UNlVtKSirY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT. URBANA OHAMPAIGN STACKS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/atmomentofvictor01pirk 0,9% AT THE MOMENT OF VICTORY. Xch) Xobcls at Uje fLiirarifs. PRINCESS SUNSHINE. By Mrs. Riddell. 2 vols. COMMON CLAY. By Mrs. Hekhert Martin. 3 vols. AN ISLE OF SURREY. By Richard Dowling. 3 vols. HEATHCOTE. By Ella MacMahox. 2 vols. IN DURANCE VILE. By the Author of "Molly Bawn. 3 vols. BIRCH DENE. By Willlam Westall. 3 vols. WARD & DOWNEY, PUBLISHERS, LONDON. AT THE MOMENT OF VICTORY. C. L. PIRKIS, AUTHOE OF "a dateless BAEGAIIf, 'LiDT LOVEIACE, " JUDITH WYNNE," ETC. "Some there are wlio would make the stars spell out the decrees of Fate. Let such an one set his mind to read the big word ' Eternity, inscribed from end to end of the heavens as on a scroll, and he will find the decrees of Fate written in characters too small for his eyesight." Essa^j on " Star-gazing." IN THREE VOLUMES. YOL. I. WARD AND DOWNEY, 12, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN", W.C. 1889. [_AU rights reserved.] CHAELES DICKEXS AND EVANS, CKYSTAti PALACE PRESS. 4 1 TO ONE, TO WHOM I PRAY THAT FORTUNE MAY EVER COME WITH BOTH HANDS FULL, ELLEN FIELDEN,