Hi aviw then .! Irti.iit Imr^'. 1 rottij^ned tho above jl,.( ;i:i I -ot ii hillc'b imdor ('apt JlJekslcy ;',,» I'lwii SMnilatit)H Dojiurlinciit. f ,. , ;i .! (li.Lt aihl joiiitMl the Hechiianahuhl i, !h' \\)\'u'o. (Witness here showcMl .;; (.;* kiii[iat i.MM't*. ) 1 Wits in that serviru ,,:ii (Oil iii'Milhs. I was corporal in ,;ii > i.i Sikwaiii station. I came down ; I a ill ,1 t'cii' 1 \aii«M4s .- jitviiijiLions. Tho tea- >r.;:j "> .1- a pavin:.; liu:>ines-'. 1 sold that !m-.miii(' I li(»i>o a privalcdeloctivtMinlil I ;i^ ;..' u 1. 1 iR'VLM* (lid any work for s iv! S.'i vi(c. Anydiini^ 1 reported ' • i.N . iiii'.'nt Tdi'l Oil niyjown responsi- I ri'i'oiieil ai»oiit ;^o!d and lifiuor 1 i.i«l lo>\(»ik for the Chaiuher of ill • , fi 1 was !UMcr ii: aiy wayeniployc'd • MTMiiKMit'. J l»;!d to r«?port to tliiT' j'ji'i • W ) v'lior, aii>l ifivii theni hints on (.N. i ^'.ls only oiaploycil hy tho liuiii 'M- < : MijH'?* aiivl piivate porsonn ma j»ri\ lit? '';<(( ;v<'. I h.nl lIon;L,'h and n.N.'i- fi»;- mv I'liiiirr. lir.vt. I Jtr»ni«>t a lif'i- iiia.'il. Itloul kii«wtlia( tliepapcrs ^lyUM^ I iif'i:: iiaiil >\!k»ii I was arrested. : : -' .' i.aj'cr- ill the I'iel(»ria ;,'aol. • I I * ):i ye-. I ^aw <»ne yesterday. 1 v., aii(-4''i! on tiie evmiiji;* ' > : ' 'i:i 11 o\'i.)! a- I'' ^ a> L:viJ li'iiil iv I. \['i'\. '■'. •;(l-l«!n\^'. 1 )oiet'livcs 11 1' 1 . . ;t :v ai!*-: •.! iiir in ihi^ eii ' ' < ^J ly J. I N^.Ls ill Picioiia. I »•»«' ' ' i'i •"" I'l to s.'(* ( 'oiiiiMinilarit !li'ii: \ I -♦ r I:iin a: lii- olhi-p. f i-ame a'!'' ; I 1-. r hill) in!oniiaLii)n y-f? tliTs ' " ' ' ^ ' ni'Ti:. I v.tnie ipjiio on ^ , ..^^^ ^-.. y ' ^' a '«\ , ii 1 v.'as 1mm<» ( \v.» iiiDiitli.^ II : a. . Mr. !),» \'illi,.iN : riirn they took •'•' '!(">' !,i . AitfM- my ir.tervievv with i ^"1'-- 1 i'l ' ''1 tills thill- (o tl{(* Sta»o i: ;Mi.-y, ;i. ! via-a-h: ii vr.i.s my .Inly ;:s nr.vatr y^ t*T tha '^^.\\*'•:^ i/v. wil!j Ni(dlolI>. 1 r^Mli 1 [ '»;♦' {'.r S'..i\r Altonay, as Iil' was v, rv ^^■ •:' I ''•' lii I'', ai! 1 1 t.)l.l hi.s priv.u",.. *'*'^'/ f '- 1 c*;:!.! not j»<>ssil,iy kV «'^ti. 1 (nl.l th.' private -r-i'^v of il.M Nt;;:,. A(t.-iney my siiir>.. .-11, .] a-, :,<.•! i.iin if |;,. Voiilil I'liv t('i: the Mal.'.\(:n;nr>- i iir inf,>ri!ia- 1' •«'"ilf t!;is. u-liirli [ tJKMl - i\o him, li I refrriir.l ' »► .lnliaii;i<-lMn;i. Hy ** the ' '''''i'''^ 1 MiLMn iny ifiicrvj.-u' wjtJi ■'" ''^ I '" 'i him iill 1 knew al»,»ut the ^'' *"'' • i '^iv.: full iiit.>rinati(M» to li»o ^ ■.l"^" i'-tary. Wli^tiuT ho t
-^v t'l.. .jiMie of iUr private, .soeiv- ^'- '/^'* l^i"" h»M.' t!ie lir->t day of i!;o ^'- ''•' '''^ -i 1^' nd. .\iit.r I liad-lvoii '"'•'••''•'■"•'' '•• la<' j»! i'.ale sec'-etarv 1 ■•''•' ' ' •^";'n!.y(iio jir.^t i,aiu;ui.| took :• '■'; '-"•'••'■^' "a ihf m-at-r. I sw^ar '-"':-'■ :*•'. ' y "-th, il.at afl^^r 1 had ' ,' I"- mi"ni!-i:i..n in il,.. State Vtt » - •--kn-iiM.»i.. imii... „i tL,. nmvc:nr;u. ' • .lit'U-i^a.nliu- Si;:ir Sorrelarv li.e ' -•;" ' '•:':- >"» «■•• r.^ i:<»t;.^. ,f ,|.. Donc3 My Duty ].V*r''"V^'^='''"Vi-^'- F don't know '\/^' ";■•'•''• ^''-^ p:ivate s.^relnrv ' -Z^^-;- '•••••^^-v t..:dlain of what f .;.',, ';K'^'^ ^''/'''^ ^'^'did. After! ••;; ^'►•'y-Mr.oslMn-^I keard that the :,,'^/"'^'"*''^'''."''^^''-^t in Pretoria ''^"""••'••'"'^''^ til. por>ons Mn»- . *"""'"a..t,..| .vitl, the. !nov(Mnen' - /"''.v ^^^dd nu[ mist lai^ wi*!i -•. '-''-^ ihiii.h >al.a..i. n,„ . .; ' ;: ';'"'7- I^u^ron Ilieard /, '':,'^*V\^' ^''" -'-in his ' ■ * "'•,''**•' ^""i niy srrvices. ' ' l:''^ . ^ ^^•as t-repared ,. . '' '' ' '\--">ntawo k 1mm. ev ' , ., ,. '• •':^;':'' ''"'Nvoat ! knew of ; .;,; . '"■:'■ '"''''' ^'^''' i i'll over. '• '"'" "--"Ml tl.nti, why I ' ' . I . .M : 1 •"■ !• 'a f: THE TRANSVAA was arrested. Beatty thought I v/tm fttill in it, and therefore I was an informer. I was going to swear an atlidavit against the accused. There i8 no such thing as inform- ing in private detective business ; we give what information we like on eitlier side. I acted in tliis merely as a private detective. It iiiterestoil me an a private detective, and more especially us a soldie^ Mr Dux bury : Leave the word **Holdier" alone, Mr Ellis^ and stick to nanitation ; it is more in your line. |(Laug!»ter, in whieh the accused joined.) Witnes.s, continuing : T did not go into the thing hh a spy. I simply went to Hnd out what the thing was, not with any in- tention of spying. Hardly a week before tho arrest 1 went to IJeatty. T then came to l*ret^)ria and met Beatty here. I came up in the same train. 1 had arranged to come by tho same train as he. I came to Pmtoria, made my afhdavit, and went back. I went to Conunandant Schntte to make the at^davit. It was the same day as my arre»t. I saw Connnanortance to an oath. Beatty and I were together in Schutto's otiice. ^lit- eiiell \>alked up the street. He first went to the l*ark and then strutted up town. Tremlett remained standing on the stoop. Trenilett and Mitchell came over from .lohannesbur*' with the same train as I did and we all went to Schutte's olhce. I was oersonally present w hen Tremlett and MitiheU made thcii affidavits, most of tho time anvway. When 1 entered tlie office — at loa>l when we entered. In the first j»laee we all went in. Myself, Mititliellj Tremlett, and Beatty. Hooper was not in Pretoria at all at the time. I never met Hooper nnli! after the arreH. I never met him in nj}' life Is^foro. When we went in in the first place we all shook hands with Schntte, whom I knew ; tlMJ others dill not. He said, •* I believe you are willing " — or wordsto that effect — ** to give niQ certain information.'" He ad-- dresscil al^ of us. There was no more convorsutioti. He said to mo, ** Will you make tlie affidavit now?" I said ** Yes/' and then thfi allidavits were niadu. There was DO more conversation beyond the common coarte^ics of meeting. The alli- davits were made *out by the secreUiry — whose name I don't know — and were written in English. /riicy were rea.hop near the Transvaal Hotel. Heatty went with his friends, and we kept t<»;/etlier until we went home by the 6 o'clock train. We got to Johanneshni;^ shortly after 8 o'« locK. lieatty went ly tho same train. On arriving at Johannes- burg Tremlett and I went home, while Mitchell, I lielievo, went to his room. I saw them again al)out tw«) hours later on. I live in Braamfonlein, Juta Street. Later on I went to hee Nieholls. Why did I ;;o to him ? Well, I went to iusk Iiim a que^i- tion. I wanted to know wdiether ho had heard anything alH>nt arrests, hut I cuuld not find him. That was all 1 wished to ask him. He had moved from where he livc/f. I knew where he lived, and I wantecl to see him to ask him that rjuestion. I did not w ish to i seo whether he had Smelt a Rat. You can put it that way if you like. My object w,is not to bce whether the bird had flown, l)ceansc I had not the slightest suspicion that he wouM cleac 1 also di]d i^e. ^i^' -I - ^ t _¥ Ko t^xaminorfri My father wa.s Coloi lOl Charles dohr^ Ellis, of the Koyal Marino*^^ Light lufantjiT* -md my brother is the lata ( 'Uptain t^erutd IJlis, late in the Pechuana- land Borden Police. The money I receivc«l' irom Bi»attyw.iii f(.r iny faro to Pretoria to p\ e evidence. I never received meney from tin; Governmeuti-ur anyone else. I positively swo ir tliat.:- I never workoil in thi*» casi» with tho oiiject of getting nioney. 1 was nevor projnis^nl anything for work Jog up the ca-e. I only did what 1 did bcofinse I ('onsidorcMl it us my duty, and considerecrs. lama clerk, a shorthanerli;y lUHes ior tlitfXangeberK campaign. I was a prira^ in thf Killes iluring the cimpiiign. I knowi Capt J*atU5rson. He had iV conversation' with me a couple of months l>ack. I cannot wiy for certain when, but it was not less than 2A mimths ago. He came to me and asked wheiei '• the Major" was. He said he had l>ecn sent by a man named Hale, who is a driver in the employ of the C^i^tle Brewery Com- pany, who ivulso connected with tho Boys Brigade — Christian Boys Brigade. (Laughter.) I told Patterson that I coali do any businesa connected with the cornsJ and then he drew me a.vidc and said Un^d things were 't ^^ Looking: Very Serious in dohanucshnrg, and that it was very likely that trouble would ensoo between i the British Coveinment and the Trans- vaiil. dolninncsburg would he defcnceleiw, and he wjujiod to raise a troop of men to hold the til^n until the troops could relieve' them. I said it sounded very nice, but what would ho the good of it, we had no arms. Ho snid, ** that will be all righL** I told hiiii to come back latei. Ho carae to mo two or three timed,, but gave him no definite answer. Then I tol him that IavcmiM join, and he tohl mo- attojjd a meeting at his house. He to me to j^et any i)orsons whom I could truw and who liad military experience td comi witli m^ Hj wanttid men of military ex-' j pericncr so as to save delay in drilling. I '^ said that it was very nice, but what about tho fort. As soon as any movement ^aa made in Johannesburg the fort would com- I mencc firing. He said that the fort woQld ' be nish.ed. He also mentioned that they had a largo rontinju'cntlof Cape boys. (A voice from tho audience: What?) A day 0V two after that he came to me and told me not to forget tho meeting, and went to that meeting. I believe was on a Friday night. I forget the? date. The meeting was at Patterson's^ I o THURfilDj isc, ^\ bere there were several men wait- rDUiiil the hou<*e in corners. Patterson jhanin^' on the gate talking): to a man 2i\ 1 came up. He said that we must It for Nicliolls, whom he expected every j,it*\ AftAiT a little wait Nicholls came ,,e u]) {iiid entere< (, J')b mnesburg wuh defenceless, 1 tiny iiiu^t take steps to hold the t(»wn 1 jiiuieA't tbemselvips. The idea was to (I the tow n until the troops eame. Ho ?, I understood, to take the town liefore , tr(K)|)> jirrived. Nicholls tben explained me llie or^'anisation of the force. He il tome tbat each officer must enlist as, tny men as possible, especially men on oni i\uj could rely. Later on M'e must e u;) the names of the enlisted men. I LC I Nil lioll'i who was at the back of the jap Ht' said be could not tell mc,hat the ef jenjde were in Natal. He and Patterson re go-lietwcens between the ** stiff" — . J p(T>^>ns— as be called it, and the people .Joli.iiinesljur;^', the so-called onicers. id II >t know where the five persons com- -m^ tie'* statV ' were. He told me that mail at the head was a general officer — iii't swear that he said Imperial ofiicer Hio had come out from England to lead movement. I .spoke to Nicholls alx>ut arms and he said there were many e. He led me to believe they were \]\ arms,v^Ia\in)s and field-pieces. He lid M»)t ^'ive me any idea where the is woTr. He said I wanted to know too rh, hill told me tbat the men could l>e • .1 ill -4 hours. 1 spoke to Niqholls lit :iie Fort. He said that would e :» he taken by assault. y uouid iiave to v !i(n tills wotild take place. I was )' L'ivcM to understand that it would l)e ?r fiif iiKMi were armed, but no definite i \va> ^'iven me. l*atterson told me l.'uiM 1/e a lieutenant. (Laughter in rt, tlit» witness bearing very little re- ' to a military man.) '^'* * " 1. :.ii:i-«' Nicholls liiietliai over 2,000 men and 150 non- i!ni>si.u.Ld ulhcers had been enrolled. told f;i.' to enlist men, preferably men li Military experience, and take their ic^ 1 >j'()he to Captain Patterson. "II., thitsi' men at I*atterson's house I I > 'a]u* Koy-tCaptain Patterson ^Mjinted ' 'i: to !M'» a^ the one who took the !• 1.1 till' lM(l<.ring of Cape Hoys' agita- I VI' t«dd that there would be meet- « .1 til" lio!ist», hut when I went there F; i.Thtcr.od 1 - i 1 presume they got at Something:. llulle wor.l te ^auw ^ 1 ;iu>< 1 ' IM_ ^1 pefBOfti^wetft Into th« rooni where Ni<^holl.s wrts,,a3 1 Haw them go into the room. Nichof)fi tA9^\ mo that a general oHicer was headin;jr the n'lovement. 1 am certain tbat he used the words ** general oHicer." Ho told mo tliat he, a general oHicer, ha4 come out fri>Mi England to take the lead of the movement. No names were mentioned. I never saw atiy weapons. 1 got a few names enrolled. Considering I enrolled about three names I supnose I was implicated to a certain extent. I only recollect the name of one man, the other two cleared out as soon as tjiere was trouble. (Laughter.) The name of the other was Tayfield, who had military experience. He went through the Mataheleland campaign. I don't re- member the names of the other two. As soon as the accused were arresteld mo tbut there waA [»os^ibiliQr of war. tb;it owing to an artfclc in the Honri Po.s'< referring jito the Iwuiliardment of Joliannesburg, some men consitler it neces»*ary to Uke soirio stops to defend the town. This iscorreet. I never read the article in the Hand Post, but I heanl about it. You (Mr. Duxbury) need not readmit, as I have he?ird of it dozens of times. [Raiid Pout, of Friday, I)#»ecmber *J3, 1898, containing article handed to witnciss, h% also tranfsla- tion iu the Star.] This article lis the on<* I refer to. * , Mr. Duxbury i cad the article, whereupon Mr. Botlia s.iid he could not 6ce the nse of this waste of time. Mr. Duxbury rc])lied that lie liad to identify tlie article, which threatcncon about the ''[■'■' ^>Jt. lie -aid there wei'o ' "I kiilir-: on tlie mines who could •lie phicc. (.verpower the soldiers, and ' -'" ^\l:it- men <-ould eonie afterward. "-^''''' ' I Mr. r.otha: They were very V - I lirsi Patters(;n always kept .' ■; ' 'il about the holding of The place " ' ' '!"• "i'-^^'-inif^, but lat^Ton he gave '■'-'^ "'i for rn>hing the fort. He ■ ^ '"" ^'--^t the enlisting ^vas j^' "'• ^b> came to my othec "^' '!"^inn.'> a >ntler '-" ' iMve not s|»oken to him. 1 ;i'.;:ht at PaUerson's bouse. I '•n;/her of t Ids State. I am a I spok'i (o two or three movement, Imi never en- lu;;! ,,1 ; "» I I • h '- ; -. ourned for l^n ndnuics. "^''ny proceeded with the crosis- \ i<\ I U ■ I sp:)ke about a meeting at ' '^e. I don't know that be . K-use, e\cej>t that you ' d^Mi t know that bis wife k6eps , . i l»e Cape boy I saw there did ;;? \» ;r; '^l'l^^^^»-^V'^'e ^f a housl- boy. H -Wiatter.ontold a lie. I said that 111;-. I (I ''itiiri Continuing, witness .e truste t«ni8«d and appeared %p^u%liytlr Before prooefdirg with ibe evi. denoii %ha Pablio Prc«eeulDQ notified lh«t be wonld wuhdraw ibe o^ae ftiraioit Tft-mb let, LlM and MLitrb^H. wno won d b* leinotd M 3rml« eTidMoa*. bai wcnlJ p» end witb tba) .gaian PalDertoo, Hoop r. N ch U« M^d T»efirttwiHifp-odItd WM i :^ Ot^UB Jk^^T E a«. wbo dero •d tbat W Ii^ed ^% 93 Juui ntrens BraM..if.mt.ia. ^n nl\ . fe'*"^ ""^ bcitiaeM, ib« T.*n»v*aV Uite.uife Burrao, w«i iTiineduuly oppjki « koew it>o lelier (pr^ooed). * , TMi Ijitl^r wi-a aa introjnoiio fro© «T to N.obclU, tign^d b, P^nert^p. wi a ▼!• w to lUf a-^ia^ a me^tioc. * lAstew a ^.^nd joi to J, in a pnlil'c*! ^o^.-mr^t aader %hc ooaiai%nd u/ N g olU f- ifleiy ex- oDitifj man was inruKli f jr thit Oicvr .boot f-^Y t Y ameiN.'r.olI.aiNj 27. Crowa Bmd'' Niibollh •jkaJ y,4 fo J)] J a m^fifiniKi^ /Jti'iitbB JohAtlue^bur^( r,rb auj iowi. I Yea laiktdbiai ah3 WI8 A h tn t At the Head of the Movemenf' *na h* replkd ihM h« o^nUn-i mmMoi th^ hotl^r. but »b« !•»(•« w^ »o«BotU. Offl vt, Wi»| WM ymt p*rkio(iU' b^f ;«♦«?--( To g^» hoM o< »• m».y ^oyU .iW .h»o: tb»-j tbojr Wrro to h< T r-^d;o~a wiihin 24 honr» . A*"/**!* »boai »iiimaai'{o> I Yu Inrtner Mkel -f tbe L*»vq — 3j„ AffU *» L;^^f_b»fl •.'yil,.,.^ ,.j d., »i. b tU t5 mhA p;«] WMI t : IQ QoJ^« -* - * - O vert Suspicion from teagua. Ten mtr honed tbeae two ni>me«, ^Oiuw ift,, ^er« met prcmineol ^"^Q »,;* th, L-M.8U9 »l I'M. UW*. X'»u W9t^ ii ha li«uc«Qeui» in fh« -.: i**.*"" *SL'*''» *'>• 'of» "> the «voub ••''-*-»het before or »/t«r. hf^Yi.T?^^''"^ *"' "»"•♦* '-No : biiVi 1 U'l*'^*.*^ r COD men h.d bc.« enlww.! *♦«»•» ii«)p n a lu %i^ g „. f -We frf. «&d Johfcn^cibl|»|. ^ TJk) yvni know BatlM and O.op i f? N , I koow oolbiBg cf , Hmoi. Frooi wticra Wit lb« mouc v to oom^ f — From (ht I nkaofVD obiof Ihroogh NioUqlif^ ^ la crcte-N[»mio4tiD/\| Mr Duxnaiy poi^ «omo teaiohiog qaeanooa wuh r««p4»ot lo ib« fricd(.»8' pMl hUiory «tkd his iie^:ou»ti)si« with OomtmndMifcS'jhmi*. ^ v I ibitk il WM on a Mv>arl»y. t ' J ' 0*1 tbdd»y cl Ib4i nrrtiHi I — T thiik it wrv I^ wt.") tht ^tm^^ 'Ky f\^ ih^S ou v. hfo'i jou^ \V hero dd you Ke C)3K':itt»u'aat Sohut.^ t —At his cffij^ Vi'di w«>rd prenentf—O oi'jaurUnt HrKtlt^ , I do LOO kDOW thtt DAiDa « f ib<*otl#r. H^^umh ofB ();«rk or bis teae»ry I cI>q*a kuoir bu uimt'. Ho bai a f*«ir roo'jcUoMtt. Mr4e Vjliian : Mr B tdt-ll prrhj^Uy WitDetizToea lbtr« was Mr Beat'y. Thoi3 were the oaly on«s aotadly in thu r orp wbcD I kWv)n» tbo iltti(i*fi^ Peisy h\A I ««urotd for OcutioQiDflf after 'q.)o>*i witt o-« Si*id i I DtvGi me » Hx>|Kr until ulcer ihe arrist, I oefci Ottt bim tii luy UDi btsforr. W fin tbtse per»uiM w»at ia what to A pUct f— Id tbe 6rkt place Wd Shook Hancis with Mr Schutte [ kcew Mr Sjbulle. T^e olhert did iiui. Mr r>cbatte sair,'*! belief f^ j(mi Md willing to give oer^ia v tiirmAltou," or vf trie to (h'«t ifitrLt. Th^ce wae no morn oouvtr^Ainr. H Mk«( me i( ^ won!d mk^- t^r ffli vii-. t^uo I tail*, yos. The/e wai» iii> fu ^rr o 'fv rh^- tixi. W 10 drew op ih'^ 6ffie'>use «/e hr 1 to r»ad it. lo «* ) aiiroru lo b f »r« O^OTtai \t:^ *t.t ^^ata;.^. Af t;r tbe affi itavxi wue drj^wa uj , «bAfi btOAQij ot }0(i, TttcLlt-c , Miiobt il acd tbe oeb* fs !--We wcoi* lo !!•• butx ■ ibop near ibe Tai^Vi^l Haul Th^Q W(^JAr^ul ro Jobanotybora^ by the r.^i. Ir^y. I. Tr«it}ltfit nod MitcbtJ, Mto, I »f ttv , l^e»6 y ^»ent by ibu SArr.e trur, Ou »'r V a^ >t J.it.airi* •tliurg I ard rrrmloo w»nt riune 1 i>rl tvr Ml ont;Ji «eui rum' . I li\t ii\ B 'Sit f i.'itti . L »cf y I Awny »o «»eo Mr NohJl ?-Yf W.ib whii lbj-o^ did y^^o g to N'ohoJI t — I .kuitd c>A k m » qn«s.-« ? . I vrai c d tj lii.Mi* Hi m *ih:. ^', W.*, cioy.'U %»i4r t i" k» 0.7 f I »»i».td %) kQj V wii*-«^**r br had h«-atcl t^: y:uir^ i.b Ul i btie ufrM'i} I rtui nt»» Stf him. I In :h»^ »ii ?-Y«- thft IS tell I waa'ed to «-k Uci ba 1 m* vf-r4 fr{>Qi hu biQIt^. Yi 4 wnred 10 ttid whether Te a4 io the a* ?— Oico3r^«I itraLtei tjo ti .d Lim and 8 'fAk. to blOl Mr Dux nrj : A-* a mtti^r of fioi, yoa« ihe i»'ihf ', i^nicu s lew h »rA b f^rr ha«i frwura to •D . tt U\\l Ol»'mi g Nii?rn.l;s With lb*- pifH. cl bi^b irtaa.ii, WAiiiffi tu bed out er fi»^ ' Smel. a Rat ? ' 'H ' 1 t ft k v,h;ritjnr h«j kri :v rt , . h kr 8 •- ♦ 1 b -N I Y >> V '. 1 f I X • — »< Di Y I r t. r J <; i k' ur 1 * » writ t rr I I 1 " ■» tv y ' t »• y -: 1 1 w • s ' ') r i h. U i^n <>f not f li b^ h'vay, y-u then nut t^ warn him Ibat h' }o: *cr« ii.:a'i:-i wi n NicV*oll ?• DIGGERS' N C-. n i : 1 ' I) f I ' . Ill v . C wa U N r« I 1 S£ ? T f. L k l^^wuwU, TrVauci'Vnv *" "-• ' ""•• "^^i^^* - A*'^rr •<, ^1 >aui Aua m/ctil. r ih'.* ^ « I . ^NDARD St Y '^l <»**'« aU btjr git t 1 t '0 yj 40i iiP t Tin ? — Y» ?. • V/tiO is Mr 1?'r!f« ?— T nnver «a» hi i, ii r life of or*. I MhV licre*" ftte»i bi m sino^ , 1 Y^-»vi m >de in- : tfiiavit -iipiriuHi ^Ir F'U • i I ufr'VH.r 4%w li'Ui b :'o''« in n>y 1 fe. j W'bas b^cauiu f fcVi ?— I i «*'< th . 1 j oi» luted^iy n.^U^ !» WH' r m vt t. Um wi/« in ojy Cfcfi*. t"! (*» u i» I ill '.'C M t' Iv tiDt I ihm m ♦n;iJl5. nuf^-llo a il e y*r«*. I tiver tiftw bim )ftgi^:0 tu P^" v • > t4r<* wb.UKf ift W4 o\ til* li f jvH" ^'f t'ttv iii p'l o iiic.v^. M. U tbuy ri^f'Tfi'^ '< :. 1 t NicHoiin to witur*s Uudcr be **Cit«ifni»u of ' The South African League *' This pbrase he opioed hal b oa bnd ubo cjiiv r*A»h*n wi N»^^oils )iu ^'oteYcry i* f iroi^ii n Ir tm hit It — Ytm, he g«ve mr ^a- *hv pri(Ki|^a', .. i lu.leti^ ! W.^: rk»*onj ti^kv^you for ^«)i«> tha'. Ar»^ V'li .iw^irt! of an^tbmv^ tu Ot ron^fAij f —I iiavo rta-' n** Well >^bat av thf} / I » th« fiM-D j i'^^c j Nio.oils la vo (HpA'l< ti i^'aui-giij^ ^< Ob a movement; Kecon^ly hn .i« Qit a mtUtary m4«, ani could kni^* Dcth Dg of b'>w to tatd t^e f.tt 1 1 Johii«ri|^^ U r/, and, thirdly, tb«y wuuld noi uko iQut a m»ri to lake cb^r^^ cf thf matttr. '^i'^. Whom do y )u mem by •* ibty. ' W^o art •• they •' ?-'• Ibey " cceans itie S uV.i Afrieaa Wtat right h.Te y>ii to any the 9 a b Afi^e^Q L^ag^e. H 'W do yt u k«i( w ;:« | w^r<» ! jipiioa^el ? --W.li, Niob ilbt li a oi> sjid ihcy wer», A p^eei^g^ at a m^ thtn took p»Uoe latwf\'D witf]«a>aL«i o»ui'tel, app-opoa ul tfje a|piic»* too to hioi «f »u*9 iMro) " I' f 'rmer " il •* spy.** Wit€c«.^ fcaiil bfe g*ve Ibo laft^'dntioi be ( il gits tu tb: ru'.boiittes, bec.u e bti n>* g^r ltd iba movomeot 4^3 ojouivin^ as 0iUrd< c Htikad a peiieot ri^bt to comminic^kU} what be knew. Counsel had Insultei Him . thai moraiog by in-iora^iog him to t>e a **Apf " aid »• f trill U JWcv^r br b.<^ bii o;rii Oi^fiiofi ul ibaa gfa%lf»»iu* .^^<^ . t. Mr D z>m y : yh^\'t »U ti^hti I hi^^ f^ i fitti<>t«;d wi h yuu yri. I am croid-txii^ii i h i yti^, »Dd >oa ruoa^ atswrr my qurstijus - N •# w;ty did yoa wait lili May brfore di.i^-^ »Q« U'i«*g f^I am DOi % Sror^l Strvice m^i. oQi I waoitd 10 bc)j> Bia'ty aa bdoga friecd. cf ninr. ^V»y were yoa arrerttd f— I do no^ ko'W A*J^ t/iajaa.boriiiep. ' .» I> dyou not ko'^^ il was a forma! arrert t— I I k»»>w ftry Weil I wouid gite eviteoo:? tor l^if S ate. I kot;w I wad lo I'.o^r . Io w^ iny irutoti >n to ^ive hfiduo-' f »r iht State, Tbeti :.cu .rci^g t • yo«r <;wa dej!ara&«ooyco we.'ik icto thi» o«^^ ' ui c4 curK>i'y T — Yr^ tt» ^e*. :o i)t-! o>:tO(u of i? for ah i pru:e.:SkHi uf th Britifth n^ wt^vni iba Tr:xrsva:*i (jrcTtro- ni^ri\ I cona^Jf^rtd \h*i O'^guijiHiia were i Mc kicgas ffiwO^ . - Against t^ e British M !»gf.ia9*<.t>at T<'as^v»al OjTi}:DQieQt8 ^ 1 litus y vj c:>alO i.ot b-ii vr thai ary Britia^ rffi K?r wa9 c .i^nrct i! «i b tbe o»a^ ?— Ietoci)d rut" tbr.k tbai ittiy uiau tot preuent a BriUitf t-ffi; r was r^nnt^tiid with the c*Rt, ,* Now, Mr EIb, y a Mt^e much hurt a6 wb-^t I itaid tbui morf iog. Ytt you wera watoMr.g tbia 0v6^ fiv>in itb incep:ion ia M.*r«h Hfid \{.i\ i»l9j{ i thf tpy oj yvur ftl!ow piif-ju^rd iu ll»; ij.v. i ? — N » I dia U*^'. B^ ' a d »», 1 cud *tli lui'Ch a.»i.fr, ^ In ip.to of ahi^b ^ou ft el you sblf irsuttel wb'!U I cai: you a:i iaforj3cr ? —L.caasc I ata, not o-is. , > Y n hiive giv^iU m yjur cvidecce ihd oj. - fri8:it;ru whi'rJi J'>.k |'.!%oe in tbe gaol i^i;h your feitow p i ;on*^r: ? -I have sail nothiog agsitiat the pruooora. I deny having said anylbioQT a^Mn^i ti'ex. I only spoke a^^ia^t tbb Suutb African L'^igu''. - ins Df^.a rvxiHiary Uh»et. t>v1Jl.oVcl;4 • riuy^To^jbe o*Urti Datwtioa L>40 y a s^e i.rM of iiy oort ^-No, I ui uor. V, liid }ou r^ooife any money fr^m any of tl act.^>a d 1-^Noj oeru^iily nox I 1> d you get aoy mouey Ironri anyone the m i count ostou With till OAg« ?->! bavo ftotsivtrf out of Mr B;*atty'e pavate p 'tke!) luy ho exp<'i)8ts and riiUay f ^r* , I UK>k rp n hh aattluau. I ttiuk I riceivtd abiui i3. coimdcr that I still owe tbe mumy lo M? B'%tiy. U w.»l^ g«?cn wijkh t^/^tunde»s•.ao1.|l( , You Hiud eoai bia|{ atouo W^bb aud Do <', iov dd V' u know b^y kuew aboi>i ihia tl.if f-^s I • uj/*iO iuformav on, abo N.49 k<>; e I 1 i u.t) a:^out them. . ^*r d. VinJtie : .^!r KUu». ui'l yau ray who y re f:*|f;t'.r ih, Mj »» Mr DjX'>uiy hcis ttitd lo ^.k^ cipitil of youif bt^Yiog Ciirtifd y<,ur b'lad in ibd H'^rviofj of ite Hattin^iy B ^fil.-i M> ftNf irf Cln^i Oimrits J.h^ Kh., if h H « 1 M»iiUie L i^ob Infautry. Mj t'r(»»ber w«a tbe ,].»•;« Capiaiu Ghttrnid Eil»K, 1% .d w-AS lattiy lu tbe Bnciaii d, /, OoaQp^aya tarvi'H-. .^jM *' 'No * I nrXersband tbe mooty you reonlv froio C^ab>y Wiia to p^y your exptsaaea P.t'toiu ? — Y»-, tbe m«.Lty I would rtct^ fr>^it> Ih*^ 8 #(e ss expt;Dr»'«. I Lave nav r»eHvei m Ut-y from M«: B *»tiy or Ircm P.P 1 have t.iH b< e I pr mi^ed aoy re^^var^ irr >ei*.on' ruii iO for ^oa'i I dil, I did i b ouu»« I fdU it bj b« my duty, ^-: Carter's tv dence. . H'a;y Oroi< O^rter oalle<^, depojtd : I liv» lu Jouaiin»H burg. My addreca is osira. oi K>tien ^Ko.anda, Oiiy Cuafnberf, I aD> wk ol-tk I w.s diill in-lruotor U> Ihe Jeai^b; B-^yn' B'igA'Je. I was formerly jo thf foiuiuea i:f tbb Oa^H) O-^loiy, to the D.K O.V.R , Caprowp, and the U F. II fa- K ml* I ty at J h ^ ! f ur m 4 >ei I r. aseOibur toal P'*ti* r-OD f*a(l % coQv* r^j*'i» D jviib me. I ibti/k aboui> iW-i aid a b:» f m »r- h< agr, I OauDOl lay t^r certi:a. I«i wrs two and-^-^ialt mouihs a^ at !»N«st. He f^aiH aud a-ked m« w!iexo maj.r WIS. II • anid he had t>etn aeni „, ^ Dri4u Lsmtd Hue. llA^s is a dfiver for tn^ U««> !e B.«iwtrj. H-i ii conneol^i wiib tba Chnatuu B }s' B<»r». Hf^aail ttoal ia a'rsgW I H« aid iioifcing atx>m iLe forb on Ifaia ooueaJL J I MH d )i- OtU't c m« l>ack Uteri and* I wicm q ooiri .'«'' !*. Became lo me iwo or ihrt^t*, limf, bit I gave tim bo defiuita answer.] Td<'i I t>M bioi I tbould j')in.| II« toll m^ Ui attend a meeting at hia' houi-i He faid I o u! 1 g*! any mtii I oon'd^ radM^ tfUdO lo oore mi b me to mtral bioi^ Ha| waMtfd mi;ii ol iii-'r>*ry «'xp tienoa lo avoid • any c'aUj. I n id '* lV.ai.*j go <) ; »>nl What About \he Fort ?''^ He .*^ ^-O; . A f wp dH).H ihiit he c*aii*9 aai told ai* w J» ;o fo^^e-j i'.*^ /itvtie^ 1 w«at lo; I" * inbtttg. I< uan on a Fai Ion M'. (a I 'rir da^ . to mir.d I W I^oirh n, h* *r weiti kUaity ^ rcimd >!<* ^< I 8 P*ue aoo w»n |«Ai i gon I e ^ '16 tatl i 3,< Vi> a m n an I oaoie u\s He aad ae (uubt *^an o- NiobotU. We tr^itaaa kiboi't a tit au bout aLd tton Nicbolle os^mm ikod wen» into ibe n« Q?t! He went air ne into 4 roois T^ell pAwterson foLoiffed bn i S^oxtlv f!>tr 1'a tl r^oii oi^uj^ 90t nod i*( otuc'^ ;*»» M . n,c 4o I- wa 8 o.vt'»eo.b^ >< -'^ ^(t* r ifNi I i w«a my wb»:n I i<«.*t i • »v , ;t 1 Vs!llft U.ili'Wy ;'u...l».' >tb;tti i'- Hh ♦ r- i> : T«; ••: tir yto: ♦ ' - w ,' ooiu .r t* ' ^,t aii: ?to*tjrl :3? 1 M ^ »^k 1 ^ y 4 f \ lit n ti. H I I . ♦. - II. J ■ ♦ I •- a ( * • ' *' • I b- 1 ^* - .♦ u h • 111 - I* \ , v; « It ,: .' " .• ft r' r h. .^ i'-.it>> o 'd I i^ vwUC N >w atoui :t J » / 1^1 ^«jr^ vtXiaiiff waa Iu ^«l aa matt/ ntaaiil | *. w r^.." '*''^X - ■j r •■*' T, '^^ \ w Celobnitcd Fcrfv PAR13 — S7, Doiilt i«»Wi -.■■» X ijr.' h^''r.v<^.f IV. The \vor!d r prevents the [ TRADE-M ►■ ( »rjt' ui V rri n . li»' ^'iivi I ^- ^ ^' " ' ' i tie ; h V' I I 1*3 p'« *^' ' * ^' '-'^ ^^ j d»Hiie» b *"'^^' >-^ ^l'* ♦•' ff '^ ^'^ »ri#f ( e p'v'C la Job ^'^J thua f. I • ti kLO 7 vh) t^H tve Wviv. lit nl •> d m* tli-^rj nr_» » ,:••>« f*l ' ih 4r f m r vva>i [Jic- ' > *-!♦. I •-•• k lo \ o li*^ n?. il: I'tj r;»f' t*! ^; li v- th t r. • ^ ••'.•• • X ai *.' • M-p!ro » m w- I i- M*., I fk t'»-, «i u : ! ^- V .iiy ui- 1 Ml t » * r r ii'^y itt. 1: fi J 1 w .tr»' 1 '»j I:^'» * •^^ ) n •! .^ • a I I • li t. :i y c. u .i I "i '♦r • d i'. H»t. .'"ir h '1 ^. II: ' i' 'h^", iri? U) ' •' IJ t :•. • t" b;i ta -n ly a-*-:*.'^ . • J 'A 1 ^ .;e t » J- r« ru ! o tj • (1 A ■ r I'M ■ . -p ." i ;.■ e Vi^^^ ; . u ;. , K. ( t k* ' : :. t f.) ', h : c [> 't-rii el Ti A f i • !i ^ ; '. ir^'\ t u.f ti e i •'. 1 ' ;^ »* •.• • t •^ "'M t k )i'C , S-;. '1 'h* r wi.MiU it' ' ' I ' !• H " ut»-"nr' ki 11 ' r • n >I^^ N • ' 1 hH: 3 it, ^ i. i .v. •• -J ;, '; , n \> > ' ft y Fr 1 1 . ta':-. d 10 Pj I. ••« ri f r :\ f w 1 .-« r ;i V ■. ^ t '-' hu. • b .If 1 . '- ' . u C .- >s' I '*• f I I I ' ' * * > I ' * < 1 Mi ^ ^-^i? »^'* •:'! .in/ t H »^ ^ '« ' . hn tiOO .^ P< : I- 'J I • I » '1 -''J (-rh^ '^•'« ^^ • i .: lo It; liie t*0 1 > . \' y I i'. r.,. *; ^: c . c f, ^ ^^f.tih •- .bj::t. ' 1 'i ..,. "^C" '^' ^"'^ ' j^''' Hi-< 1^1/ 'K-U ti,., • • I • ' ii*' 'rj I ^ r 'J ^4i4 HvQt'ftua Tytifldi a b^»tbtr. Ho, t;>n-^ jldxnl i.» ftlV .M*:a*> 1^ t*inp»^i. I' ^rui < v^* ^^'"Zi* to go r iu*i en j^ ii«d.»y. I vViA Wo bay. I t>»ii hK>% tniicb «. rath i'l tJ6 m v uitfDi vh?;« r^i^ifiH^uj spoi:b of i% but ^tvu I M:iit^ Nt ^ ol r I ^ u' bfuy wnitii tirr.(f« . I «'(,tif; i l.> tMr »-tI i. uuoof O'lrio-ity. I cikauol ^^wy uStn I liro t t tftrd (f ;>o : ff ill*. I^ w< u'cl bvi u ax, »a<>* 1 ^V'ie iwi^v* m^no fuiin *A i • Z »* • ' y i \(.u «h 1 ! iho Sb»a/?-\Vy tli.u'l If i \s'M v.n I' (KUiin^ t.(. 'hi- 3 viU f I Do yiu k.>uiv lUikttiUdi y ur .«ciuui. loo) jd • ti^ b* X y u ' ' 1 Should be in the Dock ' •ffad uf when* .>' u '•rt I Mr d« Vt|(ii!r> : I xtiil ^ar/sntee the Viit- tir^iM th%l bv wi i nud fituni !^>^rt*, lV^cei.»iit^\ »a r^ply lu Mi 1) txYn^y^ c . r-- i ».y Mn.: t» ih\* Q v r- inrf.v llj b • >mi^^t> l» uik Hfi il!i iAv.f. TDkfdtUiAf u ion WM dra«*ii up I y oi.v cf t!i) ( fBoi»iH fti P.tlon . Htt t'Mucij {hi d^ciA'A- i n b f>*:o Mr i^chuita. M' D xVury ( eiiitg fr m ♦!!« ^.ffi^.vi.J^ *'Ia MIOU tcld CDe tier VCAi H s r.<' tf piy^.'ii iy ««b;>ut WAr. AiMi t^*un m^^ t > .2 mi*ti '.hidtiitd i'J n-^oe*-..!) » » rAli» "< wv o ••o^ d f tivj I* is c *i." I) > TO* ^- ' "f :i jft ik*» p rii Q of t^e ill* ii » ? — V f, I h V« »♦ r ' f" q i-»V^'v f * ►- I'll 1 . * t'^fil Fivtav !>»• fi I r 2'\ lhl>^. I »« v . .'y k^* f ii> i 1 li'i I i^ ^. .. £: »< .'! I . '• i ri • lUi >• >• »' r, M !' f«ir © . i ♦. ^x T»}Il i 1 ^oa^^l-pl 'u- ••ik^ / * ir i. » t i- lii < I (U U . I irjok lu I 1 I* ^ eit L w.ii u Pi^'O"-'. 1 '«t1«tt iv» -♦••• Vlr'jj.^'d K "W f uUil Mr l^ ^:ty ttt iJ o C >'»^!V4fc i-m* r'" Orfice, i.vtf iL » P.tvrirnv.y. f •>•> t i^^d ul C>mii« - «ktorer, tr-brit-t'a «wtlis>«. I vffit Cvj ^-o il 1 c>uM v.'^ '•^'*}> ^-f^ ♦ ^ Kh* I ntculJ coii^ bacV. I or: y locJ I'lijfi-icl tb^v I whou d r '^ iv-» my m\ *Hy f^r«** »af^ b N I ixpe't- I r/i'S u- v-r »fi rt. M»ry*t D y^-' Hr v^»t!o 1 v.«,« f*y^' Br k;«Jt> M Uili ik-i ifir J^ibB*)«' ^•>i ^ • . . . ' VI. l)u^^•l^y a%* pri**^! n* '.vim* s in rrgmt! I la J ifH n f flit 1 i*' ibc ^uc^Hv^e^ or CO . ^ \ Tbe OcuT : Y.an el f r^«¥?ili vg tba'. < MrDux'ury Levetlhtltsi irsutcd on hi- J rt^h% tDOXOr-qo^tfliou the with^tn AMv^%if.:i \ hM pM\ Asd in T' piy ^ituatft 9%id : I »' ^* no | ong'f ia tb-Obfii-i'*n B y*' E igAjc. I * ' y(» . to. I J D. t 'Tn^t. I fViitOI t^lA#ft«««ft ll.fti 1 ftul I V on!i kvtp an rv«^ oi bin. I «>y *»iy yu L u i Lf): fje t'U*uJ, l)u^ tb« v; t.« P^»* v*»^ a^j^aved •.ill lo ui'^rrviV Ui'ji 4iir o »■■ IOa'c! »■ .■/• •..■.^- "'^ Latest Arrests. J- T e rr 'iber cf ac'tiS.ii n» l>^rkAd r.t tl e ! Cii fc'?' Ofcfic. y ai.-rday nmiSt^cd 7#. . ». ^s-cl o o lie tru;.i'»4 rrciT.\ T.» a c'«i"'. K Qr ^ p duly io\€i m uc 11 C) »8 U we a (^ L • K Ty ^r» m rr ^ '7 C tl'i'-'^ « f • »t . .i« trill . g :!•• O • I* "• " \' r ^ t*'jc'.^ «i f '.t' ^> tf f • .• %^ «V V#* »•' j^« ,n s .■5 f^C» K -«« •» I'.. f_ 4 y^t N' " ^' Oa.'s Trial. I Were the Loa'ert V Intel esting Corretpondence. Capta n Patterson's Credentiali Letters from Lord Flosebery. .\+ Telegrams from Mr. Rhodet^ L ^\\i6n from tbe Leegu v ^ «• #• »< VA VVhet was fremUtt? Hit Own Acetiter I A Gilbertian Sit Butler's Little List > Of^wo Thouaand Recruits* ^e ^mm Where Is Jens Fries 7 ▲l Prtlorfai fMlcrdftj noniiof tht fotr IMlUatn alltged to \m inTol^ci io » mot»«,; tmm% to otptoro Um Joham^ftbiirfl Fs^ ftod ! kcM IhtOold Fi'Mi agAinM lb« B pobti^j Gk)Tenicid&t| were oooo more dcdMd| w lb« MBMlioiul oh«rg« of ' Mgb tiMiov.^ Tb« OilbtftUa boocor of ^Mlf iQppoMd pUttt «M yvtifffdtgr TftUitr empbaaia^d than letaen^d by iba pobliop«tn%al of ibe oorraapoodrcoj oaptofod OS %ko patf^B of Oftptoia PAiiaraon (vbo ia ftlvBT^ given Iha plaoo oi diaiinmion m tkar. obarga ftbetta) on llio nighl of b a arriil nil Voidatorg. Tbb eorreapoodonoa iadndod^ paiional leltoca wivh tbrt aign*inMinal cf Igmds Roaabeiy (BHUia*a oraign lliniator in IMSm tolaffnoia from Mr Ocoil Bbodaa (mplairoA by Mr Daxborj aa n non-aadiiionmy iwUfJi nbnn^n of viawa oo Ibo aobjed of boaaa-aiflk*} nma), latlera from Mr Wybargh, Pnnidanft of \ %ba S Hiib Af roan Lengna (nsd of lit Rm4J^ ila itoratory) of diiaingoitbnd mililnry mhI politioal diin^toriaov nnd of aoorolniioi •nob ainintnl Obnrtarod noblemen aa Doke cf Aberoora. Moal of ibeaoM wart a/ Oa.piain Palleraon antbtr Ibnn Oaptnio PAiiari on ; bni lei IhnI pnae. Criicf Dflaolira Banlly*a e?:dlanaa higblj intereating in ouny pnrto. Mi^ I>ns;^afy azpoaed Ibe popi^liv ** D^^ to n pruloni^ed oron-fiir, bnl «t4 Icvottd ftw adrnMone from Ibn im^ portuibftble ** Dick *^ Ibal oould be con^ilrieA aa favourab'e to bia dknta. Il wsa pnblio; pre per ty loDga|.o Ibal Mr **T»d" TiOlnltM waa a n*yf(tf>noo« adjanol cf tbe State Au tornty'n cflBoe, and iba fkOi ibal be avore n deolararioo ag^at I biio»elf io ordet to Innd bimsulf ioto gaol and obarge biB:iae!f wivb " bvgb treaivA ** waa no newp. The diaci ai»ret only f erred to aecentnato tbe Qiibertian aide- Ughta of tbe c«tr. Tbe line ( f battle ly the two atdta (Meaara M8 de Vi^ tiers and Adrooafe Doibvry) ia on tbe one band to p;Ofe Ibe abcrtiire txi enoe cf a niilitaiy moTomcnl agaiaal State and to impHoato Ibe Sonib Afrio Ltafnie wub a|^|^t knowJec^ga rf • atd en tbe t\ abcw tbaa tbe tor< d by u||, Air Tj'Hrn K'ugfr nnd Mr HcDrj b*'Mr' (of fhr S A L Ag^O <>ooupied %b»kU %% ihc Fica»- Miche I R»^called Jobn AIUd MiobfU wa4 reoalivd lor oroM- ilniniralDr by Mr OuibuCT. Nfr Daxbary : Mr Miohtl , when yon fAina Id rrtttori* |4) r>*k^ a deol*r»iioo b<»fc]r<« C >a>- io>»rioi>cr Bohot^e, y< a rrarell^d in t>i# tiiaa irftiD wii^ D Kotivn B^aUy and Mr 'ftid Trml^ii l-Y a^ How d\\ yen coma lo traral with BtMty t <-*! had arr«i gri^«^ ?— Mr Tr»mUI« arrarg«d mj tiokali ibodldbed ai Iha QrMid Hottl. I das*! koow wbo pikid for Ihe diDn«r. (LaogbtMr ) A flrAlcltas raihraj ^gff^ t— I aaoaDj f « trivvl 6r8i e^au. (Laogh Wlt^ wbcm did yea dine' al Iha Oraad f— W»'b KlliBMidTremleir, ' » . • " Now, as at) old aiH'cr, do jou ibiok for m \ Biomeut thai Floydd Nichv>lla ia • m%a ^^bo would \yt eotiQBted by aoy osililary cffioar, Britinb or o.bftwiae, wilb^a commaod of nry body of Di*-o ? I can ^ooly aay th*a ha fftid ib&t ba bad *' iDaliootiooa from Ifca War Beatty in the Box. Mr Richard WUliAm Samoel Bcattj, % BCfinbar of the JobaoDefburg De^oliTA jar* %;ce wa^ tba dcxI witaiaaa oallad by Mr da Mr da Villiara ; Yoa ara awart, Mr B«atity, tbal apart from Iha Qovarooiattl Scr^iae of deWcHTef, Ibara ia a Blala Saeral Bar^ioe Departmeoif — Tea ; b«a I hava Boib\Dg to do wiib Iha lallar deparlmanl, Eferyihiog yoo did in Ibia oaaa yon did ia yoar e^paoity cf GoTeramaDl d«aaoti?a ?— Tea Tofi arr Bled iba aoooafd with iha aaalal aoav^ of \u% d^if oiiTea f^Tca. Too fouDd o«riaia doeamaDta tm Ohplaia Paiun<*o f -Y«-r. ;V Mr de Viilien : Wa bava baard agreal daal iboiit '* loaf erf. * Thia dooomaDl will ah jw PaltariJii'i rack. Ii ia a o»'iiifioaaa cf cffioieocy, ^%it<\ Seplemter, 1879, fmai >ba K tyai Military ^l^'^e. Atto%b«r doooiD««l IB aa eitraci aigo^d Oolootl Shepherd, whiob ihowa ibai Paiaereon baa ae«D aatwiaa aa LiealaDaDl io l^e SDodaa, Mid a Ihird frooi a C^piaiD 0^ mmti diow a Eidiog Troqp^ aaatiflaa Io Patteraoc'i qoalifioatiuo aa a gaLtlemaa oadei. Lette^^s frcm Lord RoMbeiv I Mr iV Villleri fh*^n p'tM)Qoad private Ut^tTr frnrn tbo BntTsh Foretfo OAoc>| ai^ned * R cebery " (1886), ia reply ao a in«'i.on •) f cm Oartnf PacH^rfr^i*, wiK^ f» ■r>^or t r K«w 8 mh W^^if a miliivy qoaali m and aci t^ r h lo Lord FteH^-nek Ha'-Jiria ref rrt job pnaor^r aa " O»plaio Pan*!- •< ti. ' Mr Dull ly (hj- tnf. W a ilaaceaar} t Mr ri^ Vllirt: I ^iil show thai :br p«r»''rii,w'( h%fe ^Hto irralaitoiisly df^ciiUd af " Icfr-r* '* dare oocnpie'i re^pt^o^iblo p«* • \ Io . axir*. r»^«i O^p^aiD PaU«raon baa rtt^a tra-» . d r d rt-romnaend^'d by d»f»ti; gni^Ked Brt h ffi ♦^rg tnd a^^^^mcn. Hera imiv Jet arr ' fr B L( rd Fed. nek Hamil oo reo niai^Dd.ioh hf?e no c r- 10 ) w fti thtr pre«^Li ota<;. / h^?• Ltvvr d. or'^ed Pa i^rn n d» a '« loaftr " ♦k^^n^*" ^'*' '^^' • ^ ^°^'"'- ^ ^•na to abow tb.t Pa I r . D 1 a man cf rack and aiartit 1 e L»)i.Jarod-. ruled in favour of tba pr ^v.u 'Or-. •M aii9 b^t a>9M9d •» (Wte Badttl itJwaU I THE £ FirdenckHanilaoB. A laaiarwaa alao pa " '-4-^ -• . 'V' ''' Jobanorti'iiiijg, Ragrel oanool aeoapl your offer. Have wi itian fully. . £11.1 ' 12 lb Aug.. 1897. Bolawayo, 12.18 p.iD. -^ . Ehodta. PallarioD. ■^\, A* ' p Bex 870» JobaBBaaWg Many Ihknka, fcol no tuaolattoa prooeed b^ ai praaeal • ' A^-^- ^ ''^ ' '^ Mr Doxbory : Thaaa commuoiflatiotia, your w^jrabip. from abii oealaio Mr Rh'>da«^ (IxQffhaar)— >bad rafereno* Io a praacrtp Joa oi af acifio for boraa aiokotaa. (Laoghier). M^ d»» Yiltior* : I oaeraly \.nyi tTi ^i- [No. I ] JohaDDaaburg, 2jd Match, 1890 Daar Oaplaia Paiaaraon, I would fael f xtrt m«3ly ob^tfrd if you would kindly look in ai your aarliaal ann- ▼aoienoai aa I itiab to aea you partioularly al Mr Dadd'a ofloe. ^ , v... Youra faiibfullj, ^ HINEY A. HBAD. Mr da Villiara :' Who U ibia Mr Ht-ad f Beally: Ha ia aul I do acl know if anyihi^ waay ^ ^ Done by the Statue Atillorney^ Mc de ViiUf rai Aa a maitar of faot nolbii ,^ waa daua. wt M"' ' l^f BaaaavHphhew, bowe?er, ihal ali^ t:he*u»reri c>yj jW gM^ita ibal a a*^parata ii|Ta9» tig»ai4in kmd bBSVnald by the Si»ie An r^ Ytry mieraeltnr. Yuu and Oommiaaicj •Se^uiie aet«d it^d^p-tideaily *of iha Bai A tomey I— I noted mpon the inailfcruolitp%^ lUuB>mandant Bo^uiiif, my auparic»r. f? There war** lao ; . ^ V- Conflicting inquiries ? •«S3ila(paarr. From v'Ooai do y^u raieireynuria0ru#l)Qj now t^Binoa the arrea|i*« Ibe S"'^'^ baa the oaaa in baud d^ iha ISih Iha Stale Alioffaey ia^Kd ibe waniMatf bancted Ib^m to me. TW Stale JOttofn^y oowSaad hiai to aha arraataf-Y-a; «M hi, bthpfflhe arraatad peraoaa to PcaiOfia. ^^ Wbo were Ihf y f— Nioholla» PiiK(l opoa l^ Mr Duxbory (lo whneaa) : Tkeee , we arraatad an your daelaraiioua ?<*— Tiii Tea alao mado a daolarailoB agaiaaa Jf^l ehargiaf kim with *' high areaaoo " I— Ydii Alao afair^ai J Bulled, of OalWaith aod Ompew f — Yeas > Wko laawuoaad yoa to otaka Iheae Sealari tioaa t«<-Oommi»aiouer Sibutte. Mr Daxba/y : I bope Mr Sckatle will ba nt Id the arlteaaa box. ^^£lw Mr De Villiera : Oerliaaly. if you waaf kiaa. IdoiiV Oiher paofda made deeUralioua ?— >Yea%' Whaa oth^ri f — I refoae td a^y. 1 famlal f-*-I reepeotfull|.4»cline. Do yoQ mean lo aay tbaa you did not reaaiTa a dealarelion from A Certain Guy Warlerton 7 I will not deny tba« I aaw il, Mr Duxboiy : I aaked for aU Ibe d tiona to be ato^^n m*. bai the Pablio a^r alatfd t^aiii wee n^a intended ao new of Ouy Wa«b rtcn. (To wimeae) : Wb| la Warbertno'a dt-olaraiion not obtaiaabia l«>L diao^kaoer. Do yoo know th%l iHe proeeculiow waa die- aaiiaSed with what W«rber low wooM kffh d^olared f — Dannr. Wkal wt*ra I e relati^>oa Warbertoa ?— N'> r*Ulif*na. Di^ yoo p^y cr (far him aay money to a^i^^enoet Now T^u dor''a kanw ihat Mr Bobnl'e rvffeiad W«t#rtao aiooey f^I dononko ^w, bo. I laiak^o. ^ '^ ' *• ^ ^ Wtfa W*r'erton anpphed wiah a aoit a(r>rhca mm«"daoi 8cbotaa. ^ The wilnaa waa tbaa cr^ii to ibH g.'.o] cu yoor a rif*l ut Pro** rii ? N ; i»» Wii W, 4i.d I ^*ft) him A 1 it yonr ccitom f—Na * Why tboQ call Mt houU before depoiiKiig ycur cbAri^w* ? -I wwite:i to reporl my Anre%l t) Mr de Villierf, who wm eteyiog M Ibe TriDkvstl Morforer. Butler wm verj afiel« »rd I WAS fr ghvntd to ptil him ill %he geol. '<'hp d»y Moi* yitt^rdey he had a fit. Noir, ai a faot, dl<1 y.iu rol eay to BotlMr : " Tb«»re yon tre (ylfii-g Mm pap^r) yoo hare f oar cH. 10 , t!lth^r to g'^e <^?ideooe !a jtbia c^s**, or to l:»«^ arrwt^d " ?— Nf% You iwr^ar thai po^Jtiv«»ly 1 -PoeitirfOy. N :)W, Mr B atty, why wae the wtrraoi for thr aire^t • f Butlf^r iiii;D»d asd iMaed on th** 19 h of ^fsy «rd urly tx- cufced on tbi^ Hh cut the lists t— Ah f Yen are b mnd to acfiwer ?— I beff jour r*rdoD. Id clme. Mr Dax^iuy : I be i re tLat do etoh Ueti >f im exietfcd or €xi«^ Mr E^u y : And I beliewe that Butler hae kinded i5 or thera to a friend. L «:^*^* ^^^ ^^"^^ •' °^ anybody to Ootler's oftcf ^0 ir^p him into enroll iii|< t -Never. f'f:en have von Leeo. to eee the >-<* Xaete le t/H wi^aot, Tiie Biate Aitoroiy I wilt aiie#if yjvr 4|eeeti^i«, I ^ y u refuse to npyt— Y«e. Djteotiv# kKtf*>^ik ie always •^fpi-ni-wtrk/' fV ' Y« ii say in your dt^ohirauon that ytni ba^t ^f* fsgroiid^ mform-aie*' against TrtmUtt t— ^ifbellend K lis did. And »o did Tremlete hlmielf f (La^igbter } •^Trt'iulett w^ nrteeted and ptie into gaol ipon hie own debUration f —It anoeais lo, Hs was h's own scoiii>er f <-M' Y'-s. The OoQtt then a^j>Qrued until the after- noo-. , . Afternoon Siltlrrg- A Sudden Po8tp6nem#»nt Wncn the gv^^nsfn interfstrd in th^ oasi* reasfk'riiblcd ii>;^s|mAft«iuooo, the Ke|{istrar ano«'tinrwd ttmtt >l|if>K ^ th«) iodispuaaii^n of tbt* Judicial Ootoit]|»Hiouer, Mr BotbSi tb* pr«'litf>i**M]^^#'|^)^'^*^<^^* v^nld bate to bi» post|oii«*dmiflfeoday at 0.39 am* f STANDARD & DIQGER The Abortive Plot ^econd Day's Trial. A Merry Day in Court. Michell's Naive Humour. Incrimir^ating Documents / ow .jhL M»ODeii< io lithe*. Dd Tfu try and i>et)»V, and you the loi! gaol ?^Tbrfo or fcnr ili ana P-kttf rijon want^ d tbeir set a declaration from o- indirectiT, ehrcngh " r^r : I e veur ir. EllH r-Nr 1 ^'eAw* ty^a I ■ C v"u*.?' ^'"""^'- '■ '""'"^ ma. b.,weve,. ,* .-; " '1^ »» 'f'd "- rosk^ » d»cl»t .ti,)n. jUJ ,>,u LCI -ell Tre-nNt* that N.oholl*' »»ke i; •' hot for bim - ?— No W'y w«« T/nnleW arrfsted »-Tbere U^.8 » detect:»«!-He h no» io th« '<**«e mm in g-ii.l To Spy and Eavesdrop upon His Fellow Prisoners ? /: 44 To be Read Tc-DtV. v Oi-"V^ . ' \^. V . Interest Waning. >^i Ik would b« idle to diagaUe IM ImI llttt pobliu iDterest is dimiaiibinir toa oouf>iderable extent m regard to the it lal nl the man snp pneed to havu 0'>nt«ap^ated a niflodramatio eef/p Lppo the fcrt. Ur de Villitr% the Pubiie Proefentor, in strait i g erery n its that these es0t a liovtnent»i^d Mr Advocata , Daxbary'a line of dtfenc;) is that the said MoTcment was of a pQi«y snd inei^nifioant aatore,s and that tbe charge againat tha < ns implloated io the folly cannot ba t^i into the capital orime of High n^f 'lUv ^* ■ ..rw^'v • '**'>. Whi:s Mr Duxbnry is >tf ear?y best opor* f»ooeralii^.J|he Imperial antboritiea iroVi^ p;ftrttcipatio^Bk|^&ff4i.% Mr de Tilliersiai no leas eager^oimi^Loaca the ft^MiUi Aliisan L^gae with a knowledge of tJ3e movemci^ Mr Dosbury's andfaTonrs to aeqvit iff |G jsohen of soy knowledge of Patttfeoo and Company*! deH;^iie upob thu Oo^eroment armouKiro?e that there wsa a moTemeot and that tbe anthorities ware jostityi^i taking; tha notion they did. Tha teIegi^^Kromlip1r'']likodes as an earlier peric^ffl^IooU NTu^UU'd oarcer will be pnt in, and a bi^ batob of interratiog oorrespoo* dduce, not uiih Mr Rlod^e, bnt with certain gentlemen notoricn.*iy allied to tbe ^ aaaex* at-sny-prioe " p^rty. Tbe proceedings have, been humorooily doll tc-dsy. There is arerj hope thfy may be enlivened tomorrow. ^ _, ' Mitchell in the Box. I Plan of Campaign r ^ Alleged inetructionsfrom BritisH* Wi ■fe«*i Amusing Evidence. yesterday Morfiing'sProcecdmge -' Tf'ttvKday moruiug aU Pretoria, tbe pre- Uoiiuary ixamlnatijn iu the obarge ol high treaion preferred i^gaioat 0»p^in Pattereon »«d Oo was o*)utinu^d befijre 8|>ubiishid in the, KewapapeslJ aiC^peo; to the statement made ^ mi«| yeeterday that Oaptsin Patterson toll astf tbat be *' wimld like iLis l>osioaaa ooMpletad as ac.>a as pcs^iblr. He tban aakad me )f I had oiaant to say ttuit in tbe h\%. I replied tliae# far aa I oonld remember what be said tbila wratLii: *^I am ^iaoally worrying Mff^ N cbo.U to bring tbia matter (ihe pioi) to tit Ihtad one way or the other.** ^ . |. To what did he reftr I^To this aoe»)nie9t; r Did PattaraDn say aaything else T- Yes ; ^ ^id be was rick ol this Q08tiyo;>ae bangoiP oa, S0d asked fls% .>.. - "to Ateiet Him in Worrying MrNlln>ol)r. That wae all tba6 took and tbat ws# the fnll rmTtassaiots. Mr Dnxbn*y : N«^w Uck lo tha gaol, Kili«. (Litt,|hanr.) Dtd O/mmandaotSeSMfl and DetaotivH B^aoty oame to the gaol to^^i^H Mr Ntchoi;a ?--*Oummaijdaot Bobutte oamiP with hia score tai^', at the rt^naes of Mr Kioholla. - '^:^ Hjw do yan know that Nieholla aaot itt Gommandaos Sobntte f^fla^told ns ail ; \mk iflgtfe hi« exaoa worda it may eamprooslsa and jpmmis him. Ifl^e VilUors : I iaaist upon tl|a cxatt word^ Mr Ellis : Well, I giva the efidsnae nader protest. MrNioholis slated to ot ail that ha Usd mads a sutemeot to Mr Sobntsr^ wltAOh the latter tiad diabelteTed, By asyL girfalK this evidence, ia Wiil bring back this old boaisass of '' informer/' as I am de«orihad in the tnkMi>MMM AXD DiMna' Hawa. aekaowlaagad Mr. 6ohn;4a that he had foronUtsdaau OMnt to attack the fori, and tbat ha wat lael bead of the movement. I aokaowladge, geotiemeo (added Nu to in) that I hare deoaivad I^Uk^ ^ ^kat < Before me Ye Dea^h. He lortbrr s^^id that he wished tu get sfl d (j^* aad tska tha whole blame cm bis owa auoolders. ' Itid yen say anything f artber*t-*>Hs iu ba leli alone. He was very d< aod said be did not aiab to argne •boat It. I told him that I dktn'i bun ; tbat th«re mntit hi; somebody alas, mlied : ^'Ik^ato wa to mys^if.^ Tea said yon didn't belinve bim ?* X said There moi'l be soiasbody tisj at the back of tliia ^. Mr D^:xScry : la ft not a faci that yoa Tfaml-tt adnsed Nisholls to make a dtfolas^* tf OB t— lb ib« oourse cf a jjeneral eonvarealioa amougea oe pn^^ootsrs we advised NiohoUs makes a ^uctoeure to save hioiaelf. liiat WAS before Oomcnawd^nt Sehai called?— Ye f. H*5 came iubat^nsotly— i eame day, I think. ^ * Yon knew that S^hnite wonld oocne?- beard that Tr^moicaa bad goaa to tbe gaoler and a?-ked him to tel^^^hone lor marsdaoa 8^ otte, at Mr N ohoUs' vt^iiM|k^ All of ns told Nicholi* thaa if he had a mcDt to make Ut had better make it at as IS wonld m «k« it iigftfcr for kim. I YoQ ko«w taa) Tc«talet aa^ie a i bafcrre Mr S r.ntc** oa the M.h oi I wai accepted as a Ssaia witau-^ y^ai ^ iiA !A^ Tyi VUsiSfJi: TIo^ laa^^y Wujea I^o you i<>int*iubef lb»t Bhoj^ly aftfr^oor WhAl Ota b6« «jr ro jcn alioo thftt ocoimjod I —I cxMj n||iij|0 rb'«t he ki«a lold un ^Pdur blfferent Yarns. I oAo'v kemembe^ imysl^iDff otber ihAtt lh»l h« i^nar sz ■n told u'^^ab be mUled, tbtft he (lt« i>od ni, &ud tLat b« wgoTd tftke lb» f )ilo on bia cwa ' bear?, * i What did b« m«an by " deoeivirg " yon ? ' — I da©*fc know. We did ool argue tb«t point. Niohnllt ooolradioted himself dosena of times. Mr de Villier« : Give me one of tboee oca* tradioiiooa t— B'Jia : I woald aooner doi. Oh ; 1 0par«d your ftielinga yeatorday, bu^ Mr Uuxbary baa reoalled you to the box. Well, there were maoy Teraiont . What raiaiona ? In the Subjunctive Mood. Ellia : Oae day when l' was staBdio^ ly bifl bad, he ^aid: ••Should tbert; be uLyona aa the bfok of thia, if I had made arrange men ta with him, I ehonld not disolo%e bis name," Mr de ViUifra: Oar contention ia that there was eomebody or aombodua at the baak. Ellia: I anquired if theae arran(r«menta were made or bad been made, if ha (NicboUa) vould reoeiTe money when be came oat ot gaol. What waa NichoUb' repIyT^rHe aaid if there waa tncb a man, or lome £uob ita* ajraogement, be woold receiTe money. Did not Tremlett aay tbat jon ttboold take I bted cf »hbirwi?eaandobtklreo! -Triialatoaaid, ' ** I and some of as are married m^n, and it is wone for na than far yon. Who i* locking I iif«er oar wiras and cbiliraa while ne ara in gaol ? »' Waa there any talk about ahoottng, or thai Niobolla would be ii!-tieated ?— Thexe were do threats, but three or tour daja ago I waa r•cb^r angry^jtnd I talked geoeraUy to Ilia rcen ^ ^ . You w^re angry I^Tbeie were no tbrea^ tat I felt like a eaged lion, and I aaid tbM if Ihia baiineea (the trial) didn't ooma off aooa ibf re would be a row. ^. ^ A row. Where ?— lo the gaoJ. Mr de Vii)i«»fa : ▲ gaol refolution, you? Wonbi(), (Xrtkughter). Mr Dazbury : Why were you angry ?-.! did ootsee why I, an Ir^nroenC man, ahould be (xped up tbei e, uod I tad heard U>at Niob/^Ua bad made an attempi to get t be oaaa farther pcitponrd for two or three weeka. Did yon tall your f6ll9W priaooera in gaol Ihat yon had made a declaration a^ainai ihaaa !->Ceriatnly not ; I ne^cr ▼olnuteerod any informatioa. Oae of three daoUratioos upon which yon wert all arrested t — I don't know. From the beginniog it waa yoat ea!a hi- o^ction to gire evidence ag&inat the otbtii f— Yee ; wheaher I waa accoaed ornot. A Man of War. Mr de YiUiere oaUed JubD Allan MitohtlU the nert Sbate witncarj *h3 «aid he lired in Johaontabnrg. Mr de TiUi«rf : You are a man of military txp^ rivLce J— T«e. \S hai are your experienoea in this oonnee- tion ?-l8erTed ia three diWaiona of Royal Am i.'ry-Gariiaon, Field, and Royal Hone Aitillery. ^ ^. What rack? -All ranka from driver to ^airtermaattr-aergeMnt* I Any South African tzperienoe I— I hold a I lot^dai for tb« Zaia Oampaign, and I serrad m th 1 uuor.d Maubele Campaign, for whiah I Acn entitled to a medal. You kaow all the aoouaed ?—Tef ; and I j '^Low what thia ease ia about. I Who brtst approached yju ia tbia matter ?— J W' eu ?— Some weeka prier to my aireit on ^ue 15:h of May. Wot did he say to you?— He arransred ^ -a ue to meeft a ao-oalled ' Co'onel *• ^' c olL at hi3 (Patterson 'fc) house m totdn- licf^rft we proceed to this meeting, did yon ^•ir Mr Bat;er, cf Qalbraith'e the la^^t I i^cised ? — Ye8 ; a cteual aequaintar c iof mine j 'i * r^« r»De Qjiy in Comm!«^fcioner S«reV 8 t s^^^ '--Bef hat h^ore or af:er you sair Patter* efore. Yuur ♦riend gave yon ioformatrtoo, j^rd upm t^»* yon went to a OAtirain offic. ?-iYtw.tt wtnt to GAraith-a. ' io >be F.Ra,r ^t,mi, ^tauJi. audJI explaiied to Mr Ball^r^ j^^ ( driub^ e uentlerrian in tha Dock ^l«4i]^b&er)— -my ezpi:itPOco in H^^ M' jeaty'a aer^ic-y and he luadt* a tict^ aud lo^Cl ate to ppW agftbio. ^1.7 What did Buvler say further ? What waa* hit motive !— A view, I ^uppoaoy of earoliing me in ia military oorpt» Again&t whom w»a tbia force directed Ir*- Agaiutt the TrauaTaitl Go7effDmeo . -^ Well ?— Nothing furthfsr waa aair . Mr Darbury : Be alocd you a (Laugl ter). MitcbtU : Nq ; ^hs oocvexaatiea took p]«nt ' QvUide the coroer \^r, j .,. • »^ Mr de ViUitri} : Yon aabarqtiMstly wcn% Io Patteraon'a houae t^> m^tt Nichoila ?-»Y(a ; tbero were thre^ othert iufiled ^ mtiet •• Colonel '• or Mr Nicbolii. ^/| < ' !^ There w6re altlo osheit ^--Onty tiire^iaeno invitec'y but there were uthera. .Wlien I artived Pattemoo aaid be wonld irat go ^nd see if i^ichoUa would receive me i i \ \<^ , |,r l£r de Tiliiera : To eaeurt yoo an audience, like? (Laughter.) - *u;> Mitobell : Y«a ; a Mr Harry aeoompaiiied die aad tbe audietos waa giant«>d. , «.*^ ' What waa the trt^nd of the oonTeraation batweeo ynu and Nicbolit f'^*' Colonel " or **Mr.'' Niobolla aaid tbat tbey were about to raiae a military fooa for bervina in the Tranavaal agai^ad the TraiiBvaal Government* He aaid that tbe foroe wtkt to be oompoted prioci pally of moQuU'd me a, and further that a hattrry of artillery waa to be fortied and for auoh battery an offio»r, a pr»atio>l and traiaed artillery ofBoer, would be feon x>Qt from B ogUnd, at d that! bt*. Mi ** ColoQ«l ^' N)choil«, wae acbiug ond^r th« Instructions of the British War Office- Langbter.lHeadded that t heobjf ot of tbit f jrea waa in ah«i fimt place to take the Johaonef borg Fort and hold it^ if |XMaib.V. ^ Why ahonli they bold the Fort ? -Ha didn't aay why tbfy ahould bold it. (Laugh- i tar). He did aay that arLnts aad aaa^unoition wonld bertady when repaired, and ((U^ationed me e^ynoeming my military exptrienee. Wbaaalaadid be aay !— He witbed Mr and myaelf to take the namvi of all pareoa a aervioe m^^p, if ^oiaibla* who were Iik4y ^ Btake efficient ofVioera and noa* ooatmiaaioaed ofBoera Ue alao aaid ihat in tbe event p( tba ightlng line retiring— ^lao^bter) — witltOQt ordera, the eeoood line of defar^ea wonld open fire on thocn — (load laoghtar) — and if tbey ratiriKi, reaaivea ware Io come in* Thia aulamttnt waa roceived With up- ioniiona merrimiuat. MUtebaii : Tbu meani lb at part of Ike eorp would Ire oo their oan ooflOadea. (£f^ H Newman (n<»i tbe paimi)iokt'r), prirate, twelve vaara in 32ad BegimantylS MMhjiU J W-k k'r (not of Mattbe^svB and WalltaT), Utc O V9 Fl ArdM^ry. Saod^rland C'tamb^r^. F Tbomae, Ghaika Mud GUioka^ Zcioland, fto^ Ha^titolui', A^bel».api, oorpjraU W JaD<^ Oa|.e llkncr| acrgvaui^ oara ef CE^Aoa, Vo> B'anASraare. ^ , I bjody ZaiulandlNi Bii ^^ BneotO. M Mjirun, ^^J^^ B B P. 2 Carbino Octnpanf, Piont>ea ^lt^ F Hone aer^mal, Ovknt^ondv Deep GJUfwItt J Bamiiaon, oMftuain (2 Blaok WiM^ tMm *4 Ciqr and iabv Myu ^ J Maod(pald, S;h Foaileera, medal and atar Matabelet^d. R Hooper, lient 18>h L I Ludia, Lonw'a Palice and Matabeleland. D M ^arty, Major Low'a FolicCi aergeaat |-^ Guy Watterton, Matabeleland, 6, Eigi neer'4 Ohambf.Ta, J H Mieball, quarter maatir aergeant* R A, ZaloUiid, M P Matabelel|md. B J Davifca, BS A Police, trnnp^r, P D., I H F Cooper, L entenant D F H, 25/ I D&to Buildingy. 1 AW Bul*)nu, Sergeant Royal Engiaet |P0 Box 1823. ^ F Heugbte, 18tb Royal Fnailiers, INorthamptoDdbire, captain, P O Bartrai Xovycabip. J, Tai:8ip, Rojal Horae Gnardr, R^m^tl ridor, S^igt.- major, Drill Icstructor, Gri Britain H"te!. Mr. de Villiers oontToiied tbe exam^'nalion^^ -«What are yoi7, a BritibU anbjeat I -TciMI Tkeia ia no ^l"* ia^^tny name, I am ai^ Botfliabmao, (Laughter.) You rovde vho deolaribtion volaittarily Qoite vfjlantarily. *r \ Without remaueratioo, or promise of. mane ration ?-^ii^t^, ' Mf laiy etiquette (laosbter) to band a^nm lii bii They were anbM quently referred t^ Tiekli I What waa Hooper t--He waa L'anmi Ulih Regiment Ligtit Lifanfeiy (BrUiab Ard|] Nl^id you ever tee Paateraon again f «*T in tald bim bow we were gelling or. (What waa Piitteraon's rank 1-^ He lUnk; an ofBeer and a captain in H^ HaJ< Service. | ^ r r Afternoon Proceedih] A 9. /f. of All trades,'* Dnringthe afa»rnooa hit DoxUuy non^ dueled tbe eroaa-txamiaatioa pi 1^^ ikHan| hell gaTa aome nmtuiogly dataila cf bia oiraer. He kad rindtrpeat and di£iQfto»antofl5^er in bad teen employed on a diamo^^' Brandvles, and alterwarda hr wroli! Villierv, Ibc BnrgomaataiF^' tot a Ihe Rand Stadaraad. Thia litnatioa forthoocning, and witnea^ then applied to Vr M CJy " Shepatone— " Waal wecf y<>a in Swax^eland TjH^ gaoler and Hindnalani interpreter. What billet did yoo get oa Stadaraad !— Sanitary and Traffic my dutiea were principally on the Street bridge,' ^Subaequently I wee Itlf from my engagsmeikt and obaained ment as a K^fir guard in Iha Weeatltoai Yon afder wards came btok anJi burg t — 'itM ; I got employment in Noyeml fkia# year at the Ooopoiidale^^Mdfii fKtk aent to aaaial a oarpenlerjflHh^ Ri^r. JM^ 4bat company aent ma mlk«*^ alcTi ■Maker, tine-keeper and cjot cMnbim ^anghlar.) I than went back to Jobanoi burg for ttctoiif rentt^a, and got in fioaooial walcf^ and — if you want to' all about ft (laughter) -I got acce f.om brotbec M^ona. I weul to DcUg^ Bay . on foot applied to Mr CarQ<^gie 9:)i8, th^ CjovoI lb re, who iKg-^ted th^t I ab( become a tali^Uig^keVk, Wt toere wi talljin^ to be rtone— (tvi^htei) — and fUi b< 0*210 bia gaard Mr Kokftnin, incUwiug aiy aii>iu»y» I cni>l4* Mr E>k»hfiii wrv)Ui iiw a looit^r *'K' 1 ^h\i\k u lu the b4li1» of M»<« livtro ■ tivH^ l).l)kriineDt— at lt*ikU I g»v« i) \ip ih« ot laf %rr^^, KoU^t«ifi writ«i D3d (b:&( ,^<»iti*iiov OB I be iii»uf*« wirrw entirjiy *• j^ ^iispiititiottof «be ixiin^ijcrt of %b6 uioct I3,ji, ii. t nulu««d £5, and »j[pnM*ao'i bimt^ll m TricV'-d ao cbo tad oifouuujt»noe« uoder wbiob I LaJ to WAlic wiiboiii^ * §ix|i«u«^ io my pook-t from Park fciUji»fl Io L'^ureDgo ^ 1:^.;. Marqies -817 niilb*. The Benevolent Mr En^^tairi iy, ll?.-Mt Koks^Mio farbb^r wrt>(« thai I J «h iakl i'^n at bit otfi(W t (*ett ibal a itti»o wbo bad b<)uQ io l^^^r M»jrbtyV Sjivio^ all o?«r Iha world abould ^ kftxi up. W'liorad? >'oa liv** ao«r, and^baldo jo .Inji r • liubtf?-! Uf«» itt a uxifi ai lb l^.rinuBir, H^ru^on 8uael», ^htrn I pp 7. r.l ^-^frk (lu adv»ro^). I du uoibioiC a } fs UP, f r EkiWm'i €5 iMitd uhi foralon r me. and Biobaoan,of iiiratiaian^.^linS>iJ0M ^-I ^^'^'t ^*°*^ •^^^^^ ' ^^ W .er« i% tba Mr. Harry yo« tilltd ibou thii laorniii^ ?— I douU koow. ilr ue Villierd : Thai ^ '\ Mr. Harry has fled. , Xfr Daxbary: Ha?** f^ aetn earUia ar!icl-8 m tb^ ••Rand Foal** advooadiMr ^^ h^-hck apou Johanotibar^ in oaae dI «^ !-- JC . I uvv^T raad nawipapirf . "^ 7^* ^ Diin'o FAileii^a tali yuu abool iBa^ Krticiti i-No ; o%riainly not. DiJ y a lock apoo Oaptaio PatWna^ %• a ii>»'^ ('f promioeaoa aad bi n aa o t !^Ni> ; X r^^iircitrl him as nothiotf mofa Ikan ao ex l©il.t*ry cffiv^r under *'Mr** or ••C>loail*' Nchalia. Do vou know tbal Mobolli ia aala viiliUry rffiotr ^— I tbould oaruinly tay be va^n'i. Now, woy did yoo go lalo Ala woTcmaat ? -F.ruo particui*r reaioii. I pui my uaixie d.<^u. tbaVe ali. 1 akiaolda'l baTe dooe tbal hfti I knoiTD libe olaM of tntn paruo: paling— I im ipeHkio(( in HBDiliHry lenat. ^- li*Te you b«cn paid or been procoi^ed any lanaty for j )iDin^ ibe moreaifBt ?— 1 have n t SctjQ a poony piaoa. I tak«d ^ilcbo^• tb§ r4te of pay, and be aaid ttoal be voald leli tue I |Did . I* lei! yoQ la%tr oi }— Ka Did T/tm«ii halp yo« wiib momry t— I k id Trt^iileil oa variooa oooa«ioiii &bal I d.do'i know <)iiita vybeie Io look for mf ainner, ard I kr.iok h« paid t(>9 Ibrae 4Uiner« — 1« dinutTt ai ibal ! l>d he 8iand yon drlskuf^-O^^adovaUy I i ^ad A gu(«^ ot beer wilk bim ; tbaa iaalL Bjc with rf.(ard to Hoopctr'a boot. Did y :'j »ea hioi write theae namea ?-*Ti^ ^ aav b m write them from loose maDuaor^ ^J* vVheit! grera tbey wrilten ?— la , * v «% The Rooms of the Y.M.CA./ ^ Pri^hard Ssreel. Lote of people go there. Xa a matwr of Caci ve only took Bamea for ivr) day*. Way did yon leare off f^Beoaoaa Colosel Nioholla, whaiever be u oaiied, ooold aef^r be ouod, aod aeemed to take ao inleretl im 'he nitiv«nitn*», W 7 wj the hook Land* d Io Trcmletl t — FrecQ It wik(i:(?(i the n»int^ I ptnooally ^%- ir ] of ihfc wb' le IbiD^. Hil T r^. i.cH pay ftjf the iU& f^Not a eettt. T a <^'^H A ijec:ftratinn on t>n6 iSth^Ol M»y ?— Y^^ ; ^j lb"- offiaeof ibe Commiaaio&er | >1 P > lu .Ht Pfttoria. I b'd beard r^-porltt tn I J*K>k»DnrrHbiirg in»o I thoald probably ba I Frcrni whom d»d yoa bear these reporia f !• I wa.- (reneral oooTorManoo in aoe aaraar« md I cx)u8iceriQ^ the naaoldwlj and oninaiily I maofitr m'wbicb NlohoUi totatei Eoio^ m0\ mywlf^ I: •!«•> 59e I I { I Mi^de Villiert : Tbe at^ldiera were d^e- aaiisAH and tbere waa mum y. (Lau^bt<*r). / Mtobell : I could ac?er find NioSolls, and I oonaidered that be wan uaiog me a« a to)I. I But yon bAd to ttport to biao, not be to ;you? Hi waayour fupirior officer K— 80 be •aid, bao if I bad le^a bim walk tbr«e paota. I I ahould ba?e kaowo tbal be waa no euMitr. (L^oghter). Mr DozSory : Yon did do^ really rf (^rd tbe moTfmenent aertooaly 7«-No— that ia, not wb*)o I found oat what ac^m of ii nan « NioVolIa waa. | BuiNioboIIa^ai The Head of the Movement ? —lie said be was. (Laughter). . Mr de Villlart : He aaid bt5 wau an opin mmd about l:<^iobori« wh^n Kiyopmt wrota thoae naoifa in aba look Y«- • No ; wj mind was already inado up tb At an old loldler, was not hho ibis firiog fron bfbind a ridioulou« idea ?— It *?a» not I only ridioulouv, but alao ( fltuM^re, imd a sui;* ! geaiiou whick Mrwu|4it^ bsva boua fOf^de l»y a I Bri%Uh offlotr. -^W "^ -V » I Why was Tremlstt to eager to get tbote namea f — I don't know.^ ' Don't know 4ra yoa aors ? Dju'd yw»papera. Didn't Niobolla asy tp you in (bp gao\ ** If there were a oian be|iQcl this bu>inee«, I fbould He a traitor to diacloee bis name f '*-. { T«^. Ha mean ^ e man in n ht^b^r po itt'>n Itnan bibaaif. He al%o aaid, ''I Uke i* 1 the blama npow m^elf /' I ^00 erek^oi frimdly disposed towards I OoioosI Niobr>!li }*.Why sbouldn'c I U T I But yo9 olj 01 to bim aa a olifary man ^— * I (Witb ampbasi#) : To oomoisuid mf^ m st ioartately, (Laughter.) I . Did yon ask Patterson fox mnncy t —I ask<;d I him V ^ What wi were Going to Get, Ha aaid be hadn't got a lod o^u% ? --Tef. Did yon tell anybody tbas yoa were goirg to gire information ?->Ye« ; hotb Bor.p^rand I told Pattscaon that it would serre bim right il I gave information to lbs other side. What did yon mean l^y the other side ?— T^a Qoraromeol of ihe TracsTaal, cf ocura«^. Wby did you gite iaforaaiion tj 'ba Qu7«mBeit f— >Bto»use I oootidered it a^ my duty, MBd beoaase I regarded tbe tbiug waa a fraud 00 NioboUs' part. j Niobolla wsa net competeol to oarty out tUo plana of seixiog Ibe f jrt, eto t— He waa inujm* ^ pe*'Mit to do anything of tbe sort. I When yon Uureatanad Pat 'erson that 3rou ' would give information, di jo't be tay ** Y m ' o^n do what yon like; we'v^ done no wroo^ f* —He aAid bruiqoaly ^* Yon oan do what yoo Uk** *• J'^^ Didn't you and Friaa, Trt olett., and Hooner haf* ' ^ Mr Doxbury : What others t / • Mr d** VitUera : Dido's be ttuy tl^ro auoober f- Yes* Bot be meutiuuwd uo oa Wo understood— ali of ui— ttbeie te^f \ Somebody behind the Buslhet Mr I^uxbnry: Who asked Niobolla to di»o!ota dbe oaui«! I — W\iu\ Ddci'tTremblent-No. ^ ^' Didn't tbey say if thtire ia no man ioTirb^ one I— (With creal empbaaid) N^t no, ib t (L'Uflfbter.) ^"^ ''. Tbia oo»^ollkled Micbeirs examinatiot. ' % Mr de Villieni atid ho was aorry to b*v> to do it, but be was comp#llf*i to at^k ihearord ja^ti^ d»T. ^ J to» I : affc 1 « y No. 32. \ Consulate of the United^tates, Pretoria, .S.^.R,, June 12, 1899. Mr.. .Charles E, Mac rum. To the Deoartment of State. Subject. Case of N.Thompson vs S, A. R. Government. « - f Abstract of Contents. Nothing further to report in the case. — Thompson's Char- acter.-- I II ^1 i^m I ^ ■ I f Consvilato ol the 'nllod Statey, Pretoria, :">.*..?., Juno P, 1B99. .M ourat^ lo Havld ■' . 'Mil, yr^ Assistant 5^ecret;irv ol ^tato. ** ••■•'.,,. Washin,;ton, "..'^.A, -■ \ r ■ ' r !:i response to your despatches numbered "^S and ?9 of ' .u\'.h l?th and Mav ^th last, in re Nelson Thomoson's claim ^ '.nir.st the r:overnnient of the J^outh African Republic, 1 have t' r honour to say that 1 have been unable to obtain any fur- * or iniorniation at out Thompson, neither have 1 seen nor •^-iri an'thinf' of Thomoson since about the first of Aorll last. • * < Thompson seems to have borne a o^ood character in 3ul- TO, Phodesia. A-here he formerly lived, and it may bo •roi that .^'' the Covernment's accusations and imputations ■, i:i.*J •yv Consulate of the United States. Pretoria, S.A.R., June 13, 1899. Mr. Charles E. Mac rum. To the Deoartment of State. ^.4* >♦♦ ♦ Subject. Call for Tenders for Railway Building. Abstract of Contents. Call for Tenders for buildin«y ^Rai Iway lines to Rustenburs and Lvdenburcr.-- Translation of published notice in full. — ■f 00 late to siive U.S. contractors a chance. \ w No.3^U .Consulate of the United States, ^":-^'>t^^^ r:^. Mr. Charles E. Macrum, Pretoria, S.A.R., June 17, 1899. To the Department of State. Subject. .\D'DOintrnont of a Consular Aser^t at .Johannesburg, S.A.R., / Abstract of Contents. Acknowledge receiot of despatch Mo. 30.-- Had offered place to Mr. viiiiam D. Qordon.-- Await further Instruction. \ f^ c^x^ ,iK ¥ A C" lIlW— II mi II ai 1/ ^micc of tbe ^blr^ a00l0tant Secretary. Dear ICr. Secretary: You may be interested In reading this despatch, ITo. 347, from Pretoria, in regfiu'd to the appointment of a Consular Agent at Johannesburg as successor to Mr* mm iimpp^ppr"^ Kanion* I was not aware, until the arrival of Ifr. Macrum*s ITo, 34 that you had had any correspondence with the Attorney- General on^ the subject. You will see by the closing paragraph of Mr. Macrum's des patch that "if the Department Insists upon "the appointment of Mr. Park it puts "me in rather an embarrassing posi- "tion with Mr. Gordon, to whom I made "a bona fide offer, as your despatch "No. 28 asked for the nomination of "some suitable person." I think it only fair to Mr.. Macrum that we should hear from him In regard to the acceptance or non-acceptance by Mr. Gordon of the Agency at Johannesburg before saying emy thing to Mr. Park on the 1 1 ®tHce of tbc Zb\vt> Heetetant Secretary subject. After reeuiing this correspondence will you give me a brief sucGCStion, and It shall be carried out. [utJuX "t w^ H^ ^-etrW ^ "<■. II ^im«j«iir ■T"'' T -7 • --'«r^- '■•^-"TT-^-^J ■VJ*VFini'-PI •■!« M«(|i," 117 -J", i^li^-l^ *n "•^^"^^wir-^i™ ;i. Consulate of the !'nited f^tates. Pretoria, .S.A.R., 'une 17, *1?00. )urable Tavid J. Hill, Assistant Fecretary ol" State, Washin2:ton, ''.S.A. I ha-:e the honour to ac know led >-^.e the receipt of your )atch No. 30, of May !^, 1?9P, relating to the anoointment I Consular A-;ent at lohannesbur,:!;. I'pon receic't of your desoatch of May 1, 1399, ^''o.'PB, >oke to Mr.Wil liam D. Cordon, the -'ohannesburp, rerresen- . ve of the Standard Oil Company, whom ! ':no/.' very well, .'•ho is in everv .'-av oaoable of taking -rood care of the >ular A^'encv, -.vith a view to ascertaining- whether he v:ould ^Dt 'he position, '^e took the matter under advisement and no. as vet ^iven me his decision. If the department insists on the aooointment of Mr. : it puts me in rather an ernbarrassinc^, position with Mr. ion, to whom ! made a bcr.a fide oifer, as your desoatch '=■ asked for the nomination of some suitable person. I shall await .-ith some anxiety your reply. I have the honour to oe. : our or No . 35 . ^^^<;S^K.c^^^ /J?^\^\ Consulate of t?\e United States, ■■:} Pretoria, S.A.R,, June 17, 1899 Mr. Charles E. Mac rum, To the Deoartment of State. r.;, Subject. Ricdard Floyd Nichols. A.bstract Of Contents, Preliminary hearing finished.-- Papers sent to Attorney '^y General.-- Cooies of newspapers containing account of the 4 i hearing forwarded under separate cover. \ l-r ' ■ • ■\, , ' i* wmm ,,- .- ,. ^c^T- C^ rr%.- 0. ?5 . Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., June 17, 1899. onourable David I. Hill, Assistant Secretarv of State, V/ash inert on, U.S.A. ■: r. 1 .1 SuDolementarv to mv desoatch No. 31, of the 10th Instant, re Richard Floyd Nichols, charp^ed with hich treason against '. e "ransvaal Oovernment, I ha^re the honour to report that the ;- rolimi nary trial has been finished and on the 13th instant * oarers in the case were sent to the Staatsprocureur (A.t- -uinev C^t^reraH, in accordance with the la.v, so that that of - ;:cii.l mav decide to prosecute or not. He .vill arooint a i^te icr the re^yular trial and '.vlll decide on the T.atter of ^ entin'^ bail from the "consoi raters" . > * ! send under separate cover codes of the rapers con- 1 ] ^:. I T'. " 1] in ^. an account of the last t^-o davs nroceedin-^s of the h.i;e the honour to be. '^'l Vour obe 1. / / ' > J ^ ^ /^ ' C c.O /•>-(?' -^- ^ / No. 36. * . \ >/-OF?i^T Of]b/ &J^^^^f^ (/tant '"ocr^tar; of State, Vashi niton, U.S.A. In res'jorsft to -our desoat h Jio.^-'i. of Aoril 1« ■ , ' ha -f tl'.o l>onour lo ro:?ort that ! l^a/e -aid over ' r. • rotori .IS. ar. thcr*?in authorl'cd. the proceeds ; ' ■ »- "^ n e '.' - '"^ r i i-^' r ; > * 7 - y V « ■.vhlch A- ore en- ''' ■ <:• -; in t b e sal 'i n r> soa t rh . '" a-^. ori^n vith t^e 'onditlc^;' of ^^avinent, ^r. ' .•> • ,•■ r\ ' ▼ > ♦ ' » ' i*^ or-, ui han delivered to r?e c-'-rtiiied corior, of hi.^ a.r> ^ —o'M a.- Fo': ;tor "eslar'^ontarv o: the estate and as ■^. -U'ii^n of t!>»^ iitiuoi (..hilJren, toR;ethor •*. ith a receijt in :' :or r.hc ren-.i t r i:.c;e : all o'. '.-hloh dn^ijirent r- ' here.vith ' CO a.- di roct e i . b a • t r r f^ noi J r to r. e . ►- •-> 0':r o*~ed*'^nt .■ . •'^■. re-j • [ \i(?F Cnnr- jl . .'ctior 0' Adn-ii nist rat i on , -iih -^ rans lc:.tion. Letter of Atr^oln* ment as "u:irdlan, -Ith trar.nlation. ■^.ecei-t In full for £I5--M-9 (^7-3. 63^ I 1^ No. 37. X^our.-x Consulate of the United States^ Pretoria, S.A.B., June 25, 1899. Nfr. Charles E. Macrum, To the Deoartment of State. Subject . thereabouts of Carl 1 * Lanqef olri. do /.u/J-R Clo/cJ Uy C^Vi^^ i /s^ Abstract of Contents. Peff'rrin'^ to -ooartment ' s desoatch No. 19.— No information vhatever of .vhereabouts of Langefeld. -J Consulate o: tl\e 'initod -Stales, ^rotoria, '-^ . ^ • - . , 'une 2'* 1 O'iOirable !3vvici •■. ','11 •» A.s:-iotant ^ctv. rc-i,ir : oi State, W,^Ghi n^,t on. A ■* /o!orr!n- to vour dos':^atrh oi rVbruar.' 1'^, !^vv, Mo. 19, • e t-'' ':^ono':r to Inform \'r^ i tlvit ^ have oeen unable to lir t'^e sM -v.te-t i nfo r:.;at 1 o^: re^-ardin^ th^ .vhPr^^ai'OutP- of i'^* i^; ri c'- lan-^oteldt .vho:;p .11 sa^nea rancn is the sub.ioct « « ' ,^ r ^-.-^ t vh . 'Irl'"^- ^^ the ^ollce as -A^el 1 t'^'-^ ''ons::Nr A ent at '0>^annes' i: r- , '^ jt ' re-ret to say ^ ! 1 1 ^ ^ r- ; '> > , p "^ »> n u na v a I 1 i n ; . ''^v*i>3. ho/.r^^nr. irlornatlon coa.e to this oil ice later '0 .'^t I ■' d.i /! f^f the • '"» -:art:::ent oi sa.-.n. L . . > on-wT tc bo. li. r ■ ' n- fi -^ited .^tat cs '.-onsui. ^ Ho. 38. Consulate of the ''nited States, Pretoria, :^.A.R., June?3, 1899. M r. Charles E. Mac rum. To the Peoartnent of Subject . A.opolntrrent of a Consular \-^ent at •^ohannes^urq:. Abstract of Contents. Poferrin-y to Department's despatch N'o.30, and mine Ho. 34. '•!r. r.ordon has informed me of his acceptance of the po~ sioB.-- 'lis references. — Will avalt Department's reply. - '-'"ose the aooointment of Kr.W.E.Par!-.. V, t .-->.^. -■■.iM ' I* "^ >*^ TTpr- r >1» • • No, S^. r 'ons'j'at'j 01 t!ie 'nited .^»tatos, Pretoria* s.A.p,.^ -J^jne ?':rd, T^i '. onrurnb 1 e ^'a :\ r\ 1 1 ' ' A^ '1 slant >oc r^^ta r\' of >t at o. Washi n^toHf '; ..'^. A • • r : 1 n ; ^ C) " r-i v i o so a t :^^ h N' o • "5 C t of Ma v 1 F 1 -^.G ^ f 1 » -» •• '-*. p ' r'.ad oi:cre'i the anr-olnt ment of Consular A<^ent at r''^-, : : er:- ; r • , ic i have advisei yo : in ?.\: dosoatch *^o.51 of ^ ■ 'f- i no t . , ca.- r^- O'er f ro ' 'ohannesbur-'; this iiornin^ ::-.cv. ': e *!^aT. :^.o -.vould aor-eot the niace. ''e tei'S mo that '- --. • 1 -■■ '^art'ior. "r. Wiliia~;s, rooro.sHnt tho Thompson K - r a:.' tho '-van '. Pinch "^eoart n.ents of tse standard Oil ^ ", 't havorite "u'c'-t 'f; Co., ^at*. erson, *'.*., Adam « 1 e.-t ~t.. ".'■'. "tty, i', - .Merrl 1 1 'l Co., "oston. > r. >' ^ ' t ■' :'-rr Co.. -^hilad"!., 'or . '^ixon Cr-iolhlo Co., \' L . . . am othni.^. !'o tr^f^c>€^ 'i^- refers as to his 3 ^ ^ c : ' t f » •]'.'- told '-'r. ".or-^on t^.\t ' vo^.ild advlr.e Mm as soon ]■ • t^ r "p.^art'fint li : eo 1 v re ■.•'• des'-^atches , y^ y y •> (^ 1(^:^01 v<^^ -ju ri n^ tho iar>t Aee'' ^ "* V f> .*» •..^ . N :*.:viiv' o-^cr:e the a—^olr.tmont ot Mr. '■■; . E.^ar-- to have the honojr lo re. I'our obedient "nlted "tates Consul. I ? J • O vy » - 9 9'y \ ^/^U^^^fff^ Consulate of the United r>tates. Pretoria, S.A.R., Tune ?4, 1899. ^ Mr. Charles F. Mao rum, V) To the Deoartment of State. (M^^^Mi Subject . Leave of Absence of I.C.Manion Abstract of Contents. !-'r.'^aiiion requests leave of absence.-- Signature of Mr, .:ha':in. /.ho is left in charge of A^^encv. ()f .' ' -«# f «7»;T' L I * ' y^ '-' < : o i ^^ '''onb'"! ;ite o; the niio^i "tHtcr,, '" I' i"? t O I 1 'i . ■ . A • ^ jno *. \ ^ ' f ^>; 1 K' .-.^ vMi.^' : ran 1 o '"^a vl i \ ' 1 ^ i ^^ -ssL-^tmr '^00 1*^1-1 r 7 oi r't-itTt 'Vashln;;ton, . \. ha e the -iOno'.ir to ini'orm y<'>u th;^t '.C.Manion, Con 1 erit m ch^mnos'*^ :r^ , r is roi^Ootod a lea'/e of ab t 1 'v- '>-« : 01 an i ii !0f i ni te ^^^ r^ o : /■ to Purl 'in , Mat;\l , c . , a V < i note L ' th<^^ onclor.od ' otter T rom him* i no ot'v^r v'j rion t^an to ^r*^. nt» a:^ '^e had one rcfore \ :'-■ i h 1 > ' o::. -'in: .at i cr> . ■^'i. ■'•'irtiun h"^.^ na^^ei tc '^;ivo ."'la r e of t^r \~r>nr,7 Mr. \'ij:3e ^i M:,. •• V. re i on-lo v. 1 : . ' .1 ''^( \ :^e: •■tite.- "on-^jk— r- u '%' -:^t 1 >• ECEIVED 23 J UN 1B99 S CONSULATE Pie^oria, S. A. R. TCLCaRAMS: OUTSIDCR. JOHANNKSBUHO. TCLEPHONC 366. CHAPIN & MANION, Ltd.. ^"1 ( . C '3 V 1 3 .V , 1 (^ ^' ,/^ ,1^ 'A'jef • K«» ( ' "»«. ^- -N •^ V^^i-- ' ^ s >»1 -»/ HoL :iMOhM i^j> > '% J > J > — -^ J >\ V:iV^> ^ -^ >Y^ ^ V -v:i ->^^-r) V.S, /■« \ ... i 'j^ > ^ x V >x 4 J .^ -^ ^-'^"^ -V >-» -.:v-^^ »-- . ^^*VV-i A — -b ^. -^ 'X Z- p-^^-*^ ^-> V '^ . > V J ,3 > »-->^ ^^ > -& J X '^ » » l\>^.^^r^^\^ , iiV4 >^ ^ > • >♦- » ^ ►-- 6^ X \ • •s. .*- - ^ >% Sj -^^^-^-"^^^^^j ^^A ^ r N - -< ^ ^ " \ \ \ j-::^ -^v »■ -T, t> -> >^:i^>^^ X V \ .^ >^ •S '^ ^ > 3 \ t^>i >:»V^S V. N \ \^:>^^ > ^ y*-. J <. « \ ^ ^^ N-^^ V^ ^V*>v. » J .-.:> >^V A N X \^ "^^ y V ^ ^ :N" -^--^--^•xj^-^ V" K X >. c 1 > \ • \ PLINTH) IN ADYANCE SHEETS wS.f.^^,, No. 40. ^, '/^./<^ "f. / pf.C'D Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., .July 6, 1899. Mr. Charles E. Macrum, To the Department of State. Subject. Tenders for proposed Pretorla-Rustenburg Ry. Abstract of Contents. Supplementing my despatch No. 35 of June 13, 1699.-- Time for sending in tenders for Pretoria- Rustenburg Ry. extended until Oct. 1?, 1899. A. \ \ No. 41. z' Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.B. , July 6, 1899 • 'ty- Mr. Charles E. Macrura, To the Department of State. Subject. Grievance of Mr. Joseph P. Cezzam ^ftfU-^'^^'^A ^34\.. Abstract of Contents. I receive affidavit of Mr.Ge''7am of grievance against a o^ Fieldcornet .(an official elected by the people). — Pre- sent the matter to the Foreign Secretary, who offers an ^apology and promises investigation and reparation. — J enclose copy of affidavit and several letters. No.'ll Consulate of the United States, 11 Pretoria, S.A.R., Tuly 6, 1899 / 1 ••on. David -K Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Wa3hlnp;ton, ^^S.A. Si r.- ! have the honour to inform you that on Monday morning, ■jly 3rd last, I received from Mr. Manlon, Consular A^ent at • ohanneshurj^, a sworn statement of Mr. .'oseph P. Oer'-^am, a / / copy of which Is enclosed and -.vhlch will speak for Itself, It Is needless to say that such a piece of news made me •erv Indignant, and ?;olnp. at once to the Foreign Office I ^ade to Mr. ten Haaf, who was actlnp_,,ln Mr. Grobler's ab sence.as ^^orel^^n Secretary, an emohatlc protest and demand for proper reparation, f.lving him a cony of the affidavit, '■^r.ten Haaf personally aDolop;l7ed for the action of the 'leldcomet and oromlsed to lav the matter before the Ex ecutlve Council for Immediate action. I at once wired '^r. Manlon this conversation ^Ith Instructions to v/lre It :^ r omD 1 1 V to Mr. Ge*' /am . Late the same evening; (.iulv 3rd' I received a note from / "r.'rocler, who had returned to the city, a copy of which ' enclose. On the morning of the ^th I wired the gist of this note of Mr. Grobler's to Manlon v.ith Instructions to promptly advise Mr.Ge-'/^.am. On the 5th Instant I wrote Mr. Manlon fuUv, conflrmlnr? mv wires. Cooy of which letter I also enclose. This morning I am Informed at the Foreign Office that rhe Government has the Investigation well In hand and will Uely be aole to male a report on It within a day or two. ( ! k I II .,■«■■«■ I have no reason to believe, nor Indeed has anyone else, that the Government authorities or v»ill countenance any such action on the part of Its officers, and this Fleldcomet must certainly have acted on his own responsibility, it the same time I shall Insist on fhe Government making full reparation, and for this I trust I shall have your sanction, I have the honour to be. 51 r. Your obedient sery United States Consul. Fnclosures: / Affidavit of .Joseph P. Ger?.am, 7 Copy of Mr.Grobler's note. \ ^ Copy of my letter to Mr. Manlon. (COPY) ■i????!?_?i????AM being duly sworn deposeth :- THAT ha Is a native born citizen of the United States of Amer- (ica having a passport from the State Department bearing the number 3449 and the date March 20th 1899, THAT he at present occupies the position of General Manager of the Lulpaards Vlel Estate & Gold Mining Co., Ltd, THAT on the 20th day of -June 1899 he visited the office of Mr. rourle, the Field Cornet, Krugersdorp District, for the purpose of ret^lsterlng according to law, he having changed his ailihiMi^on that day to the Krugersdorp District, THAT he exhibited to Mr. Fourie his passport and his certificate of registration from the Field Cornet of the Boksburg District, THAT the said Mr. Fourie after asking the usual questions, of age, where born, ic, , to which correct replies were made, demanded whether the deponent would assist the South African Republic in case of war? to which the deponent replied that being a citize" of the rnited States he had no right to take up arms against a friendly Povfer. THAT the Field Cornet then stated that the der^oT^cnt would ^ have to register either as a British subject or as being billing to assist the South African Republic in case of war. THAT the deponent objected to doing either stating that the fight ras not his fight and that he would assist neither side, THAT the said Field Cornet attempted to coerce the deponent but finding it unavailing finally put down his name on the books and made an entry to the effect that deponent was not willing to assist the South African Republic in case of war, TH*T the said Field Cornet further stated that In case of war ail neutrals would be driven out of the Country. SUBSCRIBED & SWOWI to before me this 29th day of June 1899. (signed) Joseph P.Gezzam. Voor mi j , signed) L.P.Naude, (?) ( ( Landdrost's V.R. 1 - , Seal . ^ — ,.— np^, — ^^-—^^^ - f !..» « n '. - » ♦ . -» ♦ « * o : " r O > « » . T " tf. >■ f~ 1 ^. , , T f. ■ ' • ' «.» < *» • - ^ \ /•• . 1 ^ r a . - r> I "V ► 1 < • • *» i I \J { COPY ) r CO ►PAPTMENT VAN BUITENLANDSCHE 7AKEN. Couvemnentskantoor* Pretoria, 5rd July, 1899. ^•ar Mr. *'acrua. I mti**^ lately on my return this morning from my trip, Mr. ten Haaf han-!ed ne the copy of the sworn statement made by Mr. Joseph P.Cez^am an Aaerlcan subject* and communicated to me the discussion he had with : on th*» sub ^ect. It s with sincere regret that I learned of the matter and I •^a. ten to Inform you that the course taken by Fleldcomet Fourle '• set ftjfth In the statement Is against the will and desire of th© ^.ovomment. A sost stringent Investigation will at once be Instituted and ♦-A "esiilt of same communicated to you without delay. 1th best regards, Yours sincerely. (signed) P. Crobler, I ! 1 I'"* M (Foreign Secretary) r i^S 'T^'^mr^ '»^'' "^i- :; jf"."'"^ •— v^' - ^V^OO) /"7BA^ jiw02G'1AJl*7Trja ?TAV TM3MTHA^?in ♦ vIl hi? ,£!io^ein .mLfiOBM IjsjbF n©^ .iM ,q!i^ -n fi^oil .^ntmofr atrf^ mu^ei vm no vle^slbetn.i! I \^ ir£^"^ar.'^ (iae^o\' .tM •. d sbsir tnecne^fita mowE erif lo vqoo erft era behn^:^ fitt*i b£ti 9ti nolBZL'Oztb ftrli en o^ be;tsolnu(ii.Tioo bciE .toet.due nsotiBtaA hb .ioe''6uz erlt no l'ov I bniB i9ii&,n Bdt lo homfiel I isiii iBi^9t 9ie^ntz rftlw ai il lo ei i7>9b bn£ iil'A f»r^.t :t3fTlBT./B el ^neme^sts erf^ ni rftiuol iea - p .vsleb ^L'Oriil'A uo^ o^ be^solnL/rmoo emea lo :tlLre©i sri • ?.bifi;^ei ised rfHW , '. lei ©on I?. siuoV ,"101 doi bf^n- 12 ^ • " i ■ V. - t "I r , t I i • • 9 ^ s.- >. • • * • .:1i: 1 ^". ^ /•... .r i ■♦ ' • I Vj- ^ . > •< .A, « • '■ i : : * ♦ V. 4 . .1 ' / , « • . < : I - • - • « ^ ) to tsr mi.^iM uMic'.' I lourr- i-i.'ro'lir 1^ . I < I t 1 «v i A * , » I . : '-■ 1 ■ > 1 i"* ' •• • t . \ -^ ^ ^ V » : t 1 1 • r 1 n \ 1 4 » T . ♦ A \ T . « ■ » -I"' i . .' ..r.i|:.r-! i . I {'• f '■. A I J-. •• ^ ' '»-•*. .. : * 1 i " ■ i . r.'M.-.: ' ];• ' .[>,i'y •:ctir, r r I • * • *.' A - » * -4- l'.-^ ' : 't M •* ^ c> I c - 1 ' I r * ) f I V' *^^ n:ittrr r..ii w or.u'. 'Ir ">ro'T.1s-ec lvit'-«^^r :><. .«. lox. tr tb ' 4 . i I 4 ■ V^ i . * » » -w -* . I * ! / ♦ \»f I vr - ^ « r -> r, > C5 J .: , ,^ I V r -^ . Voi s • I » . > 4 > , r. f ,^ - r -^ r { \ r . T '» 4 f » , , r, ^ «? ^ . M wv ,, n M y 1 1 -^ 'Jo 1 r»f t !-"o' I r 1 e ♦ a rid say ui i ri<»3ir© ol th'^ -ovorii S li^.^.*^ w<»» ♦^illi'^i/ a',ai;isl '.Hi 'f "^.-^•'rstt-atioi. vtii -.J iristltuled I ;i.M.vdi.itv i v, mi th- resMll wUi f co:r.:u'niC3tf>d to .v.o .vithout riolay. V..; -Ui vir-* t..>i,. t :xu^] I trust you will so Inform Mr, ir^-am, t^?lt f -Nill not u^s* I'v this .ligtt^r until tho '^ovommont ^ '.' or ro-^iratlon is n:r»rje. I have '-eon ^iven to ufio-ustaari xiiAt If ?.li the ai ics;?-.t ions uc!it\lnor! \h Mr.r:«2zas's alfidavlt ?ro nrovon in the Oovcrp^nnnt^s .^tj nMnn. s'.^ch :\v e:Hr>nlo wiil he nado of tho orrlnr field o-^.reful In t^rM r njii nns t osnnclaliy tov2ir''3 ^iworlc^ns* 1 V. '. ^VoMl h;^v/' * non vt>ry ^1^^ l-i h^v*^ 'J^? ^ t^o '•C7ICI C'* olMcors . • » % P::^. - s ' ' I. > I ' . ^ ' • » » ■*' JVJ . V - > f I \ •• - or* -' t i ^i (' vn had ♦ r-fl . *^ ^^ ^ ^ n -^ ^'4nf *•». »^ «- I ' I. ^ ^^ s < • « / ^ \:'.,f..ii!Si:j3a^^w^^^x if«' ..:i\i^ ^r ! ! f / ! ♦'^^t t^K^5*^ ' I : f\ » ' * 1 ■J.'."jic. 1<^^0*T f /. ^ t <^ ;' »• ' M / » • < i ij u • M->v i ' 1 • » :v o V r f^ I (> r ^. }^ J *■ j-r. :I.T } . Ov'oi •♦:'" trvit^ltiu. ^ 'e/.'^: ;«^ • I : r,- •■■i f * . > « r . T < f 01 o * '^ -5 ?' ^ ^ r » • \ 1 iT^» I r.%vo t ! J A |^~»:v. . •: r \s .1 .* 1 ij'^91 ^ r. h! ^ >r n f ■> J » t • 4 I \ • ■ / » » • - ♦ I ♦ ' > » . 1 • • \ i f » 1 '.. f , «■ rriAvw yTy»r^Tn-VT ; ' '■ ' > •— - v^i-f ^ ; \^ CONPIDEMTIAL. (^^^^UM^u^ No. t/w . A" ■**-.'.:*.■•*-* Consulate of the United States, Pretoria^-S.A.P. ,vJuly 7, 1899. c > Mr. Charles E. Macrum, To the Deoartment of State. V^ 01 W >^^ Subject. The Political Situation in the Transvaal. Abstract of Contents. ' i' Proposals for the modification of the Franchise Laws.-- Americans will not take the franchise. — AdmlraJ. Howl- son' s visit to ^Johannesburg.-- My personal view of doI- itics here. ii CONPIOENTIAL. ;> No. 42. Consulate of the I'nited States, / Pretoria, S.^.R., July 7, 1899. •-'on. David .T. Hill, I'Tr^ *iMWI*iirt1|MfcwMMI^4ii I » ]«M* - Assistant Secretarv of !^tate. Washington, U.S. A ■« .(t^M*** '"^'T ."h^ c ': 1 r : Following my despatches of April 16th and 25th last, Nos.^D and ?6, re the condition of affairs, politically, in the Transvaal, ! have the honour to report that a much easier feeling no-,v exists. For the pa\st vreek Mr. PISCHEP, member of the Executive Council of the Orano;e "roe State, and Mess. i^OFMEYR and HFFHOLDT, supposed to represent the Cape Covem- fnent , have been ' laboring with the ^ resident 4nd Members of the Le£;lslature here lor a motll flea lion of the franchise la'A's that would settle tho differences bet-veen the ":'ltlanders M and the Government. Finally or. the evenln^^, of the 5th Inst. a caucus of both branches of the •Let;islature ?.'ith the Pres Ident and Executive Council and Mess. Fischer, Hofn^eyr and •ierholdt -.vas held, at which the following, modifications of the franchise laws were oracticaliv unanimously apreed tO: ^11 oersons at oiesent naturalised shall have the rlp;ht of full burghership Immediately. Those who have resided here since before 1891 shall be en titled to burp;hershlp, and llPewise all who cor.plete a nine vears residence in the republic, from the date of / thei r arrival . Newcomers aIH obtain the full franchise after seven years residence, without naturalization or other probationary period, or after five years residence if they submit to belrr; natural l-^ed for a period of trro years. Sons of new burp^hers, bom in the country, shall have full (burghership 2 burf»horshlD at tlie ap^e of sixteen thus Dlaciri!^ them on exactly the same tootlno; as the sons ol old burghers Sons of ''It landers, born here. If repjlstered at the age of sixteen, will be entitled to claiir the full franchise at the di^Q o! twentv o^e vears, without naturalisation. rie,ht new members of the Vo.ksraad will be allowed to the C.ol'i "lelds (1 .e.'fohan'^.esbu'r^;'. ' : four In the first Cham ber ard four In the second. This Is In addition to the existing renre.sentat Ion. 'r J Therti soemr. to be little doubt that these proposals ill be passed proLiptly, and Vltlanderis here generally express t'^erisel ves as belnc'- fairly satisfied, althoup;h the proposals :o not meet In every particiJar Sir Alfred Mllners proposl 1 1 ons a.s expressed at the Bloemf ontein Conference. ' have met and talked to hundreds of Americans here ^nd ir •'ohannesbur:' and I have vet to meet ore that, if *-^e1r o-n expressions are to be bell ©red, rould take the * ^^k ^hA _ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ _ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ jranchlse as a Flft. and ' --^ont believe that ten per cent. -: : ^hQ Prltlsh "l t la-^-dorj vo-jld t^i^e it either. 't -as vith sincere re?:^. ret that ' learned that Admiral >K^cn. .vho leaves • oha.nnesbur.:^ for Kiipborley to.'!>i£;ht, had :o'\sed to ccne to '^retorla. '^e infor^i^s T.e that a^^ong^ other 'In-? his r^l-slon to -'ohanne-bur^ , thouj^h urofiicial, was ^n fie order ol the Navv nenr. it.iiont ♦ bv invitation of the m ♦ ' *^r:oan clti'eri.^ re.-; I din ■, \n -■nhannesbur^, and for the pur ';o of Infomin^^, the "^ep?. rtr'.?iit concerrin-^, the status of our t ' ■ nns in that Dla<^o. *.h a rule peoole who are feted and ■f-istn.'i in 'ohannes: ur^ onlv i.rA .^ee no other oart of the r^ • . ^ t >• V • . tai-9 vith the:^. . unless ^:ifted vlth p;reat perception. ' ^r- one ."^Ided vl e'v of the situation. Then ! thoup;ht it rr *n the Oo ,ern::ient and n;"self that the Admiral, who nust c r.e-f>3.^-itv oass thrc-r--^: l^retoria on hi;? '^ay to 'ohannesburf^^, ■iiiould stOD over hero lor a nioT:ent at least, as I had, '.vith * tl.e a.'iGlstance of the ^povorniiieat ciflclals arranp;od for all a-..^^es froT^ LourenQO Marque^^ throu^-,h to ^'orval's ^ont , Cape iColopv / ^'olonVf where tho Cap© Railroad took them' up, and there had t een a right royal reception arranged lor them. For your information I enclose a copy of the Admiral's otter of the 0th Instant to me and my reply thereto. 1 am r.ot a partisan of this Government and I 'see as readily as anvone else the faults It has. but neither am I in any way olased as I look on the question from all sides, and or a question of principal we all admit, J think, that lairress Is due to evervone. I would take sides with a dos: that I thought was unfairly or brutal Iv punished. I ha/e tho honour to be, > Sir, Vour obedlont servant. I'nlted States Consul. r,c losure \dmlral Howl son's letter .l> mll^JdtMttt^».,^.S^t^ i\^00) .99^1 ^liu^ rf^ ,,-ciifd8ennf'fO'. ,916 xo'^.C.^ , ,pz?. ♦minofiM • Iu8noO zBi£iZ beitri'l . A I ^ T 3 R ^5 -rni?. tv vfT ^aliieonoD bolel/e ©vsrt Mirorfa -rnlbnBiziebiuzltr^ 'ins tVyfo: boo.*r-.i9bT:/ "Itb^Io eb'^; i I jsdi notaaeiamt erl^ isonu 2£>' 1 .Btiitei'" bf?.©-r ?.n9 IttO HBolie.T* erll :o nolSBitvnl vd ,^neirtisceCI vvsK orit •■ ^nerr^ifire^ erti jnlr-iolnl lo 9i:oni>jc edi to"* bfT£ ,:oiL;d8ennj5rlo'- nt :?t. { .©o*Ia tfiffi nl Btie'Dlo tl;o lo 8Lfi£*8 erft pnfmeoro- Ob *or. bl'joo ! ^fi/ft' vletlnMeb *^or. betfits ' ,BtT0T9"i"' ^latv bluof'z ^•■■z ?lrfi no IIb^b vr io sxe'^'nem ot siooE 8tIi'o''.TM nodv ,ieiBJ ' i£(^,S vIevittBOG bQisfz .ifieije? ?bI'^ bn5 .+n£nelueiJ ss''^ ff" »^'?^ ^Blioiei- oi ion iud ,-^iii6zenn£{io'- o) ^^.nlo^ ■ t^ be- : 9061 zsr Blio^ei^ ilzl: ot eT --nlUvnl >T/5T^e.ei iltoY , "II leeniif.rfo"- lol ^ists o^ v*S bo^bIs" tB eiorfas anoo bfirf ! le^lB em ';£•< 19^ *f^' r, ir^j efTL'aeT:: I .srrl.oeb o^ be^tldo 8£v ! '^oMw .noltB*.' ff^-- tlElv c:t hebn©,^T! -[^ljoIvoic l-Fr' I H nov© .lovewoH .bevt© c" e."t 10 ynlniB^l le^ls os 9nnD evBri ^on hiLiorfe vlnl£^i90 ' •£:i: noi^BiBaeT liul 'linu ♦nfiB'-'-eC .iV bebioooB tr&iri£eit EiJoe,^£T ) .ebBT fT©©"' :■/ , vl !rl t 09 0291 vieV ♦ noE i ft'O V' .J . ^* b© ny-. \ B * .vvs;*.^/' iBlfrb* l£©^ 3fJr£..^A .'1^'jo^. ,8©oio" lBV£'/,r." , 1© i .'10 a 1 1 ©fanBTiroO y^j 1 . "5 , OU If.s' .ii^^, Coiil.' net advise .011 t:<>onoi and have dono my best for y ■vj,tr-5l v.ll! c- ?l?ir.." T'^l.-^ ♦■^-"»n l:ft ^r s'^V- f^c t Tnto.":.? on t^^^t -• — — •"• - — — —. — — — ^» — — — ». vc ^?--i tNe ir*. vrjon cr uo.lr?^ bf^ri^, »us .^ou nad not (k-ollned and t'r ir- had ^ •^iiTtv 01 t. i ».e ^ip'^ ilr, Mollis >>.-\d tree viso oi the 'li I'jM, ir ■ ■ '. .':,>o, ■'■ • dC';»i -i r, t'l.it H 1;? cvide!>t. tiiat anv mlsundor- rtnndin;' that h^.; occ.irrod has not >onr. nt this end. 'Mth ro^.srd to t>ia n;?. ttoi r-f tho r/.it r? not'S treatHCitt of Mr* 'i.r^r, ? >^rsv,» to v?.;; tvnt r«r onr rr^rots It : - ro t.hin thn r^cverri- ♦ (•• I*'" -^ rilioTu 1 « » • •• •• ^ I » 1 r , f; fjlL ;:>:oit cl it to Lho ,.-, . j.V;',r.r,J_ .^J j4.^.+ -i ~..t *''\5J%ir.' f.r-l. V ov rifi a!£ic no '^'otjht \«.aro that "*. •:l 'coir.' t ir -.I* ' ro7'3r!y '\ "•!'»•!!• :!T.t. clficiil* '-i;! iij^olo^ted V ■' ■ '11^ <>d '^', A ^.^^ rl i * ity i'..:h."i ir th^> "rM'^d ?tr>t's r.Sor.ld i v 1 * ' V • r^e 7cvr " .'i I l.^r^rc !" '■^i^^ 'r-W)^ 1 iril'.us iifv-in;;c a:Alr>bt t^4ls 0* ?r'i I 'srt • '^ '.'t ! ' . -: r ' ! • '' : r t t .^- 1 t '-. r 1 1 . •: 1 • t\z\\ -h en I i h t li. :i:t';i the ccjnciis rf Ih r; '"'tAtc ?«n!t iTAfi^^io vlll 3^\:)-'> thsifi- l;r.G tcY^ri a." :i:!J0 1 i oration at V^^. r^^C'^o o)ailtl:)ns, ?i Tact 11 la •''!3-:crod \.^\\ It ^^'^s 3 1 read V ^ef^-'> v^one^* -^ni vom -rill nc -ion^t see t-i^ ^acts nij^llshorl before ♦Si? rPav'Sr^s '^'^. V ' ' t ;3^ •/ A '«/ 5 ♦ K < ' '^^ • r^v '-^rst ••'Is'^'^r. for "> ^Ifi^rart. ho ^n voy:*^©^ ?rrv slncr.rr 1 v ?»^r£^ 111 t -or.ii'i. .:()■ T r; 1 i" t f-- >■■ J . 4 ■t r r^M; tr.f' > [ M r .^, u '*Vf:H i.f Jt^M! ' > f > .• 1 / * 4 ' > f^ ^^ I 7 I ^ t »' .^ f . I -^ 1 .-» » ' t '1 . ' r f • t I ''^ t ^ r < • A' ! f '> •-% ^ * ''• -^ -^ • i^ ' ' '"> I < I } ^ -r r -. ^ f ^f;r^ -i .V -1 ;^af; . t T . r ! i - ^ r i V o ■.. ! * t If 1 » • r » . ■ ; / '- I "JO Jon '-AWf ^O] ti.' -^o f f t sr^ t ^-M lhnj\^ y * ' > . » • -I i I I :' • .+ f .1 r ,' t ».t ^.'i <.^r^'X f ; * I ^ • » \ ' ' C 'J t t / • ^ r. '^ I ^1 r- - W W I ^ ^ ♦ i I ' i • 1 • -^^ iM ' t . t, i I « » i •* fy :fff''t ' * 1 -' • / » f ■» > f ' ' »! hoi: J io ' « » 4 • ^ , I ♦ ^ * ( '■' t i ^. •'' V < . -.-f • f •% ^ f t . ^ ',» » ■ ) • fie 1 J J i i f "> ' c V I » f 1 . . t k 4 * « • » > r I ■ I ■■^ t i i i 4 e 1 r t J r I i J ^ V . ( i 1 4, . . » « J \ 1 ft . ♦ "r r» I > '") : -3 '^ i .^ r i i ,i I I c f r ' r ♦ r ♦ V i 4 w t i rf ^ I .^ .^ ■ ?r* ' r'.^ J I ro /'/!'.'':'* .f ' •• ^': r v*" • A -> f .. » [ ! ^» ^^no^ ^.">i^ ^hr^tir P.rr' ♦♦ f r^'j ^OTOr r»r f'-. . OT f r';* O t O > r . '-^r f ( {: '* 8 tor " -♦ - } ■> .'« * r t 1 •. - - r* • ♦ f • . r\ t. ♦ ' T . > I ^ f 1 • * *- ♦ r 4 1 •no{*«T2r ^' ^% ' ^T • T — r^^-ww^ --T- " 'I9*riF 'll^lip^i^^ V'r ' '" ^ ' ' mm^' \'m ymmu'w i' I W'/l*! 'HI H if Uyj^^^^PT "7 ~| / ". '' lOtOllJ, J,\,P,, Jul/- 7, 1699. MpI r?l 'I. l. 'lovl ^c- , o'O '"^, r'^Trr iDlvvs, "s-,. y '.*..'■'. ?oru:'.'lar A:'C'ht« U-r lL:':erle*A^ I '^('.;:'t ^ .: All lo.^iot t.i'i 'is jri JcrstaivJl i» ,, 'lI uvre than all ! i-c;iotU;;' i-\\\ yv.) co'iir! not >3 .vith r:^ cr th'^ i*vcn1^~ ■?! t^o Pcurth '*>)' [-.els -'»t'.^ •' /I •(.:. i i / CT :jc'.- V;c. '.'.l'JUT;:?(»r;*t3.n.'iin-: arc x-r.'je, v1 -r "vol s«no^^ ! lewne^ th^it V^'^ "C^!ICV::0" v>s at 2*TiZlbar ! 'n-^ T-\^P 'i? T/ !»lid to arr-^r.-'s ^ roy-jl rno'^ii.lnn for yourself and •.•;v .'>t,r\^r *r y:;' o^ ?:)'■> *o r.^t» I, -111 ! i^^! -?L^o<»-i iU7itatl'jr.s In ;•>•'.■:»• mi 3\ ♦n /r. J o^t :>rrlv.5l -;* Lo'.:ran50 * , ^ Vi i\ . '.,:r^ ^.'V'l 'c. ^oii^-; vir^^ "/oMT *►/! Tos roo.^lved \'i J : t / • ♦ \ % : ' , ' 1 f ? i • . ■» M ; ? V ♦ i *:* . r'M\i C- 1 .; i-^o* 5: ^•fflc^'^iG '\^':' io bt^st I *^w » '4 . v> i . ' i 1 i i . ..^1 -,.. • i..: ) 'ort.i .."SO iroctor rr ne^ssost etc," »• » r: t <> -:a •!> "ifi^.v "ChivJ^C liii'ci '-u'iw. *.'iu;iril Mcvison v.to \-\ss«;;i> f i'."! i rar:.sva?.i in C?» _it. u iei '.i:.iJtMl ^n;^ tvoiv^ of- <- 4 /" c.i;}, .-^tv..,, r»;;," r^.on, iit-i'jv ■••» I ■•• J ' .lo" .00 1 ji V k •.;•» U oii and '''.'<' f ^ r \'\'.'-.r '^ ' Qh^ I r i f ' ' !"^ ' ^'^r • 'i.^'lWf^: '*M1 '.:i:r ^r^n^r^^s ^r-:.M;r-! a-' s^iC^^n Ic Ad- /■• •m '-! ^.■r.iir!' ,'ts ,s*?- cr of-lr^-rs frr Johan- •• * .r . f ^.'»r i? 1 s^- No. 43. yic^t, s/ .,V> ^^V/N ^Wl 14'- Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R,, July 10, 1899. f^ Mr. Charles E. Macrum, To the Department of State. Subject. CitiTenship of W, Bakovlt?.. Abstract of Contents. I enclose letter from W,Bakovitz, re his American citizen- ship, and my reply thereto, — Status of Americans here in event of war, as recrards military draft. ,.< %um I m^mmmm^atm ■«torfMMMii«M»w«ta ■*- ii II » ■ III I n m mm^^mt^m^i^mm^^im^mmtm^m i i ■ fcawfci^iMiilWfcAl .■■■*M. mwiiitiHi. !■ ^" - • ■ « I > ■■ il I ••..tmtilmmU Fc.43. Consulato of the -nlted States, Pretoria, S.A.R., July 10,. 1899. Hon, David J. ?lill. Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, 'J.S.A. Q ir: I have the honour to Inlorm wou that In a letter fro.Ti one A. Pakovitr, who is e/identlv not arare of his exact .status •'••Ith re-^ard to American ci ti.'enshlp , he sends me his / natural! -ation certificatOi of -vhloh I enclose a copy. A.s vou A- ill see from my letter to him in reply, copy of which I also enclose, ! have advised hi in that he was a full citi'en of the ilnlted States, my authority lor this bein^, Section ■?167 P..S., v.^^'^T^ Cons. Heg. /' with which Section he seems to 'la'v'e complied and under which he vas natural i-ed, Vou •Till see what I have replied to him refyardin*- the status of /.inericans here in the e/e' t of trouble that has, until the last few davs,been Tulte oronisin-^. If vou will refer to vour despatch No,?5 of *r ri 1 10th last vou will see that I have had.no Instructions as to reolvinf:: to these nur m ercus irquirle.= re "coTi'andeerl n-^," , and must rely uoon '.-.hat • a thorlties ! have at hand. The quotations I have used in letter to Bakovitz are from *harton.«5 Direst, Chao . VI ,p023, cn.^'T and 679. I should anoreciate conf 1 rirtation of aoove. ! have the honour to be. Sir Your obedient sein-ant. c_ Enclosures: r^ni ted ^>tater. Consul . / Copy of V.Fakovltz.' certificate of naturali'-ation, Copy of r\y letter to ^aKClt^ . -,.^A„"..Jfcl«.«.^ :''«:^^ J « ""^m "* j*^f /) I r« • t 4 • ♦ - ^ t f ..tm-11 n. ivrj ';, Sal ovltZf T3«.'. t iiox 1 oo , /. I ■. • i' i> i r •:) 'Jw 4- - I X • In order and tatest I ^A•lveM yon iMi; [omin^ \^\^t youi oaoers vere inUcat.'^ri t>i.it you vore a fuli cllizcn oi" the Unite! Vtth rr a-l to tho c.nri«>nt var r»iroo»)is I KOfld say that as V'.t. I have n<>rlcot UUS that Ml tS(*s. it f f U" U- 1 ''."^ vl I i ^n act- 'it lor. -.ro:f>rly yo i r>So"l ? Inov 'Vr< "it Is ^^'?- lu:vn' to »" T ICCOtVC"^ •Mi-Ol--l rf -^M-i^r. Ivv t*VHt. SU'-OCtS 0.f for.n-n ^o»ytri'-3 '>-1:;llo:i i-< i u'jv^ntr/ u a .-Jtit*- of .;:*r .\ro not c;.tltlr..i tc TCTtcr livll'^ o: vi i-.. .j a i i 06 i\Mi the other lnha>.- Itnr.ts of t*u^ ms-iireaion^iry iUtrict" -.n<^ "ly vclt;ntarll)i re- Mini!.- I:. I jojr.tiy i:: i .-^tAt*. ci ctvU -.^r t^.^ t''^^^- ' --• ^^l"^ to of that Hoi'W^'H." P-oulr-i ar.: at^cr-t re ^«"»d'^ to coT'.'j^n^orr your worsen or -report V vo-i voiil-' !o 'el' tc Jnforn a'C pro:i:ptly ^y tolc.,raph. Yours vrry trjl'*. T'nit^-i rotates Cons\il, immw^^^^-^'^ J.- iv» --. , ■ ir-' -7r.r.Txj^->^»» » - ~) \ ' I- ♦ * * • < ' ,( I I * A J c . . .' i V o J yoU ii y^^ • •" : I t r-\P 'Iff. if a 1 I i ; - 1 '^ ^ i "O J'*^! ; il fate : ;.: t * f ' '} i i .• I J. i » A ' ) f f f J I I • t . 1 } >' Ko ' } f I'i '•-, tnoN 4 ♦ » i - f I • '. i " .^ » n ♦ J t ' f . , • k . ' t , ) ^ ' - ; '1 'ii V ) '■ a : I I I • < ! ; » » 4 * i I '> • r , • ■ < . • ! • 1 >' ! • f • \ 9 i :^ f , M ^ -A*^ * '^ 'TO r < ; r o • • ( > I * f^ * '1 '.J, .-1 t I ' •^ :m ' . •<. > " ) ^ .'Ol' f|^ iM '• 1 ■ 1 tt; .... -' • i ^i:. . 1. I' ' ^0/1 ; ^ i i^^ " M : :,i c'i i - ^ ,» t. > 4 T' I J 'o r » 'f • i [ ^ J J I ' ' ^ > TO^ > . ^ -\ » >» ♦r t" ■ • /n" ^ t.^ite of North Carolina. ) Suoerior Court , d-ecombe County. { Fall Term 189?. ^t a Suoerior Court of Law held for the County of Edo-ecombe at the t:> '•jrt -^'ouse in Tarboro on the 6th Monday after the 1st Monday In Sept. V? before Hon. Ceo. A. Shuford, Judge, W. Bakovitz, a native of Russia, free white person and at the present time a resident of Edgecombe County ::ears: The said Court being a court of record having common law juris- tic and a seal and clerk, and being duly sworn declares uoon oath that t is and for the last three years has been bona fide his intention to be- :T,e a Citizen of the United States, to renounce forever all allegiance Tid fidelity to every foreign Prince, Potentate, State or Sovereignty (■hateer, ard particularly all allegiance and fidelity to Alexander III, :ar of Pussia, of v;hom he is now a subject, and the said W. Bakovitz, Iter :iiaking the said declaration, applies to the said Court to be admit- , ei a Citiren of the iT.lted States, and it apoearing to the satisfaction ' c: the Court, upon the oath and examination of Morris Creenblat, that the saiT v. Bakovitz resided in the United States three years next preceeding is arrival at the age of twenty one years, that he has contirued to re- iie therein up to the time of making this apolication, that he has re- siici in the United States for five years including the said three years ' c ^1' minority and for one year next oreceeding the same he has resided ' i:^ the State of North Carolina. The said W, Bakovitz being thereuoon son declares upon oath that he will support the Constitution of the ited States and that he doth absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure -5 1 C -i allegiance and fidelity to every foreign Prince, Potentate, State and c ereiei^ty whatsoever and particularly all allegiance to Alexander III ^'ir of Russia of whom he is now a subject. '.nd thereuDor the said H. Bakovitz is admitted to become a citizen o; the "nited States of America, and it is ordered that all the above X yj eedinc-s be recorded by the Clerk of this Court, ■'itness mv hand and official seal this -^^nd of October, 1892. i (Sl9:ned) Seal cr the Court. W.Pennington, Clerk, Sunerior Court. ) t .^ rcr- y * ( **. No. 44. . ^^ pr.c'0 ^V Consulate of the United States, ^•OF'^ V. Pretoria, S.A.R., July 10, 1899. j! Mr. Charles E, Majcrum, To the Department of State, Subject. Request from S. A. R. Government for list of M.D's, etc. < Abstract of Contents. I receive request from Foreign Secretary for copy of list of practitioners of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics in the ^'nlted States for the use of the Board of Medical Ex- aminers, copy herewith. 4 No.4i. Consulate of the nnited States, Pretoria. S.A.R., July 11, 1899. Hon. David J. '-fill , \Solstant Secretary of State, Washington, I7.S.A. / / I have the honour to enclose herewith codv of a .! otter from tho Porei.^^n .''ecretary of the Transvaal, Hon. ^ . C:./' .Grob ler, -vith a translation of samo, wMch v/ill ypeak for itself. ! have replied to him that I thouf^ht .-•A\ch a list as he .vants, of nractit loners of Medicine, .'n]r;^erv and Obstetrics in the United rotates -^as Imoossi t le to obtain, tut that I v.ould submit his request to my Covernrient . Han sv.c!\ a list r«e obtained for him ? ' have the honour to be. N> no I osure.- Slr, Vour obedient ser ^A X, C-C<- "nited States Consul, "v Lottor of "^orelc^^n Secretary •..•ith Translation. V t^ riglnal. ) (COPY) Naar aanleldlng van eei\ desbet ref f end verzoek van den Secretarls an den Raad van Examlnatorem, vervat In zljn schrl jven van den 27sten eer, heb Ik de etfr U te verzoeken zoo goed te wlllen zljn ml J Uwe be- ilddellng te verleenen tot het verkrljgen, ten behoeve van den Raad oor oemd, van de jonjste ultgave der registers van de namen van Cenees- eel en Verloskundlgen In de Vereenlgde Staten als zoodanlg geadmlteerd. Translation) ftinJtfhsequence of a request of the Secretary of the Board of anilners, contained In his letter of the 27th Inst., I have the honour request that you will be good enough to obtain, on behalf of the oresald Board, copies of the latest publications of registers of the laiies of practitioners of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics In the United tates as so admitted. *bove Is original text with translation of letter of Hon. P.G.W, rorler, Forelc^r Secretary of S.A.P., dated J\ir e 29,1899, to C.E.Macrum, I" r^ .S. Consul at Pretoria, S.A.R. (YqOD) ( A£nl:ji ztzBieioB?. neb n«^ >ieo^i©v bne Vlei^edeob nee nsv ^onlbtelns* icjbM ne:tsV$ neb n£v nevi. tirfoa nt, tr *nl tsviev ,nieio^Brtm«x3 nsv biSisff nsb nr ^t ded tie 9: bsfi^. neb nfiv ©veorfed r.ei tn©^' ii le-/ ^©rf io5 n©n3©Ii©v et x^nllefcr! -EeeneD njsv nemjBn sb n£ ' eietalT^oi :eb e\'£^ilu ©ia-fror ©b n«:' , bmeo loc \ .biootlrnJ £©s •Qinsboo:. aijc not£;t?! ob ln©©ieV 9b n! n©':Jbnb>JaoIi©V n© '99' nolisl^ns-i iLJororf ©f^t ©vsH ! t,iecii ri:tVQ ©ri^ lo letiel aid n: h©ntJS^noo taie.Tt'^i ©ff;t lo llsdori no , TtBJ-do ot dgt'on© boog e.i lllr I'O'. iedi fzoi[.oz edS lo 2i©i5lj©i lo Etiotitiotlduq iz^isl edS lo eetqoo ,bisoO bl£?.©i: beilr' ©dt nl BotitetadO bnjB y^^S^i^^ .©nlUbeM lo p.i no i i l' to bi g lo ep" r — ."■•* ■" .beiJ'txbs OB Z£ an?'^ ,K.: .^ .-inH To iB^i^l \b^ roU£l?.n£ii dil^ ^x©^ Ifial-lTO -1 ©vod* ( : r \ ^ --■- [ I No. 45. <^t^/-VS6^^:>«^ - ^ \^^ \r y:^ ^ ^ \ o. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., July 12, 1899. Mr. Charles E. Macrum, To the Department of State Subject. Leave of Absence for Mr. J. C. Manion. Abstract of Contents. •I.C.Manlon, Consular Agent at Johannesburg, asks leave of absence to visit Europe, which I have granted, according to Consular Regulations.-- Mr. R. W. Chapln has charge. No. 45. Consulate of the ''nlted States, Sir.- Pretoria, S.A.R., July 12, 1899. Hon. David .1. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State. Wa sh 1 ng t on , U . S-. A . I have the honour to Inform you that I this iiomlng received a letter f rorp .J.C.Manion, Consular A.eent at -Tohan- nesburr:;, in which he Informs me that he leaves toniorrow evening; lor Durban, Natal, to take steadier for Capetown and thence to Enpland, and asks for leave of absence, A-hich I have, of course, f;ranted. Mr. Hani on has named to have charf;e of -the off4<5e In his absence, Mr. H. >>*. Chapin, whose signature I sent the Department under cover of my despatch No. 39, of -June 24th, 1399. I have the honour to te. Sir, Your obedient servant^T c United States Consul. \ '■".»y7'*^r'- , .,,,. v ^^-'jc-x , ,-wjj.--r .vv ' », v 7, '?. 7 • '?7^»^?';.7 ■ ^tP.'t:''.' & Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, f^.A.P., fuly 19, 1899. /^ Mr. Charles E. Macrum, To the Department of State. Subject, Grievance of Joseoh P. Gezza Abstract of Contents. I receive reply from Government in the matter of Joseph P^ GezzJiffi' s complaint.-- Copy of translation of same is herewith enclosed.-- Have forwarded copy to Mr.Gezzam with request for immediate reply. - -c Cic^ xf /^ I No. 46. Consulate of tho United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., 'ulv 19, 1899. Hon. David ^ Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, •^ashin^ton, U.S.A. ir: / Peferrlr^ to my dssoatch No.*U, of .^uly 6, 189?, I nave the honour to inforrr. you that a reoly has been received ; from the Government in the case of Joseph Ce? tarn's o;riev- anc<=», cooy of the translation of whl;jh I enclose herewith. I -.vojid sav that ! have transmitted a cooy of this translation to Mr. Oeriram, throu,-^h Mr.Chapin, Acting; Con- s-'iar \?:ent at lohannesbur?;, with a request for an imme- diate reoly to same, as to .v'nether he is satisfied with y - the e -A-as rot the mter.tior of this official to oaiise the irr.cres- i ~h r.as orobahl/ ce'.^r. niade c/ Mr,Ge'-H:n :■•• his vords, ind-ho-^e3 that > ill regard th^? "if fair Ir t^^.ai licr.ht. : have the her our, etc.. for State Secretary, ( signed ^ ^. r.robl er. Under State Secretar* for Forcler -.f fairs. ^ r V harles E, Mac run. Corsul of the United States of 'merlca, Pretoria. ^H^i^rmmw^'^^'^m mmmiiiimmmmmi^^^m mm^mm^irmmmmmimimiummm^ ' " - " ■"* ■ mmww '»" N|iMi*q,.i m ww ,'nyi - I » ,T f r I. 1 H T .T :vv' T f / 2 F I <• • ^' * I r •" "/ 3 M H •1 V i Lj c ^ (3 G (noHfile nf .' dO ffa*?so' .7^^ ^f'ne-' £^ lo 'Tu li/i f i c&t^ iTio-A-8 f, 0* -foa^-relai mco ♦ecni^ cli.^ 07 -1 rt.bn/,^ '^•virf l'O". ricrr> ,h^UiZ toJti'' eri:t l*^ cif-'Ui.*' ,cliLC': ^etiobiel" a -Lii>: lo ^coirbnfJ iFtof-c'^ erJ "d be^Tolrf need ?5^ :rrf .r.TtevoO RlHt,!o«:'. .'^'^iioobioi": j.To^.on 9i''^ ': i lovo HC'-ift aef-c* hi»r! TeJEir©*^- ' *'-^^ cnrr- : : ^ n { r fi*^. ;-' trei^'ltb riJt> ?-:r;.'Ico ^noi't'lb c tn f bobivlb need .r.'^r. ,r?, Trr, ; , " i ozif ^7^ ,.:19 ..0^^ ^rvziii i • fc n f ) =» '! • ' . -.£>--r>-ia sr" t:.::!oo f^£ zltiS ,"totvicr rl ei-.i^J .10 ..•^ce-^du8 rf:=.: .' 4 ^^ "^ '\ '^ i^ .■^f-.:i ')'^r.e I ♦ r." -oi +1 '•r.F', f- fipi .lO'-'-'o' rr-.'^trcb •• H .79'lio ed* ic -lO ©d? cod K enosi 4, ^ : f Jr '^ ' !5- pf r *>:: .^/^r^^ • TO ; *' :f I ^ob , i »» jitr. izrA ed^ , ^fo-'^n'-v ^ r Hid" .'TMi'Co ••■^.* i'^ .t-'o -iT.'iib fd Mr*' l£iiuer. nthX9: od.^ lo c i , i-" n cob' '■ i - ' dj lo ic i t^i ^r [ 03 r 9 -< ♦ - - : ; f-':-'bi?an? of"! -r.'^Tc.-^t 9d.* o?.;^.': V.- Ifirl^io .-1.-: Ic roi.Mf**-: ort ioi 3£- .i :s.rit ' ^/d* ^eco ' TT/ ,'. ri'"' ?. i.i .::>■ 'C.j.i ■I ,0 rr .'.;■ .IS"-*.- •, i '.BCO': ■.' zBr. doi."' . .'r>>!l JF-J t: •: tf ■ \i •.-'.t bi/'.^T 1 ^ r-^' .715^3116: ojft?. to: ..0*9 ,11 ''0"' r. d'' ^-f;' ! f r^ '-• la ) .c-:!£":l * -r-!0Tcl 10 : • "/^-^ ' . . ) orpt^ r'lbaU .^LTOiV .3 CCllJB.'l"" .fi: tl •• *t9 . -f a- • i. A rr I.I lo r.f>^ft3 r*^f-'' r.-J "'c I „'i •'t >' No.47. ^^^IS o Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A..R., July 19, 1899. Mr. Charl^»s E. M^crum, To the Deoartment of State. k - yj ^■% Subject . 'Scheme for the Protection of Johannesbur?:." Abstract of Contents. I enclose "Scheme" for the "orotection" of Johannesburqr.-- \' sample of many proposed.-- I enclose my reoly. "v^ ■'»i- Mo. 47. onsjlate of the United States, Pratoria, 3.A.R., lulv 19, 1899 »' Hon. David .). Hill, Assistant Secretary of State. Washia^-ton, U.S.\. Sir: .> I have the honour to hand vou here.wlth a "scheme" for the "orotectlon" of -Johannesburg, as avolved in the orain of or o of our ?lti'ens in that citv. I send you tnls only because it happens to be a written communicatior , for it is only one of a 2;reat many that have been prooosed to me., but they usually com-? in course of oonvers4.tion wi,th deputations sent over to see me, or comin^, over of tneir o^vn volition. They all 4 seem to lose si-;ht of the fact that the Government here has its own ideas of "orot ectlnp:" that tamoest tossed 1 V n . I also enclose my reply to Mr. Sullivan. I have the honojr to be. Sir, Your obedient United States Consul. enclosures • i. Letter of M.'.Sul li van. detail in^-^. plan. .„ ^ ?. Mv reolv to him; ^^r^ * • •» •-. ^A/l. ^ 4o ^4^^^ nA>^i^ 4^49^-VH-^ ^ 'oCu ^^AjC^cLf^^ 1& lytf-^iei^ /^^ , ^^€.^a/€4^ ^•^ /^ '^ /^^ /Cm^^ ^^-^....^^k^^^ X^y- y^^ g^ ii^^^k^ ji^^—^^ /^^bjuUm^ y e^ <^<:^ 4i*uAA ^ ^Jt^c/-Aft^ ' ^^*^ ^*V- ^►TX^ i^^C^ ^ /6j«fe/^-'^»-^ W ) « '/^ s t t mm 4fi^ " "WWi'WFJf -win f de IDithiaiiiilsiianb ©olir Dining Compang, Cfir. ^Communications to be ADOREttED THE GENERAL MANAGER, P.O. BOX 1019. MINE OFFICE. KNIGHTS, ( Arr ^ohanmsburg ^ CAA^^^t^t^^^^f^^^^ ^i.^^jQ .^Ce^U^^ y^HT f^O^ y^^^^ ^i\ ^JiUt*4^fc^ ZO 2^% U^--y^v^4.^^-C^AA^ ^Jul^ ^^C^ .U^/^ 189 r ^^•^'^^ ^Mf44M/-- K> eceTved OONSOUATE Pretoria, S- ^' ^^ J.S. js^r^: DATE c /■ X \ \ i I .,..» «N H. <» iltl ,tfnr.f|Tnfj^ linmiiil riim*) fiuraimUMi'^B ud^ ■»■ aTHO!'/>l .-^Ol'T-iO ll/lIM i ' ' . , V «i >tV > , \ f •• » •. f r ' • y >\\ • % N^. ) \ * » \ \ >\'»'^ > I iO . \ J . "\ V V V >■ T > / --^^ " >.^-^*-> .vN r f * v^ > / •\ ♦ "^ ^ > >"J6s S'> V » V , ■> '■>\ ) ... ' \ •K.*V > >V V - « ' * 'i ^ >\ ' J S^ A > V \ ►V . \ >1 %i^ N r\, V \-^ V » •\ »«^^V^ "> nX , t » n\v » ♦ > >^»^ > ,VS^V;. \^^>1,*V >.>* \ • ■• \' 5C v,\;. *^} ' ♦•"♦ry^ r > ^ • *v >'^, > "s J «- K. > -•^ . 3 V. ^* • > .r ,-' S >^^^ *>.. •^-A • •-• •V f* k li pi /A t li • • • T.. it 1 f 1 •• V '. J. Ti.] Ij'---, • • / jov ?Lr!'r« Jcbil'-io:-' nr-*. '^o;»r ^1 I o! -our l.M.-r oi tU.-: Hth ini-t., it hav- T , • *r h»!'»? t*-. IB riorrln-. I \ • -• -^ : 1 ; t'..*^ sf».'T.^ sh^ 1 1 rill i:tv.: -ij/' consideration :U t^li til.': :'^. ? MOMHll'^te^ of v^r iro -:;ilt^. rersotOt ^ni 1 \ V T . ■ ► 1*^ t^'^t *^'> Fr-^* .'^v'* ! I "c^rnr^rt ^/ive cirr^n-^fj'^nnts "^n, f ^ I t ^ I o " ' r ^>^ \'zy \ ^^'i '" ^ ^o^ ^r"^s>'ir" • '^ 1 1 V c f c * : r c1 ^ 1 " ^ r ^ ? ' t ^ 1 «• ^ ♦ ^. ♦ 6 re > ^ : .^i-^tM nn.^ril 1' *>r r r-i 'r*\^TiC'^ tr'^!^!^ v:t t I "^ 0-7 7iOU« • <> :^ r * * -^f! I 't r > it +'>- -I— I* T.r.rit; of thOT fill ^ . 1 « i st.'.r ' V\ r/ 1: o» Tor nr s u - ^ i^.st 1 j!;^: a:^ *f- ^ /i!if >fiieve c\ \ . > T f 1 1 ' f * » ▼• 1 '^^.ftr.j 'jrnsul. ..i .« k.k.,- ■ .L^u. ^' .5: 'V T.*^ :a ■-- ^^-^ u«,l . If'" \'W '.■ I yy . M I' « «• • • • I • ^ »^ • 4 ^ n f f < ♦^ ' t ;* ' : ! . i i t ' « » ♦ grr^. r V '-f I li \ ^ • i f .1 ^'iJL r^:^'^ . ^ r^-'juf*:. »^^ ly " " > r,;v • ■i " r»iii »»' I ■ I ■■ ■ iii « .« 1 1 apip-i.— «w No. 49. Consulate of the United States, / ~ REC'D. V Pretoria, S.A.R., July 26, 1899. Mr. Charles E. Macrum, J^lM^ ^n'l To the Department of state. — ^^x /»U6 3f J899 for the insertion of extradition clause. A I i %■ ■'"^ipa^fc .:"»•■ TTTCT No. -in. Consiilato oi tho United Statos. Pretoria, :>.A.R. ♦ hilv ^0, 1899. Honourable John "ay. .^■^crotarv ol Stato o( the ''nltrtd States, ■'far.hi "i^ton, ".S.A c Sir ! havo tie honour to ac'now lori.' '^ the re'.elpt of your Mo.5o oi 'une ^V, l,^<^', //1th re{ ?ren p to tho crooosGd tr':^aty bot.v >9n tho "nlto;i Stat-^s and th--5 South A.frican Heoiblic, -»nd Aith enclosure's as noted, ''oon th 3 roc?t'^t, vesterdav, of vour dos'->atch I .ailed upon the ''orol-^n Socrotarv, Mr. "^ .".•', ^.roM er, ■\T\-\ It A-a!^- decided that .ve should have a 'noetln^ vith- In a fev davs and formulato a dratt that ve mav submit TO our rosoectlve -ov 3rnn'erits. ' :ath;T I ro'',' hio re:::ar'-s thit his ^overniient vlll iivor a treaty dravn soii'.^Ahat on the lines of their r res'^nt treat v «lth ■"'ranee, and • i 1 1 also favor the V" coroorat ton ol oro/isions tor the extradition of ri'.jnals therein, after the stvle of our ac^reernont ■■■■ : i^\ the Oran e ''•'r«^G State. *.:" ! to understand that t-is e i i » ' " « 1' I' n i ^t ^fyntftiimmfm^fiffii^ (jpJ , ^jUU^-^M^ Mo. 50. CoHiiulato 01 the l^nltod States, Pretoria, S.«. .P., 'uly ':>9, 1B99. Mr. "harles E, Mac rum. To the Deoartnient of State, /(^uiip oi iqqq .SuH ject . \dministerin; Oaths in Patent Ado U cations r^ \bs tract of Contents. ^-I'.ipst lor C0D7 of Deoartment circilar of NoveTiber li, • •^. or for full inst Actions re^ardin- the oreoaration > ^ ^ 6 •itent ao-^ licat i ons. No. 50. onsulate ol" toe ''nited States, Pr^roria, S.A.R.. Tyiy >o^ '89^. « u on. David ,r. ^M U , Assistant Secretarv- of State. Washing-ton, '■.S.*. ' r: Faidrrin--^ to Decartnit^nt ' s co nnuni .atlon of *Dril :th, last, to "Certain Consular Officers of the "nited "lates", re^ardin^, directions for administering the oath r2auired in oatcnt aopli cations, I have the honour to in- ; ?r.Ti vou that I have no coov of the circular referred to: trat dited i li, l^^'', and as soeie oatent apolica- -ions cora^ to this office for authentication^ I ta-;e the il- -rtv of requestin? that a cooy of said cjroiilar be sent to me, or tha+ fnll instructions be forwarded to me . r'>"i th** Interior Deoart^-ent as to the faod^^ of orecarln^ ^t'.nt apo 1 1 cat ions. : have the honour to ."o, ~1 r. Your ob3dler.t servant ^ *:- <: "nited states Consul. u^ \ No. 51. /v nEC'D, ^' Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., August 2,1899. v Mr. Charles E. Mac rum. To the Department of State, CiCK/:7,>, aS >.v. Subject . Fla£;s and Plas-staff for Ploemfonteln Agency.^ Abstract of Contents. I reauest authoritv to erect a fla^^-staff at the Bloem- lontefn Consula r .Agency. — Also request I la2;s sent by .^ 1 1 • ^ ) , « / No. 61. Consulate ol the United States, oi V: Pretoria, S.A.R., August 2, 1899. Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of "tate. Washington, U.S.A. I have tho honour tc say that when Col. St owe .vas here soir.e tiaie since he informed me that '.vfli le he -.vas in Eloeir.f ontein. the Consular Agent at that place ask- ed hi:i: to ^:et n;^ consent to his (Elliott's) erecting a small f iaj staff over His office at a srrall expense, I oro5un;e it would not cost hirr, over £5, and the Colonel did speak to n.e of the natter, but in the press of other Tatters it was ovc r#»looked. Now Mr. Elliott has .vritten to r.ic on the subject and I would respectfully su^^est that such authority be ^iven. He informs rr»e ihat on last Fourth of July he was compelled to borrov ^n old r.S.f la-, , and .-ould li ^e some sent to him. As I ^-hall r.eed one of the s^all (a"X 4"^' ) fla-^s soon (the ..ind here soon .±iDS ihez: out), I .vould respectfully A. -/ v^ hat three of this si.Te be sent to ire by rriail. 1 -nt C'V I rei ^ht it takes a long; tir..e to ~et their,. I have tb'^ honour to oe. '2^.?r*-- ■'^Ir'-'J^er-:^ :^1 lO^V ni tc k - i-T.r ^■■■^■•f'rr .PLIPPIU, ' ♦'^v»wrFi7*-«>=T*'f'.-*-rT'7ri?»?''t?i^^ Jf>-^y: ♦jc Mo . 6-3 . .<^^* 8 ^^ ,'<5^ REC'D, V fS£T II 'yy Consulate ol the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R. , Ausust 11, IBQQ. .OFS Mr. Charles E. Macrum, To the Department of State, ,^ '-"^ "^ Stib ject . 1^ A^-W^P^^— ** ■ « ^■■ r w Tzr. , \ v,-^^. . ■iw^i;«"»^ ,J**- 4**-. 4 • •C »)»^': .f ... .-* Consular £ureau. 4'. / '.■^. • > . r » ',ir'^" ♦ ••• ' .1 , .'.I MEMORANDUM. ^.V M. *i»iV- -T! ' ^4'-. "•> •<^' >' Consular Bureau. SLP16 1899 • *■>', iiwf ■•'■■V I r , -^ *^ . « A .. (XhiJ(JL ■^^ "■ <■*>. •iMM '' I I I i> #■».»■ ^ i .n T' '■ w i ■■ li^i II >, I I »i n iF— -^i^>«np^^»«i^i— — pp *,. r.iat'r:^' No. 62. ConsLilate ol the United States, Hon. David J. Hill, Pretoria, S.A.R. , August 11, IS^o. Assistaat Secretary of State, Washington, U.S.A. Si r: \ I have the honour to inform you that the Legislature (Volksraad) of this Republic has been for some days cor si d- ering, and passing; by articles, the i.ew Const 1 tut lor (Crond- wet) for the country, and on coming to article 74, which, translated, reads: "In case ol -.var,- rebellion, or other cir- cumstances of urgent danger, the President can. In consult- ation Aith the Commandant-General and with the consent of the -Executive Council, proclaim martial law, and then every inb3bilaDij_ii'ilbi?ui_aDy_diiXej"5D• ."v^.r"»* ' 'TA 1 ■Blfli •"" N0.F3. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., August 12, 1899. Hon. David .J. Hil 1 , Assistant Secretary of State, Washlh-rton, U.S.A. Sir: v.^ I have the honour to inform you that, as I have brought to your rotice in my despatch of January 10,1899, No. 19, r,radu:'.tes of Arr.erican Medical Colleges are placed 3t a great disadvantage when applying for registration in this Republic, owin^: to the f;reat diversity of our dif- ierent States' rules relative to the practice of medicine. » Dr. Knobel, Chairman of the Medical Board, has taken quite an interest in the matter, at my solicitation, and has devised a plan that will probably simplify the ad- r.lssion of American doctors in this State, If the proper d:ita can be obtained. The draft of the tabular list that I have enclosed explains the Doctor's idea, and if this can be properly compiled and certified by the Surgeon- General of the U.S. Army, or some equally coWetent author- ity, and fonirarded to me promptly, it will without doubt ♦— of great benefit to many American graduates applyin*^ for re,^,lst ration here. I enclose Dr. Knobel's letter. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient se Enclosures: Copj^ of Dr. Knobel's letter and draft of list. •>>'-. ■"■^■vr i\>> "' "'JTTP'W'-'"' '' " ■■(• .•"■ • ' •'«■ '»■ '».^, ■ li /^^lt.fiCo^.^C^ --dU^tA^^ti^C^^ i ■■■ it' 75fe /^^o ^^^tt-xw^S^ ^^^ 7^ / ^t--i^ iS*^ Y ^^^t-vw- /y'u-. '^ i^-- >C4 ^^v ;:: ,1 f t'r^ A-t- /i^«^-"t> tj^ -^ * C^i S/Cv^'^^ fL-tO /u^±.^^ ^X^^fAjU^ ^^^^-u.wSS' -^ -^t* ~"^ ^, ^ .y^iJU^ ^1^ yi^^yfiat^ r /^^^^ r U/l / ^ A'" , / •• • 4 /t -^z 7 JM /fr ? J .*. .»"?• x^tLyl^ ^^-w ^^UA/ H'^/^^t^*^'^^^^ I ^A^'^ ^J^V»^ X ^ '/-tw CC I c C t' /T/. -c 2^ !?^. 1. , ^./ V ^ ivj. Aa /■' <^ ."CCS. vS*- -t---"*. ^ / > i •i^-'TT''';" v-^ ■»*-■!• '■'» " r \- ^ ■">,T No. 54. Consulate oi the United States, e Pretoria, S.A.R. , August 12, 1899. Hon. David J. Hi 11, Sir: Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S.A. I ha/e the honour to request that a copy of the last issue of "Foreign Conimercial Relations", as I have not as yet received a copy, be sent to me. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient serv United States Consul. ».. ^^*T^77^?^,V^;^^ 'K^WJTl^^r^^-s^'ry^aPf^!^ ^ ■•''•■' *«**"'7> •«*)??'■ '■ 'itSi-'.-t^trrw^'.- 'i ..■ • J^'' Wv''' rw -1 .' ■: V / V REC'D. V\ ■'.SKP 25'9l! -.Consyiate Pi_ the Unit ed^ Stat es ,. LL9 tori a j^ S . A . R ._, _, Au£U s t__9J_ ♦ 1S99 0F& A^ Mr. Charles E. Mac rum, To the Department of State. Subject. Cablegram. ^^ Abstract ol Contents. Confirmation of Cablegram sent toda^' to Department.. • ~'* », ^f»< ■' 1 f\ »T ' -ft ■ T' • .,■ ■■■ / ■ ■ ▼T-^ "TTV"- ■" ■". •."f 'flVA'firWW^* N0.5B. Consulate of the United States, Hor. David J. Hill, Sir: Pretoria, S.A.P.., August 21, 1699. •Vsslstant Secretarv of State, Washington, U.S.A. I have the honour to confirm the f o 1 1 0'.v i n? cable-ram, sent at the instance of a committee of Arr.erican citizens and bv them paid for, vi.:: "Secstate, '/Tashin-.ton, C1271 04582 J^ ^ i^ y^ \ / / REC'D. V a/// Pr«toria» Aug* 21, 1899* J^ ^^ Reoeived 2#I8, ?.M. I..alMkti< .t-.i^ wklUtfUlAL' . ..^k.k.J9f*^'*^ Tl K I.O.S^. / Con:L>ui:ite oi \h>' '^nited Stains, Pioi.oriH, .--.^.R., ^u.M:st ?'^ leP^. or . P v; ! d -' . 'M 1 : ^ •\r>:i tniit .^ocr^i!r\ o. '-■^?^/yi W,^ shi n 1 on, '' • S, \ • '> r\«> ]":^.^nr'.:r ^ ''■^ --^ l V ol •/ l; 1 V A. V r-:!,. 0. ■ ^'St ■ rd;^ . , v. ! t!: : ' rone- t, o tho e;u'orc^ 1 i ':.. .1 n ■; .■ 1 1 •■^ \ : ni o : 1 11 ta I" o i^vi c V. . -> A t -^ r ^ : V. J . . V L .-^MO . ]' ^0 I. 1 I • V' ... ,''^'' 1 r T' * /' t No. -7 ' • ■db'^\ K.' ;■ A- / . A ^ • V- • . • >• ^ 'e u ■«n 'ons::!ato oi the ''nited Stat N ' > n > ^ ' • ; • • To t'^.o De- 1 rt... n '^=^' --;?' / :r'e"^^ 4 C t r: t G SFP 28 1899 v.' ( o ^^Ub.;CC^ . Co:.;and^. Tit- Oi rii's instructions o^?. dr^ftin I : s t ra r t o: C c nt e nt s . ! vnclos^'^ CO ( ) T I tran:laticr. of C:en.. 'ou'. ort ' s circular to ^on.-.anda nt s , etc*, ro i:.*^iesLin aliens i to rr.iiitarv. No. 57. 'Consulate of th'? Tnited States, recoric-i^ r.\.R., ^u^ust o '•> 1 ^ oo :on. D,>\id 1 J. n > r \3.-i^tari- 5^00 rota rv oi I^tatr. ■^'a shi n t onn '• .: . ^ . / I ha V t h > h onou r t »-" t ra ni: mi t he rev; i th a cop \ of the r^.nsl?iicn cl a cirrular f rorri the Co:;:* ai da/ t«-enG ra 1 to :. -T.dant :^ , Fi e ^cccrn''t g and 'is.'istant ^ielcicornet s n th. Re;jULii>^, en the sur.;oct cI "ooi,;..ar.deo ri n^;" , v/hich ;e of ^ rt - I i / "^l I ^ "^ CO rio L 1 - Li «. ] c a r> 0: tn r r.e*^u. 11 c. a . A. t hit i t .- n. .^ ■■ :.i. t h >' f :' rt sol i :• ] .-. ■»•■ --. :•• • > ^ w^ • • • ,-. « A « ih ,-. i'--. r> t 1 . -s : 1 , ^ad . :' :^'^ I'l th^t thi s r^. .' 1 .:. s < e G . . ' CT r •^ \ 0\^ : . 1 : * o •' '-^ i '" "^ t "^ "» ' '") at r n i t •'■ d F. t -T t '^ s Cons u 1 . ., '. .• ■ : s 1.^ t ■ o Ti i C' i, ;.a nd ". : ; t : •'• 1 cl rcu i" r '.'SUTION) CI R C U L A R to Comniandant 3 , F'ieldcornet s and ^sst-Fleldco rnets, OIMce oi the CoraDandint-Ceneral ♦ PPETGFIA, August 2-t, 18P0. ^ In consev--Bce oi certain complaints havinr, come to the notice • Governnient that British suLjects or Enr'lishinen havo been coniniand- . ..y certain oflicers and ofiioials, or notilled to hold theii.selves ^ndiness .vlth horse* saddle and bridle, i^ur s and amiTiunit 1 on^ and that e had been ;ivej to riierchants ard dealers by some officials that shops and places r.iust . t closed, and also that British subjects \ I — en forbidden t\> them to e;:DOrt , or soil for the puroose of e^-Dort- OTseSt etc. I have '^erebjj' the honour to Ti /e you strict instruct- . and to urrentr, lorlid vou dcin- act which rni-ht GOmDroiTiise U3 :ln; us into collision vith any other power. !t n.ust thus ;e undor^tooi .hat r.o sin le aliei, :o ir.atter . i- his" nationalitv, ••ho does not voljnta ri i ly offer, or has not 'G his. services, ma^y be caiiod up or couinj.ndeered in the evei t of rted or urdesiraLle disturbances or v/ar. Huard -, '-■■;iirst ev-'^rvthin- that can do harm or provoke un.-est, ai:d ■• :e that :, ou do not act contrary to the terms of this circular, en lurther s.eciai instructions f ron, the (^overnj.ent . I have the ^ onou r t o o e , V o ^ r u ed i '^ nt s e r ra nt , (si;ned) ?. J. Joubert , Co ... nia n d a nt - C e ne ra 1 . '"^^ Mti\M iii'fiiiiilii' ^ i ^.: >*. »■■ r i\ Vi - V o /-S v; /' ^ i '^. »" \ • ■ r^ ' ) :!■ • I . % — ' . ^ m^.^ # >.«* ^ ki^ 4. « ■^t ^ #« V » ^ I • <- ■^ « tf '\^^ ' ^ '?T».»1 ■' "•§ 'Z •jn ' -it' ^' '■• ■^~\ i^r ^ — '■ ^ y^T'-^^t j%^' r* •".T. I^- r»..*5rr»yp^i|R />"?5ip»7| 'V V ^'■'Ml* -^TV".' /■"'TTSrV n v^T^'^T^' / --• RZG'D. Y 1 OCT G Consulate of the Unitec' States, Pretoria, S.^.R., Sept. 2, 1899. Mr. Charjes E. Macrur.'i, To the De:.;a rtiient of State. Sub.iect . C i t i . e n sh i p of a na t i v e of Ma ni 11a , P .J. V Aistract of Contents. ■'•.ctin_^ Consular A:\ent aslis regard! n^ the citizenship of a r^tive of Ma.i.ilia.-- Request for ?: decl si on. .__... „m III «i«>* • «•■■ III-' .^ L. -*ri Kf-ij, Tz '^. ^ *t4*/ .«-.■ • ■ I M n i«W %.> "r^ ^LicrrofTs oFFicr^j OCl 9 1899 i Consular Bureau :- / Acktiowlodtje and 35^ that while the treaty Sk, m ^ Of peace betwecai th€» United States and Spain, si^jned at Psuris Decetnber 10, 1893, provides that "the civil rights and po- t "litical status of the native inliabitants of the territories "hereby ceded to the United States shall be deteinined by "the Congress", the treaty is silent as to the status of- natives of the ceded territory -gyho not inhabitants tiiere- Congress has not yet acted in pursuance of the treaty provision quoted, but the Depart- ment is of the opinion that the person referred to, ifho is described as a native of Uanila who has been in South Africa some twenty odd years, would in no event have any valid claim to Anerican citizenship. ^ ^j^ -^ ■''^*- ^^«gi^iiiiMate«Budi« 'IM?| r" 1 f ■ '.. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria. S.A.R. t Sent. 2, 1899. Wa sh 1 ni.y ton, I ■ » S « A » I h.^vo the honour to info rm \ou that Mr»C!^.apin» Consul a r Ardent at JohannesL u i; , , has . sub ml 1 1 ed the nc question; "I have been app lied to by a native o f ^i. V'iic "?.nts to ri no'.y .-hat his status i s. He ha s n thi^ countr. sorae twent' odd years. Can .y ou ?:.lv e onr>?.ti on or t hii. poi nt?" The rian desires to -mow :ar claiir. citlzen rh ip i n the uni t ed States . 10 ^art;, -.^v Le in{->rrr,ed. ■>• I vid .). "ill Assistant Secretary of State, - ^ • •> *« A X ^ cu ^ indlv rive r.: ? decision on th c oint ^ I ^21LLJLt^ honour to ^; » ' fi c^ ^ ir- 1 0'^ occdi / V I k .k^i^t- .ArdJ. .J, ;.^'^4 < , T/..- .*,.')* ^i^i- w^^'y-rrfmrr \' • T--T^-7(^iT^jnw: V>«V't ■7!^r«^v'^' . *■" v r- ./ . ■ V. ;•■ »;ip|j, i^i;s:«r|!' ;:•; -'f- \m \ No.FP. - R'JC'O. V\ tf ' rr i^'yc 'i ConsLilate of the United States, i retcria, S.A.R., Sept. 9, 18P9. a Mr. Charles E. M-^crsiir-, To the Deoartment of State Suh ject . onf 1 rmat 1 or of Ca b 1 e -"^ra rr. . ^ •y *9 Abst ract of Contents. I conliriT. catieirai: sent this day, re.-:.a rd i .t^ the de- livery Of supplies of food contract cy an \ir.ericar. tc the Transvaal Cove rr.irent , through the neutral port of Louren^o Ma roues, ever in e'"ent of tar. - M . -.- TV" -•t^Tiji^t'- ' ,|---w»-r>.»-TT »"- « ■'{,-U- ■■1F'^a<: ','»■■»■; ■•■^,TT'jiW»)»^)[Pi^)l5rw-*»w ''w»-'-^>:v"-'-'»»iT'* Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Septeirter 16Q-. Hor. David •'. I'i 11, 'sslstant Secretary of State, Wish in-3t or, 'J.S.A. 1 1 I have th-3 honour to inlorm )'0j that I t oda> sent h-^ follo.vln- caol-.-rar.: "01P71 llO-^l 06^91 15677 ith 10469 24 If^^ 14634 21PF0 C93f^3 99278 06993 to 1312'P 114 75 ^6333 10-?° -2-111 (?064? that 03787 r;47!? H?6e ??'"49 nela-:oa OeoS-^ 117:ci 03991 23900 !7C"7 •033;-^ 18432", which I no/v co firm. This iriessac^^e paid for bj, th i^ person contracting; with the Gove rnir.ent . I could not -^ive him th? desired Info mat I on, of ■^ .-^ urse. and xs he ^-as w4 14in- to pa^ for th.i wire I I ^ '. "^u^ht it oetter to find out -^hat 3 our views v. ere to ^ c.->rt airt^' , as It undouctedlj" means the sending of iar^.e cor.lracis to Air.erlca, but th? detention of ■:■:erv of these food supplies. h.a V ? th3 hcnoar to be, Sir, Your ocedient " L J! lied C - t » t-}r> Co In g ulf ^'S^ r' ■:■;■» wv" '•'''^' . -^ ~';S^~. -T r-' '■ ■i*?''' • T* T^V' — .■I'V'' y ,wv^V;^-/rr,-- /,,)PWil , '-^T ^^^^£^^^ flr^ai date. OF Clje Enitei States of Jlmerua, AT Pretoria, South African Republic ^^o auto fvnom ine^e Jr resents snapli ccmey eeitn T jTo. H^^l/tt e^cUTifto^ •• S^^ &ye^ 'nr^ nJZe^ ^ncM4 &na. o^ .ylair ... //i/f^orivn S^, rrre lyf'a^mffire €f^/ne zJUi enrer. 0% me un€^f' 1 ' •r: ■ S' >'' '« . *'■ - ■ l''^*''. .. r^I, ■,;t^--'^' % , •;*^ t • ^"^ . ^^1^ ' < '■ ' 'i.j< '■' ■ i^T -*•//? , f . ; ■•-'y* ' y . ,i'«X<. / t* N '*i>' s» ■fb .m- '■';***• ■*>• -^ *>*«., •^ 'Vr ■ ■ N" ■^- "■ . ^ ^♦' ..A^> -V ■* ., ' '■•x^ -^' •'■•■ ■'• ■•■'0 v' 'Am" . r H t N V < * I' . V ■t^;-v. -^ •. ■4:, * -; ^4 <. 'i ..* ■^-. -./:.: ■ 4 > <^ .■#^ ' I V •■ J.J- -v, ^.: ■ :- / - r' f >'•' -^^^w- / :•'!"■■ , •• ^ v»' « ' .v/- » • v.^ i*«allfii •-«'.. ^ ' V t rnr i > •/); , | No. 51. V/O J <;^ofs^V- -Consulate oX the United States, P re to r la , S .A . R . , Sep t . 9_, 1 899^ Mr. '^^ail-3s E. Macrurn. To the Deoajtment of State. j»« \y Subject . Agricultural Reports. \bstract of Contents. f enclose request lor *^^ri cultura 1 Perorts.-- Probability that ^^' '-^JljQvltura 1 repartn:ent will be forrred here.-- I f p os s 1 b i 1 - i*S of obtaining data to ans.ver quest ions cor.t a lied, in repartrrert circular ol <^u:.e 29, 1899i "Cairiirs Ir Forel/yr ''Ou- 1 rles". No. 61. Consulate ol the United States, ret rla ., S. A . R . , Sep t . 9, 1 899 Hor. David ■]. Hill, Assistant Secretary' of State, Washington, U.S.A. 1 r: I have the honour to transn.it herewith a request .ol 'he Survey or- Ciena ral (or the last annual report or the Def» irtrrent of ^:;rl cul t u re , Ahiah I have ac>ro'.vledp,ed and have ' c'l-i hin' that I had no doubt ;yca would lorA^ard sarr.e to hiir •■•^rou:h .T^e. The Idea is, 1 urderstard, to f criiiulat e sonie v-e-e lor the estacl 1 shrrient oI ar- *~ricultural Tepa rtn.ent :: this Rep UL lie, as tha^ h-^ve rothir . of th-? .;i.rd berejiov. I:, this correct lo:- I have the honour to saj that.J_ • » • - it entirely Inx ossicle to or^tain any data ^Khatevex 4_n ■ ■' ^.Atter ol your circular ol. Jji e 29, 1299*."Dal ryin^.ln crn; Co:-trles", so that It is i rr.posslb le f or n -* z 10 the^e inquiries? na'e t^f honour to ... e . Sir, Your obedient ^-^v Ited States Consul ■^ ^\ r? • • -^o Sur: e:, or •.^3rerai' s request ioi /vf^rl'i Reports. No. 5^6 .,( ■ > -v" „u !i iL-r to rol'tTtieroii. ^^a/iohnc/H - &e. ^Lyie/o oUaj •4 'eft' IHciex^fi^ ChiyTjry. '<» ■■«•■ ' •*••' W::rt^ ry-u •■/ 'iware^-'*" ',] /^ -W \\ 1» If ll !i ti 1 1 t' 11 I I T I \ \ \ I ■ \ • i ti -- ?t ■■js^r^ *' IF" ^mr ■»». rw^jwjfwiqp^ip ^^^* ^«;t#= ■?--- TTT-TTT-, — -nif^ ■f ■ ' ' P r^; Telegram Received in Cipher. o'^ V -^i^ ^ ^ l^SHP II '99 :«5i/// Pre torift» Sept, 0, 1699. o Secstate, Washington, American here contracting now Government with million sterling food supply desire to know If Washington Government will see that delivery be made through Delegoa even in case (war?). Please answer quick. 1 Macrum. \ ^1 I ^ ered hv Chief Clerk. , 189 , M •^^T. A' *Ff No. 6? . ■ 3 'J/ ■•■ rV. ,'D. V - 'CJ COT' J J -O •OF--' . Consulate of the United States, *^ Pretoria, S.A.P.. , Sept. 15, 189« QO Mr. Charles E. M-icrum, To the Depart iTient of State » Subject . Request for Reports, etc. Abstract ol Conterts. I tra:.sn:lt a request oi the Surveyor-Genera i lor reports. Mo. 6'?. Consulate of the ''r.it^d States, r ■m\ : I .71 Pretoria, '^ . .\ . R . , S ep t . 13, iep<^. Ho . Ta. id •'. Kl ; 1 , Vssi slant Secretary 01 State, Washi n^lor. , U.S. A . r: Reterrirv^ to a.^. despatch o! the <=^th Inst, !'o.61, I / / / v^-e the horour to tra:sii;lt here.vith a lurth^-r reqaest • 10 t Kd . v> ?ui\e\oi Central tor reports, etc., which [ have t ,-^ Id ^^In. ! t"^. ou^^ht ' :)u:d be for.rard?d at or ce. I have t^. '^ -'^'no'wr to re. c: ir, Yo\j.] obedient servart^ u ited States Corsui. '■ ►") .: -J s t • Su r vovor- r-er.-'ra : lor reoorts, etc. ^f«nF \ (t. t \\i lur l»ovoiistann«l * r to rulV'rc'iTiJii. Jaj/n/mc/f/ - ^^eueiaa/Jau/oci:, ^ie/o oiea J f^c^ o/r L/ fftCUS^U^un^ 2Jac€ (r^^-c Ola^ (xA-o^~^ fiurvu^x.^^ «^ A^^ i-c^c^^-^c^ ^^-^^^^ "^^^yVo -/ v^ Z^" ECEIVED 13 SEP 1899 S CONSULATE, Pfcloria, S. A. R. I HI [ '') '*« • r ' C on s u 1 3 t e o i the ''nit ed ."t 1 1 • , s , retoria, S.'. .P., ^ o:M. . oi., ipo,. \J .^ • ac r'j;:, , To t': ■; a It :, --nt o! :^lat ■-: , 1 /eel . 01 J • ^ i. , ^_ , I ,'^ , n 3>. i "i r e Ti '^- a 1 oh-'ir.nes: ;: r ■. ^ "V . .••r-J %.-■ ' •. ' ' J r t ;■ e :. t s d •• l~ ., a t ch "' o . -■ '" . - I";; ol r.t ::.etr. o • r.- ♦ ' ' -♦- ; ♦ ->,•*. • ♦ ^ ^ ,">>"•) "! 1 1 1 0'":an:v;S., •.: r . >-. _i » ' • • . >" .- .-r.-— f,f r i\-icr^;fjfy^ trt^-jffm No. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Sept. 21, 1899. Hor. David J. Hi 11 , Assistant Secretary of State, » Si r: Washington, U.S.A. I have the honour to ac-mowled^e the receipt of the Department's despatch No. -^0, of August 18, 189°, with enclosures, ir.iormin<^ me of the appointment of Mr. Willia D. Gordon to be Consular A-ert of the '^rited States at Johannesburg. This appoint-T.ent -Aill oe eiitremely pleasing to the ^nr.ericans in Johannescur- , particularly at this critical tinie, Mr. Gordon bein-;; a mar of ibsolute irte<^rlty, and ti':in^ a -^reat interest ii. the wellfare of our colony. I enclose herewith his "Application for Office" and 'Oath of *lle-lance and Office" duly eiecuted. m The transfer of the ol: ice has been ordered and -.vill e compif=ted rlthir a fer days. I have the honour to be. r^ • bi r. Your obedient servant. United Stxtes Consul. ■ c oi.ures: Mr. GorcTor.G 'uolicatior for Oflice, 0^ th 01 '. 1 i e-' i anc/j and Of i i ce . <«w No.«>K -r- ^ .. .^/ "^ ' ' .. y ic'U '< OJi^fMu CONFIDENTIAL. " — ■ ■ Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.^.R., Sept. 23, 1899. Mr. Charles E. Macrum, To the Department of State. \lc,«I Subject . The Situation in the South Afr. Republic Abstract of Contents ; ac'ino.v led^e the receipt of Department despatch No. 64. — oriie corrections for the Cape To.vn Cor. sul -Genera 1 ' s des- m itch ol .Julv T*!^ , 1899.-- Sutt est Ions re orotectlon of ricans and ^Tierlcar interests here. ■V' > '. ^ %i T^^PIP^i^w^ CONFIDENTIAL. vf . 0. O-i . Consulate ol the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R. , Sept. 23, 1899. Hon. David J. Hi 11, \sslstant Secretary of State. ■A Washlni^ton, U.S. \, i r: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the epartraent's despatch No.-H, of August 25, 1899, with an rrlosure in the ray of a despatch from the Consul-Genera 1 \ Cape Tov/n referring to the condition of affairs and h'i disaffection in this Republic and particularly in the I I itv Oi t'ohannesbur^. Before •^^[Oinp into detail on the subject ol the worthy ■> i T lorels desoatch nermit me to say that were I not aware It Colonel St owe' s Unowled?,e of the true state of affairs e.vhat limited, ar.d that ■:nowledr:e feathered almost entire- I rom his interviews with those who are responsible for .:i ^> resent state' of affairs to a r^reater or less e::tent, .i~ht be surprised at his contentions, but beinr Derfect- a-.va re of the true source of his information, and review- j past correspondence with hin and our conference at ; oeTii ont ein, where I went to nicet him and talk over the .ti^Uion last Sunday, Aur,.l^, I must admit that I could '■.ct his despatch to be nothjlng else. T^ in^ up his despatch point by point as far as is ' .-iole I have the follo^vinr statements to make by wajj of rroQtlDi, and every statement I make I shall stand over resolutely and entirely correct. 1st. Boys of full burghers acquire the full franchise ' -'^0 a~e *ol 15, Uitlanders car acquire the full franchise '-.dirt (pi ease rote) the ri^ht to vote for members of (the • r- '' ^7^*T*% «r^y * ■■: "\"'T7' '<■»•■ ir^'-^ T I ■» - ? .-■ TFnrwr^fwrvrr^ - 2 - the First Raad, President and Coiriiiandant-Cenera 1 alter a I ft seven (7) years residence in the Country. If they arrive here as. minors under the a^e of 16 they can obtain the FULL 'iranchlse on attaininr; majority. 2nd. The property, rent, or salary qualification only .applies to latura 11 zat ior . Once a person is naturalized ind thereby- obtains the franchise he does not lose the frar- ■1 ^.hise by losin'^, his qualification; relther reed his children ^ ossess such oualif 1 cat ion to enjoy the franchise on their ittaininr the a-e of sixteen. 3rd. The franchise la.t now in force is based on a seven ears residence (not nine), which has been made retrosoect- ive to meet the case of uit landers alreidy settled in this •our try. The case ol the Cape-Colony Is entirely unlike •lat 01 the T rani, vail for reasons which are sell -appa rent . - th. The Eoer acquires the franchise at sixteen, f rora nich Doriod he is liable to full military service, which - orvice seems to be a vivid reality in this country, in to- of the historic iact that since the inception of the e o u D lie in 18^1 live years has been the longest period of .vice, ^nd th'.t but once. . The child of the uitiander who s cecome a bur-'her is in precisely the same position; the Iti^rder himself 'vho arrives here before the a^^e of six- t ?• n car octalr a limited franchise fa vote for any office o .^ V ot the I'CDer Chamcer, President and Commandant-General) \ the i2e of 16 and the full franchise at the a^e of 21. <'^. representation, the Goldfields (.Johannesburg), under '.f. e istin^ law will have sl\' members In each Chamber of r -^.enicers. '. s to ooculation of Johannesburr^, the crooo- l*ior is rot to represent by population but in proportion the nuTiber of electors, and were precedents r.eeded for ■ irecualitv of representation, or rather of poDulatlor districts reDresenled, attention has oily to be called " v-^r, manv districts in En^^lar.d and Australia. So that ''e Jtfr.;iS 3 :ne that Johannesbur^s representation of six (men^.bers - 3 - inembers ir each Chamber is substantial. As re^^ards taxation the fact is that the direct taxation fallir^. or. each -.vhite inhabitant of the Republic Is 18s 6d D er. annum T and It seefp.s to we a self ^.yldent fact that t :i:.^^ •"*■ the indirect ta\'ation falls or, the consumers, both Boer and Tit larder, li proportion to their numbers and their reeds. The ta"atlor (import duties) on the-'re.cesnarles of Hie is sevei ar d ore-half per cert ad valorum, or. min- i: ?, niachinerv and implements one and one-half Dor cent. It should be Dorne in rrilnd in this connection that the taxa- t i on 01. these articles in the rei;7,hborin^ States ard Col- f ■ ■ 'Vies is at least FO:^ hlr,her. Neither should it be for- otion that the "itlanders last ye^r too'- nearly six ml I- lioi sterlln^ clear crollt out ol the soil ol the S.A.R. .1^ h—j A. ,. Th-' authorities h-re sav that the bui Idii ^, of the oi'ts ard the armin^^ of the bur-;hers is justified by the ■ ,\...ei.cn Ra.id, a§. ■veii as the. frequent native wars, of_ hich they had one only lastU^sar, i ot to speal- of the resent situation. 0: this ore ooi: t I have nothin- .vhat- ev^r to »4y ij- cosij;ient* e-;cept that in :iiy opinion tlifLre i.? .'0 recessitv lor the forts, but on the other hard it is 3t icsurd to say that they are a meriace to the Ult lander u :ntlr.''er!t , such a notlo^ Deln" undouctedly f o st e red-f- 1 f :.o: having been be, otten^in the brain of the *' it lander vl* tor .vho realizes that his means to the end are not • or.^tit ut i onal . The aovemiieiit has said to rce ofliclaUy and in.writ- L mat all lorelrrers of whatever nationality are ex- ,01 :' to: ilitarv service, and the Comioandant- General has ?:.-u«i ^ nrocU.i^tion to his fieldcornets and other of- I icers -.varnin-: them not to comniandeer (draft) aliens. *s to the allegation that the 'Jltlanders o.rn three- ~::t^.s ol the land, f have to refer to the report ^- the ' Ister o^ D..vd3, ir -A-hich I find that of the entire r o-.. I 01 ij-r State that has be-n surveyed burghers own (6861 ?/3 ff^^ - ^ - 086I ?/3 larms (a farm Is tal-en at 3000 moreen or about 6^00 acres), ulthirders o.vr 375 7/12 farms, corporations own 21^-1 farms (r.a* > of these corporations are nade up of burghers), and the Government ov/ns 23fe6 3/4 fams. It ■ill be seen from this table that Col. Stowe's figures as to the ownership of land should be reversed, and then thev would fall short of the facts. ^' / ...... % A.'^ to the lumber of Americans at present enfranchised, i :no.v of but f oa , two or three .vho came here years a^io, >rd -^s \ have reported to you before I have tal'.ed to many J-^'urdred Americans here since I came and since this "sit- i;\tion" has develooed, .\rd I have yet to find a man amon^ t then ^11 ??ho ''.'ouid ta^e the franchise under any ci rcuiastances, ■> ' 1 ::iore tha:. that, these miners, men at Aor"- ir the mines, ho are rot oaid bv the a^^ltators to howl about the "hor- >' -• 1' Ic state of afi^irs", have assured .ue that there are very of ?.ny rati or. all ty .vho wart the franchise or who .vlll t .1 it unless compelled to 'z^^j their employers. All they \7' is to be let a lore; they are ma'-ln^t ^ore ^ioney (I.e. ".-i: rr.ore) thai: thev ever did before in their lives, and 1 th „. -vant is for this condition to coi.tlnue. They can't ot up Ir oublic ar.d say this, for their bread and butter, "vir very eristence, depends on their "diplomatic silence". i-^e, then, who come In contact with the real ultlander, ! hi\e done many, mary times since this unfortunate Ij has arisen* mow full well the TRUE condition of ii'.irs ai'd what a wholesale tissue of falsehood has been oisted on the British public and the world through the iiun ol a gaid press, while If the real facts were known • i '"-elieved an astounding change of sentiment would be ^ i d to occur. You as:: If the er-smption of British from mi lltarjr ser- '^^ is a SOOT taneous grant of privilege or Ir fulfilment ? treaty v;lth Great Britain. In reply I have to say ' ^' ^ho exemption of British Is by virtue of legislative (resolution T- .TT<5» '*TNJ < -^ -5- resolu-tlon, -Ahile laost other nationalities are eienipt *■ by iulfilinent ol treaty, but the Goverr.Rient reco^^,nlze the orlr.ciDlefi of inten.ational usa;'.e as e::empt In.^ all aliens. I: co.-cluiilor I may say that I have no (ear lor the safety ol tha \iiiericans and thetr property, even In the evert ol war, from the Boers, but we do hwe to fexr the ifilscreant han(:ers-on and rout^h class that Is omnipresent at ti like these, and I have advised our 'ijeoore jiere, :.o iar as -.vas oosslole^to have inventories made of their property, and ^fter orooer veriiication to send theiH to i.ie to : i Ic away in the ollice; a precaution which I think 'ise. This olflco has no safe, ho'.vever, and I thin' ore -■should bo-T5ut in. The*, cost aoout £20 to £26 here lor t ■' ■ ' rec e sfsa r v 'si ^ e . If >ou thin it well to ma e such an i : vest iTiei'.t , a-d I stron-lv reconniend it, it fould be well •o caMc .\uthorlt- or. receipt ol this desoatoh. I sec ro ur-ert r e-^^d to cauie the Deoartment on the ituation as it i^ ^ cv , out I assure you that I sorely e-^d sciT.e Irlorinatlo^ re "hit protect lor ^e car f^lve our •opie .r case war should orove i re-illty, lor food stuffs ill ir ail probability be short and many inay be entirely iestitute of the bare necessaries of life, and provision "u ht to be made for these people if possible. The Urited ^t. itos c'^^ ^ertainlv feed' them, their own people, since t ^ .-. ■ • ere aL^j to feed ar alien oeopie in Cuba. Therefore ij-that you cable nie this inforaation (if^ commur icat ion '\j still be had) and money, if necessary, to supply their > r t C; 1 ', o • This, ol course, only in event of hostilities. I have the honour to be. Si r, "Your obedient servart. nited r Wa.P^. ./■,■-%■ ■■-• 'T - ».'T'»'.1 ■"!■-" 'f"^^'- '.' ■^ I ■" '•'flm"»-' •«* *»*"^"^**^ f ra. \-'^.DF«.2,y Consulate of tho Hnlted States, Pretoria, S.A.R. , Sept. 27, 189P. 1 < Mr. Char1'">s E. Mac rum, To the Department of State, Subject . .a rd on of • Th omas K 1 1 v . ^ Abstract of Contents. *r:ival of Mrs. Matilda I!lt/, of Syracuse, N.Y.-- Her_£on*^ rol '130 ordered by the Executive Council this day, and he arrive here not later than the 30th Instant. Con-sai.ite ol the Tnited States, ^retorl-i, S./V.R., Sept. ?7, 189'^. Hon. D^vid ■111 s - i _st ai . ' Se c ru - ly ol St it e • ^'ishin to--', , i'.S, A,-. .-_ - . smd. . 1. ■» • JL, |_ha;;. V\~^ :oiour to in: or:;; ;. ou that Mrs._ Hat i ld_\__ it . o! 5"; r\ use. Few Vor^c, .-ir rived here on the 23rd Ir.stir.t, ith ' 1 eL ^ w i bei rin.-; your si n-rt'^'^e ard as';iii •~e tci_lntur'-^L :^.seli on^Ghaii .-Ol iiar ^qh* 1 1 i \ .^ ^ "ch Dioasure to sa -, that todav an order ha.; Df-T: I.-.jed-.v t^" F-;eoutlve Council to release- the I «.-*<• od cri;v:e oI roL.l^erv in OctOi,er, 159*'', and he v/ill V"' >< rive he^^ tc ::-:- t ana i e^ tjiv^t \\\^ ^-e^HiiiV^ Co^xf 1-G - i hr^hS^ -^ f^t-Gi oi nt : Trintir thib reieaoe, :^:3 4 I lav; re.vai res the ' rdor t '^ •: • . tr e a-^-rovil ol tho iud e .vho tried the 1 i < t -. •: :d. e, Mr. •'orn , is i:o . 1 n losFraTI 1 . I trost :-^ actior.ii i:. the .-aticr :^iii '-O'^t ..ith •jav. r rovr 1 . "rs. .1 1 ■ o..','S tocaii or vou or. her retur" I; reo '."-rt '^: ^ -iei,< L •'. ^ -. • • • >> t ■■ ■- '■ r 'w/ V.4 i. i'O . .- 1 r . r.lted St".'tes Consul. ♦ T • > 'V jj.l * ^M V- ", ■.!.•■ i^.r-. .V '« >». T- ^ 0' \ "-.Vf No. 66. » v.- • ■• I "1. •'> .>■ .» ■"■ ■■ 7', *■ *^N ;■ «' ■ ' ^.. ■'■■ '■j '.■ -? * -.y ^' / :• REC'D. ^\ .NOV G '2- •vl ,Vt Subject. ; Protection to Messrs. Fraser ^.Chalmers. Abstract of Contents. cl-no}vJ_ed£^._receip.t__of Depart^m despatch No. 42. — Hgss rs. ri . • e . halraers, Ltd., of Johannesburg,, Is a London corpor- v. ^..a I "tin^'.^^t^avare 'vhat pj^otection canbe -offered. \ 'u - \'1 '\ \ > ' - ^ -^ 10. •"-> nsulrtte of the United '^t?tes, Pretoria, S.*..R.. 'oot. •??, 189^^ -■ ' . ....... - ..A . . _ ,. - — '^ on. David •.' . 'MiU *S:i.:tant f^ecrcttrv o? "t.ite. Nashin ton , Il.S.:\ o J-S I have the hor our to -icl:nowled'^e the recelnt of vour itch No. 49. ot Au 'jst •^:'^, 18^9, re-ardln^, protection '.he irte"*' sts ol Fraser -^ Chalmers, Ltd., of Johannesbur". \i is feedles.s < c- sav th^t I shall do ev«*r>thlRe. in over, but I do i.ot no. if ;, , ,• are ivare that the con- : --'i '^raae-r i Chalmers, Ltd., oI Johannesburf, , Is a Lor- ^-■r^^ntlOT:, ard I ir.ur.t -^.drrlt that under these" cIt" .- » f not not e;.actr. sure to just v.-hat rlrhts t^c "liled '■tates \ ej are entitled to. In this 1 ■ e I shall have to be ned to a '^, reat t 1 V *>•* 'r »♦« -* ^;.;d' ervent • ■t h A ". r. <:' a r to be. SI r , Vour o. odieiit servant. nit ed C5 / / h ^"0.^7. Jff ' Consulate oi thn "lit ed StrAtos, ;5 re V, » _' r i p. t c I :-' t ;.i t o , >fashl n ■'tor. , •^S.A. / ;tuij ject . Co:.,:? lain! of 'cse-h Ce-'.-'a:Ti, \.:s tract o: Contents. .;."■/■ led e receipt of ""eta rt :..ent s desoatch No. 46. — Mr. c '• : .-^ to '..0 satir''fd vM. th correction nade on Field- 1 T . ..•> ,J. .- 1 r^^ c^ ^ \ .« \ \V. r^ rv^ X ).'^7. Con.suljte or the :fnited .Stntes, n r e t c r i 1 , S . A . F: . , S e p t . /^ 8 , 18 i , M n. Da V i d ■11. I A s • ■. 1 s t ;. p. t .' " e c r e i 1 1\; o . .'- 1 i t c , K ish i n^t on ^ I' . S» !^ • ' it.^h No.-- ho; ou: j. o .\c! nowled^e the receipt of your o Xu ^;st ^"P, 15-9, referrin- to th e com- "!. t'oseii Cez..,a;.:. 1 \ I i f I- ^T^ tii^Hit? r^o lurther re->ori Ot -.irio oase, -».«i- 4- hr»ve ent 17 on' the PI el • -ornoL ' 3 uoo :s ' ^^ ivhlch Mr. Cezzarn :';;orc-?, changed, and si--- ther I have not h - - fd Tr'oiri < ' • prcsue hn is nov; satisfied. V. f ^ ^^ nbnc^A to Le« :^ir, r o; ofJi rt se rvint . ''Tiite''! States Consul. "Tys'T^ \ ■!■ «■■ A * DIPT. ■ STATE Tel ~1 V?. CEIVED. •'■;. ■'i3| ¥ OCT 1 2, 3.1 9 /LM 1833 CMF. CV ■. 'OFFICE V, ' < ■.^'■ tr V o Aj' yPj^-U ^ ■ ■ ■ x '.»'■■ ■■■',■.■,;* Received ^u^AXiaMy / 337 U^^ 3 Sy 3 3-? ^1 •IX^A*^ 337 Jb o*--i--«.^-t>-«^ ClC 3 3-) C3CVCCV^AAAMA ^XttJ^ ^oC^ if ^7- /. ^JL-^ (? ^- ^37 O/ f/0t / J37 (LAJJt. d .:/kS-^^ , ^ — ♦ fVUUvvn >f • »» " •• VW' '*ftciphtred hy Chief Clerk. Oct. 12 9 1899 .189 , A/. V, I- 'X> '■'^/>:-. \ I '- ■ N0.6P. V^^O'- Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Oot. 11, 1899. Mr. Charles E. Maorum, To the Department of State. Subject. /'/ r ^i Confirmation of Cablegram. X Abstract of Contents. Confirming my Cablegram re tfartial Law, Certificates for aliens, request for instructions, etc. V No.68. Consulate of th« United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Oot. 11, 1800. Hon, David J. Hill, Asaietant Secretary of State, Washing on, U.S.A. Sir: I have the honour to oonfirm the following oable whioh I have sent to the Department today: Seostate, Washington. Martial Law probably proolaimed today. Aliens other than British requir- ed deposit oertifioate of Consul showing nationality, passports Bust be oarried. that form oertifioate shall I issue? Cable definite instruotions before oom- munioation oeases, after that oare Hollis , Maorum. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient /^ervant>t c ^ted States Consul. ) \) No. 69. • f '\ ./; 'n^^' ', Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.P.» Oot. 12, 1899. ■f •I Mr. Charles E. Maorum, To the Department of State. Subjeot . Confirmation of Cablegram. iJ Abstraot of Contents. I oinfirm oablegram re having aooepted oharge of British interests pending instruotions. r^ 4 No. 69. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Oct. 12, 1899 1 '1 I Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Seoretary of State, Washington, U.S.A. Sir: t have the honour to oonfirm the following cable whioh I sent to the Department today: "Seostate, Washington. Have aooepted oharge British interests in emergenoy, on request British Government through its agent, pending your Qonf ir- mat ion.* Maorum* I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient se c ted States' Consul . I ;^ •1 i I I ?v ) \jl..e^JUUL)-^^. JLy^^ L .^.^ ,»«•«» .— 1 ^vna^aMW'^MV'Wn ••i ^HeLEGRAM 'SirJiT. / Ap f'^''<^^ n^ - OCT 14 1899 \ i'L-^^Xxis^ cyv^i*^^ ac^J^.|^/(£^ cicxuvax- rt)/cxA"tAi: v JlvPib^xM^ >t^v Y- tA.vc>v; (nx hl^^/L'lXO/ ^ Plvvvlti,-»-^ XK s L i*^*.^^^ J^ ()^<4r. I (^ ni Confimed, Oct. I6th, 1899, nf , 189 M. , Operator. ■>"■»■ «*« •M«P«Mk >^;i ■ I'Wffyin:; , ,,::"^^t ,) r; . s,, '.; No. 70. \) r. r'\ V / F 'v I / h ••> . y Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Oot . 14, 1899. Mr. Charles I. Mao rum, To the Department of State \ 'L \ Subjeot . Peoeipt of Telegrams Abstraot of Contents. I ao knowledge the reoeipt of telegrams from the Dep- artment oeming via Delagoa Bay. No. 70. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Oot. 14, 1899 Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Seoretar/ of State, Washington, U.S.A Sir: I have the honour to aoknovledge the reoelpt of the following telegrams vhioh have oeme via Delagoa J Bay, oare Mr. Mollis: - *From Washington. 12th. Ifaorum may oertify fact of registration in Consulate upon production of pass- port or naturalization oertifioate* signed, Adee." "Washington, thirteenth. Maorum Consul Pretoria oare Mollis. Consul L. Marques. In view of withdrawal of British Arent from Pretoria and in response to re- quest ef British Government, you are authorized with the assent of South African Government, to afford to British interests in Transvaal friendly protective ef- floes usual in such contingency, being careful te~eb- serve most absolute neutrality. Adee, Acting See** The S. A. P. Government refuses to acknowledge the exi stance of the British Agency, nor dees it re- oolve me in that capacity, but it has me objection to my looking after the British interests as is usual in these cases. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant. United States Consul h \ '0 / CONSULAR BUREAU V ^^ No. 71. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Oct. 16, 1899. / r Mr. Charles E. Maoruin, To the Department of State. 20 ASSISTANT SECBFTARY, Subject . Admission of Dr. Looser to praotioe. CLr. - ' ' c >Cjy^^ V Abstract of Contents. I acknowledge the receipt of Department despatch No. 50. — Dr. Looser has been admitted to praotioe N No. 71. Consulate of the United States f Pretoria, S.A.P. , Oct. 16, 1899 Hen. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary ef State. Washington, U.S.A. Sir: ,-'■ / I have the honour to aoknewledge the reoeipt of your despatch No. 50, of September 11, 1899, enclo- sing Certificate of the State of New York University, and report that Dr. Loeser was admitted te registra- I tion a few weeks prior to the receipt of these papers I have the honour te be. Sir, Your obedient United States Censul IS v^/>. DEC 7 1899 N(A.72. \ ' < ; '"> I Consulate of the United Pretoria, S.A.R., Oot . IB, 1899. Wr. Charles E, Maorum, \> A, ^' To the Department of State. V \ Subject . cA Appointment of Consular Agent at Johannesburg. Abstract of Contents. Transvaal State Secretary, s reply to the Department 's letter of credence of August 16, 1899'. r >»- /•, ■• -w-.-ft #•• -,- ly III wr-»-i»"mr-,.-, ^ 4 riy :■• '« ' — ^TT-"''?'^^ .1, .-ivrf .1^ M '«(,"^-rT^'.-->->^^'-ww^i I II I 'l""fr^?'*'^n"Pipm9!ipppHHBp|iiV' R^T No. 72. Consultte of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Oct. 18, 1899. Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Seoretary of State, Washington, U.S. A Sir: Referring to your despatch No.40 of August / / 18, 1899, I have the honour to transmit herewith the reply of the State Secretary to the Department, s let- ter of credence of August 16th, 1899, with official translation of same. I have the honour to be« Sir, Your obedient so United States Consul . Enclosures as above. ..«.* .^.fc-^iii ^ Mki» twm4t ■■iiiazUfnent van QJOut'tenuinJocne c^aKen. uvetnetnenh Q/tan^or. ie/iH4€ij if Ociober .1999* Bzoellen^le» Ik heb de eer de «0Q;tvangst» t>e erkei>nen van Birer Excellentie's brief vcu^ den 16den Augustus 1899,11161} mededeellng dat de fleer Wllliajn D. GK>rdon vb^ Johaimesbut^g aangesj^ld werd 'tot Consulalr Age^^ der Tereenlgde Stat'en van Noord Amer llca« geveatlgd ;be JoiianneBburg. Deze Begeerlng waardeez*t de vriendschappel/ke gevoe - lens die Uir Oouvemement hebben bewogen deze aems'telllng te •• Aan Zyx^e B]ccelleoj4le Secretin 8 van ^[taat*. WiiSHINQTOll * Yereenigde 8jtAt»eh van Noord Amerlka t,e doen en heeft volgaaHTne liaar rormeel exequatur, hem in zyne consulalre hoedanlgheld erlcennende»verleend. Zy koesiterltf de hoop dajb deze akanstelllng de vrlend - schappelylce verhoudlng 'tusachen de respeclbleve landen zal be£(.lL^^digen en verst>erlcen« Qastr^e maak ik van deze gelegenheld gebrulk TJne Biccel- lentfie d<| verzekerlng myz^JBr byzondere Hoogachtlng Eian pe "bleden. UiverBxcellentie's Dlens'tw.Dienaax. Staa'tssecre'tarls • ■if AlDEELING A. 189 df B 3^^i 9 789 ylicvA btj eventue«l« referto jezoii brief bovan«t««ndo Ime'^ aon te halan. Translation. ^OeAatfement van ^Juuitenpanc/ocne J^aJcen. uvetnetnen^ o/tan^or. iie^aitUj OoJ>ober IT.th, 1099. Bsce Hence » I biave t^e honour to acknowledge $fhe receipt of Tour let^r or the ICth August 1899 enclosing a communica- tion to the errect that Mr .William D.Oordon ot Johannesburg has been appointed Consular Agent of the Qnlted Steves of America to reside at Johannesburg. This Government highly values the friendly feelings which have li^duced your Government to make this appointment " and " -!> To His Sxcellen f Secretary of State 1>XHH1WQT(^ . United Stacks of America. awi had much pleasure in granting ."to M^^G^o^don j{/he formal exequatur recognising him in his consular capacity. They roster t^e hope that this appointment may conso- lidate and strengthen the friendly relations between the respective countries. With satisfaction I avail myself of this occasion l^o offer Tour Excellency the assurance of my most distinguished 1 consideration. Tour most obedient servsuit. States ecretary . ( No. 73. Otofi, ^i-ti^ fWTOFSlJ^ Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., October 19, 1899 t-^ • Mr. Charles S. Macrum, ^X ■A To the Department of State. Subject. ^ »^ 0^ EnD;llsh armlnp; and drafting Natives. «^ -»^ v»^ Abstract of Contents. I transmit translation of a letter from the rorel^n Off ice v'hlch recourts the arming; and drafting into servi ce pf rsaj^ tlves bj the British forces In the war a£;ainst this Republic. ...•. M^ ■ J^Ji^^^i .^.' ,^^. i»- ■ ■:».. ■ , -.,.,, , ^- Ko.73. Consulates of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., October 19, 1899. Hon. David -J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Wa sh 1 ng: t on , U.S.A. Sir: I have the honour to transmit here.vith the trarsla- 1 1 or of a letter from the Forelo^r Office with reference to the armlncr ard draftlno; into service bv the English of ra- *ives in the v.-ar no.v In progress oetween this Republic and C.reat Britain, as I have been reouested to do oy the Govern- ent here. I havj the honour to oe. Sir, ^ Your ooedient s rFlted States Consul. ; ♦~ /- csure* Trar.slatlor of Foreign Office letter. . W ...M ^-t^^i^^'. . -.^^%._itf^ . ^. ^u »*.- . , K^.A-«,' . A^j « w !■ ^ l>il»i n >f|||M»»i»«||»^.».' I , it ^ -tm u t H ^II W K^ »r'l ' j *'^* "" ''' » ; >'r j y > 'w* . ^*ii>'^'iii'^ r>ipix)i.ic;feilif «^ r» '•i'^ slat Ion ) ( Pretoiia> S./l.R., Octobar 18, 18@9. ' 5 f { . / "■4 V ^.^/ I havd the honour to inform you that tlis Governiaerit Is'^'in re- ei:t ol reports from ComnDandant Botha that a Xl^ht took plac«"last night ■ \r 'i four.taln n»ar Maf eking between the burpiher comniandos In camp there n: soTiie British troops from Maf eking strengthened by 100 ratlves. One • these natives was captured and taken prisoner. ^ ' " From this and other reports from the eastern b6rder of the Repub- ■: 1: Aill be seen that natives have been pressed Into service by the ■.-I * \ sh Government and this Government regards this armins of natives as caUy unjustifiable act against all the white races of South Africa, This CQvernment thinks such action an outrage, as all white races : s;.lier by It, and It trusts you will Inform your Government of these a '~ i s . /.' /' I have the honour, etc. (signed) H. C. ten Haaf. for Under State Secretary for Foreign Affairs. rv^y^ ■ w ^^w '/¥•-•, r, ^m'V- • V T4 ^f'- r. C^i^ndii/d/c o/^/i€^?iacdQhaed BUREAU. DIPLOI' DEC .;«:•* ' I Pretoria, S.A.R., October 23, i. , •.^y^v. Charles E. Macrum, ^ Me ^c/ca'tttTncTit o/ Qtale. . Receipt of Cablegram re David Robertson. fj^ x ! =1 enow ledge receipt of cablegram via Lou repfo Marques re request ^* rrltlsh Goven^ment in case of David Robertson. ^<' "tji .' . 74 . Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.^.R., October 23, 1699. Hot . David >' . Hill, \ssistant Secretary of State, Washlngtor, U.S.*. Sir: I have the honour to acinowled^e ths receipt of the following; cablegram, forvarded to me from W.S.Hollis, U.S. Consul at Lourenj;o Karques, which cair.e to hand to diy, viz: "British Govearnmant request your attention (this word Is urdecipherable) David Robertson charged hi,^h t rea;60n watch oroceedlnjs erdea^or secure fair trial report developments do all oosslble admissable." This iTdtter shall have prorrpt attention and a V i 1 1 oe Dromotly forA-arded. I have tne honour toL-e, Sir, Y ou r ocedieat servant , r-ited States Consul. ^. .»._•* ■.'\ ♦ /■ <-; tt-r^-'r) ■<-. '■Sir •• * .-*?- No. 282. Tel-eqrAm Received in PRETORIA, ii«. 1 > 1 11], ! , , ■ ii i i i iii i i in iiii' iiiii . I .I 1 rw iw.«>»^ »i ii i »i «»» i i*i - l-f!: ■•/■ / M October 25, 189 *> Heceivod 1040 p.m '.'<■■ /■ Secretary State, Washington. •ft*. i *^ Report about Easton absolutely falsoe Spent * J. . .*•-. week here now at front Mth Boer force. Says receiving "..^'^^ best treatment ever had. Please make publ ep or ts f 'x English brutally shot down red cross peppl#'. Boer vie to rious everywhere, i - \,* ' c c UACROH. • • • • ^tm* % % a. •• ■''■^: TFaiu H. Mld&ael, CHl^f Cleric. Q/s3£t .o'clockG( . OofiieB deliTend to ciphered bv 5i ,189 M. .«i- :S/. ''. • 1* ^\'^'4-'-r 'fiftiiiiif-iiii'if M i^Mi^, MjttLiu.libiiiiLL. r r;- r^ N#.75. .4/ 0- (^y?t6u/ / •> r^^. ■:.l / -> Charles Ef ¥aortmi. c^ //^^ ^^y/iaTf^tmen^ o/ QtcUe. Confirmation of Cablegram to Department. I confirm cablegram of this date relating to the reported detention of Mr. Saston by the Free State Government, as reported by Department's cablegram received today. / N«.75. Consulate tf the United States* Preteria« S.A.P.« Oot. 25, 1809. Hen. David J. Bill, Assistant Secretary ef State, fashingten, U.S.A. Sir: In reply to the Department 's oablegram, whiob I have aoknewl edged in my Ne.74 ef even date, I sent the felleving oablegram, whioh I new have the heneur to oonfirm: "Repert abeut Sasten abselutely false. Spent veel^ here. New at frent with Beer feroe. Says reoeiv- ing best treatment ever had. Please make puDlio. Re- perted laglish brutally shot dewn red*oress peeple. Beer viotirieus eveirywnere.* I oannet imagine where the absurd repert regarding Mr. East en erigiaated as he himself will testify te his meet oeurteeus treatment by beth this and the Free State Gevemments. I have the heneur to be, Sir, Yeur ebedient servant , United States Censul • I ' ' ' V S) i JAN 4 1900 NTOFS ^ortMiCaU of tR^e ^UDmtcd aitaUft, Pretoria, S.A.R., October 27, ,1^9^ . ' ■ I @t()t. Ch&rles E. Mao rum. ^To tfi* ^cjuLllmmt of SWe. Transmission of a letter from the S. A. R. Gov't. LxfJ^d I. I transmit herewith a letter from the Transvaal Government referring to the arming of natives by the English in the war with this country. ■A . . ■ •iA.;v_' .•..:„i.^.:.i:;5.-i:*^& Jd oKo. 76. %(HVMi£ute of t^e ^UDnited CPtate6, Pretoria, S.A.R., Oot.27, iJgQ . ^im^uAL David J. Hill, Q^^M^iont a;eeteUttu of oliaU, <5lOU;««t«v, 'W. . •» y \|-I)EE1.ING A. R A r^t^. J89tf JS9Cf ilieve bij eventueel© roferlo deren brief boveriBtaande ittieps ann te halen. ^Oet>attemeni van <^JumUn/anc/:^cne c^aKen. C^cuveinefnen^o O/van^or. y i^Ua^ •ttb October, 1»9^« tir» Vltli reference "to By letter dated Oo- tober lath re arming Kaffirs against t)il8 Re- publlo on behalf of the Bngllsh doveinment , V Z have » by dlreotloa of 8l« Soaour the State fresldeatf the honour to brlac to your notice that* up till now suoh aralng of natives has occurred at four different places* vis, at Ma- feklng, Oaberones* Rhodes*Drlft f on the Cro* oodlle-Blver I And In ta^baansland and that • burghers • The V^ofliourable CVARLES E« MAC RUM, Consul of the United States of North* A&erioa* A.« burghers of this Republic twice already Ivlz* at Mafeklng and Rhodes-Drift / have been com- pelled to right such araed natives^ under coais Band of British officers* This Government will feel obliged by your oommunloatlng these facts to your GoTcrnment t have the honour toi^be. Sir Tour obedient servant for State Secretary Acting Under State-Secretary ferelgn Affairs* • \ ^ *'^ ,»r ». r '• > ■» kf '-•> o)fo. 77. t . » ' ■ \ I • • I V. { *■ i t, ^ovuuCaU of tlU ^^)£nited SfutU Pretoria, S.A.R., October 27, ,4^99. i • . >' @(()t. Charles B. Maorum, % \ke ^ejutUmeat of ^^«' aKiuUct: In re David RobvHson* British. I 1 Q^AiUo/d of ^ontcnU. States Attorney has taken matter up.*- Van will have to stand trial. — Two sworn affidavits that he is guilty of % enlisting men for a British regiment. — Authorities will be as lenient as possible under oiroumstanoes. fH *'.'*■ ;.. t." oHo.77 . Pretoria, S.A.R., Ootober 27, ,4^9 9. II 2(Co«*«.t£e David J. Hill, &(c^SiiiMnl Sectctat^ of aiWe, In further report in the matter of the oase of David Robertson, the subject of your cablegram of the 22nd inst., Trhich I aoknowledged in my No.'^S, I have the honour to say that at my request the States Attorney has taken the matter up, and after a thorough examination of the records and papers in the oase has informed me that the man will have to statd trial, as there is muoh evidence against him, among Thich he mentioned two sworn affidavits to the effect that the accused was guilty of enlisting men for an English reg- inent, but I gathered from what he said that he intended to deal as leniently with him as is possible under the ciroum- stances. fill you kindly communicate this information to the British Government. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant CJnited States Consul. 'S ^ V ) •, V oNo. 78. vj^ V ' V. J "^/i 4 1900 NT OF ^orvMiEote of live ^wnite^ afWeft, Pretoria, S.A.R., Ootober 27, ,4^99. §w)t. Charles E. Mao^um, STo tR^ ^cjutltmmt of SWe. QAiulect : Cablegram re Boer wounded at Lady smith. \ I acknowledge the receipt of cablegram containing statement of condition of Boer wounded at Ladysmith. — This Government refuses to recognize anyone in any official capacity for the British Government » but have always given me hearty support in semi-official acts in the way of assistance to British subjects. W^^ oNo.V8 . Pretoria, S.A.R., Ootober 27, /1J9 9, ^onouAU David J. Hill, ^MiAani (SeateUiiu o|- Q/iote, (MiiRin^tcn,, '®. e ^cjuttlmmt of SWe. Allegations of General Joubert ©QUttoct of ^onimU. I 3onfirm telegram sent to Consul Hollis at Lourenoo Marques for transmission by mail to the Department re action of the British military authorities in the war now in progress in South Africa between the Transvaal and British Governments. \ . lUiliilfcil II ■ ' I I Oit TirfciiiiiJIi'Tir f'fcjim'11^1 ..jA..i'. ^^^^M^lj^giijgmg I— iii— ill I — -. — ^J*K oNo. 79. Pretoria, S.A.E., October 27, ,1^9 9. 'MonouJXe David J. Hill, ^no^^itcuH (Dectelatu of QltaU, (5lJtUi«^tca. 15. <€. ont: As the mail via the German East Coast Steamer had closed yesterday, and as the Government here had requested an early transmission to my Governmert of the enclosed mes- sare, I wired the contents to Consul Hollis at Lourenco Marques with the request that he forward same to the Depart- ment by mail, and I now have the honour to confirm same as per enclosure, which, as you will please note, is a message from CommELndant-GeneraLl Jpubert to the State Secretary here. This message and the allegatiors it contains have, I have been informed by the State Secretary, been thoroughly investigated before the same was presented to the Consuls, each of whom have agreed to transmit a copy thereof to their res:)eotive Governments. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servan United States Consul, ~n closure : vopy of Commandant-General *s telegrams. ^ c V ^ -r^. 80 (fKi ^ /hcl£% A ^ovvMiEate of tfve ^l&rui«d oPioUft, 20 ASSISTANT SfCRETABY,! IAN 13 1900 Pretoria, S.A.R., November 7th , ii9 9. I @)(fct. Charles E. Maoruin, ^To tft« ^cKatlmenl of SWe. aKimect : Confirmation of Cablegrams. QvLu @()5^tact of ^ontenU. I confirm cablegrams received from and sent to Department of State re reports on condition of sick British prisoners. oNo.80. Pretoria, S.A.R., November 7th. ^*99 • ^oaotoMe David J. Hill, ^ms^^itanl CDecUtatu oj* (State, (JlCUUi^toa, 15. ^'l\Ky^\' -^ \^:\) Y>i x^ p ' ./ ' ■• X » < .A.. ,V > \ • • *M 1. ,« "\. V^ vV • •>.'#. 0tftCC Ot tD€ ^e^-^^J"^' y\ ,--. •^ ^^r^SUe^^ ^r 11 >^ <■* ."^ 1 J 1 . ■ • I-.*. \ !;■ r r .L . i. V #0 p '^: "T*T r ^^ Pf o O *^ , ? .V ^ ^ r-. '-^ / 4 r, '\\ •'f ri rr '\ .^^^ -fr^ Y-ii ' Hi rrr r •• -> > f > « / ^wfUPPPiiW^"*'"^ I 111 "I ■« 1^1 mm^^m^^fm^fm ^n^m^immmm^l^ *mfm " I "1,^ i*MlHi^. ^ '^./&^/&^ t ' ^ f No. 83. Mr. Oharles Consulate of the United States, etoria, S.A.R., November 10, 1899. aorum To the Department of State, "^ «•' Subject. Protest from the Orange Free State Gov't. Abstract of Contents. I transmit herewith oopy of a telegram from Consular Agent at Blovmfontein detailing the misuse of the white and red- oross flags by the British troops. — I have personally sat- isfied myself that the allegations are in the main oorreot* COPY OP TELEGRAM • Bloenfontein. Nov, 10,1899. sent 2:lQp,M, RS0D.3:21 From, To Elliott, Mao rum, U. S. Consul U. S. Consul, Pretoria. ■^WBAaa^kaa^ Orange Free State Government offioiadly informed that flag of truce and red cross have been misused in battles by British troops r#und Ladysmith, Maf eking and Kimberly requests to sJ 'A :nvey its protest against such proceedings and ask co-oper* it ion of the different Governments to prevent further breaches ci" Geneva Convention and usages of civilized warfare. Will you oable V/ashington. ^ Same forirarded by all representatives here. Protest and request received by ne fl'om Government -or-rarded tp you by posfr Wednesday. &« Mo.83. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., November 10, 1899 Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S.A Sir: a I have the honour to transmit herewith oopy of a telegram received from Mr. A* Elliott, U.S. Consular Agent at Bloemfontein, containing a protest from the Government of the Orange Free State regarding the misuse of the white nd red-cross flags by the British troops. In comment on the protest I may say that I have talked fo a number of the Transvaal burghers, who have come tack from the front wounded or on siok leave, for the pur- pose of satisfying myself as to the truth of these allega- tions, and in every instance they have corroberated the statements made in this protest as well asthe one forwarded to the Department under cover of my despatch No. 79, of Oct- ober 27, 1899. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient se i!.nGiOsure: Copy of telegram froiu Elliott. 'IW IffKf I ■« ■ ^ » /'Tir^ '"- ^ '— Tr'""-^ •■ j-T- g iiyii iii.M «imyy ^lyii »yi ju^i tw ,y. , • - r.Oii • • • <. .1 > i .. . :'^ * ."f* • •« * Telegram Received. p. 42 Govt. -♦-♦-•- Pre tor lay SecState^ Jiki^hina-tonA NQvemhej^^JLOy^, J<^^9 Received 11j2_6__Pm. \ ♦ kSST. G;;r / .V- IdaJ^or^^ Gap el HiLnphrles.^MtiL tineJheal t\^ MN_ J2. 1900- j Stat_e_ Secretar]! says all requests i)a]jment_ noney off^ i^^A^-- ^ also other inquiries regarding theii iiust come throv.gh regidar nilitary channels at front He loill not further recognize :e in any British official cayacity I-lacrum, Consul • r -^ » . « •• -T y^(/IU /^cA^^ No. 84. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R. , November 11, 1899 Stale iSecretaryof I IAN ^5 ^900 '•-•■'-^Hi >^' V- ^y\ Kr. Charles E. Maoruia, I^IWI ■ !»■ To the Department of State. IAN 13 WOO ii tl..*^ ? Subjeot, Protest of Orange Free State. Abstract of Contents. I transmit a translation of a protest of the Orange Free State Government dealing with the misuse of the white and red-oross flags by the British troops. ^^'M^' 4^ ^V " llArvff^yi'^^ /<^f OT^^ COpH^^^/U^O^ f/'^^c.C'Xt^ yHA^ A c/6 t4/(y^ ^ /Zic^^c^tt 'JQ Hi4/ /' /. ^Uvu/fy^ ^ h^:k^^z^^ I! ^ 1 If ! ^^Ztyod /flcv^ ocuu^d^e/i^ c^n/^' ^r/^"/^ I ■ t I ,1 (4A. '/^ /L^ ;i % ^ ' a^t^^fyrt^ PZo^ty>^.^ /^^ ^(-^fiy(/^ oiAt,t^^y^Ced u^tyfi !i a. ^yCOP-l^y^y^ ff^ 0€Lt^^V^ - ^ /r^^^ti^<^ / I II ! HI, > t TY ' A.^ •\ "** TwFV T/ ^^\W^r-fw 'T-.'wrrT -.^' 'r-^-. -^j^j -y^rwy^;- r 'VJ-'f W'T^ ^ ^tiOo^ /r^^fiy^" /fCt^^i^^- OjO^x^'C^^ CtA^ 6^%^^^^^ (4^^/^ yf"^ uo-^^ ^ ^ tC-^tXyfvCVfy^ ^,>^f<^/ff^''^^^ /rZi^^ir^K) Ac^^:^ y^:^ -/ I n I Cf^^fyiy^^ U(>^l'CL Cly^tAoiy^/^ u/f^ a^t/f^ a^i^ A^/fytLU' yPCe y^JUh^ /Cy / ^vuV ^ ^/^^/;^iCtrt^ ■ u^ /^9r^ /^t/^ £<- a^ff^k^^/U /t^^^ ^^o^e^^ ^^j,<><.„..*.*c.^<^^«*<^ J Il ^ yi^^^W^ ^l^C-QXC^ ^//U^iii/U^ //"^^^ iy<7 /^ ^^ Ci<^ C^nc^fuca^.^^'^ U.o / / ' J r • ' ... • Secretary State, Washington » D.C. Request leave permission visit America; absolutely imperative; private and official business. Ameringen IT fighting, Atterbury American^ takes charge. Cable quickly (Not signed) X C 7.-y mji\m\ '■M^^ ♦»- -. Sub j eot Leave of Absenoe %^ Abstract of Contents. Not being able to reoeive a response to my cablegrams I have sent another cable which I now confirm. of' A / ^^\ ^^ / ©fHce of tbc ^blrb H00l0tant Secretary. ClA/%^ JiH/y ^ -T •A No. 86. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., November 14, 1899 Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S. A Sir: I have the honour to say that I cannot understand why I an unable to get a reply to my oable of the 11th inst. and have sent you today the following whioh I now oonfirm: ■Seostate, Washington. Can^t leave without permission. Will forfeit post if Department don't approve on explanation. . please reply. Maorifcn, Consul." It is of the utmost importance to me as well as to the United States that I have leave, and the only explan- ation that I oan arrive at is that the cables have been stopped by the censor at Durban or Capetown, as they have stopped a number of Consular cablegrams before for my col- leagues for a week or two and them sent them on. I oan make the situation perfectly clear on my arrival in Washington. I have the honout to be, Sir, Your obedient ser United States Consul. •'^> -■ fc^ " (^I[y^"/^^i.A^^ ^^^Tfo*a7, Consulate of the United States, V Pretoria, S.A.R.*- November 16, 1899. Mr. paries S^ Mao rum. To the Department of State, Subjeot. Aoknowledgement of mail. Q^ Abstract of Contents. I aoknowledge the receipt of official mail from the Dep 't and make suggestions as to the future transmission of the mails for South Central and East Afrioa. No. 87. Consulate of the United States » Pretoria, S.A.R., November 16, 1899 Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Seoretary of State, Washington, U.S.A. Sir: I have the honour to aoknofrkedge the reoeipt of I the following, whioh have just oome to hand from the Cape. I must say that they have made a fearful mess of our mail there. There is no exouse for my not having gotten the Dep- artment three or four weeks ago if it had been properly at- tended to and forwarded immediately upon reoeipt bg the au- thorities at Capetown: Confirmation of cablegrams, Sept. 13, 1899. Despatch No. 51, September 15, 1899. Despatch No. 52, September 18, 1899. Advioe of supplies forwarded, September 20, 1899. Despatch No. 53, September 29, 1899. Acknorledgement of my Desp.No.52, October 2, 1399. It Till be notiood that Sept. 13 and Oct. 2, both cane on the same mail, whioh shows that they could have sent the nail at least three weeks earlier. No mail has, so far as I can learn, been received for private persons. Hence I think it would be wise to instruct the Post Office Dep 't to forward all mail for the Transvaal, Orange Free State and Portuguese East Africa, via Berlin by the German trans-At- lantic lines and via "Deutsche Ost-Afrika Linie*. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient s United States Consul. '^^k.. ^ A>^ k .tim^Ji.1^^ _.,aAUt.JtMki ■'■ -L--^- • — ...^LM^-.ne^i..-- .;..■, . riiiiii^.^- ■■-^^^■.A.i.i^mjJiJiidajMMatf iJtHl^aiiiiitm ■ I % llll»l ^ / Ho. 88. V (mj ^Lux^a^ Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R. , November 16, 1899.« Mr. Charles E. Maorum, To the Department of State .; " 115^13 M900 Sub j eo t . Military Service in the Transvaal Abstract of Contents. AnsTirer to Department 's de spat ok Mo. 51 was contained in my despatch No. 64, of September 23, 1899. *f ■3Vi.„i ::.^-^.- ..■■■ ■ .. ,.:,. ....,^j.ju^...^.M.^^.....^..m>^iitiMamimmiiJlia^^ IJ" !IW ■ ^"11 %~ ipvfltii. * JW ",r- >>i|i> » «> >ro.88. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R. , November 16, 1899 Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S.A. Sir: Referring to your despatch No. 51, of September 15, 1899, re the military olause of the "Grondwet" of the South Afrioan Republic passed by the Volksraad some time sinoe, I have the honour to say that I think there is noth- ing further for me to say on the subject than the remarks in my despatch No. 64, of September 23, 1899, which you had not received and which I think cover the ground. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient serv mnif iii^in I r I I imn.111 ^nuBriii 1 riMi^MMMii ■•'W I n- No.89. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., November 18, 1899 I Mr. Charles E. Mao rum, To the Department of State, *• *-. ■^/\ {^ A900 / Subject. Alleged misuse of the white flag by British. Abstract of Contents. I transmit hereirith a translation of a sworn declaration of R.G.Nicholson alleging the misuse of the white flag by the British troops. No. 89. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., November 18, 1899. Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washing-ton, U.S.A. Sir: I have the honour to transmit hererith a translation of a copy of a sworn declaration, made by one R. Granville Nicholson, a member of the troops of the South African Re- public, which was sent to me by the Foreign Office here with the request that it be transmitted to my Government. The TraJisvaal Government request that this oommunioa- tion be accorded such attention as it merits, and I have been informed that it has been sent to all the representatives of Foreign Governnents residing here with the same request. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant nolo sure: Translation of Sworn Declaration of R.G. Nicholson i :...*>' TRANSLATION • Sworn Deolaration Appeared before lae, Adviser Sauer, North Ilead-Laa^er: RIOIIAPJ) GRAIIVILLE lilCHOLSON, TTho swears and says; On Thursday, Novonber 2nd, last, I was in the fight at Kr inetaatkopje^ I vent rith Cominiss lon- er du Preez to the rear of the enemy. When we oane within 150 yards of the enemy they started firing. It was not long before they put up the white flag next to a wagont whereupon Commissioner du Preez, who was ten yards to ny right, asked in English, 'I7hat do you mean by the white flag?* and at the sajiie time said to our oolor-bearer, "Let them see our flag", I saw the white flag distinotly and went with Co.m.iissioner du Preez to assist him in English so that the parties oould understand eaoh other better, TThen Gomi-iandant du Preez spoke he stood up, as also private van der Merwe who was lying next to him. At onoe the enemy began firing, while the white flag was still flying, and I'r. v/d Merwe fell mor- tally wounded, and Mr. Bong, a German, who was try- ing to bring v/d Merwe out, was killed. (signed) R. Granville Nicholson. Deolared before me: ( signed ) H.B.Sauer, Field Ililitary Adviser, Head Laager. North Head Laager, November 6, 189? ■•»■ —r-'* 1 / <^)tV. /l?WvL/«^ ^iTrrvGO Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S. A ^R* ^ , November 18, 1899. ., "♦ » • « • r Mr. Charles E. Mao rum, To the Department of State, Subject. Confirming Cablegram requesting leave QU- Abstract of Contents. I have sent a further cablegram requesting leave, and I now confirm same. ^ I .di»>«iMk^k4to»' rmm ' n ii adi ^^y^u^utmmimia^llgkik^^ No. 90. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria S.A.R. , November 18, 1899. Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S.A. Sir: I have the honour to inform you that not having any reply to my former cables I have this day sent you the following, in the hope that I may be able to get a favour- able answer: "Seostate, Washington, Three cables requesting leave unanswered Substitute sufficient here but not at home. Please cable acquiescence quick. Ship sailing soon. Macrum, Consul.* This I now have the honour to confirm, and as the business which takes me home is of the most vital importance I earnestly hope to have a favourable answer. I, have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient se United States Consul. NO. 282. Telegram Received in Cipher. o/n Pretoria, November 19, 1899. Reed. 11:23 A/M. Secretary State Washjlh^ton. Three cables requesting leave unanswered. Substitute sufficient here but not home. Please cable acquiescing Zjfuick/Viip sailing soon. f / 'ciphered hv , 189 , M. ■ '" ' -" -"».'; P"" N0.9X. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.JUl*, November 20, 1899^ Mr. Charles 1. Maorum, To the Department of State. Vs. >3 \^^ } 4 • Subject. Detention of the Mails Abstract of Contents. On account of the detention of the mails at Capetown, I have requested Mr. Hollis to cable the Department in our joint names asking immediate attention. — This is an important matter to the many American citizens here and necessitates a cable. 1 ■MpRTf^F^W* iipi No. 91. Consuyate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Noveml)er 20, 1899 Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S.A. Sir: I have tiie honour to inform you that I have been in ooimnunication with Mr. Hollis, Consul at Lourenoo Marques, regarding the detention of our mails and that of all the American citizens in the Transvaal and Portuguese East Afri- ca by the Cape Colony authorities, a most annoying and un- calledfor action, and I ^ave aslved Mr. Hollis to cable the department in ny name as well as in his own protesting against a this arbitrary delaying of the mails. This is a matter which needed imisediate attention, s there are nearly a thousand American citizens here who believe they have a right to their mails when there is one port which they can come in at, and hence the necessity for cabling with reference to the matter. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient ser \ United States Consul. ■^-. ^ ^ .^,^. -. , l.^^ij.^ ., . mAirmMmyn, ^ J '"""'^^^iinf''^'! miKnimm U^, ^Zocn^^M^ No. 92. Consulate of the United States Pretoria, S.A.R., November 22, 1899. 1' -1 I Mr. Charles E. Mao rum, To the Department of State, Subject. Confirmation of Cablegram ^ArizTgoo J Qi^ .'" . Abstract of Contents. I acknoTrledge receipt of Departments cablegram refusing me leave of absence. — Matters that I could have presented bet- ter in person than by despatch. /. IJJIUU l.iin. ''"i' irfift^LiB' n*"* iij*!isjpaiu 'III » ^ MI »»' ■ No. 92. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R. , November 22, 1899. Hon. David J. Hill, Assiatant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S. A Sir: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the Department's cablegram as follows: interests. ■Macrum, Pretoria. Your presence Pretoria important to public Hay.- I very much regret that you have seen fit to re- fuse my application for leave of absence, as, aside from the imperative private business that was calling me home, I rould have been able, in a personal talk rith you, to have cleared up many matters which I do not think you are aware of in the situation as it presents itself here. In the mat- ter of the action the British Government has taken with re- gard to the unloading of vessels of several neutral nations at the British Cape ports, relieving them of their cargoes, no matter to whom consigned in the Transvaal and Orange Free State, the Americans here are becoming extremely nervous as to whether they will have to starve or not, the present prices arc all but prohibitive. There are other matters of intense public interest that I hoped to be able to lay be- fore you personally, but will have to present them in the form of despatches when the opportunity arises. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient s -\ es Consul. ■a^ igl^^g^^ ^. .... ■■■■ . >.>^M..U.^>v^.l-.^„..Jii>- 1.-1^ ^ f%^"- 'TT^. , •,«■ ■■ •' No,93. Consulate of the United Spates, Pretoria, S.A.R., November 23, 1899; / Mr. Charles E. Mac rum, To the Department of State, Subject. Police duty in the Transvaal Abstract of Contents. I have received a coiuaunication from the Transvaal Govern- ment in which they claim the right to impress aliens into » * the police service of the State. — Copy of translation is transmitted herewith, — I have taken exception to their views in my reply. — Copy of reply herewith. ■'M' \ -.. • » >» •ammmtmnm^i'^lfm^ ^ i n ■ ^— — if ■IM«»avai— r< rv. ®tSce of tbe C;blrt> a00l0tant Secretary?* Dear Mr. Secretary: You may care to read Mr.?!a- crum's Mo. 93 of* *^ov. 23, touching police duty in the Transvaal by American citi- zens. Mr» Macrum's despatch may be acknowl edged with approval. I find that our in- struction No, 2 of Dec, 4, gave full Instructions to the Consul upon the sub- ject of the impressment of our citizen; for military purposes. It strongly against their impressment and the Consul was directed to report any attempt in that direction. / / -; \ ^ni.ui4„.tLa.*. lib* Ml^ ■ '■- ■"-* ■ - ■— .<'« w^ ' ' <"*u'«iim!Ni|pRiQpiif*^ ^wwyr^i^H Miw pnii ^^'V^HP^ '^^^pppfp^iwwu v' V "M ' ■ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ' '• ^ '< '•■PiWI'^if " '^ )*^\.w':ri;^ No. 93. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Noveml)er 23, 1899, Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S. A Sir: I have the honour to present to your notice a olaim whioh the Government of this Republic msLkes irith regard to the impressment of aliens into the police, Trhioh they have brought to my notice in a communication dated the 16th inst., a copy of the translation of which I herewith transmit. * The authorities I have at hand do not through much light on the matter, but so far as I have been able to find in my research they do moB agree with the olaim of the Gov- ernment, and as a consequence I have replied to the Govern- ment's letter as per copy herewith. As I say in my reply, I have uniformly asked the citizens of the United States, when they have received no- tice to report for duty and have referred the matter to me, to perform the duty, as it was a matter that in no way in- fringed their neutrality aijd was for the protection of the property of all residents, but I have not agreed, so far as I have been given to see the matter, that the Government had the ]ffower to force them against their wills to enroll them- selves. Have I taken the proper steps? I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient se „ , - 'nited States Consul Enclosure: Letter of Mr. Reitz, State Secretary, My letter in reply. imwTmf' iafm I '■ ^ !RANSUTION.) iv: Permit ire to e Consuls have DEPARTMENT OP FOREIGN AFFAIRS, GOVERNIIENT OFFICES. PRETORIA, November 16, 1899. draw your attention to the faot that some of doubl whether subjects of a neutral State can . enforced, according to International law, to perform police .uty. This Govermnent has, in this respect, consulted the Attorney- eneral. who is of the opinion that without doubt, according to nternational law, this Grovernment is entitled to require police uty from subjects of foreign neutral powers. The opinion expressed oy a few of the consuls and, as this overmnent was informed, shared by all the others, viz: that this overnnent has no right to commandeer neutral foreigners as long s the British troops are outside this Bepublio* is according to he humble but decided opinion of the Attorney-General, in oon- liot with the principles and practice of international law. So, or instance, the British Government instructed her ministel^s in ashington, at the time of the civil war in the United States that There is not a principle or rule of international law which pro- hibits the C-overnment of any country from requiring aliens, res- ident within its territories, to serve in the militia or police of the country or to contribute to the support of such estab- lishment. "- The Attorney-General further advises this Government that, hou^h there exists a difference of opinion among the authors on nternational law as to what extent foreigners may be Lie part in actual warfare, there exists no doubt as ein^ subjected to the performance of police service. nstanoe Hall puts it (Int. Law, pare 2l7), saying: ■Aliens may be compelled to nelp to maintain social order. rcvidud that the action required ox them does not overstep tne hits of police, as distinguiBhed from political action." ITith this tne school or Bluntschli, par. 391, and the most ,uti.-ntio authors are in accord. J forced to to thei* So, for i The Government, sharing the view of the Attorney-General, ishes to acquaint you with tiiis faot, requesting you, polite! and to y [1^*7. c instruct the subjects of your State on "these points, Dlain to them that they are obliged, if asked, to perform police even if their coiintry rem.ains neutral. Thanking vou in anticipation, it affords me pleasure to ffsr you the assurance of my particular consideration. Your obedient servant, ((signed)) F. W. REITZ. State Secretary. ion. Charles S. Mao rum, Consul of the United States of America, PRETORIA. rii^ ^y^^^gHi. ^Jl t il i'jm o.VO'.'/OO. Ilovombcr .^3, 1899, Sir: I have tiio hor.our to ao/aio^led£'e tite reoelpt of your unnunbere:! x^.oto of the 10th instant, re tlie ri^fht of i your Honourable Government to inpress in the poiioc sorvioo of the Republic the oitizens and aubjeoto of foreign neutral owers, I have noted the authority the Attorney-Gonoral quotes "iiioli refers to the ir.straotions the British Govornn;int ^ave itn iiiinicter in Hashin^^or. duri/.^ the oivil rar in x^jner- I, but have found in addition in lialleok (Int.Laf , Baker's I. ■, ••) 1 -> o 'it ion, 2ncl C) that •At the above:.::entionod date (18C1) the British Govorn- ont intiniated that, if the United States pomittofi. no al- ^native 0^ providing substitutes, the position of British .:vbjects to be eLibo icd in that nilitia 'rrould call for • f ■'. ry exertion boinr f *■ their favor on the patt of Her Govcrni.cnt. * Ti\Q sai.ic lutliority furt::cr says, ir. the sai^e oonneotion. ••>t The Britis:! Jovcrni.'ent, in 1362, in.fon-ed Ifr. Stuart ■ . - :\z 1 fvneral i^rinoiple of international law aliens :•'•:/:. not to be conpellerl to perform ?jiy military service '^i.o. -or]:in- i.: trenches), but that alloranoc uirht be nade "y: t:.v; 30n:luot o '* authorities i:: oitics under :-artial lar, _^.; in daily peril of the cnei^y , • It ^ould seer, fro..: ':i:e above, therefore, tl.at t. c oeril io " o^'' ^'^ ^^^ <^ m' r* •^ v> C i. o u !il^V f p ■a»MMte 11 w * C ? I ■* I f . I< I ■ iw»^"^""^ mmmmmm"'^'^ wmf^r^rf^w^^^ ■"roi. tie cnei.;y :;iust be iixv.inont, ar/.l that t/.o ncoescity be roat to justify tlic i..pror>sinr either in thu polioe o' the t:\te or tiio i-iiitia tlic oitizons or mibjoots of foyoicn jutral :t:itoc. But j.ioro (lireotly in tlic pronont oor.ditioi: rovic^ed in .11 (Int.larr, pr.Gli an.: 31r..:tnoiili (::-oit Int. !o:U '*i^. ;:ir. i). !«' ho v.r.c t:.c r'olio'^'i:. '■ lanf:iia^c: ■rQroi'"::e-.'f>, .o-ioilca or not, orirnot be c;nrollO'l in ' :^.7o !:.ilit;;ry .:;urvioc oC •..:; hind ritl out ti^cir OTtn ocn- rt, Tlicy ..;iy '•:•..• ooi-pellcc to nolo to inoreasc , in ^iI:e •.ootr.nit , t.c noiioc force, i.. :.-aint'\ir.ir.^ .'social order c ">lr'.oe o" their renir''onoc, rith a vioTr to public safe* J. ' • f .' I . ■.ino to taho U/ ari.s to help in tl;o v^cfen^c o? tli^nr 0;"* vrihoi.oo af^ainst tl-e invasion of sava/^-os, pirateo, •.r t.L: lacann o' rardinr off roue creat f^enoral oalai>- rh.ioh all suffer incUsoriir.inately, but in neither 'o be uned direotly o^ indirectly ^or ordinary national - ■'tic?! objects, • "-:). thin it ir clearly nhorn tl^at aliens nay ft^sslflt \intonanGe of lar and order, but cannot be used a- eir '^illn "dircotly of indirectly for ordinary nat- olitical objocto*, whion tiio enroUtuont of the j-^L :ji',; '.rly in, a? i^ pcri:its the U3c o^ tiie rccailar ^ 01 'J i • *- ]^:.^-:*L^ t..' t t :in i.atter i:afl beer, brourh^t uo, as I -'.': •,'cctionr: lia'/ir.- boon rairre^' to the enrolli'ent .nt-tivon 0^ t:.o po^orOf ^.nH I have not nor nill -V objection urJess our oitizens object t bjtt I have %^ ^-^cj r^ruortc'^ our C5iti::ens to servo an I thought : *-» '^1 f ^^ J. - .X ^ , < J y for the protection o:^ tjcir oroi^crty. Since the 300- -^icc], rior-cvcr, I ber to h.iubly present . V • ,. 1 1 3ir, Consulate of the United States, ' •••^'/V Pretoria, S.A.R., November 28, 1899 • / Mr. Charles E. Maoniifi, !•' ^* To the Department of St at 9'. \ JAN 20 1900 y \ 1 Subject. Receipt of Mail <]o^ Abstract of Contents. I aoknoTrledge the receipt of mail from Department. — My private mail detained at Capetown or someTrhere in the Cape Colony.-- Request that instructions be sent to the Consul -General to have nail forwarded. -|» pi\w |.,1PW ■ ■•'y.-' No,—- - Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R. , November 28, 189,9 Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S. A Sir: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the folloTring: Department despatch No. 54, referring to the status of a native of the Philippines, Oot.l2, 1899. Confirmation my telegram of Octllth, Oct. 14, 1899. Confirmation my telegram of Oct. 13th, Oct. 16, 1899. These letters seeu to have come through in better time, not having been stopped at the Cape. All my private mail since the Trar has opened, however, has not come to hand yet, and I believe it has been stopped and is lying at Capetown. This, it seems to me is a rather arbitrary proceeding on the part of the postal authorities, and I have written Col. Stowe a number of times to try to obtain it for me. I have been informed that the French and some of the other Consuls at the Cape have oeen able to get and forward all mail for their countrynen. Would it be possible for you to issue specific instructions to Col.Stowe regard- ing forwarding all American mail lying there. Ke informs me that he has forwarded all mail, but I think he means my Department mail, for none other, of whatever kind, has arrived in this country, American mail meant. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedien United States Cons' ^ \ (/)if . Mu^ie^^ '^i. No. 94. I . \ 1. «' ^ \ :\'''\ Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R. , November 30, 1899. Mr. Charles E. Maoruin, To the Department of State Subject. Native outrages in the S.A.R. Abstract of Contents. I enclose letter from the State Secretary, also a telegreon from the northern frontier, detailing the outrages of the natives, who are said to be officered by British officers and Trho have in their possession a Maxim gun. I I t I ■ "Wj V, "mi 7»ijr, No. 94. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., November 30, 1899 Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S. A Sir: I have the honour to inform you that I have re- ceived from the State Secretary, Mr. Reitz, a oommunioation referring to the outbreal^ of natives in the northern part of the country, Trhich natives are said to have been led and officered by British army officers and to have used a Maxim gun, and I enclose a copy of the translation of the letter together with a translation of the telegram which accompan- ied it. If these allegations are true, and they seem to be Tfxell authenticated, it will possibly prove a great menace not only to the property but to the lives of the non-combat- nts residing in this State. The man Early here spoken of in the telegram ras a British subject remaining in the coun- try by vittue of a Government permit. I have already cabled this to the High Commission- er through the British Consul at Lourenoo Marques and trust that the Department will take steps to show to Great Britain the dinger in which we will all be placed. I have the honour to be. Your obedient Enclosures: Translation of State Secretary's letter Traitslation of telegram he enclosed. •^m^tm.-^m ■ « Pra^igpatlon, DepaoTtment. of Foreign AffairMj Pretoria, S9th,Nov, 1899, Sir, I have "the honour "to enclose copy of two te-legraas from "Uie IjancWrost of Rustenbure dri"t^cl 36th of November last., con- taining report of a battle having been fought in the neighbourhood of Derdepoort on the SSth. PVora tl^ie telegrawH it appears that again English Officers have incited and lead on kaffirs to fight our burghers, with the fatal oon4^ sequence that besides some of our burghers but a woiaan also wew mur- dered. You are awaire of the fait that kaffirs, once incited to mur- dering whites, do not msike any distinction in nationality and that ttius the British Oo^rernment, by either direction or api^roving of pro- ceedings as above mentioned, endanger the lives, fanily and property of all inhabitants of this Republic of whatever nationality they may be, even of its own subjects who have been allowed to irenain in this Fepublic,as AA^ is evident from the feujt of the murdering of the photographist EARLY a peaceful British subject, who fell a victim to baxbaric allies of his own (^vemnent. With a view to the danger menacing the numbrous subjects of the country represented by You,and residing in this country,! feel obliged to request You to submit this repoart to the attention of Your Govem- aent to enable it to take such measures as it may think fit necessa- ry in the intei»est of its subjects and to protest against proceedings of a belligerent power contrary to the laws of civilization and hu- manity, I have the honour to be Sir yours obedient servalkt. ( signed.) P, w. REITZ, I r-^- 1 -r:-; — Copy,- \ Telegraph Depaj7tj!ient,.S.A.R. ?i6. 11,99,- \ \ ^ 3. 50. p.m.- Received rollowlng telegraras from IjEuiddrost Rus-benbutrg;: 1),- To Oovemment Pretoria ( begins ):by wheelrider I have Just. ^- oeived following report ( begins ): Derdepoort 85,ll,99,Lianddro8t ^ Rustenburg were attacked to day at daybreak, still righting. Some '^ vrounded, unknown how majiy>also some killed, unknwn how many .Jan Bai- '. nard M.P.V. killed. Send assistance and send a Deleter immediately. Our \ Doktor is gone. Assistance urgently required. Help speedily with re- InToroement and a Doktor. Tiinnemy attacks us with kafriz*s and a maxim also a strong mounted commando. Rnnemy has retired but is apparently preparing Tor a fresh attack. ( w.s.) P.C.Hoffberg.F.C. Further verbally informed by wheelrider that a certain person called KARLY is killed in house near lager, also the wife of one of the tmni'*^ of P. J. Riekert; Commandant of Police also murdered. Pol ice station of P.J.Riekert gutted; probab ly four have been killed but AAAaiM b& JMMbfa!b&& cannot yet be stated with certainty. I have immediately sent report to acting P.C.Hexriver emd have also sent Doktor with i>atrol.The burghers still here will follow immediately (please send this throu^* to acting Commdt.Gheneral ) ends. 2),- To Government Pretoria begins: In purouance of my telegz^gun Just despatched I again received the following report containing further particulars ( begins ): Derdepoort S6.11.99,Ijanddro8t. It appears that tliey were the kaffirs of Linckwe, Sigul and Khana who to day made the attEtck upon us. They were lead by British Officers, armed with a aajcim. The police who were at the time in thetr houses aldng the river sought refuge in our lager but were surrounded by theennemy, so that Oert.Rooseboom,Zachajc*ia8 Pretorius Sr. ,Koos Pretor ius , FAPXY { photographist ) wei^e killed. In our lager there fell besides Jan Barnard M.7.V., Christ, Schoonraad,0.5?mit,Hendrik Leroux despatshrider.*^ ( Tf, s.) J, T.Kirs ten. acting Conmandant, ends. I 'J I :j^^. ^M No. 282. Telegram Received in Ciph am Pretoria , Dec. 1, 1899. Rscd. 9:15 a.m. ■f Sacretary State , Washington. No reply. Department vill a pprov (?) y^ on explanation. Imperative. Cable inunediateljr. ave Ci-cJL ^eciphereri hv *^y\/^~ly^- ^ 6. 1 <^. Aj^ o-^ T'-V^ <- /^< / ^ dn^^ V 7 u fr^" ^ , 189 M. ' L. Li NO. 282. Telegram Received in Cipher. \ V \ .^ 0/)i Pretoria, Dec« 1, 1899. ^%ti6.. 1I:0G A.M. Sscr^tary State, Washln^toa Can't leaya without permission. ^#111 forfitit post^ 1# Department don't approve on explanation. Please raplj. ^'ec7/>/?erer/ hv , 189 , 3/ ■v^« ."^ Tnii j^TwpjBi*^ vrrv- m'^jf}'. ^'f l».y > w I - ' < , r TK^ ir ••»"■•••• r,«jj^-V-Wfirrr '•V~ ■'< n^ This copy IB for your informauon only. Pl«^«« do r.ol return H to the sent, to'- • ' * for ins-ruct.ions. files N I^etoria, ▼> ec. 1, 1800. ■; K9CO • XX • jC '«•'.• r. e c re tairy i: t r t e , V» ajj hi n'^ 0< r t * -. rv <:•. ^.^^^'^ a nA, ) (( No. 95. \ \ \i Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., December 2, 1899 \ ■ y Mr. Charles E. Mac rum. To the Department of State, Subject. Payment of £20 to J. D. Willis Abstract of Contents. I acknoT7legge receipt of a oablegraia from Department if pay to J.D.Willis £20, which I have done and enclose his receipt. — I also advise that I have drawn on Department for the amount, $97.33. No. 95. Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R., Deoeinber 2, 1899 Hon. David J. Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S.A. r i O ir: I have the honour to aoknoTrledge the receipt of Trith Neuman on Department the folloring oablegraifi from the Department: "American Consul , Pretoria. Pay J.D.Willis care Legget "and Coy, Johannesburg, twenty pounds, drawing "please, exchange. Hay . " I have paid the money to Mr. Willis, and herewith enclose his receipt for same. As per instructions, I have tliis day drawn to the order of N. G. Macrum, East Liverpool, Ohio, a draft on the Scotetary of State for the amount, £20 ($97.33), at sight, and trust the draft rill be promptly honoured. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient II nolo sure: States Consul J.D.Willis' receipt for £20 * •^ \kSK \ \ \ tl ^ ' if if V ■ 1/ ) ^ No. 96. i ' Consulate of the United States, Pretoria, S.A.R. , December 4, / 1899 Mr. Charles E. Maoruia, To the Department of State Sub j eo t . Confirmation of Cablegram Abstract of Contents. I aoknorledge the receipt of cablegram from Department, re using my good offices in ameliorating condition of the T)risoners of xrar in Pretoria. ««M ■■■ W ill — -"-y^afcjs^ No. 96. Consulate of tho United States, Pretoria, S.A.R. , Deoemter 4» 1899 Hon. David jr, Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, U.S.A. Sir: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of y the following: cablegram from the Department: "Washington 1st. Mao rum, Pretoria. The good offices of a neutral power in dis- tributing moneys to prisoners and amelioraling their con- dition is in accordance with universal modern usage aind the South African Governiaent should he impressed with this, Hay." The Government here has made no bbjection to my seein,;;^ the prisoners and doinj? what I could for them, with the exception of paying money to Major Cappel, and this objection T^as evidently occasioned by the misunderstanding a? to my official status as representing the British Gov- ern-ient. As to their refusal to grant me the liberty of making a weekly report as requested by the Department, I have already informed you that they have conveyed to me an intimation of their willingness to send such a report t.hrou.^h the military authorities at the front. The fact that at the first they were informed that the Boer prison- ers '•ere not allowed to write while the British prisoners in Pretoria rere granted that privilege made then more re- served at accepting friendly offices than is now the case. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient nited States Consul/ '/y ' •■■^^^^■■■ip Ov ''°-' / ^' Xhe Hon.A.A.Adee ^/^ -^ /Lc^^r^a^ . OEPARTA^ENT OF STATE, WASHINGTON. December 5,1899 econd Assistant Secretary \ 20 ASSISTANT SECRETARY, ^^. DEC 6 1B99 T Department of State Washington (Ju \X\ Sir: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Instruction NOe2^of December 4^in regard to the impressment of American citizens by the Government of the South African Republic.I shall look into this matter immediately on my arrival at Pretoria and shall advise the Department accord- -ingly. I am^Sir^ Your obedient servant, A)UJUJL' 1 DZfARTMENT OF STATE, / WASHINGTON. D«o«mb«r 8,1899 Hon.Alvay A.Ade«, Saoond Assistant Secretary of Stata, Dapartaant of Stata, lA Washington^DeC. Sir: I hara tha honour to acknowladga tha ractipt of your communication of Dacambar Tth^ancloaing my commiaaion as Consul of tha Unitad Stataa at Pratoria ^South African Republic ^a nota addraaaad to tha Ministar ftfr Poraign Affairs ^and a duplicata of tha ordar to dalirar to ma tha racorda and all othar 6oT*rnmant proparty at my poat 1 am^Sir^ Tour obadiant aarrant^ J^dulJU\*~S •TTOX-i r * " ' .^' ^; •■v. .... ,^. 1 . CONSULAR BUREAU. No. 282. Telegram Received in Cipher. ecrotary of State, /ashington. a7?z Pretoria. December 8, 1899. Received 12:06 P.M -1 Sail eighteenth via Naples. American Consul. .* -r.- ^^cipherecl hv .189 , M, . H'" - ■ ;^.<.!M-a^.^)»^J.. JiftiiiMUillfi^MUttyi^;, m,*^* L € ■'.:■ \ > ■ o -^ y Received L V G. Telegram Received. '^j--t^<^ -•'^'•■- I. -'K ;> 771 \ ,•■ ^ X '^ ^) ' • r > ' .' /o J Received L ^ o ATc ^'-'^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^,23A^1 ".— ' L / Telegram Received. (^ /^u./^a^/^v^ \ f; > jS'rf. /- {^^M-'/luuUAt^ ^o»vMi(ate of tHe ^»utcd 9fate«, ^ rot o ri ^ , ^ A . ^ . , \ \ Decor oer ?0 , ^1*9 ^ §)(()t. • "'tanle. '.'ollis. ^To iLj ^eKaUmciit of SWe. ctniui«ct: M a r ri , \ 1 i ni P ret c ri a . Sw^toct of ^ontmU. X- : ^- ->v. ^^^ 2? 1900 V ""♦-—»•»-.-* - - :).^^' V ^ K eo rt •■ n 1 1 r 1 va 1 1 n ! rot o ri a a r-d nr.. ent r upon 'r.r iiXicr^ o: this o'lic*:-. ^ r. n niMo\ : •' In Is ^."overnent. \ (^oS'y. ^onAuiaU of tHe ^wtuUb aHoUft, Pretoria, S, A. H. , Hec ember 90 , 1*9 ^. ^om>tal>£e Pa . id- \Hi 1 I , ^M^tan-t uiecielaiu of oHate, ^^?ncr. much resemblln;^ that of He.v Hanfipshire. V ! a r ri v ed it '/at e rva 1 Ond e r , a sma 1 1 t o.vn •iv^'i in the oottOTi of a alley surrounded on a 11 sides . d ■ CRD': ed nountains. "t this place I .vas oo ll^^ed to remain over nl 'ht as . ut .tali trains run at nl -ht in this country. ' : ound ver-. co.;.: ortac le .;uarters provided by the I'.ecper ■ rai Iv.av restaur^int, a French nian. , c.loc:. on t^ •• ir.ornln- of the 14tb. I left Waterval " Mv- travelled for a few :Tii les over a /.'onderf ul ly .veil - '^ -he-l rallv.ay, oy v/a^. of vhich the trains pass • '• io.'. t the hi \h \ eldt . .- --^r. the h -.h veldt v/e ".-oro clear of the mountains, and r'ir. O'.irneyed through i roliin,, treeless, and h\rassy ■ ' n 1 ch , at the y'iddleoer, coal-fields. Is some 6,500 V .-' .. th*? level 01 the sei. * ir : ro- the fact tnat nearl.v e'. ery n.an, and every •"^".rtonr or over, that I saw •.•-•as a rr:,ed .vith a Mauser -. :" cirried a r.andolier lull ol cartridges, and that ^^ r-1 e u'-. on their a tt.s . there -.vis nothin- to indi>itc ' 4 i .'; a f. in a s t a t '"^ o 1 v: a r . ^">u tl;e .:,ornJn oi the l-^-.tVi ] -.ade the ac. u->i nt^noe ■ O'''- .ho .-.as triveliin, in the train v/lth :i.e. •"' •'.'■'n 01 the late General .oc"-:, '.vho, he .sol;^.mniv 5! 0. ne;lect In Ladvsi.Ith after the battle oi ■5 I T •W .'ud ,e Koc . Is X youn,^^, man .vho has been educated in an rn.lish university and on the continent, and I f O'jnd him to be a very agreeable ^entleir.an and a pleasant t ravelin? companion. He v/as on his v/av to loin the stafl ol General Lucas Mever at the front, and .vas full ot a aui et , but determined, Dit ri ot i 3in. La.te in tb.e afternoon ot the 14th the train steamed into the Pretoria station v/here I .vas met by Consul Mac rum .vho at 'once tool-: i::e to his ofiicial residence. On the 15th instant Consul Macruir. and myself busied ourselves /ith the business of turnln^^ over, and explalnin-, the affairs o: this Consulate to .T.e. I also sent a cable desoatch - as oer cooy enclosed - to the Department advising :r.'.' arrival here. Id the evening; 've made an informal call upon State Secre- tarv Kelt? at his house. I had seen Secretary Peitr ten years before .vhen, as Pres- ident OL the Or^inre Free State, he had vf^ted Cape Tov.n, and Ahllr there, had. visited the United States rran o'war "Pensaco- "la" and had been received with all the ceremony due to his ran;, including a salute of 21 ?;un3. I rPTindod Mr.Reitr. of this occurence, ol which he has r-talned a very vivid recollection, and this served to put me ^t once uron a ver;- 1 rl -and ly loot in-, with him . On the l'?th Mr. Mac rum and I made the usual ofliclai calls U-. on the h'^ads of the "o^-ernnent and unon the foreign Consuls 3n.l "onsul.. '.er.^'r^l . *.at i onod here. ,. n. ?0 ^.^^, on the leth Instar.t, Mr.Macrum with his lamily, ^^Tl6 arrompanied by Mr. East on, the "Washington Post" 'orre.scondent , left ;:y the fast mall' train for Delayoa Bay. -hr '"^t^to yecretar", the Postmaster General, and quite a^ number oi other oftl-:iais and pri'.ate people assembled to see + h o 01 r ^ ^',.^^-, -Up 1'^t'-, ^ trinsa.^ted no ofiicial business. -n M,c r<^th r vv.is r'.:s^ "ettin" the scattered *hreads of .vorr-v-^ond-r.c ;. .u v other routine v.or , to.^^ether. 4 :ir ■ -aw met but a fe-' ?oers, but those I have met i •.,,...-. {...r-i v.-ry mu^-^h -le-^sed ^ith. They resemole in very ,a : -avs the .shrev-d, ind hearted, religious, hon-rt and ... ,-j~v~t >]P' "n-lind lar-.ers -horn ! u.<^ed to :no-.v. years aro. -. » , -^ \ .^ r JL ' .va s - 1 1 1 1 i c ';:• o; . ,-:t . t'-e IPth. ' .vas introduced to President . h c ! e ■; cha r. ed th -^ j s:3 1 c omp i 1 ment s . . .,..' + .• on roo -as verv da r ( the President A: t-o ha cj trc ul'-^ •If-', his eyes ^nd prefers dar ened rooms ) I 'A'as u na b 1 e ■Mki ^ mm ^mtHtH^k t.^A„.i:JiL ■*^V.'W"V«f'J|W« 1 1 w*y"r.'F'*wffiwii'jifj|f.^»*" Ta s unable to see him clearly. I have now settled down Into the routine work of this office and, with a great mass of correspondence that Is now comlnj In, I have quite enou9;h to do to keep me busy all the time. Although the Government here has provisionally recognized me as United States Consul, it has been sug-jested that I should have an Exequatur whl ch , I understand, can not be ^Iven by this Government unless a Commission, temporary or otherwise, is exhibited by me. I respectfully invite the Department's views on this subject of Exequatur and Commission. I have the honor to be. Sir, Your obedient se i inclosure: United States^Consul. Copy of Cable to Department of State, December 15, 1899. w •I -^^w-f.-. r r • ^•■^ •• -- liiitaAiittiMiiiitei^ii^iitfiilllliil. *-» !■ I 1 ^11 i^lKa^i>dta_^*aiiaaMM ii«ii^ ■taiiAaihialife«Uk>^ii4k.iAd^ ^ ^Pfl' T^^.T't ;"..# 4-,,, :\A.:W\ Copy of a C^tonuDOjlt C^bl«i:slik sililt lo iho Depart sent of State »oii Deoeaber 16 » 1899* •% ^> \ HolUa to SeoetatOf Vaehliigton* J s" AtrlVed Thursday ■•I*- .rv " I : 1 , V 5 It 3 ■^■^ V, - ^ ■■ \am^tM W- U ■ XT, •"• ;\ •^:^^^ >-"\yfTnf^ ' -Y'^'-^T -^TW^:. \-rr.'' »(,•» >; ■' ■ - . ■>♦.'.. i.t : t . < ';.;< ^^ ^ ' • w •iv •• >.. r* A • f i i,' I '. ► J » » • *'. -*• T^ i. V It. » « « .. > . If i i • •.•<.• (J if'-;--. .i:»T tn "V- '**^ -'^^^- ^ _ J. ia^ ^^. 11^1 •f^TTTlF' ^ ■ WP'^^^M^-'^ >:'V ■■'>^»S» ^ ' r' «r -^ ^2^ 98. ^ofUuEote of tfU ^Joiited 9We4, P ret o rla ,S. A . R . « December 23 , 4^99. I. W.Stanley Holll's, ^o tfi« ^ejtatlmmt of SWe. fEB24 1? oKiuUct: ,4. Receipt of the ^' Mall. \iS^/\. ,, @()C^lact of ^oivtcnU. A cl;now 1 edging the receipt of sundry mall from the partment oL State, and transmitting some personal mail !lon In'^ to Consul Mac rum. ■^- '•-',, ** .. . J _i ■ .^ »». V?-* ■3SIK"' ^W Oueai2^ /cyfrK u^ TKf? ^tr^iA.cy' Ia. »"»■*» rri^^ ^y/^ . cf Jr oc^cA^ c^^^ t4.^4hr»\ p d^Z ^fCy l^M. Zl^ .^Q. H-t>CCCa ^* re^t K.i\^ K«. •WWPP*''* vTr^'»»-»(^^wnw'WTn--»r--'T^p;WT'^T'»TrWf^^ ., Jil»f!W,ip«,V"» w- "- ^r\^ ■ • ■»-r"^'T^^'''»^ ">**•"»" "•v.*"' ■jr^-rirw ¥ I 98. ^on/MtEote of lite ^^Ij^nite^ SPiole^, Pret orla,S. A .R. , December 23 , 1^9 ?• iuytal>Ee David .^Hill, ©)'v)66t»taab Qlectetaiu of CPiate, Wttjftln^, '®. "The Stave Trade/' e circular of September ^6th , relating to "Passports." alues of Foreign Coins", dated October 1,1899. 1 ree copies of the circular dated October 17th, and jlatin;- to "Bills of Health." le instruction No.'^^, ol October 26th, relatinf*; to reported otine at Johannesburg In which several Hebrews lost their \r ves. In this connection I deside to state that the lid reoort was false. There has been no riotinr, , nor Lve an' '!ebre.v merchants lost their lives in .'Ohannesbur; r in any other place In thl^^ Republic. le confl rniation" ol the tele-rair of October 2^th. >e clr<".ular dated Octooer 2^, and entitled "Corri..erclai. md Industrail f nf oriiviti on. I f le conf i r.:at ion oi the tele .rdi;Ti ol Cctooer 26th. le con: 1 rr,nti on of the teler^r,-. ox October 2^th. I I The j^ W iWm '' * M "^ "M P ' ' -^"^ :r!in ^ rm^l^i.WUm i imCl!ii^:^ - lA^^lM'irrf. .^ k^'^.VAMJML. ,wfT^^. (**, f*^»ttr •'■ jp. ■-•■ f) The Department's instruction No. 56, of October 30th, and two boo.s and lour oamphlets intended for presentation to the Surveyor General of this Republic. The ac mo^A-led^ment , dated October 31, of Consul Mac rum's descxtch Ko. M. ... i.^.rS, f .r^^l'''^' The DepartiTient 's instruction Ho.bl, relating to the stock in .'ohannesburg; of the General Electric Company. I will refer this matter to Mr. Gordon, but can assure the Department now that ail property In .'ohannesbure. is very safe indeed, this Government havins reli^Jously expelled all bad characters I roii: the country. The conf irnation ol the Department's tele-j:^m dated the t ^th of Novemb.er. ' \ ^ « « The confirmation of the Depa r^ .nent ' s tele;:nrn datecl the 2nd or -'ovember. ....... • ■ The '"vv^orts "eclared" for the quart^d endin?; .Tune 30, 1899. All of the foreoln- have \^^^v carefully noted and will be referred to liter as the occasion to do so arises. W i sh 1 n. V ou , a rd 1 h - st a : f o t th 3 P epa rt inent , t : . e .^Uf*^-* "Coiii-Uu.ents of the Tea son » t I have the honor to c -, "ir. Y ou r 00 ed 1 e nt se rv ant , 1.1 1 eo tates'^Consul . ;i u » \r ^nclo-irest I? lettors for Mr.r-!3cru:n. ■ 1 lett'M" for ?!r.Taston. .iyi.. , i,^ ■■■■—* -i--^ ■-- i — >< * <■{'■ .<». ■::»■. -..;" - ^kJ.'.^>:..J-/ '?•■ * .■v..v.r'.. ' •<;. CONSULAR SERVICE, U. S. A. - ' K ■ i* ■ ■ ^' '; ^, ' )■»;: U.S.Consulatet Pretorlaf December 26, 1899. ,.^.- • *i .■■.*" Honorable Alvey A.Adee/ ■'■V ..,,t 'f I'*!--' . , .-V 1» Second issistant Secretary of State, • ■ ' . ' Vashlngtont D.C -! Dear Sir? ' T ^ /'^^ I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 17th of 1Coverober» 1899, enclosing a letter for Major Stanley - • . 'J ■j't. »- jt . Humphery, and to advise you that the said letter has been duly ' >■ delivered through the military channels . • t , ,! i^*-' » A.. I have been here a little less than two weeks* and have been \ • busy every minute as a great lot of delayed correspondence has lately arrived. I. have also been In consultation, over r various matters, with many of the leading officials here, and have met them every day. In my opinion these Boers have been greatly rnallgned. All whom I have met have Impres^^ed me as being brainy level headed men, honest and courteous. In my opinion they resemble our own solid , Puritanical , Kew England people more than do any other race,, or r.lass,of people In the I » world. Mr.Macrum is now on his way home and will soon have the .' » opportunity to tell our people many truths about these people. >4V . *' Very truly/ yours. U. S. CONSUL, 1 . V mm S^- T-J-.|r- :^ ■^.^Tr' 7^: 1^ T .0, ■ ■» A /■ -'t .^••kV >•,. T'm?!.--, jE — -"v??-- ijr.v-f .-' '1= .r : ' " . v - » J -V— •"'■ ■f\»'". 1^.1^-T.j-- -;, • ',-f» ;./7 "»,- -< w X- s X.. „..^' «■■ *• *• -^»t f; -*,.'« ■i 'f ft % J ■ f f ..^.■-' > m * >•..- i-' \:.' ♦•U-r *>-t;:'rK ' ^ s. •> ■■' •>■• . — ^ v«. •» . * ^ ♦ r' '; :.:■ V t . J, !'..• » * . ' f •- ^ ■ .1^- f ^ p?y MJiiu vmvrrwwpmfiiffr '-^^ OF c.^^ ■■'■'■'Ti^iV'- '^ • ^o*t*utate of tile ^iKruUS oMuUft, Pretoria Z A I? n Deoember 26 » ,1*99. @t()tl. Stanley Hollist iJo tft« ^Dekattmeni cf Siole. *' 'l?r ommecl;: Heqeipt of the Mail • ^ >>^ ^ V @^»ttact of ^onUiiU. A oknourl edging the receipt of sundry inst ructions from the Department of State • --'-' fc^" . jw, >Z.A«R.« Deo ember 26 ^*% 2(€oa»aeejjj^^.^ J.Hill, ^^utartt ilecictaiu of oHate, WcuU^ton., ^. ^. Out: I have the honor to aoknovle^lgo the receipt of the following mail ftom the Department of State :- The oohfirmation of the Department 's telegram of Nov. 7th, 1899. The confirmation of the Department *s telegram of Nov. 7, 1899, ( relating to Major Capel &c.) The aoknowledgment of the receipt of Consul Macrum's despatoli number 67. The aoknowledgment ^of the receipt 6f Consul Macrum's telegram of November 8,1899. The aoknowledgment of the receipt of Consul Maorum's despatch number 65 . The Department's instruction No. 58, of November II, 1899 The Department's instruction No. 59, of November II, 1899 The acknowledgment of the receipt of Consul Macrum's telegram of November 10,1899, relating to British pris- oners. All of the foregoing will receive my careful attention ajid consideration. I have the honor to be. Sir, Your obedient servant .S.CONSUL. / ; y • • f I • ^ JL • • me^^nr W^^ ■ 4. '-^^ mmmm^^^^'^m ^gftmtmmmttmk •^T C^^rl^^'^^^^ \; / . i\ ^ortwiEoU of tlU United fftaU*. P tet rl a . S.I.R. , D#o«ii>tr 20 .1»9 S e §)(ti. I.StaAlty lollls. ?ro lfc« "©ekatlmmt of SWe. I V WAR 10 1900 * # H- /^ R«o*lpt oX HtpoTtt f roB the DepartMiit of A^rloultur*. V'-.)> •/ ^orvMiEote of tfte United dWeft.Pretorla^ S.A.R. , December 31 , 4*9^ . g^i.W. Stanley Hollis* 9k) ifce IDcJuiUment of SWe. 'il MAR 10 1900 ^;^ ••-• QKif>lect: Messenger* Reporting that the old messenger left the serylce of this Consulate and that I have hired a new one. / ^ /. r7 ^-- oMo. 101. ^ooMifole of \kt United SiaUi, Pretoria, S.A.R; » Deoenb«r 81 , 1^99. ^o»votj;ee diTld «|*]|in. ^^^^.^utont aieei«laiu of oJiatei WoiKin^, "15. '' "I" ii^^ppaM«pii» *.' «i>i qNo. 102. ^otvMiaU ©j' tR* ^»nited SPiote^, Pretoria » S.A.R. * January 5, 1900. Toy ^otvotatte David J.Hi 11 » ^^utarti Qiectelaiu of o/iate, WiuRin^to,.. ID. ^. i)i.t: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department's telegramy as per copy enclosed. The State Secretary has informed me that the Government of the South African Republic will be pleased to receive an officer of the United States and will show him all the honor and respect due to him as an officer and a citizen of the United States. This I have telegraphed as per copy . I have the honor to bey Si r, Tour obedient servan Enclo sures: Copies of telegrams: Hay, to American Consul, Pretoria, Dec. 27th, 1899 HoUis, to Secstate, Washington, Dec. 30,1899. |i >*iii i . .i*i. "A — I ( f ,^Jn i C.J '-^ jiwr T^r-TTTT-w ■A - 't ■ I 1^- •«- ^T •:-'^-T^- Y UNITED STATES CONSULATE, PRETORIA, S. A. R. Copy of telegram received on December 29, 1899, from the Department of State. Washington, 27th. Hay to American Consul, Pretoria. Ask permission for officer United States Army accompany Transvaal armies during present campaign. A true copy *-'f^ $ '^"T*^ ' »"■■ ■ ■■ — ^- 'f -^-^ RMI "^ "TT- • ■-■*-_•• r-'-y*'j,' I- UNITED STATES OONSULA'ic, PRETORIA, S. A. R. DtceasbT 30t 1899# Cory of an offiolal telegran) sent to the Department of StatK ilollls, to SeostatGi Washington. TransTaal GoverniFent pleased to receive American rmy officer* A true cop3r United St at0 Conaul .^^r.^iJUkm - I - » 4 ..'y » .-» ^ t; 7)0 \; 1 • uitaU of dte ^^ISnitcd 9!taU4, P ret rl a , S.A.R,, January 8* 1900 S^t. V.Stanley Rolll«, ?To tR« ^chattnujnt of SWe. MAR 8 1900 oKiuUct: Seizure of Flour by the British Reportine the details of the fMzure of sundry cargoes of AHerican flour by the British authorities in South Africa. -t- ijjii.»|ii»inii |;^« II I n il »m m T -«»>'*«M^- - Ml ft i^i ' li ^tgpw>ii M > I HUM MiWMBM«-*aH*>w«ltfM« I IW IPIPPIIIWIllWllii I I'll oNo. 106. ^on^uiate of tfce ^mted dW«&, Pretoria* S.A.R. , January 8» 1900. ^ /f^. ^on^t4il>£e DaTld J.Hlll. ^.%utaixt oicelelaiu of a7iate, Wa^irt^, ^. ^. a) It: I have the honor to report that I have received f roa Mr. H.Dolo, in charge of the ll«S.Con8ulate at Lourenoo'lfarquez» a telegram as per copy enclosed* In reply to this telegran I hare this norning telegraphed to the Department as per copy of telegram enclosed* Ever since this flour was seized I have endeavored to learn the details of such seixurest but they have been Jealously guarded by the British authorities and by the British steam-ship companies. The Dutch agent of the steaik^ship conpanies' at Mairquez has been kept quite in the dark as to these t tions and proceedings on the part of the British authorities All I could learn in this connection was reported in my despatch f rom Lourenco lf&rquez» IclOQ* of : November £» 1899. I have the honor to be» Sir, Tour obedient servant » \ -J^J^^r^^^^^i^^, Onit e^JlFta t at es Consul. Enclosures : Copies of telegramib: rrom Department of State, received Dec. 30, 1899. To Department of State, sent Jan. 3, 1900. J^rom Mr.Dolo,Lourenco Narquez, Jan. 3, 1900. \u Dolo UNITED STATES CONSULATE, PRETORIA, 8. A. R. Copy of a telegram received from H*Dolo» In oharge of the U.S.Contulate at Lourenoo Karquea» December 50t 1899* to American Coniu It Pretoria. Receired this morning from Washingtoht Ascertain facts concerning seizure flour Ray. The above Is a true copy. United States f ■-: '^•mi »(^ T" |i"!m"i.^BI(wiii|j iifnpp '-IMll»ll«(WT Wl^:" ' ' \ :l|.' fl«)^.«>"'»' i|ii|iifiM«i;r \u3tcv ^ "3*-^/% -f -' " ^' i / 'y r '■' .*•> y - ^ w, »p|,j^i^ W^WVixr ^:^^^.-^^^c^y^e<^z*^ fo. 104. ^oivwiCate of tfte ^nik^ S!tate4, Pretoria, S.A.R. ( t • / \ 1 K\ » \ ;v '.^ §<()t. W. Stanley HoUis, January 4,190Cj./fi^- . \JQ tRe '^DcKattment of OlWe. ^MAR 8 1900 , * -^:.: "• -^ oKtulect: The General Electric Company. fe 0' K'' , t.^ ^^t (T^ \ @()&^tact of %o»ite»vU. Reporting that the property, in Johannesburg, of the above mentioned company is all right. s ilMMMaaWlMMliH*! ^MHHiMiiiiiiiiiM oNo.104 ^ofV4u£ate o[ tR* ^fcriite^ dialed, Pretoria, S.A.R. » January 4, 1900.,^^ . oSotvotaSte David J.Hi 11 , *4u\taitt o^ect'etaiu of opiate, '''l"''«" '■ Wn.JP«P r'' ' ' Mi»i> fJ"|l,'LJHVIW"^*r^^.w^,,l!^lf^npi«^W^ Copy The South African General Electric Company, Johannesburg, December 30,1899 W.D.Gordon, Esq. , U.S. Consular Agent, Johannesburg Dear Sir: With reference to our conversation this A.M. re Gen- eral Electric Go's, property in Johannesburg, I beg to inform you that up to the present our stock is absolutely intact and I have every confidence that it will remain so during the present crisis. There is of course a possibility of stock being commandeered for the mines at present worked by the Government, but I hardly think they will commandeer from us being American Subjects, a fact which we advertise very freely with flags and posters, besides which there are a number of British firms in town who are carrying a much larger stock than we are. I am keeping our store on Commissioner Str. open six hours daily more for appearance than for business, that being prac- tically impossible at present . !7ou can assure our directors at home that every means pos- sible will be taken to protect their interest in Johannesburg and at the Coast; in case any unforseen circumstance should ar- ise I will immediately communicate with you. I remain. ( signed ) Yours faithfully, J. F. LEA. / , * a' c- ■ v-\ ^otiuJlaU d tfU ^Jviuted SfiaUi, Pretoria, S.A.R,, January 5,190(4^ . §t(}t.W. Stanley HolUs, %) \fie ^ejuitlmcivt of SWe. ^AR 9 1900 ^•^ti^ omoiect: The American Attitude In this War. %\.tAi. |if The British press has endeavored to embitter the feeling between the Americans and the Afrikanders. The Boer character. My relations with this Government and with these people. How the Boers have regarded the United States. The true cause of this war. * America's Interests, present and future. In South Africa. ■fHiMMvMMIl. _.^..^.^1I.<..^A I. ^K. oHo.105. ^^wvMiEote of tR^t ^niub aPtaie&, Pretoria, S.A.R. , January 5, 1900. , X ^ 9%^', SfonotoMe David J.Hill, ^^i.'vwlarU- Q/eetetatu of cdiate, ' ■"'^■'•P"" ol^o. 106. ^^onMitaU of \kt ^^^imAU^ 9We4, Pretoria, S.A.P.;^ January 5, 1900. //fi^z. ^onoiotEe David J. HI 11, ^^AAi^lcin-t o/cciclaUi of oTlate, (n)KuR;.t^u>.i, ID. <^g. a)ti: I have the honor to transmit to the Department two letters written by a neighbor of mine, Mr.Paul Marb, and addressed to Mrs. Saunders, 366 Fulton Street, Chicago, 111., also the following articles: « Pipe. ; Knife. Tobacco box. Chevron, Bandage wrappings. These Mr.Marfe took from the body of M. Saunders, a British soldier, killed In battle near Ladysmlth. Mr.Karfe. who Is a kind-hearted, chivalrous Boer - as are all of his countrymen - has asked me to forward these few relics to the widow of Saunders . This I now do, through the Department, and trust that my action in so doing will meet with your approval. I have the honor to be. Sir, Enclosures: Relics, and letter our obedient ^servant, ^ A /i^./^ A'yyy^"^ o.s. consul. I ^■"•-^■^^ •^fmrnm^ mm ^^^^"•^"ipp mmr / •» !i mi i>*«ii.iinij ~ ' ■ > . HI I >ii^ liW '»!W » i 1 111 ■ 1 imm^'^mimm '■ppnp******''''*'''**** //'■ /!^iV^^/Sc* .■^ui6£e David J. Hill, ^^i^tarvb Q/cct€laiu o[ cyiate. WcuU^, ^. ^. oHt: I have the honor to transmit, here^rith enclos- ed, to the Department, a dommunioation, in Dutch and English, that I have received from the Government of the Orange Free State, with the request that I forward it to the Department of State, I have the honor to be, sir. Your obedient servant. United ^Sjwites Consul. >miiru Orange Free State. * - c W"JV • mi m^ ""mw ^^mm^'-^i^ m ' / V!;v^ * /> ' n\ ' GouvemoiaBnts Kant o or. ;- R yl :- 7 Bloemfontein^ 50. DooemlMr* 1899 Welld. Oeetreng© Hear ! Op last van ZHEd. den staatspresl- dent, h©b ik de ©er Ued. Oeatreng© hiemorens toe te zenden af- Bohrlften van een© telograflBche coigrespondontio , door ZHBd« ge- voerd met ZEd. Q68trenge den Oeneraal van de Legeimaoht van H. U* de Konlngin van Erigeland en Oroot Brlttanje, thans in ZulA Afrlka, met betreXklng tot het gevangen nemen van Dr. Rans'bottom en zytio \ ond^jrhoorlgen, verbonden aan eene onzydlge Ambulance Korps, ondor de bepalingen van de Geneva Convent!©, ingerlcht ter verpleglng van gewonden, en In verband met het in beslag nemen van al het ma- | terlaal en baggage aan gemeld Korps behoorende, Het Is de wonsh van ZHld, den Staats president, dat Ued. Oo8tr©ng© d© e©rst© g©]©0Bnh©id zMlt t© baat nemen om d©n inhoud van de comelde ccrro8pond©nti© t©r K.©nniss© t© br©ng©n van d© Hoog !!d©l© R©ge©rini:, door U©d. Q©8tr©ng© alhier v©rt©genwoor- digdf m©t ©©n b©l©efd versoelc na t© c^^an in hoe verre de handeling aan den kant van de Brltsohe Regeetlng e©n© schonding is g©wv©8t van d© Internationilo v©rpliohting©n, door d© Oonv©nti© van Gene- va aan hare leden opgelegd, en indien noodig toevonden, zoodanige maatregelen te nemen, die wenschelylc mo gen worden geacht ter voor- Kaminp[ van eene herhalini?: van eene daad. die door ZHid, als on- 1 ^ rechtmatig wordt beschouwd. WelEd. Gestrenge Heer } A. Elliott, s41aire Agent voor de Vereenigde staten van Noorri Amerilca, Blo©mfont©in • Het ■^""^^mtm 1P^W»»WP»" Het Is noodeloos Ued* Oostren^o do verzekering te r;oven, dat, afgeschelden van het ongerlef en ongemak aan het personeel van het Ambulance en angst aan syne famllle betrekkln- gen veroorzaalct, de gewonden soowel aan onze zyde als aan den Kant van de Brltsche troepen, die in onze handen waren gevallen, het « gemlB van behoorlyke geneeBkundlie verpleglng en mlddelen ten zeerste habben gevoeld. Ued. fleetrenge de verzekerlng ge- vende van rayne biusondere hoogaohtlng. heb Ik de eer te zyn, Ued • Oeetrenee's. Dlenear , uverneraentB Secretarle FT -viv^a^Hii^piarwi" ^^F>«»"-^l^»W •^■■•P^^^wp^F^w-wi^HWipmppppvi -IPPP^^^^PPW A m Aap Sti'AtSprwsi^^iit 3«^»raiil alot-^fontdit.. ^ftij^jpst^Aa . gMil*xi ftict* TEA h»b vci^tnc^•l: la lai id hct *•» ^uast r4&i7^a<»o •enl«« iC'lloibilng cxtr*nt h^m van u te ftogao OAt^r^intfttB l« :• f* : * : « t«. i- |« t- |» !• |« j« i- f « u A « n &iaatspr«i»id«txt , & w«on4^Lv0r , ^(.« 137. Ij: hi;> -in c€£ xLt 0£rtvL.bj;st tif eraiiUb^iv &i< '^ Aii Uh&im l»l«gc^a« v»^ v^uti w* x^Of iji''*«r . li r>t^ K.;ilg •:iadis#/:&u& ii> ti. ioii.i< im ••! (ie.'t ult:tli» f.at:»(l(;:i n. i;3iC«cfeet«tlti« wee. VtrACtutiyi^it lUicir 'va,a;ttau2* /an A % b 6.?isr !♦ id, «tji0^ »«^t JjC v.'<> ^•iruadiMi aaax A&a^fttad ,i£v|(, cu ^rf. si; a»ii. .#.;.:»»« ftl^u soc spo^di/ «« t«x» e«^ Aatbuiaoea AaoAia-» Siageu #o di* danrcA. tbt uu tec ▼i^r/lsd «ord»Qt Dr. ^a-a^otituL, uwcfd d\it A^baiaijcc, DaAtt^r* -^idaeii, /&oiti.k-ii^ •tsf ^ft 1 i: A A 4 r> :.^"^««f^»|p.^! ■*'^n|«,f''*\ '"■'^ t^vw'~n •'iy\- 93w^* • ;.' WTfvw^ "ir II ^ i %. > 1 » i •.::>' >. I ill J ^» •■ *>* H- » 1 *: , 1 « k t«' k-- ' -4 t * i'\ « * . ' / d» . k.^ v^ H. V # - A kJ 1 i «« - ^ A i V '. • * * - i»!V/ t ^ ^ ., . i^ CI .•> # ; *\ : \ \ * .. . ..^ /. : 4 i iiiiV .1 i » 4 • ** , X^.uleiJ* > 4: ',T • - i» i . -' , >■• •• « ^ A ,. 1 ' r c^ -'' - ,i ft « It « • . ■» • r • «« X • <- I « t ^ 9 -N ,» I •: .i;' '. V i^ « « / i w » ^ V--. 1 ft« r4.-? Jl fan A {^ *4 f! r <4 ift If ( npC.".V^-*f% Avv^/.c^;d^:rv^3 *Ct>-«i: cf r^^rr-^^ t *"** !'• «-^^ I>okti;fB •^•- :.-,e^i-^ chai'j'tu OTtd^^r ^a'-.t fc^oout^ &rui«^ "#iii uit /ic;>^r border, tj: din ^i>Oto- *» i^ kivi^li ,. UcLl '.iu t 01 .^ t i ;: \ - 1: M:d ' :. • :r . *▼ /.. iuat cii.j -aii^u^ cAi:^ c i^ft c t ^^ ^'^^'i - 1^ '* ^^ ^>^' ^* J^*^ * ^^i*'*'-' « V « > . «'••! 1^^^ v4 «>%4''" »^ k ^ u 4.)ru 1 ttf ^.u. ctr r*ri*-i;:h nj.. - i > ■« • "Sv-;.?:^ 4*i k.4:i - Ht.^l «L>fd«£- h^»Cll-CJ«Ci* l-l-t-i-i* J • :- t-:- t ? t. t ii ^x: w u »• « r a •) i. *• ib tei iii I f." I... V,- 1' , Au^l^A ^i.^: a:- t i: >. . I .Mj^slui^i: 7«ui t/U^Av./i siJL. L; vlllcl ie ii«i ^^Tfirl o7vr ii« ^ yf^ejv 'UC r-'i;;! i ; 4 wi^vi^..^ fucir^i ^^ vwr4:<;>cct %;«i'iwiUAi.. 'C^c. ^ UU4i . t^ zjt;i liL ic vlww.v I '^ iuL i:;.^ TTV r "I SkA ..^?>*»4rA-^ rf k' iL ^ t ...ui;n z ^-^xa ^ y kAi G#i)brikiul^ i^< ft^Iiitd^hMT d#r uflcir^cUtf rrOw^>it.i., hliikl SLU^ 6 I^'v, . ' cr • li«irl a& acr u dsax r. %^^'^r^u vcjox U« T' i<^w;;riL;^ 6 uu'Zdi^ ▲#B« Lii iva^i^i4^ d^.«k: li\ :4iWii^a i:ij<« ;• i' Je^'jl>h9Ctti it&li^lf^^iOi^ftll* £^f • KHift l; ^ < liv-i ;^^Liiik;.a '^^^ dr Oranje /rlJaiLant tt.n d«r p»rtij^«/ ultaamct imn ,i-. .*.\.".;;vo Loi-v '.i. ;-;*. . cln^«l/,« 1 . r :♦ \ T. y :. n ^^dr a ^ ^t ^l . ili acr «• o t fc/^; eft iA « . i 1 ' a uv . I • ^'ltv.^;.d rr^f^^, ul^ :.Xi ^ t' ./ .;ti • x 1 j 'Jili,' 4.A . i . ' * m , '. ^^ ^ tCv.t \r •;>:'*♦'.' Uj h^^t .^. , w^i .a;. ; w .^^i^^^.i I iic.l Oi r. nt.ii^t '.M • :r.^r:'tj:it ;.'.iw'>%Ji -ij-i .♦*'*i--^<^r vrvr^jiit :a i..*. iAc ' oi&rotte icorp^i oudor Lr • Rac^^ibottoir tt^rug :.% r«v«^^^# i* ^ ^'^^' ^^* 4.a\ vi'^t cCt.:/r ,/wiJitt nr^.M Jir. r . f '.i t '^li» ^u i:i;::w)i- .>!- pt^riiOi^iill.TJi vertl^iS ^ r 1. i^v cr luniwtc iti^ .1 I. / ri'>ti>a \vj^ cijur bifiheucii.^ «:. :'ctikx>» ii: uuc;r a-i ri'.i»t.Ni; .iiiovirv . i. tiiOt I «-f-i .v i. 4i>'^ ii«vrO't.r Li) xl^i^t^t x: :.* t u l»^r •>:• i ril > t , .v. J/ a lit vjii-. ^t ^ w^ J' / .:•:<: r ToOZ ii ^ '. fci^, ::o- 10 -Jv v^ .1 -j ulvl , ^i*^ witrcnt d^ fiUfiracT:, ai >; 1<,1U j;;u 1 4>i« D^ -4# l.Cri>Ci%t dtUla A^' ultOlOtr 0OEL€trt f^fssviili^ ' n tw , K 1 . . : ir <^o.u dLv^ .UCUv; e4 a«:.i>r '^.w >Iiw;iaw4.v A i LUwr 1 1 01 ^^ii • A H Q -* - i. i^« •;.*«» L J^ ^, I W art 4.i^ <*'»^ 1 ;; ^u l\^ . 1 1^ I . * ^ ' < ^ '? ■ «> C»NJI I 1 • 4 «J f « vi.. LcrcrCv* ::-.i 4^e« ^ r ^ % I < ^ \ . :: J.f t ' • i^^. *»": v a L C'.-*." cr ^^ 'ix - Ji « I ^ 1/ » j ^ « »,^ /u.; . t 4. /^iiC *>^i;rr— / w*: -^j 1 . y&fci (: fc n <^ r a e. I , 32 I'cc»rh^-T • He*-- d» * r fr tr ' '"•uuo:. C v ). , i oi^;,r4Lai vr.n t,i«terAii liro&d 6t> t^loftv oa tv. •;ii;«oorilo::< t./t oudot 2.0')iit def s%iik« f^trouv fi*i or au u«eu verder ve.rsulu:: iiAl sijn* X.. »cii«oii tur uwuf jlquuX* te br€rB« 4k ^xi: iia:. Titer jcison;^!. ilc* 7oor.&7cu tct hew 4r.cci» iiruiib vi; ^tthcforeu^ .U.tT i.t: di. sla riy G •©;• !.%!>. *i|; *TaiiCiJ.i«K» ^'-. r^.-.vi oyv«l5rpi>d&, dla blj Lwviaitii^niuf • Id iuv J ttcbtt^r vcr/. ^.('.r<;>u due Um^ dcod^a du ^gMoc^d^it :.; ; . >-;o.v:-ii.J : :'!; . -t ' hai ott^ Cia; laei lot a©r j«woi.d«i* Aon Keidfr i i « c v«i J.ftc^ii...i, Www »4.i.l :k .*{[/r9 wauiUoudiu «.4 \ ^ig tot u^ Slilji iz«kcbtun r«tttubrd'a,«Aiirbij zij tiii* iiigoiijfd tii: .\ajird. or iu Lr >■ iiij?ta.e'U. ut vl^'j^.^ <*.u «crd«r ..^eriy^old a!i uIwtoc- uciiu/, oovtlA voorj^i>:* in i>9Lrik^s9utt B viU4 di«t Cor>ventl2t e>< i he { ;;/.^wuvf Or. , u«« c uv^ «u> , ^.Ic r^e^ji ic- ^^enciil.i is faultier, ua*^!) t^s^t •la.g*-' ^ v> f iit. Cc -1 Jtjcu veri;laaitiiur ic-Zi h-s^ t^ hQ^u%^)Lru. tt ffli«.c^ Crfrviji ij ifi^rt^ow oi>i; X- ^ v(i iw ul.ti^'l • . 1^ '. tw i;ciii^4i: vw'C^a^niu tavr^ui I a.lj ^vMA Dr« fAo i ii# $ ^ct v-.fi /ftXCi*Jt*u^ uv HvJOfi Jci^^JOttrlUiAAJ ^'; uliXclar Viiii i. ^XCU0 ^&iuis ''* ^ 'il .. i.c*^ ^ ^^r/ *. vii o^ .li Z '^ ; « O T. / • . t .. » ' fci. t, i . ; i 1 li^^ ^ •t:. (ov*r ulj xl'^n ti:i4ia^4, di- tt-i:. h^i^^ •. ^? ' -i. i .^ vi 1 * - o> V If-^ -. 1 . t* 1. ^M .^..itcr iu^uo *r.^r^t«i» I.V t -.j.J'oc:!wa ^-lil h^.i? i ttll tt VO^t^Bt *'\i j k ' • • . • I , V» » '• i;ui .i , i^iijwur 4 ^#uri^^ 1 ^ ¥.14. fii^v ti«4>ou etOi-mttrU haBcixo\2yiimG^ . •- « ivr. bl'.v^rii^ ;ia-x 'a*\ Lvxil licsti».aikl o^r ^c slcu cjl Dr # ^^rm^js* ^^^u. . If.: ^.ijii mut\. iii.'rr :t«i*# UUiit acid ^i'.* .i^^anin ;^o^fi704: u4i. ail*:^ ri ^ I- ; 1x ii^i Afi>r vercllcar xou zl^u als ti ) frlj •r&^^l2 ^llat It^ter. » *. '4ord^w^ /.'J J^^-r vc-'>^^J Tiar.-t:. 4oeatan uuen oa tt 4 uar naar Kaapstad t? vcrtrukkeu. Ik vro*g hcwi daarop i eldfr aaibulaucqa > «i tA ^ vai; e&uau Sic»&t, dia ae&I u*aii.t In da 3auevc -> ir/«>iiti£r, Sri ' j^ag-'Vaiiffau n g.eiiosLau, , liocrdde Llj ook "Jh**. Ik L*3b g««iu aadfir wootd fftet bttir (^^mtlaaald* . HI ,j Lijii dlai\ av^Q^id uiat vertru^kbi; aaar Wfel atta voL^ondcri:. ziorgao. tfrijdb^^) /ocr mIj vt^x irokJCfctu cut^oo tL ik Eapitais Roaa, die Krij^a- uouiAiaaaxlA v s^u d6 6taf la. Ti. \titttldt hem dat d^i bahacdallng ona ^..^t^oiaun vol^'doa cijn or^nlc, o.'<^ d» Aar It Deidc illtutsw riltulgii;U, \<*u dca A^r werden irij deu . ue.iv. uu^ oai mo i. dto tt<:vau;:.attaA iu a« a «>ii aiiuarc mscciwU, Gu^e koffia wirrd ons gabracA : u^tr^ tt^. oud brood ii; /.o^itiiiviu. /.ti. i^i i^i Aai raladan «1) vader isi -Aj: ttui, cl'^ rl^c w&r.'i ;ichuou ^^i^usiLii., aihOwAt:^ «r u;iuaLt.Qa ^it>ti i:>a^.ieta rlj C Jl.-t.-dJi Jt^^xaic ., Waai li ^It^L ^k.&«Lglar baV0Ci4 ( .-. I iMdii hi. ■'rai '^■1 a V cr,.azt.ido:;. oua lu afr {.rum, ua LLuanw jsdea:^ «arca ^1 ii. :.:.eci; g&^ « ' .. ifdei. uavon^d it: S uor. I . I ♦: L ' I 1 /#lf b-A^paii^j^ 'at Do^lvi.- ii. cur^ ^xt->3^ rlj ui^j^tL'. /)tj;>:.i .'^wru \c*X'^o*.<. »5 I- t f iotoi ia ^'Jcala ^v ^- rui^ uy. -.r dt? ..&?jit ::. '.vl-ru wi,; - » '■ ' '-"' ' ■ttr--^'>- \ I 4 J • ' 13 > \' .« I u : « : > i A urv-4 j> •,1* > . i, '' K • . ; . • - . I lb iKJ J i V t . '-■ I 4 ^ 'iS i <-.' : u • w i ju ; f .J . 5. . '. • .J . ; U I ui 5 . J ^- .3 i i i 1 Iw. » i ,* ^ » -^ fc 1 • .. I i J j: I 4 -J' ^.^. »> I J . I, i « •: . 7 ^fi- 1^ «»>*pr T . . i > 1 w- ■ ' , -ci -i I.' i t» J .,■, ** ; ■ > V' *? * <>• ; .4. • r^* vj y • ^ ^'' i V. I* . » t J ^ .»■■ v 4J i^> i 4 V . ■■ . ,*-<•' •* > . '1 :/ > i 4 'Tl' ; ' •' t \> « ' r » * t .. o » . f,' ♦ 4i X: i .VI; •. .] *t > Tv i ft I t' , .-. i ^ -' 4^J< * * 10 . Ij.. IC J ^ . «' -v ^ J J ; A V. I t i /» V 1 - , r 5-c '■-* a I 'i^ J £ * *i ^. *-^ * -• ^ ♦. . >v i«„ ^ A^'«-.i^v A V* y J-f * • > V .' V . ' \ I i '^ c C 4 1 :; V ' L ■> » ;iJbi. ». i » *v. V K f „ ..vi . »./ i. 4. C o jL ^Jtfl'^ v« 1 J. i I Ui • .' wi I » t .:.jjbi '.V. j^ I vii_- [. .>'. .i tl .'. i-L; .;i V . V ) \ w^i «4 l r>' .. \ . i ♦ ) 1 t . ^ 1 * . 1 t I i » : i 1 ^ w M k ^\i^ ..A * I •- ^ « I m > wM/ 1/ tf, , • I i^ •;! •4---^, l^"' \ ■J -.0 i4 > *■ ►v ^ I . » -*i ilc^ • J • J >i*i3-i^ ^'^ *»^ a^" # .?iJii:. I ... r / '.'^ W4U « v^ . iL ^4:» \ * *- »- ' > »w V • ^ • '^ . • * • 1 ^ t l - - • -i f • I 'I 1 Kj f i •' . ^^ ^ • ^ >. 1 « !;.,«; ' • r» k -■* ) .' 1 J *-• .1 • • • J. :i • • •> I • ♦ 1 IV - ♦ • ^ . \ •4 »- • Ai-//* »'J 1^ V • V' %l w ^j •*. I . It't <. Vil ii r ct » - » » ;/'. x.!"/ ; L.A- ^^rf 4' oj \ ^ '• ' -'■ . iik i I r iiE ' t • I -?-:-;':->;-; t :- ;-^ r rA a A ii r. > c ii rt r a J I , b t ^« b t ft {. r e 5 1 i . Jon ^'j^' ' i . r *7 •.'•^r i r^-f.r ^ £, ^,^. I;, rjiit^.v- i ^:.» S.i L; t^ . r ^it ^ ..' a*; l^^^r, 4 •/.'. ' i: O.U.I/OVC Ic J i: » I "IJ e< ^^ .- . c cc5ur vrAriit».*:aLouaiuu a^ ;*i L i u*-^ ; . ci j: ^c* fi^ utvli {x iR^jv^^r- t, % . . ; vi>::m^.%A- tiecriL/t .etrutieu ^Ui.'Lr;* ^giw^wi. '. ••^^tic^t.^. xe - - J , : ^^:A. :«. .i;>..f:.n .!#. ':'-• ^^-c:*.!.' L . ^ a- ' ,-: ^ar i' d: l3^. c ^rilito ^ I ^v'• ^ ., .. > .r 'M^: *•:' ;;« ^'f-o*' 'i^ ' .c-!', ^r,l'^ > .^.-c^C'^'-'iV f-* ^ . •'^t-^ :««i;; *:0 V v; ' I .. '^ J^J it ^ • • * l-> .\ i'^. ' i ' /> *, t .. • W wi ti.-*^.^, ^1 t V 7.,*i».4.^ /!l;^ f^r ^ J ^ i-jivk'll v.\c:r«iLij 1 a:ii w/*-io ^i. :* • !-:.:-.;- I- tkii '^5^»: r ^#^i C* '^ '^ 4 «ft « •'^ A • ; c, 1 t^ i ^ I ix^M^ . i: 'jii » i>«« V ^ - *-'4 • t '. 1 .1 -; 'xO^.' I : ? tJ 7'' C-: t «. . - u V>fc .* - i /. ^,^«:.- Jijl .'iC ; ipi ,: j^ ce^ri--t. ^u •.: vtiu»- V u %: 4^ i. V ? o w I <; . V w- % i . ., ^ ^ X w— /•' t •• : • f ' aC ' C^^ '•^•t.. .. 7i' i -^wu , iw •Wi *.' • ^ •' '.1 ."i — ^tr ii^L.^- :.> . li k-i • • t * ;i . w ^ - : , ^ ♦ « w . < T il '.i r , *i-i. - J- :-!-:-»- ; - J- . ^ i. *? I I ll * r> » • v^ f *-' ^ * > • I t , "^ ■f ih .^inj • * i^ .^ ' • .,„»if^ ^^:n*>^ » 'X i3JJ- - *^ •f ' i^ J d t ^ ^ '' ^ ♦ .i^u 1 • •.#:>*- t '♦• • « ' *v u I n ,» < .r ^' 1 «3? *■ -^ > ir M 4 **^ •1 ' J \ • « » • « f » -«. "^ -^ % '« 1C» • ) «» *« i / « . » • » n ^ I i i •. t ^ J » , ^ ' * c s tt5 . ^<^^;5 t ' •• < ^ t *• . ) 4 .. * $ ' • i i r * . f / .■ . I '« ; . a .-v : i I'-i U' < - ♦ r i j:. '» ^d *» ^ '^-' 4 K> t ^ V \ •<-: ►*M ; ^ ^ 1 ii u ) * * . > -• ^ f t -^J » :*. .1 ,- ^ t - t . » « , • • Jr. •. ^ • » f « -i -• . J . k. <■ i *.' K » «. • 4. * 4 >4 Government Offices Bloemfontein 80 December 1899. Sir, By direction of His Honour the State President I have the honour to enclose copies of a telegraphic correspondence exchanged between His Honour and hia B Excellency the general of the forces of H.M. the Queen of England and Great Britain no» in South Afri- ca, concerning the apprehension of Dr Ramsbottom and his subordinates belonging to a neutial ambulance corps under the stipulations of the Geneva Conven- tion, fit up for the treatment of vfounded and in con- nection with the confiscating of all the material and luggage belonging to the above mentioned corps. It is the wish of His Honour the State President that you will avail yourself of the first opportunity to communicate the contents of the above mentioned correspondence to the Honourable Government, here re- presented by you, with a kind request to investigate in how far the act on the side of the British Govern- ment has been a violation of the international obli- gations imposed by the Geneva Convention upon its members, and if found necessary totake such measures as might be deemed desiiable to prevent a repetition of an acti which is considered unjustified by His Honour. It is needless to give you the assurance that. not considering the inconvenience and the hardships caused to the peisonnel of the ambulance and the anxiety to their relations, the wounded on our side as well as on the side of the British troops who have fallen in our hands, have felt vei-y heavily the want of proper medical treatment and medicines. I have the honour to be etcj I sg I Bl Ignaut . Oovernment Secretary, / A. Elliott Esq. Consular agent etc Bloemrontein. - -^^t -^- M From T o .tepresident General, Bloemfontein, CapeTown, 3oth« November. After the battle at Mudrivier the day before yes- terday Dr, Ramsbpttom, Head of the Ambulance with Doctors Voortman Bidwell and Krause went to the battlefield in the execution of their ordinary duties and since then they have no* returned as nothing has been heard of theii I will esteem it a favour if you •f' will give me any information npgardihg thenu • •••• ••••• • • From To -neral. Statepresident, Cape Town, Bloemfontein. icbr. find. No. 387. I beg to aclmowledge your Honours wire of 30th November. I am making enquiries and will communicate result* From T o General, Statepresident, Cape Town. Bloemfontein* brd. Decbr. No. ^92. In cpntiniiatipn of my telegram No. 387 . The Doctor referred to accompanied Boer wounded to Cai>e Town in yester day, 8 train frpm Modderriver* • • • • F r om T o tatepresident General, Bloemfontein. Cape Town. grd. December. I acknowledge with thanks your telegrams of pester- day and today* As the latter makes mention of one Dpctor, who went to Cape Town with Boer wounded I would be glad to receive further information at your earliest convenience regarding all the Doctor* and ambulance men, who have hot returned, as the wives and relations are naturally anxi pus about them. The following are the names of the Doctors who went to the battlefield after wounded, and who have been nassing ever since:- Dr. Ramsbottom, Hesui of Ambulance, Drs. Bidwell Voortman, Krause, Mangold and Bosmah, their assistance ajid staff. Request the favour of an early reply if ppssible today* • ••••• ^ • • • • • • • • •••• ji o T ,1 j3 1 e n 8 O 010 1% »tn9bj:8eiqe^£, I have the h o nou^j:^Jn6^9<^rtrc to noiJ-uoexe srfJ^ nj: bleilsJJJ-jsd srfJ oJ- dnsw ssu^iX hriis IlewfciS B^ ..benaufvtei (ton ©v^ii "^erfJ" nerlJ- sonia hxijs aez^ub yuafiibio lisrfj- 11 loemTont^f^ 8nJ:£)i^S**i noi&Btnrzoliii \nB em evig II±w • _« • ^_ • o T ,d"n9.bJ:a9'xq9J6Jg m o 1 'I »ale¬meoLE , I filer.! nwoT eqjsO rfJOo "io siiw eiuonoH iuo\; 9Sl)9lworDfo£ oJ aed" I .T8S .oW ,tn2 •icfc •J'Iu89i Svj'jsoinxjiimioo ILiyi bnjs 89i:Tiupri9 anijfBin hlb I .'i9cfinevoPI o T , JTi9i} X8 eiqeuBu 2 •nxed'notfueoIS m o 1 'i ,X J3 1 e n 8 n.woT gqsO srfT . V8o .oK niaiael9J- yai ^o noxJfijjniJ-noo nl .265 .oW •'icfo9Q .fcio 'i9vtE9"^ ni nwoT eqjoO oJ^ i)e>iDr£jjow tboS bexnaqmoooji o« beiislei locfood .iGvxTiJ^Jbl5oM moil nxjBrru s ^TiiSi) o T •nwoT oqsO mo 1 'i on9iDX8 91Cr9Jjij2 •nxsJ-noloieoIfl -10^^3911 *io aiii6i99l9vt iuo\ sjLnjBilJ- rfJx/r 9ab9lwornios I ,'i9d"m909CI .bit; Jnaw oflw tiOvtooCI enq lo noxJnem sssism 19v+J"bI 9:1*^ 8 A •Y'S^O"^ ^^^^ Y-*5^ igrfuiixl 9\ X9091 oJ b£la od £)Iuow I bebnuow i9oa rfJ-xw nwoT 9qjsO oJ- aToJooCI Qflo IlB snxLiBSsi 9onein9vnoo oaexlijss inox «tj3 noxJ'&'ino'tnx 8noX,J':3l81 JDHoi 39V XW 9-iJ 2J3 ,i:9nTUw91 J OH 9VBr{ OffW ,nem 90nBlUCfflLS ba£ erf^ "lo 39iiuin 9iJ- exe gnxwollo^. erfT •in&'fJ- J^uocfjs suoxxrifi ^IliSTuJ-Jsn 9i£ nescf ov^rl orfw bn^ ,bebnuow ioJIjs tl9xl:9lwJficr eri^ oJ v;n9w odw aioJooQ Ilywfcxa .sia ,9orLSlucfiiiA !to i)£9H .moJ^J-odaiiusH .id -:9onx8 19V9 sniasxm •ll^J-a brM 9onjBJ-3X33B iLQri^ ,rlidU3oa hn.s blosn^M ^sbubT}} ^ajsmJ-ioo'' •YJBi^oJ: 9lcrx38oq Ix Y-fQQi ''Jli^e n^ lo inovBl erf J J-ssupa^ • • • •_•—•—•—• — ••••— ••••A*^-*— •^•^•••* «•"•■"•""••• • • • • • m^ m m • • • • .au From Statepresident Bloemfohtein. T o General, Cape Town. 5th« December, Repprt.s continually coming in that Doctors and men under the Red Cross, sent to attend to the ^[punded, do not return from the battlefield. Will you kindly inform me whether they are detained by the English Officers in command, whether this is done with your knowledge and on what pounds. Apart from the incohve- tA t.l 1 I ♦ \.i lilt > <• i I I » 114 nience to our wounded, caused by the absence of so many medical men, the wives and relatives of the missing men are caused great anxiety. An early answer will be esteemed a favour • • •• • • • Prom T o General, Cape Town, Statepresident, Bloemfontein, oth, December, A, B. 115. Honour to inform you that Drs, Ramsbpttom, Voortmaji, Bidwell, Krause and Mangold and 22 attendants arrived here yesterday by train and left again for North last night. Officer com- manding most Northerly station has been asked tp pass them on tp Boer lines. • .^•_* -^ * ^ * • • J o T in 1 '^ , I jj t y n e t) J"nbJDi8o'ttieJj3J8 n* "w o 1' e q jt3 ♦nioJno'imGOliFf '"'^'' enob al a iff J- 1erfc^o^fw ,Jbnj8flmid?y nl ai^bit^ rTallanf^L ©>fif''^ 'iljbhjrsfeii ^'' ( rlJ-lif *■.. ?. .^J ; t i - ... '' ••• • lB»» ♦ * •• •»*• vm W^ W»^ m^-^ 0Hm »--. • • • • * J-JS91S beaujso oie aeni gnisaim erfJ^ lo aeviJjdlo'i £»n£ asviw s.rf't tXiew • • • • • • • • ",' I 'V m .^. :^ I » .- • . f^ .u ^IT '-f .. 1 )t\ty- ^ :r>u -' ,J-noi3xeeiqed"fiJ'2 \ / . • ■ ^ ,» .. A » 1 ( / f ^i'i\x,- :i t^..*^ :^ ^ fhi^A^ • niestnolmoolfl « ■* / nf #nwoT eqisO ^ino^^J"ocf3injs>I .ciTn sj-j3rf%t uoy /in[oT:rij: oJ luonoH •dll .n: .A •^^crm9oe(t •iJg r < c: • r ri • * ; L> **i ^j -fiioo isoxltO •Jr^xn ^aal rfJioW lol nxfigj^ JlsJ briB nls^'x^ ycf yjibieJaey ^v. • •^ << ' ' , * • J . V % .( ."frf rreoa pJ no merfJ" asBq oJ i)e^ajs need 3Bri noxJsJ'a nJierlvtioVr Jeom gnlbniim • • • • • • • m^ % %■ k # • • • ■ • •• • V I I. •♦ > / */';•: O' ^ V (.o V ; (\ / ( i ' * » * ^ « * * • • .*j^. I' r m To :ate President, Genei^al Commanding- B2;.i- Loemfontein, tish Forces, Cape Town. 8th, December. Have honour to thank you for your telegram 5th, in- stant A, B, II5. The Doctors therein mentioned have arrived at Ja- cobsdal. Dr. Ramsbottom chief ot Ambulance Department working un- der Red Cross reports p«F-%e4 by telegreim yesterday evening from Jacobsdal, translated, begins:- I have fiirther to report to your Honour that all our ambulance wagons and appliances have been tak- en by the British as loot notwithstanding the fact that I made it cleeLT that the Orange "Free State is pn^ of the parties t(b the Gene- va. Convention ends, I must emphatically protest against the *«* treatment complained of as being contrary to all civilized usages* I must request that the ambulance wagon material and appliances ta- ken with them be returned to the eunbulance tm«Lei* corps under Dr. Ransbottom without dslay, I have ordered Dr. Ramsbottom to come to Bloemfontein to report personally on other matters connected with his detention and treatment by the British military authorities and of which he complains, I shall telegraph further when I have full particulars before me. I am as yet without any explanation as to the reason that caused the Red Cross Ambulance Doctors and staff to be captured and detained by the British authorities* From To General Statepresident, Bloemfontein, Cape Tow n^IOth, Via Lprenco Marques • No. 565. Have the honour to acknowledge your telegreun of 8th. Decem- ber and will reply when the representations you make have been fully investigated • o T C "T *T ni o T -iifl :9nlbnj3ximioO Lss'ieaei) i . •■'■■ t ) I ' .. ! ♦J V :/ • •nvfoT 9q^^.O ^aeoio'*! rlalJ ai o T TC laJkedrrolmeoii ' • < . ' \ ) f > r" ,.• * rc -jdl, VJ-J3 bevliiA evjsrl benoiJnem nleiorid" aiocfooQ srfT .dll .?! ,A J-fij^d-a -nu ^nxjliow JxiyiuJ'LsqeCI 9onj3lucfniA Tto 'ialrio moJ-cfocTamjs.'?! ,iCT .latadoo moil 8nJtrc©V9 Yjai)i9d-a9\; nusis^Iad' ycT *&^-«Ee^ a«tToq9i asciO ^5951 isJb 1U0Y oJ d:ioqei o& lerid^isjl QV&ri I -:8n299cf ^£)9vJ3ranflTJ ,IjaDaciooJBl, -?fj3vJ n99cf 3\Bri 89onj8xJqq£ bm^ ano^isw aonjsrjLTcfniJB luo IIb d"i5rid luonoH " ^ '^J^- * < ' u » < > '•r . a > *" •• •i\ di 9£)Bm I vtjsrfd" do At srid snlbn^J-arfJiwd-on Jool a^ dalSlifl S!i& ^a n9 -9n9D srio die' 3 9J:J"'L6q arid T:o dno al 9J-bJ-c! 991''I 98run0 srfJ^ vtarfj xsslo • • ♦ • • • • • • , • • » • 1!* 9/:J vtanlJBSJd J"aeJ"oiq Yl.[jsoJ"J"JBrfqine Jaum I »aJbn9 nolvlnevnoO jsv c^ . ' i (' ♦aesBau Laslllvio IXjb Ow vi^ijrioo 3nl9cf 3B lo jD9nJ:j3lq/iioo vJ-n9mJ"ii9iJ^ W .A -A;^ aeorusxlqqj^ Jan^. Ij8xi9d^J3iii noausw eorusJucfflie sriJ J-srfJ- Jaeupdi waum I • « ' I < ; ,10 neJ:);!!; aqrroo •le^HH son^Iucfinfi erf^ oJ tjanruiJei 9cr meriJ rfvlxw asjf Oo 6 ISO oJ moJ^docfaxtLG^ .t(I JboieiDio 9v,6/i I .Yjslf\b vtuorfJxw xnodJoCTaiEo:?! - iij^xw i>eKto^ ai9>:^o.Sfu ie.'14o no Yllanoai^q J'loq&'r oJ" nledcto1sa»olH Jfcwa^ a^iJiiorfitiAB TiTusJ-illm xlald-xiFI ©rfd^ y -• ^, IIul ©vjsri I neiw len'd-iu'i^ rfqaTasTeJ- Ilji'-fa I •anljslqflioo erf ^oiflw lo • _ • • < • • . ' . • * Ow ajs noxjJ3njsJ;q::e ynis oao'iJxw Jsy "3j3 !aB 1 ' ,em eioled 3i£Juoid"iJ3q oJ I'l-jiJa brijs aiod"ooJ sortJsJucfmA aaoiO boH 9:1J i)93UJ5o J-firfJ- nosjsei e.ld .^jicMioriJ-ujs rlax«J-±iH s.^J ycf benJiJSvtsi) bn& beinSqBo scf • • • • • • • • •— • mm • •— • M> • OT mcfl ,nx9Jno^mt)oIfI ^JnejjxaaiqSvtjsJS I B 1 e n 9 -. Vf • aeupiflM oon9ioJ bi rf>j-01,n w o T 9 q b -ileoea .r{u8 lo flL6i3eI©J- iLxy ©SbelworDfoos Ou luonprf erfJ evriH .ddd .or -^Ilux rT99cr 9\ jsrl e:>iBin uc\ anclwJSvJ-nsaerqgi erfvJ nerlw x^^l^*^ II±w jdhb ten • beJj-yglSBeviis: • • "■■ • "■ • *" • "* » "" • ^" •'^•■~« • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • <^-i-:T-T---i-^^^^%*sS .M -H- ^^ From t,atepresident T o General, Bloemfontein. Cape Town, 2t^. December. Have honour" to acknowledge >our telegrajn of yesterdafr evening and no promise of reply when matter investigated. Trust there will be no further delay, I beg to notify that four persons alleging to belong to the red oross requested leave to see dead and visit wounded day after battle at Stormberg Junction. Following the rule laid down by your commandoes on all occasions beyond our western border in Qriqualand West pur Commandants refused permis- sion, I can however assure you that jrour dead and wpunded will re- ceive same treatment from us as our own. Would it not be practica- ble with a view to allelfiate the lot of the wounded on both sides to come to some understanding by which certified red cross men from both camps should be allowed on the battlefield as long as % there are any wounded belonging to the forces to which they have been attached and by which generally the manner of giving effect to the terms of the Geneva Convention during the war can be regu- lated as provided for in paragraph 8 of that Convention, and spe- cially that wounded already being attended to nestr battlefield in suitable houses under red cross should not be subjected to* need- less suffering amounting to inhumane treatment by being moved away and obliged to travel when unfit to do so as was the case with some of the wounded burghers both after the Belmont and Rooilaagte bat- tles. Referring to my telegram of the 8th. December and pending the receipt of reply to the questions therein put I beg herewith to send you translated report sent to me by Dr. Ramsbottom, the Chief medical Officer of the Red Cross Ambulance, working on the Western Border, as to the treatment complained of accorded to him and the menbers of his Corps , when unjustifiably arrested and de- tained as prisoners by British Officers :- begins. On o 1' m o 1 '5 ,1 J3 1 e n e I . f ♦ • nwoT eq^O cfainT •£)evtB3J:^aevnJ: teJ'd'JBm nerfw ylqei lo ealmoiq on bn& gnineve anoa-ieq 'ujol d-j3rfd^ Y'^i>^on oJ- gecf I ."^jsIsJb teii^isfi on atf II ±w eiend" £inj3 Jbjset) eea oJ evjsel ijeJaeupei saoTo Jben erfJ^ Oit gnolecf od griiaelli '> ■■• ■ , ' » J ^( .) I *• *rv ' .V : ■ i -..r. ~ic <' ■ -'•"'■ • .c 'Ji d:;iuv. .-'■ , fjiCcido- ^XirolSo'^ .nolstanuL aiecTunovtS Jjb ^Ic^d■ iv !•» ^. rgjo JbnoYecf anoJtB^ooo IIjb nq 8eoi)njBiimioo iuot^ ^d nwol) bt^l eXin erf.J ''" " ■■•''{-•*"■ '■••' ■ ■ ^'-n. -Vail .1 ~ : F.i: A ;■.■;■ ^ ,. . ,,:..,,^,.,. , | j, ^.-r^ ^j,X. -ainriaq iieaulten Bd-njdbnjsiiwioO lup deeW Jbnjsljsupjtix) ni lelJiocf medaew '* .»^ I rUlc;'^ ^vr ' • ! \ f '••' :i^ *'rvr ( r..^ ■ J ; '*"v;ojioH -ei XJJrw i)8l)mJow l)n£ ijjseX) luoii cJ-jBrfJ- uoy eiusa^ levewori nao I .no la * * •i ; >.^ ^ -jsoJiJo^Tcg ecT J*on dJt l^IuoW #nwo roro 8^ 3U /aoil dnexnj'jseivj- eniv^a evieio » « ■% o . t^i .^. '.... >. . < ," 1 -i :;4i J*' • ', j< • J TP. -• : .« Bebia d&od no ^ttl)nuow srfJ- lo »toI eriJ- ed^ltfelljs oJ weJtv b rfJXw eld nem aaorrp f)ei i)9iT:J:d"ieo doirin yd anlJbnjsJ-aiel)nu emoa oJ^ emoo oJ- • ■>' » ■ ■ 4 'v. .< I .^- • J .. > ^ ) •■ j - ♦ *♦ t > 1 ^^I'r < ', * a^ anol sfi iDJeHteUvJ-jad eiiJ" no iDewoIJ^ ecT l)lLfori8 aqniso rlvj^oa moil 9vjsr[ Y©rf^ rfolrfw oJ" aeoTo^t: erfd" oJ* anxsnolecf beJbnuow ynjB erLs eierfJ- -uaei 9cf n^o 1SW erf J gnlTub noxdnevnoO osveneO erfj ^o amrevJ en? oJ rr5'6cf - ^ tj w ;> - r-r ,^. • ^r ♦ ^ C y] i jSiiC: ■ -<'r ■■■« / -eqa Lhjs ^noxJ'nevnoO J-^cT lo 8 rfqjB'XSJSTBq nx 101: bebl'^oiq. B£ JSdJJBl ^.-^ V V-'< N^ »« — » J- ;> I I i •• r { t -teen *Ou LeJoe[,cfu8 ©cf cTon bluoria aaci^o be^ lebnr^ aeauorf sIcfAtlua ^jswjs -bevom anxscf yd J-neijJ-.serrd" erusinurfnJ: Ovl snljnuoiiiB anlTexlIrtt' S89I # ) <' « . ' J c ■ ' :'•*.'". eflio;^ rfcTxw ea^o eri^ ajsw ajs oa ob ocf vtixnu nsrfw levasrJ- o«t beslido fcnij -cTjsd evtsjijsIiooH fcn*3 cTnomleS efU /leJ-ljs dJ^od. a -loiiarxud" b8JbftiJ6>re-iJ- lo anxJbnsq ijna ledmeoeQ .rfdS srfJ" lo mBiselyJ- y-h oJ- gni'ne'ieJi •aelJ- rlcf-xwelerl sed I &uq nxe'r<3rfJ anoxJ-aeup 9^J- oJ- xlqeT: Ip .yTq/eoQi en'>:^ erfd- .InoJ-vtodsfliBH .ta 7d ein oJ cTnea J-ioqat ^eit^andi^ uoy .^^ ocT £3: . . l-w « eriuT no'^snis'^bw' ,0c5hjdfutfii!A'a!4ortI> fcoH eflcf to teolttO ijsoJtjD^^sc ^JtriO - ^ - 1 ^ ; mx.d oi ijeft'ToooB T:o i)enJ:£lqjnoo vtnemi^^eiJ- erlJ- ocf a^ !»T»fi1qa moJaeW -eiD .briB JbsJ^aei-rt^ Ylcfsxlxd-aufinu nsriw , aqioO alrf lo aoerfnem Qd) bns • # t. ^ 4. nd ^anised -• aiepn'^ rlaxcTiT^I ^d slonoaiiq a^ Jbenxsu --«^ ■ •T-^--iaE--^Y i-iTjW-ji.l Mtnttar jgaJi 11 ^ ■■■ ■ ailli !■ On Teusday, 28th, November I was ordered by 3eneral Crpnje to proceed with the ambulance to the Battlefield as the Englisg had been repulsed, I tried to carry out this order, but when we apj^- proached the station, the canonnading was bo fierce that we could not gp any further. Early on the following morning, we went thi- ther, and at first found no troops there. I divided my ambulajice in two portions, as theye were two houses containing wounded. The one division I left with Doctor Krause at the Drift Hospital, and with the other I proceeded to the Island Bridge Hospital. When we were busy attending to the wounded, two British Officers arrived, and one of them. Major Benson, of the 9th, Lancers, gave us no- tice that we had to consider the wounded as prisoners of war, but he said the ambulance people were at liberty to go about and do their work. When we had completed our work at the Island Bridge, I went with Dr. Bi dwell to the Drift Hospital, to see whether Dr. Krause had also finished his. There we were given notice that all the doctors and ambulance men were also to be considered as pri- soners of war, whereupon I wrote to the Officer commanding, asking him to supply us with passports, to enable us to go further with our ambulance, at the same time I informed him that the Free State had signed the Geneva Convention, and that I would be very much obliged if he would let me gp soon, as there were «h4.4. suffering wounded awaiting us at Jacobsdal. I received n6 reply. About 2 p» m, I wrote him a second letter, asking him for rations, as we, and even our wounded were without food. Tp this I received no reply. At about 4 o, clock one of Major RemlW^on, s scouts camB to me and asked me to go with him to Major Reid, I went with him to the Major before whom the said scout identified me as Dr, Ramsbottom pf Bloemfontein. The scout, s name is Supple, and he is, I believe, a Lieutenant with RemingtAn, s scouts. He was f oemally in the Railway service at Bloemfontein, After a long interview with Major Reid, the latter said he could not take it upon himself to let us go, but that he would speak to the General and convey his orders to me ear- ly next morning. That evening we had to sleep without blankets in * wagonhouse, in which turkeys and hens were harching, and which was litei*ally alive with vermon. The doors were blocked with stones wra'^BBnued-^ , ^ and an armed guard stood around. BUaC^-Siflod around. o T i m o *J "^ -Is. -i|K[^ ©w xl^^:w Jjjcf:::g*^CBfctoo axriJ .ji^uc y,'nao oS Lei^J- I vfi^slitqerr nsecf • t rr^^: 4'Sioyf:i»rf ,8«J:nioxn sniBcXXo^ BiiJ'iMb Tt-f^JaS ViftriJ-iuT' yn^ t>a J'O'^^ » •• -J -7OX1 ,,ai/,.0Vj*g'.4ai©on«J (♦ri»tC edJ lo tHoansS 10 (:jbM ,.aieif d" !to eno iJiijB' »ti/cf ,^£W lo a^e^oBiiig ajs i)et)auow eritf ie£)J:taoo' oJ^ iDJsrf ©^ ^^acfoajs^ ^£ bu ^^i^ldlawA b^bnaoif bus ,BTf EB ^artoz&B^ lo'i xtilrf gfiijfa^ i'L&&<^Ql i>nooee a jtfirf &ttt>T»r r «in ^ r ^^^ ^-^ r:^ ."^Iqei on -b©vx909*x I BxriJ^ oT ,b6ol: ttuoifcfiw 'oiew B^braJbir ^Ilto' hsve iJ^prriiBeH ^ - I- »>r •' ..f-.T lot^^ eriJ .oJ- foxrf ritxn {^n&yt I .bieH 10 1^ o^ mM HJ'l-W'b^ iod" em ieifas ^smaH j»,© veil 3d I ,8X 9ff Jbfis ,eXqqU8 ax emeff' 'fi ^J^uboa sfflP .rtfeiitolmoorH ,Li9.^ loc^I^T ioxw w-oivisJnx anol ^ laJIA .niscfnolineora ie eotvies J-jjd ,oa 3JJ J-f:»I oJ lleanixrf noqu J-x e^fjB*^ Jon IdIuoo erl f)ijB3 teS&eL ed^ -ii39 Gin oj 3i9i:ic airi "^evnoo iDnjs IjBrrgrieC ©rfJ" oJ jfjseqa blirow erl d^rfi nx ^os^injslrf J-uo^Jxw qssia OvJ- I^jbiI ew S:nin9V9 J-jsrfT .aiiln-iom Jic9n yl floxriw bnf; ^gnx'lo'ijsrf 9i9W an9rf bns s-^siiuJ rfoirfw nx ^eauorinoa^'" * 39nou8 rl^^iw i)e>j[ooId 9i9w aioo^ 9rfr »nomrLev rfJxw ©vxlii "Villjsi9j-J:l a^w .bnuoT^ bodJa iDi^ua £9rfn:j3 na bciB , . , ^-b^flnw^w** .DauoiJB bottiB_fi:S#Ua ■ fi^.'r'. -■ ■■*-.. Hji^tiia:; The next morning (Thursday) we got a little food from our own wagon, and at about 2 p. m. we obtained food from the English. At I9 0, clock one of the British Doctors - I believe that he is Sur- geon Major Bradshaw, and that he is one of the Staff Officers - cajne and said that we had to be ready a%-4 to leave at 4 o, clock for Cape Town. I asked him: - "Am I to understand well that the personal of a duly appointed ambulance of a State which taJces part in the Geneva Convention, can be made prisoners of war* when they are attending the wounded." He replied in the affirmative. To my question whether under the same circumstances the ambulance would be seized as booty, he also replied "yes**, I did hot exchange ano- ther word with hinu We did not leave that evening, but left the next morning (Friday). Before we left I met Captain Ross, who is Provost Marshall of the Staff. I told him that in my opinion the treatment accotJded to us was altogether illegal an* contrary to the Geneva Convention* From Mpiblerriver to Orange River we were con- veyed, together with the wound^.d in Cattle Trucks. From Orange River to the Aax in Third Class carraiges. At De Aar we were kept the whole day in the prison with the prisoners. The place was alive with bugs and other insects. Our coffie was brought to us in buck- ets and bread in a bag. From De kar we again travelled in cattle trucks, which h9.d not been cleaned, although there were standing at least ten passenger coaches without a single passenger in them. Armed guards accompanied us in the trucks, and their orders were: "hot on any account to allow any one of thea out of the truck and to stand no nonsense of any kind from them." Happily for us the guards accomijanying were more civilized than the Officer who gave the order. !Be ajTived at Cap© Town on Monday at 12 • 50 p, m. and were immediately sent to the "New Military Hospital", Breakwater. There we were informed it was all a great mistake and that we should be sent back as soon as possible. Dr. Mangold and myself had then to make a sworn declaration that our men were serving in the ambulance and carried no arms. That same evening at 9 o, clock we left Cape Town, the Doctors in first class the men in third class carraigeB. Food was provided at Matjesfontein, Fraserburg Road and Victoria West. On the journey to the Cape we received as nwo 1UO monl bool qTJJH b Jos e'/* {y.BbaiuriH) anxfliom Jxen e^T.^ .r JA .rlaJtls/ii^ wflJ moil ■bo9„'i i)9ni:iiJcfo 8W .iii .q S duocfjs J\s briB ,no3JBW -iiTc^ ai: exl Jj^ci (iveiXecf I - qioJooCI rfaJcJirtfl erfJ lo eno ^oo^o«o ^ ^ s.'x^QJiTclO .lljisj.a QiiJ.'icaao ai erf J^riJ bn^ .w^rfaJbJsiG lotjaM noes 3fooXo«o ^ >t^ ovjsqI o>j i^-^« "VLfciJSy'i ycf oJ X)J^ yw J^J JblBs i)rL8 eauso ©(CJ oAriJ .Ii%*w l>n«sua^t>£>nir Qvt I aiA" - :iuj:4 #e2t3JB I ,nwoT eqjsO lol >6- -o 0>"j elJ3 o vtiflq Be](is4: . rfoiirfw eo^JK ja Iq QoxijsXutfaijB £)eJ'nlo(5[qj8 \,I]jf) £ lo I,sxio8ieq '^ 'tra qT .eviitjamiiUja yrlJ nj: i^QlXa^t oH ".Jb^tinuow 9rfJ gnibnaJuja el -pne ©i^aerfox^ Jon Xjx^. I •"a.^x" b&lXq,^':^ oaXfi srf tYJoocf ajs fcesxaa ©cf ttxlj J^^X Jycf .anixi9v» J^J eyjsaj: Jon Jbil: sW .•mirl rfJlw biow leti^ bJc ofifi «aao5J nijsJqaO Jem I Jlt^X e»r ©rco'^aa .(^JsJaii^) S^in'^^oin Jxen ' ,.' ^f ■ -^ Ui W w -* s,''V\ ..^iw B:»/.o edi nojtfllqo ^m fli JjarfJ- ^ri i)IoJ I -l^jaJS erfJ T:o XIjsrfarLBM J-aovort^ ^j ■ ♦ . i ^ - - J ■• ' • \'t ' ! '■ Jqe3t ©lew ©w -lqA ©(I J A ,a©8-tQT:iJ3o aeoiXO f)iXrIX nX *LsA srfJ qJ -isviH ©v2Ij3 a^n ©ojsXq oci% •eienoai'Bi ©!^ rijf* ^jnqei7,q.^dJ ,q-t "y^ ©Xorfw ©riJ -3foud nx' 8j:f oJ Jrfsuoncf a^w eiTtloo luO •^Joe»3XU: lerUo i)rxs a:gtsd rlJJtw iiXfi^ . « •^ ' , •iiisriJ ni tc&sAeas^ eXsnla JS JijqrfJxw aeifo^oo iQsndaaaq nej , JaAeX J.a IO10W aieftio •tlerfJ bcia ,83fojLnJ ©rJJ nx au f)9xnj8qffloooj8 aiJTSua bexiriA » • w :> i i ! ' I Jbi^ 3foosiJ,eriJ lo Juo «ariJ lo ©no vnj^ woXIa qj Jn|^ooo3 i^^as^ no Jon" ©/iJ au 10I xXxqqj^jH. ".ffleriJ xnoi,! ^nxi TtnjsTto, .ean©5Xipn on tosJa oJ 9V£3 oiw i©oil!l3Q ©dJ n«;iJ l^silxvlo ©loin ©tcqw an^xftjaqinooojs Bptauii >^ '^f*^ JbnjB •ill ^ Oci . SI Jb YJafcnoM.no nwoT p^bO Jj^^ .i)©v xo^ jplj •'^^^'VL -!?^'^ .i©jBioij89ia ,*'Xj8Ji:q8oH YiJ^J^iXxM well" erfJ ^, Jniac, "a«ii X)£0^ — f^f^* ^^ «i «H |ft^ *-♦ ' ill. . .. I'tm.. rations nothing but bread once a day besides coffie and tinned beef. At some places we were allowed to buy our own food. We we returned to Modderrivier, Captain Ross came to us once more. We asked him to give up our wagons and material, but he replied that he had re- ceived instructions not to give them up, • From Modderriver, we had to walk with our baggage on our backs to find our burghers who con- veyed us in wagons and carts to Jacob sdal. 0"*«"*»"*»""«"*« • • • • • • • • ptil^KMW lUI ■* "^ •■»*■ " « J nwo Ttro fiioll bool e IJJil fi Jo8 ew (Ysbaiu.iT) snlmoifl cTxen effT^ .^ ^ 1 •. i'-i : r -1 ^ (. \ 1 J ;j,. i :-v '''r^ '.'^ ••'• • M -r'T ,A ^ — ^ ^t, W-' s^ » " •t«9cf l)eiin±J- J5>/i^ ' 8^111:66 «eT)1^6M" "^fiJb £ ioho l5J3©T:cf J-i/cf snlrfJ-on anoJtJ-jBi -. . • / 4 -en iiarf dn JjbiIJ- fjerlqei en «tncf ,lBj:ie«t,s£n ms ano^jstr luo qu svlg od". Jbjsd ^i^Wy^ievlTTieBboM moi^ • ,qjj meHj 9v±a od joa snolJ'ou'lJsnJ: l)9vieo -noo. odw aiorfSTjjd luo l)nJb'3: oJ" aitfo^cf luo no asjsagscf luo rf^xw 3fl^w od" « - ' • > • j» t»1ai .o I- u* .^ . •. •■•'x'T 'iM "^li'.""- rrcw '"'fv^ -- — V : nj. tt>\iojiu''^s :-X'\ ' '^.ijabadooat o^'ad"ifiti i)nj3 anogaw at au £»©Tcev V, i o -OfliS u ■ ■ W*-i t, fo :!'ivi .i;;o ,?^xi.:.- •» Kj o.'iw .aKO i i-ij5v.iqjjO ^t-i:' .i.:,. uvx^ti/ ^^or- bif^ -W .mid ^i.J^ b-.ow lerfJ- ' » •• • ! r« ,u \-'ti.ViJr-00 as jU":: -.C^ 0'~'u^ ^--i^' 'liJ i,. ;.j../tO c~- 1.^ xi-i^tjiio.: rno'i /'I ♦510 J v^"t e ' /I Q -i • B ^0 »' >»nv^.'xO .v.oT'i .j:>fo;rx.* --U 1 ■• .Ov,' ;u .0 V. ::;oA .:).\.> -^^ - •' -» % •/ .:c|o>i u •'A- J ft i>i3A ,'•! -A .8vSi^v:^:^a ......!.• :'li:rf^: ^^^ -^^A -"i: Cv ;;t>.-i^ yV-rHii eiiw »ojtJfq ^■■'■i .B-T^ :o'^xiq ^^ '- ' ..i.^. r.oRi .q j i^ -- v^^"^ - :rv.rri iJ £- OJ c :ai^O'icl' '-••'•' wjI'iIoo "-'^fO •>.: 'crfJc /•• ^^ ay.i.^^ rUiir • f >^ .'^.JbO ax Dt3.i * ^ •->'-t'- iLvii tj •^^ J : A .oT; •^^i^ci ;^ :-i b^^aicf oi-us 8wf:> « r » • ^::jLic:'j J.«^ tfebf^^'C^' ■u^v-»n Joi: t>»ii •:c>; i« ,a>^'''.- ..^-■• c -f-. vyoi'^i'XO •■' -^ 'l-^ ■■■■'-" .vf/r J^> t.-c.:i ^.T.-5 - •j.Y ijiqijooo^ »tri.^^.u>j ... ,Cr 'Jo • ^-».' - •• • sr- .i ;c ."VfOV «q'< • • ■»> r.^v i JT.-. Q% •t-c»0'lC . f tf /.d-V V^ -' 0. j^J e3i.^.e*cx!f i- H^ '■>• . /- < t- T* iy -; '-^ . .. ) ' « i .. L ' ^ ^ ' r -" f < - '/ SCI. -^ (" r-i -^V • ^ ")." > i • » < '•»- v> t i' ■w r ^1 ".I i*;. vfj Vv ('O .,* ^n V.' ,a-.*'-»i-ji' ■■ ^ :.) ^. r r j ( ^'^ V ' - .lO TC c. i. i.-*-' ;,;/>»-' ^ V_ _1 £.H^ :: v) _ . Telegram* -ft From T o General, S^satepresident, Cape Town* Bloemfontelh* 25rd, December* E, 4. In reply to yoiir Honour, s telegram of the 12 instant every inquiry has been made and nothing more can be done in the matter of the Ambulance, which we detained at Modderriviei** The Doctors, attendants and Ambiiilance having been returned to the burgher lines,. I trust Your Honour will agree to the incident be- ing closed. As to the general question of mutual regulations un- der Article 8 oC the Geneva Convention, whilst allowing that an un- derstatnding .on the subjeet is desirable, I consider ajrrangements can only be arrived at betweeh commanders of opposing forces on the spot. As long as alleged contravention of the convention by the burgher forces continue, such as trpops taking shelter' near Red Cross Ambulance during an engagement. Red Cross Attendants joining in the fight etc,,. Prisoners whether wounded or uhwpunded\have in- variably been treated as well as our own men* • • • • • • • • • •• ti ••• • •••••• Telegram From T o Statepresident General, Bloemfon^ein* Cape Town. S6th. December** I have the honour to acknowledge your telegram of the 2ord. Yfhile thanking you for trouble taken by you in investi- gation, I regret your desire to consider incident closed, since se- veral Ambulajice conveyances also mules and horses and a number of medical and surgical appliances taken by British forces have not yet been returned to Red Cross Ambulance, working with us* TI' /: 1 r-;"C;.' ' '■'»^-l '■''^''' .ffl JS 1 3 9 I 9 T o T moil < v« ^^n^bL^e^(le^s^'R ' vj • 'O '.)iU>'' » •li ^!l 1^ ^ n ^t^' 1- fli ^ o I a « t / . » A • .» xnaiaelect' ■'. ''ft'^^#'-itf' T ■ e q B im: tj ©noi) ed njso enoirt anxrfd^bn Jbnj* ef)j3fn need BJsrf ^liupnl '^jl^ve' x^ifiRflitTl **ie i^^iifteJbhoM cfB .benlecfsiy ^' rfdifi^ "i^n^IudittA siiif Ttt>'*f^t«fMn ^HS'^^'i ._ ^1 ■J ^rf^' b^'b^frfitrcffel" tt^scf- shfVJsrf ^oftsrfircfmA'Tbns^ 'Bcfitjibri^a^d-^ '<«%dyo»ft %rfT -9d d-neiJloni orlJ- od" 39i§'^^ fXliw '"rttrdhoH 'ti/oY *air±it I.V,aenII' •f^flS'itJcf -nu anolJ-alugsi iBird-'trnr "to frolcMsarp lisieneg' erfd-* oc)^ aA .Jb9aoIo an± 4 -nu nj3 d-«rfJ snlwolljs delirfw »no±J"n9vnoO flV9n90 9riJ' Jo 8 gloiJrtA 19^) aJ^neinegnjsTiJS i9i)J:8noo I ,9ldBTJ:a9^ ax d'89Cd'JJ3 sriJ" no. '^IbtiBAzieb erfj" no asoiol gnlaoqqo ^o aieJbnjsmnoo rf99Tr»j^9d ds £)9V±rrL8 9d "\jIno neo 9rlu Yd noid'n9vnoo 9rfd' ^o nold"n9VjB^onoo Jbo89lIjB bjs gnol aA •J'pqa Jbefl ^tJB9n I9d'l9rl8 gnxjfjsJ- aqoqio bjs rfoua ,9unl>J-noo 89oiol iQii:s.'ns6 sniniot ad"njaJbn9cfJ^A aaoiO boSi ,>j-n9m98^ne njs anlTui) 9oni8ljjdmA saoiO -nx ovjarf Jb9£»nuowmj io babiisjoyt 'r9rfJ"9rfYr a'i9no8XT^[.,.D»te dr^ll 9rfJ n± •n9:Ti nwo 'iuo 2,& Il9w 8JS JbeJ^JSQivJ need Tjldjaiijay ji • • • • • •• • j^ • . m m. • • • • •.#.• • inj3iseX9T o T ,Ij3l9n90 • nwoT 9qB0 moil J-neiD X a eiqd J At 8 nx9*nolin9oIF[ Io 118^39 19 J 1U0Y 9aX)9lwonjfojs oJ" luonorf 9rio 9VBfl I •tedmeodCI .rf^dS -j:J-s9vnx nl uotj ^cf n9?Ifid' 9lduoiJ- lol uox gnx2fnBric^ qLsj^ .LndS grlJ" -9s 9oni3 ^Jb&solo un^i^xonx 1&hL^tloo oi 9ii89^ iuoy «teia©i I «npJ:^£8 ^0 i^6m3a. B bnjs aeeiorf Lna selum oeljs ayon^^QV-ooo 9oa6ludmA Ifiiev won 9\£rf 390101 isxwiiff y<^ hoIjsJ 89onj5i:Iqqfi I^oxgiua bns iBoxfcem e8u -"^wxw anxjfiow ,9on£XudfliA 33010 boSi Ou i)eniud'©i ne9d J©^ j^v X *i«ii-^^fc. ^0.1 08 '/ ."7 January 15th, 1900, »^*^ • @ \ ©V^tact of ^onleiib. David Fraser t mentioned in Department instruo- tion No. 59, of Nov. 11th. 1899, is all ri^ht. » • oHo.108^ ^o*vwiEate oT tR« ^uDnitc^ yiat«4j?retoria,S •A.B. January, 15th, 1900, ^^^ . a€om>tatEe David J, Hill, .viVL^tani Cweelctaiu of a/icite, Wai^Ut^, W. ^. out: I have the honor to acknowled£;e the receipt of Department instruction No. 59, of Nov. 11th, 1899, re- lating to Mr. David Praser. I have seen Mr. Praser. He is well, and is now residing at the oorner of Kook and Proes Streets, in this oity. His Post Office Box address, is No. 1029. I herewith enclose a letter from him, addressed to his mother. I have the honor to be, sir. Your obedient servant. United / Spates Consul. Enclosure:- Letter to mother of David. Praser. •■■ / • . # ' > - ■ --'-Tl #• oKc. 109. / \ ti:.'> ') '0(1 -"' 0^ --^y ^onWate d tfU ^^l&mUd Scotei, Pretoria » Z.A.H. , January Idt 1900. 3rt^= X. @((>t.«.SUnUy H»nia, • \ Uo \ke, ^Dejtatlmmt of (Diate. 1 anmect: y The affairs of Mossrs^fraaor A Chalners. "ht-auy x8"Ji-^-^*^ y^o. 1 08. y / k, • V -''•A ; \ ■ . / ^orvMifote of tlte ^Jvrute^ QKolei, PratoriafS.A.R. January 15th, 1900. %^^^ • r §»— w»- F45N1 From >' .^i Secsi ♦ . V!", •r'.'' Sail ' ^' •.».'!■ ■vr • ■» 755P 1 J I H* III he obtai rcj^ • / rAL (OMPAXT'S ftTOTiJI RKACNiK ALL lHPORTA!liT H>l5iTS I!« THK UNITED 8TATE8 A?(D BBITHH aHEUCA, AND BT CABLES TO ALL THE WOBLB. FOUM 20. %i CABLECRA <■ ' • . -v '■J'C-^'' ^i POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE COMPANY. 7h\9 Companf transmitB and deliwtn CMBLEGHMMS aubjmt to tho Urm9 and conditions printod on the back of this blank. WILLIAM IL BAKEB, T. P. A tiea*! ManagM-. JOHN O. 6TET ENS, Secit^Urf/ "^^ ALKI.UT B. CHANDLEB, P iidesL Sent By llcc*o Bv Cmeck 777 Pa'-i« via French Jan 26-00. ;ate> Received at ia46 Pn-isiNlA. AVE. (WHERE ANY REPLY SHOULD BE SENT.) Washington. f^. . c torn r row St Pan 1 . i Ifaenun '4 . •''*»i*" r 3* 1 M. -• >' rr » ilrj TvnftMmg tUs messas^ cbm be attended to wliboat the prodactian of this paper. Repetitions of doubtful words should rd tbrougb the Company's oMces, and not by DIMSCT application to the sender* ^z'f %-f^ i^. ,-*v -*• V \ k \ ■\N MK*r i» n «ii>iii' ' »ii»" (^ /SaM^^ oNo.lU. ^oaiufcOe of tile ^niteS 9W««, Pretoria, Z.A.R. , •'f February 1,1900, /f^ , / @w>t.V. Stanley Hollls, *0o tlU ^De|utttmm|; of OiWe. oKiUi^ ;# ^■■#<*' <^' ^ '• V*; English Arming and Drafting Natives -''^'^$1^ >' *' f «i, i«^ .•», it- of I letter that I nave received from Transmitting a copv Morris Pieters, and which relates to the above subject. d^ 7 i' 1 J 1^' .^ ¥' /f^ '} ^K '>i.' i i \ ■k^fcr^tilf r I .««£^ . -. « k^Mk. . _ ^.J:Vl, lA. . ^ ^ . UT^ ^V ~^ '. ■ iif JslZk _-\- ^ .JlM I I Jiiiiih LU. ^ff^ J"- rt n*"*-"' "■* -'— -' * -^-' — » • aHo.ui. ^oruuEote of tR^ ^jEnite^ oPiate^, Pretoria, Z.l.R. , February 1, 1900. , /rt9--. O^onotatftt David J, HI 11 « ^M^tartt Qieetetaiu of o/tate, Wo^Rlaotoa, ID. (^. aHt: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Depart- ment's acknowledgment of the receipt of Consul Macrutn^s des- patch. Ho. 75 » and relating to the arming and drafting of the natives by the British. In this connection I have the honor to transmit to the Department a copy of a letter that I have received from Mr. Morris Pieters and which relates to the subject of the t 1 previous despatch Just mentioned. I have the honor to be. Sir, Tour obedient servant. United StatjMKConsul. li Encloaire: Letter from Morris Pieters, Dec. 12, 1899. » ^jitJt^ -^^trUi.iH^yi^ (^^<^C^ -{ri. n^ r^t^^- ^ -^^^Cie^^ "^1 'tr-^<^^^.^ .A ^d ^t-//c^ . ^^ / I /Jfr*^- ( ^^<^^ /^j: Aa ^ ^^rv /'/-<■ *< ^, r/j^t-fr /^ /^ ,^r ///^/ r^rr. rf ^z- y'tr^^. ^ /y /f - ^ ("^h t^s^Z A /rrt ^/. -^f/ <^ ^- -^^< rt^^^^/t^ r, /^^/^ ^A- ^^^^< /^i-^^ A4 h <.^ ^f I t /TAVr^. /"^^C^ ^ {/^^/c (^/»^< ^ *« ^ ^^^^^-y^-^ u: t <^ -h^ ^t/ t^/ u' y M^ < i^-^^J^y. ;^ /va: ,/^ ^r-r r/: r> ^^>«?^<^r f . I I '. # « / -> . ^on^MiEote of tlU ^niteb SPtete*, Pretoria, Z.A.R. , February 1, 1900.— -/f^-. @<()t. V.Stanley Hollis. Uo tR-e ^DejuiUmcnt of CDlate. onmect: American Medical Colleges V Acknowledging the receipt of the Department's instruction No. 4» of December 9* 16999 relating to lists of American Medical Colleges. ^Am: . <• .^.nMLi..^. ■j±^it^ '•» — Ml^— I ■ 11 ■ »■ / N (J^oMZ. Dli L. -.. ^fil^ J^iuLX^U4, . / i ; 'R 5 i^^'-J T ^- I I I . « « > <*^ :. ' '-1 ( / . ' ^on4a£ate'of tite United ditaU^, Pretoria, Z.A.R. , February 1, 1900. ,4^9 . @li(}t.W.Stanley Hollis, ^To iLt ^cftartnicnt of SWe. oKiuiect: Money for British Prisoner. Reporting that the sum of S48*73, less loss by exchange. has been paid to Lieutenant Grimshaw. oNo. 113. ^oamEole of tHe United 9Wu»r Pretoria, Z.A.R. , February 1, 1900,, 4^9— . ^oooioSfe David J.Hi 11, ©)¥)*M.sUirvt O/ecietaiu of Qiiote, 'WUln.aUm., 15. <€. aJtiJ I have the honor to report that the instruction, Mo. 60, of Ifovember 24th. 1899. addressed to Consul Mac rum by Honorable John Hay. and relating .in part, to the payment of 848.73 to Lieutenant Cecil T.V.Crimshaw, was received at this Consulate yesterday. In reply I have the honor to advise you that I have this day sent to Lieutenant Crimshaw a check for Pounds 9-2-9, the net value of S48.73 at the present rate of exchange, which is 45 pence © tl.OO. present war. This high rate is in consequence of the As instructed I have this day drawn upon the Secretary of State a draft , Ho. 2, for «48»73, and in favor of Messrs. Mcintosh, Findlay & Co. The account and receip^ts will be transmitted later. I have the honor to be. Sir, Your obedient ser - -* - -- -■■.^- ,, ,^^A,— ..-^-Y . -- -'. ■ -.>^^- W . . .^ _. |gg-^j^r^jgA||||gj|^ •V r t Y>- ' "■ 1^ ;r-»"^v' "T rr -m"- •^'■•'." ^*-;/^' .^:<>^.^ oHo. 114 •A 1. 1. . ■/ "- f^ r ' ^\f X /- .nr ^oiuuEate of tfie United ditote*, Pretoria, Z.A^. , February 2, 1900. ,=t^;. S(tt.W. Stan ley Hollis, 2D^I8TANr SECfiETART APft 9 1900 STo ifte IDeJutUnu^ni '^*^!t^ aniuiect: British Interests and British Prisoners n ©U^ia^ct of V^oatenU. Reporting that I have come to an understanding with this Government upon the matter of the relations of the United States Consul at Pretoria towards British interests and towards British prisoners of war. jti # ^; drilii Iiii mS 'tm 111 I*?. ..'v -*— SBBSia^w*- 1%^ ■ u-wii^f Office of the tlbivt> H00l0tant Secretary?. / )^ tCl^^:/ejex^/ot^ Ai^/i-. Kv /^^ toU ..^CA.eA^e<-^n*- /Cl ^h.^^ OtjU ^ /tl* t^ ^i^ f^f ^ X^nr ^, fi^oJf ^^cA^ ^^-^ C* ^. ^ — .J J. . 5ff ^L: '' J"l .^. :. •" -'-" »,--" i 9mce of tbe ^^i^Uint oiectetaiu of afiate, WcuRln^toa, ^. ^. ytt: Replying to the instruction from Honorable John Hay , dated November 24th. last, and numbered 60, I have the honor to report as followfe:- I hav^ had a rtumber of conferences with the State Secretary and with the Secretary of Foreign Affairs in relation to my attitude towards British interests and towards British prisoners of war in this country. I have learned from manv official and consular sources that the late British Agent at this Capital was always a thorn in the side of this Government, and that he is, in part, responsible for this present war. Such being the case, this Government has a strong aversion towards recognizing anyone who may claim to act as a British Agent. The State Secretary said to me: "We got rid of the "British Agent on the 11th of October, last, and, God "willing, we will never have another one here." On the other hand this Government fully expects. •s. * V . when '^x ..^ m ■ i i - -■-- i - i ' ^ 'i j/ f •*-» I I llfc n ■ M III - ■ "■ ■■■■■^ ■! it.iii m* i...^^^... -.. ^ Ik,**' I iii'l fij^t'dii'i III /^- flA^^/iy?,^^VC^ /: /^A^/^ c^ /'ac^C r^/fi-i^ ^ril^^ -^^^-^ /^^^^t^ ^ / £>(^ay^. V AAni^ M^i^/^l^-C^^tA /^ "i^^C^ a^ccj ^tr^-e^i u^^Y/^^i^ "^ U^^tC, i^(rL/jL xyuJ^i /^i^-U^i^, 'fi/faAJ^///^/^/tZ/:^ci/-i^/4. ^j-t-^^-'^-^"i*-t'««>^--- - -Miiii'iia «.-^-.^.. ^ ..^^^.^^MiLik^mtMM,^^^... --■... ..^^..JMiAtMtti^ith^mitiimmtitm^ ^. ^.^ . --. ■' '■•' - - - — --^//? 7%^. c u^t^fdl^ (^/y/zr^^i^/S^/^ yc^A^c^Uc fa^uui/of^c^-Uc^ I' Co.-" fJfKOt^Wi^i<^ii^a/P.M I iic^ /^ 2 ^ i^^ *< Qj /I'yp/^ t^^^ Lf /^//A/yii'^C4/&L^ ^^^ P/a^ ^/^^c^ ^^/^ ^^n^Ji ra^<^^ KeJiu^u^) /^^i^ ^Jt T^e. -^UtJ /v/ ffu 7Cd - / ^/jyL z^ tZ^lu/^ /U y / //^ Ky/>t-i i:^-ir^ d-j/i^ Ka i^^iA'li-.f^M/'t^ t^ c fee. r(^ 7ar^'Le/?2{u- /t<-/^ /^^^^ ^/ Yuj2 / /%tv yV/^v^/^^ // /m. P'^^lUdi U a^^ /Ji t'u'^ '^^u//?>/-M^ ^€ ar/^i • ^ //l/'u ^/^Ut/ /a /^ ^/-^ f c vau^ //ce.7^€rf^yt!i /a t^ ^ric/u f^/^-^ rnO^uyV x* . fc - . .->.., ^ ^/>J9/f9 ^^fcl ^. y^/u^4M /fifC /37/^>o /Ti^c^/^mM^ Ai/A^ ^/§ niJ^ /^ .^//i. ^^ u^ ^^>e^ pCia^^^f^' /^Ce^ /lU^Uca. /U^4fM, '^ fi,> llf 'v4ti«*T..4f» -"^ "Deipeai^nBiiif vrnti Bult^ lands che ^eUcen. f4B ^bruarl 1900'* • -$ Detar Sir, Z hikve the Zionour to aclmbw ledge Xtie z^- oelpt> o;f your letter No, 194 'dat«ed' Jbnuafy ^« 1900* In which you stjate tHe svCbstance of the conversa'^lon ts^e^ween us ot t^ha^ d£^ cohoerrilng the views held iDy VolIb (}ov«mment In rh}^%i(^ tiO your taking chafi^^ QdT British Imteredte and those of British preson'ers of war In t^B Beputllc* I no^ with pleasure tif^ yde view addptied ^y "Uiis dayerniiteiht has T>een s.tEtfbed with perfect correctne&s In' your letter under' reply Zhat Is t^ attllbUde In acoojcVlanCe with which ttU.s Qovenunen^ Ziaa aQded' and will contlnile to act Assuming you of my high' consideration aiyX Bsteemt "four obedient servaixti ( slgd.) f, W. Relt«z^ S^tes^creteury • Jo |(ohouratle W* S^^anley Jpollls* 9* S. Consul. . s.l .. ^ J.*«f . J. 1/ /;24<. '^^Z; /, ifA ^a^M^ iir a4-e ^a^ ^ a/^ ^ ^ . _^ '^'..i^ ,«^^.i_ .'V ...^JTr ± 1 1 1 1 Mlii M ^lU^^u^^ Telegram Received. -♦-^•- Co'iJicy^^t^ ^<70o S^(7i- I^p mmm^mm ^^■^^•ii T- r^'6'}^. i^ (ib^yfii^uJ4u. il V S^ l/ie ^f/ia'^^tTnen/: o/ Q%ale. Gti/uecl: JlAXAra^C qJV \ hft5^ t^KxAL / J^0€> t>?6^ f}^a^/ o/ ^?2 /e/iU . Ouw^dL /lAoJlIZo 5^ i>l/yvlAlA JSJXjc^u}^ LvAjuJ. \ i )lc .•>/ >> CxinAn/tifi- o/ f/if "?b)u'/ed Ottr/tA, -TD /v>- ,S:a. \ f^ 10 /f0o y/o/i(yti/f/f ^O/tTlA ijiji- S'luU>^/((/if ^ (>^ Q?((U^ Wtr6/if'7if/^on, &. c: — ,-»' ^y{v : OxSi. dUJVlAjlL (SuAJi OUW^ Urtua <%.ciLtiL LA\7L^U)- oU^. Cu2^ "tZ Ikl- >^\oJU. SslxlKslIojxj^ s clAO^ t. ^, UK -^eLIlr>UJl. oJUlx CoiSLA flUYV i fl~K, tLu- -^y\r<./W>.A^ TtZ <3 'Yt -•J-'", r^- ,.,p^-_. ,,- ^ — '•» •— ^ — '■ -•"▼:''' •''i"iii»«ipi»ip^iiipppw»^i7?' t L^oi^lA COvwwci unit Ol >^AxXTvva Oy\.qXuJk VuXa.!^ \!rtjc_A^ cUtAft lb cAA..AwrvuQ e TVv-O^ cr^U^rrvi^jcnA. 4 : T-^" ■; ^ vr" ' i' crtjkJ^ UJr >»^^JL XLC/tAt-JB^Oi UJxyvA^i^ HuLx C^^^lJV^. t-oJldU ~tt) OhJijcOf )\.Q,yUt^ T(xi«i<^»\. ^Jlt\jOL\jl2i € oJl ^ttZ TCLA/VwA GLrv\j^ ikx^ Ovi-c^^L>cL\n>v>5 \v>CL/vr^ Vc^^a*- U>^jLt i/"^^^ Iv-t-xjK CXrrVi Axjuck A,.. ..—J. _^^ ».»-- ^1-1.. • II avji -.-r^ r-, — "^ I Mf«i PiP«^P^if«piVfMVp||pppM^W<" '^'«>' " " - "^' ■ - -w 'I — IS Lpai^ ■ ■ •■•wm^iv ■^ ir^ F ^ fcCL. rutSLxxJAsL AtruLXJUi Tto> TTvJU- UnXa (V l^JI^rtiiiLL v'^^ £jiXL. (ItJiAAjJL^cX. CLA CUwA lAV uCl -^iJ^.^ VAcTo-LaTM. OvJl VULAAy* (WWt^rki GL£./WxXOlX crJXjLjyvjL>iSVv AfijO^vwA -..( « I "7vr» '-• ^; ; — ▼ ■ 7»r m^ r"-r v ' > c3-A(Uru-^ cJTL^ t, uvw* cAxleJ^ -/'OLji;:ii;ii ujp Cojtr |"iL3T.4JUl^iAv l^>UJ-pj2_AjtZI CrviJWii^ Ouyx.oi. jticA^l-cliijuXi ILl^^hJIA Q cv\AjytyvYVi8Jvv>V r- f cJWk- pLO^AJUinv viiiAiL L/v*- Ciswwft. cAii^H. Ti ^ cuiXIyvvfi-'vc>A^ %k ^"oJlT o^TwL f^-Mjb^ejcA cx/vu^ 'WcviL Vurm u^ (^(rviAAori>JcrAJV --■'—ft' -- II simrr itAA-^JTir i A*! '- --^ -• i^^ 'lJI^j^i — l^. . ^_ ...l.T. J. tiAk^-^k tftaMMMMMa •»«*f' ~ . . 4 limit. 'V --if ^ J- ^ "Tc crv. ^TivQ^ (^ (TucnjYuyn^AJV Kltc*. OUH Ir^AA/-^ tS AA- A.M ^ t •% .^X%ii^A'...Ju".A^:. Ti. 'V A^. L ^«tuiL.C^«M. .-«tf&^. ■■ ^rtJfciH'viii;^ i^A^ f' »» * 4 » '•■ » /d -•^40 Rec « - r ^^ V V Received I ^ r ^M^' x^ ./t^ /"l "^ Telegram Received. / ^cV^*^ rf*• Teleqram Received. -^Or2^ ^ . ^« — r*/^ -^' « •- 1 ♦ ' ' -^'^^ \<^ ^CPV^ /d y y^^. Received r %\ / M^ rii >' _, yt^ I NM*W III m ■ •^-.i H i'm' ^■ '-^^''^; --J' 1901) " / Pretoria S.A.R. -4- Maroh 10 J900 Hon.Thos .li'.Cridler /' Th Sir:- ird Assistant Secretary of Stata k>>' J;,' ^ Washington D.C. V J / ^ / a f r» r I have the honour to acknowledge the reofeipt of your Nos.7,8 & 9, of January 2,6 \ 12. I have made the payments on the Letters Patent enclosed in No. "7 and I herewith enclose the documents tog^ether with a letter for Mr. Henry Orth whioh I "beg that you will cause to be handed to him. In your No. 9 you enolosed a letter froK the Goss Printing Co. concerning a press shipped to "Standard and Diggers "at Johannesburg, I beg to inform you that I have put this matter in the hands of the Consular A^ent at Johannesburg. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, United States Conisul Enclosures: Letters Patent Ilos. 1300, 1301, 1302 & 1303 Letter addressed to Mr. Henry Ortk OD S O t 1 1^ (0 CO 3 < o iZ lib O \ '] -!.■ A.*' , Consular Buce^u* :Y'<>4 l». MEMORANDUM. <> ■f- <• f*.-' . aio-* 5ec KiLeczx^ tc^ \.,> v- 1f^ C(j9 aA^IJl^ i i (Toneular JSureaU. •.'H' V. . k. . > ».f MEMORANDUM. •::i -,-v tOi^ , J\JLeJi^x>^ Ci^ix^ -fl) cCa A/i^UL^ ^! r #^ A\\' s ( Hon. David J.Hill Assistant S«or«tary of Statt Washingrton D.C. Sir:- Pretoria S.A.R. March 11,1900 I have the honovr to inform you that on the 9th inst.,Thc State Snoretary called a meeting: of the Consuls of the several countries represented in Pretoria find iv. their presence read a telegram from the Portu- £Ties« Government to the Portuguese Consul General here re the transportation o* British troops and materials of Trar throujph Portu^riese territory. He also read a T)rotest addressed to the Consul General froia Vno rrovernjflont of the 3o'jth African Republic. Further he read a note addressed to Lord Salisbury from the Presidents of the* Orange Free State and the South African Republic. He requested the Consuls to convey the information above-mentioned - - -r- f (2) above-mentioned to thbir respective Govtrniaents, there- for I hav6 the honour to transmit herewith translations of two letters addressed to me from the State Secretary, and of the said doouments. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant JUU Yj^K.S ^1 ad 1 9b a -:^i?. bedzh CO 76 ■{COO yfivt d.ti'^tjT;)ii ORoIono o.'* Tr/oaorf ori.* ovi^ri I cifduqe^ p/id^ ^lO -tnt^bxp.QT'^l 9ri»t not"! ,iiLBT^sIcfEO ;* *1 o bio I Yonsliaox^il r.m o.t,..tnnr rivtc] aii + fA'Q tiiis^iu^ I, t^vodjrf tiff* [ifL"^ aoi.toonnoc nl i.ta^uffili^ at e)ca£*si88J8 titoy "^o^ 390' "* Tiror.orl .7% VI *^ v"^ n r K * r * a^i 3 * ^ a amaT o vo t r/o v u tf^rl*T:r7l .•^aavotc 0* o'^vci^r ^aasejic .tco 0+ x" ■*■ o.t ba-ij iji^ IsLno F.'id^ ai .t£ R8i.t'T£c ri*od oi aldjstcfjooB RX««d rc^ L'O'^' '^ i bi3l3 {tav so b luoiia I SVOCF Mfl -aTovoO .-..hi* vc' Qb&m aoad 8£-f{ iR&irpftt tj friiiR A »£i?.su^ ,va^riny[),oo;iBi1 I0 ?.9viii5»ta8R8'-ee>i orii 0* .ta?>m . f^ ai; X 1 } 1 h ai: luir .r 3 1 efi , v [>: .t I 1 • /"▼ •*▼ ""▼ :? >"^ .C 3^ . ^i . 1 Y1*v+'jTC88 B*/'>*c '^r^ ▼- 'w"^',i'rrs'';'^ ^'"^^^w^ ^^^ .ir^^'^Tf ■■•i" ' "" i^,*^*p^tj^ r* ^•jt^vt.*^ %iwiew^''^^^l'^''^'^'r TPAN3UTI0N Department of Foreign Affairs Pretoria S.A.P. Maroh 9th 1900 Adelbert S.Hay etc., eto., eto., Sir:- I have the honour to inform you that I have been officially notified by the Hon. D.Cinatti, Consul General and Charge d'affaires of Portugal , that the Portuguese overnment has aooorded to England the privilege of landing at Beira and transporting over Portuguese territory, troops and munitions of ^ar. Through this aot the Portuguese Governinent has abandoned the attitude of neutrality thus far maintained, anci, as a matter- of f aot , liar: allied herself to Great Britain and Ireland against us. A protest against this aot has been lodged by this Co^'errment '^ith the Portuguese Government I shall be very glad if you rjll oommunioate this to your Government and I herewith enclose oopies of the Consul General and the reply of this Republic. I further beg to call your attention to the fact that as the 6th Article of the public treaty which the South African Republic entered into with Portugal and ▼'hich the m^^y. t .J^Zi;^ ..jja. .-.i,,a.- ^ ji. f/ •■'^.■"Tjj..r--;^-i .»■'■' X :vw# T . • ' ^ '^^Hm *^ ■ ( (2) the Government ofGreat Britain approved, has been «u«- pendcd durin£: the present war,«o should a Convention be suspended, Fhioh emanated from an exchange of notes Fhioh have not been published and are unknown, without ouestion. I have eto. F.W.Peitz. State Secretary. r L oc nociaavnoC 6 bli/oriri or^ijs-*^ ^tnesoTc t>ii"^ ^iXtuI) behnsq vtr/oH."'' r^^-iTonAaff 9TB j.ik 1: jri p. i Id r/cr need ^oz bVA/i rioiii'^ .no r .taouo . 0vt9 Qvjsri T SJXd'^i, »i* 1 .vi£iaiC9C f)»tii*- >'^ -1;j »- ' The Portun:ua8e Govemmant have been informed that. In oonformlty Tlth mutual declraratlons Intei'- changed by notes on the oonoluslon or the traty of I89I9 with regard to the right of pji^sage of troops and war material through PortiuRuese territory of Bast Afrioa to the Hinterland under the English sphere of influence and oonveirsely the British (Jo- ▼ernment intend formally to ai|k that faollties be i' allowed them for the passing pf war personal and matex'ial via Beira to the BngSlish Hinterland* In according that right, t|ie Portufruese Government I' not being able to deny it, isi only ac Ing in con- formity with a mutual ag re erne (1 t concluded long be- fore the present war could be, foreseen* This giving ef foot thereto can only be colasidered to be an ^a- voidable assistance rendered x*4nt parties without however I to one of the bellige- being a violation of t/he duties imposed by neutra!l!ity|Boreover it does not mean in any way a breach lof the good relations I" of friendship which the Portuguese Government wishes for ever to continue and to pirpser ve constantly with / I \ t,he Government of tte S. A, R, >- / Pretoria, March the pth,1900. / / ^ » ft ^^A^VLoi ♦ • Pre-torla, March th« 8th 1900, Sir, The Oovernment of the S» A, R« have with auoh regret taken notice of the oomiaunloatlon contained in your aemoranduit of this day Intimating the reso- lutions of the Portuiajuese (Government to assent to the request of the British Oovernaent to oonvey per- 90 nal and material of war via Belra to the Hinter- land in the British sphere of influence* They note that the Portuguese aovernuent have though ^ fl to allow this breach of neutralli»y» which they have hitherto observed, as they feel bound thereto by oertain Butual declarations inter- changed in notes on the conclusion of the treaty of 1391 bat wish to point out that such interchange of mutual declarations has not been published and that further the (Government of the S« A* R, never re-/ v:: ceived any notice thereof previous to the commencement of the war which was :Poroed upon them by (Great Brit- tain and Ireland and wherefore they can not be brought into operation during that war, during which t«h6 Kingdom of Portugal has maintained an attitude of neutrality which they have <9trictly and inpar- ■--ially carried out. If such an agreement has been entered into it oan not be applied by a neutral power against and •^0 the detriment of third parties during the exist- ance of a war between the S. A. R« and Great Brittain and Irelandjthe operation of such an agreement is suspended by the fact of the neutrality 4n the same way as art VI of the treaty which the S. A. R. has concluded with Portugal, published and approved of " by •• p* •■noflip^i* ■ I ' ^,"' I f « ■ — ^w^ "-"'— ^' •»•■»,! IWHini'- l^fU W.l J* ."•»TWi^W|!P»r»T»^ '<{>»'■ p I « "■ M" • " 1 ••III i< ^'-Jt'ww'i'. 'w 'n^v ' , ' I. wi''i 'iri"* ' • ' •■' ' ^"';'ii ^ywi i",n 'V.' v.iif^iBiipf^''— ^ s.- by the Bi*lti8h Oovernnent», han been suspended. The S» A. R» sees itself compelled to carry on a war against Its will with Breat Brlttaln and Ire- land and the allowing of British troops to pass through Portuguese territory can only jf)l^ tend to Ids detrimental to the Republican forces and would consistute on the side of Portugal a breach of that neutrality which this Government readily acknowled- > (769 has hitherto been faithfully observed by Portugal The S« A* R, has always appreciated the friendly relations based upon treaties and peaceful nego- tiations and so happily esisting between it and Por- ■>uf?a^ and would deplore the action of the Portuguese Oovernaent if it facilitated all of a sudden, the conveyance of hostile troops in favour of Great Brlttaln, thereby changing their position as a neu- tral State into that of an allie of our ennem^es and they feel constrained to protest against ^%fl this ^oniKfyanoe of troops and war material, as they do by thMe f^resieo^s. I requ^st^ SJ°^ *^ communicate this letter to your Oovernme'n Sf. ^ i^ ^ *« > :? ■ Assuring you ^f^jay highest oonsideration and ■» e t? t e e IB , f— ♦ * < *r. , "1 have he honour to be. Sir, T 4 t K Your obedient servant P» W. Reitz State Secre ary 'i'l:^e Honourable DSMETRIO CINATTI, Consul General A Charg^ d'Affaires of Portuga ,P P. 3 T R I A. **^ ^ — — 111 III Mil iTi ■ I iT - - !j__ « ..■ ■J ) ) y I « ; ^ ' , ""■r > t r. r I • i . ft v«. >. %^ %• *- fi e ri .1 ^ ' • I c ^^ iM ■ '> V i « r • -S o» K mm ttlmtittAJm. .il^ ... Trom To 9 State Presidents of O. P. S, His Excellenoy and S* A. R. now at Bloenf onteln* Lord Salisbury Minister of Foreign Affairs London* The blood and the tears of thousands which have been sheet during this war and the prospect of total bo- ra < and eoonomloal distruotlon , threatening South Africa render It necessary for the two bell Igerentjf parties most earnestly and Inpartlally and as If standing In the sight of the Vrlune God, to ask them- selves why they are at war with each other and whethex* the object each of them has In view Justify all this heart rending misery and ruin* In view of this and bearing In mind the asser- tions made by several British ^%^%^^^^%^/ Statesmen that this war wa^ commenced and has been carried out with the express purpose of undermining Her Uajestys authority In South Africa and to establish throughout the whole of South Africa, a Qovernment Independent of that of Her Majesty, we consider It to be our duty to solemnly declare that this war has only been undertaken as a defensive measure for the purpose of maintaining the Independence of the South African Republic which has been threatened and Is only being proceeded with with a view to secure and maintain the Indisputable Independence of our two Republics as souverelgn International states and for the pur- pose of receiving the assurance that those of Her Majesty's subjects who have taken part with us In tils war should suffer no harm either In person or property. On these lines and these lines alone we are still • as •• ._L. 2.- ">>y W as In -the past desirous of seeing the restoration or peaoe In Soutb Afrloa and to put An end to the oalamltles now prevalllniR; in South Afrloa. If however Her Majesty's Govarnment are firmly determined to destroy the Independenoe of the Re- puhllos then there remains nothing for us and our people then to continue to the end In the oourse hitherto pursued In spite of the ovex'whe lining might of the British empire In the firm confldenoe that that God Who has lighted In our hearts and In those of our fathers the ^^dneztlngulshable flame of cove of freedom will not forsake us but will oomplete His wort: in us and our posterity. We hesitated to make this declaration sooner to Your Ezoellenoy because we feax'ed^ that as long as the fortune of war was in oux* favourand our forces oontlnued to hold Aefensive positions far into H* II* Colonies such a declaration might have wounded the sense of imnor of the British Nation , now however that the prestige of the British Empire may be oon- sidered as having been vindicated by the fact that a portion of our foi*oes has been captured by Her Majesty's tz^oops and that we have consequently been compelled to relinquish othex* positions held by us t>hat objection has been removed and we may not any longex* hesitate to make it clear to Your Government and people in the faoe of the whole civilized wirld, why we ax*6 fighting and on what basis we are pre* pax'ed to see peace x'eestablished* - c ^^^^^- ^- f .▼^•-HM fm^li" " •w.. '■[{^'^TA'i ^ -TJj • inol'i'tA ilcfuoP nl :RnJ: 1 1 jsve'iq won Bel^ temlso y XLa'iSili O'ifi ctnecin'x©\'0© p*^«:tBet«M 'leH 'levairofl 1 -eH erl«.+ "^o eonebneqebnl ©rfcf xoi<^Beb o^ t)enlm'X6«tef> 1UO bn£i pu loH ^nld^on 8nJ:fifiie-i o'lerlJ nexiJ poilcfuq ep'xuoo dfld" aJt Jbne eA^ oif euat^aoo oc a&iiJ olqoeq ttdj^la gnlcileiiwievo erfd^ lo e«tlcoaeXXt)Oxa 'XuoY ceo'xol 'xuo Ibnfiiuovfil 'Xi/o nl p*w 'xjbw lo eni/Jiol arid" • M .H oJ^nl 'X^l snolJ^lBoq evlpneleA blod od i)ennlJnoo erfc^ babnuoit OYJsd vfxislB col^js'x^Xoef) « rioup pelnoIoO •xevetrorf won , hoI^jbTI rlel^tAia ©rfcr lo riOHOlk lo aenep -nco ecf >i£m S'llqmE iielcfl'xa eiiJ lo o^lv^ps'xq add s>t£oll)nlv neecf gnlvjarl po b&*iebtB •xeH xd" 6e*xi/.tgjQo rteed Bsri peo'xol 'Xxjo lo noU'Xoq £ naecf ^-^ •■^neupepno* ev£d ew ^^dif bns pgoo-iv* p*Y^setJBM BU ^cf blei pnclcMpoq 'xerttj^o ffslupnlXe'x Ow JbeXIeqiaoo \;nj3 Jon ^eci ew bn^ bevow&'X newcf pjsrf nolJ'oetcro JartJ vtnenn'xevor' 'xuoY oJ 'Xjs&Xo J"! ejl^u cJ ett^vlBeil 'xeanoX ,J!>Iidw heslXlvlo elodw ed^ lo eo£l &d ( \ Pretoria S.A.R. Maroh II 1900 Hon. David J.Hill Assistant Secretary of State Wa«hinglon D.C. I have the honour to aohnowled^e hereTrith the receipt of the following ooianunioatios from the Department of State: Confirmation of Departmentfl oable Deo. 27 Confirmation of Hell is ' oable Jan. 3 Departments o3roular( S.D. , 1,4,1900-350), re the destruotion of the Slater Code. I bef further to inform you that the Code has been destroyed . I have the honoul* to be oir, Your obedient servant United States Consul r f\ V (y 'U // <^AASK- // /^^£^ \ APR 28 15 1 Ajt/f'^^.'^-n^^LyC /t/Zc ^ id^t. 4 ^ ^4/^tXXy ^ ^2a€^\ /^ ^^^^^^c^joC^ f -^a.. M' ;.%»!». Ith^h^c^C^ M* ■jiii' .. \ ■ ■ -'-Ilia fcn /^ ayf—^7t<..ji^^Ct^^ixSjt^ , ^if-^i^/i^ a-^, ^<^ kjU^^:^ toi. T 1 ll AA^^C^ ^^^yxX^ u^^mm^m.i m-.^/ZkJ'^^ ^^^^/i^^^uC /i^^czy^P^ ^^A f^^i^e^^^^-/-^^^ ^jC*^-^^,--^^2iSL^^-^-c^[^-<-«--^fe^ •^^w^it.*- * v^i *«■ \j»- ' ^- -^ i.•^■ "4^ V "1 -*->«.* \« -» -• IT 4 f r, •'* J* • -W 6 V ■»» » ) If No. 2146. JS'atlirniii iBank, A. ^>^ 4 / / AVID BOYCE.PHtsiD NT M KElLY . t^K 'LLNT N G MACRUM.c 5mi£ ThOS.H FISHER A^'.: CAPITAL $100 OOOqo SURPLUS $600D0©P ^ ji 6 y" I 17 9 1900 Boa. IMitU J. Wkllf sir: txeout«d a« 0«as«l •f th« UBit«4 8t«i«s to Frtt«ria» 8.AJI*, ■• that the %tm9 aur b« •anatllod with th« turot/ Thankiac Tou la atvaa«a, I har« tho honour to bo, Sir. Tour obocioat oornat WAR ?l 1900 Diet. CBC/Of vw: 7' vn--'-.- j^;.jr-\ "••*■■ ■ v'-^^TV^iT^ Mo. II * ^ / ^ '^ -s/ Pretoria S.A.F. I^aroh IF,I9CC Hon.ravid J.Hill Assistant S«or«tary •f Stata Washin^on D.d. Sir:- I have the honour to aokno^lad^e the reotipt of the Departments oiroular( 3. D. 'I '22,1900-100) . I have requested the Government of the South Afrioan Pepublio to send ae the oopies of Census Statistics as instructed, but I fear that in the present disturbed times the request is liable to be pj£eon-holed. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant. iJUutlaAS / United States Consul > rft'rir*irii I liJiiiMi i-it-..^.:^ -k. -'I'liiififcirr f- ^'-i / ■!■ ; 111'" t 'i 1-1 nrii-ilrf.i'ViaAimf-1* WC .M.M. .4^ . u...:A:.. ,- ■ ,'<,', iiiii'V- I if' fi At ■ ■rriiii '(' ill ' K . J,.A v i . '* j 't r." "^"^fWBI^Wii^HP^lP* ^mm •i.^ a. n.JUhaL wmmmm ' ■ :»'» '1 '1 The Honour Aolo d ^ retoria S.A.P. March 28 I90C The Storetary of State Washing'ton D.C. Sir:- I have the honour to aokno^ledg'e' the rfcoeipt of your lettt;r o^ February 2 1900 and to infonn you that I have forwarded the letter enolos«d,oon- -taining a draft for oontribution« received by the "Westliohe Po«t' ,to be used for support of ^ido'^s and orphan?, to the Secretary of State for Foreif^n Affairs. I have the honour to b«, Sir' Your obedient servant, jUjtUnMiii^ United Stat^^s Consul . /p-^ < ^ - io.I2. } ^ f mmammm t^!U4ic^^^ Pretoria S.A.P. Maroh 28 1900 Hon.Thos .W.Cridler Third As si star/ Seoretary HVashinfton Sir:- I be^* to aoknoTled£*c the receipt of instruo- -tions r;os. 10,11,12,13,0! 14 of Jan. IP, 22, 27, Feb, 3, 5. No. 10 I have instituted enquries re louis Neustadter as requested by his brother throu£:h the Department, \> \ ;• V but have had no reply. Since the oooupation of the Free State oapitol by the ]!In£*lish I have had no means of oomiQunioation ^ith the U.S. Consular Ap^mt at Bloemfontein and +herefor have been without a oorrespondent in the Free Stafe. No.ri I enclose herewith the letter of Mr Coots addressed to Senator Thurston re Mr. Pollard and / sent to me for invest i rat 5 on. rv / Mr. Pollard is in the best of health and is \ "^ carrying on his affairs as usual. I have sett :.a letter - Jt . »i - '••» '. ■•■'.' ■■■*■ • • -' •«•■">•'■ . .. ■ — . — _._ ^^,^^|_^yj|g||||^g||,^,,y,|,||^^^ (2) letter ta|iis wife for him. No. 12 * I enclose the letter of the British Ambassador re I'r.p.A.Stronaoh. V/hen in London I requested my predecessor to make enquiries into this oase but he informed me that hr had heard that I'r.Stronach ^'as a dynamiter so he did not think he had better interfere . I made a iwinvesti^ati ion at the War Office and ^as informed that J^r.Stronaoh T^as released and put over the border. This I oominunioated to Caot Town some time apo. H0.J3 I enclose the letter from Mrs ]Mtchell enquiring* about her husband. •5 I can find no record of the person named, in V'y.- the Transvaal « army but there is an American, Joseph S .Mitchell now in Durban. I have written to him to find out if he is the man .He is late of Klerl^sdorp. No. 14 *"' i si As reqvestwd by the British Embassy through Departmental have investi^ted the oase of one \ Vaclachlan II M TfcaiJwiii lliniiim 'r i i aiifcii mimmmm A wmm u— — (3) Faolaohlan,alBritish subject, who ia alleged to have "b«en shot at Harrismith on D«o.25 1899 ,by the Boers , because he deolined to fipht on their side. I have obtained the foil oirina information: "Maolaohlan is in best of health, he in workinf in . . A.Andersons store at Harrismith. On Deo 25 last he was a little exoited on aooount of a Christmas dinner I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant » JU.xu^.)U^ United States Consul . LEGRAM I •"W CEIVED. ^^ ;^7^ Received (/U^^ '^OyU^ J <',:,ik i3 ■ V • \ , /- Pretoria S.A.R. April 6 1900 Hon.Thos. W. Oridltr Third Assistant S«or«tary Department of State Sir:- I beg to aoknowledge the following* oommuni oat ions from the Department of State: Confirmation of my telegram Fcby.8,Feby.I0. Confirmation of telegram signed Cridler, Feby.I3,Feby.I5. Confirmation of telegram signed Hay Feby.I4, I am, Sir, your obedient servant s^XMK^.^\^u^ United States Consul • w TELEGRAM l?R 1 8 1 36 PM BOO i • J o'clo^TpiT S^ , ; 7 r. 6opiei deliTCTod to ' "^ *~ * 7f ] * i ^^ P,.-.- "T^-yj-r— »-» -^T y.-.-wT?- '^ij^nrpr^^ ^fr»w^»Jimp*ii / 1 V No. 282. Telegram Received in CiPHEre|)fe APR 19 1900 ;# ■ or/2^ Pretoria. April 18, 1900, / Received li24 ?,U, Secretary of Stat*. Waahington. Iriah American ambulance almoat all preparing to fight. American Consul. ('•' X o^*^ ^n^ ^f^df^hcrecl bv , im^\ M. BiT OF State Teleq R APR 2 5 9 07 m 1900 Chief CiFM' UvOvuu^^s^ mt^. EIVED. ^^cnrh. ■^ -«'^♦- ^$ " Ctu- ^ ffcrO v -r — ^iittZl.. fmmw^—' ■ m wiw^ww -■»4 > ii i.^ ^0.14 /SuMOa ^otuiiCaU of tR« ^i&uted 9We«, ?Hi^ ^^^' il^U" ,4^0 ?Jo In* M)e[uiitm€nt of cdWe. i ) 'f si:c/?7 ^^ J- 1900 ••■''■ @t)fUtiact of ^ooUaU. Jl^ci5rcivjL/:> cAo^. 15^ |(# •s"] cu^^ I^^OLrvvA. fLUXovU cryv AA^nnil , ■ i*'^*... ...... ^..^^ .i.2WZ^ mm.^ I "T ' mm^w-^ II" V ■'^'yr^immm^^^^- No. 14: Pretoria S.A.P. April 2b 1900 Hon. David J.Hill Assistant Storetary Depart luent of State Washinf:ton D.C, Sir:- I have the honour to acknowledge the reofcipt of the DcixTtuents desr^atohes Jios.15,16,1'7 ^ 18 dated Febniary f J3»Il> & 15. iVo.Ib I havu several tinun enquired about Major I'aokcnzic ^ith no result and I feol quite sure that he ^ill never be heard ^roin ,oertain it is that he never was captured bj the Boers nor buried by them with the knowled£:e of his identity. He was probably buried with a lot of privates or left unburied till he was beyond identification. I have ''ired to the respeotive Landdrosts enquiring about A.G.Pobbins and Bruy Glever but as yet have had no reply. Xcs.ia 5c 1*7 J It -» T - -♦ » . / * I ■ ?. I ' "» . '^ mmi- i ."na ** M,% ' . ' lujietj^ "•m^ ^"■i" m^^^»--«-^»*^*iw^ •T T ' - -m 'TT , — ^._^_. ,.„ — ;- ^ i ■! i pj wii»' m n f « m ■»»■■ I »■ »- ^ w V'» • f J irix^i has d< being II0.I8 I 1 oaocrj statei tamDCi 14 e o« mail o\^icj: times 1 told « Z,,MSu, :A..t.-,>: ^bir^ a00!0tant Sec .^^^7^ X^ ' »•. b«nt. /i>d^ a/^-A^^ 't ^ biny .n his \^k^t g-anized %.«/ ^- was er addressed to If^.Macrmri but the Postmaster General pave mc a patisfaotory explanation and a polite apology for this ooourenoc. I did not rei:)ort it to the DeT)artiQent sJ ^J he tine as I thought it too trivial a case and J. understood ; 4. ''as a T)rivate letter. "^>» r.Hollis dertianded that Fr. Rennic, Consular Arent for hiatal obtain an abject apology ^rom the British authorities r* but the British authorities ''ere loth to tell him, knowing his *x* „^^,^Mm^ I !!*>■> ^ I iii^'i ifcilAaH I ( 2 ) J informed I'r.Pitohford of his fatherr? '^ishes but he. has decided to stay in Johanr.naburg ^rhere he is safe, being: under the evf; of !'r. Gordon, the U.S. Consular Agent. II0.I8 I havu made a thorough exajciration of Mr.l'aorums naDcrs in this Consulate and can find no record of any s tat it to the effect that the British authorities tampered ▼'ith or examined any of his official .Liaal . He ooinplains of the delay in arrival of his private mail which seems to be of much more importance than his o*ficiial business and which is absurd in such disorganized f i * \ lines as ^nese. 1/hon I was in Durban on ray ^ay to this post I was told of the accidental opening, by a clerk, of a letter aidrcsred to M^.Macrujn but the Postmaster General gave me a patisfaotory explanation and a polite apology for this occurence. I did not reriort it to the DeT)artment ■u the *■ 1* ine as I thought it too trivial a case and T.undorntood •!* V as a orivate letter. ">» r. Roll is deAianded that I'r. Pennie, Consular A^-ent for r -latal obtain an abject apology from the British authorities but the British authorities ^ere loth to tell him, knowing kis i^^ -'^— '- « .-t.-.-i ...^ .vi-fe^if «- i.i..„s.. . liJi i''fl>i<«liiiimiiri ■■A4uUU^.j4 United States Consul. J enclose several letters for the United States whiok I should be £*lad if you would cause to be posted. ^ ■■»»<>.ot«>>^ -^ ,« ^■- m^rw* EPAfffi T CF State APR 2 ■■3 i?iAW 190 'uHirr f i\i K Teue CEIVED. j?w^vyl^/&uX' Received _ {LtyTjr^^-^ u7>rtijz..'^r^ t -V^ ^ v i i^Ai. *-^ (Jf(^^7yS^^^ ^HT -T c? State Teleq ECEIVED. 7 9 1^41*'' ■ ■ W T Received J^^L'^^.UT'M . X 7^' .>. ■ .-_' •, • m c? Stati Teleqr EIVED. 1 28 9 oMM 1900 Clirf Gim Received / / ^ <^ Vf " '■"■-• — ■ ll Ji* ] 0H0./5 ' Pretoria April 28 Jfop^ met. «^y Jo th^ M)eKaitiueitt o|^ QTWe. V '^Af? f5 mi I amm«ct: Referring to John Rogers Pitohford a young American now in Johannesburg and a letter from Hon George Perkins, Cabled on March 8tn, Pit orifor^daoing well Johannesburg, Gordon looking out for him and writing father. Asking for receipt of Department's despatch :lo25 of March 9,1900 on same subject. -^ ^ -. .-^ .C^ , . ■^,., mRcc of tbc Zh\vt> aeeietant Secretary. The contents of this -despatch have previously been reported to the father of Pitchford and to Senator Perkins. ^, r 1 ..Y- " \ ^ A CC r RAM Received. DlFL.Oi.aAT; \^ /o ^ vlAY 19C0 ■ \ r 1 / ♦ A-e L "rtj^- '- Received ^ rr «.^^ 7^^\y X 7t^l,£yi^<2^i ^,. ^l^r- ,\r ^- - -f -r» - tk- '■ *»" .- j^~ r ■, W"-.%'I.V' «^ J^ 1 r-. Tele 10^^ .- » L' > G^R^^^^R^ EIVED. ';%74/ ^ >'^« .No. a, E flVESTERN UNION TEIiEGRAP: INCORPORATED GQiiii^uirr. All C^WITR MFSSAOES received lor transmission must be written on the Messaji^e Blanks provided b )ri(iUio«« printed theroon, and on the back hereof, which conditions have been agreed to by the sender of THOS. T. ECKERT, President and General Manager. bv this Comdanrifor that l|$9lrpose, u^^r an4 fiu^eei %• the following nleBsage. J\*\ v , LnacTftr I i K-» . TWO AMERICAN CABLES FROM NEW YORK TO GREAT: BRliSlN. ONNECTS ALSO WITH FIVE ANCLO-AMERICAN and ONE DIRECT Ul S. ATi9iNTIGf JI^ABLES. DIRECT CABLE COMMUNICATION WITH GERMANY AND FRANCE;; I [ABLE CONNECTION with CUBA, WEST INDIES, MEXICO and CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA. MESSAGES SENT TO, AND RECEIVED FROM, ALL PARTS^'OF-THC WORLD. All Offices (21,000) of the Western Union Telegraph Company and its Connections. OZ«Z*XOZIS XIiT Gh-Xl^S.A.'X' NDON: No. 2 I Royal Exohange, E. C. o. 109 Fenchurch Street, E. C. LIVERPOOL: No. 8 Rumford Street. GLASGOW: No. 29 Gordon St. and No. 4 Waterloo St. BRISTOL: Backhail Chambers. (^^^mr^Mf^ ^ . . \ "■■" ;---■_ — '^iiiiaiii __ M^M^MidMik.lMlfel TERMS AND CONDITIONS. To ^'Mar*! aj-ain^t ii.istakr^ on tht^ linosof this(V>ni]»:\nv. tli«» v;^^*^ l^-r. .. 'v»'ry !im'ss<'i;j*' s^liouM «»r^b'r it n*i»»*at**«] : that is. t^U-^-raphr^ hack (r^^m v.- of sai'l li!.' V !•> fii»M >r!u'!iKtTif^' < MTi«'r. F.»r siu'li r»'|Kati:.^'. t}.,^ ^t»n>lrr \n ill t.. fha!v-^uino an y rr^Iioiisihilit > in re>i»rc t t o any >Ie>Na;;f* 1»«> oikI thr t ei ininu> of it ^ o\\ n lin<-^ ; a; r ht-tw»M n T^;- ^••'.■*. r «•!" Tla- i\.il, wm^' ^It'stak«*> "-r in traiisiiiLsbioii orck^u'- : r .•'! •■:>■ :• ' !:." i.tx* .V .i:!.'-<-t 1:1.' 1 •l.'jr.ii'h ( .>:ni ai.y. - .!' ai:y i:!ir»'i .Mt- i ti.--j j*-. !--\ .^r. ] i lie i.i ■ !' r h'' a!';- ►Mit f«"i'vi I'r "11! ! Iir ••:•!♦' r \\ 'T ' h' - ..!.•! I : •• < * h-T ••"':! j.aM''>. !•>' \^ ii"-'- Iitm*- -'i',-h i:i'-va^'»j may f>a^-> l< > n*atjh it ii : I . i a' T I'-J ' ■v^- a ■ • ' ^ X * « a.j' . U-v. ■!,.! ritM tii; ♦'< t h»' »'\:ra ^ain n*i'--iv»'. 1 l.y t i: :> < "^.m jtar:y fr- -!;i th.- s.-r. ;»• r f -^r r»-j»raiiri/ ^; j-ii i:i»'S:>a j»." 'V»*r it^ou n Im^^ ; an^l tl. •. .\vn> -!;.; ill t l»»' h »J N* "1 ;'.!:y (\iv,. t .t • !» 'la}'^ .. *• ^ii; t: f r« ''n iri!»-!-nij .t ions in thr \* • -rkiTi^'s « .f it- liiif^. !..>r !"^»r »'rr«»rs in ••!j»h»T < t «>)j><;iin* iiiv-^ijr- 4'->n:j'a;.> :^ !. it-h^y tjk.I" t !..• a_r-' ^ •>! t: • «^ i. :. r. ^v::!... t lil'.il.'y. t f-r-Aar-l any iii»'>>a^'e <'\»r the Lih-S <'f any i^ther cufiijiany tu reacli its df.-tuici:. TLi;> C. i:4'ai:y i> i. >i t. h.- liaMe f ■ »r dama^'e> in any ca.-<.' where the cLum i:s Lot i)res<.'LteJ la writiii^^ withiLi thirty day^ after the seiidiuK^ uf th- ri. \ -j-iywi Miiip )«9|i ■fc P<^ mrm—m-^t^mtii^ oHo./^ lEote of tite United 8W«*i . V oria May 13,/^^, ftij . SIfet.Hay ^4 ?ro Ae "IDeluiUmmt of SWe. \ /^> V '0/ *^. / ^'■» v-» k-'*^ » oniSlect: 'o lUu "JU ? ^^jU Mrs M.F.Walsh of Brooklyn :I,Y. , enquiring about a family named Korne in Johannesburg. r9cf Asoertained *hat they are well and safe and are in touch with the U.S. Consular A^ent in that place, who will render them all necessary aid aind protection. \ ■/c I Iff' CONSULATE OF TiiE UNITED STATES PRETORIA S.A*M«iy,I3,I900. Hon Da^id J.Hill « Assistant Secretary of State » Washington. Sir:- I have the honour to aoknowledge the veotipt of tha Department's despatch No24 of Mareh OyldOO^enoloslng a let- ter from Mrs K.T.falsh of Brooklyn V»Y«t«nquiring about a faiaily naioed Korne,in Johannesburg* I have asoertained that they are safe and well and are in touch with the United States Consular Agent in that plaoe^who will render tnem all neoessax^y aid and proteoiion. I have the honour to be. Sir. Your obedient servant. Jiuuv^> United States Consul M^MnaWBi'MMao''"''!*"*'""*'"*""*'" ' ' ^1/ ^,CJuLJUA. Pretoria May I6,J4?^ % t.\» @«)t. Hay r ^o [L, We^tUnmt of SWe. Letters from U.S. Consul Sydney N.S.W.and Mr Housten re f*}^ j Mr G. Housten of Dundee, rho is supposed to have been taken prisoner by the Boers. Sitiluu^ of ^ontenti. Have made investigations at the War Office here and can find no trace of his having been brought to Pretoria or made prisoner by the Boers. ■WtH NOi CONSUUTE OF THE UlilTlSD STATES * - . ^tt^«»i • i PftKTCPIA S,A. Ma/l^teOO. Hon. David J.Hill Assistant Secretary of State, Washington. Sir: I have the honour to aoknowledge the reoeipt of the Department *8 Despatch No28 of March 13, 1900, enclosing copies of letters from the U.S .Consul Sydney N.S.W. and ht Mr 0. Houston, of Dun dee, who is ivppoied to have been ^ taken prisoner by the Boers. I beg to inform you that I havemade investigations at the War Office here and can find no trace of his having been brought to Pt#toria or made a prisoner by the Boers. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant. JUaUiiJ United States Consul III ■ ,ised not in C^an'-jer. Ar^.crO,onsi'l. 7:12 Am. ■ T-T? - ■ •r ■" ,tf .-*/ -^- »r»*T 'T^r ; W^ ^ irwi-" ■•^wt (TT^w^ DEPARTHEKf^I J Telegram Receiv /^.f MY 17 332 PM 1900 ^-^^l-LA^si 1 C^--'W»'-v-'" •■ •^VW*': "i>(..i;"-^ V^-'- )U J'* |H»l MIJ IIIBf V 'i>*>MJiMIWjmPl||ipi| lw-*^Kp|p||«|ji ||p,^l«>|||g|^Pr' F State WY19 9 2*41' 1900 (J^fiu/h^t-au Tele x ♦ • 4^,^^E.VED 7 /r^rrLc. Ch fiJ^ , yf^^. I ^ 3 I i\ \ 'IT ' 7-. » ,p. f •: ;^- 'V' rn ^--^f^-, (^UlJloUi^ DEPARTMr.! 4 "> m] 1 •v rOf'^" i^ ommect: Letter from Mr Jtse Eugenic Marx who believes that his "brother Albert Marx is to be a prisoner at Pretoria. After careful investigation no prisoner of that name was found in Pretoria ■PM ©tttce of tbc t^b!r^ a00l0tant Secretary. ATbertMarx . . »•/ « '^'**f».*«. , No. 220. March I3, 1 m^ ^6 ^-''^^ 900, r^j^ted from Cape Town -that Marx had been ilf prisoned at Breakwater Con.ict Station charged with receiving stoi «« ^ AVAng stolen property. Sentenced to nine months. .4^ riter was infor-ned of thir fact on April 17, 1900. '. Lvwq*.' 'KIWJIP5.I. V I "^''^ ^ ' ^^-'^TTT-.^^-rw^ll^TJprn,' r", ■""-;■ "fOfT^P VT-«r7»T».-|w-' -■ — "ij^iaif-- - - ' V'^^m^ * ■/■:.'>->-^'-Vr-^^^'^' Mawvi|toi^4iV«im^ /:!! oHo./ 7 ^oitMiCaU of tfte ^wriiud 8!tatc4| retoria May, 281^^ . @K>t. Hay ..*,A*«*.v.^ *^. ^ tK« IDeiuittment. of SWe. 1«/? / -« /5 /% .i V N >^. '''**Vv^-.^*^-'••^ '^c; cl.^ oKwlcct: Referring te William L.White, late Quarter Master General of the State of Michigan who is a fugitive from justice from the United States and a letter from the Governor of Mio .igan and several circulars. QlfA^ittojct of ^oiiUiiU. Have called the attention of the locsd authorities and the U.S. Consular Agent at Johannesburg to this natter, and rill report if the man is found. ^^ QtHcc Of tbc Zh\x^ H00l0tant Secrctan?- William L. White. -V'. ■k.. Consul at Lourftnco Marques under Xl: ♦date of May 31, 1900, rftportftd that White had hot been seen there. July 2, 1900, No* 258, Mr. £towe, C. G. at Cape Town reported that he had rec?^iv«=^ a letter from Albert H. Moore, Secret Service Operator, stating that TThite had been seen in Paris and was supposed to be in Rouen. This fact was cormiunicated to the Gov of Michigan July 20, 1900. Despatch might properly be filed. ^, Viypyi ?t^p^p^;^pPTfP|||P^l^yil,lt mi; I ■,wr'^," ^'■■fTyiT-Tiiii^^wiiy W». ■■ 'ff'^ •mwvwwjit"- .yyn'iw '^rrw.T- p( M •■(.J'*.>V l"» |i,.^-.>^,.;vi.T>^ it.ij «■»■ mi IfP mu qwif ^y^iw^vpi'Pt^i^wimpii 11 II v.HP v^^ip^^PVTviv^iijv^fmp NOi / CONSUUTS OP TIIE UNITED STATES PPETOPIA S.A. May £8.1900. Hon. David J.Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington. Sir: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the Department 's Despatch Nod4 of April 6^1900, in feferenoe to William L.White, late Quarter Master General of the State of Michigan who is a fugitive from justice from the United States, enclosing a letter from the Governor of Michigan and severed circulars. I beg to inform you that I haveoalled the attention of the local authorities and the U.S .Consular agent at Johannesburg to this matter, and will report immediately. if the man is found to be here. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant . jiyuw United States Consul. HMMtaMMB^MIP -tmmm^mmmmtmmmmif^mm^-^^tt^- ^wy^mimttmm^m'^'m/ii* ■^^W" «.'* "-%r— ^•^▼^ w"(ww^"» ir ■«.f ^ wi<^]pr-^-'T.T-..-f" T-Tvfv^T '^^ " ' ' "."• "r- n'^T'^'T'^^" rwrr-*^ *T-<^Yi •■ii» »w»w '-■-»— i^i—»'-»»»f;^i ^i^w^-"' -T- TPffWiWFf / / .fSiuUPUA. of^cZo ^oaMifoU o( tK^e United 9We4, §«> t. iU^ ?o tft« IDehattmmt v i"b Pruj^AiiJr )^u*^- ^^ilf ^14.4^ t; .'" - f. @()&illact of ^ortUitU. ^ /M -r:^ O^ ^4^ /?0( 'hi "'•f*- .i M- ■ ^ -. r-- ^ -* fc. • . * ^4 ♦^ :> *; ■♦«„ ,'*... , Ontvangen van den Consul van Araerika sen schryven van den heer Emil Pratorius te St. Louis met daarby gaande cheque ad * 100. No. 45931. H.C. ten Haaf , Pretoria, 2d Mei, 1900. NOl^ 'consulate of Tlffl UNITED STATES PRETORIA S.A. May 28,1900, Hon.Davld J.Hlll, * Assistant Secretary of Sta^e* Washinfrton. Sir; I have the honour to aoknowledfo the reoelpt of the Department's Deapatoh No2I of I'aroh 2,I900,enolo8ln£- a letter and oheque for one hund^fed pounds stg .addressed to President Kruger by Ir^Smll Pretorius. I beg to enclose herewith the receipt for the sane, signed V.t H.C.ten Haaf.ohlef clerk of the Department for Foreign Affairs, I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant. JIuUj^'J United States Consul. :X2^. of^cZ/ Pretoria May 31 /^e ^ekaibnent op O^We. I '•. ^AR <». /5 .^'C': '■*••.., "'•»-,■. Wanted information of Joseph Pryor,of Massachusetts irho enlisted in the British army and is reported severely Found- ed. SMuttact of ^onUnU. /fa i a^h Mr Pryor is not a prison r here and is not recorded in the Red Cross list. ^fOcc of tbe Z\)\xt> Hddidtant ^cretari?. Joseph Pryor. Our Ambassador at London reported June 23, 1900, that Joseph Pryor had recovered from his wounds and rejoined his battalion. Hon. W. B. Greene was informed of this fact on July 5, 1900. This despatcjh may be filed. r - !■■ Ill nm ig m I ■ - I 'la^i i m i n i m * N(Ay CONSULATE OF THE UNITED STATES, I' PRETORIA S.A. May 31 ,1900. Hon.DliVid a.Hillt kiliitliftt Seorettry of State » faihlfigton. Sir: I have the honour to aokno^ledge the reoeipt of the Departoont ^e Deipatoh )lod£ of lffar6h 8I«IO00, asking for information of Joeeph Pryor«of Hll River ffaeeaohueetts^ Yho enlisted in the British amy and is reported severely wounded. I be^ to iafers you that the above nfsied is not a prisoner here and is not reooried in the Fed Orose Identity lists* I have the honour to bet 8ir, Tour obedient servaiit* Jl5uiUL[ United States Consul f^^^W^^^V'Vf^ril'rW '*'^l>W''-«f — ■ * ■^»-i T^»»'^-'»'."irT' j'".'''.<'VA*»;",'T^Ti^"'i;i" i ■ ■"■," >•« 'T • • . • a^ipfliill >V IPi»«if Tp—™-, F:rTW^ ' . ,;^ Wmr^T^fP"/-' T-- 'T'Ti'TI^ "-T^, . '. "'"WH>W^|J|^M..Uff|Wqrr'- ■#FT4^^^ V Depae^i^-^ r-^ Stat|/ (^ Telegram Received 9 pf.(\N 1^1 V i Received. r^ Jt ^-^ ir-. r- :t"' -^;-r"^T-.'":^ ■vP^"^'"'"^' '' " ^' "fl .' ■ ViHMVf fl V jv? jj-. De?abi{3-^ r- Stat^ (y^ Telegram Received. a^M^ 9 ?c,4K iflOf i ,^f^^. Received^ 2^^M. A V / / /. ^s*^ 1 iii«.i r-''T"<»- ^Bi ,Mi"p»»iiiwi. ii.maitii qpiii«fi|ipi^M9m^^ppfpiinf<^piy^i m;i''M in,iiii;iii^ii ini, pii»r»^^i^^*^fli!iT»" '^^|ffnip|pipi|||f- ^ovMiPote of toe ^UDniud QHote^, Pretoria \««A*A«. @wt. Hay June 21,/QCfO^ '^ • ^ i^\^'K .^^ Money sent by Mr Carl Stein of the Deutsher Krieger-Verein for transmission to President Kruger for the assistance of the Boer mounded and widows and orphan* ©f the present war Money was handed to one of the officials of the foreign office to be handed over to President Kruger, but as it ar- rived on the eve of President Kruger 's departure, no receipt or acknowledgment was given. > !. U \ W- ^. ./. '1 jO • V.I M.^i iiMiiPiywipiifp ■ ^^ XX Consulate of the United State« Pretoria S.A.June, 31 1900. Hon. David J, Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, WaBhington,D.C. Sir:- I nave the honour to acknowledge the ©eoeipt of the Departmsnt 's despatch No36 of April 13, 1900, enclosing a copy of a letter from Mr Carl St^in of the Deatsher Kri^'ger -Verein transnitting a letter addressed to President Kruger which enclosed a draft for 1065 marks to be used for the assistance of the Boer wounded and widows and orphans of the present war. I beg to inform you that this letter and enclosure was handed to one of the officials of the forci^rn office of th« South African Republic for delivery to President Krnger,but but that as it arrived on the eve of iPresident Krugers de- parture from Pretoria, ^hen everything was in confusion, no receipt or acknowledgment was given. I hope this has einoe been sent to Mr Stein. I •.■* I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient sen^ftjit AiutLJfeJ^/ United States CJonsul s • • ^o«vMifate of tHe ^Iwriiud oKtateii 7f Pretoria June , 28 , / J <^ ^jAa ^OftlTARK^ §;t 'V State {//uC^n^^^ Telegram Received. / 3 WU FY WA 7 Govt. R eceive d Jidy V J^OO. Received 7:13 A Washington. Pr att her e very ine I 'ay (S -^y^: ^ > n^ .'V- . ' If: ■>.. ' ' .-■. .( •• .■l^-::^:'^^....^ *-;, *; . '5 'J' V , Consular Bureau. ^,: MEMORANDUM. :) ., '' ''i r-^-^ :v ■'•■Hj 1 "^ -* «•. ■ r •■ V .>• . ' .- \ »--■• ■/»•■ •S^'i-v . i^ ' * f oi^cii: '> V — TT^ -•Ti •^r .' », • '-' -v-mi-- »'iTf f •^'••rs'T^ ^ . ^1 i|wii» ^^y^'^"'* WW oHo.2i> ^otuuBoU of tile ^^iJvniud 9We*, Pretoria July,29./<>^'***' ' @<(> t. Hay tJo tn« ^ekaltment oE QiW:e. QhUHect: Information wanted ef Samuel Humphries, who enlisted in Orphans Light Artillery, of the English Army, @U*ttact of ^onUfiU. Can find no trace of Humphries among prisoners of war or in the lists of the Red*'Gross. \ ■-f-?-V '•-•■• VT v.^ ?n "^1 ■ — ^-^'■- F' "*■(▼' >^rr'%f -- ' "^ t^wy^wu r'-^-"-v»^'-*»r» -l* "<-»- jmvw* -I'F'.^w^-' NO 2i CONSULATE OF THE UNITED STATES. PRETOPIA S.A, July 29J900. Hon .David J.Hill, Assistant Secretary of State Washington. Sir: I have the honoul? to aoknowledge the receipt of the Department's Despatch No50 of May 2I,I900,a8ljing for information of one Samuel Humphries who enlisted in the Orphans Light Artillery of the English Army and was last heard from in South Africa. I beg to inform you that I find no trace of Humphries among the prisoners of war or in the list of the Ped Cross. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant iUU^J United States Consul ^ ^t^ * *i " - Pretoria July, 30y^i 0^ @l()i. Hay cJo tn« ^ekaitment o^ oHate. Referring to the status of Messrs Fraser and Chalmers and their to American protection. @()(Uttact of ^onteaU. This firm has not suffered during the war, shall ed by your statement if a oase of need occurs. CLc/cJ /ly be guid.^^^^ If ri hiirti 1 .....7 -.. .•„ — NO^ OONSUIATB OF THB UNITED STATES. PttttORlA S.A. July 30,1600. Hon.Darid J.Hill, r Assistant Sso rotary of Stato^ fashincrtoa. Sir: I havo the honour to aoknowlodga the reoeipt of the Department's Despatoh No67 of May 289 1900 « referring to the right status of Messrs Traser and Chalmers and their. to Atterioan proteotion* I an glad to say that this fim has net suffered during the var^hut if a oase of need ooours^I shall be guided by your stateaent X have the honour to be* Sir* Tour obedient servant. Md^ United States Consul* 1 /O Jo aJ^^'^^^i ' ■ -.T-W Pretoria Aug . I Jft^ §*>t. ^*y uo t^ '^cjtaltmmt of QHote. I f \e mi ^^•VS-v r ta-v-^ ' ,/ • Ctmmect: In reference to the oitizenship of Henry S.Adains of Pil- grims Rest S.A.R. t Senfe a oertificate of oitizenship to this gentleman via Delagoa Bay, as there is no direct oommunioation. Have no doubt that his neutrality will be respected. ^^ ,^ Ch^J^iT' @()(sttact of ^onUaU. ^^^ Mr Campbell is not in the list of Americans who took the Oath of Allegiance, and he is not kno^n to havejoome to this country either by the Authoities or by the Americans her** i ♦I '"■ ' *»■•*•" '^%'J ' ' tl "'-4,''^* iw" -"VTVF«-^iB inv^ (ft^X< Consulate of th« United States Pretoria S.AJlut.I»I9Q0 Hon.Davld J«HilI» Assietant Seoretary of ^tate^ faehingtoii. Sir:- I hare the honour to aoknowled^e the reoelpt ef the Departmental deapatoh Ho4S of April 24th«l900. referring te one falentlne 6 • Campbel 1 # who le tuppoaed te have enlisted in the Boer Armj in the Transvaal. I b«g te inform you that hia nana ia not in the liat of Aaerioana who have taken the Oath ef Allegianoe»and he ia not known to have oome te this oorxtry^either by the Aiithoritiea or hy the Americans here, I have the honour to bOt Siw» Tour obedient servant. jiyuiJ United States Consul mmm mmmmmmmmmmm MnaanpMW CllATt. Consular -JSuceau. 1 IMta*« ^r " r..:..^ ,.- -.-• o ,-**- ". >- / V > ■ -'■ ,' . r •» ♦_- •"•.-■ -^K' f*"l>" ' '^ ^■• -^ ,v^ MEMQRANDUM. ;«■■ ..,'■ '. V.;.v.i>«- ■ ' , ■ w ^ ^ w "^ ift-r ■",.■:, '■ ■-. ■ 'ci-fj' ^Ji; W ^. ■, n .' ■ v*^ .^■.. -_'-,-. J . . •^_/.,.-:^,^ ■\- t_ ' . ^»"H.> «•-■',■ , . ' k ' . ' »•. ' -l- ' - •* ' 94 '• <■«•■» - ' « ■' * > ,' ■ ... ■ ■ 4 • . . ■t ^ • • V ..> "i > ^' '^f--^*-- ^:> .^L J..,',^.. ., 'S t-:".';^ */-.^,-- • ■ •■♦>-'^v-. ' -•'■;•-.-- «, ^, . r ■■ .■ . - ,-.,.., ■ i»»v. . ♦ ... 1 >.v .y '■*■•, ^'•\'- »•«*<«.,/.•. <^ . ■*■ ■ ■ * ■' •»•■ . vv>.' . t> ■:■ ■ . ■ ■ 5-'*-' ■ ■■' ,' "*'■ - ■* "•' .. • ■ '■ <,*•■• • • .. . ^••' \ ■' -> ' ■ — .- .-• ■'■-. ..„» •.♦-■,...> .. ... ^ -. . ■'• "• - • •^"'.■^ - w- • ■» . fe*-'' - ■-%••■ V" -.-• ■;-'■ . "•• • -vr;.-»..Y -.. .; • -■ ■ - ■■" .-v *.-•■.•'• , 'ttik'-e V'V .»/■; '•■s ■««»-- ■_« • w Ml,.'. "• W V "T .f ,'' "■'H t'*''!' gTv'v NOa? OONSUUTE OF Tm UNITED STATES P]RSTOPIA S.A. Aug. t, MOO Hon.Davld J.Hill Assistsint Secretary of state, Washington. Sir: I havethe honour to aoknowledge the reoelpt of the Department 's Despatch No48 of )^ay I8» 1900, ref faring to the protection to be extended to a Kexioan subjeot in Pretoria^ appending oopies of the telegrams on the subjeot ^and a note from the Mexican Ambassador. I beg to inform you that the Government of the South African Hepublic agreed to this protection being extended but happily no cause has arisen, where proteotiAn was necessary. I havethe honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant. JUulLJ^i> United States Consul. mm 111 MMM««IHM^w««^MW.H«Ma ^. - . ■ . . , ^ ■ . ■^m.. ..■■> if fc|- - - ' -- m^^fmm^ma^m "«i«ap«pv^ im^^^^m^^m ■wp^TP^^wfi^pr .31 1/ (^o^-^/^auo Pretoria Aug . 1 1 ,/^/j|> gK) t. Hay STo tRe IDehattmmt of SWe. amCi«ct: Inforiaatioii from Hon. George F. Hoar J that Anson lI.Blenus had been heard from. vt^ @()t-^tacl of ^oiiteat6. Communioated this information to the Military Authorities here^whom I asXed to assist in the investigation. •> jy^iVfi.v <» ^-« "T-^ k"x 'iTICW ivTf '"•..)' im»i»" piii« ipipi^, ■I . m.*. n N) wi«v#.: 7WH k ^p^mupi « NO»J/ OONSUUTK OF THK UNITj^ID STATES PRETOBIA S.A. Aug* 1.17 igoo Hon.David J.Hill « Assistant Secretary of State* tasl^ington. Sir: I have the h' nour to aokon^ledge the reoeipt of the Department 's Despatch No5d of Hay 23«I900«enoloeing a lettoo^ from the Hon.George F .Hoar, informing me that Anson M« Blenus referred to in the Department 's Despatch Bo46 of May 2«I000.ha8 been heard fron. I have oonmtinioated this Information to the Military Atrthorities here«whom I asked to assist me in the invet* t i gat i on I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant j[Uu^ United States Consul. ^A NT OF State 9 32 AM 190[ TELEGRAM RECEI C'lRK's Office 'ff ai^.,,\ PO 4 K IttA. l*v Reo'd August 17, 1900. l^eretoriaj (Pretoria) ^ SecState, Washington. V \ X ¥illis declines "l-Q^ivc Johanr^osburhg shall draw and pay money. Jbnercan Consul. 12:15 A. U. ^< »^ §«,t. May Pretoria Aug.2I,/^zri Uo lae M)€|tatUneat of oiWe. ^^^^ Enclosures returned whioh were s«nt to the Department in error Have noted contents and will be guided by them in fu- ture jtmum liiti idhBJM i^iitiM^n.i».a>.a«aMM H0»2. OOKSULATB OT THl UNltBD STATES '^ PRETORIA S.A. Aug, ^1,1900 Hon.David J.Hill, Assistant Seoretary of State, Washington. Sir: I have the honour to aoknowledge the reoeipt of the Department's Despatch No56 of May 26« 1900, returning enclosures whioh I sent to the Department in error • I have carefully noted the contents and shall be guided by them in the future. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant. JUiUi^J United States Consul . UA -^l I limmt'mt ^^^^^^l||g|j|||||. —mmJ.L^. --ft A ..■..../A.t^.jAA.^^-/.^. ■.- -..-^.JL;.-L:-.t. i 'i. - M-- MOaA CONSULATE 01" THE UNITED STATES PPSTOHIA S.A. Aug.26,t000. Hon.Dttld J.Hill, Atalttant Seoretary of State* fa8lilnc:ton. Sir: I have the honour to aoXnovled^ the •eoelpi of the Departsent *e Deepatoh N066 ef June 299I900, requesting infotmationione John S.Saundere^i^umedene Horse vho wae oaptured by the Boere«and enoloelng a letter fron Morley S;SaiindBra. I beg to inform you that Mr Saundere has gone to 3ngland« having been released at the tiae of the British oooupation of Pretoria. I have the honour to be* Sir* Tour obedient servant* JbuAi^jLu, United States Oonsul ■ '^ - • - ■--- ^j^^L.'.Im -" ■' I I .1. I . ' , ' - ■ ' ' ■ I l^ ; i .! i»i« ^ i ^— ^|>T» I jMflrfitiMi'lli »%y>W* wf^»ijy»fwi WfVi"-T ' T^J .^ »7 '^wfl" ■,^> ""-•■^"'•VT'": .•r-jTW^" SIfct. Hay Pretoria Aug.27,7^ .'^ ^To tlU ^ekaibnml of 9We. oKiClect: Information from Department of State that George Pratt photographer f about whom the Department wired on June I4th had been heard from. Telegraphed 6n this oonneot ion, Pratt here, very well . Gable was despatched frpm Gape Tows on July 6th, no messages ^ere received here at that time. Jl ■ '- ..■^^^iiiiiii il'iiiinir''* -— ■ ■^•->-.- .i^^i^^ .-■.^ n.;.^>-.-««^,.i...-.L.^ tettilliUiiilliiMIIM iHiiiMiiMairiiilli \^-^ ' t.-fwwmK'4 '^^' m3S OONSUUTE OF THE UNITED STATKS PRETORIA S.A. Aug. 2*)', 1 900 Hon.David J.Hill, AMistant S^oretary of State, fashlngton. Sir: I have the honour to acknowledge the reoeipt of the Department's Daspatoh 11467 of June 30 «I90C, informing me that George Pratt tp hot ographer i about whom the Departsaat Wired on June I4th,had been heardi from. On thi4 oonneotion I telegraphed aefollowi-i^rmtt here,very irell. This oable was despatched froo Cape Town on July 6th» as no meseages were received here at that time* I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant. j\itjLi ^Yj^cSi ^ 6- ^ 1 y ^r:j^.3L / V ;;-j«i»»w".'yn~~T Ti TTT -.%;• • wt>* a ^ofUuEote of tfve United olWeft,. a Aug. 28, /^^«r^ §tiax;t of ^onienb. eoeivod after the British occupation cA of Pretoria have written to Amer. Consul at Lourenoo Marques to find out from Boer refugees, something about the man. \ N(K^ OONSULATE OF THE UNITED STATKS. PftBtORlA S.A. Atofe*28,l9CfO Hon t)avid J.Hill Asaistant Seorotary of State fashing on. Sir: I have the honour to aoknowledge the reoeipt of the Department's Despatoh No62 of June 16,1900 with the o^y — — >iaM»—.#<»^ ^4 iS^*\^^>^ of a letter from the Governor of Masaaohutetts enoloaed* r inquiring in re^rard to the preaent whereabout a of ?.f . '^emor^who v^aa auppoaed to have enlisted in the Boer Army in Pretetia* I regret that thia waa reoeived after the Britiah oooupation and it ia very hard to traoe the aaid Varnor* I have written to the Amer.Oonaul at lourenoo Marquee to try and find out something about the nan»froB refugfea from the Boer foroes. I have the honour to be« Sir, Yoor obedient aervapt Jbutuvii United States Oonaul. .L^^^i ^^ Ji aJh/-^^ ^oruuEote of tile United 9We«, Pretoria A/2^ Aug. 28,/^^'*^ §t. Hay ^To tR^i ^ejtattment of SWe. amviect : Despatch from the Consul ato Aoolaiid, re providing; com- forts for New Zealand prisoners of war. @()(Uttact of ^o(U«nl4. Everything has been done, which is possibletunder regulations set down by the authorities. (XC4cJ U-1 ..aiLV^' 1^ .^«. - -*>-*^ hiirn — n 1r I iiari ^rf i^itliiriii^ik fWT^- I 11,^11^ ^^pn •W^ M.». y pii .^ ji I I iipupiy I iiiipiiiwiifi^ ni|piwiw»wiyfuipnpn iin.ifpipupii^ir'^wwiP WllW^IP^PPIRP'Wiwiim^^TWiPipf^iPiipppiipiliPW^IPBWipiWJiP^ OOMSaUTE OF THE UMITIDD STATES. f* . Li tA < PRETOPIA S*A. Aug. 28, 1900 Hon .David J»Hill, Assistant Seorvtary of Stato* faahin^oii. Sir: I havo the honour to aokaowledipo the reoelpt of the Departaeat *t Deepatek Io60 of June XI, 1000* referring to telegraa of AprJtO^and enoloelng oopy of deapatoh fttm the Conevlate AuoUand^re providing ottuforte for flew Zealand prieooera of war. Ajd beg to Infem you that ererythiag hat been done whioh ia poeeible, under the regulations set down by the autboritiea. I have the honour to be* Sir, Tour obedient aervant iJUUli United States (Consul • ipi^W* rt^fmmimmmmmtfm-mmmmmim n / / (^i>3tr ^oruiiCate o^ tlte United 9!uite*, . a Aug. 28 ^0^ \ §w)t. Hay 3© ^ ^c|uittmmt of SWte. Qhimect: Infonaation that Mr Joim Shiels a British sub eot has been released and that no further steps need be taken m the matter I @()&^tact of ^oiticiib. /3lA 1 — • 1 -'\-« "w r" ■'''^^itgrma^imt^T"'^v^ " ■ ^-^i-^t^jn^fB^n^r^" -vF --•■,-■ »--HK.i'i"»pnii»wi*w I I pt. Hay STo tR4^ IDejiatlmmt of Sitote. ommect: Letter from Mrs Otto von Lossberg: of Hev Orleans regard iviz sum of money sent to her by her hunband thioh he asked mc to send. Q\)(4liaGt of ^onlenU. Money was send through private ohannels ofe mA^ Ota QyUe^ /7^f A """^^'^'mmmfm'^ \ NO CONSULATE OP THE UNITED STATES PHETOPIA S.A.S0pt.tfU9OO / I Hon David J.Hill Assistant Secretary of State, Washington. Sir: I have the honour to aoknowiedge the ftoeipt of the Departments despatoh N068 of July 7,t900,enolo«in|: a letter from Mrs Otto ^on Lossberg of I0I8 North Rflipaft St. New Orleans regarding a stoB of |25 whioh her husband asked me to send to her. I beg to inform you that thlt money has been sent to her through private ohannels and has probably reaohed her before this time. t have the honour to be « Sir« Your obedient servant. JlUJUii Ihiited States Consul • ' \- ■ ■ -r^ ^•' •Vi \ 1 V ^otuuCote cf tlte ^'ivmted SWe^i oria Sept*I,/^^^4i9 . Sf(>t. Hay ^To ifte ^ejtattmcnt of SWe? f Correspondenoe between Hon. W.E.Mason and the M.o.Bullook Manfacturing Company in reg-^rd to th« proreotion of machin- ery consigned to Johannesburg. % lUr^ (^ ^ SUUttact of ^otitenU. That the M.C. Bui look Company stook is safe. CLoki ^ {^^ fhcL 4 } I 1 ? - * ~~'- •* « ■«■■ ■ ■< 'o NO Oontulato of th« Unit«d Statet I Prttoria S.A.Sept.i;i900. Hon. David J .Hill « Ataiatant Saoretary of States faahin(^on« Sir:- I bsra tha honour to aoknovled^ tha raoalpt of tha Dapartaanta ' daapatoh Na6I af Hay SIit.IOOO.aAolaaing ooplaa af oorraspondanoe baivaan Hon*! •S.Uaaon and tha X»CT Bullook Mamxfaotaring Oompany in ragar^ to tha proteoti of maohinary oanaignad to Johannasburg by tha Oaupany. I bag ta infarsi you that Vr Gordon |U«S« Consular A^nt at Johannaiburgthas dona hia utmost to protaot A&erioan -rtr property during tha war and the M•C•Bu^ooK Company atoot it eafa* I have the hanaur to ba» Sir, Yaur obedient servant, hx\Jh United States Consul ^otutiCctte cf tfte United SPiai««, Pretoria Oct .6,/^^^ @<()t. Hay JTo Ae IDcjiaitmcivt of SWe. aKiui«ct: fi ^. 5/^: Letter from Hon.S. B.Cooper and Charles Mo,Farlane asking for information of one Warran Mo,Parlane of Johannesburg. @()(Uttact of ^ofiUaU. This gentleman quite well and at Johannesburg, instrdo ted U.S. Consular Agent Jhsburg to advioe him to write to his relatives. ^mir ■w^i^p^p»w.i™iFiiw"^^*» « - ■•.*,■ X ^//z CONSULATE OF THE UNITED STATES PRETORIA S.A.0ot.6,I900 Hon. David J.Hill , Assistant Secretary of State, Wasaington. Sir:- I have the honour to acknowledge the »eOieipt of the Department 's despatch No 63 of June I9,I900,enolo8ing copies of letters from Hon.S.B. Cooper and Charles Mo,?arlane asking for infomation of one Warren Mo,Farlane of Johann- es ourg I have ascertained that this gentleman is quite well and at Johannesburg and I have instructed the U.S. Consular Agent at that plaoe to advioe him to write to his relatives. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant jlUUti-i United States Consul. F-y.. '• -I"- ■ \f*r .7: ▼ I ^^T" '■'^^'JfWWP^^^ '^j '■' '.vf^itmv I i"i'"«w.w^,»fiwi!^ TEUfeGRAM RECEIVED. OCT 16 5 i^flV m Chifp .C .kp :'.' . C'Fir: / jri 1/ T>0 "« K^ ^lA. 12 Words. L^^ /je'' f t Pretoria, October 15, 1900. Sec St ate. T7ash ing t on • No an s "'7er '«7 i 1 1. i s 1 loj •. e * • • Shall I r^r hiin-^red? Anerlcan Consul. 10:19 P.M. I (^u TS. •• ,,m^^.it^ W\ '^ ' ri teu- r :,.:, WR21 1 o/PM 1901 ^ottmfcite of ^ ^niuJi SP^^ (Z^/6 -^^^ retona Chief Cierk's Opficj RECEIVED Nov.I,/?^^-^ m>t. Hay Uo tK^ ^cjutttment of 9We. Qmuied:: Letters of Mrs Emma Spanier about her husband, Harry SpaAier who was killed near Lady Smith VTlt^ c%.4^t,^,t4^ S{)RM^tact of ^onlenU. ^hUe^ 7 / Forwa-f*ded certificate of hi:^ death to I'rs Spanier, which /^> has not reaci.ed her. All his papers etc. kept here until a favourable opportunity offers for transmission. 1/ iC •« £^4^2 Consulate of the United States Pretoria S.A.Nov. I, 1900 .s 2 ] Hon. David J.Hill, Asiietant Secretary of State, Washington. Sir:- I have the honour to aoknowledgc the reoolpt of the Departments' despatch il«70 of Aug, 1 0,1000. referring to let- ters of Mrs Soma Spanier about her husband Harry Spsiniar, irho was killed near ladysmith. I beg to Inform you that in April last I forwarded a oertifioate of his death direot to Mrs Spaniar,irhioh evi- dently has not reached heryand I am^ noF holding a paoket of his letters and papers until a favourable opportunity for transmission ft he mails being very unoertain for paoka^s. I shall write Mrs Spanier difeot with reference to this matter. I have the lionour to be, Sir, Your ebedient servant, hiLA} United States Oonsul. .^jMliiA 1 ' " , ri k » TELEGRAM RECEIVED. - Ct^'''^ Ik » A . • * •- * ^J Cable CB K4 llA. 11 Via Eastern & Azores, Pretoria, Rec'd Nov* 13, 1900# John Hay, Washington* Congratulate president* Should Hay 10:45 P.M. like leave end Dec* ■■*. ^ •• „-jii 1 *^*-^fe^'— '.* .._-»■. j^j-—* ^ ' ' ^v.fmmmmmifm gili«ii Ml i«<«<<«imii'''«V*^'"*?^ti^ • STo Ae We^xtm^ht of 9We. Money sent by Mr J.Y.l.Pruyn of New York for relief of the widows and orphans of Boers ''ho are suffering. @()ffftttact of ^ontenU. Encloses aoknowledgment for Mr Pruyn from the Nether- lands Relief Society. (7 I I I .' -I ar ^ . '"^r n Consulate of the United States Pretoria S.A.Nov. 29,1900. Hon.David J.Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, D.C. Sir:- I beg to acknowledge the receipt of the Departments despatch No65 of June 26^ 1900, enclosing a copy of a letter from Mr J.V.L.Pruyn and a draft for fifty six dollars pay- able to my ordsr,for the benefit of the iridoirs and orphans of Boers who are suffering. This amount I handed to the Netherlands Relief Sooietji and now I have received an acknowled^aent from the Secre- tary of that Society addressed to Mr Pruyn, which I shall be glad if you will forward. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant. JlUUvVi.J United States Consul i.Tfc . It Ju*..ii 1 1 osPM 1901 P C'M'S OmcE ^wviuEcite of tlu. ^nite^ SPtote*, Pretoria Deo. I, fO^^ .^t4# • ^To tfce "^eltatlmmt of 9We. omMect: Letter from Miss Monat re certain legal dooumcnts sent to thid office ©Ul^tacb of ^otiUab. do ^ Documents arrived at a time when Orphan Master oould not aot in the matter, are on file at this offioe^will be attended to on the reopening of the Orphans Masters Depart- ment . ^i ).. A. IP v^ V i^.^F-yrf*- ^ .i{f Pretoria Deo,I^^^ ,Tt4^ §wt. Hay ?ro tR« IDckaUmmt of SWe. Complaint by Miss May ker of Johannesburg against Mr. W.D.Gordon Consular Agent of that place ■fciii^. W'^ /O-// 9-il^ S()(Utia4:t of ^onieitU Allegations made against Mr Gordon are absolutely untrue i^ I and majority of Americans have perfect trust in his ability and int -rity ' / i^ *.' . m i^^S' \ Consulate oP *>he United States Pretoria S.A.Deo. I, 1900 Hon. David J.Hill, Assistant Secretary tf State, Washington. Sirr- I have the honour to aoknowled£:e the receipt of the Departments* despatch Ne74 of Sept.I8«I900»enolosing copy of a letter from Miss May Felker of JohannesburgfOemplain-- ing ef the aotion of Mr f .D.Gordon Consular Agent at that olaoe. I I beg to inforci you that the affair has arisen from a personal matter which Miss Felker omits to mentiontbut whioh is described in the enclosed letter from Ifiis Felkors stand* i point. A sum of money was te have been lent to her through Mr Gordon, but this was not done ft he money being sent through another channel yMiss Felker went to see about this money and considered herself insulted by something that Mr Gordon said. I: W . I ^ ■■ (2) I do not hositato to say that the allfgationf in Miss Polkors' letter, about improper persons having bnught pass* ports, are absolutely untrue, as I know that Mr Gordon is very strict in receiving applioations for passports and has in several instances taken up passports where they were improp- erly held. I admit that his personal sympathy was inclined toward the Boers in some oases >but I am certain that he never al- lowed his sympathy t# show in his official aots. He was a member of the Mines CooBitteetWith a repre- sentative ef French and of Germa|||[h interests, who did as much to protect the mines as anyone in the Trsuisvaal , and resigned when Mr Klimke,who was State Mining Engineer, was displaced by Munnik an Unscrupul ous man, who tried to undo all the good dene by the Committee. It was through Mr Gordons * efforts that a great number of bills were paid to firms supplying the mines. I have perfect trust in Mr Gordons • integrity and abil- ity, and I believe that my opinion is shared by the majority of Americans in this country. I hive tlie honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant. hjy^ i United States Consul, T,T'' ■• " -i-^K " W" Of. • ■*l" -^i (//, ^Oi C^-^^^^tA^ A m 75 ^i^iiu-'^v^ a-^T Z7-/ff/^. / ^. /d^ .^;c/l/ /6^^L..yU Q{rU6 ^^-^i-'u^ ^L-^-y /?^ ^^^& ^^^4^ yu^ Coi.A^t- ^^^^./f^i] f« I -^^y^^:*^ ^*-»-JA^ -^iix. ft^t^ /^ T--l_<,^t5< *^ ^^-t-i^-l^ •'C^i^' u 0/>6^ ^ V^^u^ — t>t. /j-c ^ / 'H.^'^ A^^^-^C^ lU,tL,it.^/^ A-y'^^ -"*" ^s'U'^.u?^ - ^^<^L<, -^ 1^- .^. i?C c?-^^ <^ [■^ 4^-1^ ^^ ^;^. ^ tf^.^./;^ .^^11.^ ^^..^^d^- ^l^U. « ^^^ '^^'i,^'Tr\ /l-t-'-^t" ^-/-:^-*-A--C ^<:t.,--t-<--c^.^^'-^^'-r- •^ J y^-^-i^-^i^ ti^ ^w-w^ ^>x^ ^^^^"^^^^ /. vt^ 1^ n ZT^^ -y5^»<^ ^\y If-. , /t-cx^^U< ^ yUW-^h^^e^n^^^ QfjfcL •at . bL... _ ■ MR 21 1 07 PH 1901 CbIEP ClERR'S OiTICI RECEIVED 'M^cc^ c?./f ^< Pretoria ^ ^ic^O-^ 'ecuftn^ Dec.I,y ?Jo tR^ '^Dcfutitnveiii of afWe. Money sent by Mr Eiail Pretorius o^ St Louis for trans misnion to President Kru£'er,for widows and orphans of the present. T7ar. Jfol of Boers Qw^tacl of ^contcnU. Xioney t^as handed to the itetherlands Relief Society, as instructions arrived after occupation oP Pretoria by Bri- tish and the departure of President Kruger, Encloses letter for Mr Pretorius. .J c^hi Consulate of the United States Pretoria S.A.Deo. I, 1900. Hon. David J.Hill, Assistant Seoretary of State, fa8nington,D.C. Sir:- I have the honour to acknowledge the peoeipt of the Department's despatch Ho37 of April I6»I900,dnolo8ing the copy of a letter from Mr Kiflil Pretoriusttransmitting a^let- tap to President Kruger in which is enclosed a draft for one hundred pounds stg.to be used in assisting the Boer widows and orphans of the present v'ar. I regret to inform you that this instruction arrived after the occupation of Pretoria by the British foroes^and the departure of the payee. I wrote to President Kruger 'a secretary to ascertain his wishes as to the disposal of the drc^ft but reoeived no answeffSO I have handed it to the Netheflands Relief Society whose objeot is to relievo the suffering of the women and children made destitute by the present ^^ar. X (..iliP ' ii ifciMt I Yi III II 'liiif "l^'^iPP^^ ^"" --^^^JHHP^^— • - .^^-v^* "w< I ' — ViPii^^UHHpiPippir^ "^ -ivixNaaidNOO I may add oonfidLntially that after enquiry of the Relief Society and a member of the oommittae appointed to ;J look into the needs of applicants for oharity,! firmly be- 2 ^ lievy^that none of the other sums sent by Mr Pretorius "werw wbd in the dasired way but rre-e deposited in the Troarurj^ (v for Far purposes. The Netherlands Relief Society have presented the draft to the Standard Bank for oolleotion and I have made myself personally reaponaible for the payment of the draft. I anolose a lattar to Mr pretorius whioh I will be glad if you will oausa to be delivered* I have the honour to be* Sir, Your obedient servant jluUi) United States Consul , \ ciiV Consulate of the United States Pretoi»ia S^A.t)eo.3»I900. Hon. David J.Hill. Assistant Seofetary of State Washington,D*0. Sir:- «*» I h«ve the honour to aoknowledge the receipt of a -1 telegram enquiring as to the disposition of the sum of nine hundred and three dollars oolleoted by Mr T.B.Thiele for the benefit of the iridors and orphans of Boers who hare fallen in the present ^artand to oonfina my answer as foLr lows -'Drawn Thiele moneys handed Relief Society widows orphans -'sent December 3rd. I beg to refer to the Department 's despatch No43 of April 394h,I900 instructing me to draw on the Secretary of State for the above amount, and to hand it to President Kruger. This despatch reached me after the President left Pretoria and I wrote to his Secretary via Lourenoo Marques to ascertain his wishes on the subject,! received no reply and after President Kruger had left the country, I decided # that it would bf ietter to place the money in the proper "'"*'•-—--■ (2) hands for distribution as intended. To this end 1 handad the money to Mr H.C.Jorissen Secretary and Treasurer of the IJetherlands Relief Sooiety ^hose object is to assist those who have suffered from the war Your obedient servant United States Consul \ -^ ^ V' i I am enclosing a letter addressed to Mr Thiele transmitting an aoknowled^nent from the Sooiety. ^ I have the honour to be, ^^- { Sir, r -. -^'j 1 p^.^iup .jpjp iWM U^.*'»*^'»f"'7?Pr*^ #,f'i^«.^^»f^i..' '] iffARnilt \ TELEGRAM RECEIVED. £ ;c5 9 ioiM I90C Postal TO K4 ¥A 12 Via Eastern & Azores. m Clerics OfficE Pretoria, Dec# 4, 1900» Sec State, Washington. \ / ■/ '. ' >• Draim Thlel money hundred relief Society wido orphans \^ W^n/jiiT i^erlcan Consul* ll;07 P. M. V V '-•■' r^'Wfyv" ^J «) r / ' ©IHce of tbc ^ ttblrt) Beeietant Secretary* i n Uu y/ii^ B l*V<^ ^ ^<^/ JU// /<^ I ^CUa^ ^!Z^^t^ .% TMHNT rr State 9 56AM |9n(-T-E|_EQRA|y/l RECEIVED. Chief Cierr's Office V. ,'r' ^ > V ) mj 2 YS TO. 10 Govt* Pretoria, Dec* 7, 1900 John Hay, ¥ashi2igton» "fill you send man here Instead Hay, 11:50 P. M. J^t^tie/4^ ^orviufote of tile ^nite^ a/iotc^, Pretoria Deo. 23, /d'^ ( §^t. Hay ?Jo tK* ^DcKattmmt of anate. cmiulect 7 ^ Conoerning a printing press shipped to the Standard and Diggers News of Johannesburg by the Goss Printing press Com- pany. ©w^tlact of ^oitUaU, Encloses oopy of letter from Standard and Diggers !•¥& U.S. Consular Agent at Johannesburg has protected prtss in every way, as being American property. As British Military Authorities are using machine what action must bo taken iia the matter. \ Consular Bureau : - Acknowledge and say. It would appear from tne contents of your despatch that the British Government is probably liable for the act of their mi litary authorities in taking possession of cmd using tiie printing press referred to. Perhaps the British Ccm- mandcr or the Britisi: High Commissioner in Soutn Africa will, if the matter is brou^^.^t to uia attention, be autiiorized and feel disposed to take steps looking toward tne indemnifica- tion of the owners of tae machine for its use damage thereby sustained. for any You nay bring the matter to the attention of the British Commander or of t;ie Hi^h Ccxnmiss loner, in tne exercise of your discretion and in accordance wit a the tenor of this Instruction . /i^ r I , J i^^H^ Consulate of the United States Pretoria S.A.Deo. 30, IdOO. Hon .David J.Hill ♦ Assistant Seoretary of State, Washing on. Sir:- I beg to refer to the Department's Instruotlons Ke9 ef Jan.I2th and my unnumbered despatch ef April 5th with oop^ ef letters from the Standard and Diggers Ce«oenoeming a printing prese shipped to the Standard and Diggers Ne^s by the Goes Printing Press Company. I enolose herewith ofpy pf the above mentioned letter and beg to inforf you that the U.S. Consular Agent at Johan- nesburg has proteoted the press in every way, as being Ameri- oan property but that the British I^Uitary Autliorities h%ve been using it sinpe the occupation, for the printing of the Johannesburg Government Gazette for whioh they charge six- pence. As there is a certain aiaount of wear on the Machine,! beg that you will advise me what aotion to take in the matter f r- ; i-^r ; I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obeoient servant. IXiUi » ' United States Consul. < t •■ ^ f * • p i» • ft « « '•,. , i. '\'C.K t>;^^ . i» V- ro .-• * s m • s* •■H^^w^ifwt^-'^ up • i« " --^m^ftm^^'^^'^^^^mr^mnfn « it^wmmt''''^^^^iim^^ m- ^ \ A' i Consulate of the United States Pretoria Jan. 16,1901. Hoa.David J.Hill, Assistant Secretary of State Washington. -,SST.S£C,7;X i Sir:- I enclose herewith 4op7 of a letter from the Standard and Diggers, which I ^nitt;'d to enclose in Despatch No48 of Dec.30tii I9G0. I have the honour to be Sir "jAr obedient servant. Jbuiki^iu^ United States Consul CCopy) The Standard & Diggers Ne'»'s Johannesburg Maroh 26,1900, Gordor. Esq Consul of the United States Johannesburg. Dear Sir:- In confirmation of our, Mr Mendelssohn's intervelT? Fith you regarding the interests of Messrs Goss & Co of Chicago, we herewith place on record the follo^^ing matter. Ivfess Goss & Co of Chicaro erected in July 1899 in our printing ^orks Rissik Street, one of their large printing machines, under agreement 'oy signed contract , that until such Printing Machine was paid for by us, it remained their absolute property . Qwing to present Tar and the great difficulty of remitting money from here, we have not yet paid for this Printing Machine, the value of rhich frith appurten- ances is about £4000 or 20,000 thousand dollars, as it is possible some attempt may be made by irresponsiule persons before or after probable British invasion to damage this Machine we would request you to kindly to take all necess- ary steps, should oooassion a^ise,to pretect Mess Gosr & Co property, in your capacity of United States Consul , against any damage or possible destruction. If you will kindly us with a call we will point out to you, the Printing Machine, and all requisites connected therev:ith,all representing the property of Mess Goss jc Co Chicago, ^ho roy last mail have al- ready advised us, that they have given the necessary instruc- tions to the United States Govt. to have their property look- ed after. We therefore trust y u will kindly attend them your Consul s.r protection in case of necessity, and ^^emain Dear Sir Yours faithfully Signed Mendel: sohn & Bruce Bruoe ' •''."» V'fWl.^FTtW «tI»^W7» ^"^""^ifPPi mmm ^mm A i\.,.-j, fv'c n- Tretoria O 1 I . . L« * ' *-.v^ «\. \ ^\j Deo.30,/l^aC/^ S4(> t. Hay ?Jo tfce '^chattmcat of Q7iale. ^SST. Sc I ^ oKioiect: Const i tun onal Laws of the South African Rtpublio. (X^^s ^ 'V @()5^iact of ^oittenU. If' I Enoloses donstitutien and Naturalization Lars of the South African Republic. Could not ^et same laws of th« Orange Free State. f.Ttyym '* •-''^- \i'. ■ ■I'P.I'fA- "MP »- partaent nho "haire alao triad but unauo0B8fully»ta g«i th« lawa af tha Change Free State. I have written to the United Statea Conaular Agent at Bloexifontein asking him to endeaTour to obtain tKeee deo«* aenta and mail direct to the State Department* I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obed'ient servant United States Consul TV"'. ■T.-r-^,^ :r ■ '—' • ,f v""'"- :»' ■ ''7- '' J' :^: ■-■--- ^-.-- ■■^., .■ i;'; WET NO. 3 , 1899, (joedtjekeurd door den EdelAchlbaren Kerslen Volksraad hij art. 559 zijner notulen, dd. i9 Juli iHOO. iiaturalisatic en vol stemrecht, /' Nademaal de wenschelijkheid gebleken is zekere bepalingen der wetten met bfttrekking tot naturalisiitio en bet verkrijgen van het voile stemrocbt te wijzigen en nader te omschrijven, en nademaal deze wijzigingen geeri uitstol kunnc^n lijdcn om in termen van art. 12 dcr Grondwct \\ maandcn voomf gepiibliceerd te worden en zij reodj^ in beginsel door bet volk zijn goedgekeurd, Zij bet bierbij vastgesteld ais volgt: Art. 1. leder blanke mannelijke vreemdeHng, den ouderdom van 16 jaarbereikt bebbende, die zicb in de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek mettervvoon vestigt of gevestigd beeft, zal voortaan brieven van naturalisiitie kunnen verkrijgen, mits vooraf voldaan bebbende aan de volgende bepalingen en voorwaarden: a. De applicant zal overleggen een ceitificaat van den Veldcornet en den Landdrost van zijne wijk en district, mede onderteekend door den commandant van bet district, om aante toonen dat hij minstens den tijd, in zijn geval vcreiscbt, voorafgaande aan naturalisatie, voortdurend op de Veldcornetslijston was geregistreerd, gediirende dieri tijd binnen de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek woonacbtig (^e- domicilieerd) was geweest en gedurende dien tijd zicb gehoorzaam aan dc wetten des lands beeft gedragen en geen misdaad tegen de onat- hankcnjkbeid der Zuid-Afrikaanscbe Repu- bliek beeft gedaan. Waar ae Veldcornet en Landdrost van bun pereoonlijke kennis niet in staat zijn zoodanig certificaat uit te reiken, zullen zij zulks doen op beeedigde verklaringen van den applicant en twee notabele volstemgerecbtigde burgers van de wijk en district, ten cffecte dat applic^int godnrondc don vciciscbton tijd '>••■ ,-f ■ 'V , V ■ ^■/^ ■w 2 in de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek is woon- achtig (gedoinicilieerd) geweest en zich ge- durende dien tijd gehoorzaam aan de wetten des lands heeft gedragen en geen misdaadtegen de onafhankehjkheid der Zuid-Afrikaansche Hepubliek heeft gedaan. Waar de Veldcornet en Landdrost of de Commandant weigeren zoodanig ccrtificaat uit te reiken of te onderteekenen, zal de applicant kunnen appelleeren naar den Uit- voerenden Raad. Waar de Veldcornetsboeken vernield of verlegd zijn zal de applicant door beeedigde veiklaringen ten genoegen van den Staats- secretaris en den Staatsprocureur kunnen bewijzen dat bij geregistreerd was geweest. b. De applicant zal eene beeedicde verklaring van zichzelf overleggen ten eiiecte dat hij geen onteerend vonnis tegen zich gehad heeft en vcrder bewys overleggen van goed gedrag. Door onteerend vonnis zal verstaan wor- den eenig vonnis voor de misdaden van hoog- verraad, moord, verkrachting, diefstal, bedrog, meineecl of vervalsching. c. De applicant zal bewijs overleggen dat hii onbe- last vast eigendom bezit, ter waarde van 1^450, of huishuur betaalt ten bed rage van i^50 . per jaar, of vast salaris of loon trekt van ^100 per iaar, of een zelfstandig bestaan vindt door landbouw of veeteelt. d. De te naturaliseeren persoon «al v66r de officieelc uitreiking der brieven van natura- lisatie den volgencien eed afleggen, waardoor hij zal beschouwd en genomcn worden afstand to doen en aftezien van alle burgerrechten [enoten in — en burgerplichten en onder- danigheid verschuldigd aan cenigen andereh staat of vorst : « Ik zweer (of : Ik verklaar plechtig dat bet afleggen van eenen eed naar mijne ge- loofsovertuiging niet geoorloofd is en beloof) plechtig in alle oprecntheid en in termen van Wet No. 3, 1899, waarmede ik verklaar dat ik bekend ben, dat ik dezen Staat ge- trouw zal zijn, zijne onafhankelijkheid zal eerbiedigen en ondersteunen, mii aan de Grondvvet an andere wetten en de wettige antoritoiten des lands zal onderwcrpen en J^J- . ^M.. • . ...■ .t-.lt., 'J - ,. .^^' ._. »»_. J. ■- «_ ^2iiik^L. nri ■■■*", ""*, Si *• cecrd worden, een en ander ouder dezelfde bepaling en strafbedreiging als in het vorige artikel uiteengezel. Wenscht zulk een persoon alsdan na verloop van de zeven jaren zijn brieven van naturalisatie met vol stemrecht te verknj^en, dan za^ hij ook minstens 6 maan- den voor het verstrijken van dien termijn, daarvan schrif- \telijk kennis geven aan den Staatssecretaris door tus- sphenkomst van den Veldcornet en Landdrost van zijne wijk en district. Ook die kennisgeving zal door den Veldcornet aan den Staatssecretaris opgezonden en door dezen in de Staalscourant jjepubliceerd worden een en ander onder dezelfde bepaling en strafbedreiging als in artikel 2 uiteengezet. De applicant zal alsdan bij zijn aanzoek 6m de brieven van naturalisatie met vol stemrecht verder het bewijs overleggen dat hij de kennisgeving volgens den vorm van schedule A, bedoeld in de eerste alinea van dit artikel, had ingediend ; voor welk bewijs het genoegzaam zal zijn een exemplaar van de Sta(itscourant te produ- ceeren, waarin de publicatie van die kennisgeving was geschied. Art. 4. leder persoon, die zich v66r de inwerking- treding van deze wet in de Zuid^Afrikaansche Repubiek mett^rwoon heeft gevestigd, zal bij voldoening aan de vooi'waarden van art. 1, brieven van naturalisatie met het voile stemrecht kunnen verkrij^en na verloop vsm minstens zeven jaren na zijne vestiging. In geval applicant niet binnen zes maanden na de inwerkingtreding dezer Wet tot het voile stemrecht gerechtigd is, zal hij bewijs overleggen dat hy binnen zes roaandeii na de inwerkingtreding eene schriftelijke kennisgeving heeft ingediend bij den Veldcornet van zijn wijk van zijn voorncmen om zich te laten natu- raliseeren. ^ Bij verzuim van indiening van deze kennisgeving. volgens vorm in schedule A vervat, of bij afwezigheid van het certiiicaat bedoeld in art. 1 sub a, zal appficant niet gerechtigd zijn tot het voile stemrecht in termen van ait artikel, maar alleen in termen van artikel 2 of 3. Zood^ige kennisgeving zal door den Veldcornet iian dep^Staatssecretaris worden opgezonden en door dezen/in de Staalscourant worden gepubliceerd, een en ander onder dezelfde bepaling en strafbedreiging als in artikel 2 uiteengezet. Indien hij reeds bij de inwerkingtreding dezer wet genaturaUseerd is, zal hij het voile stemrecht kunnen verkrijgen, vijf jaren na datum van zijne naturalisatie, ol desverkiezende, volgens de bepalingen van alinea 1 van dit artikel. 6 Art. 9. A lie wetten en bepalingen voor zoover in strijd met deze wet worden hiermeae herroepen. Art. 10, Deze wet treedt in werking dadelijk na publicatie in de Staatscourant. S. J. P. Kruger, Staatspresident. F. W. Reitz, Staatssecretaris. Gouvernementskantoor, . Pretoria, 26 Juli d899. • Wet no , 4899. Schedule A. Ik .* thans woonachtig te in de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, vroeger woonachtig te in , van beroep , verkiezende voor goed in de Zuid- Afrikaansche Republiek te blijven wonen, geef hiermede te kennen, dat ik jaren na datum dezer, ap- plicatie zal raaken voor brieven van naturalisatie rait het voile stemrecht en verklaar, dat ik bekend ben met de verpUchting door Wet No , 4899, op mii gelegd om aan de wetten te gehoorzamen en ^een misdaad te doen tegen de onafhankelijkheid der Zuid-Afrikaansche Re- puoliek. * • V GRONDWET ') VAN DE ZUiD-AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK. ^ AI.GEMEENE HEPALINGEN. (*) Art. I (i). Deze Staat zal den naam dragen van de Zuid-AlVikaansche Republiek ^). (*) 2 (ii?). De Regeeringsvorm van dezen Slaat zal zi]a die eener Republiek. (*) 3 (3). Zij wil zieli bij de bescluiafde wereld als een onafliankelijk en vrij volk erkend en geeerbiedigd zien. (*) 4 (4). Het volk(zoektgeen uitbreiding van grond- gebied, en wil diealleen volgens rechtvaardigebeginsels, wanneer het belang der Republiek die uitbreiding raad- zaam maakt. 5 (5). Het volk wil zijn grondgebied, gelegen in Zuid-AlVika, ongesclionden bezitten en in bozithouden. De grenzen worden bij proclamatie bekend geitiaak^t. (*) G (G). Zijn j^rondgebied staat voor iederen vreem- deling open, die zich aan de wetten dezer Republiek onderwerpt. Allen, die zich op het grondgebied dezer Republiek bevinden, hebben gelijke aanspraak'op be- scherming van personen en goederen. Naam van den Staat Regqeringsvorm. De Republiek tfnaf hankelijk en vrif. Het volk verlangt geen uitbreiding var grondgebeid. Grondgebeid onge- Rchonden te worder bezeten. ^ Grenslijnen bij pro claraatie te worder bepaald. ^ Vreemdelingen toe gelaten zich alhier te vestigen. Bescherming van persoon en goed. ') Zie Wetboek 1849—1885, pag. 35— GO, 115, IIG, 117— 123, G79— G83, 1025—1028. Zie Wetboek 1886—1887. Volkaraadsbesluit art. 208, dd. 27 Juni 1887, pag, 201. Zie Ooiivernements-KenniHgeving, gepubliceerd in de Staatscoiirant van 13 Febr. 1889, No. 42, uit veering gevende aan Uitv. Raadsbesluit art. 97, dd. 12 Febr. 1889. Volki^raad^beslnit art. 247, dd. 22 Mei 1889. Volksraadsbeslnit art. 004, dd. 1 Juli 1889. Volksraadsbesluiten artt. 998 — 1000, 1002,1004—1007,1009,1010, dd. 10 Juli 1889. Volksraadsbeslniten artt. 1013, 1017—1028, 1031, 1033, 1035, dd. 17 Juli 1889. Zie ook Siaatscourant van 28 Sept. 1892, No. 617, Gouvernements- Kennisgeving No. 355. *) Dit artikel is onveranderd gebleven en is daarom evenals alle volgende onveranderde artikelen (*)gemerkt. De cijfers tusschen haakjes geven het correspondeerende nunimer van het artikel aan met dat in de Grondwet van 1858, Wetboek 1849- 1885 pag. 35 e. v., voor verwy- £ingen zie men dug aldaar. 4 /. (3pen {jrondcii zijii liet eigeiuloju van den Htaat. Maatschappelij ke vrijiieid hoe in stand te wordengehouden. Uitbreiding des Evangeliuras toege- laten. Geene gelijkgtelling tuBschen blanken en geklenrden. Slavernij niet toege- laten. Onafhankelijkhcid van den Staat. De Volksraad het hoogste gezag des lands. Voorgestelde wel ten 3 niaanden vooruit te worden gepublic. De Uitvoerende Kaad. Orde aan krijgsmagt toevertrouwd. Rechterlijke macht. 7 (7). De in dit grondgebied gelegene gronden, ot plaatsen, die lieden nog onuitgegeven zijn, worden ver- klaard eigendommen van den Staat te zijn. 8 (8). Het volk eischt de raeest mogelijke maat- schappelijke vrijheid, en verwacht die van het behoud van zijn godsdienstig geloof; van de nakoming zijner verbintenissen ; van zijne ondergescliiktheid aan wet, orde en reciit en de handhaving van dezelve. Het volk- laat de uitbreiding van het. Evangelium toe onder de heidonen, onder bepaalde voorzorgen tegen bedrog of misleiding '). 9 (9). Het volk wil geen gehjksteUing van geklenr- den met blanke ingezetenen toej^taan -). (*) 10 (iO). Het volk wil geene slavenhandel, noch slavernij in deze Republiek dulden. 11 (ii). Het volk behoudt iiitsluitend aan zich de bescherming en verdediging van de onafhankelijkhcid en onschendbaarheid van den Staat, overeenkomstig de wetten. (*) 12 (02). Het volk geeft de Wetgeving in handen van eenen Volksraad, het hoogste gezag des lands, bestaande uit vertegenwoordigers of lasthebbers des volks, door de stemgerechtigde burgers gekozen ; doch alleen voor zoo verre, dat aan het volk drie maanden tijds zal gelaten zijn, om over eene voorgestelde Wet zijn oordeel aan den Volksi*aad desverkiezende te kunnen inleveren; behalve die Wetten, die geen uitstel kunnen lijdcn. 13 (d3). Het volk draagt de voorst^lling en uitvoering der Wetteti op aan den Staatsp resident, welke tevens de benoemingen van alle landsambtenaren aan den Volksraad ter goedkeuring voorlegt. 14 (i4). Het volk vertrouwt de handhaving der orde toe aixn de krijgsmacht, de politic en andere personen daartoe door de Wet aangewezen '). 15 (io). Het volk stelt de rechterlijke macht in han- den van een.,Hoog Gerechtshof, Landdrosten, Gezworenen en zoodanige ambtenaren als door de Wet met rech- terlijke bevoegdheid zullen worden bekleed, en laat die aan hun oordeel en geweten over, om volgens de landswetten te handelen *). ) •) Zie Volksraadsbesluit art. 56, dd. 12 Mei 1885, Wetboek 1848—1885, pag. 608. Zie ook noot ' aldaar. *) Zie behalve de noot * ad art. 9 Wetboek 1849—1885, pag. 36 ook Londensche Conventie art. 9 en 19 zelfde Wetboek pag. 1256 en 1258. Zie Volksraadsberluit art. 41, dd. 9 Mei 1888 ante pag. 37, en Volks- raadsbesluit art. 418, dd. 8 Juni 1888 ante pag. 50. Zie Volksraadsbesluit art. 284, dd. 28 Mei 1889 ante pag. 151. *) Zie Wetboek 1849—1885, Wet No. 3, 1881, art. 15, pag. 1027 en Wet No. 8, 1885, art. 68, pag. 1390. Dit artikel is door latere herzie- ningen niet veranderd. *) Zie ante Wet No. 1, 1888, ante pag. 1. ^--\ ) '«« OVEll DEN VOr.KSRAAD, IIET HOOOSTE (iEZAG OF DE WETGEVENDE MACHT. be Voikeraad iiet (*) 2G (^9). De Volksruad zal bet hoogste gezag des hoogste gezag. lands zijn, en de Wetgevende Macht. VoiksraadBieden (*) 27 (SO). Als vertcgenwoordigers des volks ziin na?e.r°^ *"'^'^' zij. geeii Laiidsambtenaren. Getai van leden des 28 (5 i). De Volksraad zal ten minste uit twaalf leden VoiksraadH. Ver- bestaan, dezc moeten de volgende vereischten bezitten : eiHCiiten voar > oiks- •• I o/\ • j • j r» li- i i. v raad«iedeii. ^ij moeten Si) jarcn oud, in de Republiek geboren oi vijftien acbtereen volgende jaren stemgerecbtigde bur- gers der Zuid AtVikaansche Republiek geweest en lid- maten \an eene Protestant sche Kerk zijn, in de Repu- bliek wonen en vast eigendom in het grongebied der Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek bezitten. Geen personen van een openlijk slecht gedi-ag of die' een onteerend vonnis ten hunnen laste gehad hebben, geene niet ge- rebabiliteerde bankroetiers of insolventen Van waarook zullen verkiesbaar zijn; zij mogen elkander niet bestaan in de betrekking van vader en zoon of stiefzoon; geen gekleurden, noch bastaarden zullen toegelaten worden in onze vergaderingen. Tevens zal geen krijgsofficier en ook geen ambtenaar van den Stajit, die alszoodanig een vast, hetzij jaarlijksch of maandelijksch salaris geniet, als lid van den Volksi*aad verkiesbaar zijn. Een ieder is gerechtigd, wanneer bij daarvan hetbewijskan leveren, het aan den Staatspresident in te zenden, voor dat zoodanig lid zitting neemt. Ingeval het bewijs voldoende overtuigend is, zal de Staatspresident, voor de opening van de zitting, hetzelve aan den Voorzitter van oen Volksraad ter hand stellen, en op de verwij- dering van het betrokken lid aandringen '). 29 {S'2). De leden van den Volksraad worden door de meerderheid van stemmen door de kiezers van elk dis- trict gekozen. Niemand zal beschouwd worden als lid /-verkozen te zijn tenzij hij bij de kiezing de stemmen van minsten*: zestig stemgerecbtigde burgers op zich heelt icderhurper van 21 verecnigd. Ieder die binnen de Republiek geboren is en jaarLezitstemmiit. dcn oudcrdom vau 21 jareu bereikt heoft, of genaturali- VoikgraaaieJ. voor seeid is, zal stemgerechtigd burger zijn. De Volksraads- 4 jaren gekozen. ledcu worden verkozeu voor den tijd van vier jaren ^). Verkiesbaarheid af- 30 Q^S). Niemand zal verkiesbaai* zijn tenzij hij vooraf hankeiijk van uit- ecue uitnoodiging, onderteekeud door minstens 25 stem- noodigingdoorniin- geiechtigde burgers heeft ontvang'^n. De kiezers van Bui^erekunneireen ^^^^ ^^^^ district kuuneu ook hunuB Stem uitbrengen ander dietrikt ver- op een pcrsooH in een auder district wonende ^). tegenwoord gen. ') Zie "Wetboek 1886—1887. Reglenient vJm-Orde voor den Volksraad der Z. A. Republiek art. 4, pag. 172. Zie Volksraads esluit art. 322, dd. 30 Mei 1888 ante pag. 49. *) Zie mijn noot ad art. 28. Gekleurden noch bastaarden te wor- den toegelaten in vergaderingen. Geen officierof get^a- larieerd anibtenaar verkiesbaar. '"^Verkiezing van Volksraadsleden. 8 Redenen van ver- Bchooning, kenniH- gevingen. eiiz., inoe- ten bij den StaatB- president ingezon- den worden. Eed te worden afge- legd door VolkB- raadsleden. Voorzitter van den Volksraad. Volstrt'kte nicerder- heid van stenimon beslist. Volkaraad niet uit- een te gaan voor dat alle zaken afgehan- deld zijn. Volksraadsleden vrij van landsdiennt, niet van krijgskos- ten. Zij zijn gerecbtigd tot verblijf kosten. Vergaderingen van den Volksraad met open deuren te wor- den gehouden. 3() ('^9). Alio bcdcnkiiigcn, voi'ontscliuldigingen en kennisgevingen, . bedoeld in tiitt. 'M en 35, zullen aan den Staatspresident ingezonden en door den Uitvoeren- den Raad beoordeeld worden. In de, dientengevolge, onvervulde plaatsen zal zoo spoedig mogelijk voorzien worden, volgens art. 32 (oud art. 35). 37 (^0). De leden van den Volksraad zullen voor het aanvaarden hunner betrekking beeedigd worden door de Volksraadsleden, die op den dag der zitting teg'en- woordig zijn; bun eed zal zijn van den volgenden inhoiid : ((Als verkozen tot lid van den Volksraad dczer Republiek, verklaar, beloof en zweer ik plecbtig, dat ik aan niemand eenige gift ge- daan of beloofd lieb om to^ die betrekking te geraken; dat ik in die betrekking getrouw zal zijn aan het volk ; mij zal gedragen over- eenkomstig de Grondwet en andere wetten dezer Republiek, naar mijn b^ste kennis en geweten, en niets anders te beoogen dan de bevordering van het geluk en welzijn der ingezetenen in het algemeen" *). (*) 38 (4i). De aanwezigc leden van den Volksniad kiezen hunnen Voorzitter na de opening der zitting, en voor den tijd van hun zittingsjaar. 3D (4i?). Al hetgeen waarover beraadslaagd wordt, zal .4 4 /. Open ji^roniien zijn liet eigeiulom van den Staat. Maatschappelij ke vrij heid hoe in stand te wordengehouden. Uitbreiding des Evangeliums toege- laten. Geene gelijkstelling tnsschen blanken en gekleurden. Slavernij niet toege- laten. Onafhankelijklicid van den Staat. De Volksraad het hoogste gezag des lands. Voorgesteldewelten 3 niaanden vooruit te worden gepublic. De Uitvoerende Raad. Orde aan krijgsmagt toevertrouwd. Recliterlijke niacht. 7 (7). De in dit grondgebied gelegene gronden, ot plaatsen, die heden nog onuitgegeven zijn, worden ver- tlaard eigendommen van den Staat te zijn. 8 (8). Het volk eischt de meest mogelijke maat- schappelijke vrijheid, en verwacht die van het behoud van zijn godsdienstig gelojf; van de nakoming zijner verbintenissen ; van zijne ondergeschiktheid aan wet, orde en recht en de handhaving van dezelve. Het volk laat de uitbreiding van het. Evangelium toe onder de heidonen, onder bepaalde voorzorgen tegen bedrog of misleiding '). 9 (9). Het volk wil geen gelijkstelling van gekleur- den met blanke ingezetenen toe^aan ^). (*) 10 (iO). Het volk wil geene slavenhandel, noch slavernij in deze Republiek dulden. 11 (ii). Het volk behoudt uitsluitend aan zich de bescherming en verdediging van de onafhankelijkheid en onschendbaarheid van den Staat, overeenkomstig de wetten. (*) 12 (i^). Het volk geeft de Wetgeving in handen van eenen Volksraad, het hoogste gezag des lands, bestaande uit vertegenwoordlgers of lasthebbers des volks, door de stemgerechtigde burgers gekozen ; doch alleen voor zoo verre, dat aan het volk drie maanden tijds zal gelaten zijn, om over eene voorgestelde Wet zijn oordeel aan den Volksraad desverkiezende te kunnen inleveren; behalve die Wetten, die geen uitstel kunnen lijdcn. 13 {i3). Het volk draagt de voorstelling en uitvoering der Wetteti op aan den Staatspresident, welke tevens de benoemingen van alle landsambtenaren aan den Volksraad ter goedkeuring voorlegt. 14 (i4). Het volk vertrouwt de handhaving der orde toe aan de krijgsmacht, de politic en andere personen daartoe door de Wet aangewezen ^). 15 (io). Het volk stelt de rechterlijke macht in han- den van eeaJHoog Gerechtshof, Landdrosten, Gezworenen en zoodanige ambtenaren als door de Wet met rech- terlijke bevoegdheid zullen worden bekleed, en laat die aan hun oordeel en geweten over, om volgens de landswetten te handelen *). ) «) Zie Volksraailsbesluitart. 56, dd. 12 Mei 1885, Wetboek 1848—1885, pag. 608. Zie ook noot ' aldaar. *) Zie behalve de noot * ad art. 9 Wetboek 1849—1885, pag. 36 ook Londensche Conventie art. 9 en 19 zelfde Wetboek pag. 1256 en 1258. Zie Volksraadsberluit art. 41, dd. 9 Mei 1888 ante pag. 37, en Volks- raadsbesluit art. 418, dd. 8 Juni 1888 ante pag. 50. Zie Volksraadsbesluit art. 284, dd. 28 Mei 1889 ante pag. 151. =•) Zie Wetboek 1849—1885, Wet No. 3, 1881, art. 15, pag. 1027 en Wet No. 8, 1885, art. 68, pag. 1390. Dit artlkel is door latere lierzie- ningen niet veranderd. *) Zie ante Wet No. 1, 1888, ante pag. 1. /• ^\ FTF^"-^- -'' 'T-TT 4 Oj)en ^riMidcii zijn liet eigendoiu van den Staat. Maatschappelij ke vrij heid hoe in stand te wordengehouden. Uitbreiding des Evangeliuras toege- laten. Geene gelijkstelling tusschen blankenen gekleurden. Slavernij niet toege- laten. Onafhankelijkheid van den Staat. De Volksraad het hoogste gezag des lands. Voorgesteldewelten 3 niaanden vooruit te worden gepublie. De Uitvoerende Raad. Orde aan krijgsmagt toevertrouwd. Rechterlijke maolit. 7 (7). De in dit grondgebied gelegene gronden. ot plaatsen, die lieden nog onuitgegeven zijn, worden ver- klaard eigendommen van den Staat te zijn. 8 {S\ Het volk eischt de meest mogelijke maat- schappelijke vrijheid, en verwacht die van het behoud van zijn godsdienstig geloof; van de nakoming zijner verbintenissen ; van zijne ondergeschiktheid aan wet, orde en recht en de handhaving van dezelve. Het volk laat de uitbreiding van het. Evangelium toe onder de heidonen, onder bepaalde voorzorgen tegen bedrog of misleiding '). 9 (9). Het volk wil geen gelijkstelling van gekleur- den met blanke ingezetenen toefdaan ^). (*) 10 {iO). Het volk wil geene slavenhandel, nocli slavernij in deze Republiek dulden. 11 \ii). Het volk behoudt uitsluitend aan zich de bescherming en verdediging van de onafhankelijkheid en onschendbaarheid van den Staat, overeenkomstig de wetten. (*) 12 (i5). Het volk geeft de Wetgeving in handen van eenen Volksraad, het hoogste gezag des lands, bestaande uit vertegenwoordigers of lasthebbers des volks, door de stemgerechtigde burgers gekozen ; doch alleen voor zoo verre, dat aan het volk drie maanden tijds zal gelaten zijn, om over eene voorgestelde Wet zijn oordeel aan den Volksraad desverkiezende te kunnen inleveren; behalve die Wetten, die geen uitstel kunnen lijdcn. 13 (i3). Het volk draagt de voorst^Uing en uitvoering der Wetten op aan den Staatspresident, welke tevens de benoemingen van alle landsambtenaren aan don Volksraad ter goedkeuring voorlegt. 14 (i4). Het volk vertrouwt de handhaving dor orde toe aan de krijgsmacht, de politie en andere personen daartoe door de Wet aangewezen '). 15 {io). Het volk stelt de rechterlijke macht in han- den van een .Hoog Gerechtshof, Landdrosten, Gezworenen en zoodanige ambtenaren als door de Wet met rech- terlijke bevoegdheid zullen worden bekleed, en laat die aan hun oordeel en geweten over, om volgens de landswetten te handelen *). ) ') Zie Volksraadsbesluit art. 56, dd. 12 Mei 1885, Wetboek 1848—1885, pag. 608. Zie ook noot ' aldaar. *) Zie behalve de noot * ad art. 9 Wetboek 1849— 1885, pag. 36 ook Londensche Conventie art. 9 en 19 zelfde Wetboek pag. 1256 en 1258. Zie Volksraadsberluit art. 41, dd. 9 Mei 1888 ante pag. 37, en Volks- raadsbesluit art. 418, dd. 8 Juni 1888 ante pag. 50. Zie Volksraadsbesluit art. 284, dd. 28 Mei 1889 ante pag. 151. =") Zie Wetboek 1849—1885, Wet No. 3, 1881, art. 15, pag. 1027 en Wet No. 8, 1885, art. 68, pag. 1390. Dit artikel is door latere herzie- ningen niet veranderd. *) Zie ante Wet No. 1, 1888, ante pag. 1. / ^\ 16 {iO). Ilet volk zal jaarlijks van den Volksraad eene begrooting van algemeene inkomsten en uitgaven voor den Staat ontvangen en daaruit vernemen lioeveel ieders behisting zal beloopen. (*) 17 {i7). Potchefstroom, gelegen aan de Mooirivier, zal de lioofdplaats der Republiek en Pretoria de zetel van bet Gonvernement zijn. (*) 18 {18). AUe diensten ten behoeve van bet alge- meen gevordei'd, worden door liet algemeen beloond. (*) 19 {19). Vrijbeid van drukpcrsi^toegestaan, mits de drukker en uitgever verantwoordelijk blijven voor al de stukken die eerscbennis, beleedigiiig of aanranding van iemands karakter bevatten. Jaarlijksclie begroo- tingswet te worden gepasseerd Hoofdplaatden zetel van Gouvernement. Algemeene diensten te worden beloond. Vrijheid der druk- pers. OVER DE BESCHERMINCf EN VKRDEDIGING VAN DEN STAAT. 20 (^'?). Ilet (volk) zal geen andere vertegenwoor- digers in den Volksraad aanstellen, dan degenen die lidmaten eener Protestantscbe Kerk zijn '). 21 (^4). Het volk verlangt den opboiuv, de bloei en de welvaart van den Staat, en uit dien bool'de voor- ziening in de beboefte aan scboolonderwijzers. (*) 22 {!25). Zoo ook, dat in tijd van vrede voor- zorgende maatregelen gene men worden, om een oorlog te kunnen voeren of te wederstaan. (*) 23 (t^6'). Ingeval van vijandelijken inval van buiten, zal een ieder zonder onderscheid gebouden zijn om met de iiitvaardiging der oorlogswet zijnen bijstand daartoe te verleenen. 24 (t??). Geentractaatof bondgenootschap metbiiiten- landsclie mogenheden of volkeren mag bekrachtigd worden, dan nadat de Volksraad daarover zijn gevoelen beeft kenbaar gemaakt,, zulicnde het tractaat volgens het oordeel van den Volksraad goedgekeurd en vastge- steld of afgekeurd worden, met uitzondering van die traktaten, welke de Regeering bij Wet of Volksraads- besluit gemachtigd is aan te gaan ^). 25 {'28). Bij voor den Staat dreigend gevaar of in oorlogstijd zal de beoordeeling over bet al of niet raad- zame van zoodanig tactaat of bondgenootschap, aan den Commandant-Generaal, met overleg van den Krijgsraad. overgelaten worden, indien de commando's in liet veld zijn, en er geen tijd is om den Uitvoerenden Raad te raadplegen. Volksraadsleden nioeten tot een Pro- test, kerk behooren. Welvaart van den Staat door benoe- luing van onder- wijzers te worden bevorderd. Maatregelen tot het voeren van oorlog. Ieder inwoncr ver- plicht hulp te ver- leenen bij invallen. Tractaten of bond- ge nootschappe n me t buiterlandsche mo- genheden, enz., ver- eischen de goedkeu- ring des Yolksraads. In tijd van dreigend gevaar of oorlog kan de Commandant- Generaal met den krijgsraad in zooda- nig tractaat of bond- genootschap treden. ') In de gewijzigde Grondwet is het woord "volk" uitgelaten, ik heb het dnidelijkshalve ingevoegd. De nitlating is waarschijnlijk het gevolg van het wegvallen der 2 voorgaande artikelen. Zie onde Grundwet 1858. Zie ook Wetboek 184'J— 1885. Volksraadsbesluit 11 Juni 1873, art. 153^ pag. 525. *) Zie Volksraadsbesluit art. 999, dd. 16 Juli 1889, (3 OVER DEN VOI.KSRAAD, IIET HOOGSTE (iEZAG OF 1)E AVETGEVENDE MACHT. t)e Volksraad liet hoogste gezag. VolksraaJeleden zijn geene aiubte- naren, Getalvan leclen ties VolksraadK. Ver- einchten voor Volks- ratulHle do publieke delverijen zullen ieder een lid afvaardigen. De Veldcornetten zidlen in tijds zorg di*agen dat de kieslijst aan de Landdrosten, en deze weder zorg dragen dat die kieslijstcn onmiddellijk aan den Uitvoerenden Raad worden ingezonden. Op bet einde van bet tweede jaar zal de belft der leden b:j loting aftreden ; de an- dere heltt op bet einde van bet vierde jaar, en zoo voort. Uit de districten, wier leden uitvallen, zullen nieuwe Volksraadsleden gekozen worden. Deaftredende leden zijn berkiesbaar ^). ^; 33 (.%*). De Volksraad benoemt buiten zijn midden eenen Secretaris op voordracbt van den Uitvoerenden Raad. 34 (.'J7). Blijft een lid van den Volksraad zonder be- danken weg. en voldoet bij niet aan de oproeping dan wordt hij beboet met Rds. 75. (*) 35 (.^iS). De redenen van verscbooning voor bet niet verschijnen van een lid van den Volksraad zijn: 1 . Ongesteldheid en licbaamsgebreken, te bewijzcn door bet verkozene of opgeroepen lid, met eene onderteekende verklaring van den Landdrost, Commandant of Veldcornet zijner afdeeling, en Zoodanige onvoorzienc omstandigheden, die werkelijk bewezen zijnde, bet bem onmogelijk maken aanwezig te zijn of te blijven. Bestliuldipiiigtegen «leii Pre» (lent of leden van den Vit- voerenden Raad. Verdere bepalingen betrekkelijk de ver- kiezing van Volks- raadsleden. Secretaris van den Volksraad. Verontscliuldi- gingen van Volks- raadiileden. Redenen van ver- schoon ng. ••> ') Zie Volksratulsheslnit art. 1000, dd. 16 Jul! 1889. Dit besluit is niet opgenonien in de Locale Wctten 1886; 87. *) Zie "Wetboek 1849—188.'). Rijlage tot besluiten van den HoogEJd. Volksraad art. 7, pag. 136. Wt-tboek 1886—1887. Valkpraadsbesluit art. >77, dd. 7 .Txxli 1886. pag. 81. Zie ante pap. 61, art. 4 2de alinea. Zie Wetboek 1849 — iss.'S. Volkfraadpbeplnit art. 2. pag. S9i en verdere venvijzing aldaar. 8 Redenen van ver- Bchooning, kenniH- gevingen, enz., luoe- ten bij den Staate- president ingezon- den worden. Eed te worden afge^ legd door Volkg- raadsleden. Voorzitter van den Volksraad. Volstrt'kte nieerder- heid van stenimon bcslist. Volksraad niet uit- een te gaan voor dat alle zaken afgehan- deld zijn. Volksraadsleden vrij van landsdienst, niet van krijgekos- ten. Zij zijn gerechtigd tot verblijf kosten. Vergaderingen van den Volksraad met open deuren te wor- den gehouden. 3() i'^O). Alio bcflonkiiigeii, vcroiitschnldigingen en kcnnisgevingeii, . bedoeld in iirtt. 34 en 35, zullen aan den Staatspresident ingezoiidon en door den Uiivoeren- den Raad beoordeeld worden. In de, dientengevolge, onvervnlde plaatsen zal zoo spoedig mogelijk voorzien worden, volgens art. 32 (oud art. 35). 37 (40). De leden van den Volksraad zullen voor het aanvaarden liunner betrekking beeedigd worden door de Volksraadsleden, die op den dag der zitting teg*en- woordig zijn ; hun eed zal zijn van don volgenden inhoud : ((Als verkozen tot lid van den Volksraad dezer Republiek, verklaa,r, beloof en zweer ik plechtig, dat ik aan niemand eenige gift ge- daan of beloofd lieb om toj, die betrekking te geraken; dat ik in die betrekking getrouw zal zijn aan het volk; mij zal gedragen over- eenkomstig de Grondwet en andere wetten dezer Republiek, naar mijn be^ste kennis en geweten, en niets anders te beoogen dan de bevordering van het geluk on welzijn der ingezetenen in het algemeen" *). (*) 38 (41). De aanwozigo leden van den Volksniad kiezen luinnen Voorzitter na de opening der zitting, en voor den tijd van hun zittingsjaar. 3D (4!;?). Al hetgeen waarover beraadslaagd wordt, zal door volstrekte meoderheid van stemmen der stemmende leden beslist worden. (*) 40 (43). De Volksraad gaat niet uiteen voor dat alle zaken die behandeld moeten worden, afgehandeld zijn, en de zitting door den Voorzitter van den Raad gesloten is. Een Volksraadslid kan vrij held ontvangen de ver- gadering te verlaten indien hij verkeert in het geval van No. 2. art. 35 (oud art. 38). 41 (44). De dienstdoonde ledon van den Volksraad zullen in persoon vrij wozen van 's lands dienst. zonder vrij te zijn van kosten die dekrijgsmacht van hen zoude kunncn alVorderen: zij zullen vergoeding van hun verblijf genieten gedurende hot b|)onthoud hunner bezigheden -). 42 (45). De vergaderingen worden mot openedouron gehouden, tenzij dat de Volksraad besluit, dat de be- raadslagingen over het <»en of ander voorstol in het geheim gehouden worden. De aanwezige personen die geen zitting in den Volksraad hebben, mogen niet ') Zie Wetboek 1886— 1887. Keglement van Orde voor den Volksraad der Z. A. Republiek, art. 5, j)ag. 173. Aan de oude eed werden de woorden : "en andere wetten" toegevoegd. *). Het onde artikel stelde de leden vrij van kosten. W^et No. 2, 1883 herroept deze bepaling niet uitdrukkelijk, maar het schijnt wel de bedoeling geweest te zijn zulks te doen. Zie rapport der Commissie benoemd bij Volksraadsbesluit dd. 22 Mei 1889 ad art. 44. 9 voor bekend spivken. dan waniieer zij op eenc vniag van den Voor- zittor lu'bben te antwoorden '). ili {^t7). De Voorzitter zal al de voorstellen van wet, De Voorzitter van hii den Volksraiid ingekomen, in beraadslaging brengen, j^«" Voiksraad of deze 3 rnaanden voor den aanvangderziiting vanden steide\vetten*^in*^ Voiksraad aan bet algemeen bekend zijn gemaakt, of dat leraadsiaging. dezel ve tijdens de zitting van den Voiksraad zijn ingekomen. 44 (/tS). Wanneer de bekendstelli^g van wetten en strafbepaiing Gouvernements bekendmakingen aan bet algemeen, niet verzuimin'tb intijds is gescbied, zal de Staatsp resident onderzoeken ™eide\e«en!*°'^^^ bij wien de schuld van dat oponthoud gelegen is. Een Landdrost in deze scbuldig bevonden wordende, zal in ee.ne boete van Rds. 50 vervallen, een Veldcornet of minder beambte, van Rds. 25. 45 {-tO). E^n afschiitt van ieder aangenomene wet zal De voorzitter zendt door den Voorzitter aan den Staatsp resident ter nit- afachriften van wet- voerinji; ingezonden worden. *^"* 46 (5(y). Wanneer een niouwe Staatspresident be- Nieuwbenoemde noemd is, zal de Voiksraad vier zijner leden en den f^u{^e<{ in^delT'* Seeretaris atvaiirdigen, oni liem uit te noodigen in de voiksraad af. Volksi-aadsverKadering den ambtseed te komen aileggen. 47 (n")!). Hij de benoeming van de leden van den Leden van den Uitv. I'itvoerenden Waad en den C<»mmandant-Generaal, /aide Raad en de ( omt- Volksraad bun daarvan schriftelijk kennis geven, met ambtleed vw>r° den nitnoodiging om den ambtseed op een daarbij bepaalden voiksraad af. tijd voor den Volksraiid te komen alleggen ^). 48 (ot^). De lijst der aangestelde ambtenaren zal jaar- lijks door den Staatspresident ter goed- of afkeuring aan den Voiksraad worden aangeboden. londwet van 1877, den Staatspresident ofbetHoog President, ;btsbof, bedoeld bij art. 115 der Grondwat, een der p®" ^"J^;^ Lijst van aange- stelde ambtenaren wordt ter goedkeu- ring aan Voiksraad aangeboden. Ontzettinp van den leden van Raad en Commdt.-Generaal 49 (.>'J). Indien bet Hof. begelegd. 50 0">'i). Do ledcn van den Volksraad ver- (*) 51 (po). De Vodi'zitter van den Volksraad is ver- antwoordelijk, dat de vergaderingen volgens bepalingen in art. 50 (oud art. 54) gehouden worden, bij verzuim waarvan do Volksraad hem beboeten kan met Rds. 5 tot 50. (*) 52 (57). De handhaving der orde, ontjer de aan- wezige personen, bedoeld in art. 42 (oud art. 45), zal moeten worden toevertroiiwd aan eencn Veldcornet door den Landdrost van het district waar dc zitting gehouden wordt, daartoe aangeschreven. (*) 53 (5^). Die Landdrost zal ook een bode aah- stellen, om gedurende de vergadering ten dienste van den Volksraad te staan. (*) 54 (59). De Volksraiid beoordeelt alle over- tredingen voor den Volksraad vastgesteld, en in de Raadszaal begaan, en best raft deswege de overtreders zonder verder beroep. (*) 55 (60). Van alle beboetingen, door den Volks- raad gedaan, wordt door den Secretaris kennis gegeven aan de Landdrosten, waaronder de beboetenen ressor- teeren, en deze dragen zorg voor de invordering ^). " Staatspresident. OVER DEN STAATSPRESIDENT EX DE LEDEX VAX DEN UIT- VOEREXDEX RAAD, DE VOORStELLERS DER WETTEN. 50 (Oi). De Uitvoerende Macht berust bij den Staats- president die aan den Volksraad verantwoordelijk is. Hij wordt bij meerderheid door de stemgerechtigde burgers gekozen voor den tijd van 5 jaren. Hij is bij aftreding weder herkiesbaar. Om verkiesbaar te zijn moet hij d^n ouderdom van ^]0 jaren bereikt hebben, behoeft hij op den dag van zijne benciemiug geen burger van df^n Staat te zijn, maar moet lidmaat zijn van eene Pi'otestantsche kerk en geen onteerend vonnis ten zijnen laste gehad hebben ■''). ') Vergelijk vorige artikel en artikel 59 dezer wet. *) Het gebeurde met den rapporteur van de Tranfvnal Advertiser (Zie verslag zitting 7 Juni 18.SU on Volkffraadsbesluit art. .^70) stelteen praecedent daar hoe de Volknraad ook andere strafFen dan boeten schijnt toe te kunnen passen. *) Vergelijk art. 82 dezer wet. Zie Volksraadebepluit art. 570, dd. 27 Fehr. 1H72. Locale Wetten 1849—1885, pag. 462. , 11 (*) 57 (02). De Stiiatspresident is de eerste of hoogste ambtenaar van den Staat, alle landsambtenaren zijn hem ondergeschikt; dezulke echter, die met de uitoefening dei' Rechtsmacht bedeeld zijn, zijn in die uitoefening gelieel en al vrij en onatliankelijk. 58 (03). Zoolang de Staatspresident die betrekking iwaarneemt, zal hij geene andere. noch kerkelijke be- diening veivullen, en geen liandel drijven. De Staats- president kan zich als zoodani^ niet zonder toestemming van den Volksraad buitenslands begeven. Het'zal den Uitvoerenden Raad echter vrijstaan hem in dringende gevallen verlof te geven om buitenslands te gaan voor private aangelegenheden. 59 (04). In geval van ontzetting uit zijn post, onbe- kwaamheid door lichaams- of verstandsgebieken of dood van den Staatspresident, treedt het door den Volksi'aad benoenid lid van deii Uitvocienden Raad als Vice- President op, die in overleg met den Uitvoerenden Raad en desvereischt onmiddellijk den Volksraad zal op- roepen, om voorziening to maken voor de eloctie van een andereiy Staatspresident en daarop in functie zal blijven tot dat de nieiiw gekozen Staatspresident zijn ambt als zoodanig heeft aanvaard. Ook in geval van afwezigheid van den Staatspresident buitenslands treedt de Vice-President op '). (*) CO (05). De Staatspresident zal door den Volksraad van zijn post ontslagen of ontzet worden na overtuiging van wangedrag, verduistering van Staatseigendom, ver- mad of andere zware misdaden, en verder naar de wetten beliandeld worden. 61. Indien >vegens ovcrtreding van de Grondwet, of wegens andere Staatsmisdrijven, de Volksraad beslu it, dat de Staatspresident in staat van beschuldiging worde gesteld. zal hij tereoht statin voor een bijzonder Hof, samengesteld uit de leden van het Hoog Gerechtshof, den Voorzltter en een ander lid van den Volksraad, terwijl de Staatsprocureur als publieke vervolger optreedt. Het zal den aangekhiagde vrijstaan zich door een rechts- geleerde naar zijne keuze te doen bijstiuin -). 62 (00). Aan 8 (77). Th; Staatspresident stelt alle ambtenaren aan. of zelf, of bij opdracht door d(^ lioofdanibtenaren, met in achtneniing dat alle ambtenaren moeten zijn stem- gerechtigde burgers of produceeren moeten goede getuig- schrii'ten tot satisfactie der Regeering, en dat zij voor zoo- verre belast met tinantieeleadministratie,daarbijvoldoende securiteit moeten stellen naai' goedvinden der Regeering. 00 {7'2). De Staatspresident beantwoordt zoo veel mogeiijk aan bet vcrlangen van bet volk, jiangewezen in art. 21 (ond. art. 24). 70 (73). De Staatspresident zal jaarlijks bij de ope- ning van den Volksraad, eene Begrooting van algemeene uitgaven en inkomsten, aan den Volksraad inzenden en daarin aanwijzen hoe het tekortkomende te dekken of het overschot te besteden. 13 (*) 71 (74). Ook zal hij tljdens die zitting van den Yolksraad verslag geven van zijne verrichtingen gedu- rende het afgeloopen jaar, van den toestand aer Repu- bliek en van al wat liaar belang in het algemeen betreft. 72 (75). Na onderzoek van de aan de Uitv. Raad ingezonden kiesUjsten voor de leden van den Yolksraad, •zal liij dien Raad bijeenroepen, jaarlijks tegenden Isten Maandag van Mei, en wanneerde noodzakelijkheid zulks vereischt. 73 (76'). Hij doet in de maand Maart of AprilOpen- baar bekend maken de namen en woonplEUitsen der gekozenontot leden van den Yolksraad. (*) 74 (77). De schriftelijke bijeenroeping der leden van den Yolksi"aad tot de zitting, zaldrie weken voor de opening derzelve ten hunnen huize bezorgd moeten zijn. 75 (7^). De Stiuitspresident en een lid van den Uitv. Raad zullen, zoo mogelijk, eenmaal in het jaar desteden en dorpen der Republiek, waar Landdrostkantoren zijn, bezoeken; den stalaatsen in te vullen. Hij doet de eerstvolgende zitting van den Yolksraad verslag dezer handelingen. 77 {8(i). De Staatspresident onderteekent mede alle benoemingen van landsambtenaren, doet hen hunne in- sti'uctie zelve t»i vloor bevoegde anibtenaren voorlezen en verklaren: den ambtseed alleggen en teekenen. en hwt hen na de aanstelling een at'schritt der instructie ter hand stellen. 78 («S'/). De Staatspresident isbflast met de regeling vail den algemeenen dienst. het postuezi^i on de openbare werken, hij on tie leden van den I itv. Raad zijn tevens belast met het oppertoezicht over de kruitm:igazijnen en kanonnen van den Staat. 79 (^^). De brielwiss^ling met buitenlandsche Mogemllieden zal door den Staatspresident en den ritv. Raad gevoerd worden. De brieven zullen door hem en den Staat ssecretaris onderteekend worden. 80 {83). De Staatspresident met den T*itvoerenden Ra^id heeft het recht om de straf of stralfen, ter zake van wange<1iug of misdaad. uitgesproken. te verminderen oi' kwijt te sehelden, op voordracht van het Hof. dat het vonnis heeft geveld, of op vorzoek van den veroor- deelde, na daaromtrent het advies van het Hof te hebben ingewonnen. Staatspresident 4< verslag aan Volb voor het afgeloof jaar. Staatspresident roept den Volksi bijeen. Staatspresident d' lijst gekozen Vol raadsl. publiceer Schriftelijke bijei roeping van Vol raadsleden. Staatspresident zoekt jaarlijks s plaatsen waar lai drostkantoren tij .^^tjuiti'pre.xident 8i-lior8ten» dubbel zijn, na de vasMellinff dezer wet. De gronden worden getransporteerd van aen eersten eigenaar af. ^ 155 {205). De belastingen door liet volk te betalen, worden, waar geen andere ambtenaren volgens wet aangesteld zijn, voldaan ten kantore van de Landdrosten der districten. 156 (2i5). AUe ongeinspei.teerde plaatsen, die onder ^ request staan, zuUen zoo spoedig mogelijk geinspecteerd moeten worden. C) 157 {216). leder, die eigendommen bezit, en liet vcrkiest, zal buiten de Inspecteurs ook ^ebruik kunnen raaken van een Land meter, tot opmetinc en in kaart brengen zijner gronden. (*) 158 {2i8). Geen landsambtenaar zal het recht heb- ben orn zaken voor deOerechtshoven te verdedigen, dan voor zicli zelven. 159 {220), A He vroegere wetten en besluiten, 'strijdig met den inhoud dezer wetten, worden geheel buiten working gesteld. , . * S. J. P. KRUGER, Staatspresident. C. VAN BOESCHOTEN, \Vd. Staatssecretaris. Gouvernementskantoor, Pretoria, 19 November 1889. (Gepubliceerd 25 December 1889, in Staatscourant No. 467. ^ BLADWiJZER OP DE GRONDWET. ^Tyv!BTENAREN'.— Zie landsamt)tenaren. AMBTSBRIEVEN. Moeten ten spoedigste beantwoord worden door nmbte- &-aC9 & ^^ AA««« ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Van Staatepresidcnt worden ook door Staatssecretaris geteekend. Deze is raede verantwoordelyk ... APPEL. Securiteit voor... •«• • • • • . • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ARTILLERIE • • • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• •• ••• ••• ••• AUDITEUR. Is hoofdambtenaar • •• • • • • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • . • •0 ••• ••• ••• t •• ••• ••• !•• t • • ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• BASTAARDEN. Niet toegelaten in Volksvergadering BEG ROOTING. ' Jaarlijksc^e begrootingswet te worden gopaaseerd Plaataelyke Voorziet in kosten van TaindgpoHtie en Artillerit Van dintricten StaaUpresident zorgt voor . BEKENDMAKING. Van vjDorgestelde wetten Van aangenomen wet ..• BELASTINGEN. Door districtsraad te heifen Door stad of dorp te heffen Dubbele — wordt voor onbewoond grondeigendom be- taald door buiten de Republiek wonende Geregeld door wet Mopen niet watergelden bevatten , ... Waar te voldoen BERAADSLArsiNG. Wij7.e van — in den Volksraad ... Wijze van — over voorgestelde wetten ... BESCHERMING. Van persoon en goed ... Van Staat ..• BE8LU1TEN. Van TJitToerenden Raad worden door StaatfTiroPident en Staatssecretaris gctcekend ... Wanneer vroegere — buiten werking rijn ..• ... ..• ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• ••• •.* ••• *•• ••• ••• ••• ••* ... ••• ••• ••• ••* ... ... •.. .«• ••• ... . • • .*• ••• ••• ... ..• ... ••• ••• ••• ... ..., .•• ••. ... .*• ••• ••• ••• ... ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ... ... ••• .*• ••• >«• I.. ... .•• ... ... .•• .•• ••. ..• •*• Art. 68 143 136 137 138 129 145 87 128 94 63 28 10 143 94 142 71 12 44 65 142 143 152 150 153 163 155 39 43 6 11 ... .•• .St ••• ••• 87 159 s II BESTUIJE. •i4|it»IlUBv>U ••• ••• ••• ••• »•» cat 0»« ««« ««« «,( 0^^ BLANKEN EN KLEURLINGEN. XNlvt ^6i^K ^68 vClQ . . • ••• ••• ••• ••• ••« ««« t,« ««« BODE. Landdrost atelt — voor Volksraad aan BOETEN. Door Volksraad opgelegd. Hoe ge'ind BONDGENOOTSCHAP. Goedgekeurd door Volksraad Wanneer goedgekeurd door Commandant-Generaal en AVi J^gDlcUvU • • • ••• ••• .•• #•• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• BRIEFWISSELING. Met vreende Mogendheden wordt door Uitv. Raadge- voerd en door Staatspresident en Staatssecretarifl ^vvvdLOIlil ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••« ••• •«« ««« BRIEVEN.— Zie ambtebrieven. Art. 136 9 53 54 55 24 25 79 BUIT ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••« ••• ••• BURGEMEE8TER ••• ••• ••• ••• t«« • •• ••• ••• ••• BURGERMACHT. Wordt opgeroepen in oorlogst^'d en bij onlusten... BURGERS. Stemgerechtigde — voor keuze van officieren... COMMANDANTEN. Z^n officier Hoe gekozen T^d van dienst Slechts 66n — voor ieder district ••• 114 14a 94 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • 98 97 9S 99 100 96 102 103 107 108 112 113 139 ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• • • • Plichten van COMMANDANT-GENERAAL. Wanneer — tractaat sluit 25 Legt eed af voor Volksraad 47 90 105 Hoe ontzet nit zijn amht 49 Moet aanwezig zijn in Uitvoerenden Raadbij beslissing over krijgszaken 66 Is lid van den Uitvoerenden Raad 82 88 110 Wordt gekozen voor 10 jaar 88 99 vereisonireD voor ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• »>• ••• oo X B %J LUO lvx«»« ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• » » • ••• c/l Kan afgez^t worden 99 Ontvangt bericht van aanstelling van Uitv. Raad ... 98 Plichten van 96 102 108 Heeft opperbevel over leger. Wanneer .. 102 Heeft in bet veld oppertoezicht over krijgsammunitie 111 De Staatspresident, de — en de aang^^enzende comman- danten bepalen districtsgrenzen... COMMANDO **• ••• ••• ••• .«• ••• .•• •*• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••( ••• 06 102 103 .•• 999 ••• ••• ..« • •• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••< • •• ••• ••• *.« ••• ••• ••# • •• ..t ••■ ••• ••• DIENSTEN (algcmeene), Te worden beloond DIfffRICTEN DISTRICT. Draagt kosten van districtsraad ... DlfflRICTSRADEN. Hoe gekozen en aantal leden DISTRICT3RAAD. Maakt eigen begrooting, doet rekenschap van gehouden ]>eheer •■• ... ••• ••• ... ••• 18 96 138 142 140 ... ... ••* .* ••• ... ••. .•• ... ••. 142 .>* rN ^ - ( HI C • •* ••• ■•• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• * * 9 v> ••• ••• ••• • • • « • • «•• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •*• ••* ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• t n ••• ••• ••• «•• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• IMSTRICTSRADEN. . Wei?kkriDg van BISTRICTSRAAD, ^ Wanneer — b^laatingen kan heffen ... \)00QV0NNI8. ^ , , Eehparig beltrachtigd door Uitvoerenden Raad J-^v/'XVJrfji^ ••• ^t* ••• ••• ••« ••• ••• ••• ••• ••« ••• ••• ^X)C^PoB£STUUxv •«• • • «.• ••• ..« •«« ••• ••• DRUKKER, ^ ^ *Wanneer verantwoordelijk BRUkPERS. ^ Vryheid van — onder zekere voorwaarden toegestaan ,EED. Van Volkgraadsleden ... „ Stalflspresideht ^ Officieren jCassistent-veldcornetten, veldcometten en commandanten Lan^droBten Jurieleden Rtaatspresicl^nt afgelegd voorVolksraadsvergadering Leden van den Uitvoerenden Raad afgelegd voor Volkaraadsvergadering » Qommandant-Oeneraal afgelegd voor VolkBraads- Mergadering 40 90 n ocaaLooeci e viirio ••• ••• ••• .•• ••• ••• ••• •*• EIGENAARS. Van gronden en plaaUen kunnen landnieter gebruiken EIOENDOM. Van grondeu en {)Iaat8en gewaarborgd ... Van den 8taat... EVANGELIUM. Uitbreiding van GEKLEURDEX.— Zie kleurlingen. GEKWET8TEN. ' Voorziening' voor ^ GELOOF. Belioud van OELDMIDDELEN. Van den SUuit . GELIJKSTELLING. Geen — tueachen blauken en kleurlingon GERECHTSHOF. Voor — mogen geen z^ken waargenomen worden door landsambtenaren ... GERECHT8H0VEN.— Zie hoven. GEZAG. Hoogflte — b^j VAlkeraad GEZWORENEX. Door volk met :;ekere rechtsmacht bekleed ... Veroim^Jiten voor Hue opgcroepon Boete voor — welke niet rerschijnt ... Ecd voor ... •«• ... .«• ••• ••« ... ... .*• i.« •«• •.• ••§ 4 • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Art. 141 142 84 138 140 143 19 19 87 81 106 124 125 46 47 bO 105 106 91 157 151 7 8 ••• •<* ... «•* .•• •.• ... ... •.• ... ... ••• .•• ..• « • • •. • ••• •«• ..• •«• • • * • . • . • • •• ... ... .•• .•• ..• ••. ... ... .. ..• ... ••• . • « • . • • •. **• ..• ..I ... ••■ ... .. .1. ... ... ••( ..ft .. ... ..• ... ••• ... ••• ..• «•• ••* .•• *•• ... ... ... .«• GOED. Beschcnaing van pereoon en GOUVKRNEMENT. Kan ucgen over plaatsen proclanieercn . . . Zetcl van 114 8 150 9 158 « a • • • • • . • • . • . • • • 24 16 119 120 123 125 6 151 i. t •• ••• *•• ••• ttt ••• ••• ••• ••■ IV GRATIE. XwOCDv YAH*** ••• ••• «•« ■•« »•« ««« t«« ••• •«• »•• GRENZEN. Bekendmaking yan ... »•• GROND. Eigeijidom van — gewaarborgd X 1 alXBjpOil Y&Il ••• ••! ••• «•• ••• »t* ••• ••• ••• *»« Onbewoonde — toebehooretide aan buiten de Republiek W^OUoUOvM ««• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••« ••• ' ••• •■• «»• GRONDEN. v/imiv^C^GVOIl •«• ••• ••• t«« ••« ••« ••• ••• %•» •«• GRONDGEBIED. Ongeschonden te worden bezeten Open voor vreemdeling .«• Onuitgegevea grondea binnen XlOO .V0rCL66iCl ■•• ••• «•• ••• ••• «•■ ••• ••• •»• ■•• HANDHAVING. Van orde. Zie orde. HEERENRECHTEN. Wanneer verschuldigd HEIDENEN. Evangelisatie oader HOF. Speciaal — voor President, leden van d^n Uitv. Raadea Commandant-Generaal xi.o6 ingeiicnL ..* •■• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ■•• ••• HOOFD VAN MIJNWEZEN. Ib Hoofdambtenaar HOOFD VAN PUBLIEKE WERKEN. Is Hoofdambtenaar ••< HOG FDAMBTEN AREN. Wanneer — stem hebben in Uitvoerenden Raad w le zun ••• ••• ••• ■•• ••• ••• «•• ••• ••• ••• ■■* HOOFDDIRECTEUR VAN TELEGRAAFDIEN8T. '^ Is Hoofdambtenaar H00FDPLAAT8 Der Republiek is Potchefistroom HOOFDKECHTER EN STRAFRECHTERS. Moeten gepromoveerd zyn HOOGGERECHTSHOF Volk Btelt rechterlijke macht in banden van HOVEN. Doen zoo gpoedig mogelijk uitepraak Zittingen van ^ INKOMSTEN. Van den Staat geregeld door wet INSPECTEURS- Van plaataen INSPECTIE. Van requeetplaatsen INVORDERING. Van boeten door Volksraad opgelegd, geschiodt door Landdrosten INWONERS. Ingescbreven bij Veldkometten JTJRIE.— Zie pezworenen. !■ • • • r »• • • •« * » ■ • • ••# *•• ••• ••• t«« « » • • • » • ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •«« !•• • * • t •!• » • t »•* ••• t** ••■ **^ ••« ••• ••• •«• •«« • •■ «!« ••• ••• ••• •! Art. 10 161 154 152 5 6 7 138 154 8 49 92 61 83 83 82 83 83 If' 17 115 115 13 115 134 131 150 157 156 157 • • • • • • 53 146 v, "^ j:- " '■"" ■■" ' ■ "»'"X'-:7T^,»7"'"' KANONNEN. Oppertoezicht op — bcrust bij St^atspreaident en llit- voerenden Raad i,C ••• •■• )•• ••# ••• Art. 78 ••• ••• »^» • •• »•• • • % 29 56 98 116 140 • •• ••• ••• ••• • •f (•• ••• ••• «•• • • • • • • • •• *•• ••• • • • • • »»•• !•• ••• ••• * • $ ••• ••• ••• »»» ••• • • m ••• •»» ••• ••# tts • f • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « « • • • • • • • • • KIESRECHTEN. Der burgers KLEURLINGEN. Maken dcel uit van krijgsmacht Niet gelijk gesteld met blaiiken... Niet toegelaten in Volksvergadering Wie weerbare — zijn KRUITMAGAZIJN. Oppertoezicht op — berust bij Staatspresident en Uit- voerenden Raad KRIJGSDIENST, Evenredig verdeeld KRIJGSMACHT. Door volk belast met handhaving van orde... Samenstelling van Wanneer opgeroepen KRIJGSRAAD. Bevoegdheid van — in dreigcnl gcvaar ... L\NDSAMBTENAAR. Niet verkiesbaar voor Volksraad Mag slechts eigen zaak in gereclitHhof vcrdedigea ... LANDSAMBTENAREN. Kunnen door Staatfiprenident gestuit worden, worden voorloopig door hem aangeateld Vertegenwoordigere van volk zijn gcen Ondergeschikt aan Staatfipiesident Moeten zyn stemgerechtigde burgers of goede getuig- schriften overleggen Bela^^t met finantlen moeten borgstelleu... Ontvangen instnictie viin Staatspresident, deze zweert hen in of laat hen inzwercn en oiiderteekent hun aanstelling Pliehten van — met betrekking lot aiubtsbrievcn LANDDROST. Van Pretoria Van district waar VolkRraad vergadert, benocnit Veld- kornet om orde te bewaren en stelt een bode aan ... Uit boetcn door Volksraad opgelegd Moet borg stellen Kan geschorst worden ... Kan zijn klerk schoisen Kan nieuwen klerk aanstellen en inzweren ... Is bestuurder van zijn district ... Is voorzitter var district-raad ... LAKDDROSTEN. Ontvangen kiesloten bij verkiezing van officieren^ ver- dere instructies Door volk bekleed met recliterlijke niaclit ... Ontvangendrieraaandelijksch verslag van veldkornetten Geven volgens wet bevelen aan Coniniandanten en f v> J vLlV vl A U V LL/>? II... a.i ... •.• ... ■•. •*• ..i ... Hoe aangesteld 116 Vereischten voor Eed voor ... Geven en onderteekenen licentirs voor tochtgangers ... Wanneer — belast zijn met toezicht op btad of dorp en ondergeschikte ambtenaren ... LANDDROSTHOF. Zitting van • t • « • • • • • • • • • • * • ••f ••« «» • • • • • • ••» ■(• ••• • • m • ■• •*# ••• t<« • • • • • • ■ •• ••• ••• ••• ••• »t* ••• ••« ••• • • • • • • • « • • • 92 9 28 fi5 78 109 14 93 lOL 25 28 158 76 27 67 68 68 77 145 17 117 52 53 55 118 132 132 132 139 140 ... •.. ... ••• *•• ... «.. • . •■• ••! .*• ••• .»• ••• ... • •• ••» ••• • •» ••• ■•-• ••• •#• ••• ••• ••• ••# ««« 98 15 115 107 112 139 121 122 116 124 147 149 131 7'T'^ ' ^imMJ^i.t ipi- ' 'T^^^k'^TT n ^ \ • •• ••• ••• •!• ••• ••• • •• ttl (>• ••• t«« ••» tt« • •• ••• ••• »»• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ((t • •* ••• ••• ••• •■< • •• •>» ••• ••• ••• !•• • •• ••• ••• «■• ••• ••• ••• • • • • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• • • • • • I • • • • • • !•• ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Art. 155 75 132 135 83 157 147 127 Landdrostkantoren. Belaatingen betaalbaar op .. Zoo mogeiyk eenmaal 'b jaara opgenomen door Staatg- president en lid van Uitv. Raad LANDDROSTKLERK. Kan door Landdrost geschorst worden ... Houdt een register van zaken ... LANDMETER-GENERAAL. Is Hoofdambtenaar... LANDMETERS. Kunnen plaatsen opmeten ... LANDSPOLITIE.— Zie Politic. LICENTIE. Voor tochtgangers ... LIJFSTRAPFEN. Welke de — zyn NAAM. Van den Staat... NATURELLEN, Superintendent van — is lid van Uitv. Raad, ex-officio NOTULENHOITDER. Van Uitvoerenden Raad is ex-officio lid er van OPPICIER. Niet verkiesbaar tot VolksraadsHd TT aC ^^AJ '^ ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• OPFICIEREN. Beeedigd door Staatspresident ... ONAFHANKELIJKHEID. Van Yolk der Z.-A. Repnbliek ... ONDERWIJZERS ONSCHENDBA A RHEl D. -. Van Staat... ONUITGEGEVENE. Plaatsen en gronden ONVKRMOGEXDEN. Kttnnen verlof bekomen voor niet te procedeeren OORLOG. Maatrege^en tot voeren van 22 93 en v. Verklaard door 8 taat-'p resident 66 67 84 OORLOG SVERKLARING. Wordt eenstemmig door Uitv. Raad bekrachtigd 84 OORLOGSWET - 23 24 25 66 103 OPENBARE WERKEN. Zorg hiervan opgedragen aan Staatspresidcnt 78 OPROEPING. Van Volksraadsleden geschiedt schriftelyk, diieweken voor opening 74 ORDH. Handhaving van 14 52 102 103 PERSOON. Bescherming van ... PLAATSEN. Eigendom van — gewaart)orgd ... Voor onbewoondo — toebehoorende aan bniten de Re- publiek wonendcn wordt dubbel belasting betaald Tyd van transport, betaling heereiirechteu, inrichting akte 82 82 28 97 105 3 11 21 3 11 130 ••• •■• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 6 ••• ••• ••• » • • • « «•• t** ••* ■** * ' * •** «*• ••• ••• « • • 151 152 164 vtt Ongemepecteerde Onuitgegevene POLITIE. Door volk belast met handhaving der orde ... Algemeene lands- .1. POSTMEESTEBrGENERAAL. Is Haofdambtenaar... POSTWEZEN. Zorg hiervan opgedragen aan Staatspresident POTCHEFSTROOM. Is hoofdplaats der Repiibliek ••* ... ••• ••• ••« .*• • a. ••• ••• ••• ••• .•• •t. ••• ... •*• • « • • • t • • * • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • «• • • • «• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• .t* ••• ••. ••• ••• ••• ••* ••• ••• ..# ••# t.« »•. ••• ••. •*. ••• .•• ••• ... .•• ... ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• .«• .•• ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • •• ••• ..I PRESIDENT.— Zie sub Staatspresident. PRETORIA. Zetel van Gouyemement PROCEDEEREN. Voor niet ... In appdl ... PUBLICATIES. Worden gedaan in StaaUcourant Door Veldkornetten bekend gemaakt PUBLIEK. Betaalt geen watergelden ... QUORUM. Van Uityoerenden Raad RAAD. Beschuldigingen tegen Uitvoerenden Leden van Uitvoerenden — leggen eed af voor Volksraad Hoe leden van Uitvoerenden — worden afgezet Uitvoerende — neemt niede kennis van oorlogswet, enz. Uitvoerende — heeft met Staatspresident oppertoezicht op l^anonnen en kruitmagazijnen Uitvoerende — voert met Staat president correspondeutie met vreemde mogendheden £^n lid van Uitvoerenden — met Staatspresident inspec- teert landdrostkantoren Uitvoerende — met Staa'Fpresident heefc recht v. gratie Uitvoerende — hoe samengesteld Leden van Uitvoerenden — hebbeti wel zitting, maar geen stem in Volksraad Uitvoerende — wat is een quorum ... Uitvoerende — lieeft Staatspres dent als voorzitter Uitvoerende — staking van stemmen Uitvoerende — stemt eenparig by bekrachtiging van oorlogsverklaringen en doodvonnissen ... Uitvoerende — Zit^ingen Niet officieele leden van Uitvoerenden — Hun verkie- zing, vereischten, zittingstijd, enz Uitvoerende — ontvangt verkiezingsloten der oflBcieren van landdrosten Uitvoerende — geeft kennis van zijn benoem'ng aan Commandant-Generaal ... Uitvoerende — stelt landdrosten aan... Uitvoerende — en Staatspresident bevelen administra- V IC V %? 1 LLBV/ll V ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Uitvoerende — keurt begrooting en efgesloten reke- ningen van district- raden goed... Stads- of Dorps- Uitvoerende — quorum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... * . • . « • • • .. ••. ... a*. ... ... ... ... *. .. ... •*. •. ... ... ... • • • . . • ..0 ... .t. .. ••. ... ... ••• ... •. ... ... ... ... ... RECHTERLIJKE MACHT. V/nai n anK eiijK ..• ..« .«• •.» ••« #•< ••« ••§ ••• ••• 156 157 7 14 94 83 78 17 1? 130 128 144 144 163 86 81 92 47 49 €6 67 78 79 75 80 82 82 86 84 84 84 85 88 98 93 116 136 142 143 86 67 VIII RECHTERS. Aangeeteld voor leven ... OniHlag van • •• ••• «•• !•• 9 • 9 ••• ••• • • ••• ttft ••• ••• ••• EECHTSPRAAK... • •. ••* ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ta. REGEERINGSVQKM. REGISTHAT Is hooi • •• ••• ••• ••• REPUBLI^ tlocflTnlaats der — in Potchefst'rooni... • * • • • • REQUI^»LAATSEX roxdJbvnd HOF ... SCaBoLONDERWIJZERS SHBIETARIS VAN VOLKSRAAD ••• ••* •*• ••• ••* ••* ••• ••• AKTEN. ibtenaar • • ••• ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• #•• • •• ••• #•• ••• ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••• t»ft ••• ••• ••• ••• • •• «•• ••• •• • •• ••• ••• ••• • • ••• ••• «•• • •• ••• ••• ••• Geeft kennis van beboetingeii door Volksraad gedaan aan aangewezen Landdrost... AGEN, Aan blanken ••• ••• ••• • ff • • • • SLAVERNIJ. Of BlavenlMiiulel • •• • • t • • • • • • • • • • •• ••• ••• • •• ••• ••# ••• • •• ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• f«t • • ••• ••• • •• ••• •• • • • • • • • ••• ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « • • • • • • t«« ••• ••• STAAT. Naam van... Regeeringsvoroi van dei) Eigendommen van den Besclierming en verdediging van 8TAATSC0URANT. Be vat alle publiuatieB ... STAAT8PRESIDENT. Verklaart oorlog Sluit vrede Zorgt voor schoolonderwijs .. Doet verslag aan Volksraad over afge!oopen jaar Roept jaarlijks Volksraad bijcen Publiceert lijst van gekozene Volksraadsleden En 6fn lid van den Uitvuerenden Raad bezocken een- maal *sjaar8 landdrostkantoren Draagt zorg voor iniwercn van lanfiHanibtcnaren, (ook ofticieren) gexjft hun instruoties en onderteekent hnn aanstclling Regelt algemeenendienstjposjtwezen en openbare werken En Uitv. Raad zorgt voor kruitmagazijnen en kanonnen En Uitv. Raad voeren briefwisseling met vreemde rao- ■L C 1 1 v4 A A\/ 'Av.'l^*.! ... ••• •«• ».» >•• «•• ... ••* ■•• En Btaatssecretaris toekenen brieven van vreemde mogendbeden, besluiten van Uitvoerenden i^aad en UILL U v0Ux 1%^ Y>^H ... ••• ••• >•• •.• ... ••• ..• ••* Met Uitvoerenden Raad heeft recht van gratie Is de voorzitter vau den Uitvoerenden Raad en heeft beslissende stem Heeft uitvoercnde macht Hoe gekozen ... Duor van diensttijd Is berkiesbaar Moet 30 jaren oud zijn ... Behoeft op dag van benoeming geen burger te zijn... Moet lid van Protestantsche kerk z n Mag geen onteerend vonnis tegon zich gehad hebben Is eerste ambtenaar Mag geen handel drijven Zal geen anderc betrekkingen waarnemen • • • • • • ••• ••• #•• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• ••• t*« ••• • • • • • ••• ••• ••• • fl • • • • • • • • • • ■• ••• • • • • • % ••• ••• •• ••• ••• ••• Art. 115 115 115 2 83 2 17 15G 115 21 C9 33 55 127 10 1 2 7 11 144 4." 06 67 66 67 69 71 72 73 75 77 105 78 78 79 79 87 80 84 56 82 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 57 58 58 • •• ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• • •• • • • ••• • t t • • • • •• ••« ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •■• ••# • • • • • • • •• ••■ ••* •!• ••• » » » • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • • t • • • • • • «t« ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• IX (a. Mag zonder toestemining van Volksraad niet buiten- lands ga^n, in sommige gevallen kan Uitvoerende Raad hem verlof geven Wordt ontslagen, hoe en wanneer ... Maakt ontwcrp-wetten aan algenieenbekend... Na deze beoordeeld te hebben ... Stelt wetten voor ... Voert wetten uit Maakt wetten bekend ... Benoemt landsanibtenaren onderhevig aan goedkeuring van den Volksraad 13 Legt eed af in vergadering van Volksraad ... Hoe ontzet uit zijn ambt, bijzonderHof... Beschuldigingen tegen Roept in bijzondere gevallen Volksraad bijeen Zal, na zich overtuigd te hebben van de gegrondheid eenerklacht tegen een lid van den Volksraad op diens verwijdering aandringen Met Uitvoerenden Raad beoordeelt veront^rchuldigingen van Volksraadsleden ^ Onderzoekt wie schuldig is aan nalatigheid in net be- kendstellen van wetten en kennisgevingen Ontvangt van den voorzitter van den Volksraad een afschrift van ieder aangenomen wet.., Zorgt voor de begrooting ... Heeft macht landsanibtenaren testuiten en voorloopigo aanstellingen tedoen En 2 leden maken quorum voor Uitvoerenden Raad... Met I itvoerenden Raad bevelen administratieve macht Met Commandant-Qeneraal en aangrenzende comman- danten bepaalt districtsgrenzen Ontvangt verslagen van Commandant-Generfiwtl ... Art. ■•• ... ... ... ... ... • • • ..• ..• ... ••• *•• •** .« • • • ... **• ..• ... ... STAATSPROCUREUR. Is hoofdambtenaar ... Belast met publieke vervolging... STA ATSSEC RET ARIS. Met Staatspresident teekent brieven aan vreemde rao- gendheden, besluiten van Uitvoerenden Raad en uiuuldua 1" V eii ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Mede verantwoordelijk voor door hem geteekende be- sluiten en brieven Gekozen door Volk8raa<|(|voor 4 jaren, is herkiesbaar, overige vereischten Legt eed af voor Volksraad, vorm van eed STADSBESTUUR STAND. Burgerlijke ... ... ••• ... ••• ... ... ... ... ... *•• «.• ••• ••• ... ... .. ..• ... ... STEDEX ••• ••• ••• t.« ••• ••• ••« »m^ ••• . • • . • • STEMRECHT. ledere burger lieeft ... ..• ••• ... ... . . . • STRAPBEPALIXG. Voor verzuim in 't bekend makcn der voorgestelde wetten STRAFFEN.— Zie lijfstraffen. Beginselen voor toediencn van SUPERINTENDENT VAN ONDERWIJS. Is hoofdambtenaar THESAURIER. Is hoofdambtenaar TOCHTGANGERS. Mogen niet haudelen zonder licentie 58 49 60 61 62 63 13 62 64 13 65 63 48 63 76 46 81 49 60 92 61 92 60 72 28 » 36 44 45 70 76 86 136 95 • 108 8S 115 • •• ••• ••« »•• 79 87 87 89 91 140 143 146 138 29 44 133 83 83 147 • r» - '■' ' ■TTTT ■ ■^ -"■ ■ T ■ ' * • ' ^-w'./^i/ y%TV ^"f 7~-. >' ',7r . V I • ■ • • • • * * ^ ••• ••« ••• ••• ••• •«• ••• •** • •• ••• ••• •«• ••• •*« • •• V rcticB" *•• ••• !•• *•« ••« ••« ««« ,«« ,,, ,,^ ,,^ TRACTATEN. Worden goedgekeurd door Vo^ksra&d In oorlogBt^jd ... TRANSPORT. Van plaatsen en gronden TJITBREIDING. Van grondgebied Van Eyangelium UITGEVER. Wanneer verantwoordel^k ... UITVOERENDE RAAD.— Zie Raad. UITVOERENDE MACHT. Berust by Staatspresident VELDKORNET. Belast met bewaren van orde gedurende zitting van Volksraad. Hoe benoemd ... VELDKORNET EN A8SISTENT-. Zyn offlcieren ... Hoe gekozen Hun opdracht ... Hoe beeedigd ... VELDK0RNET8CHAPPEN Art. 67 24 26 154 ••• ••• «•• ••« ••• ••• ••• •*• ••• • •• ••• ••• •«« ••• ••• ••• ••« ••# ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 19 • •• t«« ••• ••• ••• ••« •■• 66 • • • • • « • * • ••• ••• «•• ••• ••• ••• •*• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •>• ••• ••• •■• ••• • •• • • • • • ••• ••• «•• • • • • • • • • • ••• «•• ••• ••• ••• ••• V • • • • 62 97 08 102 103 106 106 96 VELDKORNETTEN. Doen veralag over hun district... Houden lyst ran dienstpLichtigen Voldoen aan bevelen van Landdrost Handhaven de orde ••• ••* ••• ••• ••• ••• •(• ••• ••• • • • • • • • • ( ••• ••• ••• ••* ••• ••• 107 109 112 113 189 102 ••• ••* t*« ••• • • • • • • • t • • • • • •• ■ ••• ••• ■•• ••• «•• ••« «•• ••• ••« ••• ••• ••• ••• ■ • • • • • t •• • • • • •• • • • • • • •• ••• ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • Trachten geschillen onder hun burgers te schikken ... Maken publicaties bekend Zorgen Toor burgerl^ken stand... VERDEDIQINO. Van Staat... VERKIEZINO. Van Volksraadsleden VE8TI0ING. # In onbewoonde streken geschiedt met yerlof van Gou vemement... VICE-PRESIDENT. Door wie benoemd... Gevallen wanneer — optreedt VOLK. AIs vrij en onafhankelyk erkend Verlangt geen uitbreiding van grondgebied Wil grondgebied ongeschonden bezitten... WW »M w M Ij &1 C X \JL ... ... ... .«. .•« ... ... Laat uitbreiding van Evangelinm toe ... Daldt geen slavenhandel Wil geen gel^kstelling met geklenrden... Beschermt en verdedigt Staat Stelt. wetgeving in handen van Volksraad Heeft 3 maanden om over nienwe wet te oordeelen.. Draagt voorstelling, uitvoering van wetten op aan Sta&ts president . . . Vertrouwt handhaving der orde aan krygsmacht en politie... Stelt recbterl^ke macht in handen van Hooggerecbtshof LanddroBten. gezworeneo, enz Ontvangt van Volksraad een jaarlijksehe begrooting .. 126 144 146 11 28 29 30 32 148 69 69 3 4 6 8 8 10 9 11 12 26 12 44 13 14 15 16 ••!» w n • • • • • • • • • t • • • • • Jti VOLKSRAAD. Keurt gocd hefFen yan belastingen door districtsraden Vergadprt in Raadszaal jaarlijks l8ten Maandag van Mei ... wanneer Staatspresident byeenroept gedurende zittingsuren Wordt geopend en gesloten met g^^bed Xs UOvF^K Uw K VcjCI^ ■•• ••• •"•• ••• ••• ••• *.* ••• t«* Keurt de benoeming van alle landsambtenaren goed... Legt SLBTx volk jaarl^'ks een begrooting voor Beoordeelt zekere overtredingen Keurt tiactaten goed Benoemt z^jn isecretaris Gedurende zitting orde bewaard door Veldkornet Keurt vredestrKctaat Vergadert met open deuren Komt by een in geval van art. 49 VOLKSRAADSLEDEN. Moeten t(ot Protestantsche kerk behooren Oeen landsambtenaren ... Hun getal Vereischten voor Hoe gekozen Qekozen voor 4 jaar Ontvangen voor verkiezinguitnoodiging... Kunnen ander district vert« genwoordigen Zijn heikiesbaar Treden periodiek af Worden echrifteligk opgeroepen, 3 weken voor opening Moeten aanwezig z^'n in vergadering Wanneei — niet behoeven te verschynen in vergadering Zenden hun verontschuldigingen aan Leggen eed af * Vrij van Landsdiensten J Ontvai^gen yergoeding voor verblyf .^. VONNIS. Zoo ppoedig mogelijk gegeven Wordt in openbaar uitgeaproken Hoe ten uitvoer gelegd VOORZTTTER. Van Volksraad verantwoordelyk voor nakoming van bepalingen van art. 50 Van Volksraad, hoe gekozen sluit zitting kan in Volksraad vragen stelen aan mcv lecien ••• *.• ... ... ... ... , p brengt voorgestelde wet ten in beraad- 1 AK 1 1 *K •>• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• y y zendt aangenomen wetsontwerp aan Staatspresident ^ jp roept deze b\jeen ingeval van art. 49 ... VREDE. Oemaakt door Staatspresident V REDESTR AKTAAT. Moet goedgekeurd worden door Volksraad VREEMDEUNO. Grondgebled staat open voor VIJANDELIJKEN INVAL. Bij — yerleent ieder hulp VRIJHEID. van dniK pers ••« ••* ••• ••« ••• .** ... Van VT ee indelingen . . . Volk eischt t • • • • • • • • . • • . * t . . • • . . ft f) • • • • • * • * • • • • • • • * « « . • • Art. 142 60 50 50 50 50 12 26 13 64 24 33 52 67 42 49 20 27 28 ' 28 29 29 80 80 .82 82 74 84 85 86 < 37 41 41 115 134 129 127 • •« • • • t • • • * • • • « * * « • » • • • • 61 38 40 43 43 45 49 66 67 6 23 19 6 8 c^ • • • • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •!• ••• •>• ••« •** > • • • • • • • • • • •* ••« ••• ••• •»• •■• ••• xrt WATERGELDEN. Worden niet van publiek gevorderd... WEDUWE. Van gesncuvelde heeft aanspraak op oorlogsbuj^t WEERBARE KLEURLINGEN WEERBARE MANNEN, Wie — zyn... WEESHEER. Is hoofdambtenaar WEEZEN. Van gesneuvelden hebben aanspraak op oorloggbuit ... WEGRECHT. Over plaatsen WET. Kan plichten aan diBtrictsraden opleggen Regelt inkomsten van Staat en belastingen .. Regelt belastingen voor ieder erf op dorp Erkent stads- en dorpebeatuur Keurt plaatselijke belasting goed M^anneer vroegere — buiten working zijn Volk heeft 3 maanden te oordeelen orer rieiiwe Welke niet kan uitL-esteld worden Uitvoering en vourstelling van — aan Staatspresidcnt Bekendmaking van voorgestelde Voorstel van — eerst beoordeeld door Staatspres.dent en Uitvoer^nden Raad Voorstel van — door Volksraad aangenomen wordt den Staatspresident gestuurd ; deze zorgt voor uitvoering Voorstel van — door Staatspresident a^n Volkaraad 15 ^" V I* t* I vft ••• ... •.« ,.a ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, Bepaalt welke ambtenarenadministratievemacht hebben WETGEVINQ. In handen van Volksraad ... ••• ••• <•• t* •■• «•• • • « ff # ••• ••• «•• • t • ■ • ••• ••• «•• WIJKEN ••• ••• ••• ••• !•« •■• ZETEL. Van Qouvemement is te Pretoria ZITTINGEN. Van Volk raad Van Uitvoerenden Raad Der Gereclitshoveii ZITTIXGSTIJD. Van Volksraadsleden .. . . • . • ••• ••• •• ••• ••. ..• •• ... ... •.. •»• ••• w • • ... . • . t • • • « • • • • a . • • . . . • . • • • • Art. 153 114 95 » 95 83 114 151 141 ] 50 # 153 143 143 159 12 12 13 (-5 44 62 G3 65 63 137 12 26 138 17 40 85 131 29 \ ERRATUM. Op pagina 181 luidt de kuntteekening van art. 59, (oud (>4) van de Grondwct als volgt : ((Oudste lid van Uitvoerendon Raad tivodt op in geval van dood, ontslag, enz. van den Staatspresidi'nt)). Lees hiervoor: i(De Vice-President treedt op in gevul van dood ontslag, enz. van den Staats president)).