h .: I I Wmm ifArinUml. IMWjV ilM^il^^^RvME^BrMiiMKmiiiiila V> V 9 5^(05 THE LOVES OF THE POETS. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/lovesofpoetsorpoOOunse THE LOVES OF THE POETS OR, \axtxnits IDEAL BEAUTY. TWELVE HIGHLT-EINISHED ORIGINAL STEEL ENGRAVINGS, BY THE MOST EMINENT ARTISTS. ENGRAVED BY "W. H. MOTE. LONDON: \V. KENT & Co. (late D. Bogue), FLEET STREET; AND PATEENOSTER ROW. 1S58. • I 3 ■2-6* 8Z/^0S ^ I 947 CONTENTS. LADY FLORA . Tennyson. FRANCES . Ben Jonson. THE DUCHESS . . ... . Robert Browning. MARY . Moore. ADELINE . Tennyson. MARGARET . Tennyson. MYRA . Thomson. CELIA . Ben Jonson. ISABEL . Tennyson. LUCY . Wordsworth. ELEANORE . Tennyson. THE LADY CONSTANCE .... . Alexander Smith. 545062 THE LIBRARy OF THE UHlVERSliy OF ILLINOIS :.h' 1ti ! j-vj.i LADY FLORA. “ For since the time when Adam first Embraced his Eve in happy hour, And every bird of Eden burst In carol, every bud to flower, What eyes, like thine, have waken’d hoj^es % What lips, like thine, so sweetly join’d % Where on the double rosebud droops The fulness of the pensive mind ; Wliich all too dearly self-involved. Yet sleeps a dreamless sleep to me ; A sleep by kisses undissolved. That lets thee neither hear nor see : But break it. In the name of Wife, And in the rights that name may give, Are clasp’d the moral of thy life. And that for which I care to live.” Tenntsox. i-m FRANCES. “ Do ljut look on her eyes, they do light All that love’s world compriseth ! Do but look on her hair, it is bright As love’s star when it riseth ! Do but mark her forehead, smoother Than words that soothe her ! And from her arched brows, such a grace Sheds itself through the face, As alone, there triumphs to the life. All the gain, all the good, of the elements’ strife. “ Have you seen but a bright lily grow, Before rude hands have touch’d it Have you mark’d but the fall of the snow, Before the soil hath smutch’d it 1 Have you felt the wool of the beaver ? Or swan’s down ever 1 Or have smelt o’ the bud of the briar ? Or the nard in the fire 1 Or have tasted the bag of the bee ? 0, so white ! 0, so soft ! 0, so sweet is she ! ” Ben Jonson. THE DUCHESS. “ Another minute, and I liad entered, When the door opened, and more than mortal Stood, with a face where to my mind centered All beauties I ever saw or shall see. The Duchess — I stopped, as if struck by palsy. She was so different, happy and beautiful, I felt at once that all was best And that I had notliing to do for the rest. But wait her commands, obey, and be dutifid. Not that, in fact, there was any commanding. I saw the glory of her eye. And the brow’s height and the breast’s expanding. And I was hers to live or die. As for finding what she wanted. You know God Almighty granted Such little signs should serve his wild creatures To tell one another all their desires. So that each knows what its friend requires. And does its bidding without teachers.” Egbert Browning, MAKY. “As streams that run o’er golden mines, Yet humbly, calmly glide. Nor seem to know the wealth that shines Within their gentle tide, Mary! So, veil'd beneath the simplest guise. Thy radiant genius shone. And that which charm’d all other eyes. Seem’d worthless in thy own, Mary!” Mooee. ADELINE. “ What liope or fear or joy is thine Who talketh with thee, Adeline % For sure thou art not all alone ; Do beating hearts of salient springs Keep measure with thine own ? Hast thou heard the butterflies What they say betwixt their wings % Or in stillest evenings With what voice the violet woos To his heart the silver dews % Or when little airs arise, How the meny bluebell rings To the mosses underneath \ Hast thou look’d upon the breath Of the lihes at sunrise % Wherefore that faint smile of thine. Shadowy, dreaming Adeline % ” Tenxyson. MARGAllET. “ 0 SWEET, pale Margaret, O rare, pale Margaret, What lit your eyes with teai’ful power. Like moonlight on a falling shower 1 Wlio lent you, love, your mortal dower Of pensive thought and aspect pale, Yoim melancholy, sweet and frail As perfume of the cuckoo-flower 1 From the westward winding flood, From the evening-lighted wood. From all things outward you have won A tearful grace, as tho’ you stood Between the rainbow and the sun. The very smile before you speak, That dimples your transparent cheek, Fncircles all the heart, and feedeth The senses with a still delight Of dainty sorrow without sound. Like the tender amber round. Which the moon about her spreadeth, Moving thro’ a fleecy night.'’ Tennyson. THE LIBRARY Of I HE MYEA. “ 0 THOU, whose tender serious eyes Expressive speak the mind I love ; The gentle azure of the skies, The pensive shadows of the grove ; “ 0 mix their beauteous beams with mine. And let us interchange our hearts ; Let all their sweetness on me shine ; Pour’d through my soul be all their darts. “ All ! ’tis too much ! I cannot bear At once so soft so keen a ray : In pity then, my lovely fair, 0 turn those kilhng eyes away ! “ But what avails it to conceal One charm, where nought but charms I see ? Their lustre then again reveal. And let me, Myra, die of thee ! ” Thomson. CELIA. “Deink to me only with thine eyes, And I will pledge with mme ; Or leave a kiss but in the cup, And I’ll not look for wine. “ The thirst that from my soul doth rise Doth ask a drink divine. But might I of Jove’s nectar sup, I would not change for thine. “ I sent thee late a rosy wreath. Not so much honouring thee. As giving it a hope, that there It could not withered be ; “But thou thereon didst only breathe. And sent’st it back to me. Since when, it grows and smells, I swear. Not of itself, but thee.” Ben Jonson. THE umm OF iSt lt?f!VFHSW'y OF ILLINOiS o ri':--: ^ Dcs^aSogn; ,£!;■'■' lurcrri kaismc Kaw, f * ^ ;■*•« ^ •■V , ^ » -^ • ♦ '^*' ' ■ ** . a- JJ?"' " ' •' 1- ■ ^: ' '* ■ • : ■ • ^'t ''^vt ' V Hut-v. _ -^' -: » i''W~ V ' ' ' 4 , D,^.; s ■.i*tt--'-- ; / ^." ■>•'** » ,i.> L'i - -K- ^ I jS .'Si! I ISABEL. “ Eyes not down dropt nor over briglit, bnt fed With the clear-pointed flame of chastity, Clear, without heat, undying, tended by Pure vestal thoughts in the translucent fane Of her still spirit ; locks not wide dispread, Madonna- wise on either side her head ; Sweet lips whereon perpetually did reign The summer calm of golden charity, Were fixed shadows of thy fixed mood, Levered Isabel, the crown and head. The stately flower of female fortitude. Of perfect wifehood, and pure lowlihead.” Texxysox. % 1 LUCY. “She shal]* be sportive as the fawn. That wild with glee across the lawn. Or up the mountain springs ; And hers shall be the wreathing balm. And hers the silence and the calm Of mute, insensate things. “The floating clouds their state shall lend To her, — for her the willow bend, Nor shall she fail to see Even in the motions of the storm, Grace that shall mould the maiden s form By silent sympathy.” Wordsworth. THE LIBRARY OF THE UHIVERSIIY OF ILLINOIS J^onSoii ; •.♦•- i; :r,id nqov .ilcor 3t-ri.-?t 'tPi L'Tr: --t -r 'H-v,,- THE LIBRARY OF THE ITY Qr ilLii^OlS ELEANOKE. “Sometimes, with most intensity Gazing, I seem to see Thought folded over thought, smiling asleep. Slowly awaken’d, grow so full and deep In thy large eyes, that, overpower’d quite, I cannot veil, or droop my sight. But am as nothhig in its hght : As tho’ a star, in inmost heaven set, Ev’n while we gaze on it. Should slowly round his orb, and slowly grow To a full face, there hke a sun remain Fix’d — then as slowly fade again. And draw itself to what it was before ; So full, so deep, so slow. Thought seems to come and go In thy large eyes, imperial Eleanore.” Tennyson. THE LADY CONSTANCE. “ Oh, thou art fairer than an Indian morn, Seated in her sheen palace of the East. Thy faintest smile out-prices the swelled wombs Of fleets, rich glutted, toiling wearily To vomit aU their wealth on English strands. The whiteness of this hand should ne'er receive A poorer greeting than the kiss of kings ; And on thy happy lips doth sit a joy. Fuller than any gathered by the gods In aU the rich range of their golden heaven.” Alexander Smith. ILLUSTRATED WORKS SUITABLE FOE PEESENTS, ETC. In the p'ess, in small 4to, THE MILLER’S DAUGHTER By Alfred Tennyson, beautifully illustrated with seventeen Steel Engravings, by permission, with a Portrait of the Author. This will be one of the most charm- ing books for the drawdng-room table ever published. GOLDSMITH’S TRAVELLER Illustrated ivith Thirty Exquisite Engravings on Steel, Designed and Etched by Birket Foster. 8vo, elegantly bound in cloth, gilt, 21s.; morocco, 31s. Gd. “A gem among the gift-books.” — Leader. “ The gift-book of the season.” — Athenmm, MILTON’S L’ALLEGRO AND IL PENSEROSO. Illustrated with Thirty Etchings on Steel by Birket Foster. Super-royal 8vo, neatly bound, 21s.; morocco, 31s. Gd. THE HEROINES OF SHAKSPEARE. Forty -five Portraits of his principal Female Characters. Engraved under the superintendence of Mr. Charles Heath, from Drawings by the best Artists. Imperial 8vo, handsomely bound in morocco, 42s. ; Coloured Plates, £3 13s. Gd. ; proofs, imperial folio, half morocco, £3 13s. Gd. ; India proofs, £5 5s. CHRISTMAS WITH THE POETS. A Collection of English Poetry relating to the Festival of Christmas. Upwards of Fifty Engravings from Drawings by Birket Foster, and numerous Initial Letters and Borders printed in gold. New Edition, with additional Embellishments, super-royal 8vo, richly bound, 25s. ; morocco, 35s. RHYMES AND ROUNDELAYES IN PRAISE OF A COUNTRY LIFE. By Poets of hlany Lands. Adorned on almost every Page with Pictures by Ansdell, Absolon, Duncan, Dodgson, Foster, Goodall, Hulme, F. Tayler, and "Weir. Second Edition, square 8vo, bound in the ancient fashion and richly ornamented, 21s.; morocco, 31s. Gd. LONGFELLOW’S POETICAL WORKS, ILLUSTRATED. New and Enlarged Edition. Including “Evangeline,” “Voices of the Night,” “ Seaside and Fireside,” “ The Golden Legend,” and other Poems. With One Hundred and Seventy Engravings on Wood, from designs by Birkjet Foster, Jane E. Hay, and John Gilbert. Crown 8vo, 21s. cloth ; 30s. morocco. This is the only Illustrated Edition containing “ The Golden Legend.” “Evangeline,” separately, 10s. Gd. cloth; 16s. morocco. “ Voices of the Night,” “ Seaside,” &c., 15s. cloth; 21s. morocco. LONDON : W. KENT & Co. (late D. Bogue), 80, FLEET STREET, AND PATEENOSTER ROW. London: J. & W. Kiuer, Printers, 14, Bartholomew Close.