^ Sacfed OhJtorlo, obapo9«i hy BEETHOVEN ; called the MOUNT of OLIVES, AND THECI£AND BAfTI-E SINFONlA * 5 = -r ^ ^ Compoitd by SEETHOrfeN ’ '‘i and tlie MS?{vtsented by Him, to His Koyal ‘ PtttNCE flEGENT. T By whose Graeious Permission it is performed aVthese Oratorfefc \ "" performed at the ' ^ THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY^LANE On Wednesday, April 3, 1816. Leader of the Band, Mr. H. SMART. The whole under the Direction of SIR GEORGE SMART. TheGhorusees under the Superinteridance of Mr.PRICE. 4 . • . And assisted by the " ^ young gentlemen of St. Paul’s Cathedral ^ Westminsler Abbejf. the ORGAN is built expressly for these Performances by Mr. GRA Y. LONDON: Printed by C. Lowndes, Marquis-Court, Drury-Lane, -Aad SOLD in the THEATRE ONLY. Pf lee Ten Peyice, paiNCIPAL VOCAL PERFORMERS., * » »• * \ % Mrs. DICKONS • T' % J "Ti ' ? ^ i Miss B F R R E L X, (PupU 'of Mr*. DICKONS.) Master BARNETT, Miss G O O D A L L (Pupil of Si? GEORGE SMART.,) - ^ i Mr, b e X L A 51 Y, 5 Ir. P. YN‘E, MR. LEONARB, Miti. W tjX'F I N GH. Mr. braHam. ■r^ Mrs.. a X M 0- N; nso.^ 5-v.a PARTI. L M . A GRAND SELECTION, --- - BEETHOVE^y^t FIRST HYMN. • ^ 4 h' « rpm the getej^rated Grand Mais.^The Solo Part# by f. '•’T * * • * Mrs ■ l>icKON9, Miss Burrell Mr. Pyne^ .W. Bellamy. LORP have mercy upon UA, O Clifilt have mercy upon- u»! O Lord have mercy upo^ us I « Glory be to our gr^at God, Jehovah ; Ghsry^be to o^r Lord^ ^ovah, on high; and . on earth , let Pea4ie reign, and gwC* \[ low aid 9 men. We pral^ thee,. Lord,—r And wc bless thee, O Lordjf And we worship thee ; Wc glorify thy uame. ord, we give thanks unto thee, for all thy Glory. Lord God ! our Heavenly King I God the Fath.er Almighty ! Lord God, the Son ! the only begotten llcdeepicr, Jc=uf., O Lord God 1 Lamb of God i Sou of the Father . I ho savest the world from falling, shew"thy mercy for «», re- ceive our ferveni prayers ;—Hear our prayers Vho sittest at the right hand of the Father, shew thy merc> for us. ' , ’ « ’hou alone art holy ; Thou only art highest; oar Lord, Christ Jesus! fUu an Malted in the glory of. God the Father. Amen. w,. CJ\ Mr. Wulfingh Oh che manina tenara 01 latte perfomiata che pelle delitata, ' -I che grazia che belt* r_^ Onnipotente araore * ' deh yivnne^cjeh.ajutanii . aniore ! jo nduromint in'c » cencre Da Caj Miss Gqooill, , CUnndel ) . .ko?ooi;“ « tol;-, i’ . ' • ». 1 - ... . ,,' J}uet^ (J^Iarcello) Mrs, Salmon Braha.m. Qual’ Analaate Cervo, che fugge Da fieri Veltri, E cerca il fbate .. la cui s’estingua ^ua sete ardente. • '7'ale 8on’ io • Ohe da crudeJi . . Jenjpre insebuito' Vo suspiranao . Per mio ristoro, D ^ alto soccorso Di te mio Die. - I loro piedi Mai muovon passo ''Cloce tanto, Che quandlo traitasi D sangue spargyre ’ , Degl’ innocenti. •* , f . ' j * • /• • f Air —Mr. Bellamy. ' {ITandeP; Honour and arms scorn such a fofi, Though I could end tnee at a blow; Poor ^victory. To conquer thee. Or glory in thy overthrow. Vanquish a slave tliat is .half slain! So tiKan a triumph 1 (iisdaiii. Air ,— Mr. Braham.* [Handel.) iOrd,.remember David; teach him to know )ti !'guide ffis longue with nieelciiess, daily thy wayfi, to sing th^ '‘leeit accompanied—Mre.S almon. .. First.andLdtief, oh golden wing, .The cherub contemplation bring : And the mute silence hist along, . .. . LessTirdomel will deign a song: In her sweetest, saddest pdrght, Smoothing the rugged brow of night. f ^ Air, • (Aca nee the elves cf night, “ * Unheard unseen:. Yet where this midnight pranks have been, i he circled turf will betray to-.morrow. *. RFXITATIVE & AIR. ^ [Braham.) .Master Barnett. Becitative. , i. • • . ' > Ye gloo.my caves !‘ abodes of dark despair ! -vn howling niadiiess cTnd distracted care ! for you the Iruitful plains I quit; ■ ■ On thy peaked rocks to sit. And gaze upon my grave that opens there ! . Am. ' ■■■ Xhi ihi.s cold flinty rock I will lay down inv licad And happy ni sing thip’ the night; ' ' i oe moon shall smile sweetly upon my cold bed And the stars crowd to give ine their light. ’ ' Then come to me; iny gentle'dear, '■ ^ turn thy sweet eyes to me; To my bosom now creep,'I will sing thee to sleep. And kiss Irom thy lids the sad tear. This innocent flow’r, that these rude clefts unfold iS thou, love,! the joy of tliis earth • - ' But the Rock that it springs from, so flinty and cold. l3 thy Father, that gave thee thy birth. ' liccitative. {Handel. AIhs. Dickons. Again the Philistines fouglit against Israel, and. tin Men of Israel, with Saul and Jonathan bi»son, fell down dain in Mount Gil boa h. . •, # *' Y* . • ’ And David mourned, and wept, and fasted unHll ven, for Saul aod Jop.atfcan. Air. IC % In sweetest harmony thev hv “iVo” to ™?;o re'S.ivM: ^ , ' f of Soul, ye mnWs of ^ 'I’o whose ^3\he eoM you wear. .Y,«ni owe the fJ long hath shone. Vnd all the pomp in which your beauty long 0 ' * (Jhortts. f\\. Vital <3av; how low the mighty he ’ o ’ loimtS; how nobly didst thou diel ^ ’ For thy king and country slam. Air. For thee, my bi other Jonnlhan, Jibw great is my distress! , What language Great, was jVg!jJ,g"|,y^\vond’ roiis love to me. And more than woman s loverny Chorus^ Oh fatal day; how low' the m^hty He i Where, Israel, ‘s thy glory fled ? c 'V 1 rif thv arms sunk in lufamj, Hoi ogata thy droop.ug h. a.O End of the First PM- A. th. ™d of the iirot P.rt »m V pt.tonuo.. ty Ma. Nicholson / A- FLUTE CWCERTO. The First Morement frotn a celebrated Coneerto, Composed by M. DROUtT- Aod to comply «ith Urn . The Ah of RO»U^ CAbllL, will be introduced. The last Movement, an Air». with ^ arinlioiu- • A PART IL Anthent, ("Kent.J' * i • ’ -Mrss OoODALL AND M[SS Puet. * » •v- * I Hear my prayer, O God, and hide not thyself fr6« i-iy petition. . . - • • ' • r-!, ‘ Solo, —Miss Goodall. “ • % * f I ake heed unto me, and hear me, how’ I mourn in rny prayer, and am rexed. • ^ . -» r* i . -r Recitative. I Miss Burrell. V My heart is disquieted within me, and the fear of dea/i» 18 fallen upon me. , Puct and i'hnTlis. • • ■ I had wings like a dove, would I dee away and be at rest. iVo?t nobis Domine^ — ^4. Canon* * Arr*ng,4 by SIR GEORGE SM.4 RT, with Accompani,.e .•* for a foe Ofch,str«, and Chorus.)..,. Th^Solo plrts bl' . ^ Mrs.i^ickons, Miss Goodall, Miss Burrell, Mr. Brah vm, Mr. Pyne& Vi r. ^ELLahiY' aobis Domini ixoniiui tuo da Gloriuiu* the ■ MOUNT OF OLIVES. ^ - * • An Oratorio, !\ - • ^ Composed by • « « L V. BEETHOYEN. A I The Words in Part, Translated and adapted from the Geiroa^ ■ 1NTRODUCT!ON .—(Issi rument ae.> Recitative: V Mr. B R A H A M, 9 - JEHOVAH ! THouO Father!” said thp Lord our Saviour, when with his Disciples Rpon the Mount of )liyesj_Now ’tis the hour of suffering which ap¬ proaches !.^Before • the World vT^s made, at Thy behest, I offered up myself, a willing sacrifice, -- The Seraph’s thundering voice He hears around Him . It calls on Him,—Him, who for guilty Mau. wrll, cast Himself before thy throne O, Father, He obeys I liy tieavenly call: the Mediator! He will suffer—He alone dies for MankindHow would this generation, from dust created,, stand before thy judgment; while, He, Thy son, bends down before Thee!—Ah, se^ ! how agony and pangs hi^soul inY,ade!_0, Fftther, Ke suffers much:—Have mercy on Him! . * j* * 4 A % ^ j4ir. H^rr^r tormciUs I{e cndureg.; Horror *trikes Him, and with holv terror tremble* fast fair His face, see drops fast falling, instead of sweat, lo ! blood descends I ^ • • V < # Father, lowly bept before Thee, Mournful prays Thine only Son; Fnd His pangs, we meek implore Thee! Still, O Lord. Thy will be done! IteCITATIVE. Mrs. D I C O N S. O, tremble Mortals! Jehovah's Son is here: behol im in the dust laid low, unaided by the Father! H suffers dread torments for you;.-how merciful ! yoc 8 t Rerleemer, for the love of mankind, unworthy € 3uch high sacrifice, will die the sinner's death, tha Mao may live for everf ' ' . Air, PfiAi^sE, the Redeemer’s mercy^ O, praise ^-K)iinteoiJs gr^ce I He dies for you, ye Mortals, To redeem your guilty race. i 3olo and Chorus. * « * « « P NATL ye Sons of Mortals ! f he Saviour dies for you ; still in holy faith. And hope, and Ick.'are true : But woe to you, who slighting Your blest Redeemer’s bloody ■ k:»!ia!l scorn that voice inviting. Which call? y.o-j to your goed. LJL- ' Recitative. Mr. PYNE* Say, blf^ssed Angel, does thy voice speak pity from the Eternal Father?—And, does He bid the pangs of death to cease ? Recitative. Mrs. S A L M O X. Thus wills Jehovah:--Until the Son of God by death for Man attones, his sins redeeming, so long shall Man rejected be by Him; and lost to life arid mercy . everlasting. • . Duetto, . ‘ ' '■ £T£N0R.3 • ^ , O, Father! if it be thy pleasure, That He, by. deaths should purchase gracCj O spare, of wrath, the dreadful measure, Deserv’d by Adam's guilty race, [canto.] And can the Son of God be shaken. To view the horrors of the grave ? ^ - I tremble, as of Heaven forsaken. That He should die. Mankind to save; 2 . Great are the pangs, and keen tlie anguish^ . The Father bids his Son to prove But greater far, than all He suffers. To erring Mani the Saviour’s love! Recitative. Miss G O O D A L L. Oj cruel death ! which must be suffered for the edemption of all mortals. I'hat death shall be to' Man i life eiti' sU when the silent tomb shall yield'Him up igain, and he shall wake to His salvation. 5Iarch and Chorus of Roman Soldiers. He came towards this moimtiun; He’ll not escape our search. To judgment He shall go; He’ll noi epeape us. Recitative. Mr. R il A H A M. They who to take him now in crowds appear; ia haste approach. O, Father 1 O, let the moments fly— the hour of sorrow! drive hence his enemies, as the clouds forced by the whirlwind, sweep the face of ‘Heaven, when the loud storm is heard!-But, Lord, thy pleasure still on earth be done. Chorus. Sol. —Here, seize Him, we have found Him, wdio dares Himself to call the mighty King of Israel: seize seize, and bind Him fast. The soldiers seek our master, what dread¬ ful fate awaits Him? surrounded by these w'arriors, sur¬ rounded bv his foes, ah! \yhat fate awaits our Lord? O,- merev on our master ! Our dreadful fate’s decreed ; y %j we must together perish, we must together die. UsU'tTATlVE. Mr. BELLAMY' u„.l Mr. Pi^NE. Not unopposed shall this misguided Band presume to take our rauch-Iov’d Lord and Master, while this strong arm can guard Him. fT ENOR.j O, let the sword inactiye still remain: if ’twere the Lather’s Heavenly will to save Him from out the hands of these His persecutors, lo! legions of His Holy Angels to guard Him, would in arms appear. Trio. Miss GOODALL, Mr. PYNF, & Mr. BELL^^M’i; [Basso.] My soul with rage and I'ury for just revenge o’erflow..-!: (), let me sate my vengt'anco in their detested blood. [TjiNOi!.] No:—Thou shalt do no murder!—The lesson of meek patietice taught by the Son of G • * Scena, Mrs. Dickons. . * • Recitativo. Grazie vi rendo pletosi Numi, Al lin vMntcsi, al fin so qual vittima chijede L*estinto sposo, Azema. non ci perdiam, . Potrebbe previnirci Tindegno. Misera, a quanti affanni Seri)ata io son ! e quanJp, Con me yi placherete Astri tiranni. P2xy^bmpanii^d on the Violin by Mr. WFICHSELI4. Aria, A. goinpir giJi vo Tiaipressa, Non lemer ti rasserena, Senza affauno in quella pena. Non gU posso oh Dio, If^sciar, Non ascoltq in tal momento^ Che ii mio zelo, e J* 01105 mio Sol con quest! og’nor desip; Air —3Jit Brauam [B raJtam.) h there a heart that never lov’d, • « Xor felt soft Woman’s sigh ? Is there a M can mark unmov’d Dear Woman’s tearful eye? Oh ! bear him to some distant shore. Or solitary cell, , ^ Where nought l)ut savage monsters roar, ' Where Love ne'er deigviM to dvrelL,, i t For there’s a charm in Woman’s eve, A language in her tear, A spell in every sacred sigh— j To Man—to virtue dear; | And he who can resist her smiles. With brutes alone should live. Nor uste that joy which care beguiles,—? > 'i'hat joy her yirtues give. '' Jiecitativo cd ^^ria. fPucitta.J Mrs. Salmon. Adttioaa sventurala • Di crudelta d’amore, Xon ho pin pace al core; Tutto perdfe quest’ alma ; Ah ! per donarmi alma "\>nga la morte almen. Voi che in aniore Feiici siete - • Deh ! compiangete Quest’ alma misera In tanta barbara 1/ NEW QUARTETTO. (From Shakspeare’9 D.-amdttc Songs, composed and compiled by W. Ljnley, Esq. Published by Preston and Co. 97 Strand.) Mrs. Dickons, Miss Burrell, Mr. BRAHAM and Mr. Bellamy. Tell me wliefe is Fancy bred ? In the heart or in the head How begot, how nourished > ’Tis engender’d in the Eyes, With gazing fed, and Fancy dies In the Cradle where it lies. SOLO AND CHORUS. Let us all ring Fancy’s knell. I’ll begin it —ding dong bed. / T)u€ty ('Stshop . J Mrs. Salmon and Master Barnett. O Take this nosegay, gentle youth, And you, sweet maid, take mine; Unlike these flow’rs be thy . fair truth. Unlike these flow’rs be thine. These changing soon, willlsoon decay; ’Till noon be sweet, then pass away; Sweirt for awhile their charms appear. But truth shall bloom for ever here. 18 lieoitativi)—(Judas MaccJidhaeus) — \^ljandel.^ Mr. Braham- My Arms !—gainst this Gorgias will I go, The Idumean Governor shall know How vain, how ineffective his design. While Rage his Leader, and Jeho^^ah mine, AlVy Sound an Alarm—Your Silver Trumpets Sound, And call the Brave, and only brave around.—- Who listeth, follow.—To the field again.— Justice with Courage is a thousand Men. Cliorus, We hear, w’^e hear the pleasing dreadful call ; And follow thee to Conquest;—If to fall;— For Laws, Religion, Liberty, we fall. IBM it is most respectfully announced that the . ORATORIOS, ' * » ^ AT This Theatre, will Commence JVext Season, JANUARY, 30, 1817^ DESCRIPTION of BEETHOVEN’* BATTLE SINFONIA. Flourish —Drums and Trumpets, English side, pre¬ paring to march. March— Britannia"" begins soft, as at a dis¬ tance, encreasing as the English Army is supposed to arrive in the field. Flourish —Drums and Trumpets on the Enemy’s side, preparing to march. Marlhrook"" and encreasing as the for¬ mer—The two Armies are now supposed to be arranged in order of Battle. A Challenge from the Enemy’s Trumpeter, which is quickly answered by English Trumpeter. The Batti*e commences.—Imitation of the Firing of Cannons and Muskets is introduced.—Also, the Movements of Cavalry. The Storm March* Drums and Fifes encourage the men; the Musick expressint^ the encreasing Confusion of the Battle, "j’he Battle rages with fury—Cannons, Muskets, and the various warlike Instruments, describe the pro¬ gress of the Action.— 1 'he Fifes, during this impres¬ sive Movement, play disjointed Parts of Marlbrook^ indicating the failure of the Enem)^, until they are supposed to be routed; which is expressed by the Air of Marlbrook being played in a Afmor Key.- Cannons are still heard at a distance, and the cries of wounded; A Grand Intrada, in which is heard the Triumphal -shouts of the Victors ! follow^ed by a Grand Trium¬ phal March.—'Trumpets sound! and the whole con¬ cludes with the National Air of ^^Godsave the KingJ* In Verse and full Chorus, accompanied by the whole Band. save the King '' Newly xlrranyed by SIR GEORGE SMART. - Air —Master BARNMTT —and Chorus. * I God save great George our King, • Long live our noble King, ^ : God save the King; Send Him victorious. Happy and glorious, . Long to reign over us, God save the King*. ^ ' * ‘ QUARTETTO. ' Mr. thAllAMy Mr, LEONARD, Mr.PYNE, k Mr. V^ULFiNGH. AND CHORUS. ¥ • k > ' \ » ^ O Lord, our God! arise, Kati^r his Enemies, ' . ‘ And make them fall: ‘ ^ ^ Ccnfound their politicks, / ■ Frustrate their knavi,sir tricks. On Him our iiopes wc.fix, God save us all. . . 4 » * f ^ 9 • . • • ♦ , C t * ' — • T/itf. Mrs. Salmon, Miss Good all & Miss Bunnj;Lr. an:d Chorus. ' ■ . . ' * R’hy choicesl gifts in store, ' On George be pleasM to pour, O.. ,. ^ Long may He reign. May He defend our Laws, i A nd ever giv^ us cause, , To sing witlpheart and voice, . God save the King. I f f • f .. f*. miasu i t I , Lowiides, Printer, Varquis.Couit, Drury-Lao«i Lbnd«n. I'ii J A >