Abraham Lincoln HIS PATH TO THE PRESIDENCY Albert Shaw A Cartoon History HrtH BHHHi Bh&SI Hi H EH ■ H H .1' * i^^H ■ H ^H F ; Bra ■ H ■ ■■1 toft 1 p? Sll JH 91 HhI ^ms H Hi ■H BB ■■■■H h^H h^hH I Hi \ WsL I B I 1 1 ; nH I •; I ■ BB ■ 1 I Qk 1 ;%'•'• 1 ^.. H ^& * - A ■■J I »v ■i _ £"." *- m ":' THE LIFE MASK OF LINCOLN Made by Leonard W. Volk at his studio in Chicago, in April, 1860, the month before Lincoln's nomination. This plaster cast is the standard upon which all accurate por- traiture of the younger, beardless Lincoln is based. The sculptor's reminiscences tell us that the whole process for making the mould consumed about an hour's time. "Being all in one piece, with both ears perfectly taken, it clung pretty hard, as the cheekbones were higher than the jaws at the lobe of the ear." But Lincoln worked it off without break or injury, though it hurt as it pulled a few hairs out with the plaster. LINCOLN'S PLACE IN HISTORY THE BEARDLESS LINCOLN OF GEORGE GREY BARNARD This is the sculptor's model, which he used in the creation of the bronze statue erected at Cincinnati in 1917, with a replica at Manchester, England. Barnard tells us that he saw "the mighty man who grew from out the soil and the hardships of the earth. ... a man made like the oak trees and the granite rocks." He relied largely upon the life mask, for he believed an imaginary Lincoln to be an insult to the American people. the volumes that could have been compiled if court stenographers had taken down his lucid arguments. His record in the Legislature was sub- jected to a searching investigation by Mr. Beveridge, who found in the surviving journals ample evidence of Lincoln's con- stant activity in the debating of questions both local and general. To have read full re- ports of a hundred of Lincoln's best speeches in the Legislature would have made it easier to understand the political and oratorical ma- turity disclosed by Lincoln in the debates with Douglas in 1858. Also, the Cooper Union speech would not have seemed so amazing if its hearers could have realized the extent of Lincoln's preparation as a political student, and the long training as a public speaker to which he had subjected himself. As I ©Douglas Volk, 1908. LINCOLN THE PRESIDENT— A PORTRAIT BY DOUGLAS VOLK The artist is a distinguished portrait painter whose interest in Lincoln dates back to his own childhood, when Lincoln came to his father's studio in Chicago, early in 1860, to sit for the bust reproduced on the preceding page. He has made careful studies from the bust and life mask. Douglas Volk's conception may well be accepted as the standard bearded Lincoln of the presidential period, as later gen- erations have come to portray him. have remarked, it is a loss not to have those earlier speeches preserved, except for a few casual fragments. But the various samples of Lincoln's early writing and speaking that we actually possess are enough to convince us that we should not have been disappointed with the countless efforts that were never set down on paper. We know that Lincoln arrived at his later position of unquestioned pre-eminence through continuous application, over a long period, to the study of English diction and to mastery of the art of logical presentation. Certain young Englishmen of ardent spirit had conceived a high opinion of Lincoln even before the tragedy of his death had softened the hearts of the greater number who had spoken of him with contempt and ridicule. But in England, as elsewhere in the world, the historical position of Lincoln is no longer in ABRAHAM LINCOLN ENGLAND ACCEPTS THE WASHINGTON IDEAL In the caption of this cartoon from Punch of January, 1863, George III asks George Washington — both being in spirit land — what he thinks of his fine republic now, Washington replying "Umph!" The Father of His Coun- try, creator of a nation out of thirteen former British colonies, would not have approved of civil strife and dis- union, in the opinion of this English journal. dispute. A volume might be made of mere quotations from later British tributes. There appeared in 1916 a worthy British biography of Lincoln by Lord Charnwood. It is a frank and discriminating study, the eulogistic tone of which is in full accord with the sentiment of the world at large. Mr. Basil Williams, in his preface to that work, characterizes Lincoln as "one of the few supreme statesmen of the last three centuries." Continuing, Mr. Wil- liams says : "He was misunderstood and un- der-rated in his lifetime and even yet has hardly come to his own, for his place is among the great men of the earth. To them he belongs by right of his immense power of hard work, his unfaltering pursuit of what seemed to him right, and above all by that childlike directness and simplicity of vision which none but the greatest carry beyond their earliest years." Lord Charnwood, referring to Lincoln's speeches in the debates with Douglas, com- ments as follows upon their qualities of thought and language : "Passages abound in these speeches which to almost any literate taste are arresting for the simple beauty of their English, a beauty characteristic of one who had learned to reason with Euclid and learned to feel and to speak with the authors of the Bible. And in their own kind they were a classic and probably unsurpassed achieve- ment. Though Lincoln had to deal with a single issue demanding no great width of knowledge, it must be evident that the passions aroused by it and the confused and shifting state of public sentiment made his problem very subtle, and it was a rare profundity and sincerity of thought which solved it in his own mind. In expressing the result of thought so far deeper than that of most men, he achieved a clearness of expression which very few writers, and those among the great- est, have excelled." From a much more extended comment upon Lincoln's methods in statement and argument, we may quote the following sentences from Lord Charnwood: "Grave difficulties are AN ENVELOPE DESIGN OF 1861 It carried a letter addressed to "His Exc, Abraham Lin- coln, President of the United States," and was one of many millions of such envelopes — with various kinds of emblems, caricatures, and slogans — which were in general use at the time. This particular envelope has been chosen here to show how Washington was held up as an inspira- tion and example in the period of national crisis, even in the personal mail of President Lincoln. LINCOLN'S PLACE IN HISTORY WHEN WASHINGTON WAS THE SOLE STANDARD BY WHICH PRESIDENTS WERE JUDGED In Lincoln's time the embodiment of all that was right and good in Presidents was Wash- ington. Now Lincoln himself shares that honor. Here the bust of Washington, on the pedestal that bears the names of Adams and Jefferson, looks on while Lincoln (with one knee on the ground) battles with Douglas, and Breckinridge strives with Bell, in the four- cornered rivalry for the Presidency in 1860. It was a Fourth of July cartoon, published in the New York weekly periodical Vanity Fair and drawn by Louis S. Stephens, many of whose cartoons appear in subsequent chapters. handled in a style which could arouse all the interest of a boy, and penetrate the under- standing of a case-hardened party man. But if in comparison with the acknowledged mas- terpieces of our prose we rank many passages in these speeches very high — and in fact the men who have appreciated them must highly have been fastidious scholars — we shall not yet have measured Lincoln's effort and perfor- mance. For these are not the compositions of a cloistered man of letters, they are the (rat- pourings of an agitator upon the stump. The men who think hard are few ; few of them can clothe their thought in apt and simple words; very, very few are those who in doing this could hold the attention of a miscellaneous and large crowd. Lincoln's wisdom had to utter itself in a voice which would reach the s ABRAHAM LINCOLN outskirts of a large and sometimes excited crowd in the open air. It was uttered in strenuous conflict with a man whose reputa- tion quite overshadowed his ; a person whose extraordinary and good-humoured vitality armed him with an external charm even for people who, like Mrs. Beecher Stowe, detested his principles." This English scholar had studied Lincoln's utterances, had read the standard American biographies, and had mastered the essential facts of Lincoln's dominance of the diploma- tic, political, military and administrative pol- icies and decisions of his years as President. Lord Charnwood understood the peculiar na- ture of the Presidential office, which in war times rises in its authority to a virtual dicta- torship. He had, also, the benefit of the large collection of fresh estimates and reminiscences called forth by the celebration in 1909 of the centenary of Lincoln's birth. Tributes in speeches, articles and books assignable to the date of February, 1909, show clearly that LED BY LINCOLN'S PRINCIPLES Homer Davenport, cartoonist of the New York Evening Mail during the campaign of 1904, saw the spirit of Lincoln guiding Theodore Roosevelt during his Presidency. Southern statesmen, and leaders of opinion in all professions, had reached mature conclu- sions favorable to the permanence and non- sectional character of Lincoln's reputation. It is hardly less worth while to discover some contemporary opinions of Lincoln as a man and a statesman that have come to life more recently. One finds not a few such opin- ions in the correspondence of European pub- licists and men of letters. To recall a casual instance, I have in mind a speech made by the eminent English philosopher, Frederic Harri- son. He was a guest at a banquet in Chicago on Washington's birthday in 1901. Expres- sing the sympathy and good will of his own nation for the citizens of the American repub- lic, he was desirous, as he declared, "above all to tell them of the admiration and the pro- found homage with which the founder of the American republic is looked upon by all ra- tional people of Great Britain today." He felt that the spirit of Washington had been exhib- ited "in later years by his successors in that great office." Turning to a portrait of Lincoln in the Union League Club where he was speak- ing, he referred to tributes paid in London at a meeting held just after Lincoln's death. He said that Abraham Lincoln had been to him in his youth "the type of the republican chief," and he looked upon him "as indeed a worthy successor of the founder of the Republic him- self." Mr. Harrison reminded his hearers that he had himself published in England a small vol- ume at the end of the Civil War, from which he proceeded to quote a brilliant tribute he had paid at that time to the American Repub- lic and to its leader. Speaking of the Ameri- cans of the Civil War period, he had said in that contemporary volume : "They displayed the most splendid examples of energy and for- titude which the modern world has seen, with which the defense of Greece against Asia and of France against Europe alone can be com- pared in the whole annals of mankind. They developed almost ideal civic virtues and gifts; generosity, faith, firmness; sympathy the most affecting, resources the most exhaustless, in- genuity the most magical." Following these sentences came a tribute to LINCOLN'S PLACE IN HISTORY WHAT WOULD LINCOLN DO ? With that question as the title of its cartoon, Puck in 1904 invoked the memory of Lincoln as a comment on the activities of President Roosevelt. Lincoln that seems to me remarkable in the prophetic character of its appreciative words, when one considers that it was penned in Eng- land in 1865 by a young professor of Juris- prudence and International Law who was already a competent critic of politicians and rulers. "They brought forth the most beau- tiful and heroic character who in recent times has ever led a nation, the only blameless type of the statesman since the days of Washington. Under him they created the purest model of government which has yet been seen on the earth — a whole nation throbbing into one great heart and brain, one great heart and brain giving unity and life to a whole nation. The hour of their success came ; unchequered in the completeness of its triumph, unsullied by any act of vengeance, hallowed by a great mar- tyrdom." As one who knew Frederic Harri- son in his later years, and who remembers well his visit to the United States in 1901, I have pleasure in quoting his reference in that year to what he had said thirty-six years earlier. In the convention that nominated Lincoln in i860, a young German named Carl Schurz was chairman of the Wisconsin delegation and an eager supporter of Seward. Acquiescing in the Lincoln nomination, this young man, who had been in America only a few years, proved himself the most eloquent and effective of campaign speakers, using English fluently but speaking also to German audiences in their native tongue. His career was long and dis- tinguished, and I also knew him well in his later years. On March 2, 1929, there occurred the centenary of Schurz's birth and this gave incentive to the publication of a volume of his intimate letters early in that year, by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. These letters are remarkable for the light they throw upon contemporary affairs. Some of the letters written to friends in Germany are intended to convey a true pic- ture of conditions in this country. The affairs 10 ABRAHAM LINCOLN of the government were not quite encouraging in 1864 when Lincoln was a candidate for re-election. The tendency to disparage the northern cause, and to belittle its leader who was a candidate for a second term, was general not only in England and France but in Ger- many and elsewhere abroad. Endeavoring to correct the views of one of his German friends, Schurz wrote of Lincoln: "He is a man of profound feeling, just and firm prin- ciples, and incorruptible integrity. One can always rely upon his motives, and the charac- teristic gift of this people, a sound common sense, is developed in him to a marvelous de- gree. If you should sometime find opportunity to read his official papers and his political let- ters, you will find this demonstrated in a man- ner which would surprise you. I know the man from personal observation as well as any- one and better than most. I am quite familiar with the motives of his policy. I have seen him fight his way heroically through many a terrible battle, and work bis way with true- hearted strength through many a desperate sit- uation. I have often criticized him severely and subsequently have not infrequently found that he was right." Then there occurs, as this letter to the friend in Germany proceeds, the following words, surprising, as written by a recently naturalized German- American in October, 1864, in the sweep of their now justified predictions : "Lincoln's personality has in this crisis a quite peculiar significance. Free from the as- pirations of genius, he will never become dan- gerous to a free commonwealth. He is the people personified ; that is the secret of his popularity. His government is the most rep- resentative that has ever existed in world his- tory. I will make a prophecy which may per- haps sound strange at this moment. In fifty years, perhaps much sooner, Lincoln's name will stand written upon the honor roll of the American Republic next to that of Washing- ton, and there it will remain for all time. The children of those who now disparage him will bless him." After the completion of their ten-volume biography of Lincoln, his war-time secretaries, John G. Nicolay and John Hay, prepared two volumes of "Abraham Lincoln's Complete Works, Comprising His Speeches, Letters, State Papers and Miscellaneous Writings." While this collection is invaluable, it seems scanty, indeed, as we see what the editors were able to discover of documentary material for the period from 1832 until we reach the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858. Only a lit- tle more original writing has been found since 1894, when these standard volumes were published. Many biographical details, indeed, have been unearthed since Messrs. Nicolay and Hay wrote their indispensable history of Lin- coln and his times, most of their volumes deal- ing with the Presidental years, about which they were intimately informed, as Lincoln's daily associates and confidential helpers. Such personal contact affords a kind of knowledge that can never be replaced by re- search, however scientific. So true is this state- ment that the men and women who delve in archives would promptly reply that one of the chief objects of their research is to bring to light the correspondence and papers of various people who had themselves enjoyed personal contact with a leader like Lincoln, and had set down facts and impressions in private letters or diaries. Thus we are obtaining many new sidelights on Lincoln, as the biographers of literally hundreds of other people discover family papers that are contemporary rather than reminiscent. We learn much of ancient times from the pages of classical historians; but even more that is illuminating, and that is giving us fresh knowledge of early civilizations, we gain from the discoveries of archaeologists. On the walls of tombs are found pictorial records of extra- ordinary value to the student. Even those pre- historic men who lived for protection in cav- erns made sketches — and in some cases elabor- ate and well-authenticated drawings — on their rocky walls, that give us new ideas about our remote ancestors. Written words are, indeed, a main resources in studying more recent centu- ries. But we rely also upon works of art and architecture, and upon objects excavated, as in the buried cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, in Greece, Egypt, and Mesopotamia, that throw light upon public as well as private affairs. LINCOLN'S PLACE IN HISTORY ii It may be said, too, that portraiture, caricature, and illustrative art have given us much knowledge of the per- sonages of more recent history, while also revealing gusts of feeling and trends of opinion. From the very beginning of the art of printing, the illustrators took an appreciable part in the new methods of spreading knowledge, affording entertainment, propagating doctrines, and defaming or glorifying individuals. The chief purpose of the present work is to bring before the reader the issues in the sphere of American politics about which Abraham Lin- coln was concerned, and to make use — with great profusion, if not ex- haustively — of the cartoons and caricatures with which Lincoln him- self was familiar in his younger days. As we proceed, however, we find the cartoonists making Lincoln a central figure when at length, in i860, he was cast for the leading part in the drama of American poli- tics and government. Lincoln's face and form are not infrequently reappearing in the car- toons of later times, as representing in some sense the accepted standard by which to test the political actors of today. It is to be noted that the Lincoln drawn by cartoonists of the present time is always beneficent and dignified, making an appeal to our feelings of regard and veneration. Nothing could be in greater contrast than the cartoons of his own lifetime, which afforded him so much amusement, though at times doubtless, causing him passing annoyance Caricatures that belittled him or grossly mis- represented him were likely to create impres- sions unfavorably affecting public opinion, and thus to make his tasks the more difficult to perform. A great school of caricaturists had arisen in England; and this form of political satire had become well-known and much practised in France, Germany, and other European coun- tries. It had been taken up in the United States DOWNFALL OF THE IDOL OF '76 A cartoon by Matt Morgan, published in Fun (London), November, 1863. An effigy of George Washington is being burned by President Lincoln, who mocks the Father of his Country — in the original cap- tion — with the following words: "I'll warm yer ! Your old Constitu- tion won't do for U. S.!" The fire is being fed by decrees which are stigmatized as destroying principles of American liberty. at an early period, out was of slow develop- ment. Washington seems to have been ex- empt from the attacks of the caricaturists, but this was due to the lack of artists and wood engravers, rather than to respect for the man or the office. The lithographers were more successful than the wood engravers, and rap- idly throughout the VJnited States the political draughtsmen learned to put their pictures on the smooth stones of the lithographic press. Perhaps the reproduction of a number of the earlier lithographed political posters may help us to understand one of the sources from which Lincoln himself, through seven or eight presidential elections prior to his own, derived amusement as he pursued his continuing studies in current politics and in the personali- ties of public men. 12 ABRAHAM LINCOLN A SOUTHERN CARICATURE OF LINCOLN IN THE WAR PERIOD This is one of the Confederate caricatures of Adalbert J. Volck, here published for the first time. They were engraved on copper plates, in Baltimore, and buried to prevent seizure. The President and his players "come to play a pleasant comedy, a kind of history." Chase, Secretary of the Treasury, is at the window. Cameron, Secretary of War, is the puppet whose wire runs through the highest hole. Welles, Secretary of the Navy, rows the boat, and back of him is General But- ler. The three other generals, in the foreground, are Fremont, Scott, and McClellan. THE FATE Of THE RAIL SPLITTER-ABE LINCOLN Northern boasts of hanging Jeff Davis to a sour apple tree were matched by Southern resentment toward Lincoln as the embodiment of opposition to the course that the Southern States had chosen to pursue. This wood engraving was printed in Richmond in 1861. CHAPTER II The Presidential Office Powers and responsibilities of the chief executive — A target for criticism — Lincoln's place in history in contrast with that of Buchanan, his predecessor That which, for short, we may call "America's success" affords the basis upon which some great political repu- tations are built. To move with the tides and winds of manifest destiny is to reach the quiet havens of secure fame. The combined efforts of millions of people confronting hardships and difficulties — but for the most part seizing opportunities in a buoyant spirit under con- ditions of unprecedented freedom — have brought about our national aggrandizement. This thrilling epic of a people's rise to great- ness has reached universal recognition since the display of its resources and power at the climax of the World War. Conquest of forest stretches and trackless plains ; growth in population, industry and social well-being; rapid attainment of economic and political power — all this unrivalled story of progress within the compass of a century or two is an ever-fascinating study. Not only have these millions of people in a few succes- sive generations made the country what it is by their labors, in courageous pursuit of their ideals, but it is they who have, generally speak- ing, made the decisions which constitute the turning points in our history. Leadership has not been superimposed: the country itself has trained the leaders, appointed them, and used them for its resistless purposes. 13 14 ABRAHAM LINCOLN We may sympathize fully with the idealization of a national heroine like Joan of Arc, or with the romance that associates the Ferdinands and Isahellas with the discovery of America and the creation of European empires. We may he indulgent rather than critical when we read the fervent pages that glorify Queen Eliza- beth, the heaven-ordained de- struction of the Spanish Armada, and the world-wide dominion that resulted from Britain's con- quest of the oceans. But Wash- ington's leadership was not that of a superman or a miracle- worker. Neither was Lincoln's that of the humble and obscure child of the frontier cabin who had heard mysterious voices call- ing him to rise, receive endow- ments of transcendent wisdom, and save his country for the glory of God, through the freeing of the slaves and the elevation of mankind at large. Washington was simply the best represen- tative of the combined wisdom and energy of the American col- onics. Lincoln was a tried and tested character, trained for the exigencies of his time, and chos- en by hosts of determined and competent people to take the lead in a crisis. Public opinion has been the dictator more truly in the United States than elsewhere. Yet we have so devised our institutions that prevailing sentiment must express itself through represen- tatives and chosen agents. The Presidents have been from the first, as they remain today, the people's Agents-in-Chief. His- tory and biography, following traditions to some extent but also deferring to an instinct which demands that mass move- M yifcM m. ...^ LONG ABE A LITTLE LONGER A drawing by Frank Bellevv, published in Harper's Weekly in 1864, after President Lin- coln's re-election. ments shall be typified or person- ified in the names of leaders, have usually concurred in the easy and convenient practice of setting our political agents on pinnacles. The framers of the Constitu- tion of 1787 were deeply con- scious of all that the country had suffered during and after the Revolution from the lack of a strong central government. They created the office of the Pres- idency, having in mind first of all George Washington, and then a succession of men of character, capacity, and training who should have stood the tests of experience, and grown in the es- timation of their fellows into fitness for the chief executive office. They devised the electoral college, as a means by which a small body of representative men from all the States could from time to time choose a President with their superior knowledge of individual candidates, of public wishes, and of permanent con- siderations as distinguished from momentary controversies. The machinery has not been operated in the precise manner that was in the minds of those who built it. But it has always been avail- able, and the Electoral College might conceivably function again at some future time in accord- ance with its original theory, The important thing was the creation of the Presidential office itself. Its range of authority clothed it with as much dignity as lay in human nature to assume. The President was made wholly responsible for the executive bus- iness of civil government. He became, ex-officio, for his term of office, the commander-in-chief of both army and navy. Executive THE PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE 15 A POLITICAL RACE Price 10 certCs "IN HEIGHT SIX FEET, FOUR INCHES, NEARLY; LEAN IN FLESH" Such was Lincoln's own description of a figure that lent itself to the imagination and skill of the caricaturist. Douglas was as short and stocky as Lincoln was tall and thin. Leonard Volk, who measured both of them for statues in 1860, told Lincoln that he was just one foot taller than Douglas. The opportunity was irresistible to the cartoonist who favored Lincoln. In 1860 there were four candidates for the Presidency. Lincoln and Douglas are in the lead in this race to the White House, with Breckinridge third and Bell in the rear. departments were created, and provision was made for appointive heads of these depart- ments. But there was no suggestion of a Cab- inet in the British or European sense of the word. The President was not to depute or share his authority. In England, there was the King, with his privy council; the Parliament, with the House of Commons gradually winning prestige over the House of Lords as modern democracy made its slow gains. But the American Presi- dency did not imitate a king possessing inher- ent prerogatives ; nor did it set up a prime minister, who, under the British system, is merely the chairman and chief personage of a ministry that carries on the government through majority influence in the Houses of Parliament. There are, of course, certain constitutional and legal analogies ; but the dif- ferences of structure are quite fundamental. The American convention of 1787 was de- liberately working out a plan of union for thir- teen States, which were destined to become far more numerous. It had to distinguish, both legally and practically, between the so-called sovereign authority of the States and the sov- ereignty of the nation in the exercise of its delegated authority. In recent years many students of the history and the science of gov- ernment have criticised our constitution-mak- ers for their attempt to establish the legislative, executive, and judicial functions as separate and co-ordinate branches of government. There are some who would have the legislative power over-ride the opinions and decisions of the higher courts of law. And there are many others who would subordinate the executive to the legislative branch. i6 ABRAHAM LINCOLN There are others, approaching from an op- posite standpoint, who would seek to increase the practical power and efficiency of the execu- tive by giving the President and his department heads more influence in legislative programs. They would favor a more pervasive leadership, and would provide seats for our so-called Cab- inet in the Senate and House of Representa- tives. Nevertheless, the framework of Ameri- can government, as erected in the Eighteenth Century by a convention made up of men re- markable for ability and foresight, has now survived well into the Twentieth Century, and it bids fair to resist assaults, so far as its essential features are concerned, for a long time to come. At the very apex of the system there con- tinues to stand the office of the President. asmfci- iwr>sirfi*ttjj« 1. 1 (■smn'xe » mwaaet 1 THE IDEALIZED LINCOLN OF FRANCE This title page of a French periodical dated November 23, 1873, shows Lincoln so much greater than Uncle Sam that a magnifying glass is used by the one to see the other. While its essential nature is fairly expressed in the Constitution itself, its real character had to be worked out in experience. The feeble kind of central government that we were carry- ing on during and immediately after the Revo- lution made very slight appeal to the ambition of those who sought distinction. It was not viewed with favor by men whose motive it was to render the highest public service. Such men preferred to hold office in their respective States. It was no small mark of wisdom on the part of the Constitution-makers of 1787 that they should have established in the Presi- dency a position of such high prestige, and such wide range of authority and discretion, that it should have continued from the first to stand alone and quite unrivalled in the whole world of politics and government. It was also remarkable that this untried office should first have been filled by a man of such qualifications as George Washington. Men in politics who attain lofty position, whether they seek it or not, are quite certain to find themselves praised at one moment and blamed at another, often losing the support and confidence of friends in times of emer- gency, and always exposed to the attacks of partisan or personal enemies. Those who reach the high places have usually come up by process of survival. They have fought political battles and camped on the fields of strife. They have learned to receive hard blows, while by long experience they have acquired the arts of attack and defense. Few of them, it is true, are indifferent to disparagement or criticism, but they do not quail or retreat under fire. The Presidency carries with it such a burden of responsibility that those who attain the post have almost invariably tried to rise above narrow views, to see ahead, and to pursue courses that would commend themselves when the petty strifes and controversies of the day had been forgotten. But the very fact that the Presidency is so conspicuous a place makes it a shining mark. No President has ever escaped the harsh and unjust attacks of opponents, the libels of poisoned pens, and the innuendo or malice of whispered slander. Each President of the United States has had to do his work exposed to storms that could THE PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE i/ "YOU HAVE SWOLLEN THE EARTH WITH THE BLOOD OF MY CHILDREN" A London periodical called Fun printed weekly caricatures during our Civil War, by Matt Morgan and other artists, which ranked well with those of Punch not only in draughtsmanship and virility but also in their disparagement of Lincoln and the Northern cause. This cartoon, published in December, 1864, is Fun's comment on the result of the presidential election. Columbia is speaking: "Lincoln, you have brought me to this, yet I have not flinched to perform my part of the contract. I still cling to you that you may fulfill yours. You have swollen the earth with the blood of my children. Show me what I am to gain by this, or look for my dire vengeance in the future." Almost to the very end Fun portrayed Lincoln as the leader of a lost cause. But when the news of assassination reached London "the veil was torn from all eyes," and Fun paid graceful tribute. i8 ABRAHAM LINCOLN not always he anticipated. He might well ex- pect to be buffet ted by winds from every quar- ter, rather than to enjoy smooth sailing for a single season. He could hope to be vindicated by posterity, but it was hard to believe that the abuse of his enemies might not permanently blacken his reputation, remembering that a great analyst of human nature in an unhappy moment had declared that "the evil that men do lives after them ; the good is oft interred with their bones." However, it was not for the President to be too self-conscious, or to pose for the place he fancied he would like to occupy in the pages of biographers and his- torians not yet born. Thus the personality of our Presidents en- ters importantly into the subject matter of American political history. A President can not answer attacks because of the position he holds. For that very reason he is likely to be more sensitive than he had been when, in some other political capacity, he had been contending upon an equal plane with his fellows. The very loftiness of the position gives to the President at times a sense of painful isolation. He alone must bear the burden of momentous decisions. It is fitting therefore that our students of politics and history should concern themselves with the manners and characteristics of Presi- dents, as well as with their official acts and utterances. As the position of our country be- comes more significant in relation to world affairs, there is an increasing interest in the study of our foreign policies and relationships. And since the making of treaties and the con- duct of negotiations is a strictly presidential function, our historical students are studying the careers of former Presidents with increas- ing care, especially in view of occasions af- forded by many new opportunities to inspect secret archives, collections of letters, and various papers and documents that had for- merly been inaccessible. When one has considered our history from this Presidential standpoint, he is likely to use addition rather than subtraction in revising his estimate of the character and ability of most of the men who have filled the office in lengthening succession. At least it may be said that no other country — whether in modern times or in any historic period — can present in unbroken series a similarly long list of men holding positions of authority who could for a moment be compared with the American Presi- dents. Undoubtedly some Presidents have far ex- ceeded others in ability and in wisdom. That a revision of estimates should be going on from time to time is quite inevitable. The in- tense prejudices of contemporary partisanship are sure to survive in some quarters. As I intimated in the preceding chapter, the very name of Jefferson has, until lately, been odious to dwindling numbers who have inherited the prejudices and dislikes of the Hamilton- Jefferson feud. New England's view of Presi- dent Polk had been so firmly established by reason of opposition to the Mexican War that even yet the more impartial verdicts of history are not accepted. Although George Washing- ton was much reviled at times, he was too far above partisan or sectional controversy, and too obviously a distinterested public servant, to suffer any damage in historical reputation from the calumnies that so infuriated him while President. It has been easy to set him on a pedestal, from which he will never be dethroned. Personal and partisan controver- sies, as I have shown, long raged about the name and memory of Andrew Jackson. But through the perspectives of history Jackson's fame grows brighter, because he was insepa- rably associated with transactions that have had momentous consequences. In Buchanan's time, impelling forces that President Buchanan had done little or nothing to evoke, and which he did little or nothing to guide or control, were shaping the immediate movements of history. He was greatly blamed by the South for his pro-Northern attitude, and at the same time he was execrated by the North for his lack of the Jacksonian qualities of im- petuous boldness, as the Secession cause was gaining momentum. It makes a great differ- ence in the reputation of a man in political authority whether or not in his own period the course of affairs reaches a favorable turn. Thus Lincoln was even more execrated than Buchanan, and for much the same reasons. But the war that Buchanan was trying to avert THE PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE 19 "MR. LINCOLN, WE HAVE FAILED UTTERLY" Disparagement and ridicule of Lincoln in England lasted throughout the war. This is a cartoon from the London Punch, by the famous John Tenniel, published in September, 1864, just before the presidential election. Mrs. North is talking to her attorney: "You see, Mr. Lincoln, we have failed utterly in our course of action; I want peace, and so, if you cannot effect an amicable arrange- ment, I must put the case into other hands." by temporizing methods, and that Lincoln was blamed for precipitating, came to its successful conclusion a few days before Lincoln's assas- sination. And thus the name of the martyred Presi- dent was destined to be forever identified with the dramatic climax of a struggle that he had led on to a successful termination. Buchanan's name became historically associated with fail- ure, and Lincoln's with success. Mr. Buchanan spent several years, following his retirement from the White House, in study and reflec- tion. He wrote a volume of self-justification. Undoubtedly he had reached a firm theory as to the course that history would have pursued if he himself had been elected for a second term in i860. Lincoln, slowly developing, had attained national prominence in the sharp controversies of the Buchanan period. Senator Douglas of Illinois was the leader of the Democratic Senate; and, in the test of local experience, Lincoln had come forward as the one man in Illinois who could successfully cope with Douglas in the platform discussion of great issues. The East then seized upon certain personal characteristics, and never quite under- stood the later Lincoln. The South did not discriminate much, but regarded Lincoln as essentially opposed to the spread of slavery, at 20 ABRAHAM LINCOLN a time when slavery must either extend its domain or accept defeat and face its decline and fall. Foreign countries, notably England, had various reasons for seeing Lincoln through the eyes of prejudice and bitter dislike. Nevertheless, within the years of the Twen- tieth Century there has been witnessed the re- markable growth in world-wide appreciation of Lincoln as a lofty character and a great statesman to which I have already alluded. The prejudice of the South has slowly but surely abated. The New England attitude has grown less apologetic of Lincoln as untutored and uncouth. A school of English admirers finds in Lincoln one of the great historic lead- ers of an expanded Anglo-Saxondom. This new appreciation of Lincoln which has at last made its way South of the Mason and Dixon Line, and which is increasingly ex- pressed in eulogies on Lincoln's birthday, is deeply gratifying, not only because it honors the memory of an American embodying the nation's best traits, but also because it testifies to the essential right-mindedness of our gen- eration. We honor ourselves in paying tribute to those who have shown unflinching courage while bearing heavy burdens, often in sorrow and in pain, with the result of great and per- manent good to the republic. Few people of the present day, however, are even faintly aware of the added embarrass- ments that Lincoln suffered, through attack and misinterpretation. The prestige of a pub- lic man counts not a little in times when anxious business is on hand. Ridicule and disparagement of Lincoln in England rendered it far more difficult than it should have been to deal with a number of serious controversies that required delicate diplomatic handling. John Bright, writing to the American his- torian Motley after the assassination of Lin- coln, remarked : "The shock produced in this country was very great. All your friends were plunged into sorrow, and all your enemies into shame, and from that time there has been a rapid change of opinion and of feeling here on all American questions." Mr. Bright added that having followed Lincoln's career with growing interest he had "seen in all his speeches, and in all his public papers and ad- dresses, something different from, and some- thing higher than, anything that has ever be- fore proceeded from the tongue of president or potentate." That the President should have been hated and ridiculed in the South after his election, and especially after the outbreak of the War, could not have been otherwise in view of the intensity of Southern resentment and alarm. Thus President Lincoln was treated in the Confederate States precisely as President Jefferson Davis was treated in the North. But it was the constant criticism and nag- ging of Northern politicians and newspapers that served chiefly to hurt the President's pres- tige and to embarrass his leadership. There were many dissensions in his own Cabinet, which were reflected in the press. He had to deal on the one hand with Congress, and on the other with military leaders who had political views. Then there were the politicians who kept thrusting themselves with selfish aims into the military situation. How Lincoln dealt with all these difficulties and pursued his way through the stormiest of political weather can only be appreciated as one turns back to the period itself. It is evident that it would be quite impossible to understand the character and career of Theodore Roose- velt without a study at short range of the bit- ter controversies through which he passed, the modes of attack used by his enemies, and his sturdy championship of causes and principles. How the clouds of detraction disappeared, and how Roosevelt was duly revealed as the typical American of his own period, representing the country's highest standards, and waging an ever-courageous fight for what seemed to him the best courses to pursue, affords an inspiring object-lesson for young citizens. In like man- ner, we can best understand Lincoln by study- ing his career in its contacts with current public opinion, and in the drastic ordeals of the most crucial of all presidential administrations. The subjects at issue, and the personalities of the Lincolnian period, are susceptible of a vivid kind of presentation in the cartoons of that epoch. It is well to perceive, meanwhile, that Lincoln's fame is due to his use of opportuni- ties afforded by the unique presidential office. CHAPTER III The Education of a Future President A wealth of substitutes for schooling — Lincoln's autobiography of his early years — A surveyor, postmaster, and merchant who liked to read books — His resemblance to Marshall It was always assumed, until a good while after his death, that Lincoln was inferior in education when compared with all his predecessors — with the possible exception of Andrew Jackson. Lincoln himself had done much to give currency to this impression. Like many other successful men who have risen by their own efforts, he had always estimated too highly the advantages to be derived from long years spent in school and college. Those who differ about the nature and processes of educa- tion do not, as a rule, analyze closely their definitions. To those who regard education as the exclusive concern of schools, and relig- ion as non-existent apart from the observances and the authority of churches, Abraham Lin- coln was sadly lacking in education and in relig- ion. But judging him by results rather than by methods and processes, Lincoln was a man whose mental power was highly developed in relation to the subject matter with which an American public man of his day had to deal. He was unusually well educated, just as he was deeply religious. As a boy he had the intellectual eagerness that would, indeed, have led him much farther along paths of general or special scholarship if his opportunities had been those of Thomas Jefferson or John Quincy Adams. But men who attain leader- ship have grown strong through a conquest of obstacles. They have converted their seeming disadvantages into positive assets. The test of real education lies in the equipment that has been gained at a given age — let us say twenty- one or thirty-five— through the use of available opportunities. The man himself is so much greater than the varying accidents of his en- vironment that the question of his standing in the community, when he has reached the years of mature manhood, depends as a rule almost wholly upon his aims and ideals, and the cour- age and energy he shows in the pursuit of his chosen objects. Among leaders in any field of activity, the great questions that ultimately arise have to do with attainments in wisdom, in power, and in responsible character. Thus the distinction between the man trained in schools, and the man who has found his own means — apart from the exactions and routine of schoolmasters — for keeping alive the pro- cess of intellectual growth, tends to disappear in later life. In the case of a boy on the frontier, like young Abraham Lincoln, everything depended upon his actual use of time, upon his ability to concentrate, upon his memory as an aid to the "Amy slews Down T* TK VPllfl6e,e2Bv "^ wtiich, iL..uihlrit . " torn sma/l to saiu/y suh unzubal/iy aj'^ilfti. THE PERIOD IN WHICH LINCOLN GREW UP— A CARTOON BY GILLRAY Lincoln was twelve years old when Napoleon died. French victories over Austrians and Russians at Austerlitz, over Prussians at Jena ; British defeats of Napoleon by Nelson at Trafalgar and by Wellington at Waterloo — these events, still fresh in memory, shaped the destinies of Europe and of America while Lincoln was young. When he went to New Orleans in 1828 it was but twenty-five years after the great Louisiana territory had been purchased from France. This drawing, was made by James Gillray, the leading English caricaturist of that period. Pitt, Prime Minister of England, and Napoleon are dividing the world between them. It is reproduced here as throwing a sidelight upon the time in which Lincoln grew up, and also as indicating the influence of European caricaturists upon their fellow-craftsmen in America. August, less than five months earlier, several British regiments under General Ross had oc- cupied the federal city and burned the Capitol and the White House, with other public build- ings, thus deeply humiliating our officialdom. James Monroe, who had filled many public positions since his service as a young officer in the Revolution, and who was Secretary of State in Madison's Cabinet, was the unrivalled heir- apparent of what was then called the "Virginia dynasty." The fact that our commissioners had signed a peace treaty in Ghent on Christ- mas Eve, some two weeks before the Battle of New Orleans, without any express references to the causes of the combat, or the questions at issue, might have furnished the Federalists with some ground for criticizing so costly and destructive a war against the British Empire. But in politics military victories count for more than diplomatic documents. Jackson's victory had simply wiped out the Federalist party as a nation-wide influence, and it had given the Democrats an ascendency that lasted (with the brief interruption of Harrison's single month in 1841 and the Taylor-Fillmore quadrennium, 1849-53) until the election of Abraham Lincoln himself in i860. In those days the dominant party called itself "Republican," or "Democratic- Republican" ; but these designations were soon dropped in A FRONTIER YOUTH ENCOUNTERS SLAVERY 37 A POSTER CARICATURE OF THE CAMPAIGN OF 1824 The reader will note an extraordinary improvement in the drawing of campaign posters as he advances from this chapter through the next half-dozen. This is a very early example. The four candidates for the Presidency in 1824 are pictured as engaged in a foot race: John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William H. Crawford, and Henry Clay. Their admirers make various comments — puns being a favorite form of humor — "Hurrah for our son Jack! "You needn't be so Oa-morous! "He'll even get the better of the Quincy," etc. Clay, toward the right has not yet started to run. Jackson wears his military uniform. favor of the useful name "Democratic," which has always since held its place. The nomina- tion of Mr. Monroe was brought about by a caucus of Republican members of Congress. It is worth remembering that Henry Clay was then in Congress from Kentucky, and that he was present at this meeting of members that made Monroe the party candidate. With Ohio and Indiana admitted as States (having fol- lowed Kentucky, Vermont, Tennessee, and Louisiana, as additions to the original thir- teen ) there were now nineteen States in the Union. Mr. Monroe received the electoral votes of all except Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Delaware. Those three States supported Ruf us King of New York as Federalist candidate. But the party that had passed the Alien and Sedition Laws, and had been responsible for the Hartford Convention, was moribund. It never regained vitality. There followed the "Era of Good Feeling," as it has always been termed, parties having ceased for a few years to assert themselves on well-organized national lines. Mr. Monroe was widely experienced and excellently qualified, but not a heaven-born leader of men, or a mas- terful statesman in his hold upon the assembled representatives at Washington. His Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams of Massa- chusetts, had been trained by his father from boyhood for a public career, had filled diplo- matic posts in several European countries while still very young, was a man of great learning, of eloquence, and of literary skill, but not versed in the arts of political management. The country was doing its best to recover from a struggle that had taxed public and pri- vate resources very heavily. The War of 1812 had almost paralyzed the once prosperous acti- vities of the merchants and ocean traders of the Atlantic seaboard for three long years, and it left the government of the United States with a public debt of a hundred million dollars — which was regarded as a heavy obligation at that time. The country was too busily engaged in making up its losses and reviving its busi- 38 ABRAHAM LINCOLN ness energies, to be unduly concerned over politics. But localities and regions were as- serting themselves, new sectional leaders were coming to the front, personal rivalries and am- bitions were beginning to affect the general harmony, and the country was slowly prepar- ing to divide again on partisan lines. The War of 1812 had cut off the ordinary supply of European imported manufactures, and had laid the foundations for the great American textile industry, while reviving the Hamiltonian arguments for a protective tariff in order to build up the economic independence of the United States. Henry Clay of Kentucky had popular gifts that were lacking in President Monroe and his Secretary of State, Mr. Adams. He was in passionate sympathy with the uprisings under General Bolivar and other Latin American leaders for the expulsion of the Spanish colon- ial authorities from the western hemisphere. General Jackson's experiences with the Span- iards in Florida — following the earlier crisis when the Spaniards had closed the mouths of the Mississippi to the western farmers and traders whose thousands of flatboats, keel- boats, and rafts had been carrying food prod- ucts and cotton to New Orleans for export — had given the West an abiding hatred of the Spanish government in its exercise of control anywhere on our side of the Atlantic. Mr. Clay in Congress was a leader of mov- ing eloquence, and the Monroe Administration had no reason for sympathy with Spain. The United States led the world in acknowledging the independence of the new South American republics. When the Holy Alliance, made up of the chief rulers of continental Europe, after the Congress of Vienna, had shown signs of willingness to aid Spain in the recovery of her American empire, the Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed in 1823. Jefferson had been con- sulted and had approved, and the South and West especially were in accord with the cour- ageous assertion of the purpose of the United States to support the liberated portions of the western hemisphere in resisting further efforts to subject them to European imperial control. War had awakened once more the restless, pioneering spirit ; and thousands of families from the East were moving with their ox- teams, horses, and covered wagons along the main trails, or were continuing to float down the Obio. New York in 1825 completed the Erie Canal ; and while this brought western products to the East for local consumption or export, it also carried thousands of families to Buffalo whence they moved farther west, many of them carried by the new steamboats on the Great Lakes. To look a little further back, it should be noted that the Northwest Ordinance, providing for the organization and government of the territory that was afterwards divided to form Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wiscon- sin, had provided that slavery should be for- ever excluded from that area. This had, doubtless, considerably affected the movement of population, not only in numbers, but also in respect of sentiment and character. This trend is well shown by statistics. Kentucky had about 75,000 people in 1790, and in 1800 it had three times as many — more than 220,000 — while Ohio in 1800 had only one-fifth as many — about 45,000. But in 1820 Ohio had out- stripped Kentucky; and in the census of 1830, while Kentucky had 688,000, her neighbor north of the river had 938,000. Indiana, with a handful of people in 1800, had almost 350,000 in 1830. Illinois, which was admitted to the Union in 181 8 with about 50,000 peo- ple, had almost 160,000 in 1830. The South was also growing rapidly, with settlers who were disposed to utilize rather than to abolish the economic institution of Slavery. Thus Tennessee, with only a fourth of the population of Massachusetts in 1800, had far surpassed Massachusetts by 1830. Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana had been gaining with astounding strides between 1810 and 1830, largely by reason of the world's de- mand for cotton. These shifts in population through the first half of the Nineteenth Cen- tury were the most determining of all influ- ences and factors in the ups and downs of party politics. They also were the determining causes of the Mexican War, with the territorial an- nexations that followed it. Finally, they sup- plied the causes that precipitated the Civil War, while also they furnished the men, the re- A FRONTIER YOUTH ENCOUNTERS SLAVERY 39 sources, and the large nationalistic and unify- ing motives that brought the war to its conclu- sion, with the permanent and fully accepted re- sults of an undivided nation under adequate central authority. The career of Abraham Lincoln could not possibly be understood apart from these facts of national expan- sion, and the great sectional growth of the West and the South. The same general facts, large- ly economic, entered as an essential ele- ment into each suc- ceeding presidential contest. Also, they form the necessary background for the study of the politi- cal fortunes of hun- dreds of other men besides Abraham Lincoln, some of whose names are written in the pages of school histories, while most of them though once prom- inent are now for- gotten. "Young Harry of the West," as Clay continued to be called long after he had outlived the stage of boy orator and precocious statesman, was re- garded as the country's rising hope, with a great HENRY CLAY, FOR WHOM LINCOLN CAMPAIGNED Clay, idol of the Whig party, was three times defeated for the Presidency. He ran fourth in 1824, and lost to Jackson in 1832 and to Polk in 1844. He also was a prominent candi- date in 1840 and 1848, though he failed to get the nomination; and in those years the Whig candidate won. Meanwhile he served conspicuously in public office for nearly forty years — in the House of Representatives, as Secretary of State, and as United States Senator. Above is a campaign poster of 1844. future that must surely lead to the presidency. But General An- drew Jackson was the hero whose reward must come first in the estimation of the South, and this opinion was shared not only in the new com- munities north of the Ohio, but also to some extent in northern New England, where the plain farming folk had as yet hardly emerged from pioneering conditions and where the bold spirit of "Old Hickory" made a peculiar appeal. These rustic Yankees, like the rough frontiersmen of the South and West, were not only out of sympathy with the superior culture and the refined manners of the "aristo- crats" who shared in the fortunes of the "Virginia dyn- asty," but they were almost equally in re- volt against that other scholarly group identified with Boston and Cambridge, with Hartford and New Haven, and, to some extent, with New York City, of whom John Quincy Adams seemed to them an intellectual survival, even though he was not a subservient disciple of his father's polit- ical friends. The younger Adams was comfortable enough in his Democratic associations, as Sec- retary of State un- der Monroe. Also he was the best- trained man in sight for the presidency. But the older States of the Atlan- tic seaboard had run the country long enough, and the new populations west of the Alleghenies were in aggressive mood. Not only did the great valley of the interior make its claim as a region, but it also had two pieces of presidential timber that loomed above all others, and these were Andrew Jackson of Tennessee and Henry Clay of Kentucky. 40 ABRAHAM LINCOLN These two were not the only candidates by any means. President Monroe himself was inclined to favor his Secretary of the Treasury, a substantial and experienced citizen of Georgia, William H. Crawford. John C. Cal- houn of South Carolina, and De Witt Clinton of New York, had their supporters. The plan of a congressional caucus was discarded. The more general practice employed in 1824 was that of the naming of favorites by State legis- latures. Thus Clay was named by Kentucky and afterwards by Missouri, Ohio, Illinois, and Louisiana. General Jackson, first presen- ted by a local mass convention in Tennessee, was named by many groups and bodies throughout the country. The Legislature of South Carolina presented Mr. Calhoun. Mr. Crawford was endorsed by the Legislature of Virginia. The New England States through their Legislatures were formally for Adams, although in the subsequent election popular sentiment favored some of the other can- didates. Election methods were by no means uniform at that time, presidential electors in several States being chosen by the Legislatures. There was no clear majority of electoral votes for any candidate, and, under the Constitution, three names had to be referred to the House of Rep- resentatives for final choice. Some of the Clay electors had shifted ground, so that Jackson, Adams, and Crawford were the names referred to the House. The electoral votes had stood : for Jackson 99, John Quincy Adams 84, Will- iam H. Crawford 41, Henry Clay 37. Mr. Clay was himself Speaker of the House at that time and very popular. Upon his friends rested the responsibility of throwing the decision either way, as between Jackson and Adams. The representatives of thirteen States supported Adams, seven were for Jackson, and four for Crawford. Chief Justice Marshall administered the oath to Mr. Adams on March 4, 1825, and Andrew Jackson, who was then a Senator, promptly offered his congratulations. But General Jackson did not forgive Henry Clay, who could, if he had so chosen, have in- fluenced his friends in Congress to vote for the candidate who had undoubtedly received a considerable plurality of the popular vote, and who had received 99 votes as against 84 for Adams in the returns of the presidential electors. Clay became Secretary of State, and was unjustly accused of having made a pre- vious bargain with the friends of Adams. This situation arose half a dozen years be- fore Abraham Lincoln had attained his major- ity, and had begun to take his local place as a young man greatly concerned about politics. But it created passionate differences which lasted for many long years ; and even the chil- dren of the West, taking their views from the excited talk of their elders, became violent partisans of Andrew Jackson or devoted ad- mirers and followers of Henry Clay. It hap- pened that Lincoln — not so much through ac- cidents of family or environment that deter- mined the party allegiance of most citizens, as because of admiration for Clay's brilliant speeches, and natural agreement with his views — became an avowed supporter of Clay. As the anti-Jackson elements became coalesced in the new Whig party, Lincoln was soon known among his neighbors as an active and consis- tent Whig politician. It is always interesting to note in studying American politics how the careers of eminent public men have overlapped. Thus Jackson, who was born in 1767, was fighting at the age of fourteen as a Revolutionary soldier in the Virginia campaign that resulted in the victory of Washington and Lafayette and the surren- der of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown. In Tennessee he had become a lawyer holding local positions, then rapidly a member of Con- gress, a United States Senator and a Supreme Court Judge of the State, while Washington and the elder Adams were still occupying the presidential chair. It was later that he had con- quered the Creek Indians, and had become a Major-General in the War of 18 12. After Jackson's crowning success in defeat- ing the British at New Orleans in 1815, he had taken a leading part in the acquisition of Florida by purchase from Spain, and he had become our first Governor of the new Florida Territory. In 1823 he went back to the United States Senate, in which, for a year or two, he had also served a quarter of a century earlier. In popular opinion, he was destined to become A FRONTIER YOUTH ENCOUNTERS SLAVERY 41 ^ £•% THE GRAND NATIONAL CARAVAN MOVING EAST Andrew Jackson, though unsuccessful in the campaign of 1824, was elected four years later and re-elected in 1832. This is a cartoon of the Jacksonian era. The banners proclaim the conquering hero: "Sound the trumpet, beat the drums." "Honor and gratitude to the man who has filled the measure of his country's glory." Jackson is astride the leading horse, with Vice-President Van Buren behind him. Jackson was the first President from a State other than Massachusetts or Virginia. He was born in western North Carolina, and had practised law at Nashville, Tennessee. President sooner or later ; and Congress was doubtless more scheming than wise in refusing to elect him in 1824. Jackson defeated Adams in 1828, and Clay in 1832. Though Clay was nominated again in 1844, changed condi- tions gave the victory to Polk. In 1848 the results of the Mexican War demanded a military hero rather than a seasoned statesman, especially a statesman who, like Clay or Web- ster, had been vigorously opposed to the war policy of President Polk, and had thought our invasion of Mexico unjustified, high-handed and inspired by unworthy motives. Lincoln loved Clay not less, but favored a Whig soldier. THE LOG CABIN IN WHICH ANDREW JACKSON LIVED In 1804, after Jackson had been Congressman, Senator, and Tennessee judge, he purchased a plantation near Nashville. The log cabin on that plantation was his home for fifteen years, and still remains near the mansion that is shown on page 46. CHAPTER V Lincoln's First Taste of Politics and War The presidential careers of John Q. Adams and Andrew Jackson — Lincoln announces his candidacy for the Legislature, serves in the Black Hawk War, and is defeated at the polls Iincoln attained his twentieth birthday while John Quincy Adams had still nearly a month remaining of his single term in the White House. It would be wholly against the probabilities that Lincoln was not already politically-minded. He was "talking politics" every day, and trying to learn to express himself, in the arguments of his Hoo- sier community at the post office, the black- smith's shop and the country store. He had be- come a reader of news- papers; and these were a repository of political literature of high educa- tional value. Undoubted- ly he was seeing the litho- graphed cartoon posters that even then were find- ing distribution through- out the country. The disappointment of the Jacksonians in 1825 had intensified a feeling that was even more strongly exhibited in the rural neighborhoods of the West than in the towns and cities of the East, where people were more generally occu- pied with business and private affairs. The newspapers, as I have already intimated, were strikingly different from those of our generation. Lacking tele- graphic news and with comparatively little development of the art of local reporting, the press was heavy and documentary. Presi- dent's messages and formal addresses were 42 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS Sixth President of the United States Before his election, in 1824, Adams had been United States Senator from Massachusetts; Minister to Holland, Germany, Russia, and England ; and Sec- retary of State under Monroe. He became Presi- dent when Lincoln was sixteen and served until Lincoln was twenty. From 1831 until his death in 1848, Adams the former President served as a mem- ber of the House. He died in his seat there, and Lincoln — then also a member — represented the Ill- inois delegation at the funeral. given ample space. And it should be said that nothing could have been better reading for the young student of politics than the perfectly phrased messages of President Adams, and the speeches of his brilliant Sec- retary of State, Henry Clay. Lincoln's ten- dency from the very be- ginning had been to asso- ciate himself with the in- tellectual and rational minority, rather than with the more emotional masses that had naturally rallied around the ban- ners of Jackson, fully convinced, and asking for no high arguments in the sphere of states- manship. The inaugural address and the four annual mes- sages of President Ad- ams are state papers that will always stand as models. Along with clar- ity and beauty of style, they expounded policies with moderation of tone but with firmness of logic, and they set forth the facts of government finance and the nation's public business in a suc- cinct but adequate man- ner. Above all, they handled many diplomatic and international sit- uations with an ability that no statesman any- where in the world in that day could have sur- passed. Adams and Clay were the strongest supporters of the new South American repub- lics, and were sending diplomatic representa- tives to the old Spanish cities that had now be- LINCOLN'S FIRST TASTE OF POLITICS AND WAR 43 c 0?~ *&! w^^) cen/wi6fe t&t^ariJfasfra/at 1 A CARTOON OF 1828, WHEN ADAMS AND JACKSON WERE OPPOSING CANDIDATES A circular letter dated "Centreville, July 19, 1828," was alleged to have urged supporters of John Quincy Adams to persuade doubtful voters, and to have "at least six strong and courageous men at the polls." This cartoon is the answer of the supporters of Andrew Jackson. It shows a voter, who maintains that he is doubtful, being dragged and pushed to the voting place by six Adams men. Adams himself, in the window, remarks: "Let us not be palsied by the wishes of our constit- uents." Jackson behind the tree at the right, says: "Let the people's unbiased will prevail." come republican capitals. They were endorsing the Pan-American Congress that leaders in Central and South America had called to as- semble at Panama. Two foremost lines of domestic policy were ably presented by Adams, one being that of the steadily enlarging program of in- ternal improvements, particularly highways and canals, under government aid and direc- tion, while the other was the policy of in- creasing the rates of certain tariff schedules. Successive advances in average tariff rates had already made it clear that the country had abandoned the pretext of levying cus- toms duties for revenue only, lit was build- ing higher tariff walls, behind which our "in- fant" industries could find protection against British and other foreign goods. This pro- tective policy was generally favored in the West, and it found many adherents in the older states of the North Atlantic, where manufacturing had begun to equal shipping and ocean-borne commerce in the profitable employment of labor and capital. But this protective policy was strongly opposed in Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia, and also in the newer cotton states of the lower South. Very little manufacturing on a commercial basis had been attempted in the South, al- though plantation and household industries for local supply were common. The South wished to sell its cotton, tobacco, and other products in Europe at good prices and to bring return cargoes of textiles and other manufactured goods, bought at better prices than those of New England, New York or Pennsylvania, where mills and factories en- joyed the advantages of a protective tariff. 44 ABRAHAM LINCOLN In 1828, toward the end of the Adams ad- ministration, there was enacted a new tariff measure which came to be designated by its critics as the "Tariff of Abominations." The Jacksonian Democrats held the protective tariff to be unconstitutional in principle, and sectionally discriminatory and unjust in its actual provisions. Taking this view of the tariff, for consistency's sake they also assailed the policy of internal improvements at fed- eral expense, declaring it to be contrary to the meaning and intent of the Constitution. Thus the lines were actually forming for a definite readjustment of parties. There were leaders of the first rank on both sides, and there were differences of opinion about im- portant matters. Both of these things are requisite to the existence of strong and con- tinuing parties. During Adams's entire term, his adminis- tration lacked majority support in the Sen- ate. At first he had strength in the House of Representatives ; but in the ensuing Con- gressional election the Jacksonians captured the House. The factional spirit was kept alive especially by the determination of the Jack- son men to right the wrong of Jackson's pre- vious rejection by the House. About some occurrences of that time there was no partisan disagreement. Lafayette had come to the United States as the nation's guest, and was sent back to France in Sep- tember, 1825, on the frigate Brandywinc after a protracted sojourn of more than a year. For more than forty years following his youthful services as an officer under Washington in the Revolutionary War, La- fayette had played an important part in the political affairs of France. The country, aglow with enthusiasm for the achievements of Washington and his compatriots, was linking the name of Bolivar, the great South American liberator, with those of Washington and Lafayette. Adams was officially eulogizing the heroes of the Greek Revolution, and the nation was in a mood for assertion and self-congratulation. It would be a dull and unwarranted concep- tion of Abraham Lincoln and his Indiana environment at that time, to suppose that they were not as ardently affected by Lafay- ette's visit, by the freeing of South America, and by the struggle of the Greeks against the Turks, as were the citizens of Virginia or other eastern States. These matters were part and parcel of the educational outfitting of Abraham Lincoln. There was no doubt about the selection of candidates in 1828. Adams was running for a second term by the common consent of all his supporters, and there was no formality of any kind that gave him a party nomina- tion. Jackson, on the other hand, was put in nomination by the legislature of his own State of Tennessee three years before the election was actually held. Various other State legislatures, caucuses, and local political groups, endorsed Jackson's nomination from time to time. It was only necessary to con- ciliate the friends of Mr. Crawford in Vir- ginia, Georgia, and elsewhere ; and this was done by the adroit Mr. Van Buren of New York, who made a Southern tour on behalf of Jackson as the undisputed candidate of the Democratic party. It is interesting to note that by this time the choice of presidential electors had become a matter of popular vote in every one of the twenty-four States then existent except in South Carolina, where the legislature con- tinued to appoint the electors. It is also to be observed that eighteen States chose their electors on a general State ticket, which is now our universal practice. On the other hand, four chose their electors by districts (which is by far the more suitable and desir- able plan), these four being Maine, New York, Maryland, and Tennessee. Jackson received nearly 55 per cent, of the popular vote and Adams more than 45 per cent. But majorities were so distributed among the States and districts as to give Jackson 178 votes in the electoral college and John Quincy Adams only 83. Adams car- ried all the New England States strongly, with New Jersey and Maryland. The Jack- son majorities in New York, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky were not large. In Louisiana it happened also that the voting was almost even, but otherwise Jackson swept the South LINCOLN'S FIRST TASTE OF POLITICS AND WAR 45 overwhelmingly. In Illinois, also, Jackson's vote was double that of Adams, this being- largely due to the more rapid development of the southern part of the State. The author of a judicious narrative his- tory of the United States very pop- ular more than half a century ago, characterized President Jackson's personality, and set forth his poli- cies in so fair a summary that I find it well to quote his statement at length. Says John Clark Ridpath : The new President was a military hero. But he was was more than that; a man of great native powers and in- flexible honesty. His talents were strong but unpolished; his integrity unassailable; his will like iron. He was one of those men for whom no toils are too arduous, no responsibility too great. His personal character was strongly impressed upon his adminis- tration. Believing that the public affairs would be best conducted by such means, and to reward his friends for their party service, he removed nearly seven hundred officeholders, and appointed in their stead his own political friends. This practice came to be known as the Spoils System. It was adopted by Jackson's successors and was contin- ued till after the Civil War. In his first annual message the President took strong ground against rechartering the Bank of the United States. Believing that institution to be both inexpedient and unconstitutional, he recom- mended that the old charter should be allowed to expire by its own limitation in 1836. But the influ- ence of the bank, with its many branches, was very great; and in 1832 a bill to recharter was brought before Congress and passed. To this measure the President opposed his veto ; and since a two-thirds majority in favor of the bill could not be secured, the proposition to grant a new charter failed. The year following Jackson's veto of the bank bill was one of great excitement on account of his determination to remove the government deposits from the old bank. This he accomplished through his secretary of the treasury. The bank officials were greatly chagrined at this bold action of the President, and by withholding their customary loans from other banks and business firms, they brought on a financial crisis of wide extent. Thou- sands of people petitioned the President to replace the deposits, but he was inflexible and refused to LAFAYETTE AT THE HERMITAGE When the Marquis visited the United States in 1824, nearly half a century after he had aided the Revolutionary army, he was widely acclaimed and remained for a year. He is here shown calling upon the hero of the Battle of New Orleans, at Jackson's home near Nashville, while on an extended steamboat tour of the sparsely settled region west of the Alleghenies. This was before Jackson's election as President and just after his first campaign. be moved, declaring that any institution that had the power to disturb the business of the country to such an extent had no place in a republican govern- ment. Jackson won in the end and the United States Bank ceased to exist at the expiration of the old charter. The reopening of the tariff question occasioned great excitement in Congress and throughout the country. In the session of 1831-32 additional duties were levied upon manufactured goods imported from abroad. By this act the manufacturing dis- tricts were again favored at the expense of the agricultural States. South Carolina was specially offended. A great convention of her people was held, and it was resolved that the tariff law of Con- gress was unconstitutional, and therefore null and void. Open resistance was threatened in case the officers of the government should attempt to collect the revenues in the harbor of Charleston. In the United States Senate the right of a State, under certain circumstances, to nullify an act of Congress was boldly proclaimed. On that issue occurred the famous debate between the eloquent Colonel Hayne, 4 6 ABRAHAM LINCOLN Senator from South Carolina, and Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, perhaps the greatest master of American oratory. The former appeared as the champion of State rights, and the latter as the advo- cate of constitutional supremacy. But the question was not decided by debate. The President took the matter in hand and issued a proclamation denying the right of any State to nullify the laws of Congress. But Mr. Calhoun, the Vice-President, resigned his office to accept a seat in the Senate, where he might better defend the doctrines of his State. The President, having warned the people of South Carolina against pur- suing those doctrines further, ordered a body of troops under General Scott to proceed to Charleston, and also sent thither a man-of-war. At this display of force the leaders of the nullifying party quailed and receded from their opposition. Bloodshed was happily avoided; and in the following spring the excitement was allayed by a compromise. Mr. Clay brought forward and secured the passage of a bill providing for a gradual reduction of the duties complained of until, at the end of ten years, they should reach the standard demanded by the South. The Jacksonian times were turbulent and the administration, as a New England author once expressed it, was "one which those who enjoy a quiet life can never dwell upon with pleasure." Jackson ran the government with a high hand and believed that, as the personal choice of the people, he was ordained to have THE HERMITAGE- HOME OF ANDREW JACKSON In his youth Jackson was forced to struggle with poverty. He was born near the line between North and South Carolina, in 1767, and grew up in a log cabin, as other frontier people did in those days. He studied law and became a substantial citizen in eastern Tennessee (then a part of North Carolina), even before the War of 1812 brought him fame and the Presidency. A log cabin continued to be the Major-General's home, however, until 1819. Then he built the mansion shown above, on his plantation near Nashville. From 1829 to 1837 he occupied the White House; and from that time until his death in 1845 he again lived at the Hermitage. his own way. He scorned consistency, and he was not sensitive to the discord that his activities produced. But he built up the Democratic party in what have since been many of its distinctive characteristics. It has been more personal in its tone, and rather more inclined to make politics a business, than the opposing party. The same New England historian declares of Jackson: "His adoption of the principle first formulated by Marcy, that 'to the victors belong the spoils of the enemy,' was ap- plauded and approved. He degraded na- tional politics to the level of a game wherein the shrewdest and the strongest, rather than the best and the wisest were to come off the victors; yet he merely extended the operation of a principle that had long been dominant in the affairs of the great States of New York and Pennsylvania, and gave to a great majority of the people of the country a gov- ernment of a sort which they preferred to that which had preceded it. Thus he at- tracted more than he repelled; he pleased more of the men of his generation than he offended; and when the appeal was made to the voters to pass judgment upon his doings, a compact, enthusiastic body of his support- ers confronted a dis- organized and dis- cordant opposition." It was in the thick of this Jack- sonian ferment that Abraham Lincoln, the young citizen, stepped forth to be- gin his career as Abraham Lincoln the public man. He decided very sensi- bly to begin by an- nouncing himself a candidate for the Illinois State Leg- islature. He had re- turned from his second flatboat voy- age to New Orleans, landing at St. Louis LINCOLN'S FIRST TASTE OF POLITICS AND WAR 47 and walking from that point back to his home. These experiences had accounted for the first half of the year 1831. For the next few months, Lincoln occupied himself variously, utilized opportunities during- the winter to make local friends, and improved his knowl- edge of English grammar and diction. His village of New Salem _ was some fifteen or twen- ty miles from Springfield, /^ .... and Lincoln was des- tined before long to be- come a citizen of the larger place. Meanwhile, his river experiences had inter- ested him deeply in the question of transporta- tion as affecting the de- velopment of his vicinity. Steamboats were coming up the Illinois River in increasing numbers, and Lincoln was studying the possibility of some im- provement in the Sanga- mon River, a branch of the Illinois, that would enable small steamboats of light draft to come up as far as Springfield. However unimportant this would seem nowa- days, the idea was highly plausible at that time, and strong in its appeal, because of the lack of railroads and the neces- sity of teaming over the soft prairie wagon trails, with black mud to the hubs in wet weather. Most decidedly Lincoln was for internal improvements. He made his first announcement of candidacy for the Leg- islature about March 1, 1832. Because I like the phrasing of that announcement, and be- cause of what one may read between the lines in view of all that had happened to crystallize Lincoln's opinions, I am taking the liberty to separate the sentences for better emphasis : ANDREW JACKSON Seventh President of the United States As the head of Tennessee volunteers who had defeated the Creek Indians, Jackson's military genius was recognized by appointment as a Major- General in the regular army in 1814, and eight months later he won the Battle of New Orleans. He received the largest vote for President in 1824, but since he lacked a clear majority, with four candidates running, the election was thrown into the House, and Adams was chosen. Four years later Jackson overwhelmingly defeated Adams for the Presidency, and four years after that he was re-elected over Henry Clay. "Fellow-citizens : I presume you all know who 1 am. I am humble Abraham Lincoln. "I have been solicited by many friends to become a candidate for the Legislature. "My politics are short and sweet, like the old woman's dance. "I am in favor of a National Bank. "I am in favor of the internal improvement sys- tem, and a high protective fcn^ tariff. N^ "These are my sentiments IHJIB and political principles. "If elected, I shall be thankful; if not it will be- all the same." This announcement was followed at once by an extended statement which was printed as a hand-bill for distribution throughout the county. Lincoln had completed his twenty-second year. His address was in ad- mirable style, and it dis- cussed various topics with a careful weighing of words and a quality of practical wisdom that suggest the writings of Benjamin Franklin. It argued for a carefully considered policy of in- ternal improvements, and very properly appealed to the local constituency by a discussion of their own problems of com- munication. He wrote in- telligently on behalf of measures for the more general diffusion of "Upon the subjects of which I education have treated," he declares, "I have spoken as I have thought. I may be wrong in regard to any or all of them, but, holding it a sound maxim that it is better only sometimes to be right than at all times to be wrong, so soon as I discover my opinions to be erroneous, I shall be ready to renounce them." In this first docu- ment, Lincoln's reasonableness shines forth. 48 ABRAHAM LINCOLN 1 [e concludes with the following character- istic paragraph : Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition. Whether it be true or not, I can say, for one, that I have no other so great as that of being truly es- teemed of my fellow-men, by rendering myself worthy of their esteem. How far I shall succeed in gratifying this ambition is yet to be developed. I am young, and unknown to many of you. I was born, and have ever remained, in the most humble walks of life. I have no wealthy or popular rela- tions or friends to recommend me. My case is thrown exclusively upon the independent voters of the county; and, if elected, they will have conferred a favor upon me for which I shall be unremitting in my labors to compensate. But, if the good people in their wisdom shall see fit to keep me in the back- ground, I have been too familiar with disappoint- ment to be very much chagrined. I have heen at some pains to compare this first announcement of Lincoln as a candi- date for an important office with the state- ments made by Theodore Roosevelt when, soon after his graduation at Harvard, he entered practical politics as a candidate for the New York Legislature. He was also aged twenty-two when he made his appeal for votes some fifty years later. And I have had in mind the political expressions of other young GENERAL ATKINSON'S VICTORY OVER BLACK HAWK This is a crude representation, after the manner of the times, of the decisive battle of the Black Hawk War, in 1832. Lincoln was not present, though he had re-enlisted in a company of independent scouts after his own volunteers — who had chosen him Captain — had been mustered out. men of education and opportunity, as they were entering upon a public career. I have not discovered that any one of them showed better reasoning processes, or a firmer grasp of principles and of the policies that he had chosen to espouse, than Abraham Lincoln. The State election was to occur in August ; and in April Governor Reynolds of Illinois called upon General Neale of the State militia to organize volunteers for a campaign against the Sac, Fox, and Winnebago Indians, who were under the leadership of a famous chief known as Black Hawk. Many of these Indians still occupied territory which had been ceded by them to the United States more than twenty years earlier. Now that settlement was requiring their removal, they took to the war path. The call was printed at Springfield on April 19th and Lincoln joined a company that was at once organized. It was evidence" of his pres- tige and his hold upon the young men of the neighborhood that he was promptly elected captain, as they marched to the area of disturbance. Troops of the United States Army had also appeared on the scene and the militia had little fighting to do. Lin- coln's adventures as a soldier in 1832 were soon ended, the companies being mustered out after a few weeks. Such an experience, how- ever, had some value in giv- ing personal confidence to a young man who had deter- mined upon a course that was to lift him out of humble and precarious occupations as a private citizen, and launch him upon a political and pro- fessional career. Undoubted- ly Lincoln would have made a good soldier and a meritori- ous officer if the occasion had brought him to the test. Although we have no clear record of it, he must have made numerous speeches throughout the county in the two months pre- LINCOLN'S FIRST TASTE OF POLITICS AND WAR 49 THE NATION'S BULWARK: A WELL-DISCIPLINED MILITIA A Philadelphia caricature of 1829 Under the laws of the new State of Illinois, every able-bodied man between 18 and 4S was required to drill twice a year or pay a fine of one dollar. Lincoln might have drilled with such a squad. When the Indians under Black Hawk invaded northwestern Illinois, in 1832, Lincoln responded to the call for volunteers and was elected Captain ; but he was never under fire. ceding the vote for presidential electors. There was the more reason for making speeches, because the national campaign had set in with remarkable vigor. The Democrats had nom- inated Jackson for his second term, and the "National Republicans," as the party of Clay to which Lincoln adhered was now called, had held the first regular convention of a major party. They had nominated Henry Clay for the Presidency with great enthusi- asm. A subsequent rally of the "Young Re- publicans" had been held, to endorse the Clay ticket ; and this young men's gathering adopted a ringing platform. This was the first party campaign platform of which we have any record. The example has been fol- lowed by party conventions ever since. The Young Republican movement was as active in Illinois as elsewhere, and Lincoln was one of its leaders in his own neighborhood. His brief announcement of principles was simply a re-echoing of the platform of the men who were there and elsewhere supporting Clay. Jackson's victory was, of course, to have been expected. The people took affairs into their own hands, and henceforth for a long time they governed through parties. Previ- ously the government had been that of a body of representative men sent to Congress from whose numbers Cabinets were recruited, dip- lomatic agents selected, and judges elevated to the federal bench. Jackson was at odds with this Washington element of the trained and representative public men. For one thing, he believed in the direct election of Presidents by the people. This was natural in view of the fact that he had been the vic- tim of the complicated electoral college in 1824, followed by the arbitrary preference of Congress for Adams early in 1825. He was opposed to banks and their money power, but so were the plain people at large. He had the habit of success and he was regarded by the untutored masses as an invincible hero. As 50 ABRAHAM LINCOLN a character in history we can appreciate Jack- son's good qualities and find much to attract us in his powerful and self-reliant personal- ity. Lincoln was not bitter or personal in his partisanship, but he reasoned thoughtfully against most of Jackson's positions. He had chosen his views and affiliations so firmly that they sufficed for the future. By way of keeping convenient record of the campaigns in which Lincoln was active it may be noted that the National Republi- cans held their convention at Baltimore on December 12, 1831, this being eleven months previous to the election. Several Southern States had no delegates, but there was a cre- dentials committee and the convention was BORN TO COMMAND KINC ANDREW THE FIRST. THE JACKSONIAN ERA IN AMERICAN POLITICS Jackson was the first President to have serious and pro- longed difficulites with Congress and the other arms of the government. He acted promptly and firmly when South Carolina passed the ordinance nullifying the tariff in 1832, and with equal promptness in vetoing the bill renewing the charter of the United States Bank. Jackson is here portrayed as trampling upon the Constitution and the laws. Bitter as was the opposition he met, it was exceeded by the popular enthusiasm he aroused. not a mere mass meeting. Henry Clay was nominated unanimously, and John Sargeant of Pennsylvania was named for the Vice- Presidency. In lieu of a platform the conven- tion issued an address strongly attacking the Jackson administration. It was at Washing- ton in May, 1832, that the young men's rati- fying convention was held, which adopted a platform in a series of ten resolutions. After defense of the protective policy and that of internal improvements, came a resolution up- holding the authority of the Supreme Court and another defending the Senate in the exer- cise of its functions. The attitude of Jack- son as regards all these subjects was criti- cized, as was his partisan removal of officials. The Democrats met in convention at Bal- timore on May 21, 1832, and endorsed by acclamation the general demand of the party for Jackson's renomination. On its second day the convention adopted a rule to the effect that in voting for President and Vice-Presi- dent "two-thirds of the whole number of votes in the convention shall be necessary to constitute a choice." Under this rule Martin Van Buren was nominated for the Vice- Presidency. The popular vote was divided in the same proportions as in the previ- ous election, Clay receiving about 45 per cent, and Jackson about 55. In four or five of the Southern States no Clay electoral ticket was in the field. When the electoral votes were counted, Jackson had received 219 and Clay 49. Again Lincoln's young State of Illinois went strongly for Jackson, this time about three to one. Lincoln himself was beaten in his local con- test, but on analysis it appears that, although failing to gain the office, his canvass had been a most remarkable success. The county was extensive and several thoroughly well-known and mature lawyers were among the thirteen candidates for the Legislature. The county was entitled to four, and those coming in at the top of the list were elected under the Illinois statutes. The triumph of Lincoln as a beginner in politics lay in the fact that his own voting district of New Salem disre- garded party lines altogether and gave him 277 votes out of a total of 280 that were cast. LINCOLN'S FIRST TASTE OF POLITICS AND WAR 5i This State election was held early in August, three months before the national election and not many days after Lincoln's return from his absence on military duty. His speaking through the county for Clay therefore came later, and was a thing apart from his own canvass. As showing his pop- ularity among his neighbors on personal grounds it is recorded that in November the same precinct gave Jackson 185 and Clay only 70. But for Lincoln's influence it is certain that the Clay vote would have been much smaller. The four men elected to the Legis- lature were well-known citizens of Spring- field and other places in the county. Among the nine who failed, Lincoln stood fourth, with nearly as many votes as those who ranked above him. . He had made an excel- lent start and had become known thoughout the county. The biographers are well occupied with in- teresting details of Lincoln's experiences fol- lowing his military and political adventures of the year 1832. New Salem had been ill-chosen as the site for a growing town. Lin- coln joined another man in carrying on a general store, but this venture proved finan- cially disastrous in the end. But associated with it was Lincoln's appointment as post- master in May, 1833, and he held the office for three years. Furthermore, he was appointed a deputy county surveyor for his portion of a county that contained two thousand square miles. The great tariff and nullification de- bates had taken place at Washington, and the messages of Jackson were published in the local paper at Springfield. Calhoun had re- signed from the Vice-Presidency to take his place as a South Carolina Senator; and the speeches of Webster, Calhoun, Clay, and others, were appearing in the newspapers quite unabridged. Lincoln was now a public man, perma- nently committed to the National Republi- can or so-called 'Whig" positions, and he was studying the arguments with care and absorp- tion. To have regarded him at this time as an ignorant, half illiterate backwoodsman would be to mistake trifling external things for essentials. Mr. Nicolay, his Secretary THE RATS LEAVING A FALLING HOUSE In 1831, as a result of a dispute among their wives, the Cabinet of President Jackson offered their resignations. Four of them had been known as the "busy B's" — Berrien, Branch, Van Buren, and Barry — and it is these four whose faces appear in this drawing. in after life, characterizes Lincoln as he was at the moment when, in 1834, he decided to run again for the Legislature. Says Mr. Nicolay : He could certainly view his expectations in every way in a more hopeful light. His knowledge had increased, his experience broadened, his ac- quaintanceship greatly increased. His talents were acknowledged, his ability recognized. He was post- master and deputy surveyor. He had become a pub- lic character whose services were in demand. As compared with the majority of his neighbors, he was a man of learning who had seen the world. Greater, however, than all these advantages, hi^ sympathetic kindness of heart, his sincere, open frankness, his sturdy, unshrinking honesty, and that inborn sense of justice that yielded to no influ- ence, made up a nobility of character and bearing that impressed the rude frontiersmen as much as, if not more quickly and deeply than, it would have done the most polished and erudite society. This election of 1834 was mainly a State affair, with a Governor to be chosen as well 52 ABRAHAM LINCOLN as a Legislature, though Congressmen were also to he elected. There were pending vari- ous questions having to do with public im- provements in the development of the State. Again there were thirteen candidates for the lower house, and Lincoln took time to make a popular canvass. This time the highest vote was for a man named Dawson, credited with 1390, and Lincoln came next with 1376. The other two successful candidates were each of them more than 200 votes behind Lincoln. For a young man of twenty-five, without money or family influence, living in a decaying hamlet rather than at the center of the county, this was a victory of renown. It fixed Lincoln's position as a public man. Here was one of the most promising young men of the United States, because of a rare combination of qualities. Without school advantages and without as yet having actu- ally entered upon the study of law, he had become a careful reasoner about the ques- tions that statesmen were discussing. He had been taking an extension course, so to speak, under Adams, Clay, Marshall, and Webster, without ignoring the arguments of Jackson, Calhoun, Hayne, Van Buren, and many others. Yet his knowledge of human nature and his shrewd, practical way of mak- ing personal contact, had been demonstrated in his campaign methods. One of the four who were elected to the Legislature from Sangamon County in 1834 was a Springfield lawyer, regarding whom Lincoln afterwards made the following state- ment, referring to himself in the third person: Major John T. Stuart, then in full practice of the law, was also elected. During the canvass, in a private conversation he encouraged Abraham to study law. After the election, he borrowed books of Stuart, took them home with him, and went at it in good earnest. ... In the autumn of 1836 he obtained a law license, and on April 15, 1837, re- moved to Springfield and commenced the practice, his old friend Stuart taking him into partnership. The hardest blow that befell Lincoln in his early manhood was the death of the re- fined, intelligent and charming girl, Ann Rutledge, to whom he had become engaged after returning from the Black Hawk cam- paign. The wedding was to have occurred as soon as Lincoln had been admitted to the Bar and had found it possible to assume family re- sponsibilities. Her death occurred in August, 1835. For a time this bereavement seems to have broken Lincoln's spirit and to have af- fected his hold upon life. But recovery came with more determined effort to forget himself in his studies and his varied occupations. The champion is William Henry Harrison, whose back is toward the reader. His second is Western Lad, and his bottle-holder is Old Seventy-Six. The Kinderhooker is Martin Van Buren, who faces the reader. Andrew Jackson seconds Van Buren, and the bottle-holder is "Little Amos [Kendall] of the Post-Office." CHAPTER VI Lincoln Becomes a Lawmaker Douglas a jellow member of the Illinois Legislature — Lawyers in the politics of 1836 — Lincoln a foremost Whig leader in his State — He joins in a program of public improvements The next year of major politics was 1836, when Lincoln was again elected to the Legislature in spite of the fact that he was a Whig in a Democratic State and district. He had become acquainted with many representative men of Illinois, and he was the most active and influential of the group who succeeded in securing the transfer of the capital from Vandalia to Springfield, this decision having been made during the en- suing session in 1837. Lincoln's removal to Springfield and his beginnings as a lawyer are of that same date. His leading part in the leg- islative contest over the capital location had made him a Springfield favorite. He had now taken up the definite career, as lawyer and politician, that was to lead on to his own elec- tion as President just twenty-four years after that of Martin Van Buren in 1836. In his legislative canvass, Lincoln increasingly displayed that remark- able combination of the statesman's seriousness and the politician's shrewdness which at once inspired confidence and brought popular sup- port. Much of the tradition that dwells upon his poverty, his shabby clothes, his uncouth manners and his inferiority in other aspects, may be traced to his own habit of rather humorous self-deprecation. The Whig leaders were twitted by Demo- cratic stump speakers upon their "riding in fine carriages, wearing ruffled shirts, kid gloves, massive gold watch-chains with large gold seals, and flourishing heavy gold- headed canes," to use Lincoln's own words in characterizing the charges of an opponent. Lincoln exposed this Col. Taylor as himself an example of the ostentatious persons he had described as typical Whigs. In contrast, Lincoln drew an exaggerated picture of himself, as having once worked on a flatboat at wages of eight dollars a month, wearing shrunken buckskin breeches ; and, as a Whig, he added, "If you call this aristocracy, I plead guilty to the charge." It is well to remember that Lincoln was obliged to sugar-coat his unpopular Whig affiliations and his highly intelligent arguments with the reassuring humor of the frontiersman. But his humor, and his readiness in amusing the rural audiences at the expense of a less worthy antagonist, were merely incidental features of his political campaign. The best testimony for Lincoln's qualities of mind and character at this time when he THE OLD ILLINOIS STATE CAPITOL AT VANDALIA When Lincoln was first elected to the legislature, in 1834, Vandalia was the capital city. This particular building was erected in the sum- mer of 1836, by local enterprise and without authorization. In February of the following year, largely through the efforts of Lincoln, the legislature voted to make Springfield the capital. The Vandalia structure was last used as the Capitol in 1839, but is still in use as a county courthouse. 53 54 ABRAHAM LINCOLN was twenty-seven years old, is to be found in the meager but thoroughly convincing record that remains to us of his own words. On June 21, 1836, in the midst of the campaign, he wrote a letter to Colonel Robert Allen that — in perfect form and diction, but above all in its fine sense of personal honor and pub- lic responsibility — would have done credit to any statesman in American history. The letter in full is as follows : New Salem, June 21, 1836. Dear Colonel : — I am told that during my absence last week you passed through this place, and stated publicly that you were in possession of a fact or facts which, if known to the public, would entirely destroy the prospects of N. W. Edwards and myself at the ensuing election ; but that, through favor to us, you would forbear to divulge them. No one has needed favors more than I, and, generally, few have been less unwilling to accept them; but in this case favor to me would be injustice to the public, and therefore I must beg your pardon for declining it. That I once had the confidence of the people of Sangamon county is sufficiently evident; and if I have since done anything, either by design or mis- adventure, which, if known, would subject me to a forfeiture of that confidence, he that knows of that thing and conceals it, is a traitor to his country's interest. I find myself wholly unable to form any conjec- ture of what fact or facts, real or supposed, you spoke. But my opinion of your veracity will not permit me for a moment to doubt that you, at least, believed what you said. I am flattered with the personal regard you manifested for me; but I do hope that on more mature reflection you will view the public interest as a paramount consideration, and therefore determine to let the worst come. I assure you that the candid statement of facts on your part, however low it may sink me, shall never break the ties of personal friendship between us. I wish an answer to this, and you are at liberty to publish both, if you choose. Very respectfully, A. Lincoln. Col. Robert Allen. Sangamon County in this election was en- titled to seven members in the lower House and two in the State Senate. It happened that the successful candidates were tall men, and they became known in the county and in the State as the "Long Nine," Lincoln be- ing called the "Sangamon Chief," being the tallest of the group. It was the strategy of the Long Nine that secured the removal of the State capital. One of this group, Robert L. Wilson, said afterwards : "When our bill, to all appearance, was dead beyond re- suscitation, and our friends could see no hope, Lincoln never for a moment despaired, but collecting his colleagues in his room for consultation, his practical common-sense and his thorough knowledge of human nature made him an over-match for his compeers and for any man I have ever known." In view of the later prominence of the two men as political opponents, it is to be noted that Stephen A. Douglas — who was then only twenty-three years old but a Democratic poli- tician and debater who had become as promi- nent in Morgan County as Lincoln had in Sangamon — was a member of this Legisla- ture. Douglas vigorously opposed Lincoln in the struggle over the removal of the cap- ital to Springfield. Having left Vermont at fourteen for New York State, Douglas had later drifted on to Ohio. Following the rivers southward, then northward, in quest of a place where he might settle and become a lawyer, he had finally found his opportunity at Jacksonville, Illinois, and had been admitted to the Bar just before his twenty-first birthday. As a lad in the East, Douglas had been an ardent Jackson Democrat ; and he seems to have brought with him from his six years in On- tario County, New York, and at the Canan- daigua Academy, what were known then as the Albany ideas of party organization. The headmaster of strategy and tactics of this New York school of Democratic pol- itics was Martin Van Buren. He had long used his trained skill as a political man- ager in Jackson's interest. He was born at Kinderhook, a town on the Hudson River south of Albany, December 5, 1782, and had been admitted to the Bar at the age of twenty- one. He had filled various offices, and had been Attorney-General of the State. Begin- ning in 1 82 1 he had served six years in the United States Senate and had then been elected Governor. He had been Secretary of State in Jackson's administration, and in Aug- ust, 1 83 1, he was sent as Minister to England. LINCOLN BECOMES A LAWMAKER 55 Fruited t faUuUd lj> EJonu. A D U E L 128 Fulton Strut tf.tork. This cartoon of the campaign of 1836 shows Henry Clay piercing Martin Van Buren, the Democratic nominee, with a sword labeled "tariff." Clay, though the most prominent Whig, was not the nominee of his party that year. The choice had fallen to Gen. William Henry Harrison, who stands at the left. At the extreme right is Andrew Jackson, then President, encouraging his protege, Martin Van Buren. In the November Election, Van Buren defeated Harrison. Arriving in London in September he was persona grata, but the Senate's refusal in Jan- uary to confirm his appointment compelled his return. During Jackson's second term Van Buren was Vice-President of the United States, and he was Jackson's choice for the succession to the Presidency. "Old Hickory's" views were law for the Democracy, but it required vigorous effort on Jackson's part to enforce that law in favor of Van Buren. The New York lawyer was not widely popular on his own account, but he was accepted as Jackson's lieutenant. Jackson's own State of Tennessee favored Senator Hugh L. White, and the Alabama Legislature had followed Tennessee. Jack- son promptly countered the mutinous drifts by demanding a national convention ; and in this he was successful. It was held at Balti- more in May, 1835, almost a year and a half previous to the election. The two-thirds rule was again adopted, for reasons rather spe- cious than fundamental. All opposition had been beaten down and Martin Van Buren was unanimously nominated. The Whig opposition to the Jackson-Van Buren dynasty was not homogeneous, and it was not considered feasible to hold a conven- tion and to run the risk of failure to agree upon a candidate. It was thought by Whig politicians that the only possible way to beat Van Buren lay in encouraging several favor- ite sons to take the field by States or sections. Enough electoral votes might thus be secured 56 ABRAHAM LINCOLN to keep Van Buren from having a majority of the whole. Thus the election would he thrown into the House, where Jackson him- self had been beaten twelve years earlier. The leading Whig candidate was General William Henry Harrison of Ohio. The Leg- islature of that State, however, had ex- pressed i t s preference otherwise and had nom- inated Judge John McLean. Daniel Webster was the foremost Whig of New England, and Massachusetts proceeded to nominate him. Judge Hugh L. White was run- ning in Tennessee and elsewhere ; and South Carolina, of course, would not support Jack- son's candidate. Calhoun and Jackson had been bitter antagonists over the Nullification issue ; and it was Calhoun's in- fluence as Vice-President that had prevented the Senate's approval of Van Buren's appointment to London. Mr. Van Buren re- ceived a slight popular majority over all the Whig candidates taken together. In the elec- toral college his vote was 170, while that of Wil- liam Henry Harrison was J2>- There were 26 STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS Douglas was four years younger than Lincoln. Both participated in the campaign of 1836, Lincoln supporting Hugh L. White and Douglas speaking for Van Buren. Both, in addition, were themselves elected to the Illinois Legislature, Lincoln for his second term. Douglas was born in Vermont in 1813, moving to Illinois at the age of twenty and being admitted to the bar. Previous to his election to the legislature, in the campaign with which this chapter is concerned, Douglas had been State's Attorney. After his legislative experience he served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Illinois. A later portrait of Douglas will be found on page 194. electoral votes for Hugh L. White, and 14 for Daniel Webster (cast by Massachusetts). South Carolina electors voted for W. P. Mangum of North Carolina. Van Buren had carried all of New Eng- land except Vermont and Massachusetts. He had carried New York, Pennsylvania, Vir- ginia, North Carolina, and most of the States farther south. Harrison had been successful in Vermont, New Jersey, Delaware, Mary- land, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana. Van Buren had also won Illinois, obtain- ing about 18,000 votes as against 15,000 for Harrison. The young Douglas had, of course, been an ardent Van Buren man in this successful campaign, and he was soon rewarded with what was then a lucrative and important federal position — that of Register of the Land Office at Springfield. Success in gaining po- litical leadership and in securing elective or ap- pointive office is a mat- ter of personal qualities, but it is also affected profoundly by circum- stances of time and place. Douglas had arrived in Illinois without accpiaint- ance or credentials in 1833. He had secured pu- pils and taught a select school for a few months at Jacksonville, while studying the Illinois stat- utes, obtaining admis- sion to the Bar, and be- ginning to practise in the lower courts. Yet within four years he was a lead- ing member of the Legis- lature and a rising man in the political councils of the party that was in power in the State as well as in the nation. Lincoln, on the other hand, had lived in Illinois for only seven years. He also had made his own way with- out extraneous advantages of any kind. Douglas in his school days in New York State had been the leading debater on the Democratic side, and all the more aggres- sively a supporter of Jackson and Van Buren because the Academy and the community were somewhat dominated by the anti-Ma- sonic and Whig doctrines of that time. He had grown strong in his own convictions as the leader of the minority in his school. He LINCOLN BECOMES A LAWMAKER 57 WHIG BAZAAR. Van Buren, whom the cartoonist pictures as seeking to purchase a wig, had in the previous year defeated the Whig candidates for the Presidency. This is a poster caricature dated 1837, Van Buren's first year in the White House, which is remembered largely as a period of economic disturbances and financial panic. The dealer refuses to sell Van Buren a wig, but recom- mends Conservative oil for bald Democratic heads. was gaining his reward rapidly in Illinois by finding his talents useful in a county and in a State where the Democrats were in major- ity. Lincoln, by way of contrast, had adopted Whig principles in his teens, and had gained in moral courage and mental power by a steady uphill fight on the unpopular side. He had gone to the Legislature regardless of parties, first, because of his own popularity, and second, because of his strong advocacy of certain State policies that were in accord with the speculative boom that was then pre- vailing in Illinois, as in other western States. Both Lincoln and Douglas would have risen to eminence in any case ; but their progress would have been less rapid in older communities, where they would have been overshadowed by middle-aged leaders. Wil- liam Henry Harrison had gone from Vir- ginia to Ohio in early days, and was heading for the Presidency. Jackson had left North Carolina at the right time to make his way in Tennessee from one position to another, until he had established his reign at Washington. Henry Clay had been born near Richmond, Virginia, in 1777 and — under circumstances similar to those that affected Douglas later in Vermont, his father also having died when he was a small boy — he overcame hardships, studied law, and was admitted to the Virginia Bar at the age of twenty. But Clay proceeded at once to Lexington, Kentucky, where he began law practice in 1797. He was on hand in time to take part in forming the constitution of Kentucky, and in 1803, about five years after his arrival in 58 ABRAHAM LINCOLN the new State, he was an influential member of the Legislature. His political advance- ment in the State and in the nation during the next ten or twelve years was so rapid as to have been almost without parallel in our history, in view of his youth, except in the case of two or three men in the Revolution- ary period, notably Alexander Hamilton. We have had many other examples of the rapid political advancement of young lawyers appearing on the scene at the right moment in the formative periods of States still farther west. Thomas H. Benton as a lad had gone from North Carolina to Tennessee, and had passed on across the Mississippi to make his distinguished political record as a citizen of Missouri. Young men in older States, ready to begin life for themselves, had become em- inent as lawyers, governors, and senators by settling at the fortunate time in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. The same thing was true of Nebraska and Kansas. A generation later, hundreds of young lawyers found op- portunity for the rapid realization of political ambitions by arriving opportunely to take part in the settlement and development of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Ari- zona. How Colonel Fremont's timely pres- ence in California in the days of the Mexican War had catapulted him upon a meteoric career, is a story that will have its brief space in another chapter of this work, because Lincoln's career became involved with that of the picturesque explorer. WEIGHED & FOUND WANTING. on the crrccrs or a summers ramble In the scales are Van Buren, at the left, who was then President, and Clay leader of the Whigs. At the right stands Daniel Webster, Senator from Massachusetts. The ghostlike figure in the hack- ground is Jackson, Van Buren's predecessor and guiding hand. This cartoon and the one on the op- posite page are of the campaign of 1840, circulated in the interest of Clay — who did not, however, receive the Whig nomination. Both Van Buren and Clay in their "loop" conversations refer to Rhode Island. It was in this year that the cities of Rhode Island began to revolt against the domination of the agricultural districts. The climax of that revolt, known as Dorr's Rebellion, came two years later, when a "suffrage legislature" assembled, with Thomas W. Dorr as "Governor." LINCOLN BECOMES A LAWMAKER 59 THE MEETING at SARATOGA. Like Upien thus fieff? they fit/tit. Their htinJs.tn fiie'ttf.thipthejf uhite . Henry Clay is here shown calling upon President Van Buren at Saratoga, in the President's home State of New York. "Like boxers thus before they right, their hands in friendship they unite." At the left are Daniel Webster and Gen. William Henry Harrison, who with Clay were the outstanding political opponents of Van Buren in the campaign year 1840. They are commenting upon the cheer- ing reception to Clay — "first always in the service of his country and great even among the greatest." The men in the background are supposed to be Clay followers who had pledged themselves to let their hair grow until they saw their idol in the White House. Saratoga, noted for its carbonated medicinal springs, was then a most fashionable resort, and leaders of all parties were visitors in the vast Sara- toga hotels in the summer of 1840. These observations in passing are the more relevant, since conditions familiar to older men, whose memories carry them back to the decades following the Civil War, have virtu- ally ceased to exist, and might easily be over- looked by younger students of our political annals. "Native sons" are numerous enough now in the Western States to assert their prior claims over newcomers. But in Lin- coln's time, and for a quarter-century after his death, it was still a practical thing for the youthful lawyer and politician to go West, establish himself in an infant community, and "grow up with the country." This is just what Lincoln and Douglas were doing, as each of them began life in the great State of Illinois at the age of twenty-one. I am the more strongly impelled to make these remarks, because it remains a fashion of many writers, and of still more Lincoln's Birthday orators, to present their hero as an obscure man, with little prospect or hope of rising to fortune and fame, until he was al- most fifty years old. But to have led in the selection of the permanent capital of his State while in his middle twenties ; to have estab- lished himself in that capital city as a lawyer, steadily advancing in the esteem of the judges and fellow-practitioners ; to have become one of the chiefs of his party in the Legislature and in State and local conventions, all well before his thirtieth year, was not to have been obscure or unpromising. In fact, Lin- coln's third decade was marked by solid success. 6o ABRAHAM LINCOLN It is to be remembered, further, that an American politician's rise to fame on the na- tional plane is much affected by the question whether or not he belongs to the dominant party in his own State. If Lincoln had been a Democrat in 1836, his political advance- ment would have been much more rapid. Douglas happened to have that advantage. Mr. Dolliver and Mr. Cummins, who had gone to Iowa as young Republican lawyers from the same general region of western Pennsylvania and West Virginia, rose to the highest rank in State affairs and in the United States Senate. But there were two equally gifted young Democrats who could make no political headway in so strongly Republican a state as Iowa; and in due time one of them went to San Francisco and the other to St. Louis, each finding admission promptly to places of influence and distinction. As a Whig in a Democratic state, Lincoln made his way remarkably well. To catch the spirit of the times, it should be noted that after the completion of New York's Erie Canal, in 1825, there was a veri- table craze for canal building in Ohio, Indi- ana, and Illinois ; that steamboats were multiplying on the Great Lakes, with Chicago rapidly growing; that river traffic also was booming, with the States of the corn-and- wheat-belt feeding the plantations of the lower South, while railroads were being projected everywhere with state and local aid. Lincoln would have been a rather solitary pessimist if he had not shared in the enthusi- asm of the people of Illinois for these modern improvements. He had always been a be- liever in the policy of promoting the develop- ment of the country by government aid. He was even credited with having said that it was his ambition "to become the De Witt Clinton of Illinois." As a candidate for re-election, he had made the following statement in June, 1836: "Whether elected or not, I go for distribut- ing the proceeds of the sales of the public lands to the several States, to enable our State, in common with others, to dig canals and to construct railroads without borrowing money and paying interest on it." In the ensuing session of the Legislature he took a foremost part in promoting a program of public improvements that went too far in pledging the credit of the State. The opti- mism of that immediate period of land spec- ulation, and of currency inflation through the unrestrained activity of State banks, was about to face a terrible blow in the nation- wide panic of 1837. It is evident that Lincoln's constituents were not disposed to censure him for his part in creating the State debt, for they readily elected him again in 1838 and in 1840, and would have continued to do so if he had cared to serve longer than through eight con- tinuous years. His party voted for him as Speaker of the House in 1838 and again in 1840; but the Whigs were in the minority, and he remained as active floor leader for his party. Although he had originally declared his preference for Hugh L. White as the Whig candidate for President in 1836, he was willing to join other Illinois Whigs in sup- porting William Henry Harrison. A SCENE ON THE OLD ERIE CANAL— FROM AN EARLY ENGRAVING CHAPER VII A Definite Position on the Slave Question The contest over slavery in free Illinois — Van Buren the first Presi- dent to discuss slavery — Lincoln takes a courageous stand — Crusading Abolitionists, and their persecution The Jackson policies were at stake, and Lincoln was as strongly opposed to them in 1836 as he had been in 1832. The question of slavery was not an overshadowing issue at that time, and the Whig party still had its hold in some of the slave States. But the agitators on both sides were promoting discord, and in one way or another the subject forced itself to the front. The points in his own career that Lin- coln thought it worth while to set down in June, i860, for the use of a friend who was proposing to write a brief cam- paign biography, are especially valuable as showing what he himself regarded as important. The ques- tion of slavery had come forward in the Legislature, in con- sequence of the spread of the Abo- litionist movement. It is to be remembered that southern Illinois lay between the slave States of Kentucky and Missouri, and that a large majority of the State's early settlers were from slave- holding communities. Under the Ordinance of 1787, Illinois, fol- lowing Ohio and Indiana, was admitted as a LINCOLN, THE ILLINOIS STATESMAN This portrait is of the period of the debates with Douglas, in 18S8. It shows the man who had been Assemblyman, Congressman, presidential elector, and was emerging as a national leader in that most critical period of the nation's history. free State. But, later, there had been serious attempts to assert the sovereignty of the State and to repudiate the guaranty of the Northwest Ordinance. In short, it was proposed to authorize the holding of slaves in defiance of the national limitations under which Illinois had been allowed to enter the Union. These attempts had been defeated ; and with the rapid settle- ment of the northern and central counties from the Eastern States, there was no longer any danger that Illinois would legalize slave -hold- ing. For some years, however, the anti- slavery clause of the State constitution had not been rigidly enforced in the south- ern counties. As evi- dence of this fact I have noted a table in the "American Al- manac" for the year 1836. It gives the number of slaves in the several States according to the first five census enumera- tions. Illinois had 168 slaves in 1810; 917 in 1820; and 747 in 1830. But in this last year they were called "inden- tured colored servants." This change of designation had followed the defeat of the pro-slavery movement by 61 ' 62 ABRAHAM LINCOLN no wide margin in a popular referendum vote in 1824. But the Legislature had always re- mained pro-slavery in sympathy ; and early in 1837, with Lincoln serving his second term, a committee had reported a set of reso- lutions "highly disapproving abolition soci- eties" and otherwise catering to the senti- ment then gaining control of the Democratic party, the object being to promote harmony at the opening of the Van Buren administra- tion which began on March 4, 1837. Lin- coln and five other members of the Legisla- ture had voted against the resolutions, the WORSHIP OF THE NORTH large affirmative vote indicating the preva- lent state of mind. The resolutions as adopted were not drafted with discrimination. Lincoln was no fanatic at that time, or at any subsequent turn in the slavery discus- sion, but he had formed distinct views and he thought it well to put them on record. Ac- cordingly, he drew up a protest and caused it to be entered on the Journal of the House in the proceedings of March 3, 1837. I have not seen it elsewhere noted that, with his fine instinct for timeliness in political action, he had presented this protest on the very eve of A DEFINITE POSITION ON THE SLAVE QUESTION 63 "WORSHIP OF THE NORTH" was the first of a series of "Confederate War Etchings" engraved on copper by Adalbert John Volck of Balti- more, during the war. There were twenty- nine in that series, once known, though now almost forgotten. But there were other Volck caricatures, even more striking, which have been unknown because never published hith- erto, and are presented in these volumes almost seventy years after they were drawn. The Lincoln head at the corner of the Chica- go Platform, in this cartoon, is similar to Volck's clown caricature on page 12. At the left of the platform is Hen- ry Ward Beecher, with the sacrificial knife. Charles Sumner bears a torch. Below is Horace Greeley, carrying a cen- ser. In the middle fore- ground is Benjamin F. Butler, the Northern general so execrated in the South. Grouped around the Lincoln bust are Stanton, Sew- ard, and other mem- bers of the Cabinet. General Scott and Gen- eral Halleck are con- spicuous. The statue is that of John Brown. Harriet Beecher Stowe is kneeling on a copy of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Other well-known per- sonages of the war pe- riod are in the picture. They believe that the Congress of the United States has no power under the Con- stitution to interfere with the institution of slavery in the different States. They believe that . the Congress of the United States has the power, under the Con- stitution to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, but that the power ought not to be exercised unless at the request of the people of the District. The difference between these opinions and those contained in the above reso- lutions is their reason for entertaining this protest. Van Buren's inauguration. Since Lincoln twenty-three years later, in referring to this protest, declared that it "briefly defined his position on the slavery question ; and so far as it goes, it was then the same as it is now," I may well quote it in full at this point : Resolutions upon the subject of domestic slavery having passed both branches of the General Assem- bly at its present session, the undersigned hereby protest against the passage of the same. They believe that the institution of slavery is founded on both injustice and bad policy, but that the promulgation of Abolition doctrines tends rather to increase than to abate its evils. Only one other member of the Leg- islature was willing to join him in sign- ing this memorandum, but Lincoln was already thinking in national terms as he was studying the debates of the closing session of Jackson's last Con- gress, and he was not cringing to local prejudice. He was definitely going on record as against Van Buren's position. In his inaugural address, delivered on the day following the presentation of Lincoln's protest, Van Buren re- peated a statement that he had previ- ously made defining his attitude toward slavery as a public issue. He was the first President who had pre- sented the subject of slavery to Con- gress in an official message. Referring to the difficulties that the forefathers had met and overcome, he remarked : "The last, perhaps the greatest of the prominent sources of discord and disas- ter supposed to lurk in our political condition was the institution of domes- tic slavery. Our forefathers were deeply impressed with the delicacy of this subject, and they treated it with a forbearance so evidently wise that in spite of every sinister foreboding it never, until the present period, disturbed the tranquillity of our common country." After appealing to the spirit of "generous and fraternal feeling amidst the violence of excited passions," Van Buren proceeded as follows : Perceiving before my election the deep interest this subject was beginning to excite, I believed it a solemn duty fully to make known my sentiments in regard to it, and now, when every motive for mis- 6 4 ABRAHAM LINCOLN representation has passed away, I trust that they will be candidly weighed and understood. At least they will be my standard of conduct in the path before me. I then declared that if the desire of those of my countrymen who were favorable to my election was ratified, "I must go into the Presidential chair the inflexible and uncompromising opponent of every attempt on the part of Congress to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia against the wishes of the slave-holding States, and also with the deter- mination equally decided to resist the slightest interference with it in the States where it exists." He regarded the fact of his election as authorizing his belief that these views on slavery were approved by "a majority of the people of the United States, in- cluding those whom they most immediately affect," and he nailed his pro-slavery flag to the mast with the declaration that "it now only remains to add that no bill conflicting with these views can ever receive my constitu- tional sanction." My readers will perceive, therefore, that the Lincoln protest was directed squarely at the Van Buren position, and was not pri- marily concerned with the opin- ions of the Illinois Legislature. Neither Lincoln nor Van Buren had referred to the question of slavery in the new States of the Louisiana purchase, simply be- cause the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was still accepted as hav- ing- settled that issue. Arkansas had just been admitted as a slave State (June, 1836), Missouri having entered the Union in 1 82 1. The practical question had to do with the District of Colum- bia, with Van Buren inflexible in his support of slavery, while Lincoln favored its abolition whenever the anti-slavery inhab- itants of the District should be numerous enough to show a majority to that effect. A WENDELL PHILLIPPIC Wendell Phillips became the foremost orator in the anti- slavery cause, after his speech at Boston in 1837 in protest against the murder of the Rev. E. P. Lovejoy by a pro-slavery mob in Alton, Illinois. He la- ter abandoned a law career, for he would not abide by an oath to uphold the Constitu- tion as then interpreted by the courts against the rights of slaves as human beings. It is enlightening to have Lincoln's protest of 1837 m mind when studying his bill, intro- duced in Congress more than ten years later, for the gradual abolition of slavery in the Dis- trict of Columbia. There had been something distinctive and rare in the calmness and naturalness with which Lincoln had taken his isolated position in the Illinois Legislature when he entered his protest of March 3, 1837, on the slavery question. A young man already so skilled in the arts of the popular politician, who nev- ertheless insisted upon the ex- pression of his own convictions on questions of statesmanship without the slightest thought of temporizing, was likely to go far in influence and leadership — un- less, indeed, his convictions were so erroneous in their nature that intelligent voters could not be gradually drawn to his side. There was intense feeling, and the mob spirit was abroad in the country ; yet Lincoln set forth his principles and reasoned upon them with as little show of pas- sion as if he were demonstrating his favorite problems in Euclid (for he had learned to like the logical symmetry that he had discovered in his study of geometry). A few weeks earlier in that same year he had delivered a pre- pared address before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield. His subject was the perpetuation of our political institutions. It has been characterized by some of his biographers as an artificial and stilted piece of rhetoric, in no way to be compared with his later utterances as regards literary style. I may merely make the comment that there are advan- tages in studying Lincoln at first hand. The address is an admira- ble piece of writing, and nothing A DEFINITE POSITION ON THE SLAVE QUESTION 65 better has ever been said upon the danger of acquiesence in the actions of mobs whe- ther in Maine or in Mississippi or Louisi- ana. He recounted facts of an ominous kind, showing the prevalence of lynching and the activity of mobs. He found in the agitations over slavery a widespread dispo- sition to deal summarily with Abolitionists, while already in the North there was law- less activity against the enforcement of fugitive slave laws. The address contains remarkably acute observations on the conditions that were shifting the motives and objects of popular hatred and passion. The long Revolution- ary struggle had tended to unite American sentiment, and had done much afterwards to hold the country together in maintaining its new institutions. "I mean." said Lin- coln, "the powerful influence which the in- teresting scenes of the Revolution had upon the passions of the people as dis- tinguished from the judgment." And he proceeded as follows : By this influence, the jealousy, envy and ava- rice incident to our nature, and so common to a state of peace, prosperity, and conscious strength, were for the time in a great measure smothered and rendered inactive, while the deep-rooted principles of hate, and the power- ful motive of revenge, instead of being turned against each other, were directed exclusively against the British nation. And thus, from the force of circumstances, the basest principles of our nature were either made to lie dormant, or to become the active agents in the advancement of the noblest of causes — that of establishing and main- taining civil and religious liberty. He found that there was danger lest we should invoke passion in our domestic matters and he declared that our temple of liberty must now be upheld by "other pillars, hewn from the solid quarry of sober reasoning." Those who have been discussing prohibition enforcement, would do well to read the follow- ing paragraphs from this speech of Abraham Lincoln to young men of his home town, deliv- ered just sixteen days before his twenty-eighth birthday : When I so pressingly urge a strict observance of all the laws, let me not be understood as saying LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY A cartoon by John Leech, in the London Punch, 1848, "dedi- cated to the smartest nation in all creation." England, having provided for the liberation of slaves in the sugar-growing West Indies as early as 1833, was inclined to jibe at American ideals of liberty. For years Brother Jonathan, or "Columbia" — rep- resenting the United States — was almost never pictured in Punch without a whip. John Leech and John Tenniel were the outstanding English cartoonists of their time. Both drew for Punch, their careers overlapping. In later chapters of this work there are many other drawings by Leech and by Tenniel. there are no bad laws, or that grievances may not arise for the redress of which no legal provisions have been made. I mean to say no such thing. But I do mean to say that although bad laws, if they exist, should be repealed as soon as possible, still, while they continue in force, for the sake of ex- ample they should be religiously observed. So also in unprovided cases. If such arise, let proper legal provisions be made for them with the least possible delay, but till then let them, if not too intolerable, be borne with. There is no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law. In any case that may arise, as, for instance, the promulgation of abolitionism, one of two positions is necessarily true — that is, the thing is right within itself, and therefore deserves the protection of all law and all good citizens, or it is wrong, and therefore proper to be prohibited by legal enactments; and in neither case is the inter- position of mob law either necessary, justifiable, or excusable. ,,., ABRAHAM LINCOLN "Woman The Juvenile Department chronicled various unfortu- The Ladies' Department paraphrased the slogan "Am I nate incidents in connection with the lives of children Not a Man and a Brother?" adopted by the first abo- of slaves — in this cut, the auction block. liticn scciety late in the preceding century. DEPARTMENT HEADINGS IN GARRISON'S "LIBERATOR" DURING 1832 In short, Lincoln stood firmly for law en- forcement, or better still for obedient accept- ance of law until in response to public opin- ion the law had been changed. Primarily, it was the abolition question that was arous- ing the intensity of lawless passion that Lin- coln deplored. The American Anti-Slavery Society had been formed in 1833, and its agents were traveling all over the country organizing local societies. They were de- manding "immediate" abolition, and since this was obviously impossible it was producing a kind of friction that moderate men regarded as deplorable. The institution of slavery was not to be uprooted by the Abolitionists of that date, but they had a right to hold meet- ings and to discuss public policies; and the breaking up of their meetings by mob vio- lence everywhere was the thing that Lincoln had calm courage to denounce. Riots and mobs were as prevalent against the Abolitionists in New England as any- where else. George Thompson, the Scotch- man who had secured British emancipation in the West Indies, had come to Boston in 1834 and had delivered lectures at various places for a year on the gradual emancipation policy that had been put into effect by British legislation. This would have seemed harm- less enough, but Thompson had been obliged VOL.1. WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON AND ISAAC KNAPP, PUBLISHERS. INO. 24. Boston, Massachusetts.] OUR COUNTRY IS THE WORLD — OUR COUNTRYMEN ARE MANKIND. [Saturday, June 1 1, 1831. The anti-slavery movement got well under way in 1832, with the establishment of a weekly newspaper called the Liberator. It was founded and edited by William Lloyd Garrison, devoted to chronicling the evils of slavery, and continued publication until the end of the Civil War. This slave-auction heading was used during its first year. A DEFINITE POSITION ON THE SLAVE OUESTION 6? ABOLITION GARRISON IN DANGER, k THE NARROW ESCAPE oFl/ie SCOTCH AMBASSADOR. A pro-slavery poster depicting an actual occurence. William Lloyd Garrison, editor of the Liberator, was dragged through the streets by a Boston mob, with a rope tied around his neck; and George Thompson, a Scotchman who had been influential in securing British Emancipation of slaves, narrowly escaped such treatment. At that time abolitionist doctrines were almost as unpopular throughout the North as they were in the South. to use disguise to save his life in escaping from Boston mobs in November, 1835. Nothing could better illustrate the atmos- phere in which Lincoln's Lyceum address de- nounced mob law, nor does any circumstance throw more valuable light upon the filing of Lincoln's protest in the Legislature on March 3, than a tragic occurrence in Illinois only eight months later. A Presbyterian minister, Elijah P. Lovejoy, had established an Aboli- tion newspaper at Alton, Illinois, in the strong pro-slavery environment of the southern end of the State. A mob, on November 7, 1837, sacked and destroyed his printing office, and shot and killed Mr. Lovejoy. Abolition agents found that it was inviting death to penetrate the southern States with their demand for "immediate" freeing of the slaves. But they adopted the practice of sending their pamphlets and newspapers throughout the South in the mails. This aroused so much opposition that President Jackson in his annual message to Congress, December, 1835, na o! advocated the passage of a law to exclude Abolitionist publications from the mails. Such a bill was actually in- troduced, and Van Buren in his capacity as a candidate for the Presidency, being called upon to express himself, had come out in favor of the pending amendment of the postal laws. The bill to that effect was not carried to final passage ; but the individual States and the local postmasters were allowed to rifle the mails at their own discretion, and thus Abo- litionist publications were confiscated in the South and to a great extent elsewhere. With this spirit abroad in the country, it is obvious that the Abolitionist petitions, demanding that the District of Columbia be made free, were without effect and of no influence. 68 ABRAHAM LINCOLN his i j e .Jj o, .o 3 V3 *j o~ rt y i- aj 5 ^ a '3 > dtj- o, -G i> ■ - 03 ^ ~ S .£ a > ~ O 13 G a «, o O 3 l_ > OC .9 c £ E o E •a a) -a c xi - c 2, 5 "H * « E - a 3 ^ HI J5 . ° •= >>.2 «i o = .9 « X - u S R-F. Z»5 t -c ta -9 9 cj <^ o CO ed _O.fi i5 TJ c tc 2. c (^ *" a .9 - .2 0,-3 "t/1 ctf Tl rt > E^ 5 -p -G rt = _? u -G c/3 c . C -G OJ w_, o> >> 1- >>T3 D. o o. g <« c c 3 S J3 3 3 o » 2T3-H H H C c o ^ P be 0, 03 J3 « 2 : j= o « ; w> 0, c 3 S g< > S u "2,3 o^ S °~z^ >■ g ^j .a 'o 0, t;, o 2 -P-S-^rt— -So,* u a ■« ■" acol5 00, ji 22 3°-3 «M'-Srt°w ^"Kin^U-COiCt.'^o, ■Sj;.ffiS t S«5c'£o,S - ^ G flJ "Si o, =11=5- z a o G rt 03 >i _Q 03 - -^ — -^ O > G o g to bJj o, >>~ £ 03 0, "O E "" o3 O. - rt G J3 o, u -G J, <-• Q. us urn*** i-s 1 e^ c E -5 _. fe "O 3fe^D»S o, ,& a 'G C go2 j,3^ff'i«O w „E >iGGCi,^!2G^03 X 03 mc -55 >,g > (3 < ^s o o> "O ■" s r- """ 0, QQ S ^ £ « CHAPER VIII ation Projects ^ Lincoln's Plan He proposes gradual emancipation in the District of Columbia — The African slave trade — British, French and Latin-American methods for liberation of the Negroes Lincoln never ceased to think that the methods of the Abolitionists were dis- ** rupting, harmful, and dangerous. But with his calm logic he also studied the subject of slavery in the Federal District. After Van Buren's inflexible stand on that question, sub- sequent Presidents (Harrison, Tyler, and Polk) had regarded that particular issue as settled, and had said nothing about it. In his inaugural address, March 4, 1845, Mr. Polk — who was, of course, a pro-slavery President — had confined himself to this single sentence in his allusions to slavery : "It is a source of deep regret that in some sections of our country misguided persons have occasionally indulged in schemes and agitations whose object is the destruction of domestic institutions existing in other sec- tions — institutions which existed at the adop- tion of the Constitution." Since Lincoln held to his own views on this question with such tenacity and consistency, I think it well at this point to refer to his posi- tion in Congress in 1849. It was st iU his opinion that if slavery were to be regarded as a subject with which each State might deal, it would be reasonable to regard the District of Columbia as a distinct entity, in which the residents might properly have some voice on such a question. The District of Columbia had been originally formed from territory ceded by Maryland and Virginia, in both of which slavery existed. Congress had full jurisdiction over the District, and could therefore abolish slavery if it so desired. Van Buren had held, quite illogically, that slavery must continue in the District until representatives from the slave States were willing to have it abolished. Anti-slavery men, on the other hand, held that it was the duty of free-state majorities in Congress to convert the District into a free-state Terri- tory. Lincoln, elected to Congress in 1846 and retiring on March 4, 1849, found Con- gress still under the spell of pro-slavery senti' ment, but he was not content to return to pri- vate life without again putting himself on record. Accordingly he introduced his bill for gradual abolition in the District of Co- lumbia. The careful provisions of his scheme undoubtedly represented his opinions as to steps that ought to be taken at some future time to eliminate slavery south of Mason and Dixon's line, with the acquiescence of the Southern States one after another. Before explaining Lincoln's bill, it may be well to present in a summary way the statistical $&4$ THE MANIFEST DESTINY OF SAMBO Whether North or South was to win the long continued argument, the Negro for years bore the brunt of it. Lin- coln's plan of 1849 would have abolished slavery for all Negroes born thereafter. This cartoon of the War period, by Stephens in Vanity Fair, uses Lincoln and Davis to represent the opposing viewpoints of North and South. Davis has been tossed in the air. 69 7 o ABRAHAM LINCOLN facts regarding white and black population in the District of Columbia. Although, ever since the removal of the capital to Washington in 1800, the population of the District had been growing steadily, there was nothing to cause a proportionate growth in the number of slaves. Obviously, the Government could not hold slaves, and could not use them as laborers or in any capacity whatever. The hundred square miles of the District had been occupied by farmers and by inhabitants of the two villages of Georgetown and Washington. Twenty- five per cent, of the 14,000 inhabitants were slaves in the year 1800. The total number of slaves in 1820 was 6,377, this being less than 20 per cent, of the total population of 33,000. The enumerations of 1830, 1840, and 1850 showed a rapid dwindling of the slave population of the district, so that when Lin- coln introduced his bill in 1849, tne slaves were barely 7 per cent, of a total count of about 51,000. The host of new Government clerks that Jackson had invited to Washington, and that had been considerably increased year after year, until the growth of public business in the Mexican War had brought a fresh access of civil and military dependents upon the public treasury, were not the class of people who kept slaves. Adoption of a plan of grad- THE AMERICAN SLAVERY QUESTION— A GERMAN VIEW This Cartoon from Kladderadatsch, the Berlin humorous weekly, bears the following explanatory caption: "The Northerner wishes to get rid of the black man and can do it; but the Southerner can not. Whereupon there arises be- tween the Brothers Jonathan such a tremendous noise that Europe is unable to get cotton to stop up her ears. In the background is Brazil, where the blacks are obtaining the mastery over the whites." ual emancipation would have made little prac- tical difference to anybody domiciled in the District, because the few slave owners would have been fully compensated, and could after- wards have employed all the colored help they needed on their own terms. But the District was Southern in origin and tradition, and the people were pro- slavery even though they had no slaves. The South was in strong control in all depart- ments of the government, and the slavery leaders would tolerate no discussion of eman- cipation in the District because such a step would be regarded as in some measure a vic- tory for the abolitionists and a foreshadowing of the larger movement that was to demand national emancipation. Lincoln's bill was introduced on January 16, 1849. The first section provided that certain persons should never henceforth be held in slavery within the District. This ap- plied to slaves not already owned by residents of the District, and to unborn children. The second section permitted those coming into the District in official character to bring and retain their domestic servants, without being in any way affected by the proposed measure. The third section, relating to children born of slave mothers after January 1, 1850, pro- vided that they should be held for service as apprentices until they had attained a certain age, being allowed suitable support and education. The fourth section provi- ded that the slaves already in the District should know no change unless the owner should consent to emancipate them, in which case a Gov- ernment Board consisting of high officials should deter- mine the full value, and give the owner an order on the Treasury, while giving the slave a certificate of freedom. The fifth section empowered and required the local author- ities "to provide active and efficient means to arrest and deliver up to their owners EMANCIPATION PROJECTS— LINCOLN'S PLAN 7i all fugitive slaves escaping into said District." Section six specified details for the submission of the bill to lo- cal vote of free white male citizens, the President of the United States being author- ized to canvass the result and, in case of a majority in favor of the act, to give it effect by issuing his proclamation. In a speech at Peoria, Ill- inois, some five years later, Lincoln referred to the sit- uation that had existed at Washington in the following terms : The South clamored for a more efficient fugitive slave law. The North clamored for the abolition of a peculiar species of slave trade in the District of Columbia, in connection with which, in view from the win- dows of the Capitol, a sort of negro livery stable, where droves of negroes were collected, tem- porarily kept and finally taken to Southern markets precisely like droves of horses, had been openly maintained for years. There had actually been introduced in Congress a more drastic proposal for abolition, and it had been bitterly debated. The Lincoln proposal was offered as a substitute for the radical measure that had no possible chance to secure approval. Nothing could have been more con- siderate of Southern feelings than the proposal of the Whig from Illinois; but the debate had already been too acrimonious for any sort of compromise. The Lincoln measure had many secret friends but few outspoken ones. Nothing came of it at the time, yet much was to come of it later; for it was to stand as evi- dence of the depth and breadth of Abraham Lincoln's understanding. He was furnishing a platform upon which wise and prudent men, North and South, THE LAND OF LIBERTY— A BRITISH VIEW IN 1847 A "holier than thou" attitude is evident in all the cartoons of Punch in the years preceding the Civil War. At the moment this one was published (December, 1847) the army of General Scott had reached Mexico City and the one-sided conflict was ended, leaving the impression abroad that Uncle Sam had been bullying a defenseless neighbor. The cartoonist here is Richard Doyle, known as Dickie Doyle, whose initialled signature includes the outline of a dicky-bird. might in due time have come together for the solution of a problem that was threatening division of the Union. He believed in grad- ual emancipation on an orderly plan, for the economic and social well-being of both races. He also held to the sane and practical view that full compensation out of the Federal Treasury would be highly expedient, entirely fair, and a good investment from every stand- point. The facts that Lincoln held these states- manlike views while still in his twenties, that he later set them forth in Congress when he was exactly forty years old, and that he ad- 72 ABRAHAM LINCOLN hered to them in i860 at the age of fifty-one when elected President, formed a part of that record which in later times came to be under- stood, alike by descendants of the rabid Aboli- tionists and by progeny of the blinded eulo- gists of slavery as a divine institution. Wendell Phillips complimented Lincoln by calling him "the slave hound of Illinois ;" and we shall later see what Southern Democrats called him in i860, when it dawned upon their minds that he was destined to be elected President because their own party had split asunder on the slav- ery issue. Early in the century the United States and Great Britain, with other countries of con- _____ _"£_°i* '• NQ - 5 — 111 AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY ALMANAC, for 1 840, MING BISSEXTILE OR LEAP-YEAR, AND TJ1« 61T11 Of ANKHICAN INDEPENDENCE. CALCULATED FOR BOSTON ; ADAPTED TO THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. NORTHERN HOSPITALITY-NEW YORK NINE MONTHS' LAW. TUr- stuvt firps nut of Hie «Uvc »t»v, uid hit chains f_l. A fr« •«_*, wiUi anoihtr Had*, h«pre«or. NEW YORK &. BOSTON : PUBLISHED EY THE AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, NO. 1« NASSAU STREET, NSW YORK ; AMD BY 3. A. COLLINS, ® COBNHHA, BOSTON. The pages of this yearbook were filled with extreme and exaggerated cases of cruelty to slaves. In this cover design attention is called to a law in New York which operated against the rights of Negroes even in a free state. tinental Europe, had joined in efforts to sup- press the bringing of new cargoes of slaves from Africa. Spain had not yet assumed this attitude, and Cuba as a Spanish possession be- came the great slave mart of the western world. Slave-traders of all nationalities per- sisted in the horrible practices of kidnapping on the African coast. By evading the Ameri- can and British naval patrol they brought fresh cargoes to the Spanish colonial posses- sions. From Cuba and other islands, and from ports on the Spanish mainland includ- ing those of Mexico, slaves by the scores of thousands were being smuggled into the United States to meet the insatiate labor de- mands of the cotton planters, who were open- ing new fields in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. These conditions on the lower Mississippi made profitable markets for wheat, corn, pork, and beef, from the farms of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, with supplies of many other kinds in demand for plantation use. This river trade, steadily growing, had something to do with the persistence of Illinois sentiment against the Abolitionists, and in favor of the prosperous relations that existed between the free-labor agriculture north of the Ohio River and the Missouri Compromise line, and the slave-labor agriculture of the lower South. Lincoln understood this motive, and he had no proposals to make that could possibly affect detrimentally the exchange of commodities be- tween the wheat-and-corn belt and the cotton States of the lower Mississippi. But looking to the future, and planning with the far-seeing vision of a man who knew that such questions had to be settled by decisions rather than by avoidance and neglect, he had come to firm conclusions. The United States Government must in due time act where it had exclusive jurisdiction, and must leave it to the slave States, each for itself, to deal with slav- ery within its own bounds, exactly as various northern States had previously done. There was no flaw in Lincoln's reasoning. For example, New Jersey's State Act to abolish slavery bore the date of April 18, 1846, this being the year of Lincoln's election to Congress. It is true that slavery had been EMANCIPATION PROJECTS— LINCOLN'S PLAN 73 FUGITIVE SLAVES ESCAPING NORTH Lincoln's plan of 1849, for abolishing slavery within the District of Columbia, yielded to the South in its provision that fugitive slaves should be arrested and delivered up to their owners. This is one of the original drawings for Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." published in 1852. The book did more to arouse abolition feeling in the north than anything else up to the time of John Brown's raid. Its sale was probably greater than that of any book previously published in the United States except the Bible. naturally dwindling in New Jersey, so that from about 12,500 slaves in the year 1800, the number had declined to 2,254 by the census of 1830. New York's action had come earlier; and the 20,000 slaves of 1800 were reduced to a few more than 10,000 in 1820, and had dis- appeared in the next decade, leaving only 75 in 1830. Massachusetts had abolished slavery before 1790, and Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont had speedily followed; but Rhode Island and Connecticut had been more toler- ant, and a handful of slaves' was still enumer- ated in those States as late as 1830 and 1840. Maryland, of course, was an important slave State, and Delaware maintained slavery until the Civil War. Lincoln believed that if we set the example of gradual emancipation by popular consent in the District of Columbia, with full compensation to such slave owners as were ready to manumit their bondsmen, we would do much to allay fear in the South. This plan might also pave the way for an ulti- mate change of status in the cotton belt — a change that could not come about in a hurried fashion without disastrous consequences. It is well, moreover, to remember that all intelligent Americans, North and South, were fully aware of the position of the slavery ques- tion in other countries. Nearly four years be- fore Lincoln recorded his views in the Illinois Legislature — namely, in August, 1833 — an act providing for emancipation in the British col- onies was carried through the House of Com- mons and promptly accepted by the House of Lords and the Crown, under the leadership of Lord Grey who was then Prime Minister. Ten years earlier the English Anti-Slavery Society had been formed, and its propaganda had met with violent opposition on the part of the sugar planters in the West Indies, with vari- ous supporting interests in Great Britain. But the agitation against slavery in the British Parliament had steadily gained in strength until it had won its victory. 74 ABRAHAM LINCOLN It is not to be argued that British ethical standards were higher than those that pre- vailed in America. It merely happened that the British Islands themselves had no slaves, and very few people in Great Britain had per- sonal reasons for accepting the views of a handful of rich slave-owners and sugar plant- ers in distant islands. It was typical of Eng- lish methods that a series of measures intended to ameliorate slave conditions should have been adopted before emancipation was pro- claimed in 1833. Furthermore, there was nothing abrupt or confiscatory about the English plan of emanci- pation. The sum of a hundred million dol- lars was appropriated at the outset, from which planters could be compensated. All slaves were to be designated as "apprentices," and to be held in bondage for seven years, giving service to their former owners in lieu of main- tenance. This rule did not apply to children under the age of six, who were made free at once. The law provid- ed that full freedom for all former slaves should take effect in August, 1840. But as it afterwards turned out, the plan of indentured apprenticeship worked badly, and could not be enforced under con- ditions existing in the West Indies. So com- plete abolition was hastened, and it came to pass in 1838, with payment to owners on adjusted terms. This English exam- ple naturally had its in- fluence upon American minds, and doubtless it provided Lincoln with some of the ideas that took form in his plan for the District of Co- lumbia. It is also to be noted as a significant fact that the Provisional Government of France, that superseded the Royal Govern- ment of Louis Philippe and that initiated COMMEMORATING THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY BY GREAT BRITAIN IN 1834 An anniversary medal, in the H. Russell Drowne collection the Second Republic in 1848, had promptly proclaimed and carried into effect a plan of im- mediate emancipation throughout the French colonies. Within our own Hemisphere, emancipation movements had been the order of the day. Thus Mexico, having secured her independ- ence, had abolished slavery by decree in Sep- tember, 1829, so that Texas was a free-soil State in the Mexican Republic when the Amer- ican settlers expelled the Mexicans and estab- lished the Republic of Texas. Furthermore, New Mexico and California were free-soil areas when we occupied them at the outbreak of the Mexican War. The government at Buenos Aires had adopted a plan of slow abo- lition, by giving freedom to all children born in slavery after a certain date in the year 181 3. The Republic of Colombia had arranged that all young slaves should be made free on their eighteenth birthday, beginning with the month of July, 1839. Slavery, of course, in one form or another continued to exist in darkest Africa, in the Turkish Empire, and in various parts of Asia. But otherwise there remained no im- portant areas in which slave labor was em- ployed under modern economic conditions, excepting only the slave-holding portion of the United States, the Spanish Island of Cuba, and the great Portuguese Empire of Brazil. I am recording these readily accessi- ble facts and dates as a mere matter of convenience, in order that they may be brought into comparison with Lincoln's pro- test of 1837 at Springfield, and his bill of 1849 for gradual emancipation in the District of Columbia. Lincoln, himself, of course, was fully aware of these British, EMANCIPATION PROJECTS— LINCOLN'S PLAN 75 A SLAVE MARKET SUCH AS LINCOLN SAW FROM THE WINDOWS OF THE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON WHILE A MEMBER OF CONGRESS This is another of the original drawings for "Uncle Tom's Cabin" French and Latin-American projects for and the inherent rights of man, but also as Negro emancipation. The world at large was economically obsolete. Brazil, in 1850, had abandoning the slavery system, as not only definitely stopped importations ; so that Cuba inconsistent with prevailing ideas of liberty was left as the sole entrepot for slave cargoes. SOME SIGNIFICANT DATES IN LINCOLN'S FIRST THIRTY YEARS 1809 — Abraham Lincoln is born on a farm near Hodgenville, Ken- tucky, February 12th. 1815 — Battle of New Orleans, won by Gen. Andrew Jackson. Battle of Waterloo, ending Napoleon's power in Europe. Lincoln receives his only formal schooling from Zacha- riah Riney and Caleb Hazel, in a Kentucky country school. 1816 — The Lincoln family moves to a farm on Little Pigeon Creek, near Gentryville, Spencer County, Indiana. Indiana admitted as a State. Illinois admitted as a State. Missouri admitted as a Slave State under a compromise ar- rangement prohibiting slavery in the remainder of Louisiana Territory to the north. John Quincy Adams elected President by the House of Representatives. John C. Cal- houn elected Vice-President. 1818 1820 1825- 1828 — Andrew Jackson, Democrat, elected President, Calhoun continuing as Vice-President. Lincoln makes his first trip to New Orleans, on a fiatboat down the Ohio and Mississippi. 1830 — The Lincoln family moves from Indiana to a farm near Decatur, Macon County, 111. 1831 — Lincoln makes a second trip to New Orleans. Upon his re- turn he settles at New Salem, in Sangamon County, Illinois, becoming a clerk in a grocery store. 1832 — Andrew Jackson re-elected President, with Martin Van Buren Vice-President. Lincoln serves for two months as Captain of Volun- teers in the Black Hawk War, though not in actual fighting. Lincoln is a candidate for the Illinois Legislature, losing by a narrow margin. Later he campaigns for Henry Clay. 1832 — South Carolina, led by John C. Calhoun, refuses to accept the new Tariff, claiming a right to nullify Federal law. 1833 — Chicago incorporated as a town, with 135 inhabitants. Lincoln appointed postmas- ter at New Salem and assistant surveyor. 1834 — Lincoln is elected to the Illi- nois Legislature as a Whig. 1834-41 — Lincoln's service in the Illinois Legislature. 1836 — Van Buren elected President. 1837 — Financial panic throughout the country. Legislature votes removal of State capital from Vandalia to Springfield, largely through Lincoln's efforts. Lincoln removes to Spring- field and enters a law partner- ship with John Todd Stuart. A mob kills Elijah P. Love- joy at Alton, 111. 1839 — Capital moves to Springfield. CHAPTER IX A Crisis in National Bankin Lincoln is licensed to practise law, moves to Springfield, and is married — President Jackson denounces the National Bank — Lincoln qualifies as an authority on banking Iincoln had been licensed to practise law in the fall of 1836 and had taken up his home at Springfield in April, 1837, where he was accepted as a partner by his friend, Major John T. Stuart, who had also served in the Legislature, and had political ambitions, along with character and ability. It was in the following year, 1838, that Stuart was nominated for Con- gress by the Whigs of the district, with the boyish and diminutive Douglas (he was not much more than five feet in height ) named by the Democrats as his opponent. It was a strenuous and bitter can- vass, thirty-four great counties being grouped at that time in this one con- gressional district. Stuart was fully six feet tall and a heavier man than Lincoln ; and the contrast between him and Douglas was as striking as that which was afforded in the famous Lincoln- Douglas senatorial contest twenty years later. Douglas at this time was only twenty-five years old, but he was already a man of mark, an orator and debater of striking promise, and a most adroit campaigner and vote-winner. Stuart was the victor by a majority of 35 in a total of 36,000. If Douglas had contested the election in the Democratic House at Washington he prob- ably would have unseated Stuart ; but he could not afford the expense or time involved and 76 MRS. LINCOLN: AN EARLY PORTRAIT Mary Todd of Lexington, Kentucky, had come to Springfield, Illinois, to live with her mar- ried sister. There she met Lincoln, for her sis- ter's husband was a fellow-member of the Legislature. They were married at Springfield on November 4, 1842. he accepted his defeat. This was made easier for him by the gift of a federal office. Lincoln, who was naturally active in sup- porting Stuart's campaign, could not think of national politics on his own account at that time. He had an indebtedness to pay off result- ing from the failure of his earlier mercantile ven- ture, and he had yet to establish himself as a law- yer. It should be said that Stuart was re-elected to Congress in 1840, and that, during the four years of his membership of the House at Washington, Lincoln remained at Springfield as active part- ner in the law firm. Also in both of the election years of 1838 and 1840, Lincoln was making his own canvass for the Legislature, while Stuart was running for Congress. Since the Legislature had now left Vandalia and come to the new capital at Springfield, Lincoln could keep his law office open while taking his full share in the work of the law- making body of the State. With his partner coming and going between Springfield and Washington, Lincoln enjoyed the sense of personal contact with national affairs. We may anticipate by noting that he declined a renomination for the Legis- lature in 1842, his private affairs absorbing his attention at that time. For, in the election month of November, 1842, he was married to Mary Todd, the daughter of Robert S. Todd, A CRISIS IN NATIONAL BANKING 77 of Lexington, Kentucky. A few months later he was making a long step forward in his profes- sional and business career by ac- cepting a partnership offered him by Stephen T. Logan, who stood at the very head of the Bar of Illinois as a trial lawyer. Cer- tainly from this time on we may disregard the notion that Lincoln was an altogether obscure and unpromising person. He was ex- cellently married, well settled, and steadily making his way. The extensive literature that has come into existence regard- ing Lincoln's marriage, his do- mestic affairs, and like matters of a private and personal nature, is of varying merit. Most of it has no impor- tant relation to his political career. LINCOLN'S HOME IN SPRINGFIELD In 1844, two years after his marriage, Lincoln bought this house at Eighth and Jackson Streets. It had been built in 1839. Though not conspicuous, it was classed as one of the town's better houses. Here he lived for seventeen years, until he moved into the White House. After the death of Mrs. Lincoln, in 1882, the house passed to the President's son Robert, who turned it over to the State of Illinois. It is visited by many thousands each year. Oak, hickory, and black walnut all entered into the construction of this modest residence. THE HOUSE WHERE LINCOLN WAS MARRIED When Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd were married, on November 4, 1842, the ceremony took place in this red-brick residence at 441 South Second Street, Springfield. It was the home of Mrs. Lincoln's sister, Mrs. Ninian W. Edwards. Mr. Edwards' father was the third Governor of Illinois. In this house, also, Mrs. Lincoln died in August, 1882. The same sort of natural curiosity pursues the life-story of every man who happens to become famous. Biographers of a certain school expend undue effort in meddling with privacy. Happily, not many writers about Lincoln have found it possible to ignore the record that he was making year by year as a citizen of Illinois, as one of the ablest practising lawyers in the his- tory of America, and as a political leader and thinker of rare sagacity. Certainly nothing in his family life had crushed his spirit, or had spoiled a tempered reasonableness not equalled in the record of any other young American politician of his generation. Douglas also was a man of first-rate talents, and he had gen- uine convictions and tested courage. But Douglas had the common failing in political debate of misrepresenting opponents, of playing upon his audi- ence by appeals to prejudice, and of employing palpably sophistical argu- ments. Lincoln, on the other hand, always manifested the utmost en- deavor to state a case fairly, to recite facts without garbling, and to give clearly and with logical precision the reasons that convinced him. 78 ABRAHAM LINCOLN JOHN T. STUART STEPHEN T. LOGAN WILLIAM H. HERNDON John Todd Stuart, Lincoln's first partner (1837-41), was a cousin of the Mary Todd who in 1842 became Mrs. Lincoln. Stephen T. Logan, who had been a judge of the circuit court, was senior part- ner from 1841 to 1844. William H. Herndon remained as junior partner until Lincoln's death. LINCOLN'S THREE LAW PARTNERS That Lincoln was making- numerous speeches showing this quality, we have every reason to believe. Few of them have sur- vived as evidence of his intellectual devel- opment in the Van Buren period. But for- tunately we have one speech which in the very nature of the case could not have been a departure, either in substance of doctrine or in method of reasoning, from many others that he made in early public life, for his plat- form efforts were always consistent. The speech to which I refer was delivered in December, 1839. It was printed in pam- phlet form, and happily a copy was still in existence and available when Nicolay and Hay were compiling the Lincoln papers in 1894. I shall make some analysis of the speech, be- cause it deals wholly with national questions, and exhibits Lincoln as a student of those problems of banking, currency, and financial administration that were even more central in the public mind during Van Buren's adminis- tration than was the slavery question. The original bank of the United States, de- vised in 1 79 1 by Alexander Hamilton as fiscal agent of the government, had served its pur- pose, had fallen into disfavor, and at the end of its charter period had been transformed into a Philadelphia bank with a Pennsylvania charter. A second United States Bank had been established by Madison and his financial advisers in 1816, to take care of the en- larged treasury operations growing out of the War of 181 2. The management of this bank may have been guilty of mistakes of one kind or another, and it encountered political prejudice. However worthy or otherwise it may have been, the Jacksonian Democrats were furiously and fanatically opposed to ex- tending its chartered existence. Jackson dealt it a fatal blow when he withdrew the govern- ment's deposits from the central bank of the United States, and from the branches in lead- ing American cities. He had already in July, 1832, vetoed a bill that had passed Congress, under the leadership of Daniel Webster and Henry Clay, for an extension of the bank's charter for another term of years from the date of its expiration in 1836. Jackson especially objected to the combina- tion of public and private functions that had made possible the ownership in Great Britain of a large part of the stock of the Bank of the United States. In his message of December, 1835, Jackson continued to denounce the spirit of monopoly that had been exemplified both in the conception and in the methods of the Bank of the United States. With too much A CRISIS IN NATIONAL BANKING 79 THE STATE CAPITOL AT SPRINGFIELD, WHEN LINCOLN WAS IN THE LEGISLATURE During Lincoln's eight-year service as an Assemblyman in Illinois, the Legislature met first at Vandalia and later at Springfield. The Vandalia State House is shown on page 53. Lincoln had been a leader in the movement to make Springfield, in his own county, the capital of the State. This building was first occupied in December, 1839, and Lincoln attended sessions here until March, 1841. Meanwhile he had moved to Springfield, and was practising law there. By 1876 a larger State House had been constructed, and since then this building has been used as the court house of Sangamon county. optimism, he descanted upon the smooth going that the Treasury had experienced for a year in doing its business through "the use of the State banks, which do not derive their charters from the General Government and are not con- trolled by its authority." "All the wants of the community," he added, "in relation to ex- change and currency are supplied as well as they have ever been before." Referring to the evils of an unchecked paper system, Jackson declared that "the management of the revenue can be made auxiliary to the reform which the Legislatures of several of the States have al- ready commenced in regard to the suppression of small bills." And so General Jackson continued to paint a most cheerful picture; but — alas for Jack- son's self-confidence and belief in the value of his victory over that centralized monster the Bank of the United States — a storm was im- pending, the violence and wreckage of which has hardly ever been equalled in the history of American currency and banking. A recent historian of obviously anti-Jackson convic- tions, sums up the results of the Treasury's experiment in using State banks, in the fol- lowing sentences : It was Van Buren's misfortune that the storm which Jackson had called from the sky, by his reck- less use of high explosives, burst just as Jackson reached shelter and as the "Magician" stepped forth to take the great rain-maker's place. The terrible panic of 1837 began when the administration was but two months old — a direct consequence of the financial disorder produced by Jackson's war on the Bank. The enforced liquidation of the greatest monetary institution in the country; the transfer of the public funds to banks much weaker and far more loosely managed than the Bank of the United States ; a wild speculation induced by the excessive note-issues of state banks which had a fictitious capital only; and the inability of the banks to re- spond when called upon to refund the sums intrusted to them, under the law for "depositing" the surplus revenue with the States — such were the events which brought about the suspension of specie pay- ments on the 10th of May, 1837. 8o ABRAHAM LINCOLN Obviously Mr. Van Buren could not con- tinue to use State banks; and it would have been politically impossible to reverse the party position and establish a third Bank of the United States. The banks had with virtual unanimity suspended specie payments about two months after Van Buren's inauguration. Congress was called in special session, and on September 4th the President transmitted to it a message of great length, analyzing the country's financial difficulties, and making remedial proposals. Speculation of all sorts had been so reckless for two or three years that reaction had become inevitable. This had been stimulated by redundant issues of paper money. First, it was recommended "to sep- arate the fiscal operations of the government from those of individuals or corporations." Mr. Van Buren observed that neither in Eng- land nor in the United States had a central bank been able to prevent an undue expansion of credit and the evils that flow from it. He regarded banking as a private business that should be carried on by bankers for the con- venience of commerce and trade. As a result of President Van Buren's reasoning there was introduced a measure creating a so-called Sub- Treasury system, under which the Govern- ment should become the custodian of its own funds. It was typical of the universal interest in these questions of finance and currency that there should have been protracted public dis- cussion, during a series of evenings, in the THE APOLOGY MEDIATION SATISFACTION FRANCE PAYS THE SPOLIATION CLAIMS, FOR DAMAGE TO UNITED STATES COMMERCE DURING THE WARS OF NAPOLEON The French King Louis Philippe is at the right, with the English King William IV acting as mediator with President Jackson. At the left is Martin Van Buren, then Vice-President, who had arranged the settlement while Secretary of State in 1831. France had been dilatory in making payment until President Jackson assumed a vigorous position in 1834. A CRISIS IN NATIONAL BANKING It/hat the deril shall I dn Matty mith this Bill? Shall I veto it, tne cursed Whigs are strong enough to fiass it if ilk are m a tad har General ',_ I'm dead against g-ivmg away a dat/ar, 6ut as ycu. say, needs must when, tie dee// drtves ! /— CAUCU S mih SURPLUS BILL. fubUs/ud Juru./m, & l/it /?w/iruli>r.&B.£dwm, 4d Cturtlandt Strut,* Vew, l/trt President Jackson, at the left, deliberates over a bill passed by Congress, lending surplus Govern- ment moneys to the States. Van Buren, at the right, had already been nominated by the Democrats as Jackson's successor. In the center is Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Treasury. Hall of the House of Representatives at Springfield in December, 1839. Mr. Douglas had spoken against the revival of the United States Bank, and had defended the Van Buren Sub-Treasury scheme. He had taunted and de- fied the Whigs to meet his arguments. Mr. Lincoln accepted the challenge, meeting it with his habitual aim at the major issue. "The subject heretofore and now to be dis- cussed," he began, "is the sub-treasury scheme of the present administration, as a means of collecting, safekeeping, transferring, and dis- bursing the revenues of the nation, as con- trasted with the national bank for the same purposes. Mr. Douglas has said that we, the Whigs, have not dared to meet them, the Locos, in argument on this question. I protest against this assertion." He then proceeded, with as much care to reason philosophically and to avoid clap-trap and partisanship, as if he had been preparing a brief for the Supreme Court. "Of the sub-treasury then," said Mr. Lin- coln, "as contrasted with a national bank for the before enumerated purposes, I lay down the following propositions, to wit : ( 1 ) It will injuriously affect the community by its operation on the circulating medium. (2) It will be a more expensive fiscal agent. (3) It will be a less secure depository of the public money." Mr. Lincoln then proceeded to show how the national bank by its ordinary opera- tions had kept money in circulation. "By the sub-treasury," he remarked, "the revenue is to be collected and kept in iron boxes until the government wants it for disbursement ; thus robbing the people of the use of it, while the S2 ABRAHAM LINCOLN government does not itself need it, and while the money is performing no nobler office than that of rusting in iron boxes. The natural effect of this change of policy, everyone will see, is to reduce the quantity of money in circulation." Mr. Van Buren had provided for the col- lection of the revenues in gold and silver in his recommendations for the pending sub- treasury bill. Mr. Lincoln showed that this would prove an advantage to a favored class, and detrimental to the general public, because it would draw into the strong boxes of the sub-treasury more than half of all the gold and silver dollars in the United States. As an argument for his Illinois hearers, he further demonstrated that the government's land of- fices in the western States and Territories were absorbing most of the available money of the people, and that the Van Buren proposals would so enhance the purchasing power of money as to double or treble the price of pub- lic land and thus make almost insurmountable the difficulties "that poor people now encounter in procuring a home." As regards the working of a national bank under normal conditions, Mr. Lincoln held a.. ,'t,nf uJtljU-nyrtftJi thrjtoriStf i WHO'LL HAVE THE SPECIE President Van Buren is showing very little respect for the British Bulldog and the French cock, in a situation growing out of the suspension of specie payments in May, 1837 — only two months after the inauguration of the new President. that it could take reasonable care of contrac- tions and expansions, and provide a safely elastic volume of currency. He admitted that it could not be expected to regulate the cur- rency when it was under official attack, "crip- pled and thrown into death convulsions by the removal of the deposits from it, and other hostile measures of the government against it." And there followed this wise and significant sentence : "We do not pretend that a na- tional bank can establish and maintain a sound and uniform state of currency in the country, in spite of the national government ; but we do say that it has established and maintained such a currency, and can do so again, by the aid of that government; and we further say that no duty is more imperative on that government than the duty it owes the people of furnishing them a sound and uniform currency." I may not pause to review Lincoln's facts and figures set in array to prove that it would be more expensive to operate the sub-treasury system than to handle the public revenues through a national bank. So much loss had been incurred through the failure of the State Banks that Mr. Lincoln proceeded at length to discuss the question of relative security for the public money. He allu- ded to many defalcations on the part of government offi- cials that had occurred in operating the custom houses, the land offices and the mints ; and he predicted further de- falcations at the hands of officials who might have the public funds under their con- trol if the sub-treasury sys- tem were adopted. He made an ingenious argument to show that, human nature being what it is, banks would be preferable custodians for public funds. The pending sub-treasury bill provided for four Re- ceivers - general, at New York, Boston, Charleston and St. Louis, through whose hands most of the rev- 9 A CRISIS IN NATIONAL BANKING 83 Mraif'd g/yjrjm .JTahtr fy 2Wv Metm/na, JfefjFu to Mater er SrtofSiott Ph/Stnon fi'^D'Nanlry Pmwbnt Harmon M*v Nfp*t*> £ Cta-o DEATH OF HARRISON , APRIL. 4-. A.D. 184.1. ish you to underaland the true principles of the Government. I wish them carried out I ask nothing more rt./Cttfrrv* 014111',/' Cf William Henry Harrison died of pneumonia one month after his inauguration, the first President to die in office. The persons grouped about his bedside are: Thomas Ewing, Secretary of the Treasury; Daniel Webster, Secretary of State ; the physician ; the Rev. Dr. Hawley ; the President's niece and nephew ; and in the doorway Francis Granger, Postmaster-General. The painting on the wall is a portrait of the President himself. This death scene is reproduced from a large lithograph in posses- sion of the author, which was widely circulated throughout the country for framing and hanging in the homes of Harrison's admirers, especially in Ohio and the West. ernmental affairs of the State of Illinois. The campaign for the Presidency in the year 1844 had begun as soon as the votes were counted in 1840. The Democrats were both surprised and angry at the sweeping success of Harrison. Far from abandoning their de- feated candidate, they rallied with remarkable conviction and enthusiasm about the trailing banner of Van Buren. The Democratic mem- bers of practically every Legislature in the Union held caucuses within a few weeks and announced their support of Van Buren for 1844. This was happening while the kindly and competent little gentleman from Kinder- hook, New York, was serving the four months that remained of his term in the White House after the shock of his defeat. The Whigs, on the other hand, having gained their victory were awaiting the fourth of March, 1841, for which date they were planning a tremendous demonstration at Washington on Inauguration Day. Jackson had loaded the civil service with Democrats; and the growth of public business had given Van Buren opportunities to appoint many more of the faithful, who were eager to feed from the public crib. Naturally, the Whig henchmen were similarly greedy and expect- ant. They were arriving at Washington by every means of conveyance, to be on hand with their applications for jobs. The only state paper attributable to Presi- dent Harrison in the four brief weeks of his Chief Magistracy was his conciliatory and 98 ABRAHAM LINCOLN dignified inaugural address, with its allu- sions to Roman history, and its air of sage and reflective benevolence. In that document he deprecated the use of the veto power by Presidents, and begged parties to take a less violent attitude toward one another. A toil- some public career of half a century had left his physical vitality impaired; and the pres- sure of his new responsibilities was beyond his limited power of endurance. He died on April 4, exactly a month after he had taken the oath of office. It might prove to be well in every presiden- tial year if both major parties should take to heart President Harrison's warning against the evils of excessive partisanship. Several sentences in his address should be kept current as a legacy to party leaders, not only in the United States but in all other democratic coun- tries. "To me it appears perfectly clear," said President Harrison in referring to party strifes then resounding throughout the land, "that the interest of the country requires that the violence of the spirit by which those par- ties are at this time governed, must be greatly mitigated, if not entirely extinguished, or consequences will ensue which are appalling to be thought of. If parties in a republic are necessary to secure a degree of vigilance suf- ficient to keep the public functionaries within the bounds of law and duty, at that point their usefulness ends. Beyond that they become destructive of public virtue, the parent of a spirit antagonistic to that of liberty, and eventually its inevitable conqueror." Of Mr. Lincoln it may be said, as of Presi- dent Harrison, that his partisanship was never of a destructive character, but always subordi- nated to his regard for the welfare of the country. Moreover, it was always so ex- pressed as to keep the friendly good-will of his fellow-citizens regardless of party lines. In the session of the Illinois Legislature that came to an end March i, 1841, three days before Harrison's inauguration, there had been a terrific struggle over legislation reorganiz- ing the judiciary of the State, intended to throw that co-ordinate branch of the govern- ment into subjection to the personal and po- litical objects of the Democratic majority in the law-making body. A debate lasting many days, in which men of remarkable ability and of future fame took leading parts, was char- acteristic of the discussions of institutional problems that were training many others be- sides Abraham Lincoln in western legislatures. Finding themselves unable to break down the Democratic majority that was forcing this unsound measure upon the State, a group of Whig members issued "An Appeal to the Peo- ple of the State of Illinois." Mr. Lincoln was one of the six members of the committee on behalf of the Whigs of the Legislature who prepared and sent out the address. Messrs. Nicolay and Hay present the document as of Lincoln's authorship. In any case, it repre- sented his sentiments ; and — quite apart from its extended review of the exact situation then existing as regards the present and prospective organization of the law courts of Illinois — it contains a plea for the dignity and the high functions of an independent judiciary. It might well be republished from time to time, in view of attacks upon the Federal courts and the occasional injection of politics into the selection of judges and the organization of judiciary systems under the several State gov- ernments. As a warning against undue and injurious partisanship in the affairs of the State, especially at a time when economic con- ditions had been so desperate by reason of the panic of 1837, the following sentences, attrib- uted to Lincoln, may well be compared with those which I have quoted from President Harrison's address : It was not expected by you that the spirit of party would take the lead in the councils of the State, and make every interest bend to its demands. Nor was it expected that any party would assume to itself the entire control of legislation, and convert the means and offices of the State, and the substance of the people, into aliment for party subsistence. Neither could it have been expected by you that party spirit, however strong its desires and unrea- sonable its demands, would have passed the sanctu- ary of the Constitution, and entered with its unhallowed and hideous form into the formation of the judiciary system. The Vice-President, John Tyler, had not yet arrived at Washington from his home in Virginia when the members of the Harrison TYLER: A PRESIDENT WITHOUT A PARTY 99 REQUESTING HIM TO RESIGN. Tyler — who is portrayed here as stepping out of the presidential chair — was elected to the Vice- Presidency in 1840 as a Whig, and almost immediately became President through the death of Harri- son. But he had supported Jackson in 1828, had been the vice-presidential nominee of disaffected Democrats in 1836, and his principles were largely Democratic. After he had vetoed important bills passed by the Whig majority in Congress in 1842, the party disclaimed him and the Cabinet resigned. This is a cartoon put out by the supporters of Henry Clay during the presidential campaign that followed. Clay had led the Whigs in Congress, in framing the legislation that Tyler vetoed, and he became the party nominee for President. Clay did not step into the presidential chair, however, as this cartoonist had indicated, for he lost the election. James K. Polk, who stands at the left of the platform, was elected President. Next to him is his running-mate for Vice-President, George M. Dallas, and at the extreme left is Andrew Jackson, idol of the Democratic party. Cabinet announced to the country the death of the President. Mr. Harrison had made Daniel Webster of Massachusetts Secretary of State ; Thomas Ewing of Ohio, Secretary of the Treasury; John Bell of Tennessee, Secretary of War; John J. Crittenden of Kentucky, At- torney-General ; George E. Badger of North Carolina, Secretary of the Navy ; and Francis Granger of New York, Postmaster-General. It has been said of him that in selecting these gentlemen for the heads of departments, he had "singled out for members of his official household, regardless of their rivalries, the statesmen who had stood in the front ranks of the government opposition during the past twelve years." It must not be supposed that Harrison had slighted Henry Clay, his disappointed rival for the nomination. He had originally planned that Clay should be Secretary of State, and that Webster, who had served as chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, should head the Treasury Department. Harrison had ac- tually gone to Frankfort, Kentucky, soon after his election, to confer with Clay and to offer him the leading position in the Cabinet. But Clay declared that he preferred to remain at his post of leadership in the Senate, and urged IOO ABRAHAM LINCOLN that Webster was the massive and powerful Whig statesman whose abilities ought to be recognized by appointment as Secretary of State. Mr. Crittenden was the junior Senator from Kentucky, and it has been said that he entered the Cabinet as a sort of proxy for the real head of the Whig party. John Bell of Tennessee had been a Jackson Democrat, but had drifted — through earlier support of Judge White — into affiliation with the Whigs. John Tyler's assumption of the Presidency afforded the first occasion for the discovery that it might be well for political parties to be sure they know their man when they are select- ing a running-mate for a presidential nom- inee. Mr. Tyler was an excellent gentleman, and his address to the people of the United States upon taking office was reassuring, espe- cially upon the point of the "spoils system." He promised to remove no incumbent who had faithfully and honestly acquitted himself of the duties of his office, except in cases of active and objectionable partisanship. But President Tyler immediately found it requisite to focus his attention upon the ever-recurring questions of fiscal policy. He supported the repeal of the Sub-Treasury law (which, how- ever, was re-enacted five years later under President Polk, in 1846). But he declined to favor the chartering of a new central Bank of the United States, unless with severe and un- precedented restrictions. He asserted his con- victions in his veto message, August 16, 1841, when he refused to approve "an act to incor- porate the subscribers to the Fiscal Bank of the United States," which had originated in THE MAN WOT DRIVES THE CONSTITUTION The cry that the other side was trying to destroy the Constitution was raised continuously by both parties during this period. Clay had to his credit two famous compromises by which disunion had been averted, and was yet to have a third. With his running-mate in the campaign of 1844, Theo- dore Frelinghuysen, he is here driving to Washington. The vehicles in difficulties are those of Tyler, then President, and Van Buren, former President. Neither Tyler nor Van Buren, however, was nominated. It was Polk as victor who drove in style to the White House on March 4, 184S. TYLER: A PRESIDENT WITHOUT A PARTY IOI GREAT PRESIDENTIAL STEEPLE CHASE OF 1844 finning in. — £'d?a's'J<7foJc>/i &t£ JZe/iLzic&y . This poster was published early in the season, before the nomination. Van Buren — the second horse — was not chosen by the Democrats. His place in this presidential race was taken by Polk, and Polk won. The horses, from left to right, represent: Henry Clay, the Whig nominee; Martin Van Buren; John C. Calhoun, who is throwing his rider; President Tyler, "old Veto, stuck in the mud" on the river bank; and Cave Johnson, then a member of Congress from Tennessee and later Polk's Postmaster-General. Horse-racing was a universal diversion, with a race track in almost every county, east, west, and south. the Senate under Clay's leadership and had passed both houses. Mr. Tyler declared that he had been elected Vice-President with the full knowledge that he had always been opposed to the use of banks of any kind, national or state, for the govern- ment's fiscal operations. Two days after the veto, Secretaries Ewing, Bell, Crittenden, and Badger resigned from the Cabinet, with Granger at once following. Webster, who took the view that the foreign relations of the country were not involved in the disputes over the bank bill, alone kept his post. Mr. Tyler was getting his seat in the saddle. He meant to be President in his own right, and not be the rubber-stamp for a government by Har- rison's surviving Cabinet. It was evident that he must either form his own Cabinet, or else subject himself to the domination of statesmen who would have been in perfect accord with Mr. Harrison, who had selected them, but who could not sharply reverse their mature views of financial policies to oblige an accidental President. Mr. Tyler, moreover, had at once sur- rounded himself with a group of admirable and scholarly Virginia gentlemen who were called his "kitchen cabinet;" and their private influence at the White House had not pleased the official Whig Cabinet. Mr. Webster, who was hoping to settle the Northeast boundary dispute with Great Britain, concerned himself as little as possible with the Cabinet upheavals. As between President Tyler and Secretary Ewing, it was in point of fact a question as to which one ought to be responsible for the finan- cial policies. Ewing knew more about finance, but Tyler was the constitutional executive ; and he established a precedent that has been maintained. The new Cabinet selected by Tyler was made up of men not so conspicuous as those who had resigned. Webster held on 102 ABRAHAM LINCOLN for nearly two years longer, but left the Cab- inet in May, 1843. He had lost influence with his own party, while disagreeing with Tyler. Never at any time during the Tyler admin- istration did the Cabinet situation become sta- bilized. Two members of the Cabinet were killed by the explosion of a gun on a naval vessel on Chesapeake Bay. Southern Demo- crats were named to fill one vacancy after an- other. Ultimately, John C. Calhoun of South Carolina was offered the post of Secretary of State, and James K. Polk was invited to enter the Cabinet. For some reason Polk declined. But Calhoun accepted, though with evident hesitancy because he had his own presidential aspirations, and he did not wish to be com- mitted to the renomination of President Tyler. I have brought forward these names, and given due attention to the Washington situa- tion, because the men and the measures of the Tyler period were of vital interest to Lin- coln, who was preparing to take a great part in the campaign of 1844. The self-assertion of President Tyler, and his unqualified dissent from the doctrines and positions of the Whig party to which he had owed his election, re- sulted in the further strengthening of Henry Clay as the pre-eminent national leader of the Whig party, and by far the most influential statesman of the entire country. Lincoln had always been a devoted admirer of the brilliant Kentuckian, and was preparing to do his ut- most to aid in the nomination of Clay and his election to the Presidency. Jten-itescr-ypt Animate '0rte ef them, ts cenfrnttafty &a*u/inp a&out mtrrt drops f anaf fife oMtr *s y*//tny aioui efiSuniert antt nuf/t/i'cafe'on ■' THE HUNTER OF KENTUCKY. Henry Clay, of Kentucky, and Theodore Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, Whig nominees for President and Vice-President in 1844, are pictured as ridding the country of the most prominent Democrats. The reader will have noticed that all the cartoons in this chapter, dealing with the campaign of 1844, are pro-Clay. Those in the previous chapter, concerned with the campaign of 1840, similarly fav- ored the Whig candidate, Harrison. Doubtless the Whigs were the better patrons of the publishers of these lithographed poster caricatures. /rffapflfX kf^Jil Cotmf C LEANSING THE A UGE AN STABLE *rd*if Ir jr- adeftrnf*** ■ LT^&eJU^U* ■'■■ w ~ A ... - M. /:,.... -r JU^MtO? PS at H Y-, The Whigs are doing the cleaning. Clay and Frelinghuysen, candidates for President and Vice- President, are tossing their Democratic opponent out of the window. Henry A. Wise, then a Whig Congressman from Virginia, afterwards Democratic Governor of Virginia, is refusing entrance to Madam Texas. But this election of 1844 had a different result ; the Democrats won, Polk was elected, and Texas was admitted to the Union in 184S. Calhoun holds the Kinderhook Fox, Van Buren. CHAPTER XII Clay Loses His Third Campaign Polk emerges as the first "dark horse" candidate — Texas and Oregon the issues, in an era of expansion — Lincoln explains his opposition to the annexation of Texas Lincoln was now ready to go to Congress, but there were other capable and aspir- ing Whigs who were practising law at the State capital and seeking political honors. He had been married in 1842; and such were the connections of his Kentucky bride that it was repeated everywhere, throughout Sanga- mon County and the several other counties that formed the Congressional district, that "Abe Lincoln had married into the aristocracy." Furthermore, the religious denominations were playing politics, and Lincoln was not a member of any church. His wife's family connections were with the less popular de- nominations, the Episcopalians and the Pres- byterians. The so-called "Campbellites" (more properly known as the Disciples or Christians ) held the foremost place among the plain people, and the Methodists, of course, were hardly less numerous. J. J. Hardin was a strong and able candidate, while Edward D. Baker was also a man of ability who had the advantage of the Campbellite support. Perhaps Lincoln was too confident ; but, in any case, Sangamon County gave its prelim- inary preference to Baker, and appointed Lin- 103 104 ABRAHAM LINCOLN ^ 9 '^■f m W ^^^ r f^^> (B?tA*Eurruit'3<&ufcti tyfo i$*W\ if A& ^nfet \.t) \ Mp ' 3*'.1:-.- -:-.'. "- .,-i:~ v vte.--: ; ■ ASHLAND, THE HOME OF HENRY CLAY Our illustration is from an old print, showing Ashland as it ap- peared at about the time when Lincoln visited Henry Clay. and perhaps to liberty itself (paradox though it may seem), to let slavery in the other States alone; while, on the other hand, I hold it to be equally clear that we should never knowingly lend our- selves, directly or indirectly, to prevent that slav- ery from dying a natural death — to find new places for it to live in, when it can no longer exist in the old. Of course I am not now considering what would be our duty in cases of insurrection among the slaves. To recur to the Texas question, I understand the Liberty men have viewed annexation as a much greater evil than ever I did ; and I would like to con- vince you, if I could, that they could have prevented it, without violation of principle, if they had chosen. DEATH OF HENRY CLAY, JUNIOR, IN THE MEXICAN WAR Although the Whigs and their presidential candidate, Henry Clay, had opposed the annexation of Texas and the beginning of the Mexican War, they supported the war loyally after it had begun. Speaking in the House on July 27, 1848, Lincoln said: "You have constantly had our votes here for all the necessary supplies. And more than this, you have had the services, the blood, and the lives of our political brethren in every trial and on every field. . . . Clay and Webster each gave a son, never to be returned." CHAPTER XIII War "with Mexico ~ The Oregon Crisis Lincoln is nominated and elected to Congress — Admission of Texas as a State results in war with Mexico — Disputes with England over the Oregon boundary Startling chapters in the history of American expansion were writing them- selves in the news of the clay, and Lin- coln was eager to he at Washington in the thick of these great affairs. Having been dis- appointed in his hopes of a nomination in 1842 and again in 1844, he took unwonted pains in advance of the district convention of 1846 to forestall the possible competition of his able and popular rival, J. J. Hardin. Baker regarded himself as under agreement to step aside in favor of Lincoln. Hardin had previously served a term, and Baker was now the incum- bent. For some time it was doubtful what steps Hardin would take, but at length he announced his candidacy. He proposed to Lincoln that they should hold what we would now call a primary election throughout the dis- trict, to name the candidate by direct choice of Whig voters. But Lincoln refused, and de- clared that he was satisfied with the convention system by which Hardin and Baker had been named in succession. So assiduous was Lincoln's canvass, and so thorough his organization work, that Hardin withdrew before the convention was held ; and on May 1, 1846, Lincoln was nominated, with no other name presented. The platform took the orthodox Whig positions on the tariff and the bank question, but ignored the new and acute issues that were agitating Washington and the country. Ten days after Lincoln's nomination on May 1st, President Polk sent a message to Con- "5 n6 ABRAHAM LINCOLN *£gX- FAIR ROSAMOND; OR THE ASHBURTON TREATY From Punch (London), November, 1842 Before the Northwest boundary was settled, the Northeast boundary — between Maine and Nova Scotia — was fixed by the Ashburton treaty. Great Britain sent Baron Ashburton as special commissioner, while the United States was rep- resented by Daniel Webster, Secretary of State. It is worth noting that this treaty also provided that each nation should maintain a squadron on the coast of Africa for suppression of the slave trade. The cartoon shows America, in Indian costume, demanding that Britannia must choose between the treaty cup and the war dagger. Its inspiration is the story of the fair Queen Rosamond, who was forced by her husband to drink from a cup which was in fact the skull of her father. gress explaining the failure of his effort to conciliate Mexico, and Congress declared that a state of war existed by the act of Mexico. On May 13th Polk issued his War Proclama- tion. The decision was popular, and volun- teers were ready to enlist beyond all possible need. The call for fifty thousand found six times that number responding at once. Mr. Beveridge gives a graphic account of the re- sistless enthusiasm for the Mexican War that swept the country throughout the summer of 1846, while Lincoln was running for Congress against the famous Peter Cartwright who had been nominated by the Democrats. Everybody in the West had been familiar with the thrilling events — the Alamo tragedy, for example — in the brief struggle for the in- dependence of Texas in 1836; and the fellow- feeling for Sam Houston and his Texas asso- ciates was almost universal. President Tyler had been able to secure the passage of a joint resolution authorizing the admission of Texas as a State, and he returned it to Congress with his approval only a short time before the in- auguration of Mr. Polk as his successor in March, 1845. The Texas Congress had later accepted the proposal with unanimity, and within a few months Texas had adopted a State constitution. Soon after the session of Congress opened at Washington in December, 1845, this Texas constitution was ratified, and the admission of Texas was completed by virtue of a proclamation issued by President Polk on December 29th. If there had been no slavery question to en- gender party strife and to arouse sectional apprehensions, there could have been little doubt anywhere as to the propriety of the an- nexation of Texas by the United States. After ten years of actual control by the American set- tlers, Mexico — torn by revolution and without stable leadership — could never have regained Texas. The Mexicans could have done little with the empty expanses of Texan territory, even if they had been able to assert by force the claims of a nominal sover- eignty. Presi- dent Polk at- tempted to con- ciliate them, and to negotiate a fair adjustment of differences. He sent Mr. Slidellof Louis- iana as a special ambassador to Mexico, but wholly without avail. Slidell w as not re- ceived or heard. The o b j e c- tions of anti- slavery men and Whig leaders to the policies that led us into PETER CARTWRIGHT Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846, his Democratic opponent be- ing this famous itinerant Methodist preacher. Cartwright had been a member of the Legislature in 1828 and 1832, and was twenty-four years older than Lincoln. He had long played a leading part in build- ing up the Methodist Church in the Middle West. Cartwright was 87 when he died, in 1872. WAR WITH MEXICO— THE OREGON CRISIS 117 TEXAS COMING IN This is a cartoon of the campaign of 1844 which accurately foretold events. It was not until the following March that Texas actually was invited into the Union ; and it shows Polk welcoming Texas from the White House side of Salt River. In cartoons of this period Salt River represents defeat. The five Whig leaders pulling on the rope have not been able to stay the progress of the steamboat Texas. From left to right they are: Clay and Frelinghuysen, candidates for President and Vice- President ; Daniel Webster ; Henry A. Wise, a member of Congress from Virginia ; and one man who is not identified. Astride the barrel in Salt River is William Lloyd Garrison, declaring that he will not keep company with Clay, an unholy man and a blackleg. It was, indeed, the loss of the Aboli- tion vote — which went to James G. Birney — that brought about the defeat of Clay. the Mexican War could not be viewed lightly. But as for the war itself, it seems a fair con- tention that the Mexicans were the aggressors in the military sense, and brought on the clash for which the West in the summer of 1846 was enthusiastic without regard to party. American expansion was the theme that made the Mexican War so popular, and the slavery problem was virtually forgotten for the mo- ment, in the ardor for territorial gain. Lincoln took the platform, with other speakers of both parties, at war rallies in Springfield. Since he and his circuit-riding Methodist opponent, Mr. Cartwright, were of similar views upon the war and upon several other subjects (Cartwright being no believer in slavery), the contest was not bitter. Lin- coln had a remarkable campaign manager in his young law partner, William H. Herndon, who remained his close friend as well as his business associate through all the remaining years, and who became one of his biographers. As Beveridge remarks: "The contest was one of personal popularity and party organiza- tion, in both of which Lincoln had an immense advantage over the truculent old Methodist preacher. Many Democrats thought that a minister ought not to run for political office ; the Democratic workers were indifferent, and the organization loose and inefficient. Indeed, early in the campaign, the Democratic leaders gave up the contest, and that party cast only 42 percent, of the total vote." It was, of course, quite impossible for Presi- u8 ABRAHAM LINCOLN dent Polk to fight the British Empire while he had a war with Mexico on his hands. The most telling slogan of his electoral campaign had been "Fifty-four Forty or Fight." The subsequent literature of the Oregon question has grown to be voluminous. But the main facts can be readily stated and easily understood. Boundary questions will not settle themselves, and they must either be subjected to the costs and hazards of war, or else worked out by the bar- gaining methods of diplomacy. The United States had come into posses- sion of a long stretch of Atlantic coast line, with difficulties in fixing exact terminal points both northward G V LF OF MEXICO THIS IS THE HOUSE THAT POLK BUILT From Yankee Doodle, a humorous weekly published in New York for about two years beginning with October, 1846. It was frankly opposed to the Mexican War and ridiculed the statesmanship of President Polk. VAST AREAS ACQUIRED DURING POLK'S ADMINISTRATION First came the annexation of Texas in 1845, just as Polk was being inaugurated. This resulted in war with Mexico and the acquisition of all that unpopulated region lying between Texas and the Pacific which later became the States of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and parts of Colorado and New Mexico. For that territory the United States paid Mexico $15,000,000. Even while war with Mexico was being waged, there came a dispute with Great Britain over the Oregon country, resulting in the compromise line shown on this map. The United States claim was founded upon the explorations of Captain Gray and of Lewis and Clark, strengthened by the acquisition of Spanish, French, and Russian rights. In 1818 the United States had entered into an arrangement with Great Britain for joint occupation, which lasted until 1846 when the Oregon country was permanently divided between them. and southward. Webster had remained in the Tyler Cabinet in order to complete the nego- tiations with Lord Ashburton over the North- east boundary — to fix the line between Maine and Nova Scotia, and to divide the Great Lakes. We had earlier avoided a war with Spain, and had settled the Southeast boundary by purchasing the whole of Florida under the terms of the Treaty of 1819. We were sweeping westward, and were in- evitably facing the prospect of a coast line on the Pacific, that might prove as extensive as that which we had confirmed on the Atlantic by successful diplomacy. WAR WITH MEXICO— THE OREGON CRISIS 119 liJCn*.«r tWmrlt a». UNCLE SAMS TAYLORIFICS v jHtrirtnnrttftit .< ■>< 7.' This is a New York lithograph of 1846, which portrays Great Britain — the John Bull of the cartoon- ists — literally as a bull instead of the traditional burly Englishman. Uncle Sam, or Brother Jonathan, is here crossing the Rio Grande into Mexico with his armies, while John Bull finds the moment opportune to fish for that portion of Oregon lying between 54° 40" and 49° — which did, indeed, become English territory by the treaty of 1846. This is an excellent example of the litho- graphic poster caricatures of E. W. Clay, whose initials are seen in the lower right corner, and whose work appears more often than that of any other artist in the illustrations of this and nearby chapters. While Lincoln was making- his campaign in the summer of 1846, Commodore Sloat of our Pacific Squadron was occupying California, without any Spanish forces to make serious trouble. General Kearny, who was then sta- tioned at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, was at once placed at the head of an expedition that marched across the country and occupied New Mexico, which then included Arizona. John C. Fremont, a young officer of the regular army, had for several years been exploring Oregon and the Northwest ; and he was conveniently at hand, in that historic summer of 1846, to share California honors with Admirals Sloat and Stockton. It was already certain, in view of the vic- tories that General Zachary Taylor had been winning in the northern states of Mexico, that the war must result in complete American vic- tory. With Texas already ours, we would in- evitably carry a southern boundary straight to the Pacific, retaining New Mexico and Cal- ifornia. This southern line would have to be adjusted in detail, as a part of the peace agree- ment, when the Mexicans were ready to lay down their arms. But the Mexicans refused peace overtures in 1846; refused again after Taylor had de- feated them overwhelmingly at Buena Vista in February, 1847; and they continued to re- ject reasonable American terms after General Winfield Scott had landed an army at Vera 120 ABRAHAM LINCOLN WHO'S AFRAID? Punch's first cartoon on the Oregon question, April 12, 184S. Sir Robert Peel, British Premier, is ready for a duel with President Polk. King Louis Philippe of France is pictured as supporting the American President. The Democrats in 1844 had made a campaign issue of the Oregon boundary, declaring that the title of the United States to the whole region was clear and unquestionable. Polk, their candi- date for President, was successful and in his inaugural ad- dress in March, 184S, he asserted the claims of the United States in terms suggesting the possibility of war. This cartoon from Punch was England's unofficial answer. promotion of Britain's commercial interest in securing free-trade with a new cotton-growing country. Moreover, the hold of Mexico upon California was of the very slightest, and the British had their aspirations, well-known and long-standing, in that direction, about which there is no possible reason to speak reproachfully. As for our Northwestern claims, we had already made it certain by explorations, by the establishment of a fur-trading post at the mouth of the Columbia River, and by the be- ginning of permanent settlements, that we should be able to hold Oregon as the first stretch of American territory on the Pacific. We had reached an understanding with Rus- sia that the Czar's government would not as- sert claims south of the parallel known as "Fifty-four Forty." The Spaniards, followed by the Mexicans, had never claimed anything north of the forty-second degree of latitude, this being the present northern line of Cali- fornia. The British, meanwhile, were carry- ing on a considerable fur-trade through pri- vate agencies in this stretch called the "Ore- gon Country," that lay between the northern California line at "Forty-two" and the Rus- Cruz and had marched over the mountains to the capital. Scott's victory at Chapulte- pec, and his occupation of the City of Mexico, brought the war to an end in the middle of September. The Treaty of Guadaloupe - Hidalgo was signed on February 2, 1848, and thereby the United States made permanent acquisition of New Mexico and Califor- nia, paying a considerable sum of money. It should not be supposed that these American transac- tions of the years from 1845 to 1848 had been unobserved in Europe. There were Brit- ish influences working to keep Texas from joining the United States, in obvious WAR ! OR NO WAR ! "Ike! I say the 49th, and let's settle it amercably." "No Sir-ree. I goes for the hull of Oregon or none — I do, and don't do ner-thin else." (This is a hint to the effect that belligerency over the Oregon question was largely bluster. We reproduce it from a lithograph published at New York in April, 1846, at the height of the crisis.) WAR WITH MEXICO— THE OREGON CRISIS 121 "what! strike your own father!" TEACHING GRANDMOTHER BRITANNIA TO SUCK EGGS "YOUNG YANKEE-DOODLE," AS HE SEEMED TO THE ENGLISH DURING THE DISPUTE OVER OREGON Two cartoons from London Punch, March, 1846. In the first sixty years of Punch, from 1841 to 1901, two really great artists stood out among others who contributed to its political success. In the earlier period it was John Leech, in the later period John Tenniel, their careers overlapping in the '50s. To both in turn came the opportunity to stand up for John Bull and ridicule Uncle Sam during international crises. The reader should remember that the cartoonist of Punch was a member of its editorial board, reflecting its deliberate opinion. He was never embarrassed by the caution that often tempers the language of the editorial writer. Two of the cartoons on this page bear the signature of John Leech, and the third was evidently drawn by him. They set forth the opin- ion prevalent in England when America was shouting "Fifty-Four- Forty or Fight," from which posi- tion we receded when we accepted the boundary of Forty-nine degrees. James Buchanan, as American Sec- retary of State, and Richard Pakenham, special British envoy, arranged a compromise settlement that was submitted to the Senate by President Polk in June, 1846, and duly ratified by the Senate. RIDICULOUS EXHIBITION; OR, YANKEE-DOODLE PUTTING HEAD INTO THE BRITISH LION'S MOUTH. From Punch, May 2, 1846. HIS 122 ABRAHAM LINCOLN sian line at "Fifty-four Forty." This area, claimed in part by the British and claimed in toto by the Americans, included what are now the States of Oregon and Washington and the Canadian province of British Columbia. Douglas had held that to allow the British any part of this area was to submit to a viola- tion of the Monroe Doctrine. In their plat- form of 1844 the Democrats had declared firmly for the uncompromising occupation of the whole Oregon country. In his first mes- sage to Congress, December 2, 1845, Presi- dent Polk had dealt at great length with the subject, explaining that in view of compro- mises that had previously been offered, he had endeavored to settle the dispute by carrying the THE GREEDY BOY. VICTORIA -YOU GREEDY YOUNO YANKEE 1 YOU WONT LEAVE A CRUMB FOB LITTLE FREDERICK ALBERT tM'/s PHILIPPE- SOYEZ TRANaUILLE MA CBERE. YOU ARE VARY FOND OF INDIAN BONBONS, AND I LOAF VARY MOSB ZE TABAC D" ALGIERS MYSELF WE SHALL MOSB BETTER BOTH BE ttUIET. Frederick Albert was Victoria's son, then five years old, later Edward VII. Louis Philippe was King of France from 1830 until he was forced to abdicate as a result of the revolution of 1848. His remark about Indian bonbons, in the caption above, refers to Britain's war against the Sikhs, lasting from 1845 to 1849 and resulting in the annexation of the Punjab. This cartoon is from Yankee Doodle, New York, November, 1846. line of the forty-ninth parallel straight to the Pacific coast. But on British refusal Presi- dent Polk had withdrawn the offer and had asserted American title to the entire Oregon territory. He advised the scrupulous observance of the agreement that had been made for the temporary joint occupation, but he proceeded to reassert the Monroe Doctrine as applicable to the Oregon situation. Two months later President Polk had sent to Congress corre- spondence that seemed to make it clear that, upon their own frank admission, the British were arming in preparation for an American war. Congress proceeded at once to authorize the President to give the necessary twelve months' notice for the ending of the joint occupation of Oregon. Whereupon the British Ambassador, on June 6, 1846, agreed to accept what had been a repeated American offer — namely, the extension of the forty-ninth parallel to the seacoast, leav- ing Vancouver's Island to the British. There was still a Whig majority in the Senate, and the Whigs wisely and prudently advised President Polk to accept the offer. This was accordingly done, the business reached its conclu- sion smoothly and promptly, and the last step was taken on July 17th with exchange of ratifications at London. Thus President Polk had been sensible enough to lay aside extreme claims in the Northwest, while he had been reasonable and moderate in his treatment of Mexico in the adjustment of the new Southwest boundary. Since campaign talk is not always consistent, much less impartial, in its verdicts, one cannot quite blame Lincoln and his Whig supporters for WAR WITH MEXICO— THE OREGON CRISIS 123 DuktsWOxfto, PnnaAlbert ThiOium. O'Camjl Lotus Ptuhppe SmperarMchcttu Polk Gaunt Bunkum ULTIMATUM ON THE OREGON QUESTION. The young Queen Victoria is on her throne, and the conversation with President Polk has reference not only to the Oregon boundary but to the opening of Britain's ports to American grain free of duty. Victoria claims it as a friendly act, while Polk asserts that it was done only to save England from starvation. The famine in Ireland occurred at this time, which explains the presence in this drawing of Daniel O'Connell, the Liberator. As for Oregon, Victoria declares that she offered to settle by arbitration. Polk replies that he too offered to arbitrate but Victoria refused. Now he will not arbitrate. If Victoria agrees to his demands for the whole region he is willing to negotiate. General Bunkum, at the right, blusters loudly, while at the left the Duke of Wellington, hero of the Battle of Waterloo thirty years earlier, urges the British lion "up and at 'em!" This is an extraordi- nary cartoon, again the work of E. W. Clay, showing a situation under Polk which might easily have led to war with England while we were still engaged in war with Mexico. It was in this year that Lincoln was elected to Congress and began to participate in international affairs. turning the tables on the Democrats. This Oregon settlement had been announced in the very height of the Congressional campaign, and Whigs twitted Democrats unmercifully upon having so hastily retreated after their "Fifty-four Forty or Fight" war-cry. The unthinking masses wanted no compromises with England, and so they turned to the sup- port of Lincoln and other Whig candidates, although it had been Clay himself and the Whig Senate that had encouraged Polk and had ratified the British agreement. Lincoln was easily elected over his opponent ; and he afterwards regretted that he had been so modest and so lacking in political foresight as to have declared that he would be content with a single term. This was the only Whig district in Illinois, and it was sending able men, one after another, each for a single term. It was thus depriving itself of the prestige that would have resulted from keeping the same man at Washington long enough to make him- self felt in committees and on the floor of the House. But in these matters there are com- pensations that appear in the retrospect. It was almost a year and a half after his election in 1846 before Lincoln took his seat on the opening day of the first session of the new Congress in December, 1847. Douglas had been elected to Congress as a Democrat i -'4 ABRAHAM LINCOLN in an adjoining district in 1842 and 1844, with Hardin in one term and Baker in the next term as his colleagues from Lincoln's Seventh Illi- nois District. In 1846 Douglas was elected for a third term, on the same day that Lincoln was chosen for his first and only term in Con- gress. Lincoln had continued to meet Douglas in debate from time to time, and their careers were moving along parallel lines so far as Illinois was concerned, although Douglas with his aggressive personality and his brilliancy in debate was already making his mark at Wash- ington as a champion of Democratic policies. So rapid, indeed, was Douglas's advance- ment that instead of taking his seat in the House with the Illinois delegation, he ap- peared at the other end of the Capitol and took the oath of office as a Senator of the United States from Illinois, when Congress opened on the first Monday of December, 1847. The Democratic Legislature at Springfield had con- ferred this honor upon the rising young leader of their party, who was then only thirty-three years old. Lincoln was nearly six years older, being some weeks short of thirty-nine when he took his seat as a member of Congress. POLK, IN HIS DREAM, SWEARS NEVER TO ABANDON HIS OREGON DEMANDS Books on the table in the White House bedroom indicate that the President had been reading "The Art of War" and a life of Napoleon, as well as Calvin's works and a thesis on practical piety. The devilish apparition hides behind a mask of Andrew Jackson, and demands of Polk "never to take your toe off that line should you deluge your country with seas of blood, produce a servile insurrec- tion, and dislocate every joint of this happy and prosperous union!" Attracted by the noise of the nightmare are three members of President Polk's cabinet: George Bancroft, the historian, who was then Secretary of the Navy; James Buchanan, Secretary of State, with the candle, who detects a strong smell of brimstone; and Robert James Walker, Secretary of the Treasury and author of the Walker Tariff of 1846, who holds the tariff bill under his arm and declares the President to be patriotic even in his dreams. The cartoon is dated April, 1846. CHICAGO AT ABOUT THE TIME OF LINCOLN'S VISIT IN 1847 This is an early print of what was then the entire city of Chicago and now remains its center and principal business section. The Chicago River, with its North and South Branches, here empties into Lake Michigan. When Lincoln went to Chicago in 1847, as a delegate to the Rivers and Harbors Convention, it had less than 30,000 population and had been a city just ten years though incorpora- tion as a town had come in 1833. In the thirteen years that intervened between Lincoln's visit and the holding of the Republican convention there in 1860, which nominated him for the presidency, Chicago grew in population from 30,000 to more than 112,000. CHAPTER XIV Lincoln, the Con, xessman He attends a great river and harbor convention at Chicago — Some noted biographers of Lincoln — His personal appearance — A speech against Cass for President, on the floor of the House In the long interval after his election, Lincoln had ample time to adjust his own private affairs, although he followed the course of history-making events, as the Mexi- can War proceeded, with the closest attention. The year 1847 was one °f almost unprece- dented interest in the settlement and develop- ment of the great West. President Polk had not been satisfied to occupy himself with his war to the southward and his territorial acqui- sitions and boundary adjustments on the Pa- cific Coast. He had dealt rapidly with various domestic issues. He had proceeded to urge a reduction of tariff rates, justified not only on constitutional grounds but to meet increased war expenditures. Among other executive activities was his veto of a River and Harbor appropriation bill. This had caused great dis- satisfaction, in view of the country's eager- ness for improvements required by the expan- sion of national territory, the growth of in- ternal and external trade, and the western movement of population that was stimulating steamboat traffic on the Great Lakes and on the rivers of the Mississippi Valley. A great River and Harbor Convention was called to meet at Chicago, July 5, 1847, in protest against the veto. 125 126 ABRAHAM LINCOLN No such gathering, official or otherwise, in point of numbers and of representative inter- est, had ever before been held in the United States. We have an account of the convention in Dr. Barton's life of Lincoln, this biographer being the first to make note of the fact that Lincoln attended that great meeting as a dele- gate from Sangamon County. Mr. Beveridge gives a still more detailed account of this nota- ble occasion that was important enough to bring Horace Greeley, Thurlow Weed, and many other leading Whig journalists from New York and elsewhere to the growing city on Lake Michigan, besides Whig statesmen, business men, and promoters of all sorts. The Eastern visitors traveled on the Great Lakes in splendid steamboats, and wrote glowingly of their first trip to the magnificent West. South- ern delegates came north on the Mississippi LINCOLN'S FAVORITE CANDIDATE FOR THE PRESIDENCY IN 1848 Though the honor of entering Mexico City fell to General Scott, Zachary Taylor was the real hero of the Mexican War through his victories at Resaca de la Palma, Mon- terey, and Buena Vista. In the year following the war he was nominated as the Whig candidate for the Presi- dency and was elected. Congressman Lincoln spoke for Taylor not only throughout Illinois but in New England, particularly at Worcester and Boston. This is a sketch of General Taylor made by a lieutenant of artillery at the battle of Palo Alto. steamboats, making a short land trip from a river point to Chicago. Mr. Beveridge observes that this conven- tion gave Lincoln his first personal contact with men of nationwide prominence from other States. The chairman of the convention, for instance, was Hon. Edward Bates, of St. Louis, whom Lincoln was to appoint Attor- ney-General in his first Cabinet of March, 1 86 1, almost fourteen years later. While Lin- coln was noting everything with intense interest, he was not wholly unobserved him- self. He even took the floor and made a brief speech, in reply to the famous New York lawyer, David Dudley Field (attending as a spokesman for President Polk), who had dis- agreed at some point with the convention's for- mal resolutions. Mr. Beveridge tells us that Horace Greeley, writing of the convention for his own paper, the New York Tribune, re- marked that "Hon. Abraham Lincoln, a tall specimen of an Illinoisan, just elected to Con- gress from the only Whig district in the State, was called out, and spoke briefly and happily in reply to Mr. Field." This incident reminds me that David Dudley Field took an active part in the hidden wire-pulling at Chicago in the Convention of i860 that defeated Seward and resulted in Lincoln's nomination. No such demonstration had ever been made in support of Lincoln's life-long dogma of Internal Improvements as a national policy : and the tall Congressman-elect was imbued with fresh vigor by all that was said and done in this convention. Mr. Beveridge shrewdly suggests that Whig policies along economic lines at this time were in full harmony with the expansive mood of the country, and that the Democratic opposition to internal improve- ments, still stubbornly maintained as a party doctrine, played a more important part than has been usually recognized in the Presidential victory gained by the Whigs in 1848. Dr. Barton observes that the River and Harbor Convention had put Chicago upon the nation's map. "It did more than any previous or subsequent assembly to link the fortunes of the great State of Illinois with the North and East." Dr. Barton continues as follows: "It must have been a very illuminating event to LINCOLN, THE CONGRESSMAN 127 IDA M. TARBELL While an editor on the staff of Mc- Clure's, Miss Tarbell began a study of Lincoln's career which resulted in the publication of a two-volume Life in 1900 — then the most important Lincoln biography that had appeared since that of Nicolay and Hay. Re- vised editions have followed. © Bachrach ALBERT J. BEVERIDGE Himself a lawyer, statesman, and orator of the Middle West, Senator Beveridge had devoted years of in- tensive research and labor to a Life of Lincoln when his own death in 1926 ended the story. Two volumes carry Lincoln to the debates with Douglas in 1858. ^^^^^li H * - J m a ^^ M A ^»..c^AL'JB . '^K * *3jS © Underwood WILLIAM E. BARTON A Congregational minister long resi- dent in Illinois, author of half a hundred volumes in various fields of literature, Dr. Barton has made him- self an authority on Lincoln. His two-volume Life was published in 1925; and "The Lineage of Lincoln," in 1929, adds new information. THREE FAMOUS BIOGRAPHERS OF LINCOLN Lincoln. It was probably his first view of the Great Lakes. It was his first important re- minder that, while he was elected from central Illinois, he, as the only Whig member of Con- gress from the State, must find his political support thereafter largely in the newer por- tion of the State, where the Whigs were more largely in control. It must have reminded him, and he was soon to be rudely reminded again, that Chicago and northern Illinois with her, was thenceforth to be reckoned with as an im- portant political, as well as economic, factor." I may pause to remark that biographers en- counter difficulties that they do not always explain to their readers. They are conscious that in any given period the important man who is the subject of their inquiries must have been doing something or going somewhere. But too frequently they can find no trace of his activities. Their hero had kept no diaries ; nor had the wife, or the law-partner, or any other intimate associate, performed the daily offices of a Boswell. Herndon and Lamon, who survived to write Lincoln biographies, knew a vast deal about his concerns and his movements that it never occurred to them to include in their volumes of reminiscence. Strictly contemporary biographers, writing about a man who has attained eminence under their own eyes, are more likely to record trivial things in a somewhat disparaging and apolo- getic manner, and to exploit their own philoso- phies of life and character, than to give us an orderly arrangement of the plain, precise facts that are so obvious to them that they leave them fatally unrecorded. Nicolay and Hay were duly objective and informative in their ten-volume history of Lincoln and his times. But they made no thorough research into the earlier periods of his life, because as his secretaries at the White House, in daily contact with him, it was their chief business to deal with the vastly impor- tant Presidential years. Their first volume covers everything up to the Fremont-Buchanan campaign of 1856, and the second volume car- ries the reader through the campaign of i860, with Lincoln elected, Secession movements 128 ABRAHAM LINCOLN THOMAS NAST'S CONCEPTION OF LINCOLN Though always exceedingly friendly, Thomas Nast, like all the other cartoonists, rarely presented Lincoln in the dress of a statesman. In this cartoon of July, 1861, after Lincoln had become President, we see the tradition of shabby attire still maintained. The other figure in the cartoon is Jefferson Davis, the period being one of con- fidence in the North that the Confederacy would not last. well under way, and the country waiting in suspense for Buchanan's retirement and Lin- coln's inauguration on March 4, 1861. The remaining eight volumes are devoted to the four years of Lincoln's first term, his re-elec- tion, and the culmination of the war, followed by his assassination, a few weeks after the delivery of his famous second inaugural address. It would have been fortunate for us, in our natural desire to know the life story of the most eminent American since Washington, if the men who were Lincoln's associates in the long years previous to 1856 had been as mod- estly intelligent in their subsequent biograph- ical work as were his White House secretaries. They supplied us, indeed, with much informa- tion for which we are thankful; but after the manner of men who were lawyers rather than historians, they were more concerned to shape for us our estimates and opinions than to give us specific facts that would have aided us in arriving at our own judgments. Miss Tarbell in 1894 began to make first-hand inquiries that resulted in substantial additions to our knowledge of Lincoln's youth and his private life. Dr. William E. Barton, in researches that were still continuing in 1929, had made further distinct additions to our knowledge of the Lincoln family and its migrations, and to our understanding of Lincoln's develop- ment as a public man. Finally, Mr. Beveridge in two posthumous volumes, appearing in the autumn of 1928, brought his notable Life of Lincoln to the point of an unfinished chapter on Lincoln's campaign for the Senate in 1858 and his de- bates with Douglas. Without haste and with untiring industry, aided by the best historical scholars and with the resources of public li- LINCOLN AS THE CARTOONISTS FIRST PICTURED HIM This sketch of Lincoln in Springfield, in the period of his election to the Presidency, is used here to illustrate a preva- lent eastern conception of the Illinois statesman, poorly clad, in short-waisted, swallow-tail coat and thin panta- loons. Compare it with the actual portrait on the op- posite page. Lincoln's visitor in this cartoon is Artemus Ward, the sketch accompanying an account the humorist wrote of "A Visit to Abe Lincoln," for Vanity Fair. LINCOLN, THE CONGRESSMAN 129 braries and private collections at his disposal, Mr. Beveridge proved at length and in detail a thesis that I had long held without access to all the supporting facts. It was this : that the Lincoln of 186 1-5 was merely the Lincoln of the thirty previous years, trained and devel- oped in the school of experience, educated through constant study of current history and the movements of American life, and tested by the trials and emergencies of a crisis toward which events had been carrying the nation. Lincoln, as well as other men, had been preparing unconsciously for the impend- ing conflict. Thus Lincoln as Beveridge saw him, like his long-time rival Douglas, was a political thinker, a man versed in the arts of practical politics, and a recognized leader of what was suddenly becoming in 1847-8 the dominant party. He was well equipped to have a share in the nation's councils at Washington when he entered upon his term of service, with the Mexican War in progress, absorbing the atten- tion of the people, who supported it with ardor. Mr. Beveridge, like Mr. Barton, holds the view that Lincoln had probably never visited Chicago or seen Lake Michigan before his attendance at the River and Harbor Con- vention. The opinion found some support in a quotation that Mr. Barton gives as a foot- note, from the Chicago Journal of July 6, 1847. This item, printed at the moment when Lincoln was in Chicago, derives its greatest value from the evidence it furnishes of the high opinion in which Lincoln was held even then in the rising metropolis on Lake Michi- gan. Let us promote the paragraph to the place that it deserves in the main text : Abraham Lincoln, the only Whig Representative to Congress from this State, we are happy to see in attendance upon the convention. This is his first visit to the commercial emporium of the State, and we have no doubt his first visit will impress him more deeply, if possible, with the importance, and inspire a higher zeal for the great interest of, River and Harbor improvements. We expect much from him as a Representative in Congress, and we have no doubt our expectations will be more than real- ized, for never was reliance placed in a nobler heart and a sounder judgment. We know the banner he bears will never be soiled. THE EARLIEST PORTRAIT OF LINCOLN Authorities differ as to the exact date of this daguerreotype, but it is known to be of the period of Lincoln's election to Congress in 1846 or shortly thereafter. He was then about thirty-seven years old. The portrait was first pub- lished in 1895, through the courtesy of the President's son, the late Robert T. Lincoln. The reporter might have been mistaken as regards the "first visit." Lincoln had visited New Orleans twice as a young man. had prac- tised law in numerous counties, had canvassed Illinois and Indiana in presidential campaigns, and was looking to the future with ambitions that could only be realized through his state- wide acquaintance with the people and the in- terests of Illinois. He had long been an apos- tle of improvements to benefit navigation and commerce. I should prefer to find some state- ment in Lincoln's own words before accepting the view that he had never seen Chicago until a year after his election to Congress. An emi- nent lawyer, politician and Congressman-elect residing at Albany, New York, might in earlier life have visited New York City more than once, with his name on hotel registers but with no interview or flattering paragraph in the metropolitan newspapers. There were similar reports as to Grover Cleveland's unfa- 130 ABRAHAM LINCOLN miliarity with New York City and Washing- ton, when he emerged in national politics. I raise the point about Lincoln in Chicago not as vital in itself, but as illustrating the diffi- culties that biographers encounter in dealing with so simple a fact as the question when Lincoln first saw the metropolis of his own State, the city in which he was to he nominated for the Presidency thirteen years af- ter the River and Harbor Convention. It is true that he had ar- rived in Illinois from south- ern Indiana, a region in which the newspapers of Cincin- nati, Ohio, and Louisville, Kentucky, were then as now the more familiar organs of current intelligence and opin- ion. And at Springfield, as one of his contemporaries has told us, a Louisville news- paper continued to be his fav- orite daily source of amuse- ment as well as information. But it is also undoubtedly true that he was a reader of Chicago newspapers, and we know that he came later into touch with Mr. Medill and the Chicago Tribune. His own immediate organ was the Sang am o Journal, pub- lished in his home city of Springfield, whose opinions echoed his own views, and for which he often wrote edi- torials on major topics as well as upon State and local ques- tions of legislation and parti- san politics. It is recorded that Lincoln in 1846 — presumably after, rather than before, his election to Congress — had made the jour- ney from the capital of Illinois to Lexington (the capital of Kentucky), for the sole pur- pose of hearing Clay make a speech; and we are told that Clay invited Lincoln to remain LEWIS CASS, DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR THE PRESIDENCY IN 1848 Born in New Hampshire in 1782, Cass moved with his family to Ohio when he was about eighteen and was ad- mitted to the bar there in 1802. Mem- ber of the Assembly, federal marshal, colonel of militia in the war of 1812, brigadier-general in the regular army, Governor of the Territory of Michi- gan, Secretary of War in Jackson's Cabinet, Minister to France, Senator from Michigan — such had been the imposing career of Lewis Cass when he was defeated by Gen. Zachary Taylor in the campaign of 1848. He returned to the Senate, became Secre- tary of State in the Buchanan Cabinet, supported the Northern cause during the Civil War, and died in 1866. cared nothim and make him a visit at Ashland, the invita- tion being accepted. That he had never made the short trip from Springfield to Chicago until a year later than his visit to Clay at Lex- ington, is somewhat difficult to believe. Neither am I quite satis- fied to accept every detail of the reminiscences of certain persons who in advanced years describe minutely such things as Lincoln's costume on particular occasions. If Greeley or the Chicago Jour- nal had found anything strik- ingly unusual, their com- ments would probably have given us that impression. It may be doubted whether his friend and admirer, Elihu B. Washburne, could remember with precision, forty years later, just what clothes Lin- coln wore at the River and Harbor meeting in 1847. I* is set down, however, in his reminiscences that Lincoln's costume consisted of a"short- waisted, thin, swallowtailed coat; a short vest of same material, thin pantaloons, scarcely coming down to his ankles ; a straw hat ; and a pair of brogans with woolen socks." It was mid-summer and hot weather, and Lincoln had come across the prairies by stage-coach. Many of us have attended mid-summer conventions in Chicago, and have seen countless statesmen content to wear shirts and thin trousers only. We will readily believe that Lincoln for costume, and did not pose magnificently like Henry Clay or Lewis Cass. But we need not feel sympathetically sorry about his clothes as if that had been a matter that was subjecting him to cruel embarrassment. We may, indeed, decline to LINCOLN, THE CONGRESSMAN 131 think that Elihu Washburne had the eye of a tailor. He merely had his conceptions of the dignity of the presidential office, and he was seeking contrasts as in old age he remembered Lincoln in the days of informality on the prairies, when men could afford to be careless about clothes. Mrs. Lincoln was of the Ken- tucky "quality," and would have had her in- fluence in such matters. We must admit, how- ever, that Mr. George Grey Barnard had found some justification, in the reminiscences of various people besides Elihu B. Washburne, for the unstatesmanlike costume that has caused criticism of his heroic statue of Lin- coln as a young man. The cartoonists of i860 were only too ready to accept the tradition of a badly dressed, shabby Lincoln, as so many of the caricatures presented in these pages must attest beyond dispute. The rumors regarding Lincoln's manner and personal appearance seemed to have a cer- tain value as political assets in i860, and they were encouraged rather than contradicted by Lincoln's supporters. There was enough truth to give some color of veracity to the hundreds of tales that came into circulation about the phenomenal frontiersman of shambling figure, awkward manners, and ill-assorted raiment who had defeated a conventional statesman like Seward in the Chicago Convention. I might quote additional costume descriptions, suspiciously like that of Mr. Washburne, in the reminiscences of other survivors of Lin- coln's early period, some of these fixing the same weird costume as of the year 1832, fifteen years before the Chicago meeting of 1847, and just after Lincoln had returned from the Black Hawk War to make his first appeal as candidate for the Legislature. Lincoln's own habit of poking fun at himself in stump speeches, in order to pave the way for a sally of mild ridicule directed against an opponent, helped, of course, to sustain the legends of his incomparable uncouthness. It was only a few months after he had taken his seat in Congress that Lincoln was a dele- gate to the Whig convention at Philadelphia that nominated General Zachary Taylor for the Presidency. The Democrats were in the field with Hon. Lewis Cass of Michigan as BARNARD'S STATUE OF LINCOLN Erected in Cincinnati in 1917, George Grey Barnard's heroic statue gained high praise for artistic merit and en- countered criticism for portraying a Lincoln in unstates- manlike costume, possessed of extraordinary hands and feet. But Barnard had been meticulous in his search for exact measurements and models. When a replica of this statue was later presented to Manchester, England, the principal address was made by Alton B. Parker, who had been the Democratic candidate for the Presidency in 1904. their candidate. Curiously enough, both of these nominees had participated in the Black Hawk War, with General Lewis Cass com- manding the improvised expedition, and Colo- nel Zach Taylor, who had been an army officer 132 ABRAHAM LINCOLN r{sb/st/u j:'i&«imf**imi *i*/ \ Ha/Am tbatv, UKjxsrtt #a? \ ■..{■,,■» f~ r .*~,. ,. .« I'.ffffjfA /bar HnvNiJmtri ! 4a ■„, ,/u, ■ ' t, .:.. ■'■"»■■■*■»'■ ■ ■ ' • ar- _ ,..,■ .,,,■ CA SS & HIS CABINET IN 18*9. A lithograph poster issued during the Presidential campaign of 1848, in which Lewis Cass, the Democratic nominee, was defeated by his Whig opponent, General Zachary Taylor. This is not a confident, friendly cartoon put out by the supporters of Cass, for the group — although a distinguished one — is discussing the spoils of the election and the error of the Whigs in deserting Clay. Cass him- self, for example, as a President addressing his Cabinet, remarks: "Gentlemen! We stand on the Democratic Platform, that is, to Reward our Friends. Rewarding of enemies and deserting of friends is what caused the breaking-up of the Whig party." The members of this imaginative Cabinet are (beginning at the left) Amos Kendall of Kentucky and Levi Woodbury of New Hampshire, who had both been members of the cabinets of Jackson and Van Buren; John C. Cal- houn of South Carolina, Thomas H. Benton of Missouri, Sam Houston of Texas, and William Allen of Ohio, the last four being prominent Democratic members of the Senate. for twenty- four years and had served well in the War of 1812, on hand to do the real fight- ing. If Lincoln as a captain of raw militia had little contact with the gallant Taylor in that brief experience, he did not hesitate to match his own career as an Indian fighter with that of the Democratic candidate for the Pres- idency, of whom he had never thought highly. Congress remained in session for some time after the presidential conventions had been held; and late in July the tall Whig member from Illinois (who had quickly attained un- usual prominence for a new Congressman in spite of later assertions to the contrary) in- dulged in a strictly political speech on the floor of the House. He undertook to attribute sound Whig principles to his own military can- didate Taylor, who had never been in politics, while reviewing at length the opinions and the career of Lewis Cass as a man with military as well as political background — a hero of the William Henry Harrison victories in the War of 1 812 and, later, an Indian fighter in the Black Hawk War of 1832. A Georgia member of Congress, Mr. Iver- son, on the previous day had accused the Whigs of having deserted all their principles and "taken shelter under General Taylor's mil- itary coat-tail." Whereupon Lincoln asked his colleague if he did not know that his own LINCOLN, THE CONGRESSMAN '33 A WAR PRESIDENT. PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRACY AS LINCOLN AND THE WHIGS PICTURED THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE IN 1848 Though he had been in public office for thirty-five years, Lewis Cass retained the title of General from the War of 1812. In a speech upon the floor of the House of Representatives, quoted in this chapter, Lincoln ridiculed the military record of Cass in a spirit quite similar to that which is evident in this cartoon. Here, and in another cartoon on page 154, we see also a temptation prevailing at the time to play upon the similarity of the words Cass and gas. party had run the last five presidential races under General Jackson's coat-tail, and that they were now running the sixth under the same cover. Finding himself in his element with the give-and-take of a stump debate pro- ceeding on tbe floor of the House, Lincoln ran on in the following vein : Yes, sir, that coat-tail was used not only for Gen- eral Jackson himself, but has been clung to, with the grip of death, by every Democratic candidate since. You have never ventured, and dare not now venture, from under it. Your campaign papers have constantly been "Old Hickories," with rude likenesses of the old general upon them ; hickory poles and hickory brooms your never-ending em- blems; Mr. Polk himself was "Young Hickory," "Little Hickory," or something so ; and even now your campaign paper here is proclaiming that Cass and Butler are of the true "Hickory stripe." Now, sir, you dare not give it up. Like a horde of hungry ticks you have stuck to the tail of the Hermit- age lion to the end of his life; and you are still sticking to it, and drawing sustenance from it, after he is dead. Lincoln explained that he was using figures of speech that he would not have been the first to introduce, but he was meeting the gentle- man from Georgia on his own ground. He was perhaps without an ecmal anywhere in his ability to find pithy anecdotes and allusions with which to enliven political debate. He 134 ABRAHAM LINCOLN then proceeded to treat Cass's military record with scathing ridicule : He (Cass) was not at Hull's surrender, but he was close by; he was volunteer aid to General Har- rison on the day of the battle of the Thames ; and as you said in 1840 Harrison was picking huckle- berries two miles off while the battle was fought, I suppose it is a just conclusion with you to say Cass was aiding Harrison to pick huckleberries. This is about all, except the mooted question of the broken sword. Some authors say he broke it, some say he threw it away, and some others, who ought to know, say nothing about it. Perhaps it would be a fair historical compromise to say, if he did not break it, he did not do anything else with it. By the way, Mr. Speaker, did you know I am a A CASS-US OMMISSUS. ANTER away to Banbury cross, Cantor away my Oregon hots, was the natural expres- sion of that first of female authoresses, Mother Goose, when she saw Master Cass, ere mounting his hobby, put the last edition of her works in one of the hol- sters to balance his own book upon the Court of Louis Philippe which was previously stowed away in theother. Had these woi ks of merit but reached Vancouver's Sound, in the latitude of filty-four forty, the na- tives of those benighted regions would have learned that the Anglo- Saxon race never carries with it the bane of the sword in one hand with- out extending the anti- dote of literature in the other. Unfortunately for that poor people, however, it was deter- mined to extend our common school system in the opposite direction ; and the hobby-horse of master Lewis Cass was sent up into the gar- ret of the White House, and made to give place to the Mexican Jack upon which masters Polk and Marcy are now riding about the Presidential grounds. military hero? Yes, sir; in the days of the Black Hawk war I fought, bled and came away. Speak- ing of General Cass's career reminds me of my own. I was not at Stillman's defeat, but I was about as near it as Cass was to Hull's surrender; and, like him, I saw the place very soon afterward. It is quite certain I did not break my sword, for I had none to break ; but I bent a musket pretty badly on one occasion. If Cass broke his sword, the idea is he broke it in desperation; I bent the musket by accident. If General Cass went in advance of me in picking huckleberries, I guess I surpassed him in charges upon the wild onions. If he saw any live, fighting Indians, it was more than I did; but I had a good many bloody struggles with the mos- quitoes, and although I never fainted from the loss of blood, I can truly say I was often very hungry. Mr. Speaker, if I should ever conclude to doff whatever our Democratic friends may suppose there is of black-cockade federalism about me, and therefore they take me up as their candidate for the Presidency, I protest they shall not make fun of me, as they have of General Cass, by attempting to write me into a military hero. A CONTEMPORARY CARICATURE OF CASS This was published in one of the first issues of Yankee Doodle, in 1846, and harmonizes with the characterization made by Lincoln in the political debate of 1848 which is quoted on page 133. Text accom- panying the drawing makes slighting reference to Cass on his hobby- horse, with particular relation to the withdrawal of the Democrats from their extreme demands in Oregon. It must not for a moment be sup- posed that Lincoln was making him- self conspicuous in Congress by buffoonery or by partisanship on low levels. This very speech, with its paragraphs of rather undignified per- sonality in reply to Iverson's even less dignified attack upon the Whigs, was in all its major portions composed of a worthy and intelligent, even though partisan, review of political issues. Doubtless the speech was made with the principal object of dis- tribution as a campaign document in Illinois. Ever since that date, Con- gressmen in presidential years have been making political speeches on the floor at Washington, and using the franking privilege to give them cir- culation in their home States or else- where. It is worth observing that even in a partisan speech, like this one for the plaintiff in the case of Taylor against Cass, Lincoln always built his argument upon bed-rock principles. THE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON, WHEN LINCOLN WAS A MEMBER OF CONGRESS After the British had burned it in 1814 the Capitol was rebuilt according to the original plan. This engraving shows it as it appeared during the years from 1827 until 1851. Then the construction of extensions at each end was begun, and these were completed — with the new dome — in 1863, during Lincoln's Presidency. CHAPTER XV Washington in Polk's Time Lincoln's first journey to Washington — His distinguished contem- poraries in Congress, and the contacts he formed there — A period of political and social revolt in Europe There was published in 1917 a volume entitled "Uncollected Letters of Abra- ham Lincoln, Now First Brought To- gether by Gilbert A. Tracy with an intro- duction by Ida M. Tarbell." Mr. Tracy who had been a clerk in the War Department from 1863 t0 1868 had afterwards, as Miss Tarbell informs us, become a Connecticut far- mer who collected Lincoln material and grad- ually found enough letters that had not appeared in previous collections of Lincoln's "Complete Works" to justify a supplementary volume. I make this allusion rather conspicu- ously because Mr. Tracy's efforts illustrate the fact that the biographers of great men can never be definitive, to the last detail. Letters of French officers and soldiers who served under Rochambeau and Lafayette in the Revolution, now found from time to time in the garrets of old French homes, afford fresh glimpses of George Washington as man and soldier. Similarly, we learn details about the Revolutionary War from the re-discovered diaries and letters of Hessians and other Ger- mans who were fighting on the British side. Lincoln's days were not those of stenographers or of carefully filed carbon copies of corre- spondence. John Hay's presence in the White House as one of the group of men composing Lincoln's personal staff was due to the fact that, besides other qualifications, this youth had acquired the then novel accomplishment of shorthand writing. We may anticipate nothing further about Lincoln of a startling character. But that some items of worth-while information may yet come to light, especially in letters written by various people as they had been brought 135 136 ABRAHAM LINCOLN VOLUNTEERS FOR TEXAS This is a New York poster caricature bearing the date of May, 1846. It had been the asserted privilege of the effete East to ridicule the militia of the newer States and the volunteers for Indian wars; and that privilege was exercised also in respect to the Mexican War. Both car- toons on this page express derision of the warlike West. into contact with Lincoln, may be expected as a matter of course. Lincoln himself doubtless wrote hundreds or even thousands of letters that were destroyed, many of which would have been of literary, historical, and biograph- ical value. Mr. Beveridge informs us that Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, with their son Robert, now in his sixth year, on their journey to Washington "went by way of St. Louis, up the Ohio on a steamboat to Pittsburgh, and thence by rail to Baltimore and Washington." In Mr. Tracy's volume there appears a letter from Lincoln to a correspondent on a matter of litigation, writ- ten October 19, 1847. In that letter he says: "Unfortunately for my attending to the busi- ness you sent, I start for Washington by way of Kentucky, on next Monday." Since Congress was not opening until De- cember 6th, the Lincoln family were allowing themselves a margin of about six weeks. This letter raises a proper question for an investi- gator like Mr. Barton to answer by his methods of research. I am not able to discover that any writer has really found out anything in detail about this first trip of Abraham Lincoln to the nation's capital as a member of its law-making body. I make this seemingly un- important allusion for two reasons. First, because it shows a single instance among al- most countless ones where the zealously pursu- ing biographers find the trail completely broken. The more significant reason, how- ever, lies in the contrast afforded between this trip of Lincoln in his official capacity from Springfield to Washington in the autumn of 1847, an d the journey he made between these two capitals as President-elect for his inaug- uration of March 4, 1861. Mr. Beveridge bases his statement that the Lincolns went to Washington by way of St. DESIC.N POR A STATUE TO BE ERECTED TO GENERAL TOM THUMB nr.NTON. It was not a far cry, in the days of the Mexican War, from political leadership to command of armies in the field; and the veteran Senator from Missouri, Thomas H. Benton, who had been a colonel in the War of 1812, was seriously considered by President Polk as commander of the American forces in Mexico or as chief of staff issuing orders from Washington. Benton is here pictured standing on the prostrate, one-legged Mexican dictator, Santa Anna, while Generals Scott and Taylor offer him their swords. This is a cartoon from Yankee Doodle, a comic periodical published in New York. WASHINGTON IN POLK'S TIME 137 J-uoUthcd t, A Ho» f .e/^, _ JWd tt'lteiiset,, m*J Betout at (A* Boot-Stand ifett S\ ROUGH AND READY LOCOMOTIVE AGA INST THE FIELD. General Taylor, who was strictly a military man all his life until elected to the Presidency, had been nicknamed "Old Rough and Ready" because of his somewhat careless manners. In contrast, General Scott, nominated four years later, was derisively called "Old Fuss and Feathers." This cartoon appeared early in the campaign of 1848. It shows President Polk on the White House steps, with General Taylor and Lewis Cass engaged in the presidential race. In the distance is General Scott, pictured as hurrying to President Polk with the much delayed treaty of peace that had been negotiated by Nicholas Trist, Assistant Secretary of State. Trist's peace mission in Mexico was at first a failure, though he remained until finally, in February, 1848, the treaty was signed. Louis upon some remark that was afterwards attributed to Mrs. Lincoln. It is hard to dis- cover anything that this latest authority has overlooked, but apparently he had not read a letter that Lincoln himself wrote from Wash- ington in February to a Mr. Welles, that ap- pears in Tracy's collection. It had to do with an earlier letter containing money that had somehow been lost. Lincoln was to have de- livered it personally in St. Louis. The letter to Mr. Welles proceeds as follows : To make it more secure than it would be in my hat, where I carry most all my packages, I put it in my trunk. I had a great many jobs to do in St. Louis ; and by the very extra care I had taken of yours, overlooked it. On the Steam Boat near the mouth of the Ohio, I opened the trunk and discov- ered the letter. I then began to cast about for some safe hand to send it back by. Mr. Yeatman, Judge Pope's son-in-law, and stepson of Mr. Bell of Ten- nessee, was on board, and was to return immediately to St. Louis from the Mouth of Cumberland. At my request he took the letter and promised to de- liver it. Incidentally it is to be noted that the letter further spoke of Mr. Yeatman's unquestion- able character, and of Lincoln's fear lest some "pickpocket on the boat may have seen me give him the letter and slipped it from him." It was typical of Lincoln's consideration that he called upon Mr. Yeatman in Washington about the lost letter, and thought it natural enough that "never seeing the letter again, he would never think of it." All this makes it clear that Lincoln had his circle of friends in St. Louis, and affairs of 138 ABRAHAM LINCOLN ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS When Lincoln came into the House, in 1847, Stephens — though three years younger — had already been a member, from Georgia, for two terms. They became close friends. During Lincoln's term as President, Stephens served as Vice-President of the Confederacy. After the War he was again a Georgia Congressman at Washington. JEFFERSON DAVIS Serving his first term in the House, from Mississippi, Davis in 1846 re- signed to become a Colonel in the war with Mexico. From 1847 to 1851 he was a member of the Senate. Later he was Pierce's Secretary of War, and again a member of the Senate. In February, 1861, he was elected President of the Confederate States. He died in 1889. ROBERT TOOMBS A Representative from Georgia, 184S-S3, and Senator from 1853 to 1861, when the South seceded, Toombs was made Secretary of State in the Confederate Cabinet of Jefferson Davis. He resigned after a few months to become a Brigadier- General in the Southern army. Toombs, Stephens, and Lincoln were all Whigs in 1848. THESE MEN LINCOLN KNEW WHILE A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE, AND LATER THEY HELD THE THREE MOST PROMINENT OFFICES IN THE CONFEDERACY. one kind or another to occupy him in that city. With weeks on his hands, we may reasonably infer — in view of Lincoln's earlier letter say- ing that he was "going to Washington by way of Kentucky," and remembering the further fact that Mrs. Lincoln's own friends and rela- tives were living in that State — that the jour- ney was again broken by visits en route. This, to be sure, is a sidelight of no great candlepower ; but it may help the reader to understand that the too ready assumption that Lincoln was obscure, unknown, and untrav- elled even in his own section of the country, is merely based upon the failure of later biog- raphers to find letters long ago destroyed, and the failure of earlier biographers to record what they supposed to be commonplace and uninteresting. As regards Mr. Lincoln's service in Con- gress, it is more important to consider that ex- perience as lifting him finally to the plane of national politics, than to give especial weight to his sayings and doings as a Congressman. This was the first House for many years that was not organized and controlled by the Dem- ocrats. There was a small Whig majority, due to various causes but not due to any marked reaction against Polk's Mexican pol- icy, and the war for territorial expansion. The Speakership was conferred upon the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop of Massachusetts, an excellent representative of Harvard train- ing and Boston culture. It is not likely that Mr. Winthrop's memories of Lincoln as a Congressman, revived in after years, could have been much softened to accord with the sentiment of a nation in mourning for the martyred President. Referring to Lincoln in Congress, Mr. Winthrop said: "I recall viv- idly the impressions I then formed, both of his ability and amiability. We were old Whigs together, and agreed entirely upon all ques- tions of public interest. I never lost my per- sonal regard for him. For shrewdness and WASHINGTON IN POLK'S TIME 139 THOMAS HART BENTON Participation in the War of 1812 brought Benton into contact with the new country west of the Mississippi, and he settled at St. Louis in 1815. Previously he had prac- ticed law in Tennessee and had been elected to the State Senate there. When Missouri was admitted in 1821, Ben- ton was sent to the United States Senate. For thirty years thereafter he dominated the politics of Missouri and was one of the Senate's most conspicuous leaders. Opposition to the Clay-Webster compromise of 1850 brought about his retirement. DANIEL WEBSTER After serving ten years in the House, not continuously, Webster was elected to the Senate from Massachusetts in 1827 and there became one of the great statesmen and orators of all time. From 1841 until 1845 he was Secretary of State under Harrison and Tyler, and from 1850 until his death in 1852 he occupied that office under Fillmore. With those exceptions his career in the Senate extended over a quarter of a century. He shared the leadership of the Whig party with Clay through a long period, but never received a Presidential nomination. sagacity, and keen practical sense, he has had no superior in our day or generation." The Lincoln family lived in a boarding- house that stood where now the Library of Congress occupies the square east of the Capi- tol grounds. Eight or ten Congressmen sat at the same table and became Lincoln's per- sonal friends. Perhaps his best friend in Con- gress was Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia, a Whig member who afterwards became Vice- President of the Confederacy. In a letter to Herndon a few weeks after the opening of the session, Lincoln said that Mr. Stephens had just concluded "the very best speech of an hour's length" he had ever heard. Writing in later years, Mr. Stephens said : "I knew Mr. Lincoln well and intimately. We were both ardent supporters of General Taylor for President in 1848. Mr. Lincoln, Toombs, Preston, myself, and others formed the first Congressional Taylor Club, known as the 'Young Indians,' and organized the Taylor movement, which resulted in his nomination." It may be well at this point to quote further from this account by Mr. Stephens, because that statesman was under no temptation to compose a eulogy. "Mr. Lincoln was careless as to his manner and awkward in his speech, but possessed a very strong, clear, vigorous mind. He always attracted and rivetted the attention of the House when he spoke. His manner of speech as well as of thought was 140 ABRAHAM LINCOLN original. He had no model. He was a man of strong convictions, and what Carlyle would have called an earnest man. He abounded in anecdote. He illustrated everything he was talking about by anecdote, always exceedingly apt and pointed ; and socially he kept his com- pany in a roar of laughter." As the sole Whig member from Illinois, Lincoln was regarded at Washington as head of the party in that State, just as Douglas, then in the Senate, was the recognized chief of the Illinois Democrats. Politicians will read- ily understand that these party conditions gave Lincoln, as a new member at Washington, a more favorable position than he might other- wise have secured. He had his reasonable share of committee appointments, and enjoyed the kind of recognition that brought him into close contact with many public men. Having only the minor responsibilities that a new member incurs, he was able to cross frequently to the Senate chamber, and listen to men whose names had been long familiar to him, men whose speeches he had been read- ing since boyhood. At the same time he was acquainting himself with the personalities of younger men, who were destined to play a great part in the Civil War period. Among A DAUMIER CARTOON OF THE YEAR 1848 For eighteen years Louis Philippe had been King of France; but the revolution of February, 1848, brought about his abdication and the proclamation of a republic. This cartoon by Honore Daumier — perhaps the greatest French caricaturist of all time — shows Louis Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon I, as a candidate for the presidency of France in 1848. Though at first rejected, the French Assembly did elect Louis Napoleon as president of the Republic. Just four years later he had so shaped events that he was proclaimed Emperor. This same Louis Napoleon who became President of France while Lincoln was in Congress was thus Emperor of the French during Lincoln's Presidency, as Napoleon III. He was the son of the elder Napoleon's brother Louis. The French revolution of 1848 was the signal for an outbreak of popular movements throughout Europe. In Austria, Hungary, and Germany there were resignations, new governments, and reforms. WASHINGTON IN POLK'S TIME 141 r LU jte_ASYlUM. /\bw try fnends Jht almost inarfd the- millennium isgotng to 6egm,so asi whatjroa. will andtl shall he granted /represent the /ree lore- letnent.and expert to have free license focair? tts principles . T want h I'm, ms riyAfj tnferoe'd, a reduced m sutycetums ColurautAorttv. I T want a- hotel established-} t>y govt rnme-nt. where people] I tAataint inclined to work, 1 hoard free el 'expense/, and he founds \ and tobacco- I want guaranteed to every &&; right to examine tvery other citizens packets wifhoutm/emiption. - fyf-oltce. fwantallthr stations home* burnedtgymd the MPs hilled. that theheftejn wUAeAe ■•!,:.'■:-!' il -t. ■' haif it xrutst mhen the/please THE REPUBLICAN PARTY GOINGTOTHE RIGHT HOUSE. The year 1848 witnessed the launching of democratic uprisings in France, Germany, and Hungary; and in the United States the same period saw the rise of various social movements destined to attract wide attention. The abolition movement is dealt with in subsequent chapters of this book. Others that might be mentioned were the beginning of the demand for woman's rights, the action of Maine in 1846 that began the march of prohibition, the establishment of the Mormon Church in Utah in 1847, and such brief experiments as the socialistic colony at Brook Farm, Massachusetts. When the Republican party was founded, in 1854, it was often asserted by its opponents that radical groups made up its principal strength. In a later chapter there is a poster caricature showing Fremont receiving a long line of such visitors in 1856, while here we reproduce a similar one seeking to show that their support went to Lincoln in 1860. He is carried on a rail by Horace Greeley. the veterans were Daniel Webster of Massa- chusetts, John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, Thomas H. Benton of Missouri, and Lewis Cass of Michigan (Clay was temporarily out of the Senate, but was soon to return). Cal- houn had been Tyler's last Secretary of State, but was back at his old seat in the Senate. James Buchanan, on the other hand, had left the Senate to become Polk's Secretary of State. The eminent William L. Marcy of New York was now serving- as Secretary of War, and Robert J. Walker of Mississippi was Secretary of the Treasury. Among the new members of the Senate sworn in on December 6th with Douglas was a man who had suddenly achieved amazing pop- ularity as a hero of the Mexican War. This was Jefferson Davis of Mississippi. Davis had been a member of the House of Repre- sentatives, but at the outbreak of the war had hurried back to his own State to serve as Colonel of a famous volunteer regiment, the "Mississippi Rifles." Joining General Tay- lor's expedition, this regiment had won de- served fame; and Davis shared honors with General Taylor by his valor at the Battle of Buena Vista. The volunteer regiment was no longer needed, and Davis returned as the idol of his State and with the plaudits of the country. A vacancy caused by the death of Senator Spaight enabled the Governor of Mississippi to honor Col. Jefferson Davis by appointing him to the Senate for the remainder of the term. The Mexican War was by no means finished, and a strong element among the ex- treme Southern leaders was urging President Polk to increase the regular army, push the conquest of Mexico to the point of overwhelm- ing victory, and annex the entire Mexican 142 ABRAHAM LINCOLN area, or, at least, all of the states of northern Mexico. Also, Calhoun and the Southern men were already openly planning for the extension of slavery to the territory that was to he an- nexed. These questions were being forced upon Polk and his administration, and they were at the heart of schemes and intrigues within the Democratic party as the forthcoming pres- idential convention was approaching. In these senatorial discussions, and in the more confi- dential councils of the Democratic leaders, Jefferson Davis was playing a great part. It is a notable circumstance that among the mem- bers of this Congress sitting in the Senate chamber were Douglas of Illinois and Bell of Tennessee, who were to head Presidential tickets in i860, with Davis who was to be President of the Confederacy, Hannibal Ham- lin of Maine, who was to be Lincoln's running mate, and Gen. Sam Houston who, when the crisis came, could not abandon the fla°f of the country that had added the Lone Star of Texas to the star-spangled banner. From New York was John A. Dix, who also, like Sam Houston, lives in history for his devotion to the flag. Sitting in the House with Lincoln was the historian John G. Palfrey of Massachusetts, DEATH OF GEN* JACKSON, born, Marrh IS'. h 1767, and died June #"> IS+5, in his 78 jear Andrew Jackson remained the guiding spirit, if not the actual head, of the Democratic party from his retirement in 1837 until his death in 1845. At this deathbed scene are Major Lewis, an intimate friend; Andrew Jackson, Jr., his adopted son; his daughter-in-law; and George, the Negro servant, whose own grave is near that of the General, in the Hermitage grounds. while another eminent historian, George Ban- croft, was then serving as Polk's Secretary of the Navy and literary mentor, and was about to be sent to London as United States Minis- ter at the Court of St. James's. In the House, besides Stephens, who was to become Vice- President of the Confederacy, the Georgia delegation included Howell Cobb and Robert Toombs, both of whom later became pillars of the southern edifice. There were many others, Northern and Southern, who were to attain their wider fame at the time when Lincoln himself came into supreme command. Most noteworthy as a link with the past was John Quincy Adams, who had served for many years in the House of Representatives after his retirement from the Presidency. Lincoln in his youth had been familiar with Adams's great state papers ; and he was now hearing "the Old Man Eloquent," who was unrivalled in erudition as well as in oratorical graces, among the members of the lower House. Adams, who was then in his eighty-second year, was taking part in a somewhat acrimoni- ous partisan discussion over suspending the rules to vote the thanks of Congress to various political war heroes, when he was fatally stricken with paralysis. Lincoln was present, voting "Nay" with Adams; and thus he "witnessed the death-stroke of one of the pre- eminent men of the nation, an outstanding figure in Ameri- can history," to quote from Beveridge's excellent account. Lincoln was appointed on the Committee of Arrangements for the funeral of John Quincy Adams. Lincoln was at Washington in a period that might well have stimulated the intellectual processes and aroused the imagination of a man far less gifted. For the United States, the great story of the Nine- teenth Century was to turn upon events associated in one way or another with the Mexi- can War. Old men who re- WASHINGTON IN POLK'S TIME 143 membered Washington, and who had known intimately the group composed of the elder Adams, Jefferson, Madi- son, Marshall, and many others of their generation, were still in public life and their voices were heard in de- bate, on one side or on the other, in the contentious discussions of the Polk administration. Men of middle age, like Lincoln, Douglas, and Jefferson Davis, were stepping to the front and boldly assuming responsibility. With the foreign legations at Wash- ington — European and South Ameri- can — and with political upheavals tak- ing place in many countries, Lincoln as a constant student of newspapers was acquiring a new fund of interna- tional information. On April 3, 1848, President Polk had sent a special mes- sage to Congress accompanied by documents, announcing the overthrow of the French Monarchy. "The world has seldom witnessed," said Mr. Polk, "a more interesting or sublime spec- tacle than the peaceful rising of the French people, resolved to secure for themselves enlarged liberty, and to as- sert in the majesty of their strength the great truth that in this enlightened age man is capable of governing him- self." Four months later, Polk sent a mes- sage nominating Mr. Donelson of to be "Envoy Extraordi- Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to the Federal Gov- ernment of Germany." The outburst of liberalism in Germany was indeed short-lived, and unsuccessful in its apparent results, even though profound in its historical influences. Its failure resulted in the emigration to the United States of many young men of univer- sity culture and military training, who were afterwards to become leaders in the Middle West and to take high civil and military posi- tions in Lincoln's administration. The Hun- garian revolution, and many other movements were arousing similar interest in the United States. Kossuth in Hungary and Garibaldi in Tennessee nary and St:Z£0 W'TH A III IN THt HOUSC OF Ht,P«tSfc*TAIIVF^ FCB» 21" 1848 Soon after the expiration of his term as President, in March, 1831, John Quincy Adams returned to Washington as a Representative in Congress from Massachusetts, and served in that office for seventeen years. On February 21, 1848, he was stricken with paralysis while in his seat and died two days later. Lincoln was then a member of Congress and was present at the moment. He was one of the com- mittee that went officially to Massachusetts to attend the funeral. Italy were names that in due time became fa- miliar in every American household. Along with the stirring of the spirit of de- mocracy throughout the world, there were social and economic movements with which American newspapers were dealing at length. Mr. Greeley's New York Tribune, of which Lincoln had become a regular reader, was es- pecially interested in all this radical efflores- cence. A considerable group of journalists, like Greeley himself and his brilliant lieuten- ant Charles A. Dana, Henry J. Raymond, and others who were rising to literary eminence, had been more or less touched by the particular 144 ABRAHAM LINCOLN Loou-NiroLKox. THE JUDGMENT OF PARIS While the people of the United States were electing a President in 1848, the voters of France were similarly engaged. The monarchy had failed in February, a constitution had been adopted, and a President was to be chosen on December 4th with a term limited to four years. There were three candidates: Lamartine, the poet, whose eloquence had gained for him a prominent place in politics; Cavaignac, Minister of War, who had played a leading part in the revolt, and who expected to be chosen President; and Prince Bonaparte, nephew of Napoleon. The magic of the name Napoleon carried the election ; and Louis Napoleon ruled France for twenty-two years, first as President and afterward as Emperor. The cartoon is by Richard Doyle, published in Punch (London) in October, 1848. the heroes of the Mexi- can War. And let us re- member that with all these caricatures and pic- torial efforts Lincoln was quite as familiar as are any public men of our own day with the car- toons of Berryman in the Washington Star, Dar- ling in the New York Herald - Tribune, Rollin Kirby in the World, or McCutcheon in the Chi- cago Tribune. A few years later Lincoln was to know the cartoons of Nast, and the powerful political satire of John Tenniel in Punch. On December 12, 1848, President Polk trans- mitted to the Senate the following message, which could not have escaped Lincoln's attention: "I nominate Second type of socialistic gospel known as Fourierism, especially as practised in the famous Brook Farm Colony. Albert Brisbane, father of Arthur Brisbane, was the philosophic exponent in America of those doctrines of social uplift through groups living in association like one large family. Along with Abolitionism, new cults and queer societies were springing into being everywhere in the country. Such movements were ridiculed in the lith- ograph posters of the day, and a few years later the Democrats were accusing the new Republican party of harboring all the cranks and radicals, of every stripe, that had emerged in the intellectual turmoil of the Forties and early Fifties. Meanwhile, the illustrators, espe- cially those who worked for the lithographers, whose presses were now busy in New Orleans, in Cincinnati, and other places in the West and South as well as in Philadelphia, New York, Hartford and Boston, were flooding the coun- try with their conceptions of the battles and Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant (since promoted First Lieutenant), of the Fourth Regiment of Infantry, to be First Lieutenant by brevet, for gallant and meritori- ous services in the Battle of Chapultepec, Sep- tember 13, 1847, as proposed in the accom- panying communication from the Secretary of War." Robert E. Lee also was especially distin- guished as an officer in the Mexican War, and George B.McClellan was another young officer cited for meritorious services, who, with many other older and younger officers that I may not here pause to mention by name, were to attain far greater military distinction on one side or the other in the Civil War. It was a part of Lincoln's preparation for his future duties, as commander-in-chief of our armies and navies, that he had in 1848 become so familiar not only with the exploits of General Taylor and General Scott, but also with the deeds and qualities of many younger soldiers, both regulars and volunteers. CHAPTER XVI Lincoln a Leader in the Politics of 1848 He advises Zachary Taylor on his campaign — A three-party fight that defeats Cass and elects Taylor, the Whig candidate — Lincoln speaks in Massachusetts Of Lincoln's speeches, votes and ac- tivities in the Thirtieth Congress, we have a sufficiently complete record to form our own opinions. In the longer per- spectives, that record seems to have more sig- nificance than historians and biographers have, as a rule, attached to it. We learn from it not so much what he achieved, of the extent of his growing influence upon the course of leg- islation and politics, as what he had become, in his convictions and in his competency as a public man. The wholly absorbing topic of the period was the Mexican War. Like every- one else in both Houses, with negligible ex- ceptions, Lincoln voted the necessary supplies to carry on the war, and stoutly defended the Whigs against their political opponents when any questions were raised as to lack of war zeal, or evasion of patriotic duty. But Lincoln had entered Congress as a staunch partisan, with as strong prejudices against President Polk as he had entertained against President Tyler. And he was com- mitted to the Whig view of the Mexican War as an unnecessary enterprise, deliberately pro- voked by Calhoun and Southern leaders for territorial acquisition. He thought of it as an enterprise undertaken to counter-balance the Free States of the rapidly developing North- west. He was ready to challenge President Polk on points of accuracy as to the ownership of that particular strip on the Texas frontier, the invasion of which by Mexican soldiers had, according to the President's message, precipi- tated a conflict that Texas and the United States had done nothing to incite. Lincoln had been in Congress only two weeks when he in- troduced a series of resolutions calling upon Polk to specify the exact spot where the out- rages had occurred. On January 12, 1848, about a month after he had taken his place, Lincoln made a speech in defense of his belief that the war with Mexico "was unnecessarily and unconstitu- tionally commenced by the President." He was following up in this forensic effort his previous resolutions, and he dealt at length with the geographical facts regarding the boundaries of Texas. He was frank enough to say: "If the President can show that the soil was ours where the first blood of the war was shed — that it was not within an inhabited country, or if within such that the inhabitants ©nwasnaiiffii s. i?Airai©isi ROUGH & HEAJ1Y " Lincoln's choice for the Presidency in 1848 was General Taylor, though he had not lost his admiration for Henry Clay; and Lincoln spoke for Taylor not only in his own State of Illinois but at Boston, Worcester, and elsewhere in Massachusetts, by invitation from the local Whig leaders. General Taylor was the hero of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, and Buena Vista. 145 [46 ABRAHAM LINCOLN had submitted themselves to the civil authority 11!" Texas or of the United States, and that the same is true of the site of Fort Brown — then I am with him for his justification. In that case I shall he most happy to reverse the vote I gave the other day." It may be noted that Mr. Beveridge, himself a Republican with strong Whig proclivities, fully accepts the verdicts of several recent his- torians, among them Charming, Rives, Smith, and Stephenson, who justify the Mexican War and support Polk as against the preju- diced attitude of Lincoln and his fellow- Whigs. Beveridge declares that these histo- rians "demolish the old Whig and Abolition theory of the Mexican War, which until re- cent years was accepted by writers — the theory that it was a war of conquest instigated by the slave power, begun and waged by a powerful and grasping nation against a small and weak country for the purpose of seizing territory to extend the domain of slavery." Later on in the same speech Lincoln made certain challenging observations regarding the continuance of the war, which had been "going PLUCKED : TnE MF.MCAN EAfiLE fiEFORE TI1E WAR! THE MEXICAN EAGLE AFTER THE WAR! The war with Mexico was short and one-sided. General Taylor from the Texas border, and General Scott from the Gulf port of Vera Cruz, invaded Mexico without a single reversal. Taylor's victories came first, followed by Scott's march to Mexico City, the two campaigns lasting from May, 1846 to September, 1847. It is interesting to compare this cartoon with one quite similar which appears later in these pages, showing the American eagle at the beginning and at the end of President Buchanan's administration. on for some twenty months." He remarked that "the President now claims about one-half of the Mexican territory, and that by far the better half so far as concerns our ability to make anything out of it." His point was that Taylor had already conquered the states of northern Mexico, which were very scantily populated. In those regions we might pro- mote American settlement, while the rest of Mexico was densely inhabited and would not be for us a desirable acquisition. He failed to see that the only way to bring the Mexicans to terms, and thus to end the war, was to occupy the Capital and compel a settlement. Polk's actual terms were liberal to Mexico. Both countries would have been better off, in the long run, if while we were about it we had annexed by purchase a zone extending some distance south of the Rio Grande, with a par- allel of latitude for the boundary line, on the plan of our Oregon settlement that took the Forty-ninth parallel for the division. Rivers seldom form satisfactory boundaries. These territories of northern Mexico were not adapted to cotton-growing, and would not have invited the American slave system. For laborers they would have continued for a time to utilize Mexican peons, but they would have been settled eventually by sturdy Americans. I have already alluded to Lincoln's political speech of June 30, 1848, after General Taylor and Lewis Cass had been made the opposing nominees for the Presidency. This was one of the telling addresses of that campaign. Lincoln also was listening to his colleagues, and was send- ing partisan Whig speeches made by many fellow-mem- bers to his friends and con- stituents in Illinois. We find him suggesting what he thought to be the best prac- tical positions for his some- what puzzled candidate, LINCOLN A LEADER IN THE POLITICS OE 1848 147 General Taylor, to take with regard to public questions. In the first place, he held that the old contention favoring a National Bank had better be ignored, as a lost cause. He foresaw that a tariff revision was coming, with a view to more revenue to meet the war debt; but wished that Taylor would demand that tariff modification be made "with due reference to the protection of our home industry." "As to the Mexican War," added Lincoln (for Taylor's guidance), "I still think the de- fensive-line policy the best to terminate it." He then puts these words, suppositiously, in Taylor's mouth : "In a final treaty of peace we shall probably be under a sort of necessity of taking some territory. But it is my desire that we shall not acquire any extending so far South as to enlarge and aggravate the distract- ing question of slavery." Finally, in this memorandum, he advises that Taylor should express the view that legislation ought to be left to Congress "uninfluenced by the execu- tive in its origin or progress, and undisturbed by the veto unless in very special and clear cases." It will be remembered that Jackson, Van Buren, Tyler, and Polk, had all been assertive heads of the Government, urging their policies upon Congress and the country, and using the veto power freely and without reluctance. In July, Lincoln made a Taylor speech on the floor of the House reviewing precedents in the use of the veto power, putting a plat- form of principles under General Taylor's feet, and challenging General Cass's record on the "Wilmot Proviso." Mr. Wilmot, a Democrat of Pennsylvania, had earlier pre- sented a famous resolution to the effect that slavery should not be permitted in any terri- tory that might be acquired as a result of the Mexican War. Lincoln as a member of the Post Office Committee, and as an expert in matters of land laws and western settlement, had been active in Congress in dealing with domestic issues relating to extension of postal service, sale of public lands, and support of in- ternal transportation and other improvements. The country was excited about California and Oregon, and was negotiating for control of the Panama route, with the view of building A New York cartoon, not too friendly, published at the time of the occupation of the Mexican capital by Gen. Winfield Scott, commander of the United States Army, in September, 1847. A decisive battle at Churubusco had been followed by an armistice. Then hostilities were re- sumed, and Chapultepec — guarding Mexico City — was captured on September 13th. On the next day General Scott was "revelling in the halls of the Montezumas." a trans-isthmian railroad and perhaps ulti- mately a ship canal to unite the oceans. General Winfield Scott was also a Whig, and had for a long time been regarded as of presidential caliber. But there were reasons of immediate availability that seemed to Lincoln to make the choice of General Zachary Taylor preferable. It was with regret that he could not join in supporting his long-time party chief, Henry Clay ; but he felt that this would be a political mistake. Clay remained the party's mentor and pre-eminent statesman, with his crowning efforts for national har- mony yet to be made, two years later in the Senate. Taylor's personal position was that of a man who had not originally believed in marching an American Army to the Rio 148 ABRAHAM LINCOLN Grande. But he had obeyed orders, and had thereby made himself a first-class military hero. Tins was in spite of his opinion that war might have been avoided if we had been less ready to meet the Mexican forces on the field of battle. Such a record gave Taylor a peculiar availability. The anti-war men could back him on his sentiments, and the war party loved him for his successes on the battlefield. The Democrats held their convention first, meeting at Baltimore on May 22d. They regu- larized party methods for the future by fixing the number of delegates as equal to the elec- toral vote of each State. They appointed a National Democratic Committee, and again they adopted the two-thirds rule. The unity of the convention was affected by ***; DESERTION OE HENRY CLAY. (ArTCR VANDrRLY.VS PICTURE OF CAIU8 MARICfl.) The Kentucky Senator in every campaign from 1824 to 1848 was either a leading candidate or actually nominated for the Presidency. It was his misfortune that in the two elections carried by the Whigs the nomination had been tendered to a more available candidate, brought forward by war. Clay was "deserted" by his party in the year 1848, according to this cartoon from Yankee Doodle; he was "assassinated," according to a similar cartoon repro- duced on page 151. a sharp cleavage in New York between the up- state followers of Van Buren and Silas Wright and the elements that centered in Tammany Hall. The former had become known as "Barn-Burners," someone having suggested that in their zeal for uplift and reform they were like the farmer who had burned his barn to get rid of the rats. The other faction was known as "Hunkers" and was led by Mr. Marcy, Polk's Secretary of State, and sup- ported, as I have said, by Tammany Hall. They were called "Hunkers" because they were said to be hunkering, or hankering, for the offices. In those days the Whigs called Democrats in general "Loco-Focos." This rather far-fetched designation grew out of a lively row in Tammany Hall in the year 1835. The so-called "Equal Rights" men, radical Jacksonians opposed to Tam- many, had gone to Tammany Hall to attend a Democratic mass-meeting, and to oppose cer- tain Tammany nominations. The Tammany men had slipped out of the hall and turned off the gas-lights. The Ecmal Rights men sup- plied themselves with candles, and passed around boxes of the new so-called "Loco- Foco" matches, a chemical invention which had just come into use. I am taking space to ex- plain these designations, because they were used constantly in the campaigns of that period, and also because it is necessary to understand them in order to catch the mean- ing of many of the contemporary cartoons. The Whigs had fallen into the habit of calling all Democrats "Loco-Focos," Lincoln himself constantly using that term in his po- litical correspondence. But in the Baltimore Convention of 1848, the terms "Hunker" and "Barn-Burner" were applied specifically to the two factions in New York State. Each of the two appeared with a full delegation. The Hunkers had been favored rather than the Barn-Burners with appointments by President Polk. Neither faction was satisfied with the convention's action, taken after two days of argument. It was decided by a close vote to allow each to cast half the votes to which New York was entitled, both delegations being seated. Barn-Burners indignantly withdrew and the Hunkers sulked. Their quarrel was LINCOLN A LEADER IN THE POLITICS OF 1848 149 carried to election day, and it resulted in a tremendous New York plurality for General Taylor. The national outcome turned upon the New York vote, as has been the case in several presidential elections since 1848. Candidates in abundance were brought for- ward at Baltimore, but Lewis Cass of Michi- gan was the favorite from the start. On the first ballot he had 125 votes, James Buchanan 55, Levi Woodbury of New Hampshire 53, John C. Calhoun 9, with scattering votes for two or three others. Cass was nominated on the fourth ballot with 179, Buchanan having 33, Woodbury 38. President Polk would have welcomed a renomination, but he had originally declared himself a one-term man; and there was no disposition to overrule what he had said in 1844. Since General Cass, like the other candidates, was against the Wilmot Proviso, and was considered one of the "Northern men with Southern principles," it was regarded as tactful to choose a man of striking personality and distinguished career, an altogether shapely and solid piece of presi- dential timber. General William O. Butler of Kentucky was nominated for the Vice-Presi- dency. The platform justified the Mexican War. praised the army, congratulated the new French Republic and glorified "this grand po- litical truth : of the sovereignty of the people and their power and capacity for self-govern- ment which is prostrating thrones and erecting republics on the ruins of despotism in the Old World." In one terse resolution the platform praised the Democratic party for its con- tinued success in defeating efforts to create a national bank, for its prevention of the dis- tribution of the proceeds of land sales, for its management of currency and monetary con- ditions and for "the noble impulse given to the cause of free-trade by the repeal of the tariff of 1842, and the creation of the more equal, honest, and productive tariff of 1846.'' Certainly this was a vigorous and unambigu- ous platform, following in sequence a number of equally frank and well-written Democratic platforms that were in contrast with the grow- ing tendencies of the Whig party to conceal its lack of unity on points of principle. GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Twelfth President of the United States Though the Whigs had opposed the idea of war with Mexico they supported it vigorously when it came, and later they nominated its two outstanding military leaders as their candidates for the presidency — Taylor in 1848 and Scott in 1852. Taylor was born in Virginia in 1784, and went into Kentucky with his family while still a child. He entered the army in 1808, came out of the war of 1812 as a Major, rose through the rank of Colonel to Brigadier- General in the Black Hawk and Seminole Indian wars, and as commander of the southern division of the western military department was the obvious choice to lead the expedition into Mexico in 1846. He was elected President two years later, when a Louisiana planter, but died in of- fice on July 9, 18S0, sixteen months after inauguration. Lincoln, as we have already discovered, was present at the Whig national convention at Philadelphia, opening on the seventh of June. General Taylor, like Henry Clay, his chief competitor for the nomination, was a Southern slave-holder. He had long been identified with the American army, and he was sixty- four years of age, having been born in Orange County, Virginia, November 24, 1784. He was the favorite of Louisiana, and had been put in nomination by a convention of the peo- ple of that State, regardless of party, many months before the convention date. Similar endorsements in Alabama and other Southern communities attested Taylor's popularity. He 150 ABRAHAM LINCOLN seemed inclined at first to make an independ- ent run ; but in casting about for a party he concluded that he was, after all, "a Whig though not an ultra one." Henry Clay had outlived some of the issues with which he had been most strongly identi- fied; and the Whigs, finding themselves on the unpopular side of the Mexican War, felt it necessary to choose for their standard- bearer a war-hero whose valorous deeds might serve them as a bridge. In the Philadelphia convention of June 7th Taylor was nominated on the fourth ballot. He had 1 1 1 votes on the first, against 97 for Henry Clay, 43 for General Winfield Scott (whose home was in New Jersey), 22 for Daniel Webster, 2 for John McLean of Ohio, and 4 for John M. Clavton of Delaware. On the final ballot, the vote stood Taylor 171, Clay 32, Scott 63, Webster 14. At each ballot Taylor had received votes from every one of the States; and the convention accepted him with enthusiasm. Rivalry for the Vice-Presidency lay be- tween Millard Fillmore of New York and Abbott Lawrence of Massachusetts, with Fill- more successful on the second ballot. This ticket, "Taylor and Fillmore," was not the sort that great statesmen like Daniel Webster and Henry Clay could view with emotions of satisfaction. But it was a vote-getting selec- tion, as the event proved, and it served the purpose for which it had been named. There were all sorts of sporadic attempts at the founding of new parties in 1848, previous to the two big conventions. The so-called "Native Americans" had launched a move- GeiUlemt/i I riui/iol ettt/orse a ' iiolelh.iit l/ic ilntiioi /mus'/f has riol siaiie/f . fj/r Clay whilr /mis Mayoi ' ol'lliflilyof/Ve>r>orA / .:sfi/itll /lie Jtif/iienrf llu/d I to have you ittwu/t/rled.you \ luivtialirtys been my first r/ioti h oh I you/- lou/ieje I ' rillrj/i/r/i you trill rum eie/y I/11/14/ HraJ) i/i> to" him l/ial /if whs 1! our first Choice THE AVAIhAHLE 1'AR.TY IKY/NO TO GUT IIIEIIi VI I.LJVY CNIWHSMI ttf THE VEKY MAN. TIlKr HAVE ASSASISATED There was some doubt whether Henry Clay would support General Taylor after he himself had been passed over by the convention. In this cartoon Clay refers to the fact that Taylor was refusing to state his position on any of the important questions of the day. At the left of his three visitors is William V. Brady, then Mayor of New York, and at the right is John J. Crittenden, who in that year 1848 served first as Senator from Kentucky and later as Governor. The note that they present reads: "Mr. Clay: We have called on you to humbly request that you will state to your friends that you approve of the Philadelphia convention and that you endorse General Taylor as a good Whig." LINCOLN A LEADER IN THE POLITICS OF 1848 151 the ASSAS/A/AT/O/V or the SAGE OF ASHLAND. Henry Clay would have been the obvious choice of the Whigs in 1848 had the war with Mexico not brought forward General Taylor. The vote-getting qualifications of the military leader out- weighed those of the statesman, and Clay was once more disappointed. His first bid for the presi- dency came in 1824, when he was one of four candidates no one of whom received a majority; and Clay, being then Speaker of the House, helped to elect Adams. In 1832 Clay was the nominee of the National Republican party, defeated by Jackson. In 1840 the Whig nomination that he expected was given to General Harrison. In 1844 he was nominated by the Whigs and defeated by Polk largely because he opposed the annexation of Texas. In 1848 the Whig nomination was given to General Taylor. Clay is designated here as the Sage of Ashland, that being the name of his estate near Lexington, Kentucky. Shakespeare's tragedies were popular on the American stage; the elder Booth was at the height of his career. The assassinators are thus found to be repeating lines used by the conspirators in "Julius Caesar." ment, and the Abolitionists, meeting in New York City, had nominated John P. Hale of New Hampshire. These smaller affairs, how- ever, were afterwards absorbed to some ex- tent in a coalition movement which included New York Democratic Barn-Burners, Ohio anti-slavery men both Democrats and Wings, and especially the anti-slavery Whigs of Mas- sachusetts. This movement, with strong lead- ers, was not to be despised. It came to be known by the term "Free Soil," from the brave motto on its banners : "Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, and Free Men." Ex-President Van Buren (whose opinions were now rapidly taking a Northern complex- ion) somewhat reluctantly accepted the Free Soil nomination for the Presidency. Charles Francis Adams of Massachusetts (son of John Ouincy Adams and afterwards Mr. Lincoln's Minister to England), was nominated for Vice-President. If this was as yet a relatively small party, it had leaders more eminent than the nominees of either of the great parties, and it had adopted a powerful platform, most of which was devoted to a series of pro- nouncements on the subject of slaverv. At 152 ABRAHAM LINCOLN the tail of the series of resolutions was the following: "Resolved: That we inscribe on our banner, Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor and Free Men, and under it we will fight on, and fight ever, until a triumphant victory shall reward our exertions." The popular vote for the Taylor ticket was 1,360,000, that of the Cass ticket 1,220,500, while the Van Buren Free Soil ticket had ex- actly 291,263. This vote for the third party seemed small — ten or eleven per cent, of the total poll. Yet the rivalry between the two famous Democrats Cass and Van Buren gave the State of New York to the Whigs, thereby electing Taylor President of the United States. The popular vote in New York was 218,603 for Taylor, 120,510 for Van Buren, and only 1 14,3 18 for Cass. The Van Buren ticket drew almost enough Democrats, though not quite, to carry Lincoln's State of Illinois for the Whig ticket. Largely on grounds of per- sonal popularity, Taylor carried Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mary- land, North Carolina, and Tennessee, all of these being slave-holding States that might under more normal conditions have gone Dem- ocratic. Cass carried Virginia, but by a very narrow margin. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa all went Dem- ocratic, and gave their electoral vote to Cass. The main result seemed rather a curious re- versal of the sectional tendencies that were so soon to exhibit themselves. Although the Free Soil movement did not poll a large aggregate vote, it was decidedly stronger in Massachusetts and Vermont than the regular Democratic ticket, as I have just shown that it was in New York. Its impor- fjHb Caf, t/ie^fn/e/s too\ ( \hijhforyouf You'll j J tried myoldhlujmssame i lTnree bulleh.C/ciy/ Stiff I Wftryouf >bu II j j m f ha conU n te4 h an Jl sr,oth l n 3 K, o/d f^ef tfaerer I \tex-e top/ay for smalleh \f> bra? wdhbuta hand 'full emet lam\ V Srd/cesf \ \heart5 1 Jm nor sorry 7wwew\ 1 z., „ , /, , „v ^,7-a By Jove' PclM. O/d. j \fi7y knave hand\ Zacki oorthe docw) ^Puchanan, has j merits ! three. ( Y" 1 * me fhe 9 a ? e * natties! J \ I may as we// POLITICAL CAME OF BRAGbHEWOF HANDS. Brag, a card game similar to poker, was frequently used as a subject for these cartoons. The four players around this table are two Whigs and two Democrats. Taylor, facing the reader, has won the Whig nomination with three aces or bullets. Clay rises and announces that his own bluff game has failed. At the left of the picture is Calhoun, lending encouragement to Cass, the Demo- cratic nominee. At the right are President Polk, seated, and his Secretary of State, James Buchanan. LINCOLN A LEADER IN THE POLITICS OF 1848 153 MARRIAGE OF THE FREE SOIL. AND LIBERTY PARTIES. Jbm. M.r.9 Martin Van Buren, not having been at all anxious to accept the Free Soil party's nomination for the presidency, could not have been particularly pleased when his candidacy was endorsed by the much more radical abolitionist Liberty party. Pushing Van Buren forward in this cartoon is Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune. Reading the marriage service is Benjamin F. Butler of New York, not to be confused with the man of the same name who became a Civil War general and Governor of Massachusetts. The Butler in this cartoon had been Van Buren's law partner and a member of the cabinets of Jackson and Van Buren. For most of his life an enthusiastic Democrat, he was beginning to disapprove of some of that party's policies, and joined the new Republican party in 18S6. He was the father of William Allen Butler and grandfather of Charles Henry But- ler, both distinguished lawyers. tance lay in the fact that it was the beginning of the break-up of the Whig party. Mr. Bar- ton reminds us that in Massachusetts it was led by men of the highest distinction, among whom he names Henry Wilson, Charles Fran- cis Adams, Anson Burlingame, John A. An- drew, E. Rockwood Hoar and John G. Palfrey. Mr. Beveridge adds the names George Frisbie Hoar and Richard Henry Dana, and further reminds us that "nearly all men of letters in Massachusetts supported the new party — Whittier, Longfellow, Lowell." These were men who, at a later time, surrounded Lincoln in the forefront of the Republican party. At this time, however, Lincoln as an ortho- dox Whig was fighting the "bolt" of the Free Soilers from the party of Webster and Clay. He was one of several speakers from New York and States further West, who were in- vited to take the stump in Massachusetts, and he accepted promptly. There has been a some- what prevalent impression (due perhaps to the dramatists and rhapsodists who translate Lincoln from the prairies to the White House, with twenty years ignored) that Lincoln had never spoken in the East until he delivered the Cooper Union Speech in i860, immediately after which he made a few addresses in New England. But on September 13, 1848, he at- tended the Whig convention of Massachusetts at Worcester, and delivered before the dele- gates a long evening address. His main object in Massachusetts was to check the Free Soil revolt, on the ground that 154 ABRAHAM LINCOLN Whig victory would really be better for the cause of the anti-slavery men than the election of Cass on a pro-slavery platform. As it turned out, however, the third party move- ment, by splitting the Democrats in New York, was the instrument by which Lincoln's candidate won the election. Similarly, the split availed to increase the Whig plurality in Massachusetts. Barton says that Lincoln spoke in Boston on September 15th, and at Lowell on the following day. In the next week he made addresses at Dorchester, Chel- sea and Dedham — where he "evoked so much enthusiasm that his audience was unwilling to have him leave for Cambridge, where he spoke that night.'' Leaving Cambridge, he spoke again in Boston with William H. Sew- ard of New York, the eloquent statesman who was in i860 to be his foremost rival for the nomination, and who became his Secretary of State. The two men became well acquainted on this occasion, and Lincoln was impressed by Seward's earnestness and tone of prophecy. As a speaker, Lincoln was undoubtedly a favorite that year in Massachusetts. Reasons of his own led him to decline many further invitations to canvass in the East. He returned to Illinois by way of Niagara Falls and Lake Erie, and stopped at Chicago, where on Octo- ber 6th he made a two-hour campaign speech. Anticipating events, it may be noted that Lin- coln appeared again in Chicago by official in- vitation on July 25, 1850, to deliver a com- memorative address on President Taylor, who had died in office July 9th. This memorial ad- dress was brought to light and published by Mr. Barton some seventy years after it had been heard by the leading men of Chicago. CL £ DUKAM., MHA0' THE DEMOCRATIC rilNERAL OF 18 48 In this year Martin Van Buren, twice the standard-bearer of the Democrats, had somewhat reluc- tantly accepted the nomination of the so-called Free Soil party, causing a split in the Democratic ranks which was fatal to the party's chance of success. This Whig cartoon shows Van Buren the fox and Cass the gas-bag, carried by pall-bearers Houston, Benton, and Calhoun — all Democratic Senators. President Polk, whose term was expiring, is being carried by Allen, Kendall, Woodbury, and Worth — the first three being Democratic Senators and the last a Major-General second in com- mand to Taylor and to Scott in the war with Mexico. In the campaign of 18S2 the Democrats brought forward Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire as their candidate for President. This cartoon throws more light upon the prohibition movement, then under way, than upon the personal qualities of Pierce, who is pictured here as needing the support of a tree. Maine — represented by the man on horseback, scolding the New Hampshire presidential nominee — had been the first State to abolish the sale of liquor, in 1846. Vermont had followed in 1852, the presidential campaign year. Pierce's own State of New Hampshire did not adopt prohibi- tion until 18SS, and abandoned it in 1902. CHAPTER XVII Lincoln Returns to Private Li He considers government posts in the Land Office and Oregon — The Compromise of 1850 — The nominating convention and presidential election of 1852 President Taylor, though born in Vir- ginia, had for a long time been a resident of Louisiana where he owned a large sugar plantation and several hundred slaves. He is credited with having been a good busi- ness man, well-trained in methods of practical efficiency, both by the conduct of his private affairs and also by the responsibilities of a long career in the army. He came to Washington with preconceived ideas of the constitutional rights of the slave-holding States, but he was no victim of the metaphysics of Calhoun and the theorists of that school, nor was he com- mitted to the practical policies of the slavery expansionists like Cobb, Toombs, and Davis. He was a man of little education, but of rea- 155 156 ABRAHAM LINCOLN sonable mentality ; and he soon came to un- derstand the futility of the Southern purpose to force slavery upon new communities that did not want it and were determined not to have it. The rush to California from all parts of the world, gold having been discovered at the very moment of the signing of the treaty with Mex- ico, promptly resulted in a statehood move- ment; and a convention in California formed an anti-slavery constitution with the unani- mous vote of the delegates. The demand on the part of slave-owners that they should be given the right to go to these new regions and carry their archaic institution with them, was purely theoretical in view of the facts. The census of 1850 showed that California already had a population of 92,597, and there was not a single slave enumerated, although there were 965 free persons of color. Neither was there a single slave in the ter- ritory of New Mexico, it may be pertinent to note, where there were 17 free Negroes and a total white population of 61,530. In the Utah Territory, afterwards subdivided to form several States, there were exactly 26 slaves and 24 free Negroes. Kansas, Nebras- ka, the Dakotas, and other portions of the new Northwest were still in the condition of a wilderness area not yet opened for settlement. This wild territory was closed to slavery by the Compromise of 1820. It offered almost no possibility of ever coming under the slave system, with the exception of its extreme southern portion, that was in the near future to be marked off as the Territory of Kansas. Being a man of poise and common sense, Taylor quickly perceived, after he had become President, that the carrying of slavery into the new country acquired from Mexico, quite apart from fine-spun theories, was out of the question as a concrete proposal. In the first place, the new territories belonged to the United States as a whole ; and an overwhelm- ing majority of the people of the country were opposed to slavery extension. In the second place, there were no prospective cotton and sugar plantations in any of these new areas. There was nothing that tempted the pioneers and prospectors to encourage slavery and set up the local slave codes that cumbered the statute books of the old Slave States. The lower South, in its new enthusiasm for wealth and prosperity under an economic sys- tem that would brook no thought of alterna- tives, began to revive the long suspended pro- ject of annexing Cuba. It was the idea of the Gulf States that they might convert that rich island of tobacco and sugar plantations into three or four American slave states. We had bought Florida in 1819, and Taylor's Secretary of State — John M. Clayton of Dela- ware — was now concluding the Clayton-Bul- wer Treaty relating to a trans-Isthmian canal. Cuban annexation was logical, and it was tempting for other reasons than the strength- ening of the slave system. President Taylor, however, took firm ground against schemes to force this Cuban project. He showed his sincerity by his efforts to prevent the fili- busters from provoking Cuban insurrections. He advised Congress to admit California as a Free State, and this was done on September 9, 1850, exactly two months after Taylor's death. The return of a Whig administration had compelled Taylor, in spite of himself, to give more attention to the demands of office-seekers than to questions of statesmanship. Not only were the federal offices at Washington sought by Whigs who urged the immediate dismissal of many thousands of Democratic incumbents, but federal appointments in all the States — postmasterships and the like — occupied most of the time and energy of Whig politicians, who were demanding of Taylor that he should consult them about questions of local patron- age. As regards the State of New York with its tangle of factions, Taylor expected at first to rely upon the counsel of Vice-President Fillmore. But before long he preferred the guidance of William H. Seward, who had just entered the Senate, where he took his place at once as a powerful leader of the more progressive and advanced Whig element. Lincoln, as I have remarked, had found Washington a congenial center of life and of public work. He had not been long in Con- gress before he wrote home to his partner Herndon as follows : LINCOLN RETURNS TO PRIVATE LIFE 157 It is very pleasant to learn from you that there are some who desire that I should be reelected. I most heartily thank them for their kind partiality; and I can say, as Mr. Clay said of the annexation of Texas, that "personally I would not object" to a reelection, although I thought at the time, and still think, it would be quite as well for me to return to the law at the end of a single term. I made the declaration, that I would not be a candidate again, more from a wish to deal fairly with others, to keep peace among our friends, and to keep the dis- trict from going to the enemy, than for any cause personal to myself; so that, if it should so happen that nobody else wishes to be elected, I could not refuse the people the right to send me again. But to enter myself as a competitor of others, or to authorize any one so to enter me, is what my word and honor forbid. The old line Whigs, with Lincoln himself still standing pat as a party regular and con- servative, were now beginning to disintegrate everywhere ; and this was true of the Seventh Congressional District of Illinois. His young partner, Herndon, wrote frequently to warn him that the new generation was beginning to resent "the stubbornness and bad judgment of the old fossils in the party who were con- stantly holding the young men back." It was to Judge Stephen T. Logan that Lincoln had been virtually committed as his successor ; and Logan was duly nominated. But the voters declined to elect him. It was by no means cer- tain that Lincoln's readiness to be continued in Congress would have kept him there, even if Logan had withdrawn and the local con- vention had tendered Lincoln the renomina- tion that he coveted. Logan was a worthy candidate, but the old party lines had so shifted that Lincoln himself might have been defeated at the polls, in spite of his personal hold upon the voters. Retiring Congressmen have a notorious appetite for appointive office ; and Lincoln, who deserved so well of the Taylor-Fillmore administration, thought that something fairly good ought be his if the proper strings were pulled. On that subject he wrote: "I be- lieve that, so far as the Whigs in Congress are concerned, I could have the General Land Office almost by common consent; but then Sweet and Don Morrison and Cyrus Edwards all want it, and what is worse, while I could JOSftM, coMMA/irbwii rM/jvitJo stand sr/it Until a few weeks before his death in 18S0, Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina continued his struggle for the right of an individual State to settle its destiny inde- pendently of the will of the others. First this doctine of State Rights and Nullification had to do with the tariff, but in later years it applied particularly to slavery. In this cartoon the sun represents the abolition press. Cal- houn, as Joshua, issues his command: "Sun of intellectual light and liberty, stand ye still, in masterly inactivity, that the nation of Carolina may continue to hold Negroes and plant cotton till the day of Judgment !" easily take it myself, I fear I should have trouble to get it for any other man in Illinois." While really wanting the office very much for himself, Lincoln was making his candidacy conditional upon his inability to secure it for Cyrus Edwards. Political influences at length gave the position to Justin Butterfield, a Chi- cago lawyer, who had supported the Mexican War when Lincoln opposed it. Furthermore, Logan was somewhat disaffected because he thought that Lincoln's anti-war record was the principal cause of Whig defeat in the Congressional fight. Lincoln's opponents seemed everywhere to be gaining at his ex- pense, and some of his old friends clearly felt 158 ABRAHAM LINCOLN that lie had been playing a double-face game in the matter of appointments. He was by no means a happy Whig, as he returned to Springfield. The burdens of office were too much for honest old Zachary Taylor, and he died on July 9, 1850, having served sixteen months, or one-third of his term. Even if Lincoln had succeeded in ob- taining the appoint- ment that seemed to him so desirable, he would have held it at most only during Fill- more's administration of less than three years, since all such posts were filled with still another set of new men when the election of Franklin Pierce over General Scott brought the Demo- crats back into power. Furthermore, Lin- coln would have found the administrative de- tail of the Land Office uncongenial to a man never GKiSi' m * "■■'■ ' «" i gbgp WILLIAM RUFUS KING Elected Vice-President on the ticket with Franklin Pierce in 1852, he died in April of the following year. He was a North Carolinian by birth (1786), but had moved into Ala- bama in 1818, becoming one of that State's first United States Senators. In that office he served for thirty years until his elec- tion as Vice-President, in- terrupted only by a period as Minister to France un- der President Polk. who had never had any experience in man- aging an organization like this, with its sys- tematic routine. A bu- reau head in Washington is a subordinate per- son, who does not talk politics in hotel lobbies or take the stump from time to time as a party orator. Such a post would have been mani- festly unsuited to so self-ordered and inde- pendent a personage as Abraham Lincoln. He had always been greatly interested in public policy as affecting the Western lands; but as Commissioner of the Land Office the Con- gressional committees would have failed to consult him. They would instead have been in communication with his superior, the Secre- tary of the Interior. It was merely that he and Mrs. Lincoln liked Washington life. This Interior Department was a brand-new creation, and President Taylor had made Thomas Ewing of Ohio its first head. Fill- more two months after he entered the White House gave the Interior portfolio to Alex- ander H. H. Stuart of Virginia. These changes would have found Abraham Lincoln merely a bureau head in a department of rotating appointees, with no mortgage on his own job. The whole episode indicates — what many other evidences go to prove — that Lincoln at that time, and for a few years afterwards, was drifting rather than choosing, in so far as external details of his career were concerned. Regardless of his own inclinations, how- ever, circumstances were compelling one decision after another tINt 1 M that proved fortunate in the end. It is an honorable thing for a man fit for the representative tasks of law-making and government to work for the realiza- tion of his ambitions. But there are times when it is the better plan to resume the paths of private life contentedly, and let the office seek the man. Mr. Barton, following many other biograph- ers, declares : "Though President Taylor did not see fit to offer him the Land Office in Washington, his suc- cessor, President Fill- more, did offer him the Governorship of Oregon." Mr. Barton continues as follows: "Lincoln was sorely tempted to accept. He anticipated little joy in Springfield. There was much that was irksome to him in the practice of law. He did not care much to be Governor of the Territory, but he reflected that before JOHN PARKER HALE Free Soil candidate for the Presidency in 1852. Hale was a New Hampshire Democrat who found him- self in bitter strife with his party by opposing slavery. He served first in the House, beginning in 1843, then in the Senate, of which he was a member while running for the Presidency. He retired from the Senate in 1865 to become Minister to Spain. Hale was one of the organizers of the Re- publican party. LINCOLN RETURNS TO PRIVATE LIFE 159 long Oregon would be a State, and that the art who became Secretary of the Interior) — territorial governor would stand a chance of that for the mere cost at government expense being one of the first Senators. Mrs. Lincoln of a trip to Oregon Lincoln might hope to re- vetoed this proposition. She had no intention turn, also at government expense on transcon- of going to live in Oregon. If she could not tinental mileage account, as United States live in Washington, Springfield was the next Senator. California had hastened to make the lucky John C. Fremont one of its two first mem- best thing. Her home was there and her friends were there, and she had more faith than Lincoln had just then in his politi- cal future." Nicolay and Hay state unequivocally that it was Taylor not Fillmore who "offered Mr. Lincoln the Governorship of Ore- gon," upon what they re- gard as ample authority. Mr. Joseph H. Barrett in his important work pub- lished in 1904, entitled "Abraham Lincoln and His Presidency," went straight to the files at Washington, and discov- ered that Lincoln was not in fact offered the Gov- ernorship of Oregon, but rather that on August 9, 1849, a duly certified commission was issued to him, appointing him Sec- retary of the Oregon Territory, the Governor- ship on the same date having been awarded to Hon. Joseph Marshall of Indiana. Both commis- sions were returned, and were placed in the ar- chives marked"declined." Mr. Beveridge, with his especial aptitude for political facts and their bearings, discov- ered in his own way that it was Fillmore and not Taylor who had issued the commission, and that the office in question was the Secre- taryship. In most of the biographies there is the assumption — readily traced to Lincoln's Illinois friend Stuart (not to the Virginia Stu- MILLARD FILLMORE President of the United States, 1850-1853 Fillmore became President through the death of Zachary Taylor, and served for slightly less than three years. He was a lawyer of Buffalo, N. Y., born in 1800, and entered public life at the age of twenty-eight as a member of the Legislature. He was then elected to Congress, serving four terms, becoming chairman of the Ways and Means Com- mittee which framed the high protective tariff of 1842, and retired in the following year. In 1848 he was elected Vice-President, and on July 9, 18S0 stepped into the presidency. He failed to secure a renomination, but in 18S6 he was the candidate of the American or Know Nothing party, receiving a considerable popular vote, but carrying only the State of Maryland. bers of the United States Senate ; but the idea that Lincoln might arrive at high office in Washing- ton by way of the Ore- gon Trail, was probably never entertained by him for a moment. He was aware, though some of his biographers have not considered the fact, that Oregon in 1850 was by no means ready for statehood. The popu- lation by the census of that year counted in the Oregon Territory (con- taining an area three or four times as large as the later State of Oregon) was only 13,294. In point of fact the date of favorable action at Washington on the ad- mission of Oregon was February 14, 1859; and no Oregon Senator had an opportunity to take his seat until December 5th of that year, with the presidential campaign of i860 already begun in its preliminary movements. Lincoln, of course, could not have regarded Oregon as offering any hope of political advancement. That Lincoln ever thought of abandoning his own State of Illinois I cannot believe. He and Douglas had already set their stakes once and for all. Each had "gone West to grow up with the country" and had fully proved the advantages of his location. It happened that i6o ABRAHAM LINCOLN ft itj HENRY CLAY AND HIS WIFE Reproduced from an original Brady photograph owned by the author. While a practising lawyer at Lexington, Ken- tucky, Clay married Lucretia Hart, daughter of a respected and well-known resident of that city. They had eleven children, six daughters and five sons. The daughter named for her mother died at the age of fourteen. The son named for his father was killed in the war with Mexico. A married daughter died at the age of twenty, another died while Clay was on his way to Washington to be- come Secretary of State. We make no effort here to call the roll in full; his private life was in some respects as full of disappointments to him as was his political career. While still a member of the Senate, Clay died in 18S2 at the age of seventy-five, having been in public life more than half a century. Douglas as a Democrat was in the Senate, and in the public eye. Lincoln, belonging to the minority party, was relegated to private life. I cannot be completely convinced by the testi- mony that is heaped up to prove that this re- turn to his law practice had filled Lincoln with unspeakable gloom and disappointment. Such are the paradoxes of politics that Douglas, not Lincoln, was just then in the less enviable situation. For Douglas was where he must form opinions rapidly, and answer for them to the entire country. In retirement from office for a few years, he could have studied situations and assumed his positions more deliberately. It was his very place of eminence in the Senate that led him to a mis- take that precipitated conflicts within the Democratic party, by virtue of which he lost to Buchanan in 1856. Lincoln's exclusion from public life gave him opportunity to recon- sider his ground, and to resume the leadership for which he was prepared when the old Whig position had become no longer tenable. The Republican party of his State in due time found him in accord with its advanced views. Moreover, in the midst of his disap- pointment about the Land Office position, he was not without recognition and honor on the part of the Illinois Whigs. Mr. Barrett states the case as follows : A United States Senator was to be chosen at the next session of the Illinois Legislature, but a Whig majority in that body was not among the possibili- ties of the time. Lincoln was voted for by the Whig members for that office when the election came off, .vhile the more effective vote of the Dem- ocratic majority was given to General James Shields, who had resigned his place as Commis- sioner of the General Land Office to go to the war, had been shot through the body on a Mexican bat- tlefield, and had come back a military hero, who could easily distance all political competitors. Lincoln had only to wait, practising his pro- fession with increased prestige, and studying the course of public events with serious pur- pose to find high ground from which he could look to the country's future regardless of what lay behind. With all his ambition, and his consciousness that he had the power to stand with the ablest men of both parties, he had never risen wholly above the early sense of disadvantage. His frequent moods of depres- sion and melancholy had plagued him with what in the pseudo-scientific jargon of our day is called the "inferiority complex." In "the invaluable discipline of defeat," as Bever- idge observes, Lincoln was to forget himself in order to fight the battles of his country. It is not my purpose in these pages to dwell at length upon his private fortunes in this period, nor shall I yield to the temptation of making an elaborate review of the political events that were following each other so swiftly in the days that were now closing upon the long ca- reers of Clay, Webster, and Calhoun. In his excellent school history, Professor Muzzey comments upon the brilliancy of the United States Senate as it assembled in Decem- ber, 1849. "There met for the last time," LINCOLN RETURNS TO PRIVATE LIFE 161 says Mr. Muzzey, "the great triumvirate of American statesmen, Clay, Webster, and Cal- houn — all three born during the Revolution- ary War, and all so identified with every pub- lic question for a generation that to write the biography of any one of them would be to write the history of our country during that period." He then cites the names of Benton, Cass, Bell, Douglas, Davis, Seward, Chase, and Hale, "the last three being the first pro- nounced anti-slavery delegation in the Senate." The Missouri Compromise of 1820 which had fixed a dividing line between Slave States and Free States to be formed out of the Louisi- ana Purchase, had stood for thirty years. But the Mexican War had reopened the discussion. There were differences about California, New Mexico, Texas, the District of Columbia, and the fugitive slave laws. In what was termed his Omnibus Bill, Clay attempted to secure harmony. He proposed California's admis- sion as a free state, and the division of the New Mexico area on the Thirty-seventh par- allel, leaving the slavery question to the choice of the settlers. He was readjusting Texas boundaries with compensation, and abolishing the slave trade (but not slavery itself) in the District of Columbia. He was proposing a new and more effective law for the recovery of runaway Negroes. Calhoun made his final plea for the South on March 4, 1850, five weeks after the Clay bill had been introduced, and died before the end of the month. Webster's great speech was on the 7th of March, and he supported Clay's bill. He thought the Wilmot Proviso unnecessary, because he knew that slavery would never invade the plains and mountains of the areas in dispute. Webster spoke as a statesman, but was denounced in Massachu- setts as a moral reprobate by the impatient Free-Soilers. Seward, now in the Senate from New York, appealed to what he called the "higher law" of the anti-slavery movement. Salmon P. Chase of Ohio, who like Seward was to hold high rank in Lincoln's Cabinet, opposed the Compromise as a weak and vain concession to the aggressive slave-holders. President Taylor, the Louisiana planter and slave-owner, had been won over to Seward's WIMFJ JSEa'B BBOTT. JFouxBfiosemiHFiiP^siaiipinift oJFfllufi Uiuted Slates. Abandoning a law career at the age of twenty-one, Scott entered the army with the rank of Captain in 1808 and remained in active service until he retired, at the age of 75, in the first year of the Civil War. The War of 1812 brought him opportunity for distinguished service, and when war with Mexico came in 1846 he was commander of the army and as such entered Mexico City to receive the surrender of Santa Anna. In 1852 he was nominated by the Whigs for President, but was overwhelmingly de- feated by the Democratic candidate, Franklin Pierce. This portrait is reproduced from a colored lithograph campaign poster; note the words in small type "Whig candidate for" which precede the line "Fourteenth President of the United States." high views against the extension of slavery, and he would probably have vetoed the Clay Compromise. But the bill was passed several weeks after his death, and President Fillmore signed it. The Compromise was on its face a victory for the South. In reality it was a modus vivcndi that added not an acre to slave territory in the new parts of the country, that took at least a small step toward improvement in the District of Columbia, that gave Cali- fornia immediate admission as a Free State, and that made fugitive slave laws odious by providing for their enforcement. 1 62 ABRAHAM LINCOLN If Lincoln had not much to say in public about the Compromise of 1850, he made a fine apologia for Clay in a memorial address at Springfield in July, 1852, immediately after the death of the great Kentucky statesman. He defended Clay from the attacks of extrem- ists on both sides, and made it appear that on the whole Clay's life had been devoted to the cause of human liberty, with Negroes not ex- cepted in his view from the human race. President Fillmore had promptly taken his stand as a Whig of orthodox views, and he dispensed with Taylor's Cabinet. He made Webster Secretary of State, Thomas Corwin of Ohio Secretary of the Treasury, and John J. Crittenden of Kentucky Attorney General, with changes in all the other Cabinet places. Although Fillmore somehow failed to write his name boldly upon the pages of history, Mr. James Ford Rhodes, our foremost authority upon that period, pronounces the following verdict : "When Fillmore withdrew from the presidential office, the general sentiment pro- claimed that he had filled the place with ability and honor. The country abounded with pros- perity ; the administration was identified with the Compromise and the Compromise had now become very popular. . . . In a just estimate therefore of our Vice-Presidents who have be- come Presidents, we should class Fillmore with Arthur, and not with Tyler and Johnson." Both parties were preparing for the presi- dential contest of 1852. General Cass was still in the field for the Democratic nomination, while Buchanan, Douglas and Marcy were all favored by their friends. The convention met A//o>v us toconorat ulateyou General on your ylorious nomi nation. Youno America is deliyht— ed (J think- myehan ■ee. forthe nexttem is about f/ie best of any BodyS) O/i my dear Fr/ends/ you outfe overcome, me with your kindness' Bui since you will thrust potver upon, me Mi ope \ you will Ae/p me to Support the. iurthen. of it/ We witlJWewill (/fit had not been for that rasca £ Buchanan . / Should Stave, had the no nv in alio n /J Uewill'tfewilt. (If it had not been for that olot Schemer Cass, I Should Aaveyotin to a certain ty } dajh rny wiy. f Xfe will!Uf>will! (/thought /had laid my traps toosecurely to miss, but that d — d Dick- inson has sprung t/iem. upon myself.') IVewil/,lfew/lll (Myjove, I've made a nice blow up of it/> We will! We wilt! (/Sha/lfO lack to Texas/ andgive. Up cold Water!) BUCHANAN MARCY DICKINSON HOUSTON POLITICAL HYPOCRISY /9isap//t , ////i'f//}t/u/s'/fs/i's '/•////■/■i,U trthlul. 1,1 It ccmt aid f,„ „„„:/,.■ .M, CotiUund Whiter 'what jofsh* want tp qtt ry/it IT my ..,., I.; • ,1 hi Aonl qtvr c,J t r P,tr. I'm going w to maXf ijpoa tune ' ' irhi'liifr I tytrt or //of Liiji 'do your dutr I \ihnt i>,t,l\ If mail nntout tf hat) ante h? niaAo tf grand UUt-fe Huhfna,, *hch m<',ke l„,.> fieh.ot q#i/t , ttil hi run ray - oil oujhl te fiail, lie's yetah'i? SVkLc CHEAT FOOTRACE FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL PURSE (S100, OOO AND PICKINGS) OVER THE UNION COURSE 18S2. FariidcatJtfZ Spruce St OCX Daniel Webster is conspicuous in three of the cartoons of this chapter. A distinguished Senator and member of two Cabinets, he had shared the leadership of the Whig party with Henry Clay. Unlike Clay, Webster never received the party's presidential nomination. He came nearest to it in this year 18S2, after his support of the Fugitive Slave Law had been looked upon as a bid for Southern sup- port. The other runners in this race are General Scott, who was later nominated by the Whigs, and Franklin Pierce, who had already received the Democratic nomination. The purse of $100,000 rep- resents the four-year income from the Presidency at that time. It might be added here that both Webster and Clay died in the period after the Whig convention and before the election. Webster's death came at his Massachusetts home, Marshfield, on October 24th, while Clay had died in Wash- ington on June 29th of this year 1852. him Southern favor, but only as next choice after Fillmore. The Northern faction won in the end, but it was on the fifty-third ballot, and by a very small majority. A rather colorless platform was adopted, ending with a harmony resolution beginning as follows : "That the series of acts of the Thirty-second Congress, the act known as the Fugitive Slave Law in- cluded, are received and acquiesced in by the Whig party of the United States as a settle- ment in principle and substance of the danger- ous and exciting questions which they em- brace." This was adopted by a vote of 212 to 70. With both parties agreed on the most dangerous issue, the Democrats had a clear advantage, and the Whigs were fighting their last campaign as a major party. The growing anti-slavery sentiment of the North was not satisfied with the platform; and General Scott was not regarded as a statesman, or a leader in the field of politics. The ticket of Pierce and King received 254 electoral votes as against only 42 for the Whig ticket of Scott and Graham. Scott car- ried Massachusetts, Vermont, Kentucky, and Tennessee. All the other States were carried by Pierce. The popular majorities were, how- ever, so small that if the scanty vote for the Free-Soil ticket headed by John P. Hale of New Hampshire had been added to the Scott vote, the two sides would have been almost even in the balloting. Hale received nearly 1 50,000 votes — about half as many as had been cast for the Free Soil ticket four years earlier. LINCOLN RETURNS TO PRIVATE LIFE 165 Lincoln, of course, supported the Whig ticket and made speeches for Scott ; but since he regarded Democratic victory as inevitable, he threw himself with less zeal than usual into a campaign that seemed to have no great prin- ciples at stake. To quote Lincoln's own sum- ming up, in the third person : "In 1852 he was upon the Scott electoral ticket, and did some- thing in the way of canvassing, but owing to the hopelessness of the cause in Illinois, he did less than in previous presidential campaigns." Sometimes the busiest, happiest, and most prosperous years of a public man's life are those that are filled with private occupations between periods of political activity. Most of the biographers touch scantily upon Lincoln's life at this time. The exception is Mr. Bever- idge, who is not content merely to tell us that Lincoln was engaged for about five years, from 1849 to 1854, in the building up of his law practice. He informs us that Lincoln "spent at least six months of every year away from Springfield riding the circuit, and he was the only lawyer that attended the courts in every county seat. . . . Court was held in the various counties from the middle of March to the middle of June, and again from early September until the first of December. For more than three years after his Congressional term the Eighth Circuit comprised fourteen counties, Sangamon, Tazewell, Woodford, McLean, Logan, DeWitt, Champaign, Ver- milion, Piatt, Edgar, Shelby, Moultrie, Macon, and Christian. It was nearly 140 miles long by almost 1 10 miles broad, nearly one-fifth of the entire area of the State." gmSm aHfJmmi •• i ■ J ii *? < *.j r *rwrSf 7 j-ji • trrj^r. jk.. ^TtiK^iriSri 7E caTW Fr PAP, SOUP, AND CHOWDER. Tu wft *t Mi Spru~ St- J& A poster caricature of the campaign of 1852, after the Democrats had nominated and while the Whigs were taking fifty-three ballots. Pierce, the Democratic nominee, rides unmolested to the White House, on horseback, while the three Whig leaders eat their favorite food. President Fillmore, carried on the shoulders of the editor of the New York Mirror, eats Government Pap, a synonym for patronage, and expresses regret that he will not be renominated. General Scott, supported by Horace Greeley, editor of the Tribune, eats soup. It is said that he once left his office to take "a hasty plate of soup" and never lived down the phrase. Scott's progress toward the White House is interfered with by the Southern voter who tugs at his arm and seeks the candidate's views regarding the Fugitive Slave Law. Daniel Webster, carried by James Watson Webb, editor of the New York Courier and Enquirer, eats chowder, said to have been his favorite dish. CHAPTER XVIII Birth, of the Republican Party The older statesmen pass on, Lincoln's contemporaries assuming con- trol — Social conditions in the South — The Kansas-Nebraska bill and its important sequel The old leaders were now for the most part gathered unto the Fathers. Jack- son had died in 1845, the year before Lincoln's election to Congress. John Quincy Adams had fallen at his post, and Lincoln had accompanied the body to its resting place in Massachusetts. Calhoun had taken part in the Compromise debate of 1850, another man reading his speech for him as he sat near in mortal ill- ness, and the end came within a month. Clay's death had followed in June, 1852, and Lincoln had delivered a me- morial oration. Daniel Web- ster died at Marshfield Octo- ber 25, 1852, five months after his unsuccessful at- tempt to win the Whig nom- ination, and four months after the death of Clay. Van Buren was still living at Kin- derhook, and he survived un- til 1862, a firm supporter of Lincoln's administration, but not a leading figure in the great drama after the Com- promise of 1850. Lincoln's contemporaries were now in full responsi- bility. The two Democrats of most brilliant parts were Stephen A. Douglas of Illi- nois and Jefferson Davis of Mississippi. They were ora- tors who would have com- manded attention in any age. Each of them had the energy and the courage of men born to lead. Emerging from the ranks of the conservative 166 FRANKLIN PIERCE Fourteenth President of the United States In the Democratic convention of 18S2, which nominated him for the Presidency, Pierce's name did not appear until the thirty-fifth ballot. He had been a mem- ber of the House for two terms begin- ning in 1833, and then served almost a full six-year term in the Senate, retiring in 1842 to his home at Concord, New Hampshire, to practice law. At the out- break of war with Mexico he enlisted as a private but was commissioned a Colonel of militia and promoted to be a Brigadier-General. He was again in private life when the presidential nom- ination made him a national figure. In the November election Pierce carried all the States except four. Whigs, and impelled by the course of events to accept high commands in the new Repub- lican party, were Seward of New York and Chaseof Ohio, each with profound anti-slavery convictions, great attainments as lawyers, and political and forensic talents of a high order. Douglas and Davis had been longer in the Senate, while Seward and Chase were new arrivals but in full maturity of intellect and training. With Webster gone, a new type of public man was com- ing forward in Massa- chusetts, scholarly and accom- plished, but intense and intol- erant. Webster and Clay had partaken of the broad and generous spirit of compre- hension that made Washing- ton the common denomina- tor, in the earlier periods of discord as between followers of Hamilton and Jefferson. Charles Sumner, John P. Hale, and other leaders of New England were even less tolerant and sympathetic than Seward. No set of men so little un- derstood the South as the ex- treme Abolitionists. They saw the wrongs of slavery, and they would not com- promise with evil. Less rabid men like Seward, in the North and East, were com- bating a false and impossible sectional attitude, and they did not sufficiently analyze the nature and causes of this Southern solidarity. BIRTH OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY 167 Get out tht way /i-t/ow ■ 7 want th& lvholc-aft&e- road \ Cook & doodle/ doo 000 . Dont J'OU/ wish you. may got it. Butjrou cant get over this Uney.. ORNITHOLOGY. tTiro Great Birds of the United States, not de-scriied'by /tuduSotts. (genus. Turkey cocJrcyus cum Fuss and Fetheribua _ A. Genus. G-omeeociiue Graiut&statd' ', The game-cock of the Granite State, Franklin Pierce, was wrong in his challenge that Scott could not cross the Mason and Dixon Line; for although the Whigs carried only four States in this year 18S2, two of them were Kentucky and Tennessee. The turkey represents General Scott, "Old Fuss and Feathers" being a nickname applied to him in contrast to "Old Rough and Ready," which had characterized his brother officer and predecessor as presidential candidate of the Whigs, General Taylor. The cartoonist here asserts that John James Audubon, the great American naturalist who had died in the preceding year, had failed to describe this particular turkey and this game-cock in his monumental work "The Birds of America." There were three great population elements in the South. The first was composed of the educated and cultured community, planters, property owners, and social elements that rep- resented Anglo-Saxon civilization. A much larger element, numerically, was made up of the non-slaveholding farmers, the mountain- eers, and the so-called "poor whites," many of whom were descended from indentured Eng- lish servants and misdemeanants of the colo- nial period. These people, in the main, had always been political followers of their more prosperous neighbors, and were largely Jeffer- sonian, in so far as they were aware of the existence of social and political doctrines. The other great population element comprised sev- eral million African slaves, who found slavery cruel and unbearable in many of its aspects, yet who were so bound by their sense of do- mestic attachment and loyalty to the superior class, upon whom they were dependent, that when the final test of war came they proved themselves to be the most devoted Southerners of any class whatever, in view of facts and motives that might have provoked them to insurrection. The clearer truth of history, as now it be- gins to reveal itself, shows that the consoli- dated Southern position was due to many things besides slavery. There was the love of land and the Anglo-Saxon instinct for pioneer- ing and territorial extension. There was strong individualism, and the sense of personal right that helped to explain the wholly indefensible view that a slave-owner ought to be allowed to take slaves into new national territory. This 1 68 ABRAHAM LINCOLN A BORDER RUFFIAN OF THE DARKEST DYE The two illustrations on this page are reproduced from a book published in New York in 18S6, entitled "The War in Kansas," by G. D. Brewerton. The one reproduced above bears the following descriptive caption: "The white man quickened his pace, but Caesar overhauled the panting fugitive, who surrendered at discretion, at the same time begging for his life." claim was asserted, with passionate intensity, regardless not only of such national decisions as that of the Ordinance of 1787, but also regardless of the verdicts of the new com- munities themselves. Anyone who has studied speculative land movements, whether in Iowa and the Da- kotas, or in Florida and Southern California, ought to comprehend the sheer greed and ferocity of the land, cotton, and slave specu- lation that had created a state of social delirium in Ala- bama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The Southern churches had suddenly dis- covered that slavery was a divine institution, and its maintenance the chief duty of applied religion. Those were not the times when men could be made to listen to the calm and scien- tific discussion of the histori- cal trends of modern indus- try and labor. Unfortun- ately, economic history had few students before 1850. Webster was perfectly right in his 7th of March speech when he explained that it would be needless further to irritate the South, in its pres- ent state of feverish excite- ment, by prohibiting slavery in advance of settlement in regions where slavery in the very nature of things — soil, climate, and topography — could never gain a lasting foothold. Illinois was so placed as to have peculiar advantages for the development of leaders who might mediate between the dangerous and fanatical sectionalism of the changing South and the no less dangerous and reckless crusading spirit that was slowly but surely win- THE BORDER RUFFIANS EXTRICATE THE FREE STATE ARTILLERY This contemporary cartoon makes the artillery quite harmless in its appearance. But the heated political discussion over the admission of Kansas did result in actual war, in 1856. Partisans from adjoining slave and free states had rushed into the territory, each side seeking to frame the State constitution. BIRTH OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY 169 BS7ES5GS3 B tn M f *M CfclUtt H»!l«.*Ik«tfcii4u m t... fh-M y«»»l «"• b.u u.«.« ■M<«L Cll Mi^lrt MO*» R*fhi". J-»a a >.u nuihdyf CE on ltwt,«U ftuL- O SPAR* MV GENTLEMEN p.nlmUOiu, W, W U" U SPARB MB II 1 fcUSffl^tfElkr ErM far our rife! Virurjr: VUW* 1 SVKWIU, SUBDUE THRU t«T * 3 PPC TV T LIBERTY THE FAIR MAID OF KANSAS.IN THE HANDS OF THE BORDER RUFFIANS' The leaders of the Democratic party are here blamed for high-handed methods used in Kansas in 1856. President Pierce is in the center of the group. At the left, with patched trousers, is William L. Marcy, Secretary of State. The man with watch in hand is James Buchanan, who had returned from his post as minister to Great Britain and was to be elected President later in the same year. Standing behind the maid representing Kansas is Lewis Cass, who became Buchanan's Secretary of State. At the extreme right is Senator Douglas, with an unfamiliar beard. As chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories, Douglas was author of the Kansas-Nebraska bill of 1854, which — instead of legislating slavery into any territory, or excluding it — had left the people free to regulate domestic institutions in their own way. This squatter sovereignty principle brought on the disorder in Kansas but eventually it proved itself efficient. ning the North to the anti-slavery movement as a holy cause. Illinois had two leaders touched with genius and rising to greatness. Lincoln, with a few years of fortunate oppor- tunity in private life to readjust his views, was preparing to lead the North, while trying to restrain its angry expressions and to sooth its aroused temper. Douglas, far too conspicu- ous in the Senate for unobserved meditation, was obliged to do his thinking on his feet. He was acting under the minor compulsions of the Senate's committee business, rather than upon well-chosen lines of major policy. Douglas had come to Illinois from Vermont, with his schoolboy record as a militant Jack- sonian Democrat. Party exigencies had brought him into relation with the Southern Democratic leaders, without which his ambi- tions for promotion would have been in vain. By heredity and instinct Douglas was always more the Northern man than was Lincoln. With Virginia and Kentucky background, Lincoln's residence until manhood was in a part of Indiana populated by Southerners. He married, also, into a family of slave-owning Kentuckians, and it was always easy for him to fraternize with Southern men. Although his family had been so poor, and his own early advantages so meager as regards education, he was in many respects like the politicians and lawyers of Kentucky, Tennessee, North Caro- lina, Georgia, and Virginia. As for the State of Illinois itself, a glance at the map shows that more than half of it lies south of the northern line of Missouri, while the southern tip of it extends southward far enough to look across the Ohio to the Kentucky shore. The Northwest Ordinance had pro- tected Illinois for freedom, but its early set- tlers were from the South. With the exception of the Springfield district, Illinois had always been a Democratic State, and this had permit- 170 ABRAHAM LINCOLN ted Douglas, as a born leader of men, to make his early appearance in the United States Sen- ate. Lincoln had slowly but steadily made his way to the undisputed leadership of the other party in Illinois, following Henry Clay in his general positions. Lincoln came back into politics with re- freshed mind and enhanced power through a false move made by Douglas in 1854. Doug- las was chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories. David Atchison, a Senator from Missouri, was a member of that committee, somewhat unscrupulous, and a daring and ag- gressive worker for slavery extension. To the immediate westward of his State of Mis- souri lay the empty prairies of what is now the agricultural State of Kansas. To the east of Missouri lay the settled and prosperous Free State of Illinois. Kansas was a part of the unorganized region known as the Nebraska Territory. Atchison brought in a bill to or- ganize this Territory, survey its lands, and open it to settlement. But naturally the people of Missouri, with unappeased land hunger, wanted to occupy the rich lands of eastern Kansas, and they were not willing to leave slavery behind them. They regarded it as highly detrimental to the continued existence of slavery in Missouri to be pinched in between free Illinois on the East and a free Kansas on the West, with a free Iowa on the North. As chairman of the Committee on Terri- tories, Douglas felt impelled to report the bill as his own. Not to have done so would have given Atchison undue influence, and would apparently thwart Douglas's ambition to se- cure the presidential nomination in 1856. At- chison sought to organize the whole Nebraska THE UNITED STATES IN 1854 In the ten-year period from 1812 to 1821, seven States were admitted into the Union: Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, Maine, and Missouri. By that time the great debate over slavery had arisen, and no States were admitted in the following fifteen years. Then Arkansas and Michigan came in, balancing each other. Florida and Texas in 1845 rounded out the southern and eastern coast line. Iowa was admitted in 1846, Wisconsin in 1848, and California in 1850. Then arose the protracted discussion over Kansas and Nebraska, which kept Douglas in the forefront and brought Lincoln back into national politics after a period of practical retirement as a lawyer in Illinois. Our map shows Slave States, shaded lightly, and Free States; and the dotted line indicates the region which later became the States of Nebraska and Kansas. BIRTH OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY 171 LINCOLN SHOWS DOUGLAS THE RIGHT ROAD TO THE WHITE HOUSE Discussion over the likelihood of slavery in Kansas resulted in dissension within the Democratic party in the Free State of Illinois, and very nearly brought about Lincoln's election to the United States Senate early in 18SS. He threw his support to an anti-Douglas Democrat, Lyman Trumbull, and elected him. In 18S6 Lincoln declined a nomination for Governor, and named the man who was nominated and elected (William H. Bissell). Lincoln was second choice for Vice-President at the first Republican National Convention in that same year. In 1858 he was the "first and only choice" of Illinois Republicans for United States Senator, and challenged Douglas, his Democratic opponent, to a series of debates. Meanwhile the situation in Kansas had grown worse, and Douglas himself refused to condone the Administration's policy. In this cartoon from Phunny Phellow, a humorous political paper published at New York in the campaign of 1860, Lincoln is consoling Douglas, with the Kansas feather in his hat, and suggesting that splitting rails was a better way to become President. country as slave territory ; but this could not have been carried through Congress. As Douglas brougbt the bill to the floor of the Senate, there was a provision which left it to the settlers, in a territorial convention, to de- cide the slavery question for themselves. Atchison, however, insisted upon an amend- ment which radically changed the situation as viewed in a practical light. He forced Doug- las to accept the plan of an immediate separa- tion of Kansas from Nebraska, with the fur- ther proviso that Kansas should at once be organized as a Territory by itself. The Nebraska region proper, lying west of Iowa, was of course hopeless from the standpoint of the pro-slavery propaganda. But Kansas lay due west of Missouri, and in the same latitude as Virginia and Kentucky. The Missourians considered it the best possible concrete opening for a new Slave State. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill passed both houses of Congress and became a law with President Pierce's signature on May 30, 1854, after five months of debate. Douglas returned from the East early in the autumn, to find Illinois deeply stirred by the breaking of the 172 ABRAHAM LINCOLN truce that both parties had so solemnly ac- cepted in their platforms of 1852. He defended his course at Chicago on September 1st, and spoke in the State House at Springfield on October 4th. Lincoln followed at once with a reply that was well considered, and — ac- cording to several listeners — of amazing elo- quence. He had, of course, been studying this Kansas dilemma for many months, and was now quite through with policies of temporiz- ing and compromise. He was definitely in politics again, and became at once a candidate for the United States Senate against Doug- las's colleague, General James Shields, who was seeking re-election. Douglas had faced a hostile and angry throng at Chicago, and felt that his popularity had suffered in Illinois even as in states farther East. His debate in Springfield on October 4th, where his three-hour speech in the after- noon was answered in a similarly long speech by Lincoln in the evening, was not for the "Little Giant" a triumphant memory. Mr. LYMAN TRUMBULL Elected to the United States Senate by the Illi- nois legislature in 1855, with Lincoln playing the leading part. Then a Democrat, Trumbull later joined the new Republican party; but after the death of Lincoln he once more became a Democrat. He re- mained in the Senate for eighteen years, returning in 1875 to law practice. GENERAL SHIELDS WOUNDED Lincoln was the Whig candidate for United States Senator from Illinois in 1855. The seat was that of James Shields, the same Springfield lawyer with whom Lin- coln had nearly fought a duel fourteen years earlier. Shields had become a brigadier-general in the Mexican War, had been wounded in May, 1847, while leading his troops, and had returned to be lionized and elected to the Senate. As that six-year term was expiring, in 1855, Shields assumed a position in the slavery controversy which alienated some Democratic support, and Lincoln saw a chance that he himself might be elected. He led Shields on the first ballot, 45 votes to 41, with 13 votes scattering. But the Democrats, who were in a majority later, united upon Lyman Trumbull. Barrett says that "Lin- coln was relied upon by the Anti-Nebrask- ans, Whig and Demo- cratic, as a most ef- fective champion ; and his speech in turn was so masterly as to sur- prise both friends and opponents." Twelve days later, the two leaders spoke in debate at Peoria, and Lincoln regarded his reply to Douglas on that occa- sion as one of the greatest efforts of his life. His subject was the repeal of the Mis- souri Compromise ; and he argued for the propriety of its restor- ation. This speech in- cluded as frank a dis- cussion of the slavery ques- tion as any that Lincoln made in all his career. On the contention that slavery, if left alone, would never take root in Kansas, Lincoln made the following observations in this Peoria speech of October 16, 1854: "Let me here drop the main argument, to notice what I consider rather an in- ferior matter. It is argued that slavery will not go to Kansas and Nebraska, in any event. This is a palliation, a lullaby. I have some hope that it will not; but let us not be too confident. As to climate, a glance at the map shows that there are five slave States — Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Ken- tucky, and Missouri, and also the District of Columbia, all north of the Missouri Com- BIRTH OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY 173 One of the measures included in the Compromise of 1850 was the Fugitive Slave Law. It provided for the appointment of a federal commissioner in every county to decide whether or not a seized colored man was an escaping slave, the Negro's testimony not to be considered. It provided, further, that the commissioner's fee was doubled if he decided against the alleged fugitive. This Fugitive Slave Law gave effect to a provision in the Constitution, that persons held to service or labor in one State and escaping into another shall be delivered up. William H. Seward, Senator from New York, opposed this provision, and in a speech on March 11, 18S0, declared that "there is a higher law than the Constitution." Daniel Webster, standing toward the right of this cartoon, apologetic rather than proud, was Clay's chief supporter in securing the adoption of the compromise measures. This is unusual among cartoons of that time, in its extreme anti-slavery character. promise line. The census returns of 1850 show that within these there are eight hundred and sixty-seven thousand two hundred and seventy-six slaves, being more than one-fourth of all the slaves in the nation. "It is not climate, then, that will keep slavery out of these Territories. Is there anything in the peculiar nature of the country? Missouri adjoins these Territories by her entire western boundary, and slavery is already within every one of her western counties. I have even heard it said that there are more slaves in pro- portion to whites in the northwestern county of Missouri, than within any other county in the State. Slavery pressed entirely up to the old western boundary of the State, and when rather recently a part of that boundary at the northwest was moved out a little farther west, slavery followed on quite up to the new line. Now when the restriction is removed, what is to prevent it from going still farther ? Climate will not, no peculiarity of the country will, nothing in nature will. Will the disposition of the people prevent it ? Those nearest the scene are all in favor of the extension. The Yan- kees who are opposed to it may be most num- erous ; but, in military phrase, the battle-field is too far from their base of operations." Younger readers should have it well in mind that United States Senators were elected by the Legislatures of the States until after the passage of the Seventeenth Amendment to 174 ABRAHAM LINCOLN i-s -■* TS^ ■Si* My.* 3 ^.--^ 3 ~*J *>a c v 5 a I?*** - 1 «| S^ftl $.a Q ** fc J» *» r >o < V f «a i. . ^ a c ! *:3 Q. ti "a3 -b cd ed aj c r— . 2 tl Ja 2 rt u a) b y sb xi * 3 t 3 , c B a -a - fC c o c.y *h n T3 " * J e y en =« £ 'T hi) «J u o C (j ^ ^u«j o £"3x1 rt Sjhw at ■3.°J „, tn en (L> -*j -*-» '2 ^ c« aj C .ssiL- -h g £ u .a ,B a •** iB U* td< I * a ,„--i ^ u £ C u -a a - bo S-.SP £ 3 <-> XS bOJ3 § 2 2 « u B jj O fi <_, 3 i> !> >— < XI in BIRTH OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY 175 the Constitution in 19 13, which provides for direct popular election. The Illinois Legisla- ture convened for this purpose on February 8, 1855. Lincoln and Shields were the chief op- posing candidates, the uncertainty being due to the tendencies of both parties to split on the Kansas issue. Lyman Trumbull was a prominent anti-slavery Democrat, and his name was presented as a competitor. On the first ballot there were 45 votes for Lincoln, 41 for Shields, and 5 for Trumbull with 8 scattering. After six ballots, the Shields vote was trans- ferred en masse to the Governor of the State, J. A. Matteson. Matteson was gaining and Lincoln was losing through several more bal- lots, until suddenly Lincoln made a bold move and threw enough of his strength to Trumbull to secure his election by a vote of 51 to 47. Lincoln's election had been regarded as vir- tually assured, and there was disappointment among his friends. But he himself wisely and generously said that "On the whole it is per- haps well for our general cause that Trumbull is elected." And this proved to be wholly true in the reshaping of parties and in the later support, loyal and powerful, that Senator Trumbull brought to Lincoln and the "general cause." In 1858, in his opening speech in joint de- bate with Lincoln, Douglas declared that there had been an arrangement in 1854 between Lin- coln and Trumbull to lead their respective followers out of the two dissolving old parties into "an Abolition party under the name and disguise of a Republican party." Doubtless Douglas believed this to be true, but there is no evidence that sustains the charge. Unques- tionably Douglas would have preferred to have Lincoln beat Shields or Matteson in 1854, rather than to risk Lincoln's more dangerous competition for bis own seat in 1858, when otherwise he would have Trumbull confront- ing him. Attention was now turning altogether away from the debate at Washington, over the Kan- sas bill, to the excitement of competitive col- onization in Kansas itself. Since Kansas was to put the principle of "squatter sovereignty" into effect without delay, the zealots on both sides proposed to occupy Kansas with militant propagandists, rather than with ordinary pio- neer farmers. With the Kansas-Nebraska Bill came the actual founding of the Republican party. It brought together the Free-Soilers, the Whigs, all but the more violent of the Abolitionists, and a large contingent of Democrats. Histor- ically the party may be said to have had its beginning on July 6, 1854, at Jackson, Michi- gan, where the name "Republican" was adopted in State convention, and where the chief plank of the platform was as follows: "Resolved, That postponing and suspend- ing all differences with regard to political economy or administrative policy, in view of the imminent danger that Kansas and Ne- braska will be grasped by Slavery, and a thou- sand miles of slave soil be thus interposed be- tween the Free States of the Atlantic and those of the Pacific, we will act cordially and faith- fully in unison to avert and repeal this gigantic wrong and shame." Similar movements had been springing up simultaneously in a number of States, but the Michigan meeting which nominated a full State ticket, adopted a party platform, and agreed upon the party name, is accorded the honors by political historians. The influence of the Abolitionists upon Northern opinion and upon the origins and doctrines of the Re- publican party may well be studied in the calm and philosophical pages of James Ford Rhodes. Meanwhile, for the latest survey of the Abolition cult in its promotion of sectional antagonism and of civil war, it is necessary to read the opening chapters of Mr. Bever- idge's second volume. Horace Greeley was soon brought into the Republican fold, with the New York Tribune as his personal organ, this being the most widely circulated and influential newspaper in America at that time. Some thirty Congress- men had met in Washington the day after the Kansas-Nebraska Bill had passed the House, and on their own account had taken initial steps toward the forming of a new party. The details are on record in Mr. Francis Curtis's "History of the Republican Party ;" and it is enough to remark at this point that the Re- publicans became at once a major party organ- 176 ABRAHAM LINCOLN MUR E B !•! ibori li' 1 1 Children . A CONTESTED SEAT The candidates in 1852 both were men who had gained distinction in the war with Mexico. Scott, who jerks away the presidential chair in this picture, was a Major-General. Pierce, on the floor, was only a Brigadier-General. The Brigadier-General won on election day. ization, with the Whig party doomed though not yet dissolved. The break-up of old parties was strik- ingly evidenced when the Thirty-fourth Con- gress, elected in 1854, met in December of the following year and proceeded to the choice of a Speaker. After a long struggle, Nathaniel P. Banks of Massachusetts, who had formerly been an anti- slavery Democrat, but was now an avowed Republican, secured that post of influence. With the new party winning control in one northern State after another, and now se- curing the Speakership of the Thirty-fourth Congress, it was so well established that one of its founders, Henry Wilson of Massachusetts, in [ after years looking backward * over its history, and forward to consider its prospects, de- clared that he could see no reason why it should not last a thousand years. Lincoln was not one of the first to announce himself a Republican on the ruins of his old Whig party. But before the national convention of 1856 had been held, he was recognized not only as a mem- ber of the new party, but as the leading Republican of his State and of the Northwest. He had made a speech that was the greatest effort of his life, in the opinion of those who heard it, at a State convention early in 1856, that organized the Republican party of Illi- nois. Lyman Trumbull pre- sided at that Convention, hav- ing passed from his position as an anti-Nebraska Demo- crat, along with another emi- nent Democratic leader John M. Palmer, to the comrade- ship of old Whigs like Lin- coln, in the endeavor to rally Illinois against Douglas. Lincoln's swing from Whig to Re- publican required courage in view of local cir- cumstances. The convention met at Blooming- ton late in May, and was made up of mixed and strange elements. Lincoln's thrilling speech unified the gathering and saved the day. FORCING SLAVERY DOWN THE TS'.KATOF A FREESOILER Free Soil advocates had their own national ticket in 1848 and 1852, but not in 1856. Here we see the four leading Democrats in the campaign of 1856. At the left are Senator Douglas of Illinois and President Pierce. At the right, pulling the Free-Soiler's hair, are James Buchanan, the successful Democratic candidate, and Lewis Cass, who was to become Buchanan's Secretary of State. MISSOURIANS GOING TO KANSAS TO VOTE A contemporary engraving attributed to F. O. C. Darley. It was widely under- stood that bands of armed men crossed into Kansas from the slave State of Missouri, taking possession of the polls and controlling the election of 1854 which resulted in the temporary ascendancy of the pro-slavery advocates. Then fol- lowed civil war and a new election three years later, with the subsequent adop- tion of a constitution prohibiting slavery. Darley was a Philadelphia-born artist doing important work as a book illustrator in New York, even then a member of the National Academy and later becoming internationally known. CHAPTER XIX The Presidential Election of 1856 The rival colonization of "Bloody Kansas," by North and South — Designs on Cuba meet with Republican disapproval — Lincoln takes high rank in the new party SENTIMENTS ARE ALSO FACTS, regardless of their justification. Webster had de- clared it a fact that slave labor would never produce cotton, sugar or tobacco on the arid plains of New Mexico ; but the sentiment of Massachusetts against his 7th of March speech was a harder fact than any stone wall on his farm at Marshfield. Douglas was now to find that he had underestimated the re- sistless force of Northern anti-slavery senti- ment, as a far more real though less tangible thing than the statutes that he had been help- ing to make and unmake at Washington. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 had fixed the parallel of 36° 30' as the dividing line between the areas of freedom and slavery in the West. Douglas until lately had regarded this line as one of the irrevocable fixtures, comparable with the charter of freedom for States north of the Ohio in the Ordinance of 1787. This Missouri Compromise had allowed the single State of Missouri to be admitted with slavery, but had expressly declared that otherwise slavery should be kept south of the specified parallel of latitude. Through the influence of Jefferson Davis, who was then Secretary of War and by far the ablest and most influential member of Pres- ident Franklin Pierce's Cabinet, and also at the instance of Southern Senators, Douglas 177 1 7 8 ABRAHAM LINCOLN had substituted the Kansas-Nebraska Bill for the earlier bill that dealt with Nebraska as un- divided. The assurance of President Pierce that he would sign the new bill, which included specifically the repeal of the Missouri Com- promise, had been secured in advance. To understand the situation, readers must keep in mind the fact that Kansas lay north of the parallel 36 30', and had therefore been guaranteed as free territory by the Com- promise of 1820, which had been universally accepted. To justify himself, Douglas took the ground that by the Com- promise of 1850 a new prin- ciple had been adopted, that of permitting the territories to decide for themselves, thus replacing the old scheme of a fixed line that should forever separate free soil from slave soil. This, however, had not been so understood in 1850; for Douglas himself at that time had declared the Mis- souri Compromise to be "can- onized in the hearts of the American people as a thing which no ruthless hand would ever be reckless enough to disturb." No one had thought that the law of 1850 affect- ing New Mexico and Utah was to be applied far east- ward to the organization of Kansas, the status of which had been ordained in the law of 1820. It must not be supposed that Douglas ar- gued weakly or insincerely. He held his own against Senators of the highest ability, and carried his bill to its final passage in May, 1854, when it became a law with President Pierce's approval after a debate of five months. On its face, this was a great parlia- mentary triumph for Douglas. But like Web- ster four years earlier, he had taken positions for which Northern disapprobation was bitter enough to have burned him at the stake. Mr. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE The author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was the daughter of Lyman Beecher, the sister of Henry Ward Beecher, and the husband of Calvin E. Stowe — all dis- tinguished clergymen. Most of her life was spent in New England, but from 1832 to 18S0 (when she was twenty-one to thirty-nine years of age) she lived in Cincinnati. Her father was president of Lane Theological Seminary there, and her husband was a professor in the same institution. Mrs. Stowe's observations of slave life, upon which her book was based, resulted from this long residence in Cincinnati, lying just across the Ohio from the slave State of Kentucky. Muzzey remarks that "Douglas was de- nounced as a turn-coat, a traitor, a Judas, a Benedict Arnold, who had sold himself to the South for the presidential nomination." He was burned in effigy so frequently that he him- self said he could "travel from Boston to Chi- cago by the light of the fires." It was declared that "485,000 square miles of territory that had forever been dedicated to freedom were opened to the slave-holder." Yet Douglas doubtless foresaw that under his plan of squatter sovereignty not a mile of this area would ac- tually become the abode of legalized slavery, unless in the merely transitional stages of Kansas settlement. His arguments were ingenious, and in the perspectives of three-quarters of a century, they appear by no means contemptible. But they of- fended both legal and moral principles, according to the prevailing sentiment of the North, and they blighted the promising political career of the ambitious Douglas. In 1852 Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe had written "Uncle Tom's Cabin," a novel that intensified still further the moral indignation against slavery as a social and domestic institution. It is stated that when Mrs. Stowe was presented to President Lincoln in the White House ten years later he remarked as he greeted her: "So this is the little woman who brought on this big Civil War!" For a time the new fugitive slave law of 1850 had seemed to be effective, and to reduce if not wipe out completely that system for aiding slaves to cross the North to the Canada bor- der known as the "Underground Railroad." But now, the States officially began to nullify the law. By local statutes, administrative measures and judicial proceedings they tried THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1856 179 to thwart completely the ef- forts of Federal officials to aid Southern owners in the recovery of their escaped bondmen. This Northern nullification was hardly dif- ferent in legal principle from the action of South Carolina in nullifying the tariffs of 1828 and 1832. The rival colonizing move- ments were set on foot with no delay whatever. The New England Emigrant Aid So- ciety was promptly organized, to assist picked young men to settle in Kansas; and the present city of Lawrence bears the name of the Boston merchant who gave money and aid to the emigrant movement. The city of Atchi- son, on the other hand, bears the name of the Missouri LITTLE EVA AND UNCLE TOM (An illustration from the original edition of "Uncle Tom's Cabin") The publication of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in 18S2, and its amazing sale., contributed materially to the popular agitation in the North against slavery. Its author was Harriet Beecher Stowe. The story is that of Uncle Tom, a slave who after long service for kindly and sympathetic owners is sold into a life of cruelty and suffering. Little Eva was this first master's daughter. There are dramatic incidents where husband and wife in the slave cabins are parted forever, where the escaping young wife with her child in her arms is pursued across the ice of the Ohio River by bloodhounds, where slaves are beaten by overseers, and Uncle Tom himself dies from the effects of a whipping. SOUTHERN CHIVALRY- ARCUMENTWu* CLUBS Charles Sumner, a distinguished Boston lawyer and former Harvard professor, had been elected to the Senate in 1851 by Free Soilers and anti-slavery Demo- crats. He particularly opposed the Fugitive Slave Law and other Compromise measures, and on May 20, 1856, delivered a speech in the Senate on "The Crime Against Kansas." It was a severe indictment of Senator Andrew P. Butler of South Carolina, as well as of Senator Douglas. Two days later Butler's nephew, Preston S. Brooks, himself a member of the House, attacked Sumner with a cane. Penned in his seat, Sumner was beaten insensible. He was canonized as a martyr in the North, while Brooks — who resigned and was immediately re-elected — became a popular hero in the South. Sumner was seriously injured, remaining away from the Senate for three years. Senator who was the most energetic of the Southern leaders in promoting the counter-movement of occu- pation. With many organized and inhabited counties of western Missouri adjacent to the Kansas border, or with- in easy marching distance, the Missourians adopted the plan of border raids, in pref- erence to the slower and less militant northern scheme of founding actual settlements. From other parts of the South came volunteer bands of armed men, somewhat as the militia had risen ten years earlier to join the ex- pedition against Mexico. Non-resident raiders organ- ized the first territorial gov- ernment, and enacted a dras- tic pro-slavery code. The Free Soil settlers formed a i8o ABRAHAM LINCOLN MASTER JONATHAN TRIES TO SMOKE A CUBA; BUT IT DOESN'T AGREE WITH HIM! This is a cartoon from Punch (London), published in June, 1850. During Taylor's term as President it was widely proposed in the South that Cuba should be an- nexed, for sugar, tobacco, and slave territory. Filibuster- ing expeditions under a Venezuelan adventurer named Narciso Lopez were fitted out at Southern ports, and be- came the subject of Punch's satire. The first, in 1849, was blocked by President Taylor. The second failed. The third succeeded in landing 600 men in Cuba, but they soon met defeat and Lopez himself was captured and executed in 1851 . government of their own, and applied to Con- gress for the admission of Kansas as a State. Destruction of the Free Soil town of Law- rence was at once followed by an avenging raid — with John Brown of Ossawatomie as the leader of a small band including his four sons — upon a settlement of Missourians living in his vicinity in southeast Kan- sas. The massacre of several men by John Brown's band, seized in their homes at night, shocked the North and drove the South to frenzies of indignation. There is an extensive literature of the Kansas question in the an- nals of American politics and gov- ernment, and there is also a litera- ture that deals with local details of this epoch of ferocious though quite temporary civil war in Kan- sas. It may suffice here to remark that the climax of the Kansas sit- uation was reached in May, 1856, less than a month before the first Republican national convention met at Pittsburgh. Senator Sum- ner had made a bitter speech against the South, and he had been beaten almost to the point of death by a South Carolina Congressman. United States troops had finally been sent to Kansas to keep order, and, with protection thus furnished, the bona- fide settlement by Northern men proceeded safely and conclusively. Anticipating events, it may be added that it was not until 1861 with the Republicans in full power at Washington that Kansas was finally admitted as a Free State. But the question of slavery in that ter- ritory had continued to agitate parties through the Buchanan administration. Other questions, meanwhile, had also been claiming the attention of the Pierce adminis- tration. Notable among these was the ag- gressive diplomacy that sought the acquisition of Cuba. William L. Marcy of New York was Secretary of State, Jefferson Davis of Mississippi was Secretary of War, James C. Dobbin of North Carolina Secretary of the Navy, and Caleb Cushing of Massachusetts Attorney-General. These were all able men, with Davis by far the most masterful and en- ergetic. There arose the incident of an Ameri- can steamship, the Black Warrior, seized by the Spaniards at Havana, with the South dis- posed to hope that it would give excuse for a war with Spain, and justify the long-desired occupation and retention of Cuba. WANTED: A WHALER The agitation to annex Cuba continued long after the failure of the Lopez filibustering expedition. It broke out again twice during Buchanan's administration as President. This cartoon — from Vanity Fair (New York), June, 1860 — shows Sam Houston, the Texas expansionist, rowing the boat for the harpoonist. THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1856 181 Ifjrc aont hand over yer small change, in a. jiffy ye* ould spot- pten> "TUfetljustifUd'mtaiin^. tt out ofje. wid a touch of this shillaZjr as 7 pozzis thtpoworZ. Coma Ic/shave* ekatticier or you'll find thatTonsidf'- rations .exist which render delay" in doiny so Excee- dingly darujtrous'tojour head.— Why/ Whjf\ this is rank \ robbe/ry /_ I Help/ SelpA all ho Tie sir | meruit J I'll take jour hat Old- Suck/ \ £ haint oot none and aslmay ^ catch' a cold in rny Head 'its imynediateacquisi- tion^ fy -Tne t4 is ofparomount , ^ „»*#» " f ,n^i£- Stat" ■ -- . 1 fi„m Spout, if »*P'ti€*' the- Paver. 4 Yourf, ^_Jl very re4j>tctfi*Zlr JAMES BVCBAXAIV, j. r. MASor. PtEXHE SOVLE. ffen \V n L.MAR(fY. Svitrnt? of Stat i -i THE"OSTEND DOCTRINE, Practical Democrats carrying out the principle. For SaUirt JV? 2 Spruce. ST XT The recent acquisition of vast regions in the West made it easy for the South to believe that the island of Cuba should also be included within the American Union. Besides, Cuba was restive under Spanish rule. As a result of this pressure, the three foremost American ministers in Europe met at Ostend, Belgium, in October, 1854, and issued a manifesto declaring that if the United States could not buy Cuba it would be justified in taking the island from Spain by force. The three diplomats were James Buchanan, minister to England; John Y. Mason, minister to France; and Pierre Soule, minister to Spain. Above is a cartoon circulated in the presidential campaign two years later, when Buchanan was the Democratic nominee. The Republicans then sought to use against him this doc- trine of justifiable force. The tramps are using the language of the Ostend Manifesto while they rob Buchanan. The one at the right, for example, takes Buchanan's hat with the statement that "its immediate acquisition is of paramount importance." Another intimates that "considerations exist which render delay exceedingly dangerous." So strong was this feeling that President Pierce found it necessary in May, 1854, to issue a warning to "citizens of the United States and others residing therein" against "organizing and fitting out a military expedi- tion for the invasion of the Island of Cuba." In October, governments in both hemis- pheres were startled by the issuance of what was called the "Ostend Manifesto." New Orleans, in particular, had been a center of agitation in favor of the annexation of Cuba and Pierre Soule of that city was sent to Spain as American Minister to urge upon the Span- ish government the desirability of selling the Island to the United States. A sum was offered that was many times larger than that which Jefferson had paid Napoleon for the vast Louisiana area in which Mr. Soule was born. But the Spaniards were obdurate, holding that they would rather see Cuba forever submerged 1 82 ABRAHAM LINCOLN JOHN C. FREMONT When the leaders of the new Republican party looked around for a candidate in 1856, they chose the 43 -year-old Pathfinder of the West. Born in Georgia in 1813, John Charles Fremont had become at twenty-three a professor of mathematics and engineering in the navy. In 1842 he entered upon the first of five exploring expeditions into the new country west of the Rockies. When war came with Mexico, Colonel Fremont raised a small force of volunteers which seized and held the region that is now California. While stationed at Washington in 1841 he had met and eloped with Jessie Benton, the daughter of the dis- tinguished Senator Benton of Missouri. In 1850 he was chosen as one of the first Senators from California. In the presidential election of 1856, as candidate of the Republican party, Fremont received 114 electoral votes against 174 for Buchanan. beneath Caribbean waters than to sell it at any conceivable price. Whereupon, John Y. Mason, American Minister to France, and James Buchanan, Min- ister to Great Britain, joined Mr. Soule for a conference over the Cuban question at Ostend in Belgium. Secretary Marcy and the Pierce administration were regarded as responsible for the Manifesto issued by this trio of Demo- cratic diplomatists. The so-called "circular" was in the form of a report to the Department of State, advising that Spain's misgovernment would undoubtedly lead to an insurrectionary war in Cuba, proposing that the United States should offer Spain $120,000,000, and arguing that in case of Spain's continued refusal, the United States would be justified in taking Cuba by force. It was the lingering memory of the Repub- lican opposition to the Ostend Manifesto that led Congress, at the instance of President McKinley's administration, to register a solemn disavowal of all annexation motives when Cuba was occupied by the American army and navy in 1898. A preliminary con- vention of Republicans at Pittsburgh on Washington's Birthday, 1856, adopted a long address to the people of the United States, and called a nominating convention to meet at Philadelphia, June 17th. With all the northern States and the Territories repre- sented, there were also delegates from the four Slave States of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Kentucky. Senator Seward of New York was the most conspicuous man in the new party, in the eyes of the convention. But he did not expect success in that year, and refused to be the candidate. Senator Chase of Ohio and John McLean also of Ohio came next in prominence, but for certain reasons of avail- ability their names were withdrawn. Colonel John C. Fremont was the only re- maining candidate of national fame, and he was unanimously nominated, following a single informal ballot. He was picturesque and popular, had been in the Senate from Cal- fornia for a short time, was a son-in-law of that sterling old Democrat Senator Benton of Missouri, and was nominated rather for what we should call publicity purposes than upon any solid basis of political experience or states- manlike qualification. The ballot for Vice-President gave William L. Dayton of New Jersey 259 votes, Abra- ham Lincoln of Illinois no, and the Speaker of the House, N. P. Banks of Massachusetts, 46. Dayton was unanimously chosen, and the new ticket was hailed with enthusiasm. The Whigs had seldom found themselves capable of adopting platforms that had the ring of earnest and united conviction; but the Repub- licans of 1856 supported the Declaration of Independence, declared the sovereignty of Congress over the Territories, and added the famous assertion that it is "both the right and THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1856 183 duty of Congress to prohibit in the Territories those twin relics of barbarism, polygamy and slavery." It should be noted that the Mormons had abandoned their headquarters at Nauvoo, Illinois, and had established themselves near the Great Salt Lake in Utah. The platform made a long and detailed re- cital of the grievances of Kansas, for which "the administration, the President, his advis- ers, agents, supporters, apologists, and acces- sories either before or after the fact," were arraigned as guilty of "this high crime against the Constitution, the Union and humanity." Another plank demanded the immediate ad- mission of Kansas as a Free State. It was further resolved, "That the highwayman's plea that might makes right, embodied in the Ostend circular, was in every respect unworthy of American diplomacy, and would bring shame and dishonor upon any government or people that gave it their sanction." Final res- olutions demanded the construction of a rail- road to the Pacific Ocean, and appropriations for rivers and harbors. The Democratic convention had already met, this time at Cincinnati, on the 2nd of June. President Pierce was a candidate for renomination, while James Buchanan of Penn- sylvania was preferred by many Northern Democrats of moderate views. Mr. Douglas was still the brilliant and popular leader, with an especial claim upon the favor of the South. Again the two-thirds rule was adopted, and again New York appeared with rival delega- tions, both of which were seated. Buchanan led on the first ballot with 135 votes, President Pierce had 122, Douglas 33, and Cass 5. There were seventeen ballots altogether, with Pierce eliminated on the sixteenth, when Bu- chanan had 168 votes and Douglas 121. The Douglas men did not hold out to take advan- tage of the two-thirds rule, but fell in line promptly, and on the next ballot Buchanan received the entire 296 votes. There were many candidates for the Vice- Presidency, but John C. Breckinridge of Ken- tucky was unanimously chosen on the second ballot. The platform emphasized State's Rights, accepted the compromise measures of 1850 with the Fugitive Slave Act, and fell THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY UNDER PIERCE The followers of Stephen A. Douglas, particularly took "Young America" as a slogan because of his comparative youth ; but it applied somewhat generally to the new, hot- blooded elements which were gaining control of the Demo- cratic party. Franklin Pierce, then President, here rests on the shoulders of "Young America" while supported by Douglas on the left and by the veteran Lewis Cass on the right. This is not a complimentary cartoon, however, for Cass is made to claim that to the victors belong the spoils, and Douglas to remark that "preservation of slave prop- erty to our Aristocracy is the true test of sound Demo- cracy." Cass had been accused of collecting salaries from the Government for three different jobs at once, and as early as 1848 Lincoln had read before Congress a series of figures intended to prove the charge. back upon the "Kentucky and Virginia Reso- lutions of 1797 and 1798" as a part of the fundamental creed of the Democratic party. The Kansas-Nebraska bill was strongly en- dorsed, and the general principle of squatter sovereignty upheld. A later plank declared "in favor of free seas and progressive free trade throughout the world." The right of predominant influ- ence at Panama was asserted, and it was "re- solved, that the Democratic party will expect of the next administration that every proper effort be made to insure our ascendency in the Gulf of Mexico." The administration of 1 84 ABRAHAM LINCOLN CO in CO u. a cn UJ < H if) GL U U H -S 1 UJ a cn Ul CC a. l- < ui cc a* *■ i-i ■J If"** ■*$ "*. I* 5'v, >. > 3 ^| *^ a> c -a ■»■*• rf 73 ■" 73 - u 8ob« w o c 2 £ ■^J3S '2 3 o •§ 2 .-a g g g-~ « ^ V 5 7s -O oJ W _SCQ "- 1 C/3 ° Ji S™ " intJ u S Su r^* oj oj pU «) C h H c U m u & TV 33- E "3ai c ,uico>-' bc OT »"C .|b u Oj;Shu C 3 3 _ C _ J" u •- tn ui -t-» *• ^ fl rl 13 -.2^3 S?l * § ^ s S S-S^tj^ g "W * I *— > Ul x J3 ^* r tfi r\ », ^ °r s-- <"•" 3 S | a> i; > "B^ lO « ^ *3 ui pa g *T o-Ji.3 g "3, u rt~ * k >» U. ~ (J J3 <" 2|^g£.£-£ s <£ -G - J3 ' H * u « 3 u ■ Ifl f *H oij2 ^ S^CQ t-k/J3t« S^«. a 2 & " , *^ ; 2 'SOOC'"-"* 030 - 3 "Sc.2 ^ hn-2 ss O-B * o ^3 ■a^S-s5='5ig. '■-£2 ui 5 D 3^ 'Si bc*E * J 4>.3.*-' t n^' i> -ijifi3~- .2 C &^ T3-"-i3 '- o a ~3 ■3 n 2j ^ r< ui ^ DC ^ ^4 -a " u,_S 2 a so s . rt c ^ S ti " ui .5 >> «i 2 q. c & 5 tt2 wTJ 3^^J- _ S a! « 3= ^C 534 to Fillmore. This Fillmore Whig 1 86 ABRAHAM LINCOLN ticket actually carried the one State of Mary- land, where Fremont had only a handful of votes. No votes at all were reported for Fre- mont in eleven Southern States. When the electoral votes were counted, Buchanan and Breckinridge were found to have 174, Fre- mont and Dayton 114, and Fillmore and Don- elson 8. Fremont had carried all of the New England States, New York, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa. Buchanan, besides sweeping the South, had carried his own State of Pennsylvania. In spite of the vigorous campaign of Lincoln, Trumbull and the Re- publicans of that State, Illinois gave a small plurality for Buchanan, which would have been wiped out four or five times over but for the vote that went to Fillmore. In Indiana, Buchanan had a clear majority over all. Bu- chanan also carried California, with Fillmore second and Fremont a very bad third in his own State. Douglas had behaved with notable mag- nanimity. He had waived the two-thirds rule without delay in favor of his rival who had gained the majority. He had promptly pro- claimed his ardent support of the ticket and platform. One of his biographers states that he sold a hundred acres of land at this time on the western limits of Chicago at $1,000 per acre, and out of the proceeds "contributed with great liberality to the campaign fund, not only of his own State, but also of Pennsylvania." His sincerity and his unselfishness carried con- viction wherever he spoke. Buchanan had been out of the country, and had not been involved in the bitter fight over THE BALLS ARC ROLLING .. CLEAR THE TRACK A Fremont poster of the campaign of 18S6, taking its cue from the candidate's career as an explorer, and showing Fillmore and Buchanan crushed by the avalanche of States that Fremont supporters were hoping to carry. Fremont actually did win in eleven of the States designated here, but Buchanan was elected, sweeping the South and carrying California, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey as well. "Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Press, Free Men, and Fremont," which appears in the rainbow, was the campaign slogan of the new Republican party. THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1856 187 Which ever road I trawl' a/ways brings me te this con- [thought, wehad thing this time- on/ the Bleeding Kansas dodge . Seward' it/ seems to me- we are/ going the same /load we did ui> "fifty two" but as long as jouUad- I'll folio U blind" ^- ■iff This is pretty hard' riding- but' if/te only carries me- to the Mute house? w solely I mil forgive my friend? for putting me astride of such a crazy Ola < f/acA k_-— Be heavenly minded my brttheren/all But if you fall out at trifles, Settle the matter with powder and 'Sail A/idl wilt furnish the' rifles «-. jih. Colentl— you're aop mte a bad crowd— you'll find ^ that dead Horse on the prosit is better far the Constitution, than A 'bolt - tton Soup orWooly head stew in the White house C0 L . FREMONT'S LAST GRAND EXPLORING EXPEDITION IN 1856. Almost continuously from 1842 to 1854 Fremont had been engaged — as a topographical engineer, under Government auspices — in exploring the vast new region lying between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. In 1856 he became the first nominee of the Republican party. In this car- toon Senator Seward of New York leads toward Salt River the abolition nag that bears the face of Horace Greeley, while Henry Ward Beecher carries a supply of rifles, and Kit Carson, the famous scout who often accompanied Fremont, surveys this expedition disapprovingly. Salt River, found in many cartoons in subsequent chapters, conveys the idea that the Fremont expedition of 1856 is headed toward defeat. Here again, as in the cartoon on page 182, is reference to the charge that Beecher supplied rifles to Kansas settlers: "Be heavenly minded my brethren all. But if you fall out at trifles, settle the matter with powder and ball, and I will furnish the rifles." the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. He was more available, therefore, than either Douglas or Pierce. Buchanan alone of these three could have carried Pennsylvania. Nevertheless, if the Kansas-Nebraska measure had been with- held by Douglas until after the election of 1856, it is quite probable that he, as the real leader of the Democratic party, would have been nominated at Cincinnati. It is also more than probable that in such case he would have been elected. There would have been a grow- ing Free Soil party in the field, but Lincoln would have remained a Whig, as would Sew- ard in the East; and the Republican party would not have appeared in this election. The whole situation had been changed by the Kansas-Nebraska bill of 1854; and while Douglas was still to hold the leading place in his party, he was to be the candidate in i860 of the Northern fragment of a disrupted De- mocracy, with defeat inevitable at the hands of his old Illinois rival, Abraham Lincoln. Meanwhile, Lincoln had attended the Phil- adelphia Republican convention as a delegate from Illinois, where, if Dayton had stepped aside, he would have been placed on the ticket with Fremont. It was fortunate that this empty honor passed him by. As usual, he was named on the electoral ticket in his State, and we know upon his own testimony that he made more than fifty speeches in Illinois and ad- joining States for the Fremont and Dayton ticket. These speeches were strong and posi- tive in tone, asserting the authority of the fed- 1 88 ABRAHAM LINCOLN eral government and declaring that under no circumstances should the union be dissolved. In an address after the election, Lincoln dwelt upon the fact that Buchanan, though victorious in the Electoral College, was in a minority of about four hundred thousand in the aggregate popular vote. "In the late con- test," he declared, "we were divided between Fremont and Fillmore." And he continued as follows : "Can we not come together for the future ? Let everyone who really believes and is resolved that free society is not and shall not be a failure, and who can conscien- tiously declare that in the past contest he had done only what he thought best — let every such one have charity to believe that every other one can say as much. Thus let bygones be bygones; let past differences as nothing be; and with steady eye on the real issue, let us reinaugurate the good old 'central ideas' of the Republic. . . . We shall then be able, not to declare that 'all states as states are equal' nor yet that 'all citizens as citizens are equal' but to renew the broader, better declaration, in- cluding both those and much more, that 'all men are created equal'." f/e's a border rufrta and I'll shoot the Stave - holding Villain . Stop/ Stop/ Mj friends, lean '#\, allow any fiyht trie?, there niu^t be peace] detweenj'ou as Sony as f stand here J -' Let go/ £er me at Atmy, III made Jfinee- meat of Me rascally abolitionist '-.'C- THE RIGHT MAN FOR THE RIGHT PLACE. The supporters of Fillmore offer him as a candidate of justice and moderation, without sectionalism, in contrast to the sectional appeal of Fremont in the North and Buchanan in the South. Fremont, at the left of the cartoon, characterizes Buchanan as a slave-holding villain; while Buchanan retorts that Fremont is a rascally abolitionist. Fillmore assumes the role of peacemaker. In this group por- trait of the candidates in 1856 the portraiture is remarkably accurate. For reasons not now discover- able, the artists who drew originals for these lithographic posters — during the campaign of 18S6 and that of four years later — did not sign their drawings; but it is known that many of them were the work of Louis Maurer. ConfiurU, th< Gun .' if I cans enty ye>t out of this mussfUstiei topi china and let fire -arms a/oit* — tjh f 'Brother BeecAerf \ Kansas Gun has Bursteai an J upset our gunner — I iG-aiayweputintoo J a load — fjk THE GREAT AMERICAN BUCK H U IN T OF 1856. The buck is Buchanan, headed toward the White House. It is a poster caricature published in the interest of Fillmore, candidate of the American party, who stands on Union Rock at the right of the picture. Fremont's sectional gun has exploded, and it remains for Fillmore to bring down Old Buck with his American rifle. Meanwhile Henry Ward Beecher and Horace Greeley, who sup- ported Fremont, are mired in the abolition bog. The divided opposition to the Democratic ticket that is expressed in this cartoon resulted in Buchanan's election. CHAPTER XX Lincoln and Douglas ■=■ A Supreme Debate President Buchanan appeals for harmony — The Dred Scott decision stirs the Northern States — A senatorial contest in Illinois results in the most famous of all political stumping tours When James Buchanan was inaugu- rated President of the United States on March 4, 1857, he congratulated himself and the country that — in spite of the excitement of the election contest — "when the people proclaimed their will the tempest at once subsided and all was calm." Proceeding with his optimistic address, he made the fol- lowing observations : What a happy conception, then, was it for Con- gress to apply this simple rule, that the will of the majority shall govern, to the settlement of the ques* tion of domestic slavery in the Territories ! Con- gress is neither "to legislate slavery in any Territory or State nor to exclude it therefrom, but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and regu- late their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the Constitution of the United States." As a natural consequence, Congress has also prescribed that when the Territory of Kansas shall be admitted as a State it "shall be received into the Union with or without slavery, as their constitu- tion may prescribe at the time of their admission." Dwelling further upon this subject, with genuine and glowing satisfaction, the new President was able to declare : "No other ques- tion remains for adjustment, because all agree that under the Constitution slavery in the States is beyond the reach of any human power except that of the respective States themselves 189 190 ABRAHAM LINCOLN wherein it exists." And in tone of pious bene- diction he concluded : "May we not, then, hope that the long agitation on this subject is ap- proaching its end." This excellent and upright Pennsylvania!! did not dream that he was to hold the reins of authority during the stormiest period of agita- tion in the history of the country. At the age of sixty-six he had spent more than forty years in public life. He had served in the Legisla- ture, had been ten years in the lower House at Washington, had been Minister to Russia in Jackson's time, and had then sat in the Senate for ten years, after which for four years he was President Polk's Secretary of State. De- feated by Franklin Pierce for the presidential nomination in 1852, be had been sent as Minis- ter to England ; and now be was to serve for four years as President of the United States. Few contemporary statesmen in any country could have matched Buchanan's record for steady advancement in official life, and for broad experience in domestic and foreign af- fairs. He had administered our foreign office during the Mexican War ; and he had directed the settlement by virtue of which we ac- quired vast new territories. This extension of American jurisdiction had led to the reopen- ing of the earlier slavery compromises. Another veteran statesman, Lewis Cass of Michigan, was made Secretary of State by Mr. Buchanan. Howell Cobb of Georgia became Secretary of the Treasury. The War Depart- ment was assigned to John B. Floyd of Vir- ginia, and Jeremiah S. Black of Pennsylvania was appointed Attorney-General. A Tennes- sean, Aaron V. Brown, became Postmaster- General. The Navy portfolio was assigned to Isaac Toucey of Connecticut. Jacob Thomp- son of Mississippi was the new Secretary of the Interior. This cabinet was meant to bal- ance nicely the sectional situation. Sb/fifon eial Jlna. a/id mtz/te itay\ /br/fe '/fry/So/- //.'stt&fu/t" '^Ate ^^ T BUTLE THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAICN OF '56 ' eoO<^2«SP ^PIERCE" rnwrli *^ Slavery enters Kansas, breaking through the fence on the Mason and Dixon's Line and carrying on its back the candidate of the Democratic party. The chariot is drawn by three Dough Faces, a name given to pro-slavery Democrats of the North: Lewis Cass, of Michigan, soon to become Buchanan's Secretary of State; Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, an outstanding member of the Senate; and President Pierce, of New Hampshire, who had recognized the pro-slavery element in Kansas. Fremont dashes forward to stop the progress of the animal. This is a Cincinnati caricature. LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS— A SUPREME DEBATE 191 The Morning aft erthe Election NoveiiibnlSoG. PlU) d bv U]uLbS4S""; , . J SI FliU* Horace Greeley appears conspicuously in five of the cartoons in this chapter and the preceding one. Here we see four New York newspaper editors who had supported Fremont. It is the day after election, and they are turning from Fremont to Buchanan, the President-elect. The four editors are: Horace Greeley of the Tribune, Bennett of the Herald, Webb of the Courier and Enquirer, and an unnamed German. Fremont rides home on horseback, declaring his loss of faith in editors, who had made him believe that "papers could do all things." At the right of the picture, in "the dark and gloomy caverns of Know-Nothingism," is Fillmore, placing upon Raymond, editor of the Times, the blame for an unsuccessful campaign. Buchanan sought also to be at peace with all mankind; and almost two weeks before his in- auguration he took the unusual precaution to write a letter directly to the British Foreign Minister at London. In that letter he said: "General Cass is to be my Secretary of State and no Englishman need feel the least un- easiness on this account. His anglophobia, as you used facetiously to term it, if it ever ex- isted no longer exists. His age, his patriotism, his long and able public services, his unsullied private character and the almost universal feeling in his favor render his appointment peculiarly appropriate." General Cass was almost ten years older than Buchanan, and doubtless the President expected to direct his own foreign policy. Three of these cabinet officers were to become Secessionist leaders before the end of Buchanan's term, and two were later to become Confederate Generals. The turmoil of the last year of Buchanan's four-year period has somewhat obscured the earlier years; but from the very beginning there was excitement enough in the daily news. Two days after Buchanan had succeeded Pierce in the White House, came the "Dred Scott Decision" of the Supreme Court. It was not the case itself, but the elaborate opinion rendered by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, that aroused contentious argument and sec- tional passion far beyond any other court de- cision in the history of the United States. Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri who had so- journed for some time at military posts in the Western Territory, whither his owner (an Army surgeon) had taken him. At a consid- 192 ABRAHAM LINCOLN erably later time, after the death in Mis- souri of the former owner, it was claimed on Scott's behalf that he acquired the permanent status of a free man when his foot had touched the soil of a region where slavery was not a lawful institution. The Missouri courts had denied this con- tention, and the Supreme Court had confirmed the judgment of the lower Federal court in accepting the opinion of the State tribunals. The trouble was caused by the elaborate and quite unnecessary metaphysical disquisition in which the aged Chief Justice led himself along to the fallacious conclu- sion that a Negro as such could have no legal rights because Negroes when ac- tually slaves were treated as chattels, and not as human beings. This was even more absurd than was the opposite conten- tion that under the system that then existed an actual slave owned by a citizen of a slave state became a free man permanently if it could be shown that he had at some previous time been brought into a non-slave- holding territory. Taney had been ap- pointed by President Jack- son to succeed Chief Jus- tice Marshall, who died in 1835. conscientious, abstractly logical with that legalistic quality of ignores the relationship of law to history, and works in realms of theory. The Buchanan Administration was in no way displeased by the Court's decision, which in effect nullified all compromise enactments. Jefferson Davis and the South felt that final victory had been gained for the most extreme of Calhoun's contentions. But in the North the decision was held in abhorrence, and the ROGER BROOKE TANEY From 1836 until his death in 1864, Taney was Chief Justice of the United States. He was a Democrat, a Baltimore lawyer, who had been Attorney-General in the cabinet of Jack- son. During Jackson's administration the per- sonnel of the Supreme Court was entirely changed. John Marshall had broadly inter- preted the Constitution for thirty-four years; but Roger Taney, who succeeded him, was a strict constructionist. His most noted decisions were in the Dred Scott case (18S7) and in the denial of the right of the President to suspend the writ of habeas corpus even when exercis- ing full war powers, as in 1861. He was able, and affected mind which Court was assailed in language too unjust and vulgar to repeat. The Kansas issue was taken up with renewed determination on both sides. In December, 1857, a pro-slavery constitution was framed at Lecompton without authority from Congress, and ratified by a dishonest referendum. Two weeks later that instrument was repudiated overwhelmingly in a referen- dum vote that was rela- tively fair. Anti-slavery men had abstained in one case, and pro-slavery vot- ers had largely abstained in the other. Ignoring this second referendum, Buch- anan urged Congress to admit Kansas to statehood on the pro-slavery Le- compton Constitution. But Douglas, with a vigor and courage that surprised . both sides, op- posed such action. He de- clared that his Kansas bill had contemplated an hon- est and not a dishonest test of the will of the people of Kansas. He denounced the Lecompton activities as fraudulent. Although the bill was passed in the Senate, with Douglas sup- porting the Republican minority, it was defeated in the House. A proper and legal reference of the Lecompton Constitution to a third vote of the people, by authority of Congress, resulted in its defeat by a vote of 11,000 to 2,000. Douglas was now as vituperously assailed throughout the South as, only four years earlier, he had been reprobated in the North. It was under these conditions that Douglas returned to Illinois. A new Legislature was to be elected, and it was to choose a Senator to succeed Douglas whose term was expiring. He had entered the Senate on March 4, 1847, and was now the undisputed leader of the Northern wing of the Democratic party, while LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS— A SUPREME DEBATE 193 THE POLITICAL QUADRILLE Music by Dred Scott Dred Scott, the Negro slave of an army officer, maintained that he had become free when his owner took him into free territory to live temporarily, afterward returning to Missouri. One of several suits which he brought reached the Supreme Court, and Chief Justice Taney delivered the opinion. He held that Scott was not a citizen, had no standing in the federal courts, and was only a piece of property. He went further and declared the Missouri Compromise of 1820 unconstitutional, on the ground that neither Congress nor the territorial governments could prohibit slavery in the Territories. The decision aroused intense feeling in the North. It was handed down in the first week of President Buchanan's administration, and, as the above cartoon indicates, it was an issue in the campaign three years later. The political quadrille here is composed of four candidates for the Presidency in 1860. Lincoln is in the upper right corner, and Douglas in the lower left. Above Douglas is John C. Breck- inridge, of Kentucky, nominated by the Southern Democrats. Below Lincoln is John Bell, of Tennes- see, candidate on a Constitutional Union ticket. Jefferson Davis had become only less widely recognized as the most active and influential leader of the Southern wing. Douglas's can- didacy for re-election was, of course, virtually unopposed in Illinois within his own party (a dissenting handful of so-called Lecomptonites merely emphasized the resistless party leader- ship of Douglas), and his success depended upon securing a Democratic majority in the new Legislature. The Republicans had not yet gained pre- dominance in the State, but they were hopeful. A Republican state convention unanimously designated Abraham Lincoln as the party's candidate for the senatorship, and hailed his position as foremost orator, thinker and poli- tician of the anti-slavery forces of Illinois. There followed a campaign that eventually centered in the plan that Lincoln and Douglas personally adopted of holding a series of joint debates. The nation-wide fame of Douglas, who expected to be nominated for the Presi- dency in i860, lent to these forensic exhibi- tions an extraordinary publicity outside of the State. This served Lincoln's case well, be- cause his presence on the same platform with Stephen A. Douglas made him a national political character in the full sense. 194 ABRAHAM LINCOLN The famous debates, however, did not begin until late in August, and the opposing candi- dates had already taken their positions with deliberate care. Their appearance at various places on the same platform brought immense crowds to hear them, and afforded the people of Illinois an admirable opportunity to compare the two foremost public men of the state while also pro- viding an illustration of the means by which masses of American citizens are trained for the exercise of self-government. Horace Greeley, in a lecture on Lincoln, based upon his own personal recollections, made the following obser- vations upon the two con- tending champions : I cannot help regarding that senatorial contest of 1858, between Lincoln and Douglas, as one of the most characteristic and at the same time most creditable incidents in our national history. There was an honest and earnest difference with regard to a most important and imminent public question; and Illinois was very equally divided thereon, with a United States Senator for six years to be chosen by the Legislature then to be elected. Hereupon each party selects its ablest and most trusted champion, nominates him for the coveted post, and sends him out as the authorized, indorsed, ac- credited champion of its prin- ciples and policy, to canvass SENATOR DOUGLAS OF ILLINOIS Douglas' second six-year term was to ex- pire in March, 1859, and his re-election or retirement would come at the hands of a leg- islature to be chosen in 1858. Twice he had been a leading candidate for, the Democratic presidential nomination ; and when Lincoln challenged him to a series of debates he had been looking forward with confidence to his re-election as United States Senator and to a nomination for the Presidency in 1860. the state and secure a ver- dict for its cause. So the two champions traversed the prairies, speaking alternately to the same vast audiences at several central, accessible points, and speaking separately at others, until the day of elec- tion, when Douglas secured a small majority in either branch of the Legislature, and was re-elected, though Lincoln had the larger popular vote. But while Lincoln had spent less than a thousand dollars in all, Douglas had borrowed and disbursed in the canvass no less than eighty thousand dollars, in- curring a debt which weighed him down to the grave. I presume no dime of this was used to buy up his competitor's voters, but all to organize and draw out his own ; still the debt so improvidently, if not culpably, incurred remained to harass him out of this mortal life. Lincoln it was said was beaten : it was a hasty, erring judgment. This canvass made him stronger at home, and stronger with the Repub- licans of the whole country. If the debates are to be studied for their doctrines it is desirable to begin with two set speeches, in which the opponents had sepa- rately dealt with the ques- tions upon which they were divided. The first of these was Lincoln's speech at Springfield before the Re- publican State convention, delivered in the evening of June 1 6th, the convention having during that day passed a resolution unani- mously declaring that "Abraham Lincoln is the first and only choice of the Republicans of Illinois for the United States Senate." Douglas meanwhile was still in Washington, the session of Congress having ended on that same date, June 16th. He remained in New York and the East for two or three weeks, and appeared at Chicago on July 9th, where he spoke upon the burning is- sues of the day and answered Lincoln's speech of June 1 6th. Referring to the arrival of Senator Douglas at Chicago, Mr. Gardner in his biography remarks : "A special train loaded with prominent citizens was dispatched to meet him. On his arrival he was greeted with tumultuous applause. He addressed the vast multitude from the bal- cony of the Tremont House. Thirty thousand people are said to have gathered to hear him. LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS— A SUPREME DEBATE 195 He was profoundly pleased by this splendid ovation, so strikingly in contrast with the re- ception .four years before, when his neigh- bors refused even to hear him in defense of his course. Among the distinguished visitors on the speakers' stand sat Lincoln." On the following evening Lincoln spoke to the citizens of Chicago in reply to Douglas. The next appearance of Douglas was at a great public gathering at Bloomington on July 1 6th. At Springfield on the following day this Bloomington speech was repeated. Lincoln's turn came in the evening of that same day, July 17th, at Springfield. He had heard Douglas speak at Bloomington, and they had come together in a companionable way to the State Capital, Lin- coln's home city, where Douglas also had served in the Legislature and afterwards as Register of the Land Office. The "Little Giant" was mov- ing about the state as a conquering hero, with decorated special trains and with such evidences of personal popularity as had never been accorded before to any man in the West, not even to Henry Clay himself. He had an extremely difficult situation to meet, but he avoided all appearance of being on the de- fensive. He had so shaped his course at Washington that he had one form of appeal for the anti-slavery population of the northern third of Illinois, another sort of the middle section, and a third for the people of southern origin who predominated in the lower counties of the State. As an extemporaneous stump speaker, he was without rival in his own day, and he has hardly been equalled at any time. ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN 1858 From an ambrotype made on August 25, 1858, at Macomb, Illinois, while Lincoln was in the midst of his debates with Douglas. The issue over which they fought was slavery, the prize was Douglas' seat in the United States Senate. Though Lincoln failed to win the Senatorship, he had forced Douglas to take positions which profoundly af- fected presidential issues two years later; and he himself gained fame far beyond the borders of his State. Lincoln had waited several weeks before deciding how to carry on the campaign during the remaining period before the election of legislators. He had somewhat vaguely thought that perhaps Senator Douglas would propose a series of debates; but, although such a plan was not in accordance with the preferences of the Senator, it could not well be rejected when Lincoln himself on July 24th sent him a note sim- ply asking: "Will it be agreeable to you to make an arrangement for you and myself to divide time and address the same audiences in the present canvass?" Douglas replied on the same day, proposing a "discussion between us at one prominent point in each Congressional Dis- trict in the State except the Second and Sixth, where we have both spoken and in each of which you had the concluding speech." There were nine Con- gressional Districts in Illinois, and thus it re- mained to hold seven joint debates. "If agree- able to you," continued Douglas, "I will indicate the following places as the most suitable in the several Congressional Districts at which we should speak, to wit : Freeport, Ottawa, Gales- burg, Quincy, Alton, Jonesboro, and Charles- ton." Dates were at once arranged, with Ottawa first on the list for August 21st, Free- port six days later, Jonesboro, September 15th, Charleston, September 18th, Galesburg, Octo- ber 7th, Quincy, October 13th, and Alton, October 15th. Mr. William Gardner in his brief but impartial and trustworthy survey of the life and career of Stephen A. Douglas gives an excellent picture of the two antagonists and 196 ABRAHAM LINCOLN the setting for the momentous intellectual contest that lifted each man to the dignity of his party's nomination for the Presidency two years later. Says Mr. Gardner : Now that Lincoln has become idealized and is safely classed with the great men of all ages, his modest challenge seems like a condescension of the immortal President to his rival. It then seemed an act of temerity bordering on madness. Lincoln's friends thought it rash. Douglas's friends had no hope that his adversary would be so easily delivered into his hands. Yet Lincoln was not a despised antagonist. He was the most prominent Republican in Illinois. But Douglas was the recognized head of a great national party, the giant of the Senate, the most resourceful American then living. Through years of desperate battling he had successfully repelled the assaults of Seward, Sumner and Chase. He had more recently encountered with equal ease all the Southern Senators. It seemed a sim- ple task to meet this humble Western lawyer and make his friends ashamed of their senatorial candidate. Doug- las did not share the pleasant illusion of his friends. Before leaving Wash- ington, when he heard that Lincoln was nominated, he said to Forney: "I shall have my hands full. He is the strong man of his party — full of wit, facts, dates — and the best stump speaker, with his droll ways and dry jokes, in the West. He is as honest as he is shrewd; and if I beat him my victory will be hardly won." Lincoln was burning with jealousy. He believed himself to be Douglas's full equal in mental endowment. For- tune, he thought, with a tinge of bit- terness, had dealt with them most un- equally, clothing his rival with the glory of a world-renowned statesman, and leaving him to waste his powers on the obscure quarrels of litigious clients in a small town. He yearned for the opportunity to measure himself with the great Senator on a conspicuous stage. This series of debates was a rare piece of strategy on Lincoln's part. Doug- las had so long been wrapped in his senatorial toga that his greatness had become exaggerated to the popular mind of Illinois ; while Lincoln had been a plain, modest lawyer, mov- ing among the people in the daily round of routine life. The dogmatic statement of the great Sena- tor carried more weight than the profoundest argument or the clearest demonstration of the coun- try lawyer. But these debates brought them to a common level. They measured their intellectual strength in the presence of the people, with all offi- cial trappings laid aside; and while no one could well be disappointed in Douglas's strength, the whole country was amazed at the unexpected power of Lincoln. The latest, and perhaps the best balanced, WHERE THE LINCOLN-DOUGLAS DEBATES WERE HELD IN 1858 The seven Illinois towns selected are num- bered on this map in the chronological or- der of the debates. The heavy lines indi- cate Congressional districts as then laid out. There was one debate in each district except the two which included Chicago and Spring- field. In those cities Lincoln and Douglas had already spoken. LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS— A SUPREME DEBATE 197 LINCOLN, DOUGLAS, AND THE RAIL-FENCE HANDICAP This campaign poster of 1860 (published in Buffalo), puts in the mouth of the diminutive Douglas the plaintive question, "How can I get over this rail fence." Lincoln declares with assurance, "It can't stop me, for I built it." From the black figure between the rails comes the unwelcome mes- sage, "You find me in dis yer fence, Massa Duglis." estimate of Lincoln and Douglas, in that rivalry on the hustings in 1858, is to be found in the concluding chapters of Mr. Beveridge's biography : It may be helpful at this point to look at the com- batants once more. Physically and mentally, Lin- coln and Douglas were exactly opposite types. Douglas was short and thick set, with great depth and breadth of chest, big round face, firm wide mouth, powerful square jaws, strong muscular neck, large and brilliant blue eyes, a mighty head and a deep voice. Lincoln was very tall and thin, with narrow chest and drooping shoulders, a long, slender, wrinkled neck, a lined and withered face, shrunken checks, small head, and shrill voice. Lincoln was humorous and quizzical, indifferent to or forgetful of his clothes which never fitted, slow of thought and action, given to moods of mel- ancholy broken by strange and sudden bursts of fun, and he was the best story-teller in the country. Douglas was cordial and dignified, alert, quick, and resourceful, careful of his dress; but he could not tell a story or crack a joke and never tried to do so. As speakers the quality of both men is shown by what they said. Each was scrupulously honest, per- sonally, although the followers of each denied that the other was overloaded with that virtue. Both were strong for the Union, both intensely patriotic, facts that we shall see emerge in flaming grandeur when the stern and decisive hour shall come. Lincoln and Douglas were inordinately ambitious, politically; but Lincoln had for the most part failed, while Douglas had mounted on eagle's wings with never a let down, never a halt. In 1858 the name of Douglas was known to every man and woman in the whole land, while that of Lincoln, though 198 ABRAHAM LINCOLN familiar to Republican politicians in other States, had not been heard by the masses of the people out- side of Illinois. The hold of Douglas on his follow- ers everywhere was absolute. He was an idol to them; their devotion amounted to a frenzy; they acted as if under a spell. It may be borne in mind that the joint de- bates comprised by no means all the speeches made by the candidates during the campaign season. Dr. Allen Johnson, whose biography of Stephen A. Douglas is the accepted and standard one, gives us a statement of the local conditions, and of the environment of the first of the joint debates, that is so accurate and so informing that I may well conclude this chap- ter by an extended quotation from a volume that is admirable as a political study and as an instance of careful historical research: The next three months may be regarded as a prolonged debate, accentuated by the seven joint discussions. The rival candidates traversed much the same territory, and addressed much the same audiences on successive days. At times, chance made them fellow-passengers on the same train or steamboat. Douglas had already begun his itiner- ary, when Lincoln's last note reached him in Piatt County. He had just spoken at Clinton, in De Witt County, and again he had found Lincoln in the audience. No general ever planned a military campaign with greater regard to the topography of the enemy's country, than Douglas plotted his cam- paign in central Illinois. For it was in the central counties that the election was to be won or lost. The Republican strength lay in the upper, northern third of the State ; the Democratic strength, in the southern third. The doubtful area lay between Ottawa on the north and Belleville on the south ; Oquawka on the northwest and Paris on the east. Only twice did Douglas make any extended tour outside this area ; once to meet his appointment with Lincoln at Freeport ; and once to engage in the third joint debate at Jonesboro. The first week in August found Douglas speak- ing at various points along the Illinois River to enthusiastic crowds. Lincoln followed closely after, bent upon weakening the force of his opponent's arguments by lodging an immediate demurrer against them. On the whole, Douglas drew the larger crowds; but it was observed that Lincoln's audiences increased as he proceeded northward. Ottawa was the objective point for both travelers, for there was to be held the first joint debate on August 21st. An enormous crowd awaited them. From sunrise to mid-day, men, women, and children poured into town in every sort of conveyance. It was a typical mid-summer day in Illinois. The prairie roads were thoroughly baked by the sun, and the dust rose, like a fine powder, from beneath the feet of horses and pedestrians, enveloping all in blinding clouds. A train of seventeen cars had brought ardent support- ers of Douglas from Chicago. The town was gaily decked; the booming of cannon resounded across the prairie; bands of music added to the excitement of the occasion. The speakers were escorted to the public square by two huge processions. So eager was the crowd that it was with much difficulty, and no little delay, that Lincoln and Douglas, the com- mittee men, and the reporters, were landed on the platform. For the first time in the campaign, the rival can- didates were placed side by side. The crowd in- stinctively took its measure of the two men. They presented a striking contrast. Lincoln, tall, angu- lar, and long of limb ; Douglas, short, almost dwarfed by comparison, broad-shouldered and thick-chested. Lincoln was clad in a frock coat of rusty black, which was evidently not made for his lank, ungainly body. His sleeves did not reach his wrists by several inches, and his trousers failed to conceal his huge feet. His long, sinewy neck emerged from a white collar, drawn over a black tie. Altogether, his appearance bordered upon the grotesque, and would have provoked mirth in any other than an Illinois audience, which knew and respected the man too well to mark his costume. Douglas, on the contrary, presented a well-groomed figure. He wore a well-fitting suit of broadcloth ; his linen was immaculate ; and altogether he had the appearance of a man of the world whom fortune had favored. Mr. Sandburg, who was himself born in Galesburg, Illinois, is at his best in his anec- dotal account of the great debates. He sup- plies much local color, and by his quotations from newspapers, East and West, he gives us a just impression of the significance that was attached to the Illinois contest. In the com- plete works of Abraham Lincoln there is not a line of the great speech at the Bloomington convention of 1856. It was extemporaneous, and went unreported. But in 1858 the words were taken down. "The reporters would give the country 'full phonographic verbatim re- ports,' newspapers told their readers." Young Robert Hitt, afterwards a prominent Illinois Congressman, was especially relied upon, and it is largely to his stenographic skill that we owe, as a great boon, our authentic record of the most famous of all forensic discussions. CHAPTER XXI How the Two Illinois Rivals Stood The gradual disintegration of the older political parties — Douglas finds himself leader of a Democratic minority faction — Lincoln's speech, when named for the Senate is I have stated in the previous chapter, /-\ Lincoln had set forth his main lines of ■*- -*- argument in the prepared speech that he delivered before the Illinois State Republican Convention on June 16th when he was named as the party's candi- date for the Senate. Douglas had care- fully considered his home - coming when Congress adjourned on June 16th, and he had studied the po- litical situation at large by spending some days in confer- ence at New York and elsewhere. While Douglas had great advantages of repu- tation and prestige, and while no other politician was his equal in dealing with immediate predica- ments, he was ac- tually facing a situa- tion that was ren- dered extremely dif- ficult by shifting con- ditions. Lincoln stood on bed rock as re- gards certain funda- mental principles, and also he knew exactly what he was trying to accomplish in the strategies of this particular campaign. Douglas had deceived himself regarding the value, both momentary and ultimate, of the principles that were involved in his squatter sovereignty doctrine, as embodied in the Kan- WEttE »P»n TMt LITTLE OIM4T.IN THE OHARKOTER OF THE OLMHSTOW Though short in stature, Douglas possessed physical and mental solidity which earned for him the nickname of Lit- tle Giant. This poster caricature was published at Phila- delphia in 18S8, the year of his debates with Lincoln. The Philadelphia artist had evidently worked from a portrait taken some time previously, when Douglas wore a beard. sas-Nebraska Bill, with its repeal of the com- promise measures that had been worked out by the elder statesmen. At first Douglas had seemed to be formulating plans that the South- ern extremists could heartily accept. The proposal to leave the slavery question to the settlers of Kan- sas to decide for themselves, taken in conjunction with the Dred Scott decision, had been too quickly acclaimed as a final victory for the slave- holders. Douglas's later attack upon the Lecompton constitu- tion, in defiance of President Buchanan, had dismayed and angered the South, while it had puzzled the North. It brought him, for the moment, into favor with Re- publican leaders of the East, among them Senator Seward of New York and Henry Wilson of Massa- chusetts ; and even Horace Greeley of the New York Tribune had thought that Douglas ought to be re-elected to the Sen- ate as a reward for his fearlessness in demand- ing that "squatter sovereignty'' should be exer- cised honestly, and that the anti-slavery voters of Kansas should not be tricked out of their fair part in the processes of self-determination. 199 200 ABRAHAM LINCOLN "SIT DOWN, LINCOLN, YOUR TIME IS UP" The artist illustrates a scene during the fourth debate, at Charles- ton, Illinois, on September 18th. Lincoln had been delivering his argument with telling effect, and Douglas had lost his poise, walk- ing rapidly up and down the platform with watch in hand and finally calling time. In these debates each spoke for an hour and a half, the man who opened the discussion saving a half-hour of his time for rebuttal. Thus each man had opportunity to answer the other from the same platform. The obvious fact was that parties were dis- integrating. The old Whig party was now a thing of the past, most of the Southern Whigs having become Democrats on the slave issue. Most of the Northern Whig statesmen, like Seward in the East and Lincoln in the West, were now active in the new Republican party. The Free-soilers, whose movement had crys- tallized at an earlier date, had been absorbed, for the most part, into this all-inclusive "Black Republican" party of the North. Many Democrats, including distinguished leaders in various States, had marched into the Repub- lican camp, where their adherence was hailed with enthusiasm, and where they were assigned posts of honor without prejudice. Some Eastern Republican leaders seemed to hold the view that if the Re- publicans of Illinois should step aside in favor of Douglas, the result would be his re-election as an overwhelming triumph and his Presidential nomina- tion in i860 on a Union ticket would carry the North overwhelmingly, would make some appeal to the South, and would remove the disunion danger. Douglas himself, perhaps, had enter- tained such ideas, until the Republican Convention at Springfield, on June 1 6th, had cleared up the situation. He had fought Whigs and Republicans in Illinois for so many years that they could not possibly have turned to his support, merely to reward him because he had opposed the admission of Kan- sas on the fraudulent Lecompton consti- tution. He now perceived that he had to make his fight for re-election on straight Democratic lines. Douglas was riding two horses that were pulling apart, and in spite of his amazing skill he was falling between. Republicanism was gaining in the North, while intense sectionalism, un- der the leadership of a group whose ablest strategist was Jefferson Davis, was dominating the South. Quite apart from the medieval dia- lectics of court decisions, and the dis- cussion of particular methods and com- promises as regards slavery in new territories, the plain fact stood out that the North was infected with the anti-slavery movement, while the South was rapidly adopting a wholly new religion of slavery as a sacred and divine in- stitution, to criticize which was blasphemous. In earlier times there had not been a man in the United States who thought of slavery otherwise than as wrong in itself and a thing to be abolished, although the view prevailed in the South that the extinction of this insti- tution must be by gradual processes, to be HOW THE TWO ILLINOIS RIVALS STOOD 20I THE IRREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT LINCOLN'S FIGHT TO KEEP SLAVERY OUT OF THE TERRITORIES This poster originated at Cincinnati, often called "Porkopolis" in those days because of its packing industry. The head of the hog is a portrait of James Buchanan, President, who had been nominated and elected upon a platform adopted by the Democratic convention at Cincinnati in 1856. Douglas (at the right) justifies the platform on the ground that it would keep slavery out of the Territories; but Lincoln declares that the slave interests had been permitted to go too far already and should be sent back where they belong. In this cartoon we see for the first time in these pages the term "irrepressible conflict," used by Senator William H. Seward of New York in a speech in the Senate on October 25, 1858, in which he referred to the antagonism between freedom and slavery as "an irrepressible conflict between opposing and enduring forces." worked out through some future period that could not be strictly defined. A Southern Congressman, the assailant of Senator Sum- ner, was quoted as having admitted freely that Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and all of the early Southern statesmen were opposed to slavery; but as he proceeded to explain, either naively or cynically, the invention of the cot- ton gin had made all the difference in the world ; and slavery had now become the essen- tial factor in Southern prosperity — an institu- tion to be maintained as the permanent basis of future wealth and well-being. History was shaping itself through the pas- sions and prejudices of two great sections of the country which were so divided in sentiment that mere political devices could not hold them together. The more reckless of Southern lead- ers were talking freely of secession, and the more reckless of Northern leaders were ex- pressing themselves in terms of coercion, de- claring that eighteen million Northerners with industrial resources would prove more than a match for eight million Southerners lacking the ability to make munitions and to finance a war of rebellion. Douglas did not fully realize how com- pletely the Southern leaders had rejected him, as the head of their party and their future can- didate for the presidency. On the other hand, he did not grasp the truth that his political record had made him unacceptable to the growing sentiment that was spreading its counter-propaganda against the propaganda 202 AHKAIl \M LINCOLN THE DOUGLAS STATUE IN SPRINGFIELD This is a companion memorial to the one of Lincoln re- produced on the opposite page, both erected in the Capitol grounds upon the occasion of the Illinois centennial in 1918. The Douglas statue is the work of Gilbert P. Ris- wold of Chicago. Douglas was only 5 feet 4 inches tall, but so broad and solid that he was called the "Little Giant." Lincoln was twelve inches taller. of the slave-holding oligarchy of the South. In short, he had maneuvered himself into the position of the leader of a minority faction of a divided party; and it was too late for him to seek a commission giving him high com- mand in the Republican camp. He had been vain enough to think that the Republicans of Illinois might come to him, or at least meet him half way; but his hopes were blighted when the State Convention declared that Abraham Lincoln was its first and only can- didate for the United States Senate. Lincoln, who had known Douglas through- out his public life, did not for a moment share the view of certain leaders in the East that Douglas could be weaned from his devotion to the Democratic party. Ambition had forced Douglas into a false attitude when Atchison of Missouri had taken the initiative with his Nebraska bill. As chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories, Douglas was placed in a position where he must either report the bill out of committee, or else step aside for the Missouri Senator. He chose to report the bill and to make its doctrines his own. He was further driven to abandon his earlier convic- tions, and accept as an amendment to the new bill the explicit repeal of the Missouri Com- promise. He had made such a record in the years from 1854 to 1858 that there was no alterna- tive for him except to push the Kansas ques- tion to a conclusion, in order that the country might turn to something else and allow slavery to take its chances in an age that was moving inevitably toward industrialism and freedom. He was perfectly ready to admit Kansas as a free State on the verdict of the settlers; but this willingness was quite too evident to be relished by the South. The South could not forgive its own emi- nent son, Walker of Mississippi, who had been appointed Governor of Kansas by President Buchanan, and who had there enforced law and order with the aid of United States troops and had protected actual settlers in their rights. Neither could it forgive Douglas, who had opened the door for slavery in the Terri- tories, and had then shown willingness to have the "squatters" close the door — determined not to permit slavery in a territory that was free soil under the old Compromise of 1820. Lincoln, therefore, was not only entering the campaign to set forth his own views, but he was skillfully planning to expose and con- firm the dilemma that Douglas was facing. He succeeded so well that although the Doug- las men carried the majority of legislative districts, Lincoln himself received the popular majority in the State as a whole. If there had been an up-to-date re-apportionment of leg- islative districts, Lincoln would actually have HOW THE TWO ILLINOIS RIVALS STOOD 203 1 r THE LINCOLN STATUE IN SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS When the people of Illinois were commemorating, in 1918, the one-hundredth anniversary of the admission of their State into the Union, they caused to be erected in the Capitol grounds a statue of Lincoln and one of Douglas. The Lincoln statue is the work of Andrew O'Connor. On the reverse side of the huge granite slab which forms its background is carved Lincoln's farewell address to his fellow-citizens in Springfield as he departed for Washington to become President in 1861, in which occur these words: "Here I have lived a quarter of a century, and have passed from a young to an old man. Here my children have been born and one is buried. I now leave, not knowing when or whether ever I may return, with a task before me greater than that which rested upon Washington. Without the assistance of that Divine Being who ever attended him, I cannot succeed. With that assistance, I cannot fail." been elected Senator. The northern part of the State had been growing much more rapidly than the southern part, and, with unchanged apportionment, the Democratic part of the State was now greatly over-represented in the Legislature. The main lines of Lincoln's arguments throughout the summer are found in his ad- dress of June 1 6th. The debates as a whole were published and widely circulated through- out the country, and even today they are well worth reading for the place they occupy in the history of American politics. But while we shall try here to show clearly their character and significance, we shall not review them in detail. The more convenient way, then, to find just what were Lincoln's positions is to study his speech on June 16th; while those of Doug- las are to be found in his Chicago speech on July 9th. Lincoln opened his Springfield 204 ABRAHAM LINCOLN speech to the Convention with the following paragraph that stands among the best known of his utterances : If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it. We are now far on into our fifth year, since a policy was initiated, with the avowed object and confident promise of putting an end to slavery agitation. Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only not ceased, but has constantly augmented. In my opinion it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed. "A house divided against itself can not stand." I believe this Government can not endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not ex- pect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the pub- lic mind shall rest in the belief that it is in course of ultimate extinction, or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become alike lawful in all the States — old as well as new — North as well as South. These were bold words but were supported by the facts. The Dred Scott decision, carefully analyzed, proves to have been merely a denial of Federal jurisdiction in a particular matter. But the extended opinion of Chief Justice Taney, in which a majority of the Justices concurred, set forth a doctrine the ultimate logic of which would have permitted a slave owner to settle anywhere in the Union with his human property, and would have upheld the re-opening of the African slave trade in our Southern seaports. It was Lincoln's belief that the President, the Chief Justice and the authors of the Nebraska-Kansas legislation were working together to arrest what were natural tendencies toward freedom. "The New Year of 1854," he declared, "found slavery ex- cluded from more than half the States by State Constitutions, and from most of the national territory by Congressional prohibition. Four days later commenced the struggle which ended in repealing that Congressional prohibi- tion. This opened all the national territory to slavery and was the first point gained." Congress having acted, there must be some form of popular endorsement, and the so- called "sacred right of self-government" had been advanced as a principle that President Buchanan at once seized upon as providing a "happy solution," which no reasonable per- son could dispute. Hence the so-called "new principle" of the Nebraska Bill, further elab- orated into the bill which separated Nebraska and Kansas and provided for the organization of the Kansas Territory, the settlers being authorized to decide for themselves whether they would bring slavery in through Missouri and the southward, or repel slavery under the majority influence of colonists from New England, New York, and the States north of the Ohio River. Connecting the two impor- tant topics, Lincoln continued as follows : While the Nebraska bill was passing through Congress, a law case, involving the question of a Negro's freedom, by reason of his owner having vol- untarily taken him first into a free state and then into a territory covered by the Congressional pro- hibition, and held him as a slave for a long time in each, was passing through the United States Cir- cuit Court for the District of Missouri ; and both Nebraska bill and lawsuit were brought to a de- cision in the same month of May, 1854. The negro's name was Dred Scott, which name now designates the decision finally made in the case. Before the then next presidential election, the law case came to and was argued in the Supreme Court of the United States; but the decision of it was deferred until after the election. We are next reminded by Lincoln that Douglas had found opportunity to speak in Illinois in support of the Dred Scott decision early in the previous year, President Buchanan also having expressed himself to the same ef- fect. But with all this outlook for Democratic harmony, so acceptable to the Southern lead- ers, a practical difference had led to new dis- cord, as Lincoln tells his fellow Republicans of Illinois in the following words : At length a squabble springs up between the President and the author of the Nebraska bill on the mere question of fact, whether the Lecompton constitution was or was not in any just sense made by the people of Kansas; and in that squabble the latter declares that all he wants is a fair vote for the people, and that he cares not whether slavery be voted down or voted up. Lincoln's argument becomes somewhat tech- nical as it discusses the application of the Dred Scott decision in various hypothetical cases. But his real object is not disguised for a mo- ment. He is making the South and its north- ern sympathizers understand that Douglas HOW THE TWO ILLINOIS RIVALS STOOD 205 CONQUERING PREJUDICE TO SAVE THE UNION The Fugitive Slave Law, compelling the return of slaves who had escaped into Free States, had been adopted as part of the Compromise of 1850. It was a source of constant irritation in the North, often flagrantly disregarded and in some cases actually nullified by State legislatures. The slave in the foreground of this drawing is being seized because he has transferred himself to a Free State "without the consent of his kind-hearted owner." One of the men arresting the Negro reminds him that he is only "a piece of property," a phrase borrowed from the decision of Chief Justice Taney in the Dred Scott case. does not care whether slavery is voted up or voted down. On the other hand, he is making Northern anti-slavery men understand that Douglas has no feeling whatever about the moral aspects of slavery, and is perfectly will- ing to extend slave territory in all directions, provided the local opposition may prove not too intolerant. To those who might have thought that Douglas was on the road to Damascus, so to speak, and that he might soon see the light of the true Republican gospel, Lincoln gave the following warning: Now, as ever, I wish not to misrepresent Judge Douglas's position, question his motives, or do aught that can be personally offensive to him. Whenever, if ever, he and we can come together on principle, so that our great cause may have assistance from his great ability, I hope to have interposed no ad- ventitious obstacle. But clearly he is not now with us, he does not pretend to be, he does not promise ever to be. Our cause, then, must be intrusted to, and conducted by, its own undoubted friends — those whose hands are free, whose hearts are in the work — who do care for the result. A speech of great intellectual authority, without the slightest taint of unfairness or misrepresentation, was concluded by Mr. Lin- coln with the following sentences : Two years ago the Republicans of the nation mustered over thirteen hundred thousand strong. We did this under the single impulse of resistance to a common danger, with every external circum- stance against us. Of strange, discordant, and even hostile elements, we gathered from the four winds, and formed and fought the battle through, under the constant hot fire of a disciplined, proud and pam- pered enemy. Did we brave all then to falter now 206 ABRAHAM LINCOLN COUNTING HIS EGGS AFTER THEY ARE HATCHED Douglas: Oh Lord, I'm sorry I broke this egg. If I could only keep the Nigger quiet until after the election I'd be all right. The first Egg Douglas picked was called the Compromise, Out popped a little nigger, with the devil in his eyes; He raised his hands in horror, when Stephen gave a frown, Said he, "Little Nigger, I'm bound to keep you down." Another Egg was Cuba, but it would not pass muster, For out of it had sprung a little Filibuster ; The climate was too hot, and he couldn't stand the test. With his shell upon his back, he retreated to his nest. The Squatter Sovereign Egg was broken with an awful shout, There being nothing in it, there was nothing to come out. Twas a shame to raise a cackle, a Democratic sell, A bid for the Senate — a hollow, windy shell. Free Kansas was a piece of chalk, or else a polished bone, The people asked to have an Egg, but only got a stone; He said he had no great respect for black, or white, or brown, And did not care if Slavery was voted up or down. The Egg "Dred Scot Decision" lies there unbroken still, Subject to the election and the fire-eaters' will; Pandora's Box was harmless, compared with all its evil., For out of it there yet may hatch the very biggest devil. (Cartoon and doggerel from the Rail-Splitter, Chicago) — now, when the same enemy is wavering, dis- severed, and belligerent? The result is not doubt- ful. We shall not fail — if we stand firm, we shall not fail. Wise counsels may accelerate or mistakes delay it, but, sooner or later, the victory is sure to come. Mr. Beveridge is at pains to show us that a great oration owes its power as much to the occasion as to its words and phrases. Many- things in this Springfield speech had been said before. In this case it was like Jefferson's Declaration of Independence, Washington's farewell address or Marshall's greatest opin- ions. There were phrases from Webster in the speech, and thoughts from other masters at whose feet Lincoln had long been a disciple. "But," says Mr. Beveridge, "like Washing- ton, Jefferson and Marshall, Lincoln stated old truths in a simpler form than anyone else had expressed them ; like those masters, he stated them when the public mind was intent upon them and impressive numbers of men and women were ready to receive them ; and he stated them as the chosen leader of a young, powerful and growing party in a great Western State at a critical time, and as the opponent selected by that party to do battle with the then strongest political man in the United States." It is also explained by Beveridge that Lincoln broke the speech, as he wrote it out, into very short paragraphs, with many words italicized throughout. Printed in this way, as it is reproduced in Bever- idge's pages, its statements seem doubly impressive, and they gain in cumulative force as they proceed. The speech was at once printed in Republican papers through- out Illinois, and it was circulated in pamphlet form. The New York Tribune reproduced it without abridgment, and Mr. Greeley was apparently converted from his earlier view that Illinois Repub- licans might support Douglas. Mr. Bev- eridge, whose judgment about the matter may be taken as final, declares that this speech of Lincoln's was "his most impor- tant move in the game for the presidency, a game Lincoln meant to win." Dr. Bar- ton describes the method by which Lincoln had written bits of the speech as thoughts occurred to him, afterward arranging them in order. He read the final draft to a group of friends the night before the conven- tion. These advisers disapproved of it, Hern- don alone favoring it. The Republican co- horts, also, were less enthusiastic about this thoughtful speech than about the improvised effort of 1856. But the orator stood on ground that his party duly accepted. CHAPTER XXII ouglas Wins a Costly Victory His home-coming speech at Chicago — The candidates question one another thoroughly as they tour the State before election — Illinois sectionalism — Immigrants at the polls The reply of Douglas to Lincoln's written speech of June 16th was made in the home-coming speech at Chicago, on July 9th. Regardless of the fact that this great town had become a Republican strong- hold, the personal prestige of the gal- lant Senator was so great as to insure him a magnificent wel- come. He was adroit in complimenting Re- publicans on having stood with him in his recent fight against the Lecompton Con- stitution, thus seem- ing to bring them over to his side in support of the doc- trine of local sov- ereignty. Many Re- publicans, in fact, were losing sight of principles, and were imagining that per- haps Douglas had found the path to ac- tual freedom in the national domain. In somewhat patroniz- ing fashion he re- ferred to Lincoln's candidacy : I have observed from the public prints that but a few days ago the Republican party of the State of Illinois assembled in convention at Spring- field, and not only laid down their platform, but nominated a candidate for the United States Senate as my successor. I take great pleasure in saying that I have known personally and intimately, for about AN ILLINOIS CARICATURE OF DOUGLAS A Republican campaign paper called the Rail-Splitter, which was issued at Chicago from June to October in 1860, repre- sented Douglas as "the Illinois thimble-rigger," referring to the parent of the later well-known "shell game," popular at county fairs. Douglas, in the guise of professional gambler, declaims: "Walk up, gentlemen, here's your Popular Sov- ereignty, Dred Scott and Wickliffe thimbles. Now you see it, and now you don't see it. I'll bet you $25,000 you can't tell under wkich one the little joker is." This analysis of Douglas was anticipated by Lincoln at the close of the debate, as explained in the concluding paragraph of the chapter. Governor Wickliffe of Louisiana, to whom the Railsplitter referred, was a Douglas Democrat who had been a member of the platform committee at the Baltimore con- vention in 1860. As Governor he had sent a secession message to the Louisiana Legislature. His support was to prove costly to Douglas in the North. a quarter of a century, the worthy gentleman who has been nominated for my place, and I will say that I regard him as a kind, amiable and intelligent gentleman, a good citizen and an honorable op- ponent; and whatever issue I may have with him will be of principle, and not involving personalities. Mr. Lincoln made a speech before the Re- publican Convention which unanimously nominated him for the Senate — a speech evi- dently well prepared and carefully written — in which he states the basis upon which he proposes to carry on the campaign during this summer. In it he lays down two distinct propositions which I shall notice, and upon which I shall take a di- rect and bold issue with him. Douglas then ad- dressed himself to Lincoln's arguments regarding the dan- gers of division. He was of the opinion that we could go on perfectly well with- out being all slave or all free. Douglas was an expansionist, as were most western and southern people, and he was in accord with the Southern desire to purchase Cuba and divide the island into two additional slave States. But Douglas, unlike Buchanan, was not playing the southern game in a submissive spirit ; and he was not playing the northern game with any 207 208 ABRAHAM LINCOLN pretense of sympathy with northern motives. The very fact that both sections were discredit- ing his leadership should have been, to him, the most concrete kind of proof that Lincoln was right in his warning that the country could not go on happily with the two systems, slavery in the South, free labor in the North, and rivalry in the new territories. Douglas assumed that Lincoln's position meant direct activities against slavery in the old Southern States : His first and main proposition I will give in his own language, Scripture quotation and all ; I give his exact language : " 'A house divided against itself can not stand.' I believe this Government can not endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved. I do not expect the house to fall ; but I do expect it to cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other." In other words Mr. Lincoln asserts, as a fundamental principle of this government, that there must be uniformity in the local laws and do- mestic institutions of each and all the States of the Union; and he therefore invites all the non-slave- holding States to band together, organize as one body, and make war upon slavery in Kentucky, upon slavery in Virginia, upon slavery in the Carolinas, upon slavery in all the slaveholding States in this Union, and to persevere in that war until it shall be exterminated. . . . Now, my friends, I must say to you frankly that I take bold, unqualified issue with him upon that principle. I assert that it is neither desirable nor possible that there should be uniformity in the local institutions and domestic regulations of the different States of this Union. ABOLITION RIDICULED IN THE NORTH As late as February, 1861, when this cartoon was pub- lished in Vanity Fair (New York), those who advocated the abolition of slavery were often the subject of con- temptuous satire. The framers of our government never contemplated uniformity in its internal concerns. It was a long speech that Douglas made, and it is not necessary to attempt to digest it here as a whole ; but the following sentences, deal- ing with the Dred Scott decision, and Doug- las's views upon the question of the legal rights of Negroes, may well be quoted, as showing the kind of argument that was then current even among leaders of such distinction : The other proposition discussed by Mr. Lincoln in his speech consists in a crusade against the Supreme Court of the United States on account of the Dred Scott decision. On this question, also, I desire to say to you unequivocally that I take direct and distinct issue with him. I have no warfare to make on account of that or any other decision which they have pronounced from that bench. . . . I have no idea of appealing from the decision of the Supreme Court upon a constitutional question to the decisions of a tumultuous town meeting. I am aware that once an eminent lawyer of this city, now no more, said that the State of Illinois had the most perfect judicial system in the world, subject to but one ex- ception, which could be cured by a slight amend- ment, and that amendment was to so change the law as to allow an appeal from the decisions of the Su- preme Court of Illinois, on all constitutional ques- tions, to Justices of the Peace. ("You were then on the Supreme Bench," said Lincoln quietly.) My friend, Mr. Lincoln, who sits behind me, re- minds me that the proposition was made when I was Judge of the Supreme Court. Be that as it may, I do not think that fact adds any greater weight or authority to the suggestion. ... I am opposed to this doctrine of Mr. Lincoln, by which he proposes to take an appeal from the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, upon this high constitu- tional question, to a Republican caucus sitting in the country. Yes, or any other caucus or town meeting, whether it be Republican, American, or Democratic. I respect the decisions of that august tribunal ; I shall always bow in deference to them. . . He ob- jects to the Dred Scott decision because it does not put the negro in the possession of the rights of cit- izenship on an equality with the white man. I am opposed to negro equality. ... I am opposed to taking any step that recognizes the negro man or the Indian as the equal of the white man. I am opposed to giving him a voice in the administration of the government. I would extend to the negro and the Indian, and to all dependent races, every right, every privilege, and every immunity con- sistent with the safety and welfare of the white races ; but equality they never should have, either political or social, or in any other respect whatever. DOUGLAS WINS A COSTLY VICTORY 209 The extreme views of Abolitionists were by no means popular in 1858, even in the ranks of the more radical half of the Republican party. Doug- las therefore felt himself on safe and solid ground in asserting his views on the subject of racial equality. He was making a somewhat dangerous ap- peal to southern prejudice when he raised the alarm that Lincoln's argu- ment on the "house divided against itself" indicated an aggressive Re- publican program to invade the old slave States, in order to make the country "all free." He could hardly have realized that he was spending long weeks and months of the year 1858, with every politician in the South eagerly following his words, in bold reiteration of the idea that the election of a man like Lincoln to the Presidency would create such peril for the South as clearly to justify secession. What Douglas said at Chicago early in July was repeated by him, with many variations but with increasing ardor and intensity, during the whole period of the strenuous campaign. The following passages from the Chicago speech show the quality and method of the Douglas argument : I believe this Government of ours was founded on the white basis. I believe it was established for white men, for the benefit of white men and their posterity in all time to come. I do not believe that it was the design or intention of the signers of the Declaration of Independence or the framers of the THE UNITED STATES— A BLACK BUSINESS From Punch (London), November 8, 1856 Looking on from a distance, before the day of the transatlantic cable, Punch saw clearly that the disagreement over slavery would tear the Union apart. Note the English conception of the Southerner with gun in hand and the Northerner with high hat. had any reference to negroes when they used the expression that all men were created equal. . . . They were speaking only of the white race Every one of the thirteen colonies was a slave- holding constituency. Did they intend. ... to de- clare that their own slaves were on an equality with them ? What are the negroes' rights and privi- leges? That is a question which each State and Territory must decide for itself. We have decided that question. We have said that in this State the negro shall not be a slave but that he shall enjoy no political rights; that negro equality shall not exist. . . . For my own part, I do not consider the negro any kin to me nor to any other white man ; but I would still carry my humanity and my philan- Constitution to include negroes as citizens thropy to the extent of giving him every privilege The position Lincoln has taken on this question not only presents him as claiming for them the right to vote, but their right under the divine law and the Declaration of Independence to be elected to office, to become members of the legislature, to go to Con- gress, to become Governors or United States Sena- tors, or Judges of the Supreme Court. . . . He would permit them to marry, would he not? And if he gives them that right I suppose he will let them marry whom they please, provided they marry their equals. If the divine law declares that the white man is the equal of the negro woman, that they are on a perfect equality, I suppose he admits the right of the negro woman to marry the white man. . . . I do not believe that the signers of the Declaration and every immunity that he could enjoy consistent with our own good. Maine allows the negro to vote on an equality with the white man. New York permits him to vote, provided he owns $250 worth of property. In Ken- tucky they deny the negro all political and civil rights. Each is a sovereign State and has a right to do as it pleases. Let us mind our own business and not interfere with them. Lincoln is not going into Kentucky, but will plant his batteries on this side of the Ohio and throw his bomb shells — his Abolition documents — over the River and will carry on the political warfare and get up strife between the North and the South until he elects a sectional President, reduces the South to submit to the con- 2IO ABRAHAM LINCOLN dition of dependent colonies, raises the negro to an equality and forces the South to suhmit to the doc- trine that a house divided against itself can not stand; that the Union divided into half slave States and half free cannot endure ; that they must be all free or all slave; and that, as we in the North are in the majority, we will not permit them to be all slave, and therefore they in the South must consent to the States being all free. In his Chicago speech on the following even- ing, Lincoln showed that Douglas had not cor- rectly stated his position, and that he had not, in his Springfield speech of June 16th, said anything at all in favor of taking steps for the extinction of slavery. He now took the op- portunity to say, however, that he did desire that slavery he put in course of ultimate ex- tinction, and he went on as follows : "I have always hated slavery, I think, as much as any Abolitionist. I have been an Old Line Whig. I have always hated it, but I have always been quiet about it until this new era of the intro- duction of the Nebraska bill began. I always believed that everybody was against it, and that it was in course of ultimate extinction." When further elaborating upon this change of atti- tude, he protested again that there was no right, and ought to be no inclination, to inter- fere with slavery in the slave States. These speeches laid the foundation for the weeks of campaigning that followed. There was, of course, much repetition, especially on the part of Douglas. Points became sharply differentiated, and the candidates put questions to each other that were skilfully drawn and intended to create either the embarrassment of evasion or the confusion of inconsistency. In answering Douglas's questions Lincoln said that he had never been committed, ( i ) to the unconditional repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law, or (2) against the admission of more THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF KANSAS TERRITORY From a sketch published in Leslie's Weekly (New York), in December, 18SS. It represents the con- vention of Free State supporters which met at Topeka in September of that year. Pro-slavery advo- cates, two months earlier had met and drawn up a constitution based upon that of the Slave State of Missouri. The Topeka convention declared the existing territorial government illegal, and framed another constitution prohibiting slavery. President Pierce recognized the pro-slavery government, however, in January, 1856, and civil war ensued in the Territory. DOUGLAS WINS A COSTLY VICTORY 21 I slave States into the Union, or (3) against the admission of a new State into the Union with such a Constitution as the people of that State may see fit to make, or (4) in favor of the abolition of slav- ery in the District of Colum- bia, or (5) in favor of prohi- biting the slave trade between the different States. He declared that he was (6) impliedly, if not ex- pressly, pledged to the belief in the right and duty of Con- gress to prohibit slavery in all the United States territor- ies; and (7) he was not op- posed to the extension of American territory, provided further acquisition should be made honestly, though in case of any proposed annexation, he would consider what effect it might have upon the agi- tation of the slave question. Having answered the seven questions of Douglas, Lin- coln in turn asked four ques- tions. He inquired whether Douglas would vote to admit Kansas as a State "before they have the requisite num- ber of inhabitants according to the 'English bill,' some 93,000." In his second ques- tion he asked if there was any lawful way by which the people of a territory "against the wish of any citizen of the United States can exclude slavery from its limits." In the third question Douglas was asked if he would acquiesce in the decision if the Supreme Court should decide that States can not exclude slavery from their limits. Finally, he asked if Douglas was in favor of acquiring additional territory "in disregard of how such acquisition may affect the nation on the slavery question." The crucial question was, of course, the DOUGLAS READY TO "BURY" LINCOLN POLITICIALLY AS A PATRIOTIC DUTY On September 12, 1860, a great mass-meeting and barbecue were held in New York City under Tammany auspices at which August Belmont presided. The crowd in attendance was estimated at from 20,000 to 30,000 persons and the New York Herald the next morning said of the occasion that nothing like it in politics had ever occurred there before. Douglas took that opportunity to say: "My friends, there is no patriotic duty on earth more gratifying to my feelings than to make i speech over Mr. Lincoln's political grave. (Loud cheers.) I do not make this remark out of any unkindness to Mr. Lincoln, but I believe that the good of his own country requires it." The Vanity Fair cartoonist pictures Senator Douglas as "Aminadab Sleek," a character in a comedy called "The Serious Family," which was popular in New York during the '50's. second one. Douglas answered it promptly in the affirmative. "It matters not," he declared, "what way the Supreme Court may hereafter decide as to the abstract question as to whether slavery may or may not go into a Territory under the Constitution. The people have the lawful means to introduce it or exclude it, as they please, for the reason that slavery can not exist a day or an hour anywhere unless it is supported by local police regulations." He 212 ABRAHAM LINCOLN A 1929 STATUE OF LINCOLN, AT FREEPORT To commemorate the second debate in the series of seven, this bronze statue was erected in Freeport, Illinois, the work of Leonard Crunelle of Chicago and the gift of W. T. Raleigh. It was unveiled on August 27, 1929, on the seventy-first anniversary of the debate with Douglas. elaborated this idea further, and declared that no matter what the decision of the Supreme Court might be, "still the right of the people to make a slave Territory or a free Territory is perfect and complete under the Nebraska bill. I hope Mr. Lincoln deems my answer satisfac- tory on that point." This was a sort of nullification doctrine, such as many opponents of national Prohibi- tion have recently advocated. The national policy could not be expected, Douglas held, to prevail in a given State or Territory unless local police authority was acting in harmony with national laws, or with Supreme Court decisions. The Fugitive Slave Law had broken down in New England, because local senti- ment was so strongly against it. There was practical common sense in this reply of Senator Douglas ; but the South con- sidered it an unpardonable heresy, and Lincoln had evidently intended to widen the gap be- tween the southern and northern wings of the Democratic party. On the expansion ques- tion, Douglas was breezy and eloquent. "Just as fast," he said, "as our interests and our destiny require additional territory in the North, in the South or on the islands of the ocean, I am for it, and when we acquire it we will leave the people, according to the Ne- braska bill, free to do as they please on the subject of slavery and every other question." Ottawa, the point chosen for the first of the seven debates, was in a district represented by Owen Love joy in Congress, with anti-slavery sentiment permeating the entire group of counties. Douglas was highly entertaining in his review of Lincoln's personal and politi- cal career, and the" tone of his speech greatly resembled many of the addresses made by Senator Borah, Senator Robinson and other THE LINCOLN STATUE AT URBANA, ILLINOIS Many cities and towns throughout his own State of Illinois have found occasion to commemorate Lincoln in bronze and marble. The statue reproduced above is the work of Lorado Taft, a distinguished sculptor of Chicago. As the capital of Champaign County, Urbana was often visited by Lincoln the lawyer. DOUGLAS WINS A COSTLY VICTORY 213 A FAMOUS LINCOLN-DOUGLAS DEBATE SCENE RE-ENACTED AFTER SEVENTY YEARS Knox College at Galesburg, Illinois, was a Lincoln stronghold in 1858. The debate there was con- ducted from a platform adjacent to one of the college buildings. It was well attended and aroused much enthusiasm. In October, 1928, on the same spot, Frank McGlynn and A. B. Pierson represented Lincoln and Douglas, respectively, in a repetition of the Galesburg speeches. In the picture Mr. Pierson, impersonating Senator Douglas, is delivering his address. leaders, including Governor Alfred E. Smith himself, in the Presidential campaign of 1928. There was a tendency throughout all of the Douglas speeches to misuse remarkable gifts as a platform entertainer by indulgence in mild ridicule, in misrepresentation through omissions and false emphasis, and in telling plays upon the regional bias of particular audiences. Since the speeches were everywhere distributed in cold type, it so happened that the cleverness with which Douglas won votes and secured his election to the Senate sup- plied a fund of quotations that it was easy to turn against him when he became a presi- dential candidate in i860. Having listened to Douglas for a solid hour at Ottawa, Lincoln followed with this opening sentence: "When a man hears himself some- what misrepresented, it provokes him — at least I find it so with myself; but when misrepre- sentation becomes very gross and palpable, it is more apt to amuse him." He then proceeded in a straightforward way to present his posi- tions, wasting no time in trying to imitate Douglas's method of disparaging the state- ments and arguments of his opponent. Freeport, where the next debate was held, was also in a district in which the Democrats themselves were on record against the aggres- sions of the pro-slavery politicians. To have seen Douglas arriving in a carriage drawn by four white horses, while Lincoln appeared on the scene in a farmer's wagon with a can- vas cover of the type known as "prairie schooner," would have been something to re- member. Indeed, there were thousands who were ready for a long time afterwards to de- scribe the scene to a succession of visiting Lincoln biographers. It was here that Lincoln answered the seven questions of Douglas, and propounded his own four interrogatories. The next debate took the antagonists further South, and at Jonesboro they were in the part of Illinois known as "Egypt." In this atmos- 214 ABRAHAM LINCOLN phere Douglas, whether consciously or uncon- sciously, played upon the Southern traditions of the crowd that came to listen and applaud. Lincoln here presented a fifth question, as follows : "If slave-holding citizens of a United States Territory should need and demand Con- gressional legislation for the protection of their slave property in such Territory, would you as a member of Congress vote for or against such legislation?" Douglas in reply in- sisted that, even if Congress enacted Legisla- tion to support slave-holders under the Dred Scott decision, "you cannot maintain slavery for a day where there is an unwilling people and an unfriendly legislature. If the people want slavery they will have it, and if they do not want it you cannot force it upon them." Possibly Lincoln's antagonism to the Dred Scott decision was slowly assuming a tone that might be construed as revolutionary ; while on the other hand the Douglas doctrine that locali- ties could lawfully exclude an institution that had been made lawful by the national govern- ment, was nullification pure and simple, be- sides being an incitement to revolution. Thus the tendency of the Lincoln-Douglas debates was to make parties and sections less patient and less tolerant. Mr. Gardner comments to the effect that "there was a marked falling off in the good temper and mutual courtesy of the combatants THE KNOX COLLEGE BUILDING AT GALESBURG Against the end of this building the speakers' stand was built for the fifth debate in the series between Lincoln and Douglas, on October 7, 1858. in the later stages of the contest." This writer further remarks: "The abiding question to which the argument constantly recurred was that of negro slavery, as to which Lincoln was darkly oracular and Douglas was reso- lutely evasive. Lincoln again and again pressed Douglas to say whether he regarded slavery as wrong. Douglas persistently declined the plea as one wholly foreign to national politics." "I look forward," said Douglas, "to the time when each State shall be allowed to do as it pleases. If it chooses to keep slavery for- ever, it is not my business, but its own. If it chooses to abolish slavery, it is its own busi- ness, not mine. I care more for the great principle of self-government, the right of the people to rule, than for all the negroes in Christendom. I would not endanger the per- petuity of this Union ; I would not blot out the great inalienable rights of the white man for all the negroes that ever existed." At Galesburg, where Knox College was the dominant influence, the audience was rela- tively sympathetic with Lincoln. Douglas opened the debate very ably, with that instinc- tive change of tone and attitude that recog- nized the difference between a Galesburg audi- ence and those to which he had been appealing "down in Egypt." Lincoln dwelt upon the significance of the Declaration of Independ- ence, declaring that "the entire records of the world, from the date of the Declaration of Independence up to within three years ago, may be searched in vain for one single affirmation from one single man that the negro was not included in the Declaration of Independ- ence. We are now far in this can- vass," said Mr. Lincoln ; "Judge Douglas and I have made perhaps forty speeches apiece, and we have now for the fifth time met face to face in debate." It was in the Galesburg speech that Lincoln made his prophetic remarks upon the fact that Doug- las himself was becoming sec- tional, even while twitting Lin- coln and the Republicans upon DOUGLAS WINS A COSTLY VICTORY 215 © 1903, X In front of the old in the right center their being exclusively a Northern party. The follow- ing sentences are well worth quoting at this point: I ask his attention to the fact that his speeches would not go as current now, South of the Ohio River, as they have for- merly gone there. I ask his at- tention to the fact that he felici- tates himself today that all the Democrats of the free States are agreeing with him, while he omits to tell us that the Demo- crats of any slave State agree with him. If he has not thought of this, I commend to his con- sideration the evidence in his own declaration, on this day, of his becoming sectional too. I see it rapidly approaching. What- ever may be the result of this ephemeral contest between Judge Douglas and my- self, I see the day rapidly approaching when his pill of sectionalism, which he has been thrusting down the throats of Republicans for years past, will be crowded down his own throat. The debate at Quincy on October 13th was followed two days later by the final meeting at Alton. Referring to his "popular sov- ereignty" principle, and his stand in Congress against Buchanan, Douglas declared : "I will never violate or abandon that doctrine if I have to stand alone. I have resisted the blandish- ments and threats of power on one side, and se- duction on the other, and I have stood immov- ably for that principle, fighting for it when assaulted by northern mobs or threatened by southern hostility." There was a note of rather desperate defiance in this challenge to his opponents in both sections. Two weeks after the Alton debate the elec- tion was held, on November 2nd. The Repub- lican State ticket was elected; but the Demo- crats carried the majority of the legislative districts. The aggregate Lincoln vote for members of the Legislature exceeded the Douglas vote by a total of perhaps four thous- and. Douglas had won a small victory, at the expense of a greater one. Lincoln's conduct of the campaign had given him national stand- ing, and had contributed greatly to the pros- ^<&g? • < Ml SITE OF THE QUINCY DEBATE Court House on Fourth Street (the building with the columns of the picture) the stand was erected for the sixth of the de- bates, on October 13th. pects of the Republican party as a whole. The campaign of Douglas had cost him his place as the most influential statesman of that de- cade, and had contributed to the discord that was breaking asunder the great Democratic party that Jackson had built upon the foun- dations laid by Jefferson. At a meeting in Springfield on Saturday, October 30th, with several speakers on the platform at the final rally of the campaign, Lincoln had made a speech which for some reason of inadvertence was not published. We now have access to it in the excellent Lincoln biography by William E. Barton, who first brought it to light in 1925. As a summing up of his arguments and his platform methods in the long contest with Douglas, and as a revelation of his patriotic spirit, this brief con- cluding speech should stand as a Lincoln docu- ment of rare value. Dr. Barton well charac- terizes it when he says : "These are not the words of a politician whose ethics are those of opportunism. They are the words of a noble statesman and an honest man. They are words that deserve to become as well known and as immortal as the best known and most cherished of the utterances of Lincoln." The speech in its entirety is as follows : My friends, today closes the discussions of this canvass. The planting and the culture are over; 2l6 ABRAHAM LINCOLN and there remains but the prepa- ration, and the harvest. I stand here surrounded by friends — some political, all per- sonal friends, I trust. May 1 be indulged, in this closing scene, to say a few words of myself. I have borne a laborious, and, in some respects to myself, a painful part in the contest. Through all, I have neither as- sailed, nor wrestled with any part of the Constitution. The legal right of the southern peo- ple to reclaim their fugitives I have constantly admitted. The legal right of Congress to inter- fere with their institutions in the States, I have constantly denied. In resisting the spread of slav- ery to new territory, and with that, what appears to me to be a tendency to subvert the first prin- ciple of free government itself my whole effort has consisted. To the best of my judgment I have labored for, and not against, the Union. As I have not felt, so I have not expressed any harsh sentiment towards our southern brethren. I have con- stantly declared, as I have really believed, the only difference be- tween them and us, is the dif- ference of circumstances. I have meant to assail the mo- tives of no party, or individual ; and if I have, in any instance (of which I am not conscious) departed from my purpose, I re- gret it. I have said that in some re- spects the contest has been pain- ful to me. Myself, and those with whom I act, have been con- stantly accused of a purpose to destroy the Union; and bespat- tered with every imaginable odious epithet ; and some who were friends, as it were but yes- terday, have made themselves most active in this. I have cul- tivated patience, and made no at- tempt at a retort. Ambition has been ascribed to me. God knows how sincerely I prayed from the first that this field of ambition might not be opened. I claim no insensibility to political honors ; but today Last Great Discussion. Let all take notice, that on Fri- day next, Hon. S. A. Douolas and Hon. A. Lincoln, will hold the seventh and closing joint debate of the canvass at this place. We hope the country will turn out, to a man, to hear these gentlemen. The following programme for the discussion has been decided upon by the Joint Committee ap- pointed by the People's Party Club and the Democratic Club for that purpose. Arrnnj«iB«nM f«r (fee 10th last. The twc Committees— one from each par- ty—heretofore appointed to make arrange- ments for the public speaking on the 15 tb inst., met in joint Committee, and the fol- lowing programme of proceedings was adopted, viz : 1st. The place for said sneaking shall bo on the east aide of City IIa.lI. 2d. The time shall be 1) o'$look, P. M. on said day. 3d. That Messes. C. Stiolman and W. T. Miller be a Committee to erect a plat- form; also, seats to aoeommodato ladies. 4th. That Messrs. B. P. Barby and Willi** Post superintend music and salutes. 5th. Messrs. H. G. McPiki aad W. C. Qoio- i.by be a committee having charge of the Elatform, and reception of ladies, and uve power to appoint assistants. 6th. That the reception of Messrs. Douglas and Lincoln shall be a quiet one, and no public display. 7th. That no banner or motto, ezoept na- tional oolors, shall be allowed on- the speakers' stand. On motion, a committee, consisting of Messrs. W. C. QciotsT and U. Q. McPiuc, be appointed to publish this programme of proceedings. W. 0. QUIGLEY, H. G. McPlltE. Amos, Get. 18, 1846. To the above it should be added that the 0. A. & St. Louis Railroad, will, on Friday, carry passengers to and from this city at half its usual rates. Persons can come in on the 10:40 a. m, train, and go out at G:20 in the evening, * . . ■ - ■ _ . ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE CLOSING DEBATE AT ALTON This clipping from the Alton Daily Whig carries an advertisement of the last of the seven debates, at Alton on October ISth. The attendance, although numbering more than 5000, was smaller than at most of the earlier debates. This was attributed by some of the newspapers to the conservative char- acter of the Madison County voters, many of whom were old-line Whigs. Missourians from across the Mississippi River helped to make up the audience. could tbe Missouri restriction be restored, and the whole slavery question replaced on the old ground of "toleration" by neces- sity where it exists, with un- yielding hostility to the spread of it, on principle, I would, in consideration, gladly agree, that Judge Douglas, should never be out, and I never in, an office, so long as we both, or either, live. After the election was over, Lincoln's junior law partner, energetic campaign manager and devoted friend, William H. Herndon, wrote a letter in which he told of the difficulties of the contest as felt by a party manager. He emphasized the difference of origin and mentality in the State of Illinois among the people of the north and those of the middle and those of the south. All the pro-slavery in- fluences of the nation were, in Herndon's opinion, work- ing for Douglas, while on the other hand there was no corresponding support for Lincoln from the great lead- ers of the Republican party in the East. The feeling in New York and New Eng- land, as among some of Lin- coln's oldest friends in the West like Crittenden of Ken- tucky, was favorable to Douglas merely because Douglas had momentarily joined the Republican Sena- tors against President Buch- anan and the South in oppos- ing the acceptance of the Lecompton Constitution. In the bitterness of the re- action felt by a young cam- paign manager who had lost an election, Herndon wrote : "Greeley never gave us one single solitary manly lift. On DOUGLAS WINS A COSTLY VICTORY 21' the contrary, his silence was his opposition. This our people felt. We never got a smile or a word of encouragement outside of Illinois from any quarter during all this great canvass. The East was for Douglas by silence. This silence was terrible to us. Seward was against us too. Thirdly, Crittenden wrote letters to Illinois urging the Americans and Old Line Whigs to go for Douglas, and so they went "helter skelter." Thousands of Whigs dropped us just on the eve of the election, through the influence of Crittenden." They were building railroads and canals in Illinois, and they were using the available labor of the newest types of immigrants, as has always been the case at every stage of our in- dustrial progress. There had been a large recent Irish immigration, and for well-known reasons the Irish-Americans had mainly joined the Democratic party. The more anx- iously the older Americans — who in several states were acting politically as "Know- Nothings" or "Americans" — were arousing one another against foreign-born naturalized citizens in New York and elsewhere, the easier it had become for the Democratic politicians to gather in to their fold these ignorant and well-meaning recruits from the over-populated and poverty-stricken regions of Europe. The infusion of this prejudice against the new citizens into political campaigns had been a disfiguring characteristic of politics in the East for two decades. Its recurrence at inter- vals, under changing conditions of immigra- tion, had continued to be a factor in campaigns for almost a century, when it was revived again in the Hoover-Smith campaign of 1928. Herndon's letter was, of course, not intended for publication, and this fact gives it an engag- ing candor that adds to its value as throwing light upon the conditions of that time. Thus, after mentioning four causes of Lincoln's de- feat, he remarks: "Fifthly, thousands of rov- ing, robbing, bloated, pock-marked Catholic Irish were imported upon us from Philadel- phia, New York, St. Louis, and other cities. I myself know of such, by their own confession. Some have been arrested, and are now in jail awaiting trial." It was to no one of these causes, but to all Comme rcial Heg tgtet '■■-■" ... - Published Daily, Tri- Weekly & Weekly BY HENRY D. COOKE AND C. C. BILL. SANDUSKY, OHIO, SATURDAY MORNING, NOV. 6, ltfsa «■ 1 ■■■ ■' Lincoln for President. We are indebted to a friend at Mansfield lor the following special dispatch : " Maksfiild, Nov. 5lh, 1858. " Euitor Sandosky Register : — An enthusi- astic meeting is in progress here to-night in fa- vor of Lincoln for the next Republican candi- date for President. Reporter." LINCOLN PROPOSED FOR PRESIDENT IN 1858 An unexpected outcome of Lincoln's defeat in the sena- torial contest was the suggestion of his name for the Republican presidential candidacy in 1860. At Mansfield, Ohio, the home of Representative (later Senator) John Sherman, a Republican gathering proclaimed Lincoln as its choice as early as November 5, 1858. This has been thought to be the first public announcement of his candidacy. of them in combination, that Herndon attri- buted the Douglas victory. And he summed it up by asking: "Do you not now see that there is a conspiracy afloat which threatens the dis- organization of the Republican party? Do you not see that Seward, Greeley, Crittenden, etc., are at this moment in a joint common un- derstanding to lower our platform?" Such was the natural petulance and irritation of a tired young campaign manager. Lincoln, on the other hand, calmly explained that Douglas had been so ingenious in the late contest as to be supported by those who thought his victory the best means to break down the slave interest, and by those, on the other hand, who thought it the best means to uphold that interest. "No ingenuity," he declared, "can keep those an- tagonistic elements in harmony long. Another explosion will soon occur." The Lincoln-Douglas debates have been de- scribed by most historians and biographers from the standpoint of the main arguments of the two speakers, and from that of the politi- cal bearings of the campaign for the senator- 2l8 AI5RAHAM LINCOLN ship. Mr. Carl Sandburg-, in his important work entitled, "Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years," has succeeded in enlivening this epi- sode with so many descriptive and personal touches, in addition to his analysis of the fun- damental issues, that his chapters possess a rare literary value. And they are also of weight in their historical statements and interpreta- tions. Looking at Lincoln the man, as the hard campaign reached its end, Mr. Sandburg remarks : "The open air, the travel and excite- ment of the sixty speeches Lincoln made through the campaign, threw him back to flat- days; his voice grew clearer and in November he was heavier by nearly twenty pounds than he was at the be- ginning of the canvass." Mr. Sandburg reminds us that Lincoln, when he spoke at Quincy, was visited by a political writer afterwards famous, namely, David R. Locke of the Toledo, Ohio, Blade. He quotes from the report Mr. Locke made at that time. Mr. Sandburg might have re- minded his readers that this Mr. Locke was the celebrated "Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby," whose humorous satires on politics came to be quoted throughout the country, and were read boating stronger THE UNDECIDED POLITICAL PRIZE FIGHT In the debates of 18S8, between Lincoln and Douglas, a seat in the United States Senate was at stake. But two years later the same Illinois statesmen were can- didates for a higher office, the Presidency of the United States. by Lincoln constantly in his White House years. Answering Locke's questions, Lincoln predicted that he would not be elected to the United States Senate ; he would carry the State and the popular vote, but because of the ar- rangement of legislative districts (under which the northern part of the State, which had grown rapidly, was not fully represented), Douglas would be elected by the Legislature. Locke quotes Lincoln as saying: "You can't overturn a pyramid, but you can undermine it; that's what I've been trying to do." How Mr. Lincoln relaxed in his hotel room after a public appearance, Mr. Locke de- scribes as follows : "I found Mr. Lincoln sur- rounded by admirers, who had made the dis- covery that one who had previously been con- sidered merely a curious compound of genius and simplicity was really a great man. I ob- tained an interview after the crowd had de- parted. He sat in the room with his boots off, to relieve his very large feet from the pain occasioned by continuous standing; or, to put it in his own words : T like to give my feet a chance to breathe.' He had removed his coat and vest, dropped one suspender from his shoulder, taken off his necktie and collar, and he sat tilted back in one chair with his feet upon an- other in perfect ease. He seemed to dislike clothing, and in privacy wore as lit- tle of it as he could." Such sentences might seem like an undue exposure of a public man's informality in his hotel bedroom; but Mr. Locke did not fail to give an excellent description of Lin- coln's skill as a debater, or to note the intellectual power of his arguments. Passing from mere details of attire or man- ner, Mr. Locke made a mem- orable statement when he said : "I never saw a more thoughtful face. I never saw a more dignified face. I never saw so sad a face." CHAPTER XXIII Buchanan Surveys the World At Large A mild-mannered Expansionist, highly alarming to Europe and Latin- America — Talk oj re-opening the African slave trade — Northern Abolitionists and their activity THE PERSONAL STANDING of Lincoln was notably enhanced by the ability with which in his own State he had confronted the foremost debater of the age. But it is to be remembered that his political fortunes were bound up not so much with elec- toral results in Illinois as with the success of the Republican party at large. We may, there- fore, note the broad fact that the elections in the summer and autumn of 1858 showed marked Republican gains in many States. In Illinois the nine districts returned to Congress five Democrats and four Republicans, while in most other northern States the results of the Congressional elections were sweepingly fav- orable to the new party. Senator Seward of New York had avoided the Republican presidential nomination of 1856 because the party strength was not yet sufficient for victory. This was true of sev- eral other leading men, so that it was without disappointment that they had hailed the nom- ination of John C. Fremont. But the indica- tions in 1858 encouraged party hopes for Re- publican success in i860. New England was uniformly and completely Republican by this time, and the State of New York was carried, under Senator Seward's leadership, with the result that Edwin D. Morgan, the Republican candidate, was elected Governor, while three- fourths of the Congressional districts were won by the new party. This situation turned Seward into a confident and willing aspirant for the Presidency. For two terms Salmon P. Chase had been Governor of Ohio, and in the coming year he was to be followed by the worthy and patriotic William Dennison, and was himself to be suc- cessful in his candidacy for a seat in the United States Senate, with a record that entitled him to rank with Seward and Lincoln as a pros- pective Republican standard bearer in i860. A BUSINESS CRISIS IN BUCHANAN'S FIRST YEAR Just twenty years after the great financial depression of 1837 the spread of "wild-cat" banking brought on a serious panic in the early months of the Buchanan admin- istration. There had been an era of extravagance. John Bull thought it a fitting time to give America a bit of fatherly advice: "The fact is, Jonathan, both you and your wife have been living too fast." It is a cartoon from Punch (London), November, 1857. President Buchanan, whose success in his own state of Pennsylvania in 1856 had turned the scales for his party, was now deeply dis- tressed by the fact that the Republicans had carried their state ticket and had increased their strength in the Congressional districts. Pennsylvania after long decades of unbroken Democratic majorities had now joined with New England in support of a more decided protective tariff policy; and this fact con- tributed to the further disaffection of the free- trade South. Below Mason and Dixon's line and the Ohio River, the elections showed a 219 220 ABRAHAM LINCOLN MR. DALLAS RECEIVES AN APOLOGY This cartoon from Vanity Fair (New York), refers not to a formal apology from Palmerston, British Prime Minister, for the searching of American ships by British cruisers seeking to suppress the slave trade ; it relates to an inci- dent at an international congress in London, when Mr. Dallas, the American Minister and former Vice-President, was introduced to a Negro by Lord Brougham. rangement for the suppression of the African slave trade. Slaves in immense numbers had been persistently landed on the coast of the Spanish island colony of Cuba. The British, apparently with far greater zeal than our gov- ernment was showing, were patrolling the Atlantic and overhauling slave ships in pur- suance of a policy that both countries had en- tered upon in 1808. A number of small British cruisers, with nothing in particular to do after the end of the Crimean War in 1856, were sent to the West Indies with instructions to board without ceremony any ship of any nation sus- pected of being engaged in the outlawed slave traffic. The British cruisers proceeded within a short time to overhaul and search more than forty vessels flying the American flag. This, of course, was contrary to international law as laid down by recognized authorities, includ- ing those of Great Britain. Secretary Cass through Mr. Dallas, our Minister at London, succeeded in obtaining apologies from Pal- merston, on behalf of the British Government. While we were wholly right on the point of international law, we should have stood better in a court of ethics if we could have shown greater degree of sectionalism than ever be- fore. In Missouri, Democrats were elected in every Congressional district. The Congress in which the Kansas question had been fought over had still its short session remaining, and President Buchanan had his opportunity to address it in his annual mes- sage of December 6th. Early in the year he had been dealing with Kansas troubles, with the defiant Mormon colony in Utah, and with filibustering expeditions to Nicaragua. In this message of December, he reported upon the Utah situation, declaring that "the authority of the Constitution and the laws has been fully restored and peace prevails throughout the Territory." He reported, also, upon a controversy with Great Britain that had come to a fortunate end. Two main subjects were involved, one of them being the right of "visitation and search" at sea in times of peace, and the other being the practical execution of our joint ar- THE SPOILED CHILD England looked on at the increasing turmoil in the United States with a superiority complex easily induced by age. That spirit is reflected in the accompanying cartoon from Punch. John Bull, as the parent of the American child, remarks: "I don't like to correct him just now because he's about his teeth, and sickening for his measles — but he cer- tainly deserves a clout on the head." There were numer- ous exhibitions of a belligerent spirit in international af- fairs, on the part of young America. BUCHANAN SURVEYS THE WORLD AT LARGE 221 that we had been using our own cruisers effectively in Caribbean waters not only to stop the slave trade from Africa under the American flag, but, what was more pertinent, to stop the smug- gling of slaves from the Cuban entrepot to their in- tended destination in our own cotton States. The Administration was not content to rest with hav- ing curbed the activity of the British cruisers. Mr. Buch- anan affected a great concern about the slave trade, and made this an excuse for re- turning to the subject of the desirability of our annexa- tion of Cuba. He declared Cuba to be "a constant source of injury and annoyance to the American people." And he proceeded as follows : "It is the only spot in the civilized world where the African slave trade is tolerated, and we are bound by treaty with Great Britain to maintain a naval force on the coast of Africa at great expense, both in life and treasure, solely for the purpose of arresting slavers bound to that island. As long as this market shall remain open, there can be no hope for the civilization of benighted Africa. Whilst the demand for slaves con- tinues in Cuba, wars will be waged among the petty and barbarous chiefs for the purpose of seizing subjects to supply this trade." He protested that we would not think of acquiring Cuba from Spain except by honor- able negotiations. His advice was followed by the introduction of a bill in Congress to appropriate a large sum of money, as pre- liminary to taking up the diplomatic question. Spain was, of course, as indignant as on pre- vious like occasions, and the appropriation bill was not passed — partly, indeed, because of bad financial calculations and treasury deficits, fol- lowing the severe panic and business collapse of 1857. SETTLING VEXATION BY ANNEXATION John Bull: "My dear boy, if it comes to the worst, you'll see your Old Dad out of this plaguy French business, won't you?" Jonathan: "Well, can't without seeing the boys first. I tell you what, though, 'spose we annex you ! That'll settle this business right away !" (Anti-British propaganda in the French press had caused some worriment in England. This American cartoon reflects the expansionist attitude assumed by President Buchanan, which caused no small measure of irritation abroad.) The mild-mannered President Buchanan was now in a surprisingly aggressive mood, as he invited the country to forget its internal differences while joining in foreign adven- tures. He stated grievances against Mexico, and declared that "abundant cause now un- doubtedly exists for a resort to hostilities against the government still holding possession of the [Mexican] capital." He intimated that we might take possession of portions of Mexi- can territory to be held in pledge. He went so far even as to declare, after reciting lawless conditions in the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Sonora, that our Government ought "to assume a temporary protectorate over the northern portions and to establish military posts within the same." No President before Buchanan, and none since, is on record as proposing to enter so deliberately upon an expansion policy. With a hope of new slave states in Cuba and north- ern Mexico, the South might be less chagrined over its failure in Kansas. But the North was 222 ABRAHAM LINCOLN . ASERVICEABLE GARMENT. OR REVERIE OF A BACHELOR. President-elect Buchanan recalls, in his reverie, that the coat was in fashionable Federal style when it was new — its owner began his political life as a Federalist — but that patching and turning have made it a Democratic model. The "Cuba patch" (referring to Buchanan's part, as Minister to England, in writing the Ostend Manifesto) is admittedly unsightly, though quite in line with South- ern fashions. But the bachelor President, the only one before Grover Cleveland occupied the White House, thinks that perhaps he can afford a new outfit. in no mood for expansion under those circum- stances; and Buchanan's proposals, while ex- tremely irritating to other governments, were wholly without effect at home. Latin America was seriously displeased, and the British and French Governments were preparing to sup- port Spain in holding Cuba, and to defend Mexico in case of aggression on our part. Our citizens had been going to California by the Panama route, and also by way of Mexico and Nicaragua. Rights pre- viously negotiated over the Nicaragua route had now been officially revoked. "Under these circumstances," said Mr. Buchanan, "I earnestly recommend to Congress the passage of an act, auth- orizing the President, under such re- strictions as they may deem proper, to employ the land and naval forces of the United States in preventing the transit from being obstructed or closed by lawless violence. He asked simi- lar authority to protect the Panama route, and also the Tehuantepec route across Mexico. We had some question of difference with Paraguay over an attack upon a United States steamer. Mr. Buch- anan declared to Congress that if amicable negotiations failed, "then no alternative will remain but the employ- ment of force. In view of this con- tingency, a naval force has been des- patched to rendezvous near Buenos Aires." None of these affairs in the foreign field, however, led the country into a war that might have diverted at- tention from domestic politics. With the 4th of March, 1859, there expired a Congress that had few worthy achievements to its credit. Yet things were happening in the world that, in the course of decades, were to contribute towards a finer civilization. Thus, five days before the first of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, the comple- tion of the Atlantic cable had per- mitted the exchange of greetings be- tween Queen Victoria and President Buchanan. On the 26th of August, there was cabled the news that a treaty had closed one of England's periodic wars with China ; and this was a welcome message to lov- ers of peace. On our own part, we had recently opened relations with China and Japan in a friendly and honorable fashion. Contradic- tory forces were then, as always, making for war in some directions as in others for peace. Minnesota had been admitted to the Union in May, 1858, and later on, in February, 1859, BUCHANAN SURVEYS THE WORLD AT LARGE 223 Oregon's application had been granted, both new States prohibiting slavery in their con- stitutions, while Oregon also forbade Negroes to settle in the State. It is to be noted that when this Congress of the first half of Buchanan's Administration had been elected, there were fifteen slave States and sixteen that prohibited slavery. With the two new States admitted, the fif- teen slave States were confronted by eighteen which excluded slavery. There was not much reason to think that the economic conditions of the vast unsettled areas, subsequently to be converted into fourteen additional States that are now flourishing members of the Union, would ever invite slave owners to utilize their bondmen in great numbers. Nevertheless, Kansas was in the same latitude as Missouri and several of the older slave States ; and the question of slavery in the unorganized coun- try farther west had its practical as well as its theoretical bearings. The South was principally concerned, how- ever, with the political aspects of the problem. They now saw slavery in a new economic as- pect, and they were seeking to protect the in- stitution, at first by a decisive check upon na- tional anti-slavery tendencies and afterwards by a bold reversal of international policies. There was comparative quiet at Washing- ton in 1859, after the adjournment of Con- gress on March 4th, with the halls of legisla- tion closed for nine months. But within party circles and in various local centers, there was no adjournment of politics; and everybody was looking forward to the fateful political year i860. It would be gravely improper to attribute motives or purposes to parties, groups or individuals in either section without evidence. But there are ample facts to show that the anti-slavery movement in the North was becoming Abolitionist in its temper, with more defiance in its leadership and less dis- position to explain its acquiescence in the per- manent Constitutional status of slavery where it actually existed. As for the South, it was abandoning the de- fensive and openly planning for a new type of high civilization in an extended empire, with African slavery as the economic and JAMES BUCHANAN Fifteenth President vf the United States A lawyer of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in his first year at the bar, Buchanan enlisted as a private in the War of 1812. He was then twenty-one years old. After the war he served in the Pennsylvania legislature. In 1820 he was elected to Congress as a Federalist, remaining there for five terms until he went to Russia as Minister, 1831-33, by appointment of President Jackson. There followed a period of twelve years as Senator from Pennsylvania. During President Polk's entire term, 1845-49, Buchanan was Sec- retary of State, dealing with the Oregon crisis and the War with Mexico. From 1853 to 1856 he was Minister to England under President Pierce. In the Democratic con- ventions of 1844, 1848, and 1852, Buchanan was a can- didate for the presidential nomination, and in 1856 he was the convention's choice. In the election that followed he obtained a decisive majority of the electoral votes, though his popular vote fell considerably short of exceeding that of Fremont and Fillmore combined. social foundation. Thomas Jefferson in his annual presidential message to Congress on December 2, 1806, had made the following reference to the African slave trade: "I congratulate you, fellow-citizens, on the approach of the period at which you may in- terpose your authority constitutionally to withdraw the citizens of the United States from all further participation in those vio- lations of human rights which have been so long continued on the unoffending inhabitants 224 ABRAHAM LINCOLN HENRY WARD BEECHER Forty years paster of Plymouth (Congregational) Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., Beecher was the most famous preacher of his generation. He was active in the anti-slavery move- ment from an early date, co-operating with the Abolition- ists while not assenting to their more radical positions. As to the Fugitive Slave Act, he accepted the doctrine that there was a "Higher Law" than the Constitution. He urged the settlement of Kansas by Free State men and condoned the use of force, but regarded John Brown as an irresponsible fanatic. Harriet Beecher Stowe was his sister. It was Beecher who brought Lincoln to New York in 18S7, for the Cooper Union address. of Africa, and which the morality, the repu- tation, and the best interests of our country- have long been eager to proscribe. Although no law you may pass can take prohibitory ef- fect till the first day of the year 1808, yet the intervening period is not too long to prevent by timely notice expeditions which can not be completed before that day." In the month of May, 1859, the cotton- raising States were represented in a signifi- cant convention at Vicksburg, Mississippi. By a vote of more than two to one a resolution was passed in this convention to the effect that "all laws State or Federal prohibiting the African slave trade ought to be repealed." Re- gardless of laws, the external slave trade was encouraged and Southern juries would not convict those responsible for the illegal land- ing of fresh cargoes, whether direct from Africa or from the slave-markets of Cuba. Jefferson Davis, and the other Southern lead- ers, were making important speeches during the summer in which they demanded national legislation to protect slave owners in the Ter- ritories, and elaborated upon the views of the Vicksburg Convention. The South was not able to obtain a sufficient supply of slaves for its later necessities by natural increase of those already here; and therefore it was demanded that Congress should repeal the law of Jefferson's time which made the African slave trade piracy. It was declared that a slave costing $1500 in Virginia could be bought for $600 in Cuba and for $100 or much less in Africa. It was the proposal of these foremost Southern leaders that con- trol of the slave trade should be relegated to the individual States. With slavery protected in the Territories, and with the African slave trade reopened, it was further demanded by Southern leaders that the United States should proceed by force to acquire Cuba, Mexico and Central America, from which to form a series of new slave States. Mr. Davis spoke for the maintenance of the Union if Southern policies were not blocked. But he stated plainly that he was for separa- tion if the principles laid down by Senator Seward in his speech at Rochester were to guide the policy of the nation. He thought the annexation of Cuba would be desirable for the entire United States, but especially de- sirable for the South in case of the forming of a new Southern Confederacy. It must not be supposed that in the minds of leaders in South Carolina, Georgia, Ala- bama, and Mississippi, Secession was con- templated merely as a defensive program. They adhered to the view that further annexations were practicable, and that some slight aid to filibustering parties and insurrectionists would create so much difficulty for Spain that Cuba could be purchased on our own terms. North- ern Mexico was scantily populated, and could BUCHANAN SURVEYS THE WORLD AT LARGE 225 1 0WF^' vTl ^W : 23r. -^sBi JJ^ffi J ^9 B^_j|Kr ' 11 BH WENDELL PHILLIPS It was the mob attack on William Lloyd Garrison, in Boston, which led Phillips when only four years out of Harvard to become interested in the anti-slavery movement. Later, when the courts held that a fugitive slave had no right to a trial by jury, he gave up the practice of law rather than abide by his oath to support the Constitution. He even refused to vote and thus participate in such a government. Phillips was the leading orator of the anti-slavery move- ment, in great demand as a lyceum speaker. He was later an active worker for the abolition of capital punishment, for women's rights, and for prohibition. WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON From his fourteenth year until he was twenty-one, Garrison was a printer's apprentice at Newburyport, Massa- chusetts. Soon afterward (1829), as a Baltimore editor, his fulminations against slavery got him into jail for libel. On January 1, 1831, at Boston, he began publishing the Liberator, and became the leader in the agita- tion against slavery, the veritable em- bodiment of the abolitionist cause. Four years later he was roughly treated by a mob in Boston. Gar- rison was a moral crusader who dis- dained moderation. He lived to see slavery abolished, and died in 1879. GERRIT SMITH Ten years older than Garrison, and sixteen years older than Phillips, Ger- rit Smith was the financial backer of the anti-slavery movement. He in- herited a fortune from his father, a fur trader of northern New York. In 1848 and 18S2 he was the presi- dential candidate of the Liberty party, which he had organized. He was a personal friend of John Brown and supplied some of the money re- quired for the raid on Harper's Ferry. It was Gerrit Smith who joined Horace Greeley in signing the bail bond for the release of Jefferson Davis after the Civil War. be acquired by processes similar to those which had given us Texas and New Mexico. In less than forty years the number of slaves in the South had doubled, and the de- mand was so great that average prices had advanced by three or four hundred per cent. At an earlier period Southern churches had been apologetic, and had looked to the ultimate training of Negroes for freedom. But under the pressure of new political and economic motives the Southern churches had been study- ing tbe Bible with more diligence and respect, and had brought slavery under the protection of the Christian religion. Convinced of the bopeless inferiority of the Negro race, and of the terrible plight of Negroes remaining in their savage state in the jungles of Africa, they persuaded themselves that the best thing that could possibly befall these unhappy and degraded Africans was to be brought to America to have their fortunate place in the domestic organization of a refined and Chris- tian South. Moreover, this was not a hard doctrine for people whose convenience it hap- pened to serve. On the other hand, the churches of the North had become infected with the doctrines of the Abolitionists. Accepting the principle that slavery was morally wrong, they began to universalize exceptional facts as to the cruel- ties and hardships of slavery in the South. These views were increasingly proclaimed from Northern pulpits, and their dissemina- tion had been promoted by the publication of 226 ABRAHAM LINCOLN •<\ IP NS^E LIFE IN THE SOUTH This is an illustration from a book published at Buffalo in 1852, as a reply to "Uncle Tom's Cabin." It shows a Sun- day School class conducted for the young people in the slave quarters of a Southern plantation. Not all slave- owners were cruel, and there was widespread effort in the South to uplift the Negro race. In South Carolina, espe- cially, religious instruction of slaves was encouraged. Senator Seward's Rochester speech, to which Senator Jefferson Davis had referred, stands as the most famous utterance of the man who was everywhere recognized as the foremost Republican leader of the country. It had been delivered on October 25, 1858. Analyzing the recent progress of the country, Seward developed the argument that with growing populations, railroad systems and domestic trade, the slave system and the northern system of free labor were approach- ing an inevitable and sharp collision. This led to such conclusions as are set forth in the fol- lowing paragraph : Shall I tell you what this collision means? They who think that it is accidental, unnecessary, the work of interested or fanatical agitators, and there- fore ephemeral, mistake the case altogether. It is an irrepressible conflict between opposing and en- during forces, and it means that the United States must and will, sooner or later, become either en- tirely a slave-holding nation or entirely a free-labor nation. Either the cotton and rice-fields of South Carolina and the sugar plantations of Louisiana will ultimately be tilled by free labor, and Charleston and New Orleans become marts for legitimate mer- chandise alone, or else the rye-fields and wheat- fields of Massachusetts and New York must again be surrendered by their farmers to slave-culture and to the production of slaves, and Boston and New York become once more markets for trade in the bodies and souls of men. Seward had further proceeded to state the such books as Uncle Tom's Cabin. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe in this novel had done more to stimulate the anti- slavery movement than all the Garrisons and Phillipses of the Abolition party, and the less anarchical preachers and lecturers, of whom her gifted brother, Henry Ward Beecher, was foremost. Thus while Washington on the Potomac was so calm, with Congress adjourned for nine months in 1859, public opin- ion was crystallizing danger- ously in the North as well as in the South. THE DEATH OF UNCLE TOM In the book by Mrs. Stowe, which inflamed the North against slavery, the thoroughly likeable old Negro known as Uncle Tom is beaten to death by his new master. In this drawing for the original illustrated edition, Cassie is ministering to the dying slave. BUCHANAN SURVEYS THE WORLD AT LARGE 227 THE NEGRO IN THE NORTH— AND IN THE SOUTH One might assume from this contemporary cartoon that it is a product of the South. It was actually published in New York, however, and represents a considerable belief in the North that the planta- tion life of most Negroes was contented and far from unbearable. The Negro at the right asks: "Say, Massa Jim, is I wun of them unfurtunate Niggers as you was readin' about? Well, it's a great pity about me — I'se berry badly off, I is." In the scene at the left, by contrast, is the artist's conception of a Negro in the North, "a fish out of water." southern program, in the most positive terms and with somewhat doleful and harsh exag- geration. Where Lincoln was always speak- ing temperately, in order to make men think and reason, Seward was taking the tone of prophetic warning, and intensifying the spirit of sectionalism. Whether rightly or wrongly, the New York papers now regarded Seward as an agitator more dangerous than Beecher, Garrison or Parker. This phrase "irrepressi- hle conflict," however true or otherwise, was associated throughout the country henceforth with the name and fame of William H. Seward. He had appealed from the Supreme Court to the "higher law" of right and wrong; and for this suggestion by so famous a lawyer he was reprobated in the South. I have already referred to the Ohio election that was to be held in 1859. Douglas went to the help of the Democrats, and spoke at Columbus and at Cincinnati. Lincoln, whose mission it had been through long years to trail Douglas, soon afterwards appeared at both places to speak for Republicanism, for William Dennison who was running for the governor- ship, and for Chase who was seeking to secure a Republican majority in the Legislature that would send him to the Senate. A few weeks before going to Ohio, Lincoln had written to a Congressman in that state to convey warning against the Douglas ideas. Because Douglas had become unpopular in the South, there re- mained some confusion about him among Re- publicans in the North. Lincoln said that their leaning toward "popular sovereignty" was giving him some uneasiness. "No party," he declared, "can command respect which sus- tains this year what it opposed last." He was not vindictive, but he was firm in exposing Douglas : 228 ABRAHAM LINCOLN "LIKE MEETS LIKE" William Lloyd Garrison (at the right), the ultra-Aboli- tionist of Boston, goes half way to join forces with the South Carolina secessionist, Laurence M. Keitt. "Well, my friend," the cartoonist fancies him as saying, "at last we meet in unity to destroy 'this accursed union.' Twas only a misunderstanding this many years. We were always one at heart." Note the garb in which the artist disguises Garrison — a common device in the anti-slavery agitation. It may have been the ancestor of the Anti- Saloon League cartoon employed so freely after the adop- tion of the Eighteenth Amendment "Secondly, Douglas (who is the most dan- gerous enemy of liberty, because the most in- sidious one) would have but little support in the North, and, by consequence, no capital to trade on in the Soutb, if it were not for our friends thus magnifying him and his humbug. But lastly, and chiefly, Douglas's popular sov- ereignty, accepted by the public mind as a great principle, nationalizes slavery and revives the African slave trade inevitably. Taking slaves into new Territories and buying slaves in Africa are identical things — identical rights or identical wrongs — and the argument which es- tablishes one will establish the other. Try a thousand years for a sound reason why Con- gress shall not hinder the people of Kansas from having slaves, and when you have found it, it will be an equally good one why Congress should not hinder the people of Georgia from importing slaves from Africa. "As for Governor Chase, I have a kind side for him. He was one of the few distinguished men of the nation who gave us their sympathy last year. I never saw him — suppose him to be able and right-minded, but still he may not be the most suitable as a candidate for the Presidency. I must say, I do not think myself fit for the Presidency." In his speech at Columbus on the 16th of September, Lincoln combated the Douglas doctrines, particularly as Douglas had set them forth in an article that had recently appeared in Harper's Magazine. At Cincinnati on the following day, Lincoln looked across the Ohio River to Kentucky and addressed himself in direct terms to the Democrats of that State. He was not trying to proselytize them, for that would have been a vain effort. "I only propose," he said, "to try to show you that you ought to nominate for the next Presi- dency at Charleston, my distinguished friend, Judge Douglas. In whatever there is a differ- ence between you and him, I understand he is sincerely for you and more wisely for you than you are for yourselves." Looking ahead to the presidential contest, he spoke to the Kentuck- ians in a neighborly tone that was strikingly in contrast with the eloquent but gloomy fore- casts of Seward. The following sentences are eminently Lin- colnian : "We mean to treat you, as nearly as we possibly can, as Washington, Jefferson and Madison treated you. We mean to leave you alone and in no way to interfere with your institutions ; to abide by all and every compromise of the Constitution, and, in a word, coming back to the original proposi- tion, to treat you, as far as degenerated men (if we have degenerated) may, according to the example of those noble fathers, Washing- ton, Jefferson and Madison." NO COMMUNION WITH SLAVEHOLDERS! "Stand aside, you Old Sinner! We are holier than thou!" Henry Ward Beecher and John Brown are represented as sponsors of this impious decree, while the ghost of Washington himself, kneeling at the altar, meets with harsh rebuff because there had been slaves on the Mount Vernon estate. Lin- coln and Greeley are to be seen among the communicants. CHAPTER XXIV John Brown Attempts Emancipation Our statesmen on their travels in the summer of 1859 — Brown's record in Kansas and his invasion of Virginia — Lincoln's views on the Har- per's Ferry raid — The martyrdom of John Brown A lthough the prevailing tendencies of /-% the summer and autumn of 1859 as re- gards political weather were cloudy and menacing, with the occasional incident of a re- sounding thunder storm, there were lulls and truces of sunshine and calm. Lincoln's cam- paign had cost him a few hundred dollars, and he was now taking, modestly and locally, to the lecture platform, especially with a discourse on "Discoveries and Inventions," showing somewhat the quality of mind that Franklin and Jefferson disclosed in those congenial times when they were not engaged in politics and public service. On the last day of Sep- tember, Lincoln was the orator at the Wis- consin State Fair, having been invited to give the annual address before the State Agricul- tural Society at Milwaukee. The problems of the farmer have been greatly changed, with our further advance- ment in the methods of quantity production. But Lincoln's exposition of the status and the supreme importance of agriculture is by no means obsolete. The independent farmer was, in Lincoln's mind, the typical American citi- zen. He held that the interest of farmers is "most worthy of all to be cherished and cul- tivated," and declared that "if there be in- evitable conflict between that interest and any other, that other should yield." The address 229 230 ABRAHAM LINCOLN was carefully prepared, and is an admirable example of Lincoln's best literary form. It was wholly free from political allusion, unless for a single remark as to land conditions in the South. He had been explaining that our farm- ers as a class were neither capitalists nor lab- orers, but did their own work on their own land. "Even in all our slave States except South Carolina," he declared, "a majority of the whole people of all colors are neither slaves nor masters." He was far from thinking that our Southern States were in the condition of the West Indian sugar colonies — too far com- HORACE GREELEY'S OVERLAND JOURNEY TO CALIFORNIA, IN THE SUMMER OF 1859. AN ACCOUNT OF THE PRESENT MORMON CHURCH IN UTAH. HORACE GREELEY. One vol \2mo. t dotk. Price $1, No more "interesting* record of American Travel has ever appeared than Mr. Greeley's Let- ters, written while on his recent journey through the Great "West, Utah and California. They have already attracted the attention of thousands in all parts of the country, and a universal desire has been expressed to have them in a connected and permanent form. The book contains a careful revision of the Letters already published, and also much new and interesting matter, including the author's notes and observations among the Mormons in Utah, closing with a chapter on the Paci6c Railroad, in which its importance and feasibility are clearly set forth, and its ultimate success fully established. THE FOLLOWING LIST IS FROM THE TABLE OF CONTENTS : From New-York to Kansas. Notes on Kansas. Summing upon Kansas. On the Plains. The Home of the Buffalo. Last of the Buffalo. The American Desert. Good Bye to the Desert The Kansas Gold Diggings. The Plains— The Mountains. The Gold in the Rocky Mountains. " Lo, the Poor Iudiaa." Western Characters. From Denver to Laramie. Laramie to South Pass. Railroad to South Pass to Bridger. From Bridger to Salt Lake. Two Hours with Brighara Young. The Mormons and Mormonism. Salt Lake and its Environs. The Army in Utah. From Salt Lake to Carson Valley. Carson Valley — The Sierra Nevada California Mines and Mining. California — The Yosemite. California— The Big Trees. California Physically considered. California — Its Resources. California — Summing up. California — Final Gleanings, the Pacific. Address THE TRIBUNE, New-York mitted to the manual labor of a subordinate race to be capable of a prevailing society of white men, working- without apology on their own farms, or at trades and handicrafts. It seems to have been wholly forgotten, until Mr. Dunbar Rowland compiled the writ- ings of Jefferson Davis, that this foremost leader of the South was, in that summer of 1859, enjoying a vacation on the coast of Maine, and that, in response to an invitation of the Agricultural Society of that State, he de- livered an address which, in many ways, is as noteworthy as that of Abraham Lincoln at Milwaukee. Mr. Davis eulogized the farmers of New England, and praised them for their qualities of character. He explained the grounds upon which his own State of Mississippi had become so marked an example of specializa- tion in agriculture, and he thought the differences of the sections, lead- ing to an exchange of products, ought to be a uniting bond rather than a cause of separation. He said nothing about slavery ; but he argued that the country as a whole would be benefited by further ex- panding the national territories. It was his view that with the greater variety of products that would re- sult from the addition of Cuba, for example, we would find in- creased advantages in the freedom of our internal trade, making us "almost independent of other countries for the supply of every object, whether of necessity or of luxury." The tone of Mr. Davis's speech was that of a man whose feeling was broadly national, and whose hope was for the perpetua- tion of the Union. Another of the most influential of Southern statesmen, Alexan- der H. Stephens, of Georgia, had just retired from Congress (in March, 1859), in frail health, altogether weary of public life. He was declining honors and JOHN BROWN ATTEMPTS EMANCIPATION 231 testimonials; and while Mr. Davis was so- journing for his health at New England's coast resorts, Mr. Stephens was traveling in the far Northwest, to see the country and gain physical recuperation. He declared that he had no political ambitions, and that he would exceedingly dislike to be President. "What amazes me in Douglas," he remarked, "is his desire to be Presi- dent. I have sometimes asked him what he de- sired the office for. It has never yet added to the fame of a single man. You may look over the list of Presidents; which of them made any repu- tation after his election? Four years or even eight years is too short a time to enable a man to pur- sue a policy which will be permanent enough to give him reputation." Mr. Stephens was de-. voted to the Union, al- though he could not de- tach himself from his association with the peo- ple of his own State. No man in the Union, North or South, was further from consciousness of being engaged in plots for the break-up of the country, in that ominous year 1859, than was this man, who was so soon to be serving as Vice-Presi- dent of the Confederacy. As for the eastern Re- publican leaders, they were not spending the summer of 1859 in plot- ting to destroy the peculiar institution upon which the South was relying for its expand- ing prosperity, with its cotton gins turning out ever-increasing quantities of the royal crop, for the mills of Europe and New Eng- land. Seward, as his biographer tells us, had GREELEY'S RIDE In the summer of 1859 the famous New York editor journeyed overland to California, seeing the new country at first hand and writing let- ters to the Tribune that were later published in book form. Twelve years afterward Mark Twain went over some of the same ground and picked up a Greeley anecdote from a stage-coach driver, which, together with the drawing above, we reproduce from "Roughing It": "When Horace Greeley was leaving Carson City he told the driver, Hank Monk, that he had an engage- ment to lecture at Placerville and was very anxious to go through quick. Hank Monk cracked his whip and started off at an awful pace. The coach bounced up and down in such a terrible way that it jolted the buttons all off of Horace's coat, and finally shot his head clean through the roof of the stage, and then he yelled at Hank Monk, and begged him to go easier — said he warn't in as much of a hurry as he was awhile ago. But Hank Monk said, 'Keep your seat, Horace, and I'll get you there on time' — and he did, what was left of him!" already planned to take a long vacation, and to make a trip through Europe and the Holy Land; and we have this quotation from his affectionate farewell note to his wife as his admirers, early in May, escorted him down New York Bay: "The sky is bright and the waters are calm ; the ship is strong and safe ; the season of storms is past." It was not until late in December that Seward returned from his interesting travels and from his study of the civilizations and social problems of Europe and Asia. The "irrepressible conflict" was not in the forefront of Seward's mental activity, as he toured foreign lands. As for that famous Republican journalist Horace Greeley, who was in many respects the most pervasively influen- tial man in the new party, he also was off on his travels, visiting the West and particularly occupy- ing himself in seeing the wonders of California. He was full of enthus- iasm, talking incessantly about agriculture, min- ing, and western pioneer- ing, and attracting atten- tion everywhere as he went bumping over west- ern roads in stage coaches. No one was more innocent, in that fateful season, than Horace Greeley of any kind of agitation to provoke discord among brethren in our great Republic. Among the vacation travelers of 1859 was John Sherman of Ohio. He had been elected to Congress in 1854, again in 1856, and now, for the third time, in the fall of 1858. He had been a rising young Republican while his party 232 ABRAHAM LINCOLN was in a hopeless minority. But at last he had taken his part in a vigorous campaign that was to give his party a decided plurality in the next House of Representatives. He was looking forward with some confidence to being chosen as Speaker when the new Congress should meet in December, 1859, which was sufficiently rapid advancement for a serious young states- man at the age of thirty-five. Having done his share as a minority member of the expir- ing Democratic House in the short session from December, 1858, to March, 1859, he had two-thirds of a year of freedom ahead of him, and planned to use the time in a broadening of his observations and experience. In April he went to Europe, where he studied many sit- uations that were of more than usual historical significance. To his brother William, after- wards the redoubtable general who was Grant's foremost military associate, he sent careful letters on the war in Italy, and later upon the British system of government. I might easily continue, with the aid of ex- cellent biographers, to trace the summer move- ments of other American statesmen in the in- "■'At, x J \ I : "A / ■i.um^lS^ oTM'* m VS. "THE IMPENDING CRISIS" OF A DAINTY MORSEL Douglas in the summer of 1859 made a journey from New Orleans to Cuba, to obtain first-hand knowledge of the Spanish island that President Buchanan and other leading Democrats were proposing to annex, and that was used as a base by slave smugglers. Douglas was then chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories. Reproduced above is a New York cartoon published early in 1860. terval between sessions of that year 1859. I have, in this manner, mentioned Seward and Greeley, Jefferson Davis and Alexander H. Stephens, besides this allusion to John Sher- man. Douglas's movements also are well re- corded, and I shall allude to them in later paragraphs of the present chapter. Meanwhile, however, the biographers of no other American statesman have been so intent upon completeness and inclusiveness as those who have recorded the public and private life of Abraham Lincoln. Why, then, in the vast literature that includes hundreds of accounts, have we had no definite record regarding the comings and goings, during the summer of 1859, of the man whose qualities had been revealed in the Lincoln-Douglas debates? How it happens that obvious things of con- siderable importance fail to appear in most bio- graphies, is a question that belongs to the curi- osities of literature, and I shall not try to answer it. Lincoln's biographers do not fail to record the well-known fact that he made a speech at Columbus on September 16th, and one at Cincinnati on September 17th, follow- ing Douglas at the request of the Republican authorities in a campaign for the election of a Governor and State officers. Also they are fully aware that in December Lincoln went to Kansas, where he gave five lectures. Mr. Sand- burg, who follows Lincoln's movements with greater amplitude of detail than most other biographers, finds him speaking in Chicago on the night of the city election, March 1st. He reports what Lincoln wrote to the Boston com- mittee which had invited him to speak at a Jefferson dinner in April. He quotes various comments of that season on Lincoln as a presi- dential possibility, and finds his hero invited everywhere to speak as the foremost Republi- can figure of the West. Mr. Sandburg, as also Dr. Barton, finds Lin- coln on May 30th drawing up a contract under, which he became the owner of a small German- language newspaper published at Springfield, called the Illinois Staats-Anzcigcr. Its editor, Theodore Canisius, was in debt, and Lincoln bought him out for $400. The principal Ger- man paper of Chicago was supporting Seward ; and Lincoln now had a paper printed in that JOHN BROWN ATTEMPTS EMANCIPATION 233 a 1 i.ia. 3 ** |Q' Until SeeTsi. 186^ uslex othewj O I J ordered. • j 2 M.iJ newspapers gave re- ports, quoted by Mr. Chittenden in foot-notes, of a speech upon political issues, delivered by Mr. Lincoln on Saturday evening, August 13th. Among those who heard the address was Grenville M. Dodge, a young railroad sur- veyor, who had just arrived from a study of possible routes across Nebraska. Lincoln met Dodge on that occasion, and had a long talk with him on the subject of the proposed trans- continental railroad. Dodge afterwards be- came a distinguished general in the Civil War, and a railroad builder identified with the trans- portation history of the West. It fell to the lot of President Lincoln, in 1864, to settle the location of the eastern terminus of the Union Pacific Railway; and the fact that Council Bluffs on the East side of the Missouri River 234 ABRAHAM LINCOLN rather than Omaha on the West side was desig- a significance that need not be nated, gives exaggerated to the study Lincoln made on the ground in those August days of 1859. This Iowa visit of Mr. Lincoln was not for- gotten by General Dodge, who attempted in his old age to write a volume of recollections, which was never completed or published. The Dodge manuscript with other material was safely deposited in the archives of the State, and in due time an au- thorized biography was written by Mr. J. R. Per- kins and published in 1929. Mr. Perkins, in his chapter entitled "Lincoln Visits Dodge's Home Town," gives us a more intimate account of the Lincoln trip than is con- tained in the earlier vol- ume on the experiences of an old Missouri River steamboat captain. Mr. Perkins finds that Lin- coln embarked on the stern-wheel steamboat at St. Joseph, Missouri, which took him up- stream nearly two hun- dred miles to Council Bluffs. He tells us that Norman Judd had pe- cuniary reasons for seek- ing to interest Lincoln in the river bottom lands, now a network of tracks. Grenville Dodge, as land purchaser for the railroad that was crossing Iowa, had also made Judd an investor. As for the people of Council Bluffs, it seems that the Lincoln visit had never been lost sight of. Says Mr. Perkins : "Dodge's home town, unto this day, speaks with pride and joy of the visit Lincoln made to it nine months before his nomination; of the reception tendered him at the Pusey home; of his speech in Concert Hall in the dim light of the tallow candles; of his stroll up the ravine to the top of a great hill, Moses-like to view the landscape; of how he JOHN BROWN AS "SHUBEL MORGAN" With four of his sons, Brown had so conducted himself in Kansas, in 18S6, that there was a re- ward offered for his arrest; but in Iowa, Ohio, his home State of New York, and elsewhere in the North, he was highly esteemed by anti- slavery leaders. Two years later, when Brown wished to return to Kansas, he found it desirable to shave off his beard and use an assumed name. sat on the porch of the Pacific House and talked with the citizens; and finally, of his de- parture, standing at the rail of the steamboat as it swung out into the river, with his hat in his hand and his face toward the yellow cliffs that lifted above the sun-scorched village on that mid-August afternoon." There seems no record that pictures Senator Douglas, however, as having forgotten poli- tics, or as engaged in mere vacation travels, in 1859. Upon the conclu- sion of the campaign of '58, with his re-election to the Senate assured, he had, indeed, set forth upon a long trip through the South, speaking in various places in the most conciliatory tone that he could assume. After vis- iting and speaking at New Orleans, he had sat- isfied his curiosity about the great island that we were proposing to ac- quire, by making a trip to Havana. In the earlier months of 1859, he was engaged in Senate de- bates at Washington that made him a compara- tively isolated figure. There was no sharp issue like the Lecompton Con- s t i t u t i o n that now brought him applause from the Republican side of the Senate ; and he was chiefly engaged in controversies with Senator Davis and other leaders of the South. The session had begun before his return from the trip to Cuba ; and he was chagrined to find that in his absence the Southern Demo- crats, who were still in control of the upper branch of Congress, had deposed him from his position as chairman of the important Com- mittee on Territories. I have already noted that he made speeches in September in the Ohio State campaign, and he was planning carefully for the Democratic National Convention that JOHN BROWN ATTEMPTS EMANCIPATION 235 was to be held at Charleston, South Carolina, early in i860. On October 1 7th came the news of the raid of John Brown at Harper's Ferry; and this tragic event startled the country like a bolt out of a clear sky, inasmuch as the truce in politics had promised to give the leaders a welcome season of devotion to farming, industry, vaca- tion trips and private affairs in general. John Brown at this time was in his sixtieth year. He was o f Connecticut birth, but was taken to Ohio when five or six years of age. He had tried all sorts of business ventures, and had lived in one place after another. For several years he had oscillated between Ohio and a place called North Elba near Lake Placid, New York, where Gerrit Smith in the heart of the Adirondacks maintained a settlement of refugee Negroes. Returning from Ohio to North Elba in 1855, he left his family there. Taking his four oldest sons, he joined a rush of Free State men to Kansas, where he soon became known as the redoubtable "Captain John Brown of Ossawatomie." He had been active all his life in helping fugitive slaves to escape, and had been for years a principal agent in the running of the so-called "Underground Railroad." He was a man of intense and moody nature; a man of action rather than of words; whose belief in freedom for the slaves was bound to show itself in attempts to bring the thing about, if necessary, by fire and sword and insurrection. His violent and ruthless conduct in Kansas had led to the offer of a reward of $3000 for his arrest by the Governor of Missouri, while President Pierce himself had offered $250. It was on the night of the twenty-fourth of May, 1856, at the height of the period of guerrilla clashes in Kansas, that John Brown and his little band massacred five pro-slavery men on Pottawatomie Creek. Perhaps these men were not of the most desirable and unof- fending type ; but there can be no doubt of the criminality as well as the brutality of the con- duct of John Brown. His sons had been hypnotized by the homicidal fanaticism of their father. Brown's own defense was that it had become necessary "to strike terror into the hearts of the pro-slavery people." JOHN BROWN After participating in the fight to keep slavery out of Kansas, in 1856, Brown returned to his home in northern New York. There he planned the raid on a government arsenal, to obtain rifles for an uprising of Negro slaves. He was captured, found guilty of treason, and hanged at Charlestown, Virginia, on December 2, 18S9. Endeavor was vainly made to fix responsi- bility for this action upon leaders of the Free Soil cause. Our foremost authority upon the deeds of John Brown and their relation to the anti-slavery movement and the political con- troversies of that period, is the remarkable biography by Mr. Oswald Garrison Villard, published in 1910, and entitled "John Brown 1800-1859: A Biography Fifty Years After." Mr. Villard makes it clear that Brown had gone to Kansas with arms and munitions, fully intending to fight. The Free Soil settlers in general were of the most peaceable type, whose purpose, apart from obtaining land and tilling the soil, was to help cast a preponderant vote at the polls in favor of making Kansas a free State. This massacre made trouble for many 236 ABRAHAM LINCOLN innocent free-state people ; for there were wholesale arrests, with attempts to fasten re- sponsibility upon prominent men who had no sympathy with John Brown's methods. John Brown and his group were now out- laws, and Kansas was in wild turmoil. Presi- dent Pierce constantly admonished Governor Shannon to maintain the laws, but without much effect. A few weeks later Brown with several sons and other followers escaped from Kansas and crossed the Nebraska line. Before long, however, the indomitable foe of slavery was in Kansas again, a sort of mythical per- sonage, credited by friends and foes alike with various exploits in most of which he had no part. With Governor Geary's advent, and with United States troops under his direction, peace came to Kansas. John Brown, who had gone there to fight but not to settle, had re- turned to the East. Just how he could have been permitted to travel openly, and to remain at large after his exciting year in Kansas, is not cpiite clear; but he had given himself a permanent place in the history of that Com- monwealth, and it is undoubtedly true that his crimes were condoned, and his methods widely praised and admired, among the anti-slavery people of the North. Unquestionably John Brown was treated as a hero in the Abolitionist communities of Iowa, notably in the little town of Tabor. From Iowa he set out for Chicago, where he ar- rived late in October with two sons, and where he was well received at the offices of the Na- tional Kansas Committee. At that time Horace White was assistant secretary of that commit- tee, and a note from him to Brown is in evi- dence to show how highly this man of blood and iron was esteemed by the leaders of the anti-slavery propaganda. After further ad- ventures, John Brown went to Ohio and then returned to northern New York. Early in 1857 he was in Boston, a hero in the group that formed the Massachusetts State Kansas Committee. The Bostonians were helping him in his plans to raise money and equip a com- pany for further exploits. The great literary lights, philanthropists, preachers, orators and merchant princes of Boston were the enthusiastic supporters of John Brown at this time. It should be under- stood that they probably knew little of the precise facts regarding the Pottawatomie Creek massacre. They imagined that Brown's operations had been defensive, against the so- called "Border Ruffians" of Missouri. Un- doubtedly he received much financial and moral support for his mysterious plans, and was not closely cross-examined about them by any of these New England patrons. The details of these endeavors are fully re- corded by Mr. Villard. In point of fact, John Brown, with the money contributed by his New England backers, was quietly and delib- erately preparing for the Harper's Ferry raid. He was having certain weapons forged, par- ticularly a type of spear that he was intending to place in the hands of slaves not accus- tomed to firearms. There were various causes of delay in Brown's preparations, all of which are set forth in Mr. Villard's fascinating vol- ume. Among other things, he was buying revolvers from the Massachusetts Arms Com- pany. With various supplies, and in disguise under an assumed name, Brown set out again for Kansas, by way of Iowa. The eminent statesman Robert J. Walker, of Mississippi, was now Governor of Kansas under President Buchanan ; and the Territory had become too peaceful and law-abiding to give John Brown any excuse for his proposed invasion. He staid only a few days in Kansas, and his mind was undoubtedly at work upon his ultimate object, the Harper's Ferry at- tack. It would not serve my purpose to con- tinue with the details of John Brown's move- ments. He was now thinking of Virginia rather than of Kansas. Again he was visiting in the East, raising money and developing his hidden program. His mind was wholly fixed upon the idea of provoking an insurrec- tion of Negroes that should sweep through the entire domain of slavery. He had gone so far as to draw up a Provisional Constitution for the government of the new, emancipated America, for which he was planning. He was storing arms and preparing for the onslaught. He had sent a man in the summer of 1858 to live at Harper's Ferry as a spy. Brown next adopted the name of "Shubel JOHN BROWN ATTEMPTS EMANCIPATION 2 Z7 YE ABOLITIONISTS IN COUNCIL— YE ORATOR OF YE DAY DENOUNCING THE UNION Many radical abolitionists in the North believed in disunion just as strongly as did the most sincere pro-slavery advocates in the South. The Constitution was "a covenant with hell" because it recog- nized slavery. Wendell Phillips of Boston was the leader of those Northerners who demanded dissolution of the Union ; he wanted a nation of nineteen Free States. The wood engraving printed above was published in New York in May, 1859. Morgan," shaved off his beard, and made an- other expeditionary visit to the West. In June, 1858, we find him in Kansas experiment- ing on the Missouri border, with the general idea of carrying alarm into slavery terri- tory. Again, he found himself the ob- ject of hero-worship in the Abolitionist communities of Iowa. In March, 1859, he was in Ohio, where he gave a lecture at Cleveland on Kansas, and on his late so-called "invasion of Missouri." He had allowed his beard to grow again, and was described by the Cleve- land papers as a man of extraordinary quick- ness of mind and physical vitality. Back in Boston Brown was among his ad- miring friends, but we soon find him again in New York and Ohio, intensely occupied with his plans. Under a non-de-plume, from Cham- bersburg, Pennsylvania, June 30, 1859, he wrote : "We leave here today for Harper's Ferry; via Hagerstown. When you get there you had best look on the hotel register for I. Smith and Sons, without making much in- cmiry. We shall be looking for cheap lands near the railroad in all probability. You can write I. Smith and Sons at Harper's Ferry, should you need to do so." On the fourth of July, John Brown with three companions was in Maryland, ostensibly looking for land in the vicinity of Harper's Ferry. He found a place that he decided to rent rather than to buy, and hired a small property, about five miles from Harper's Ferry, for $35 until March 1, i860. His young daughter and a daughter-in-law came to keep house, the better to help support the pretense that he was in the neighborhood as a farmer or cattle-buyer. Cautiously his arms and muni- tions were transported to this Kennedy Farm. Brown's associates were not discreet, how- 2 3 8 ABRAHAM LINCOLN "HERE! TAKE THIS AND FOLLOW ME!" "Please God, Mr. Brown, dat is onpossible. We aint done seedin' yit at our house." ever, and they fell under suspicion. One of them wrote to his mother, for instance, two weeks before the raid, explaining with boyish enthusiasm that he was engaged in war with slavery in a southern slave State that, before he left, would be free. He added : "In Expla- nation of my Absence from you for so long a time I would tell you that for three years I have been Engaged in a Secret Association of as gallant fellows as ever pulled a trigger with the sole purpose of the extermination of slav- ery." Too many people already knew about the raid, and even Floyd, the Secretary of War, had been warned in a letter that, though anonymous, was intelligent and explicit. But Secretary Floyd was easy-going, as Mr. Vil- lard says, and he was on vacation at a moun- tain resort in Virginia, so that he took no precautionary steps. The plans were not developing well, and what Mr. Villard calls "the officers and men of the tiny provisional government" were only twenty-two in all. As the time for the raid approached, the two Brown girls left for their home in the Adirondacks, and the preparations for the attack became more serious. It was altogether a forlorn and pathetic adventure on the part of men of whom history must say that they had the spirit of heroes, but were utterly devoid of practical sense. The U. S. Arsenal at Harper's Ferry was at the point where the Potomac and Shenan- doah rivers enclose an elevated promontory — a spot famous for its scenic beauty and inter- est. We are concerned rather with the political phase than with the details of the raid itself. It was on Sunday night, October 16th, that, after cutting telegraph wires and guarding the approaches, Brown seized the arsenal. It contained an immense number of military rifles, this fact, of course, being the reason f 01 the project. Brown had intended to distribute the arms to Negroes who were expected to rise against their masters. The arsenal was guarded by two or three men but was without a garrison, and the seizure was easily accom- plished. A few slaves were brought in from neighboring plantations ; but militia gathered rapidly and United States Marines from Washington were on the scene within a few hours. Col. Robert E. Lee, who headed the EFFECT OF JOHN BROWN'S RAID "Much obliged to Possum Wattomie for dese pikes he gin us — dey's turrible handy to dig taters wid." (Brown had believed that the news of his attack would lead to an immediate and widespread uprising of slaves, whom he planned to arm with pikes of his own design. The pikes were ready, but no slaves came to use them.) JOHN BROWN ATTEMPTS EMANCIPATION 239 AFTER JOHN BROWN'S RAID: THE TAKING OF THE ENGINE HOUSE On October 16, 18S9, John Brown and a handful of men whom he had gathered about him seized the United States arsenal at Harper's Ferry, in what is now the State of West Virginia. He intended to arm Negro slaves with rifles stored there. Government reinforcements under Col. Robert E. Lee arrived promptly, besieged the raiders in the engine house at the arsenal, and easily captured Brown and those of his comrades who survived the fighting. Marines, instantly stopped needless bloodshed and entered the arsenal to find John Brown badly wounded and two of his sons lying dead. Ten of the nineteen raiders were killed, two escaped, and the remaining seven were sent to jail. It has been the fashion of northern historians to treat with sarcasm the tremen- dous excitement of Virginia and the South, in view of the pitiable and hopeless nature of John Brown's project. But Brown had for years been receiving pecuniary aid from the most conspicuous anti-slavery men of the North ; and it was natural enough that the South should have believed that behind this initial movement lay some larger scheme, worthy of the intelligence and the resources of Brown's eminent friends who were spread across the country from all parts of New Eng- land to Iowa and Kansas. The actual incident was almost ludicrous in its abortive and futile character. Vast schemes indeed were floating in the deluded mind of John Brown ; but his actual undertaking was that of a man of exceedingly limited capacity for bringing about a serious insurrection. With his surviving comrades, John Brown was promptly tried, and executed by hanging, un- der Virginia laws. Brown himself was the first on the scaffold, and his execution occurred on December 2, 1859. Every public man in the country had his word to say about the raid at Harper's Ferry. Lincoln's conclusive statement took form some weeks later in his Cooper Union speech of February 27, i860. We may quote his calm and philosophical expression : John Brown's effort was peculiar. It was not a slave insurrection. It was an attempt by white men to get up a revolt among slaves, in which the slaves refused to participate. In fact, it was so absurd that the slaves, with all their ignorance, saw plainly enough it could not succeed. That affair, in its philosophy, corresponds with the many attempts re- 240 ABRAHAM LINCOLN lated in history, at the assassination of kings and emperors. An enthusiast broods over the oppres- sion of the people till he fancies himself commis- sioned by Heaven to liberate them. He ventures the attempt, which ends in little else than his own exe- cution. Orsini's attempt on Louis Napoleon, and John Brown's attempt at Harper's Ferry were, in their philosophy, precisely the same. The eager- ness to cast blame on old England in the one case, and on New England in the other, does not disprove the sameness of the two things. Many northern men were more sympathetic than Lincoln in their allusions. Mr. Barrett, in his work on Lincoln, prints for the first time a letter that he himself received from Gov- ernor Chase of Ohio, who was soon to take his seat in the Senate. Chase was already Seward's rival as a Republican presidential candidate, and he was destined to be serving in Lincoln's cabinet only a year and a half later. In this letter, written by Governor Chase to Mr. Barrett on October 29th, a few days after the Harper's Ferry attack, we find tbese prophetic words about John Brown : Poor old man ! How sadly misled by his own imagination ! How rash, how mad, how criminal, thus to stir up insurrection, which, if successful, would deluge the land with blood and make void the fairest hopes of mankind ! And yet how hard to condemn him, when we remember the provocation, the unselfish desire to set free the oppressed, the bravery, the humanity towards his prisoners, which defeated his purposes ! This is a tragedy which will supply themes for novelists and poets for cen- turies. Men will condemn his act and pity his fate forever. But while pity and condemnation mingle for him, how stern will be the reprobation which must fall upon the guiltiness of forcing slavery upon Kansas, which began it all, and upon slavery itself, which underlies it all ! The verdicts of history have borne out Lin- coln's remarks, and the predictions of Chase have already been fulfilled. Mr. Bancroft, the accomplished biographer of Seward, says : Before the year expired, John Brown had become a hero in the opinion of a large proportion of the best persons in the free states, not on account of any wisdom in his acts, but because of his bold assault upon slavery. The fear shown by the South was not feigned ; it was deep and almost hysterical. Warlike preparations were going on in every county of Virginia. Some districts were still under mar- tial law, and the legislature was considering "the full and complete arming of the whole State." Elsewhere the alarm was not so intense, but throughout the South men believed that the country was on the brink of a terrible crisis. The slaveholders would not have been so much frightened if they had not made the mistake of believing that the slaves would fight for their lib- erty — a belief that had also been the greatest factor in leading Brown into the wild delusion that he could smite the rock of slavery and call forth from it a continuous fountain of freedom. Fear soon gave place to anger, and the conviction became com- mon in the South that John Brown differed from a majority of Northerners merely in the boldness and desperation of his methods. THE GRAVE OF JOHN BROWN The boulder lies only a few yards from the door of the farmhouse built by Brown in the Adirondacks. The same headstone had served for the grave of his grandfather, Captain John Brown of the Revolution. The newer carving relates the fact that John Brown, born May 9, 1800, was executed at Charleston, Vir- ginia, December 2, 1859, and that Oliver Brown, born in 1839, was killed at Harper's Ferry. President Buchanan in his message to Congress, on December 19th, stated that he would not "refer in de- tail to the recent and bloody occurrences at Harper's JOHN BROWN ATTEMPTS EMANCIPATION 241 THE COURTHOUSE AT CHARLESTOWN, VIRGINIA, WHERE JOHN BROWN WAS TRIED AND SENTENCED TO DEATH From a drawing made during the trial. Ferry. Still, it is to be observed that these events, however bad and cruel in themselves, derive their chief importance from the appre- hension that they are but symptoms of an in- curable disease in the public mind which may break out in still more dangerous outrages and terminate, at last, in an open war by the North to abolish slavery in the South." This was a wholly unjustifiable reflection upon the pur- poses and plans of the Republican party ; but the mere fact that the President could have made such suggestion in a message to Con- gress, stands as evidence of the profound im- portance in the political sense of Brown's raid. Jefferson Davis did not exaggerate south- ern feeling when he declared that this was "the invasion of a State by a murderous gang of Abolitionists. ... to incite slaves to murder helpless women and children." Douglas, in turn, sought to recover favor in the South by saying that it was his "firm and deliberate be- lief that the Harper's Ferry crime was the nat- ural, logical and inevitable result of the doc- trines and teachings of the Republican party." The raid was timed with the object of inten- sifying antagonism between the sections be- fore the Republicans should have their oppor- tunity in i860 to carry the elections. Brown believed that they would enter upon a conser- vative policy intended to save the Union, while they would as a party adhere firmly to Lin- coln's views of the constitutional rights of the slave States. It might even be said that John Brown was more bitterly opposed to Lincoln and men of his type than to the Democratic leaders. Extremists on both sides were help- ing to bring affairs to a crisis, and this was what John Brown was seeking. There was a certain common ground upon which northern Abolitionists and southern Secessionists could meet. They were alike in detesting compromises, and in wanting to live in a country that was wholly one thing or wholly the other. Republicans of the Lincoln school on the contrary hoped for a gradual extinction of slavery in the future, on moral and economic grounds. With these views the radicals of both sides had no sympathy. CHAPTER XXV Congress Meets in Bitter Dissension The most turbulent session in our history — An anti-slavery book, endorsed by John Sherman, causes a deadlock in the election of a Speaker — Senator Davis formulates Southern views IN THE THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, which had ended its unprofitable career on March 4, 1859, there were a total of 64 Senators of whom 39 were Democrats, 20 Re- publicans, and 5 Americans. These five — ■ Thompson and Crittenden of Kentucky, John Bell of Tennessee, Sam Houston of Texas, and Anthony Kennedy of Maryland — were not anti-slavery men, but were Unionists of con- J H INj BROWN l'»ijimtt 4at 'tpruenttd Gr/i' fire** ,.,_,<.,.,..,..<, a Sla*t -motAtr a*j'CJu/J ~>u eittrtulid i/u f>**4ey*on*jj waft* 1J1, 3c*MU -. Cap' B'uwn stoeptd ' o»U iisjat lAvC/uJJ— (Atn met Au Sato- A contemporary painting by Louis Ransom depicted John Brown on his way to the scaffold pausing to give his blessing to a slave mother and her child. That no such incident could have happened did not at all lessen the effect that the picture produced in the North, where it was engraved and distributed broadcast. Note the Latin motto of Virginia in the background. 242 servative stamp, with a tendency to look back- ward rather than forward. In the House of Representatives there were 237 members, of whom the Administration Democrats num- bered 116, the so-called anti-Lecompton Dem- ocrats 11, the Republicans 92, and the Ameri- cans or "Know-nothings" 15, with two vacan- cies. John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky, as Vice-President of the United States, presided over the Senate, and James L. Orr of South Carolina was Speaker of the House. When the Thirty-sixth Congress convened on December 5, 1859, an additional State, Minnesota, had brought the number of Sena- tors up to 66, of whom 38 were Democrats and 25 Republicans, with two Americans and one vacancy. Vice-President Breckinridge continued to preside. It was in the House of Representatives that the great change had come about, the Repub- licans now numbering 113, the Administration Democrats 93, the anti-Lecompton Democrats 8, and the so-called "South Americans" 23. These last were Southern Congressmen sur- viving from Whig days, Unionists who were out of sympathy with the divisive attitude of the Southern Democracy. Two of them were from Georgia, five from Kentucky, one from Louisiana, three from Maryland, three from North Carolina, seven from Tennessee (as against only three Democrats in the delegation of that State), and one from Virginia (with twelve Democrats completing the Virginia delegation). This session was perhaps the most turbulent of any in the entire history of our national legislature. For the first time in many years the Democrats had lost control of the House, although the Republicans had not gained a clear majority. The balance of power lay with the southern group representing the American party. John Brown's execution had occurred CONGRESS MEETS IN BITTER DISSENSION 243 SOON TO BE OUT OF A JOB Mrs. Columbia: "Well, Bridget, I guess we sha'n't want your services after next March." Biddy Buchanan: "An' shure thin will yezz be afther giving me back me charackther?' (This cartoon from Vanity Fair of April 7, 1860, reflects some of the dissatisfaction with Buchanan that developed in the latter part of his administration. Neither North nor South was pleased, and it was evident that the President would not be renominated. Wheatland, which appears on Buchanan's handbag, was the name of his estate near Lancaster, Pennsylvania). only three days before Congress convened. The South was in a state of frenzied alarm over that incident. Governor Wise of Virginia was leading his State in all kinds of local preparations for military defense. The disposi- tion to make a martyr out of John Brown throughout the North was too evident to be successfully denied. Idealists in England were already eulogizing him as a hero, and a pane- gyric of Victor Hugo in France was prophetic and eloquent. For a number of years the South had been aggressive in its determination to nationalize the institution of slavery, and it had been greatly annoyed by the Abolitionist propaganda. But the exasperation and alarm had been rather in the North than in the South. The Slave States had been so much more suc- cessful in political management, and their leaders so much more confident, that they were not profoundly disturbed until the tide had seemed to turn against them with the failure of their Kansas policy. But in the winter of i859-'6o they were exasperated beyond all hope that calm attemots at reconciliation could influence them. The House assembled in the newly com- pleted wing of the Capitol after having used what is the present Statuary Hall for several decades. The seating arrangement brought members into dangerously close contact with one another, benches having been substituted for individual desks and chairs. Gentlemen who would have gone hungry rather than shoot a rabbit or decapitate a chicken, found themselves carrying revolvers to every sitting of Congress ; while some of the Southern 244 ABRAHAM LINCOLN members carried two guns apiece besides bowie knives. Rancor and recrimination were without restraint. With only the clerk of the House to act as temporary chairman, long weeks were occu- pied in a stubborn dispute over the election of the Speaker. Mr. Fuller in his useful work on "The Speakers of the House" remarks that "the Republican party, although in the ma- jority [meaning plurality], was such a loose coalition that it was unable to complete the organization of the House except by assistance from without the party." Referring to Con- gressional personalities he observes : "Colfax of Indiana, the eloquent Burlingame of Massachusetts, Morrill of Vermont, Grow and Covode of Pennsylvania, all were destined to political fame. Tom Corwin and Thaddeus Stevens were back again amid the unfamiliar scenes of the new legislative chamber. William Pennington, a former Governor of New Jer- sey, took the oath of office for the first time. Charles Francis Adams, now a national figure of heroic proportions, mingled with such novitiates as Train, of his own State, Windom of Minnesota, and Roscoe Conkling of New York." Looking across to the Democratic side, Mr. Fuller notes "Sunset" Cox and Pendleton of Ohio, together with Vallandigham from the same State, one of the most partisan slave ad- vocates. "The talented Lucius Lamar an- swered the roll call for Mississippi, and Sickles of New York, who in defense of his family honor had but recently shot the brother of that Key who wrote the Star Spangled Ban- ner, with Logan and McClernand from Illi- nois. Among the so-called independent mem- bers were Gilmer and Vance of North Caro- lina, Hickman of Pennsylvania, Henry Winter Davis of Maryland, and Maynard and Ether- idge of Tennessee." On the first ballot for Speaker the Demo- crats gave Thomas S. Bocock of Virginia 86 votes. The Republicans cast 66 ballots for John Sherman of Ohio and 43 for Galusha A. Grow of Pennsylvania, whereupon Mr. Grow immediately withdrew his name in favor of Sherman. Representative Clark of Missouri then in- troduced a resolution that was so important in its consequences that it can never be omitted from the record of significant things in the history of American politics. Fame beyond its merits had suddenly overtaken a book, first published in 1857, entitled "The Impending Crisis of the South" by a previously obscure and unknown citizen of North Carolina named Helper. The apparent object of the book had been to arouse the non-slaveholding Whites of the South, who were in the large majority, against the slaveholders on the one hand and against the Negroes on the other. The Abolitionists of the North had been making their attack upon slavery from the standpoint of the rights of the Negroes as human beings. Helper's book approached the subject from a totally different angle. Mrs. Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was circulating throughout the North in edition after edition. It had carried the sentimental appeal against American slavery to the Liberal elements of Great Britain and continental Europe. It had instantly made its dramatized appearance in the theaters of the Northern cities and towns. John Brown's gesture had aimed at arousing the Negroes themselves to insurrection after the manner of the Blacks in Santo Domingo; and although it was a failure in the immediate and practical sense, it was justly regarded in the South as having a most dangerous bearing upon future conditions. It was partly because the Helper book came as an added grievance that it provoked so great excitement. But the real complaint lay not so much in the fact that the book was written and published, as in the use that had been made by Northern Republican politicians in the re- cent congressional campaign of this ill-written and violent attack by a Southerner on South- ern institutions. A condensed edition of "The Impending Crisis" had been prepared for free distribution throughout the North, and widely read. Those who were circulating this edition had gained publicity and influence for it by publishing the names of a long list of men giving their endorsement. The list included the names of about seventy Republican Con- gressmen, two of them being Galusha Grow and John Sherman. CONGRESS MEETS IN BITTER DISSENSION 245 We may now quote the resolution offered by Clark of Missouri, immediately after the in- itial ballot for Speaker : Whereas certain members of this House, now in nomination for Speaker, did endorse and recommend the book hereinafter mentioned, Resolved, that the doctrines and sentiments of a certain book called "The Impending Crisis of the South — How to Meet It," purporting to have been written by one Hinton R. Helper, are insurrectionary and hostile to the domestic peace and tranquillity of the country, and that no member of this House who has endorsed and recommended it is fit to be chosen to be Speaker of this House. It is difficult now to realize the upheaval that was caused by Clark's motion. The Re- publicans were taken by surprise and met the attack with confused evasions and apologies, but the Democrats were merciless in their furi- ous onslaught. John Sherman could not deny having allowed his name to appear in the list of those endorsing the book, but he explained that he had not actually read Helper, and was not aware of the provocative character of por- tions of that trouble-making volume. As Mr. Fuller puts it, "to desert Sherman, whom the Republicans had supported on the first ballot, would be a confession of error and an admis- sion that they had been bullied by the fire- eating slaveholders. On the other hand, to persist in their support of this candidate would proclaim their adherence to Helper's doctrines, and for this they were not prepared." Clark held the advantage and persisted in quoting incendiary passages from Helper's book, and in reading the names of all those who had indorsed it. Mr. Millson, a foremost Southern leader, declared that "one who con- sciously, deliberately, and of purpose, lent his name and influence to the propagation of such writings, is not only not fit to be Speaker, but is not fit to live." Thaddeus Stevens of Penn- sylvania, as masterful and uncompromising as any of the Southern members, contributed to the exchange of invectives. It was eight weeks before the raging battle of vituperative oratory ended in the election of Mr. Pennington of New Jersey as Speaker, with 117 votes in his favor, this number con- stituting the smallest possible majority. At one time Sherman had come within three votes JOHN SHERMAN (1823-1900) A member of Congress since 18SS, John Sherman of Ohio was brought into prominence by the Speakership contest of 1859-60. His long career in the Senate, beginning in 1861, was broken by his service as Secretary of the Treas- ury in the Hayes administration. In that office he brought about the resumption of specie payments in 1879. Return- ing to the Senate, he was the author of two important statutes — the Sherman Silver Law and the Sherman Anti- Trust Law. He left the Senate in 1897 to become McKin- ley's Secretary of State, but resigned soon after the be- ginning of the war with Spain and died two years later. The portrait reproduced here was published during the Speakership contest. It was seen by John Sherman's elder brother, William T. Sherman — later famous as a General but then Superintendent of the Louisiana State Military Academy — who expressed this opinion: "I see you are suf- fering some of the penalties of greatness, having an awful likeness paraded in Harper's, to decorate the walls of country inns." of election, while at another time an American named Smith, of North Carolina, had received enough Democratic support to have been elected but for the switching of several North- ern votes. Congress had begun balloting on December 5, 1859, and had elected a Speaker on February 1, i860. Four years earlier, Banks had been elected Speaker after a dead- lock that had lasted even three days longer than this one of i860. But that contest had been marked by courtesy and good humor, when compared with the violence and bitter- ness of the struggle that defeated Sherman. 246 ABRAHAM LINCOLN We have an interesting light upon John Sherman's position in the volume entitled "The Sherman Letters." For a period of fifty- four years, John Sherman and his brother, Gen. William T. Sherman, maintained a correspon- dence, a large part of which was devoted to the discussion of current public affairs. The letters were edited by General Sherman's daughter and pub- lished in 1894. In 1859 Wil- liam T. Sherman was the sup- erintendent of the Louisiana Military Academy. On Decem- ber 1 2th, he wrote a letter from New Orleans in which the following sentences occur : "I have watched the des- patches, which are up to De- cember 10th, and hoped your election would occur without the usual excitement, and be- lieve such would have been the case had it not been for your signing for that Helper's Book. Of it I know nothing; but extracts made copiously in Southern papers show it to be not only abolition, but as- sailing. Now I hoped you would be theoretical and not practical ; for practical aboli- tion is disunion, civil war, and anarchy universal on this con- tinent, and I do not believe you want that. I do hope the dis- cussion in Congress will not be protracted, and that your elec- tion, if possible, will occur soon. Write me how you came to sign for that book. Now that you are in, I hope you will conduct yourself manfully. Bear with taunts as far as pos- sible, biding your time to re- taliate. An opportunity always occurs." John Sherman did not reply until December 24th, when he wrote as follows : "You ask AN UNSATISFACTORY HELPER IN THE HOUSE John Sherman was to have been Speaker of the House, in the Repub- lican Congress which met in Decem- ber, 18S9. But he had endorsed a book on slavery, by a man named Helper, that was offensive to the South ; and the incident actually prevented his election. It is John Sherman who appears in this role of "helper in the house." why I signed the recommendation of the Helper Book. It was a thoughtless, foolish, and unfortunate act. I relied upon the rep- resentation that it was a political tract, to be published under the supervision of a commit- tee of which Mr. Blair, a slave- holder, was a member. I was assured that there should be nothing offensive in it, and so, in the hurry of business of the House, I told Morgan, a mem- ber of the last Congress, to use my name. I never read the book, knew nothing of it, and now cannot recall that I au- thorized the use of my name. Everybody knows that the ultra sentiments in the book are as obnoxious to me as they can be to any one ; and in proper circumstances I would distinctly say so, but under the threat of Clark's resolution, I could not, with self respect, say more than I have. Whether elected or not, I will at a proper time disclaim all sympathy with agrarianism, insurrec- tion, and other abominations in the book." This illuminating letter was followed by a most readable and interesting one from Brother William; but I must not yield to the temptation to quote the Sherman letters ad infinitum. I may therefore re- mark that Brother William, writing on January 16th says : "If Pennington succeeds, he will of course give you some conspicuous committee, prob- ably quite as well for you in the long run as Speaker." As a matter of fact, Speaker Pen- nington did give Brother John the most important appoint- ment possible, the chairman- ship of the Ways and Means Committee. CONGRESS MEETS IN BITTER DISSENSION 247 I may make one more brief quotation from this brotherly letter sent from Louisi- ana : "I was in hopes the crisis would have been deferred till the States of the North- west became so populous as to hold both extremes in check. Disunion would be civil war, and you politicians would lose all charm. Military men would then step on the tapis, and you would have to retire. Though you think such a thing absurd, it is not so, and there would be vast numbers who would think the change for the better." President Buchanan's annual message of that session bears the official date of De- cember 19th, but in point of fact he did not send it to Congress until December 27th. It was read in the Senate and printed in the newspapers, but was left unnoticed in the House until some time after. There had been no adjournment for holidays, the House having kept up its wrangling on Christmas Day and continuously thereafter. In defeating Sherman, the South had won in a practical way, although the Clark reso- lution never came to a vote. Buchanan in his message moralized in polite and mild phrases, warning against the danger of agitation and declaring that "those who announce abstract doctrines subversive of the Constitution and the Union, must not be surprised should their heated partisans advance one step further and at- tempt by violence to carry these doctrines into practical effect." After much disquieting comment, however, he resumed a cheerful tone, declaring: "But I indulge in no such gloomy forebodings." He reviewed with much elaboration the history of the African slave-trade, taking strong grounds against reopening that traffic. He tried tc make this discussion agreeable at once to th< North and to the South. Undoubtedly his ex pressions were sincere, but they were too mild and innocuous to suit the temper of either section. The message was very long, and it gave much more extended treatment to our re- lations with Mexico than to the questions that were agitating Congress. He seriously pro- posed our intervention and occupation of Mexico, that republic being, as he declared, "in TOO MUCH CRINOLINE One way of stating the obvious fact that John Sherman had been sadly hampered by his thoughtless endorsement of "The Impending Crisis." Senator Seward of New York looks on. It is a New York cartoon, which appeared in the eighth week of the deadlock over the speakership. a state of anarchy and confusion from which she is proved to be wholly unable to extricate herself." In March, i860, the House of Representa- tives adopted a resolution calling for the ap- pointment of a committee of five members by the Speaker, one object of which was to inves- tigate the question whetber the President had sought by improper means to influence the actions of Congress in any matter relating "to the rights of any State or Territory." Buchanan on March 28th sent a vigorous pro- test, and asserted his personal and official in- tegrity throughout a long career of public service. Referring to George Washington's exasperation at false charges made during his. Presidency, Buchanan declared : "I may now, however, exclaim in the language of complaint employed by my first and greatest predecessor, that I have been abused 'in such exaggerated and indecent terms as could scarcely be applied 248 ABRAHAM LINCOLN to a Nero, to a notorious defaulter, or even to a common pickpocket'." It was, certainly, not appropriate to have investigated President Buchanan's conduct by the precise methods that this first Republican House had chosen to employ. But the situation afforded merely another evidence of the extremes to which sec- tional antagonism had driven both parties. This was the long session of the Thirty- sixth Congress, and in so far as oratory in the two chambers of the Capitol was concerned, it brought to a climax all the personal and sec- tional bitterness and vituperation of the quar- rel over slavery that had been gaining in de- structive momentum for many years. In the Senate, leaders were shaping arguments for the platforms upon which the presidential con- test was soon to be fought out. Party conven- tions were to be held in April and May, the Democrats meeting at Charleston, South Carolina, and the Republicans at Chicago, with Congress, as it turned out, remaining in session until June 25th. When this Congress met at the regular date in December for its final session, the Novem- ber election had been held and the Republicans had been successful. Lincoln was to enter the White House in three months. Most of the Senators and Representatives returned to their seats. But the movement for secession was defi- nitely under way in South Carolina, to be followed rapidly by like activities in other States of the lower South. The Southerners in Washington were preparing to give up their rooms and pack their trunks for home. It is in the records of the previous long session, therefore, that one finds most of the political history of this last Congress of the Buchanan Administration — the last one also of the ante-bellum period. In the Senate, Jefferson Davis had in Feb- ruary introduced a series of resolutions af- firming the Southern view of the nature of the Federal Government and the rights of the States. He denied that Congress had power to forbid slavery in the Territories, and with equal vigor he opposed the Douglas doctrine that the Territories themselves had any right, whether legal or inherent, to interfere with a slaveholder's possession and use of his prop- erty. The rights of slaveholders ought, ac- cording to Mr. Davis, to be upheld by Federal laws and executive action. Senator Douglas, on his part, adhered firmly to his doctrine of popular sovereignty. The people of the Ter- ritories should decide the slavery question for themselves, according to Douglas and the Northern Democrats. Thus while Lincoln was speaking in New York and New England, Davis and Douglas were debating in the Senate the doctrines upon which they were seeking, as rivals, to shape the platforms of the Democratic con- vention. Seward in the Senate was discuss- ing slavery from the Republican standpoint, taking a tone more conciliatory than had been his custom, in view of the confident expectation that he was to be the Republican nominee, and would need the votes of mod- erate as well as extreme opponents of slavery. In those weeks Douglas, Davis, and Seward were the foremost political figures of the country, with Lincoln's star now well above the horizon. The Republican House had passed various measures that the Democratic Senate had re- jected. Thus the Territory of New Mexico, acting upon the Douglas doctrine, and setting at naught the prophecies of Daniel Webster, had actually established slavery and provided a drastic code for the encouragement of that institution. The House at Washington passed a bill sweeping away that New Mexico pro- vision, but the Senate did not concur. The House voted to admit Kansas as a State under a free constitution that had been adopted at Wyandotte, but again the Senate would not agree. The Morrill tariff bill, somewhat in- creasing duties, was passed in the House but was not acted upon by Senators. The House stood for a liberal land law to settle the west- ern prairies, and it accepted the Senate's less generous amendments ; but President Buch- anan vetoed the measure. Early in Lincoln's Administration all these measures — the Mor- rill Tariff, the Homestead bill, the admission of Kansas, and the repudiation of slavery in New Mexico and elsewhere in the Territories — were adopted by Republican votes in both houses, with Southern seats ominously vacant. SOUTK MISS COLUMBIA CALLS HER UNRULY SCHOOL TO ORDER On the Southern side of this national schoolroom we see the writing on the wall, "Let us alone!" On the Northern side of the room Senator Seward of New York, is falling over his "Irrepressible Conflict" slate. It is a New York cartoon, dated January 7, 1860. CHAPTER XXVI Lincoln Addresses the East He visits New York and speaks in Cooper Union — A notable effort that makes him a national figure — His brief speaking tour in New England strengthens the Republican cause The long debate over the Speakership had made the threats of Secession increasingly frequent and definite. Names were mentioned without hesitation. Senator Seward was by all means the foremost Republican candidate for the Presidency, as he had now returned to Washington in restored health from his extended travels abroad. Southerners who had formerly been careful and moderate in tone were saying freely that the nomination and election of Seward would be followed immediately by secession. Gov- ernor Chase of Ohio, now a new member of the Senate, was regarded by the South as even a more pronounced anti-slavery man than Seward ; and he would have been as little ac- ceptable in the presidential role. Lincoln's name was not on men's tongues at Washington, because the Southern leaders had their minds on Douglas as the presidential per- sonality of Illinois and the West. They were thinking of him altogether in terms of the ap- proaching Charleston Democratic convention. Douglas's position was becoming somewhat ambiguous and isolated. He was still the political idol of the Northern Democratic masses, but he had fallen from grace in the South ; and his recent partisan speeches in the cotton States, with his visit to Cuba, had not sufficed to restore his lost leadership. 249 250 ABRAHAM LINCOLN But although the Southern Democrats were not at this time considering Lincoln as a prob- able leader of the North, that maturing politi- cal philosopher and statesman was thinking more clearly, and with more accurate percep- tion of realities, than any other man in the en- tire list of presidential possibilities. While Congress was still wrangling over the Speaker- ship, Lincoln was following events and cor- responding extensively with men in the border States. He was confident that the North would hold together, and he also knew that the lower South would be united under the leadership of men like Jefferson Davis and Senator Toombs. But he was strongly hoping to keep the border States on the side of the Union. We are fortunate in having in Mr. Tracy's collection of letters of Abraham Lincoln, the following, written December 22, 1859, to the famous Unionist Senator of Kentucky, John J. Crit- tenden : December 22, 1859. Address Springfield, Illinois Hon. J. J. Crittenden, U. S. Senate. My dear Sir : I should not care to be a candidate of a party having as its only platform "The Consti- tution, the Union and the enforcement of the laws." "The Constitution," as we understand it, has been the shibboleth of every party or malcontent from the Hartford Convention that wanted to secede from slave territory and the "Blue Light" burners who were in British sympathy in 1812, to John C. Calhoun and South Carolina Nullification. The Union, we intend to keep, and loyal states will not let disloyal ones break it. Its constitution and laws made in pursuance thereof must and shall remain, "the supreme law of the land." The en- forcement of what laws? If they are those which give the use of jails and domestic police for masters seeking "fugitives from labor," that means war in the North. No law is stronger than is the public sentiment where it is to be enforced. Free speech and discussion and immunity from whip and tar and feathers seem implied by the guarantee to each state of "a republican form of government." Try Henry Clay's "gradual emancipation" scheme now in Ken- tucky, or to circulate W. L. Garrison's Liberator where the most men are salivated by the excessive use of the Charleston Mercury. Father told a story of a man in your parts required to give a warrantee bill of sale with a horse. He wrote, "I warrant him sound in skin and skeleton and without faults or faculties." That is more than I can say of an un- meaning platform. Compromises of principles break of their own weight. Yours very respectfully, A. Lincoln. Lincoln had been spending part of the month of December in a visit to Kansas, where he gave a series of lectures and addresses. Just as in his Cincinnati speech he had talked across the Ohio to the people of Kentucky, so now he made an appeal to the voters of Missouri in his political address at the Kansas border town of Atchison. This was in pursuance of his ef- fort to keep the northernmost of the slave states from drifting to an alliance with the lower South. His appeal to the Missourians was very explicit. As shown in the letter to Crittenden, Lincoln's analysis of the state of the country was better than that of any other man whose expressions of that season are pre- served for our study. The following remarks, from his talk to the Missourians as he looked across at their fine State from the Kansas side of the Missouri River at Atchison, are typical of his extemporaneous manner : But you Democrats are for the Union ; and you greatly fear the success of the Republicans would destroy the Union. Why? Do the Republicans de- clare against the Union? Nothing like it. Your own statement of it is that if the Black Republicans elect a President, you "won't stand it." You will break up the Union. If we shall constitutionally elect a President, it will be our duty to see that you submit. Old John Brown has been executed for treason against a State. We can not object, even though he agreed with us in thinking slavery wrong. That can not excuse violence, bloodshed and trea- son. It could avail him nothing that he might think himself right. So, if we constitutionally elect a President, and therefore you undertake to destroy the Union, it will be our duty to deal with you as Old John Brown has been dealt with. We shall try to do our duty. We hope and believe that in no section will a majority so act as to render such ex- treme measures necessary. It was now high time that Lincoln should come to the East to stand or fall under the criticism of such New York editors as Horace Greeley of the Tribune and Henry J. Raymond of the Times, and to let the Republicans of New York and New England take the measure of a western Republican about whom they had heard somewhat, but who was not in their LINCOLN ADDRESSES THE EAST 251 calculations as a rival of Seward for the Presi- dency. On the 27th of February Lincoln made his Cooper Union speech in New York City and thereupon the East proclaimed the dis- covery of a new leader of the first rank. Henry WardBeecher's far-famed Plymouth Church in Brooklyn had been carrying on a series of general lectures; and Mr. Beecher, who had lived in the West and as a public lec- turer was now from time to time speaking in the States beyond the Alleghenies, was well aware of the position Lincoln had gained in the debates with Douglas, and knew him as a picturesque platform character. Accordingly, Mr. Beecher and his lecture committee had in- vited Lincoln to come to Brooklyn to give one of the weekly lectures in the course they were arranging for that season. As the time approached, however, it was agreed that Lincoln should be permitted, in view of the excitement of the entire country following the John Brown episode, to make a political address rather than to deliver a lec- ture on some non-political theme. And, with this change in the plans, the arrangements passed from the hands of Beecher's lecture committee to those of the Young Men's Re- publican Union of New York. The best avail- able place for the address was the great hall of the new Cooper Institute that had been built by the philanthropist, Peter Cooper, for pur- poses of popular education. Lincoln's previous speeches, while reason- able and persuasive rather than bitterly contro- versial, had almost invariably been made in the heat of electoral campaigns, with a view to in- fluencing voters in an immediate contest. On this occasion the invitation, conveyed in a let- ter written by Mr. Charles C. Nott (after- wards a distinguished Judge), dated February 9, i860, was in the following terms: "The Young Men's Central Republican Union of this city, very cordially desire that you should deliver during the ensuing month, what I may term a political lecture." The letter further explained that this was to be one of a series, the first having been delivered by Mr. Blair of St. Louis (himself a Republican favorite who afterwards became a member of Lincoln's Cabinet), and the second by Mr. Cassius M. "A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND" An expression used by Lincoln in June, 18S8, in accepting his nomination for the Illinois senatorship, became familiar throughout the country in the three years that followed. "I do not expect this house to fall," he continued, "but I do expect it will cease to be divided." Clay of Kentucky, famous as an orator, who afterwards became Lincoln's influential Min- ister to Russia, having come near success as Hamlin's rival at Chicago for second place on the Lincoln ticket. "These lectures," Mr. Nott explained to Mr. Lincoln, "have been contrived to call out our better but busier citi- zens who never attend political meetings." Mr. Nott ended his letter by saying: "You are, I believe, an entire stranger to your Republican brethren here; but they have for you the high- est esteem, and your celebrated contest with Judge Douglas awoke their warmest sympathy and admiration. Those of us who are in the ranks would regard your presence as of very material aid and as an honor and pleasure which I cannot sufficiently express." These compliments, while doubtless sincere, were somewhat overdrawn as regards the 252 ABRAHAM LINCOLN reputation that had preceded "an entire stranger" who arrived at the old Astor House in New York with much misgiving on the Saturday before Monday's address, and who went on Sunday to hear Beecher preach, as was the fashion for western visitors, for a full quarter-century. It was not, therefore, to deliver a stump speech that Lincoln came to New York, but with the full understanding that he was to make an address dealing with fundamental principles and intended for an audience of highly intelligent character, rather than for an ordinary partisan mass meeting. William Cullen Bryant, editor of the New York Even- ing Post, famous as a poet and a man of let- ters, presided and introduced the speaker of the evening, while David Dudley Field, emi- nent at the bar, and brother of the Cyrus Field w r ho had laid the Atlantic cable, escorted the speaker to the platform. Horace Greeley of the Tribune, Henry J. Raymond of the Times, and many men prominent in business, in pro- fessions, and in politics, were on the platform or in the audience. COOPER UNION, IN NEW YORK, WHERE LINCOLN SPOKE IN FEBRUARY, 1860 After Lincoln had accepted an invitation to deliver an address in Dr. Beecher's church in Brooklyn, it seemed to those in charge of the meeting that a larger auditorium should be secured. Cooper Union, across the river in New York City, was selected. It had recently been erected through the generosity of Peter Cooper, designer and builder of the first American steam locomotive, the practical application of his idea for the free instruction of the working classes in science and art. Our picture shows the building as it was in 1860, there having been minor changes in outward appearance made many years afterward. We have numerous accounts of the occasion, some of them contemporary and others re- miniscent. They are all agreed in regarding the speech itself as a masterly effort. The opin- ion is general that Lincoln's success advanced him at once to a position second only to that of Seward as a possible nominee of the Re- publican convention to be held less than three months later in Chicago. Mr. Greeley, as editor of the foremost Republican news- paper, declared in the Tribune the following morning: "Since the days of Clay and Web- ster no one has spoken to a larger assemblage of the intellect and mental culture of our city." And he praised the speech in superlative terms. Most Eastern men who had heard about Lin- coln had thought of him as a shrewd, story- telling son of the frontier, who had failed in his campaign for the Senate, but had shown much homespun ingenuity and cleverness in his debates with the most brilliant and elo- quent member of the United States Senate. Precisely what Lincoln needed, therefore, was the opportunity to show himself before a New York audience of the highest intelligence in his real character as a thorough student of our constitutional history, as a master of diction perfectly suited to his theme, and as a man of dig- nified personality, far removed from the grotesque mounte- bank about whose un- couthness there had been many rumors afloat. If Seward, whose pre - eminent qualifications as a leader were not in dispute, should prove for certain reasons to be disqualified as a vote-getter, who else could be selected as the best compromise candidate ? The an- swer to that question LINCOLN ADDRESSES THE EAST 253 was found in this successful appear- ance of Lincoln for the first time on a New York platform. One of the men most prominent on that occasion was the New York pub- lisher, George P. Putnam. His son, George Haven Putnam, who was then a boy of nearly sixteen, and who was destined not much later to enter the army as a volunteer, attended this meeting with his father. In 1909, on occasion of the centenary of Lincoln's birth, Major Putnam delivered an ex- tended address on Lincoln's life and career, which he soon afterwards ex- panded and published as an admir- able volume. He printed the Cooper Union speech and the correspondence accompanying it as an appendix. The occasion itself and the bearings of the speech are so well described by Major Putnam, that I think it well to quote at some length from his chapter deal- ing with that episode : The Committee of Invitation included, in addition to a group of the old Whigs (of whom my father was one), represen- tative Free Soil Democrats like William C. Bryant and John King. Lincoln's methods as a political leader and orator were known to one or two men on the committee, but his name was still un- familiar to an Eastern audience. It was understood that the new leader from the West was going to talk to New York about the fight against slavery. It is probable that at least the larger part of the audience expected something "wild and woolly." The West at that time seemed very far off from New York and was still but little understood by the Eastern communities. New Yorkers found it diffi- cult to believe that a man who could influence West- ern audiences could have anything to say that would count with the cultivated citizens of the East. The more optimistic of the hearers were hoping, how- ever, that perhaps a new Henry Clay had arisen and were looking for utterances of the ornate and grandiloquent kind such as they had heard fre- quently from Clay and from other statesmen of the South. The first impression of the man from the West did nothing to contradict the expectation of some- thing weird, rough, and uncultivated. The long, ungainly figure upon which hung clothes that, while i *4 ** **f **#•# J^3 i SK^M /^HFi*^ L . -otf^|Pi J irlR Ikr - W '?&■ A LINCOLN PORTRAIT OF THE PERIOD 1858-60 This photograph, assigned by Lincoln authorities to the year 1854, was actually taken as late as 1858. In that year the Chicago Tribune absorbed the Democrat Press and became known as the Press and Tribune, a copy of which Lincoln is holding. That name ceased to be used in 1860. Our information regarding the date of the portrait was confirmed by the editors of the Chicago Tribune. new for this trip, were evidently the work of an unskilful tailor; the large feet, and clumsy hands of which, at the outset, at least, the orator seemed to be unduly conscious ; the long, gaunt head, capped by a shock of hair that seemed not to have been thoroughly brushed out, made a picture which did not fit in with New York's conception of a finished statesman. The first utterance of the voice was not pleasant to the ear, the tone being harsh and the key too high. As the speech progressed, however, the speaker seemed to get into control of himself; the voice gained a natural and impressive modulation, the gestures were dignified and appropriate, and the hearers came under the influence of the earnest look from the deeply-set eyes and of the absolute integrity of purpose and of devotion to principle which were behind the thought and the words of the speaker. In place of a "wild and woolly" talk, illuminated by more or less incongruous anecdotes; 254 ABRAHAM LINCOLN THE SPIRIT OF DISUNION The contrasting illustrations on these facing pages symbolize states of mind in the North in 1860. They are the work of a distinguished artist, J. McNevin. The editors of Harper's Weekly believed them to be so notable as to deserve, each of them, a full page in that periodical. in place of a high-strung exhortation of general principles or of a fierce protest against Southern arrogance, the New Yorkers had presented to them a calm but forcible series of well-reasoned con- siderations upon which their action as citizens was to be based. It was evident that the man from the West under- stood thoroughly the constitutional history of the country; he had mastered the issues that had grown up about the slavery question ; he knew thoroughly, and was prepared to respect, the rights of his politi- cal opponents ; he knew with equal thoroughness the rights of the men whose views he was helping to shape and he insisted that there should be no wavering or weaken- ing in regard to the enforce- ment of those rights. He made it clear that the continued exist- ence of the nation depended upon having these issues equit- ably adjusted, and he held that the equitable adjustment meant the restriction of slavery within its present boundaries. He main- tained that such restrictions were just and necessary as well for the sake of fairness to the blacks as for the final welfare of the whites. He insisted that the voters of the present States of the Union had upon them the largest pos- sible measure of responsibility in so controlling the great domain of the Republic that the States in which their children and their grandchildren were to grow up as citizens, must be preserved in full liberty, must be protected against any invasion of an in- stitution which represented bar- barity. He maintained that such a contention could interfere in no way with the due recognition of the legitimate property rights of present owners of slaves. He pointed out to the New Eng- enders of the anti-slavery group that the restriction of slavery meant its early extermination. He insisted that war for the purpose of exterminating slav- ery from existing slave territory could not be justified. He was prepared, for the purpose of de- fending against slavery the na- tional territory that was still free, to take the risk of war which the South threatened, be- cause he believed that only through such defence could the existence of the nation be maintained; and he believed, further, that the maintenance of the great Republic was essential, not only for the interests of its own citizens, but for the interests of free government throughout the world. He spoke with full sympathy of the difficulties and problems resting upon the South, and he insisted that the mat- ters at issue could be adjusted only with a fair recognition of these difficulties. Aggression from either side of Mason and Dixon's Line must be withstood. LINCOLN ADDRESSES THE EAST 255 I was but a boy when I first looked upon the gaunt figure of the man who was to become the people's leader, and listened to his calm but forcible arguments in behalf of the principles of the Republican party. It is not likely that at the time I took in, with any adequate appreciation, the weight of the speaker's reason- ing. I have read the address more than once since, and it is, of course, impossible to separate my first impressions from my later direct knowledge. I do re- member that I was at once im- pressed with the feeling that here was a political leader whose methods differed from those of any politician to whom I had listened. His contentions were based not upon invective or abuse of "the other fellow," but purely on considerations of jus- tice, on that everlasting principle that what is just, and only what is just, represents the largest and highest interests of the nation as a whole. When first invited in the previous autumn to appear in the Plymouth Church lecture course, Lincoln had not fully realized the political signifi- cance of his Eastern journey. His acceptance had been chiefly influenced by the fact that his young son, Robert Todd Lincoln, was attending a New England school, Phil- lips Exeter Academy, pre- paring under much difficulty to pass examinations for the freshman class at Harvard. Lincoln thought of the lecture as an opportun- ity to come East and visit his son, who had failed in his entrance examinations in the pre- vious summer, and had been sent to the Academy for an additional year of prepara- tion, finally entering college in the fall of i860. Mr. Barton remarks of Robert Lincoln that he had been accustomed to say, with some touch of humor, that if he had not failed in the sum- mer of 1859 to pass in fifteen out of sixteen THE SPIRIT OF UNION A sectional difference of opinion over the Negro and his status in a free country had lasted more than forty years, defying all attempts at solution and com- promise. The fact that secession was a real possibility gave impetus to the efforts of those who, like Lincoln, sought to preserve the Union. subjects his father might have been less solicit- ous and might not have delivered the Cooper Union speech. In the campaign of 1848 Lincoln had made a few speeches in New England on behalf of the Whig ticket headed by General Zachary Taylor, the Louisiana slave-owner; and the object of his arguments in Massachusetts at that time had been to keep Whigs from going over to the support of the new Free Soil move- 256 ABRAHAM LINCOLN ment. But on this second trip he was himself a leader of the anti-slavery movement, and he was in demand for important public meet- ings. First came a speech at Providence, and next several speeches in Connecticut and New Hampshire, all in the same week with the Cooper Union speech. After spending Sun- day with Robert, he made speeches at Hart- ford, New Haven, Bridgeport and elsewhere in Rhode Island and Connecticut. Local elec- tions were pending, and undoubtedly Lincoln's presence turned the scales and elected a Repub- lican Governor of Connecticut. It was reas- suring to Eastern Republicans to hear a leader whose calmness and poised judgment con- trasted well with the tendencies to hysteria that were prevalent on account of recent occur- rences. The reactions of the Eastern trip were fav- orable in Illinois, and Lincoln returned to find himself steadily displacing Seward as the fav- orite candidate of his own State for the nom- ination. His friend Judd, as Illinois member of the Republican National Committee, had been shrewd enough well in advance to secure the convention for Chicago. Meanwhile, the influential Chicago Tribune, edited by Joseph Medill, had come out for Lincoln just before the Cooper Union speech, and it was increas- ingly earnest in its support when it found itself able to quote the praises of the now enthusias- tic Horace Greeley of the New York Tribune, and further to report the triumphs of the New England tour. It was not necessary to report in Illinois that on the night of February 17th, after the Cooper Union speech, one or two very young and unimportant Republicans of New York had given the Illinois orator a bit of supper at a club, and had then allowed him to go all alone, in an otherwise empty horse-drawn street-car, down Broadway to the old Astor House, rather tired and depressed, wondering what sort of an impression he had really made. His next visit to New York was a year later, when he traversed Broadway in an open barouche drawn by four white horses, amidst the applause of multitudes, on his way to be inaugurated at Washington as President of the United States. WHY NOT HANG THEM ALL? John Brown had been executed in Virginia for his insurrection at Harper's Ferry. But the Governor of Virginia, Henry A. Wise, believed that punishment should not end there. The cartoon shows him as desirous of dragging into his State, for prosecution, those Abolitionists of the North who were held as partly responsible for John Brown's activities. The Abolitionists are: Joshua R. Giddings, of Ohio, who was at that time a member of the House; William H. Seward, Senator from New York; Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune; Frederick Douglass, the famous mulatto orator and editor who had himself been a slave and had purchased his freedom; and Gerrit Smith, of New York, intimate friend and financial supporter of John Brown. INDEX INDEX Abolitionist publications, plan to ex- clude from the mails (1835), 67. Abolitionists, activity of, 225-226; de- nouncing the Union (cartoon of 1859, 237; failure to understand the South, 166; ridiculed in the North (cartoon), 208. Adams, Charles Francis, named by Free Soil party for Vice-President in 1848, 151. Adams, John Quincy, fatally stricken in House, Lincoln being present, 142, 143; in cartoon of 1824, 37; in car- toon of 1828, 43; in cartoon, 68; portrait, 42. Albert, Prince, in cartoon, 123. Allen, Robert, letter of Lincoln to, 1836, 54. Allen, William, as member of Cass "cabinet," in lithograph poster of 1848, 132; in cartoon of 1848, 154. Alton, 111., announcement of closing Lincoln-Douglas debate at, 216. American expansion, attitude of Pres- ident Buchanan (cartoon), 221. American party in campaign of 1856, cartoon "The Great Presidential Sweepstakes," 184. Anti-Slavery Society, American, opera- tions of, 66. Ashburton Treaty, Punch cartoon of, 1342, 116. Atchison, David, Senator from Mis- souri, member of Senate Committee on Territories, 170. Atkinson, Gen. Henry, leads to vic- tory over Black Hawk in 1832, 48. Jjanks, Nathaniel P., of Massa- chusetts, elected Speaker of Thirty- fourth Congress, 176. Barnard, George Grey, heroic statue of Lincoln by, 131 ; sculptor's model used in creating, 5. "Barn-Burners," in campaign of 1848, 148. Barry, William T., a member of Jack- son's cabinet, 51. Barton, William E., biographer of Lin- coln, portrait, 127. Bates, Edward, chairman of River and Harbor Convention (1847), 126. Beecher, Henry Ward, in cartoon, 62- 63; in cartoons of 1856, 184, 187, 189; in cartoon, 229; portrait, 224. Bell, John, of Tennessee, in cartoon of 1860, 193. Bellew, Frank, cartoons by, 14, 247. Bennett, James Gordon, in cartoons of 1856, 185, 191. Benton, Thomas Hart, as member of Cass "cabinet," in lithograph poster of 1848, 132 ; as young man, 58 ; con- sidered as Mexican War commander (cartoon from Yankee Doodle), 136; in cartoons, 88, 102, 104, 106, 113, 114; in cartoon of 1848, 154; portrait, 139. Berrien, John M., resigns from Jack- son's cabinet, 1831, 51. Beveridge, Albert J., biographer of Lincoln, portrait of, 127 ; compari- son of Lincoln and Chief Justice Marshall, 29-30; gives estimate of Lincoln and Douglas in 1858, 197- 198. Birney, James G., Liberty party's candidate for President, 110-111. Blair, Francis P., of Maryland, in cartoon, 89 ; visits General Harri- son at North Bend, Ohio, 90. Black Hawk War (1832), Lincoln vol- unteers for, 48. Border Ruffians in Kansas, as pictured in book by G. D. Brewerton, 168; cartoon, 169. Branch, John, resigns from Jackson's cabinet, 1831, 51. Breckinridge, John C, in cartoon of 1860, 193; nominated for Vice-Pres- ident by Democrats at Cincinnati, 1856, 183. Brewerton, G. D., author of "The War in Kansas," 168. Brooks, Preston S., assaults Senator Charles Sumner (cartoon), 179. Brown, John, as "Shubel Morgan," in Kansas (portrait, 1858), 234; con- temporary painting by Louis Ran- som, 242 ; grave of (in Adirondacks), 240; in cartoons, 62-63, 229; in car- toon of 1859, 238; comments of Lincoln, Chase, Buchanan, and Davis on raid at Harper's Ferry, 239-241 ; portrait, 235 ; raids in Kansas and Virginia, 235-241 ; raids settlement of Missourians in Kan- sas, 180; tried and executed for Harper's Ferry raid, 239. Browne, Francis F., author of "Every- day Life of Abraham Lincoln," 113. Buchanan, James, in, cartoon of 1848, 152; in cartoon of 1852, 162; in car- toons of 1856, 169, 176, 181, 184, 188, 189, 190, 191 ; in cartoon, 201 ; nomi- nated for President by Democrats at Cincinnati, 1856, 183, 186-188. Buchanan, James, President, appeals for harmony, 189-190; cabinet of, 190; in cartoons, 219, 222, 243; ex- pansionist leanings of, 219-223; on John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry, 240-241; portrait, 223. Buoholzer, H., cartoons by, 99, 102, 104, 106, 111, 113, 117. Butler, Benjamin F., of Massachusetts, in cartoon, 62-63. Butler, Benjamin F., of New York, in cartoon (1848), 153. L^alhoun, John C, in cartoons, 68, 88, 102; in cartoons of 1844, 101, 103, 104, 106; in cartoons of 1848, 114, 132, 152, 154; in cartoon, 157; portrait, 109; Secretary of State in Tyler's cabinet, 102. Campaign of 1844, cartoons, 101, 103, 104; Whigs at Baltimore name Clay and Frelinghuysen, 104-105; Dem- ocratic convention, 108-110. Campaign of 1848, Democrats at Bal- timore, 148; Whigs meet at Phila- delphia, 149; cartoons, 152, 154. Campaign of 1852. cartoons, 163, 164, 165, 167, 176. Campaign of 1856, cartoons, 176, 184, 185; Republican convention at Philadelphia nominates Fremont and Dayton, 182; Democrats at Cincinnati nominate Buchanan and Breckinridge, 183. Capitol at Washington, when Lincoln was in Congress, 135. Caricaturists, in Europe and Amer- ica, 11. Carleton, G. W., cartoons by, 118, 122, 134. Carson, Kit, in cartoon of 1856, 187. Cartwright, Peter, Lincoln's opponent for Congress in 1846, portrait, 116. Cass, Lewis, in cartoons of 1848, 132, 133, 134, 152, 154; in cartoon of 1852, 162; in cartoons of 1856, 169, 176, 183, 190; Democratic nominee for the Presidency in 1848, portrait, 130, 131, 149; Lincoln comments upon military record of, 132-134; Secretary of State in Buchanan's cabinet, 190-191. Charleston, 111., scene at fourth Lin- coln-Douglas debate, September 18, 1858, 200. Charlestown, Va., courthouse at, 241. Charnwood, Lord, on Lincoln, 6-8. Chase, Salmon P., comments on John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry, 240. Chicago about 1847, 125. Chittenden, Gen. H. M., statement of, concerning Lincoln's visit to Coun- cil Bluffs, Iowa, in 1859, 233. Cincinnati platform of 1856 in car- toon, 201. Clark, Representative John B., of Missouri, resolution of, on Helper's "Impending Crisis" (1859), 245. Clay, E. W., lithographic poster artist, cartoons by, 57, 68, 80, 81, 85, 86, 88, 89, 100, 101, 119, 123, 124, 137, 152, 162, 167. Clay, Henry, and Mrs. Clay (re- produced from an original Brady photograph), 160; Ashland, home of 114; in cartoons (1824), 37; (1836), 55; in cartoon of 1840, 58; in car- 259 26o INDEX toons, 68, 86, 95, 99, 102; in car- toons of 1844, 39, 100, 101, 103, 104, 111, 113, 114, 117; cartoons of 1848, 148, ISO, 151, 152; Lincoln becomes supporter of, 40; meeting Presi- dent Van Buren at Saratoga in 1840, 59; nominated for the Presi- dency in 1832, 49-50; popular qual- ities of, 38; portrait, 105. Clay, Henry, jr., killed in Mexican War, 115. Compromise of 1850, as expounded by Douglas, 178. Connecticut, Lincoln visits in 1860, 256. Cooper Union, New York, Lincoln's address at, 251-256; in 1860, 252. Council Bluffs, Iowa, Lincoln's visit to (1859), 233-234. Crawford, William H., in cartoon of 1824, 37. Crittenden, John J., in cartoon of 1844, 100. Crunelle, Leonard, statue of Lincoln by, Freeport, 111., 212. Cuba, annexation of, cartoons of 1856, 180, 181 ; cartoon of 1860, 232; and United States, warning by President Pierce against military expeditions, 181 ; filibustering in, Punch cartoon on (1850), 180. .L/aixas, George M., of Pennsylvania, in cartoons, 99, 220; in cartoons of 1844, 103, 106, 107, 110, 113; por- trait, 108. Darley, F. O. C, engraving attributed to, 177. Daumier, Honore, French caricaturist, cartoons Louis Napoleon, 140. Davenport, Homer, cartoon by, 8. Davis, Jefferson, addresses Maine Agri- cultural Society (1859), 230; in Lin- coln cartoon by Thomas Nast, 128; on John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry, 241 ; portrait, 138. Dayton, William L., nominated for Vice-President by Republican Con- vention at Philadelphia in 1856, 182. Democratic platform of 1840, 88. Dickinson, Daniel S., in cartoon of 1852, 162. District of Columbia, abolition of slavery in, bill introduced by Lin- coln, 64, 69-74. Disunion, spirit of, (cartoon), in Harper's Weekly, 254. Dodge, Gen. Grenville M., meets Lin- coln at Council Bluffs, Iowa, in 1859, 233-234. "Donkey," Democratic, in two car- toons of 1837, 84, 85. Dorr's Rebellion in Rhode Island (1840), 58. Dough Faces (pro -slavery Democrats of the North), in cartoon of 1856, 190. Douglas, Stephen A., candidate for Congress, 1838, 76; in cartoon, 183; in cartoons of 1852, 162, 163; in cartoons of 1856, 169, 176 190; in cartoon of 1858, 199; in cartoons of 1860, 171, 193, 197, 206, 207, 211, 218; denounces Le- compton (Kansas) constitution, 192; loses democratic majority leader- ship, 199-202; member of the Il- linois legislature with Lincoln, 54 opposes Lincoln in debate over re moval of capital to Springfield, 54 in political debate, 77; portraits of, 56, 194; replies to Lincoln's argu- ment in address to the Springfield convention (1858), 207-208; Spring- field statue of, 202; United States Senator, 1847, 124; visits Cuba in summer of 1859, 2i2, 234. Douglass, Frederick, in cartoon, 256. Doyle, Richard, cartoons in London Punch by, 71, 144. "Dred Scott Decision" (1857), 191- 192 ; cartoon of 1860 showing effect on candidacies, 193. aLducation of Abraham Lincoln, 21- 31. Elections of Lincoln, to Illinois Legis- lature, 52, 53; to Congress, 123. Emancipation, gradual in District of Columbia, Lincoln's bill for, 64, 69- 74. Expansion, attitude of President Buch- anan (cartoon), 221. .Tifty-four Forty or Fight," the Oregon slogan of 1846, 121-122. Field, David Dudley, attends River and Harbor Convention at Chicago, 126. Fillmore, Millard, in cartoons of 1856, 184, 188, 189, 191 ; named by Whigs for Vice-President in 1848, 150; President, in cartoon of 1852, 165 ; portrait, 159. Flatboat voyages of Lincoln, first (1828), 31, 34; second (1831), 32, 34. Forsyth, Constance, drawings by, 30, 31, 94. France, election of president in (1848), cartoon in London Punch, 144 ; ideal- izes Lincoln (1873), 16; pays spolia- tion claims, poster cartoon, 80. Freeport, 111., statue of Lincoln to commemorate Lincoln-Douglas de- bate, 212. Free Soil party nominates Van Buren and Adams in 1848, 151; nomina- tions of 1848 endorsed by Liberty party (cartoon), 153 ; in 1856, forced to accept slavery (cartoon), 176. Frelinghuysen, Theodore, cartoons of 1844, 100, 102, 111, 117; portrait, 108. Fremont, John C, Republican can- didate for President, in cartoons of 1856, 174, 184-191; portrait, 182. Fugitive Slave Law, in cartoons, 173, 205; northern nullification of, 178- 179. Fugitive slaves escaping north, illus- tration from "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (1852), 73. Fun, a London periodical, cartoons by Matt Morgan and others, 2, 11, 17. vJalesburc.Ill., re-enactment of Lin- coln-Douglas debate scene at, 213. Gardner, William, comments in his life of Douglas on Lincoln-Douglas de- bates, 196. Garrison, William Lloyd, in cartoons, 117, 228; headings in Liberator (1831-32), 66; dragged through Boston streets by a mob, 67 ; por- trait, 225. Gentry, Allen, accompanies Lincoln on flatboat to New Orleans, 32. Giddings, Joshua R., Ohio, in cartoon, 256. Gillray, James, English caricaturist, cartoon by, 36. Great Britain, abolition of slavery by (1834), 74. Greeley, Horace, account of overland journey to California (1859), 230; in cartoons, 62-63, 256; in cartoon of 1848, 153 ; in cartoon of 1852, 165 ; in cartoons of 1856, 184, 185, 187, 189, 191; in cartoon of 1860, 141; comes out for Lincoln (I860), 256; edi- torials regularly read by Lincoln, 1848, 143, on the Lincoln-Douglas contest for the senatorship, 194; in new Republican party (1854), 175; ride from Carson City (drawing), 231; visits the far west (1859), 231. .Hale, John P., of New Hampshire, named by abolitionists for President in 1848, 151; Free Soil candidate for President in 1852 (portrait), 158. Halleck, Gen. Henry W., in cartoon, 62-63. Hanks, John, accompanies Lincoln on flatboat to New Orleans, 32. Harper's Ferry, Va., arsenal at, taking of engine house (drawing), 239; John Brown's raid on, 237-241. Harper's Weekly (New York), sym- bolic cartoons in, 254, 255. Harrison, Frederic, contemporary Brit- ish opinion of Lincoln, 8. Harrison, William Henry, career of, 89-91; in cartoons, 68, 86; in car- toons of 1836, 52, 55; in cartoons of 1840, 89, 92, 93, 94; defeated for President in 1836, 56; elected Presi- dent in 1840, 94; home of, at North Bend, Ohio, 90, 95; at Vincennes, Ind., 94. Harrison, William Henry, President, cabinet of, 99; death of, 97; por- traits, 91. Hartford Convention (1814), 35. Hay, John, and John G. Nicolay, bio- graphy and works of Lincoln, 10. Helper, Hinton R., sentiments of, at- tacked in Congress (1859), 245-246. Herndon, William H., Lincoln's junior law partner, portrait, 78; on Lin- coln's reading, 26. Hobbies of American politicians (1838), cartoon, 68. Hodgenville, Ky., Memorial at Lin- coln's birthplace, 23. Houston, Sam, in cartoons of 1848, INDEX 261 132, 154; in cartoons of 18S2, 162, 163. "Hunkers" in campaign of 1848, 148. Illinois, conditions when Lincoln was in the Legislature, 25. Illinois Legislature, Journal of the House, March 3, 1837, protest of Abraham Lincoln against resolutions on slavery, 62-63 ; Lincoln a candi- date for, 1832, 46-47 ; Lincoln's ex- perience in, 5, 96. Internal Improvements, demonstra- tion for, River and Harbor Con- vention at Chicago (1847), 126; Lincoln favors, 47. J ackson, Andrew, career of, 40 ; in cartoons, 41, 99, 114; in cartoon of 1824, 37; in cartoon of 1828, 43; in cartoons of 1836, 50, 55 ; in cartoon of 1840, 58; in cartoons of 1844, 103, 104, 106; death of (1845), 142; per- sonality of, characterized by John C. Ridpath, 45-46; home of (the Hermitage), 46; adoption of prin- ciple, "To the victors belong the spoils," by, 46 ; portrait, 47 ; visits General Harrison at North Bend, Ohio, 90. Jackson, Andrew, President, in car- toons, 80, 81, 83, 86 ; Jackson policies, Lincoln opposed to, 61 Johnson, Allen, account of Lincoln- Douglas debates in biography of Douglas, 198. Johnson, Cave, in cartoons of 1844, 100, 101. Johnston, John D., accompanies Lin- coln on flatboat to New Orleans, 32. Judd, Norman B., and Lincoln's visit to Council Bluffs, Iowa (1859), 233. K, ^ansas, Border Ruffians in, illustra- tions from "The War in Kansas," by Brewerton, 168; cartoon, 169; war- fare, 179-180; election of 1854, con- trolled by armed men from Missouri (contemporary engraving), 177; free state convention in (Topeka, 1855), 210. Kansas-Nebraska bill becomes a law, May 30, 1854, 171. Keitt, Laurence M., in cartoon, 228. Kendall, Amos, in cartoons,, 52, 89; in cartoon of 1848, 132, 154. King, William Rufus, elected Vice- President in 1852, portrait, 158. Kladderadatsck of Berlin, cartoon on American slavery question, 70. "Know-Nothing party," see American party. Knox College, Galesburg, 111., scene of Lincoln-Douglas debate, 1858, 213, 214. Lafayette, General, reception in United States, 1824-25, 44; re- ceived by Jackson at the Hermitage, 1824, 45; at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, 28; at the tomb of Washington, 29; cartoon, 29. Lawson, F. W., cartoon by, 17. Lecompton, (Kansas) constitution, 192. Lee, Col. Robert E., leads U.S. Marines in taking John Brown at Harper's Ferry, 238. Leech, John, cartoons in London Punch by, 65, 121. Lexington, Kentucky, Lincoln visits to hear Clay speak, 130; accepts Clay's invitation to visit Ashland, 130. Liberator of William Lloyd Garrison, headings printed during 1831-32, 66. Lincoln, Abraham, in cartoons, 3, 6, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 128, 201, 251; in cartoons of 1860, 141, 171, 193, 197, 218; stature: statement by Leonard Volk (1860), 15; London Fun's com- ment on re-election (1864), 17; growth in appreciation, 20; educa- tion, 21-31; birthplace, 22, 23; genealogy, 23, 24; autobiography, 24-25 ; homes, 24 ; reading, 26-28 ; fa- vors National Bank, 47 ; appointed postmaster of New Salem, 1833, 51 ; deputy county surveyor, 51; elec- tion to the legislature 1834, 52; re- elected to the legislature, 1836, 53; portrait (about 1858), 61; protest against resolutions on slavery by Il- linois legislature, 1837, 62-63; bill for gradual emancipation in District of Columbia, 64, 69-74; speech on United States Bank (1839), 78-86; warns against destructive partisan- ship, 98; aspiring for congressional honors, 1844-46, 104; on the annexa- tion of Texas, 113-114; nominated for Congress May 1, 1846, 115; con- tests election to Congress with Peter Cartwright, 116-123; elected to Congress, 1846, 123; in Congress December 1847, 123; Whig member of Congress from Illinois, 127; bio- graphers of, 127; Thomas Nast's conception of (cartoon), 128; sketched for Vanity Fair (New York) in 1860, 128; saw Chicago and Lake Michigan in 1847, 129; earliest known portrait, (daguerreo- type) 129; personal appearance and dress, 130-131; Barnard's statue of, 131; first journey to Washington, 135; as head of Whig; party in Il- linois (1848), 140; addresses Mas- sachusetts Whigs at Worcester on September 13, 1848, 153; de- clines to run for second term in Congress, 156-157; commissioned as secretary of Oregon Territory, 159; affiliates with southerners, 169; de- bates Missouri Compromise with Douglas at Peoria, 111., 172; joins new Republican party in 1856, 176; addresses convention of Republican party of Illinois, 1856, 176; designated as Republican candidate for the Senatorship (1858), 192- 193 ; debates with Douglas in con- test for senatorship, 1858, 193-218; Lincoln suggests arrangement for dividing time and addressing same audiences, 195 ; Douglas proposes seven joint debates and indicates places, 195 ; dates are arranged from August 21 to October 15, 1858; map of Illinois with speaking places numbered in chronological order of the debates, 196; scene re-enacted in 1928, 213; in 1858 (portrait from ambrotype), 195; Springfield statue of, 203; speaks to the Springfield convention when named for the Senate, 204; on "Dred Scott Deci- sion," 204-206; statue at Freeport, 111., to commemorate Lincoln-Doug- las debate, 212; statue at Urbana, 111., by Lorado Taft, 212; proposed for President in 1858 (Sandusky Commercial Register), 217; address- ing Kentuckians, 228; speaks at Wis- consin State Fair, Milwaukee, 229- 230; travels of in summer of 1859, 232-234; Illinois Central Railroad pass (1857), 233; visits New York and speaks at Cooper Union (1860), 250-256; letter to John J. Critten- den (December 22, 1859), 250; ad- dresses Missourians at Atchison, Kansas, 250; portrait of period 1858- 60, 253. Lincoln, Mary Todd (wife of Abraham Lincoln), an early portrait, 76. Lincoln, Thomas, new baby at home of, cartoon by Webster in N. Y. World, 21; ancestry and character, 23-24. "Loco-Focos" in campaign of 1848, 148. "Long Nine" in Illinois' Legislature, 54. Logan, Stephen T., Lincoln's law part- ner (1841-44), 77; portrait, 78. Louis Napoleon, candidate for French presidency in 1848, in cartoon by Daumier, 140; elected president of France, 1848 (cartoon in Punch), 144. Louis Philippe, King of France, in car- toons, 80, 120, 123. Lovejoy, Elijah P., murdered by pro- slavery mob at Alton, 111., 64, 67. JVIagee, J. L., cartoons by, 165, 179. Maine, Agricultural Society of, Jeffer- son Davis addresses (1859), 230. Mansfield, Ohio, Lincoln proposed for President at (November, 1858), 217. Marcy, William L., in cartoon of 1852, 162; in cartoon of 1856, 169. Marshall, John, portrait, 27 ; as a pro- totype of Lincoln, 28-30. Mason, John Y., in cartoon of 1856, 181. Mason and Dixon's Line, Miss Colum- bia's unruly pupils on either side of (cartoon of 1860), 249. Maurer, Louis, cartoons by, 174, 181, 189, 190. McLenan, John, cartoon by, 249. McNevin, J., designer of symbolic car- toons, Harper's Weekly, 254, 255. Medill, Joseph, editor of Chicago 262 INDEX Tribune, comes out for Lincoln (I860), 256. Mexican War, 116-120; in cartoons, 71, 119, 136, 146; Lincoln joins rallies for, 117; Lincoln's attitude toward, 145 ; challenges President Polk as to invasion of frontier, 145 ; terms given to Mexico liberal, 146. Militia, caricature of (1829), 49; Mex- ican War, 136. Milwaukee, Wis., Lincoln speaks at Wisconsin State Fair, 229-230. Mississippi River, in Lincoln's youth, 32. Missouri Compromise of 1820, Lin- coln debates with Douglas at Peoria, 111., 172. Monroe, James, President, 37. Morgan, Matthew Somerville, cartoons in Fun (London), 2, 11. Mullen, cartoon by, 227. R I ast, Thomas, cartoonist, draws Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, 128. Negro, north and south, (a New York cartoon), 227. Negroes in Virginia, effect of John Brown's raid (cartoons of 1859), 238. New England, Lincoln visits in 1860, 256. New England Emigrant Aid Society, organization of, 179. New Hampshire, Lincoln visits in 1860, 256. New Orleans, Lincoln's flatboat voyages to, 32, 34; slave market at, 35. New Salem, Lincoln's home, 47. New York City, Lincoln's Cooper Union speech at, 251-256. New York State, law operating against the rights of Negroes (1840), 72. Nicholas, Emperor, in cartoon, 123. Nicolay and Hav, biographers of Lin- coln, 10, 127-128. Nicolay, John G., on Lincoln's expec- tations in 1834, 51. North Bend, Ohio, home of William Henry Harrison, 90, 95. Nosey, cartoon by, 94. Nott, Charles C, invites Lincoln to lecture in New York City (1860), 251. Nullification of Fugitive Slave Law, 178-179. o _''Connell, Daniel, in cartoon, 123. Ohio River, Lincoln's early knowledge of, 30, 31. "Old Hickory"— cutting down the hickory tree (cartoon), 86. Oregon boundary question, as cam- paign issue, 1844, 110, 118; in car- toons, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124. Ostend Manifesto, 181-182; cartoon of 1856, 181. eel, Sir Robert, ready for a duel with President Polk, in Punch car- toon, 120. Pennington, Representative from New Jersey, elected Speaker of House (1860), 245. Peoria, 111., Lincoln replies to Douglas on the Missouri compromise, 172. Perkins, J. R., biographer of Gen. G. M. Dodge gives account of Lincoln's visit to Council Bluffs, Iowa, in 1859, 234. Phillips, Wendell, portrait, 225; calls Lincoln "the slave hound of Illinois," 72; protest against the murder of Lovejoy at Alton, 111., 64. Phunny Phellow (New York), cartoon in campaign of 1860 from, 171. Pierce, Franklin, Democratic candidate for the Presidency in cartoons of 1852, 155, 162, 164, 165, 167, 176. Pierce, Franklin, President, portrait, 166; cabinet of, 180; in cartoons of 1856, 169, 176, 183, 184, 190. Polk, James K., in cartoons of 1844, 99, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 112, 113; as a "dark horse" candidate for the Presidency, 103-111; elected Presi- dent in 1844, 105, 111. Polk, James K., President, acquisition of national territory under (map), 118; in cartoons 118, 120, 124, 152, 154; challenged by Lincoln on grounds of Mexican War, 145 ; on slavery, 69 ; vetoes a river and har- bor appropriation, 125. Presidential office, development of, 13-18. Protective tariff, Lincoln favors, 47. Punch, London, cartoons in, 3, 6, 17, 71, 180, 209, 219, 220. Putnam, George Haven, on Lincoln's Cooper Union speech in 1860, 253- 255. y uincy, HI., site of Lincoln-Douglas debate, 215. IV ail-splitter" (Chicago), Repub- lican campaign paper, 1860, cartoons of Douglas, 206, 207. Ransom, Louis, engraving of John Brown, 242. Raymond, Henry J., in cartoons of 1856, 185, 191. Republican party, birth of, 166-176; in cartoon, 141 ; in cartoon of 1856, 174; in convention at Philadelphia nominates Fremont and Dayton, 1856, 182; Republican party, founded in 1854, 175. Republican party of Illinois, Lincoln addresses state convention of 1856, 176. Rhode Island, Dorr's Rebellion in (1840), 58; Lincoln visits in 1860, 256. Ridpath, John Clark, characterization of Jackson by, 45-46. River and Harbor Convention at Chi- cago (1847), 125-127. Rockport, Ind., where Lincoln began flatboat voyage in 1828, 31. Roosevelt, Theodore, President, car- toons, 8, 9. Rutledge, Ann, death of, 52. ut. Louis, Missouri, Lincoln's ac- quaintance in, 137. Sangamo Journal, Lincoln's Spring- field organ, 130. "Sangamon Chief," name applied to Lincoln in Illinois legislature, 54. Sangamon River, Lincoln studies im- provement of, 47. Saratoga, N. Y., meeting-place of na- tional politicians in 1840, 59. Schurz, Carl, on Lincoln, 9-10. Scott, Winfield, in cartoons of 1852, 163, 165, 167, 176. Seward, William H., in cartoon, 62-63 ; in cartoon of 1856, 187; in cartoons of 1860, 249, 256; "irrepressible con- flict" speech of (1858), 226-227; visits Europe and the Holy Land (1859), 231. Sherman, John, of Ohio, in cartoons, 246, 247 ; portrait, 245 ; unsuccess- ful candidate for Speaker of the House, 244-246; visits Europe (1859), 231-232. Sherman, William T., correspondence of, referring to Helper's "Impend- ing Crisis," 246. Shields, James, wounded in Mexican War (drawing), 172. Shunk, Francis R., Governor of Penn- sylvania, in cartoon, 110. Slaveholders, no communion with, (cartoon), 229. Slave Market, New Orleans, 35 ; Wash- ington, D. C, 75. Slave trade, proposed re-opening of, 223-225. Slaves, religious instruction of (illus- tration from reply to "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 1852), 226. Slavery, abandonment of by the world, 75; in cartoon of 1856, 190; cause of division between North and South, as seen by Punch (cartoon, 1856), 209; a German view as ex- pressed in cartoon from Klad- deradatsch, 70; in Illinois, Lincoln takes stand on, 61 ; Lincoln's early contacts with, 34; Lincoln frankly discusses with Douglas at Peoria, 111., 172. Smith, Gerrit, in cartoon, 256; por- trait, 225. Soule, Pierre, in cartoon of 1856, 181. South, growth of, before Civil War, 38; population elements of, 167. Springfield, 111., Douglas statue in, 202 ; Illinois capital transferred from Vandalia to, 53 ; Lincoln settles in (1837), 53, 76; Lincoln statue in, 203. Stanton, Edwin M., in cartoon, 62-63. Stephens, Alexander H., of Georgia, portrait, 138; Lincoln's friend and colleague in Congress, 139; traveling in Northwest (1859), 230-231. Stephens, Henry L., cartoons by, 7, 69, 208, 211, 220, 221, 228. INDEX 263 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, in cartoon, 62-63; portrait, 178. Stuart, John T., elected to Illinois legislature, 52 ; Lincoln's law partner, (1837-41), 76; portrait, 78. Sumner, Charles, U. S. Senator, as- saulted by Preston S. Brooks (car- toon), 179; in cartoon, 62-63. Iaft, Lorado, statue of Lincoln by, 212. Taney, Roger Brooke, Chief Justice of the U. S., portrait, 192. Tarbell, Ida M., biographer of Lincoln, portrait, 127. Tariff of 1842, cartoon, 110. Tariff, protective, Clay advocates, (car- toon), 113. Taylor, Zachary, advised by Lincoln on campaign in 1848, 147; in cam- paign cartoons of 1848, 137, 152; elected President in 1848, carrying eight slave States, 152 ; nominated by Whigs for President (1848), 131; portraits: Mexican War sketch, 126, as military hero, 145, as candidate in 1848, 149. Taylor Zachary, President, early months of administration, 155-156. Tenniel, John, in Punch (London), first portrait of Lincoln (May 11, 1861), 3; cartoon of Washington and Lincoln, 6; cartoon — "Mrs. North and Her Attorney" — by (1864), 19. Territories, Lincoln's fight to keep slavery out of (cartoon), 201. Texas, annexation of, as a political issue, 106-109; in cartoons of 1844, 106, 107, 117; Lincoln's views in 1845, 113-114. Thompson, George, Scotch anti-slavery agitator, unpopularity of in New England, 66-67. Toombs, Robert, of Georgia, portrait, 138. Tracy, Gilbert A., collector of Lincoln letters, 135. Tribune (New York), regularly read by Lincoln (1848), 143. Trumbull Lyman, U. S. Senator from Illinois, portrait, 172; chosen in 1855 by Lincoln's aid, 175. Tyler, John, President, in cartoon, 99; in cartoons of 1844, 100, 101, 102, 104, 111, 114; portrait, 96; veto of United States Bank bill, 100-101; resignations from cabinet, 101 ; "Kitchen Cabinet" of, 101. U ncle tom's cabin," by Harriet Beecher Stowe, illustrations from, 73, 179, 226. Union, spirit of, cartoon in Harper's Weekly, 255. United States, addition of territory to, in cartoon, 122, in 1854 (map), 170. United States Bank, Lincoln's speech on (1839), 78-86; cartoon on Pres- ident Jackson's withdrawal of funds from the bank (1833), 83. United States Congress, December, 1859, 242-248; contest for Speaker- ship of, 244-245. Urbana, 111., Lincoln statue by Lorado Taft, 212. Van Buren, Martin, accepts Free Soil nomination for Presidency in 1848, 151; in cartoons, 80, 81, 86; in cartoons of 1836, 52, 55 ; in car- toons of 1844, 100-104, 106, 113, 114; in cartoons of 1848, 153, 154; nom- inated for Vice-President, 1832, 50; resigns from Jackson's cabinet, 1831, 51 ; visits General Harrison at North Bend, Ohio, 90; Van Buren, Martin, President, in car- toons, 57, 58, 68, 82, 84, 85, 88, 89, 95 ; the first President to discuss slavery, 63 ; "The Little Magician," 92 ; plan for sub-treasury system in campaign of 1840, 93; portrait, 87; at Saratoga in 1840, 59. Vandalia, Illinois, old Illinois capitol at, 53 ; removal of capital to Spring- field, 53. Vanity Fair (N. Y.), cartoons in, 7, 69, 180, 208, 211, 220, 243; sketch of Lincoln in Springfield, 128. Vicksburg, Miss., as Lincoln saw it on his way to New Orleans, 33. Victoria, Queen, in cartoons, 122, 123. Vincennes, Ind., Lincoln passes through, 30, 31. Volck, Adalbert J., cartoons by, 12, 62-63. Volk, Douglas, Lincoln portrait by, 5. Volk, Leonard W., bust of Lincoln (1860), 4; life mask of Lincoln (1860), 4; statement on Lincoln's stature, 15. Washburne, Elihu B., recollections of clothes worn by Lincoln in 1847, 130, 131. Washington, George, portrait on en- velope design of 1861, 6; in Punch cartoon of 1863, 6; standard for judging Presidents, 7 ; burned in ef- figy, (Fun), 11 ; Lafayette at tomb of (1824), 29. Webb, James Watson, in cartoon of 1852, 165; in cartoons of 1856, 185, 191. Webster, Daniel, in cartoons, 68, 86, 95, 114, 173; in cartoon of 1840, 58; in cartoons of 1844, 100, 103, 104, 117; in cartoons of 1852, 163, 164, 165; portrait, 139. Webster, H. T., Cartoonist, "A New Baby Down at Tom Lincoln's" by, 21. Wellington, Duke of, in cartoon, 123. Whig party, Lincoln committed to, 51; nominates Millard Fillmore for President in 1856, 185. White, Hugh L., Whig candidate for President in 1836, 55; Lincoln's original preference in 1836, 60. William Fourth, King of England, in cartoon on French spoliation claims, 80. Williams, Talcott, on Lincoln's read- ing, 27-28. Wilson, Robert L., member of the "Long Nine," statement about Lin- coln, 54. Winthrop, Robert C, of Massachusetts, memories of Lincoln as a Congress- man, 138. Wisconsin State Fair, Lincoln speaks at (1859), 229-230. Wise, Henry A., of Virginia, in car- toons, 95, 103, 117, 256. Woodbury, Levi, in cartoon, 81 ■ in cartoons of 1848, 132, 154. Wool in the tariff debate of 1844, car- toon, 112. Worth, Wm. J., in cartoon, 154. Wright, Silas, portrait, 108. [ankee doodle," humorous weekly (N. Y.), cartoons in, 118, 122, 134, 148. ■ ^HH SB mm hUB < I V . 1m >w ...... ;y. , < l S3 ££■ ill I is Us HH i 1 H ■ ■ '♦ '■* ■ ■ '1 ■■■■I ■ \ ■ ■ H ■ ■•'1' H I ■ WrnxBafT ■ ■ ■ ^■1 fit jI *m . I ■ MM : ■ ■ no ■ « ■IB mm JS ■ ■B v-- ' I -VV,.'-,A . I ■■■1 m ■ .M hF ■ •»./- ■ yt . ■ ■ ■■ ■1 ■ ^■M warn I <3."\ ^H -.'•aw I ■■ ■ ';vf > I