MAPS OF A CHECKLIST OF MAPS IN ATLASES AND GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNALS IN THE COLLECTIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA-CHAMPAIGN LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN Coll. * 016.916 B294m Rare Book tk Speefa Collections Library Maps of Africa to 1900 A Checklist of Maps in Atlases and Geographical Journals in the Collections of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign By Thomas J. Bassett & Yvette Scheven Robert B. Downs Publication Fund No. 9, University of Illinois Library and The Graduate School of Library and Information Science 2000 The Board of Trustees of The University of Illinois Manufactured in the United States of America Printed on acid-free paper ISBN 0-87845- 11 8-8 Copying done for other than personal or internal reference use such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale without the expressed permission of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is prohibited. Requests for special permission or bulk orders should be addressed to the Publications Office, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 501 E. Daniel St., Champaign, IL 61820. UIUC . v,./ James S. Dowling, Managing Editor Susan F. Lafferty, Compositor Carlton Bruett, Cover Design Robert B. Downs Publication Fund No. 9, University of Illinois Library Distributed by The Graduate School of Library and Information Science Coll- *JU WAK Contents Preface i Introduction iii Organization of Checklist \i Maps by Region Continent 1 North 44 Eastern 96 Southern 158 Central 183 West 212 Islands 239 Bibliography of Atlases 243 Bibliography of Geographical Journals 267 Indexes Authority Index 271 Title Index 281 Inset Maps 315 Preface This checklist has its origins in the late 1980s. It grew out of our mutual interest in improving access to what we assumed to be an extensive but unknown number of maps of Africa in the University of Illinois Library. As a "list of items giving brief information sufficient only for identification," 1 this checklist is the result of our joint efforts. Originally we only planned to include maps in atlases and in loose sheet form. Had we stuck to this goal, this list would be much shorter and have taken far less time to produce. However, as our scholarly research began to focus on linkages between mapmaking, imperialism, and colonialism, we decided to expand the list to include maps published in nineteenth-century European geographical journals. The maps in these journals are commonly associated with a written text (e.g., scholarly article, travel account, progress report) that reveals much about the institutional and ideological contexts of mapmaking. They are, in short, impor- tant sources for historians of cartography interested in the social and political circumstances in which maps are made. Together, journal and atlas maps form an important part of the cartographic archive of Africa. An additional reason for combining journal and atlas maps in the same checklist is that some of the basic characteristics of nineteenth century atlas maps such as location, regional focus, and place names were partly influenced by maps first published in geographical journals. 2 Atlas publishers had a commercial stake in updating their maps "according to the best authorities" (Bassett and Porter 1991). The large scale maps of explorers were widely used for this purpose. For example, the route surveys of explorers produced new knowl- edge of the location, direction, and distance of African settlements and physical geographic features. This information was subsequently reproduced in atlas maps, especially at the regional scale (e.g., West Africa). As a result, the blank spaces so common on eighteenth and nineteenth century maps of the continent became gradually filled in. One of this checklist's greatest strengths lies in its extensive coverage of nineteenth century journal and atlas maps a period that has been relatively understudied by historians of cartogra- phy. Many individuals and institutions have lent a helping hand in the construction of this checklist. We first wish to acknowledge the Robert B. Downs Fund for funding much of the research and publication costs of this project. Its support has been critical in all phases of this undertaking. Compiling the checklist would not have been possible without grants provided by the Research and Publication Committee of the University of Illinois Library, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Research Board of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Special thanks to John Bennett, David Cobb, Bob Karrow, Donald Krummel, and David Woodward for their guidance at various stages, to Carol Spindel 11 Preface for keeping the prose to the point, to the late Albeit Scheven for his proverbs and proof reading, to the staff of the University of Illinois Rare Book Room for their prompt service and cooperation, and to our diligent and conscientious research assistants: Maarten deWitte, Susan Holderread, Melissa Savage, and Joseph Otieno. Our deepest thanks go to Jamie McGowan, our longest serving and most versatile research assistant, whose database man- agement skills and keen editorial eye have been critical to this checklist's publication. Their collective contribution underscores the truth of the Swahili proverb, Mkono mmoja haubebi mtoto, "One hand alone cannot carry a baby." Notes 1 Harrod's Librarians' Glossary. 1995. 8th edition. Aldershot, Hants., England: Gower. 2 Jeffrey Stone provides examples of atlas publishers' "total reliance on recent explorers as their sources" in their maps of Africa (Stone 1995, 74). For further discussion on the history of the atlas, see J. A. Wolter and R. E. Grim. 1997. Images of the World: The Atlas through History. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress. '/2 *^< ^Ki^f^'VMnnv 1 **'*!. AFRICA tjmded according to die extent of it sj'nncmali Part * a* w Bfakarj'dutuiawhcd one fan. thf other " i m B* < ttoNARCHiE^ KINGDOM! STATE; " 'A*-A rf/: f^/j timi" mhal>itf, AFXICA ^^^RAmxTjL lilliam ls5c rr y. Introduction Early maps of Africa are a rich but largely untapped resource for scholarly research. Al- though some progress has been made on the history of European mapping of the continent (McGrath 1976; Stone 1995), much remains to be written on the production and use of maps by both African and non-African mapmakers (Bassett 1998; Ngo 1998; Norwich 1997; Stone 1994). Cartobibliographies, checklists and other standard reference works are a prerequisite to further research in this area. However, with the exception of Mcllwane's important resource guide, little has been done in this basic reference area (Mcllwane 1997). This checklist of the Africa map holdings at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Library seeks to make a modest contribution towards filling this cartobibliographic gap. It contains some 2400 references to maps of Africa dating from the early sixteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century. If this work facilitates further research on the history of the cartography of Africa, its authors' primary objective will be fulfilled. The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Library is the third largest academic library in the United States. It also houses one of the country's best Africana collections. We began this project with the goal of assessing the depth and breadth of the library's pre-1900 cartographic holdings on Africa with a view towards making this special collection more accessible to scholars. We first consulted a number of catalogues and collectors' guides to early maps of the continent to check against the university's holdings. Reference works consulted included Yusuf Kamal's thirteen volume Monumenta Cartographica Africae et Aegypti, Oscar Norwich's Maps of Af- rica, and R.V. Tooley's Collectors' Guide to Maps of the African Continent and Southern Africa. The hundreds of mapmakers and publishers referenced in these three volumes were systematically cross-checked against the authorities listed in the university's card and on-line catalogues. In the course of our search, we discovered many cartographers and atlases not listed in these guides. This was particularly true for the nineteenth century. Africanists and historians of cartography are drawn to this century because the map of the continent changed so rapidly in the wake of European explorations, conquests, and colonization. Many of these maps inform us of the process of empire building and about the role of maps and mapmakers in furthering European expansion (Bassett 1994; Edney 1997; Harley 1988). Maps of Africa to 1900 is designed to provide scholars and other map users with sufficient information to locate and examine maps of Africa in the UIUC Library. It may also be useful to map librarians who wish to compare their collections or references with the university's hold- ings. The cartobibliographical information contained in both the map entry and the bibliogra- phy of atlases at the end of the volume should be particularly helpful for cross-referencing. The checklist can also be used by individuals searching for pre-twentieth century maps of other ill iv Introduction world regions because most of the atlases contain maps of Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Thus the audience of Maps of Africa to 1900 should be much larger than one might expect given the title of this work. The focus of this list on original maps of Africa in pre-twentieth century atlases and se- lected geographical journals both distinguishes itself and complements the multi- volume guide to maps in books and periodicals published by the American Geographical Society (AGS 1968-). The AGS's Index to Maps and Periodicals lists maps found in some seventy- five geographical journals. It covers the years 1900 to 1968 with supplements for later years. Maps of Africa to 1900 complements the Index by listing maps from the leading 19th-century geographical journals of Europe such as the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, includ- ing its Proceedings and Supplementary Papers, the Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic de Paris, and Petermanns Geographische Mittheilungen. The maps in these journals are signifi- cant because of their contribution to European geographical knowledge of Africa in the nine- teenth century. The geographical societies closely followed the progress of European explorers and regularly published their travel narratives in the pages of their journals. 1 The maps that issued from these explorations were highly esteemed by atlas publishers who updated their maps on the basis of this new knowledge. They were also of utility to colonial armies and ministers involved in creating a new political geography in Africa. Readers should also note that this list excludes facsimiles and maps of Africa published in government documents. With the exception of a few geography books (e.g., Munster, Ogilby), we have focused exclusively on maps in atlases and the most important European geographical journals. Moreover, if the Library has more than one edition of an atlas, we list only those maps appearing in the earliest edition. However, the dates of later editions of the "same" map in the UIUC Library are noted in the Bibliography following each reference. Users of this li st should examine these subsequent editions to check for changing map content, scales, and coverage. These later editions often contain new maps that do not appear in earlier editions. If there are new maps in these later editions, they are not recorded in this list. The University of Illinois Africa Map Collection What is the scope of the University of Illinois's collection of early maps of Africa? Figure 1 shows the distribution by decade of the maps included in this checklist. From a purely quan- titative perspective, the holdings for this part of the collection are strongest for the nineteenth century: of the 2416 maps listed, 78 percent date from this century. Maps are most abundant for the last three decades of the nineteenth century when 59 percent of this list's maps were pub- lished. About a quarter (22 percent) of the collection dates from the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries: 2 percent (49 maps) from the sixteenth century, 9 percent (211 maps) from the seventeenth, and 13 percent (303 maps) from the eighteenth century. Virtually all of the sixteenth-eighteenth century maps are published in atlases (92 percent) or in loose sheet form (7 percent). Table 1 presents summary information on the total number of maps in the checklist. It shows that 41 percent of the maps are found in atlases or are in loose sheet form. More than half are journal maps. The North (23 percent) and Eastern (23 percent) regions are the focus of almost half of the collection. Maps of the entire continent comprise 19 percent of the list. Maps of Southern (10 percent), Central (12 percent), and West (12 percent) Africa are relatively equal in number but vary according to source. Introduction 700 -, 600- 8, 1500 1520 1540 1560 1580 1600 1620 1640 1660 1680 1700 1720 1740 1760 1780 1800 1820 1840 1860 1880 Figure 1. Total Collection of Maps of Africa Source: University of Illinois Library, N=2416 Region Atlases Loose Sheets Journals Total Percent Continent 260 35 164 459 19 North 297 18 240 555 23 East 96 5 451 552 23 Southern 92 18 140 250 10 Central 40 3 249 292 12 West 102 13 167 282 12 Islands 17 1 8 26 1 Total 904 93 1419 2416 100 Table 1. Maps of Africa to 1900: Summary Information What are the national origins of the maps recorded in this checklist? To answer this ques- tion, we noted the date and place of publication of all the atlas maps. Figure 2 shows the importance of certain countries 2 in either the world of publishing (e.g., Italy in the sixteenth century) or the world economy. While the Dutch were powerful actors in both the cartographic and economic worlds of the seventeenth century, the British and French dominated the eigh- teenth century. For the nineteenth century, more than a third of the atlas maps were published in the United States of America reflecting both the rise of the USA in the world economy and the geographic location of the UIUC collection. The checklist also shows a clear relationship between the regional focus of journal maps and the colonial interests of the country in which the journal was published. This pattern becomes VI Introduction 40-, 35- 30- Dutch British Belgium Austrian Figure 2. National Origins of Atlas Maps by Century Source: University of Illinois Library, N=904 apparent when we examine maps published in three major European geographical journals: the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society (United Kingdom), the Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic de Paris (France), and Petermanns Geographische Mittheilungen (Germany). More than half (55 percent) of all the journal maps in this checklist derive from these three journals. Nearly 60 percent of these selected maps were published in the last two decades of the nine- teenth century (Figure 3) when France, England, and Germany were aggressively establishing African colonies. Figure 4 shows the strong regional interests of these colonizing powers. The large number of British and German maps of Eastern and Southern Africa corresponds with the geography of European colonization in the late nineteenth century (Figure 5). French journal maps similarly show a correlation between regional concentration and colonial interests in northern, central, and western Africa. Resources on the History of Cartography Some checklist users may wish to conduct further research on the social, poli tical, or scien- tific dimensions of maps and mapmaking. The scholarly literature on the history of cartography is not only voluminous but it is also multilingual, multidisciplinary, and speaks to multiple audiences. An excellent guide to maps and mapmaking of Africa is John Mcllwaine's Maps and Mapping of Africa: A Resource Guide (Mcllwaine 1997). It provides a wealth of references to bibliographies and individual writings on maps, surveying, travel and exploration, place Introduction Vll 160-1 140- 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 Figure 3. Maps of Africa in Selected Geographical Journals 1820-1899 140 -t Continent North East South Central West Islands Figure 4. Regional Focus of Selected Journal Maps, 1850-1899 viii Introduction : i-w , t* ~ '< *J* -._ . e&*. .* V -A_ *t i. K'' Xv,~ S A U A K "~ T f 3 Figure 5. Map showing European colonies and spheres of influence in 1890 (checklist #390). Introduction ix names, and map collections from the ancient Greeks to the mid-1990s. A more general but equally useful guide to contemporary scholarship on the history of cartography is the serial publication, Who's Who in the History of Cartography: The international guide to the subject (Lowenthal 1995). It lists the research interests and publications of individual scholars and gives references to the major historiographies, bibliographies, journals, and on-line resources on the history of cartography. Information is also provided on research centers, professional organizations, conferences, newsletters, and fellowships, and, not least, on the major map col- lections. In sum, one could not find a better orientation to current resources and research inter- ests on the history of cartography than these two resource guides. The single most authoritative work that captures the scholarly breadth of the field is the multivolume The History of Cartography edited by David Woodward and J. Brian Harley. Its focus on non-western as well as western mapping traditions, its exhaustive bibliographies and excellent illustrations make it a unique contribution to the field. Chapters on the history of non- western mapping of Africa appear in Books 1 , 2 and 3 of the second volume of The History. Jeffrey Stone provides a succinct and well-illustrated history of European maps of Africa in the second edition of Norwich 's Maps of Africa (Norwich 1997). His discussion of the domi- nance of European cartographic traditions on the early evolution of maps of Africa underscores the importance of certain cartographers like Joan Blaeu and Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' Anville. A more detailed but non-illustrated history of African maps is found in Stone's A Short History of the Cartography of Africa (Stone 1995). This latter work is particularly insightful on the evolution of colonial mapping in southern and eastern Africa. Postmodernist approaches have brought a social theoretical vigor to the field that is best captured in the work of Harley (1988, 1989), Belyea (1992), Edney (1997), Godlewska (1994), and Wood (1992). Interesting debates around theoretical positions and interpretive approaches in the history of cartography regularly take place in the Canadian journal Cartographica. Monmonier (1991, 1995) has authored two valuable books focused around the theme of "carto- graphic manipulation." His How to Lie with Maps is an excellent introduction to the elements of a map (scale, projection, symbols) and how maps work. The central point of these works and one that the users of this checklist might keep in mind is that "a single map is but one of an indefinitely large number of maps that might be produced for the same situation or from the same data" (Monmonier 1991, 2). Denis Wood makes a similar point when he writes that "maps, all maps, inevitably, unavoidably, necessarily embody their authors' prejudices, biases and partialities..." (Wood 1992, 24). The Africa map collection of the University of Illinois provides abundant evidence of such partialities and prejudices in mapmaking. We hope this checklist will serve as a useful guide for those interested in exploring these and other themes in the history of cartography. References American Geographical Society. 1968-. Index to Maps in Books and Periodicals. Boston: G. K. Hall. 10 vols., 3 supplements. Bassett, T. and P. Porter. 1991 . From the Best Authorities: The Kong Moutains in the Cartography of West Africa. Journal of African History 32: 367-413. Bassett, T. 1994. Cartography and Empire Building in Nineteenth Century West Africa. Geographical Review 84 (3): 3 16-335. Introduction Bassett, T. 1998. Indigenous Mapmaking in Intertropical Africa. In The History of Cartography, Vol 2, Bk 3: Cartography in the Traditonal African, American, Arctic, Australian, and Pacific Societies, ed. D. Woodward and M. Lewis, pp. 24-48. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Belyea, B. 1992. Images of power: Derrida/Foucault/Harley. Cartographica 29 (2): 1-9. Edney, M. 1997. Mapping an Empire: The Geographical Construction of British India, 1765-1843. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Godlewska, A. 1994. Napoleon's geographers (1797-1815): Imperialists and soldiers of modernity. In Geography and Empire, ed. A. Godlewska and N. Smith, pp. 31-54. Oxford: Blackwell. Harley, J. B. and D. Woodward (eds.) 1987-. The History of Cartography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Harley, J. B. 1988. Maps, Knowledge, and Power. In The Iconography of Landscape ed. D. Cosgrove and S. Daniels, pp. 277-305. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Harley, J. B. 1989. Deconstructing the Map. Cartographica 26 (2): 1-20. Kamal, Y. 1926-51. Monumenta Cartographica Africae etAegypti, 5 vols in 16 pts. Cairo. Lowenthal, M. A. 1995. Who's Who in the History of Cartography: The International Guide to the Subject. Tring, U.K., Map Collector Publications. McGrath, G. 1976. The Surveying and Mapping of British East Africa, 1890 to 1946. Cartographica Monograph 18. Mcllwane, J. 1997. Maps and Mapping of Africa: A Resource Guide. East Grinstead, UK: Hans Zell Publishers. Monmonier, M. 1991. How to Lie With Maps. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Monmonier, M. 199 1 . Drawing the Line: Tales of Maps and Cartocontroversy. New York: Henry Holt & Company. Ngo, V. 1998. The Scientific Mapping of an African Soverign: Njoya's Survey and Maps Reexamined, Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers 32: 11-30 Norwich, 0. 1 983. Maps of Africa: An Illustrated and Annotated Carto-bibliography. Johannesburg: AD. Donker. Norwich, O. 1997. Norwich's Maps of Africa: An Illustrated and Annotated Cariobibliography. 2nd ed. revised and edited by Jeffrey C. Stone. Norwich, VT: Terra Nova Press. Scharfe, W. 1997. German Atlas Development during the Nineteenth Century. In Images of the World: The Atlas through History, ed. J. Wolter and R. Grim, pp. 207-232. Washington, D. C.: Library of Congress. Stone, J. (ed.) 1994. Maps and Africa, Proceedings of a Colloquium at the University of Aberdeen, April 1993. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University African Studies Group. Stone, J. 1995. A Short History of the Cartography of Africa. Lewiston, Maine: E. Mellen Press. Tooley, R. V. 1969. Collectors ' Guide to Maps of the African Continent and Southern Africa. London: Carta Press. Wolter, J. A. and R. E. Grim, (eds.) 1997. Images of the World: The Atlas through History. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress. Wood, D. 1992. The Power of Maps. New York: The Guilford Press. Notes 1 Petermann's Mittheilungen, "the most important German-language geographic periodical" of its day, was not associated with any particular scientific geographical society (Scharfe 1997, 217). * The classification is based on the place of publication and the country in which that city is located in the late- twentieth century. Organization of Checklist The checklist organizes the maps geographically following the regional classification used by the Library of Congress (LC) (Figure 6). When the area included in a map extends over more than one LC region, it is listed in the region that encompasses most of the map area. If a map's area falls within three or more areas delimited in the LC classification, then it is placed in the continent section. For example, maps focused on the Sahara Desert or Nile or Zambezi Rivers will be found in the continent section. Users are advised to check maps in more than one region if their area of interest straddles LC regions. At the beginning of each geographical division, a "See also" section identifies maps in other regions that may be of interest due to overlapping areas. Maps are listed chronologically within each geographical division by date and alphabeti- cally by authority. The parts of each annotated entry are explained below and illustrated in Figure 7. Map Number. At the top left hand corner of each entry is a number in a black box that identi- fies each map in the checklist. This number is also used to refer to specific maps in the three indexes. Date. The date refers to the year the map was printed. This date may differ from the year the atlas was actually published. The latter date is noted in the Bibliography. If no year of publica- tion is indicated on the map itself, the atlas or journal publication date is recorded. Authority. The name of the mapmaker or publisher responsible for producing the map is noted on the next line. When the authority is not known, the entry begins with the map title. We have used the UTUC Library catalogue to establish the authority. For example, UIUC lists Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy) as the authority of certain atlases that would be listed under the editor's name (e.g., Martin Waldesmuller) in other resource guides (e.g., Tooley 1969, 121). An alpha- betical list of authorities is indexed at the end of this book. Title. The title appearing on the map itself is printed in bold face. If the title is exceptionally long, it is shortened with the omission indicated by an ellipsis. If no title appears on the map, one is constructed based on the region covered and placed within brackets. To facilitate the identification of maps, we have included an index of map titles. Scale. With few exceptions, early maps do not contain scales in the conventional ratio form used today (e.g., 1:1,000,000 or 1/1,000,000). Consequently, scales were estimated where pos- sible using the "Map Scale Indicator" developed by the Cartographic Laboratory of Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. We used lines of latitude to arrive at an approximate scale. If a map lacks parallels, then "no scale" is recorded. xi Xll Organization of Checklist Figure 6. Regional Classification of Africa used by the Library of Congress Map Number 1891 Date Rand McNally & Co. Authority Africa. Title Scale 31 x 24 cm Dimensions In Universal Atlas, p. 233. Source Q.912R15U1894/stx Call Number and Location Three insets: the Suez Canal, Cargados Carahos Islands, and the Cape Verde Islands. Comments Figure 7. Explanatory Chart of Checklist Entry Organization of Checklist Mil Map dimensions. These are given in centimeters measured from the outside borders of the map. Vertical dimensions are given first. In cases where there are more than four sides to the map border (e.g., Ptolemy's hexagonal shaped maps), the measure of widest horizontal dis- tance is given. Source. For loose sheets, the University of Illinois call number and location are given. If the map is part of an atlas, a short title of the atlas in which the map appears is provided, followed by the volume and plate number of the map. Some atlases contain neither page nor plate num- bers. In such cases, the user must search the atlas for the map. The last line contains the call number and location of the atlas. The full names of the abbreviated locations are noted in the introduction to the Bibliography. Comments. Some maps have an unusual orientation or contain inset maps. These special fea- tures are mentioned in the lines following the call number. Place names and inset map titles are given in English where possible but are not word-for-word translations. Readers should beware that some of the place names represented in these inset maps no longer exist or have changed. When we are not certain about the location of a particular place, we provide the title of the inset map in the original language. An index of inset maps is located at the end of this volume. It contains references to more than 300 inset maps. Continent Francanzano de Montalboddo (Checklist #1) Continent 1508 Fracanzano de Montalboddo. [Africa]. No scale. 17 x 22.7 cm. In Itinerarium Portugalksium, on title page. uncat; q shelves /rbx. 1561 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvla Aphricae HI!. No scale. 17.6x24.5 cm. InLfl geografia. uncat/rbx. 1511 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Qvarta Africae Tabvla. No scale. 32.3x48 on. In Liber geographiae, plate 16. uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1570 Ortelius, Abraham. Africae Tabvla Nova. 1:23,000,000. 37.3 x 50.4 cm. In Theatnm Orbis Terrarvm, plate 4. F.912OR9TH1570/rbx. 1513 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvla Qvarta Africae. No scale. 32.1 x 49.1 cm. In Geographiae. uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1578 Miinster, Sebastian. [Africa.] No scale. 12.6 x 15.9 on. In Cosmographey, p. 1372. XQ.910M92C/rbx. 1542 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Aphricae Tabvla nil. No scale. 25 x 33 cm. In Geographia vniversalis. uncat; q shelves/rbx. 1578 Munster, Sebastian. Africa, Lbbia, Morenland.... No scale. 25.4 x 33.8 cm. In Cosmographey, plate 25. XQ.910M92C/rbx. 1546 Honter, Johannes. Africa. No scale. 12.2 x 15.5 cm. In Rvdimenta cosmographica, p. 12. X910H75R1546/rbx. 1578 Munster, Sebastian. [Nile River.] No scale. 17.2 x 16 cm. In Cosmographey, p. 1386. XQ.910M92C/rbx. 1550 Munster, Sebastian. Africae nova descriptio qvae peninsulae. No scale. 25.7 x 32.3 cm. In Cosmographiae uniuersalis. XQ.910M92CL1550/rbx. 1584 Ortelius, Abraham. [Nile River.] 1:1,435,000. 39.5 x 48.8 on. In Theatrvm, between pp. 110 and 111. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Continent 1588 Ortelius, Abraham. Africae tabvla nova. No scale. 7.8 x 10.7 on. In Epitome, plate 4. X912OR9TF1588/rbx. 1628 Mercator, Gerardus. Africa Descriptio. 1:62,000,000. 14.2 x 19.7 on. In A t las minor, p. 11. X912M53A1628/rbx. 1595 Mercator, Geradus. Africa ex magna orbis terra defcriptione.... 1:23,000,000. 37.8 x 46.2 cm. In Atlas sive Cosmographicae, plate C. uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1630 Hondius, Jodocus. Africae nova Tabula. 1:50,000,000. 18.4 x 25.1 on. In Mercator, Atlas sive Cofmographicae, p. 11. uncat/rbx. 1600s Cliiver, Philipp. Nova Descriptio Africae. No scale. 26.7x35 cm. Inlntroductionis, p. 317. X910C62I16-/rbx. 1631 Hondius, Hendrik. Africae nova Tabvula. 1:24,000,000. 37.8 X 49.7 cm. In Mercator, Atlas ou Representation, v. 2, pp. 622-23. uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Africa. 1:120,000,000. 8.5 x 12.4 cm. In Geographischer, p. 571. X910B46TGU/rbx. 1638 Merian, Mattheus. Nova Descriptio Africae. 1:25,000,000. 26.8 x 34.4 on. In Avity, Neuwe archontologia cosmica, plate 99. XQ.909AV57/rbx. 1620 Rosaccio, Gioseppe. [Africa.] No scale. 13.5 x 17 cm. In Vniversale discrittione, pp.86-87. X910R71T1620/rbx. 1640 Botero, Giovanni. Africa. 1:50,000,000. 19.3 x 26 cm. In Relationi, between pp. 160-161. uncat/rbx. 1621 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Africa. No scale. 12.5 x 17 cm. In Geografia, p. 131. XQ.910P95GIC1620/rbx. 1623 Linschoten, Jan Huygen van. Africae. 1:15,000,000. 39 x 51 on. In Itinerarium. Q.910.4L561/rbx. 1643 Morisot, Claude Barthelemy. Africae Litora Priscis Nauigata. 1:67,500,000. 13 x 16.8 cm. In Orbis maritimi, p. 288. uncat; q/rbx. Continent 1646 Speed, John. Africa. No scale. 9.5 x 13.2 cm. In A Prospect, p.23. uncat/rbx. 1677 Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo de. L' Africa. 1:21,500,000. 39.7 x 53.2 cm. In Mercvrio geografico, plate 4. XF.912R736M1686/rbx. 1650 Sanson, Nicolas. Afriqve. 1:23,000,000. 38.8 x 55.3 cm. In Cartes generates, plate 13. XF.912SA5C/rbx. 1661 Cliiver, Philipp. Africa Ant i qua et Nova. 1:34,000,000. 21.5 x 26 cm. In Introductio, between pp. 576-577. X910C62I1661A/rbx. 1661 Oliver, Philipp. Africae Descriptio. 1:62,500,000. 14.2 x 19.8 on. In Introductio, between pp. 128-129. X910C62I1661/rbx. 1665 Blaeu, Joan. Africae nova descriptio. 1:26,000,000. 41 x 55.9 cm. In Grooten atlas, v. 8. uncat; f shelves /rbx. 1668 Walton, Robert. A New Plaine & Exact Mapp of Africa.... 1:24,000,000. 42.1 x 52.1 on. Loose sheet. Uncat; framed; on wall in rbx. 1677 Sanson, Nicolas. L' Africa. 1:21,500,000. 39.7 x 53.5 cm. In anon., Miscellanea, plate 65. XF.912M681/rbx. 1677 Sanson, Nicolas. L' Africa. 1:16,000,000. 49 x 56.5 cm. In anon., Miscellanea, plate 66. XF.912M681/rbx. 1678 Kircher, Athanasius. Chorographia Originis Nili Sevfontivm Ipsivs. 1:20,000,000. 19.2 x 16.6 cm. In Mundus subterraneus, folio 53 between pp. 72-73. Uncat; q shelves/rbx. 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Africa. 1:86,000,000. 10 x 12.4 cm. In Geographic universalis, p. 150. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1679 Seller, John. Africa. No scale. 9.3 x 5.4 cm. In Atlas minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. 1670 Ogilby, John. Africae Accurata tabula. 1:22,000,000. 43.3 x 54.2 cm. In Africa, p. 1. XQ.916OG4A/rbx. 1680 Berry, William. Africa. 1:16,500,000. 56.8 x 88.5 cm. In Atlas of the world, plate 8. F.66425/rbx. Continent 1682 Cellarius, Christoph. Aegypti Delta et Nili Ostia. 1:1,300,000. 20.1 x 30.5 cm. In Notitia orbis antiqui, v. 2, in liber 4 between pp. 774-775. X.910C33N2/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Afriqve. 1:49,000,000. 19.6 x 27.5 on. In L'Afrique, before p. 3. uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1688 Wit, Frederick de. Totius Africae. No scale. 49 x 58 on. In Atlas, plate 3. XF.912W77A/rbx. 1692 Muller, Johann Ulrich. Africa. 1:170,000,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kurtz-Biindige, plate 1 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1685 Jaillot, Hubert Alexis. L'Afrique. 1:16,200,000. 54.9 x 88.8 cm. In Atlas nouveau, plate 8. XF.912J19A/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Afrique Ancienne. 1:80,000,000. 14.5 x 10.7 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 1. X910M289D/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Afrique Moderne. 1:100,000,000. 14.5 x 10.5 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 2. X910M289D/rbx. 1700 Seller, John. Africa. 1:72,500,000. 12.1 x 14.1 cm. In Atlas terrestris, plate 47. X.912SE48A/rbx. 1700 Wells, Edward. A New Map of Africa. 1:25,000,000. 36.8 x 50.4 cm. In Treatise, plate 37. F.910W46T1706/rbx. 1700 Wells, Edward. A New Map of Libya or Old Africk. 1:25,000,000. 37.1 x 49.4 cm. In Treatise, plate 36. F.910W46T1706/rbx and loose sheet: G8300170-.S6/rbx. 1688 Morden, Robert. Africa. 1:75,000,000. 11.1 x 12.8 cm. In Geography Rectified, p. 441. X910M81G2/rbx. 1701 Moll, Herman. Africa. 1:55,000,000. 14.3 x 19.2 cm. In System of Geography, Part II, p. 99. XQ.910M735S/rbx. Continent 1702 L'Isle, Guillaume de. Africa. 1:20,500,000. 44.3 x 57.3 on. In Seutter, Maximvs atlantvm, v. 4, p. 267. XF.912SE81M/rbx. 1710s Chatelain, Henri Abraham. Carte de 1'Afrique selon les Auteurs Anciens Enrichie de Remarques Historiques.... 1:42,000,000. 27 x 27.2 cm. Loose sheet. G8300.SI171-.C4/rbx. 1702 Seutter, Matthaeus. Africa. 1:16,250,000. 49.5 x 57.5 on. In Maximvs atlantvm, v. 4, p. 266. XF.912SE81M/rbx. 1712 Homann, Johann Baptist. Totius Africa;. 1:19,500,000. 48.7 x 57 on. In Allgemeiner Atlas, v. 4, plate 382. XF.912H75A/rbx. 1705 Per, Nicolas de. L'Afrique. 1:47,500,000. 20.8 x 27.3 cm. In Petit et nouveau atlas, p. 9. X912F37P1705/rbx. 1712 Homann, Johann Baptist. Totius Africae. 1:16,100,000. 48.5 x 57.6cm. In Allgemeiner Atlas, v. 4, plate 383. XF.912H75A/rbx. 1705 Harris, John. Africa. 1:21,000,000. 36.2 x 42.5 on. In Navigantium, v. 1, p. 304. XQ.910.8H24N1705/rbx. 1706 Cellarius, Christoph. Aegypti Delta et Nili Ostia. 1:1,280,000. 20.5 x 30.5 cm. In Notitia orbis antiqui, v. 2, lib. 4 on p. 14. X.910C33N2/rbx. 1708 Gordon, Patrick. Africa. 1:72,500,000. x 12.6 cm. In Geography Anatomiz'd, between pp. 310-311. X910G65G1708/rbx. 11 1714 Aa, Pieter van der. L'Afrique suivant les Nouvelles Observations. 1:90,000,000. 22.4 x 29.5 cm. In Nouvel atlas, plate 93. XQ.912AAlN/rbx. 1714 Lucas. An Exact Map of the River Nile. 1:1,960,000. 39.6x25 cm. In Moll, A t las geographus, v. 4, between pp. 76-77. X910M735A/rbx. Oriented to south. 1714 Moll, Herman. Africa. 1:55,000,000. x 25.5 cm. In Atlas geographus, v. 4, between pp. 32-33. X910M735A/rbx. 17.8 Continent 1714 Moll, Herman. Africa Antiqua et Nova. 1:42,000,000. 20.6 x 25.2 on. In Atlas geographus, v. 4, between pp. 2-3. X910M735A/rbx. 1722 L'Isle, Guillaume de. Carte d'Afrique. 1:21,300,000. 49.3 x 64.3 cm. In unnamed atlas collection, plate 4. uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1719 Chatelain, Henri Abraham. Carte de rAfrique. 1:41,500,000. 27 x 27.5 cm. In Atlas historique, plate 6. XF.912C39A/rbx. 1722 Moll, Herman. Africa. 1:70,000,000. 14.7 x 19.6 cm. In anon., Compleat Geographer, p. 133. XQ.910C7371722/rbx. 1719 Chatelain, Henri Abraham. Description du Nil, de ses sources, de son cours depuis les Cataract jusques au Caire.... Scale in leagues. 8.8 x 35.8 cm. In Atlas historique, v. 6, p. 20. XF.912C39A/rbx. 1719 Homann, Johann Baptist. lAfrica.] No scale. 23.8 x 28.4 cm. In Atlas methodicus, plate 6. XF.912H75AT/rbx. 1720 Gregorii, Johann Gottfried. Africae. 1:100,000,000. 11.8x17 cm. In Atlas portatilis, p. 238. X910G861A/rbx. 1721 Senex, John. A New Map of Africa From the Latest Observations. No scale. 49 x 57.2 cm. In New General Atlas, p. 226. XF.912SE5N/rbx and loose sheet: G8300172-?.S4/rbx. 1723 Cluver, Philipp. Africa. 1:55,000,000. 15 x 18.5 cm. In Epitome Geographiae Cluverianae, p. 603. X910C62IG1723/rbx. 1728 Haas, Johann Matthias. Africa. 1:20,500,000. 46.7 x 56.5 cm. In Homann Erben, Atlas mapparum, plate 89. XF.912H751A/rbx. 1731 Cellarius, Christoph. Aegypti Delta et Nili Ostia. 1:1,800,000. 16.3 x 20 cm. In Geographia antiqua, folio 112. X910C33G1731/rbx. 1733 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. L'Afrique. 1:19,500,000. 46.4 x 58.6 cm. In A t las universel, plate 100. XF.912R54AT/rbx. Continent 1742 Homann, Johann Baptist. Totius Africae. 1:19,500,000. 48.7 x 56.5 on. In Kleiner Atlas, p. 4. XF.912H75K/rbx. 1748 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. L'Afrique. 1:55,000,000. 15.3 x 19.5 on. In Atlas portatif, plate 171. X912R54A/rbx. 1744 Seutter, Matthaeus. Africa. 1:53,000,000. 19.4 x 25.6 on. In Atlas minor, plate 6. X912SE81A/rbx. 1749 Salmon, Thomas. Africa. 1:44,000,000. 18.6 x 24.2 cm. In New Geographical, p. 434 X909SA3N/rbx. 1745 Covens and Mortier. L'Afrique. 1:60,000,000. 14.2 x 19.3 on. kiNouveau petit atlas, plate 49. X912C83N/rbx. 1750 L'Isle, Guillaume de. Carta Generate del Africa. 1:27,500,000. 33.2 x 41.5 cm. In Atlante novissimo, v. 2, plate 37. XQ.912L68A/rbx. 1745 Moll, Herman. Africa. 1:57,500,000. 19.9 x 26.4 cm. In Atlas minor, p. 40. Q k X912M73A1745/rbx. 1747 Bowen, Emanuel. A New and Accurate Map of Africa. 1:21,000,000. 34.7 x 42 cm. In Complete System, v. 2, map no. 64. F.910B67C/ihx. 1748 Le Rouge, George Louis. L'Afrique. 1:42,000,000. 22.7 x 28.8 cm. In Atlas nouveau, v. 1, plate 7. X912L56A/rbx and loose sheet: G83001748.L4/rbx. 1752 Bowen, Emanuel. A New and Accurate Map of Africa. 1:21,250,000. 34.8 x42.3 cm. In Complete Atlas, plate 43. XF.912B67C/rbx. 1752 Haas, Johann Matthias. Africa. 1:20,000,000. 46.8 x 56.9 on. In Homann Erben, Maior atlas, plate 35. XF.912H751M/rbx. 1762 Janvier, Jean. L'Afrique. 1:31,250,000. 30.1 x 43.5 cm. Loose sheet. G83001762J3/rbx. 8 Continent 1762 Letter, Tobias Conrad. Africa. 1:70,000,000. 9.6 x 12.4 on. In Lobeck, Kurzgefasste geographic, plate 5. X912L78K/rbx. 1762 Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio. L'Afrique. 1:97,500,000. 10.3 x 12.4 on. In Atlas geographique, plate 5. X912R52A/rbx. 1763 Dury, Andrew. Africa. 1:8,000,000. 10 x 12 cm. In New, General, and Universal, plate 6. 912D93N/rbc. 1763 Tirion, Isaak. Kaart van Africa door den Heer D'Anville, Te Amsterdam. 1:5,250,000. 35 x 34.4 cm. In anon., Hedendaagsche Historic of Tegenwoordige Stoat van Afrika, before p. 1. 916H358/stx. Inset of Flemish islands. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de TAfrique. 1:55,000,000. 21.4 x 17.3 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 70. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte Exacte du Cours du Nil. Scale in leagues. 21 x 16.3 on. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 90. Q.912B41P/ihx and loose sheet: G8401.S41764.B4/rbx. Oriented to south. 1764 Grierson, George. The Map of Africa. 1:16,800,000. 56.2 x 94.5 cm. In MoU, The World Described, plate 6. XF.912M73W1764/rbx. 1766 Brion de la Tour, Louis. L'Afrique. 1:32,500,000. 23.3 x 27.8 cm. In Atlas general, plate 44. XQ.912B77A1772/rbx. 1766 Brion de la Tour, Louis. Partie de I'Afrique. 1:25,000,000. 22.7 x 25.7 cm. In Atlas general, plate 46. XQ.912B77A1772/rbx. 1766 Brookes, Richard. An Accurate Map of Africa. 1:47,000,000. 19.1 x 28.6 cm. In General Gazetteer, adjacent to "Africa" entry. X910.3B79G1766/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte des Embouchures du Nil. Scale in leagues. 21.7 x 17 cm. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 89. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1767 Hiibner, Johann. A Map of Africa. 1:48,000,000. 12.7 x 22.7 on. In A New and Easy Introduction, p. 228. X910H864KE1767/rbx. Continent 1769 Janvier, Jean. L'Afrique divisee en ses principaux Etats, Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiques. 1:21,000,000. 47.5 x 64.6 cm. Loose sheet. G83001769.J3/rbx. 1771 Bruce, James. Two Attempts to Arrive at the Source of the Nile. 1:385,250. 52 x 30.2 on. Loose sheet. G84301771.B7/rbx. 1772 Brion de la Tour, Louis. L'Afrique. 1:5,000,000. 23.2x26 cm. In Atlas General, plate 44. XQ.912B77A1772/rbx. 1772 L'Isle, Guillaume de. Africa. 1:212,500. 57.1 x 44.5 cm. Loose sheet. G83001772.L7/rbx. 1772 Sayer, Robert. Africa. 1:9,000,000. Two sheets together: 103 x 121.5 cm. Loose sheet. G83001772.S3, Sheets 1 and 2/rbx. 1774 Dunn, Samuel. Africa and its several regions. 1:32,500,000. 31.2 x 44.5 cm. In New Atlas, plate 34. XF.912D92N/rbx. 1776 Zatta, Antonio. L' Africa. 1:27,500,000. 30x38.5 on. In Biisching, Atlante novissimo, v. 4, plate 18. XQ.912B96NI/rbx. 1777 Bowen, Thomas. A New and Accurate Map of Africa Drawn from the Best Authorities. 1:27,500,000. 33.3 x 41 cm. In Middleton, New and Complete System of Geography, p. 241. XQ.909M584N/rbx and loose sheet: G83001777.B6/rbx. 1780 Bonne, Rigobert. Afrique. 1:42,000,000. 21.2 x 31.5 cm. In Atlas, plate 3. 912B64A/ihc. 1780 Bonne, Rigobert. Carte generale de I'Afrique. 1:39,500,000. 21.6 x 31.9 cm. Loose sheet. G83001780.B6/rbx. 1780 Kitchen, Thomas. Africa drawn from the latest and best authorities. 1:25,000,000. 34.2 x 37 cm. In Guthrie, New System, between pp. 602-603. X910G98N/rbx. 1781 Moll, Herman. Africa, According to ye Newest and most Exact Observations. 1:55,000,000. 17.8 x 25.4 cm. In Bowles's Atlas Minor, p. 38. X912M73A1781/rbx. 10 Continent 1782 Bonne, Rigobert. Afrique. 1:40,000,000. 21.3 x 32.1 cm. In Atlas, plate 5. 912B64A/ihx and loose sheet: G8300178-.B6/rbx. 1783 Huffier, Claude. Africa. 1:36,000,000. 13.8 x 17.4 on. In Geografia universale, figure 18 on p. 264. X910B864GI1783/rbx. 1783 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. L' Afrique. 1:20,000,000. 47.3 x 59 cm. In Atlas universel, plate 100. XF.912R54AT/rbx. 1787 Kitchen, Thomas. Africa. 1:8,250,000. 51.5 x 117 cm. In General Atlas, plate 26. XF.912K64G1790/rbx. 1790s Carte Particuliere du Cours du Nil, Depuis son Embouchure jusqu'au second Cataracte dans la Nubie.... 1:1,280,000. 104.5 x 43.2 cm. Loose sheet. G8401.N5179-?.V4/rbx Oriented to south. 1790s Bowles, Carington. Bowles's New One-Sheet Map of Africa. 1:17,750,000. 48.5 x 56.1 cm. Loose sheet. G8300179-.B6/rbx. 1783 Santini, P. Afrique. 1:8,250,000. 49.8 x 96.5 on. In At las universel, plate 39 2d. F.912SA59A/mar. 1783 Santini, P. L'Afrique. 1:17,000,000. 47 x 64 on. In A t las universel, plate 39. F.912SA59A/mar. Two insets show Mauritius and the Cape of Good Hope. 1790 Grenet, abbe. Carte Generate de 1' Afrique. 1:41,000,000. 21 x 31.6 cm. In Compendia, plate 38. X912G86C/rbx. 1792 Payne, John. Africa, 1792. 1:52,500,000. 33.5 x 36 cm. In Atlas, plate 7. XQ.912P29A/rbx. 1787 Bonne, Rigobert. Afrique. 1:40,000,000. 23.5x34.7 cm. In anon., Atlas encyclopedique, v. 1, plate 29. XQ.912AT65/rbx. 1793 Lattre, Jean. L'Afrique. 1:50,000,000. 18 x 24.4 cm. In Petit atlas, plate 21. X912L35P1793/rbx. Continent 11 1793 Morse, Jedidiah. Africa. 1:51,000,000. 16.2 x 20.6 on. In American Universal Geography, part 2, v. 2, p. 485. X910M83A/rbx. 1796 Rennell, James. Africa. 1:8,250,000. 52 x 116 cm. In Kitchen, New Universal Atlas, p. 53. XF.912K64N/rbx. 1794 Boulton, S. Africa, with all its States, Kingdoms, Republics, Regions, Islands, & c. 1:8,340,000. 53 x 122 cm. In Kitchen, New Universal Atlas, plate 53-54. XF.912K64N/rbx. Inset of Gold Coast. 1794 Kitchen, Thomas. Africa With All Its States, Regions, Islands, & ca. From the Most Approved Authorities. 1:20,500,000. 44 x 53.8 on. Loose sheet. G83001794.L3/rbx. 1797 Gussefeld, Frangois Louis. Charte von Africa. 1:20,450,000. 46.2 x 52 cm. In Homann Erben, Atlas compendiarivs, plate 49. XF.912H751AT/rbx. 1798 Rennell, James. Charte der Variations Linien der Magnetnadel in den Gewassern urn Africa. 1:60,000,000. 14.9 x 19.9 on. In Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden, v. 4, between pp. 192-193. 910.5AL/stx. 1794 Probst, Johan Michael. Africa. 1:45,000,000. 16 x 27.3 cm. In Atlas minor, plate 4. X912P94A/rbx. 1798 Rennell, James. Charte von Nord Africa.... 1:22,000,000. 21.4 x 37.5 on. In Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden, v. 3, between pp. 120-121. 910.5AL/stx. 1794 Tirion, Isaak. Nieuwe Kaart van Africa. 1:40,000,000. 32.5 x 27.7 cm. In Nieuwe kleine, plate 24. XQ.912T51N/rbx. 1799 Payne, John. Africa. 1:48,000,000. 18.6 x 17.5 cm. In New and Complete System, v. 2, plate 1. X910P29N/rbx. 1795 Walker, John. Africa. 1:50,000,000. 18.6 x 21.2 cm. In Elements of Geography, p. 492. X910W152E1795/rbx. 1800 Cruttwell, Clement. Africa. 1:27,500,000. 33.2 x 38.5 on. In Atlas, plate 5. Q.912C89A1808/mar. Inset map titled "A Correct Chart of the Rivers Sierra Leone and Sherbro." 12 Continent 1800 Zatta, Antonio. L'Africa. 1:55,000,000. 15.8 x 18.6 on. In Nuovo atlante, plate 4. 912Z192N1800/mar. 1807 Barbiellini, Carlo Antonio. Africa. 1:50,000,000. 18 x 21.1 cm. In. Atlante, plate 32. Q.912B234A/max. 1801 Laurie, Robert and James Whittle. Africa with the Adjacent Islands from the Moft Recent Explorations. 1:47,000,000. 18.5 x 24.5 cm. Loose sheet. G83001801.L3/max. 1802 Bianco, Andreas. Afrika. No scale. 12.5 x 22.4 cm. In Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden, v. 10, between pp. 190-191. 910.5AL/stx. 1807 Mentelle, Edme" and P.G. Chanlaire. Carte Generate et Politique de I'Afrique. 1:29,550,000. 31.8 x 41.3 cm. In A t las universel, plate 165. XF.912M52A/rbx. 1808 Morse, Jedidiah. Africa. 1:42,000,000. 19.8 x 24.8 cm. In New Gazetteer, adjacent to "Africa" entry. X910.3M83N1808/rbx. 1802 Sanut, Marin. Afrika. No scale. 12.4 x 22.4 cm. In Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden, v. 10, between pp. 190-191. 910.5AL/stx. 1810s Arrowsmith, Aaron. Africa. 1:42,000,000. 20 x 25 cm. Loose sheet. G8300181-.A7/mar. 1803 Reichard, C.G. Verkleinerte Probe-Charte von C.G. Reichard's Atlas des Ganzen Erdkreises. 1:42,500,000. 30.4 x 30.2 on. In Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden, v. 12, between pp. 264-265. 910.5AL/stx. 1805 Gary, John. A New Map of Africa From the Latest Authorities. 1:19,250,000. 47 x 52.8 cm. Loose sheet. G83001805.C3/rbx. 1810s Lizars, William Home. Africa. 1:47,500,000. 18 x 21.5 cm. Loose sheet. G8300181-?.L5/max. 1812 Malte-Brun, Conrad. Afrique. 1:40,000,000. 22 x 29.8 cm. In At las compkt, plate 143. Q.912M29A/mar. 1813 Bordigo, F. Carta deirAfrica. 1:16,700,000. 53 x 75 cm. Loose sheet. G83001813.B6/max. Continent 13 1814 Walker, John. Africa. 1:49,000,000. 18.2 x 21 cm. In Walker's Universal Atlas, plate 4. X912W15W/rbx. 1820s Tanner, Henry Schenck. Africa. 1:19,750,000. 49 x 54 cm. Loose sheet. G8300182-.T3/max. 1815 John Thomson and Company. North Africa; South Africa. Top:l:14,250,000. Bottom: 1:2,400,000. 58.4 x 51.7 cm. In New General Atlas, plate 49. XF.912J613N/rbx. 1817 Adams, Daniel. Africa. 1:55,000,000. 15.5 x 18.7 cm. In School Atlas, plate 8. X910ADlG1817ATLAS/rbx. 1820 Rossi, Luigi. Africa. 1:55,000,000. 17.7 x 20.7 cm. In Nuovo atlante, plate 32. F.912R735N1820/mar. 1821 Cummings, Jacob Abbot. Africa. 1:40,000,000. 25.6 x 19.7 cm. In School Atlas. X910C91I1821ATLAS/rbx. 1817 Arrowsmith, Aaron. Africa. 1:43,500,000. 20.4 x 25.4 on. In New General Atlas, plate 45. Q.912AR6N1817/mar. 1817 John Thomson and Company. Africa. 1:19,500,000. 46.6 x 53 cm. In New; General Atlas, plate 47. XF.912J613N/rbx. 1818 Carey, Mathew. Africa According to the Best Authorities. 1:25,140,000. 33 x 35 cm. In Carey's General Atlas. XF.912C18G1818/rbx and loose sheet: G8300179?.A3/rbx. 1821 Maire, A. P. Afrique. 9.5 cm. Loose sheet. G8300182-.M3/max. 1:95,000,000. 9.5 x 1821 Myers, Thomas. Africa. 1:41,250,000. 24 x 19 cm. In New and Comprehensive System, v. 2, p. 391. 910M99N/stx. 1822 Brue, Adrien Hubert. Carte von Africa. 1:25,000,000. 36.1 x 50.3 cm. Loose sheet. G83001822.B7/rbx. 1822 Hall, Sidney. Africa. 24 cm. Loose sheet. G83001822.H3/max. 1:46,100,000. 18.5 x 14 Continent 1822 Morse, Sidney Edwards. Africa. 1:44,000,000. 20 x 24.5 cm. In New Universal Atlas, plate 19. X910M83NATLAS/rbx. 1823 Hall, Sidney. Africa. 1:49,100,000. 18 x 23 cm. Loose sheet. G83001823.H3/max. 1823 Lucas, Fielding. Africa. 1:38,000,000. 27 x 22.5 cm. In General Atlas, plate 42. XQ.912L962G/rbx. Inset map includes Cape Verde. 1824 Finley, Anthony. Africa. 1:39,000,000. 28.9 x 21.9 on. In anon., New General Atlas, plate 57. Q.912F49N1827/mar. 1824 Oudney, Walter, Dixon Denham, and Hugh Clapperton. Skizze der von dem D r . Oudney, H m . Denham u. L'. Clapperton im Jahr 1823 gemachten Entdeckungen. 1:16,000,000. 24.2 x 20.1 cm. In Neue Allgemeine Geographische und Statistische Ephemeriden, v. 13, after p. 502. 901.5AL2/stx. 1824 Rossari, Carlo. Africa. 1:41,000,000. 20.3 x 31.7 cm. In Nuovo atlante, plate 30. F.912R73N1824A/mar. 1825 Jomard, M. Pente du Nil Comparee a celle de plusieurs autres fleuves. 1:32,500,000. 8.9 x 24.8 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulktin, v. 3, no. 26, between pp. 408-409. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1826 Cummings, Jacob Abbot. Africa. 1:85,000,000. 10.8 x 10.3 cm. In First Lessons, p. 56. X910C91F/rbx. 1828 Vivien de Saint-Martin, Louis. Afrique. 1:62,500,000. 15 x 21 on. In Villiers, Le nouveau geographie, plate 4. 910.3V71N3/stx. 1829 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. Africa. 1:90,000,000. 10.1 x 8.8 cm. In Peter Parley's Method, p. 94. X910G621P1829A/rbx. 1829 Hall, Sidney. Africa. 1:19,500,000. 50 x 41.5 cm. Loose sheet. G83001829.H3/mar. 1829 Robinson, D.F. and Co. Africa. 1:48,000,000. 18.5 x 24 on. Loose sheet. G83001829.R6/max. Continent 15 1830s Smith, Charles. Africa. 26 cm. Loose sheet. G8300183-?.S5/max. 1:30,000,000. 35 x 1830 Olney, Jesse. Africa. 1:48,000,000. 19 x 24.4 on. In New and Improved School Atlas, plate 11. X912OL6N1830/rbx. 1830 Starling, Thomas. Africa. 1:101,000,000. 9 x 14.5 on. In Geographical Annual, p. 70 912ST28G1833/rbc. 1832 Andriveau-Goujon, J. Carte du Cours du Nil, Comprenant 1'Egypte, la Nubie, 1'Abyssinie et la Mer Rouge. 1:5,900,000. 50 x 38.2 on. In Atlas classique, plate 34. F.911AN2A/stx. 1832 Delamarche, Charles Francois. L'Afrique divisee en ses principaux etats. 1:35,000,000. 27.7 x 34.2 cm. In Atlas de la geographic, plate 18. Q.912D15A1833/mar. 1832 Leake, W.M. Map of North Africa to Illustrate the Question "Is the Quorra the Nigir of the Ancients?" 1:4,400,000. 20.1 x 30.1 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 2, before p. 1. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1832 Royal Geographical Society. Upper Countries of the Nile to Illustrate M. Linanf s Journey. 1:3,400,000. 20.1 x 22.5 cm. In Journal, v. 2, between pp. 170-171. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1833 Edmands, B. Franklin. Africa. 1:75,000,000. 18 x 14.5 cm. In Boston School Atlas, p. 72. 912ED5B1833/mar. 1833 Marieni, Giovanni. Africa. 1:31,000,000. 28.9 x 39 on. In anon., Atlante geografico, plate 5. Q.912AT63/mar. 1834 Afrique. 1:100,000,000. 9.5 x 10.2 on. In anon., Atlas universal, plate 24. 912AT6821834/stx. 1834 Huntington, Nathaniel Gilbert. Africa and the Atlantic Ocean. 1:46,000,000. 20 x 25 cm. In Huntington' s School Atlas, plate 15. Q.912H92S1834/stx and loose sheet: G83001833.H8/max. 1835 Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel. Africa. 1:46,000,000. 19.6 x 25.6 cm. In Comprehensive Atlas, p. 113. Q.912B72C/mar. 16 Continent 1835 Wright, A. Africa. 1:55,000,000. 15.5 x 19 on. In Stewart, Compendium, p. 238. 910ST4C1835/stx. 1836 Findlay, Alexander George. Africa. 1:44,000,000. 25 x 20 cm. In Wright, New and Comprehensive Gazetteer, v. 1, p. 50. 910.3W93H/stx. 1839 Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. Map of Africa. 1:43,000,000. 20.3 x 26.5 cm. In Mitchell's School Atlas, plate 37. Q.912M69S1839/mar. 1840s Africa. 1:31,000,000. 27.5 x 32 cm. Loose sheet. G8300184-?.A3/max. 1836 Huntington, Nathaniel Gilbert. Africa and the Atlantic Ocean. 1:50,000,000. 17.5 x 22.5 cm. In Common School Atlas, plate 17. Q.912H92C/stx. 1837 Stieler, Adolf. Africa et Arabia. 1:34,000,000. 17 x 23 cm. In Schul-atlas, plate 5a. Q.912.3ST3S1837/stx. 1840s Arrigoni, Ferdinando. Africa. 1:38,000,000. 30 x 38.5 cm. In Marmocchi, Grande atlante, plate 6. Q.910M345G/stx. Inset map of Algeria (1:6,250,000). 1840? Butler, Samuel. Africa. 1:46,500,000. 18.8 x 23.8 cm. In Atlas of Modern Geography, plate 28. 912B97A/mar. 1838 Glaser, Karl. Africa nach den besten und neuesten Quellen. 1:27,000,000. 33.1 x 40.6 cm. In Vollstandiger Atks, plate 31. F.912G46Y1838/mar. 1839 Jomard, M. Esquisse de la Route suivie en 1835 par Ouare Kill-Ho, Galla de Limmou au Confluent des Deux Nils. 1:5,000,000. 25.3 x 28.3 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 2, v. 12, after p. 112. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1841 Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel. Africa. 1:27,300,000. 36 x 29 cm. In Universal Illustrated Atlas, plate 49. F.912B72U/ihx. 1841 Cruchley, George Frederick. Africa. 1:25,500,000. 35 x 44 cm. Loose sheet. G83001841.C7/max. From Cruchley 's Improved Atlas for Schools & Families, p. 27. Continent 17 1842 Arrowsmith, John. Africa. 1:16,500,000. 60 x 47 on. Loose sheet. G83001842.A7/rbx. 1842 Volter, Daniel. Africa. 1:34,200,000. 25.3 x 32.1 cm. In Schul-Atlas, plate 31. Q.912V88S/stx. Inset map of South Africa. A second inset shows the altitudes/climates of the continent. 1843 Societe de geographic, Paris. Carte du Bahr-El-Abiad d'apres les travaux de I'Expedition Envoyee a la Recherche des sources du Nil Blanc Par Mahammed-Aly.... 1: 5,000,000. 30.6 x 33.5 cm. In Bulletin, ser.2, v. 19, after p. 176. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1843 Woodbridge, William Charming. Political Map of South America and Africa Adapted to Woodbridge's Geography. 1:43,500,000. 27 x 42.5 on. In Modern Atlas, plates 13-14. XQ.912W851M1843/rbx. 1846 Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. Africa. 1:29,000,000. 31 x 38 cm. In New Universal Atlas, plate 68. F.912M69NE1846/max. 1846 Spruner von Merz, Karl. Africa bis zur Eroberung durch die Araber in VH te Jahrhundert. 1:37,500,000. 29.4 x 35.8 cm. In Historisch-geographischer Handatlas, v. 2, plate 84. Q.912.4SP8H/mar. 1846 Spruner von Merz, Karl. Africa seit Anfang des XV Jahrhunderts. 1:38,000,000. 31.1 x 37.1 cm. In Historisch-geographischer Handatlas, v. 2, plate 86. Q.912.4SP8H/mar. Includes two inset maps: the Gold Coast colonies (1:5,500,000), and the Magreb according to Leo Africanus (1:9,700,000). 1846 Spruner von Merz, Karl. Afrika nach dem arabischen Geographen und bis zur Ankunft der Portugiesen, VIII bis XIV Jahrhundert. 1:37,500,000. 29.2 x 36 cm. In Historisch-geographischer Handatlas, v. 2, plate 85. Q.912.4SP8H/mar. 1849 Vuillemin, Alexandre. Afrique. 1:49,000,000. 19.5 x 25.7 cm. In Atlas universel, plate 27. Q.912V97A1849/mar. 1850s Hall, Sidney. Africa. 35.5 cm. Loose sheet. G8300185-.H3/max. 1:31,000,000. 38 x 18 Continent 1850s Smith, Charles. Africal 129,800,000. 35.5 x 26.5 on. Loose sheet. G8300185-.S7/max. 1:44,900,000. 24 x 19 1850s Stockley, S. Africa. on. Loose sheet. G8300185-.S7/max. 1850s Swanston, George H. Africa. 1:21,500,000. 48 x 35 cm. In Companion Atlas, plate 47. F.912SW2C/stx, mar. Insets of Mauritius, Cape Colony, and the Niger Delta region. 1852 Barbie du Bocage, Jean Guillaume. Carte de 1'Afrique. 1:51,000,000. 31.9 x 22.7 cm. In Atlas illustre, plate 26. Q.912B233A/mar. 1853 Petermann, August Heinrich. Africa. 1:38,000,000. 20.5 x 26 cm. In Descriptive Atlas, plate 34. Q.912P44D1853/mar. 1853 Savage, Charles C. Africa. 1:72,500,000. 12x19.5 on. In The World, p. 444. 910SA9W/stx. 1850 Arrowsmith, John. Africa. 1:16,350,000. 60 x 46.5 cm. Loose sheet. G83001850.A7/max. 1850 Mather, Joseph H. Africa. 1:110,000,000. 8 x 8.7 cm. In Manual of Geography, plate 7. X910M42M1850/rbx. ' 1851 Froberville, Eugene de. Tableau Synoptique Indiquant la parente analogique des langues de 1'Afrique Meridionale. 1:24,000,000. 20.6 x 25.2 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 4, v. 3, after p. 516. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Includes central, southern, and eastern Africa. 1854 Morse, Sidney Edwards. Africa. 1:44,000,000. 19.5 x 20.6 cm. In System of Geography, plate 66. Q.910M83S1854/mar. Inset of Liberia. 1855 Adami, C. Africa. 1:47,320,000. 22.3 x 26.7 cm. In Schul-Atlas, plate 18. Q.912ADlS/mar. Inset map of the Cape region (1:14,400,000). Continent 19 1855 Arrowsmith, John. The Rivers Kwora & Chadda or Binue from the Nun Mouth of the former, to the Country of Adamawa on the latter; to illustrate the Journal of Dr. William Balfour Baikie R.N.1:3,350,000. 21 x 22.3 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 25, between pp. 108-109. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1855 Cornell, Sarah S. Africa. 1:40,000,000. 25 x 30 cm. In Cornell's High School Geography. Q.910C81H/stx. Inset map of the Isthmus of Suez with the proposed canal route. 1855 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. Africa. 1:51,000,000. 18 x 23 cm. In The World as It Is, p. 234. 910G621W/stx. 1855 Meissas, Achille Frangois de and L. Michelot. Afrique. 1:46,500,000. 19.2 x 26.2 cm. In Dictionnaire de geographie, p. 10. 910.3M47D/stx, 1856 Morse, Charles Walker. Africa. 1:37,000,000. 34.3 x 30.8 cm. In General Atlas. F.912M83G/mar. 1856 Morse, Charles Walker. North Africa; South Africa. 1:7,000,000. 35.5 x 30.5 cm. In General Atlas. F.912M83G/mar. 1858 Kotschy, Theodor. Der Obere Nil (nach v. Kloedens Karte) mit Hansal's Angaben entworfen und mit botanischen Namcn versehen. 1:4,1 00,000. 39.5 x 24 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 2, between pp. 112-113. 910.5GEOW/stx. Inset of area surrounding Gondokoro. 1858 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte von Slid Afrika zur Ubersicht der neuesten Entdeckungen von Livingstone, Moffat, Galton, Anderson.... 1:6,300,000. 52.5 x 43 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 4, plate 7. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of physical sketch of South Africa and three contrasting representations of central and southern Africa by Kiepert, MacQueen, and Livingstone. 1859 Welles, J. Africa. 1:41,000,000. 27x21.4 cm. In McNally, Improved System, p. 81. Q.910M232I1859/stx. Chart shows mountain ranges and elevations. 1860s Bartholomew, John. Africa. 1:41,100,000. 21 x 25.5 cm. In Milner, Gallery of Geography, p. 745. 910M63G/stx and loose sheet: G8200186-.B3/max. 20 Continent I860 Barth,H. North Africa. Map to accompany a General Historical Description of the State of Human Society, in Northern Central Africa. 1:20,000,000. 23.2 x 37.5 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 30, between pp. 112-113. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1860 McQueen, James. Central Africa Showing the Route of Silva Porto from Benguela to Cape Delgado; in 1853-54: also; the Sources of the Nile and the Countries around them.l:13,000,000. 26 x 37 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 30, between pp. 136-137. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1860 Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. Africa Showing its Most Recent Discoveries. 1:37,000,000. 27 x 33.6 cm. ^Mitchell's New General Atlas, plate 75. Q.912M69N/stx, mar. 1860 Swanston, George H. Africa. 1:21,500,000. 48 x 38 cm. In Companion Atlas, plate 47. F.912SW2C/stx, mar. Insets of Cape Colony, Niger and its delta, and Mauritius. 1861 Colton, Joseph Hutchins and A. J. Johnson. Johnson's Africa. 1:22,000,000. 61.1 x 43 cm. In Johnson, Johnson 's New Illustrated, pp. 89-90. F.912J635J1861/mar. 1861 Hall, Sidney. Africa. 1:32,000,000. 37 x 26 on. In Black, Black's General Atlas, plate 42. F.912B561B/ihq. 1861 Hall, Sidney. Africa - North Part and Africa - South Part. 1:7,000,000. 37.7 x 26 cm. In Black, Black's General Atlas, plate 44. F.912B561B/ihq. 1861 Vuillemin, Alexandre. Carte du voyage execute dans le Sahara Occidental.... 1:4,000,000. 31.5x23.8 on. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 1, after p. 88. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1862 Malte-Brun, Victor-Adolphe. Zambezia e Sofalla. 1:7,000,000. 23.1 x 24.9 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 4, between pp. 416-417. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset shows Portugues possessions in Africa. 1862 Tremaux, Pierre Esquisse de 1'Afrique Centrale et Orientale. 1:5,000,000. 52.4 x 45.4 on. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulktin, ser. 5, v. 3, between pp. 204-205. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Continent 21 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. Skizze von Inner Afrika zur Ubersicht den 10 Blatt-Karte. 1:40,000,000. 12.8 x 11.6 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitttilungen, v. 2, after title page. 910.5PE/stx. 1863 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Afrika. 1:30,000,000. 30.9 x 38 cm. In Meyer's Hand-atlas, plate 87. Q.912M575/stx. 1864 Colton, Joseph Hutchins. Africa. 1:37,000,000. 30.4 x 25 cm. In School atlas. Q.912C77S/mar. Inset map of Liberia (1:7,400,000). 1865 Arrowsmith, John. The Nile and its Western Affluents, between the Albert Nyartza on the South, and the Sobat on the North. 1:2,450,000. 35.6 x 20.1 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 35, between pp. 288-289. 910.6ROJ/rbx. Copied in Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 12, plate 10. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1865 Bartholomew, John. Africa. 1:55,000,000. 18.8 x 15.6 cm. In Philip's Atlas, plate 20. 912B27P/stx. 1865 Erhard, R. Bonaparte. Afrique. 1:44,500,000. 19.5 x 26 cm. In Bouillet, Atlas universel, plate 80. 910B663A/stx. 1864 Colton, Joseph Hutchins. Colton's Africa (physical). 1:37,000,000. 30.3 x 25.3 cm. In School atlas. Q.912C77S/mar. Contains four elevation profiles of the continent. 1865 Hassenstein, Bruno. Originalkarte des Westlichen Teiles des Oberen Nil-Gebietes. 1:2,000,000. 52 x 43 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, no. 15, after p. 46. 910.5PE/stx. 1864 Petermann, August Heinrich. Vier Martyrer Deutscher Wissenschaft in Inner-Afrika, Ubersicht der Reisen von Overweg, Vogel, v. Beurmann und Steudner. 1:14,000,000. 24.2 x 30.8 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 10, plate 2. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1865 Kirk, John. (South Eastern Africa) Lake Nyassa, the River Shire &c. 1:3,400,000. 26 x 21.5 cm. In Royal Geographic Society Journal, v. 35, between pp. 166-167. 910.6ROJ/stx. Includes gradient profiles of the Zambesi and Shire Rivers. 22 Continent 1866 Chaix, P. Carte Generate de I'Afrique centrale resumant les derniers Voyages de Livingstone, Burton, Speke, Baker, Bastian, Grant.... 1:6,000,000. 49.2 x 57.6 on. In Le Globe, v. 14, between pp. 316-317. 910.5GLO/stx. 1867 Petermann, August Heinrich. Siid-Afrika & Madagaskar. 1:12,500,000. 33.5 x 40.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 13, plate lOa. Q.910.5PE/stx. Legend shows the names of explorers and the dates of 35 different explorations. 1866 Fitch, George William. Africa. 1:70,000,000. 18 x 14 cm. In Colton and Fitch's Introductory, p. 86. 910F55I1866/rbc. 1866 Monteith, James. Africa. 1:40,000,000. x 20.7 cm. In Monteith 's Physical, p. 96. Q.551.4M76M1866/stx. Three inset maps: "California for comparative area," "Principal products," and the Nile Delta and Suez Canal. 27 1867 Chartier, A. T. Afrique. 1:32,5000,000. 27.7 x 37.7 cm. In anon., Geographie universelk, plate 30. Q.912G292/stx. 1867 Lange, Henry. Afrika. 1:30,000,000. 30.5 x 44 cm. In Geographischer Handatlas, plate 29. F.912L26G1867/mar. Inset map of Southern Africa. 1867 Petermann, August Heinrich. Ubersicht von Gerhard Rohlfs' Reisen in Afrika, 1861-1867. 1:14,000,000. 32.2 x 22.9 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 13, plate 12. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1868 Petermann, August Heinrich. Original-Karte zur Ubersicht von Gerhard Rohlfs' Reise durch die grosse Wiiste (Sahara) von Mursuk nach Kuka.... 1:3,500,000. 43.2 x 24.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 5, no. 25, after p. 75. 910.5PE/stx. 1869 Antinori, Orazio. Les Grands Lacs de rAfrique centrale Le Haut Nile et ses affluents.... 1:6,500,000. 45 x 37.1 cm. In Societe de geographic de Geneve, Memoirs, v. 8, between pp. 206-207. 910.5GLO/stx. 1869 Guyot, Arnold Henry. Africa. No scale. 19.5 x 16 cm. In Elementary Geography, p. 78. 910G99E/stx. Continent 23 1869 Heuglin, T. von. Zoo-Geographische Karte des Nilgebietes und der Uferlander des Rothen Meeres von M. Th. v. Heuglin, 1869. 1,10,000,000. 33 x 22.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 15, plate 21. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1871 Royal Geographical Society. Sketch Map of Mr. Baines' Routes Between the Limpopo and Zambesi Rivers.l:3,300,000. 33.2 x 18 cm. In Journal, v. 41, between pp. 100-101. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1869 Monteith, James. Africa. 1:55,500,000. 20.8 x 16 cm. In Manual of Geography, p. 88. 910M76M/stx. Inset of east coast of the United States from Maine to Pennsylvania at same scale as Africa to show comparative size differences. 1870 Hanemann, F. Originalkarte der Portugiesischen Reisen in Inner-Afrika.... 1:4,500,000. 24.7 x 30.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 16, plate 9. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1871 Westermann, George. Africa. 1:38,000,000. 23.5 x 27 on. In Liechtenstein, Schul-Atlas, plate 38. Q.912L61T1871/stx. 1872 Bartholomew, John. Africa. 1:41,100,000. 21.2 x 25.7 cm. In Milner, Gallery of Geography, v. 2, p. 929. 910M63G1872/stx. 1872 Camp, David Nelson. Africa. 1:48,000,000. 15 x 20.2 cm. In Key and Questions, plate 7. 912C15K1872/stx. 1870 Petermann, August Heinrich. Chronolgische Ubersicht von Livingstone's Reisen in Siid-Afrika, 1840-1869. 1:12,500,000. 24.8 x 30.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 16, plate 10. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1871 Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. Map of Africa. 1:62,000,000. 14.5 x 17.8 cm. In New Primary Geography, p. 82. 910M69N/stx. 1872 Hall, Mary Lucy. Map of Africa. No scale. 17.7 x 13.5 cm. In Our World, p. 86. 910H14O/stx. 1874 Hansen, J. Afrique Necrologique de 1800 a 1874 par H. Duveyrier. 1:37,000,000. 24.7 x 26.3 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 8, after p. 48. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of "Hamada el Homra." 24 Continent 1874 Justus Perthes. Africa. 1:45,000,000. 21.3 x 27.8 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mittrilungen, v. 20, plate 14. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets of the Cape region (1:25,000,000); Cape Town(l:l,500,000); Dakar (1:5,000,000); and part of the Red Sea (1:5,000,000). 1874 Societa Geografica Italiana. Carta delle scoperte del Dr. Livingstone. 1:26,000,000. 29.4 x 20.6 cm. In Bolkttino, v. 11, between pp. 310-311. 910.6SOR/stx. 1875 Africa. 1:33,200,000. 32 x 22 cm. Loose sheet. G82001875/max. 1875 Bartholomew, John. Africa. 1:35,000,000. 30 x 22.5 cm. In anon., Library Atlas, plate 5. Q.912L616/stx. 1875 Societe de geographie, Paris. Carte du Nivellement Execute par la Mission des Chotts du Sahara de Constantine Chargee d'etudier le projet de Mer Interieure Sous les ordres du Capitaine Roudaire. 1:800,000. 23 x 25.8 on. In Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 10, after p. 58. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of the entire area and "Profil Suivant A.C.D.." 1875 Hall, Sidney. Africa. 1:55,000,000. 15 x 16.5 on. In Hughes, Treasury of Geography, p. 617. 910H874T2/stx. 1875 Largeau, V. Itineraire d'un Voyage d'Exploration dans le Sahara. 1:1,000,000. 67.2x49.2 cm. In Le Globe, v. 14, between pp. 68-69. 910.5GLO/stx. 1875 Sydow, Emil von. Afrika. 1:64,000,000. 23.8 x 19.1 cm. In Schul-Atlas, plate 32. 581839[sic]/stx. Includes two inset maps: Southern Africa (1:32,000,000), and North Africa (1:32,000,000). 1875 Weller, Edward. Map of Lake Tanganyika from Ujiji to its Southern Extremity. Scale in nautical miles. 74 x 18.1 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 45, between pp. 184-185. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1876 Gaultier. Afrique. 1:70,000,000. 15.6 x 12.3cm. In Revue geographique intemationak, v. 1, p. 43. 910.5REGI/stx. 1876 Gnocchi, Giacomo. Africa. 1:32,000,000. 27.3 x 37.7 cm. In Nuovo atknte, plate 4. Q.912G53N/stx. Continent 25 1876 Gordon, Charles George. Map of the White Nile from Lardo to Urondogani. 1:2,200,000. 25.9 x 15.9 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 46, between pp. 430-431. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1877 Koffmahn, O. Original-Aufnahme des Weissen Nil von Chartum bis Ricaf von Lieut. Watson & Chippendall, R.E., Oktober & November 1874. 1:2,200,000. 52. 5 x 20 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 23, plate 9. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1876 Gregoire, Louis. Afrique. 1:35,000,000. 24.5x31. 2 on. In Geographic generate, p.849. Q.910G86G/stx. 1876 HeUfarth, D. C. Standpunkt der Erf orschung von Central-und Stid-Afrika bis Septembre 1876. 1:12,500,000. 24.2 x 31 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 22, plate 20. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1876 Martin, A. Courants Commerciaux de 1' Afrique. 1:26,455,000. 15.1 x 22.9 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 1, p. 293 [sic] -241 910.5REGI/stx. 1876 Watson C.M. and R.E. Chippendall. A Traverse Survey of the White Nile from Khartum to Rigaf. 1:2,275,000. 57.1 x 18 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 46, between pp. 412-413. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1877 Petermann, August Heinrich. Standpunkt der Erf orschung von Aquatorial-Afrika, 1877 nebst roher vorlaufiger Skizze von Stanley's Entdeckung des Kongo, 1876/7. 1:2,500,000. 24.7 x 31 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 23, plate 22. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1877 Renaud, Georges. Carte du Haut Nil. 1:3,450,000. 18.3 x 14.1 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 2, between pp. 64-65. 910.5REGI/stx. 1877 Renaud, Georges. Plan de la Crique du Loukouga par ou se deverse le Lac ' Tanganyika (Afrique Centrale). 1:3,450,000. 10.7 x 7.4 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 2, between pp. 88-89. 910.5REGI/stx. 1877 Say and Coyn. Le Sahara. 1:10,100,000. 35 x 24.2 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 2, between pp. 264-265. 910.5REGI/stx. 26 Continent 1877 Sociedad Geografica de Madrid. Mapa de las Exploraciones en Africa. 1:25,000,000. 35 x 33.6 cm. In Boletin, v. 3, no. 2, between pp. 192-193. 910.6SOM/stx. 1878 Societe royale beige de geographic. Esquisse du Bassin du Zambese. 1:12,500,000. 10 x 16.8 on. In Bulktin, v. 2, no. 1, after p.92. 910.6SRB/stx. 1877 Societe royale beige de geographic. Croquis des differents projets de chemins de fer transsahariens. 1:14,000,000. 23.8 x 36.3 cm. In Bulletin, v.l, no. 6, after p. 666. 910.6SRB/stx. 1877 Societe royale beige de geographic. Croquis des explorations dans le nord de 1'Afrique. 1:17,500,000. 24.3 x 28.5 cm. In Bulletin, v.l, no. 4, after p. 496. 910.6SRB/stx. 1879 Chavanne, Josef. Die Sahara und die ihr angrenzenden Gebiete. 1:8,200,000. 35 x 67.2 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographie und Statistic, v. 1, between pp. 144-145. 910.5DEU/stx. 1879 Normand, Ch. Carte Generate du Continent Africain.... 1:37,500,000. 24 x 27 cm. In Societe normande de geographic, Bulletin, v. 1, pp. 2-3. 910.6SOI/stx. 1877 Societe royale beige de geographic. Croquis des explorations dans le sud de 1'Afrique, dans les territoires equatoriaux de 1'ouest et dans le Soudan. 1:15,000,000. 36.3x46.5 cm. In Bulletin, v. 1, no. 3, after p. 376. 910.6SRB/stx. 1878 Coello, Francisco. Exploracion de una parte del Nilo y del Lago Alberto 6 Nansa Mvutan por Mr. Mason, Bey. (Junio 1877). 1:1,000,000. 29.9 x 22 cm. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boletin, v. 4, no. 1, after p. 515. 910.6SOM/stx. 1879 Revue Geographique Internationale. Afrique. 1:45,000,000. 20.8 x 24.8 cm. Revue geographique internationak, v. 4, between pp. 208-209. 910.5REGI/stx. In 1879 Revue Geographique Internationale. [La Geologic du Soudan et du Sahara.] 1:70,000,000. 9.2 x 12.4 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 4, p. 19. 910.5REGI/stx. Continent 27 1879 Societe royale beige de geographic. Croquis de 1'itineraire suivi par 1' expedition du major Serpa Pinto. 1:6,250,000. 19 x 31.5 cm. In Bulktin, v.3, no. 5, after p. 696. 910.6SRB/stx. 1880 Societe de geographic, Paris. Itineraire de M. et M ME . Coillard, du Pays des Bassoutos au Zambese. 1:11,750,000.21.8 x 28.9 on. In Bulktin, ser. 6, v. 20, after p. 592. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1879 Weller, Edward. Africa. 1:16,750,000. 51 x 60.4 on. In Hughes, Grand atlas, plate 37. F.912H87G1879/mar. 1880s Bartholomew, John. Africa. 1:35,000,000. 30 x 22.7 cm. In Student's Atlas, plate 5. 912B27S188-/stx. 1880s Swinton, William. Africa and the Adjacent Islands. 1:44,000,000. 27.2 x 21.7 cm. In Complete Course, p. 118. Q.910SW6C188-/stx. Insets of Southern Africa and the northern coast of Africa. 1880 Institut Cartographique Militaire. Croquis de 1'Afrique Septentrionale. 1:25,000,000. 17.2 x 32.8 cm. In Societe royale beige de geographic, Bulletin, v. 4, no. 1, after p. 128. 910.6SRB/stx. 1880 Societe de geographic, Paris. Esquisse d'un itineraire a 1'Ouest du Haut Nil par le Dr Potagos 1876-1877.1:8,000,000.15 x 14.3 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 20, after p. 592. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1881 Andree, Richard. Afrika. 1:23,000,000. 36.8 x 46.9 cm. In Allgemeiner Handatlas, pp. 94-95. F.912AN2A1881/mar. 1881 Andree, Richard. Die Nillander. 1:12,000,000. 36.1 x 23.4 cm. In Allgemeiner Handatlas, p. 93. F.912AN2A1881/mar. 1881 Bartholomew, John. Africa. 1:29,300,000. 28.7 x 40.5 on. In Zell's Descriptive Hand Atlas, plate 33. Q.910B27Z1881/stx. Inset of Suez Canal. 1881 Chavanne, Josef. Hypsometrische Karte von Afrika. 1:22,000,000. 41.4 x 45.1 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 24, between pp. 556-557. 910.5GEOW/stx. 28 Continent 1881 Cora, Guido. Schizzo del Viaggio della Spedizione Borghese. 1:25,000,000. 10 x 20.4 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, set. 2, v. 6, after p. 865. 910.6SOR/stx. 1881 Domann, B. and C. Schmidt. Originalkarte des Aquatorialen Ost-Afrika zwischen Mombasa und Jijansa...von Clemens Denhardt.... 1:2,000,000. 36 x 45 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 27, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1881 Hansen, J. Dernieres explorations en Afrique 1880. 1:52,000,000. 16.5 x 17.2 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 1, after p. 83. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1881 Kiepert, Richard. Itinerar von Dr. Oskar Lenz 1 Reise durch Marokko und die Sahara nach Timbuktu zum Senegal.... 1:1,500,000. 75 x 66 cm. Loose sheet. G82001 8791 /max. Inset of the entire region (1:10,000,000). 1882 Beck, G. Karte von Serpa Pinto. 1:7,000,000. 19x40.7 cm. In Geographische Gesellschaft von Bern, Jahrbuch, v. 4, between pp. 82-83. 910.6GEOB/stx. 1882 Bouvin, Eugene. Carte d'une partie du Sahara Central avec 1'itineraire des missions du Lt.-Colonel Flatters 1880-1881.... 1:2,000,000. 31.6 x 46.8 cm. In Socie'te de geographic, Paris, Bulktin, ser. 7, v. 3, after p. 736. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of "Le Lac Menkhough," "Environs d'Ain-El-Medjira," and "Itineraire d'Inzelman Tikhsin a Bir el Gharama." 1882 Chavanne, Josef. Ethnographische Ubersichtskarte von Afrika. 1:30,000,000. 28.5 x 30.3 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statistik, v. 4, between pp. 540-541. 910.5DEU/stx. 1882 Hansen, J. Itineraires de la Mission de M. Paiva d'Andrada au Zambeze par M.H. Kuss Ingenieur des Mines 1881. 1:3,000,000.20.4 x 19.2 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 3, after p. 736. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1882 Johnston, Alexander Keith. Africa. 1:43,000,000. 19.3 x 25.3 cm. In Cabinet Atlas, plate 26. Q.912J64C/stx. 1882 Lenz, Oscar. Geologische Karte von West-Afrika.... 1:12,500,000. 49.5 x 35.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 28, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. Continent 29 1882 Rand McNally & Co. [Africa.] 1:37,000,000. 32 x 25 cm. In Indexed Atlas, p. 224. Q.912R15I1882/stx. 1882 Wells, J. Africa. 1:41,200,000. 27x21.5 cm. Loose sheet. G83001882.W4/max. Elevation profiles are drawn along the bottom border. 1883 Chavanne, Josef. Hydrographische Ubersichtskarte von Afrika. 1:30,000,000. 28.6 x 30.3 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau filr Geographie und Statistik, v. 5, between pp. 300-301. 910.5DEU/stx. 1883 Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co. Africa. 1:5,800,000. 18.5 x 16.2 cm. In Handy Atlas, plate 28. 912IV5H/stx. Insets show Cape Colony and some parts of North Africa. 1883 Petermann, August Heinrich. La Basse Egypte (Delta du Nile).... 1:1,250,000. 16.3 x 21.9 on. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 8, between pp. 24-25. 910.5REGI/stx. 1883 Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co. Africa. 1:38,000,000. 28 x 22 cm. In anon., Eckctic Complete Geography, p. 92. Q.910.09EC631883/stx. Two insets: Cape Verde Islands and the Nile Delta. 1884 Blackie, Walter Graham. The Nile-Valley from the Sea to the Second Cataract including Egypt and part of Nubia. 1:3^00,000. 34.8 x 25.1 cm. In Comprehensive Atlas, plate 44. Q.912B56C/mar. 1884 Blackie, Walter Graham. The Nile-Valley from the Second Cataract Upwards.... 1:6,700,000. 34.8 x 25.1 cm. In Comprehensive Atlas, plate 45. Q.912B56C/mar. 1884 Chavanne, Josef. Karte der Regenverteilung in Afrika (in M m . der jahrlichen Niederschlagsmenge) von D r . Josef Chavanne. 1:30,000,000. 28.5 x 30.3 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fiir Geographie und Statistik, v. 6, between pp. 288-289. 910.5DEU/stx. 1884 Pajares, J. El Reparto de la Costa de Africa. 1:26,500,000. 32.2 x 35 cm. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boletin, v. 17, no. 2, between pp. 282-283. 910.6SOM/stx. 30 Continent 1884 Revue Geographique Internationale. Pole S.-O. de 1'Afrique. 1:45,000,000. 9.5 x 7.3 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 9, p. 118. 910.5REGI/stx. 1884 Royal Geographical Society. Sheet 1. Africa, Showing the Territorial Partition of the Coast.l:25,500,000. 32.3 x 35 cm. In Proceedings, v. 6, no. 11, after p. 686. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1884 Weller, Edward. Africa. 1:22,500,000. 34.0 x 50.3 cm. In Blackie, Comprehensive Atlas, plate 42. Q.912B56C/mar. Three insets: "Mauritius" (1:900,000), "Bourbon" (Reunion), and "Natal" (1:3,250,000). 1885 Bartholomew, John. Africa. 1:34,000,000. 29 x 22.6 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 1, between pp. 16-17. 910.5SC/stx. 1885 Bartholomew, John. General map showing the Eastern route to Central Africa from Kilimane to Lake Tanganyika.l:5,500,000. 22.6 x 14.9 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 1, between pp. 112-113. 910.5SC/stx. 1885 Cram, George Franklin. Africa. 1:27,500,000. 34 x 29 cm. hi Unrivaled Family Atlas, p. 115. Q.912C84U1885/stx. 1885 George Philip & Son. Africa. 1:35,000,000. 29.7 x 23 on. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 1, between pp. 68-69. 910.6MA/stx. 1885 Habenicht,H. Afrika Politische tibersicht, Marz 1885. 1:25,000,000. 33.6 x 40. 5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 31, plate 8. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1885 Pajares, J. La Cuestion de los Rios Africanos. 1:26,500,000. 32 x 35.1 cm. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boletin, v. 18, no. 1, between pp. 134-135. 910.6SOM/stx. Inset of Central Africa. 1885 Perron, C. Le Bassin du Nil Afrique Nord Orientale. 1:11,110,000. 43.2 x 53.5 cm. In Reclus, Nouvelle geographic, v. 13, p.918. Q.910R24N/stx. 1885 Tunison, H.C. Tunison's Africa. 1:26,500,000. 33 x 31 cm. In Peerless Universal Atlas, p. 139. Q.912T83P/stx. Continent 31 1885 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Schizzo delle Colonie Europee in Africa. 1:25,000,000. 37 x 40.3 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 10, between pp. 72-73. 910.6SOR/stx. Inset maps: "Colonie della costa degli Schiavi al M. Cameron" (1:12,500,000); "Colonie del Congo e dell' Ogoue" (1:10,000,000); "Assab e Regioni Circostanti" (1:7,500,000). 1886 Bartholomew, John. Sketch map showing proposed routes for relief expedition to Emin Bey. 1:8,800,000. 30.5 x 22.5 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 2, between pp. 768-769. 910.5SC/stx. Inset of Island of Socotra. 1886 Manchester Geographical Society. Sketch Map of Nile and Congo. (Reprinted by permission from "St. Joseph's Missionary Magazine.") 1:37,000,000. 19.6 x 12.2 cm. In Journal, v. 2, p. 96. 910.6MA/stx. 1886 O'Neill, Henry E. Sketch Map Illustrating Ancient Trade Routes of East Africa. 1:50,000,000. 14.2 x 11.5 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 2, p. 93. 910.5SC/stx. 1886 Reclus, Elisee. Africa. 1:49,500,000. 18.9 x 25.7 cm. In New Physical Geography, v. 1, plate 6. 551R24TE/stx. 1886 Bradley, William M. and Brother. Africa. 1:22,500,000. 38.5 x 50.1 cm. In Atlas of the World, plate 27. F.912B73A1887/mar. Inset includes "Lower Egypt or the Delta of the Nile" (1:2,825,000). 1886 Rolland, M.G. Carte Geologique du Sahara du Maroc a la Tripolitaine et de 1' Atlas au Ahaggar. 1:5,000,000. 30 x 37.8 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 7, between pp. 32Q-321. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1886 Lippincott, J.B. Map of Africa. 1:40,000,000. 22 x 27 cm. In Popular Family Atlas, p. 22. Q.912L66P/stx. Three insets: "Liberia and Sierra Leone," "Map of Northern Egypt," and the state of Ohio to show relative size of Africa. 1886 Schweinfurth, G. Phyto-Geographische Karte des Nilgebietes und der Uferlander des Rothen Meeres...von G. Schweinfurth, 1867. 1:10,000,000. 33 x 22.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 14, plate 9. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of "Vergleichende Ubersicht der benachbarten Florengebiete." 32 Continent 1886 Societe royale beige de geographic. [Afrique centrale et australe.] No scale. 10 x 9.5 on. In Bulletin, v. 10, no. 4-5, p. 333. 910.6SRB/stx. 1886 Zobrist, Theophile. Possessions Allemandes en Afrique. 1:30,000,000.21.6 x 27.2 cm. In Societe" neuchateloise de geographic, Bulletin, v. 2, inside back cover. 910.6SON/stx. 1887 Justus Perthes. Die Portugiesische Expedition quer durch Siidafrika, 1884 & 1885... von Capello & Ivens.... 1:4,000,000. 38.5 x 73.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 33, plate 3. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1887 Kiepert, Heinrich. Africa. 1:60,000,000. 16.3 x 13 cm. In Atlante geografico, plate 21. 912K546A1887/stx. 1887 Alden, John Berry. Map of Africa. 1:110,000,000. 12.4 x 7.1 on. In Handy Atlas, p. 47. 912AL2H/stx. Insets include Cape Verde Islands and Mascarene Islands. 1887 Douls, Camille. Itineraire du Voyage de Camille Douls dans le Sahara occidental et le Sud marocain 1887. 1:5,000,000. 33.6 x 25.1 on. In Societe normande de geographie, Bulletin, v. 10, between pp. 8-9. 910.6SOI/stx. 1887 Rand McNally & Co. Africa. 1:110,000,000. 12.3x7.2 cm. In Pocket Atlas, p. 47. 912R15P1887/stx, mar. 1887 Royal Geographical Society. Map Illustrating the Journey of Dr. W. Junker between the Upper Nile and the Congo.l:3,300,000. 37.1 x 53.4 cm. In Proceedings, v. 9, no. 7, after p. 466. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset map of the continent showing the area covered in this map. 1887 Gurich, Georg. Geologische Skizze von Afrika. 1:45,000,000. 24.7 x 19.3 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 33, plate 13. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1887 Societe royale beige de geographie. Itineraire de Junker, 1880-1886. 1:7,800,000. 9.5 x 14.1 cm. In Bulletin, v. 11, no. 4, p. 477. 910.6SRB/stx. Continent 33 1887 Umlauft, Friedrich. Afrika nach Scobcl & Andree und anderen 1886. 1:30,000,000. 55.8 x 50.9 on. In Deutsche Rundschau fiir Geographic und Statistik, v. 9, between pp. 48-49. 910.5DEU/stx. Insets of the continent by 17 mapmakers, including Herodotus, Eratosthenes, Ptolemy, and Idrisi. 1888 Bartholomew, John George. European Possessions and Claims in Central and Southern Africa. 1:29,000,000. 20.5 x 46.9 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 4, between pp. 158-159. 910.5SC/stx. Includes two sketch maps showing division according to agreements and division according to claims. 1888 Hansen, J. Itineraries a Travers le Sahara Occidental et le Sud Marocain par Camille Douls 1887. 1:2,200,000. 42 x 30.2 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 9, after p. 674. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1888 Lavigerie, Charles, Cardinal. L'Esclavage en Afrique. 1:55,000,000. 16.1 x 19.7 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 13, between pp. 224-225. 910.5REGI/stx. 1888 Schenck, A. Geologische Skizze von Slid Afrika.... 1:10,000,000. 19.8 x 24.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 34, plate 13. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1888 Supan, Alexander. Die Fortschritte der Afrikaforschung, 1788-1888. 1:60,000,000. 29.9 x 68.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 34, plate 10. Q.910.5PE/stx. Composed of ten maps of the continent showing the expansion of European knowledge and territorial claims between 1790 and 1880. 1889 Blanc, E. Grandes Routes Commerciales du Sahara. 1:12,000,000. 32.6 x 50.4 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 11, between pp. 288-289. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1889 Freytag, Gustav. Afrika (Bodenverhaltnisse). 1:30,000,000. 47.5 cm. In anon., Die Erde, p. 360. Q.910ER27/stx. Inset of soil types (1:100,000,000). 34 x 1889 Freytag, Gustav. Afrika (Politische Ubersicht). 1:30,000,000. 34 x 47.5 cm. In anon., Die Erde, p. 372. Q.910ER27/stx. Inset of "distribution of races." 34 Continent 1889 Janko, Johann. Die Nilmiindung von Rosette.... 1:50,000. 19.4 x 39.6 on. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 32, between pp. 182-183. 910.5GEOW/stx. Insets show the mouth of the Nile according to Razaud (1687), the French Expedition (1800), Larousse (I860), and Linant de Bellefond. 1889 Johnston, W. & A. K. Africa. 1:26,500,000. 32.2 x 42.5 cm. In Cosmographic Atlas, p. 30. F.912J649C1889/stx. 1889 Niox, Gustave Leon. Afrique (Le sol). 1:30,000,000. 29.5 x 24.5 cm. In Atlas, plate 14. Q.912N62A1889/stx. Inset of Nile Delta (1:3,500,000). 1889 People's Publishing Company. Africa. 1:27,500,000. 34 x 29 cm. In People's Illustrated, p. 173. Q.912P39I1889/stx. 1890 Bartholomew, John George. Africa. 1:34,500,000. 31 x 23 cm. In Century Atlas, plate 37. Q.912B28CE/stx. 1890 Bartholomew, John George. Political map of Africa. 1:12,000,000. 75.6 x 74 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 6, pocket on back cover of book. 910.5SC/stx. Inset of Africa and the British Isles on the same scale of map of Africa. 1890 Chesneau, Marius. Afrique au ler Janvier 1890. 1:60,000,000. 14 x 15.5 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890/1912/13/stx. 1890 Chesneau, Marius. Afrique au 31 decembre 1890. 1:60,000,000. 13.8 x 15 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1890 Faure, M. Les Possessions Europeennes en Afrique. 1:60,000,000. 13.7 x 12 cm. In Le Globe, v. 29, Memoire, after p. 296. 910.5GLO/stx. 1890 Freytag, Gustav and P. Berndt. Politische Ubersicht von Afrika. 1:30,000,000. 31.8 x 35.6 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau far Geographie und Statistik, v. 13, between pp. 432-433. 910.5DEU/stx. Continent 35 1890 Freytag, Gustav and P. Berndt. Stanley's & Emin's Reisegebiete in Inner Afrika mit ihren politisch - commerziellen Beziehungen. 1:19,000,000. 26.3 x 21 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statistik, v. 12, between pp. 192-193. 910.5DEU/stx. Inset of the continent and Khartoum and environs. 1890 Justus Perthes. Die Interessenspharen in Sudwest-und Ost-Afrika nach den Verhandlungen zwischen der deutschen und englischen Regierung im Juni 1890. 1:10,000,000. 23.8x31.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 36, plate 14. Q.910.5PE/stx. Contains three maps showing German and other European colonies in East, South, and West Africa. 1890 Reed, J. Howard. Sketch Maps to Illustrate Mr. J. Howard Reed's Paper on "The Nile: Historical and Geographical." Various scales. 21.7 x 29.8 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 6, between pp. 344-345. 910.6MA/stx. Includes fourteen maps based on descriptions and exploration of the continent; the maps date from 900 B.C. to 1890. 1890 Revue de Geographic. Reproduction d'une Carte Manuscrite Inedite de la Fin du XVIF Siecle Etablissant les droits Historiques du Portugal en Afrique qui se Trouve a la Section de Geographic de la Bibliotheque Nationale. No scale. 16.4 x 25.6 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 26, between pp. 240-241. 910.5RE/stx. 1890 Petermann, August Heinrich. Die Grenzen der deutschen und englischen interessenspharen a) im Togoland b) zwischen Tanganika und Njassa. 1:10,000,000. 5.7 x 8.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 36, p. 195. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1890 Rand McNally & Co. [Africa.] 1:37,000,000. 32 x 24.5 cm. In anon., Standard Atlas, p. 75. Q.912R15S1890/stx. Inset of railroads and canal connecting the Mediterranean and Red Sea. 1890 Revue Geographique Internationale. Les Europeans en Afrique en 1889. 1:65,000,000. 13.4 x 13.4 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 15, p. 175. 910.5REGI/stx. 1890 Revue Geographique Internationale. Partage de 1' Afrique (Traite Anglo-Allemand). 1:13,700,000. 33.5 x 24.3 on. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 15, between pp. 156-157. 910.5REGI/stx. 36 Continent 1890 Rosier, W. Carte Hydrographique de 1'Afrique.... 1:55,000,000. 15.7 x 14.8 cm. In Le Globe, v. 29, after p. 60. 910.5GLO/stx. Includes three insets. 1891 Benoit, Francois. Carte pour 1'etude des voies de penetration au Soudan. 1:21,500,000. 21 x 26.6 cm. In Annales de geographie, v. 1, between pp. 120-121. 910.5AN/stx. 1890 Royal Geographical Society. A Map of Africa Showing the Boundaries Settled by International Treaties & Agreements.l:20^00,000. 41.6 x 40 cm. In Proceedings, v. 12, no. 11, after p. 712. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1890 Sociedad Geografica de Madrid. Curso del Zambeze tornado de un atlas manuscrito que existe en la Biblioteca nacional de Paris. No scale. 12.2 x 18.4 cm. In Boktin, v. 29, no. 2, between pp. 278-279. 910.6SOM/stx. 1890 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Map to Illustrate the Anglo-German Agreement. (Reprinted from the Mission Field.) No scale. 15.4x13.3 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 6, p. 155. 910.6MA/stx. 1890 Trivier, E. Voyage du capitaine Trivier a travers TAfrique. 1:22,500,000. 13 x 22.2 cm. In Societe normande de geographie, Bulletin, v. 11-12, back pocket. 910.6SOI/stx. Inset of continent. 1891 Rand McNally & Co. Africa. 1:37,000,000. 31 x 24 cm. In Universal Atlas, p. 233. Q.912R15U1894/stx. Three insets: the Suez Canal, Cargados Carajos Islands, and the Cape Verde Islands. 1891 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Examples of the Progress of African Cartography.... 1:36,000,000. [Various scales]. 19.3 x 22.4 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 7, between pp. 310-311. 910.5SC/stx. Eight maps: "Ptolemy, A.D. 130," "Ptolemy's Nile Lakes...," "Geograph. Fragment...," "Fra Mauro, 1457," "Hylacomilus 1522," "M. Behaim 1492," "Edrisi, 1154," "G. Gastaldo 1548." 1891 Revue Geographique Internationale. Partage politique de 1'Afrique. 1:100,000,000. 8.9 x 8.1 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 16, p. 70. 910.5REGI/stx. Continent 37 1891 Royal Geographical Society. Eastern Equatorial Africa to illustrate Dr. H. Schlichter's Paper. 1:12,750,000. 29.5 x 52.4 cm. In Proceedings, v. 13, no. 9, after p. 576. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Two maps compare cartographic knowledge of the region as in the time of Ptolemy (A.D. 150) with an 1890 map. 1891 Societa Geografica Italiana. Sfere d'influenza delle potenze Europee nell' Africa Nord-Orientale Luglio 1891. 1:12,000,000. 47.5x43.3 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 4, between pp. 712-713. 910.6SOR/stx. 1891 White, Arthur Silva. Comparative Value of African Lands. 1:34,500,000. 27.1 x 23.4 on. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 7, between pp. 194-195. 910.5SC/stx. 1892 Appleton, Daniel & Co. Africa. 1:27,000,000. 47 x 30 cm. In Library Atlas, plate 7. Q.912AP5L1895/stx. 1892 Societe de geographic, Paris. Itineraires entre les Fleuves Zambeze et Chire par Edouard Foa Aout 1891-1892. 1:1,850,000.24.4 x 24.8 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 13, after p. 530. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1892 Chesneau, Marius. Afrique, etat d'avancement des leves topographiques au 31 X k " 1892. 1:40,000,000. 21.1 x 31.7 cm. In anon., Annie cartographique. Q.912.AN71890-1912/13/stx. 1892 Foa, Edouard. Afrique publiee par le Comite de ((L' Afrique Francais)) pour la Conference de M. Percher (Harry-Alis)..., 1:21,000,000. 24.6x24 cm. In Societe normande de geographic, Bulletin, v. 14, between pp. 144-145. 910.6SOI/stx. 1892 Monteil, Parfait (Louis). Itineraire du Commandant Monteil. 1:16,500,OOQ. 17 x 22.4 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 17, between pp. 252-253. 910.5REGI/stx. 1892 Bludau, Alois. Karte von Afrika in Lamberts flachentreuer Azimut-Projektion. 1:100,000,000. 13.2 x 13.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 38, p. 215. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1892 Monteil, Parfait (Louis). [Le Soudan et le Sahara (Region des Touareg, itineraire du commandant Monteil).] 1:22,000,000. 12.8 x 16.8 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 17, p. 227. 910.5REGI/stx. 38 Continent 1892 Rankin, Daniel J. Map of the Country between the Shire and Zambesi Rivers.... 1:2,000,000. 25 x 24.5 on. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 8, between pp. 578-579. 910.5SC/stx. 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. Sahara (d'Ain-Sefra et de Ouargla au Touat et a Amguid). 1:3,300,000. 23 x 31.9cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 17, between pp. 28-29. 910.5REGI/stx. 1892 Schraeder, F. Afrique. 1:30,000,000. 15.8 x 19.9 on. In Hachette, Atlas de poche, pp. 54-55. 912H115A/rbs. Insets show the Nile River basin and delta. 1892 Sharpe, Alfred. Sketch Map of Vice-Consul Sharpe's route from Lake Tanganyika to Lake Mweru & the River Luapula 1892. 1:1,010,000. 29.1 x unknown. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, between pp. 576-577. 910.5GJ/stx. Part of the map is missing. 1892 Soriete de geographic de Toulouse. Afrique publiee par le Comite (L' Afrique Franchise).... 1:10,600,000. 24.6 x 23.9 cm. In Bulletin, v. 11, between pp. 268-269. 910.6SOCT/stx. 1893 Gaskell, Charles Arthur. Africa. 1:27,400,000. 45 x 29 cm. In Family and Business Atlas, pp. 134-135. Q.912G21F/ihx. 1893 Hansen, J. [De Bammako au lac Tchad et a Tripoli.] 1:12,700,000. 27 x 21.1 on. In Societe normande de geographic, Bulletin, v. 15, between pp. 89-89. 910.6SOI/stx. Inset map of the larger area. 1893 Hansen, J. Itineraries au Sahara par F. Foureau 1890, 1892, 1893.1:4,000,000. 15.5 x 15 cm. In Sori6t de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 14, after p. 548. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1893 Kiepert, Richard. Die Nillander und Westarabien. 1:5,000,000. 52.5 x 43 cm. In Kiepert's Grosser Hand-atlas, plate 38. F.912K54G1896/stx. Inset map of Nile Delta (1: 1,500,000). 1893 Manchester Geographical Society. Africa as Divided by Treaty. 1:60,000,000. 12.7 x 10.2 cm. In Journal, v. 10, p.108. 910.6MA/stx. 1893 Revue Geographique Internationale. Du Zambese au Limpopo. 1:16,000,000. 10.2 x 13.3 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 18; p. 127. 910.5REGI/stx. Continent 39 1893 Vidal de La Blache, Paul Marie Joseph. Afrique. 1:17,500,000. 51.6 x 44.8 on. In Annaks de geographie, v. 1, between pp. 120-121. 910.5AN/stx. 1894 Bradley, William M. and Brother. Africa. 1:22,500,000. 38.5 x 50 cm. In Potter, Potter-Bradley Atlas, plate 27. F.912P85P/stx. Insets include Egypt and the Nile River. 1894 Chesneau, Marius. Les Nouvelles limites politiques en Afrique. 1:25,000,000. 14 x 20.2 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. Inset of West Africa. 1894 Chesneau, Marius. Sahara algerien, itin. de M. F. Foureau (1893-1894). 1:10,000,000. 8.7 x 8.5 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1894 EJ. Brill, Firm. Schetskaart van Noordwest Afrika. 1:14,500,000. 29.1 x 31.6 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, series 2, v. 11, section 1, after p. 168. 910.6NESER2/stx. 1894 Freytag, Gustav and P. Berndt. Die Eisenbahnen und Telegraphen Afrikas. 1:30,000,000. 34 x 40.4 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographie und Statistik, v. 16, between pp. 48-49. 910.5DEU/stx. Insets of the Cape region, Algier & Tunis, Egypt, Italian colony of Eritrea, Reunion, Mauritius. 1894 Hammer, E. Flachentreue Azimutal Projektion fur die Karte von Afrika. 1:80,000,000. 12.9 x 12.9 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 40, p. 115. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1894 Kiepert, Heinrich. Africa. 1:20,250,000. 42.3 x 53.4 cm. In Kiepert's Grosser Hand-atlas, plate 37. F.912K54G1896/stx. Inset of Cape Colony (1:8,000,000). 1894 Lucas, C.P. Africa showing its Geographical Position and Political Divisions. 1:118,000,000. 10 x 15 cm. In Historical Geography, v. 3, p. 1. 911L96/stx. 1894 Manchester Geographical Society. Africa. 1:65,000,000. 16.7 x 12.1 cm. In Journal, v. 10, p.154. 910.6MA/stx. 40 Continent 1894 Manchester Geographical Society. The River Nile and Adjacent Countries. 1:3,000,000. 13.3 x 11.2 on. In Journal, v. 10, p. Ill and v. 15, p. 223. 910.6MA/stx. 1896 Chesneau, Marius. Sahara algerien, itineraries de F. Foureau 18994-96. 1:6,000,000. 15.5 x 12.5cm. In anon., Annie, cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1895 Foa, Edouard. Traversee de 1'Afrique du Zambeze au Congo. 1:10,000,000. 25.5 x 39.1 cm. In Societe normande de geographic, Bulletin, v. 17, between pp. 264-265. 910.6SOI/stx. 1896 Cornetz, Victor. Itineraire au Sahara Tunisien. 1:800,000. 47.5 x 30.2 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 17, after p. 554. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of a schematic map. 1895 Geographical Journal. The Geography of Mammals: Map of the Ethiopian Region showing its division into 4 sub-regions. 1:42,500,000. 21.4 x 23.8 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 7, between pp. 344-345. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Rand McNally & Co. Africa. 1:25,630,000. 45 x 31.5 cm. In Equitable Life, Equitable' s Atlas, p. 4. Q.912EQ5A/stx. Inset of Suez Canal. 1895 Selous, Frederick Courteney. Map of the Mashonaland and Manika including the lowlands to the Zambeze and Beira. 1:1,500,000. 56.3x62.6 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 5, between pp. 96-97. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Afrika mit Europa. 1:50,000,000. 25.7 x 21.2 cm. In Kleiner deutscher Kolonialatlas, plate 2. Q.912D48K/stx. 1896 Hassenstein, Bruno. Karte der Politischen Einteilung von Siid-Afrika.... 1:10,000,000. 32.2x35 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 42, plate 7. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1896 Martonne, E. de. Carte des formes de la vie vegetale et animale dans le Haut Nil. 1:6,000,000. 36.9 x 33 cm. In Annales de geographic, v. 5, between pp. 540-541. 910.5AN/stx. Insets of elevations and rainfall and larger area showing the region studied. Continent 41 1896 Justus Perthes. Afrika. 1:60,000,000. 14.5 x 16.8 on. In Taschen-atlas, plate 19. 912P43T1896/stx. Inset maps of Togo, Cameroon, lower Egypt, Equatorial East Africa, The Cape and Transvaal, and the lands of the lower Congo. 1897 Frobenius, Leo. Der Westafrikanische Kulturkreis. 1:60,000,000. 22.2 x 63.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 43, plate 17. Q.910.5PE/stx. Contains ten maps showing the distribution of major culture groups. 1896 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Africa illustrating an Address by Major Leonard Darwin, R.E.... 1:45,000,000. 19.2 x 18.2 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 8, between pp. 540-541. 910.5GJ/stx. 1897 Africa. 1:29,600,000. 26.5 x 38 cm. In anon., Century Atlas, plate 109. Q.912C333/mar. Insets include Cape Verde Islands, Reunion and Mauritius. 1897^ Foa, Edouard. Traversee de l'Afrique du Zambeze au Congo. 1:10,000,000. 25.5 x 39.1 cm. In Societe normande de geographie, Bulletin, v. 17, between pp. 264-265. 910.6SOI/stx. 1897 Foa, Edouard. Traversee de 1'Afrique du Zambeze au Congo. 1:10,000,000. 39 x 25 cm. In Societe normande de geographie, Bulletin, v. 20, before p. 281. 910.6SOI/stx. 1897 Money, R.I. and E.C.T. Biscoe. Map of the North Eastern Part of British Central Africa West Lake Nyasa. 1:740,000. 42.1 x 56.4 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 10, between pp. 236-237. 910.5GJ/stx. Includes three longitudinal sections and a cross-section of Loangwa River. 1897 Moore, J.E.S. Sketch Map of the Districts round the Southern portion of Lake Nyasa. Showing the Distribution of the Geological Formations. No scale. 23.7 x 27.8 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 10, between pp. 348-349. 910.5GJ/stx. Insets show districts round the northern portion of Lake Malawi and round the southern portion of Lake Tanganyika. 1897 Roggero, Giuseppe. Africa (Fisica). 1:40,000,000. 19.5 x 26 cm. In Testo-atlante, v. 4, plate 33. Q.910R633/stx. 42 Continent 1897 Roggero, Giuseppe. Africa (Politica). 1:40,000,000. 19.5 x 26 cm. In Testo-atlante, v. 4, plate 34. Q.910R633/stx. Inset of Italy for size comparison. 1897 Roggero, Giuseppe. Delta del Nilo. 1:5,000,000. 7.5 x 7 cm. In Testo-atlante, v. 4, p. 61. Q.910R633/stx. 1897 Sotiedad Geografica de Madrid. Competencias Euiopeas en Africa. No scale. 13.9 x 20 cm. In Boletin, v. 40, no. 2, between pp. 70-71. 910.6SOM/stx. 1897 Sociedad Geografica de Madrid. Nuevas empresas en Africa. 1:36,000,000. 13.9 x 21.9 cm. In Boletin, v. 40, no. 2, between pp. 58-59. 910.6SOM/stx. 1898 The Independent Map of Africa. Changes of Half a Century. 1:21,3300,000. 51.5 x 36.5 cm. Loose sheet. G83001898I/max. Inset shows European possessions in 1848. 1898 Frobenius, Leo. Der Westafrikanische Kulturkreis. 1:60,000,000. 22.2 x 63.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 44, plate 14. Q.910.5PE/stx. A series of ten maps showing African culture areas. 1898 Rand McNally & Co. Africa. 1:25,900,000. 47 x 31.5 cm. In Chicago Chronicle's Unrivalkd Atlas, p. 146-147. Q.912C432/stx. Insets of Suez Canal, Mascarene Islands and Cargados Caravos Islands. Also in Gillan, Historical Atlas, pp.4-5, Q.912G41H/ihx. 1898 Rand McNally & Co. Africa. 1:16,800,000. 66 x 48 cm. In Enlarged Business Atlas, p. 426. F.912R15C1900/stx. Insets of Cape Verde Islands, Mauritius, and Suez Canal (1:1,090,000). 1898 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Sketch-Map of the Upper Nile Region. 1:45,000,000. 12.4 x 10.8 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 11, p. 170. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Rhoades, E.L., and W.B. Phillips. Lake Nyasa. 1:990,000. 67.9 x 22 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 12, between pp. 648-649. 910.5GJ/stx. Continent 43 1899 Bartholomew, John George. Orographical map of the Upper Nile Basin. 1:5,600,000. 39.2 x 41.4 on. In Scot tish Geographical Magazine, v. 15, between pp. 72-73. 910.5SC/stx. 1899 Freytag, Gustav and P. Bemdt. Die Grenzen der franzosischen Interessensphare in Afrika nach der franzosisch-englischen Convention vom 21. Marz 1889. 1:30,000,000. 19 x 12.9 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statistic, v. 21, between pp. 432-433. 910.5DEU/stx. North Ptolemaeus (Checklist #476) jy*i _*?[ . **L- *1 _ _ L _ S1 L _ 5 * JA , s4 ^.TV""^:" ":"""" -^.-->^'^tf?^ ' $:'. '^&&-^" : .\''^'. : ; ' v -''-":^; rABVXA ; AF&I GA..E j. 1 . 1 < "?i! * ^ ' * j*i f *| 4i_j ( rt| 'c'ri f 3 f}\ j '/i J ^ J /> tt - - br--W-w--g-^n Il XLA6-'.'- a.-.riAry-...' : ::'-*^-,- j"i\ ^iJl'-H, to^ 'M -->* '-TB's.'-.l. ,-v?V ;~ S***: fV:.^. ^2 -* ;1-|..- -^ n .-. C s 1 O .J 3 Si Ji|__ SJ|_ S4j S|| 56] I; 4^7* 48; 4jj 44 North See also: 36, 1018, 1059, 1073, 1082, 1830, 2130, 2132, 2200, 2215 1511 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Prima Africae Tabvla. No scale. 34 x 46 cm. In Liber geographiae, plate 13. uncat; f shelves /rbx. 1542 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Aphricae Tabvla I. No scale. 25.5 x 32 cm. In Geographia vniversalis. uncat; q shelves/rbx. 1511 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Secvnda Africae Tabvla. No scale. 37.5 x 43 cm. In Liber geographiae, plate 14. uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1542 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Aphricae Tabvla II. No scale. 25.5 x 32 cm. In Geographia vniversalis. uncat; q shelves/rbx. 1511 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tertia Africae Tabvla. No scale. 32.7x52 cm. In Liter geographiae, plate 15. uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1542 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvla Aphricae III. No scale. 25.5 x 32 cm. In Geographia vniversalis. uncat; q shelves/rbx. 1513 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvla Prima Africae. No scale. 33.3 x 47.4 cm (trapezoidal). In Geographiae. uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1548 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Africa Minor Nova Tabvla. No scale. 12.6x17.3 cm. In La geografia. 910P95G:I1548/rbx. 1513 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvla Secvnda Africae. No scale. 34 x 49.4 cm (trapezoidal). In Geographiae. uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1548 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Marmarica Nova Tabvla. No scale. 12.6x17.3 cm. In La geografia. 910P95G:I1548/rbx. 1513 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tertia Africae Tabvla. No scale. 33.4 x 48.3 cm (trapezoidal). In Geographiae. uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1548 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvla Africae III. No scale. 12.6 x 17.2 cm. In La geografia. 910P95G:I1548/rbx. North 45 1548 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvula Aphricae I. No scale. 12.5 x 17.3 cm. In La geografia. 910P95G:I1548/rbx. 1564 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Egitto Nvova Tavola. No scale. 20 x 26 cm. In Geographia, plate 37. X881P87G.LM/rbx. 1548 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvula Aphricae II. No scale. 12.6 x 17.1 cm. In La geografia. 910P95G:I1548/rbx. 1564 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Marmarica Nvova Tavola. No scale. 20x26 cm. In Geographia, plate 36. X881P87G.LM/rbx. 1561 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvla Aphricae I. No scale. 17.7 x 24 cm. In La geografia. uncat; rbx. 1570 Ortelius, Abraham. Aegypti recentior descriptio. 1:6,000,000. 17.5 x 23 cm. In Theatrvm, plate 52. F.912OR9TH1570/rbx. 1561 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvla Aphricae II. No scale. 18 x 24.5 cm. In La geografia. uncat/rbx. 1561 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvla Aphricae III. No scale. 17.6x24.5 cm. In La geografia. uncat/rbx. 1564 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Africa Minor Nvova Tavola. No scale. 20 x 26 cm. In Geographia, plate 34. X881P87G.LM/rbx. 1570 Ortelius, Abraham. Barbariae et Biledvlgerid, nova descriptio. 1:8,000,000. 33x50 cm. In Theatrvm, plate 53. F.912OR9TH1570/rbx. 1570 Ortelius, Abraham. Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinvs Typvs. No scale. 14.2 x 23 cm. In Theatrvm, plate 52. F.912OR9TH1570/rbx. 1575 Ortelius, Abraham. Barbaric et Biledvlgerid, Nova Descriptio. No scale. 32.8 x 50.2 cm. In Theatrvm Orbis Terrarvm, plate 69. XF.912OR9TH1575/rbx. 46 North 1575 Ortelius, Abraham. Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinvs Typvs. No scale. 14 x 22.6 cm. In Theatrvm Orbis Terrarvm, plate 67. XF.912OR9TH1575/rbx. 1578 Miinster, Sebastian. [Tunis.] No scale. 24 x 16.9 cm. In Cosmographey, p. 1382. XQ.910M92C/rbx. 1584 Ortelius, Abraham. Aegyptvs Antiqva. 1:1,445,000. 39.9 x 48.8 cm. hi Theatrvm, between pp. 109 and 110. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Inset map of Alexandria. 1588 Ortelius, Abraham. Agiipit Recentior Descriptio. No scale. 7.8 x 10.5 cm. In Epitome, p. 91. X912OR9TF1588/rbx. 1609 Mercator, Gerardus. .fligyptus. 1:2,900,000. 14.8 x 18.7 cm. In minor, p. 582. X912M53ATL/rbx. 1609 Mercator, Gerardus. Barbaria. 1:35,200,000 on largest frame. 13.9 x 18.1 on. In Atlas minor, p 637. X912M53ATL/rbx. Insets of Tunis and the Nile Delta. 1609 Mercator, Gerardus. Fessae Regnum. 1:3,390,000. 15.3 x 18.6 on. In Atlas minor, p. 585. X912M53ATL/rbx. 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Aegyptus. 1:10,300,000. 8.5 x 12.4 cm. In Geographischer, p. 580. X910B46TGU/rbx. 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Barbaria. 1:30,500,000. 8.7 x 12.5 cm. In Geographischer, p. 612. X910B46TGU/rbx. 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Carthaginen sis Sinus. 1:1,780,000. 8.8 x 12.4 cm. In Geographischer, p. 617. X910B46TGU/rbx. 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Mare Rubrum. 1:18,750,000. 8.5 x 12.5 cm. In Geographischer, p. 591. X910B46TGU/rbx. Map is oriented to west. 1621 Ptolemaeus, Claudius, ^gyptvs. No scale. 12.5 x 17 cm. In Geografia, p. 148. XQ.910P95GIC1620/rbx. North 47 1628 Mercator, Gerardus. Barbaria. 1:35,500,000. 14.4 x 18.7 cm. In A t las minor, p. 575. X912M53A1628/rbx. Insets of Tunis and the Nile Delta. 1633 Hondius, Hendrik. Barbaria. 1:13,500,000. 19.5 x 46.8 cm. In Mercator, Atlas ou Representation, pp. 626-27. f uncat/rbx. Two insets: Tunis and Nile Delta (1:2,250,000). 1628 Mercator, Gerardus. Fessae Regnvm. 1:3,750,000. 14.5 x 18.7 cm. In Atlas minor, p. 583. X912M53A1628/rbx. 1628 Mercator, Gerardus. Marocchi Regruun. 1:4,300,000. 14.5 x 18.8 cm. In Atlas minor, p. 579. X912M53A1628/rbx. 1630s Hondius, Hendrik. Barbaria. 1:13,250,000. 34.9 x 46.9 cm. Loose sheet. G8320163-.H6/rbx. Insets of Tunis and the Nile Delta. 1630 Hondius, Jodocus. Barbaria. 1:27,500,000. 10.5 x 25.6 on. In Mercator, Atlas sive cofmographicae, p.599. uncat/rbx. Inset of Tunis and the Nile Delta (1:4,400,000). 1630 Hondius, Jodocus. Fessae et Marocchi Regna. 1:7,000,000. 19 x 25.7 cm. In Mercator, Atlas sive cofmographicae, p. 603. uncat/rbx. Inset of Penon de Velez de la Gomera. 1633 Hondius, Hendrik. Fessae et Marocchi Regna. 1:3,700,000. 35.5 x 48 on. In Mercator, Atlas ou Representation, pp. 630-31. uncat/rbx. Inset of Penon de Velez de la Gomera. 1643 Morisot, Claude Barthelemy. JEgypti Libiae Marmaricae et Cyrenaicae tractvs Maritimus. 1:12,500,000. 13 x 17 cm. In Orbis maritimi, p. 279. uncat; q shelves/rbx. 1643 Morisot, Claude Barthelemy. Africae et Nvmideae Qua Pesago Incumbunt Vetus Descriptio. 1:15,000,000. 13 x 16.4 cm. In Orbis maritimi, p. 282. uncat; q shelves/rbx. 1643 Morisot, Claude Barthelemy. Mavritaniae. 1:14,600,000. 13.3x17 cm. In Orbis maritimi, p. 284. uncat; q shelves/rbx. 48 North 1655 Sanson, Nicolas. Etats et Royaumes dc Fez et Maroc, Darha et Segelmesse. 1:2,900,000. 39.4 x 52.4 on. In Cartes generates, plate 14. XF.912SA5C/rbx. 1661 Cliiver, Philipp. Mauritania et Africa Propria nunc Barbaria. 1:18,500,000. 13.3 x 22 cm. In Introductio, between pp. 584-585. X910C62I1661A/rbx. 1655 Sanson, Nicolas. Partie de la Barbaric, ou est le Royaume d'Alger divise en ses Provinces. 1:2,900,000. 38.4 x 53.4 on. In Cartes generates, plate 15. XF.912SA5C/rbx. 1655 Sanson, Nicolas. Partie de la Coste de Barbaric en Afrique. 1:3,500,000. 37.2 x 53.2 cm. In Cartes generates, plate 16. XF.912SA5C/rbx. 1661 Du Val, Pierre, ^gyptvs Antiqua Divisa inNomos. 1:6,000,000. 15.9 x 20.5 cm. In Cliiver, Introductionis, between pp. 128-129. X910C62I1661/rbx. Oriented to west. 1665 Blaeu, Joan. Barbaria. 1:3,900,000. 26.8 x 58.6 cm. In Grooten atlas, v. 8. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Inset of North Africa (1: 9,500,000). 1655 Sanson, Nicolas. Roy"', et Desert de Barca et 1'Egypte. 1:4,800,000. 34 x 51.5 cm. In Cartes generates, plate 17. XF.912SA5C/rbx. 1661 Cliiver, Philipp. Aegyptvs et Cyrene. 1:18,500,000. 13 x 22 on. In Introductio, between pp. 576-577. X910C62I1661A/rbx. 1661 Cliiver, Philipp. Mauritania; Africa Minor. No scale. 15.9 x 20.5 on. In Introductionis, p. 130. X910C62I1661/rbx. 1665 Blaeu, Joan. Fezzae et Marocchi regna Africa* Celeberrima. 1:2,250,000. 49.9 x 38.1 cm. In Grooten atlas, v. 8. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Oriented to west. 1665 Blaeu, Joan. Insulae Canarie Alias Fortunate dictae. 1:1,800,000. 38.5 x 50.4 cm. In Grooten atlas, v. 8. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Nova ^gypti Tabvla. 54.2 x 44.5 cm. In Grooten 1665 Blaeu, Joan 1:2,512,500. atlas, v. 8. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Oriented to east. North 49 1667 Blome, Richard. A General Mapp of the Coast of Barbaric. 1:6,450,000. 31.2 x 106.3 on. Loose sheet. G83001667.B5/rbx. 1670 Ogilby, John. Nova ^gypti Tabula. 1:4,500,000. 28.5 x 36.1 cm. In Africa, p. 34 XQ.916OG4A/rbx. 1667 Goos, Pieter. De cust van Barbaria...tot Capo Verde. 1:6,000,000. 43.8 x 53.3 cm. In L' Atlas, plate 20. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Oriented to east. 1667 Goos, Pieter. De cust van Barbaryen...tot Capo Blanco. No scale. 17 x 53.5 cm. In V Atlas, plate 21. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Oriented to south-south east. 1667 Goos, Pieter. De cust van Barbaryen...tot Capo de Geer. No scale. 16.3 x 53.5 cm. In L' Atlas, plate 21. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Oriented to southeast. 1679 Du Val, Pierre, ^gypti Tabula. 1:7,250,000. 12.4 x 10.2 cm. In Geographic universalis, p. 168. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Barbaria versus Occidentum; Barbaria versus Orientem. 1:28,250,000. 10 x 12.4 on. In Geographic universalis, p. 168. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Biledvlgerid sive Nvmidia et Zaara alias Desertum Dictum. 1:47,500,000. 9.6 x 12.4 cm. In Geographic universalis, p. 240. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1670 Ogilby, John. Barbaria Biledulgerid o: Libye et Pars Nigritarum Terra. 1:12,250,000. 26.4 x 32.2 cm. In Africa, p. 147. XQ.916OG4A/rbx. 1670 Ogilby, John. Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africa Celeberrima. 1:4,300,000. 26.7 x 35.1 cm. In Africa, p. 159. XQ.916OG4A/rbx. Oriented to west. 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Nvbia. 1:20,300,000. 10 x 12 cm. In Geographic universalis, p. 200. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1679 Seller, John, ^gyptus. No scale. 9.2 x 5.4 cm. In Atlas Minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. 50 North 1679 Seller, John. Barbaria. No scale. 9.2x5.4 cm. In Atlas Minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. Oriented to west. 1679 Seller, John. Biledulgerid. No scale. 9.2 x 5.4cm. In Atlas Minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. Oriented to west. 1680s Jansson, Jan. Nova Barbariae Descriptio. 1:24,000,000. 35 x 51.8 cm. Loose sheet. G8320168-.J3/rbx. 1682 Cellarius, Christoph. Africa Propria. 1:66,000,000. 20.4 x 30.6 cm. In Notitia orbis antiqui, v. 2, in liber 4 between pp. 864-865. X.910C33N2/rbx. 1682 Cellarius, Christoph. Mavretania et Nvmidia. 1:9,000,000. 20.2 x 30.4 cm. In Notitia orbis antiqui, v. 2, in liber 4 between pp. 898-899. X.910C33N2/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Egypte divisee en ses douze cassilifs ou gouvernemens. 1:4,750,000. 27.5 x 19.9 cm. In L'Africjue, between pp. 42-43. uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Partie de Barbaric ou est le Royaume d'Alger divise en ses Provinces Part du Biledulgerid, ou sont Tegovarin, Zeb &c. 1:6,000,000. 19.1 x 26 cm. In L'AMtfUt, between pp. 22-24. uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Partie de Barbaric ou sont les Royaumes de Tunis et Tripoli. 1:7,500,000. 18.6 x 28.1 cm. In L'Afrique, between pp. 30-31. uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Partie de la Haute ^thiopie ou sont I'Empire des Abissins et la Nubie &c. 1:15,000,000. 29.7 x 21 cm. In L'Afrique, between pp. 60-61. uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Partie du Biledulgerid ou sont Tesset, Darha, et Segelmesse &c. 1:7,500,000. 17.1 x 28 cm. In L'Afrique, between pp. 38-39. uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Royaume de Fez divise en sept Provinces. 1:2,950,000. 20.3 x 26.4 cm. In L'Afrique, between pp. 14-15. uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Royaume de Maroc divise en sept provinces &c. 1:2,950,000. 18.9 x 26.2 cm. InL'Afrique, between pp. 10-11. uncat; 70121A/rbx. North 51 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Royaume et Desert de Barca et I'^Egjrpt divisee en ses Principales Parties. 1:8,500,000. 16.7 x 27.5 on. In L'Afrique, between pp. 36-37. uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. L'Empire du Cherif de Fez Maroc Sus. 1:20,500,000. 15.2 x 10.4 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 73. X910M289D/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Aegypte Ancienne. 1:6,500,000. 15.4 x 10.4 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, figs. 21-22. X910M289D/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Nubie. 1:22,000,000. 14.7 x 10.2 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, figs. 87-88. X910M289D/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Barbaric. 1:45,000,000. 4.3 x 10.6 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 4. X910M289D/rbx. Insets of various areas of Barbary. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Biledulgerid en General. 1:37,500,000. 3.2 x 10 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 71. X910M289D/rbx Insets of various areas of Biledulgerid. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Egypte Moderne. 1:9,000,000. 13.7 x 9.7cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 33. X910M289D/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Empire des Abissins Comme il est Presentement. 1:25,000,000. 14.4 x 10.2 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 95. X910M289D/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Partie Septentrionale de 1' Ancienne Afrique. 1:45,000,000. 4.3 x 10.8 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 3. X910M289D/rbx. Insets of "Mavritanie," "Petit Afrique" and "Libye Exterievre." 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Route maritime de Tetuan a la Mecque. 1:80,000,000. 3.6 x 10.4 on. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, figs. 74-75. X910M289D/rbx. Insets of other routes. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Zaara le Desert. 1:60,000,000. 14.2 x 10.2 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 68. X910M289D/rbx. 1688 Morden, Robert, ^gypt. 1:9,000,000. 13 x 11.3 cm. In Geography Rectified, p. 469. X910M81G2/rbx. 52 North 1688 Morden, Robert. A New Map of the Kingdome of Algier. 1:9,000,000. 13.8 x 12.5 on. In Geography Rectified, p. 460. X910M81G2/rbx. Oriented to west. 1692 Miiller, Johann Ulrich. Egypten. 1:11,000,000. 7.7x6.4 cm. In Kiirtz-Biindige, plate 5 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. Oriented to east. 1688 Morden, Robert. A New Map of the Kingdoms of Fez and Marocco. 1:6,500,000. 13.9 x 12.6 cm. Geography Rectified, p. 450. X910M81G2/rbx. 1692 Miiller, Johann Ulrich. Nubia. 1:34,500,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kurtz-BUndige, plate 7 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1688 Morden, Robert. West Barbaric; East Barbaric. 1:19,000,000. 10.1 x 12 cm. la Geography Rectified, p. 448. X910M81G2/rbx. 1700 Chenier, Louis de. Carte des Conquetes Faites pas les Arabes dans le Premier siede du Mahametisme. 1:11,375,000. 21.2 x 51.7 cm. Loose sheet. G8320.S1700A.D.C4/rbx. 1692 Muller, Johann Ulrich. Barb aria Occidentalis. 1:45,000,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kiirtz-Biindige, plate 2 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1700 Morden, Robert, -^gypt. 1:9,500,000. 12.2 x 10 cm. Loose sheet. G84001700.M6/rbx. 1692 Muller, Johann Ulrich. Barbaria Orientalis. 1:45,000,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kiirtz-Biindige, plate 3 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1692 Muller, Johann Ulrich. Biledulgerid et Zaara. 1:95,000,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kurtz-BUndige, plate 4 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1700 Wells, Edward. A New Map of the North Part of Africa. 1:6,800,000. 36.7x49.3 cm. In Treatise, plate 38. XF.910W46T1706/rbx. Left part of map shows the northwest coast of Africa, oriented to east. Right part is a continuation of the left but is oriented to north. 1701 Moll, Herman. Abissina and Nubia &c. 1:13,000,000. 17 x 19 cm. In System of Geography, part II, p. 101. XQ.910M735S/rbx. North 53 1701 Moll, Herman. Barbary and Bildulgerid. 1:19,500,000. 8.4 x 18.7 cm. In System of Geography, part II, p. 100. XQ.910M735S/rbx. 1706 Cellarius, Christoph. Africa Propria. 1:6,450,000. 20.4 x 30.7 cm. In Notitia orbis antiqui, v. 2, lib. 4 on p. 84. X.910C33N2/rbx. 1701 Moll, Herman. Egypt and Barca &c. 1:19,500,000. 8.3 x 18.7 cm. In System of Geography, part II, p. 101. XQ.910M735S/rbx. 1706 Cellarius, Christoph. Mauretania et Numidia. 1:8,750,000. 20.4 x 30.4 cm. In Notitia orbis antiqui, v. 2, lib. 4 on p. 110. X.910C33N2/rbx. 1702 Homann, Johann Baptist. ^Egyptus Hodierna. 1:2,251,000. 55.2 x 46.8 cm. Seutter, Maximvs atlantvm, v. 4, p. 272. XF.912SE81M/rbx. 1707 L'Isle, Guillaume de. Carte de 1'Egypte de In la Nubie de 1'Abissine &c. 1:9,140,000. 49 x 61 cm. Loose sheet. G84201707.D4/rbx. 1702 Seutter, Matthaeus. Africae magna pars ad illustrationem Historiae Ecclesiastics. 1:4,486,000. 49.5 x 58.2 cm. In Maximvs atlantvm, v. 4, p. 268. XF.912SE81M/rbx. Also in Homann, Allgemeiner Atlas, XF.912H75A/rbx. 1702 Seutter, Matthaeus. Deserta Theraidis, Arabiae, Syriae. No scale. 49.1 x 56.5 cm. In Maximvs Atlantvm, v. 4, p. 271. XF.912SE81M/rbx. 1706 Cellarius, Christoph. Aegyptus et Cyrenaica. 1:12,750,000. 20.5 x 31 on. Notitia orbis antiqui, v. 2, lib. 4 on p. 2. X.910C33N2/rbx. In 1708 Wit, Frederick de. Maris Mediterranei. 1:1,540,000. 47.4 x 58.3 cm. In Cellarius, Harmonia macrocosmica, plate 63. XF.912C33H1708/rbx. 1710s Chatelain, Henri Abraham. [Egypt, - Abyssinia, & Nubia.] 1:8,300,000. 31.5 x 55 cm. Loose sheet. G8420171-?.E3/rbx. 1712 Homann, Johann Baptist. ^Egyptus Hodierna. 1:2,280,000. 55.3 x 47 cm. Allgemeiner Atlas, v. 4, plate 393. XF.912H75A/rbx. In 54 North 1712 Seutter, Matthaeus. Africae Magna Pars Ad Illustrationem Historiae Ecclesiasticae. 1:4,490,000. 48.9 x 58.2 on. In Homann, Allgemeiner Atlas, v. 4, plate 384. XF.912H75A/rbx. 1714 MoU, Herman. The East Part of Barbary Containing Tunis, Tripoli, Barca, Egypt, Nubia, Part of Biledulgerid and Zaara or Desart 1:16,750,000. 17.7 x 26 cm. In Atlas geographies, v. 4, between pp. 40-41. X910M735A/rbx. 1714 MoU, Herman. The West Part of Barbary. 1:10,500,000. 17.7x25.7 cm. In Atlas geographus, v. 4, between pp. 192-193. X910M735A/rbx. 1717 Browne, Christopher. Africa. 1:6,250,000. 16 x 23 cm. In Geographia classica, plate 14. X912G2921717/rbx. Inset of Egypt. 1717 Browne, Christopher. Egypt 1:5,000,000. 22.8 x 16 cm. In Geographia classica, plate 19. X912G2921717/rbx. 1717 Browne, Christopher. Lybbia. 1:10,000,000. 15.8 x 22.7 cm. In anon., Geographia classica, plate 18. X912G2921717/rbx. 1719 Chatelain, Henri Abraham. La Barbaric. 1:240,000. 16.8x11.2 cm. Tn Atlas historu^ue, v. 6, page 41. XF.912C39A/rbx. 1719 Chatelain, Henri Abraham. Carte Particuliere de 1'Egypte, de la Nubie et de 1'Abyssinie. 1:11,475,000. 39.7x51.2 cm. In Atlas historique, v. 6, p. 7. XF.912C39A/rbx. 1722 Moll, Herman. Barbary and Bildulgerid. 1:39,000,000. 8.5 x 19 cm. hi Compkat Geographer, part 2, p. 134. XQ.910C7371722/rbx. 1722 Moll, Herman. Egypt and Barca &c. 1:19,500,000. 8.5 x 19 cm. In anon., Compleat Geographer, part 2, p. 135. XQ.910C7371722/rbx and loose sheet: G8580127-?.M6/max. 1728 Homann, Johann Baptist. /^Egyptus Hodierna. 1:2,270,000. 55.2 x 46.6 cm. In Homann Erben, Atlas mapparum, plate 90. XF.912H751A/rbx. 1728 Homann, Johann Christoph. Statuum Marocca Novum. 1:3,321,000. 36 x 55.7 cm. In Homann Erben, Atlas mapparum, plate 91. XF.912H751A/rbx. North 55 1728 Homann, Johann Christoph. Statuum Marocca Novum. 1:3,321,000. 48.1 x 55.9 on. In Allgemeiner Atlas, v. 4, plate 385. XF.912H75A/rbx. Also in Seutter, At las Minor, XF.912SE81/rbx. 1731 Cellarius, Christoph. Aegyptus Marmarila et Cyrenaica. 1:17,000,000. 16.2 x 19.6 cm. In Geographia antiqua, folio 113. X910C33G1731/rbx. 1731 Cellarius, Christoph. Africa Interior. 1:40,000,000. 13.8 x 20.5 cm. In Geographia antiqua, folio 121. X910C33G1731/rbx. 1731 Cellarius, Christoph. Numidia et Mauretania. 1:15,000,000. 13.5 x 20.6 on. In Geographia antiqua, folio 118. X910C33G1731/rbx. 1731 Cellarius, Christoph. Syrtes, Byzalium et Africa Propria. 1:9,500,000. 14 x 20.7 cm. In Geographia antiqua, folio 115. X910C33G1731/rbx. 1732 Homann, Johann Baptist. Topographica Repraesentatio Barbarici Portvs et Vrbis Mvnitae Oran.... 1:153,333. 46.1 x 54 cm. In Allgemeiner Atlas, v. 4, p. 386. XF.912H75A/rbx Top part is a bird's eye view of Oran. 1732 Moll, Herman. Aegyptus. 1:12,500,000. 22.8 x 16 on. In Geographia antiqua, plate 18. X912.3M73G1732/rbx. Inset map of the Nile Delta. 1732 Moll, Herman. Africa. 1:7,300,000. 15.5 x 22.5 on. In Geographia antiqua, plate 20. X912.3M73G1732/rbx. Insets of Egypt and Alexandria. 1732 Moll, Herman. Lybia. 1:10,250,000. 15.6 x 22.5 cm. In Geographia antiqua, plate 19. X912.3M 73G1732/rbx. 1733 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Carte de 1'Egypte Ancienne et Moderne. 1:1,650,000. 64x46.4 cm. In Atlas universel, plate 101. XF.912R54AT/rbx. 1738 Wells, Edward. A New Map of the North Part of Antient Africa. 1:6,800,000. 36.5 x 39 cm. Loose sheet. G822201738.S8/rbx. 1747 Bowen, Emanuel. A New & Accurate Map of the Western Parts of Barbary; ...of the Eastern Parts of Barbary. 1:7,500,000. 34 x 42 cm. Incomplete System, v. 2, map no. 60. F.910B67C/ihx. 56 North 1748 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Partic Occidentale de la Turquie d'Afrique; Partie Orientale de la Turquie d'Afrique. 1:15,000,000. 15.8x15.8 on. hi Atlas portatif, plate 172. X912R54A/rbx. 1762 Tirion, Isaak. Het Noordelykste Deel van Afrika, behelzende Barbarie, Egypte.... 1:1,675,000. 32.6 x 62.5 cm. In Hedendaagsche Historie of Tegenwoordige Staat van Afrika, between pp. 68-69. 916H358/stx. 1749 Bruckner, Isaak. Carte marine de 1'Europe, de 1'Asie et de 1'Afrique. 1:19,820,000. 43.6 x 50.6 cm. toNouvel atlas, plate 5. XF.912B83N/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte des Royaumes de Fez et de Maroc. 1:6,000,000. 21.7x17.3 cm. hi Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 92. Q.912B41P/ihx and loose sheet: G83301764.B4/rbx. 1752 Bowen, Emanuel. A New and Accurate Map of the Western Parts of Barbary; ...the Eastern Parts of Barbary. 1:7,550,000. 34 x 42 on. hi Complete Atlas, plate 45. XF.912B67C/rbx. Also in Bowen, Complete System, F.910B67C/ihx. 1756 Le Rouge, George Louis. L'Egypte. 1:4,300,000. 27.9 x 21 cm. to Atlas nouveau, v. 1, plate 80. X912L56A/rbx. 1762 Bonne, Rigobert. Carte de 1'Egypte Ancienne et Moderne. 1:2,150,000. 44 x 30.5 cm. Loose sheet. G84001762.B6/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Costes d'Egypte. Scale in fathoms. 21 .2x35 cm. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 85. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Costes de Barbarie. 1:2,800,000. 20.2 x 39 cm. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 71. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Golphe de Tunis. Scale in leagues. 17.4x22.4 on. to Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 81. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Isle de Mogador ses Mouillages et son Port Scale in fathoms. 17 x 21.7 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 92. Q.912B41P/ihx. North 57 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan d'Oran et ses Environs. Scale in leagues. 16.8 x 21. 6 on. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 75. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan de 1'Isle de Tabarque. Scale in fathoms. 17.4 x 21.6 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 79. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan de la Baye d'Alger et ses Environs. Scale in leagues. 35.3 x 23 cm. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 77. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan de Port Farine. Scale in fathoms. 17.1 x 21.5 cm. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 80. Q.912B41P/ihx. Oriented to west. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan de la Rade et Ville de Tripoli. Scale in fathoms. 17.5 x 21.5 on. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 84. Q.912B41P/ihx. Oriented to west. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan de la Ville de Mellila. Scale in fathoms. 17.1 x 21.3 on. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 74. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan de la Ville de Tunis et ses Environs. Scale in leagues. 17.5 x 21.6 on. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 82. Q.912B41P/ihx. Oriented to northwest. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan de la Ville Forts et Port d'Alger. Scale in fathoms. 17.1 x 21.3 on. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 78. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan des Forts et Canal de la Goulette. Scale in fathoms. 17.4 x 21.4 cm. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 83. Q.912B41P/ihx. Oriented to northeast. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan des Ports et Ville d'Alexandrie. Scale in fathoms. 17.6 x 21.4 cm. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 86. Q.912B41P/ihx. Oriented to east. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan du Chateau et Port de Marzalquivir. Scale in fathoms. 17.2 x 21.4 cm. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 76. Q.912B41P/ihx. 58 North 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan du Fort et du Village du Bequier. Scale in fathoms. 17.5 x 21.8 on. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 88. Q.912B41P/ihx. Oriented to south. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Rade du Bequier. Scale in fathoms. 17.2x21.8 cm. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 87. Q.912B41P/ihx. Oriented to southwest. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Rade et Ville de Ceute. Scale in fathoms. 16.8 x 21.2 cm. In Petit Atlas, v. 3, plate 73. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1772 Brion de la Tour, Louis. Partie de 1'Afrique. 1:25,000,000. 22.8 x 25.5 cm. hi Atlas general, plate 46. XQ.912B77A1772/rbx. 1774 Dunn, Samuel. Antient and Modern Egypt. 1:2,200,000. 43 x 30.3 cm. In New Atlas, plate 35. XF.912D92N/rbx and loose sheet: G84001774.D8/rbx. 1774 Dunn, Samuel. A Map of Barbary, containing the Kingdoms of Morocco, Fez, Algier, Tunis and Tripoli with the adjacent countries. 1:8,750,000. 30.8 x 44 cm. hi New Atlas, plate 37. XF.912D92N/rbx. 1765 Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'. /Egyptus Antiqua. 1:3,820,000. 24.1 x 18.5 cm. In Geographie Andenne, v. 3, p. 9. X911.3AN94G/rbx. 1775 Santini, P. Carte de 1'Egypte. 1:1,700,000. 63.1 x 46.3 on. hi Atlas Universel, plate 41. F.912SA59A/mar. 1767 Hiibner, Johann. Nubia Egypt and the Coast of Abex. 1:35,000,000. 6.5 x 7.3 on. hi New and Easy Introduction, p. 218. X910H864KE1767/rbx. 1775 Santini, P. Carte de la Barbarie. 1:4,825,000. 55 x 45.6 cm. hi Atlas Universel, plate 40. F.912SA59A/mar. 1767 Hiibner, Johann. West and East Parts of Barbary. 1:40,000,000. 6.8 x 7.2 cm. In New and Easy Introduction, p. 213. X910H864KE1767/rbx. The eastern part is shown as an inset. 1780 Bonne, Rigobert. Africa Propria Numidia et Mauritania. 1:7,000,000. 26.7x37.9 cm. Loose sheet. G8320.S11780.B6/rbx. North 59 1780 Bonne, Rigobert. Carte de la Partie Septentrionale d'Afrique. 1:12,750,000. 12.8 x 32 on. In Atlas, plate 42. 912B64A/ihc. 1787 Bonne, Rigobert. ^Egyptus. 1:2,950,000. 34.5x23.3 cm. In anon., Atlas encydopedique, v. 1, plate 4. XQ.912AT65/rbx. 1781 Moll, Herman. The East Part of Barbary.l:17,000,000. 17.8 x 25.4 cm. In Bowles's Atlas Minor, p. 39. X912M73A1781/rbx. 1788 Bonne, Rigobert. Egypte, Nubie et Abissinie. 1:9,625,000. 34.3 x 23.1 cm. In anon., Atlas encydopedique, v. 2, plate 98. XQ.912AT65/rbx. 1781 Moll, Herman. The West Part of Barbary. 1:11,050,000. 17.6x25.4 cm. In Bowles's Atlas Minor, p. 40. X912M73A1781/rbx. 1784 Zatta, Antonio. Le Coste di Barbaria. 1:8,500,000. 30.7 x 38.5 cm. In Busching, Atlante novissimo, v. 4, plate 21. XQ.912B96NI/rbx. 1784 Zatta, Antonio. L'Egitto Antico e Moderno. 1:2,200,000. 39 x 31 on. In Busching, Atlante novissimo, v. 4, plate 19. XQ.912B96NI/rbx. 1784 Zatta, Antonio. La Nubia ed Abissinia. 1:7,000,000. 30.5 x 39 cm. In Biisching, Atlante novissimo, v. 4, plate 20. XQ.912B96NI/rbx. 1788 Bonne, Rigobert. Etats du Roi de Maroc; les Royaumes d'Alger, de Tunis et de Tripoli avec les Pays Circonvoisins. 1:9,625,000. 17.2 x 23.1 cm. In anon., Atlas encydopedique, v. 2, plate 99. XQ.912AT65/rbx. 1790s Carte Particuliere du Cours du Nil, Depuis son Embouchure jusqu'au second Cataracte dans la Nubie.... 1:1,280,000. 104.5 x 43.2 cm. Loose sheet. G8401.N5179-?.V4/rbx Oriented to south. 1790 Grenet, abbe. Africa Propria, Numidia et Mauritania. 1:7,000,000. 20.8 x 32 cm. In Compendia, plate 66. X912.G86C/rbx. 1791 Grenet, abbe. Carte de 1'Egypte Moderne. 1:7,000,000. 21 x 31.5 cm. In Compendia, plate 40. X912.G86C/rbx. 60 North 1791 Grenet, abbe. Carte des Royaumes de Fez, d'Alger, de Tunis et de Tripoli. 1:7,000,000. 21 x 32 cm. In Compendia, plate 39. X912.G86C/rbx. 1791 Grenet, abbe. Mappa yEgypti Antiqua. 1:14,000,000. 21 x 31.5 cm. In Compendia, plate 1. X912.G86C/rbx. 1792 Payne, John. The States of Barbary comprehending the Northern parts of Africa. 1:11,800,000. 21 x 39.5 on. In Atlas, plate 10. XQ.912P29A/rbx. 1796 Rennell, James. Egypt. 1:6,650,000. 64 x 40.2 on. In Kitchen, New Universal Atlas, p. 55. XF.912K64N/rbx. 1799 Payne, John. Africa. 1:11,500,000. 18.2 x 40 cm. In New and Complete System, v. 2, p. 346. X910P29N/rbx. 1799 Payne, John. A Correct Map of Mediterranean Sea with the Countries Adjacent 1:11,500,000. 18.2 x 39.8 cm. In New and Complete System, v. 2, p. 346. X910P29N/rbx. 1793 Lattre, Jean. Cotes de Barbaric. 1:17,500,000. 18 x 24.7 cm. In Petit atlas, plate 23. X912L35P1793/rbx. 1803 Nouet, B. Special Charte von Nieder Aegypten.... 1:1,180,000. 26.6 x 29.8 cm. In Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden, v. 12, after p. 796. 910.5AL/stx. 1793 Lattre, Jean. L'Egypte Ancienne et Moderne. 1:4,000,000. 25 x 18.2 cm. In Petit atlas, plate 22. X912L35P1793/rbx. 1794 Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'. Egypt called in the Country Missir. 1:13,400,000. 67 x 40 cm. In Kitchen, New Universal Atlas, plate 55. XF.912K64N/rbx. 1807 Mentelle, Edme and P.G. Chanlaire. Carte Physique et Politique de 1'Egypte. 1:1,960,000. 46.8x56.9 on. In Atlas universel, plate 166. XF.912M52A/rbx. Inset of Nile Delta. 1812 Malte-Brun, Conrad. Aegyptus. 1:36,000,000. 29.5 x 22 cm. In Atlas complet, plate 35. Q.912M29A/mar. North 61 1812 Malte-Brun, Conrad. Afrique Ancienne. 1:27,500,000. 21.5 x 31.2 cm. In A t las complet, plate 27. Q.912M29A/mar. 1817 John Thomson and Company. Egypt. 1:1,625,000. 49.8 x 25.1 on. In New General Atlas, plate 48. XF.912J613N/rbx. 1812 Malte-Brun, Conrad. Afrique Septentrionale. 1:27,500,000. 22 x 31.7 cm. In Atlas complet, plate 145. Q.912M29A/mar. 1821 Myers, Thomas. Egypt 1:3,700,000. 24 x 19 cm. In New and Comprehensive System, v. 2, p. 486. 910M99N/stx. 1812 Malte-Brun, Conrad. Barbarie. 1:9,000,000. 22 x 29.8 cm. In Atlas complet, plate 149. Q.912M29A/mar. 1821 Myers, Thomas. Nubia and Abyssinia. 1:9,920,000. 24 x 19 cm In New and Comprehensive System, v. 2, p. 500. 910M99N/stx. 1812 Malte-Brun, Conrad. L'Egypte. 1:3,600,000. 29.5 x 21.8 cm. In Atlas complet, plate 151. Q.912M29A/mar. 1822 Thompson, John. Barbary States. 1:9,900,000. 19 x 24 cm. In Myers, New and Comprehensive System, v. 2, p. 409. 910M99N/stx. 1817 Arrowsmith, Aaron. Lower Egypt. 1:1,260,000. 20.6x25.2 cm. In New General Atlas, plate 46. Q.912AR6N1817/mar. 1823 Lucas, Fielding. Egypt. 1:3,420,000. "26 x 22 cm. In General Atlas, plate 43. XQ.912L962G/rbx. 1817 John Thomson and Company. Abyssinia. 1:2,300,000. 49.5 x 33.2 cm. In New General Atlas, plate 48. XF.912J613N/rbx. 1824 Finley, Anthony. Egypt. 1:3,750,000. 29.2 x 22.3 cm. In anon, New General Atlas, plate 58. Q.912F49N/mar. 1829 Hall, Sidney. Northern Africa. 1:6,400,000. 41.5 x 50.5 cm. Loose sheet. G83201829.H3/mar. 62 North 1830s Young, James Hamilton. Northern Africa. 1:28,250,000. 20.5 x 25 cm. Loose sheet. G8320183-.Y6/mar. 1830 Starling, Thomas. Egypt 1:9,400,000. 14.5 x 9 on. In Geographical Annual, p. 74. 912ST28G1833/rbc. 1831 Delamarche, Felix. ^Egypti Antiquae Tabula. 1:4,300,000. 27.6 x 28.2 on. Atlas de la geographic, plate 24. Q.912D15A1833/mar. In 1831 Dower, John. Egypt 1:2,550,000. 33.5 cm. Loose sheet. G83001831.D6/max. 41 x 1832 Washington, M. Carte de 1'Empire de Maroc. 1:2,450,000. 25.6 x 41.8 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, v. 17, no. 106, after p. 116. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of Marrakesh and a profile map north and south passing by 940' longrtiude. 1832 Wilkinson, J. Map of the Egyptian Desert between Keneh and Suez. 1:2,100,000. 22.5 x 20 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 2, between pp. 28-29. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1834 Barbaric. 1:40,000,000. 10 x 9.5 cm. In anon., Atlas universel, plate 25. 912AT6821834/stx. Inset of Egypt. 1831 Societe de geographie, Paris. Itineraire d'Alger a Medeah. Scale in "heures de march a pied." 27.9 x 21.5 cm. In Bulletin, v. 15, no. 93, between pp. 40-41. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset map of Belida and Medea. 1832 Royal Geographical Society. Marocco, from Observations in 1830. 1:1,600,000. 37.4 x 45.7 on. In Journal, v. 1, between pp. 128-129. 910.6ROJ/rbx. Includes profile and inset of Marrakesh. 1835 Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel. 1:3,750,000. 25.7 x 19.5 cm. Comprehensive Atlas, p. 108. Q.912B72C/mar. Egypt. In 1835 Royal Geographical Society. Province of Sennar. 1:3,800,000. 17.7 x 11.4 cm. In Journal, v. 5, after p. 412. 910.6ROJ/rbx. North 63 1836 Avezac, M. d'. Essai d'un Nouveau Canevas Geodesique d'une Partie de 1'Afrique Septentrionale. 1:5,500,000. 25.9 x 45.5 on. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 2, v. 5, after p. 144. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1838 Glaser, Karl. Die Nordkiiste Africas: Agypten, Nubien, Habesch nach den besten Quellen entworfen und gezeichnet 1:14,500,000. 32.7 x 41.9 cm. In Vollstandiger Atlas, plate 32. F.912G46Y1838/mar. Inset map of Algiers (1: 4,900,000). 1836 Royal Geographical Society. Part of the West Coast of Africa Surveyed in 1835. 1:3,000,000. 19.4 x 37.2 cm. In Journal, v. 6, between pp. 310-311. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1837 Andriveau-Goujon, J. Carte du Gouvernement d'Alger de la Regence de Tunis.... 1:3,300,000. 38.1 x 50.3 cm. In Atlas classique, plate 33. F.911AN2A/stx. Includes five inset maps: Algiers, Bone, Bejai'a, Oran, and Constantine. 1846 Behrens, W. Das Reich der Kalisin in seiner grossten Ausdehnung. 1:16300,000. 32.3x40.3 cm. In Spruner von Merz, Historisch-geographischer Handatks, v. 2, plate 42. Q.912.4SP8H/mar. 1846 Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. Egypt &C. 1:3,000,000. 38 x 31.5 cm. In New Universal Atlas, plate 69. F.912M69NE1846/max. Inset of the Nubia region. 1837 Stieler, Adolf. Africa et Palaestina. 1:5,750,000. 22.1 x 16.9 cm. In Schul-atlas, plate 4a. Q.912.3ST3S1837/stx. 1837 Stieler, Adolf. Africa Propria, Mauretania, Numidia. 1:11,200,000. x 22.8 cm. In Schul-atlas, plate 58. Q.912.3ST3S1837/stx. 9.6 1849 Vuillemin, Alexandre. Carte de la Barbarie Contenant L'Empire de Maroc et les Etats d'Algerie de Tunis et de Tripoli. 1:16,000,000. 19.5 x 26 cm. In Atlas universel, plate 28. Q.912V97A1849/mar. Insets of Algeria and Algiers. 1849 Vuillemin, Alexandre. Egypte. 1:5,400,000. 26 x 19.5 cm. In A t las universel, plate 29. Q.912V97A1849/mar. 64 North 1849 Vuillemin, Alexandra. Egypte Ancienne. 1:5,400,000. 25.7 x 19.6 cm. In Atlas universel, plate 37. Q.912V97A1849/mar. 1852 Dufour, Adolphe H. Egypte, Palestine et Phenicie. 1:5,800,000. 31 x 23 on. In Barbie du Bocage, Atlas illustre, plate 38. Q.912B233A/mar. 1850s Qiapman and Hall. Petrea. 1:5,450,000. sheet. G8300185-?.C4/mar. Egypt and Arabia 21 x 28.5 cm. Loose 1850 Prax and Emilien Jean Renou. Carte de la Regence de Tripoli et des principales routes commerciales de 1'lnterieur de 1'Afrique. 1:2,000,000. 52.3 x 42 cm. In Sotiete de geographie, Paris, Bulktin, ser. 3, v. 14, after p. 152. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1852 Royal Geographical Society. Sketch of a route from Tripoli to Ghadamis by C.H. Dickson British Vice Consul 1851. 1:1,975,000. 19.4 x 25.8 cm. In Journal, v. 22, between pp. 130-131. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1853 Petermann, August Heinrich. The Countries of the Nile & Part of Arabia. 1:11,250,000. 28.2x20.5 cm. In Descriptive Atlas, plate 36. Q.912P44D1853/mar. 1850 Tremaux, Pierre. Carte de la localite ou sont situees les principales Mines d'Or du Soudan Oriental. 1:252,500. 45.5 x 20.2 cm. In Socie'te de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 3, v. 13, after p. 269. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1852 Charle, J.B. Carte de 1'Algerie. 1:4,100,000. 22.8 x 31 cm. In Barbie du Bocage, Atlas illustre, plate 2. Q.912B233A/mar. 1852 Charle, J.B. Egypte Nubie et Abyssinie. 1:10,800,000. 30.9x22.4 cm. In Barbie du Bocage, Atlas illustre, plate 28. Q.912B233A/mar. 1854 Morse, Sidney Edwards. Barbary States. 1:24,500,000. 5.8 x 13.7 cm. In System of Geography, p. 68. Q.910M83S1854/mar. Inset shows Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia. 1855 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. Ancient Africa. 1:57,500,000. 10.5 x 14.5 cm. The World as It Is, p. 236. 910G621W/stx. In 1855 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. Egypt and Nubia. 1:9,800,000. 11.5 x 9 cm. In The World as It Is, p. 238. 910G621W/stx. North 65 ffi 1855 Petermann, August Heinrich. Kartenskizze des Isthmus von Sues.... 1:2,700,000. 18.6 x 24.4 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 1, plate 23. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1855 Petermann, August Heinrich. Map of part of Northern Africa showing the Routes of the Expedition under Messrs. Richardson, Barth, Overweg & Vogel in the years 1850 and 1853. 1:2,125,000. 50.7x35.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 1, plate 19. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1855 Petermann, August Heinrich. Skizze zur Ubersicht der Reise-Routen Dr. H. Earth's in Nord-U. Central-Afrika, und des Gebiets seiner Forschungen iiberhaupt.l:33,000,000. 12.2 x 16.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 1, p. 307. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1855 Royal Geographical Society. Mission to Central Africa. The Route from Tripolie to Kuka, (Near Lake Chad;) Performed by D R . Edward Vogel. 1853-4. 1:6,000,000. 37.1 x 19.5 cm. In Journal, v. 25, between pp. 244-245. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1856 Andriveau-Goujon, J. Carte de Algerie. 1:400,000. 120 x 88 cm. Loose sheet. G82401856.F7/max. 1856 Dufour, Adolphe H. Algerie. 1:1,400,000. 58 x 83 cm. Loose sheet. G82401856.D8/max. 1856 Morse, Charles Walker. Egypt 1:3,000,000. 35.6x29.2 on. In General Atlas. F.912M83G/mar. 1857 Colton, George Woolworth. Africa Northern Eastern Sheet. 1:14,500,000. 39.6 x 32.5 cm. In Colton's Atlas, v. 2, plate 34. F.912C72A/mar. Inset map of Nile Delta. 1857 Hughes, William. Alexandria. No scale. 8.6 x 8.5 cm. In Atlas of Classical Geography, plate 24. 911.3H87A1857/mar. 1857 Hughes, William. Arabia, Petraea and Part of Egypt including the Delta. 1:6,800,000. 14.4 x 21.5 cm. In Atlas of Classical Geography, plate 24. 911.3H87A1857/mar. 1857 Hughes, William. Mauritania, Numidia, and Africa. 1:6,800,000. 21.5 x 29 cm. In Atlas of Classical Geography, plate 23. 911.3H87A1857/mar. Two insets: continuation of the African coast from the Syritis minor to Egypt on a smaller scale (1: 10,500,000) and enlarged plan of the Carthaginian territory. 66 North I860 Dickson, C.H. North Africa, Map showing the Caravan Routes between Tripoli and Ghadamis, to accompany the Account of Ghadamis.l:l,850,000. 19.1 x 26.9 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 30, between pp. 256-257. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1860 Duveyrier, H. Karte der Sahara von Ghardaja bis TuaL 1:4,000.000. 24.3 x 19.1 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 6, plate 3. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of profile showing Duveyrier's route. 1860 J. Wurster and Co. Basse Egypte avec indication des Chemins de Fer et Canaux. 1:2,600,000. 13 x 16.7 on. In Societe de geographic de Geneve, Memoirs, v. 1, between pp. 114-115. 910.5GLO/stx. Second panel shows regions surrounding the Red Sea. 1860 J. Wurster and Co. Esquisse de la Haute Kabilie pour servir a 1'intineraire du Fort Napoleon a Chellata. 1:4,000,000. 19.5 x 24.8 cm. In Soti6t de geographic de Geneve, Memoirs, v. 1, between pp. 212-213. 910.5GLO/stx. 1860 Petermann, August Heinrich. Das Rothe Meer und die Wichtigsten Hafen Westhalfte...Th. von Heuglin's Reise, 1857. 1:5,000,000. 42.5 x 24.4 cm. hi Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 6, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets include Sherm Schaab, Sauakin, Aqiq Bay, Eiro Island, Massawa, Adulis Bay, Nokeri, Perim Island, the Red Sea (1:15,000,000), al-Quseir, and Mocha. 1860 Swanston, George H. Algeria. 1:2,200,000. 39.7 x 50.5 cm. In Companion Atlas, plate 23. F.912SW2C/stx, mar. Insets of Algiers, Gulf of Oran, and Constantine. 1861 Hall, Sidney. Africa, North Part 1:8,720,000. 19 x 26 on. In Black, Black's General Atlas, plate 44. F.912B561B/ihq. 1861 Hall, Sidney. Egypt. 1:300,000. 37x26 cm. In Black, Black's General Atlas, plate 43. F.912B561B/ihq. 1861 Petermann, August Heinrich. Entwurf einer Karte von Ost-Afrika zwischen Chartum & dem Rothen Meere bis Sauakin und Massaua. 1:1,500,000. 43.5 x 52.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 1, between pp. 16-17. 910.5PE/stx. North 67 1861 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte der Bai von Sues nach der Engl. Aufnahmc. 1:140,000. 16.1 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 7, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1861 Petermann, August Heinrich. Originalkarte des nordl. von Ghadames & im Grenzgebiete v. Algier, Tunis & Tripoli belegenen Theiles der Sahara...Henry Duveyrier. 1:2,500,000. 19 x 24.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 7, plate 13. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1862 St. Martin, Vivien de. Skizze der Tripolitanishcen Kuste.... 1:1,500,000. 7.8 x 18.9 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 8, plate 3. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1863 Hassenstein, Bruno. Karte der Central-Sahara des Nordlichen Tuareg-Landes...Henry Duveyrier, 1859-1861. 1:7,500,000. 24.3 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 9, plate 12. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1863 Hassenstein, Bruno. Originalkarte von M.v. Beurmann's Reise von Bengasi nach Mursuk & Wau, 13. Februar bis 6. Juni 1862. 1:3,500,000. 24.6 x 42.8 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, between pp. 96-97. 910.5PE/stx. Insets: plan of Mursuk, vicinity of Bhengazi, and Beurmann's journey from Mursuk to Gatron and Wau. 1863 Malte-Brun, Victor-Adolphe. Esquisse du Fleuve Blanc de Gondokoro aux Cataractes de Makedo et au Pic Gniri.... No scale. 32.3x40.9 cm. InSocietede geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 6, between pp. 96-97. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of "Rapides et lies de Djendoky Garbo," "Rapides de Teremo Garbo," and "Cataractes de Makedo." 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. Agypten. 1:2,000,000. 43.5 x 52.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, after p. 78. 910.5PE/stx. 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. Dar-Fur und Kordof an. 1:2,000,000. 43.5 x 52.6 cm. hi Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, after p. 30. 910.5PE/stx. 68 North 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. Fessan. 1:2,000,000. 43.5 x 52.4 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, after p. 78. 910.5PE/stx. 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. Nubien. 1:2,000,000. 43 x 52.3 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, after p. 30. 910.5PE/stx. 1863 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Afrika, Nordostliches. 1:11,500,000. 38.9x32.7 on. In Meyer's Hand-atlas, plate 88. Q.912M575/stx. 1863 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Nordwestliches Afrika. 1:11,625,000. 39.1 x 33 on. In Meyer's Hand-atlas, plate 89. Q.912M575/stx. 1864 Menke, Theodorus. Arabia, Aethiopia, Aegyptus. 1:10,000,000. 29.7 x 37.5 on. In Spruner von Merz, Spruner-Menke atlas antiques, plate 30. F.911SP89S/mar. Two insets: Lower Egypt (1:3,800,000) and Heptanomis and Thebes (1:3,500,000). 1864 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte des Nil-Delta und des Isthmus von Sues. 1:1,500,000. 24.5 x 19.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 10, plate 8. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets of plan of Ismailia at 1:20,000, and map of fresh water canals at 1:750,000. 1865 Arrowsmith, John. The Nile and its Western Affluents, between the Albert Nyanza on the South, and the Sobat on the North. 1:2,450,000. 35.6 x 20.1 cm. hi Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 35, between pp. 288-289. 910.6ROJ/rbx. Copied in Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 12, plate 10, Q.910.5PE/stx. 1865 Debes, Ernest von. Kartezur Ubersicht der Reisen von C. Rohlfs in Marokko, 1861-64. 1:1,000,000. 24.5 x 19. cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 11, plate 4. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1865 Debes, Ernest von. Originalkarte des Soturba Gebirges...von G. Schweinfurth, 1864-65. 1:500,000. 24.6 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 11, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. North 69 1865 Hassenstein, Bruno. Originalkarte von Gerhard Rohlfs' Reisen in Central & Siid Marokko. (Atlas, Tafilet, Draa, & c), 1862-1864. 1:2,000,000. 42 x 24.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 11, plate 6. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of the oasis of Tafilet at 1:1,000,000. 1865 Menke, Theodorus. Cyrenaica, Africa, and Mavretania. 1:9,759,000. 21.2 x 40.6 on. In Spruner von Merz, Spruner-Merike atlas antiquus, plate 31. F.911SP89S/mar. Insets of "Africa, Caesariensis" and "Marmarica, Cyrenaicia, Africa, Mavritaniae ex mente Ptolemaei." 1865 Societe de geographic, Paris. Carte pour suivre la lecture du rapport de M. Jules Duval sur la colonisation de 1'Algerie. 1:2,500,000. 26.5 x 42.6 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 10, between pp. 240-241. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset map of the environs of Oran and Algiers. 1866 Hassenstein, Bruno. Originalkarte der Strasse zwischen Berber & Sauakin in Nubien...Theodor von Hegulin's. 1:500,000. 19 x 24.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 12, plate 9. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset map from Hafun to Suakin at 1:50,000, and a profile of von Heuglin's route. 1866 Petermann, August Heiruich. John Petherick's Reisen am Oberen Nil, 1858-1863 (Copie der Karte im Journ. R.G.S. vol 35.). 1:2,000,000. 43 x 24 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 12, plate 10. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1867 Chartier, A.T. Algerie. 1:31,700,000. 27.7 x 37.7 cm. In anon., Geographic universelle, plate 32. Q.912G292/stx. 1867 Chartier, A.T. Egypte Moderne. 1:9,300,000. 37.7 x 27.7 cm. In anon., Geographie Universelk, plate 31. Q.912G292/stx. 1867 Chartier, A.T. Empire de Maroc. 1:5,700,000. 19 x 27.7 cm. In anon., Geographie Universelk, plate 33. Q.912G292/stx. 1867 Chartier, A.T. Tunis and Tripoli. 1:8,800,000. 19 x 27.7 cm. In anon., Geographie Universelle, plate 33. Q.912G292/stx. 1867 Lamber, Paul. Plan de la Ville de Maroc. 1:8,000. 31 x 20 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 16, after p. 587. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 70 North 1867 Lange, Henry. Nordostliches Africa. 1:10,000,000. 45.2 x 36.6 on. In Geographischer Handatlas, plate 30. F.912L26G1867/mar. 1867 Vuillemin, Alexandra. Province d'Alger. 1:1,750,000. 42.7x28.2 cm. In anon., Geographic universelk. Q.912G292/stx. 1867 Societa Geografica Italiana. Carta del Sahel ossia delle Provincie di Susa e di Monastir neUa Tunisia. 1:230,000. 37.6 x 27.3 cm. In Bolkttino, v. 1, between pp. 250-251. 910.6SOR/stx. 1867 Societe de geographic, Paris. Carte General du Commandement du Tafilala. 1:1,600,000. 54.1 x 34.6 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 13, between pp. 432-433. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1867 Societe de geographic, Paris. Circonscriptions de Medaghera et de 1'Ouad-Er-Reteb par le Lieutenant Colonel H. Dastugue 1859-1861. 1:200,000. 30.6 x 22.9 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 13, between pp. 432-433. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset shows both Medaghera and Tafilet. 1867 Societe de geographic, Paris. Le Tafilala Proprement Dit. 1:200,000. 37 x 25.1 on. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 13, between pp. 432-433. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1867 Vuillemin, Alexandra. Province d'Oran. 1:1,740,000. 28.5x43 cm. In anon., Geographic universelk. Q.912G292/stx. 1867 Vuillemin, Alexandra. Province de Constantine. 1:1,626,000. 43 x 29 cm. In anon., Geographic universelle. Q.912G292/stx. 1868 Beaumier, Auguste. Itineraire de Mogador a Maroc de Maroc a Saffy et de Saffy a Mogador. 1:500,000. 28.5x40.6 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 16, between pp. 408-409. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1868 Kiepert, Heinrich. Aegyptus und Libya vorziiglich fur die Romische Zeit. 1:6,200,000. 20.2 x 25.8 on. In Historisch-geographischer, plate 4. 912.3K54HI/mar. Two insets: flight of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan (1: 5,100,000) and Alexandria. North 71 1868 Petennann, August Heinrich. Originalkarte zur Ubersicht von G. Rohlf s' Reisen in Tripolitanien & Fessan 1864 & 1865. 1:3,500,000. 24.9 x 19.1 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 5, no. 25, after p. 75. 910.5PE/stx. 1869 Gatell, Joachim. Le Tekna et 1'Ouad-Noun. 1:840,000. 19.4 x 30.7 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 18, between pp. 336-337. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset map of Auguilmim. 1868 Poncet, Ambroise and Jules Poncet. Essai de Carte des Bassins du Baboura, du Bibi du Jai'e, du Kir et du Bahar-Zaraf. 1:4,500,000. 24.2 x 27.9 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 15, between pp. 534-535. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of Lake Metouasset and the location of the mapped area within Africa. 1868 Societe de geographic, Paris. Itineraire de Mogador a Maroc par B. Balansa 1867. 1:600,000. 11.2x18.2 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 15, between pp. 416-417. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1868 Societe de geographic, Paris. Itineraire de Mogador a Saffy par A. Beaumier 1867. 1:800,000. 12.1 x.11.1 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 15, between pp. 416-417. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1869 Breithaupt, G. Neue Karte des Landes zwischen Suakin und Berber...l868. 1:1,000,000. 24.7x38 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 15, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1869 Stieler, Adolf. Mittel und Nord Africa (Ost Theil) und Arabien. 1:14,000,000. 30.2 x 32.1 on. In Hand- Atlas, plate 45b. Q.912ST5H1869/mar. Inset of Habesch (Ethiopia). 1869 Stieler, Adolf. Mittel und Nord Africa. Westl. Theil. 1:14,000,000. 38.1 x 32 cm. In Hand-Atlas, plate 45a. Q.912ST5H1869/mar. 1870 Marno, Ernst. Schematische Ubersichts Karte der Boden und Vegetations Verhaltnisse Nord-Ost-Afrikas. 1:11,500,000. 32.5x18.3 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 13, between pp. 640-641. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1871 Gatell, Joachim. Le Sous. 1:700,000. 15.6 x 14.2 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 1, between pp. 160-161. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of plan of Taroudant. 72 North 1872 Domann, B., C. Terrain, and G. Breithaupt. Originalkarte von Dar-Fertit und den anslossenden Bongo- / Djur-& Dinka-Territorien entworfen tind gezeichnet von Dr. G. Schweinfurth. 1:1,000,000. 24.4x40 cm. ]n Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 18, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1872 Peteimann, August Heinrich. Die Franzosischen Militar-Expeditionen in Marokko, 1866 & 1870. 1:2,000,000. 24.5 x 27.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 18, plate 18. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets of the Tafilet Oasis at 1:1,000,000 and Figig Oasis at 1:500,000. 1872 Petermann, August Heinrich and B. Domann. Originalkarte von Hoch-Sennaar...Reisen von Ernst Marno, 1870/1.... 1:1,000,000. 52.4 x 19.8 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 18, plate 23. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1872 Picard, E. Itineraires d'Ain-Ben Khelil a 1'Oued-Guir et au Figuig par le C". d'Etat-Major Kessler. 1:800,000. 35.5 x 28.1 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 3, between pp. 128-129. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Insets of Cape Guir upstream from El Toumiat and map of Figig country. 1872 Societe de geographie, Paris. Annexe a la carte indiquant la marche du Cholera au Maroc en 1868, par Auguste Bcaumier, Consul de France a Mogador Juillet 1869. 1:3,000,000. 13.5 x 16.9 cm. hi Bulktin, ser. 6, v. 3, between pp. 368-369. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1872 Societe de geographie, Paris. Croquis du Dahra par G. Bourdon.... 1:400,000. 16 x 19.7 cm. In Bulktin, ser. 6, v. 3, after p. 704. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1872 Societe de geographie, Paris. Marche du Cholera au Maroc en 1868, par Auguste Beaumier Consul de France a Mogador. Juillet 1869. 1:10,400,000. 24.2 x 18.2 cm. In Bulktin, ser. 6, v. 3, between pp. 368-369. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1872 Societe de geographie, Paris. Principaux Itineraires Francais au Sud et au Sud-Ouest de Geryville 1847-1870. 1:800,000. 20.4 x 26.2 cm. In Bulktin, ser. 6, v. 4, between pp. 336-337. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1873 Colston, R.E. Carta Orginale della Via da Qeneh a Berenice.... 1:830,000. 15.4 x 49.8 cm. In Societe de geographie d'Egypte, Bulktin, v. 3, between pp. 538-539. 910.5SOCG/stx. North 73 1874 Dastugue (General). Carte d' ensemble des Hauts Plateaux et de la Partie septentrionale de Sahara de la Subdivision de Tlemcen. 1:800,000. 39.7 x 28.5 on. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 7, after p. 38. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1874 Roudaire, Francois Elie. Esquisse du Rivage Probable de la Mer Interieure Algerienne. 1:600,000. 17 x 31 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 7, after p. 38. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1874 Domann, B. Originalkarte der Erforschung der Libyschen Wiiste durch die Expedition von Dr. G. Rohlfs.... 1:1,400,000. 24x30.7 on. \nPetermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 20, plate 9. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1874 Royal Geographical Society. Map Showing Route of the Electric Telegraph from Suakin to Ra-Sai. Reduced from the Map by the late Capt n . L. Rokeby, R.M. 1:630,000. 44.4 x 17.6 cm. In Journal v. 44, between pp. 152-153. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1874 Hansen, J. Esquisse pour suivre les Voyages de Poncet, Schweinfurth, et Baker. No scale. 8 x 8.1 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulktin, ser. 6, v. 7, after p. 38. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1874 Hansen, J. Itineraire de Temassin a Bir Tozeri construit d'apres les relevements de N. Dournaux-Dupere en 1874 par H. Duveyrier. 1:800,000. 23.3 x 23.5 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 8, after p. 48. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of H. Duveyrier's itinerary. 1874 Labberton, Robert Henlopen. Egyptian Ascending under Rameses II. 1:250,000,000. 14x21.4 cm. In Historical Atlas, plate 2. 911LllH1874/stx. Inset entitled "Ruins of Thebes." 1875 Bartholomew, John. ^Egyptus. 1:5,500,000. 21.5 x 14.7 cm. In anon., Library Atlas, plate 78. Q.912L616/stx. 1875 Bartholomew, John. Arabia, Egypt, Nubia and Abyssinia. 1:12,750,000. 22.5 x 29.6 cm. hi anon., Library Atlas, plate 33. Q.912L616/stx. 1875 Marno, Ernst. Karte der Route von Lado nach Makraka Februar, Marz, 1875. 1:1,400,000. 13.9x21.5 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 18, after p. 592. 910.5GEOW/stx. 74 North 1875 Nachtigal, G. [Domann, B. and D.C. Hellfarth.] Originalkarte von Wadai und Dar-For Landern im Stiden Davon. 1:4,500,000. 24.5 x 42 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 21, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1876 Coello, Francisco. Parte del Sudan 6 Takrur. 1:10,000,000. 14.5 x 14 on. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boktin, v. 1, no.l, between pp. 112-113. 910.6SOM/stx. 1875 Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft. Karte des Bachr el Abiad & Bachr el Gebel v. Chartum bis Regaf . 1:2,000,000. 67.3x22 cm. In Mitteilungen, v. 18, after p. 592. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1876 Hansen, J. Esquisse Topographique d'une par tie du Royaume de Fes tracee par C. Tissot Ministre plenipotentiaire de France au Maroc 1872-1875. 1:1,500,000. 47.1 x 37.7 cm. In Sodsterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 19, after p. 664. 910.5GEOW/stx. North 75 1876 Roudaire, Francois Elie. Carte du Bassin des Chotts par le Capitaine Roudaire 1876. 1:800,000. 21.2 x 49.4 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 13, after p. 672. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of the entire area (1:12,800,000) profile following ABB'C ZZT'X'. 1876 Societe de geographic, Paris. Itineraires dans le pays des Cha'anba 1859-1873. 1:1,600,000. 61.3x68.7 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 11, after p. 15. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Insets of the oasis of el Golea and Mezab. 1876 Tinne, Freule. Kaart van de landstreken tusschen Mesjra El Rek en de Dembo of Kosanga - Rivier.... 1:3,200,000. 15 x 21.9 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, v. 1, between pp. 72-73. 910.6NE/stx. 1877 Bujac, Emile. Carte du Ouada'i et du Darfour. 1:9,000,000. 21 x 22.5 on. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 2, between pp. 140-141. 910.5REGI/stx. 1877 Hausermann, R. Chemins de Per Algeriens. 1:5,500,000. 8.8 x 17.9 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 2, between pp. 172-173. 910.5REGI/stx. 1877 Hausermann, R. Maroc. 1:5,500,000. 20.7 x 25.5 cm. In Revue geographique international., v. 2, between pp. 172-173. 910.5REGI/stx. 1877 Hausermann, R. Tunisie. 1:4,000,000. 19 x 20 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 2, between pp. 172-173. 910.5REGI/stx. Inset of the region of Tunis. 1876 Tinne, Freule. De Nijl en zijn zijrivieren ter opheldering der reizen van Fruele Tinne 1862-1864. 1:17,500,000. 20.3 x 13.7 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, v. 1, between pp. 72-73. 910.6NE/stx. Inset of the continent. 1877 Koffmahn, O. Dr. G. Nachtigal's Reise von Tripolis bis Tummo 1 S.Februar bis 27Juni 1869. 1:2,000,000. 51.5 x 20 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 24, plate 4. Q.910.5PE/stx. 76 North 1877 Revue Geographique Internationale. L'Algerie oro-hydrographique. 1:2,700,000. 27.6 x 39.1 on. In Revue geographique international^, v. 2, between pp. 304-305. 910.5REGI/stx. 1878 Revue Geographique Internationale. Confederation des Beni-M'Zab d'apres la minute de Louis Say et du Capitaine Cadoudal. 1:2,000,000. 12.7 x 15.6 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 3, between pp. 104-105. 910.5REGI/stx. 1877 Zoeppritz, Karl Jacob. Specialkarte vom mittleren Ost-Sudan.... 1:1,000,000. 33.5 x 48.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 11, no.50, between pp. 38-39. 910.5PE/stx. Insets of the White Nile, Cebel Cule, the northern al-Fung, and north mountains near Germman. 1877 Zoeppritz, Karl Jacob. Zoeppritz, Speciakarte vom Mittleren Ost-Sudan (Siidliches Blatt). 1:1,000,000. 33.5 x 48.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 11, no. 51, between pp. 48-49. 910.5PE/stx. 1878 Revue Geographique Internationale. L'Algerie Politique et Routiere. 1:2,700,000. 27.5 x 39.1 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 3, between pp. 24-25. 910.5REGI/stx. 1878 Revue Geographique Internationale. Chotts Algeriens se rapportant au projet de mer interieure. No scale. 15.2x15.1 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 3, between pp. 40-41. 910.5REGI/stx. 1878 Revue Geographique Internationale. Environs d'Alger. No scale. 15.2 x 15.1 cm. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 3, between pp. 40-41. 910.5REGI/stx. 1878 Sociedad Geografica de Madrid. Costa Occidental de Africa Reconocida por la Comision del vapor "Blasco de Garay." 1:575,000. 30.3 x 44.5 cm. In Boktin, v. 4, no.l, between pp. 252-253. 910.6SOM/stx. Inset of "Croquis de Uina 6 Meano." 1879 Berlioux, E.F. Afrique Centrale Libya Interior de Ptolemee ou Les anciennes explorations et les prochaines decouvertes des regions du Sahara central. 1:11,000,000. 30.7 x 36.2 cm. In Revue de geographic, v. 5, between pp. 80-81. 910.5RE/stx. 1879 Fanelly, J. and M. Caillat. Territoire des Kroumirs. 1:400,000. 12.8 x 18.8 cm. In Revue de geographic, v. 5, p. 111. 910.5RE/stx. North 77 1879 Petermann, August Heinrich. Die Strombarren des Bahr el Djebel. 1:2,200,000. 14.6 x 5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 25, p. 273. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1879 Revue Geographique Internationale. Chemins de Per Algeriens. 1:5,700,000. 8.7 x 17.9 on. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 4, between pp. 184-185. 910.5REGI/stx. 1879 Turner, William J. Map of Routes in Kordofan & Darfur constructed from the reconnaissances made by Officers of the Egyptian General Staff 1875-1876. 1:2,250,000. 32.9 x 45.9 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 49, between pp. 392-393. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1879 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Sus e Tecna secondo Catell, Petennann, Johnston, Adamoli. 1:4,000,000. 19.3 x 23.2 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 4, between pp. 266-267. 910.6SOR/stx. 1879 Weller, Edward. Northern Africa Including Morocco, Tunis, Tripoli and Algeria. 1:5,300,000. 29.5 x50 cm. In Hughes, Grand atlas, plate 38a. F.912H87G1879/max. 1880 Domann, B. Dr. W. Junker's Reisen in Nordost-u.Central-Afrika, Blatt No. 2. Karte der Routen in den Mudirien-Rohl u. Bahr-el Ghasal.-.Agyptischen Aquatorial provinzen. 1:2,500,000. 30.5 x 24.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 26, plate 4. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1880 Domann, B. and C. Schmidt. Ubersichtskarte von G. Rohlfs' Expedition in Tripolitanien, Barka und der Oasengruppe von Kufra Dec. 1878 bis Oct. 1879. 1:4,000,000. 31.7x29.4 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 26, plate 21. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of the route from Sokna to Djalo at 1:2,000,000. 1880 Hansen, J. Oued Draa (Maroc).... 1:1,000,000. 37.9x30.9 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 20, after p. 592. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of the southern provinces of Morocco. 1880 Lenz, Oscar. Itineraire a Timbouk tou par le D r . Oscar Lenz 1880. 1:12,700,000. 26.1 x 18.2 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 8, between pp. 400-401. 910.5RE/stx. 78 North 1880 Parisot, V. Carte par rcnseignements des lignes d'eau du sud et des routes d'Insalah. 1:4,000,000. 17.7 x 17.2 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 19, after p. 75. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1881 Cora, Guido. Carta originate della Spedizione Borghese-Matteucci nel Kordofan e Dar For.... 1:5,000,000. 18.5 x 20.9 on. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 6, between pp. 204-205. 910.6SOR/stx. 1880 Peip, C. and G. Breithaupt. Originalkarte von Dar-Fur...entworfen von Oberst A.M. Mason-Bey, 1879. 1:2,500,000. 19.2 x 24.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 26, plate 18. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1881 Desbuisson, E. Carte de la Tunisie. 1:1,600,000. 37.2 x 26.5 cm. In Revue de geographic, v. 8, after p. 484. 910.5RE/stx. 1880 Revue Geographique Internationale. L'Afrique du Nord. 1:16,000,000. 20.9 x 39.4cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 5, between pp. 56-57. 910.5REGI/stx. 1880 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte des puits artesiens de 1'Oued Rhir et du Hodna. 1:2,400,000. 20.2 x 13.2 cm. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 5, between pp. 220-221. 910.5REGI/stx. 1880 Roudaire, Francois filie. Algerisch-Tunesische Schott-Becken nach Capt. Roudaire's Aufnahmen. 1:1,000,000. 22.2x42.2 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statistik, v. 2, between pp. 300-301. 910.5DEU/stx. Pedrone, Carlo. Cyrenaica. Routen der Expeditionen der Societa d'Esplorazion Commerciale in Africa unter Cap. M. Camperio & Comme. Haimann, Marz & April 1881. 1:200,000. 17.5 x 23.4 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 27, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Gebal el Akbar at 1:6,000,000. 1881 Petermann, August Heinrich. Skizze von Dr. W. Junkers' Reisen Juni bis Dec. 1880. 1:4,000,000. 11.2 x 8.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 27, p. 252. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1881 Petermann, August Heinrich. Ubersichtsskizze der Reise von Dr. U. Lenz nach Timbuktu 1879-80. 1:1,000,000. 21 x 15.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 27, p. 188. Q.910.5PE/stx. North 79 1881 Royal Geographical Society. Dr. Junker's Journey in the Nyam Nyam Country. 1:8,500,000. 6.6 x 5.3 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 3, no. 5, p. 301. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1881 Societe de geographic, Paris. Itineraire de Geryville a Figuig releve par le Sous-Lieutenant L. Perrot (Expedition du Lieutenant-Colonel Colonieu) Fevrier-15 Avrill868. 1:600,000. 31.4 x 41.4 cm. In Bulletin, set. 7, v. 2, after p. 580. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1881 Schmidt, C. Originalkarte einer Reiseroute von Lado bis Dara nach der Itinerar-Aufnahme von R.W. Felkin & Revd. C.T. Wilson, M.A. Sept. bis Dec. 1879. 1:2,000,000. 52.5 x 20 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 27, plate 4. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1882 Barich, C. E. Marno's Aufnahme des Bahr-el-Ghasal im agyptischen Dampfer Borden, Januar & Marz bis Juni 1880. 1:500,000. 24.3 x 19.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 28, plate 6. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1881 Sociedad Geografica de Madrid. Mapa de una parte de la Provincia de Oran y del Territorio Marroqui in Mediate. 1:1,600,000. 32.7 x 24.5 on. In Boletin, v. 11, no.2, between pp. 340-341. 910.6SOM/stx. 1882 Bonelli, Emilio. Viajes por Marruecos, de Rabat a Mequinez, Fez y Tanger por D. Emilio Bonelli en 1882. 1:1,000,000. 24.5 x 20.2 cm. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boletin, v. 14, no.l, between pp. 38-39. 910.6SOM/stx. 1881 Societa Geografica Italiana. Carta di Dar-Nuba tracciata da Monsignor Comboni, L. Bonomi, V. Mazzaro, L. Henriot, A. Roversi, e disegnata da quesf ultimo. 1:800,000. 12.3 x 9.5 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 6, between pp. 802-803. 910.6SOR/stx. 1881 Societa Geografica Italiana. Schizzo del Viaggio del Dottore Oskar Lenz da Tangeri a Timbuktu e San Luigi 1880. 1:25,000,000. 12.3 x 9.5 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 6, between pp. 617-618. 910.6SOR/stx. 1882 Cora, Guido. Schizzo Oro-Idrografico del Sahara. 1:30,000,000. 12.8 x 20.6 on. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 7, between pp. 732-733. 910.6SOR/stx. 1882 Hassenstein, Bruno. Originalkarte der Neuesten Reisen des Dr. Emin-Bey im Lande der Madi und Schuli, 1880-81.... 1:500,000. 26.9x51. 7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 28, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. 80 North 1882 Institut Cartographique Militaire. Basse Egypte. 1:1,000,000. 28.5 x 32.5 on. In Societe royale beige de geographic, Bulletin, v. 6, no. 5, facing p. 640. 910.6SRB/stx. Inset of "Etats du Khedive" at 1:3,500,000. 1882 Johnston, Alexander Keith. Egypt Abyssinia and the Countries of East Equatorial Africa. 1:15,900,000. 25.3 x 19.2 cm. hi Cabinet Atlas, plate 27. Q.912J64C/stx. 1882 Kiepert, Heinrich. Aegyptus. 1:4,000,000. 33 x 21.2 cm. In Atlas antiquus, Tab 3. Q.912.3K54AE1882/stx. 1882 Marno, Ernest. Karte des Bahr el Ghasal vom Mokren el Bohur bis z. Bahr el Arab aufgenommen im Januar u. Marz bis Juni 1881 von E. Marno im Agypt. Dampfer Borden. 1:1,000,000. 8.1 x 19.4 cm. hi Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 25, after p. 490. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1882 Pedrone, Carlo. Cirenaica.... 1:1,200,000. 16 x 23 cm. hi Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 7, between pp. 136-137. 910.6SOR/stx. Inset of the broader region (1:6,000,000). 1882 Rand McNally & Co. Egypt, Arabia, Petraea and Lower Nubia. 1:5,100,000. 32 x 25 cm. In Indexed Atlas, p. 228. Q.912R15I1882/stx. 1882 Rand McNally & Co. [Morocco, Algeria, Tunis and Tripoli.] 1:7,200,000. 24.5x33 cm. hi Indexed Atlas, p. 234. Q.912R15I1882/stx. Insets of Algiers and Tunis. 1882 Rand McNally & Co. Upper Nubia and Habesh or Abyssinia. 1:5,000,000. 24.5 x 32.5 cm. In Indexed Atlas, p. 229. Q.912R15I1882/stx. 1882 U.S. Army. Map of Lower Egypt and of the Adjacent Country with Part of Palestine. 1:994,000. 61 x 73 cm. Loose sheet. G83001882.US/max. 1883 Hassenstein, Bruno. Originalkarte der Reise des Dr. Emin-Bey hi die Mudire von Kohl u. Makraka, Oktober und November 1882.... 1:500,000. 42 x 52.1 cm. hi Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 29, plate 12. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1883 Petermann, August Heinrich. Umgebung von Tunis, Porto Farina und Biserta. 1:600,000. 13 x 13.4 cm. hi Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 29, p. 202. Q.910.5PE/stx. North 81 1883 Schuver, Juan Maria. Originalkarte der Quellgebiete der fliisse Tumat, Jabus u. Jal.... 1:500,000. 47.1 x 35 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 29, plate 4. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1884 Martiniere, H. de la. Esquisse topographique de 1'Itineraire suivi en 1884 par M.M". H.L.M. et A.M. entre Ouezzann et Meknes. 1:200,000. 49.7 x 20.2 cm. In Revue de geographic, v. 18, between pp. 160-161. 910.5RE/stx. 1884 Barich, C. Itinerar-Aufnahmen im Aegyptisch-Abessinischen Grenzgebiet, ausgefiihrt von Josef Menges, Januar bis April 1881.... 1:500,000. 20.4 x 48 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 30, plate 8. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1884 Barich, C. Provisorische Karte von Dr. Wilhelm Junkers Reisen im Gebiet der Mangbattu & Niamniam, 1880-1882. 1;1,000,000. 25 x 19.3 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 30, plate 5. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1884 Hansen, J. Les Forteresses et 1'Armee de la Confrerie Religieuse de Sidi Es-Senousi, en 1883 par Henri Duveyrier (Juillet 1883). 1:12,700,000. 22.3 x 40.8 on. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 5, between pp. 288-289. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Six inset maps. 1884 Revue de Geographie. Algerie et Tunisie. 1:5,000,000. 17.9x29.3 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 15, between pp. 80-81. 910.5RE/stx. 1884 Schuver, Juan Maria. Originalkarte der Wiisten-Hugel im Nord-Westen von Chartum, 21-25 Marz 1883. 1:250,000. 19.1 x 24.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 30, plate 3. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1884 Sharbau, H. Sketch Map of Egypt, Nubia and Egyptian Sudan. 1:3,100,000. 34.2 x 16.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 6, after p. 364. " 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Insets of route from Abu-Hamed to Korosko by Speke and Grant in 1863 at 1:1,162,000; sketch of Khartoum and environs; and a cross-section of the desert between Abu-Hamed and Korosko. 1884 Sociedad Geografica de Madrid. Croquis de la Frontera Argelino-Marroqui. 1:2,000,000. 29.2 x 24.9 cm. In Boletin, v. 17, no.2, between pp. 58-59. 910.6SOM/stx. 82 North 1884 Waller, Edward. Marocco, Algeria and Tunis. 1:4,200,000. 34.5 x 50.3 on. In Blackie, Comprehensive Atlas, plate 43. Q.912B56C/mar. 1885 Cram, George Franklin. Egypt, Arabia, Upper Nubia and Abyssinia. 1:8,440,000. 31 x 23.5 cm. In Unrivaled Family Atlas, p. 113. Q.912C84U1885/stx. 1885 Cram, George Franklin. N.W. Africa, Morocco, Algeria & Tunis. 1:7,560,000. 17 x 29 cm. In Unrivaled Family Atlas, p. 114. Q.912C84U1885/stx. 1885 Hansen, J. La region Algerienne traversee par le meridien de Paris par le Commandant Derrien. 1:1,500,000. 24.5 x 15.7 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 6, between pp. 310-311. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1885 Perron, C. Khartoum. 1:76,667. 6.4 x 10.7 cm. hi Revue de geographie, v. 16, p. 154. 910.5RE/stx. 1885 Revue de Geographie. Oasis de Figuig. 1:57,500. 19.3x23.3 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 16, between pp. 80-81. 910.5RE/stx. 1885 Sociedad Geogrcifica de Madrid. Costa Occidental de Africa Carta de la Parte Comprendida entre Los Cabos Bojador y Blanco.... 1:1,140,000. 57.4 x 37.8 cm. In Boktin, v. 18, no.l, between pp. 398-399. 910.6SOM/stx. Inset of "Piano del Rio de Oro" and "Croquis de la Bahia de Cintra." 1885 Tunison, H.C. Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia, and Western Arabia. 1:8,460,000. 31 x 17 cm. hi Peerless Universal Atlas, p. 138. Q.912T83P/stx. 1885 Tunison, H.C. Tunison's Algeria, Tunis, and Marocco. 1:3,850,000. 24.4 x 31 cm. hi Peerkss Universal Atlas, p. 143. Q.912T83P/stx. 1885 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Le Region! del Mar Rosso. 1:9,000,000. 30.8 x 20.5 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 10, between pp. 152-153. 910.6SOR/stx. Inset of the Nile Delta (1:3,500,000). 1886 Andree, Richard. Agypten. 1:3,000,000. 36 x 23 cm. In Droysen, Allgemeiner historischer Handatlas, p. 2. F.912D83A/stx. Three insets: Thebes, Alexandria, and the Nile. North 83 1886 Andree, Richard. Nordafrika. 1:9,000,000. 23 x 36 on. In Droysen, Allgemeiner historischer Handatlas, p. 15. F.912D83A/stx. Map has four frames: top, northern coast of Africa; bottom left, Morocco and Algeria; bottom middle, Sicily; bottom right, Syracuse. 1886 Droysen, Gustav. ^gypten. 1:3,000,000. 36.2 x 23.3 cm. In Allgemeiner Historischer, plate 2. F.912D83A/stx. Insets of Alexandria and Thebes. 1886 Hansen, J. Les Oasis d'Insalah.... 1:450,000. 13x19 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 7, between pp. 452-453. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1886 Lee,J.C North West Africa. (Reprinted by permission from "St. Joseph's Missionary Magazine.") 1:3,000,000. 18.2 x 9.7 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 2, between pp. 144-145. 910.6MA/stx. . Insets of the property of the North West African Company Limited at Cape Juby, Dourah Plain, Port Consado, and the Ouro Basin. 1886 Lee, J.C. North Western Africa. 1:8,650,000. 22.6 x 26.3 on. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 2, between pp. 264-265. 910.6MA/stx. 1886 Wills, J.T. [The Fertile Area of Sudan.] 1:9,000,000. 13.8 x 10.8 on. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 2, p. 413. 910.5SC/stx. 1887 Alden, John Berry. Map of Egypt, Nubia and Abyssinia. 1:21,500,000. 13 x 7.2 cm. In Handy Atlas, p. 51. 912AL2/stx. 1887 Alden, John Berry. Map of Marocco, Algeria & Tunis. 1:17,200,000. 7.1 x 12.5 cm. In Handy Atlas, p. 49. 912AL2H/stx. 1887 Bradley, William M. and Brother. Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and Lower Nubia. 1:3,800,000. 43.5 x 27.8 cm. In Atlas of the World, plate 29. F.912B73A1887/mar. 1887 Bradley, William M. and Brother. N.W. Africa, Comprising Marocco, Algeria and Tunis. 1:6,000,000. 21.6 x 35 cm. In Atlas of the World, plate 28. F.912B73A1887/mar. 1887 Buchta, Richard. Originalkarte einer Route von den Pyramiden von Gizeh in das Fayum aufgenommen im April 1885 .... 1:360,000. 23.9 x 19.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v.33, plate 5. Q.910.5PE/stx. 84 North 1887 Fischer, Th. Das Deltaland des Medjerda und die Landschaft von Tunis, Karthago, Utica und Biserta.... 1:400,000. 24.5 x 19.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 33, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of the coast of Algeria near Tipaza at 1:50,000. 1887 George Philip & Son. Map to illustrate Major C.M. Watson's Paper on "Trade prospects with the Soudan." 1:12,800,000. 18.3 x 10.8 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 3, between pp. 170-171. 910.6MA/stx. 1887 George Philip & Son. Sketch to illustrate M R . A.B. Wylde's Address from actual observation. No scale. 11.1 x 18.3 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 3, between pp. 180-181. 910.6MA/stx. 1887 Hansen, J. Itineraires au Maroc par le Vicomte Charles de Foucauld 1883-1884. 1:1,600,000. 58x47.8 cm. In Societe" de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 19, between pp. 126-127. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1887 Marc-Carthy, O. Le Sud-Oranais et la Future Frontiere Algero-Marocaine. 1:3,600,000. 23.6 x 13.6 cm. hi Revue geographique Internationale, v. 12, between pp. 4-5 and 20-21. 910.5REGI/stx. 1887 Rand McNally & Co. Egypt, Nubia & Abyssinia. 1:20,500,000. 13 x 7.2 cm. In Pocket Atlas, p. 51. 912R15P1887/stx, mar. 1887 Rand McNally & Co. Map of Marocco, Algeria and Tunis. 1:17,200,000. 7.2 x 12.5cm. In Pocket Atlas, p. 49. 912R15P1887/stx, mar. 1887 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte de la Tunisie. 1:2,400,000. 23.9 x 17.9 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 12, between pp. 124-125. 910.5REGI/stx. 1887 Revue Geographique Internationale. Environs de Tunis. 1:1,100,000. 5 x 5 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 12, p. 32. 910.5REGI/stx. 1887 Hansen, J. Route de Fez a Oudjda par le C". M. de Chavagnac 7-17 Fevrier 1881. 1:800,000. 24.4 x 37.9 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 19, between pp. 438-439. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1887 Sharbau, H. Route of Mr. E.A. Floyer from Kosseir to Jimsah, Eastern Desert of Egypt. 1:725,000. 32.5 x 21.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 9, no. 11, after p. 730. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. North 85 1887 Whitehouse, Cope. The Fayoum and the Rai'an Basin, Draughted from Original Surveys [Egypt]. 1:500,000. 22.2 x 26 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 9, no. 10, after p. 658. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1889 G. Philip & Son. The Environs of Gondokoro from a Compass Sketch by Capt. C.W. Watson, R.E. 1874. 1:350,000. 11.8 x 11.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 11, no. 11, p. 645. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1888 Menges., Joseph. Joseph Menges' Reisen zwischen Kassala und dem Setit. 1:1,000,000. 24.5 x 18.7 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 34, plate 5. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1889 Harris, Walter B. Map of North West Morocco shewing Local Distribution of Tribes. 1:1,500,000. 21.5 x 15.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 11, no. 8, after p. 524. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1889 Cram, George Franklin. N.W. Africa Morocco Algeria & Tunis. 1:7,440,000. 17 x 29 cm. In anon., People's Illustrated, p. 172. Q.912P3911889/stx. 1889 Johnston, W. & A.K., pub. Egypt Arabia Petraea and Lower Nubia. 1:3,800,000. 42.2 x 32.2 cm. In Cosmographic Atlas, p. 32. F.912J649C1889/stx. 1889 Freytag, Gustav. Agypten. 1:3,000,000. 34 x 21 on. In anon., Die Erde, p. 380. Q.910ER27/stx. 1889 Freytag, Gustav. ' Nordwest-Afrika. 1:12,000,000. 21 x 34 cm. In anon., Die Erde, p. 376. Q.910ER27/stx. Inset of Cape Verde Islands. EL 1889 Freytag, Gustav. Ostlicher Sudan. 1:12,000,000. 21 x 34 cm. In anon., Die Erde, p. 388. Q.910ER27/stx. 1889 Johnston, W. & A.K., pub. N.W. Africa Comprising Marocco, Algeria, & Tunis. 1:6336,000. 20.9 x 32.2 cm. In Cosmographic Atlas, p. 31. F.912J649C1889/stx. 1889 Niox, Gustave Leon. Algerie et Tunisie. 1:5,00,000. 23.7x29 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 14, between pp. 172-173. 910.5REGI/stx. 86 North 1889 Playfair, R. Lambert. Map of Tripoli and the Cyrenaica to accompany the Bibliography of the Barbary States. 1:1,700,000. 21.4 x 23.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Supplementary Papers, v. 2, between pp. 660-661. 910.6ROG/rbx. 1889 Royal Geographical Society. Map of South Western Morocco illustrating Mr. Joseph Thomson's Journeys 1888.... 1:2,100,000. 25.1 x 35.5 cm. In Proceedings, v. 11, no. 1, after p. 64. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1889 Revue Geographique Internationale. [Forages algeriens de 1' Algeria.] 1:17,000,000. 8.9x8 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 14, p. 227. 910.5REGI/stx. 1889 Schweinfurth, G. Geologisch Topographische Karte der Kreide-Region bei den Pyramiden. 1:60,000. 27.5 x 52.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 35, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1889 Revue Geographique Internationale. L'Oued Rir' et ses nouvelles oasis de creation francaise. 1:2,500,000. 13.6 x 8.2cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 14, p. 228. 910.5REGI/stx. 1889 Revue Geographique Internationale. Partie Meridionale du Sud-Oranais (y Compris Figuig). 1:700,000. 23.7 x 32.6 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 14, between pp. 124-125. 910.5REGI/stx. 1889 Revue Geographique Internationale. Partie Septentrionale du Sud-Oranais. 1:700,000. 23.8x32.3 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 14, between pp. 100-101. 910.5REGI/stx. 1889 Societa Geografica Italiana. Schizzo dell' itinerario di Luigi Bricchetti-Robecchi da Alessandria all' (Oasi di Sfuva Coasi di Giove Ammone). 1:1,500,000. 19.6 x 36.6 cm. In Bolkttino, ser. 3, v. 2, between pp. 516-517. 910.6SOR/stx. Inset of Siuva Oasis (1:500,000). 1889 Thomson, Joseph. Map of Southwestern Morocco illustrative of explorations carried on by Joseph Thomson. 1:3,000,000. 15.4x25.4 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 5, between pp. 100-101. 910.6MA/stx. 1890 Bartholomew, John George. Barbary States. 1:10,100,000. 15.5 x 23 cm. In Century Atlas, plate 26. Q.912B28CE/stx. North 87 1890 Bartholomew, John George. Egypt. 1:12,500,000. 16.5 x 23 cm. In Century Atlas, plate 38. Q.912B28CE/stx. Inset of the Suez Canal. 1890 Rand McNally & Co. Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and Lower Nubia. 1:5,000,000. 32.5 x 24.5 on. In Standard Atlas, p. 76. Q.912R15S1890/stx. 1890 Bissuel, H. Carte de 1'Adrar Ahnet. 1:900,000. 21.7 x 18.1 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 15, no. 180, between pp. 212-213. 910.5REGI/stx. 1890 Revue Geographique Internationale. Cirque du Bou Hedma. 1:70,000. 14.6 x 10cm. In Revue geographique international v. 15, p. 63. 910.5REGI/stx. 1890 Bissuel, H. Carte de la Region au sud de I'Adr'ar Ahnet (Tanezrouf, Adr'ar Proprement dit et Routes vers Tin-Bouktou et le Ksar Taoudenni). 1:2,600,000. 22.1 x 16 cm; 22.3 x 18.1 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 15, between pp. 260-261. 910.5REGI/stx. Map divided into two panels. 1890 Bissuel, H. D'el Golea au Tidikelt, au Mouydir et a 1'Adrar Ahnet. 1:2,500,000. 21.4 x 18.1 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 15, between pp. 236-237. 910.5REGI/stx. Inset maps of Golea and Tidikelt. 1890 Kirchhoff, Alfred. Die Berbern Marokkos. 1:10,000,000. 9.7 x 8.4 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 36, p. 23. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1890 Revue Geographique Internationale. Esquisses de la region de Bir Ali ben Khelifa (Tunisie). 1:2,000,000. 11.5 x 17.5 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 15, p. 32. 910.5REGI/stx. Includes an ordinance survey map and corrected map. 1890 Rothpletz, A. Das Atlasgebirge Algeriens. 1:5,000,000. 19.4 x 24.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 36, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1890 Royal Geographical Society. Egypt from a Map by Cl. Ptolemy. No scale. 15.2 x 10.8 cm. In Proceedings, v. 12, no. 11, p. 684. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 88 North 1890 Royal Geographical Society. Middle Egypt from the latest survey. No scale. 15.2 x 10.8 cm. In Proceedings, v. 12, no. 11, p. 685. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1890 Societe de geographic, Paris. Mission au Tademayt Janvier. Fevrier. Mars. 1890. Itineraire de F. Foureau. 1:1,000,000. 62 x 41.5 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 12, between pp. 132-133. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1891 Grosselin-Delamarche. Algerie et Tunisie. 1:3,700,000. 28.5 x 42 cm. In C Delamarche, Atlas de geographic, plate 109. Q.912D37A1891/max. 1891 Rand McNally & Co. Map of Algeria, Tunis, and Morocco. 1:7,260,000. 23.5 x 32 cm. In Universal Atlas, p. 236. Q.912R15U1894/stx. Insets of Algiers (1:66,000) and Tunis (1:340,000). 1891 Appleton, Daniel & Co. 1:4,200,000. 47 x 30 cm. plate 38. Q.912AP5L1895/stx. Insets of Nile Delta and Cairo. Egypt. In Library Atlas, 1891 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte geologique du Djebel Zaghouan. 1:9,500,000. 5.6 x 6.8 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 16, p. 104. 910.5REGI/stx. 1891 Chesneau, Marius. Touat 1:3,500,000. 20.6 x 18 cm. In anon., Annie, cartographique. Q.912.AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1891 Revue Geographique Internationale. Egypte, Abyssinie & Arabic. 1:9,500,000. 30.2x31. 8 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 16, between pp. 100-101. 910.5REGI/stx. 1891 Floyer, E.A. Egypt Eastern Desert or Northern Etbai.... 1:760,000. 43.1 x 45.5 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, between pp. 480-481. 910.5GJ/stx. 1891 Revue Geographique Internationale. ligne principale de dislocation de la Tunisie orientale. No scale. 10 x 8.1 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 16, p. 176. 910.5REGI/stx. 1891 Floyer, E.A. Expedition scientifique du nord de 1'Etbye - 1891. 1:1,010,000. 18 x 28.8 cm. In Societe de geographic d'Egypte, Bulktin, v. 3, after p. 643. 910.5SOCG/stx. North 89 1891 Societe de geographic, Paris. Triangulation General de 1'Algerie et de la Tunisie. 1:3,500,000. 20.8 x 45.3 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 12, between pp. 260-261. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1892 Cram, George Franklin. Egypt, Arabia, Upper Nubia and Abyssinia. 1:8,440,000. 31 x 23.5 cm. In Universal Atlas, p. 157. Q.912C84UN1892/stx. 1892 Rand McNally & Co. Egypt and Western Arabia. 1:5,100,000. 31.5 x 24 cm. In Universal Atlas, p. 234. Q.912R15U1894/stx. 1892 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Sketch of Dr. O. Baumann's Route of the Victoria Nyanza 1892. 1:5,000,000. 9.3 x 10.8 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 14, no. 9, p. 635. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1892 Cram, George Franklin. Map of Ancient Egypt BC 3000-AD 640. 1:5,400,000. 21.5 x 14.5 cm. hi Universal Atlas, p. 264. Q.912C84UN1892/stx. 1892 Hansen, J. Region comprise entre le Tell Alerien et In-gilah.... 1:2,000,000. 41.5 x 27.2 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 13, between pp. 160-161. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Insets of Touat and Tidikelt Oases and Gourara and Aouguerout Oases. 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. Algerie & Tunisie (Avec les chemins de fer). 1:6,600,000. 23.4 x 37 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 17, between pp. 4-5. 910.5REGI/stx. Inset of Algiers and part of Algeria. 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. Amguid et ses environs. No scale. 7.1 cm. hi Revue geographique Internationale, v. 17, p. 27. 910.5REGI/stx. 7.4 x Kiepert, Richard. Nordwestliches Africa. 1:5,000,000. 43.5x55.2 cm. In Kiepert' s Grosser Hand-atlas, plate 39. F.912K54G1896/stx. Insets of East Tarabulus and Barka (northwestern Libya). 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. L'Areg, entre Ain-Sefra et le Touat. 1:4,400,000. 18 x 15 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 17, p. 26. 910.5REGI/stx. 90 North 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. L'Oued Rhir. No scale. 9.6 x 5.1 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 17, p. 27. 910.5REGI/stx. 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. Puits artesiens de Sidi-Vahia, d'Hyata, etc No scale. 2.7 x 3.1 on. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 17, p. 28. 910.5REGI/stx. 1892 Royal Geographical Society. Morocco to accompany the Bibliography by Sir R. Lambert Playfair, K.C.M.G., and D R . Robert Brown, F.L.S. 1:4,600,000. 21.4 x 26.1 cm. In Supplementary Papers, v. 3, between pp. 448-449. 910.6ROG/rbx. 1893 Hansen, J. Carte de Telemsan a Melila par H. Duveyrier 31 Mai-10 Juin 1886. 1:360,000. 30.5 x 48.4 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 14, between pp. 288-289. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of plan of Melilla. 1893 Kiepert, Richard. Nordwestliches Africa. 1:5,000,000. 43x55 cm. InKiepert's Grosser Hand-atlas, plate 39. F.912K54G1896/stx. Inset is the eastern continuation of the main map at the same scale. 1893 Mery, G. Itineraire de M. Mery. 1:11,900,000. 14.3x7.8 on. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 18, p. 168. 910.5REGI/stx. 1892 Schraeder, F. Algerie - Tunisie. 1:7,000,000. 16 x 21 cm. In Hachette, Atlas de poche, pp. 22-23. 912H115A/rbs. 1893 Monteil, Parfait (Louis). [Itineraire Monteil rectifie au travers du Soudan.] 1:11,500,000. 11 x 24.2 cm. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 18, p. 62. 910.5REGI/stx. 1893 Gaskell, Charles Arthur. Egypt, Arabia, Upper Nubia and Abyssinia. 1:8,640,000. 31 x 23.5 on. In Family and Business Atlas, p. 132. Q.912G21F/ihx. 1893 Revue Geographique Internationale. Canal maritime de Tunis a la Goulette. No scale. 6.2 x 11.1 cm. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 18, p. 142. 910.5REGI/stx. North 91 1893 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte du Maroc et de la vallee de la Moulouia. 1:4,600,000. 11 x 18.9 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 18, p. 111. 910.5REGI/stx. 1893 Societa Geografica Italiana. L'Oasi di Siuah vilevata da G. Segato. No scale. 10.5 x 8 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 6, p. 761. 910.6SOR/stx. 1893 Revue Geographique Internationale. Chemins de fer tunisiens projetes. 1:3,700,000. 11.1 x 8 on. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 18, p. 142. 910.5REGI/stx. 1893 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Carta originate del viaggio E. Baudi di Vesme-G. Candeo da Berbera ai Caranle. 1:1,000,000. 65 x 35.5 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 6, between pp. 88-89. 910.6SOR/stx. 1893 Revue Geographique Internationale. [Tunisie.J 1:7,200,000. 8x7on. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 18, p. 110. 910.5REGI/stx. 1893 Rouire. Carte du Sahel, du Pays de Sfax et de 1'Enfida avec la Region occidentale du Pays de Kai'rouan. 1:790,000. 28.1 x 21.9 cm. In Revue de geographic, v. 13, between pp. 240-241. 910.5RE/stx. 1893 Societa Geografica Italiana. Itinerario Minutoli. No scale. 4 x 9.5 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 6, p. 763. 910.6SOR/stx. 1894 Bartholomew, John George. Sketch Maps illustrating the Physical and Political Geography of Algeria. 1:8,000,000. (Various scales). 32.9 x 35.6 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 10, between pp. 194-195. 910.5SC/stx. Six maps: vegetation and surface features, political and commerical outlines, orographical features, mean annual temperature, mean annual rainfall, and progress of French conquest. 1894 Hansen, J. Itineraries au Maroc par Gabriel Delbrel 1891-1893. 1:3,000,000. 17.3 x 22 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 15, between pp. 262-263. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1893 Societa Geografica Italiana. Itinerario Segato. No scale. 6 x 18.5 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 6, p. 764. 910.6SOR/stx. 1894 Potter, John E. & Co., pub., Philadelphia. Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and Lower Nubia. 1:3,750,000. 42 x 28 cm. In Potter-Bradley Atlas, plate 28. F.912P85P/stx. 92 North 1894 Potter, John E. & Co., pub., Philadelphia. N.W. Africa, Comprising Marocco, Algeria & Tunis. 1:6,100,000. 21 x 32 on. In Potter-Bradley Atlas, plate 28. F.912P85P/stx. 1894 Revue de Geographic. La France dans le Sud Algerien 1894. No scale. 18 x 25 cm. In Revue de geographic, v. 34, pp. 264-265. 910.5RE/stx. 1895 Cowper, H. Swainson. A Map of Part of Tarhuna & Gharian (Tripoli). 1:497,500. 19.4 x 20.3 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 7, between pp. 228-229. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Harris, Walter B. Mr. W. B. Harris's routes between Morocco and Tafilet. 1:1,000,000. 12.2 x 35.6 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 5, between pp. 408-409. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 McKay, J. Route in the Yoruba Country.... 1:740,000. 14.7 x 10.9 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 6, p. 570. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Bent, J. Theodore. Sketch-Map of the North East Sudan.... 1:1,000,000. 35.4 x 28 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 11, between pp. 428-429. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of Mount Erba and surrounding country. 1896 Larminat, E. de. Etude sur les formes du terrain dans le Sud de la Tunisie. 1:800,000. 25.2 x 39.6 cm. In Annales de geographie, v. 5, between pp. 448-449. 910.5AN/stx. Include the frontier region. 1896 Martonne, E. de. Carte des formes de la vie des societes humaines dans le Haut Nil. 1:6,000,000. 36.9 x 33.1 cm. In Annales de geographie, v. 5, between pp. 540-541. 910.5AN/stx. Inset of population density and the wider region. 1896 Ravenstein, Ernest George. A map of parts of Gharian, Tarhuna, and M'salata (Tripoli). 1:200,000. 39.4 x 69.5 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 9, between pp. 692-693. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Revue Geographique Internationale. Le Sud Algerien et le Sahara jusqu'au Hoggar. 1:1,000,000. 19.9 x 11.9 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 20, p. 211. 910.5REGI/stx. 1896 Revue Geographique Internationale. [Chemins de fer d'Algerie.] No scale. 13.5 x 20.1 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 21, p. 131. 910.5REGI/stx. North 93 1896 Vuillot, P. Itineraire de Nefta a la Zaouya de Didi-Maabet (Ghadames). 1:400,000. 33.3 x 54.2 on. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulktin, ser. 7, v. 17, between pp. 266-267. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1897 Harris, Walter B. Map of N.W. Morocco showing the Roman Roads according to the "Itineraries of Antonius Augustus." 1:2,000,000. 12.3x10.7 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 10, p. 301. 910.5GJ/stx. 1897 Africa, North-East Part. 1:11,960,000. 26.5 x 38 cm. In anon., Century Atlas, plate 110. Q.912C3331899/stx. Inset of the Nile Delta. 1897 Brown, R.W. and A. O'Donnel. Sketch Maps of journey of Mess". Brown & O'Donnel in Gaza Country June 29*-August 2 nd 1887. 1:1,800,000. 14.2 x 22 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 3, between pp. 588-589. 910.5SC/stx. 1897 Chesneau, Marius. Region entre Ras-el-Ma, Bassikounou, Oualata (d'apres les travaux des off iciers fr s 1897). 1:2,600,000. 10.8 x 11 cm. In anon., Annie, cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1897 Harris, Walter B. Sketch-map (No. I) showing the relative positions of the five nomadic tribes (in large sloping type) of Beraber, before the annual spring migrations. No scale. 9.5 x 18.1 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 9, p. 640. 910.5GJ/stx. 1897 Harris, Walter B. Sketch-map (No. II) showing the relative positions of the five nomadic tribes (hi large sloping type) of Beraber, after the annual spring migrations. No scale. 9.5 x 18 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 9, p. 641. 910.5GJ/stx. 1897 Hess, Hean. Les Approches du Touat.... 1:1,525,000. 32.7 x 29 on. In Annaks de geographic, v. 6, between pp. 146-147. 910.5AN/stx. Inset of the region. 1897 France. Armee. Service geographique. Falaise de Dourirat extrait de la Carte de Tunisie.... 1:200,000. 24 x 17 cm. In Annales de geographic, v. 6, between pp. 238-239. 910.5AN/stx. 1897 Martonne, E. de. Carte Ethnographique du Haut Nil. 1:6,000,000. 36.9 x 33.1 cm. In Annales de geographic, v. 6, between pp. 60-61. 910.5AN/stx. Inset of main movements of peoples and foundations of states in the Upper Nile and map of the wider region. 94 North 1897 Roggero, Giuseppe. Tunisia. 1:5,000,000. 11.8 x 10.8 on. In Testo-atlante, v. 4, p. 61. Q.910R633/stx. 1897 Walker & Boutall sc. MapofSiwa. No scale. 11.5 x 19.2 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 10, p. 601. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Chesneau, Marius. La region du Bahr el Ghazal, itineraire de la mission du Com* Marchand (1897-98-99). 1:6,000,000. 11.5 x 17.5 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. Inset shows a route from Loango to Djibouti. 1898 Fourtau, M.R. Presqu'ile du Sinai* esquisse d'une carte de la Cote Quest... 1:500,000. 45.2x27.7 on. In Societe de geographie d'Egypte, Bulletin, v. 5, between pp. 36-37. 910.5SOCG/stx. 1898 Rand McNally & Co. Egypt. 1:960,000. 49 x 32 cm. In anon., Chicago Chronicle's Unrivalled Atlas, p. 148-149. Q.912C432/stx. Insets of Cairo (1:242, 500) and the southern Nile (1: 3,200,000). 1898 Revue de Geographie. Partie Nord de la Province de Constantine. 1:800,000. 18.1 x 13.9 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 44, p. 417. 910.5RE/stx. 1898 Revue de Geographie. Partie Sud de la Province de Constantine. 1:1,600,000. 12.3 x 18.3 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 44, p. 218. 910.5RE/stx. 1898 Vidal de la Blache, Paul Marie Joseph. Algerie. 1:2,500,000. 29 x 44 on. In Annales de geographie, v. 7, between pp. 34-35. 910.5AN/stx. Inset of Algiers and environs. 1898 Johnston, Harry Hamilton. Sketch-Map of Southern Tunis.... 1:2,500,000. 20 x 19.7 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 11, between pp. 692-693. 910.5GJ/stx. 1899 Bartholomew, John George. Anglo-French Agreement 1899. 1:22,500,000. 19 x 11.9 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 15, between pp. 72-73. 910.5SC/stx. 1898 Rand McNally & Co. Algeria, Tunis and Morocco. 1:3,450,000. 23.5 x 32 cm. In Chicago Chronicle's Unrivatted Atks, p. 150. Q.912C432/stx. North 95 1899 E.H. Sketch-Map Illustrating Anglo-French Agreements of 1898 and 1899. 1:3,000,000. 13.1 x 10.5 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 13, p. 526. 910.5GJ/stx. 1899 Goubeau, F. Itineraries du Mzab et du Pays des Chaanba. No scale. 41.8 x 39.3 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulktin, ser. 7, v. 20, between pp. 364-365. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of the topography of Mzab. 1899 Societe de geographic, Paris. Carte des Kcour du Mzab (Vallee de 1'Oued Mzab). 1:30,000. 50.4 x 45.4 cm. In Bulktin, ser. 7, v. 20, between pp. 364-365. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Insets include Guerara, Ghardaia, Berriane, and the valley of the Mzab. 1899 Societe de geographie de Toulouse. Bataille d'Ondurman; Camp Anglais. No scale. 8.1 x 5.3 cm. In Bulletin, v. 18, p. 86. 910.6SOCT/stx. 1899 Societe de geographie de Toulouse. Expedition anglo-egyptienne. No scale. 13 x 9 cm. In Bulletin, v. 18, p. 63. 910.6SOCT/stx. 1899 Societe de geographie, Paris. [Algerie.] 1:20,000,000. 5.5 x 5.7 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 20, p. 20. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Eastern Burton and Speke (Checklist #1100) Eusl Africa Kxyeilitioix PANG AN! to KU6A. ! Burton & Speke 1387. 3 4 _J "Sli^i* (,j^ *? jf ' ^r i, :.,,-<> J' AS GAS I to CHOOWE. 96 Eastern See also: 329, 438, 539, 593, 631, 642, 644, 661, 662, 690, 1573, 1574, 1577, 1578, 1581, 1582, 1588, 1618, 1633, 1640, 1652, 1660, 1664, 1671, 1710, 1799 1575 Ortelius, Abraham. Presbiteri lohannis, Sive, Abissinorvm Imperil Descriptio. No scale. 37.3 x 43.6 cm. In Theatrvm Orbis Terrarvm, plate 68. XF.912OR9TH1575/rbx. 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Insulae & Ars Mosambique. No scale. 8.7 x 12.6 cm. In Geographischer, p. 604. X910B46TGU/rbx. Oriented to west. 1588 Ortelius, Abraham. Presbiteri Johannis sive Abysinorum impery descriptio. No scale. 7.8 x 108 cm. In Epitome, plate M5, p. 93. X912OR9TF1588/rbx. 1609 Mercator, Gerardus. Abissinorum Regnu. 1:34,500,000. 13.6 x 17.7 cm. In Atlas minor, p. 589. X912M53ATL/rbx. 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Abissinorum Imperium. 1:65,000,000. 8.5 x 12.4 cm. In Geographischer, p. 595. X910B46TGU/rbx. 1623 Langren, Arnold Florent van. Delineatio Orarum maritimarum terrae vulgo indigitatae Terra do Natal item Sofala Mozambicae & Melindae.... 1:13,000,000. 38.4 x 54.9 cm. In Itinerarium, p. 7. XQ.910.4L65I/rbx. 1628 Kaerius, Petrus. Abissinorum sive Pretiosi loannis Imperium. 1:35,800,000. 13.3 x 19 cm. In Mercator, Atlas minor, p. 587. X912M53A1628/rbx. 1630 Hondius, Jodocus. Abissinorum sive Pretiofi loannis Imperium. 1:24,500,000. 18.6 x 25 cm. In Mercator, Atlas sive cofmographicae, p.607. uncat/rbx. 1612 Bertius, Petrus. I. S. Lauretij. No scale. 8.6 x 12.3 cm. In Geographischer, p. 606. X910B46TGU/rbx. Oriented to east. 1633 Mercator, Geradus. Abissinorum sive Pretiofi loannis Imperiu. 1;13,750,000. 34 X 48.8 cm. In Atlas ou Representation, v. 2, pp.634-35. uncat; f shelves/ rbx. Inset of the Congo kingdom in Christian Africa. Eastern 97 1636 Hondius, Hendrik. Aethiopia Svperior vel interior vulgo five Abissinorvm.... 1:12,500,000. 38.4 x 48.9 cm. In Mercator, Atlas or a Geographicke, v. 2, pp. 431-432. uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1667 Goos, Pieter. Pascaerte...oost Indien van Cabo de Bona Esperanca tot C. Comorin. 1:8,000,000. 45.3 x 55 cm. In U Atlas, plate 25. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Orientation to east. 1647 Blaeu, Joan. ^Ethiopia Superior vel Interior; vulgo Abissinorvm sive Presbiteri loannis Imperivm. 1:12,500,000. 38.5 x 49.8 cm. Loose sheet. G8430164-.B5/rbx. 1670 Ogilby, John. /Ethiopia Superior vel Interior vulgo Abissinorum five Presbiteri loannis Imperior. 1:17,250,000. 28.6 x 36.8 on. In Africa, p. 633. XQ.916OG4A/rbx. 1655 Sanson, Nicolas. Haute Ethiopie ou sont L'Empire des Abissins, La Nubie, et le Zanguebar. 1:13,000,000. 39.8 x 49.8 cm. In Cartes generates, plate 19. XF.912SA5C/rbx. 1670 Ogilby, John. Ins via S. Lavrentii, vulgo Madagascar. 1:6,500,000. 27.8 x 36.8 on. In Africa, p. 661. XQ.916OG4A/rbx. 1665 Blaeu, Joan. Ethiopia Superior vel Interior; vulgo Abissinorvm sive Presbiteri loannis Imperivm. 1:12,600,000. 38.5 x 50.1 cm. In Grooten atlas, v. 8. Uuncat; f shelves/rbx. 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Abissinia sive /Ethiopia. 1:34,500,000. 12.4 x 10.1 on. In Geographix univeralis, p. 227. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1665 Blaeu, Joan. Insvla S. Lavrentii, vulgo Madagascar. 1:4,200,000. 42.6 x 55.8 cm. In Grooten atlas, v. 8. Uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Insula Madagascar dicta St. Lavrens. 1:19,950,000. 9.8 x 12 cm. In Geographix univeralis, p. 256. X910D95MGB/rbx. 98 Eastern 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Insulae Madagascar dicta St. Larens. 1:20,000,000. 10 x 12 on. In Geographix univeralis, p. 150. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Zanguebar. 1:33,000,000. 12.5 x 10.1 cm. In Geographix univeralis, p. 247. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1683 Valk, Gerard and Peter Schenk. Habessinia Seu Abassia Presbyter! Johannis Regio. 1:2,425,000. 43.5 x 53.8 on. In Homann, Allgemeiner Atlas, v. 4, plate 392. XF.912H75A/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Abissinie.... 1:65,000,000. 14.2 x lO.on. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 92. X910M289D/rbx. 1679 Seller, John. The Higher Ethiopia. No scale. 9.2 x 5.4 cm. In Atlas minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Ancienne Ethiopie. 1:55,000,000. 15.2 x 10.8 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, figs. 85-86. X910M289D/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Isle de Madagascar ou de St. Laurens. 1:9,000,000. 18.8 x 24.2 on. In L'Afrique, between pp. 74-75. Uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Partie du Zanguebar ou sont les Costes d'Ajan et d'Abex &c. 1:15,500,000. 29.7 x 18.1 cm. In L'Afrique, between pp. 62-63. Uncat; 70121A/rbx. Inset map of the coast of Zanzibar (1:17,500,000) covers the coast south of Somalia. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Costes d'Abex d'Aian et de Zanguebar. 1:35,000,000. 14.4 x 10 on. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 33. X910M289D/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Empire des Abyssins. 1:24,000,000. 14.7 x 10.3 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, figs. 93-94. X910M289D/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Isle de Madagascar. 1:14,500,000. 14 x 10 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 38. X910M289D/rbx. Eastern 99 1688 Morden, Robert. The Coast of Zanguebar and Aien. 1:33,000,000. 12.3 x 10.2 cm. In Geography Rectified, p. 497. X910M8lG2/rbx. 1692 Muller, Johann Ulrich. Das Mitternachtlich Zanguebar. 1:60,000,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kurtz-Biindige, plate 11 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1688 Morden, Robert. Habessinia seu Abassia at Ethiopia. 1:11,000,000. 13.8 x 12.5 cm. In Geography Rectified, p. 489. X910M81G2/rbx. 1708 Wit, Frederick de. Indiarum Orientalum. 1:15,000,000. 54x44.3 cm. In Cellarius, Harmonia macrocosmica, plate 66. XF.912C33H1708/rbx. Oriented to east. 1688 Morden, Robert. Madagascar or St. Laurance. 1:27,500,000. 11.2 x 13 cm. In Geography Rectified, p. 507. X910M81G2/rbx and loose sheet: G85601700.M6/rbx. 1692 Muller, Johann Ulrich. Das Abissiner Reich. 1:60,000,000. 7.7 x 6.4 on. In Kurtz-Biindige, plate 10 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. Oriented to west. 1692 Muller, Johann Ulrich. Die Insul Madagascar. 1:40,000,000. 6.3 x 7.7 cm. In Kurtz-Biindige, plate 15 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1714 Moll, Herman. Abissina and Anian &c. 1:14,500,000. 18 x 25.9 cm. In Atlas geographus, v. 4, between pp. 664-665. X910M735A/rbx. Inset of Babelmandel Island shows passage through the narrow straits of Babelmandel into the Red Sea. 1714 Moll, Herman. The South East Part of Africa. Containing Zanguebar, Sofala, Sabia, the Island Madagascar &c. 1:20,250,000. 17.7 x 25.8 cm. In Atlas geographus, v. 4, between pp. 620-621. X910M735A/rbx. Inset of "The island of St. Mary and Part of Ye Coast of Madagascar Where Capt. Every 's Crew Settled Themselves." 1692 Muller, Johann Ulrich. Das Mittagige Zanguebar. 1:38,500,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kurtz-Biindige, plate 12 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1722 Moll, Herman. Abissinia and Nubia &c. 1:12,750,000. 17.3 x 19.5 cm. In anon., Compleat Geographer, p. 135. XQ.910C7371722/rbx and loose sheet: G8580172-?.M6/max. 100 Eastern 1728 Knapton, James and John Knapton. A Chart of die Coast of Africa from Mozambique to the Straits of Babelmandel and adjoyning Ocean. 1:7,000,000. 50.4 x 61.2 cm. In anon., Atlas Maritimus, plate 32. XF.912AT656/rbx. 1747 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Isle de Madagascar autrement Isle de St. Laurent. 1:6,077,500. 29.2 x 22.9 on. Loose sheet. G85601747.B4/rbx. 1747 Bowen, Emanuel. A New and Accurate Map of Nubia and Abissinia. 1:9,250,000. 34.5 x 42.5 cm. InCompkte System, v. 2, map no. 52. F.910B67C/ihc. 1749 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Cote de Zanguebar. 1:13,500,000. 18.8 x 16.2 on. In Atlas portatif, plate 179. X912R54A/rbx. 1749 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Nubie Abissinie et Cote d'Ajan. 1:18,000,000. 16.2 x 18.2 cm. In Atlas portatif, plate 181. X912R54A/rbx. 1752 Bowen, Emanuel. A New and Accurate Map of Nubia & Abissinia. 1:9,300,000. 34.7 x 42.5 on. In Compkte Atlas, plate 44. XF.912B67C/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de 1'Ance Dauphine dans lisle de Madagascar. Scale in leagues. 35 x 22.1 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 116. Q.912B41P/ihx. Oriented to northwest. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de 1'Isle de Bourbon autrefois Mascareigne. Scale in leagues. 23.7 x 19.8 on. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 122. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1749 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Isle de Madagascar ou de St. Laurent. 1:17,500,000. 16 x 19.2 cm. In Atlas portatif, plate 180. X912R54A/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de 1'Isle de France. Scale in leagues. 35 x 21.3 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 119. Q.912B41P/ihx. Oriented to southeast. Eastern 101 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de 1'Isle de Madagascar. 1:8,500,000. 21.6 x 35 on. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 115. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1767 Hiibner, Johann. Abyssinia Ajan &C. 1:37,500,000. 6.5 x 7.4 on. In New and Easy Introduction, p.218. X910H864KE1767/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de la Baye d'Antongil dans 1'Isle de Madagascar. Scale in leagues. 17.4x21 .4 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 117. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1774 Dunn, Samuel. A Map of Abyssinia and Nubia. 1:7,100,000. 28.6 x 39.8 cm. In New Atlas, plate 36. XF.912D92N/rbx and loose sheet: G84201774.D8/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de la Baye de Mosambique. Scale in fathoms. 15.8 x 20.6 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 118. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan du Port Bourbon dans 1'Isle de France. Scale in fathoms. 35 x 21.3 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 120. Q.912B41P/ihx. Oriented to southeast. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan du Port Louis dans 1'Isle de France. Scale in fathoms. 17.2 x 21.4 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 121. Q.912B41P/ihx. Oriented to southeast. 1780 Bonne, Rigobert. Carte du Canal de Mosambique. 1:18,000,000. 21.3 x 31.5 on. In Atlas, plate 11. 912B64A/ihx and in two loose sheets: G8500178-.B6/max and G8500178-.B61/max. Inset of the Cape of Good Hope and Table Bay. 1781 Moll, Herman. Abissina and Anian &c. 1:14,540,000. 17.9 x 25.4 on. In Bowles's Atlas Minor, p. 41. X912M73A1781/rbx. Inset shows the narrow straits of Babelmandel. 102 Eastern 1781 Moll, Herman. The South East Part of Africa. Containing Zanguebar, Sofala, Sabia, the Island Madagascar, &c. 1:20,400,000. 17.7 x 25.6 on. In Bowles's Atlas Minor, p. 46. X912M73A1781/rbx. Inset of St. Mary's Island off the coast of Madagascar (1:3,400,000). 1784 Zatta, Antonio. Parte della Costa Orientale dell'Africa. 1:7,000,000. 31 x 40.3 on. In Busching, Atlante novissimo, v. 4, plate 24. XQ.912B96NI/rbx. Insets of Reunion and Mauritius. 1788 Bonne, Rigobert. Le Canal de Mosambique, 1'Isle de Madagascar, les Etats du Monomotapa, et les Royaumes Voisins. 1:9,500,000. 23.4 x 34.4 on. In Atlas encyclopedique, v. 2, plate 96. XQ.912AT65/rbx. 1788 Bonne, Rigobert. Le Royaume d'Adel: Les Cotes d'Ajan et de Zanguebar, avec les Etats qu'elles comprennent. 1:9,500,000. 34.6 x 23.3 cm. In anon., Atlas encydopedique, v. 2, plate 97. XQ.912AT65/rbx. 1792 L'Isle, Guillaume de. Carte de 1'Egypte de la Nubie de 1'Abissinie &c. 1:9,250,000. 48.7 x 56.8 cm. Loose sheet. G84201792.E4/rbx. 1814 Pinkerton, John. Abyssinia Nubia &c. 1:3,960,000. 50 x 69.4 cm. Loose sheet. G84201814.P5/rbx. 1840s Arrigoni, Ferdinando. Africa Parte Orientale ed Arabia. 1:15,250,000. 30 x 38.5 cm. hi Marmocchi, Grande atlante, plate 41. Q.910M345G/stx. Includes an inset of Ethiopia (1:8,800,000). 1841 Royal Geographical Society. Isenberg & Krapf s route from Tajurrah to Shod in 1840. 1:6,000,000. 12.8 x 11.9 cm. In Journal, v. 10, after p. 601. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1842 Royal Geographical Society. Sketch of a Route from Ankober to Gedem to illustrate D r . C.T. Beke's Journal 1842. 1:400,000. 19.5 x 11.6 cm. hi Journal, v. 12, after p. 294. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1843 Beke, C.T. and 'Omar ibn Nedjat. Map of the Countries South of Abessinia, drawn under the direction of 'Omar ibn Nedjat No scale. 19.9 x 16 cm. hi Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 17, after p. 159. 910.6ROJ/rbx. Eastern 103 1843 Christopher, W. Sketch of the Lower Courses of the Jubb and Raines Rivers, on the N.E. Coast of Africa. 1:2,800,000. 18.6 x 21.4 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 14, after p. 348. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1848 Abbadie, Antoine Thompson d'. Esquisse du Grand Damot et de la Fresqu'lle de Kafa. 1:3,850,000. 19.5 x 14.2 on. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 3, v. 9, after p. 144. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1844 Royal Geographical Society. Map illustrating D R . Beke's Journey through Abyysinia 1840-1843. 1:2,250,000. 41.1 x 34.3 cm. In Journal, v. 14, after p. 348. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1849 Abbadie, Antoine Thompson d'. Esquisse a 1'appui de la Note sur le Haut Fleuve Blanc. 1:3,800,000. 19.3 x 28.3 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 3, v. 12, after p. 232. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1845 Cooley, W. Desborough. Map of Nyassi or the Great Lake of Southern Africa with the Country between it & the Eastern Coast. 1:8,500,000. 21 x 37.7 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 15, after p. 385. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1849 Cruttenden, CJ. Map of the Somali Coast Showing the Position of the Tribes. 1:5,750,000. 25.6 x 26.4 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 18, after p. 150. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1846 Owen, W.F.W. Carte de 1'Ile de Madagascar. 1:3,400,000. 48.9 x 38 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 3, v. 5, after p. 140. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1849 Manchester Geographical Society. Map of Eastern Equatorial Africa in 1849. Reprinted from the Primrose League Gazette. 1:23,250,000. 8.1 x 9 cm. In Journal, v. 6, p. 208. 910.6MA/stx. 1847 Froberville, Eugene de. Esquisse des Pays situes entre les Fleuves de Luvuma et de Lufid'zi (Afrique Orientale) d'apres les relations des Indigenes. 1:2,400,000. 25.1 x 28.4 on. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 4, v. 3, after p. 516. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1850 Lloyd, J.A. Sketch of Madagascar to illustrate Colonel Llyod's Paper. 1:8,000,000. 20.1 x 11.4 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 20, between pp. 74-75. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 104 Eastern 1855 Erhardt, James J. & Rebmann. The Mombasa Mission Map. 1:23,250,000. 8x9 on. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 6, p. 209. 910.6MA/stx. 1856 Petennann, August Heiruich. Skizze Einer Karte eines Theils von Ost-u.Central-Afrika...des See's von Uniamesi...von Jakob Erhardt u. Johann Rebmann. 1:5,000,000. 33.7 x 43 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets contrast Petermann's and Erhardt's representations of Lake Victoria. 1858 Royal Geographical Society. East Africa Expedition. Pangani to Fuga, a Route Survey by Capt s . Burton & Speke. 1857. 1:502,500. 11.9 x 18.4 cm. In Journal, v. 28, between pp. 188-189. 910.6ROJ/rbx. Inset of Pangani to Chogwe. 1859 Burton, Richard Francis and John Harming Speke. Burton and Speke's Map of Tanganyika and the Nyanza, 1859. 1:23,250,000. 8.1 x 9 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 6, p. 210. 910.6MA/stx. 1857 Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen. Th. v. Heuglin's Reise nach Abessinien, 1852 & 1853. 1:2,000,000. 19.2 x 24.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 3, plate 23. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1859 Findlay, A.G. East Africa Expedition. Map of the Routes between Zanzibar and the Great Lakes in Eastern Africa, in 1857, 1858, & 1859 by Capf". R.F. Burton and J.H. Speke. 1:2,100,000. 37.7 x 60.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 29, after p. 464. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1858 Petermann, August Heinrich. Die Habab-Lander am Rothen Meere. 1:5,000,000. 12x11.4 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 4, p. 370. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1859 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte von Speke's Reisen in Inner-Afrika Marz, Juli u. August 1858. 1:1,500,000. 24.2 X 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 5, plate 20. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of part of Lake Tanganyika or Ujiji. Eastern 105 1859 Petermann, August Heinrich. Originalkarte von Burton's u. Speke's Entdeckungen in Inner-Afrika 1857 u. 1858. 1:7,000,000. 24.3 x 19.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 5, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Burton & Speke's route towards Fuga 6-20 Februaryl857 at 1:1,000,000. 1861 Petermann, August Heinrich. Der Nordlichste Theil von Abessinien und die Landschaften der Bocos und Habab. 1:900,000. 18.9 x 24.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 7, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. Legend shows the routes of various explorers. 1859 Petermann, August Heinrich. Originalkarte von Th. v. Heuglin's Reise durch die Bajuda Landschaft von Ab. Dom nach Chartum. 1856. 1:1,900,000. 24.4 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 5, plate 17. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1860 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte der Somali-Kiiste un des Golf's von Aden...Th. von Heuglin's Reise. 1:2,500,000. 24.4 x 42.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 6, plate 18. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Berbera and vicinity at 1:500,000. 1862 McQueen, James. Map to accompany a Journey from Inhambane to Zoutpansberg, in 1855-6, to which is added the parts of South Africa adjacent. 1:5,500,000. 19.5 x 22.6 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 32, between pp. 62-63. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich. Das Nil-Quellgebiet; zur Ubersicht der Entdeckungen und Erforschungen von Captn. Speke & Grant, 1861-62. 1:6,000,000. 24.5 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 9, plate 10. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1860 Petermann, August Heinrich. Kartenskizze iiber Livingstone's Entdeckung des Schirwas-See's, April 1859. 1:6,300,000. 12.5. x 18.8 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 6, plate 8. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. [Unyamwesi.] 1:2,000,000. 43.2 x 52.4 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, between pp. 160-161. 910.5PE/stx. 106 Eastern 1863 Speke, John Harming and James Augustus Grant. Speke and Grant's Map of Lake Victoria, and Luta Nzige, 1863. 1:23,500,000. 9.2 x 9 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 6, p. 211. 910.6MA/stx. 1864 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. Originalkarte der Nord-Abessinischen Grenzlande: Bogos, Mensa, Marea, und der umliegend en Gebiete. 1:500,000. 24.9 x 50.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 3, no. 13, after p. 46. 910.5PE/stx. 1864 Habenicht, H. Der Schneeberg Kilima-Ndjaro in Ost-Afrika, aufgenommen von Karl von der Decken, 1861. 1:500,000. 24.4 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 10, plate 4. Q.910.5PE/stx. Shows Mt. Etna at the same scale for comparative purposes. 1864 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. Originalkarte von Hamasen, Sarae, Adiabo &c. in Nord-Abessinien. 1:500,000. 24.5 x 19.1 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 3, no. 13, after p. 46. 910.5PE/stx. 1864 Hassenstein, Bruno. Das Gebiet der Schneeberge Kilima-Ndscharo und Kenia in Ost-Afrika. 1:1,500,000. 42.4x24.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 10, plate 16. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets of Mombasa at 1:750,000, and Usambala or Usambara at 1:750,000. 1864 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. Originalkarte von Nord-Abessinien un den Landern am Mareb, Barka & Anseba. 1:1,000,000. 42.5 x 52.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 3, no. 13, after p. 46. 910.5PE/stx. 1864 Mariam, Hallo. Carte du Royaume de Koullo divise en 25 Provinces. No scale. 18 x 23.5 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 8, between pp. 416-417. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1864 Royal Geographical Society. Map of the Snowy Mountains Kilima-Ndjaro illustrating the paper of Baron C. von der Decken. 1:400,000. 19.4 x 19.4 cm. In Journal, v. 34, before p. 1. 910.6ROJ/rbx. Inset is a sketch map of Baron C. Von der Decken's journeys from the East Coast of Africa to Mt. Kilimanjaro. Eastern 107 1865 Petermann, August Heinrich. tibersichtsskizze der Entdeckungen von S.W. Baker in Central-Afrika. 1:14,000,000. 10 x 7.8 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 11, p. 385. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1866 Krockow, Carl. Map to Illustrate the Explorations in Eastern Africa. 1:1,100,000. 22.9 x 20.4 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 36, between pp. 200-201. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1865 Societe de geographic, Paris. Itineraire de Samuel Baker dans 1'Afrique Equate riale (1864-1865). 1:6,000,000. 15.8 x 16.5 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 10, between pp. 592-593. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1866 Societe de geographic, Paris. Esquisse des Pays Oromo-Sidama par le Fere Leon des Avanchers Missionnaire. No scale. 20.5 x 13 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 12, between pp. 192-193. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1866 Baker, Samuel White. A Map of the Albert N'yanza and of the Routes Leading to its Discovery in 1864. 1:2,100,000. 48.8 x 33.1 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 36, before p. 1. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1866 Societe de geographic, Paris. Esquisse du Royaume de Gera par Fere Leon des Avanchers Missionnaire. No scale. 20.4 x 13 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 12, between pp. 192-193. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1866 John Bartholomew and Co. Eastern Central Africa: Showing Field of the Universities' Mission. 1:5,600,000. 44.8 x 28.9 cm. In anon., Meyer's Hand-atlas, between plates 89-90. Q.912M575/stx. Two inset maps: the African continent and Wales on the same scale as the main map. 1867 Grandidier, Alfred. Cotes sud et sud-ouest de Madagascar. 1:2,700,000. 20.5 x 25.6 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 14, between pp. 448-449. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of north-east coast of Madagascar. 108 Eastern 1867 Habenicht, H. Die nordlichen Zugange zu Abessinien, Specialkarte des Nordabessinn. Gebirgslandes zwischen Massaua und Halay. 1:300,000. 24.3 x 43.2 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 13, plate 14. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1868 Haberticht, H. and H. Hanemann. Gerhard Rohlf s' Reise von Madgala nach Antalo, April-Mai 1868. 1:1,000,000. 24.5 x 19.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 14, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1867 Petermann, August Heinrich. Specialkarte von Nord-Abessinien. 1:1,000,000. 25.8 x 42.7 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 13, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Ethiopia at 1:8,500,000. 1867 Royal Geographical Society. The East African Lakes, shewing their relation to the Source of the Nile. 1:3,000,000. 19.4 x 58.3 on. In Journal, v. 37, between pp. 192-193. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1868 Habenicht, H. Die ersten Aufnahmen der Englischen Armee in Abessinien, November-Januar 1867-1868...bis Magdala. 1:1,000,000. 51.7 x 20 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 14, plate 6. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1868 Hanemann, H. and G. Breithaupt. Das Nil-Quellgebiet und die Aquatorialen See'n Afrika's, nebst Ubersicht der Reisen von Carlo Piaggia, 1860-1865...Ambroise & Jules Poncet, 1868. 1:3,000,000. 24.6 x 19 cm. hi Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 14, plate 20. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1868 Hanemann, H. and G. Breithaupt. Originalkarte des Gebietes der Siidlichen Galla & Waboni nebst den angrenzenden Somali-Landern. Nach seinen Reisen in 1866 & 1867 von R. Brenner. 1:2,500,000. 48.7x32.8 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 14, plate 18. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of the southern part of the Arab territories in East Africa. 1868 Petermann, August Heinrich. Originalkarte von Central- Abessinien.... 1:1,000,000. 33.2x22.5 cm. la Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 14, plate 10. Q.910.5PE/stx. Eastern 109 1868 Petermann, August Heinrich. Specialkarte des Hochlandes von Abessinien zwischen Tekonda und Addigerat. 1:300,000. 24.2 x 19.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 14, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of landscape of Magdala and environs. 1868 Royal Geographical Society. Line of March from Adigerat to the River Takkazye. 1:448,000. 57.1 x 19.3 on. In Journal, v. 38, between pp. 24-25. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1869 Erskine, St. Vincent W. Sketch Map illustrating the discovery of the Mouth of the Bembe, Limpopo, or Ouri River (South Africa). 1:4,700,000. 19 x 16.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 39, between pp. 232-233. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1869 Hanemann, H., G. Breithaupt, and C. Terrain. Karte der Englischen Aufnahmen in Abessinien, 1867-1867 & 1868...N6rdliche Halfte. 1:450,000. 51.7 x 19.8 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 15, plate 7. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1868 Royal Geographical Society. Wadela and Dalanta Plateaux and Magdala. 1:400,000. 19.2 x 18.9 on. In Journal v. 38, between pp. 34-35. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1868 Societa Geografica Italiana. Carta delle Sorgenti Occidentali del Fuime Bianco secondo i viaggi di Orazio Antinori e Carlo Piaggia.... 1:6,250,000. 44.5 x 28.7 cm. In Bollettino, v. 1, between pp. 166-167. 910.6SOR/stx. 1869 Hanemann, H., G. Breithaupt, and C. Terrain. Karte der Englischen Aufnahmen in Abessinien, 1867-1867 & 1868...Siidliche Halfte. 1:450,000. 52 x 19.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 15, plate 8. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of surroundings of Magdala. 1869 Royal Geographical Society. Map of Part of Abyssinia to illustrate D R . Blanc's Journey from Metemma to Damot. 1:1,200,000. 27.5 x 18.8 cm. In Journal, v. 39, between pp. 36-37. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 110 Eastern 1869 Royal Geographical Society. Map of the Afar Country and the Northern Part of the Abyssinian Highlands to illustrate the Journey of W. Munzinger Esq"*. Late H.B.M. Consul at Massowa. 1:860,000. 27.4 x 18.8 on. In Journal, v. 39, between pp. 188-189. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1871 Habenicht, H. Originalkarte von Dr. G. Schweinfurth's Reisen im Ober Nilgebiete, 1869 & 1870.... 1:1,080,000. 64 x 24.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 17, plate 7. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of the western, upper Nile region at 1:8,000,000. 1869 Societe de geographic, Paris. Croquis Itineraire du Voyage de M.J. Halevy en Abyssine. 1:3,550,000. 16 x 15.2 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 17, between pp. 336-337. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1870 Royal Geographical Society. A Map showing the Routes of Some Native Caravans from the Coast into the Interior of Eastern Africa from information collected by the Rev d . T. Wakefield, Missionary at Mombasa.... 1:2,100,000. 39.7 x 48.3 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 40, between pp. 302-303. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1872 Grandidier, Alfred. Madagascar. Croquis Itineraire du voyage fait en 1868 par Alfred Grandidier entre Tullear et Saloube au Pays des Antanosses Emigres. 1:500,000. 9.2x34.4 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 3, between pp. 256-257. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1872 Maunoir, Ch. Explorations de Livingstone dans la Region des Lacs de I'Afrique Orientale. 1:8,750,000. 31 .4x28 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 4, between pp. 448-449. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1871 Bie. Esquisse d'une carte de rile de Madagascar. 1:1,850,000. 87 x 54 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 2, between pp. 160-161. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1872 Petermann, August Heinrich. Originalkarte von Werner Munzinger' s Erforschung der gebiete der Habab-& Beni-Amer-Volker Januar-Oktober 1871 ...Nord-Abessinischen Grenzlander, Bogos, Mensa, Marea. 1:500,000. 51.5 x 42.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 18, plate 12. Q.910.5PE/stx. Eastern 111 1872 Royal Geographical Society. Map of Route from the Tati Settlement to Delagoa Bay to illustrate the Paper by Capf. F. Elton. 1:2,100,000. 29.6x34.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 42, before p. 1. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1873 Marno, Ernst. Original-Skizze des Bahr Seraf und seines Gebietes...l8 Januar-2 Sept. 1872. 1:2,000,000. 24.4 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 19, plate 8. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1872 Societe de geographic, Paris. [Madagascar.] 1:9,000,000. 17 x 35.3 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 3, between pp. 480-481. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1873 Domann, B. and D.C Hellfarth. Kartenskizze zur Ubersicht von Pascha Baker's in die Obern Nillander, 1870/2. 1:2,100,000. 24.5 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 19, plate 19. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1873 Habenicht, H. and B. Domann. Livingstone's Reisen in Inner-Afrika 1866/72 und Stanley's Reise zum Tanganjika 1871/2.... 1:5,000,000. 24.4 x 42 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 19, plate 2. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1873 Neussel, Otto. Viage del S r . D n . J.V. Abargues de Sosten Comisionado por la Asociacion Espanola para la Exploration del Africa por Etiopia, Xoa, Zebul, Uolo-Galas Etc. 1:2,000,000. 56 x 41.8 on. In Sociedad Geografka de Madrid, Boletin, v. 15, no. 2, after p. 321-322. 910.6SOM/stx. Insets of "Provincia del Zebul," "Lago Haic y Ardibbo," and "Isla de Uelde-Negudguad." 1874 Camp, Hr. Ingenieur. Skizze des Bahrel Gebel zwischen Regaf & Dufile auf genommen von Hr. Ingenieur Camp Sept. - Okt 1874. 1:8,000,000. 19.2 x 14.5 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 18, after* p. 592. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1874 Petermann, August Heinrich. Originalkarte von Carl Mauch's Reise von Simbabye nach Senna, 1871/2. 1:2,000,000. 24.4 x 31.1cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 8, no. 37, after p. 52. 910.5PE/stx. 112 Eastern 1874 Petermann, August Heinrich. Originalkarte von G.A. Haggenmacher's Reise im Somali-lande. 1:1,000,000. 24.7 x 19.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 10, no. 47, after p. 45. 910.5PE/stx. 1875 Koffmahn, O. Henry M. Stanley's Erforschung & Aufnahme des Ukerewe See's (Victoria Noijansa) 1875. 1:2,500,000. 24.8 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 21, plate 23. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1874 Royal Geographical Society. (East Coast of Africa.) The Slave Caravan Route from Dar-Es-Salam to Kilwa, to accompany the Paper by Capf. F. Elton. 1:605,000. 39.7 x 19.2 cm. In Journal, v. 44, between pp. 226-227. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1875 Chaille-Long, C. (Charles). Carte des Expeditions faites au lac Victoria Nyanza et a 1'ouest du Nil Blanc chez les Makraka-Niam-Niam en 1874-1875. 1:2,200,000. 27 x 24.1 cm. In Societe normande de geographic, Bulletin, v. 11-12, back pocket. 910.6SOI/stx. 1875 Domann, B. Originalkarte der Gebiete des Obern Nil Ubersicht sammtlicher Reisen bis 1875. 1:2,100,000. 31.2 x 24.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 21, plate 22. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1875 Mullens, Joseph. The Central Provinces of Madagascar. 1:760,000. 78.4 x 40.3 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 45, between pp. 128-129. 910.6ROJ/rbx. Inset map of Madagascar. 1875 Peip, C. Lieut. V.L. Cameron's Aufnahme des slid lichen The lies des Tanganyika See's, 1874.... 1:1,250,000. 52.4 x 19.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 21, plate 10. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1875 Peip, C., B. Domann, and O. Koffmahn. Livingstone's in Inner-Afrika, 1866-1873.... 1:2,500,000. 52.5 x 42.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 21, plate 5. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Livingstone's travels from the coast to Lake Nyasa, 1866 at 1:4,000,000. Eastern 113 1875 Societa Geografica Italiana. Carta delle Scoperte di Miani nell' Africa centrale. 1:2,000,000. 42.9 x 32.1 cm. In Bollettino, v. 12, between pp. 276-277. 910.6SOR/stx. 1875 Societa Geografica Italiana. Carta delle ultime scoperte del Luog. Colon. Long e del Sig. H. Stanley. 1:3,000,000. 33.9 x 20.3 cm. In Bolkttino, v. 12, between pp. 682-683. 910.6SOR/stx. 1875 Weller, Edward. Route Map of the Gasa Country (South Eastern Africa) Illustrating the Journey to Umzila, King of Gasa. 1:2,225,000. 34.9 x 26.5 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 45, between pp. 44-45. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1876 Gordon, G. II Nilo tra Lardo ed i Laghi equatoriali (da uno schizzo del olonnelo Gordon). 1:27,100,000. 17.2 x 12.2 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 1, between pp. 246-247. 910.6SOR/stx. 1875 Societa Geografica Italiana. Itinerario della spedizione in Africa. 1:13,000,000. 19.8 x 18.5 cm. In Bollettino, v. 12, between pp. 286-287. 910.6SOR/stx. Inset of the continent. 1876 Hansen, J. Lac Oukereve et Itineraire dans 1'Afrique Orientale par Stanley 1875. 1:500,000. 9.4 x 9.7 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 11, after p. 15. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1875 Societe de geographie, Paris. Itineraire de Gondokoro au Victoria Nyanze et au Pays des Niam-Niam par le Colonel Chaille Long Bey (de 1'Etat major Egyptien) 1875. 1:3,000,000. 20.2 x 15.5 on. In Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 10, after p. 58. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1876 Renaud, Georges. Carte des lacs de I'Afrique Centrale. 1:7,400,000. 17 x 12 on. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 1, between pp. 280-281. 910.5REGI/stx. 1876 Sociedad Geografica de Madrid. Exploraciones de Stanley y Gessi 1875-1876. 1:5,000,000. 20 x 15.2 cm. In Boletin, v.l, no. 1, between pp. 488-489. 910.6SOM/stx. 114 Eastern 1876 Societa Geografica Italians. Circumnavigazione dell' Alberto Nianza Fatta da R. Gessi nell 'Aprile e Maggio 1876.... 1:2,250,000. 39.5 x 26.5 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 1, between pp. 428-429. 910.6SOR/stx. 1876 Societa Geografica Italiana. II Nile da Regaf a Labore. No scale. 37.6 x 13.2 on. In Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 1, between pp. 142-143. 910.6SOR/stx. Oriented to the south. 1876 Societa Geografica Italiana. Schizzo dell' Africa equatoriale orientale.... 1:12,500,000. 24.8 x 25 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 1, between pp. 662-663. 910.6SOR/stx. 1876 Turner, William J. Map of the Victoria N'yanza compiled from the original maps of Capt". Speke, Col. Grant & M R . Stanley adapted to the recorded observations of Capt". Speke. 1:2,100,000. 19.8 x 24.6 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 46, between pp. 10-11. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1877 Socie'te royale beige de geographic. Croquis des explorations dans I'Afrique orientale. 1:17,500,000. 37 x 21 cm. In Bulletin, v. 1, no. 2, after p. 240. 910.6SRB/stx. 1877 Coello, Francisco. Lago Capeki por Piaggial876. 1:2,000,000. 9.9 x 5.3 cm. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boktin, v. 3, no. 2, after p. 576. 910.6SOM/stx. 1876 Turner, William J. Map of the North West Portion of the Victoria Nyanza constructed from Col. Grant's original map and bearings adapted to the Astronomical observations of Capt N . Speke. 1:1,500,000. 18.1 x 15.4 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 46, between pp. 12-13. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1877 Coello, Francisco. Lago Coya y Yitan-Zeye por Gordon 1876. 1:2,000,000. 9.9 x 9.2 cm. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boktin, v. 3, no. 2, after p. 576. 910.6SOM/stx. 1877 Coello, Francisco. Lago Ibrahim Paxa por Long 1874. 1:2,000,000. 7.7 x 5.3 cm. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boktin, v. 3, no. 2, after p. 576. 910.6SOM/stx. Eastern 115 1877 Durin, P. Carte des Lacs ou le Nil Prend sa source.... 1:5,000,000. 21.4 x 14 on. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, set. 2, v. 2, between pp. 226-227. 910.6SOR/stx. 1877 Mullens, Joseph. South East Madagascar and the Ibara Country by Joseph Mullens D.D. from the surveys of Mess". Sibree, Shaw & Richardson. 1:765,000. 33 x 49.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 47, between pp. 46-47. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1877 Hausermann, R. Carte du Nil Alexandra et de 1' Alexandra Nyanza... 1:2,500,000. 21.3 x 14 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 2, between pp. 246-247. 910.6SOR/stx. 1877 Hausermann, R. Plan de la crique du Loukouga par ou se deverse le Lac Tanganyika (Afrique Centrale). 1:100,000. 21.3x14 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 2, between pp. 246-247. 910.6SOR/stx. 1877 Martin, A. He de Nossi-Be. 1:36,000. 18.7 x 16.7 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 2, between pp. 304-305. 910.5REGI/stx. 1877 Mullens, Joseph. Part of Madagascar from the Latest Surveys by Joseph Mullens D.D. 1:755,000. 47.3 x 39 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 47, between pp. 66-67. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1877 Mullens, Joseph. West Central Madagascar by Joseph Mullens D.D. From Mess". Grandidier, Sewell &c. 1:760,000. 30.3 x 38.4 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 47, between pp. 62-63. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1877 Peip, C. Karte des Gebietes Zwischen den Nilquell-See'n sur Ubersicht der Reise Dr. Emin Effendi's, 1877. 1:1,400,000. 24.2x30.9 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 24, plate 21. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1877 Societa Geografica Italiana. Carta del viaggio f atto da Carlo Piaggia nell' anno 1876 da Dufli al lago Capechi. 1:6,500. 15 x 11 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 2, between pp. 410-411. 910.6SOR/stx. 116 Eastern 1877 Societa Geografica Italiana. Sviluppo del Labo Capechi. 1:4,600,000. 15 x 11 on. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 2, between pp. 410-411. 910.6SOR/stx. 1878 Marno, E. Karten-Skizze der Route von Saadani nach Koa-Kiora augenommen von E. Marno. (Janner-Marz 1878.) 1:1,200,000. 16.5x35.5 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitttilungen, v. 21, after p. 600. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1877 Societe royale beige de geographie. Croquis du Congo, du Nil Alexandra, et des territoires avoisinants. 1:12,500,000. 16.2 x 33.8 cm. In Bulletin, v. 1, no. 4, after p. 496. 910.6SRB/stx. Inset of Lake Alexandria at 1:2,000,000. 1878 Societa Geografica Italiana. Contorni del Lago Alberto secondo Gessi, Stanley e Mason. 1:11,200,000. 18 x 11.5 cm. In Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 3, between pp. 216-217. 910.6SOR/stx. 1877 Stanley, Henry Morton. Carte de la Lukuga. 1:100,000. 16.6 x 18.7 cm. In Societe royale beige de geographie, Bulletin, v.l, no. 4, after p. 496. 910.6SRB/stx. 1877 Stanley, Henry Morton. Stanley's Map, after his first crossing of the continent, 1877. 1:23,250,000. 9.3 x 9 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 6, p. 213. 910.6MA/stx. 1878 Societa Geografica Italiana. Itinerario seguito dai Martini e Cecchi da Zeila allo Scioa in proiezione di Mercatore. 1:1,725,000. 21.6 x 34.4 cm. In Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 3, between pp. 208-209. 910.6SOR/stx. 1878 Societa Geografica Italiana. Printa di Zeila relivata nel Maggio 1876 dall' Ing. Giovanni Chiarini. 1:10,000. 26 x 21.5 cm. In Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 3, between pp. 160-161. 910.6SOR/stx. 1878 Domann, B. H.B. Cotterill's Reise vom Nyassa See nach Ugogo, 1877. 1:1,800,000. 24.6x19.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 24, plate 19. Q.910.5PE/stx. Eastern 117 1878 Vedova, Gius Dalla. La Regione tra Zeila e Lo Scioa.... 1:1,800,000. 26.5 x 32.3 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 3, between pp. 236-237. 910.6SOR/stx. Inset of the station of the Italian expedition in Scioa (1:600,000). 1879 Royal Geographical Society. East Africa: Sketch Map of Native Routes from Dar Es Salaam Towards the Head of Lake Nyassa from information obtained by Mr. Keith Johnston, R.G.S. East African Expedition. 1:2,150,000. 20.7 x 34.2 cm. In Proceedings, v. 1, no. 7, after p. 480. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1879 Coello, Francisco. Exploraciones de Stanley en los lagos ecuatoriales de Africa 1875-1876. 1:5,000,000. 15.4 x 10 cm. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boletin, v. 6, no. 1, after p. 464. 910.6SOM/stx. 1879 Royal Geographical Society. Sketch Map of the Route of the R.G.S. East African Expedition from Dar Es Salaam to Lake Nyassa. 1:2,150,000. 21.2 x 34 cm. In Proceedings, v. 2, no. 2, after p. 144. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1879 Coello, Francisco. Exploraciones de Stanley y de Cotterill. 1:5,000,000. 15.4 x 14.5 cm. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boletin, v. 6, no. 1, after p. 464. 910.6SOM/stx. 1879 Revue Geographique Internationale. De Bagamoyo au Tanganyika. 1:2,250,000. 16.8 x 24.5 on. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 4, between pp. 232-233. 910.5REGI/stx. 1879 Royal Geographical Society. East Africa: Map of Mr. Keith Johnston's route in Southern Usambara. 1:633,600. 12.7 x 20 cm. In Proceedings, v. 1, no. 9, after p. 616. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1879 Sibree, James. Physical Map of Madagascar. 1:8,800,000. 21.9 x 12 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 1, no. 10, after p. 688. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of horizontal section across Madagascar on 19th Parallell 5th Latitude. 1879 Societa Geografica Italiana. Regioni dell' Alto Nilo i schizzo idrograf ico.... 1:7,410,000. 20.7x31.7 cm. \j\Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 4, between pp. 183-184. 910.6SOR/stx. 118 Eastern 1879 Societa Geografica Italiana. La Vallc Mantek-Dinki e la Stazione Italiana nello Scioa. 1:185,000. 19 x 39 on. In Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 4, between pp. 440^441. 910.6SOR/stx. 1879 Societe royale beige de geographic. Croquis du territoire situe entre le Zanzibar et le lac Tanganyika. 1:3,000,000. 17.7 x 47.2 on. In Bulletin, v.3, no. 3, after p. 408. 910.6SRB/stx. 1880 Revoil, Georges. Itineraire chez les ^omalis Medjourtines. 1:1,450,000. 16 x 27.1 cm. In Societe' de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 19, after p. 75. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset map of the continent. 1880 Societa Geografica Italiana. Assab e il suo arcipelago. 1:60,000. 32 x 45.6 cm. In BoUettino, ser. 2, v. 5, between pp. 686-687. 910.6SOR/stx. 1880 Hassenstein, Bruno. Reiseroute des Grafen W. von Zichy Gebeit der Danakil im Marz 1875. 1:1,000,000. 15.1 x 17.6 on. In Petermanns Geograpkische Mitteilungen, v. 26, p. 133. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1880 Institut Cartographique Militaire. Le Tanganyika. 1:13,000.000. Various dimensions. In Societe royale beige de geographic, Bulletin, v. 4, no. 2, after p. 244. 910.6SRB/stx. Map consists of 6 sketches showing the form of Lake Tanganyika in the maps of Ehrhardt (1856), Petermann (1856), Burton & Speke (1857-58), Livingston & Stanley (1872), Cameron (1874), and Stanley (1875). 1880 Societa Geografica Italiana. Assab ed i suoi dintorni. 1:174,000. 30.9 x 34.7 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 5, between pp. 686-687. 910.6SOR/stx. 1880 Societa Geografica Italiana. Piano topografico di Assab (Buja-Stazione italiana) 12 Luglio 1880. 1:2,000. 29.5 x 37.4 cm. In Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 5, between pp. 686-687. 910.6SOR/stx. 1880 Societe royale beige de geographie. Croquis de 1'itinerairc suivi de la cote a rOunyanyembc par M.M. Cadenhead, Burdo, and Roger. 1:2,600,000. 26.2 x 30.8 cm. In Bulletin, v. 4, no. 5, after p. 636. 910.6SRB/stx. Eastern 119 1880 Societe royale beige de geographic. Croquis de 1'itineraire suivi de Tabora au lac Tanganyika par le capitaine Cambier. 1:2,500,000. 21.5 x 16.2In Bulletin, v. 4, no. 1, after p. 128. 910.6SRB/stx. 1881 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Route through Northern Ugogo. 1:1,500,000. 5.8 x 10.7 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 3, no. 9, p. 547. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of Dr. Southon's route combined with routes of other explorers. 1880 Turner, William J. Map of the Route of the R.G.S. East African Expedition to Lakes Nyassa & Tanganyika. 1:2,750,000. 22 x 49.7 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 2, no. 12, after p. 784. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of approximate section along Mr. Thomson's route between Lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika. 1880 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Viaggio della Spedizione Milanese nell' Abissinia.... 1:3,750,000. 25.7 x 15.9 cm. In Societa geografica Italiana, Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 5, between pp. 437-438. 910.6SOR/stx. 1881 Cora, Guido. Carta originate delle regioni Galla, Somali, Adal tra il Golfo di Tegiura e Harar.... 1:1,000,000. 32.4 x 19.1 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 6, between pp. 482-483. 910.6SOR/stx. 1881 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Sketch Map of the River Rufiji from a Survey by W. Beardall. 1:558,195. 21.5 x 50 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 3, no. 11, after p. 704. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1881 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. [No title.] 1:135,000. 8.1 x 15.8 on. In Boletim, v. 2, between pp. 622-623. 910.6SOL/stx. 1881 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. . Provincia de Mozambique Reconhecimento de Memoria e por Inf ormagoes do Territorio entre Inhambane e o Inhampura. 1:1,250,000. 29.5 x 32.5 cm. In Boletim, v. 2, between pp. 478-479. 910.6SOL/stx. 1882 Hansen, J. Voyage au Pays omali par Georges Revoil. 1881. 1:1,500,000. 18.9 x 34.9 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 3, after p. 736. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 120 Eastern 1882 Hassenstein, Bruno. Gerhard Rohlfs' Expedition nach Abessinien vom Nov. 1880 bis April 1881.... 1:1,300,000. 39.6 x 24.2 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 28, plate 18. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1882 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Routes Through the Yao Country by the Rev. W.P.Johnson. 1:2,000,000. 22 x 21.2 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 4, no. 8, after p. 520. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1882 Mullens, Joseph. Die Central-Provinzen von Madagaskar.... 1:1,000,000. 27.6 x 20.4cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statistik, v. 4, betweeen pp. 296-297. 910.5DEU/stx. 1882 Royal Geographical Society. Route from Senna to the Gold Mines of Manica. From a survey by M. Kuss, member of Paiva de Andrada's Zambesi Expedition. 1:2,000,000. 10.7x13.8 cm. In Proceedings, v. 4, no. 6, p. 373. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1882 Ravenstein, Ernest George. The Lakes of Sigirso near Malindi from a Sketch-Survey by the Revd. T. Wakefield 1877. 1:129,000. 10.7x19 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 4, no. 6, p. 370. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of Mr. Wakefield's route from Ribe to Malindi 1877 at 1:2,000,000. 1882 Sharbau, H. East Africa. Sketch Map illustrating a journey into the District of Nguru. 1:275,000. 39.3 x 38.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 4, no. 3, after p. 192. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1882 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Native Routes to the Masai Country and to Victoria Nyanza from information obtained by the Venble J.P. Farler. 1:2,000,000. 26.1 x 29.8 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 4, no. 12, after p. 776. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset map of "New Native Routes..." at 1:12,000,000. 1882 Sharbau, H. General Map of the Makua Country from a Sketch by H.E. O'Neill.... 1:2,900,000. 21.8 X 23.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 4, no. 4, after p. 256. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Eastern 121 1882 Sharbau, H. Lake Tanganyika From a Survey by Mr. Eds. C. Hore, Master Mariner of the London Missionary Society. 1:1,400,000. 45.9 x 20. 9 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 4, no. 1, after p. 64. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1882 Sharbau, H. Map of South-Eastern Provinces of Madagascar comprising part of the Tanala, Betsileo and Bara Country from a Sketch Survey by the Rev. W. Deans Cowan. 1:485,000. 55.5 x 76 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 4, no. 9, after p. 584. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1882 Sharbau, H. Map of the Mozambique Coast to illustrate the paper by H.E. O'Neill, H.M. Consul at Mozambique on the Coast, Rivers, and Ports of Mozambique. 1:1,450,000. 40.3 x 31.6 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 4, no. 10, after p. 648. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1882 Sharbau, H. Map of the Rovuma River and the Region to the South illustrating the journeys of Mr. Joseph Thomson and the Rev. Chauncy Maples, M.A. 1:970,000. 44.8x45.7 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 4, no. 2, after p.128. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1882 Sharbau, H. Route Map Illustrating a Journey into the Makua Country by H.E. O'Neill.... 1:1,450,000. 12.7 x 33.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 4, no. 4, after p. 256. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1882 Sharbau, H. The Southern Part of Lake Tanganyika (Lake Liemba of Dr. Livingstone) From a Survey by Mr. Edw. C. Hore, Master Mariner of the London Missionary Society. 1:359,000. 35.5 x 28.3 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 4, no. 1, after p. 64. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1882 Societa Geografica Italiana. Carta Prowisoria delle esplorazioni del Cap. Antonio Cecchi ed Ing. Giovanni Chiarini. 1:2,000,000. 31.4x34.8 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 7, between pp. 512-513. 910.6SOR/stx. 1882 Societa Geografica Italiana. Itinerari dalla frontiera scioense al mare.... 1:2,400,000. 12.8 x 18.9 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 7, between pp. 512-513. 910.6SOR/stx. 1882 Societe de geographie, Paris. Itineraire general de Massouah aux Gallas Rai'as. 1:3,000,000. 16.7 x 12.5 on. In Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 3, after p. 736. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 122 Eastern 1882 Societe de geographic, Paris. Itineraire particulier au Mont Zeboul et au Lasta. 1:1,000,000. 16.7x12.5 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 3, after p. 736. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1883 Hansen, J. Essai d'une Carte Hypsometrique de la Province d'Imerin (Centre de Madagascar) par Alfred Grand idier. 1:500,000. 29.3 x 26.6 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 4, between pp. 332-333. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1883 Sharbau, H. Africa, East Coast. Map illustrating Mr. O'Neill's journey into the Mavia Country, Sept-Oct 1882. 1:482,500. 19.1 x 34.7 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 5, no. 7, after p. 440. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1883 Sharbau, H. East Africa: Sketch Map illustrating the journeys of Mr. J.T. Last and Dr. E. J. Baxter into the Masai Country. 1:715,000. 21 .8x33 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 5, no. 9, after p. 568. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1883 Petermann, August Heinrich. Jago-Excursion am Oberen Chor Barka und in N.W. Abyssinien von Captn. Gascoigne & Mr. Melladew, Januar-Marz 1882. 1:1,000,000. 9 x 8.7 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 28, p. 314. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1883 Revue Geographique Internationale. Esquisse de Madagascar. 1:15,750,000. 11.7 x 11.4 cm. In Revue geographique international v.15, p. 117. 910.5REGI/stx. 1884 Barich, C. Itinerar-Aufnahmen im Aegyptisch-Abessinischen Grenzgebiet, ausgefuhrt von Josef Menges, Januar bis April 1881.... 1:500,000. 20.4 x 48 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 30, plate 8. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1884 Hansen, J. Le Muaraze et les abords du Revugo par Paul Guyot. 1:200,000. 14.4 x 22 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 5, between pp.144-145. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of map of the districts. Eastern 123 1884 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Preliminary Map of a Journey to Lake Kilwa (June llth 1883-January 20, 1884) by H.E. O'Neill.... 1:1,000,000. 31.5 x 65 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 12, after p. 758. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset map of Napusa to Egwoli at 1:500,000. 1884 Ravenstein, Ernest George. The Province of Bahr El Ghazal principally from a sketch by F. Lupton-Bey. 1:6,000,000. 20.8 x 15.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 5, after p. 304. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1884 Sharbau, H. East Africa: The Country East of Lake Nyassa compiled from the Documents of the Rev. W.P. Johnson. 1:2,400,000. 45.5 x 27.7 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 9, after p. 550. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1884 Sharbau, H. East Africa: Teita and Adjoining Districts showing the journey of Capt. Charles E. Gissing, R.N., H.M. Consul, Mombassa. 1:485,000. 21.3 x 35.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 10, after p. 614. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1884 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte de la Cote Occidentale d'Afrique et de Madagascar. 1:45,000,000. 9.6 x 9.8 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 19, p. 180. 910.5REGI/stx. 1884 Sharbau, H. Route Map of the R.G.S.' East African Expedition from Mombassa to Mt. Kenia and Victoria Nyanza Constructed from Mr. Jos. Thomson's Original Map. 1:1,460,000. 47.5x51.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 12, after p. 758. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset map of Galla Country. 1884 Schmidt, C. Josef Menges' Reise auf das Hochplateau der Somali Halbinsel im Januar 1884. 1:300,000. 35.5 x 22.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 30, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1884 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Estudo do Rio Incomati e Sua Barra. 1:100,000. 51.5 x 38.9 cm. In Boletim, v. 5, between pp. 404-405. 910.6SOL/stx. 124 Eastern 1884 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Mappa do districto de Makanga. 1:1,000,000. 24.5 x 18.8 cm. In Boletim, v. 5, between pp. 520-521. 910.6SOL/stx. 1884 Weller, F.S. The Upper Webi Shabeela from a Sketch by Adamu bin Mahamud an Ogadin Somal. Scale in days. 13 x 10.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 5, p. 261. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1884 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Planta da Aringa do Capitao-Mor de Makanga. No scale. 15.4 x 17 on. In Boletim, v. 5, between pp. 520-521. 910.6SOL/stx. 1884 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Carta sommaria di recenti esplorazioni Italiane nell' Africa del nord-est... 1:6,000,000. 21.5 x 19.3 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 9, between pp. 332-333. 910.6SOR/stx. 1884 Weller, Edward. Namuli Peaks from a M.S. drawing by H.E. O'Neill H.M/S Consul at Mozambique. 1:383,000. 12.9 x 13 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 12, p. 758. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1884 Weller, F.S. Portion of Eastern Equatorial Africa. Mr. J. Thompson's Route Expedition 1883-4. 1:5,100,000. 12 x 18.1 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 7, p. 400. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1885 Bartholomew, John George. Sketch map of the Scottish Colony on the Shire Highlands showing routes to the Mosambik Coast.... 1:5,600,000. 22.5 x 23.1 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 1, between pp. 446-447. 910.5SC/stx. 1885 Friederichsen, L. Routenkarte der im Auftrage der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg im Jahre 1883 von Dr. G.A. Fischer ausgefuhrten Reise dutch das Massai-Land (Ost-Aequatorial-Afrika) von Pangani bis zum Naiwascha See. 1:1,500,000. 41.8 x 45.4 cm. In Geographische Gesellschaft in Hamburg, Mittheilungen,v. 5, after p. 356. 910.6GEO/stx. 1885 Johnston, Harry Hamilton. Eastern Equatorial Africa. 1:8,250,000. 14x10.9 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 1, between pp. 144-145. 910.5SC/stx. Eastern 125 1885 Johnston, Harry Hamilton. [German Claims in E. Africa.] 1:12,800,000. 7.6 x 10.4 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 1, p. 516. 910.5SC/stx. 1885 Johnston, Harry Hamilton. Sketch Map of Mt. Kilima-njaro by Mr. H.H. Johnston. 1:500,000. 20 x 25 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 7, no. 3, after p. 200. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1885 Johnston, Harry Hamilton and Joseph Thompson. Sketch Map of Eastern Equatorial Africa, from Zanzibar to Lake Victoria Nyanza. 1:9,500,000. 13.1 x 9.6 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 1, p. 166. 910.6MA/stx. 1885 Paulitschke, Philipp. Ubersicht iiber die Vertheilung der Westlichen Somal- und der Nord-Ostl. Galla-Stamme entworf en und gezeichnet von Prof. D 1 . Philipp Paulitschke. 1:2,000000. 32 x 24 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 28, after p. 590. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1885 Paulitschke, Philipp. Ubersichtskarte von dem Gebiet der Ejssa-Somal, von Harar und den Nordlichen Gallalandern. 1:1,000,000. 47.7 x 35.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 31, plate 17. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Harar at 1:16,000. 1885 Perron, C. Assab. 1:275,000. 12 x 11 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 16, p. 158. 910.5RE/stx. 1885 Lange, Henry. Das Land zwischen dem Tanganika See und dem Indischen Ocean von D r . Henry Lange. 1:5,000,000. 21 x 31 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fiir Geographie und Statistik, v. 7, betweeen pp. 192-193. 910.5DEU/stx. 1885 Perron, C. Baie de Tadjourah. 1:866,667. 8.3 x 11.1 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 16, p. 157. 910.5RE/stx. 1885 Manchester Geographical Society. Sketch-Map of East Africa. 1:11,700,000. 16.9 x 10.2 cm. In Journal, v. 1, p. 77 and p. 303. 910.6MA/stx. 1885 Perron, C. Obock. 1:52,500. 7.6 x 11.4 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 16, p. 156. 910.5RE/stx. 126 Eastern 1885 Royal Geographical Society. Africa: Central Part of Somali Country, Province Ogadayn from a Survey by F.L. James. 1:450,000. 47 x 45.7 cm. In Proceedings, v. 7, no. 10, after p. 704. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of "Continuation Southward on the same scale from native information." 1886 Fischer, G.A. Vorlaufige Skizze von Dr. G.A. Fischer's 3ter Reise in Aequatorialen Ost-Afrika S.August 1885 bis 14Juni 1886. 1:4,000,000. 25 x 30.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 32, plate 19. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1885 Royal Geographical Society. Africa-East Coast: Sketch Survey of Ports Nakala and Kisima Julu by H.E. O'Neill.... 1:140,000. 20.6 x 15.5 cm. In Proceedings, v. 7, no. 6, after p. 416. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1886 Habenicht, H. Ubersichtskarte der Reiserouten des Capit A. Cecchi & des Ingr. G. Chiarini im Siidlichen Abessinien, 1876 bis 1881. 1:4,000,000. 19 x 24.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 32, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1885 Sharbau, H.S. East Africa Between the Zambesi and Rovuma Rivers.... 1:1,090,000. 86 x 62.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 7, no. 7, after p. 496. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Cross sections from Blantyre to Quelimane and from Mozambique to Amaramba. 1885 Societa Geografica Italiana. La Regione tra Massaua e Chartum. 1:2,500,000. 17.3 x 46.3 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 10, between pp. 424-425. 910.6SOR/stx. Inset map of from Massawa tp Keren (Cheren) (1:1,300,000). 1886 Mengaroni, R. Le Regoni a libeccio dello scioa occupate da re Menilek secondo 1'itinerario del Cap. A. Cecchi e dell' Ing G. Chiarini costrutto nel 1883.... 1:1,000,000. 45x54.3 cm. hi Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 11, between pp. 592-593. 910.6SOR/stx. 1886 Paulitschke, Philipp. Darstellung der hydrograph. Verhaltnisse des Oberen Webi von Prof. D r . Philipp Paulitschke. 1:3,050,000. 19.2 x 28.7 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 29, after p. 702. 910.5GEOW/stx. Eastern 127 1886 Paulitschke, Philipp. Reiseroute des Major's Heath und des Lieut". Peyton von Harar nach Berbera, Juni 1885.... 1:750,000. 22.1x40.6 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 32, plate 5. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Ejssa-Somali and Habr-Aual at 1:4,000,000. 1886 Pfeil, Joachim Graf. Originalkarte von Joachim Graf Pfeil's Reisen in Ost-Afrika, Okt. 1885 bis Febr. 1886. 1:1,750,000. 22.5 x 36 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 32, plate 18. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1886 Porter, W.C. Sketch Map of the Magwangwara District Majeje to Sonjela's. 1:4,100,000. 7.6 x 10.1 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 2, p. 266. 910.6MA/stx. 1886 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Planta Cotada de Villa Ibo Comprehendendo apenas o bairro dos Europeus. 1:74,000. 40.9 x 28.2 cm. In Boletim, v. 6, between pp. 102-103. 910.6SOL/stx. 1886 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Provincia de Mozambique. 1:720,000. 41 x 45 on. In Boletim, v. 6, between pp. 36-37. 910.6SOL/stx. 1886 Societa Geografica Italiana. Harar e regoni vicine secondo le carte original! dei viaggi di V. Hardegger-Paulitschke-James ed altri esploratori. 1:2,000,000. 41 x 46.5 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 11, between pp. 92-93. 910.6SOR/stx. 1886 Revue Geographique Internationale. Madagscar. 1:4,300,000. 27.5 x 36.6 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 11, between pp. 76-77. 910.5REGI/stx. Inset of the Mascarenes. 1886 Societe de geographic, Paris. Lacs et" Lacunes la Cote Orientale de Madagascar.... 1:500,000. 50.6 x 36.5 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 7, between pp. 190-191. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Two panels of the eastern coast and an inset map of Madagascar and one of Tamatare. 128 Eastern 1887 Alden, John Berry. Map of Madagascar Southeast Africa. 1:31,000,000. 12.5 x 7.1 on. In Handy Atlas, p. 53. 912AL2H/stx. 1887 Ashe, R.P. Eastern Central Africa to illustrate an address on "Buganda" by the Rev. R.P. Ashe, M.A. 1:4,900,000. 20.7 x 29 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 3, between pp. 140-141. 910.6MA/stx. 1887 Hansen, J. Royaume du Choa et Pays Gallas par A. Aubry, Ingenieur des mines 1883-1885. 1:1,650,000. 34.1 x 44.8 on. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 8, after p. 566. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of Gulf of Tadjoura. 1887 Menges, Joseph. Die Karawanen-Strassen zwischen Suakin und Kassala.... 1:800,000. 53 x 19.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 33, plate 6. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1887 Brinkman, C.L. Kaartje van het binnenland achter Inhambane. No scale. 18.6x26.5 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, series 2, v. 4, section 2, between pp. 204-205. 910.6NESER2/stx. 1887 George Philip & Son. Map from Histoire des Voyages 1748 Paris. 1:14,500,000. 18.5 x 11 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 3, between pp. 244-245. 910.6MA/stx. 1887 George Philip & Son. Rough Sketch of Portuguese Map founded on Silva Porta's visit to Massapa 1784. No scale. 18.5 x 11.1 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 3, between pp. 244-245. 910.6MA/stx. No 1887 Meyer, Hans. Der Kilimandscharo.... scale. 24.5 x 19.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 33, plate 19. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1887 Paulitschke, Philipp. Geologische Routenkarte fur die Strecke von Zejla bis Bia Worava (Ost-Afrika). 1:1,100,000. 40.2x35.8 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 30, after p. 682. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1887 Paulitschke, Philipp. Reiserouten des Capt. J. Stuart King im Gebiete der Ejssa-und Gadaburssi-Somal.... 1:750,000. 19.5 x 23.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 33, plate 17. Q.910.5PE/stx. Eastern 129 1887 Rand McNally & Co. Map of Madagascar & South East Africa. 1:31,000,000. 13 x 7.2 cm. In Pocket Atlas, p. 53. 912R15P1887/stx, mar. 1887 Royal Geographical Society. East Africa showing the recently arranged political boundaries. 1:8,000,000. 20.8 x 24.5 cm. In Proceedings, v. 9, no. 8, after p. 530. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of Eastern Somaliland at 1:16,000,000. 1887 Smith, C.S. Map illustrating M r . C.S. Smith's Journey near Mombasa. 1:720,000. 20.3 x 17.5 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Supplementary Papers, v. 2, between pp. 125-126. 910.6ROG/rbx. 1887 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Mappa do Rio Tebe e Territories Adjacentes Offerecido ao Ex. mo Sr. Conselheiro Agostinho Coelho. No scale. 68.7 x 47.7 cm. In Boletim, v. 7, between pp. 718-719. 910.6SOL/stx. 1887 Societa Geografica Italiana. Massaua e Dintorni.-.ridotta dalla carta del R. Istituto Geogr. militare. 1:40,000. 15.7 x 36.4 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 12, between pp. 84-85. 910.6SOR/stx. Inset of the coast of the Red Sea from Massawa to Assab (1:4,000,000). 1887 Teleki, Samuel. (Augenommen vom Mitgliede der Expedition k.k. Linienschiffslieutenant Ludwig Ritter von Hohnel.) Graf Teleki's Expedition Routen in Leikipia vom 6. October bis 7 Dezember 1887. 1:463,000. 51.6 x 37.6 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 31, between pp. 440-441. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1887 Traversi, Leopoldo and Gius Dalla Vedova. Carta originate dei Becciu, Arussi, Maraquo, Guraghi, ecc.... 1:1,000,000. 22.9 x 25.6 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bolkttino, ser. 2, v. 12, between pp. 338-339. 910.6SOR/stx. 1887 Weller, Edward. District of Delagoa Bay and adjoining country. 1:1,950,000. 20.8 x 13 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 9, no. 8, p. 498. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 130 Eastern 1888 Pfeil, Joachim Graf. Originalkarte von Joachim Graf Pfeil's Reiseroute durch Useguha IS.Marz bis S.Mai 1887. 1:1,000,000. 24.8 x 19.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 34, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1888 Societa Geografica Italiana. Itinerari di due viaggi al Madagascar eseguiti dall' ing.e E. Cortese nel 1887. 1:1,000,000. 40.2 x 42.2 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 1, between pp. 1048-1049. 910.6SOR/stx. Inset of Madagascar (1:8,000,000). 1888 Ravenstein, Ernest George. [The Country between Mombasa and Mamboia, East Central Africa.] 1:3,000,000. 9.5 x 10.8 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 10, no. 2, p. 93. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1888 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte de la Region d'Obok. 1:7,500,000. 4.9 x 8.6cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 13, p. 20. 910.5REGI/stx. 1888 Societe royale beige de geographic. Croquis de la campagne du Commandant Dhanis. 1:4,200,000. 9 x 17.6 cm. In Bulletin, v. 12, no. 5, after p. 379. 910.6SRB/stx. 1888 Societe royale beige de geographic. [Croquis des possessions italiennes sur la Mer Rouge.] 1: 6,000,000. 10.9 x 9.6 cm. In Bulletin, v. 12, no. 5, p. 516. 910.6SRB/stx. 1888 Revue Geographique Internationale. [Madagascar.] 1:6,000,000. 4.5 x 4.3 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 13, p. 10. 910.5REGI/stx. 1888 Societe royale beige de geographie. [Les environs de Massaua.] 1:300,000. 8.5 x 9.7 cm. In Bulletin, v. 12, no. 5, p. 517. 910.6SRB/stx. 1888 Societa Geografica Italiana. Da Massaua a Saati. 1:80,000. 18.7 x 36.2 cm. In Bolkttino, ser. 3, v. 1, between pp. 504-505. 910.6SOR/stx. 1888 Stevenson, James. Map to illustrate Mr. Stevenson's address on "The Arabs in Africa" and the Nyassa Conference. 1:18,000,000. 12.9 x 10.1 on. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 4, between pp. 72-73. 910.6MA/stx. Eastern 131 1888 Teleki, Samuel. Route der Expedition des Grf. Samuel Teleki vom Baringo-See zu den Rudolf-U.Stefanie-Seen. 1:2,550,000. 27.8 x 14.4 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 32, between pp. 192-193. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1889 Ehlers, Otto E. [Ehlers' Besteigung des Kilima Ndscharo.] No scale. 8.2x11.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 35, p. 68. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1888 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Carta originale della regione tra Lo Scioa ed Harar.... 1:1,000,000. 23.7x39.6 on. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 1, between pp. 116-117. 910.6SOR/stx. 1888 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Carta originale prowisoria dell' Urbaragh.... 1:1,000,000. 14.3 x 18.6 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 1, between pp. 208-209. 910.6SOR/stx. 1889 Baumann, Oscar. Originalkarte von Usambara.... 1:400,000. 38 x 47 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 35, plate 16. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1889 Baumann, Oscar. Provisorische Kartenskizze von Usambara.... 1:800,000. 19.3x22.1 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 35, plate 3. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1889 Habenicht, H. [Croquis de 1'Ethiopie.] 1:25,500,000. 9.7 x 9.5 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v.14, p. 231. 910.5REGI/stx. 1889 Habenicht, H. Le Pays des Haba (Abyssinie). 1:930,000. 38.8 x 23.9 cm. In Revue geographique international, v.14, between pp. 268-269. 910.5REGI/stx. 1889 Hohnel, L. Ritter von. Die Ostafrikanische Binnen-Seen-Kette zwischen Kilmandscharo und Kaffa...Eine oro-hydrographische Skizze.... 1:4,000,000. 48x20 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 35, plate 14. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1889 Justus Perthes. Ubersichts-Skizze von Stanley's Expedition, 1887 u. 1888. 1:5,000,000. 25.2x19.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 35, plate 7. Q.910.5PE/stx. 132 Eastern 1889 Petermann, August Heinrich. Skizze des Quaqua Flusses u. d. Zambesi-Miindungen. 1:1,700,000. 9.2 x 8.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 35, p. 198. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1889 Smith, C.S. Map illustrating M r . C.S. Smith's Journey from Kilwa to the Rovuma. 1:1,740,000. 20.3 x 17.6 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Supplementary Papers, v. 2, between pp. 125-126. 910.6ROG/rbx. 1889 Portugal. Commissao de Cartographia. Carta de Mozambique. 1:3,000,000. 64.5 x 53 on. Loose sheet. G84501889.P6/max. 1889 Societa Geografica Italiana. Itinerario dell' ambasciata portoghese in Abissinia, 1520. 1:4,500,000. 17.1 x 10.6 on. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 2, p. 804. 910.6SOR/stx. 1889 Rothpletz, A. Das Thai von Orotava (Tenerife). 1:50,000. 40.5 x 28.1 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 35, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of geological sketch of Tenerife at 1;1,000,000. 1889 Societa Geografica Italiana. Schizzo del Lago Rudolfo o Narok esplorato dal Conte Teleki secondi i rilievi del Sig. di Hohnel. 1:2,400,000. 26.6 x 16.2 on. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 2, between pp. 168-169. 910.6SOR/stx. 1889 Royal Geographical Society. North East Madagascar: Antanambalana River surveyed by Mr. L.H. Ransome. 1:130,000. 21 .4x23 cm. In Proceedings, v. 11, no. 5, after p. 324. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of northern Madagascar at 1:7,500,000. 1889 Societa Geografica Italiana. Schizzo delle regioni visitate dal Signer Giulio Borelli e del corso del fiume Omo.... 1:4,500,000. 20.2 x 24.9 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 2, between pp. 84-85. 910.6SOR/stx. 1889 Societe royale beige de geographic. Itineraire de Stanley au secours d'Emin Pacha. 1:12,400,000. 9.8 x 16.7 cm. In Bulletin, v. 13, no. 6, p. 636. 910.6SRB/stx. Eastern 133 1889 Turner, William J. Map showing Mr. Stanley's Journeys Between the Congo & the Albert Nyanza. 1:4,000,000. 12 x 20.4 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 11, no. 5, p. 262. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1889 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Escursioni del Dott. Leopoldo Traversi nei paesi al Sud dello Scioa. 1:1,330,000. 21.4 x 30.6 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 2, between pp. 796-797. 910.6SOR/stx. 1890 Cross, Kerr. Map of the "Stevenson Road" Country.... 1:980,000. 21.7 x 40.4 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 6, between pp. 292-293. 910.5SC/stx. 1890 Cross, Kerr. The "Stevenson Road" Country.... 1:1,060,000. 20 x 37 cm. In Reviie geographique Internationale, v.15, between pp. 156-157. 910.5REGI/stx. 1890 Friederichsen, L. Karte von Ungu, Usegua & Siid Usambaa (Deutsch-Ost-Afrika) zur Veranschaulichung der Reiseroute, Beobachhmgen und Erkundigungen D r . Franz Stuhlm arm's (16. August bis 6 October 1888). 1:500,000. 36.6 x 45.2 on. In Geographische Gesellschaft in Hamburg, Mittheilungen, v. 8, before p. 143. 910.6GEO/stx. 1890 Fritzsche, G.E. Die Karawanenstrasse Zeila-Ankober und die Grenzgebiete der Somali, Afar u. Galla.... 1:1,000,000. 24 x 41.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 36, plate 9. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1890 Hansen, J. Itineraire dans le Zanguebar par le Capitaine A. Bloyet Juin 1880-Mai 1885. 1:1,000,000. 20.3 x 33.2 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 11, between pp. 468-469. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1890 Manchester Geographical Society. Map to represent the region in 1890. 1:23,250,000. 9.3 x 9 cm. In Journal, v. 6, p. 214. 910.6MA/stx. 134 Eastern 1890 Meyer, Hans. Der Kibo-Krater dcs Kilimandscharo.... No scale. 30.5 x 19.4 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mittrilungen, v. 36, plate 2. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1890 Rougeron Vignerot sc. Madagascar. 1:4,750,000. 34.5 x 19.7 cm. In Societe normande de geographic, Bulletin, v. 13, before p. 137. 910.6SOI/stx. 1890 Meyer, Hans. Provisorische Skisse von Ugueno. 1:400,000. 10.4 x 8.8 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 36, p. 46. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1890 Rand McNally & Co. Upper Nubia and Habesh or Abyssinia. 1:5,000,000. 24.2 x 33 on. In Standard Atlas, p. 77. Q.912R15S1890/stx. 1890 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Sketch Map of a Journey to the Uppper Tana by J.R.W. Pigott 1:2,000,000. 23.5 x 18 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 12, no. 3, after p. 192. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1890 Revue Geographique Internationale. Est de file de Per. 1:600,000. 33.5 x 4.8 cm. In Remie geographique internationale, v.15, pp. 12-13. 910.5REGI/stx. 1890 Royal Geographical Society. East Africa: Mouth of the Zambesi River surveyed by Daniel J. Rankin, 1889. 1:200,000. 20.8 x 24.1 cm. In Proceedings, v. 12, no. 3, after p. 192. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1890 Royal Geographical Society. Eastern Africa Between the Rovuma and Zambesi Rivers Illustrating the Surveys of Mr. J.T. Last...l885-6-7. 1:1,450,000. 39 x 56 cm. In Proceedings, v. 12, no. 4, after p. 256. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of the Namuli group of mountains at 1:400,000. 1890 Royal Geographical Society. Matebele Land, Environs of Gubuluwayo Shewing Kraals and Reefs. 1:450,000. 21 x 20.2 cm. In Proceedings, v. 12, no. 11, after p.712. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Eastern 135 1890 Royal Geographical Society. Sketch Map of the Route of the Emm Pasha Relief Expedition from the Mouth of the Aruwimi to Bagamoyo, 1887 to 1889. 1:8,125,000. 17.8 x 24.5 cm. In Proceedings, v. 12, no. 6, after p. 372. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1890 Sharbau, H. The Nyassa-Tanganyika Plateau Reduced from Official Documents to accompany the paper of H.H. Johnston. 1:1,800,000. 21.1 x 27 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 12, no. 12, after p. 776. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1890 Shawe, W. Route Map illustrating paper by the Bishop of Bloemf ontein on the country between Inyati and the Zambezi. 1:1,680,000. 22.2 x 19.5 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 12, no. 6, after p. 372. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1890 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Reconhecimento do Rio Limpopo por Alfredo Augusto Caldas Xavier. 1:550,000. 22.9 x 88.6 cm. In Boletim, v. 13, between pp. 176-177. 910.6SOL/stx. 1890 Societa Geografica Italiana. Itinerario nel Dembelas del Colonnello Cesare Airaghi e del Capitano Stefano Hidalgo. 1:600,000. 33.7 x 23.2 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 3, between pp. 1058-1059. 910.6SOR/stx. 1890 Turner, William J. East Africa: Map of Mr. F.C. Selous' Routes in Eastern Mashona Land 1889. 1:1,250,000. 21 x 24 2 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 12, no. 3, after p. 192. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1891 Chesneau, Marius. Delimitation des Spheres d'influence Anglaises & Italiennes dans 1'Afrique Orientale. 1:30,000,000. 10.1 x 12.9 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912.AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1891 Chesneau, Marius. Presqu'ile des Somali, itineraries de J. Menges, G. Nurse et L. Brichetti-Robecchi.... 1:10,000,000. 11 x 15 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912.AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1891 Chesneau, Marius. Routes de M.M. Catat, Maistre et Foucart dans Madagascar. 1:15,500,000. 6.1 x 11.9 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912.AN741890-1912/13/stx. 136 Eastern 1891 Chesneau, Marius. Victoria Nyanza, voyages de MM. J. Jackson & Gedge et Pere Schynse. 1:5,000,000. 9.7 x 12.8 on. In anon., Annee cartographicjue. Q.912.AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1891 Douliot, H. Itineraire du Morondava au Mangoky du 1". Aout au 7 Septembre 1891. 1:450,000. 13.5 x 42.1 on. In Annales de geographic, v. 1, between pp. 248-249. 910.5AN/stx. Inset of Madagascar. 1891 Douliot, H. Itineraire sur la Cote occidentale de Madagascar. 1:635,000. 28.7 x 25.3 cm. In Annaks de geographie, v. 1, between pp. 368-369. 910.5AN/stx. Inset of Madagascar. 1891 Fritzsche, G.E. Dr. Anton Steckers Reise in den Gallalandern. 1:1,000,000. 18 x 27.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 37, plate 17. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1891 Hassenstein, Bruno. Dr. W. Junker's Reiseroute dutch Bunyoro und Buganda Januar bis Juni 1886. 1:500,000. 48.5 x 21.9 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 37, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1891 Hassenstein, Bruno. Dr. W. Junker's Riickreise vom Victoria-Njansa iiber Tabora nach Bagamojo, August bis November 1886.... 1:750,000. 43.5 x 51.7 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 37, plate 13. Q.910.5PE/stx. Consists of four separate mapsand an inset map of Dr. W. Junker's travels in northern and central Africa at 1:25,000,000. 1891 Menges, Joseph. Reise im ostlichen Somal-Land von Berbera nach Orfina, 1889. 1:750,000. 9 x 12.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 37, p. 42. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1891 Meyer, Hans. Spezialkarte der Mombassa-Kilimandscharo Route in Britisch-Ostafrika.... 1:500,000. 26 x 50.4 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 37, plate 19. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of the Taita mountain range at 1:250,000. 1891 Paulitschke, Philipp. Uebersicht iiber die Volkerlagerung am Osthorn von Afrika.... 1:4,000,000. 59.5x51 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 34, between pp. 468-469. 910.5GEOW/stx. Insets: Supposed peoples in East Africa; distribution of the Hamitic peoples; spread of Islam and skech of cultures. Eastern 137 1891 Petermann, August Heinrich. Robecchis Reise durch Somal-Land. 1:25,000,000. 6.2 x 5.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 37, p. 279. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1891 Revue Geographique Internationale. L'Abyssinie le Harrar, le pays des Gallas et le Somal. 1:10,200,000. 23.8 x 17.6 on. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 16, p. 163. 910.5REGI/stx. 1891 Ravenstein, Ernest George. A Map Illustrative of Mr. FJ. Jackson's Expedition to Uganda, 1889-90. 1:1,000,000. 34.6 x 41.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 13, no. 4, after p. 248. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Insets of a reduction of Mr. Gedge's map (1:5,000,000); Machakos to Lake Naivasha; and I.B.E.A. Go's station at Machakos (1:5,000,000). 1891 Revue Geographique Internationale. L'Abyssinie entre Massaouah et Adoua. 1:935,000. 22.7 x 17.1 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 16, p. 117. 910.5REGI/stx. Includes inset of region near Massawa Bay. 1891 Revue Geographique Internationale. [Cote orientale de Madagascar.] 1:7,000,000. 22 x 9.4 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 16, p. 181. 910.5REGI/stx. 1891 Robecchi, L. Bricchetti. Somali-Land showing the routes of L. Bricchetti Robecchi 1890-91. 1:10,000,000. 11.8 x 10.5 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 2, p. 360. 910.5GJ/stx. 1891 Schynse, Pater. Das Sud-West-Ufer des Victoria-Nyansa.... 1:1,250,000. 24.3 x 17.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 37, plate 16. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1891 Shawe, W. Part of Somali Land shewing route of Lieut Nurse from Dunkaraita to Bulhar, 1891. 1:450,000. 19.7 x 26.3 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 13, no. 11, after p. 700. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1891 Societa Geografica Italiana. Itinerari dell' Ing. L. Bricchetti-Robecchi da Mogadisio a Berbera. 1:200. 10 x 10.5 on. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 4, p. 822. 910.6SOR/stx. 138 Eastern 1891 Societa Geografica Italiana. Itinerario Adua, Ambaciara, Maclle, Adua di Cesare Nerazzini. 1:400,000. 57.2 x 67.3 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 4, between pp. 216-217. 910.6SOR/stx. 1891 Societa Geografica Italiana. Schizzo del principal! Itinerari seguiti da G. Casati fra Melira-el-Rek e Bagmojo. 1:500. 10.5 x 12 on. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 4, p. 475. 910.6SOR/stx. 1891 Societa Geografica Italiana. Schizzo originale dell' Itinerario Berbera-Harrer-es-Saghir Construtto secondo i Rilievi e disegni di Baudi di Vesme e James da G.D.V.. 1:1,150,000. 10 x 10 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 4, p. 385. 910.6SOR/stx. 1891 Vitou,J. Abyssinie et Choa. 1:2,050,000. 46.4x51. 4 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 16, between pp. 121-122. 910.5REGI/stx. Insets of Egyptian Sudan and Ethiopia, port and city of Massawa, and Ankober. 1892 Bartholomew, John George. General Physical Map of British East Africa showing Capt. Lugard's Routes and Explorations, 1891-92.... 1:5,600,000. 26.9 x 30.6 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 8, between pp. 642-643. 910.5SC/stx. 1892 Bent, J. Theodore. Map of trade routes across Ethiopia. 1:1,100,000. 19.7 x 10.7 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 2, p. 141. 910.5GJ/stx. 1891 Swayne, R.E. and B.I. Swayne. Preliminary Map of the Route of Capf. Swayne, R.E., and Lieut Swayne, 16 th . B.I. in Northern Somali Land from Berbera to the Nogal Valley. 1:1,460,000. 21.3 x 26.8 cm. hi Royal Geographical Society, Supplementary Papers, v. 3, between pp. 560-561. 910.6ROG/rbx. 1892 Chesneau, Marius. Le fleuve Tana et le Mont Kenia (expedition C. Dundas). 1:5,000,000. 9x8.2 cm. In anon., Annie. cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1892 Chesneau, Marius. Presqu'ile des Somali, itinera ire de M.M. Bandi di Vesme et Candeo 1881. 1:5,000,000. 6.3 x 6 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. Eastern 139 1892 Chesneau, Marius. Region entre les lacs Victoria, Albert, et Albert-Edouard d'apres les leves des expeditions Emin Pacha et Cap. F.D. Lugard 1891-1892. 1:4,000,000. 12 x 10.5 on. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1892 Leverson, J.J., S.C.N. Grant, and C.S. Wilson Map of the Anglo Portuguese Boundary in East Africa. 1:1,000,000. 51.9 x 20.8 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 2, between pp. 376-377. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of "Massikesii and Surrounding Country." 1892 Grandjean, A. Carte du Nkomati inferieur et du district portugais de Lourenco Marques. 1:250,000. 53.8 x 37.9 cm. In Societe neuchateloise de geographic, Bulletin, v. 7, between pp. 112-113. 910.6SON/stx. 1892 Hansen, J. Itineraire a Madagascar Carte levee par Emile Gautier 10 Aout-14 Octobre 1892. 1:2,000,000. 17.1 x 16.4 cm. In Annaks de geographic, v. 2, between pp. 364-365. 910.5AN/stx. Insets of "Croquis geologique" and "Exquisse Hypsometrique." 1892 Leverson, JJ. Sketch of the road from Mapanda to Massikessi by members of the Anglo-Portuguese Delimitation Commission 1892. 1:1,300,000. 10.8 x 19 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 2, p. 507. 910.5GJ/stx. 1892 Rand McNally & Co. Map of Abyssinia and the Surrounding Countries. 1:5,000,000. 23.5x31.5 cm. In Universal Atlas, p. 235. Q.912R15U1894/stx. 1892 Jeppe, Friedrich. Die Neue Grenze zwischen der Siidafrikanischen Republik und den Portugiesischen Besitzungen. 1:1,000,000. 46.8 x 37 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 38, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1892 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Part of South Africa showing the routes of Frederick Courtney Selous 1872-92. 1:5,000,000. 20.5 x 31.7 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, between pp. 384-385. 910.5GJ/stx. 140 Eastern 1892 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Parts of Uganda and Neighbouring Countries to Illustrate the Explorations of Captain F.D. Lugard 1891-1892. 1:995,000. 28.2 x 38.2 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, between pp. 96-97. 910.5GJ/stx. 1892 Schlaefli, E.H. Bouche du Limpopo. No scale. 9.5 x 10.5 cm. In Societe neuchateloise de geographic, Bulletin, v. 7, between pp. 172-173. 910.6SON/stx. 1892 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Sketch Map illustrating Emin Pasha's and Dr. Stuhlmann's expedition to the Albert Nyanza. 1:3,000,000. 18.5 x 11 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 14, no. 8, p. 542. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1892 Ravenstein, Ernest George. A Sketch Map of Ibea showing Stations of the Imp. Br. E. Africa Co., Proposed Railway and Routes of Capt. Lugard 1891-92. 1:5,000,000. 28.7 x 21.7 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 14, no. 12, after p. 884. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. Chemin de fer de Mombasa. 1:15,000,000. 6x7.5 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 17, p. 90. 910.5REGI/stx. 1892 Schlaefli, E.H. Du confluent de 1'Olifant a 1'embouchure du Limpopo, route suivie par E.H. Schlaefli, du 8 au 20 Juillet 1889. 1:500,000. 10.2x41.2 cm. In Societe neuchateloise de geographie, Bulletin, v. 7, between pp. 138-139. 910.6SON/stx. 1892 Schlaefli, E.H. Embouchure du Limpopo. No scale. 11 x 16.6 cm. In Societe neuchateloise de geographic, Bulletin, v. 7, between pp. 172-173. 910.6SON/stx. 1892 Schlaefli, E.H. Du Silati au Limpopo route suivie par E.H. Schlaefli du 27 Juin au 6 Juillet 1889. 1:500,000. 10.2 x 41.2 cm. In Societe neuchateloise de geographie, Bulletin, v. 7, between pp. 138-139. 910.6SON/stx. 1892 Schraeder, F. Afrique [Est]. 1:30,000,000. 15.8 x 10.5 cm. In Hachette, Atlas de poche, p. 56. 912H115A/rbs. Eastern 141 1892 Schulmann, Franz. Provisorische Original-Routen-Skizze der Expedition Dr. Emin Pascha's im Westen des Victoria-und des Albert-Njansa. 1:1,000,000. 51.1 x 35.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 38, plate 16. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1892 Sharbau, H. Imerina (Central Madagascar). illustrate Rev. J. Sibree's Paper. 1:1,000,000. 21 x 30.4 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 14, no. 11, after p. 816. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1892 Turati, V. Schizzo dell' itinerario seguito da Don Eugenio Ruspoli nella Penisola dei Somali. 1:13,400,000. 13 x 10.6 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bolkttino, ser. 3, v. 5, p. 555. 910.6SOR/stx. 1892 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Da Massaua ad Assab excursione del Cap. Vittorio Bottego (1-24 Maggio 1891). 1:875,000. 36.2 x 44.7 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 5, between pp. 564-565. 910.6SOR/stx. 1892 Shawe, W. East Central Africa: Map to illustrate a Journey to Garenganze by Alfred Sharpe, 1890. 1:2,100,000. 19.5 x 27 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 14, no. 1, after p. 68. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1892 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Itinerario del Dott. A. Terracciano attraverso 1'Eritrea Italiana nell' anno 1892. 1:400,000. 56.9 x 50.2 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 5, between pp. 1004-1005. 910.6SOR/stx. 1892 Societa Geografica Italiana. Carta dimostrativa della regione dei Maria. 1:500,000. 27.8x37.7 on. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 5, between pp. 476-477. 910.6SOR/stx. 1893 Baumann, Oscar. Sketch Map of Lakes Victoria and Tanganyika. 1:7,500,000. 6.6 x 6.3 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, p. 229. 910.5GJ/stx. 142 Eastern 1893 Chanler, William Astor. Routen-Karte einer Reise der Wm. Astor Chanler Expedition im Osten des Kenia (5. Dezember 1892 bis 10. Februar 1893). (Aufgenonunen von k.u.k Linienschiffslieutenant Rv.Hohnel.) 1:500,000. 43.4x54.4 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitttilungen, v. 36, between pp. 362-363. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1893 Chanler, William Astor. Der Tana-Fluss von der Kuste bis Hameye. 1:1,000,000. 30.3 x 21 on. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 36, between pp. 164-165. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1893 Chesneau, Marius. Afrique Orientale A 11 em and e, itineraire du D'O. Baumann.... 1:6,000,000. 13.5 x 20.3 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1893 Dardano, A. Nuovo schizzo dell' itinerario Bottego-Grixoni seconde ... un designo inviato dal cap. A. Cecchi. 1:14,500,000. 11.3 x 10.6 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bottettino, ser. 3, v. 6, p. 622. 910.6SOR/stx. 1893 Dundas, F.G. Survey of the River Jub. 1:1,000,000. 19.8x27 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, between pp. 288-289. 910.5GJ/stx. Insets of the Juba River, entrance and bar, and the coast between the mouth of the Juba and Kismayu. 1893 Grandidier, Alfred. (Feuille centrale.) Divers itineraries a Madagascar. 1:750,000. 51.4x67.4 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 14, between pp.416-417. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of several rivers. 1893 Chesneau, Marius. Madagascar. 1:5,000,000. 30.6 x 20.3 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1893 Grandidier, Alfred. Feuille nord. Divers itineraries a Madagascar. 1:750,000. 22.1 x 65.9 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 14, between pp.416-417. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Insets of include an excursion into Mailaka and profile of L. Catiti's itinerary between Mananara and Mojanga. Eastern 143 1893 Grandidier, Alfred. (Feuille nord-est.) Divers itineraires a. Madagascar. 1:750,000. 67.7 x 51.2 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 14, between pp.416-417. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1893 Hohnel, L. Ritter von. W. Astor Chanter's Expedition Route Map of a journey to the East of M T . Kenia 5 th . Dec. 1892- 10 th . Feb. 1893. 1:1,000,000. 21.8 x 32.6 cm. hi Geographical Journal, v. 1, between pp. 576-577. 910.5GJ/stx. 1893 Grandidier, Alfred. (Feuille sud.) Divers itineraires a Madagascar. 1:750,000. 68.2 x 45.4 on. hi Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulktin, ser. 7, v. 14, between pp.416-417. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of the lower course of the Onilahy River. 1893 Hassenstein, Bruno. Spezialkarte des Kilima-Ndscharo-und Meru-Gebietes.... 1:350,000. 48.5 x 40.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 39, plate 7. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1893 Maples. New Route from the Rovuma to Chitesi, on Lake Nyasa. 1:2,000,000. 8.5 x 10.7 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, p. 71. 910.5GJ/stx. 1893 Petermann, August Heinrich. Vorlauf ige Skizze der Reise von Dr. O. Baumann vom Victoria-Njansa nach dem Tanganika und Tabora. 1:4,000,000. 9.7 x 12.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 39, p. 46. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1893 Hohnel, L. Ritter von. Provisorische Original-Karte der Expedition Wm. Astor Chanter's vom Tana-Fluss zum Guasso-Njiro.... 1:500,000. 43.6 x 52.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 39, plate 9. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of same area at 1:2,000,000. 1893 Ravenstein, Ernest George. The Basin of the Upper Jub showing the routes of Prince Eugenio Ruspoli, Capt. V. Bottego, & Capt. Grixoni. 1:5,000,000. 11.8 x 10.9 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 3, p. 135. 910.5GJ/stx. 1893 Revue Geographique Internationale. Au Kilima-Ndjaro. 1:4,000,000. 11.5 x 10 cm. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 18; p. 36. 910.5REGI/stx. 144 Eastern 1893 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte du Kilima-Njaro. No scale. 12 x 12.4 cm. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 18; p. 35. 910.5REGI/stx. 1893 Societe royale beige de geographic. Croquis de Massaua et de ses environs. 1:1,000,000. 10 x 15.6 cm. In Bulletin, v. 17, no. 1, p. 47. 910.6SRB/stx. 1893 Societa Geografica Italiana. R. Maha-bar ed il Monte Bizen [presi daglio schizzi del capitano Betteni e dalla Carta topografica militare all'. 1:50,000. 10.5 x 13.5 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 6, p. 207. 910.6SOR/stx. 1893 Turati, V. Gl' Itinerari del cap. G. Bettini, disegnati sopra gli schizzi del viaggiatore. 1:1,200,000. 10.6 x 15.2 on. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 6, p. 110. 910.6SOR/stx. 1893 Societa Geografica Italiana. Schizzo degli itinerari di Don Eugenio Ruspoli nella Penisola dei Somali, redatto da G.D.V.. 1:300. 10.5 x 14.8 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 6, p. 689. 910.6SOR/stx. 1893 Societa Geografica Italiana. Schizzo dell' Itinerario Bottego-Grixoni e delle altre Spedizioni fra i Somali.... 1:3,500,000. 10.5 x 12 cm. In Bolktino, ser. 3, v. 6, p. 419. 910.6SOR/stx. 1893 Vedova, Gius Dalla. La Baja di Anfilah carta originate. 1:100,000. 21.7 x 20.8 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bolkttino, ser. 3, v. 6, between pp. 348-349. 910.6SOR/stx. 1893 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Carta d'Insieme per le tre Tavole dell' Itinerario dell' Ing. Luigi Bricchetti-Robecchi. 1:6,000,000. 21.8 x 19.2 cm. In Societe Geografica Italiana, Bolkttino, ser. 3, v. 6, between pp. 440-441. 910.6SOR/stx. 1893 Societa Geografica Italiana. Seguito della via N.-O. della Carta precedente, dal Rio Maha-bar ad Asmara. 1:75,000. 9.7 x 18 cm. In Bolkttino, ser. 3, v. 6, p. 211. 910.6SOR/stx. Eastern 145 1893 Vedova, Gius Dalla. Itinerario dell' Ing. Luigi Bricchetti-Robecchi attraverso la Somalia, da Mogadisio a Berbera. 1:1,000,000. 14.8 x 60.3 cm; 20.7 x 60.4 on. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 6, between pp. 440-441. 910.6SOR/stx. Map consists of three plates on two folded pages. 1894 Bonola, Frederic. Itineraires des explorations Italiennes en Somalie 1890-1894. 1:4,100,000. 36.9 x 47.2 cm. In Societe de geographic d'Egypte, Bulletin, v. 4, between pp. 602-603. 910.5SOCG/stx. 1894 Chanler, William Astor. Darstellung der hauptsahlichsten Constructions- Elemente fur die Karte des Nord-Ostl. Kenia-Gebietes.... 1:750,000. 61.5 x 49.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 40, plate 14. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1894 Chesneau, Marius. Afrique Orientle Allcmde (Region du Sud-Est). 1:6,000,000. 8.7 x 12 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1894 Chesneau, Marius. Explorations dans la Presqu'ile des Somali. 1:8,000,000. 17.5 x 13.5 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1894 Chesneau, Marius. Region des lacs entre le Victoria Nyanza et le Congo d'apres les observations du Comte von Gotzen (1894). 1:8,000,000. 7.5 x 10 on. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1894 Chesneau, Marius. Region entre le lac Victoria et le Kenia, itin. de 1' expedition Macdonald & Pringle (1892), itin. du D r . Gregory (1893). 1:6,000,000. 7.6 x 10.2 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1894 Dardano, A. Carta originate dimostrativa del Deca-Tesfa, Self a e Liban. 1:500,000. 17.3 x 27.6 cm. In Societa Geografica" Italiana, Bolkttino, ser. 3, v. 7, after p. 948. 910.6SOR/stx. 1894 Dardano, A. Schizzo del Co-Hain, tracciato sul disegno del Cap. N. Gentile. 1:5,000. 10.5 x 14.3 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bolkttino, ser. 3, v. 7, p. 163. 910.6SOR/stx. 146 Eastern 1894 Fritzsche, G.E. Das Obere Webi-und Djuba-Gebiet neueste italienische Forschungen in den Galla-Somali-Grenzalander.... 1:4,000,000. 24.9 x 19.9 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 40, plate 9. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1894 Gautier, Emile F. Croquis de Voyage de M. Emile Gautier. 1:3,500,000. 27.3 x 33.6 cm. In Annaks de geographic, v. 3, between pp. 532-533. 910.5AN/stx. Includes six maps: geology, orography, vegetation, population, altimetry, and itineraries. 1894 Gregory, J.W. A map illustrating a journey to Mount Kenya and Lake Baringo. 1:1,010,000. 34.6x21.9 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 4, between pp. 384-385. 910.5GJ/stx. Insets of Lake Baringo, central peak of Kenya, and the ridges of the Iveti Mountains. 1894 Hassenstein, Bruno. Josef Menges' Reisen auf das Hochplateau der Somali Halbinsel in den Jahre 1884 und 1892.... 1:300,000. 34.6 x 45 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 40, plate 16. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1894 Gotzen, Gustav Adolph. Lieut Count von Gotzen's Expedition across Africa 1894. 1:10,000,000. 10.6 x 19.1 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 5, p. 357. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of southern Africa. 1894 Manchester Geographical Society. Comparison of Routes Mombasa to Uganda-Suakin to Berber. 1:9,000,000. 10.2 x 12.8 cm. In Journal, v. 10, p. 117. 910.6MA/stx. Inset of Berber. 1894 Gotzen, Gustav Adolph. Vorlaufige Skizze des Reiseweges des L'. Graf von Gotzen quer durch Central-Afrika, 1893/94. 1:5,000,000. 18.7 x 36.9 on. In Deutscher Geographen.tag,Verhandlungen, 1895, after p. 228. 910.6DE/stx. Inset of "Ubersichtskarte." 1894 Merensky, A. and Bruno Hassenstein. Der Shire-Fluss von Matope bis zum Nyassa...Cebiete im Osten des Shire. 1:500,000. 24.7 x 19.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 40, plate 12. Q.910.5PE/stx. Eastern 147 1894 Paulitschke, Philipp. Reiseroute der Graf en Ernst Hoyos jun. und Richard Coudenhove im Somali-Lande (November 1893 bix Marz 1894). 1:1,100,000. 73.2 x 55 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 37, between pp. 422-423. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1894 Smith, C.S., G.E. Smith, and Imam Sharif Khan Bahadur. The Anglo-German Boundary East Africa. 1:2,000,000. 19.3 x 11.4 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 4, p. 434. 910.5GJ/stx. Insets of the lower Umba River and of Kibo. 1894 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Map to illustrate the Anglo-Italian Arrangement. 1:5,900,000. 11 x 18.4 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 4, p. 57. 910.5GJ/stx. 1894 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Mozambique Territories Portuguezes ao Sul do Save. 1:3,000,000. 23.6 x 18.7 cm. In Boletim, v. 13, between pp. 176-177. 910.6SOL/stx. 1894 Revue Geographique Internationale. Choa Gallas et Somal. 1:3,000,000. 7.2 x 12.7 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 19; p. 23. 910.5REGI/stx. 1894 Walker & Boutall sc. Dr. A. Donaldson Smith's Route in Somaliland. 1:1,500,000. 10.9x17.6 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 4, p. 529. 910.5GJ/stx. 1894 Revue Geographique Internationale. Madagascar. 1:11,250,000. 14.1 x 8 on. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 19; p. 239. 910.5REGI/stx. 1895 Ainsworth, John. Sketch Map of Parts of Ulu and Kirwyi (Ukamba). 1:490,000. 18.8 x 25.6 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 7, Jan.-June, between pp. 452-453. 910.5GJ/stx. 1894 Revue Geographique Internationale. Somal. 1:10,000,000. 15.2 x 11 cm. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 19; p. 22. 910.5REGI/stx. 1895 Anderson, W.G. Entrance to the Zangwa River. 1:250,000. 4.2 x 6.6 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 5, p. 596. 910.5GJ/stx. 148 Eastern 1895 Armand Colin et C K . Madagascar. 1:6,000,000. 29 x 21.1 cm. In Annaks de geographic, v. 4, between pp. 392-393. 910.5AN/stx. Insets of surrounding islands and France and Madagascar. 1895 Brard, Pater. Originalkarte einer Forschungsreise auf der Sesse Insel. 1:300,000. 17.8 x 23.3 cm. InPetermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 41, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1895 Elliot, G.F. Scott. Map of part of East Africa.... 1:2,000,000. 24.8 x 20 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 6, between pp. 400-401. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Elliot, G.F. Scott. Ruwenzori.... 1:495,000. 28.5 x 26.5 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 6, between pp. 400-401. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of region. 1895 Cesar, Airaghi. Croquis du Dembelas 1:600,000. 29.4x21.3 on. InSocietede geographic d'Egypte, Bulletin, v. 4, between pp. 486-487. 910.5SOCG/stx. 1895 Fischer, G.A. Karte der Gebiete von Deutsch-und Britisch-Ost-Afrika zwischen dem Victoria-Nyansa und dem Kenia.... 1:750,000. 50.1 x 74.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 41, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1895 Dardano, A. Cartina originale dell' Eritrea tra Massaua, Cheren, Adua e 1'Agame. 1:900,000. 16.1 x 24.3 cm. In Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 8, between pp. 200-201. 910.6SOR/stx. 1895 Gotzen, Gustav Adolph. Carte de l'itineraire suivi par Von Gotzen. 1:7,200,000. 12.6 x 25.4 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 20; pp. 68-69. 910.5REGI/stx. 1895 E.J. Brill, Firm. Schetskaart van Madagaskar. 1:4,500,000. 37 x 21.9 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, series 2, v. 12, between pp. 10-11. 910.6NESER2/stx. 1895 Hobley, C.W. The Country between Mombasa and Vanga showing the routes of C.W. Hobley. 1:500,000. 14.8 x 10.8 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 5, p. 559. 910.5GJ/stx. Eastern 149 1895 Hobley, C.W. Kisigau and Kilibasi. 1:500,000. 9.8 x 11 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 5, p. 555. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Hobley, C.W. Sketch of the Taita Mountains. 1:500,000. 7.3 x 10.9 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 5, p. 548. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Last, J.T. The Ong'ulahi River and Adjacent Country on the West Coast of Madagascar.... 1:291,450. 19.9 x 48.9 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 6, between pp. 300-301. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Last, J.T. Parts of the West Coast of Madagascar.... 1:1,750,000. 20 x 36.7 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 6, between pp. 300-301. 910.5GJ/stx. Insets of "The Distribution of Tribes in Madagascar," region showing the Onilahy River, and region around Morondava. 1895 Mager, Henri. Madagascar. 1:4,100,000. 42.3 x 28.3 cm. In Societe normande de geographic, Bulktin, v. 17, between pp. 82-83. 910.6SOI/stx. Insets of route from Majunga to Antananrivo; Antsiranana and its bay; relations between France and Madagascar; and route from Toamasina to Antananrivo. 1895 Neumann, Oskar. Routes of Oskar Neumann in East & Central Africa 1893-1895. 1:10,000,000. 9.7 x 11.9 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 6, p. 275. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Revue Geographique Internationale. D'Ampasiry a Tananarive. 1:1,000,000. 22.6 x 9.2 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 20; p. 143. 910.5REGI/stx. 1895 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte du 1'Erythree. 1:18,000,000. 13.6 x 12 on. In Revue geographique internationak, v. 20, p. 248. 910.5REGI/stx. 1895 Revue Geographique Internationale. De Majunga a Ampasiry. 1:1,000,000. 20.1 x 8.9 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 20; p. 142. 910.5REGI/stx. 150 Eastern 1895 Smith, A. Donaldson. Dr. A. Donaldson Smith's Route in Western Somali Land. 1:1,360,000. 11 x 17.8 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 5, p. 125. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Smith, A. Donaldson. Map of an expedition to Lake Rudolf 1894-95. (Sheet 1). 1:1,000,000. 19.2 x 42.8 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 8, between pp. 200-201. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Smith, A. Donaldson. Map of an expedition to Lake Rudolf 1894-95. (Sheet 2). 1:1,020,000. 31.4 x 28 on. Geographical Journal, v. 8, between pp. 200-201. 910.5GJ/stx. In 1895 Smith, A. Donaldson. Map of an expedition to Lake Rudolf 1894-95. (Sheet 5). 1:2,000,000. 21.9 x 20.6 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 8, between pp. 200-201. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Weller, F.S. Map of Uganda and Unyoro.... 1:1,000,000. 35 x 74 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 9, between pp. 472-473. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of continuation of River Nile. 1896 Baumann, Oscar. Der Unterlauf des Pangani Flusses fur das Zuckersyndikat fur Deutsch-Ostafrika.... 1:80,000. 20 x 51.2 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 42, plate 6. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1895 Smith, A. Donaldson. Map of an expedition to Lake Rudolf 1894-95. (Sheet 3). 1:1,010,000. 19 x 38.9 cm. Geographical Journal, v. 8, between pp. 200-201. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Chesneau, Marius. Le Lac Victoria - In L'Ouganda et L'Ounyoro (travaux du Lieut C.F.S. Vandeleur et du R.P. Brard). 1:4,000,000. 15.5x13 cm. In anon., Annee cartographiciue. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1895 Smith, A. Donaldson. Map of an expedition to Lake Rudolf 1894-95. (Sheet 4). 1:1,010,000. 34.3 x 38.6 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 8, between pp. 200-201. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Chesneau, Marius. Partie occidentale de la presqu'ile des Somalis d'apres les explorations les plus recentes. 1:8,000,000. 14 x 12.5 on. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. Eastern 151 1896 Chesneau, Marius. Region de L'Ouroua d'apres les travaux les plus recents. 1:6,000,000. 7 x 11.5 on. In anon., Annie cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1896 Freytag, Gustav and P. Berndt. Madagascar. 1:4,000,000. 42.3 x 29.5 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fiir Geographic und Statistik, v. 18, betweeen pp. 48-49. 910.5DEU/stx. Inset of Antananarivo. 1896 Codrington, Robert. Sketch Map of Route from Chikala to Lujende. 1:500,000. 19.8 x 10.7 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 7, Jan. -June, p. 185. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Hansen, J. Carte economique de File de Madagascar. 1:5,000,000. 33.7 x 21.6 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 21, pp. 44-45. 910.5REGI/stx. 1896 Craufurd, Clifford H. Sketch map illustrating Journey on the Lower Jub 1895-6. 1:1,550,000. 10 x 10.7 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 9, p. 55. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Ubersichtskarte von Afrika mit Europa. 1:5,000,000. 25.5 x 26.5 cm. In Kleiner deutscher Kolonialatlas, plate 6. Q.912D48K/stx. 1896 EJ. Brill, Firm. De Route van Donaldson Smith naar het Stefanie Meer 1894-1895. 1:5,250,000. 13.4 x 19.4 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, series 2, v. 13, between pp. 446-447. 910.6NESER2/stx. 1896 Hansen, J. Cote Orientale de Madagascar Itineraire de la Region comprise entre Mananjary & lavibola par Gabriel Ferrand.... 1:400,000. 50 x 39 cm. hi Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 17, between pp. 144-145. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of the mouth of the lavibola River. 1896 Hansen, J. litre Liste des Explorateurs Graphiques des Observations meteorologiq'. 1:14,000,000. 12.4 x 7.3 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 41, p. 234. 910.5RE/stx. 1896 Kolb, Johann Georg. Originalkarte von Ukambani und dem Kenia-Gebiet... 1:1,000,000. 43.6 x 23.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 42, plate 17. Q.910.5PE/stx. 152 Eastern 1896 Ormerod, R.M. Sketch-Map of Korokoro. 1:500,000. 10.7 x 10.5 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 8, p. 284. 910.5GJ/stx. Two insets of Tana River. 1896 Woodward, H.W. Map of the Bonde Country (East Africa).... 1:62,000. 56.2 x 34.9 cm. In Geographical Journal v. 8, between pp. 656-657. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Paulitschke, Philipp. Reiseroute der Fiirsten Demeter Ghika Comanesti im Somal-Lande, 1895 und 1896. 1:2,000,000. 30.5 x 19.1 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 42, plate 18. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1896 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Italian Territory Abyssinia. 1:350,000. 4.5 x 4.7 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 8, p. 637. 910.5GJ/stx. 1897 Africa, North-East Part. 1:12,000,000. 26.5 x 38 cm. In anon., Century Atlas, v. 2, no. 110. Q912.C333/mar. Inset of Nile Delta and Suez Canal (1:1,900,000). 1897 Barralier, E. Province d'Emyrne Organisation militaire et administrative. 1:500,000. 43.1x41.7 cm. InAnnalesde geographie, v. 6, between pp. 368-369. 910.5AN/stx. 1896 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Sketch Map Illustrating an Expedition to Lake Rudolf by D r . Donald Smith. 1:5,500,000. 21.9 x 20.6 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 8, p. 121. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Reconhecimento do Rio Inhampallala por Bento Casimiro Feio e Manoel Luiz Alves. 1:500,000. 30.7 x 63.4 cm. In Boktim, v. 15, between pp. 378-379. 910.6SOL/stx. 1897 Brard, Pater. Das Siidufer des Victoria-Nyansa. 1:750,000. 18.5 x 24.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 43, plate 7. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1897 Cavendish, H.S.H. Lake Rudolf and neighbouring regions.... 1:2,000,000. 29.9 x 37 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 11, between pp. 464-465. 910.5GJ/stx. Eastern 153 1897 Chesneau, Marius. Ethiopia et Pays Limitrophes. 1:25,000,000. 9.5 x 10.5 on. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1897 Chesneau, Marius. Ethiopie meridionale et regions limitrophes, itineraries des exped. Bottego (2*. Exp.), Darragon, Cavendish, Wickenburg, Aylmer, Parkinson, Brander-Dnnbar. 1:8,000,000. 15 x 17.5 on. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1897 Hassenstein, Bruno. Das Siidliche Schoa und die Nordlichen Gebiete der Galla und Somal.... 1:2,000,000. 42.2 x 52 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 43, plate 2. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1897 Roelens, S.G., Msgr. Neue Reiserouten in Marungu und Itawa, 1891 bis 1895.... 1:750,000. 30.5x24.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 43, plate 14. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1897 Triloff, P. Hermann. Die Schambalai oder West-Usambara.... 1:200,000. 47.8 x 36.4 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 43, plate 20. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1898 Aylmer, G.P.V., F.B. Parkinson, and Brander-Dunbar. Sketch Map of Northern Somali Land. 1:745,000. 38.5 x 33.1 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 11, between pp. 112-113. 910.5GJ/stx. 1897 Hob ley, C.W. A Map of Mount Masawa (Mount Elgon). 1:500,000. 25.3 x 19.2 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 9, between pp. 248-249. 910.5GJ/stx. . 1898 Barralier, E. Mission de Bonchamps (1987-98). 1:450,000. 19.2 x 21.9 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, -set. 7, v. 19, after p. 504. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of the region. 1897 Pease, Alfred E. Sketch Map of part of a journey in the Somali Country. 1:750,000. 11.2 x 18.4 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 11, p. 139. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Capus, Pere. Reiseroute der Missionare Peres van den Biesen, Capus und van der Burch von der Station N.D. Auxiliatrice in Ushirombo nach Uha und Urundi, Juni u. Julil895.... 1:350,000. 24.6 x 43.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 44, plate 9. Q.910.5PE/stx. 154 Eastern 1898 Chesneau, Marius. Itineraire dc M r . L. Darragon entre Djibouti et Addis-Ababa 1897. 1:5,000,000. 9 x 13.5 on. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1898 Chesneau, Marius. L'Ouganda ct les Regions limitrophes entre le Lac Rodolphe et le Nil, itineraries de la Mission Macdonald 1897-1898. 1:5,000,000. 12.8 x 15.5 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1898 Freytag, Gustav and P. Berndt. Graf Eduard Wickenburg's Reiserouten Britisch-Ost-Afrika 1897-1898. Nach den Aufnahmen des Reisenden bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. Ph. Paulitschke. 1:490,000. 37.9 x 62.9 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 41, between pp. 642-643. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1898 Gautier, Emile F. Esquisse Hypsometrique de la partie nord de Madagascar. 1:3,000,000. 27.2 x 19.3 cm. In Annales de geographie, v. 6, between pp. 384-385. 910.5AN/stx. 1898 Close, C.F. , F.R.F. Boileau, and L.A. Wallace. Nyasa Tanganyika Plateau. 1:1,000,000. 29.8 x 58.1 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 13, between pp. 692-693. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 George Philip & Son. [Sketch Map of British Somaliland.] 1:8,000,000. 7.2 x 10.9 cm. In Geographical Journal v. 11, p. 293. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Croad, H. Sketch Map of the Mweru District. 1:900,000. 11.4x18.2 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 11, p. 619. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Foa, M. Sketch Map Illustrating M. Foa's Journeys in British Central Africa. 1:5,500,000. 8.2 x 10.9 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 12, p. 314. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Hansen, J. Itineraries aux Pays Somalis, Danakils, Gallas et Abyssins par le Vicomte Edmond de Poncins 1897-1898. 1:2,750,000. 15.6 x 20.2 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 19, after p. 504. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Eastern 155 1898 Hobley, C.W. A Map of Kavirondo. 1:510,000. 29.8x25.7 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 12, between pp. 444-445. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Petermann, August Heinrich. Der Chakwati See Deutsch Ostafrika. 1:150,000. 8 x 14.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 42, p. 139. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1898 Junod, H.A. Le Pays des Ba-Ronga avec ses principales subdivisions. 1:3,600,000. 10.6 x 7.6 on. In Societe neuchateloise de geographic, Bulletin, v. 10, p. 9. 910.6SON/stx. Inset shows the geographical location of the country of the Ba Rongo people. 1898 Rand McNally & Co. Abyssinia and the Surrounding Countries. 1:6,317,500. 31.5 x 23.5 cm. In Chicago Chronick's Unrivalkd Atlas, p. 151. Q.912C432/stx. 1898 Kirkpatrick, R.T. Lake Choga and Neighbourhood. 1:990,000. 21.8 x 25.6 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 13, between pp. 464-465. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 MacDonald, J.R.L. Map of Uganda Protectorate and the Territories to the North. 1:2,500,000. 32.4 x 36.2 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 14, between pp. 240-241. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Werther, W. Originalkarte der Irangi-Expedition in den Mittleren Hochlandern des Nordlichen Deutsch-Ost-Afrika, Juli 1896 bis April 1897.... 1:750,000. 50.8 x 71 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 44, plate 6. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of connection to the southeast corner of the main map. 1899 Armand Colin et C ie . Madagascar Carte Forestiere. 1:6,000,000. 21 x 28.4 cm. In Annales de geographie, v. 8, between pp. 74-75. 910.5AN/stx. 1898 Paulitschke, Philipp. Reiseroute des Graf en Eduard Wickenburg im Somallande Juli bis Oktober 1897.... 1:1,000,000. 40.7 x 50 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 44, plate 5. Q.910.5PE/stx. 156 Eastern 1899 Gt. Brit. War Office. Intelligence Division. The Course of the River Juba. 1:995,000. 34.5 x 21.2 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 14, between pp. 696-696. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of region. 1899 Petermann, August Heinrich. [Der Gebirgsriicken Kaiser Nicolaus II.] 1:5,000,000. 10.5 x 8.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographiscke Mitteilungen, v. 45, p. 243. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1899 Langhans, Paul. Erforschung des Rikwa-Grabens und der Ufipa-Hochflache.... 1:500,000. 44.5 x 48.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 45, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets of the Whiter Father's missions in German East Africa at 1:12,000,000 and Msgr. Le Chaptois' journey at 1:1,000,000. 1899 Langhans, Paul. Pater Dromaux' Durchquerung von Deutsch-Ostafrika (Bagamojo-Kiwele-Karema) Juli-Oktober 1897.... Various scales. 35.5 x 52.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 45, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. Includes 3 maps: "...Bagamojo bis Iseke..." at 1:2,000,000; " ...Ukimbu" at 1:500,000; and "...Ukonongo und Kawende" at 1:500,000. 1899 Meyer, Th. and Langhans, Paul. Reisen im Norden des Njassa (Deutsch-Ostafrika) von Th. Meyer.... 1:500,000. 24.5 x 33.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 45, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1899 Smith, G.E. Captain Smith's Triangulation (greatly reduced). No scale. 11.3 x 21.5 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 14, p. 281. 910.5GJ/stx. 1899 Smith, G.E. Road Making and Surveying in British East Africa. 1:1,230,000. 29.6 x 38.5 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 14, between pp. 352-353. 910.5GJ/stx. 1899 Soci^te de geographic, Paris. [Afrique or 1 ' Anglaise Afrique or 1 " Allemande.] 1:20,000,000. 6.7 x 6.3 cm. In Bulktin, ser. 7, v. 20, p. 29. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1899 Societe de geographic, Paris. [Madagascar.] 1:25,000,000. 6.3 x 4.6 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 20, p. 34. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Eastern 157 1899 Societe de geographic, Paris. [Soudan, Ethiopie, Congo Beige.] 1:20,000,000. 5 x 9 on. In Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 20, p. 25. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1899-1900 Chesneau, Marius. Ethiopie meridionale et regions limitrophes. 1:8,000,000. 18 x 18 on. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1899-1900 Chesneau, Marius. La Region lacustre a 1'ouest du Victoria Nyanza. 1:8,000,000. 9.5 x 5 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1899-1900 Chesneau, Marius. La Rhodesia septentrionale et la region front icre allemande. 1:8,000,000. 9 x 8.5 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. Southern Nicolosio (Checklist #1576) 158 Southern See also: 36, 1018, 1078, 1123 1513 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvla Moderna Prime Partis Aphricae. No scale. 41.5 x 57.5 on. In Geographiae, plate 12 in supplement. Uncat; f shelves /rbx. 1665 Blaeu, Joan. Ethiopia Inferior, vel Exterior. 1:8,500,000. 38 x 50 cm. In Grooten atlas, v. 8. Uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1513 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Tabvla Moderna Secvndae Porcionis Aphrice. No scale. 36 x 51 cm. In Geographiae, plate 13 in supplement. Uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1564 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Africa Nvova Tavola. No scale. 20x26 cm. In Geographia, plate 39. X.881P87G.LM/rbx. 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Africa pars Meridionalior. 1:37,000,000. 8.6x12.4 cm. In Geographischer, p. 600. X910B46TGU/rbx. 1623 Linschoten, Jan Huygen van. Africae. 1:13,000,000. 38x53.3 on. In Itinerarium. Q.910.4L65I/rbx. 1655 Sanson, Nicolas. Basse /Ethiopie qui Comprend les Royaumes de Congo, Coste et Pays des Cafres, Empires du Monomotapa, et Monoemugi. 1:11,250,000. 41.8x55.5 cm. In Cartes generates, plate 20. XF.913SA5C/rbx. 1665 Kircher, Athanasius. Hydrophilacium Africae Precipuum, in Montibus Lunae. No scale. 34.3 x 40 cm. In Mundus subtenaneus, between pp. 72-73. Uncat; q shelves/rbx. 1670 Ogilby, John. ^Ethiopia Inferior vel Exterior. 1:11,500,000. 28 x 36.3 cm. 4/hoz,between pp. 488-489. XQ.916OG4A/rbx. In 1671 Nicolosi, Giovanni Battista. Africa. 1:10,800,000. 40 x 46.4 cm. Loose sheet. G8500167-.N5/rbx. This is the top left sheet of a four-sheet map of the continent that is oriented towards the south. 1678 Kircher, Athanasius. Chorographia originis Nili, iuxta obseruationem Odoar di Lopez. 1:32,500,000. 19.4 x 17.9 cm. In Mundus subterraneus, folio 55 between pp. 72-73. Uncat; q shelves/rbx. Southern 159 1678 Kircher, Athanasius. Vera et Genvina Fontivm Nili Topographia. No scale. 24.2 x 36.3 on. In Mundus subterraneus, folio 36 between pp. 72-73. Uncat; q shelves/rbx. Oriented to the south. 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Cafreria et Monomotapa. 1:26,500,000. 10.1 x 12.5 on. In Geographic univeralis, p. 238. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1688 Morden, Robert. The Empire of Monomotapa and ye Coast of Carres. 1:27,000,000. 10 x 12.2 cm. In Geography Rectified, p. 494. X910M81G2/rbx. 1692 Miiller, Johann Ulrich. Caff aria und Monomotapa. 1:45,000,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kurtz-Bundige, plate 13 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1679 Seller, John. The Higher and Lower Ethiopia. No scale. 9.2 x 5.4 on. hi Atlas minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. 1701 Moll, Herman. Congo. Angola. Carres. Monoemugi. Monomotapa. Zanguebar & Madagascar. 1:50,000,000. 17 x 19 cm. In System of Geography, Part II, p. 102. XQ.910M735S/rbx. ' 1679 Seller, John. The Lower Ethiopia. No scale. 9.2 x 5.3 on. In Atlas minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Pays et Coste des Caffres: Empires de Monomotapa Monoemugi, &c. 1:14,500,000. 20 x 28.5 cm. In L'Afrique, between pp. 72-73. Uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Monomotapa et laCafrerie. No scale. 14.8 x 10.3 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 44. X910M289D/rbx. 1714 Aa, Pieter van der. Le Cap de Bonne Esperance suivant les Nouvelles Observations. 1:862,500. 22.6 x 29.5 cm. In Bruckner, Nouvel atlas, plate 94. XF.912B83N/rbx. 1714 Moll, Herman. The South East Part of Africa. 1:20,500,000. 17.7 x 25.8 cm. In Atlas geographus, v. 4, between pp. 620-621. X910M735A/rbx. Includes a small inset map of St. Mary island. 160 Southern 1714 Moll, Herman. The South West Part of Africa. 1:16,500,000. 25.6 x 10 cm. In Atlas geographus, v. 4, between pp. 516-517. X910M735A/rbx. 1728 Knapton, James and John Knapton. A New and Correct Chart of the Coast of Guinea from Cape Verde to Cape Negro. 1:7,600,000. 49.2 x 59.9 cm. In anon., Atlas Maritimus, plate 30. XF.912AT656/rbx. 1719 Chatelain, Henri Abraham. Carte du Royaume de Congo, du Monomotapa et de la Cafrerie. 1:11300,000. 40.5x60.4 cm. In Atlas historique, v. 6, p. 59. XF.912C39A/rbx. 1745 L'Isle, Guillaume de. Carte du Congo et du Pays des Cafres. 1:9,100,000. 48.4 x 61.6 cm. Two loose sheets. G85801745.B3/rbx. 1719 Chatelain, Henri Abraham. Cartes des Pays et des Peuples du Cap de Bonne Esperance Nouvellement Decouverts par les Hollands. 1:75,000. 13 x 10.4 cm. In Atlas historique, v. 6, page 74. XF.912C39A/rbx. 1722 Moll, Herman. Congo, Angola, Cafres, Monoemugi, Monomotapa, Zanguebar and Madagascar. 1:25,000,000. 17.4 x 19.5 cm. In anon., Compleat Geographer, p. 136. XQ.910C7371722/rbx and a loose sheet: G8580172-?.M6/rbx. 1728 Knapton, James and John Knapton. A New and Correct Chart of the Coast of Africa from Cape Negro to Cape Bona-Esperance. 1:7,600,000. 49.3 x 58.2 cm. In Atlas Maritimus, plate 31. XF.912AT656/rbx. Oriented to west. 1745 Moll, Herman. The Bay of Agoa de Saldanha. 1:666,700. 13.2 x 20.3 on. Atlas minor, p. 43. X912M73A1745/rbx. In 1745 Moll, Herman. The South Part of Africa and the Island Madagascar. 1:20,850,000. 20.1 x 27.4 on. In Atlas minor, p. 44. X912M73A1745/rbx. 1747 Bowen, Emanuel. A New & Accurate Map of the Southern Parts of Africa. 1:14,000,000. 34.4x49.9 cm. In Complete System, v. 2, map 56, between pp. 480 and 481. F.910B67C/ihx. 1749 Bruckner, Isaak. Carte Marine de TAfrique Meridionale. 1:19,820,000. 43.7 x 51 on. In Nouvel atlas, plate 9. XF.912B83N/rbx. Southern 161 1749 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Pays des Cafres. 1:13,250,000. 16 x 23 cm. In Atlas portatif, plate 178. X912R54A/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Baye de Saldane au Nord-Ouest du Cap de Bonne Esperance. Scale in leagues. 17 x 21.1 on. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 112. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1752 Bowen, Emanuel. A New and Accurate Map of the Southern Parts of Africa. 1:13,725,000. 34.4 x 42.9 cm. In Complete Atlas, plate 47. XF.912B67C/rbx and loose sheet: G8580175-.B6/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de la Baye de la Table et Rade du Cap de Bonne Esperance. 1:650,000. 17.1 x 21.8 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 113. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1754 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte Reduite d'une Partie Costes Occidentales et Meridionales de rAfrique. 1:2,725,000. 88.9 x 54.7 cm. Two loose sheets. G8600.P61754.B4/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte du Pais des Hottentots. 1:1,750,000. 22 x 17.3 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 111. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1763 Tirion, Isaak. Kaart van het Zuidelykste gedeelte van Afrika of het land der Hottentotten. 1:4,600,000. 32.7 x 36.4 cm. In anon., Hedendaagsche Historie of Tegenwoordige Stoat van Afrika, between pp. 624-625. 916H358/stx. 1763 Tirion, Isaak. Nieuwe Kaart van de Kaap der Goede Hoope en der naby gelegen Landen.... 1:1,040,000. 31.5 x 22 cm. In anon., Hedendaagsche Historie of Tegenwoordige Stoat van Afrika, between pp. 682-683. 916H358/stx. Also available as loose sheet : G86101763.T5/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Ville et Fort du Cap de Bonne Esperance. Scale in fathoms. 17.1x21.9 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 114. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1767 Hiibner, Johann. The Southern Part of Africa. 1:42,500,000. 11 x 13 on. In New and Easy Introduction, p.228. X910H864KE1767/rbx. 1780s Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Empire du Monomotapa et Etats Voisins. 1:7,900,000. 20 x 26 cm. Two loose sheets. G8500178-.D4/rbx and G8500178-.D41/rbx. 162 Southern 1780s Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Le Pays des Hottentots aux Environs du Cap de Bonne Esperance. 1:1,445,000. 24.6 x 34.6 on. Loose sheet. G8610178-.B4/rbx. 1794 Payne, John. A Map of the Southern Extremity of the Continent of Africa. 1:2,850,000. 24 x 41 on. In Atlas, plate 9. XQ.912P29A/rbx. 1780 Bonne, Rigobert. Carte du Canal de Mosambique. 1:18,000,000. 21.3 x 31.5 on. In Atlas, plate 11. 912B64A/ihx and two loose sheets: G8500178-.B6/rbx and G8500178-.B61/rbx. An inset map shows the Cape of Good Hope and Table Bay. 1781 Moll, Herman. The South West Part of Africa. Containing Congo, Angola, Benguela, Monomotapa, Caff ers, Terra de Natal &c. 1:16,750,000. 25.8 x 17.6 cm. In Bowks' s Atlas Minor, p. 45. X912M73A1781/rbx. 1792 L'Isle, Guillaume de. Carte de I'Afrique Mcridionale, ou pays Entre la Ligne & le Cap de Bonne Esperance et 1'Isle de Madagascar. 1:9,250,000. 51 x 58 cm. Loose sheet. G85801792.E4/rbx. Map is one of a three-sheet map of Africa. Inset of the Cape of Good Hope. 1794 Payne, John. Africa. Divided Into its Several Regions. 1:21,000,000. 45 x 55 cm. In Atlas, plate 8. XQ.912P29A/rbx. 1795 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Congo, Cafrerie. 1:19,550,000. 24 x 27.9 on. Loose sheet. G85801795.D4/rbx. 1796 Rennell, James. Africa. 1:8,250,000. 51.5 x 113 cm. In Kitchen, New Universal Atlas, p. 54. XF.912K64N/rbx. 1800s Justus Perthes. Politisch-militarische Karte von Siid-Afrika. 1:4,000,000. 62.5 x 73 cm. Loose sheet. G848018-.L3/max. Insets of Transvaal and part of Southern Africa. 1802 Arrowsmith, Aaron. Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. 1:4,200,000. 20 x 25 cm. Loose sheet. G8510/181-.S4/mar. 1807 Barbiellini, Carlo Antonio. Colonia del Capo di Bona Speranza. 1:4,300,000. 19.5 x 24.6 cm. In Atlante, plate 33. Q.912B234A/mar. Southern 163 1807 Truter and Somerville. Charte von Siid Afrika mit Hrn: Toiler's und Somerville's Reiseroute in das Land der Buschwanas. 1:4,400,000. 30.5 x 41 cm. InAllgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden, v. 22, between pp. 256-257. 910.5AL/stx. 1810s Pinkerton, John. Southern Africa. 1:6,500,000. 50 x 69 cm. Loose sheet. G8480/181-.P5/rbx. 1810s Shallus, Francis. Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. 1:2,000,000. 20 x 25 cm. Loose sheet. G8510/181-.S4/max. 1812 Malte-Brun, Conrad. Afrique Meridionale. 1:24,500,000. 22.7x29.5 cm. In Atlas complet, plate 147. Q.912M29A/mar. 1817 Arrowsrnith, Aaron. Cape of Good Hope. 1:4,000,000. 20.4x25 cm. In New General Atlas, plate 47. Q.912AR6N1817/mar. 1828 Hall, Sidney. Southern Africa. 1:3,000,000. 41 x 50.5 cm. Loose sheet. G85001828.H3/max. 1830s Lizars, William Home. [Southern Africa.] 1:11,100,000. 39 x 44 cm. Loose sheet. G8400183-?.L5/max. 1831 Starling, Thomas. Southern Africa. 1:13,600,000. 9 x 14.5 cm. In Geographical Annual, p. 76. 912ST28G1833/rbc. 1833 Royal Geographical Society. Sketch of South Africa, to illustrate Paper by W.D. Cooley Esq RE . 1:2,850,000. 18 x 21.7 cm. In Journal, v. 3, between pp. 196-197. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1834 Societe de geographic, Paris. Carte d'une Partie de 1' Afrique Meridionale, pour 1'intelligence des travaux des Missionnaires Frangais. 1:7,500,000. 21 x 26.2 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 2, v. 1, after p. 348. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset map of the Basuto country. 1820 Myers, Thomas. South Africa. 1:5,600,000. 19 x 24 cm. In New and Comprehensive System, p. 456. 910M99N/stx. 1835 Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel. Southern Africa. 1:29,500,000. 19.7 x 25.7 cm. In Comprehensive Atlas, p. 112. Q.912B72C/mar. 164 Southern 1835 Royal Geographical Society. Sketch of the Cape of Good-Hope Colony. 1:14,000,000. 17 x 21.5 cm. In Journal, v. 5, after p. 412. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1836 Findlay, Alexander George. South Africa. 1:7,600,000. 20 x 25 cm. In Wright, New and Comprehensive Gazetteer, v. 1, p. 51. 910.3W93H/stx. 1836 Royal Geographical Society. Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. 1:4,000,000. 19.8 x 29.7 cm. In Journal, v. 6, between pp. 174-175. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1836 Societe de geographic, Paris. Carte du Voyage de M^M/'les Missionnaires T. Arbousset & F. Daumas. Au Nord des Bassoutos. 1:2,800,000. 23.5 x 34 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 2, v. 6, after p. 336. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1837 Harris, W.C. Afrique au Nord-Est de la Colonie du Cap. 1:4,800,000. 25.1 x 22 on. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulktin, ser. 2, v. 9, after p. 108. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset map of the Basuto country. 1838 Royal Geographical Society. Map to illustrate Capt N . Alexander's Route in South Africa. 1838. 1:2,450,000. 37.9 x 23.5 cm. In Journal, v. 8, between pp. 28-29. 910.6ROJ/stx. Inset shows route between Kamieskroon and Cape Town. 1840s Arrigoni, Ferdinando. Africa Parte Meridionale ed Isola di Madagascar. 1:15,250,000. 30 x 38.5 cm. In Marmocchi, Grande atlante, plate 42. Q.910M345G/stx. Inset map of the Cape Colony (1:3,800,000). 1842 Arrowsmith, John. Cape of Good Hope. 1:2,350,000. 47.5 x 71 on. Loose sheet. G85001842.A7/max. 1844 Delegorgue, Adolphe. Itineraire suivi par Adulphe Delegorgue 1839-1844. 1:7,000,000. 19.2x11.9 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 18, p. 12. 910.5REGI/stx. 1849 Royal Geographical Society. Route of Mess 1 *. Livingston, Oswell & Murray, to Lake Ngami. 1849. 1:5,000,000. 18.5 x 11.6 on. In Journal, v. 20, between pp. 142-143. 910.6ROJ/stx. Southern 165 1852 Royal Geographical Society. Africa, between 10 & 30 South Latitude. Map to illustrate the Routes of Francis Galton Esq r . Mess". Livingston & Oswell and W. Henry Gassiot Esq r . 1852. 1:12,000,000. 18.6 x 25.9 cm. In Journal v. 22, between pp. 140-141. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1855 Royal Geographical Society. Map to illustrate Explorations in South Africa from Walvisch Bay to Lake Ngami &c. by C.I. Andersson Esq r . 1854. 1:5,000,000. 20.1 x 25.1 cm. In Journal, v. 25, between pp. 78-79. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1853 Oswell, W. Carte du Lac Ngamiet des conferees voisines (Afrique Australe).... 1:6,000,000. 27.1 x 33.5 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 4, v. 4, after p. 396. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1853 Petermann, August Heinrich. South Africa [Cape Colony]. 1:7,200,000. 20.5 x 26 cm. In Descriptive Atlas, plate 35. Q.912P44D1853/mar. Includes a cross section of the Karroo and Veld regions. 1855 Berghaus, Hermann. Natal und die Freistaaten der Boers. 1:5,000,000. 24.7 x 20 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 1, plate 20. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1855 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte zur Ubersicht der Wichtigsten Entdeckungen im Inner Siid-Afrika in den Jahren 1849-1853. 1:14,000,000. 24.5 x 25.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 1, plate 5. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1856 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte der Kolonie Natal.... 1:1,550,000. 24.2x18.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, plate 19. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Durban at 1:360,000. 1856 Petermann, August Heinrich. Der Ngami-See. 1:1,000,000. 19.6 x 8.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, p. 103. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1857 Colton, George Woolworth. Africa Southern Sheet. 1:14,250,000. 39.8 x 32.5cm. In Colton' s Atlas, v. 2, plate.36. F.912C72A/mar. 1858 Moffatt, Robert. South Africa. Map to illustrate Route from near Colesberg on the E. to Steinkope, on the W. also Return Route, along the Banks of the Orange River towards the Bechuana Country. 1:11,000,000. 19.6 x 43.1 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 28, between pp. 152-153. 910.6ROJ/stx. 166 Southern 1859 Petermann, August Heiiuich. Kartezur Ubersicht der Rcise von H. Hahn und Rath im siidwestlichen Afrika, Mai-September 1857. 1:3,000,000. 19 x 24.3 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 5, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1860 Royal Geographical Society. Sketch to accompany a Trading Trip into the Orange River Free States, and the Country of the Trans- Vaal Republic, in 1851-52. By John Sanderson Esq r . 1:1,800,000. 19.5x11 on. ]n Journal, v. 30, between pp. 234-235. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1860 Swanston, George H. South Africa. 1:4,200,000. 40 x 51.8 cm. In Companion Atlas, plate 48. F.912SW2C/stx, mar. 1861 Hall, Sidney. Africa, South Part. 1:6,900,000. 19 x 26 cm. In Black, Adam and Charles, Black's General Atlas, plate 44. F.912B561B/ihx. 1861 Royal Geographical Society. Africa, The Course of the River Shire, Below Lake Nyassa, and the River Zambesi , Below Kabrarbasa; to illustrate the Papers of D r . David Livingstone. 1:3,300,000. 19 x 13.3 cm. In Journal, v. 31, between pp. 256-257. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1862 Royal Geographical Society. South Africa, Map of Zulu, Amatonga, Natal & Kafir Land from the Sketches of Mess". Sanderson, Paxton, Rider & Newling, to illustrate Papers by John Sanderson, Esq r . 1861. 1:4,000,000. 18.4 x 19.3 cm. In Journal, v. 32, between pp. 334-335. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1863 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Siidliches Afrika. 1: 11,800,000. 34 x 42 cm. In Meyer's Hand-atlas, plate 90. Q.912M575/stx. 1865 Royal Geographical Society. Chart of the Currents off the Cape of Good Hope. 1:7350,000. 25.4 x 102 cm. In Journal, v. 35, between pp. 146-147. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1865 Royal Geographical Society. Map of South Africa to illustrate the Paper by James Fox Wilson, Esq re . and D r . Livingstone's theory of Ancient Lakes. 1:3,300,000. 19.8 x 22 cm. In Journal, v. 35, between pp. 106-107. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1866 Andersson, C.J. South-West Africa. Map of the principal part of Damara Land; Based on Prismatic Compass Triangulation check by observed Latitudes. 1:1,750,000. 36.9 x 31.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 36, between pp. 246-247. 910.6ROJ/stx. Southern 167 1866 Naumann, P. and C. Naumann. Plan Showing position of the Sutton, Simpson, Anderson, Blasson, and Gosling Blocks. 1:8,400,000. 24.2x37.8 cm. In Meyer's Hand-atlas, between plates 89-90. Q.912M575/stx. 1867 Grundemann, R Natal und das Zulu-Land. 1:1,500,000. 31.4 x 21.6 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 13, plate 8. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1867 Petermann, August Heinrich. Ubersicht der Triconometrischen & Nautischen Aufnahmen im Kaplande bis 1867. 1:1,800,000. 24.5 x 62.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 14, plate 3. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of the southern end of the Agulhas Bank. 1867 Royal Geographical Society. Map of the Colony of Natal to accompany the Paper by D r . R.J. Mann. 1:1,650,000. 25.2 x 19.8 cm. In Journal, v. 37, between pp. 48-49. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1868 Habemicht, H. Das Cap land nebst den Siid-Afrikanschen Freistaaten und dem Gebiet der Hottentotten & Kaffern. 1:5,000,000. 24.7x40.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 14, plate 2. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Cape Town and vicinity at 1:150,000. 1868 Jeppe, F. and A. Merensky. Original Map of the Transvaal or South-African Republic. 1:850,000. 44.8 x 58.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 5, no. 24, after p. 24. 910.5PE/stx. Insets show a reduced map of the Transvaal Republic and plans of Potchefstroom, Pretoria, Rustenburg. 1869 Petermann, August Heinrich. Das Capland. 1:5,000,000. 40.8 x 33.7 cm. In Stieler, Hand-atlas, plate 45d. Q.912ST5H1869/mar. Inset of Cape Town and environs. 1869 Petermann, August Heinrich. Sud-Afrika & Madagaskar. 1:12,500,000. 40.4 x 33.5 cm. In Stieler, Hand-atlas, plate 45c. Q.912ST5H1869/mar. Inset of Table Bay and False Bay. 168 Southern 1870 Hanemann, H., G. Breithaupt, and C. Terrain. Originalkarte von C. Mauch's reisen im Innern von Siid Afrika zwischen Potchefstroom und Zambesi, 1865-1869.... 1:2,000,000. 52 x 42.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 16, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1871 Habenicht,H. Natal & Orange-Fluss-Freistaat & C. mit den Diamanten-Feldern.... 1:1,400,000. 32.7 x 48.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 17, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1875 Cohen, E. Route von Blydenburg nach den Goldfeldern und von Lyndenburg nach der Delagoa Bai (Siid-Ost Kiiste Afrika's), vom 31 Mai - 10 Juli 1873. 1:300,000. 33.4 x 76.7 cm. In Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, Mittdlungen, v. 1, after p. 286. 910.6GEO/stx. Includes geological profile between Lydenburg and Lourngo Marques. 1877 Coello, Francisco. Nassa Mkuba. 1:5,000,000. 14 x 5.9 cm. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boktin, v. 3, no. 2, after p. 576. 910.6SOM/stx. 1872 Habenicht, H., Koffmahn, O., Terrain, C. and Breithaupt, G. Originalkarte der Neuesten Entdeckungsreisen in Sud-Afrika von Mauch, Mohr, Hiibner, Baines, u. A.... 1:2,000,000. 51.8 x 27.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 18, plate 21. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1875 Cape Colony. 1:4,920,000. 19.5 x 25 cm. Loose sheet. G85101875.C3/max. 1877 Jeppe, Frederick. Map of the Transvaal and the Surrounding Territories. 1:1,850,000. 58.1 x 56.6 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 47, between pp. 216-217. 910.6ROJ/stx. Inset of continuation of Mauch's route to the ruins of Zimbabwe with a view of the ruins, and plans of Lourengo Marques and Pretoria. 1877 Peip, C. Originalkarte des Herero & Kaoko-Landes ... J. Bohm and F. Bernsmann. 1:2,200,000. 24.4 x 42.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 24, plate 17. Q.910.5PE/stx. Southern 169 1878 Royal Geographical Society. Route Map of A.C. Bailie's Journey from Barkly to Gubuluwayo. No scale. 17.9 x 42 on. In Journal, v. 48, between pp. 286-287. 910.6ROJ/stx. 1879 Revue Geographique Internationale. Natal et le Pays des Zoulous. 1:1,543,000. 24.5 x 21.2 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 4, between pp. 88-89. 910.5REGI/stx. Inset of the Cape Colony. 1878 Stewart, James. Route Survey of the Western Side of Lake Nyassa. 1:800,000. 48.5 x 22.4 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 1, no. 5, after p. 352. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of the northern continuation of Lake Malawi on a smaller scale. 1879 Royal Geographical Society. Map of the Bamangwato Country to illustrate Capt. Patterson's Paper. 1:4,100,000. 21.7 x 28.8 cm. In Proceedings, v. 1, no. 4, after p. 288. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1879 Jeppe, Frederick; Merensky; Baines & Sanderson. Special-Karte des Zulu-Landes, der angrenz. britischen Colonial-Territorien Natal und Transvaal u. d. portugiesischen Besitzungen an der Delagoa Bay. 1:1,600,000. 29.7 x 21.7 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographie und Statistik, v. 1, between pp. 380-381. 910.5DEU/stx. 1879 Petermann, August Heinrich. Provisorische Skizze der Serpa Pinto'schen Expedition durch Sud-Afrika. 1:12,500,000. 10 x 15.2 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 25, p. 298. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1879 Stewart, James. Route Survey Between Lakes Nyassa & Tanganyika. 1:790,000. 22.5 x 46 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 2, no. 7, after p. 464. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of horizontal section along Mr. Stewart's route. 1879 Stewart, James. Route Survey of the Western Side of Lake Nyassa (Northern Portion). 1:825,000. 35.2 x 22.2 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 2, no. 7, after p. 464. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1879 Turner, William J. Map of South Africa Illustrating the Journey of Major Serpa Pinto from Benguella to Natal, 1877-79. 1:10,750,000. 21.5 x 28.8 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 1, no. 8, after p. 544. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 170 Southern 1879 Weller, Edward. The Cape Colony, Transvaal & Natal. 1:3,800,000. 29.7 x 50 cm. In Hughes, Grand atlas, plate 38b. F.912H87G1879/max. 1880 Bradshaw, Benjamin F. Central Africa: Sketch Map of the Chobe River. 1:125,000. 21 x 18.7 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 3, no. 4, after p. 256. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1880 Stewart, James. Map of the North End of Lake Nyassa. 1:800,000. 21.5 x 25 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 3, no. 5, after p. 320. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1881 Andree, Richard. Sud-Afrika. 1:13,250,000. 13.3 x 18 cm. In Allgemeiner Handatlas, p. 96. F.912AN2A1881/mar. 1881 Domann, B. Ost-Griqua-und Pondo-Land nach C. Henkel's Karte und anderen Quellen. 1:1,000,000. 24.2 x 19.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 27, plate 10. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1881 Duparquet, Pere. Sketch Map of the Okavango River. 1:4,000,000. 10.9 x 16.1 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 3, no. 1, p. 44. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1881 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Routes in the Mashuna and Matabele Countries. 1:3,500,000. 11.8 x 10.8 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 3, no. 6, p. 353. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1881 Turner, William J. Central Africa: Map of the Zambesi Region constructed from the route surveys & observations of Livingstone, Baines, Mohr, Pinto, Holub, and other Travellers combined with the sketches of Mr. F.C Selous. 1:3,800,000. 21.2 x 22.2 cm. hi Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 3, no. 3, after p. 192. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1881 Turner, William J. General Map of South Africa. 1:13,250,000. 21.7 x 25.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 3, no. 1, after p. 64. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1882 C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam and J.L. Beijers, Utrecht, publishers. Geologische Schetskaart van de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. 1:3,600,000. 25 x 25.9 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, v. 6, between pp. 98-99. 910.6NE/stx. 1882 Johnston, Alexander Keith. South Africa. 1:22,300,000. 19.3 x 25.3 on. In Cabinet Atlas, plate 28. Q.912J64C/stx. Southern 171 1882 Rand McNally & Co. Southern Africa, Comprising Cape Colony, Natal, Etc. with Orange River Free State & Transvaal. 1:5,600,000. 24.5 x 32 cm. In Indexed Atlas, p. 238. Q.912R15I1882/stx. 1883 Weller, F.S. Routes between the Umfule and the Zambesi. 1:20,000,000. 15.1 x 10.8 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 5, no. 5, p. 269. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1882 Royal Geographical Society. Paira de Andrada's Zambesi Expedition. Routes to Maxinga and the Mazoe from sketches by M. Kuss. 1881. 1:1,280,000. 14 x 10.9 cm. In Proceedings, v. 4, no. 7, p. 418. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1883 Regmann, A. Oro-u. hydrographische Karte des Transvaalgebietes.... 1:3,700,000. 29.5 x 28.7 cm. In Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 26, after p. 635. 910.5GEOW/stx. 1883 Royal Geographical Society. The Delta and lower course of the Sabi River. From the survey of the late Capt. T.L. Phipson-Wybrants. 1:5,475,000. 10.8 x 17.8 cm. In Proceedings, v. 5, no. 5, p. 272. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1883 Sharbau, H. Africa: Lake Nyassa surveyed by Mr. Jas. Stewart, C.E. 1:1,215,000. 49.3 x 20.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 5, no. 12, after p. 752. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1884 Barich, C. Geologische Ubersichtskarte von Sud-Ost-Afrika.... 1:3,700,000. 48.3 x 36 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 30, plate 16. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1884 Freytag, Gustav. Karte des Gross Namaqualandes und der deutschen Niederlassung um Angra Pequena. 1:2,500,000. 36.5 x 25.8 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fiir Geographic und Statistik, v. 6, after p. 582. 910.5DEU/stx. Inset of Liideritz Bay. 1884 Haevernick, H. Karte der Neuen Republik. 1:2,000,000. 9.5 x 10.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 31, p. 426. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1884 Milne, H.A. The Interior of South Africa From Lat 15 to 30S. Explored and Surveyed by Andrew Arthur Anderson, C.E. 1:3,600,000. 50 x 66.6 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 1, after p. 56. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 172 Southern 1884 Weller, Edward. South Africa. 1:10,500,000. 35.8 x 50.2 cm. In Blackie, Comprehensive Atlas, plate 47. Q.912B56C/mar. 1884 Weller, Edward. Watershed between the Sabi River and the Umfule, Manyame and Maxoe Tributaries of the Zambesi. 1:2,600,000. 11.7 x 10.7 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 5, p. 284. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1885 Bartholomew, John. Sketch map of South Africa showing British Possessions July 1885. 1:9,000,000. 19.4 x 23 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 1, between pp. 400-401. 910.5SC/stx. 1885 Cram, George Franklin. South Africa. 1:7,700,000. 24.5 x 32 cm. In Unrivaled Family Atlas, p. 116. Q.912C84U1885/stx. 1885 Moulle. Geologische Skizze von Sudafrika. 1:20,000,000. 8.5 x 8.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 31, p. 487. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1885 Royal Geographical Society. [The Bechuanaland Protectorate.] 1:1,750,000. 9 x 10.4 cm. In Proceedings, v. 7, no. 7, p. 457. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1885 Schmidt, C. Kartenskizze von Zulu-Land und den Goldfeldern der Siidafrikanischen Republik ... von H. Haevernick, Pretoria, 1884. 1:850,000. 43.7 x 32 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 31, plate 6. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1885 Schunke, H.C. Kafffaria und die Ostlichen Grenz-Distrikte der Cap-Kolonie von H. C. Schunke. 1:750,000. 60.5x50.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 31, plate 9. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of trigonometrical surveys of the Tembu lands of Kaffraria at 1:1,500,000. 1885 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Esboco do Mappa do Sul da Africa. 1:5,000,000. 17.3 x 26.7 cm. In Boktim, v. 5, between pp. 644-645. 910.6SOL/stx. 1885 Tunison, H.C. South Africa. 1:5,420,000. 24 x 30 cm. In Peerless Universal Atlas, p. 140. Q.912T83P/stx. Southern 173 1885 Weller, Edward. Bangweolo Luapula and Lualaba according to Victor Giraud and Paul Reichard 1883-4. 1:6,000,000. 10.9 x 19.1 on. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 7, no. 9, p. 604. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1886 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Zambeze to Pongue. 1:4,000,000. 9 x 10.8 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 8, no. 8, p. 508. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of Tete to Makanga at 1:2,000,000. 1886 Bartholomew, John. Sketch map of South Africa showing position & extent of the Great Central Basin. 1:9,000,000. 12.5 x 21.6 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 2, between pp. 512-513. 910.5SC/stx. 1886 Milne, H.A. South Africa: Mr. G.A. Farini's Routes in the Kalahari Desert. 1:5,700,000. 23.7 x 19.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 8, no. 7, after p. 480. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1886 Pohle, H. Itinerar-und Trigonometrische Aufnahmen in Liideritzland von H. Pohle. 1:1,000,000. 24.5 x 19.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 32, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets of three locations (Aus, Guos, Harry's Trift) show mountain elevations. 1886 Raddatz, H. Das Untere Olifantbecken (Siid-Afrikanische Republik.).... 1:600,000. 24.2x30.8 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 32, plate 4. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1886 Sharbau, H. Map showing Route from the Cape of Good Hope across the Zambezi River at Tette to Lake Nyassa in 1884.... 1:2,400,000. 40 x 41.7 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 8, no. 2, after p. 136. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of outline map of South Africa showing route from Cape Town to Bulawayo at 1:12,500,000. 1886 Tripp, William. South Africa showing contours at 2000 and 4000 ft. above sea level; South Africa showing mean annual rainfall. 1:9,000,000. 22.7 x 23 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 2, between pp. 320-321. 910.5SC/stx. 1887 Alden, John Berry. Cape Colony, Natal etc. 1:13,600,000. 7.1 x 12.5 cm. In Handy Atlas, p. 55. 912AL2H/stx. 1887 Bartholomew, John. Sketch map of British Bechuanaland.... 1:3,672,000. 25.8 x 27.2 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 3, between pp. 314-315. 910.5SC/stx. 174 Southern 1887 Bradley, William M. and Brother. Southern Africa, comprising Cape Colony, Natal &c. with Orange Free State. 1:4,800,000. 21.6 x 35 on. In Atlas of the World, plate 28. F.912B73A1887/mar. 1888 Mackenzie, John. Austral-Africa to illustrate Paper by the Rev D . John Mackenzie. 1:17,500,000. 18.2 x 24.8 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal v. 4, between pp. 200-201. 910.6MA/stx. 1887 Rand McNally & Co. Map of Cape Colony, Natal, etc 1:13,400,000. 7.2 x 12.5 cm. In Pocket Atlas, p. 55. 912R15P1887/stx and mar. 1887 Stapff, P.M. Originalkarte des Unteren IKhuiseb Thales von F.M. Stapff.... 1:225,000. 42.6 x 69.5 cm. ]nPetermanns Geographische Mitttilungen, v. 33, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1888 Hetherwick, Alexander. Lake Shirwa and Neighbourhood by Rev. Alexander Hetherwick, Church of Scotland Mission, East Africa. 1:362,000. 40.5 x 33.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 10, no. 1, after p. 60. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1888 Jeppe, Frederich. Karte der Witwatersrand Goldf elder.... 1:500,000. 24 x 18 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 34, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of the Republic of South Africa and a list of Witwatersrand businesses as of March 1888. 1888 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Map of the Country between Nyassa and Tanganyika.... 1:750,000. 55 x 53.4 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 4, between pp. 420-421. 910.5SC/stx. Inset of broader region. 1888 Royal Geographical Society. East Africa: Map of Mr. F.C. Selous' Routes in the Matabele and Mashuna Countries. 1:2,500,000. 21 x 25.6 cm. In Proceedings, v. 10, no. 5, after p. 324. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1888 Royal Geographical Society. The Kaap Goldfields, from Jeppes new "Map of the Transvaal & surrounding Territories." 1:1,000,000. 11.8 x 18 on. In Proceedings, v. 10, no. 7, after p. 484. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1888 Royal Geographical Society. Map of Basuto Land, Constructed from the latest map compiled at the Intelligence Div., War Office.... 1:1,090,000. 21.4 x 27 cm. In Proceedings, v. 10, no. 8, after p. 548. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Southern 175 1889 Cram, George Franklin. South Africa. 1:7,600,000. 24.5 x 31.8 cm. In anon., People's Illustrated, p. 171. Q.912P3911889/stx. 1889 Johnston, W. & A. K. Southern Africa. 1:7,250,000. 20.9 x 32.2 cm. In Cosmographic Atlas, p. 31. F.912J649C1889/stx. 1889 EJ. Brill, Firm. Geologische Schetskaart van de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek naar Dunn 1887 Topographische grondslag naar Jeppe's kaart 1889. 1:4,000,000. 19.3x23.2 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, series 2, v. 7, between pp. 630-631. 910.6NESER2/stx. 1889 EJ. Brill, Firm. Geologische Schetskaart van de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek Naar Schenck 1888 Topographische grondslag naar Jeppe's kaart 1889. 1:4,000,000. 19.3x23.2 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, series 2, v. 7, section 2, between pp. 630-631. 910.6NESER2/stx. 1889 Freytag, Gustav. Siid Afrika. 1:12,000,000. 21 x 34 cm. In anon., Die Erde, p. 400. Q.910ER27/stx. Insets of Cape Town and Madagascar. 1889 Hetherwick, Alex. Het Sjirwa Meer volgens Rev. Alex. Hetherwick. 1:725,000. 21.1 x 13.8 on. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, series 2, v. 6, section 2, between pp. 412-413. 910.6NESER2/stx. 1889 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Lake Bangweolo. 1:1,010,000. 52.8 x 36.2 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 5, between pp. 134-135. 910.5SC/stx. Includes five insets of Dr. Livingstone's maps. 1889 Steinaecker, Freihern von. Herero Land und Angrenzende Gebiete.... 1:1,000,000. 41.6x50.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 35, plate 5. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1889 Turner, William J. South Central Africa: Map of Mr. F.C. Selous' Routes in the Central Zambesi Region, 1888. 1:2,500,000. 20 x 26.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 11, no. 4, after p. 260. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1890 Bartholomew, John George. Cape Colony, Natal & Transvaal. 1:8,960,000. 15.5 x 23cm. In Century Atlas, plate 39. Q.912B28CE/stx. 176 Southern 1890 Knothe, C. Karten Skizze von Zoutpansberg und Bonjai. 1:2,000,000. 24.5 x 19.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 36, plate 4. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1890 Krebs, Wilhelm. Klimatologische Ubersicht tiber Siid-Afrika. 1:12,360,000. 19.5x17.3 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statistik, v. 12, between pp. 528-529. 910.5DEU/stx. 1890 Manchester Geographical Society. Zulu-Land Past and Present. 1:6,000,000. 10 x 8.6 cm. In Journal v. 6, p. 159. 910.6MA/stx. 1890 Montmort, Vicomte de. Itineraire du Vicomte de Montmort, de Kimberley a Soshong en 1890. 1:3,200,000. 17.8 x 26.2 cm. In Revue de geographic, v. 28, after p. 484. 910.5RE/stx. Inset of environs of Taungs. 1890 Shawe, W. Map Illustrating Mr. A. Sharpe's Journey from Lake Nyassa to the Loangwa & Upper Zambesi Rivers. 1:2,800,000. 20.1 x 20.4 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 12, no. 12, after p. 776. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of cross section from the Luangwa River to Lake Malawi. 1890 Trivier, Elisee. Itineraire du Capitaine Trivier dans 1'Afrique equatoriale. 1:22,500,000. 12.4 x 20.1 cm. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 15, between pp. 28-29. 910.5REGI/stx. 1891 Maund, E.A. A Map of Matabililand and Mashonaland, Manica and Gazaland. 1:2,650,000. 34.3 x 44.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 13, no. 2, after p. 136. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1891 Shawe, W. Map of Gaza Land showing route taken by Mr. D. Doyle from Manica to the Mouth of the Limpopo, 1891. 1:2,650,000. 29.3 x 19 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 13, no. 10, after p. 644. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1891 Thomson, Joseph. Part of British Central Africa.... 1:2,000,000. 21.6 x 42.6 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, between pp. 192-193. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of Shire River area. 1892 Appleton, firm, publishers, New York. South Africa. 1:4,800,000. 30.5 x 47 on. In Library Atlas, plate 40. Q.912AP5L1895/stx. Insets of Cape Town, Port Natal and Port Elizabeth. Southern 177 1892 Chesneau, Marius. Pays Matebele et Machona (expedition T. Bent) 1891. 1:10,000,000. 8 x 10.2 cm. In anon., Annie, cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1892 Schlaefli, E.H. Carte des Regions parcourues par les Missionnaires de la Mission romande.... 1:5,000,000. 10.7 x 10.5 cm. In Sotiete neuchateloise de geographic, Bulletin, v. 7, p. 181. 910.6SON/stx. 1892 E.J. Brill, Firm. Kaart van de Spoorwegen in Transvaal en Oranje-Vrijstaat. 1:5,000,000. 24.7x20.5 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskvjndig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, series 2, v. 9, section 2, between pp. 756-757. 910.6NESER2/stx. 1892 Jeppe, Friedrich. Die Neue Grenze zwischen der Siidafrikanischen Republik und den Portugiesischen Besitzungen. 1:1,000,000. 46.8 x 37 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 38, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1892 Merensky, A. and Bruno Hassenstein. Karte der Berliner-Missions-Expedition im Norden des Nyassa. 1:600,000. 23.7 x 18 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 38, plate 19. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1892 Royal Geographical Society. [A Trip across the Upper Zambezi.] 1:1,000,000. 7.6 x 5.4 cm. In Proceedings, v. 14, no. 9, p. 632. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1892 Schraeder, F. Afrique [Sud.]. 1:30,000,000. 15.9 x 10.9 cm. In Hachette, Atlas de poche, p. 57. 912H115A/rbs. 1892 Swan, R.M.W. Plan der Ruinen von Simbabye. 1:950. 11.2 x 9 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 38, p. 285. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1892 Wilkinson, Edward. Der westliche Teil von Britisch-Betschuana-Land und die Kalahari Wiiste.... 1:1,750,000. 24.8 x 25 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 38, plate 7. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1893 Jeppe, Frederich. Map of the Zoutpansberg Goldfields.... 1:595,000. 30.9 x 40.6 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 2, between pp. 288-289. 910.5GJ/stx. 178 Southern 1893 Knight-Bruce, G.W.H. Junction of the Sabi and Odzi Rivers. 1:750,000. 12.8 x 10.9 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, p. 344. 910.5GJ/stx. 1893 Merensky, A. Sketch map of Konde Country. 1:2,000,000. 7.1 x 5.5 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 2, p. 321. 910.5GJ/stx. 1893 Pfeil, Joachim. Count Pf eil's Route in South-West Africa. 1:6,400,000. 14.3 x 12.1 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 2, p. 31. 910.5GJ/stx. 1893 Sclater, B.L. The Zambesi & Shire Rivers from Chinde to Chiromo. 1:2,000,000. 15.9 x 12.1 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 2, p. 405. 910.5GJ/stx. 1893 Wilkinson, E. Part of British Bechuanaland and the Kalahari Desert. 1:2,050,000. 23.1 x 21.8 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, between pp. 384-385. 910.5GJ/stx. Includes profile of section along the line Maubelle, Honing Vley, and Morokweng. 1893 Wissmann, H. von. Originalkarte des Nord-Ost-Ufers des Nyassa-Sees.... 1:600,000. 30.5x24.5 cm. InPetermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 39, plate 14. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Dr. Bumiller's route at 1:1,200,000. 1894 Bradley, William M. and Brother. Southern Africa comprising Cape Colony, Natal, &c. With Orange Free State. 1:4,700,000. 21 x 32 cm. hi Potter, Potter-Bradley Atlas, plate 28. F.912P85P/stx. 1893 Weller, F.S. Geological Sketch-Map of Central Africa. 1:8,000,000. 5.9 x 10.7 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, p. 117. 910.5GJ/stx. 1893 Weller, F.S. Part of Nyasa Land. 1:1,950,000. 18.9 x 11.5 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 1, p. 249. 910.5GJ/stx. 1894 Rand McNally & Co. Southern Africa, comprising Cape of Good Hope, Natal ... Orange River Free State and South African Republic. 1:5,600,000. 23.5 x 31.5 cm. In Universal Atlas, p. 237. Q.912R15U1894/stx. 1895 Blair-Watson, A. Kilwa. 1:150,000. 9.3 x 10.4 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 6, p. 459. 910.5GJ/stx. Southern 179 1895 Chesneau, Marius. La region miniere de 1'Afrique Australe, developpement des voies ferrees au 31 X"" 1895. 1:12,500,000. 11.5 x 12.2 on. In anon., Annie cartographicjue. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1895 Cross, Ken 1 . The Crater Lakes. 1:1,500,000. 11.3x10.8 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 5, p. 117. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Chesneau, Marius. Partie du roy' des Marotse. 1:4,000,000. 8.5 x 10 cm. In anon., Annie cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1896 Codrinton, Robert. Sketch Map of Route from Chikala to Lujende. 1:500,000. 19.8 x 10.7 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 7, p. 185. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Johnston, Harry Hamilton. Map of the British Central Africa Protectorate. 1:1,500,000. 65.8x28.7 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 5, between pp. 288-289. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Ubersichtskarte von Deutsch-Siid west-Afrika. 1 5,000,000. 28x25 cm. In Kleiner deutscher Kolonialatlas, plate 5. Q.912D48K/stx. 1895 Rand McNally & Co. South Africa. 1:6,600,000. 23.5 x 32 cm. In anon., Chicago Chronicle's Unrivalled Atlas, p. 145. Q i 912C432/stx. Also in Gfflan's Historical Atlas, p. 6; Q i 912G4lH/ihx. 1896 Bartholomew, John. Map of South Africa showing land surface features. 1:11,900,000. 20.3x25.7 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 12, between pp. 288-289. 910.5SC/stx. 1896 Dove, Karl. Dr. Karl Dove's Reiseroute zwischen dent Khous-Gebirge und dem Swakob-Thal. 1:500,000. 24.6 x 19.4 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, supp. no. 120, after p. 93. 910.5PE/stx. Insets of the shape of the economy "and of rainfall. 1896 Freytag, Gustav and P. Berndt. Siidafrikanische Republik. 1:4,100,000. 20.5x20.2 on. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statistik, v. 18, after p. 580. 910.5DEU/stx. 180 Southern 1896 Gibbons, Alfred St. Hill, Percy C. Reid, and Alfred Bertrand. Map of part of the Kingdom of the Marutse.... 1:1,000,000. 31.7 x 38.9 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 9, between pp. 248-249. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Juta and Company, Ltd. Juta's Map of South Africa. 1:2,534,400. 88 x 122 on. Loose sheet. G84801896.J8/max. 1896 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Map of Part of the Kingdom of the Marutse, from Surveys and Explorations by Capt. Alfred St. Hill Giwons, Mr. Percy C. Reid, and Capt. Bertrand. 1:1,000,000. 31.8 x 38.2 cm. In Le Globe, v. 36, Memoires, between pp. 61-62. 910.5GLO/stx. 1897 Africa, Southern Part. 1:6,400,000. 26.5 x 38 cm. In anon., Century Atlas, no. 113. Q912.C333/mar. Insets of Johannesburg and vicinity and Cape Town and vicinity. 1897 Bartholomew, John. Orographical Map of Southern Rhodesia. 1:5,600,000. 26 x 33.1 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 13, between pp. 514-515. 910.5SC/stx. 1897 Freytag, Gustav and P. Berndt. Die Siidafrikanischen Freistaaten. 1:5,000,000. 23.7x21.5 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statistik, v. 19, after p. 580. 910.5DEU/stx. Inset of South Africa. 1897 Friederichsen, L. Vorlaufige karte Concessionsgebietes der South West Africa C. Auf genommen von Premier-Lieutenant D r . Hartmann in den Jahren 1893-95. 1:500,000. 23.8 x 63.9 on. In Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, Mitteilungen, v. 13, after p. 174. 910.6GEO/stx. 1897 Roggero, Guiseppe. Africa Australe. 1:15,000,000. 14x18.5 cm. In Testo-Atlante, v. 4, p. 63. Q.910R633/stx. 1898 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Equatorial & Southern Africa. 1:23,000,000. 20.2 x 19.5 cm. In Maps of Missions, plate 1. 912AM35M/stx. Inset of the Natal region. 1898 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Natal Colony. 1:1,750,000. 17 x 10.5 cm. In Maps of Missions, plate 2. 912AM35M/stx. Southern 181 1898 Codrinton, Robert. Sketch Map of Central Angoniland. 1:2,000,000. 9 x 11.5 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 11, p. 513. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Crawford, D. Kampolombo Bay-Map. No scale. 10.7 x 10.9 on. In Geographical Journal v. 11, p. 180. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Geographical Journal. Triangulation between Lake Nyasa and L. Tanganyika. 1:1,950,000. 10.9 x 18.8 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 13, p. 579. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Rhoades, E.L., and W.B. Phillips. Lake Nyasa. 1:990,000. 67.9 x 22 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 12, between pp. 648-649. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Weatherley, Poulett. Lake Bangweolo and Surrounding Country. 1:1,470,000. 37.6 x 30.3 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 12, between pp. 336-337. 910.5GJ/stx. 1899 Attinger, V. Carte du Territoire envahi par les Zoulou. 1:33,000,000. 9.9 x 10.5 cm. In Societe neuchateloise de geographic, Bulletin, v. 11, p. 65. 910.6SON/stx. 1899 Fleck, Ed. Reise ins Tsauchab-Thal (Deutsch-Sudwest-Afrika).... 1:500,000. 24.7 x 20.1 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 45, plate 17. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Rehoboth-Hoornkrans- Naauwkloof at 1:1,000,000. 1899 Rand McNally & Co. Rand, McNally & Co.'s Indexed Atlas of the World Map of South Africa. 1:3,120,000. 48 x 65.5 cm. Loose sheet. G8580.R3/max. 1899 Rand McNally & Co. The Seat of War in Cape Colony and Orange Free State, South Africa. 1:1,875,000. 31.5 x 23.5 cm. In Equitable Life, Equitable' s Atlas, p. 6. Q.912EQ5A/stx. 1899 Rand McNally & Co. The Seat of War in Natal, South Africa. 1:675,000. 31.5 x 23.5 cm. In Equitable Life, Equitable' s Atlas, p. 7. Q.912EQ5A/stx. 1899 Rand McNally & Co. South Africa. 1:3,070,000. 46 x 32.7 cm. In Equitable Life, Equitable's Atlas, p. 9. Q.912EQ5A/stx. Inset of South Africa (1:20,500,000). 182 Southern 1899 Rand McNally & Co. War District 1:3,025,000. 22 x 30.5 on. InGillan's Historical Atlas, p. 7. Q.912G41H/ihx. 1899 Royal Geographical Society. The Lake Ngami Region. 1:4,800,000. 12.2 x 10.8 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 14, p. 311. 910.5GJ/stx. 1899 Royal Geographical Society. Sketch-Map of Matabeleland and Mashonaland, showing sites of ruins. 1:11,750,000. 10.6 x 10.6 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 13, p. 376. 910.5GJ/stx. 1899 Smith, J.L. New War Map of the Transvaal and South Africa. 1:6,250,000. 89 x 59cm. Loose sheet. G85001899.S5/max. 1899 Stotesbury, W. and Wahid AH Khan. Map of the Shire Highlands District of British Central Africa. 1:394,000. 49.1 x 35 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 13, between pp. 104-105. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of the region. Central Ogilby (Checklist #1821) Central 183 See also: 539, 1018, 1578, 1581, 1582, 1589, 1592, 1593, 1598, 1609, 1625, 1633, 1640, 1652, 1660, 1664, 1671, 1710, 1766, 1799, 2120, 2130, 2174, 2200, 2215, 2276 1679 Seller, John. Congo. No scale. 9.2 x 5.4 on. In Atlas minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. Two identical copies are found in this atlas. 1609 Mercator, Gerardus. Congi Regnu. 1:11,800,000. 13.9x17 cm. In Atlas minor, p. 590. X912M53ATL/rbx. 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Congi Regni Chrissiani in Africa Nova Descriptio. No scale. 8.4 x 12.1 cm. In Geographischer, p. 623. X910B46TGU/rbx. 1679 Seller, John. Nubia. No scale. 9.4 x 5.5 on. In. Atlas minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. 1665 Blaeu, Joan. Regna Congo et Angola. 1:3,100,000. 45.4x53.9 cm. In Grooten atlas, v. 8. Uncat; f shelves/rbx. 1680s Morden, Robert. Congo. 1:21,000,000. 10 x 12 cm. Loose sheet. G8730168-.M6/max. 1670 Ogilby, John. Nigritarum Regio. 1:18,500,000. 26.3 x 36.3 cm. In Africa, p. 315. XQ.916OG4A/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Royaume de Congo, &c. 1:9,625,000. 19.8 x 26.5 cm. In L'Afrique, between pp. 68-69. Uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1670 Ogilby, John. Regna Congo et Angola. 1:4,800,000. 28.5 x 34.5 cm. In Africa, p. 523. XQ.916OG4A/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Congo. 1:32,500,000. 14.4 x 10.2 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 47. X910M289D/rbx. 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Congo. 1:20,500,000. 10.2 x 12.3 cm. In Geographic univeralis, p. 234. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1688 Morden, Robert. Congo. 1:21,000,000. 10 x 12.3 cm. In Geography Rectified, p. 492. X910M81G2/rbx. 184 Central 1692 Muller, Johann Ulrich. Congo. 1:34,000,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kurtz-Biindige, plate 9 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1766 Brion de la Tour, Louis. Partie de 1'Afrique. 1:26,000,000. 22.7 x 25.6 on. In Atlas general, plate 45. XQ.912B77A1772/rbx. 1706 Cellarius, Christoph. Africa Interior 1:25,000,000. 20.6 x 31.2 cm. Orbis Antiqui, v. 2, lib. 4 on p. 142. X.910C33N/rbx. 1714 Moll, Herman. The South West Part of Africa containing Congo, Angola, Benguela, Monomotapa, Caffers, Terra de Natal, &c. 1:16,650,000. 25.8 x 17.6 cm. In Atlas geographus, v. 4, between pp. 516-517. X910M735A/rbx. 1749 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Congo ou Basse Guinee. 1:13,500,000. 16.1 x 17 on. In Atlas portatif, plate 177. X912R54A/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte des Royaumes de Congo Angola et Benguela. 1:9,500,000. 21.6 x 30.5 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 109. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Rade de Benguela et Riviere de Cantonbelle. Scale in leagues. 16.9x21.8 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 110. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1788 Bonne, Rigobert. La Basse Guinee contenant les Royaumes de Loango, de Congo, d' Angola et de Benguela avec la Cafrerie Occidentale et la Meridionale, ou le Pays des Hotentots. 1:10,000,000. 38.7x24 cm. In anon., At las encydopedique, v. 2, plate 95. XQ.912AT65/rbx. 1825 Oudney, Walter, Dixon Denham, and Hugh Clapperton. Uebersicht der Entdeckungen in Central Africa. 1:6,600,000. 48.5 x 32.8 on. InNeue Allgemeine Geographische und Statistische Ephemeriden, v. 16, between pp. 160-161. 910.5AL2/stx. Inset of part of Lake Chad and surrounding region. 1827 Ungefahre Lage der Lander zwischen Fur und Bornu. 1:6,000,000. 15.6 x 31.6 cm. In Neue Allgemeine Geographische und Statistische Ephemeriden, v. 24, between pp. 64-65. 910.5AL2/stx. 1846 Royal Geographical Society. Sketch of the Mouths of the Jam oor River. 1:2,900,000. 16.2 x 10 cm. In Journal, v. 16, after p. 347. 910.6ROJ/rbx. Central 185 1852 Abbadie, Antoine Thompson d'. Esquisse du Haut Fleuve Blanc. 1:3,800,000. 25.8 x 31.6 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 4, v. 3, after p. 423. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1854 Royal Geographical Society. Exploration of Africa. Sketch of a Route from River Chobe to Loando; Performed by the Rev". D r . Livingstone 1853-4. 1:900,000. 20.4 x 21.2 cm. In Journal, v. 24, between pp. 306-307. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1855 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte vom Innern Sud-Afrika's enthaltend Dr. Livingstone's Reiserouite nach Loanda 1853/4.... 1:8,000,000. 18.5 x 24.3 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 1, plate 21. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1855 Royal Geographical Society. Exploration of Africa. Sketch of a Route from the Barotse Valley, on the River Leeambye, to Loando; Performed by the Rev d . D r . Livingstone. 1:4,600,000. 19.7 x 29.3 cm. In Journal, v. 25, between pp. 236-237. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1856 McQueen, James. Map of Southern Central Africa. 1:11,000,000. 19.8 x 30 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 26, between pp. 108-109. 910.6ROJ/rbx. [The binding of this journal wrongly indicates 1855.] 1856 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte zur Ubersicht der Reise Joaquim Rodriguez Graca's nach Muata ya Nvo in Inner-Africa, 1843-1846. 1:5,000,000. 18.8 x 24.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, plate 17. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets show two contrasting maps of the hydrography of central Africa based on Livingstone's journeys. 1857 Arrowsmith, John. Map to illustrate D r . Livingstone's Route across Africa, Constructed from his Astronomical Observations, Bearings, Estimated Distances, Sketches, &c. &c. 1:6,500,000. 19.6 x 41.1 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 27, between pp. 348-349. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1860 Lejean, G. Croquis de la partie superieure du Fleuve Blanc d'apres le journal de voyage de M r . Andrea Debono.... 1:3,200,000. 14.5 x 10.3 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 4, v. 20, between pp. 144-145. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1860 Petermann, August Heinrich. Originalkarte von Ladislaus Magyar's Reisen in Central-Afrika, 1850, 1851 u. 1855. 1:4,000,000. 19 x 24.4 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 6, plate 10. Q.910.5PE/stx. 186 1861 Societe de geographie, Paris. Croquis de la Riviere Bogue.... 1:1,442. 16 x 26.7 on. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 1, after p. 504. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1861 Societe de geographic, Paris. Croquis de la Riviere Como.... Scale in nautical miles. 19.2 x 30.7 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 1, after p. 504. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1861 Societe de geographic, Paris. Croquis de la Riviere Rhamboe et de ses Affluents au Gabon par M r . PA. Serval lieutenant de V". 1:180,000. 27.8x35.8 cm. In Bulletin, set. 5, v. 2, between pp. 256-257. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of Gabon and its tributaries. 1861 Societe de geographie, Paris. Croquis des pays baignes par les rivieres Oulombo-Empolo et Bogoe affluents du Gabon.... No scale. 14.5 x 27.3 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 1, after p. 504. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1862 Petermann, August Heinrich. Die Gabun-Lander im AquatorialenAfrika.... 1:2,000,000. 24.5x42 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 8, plate 8. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Gabon and its tributaries at 1:500,000, plus smaller scale insets of the same area in the maps of Bowdich, Cooley, Kiepert, Du Chaillu, Earth, and Petermann. Central 1862 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte von Kongo & Angola. 1:3,000,000. 24.3 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 8, plate 17. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1863 Hassenstein, Bruno and E. Debes. Karte der Gabun-Lander im Aquatorialen Afrika zur Ubersicht der Aufnahme des Ogowai durch Serval, 1862. 1:2,000,000. 24 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 9, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of the Ogooue River at 1:1,000,000. 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. [Bagfrmi & Wadai.] 1:2,000,000. 43.2x52.4 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, between pp. 96-97. 910.5PE/stx. 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. [Dar-Banda.] 1:2,000,000. 43.1 x 52.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, between pp. 96-97. 910.5PE/stx. 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. [Gondokoro.] 1:2,000,000. 43.3 x 52.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, between pp. 160-161. 910.5PE/stx. Central 187 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. [Kongo.] 1:2,000,000. 43.4 x 52.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, between pp. 96-97. 910.5PE/stx. 1863 Petermann, August Heinrich and Bruno Hassenstein. [Tebu-Land.] 1:2,000,000. 43 x 52.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 2, after p. 78. 910.5PE/stx. Insets of environs and plan of Wara. 1869 Societe de geographic, Paris. Carte dcs Possessions fran^ais de 1'Afrique Equatoriale. 1:1,060,000. 36.3 x 31.6 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 17, after p. 496. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of the course of the Upper Como [Zaire] River. 1870 Chaix, P. Essai de trace d'apres les dernieres lettres de Livingstone.... 1:8,000,000. 21.5 x 16 cm. In Le Globe, v. 9, between pp. 228-229. 910.5GLO/stx. 1872 Habenicht, H. Die Neuesten Aufnahmen und Forschungen in West-Aquatorial-Afrika.... 1:2,000,000. 24.5 x 30.4 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 18, plate 2. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1872 Stanford, Edward. Map of part of Eastern Central Africa shewing the Routesof Henry M. Stanley whilst in search of Dr. Livingstone. 1:2,080,000. 48 x 60.5 cm. Loose sheet. G8320.S11871-1872.S7/max. 1874 Alexanderson, Carl. Chart of the Quanza River from the Bar to the Livingstone Falls. Surveyed and drawn by Carl Alexanderson 1873-74. 1:310,000. 18.8 x 65.1 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 46, between pp. 428-429. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1874 Hansen, J. Cours de 1'Ogooue entre Sam-Quita et la Riviere Ivindo.... 1:500,000. 15 x 45.6 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 8, at the back of the journal. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of the approximate course of the Ogooue River. 1874 Hansen, J. Esquisse pour suivre le Voyage de Nachtigal. 1:14,745,000. 7.2 x 8.2 on. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 7, after p. 38. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1874 Societa Geografica Italiana. Carta della parte di Africa Centrale percorsa dal Dr. Livingstone tra gli anni 1866 e 1873 e desunta dalle note e dai disegni da esso lasciati. 1:4,300,000. 37.3 x 40.7 cm. In Bollettino, v. 11, between pp. 310-311. 910.6SOR/stx. 188 1874 Societa Geografica Italiana. Ultime scoperte del Dr. Livingstone e quelle precedentemente f atte nelle region! dei Laghi. 1:6,700,000. 29.4 x 20.4 on. In Bollettino, v. 11, between pp. 310-311. 910.6SOR/stx. Central 1876 Coello, Francisco. Africa Central. 1:10,000,000. 29.1 x 42.1 cm. In Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, Boktin, v. 1, no. 1, between pp. 200-201. 910.6SOM/stx. 1875 Hanemann, H. Die Deutsch Afrikanische Expedition. Originalkarte von West-Afrika zwischen Muni und Koanza.... 1:3,000.000. 48.5 x 35.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 21, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of a sketch of territories to be explored by the German African Society at 1:25,000,000. 1875 Hansen, J. Itineraire dans I' Afrique Centrale par G. Nachtigal. 1:20,000,000. 10.4 x 11.6 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulktin, ser. 6, v. 9, after p. 20. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1875 Hansen, J. Itineraire dans 1' Afrique Centrale par G. Nachtigal 1869-1874. 1:12,000,000. 16.6x20 on. In Sod par le Capttaine L. G. Bin.ger 1887 - 1889 eiie * it aecoaoo ^~ Cart* irArmo mdi<(uil ARK10N EXPlORtE ^ . **sasrm K \ v& ; Koumas&t &'-*- 212 West See also: 533, 553, 631, 662, 690, 738, 771, 1571, 1594, 1633, 2397 1548 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Mavritania Nova Tabvla. No scale. 12.6 x 16.9 cm. In La geografia di Claudio Ptolemeo, between entries 27-28 at the end of the book. 910.P95G:I1548/rbx. 1628 Kaerius, Petrus. Gvinea. 1:19,500,000. 13.5 x 18.1 on. In Mercator, Atlas minor, p. 591. X912M53A1628/rbx. Inset of Sao Tome. 1564 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Mavritania Nvova Tavola. No scale. 20 x 26 cm. In Geographia, plate 32. X881P87G.LM/rbx. 1609 Mercator, Gerardus. Gvinea. 1:20,250,000. 14.6 x 18.4 cm. In Atlas minor, p. 593. X912M53ATL/rbx. Inset of Sao Tome". 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Guinea. 1:24,500,000. 8.6 x 12.4 cm. In Geographischer, p. 619. X910B46TGU/rbx. 1:33,000,000. 1620s Hondius, Jodocus. Gvinea. 9 x 12.8 on. Loose sheet. G8835162-.H6/rbx. 1623 Langren, Arnold Florent van. Typus orarum maritimarum Gu inae, Manicongo, & Angola ultra promontorium Bonae Spei.... 1:13,000,000. 38.9 x 52.5 cm. In Linschoten, Itinerarium, p. 176. XQ.910.4L65I/rbx. 1630 Hondius, Jodocus. Guinea Nova Desoriptio. 1:14,750,000. 18.5 x 25 cm. In Mercator, Atlas sive cofmographicae, p. 611. uncat/rbx. Inset of Sao Tome". 1633 Mercator, Geradus. Gvineae Nova Descriptio. 1:7,400,000. 34.5 x 49.2 cm. In Atlas ou Representation, pp. 638-639. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Inset of Sao Tome. 1655 Sanson, Nicolas. L'Afrique, ou Lybie. 1:10,500,000. 34.4x55.2 cm. In Cartes generates, plate 18. XF.912SA5C/rbx. 1665 Blaeu, Joan. Gvinea. 1:6,300,000. 52.5 cm. In Grooten atlas, v. 8. Uncat; f shelves/rbx. 38.2 x 1665 Blaeu, Joan. Nigritarvm regio. 1:11,850,000. 38.3 x 57.8 cm. In Grooten atlas, v. 8. Uncat; f shelves/rbx. West 213 1667 Goos, Pieter. Pas-Caarte van Gvinea...van Cabo Verde tot Cabo de Bona Esperanca. 1:11,000,000. 45 x 54.7 cm. In L 1 Atlas, plate 23. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Orientation to east. 1667 Goos, Pieter. Pas-Kaarte van de Zuyde-west-kust van Africa, van Cabo Negro tot beoosten Cabo de Bona Esperanca. 1:4,300,000. 30.7 x 53.3 cm. In L' Atlas, plate 24. uncat; f shelves/rbx. Orientation to east. Insets of Cape of Good Hope and Vices Bay. 1679 Seller, John. The Country of the Negro's or Blacks. No scale. 9.5 x 5.5 cm. In Atlas minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. 9.2 x 5.4 1679 Seller, John. Zaara. No scale. cm. In At las minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. 1682 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Gvinee. 1:35,000,000. 14.3 x 10.6 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 56. X910M289D/rbx. 1670 Ogilby, John. Gvinea. 1:9,000,000. 36.1 cm. In Africa, p. 337. XQ.916OG4A/rbx. 26 x 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Gvinea. 1:30,250,000. 10 x 12.4 cm. In Geographic univeralis, p. 224. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Nigritia. 1:40,250,000. 9.7 x 12.3 cm. In Geographic univeralis, p. 213. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1679 Seller, John. Guinea. cm. In Atlas minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. No scale. 9.2x5.4 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Afrique ou Libie Ulterieure ou sont le Saara ou Desert, le Pays des Negres la Guinee, &c. 1:20,750,000. 17.5 x 29.1 cm. In L' Afrique, between pp. 50-51. Uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. La Guinee et Pays circomvoisins. 1:10,500,000. 16.4 x 30.7 cm. In L' Afrique, between pp. 54-55. Uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Ancienne Libye Interievre. 1:60,000,000. 14.7x10.8 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 55. X910M289D/rbx. 214 West 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Pays des Negres. 1:50,000,000. 14.4 x 10.1 on. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, figs. 60-61. X910M289D/rbx. 1688 Morden, Robert. Biledulgerid Sarra Terra Nigritarum Guine. 1:9,000,000. 10.7 x 13.2 on. In Geography Rectified, p. 483. X910M81G2/rbx. 1708 Wit, Frederick de. Barbaric et Guineae. 1:1,540,000. 48cm x 56.3 cm. In Cellarius, Harmonia macrocosmica, plate 64. XR912C33H1708/rbx. Oriented to east. 1708 Wit, Frederick de. Guineas. 1:7,000,000. 48.8 x 56.4 cm. In Cellarius, Harmonia macrocosmica, plate 65. XF.912C33H1708/rbx. 1692 MuUer, Johann Ulrich. Guinea. 1:47,000,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kurtz-Biindige, plate 8 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1692 Muller, Johann Ulrich. Nigritia. 1:60,000,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kurtz-Bundige, plate 6 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. 1701 Fer, Nicolas de. Partie Occidentale d'Afrique. 1:14,950,000. 22 x 32.3 on. In Cartes et descriptions, p. 12. X912F37C/rbx. 1701 Moll, Herman. A Map of Zaara. Negroe-land. Guinea &c. 1:27,000,000. 15.9 x 19.3 cm. In System of Geography, Part II, p. 100. XQ.910M735S/rbx. Inset of the Cape Verde Islands. 1710s Chatelain, Henri Abraham. [Guinee, Congo, Madagascar.] 1:14,800,000. 31.3 x 33.9 cm. Loose sheet. G8835171-?.G8/rbx. Large inset of eastern Africa. Small inset of Mauritius, Reunion, and Cape Verde. 1712 Schenk, Peter and Gerard Valk. Gvinea. 1:6325,000. 37.6 x 51.2 cm. In Homann, Allgemeiner Atlas, v. 4, plate 391. XF.912H75A/rbx. 1712 Schenk, Peter and Gerard Valk. Nigritarum Regnum. 1:11,950,000. 43 x 56.8 cm. In Homann, AUgemeiner Atlas, v. 4, plate 390. XF.912H75A/rbx. West 215 1714 Moll, Herman. A Map of Guinea. Loango &c. 1:13,625,000. 17.7 x 25.9 cm. In Atlas geographus, v. 4, between pp. 368-369. X910M735A/rbx. Small inset of Leberman Island: "A Map of ye Situation of the British Factory at Sherbo &c." 1714 Moll, Herman. A Map of Zaara or the Desart, Negroland & Cape Virde Islands &c. 1:16,400,000. 17.6 x 25.5 cm. In Atlas geographus, v. 4, between pp. 322-323. X910M735A/rbx. 1722 Moll, Herman. A Map of Zaara/ Negroe-Land, Guinea &c. 1:26,600,000. 16.1 x 19.6 on. In anon., Compleat Geographer, p. 134. XQ.910C7371722/rbx. Inset map of Cape Verde. 1728 Homann, Johann Christoph. Statuum Marocca Norum. 1:3,331,000. 48.1 x 55.6 cm. In Seutter, Maximvs atlantvm, v. 4, p. 269. XF.912SE81M/rbx. 1728 Knapton, James and John Knapton. A Chart of the Atlantic Ocean describing the Coast of Africa from Cape Teffalana to Cape Formosa. 1:6,200,000. 50.2 x 58.1 cm. In anon, Atlas Maritimus, plate 39. XF.912AT656/rbx. 1743 Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d 1 . Gvinea Propria. 1:7,150,000. 45.5 x 55.1 cm. In Homann Erben, Atlas mapparum, plate 92. XF.912H751A/rbx. Also in Seutter, Maximus atlantvm, v. 4, p. 270, XF.912SE81M/rbx. 1744 A New & Correct Map of the Coast of Africa. 1:7,660,000. 47.8 x 65.5 cm. Loose sheet. G88351744.N4/rbx. Inset of the Gold Coast (1:2,650,000). 1745 Moll, Herman. Negroland and Guinea. 1:14,750,000. 20.1 x 27.4 cm. In Atlas minor, p. 42. X912M73A1745/rbx. 1747 Bowen, Emanuel. A New & Accurate Map of Negroland and the Adjacent Countries; also Upper Guinea, shewing the Principal European Settlements. 1:9,750,000. 34.5 x 42.6 cm. In Complete System, v. 2, between pp. 458 [sic] and 449. F.910B67C/ihc. Also in Complete Atlas, plate 46, XF.912B67C/rbx and loose sheet, G8835175-.B6/max. 1749 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Cours de la riviere de Senegal. 1:4,300,000. 15.8 x 26.6 cm. In Atlas portatif, plate 175. X912R54A/rbx. Two inset maps show the course of the Senegal River. 216 West 1749 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Partie Occidental de la Nigritie et de la Haute Guinee. 1:13,250,000. 16.1 x 19.2 cm. In Atlas portatif, plate 174. X912R54A/rbx. 1749 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Partie Orientale de la Haute Guinee. 1:13,500,000. 16 x 17.6 cm. In Atlas portatif, plate 176. X912R54A/rbx. 1750s Bonne, Rigobert. Carte de la Guinee. 1:9,150,000. 42 x 31 cm. Loose sheet. G8835175-?.G8/rbx. 1753 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte Reduite des Costes Occidentales d'Afrique. 1:2,672,000. 87.1 x 54.6 cm. Loose sheet. G88351753.B4/rbx. 1763 Duty, Andrew. Map of Senegal with Part of the Coast of Africa. 1:8,000,000. 10.4 x 12.5 cm. hi New, General, and Universal, plate 7. 912D93N/rbc. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de 1'Entree de la Riviere de Sanaga ou Senegal. Scale in leagues. 16.9x21. 9 on. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 95. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de 1'Entree de la Riviere de Sierra Leone; Plan de 1'Isle de Bense. Scale in leagues. 17.1 x 21.4 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 103. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de la Riviere de Gambra ou Gambi depuis son Embouchure jusqu'a Eropina. Scale in leagues. 26.6x19.2 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 101. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte de la Riviere de Kalbar. Scale in leagues. 34.9 x 20.5 cm. hi Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 108. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte du Cours de la Riviere de Gambra ou Gamble depuis Eropina jusqu'a Barrakonda. Scale in leagues. 32.5 x 20.4 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 102. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte du Golfe de Benin. 1:1,850,000. 21.8 x 29.7 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 107. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Coste de Guinee ou la Coste d'Or. 1:55,000,000. 22.7 x 43.3 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 106. Q.912B41P/ihx. West 217 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Costes d'Afrique depuis le Cap Verd jusqu'au Cap Verga. 1:2,800,000. 21.5 x 17.3 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 98. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Costes du Senegal. 1:5,300,000. 21 x 16.5 on. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 95*. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Cours de la Riviere de Sanaga ou Senegal. 1:2,600,000. 21.3 x 28.3 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 96. Q.912B41P/ihx and loose sheet: G8841.S41764.B4/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Entree de la Riviere de Sestos; Vue du Cap Mesurado et ses Environs. Scale in leagues. 16.3 x 22 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 104. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Partie de la Coste de Guinee. 1:2,650,000. 22.5 x 30.2 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 105. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan de 1'Isle de Gore avec ses Fortifications. Scale in fathoms. 26.6 x 19.2 on. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 99. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Plan de la Baye et Isle d'Arguim. Scale in leagues. 16.4 x 21.8 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 97. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1767 Hiibner, Joharin. Negro-Land and Guinea. 1:50,000,000. 6.7 x 7.2 cm. In New and Easy Introduction, p.213. X910H864KE1767/rbx. 1779 Santini, P. Carte de la Guinee. 1:9,000,000. 61.2x45 cm. In Atlas universel, plate 42. F.912SA59A/mar. Inset of the Gold Coast. 1780s Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Coste d'Afrique et les Isles Comprises entre le Cap Rouge et la Riviere de Nunho.... 1:1,232,000. 20.4 x 25.9 cm. Loose sheet. G8990178-.C6/rbx. 1780 Bonne, Rigobert. Carte de la Haute et de la Basse Guinee. 1:14,000,000. 21.2 x 31.5 on. In Atlas, plate 10. 912B64A/ihx and loose sheet: G8835178-.B6/rbx. 1780 Bonne, Rigobert. Partie Occidentale de 1'Ancien Continent. 1:11,500,000. 31.5 x 21.5 on. In Atlas, plate 23. 912B64A/ihx. 218 West 1781 Moll, Herman. A Map of Guinea, Loango &c. 1:13,750,000. 17.7 x 25.4 on. In Bowles's Atlas Minor, p. 44. X912M73A1781/rbx. Inset of "Old Lemberman Island". 1781 Moll, Herman. A Map of Zaara or the Desart, Negroland & Cape Virde Islands &c. 1:16,550,000. 17.6 x 25.4 cm. In Bowles's Atlas Minor, p. 42. X912M73A1781/rbx. 1784 Zatta, Antonio. La Guinea Occidentale. 1:9,250,000. 39.6 x 30.8 cm. In Busching, Atlante novissimo, v. 4, plate 22. XQ.912B96NI/rbx. 1784 Zatta, Antonio. La Guinea Orientale. 1:9,250,000. 39.5 x 30.8 on. In Busching, Atlante novissimo, v. 4, plate 23. XQ.912B96NI/rbx. 1788 Bonne, Rigobert. Partie Occidentale de 1' Afrique contenant les Pays et Etats voisin de la Cote, entre le Cap St Vincent et le Cap Tagrin avec 1'Isle Madere, les Isles Canaries, et celles du Cap Verd. 1:9,625,000. 34.5 x 23.4 cm. In A t las encydopedique, v. 2, plate 100. XQ.912AT65/rbx. 1788 Bonne, Rigobert. Royaumes, Etats et Pays de la Haute Guinee. 1:10,000,000. 23.6 x 34.7 cm. In Atlas encydopedique, v. 2, plate 94. XQ.912AT65/rbx. 1788 Harrison, John. Particular Map of the Western Coast of Africa.. .from d'Anville's Atlas. 1:2,778,000. 49.8 x 33.9 cm. Loose sheet. G88401788.B6/rbx. 1792 L'Isle, Guillaume de. Carte de la Barbaric de la Nigritie et de la Guinee. 1:9,250,000. 49 x 57 cm. Loose sheet. G88351792.E4/rbx. 1822 Myers, Thomas. Nigritia, Guinea &c. 1:13,000,000. 19x24 cm. In New and Comprehensive System, v. 2, p. 522. 910M99N/stx. 1825 Ashmun, J. Territoire de Liberia. 1:130,000. 20.6x17.5 on. In Soci^te de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, v. 12, no. 75, between pp. 54-55. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1826 Bello, Muhammad, Sultan of Sokoto. Belle's Karte von Mittelafrica im verjiingten Maasstab. No scale. 18.4 x 23.4 cm. In Neue Allgemeine Geographische und Statistische Ephemeriden, v. 19, between pp. 160-161. 910.5AL2/stx. West 219 1829 Societe de geographic, Paris. Carte des Routes suivies par Le Capitaine Clapperton, de Badagry a Soccatoo, et par son domestique Richard Lander, de Kano a la Riv. de Quorra dans une direction differente et plus a 1'Est 1:3,000,000. 38.5 x 38.5 on. In Bulletin, v. 11, no. 70, between pp. 110-111. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1830s Lizars, William Home. [Northwestern Africa.] 1:11,000,000. 39.4 x 44.2 on. Loose sheet. G8735183-?.L5/max. 1832 Renouard, Jules. Extrait de la Grande Carte qui doit accompagner la Relation du Voyage de Mr. Douville au Congo et dans 1'Afrique equinoxiale. 1:10,500,000. 22.7x20 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, v. 17, no. 105, between pp. 2-3. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1832 Royal Geographical Society. The Course of the Quorra, The Joliba or Niger of Park from the Journals of Mef." Richard and John Lander, with their Route from Badagry to the Northward in 1830. 1:3,000,000. 30.3 x 27.4 cm. In Journal, v. 1, between pp. 178-179. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1832 Royal Geographical Society. West Coast of Africa, to illustrate Capt. Belcher's Observations. 1:7,000,000. 20.7 x 10.9 cm. In Journal, v. 1, between pp. 278-279. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1832 Societe de geographic, Paris. Cours du Quorra, (Joliba ou Niger de Mungo Park) 1:3,000,000. 31.2 x 28.3 cm. In Bulletin, v. 17, no. 105, after p. 60. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1833 Royal Geographical Society. Sketch to illustrate Paper on the supposed junction of the Gambia and Casamanza Rivers. 1:3,200,000. 11.3 x 19.5 on. In Journal, v. 3, between pp. 72-72. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1833 Starling, Thomas. Western Africa. 1:31,250,000. 9 x 14.5 cm. In Geographical Annual, p. 72. 912ST28G1833/rbc. 1835 Ashmun, J. Carte de la Cote Occidentale d'Afrique, depuis Sierra-Leone jusqu'au Cap Palmas.... 1:2,400,000. 22.4 x 28.2 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 2, v. 4, between pp. 118-119. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1838 Allen, W. Part of the Sudan, shewing the supposed course of the Chadda from Lake Chad. 1:7,500,000. 18.6 x 16.3 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 8, between pp. 306-307. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1839 Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK). West Africa II. 1:5,500,000. 31 x 39 cm. Loose sheet. G87351839.W3/max. 220 West 1840s Arrigoni, Ferdinando. Africa Parte Occidentale. 1:15,500,000. 30 x 38.5 cm. In Marmocchi, Grande atlante, plate 40. Q.910M345G/stx. 1849 Bertrand-Bocande, M. Carte de la Guinee Portugaise. 1:1,600,000. 17.9 x 24 on. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 3, v. 11, after p.392. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1840 Avezac, M. d'. Esquisse du Voyage de M.M. Caille, Huard-Bessiniere, Potin-Patterson et Paulholle, au lac Paniefoul et au Pays de Yolof.... 1:3,900,000. 17.9 x 24.4 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 2, v. 14, after p.256. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset shows the route of travel. 1841 Royal Geographical Society. Africa, The lower course of the River Kawara 1841. 1:5,750,000. 20.7 x 13.7 cm. In Journal, v. 11, between pp. 184-185. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1843 Arrowsmith, John. Map of the West Coast of Africa comprising Guinea and the British Possessions.... 1:3,375,000. 60.4 x 51.2 on. Loose sheet. G87351843.A7/rbx. 1849 Bodichon. Itineraire d'Alger a Tombouctou pour servir a 1'intelligence du projet d' Exploration propose par M r . Le D r . Bodichon. 1:20,500,000. 19.6 x 21.3 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 3, v. 12, after p. 112. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1850s Tallis,John. Western Africa. 1:11,000,000. 25.5 x 36.3 cm. sheet. G8735/185-.R3/rbx. Loose 1850 Boyer, M. and Ehiburquois. Croquis des Rivieres Assinie, Grand Bassam, et Tanoe ou Tendo et de leur affluents.... 1:810,000. 18.3x27.3 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 3, v. 13, after p.200. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1844 King, J.B. The Old Calabar of Cross River from Seven Fathoms Point to Ethiope Rapids. 1:695,000. 19.5 x 22.4 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 14, after p. 348. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1851 Petermann, August Heinrich. Map to Illustrate the Paper on the Progress of the African Mission. 1:2,800,000. 25.8 x 20.3 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 21, between pp. 130-131. 910.6ROJ/rbx. Includes Dr Earth's route from Tin-Tellust to Agadez, outline of part of Africa showing the progress of the Mission to August 1851, and plan of Agadez. West 221 1855 Petermann, A. Dr. H. Earth's Route von Saraijamo nach Timbuctu im September 1853. 1:500,000. 24.1 x 9.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 1, plate 2. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets of "Plan von Timbuktu" and "Dr. Earth's Route von Sokoto nach Timbuktu, Mai-September 1853." 1855 Petermann, August Heinrich. Die Provinzen Kebbi & Zanfara nach den Reisen und Forschungen von Dr. H. Barth, Marz und April 1853. 1:3,300,000. 11.5 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 1, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1855 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte von den Stromen Kowara und Binue (Oder Tschadda) nach den Aufnahmen von Dr. W.B. Baikie, R.N. und D.J. May, R.N...Juli-November 1854. 1:2,500,000. 24.2 x 40.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 1, plate 18. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1855 Petermann, August Heinrich. Skizze der Umgebungen von Sokoto und Wurno, aufgenommen von Dr. H. Barth, im April 1853. 1:250,000. 12.5 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 1, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1856 Morse, Charles Walker. West Africa. 1:5,400,000. 30.5 x 35.5 cm. In General Atlas. F.912M83G/mar. 1857 Colton, George Woolworth. Africa Northern Western Sheet. 1:14,250,000. 39.8 x 32.5 cm. In Colton' s Atlas, v. 2, plate 35. F.912C72A/mar. Inset map of Liberia. 1857 Petermann, August Heinrich, Das Ghurian-Gebirge nach Dr. Earth's Messungen. 1:500,000. 8.7 x 13 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 3, plate 9. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1857 Petermann, August Heinrich. Dr. Earth's Reisen siidlich vom Tsad-See in den Jahren 1851-52. 1:2,500,000. 9.1 x 13.4 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 3, plate 7. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of Dr. Vogel's travels towards Musgo and Tubori, March-June 1854. 1857 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte vom Tuareg-Lande Air oder Asben. Nach Dr. Earth's Beobachtungen. 1:1,000,000. 24.5 x 19 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 3, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1858 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte der Lander am Untern Senegal von G. Lejean, 1858. 1:925,000. 19 x 24.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 4, plate 17. Q.910.5PE/stx. 222 West 1859 Petermann, August Heinrich. Karte des Westlichen Theils Grossen Wiiste von Afrika Mcist nach Dr. Earth's Forschungen in Timbuktu 1853-4, und zur Ubersicht der Reise von Leopold Panet im J. 1850. 1:6,000,000. 41 x 24.3 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 5, plate 6. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1860 Chaix, Paul. Carte Ethnographique de 1'Afrique occidentale. 1:12,000,000. 19.6 x 33.9 on. In Societe de ge"ographie de Geneve, Memoires, v. 1, between pp. 88-89. 910.5GLO/stx. 1860 Malte-Brun, V.A. Carte du Cours des Rivieres de Salum, de Cazamance, de Cassini, de Pongo et de Mallecory.... 1:3,000,000. 44.5 x 30.1 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 4, v. 19, after p. 532. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of the course of each river. 1860 Royal Geographical Society. Western Africa, to illustrate Travels in the Yoruba and Nupe Countries, Performed by Daniel J. May Esq r . R.N. 1858. 1:1,700,000. 19.2 x 23.5 cm. fa Journal, v. 30, between pp. 212-213. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1861 Societe de geographie, Paris. Croquis de la Riviere Cazamance; Plan de la Haute Cazamance. 1:1,200,000; 1:250,000. 20.6 x 26.8 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 1, after p. 504. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1862 Societe de geographie, Paris. Esquisse du Damga de Balel a Matam au moment de 1'inondation.... 1:375,000. 18.3 x 24.3 on. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 4, between pp. 356-357. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1862 Societe de geographie, Paris. Esquisse du Haut Fouta au moment de 1'inondation.... 1:335,000. 20.1 x 24.3 on. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 4, between pp. 356-357. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1863 Hassenstein, Bruno. Die Flussgebiete des Binue, alt-Calabar & Camaerun in West-Afrika. 1:2,500,000. 24.4 x 43 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 9, plate 6. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1866 Borghero, F. Carte de la Cote des Esclaves. 1:920,000. 26.5 x 43 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 12, between pp. 112-113. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Includes a vertical profile of Benin. 1866 Chaix, P. Carte du Cours Inferieur de la Gambie pour servir au voyage de M. Borel. 1:1,600,000. 22.4 x 39 cm. In Le Globe, v. 5, between pp. 31-32. 910.5GLO/stx. West 223 1866 Chaix, P. Carte du Cours Inferieur du Senegal. 1:1,600,000. 18.9 x 39 cm. In Le Globe, v. 5, between pp. 98-99. 910.5GLO/stx. 1866 Royal Geographical Society. Map illustrating M. du Chaillu's Routes in Equatorial Africa in 1864 & -65. 1:740,000. 20.4 x 61 cm. In Journal, v. 36, between pp. 72-73. 910.6ROJ/rbx. Inset of sketch map of part of western Africa. 1867 Petermann, August Heinrich. Das Sudwestliche Ewc-Sprachgebiet.... 1:650,000. 41x24.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 13, plate 3. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1867 Royal Geographical Society. Map to accompany Notes of a Journey from Bida in Nupe, to Kano in Haussa, Performed by D r . W.B. Baikie, R.N. 1862. 1:2,250,000. 19.4 x 26.3 cm. In Journal, v. 37, between pp. 92-93. 910.6ROJ/rbx. 1867 Societe de geographic, Paris. Cours du Nouveau Calebar leve par Charles Girard. 1:140,000. 32 x 56.5 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 13, after p. 640. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Insets of sections of the river. 1870 Hanemann, H., G. Breithaupt, and C Terrain. Originalkarte von Dr. C. Nachtigal's Reise nach Tibesti oder Tu, Juni-September 1869. 1:3,000,000. 30.2 x 24.8 cm. hi Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 16, plate 15. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1870 Societe de geographie, Paris. Croquis pour 1' intelligence du voyage du Rabbin Mardochee a Timbouktou par A. Beaumier 1870. 1:28,000,000. 16.7 x 9.9 on. In Bulletin, ser. 5, v. 19, between pp. 416-417. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1871 Petermann, August Heinrich. Plan von Kuka. 1:40,000. 9.3 x 16 on. hi Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 17, p. 68. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1871 Societe de geographie, Paris. Esquisse d'ltineraires a Travers rAfrique d'apres les renseignements fournis par le Chenh-Guetit a H. de Bizemont 1870. No scale. 16.6 x 46.6 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 1, between pp. 256-257. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1872 Petermann, August Heinrich. Originalkarte von G. Rohlfs' Reise von Gudjba nach Lagos Februar 1866 bis Mai 1867.... 1:2,500,000. 24.7 x 42.7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 7, no. 34, after p. 124. 910.5PE/stx. 224 West 1872 Petermann, August Heinrich. Specialkarte der Lander im Stiden des Tsad-See's, zur Ubersicht der Reisen von G. Rohlfs 1866.... 1:800,000. 51.6 x 62.5 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 7, no. 34, after p. 124. 910.5PE/stx. 1874 Domann, B. Specialkarte der Lander an der Goldkiiste in Innern bis Kumassi, Englisch-Afrikanischer Kriegsschauplatz in 1874. 1:800,000. 24.5 x 65 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 20, plate 2. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1874 Hansen, J. Carte de la Cote des Esclaves. 1:940,000. 24.7 x 34.3 on. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 6, v. 7, after p. 38. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1875 Bartholomew, John. Minor Settlements in Africa and Adjoining Oceans. 1:17,600,000. 22.7 x 14.5 cm. In anon., Library Atlas, plate 60. Q.912L616/stx. Includes inset of Mauritius. 1876 Manchester Geographical Society. The River Volta Shewing Rapids of Medica & Senchey. 1:950,000. 13.7x20.8 cm. In Journal, v. 8, between pp. 18-19. 910.6MA/stx. 1877 Royal Geographical Society. West Africa: The Vicinity of Mount Cameroons. 1:700,000. 21.2 x 23 cm. In Proceedings, v. 1, no. 4, after p. 288. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1878 Revue Geographique Internationale. Le Senegal, la Faleme et la Gambie.... 1:2,200,000. 22.8 x 38.2 cm. In Revue geographique international., v. 3, between pp.360-361. 910.5REGI/stx. 1879 Flegel, E.R. Map of the Upper Binue from a Survey by Mr. E.R. Flegel of the Church Missionary Society's Expedition. 1:250,000. 22.5x81.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 2, no. 5, after p. 336. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of "Part of Central Africa North of the Equator from the general map of Africa by Keith Johnston F.R.G.S. (1:8,625,000). 1879 Revue de Geographic. Carte du Voyage de M. AD. Burdo au Niger, au Benue (Tchadda) et chez les peuplades riveraines. 1:2,300,000. 35.9 x 34.9 on. In Revue de geographie, v. 5, after p. 484. 910.5RE/stx. 1880 Domman, B. and F. Hein. Originalkarte des Mittleren Benue-Stromes, aufgenommen von E.R. Flegel.... 1:300,000. 24.7x42.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 26, plate 7. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of a same area at the smaller scale of 1:2,500,000. West 225 1880 Hassenstein, Bruno. [Die Goldf elder von Wassa.] 1:750,000. 16 x 8.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 26, p. 177. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1880 Peip, C. and C. Schmidt. Vermick's Expedition nach den Nigerquellen unter Zweifel u. Moustier, 1879.... 1:2,000,000. 24.9x31 .7 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 26, plate 12. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1881 Freytag, Gustav. Ubersichtskarte der neuesten Forschungen im Gebiete des Oberen Niger und Senegal. 1:8,000,000. 19.6 x 22.3 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographie und Statistik, v. 3, between pp. 356-257. 910.5DEU/stx. 1881 Hansen, J. Itineraire a Timbouktou par le D r . Oscar Lenz 1880. 1:12,500,000. 26.1 x 18.5 cm. In Sotiete de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 1, after p. 83. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1880 Justus Perthes. Karte de Niger-Gebiets. 1:12,500,000. 21 x 37.8 cm. In Geographische Gesellschaft in Hamburg, Mittheilungen, v. 4, after p. 97. 910.6GEO/stx. 1880 Societa Geografica Italiana. La Costa occidentale dell' Africa esplorata dagli Italiani.... 1:16300,000. 25 x 21.4 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 2, v. 5, between pp. 159-160. 910.6SOR/stx. 1881 Andree, Richard. Goldkiiste und Nigerdelta. 1:8,000,000. 9.7 x 18 cm. Allgemeiner Handatlas, p. 96. F.912AN2A1881/mar. In 1881 Andree, Richard. Senegambien. 1:8,000,000. 23 x 17.8 cm. In Allgemeiner Handatlas f p. 93. F.912AN2A1881/mar. 1881 Petermann, August Heinrich. Ubersicht von Ed. Rob. Flegel's Reisen im Nigergebiet 1880-81. 1:6,000,000. 14 x 8.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 27, p. 474. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1881 Revue Geographique Internationale. Cote occidentale d'Afrique entre la Gambie et Sierra-Leone. 1:2,250,000. 27 x 21.3 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 6, between pp. 136-137. 910.5REGI/stx. 1881 Societe de geographic, Paris. Itineraire de Sierra Leone aux Sources du Niger par M.M. Zweifel et Moustier 1879. 1:1,600,000. 16 x 35.8 cm. In Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 1, after p. 83. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of the principal voyages along the Niger River. 226 West 1882 Antichan, P.H. Carte de 1'Archipel des Bissagos et des Con trees voisines. 1:2,850,000. 15.5 x 29 cm. In Revue de geographie, v.ll, between pp. 400-401 910.5RE/stx. 1882 Domman, B. Gallieni's Expedition in die Gebiete am Oberen Senegal & Niger, 1880 & 1881.... 1:2,000,000. 24.1 x 31.4 cm. in Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 28, plate 14. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1882 Hansen, J. Itineraries de Medine a Nango par la Mission Gallieni.... 1:800,000. 36 x 76.1 on. In Societe" de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 3, after p. 736. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Insets of commercial routes, the western Mali, the Empire of Se"gou, Fort de Kita, Fangala, and other rivers. 1882 Hassenstein, Bruno. V.S. Gouldsbury's Expedition zum Oberen Gambia und in Futa-Djallon l.Februar bis 18. April 1881.... 1:2,000,000. 33 x 28.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 28, plate 13. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1882 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Viagem de Geba ao Indomal onde esta o regulo principal dos Fullas Pretos. 1:990,000. 30.3 x 21.8 cm. In Boletim, v. 3, between pp. 694-695. 910.6SOL/stx. 1883 Ancelle, J. Soudan Occidental. 1:8,250,000. 13 x 21 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 12, p. 175. 910.5RE/stx. 1883 Buttikofer, J. Westelijk Liberia. 1:275,000. 50.7 x 54.7 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, supplement, v. 3, after p. 147. 910.6NESUP/stx. Insets of Sherbo and Mende country and Liberia (Junk River, Cape Palmas). 1883 Hassenstein, Bruno. Die Englischen Besitzungen und die Unabhangigen stamme an der Kiiste zwischen Sierra-Leone und Liberia.... 1:1,250,000. 13.9 x 18.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 29, p. 431. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1883 Keller, E. Sierra-Leone und das Timmene-Land nach den f orschungen der Verminckschen Expedition unter E. Vohsen, Dr. W. Hart u. E. Keller, 1882. 1:600,000. 22.8 x 36.2 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 29, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1883 Revue de Geographie. Haut-Senegal et Haut-Niger. 1:2,550,000. 16 x 25.1 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 13, between pp. 160-161. 910.5RE/stx. West 227 1884 Buonfanti, M. Carte du Niger Moyen. 1:2,100,000. 34.5x33 on. In Societe royale beige de geographic, Bulletin, v. 8, no. 2, facing p. 264. 910.6SRB/stx. 1884 Petermann, August Heinrich. Der Amambara-Creek. 1:600,000. 19.5 x 8.7 on. ]n Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 30, p. 93. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1884 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte des pays compris entre le Senegal et le Niger.... 1:12,800,000. 12.2 x 10.5 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 9, between pp. 176-177. 910.5REGI/stx. 1884 Weller, Edward. Western Africa. 1:7,600,000. 35.5 x 50 on. In Blackie, Comprehensive Atlas, plate 46. Q.912B56C/mar. 1885 Beedie, R.M. Map of the Old Calabar or Cross River to illustrate M r . Goldie's paper. 1:910,000. 22.7 x 15.8 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 1, between pp. 282-283. 910.5SC/stx. 1885 Langhans, P. Der Siid-Abhang des Kamerun-Gebirges.... 1:200,000. 18.6 x 25 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 31, plate 18. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of the plan of Victoria (Limbe). 1884 Revue Geographique Internationale. Soudan Occidental Fouta-Diallon et Bambouc. 1:7,000,000. 15.4 x 22.2 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 9, between pp. 192-193. 910.5REGI/stx. 1884 Sharbau, H. Gold Coast-Africa: Ashanti to illustrate Capt. Brandon Kirby's journey into the interior.... 1:1,800,000. 21.8 x 27.7 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 6, no. 8, after p. 488. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1885 Langhans, P. Karte des Deutschen Gebietes an der Sklavenkiiste.... 1:250,000. 22.2x35.6 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mittdlungen, v. 31, plate 11. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets of the Slave Coast from the Volta River to Ouidah at 1:1,000,000, and "Das Unerforschte Hinterland des Deutschen Togo-Gebietes" at 1:2,000,000. 1885 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Sketch Map illustrative of M R . Jos. Thomson's Journey to Sokoto 1885. 1:16,000,000. 10.4 x 11 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 2, p. 579. 910.5SC/stx. Also in Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 12 and v. 14, 910.6MA/stx. 228 West 1885 Revue Geographique Internationale. Cote Occidentale d'Afrique. 1:19,000,000. 10.7 x 16.7 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 10, between pp. 8-9. 910.5REGI/stx. 1887 Alden, John Berry. Map of Northwest Coast of Africa. 1:29,000,000. 7 x 12.5 cm. In Handy Atlas, p. 58. 912AL2H/stx. 1885 Royal Geographical Society. Togo-land (Slave Coast) from a sketch by Dr. H. Zoller. 1:400,000. 6.6 x 10.6 on. In Proceedings, v. 7, no. 6, p. 377. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1885 Spemann, W. Togo-Land the German Protectorate on the Slave Coast after Dr. Zoller. 1:370,000. 14.1 x 22.3 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 1, between pp. 318-319. 910.5SC/stx. 1887 Hansen, J. Expedition Gallieni 1886-87. Reduction de la Carte du Soudan Francais. 1:750,000. 36.2 x 54.4 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 8, after p. 566. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1887 Peroz, Etienna. Mission Peroz dans le Haut Senegal et le Haut Niger 1886-1887. 1:16,750,000. 23.3 x 26.2 cm. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 16, between pp. 204-205. 910.5REGI/stx. Insets show parts of Peroz's routes. 1885 Thomson, Joseph. Sketch Map illustrative of M R . Jos. Thomson's Journey to Sokoto 1885. 1:16,000,000. 10.5 x 12.9 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 12, p. 61 and p. 379; v. 14, p. 5. 910.6MA/stx. Also in Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 2, 910.5SC/stx. 1886 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Basel Missionaries' Travels in the Volta-Basin (Gold Coast). 1:5,000,000. 16.7 x 11 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 8, no. 4, after p. 288. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1887 Rand McNally & Co. Map of North West Coast of Africa. 1:29,000,000. 7.2 x 12.5 cm. In Pocket Atlas, p. 58. 912R15P1887/stx, mar. 1887 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. 1886 Expedicao ao Cubango. Mappa do Caminho seguido e das territo rios occupados pela Expedicao ao Cubango em 1886 pelo tenente Arthur Paiva. 1:1,000,000. 30.5 x 65.2 cm. In Boktim, v. 7, between pp. 142-143. 910.6SOL/stx. West 229 1887 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. 1886 Expedigao ao Cubango. Mappa do Caminho seguido pela expedicao do Dongo ao Cubango. 1:200,000. 31.5 x 41.7 on. In Boletim, v. 7, between pp. 142-143. 910.6SOL/stx. 1887 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. 1886 Expedicao ao Cubango. Planta dos aredores do Forte Princeza Amelia. 1:10,000. 31.2 x 46.7 on. In Boletim, v. 7, between pp. 142-143. 910.6SOL/stx. 1887 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Expedicao 1886 ao Cubango. Planta do rio Cunene no local em que devia ser construida uma ponte para carros. 1:2,000. 30.2 x 39.5 on. In Boletim, v. 7, between pp. 142-143. 910.6SOL/stx. 1888 Gudgeon, E.B. Liberia to illustrate a Paper by Hon. E.B. Gudgeon, K.C.A.R. &c. Consul General for Liberia. 1:4,700,000. 10.7 x 18.4 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 14, between pp. 232-233. 910.6MA/stx. 1888 Hassenstein, Bruno. Das gebiet der Ewe-Stamme und die deutschen Erwerbungen im Togo-Land.... 1:750,000. 29x25.4 cm. hi Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 34, plate 14. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1888 Johnston, Harry Hamilton. The Cameroons District Showing the Bantu Borderland in West Africa. 1:760,000. 35 x 35.5 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 10, no. 10, after p. 676. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1887 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Expedicao ao Cubango 1886. Mappa do Caminho seguido pela expedicao do Cunene ao Dongo. 1:200,000. 28.6 x 40.6 cm. In Boletim, v. 7, between pp. 142-143. 910.6SOL/stx. 1888 Johnston, Harry Hamilton and H. Sharbau. Map of the Niger Delta. 1:1.350,000. 34.5 x 51 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 10, no. 12, after p. 812. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1887 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Expedicao ao Cubango Esbo^o do Caminho percorrido da Humapata a Cassinga 1885. 1:1,000,000. 45.5 x 58.2 cm. In Boletim, v. 7, between pp. 142-143. 910.6SOL/stx. 230 West 1889 Binger, Louis Gustave. Itineraire dans 1'Afrique Occidentale (du Niger au Golf e de Guinee). 1:8,100,000. 23.5 x 15.2 on. In Societe nonnande de geographic, Bulletin, v. 11-12, back pocket. 910.6SOI/stx. Inset of "Carte d'Afrique indiquant la Region Exploree." Also in Societ6 de Geographie de Toulouse, Bulletin, v. 9, after p. 40, 910.6SOCT/stx. 1889 Caron, Edmond. Itineraire de Kayes a Bammako. 1:1,000,000. 11 x 21.4 cm. In Revue geographique international v. 14, p. 76. 910.5REGI/stx. 1889 Johnston, Harry Hamilton. De Niger-Delta en de Cross-River volgens H.H. Johnston. 1:4,000,000. 23.1 x 14.1 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, series 2, v. 6, section 2, between pp. 412-413. 910.6NESER2/stx. 1889 Millson, Alvan. A sketch survey of the Inland Water Communications in the Colony of Lagos.... No scale. 20.9 x 44.3 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 5, between pp. 332-333. 910.6MA/stx. Inset of "Continuation of the Opara." 1889 Freytag, Gustav. Westlicher Sudan. 1:12,000,000. 21 x 34 cm. In anon., Die Erde, p. 392. Q.910ER27/stx. 1889 Societe de geographie, Paris. Itineraries leves dans le Soudan Francais par ordre du L T . Colonel Gallieni 1886-1888. 1:2,060,800. 22.5 x 36 on. In Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 10, between pp. 183-184 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1889 George Philip & Son. Guinea to illustrate a Paper by H. Exc. Governor Moloney, C.M.G. 1:14,100,000. 11.4x21 on. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 5, between pp. 254-255. 910.6MA/stx. 1890 Hansen, J. Carte du Pays de Kong. 1:11,000,000. 10.5 x 11.4 cm. In Revue geographique international v. 15, p. 4. 910.5REGI/stx. 1889 Hansen, J. Itineraire de Bammako au Golfe de Guinee a travers les Pays de Kong et du Mossi leve et dresse par le Capitaine L.G. Binger. 1:2,500,000. 39 x 42.6 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 10, between pp. 456-457. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of "Esquisse Orographique de la Region exploree" at 1:8,750,000. 1890 Hansen, J. Lagunes d'Assinie et d'Appolonie.... 1:400,000. 19.9 x 35.8 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 11, between pp. 468^469. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Insets show results of the works of the Commission of Delimitation, main modifications, plan of Krinjaboo, and place of Krinjaboo. West 231 1890 Petermann, August Heinrich. [Kapit Bingers Zug vom Niger nach der Elfenbeinkiiste.] 1:12,000,000. 9.4 x 8.7 cm. InPetermannsGeographische Mitttilungen, v. 36, p. 26. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1890 Plat, Jules. Soudan Occidental d'apres les travaux geographiques des campagnes Gallieni.... 1:7,000,000. 16.4 x 24.1 on. In Societe normande de geographic, Bulletin, v. 11-12, back pocket. 910.6SOI/stx. 1891 Alldridge, TJ. Map showing M R . Alldridge's routes in the Hinterland of Sierra Leone. 1:506,880. 35.7 x 37.4 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 4, between pp. 192-193. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of West Africa. 1891 Freeman, R Austin. West Africa. Map illustrating a journey to Bontuku from Cape Coast made in 1888 by R. Austin Freeman. 1:2,950,000. 20 x 30 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Supplementary Papers, v. 3, between pp. 146-147. 910.6ROG/rbx. Inset of West Africa and plan of Bontuku. 1891 Habenicht, H. Standpunkt der Kartographischen Basis von Kamerun im Oktober 1891. 1:1,000,000. 18.7 x 25.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 37, plate 20. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1891 Revue Geographique Internationale. Les Rivieres du Sud. 1:11,000,000. 7.5 x 8.2 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 16, p. 35. 910.5REGI/stx. 1891 Revue Geographique Internationale. [Cote occidentale d'Afrique du Senegal au Niger.] 1:17,500,000. 9.5 x 16.9 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 16, p. 96. 910.5REGI/stx. 1891 Royal Geographical Society. The Kebbi River from its Junction with the Benue to the Biafra Marshes. 1:250,000. 20.7 x 28 cm. In Proceedings, v. 13, no. 8, after p. 512. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. Inset of sketch map of the Niger and Benue Rivers to illustrate the paper by Major Claude M. MacDonald. (1:5,200,000). 1891 Shawe, W. West Africa: Map to illustrate Mr. A. Millson's Paper on the Yoruba Country. 1:2,900,000. 20 x 19.8 cm. In Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 13, no. 10, after p. 644. 910.6RLn.s./rbx. 1892 American Colonization Society. Map of Liberia. 1:900,000. 42.5 x 59 cm. Loose sheet. G89801892I/max. 232 West 1892 Appleton, Daniel & Co. Central Africa. 1:8,250,000. 31 x 46.5 cm. In Library Atlas, plate 39. Q.912AP5L1895/stx. 1892 Chesneau, Marius. Cote d'lvoire. 1:700,000. 8x20.8 cm. In anon., Annie cartographique. Q.912.AN71890-1912/13/stx. 1892 Chesneau, Marius. Route de L. Fabert au Nord du Senegal, 1891. 1:4,000,000. 8 x 6.5 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1892 EJ. Brill, Firm. De Niger tusschen M anambougou en Tombouctou volgens de opmetingen van Ed. Caron. 1:6,350,000. 12.5 x 9.1 cm. In Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tijdschrift, series 2, v. 9, section 1, between pp. 374-375. 910.6NESER2/stx. 1892 Hansen, J. Cote de 1'Ivoire pour la lecture du journal de voyage du lieutenant Quiquerez d'apres les croquis annexes au Journal 1891. 1:1,000,000. 14.5 x 35 cm. In Soti^te de geographic, Paris, Buttetin, ser. 7, v. 13, between pp. 280-281. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Inset of "Lagune de Grand-Lahou." 1892 Hansen, J. Itineraire Chez les Maures Trarz par Leon Fabert 5 Sept.-30 Nov. 1891. 1:1,100,000. 35.5 x 22.3 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 13, between pp. 394-395. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte du Dahomey. 1:1,850,000. 12.9 x 9.6 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 17, p. 67. 910.5REGI/stx. 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte du Rio Pongo (Guinee frangais). 1:625,000. 10.9 x 6.9 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 17, p. 92. 910.5REGI/stx. Inset shows part of West Africa. 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. Itineraire de Tohoue a Abomey. No scale. 4.2 x 12.1 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 17, p. 230. 910.5REGI/stx. 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. Le Bas-Niger. 1:6,350,000. 13 x 15 cm. In Revue geographique international, v. 17, p. 140. 910.5REGI/stx. West 233 1892 Revue Geographique Internationale. Le Dahomey. 1:625,000. 22 x 27.5 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 17, between pp. 204-205. 910.5REGI/stx. 1894 Chesneau, Marius. Guinee Franchise et Pays Limitrophes. 1:4,000,000. 13 x 20 .2 cm. In anon., Annie, cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1892 Schraeder, F. Colonies francaises. 1:30,000,000. 8 x 10.5 cm. In Hachette, Atlas de poche, p. 21. 912H115A/rbs. Insets of the Congo Peoples Republic and Reunion. 1894 Lucas, C.P. North-West African Settlements. 1:21,250,000. 15 x 10 on. In Historical geography, v. 3, p. 157. 911L96/stx. Two insets: Freedom Harbor and Freetown. 1893 Chesneau, Marius. Dahomey. 1:2,500,000. 7.8 x 11.1 cm. In anon., Annie, cartographique. Q.912.AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1894 Lucas, C.P. West-Coast of Africa showing European Dependencies. 1:34,200,000. 15 x 10 cm. In Historical geography, v. 3, p. 31. 911L96/stx. 1893 Chesneau, Marius. Itineraire du Commt Monteil entre Segou-Sikoro et Koukaoua. 1:10,000,000. 12.8 x 11.1 cm. In anon., Annie cartographique. Q.912.AN71890-1912/13/stx. 1893 Osmoy, Louis d'. Carte du Congo Francais.... 1:210,000. 39.7 x 30.9 on. In Societe normande de geographic, Bulletin, v. 15-16, back pocket. 910.6SOI/stx. 1894 Societe de geographic de Toulouse. Carte du Dahomey. 1:500,000. 59.9 x 46.2 cm. In Bulletin, v. 13, after p. 508. 910.6SOCT/stx. Inset of "Hinterland Dahomeen." 1895 Albeca, M.A.L. d'. Dahomey et Regions Limitrophes.... 1:3,000,000. 36.3 x 20.6 cm. In Annales de geographie, v. 4, between pp. 256-257. 910.5AN/stx. 1894 Binger, Louis Gustave. La Cote d'lvoire et la Frontiere Franco-Liberienne. 1:1,270,000. 19.8x36.7 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 19, pp. 36-37. 910.5REGI/stx. 1895 Chesneau, Marius. Carte du Pays des Eoues (Dahomey Occidental). 1:3,550,000. 13.4 x 11.6 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 37, p. 305. 910.5RE/stx. Inset of "Habitat des Eoues." 234 West 1895 Chesneau, Marius. La Boucle du Niger (au 31 Decembre 1895). 1:6,000,000. 19.5 x 28 on. In anon., Annie cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1895 Chesneau, Marius. Region de Timbouctou d'apres la carte dressee par le Lieut de Vaisseau Hourst et le Lieut. Bluzet 1:2,500,000. 11.5 x 16.4 on. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1895 Guy, Camille. Mission Toutee, Itineraire dans I'Afrique Occidentale 1894-1895. 1:3,000,000. 46.5x28.5 cm. InAnnafes de geographie, v. 6, between pp. 132-133. 910.5AN/stx. Inset of the west coast of Africa. 1895 Hourst, Emile and Bluzet. Carte de la region de Tombouctou. 1:500,000. 47.9 x 57.3 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 16, between pp. 404-405. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Insets of the Niger before Timbuktu and environs of Goundam. 1895 Lugard, F.D. Map to illustrate Captain Lugard's Paper on the Borgu Expedition 1894-1895. 1:1,250,000. 41.5 x 49.5 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 6, between pp. 300-301. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of sketch map of western Equatorial Africa. 1895 Revue Geographique Internationale. Carte du Dahomey. 1:1,080,000. 28 x 20.1 cm. In Revue geographique international v. 20, pp. 28-29. 910.5REGI/stx. Inset of "Hinterland Dahomeen." 1895 Revue Geographique Internationale. De Gabes au Golfe de Guinee. No scale. 19.2 x 12 cm. In Revue geographique international v. 20, p. 135. 910.5REGI/stx. 1895 Revue Geographique Internationale. Du Dahomey au Niger. 1:9,750,000. 16.7 x 11.5 cm. In Revue geographique international v. 20, p. 162. 910.5REGI/stx. 1895 Kenny. Map of the Anglo-French Boundary near Sierra Leone. 1:4,000,000. 6.2x11.1 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 5, p. 383. 910.5GJ/stx. 1895 Revue Geographique Internationale. Pays Compris entre le Bandama et le Bagoe. 1:2,900,000. 24 x 15.9 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 20, p. 208. 910.5REGI/stx. West 235 1895 Revue Geographique Internationale. L'Afrique frangais occidentale. 1:18,000,000. 9.1 x 15.7 cm. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 20, p. 118. 910.5REGI/stx. 1895 Revue Geographique Internationale. [Les environs de Tin-bouctou.] 1:1,500,000. 15.8 x 16.6 cm. In Revue geographique internationale, v. 20, p. 254. 910.5REGI/stx. 1896 Bartholomew, John George. Map of Hausaland showing Captain Lugard's and Rev. C.H. Robinson's Routes. 1:5,600,000. 21.8x31.4 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 12, between pp. 24-25. 910.5SC/stx. 1896 Bartholomew, John George. Map of the Gold Coast Colony and adjacent territories. 1:4,000,000. 19 x 12.4 cm. In Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 12, between pp. 20-21. 910.5SC/stx. 1896 Chesneau, Marius. Cours du Niger d'apres les travaux de la mission hydrographique dirigee par le Lieut de Vaisseau Hourst entre Timbouctou et Badjibo. 1:6,000,000. 17 x 29 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1896 Chesneau, Marius. Frontiere entre Dahomey & Lagos d'apres le leve du Cap. nc Ple. 1:2,500,000. 15.5 x 3 cm. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1896 Chesneau, Marius. La Route de Konakry au Niger levee par le Cap. du Genie Salesse. 1:3,000,000. 7.5 x 13 on. In anon., Annee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1896 Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Ubersichtskarte von Togo und seinem Hinterlande. 1:5,000,000. 25 x 23 cm. In Kleiner deutscher Kolonialatlas, plate 3. Q.912D48K/stx. 1896 Freytag, Gustav and P. Berndt. Umgegend von Timbuktu nach Schiff-Lieut. Hourst u. Mar. Inf. Lieut. Bluzet. 1:1,000,000. 15 x 22.7 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statistik, v. 18, between pp. 288-289. 910.5DEU/stx. 1896 George Philip and Son. The Niger Territories and Lagos and Gold Coast Colonies. 1:3,450,000. 10.6 x 13.6 cm. In Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 12, p. 57. 910.6MA/stx. 236 West 1896 Guillaumet, M. Edouard. Pays Maures. No scale. 6.4 x 7.6 cm. In Societe normande de geographic, Bulletin, v. 18, p. 198. 910.6SOI/stx. 1896 Hurat and Bluzet. The Upper Niger Region. 1:1,700,000. 13 x 10.6 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 7, p. 98. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset shows location within West Africa. 1896 Manchester Geographical Society. The Gold Coast Colony and Neighboring Territories. 1:3,550,000. 9.9 x 15.1 cm. In Journal, v. 12, p. 39. 910.6MA/stx. 1896 Robinson, C.H. and William Wallace. Sketch map of the Niger Territory. 1:2,200,000. 29 x 30.8 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 8, between pp. 316-317. 910.5GJ/stx. 1896 Toutee, G. Le Bas Niger. 1:10,000,000. 16.9 x 11.4 cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 21, p. 30. 910.5REGI/stx. 1897 Africa, North-West Part 1:12,000,000. 38 x 26.5 cm. In anon., Century Atlas, v. 2, no. 111. Q.912C333/mar. 1897 Chesneau, Marius. Cote de 1'Ivoire Itineraire de M r . J. Eysseric 1896-97. 1:2,000,000. 5.5x8.5 cm. ]nAnnee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1897 Chesneau, Marius. La Boucle du Niger d'Apres les Travaux les plus Recents. 1:3,000,000. 20x23 cm. In Annie cartographique. Q.912AN74/1890-1912/13/stx. 1897 Crawford, Copland and H.L. Gallwey. Map of the Niger Delta. 1:500,000. 52.5 x 61.1 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 9, between pp. 248-249. 910.5GJ/stx. 1897 Eysseric, J. Cote d'lvoire. 1:1,000,000. 11.8 x 16.7 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 45, p. 197. 910.5RE/stx. 1897 Eysseric, J. Cote d'lvoire. 1:4,000,000. 11.1 x 16.9 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 45, p. 193. 910.5RE/stx. Also in Annales de geographie, v. 7, p. 275, 910.5AN/stx. 1897 George Philip & Son. [The New Franco-German Boundary in West Africa.] 1:4,000,000. 15.5 x 11 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 10, p. 636. 910.5GJ/stx. Insets of boundary in 1885. West 237 1897 Hansen, J. Reconnaissances au Nord de Bakel (Soudan Francais) par le Cap"'. Imbert... 1:700,000. 39.1 x 22.9 cm. In Societe de geographic, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 18, between pp. 384-385. 910.6SOGEA/stx. 1897 Trotter, J.K. Map of Boundary between Sierra Leone & French Guinea as Demarcarted by the Anglo-French Boundary Commission 1895-1896. 1:397,000. 38.1 x 79.7 cm. In Geographical Journal, v. 12, between pp. 348-349. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of the region. 1897 Vandeleur, Seymour et al. Map of the Nupe Country with Plans of Bida & I lor in Showing Route of the Expedition in 1897. 1:1,000,000. 31.8 x 48.4 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 12, between pp. 464-465. 910.5GJ/stx. Insets of sketch map of western Equatorial Africa, plan of Bida, and plan of Ilorin. 1898 Chesneau, Marius. Region frontiere franco-liberienne d'apres les Travaux des Missions Blondiaux, Lartigue, & Eysseric (1897-1898). 1:5,000,000. 7.5 x 10.5 cm. In anon., Annie cartographiciue. Q.912AN741890-1912/13stx. 1898 Clive, Percy A. Sketch Map of the Kingdom of Bauchi. 1:990,000. 21.2 x 12.6 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 14, p. 178. 910.5GJ/stx. Inset of Niger Protectorate. 1898 Freytag, Gustav and P. Berndt. Das Togo-Gebiet nach dem deutsch-franzbsischen Abkommen iiber die Abgrenzung von Togo vom 9 Juli 1897. 1:4,000,000. 18.5 x 15.3 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fiir Geographie und Statistik, v. 20, between pp. 192-193. 910.5DEU/stx. 1898 Freytag, Gustav and P. Berndt. Die neuen britisch-franzosischen Grenzen in West-Afrika. 1:11,750,000. 13x19.1 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographie und Statistik, v. 20, between pp. 580-581. 910.5DEU/stx. 1898 Petermann, August Heinrich. Die Grenzen der franzosischen und englischen Besitzungen und Interessen spharen in Westafrika und im Zentralen Sudan nach dem Vertrage vom 24. Juni 1898. 1:12,500,000. 12.1 x 18.1 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 44, p. 166. Q.910.5PE/stx. 238 West 1898 Petermann, August Heinrich. Neue Grenze von Togo nach dem deutsch-fransosischen Vertrage vom 9. Juli 1897. 1:7,500,000. 11.2 x 11.3 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 43, p. 271. Q.910.5PE/stx. 1898 Ravenstein, Ernest George. Sketch Map of Anglo-French Boundaries in West Africa. 1:11,600,000. 11 x 18.3 on. In Geographical Journal, v. 12, p. 74. 910.5GJ/stx. 1898 Societa Geografica Italiana. [Carina del confine franco-tedesco nell' Africa occidentale.] 1:5,500,000. 13 x 10.6 cm. In Bollettino, ser. 3, v. 11, p. 42. 910.6SOR/stx. 1898 Societe de geographie de Toulouse. Boucle du Niger Convention Anglo-Francais. 1:5,750,000. 14.8 x 22.3 cm. In Bulletin, v. 17, between pp. 304-305. 910.6SOCT/stx. 1899-1900 Chesneau, Marius. Afrique Occ" Francaise (Divisions Administratives). 1:24,000,000. 11 x 12.5 cm. InAnnee cartographique. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx. 1899-1900 Chesneau, Marius. Cote d'lvoire, missions Houdaille (ch. de fer) (1899), Hostains-d'Ollone (1898-1900) et Woelffel (1899). 1:10,000,000. 8.7x7.3 on. In Annee cartographique. Q.912.AN741890/1912/13/stx. 1899 Blondiaux, P. and J. Eysseric. Carte croquis de la Mission Blondiaux. 1:2,000,000. 36.6 x 32.1 cm. In Annales de geographie, v. 8, between pp. 288-289. 910.5AN/stx. 1899 Eysseric, J. Bandama Inferieur. 1:500,000. 18.2 x 10.7 cm. In Revue de geographie, v. 45, p. 199. 910.5RE/stx. 1899 Salesses. Mission Salesses (Guinee Franc 51 ') Carte des voies de communication de Conakry au Niger. 1:1,000,000. 18.7 x 45.3 cm. In Societe de geographie, Paris, Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 20, after p. 490. 910.6SOGEA/stx. An untitled map, covering the same area, is in the Bulletin, ser. 7, v. 20, p. 14 (1:20,000,000; 6.7 x 7.4 cm.). Islands Bertius (Checklist #2391) Islands 239 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Infulae Capitis Viridis. 1:14,800,000. 8.6x 12.4 on. In Geographischer, p. 631. X910B46TGU/rbx. 1680s Sanson, Nicolas. D'Eolanden van Capo Verde, de Kust en't Landt der Negeren. 1:8,000,000. 19.6 x 28.2 on. Loose sheet. G8835168-.S3/rbx. 1612 Bertius, Petrus. Ins. S. Thome. No scale. 8.6 x 12.6 on. In Geographischer, p. 637. X910B46TGU/rbx. Insets of Annobon and Principe. 1665 Blaeu, Joan. Insulae Promontorii Viridis, Hispanis Issas de Cabo Verde, Begis de Soute Eylanden. 1:885,000. 38.4 x 50.3 cm. In Grooten atlas, v. 8. Uncat; f shelves /rbx. 1670 Ogilby, John. Insulae Promontorii Viridis, Hispanis Islas de Cabo Verde Belgis de Soute Eylanden. 1:1,480,000. 24.8 x 31 cm. In Africa, p. 729. XQ.916OG4A/rbx. 1683 Sanson, Nicolas. Isles du Cap Verd Coste, et Pays des Negres aux environs du Cap Verd. 1:15,500,000. 19.6 x 28.5 on. In L'Afrique, between pp. 78-79. Uncat; 70121A/rbx. 1685 Mallet, Alain Manesson. Isles des Canaries et du Cap Verd. 1:22,500,000. 14 x 10 cm. In Description de I'univers, v. 3, fig. 83. X910M289D/rbx. 1688 Morden, Robert. Cape Verde Hands. 1:4,000,000. 10.3 x 12.4 on. In Geography Rectified, p. 504. X910M81G2/rbx. 1679 Du Val, Pierre. Insvlae Capo Viridis. 1:3,900,000. 10 x 12 cm. In Geographic univeralis, p. 254. X910D95MGB/rbx. 1679 Seller, John. These Islands Belong to Africa. No scale. 9.2 x 5.3 cm. In Atlas minimus. X912SE48AM/rbx. Separate frames include Cape Verde, Sao Tome, Madagascar, and Babelmandel. 1692 Mxiller, Johann Ulrich. Die Insuln des Griinen Dorgebiirgs. 1:6,900,000. 6.4 x 7.7 cm. In Kurtz-Biindige, plate 15 in Africa section. X910M91K/rbx. Includes the Islands of St. Antonio, St. Vincente, St. Lucia. 240 Islands 1712 Schenk, Peter, Gerard Valk and Jan Jansson. Insulae de Caboverde olim Hesperides, sive Gorgades. 1:755,000. 43.2 x 54.9 on. In Homann, Allgemeiner Atlas, v. 4, plate 389. XF.912H75A/rbx. 1803 St. Vincent, Bory de. Neue Charte der Canarien Inseln nach der Zeichnung.... 1:1,180,000. 18.5 x 45.9 cm. In Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden, v. 12, between pp. 524-525. 910.5AL/stx. 1747 Bowen, Emanuel. Particular Draughts of some of the chief African Islands in the Mediterranean, as also in the Atlantic and Ethiopic Oceans. 1:1,900,000. 34.5 x 42.5 cm. In Complete system, v. 2, between pp. 508-509. F.910B67C/ihc, XF.912B67C/rbx, and loose sheet: G8310175-.B6/rbx. Separate frames include Cape Verde, Saldanha Bay, and Fort at the Cape of Good Hope. 1749 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Les Isles du Cap-Verd. 1:2,000,000. 15.8 x 18.8 cm. In Atlas portatif, plate 183. X912R54A/rbx. 1764 Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Carte des Isles du CapVerd. 1:1,600,000. 21.2 x 29 cm. In Petit atlas, v. 3, plate 100. Q.912B41P/ihx. 1788 Bonne, Rigobert. Isles du Cap Verd. 1:1,190,000. 23.5 x 34.5 cm. In anon., Atlas encydopedique, v. 2, plate 101. XQ.912AT65/rbx. Inset of "Plan de la Rad de la Praya" (1:60,000). 1814 John Thomson and Company. Atlantic Islands. Various scales. 50 x 58.9 cm. In New General Atlas, plate 50. XF.912J613N/rbx. One of the separate frames shows Cape Verde (1:1,600,000). 1823 Lucas, Fielding. Cape Verd Ids. 1:1,625,000. 22.5 x 26.5 cm. In General Atlas, plate 46. XQ.912L962G/rbx. 1884 Araujo, Francisco Jose de. liha de S. Thome. 1:200,000. 24 x 40.6 cm. In Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa, Boletim, v. 5, between pp. 454-455. 910.6SOL/stx. 1884 Barich, C. liha de Sao Thome von Prof. D R . R. Greeff und Francisco Jose de Araujo. 1:250,000. 24.5 x 19.5 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 30, plate 6. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of "liha das Rolas" at 1:35,420. Islands 241 1884 Nogueira, A.F. Ilha de S. Thome parte mais cultivada. 1:70,000. 37.5 x 46.2 on. In Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa, Boktim, v. 5, between pp. 454-455. 910.6SOL/stx. 1887 Baumann, Oscar. Karte der Insel Fernando P6o.... 1:200,000. 48 x 35 cm. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 33, plate 14. Q.910.5PE/stx. Inset of "Plan von Santa Isabel" at 1:20,000. 1890 Langhans, Paul. Die Westlichen Komoren (Angasija und Mohilla.). 1:333333. 19.5 x 24.8 on. In Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 36, plate 1. Q.910.5PE/stx. Insets of "Niumaschua auf Mohilla," "Mroni auf Angasija," and "Insel Moali od. Mohilla." 1891 Revue Geographique Internationale. Archipel des Comores. 1:2,700,000. 8.5 x 10.4cm. In Revue geographique Internationale, v. 16, p. 154. 910.5REGI/stx. 1893 Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statstik. Die Mascarenen. Insel-Reunion; Insel-M auritius. 1:600,000. 19.4 x 10.7 cm. In Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographie und Statistik, v. 15, between pp. 240-241. 910.5DEU/stx. Bibliography of Atlases This bibliography identifies the atlases referred to in the map entries. All are in the Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Each entry consists of bibliographical information followed by the UIUC Library call number and location within the Library. We have listed maps in the earliest edition found in the library. Occasionally we list maps in later editions of especially important atlases, such as Mercator and Ptolemaeus. Finally, we note any other editions of the atlas up to 1900 found in the UIUC library records. Information for each atlas: Author. The names are recorded according to the library's catalog (card form and online). Authors are sometimes publishers. Title. In italics. We have abbreviated tides of some of the older atlases (indicated by ellipsis dots), but have retained enough information to iden- tify the particular edition. Edition. Noted if other than the first. Place of Publication. For the older atlases (most up to the eighteenth cen- tury), we indicate the place name as it appears on the title page, which is often in Latin. For more recent ones, the place name is anglicized accord- ing to library usage. Publisher. When not known, "n.p." is used. Date. Multi-volume atlases usually span several years of publication, thus dates may be "1740-1762." Number of volumes. Noted if more than one. Call Number. The call number is given without spaces, conforming to the UIUC online catalog. "Uncat" signifies the atlas is not catalogued, although available. 243 244 Bibliography of Atlases Locations are separated from the call number by a slash, and are abbreviated thus: clx Classics library ihx Illinois Historical Survey max, mar Map and Geography library rbx, rbc, rbs Rare Book Room stx Stacks Brackets indicate that information was obtained from another part of the book than the title page. For the few atlases not yet catalogued in the UIUC library, brackets encase all the bibliographical information; such information was obtained from the National Union Catalog of Pre-1956 Imprints. Bibliography of Atlases 245 Bibliography Aa, Pieter van der. Nouvel atlas, tres exact etfort commode pour toutes sortes de personnes, contenant les principales cartes geographiques. Leide, 1714. XQ.912AAlN/rbx Adami, C. Schul-Atlas in 22 Karten. Berlin: D. Reimer, 1855. Q.912ADlS/mar Adams, Daniel. School Atlas to Adams' Geography. Boston: Lincoln & Edmands, 1817. X910ADlG1817ATLAS/rbx Alden, John Berry, pub. Alden 's Handy Atlas of the World.... New York: John B. Alden, 1887. 912AL2h/stx American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Maps of Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Boston: The Board, 1898. 912AM35M/stx Andree, Richard. Richard Andree's Allgemeiner Handatlas in sechsundachtzig Karten,... Bielefeld and Leipzig: Velhagen & Klasing, 1881. F.912AN2A1881/mar Later editions of 1887 and 1889 have title changes reflecting the number of maps. Andriveau-Goujon, J., firm, Paris. Atlas classique et universel de geographic ancienne et moderne, contenant les decouvertes et les divisions les plus nouvelles dans les cinq parties du monde.... Public par J. Andriveau-Goujon; adopte par le Ministre de la Guerre pour les bibliotheques regimentaires. Paris, 1837. F.911AN2A/stx Annee cartographique. Supplement annuel a toutes les publications de geographic et de carto graphic.... Paris: Hachette, 1891-1913. Q.912AN741890-1912/13/stx Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'. Geographic ancienne abregee. 3 vols. Paris: Merh'n, 1768. X911.3AN94G/rbx Appleton, firm, publishers, New York. The Library Atlas of Modern Geography. New York: D. Appleton, 1895. Q.912AP5L1895/stx Arrowsmith, Aaron. A New General Atlas, Constructed from the Latest Authorities, Exhibit- ing the Boundaries and Divisions, also the Chains of Mountains and Other Geographical Features of all the Known Countries in the World. Edinburgh: A. Constable, 1817. Q.912AR6N1817/mar 246 Bibliography of Atlases Atlante geografico, ricavato e tradotto in italiano dell' originate di Vienna dall'ingegnere Giovanni Marieni. Milano: G.R. Stamperia, 1833. Q.912AT63/mar Atlas encyclopedique, contenant la geographic ancienne, et quelques cartes sur la geographic du moyen age, la geographic moderne, et les cartes relatives a la geographic physique. Farm. Bonne et m. Desmarest. 2 vols. Paris: Hotel de Thou, 1787-88. XQ.912AT65/rbx Atlas Maritimus & Commercialis; or, A General View of the World.... 2 pts. in 1 vol. London: Printed for James & John Knapton, 1728. XF.912AT656/rbx Atlas universel. Paris: Michel fils aine, [1834?] 912AT6821834/stx Avity, Pierre d'. Neuwe archontologia cosmica,.... Franckfurt am Mayn: Wolfgang Hoffmans, 1638. XQ.909AV57EGL/rbx Barbie du Bocage, Jean Guillaume. Atlas illustre destine a I'enseignement de la geographic elementaire. Paris: Bassett, 1852. Q.912B233A/mar Barbiellini, Carlo Antonio. Atlante della geografia antica e moderna, cosmografica, fisica, topografica, di commercio e d'industria, politica, statistica, etnografica ed istorica di tutte le parti del mondo, secondo Guthrie, Mentelle, M. Brun ... ed altri .... Milano: C.A. Barbiellini, 1807. Q.912B234A/mar Bartholomew, John. Philip's Atlas for Beginners, Comprising Twenty-four Maps. London: G. Philip, 1865. 912B27P/stx . The Student's Atlas.... New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 188-? 912B27S188-/stx .. Zell's Descriptive Hand Atlas of the World. Philadelphia: T.E. Zell, 1881. Q.912B27Z1881/stx Bartholomew, John George, ed. The Century Atlas and Gazetteer of the World. London: J. Walker, 1890. Q.912B28CE/stx Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Le petit atlas maritime .... 5 vols. [Paris], 1764. Q.912B41P/ihx Bibliography of Atlases 247 Berry, William. See Sanson, Atlas of the World. Bertius, Petrus. Petri Bertii Geographischer eyn oder Zusammengezogener Tabelnfunff vnterschiedliche Bucher.... Franckfurt: Beckern, 1612. X910B46TGU/rbx Black, Adam and Charles, publishers. Black's General Atlas: A Series of Fifty-four Maps from the Latest and Most Authentic Sources. Edinburgh, 1861. F.912B561B/ihx Blackie, Walter Graham. The Comprehensive Atlas & Geography of the World ... Compiled and Engraved from the Most Authentic Sources, under the Supervision ofW. G. Blackie.... London: Blackie & son, 1884. Q.912B56C/mar Blaeu, Joan. [Grooten atlas, oft werelt-beschryving, in welcke't aerdyck, de zee, en hemel, wort vertoont en beschreven. 9 vols. Amsterdam, J. Blaev, 1664-1665.] Uncat; F/rbx Bonne, Rigobert. Atlas de toutes les parties connues du globe terrestre, dresse pour I'histoire philosophique et politique des etablissements et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes.... [par Guillaume Thomas Frangois Raynal] Geneve: J.L. Pellet, 1780. 912B64A/ihx Bolero, Giovanni. Relationi. Vniversale....Vene\is: I. Givnti, 1640. Uncat/rbx. Also 1601, 1659. Bouillet, Marie Nicolas. Atlas universel d'histoire et de geographic. Paris: L. Hachette, 1865. 910B663A/stx Bowen, Emanuel. A Complete Atlas, or Distinct View of the Known World London, 1752. XF.912B67C/rbx . A Complete System of Geography .... 2 vols. London: Printed for W. Innys, 1747. F.910B67C/ihx Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel. A Comprehensive Atlas: Geographical, Historical & Commer- cial. Boston: William D. Tichnor; New York: F. Hunt, 1835. Q.912B72C/mar . A Universal, Illustrated Atlas, Exhibiting a Geographical, Statistical, and Historical View of the World. Ed. by T.G. Bradford and S.G. Goodrich. Boston: C.D. Strong, 1842. F.912B72U/mar, ihx 248 Bibliography of Atlases Bradley (William M.) and brother, Philadelphia. Bradley 's Atlas of the World for Commercial and Library Reference.... Philadelphia, 1887. F.912B73A1887/mar Brion de la Tour, Louis. Atlas general... 3d ed. Paris: Desnos, 1772. XQ.912B77A1772/rbx Brookes, Richard. The General Gazetteer, or, Compendious Geographical Dictionary.... 2d ed. London: Printed for J. Newbery, 1766. X910.3B79G1766/rbx Also editions of 1776, 1791, 1795, 1815, 1816 Bruckner, Isaak. Nouvel atlas de marine.... London? J. Rocque, 1749? XF.912B83N/rbx Buffier, Claude. Geografia universale tr. dalfrancese nell'italiano. Milano, 1783. X910B864G11783/rbx Biisching, Anton Friedrich. Atlante novissimo illustrato ed accresciuto sulle osservazioni e scoperte fatte dai piu celebri e piu recenti geografi. 4 vols. Venezia, 1779-85. XQ.912B96Nl/rbx Butler, Samuel, Bp. of Lichfield and Coventry. An Atlas of Modern Geography. London: Longman, [1840?] 912B97A/mar Camp, David Nelson. Key and Questions to Camp 's Physical and Political Outline Maps. Hartford: O.D. Case; Chicago: A.H. Andrews, 1872. 912C15K1872/stx Carey, Mathew. Carey's General Atlas, Improved and Enlarged. Philadelphia: M. Carey and Son, 1818. XF.912C18gl818/rbx Cellarius, Andreas. Harmonia macrocosmica; seu, Atlas universalis et novus .... Amstelodami: G. Valk & P. Schenk, 1708. XF.912C33H1708/rbx Cellarius, Christoph. Christophori Cellarii... Geographia antiqua .... Londini: S. Ballard, J. Senex(etc.), 1731. X910C33G1731/rbx Also English ed. of 1821. . Notitia orbis antiqui, sive geographia plenior... 2 vols. Cantabrigiae, 1703- 1706. Vol 1, X910C33N/rbx; vol. 2, X910C33N2/rbx Vol. 2: Notitiae orbis antiqui ... Amstelaedami, 1706. Bibliography of Atlases 249 Also, Lipsiae, 1731-32. The Century Atlas of the World; Prepared under the Superintendence of Benjamin E. Smith. New York: Century Co., 1899. Q.912C333/mar Also 1897, 1898, and another 1899 edition: Q.912C3331899/mar. Chatelain, Henri Abraham. Atlas historique.... 1 vols. Amsterdam, 1708-20. XF.912C39A/rbx Chemereau, N. Geographic pratique.... Amsterdam: E. Roger, 1715. 910C42G/ihx The Chicago Chronicle's Unrivalled Atlas of the World .... Chicago and New York: Rand, McNally&Co., 1899. Q.912C432/stx Oliver, Philipp. Introductionis in universam geographiam .... Amstelaedami, 1661. X910C62I1661/rbx Also another ed. of 1661; and eds. of 1667, 1677, 1678, 1683, 1694, 1695, 1697, 1711, and 1729 with variant titles; one without a precise date [16-?]; English eds. of 1657, 1678, 1683, 1694, 1697, and 1711; and German ed. of 1723. Miniature German ed.: Epitome Geographiae Cluverianae nova .... 6th ed. Niirnberg: Buggel und Seitz, 1723. 910C62IG1723/rbx Colton, George Wool worth. Cotton's Atlas of the World; Illustrating Physical and Political Geography.... 2 vols. New York: J.H. Colton, 1855-1856. F.912C72 A/mar Also Cotton's General Atlas.... 1857, 1859, 1868, 1874, and 1881 eds. Colton, Joseph Hutchins. J. H. Colton's School Atlas, Designed to Accompany Colton's American School Geography .... New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman, 1864. Q.912C722S/mar The Compleat Geographer... To Which Are Added Maps of Every Country... Most Engrav'd by Herman Moll. 4th ed. London: Printed for J. Knapton, 1723. XQ.910C7371722/rbx Cornell, Sarah S. Cornell's High School Geography... Accompanied by a Large and Com- plete Atlas. New York: D. Appleton, 1857. Q.910C81H/stx Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam. Nouveau petit atlas; ou, Nouvelles cartes geographiques.... Amsterdam: Covens & Mortier, [1745?] X912C83N/rbx 250 Bibliography of Atlases Cram, George Franklin. Cram's Unrivaled Family Atlas of the World. 13th ed. Chicago: H.S. Stebbins, [1885]. Q.912C84U1885/stx Also 23d and 24th eds., 1888 and 1889 . Universal Atlas, Geographical, Astronomical and Historical.... New York and Chicago: G.F. Cram, [1892.] Q.912C84UN1892/stx Also 1 899 ed. Cruttwell, Clement. Atlas to Cruttwell's Gazetteer.... London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1808. Q.912C89A1808/mar Cummings, Jacob Abbot. First Lessons in Geography and Astronomy, with Seven Plain Maps... For the Use of Young Children, as Preparatory to Ancient and Modern Geogra- phy. Concord, N.H.: J. B. Moore, 1826. X910C91F/rbx . School Atlas to Cummings ' Ancient tfe Modern Geography. 8th ed. Boston: Cummings and Milliard, 1821. X910C91I1821ATLAS/rbx Delamarche, Charles Fra^ois. Atlas de geographic, physique, politique et historique adopte par I'universite a I' usage des lycees et des maisons d' education.... nouv. ed. Paris, 1891. Q.912D37A1891/max Delamarche, Felix. Atlas de la geographic ancienne, du moyen age, et moderne.... Paris, 1833. Q.912D15A1833/mar Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft (Berlin). Kleiner deutscher Kolonialatlas. Berlin: D.Reimer, 1896. Q.912D48Kstx Droysen, Gustav. Allgemeiner historischer Handatlas.... Bielefeld, 1886. F.912D83A/stx Dunn, Samuel. A New Atlas of the Mundane System; Or, Of Geography and Cosmography.... London, 1774. XF.912D92N/rbx Dury, Andrew. The New, General, and Universal Atlas, Containing Forty Five Maps. En- graved by Mr. Kitchin, & others. London: Printed for A. Dury, [1763?] 912D93N/rbc Bibliography of Atlases 251 Du Val, Pierre. Geographiae universalis pars prior.... Niirnberg: Johann Hoffmanns Kunst- und Buchhandlers/Gedruckt daselbst bey Christoff Gerhard, 1679. Translated by Johann Christoph Behr. X910D95MGB/rbx The Eclectic Complete Geography. New York: Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., 1883. Q.910.09EC631883/stx Also 1 896 ed. Edmands, B. Franklin. The Boston School Atlas, Embracing a Compendium of Geography. 6th ed. Boston: Lincoln, Edmands, 1833. 912ED5B1833/mar Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. The Equitable 's Atlas of Two Wars, Containing Large Scale Maps of the Philippine Islands and South Africa.... New York, 1899. Q.912EQ5A/stx Die Erde in Karten und Bildern. Handatlas in 63 Karten.... Wien: A. Hartleben, 1889. Q.910ER27/stx Per, Nicolas de. Cartes et descriptions generates et particulieres pour I' intelligence des affaires du temp, au sujet de la succession de la couronne d'Espagne, en Europe, en Asie, Afrique, et Amerique.... Paris: 1'Autheur, 1701 [i.e., 1702?] X912F37C/rbx . Petit et nouveau atlas. Paris: Sr de Per, 1705. X912F37P1705/rbx Fitch, George William. Colton and Fitch 's Introductory School Geography ... Maps on a New and Uniform System of Scales Constructed Expressly for this Work, by G. Woolworth Colton. Rev. ed.... New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman, 1866 [c.1856]. 910F55I1866/rbc [Fracanzano de Montalboddo.] Itinerariu Portugallesiu e Lusitania in India & inde in occidentem & demum ad aquilonem. [Mediolani, 1508.] Uncat; Q./rbx. Gaskell, Charles Arthur. The C.A. Gaskell Family and Business Atlas of the World .... Chi- cago: U.S. Publishing House, 1893. Q.912G21F/ihx Geographia classica: The Geography of the Ancients.... 2d ed. London: Printed for C. Browne, 1717. X912G2921717/rbx 252 Bibliography of Atlases Geographic universelle. Atlas-Migeon (revu par Vuillemin) historique, scientifique, industriel et commercial a I'usage des lycees, des seminaires et des families... Paris: J. Migeon, [186-]. Q.912G292/stx Gillan, Silas Young. Historical Atlas of Two Wars, Containing Large Scale Maps of the Philippine Islands and South Africa. Milwaukee: S.Y. Gillan, [1899]. Q.912G41H/ihx Glaser, Karl. Vollstandiger Atlas tiber alle Theile der Erde 3d ed. Mainz, 1838. K912G46Y1838/mar Gnocchi, Giacomo, firm, Milan. Nuovo atlante di carte geografiche, mute ad uso delle scuole.... Milano, 1876. Q.912G53N/stx Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. Peter Parley's Method of Telling about Geography to Children. Hartford: F.J. Huntington, [1829]. X910G621P1829A/rbx . The World as It Is, and as It Has Been; Or a Comprehensive Geography and History, Ancient and Modern. New York: J.H. Colton, 1855. 910G621W/stx Goos, Pieter. L'atlas de la mer, ou monde aquaticque.... Amsterdam: Pieter Goos, 1667. Uncat/folio/rbx. Gordon, Patrick. Geography Anatomiz'd.... 5th ed. London: Printed for J. Nicholson, 1708. X910G65G1708/rbx Also: 6th ed.,1711; 7th ed., 1716; 8th ed, 1719; and Italian translation of 16th ed., 1765 Gregoire, Louis. Geographic generale, physique, politique et economique.... Paris, 1876. Q.910G86G/stx Gregorii, Johann Gottfried. Atlas portatilis.... Nurnberg: J. C. Weigel, 1720. X910G861A/rbx Grenet, abbe. Compendia di geografia antica e moderna formato sulle carte piu esatte; opera utilissima per apprendere I'una e I'altra geografia.... Venezia: A. Santini, 1794. X912G86C/rbx Guthrie, William. A New System of Modern Geography; Or, Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar.... London: C. Dilly, 1780. XQ.910G98N/rbx Also 1788, 1794, 1795; and U.S. edition of 1809. Issued under these titles: A System of Modem Geography. A Universal Geography, A Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar, and A New Geographical, Historical, and Commerical Grammar. Also Italian editions of 1803 and 1810. Bibliography of Atlases 253 Guyot, Arnold Henry. Elementary Geography for Primary Classes. New York: C. Scribner's, 1879. 910G99E/stx Hachette, firm, publishers, Paris. Atlas depoche.... Paris: Hachette, 1892. 912H115A/rbs Hall, Mary Lucy. Our World; Or, First Lessons in Geography, for Children. Boston, 1872. 910H140/stx Harris, John. Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca: Or, A Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels.... London: T. Bennet, 1705. XQ.910.8H24N1705/rbx Hedendaagsche historic of tegenwoordige stoat van Afrika. Amsterdam: I. Tirion, 1763. 916H358/stx Homann, Johann Baptist. Allgemeiner Atlas. [Nuremberg, 1683-1822.] 4 vols. XF.912H75A/rbx . Atlas methodicus explorandis juvenum profectibus in studio geographico ad methodum Hubnerianam accommodatus.... Noribergae, 1719. XF.912H75AT/rbx . Kleiner Atlas Scholasticus.... Merseburg: J. Hiibnern, [1742?] XF.912H75K/rbx Homann Erben, Nuremberg. Atlas compendiarivs.... Norimbergae: Homannianos Heredes, 1752 [i.e., 1799]. XF.912H751AT/rbx . Atlas mapparum geographicarum generalium & specialium centum foliis compositum et quotidianis usibus accommodatum.... Norimbergae: Hommannianorum Heredum, [1728-1793?] XF.912H751A/rbx . Maior atlas scholasticvs.... [Norimbergae] 1752 [i.e., 1762?] XF.912H751M/rbx [Honter, Johannes.] Rvdimenta cosmographica. Tigvri:Froschoverum, 1546. X910H75R1546/rbx Also 1 573 ed. Hiibner, Johann. A New and Easy Introduction to the Study of Geography... to Which is Added a Compleat Set of Maps by J. Cowley.... 6th ed. London: Printed for H. Woodfall, etc., 1767. X910H864KE1767/rbx 254 Bibliography of Atlases Hughes, William. An Atlas of Classical Geography.... Ed. by George Long.... Philadelphia: Blanchard & Lea, 1857. 911.3H87A1857/mar Also 1 867 ed. _. Grand atlas universel... 3d ed. Paris, 1879-80. F.912H87G1879/max .. The Treasury of Geography, Physical, Historical, Descriptive, and Political.... London, 1875. new ed. 910H874T2/stx Huntington, Nathaniel Gilbert. The Common School Atlas; Drawn and Engraved on Steel, to Illustrate and Accompany the Introduction to Modern Geography.... Hartford, Conn.: Reed & Barber, 1838. Q.912H92C/stx . Huntington 's School Atlas: Drawn and Engraved Expressly to Illustrate and Accompany the System of Modern Geography.... Hartford, Conn.: E. Huntington, 1834. Q.912H92S1834/stx Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co. Handy Atlas of the World.. ..New York and Chicago: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor and Co., 1883. 912IV5H/stx Jaillot, Hubert Alexis. Atlas nouveau, contenant toutes les parties du monde.... Paris: H. Jaillot, 1689. XF.912J19A/rbx John Thomson and Company. A New General Atlas.... Edinburgh: Printed by G. Ramsay for J. Thomson, 1817. XF.912J613N/rbx Johnson, Alvin Jewett. Johnson's New Illustrated (Steel Plate) Family Atlas.... New York: Johnson and Browning, 1861. F.912J635J1861/mar Also 1 864 ed. Johnston, Alexander Keith. The Cabinet Atlas of the Actual Geography of the World... Edinburgh: W. & K. Johnston, 1882. Q.912J64C/stx Johnston, W. and A. K., ltd., publishers. The Cosmographic Atlas of Political, Historical, Classical, Physical and Scriptural Geography.... 4th ed. Edinburgh, 1889. F.912J649C1889/stx Bibliography of Atlases 255 _. The Unrivalled Classical Atlas.... Edinburgh and London, [1876?] Q.912.3J64U/stx Kiepert, Heinrich. Atlante geografico di 25 carte.... 6. ed. Milano: U. Hoepli, 1887. 912K546A1887/stx . Atlas antiquus. Twelve Maps of the Ancient World for Schools and Colleges. Berlin: D. Reimer, [1882]. Q.912.3K54AE1882/stx Also eds. of 1886 (German), 189-? and 1892 (U.S.), and 1898 (Italian). . Historisch-geographischer Atlas der alien Welt.... 16th ed. Weimar: Geographisches Institut, 1868. 912.3K54HI/mar . Kiepert's Grosser Hand-atlas.... 3d ed. Berlin: D. Reimer, [1896]. F.912K54G1896/stx Kircher, Athanasius. Mundus subterraneus, in xii libros digestus... Tomus I. [II].... Amstedoldami: Joannem Jansonium & Elizeum Weyerstraten, 1665. 2 1. Uncat; Q/rbx Kitchin, Thomas. A General Atlas, Describing the Whole Universe.... London: Printed for R. Sayer [1790?] XF.912K64G1790/rbx . A New Universal Atlas... Corrected... and Augmented from the Last Edition of d'Anville and Robert. With Many Improvements by Major James Rennell, and Other Eminent Geographers.... London: R. Laurie and J. Whittle, 1796. XF.912K64N/rbx Labberton, Robert Henlopen. An Historical Atlas Containing a Chronological Series of One Hundred Maps.... 5th ed. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1874. 911LllH1874/stx Also 7th ed., 1884, and 15th ed., 1891 titled Historical Atlas, 3800 B.C. to 1886 A.D. Lange, Henry. Geographischer Handatlas iiber alle theile der Erde.... 2d ed. Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus, 1867. F.912L26G1867/max Lattre, Jean. Petit atlas moderne; ou, collection des cartes elementaires. Dedie a lajeunesse ... Paris: Lattre, 1793. X912L35P1793/stx Le Rouge, George Louis. Atlas nouveau portatifa I' usage des militaires et du voyageur. 2 vols. Paris: Le Rouge, [1756]-59. X912L56A/rbx 256 Bibliography of Atlases The Library Atlas of Modern, Historical and Classical Geography.... New York, 1875. Q.912L616/stx Liechtenstein, Theodor von, baron. Th. von Liechtenstein 's und Henry Lange 's Schul-At- las.... 20th ed. Braunschweig: G. Westermann, 1871. Q.912L61T1871/stx Linschoten, Jan Huygen van. Itinerarium, ofte Schip-vaert. Amstelredam: J. E. Cloppenburch, 1623. XQ.910.4L65I/rbx Lippincott (J. B ) company. Popular Family Atlas of the World. Philadelphia, 1886. Q.912L66P/stx L'Isle, Guillaume de. Atlante novissimo che contiene tutte le parti del mondo... Del. sig. Sanson di Abbeville. 2 vols. in 1. Venezia: G.A.Q. Girol, 1740-50. XQ.912L68A/rbx . [unnamed atlas collection.] Paris [1700-1812]. Uncat; F/rbx Lobeck, Tobias. Kurzgefasste geo graphic... . Augspurg: [T. Lobeck, 1762?] X912L78K/rbx Lucas, Charles Prestwood. Historical Geography of the British Colonies. Oxford, 1887- 1920. 7 vols. 911L96/stx Lucas, Fielding. A General Atlas Containing Distinct Maps of All the Known Countries in the World.... Baltimore: Fielding Lucas, [1823]. XQ.912L962G/rbx McNally, Francis. An Improved System of Geography. New York, 1859. Q.910M232I1859/stx Mallet, Alain Manesson. Description de I'univers, contenant les differents systemes du monde, les cartes generates & particulieres de la geographic ancienne & moderne .... 5 vols. Paris: D.Thiery, 1683. X910M289D/rbx Also German translation of 1684-85. Malte-Brun, Conrad. Atlas complet du precis de la geographic universelle... dresse ... par m. Lapie.... Paris: F. Buisson, 1812. Q.912M29A/mar Also 4th ed., 1 836-37; 5th ed., 1 847-50; English translation published in Boston 1 825-3 1 , 1 834, and 1863. Bibliography of Atlases 257 Marmocchi, Franceso Constantino. Grande atlante di geografia universale... ad uso delle scuole efamiglie italiane. Milano: Stab. Civelli Giusseppe, [18 ]. F.910M345G/stx Mather, Joseph H. Manual of Geography, Embracing the Key to Mitchell's Series of Outline Maps, Rev. and Improved. Hartford, Conn.: O.D. Case and Utica: Hawley, Fuller, 1850. X910M42M1850/rbx Meissas, Achille Frangois de. Dictionnaire de geographic ancienne et moderne... par MM. Meissas et Michelot. Paris, 1855. 910.3M47D/stx Also 1 864 ed. Mentelle, Edme. Atlas universel de geographic physique etpolitique, ancienne et moderne. Paris: P.G. Chanlaire et E. Mentelle, 1807. XF.912M52A/rbx Mercator, Gerardus. Atlas minor, das ist ein kurtzejedoch grundtliche Beschreibung der gantzen Welt vnd alter ihrer Theyl.... [Franckfurt am Mayn, 1609.] X912M53ATL/rbx . Atlas minor Gerardi Mercatoris a I.Hondio plurimis aeneis tabulis auctus et illustratus.... Amsterodami: lonnis lanssonii, 1628. X912M53A1628/rbx Also later editions dated 1632 and 1633 . Atlas, or A Geographicke Defcription of the Regions, Countries and Kingdomes of the World.... tr. H. Hexham. 1633. [2 vols.] Amsterdam, 1636. Uncat; F shelves/rbx. . Atlas Sive Cofmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et Fabricati Figura... Amsterodami: Johannis Cloppenburgii, 1630. Uncat/rbx. Also later edition dated 1632. . Atlas, Sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica Mvndi et Fabricati Figvra. Dvisbvrgi Clivorvm [Excudebat Albertus Busius.. Typographus,Sumptious Haeredum Gerardi Mercatoris, 1595.] Uncat; F shelves/rbx. . Gerardi Mercvatorio et I. Hondii Atlas; ou representation du monde universel.... Amsterdam: H. Hondius, 1633. 2 vols. Uncat; F shelves, c.2/rbx. Another 1633ed. 258 Bibliography of Atlases Meyer's hand-atlas der neuesten erdbeschreibung in 100 karten. Redigirt von L. Ravenstein. Hildburghausen: Bibliographischen Instituts, 1866. Q.912M575/stx Middleton, Charles Theodore. A New and Complete System of Geography.. ..2 vols. London: Printed for J. Cooke, 1777-78. XQ.909M584N/rbx Milner, Thomas. The Gallery of Geography; A Pictorial and Descriptive Tour of the World. London and Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, [1864]. 910M63G/stx Miscellanea di carte antiche. Atlante. Miscellanea di Sansone et al. [n.p., n.d.] XF.912M681/rbx Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. Mitchell's New General Atlas, Containing Maps of the Various Countries of the World.... Philadelphia: S.A. Mitchell, jr., 1860. Q.912M69N/mar & stx Also editions of 1862, 1863, 1870, 1871, 1873, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1880 1883, 1884, 1887. Number of maps varies from 84 to 147. The New Primary Geography.... Philadelphia: E.H. Butler, 1871. 910M69N/stx _. A New Universal Atlas.... Philadelphia: S.A. Mitchell, 1846. F.912M69NE1846/max Also 1 856 ed. _. Mitchell's school atlas. Philadelphia: Thomas, Copperthwait, 1839. Q.912M69S1839/mar Moll, Herman. Atlas geographus: Or, A Compleat System of Geography, Ancient and Mod- ern.... 5 vols. London: Printed by J. Nutt, 1711-17. X910M735A/rbx . Atlas minor: Or a New and Curious Set of Sixty Two Maps.... London: Printed for Thos. Bowles & John Bowles, [1732?] X912M73A/rbx Also 1745 ed.: X912M73A1745/rbx . Bowles's Atlas Minor.... London, [1781]. X912M73A1781/rbx . Geographia antiqua Latinorum & graecorum.... London: H. Moll, 1732. X912.3M73G1732/rbx Bibliography of Atlases 259 _. A System of Geography: Or, A New & Accurate Description of the Earth in All its Empires, Kingdoms and States.... London: Printed for A. And J. Churchil and T. Childe, 1701. XQ.910M735S/rbx . The World Described: Or, A New and Correct Set of Maps. Shewing the King- doms and States in All the Known Parts of the Earth.... [London] Jane Grierson [1764]. XF.912M73W1764/rbx Monteith, James. Manual of Geography... rev. ed. New York: A.S. Barnes, 1869. 910M76M/stx . Monteith's Physical and Political Geography. New York: A.S. Barnes, [1866]. Q.551.4M76M1866/stx Morden, Robert. Geography Rectified; Or, A Description of the World in All its Kingdoms, Provinces Countries.... 2d ed. London, 1688. X910M81G2/rbx Morisot, Claude Barthelemy. Orbis Maritimi sive Revm in Mari et Littoribvs Gestarvm Generalis Historiai. Divione: Petrvm Palliot, 1643. Uncat; Q/rbx Morse, Charles Walker. General Atlas of the World.... New York: D. Appleton, 1856. F.912M83G/mar Morse, Jedidiah. The American Universal Geography, or, A View of the Present State of all the Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Republics in the Known World.... Boston, Printed by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1793. X910M83A/rbx Also 1795 (published in Edinburgh); 3d ed., 1796; 4th ed, 1802; 5th ed., 1805; 6th ed., 1812; and 7th ed., 1819. . Geography Made Easy... Calculated Particularly for the Use and Improvement of Schools in the United States. New Haven: Meigs, Bowen and Dana [1784]. X910H83G/rbx Also 1790 ed. And Geography Made Easy; Being an Abridgement: 1790; 4th ed., 1794; 5th ed., 1796; 10th ed., 1806; 1 1th ed., 1807; 16th ed., 1813; 18th ed., 18??; 19th ed., 1818; and 7th ed. of abridgment, 1820. . A New Gazetteer of the Eastern Continent... by Jedidiah Morse and Elijah Parish... 2d ed. Boston: Printed by J.T. Buckingham for Thomas & Andrews, 1808. X910.3M83N1808/rbx . A New Universal Atlas of the World... by Jedidiah Morse and Sidney E. Morse. New Haven: Howe & Spalding, 1822. X9 1 OM83NATLAS/rbx 260 Bibliography of Atlases Also 1825 edition Morse, Sidney Edwards. A System of Geography, for the Use of Schools. New York: Harper & brothers, 1854. Q.910M83S1854/mar Miiller, Johann Ulrich. Kurtz-bundige Abbild- und Vorstellung der gantzen Welt .... Ulm: Georg Wilhelm Kiihnen, 1692. X910M91K/rbx Miinster, Sebastian. Cosmographey. Baal [1578]. XQ.910M92C/rbx . Cosmographiae universalis lib. vi.... Basileae: Henrickvm Petri ... M.D.L. [1550]. XQ.910M92CL1550/rbx Also 1552 and 1592 eds. Myers, Thomas. New and Comprehensive System of Modern Geography. London, 1822. 910M99N/stx A New General Atlas, Comprising a Complete Set of Maps .... Philadelphia: Anthony Finley, 1824. Q.912F49N/mar Also 1827 ed., cataloged under Finley as author: Q.912F49N1 827/mar. Niox, Gustave Leon. Atlas de geographic physique, politique et historique .... Paris: C. Delagrave, [1889?] Q.912N62A1889/stx Ogilby, John. Africa: Being an Accurate Description of the Regions ofAEgypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid ... Collected and Translated from Most Authentick Authors.... London: Printed by T. Johnson for the author, 1670. XQ.916OG4A/rbx Olney, Jesse. A New and Improved School Atlas, to Accompany The Practical System of Modem Geography.... Hartford, 1830. X9120L6N1830/rbx Also 1837, 1841 and 1844 eds. Ortelius, Abraham. Epitome du theatre du monde.... Anvers: C. Plantin, 1588. X9120R9TF1588/rbx This is a miniature edition of Theatrvm..., below. Other miniatures are Epitome Theatri Orteliani (1595, Latin), and Epitome of the Theatre of the Whole Worlde (1603, English). Bibliography of Atlases 261 _. Theatrvm orbis terrarvm. [Antverpiae: Coppenius Diesth, 1570.] F.9120R9TH1570/rbx _. Theatrvm orbis terrarvm. [Antverpiae, 1575.] XF.9120R9TH1575/rbx _. Theatrvm orbis terrarvm. Antwerp: Christopher Plantin, 1584. Uncat; F shelves/rbx Other editions: 1598 (Italian), 1606 (English), 1624 (Latin), 1655 (Italian). Payne, John. Atlas for Payne's New System of Universal Geography. Dublin: Z. Jackson, [1794?] XQ.912P29A/rbx . A New and Complete System of Universal Geography: Describing Asia, Africa, Europe and America.... New York: J. Low, 1798-1800. X910P29N/rbx The People's Illustrated & Descriptive Family Atlas of the World, Indexed. New York: Bryan, Taylor & Co., [1889]. Q.912P39I1889/stx Perthes, Justus, firm, publishers, Gotha. Justus Perthes' Taschen-atlas.... Gotha, 1896. 912P43T1896/stx Also 32d edition, 1899 Petermann, August Heinrich. A Descriptive Atlas of Astronomy, and of Physical and Politi- cal Geography.... London, 1853. Q.912P44D1853/mar Potter (John E.) & co., pub., Philadelphia. Potter-Bradley Atlas of the World for Commercial, Educational and Library Reference.... Philadelphia: John E. Potter, 1894. F.912P85P/stx Probst, Johan Michael. Atlas minor.... Aug.Vind. [Augsburg]: J.M. Probst, [1794?] X912P94A/stx Ptolemaeus, Claudius ...Liber Geographiae cvm Tabvlis et Vniversali Figrva et cvm Additione Locorvm qvae a Recenti Oribvs Reperta... svnt Diligenti cvra Emendatvs et Impressvs. Venetiis: lacolum Pentium, 1511. f/rbx. The Bernard Sylvanus edition. Later editions not listed below: Latin : 1525, 1535, 1541, 1545, 1562, 1596, 1597, 1598; Italian: 1574, 1598, 1620. 262 Bibliography of Atlases The following editions, in Latin and Italian, have variant titles and different maps. They are listed in chronological order. . Geographiae opus novissima traductione e grecorum archetypis castigatissime pressum: Ceteris ante lucubratorum multo prestantius. Strassbourg: Schott, 1513. Uncat/rbx The Waldseemuller edition. Also 1564, 1598, and 1620. . Geographia Vniversalis, Vetvs et Nova... Translatione Pirckheimeri ... Additi Sunt... Scholia... Succedunt Tabulae Ptolemaicae, opera Sebastiani Munsteri Nouo Paratae Modo... Adiectae Sunt... Nouae Tabulae.... Basileae: Henrichvm Petrvm, [1542]. q/rbx This is the second edition of Sebastian Munster's 1540 work. Later edition dated 1545. . Ptolemeo la Geografia di.... Venetia: G.B. Pedrezano, 1548. 910P95g:I1548/rbx. Giacomo Gastaldi's edition; first Italian edition. . La geografia ... Nuouamente tradotta di Greco in Italiano, du Girolamo Rvscelli... Aggiuntoui vnpieno discorso di M. Gioseppe Moleto.... Venetia: Vincenzo Valgrisi, 1561. Uncat/rbx Girolamo Ruscelli's edition; second Italian edition. . Geographia Cl. Ptolemaei... Olim ab Alijo Translata, at Nunc Multis Codicibus Graecis Collata, Pluribusq in Locis ad Pristinam Ueritatem mira Accuratione Redacta.... Ventiis: Vincentivm Valgrisivm, 1564. X881P87g.lm/rbx Another Ruscelli edition. . Geografia; doe, Descrittione Vniversale della Terra Partita I dve Volumi, nil Primo de 'Quali si Contengono gli Otto Libri della Geografia di Cl. Tolomeo, Nuouamente con Singolare Studio Rincontrati, & Corretti dall' eccell. mo sig. Gio. Antonio Magini padovano.... Padova: Paolo & Francesco Galignani, 1620. 2 vols. in 1. XQ.910P95GIC1620/rbx Rand, McNally & Co. Rand, McNally & Co. 's Indexed Atlas of the World.... Chicago, 1882. 3d ed. Q.912R15I1882/stx Also 1892 and 1898 eds. . Rand, McNally & Co. 's Pocket Atlas of the World.... Chicago: Rand, McNally &co., 1887. 912R15P1887/stx & mar Bibliography of Atlases 263 _. The Rand, McNally & Co. 's Universal Atlas of the World.... Chicago, 1894. Q.912R15U1894/stx .. The Rand, McNally Standard Atlas of the World. Chicago, 1890. Q.912R15S1890/stx Rand McNally & Co. 's Enlarged Business Atlas and Shipper's Guide. Chicago, 1901. F.912R15cl900/stx This is the early title of Rand McNally 's Commercial Atlas and Marketing Guide. Reclus, Elisee. A New Physical Geography. Ed. by A.H. Keene. 2 vols. in 4. New York: D. Appleton, 1886. 551R24TE/stx . Nouvelle geographic universelle; la terre et les hommes. 19 vols. Paris: Hachette, 1876-94. Q.910R24N/stx Also English translation: The Earth and its Inhabitants (London, 1822-95; and New York, 1882-97). Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio. Atlas geographique contenant la mappemonde et les quatres parties.... Paris: S. Jacques, [1762] X912R52A/rbx Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Atlas portatif, universel. Compose d'apres les meilleures cartes.... Paris: Pankouke, [1748-49] X912R54A/rbx . Atlas universel, par M. Robert et par M. Robert de Vaugondy, sonfils. Paris: Les auteurs, 1757 [i.e.,178-?] XF.912R54AT/rbx Roggero, Giuseppe. Testo-atlante scolastico di geografia moderna ...a cura dei professori G. Roggero, G. Ricchieri [ed.], A. Ghisleri. Bergamo: Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, 1895-96. Q.910R633T/stx Rosaccio, Gioseppe. Vniversale discrittione del teatro del cielo et della terra. Venetia: Gio. Battista Ciotti, 1620. X910R71T1620/rbx. Rossari, Carlo. Nuovo atlante di geografia moderna.... Milano, 1824. F.912R73N1824A/mar Another 1 824 edition Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo de. Mercvrio geografico overo gvida geografica in tvtte le parte del mondo.... Roma: G.G. de Rossi, [1686?] XF.912R736M1686/rbx 264 Bibliography of Atlases Also 1703, 1756, 1764 and 1766 editions Rossi, Luigi. Nuovo atlante di geografia universale.... Milano: Batelli e Fanfani, 1820-[21] F.912R735N1820/mar Salmon, Thomas. A New Geographical and Historical Grammar... Ingraved by Mr. Jefferys.... London: Printed for W. Johnston, 1749. X909SA3N/rbx Also editions of 1756, 1764, 1766, and 1782 (the latter as The New Universal Geographical Grammar, 2d ed.). Sanson, Nicolas. L'Afrique en plusieurs cartes nouvelles.... 1683. Uncat; 70121A/rbs . [Atlas of the World.} London: sold by William Berry, 1680-1689. Uncat; F/rbx. _. Canes generates de tovtes les parties dv monde.... Paris, 1658. XF.912SA5C/rbx Santini, P. Atlas universel dresse sur les meilleures cartes modernes. Venice: Remondini, 1783. F.912SA59A/mar Savage, Charles C. The World, Geographical, Historical, and Statistical. New York: Phelps, Fanning, 1853. 910SA9W/stx Seller, John. Atlas minimus.... [London] sold by J. Seller, 1679. X912SE48AM/rbx . Atlas terrestris.... Wapping ... [1700?] X912SE48A/rbx Senex, John. A New General Atlas.... London: Printed for D. Browne, 1721. XF.912SE5N/rbx Seutter, Matthaeus. Atlas minor.... Aug[ustae] Vind[elicorum] [Augsburg], 1744? X912SE81A/rbx . Maximvs atlantvm contiens chartas geographicas novissimas et utilissimas.... [Augsbourg, 1702-68] XF.912SE81M/rbx Speed, John. A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World. .. London, 1646. Uncat/rbx. Alsoeds. of 1627 and 1631. Bibliography of Atlases 265 Spruner von Merz, Karl. Dr. Karl von Spruner's historisch-geographischer Hand-Atlas.... 2 vols. Gotha: J. Perthes, 1846-51. Q.912.4SP8H/mar Also 2d edition, 1854-55. The third part of this edition was also issued separately as Hand-Atlas zur Geschichte Asiens, Afrika's, Amerika's und Australiens... 2ded. Gotha: J. Perthes, 1855; 911SP89H/mar . Spruner-Menke atlas antiquus. Karoli Spruneri opus tertio edidit Theodorus Menke. Gotha: Justi Perthes, 1865. F.911SP89S/mar First published in 1850 as the first part of Spruner's Historische-geographischer Hand-Atlas. Starling, Thomas. Geographical Annual, or Family Cabinet Atlas.... London: Bull, 1833. 912ST28G1833/rbx & stx Another 1833 edition Stewart, Alexander, minister of Douglas. A Compendium of Modern Geography.... 5th ed. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1835. 910ST4C1835/stx Also 19th ed., 1862and21sted., 1868. Stieler, Adolf. Hand-atlas iiber alle theile der Erde und uber des Weltgebaiide. Gotha: J. Perthes, 1869. Q.912ST5H1869/mar Also 1875, 1878, 1882 and 1891 eds. . Schul-atlas der alien Welt. Nach Mannert, Ukert, Reichard, Kruse, Wilhelm u.a.... llth ed. Gotha: J. Perthes, 1837. 912.3ST3S1837/stx Also 1 6th ed., 1842 Swanston, George H. The Companion Atlas to the Gazetteer of the World.... Edinburgh: A. Fullerton, 1860. F.912SW2C/stx & mar Swinton, William. A Complete Course in Geography; Physical, Industrial, and Political.... New York: Ivison, Blakeman and Company, [188-?] Q.910SW6C188-/stx Sydow, Emil von. E. von Sydow's Schul-Atlas in zwei und vierzig Karten. 27th ed. Gotha: J. Perthes, 1875. 581839 [sic]/stx Tirion, Isaac. Nieuwe kleine hand-atlas... Amsterdam: J. de Groot en G. Warnars, 1794. XQ.912T51N/rbx 266 Bibliography of Atlases Tunison, H. C., pub. Tunison's Peerless Universal Atlas of the World. Jacksonville, 111.: H.C. Tunison, 1885. Q.912T83P/stx Villiers, Alexandre de. Le nouveau geographic manuel.... 3d ed. Paris, 1828. 910.3V71N3/stx Volter, Daniel. Schul-atlas im 36 Karten. Esslinge, 1842. Q.912V883/stx Vuillemin, Alexandre. Atlas universel de geographic ancienne et moderne a I' usage des pensionnats.... nouv. ed. Paris: J. Langlume, 1849. Q.912V97A1849/mar Walker, John. Elements of Geography, and of Natural and Civil History.... 2d ed. London: Printed and sold by Darton and Harvey, 1795. X910W152E1795/rbx . The Universal Gazetteer. 3d ed. Dublin, 1797. X910.3W15U1801/stx Also 4th ed., 1807 .. Walker 's Universal Atlas, for the Use of Schools. London: printed by J.G. Barnard for F.C. and J. Rivington, 1814. X912W15W/rbx Wells, Edward. A Treatise ofAntient and Present Geography Together with a Sett of Maps, Both ofAntient and Present Geography, Design 'dfor the Use of Young Students in the Universities. 2d ed .... London: Printed for A. and J. Churchill, 1706. X910W46T1706/rbx Atlas has imprint: Oxford: Printed at the Theater, 1700. Wit, Frederik de. Atlas. Amsterdam: [1688?] XF.912W77A/rbx Woodbridge, William Channing. Modern Atlas, Physical, Political and Statistical.... Hart- ford, Conn.: Belnap and Hamersley, 1843. XQ.912W851M1843/rbx Wright, George Newenham. A New and Comprehensive Gazetteer... Illustrated by a Series of Maps, Forming a Complete Atlas.... 4 vols. London: T. Kelly, 1834-37. 910.3W93N/max Zatta, Antonio. Nuovo atlante. 3d ed. Venezia: A. Zatta, 1800. 912Z192N1800/mar Bibliography of Geographical Journals The journals consulted for this checklist are listed alphabetically, as they appear in the Library's catalog records. This means that in many cases the record begins with the name of the organization that published the journal, followed by the title. We list the place of publication, the original publisher, and beginning and ending dates (if no longer published). Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden. Wiemar, 1798-1816. 910.5 AL/stx. Annales de geographic : bulletin de la Societe de geographic. Paris, 1891-. 910.5AN/stx Deutsche Rundschau fiir Geographic und Statistik . 1879-. 910.5DEU/SX. Deutscher Geographentag. Verhandlungen. 1881-1963. 910.6DE/stx.- GeographicalJournal . London, 1893-. 910.5GJ/stx. Geographische Gesellschaft in Hamburg. Mitteilungen and Jahresbericht. 1882-. 910.6GEO/stx. Geographische Gesellschaft, Bern. Jahrbuch. 1878-. 910.6GEOB/stx. Le Globe, Memoires et Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic de Geneve. (1860-1938). 910.5GLO/stx. Manchester Geographical Society. Journal. Manchester, Eng. 1885-. 910.6MA/stx. Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Amsterdam. Tijdschrift. 910.6NE/stx. . Supplement. 910.6NESUPstx; TAG, Serie 2. 910.6NE/stx; SER2. 910.6 NESER2/stx. 267 268 Bibliography of Geographical Journals Neue Allgemeine Geographische und Statistische Ephemeriden. 1817-1831. 910.5 AL2/stx. Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft . Mitteilungen. Wien, 1857-. 910.5GEOW/stx. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen. 1855-. Q910.5PE/stx. . Supplement. I860-. 910.5PESU/stx. Revue de geographic. Paris, 1877-. 910.5RE/stx. Revue geographique Internationale. Paris, 1876-. 910.5 REGI/stx. Royal Geographical Society. Journal. 910.6ROJ/rbx. . Proceedings. 910.6Rln.s./rbx. _. Supplementary Papers (1886-1893). 910.6ROG/rbx Scottish Geographical Magazine. Edinburgh: Royal Scottish Geographical Society, 1895- 910.5SC/stx. Sociedad Geografica de Madrid. Boletin. 1876-. 910.6SOM/stx. Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Boletim. 1881-. 910.6SO17stx. Societa Geografica Italiana. Bolletino. Rome, 1868-. 910.6SOR/stx. Societe de geographic d'Egypte. Bulletin. Cairo, 188?-. 910.5SOCG/stx. Societe de geographic de Geneve. Memoires. See Globe. Societe de geographic de Toulouse. Bulletin. 1881?-. 910.6SOCT/stx. Societe de geographic, Paris. Bulletin. 1823-. 910.6SOGEA/stx. Bibliography of Geographical Journals 269 Societe neuchateloise de geographic. Bulletin. Neuchatel, 1886-. 910.6SON/stx. Societe normande de geographic, Rouen. Bulletin de I'annee. 1879- 910.6SOI/stx. Societe royale beige de geographic. Bulletin. Brussels. 910.6SRB/stx. M A P OF T 11 K 'V* (f^ 4, U C O M I' K 1 S I N tl AND THK B K I T I S II POSSESS! O X S SIERRA LEO^E, ox THK GAMBIA xxn THE