L I E> RARY OF THE U N IVER.5ITY Of ILLINOIS l£65c no ■ 1-9 ^cRiNG The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library E! SEP 6 19B8 WEB lib OCT 31 .-.,,- pr? K --p r ' p ' ' L161— O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/aerationwithhigh02babb !t5c o.2. Ei ERSJTy OF »LL/,S'Ol3WWIil tl UkBANA, ILLINOIS CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDIES SANITARY ENGINEERING SERIES NO. 2 AERATION WITH A HIGH-OXYGEN ATMOS- PHERE IN THE ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS By HAROLD A BABBITT . Professor of Solitary Engineering )LU These Studies deal with current activities in the department of Civil Engineering. They serve as progress reports of major investigations, and in general as a means for disseminating information not readily adaptable for presentation in formal technical papers or bulletins. November 15, 1951 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS Return this book on or before the Latest Pjlte. f&SlES&m below- ENSInEErllL. University of Illinois Library Sanitary Engineering Series No. 2 AERATION WITH A HIGH-OXYGEN ATMOSPHERE IN THE ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS by Harold E. Babbitt Professor of Sanitary Engineering November_15.,,_1951. Hypotheses concerning the function of aeration and of agitation in the activated-sludge process have varied from the assumption that agitation alone is all that is necessary to the assumption that it is the oxygen in the air that is solely responsible for the functioning of the process. Intermediate between these extremes are the following various hypotheses which have attempted to attribute the functioning of the process to: (1) electrostatically charged colloids, (2) sub- surface attraction or adsorption, (3) bioprecipitation, (4) enzymatic action, (5) clarification by protozoans, (6) base exchange, and (7) biological metabolism under aerobic conditions. One method of testing the truth of hypothesis that the effect is due entirely to agitation, and that oxygen has nothing to do with the process, might be to agitate the mixed liquor with an atmosphere devoid of oxygen, such as an atmosphere of nitrogen only. In view of experience in the operation of activated sludge plants such a test would seem to be unnecessary since it is known that the effect of inadequate aeration will be to produce undesirable conditions in the plant and that septic conditions develop rapidly when the air supply is cut off, :. ■. . -2- These facts lead to the conclusion that some oxygen is essential to the functioning of the process. It has been shown in the operation of activated sludge plants that, within certain limits, the greater the amount of aeration per unit volume of sewage treated, other things being equal, the better the quality of the effluent and the better the quality of the sludge produced. A limit may be reached where the application of additional air becomes economically prohibitive or the agitation may break up the floe so that it will not settle properly. If, therefore, oxygen is the essential element in the efficacy of aeration it occurs that the reduction of the required volume of air, the reduction of agitation, an accelerated oxidation, and other beneficial effects might result from the aeration of the mixed liquor in an enclosed aeration tank using a synthetic atmosphere containing a high proportion of oxygen. The high-oxygen atmosphere, after passing through the mixed liquor in the aeration tank would be caught and sent to the compressor, where oxygen consumed in the aeration tank might be replenished and the atmosphere recompressed and reused in aeration. An apparatus to permit such a procedure was devised and tested in the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory. A flowing- through diagram of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. In the operation of the equipment the aeration tank was tightly closed at the top to enclose the synthetic -3- atmosphere. Raw sewage and return sludge were mixed at A to form the mixed liquor. The mixed liquor entered the bottom of the aeration tank at B and arose with the rising gas bubbles to leave the aeration tank at C at the top. The aerated liquor was conveyed to a settling tank from which return sludge was obtained; the clarified liquor and the excess sludge being wasted. The synthetic atmosphere or aerating gas was stored in a gasometer as at D, needed oxygen being added from the oxygen cylinder marked C^. The oxygen was washed in water and in a solution of caustic soda before being admitted to the aeration lines. The aerating gas was circulated in a completely enclosed system by means of a compressor. Samples of the aerating atmosphere were taken frequently during each run and oxygen was added, as needed, to maintain the desired percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere. Conditions that it was expected to control during a run or test were: 1, Rate of flow of sewage, 2, Period of aeration. 3, Period of sedimentation. 4, Rate of return sludge, 5, Proportion of oxygen in the aerating atmosphere, 6, Ratio of volume of aerating atmosphere to volume of sewage treated. * -4- Among the observations to be made during a test were: 1, Dissolved oxygen in the mixed liquor in the aeration tank, 2, Dissolved oxygen in the effluent from the aeration tank. 3, Dissolved oxygen in the sedimentation tank, 4, Dissolved oxygen in the return sludge, 5, Solids in the influent, in the mixed liquor, in the return sludge, and in the final effluent, 6, B,0,D, in the sewage, in the return sludge, and in the final effluent, 7, Amount of oxygen required for replenishment of the aerating atmosphere, 8, Sludge index, 9, Turbidity of the final effluent, 10, pH of incoming sewage, mixed liquor, return sludge, and of final effluent. In tests made after the apparatus was in good working condition no serious difficulties were encountered in controlling any of the desired conditions with the exception of the oxygen in the synthetic atmosphere. Tests were made normally with: a 3-hour aeration period; about 30 per cent, by volume, of return sludge in the mixed liquor; and 95 per cent, by volume, of oxygen in the synthetic atmosphere. The return sludge con* tained between one and V6 per cent of solids. Various rates of aeration were attempted from about 0,3 to 2,0 cu, ft, of gas per gallon of sewage treated. .1 L-K - c * - *■'•'* -t . ' ■ -5- In so far as the effect of an increased proportion of oxygen in the aerating atmosphere was concerned observations were inconclusive and no reliable quantitative results were obtained. It was found that, in general, a satisfactory effluent could be obtained, with relatively high dissolved oxygen and low 3.O.D. with a low ratio of aerating gas to volume of sewage treated. This ratio increased somewhat as the concentration of oxygen fell below 95 per cent but no relationship between the amount of gas required and the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere was established. Whatever the reduction of the amount of gas required might have been, it was not commensurate with an insurmountable difficulty encountered which rendered the procedure impracticable and necessitated the termination of the studies. It became impossible to maintain the oxygen content of the atmosphere constant at any figure without frequent flushing of other accumulated gases from the lines. The principal gas accumulating in the lines was nitrogen. The loss of oxygen during the flushing process was appreciable. The proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere tended to fall steadily as the proportion of the nitrogen increased, and the lines were flushed. The required amount of flushing and the resulting loss of oxygen had not been foreseen when the test apparatus was designed and the tests planned. -6- The difficulties due to the accumulation of nitrogen in the synthetic atmosphere were probably due to the fact that the mixed liquor entering the apparatus, having been exposed to the air had, presumably absorbed or dissolved some air. The oxygen absorbed was consumed in the activated sludge process, the nitrogen remaining in solution. As additional oxygen was blown through the mixed liquor in the aeration tank nitrogen was washed out of solution and oxygen was dissolved. The nitrogen removed from the mixed liquor accumulated in the synthetic atmosphere making it impossible to maintain a desired proportion of oxygen in the aerating atmosphere without first disposing of the excess nitrogen. The need for the frequent flushing of the gas lines, accompanied by an inevitable loss of oxygen, rendered the process impracticable however promising it might be biologically or economically, A study was made of the possible economy of the process as compared with the conventional activated sludge process. For the purpose of comparison alone it was assumed that the annual cost of the conventional activated sludge process consists of the cost of: (l) power for the compression or air and the circulation of sludge; (2) oxygen; and (3) interest on the construction cost of the aeration tank and its appurtenances. Other features of the two processes may be considered as similar and costing the same, and need not, therefore, be considered in cost comparison. -7- The cost of the conventional process of a plant treating one million gallons of sewage daily may be estimated as follows: 1, Cost of compressing one cubic foot pf^srir per gallon of sewage to a pressure of one atmosphere will be taken as $5,00 per day for power alone, 2, Cost of pumping 300,000 gal, of return sludge per day against a total head of 15 ft, will be taken at $0,21 for power alone, with power costing 1,5 cents per kwh. 3, Cost of aeration tank. In the conventional process the cost of a diff used-air aeration tank can be estimated, roughly, as about $100,000 per million gallons per day treated. If interest may be taken at 4 per cent, the annual cost will be $4,000 if depreciation and other factors are neglected, The total annual cost of the conventional activated sludge process will be, therefore, for comparative purposes only, about $5,900 per mgd. The annual comparative cost of the synthetic- atmosphere process can be estimated as follows: 1, Cost of compressing atmosphere, Although there are no convincing observations to justify the assumption, it will be assumed that the synthetic atmosphere, containing approximately 5 times as much oxygen as air, will be 5 times as effective in oxidation and that only one-fifth as much atmosphere will be required. Hence, the cost of compression of the atmosphere will be 1/5 x $5 o 00, or $1,00 per day, 2, Cost of pumping return sludge will be considered to be one- half that in the conventional process, since only one-half as much sludge will be required, Kence, the daily cost will be 1/2 x 0,21 or $0.11 per day, 3, Cost of additional oxygen required. No reliable figures are available concerning the amount of oxygen required. However, it will be assumed that the B,O.D. of the sewage may be reduced by 100 ppm. This is equivalent to an -8- 3. (cont.) oxygen requirement of about 850 pounds per million gallons of sewage. At a cost of 5 cents per lb, the daily cost will be $42. This figure is based on the availability of 100 per cent' of the oxygen added to the atmosphere. Losses of oxygen will occur from many causes such as solution in the mixed liquor, oxidation of inorganic matter not involved in the B.O.D. test, and in the flushing of the line. If the added oxygen may be considered as 67 per cent effective in reducing the B, 0, D,, the daily cost for oxygen will be $63 , 4, Cost of the aeration tank* It will be assumed that the aeration period in the new process will be one-half that in the conventional process due to the more rapid action of the higher concentration of oxygen in the aeration tank* Hence the cost of the aeration tank without a cover, will be one- half of that of the conventional tank, or $2,000 per year. However, the new tank must be covered with an air-tight cover and there will be additional appurtenances needed for the collection of the gas from beneath the cover and to return it to the compressor, It may be estimated, conserva- tively, that the additional cost of the cover and its appurtenances will amount to about $500 per year. The total annual cost of the process using a synthetic atmosphere for comparative purposes only, will be, therefore: Power for compressing atmosphere. ,,.,.,,,,, ,$ 365,00 Pumping return sludge C 11 x 365, , c 9 , , , a . , , „$ 40,00 Aeration tank and appurtenances, . ., e ... , B , „ $ 2,50 0, -00 The approximate cost of $26 } 000 per year for the synthetic-atmosphere process as compared with approximately $6,000 per year for the conventional process is discouraging to further investigations to seek refinements of the proposed process in the hope of reducing its cost. It is concluded, therefore, that any attenpt to use an oxygen-enriched atmosphere in the activated sludge process is economically unjustifiable however effective it may otherwise be. -9- Acknowledgement is made of the work done on these tests by Air, D. E. Drier who performed most of the tests in the preparation of his thesis for the master's degree in sanitary engineering, and to Mr. Lee Ming, who qs a Research Graduate Assistant did much of the work in the cost comparison of the two processes. 5 SQroja t :% C=L ; I. j^/^r/7 6c? 5 ?h> Cam p ' r ~jpJi£ r ^_C ,4r/?/)7"/OA/ Z^/v /-s K. -/