Passed Approved Published January 19, 1920 January 20, 1920 January 21, 1920 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 1920 OF THE CITY OF ROCKFORD ILLINOIS APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 1920 | OF THE CITY OF ROCKFORD ILLINOIS Passed 1 January 19, 1920 Approved January 20, 1920 Published January 21, 1920 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates Vvr'fco-C.L, 5Sfc.\ Appropriation Ordinance FOR THE YEAR 1920 An Ordinance making Appropriations for Corporate, Public Tuberculosis San- itarium, Bonded Debt, Garbage Col- lection and Disposal, Public Benefits, Firemen’s Pension and Police Pension purposes for the fiscal year 1920. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Rockford, Illinois: Section 1: That the following sums of money or so much hereof as may be authorized by law be and the same are hereby appropriated for Corporate, Public Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Bonded Debt, Garbage Collection and Disposal, Public Benefits, Firemen’s Pension and Police Pension purposes of the City of Rockford for the fiscal year 1920 as here- inafter specified: GENERAL FUND Salary of Officers: Mayor $ 2,250.00 City Clerk 1,850.00 Aldermen 5,640.00 $ 9,740.00 Miscellaneous Expense: Clerk’s Assistants $ 4,280.00 Extra Clerk hire 300.00 Publishing ordinances and printing . 1,800.00 3 Books and stationery 700.00 Postage 150.00 Supplies and incidentals 800.00 Telephones 150.00 Auditing expense 500.00 $ 8,680.00 City Hall Expense: Janitor $ 1,500.00 Elevator operator 900.00 Light and Power 500.00 Fuel 2,000.00 Contingent expense 600.00 Repairs 1,200.00 Heating plant 4,000.00 Painting and decorating 1,500.00 $ 12,200.00 Special Assessments: City Property $ 363.26 Deficit in Special Funds .... 5,868.79 $ 6,232.05 Public Charities: Hospitals $ 2,025.00 Children’s Home 500.00 Winnebago County Home for Aged 500.00 Public Welfare Association 300.00 $ 3,325.00 Board of Local Improvements: Postage and supplies $ 250.00 CITY LIGHTS Lighting 752 lamps at $43 per year $ 32,336.00 4 Lighting 12 lights on Chest- nut St. bridge at $23 per year 276.00 Lighting 22 lights on Mor- gan St. bridge at $18 per year ... 396.00 Lighting 5 lights on Win- nebago St. viaduct at $43 per year 215.00 Moving poles 500.00 Installing 64 new lamps.... 8,000.00 $ 41,723.00 Board of Fire and Police Comr’s: Salary of (1) Commissioner $ 75.00 Salary of Secretary 150.00 Incidentals 100.00 $ 325.00 Board of Plumbers: Salaries of Board Members. $ 300.00 Clerk hire and incidentals 100.00 $ 400.00 Building Inspector: Salary of Inspector $ 2,500.00 Ford Roadster 625.00 Automobile maintenance .... 300.00 Printing 150.00 Stenographer ... 320.00 Typewriter 35.00 Office equipment ...., 50.00 $ 3,980.00 5 Plumbing Inspector: Salary of Inspector .. $ 2,333.30 Office expense 100.00 Automobile maintenance .... 300.00 Stenographer ... 320.00 Typewriter 35.00 Office equipment 50.00 $ 3,138.30 Electrical Inspector: Salary of Inspector $ 2,000.00 Printing ... 100.00 Office equipment 125.00 Stenographer 320.00 Typewriter 30.00 $ 2,575.00 Public Market: Salary of Market Master.. ..$ 840.00 Cleaning yard 60.00 Fuel 25.00 Telephone 13.25 Printing 5.00 Incidentals 20.00 $ 963.25 City Sealer: Salary of City Sealer $ 680.00 Miscellaneous expense 100.00 $ 780.00 Board of Election Commissioners: Judges and clerks $ 1,250.00 Polling places 2,350.00 Hauling booths and para- phernalia 300.00 6 Printing list of voters 500.00 Publishing ballots 1,000.00 Publishing list of judges and clerks 100.00 Advertising elections and registrations 200.00 Printing official ballots 1,200.00 Office supplies 250.00 General election supplies ... . 400.00 New map ..... 175.00 Extra office help 400.00 Deficit 1919 1,299.30 $ 9,424.30 Legal Department: Salary of City Attorney $ 1,000.00 Salary of Corporation Counsel 1,333.33 Supplies 100.00 Contingent expense 500.00 Litigation Expense 1,000.00 Books 75.00 Judgments and awards 2,500.00 $ 6,508.33 Police Department: Salaries: — Chief of Police $ 3,000.00 Captain of Police 2,400.00 Lieutenant of Police 2,000.00 Secretary of Police 2,000.00 Patrol Sergeant 1,800.00 Desk Sergeant 1,800.00 Sanitary Officer 1,200.00 2 Policewomen .... 2,400.00 29 Patrolmen a $1,680.00 48,720.00 7 Patrolmen at $1,500,00.... 10,500.00 1 new Patrol Sergeant 1,800.00 7 1 new Desk Sergeant 1,800.00 5 new Patrolmen at $1,380.00 6,900.00 Rents for Stations, Districts 4 and 5 540.00 Supplies and general ex- penses 1,500.00 Contingent expenses 1,800.00 Board and supplies for prisoners 1,800.00 Telephones 325.00 Rent, light and fuel for pa- trol barn 950.00 Light and heat, Wyman St. and 7th St. stations 200.00 Exra Police and motor boat for river 1,000.00 Maintaining four motorcy- cles 500.00 Maintaining motor patrol and 2 automobiles 1,200.00 Repairs on police alarm system 500.00 1 new and exchange of 2 motorcycles 700.00 Repairs and repainting of Jail 200.00 Repairs and repainting of motor patrol 215.00 Filing cabinet, typewriter and fixtures for office 250.00 Six merchant police for dist. Nos. 1, 2, 4 and 5 2,640.00 Refund Angelo Centanie fine 202.60 Court costs, Lindberg case 50.00 $100,892.60 Health Department: Health Commissioner $ 1,250.00 Secretary 1,080.00 Head Nurse 1,200.00 1 Public Health Nurse at $1,080.00 1,080.00 Food Inspector 2,400.00 Dairy Inspector 2,100.00 Quarantine officer 1,680.00 2 Sanitary inspectors at $1,680.00 3,360.00 City Chemist 900.00 City Bacteriologist 900.00 $ 15,950.00 Equipment: 2 Ford Roadsters $ 1,329.44 Linoleum for floors 150.00 $ 1,479.44 Operative Maintenance: General supplies, office ex- pense, etc. $ 1,000.00 Printing and Publicity 500.00 Removal of dead animals .. 500.00 Motor upkeep 1,200.00 Contingent fund 800.00 Municipal Dispensary: Nurse $ 1,200.00 Salaries 2 physicians, at $600 1,200.00 General supplies, office ex- pense, etc 600.00 $ 3,000.00 9 Public Comfort Stations: Rent, 4th Ave. Station $ 420.00 Janitor service, both sta- tions 900.00 Supplies, paper and towels 506.30 Supplies, general, light, water, etc. ... 420.00 $ 2,246.30 Total Health Department.. 26,675.74 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 236,145.90 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Salaries: — Fire Marshal $ 3,000.00 A’sst. Marshal 2,400.00 Electrician — — - 2,000.00 Master mechanic 2,000.00 8 Captains at $2,000.00 16,000.00 8 Lieutenants at $1,800.00.... 14,400.00 5 Engineers at $1,800,00.... 9,000.00 35 Firemen 1st grade at $1,680.00 58,800.00 8 Firemen second grade at $1,500.00 12,000.00 16 New Firemen for 2 Pla- toon System at $1,380 22,080.00 Supplies: Fuel $ 1,800.00 Lights 400.00 Laundry 500.00 Telephones 90.00 General supplies 1,500.00 Gasoline and oil 1,400.00 Supplies for Repair Shop.... 1,200.00 10 New Tires 1,500.00 Fire Hose 1,500.00 Repairs to Stations L000.00 Fire Alarm Maintenance.... 1,300.00 Underground Cable for Fire and Police Departments 10,000.00 Two Rotary Pumps 2,000.00 For used Thomas touring car 500.00 Special Assessments 214.24 $166,584.24 ENGINEERING FUND Salaries: — Public Engineer $ 2,833.33 Supt. of Streets 2,000.00 Leveler 1,860.00 Rodman 1,100.00 Clerk 1,200.00 Street Foreman 2,000.00 Yard foreman 1,200.00 Sidewalk Inspector 800.00 Telephones 100.00 Postage and supplies 700.00 Wheel tax badges 200.00 Auto Insurance and license 250.00 Storage tanks for road oil including pump and motor 1,800.00 Retaining wall at foot of Loomis Street 1,500.00 General bridge repairs 1,500.00 Painting bridges and build- ings 500.00 Property and tools 2,500.00 Roller repairs 650.00 One 3^ -ton motor truck.... 4,500.00 Auto supplies and mainten- ance 1,000.00 Auto exchange 400.00 n Asphalt pavement repair 1,500.00 Trimming trees 1,000.00 Contingent expense 1,000.00 Crosswalks and sidewalks.... 8,000.00 Ninth Street bridge 11,000.00 Elm Street bridge 22,000.00 Cleaning streets 30,000.00 General street repairs 60,000.00 Building on Shumway Mar- ket 2,700.00 Deficit in 1919 Fund 1,275.10 Extending 7th St. tp State 6,000.00 Extending Sanford to Tay Street 6,000.00 Lot for storage 2,000.00 $181,063.43 SEWER FUND Repairs, supplies and sew- er extensions $ 18,000.00 Storm Sewers: Seventh Ave and Eighth St. from Keith’s Creek to 2nd Ave 4,700.00 Horsman St. and Bruce St. 2,800.00 Lowering Storm sewer on Hinkley Ave. from Elm St. south 800.00 State Street from Hink- ley Ave. west 750.00 John St. from Church to Court St 700.00 Williams Park Storm sewer 2,500.00 14th St. Storm Sewer 1,900.00 Auto supplies and repairs 800.00 Stationery and supplies 150.00 12 $ 33,100.00 WATER WORKS FUND Administrative Expense: Superintendent $ 2,833.33 General Office salaries 6,575.00 Water Inspector 1,350.00 Office supplies and postage 1,500.00 Telephones 118.36 Meter Readers 2,700.00 $ 15,076.60 Operation and Maintenance Expense: Engine room salaries $ 16,012.50 Additional engine room help 1,350.00 Unit Well Operator 1,500.00 Engine room supplies 1,400.00 Engine room repairs 1,500.00 Fuel, Central Pumping Sta- tion 21,060.00 Fuel heating unit wells .... 150.00 Light and power 10,500.00 Distribution system 1,100.00 Reservoirs, wells and con- duits 900.00 Hydrants 1,200.00 Services, Dkg, Ftns., water Tks., etc 1,200.00 Meters . 4,000.00 Contingent, shop, stock room, etc 5,000.00 Automobiles — supplies and repairs 2,500.00 $ 70,272.50 Property Account: Distribution System $ 63,000.00 Hydrants 9,000.00 13 Tools and tool equipment.... 1 ? 200.00 Transportation equipment .. 3,635.00 Office Equipment and map work 860.05 Special Assessments 44.24 $ 77,739.38 Total Water Works $163,088.57 INTEREST FUND Interest on temporary loans$ 12,166.70 Interest on bonded debt 43,624.00 $ 55,790.70 PUBLIC BENEFITS FUND Public benefits for sewer, paving and macadam $ 44,051.15 WATER WORKS CONSTRUCTION - FUND New Water Works plant and site $500,000.00 SINKING FUND Bridge bonds maturing $ 11,500.00 Water Works bonds matur- ing 25,000.00 $ 36,500.00 GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL FUND Initial Equipment: 1 3l4 -ton truck ... 1 Ford ton truck 14 .$ 4,300.00 800.00 8 25-gallon G1 cans 50.00 1 hoisting crane 350.00 2 truck trailers at $700 1,400.00 Housing shed for equipment 1,200.00 3 garbage wagon boxes at $125 375.00 2 boxes for ashes and rub- bish at $85 170.00 $ 8,645.00 Operative Maintenance: Salaries: — Foreman $ 2,200.00 Clerk 900.00 Truck driver 1,800.00 Truck helper 1,500.00 9 teamsters at $2,100 18,900.00 Printing 300.00 Repairs on present equip- ment 900.00 General expense for trans- fer station 400.00 Motor maintenance 1,400.00 $ 28,320.00 Total Garbage Collection Fund $ 36,965.00 FIREMEN’S PENSION FUND Maintenance $ 8,090.00 POLICE PENSION FUND Maintenance $ 8,090.00 PUBLIC TUBERCULOSIS SANI- TARIUM FUND Sewers, wells, etc. . 15 .$ 5,500.00 Roadways and sidewalks .... 500.00 Swings, settees, etc. 150.00 Main Hospital Building ex- tension 17,000.00 Service equipment Building No. 1 7,500.00 Hospital furniture 1,200.00 Hospital furnishings 800.00 Equipment for feeding pa- tients 1,200.00 Vehicles (Administration Dept.) 700.00 $ 34,550.00 TOTAL APPROPRIA- TION $1,505,690.66 Section 2: All unexpended balances of any item or items of any general ap- propriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any deficiency in any item or items in the same gen- eral appropriation made by this Ordi- nance. Section 3: This Ordinance shall be published in the Register-Gazette, and shall be in force at the expiration of ten days from and after its publication. Approved, (Seal) ROBERT REW, Mayor. Attest: E. A. WETTERGREN, City Clerk. Passed January 19, 1920. Approved January 20, 1920. Published January 21, 1920. 16 STATEMENT Showing the sources from which the Appropriations for 1920 are derived, as approved by the City Council, February 2, 1920: — GENERAL FUND— Revenue Tax Levy From Surplus 1919 Fund $ 1,126.51 “ Unappropriated Fund 16,625.89 “ General Licenses 5,000.00 “ Fines and Penalties 5,000.00 “ Rfd Electric Co. — Heat.... 1,000.00 “ Rfd. Electric Co. — Light.. 3,000.00 “ Rfd. & Interurban Ry. Co. 2,000.00 “ Market Master 300.00 “ Park Board Rent 200.00 “ Plumbing Inspections 1,200.00 Building Permits 4,000.00 “ Board of Plumbers 1,000.00 . “ City Sealer 100.00 $40,552.40 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND— From Surplus 1919 Fund $ 916.69 From Unappropriated Fund .... 264.21 $ 1,180.90 ENGINEER FUND— From Unappropriated Fund ....$ 4,332.30 “ Road and Bridge Tax .... 130,000.00 “ Surveys 300.00 “ Vehicle Licenses, (1919 unappropriated) 17,855.25 $152,487.55 SEWER FUND— From Surplus 1919 Fund $ 475.67 WATER WORKS FUND— From Surplus 1919 Fund $ 34,725.57 “ Unappropriated Fund .... 10,855.18 “ Water Rents 117,507.82 $163,088.57 INTEREST FUND— From Surplus 1919 Fund $ 890.88 PUBLIC BENEFITS FUND SINKING FUND $197,260.17 $165,403.34 $ 28,580.88 $ 32,624.33 $ 54,899.82 $ 44,051.15 $ 36,500.00 GARBAGE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL FUND— From Surplus 1919 Fund $ 3,769.50 $ 33,195.50 FIREMEN’S PENSION FUND .. $ 8,090.00 POLICE PENSION FUND $ 8,090.00 PUBLIC TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUM FUND— From Surplus 1919 Fund $ 25,789.23 $ 8,760.77 WATER WORKS CONSTRUCTION FUND— From Sale of Bonds $500,000.00 Appropriation $237,812.57 $166,584.24 $181,068.43 $ 33,100.00 $163,088.57 $ 55,790.70 $ 44,051.15 $ 36,500.00 $ 36,965.00 $ 8,090.00 $ 8,090.00 $ 34,550.00 $500,000.00 $888,234.70 $617,455.96 $1,505,690.66