iVlAh CHARTER, BY-LAWS, OFFICERS, MEMBERS, REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE l3eto=portt PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1906 -- -X I i s ( / CHARTER, BY-LAWS, OFFICERS, MEMBERS, REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF n Historical ^octetp Jfteto-jBortt PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1906 °l oC D NLYH^-o OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY, 1906. PRESIDENT, SAMUEL VERPLANCK HOFFMAN. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, FREDERIC WENDELL JACKSON. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, FRANCIS ROBERT SCHELL. FOREIGN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, ARCHER MILTON HUNTINGTON. 3^9 5 0 ) -tf o 4 o DOMESTIC CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, GEORGE RICHARD SCHIEFFELIN. RECORDING SECRETARY, ACOSTA NICHOLS. TREASURER, CHARLES AUGUSTUS SHERMAN. LIBRARIAN, ROBERT HENDRE KELBY. ft y 54251 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. FIRST CLASS-FOR ONE YEAR, ENDING 1907. ISAAC J. GREENWOOD, CLARENCE STORM, JAMES WILLIAM BEEKMAN. SECOND CLASS-FOR TWO YEARS, ENDING 1908. GHERARDI DAVIS, WALTER L. SUYDAM, J. HOWARD VAN AMRINGE. THIRD CLASS-FOR THREE YEARS, ENDING 1909. JOHN A. WEEKES, J. PIERPONT MORGAN, GEORGE R. SCHIEFFELIN. FOURTH CLASS-FOR FOUR YEARS, ENDING 1910. F. ROBERT SCHELL, DANIEL PARISH, Jr., FREDERIC WENDELL JACKSON. DANIEL PARISH, Jr., Chairman. ROBERT H. KELBY, Secretary. [The President, Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian are members of the Executive Committee.] TRUSTEES OF NEW BUILDING, SAMUEL VERPLANCK HOFFMAN, Chairman, FREDERIC WENDELL JACKSON, Vice-Chairman , ROBERT HENDRE KELBY. JAMES WILLIAM BEEKMAN. CLARENCE STORM, Secretary . CONTENTS PAGE! Officers.. .... 3 Executive Committee. 4 Trustees New Building.5 Original Act of Incorporation.11 Revival of Act of Incorporation.14 Revival and Amendment of Act of Incorporation . .15 The Charter.19 Act of Exemption .22 Supplemental Act of Exemption.23 By-Laws.25 Report of Executive Committee.37 Abstract of Treasurer’s Report.49 List of Members .53 Honorary Members.55 Patrons .57 Fellows .59 Annual and Life Members .61 Necrology .72 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/charterbylawsoff00newy_0 ACTS OF INCORPORATION. ORIGINAL ACT OF INCORPORATION. AN ACT To incorporate The New-Yorh Historical Society. Passed February 10, 1809. Whereas, the persons hereinafter named, and others, have formed themselves into an Association under the name of “ The Yew-York Historical Society,” for the purpose of discovering, procuring, and preserving what¬ ever may relate to the natural, civil, literary, and eccle¬ siastical history of the United States in general, and of this State in particular, and have presented a petition to the Legislature to he incorporated, that thereby such, the purpose and design of the said Society, may he the more effectually subserved and promoted; Therefore, 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Yew-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That Egbert Benson, Brockholst Livingston, Benjamin Moore, Samuel Miller, William Johnson, Samuel L. Mitchill, David Hosack, John M. Mason, DeWitt Clinton, John McKesson, Anthony Bleecker, Charles Wilkes, John Pintard, and John Eorhes, and their associates, who now are, and such other persons as shall hereafter become mem¬ bers of the said Society, shall he, and are hereby ordained, constituted and declared a body corporate and politic, in fact and name, by the name of “ The Yew-York Histori¬ cal Society,” and that by such name they and their suc¬ cessors forever hereafter shall and may have succession, 11 12 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. and by the same name be capable in law to sue and be* sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended, in all courts of law and equity, in all manner of actions, suits, complaints, and matters whatsoever; and that they and their successors may have a common seal, and the same break, alter, change, and renew at their pleasure, and by the same shall be forever hereafter capable in the law to purchase, take, hold, receive, and enjoy, to them and their successors, any lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels or estate, real or personal, of whatever nature or quality in fee simple for life or lives, or for years, or in any other manner whatsoever : Provided always , that the yearly in¬ come or value of the said real or personal estate do not at any time exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, current money of the State of New-York. 2. And it is hereby further enacted, That they and their successors by the same name, shall have power and au¬ thority to give, grant, bargain, sell, demise, release, and convey to others the whole or any part of such real or personal estate on such terms, and in such manner and form as the said Society may deem eligible to subserve and promote such, the purpose and design of the said Society, and that they and their successors shall have power, from time to time, to abolish any of the offices or appointments hereinafter mentioned, and create others in their room, with such powers and duties as they may think fit to confer and prescribe, and shall have power from time to time to make, constitute, ordain, and estab¬ lish such constitutions, by-laws, ordinances, and regula¬ tions as they shall judge proper for the election of offi¬ cers, the election and admission of new members, for the government and regulation of the officers and members, for fixing the times and places of the meetings of the said corporation, and for conducting, regulating, and manag¬ ing all the affairs and business of the said corporation, and the same from time to time to alter, change, repeal, revoke, and annul at their pleasure; and that the consti- ORIGINAL ACT OF INCORPORATION. 13 tution and by-laws, rules and regulations of the said So¬ ciety heretofore made and adopted, and now existing, shall and may remain in force until altered or repealed by the said corporation: Provided , that such by-laws, con¬ stitutions and regulations made or to be made by the said corporation, shall not be repugnant to the Constitution and laws of the United States or of this State. 3. And be it further enacted, That the officers of the said Society, until otherwise ordained by the said corpora¬ tion, shall consist of one President, two Vice-Presidents, a Correspondent Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, a Librarian, and standing Committee of seven members; and that until the next annual meeting of the said Society, and until others shall be chosen in their places, the present officers and committees last appointed by the said Society shall be and continue respectively the officers of the said corporation. 4. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be and is hereby declared to be a public act, and shall be con¬ strued most favorably to subserve and promote such, the purpose and design of the said Society, and that no mis¬ nomer of the said corporation, in any deed, will, testa¬ ment, gift, grant, demise, or other instrument of contract or conveyance, shall vitiate or defeat the same, Provided the said corporation shall be sufficiently described to show the intention of the parties. 5. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be and remain in full force for the term of fifteen years: Providednevertheless, that in case the aforesaid Society shall at any time appropriate their, or any part of their funds to any purpose or purposes other than those con¬ templated by this act, and shall be thereof convicted by due course of law, that henceforth the said corporation shall cease and determine, and the estate, real and per¬ sonal, whereof it may be seized and possessed, shall vest in the people of this State. REVIVAL OF THE ACT OF INCORPORATION. AN ACT For renewing and continuing in force an Act entitled “An Act to incorporate The New-Yorh Historical Society ” passed February 10, 1809. Passed February 10,. 1826. 1. Be it enacted by the People oe the State of New- York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That the act entitled “ An Act to incorporate The New-York His¬ torical Society,” passed February 10, 1809, shall he and the same is hereby revived and extended and continued in force until the tenth day of February, which will he in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. And the said act shall he taken and consid¬ ered to have been in full force and effect, since the time of the passing thereof, in the same manner as if the same had not expired by its own limitation. 2. And be it further enacted, That the officers last appointed by the said Society or Corporation, pursuant to the provisions of the said act shall he, and continue to he, officers of the said Corporation, till others shall he duly chosen in their respective places. And the estate and property which the said Society or Corporation may have legally acquired, or which they may legally hold, pur¬ suant to the said act, they may continue to hold, and may convey and dispose of the same, in the same manner as if the said act had always continued in full force and! effect. 14 REVIVAL AND AMENDMENT OF THE ACT OF INCORPORATION. ’ AN ACT To revive and continue in force an Act entitled “An Act to incorporate The New-York Historical Society ” passed February 10, 1809, and to amend the same. Passed February 2, 181^6, by a two-third vote. The People of the State of New-York, repre¬ sented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : 1. The Act entitled “ An Act to incorporate The New- York Historical Society,” passed February 10, 1809, is hereby revived and continued in force. 2. The said act so revived and continued in force is hereby amended by striking out at the end of the first section thereof the words, “ Provided always that the yearly income, or value of the said real or personal es¬ tate, do not at any time exceed the sum of fifteen hun¬ dred dollars, current money of the State of New-York;” and inserting in the place thereof the words, “ but the clear yearly income of the said real and personal estate, over and above the Library and collections of the said Society, shall not at any time exceed the sum of ten thou¬ sand dollars.” 3. The said revived act is hereby further amended, by striking out in the fifth line of the third section thereof the words “ a Correspondent Secretary,” and inserting in the place thereof the words, “ a foreign corresponding secretary and domestic corresponding secretary.” 16 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 4. The said revived act is hereby further amended by striking out in the first part of the fifth section thereof the words, “ That this act shall be and remain in full force for the term of fifteen years: Provided , nevertheless 5. The Legislature may at any time alter or repeal this act. 6. This act shall take effect immediately. CHARTER AND ACTS OF EXEMPTION. THE CHARTER. The Charter of The New-Yorh Historical Society as re¬ vived , continued in force and amended , February 2 > 18J+6. Whereas, the persons hereinafter named, and others, have formed themselves into an Association under the name of “ The Hew-York Historical Society,” for the purpose of discovering, procuring, and preserving what¬ ever may relate to the natural, civil, literary, and eccle¬ siastical history of the United States in general, and of this State in particular, and have presented a petition to the Legislature to he incorporated, that thereby such, the purpose and design of the said Society, may he the more effectually subserved and promoted; Therefore, § I. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Hew- York, represented in the Senate and Assembly, That Egbert Benson, Brockholst Livingston, Benjamin Moore, Samuel Miller, William Johnson, Samuel L. Mitchill, David Hosack, John M. Mason, DeWitt Clin¬ ton, John McKesson, Anthony Bleecker, Charles Wilkes, John Pintard, and John Forbes, and their associates, who now are, and such other persons as shall hereafter become members of the said Society, shall he, and are hereby or¬ dained, constituted, and declared a body corporate and politic, in fact and name, by the name of “ The Hew- York Historical Society,” and that by such name they and their successors forever hereafter shall and may have succession, and by the same name he capable in law to sue and he sued, plead and he impleaded, answer and he an¬ swered unto, defend and he defended, in all courts of law and equity, in all manner of actions, suits, complaints, and matters whatsoever; and that they and their successors 19 20 THE NEW-YOKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. may have a common seal, and the same break, alter, change, and renew at their pleasure, and by the same be forever hereafter capable in the law to purchase, take, hold, receive, and enjoy, to them and their successors, any lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels or estate, real and personal, of whatever nature or quality, in fee simple, for life or lives, or for years, or in any other manner whatsoever; hut the clear yearly income of the said real and personal estate, over and above the Library and collections of the said Society, shall not at any time exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars. § II. And it is hereby further enacted, That they and their successors, by the same name, shall have power and authority to give, grant, bargain, sell, demise, release, and convey to others, the whole or any part of such real or personal estate on such terms, and in such manner and form as the said Society may deem eligible to subserve and promote such, the purpose and design of the said Society; and that they and their successors shall have power, from time to time, to abolish any of the offices or appointments hereinafter mentioned, and create others in their room, with such powers and duties as they may think fit to confer and prescribe, and shall have power from time to time to make, constitute, ordain, and estab¬ lish such constitutions, by-laws, ordinances, and regula¬ tions as they shall judge proper for the election of offi¬ cers, the election and admission of new members, for the government and regulation of the officers and members, for fixing the times and places of the meetings of the said corporation, and for conducting, regulating, and manag¬ ing all the affairs and business of the said corporation; and the same from time to time to alter, change, repeal, revoke, and annul at their pleasure; and that the consti¬ tution and by-laws, rules and regulations of the said So¬ ciety heretofore made and adopted, and now existing, shall and may remain in force until altered or repealed by the said corporation: Provided , that such by-laws, con¬ stitutions and regulations, made or to he made by the said THE CHARTER. 21 corporation, shall not be repugnant to the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of this State. § III. And be it further enacted, That the officers of the said Society, until otherwise ordained by the said corporation, shall consist of one President, two Vice- Presidents, a Foreign Corresponding Secretary, a Do¬ mestic Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, a Librarian, arid standing Committee of seven members; and that until the next annual meeting of the said Society, and until others shall he chosen in their places, the present officers and committees last ap¬ pointed by the said Society shall he and continue respec¬ tively the officers of the said corporation. § IV. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be and is hereby declared to be a public act, and shall be construed most favorably to subserve and promote such, the purpose and design of the said Society, and that no misnomer of the said corporation, in any deed, will, tes¬ tament, gift, grant, demise, or other instrument of con¬ tract or conveyance, shall vitiate or defeat the same: Pro¬ vided the said corporation shall be sufficiently described to show the intention of the parties. § V. And be it further enacted, That in case the aforesaid Society shall at any time appropriate their, or any part of their funds to any purpose or purposes other than those contemplated by this act, and shall be thereof convicted by due course of law, that thenceforth the said corporation shall cease and determine, and the estate, real and personal, whereof it may be seized and possessed, shall vest in the people of this State. § VI. The Legislature may at any time alter or repeal this act. § VII. This act shall take effect immediately. ACT OF EXEMPTION. An Act to exempt the Library edifice and site of The New- YorJc Historical Society from sale under execution. Passed April 12, 1856. The People of the State of New-York, repre¬ sented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : § 1. In case “ The New-York Historical Society,” in the City of New-York, shall by voluntary contributions of its members and others, raise sufficient money for the purchase of a site in the City of New-York, and the erec¬ tion thereon of a suitable fire-proof building for the re¬ ception and preservation of the library and collections, and for the general uses of said Society, and shall appro¬ priate said moneys for such purpose, then such site and the building which may he erected thereon shall he ex¬ empt from sale on execution for debts hereafter contracted by said Society, so long as such site shall he used by such Society; but such exemption shall not extend to any debt contracted for the erection of such building. § 2. The said New-York Historical Society shall not encumber said property by mortgage or otherwise. § 3. To entitle any property to the exemption speci¬ fied in this Act, the said Society shall execute a declara¬ tion of the uses of said property, with a particular de¬ scription of the same, which shall be recorded in the office of the register of the City and County of New York; but no property shall, by virtue of this act, be exempt from sale for non-payment of taxes and assessments, or for debt contracted for the purchase thereof, or prior to the recording of the aforesaid declaration. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately. SUPPLEMENTAL ACT OF EXEMPTION. An Act Supplemental to Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1856, entitled “An Act to exempt the Library edifice and site of The New-York Historical Society from sale under execution.”—Laws of New-York, 1889, Chap¬ ter J+61f. Approved by the Governor, June 13, 1889. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, repre¬ sented in Senate and Assembly,, do enact as follows : § 1. In case “ The New-York Historical Society,” in the City of New-York, shall, by voluntary contributions of its members and others, raise sufficient money for the purchase of a larger and more eligible site in the City of New-York, and for the erection thereon of a more com¬ modious and extensive fire-proof building for the recep¬ tion and preservation of its library and collections, and for the general uses of said Society, and shall appropriate such money for said purposes, and shall execute a dec¬ laration of the uses of said property with a particular description of the same, and shall cause the said declara¬ tion to be recorded in the office of the register of the City and County of New-York, it is hereby authorized to sell and convey by deed, executed and acknowledged by its President and Secretary, the real estate and building now held by it, and which were exempted from sale on exe¬ cution by Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1856, entitled “ An Act to exempt the Library edifice and site of The New- York Historical Society from sale under execution 99 ; and thereupon such new site and the building which may 23 24 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. be erected thereon shall be exempt from sale on execu¬ tion for debts hereafter contracted by said Society, so long as such site shall be used by such Society, but such exemption shall not extend to any debt contracted for the erection of such building. § 2. The said Society is hereby authorized to hold such real and personal estate as may be necessary for the purposes of its incorporation, and such historical, literary, art, and archseological collections as it may acquire; but the yearly income of the said real and personal estate, over and above the sum which may be devoted to the in¬ crease and preservation of its library and collections, shall not at any time exceed the sum of one hundred thousand dollars. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately. BY-LAWS. REVISED MAY, 1895 AMENDED MARCH, 1900, NOVEMBER, 1902, JUNE 2 , 1903, AND FEBRUARY 7, 1905 BY-LAWS. NAME. I. The name of this Society is “ The Uew-York His¬ torical Society.” object. II. The object of the Society is to discover, procure, and preserve whatever may relate to the natural, civil, literary, and ecclesiastical history of the United States in general, and of the State of Yew York in particular. Also to establish and maintain collections in art and ar¬ chaeology. MEMBERS, FELLOWS, AND PATRONS. III. The Society shall consist of Members, Fellows, .Patrons, and Honorary Members. Hot more than four Honorary Members shall be elected in any one year. Members, Fellows, and Patrons only shall be entitled to vote or hold office in the Society. ELECTION OF MEMBERS, FELLOWS, AND PATRONS. IV. a. The candidates shall be proposed publicly at a meeting of the Society by a member thereof; and the nominations, together with the names of the members mak¬ ing them, shall be entered on the minutes, and be referred to the Executive Committee. The Reports of that Com¬ mittee recommending candidates for election shall be openly read to the Society at a meeting subsequent to that at which the nominations were made; and if any member demand a ballot, the election shall be by ballot, and three black balls shall exclude. If no ballot be demanded, the candidates, so recommended, shall be declared duly elected members of the Society. b. The contribution of five thousand dollars to the funds of the Society shall entitle the person giving the same to 27 28 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. be nominated by the Executive Committee for election as a Patron of the Society, and such Patron shall have the right in perpetuity with the privilege of appointing a suc¬ cessor. No future appointment of a successor shall be valid un¬ less the same shall be in writing, endorsed on or attached to the certificate, or by last will or testament. Should neither of these conditions be complied with, the Execu¬ tors or Administrators may nominate a successor, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. c. The contribution of one thousand dollars shall entitle the person giving the same to be elected a Fellow for life. Patrons and Fellows shall be nominated by the Executive Committee. d. Any person may be nominated by the Executive Com¬ mittee to either of the above degrees who shall have given to the Society Books, Manuscripts, Collections of Art or Archseology, which shall have been accepted by the Execu¬ tive Committee, to the value of twice the amount in money requisite to his or her admission to the same degree, said value to be appraised by the Executive Committee, and the President and Secretary shall issue diplomas accord¬ ingly under the seal of the Society. FEES AND DUES. V. Each Member shall on admission pay an initiation fee of Twenty Dollars, which shall be considered to in¬ clude annual dues for the current year; and annually thereafter Ten Dollars as dues, payable in advance on the first day of January. Any Member may commute for life all fees and dues by the payment at any one time of the sum of One Hundred Dollars. Should any Member, other than a life Member, fail to pay the said fees and dues for two years successively, or at any time refuse to pay the same, the Executive Committee shall erase his name from the list of Members, and he shall no longer be a Member of the Society. BY-LAWS. 29 OFFICERS. VI. The Officers of the Society are—a President, a Pirst Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Foreign Corresponding Secretary, a Domestic Corresponding Sec¬ retary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Li¬ brarian. They shall be elected annually by ballot, and shall hold their offices respectively for one year, and until others shall be chosen in their places. NOMINATING COMMITTEE. VII. Seven persons on the list of Members of the So¬ ciety, not holding office at the time, shall be chosen by ballot by the Executive Committee at its stated meeting in each November, who shall be reported to the Society at each December meeting, and when approved by a vote by ballot of the Society shall constitute a committee to he known as the “ Nominating Committee.” Such Nomi¬ nating Committee shall report in writing the names of Members of the Society, suitable to he elected officers at the annual meeting, fifteen days before such annual meet¬ ing, by posting such names publicly in the Library of the Society; and they shall cause to be prepared for the an¬ nual meeting ballots containing the names and the office for which each is thus recommended. No ticket for offi- eers shall he voted on which has not been openly posted in the Library of the Society at least ten days before the annual meeting. In case more than one ballot for a Nominating Com¬ mittee be required to effect a choice, the same shall be taken immediately without discussion. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. VIII. The President, Vice-Presidents, Recording Sec¬ retary, Treasurer, and Librarian, together with twelve •other members to be appointed by the President, and of whom one-fourth shall he appointed every year, shall con- 30 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. stitute a standing Committee to be called “ The Execu¬ tive Committee.” ANNUAL MEETING. IX. The Society shall hold an annual meeting on the first Tuesday of January in each and every year hereafter, at which a general election of officers by ballot shall take place. In such election a majority of the ballots given for any officer shall constitute a choice; but if, on the first ballot, no person shall receive such majority, then a fur¬ ther balloting shall take place, in which a plurality of votes given for any officer shall determine the choice. Whenever the first Tuesday of January shall be the first day of January, the annual meeting above provided for shall be held on the Wednesday next following. VACANCIES. X. If a vacancy shall happen in any of the offices of the Society, it may be filled by special election at a stated meeting of the Society; and the person so elected to fill a vacancy shall hold his office for the unexpired term of his immediate predecessor in office, and until another shall be elected in his place. Vacancies in Committees shall be filled immediately on their occurrence, and in the manner of the original appointment of the Committee. STATED AND SPECIAL MEETINGS. XI. The Society shall meet statedly for the transaction of business at its building, on the first Tuesday in every month, unless otherwise specially ordered. But the Presi¬ dent, or in his absence, either of the Vice-Presidents, may, and upon the written request of any five members shall, call a special meeting, giving three days’ notice thereof, to be published in at least two public newspapers, printed in the City of Xew York. Whenever the first Tuesday of any month shall be a legal holiday, the meeting herein provided for shall be held on the Wednesday next following. BY-LAWS. 31 ORDER OF BUSINESS. XII. At the stated meetings of the Society the follow¬ ing shall he the order of business: 1. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting. 2. Reports and communications from officers of the Society. 3. Reports of the Executive and other standing Com¬ mittees. 4. Reports of special Committees. 5. Election of members previously proposed. 6. domination of new members. 7. Papers read and addresses delivered before the So¬ ciety. 8. Miscellaneous business. ANNIVERSARY. XIII. The third Tuesday of November in each year, being the anniversary of the founding of the Society, the Executive Committee may direct a proper observance of the same. QUORUM. XIV. At all meetings of the Society, fifteen members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. PRESIDING OFFICER. XV. The President, or, in his absence, one of the Vice- Presidents, or, in their absence, a Chairman pro tempore , shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and shall have a casting vote. He shall preserve order, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society. He shall also appoint all Committees authorized by the Society unless otherwise specially ordered. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES. XVI. The Corresponding Secretaries shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society. They shall, at 32 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. every meeting of the Society, report such letters and com¬ munications as they may have received; they shall pre¬ pare all letters to be written in connection with the busi¬ ness or objects of the Society, and transmit the same; but the Society may appoint a Committee to prepare a letter or letters, on any special occasion. They shall notify all members of their election, and of such other matters as they shall be directed by the Society; and shall transmit to them their proper diplomas, or certificates of member¬ ship. They shall keep, in suitable books to be provided for that purpose, true copies of all letters written on be¬ half of the Society; and shall carefully preserve said cop¬ ies and the originals of all letters and communications re¬ ceived, and shall deposit the same in the Library. The duties of the Foreign Corresponding Secretary shall be limited to the correspondence with individuals or associate bodies in foreign countries; and those of the Domestic Corresponding Secretary shall, in like manner, be confined to the United States, except that, in the ab¬ sence of either of these officers, or during a vacancy in either office, its duties shall be performed by the remain¬ ing incumbent, until such absence shall terminate, or the vacancy be supplied. RECORDING SECRETARY. XVII. The Recording Secretary shall have the charge of the Seal, Charter, By-Laws, and Records of the Soci¬ ety. He, together with the presiding officer, shall certify all acts of the Society. He shall, under the direction of the President, or either of the Vice-Presidents, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the So¬ ciety, and attend the same. He shall keep fair and accu¬ rate records of all the proceedings and orders of the So¬ ciety; and shall give notice to the several officers, and to the Executive and other Committees, of all votes, orders, resolves, and proceedings of the Society, affecting them or appertaining to their respective duties. BY-LAWS. 33 TREASURER. XVIII. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society; and so often as these funds shall amount to one hundred dollars, they shall be de¬ posited in some Bank in this City to the credit of “ The Xew-York Historical Society,” and shall be drawn thence on the check of the Treasurer, for the purposes of the So¬ ciety only. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums only as may be ordered by the Society or by the Execu¬ tive Committee. He shall keep a true account of his re¬ ceipts and payments, and at each annual meeting render the same to the Society, when a Committee shall be ap¬ pointed to audit his accounts. XIX. If from the annual report of the Treasurer there shall appear to be a balance against the Treasury, no appropriation of money shall be made for any object but the necessary current expenses of the Society, until such balance shall be paid. LIBRARIAN. XX. The Librarian, in connection with the Executive Committee, shall have the charge and superintendence of the Library, and the care and arrangement of the books, manuscripts, and other articles belonging to the Society. He shall cause to be prepared and kept a proper catalogue and list of the same. He shall acknowl¬ edge the receipt of donations to the Society in his de¬ partment. He shall expend in the purchase of books and other articles, and for their safe keeping and preserva¬ tion, with the approbation of the Executive Committee, such sums of money as shall from time to time be ap¬ propriated for that purpose, and render vouchers for the same to the Executive Committee. He shall make to the Society, at each annual meeting, a full report on the condition and progress of the Library and collections. He shall have power to employ, at a salary to be fixed by the Executive Committee, an Assistant Librarian, who shall be under his direction, and perform such duties as 34 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. he may assign; and who, during the hours at which the Library is open, shall he always present. LIBRARY REGULATIONS. XXI. The following shall he the regulations for the use of the Library: 1. Xo hook or manuscript shall at any time he lent to any person to be removed from the Library. 2. Xo Manuscript in the Library, nor any paper read before the Society and deposited in its archives, shall be published, except by the direction of the Society, or with the consent of the Executive Committee. 3. The hours during which the Library shall be open shall be determined, from time to time, by the Executive Committee. 4. During such hours, any member of the Society may have free access to consult any book or manu¬ script, except such as may be designated by the Executive Committee, and to make extracts from the same under the authority of the Librarian. Any person, not a member, may obtain the like privilege of consultation from the President or Librarian, if known to them, or upon the recom¬ mendation of some other member, to whom the applicant is known. But no person, not a mem¬ ber, shall be permitted to make extracts from the manuscripts of the Society, excepting the donors or depositors of the same, without special author¬ ity from the Executive Committee. 5. It shall be the duty of the Librarian, or his Assist¬ ant, to report to the Executive Committee any injury done to any book or manuscript by any person consulting the same; and the said Com¬ mittee may, at their discretion, lay such reports before the Society. For any such injury, the person doing it shall make such pecuniary com¬ pensation as the said Committee shall judge BY-LAWS. 35 proper; and if he be not a member, the Commit¬ tee shall have power to prohibit him from further access to the Library. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. XXII. It shall he the duty of the Executive Commit¬ tee to solicit and receive donations for the Society; to recommend plans for promoting its objects; to digest and prepare business; to authorize the disbursement and ex¬ penditure of unappropriated moneys in the Treasury, for the payment of salaries, current expenses, fitting up the Library, the ordinary purchase of books, binding, print¬ ing, and other necessary outlays. They shall have power to employ such persons as may be necessary for the proper administration of the affairs of the Society; and to pre¬ scribe their duties, and fix their salaries. They shall, in connection with the Librarian, have charge of the ar¬ rangement and regulation of the Library and collections;; and shall have authority at any time to examine into the condition of the same, and into the state of the finances; as also generally to superintend the interests of the So¬ ciety, and execute all such duties as may from time to time be committed to them by the Society. At each an¬ nual meeting of the Society, they shall make a general re¬ port. Except during the summer vacation of the Society, they shall meet statedly for the transaction of business, once at least, in every month; and if any member of the Committee, not an officer of the Society, shall he absent from its meetings for three successive months, without reasons therefor satisfactory to the Committee, his place on the Committee shall he vacated, which fact shall be reported by the Committee to the Society. At all meetings of the Executive Committee, five mem¬ bers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi¬ ness. NUMBER OF MEMBERS ON COMMITTEES. XXIII. All Committees of the Society, other than the Executive Committee and Nominating Committee, shall 36 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. be composed of three members, unless otherwise specially ordered. ALTERATION OF BY-LAWS. XXIV. Xo alteration in the By-Laws of the Society shall be made, unless such alteration shall have been openly proposed at a previous meeting, and entered on the min¬ utes, with the name of the member proposing the same; and shall be adopted by a majority of the members present .at a stated meeting of the Society. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1905. Library, 170 Second Avenue, New York, February 5, 1906. In transmitting a copy of the Annual Report of the Executive Committee for the year 1905, the attention of the Society is particularly called to the fact that it is essential to maintain in full and efficient strength the roll of Members. The decease of many of our oldest and best citizens, heretofore identified with the history, progress, and prosperity of the Society, has constantly diminished the membership, and it is hoped that each member will endeavor to propose at least one new candidate for ad¬ mission. By order of the Committee, Acosta Nichols, Recording Secretary. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1905. In accordance with the By-Laws, the Executive Com¬ mittee submit herewith their Annual Report for the year 1905. The contract for the erection of the first story of the central portion of the new building, by funds provided for by Mr. Henry Dexter, was signed at the November, 1904, meeting; the walls of the building were completed to the first cornice course in June last. Mr. Dexter generously added to his former munificent gift a sum of money sufficient to insure the completion of the exterior of the central building, and in July last a contract was entered into by the Society for the enclosing of the central structure, including the permanent roof. During the past year nine stated meetings were held by the Society. January 3d, Annual meeting. Reports of the Executive Committee, Treasurer, and Librarian, and election of officers. The following papers were illustrated by the stere- opticon: February 7th.—“A Century of Public Schools in the City of New York.” By A. Emerson Palmer, Secretary of the Board of Education. March 7th.—“ Unpublished Papers of the Revolution¬ ary War, by Baron von Closen, Aide to Count de Rocham- beau.” By Clarence Winthrop Bowen, Ph.D. April 4th.—“ Memorials of the Revolution within our Gates.” By Albert Ulmann. May 2d.—“ Wall Street, 1653-1789.” By Oswald Garrison Villard. 39 40 THE NEW-YOBK HISTOBICAL SOCIETY. June 6th.—“ Madison Square and Vicinage.” By Hopper Striker Mott. October . 3d.—“ Union Square and Gramercy Park.” By William S. Pelletreau. November 8th.—“ Washington Square.” By Thomas J. Burton. December 5th.—“ The Fight for the Hudson Valley in the Kevolution.” By Francis W. Halsey. Fifty-nine persons were elected to membership during the year. At present there are 1,011 members, of whom 8 are Honorary, 17 Patrons, 43 Fellows, 555 Life, and 388 Annual Members. The Committee earnestly urge the necessity of enlarg¬ ing the roll of members, and request that each member nominate at least one candidate. Eighteen stated meetings were held by the Executive Committee during the past year. The Report of the Treasurer shows a careful manage¬ ment of the Funds. The Society has no debts, no mort¬ gages upon its land, buildings, or collections. The income during the year for general purposes was $15,870.52 and the expenditures were $13,826.11. The receipts comprise fees of initiations, life memberships, annual dues, and interest from the investment of: 1 . The Eugene Augustus Hoffman Memorial Fund , $50,000. The legacy of Dean Hoffman, 1902, late Presi¬ dent of the Society. Also from the following permanent funds, bequests to the Society without restrictions and kept intact as memo¬ rials to their founders: 2. The Isaiah Thomas Fund. The legacy of Isaiah Thomas, of Worcester, Mass., in 1832, $300. 3. The Elizabeth Demilt Fund. The legacy of Miss Elizabeth Demilt, of New York, in 1849, $5,000. 4. The Seth Grosvenor Fund. The legacy of Seth Grosvenor, of New York, in 1858, $10,000. 5. The David E. Wheeler Fund. The legacy of David E. Wheeler, of New York, in 1870, $1,000. REPOET OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 41 6. The Thomas Barron Fund. The legacy of Thomas Barron, of New York, in 1875, $10,000. 7. The Richard E. Mount Fund. The legacy of Rich¬ ard E. Mount, of New York, in 1880, $1,000. 8. The Edward Bill Fund. The legacy of Edward Bill, of New York, in 1884, $5,000. 9. The Augustus Schell Fund. The legacy of Augus¬ tus Schell, of New York, in 1884, $5,000. 10. The Mary Rogers Fund. The legacy of Mrs. Charles H. Rogers, of New York, in 1891, $1,000. 11 . The James Francis Evans Fund. The legacy of Captain James Erancis Evans, of New York, in 1893,. $ 1 , 000 . 12. The Henry Keteltas Fund. The legacy of Henry Keteltas, of New York, in 1898, $5,000. 13. The Charles P. Daly Fund. The legacy of Charles P. Daly, of New York, in 1900, $5,000; and 14. The Maria Branson Mount Fund. The legacy of Miss Maria Branson Mount, of New York, in 1901, $ 1 , 000 . Making an aggregate of $100,300, the interest of which is applicable to the general purposes of the Society. The Society possesses, in addition, the following special funds: 15. The John D. Jones Fund. Founded by John Divine Jones, of New York, in 1879, for the publication and sale by the Society of works relating to the early his¬ tory of New York and the other American Provinces, $6,000. In accordance with the terms of this trust, the Society published in 1879, “ The History of New York during the Revolutionary War, and of the Leading Events in the other Colonies at that Period, by Thomas Jones, Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province; edited by Edward E. de Lancey; with Notes, Contemporary Docu¬ ments, Maps, and Portraits,” in two volumes, royal octavo, containing 1,575 pages. Copies may be had at a cost of fifteen dollars for both volumes. This fund now amounts to $4,547.35. 16. The Fund of the Sons of Rhode Island , the gift 42 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. of the Association in New York known by that name dur¬ ing the Civil War, presented in 1866, and devoted to the purchase of works for the Library relating to the history of Rhode Island, $600. 17. The Stephen Whitney Phoenix Fund. The bequest of Stephen Whitney Phoenix, of New York, in 1882, for the maintenance and increase of the Phoenix Collection of Heraldry and Genealogy, $15,000. 18. The Durr Gallery Fund. The bequest of Louis Durr, 1882, for the increase of the Durr Collection of Paintings, $8,000. 19. The Publication Fund. Established by the Society, in 1858, for the Publication of its Proceedings and Col¬ lections. Of the shares of the capital stock of this Fund, limited in number to 1,000, 829 have been sold up to the present time, as follows: 750 shares were sold prior to June 6, 1866, at $25 per share; subsequently the price of shares was advanced to $50, when thirty shares were sold at the latter figure; the price of shares was again advanced, January 1, 1883, to $100 per share; since then forty-nine shares have been sold, realizing $25,150, the interest of which is used for the publication of each suc¬ cessive volume. The Committee desires to call attention to the fact that the interest accruing from the Publication Fund continues inadequate to insure the publication of the back volumes due to shareholders, and the members of the Society are earnestly requested to purchase the 171 shares in the Fund remaining unsold. These shares are transferable, and each share, at $100, carries with it the thirty volumes already published, besides entitling the holder to one copy of every succeeding publication. The thirty volumes issued contain the following valu¬ able material: Yol. I. (1868) The Continuation of Chalmers’s Political Annals of the American Colonies, 1685-1696. The Colden Letters on Smith’s History of New York, 1759- REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 43 1760. Documents relating to the Ad¬ ministration of Jacob Leisler, 1689- 1769. Vol. II. (1869) The Clarendon Papers, relating to New York and New England, 1662-1667. The Destruction of Schenectady, 1690. Montague’s Arguments on Acts of New York Assembly, 1701. Colden’s Let¬ ter on Smith’s History of New York, 1759. Plowden’s New Albion, 1632- 1650. Gardiner’s History of East Hampton, New York, 1798. Collection of Evidence and Vindication of the Eights of New York to the New Hampshire Grants. Vol. III. (1870) Territorial Eights of New York against the Government of New Hampshire, a brief, by James Duane. Old New York and Trinity Church, 1730-1790. Sermon by the Eev. Francis Makemie, 1707. Vol. IV. (1871) Vol. V. (1872) Vol. VI. (1873) Vol. VII. (1874) J Vol. VIII. (1875) Vol. IX. (1876) \ Vol. X. (1877) j The Papers of Major-General Charles Lee, 1754-1811. Letters of General Pattison, Com¬ mandant of New York City, 1779- 1780. Letters to General Lewis Morris, 1775-1782. Official Letter-Books of Lieutenant- Governor Cadwalader Colden, 1760-1775. Vol. XI. (1878) Papers of Charles Thomson, Secretary of the Continental Congress, 1765- 1816. Letters of Colonel Armand, 1777—1791. Letters to Eohert Mor¬ ris, 1775-1782. Vol. XII. (1879) Trial of General Schuyler, 1778. Trial 44 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. of General Robert Howe, 1781. Journal of Commissary Rainsford, enlistment of Hessian troops, 1776— 1778. Vol. XIII. (1880) Trial of General St. Clair, 1778. Journal of Occurrences at Quebec* 1775-1776. Case of William At¬ wood, Chief Justice of Hew York, 1703. Vesey’s Sermon in Trinity Church, at the Funeral of Lord Lovelace, 1709. Letter of Dom¬ inie Michaelius, First Minister in Hew Hetherland, 1628. Records of the Court of Lieutenancy, Hew York Militia, 1686—1696. Vol. XIV. (1881) Journals of the Engineer Officers, Colonel James and Captain John . Montressor, of services in America, 1757-1778. Vol. XV. (1882) Journal of Lieutenant Von Krafft, of the Hessian Army, 1776-1784. Letter-Book of Captain Alexander McDonald, of the Royal Highland Emigrants, 1775-1779. 'Papers of Lieutenant - Colonel Stephen Kemble; Adjutant-Gen¬ eral of the British Army in America, J ournals and Corre¬ spondence, 1775-1789. General Orders of the British Army in America, 1775-1778. Journals, Documents, and Correspondence of the Expedition to Hicaragua, > 1780-1781. Vol. XVI. (1883) Vol. XVII. (1884) Vol. XVIII. (1885) The Burgher Right and Roll of Burghers of Hew Amsterdam, 1648-1661: Roll of Freedom of Hew York City, 1675-1866. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 45 Register of Indentures of Ap¬ prentices of Hew York City, 1694-1708. The Deane Papers, Correspond¬ ence, Official and Private, of Silas Deane, 1774-1789. Yol. XIX. (1886) Vol. XX. (1887) Yol. XXI. (1888) Yol. XXII. (1889) Yol. XXIII. (1890) Yol. XXIY. (1891) Muster Rolls of Hew York Provin¬ cial Troops, 1755—1764. Yol. XXY. (1892) Abstracts of Wills on file in the Surrogate’s Office, City of Hew York, 1665-1707. Yol. XXYI. (1893) Same, 1708-1729, with Appendix. Yol. XXYII. (1894) Same, 1730-1744. Yol. XXYIII. (1895) Same, 1744-1753. Yol. XXIX. (1896) Same, 1754—1760. Yol. XXX. (1897) Same, 1760-1766. Yol. XXXI. (1898) Same, 1766— . In press. 20. Building Fund. Payments have been made cover¬ ing fees of architects, foundations, and steam plant, leav¬ ing a balance of $78,433.04. The Henry Dexter Gift of $250,000 for the erection of the central portion of the new building, as a memorial to* his son, the late Orrando Perry Dexter, subject to the ■order of the Trustees of the new building. The structure is advancing toward completion, and it is hoped to have the building enclosed at the beginning of the new year. The balances to the credit of the Society are as follows: I. In the Lincoln Trust Company. Annual dues, interest, etc., for current expenses. $2,044 41 II. In the Lincoln Trust Company. Inter¬ est of the Phoenix Fund. 21 41 III. In the Lincoln Trust Company. Durr Gallery Fund. 1,569 70 IY. In the Hew York Life Insurance and Trust Company. Publication Fund. 1,764 84 46 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. V. In the New York Life Insurance and Trust Company. John Divine Jones Lund. . $1,297 35'. VI. In the Central Trust Company. Build¬ ing Fund. 78,433 04 The report of the Librarian shows an increase during the past year of 2,956 volumes of books, 7,323 pamphlets, 153 bound volumes and 832 numbers of newspapers, 39 volumes and 117 separate manuscripts, 312 maps, 442 broadsides, 157 lithographs, 296 engravings. The Library contains over 110,000 volumes of reference- and large collections of scarce pamphlets, maps, news¬ papers, and manuscripts. Steady accessions are being received to its extensive collections of works relating to early American history, the colonial period, and that of the Devolution. To the Stephen Whitney Phoenix Collection of Gene¬ alogies has been added 96 volumes, 95 pamphlets, and 17 charts. Among the principal collections of manuscripts in the archives of the Society are the Leisler, de Peyster, Colden, Gates, Stirling, Duer, Lamb, Gallatin, and the Rufus King Papers. The original manuscript diary of Philip Hone, 1828-1851, in twenty-nine volumes, was presented to the Society in May last by Mrs. Horace W. Fuller, Miss. Anna Russell Hone, and Mr. Robert G. Hone. In the Department of Antiquities, the larger collections consist of the Abbott Collection of Egyptian Antiquities, purchased for the Society in 1859, and the Nineveh Sculptures, presented by the late James Lenox in 1857. The Peter Marie Collection of Miniatures, 284 in number, was presented to the Society, April 4th, by Leon Marie, Mrs. Leontine C. Suse, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Barn¬ well, Miss Leontine Marie, Mrs. Pauline Thieriot, and others, residuary legatees under the will of the late Peter Marie. The Society is indebted to Robert Van Rensselaer" REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 47 Stuyvesant for the gift of the following Stuyvesant fam¬ ily portraits: Nicholas William Stuyvesant (1648-1698), son of Governor Petrus Stuyvesant. Gerardus Stuyvesant (1690-1777), son of Nicholas William Stuyvesant. Nicholas William Stuyvesant (1722—1780), son of Gerardus Stuyvesant. Petrus Stuyvesant (1727—1805), son of Gerardus Stuy¬ vesant. Nicholas William Stuyvesant (1769-1833), son of Petrus Stuyvesant. Peter Stuyvesant (1796-1860), son of Nicholas Will¬ iam Stuyvesant. On June 6th, Mrs. Matthew Clarkson presented to the Society a portrait of her father, the late Peter Augustus Jay, eighth President oirthe Society, 1840-1842, a copy from the original portrait by Durand. To the Durr Gallery has been added, by purchase, a portrait (crayon) of Prof. Samuel P. B. Morse. A painting of the Dongan Manor House, West New Brighton, S. I., painted in 1876 by T. H. Wright, was presented to the Society, October 3d, by Mr. J. T. Will¬ iamson. The Gallery of Art now embraces, in addition to the Society’s early collection of paintings and sculpture, a large and important gallery of portraits; together with the collection, transferred to the Society in 1858, of the New York Gallery of Fine Arts, including the Peed Col¬ lection, the pictures belonging to the American Art Union at its dissolution; the original water colors, 474 in num¬ ber, by Audubon, for his work on Natural History, from which his elephant folio edition of birds, etc., was pre¬ pared ; the Bryan Gallery of Old Masters, presented to the Society by the late Thomas J. Bryan in 1867; and the Durr Collection, selected and presented by the executors 48 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. of the late Louis Durr, in accordance with the terms of his will in 1881. The number of paintings is now 901, of which 204 form the nucleus of an American portrait gallery. The Society is desirous of securing the following por¬ traits to complete the series of paintings of its Presidents: David Ilosack, M.D., Fourth President.1820-1827 Morgan Lewis, Sixth President.1832-1835 Peter Gerard Stuyvesant, Seventh President. .1836-1839 Hamilton Fish, Twelfth President.1867—1869 The Committee would suggest that the members raise by subscription a fund to be known as “ Founders’ Fund,” in honor of the Founders of the Society, the interest of the fund to be used for the general purposes of the Society. In conclusion, the Committee express the hope that the next anniversary of the founding of the Society will be celebrated by the dedication of the beautiful building •erected as an enduring monument of the liberality of our esteemed Member and Patron, Mr. Henry Dexter. Daniel Parish, Jr., Chairman Executive Committee. ABSTRACT OF TREASURER’S REPORT. 1905. ABSTRACT OF TREASURER’S REPORT. 1905 . General Account: Balance Jan. 1st, 1905. $4,400 20 Receipts for 1905 . 11,470 52 -$15,870 52 Payments for 1905. 13,826 11 Account Eugene A. Hoffman Fund. $2,044 41 400 00 Balance in Lincoln Trust Co. $2,444 41 Phoenix Fund (Interest): Balance Jan. 1st, 1905. $234 11 Receipts. 684 57 - $918 68 Payments . 897 27- Balance in Lincoln Trust Co. Publication Fund: Receipts and Principal.$3,042 32 Payments. 1,277 48 Balance in New York Life Insurance & Trust Co.. Durr Gallery Fund: Balance Jan. 1st, Receipts. -——- $1,685 70 Payments. 116 00 $21 41 $1,764 84 1905. $1,307 10 . 378 60 Balance in Lincoln Trust Co. $1,569 70 Investment of Funds. Eugene Augustus Hoffman Memorial Fund: Bond and Mortgage, at 4£ per cent. Grosvenor Fund: Bond and Mortgage, at 5 per cent. $6,000 00 “ “ at 4 percent. 1,000 00 “ “ at 4£ per cent. 3,000 00 Bond and Mortgage, at 4£ per cent. at 4| per cent, at 4^ per cent, at 4£ per cent, at 5 per cent, at 5 per cent, at 5 per cent, at 4£ per cent, at 4| per cent, at 41 per cent, at 5 per cent, at 4 per cent. Barron Fund: Demilt Fund Bill Fund “ Schell Fund Wheeler Fund “ Thomas Fund “ Sons of R. I. “ Daly Fund “ Maria Branson Mount Fund Richard E. Mount Fund Rogers Fund “ Keteltas Fund “ Evans Fund: Bond of Forty-second Street, Manhattanville & St. Nicholas Avenue R. R. Co., at 6 per cent 50 $49,600 00 $10,000 00 10,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 1,000 00 300 00 600 00 5,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 1,000 00 ABSTRACT OF TREASURER'S REPORT. 51 Jones Fund: Bond and Mortgage, at 5 per cent. $3,250 00 In New York Life Insurance & Trust Co. . 1,297 35 - $4,547 35 Durr Gallery Fund: Bond and Mortgage: at 4§ per cent. 7,500 00 Publication Fund: Bond and Mortgage, at 5 per cent. $11,850 00 “ “ at 4 per cent. 1,000 00 “ “ at 4§ per cent. 12,000 00 - 24,850 00 Phoenix Fund: Bond and Mortgage, at 4§ per cent. 15,000 00 Building Fund in Central Trust Co. $78,433 04 Total. $236,630 75 CHARLES A. SHERMAN, Treasurer. TRUSTEES OF THE NEW BUILDING. HENRY DEXTER GIFT $250,000 00 MEMBERS OF THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. FEBRUARY, 1906. HONORARY MEMBERS Bigelow, John.New York Cleveland, Grover. “ Davidson, Randall Thomas, D.D.England Dewey, George.U. S. N. Higgins, Frank Wayland..New York Odell, Benjamin B., Jr. “ Reid, Whitelaw. “ Roosevelt, Theodore. “ 1869 1883 1904 1898 1905 1901 1905 1899 55 PATRONS. *J« Bruce, Catherine Wolfe. Bruce, Matilda Wolfe. •f* Clark, Alfred Corning. Dexter, Henry. •f. Hoffman, Rev. Eugene Au¬ gustus. Hoffman, Samuel Verplanck. Huntington, Archer Milton. •J* Jones, John Divine. Kennedy, John S. •fiKing, John Alsop. Morgan, J. Pierpont. -fr Deceased. Patrons By Succession. Baker, Charlotte S. Maccaffil, Charlotte Mount. Clark, Stephen Carlton. Schermerhorn, Frederic Augustus. Hoffman, Mrs. Eugene Augustus. Vanderbilt, Alfred Gwynne. •J* Mount, Charlotte A. Mount, Susan. Schell, Mrs. Augustus. Schell, F. Robert. Schell, Robert. Schermerhorn, William C. Sherman, Charles A. •f> Stuart, Mrs. Robert L. Thompson, Mrs. Frederick F. •f* Vanderbilt, Cornelius. Vanderbilt, George W. 57 FELLOWS. Astor, William Waldorf. Auchmuty, Mrs. Richard T. •f* Austin, William. ►fi Avery, Samuel P. •ft Babcock, Samuel D. Baker, George F. •fiBanyer, Goldsborough. Beekman, Gerard. Billings, Frederick. Bliss, Cornelius N. ►ft Bliss, George. Clark, Edward S. •fi Constable, James M. ►f-Cook, Henry H. Cutting, R. Fulton. Cutting, W. Bayard. •ft Delano, Franklin H. •ft Dows, David. •ft Dubois, Abram, M.D. Ely, Ambrose K. Fahnestock, Harris C. •fi Fayerweather, Daniel B. •ftField, Benjamin H. •f-Fish, Nicholas. Greene, Martin E. Greenwood, Isaac J. ►f-Herrman, Henry. Herrman, Mrs. Henry. •fi Hoffman, Mrs. Charles Fred¬ erick. Hoffman, Mrs. Eugene Augustus. •fiHoyt, Charles A. •f* Huntington, Collis P. •ftlselin, Adrian. Isham, William B. Jackson, Frederic Wendell. Jackson, Theodore F. Jackson, William H. Jesup, Mrs. Morris K. •ft Kennedy, Rachel L. King, Mary Rhinelander. Langdon, Woodbury G. Lanier, Charles. Lawton, Mrs. James M. •f-Livingston, Robert J. •fiMarquand, Henry G. Mills, Darius O. Morton, Levi P. Parish, Daniel, jr. Parsons, Mrs. John E. Phipps, Henry. Phoenix, Lloyd. Phoenix, Phillips. •ft Potter, Orlando B. •fiPyne, Percy R. •fi Rhinelander, Julia. Rhinelander, Serena. •ft Rogers, Mrs. Charles H. •J* Skidmore, William L. Sloan, Samuel. Sloane, William D. Speyer, James. •ft Stewart, David. Stokes, Caroline Phelps. Storm, Clarence. Sturges, Frederick. Thorne, Phebe Anna. •ft Tiffany, Charles L. Tilford, Frank. Vanderbilt, William K. Von Post, Herman C. •fiWeekes, John A. White, Mrs. Joseph M. ►f« Williams, George G. •ftWinthrop, Robert. •ft Deceased. 59 ANNUAL AND LIFE MEMBERS Abbe, Cleveland.1880 fAbbe, Mrs. Robert.1897 fAbeel, George.1896 fAdams, Edward D.1904 fAdee, George Augustus... .1857 fAdee, Philip H.1857 fAldrich, Mrs. James Her¬ man .1902 tAlexander, Charles Beatty. 1896 Alexander, John Franklin. .1871 Anderson, John, jr.1902 f Andrews, Blanche L.1887 f Andrews, James B.1857 tAndrews, William L.1857 Anjou, Gustave...1903 f Appleby, Charles E.». 1857 A fAstor, William Waldorf.. .1879 A fAuchmuty, Mrs. Richard T.1901 Augustine, Clark Bell.1904 f Avery, Samuel P., jr.1903 Ayres, Stephen Beckwith.... 1902 f Bacon, Charlotte V.1888 Bacon, Leon Brooks.1902 Baker, Charles, jr.1903 Baker, Frederic.1898 A Baker, George F.1879 Balch, Collins L.1901 Baldwin, George Y. N.1888 fBall, Thomas R.1902 Banks, David, jr.1898 Banks, James Lenox.1896 Banta, Theodore M.1887 Barclay, David.1901 fBarger, Milton S.1896 fBarger, Samuel F.1883 fBarnes, Cora F.1903 Barney, Charles T.1902 fBarron, John C., M.D.1864 Bartlett, Franklin.1880 f Barton, Oliver Grant.1857 Baylies, Edmund L.1893 A fBeekman, Gerard.1875 fBeekman, James William.. 1886 Beekman, John Neilson, M.D.1897 Beekman, Mrs. William B..1902 fBelcher, Henry W.1857 tBell, Jared Weed.1897 fBelmont, August.1902 tBelmont, Oliver H. P.1888 fBelmont, Perry...;.1857 fBenedict, Erastus C.1867 fBenedict, Henry H.1902 fBenedict, James.1864 fBenkard, Henry R.1857 f Benson, Charles B.1905 fBenson, Egbert.1888 fBenson, Robert.1887 Berwind, Edward J.1901 fBetts, George W.1857 fBevan, Llewelyn D., D.D... 1880 fBickmore, Albert S.1869 fBigelow, Poultney.1889 fBigelow, L. Horatio.1903 A fBillings, Frederick.1893 Bingham, George F..1903 fBishop, Cortlandt Field... .1871 fBishop, David Wolfe, jr...l875 f Bishop, Louis Faugeres,M.D. 1905 Bispham, William.1903 fBissell, Rev. Pelham St. G..1887 A fBliss, Cornelius N.1877 fBliss, Cornelius N., jr.1897 fBogert, Henry Lawrence... 1892 Bolton, Reginald Pelham.... 1902 Bond, Frank S.1893 Bookstaver, Henry W.1869 62 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. fBoorman, J. Marcus.1854 Bostwick, Henry A.1897 Bosworth, Mrs. Francke H. . 1902 Boucher, Charles.1900 f Bowen, Clarence W.1885 fBreese, Eloise Lawrence.. .. 1902 Brett, Cornelius, D.D.1905 Brewster, Charles 0.1902 Brewster, Samuel Dwight. .. 1900 fBriggs, Charles A., D.D. .. .1884 Britton, Charles P.1893 fBrodhead, Eugenia.1874 tBrooks, Emerson.1899 Brower, John L. 1905 Brower, William L.1880 Brown, Bev. Abbott.1892 Brown, Addison.1863 Brown, Charles Hilton.1904 fBrown, Edward F..1875 fBrown, Egerton.1875 Brown, John Crosby.1873 fBrown, John Potts.1852 fBrown, Robert 1.1851 fBrowning, J. Hull.1903 Brownne, John S.1901 *fBruce, Matilda Wolfe.1871 fBrugler, Rev. Charles Ed¬ ward .1904 Buchman, Albert .1905 Bulkley, Edward Addison... 1902 Bulkley, Edwin M.1905 Bull, Charles C.1897 fBull, Robert Maclay.1902 fBull, William Lanman.1900 fBurdge, Franklin.1880 Burgess, Edward S.1903 fBurrell, David J., D.D.1896 fBurton, Thomas J.1901 Butler, Emily O.1902 fButler, Nicholas Murray.. 1905 fCameron, Mrs. A. Scott... .1896 fCannon, Henry W.1895 fCarhart, Amory Sibley. .. .1882 Carney, Sydney H., jr., M.D..1893 fCarpender, William.1892 f Carpenter, Charles L.1904 f Carroll, Royal Phelps.1888 fChamberlain, Daniel Drew..1857 Chamberlain, Leander T., D.D.1897 Chapman, Henry T.1901 fChauncey, Elihu.1882 fChauncey, Henry.1857 fCheesman, T. Matlack, M.D.1904 Chew, Beverly.1898 Clark, Alzamore H.1905 A fClark, Edward S.1901 f Clark, Henry Austin.1899 f Clark, William A.1895 Clarke, Charles L.1897 Clarke, George C.1896 f Clarkson, Banyer.1892 fClarkson, Margaret Liv¬ ingston .1885 fClarkson, Matthew.1853 Clinch, Edward S.1897 fClute, Rev. Robert F.1857 Cochrane, John W.1874 fCodman, Ogden, jr.1904 Cohn, Adolphe.1903 fCole, Edward F.1904 f Coles, Henry Rutgers Rem- sen.1894 Coles, Jonathan Ackerman, M.D.1901 Collamore, Marion Davis... .1896 Collier, Peter F.1905 fCollier, Price .1905 fCollyer, Robert, D.D.1882 Comfort, Randall .1905 f Comstock, Frederick H.1889 Conkling, Nathaniel W., D.D.1883 fConstant, Samuel Victor.. .1893 fCook, Arthur Peters.1864 Cook, Charles T.1877 Cooper, Theodore .1895 fCorlies, Joseph W., jr.1851 Cotton, Louis Kossuth.1903 fCoxe, Macgrane .1898 fCrane, Albert . 1873 Crane, Frank W.1897 Crane, Warren C.1896 fCrimmins, John D.1899 ANNUAL AND LIFE MEMBERS. 63 Cromwell, David W.1904 f Crosby, Ernest Howard... .1884 fCross, Mrs. C. Vanderbilt. .1903 fCruikshank, Warren.1905 Cummings, George F.1882 fCurtis, William Edmund.. .1901 Cushman, Norman .1905 A Cutting, R. Fulton.1888 A f Cutting, W. Bayard.1888 Darlington, Charles Francis.. 1902 f Davenport, Mrs. Ira.1905 Davies, Julien T.1880 Davies, William Gilbert.1877 Davis, Chandler.1903 t Da vis, Fellowes.1896 Davis, Gherardi.1894 fDavis, Mrs. Gherardi.1889 t Davis, John W. A.1903 fDavis, Vernon M.1903 Dayton, Charles W.1897 Debevoise, George.1903 De Bost, William L.1905 fDe Forest, Robert Weeks.. .1866 fDe Kay, Charles.1881 fDelafield, Albert.1891 fDelafield, Joseph Living¬ ston .1893 fDelafield, Julia Livingston. 1891 fDelafield, Maturin Living¬ ston .1874 fDelafield, Maturin Living¬ ston, jr.1899 Delafield, Richard .1901 Delano, Warren, jr.1896 Delmonico, L. Crist.1902 fDe Luze, Philip Schuyler.. .1895 fDe Meli, Henry G. D.1895 Depew, Chauncey M.1869 fDe Peyster, C. Augusta... .1902 fDe Peyster, Frederic Ash¬ ton .1906 fDe Peyster, John Watts... .1850 fDe Peyster, Wm. Moore Dongan .1897 De Puy, Henry F.1902 fDerby, Richard H., M.D. .. .1882 fDe Witt, William G.1889 *fDexter, Henry. .1862 Dexter, Stanley W.1897 fDey, Anthony.1863 fDey, Richard Varick.1895 fDeyo, Robert E.1897 fDibble, William A.1857 Dill, Josephine H.1903 Dimond, Thomas.1901 Dininny, Ferral C.1902 Dix, John Adams.1905 Dix, Morgan, D.D.1879 fDixon, George, jr.1857 fDodd, John M., jr.1894 Dodd, Samuel C. T.1894 fDodge, Anson G. P.1870 Dodge, Cleveland H.1883 fDominick, Marinus Willett. 1896 fDornin, William C.1862 Douglas, William H.1901 Dowling, Robert E.1906 fDows, Tracy.1905 Drummond, I. Wyman.1905 Dugro, P. Henry.1891 f Duncan, William B.1857 Dunning, William A.1900 fDu Pont, Henry A.1905 Dwight, Frederick.1904 fDwight, Rev. Melatiah Everett.1900 fEaton, Sherburne Blake... .1877 fEdmonds, John Worth.1894 fEinstein, Lewis.1902 fEliot, Ellsworth, M.D.1865 fElliott, Frederick B.1857 Elseffer, Mrs. Wiliam L. .. .1897 A fEly, Ambrose K.1857 Embury, Aymar.1872 Emmet, Thomas Addis, M.D. 1864 fEno, Amos F.1888 fEvans, William T.1896 fEverson, George.1857 A Fahnestock, Harris C.1879 f Fairchild, Charles S.1882 fFaye, Thomas.1871 64 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. f Field, Cortlandt de Peyster. 1850 f Field, Mrs. Cortlandt de Peyster .1885 fFish, Mrs. Nicholas.1901 fFish, Stuyvesant .1875 Fitzgerald, James.1905 Fleitmann, Ewald.1903 t Fletcher, Austin B.1906 tFolsom, George W.1858 Forbes, Rev. Elmer Sever¬ ance .1896 Ford, Worthington C.1892 fFoster, Frederic de Peyster. 1874 Foster, Scott.1902 fFoulke, Bayard Fish.1903 fFox, Austen G.1872 t Francis, Valentine Mott, M.D.1858 Freedman, John J.1873 French, Amos Tuck.1888 fFrenche, James.1853 Friend, Meyer M.1902 Frissell, Algernon S.1903 Frye, Jed .1902 Fuller, Frank.1892 fGallatin, Albert.1905 fGallatin, Albert Eugene... .1903 fGallatin, Frederic.1870 fGallatin, R. Horace.1892 Galot, Alphonse .1877 Gardiner, Asa Bird.1871 Gawtry, Lewis B.1904 fGeer, Walter .1902 Geissenhainer, Jacob A.1881 fGibbs, Theodore Kane.1891 Gibson, George Rutledge... .1902 fGihon, John .1857 f Gihon, William.1852 Gilder, Richard Watson.1881 fGiles, Stephen W.1896 Gilsey, Frederick C.1905 Glenney, William P.1905 fGlover, Mrs. James A.1886 fGoodwin, James J.1891 fGould, Edwin .1896 fGrant, R. Suydam.1857 Gray, John Clinton.1873 fGreene, Alister.1896 Greene, Edward.1875 fGreene, John W., M.D.1854 A Greene, Martin E.1870 Greene, Richard Henry.1896 fGreenough, John.1891 A Greenwood, Isaac J.1858 Greenwood, Langdon, jr.1893 f Gregory, Charles.1902 fGregory, Henry E.1886 fGriffen, Benjamin .1874 f Griffith, Daniel J.1901 fGuggenheim, Murray.1901 fGunther, John Jacob.1904 Hackstaff, Charles L.1898 f Hackstaff, Mrs. Charles L.. 1903 fHadden, John Aspinwail.. .1866 fHaines, Samuel B.1877 Haldane, Mary H...1903 Hall, Edward Hagaman.1902 Hall, Frank Oliver, D.D. . . . 1905 fHall, Mary F.1901 Halpin, Francis.1891 fHalsey, Frederick R.1900 Halsey, Richard T. H.1896 Hamilton, Edmond H.1890 Hamilton, William Gaston.. 1889 Handy, R. Fleming.1906 fHarbeck, Charles John.1897 fHarbeck, Charles T.1857 Hardley, J. Wheeler.1902 Harison, Mrs. George D. L.. .1897 Harper, Francis P.1897 fHarper, John ..1885 fHarriman, Edward Henry. .1885 Harris, William H.1903 Hasbrouck, Mrs. Frederick. .1900 Haskell, J. Amory.1895 Hatch, Albert J.1870 fHavemeyer, Frederic C.1899 fHavemeyer, Henry 0.1899 fHavemeyer, John C.1857 fHavemeyer, William F... .1891 fHavens, Henry P.1882 fHawes, Gilbert Ray.1895 ANNUAL AND LIFE MEMBERS. 65 tHawkes, McDougall.1898 f Hawley, Thomas R.1864 Headley, Russel.1901 Healey, Warren M.1888 fHearn, George A.1895 Heminway, Homer.1882 f Hendricks, Albert .1869 fHerrick, John J.1852 A fHerrman, Mrs. Henry.1889 tHess, Selmar.1903 Higgins, Eugene.1889 fHigginson, James J.1899 Highet, Frank Brewster.1906 Hill, Charles B.1901 Hill, Edward Bruce.1896 fHill, Robert Carmer.1906 Hillhouse, Charles B.1897 Hine, Charles Gilbert.1905 Hinman, William K.1863 Hitchcock, Ripley.1905 Hobbs, Frederick G.1902 fHoe, Robert, jr.1852 Hoffman, Charles Frederick, jr.1903 Hoffman, Mrs. Charles F., jr.1903 * A fHoffman, Mrs. Eugene A. 1901 *f Hoff man, Samuel Ver- planck .1901 f Hoff man, Mrs. Samuel Ver- planck .1903 Hoffman, William M. V... .1897 Hoffman, Mrs. William M. V. 1903 fHolden, Edwin B.1900 tHolden, James C.1855 Holland, Joseph .1899 tHopkins, George B.1902 Hoppin, William Warner... 1871 Hotchkin, Walter D.1905 ~tHubbard, Thomas H.1906 Hubbell, George W.1895 fHunter, Frederick W.1882 *t Huntington, Archer Mil- ton .1890 f Huntington, Daniel .1846 Huntington, Frederick J... .1881 Huntington, William R., D.D.1884 Hurlbut, Theodore D.1893 fHurry, Ren wick Clifton... .1903 Hutchinson, Cary T.1894 fHutchinson, William J.1877 tHyatt, Abram M.1902 fHyde, Clarence M.1891 Hyde, Edwin Francis.1891 Hyde, Frederick E., M.D... .1892 Hyde, Henry St. John.1904 fHyde, James H.1903 Hyman, Mrs. David M.1902 Ireland, John B.1886 Irving, Walter.1890 flselin, Adrian, jr.1868 flselin, Columbus O’Donnel. 1873 Iselin, William E.1873 flsham, Charles .1885 A flsham, William B.1885 fives, Brayton.1905 Jackson, Charles Fred. Have- meyer.1899 A f Jackson, Frederic Wendell. 1892 f Jackson, Rev. Samuel M.. .1888 A f Jackson, Theodore F.1897 A f Jackson, William H.1898 Jacobi, Abraham, M.D.1872 Jaffray, Robert.1890 f Jarvis, Jay .1863 fJay, William.1852 f Jennings, Oliver G.1893 Jesup, Morris K.1854 A fJesup, Mrs. Morris K.1888 f Johnson, Henry W.1852 Johnston, Henry P.1882 f Johnston, J. Herbert.1897 f Johnston, John H.1862 Joline, Adrian H.1893 f Jones, Charles Landon.1900 f Jones, Rev. Henry L.1857 f Jones, James H.1882 Jones, Mrs. Oliver Living¬ ston .1902 f Jordan, Stanley .1900 Judge, John H.1902 Kane, S. Nicholson.1897 fKelby, Charles Hendre.1899 66 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. tKelby, Robert Hendre.1893 tKelby, Thomas .1891 Kelley, Frank Bergen.1904 *fKennedy, John S.1883 fKennin, John L.1863 Kent, William.1896 fKeteltas, Alice.1902 Keys, Alice M.1905 tKing, Edward..1888 fKing, Ellen .1889 fKing, George Gordon.1898 fKing, John Alsop.1900 A fKing, Mary Rhinelander.. 1889 fKirtland, Anna T. E.1865 Kohler, Max J.1903 Lacombe, E. Henry.1904 fLane, Smith E.1850 A fLangdon, Woodbury G... .1878 A fLanier, Charles.1857 fLansing, Mrs. Abraham. .. .1904 Larkin, John.1895 fLathrop, Edward, D.D.1854 Lawrence, Richard H.1900 fLawson, Leonidas M.1874 A Lawton, Mrs. James M... .1900 Leaycraft, J. Edgar.1887 tLe Boutillier, Charles.1896 Leeds, Henry .1905 Leeds, William .1905 fLefferts, Marshall C.1903 tLeggett, Francis H.1901 t Leggett, Francis W.1902 fLeland, Charles H.1879 Lesher, Arthur L.1884 Leverich, S. Duncan.1906 Levussove, Moses S.1905 Levy, Elias Henry.1881 Lewis, John N.1897 tLibbey, Jonas Marsh.1877 fLibbey, Mrs. William.1877 fLibbey, William, jr.1880 fLincoln, James M.1891 Lindsay, John D.1904 Livermore, John R.1904 fLivingston, Johnston.1883 fLivingston, William S., jr. .1879 fLockman, De Witt M.1890 fLockman, John T.1884 Loewy, Benno .1894 fLogan, Walter S.1892 Lord, Franklin B.1902 Lord, Joseph E. P.1900 fLoring, Daniel A.1887 fLoubat, Joseph F.1871 fLow, Joseph T.1901 fLow, Seth.1890 Ludlow, James B.1901 Lufburrow, Elizabeth S.1903 fLummis, William.1877 tLund, Dagny Engelsted.. . . 1905 f Lynch, James D.1882 Lyon, A. Maynard.1902 fMcAlpin, Charles W.1902 McCagg, Louis Butler.1900 McCall, John A.1899 fMcClintock, Emory.1895 f McCord, William H.1902 McCoun, Henry T.1902 fMcKesson, George Clinton. .1873 tMcKesson, Irving.1899 fMcKesson, John, jr.1857 McKim, Robert V.1898 tMcLanahan, George W. .. .1882 fMaclay, Isaac Walker.1878 McLean, Donald.1899 McLellan, Charles Wood- berry .1905 McLellan, Hugh .1905 tMacy, Nelson.1902 Madison, Winfield S.1904 Madison, Mrs. Winfield S. .. .1904 Maginnis, William H.1905 Mahler, Edward J.1876 fMaitland, Alexander.1886 fMallet-Prevost, Severo.1901 fMallett, Edward J.1856 fMarkoe, Francis H., M.D.. .1889 Marks, George Edwin.1896 fMarquand, Allan.1886 fMarquand, Henry .1881 Marsh, John Edward.1896 fMarshall, Louis, .1905 ANNUAL AND LIFE MEMBERS. 67 Martin, Susan Tabor.1893 Mather, Frank J., jr.1901 Maury, Charles W.1891 Maury, Henry T.1891 Meeks, Edwin B.1889 fMerrall, William J.1875 tMerritt, Douglass.1867 fMersereau, John W.1857 tMersereau, Nicholas R... .1857 Messenger, Maria Gerard... .1893 Meyrowitz, Emile B.1901 Milhau, Louis J. de.1905 fMiller, George Macculloch. 1881 fMilliken, David .1857 A Mills, Darius O.1902 fMitchell, Albert M. P.1890 fMitchell, Benjamin G.1902 Mitchell, Edward .1903 fMitchill, Bleecker N.1884 Moffat, George Barclay.1905 Moffat, R. Burnham.1898 tMoldenke, Rev. Charles E. .1886 Moller, Peter .1901 tMoore, Jacob B.1878 Moore, William H. H.1852 Moran, Charles.1903 tMoreau, Charles C.1861 Morgan, George H.1881 "Morgan, J. Pierpont.1881 Morgan, Junius Spencer.... 1902 fMorison, John A.1867 f Morrell, William H.1865 Morris, Fordham .1870 f Morris, Henry Lewis.1874 tMorris, Newbold.1901 fMorrison, David M.1857 fMorrison, George Austin... 1892 fMorrison, William E.1857 f Morse, Charles W.1902 A Morton, Levi P.1855 Moss, Frank.1905 fMossman, John M.1884 Mott, Hopper Striker.1902 *f Mount, Susan.1882 Munsell, Charles E.1892 Murray, J. Archibald.1885 Myers, Edward .1896 Nash, John McLean.1902 Nash, William Alexander... 1902 fNavarro, Jose F. de.1880 Neeser, John G.1905 Neill, Henry Harmon.1903 fNelson, William.1893 fNesbitt, George F.1857 f Nichols, Acosta.1903 Nichols, Anthony Dey.1903 fNichols, Effingham H.1892 Nichols, George Livingston. .1897 f Nickerson, Mrs. Thomas W., tNisbet, William F.1900 Noble, Francis L.1903 fNorrie, Ambrose Lanfear.. .1888 fNorrie, Adam Gordon.1888 fNorrie, Gordon .1852 fNorrie, Van Horne, M.D. ..1888 Norton, Edward L.1894 fOakley, Henry A.1848 fOakman, Walter G.1896 Odell, Hamilton .1863 Odell, Hammond.1899 Oettinger, Sigmund .1902 Ogden, Henry A.1893 fOgden, William B.1887 fOglesby, Mrs. Joseph H... .1904 Olcott, J. Van Yechten.1897 Olcott, Mrs. J. Van Vechten.1903 fOpdyck, Leonard E.1888 fOrvis, Charles Eustis.1903 fOrvis, Edwin W.1903 Osgood, Herbert L.1893 fOsgood, John C.1890 Oudin, Lucien .1900 Paddock, Eugene H.1891 fPage, Edward D.1893 Paige, Edward Winslow.1893 A fParish, Daniel, jr.1882 fParish, Henry.1901 fParish, Wainwright .1901 fParker, Mrs. Gilbert.1888 fParker, Willard, M.D.1857 Parris, Edward L.1880 68 THE NEW-YOKK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. tParsons, John E.1901 A fParsons, Mrs. John E... .1877 fParsons, William Decatur. .1895 Patton, Charles L.1892 Peck, Charles E.1901 fPeck, Guy Dayton.1895 fPeckham, Walton M.1857 tPell, Frederick Aycrigg... .1877 fPell, Howland.1889 Pell, John L. E.1903 fPelletreau, William S.1899 fPenfold, Edmund.1852 fPenfold, William Hall.1857 Perkins, J. Deming.1859 Perry, Alexander.1903 Peters, Mrs. Edward Mc¬ Clure .1902 fPeters, Samuel T.1886 fPeters, William Richmond. 1904 Phillips, N. Taylor.1894 A Phipps, Henry.1901 A tPhoenix, Lloyd .1887 A fPhoenix, Phillips.1887 Piderit, Marie Alma.1900 f Pierson, J. Fred.1906 Platt, Frank H.1890 Plympton, Gilbert Motier.. .1897 Poillon, William .1905 Poor, Henry W.1891 fPost, Abram S.1884 tPost, Henry A. V.1888 Potter, Frederick .1902 fPotter, Rt. Rev. Henry C., D.D.1868 Powell, William R.1902 Powell, Wilson M.1865 Pratt, Dallas B.1897 fPrentice, William P.1867 Prince, J. Dyneley.1903 Prince, Mrs. J. Dyneley..... 1903 Proctor, William Ross.1902 Pryer, Charles ...1877 Purdon, John .1895 Purdy, J. Harsen.1903 Putnam, Frederic Ward.1899 fPyle, James Tolman.1902 fPyne, M. Taylor.1888 Quintard, Edward, M.D.... 1895- Quintard, George W.1861 Rainey, Thomas, M.D.1900' Randall, William Bradley.. 1905 Randell, James Wells.1905 tRansom, J. Henry.1865 tRaven, Anton A.1901 fRead, Harmon Pumpelly.. .1885- fRead, John Meredith, jr... .1885 fRead, William A.1901 fRedmond, Mrs. Henry S... .1889 fReed, Josiah H.1865 Reid, Wallace.1904 fRhinelander, Frederic W., jr.1894 Rhinelander, Philip.1890* fRhinelander, Rev. Philip Mercer.1888 A fRhinelander, Serena.1888 Rhinelander, T. J. Oakley.. . 1896> fRhinelander, William.1857 Rhoades, John Harsen.1869' Rhoades, Lyman.1893 fRich, Joseph S.1903 Richards, Jeremiah.1899- Richardson, Rosell L.1895 Rilcer, John Jackson.1891 fRiker, John L.185ft fRiker, Samuel.188ft fRives, George L.1891 fRobb, J. Hampden.1872 fRobinson, James A.1852 f Roche, Rev. Spencer S.1887 Rock, Matthew.1902 fRockefeller, John D., jr... .1901 fRoelker, Alfred.1882 fRomaine, Louis T.1902 Roosevelt, Franklin D.1906 fRoosevelt, Robert B., jr... .1890 Root, Elihu .1873 Rothschild, Jacob.1891 fRowell, George P.1870 fRowland, H. Edwards.1874 Rowland, Thomas Fitch.1863 Rusch, Henry A.1898 fRussell, Archibald D.1874 fRussell, Charles Howland. .1884 ANNUAL AND LIFE MEMBERS. 69 Ruthrauff, Charles C.1904 fRutter, Robert .1887 Ryer, Frederick Ridabock. .1896 fRyno, Crowell H.1867 f Sabin, Joseph F.1892 Sackett, Henry Woodward.. 1904 Salter, Wm. Tibbits.1859 Sanford, George B.1905 fSanford, Henry G.1903 fSanxay, Theodore F.1904 Satterlee, F. Le Roy, M.D.. .1887 Sawyer, Philip.1901 f Schell, Edward H.1883 *tSchell, F. Robert.1867 f Schell, Mrs. F. Robert.1902 Schermerhom, Charles A... .1883 fSchieffelin, George R.1894 Schieffelin, Schuyler.1890 fSchieffelin, William Jay... .1904 fSchiff, Jacob H.1889 Schroeder, J. Langdon.1901 fSchuyler, Philip .1876 Schwab, Gustav H.1888 Scott, Edward W.1902 Scott, Walter S.1906 Scudder, Moses L.1897 Scudder, Willard.1893 f Seaman, Louis Livingston, M.D.1903 fServoss, George Hancock.. .1856 fSeton, Alfred L.1857 fSeton, Robert, D.D.1883 Seymour, Morris Woodruff. .1895 Shailer, William Griggs.. . .1906 Shaler, Alexander.1867 Sheldon, James O.1885 *f Sherman, Charles A.1888 fSherman, Mrs. Charles A.. 1902 fSherman, Corinne A.1904 f Sherman, George.1884 fSherman, John T.1889 fSherman, William Watts.. 1902 fSherwood, S. Clinton.1904 Shirley, Rufus George.1905 fShrady, John, M.D.1865 fSiegel, Mrs. Henry.1902 fSilliman, Harper.1904 fSistare, William H. M... .1870 Slade, Mrs. William Gerry.. 1903 fSlawson, George L.1902 A fSloan, Samuel.1902 fSloane, Charles W.1877 fSloane, Thomas O’Conor.. .1877 A fSloane, William D.1873 fSloane, William Milligan. .1898 Smith, Alfred H.1902 Smith, Chandler.1904 f Smith, Charles H. L.1857 fSmith, Cornelius B., D.D.. .1867 f Smith, George Williamson, D.D.1900 Smith, Hiram .1895 f Smith, Isaac P.1905 fSmith, J. Augustus .1904 Smith, James Henry.1898 Smith, L. Bayard.1901 f Smith, S. Newton.1904 fSmith, Stephen, M.D.1867 f Smith, Thomas E. Y.1888 Smith, Walter M.1885 Smith, Wm. Alexander.1858 fSmith, William Watt.1903 fSmith, William Wheeler.. .1854 fSmull, Thomas .1857 Smyth, Herbert C.1896 fSouthmayd, Charles F.1864 Spears, Harry D.1895 Speir, Archibald W.1901 A fSpeyer, James.1901 fSpofford, Paul N.1845 Squires, Grant.1905 Stanton, Mrs. John.1896 Stanton, Lucius M.1905 Stearns, John Noble.1882 fSteers, James R.1897 f Sterling, Charles Burr.1897 f Stevens, Byam K.1863 Stevens, Rev. C. Ellis.1905 f Stevens, Frederic W.1903 f Stevens, John Austin.1848 f Steward, John, jr.1857 Stewart, John A.1850 Stewart, Wm. Rhinelander. .1894 70 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. fStillman, James .1887 Stillwell, John Edwin, M.D. .1901 fStimson, Daniel M., M.D... 1903 Stimson, Mrs. Daniel M.1897 fStokes, Anson Phelps.1891 A fStokes, Caroline Phelps... 1889 fStokes, I. N. Phelps.1900 fStokes, James .1864 Stone, Mason A.1902 A fStorm, Clarence .1902 fStorm, Edna Graham.1903 fStorm, Mabel Louisa.1903 fStraus, Oscar S.1884 Sturges, Henry C.1874 A fSturges, Frederick .1880 fSturges, Rev. Isaac C.1904 Sturgis, Frank K.1900 Sturgis, Mrs. Frank K.1900 fStuyvesant, A. Van Horne. 1857 fStuyvesant, Robert Reade. .1857 fStuyvesant, Robert V. R...1857 Stuyvesant, Rutherfurd . .. .1869 fSuckley, Robert B.1896 fSuydam, Walter L.1903 fSwan, Edward H., jr.1881 fSwan, Otis D.1850 Taber, Harriette.1905 fTailer, Edward Neufville.. .1898 Taintor, Charles N.1905 Talcott, Rev. J. Frederick.. .1901 fTallmadge, William C.1864 fTaylor, George C.1857 fTaylor, Henry R.1905 fTaylor, Theodorus B.1851 Tenney, Charles H.1903 Tenney, Daniel G.1895 fTerhune, Thomas .1861 fTerry, Roderick, D.D.1882 Thompson, Alexander Ram¬ say .1906 Thompson, David W.1902 f Thompson, Frederick Diodati. 1866 *fThompson, Mrs. Frederick F.1901 Thompson, Walter, D.D.. . . 1906 fThompson, Walter Ledyard.1896 Thorn, Leonard Mortimer... 1874 fThorne, Jonathan .1857 A fThorne, Phebe Anna.1891 fThorne, Samuel .1902 fThome, Wm. Van Schoon- hoven.1897 fTiemann, Hermann N.1899 A fTilford, Frank .1902 f Tinker, James.1871 Todd, Charles Burr.1890 fTolles, Brainard .1901 fTomkins, Calvin .1905 Tompkins, Hamilton B.1874 Totten, William H. B.1897 Towne, Paul R.1904 Townsend, Mrs. Edward M. .1900 Townsend, Howard .1890 Townsend, S. DeLancey, D.D. 1902 fTrask, Spencer.1905 fTreadwell, George A.1892 fTreat, Erastus B.1893 fTrevor, Henry Graff.1893 Tuck, Edward .1877 fTucker, Edwin .1900 fTucker, Mrs. John J.1902 fTucker, Walter Curtis.1900 Tweedie, M. Stanley.1904 Ulmann, Albert .1903 fVan Alstyne, Lawrence. .. .1895 Van Amringe, Guy.1903 Van Amringe, John Howard. 1903 Van Beuren, Henry S.1892 Van Cortlandt, Augustus... 1884 *fVanderbilt, George W... .1884 A fVanderbilt, William K... .1878 fVander Veer, Albert, M.D. . 1905 Van De Water, George R., D.D.1904 Van Hoesen, George M.1885 fVan Nest, Mrs. Alexander T.1902 Van Norden, Warner.1902 Van Rensselaer, A. Cort¬ landt .1898 fVan Rensselaer, Mrs. John King.1898 ANNUAL AND LIFE MEMBERS. 71 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuy¬ ler .1902 fVan Slyck, George W.1871 fVan Vechten, A. V. W... .1858 fVan Woert, Francis G.1857 Vermilye, Ashbel G., D.D... .1893 Ver Planck, William G.1896 Villard, Oswald Garrison... 1898 fVincent, Marvin R., D.D.. .1901 A fVon Post, Herman Cas¬ per .1895 Waddington, George.1890 f Wagner, Frederic C.1903 Wait, William B., jr.1893 tWalker, Alexander .1903 fWalker, Rt. Rev. Wm. D., D.D.1865 Wandell, Francis Livingston. 1904 Wandell, Townsend.1889 tWard, Edmund A.1883 Ward, Francis E.1902 tWard, Henry Marion.1901 fWard, J. Otis .1861 fWard, Sylvester L. H.1893 Warren, William R.1902 fWaterbury, John I.i894 fWatson, Rev. J. Henry.... 1902 f Watson, Mrs. J. Henry.1903 f Watts, George Burghall. .. .1863 fWebb, Wm. Seward, M.D. .1882 f Webster, David, M.D.1889 fWebster, Sidney .1867 tWedemeyer, Arnold J. D.. .1885 tWeekes, Alice Delano.1900 fWeekes, Henry de Forest.. 1895 fWeekes, John A.1883 tWelch, Alexander M.1896 tWelles, Edgar T.1889 tWelles, Mrs. John.1902 tWelsh, Osgood .1881 tWendell, Evert Jansen.1900 Werner, Adolph.1865 f Wesley, Edward B.1857 tWetmore, Charles H.1858 fWetmore, George Peabody. 1875 Note. —In the preceding list, cates a Life Member, tWheeler, Everett P.1863 Whitaker, John E.1902 f White, Alain C.1903 White, John Jay, jr.1902 A fWhite, Mrs. Joseph M. .. .1902 fWhite, Wm. Augustus.1857 Whitman, Charles Seymour.. 1903 fWhitney, Charles A.1886 Whitridge, Frederick W... .1886 fWhittaker, Thomas .1879 Wicker, Cassius M.1902 Wiener, Frank .1896 fWilder, Louis D. V., M.D. .1864 Wilkins, Rev. Gouverneur Morris .1892 f Wilkinson, James.1887 tWillcox, David.1901 fWillets, John T.1886 fWilliams, Benjamin C.1902 fWilliams, David.1882 Wills, Charles T.1902 fWilson, George .1883 Wilson, Henry R.1902 fWilson, M. Orme.1902 fWindmuller, Louis.1891 fWinthrop, Benjamin R. .. .1857 fWinthrop, Egerton Leigh.. 1857 fWinthrop, Grenville L.1893 fWinthrop, William Neilson.1857 fWitthaus, Rudolph A., M.D.1862 fWood, Arthur King.1901 fWood, Charles F.1892 fWood, Mrs. Isaac F.1878 fWood, William H. S.1889 Woodell, Silas.1906 fWoodruff, Baker .1857 fWoodruff, Francis E.1898 Woolsey, Theodoras B.1870 fWright, John M.1857 fWyckoff, William F.1901 fWysong, John J.1902 fYoung, William Hopkins.. .1896 fYork, Edward Palmer.1902 fZabriskie, Andrew C.1881 a dagger (f) before the name indi- Patron, A Fellow. NECROLOGY. 1905 . Elected Deceased 1875 Betts, Frederick H.November 11th 1853 Brown, Stewart H.March 17th 1902 Budd, Mrs. William A.May 1st 1901 Carter, Henry C.August 19th 1867 Carter, James C.February 14th 1902 Castree, John W.July 28th 1899 Chamberlain, Jacob Chester. r .July 28th 1882 Cook, Henry H.October 10th 1850 Cooper, Edward.February 25th 1851 De Lancey, Edward Floyd.April 7th 1902 De Peyster, Elizabeth V. R.December 4th 1852 De Peyster, Frederic J.May 11th 1865 Dey, J. Warren Scott.May 4th 1868 Gebhard, William H.May 25th 1877 Hinton, John H., M.D.April 26th 1866 Hyslop, George L., M.D.February 25th 1863 Iselin, Adrian.March 28th 1902 King, Mrs. Charles Ray.November 2d 1901 Kip, William F.July 5th 1894 McCafferty, Robert .February 11th 1901 Miller, M. Rumsey.July 2d 1874 Montgomery, Thomas H.April 4th 1859 Prime, William C.February 13th 1892 Sherwood, Samuel .June 29th 1903 Short, Edward Lyman.July 30th 1902 Toler, William P.July 25th 1861 Tooker, Gabriel Mead.December 11th 1900 Treat, Edward A.October 25th 1886 Whitaker, Rev. Arthur.November 10th 1879 Whitlock, Bache McEvers.August 6th 72