ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00004 2246 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign p$> a Illinois State GeoJ-ogical Survey Urbana, Illinois AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE IN ILLINOIS IN 1930-1931 In cooperation with Mid-West Agricultural Limestone Institute The following table is a report of agricultural limestone marketed in each county of Illinois in 1930 and 1931. Detailed 1931 statistics for each county were received from producers with- in the State and from those in Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Mis- souri who ship agricultural limestone into Illinois. A few pro- ducers did not report and their production of agricultural lime- stone as reported on the United States Bureau of Mines cooperative questionnaire was allocated among the counties in which they pro- duce and in neighboring counties. The total amount thus distrib- uted amounted to 20,440 tons or 7.6 per cent. This amount repre- sents part of the production from Adams, Bond, Calhoun, Clark, Johnson, Monroe, Saline, St. Clair, Washington, Whiteside, and Will counties and is allocated to these same counties and to Alexander, Crawford, Cumberland, DuPage, Edgar, Grundy, Jasper, Kendall, Massac, Pulaski, and Williamson counties. Returns for vriiich county reports were received account for 92.4 per cent of the total agricultural limestone marketed. T onnage of Agricu lt ural Limes tone U secTln I lli nois d uring 1930 and 1951 and shipped to ot he r States in 1951 Tons marketed in each county in Illinois sJ : 1930 1931 County : Total Produced in Produced in Total > t Illinois other states Adams 9,500 3,854.85 44.00 3,898.85 Alexander 400 544.00 544.00 Bond 10,400 2,502.30 329.00 2,831.30 Boone 8,500 1,372.45 1,372.45 Brown 4,400 1,751.50 159.00 1,910.50 Bureau 12,600 2,627,30 80.00 2,707.30 Calhoun 2,000 600.00 600.00 Carroll 6,300 600.00 600.00 Cass 6,900 2,238.90 560.54 2,799.44 Champaign 14,400 4,728.35 509.36 5,237.71 Christian 6,000 1,588.80 45.00 1,633.80 Clark 9,900 2,500.00 664.00 3,164.00 i i '•. ■■' i :•"> dy.:i i ■'• :: ?: \.U.L. ! sj , !'•; ' , Li ?j illxKXl i'ii ■' :' ' '.J .U'; ■ fy;I "U ■-■■;. . ■ ■" . ■ i •.::;■■ ; i i .'' i iJV-f'r-.f.r.Y Q_2-i Igii ; ••' •'■ •'• Tons marketed in each county in 111 ino is -.-r continued Page 2 ■ - sJ ~— ' ■ .,—..-. ■,...,-.—.■.— — ■ - 1930 1931 County- : Total Produced in Illinois Produced in other states Total Clay 14,900 349.60 153.88 503.48 Clinton 13,700 1,916.30 2,533.00 4,449.30 Coles 4,900 456.35 674.51 1,130.86 Cook 1,200 616.00 616.00 Crawford 4,300 2,350.00 386.71 2,736.71 Cumberland 2,600 1,841.90 200.00 2,041.90 DeKalb 9,100 4,258.05 4,258.05 DeWitt 5,000 1,482.65 336.77 1,819.42 Douglas 3,400 559.35 190.44 749.79 DuPage 2,900 597.30 597.30 Edgar 3,100 795.55 830.23 1,625.78 Edwards 1,600 569.70 90.61 660.31 Effingham 9,700 1,622.95 918.50 2,541.45 Fayette 7,000 1,932.40 578.97 2,511.37 Ford 10,500 2,003.55 259,00 2,262.55 Frankl in 5,100 781.85 781.85 Fulton 5,200 2,009.25 -66,00 2,075.25 G-allatin 2,700 213.35 380.85 594.21 Greene 17,600 9,871.00 9,871.00 Grundy 5,400 848.85 848.85 Hamilton 1,200 417.75 417.75 Hancock 4,200 2 , 945 . 65 339.00 3,284.65 Hardin 400 Henderson 3,600 238*60 40.00 278.60 Henry 17,200 1,824.70 3,700.00 5,524.70 Iroquois 12 ? 700 3,461.90 790.00 4,251.90 Jackson 7,400 3,332.75 268.00 3,600.75 Jasper 1,300 1,253.00 1,253.00 Jefferson 6,100 882.55 44.00 926.55 Jersey 9,600 2,479.00 2,479.00 Jo Daviess 6,700 400.00 400.00 Johnson 900 3,000.00 3,000.00 Kane 4,200 1,960.95 1,960.95 Kankakee 4,900 3,237.35 3,237.35 Kendall 4,600 1,136.65 1,136.65 Knox 6,900 1,021.05 480.00 1,501.05 Lake 1,100 1,567.80 1,567.80 La Salle 13,500 O * yJ^i D U 3,334.50 Lawrence 1,600 459.05 711.42 1,170.47 Lee 10,500 1,049.35 1,049.35 Livingston 15,800 2,523.30 2,523.30 Logan 5,900 1,584.20 100.57 1,684.77 McDonough 5,700 786.15 270.00 1,056.15 McHenry 3,100 3,330.05 138.50 3,468.55 McLean 28,700 5,801.00 256.21 6,057.21 Macon 4,300 1,380.20 155.82 1,536.02 Macoupin 12,200 10,232.15 10,232.15 Madison 29,300 14,134.20 683.00 14,817.20 Marion 11,000 1,451.90 780.00 2,231.90 . -. ! ,. ^ ,; ■,- !,U : til I .... ■ f . :•; r' . : ■ .;.<;■ i O • '■ ■■■ -J ( v., ■.!"■'• :.' f ,, ..■'1.' I 0-' « l ■ v ■■ •.. ■) . . - . I 1 •. ,.i-t: ■ , ■■ ?. • >w.. . --. " I?,-- 1 • ..f V, (, . ■ r- r ''.■'' ! , 1 , ■ 'j :;-;! . ■ ! ?r&i .. uibi ■-: XQi ■2 , V'-.L- ' r r n ■ •. '- .1 , ': ■ '•■'. . rrr Page 3 Tons marketed in each county in Illinois- -continued —' 1 II ' a/' — — —— — — — ■ : 1930 1931 County - Total Produced in Produced in Total Illinois other states Marshall 5,300 3,211.60 3,211.60 Mason 12,900 2,500 . 75 2,500.75 Massac 3,100 1,088.00 1,088.00 Menard 3,900 978.00 978.00 Mercer 6,400 61.80 1,700.00 1,761.80 Monroe 89,800 8,790.00 8,790.00 Montgomery 11,800 8,801.10 175.74 8,976,84 Morgan 9,700 3,042.85 3,042.85 Moultrie 1,400 661.05 110.33 771.38 Ogle 6,000 510.65 510.65 Peoria 12,600 4,095.35 4,095,35 Perry 5,400 (~> • OOO • / O 133,00 2,668,75 Piatt 3,200 2,621.70 45.30 2,667.00 Pike 20,300 4,313.70 4,313,70 Pope 700 189.00 189.00 Pulaski 2,400 "1,201.00 1,201.00 Putnam 2,800 492.25 492,25 Randolph 29,200 8,408.15 668.00 9,076.15 Richland 1,700 317.10 165.00 482.10 Rock Island 7,900 1,600.00 1,600.00 St. Clair 30,500 9,279.50 9,279.50 Saline 1,300 1,599,50 1,599.50 Sangamon 11,600 3,358.20 3,358.20 Schuyler 3,800 320.45 320,45 Scott 6,400 897.50 897,50 Shelby 4,200 1,650.80 363.10 2,013.90 Stark 3,400 485.45 1,200.00 1,685.45 Stephenson 5,800 56.45 56.45 Tazewell 9,900 4,125.80 195,49 4,321*29 Union 4,800 5,295.00 5,295.00 Vermilion 14,500 5,207.75 375.38 5,583.13 Wabash 1,700 197.75 461.90 659.65 Warren 3,900 367.15 367.15 Washington 19,800 3,058.00 3,906.00 6 S 964.00 Wayne 2,200 1,628.20 148.00 1,776.20 White 5,100 760.95 106.06 867.01 Whiteside 12,300 3,454.80 3,454.80 Will 3,500 1,644.35 1,644.35 Williamson 2,900 1,436.00 1,436.00 Winnebago 19,100 349.70 349.70 Woodford 11,400 811,000 2,612*35 60.35 31,160.55 2,672.60 Total 235,725,60 266,886.15 £/ Data for 1930 were compiled and published by the Illinois Agricultural Association. ..O'.-.i - ■ I, ■..■>« ..' m),;. « ij:u. 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