HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY IN THE CITT OF GALENA, 1 1. 1, I X O I S , FKO-H TfiE ORGANIZATION OP Strangers' Union Lor e No. 14, A. D. 1826, A. L. 1826, N " TO l/\ ; AND BY-LAWS OP. .-.; v .-; MINERS' LODGE No. 273, A. F. and A, M. JO DAVIESS CHAPTER No. 51, R. A. M'S. ELY S. PARKER COUNCIL No. 60, R. S. E. and S. M'S. GALENA COMMANDERY No. 40, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. SOCIEtY TTALENA: 4AZBTTB BOOK AND JOB PRINTING BOUBK, 1874. TO THE BRETHREN OF MINERS 1 LODGE NO. 273, WITH WHOM ?O MANY PLEASANT HOURS HAVE BEEN SPENT IN THE STUDY OF THE NOBLE SCIENCE OP ANCIENT CRAFT MASONRY, AND THE APPLICATION OP THOSE THREE PRECIOUS JEWELS Or THE MASTER MASON. " FRIENDSHIP. MORALITY AND BROTHEBLY LOVE," THE BRETHREN TO WHOSE PARTIALITY TUK AUTHOR HAS BEEN SO OFTEN INDEBTED FOR DISTINGUISHED HONORS, AND BY WHOM HE HAS BEEN SO " OFT HONORED WITH SUPREME COMMAND," IS THIS WORK FRATERNALLY DEDICATED. I i BY JOHN C. SMITH, W. M. u " L i flJfHE importance of compiling the history of ill) Masonry in Galena, that the names of our early Masonic workers may be preserved to the Craft, has often been suggested by the members of Miners' Lodge No. 273. No more fitting time has presented itself than the present, when new by-laws were to be published by at least three of the four Masonic bodies in this city, and by combining all the codes in one book, the expense of a separate publica- tion is avoided, and the woik bound in a form which will insure its preservation. The value of such a record cannot be too highly estimated, embracing as it does, the names of many of the earliest and most prominent settlers of the mining regions, active alike in Masonry as they were in all the public measures of the day. The difficulties attending the writing of this 'his- tory will be better understood when it is known that the first Lodge " Strangers' Union " was organized before the arrival of the U. S. Agent, Capt. Martin Thomas, who came to take charge of the mineral lands on behalf of the Government and to lay out the " village " of Galena, two years before the publication of the first newspaper in this the Northwest. 6 \ If the Masonic record be incomplete, the brethren will bear in mind that it is owing to three reasons: First, there are no records preserved of the early meetings of Strangers' Union Lodge No. 14. Second, we have no knowledge that any member of the old Lodge is living at the present day. Third, there was no newspaper published in the lead region at that time to whose files we may refer for a record of the event. CHAPTER I. STRANGERS' UNION LODGE NO. 14 FROM 1826 TO JUNE HTH, 1829. The " History of Masonry in Illinois," written by authority of the Grand Lodge, makes no mention of a Lodge in Galena until the presenting of a petition to the Grand Lodge of Missouri Dec. 2fcth, 1838, praying that a charter be granted to the " Far West Lodge." The historian, Bro. John C. Reynolds, did all in his power to get a complete record of the Lodges chartered by the old Grand Lodge of Illinois, which became defunct in 1829, but, owing to carelessness in keeping records of Lodges, and the destruction of the Archives of the Grand Lodge by fire, many important facts connected with the early history of Masonry in this State have been lost to the Craft; and for the same reason the Craft in this city are unable to fix the date of the organization ot their first Lodge. " Strangers' Union No. 14" was the first Lodge constituted north of Fulton County and west of Lake 8 Michigan, and was regularly at work in 1826, having been authorized at the January session of the Grand Lodge of Illinois, held in the State House in the town of Vandalia. From that veteran craftsman, Bro. P, M. and Sir Knight, Capt. H. H. Gear, we learn that the names of the first officers of this Lodge were BRO LERMON PARKER, W. M. ; BRO. MOSES MEEKER, S. W.; BRO. BENSON HUNT, J. W.; BRO. L. P. VAUSBURG, Tre.-is. and BB>. JAMES HARRIS, Sec., and that his brother Charles Gear was present in 1826, when it was constituted. The most laborious research of papers and enquiries of the only living Masons, Bros. H H. Gear a:id 0. C. P. Hunt, who appear of record as frequent visitors in 1827, fail to give the desired information as tj when this Lodge was organized . The first authentic record of " Strangers' Union Lodge No. 14 '' bears date April 21st, 1827, and is as follows : GALENA, April 21st, A. L. 5827. "Strangers' Union Lodge No. 14 met pursuant to adjournment. Mem- bers present, Chas. Gear, W. M.; James Harris, S. W pro. tern.; Benson Hunt, J. W.; L. P. Vausburg, Treas : (. \V. Britton, Sec. ; M. Meeker. 8. D ; M. Faucette, J. D.; \v. Spear, Tyler, and Bro. Daniel Moore. On motion of Bro. Harris: Resolved, That the sum of ten dollars be paid for the first or Entered Apprentice degree, five dollars far the Fellow Craft degree, and ten dol- lars for the Alnster Mason degree. Bro Sec. presented the petition of John J. Chandler, which was read and referred to a Committee of Bros. Meeker. Harris and Vausbnrg. On motion of Bro. Harris: Resolved, That Bro. Meeker be authorized to procure a suitable Lodge room. On motion of Bro. Harris: Resolved, That tne regular communication of this Lodge be held on the Thursday of or preceeding the full moon in each month. On motion of Bro. Harris: Resolved, That Bro. Sec. he authorized to procure necessary stationery for the Lodge. On motion of Bro. Britton: 9 Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to examine petitions and applications for membership. Bros. Harris, Hunt and Vansburg were appointed the committee. On motion of Bro Britton: Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to revise our By-Laws, and report amendments at our next, regular communication. Bros. C. Gear, M. Meeker and G. W. Britton were appointed the committee. Lodge closed in harmony." This is the first record we find of a regular charter- ed Lodge. The motions to fix the fees for degrees, time of meeting, and rent a suitable room to meet in, would seem to indicate that the Lodge had been but recently organized, but the last motion, " that a com- mittee be appointed to revise our By-Laws and report amendments," taken with the statement of Bro. H. H. Gear, " we had no regular place of meeting. The Lodge was poor and rents high," are satisfactory prouf to us that this Lodge was at work as early as 1826. No later record of the old Grand Lodge of Illinois has been found than January 10th, 1826, at which session charters were granted to Illion Lodge No. 12 and Frontier Lodge No. 13. The latter atLewiston, Fulton County. In Bro. Reynolds' history of " Masonry in Illinois," we find two more Lodges re- corded, Nos. 14 and 15. The former named " La- Fayette," the latter " Sangamou ; " locations unknown. This statement is incorrect, as the records of the session of January, 1826, show that charters were granted to Nos. 12 and 13, and no subsequent record having been found there can be no doubt that No, 14 was our Galena Lodge " Strangers' Union," for which a dispensation may have been granted in said ses- 10 sion, as charters are not granted until the ability of the officers and brethren to do good and true Ma- sonic work has been fully tested. We are more in- clined, however, to believe that a regular charter was granted at this session from the fact that the No. "14" is borne upon all the records of " Strangers' Union Lodge." The absence of any later record of the " Old " Grand Lodge of Illinois, the loss by fire in the build- ing of the Galena Branch of the State Bank of Illinois of the charter, early records and papers of" Strang- ers' Union" Lodge, and the change In officers from those named by Bro. Capt. H. H. Gear, which prop- erly took place in December, 1826, are satisfactory evidence that the banner of Ancient Craft Masonry was first unfurled and the fires kindled upon its alter in the city of Galena as early as the summer of 1826. The next regular communication w;>s held May llth, when we find recorded the names of two visi- tors who have since taken an active part in the affairs of this city, one of whom, Dr. A. T. Crow, has passed the " Grand Tyler" and been admitted in the Grand Lodge above. The other is still an honored brother among us, Capt. H. H. Gear. Mr. John J. Chandler was made an E. A. A reso- lution was adopted admitting any brother to member- ship who " assisted at the instituting of the Lodge " on the payment of one dollar and fifty cents, the cost to the original members. These meetings were held in the month of June. Several petitions were acted 11 upon and work done in the E. A. degree. Bro. Dr. A. Philleo, for many years afterward a prominent citizen, appears as a visitor. Officers were elected on the 23d as follows: Chas. Gear, W. M. ; Benson Hunt, S. W. ; Jas. Smith, J. W. ; James Harris, Treas. ; Joseph Hardy, Sec. One meeting was held in July and another com- mittee appointed " to secure a proper Lodge room." Aug. 2d. Lodge met. Officers installed and sev- eral brothers elected on demit. A curious custom prevailed as appears from these old records, of sus- pending sections 18 and 21 of their by-laws, that a ballot might be spread upon petitions the night of presentation. This was a clear violation of one of the " old regulations " approved St. John the Baptist's day, 1721, which reads thus: "No man can be ac- cepted a member of a particular Lodge without pre- vious notice one month, before given to the Lodge, in order to make due enquiry into the reputation and capacity of the candidate, unless by a Dispensation." By-Laws were also suspended for the purpose of Passing and Raising, without having first passed an examination as to proficiency in Masonic knowledge. This also was improper and in violation of old regula- tions. Yet good and true men were these old Masons coming together from every locality in the mining region, their Master from the upper waters of "Fevre" River near Shullsburg, and many from Mineral Point, Platteville and Dubuque, Wisconsin " Territory," Elizabeth, Savanna and other distant points in our 12 own State, all actuated by the same earnest love of Masonry which has distinguished its votaries from time immemorial. The next^communication was in October, when we find the name of another brother record -d as a visi- tor, Dr. H. Newhall, since deceased. A man and a Mason long and well known for his active labors in the cause of humanity, a skillful physician and a prac- tical philanthropist. Bro. Newhall joined this Lodge on demit, and for many years was an active member of the Masonic fraternity. Two of his sons have re- ceived light in Miners' Lodge No. 273, and found companionship in Jo Daviess Chapter No. 51. Israel Mitchell was iniated. November 1st, Bro. John J. Chandler, the fiist initiate of the Lodge, was Passed and Raised. Two other meetings for general work were held during the month. December 16th and 27th, Lodge met and did work in the E. A. degree. At the latter meeting, T. B. Farnsworth, a brother long an active member of all subsequent Lodges in this city, was initiated. January 31st, A. L. 5828 three brothers were Passed, one of whom was Bro. Farnsworth. At the meetings in March and April the work was of a gen- eral character and in the several degrees. May 29th an election of officers was had, resulting as follows : Moses Meeker, W. M. ; Daniel Murphy, S. W. ; M. Faucette, J. W. ; Jas. Harris, Treas. ; J. J. Chandler, Sec. These officers were initiated June 13 3d, and the following appointments made: Bro. F. S. Clopton, S. D. ; Bro. R. R. Holmes, J. D. A com- mittee was appointed to " procure a suitable room for our next regular communication." This committee failing to report, another one was appointed July 24th, with orders to rent for *' four months or a year ! " Evidence of prosperity is here indicated in the presentation of three petitions: One from J. H. Rountree, since a prominent citizen of Wisconsin. And the Craft were fully justified in their desperation to incur so great a liability as the renting of a room lorfour months, or even one year. The W. M., Moses Meeker, presented his bill of 196.24, money paid out for the Craft, which on mo- tion of P. M. Chas. Gear, was ordered paid " out of money not otherwise appropriated." Now as special orders had been drawn for almost every article which could have been desired or re- quired for the work of the Lodge, we may reasonably infer that this sum of money was for " refreshments" had at the recent installation. Further evidence of prosperous times is found in the order to print 200 copies of the By-Laws, by Mr. Jones, for which they paid the sum of $25. Here is the first record of a Printing Office >n Galena. Records of this meeting are attested by Moses Meeker W. M., and J. J. Chandler, Sec. From July until Dec. the records are missing. Sunday Dec. 1st, a Lodge of sorrow was held and preparations made to attend the funeral of Bro. 14 Thos. H. January. Officers all present except treas- urer, which office Bro., H. Newhall was called upon to fill ami Bro., A. Philleo that of S. D. All arrangements being perfected, the Lodge ad- journed until Monday, Dec., 1st, at 9 o'clock A. M. The records of this meeting exhibit so fully the spirit of Masonry as exemplified by the brethren of " Strangers' Union Lodge " that we give them in full : "MONDAY, Dec. 2d, A. L. 5828, 9 o'clock. " Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. " The Lodge then proceeded to take charge of the funeral of Bro. Thos. H. January, who was buried according to the Ancient Masonic custom. "Visiting Brethren A bner Fields, A. T. Crow, H. H. Gear, Jas. Douglass, of Davis Lodge No. 22, Lexington, Woodbridge, L. Frank- lin, Union Lodge No 7, Mo., and Morris Holmes, of Morning Lodge, Albany. " Moved and seconded, that a committee of five be appointed to remove the body of our deceased brother's wife to the place of his interment. The following were the committee: Bros. A. T. Crow, A. Philleo, Jas. Harris, Abner Fields and M. Faucette. " Lodge closed in Harmony. " J. J. CHANDLER, Sec. " M. MEEKER, Master.' We regret that the Secretary forgot that good Ma- sonic usuage, which requires that the names of all the brethern present be recorded, as there is no doubt but there was a large attendance; and that this was the first funeral in the great north-west where the solemn and beautiful rites of Free Masonary were ob- served. December 13th, the W. M. read an address relative to the propriety of surrendering the charter. On mo- tion it was resolved, "that the charter be retained and G. L. dues paid for 1827-8." The usual committee was appointed "to procure a suitable Lodge room." December 20th, Brother Fields, Harris and Gear, 15 were appointed a committee "to make arrangements for celebrating the 27th, by providing a dinner, and obliging some brother to deliver an address." Here is how they celebrated "Saturday December 27th, A. L. 5828." " Lodge met pursuant to adjournment, when the brethren proceeded to celebrate this day in due and ancient form. "On motion of Bro. Chandler and seconded by Bro. Hunt, that Bros. A and B be not permitted to walk in procession to-day. Carried by a unanimous vote of the Lodge." The Lodge then proceeded to celebrate the day (parade we presume,) and then adjourned until 6 o'clock P. M., when it again convened pursuant to adjournment. b: On motion the 31st section of the By-Laws was dispensed with for the time being. Bro. Sec. presented and read the petition of Benjamin Dolrey for Masonry. Keferred to a committee of Bros. Murphy, Harris and Hnnt. " The Lodge was then opened in the 2d degree and proceeded to con- fer the b\ C. degree upon tiros. Barrel and Morse. "Bro. Sec. presented and read the petition of D. B. Morehonse for Masonry, which was referred to a committee of Bros. Holmes, Hunt and Chandler 'On motion, Bros Ch.ndler, Holmes and Faucette were appointed a commi.ttee to get bro. Chas. (jear to lecture from day to day, until the irethren had made such advance as would enable them to work. 'Visiting brethren Bros. Abner Fields, Jas Clark, Charles C. P. Hunt. If. H. Gear, Jonathan Brown, Culver Woodburn, A. Philleo, H. Newhall, Eliot Kerney, Philip Rosobrough, of Western Star Lodge No. 1, Kaskaskia, Thos. Moore, Edon Lodge No. 11, and Root, Adams, of Union Lodge No. 7. " Lodge closed in Harmony." Our curiosity being excited to know why those two bros. " A " and " B " were " not permitted to walk in the procession " we have made repeated en- quiries of Bros. H. H. Gear and C. C. P. Hunt, but they have as steadily refused, and ask the indulgence of the Craft for the refusal, pleading that they were the guests ol Strangers' Union Lodge on that occa- sion, and that it would be improper and discourteous to disclose anything which took place during that 16 " celebration in due and ancient form, Dec. 27th, 1828." Remembering the social customs of those early days, from which not even our fraternity was exempt and the fact, that Galena was a frontier town, outside the pale fall oi civlization, we submit, that the brethren were excusable for being tired so early in the day, and thus getting excused from joining in the process- ion, January 2nd, A. L. 5829. D. B. Morehouse for many years so well known as Captain Morehouse was initiated. Brother Morehouse took an active part in Masonry until his death in 1870, holding membership al that time in Miner's Lodge No. 273 and Jo Daviess Chapter No. 51. On the 3rd inst., Brothei T. B. Farnsworth, also a member of the above named Lodge and Chapter at the time of his death, was raised to the sublime de- gree of Master Mason. Here occurs a period oi unusal prosperity and press of work reminding the brethern of Miner's Lodge of the charge so often made, that they frequently work "eight nights in the week." To this we may plead guilty, with this qualification, that we do not, never have, and never will do other work on the Sabbath, than that of a Lodge of sorrow. Our brethern of Strangers' Union Lodge did not however hesitate to do general work, and confer degrees on the Sabbath, and we for one say. they were excusable. Situated as they were at that early day, we doubt if there was any 17 more proper place, in which our brethren could con- gregate, or more durable work in which to engage than that to be found in the work of a Masonic Lodge. January 4th, the Lodge was in session and on the 7th, Brother James Craig was elected on demit. Sunday llth, Brother Morehouse, Crafted. 12th, Brother Morse Raised. 13th, Brother Block Crafted. Many visitors were present, among wh,om was Bro. Samuel Smoker, of Philanthropic Lodge, No. 104, who afterwards be- came a member on demit. A petition was received from Mr. William Hempstead, an active business man and prominent citizen, whose generous liberality as a Mason, during the remainder of his life, only equaled by his love for the church with which he was con- nected. Jan. 14th, Wm. Hempstead elected and initiated. Jan. 16th, Bro. E. Black raised. Jan. 17th, Bro. D. B. Morehouse raised. Jan. 31st, work in E. A. degree, and Bro. Newhall joined on demit. Sunday, Feb. 1st, Bro. Wm. Hempstead crafted. Feb. 14th and 15th, Lodge met for work in E. A. and F. C. degrees. From this time Bro. James Craig became the Secretary, and the minutes show much care and are beautifully written. Bro. Craig afterwards settled in Wappelo, now Hanover, where he died honored by all who knew him. March 14th and 21st, work in all of the degrees. Bro. J. H. Rountree raised. 18 March 22d, Bros. Win. Hempstead and Peter Prim were examined in open Lodge as to their pro- ficiency in the firsi two degrees of Masonry, which proved satisfactory. This is the first record we have of an examination. Bros. Hempstead and Prim were then raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . March 27th, Lodge met and arranged to inter Bro. F. S. Clopton with Masonic honors. March 30th, work on E. A. degree. April 18th, we find an order of $8.00 drawn in favor of Bro. Wm. Hempstead to nay for " music at funeral of Bro. F. S. Clopton," also the following good thing, which is a contract with the Tyler, de- fining his duties and emoluments : " The committee appointed to procure a Tyler, reported that Bro . James Harris would accept the station and perform the duties on the following terms: One dollar for each meeting, 50 cents for summoning the members in town to special meetings and serving process from the Lodge, the same fees as the sheriff is allowed for serving summons. His duties will be to tile the Lodge, keep the room in order, have wood and can- dles supplied at the expense of the Lodge, and when the clothing wants washing, he is to procure it done the Lodge to pay on his order for the same." May 14th, Lodge met for general work. June llth, A. L. 5829, A. D. 1829. At this communrcation of the Lodge, a resolution was adopted postponing the election of officers, and agreeing that 19 all the officers should hold over. This is no doubt one of the main causes why the Lodge soon ceased to work, which it certainly did, no more records of its meetings being found. When the brethren of a Lodge arrive at the conclusion that they cannot make any change in their officers, they are then as certain to destroy their Lodge as a brother is to de- stroy his usefulness when he believes the Lodge can- not exist without his services. The next worst thing to re-electing the same officers year after year, is to have them " hold over," and the Masonic body which will do this must sooner or later surrender its char- ter. This resolution was offered : ''Resolved. That we return our charter to the O. M. or D. G. M. of Illinois, and apply to the G. L. of Missouri fora new one." The further consideration of this question was postponed until the 18th inst. The strictest search and most diligent enquiry fail to give any further light upon the doings of "Strangers' Union Lodge." Whether it died be- cause of failure to hold the annual election ; because the G. L. of Illinois had become defunct, or because of the storm of fanaticism which was then abroad in the land, we cannot tell. Perhaps it was all three combined. Suffice it to say, that Galena was not long without a Masonic Lodge. But we anticipate we have been thus full in our history of " Strangers' Union Lodge No. 14," the first Lodge in the " North West" that the brethren of Miners' Lodge should know to whom they were indebted for the early introduction of Masonry in this frontier town. To 20 complete this record, we give the names of all borne upon the records as members, the names of all who were Initiated, Passed or Raised, together with the names and address of all visitors, so far as recorded : MEMBERS NAMES. Lemon Parker, Charles Gear, James Harris, Benson Hunt, L. P. Vausburg, Moses Meeker, M. Faucette, W. Spear. G. W. Britton, Daniel Moore, Clayne, James Smith, Thos. H. January, Jos. Hardy, R. R. Holmes, Alben T. Crow, Jas. A. Clark, John O. Hancock John Colter, W. F. Maneyen, F. S. Clopton, James Craig, Sarnl. Smoker, E. Welch, Horatio Newhall. INITIATED . R. P. Guyard, Saml. Jamison, J. R. Vineyard. Jesse B. Williams, J. P. B. Gratiot. INITIATED AND PASSED . A. C. Caldwell, Israel Mitchell, John Barrell, Lieut. Christopher, C. Hobert, U. S. A. INITIATED, PASSED AND RAISED. John J. Chandler, E. Block, Danl. Murphy, T. B. Farnsworth, J. R. Hamraett Peter Prim, L. R. M. Morse, D. B. Morehouse Win. Hempstead J. H. Rountree. VISITORS . Capt. H. H. Gear, L. Hadley, Gov. John Wood, Benj. Burbridge, Swallow, John Johnson, A. Philleo, Keiialy Friar, E . Brigham, 21 Blanchard, N. F. Smith, asonry, its friendly and social tie; its grand charities, which, silent and unseen, like the dews of heaven, were carrying blessings to the needy throughout the world, was in exceeding good taste, and unansweiable, while his calm and cut- ting sarcasm of tnose who, through "meicenary motives, or willful ig- norance,' 1 vainly assailed the granite walls of truth presented by Free Masonry, was no doubt prompted by the presence of a known maligner of the cralt, one who had not come for the purpose of receiving light, or to reply by argument Bros. Daniel Wann, a Mason of 45 years, S. O. Stillman and others, were then introduced, adding interest to the occasion. p. M. H . H. GEAR moved the audience to tears wiih his eloquence, calling down the bless- ings of heaven upoi all and as the divine love rested upon all those be- longing (> the hcuse in which the Ark of the Covenant rested, eo this gall'nt old soldier of 1812. veteran Mason of sixty years and valient ' emplar prayed for that love to rest upon al! entering the portals of Free Masonry. I oking upon the stalwart form of him over whoce honored head the summers of eighty -four years have passed, his brethren of the craft were moved to tears, he who had graced the "East" and honored with his presence, every Lodge organized in this city from "Strangers' Union" in 1827, to ''Miners" must soon pass "to that rest prepared from the foundation of the world." DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. Rev. Bro. Josepk Crummer. Rev. A. C. Smith, Rev. J P. Yatee, Hon. James G. Soulard. Hon. EV Stahl, Hon. Bro. H. S. Townsend, Hon. K. H. McClellan, Hon. Thomas J. Sheean, Mayor of the city, John Lor- rain, N. Stahl and many others of our prominent and oldest citizens 59 While of the fair sex who graced the occasion with their presehce, space will not permit us to do them justice. The Galena (layette, the family newspaper of the Northwest, without which, no Galenian can keep house was spoken of as the source of all news, and as the Editor was present and suppose'! to know a little of everything, he was loudly called for and introduced. Bro. J. B. Brown made a brief response, and closed by informing the audience that as he was an Editor, he spoke only through the columns of his paper, and would be happy to 'tell them all about it in the Gazette." "Burn's Farewell" was then rendered by the Galena Musical Union, the brethren all singing. The Benediction by 'the Rev. Bro. B. M. Downing, followed after which the audience lingered in seeming regret that the exercises were ended. All feeling that it were g.iod to be there. The Musical UL ion sang "The Lord is King," with feeling effect. The audience were '.hen dismissed by W. M., J. O. Smith, who on behalf of the 'Praters" of Galena, thanked the Brethren of the Lodges of Jo Daviess 'ounty, Hazel Green and Shullsbnrg, large delegations from each of which were present, the ladies and gentlemen of Galena, hut particularly Prof. E. Kempter, musical director, Bros. K. Seal. W. Ford and other gentlemen, and especially Mrs. Ford, Miss Bachelor and the ladies of the Galena Musical Union, expressing a hope that all might live long to grace the public receptions and installations of the Masonic Fiaternity of Galena. NEW MASONIC HALL DESCRIP ! ION OF THE BUILDING. The various Masonic bodies of Galena have purchased of Mr. Henry Corwith the two large and substantial brick buildings on Main S'.reet, next north of the bank of Galena, and have already commenced the work of fitting them up for an elegant Masonic Hall. The deed has been made and the entire amount of purchase money paid down, so that the Fraternity commence the improvements free from debt, "'he buildings are among the most substantially constructed edifices on Main Street. On the the Main Street front they are four stories high, and five stories on Bench, with an area of 70x36 feet. The two stores on Main Street will be rented for mercantile purposes, together with the room over each, which disposes of the two lower stories. The third and fourth floors will t>e converted into one story, and here will be the handsome Masonic Hall which is to comprise an area of 45x30 feet and 18 feet high. It will be -handsomely finished in black and white walnut, with frescoed ceilings, and will be lighted with a double cone reflecting ventilator, with twenty-four gas jets. This is on the Main Street front. The three upper stories of the Bench Street front will be thrown into two stories. On the first floor of these two, will be the Tyler's room, 13x17, and the preparation room, armory and Prelate Cham- ber, which will be 17x22. These rooms are 11 feet high. Above these are two banquet halls, each 17x22. Alongside the main hail, and running parallel with it, lengthwise, is an area of 50x6 feet, which will be occu- pied as guard rooms, and Commandery closets for storing the uniforms and equipments of the Knights Templars, the doors having large pannels of French plate glass. All the Masonic apartments will t>e handsomely frescoed with appropriate Masonic designs, The work will be in progress during this winter, but as good plastering work cannot be done at this season of the year, the improvement* wifi not be completed till spring. It is believed that this will be the finest and most complete Masonic Hall west of Chicago. The plan was con- ceived, and the purchase of the buildings effected by Gen. J. C. Smith, who is the presiding officer in each of the four Masonic bodies. CHARTER OF MINERS LODGE, No. 273. 'Sit Lux. Et. Lux, Fuit: The Most Worshipful Ira A. W. Buck, Esq., Grand Master of the Most Honorable Society of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of the State of Illinois : To all and every our Right Worshipful Living Brethren SEND GEKET- INO : KNOW YE, That we, at the petition of our Right Honorable and be- loved Brethren Ely S. Parker, E. W.Turner, M. Y.Johnson, Geo. M. Mitchell, Samuel Krazer, Geo. G Gould, and M. P. Silverburgh, and sev- eral otber Brethren residing in or near Galena, in the County of -Jo Da- viess and State of Illinois, do hereby constitute the said Brethren irto a Regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, to be opened at the afore- said Galena, by the name of Miners' Lodge, No. 273, and do further, at the said petition and of the great trust, and confidence reposed in the above named Brethren hereby appoint Ely S, Parker, Master, E. W. Tur- nar, Senior Warden, and M. Y- Johnson, Junior Warden, for opening said Lodge, and for such time only as may be thought proper by the Brethren thereof. It being our will that our appointment shall in no wise effect any future election of Officers of that Lodge, but that the same shall b according to the Regulations of the Lodge, and consistent with the general Laws of the Society, contained in the Book oi Constitutions. And we do hereby require you. the said Ely S. Parker, to take special care that all and every, the said Brethren, "are or have been regularly made Masons, and that they do perform and observe and keep all the Rules and Orders contained in the Book of Constitutions, and aleo such as may from time to time be transmitted to you from us. And further, ^hat you do trom time to time cause to be entered in a book to be kept for that purpose, an account of your proceedings in this Lodge, together with such Regulations as shall )e made for the good government thereof, a copy of which, you arc in no wise to omit laying before the Grand Lodge once in each year, together with a list of the members of the Lodge. Tha_t you annually pay into the Grand Treasury such sums as may be required of you towards the Grand Lodge fund. And moreover, We hereby join and require of you, the said Ely S. Parker, as soon as conveniently may be to send an account in writing of what shall be done by order of these presents. Given at Springfield, under our hand and seal of Masonry this sixth day of October, A. L. 5858, A. D. 1858. (SIGNED) IRA A. W. BUCK, G. M. F, M.BLAIR, D. G. M. A. J. KUYKENDAtL, S.G W. 8. C. Toler, S. G. W. Attested. W. G. REYNOLDS, [SEAL] Grand Secretary. !B. Y-X. A.W Sfc OF MINERS' LODGE OF- ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, CHARTER GRANTED OCTOBER 6, 1858. STATED COMMUNICATIONS ON FIRST AND THIRD FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH, In Masonic Hall, Galena, Illinois BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. NAME. SEC. 1. This Lodge shall be known by the name of MINERS' LODGE, No. 273, Ancient Free and Accep- ted Masons. ARTICLE II. OF WHOM CONSISTING. Sec. 1. This Lodge shall consist of a Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior Deacon, and Junior Deacon, Chap- lain, two Stewards, a Tyler, and such brethren as may be constitutionally admitted members. ARTICLE III. OF OFFICERS. SEC . 1 . The Worshipful Master, Wardens, Treas- urer and Secretary, shall be elected at the regular com- munication, next before the lestival of St. John, the Evangelist, in each ye.^r, (Dec. 27,) and shall be in- stalled at the same or some special communication, on or before Saint John's day, Dec. 27, of each year, and shall hold their offices until their successors shall be duly installed . Sec. 2. In all elections a majority of the whole 63 number of votes given shall be necessary to a choice. SEC. 3. The Senior Deacon, Chaplain and Tyler shall be appointed by the Worshipful Master, the Jun- ior Deacon -by the Senior Warden, and the Stewards by the Junior Warden. All other officers and all committees shall be appointed by the Worshipful Mas- ter. ARTICLE IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. SEC. 1. The Worshipful Master shall preside at all meetings of the Lodge; shall have charge of the Dispensation or Charter, which he shall have present in the Lodge when open; shall see that the Ancient Constitutions and Landmarks, and that the Constitu- tion, laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge are obeyed, and that the officers and members faithfully perform their Masonic duties. SEC. 2. The Worshipful Master shall have the right to call special communications; to open, close,or call off the Lodge at pleasure, but shall not permit appeals to be taken from his decisions on any ques- tions, he being ameanable for his conduct in the gov - eminent of the Lodge to the Grand Lodg<; or Grand Master only. SEC. 3. All other duties of the Master shall be such as are required by Masonic usage, and our time- honored Masonic Ritual. SEC. 4. The Wardens shall assist the Worshipful Master in conducting the business of the Lodge. In the absence or disability of the Master, the Senior 64 Warden shall preside, and shall, for the time being, be entitled to all his privileges, and shall be vested with all his powers. In the absence or disability of the Master and Senior Warden, the Junior Warden shall succeed to the same rights, powers and privi- leges, and in the absence of the Master and both War- dens the Lodge cannot be opened for any purpose, except by the Grand Master or his Special Deputy. SKC. 5. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys from the hands of the Secretary, and give his receipt therefor. He shall pay all orders and bills drawn on him by the Worshipful Master, with the consent of the Lodge, when attested by the Secretary. He shall keep an exact record of all his acts appertaining to his office, in a suitable book procured for that pur- pose, and shall at all times hold his accounts, vouch- ers and funds, subject to the inspection of the Mas- ter, Lodge, or its authorized committee; and shall be fore entering upon the duties ot his office, give a bond with good security, for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, to be approved by the first three officers of the Lodge. SEC. 6. The Secretary shall keep a true and cor- rect record of all the proceedings of the Lodge prop- er to be written, and preserve in appropriate files all papers and documents relating thereto; issue all no- tices when required ; make the necessary returns to the Grand Lodge; receive all moneys paid into the Lodge, and pay the same over to the Treasurer, tak- ing his receipt therefor. He shall be exempt from 65 dues, and receive in addition thereto, $1.00 for each meeting of the Lodge, 25 cents for each Demit, and $1.00 for each Diploma, to be paid by the applicant, together with such other compensation for extra ser- vices as the Lodge may from time to time determine. SEC. 7. The Tyler shall tyle the Lodge faithful- ly, go on errands, attend the sittings of committees, if required, serve summons, and keep the Lodge and ante-rooms, with all their furniture, neat and in good order. He shall receive $1.00 lor each communica- tion of the Lodge, or meeting of its committees, and be exempt from all dues. SEC. 8. The Master and Wardens shall constitute a standing committee, whose duty it shall be to exam- ine and adjust all accounts presented to the Lodge, to compare and audit the Treasurer and Secretary's ac- count, when necessary, and report on the same. It shall be their duty to hear and settle private difficul- ties between members; and in case of the sickness of a brother, they shall see that said brother is furnish- ed with suitable comforts, together with medical aid watchers if necessary; also, to afford assistance to the needy and distressed Mason, his widow and or. phatis, when they may think it necessary and pru- dent. They may draw on the Treasurer for any sum not exceeding $10.00 at any one time, and shall re- port all their proceedings to the Lodge. SEC. 9. No brother shall be elected Master who has not been duly elected, installed, and served as Warden, except in case of emergency, and then by 66 authority by dispensation from the Grand Master* ARTICLE V. VACANCIES. SEC. 1. In case of the death, removal, suspension or expulsion of either of the Wardens, Treasurer, Sec- retary, or Senior Deacon, the vacancy shall be sup- plied by appointment of the Master. A vacancy in the office of Junior Deacon shall be supplied by the Senior Warden. A vacancy in the office of Steward shall be supplied by the Junior Warden. All other vacancies shall be supplied by the Master. SEC 2. No officer shall resign or Demit after he has been duly installed. ARTICLE VI. OF MEMBERSHIP. SEC. 1. Master Masons, after producing a proper Demit may be admitted to membership in this Lodge, upon petition, regularly recommended in writing, at a regular meeting, after a favorable report of a commit- tee of inquiry, at the regular communication thereaf- ter, and a unanimous ballot of the members present, and on paying the sum ol$5.00. SEC. 2. Candidates applying for admission shall be men " under the tongue of good report;" of good moral character, and believers in God; twenty-one years of age; upright in body, with the senses and or- gans of men, and not deformed or dismembered; in the full possession of their moral and intellectual fac- 67 ulties; in the unrestrained enjoyment of civil and per- sonal liberty, and this, too, by the birthright of inheri- tance, and not in consequence of release of them- selves or immediate progenitors from hereditary bon- dage. SEC. 3. Every petition for initiation in this Lodge shall be in writing, and shall be presented and read at a regular communication ; shall be accompanied with a fee of $5 .00, and shal: be referred to a commit- tee of three members, who shall carefully examine in- to the character and standing of the petitioner, and make report thereof at the second regular communi- cation hereafter. SEC . 4 . Upon the report of the committee, wheth- er favorable or unfavorable, the Lodge shall, at the same or some subsequent regular communication, pro- ceed to ballot. SEC. 5. No ballot for any purpose shall be taken at any but a regular communication, unless by author- ity of a Dispensation from the Grand Master. SEC. 6. In balloting for candidates for initiation or for membership, all members of the Lodge present shall vote, for according to an old regulation, " no man can be entered a brother in any particular Lodge, or admitted to be a member thereof, without the unan- imous consent of all the members of that Lodge then present when the candidate is proposed;" nor shall a member be excused from the performance of this im- portant duty, except by the unanimous consent of all the members present. No Mason shall be required 68 by the Master or Lodge to give his reasons for the vote which he has deposited. SEC. 7. After the ballot has been taken and duly examined, first, by the Wardens an I finally by the Mas- ter, the result shall be declared by the Master. In case of a negative vote, the Master may order a sec- ond, and even a third passing of the ballot, to avoid the possibility of a mistake; but when declared as aforesaid, shall in all cases be final and cannot be set aside. SEC. 8. It shall not be in order to move the re- consideration of a ballot which has been declared on the petition of a candidate for initiation or member- ship, neither shall the Master entertain any such mo- tion at any time. SEC. 9. No candidate shall receive more than one degree on the same day, nor shall a higher degree be conferred on any brother at a less interval than four weeks from his receiving a previous degree without special Dispensation from the Grand Master; nor un- less he has passed a satisfactory examination in open Lodge on the degree or degrees taken . SEC. 10. All Masons, raised to the sibiime degree of Master Mason, and all Master Masons admitted as members, after signing the By-Laws, shall be entitled to all the rights of membership in this Lodge. ARTICLE VII. FEES AND DUES. SEC. 1. The fees for the Degrees conferred in this Lodge shall be as follows : 69 For that of Entered Apprentice, $15 . 00 For that of Fellow Craft, 10. 00 For that of Master Mason, 10.00 And in no case shall the three degrees be conferred for a less sum than $35.00, and the fees shall in all cases be received before the candidate shall be initiated. A Fellow Craft having received the second degree in any other Lodge, shall pay $5. 00 in addition to the regular fee for raising, and the same shall accompany his petition . SEC. 2. In all cases where an application for ini- tiation is rejected, the money shall be returned, with information of the rejection ; which information shall in no case be communicated by any member of this Lodge, or any visitor who may be present, to one not a Mason, under the penalty, in the former case, of ex- clusion from the Lodge; in the latter, of never again being admitted to visit. The same shall apply to the disclosure of any of the proceedings of the Lodge. The Worshipful Master shall frequently cause this sec- tion to be read in open Lodge. Sec. 3. Every member shall pay $3.00 per annum in advance as Lodge dues, and if not paid within the year, such member shall not be entitled to vote at the annual election, and shall be ineligible to office. The year shall commence on the first day of Jan- uary. Each member who is one year in arrears for dues, and still neglects to pay, after due notice from the Secretary, may be indefinitely suspended, unless from indigence, or other good reason, by a unanimous 70 vote of the Lodge he shall be exempted from payment. ARTICL VIII. DEMITS. SEC. 1. Master Masons, members in good stand- ing, free from charges and not in arrears for dues,shall be entitled to Demits for one only of the following reasons, (upon the payment of fees :) First, In;case of residence without the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Illinois. Second, In case of a desire to join another Lodge in the same city or town, or a Lodge nearer to the resi- dence of the applicant than this Lodge. Third, In case of a desire to assist in the forma- tion of a new Lodge. SEC. 2. Members of the Lodge in good standing shall be entitled to a Lodge diploma on paying to the Secretary the cost of the same, and the fee of one dollar. All applications for Demits shall be made in writ- ing, signed by the applicant, be presented to the Lodge at a stated communication. Shall be read in open lodge, and lie over until the next or some subse- quent stated meeting, when if the applicant's dues are paid, and there are no charges against him, a Demit may be granted by a vote of the majority of the mem- bers present. ARTICLE IX. MEETINGS . SEC. 1. The regular communications of this Lodge shall be held on the First and Third Fridays of each 71 month. The hours for working shall be from Y o'clock until 10 o'clock in the evening. SEC. 2. The Lodge shall in all cases proceed to open within fifteen minutes after the stated time for assembling if a sufficient number ot Masons be present. ARTICLE X. DISCIPLINE AND JURISDICTION. SEC. 1. This Lodge has full power and authority to exercise penal jurisdiction over all Masons, unaffil- iated, or affiliated, as well as members of this Lodge, within its jurisdiction, for violation ot moral and Ma- sonic law. SEC. 2. All Masons are bound by their tenure to obey both the moral and Masonic law, for every Ma- son should live honestly, injure nobody, and render to every one their just due; should conform to the rules specified in the Ancient Charges, and follow the mor- al and Masonic precepts laid down in our time-hon- ored ritual forms and^ceremonies; hence,profanity, im- piety, neglect of social and domestic duties, murder, cruelty, adultery, dishonesty, perjury, malevolence, falsehood, coveteousness, gambling, drunkenness, and the numerous other vices injuriously affecting the re- lations of man to God, his neighbor and himself; un- seemingly or irreverent conduct in the Lodge; private piques and quarrels, brought into the Lodge; impru. dent conversation in relation to Masonry in the pres- ence of uninitiated strangers; withholding relief when applied for by a worthy brother; wrangling, quarrel- ing, backbiting and slander; improper revelations; un- 72 due solicitations for candidates; angry and over-zeal- ous arguments in favor of Masonry with its enemies; all acts tending to impair the unsullied purity of the order; want of reverence for, and obedience to Mason- ic supriors; expressing contemptuous opinions of the original rulers and patrons of Masonry, or of the insti- tution itself; countenancing irnposters; holding Ma- sonic intercourse with clandestine Masons; or visiting irregular lodges; are, all and each, violations of mor- al and Masonic law, and are, thereiore, Masonic crimes, for which the perpetrators shall be amenable to Ma- sonic punishment. SBC. 3. The Masonic punishment which may and shall be inflicted by this Lodge for the moral and Ma- sonic crimes thus specified, shall be in either one of the following grades, to-wit : 1st. Reprimand. 2d. Definite Suspension. 3d. Indefinite suspension, 4th. Expulsion from the Lodge, and consequently expulsion from all the rights and privileges of Masonry. SEC. 4. AH trials in this Lodge shall be as follows: 1. A regular charge, in writing, specifying the na- ture of the offense, aiid signed by the accuser, shall be delivered to the Secretary, who shall read it at the next regular communication, at which time the Wor- shipful Master shall appoint the time for trial, of which it shall be the duty of the "Secretary to give due and timely notice to the accused, who shall be en- 73 titled to a copy of the charges, and to ample time and opportunity to prepare his defense. 2. All trials shall be in the Lodge of the highest degree to which the accused has attained, in which the examination of witnesses shall take place in the presence of both the accused and accuser, who shall have the right to be present at all examinations of witnesses, in or out of the Lodge, and to propose such relevent questions as they may desire. 3. After the trial is concluded the accused and the accuser shall be requested to retire, and in case the trial has been in a Lodge of Entered Apprentices or Fellow Crafts, the Lodge shall then be opened on the third degree, for no decision shall be made lor or against a brother, after regular trial, except in a Mas- ter Mason's Lodge, in which the question of "Guilty" or "Not Guilty," shall be put by the Master, in which all the members present shall be required to vote, and of which two-thirds shall be in the affirmative, or the accused shall be declared "Not Guilty." 4. If the verdict is "Guilty" the Master or presid- ing Officer shall put the question as to the amount of punishment, beginning with the highest and ending with the lowest Masonic punishment herein provided. The vote on the nature of the punishment may be tak- en by a show of hands, and decided by a two-thirds vole of the members present. 5 . Should the accused member believe that the proceedings had against him have been informal or irregular, whereby he has suffered, he can carry the 74 matter up before the Grand Lodge, by appeal, by leav- ing a notice of appeal with the Secretary of the Lodge, and also with the Grand Secretary, one month before the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge. 6. If the residence of the accused is not known, or, if upon due summons, he refuses or neglects to at- tend, this Lodge may proceed to trial without his presence. 7. The testimony of Masons shall be taken in Lodge or in Committee; that of competent persons, not Masons, by a Committee on oath, administered by a competent legal officer, and may be by affidavit. 8. A member cannot be suspended for non-pay- ment of dues without written notice and a fair trial. 9. The witnesses in all Masonic trials, whether Masons or not, shall be persons who have their rea- son, and such religious belief as to feel the obligations of an oath; who have not been convicted of any in- famous crime, and who are not influenced by interest or malevolence. ARTICLE XI . DUTIES OF BRETHREN. It is particularly enjoined by this Lodge that all its members treat each other with kindness and decorum, avoiding all slander, malice and u.ijust resentine.it, and talking disrepectfully of a brother's pars j.i or per- formance, by which the character of a brother may be injured, his feelings wounded, or the most excellent tenets oi our Order, [Friendship, Morally and Broth- erly Love,] be violated or in any degree intercepted 75 in their exercise; nor must they suffer any to spread unjust reproaches or calumnies against a brother be. hind his back, nor to injure him in his fortune, repu- tation or character; but they shall defend such broth- er, and give him notice of any danger or injury where- with he maybe threatened, to enable him to escape the same, as far as is consistent with honor, prudence, and the safety of Religion, Morality and the State, but no further. Hypocrisy and deceit should be unknown among Masons; sincerity and plain dealing should distinguish them, and heart and tongue join in pro- moting each other's welfare. ARTICLE XII. AMENDMENTS. No part of these By-Laws shall be repealed, altered annulled, suspended or amended, unless a proposition in writing shall have been presented at a stated meet- ing, at least lour weeks previous to its consideration, when, if two-thirds of the members present vote in favor ot the proposal it shall be adopted . ARTICLE XIII. RULES OF ORDER. RULE 1. When the W. M. takes the chair, the brethren shall retire to their respective places, and shall observe profound silence. RULE 2. ORDKR OF BUSINESS : 1. Reading of the Minutes. 2. Reading and referring of Petitions. 3. Reports of Committees. 4. Balloting. 76 5. Work. 6. Unfinished Business. 6. New Business. RULE 3. No brother will be permitted to leave his seat, or move Irom one part of the room to another, except such as may be required to do so in the per- formance of their duty, without permission from the Worshipful Master. RULE 4. Every brother shall stand up when he speaks, and shall address the Worshipful Master in a respectful and Masonic manner; he shall speak but once upon any subject, unless it be merely to explain, until every member present who chooses to avail him- self of the privilege has spoken . RULE 5. On all motions and debates, parliamen- tary rules shall be adhered to, as far as the regula- tions of the Grand Lodge of Illinois and the ancient usages of Masonry will permit. RULE 6. The Worshipful Master shall rule and govern with order and regularity all the communica- tions of the Lodge. RULE 7. When a question is put every member shall vote thereon, unless for special reasons he shall be excused by the Lodge, according to the By-Laws. RULE . 8. In order to preserve on all occasions the dignity of the Oriental Chair, all debates shall cease and strict silence be observed when the Worshipful Master rises. RULE 9. The Worshipful Master shall cause the 77 Constitution, Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge, together with these By-Laws, to be frequent- ly read in this Lodge, that none may pretend igno- rance of the excellent precepts they enjoin. THE OLD CHARGES OF THE FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, OLLECTED FROM THEIR RECORDS. AS PUBLISHED BY THE GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND, 1722. AND THE GRAND LODGE OF ILLINOIS, 1854. I CONCERNING GOD AND RELIGION. A Mason is obliged by his tenure to obey the moral law ; and if he rightly understands the Art he^will never be a stupid atheist, nor an irreligious libertine. But though in ancient times Masons were charged in every country to be of the religion of that country or nation, whatever it was; yet it is now thought 79 more expedient only to oblige them to tl>at religion in which all men agree, leaving their particular opinions to themselves; that is, to be good men and true, or men of honor and honesty, by whatever de- nominations or persuasions they may be distin- guished, whereby Masonry becomes the centre of union, and the means of conciliating true friendship among persons that must have remained at a perpet- ual distance. II OF THE CIVIL MAGISTRATE, SUPREME AND SUBORDINATE. A Mason is a peaceable subject to jhe civil powers wherever he resides or works, and is never to be con- cerned in plots and conspiracies against the peace and welfare of the nation, nor to behave himself unduti- fully to inferior Magistrates ; for as Masonry hath been always injured by war, bloodsheed and confusion, so ancient Kings ind Princes have been much disposed to encourage the Craftsmen, because of their peace- ableness and loyalty, whereby they particularly an- swered the cavils of their adversaries, and promoted the honor of the fraternity, who ever flourished in times ot peace. So that if a Brother should be a rebel against the State, he is not to be countenanced in his rebellion, however he may be pitied as an un- happy man, and if convicted of no other crime, though the loyal brotherhood must and ought to dis- own his rebellion, and give no umbrage or ground of 80 political jealousy to the government for the time be- ing, they cannot expel him from the Lodge, and his relation to it remains indefeasible. Ill OF LODGES A Lodge is a place where Masons assemble and work; hence that assembly, or duly organized society of Masons, is called a Lodge; and every Brother ought to belong to one, and be subject to its By-Laws^ and general regulations. It is either particular or general, and will be best understood by attending it, and by the regulations of the General or Grand Lodge hereunto annexed . In ancient times, no Master or Fellow could be absent from it, especially when warned to appear at it, without incurring a severe censure, until it appeared to the Master and Wardens that necessity hindered him. The persons admitted members of a Lodge, must be good and true men free born, and of mature and discreet age. No bond-men, no women, no immoral or scandalous men, but of good report IV. OF MASTERS, WARDENS, FELLOWS AND APPRENTICES. All preferment among Masons is grounded upon real worth, and personal merit only; that so the Lords may be well served the Brethren not put to shame, nor the Royal Craft despised ; therefore, no Master or Warden is chosen by seniority, but for his merit. 81 It is impossible to describe these things in writing, and every brother must attend in his place, and learn them in a way peculiar to this fraternity. Only can- didates may know that no Master should take an Ap- prentice, unless he have sufficient employment for him, and unless he be a perfect youth, having no maim or defect in his body, that may render him in- capable of learning the Art of serving his Master's Lord, and of being made a Brother and then a Fellow Craft in due time, even after he has served such a term of years as the custom of the country directs; and that he should be descended of honest parents that so, when otherwise qualified, he may arrive to the honor of being the Warden, and then the Master of the Lodge, the Grand Warden, and at length the Grand Master of all the Lodges, according to his merit. No Brother can be a Warden until he has passed the part of a Fellow Craft; nor a Master until he has acted as a Warden ; nor Grand Warden until he has been Master of a Lodge; nor Grand Master unless he has been a Fellow Craft before his election, who is also to be nobly born, or a gentleman of the best fashion, or some eminent scholar, or some curious architect, or other artist, descended of honest parents and who is of singular great merit in the opinion of the Lodges. And for the better and easier and more honorable discharge of his office, the Grand Master has a power to choose his own Deputy Grand Mast er who must be then, or must have been formerly, the 82 Master of a particular Lodge, and has the privilege of acting whatever the Grand Master, his principal should act, unless the said principal he present, or interpose his authority by a letter. These rulers and governors, supreme and subordin- ate, of the ancient Lodge, are to be obeyed in their respective stations by all the brethren, according to the old charges and regulations, with all humility, reverence, love and alacrity. V OF THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CRAFT IN WORKING. All Masons shall work honestly on working days' that they may live creditably on holy days, and the time appointed by the law of the land or confirmed by custom, shall be observed. The most expert of the Fellow Craftsmen shall be chosen or appointed the Master or Overseer of the Lord's work, who is to be called Master by those that work under him. The Craftsmen are to avoid all ill language, and to call each other by no disobliging name but Brother or Fellow, and to behave them- selves courteously within and without the Lodge. The Master, knowing himself to be able of cunning shall undertake thj Lord's work as reasonably as pos- sible, and truly di spend his goods as if they were his own; nor to give more wages to any Brother or Apprentice, than he really may deserve. 83 Both the Master and the Masons receiving their wages justly, shall be faithful to the Lord, and honest- ly finish their work, whether task or journey / nor put the work to task that hath been accustomed to journey. None shall discover envy at the prosperity of a Brother, or supplant him, or put him out of his work, if he is capable to finish the same; for no man can finish another's work so much to the Lord's profit, unless he be thoroughly acquainted with the designs and draughts of him that began it. When a Fellow Craftsman is chosen Warden of the work, under the Master, he shall be true both to Master and Fellows, shall carefully oversee the work in the Masters absence, to the Lords profit, and his brethren shall obey him. All Masons employed, shall receive their wages, without murmuring or mutiny, and not desert the master till the work is finished. A younger Brother shall be instructed in working to prevent spoiling the materials for want of judgment, and for increasing and continuing of brotherly love. All the tools used in working shall be approved by the Grand Lodge. No laborer shall be employed in the proper work of Masonry : nor shall Free Masons work with those that are not free, without an urgent necessity; nor shall they teach laborers and unaccepted Masons as they should teach a Brother or Fellow. 84 VI. OF BEHAVIOR, VIZ. 1. In the Lodge, while constituted, you are not to hold private Committees, or separate conversation, without leave fiom the Master, nor to talk of any- thing impertinent or unseemly, nor interrupt the Mas- ter or Wardens, or any Brother speaking to the Mas- ter; nor behave yourself ludicrously or jestingly while the Lodge is engaged in what is serious and solemn, nor use any unbecoming language upon any pretence whatsoever, but to pay due reveience to your Master, Wardens, and Fellows, and put them to wor- ship. If any complaint be brought, the Brother found guilty, shall stand to the award and determination of the Lodge, who are the proper and competent judges of all such controversies, (unless you carry it by ap- peal to the Grand Lodge,) and to whom they ought to be referred, unless a Lord's work be hindered the meanwhile, in which case a particular reference may be made ; but you must never go to law about what concerneth Masonry, without an absolute necessity apparent to the Lodge . 2 Behavior after the Lodge is over, and the breth- ren not gone. You may enjoy yourselves with inno- cent mirth, treating one another according to ability; but avoiding all excess, or forcing any Brother to eat or drink beyond his inclination, or hindering him from going when his occasions call him, or doing or 85 saying anything offensive, or that may forbid an easy and free conversation, for that would blast our har- mony and defeat our laudable purposes. Therefore, no private piques or quarrels must be brought within the door of the Lodge, far less any quarrels about re- ligion or nations, or State policy. We being only, as Masons, of the Catholic religion above mentioned; we are also, of all nations, tongues, kindreds, and languages, and are resolved against all politics, as what never yet conduced to the welfare of the Lodgo, nor ever will. This charge has been always strictly enjoined and observed ; but especially, since the ref- ormation in Britain, or the dissent and secession of these nations from the communion of Rome. 3. Behavior when brethren meet without strangers, but not in a Lodge formed You are to salute one another in a courteous manner, as you will be instruct" ed calling each other Brother; freely giving mutual instruction, as shall bethought expedient, without be- ing overseen or overheard, and without encroaching upon each other, or derogating from that respect which is due to any Brother were he not a Mason ; for though all Masons are as brethren upon the same level, yet Masonry takes no honor from a man that he had be- fore; nay, rather it adds to his honor, especially if he has deserved well of the Brotherhood, who must give honor to whom it is due, and avoid ill manners. 4. Behavior in presence of strangers NOT Jfefa- one* You shall be cautious in your words and car 86 riage, that the most penetrating stranger shall not be able to discover or find out what is not proper to be intimated ; and sometimes you shall divert a discourse, and manage it prudently, for the honor ot the wor- shipful fraternity. 5. Behavior, at home, and in your neighborhood. You are to act as becomes a moral and wise man ; particularly, not to let your family, friends, and neigh- bors, know the concerns of the Lodge, u C. P. Fox, June 2, u W. J. Fallen, II " 30, n John A. Rawlins, f July 26, W. P. Haines, || Aug. 24, M Addison Philleo, October 9th, 1865. M. M. Miller, Dec. 1, (C O. L. Grant, January 5th, 1866. J. B. Parkins, " 19, n W. R. Holder, Feb. 28, n M. Col eman, March 2, ii W. H. Kneebone, Aug. 20, a M. G. Mills, Sept. 6, u James Brown, " < John Bethel, Nov. 2, M Wm. Passmore, April 19th, 1867. Joseph Perrin, June 7, J. J. Hassig, July 5, u Wm. James, Aug. 2, u Rev. C. F. Wright, f September 6, 11 James Arnott, " 13, u James B. Brown, 13, Thos. B. Bray, 20, it Thos. Scandlyn, " 20, " Daniel LeBetter, " 27, R. S. Raw, Nov. 1, u Joseph Bascom, II " 15 " August Campbell, Joseph Vincent, N. R. Cozzens, John Corabellick, Charles F. Miller, C. S. Bentley, Win. Spensley, L. T. Thomas, S . B. Raw, A. J. Louchheim, Wm. R. Burkhard, G. H. Mars, L. Hassig, Thos. Robinson, C. A. Haskel, J. W. Luke, H. R. Bachelor, C. Koontz, John Thomas, Geo. Arnott, Edward James, Edward Courtney, H. H. Oldenhage, Edward Jones, John A. Jones, Jacob Wernli, P. Trewartha, R. H. Fiddick, Jesse G. Crooks, R. J. Edwards, 96 December 6, 1867. January 17, 1868. Feb. 2, " I May 1, jj June 19, " Sept. 4, February 12, 1869. March 5, " 8. " 8, " 12, li || Aprils, " 9, May 7, June 11, " Sept. 17, " Oct. 15, " " 21, " Dec. 3, " f " 17, " March 4th, 1870. " 4, " Nov. 24, " January 6, 1871 . " 20, " 97 T. (1. Drenning, B. F. Merten, R. Weiland, W. F. Crummer, Rev. E. H. Downing, Joseph Raw, T. E. Armitstead, J. W. Wann, Theodore Burkhard, Sidney Hunkins, A. H. Simpson, J. D . Pryor, Robert Swaim, D . A. Taylor, A. V. Richards, W. H. Martin, E. G. Newhall, C. S. Merrick, L. A. Rowley, H. N. Bridgeman, S*-. J. R. Davidson, J. Fawcett, Wm. Beadle, John Hatch, J. C. Glenat, Wm. Gary, R. H. Heller, H. D. Howard, H. N. Bridgemau, Jr. D. N. Corwith, April 2d, 1871. Jan . 20, " May 5, " June 23, " July 7, " (c 7 u > Feb. 12th, 1872. " 16, " " 16, March 4, " " 4, " " H, " 11, " " 15, " April 15, " " 5, " " 19, " " 19, " May 1, " f Nov. 1, " Jan. 17th, 1873. Feb. 28, " " 7, March 7, " April 14, " May 17, " " 16, June, 19, " " 19, " " 19, 98 Robert Pool, June 20th, 1873. J. P. Williams, June 20, " A. F. Powell, Oct. 17, " Wm. H. Myers, January 20, 1874. Conrad Bahwell, April 1, " E. C. Ripley, " 3, " G. C. Biesmann, " 6, " H. F. C. Schneider, " 6, H. F. Browning, 7, " John Eiseman, May 15, " Walter Ford, July 22, " JO DAVIESS CHAPTER, NO. 51. JoDaviess Chapter, No. 51, of Royal Arch Masons, was organized under Dispensation, June 9th A. D., 1859, A. S. 2389., by Deputy Grand High Priest, Corap. Wm. Mitchell. Present, Companions Rev. E. M. Boring, of Chi- cago, Capt. H. H. Gear, Ely S. Parker, Geo. Thomp- son and M. D. Chamberlain, of Freeport, J. M. Sher- raerhorn, Lena, Daniel Wann, Wm. Spaulding Wm. Bulger, Dr. J. A. Scroggs, and Geo. M. Mitchell, of Galena. After the Chapter was duly constituted, petitions were received from a number of Master Masons, act- ed upon and elected. From June 9th. 1859, to the present time the work of JoDaviess Chapter has been continuous, but as its history would be but a repetition of that of Miner's Lodge, we content our- selves with the By-Laws and a history of its work as shown in the list of Officers who have been called up- on to preside over its destinies, and the large mem- bership which has found companionship around its altar. HISTORICAL SOCIETY "=E OF JO DAVIESS CHAPTER, NO. 51, ORGANIZED UNDER DISPENSATION, JUNE 9TH, A. D. 1859, A. J. 2389. CHARTER GRANTED. NOVEMBER 24, 1859. STATED COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AND FOURTH THURSDAYS OF EACH MONTH, In Masonic Hall, Galena, Illinois COXY OF CHARTER OP JO DAVIESS CHAPTER TUB MOST EXCELLENT GRAND RHYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF ILLINOIS. To all whom itnwy concwn. Send ff > e'f7.--KNO W YE, "That we, thy Grand Hival Arch <-hapter or Illinois, do hereby authorize and empower onr trusty and well beloved Companions, Ely 8 Parker, High Priest, Dan- iel Wann, Kins, George M. Mitchell, ^cribe, and others, their Compan- ions and Associates, to open and hold a Itoyal Arch Chapter, at the City of Galena, by the name of JoD iviess Chapter, No. 51, and therein to confer the several degrees of Mark Master, Pust Master, Most Excellent Mast -.r. and Royal Arch, according to the ancieut customs and usages of the craft, and not otherwise." " \nd we do further am bonze and empower onr said trusty and well beloved Companions to install their successors in office, to whom the_y shall deliver thin Wanant of Constitution, and invest them with all their powers and dignities as such and they in like manner ihoir successor* in office, during the continuance of the said Royal Arch Chapter Forever. Provided always. That the said a^ove named companions, and their successors do pay and cause to be paid, due respect and obedience to the Most Excellent Grand Hnyal *rch Chapter of 'llinois. aforesaid, and to the Edicts, Rules and Regulations thereof ; Otherwise th'.s Warrant of Conx/itittion to be void, and of no effect. Given under the hands of our Graud Officers, and Seal of onr Grand Chapter, at "onaijfleld this 30th day of September, A. 1)., 1859, A. L., 5859. Y. D. 2389. A G. ELLWOOD. Grand Hizh Priest WM. tVALI \CEMfTCHELL. Deputy High Prieut. A. W BLAKESLt-Y, Grand King. A. W. MOMR S, Grand Scribe. Attest, HARMAN G. KELNOLDS, Grand Secretary. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. NAME. This Chapter shall be known by the name of "Jo- Daviess Chapter, No. 51. Royal Arch Masons." un- der the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of Illinois. ARTICLE II. STATED CONVOCATIONS. The Stated Convocations of this Chapter, shall be held on the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 o'clock, P. M. ARTICLE III. ANNUAL CONVOCATIONS. The Annual Convocations for the election of officers shall be held on the regular convocation next before St John's day in December, of each year. ARTICLE IV. KLECTIVE OFFICERS. The M. E. High Priest, M. E. King, M. E. Scribe, Secretary, Treasurer, Captain of Host. 103 Principal Sojourner, and Royal Arch Captain, shall be elected by ballot at the annual convocation of each year . ARTICLE V. APPOINTED OFFICERS. Previous to the installation the M. E. High Priest shall appoint a Grand Master of the 1st veil, Grand Master of the 2d veil, Grand Master of the 3d veil, and a Tyler. ARTICLE VI. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. The Officers of this Chapter shall be installed as soon after their election as practicable, but on or be- fore Saint John's day, Dec. 27th of each year. ARTICLE VII. DUTIKS OF OFFICERS. SEC. 1. The duties of the several Officers shall be such as the Constitution and Masonic traditions have settled, as well as the By-Laws of this Chapter, and the Laws and Edicts of the Grand Chapter of Illinois and the General Grand Chapter of the Unit- ed States. SEC. 2. It is incumbent on the High Priest of this Chapter, as appertaining to his office, duty and dig- nity, to see that the By-Laws ot this Chapter, as well as the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of the U. S. and the Regulations of the Grand Chapter of Illinois, be duly observed; that all the subordinate 104 officers perform the duties of their respective stations faithfully, and are examples of diligence and industry to their Companions; that true and exact records be kept of all the proceedings of the Chapter by the Secretary ; that the Treasurer keep and render exact and just accounts of all moneys belonging to the Chapter ; that regular returns be made by the Secre- tary annually to the Grand Chapter, of the admission of all candidates or members; that the annual dues to the Grand Chapter be regularly and punctually paid. The Charter of the Chapter is committed to his special care and charge. He lias the right and authority ot calling his Chapter at pleasure, upon any emergency or occurrence which in his judgment may require their meeting, and he is to till the chair when present. SEC. 3. Th'e Secretary shall keep a correct record of all the proceedings of this Chapter proper to be written. Keep accounts with all its members, make reports to the Grand Chapter when required, and make report to this Chapter at each annual convoca- tion of its membership and of all moneys received and paid out by him during the current year together with the amounts due by the Companions, and for such duties the Secretary shall receive one dollar per night and be exempt from yearly dues. SEC. 4. The Treasurer before entering upon the duties of his Office shall give a bond for the faithful performace and discharge of his duty, to be approv- ed by the first three officers of the Chapter, and it 105 shall be his duty, to make report at each annual con- vocation of the moneys received and paid out by him. SEC. 5. The Tyler shall take charge of the Hall, Rooms and Furniture of the Chapter, and keep them in proper order for the transaction of business and comfort of the Companions. He shall attend all Con- vocations of the Chapter, and serve all summons or other notices, and for such duties he shall bo exempt from yearly clues and receive one dollar per night. SEC. 6. The M. E. High Priest, King and Scribe shall be a Committee on Finance , whose duty it shall be to examine the reports of the Secretary and Treas- urer and to audit all bills presented to the Chapter. ARTICLE VIII. MEMBERSHIP. SEC 1 Royal Arch Masons in good standing in a Blue Lodge in regular standing may be admitted to membership in this Chapter upon presentation of a proper Demit, and a petition in writing accompanied with a fee of Five Dollars, which petition shall be referred to a Committee of three members, who shall report at the same or the next stated Convocation, when if not elected the fee shall be returned. PETITION FOR THE DEGREES. SEC. 2. Each petition for the degrees in this Chapter must be in writing, accompanied with the fee of Ten Dollars, which shall be referred to a Com- mittee of three members who shall carefully examine into the character and standing of the petitioner, 106 and his proficiency in the first three degrees of Mas- onry, and report at the same or the next stated Con- vocation, when if not elected the fee shall be returned. FKES FOR DEGREES. SEC. 3. The fees for conferring the decrees of Zj O M.irk Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master and Li >yal Arch, shall be as follows: For ihe decree of M irk Master, Ten Dollars, which eh ill accoinpuiy the petition. For Past Master, Five Dollars. For Most Excellent Master, Five Dollars, For Koyal Arch, Ten Dollars. Which sums shall be severally paid at or before the time of taking each degree. SBC. 4. Eich member shall sign these By-Laws on the night of his admission on Demit, or Exhalta. tion ; and no one shall be entitled to a vote until he has signed said Laws ARTICLE IX. ANNUAL DUES. Each member of this Chapter shall pay into the Treasury the sum of Two dollars per annum, which shall include the Grand Chapter dues, and shall be due on the first day of January of each year, and pay- able before the annual Convocation ; and any member indebted to this Chapter shall not be entitled to vote, and ineligible to any Office, and if in arrears for one year, he may be suspended after due notice and trial, unless by a unanimous vote of the Chapter be be exempted from payment of said arrearages. 107 ARTICLE X. DEMITS. A Demit may be granted to any member (except an elective Officer,) who may have moved without the jurisdiction of this Chapter, or for the purpose of petitioning tor a new Chapter, provided he be in good standing and riot indebted to the Chapter. ARTICLE XL DISCIPLINE AND JURISDICTION. SEC. 1. A regular charge in writing, specifying the nature of the offense, and signed by the accuser shall be delivered to the Secretary, who shall read it at the next regular Convocation, at which time the Most Excellent High Priest shall appoint the time for trial, of which it shall be the duty of the Secretary to give due and timely notice to the accused, who shall be entitled to a copy of the charges, and to ample time and opportunity to prepare his defense. SEC. 2. All trials shall be in the highest degree to o o which the accused has attained, and the examination of witnesses shall take place in the presence of both the accused and accuser, whether in the Chapter, or before a Committee. SEC. 3. The form and manner of trial shall be the same as that laid down by the Grand Lodge of Illinois for the government of its Subordinate Lodges, where the same does not conflict with any law, edict or usage of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of this State. SEC. 4. This Chapter, may exercise disciplinary juris- diction over all Royal Arch Masons, and Masons of any 108 of the dependant degrees, residing within its jurisdic- tion, Provided, That in all cases of discipline, the ac- cused shall have the same rights, and the same rules be observed as are prescribed for members of this Chapter, and by the usages of the Order. SEC. 5. If a member be expelled from this Chap- ter, the Secretary shall forthwith notify the Grand Chapter thereof, and such other Masonic Bodies as the nature of the case may require. ARTICLE XII. BY-LAWS AND RULES. PEC. 1. These By-La\vs, together with all ordi- nances, rules, orders and regulations passed by this Chapter, shall be observed in the Lodges of the de- pendent degrees, as lar as the same are applicable. Sec. 2. No alteration, addition or amendment shall be made to these By-Laws unless proposed in writ- ing, and read at a stated meeting, and shall not then be acted upon until the second stated meeting there, after, when it shall require a vote of two-thirds of the members present for its adoption, unless directed to do so by the Grand Chapter, to conform to the regu- lations of the Grand Chapter of this State, or of the General Grand Chapter of the United States. ORDER OF BUSINESS I 1. Reading of Record. 2. Reading and Referring Petitions. 3. Reports of Committees on Petitions. 4. Balloting on Petitions. 5. Miscellaneous Business. 6. Work. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. OFFICERS 1859. Ely S. Parker, Daniel Wann, Geo. M. Mitchell, John E. Smith, Wm. Spaulding, W. R. Rowley, Darius Hunkins, Jonathan W. Woodruff, John A. Scroggs, Madison Y. Johnson, S. O. Stillman, M. Faucette, Ely S. Parker, Wm. Spaulding, Daniel Wann, John E . Smith, D. D. Mills, M. Y. Johnson, D. Hunkins, J. W. Woodruff, OFFICEES- High Priest. King. Scribe. C. H. P. S. R. A. 0. G. M., IstV. G. M., 2d V. G. M.. 3d V. Treas. Sec. Tyler. -1860. High Priest. King. Scribe. C. H. P. S. R. A. C. G.M., 1st V. G. M., 2d V. J. S. Williams, W. R. Rowley, S. O. Stillraan, M. Faucette, Ely S . Parker, D. Hunkins, M. Y. Johnson, John E. Smith, J. S. Williams, E. T. Green, Samuel Fraser, J. W. Woodruff, G. M. Mitchell, W. R. Rowley, S. O. Stillman, M. Faucette, D . Ilunkins, M. Y. Johnson, H. H. Gear, Geo. M. Mitchell, J. C. Smith, J. S. Williams, J. M. Spratt, J. W. Woodruff, Samuel Fraser, D. Wann, S. O. Stillman, M. Faucette, 110 G. M., 3d V Treas . Sec. Tyler. OFFICERS 1861. High Priest. King. Scribe. 0. H. P. S. R. A. C . G. M., 1st V G. M.,2d V. G. M., 3d V. Treas. Sec. Tyler. OFFICERS 1862. High Priest. King. Scrih*. C. H. R. A. C. P. S. G. M G. M 3d V. 2d V. G. M., 1st V. Treas . Sec. Tyler. Ill Samuel SnHer, M. Y. Johnson, D . B. Morehonse, Geo. M. Mitchell, E. T. Green, J. M. Spratt, R. S. Harris, J. R. Booth, D. Wann, 8. O. Stillman, M. Faucette, Samuel Snider, D. Wann. D. B. Morehouse, Geo. M. Mitchell, S. Fraser, E. T . Green, O. Marble, S. K. Miner, J. M. Spratt, S. O. Stillman, M . Faucette, Saml. Snider, D. Wann, N. F. Webb, Geo. M. Mitchell OFFICEB8 1863. High Priest. King. Scribe . C. H. R.A. C. G. M., 3dV. G. M., 2dV. G. M., 1st V. Treas . Sec. Tyler. OFPICEB8. 1864. High Priest. King . Scribe. C. H. P. S. R. A. C. G. M., 3dV. G. M., 2d V. G. M., IstV. Sec. and Treas. Tyler. OFF1CBB8 1865. High Priest . King. Scribe. C. H. 112 O. Marble, E. T. Green, J. M . Spratt, S. K. Miner, J. B. Young, S. O. Stillman, M. Faucette, Saml. Snider, D. Wann, N. F. Webb, T. R. Bird, J. A. Scroggs. J. M. Spratt, S. K. Miner, A. L. Rogers, Geo. F. Shears, S. O. Stillman, O. Marble, Saml. Snider, D. Wann, E. A. Small T. R. Bird, E. T. Green, J. M. Spratt, S. K. Miner, J . C . Spare, G. F. Shears, S. O. Stillman, Charles Semrnern, OFFICERS. - OFFICERS. P. S. K. A. C. G. M., 3d V. G. M., 2d V. G. M., 1st V., Sec. and Treus Tyler. -1866. High Priest. King. Scribe. C. H. P. S. R . A. . G. M., 3d V. G. M., 2d V. G. M., 1st V. Sec . and Treas. Tyler. -1867. High Priest. King. Scribe. C. H. P. S. R. A. C. G. M. 3dV. G. M. 2d V. G. M. IstV. Sec. and Treas. Tyler . 113 John C. Smith, D. Wann, E. A. Small,' T. R. Bird, B. J. Ewing, J. M. Spratt, S. K. Miner, D. Stewart, S. Eraser, S. O. Stillman, Chas. Semmern, J. C. Smith, D. Stewart, S. K. Miner, T. R. liird, B. J. Ewing, J. M. Spratt, J . J . Hassig, J. B. Young, S. Fraser, S. O. Stillman, Chas. Semmern, J. C. Smith, D. Stewart, D. LeBetter, T. R. Bird, S. O. Stillman, OFFICEBS.- OFFICEB8.- -1868. High Priest. King . Scribe . hereby require you, the said John C. Smith, to take special care that all and every, the said Companions are or have been, regularly made Royal, Select and Super Excellent Masters; and that they do perform and observe and keep all the rules and orders con- tained in tho Book of Constitutions, also such as may from time to time be transmitted to them from the Grand Council, and further. That you do, from time to time cause to be entered in a book kept for that purpose an account of your proceedings in the Council, toarether with such reg- ulations as shall be mide for the good government thereof, a copy of which you are in nowise to omit laying before the Grand Council once in each year, together with a list of the members of the Council. That you annually pay into the Grand Treasury, such sunis as may be requir- ed of you toward the Grand Council Fund, and moreover I hereby will and do require of you the said John C. Smith, as soon as conveniently may be. to send an ace Hint in writing, of what shall be done by virtue of these presents. Given at Chicago, under my hand and Seal of Masonry, this twenty- ninth day of October, A. Oep. 2873, A. D. 1873. Signed, GEO. E. LOUMSBUHG, Thrice 111. Grand Puissant, Attested, James H. Milss, {SEAL.} Grand Recorder. MEMBERS UNDER DISPENSATION, Companion John Corson Smith. " Loyal L. Muun. " Wm . Young. " L. J. Turner. " Robert Little. " W. J. M*Kinn. " J. S. Gates, " E. C. Warner. " George Thompson. " James S. McCall. OFFICERS APPOINTED BY GRAND PUIS- SANT. Gen. John C. Smith, Thrice Ills. Grand Master, Robert Little, Deputy Ills. Grand Master, Loyal L. Munn, Prin . Con . of the work . BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. NAME. The name of this Council shall be " Ely S . Parker No. 60," under the jurisdiction of the Grand Council of Illinois . ARTICLE II. STATED CONVENTIONS. The stated conventions of this Council shall be the first Monday in each month, at 7^ o'clock P. M. ARTICLE III. ANNUAL CONVENTIONS. The annual convention for the election of officers shall be held on the first Monday in December of each year. ARTICLE IV. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. The Thrice Illustrious Grand Master, Deputy Il- lustrious Grand Master, Principal Conductor of the Work, Recorder and Treasurer, shall be elected by ballot, at the annual Convention of each year. 127 ARTICLE V. OFFICERS APPOINTED. Previous to the Installation the Tin-ice Illustrious Grand Master shall appoint a Chaplain, Captain of the Guards, Conductor of the Council, Steward, and Sentinel. ARTICLE VI. INSTALLATION OF OFFICEBS, The Installation of the Officers shall take place as soon alter the election as is convenient, but on or be- fore Saint John's day, December 27th, of each year. ARTICLE VII. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. The duties of the several Officers shall be in accor- dance with the Ancient Landmarks ot Cryptic Ma- sonry, the work, Ritual and Laws of the Grand Coun- cil of Illinois. ARTICLE VIII. BOND OF TREASURER. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the Treasurer shall give a bond for the faithful perform- ance and discharge of his duty, to be approve I i>y the first three Officers of the Council. ARTICLE IX. ANNUAL REPORTS OF RECORDER AND TREASUKliK. At each annual Convention the Recorder and Trea- surer shall render an account of all moneys received 128 ami puid out by them, respectively, for the current year. ARTICLE X. FINANCE COMMITTEE. The Thrice Illustrious G. M., Deputy Illustrious G. M., and P.O. of the Work, shall be a Committee on Finance, whose duty it shall be to examine the re- ports of the Recorder and Treasurer, and all bills shall be referred to and examined by them. ARTICLE XI. BECOKDEK AND SENTINEL. The Recorder and Sentinel shall each receive one dollar for each night's services. ARTICLE XII. PEES FOR DEGKEES. , The fees for conferring the degrees of Royal, Su- per-Excellent, and Select Master shall be ten dollars, which amount shall be paid on presentation of Peti- tion, or before conferring said degrees. ARTICLE XIII. DUES. No dues will be collected by this Council unless there are no funds in the Treasury, when an assess- ment will be made pro. rata, to pay whatever liability the Council may have incurred. ARTICLE XIV. DEMIT . A Demit may be granted to any member (except 129 the elective Officers,) upon application at a stated Convention, and on a majority vote of the members of the Council present. ARTICLE XV. AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS. Any amendment to these By-Laws shall be present- ed in writing at a stated Convention, and lie over one month, when a two-thirds vote of all the members present shall be necessary to the adoption of any such amendment. ORDER OF BUSINESS : 1. Reading of Records. 2. Reading and Referring Petitions. 3. Reports of Committees on Petitions . 4. Balloting on Petitions. 5. Miscellaneous Business. 6. Work. OFFICERS, A. D, 1873, A, Dap, 2373. Comp, JohiiC. Smith, Thrice III. Grand Master. " Robert Little, Deputy 111. Grand Master. " Loyal L. Mann, Prin. Con. of the Work " Gerhard PL Mars, Chaplain. " Daniel LeBetter, Recorder. " Richard tL Fiddick Treasurer . " Jacob Fawcette, Conductor. " Simeon K. Miner, Capt. of Guards. " Abraham J. Louchheim, Steward. " Daniel Stewart, Sentinel. OFFICERS UNDER CHARTER 1873-4, A. DE- POSIT. 2873-4. Comp John 0. Smith, Thrice 111. Grand Master. " Richard H, Fiddick, Deputy 111, Grand Master. u Jacob Fawcett, Prin. Con. of the Work. " G- H. Mars, Chaplain. " D. LeBetter, Recorder. " A.J. Louchheim, Treasurer. " J. P. Williams, Conductor. " J R Davidson, Capt. Guards. " D. Stewart, Steward and Sentinel. &t fait of ffvnstitoiwg choxen totlq^inh oj jjer Demitted. MEMBERS ON DISPENSATION. (Jomp. John C. Smith, " Loyal L. Muun, " Robert Little, " William Young, L. J. Turner, " W.J. McKitn, J. S. Gates, " E. C. Warner, " George Thompson^ James S. McCall, When Chosen . Oomp. John C. Smith, Feby. 19th. 1873. " William R. Rowley, July 9 " " Simeon K. Miner, " 9 " " Mahlon Coleman, " 9 " " Daniel LeBetter, " 9 " " John C. Calderwood, "9 " " Charles S. Bentley, " 9 " " Daniel Stewart, " 9 " " Wm. R. Holder, " 9 " 132 Cj.np. Richard H. Fidiick, July 9th, 1873. ' Ama e H. Moody, " 9, " " Sidney Hunkins, " 9, " " Jacob Fawcette, " 9, " " Samuel O . Stillraan, " 9, u " James M. Spratt, " 9, " Gerhart H . Mars, " 9, " Abraham J . Louchheim, " 9, " " Benjamin F. Merten, Aug. J 3. " " Jacob R. Davidson, " 13, " " Charles S. Merrick, " 13, " " Horatio X. Bridgeraan, Jr. " 18, " " JohnW. Luke, " 18, " " John P. Williams, " 18, " John E . Hoover, " 25, " " John S. Wiley, " 25, " " W. H. Harrison, Sept. 7, " " N. H. Brown, % Nov. 10, " " H. D. Howard,. " 28, " " J. B. Brown, " 28, " " D. A. Taylor, " 28, " " D. N. Corwith, " 28, " T. E. Armitstead, *' 28, " " J. G. Crookg, Dec. 1st. " " W. H. Martin, "1, " " J. C. Glenat, "1, " " E. H. Downing, 1, " Hiram Tyrrell, " 8th, " " John Hatch, "8 " 133 Comp. Richard Heller, Dec. 10th, 1873. Peter Trewartha, " 10, " W. F. Crumraer, " 15, " E. James, " 15, " " S. JeiFers, Jany. 8th,' 1874. J. W. White, " 8, " Thos. S. Moore, " 8, " A. Reynolds, " 8, " " R. M. Spensley, Feb. 19th " " James Gary, " 19, " " Robert Robson, " 19, " " M. M. Wheeler, March 2d, " S. D. Pryor, 2, E. C . Ripley, May 4th, " " A. V. Richards, " 4, " C. Bahwcll, " 4, " " James Allen, June 1, " H. C. F. Schneider, " 1, " " Geo. C. Biesmann, " 1, " GALENA COMMANDERY No. 40, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. This Body, duly authorized to confer the Chival- rous Orders of Knights of the Red Cross, Knights Ternpiars, and Knights of Malta, was duly organized Sept. 29, 1871. Owing to the absence from home of the R. E. Grand Commander, John M. Rierson, the Deputy Grand Commander, Wiley M. Egan, issued his Dispensa- tion bearing date Sept. 19, 1871, under which the Body was convened, and such was their work that the Grand Commandery was justified in granting a regu- lar Charter at its Session which convened the next month. What was done at the constituting of this body is best told in the language of a writer of that day. What was expected ot this Chivalrous organi- zation arid what has been done, its work will attest: " GALENA COMMANDERY, U. D. " " While Galena has for many years had a flourish- ing Blue Lodge of Masons, and a Royal Arch Chapter there has been no Commandery here. There being several Sir Knights in the County, and others wishing to receive the Orders, measures were taken to es- 135 tablisb a Conaaan dery in Galena, and the project was brought to a successful issue. The first regular con- clave of the Commandery was held last Friday, at Masonic Hall, under the charge of the officers previ- ously appointed: Gen. John C. Smith, Eminent/" Commander, Samuel Cook, Generalissimo, and Sim- eon K. Miner, Captain General. There were present not less than forty distinguished Sir Knights from abroad, to assist in conferring the Orders of Knight- hood. There were about twenty -five from Freeport, among whom we noticed Past Grand Comma. ider Dr. N. F. Prentice, Hon. H. C. Burchard, At. C., Gen. Smith D. Atkins, Hon. E. L. Cronkrite, Mayor of / Freeport, Dr. W. J. McFlim, Robert Little, U. S. Collector, James S. Ale Call, C.ipt. Young, and others. From Dunleith there were Hon. Samuel Cook, Hon. John Ohnger, Homer Graves, and Capt. J. M. Dag- gett, while Dubuque was represented by about twelve Knights, Past Deputy Grand Commander Horace Tuttle and Dr. W. P. Allen being in charge. Sir James J. Peck, of Iowa City, and others from a dis- tance were also present. "The Commandery was opened at 3 o'clock P. M., continuing in session until 6 o'clock next morning,ex- cept during the brief recesses for refreshment. Or- ders were conferred upon the following named Com- panions: Gen. W. R. Rowley, Daniel Stewart, M. ^ Coleman, Daniel LeBetter, J. C. Calderwood, and W. R. Burkhard. P. G. Commander Prentice and P. 136 D. G. Commander Tuttle conferring the Orders, with Dr. Allen as Prelate. "At nine o'clock in the evening a recess was called, and the Sir Knights in tull uniform, proceeded to the residence of Mr. L. S. Felt, to pay their respects to President Grant. They were as fine looking a body of men as ever paraded our streets. The President received them cordially, and after all had shaken hands with him, they returned to their Asylum to resume work . "At 12 o'clock the hour for refreshments having ar- rived, the Sir Knights repaired to Owens' Hall, where a fine banquet had been prepared. At the close of the banquet, work was resumed, and continued till the hour of departure of the trains next morning. "The Commandery starts out with flattering pros- pects, and its firs t Conclave was a pleasant one to all concerned." Since the above was written more than fifty Com- panions have been created and dubbed with the Chiv- alrous orders of Christian Masonry. The Comman- dery has been called upon to attend two Templar fun- erals: That of Sir Knight W. D. Putnam, of War- ren, and the early and warm friend of our Comman- dery, Past Grand Commander Dr. N. F. Prentice, of Freeport, each of whom were buried with Knightly honors, at the place of their late residence. On the 15th day of June, 1874, the occasion of laying the Corner Stone of the new Public Hall, and the Ded- ication of the new Masonic building, Galena Comman- 137 dery was out in lull force numbering over thirty swords, and " under the command of Generalissimo Sir W. R. Rowley, assisted by Capt. Gen. Sir C. S. Bentley, excited the admiration of the spectators for the rapidity with which they executed the various Templar movements in passing from columns of three to that of the Passion Cross and several other move- ments known to Templar Masonry." Fraters, our labors are ended. We have not intend- ed, nor did you expect, when you requested that we rescue from oblivion the names of the early workers in Masonry in this city, that we would give you a trea- tise on the Mystic brotherhood, but that we would look up the " Old Records. " seek out the names of all connected with the Craft, and place them with the By-Laws of the present bodies in one book, that each and every Galena Mason might the better trace his genealogy (Masonic history) from the organization pf the first Lodge, "Strangers' Union, " to the present day. If we have succeeded in doing this with a reason- able degree of accuracy, and have met your expecta- tions, we are amply recompensed, and will close our labors in the firm knowledge that the Galena Masons have done what it behooves every Masonic body to do to put their work on record that it may be in the hands of every member. We would, therefore, fraternally and courteously bid you an affectionate Farewell. OF Galena Coininandery 3*0-0. 4=0, OP AND THE APPENDANT ORDERS. Organized mJer Dispensation from Wiley M, Egan, Deputy Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Illinois, Sept. 29th, 1871. DISPENSATION GRANTED. SEPT 19,1871, Charter Granted by Grand Commandery of Illinois, Oct. 24, 1871. STATED CONCLAVES THE FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, EN MASONIC HALL, GALENA, ILL, Members under Dispensation, Sir John Corson Smith, v Sir Samuel Cook, Sir Simeon Kingsley Miner, Sir John Minott Daggett, Sir Mortimer Marcus Wheeler, Sir John Olinger, Sir Charles Silas Burt, Sir Robert Little, Sir Smith D . Atkins. ^ Officers appointed'by Grand Commander, E. Sir John Corson Smith, Eminent Commander. \ Sir Samuel Cook, Generalissimo. Sir Simeon Kingsley Miner, Captain General. COPY OF 1 CHA.R.TKR OP GALENA COMMANDERY. THE GBAND ( 'HMMANDEHY OP KNIGHTS TEKPLAUS OP THE STATK OP ILLINOIS . To whom it may concern, (Greeting; WHEREAS, HERETOFORE, O- WIT: Ou the nine'eenth day of Sep- tember, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Kighl Hundred and Seventy-one, a Dispensation was granted to Sir John Corson smith, Sim- eon Kingsley .Miner, Mahlon (Jolcinan, Mortimer Marcus Wheeler, Wil- liam Rudolph Burkhard, William Keuben Rowley, John Carter Calder- wood, Daniel LeBetter, and Daniel Stewart, to open and hold a Com- mand ery of Knights Templars and the Appendant orders, in the city of Galena, in the County of Jo Daviess, and State of Illinois, by the name of "GALENA COMMANDERY," AND WHERK AS, Application has been made to this Grand Command- ery for a perpetual Charter or -Varrant, to enable them to continue in all the rights and privileges of a regularly constituted Commandery, and a copy of the By-Laws, and of the Minutes of their proceedings having been submitted for our inspection and approval, and no cause adverse to the granting the prayer of said applicants to us appearing; NOW KNOW YE, That we, the Grand < 'ommandery of Knights Tem- . plar of the State of Illinois, reposing spacial confidence and trust in the "fidelity zeal, and Knightly courtesy of the officers and Knights of the said Commandery, and for the purpose of diffusing the benefits of the Order, and promoting the happiness of man, by virtue of the power in us vested ; Do by these presents, recognize said Commandery to ba known s "'JALENA COMMANOERT No, 40." as regularly constituted and established under the jurisdiction of this Grand Commandery with full and adequate powers to confer the several Orders of Knights of the Red Cross, Knights Templar and Knights of Malta, upon such person or per- sons posessing the requisite qualifications, as they may think proper. And we do also recognize the present Officers and Knights of the said Commandery, with continuence of the same powers and privileges to them and their successors forever, except that the Officers of said Com- mandery shall not be entitled to act as members of our Grand Command- ery, until they are duly elected and installed under this Charter: Pro- vided, Nevertheless, that the saidOificers and Knights, and their succes- sors pay due respect to our said Grand Comraandery, the Statutes and Regulations thereof, and the constitution and edicts of the Grand En- campment of the United States of America; and in no way remove the ancient land-marks of our order, otherwise this Charter, and all things therein conatiued to be void and of no effect. Given at Chicago, in the State of Illinois, this twenty-second day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sev- enty-one, and of the order, seven hundred aud fiifty-three. 5 Signed. WILEY M. EGAN, Grand Com, DANIEL DOSTIN, Dep. Grand Com. JAMBS A. EUWLEY, Grand Generalissimo. HIRAM W. HUBBARD, Graud Capt. Gen. [SEAL] JAMES H, MILES, Grand Recorder. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. NAME. The name of this Commandery shall be "GALENA COMMANDERY, No. 40," under the jurisdiction of the Grand Commandery of Illinois. ARTICLE IT. STATED CONCLAVES. The stated conclaves of this Commandery shall be held ou the first Thursday of each month at 1\ o clock, P. M. ARTICLE III. ANNUAL CONCLAVES. The Annual Conclave for the election of Officers shall be held on the first Thursday of December of each year. ARTICLE IV. ELECTION OF OFFICERS, The Eminent Commander, Generalissimo, Captain General, Prelate, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Recorder. Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, and Warden shall be elected by ballot, at the annual Conclave of each year. 142 ARTICLE V. OFFICKRS APPOINTED. Previous to the Installation, the Eminent Command- er-elect shall appoint a Captain of the Guards, three Guards and two Stewards. ARTICLE VI. INSTALLATION OP OFFICERS. The Installation of Officers shall occur as soon after the election as may be convenient, but on or before Saint John's day, December 27th of each year. ARTICLE VII. DUTIES OF OFFICKRS. The duties of the several Officers shall be in ac- cordance with the work and ritual of the Order, the traditions, statutes, and regulations of the Grand Commandery of the State, and the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of the United States ot America. ARTICLE VIII. BOND OF TREASURER. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the Treasurer shall give good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance and discharge of his duty, to be approved by the first three Officers-elect. ARTICLE IX. ANNUAL REPORTS OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER. At each annual conclave, the Treasurer and Record- er shall render an account of all moneys received and paid out by them respectively, for the current year, 143 which accounts shall he examined by the Finance Committee, who shall report the result of their exam- inations to the Comrnandery- and proper action shall be had thereon. ARTICLE X. FINANCE COMMITTEE. The Eminent Commander, Generalissimo, :nd Cap- tain-General shall be a Committee on Finance, and all bills shall be referred to and audited by them. ARTICLE XI. ANNUAL DUES. The yearly dues of members shall be three dollars (which includes the Grand Comrnandery dues) pay- able on or before the annual conclave in each year. ARTICLE XII. LIFE MEMBERSHIP. SEC. 1. Any member of this Comrnandery not indebted for dues or otherwise, may become a life member of this Commandery and exempt from the payment of further dues, by paying into the Treasury thereof the sum of thirty dollars, and there- by remain and be entitled to all the rights and priv- ileges of active membership. SEC. 2. Any member of this Commandery who has regularly paid all dues and assessments against him for twenty years, shall become a life member and be exempt from the payment of all further dues, and be entitled to all the rights and privileges of active membership. SKC. 3. Any Sir Knight becoming a life member, 144 :ts provided in Section 1 and 2, shall remain as before, subject to all the laws, rules and edicts of the Order, and its ancient landmarks, usages and constitutions; and in case of expulsion shall forfeit the sum so paid for life membership, and all the privileges ol said iife membership. ARTICLE XIII. KKCOEDEK AND CAPTAIN OF GUARD . The Recorder and Captain of the Guard shall be exempt from the payment of yearly dues, and shall each receive cne dollar for each night's services. ARTICLE XIV. INDEBTEDENESS FOB DUES. It shall be the duty of the Recorder at each An- nual Conclave, to read the names in open Comman J- ery, of any members who shall be in arrears for due, for one year or over, and any member so in arrears shall not be entitled to vote at the Annual Conclaves or be eligible to office, and such action shall be had O ' in such cases ,is may be directed by a majority of the members j resent. ARTICLE XV. FEKS FOR ORDERS . The Fees for conferring the orders shall be forty dollars, viz: Twenty dollars for the' Order of the Red Cross (ten dollars of which shall accompany the pe- tition) and twenty dollars for the Order of Knights Templar, and Knight of Malta, which amounts shall be paid at or before the time of conferring the sev- eral orders. The Fee for membership of a Knight 145 Templar shall be five dollars, which shall accompany the petition, and in case of the rejection of a petit- ioner for the orders, or for membership, the Recorder shall at once return said fee to sirjh petitioner with a notice of his rejection. ARTICLE XVI. PETITIONS . Every petition for the orders or for membership, shall be recommend by two members of this Cornmand- ery in good standing, and -. unanimous ballot shall be necessary to elect. ARTICLE XVII. FAILURE OF CANDIDATE TO APPEAR. A Candidate elect failing to appear to receive the Orders within six months after being notified in writing of his election, shall be required to present a uev petition to be acted upon, and the fee accompany, ing the first shall be forfeited to the Commandery. ARTICLE XVIII. DEMITS. A Demit may be granted to any member (excepting Officers) in good standing, and clear of the books, on his application, at a stated Conclave. ARTICLE XIX. DRESS AND UNIFORM. Every member attending the stated Conclaves shall be dressed uniformly in dark, and in case of failure or neglect to provide himself with the Regulation Uniform of a Knight Templar within three months alter his membership shall commence, he shall not be 146 allowed to appear in public with the Commandery, and such failure or neglect may, in the discretion of the Cominaudery, be sufficient cause for the suspen- sion of the delinquent member from the rights and privilege^ of the order. ARTICLE XX. CHARGKS. Whenever charges unbecoming a Knight Templar shall be preferred against a member, such action shall be had, as is consistent with the traditions and rules of the order, and ia conformity with the statutes and regulations of the Grand Cornandery of the State, and the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America. ARTICLE XXI. AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS. Any proposed amendment to these By-Laws shall be presented in writing'at a stated Co.icUve, and lie over until the next stated Conclave, when action shall be had thereon ; a two-thirds vote of all mem- bers present shall be necessary to the adoption of any such amendment. OBDEB OF BUSINESS. The order of Business shall be as follows: 1 . Reading of Records . 2. Reading and referring Petitions' 3. Reports of Committees on Petitions. 4. Uelluting on Petitions. 5. Miscellaneous Business. 5. Work. ADOPTED BY THE Grand Commandery of Knights Templar, OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 24. 1870. Conforming to that adopted by the G rand Encampment of the United States, Full Dress Black frock coat, black pantaloons, scarf, sword, belt, shoulder straps, gauntlets, and chapeau, with appropriate trimmings. COAT. For Sir Knights^ Black cloth cut military style, single breasted, standing collar; eleven buttons in front, four behind; length, to knee; side edges in plait; hook and eye at neck gore, sleeve plain, no but- tons at cuff; passion cross of silver on left side of collar, buttons round or bell, and of silk twisted cov- ering. For Generalissimo and Captain General. Same as above . 148 For Commanders and Past Commander. Same as nhove, except that the co;>t shall be double breast- ed, with two rows of butto.is; cross uu collar to be gold with rays. * Fatigue Dress. Same as full dress, except for chapeau a black cloth cap, navy form, with appropri- ate cross i:i front, an 1 forgurittatfl whitM <^'ove><. Scars. Five inches wide in the whole, of white, bordered with black one inch on either side, a strip of navy lace one-fourth of an inch wide, at the inner edge of the black. On the front centre of the scarf, a metal star of nine points, in allusion to the nine founders of the Temple Order, inclosing the Passion Cross, surrounded by the Latin motto, "In hoc Sic/no Vinces" the star to be three and three-quarter inches in diameter. The scarf to be worn from the right shoulder to the left hip, with ihe ends extending six inches below the point of intersection . Chapeau. The military chapeau, trimmed with black binding, one white and two blach plumes, and appropriate cross an the left side. Gauntlets. Of buff leather, the flap to extend four inches upwards from the wrist, and to have the appropriate cross embroidered in gold, on the proper colored velvet, two inches in length. Sword. Thirty -four to forty inches, inclusive of scabbard, helmit head, cross handle, and metal scab- bard. * None but Commanders and Past Commanders are entitled to nee the rays. 149 Belt. Red enatnled or patent leather, two iuchc* wide, fastened around the body with buckle or clasp. Shoulder Straps, for the Commander and Past Commanders of a Subordinate Commandery Em- erald green silk velvet, one and a half inches wide by four inches long, bordered with one row of embroid- ery, of gold, quarter of an inch wide; the Passion Cross with a halo, embroidered, of silver, in the cen- tre. For the Generalissimo. Same as Commander, ex- cept for Passion Cross, the Square, surmounted with the Paschal Lamb. For the Captain General .Same as the Command- er, except for the Passion Cross, the level, surmount- ed with the Cock . Cap. Navy form; black cloth, four to five inches high, narrow leather strap fastened at the sides with small metal Templar's Cross, and with appropriate cross in front. Distinctions. The Sir Knights will wear white metal wherever metal appears. Commanders and Past Commanders, Grand and Past Grand Officers, gold. Officers U, D. A. 0. 753 ; A, D, 1871. / E. Sir John Corson Smith, Eminent Com. Sir Samuel Cook, Generalissimo. Sir Simeon Kingsley Miner, Captain General. Sir John Minot Daggett, Prelate. Sir Mortimer Marcus Wheeler, Senior Warden . Sir John Olinger, Junior Warden. Sir Charles Silas Burt, Treasurer. Sir Daniel LeBetter, Recorder. Sir Robert Little, Standard Bearer. Sir Smith D. Atkins, Sword Bearer. Sir Daniel Stewart, Captain of Guards. Officers, A. 0. 754; A. D. 1872 E. Sir John Corson Smith. Sir William Reuben Rowley, Sir Simeon Kingsley Miner, Sir Daniel LeBetter, Sir Mahlon Coleman, Sir Mortimer Marcus Wheeler, Sir William Rudolph Burkhard, Sir Daniel LeBetter, Sir Richard Henry Fiddick, Sir Edward James, Sir John Carter Calderwood, Sir Daniel Stewart, Sir Sidney Hunkins, Sir William Richard Holder, Sir Charles Sherman Bentley, Eminent Coin. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Standard Bearer. Sword Bearer. Warder. Captain of Guard . Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. I Officers, A. 0. 755 : A. D. 1873, E. Sir John Corson Smith, Sir William Heuben Rowley, Sir Charles Sherman Bentley, Sir Henry Herman Oidenhage, SirMahion Coleman, Sir Simeon Kingsley Miner, Sir Richard Henry Fiddick, Sir Daniel LeBetter. Sir Edward James, Sir Louis Albert Rowley, Sir John Carter Calderwood, Sir Daniel Stewart, Sir Thomas Edmond Artnitstead, Sir Sidney Hunkins, Sir William Richard Holder. Eminent Com. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer . Recorder. Standard Bearer. Sword Bearer. Warden. Captain of Guard, Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. SIR KNIGHTS AT DATE OF CONSTITUTING COMMANDERY, AND CHEATED SINCE ORGANIZATION. | Demitted. t Honorary. t Deceased. MEMBERS ON DISPENSATION. E. Sir John Corson Smith, Sir Samuel Cook, f Sir Simeon Kingsley Miner, Sir John Minott Daggett, Sir Mortimer Marcus Wheeler, Sir John Olinger, Sir Charles Silas Burt, Sir Robert Little, Sir Smith D. Atkins, When Knighted. 8ir Kt. John Corson Smith, April 26, 1871 " Simeon Kingsley Miner, April 26, 1871 " Mortimer Marcus Wheeler, April 5, 1870 '* William Reuben Rowley, Sept. 29, " Daniel Stewart, Sept. 29, " Mahlon Coleman, Sept. 29, 1871 " Daniel LeBetter, Sept. 29, 1871 " John Carter Cal'derwood, Sept. 29, " William Rudolph Burkhard, Sept. 29, " Edward James, Jan. 12, " Richard Henry Fiddick, Jan. 13, 154 Sir Kt. Charles Sherman Rentley, " Nelson Munroe Bratt, " Anutsa Harrington Mo >dy, " Hezekiah Gear, \ " William Richard Holder, " Daniel Wann, u Jacob Wernli, " Sidney Hunkins, '* Henry Herman Oldenhage, " William Henry Martin, " Wilbur Fisk Crummer, " Louis Albert Rowley, " William Gary, 44 Thomas Ediriond AnniUtead " John Dunston Pryor, " Elijah Hedding Downing, J " John Weslty Luke, " Peter Trewartha, " James Barton Brown, " Daniel Asbury Taylor,' " Alonzo Van Ness Richards, " Jacob Fawcett, " Edward Courtney, " Benjamin Frederic Merle u, " John Hatch, " John Paul Williams, " John Eugene Hoover, " John Stewart Wiley, " David Nash Corwith, " Horatio Nelson Bridgeman, Feb. 3, 1872 Feb. ?, 1872 Feb. 7, 1872 March 8, 1872 March 22, 1872 March 22, 1872 May 10, 1872 May U, 1872 May 13, 1872 May U, 1872 May 15, 1872 June 17, 1872 June 17, 1872 J June 19, 1872 Nov. 29, 1872 Jan. 27, 1873 Jan . 29, 1873 Jan. 31, 1873 Feb. 24, 1873 March 20, 1873 April 12, 1873 April 17, 1873 May 10, 1873 May 12, 1873 July 25, 1873 Aug. 21, 1873 Aug. 27, 1873 Aug. 27, 1873 Dec. 12, 1873 Dec. 12, 1873