13447 ; H53 111 Vaccination and Lockjaw 13 g) The Assassins of the Blood J By CHARLES M. HIQQINS Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library | Wi 27 '3? i 4 i.u i i & 1 4 '- 4 - ■ 3 H 3"3 v VACCINATION AND LOCK JAW Full Responsibility of Vaccination for Lockjaw Deaths Proved THE LIBELS OF THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE AND THE ERRORS OF DR, ANDERSON'S GOVERNMENT REPORT EXPOSED AND ANSWERED By CHAS. M. HIGGINS Of the Anti -Vaccination League of America TO THE PRESS AND PUBLIC— GREETINGS : This public letter exposing the libels of the New York Tribune and demanding their retraction proves that compulsory vaccination is worse than smallpox and shows how frequently it kills little school children by lockjaw and other infections and that it is now actually ten times more dangerous and fatal than natural smallpox, and it also shows how these shocking facts are denied and concealed by vaccinists and medical au- thorities interested in such concealment. This letter to The Tribune also makes a full exposure of Dr. An- derson’s recent Government Report on Lockjaw after Vaccination and shows how it is shamefully irrelevant and misleading and evades and conceals the full truth. It also shows how Dr. Anderson, soon after making this official Government Report which excuses vaccine virus from all blame for deaths from lockjaw, resigned his official position at a salary of $4,500 per year and entered the employ of one of the biggest makers of vaccine virus in the country, at the gigantic salary of $25,000 per year ! Demand is also here made for the immediate repeal of the present evil school vaccination law and for the legal suppression and punish- ment of this shocking crime of child slaughter by compulsory medical disease, as a condition for the fundamental right of the school child to education. To The Tribune Association, Tribune Building, 154 Nassau Street, New York City. Dear Sirs : In your issue of The New York Tribune of June 28th, 1915, in your column entitled “Ad-Visor,” edited by your advertising editor and expert, Mr. Samuel Hopkins Adams, you committed a most false, stupid VACCINATION AND LOCKJAW Full Responsibility of Vaccination for Lockjaw Deaths Proved THE LIBELS OF THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE AND THE ERRORS OF DR* ANDERSON'S GOVERNMENT REPORT EXPOSED AND ANSWERED By CHAS. M. HIGGINS Of the Anti-Vaccination League of America TO THE PRESS AND PUBLIC— GREETINGS : This public letter exposing the libels of the New York Tribune and demanding their retraction proves that compulsory vaccination is worse than smallpox and shows how frequently it kills little school children by lockjaw and other infections and that it is now actually ten times more dangerous and fatal than natural smallpox, and it also shows how these shocking facts are denied and concealed by vaccinists and medical au- thorities interested in such concealment. This letter to The Tribune also makes a full exposure of Dr. An- derson’s recent Government Report on Lockjaw after Vaccination and shows how it is shamefully irrelevant and misleading and evades and conceals the full truth. It also shows how Dr. Anderson, soon after making this official Government Report which excuses vaccine virus from all blame for deaths from lockjaw, resigned his official position at a salary of $4,500 per year and entered the employ of one of the biggest makers of vaccine virus in the country, at the gigantic salary of $25,000 per year! Demand is also here made for the immediate repeal of the present evil school vaccination law and for the legal suppression and punish- ment of this shocking crime of child slaughter by compulsory medical disease, as a condition for the fundamental right of the school child to education. To The Tribune Association, Tribune Building, 154 Nassau Street, New York City. Dear Sirs: In your issue of The New York Tribune of June 28th, 1915, in your column entitled “Ad-Visor,” edited by your advertising editor and expert, Mr. Samuel Hopkins Adams, you committed a most false, stupid and malicious libel against me, personally, and against the cause I repre- sent, in the publication of a letter from Dr. William T. Power contain- ing the false, libelous and malicious charges that the series of adver- tisements which I had inserted in several of your previous issues for the Anti- Vaccination League of America and signed by me personally, exposing the evils of compulsory vaccination and its great danger to human health and life and advocating its legal repeal and prohibition, were “vicious,” “ reeking with untruths” and filled with “intentional misstatement.” THE TRIBUNE LIBELS ITSELF AND ITS ADVERTISER This grossly libelous letter from Dr. Power was greatly aggravated' by the statements of your advertising editor, Mr. Adams, which virtually approved and endorsed the entire libel of Dr. Power in a most stupid and flagrant manner and made no effort to refute or correct the false and malicious statements in this letter, although it not only grossly libeled one of your own honest advertisers but actually charged The Tribune itself with a most serious offense against journalistic ethics and public right in that, notwithstanding that my series of several large and expensive advertisements (occupying many columns in each issue) were, as alleged, plainly “vicious/' “reeking with untruths" and filled with “intentional misstatement," with intent to deceive the public mind and injure the public welfare, yet nevertheless The Tribune freely ac- cepted and published all those alleged false, vicious and publicly in- jurious articles for pay! Instead, however, of your Mr. Adams resenting and refuting these grossly false and libelous charges of Dr. Power against The Tribune itself and against one of your accurately truthful, disinterested and honest advertisers, he practically accepted and approved these foul and stupid charges made, not only against me and my cause, but against his own journal, The Tribune. And your Mr. Adams not only negatively accepted and endorsed this libel of Dr. Power by failure to resent or re- fute it, as was his duty even to his own paper, but positively confirmed it by ignorantly and fatuously stating that my truthful, honest and accu- rate work in these advertisements, which clearly proved by impregnable statistical facts the barbarism of all compulsory vaccination and its great danger to the health and life of school children, was in Mr. Adams’ false opinion nothing but a work for “ignorance," “suffering" and a “higher death-rate." (See page 16.) 2 DOUBLE LIBEL FROM DOCTOR AND EDITOR FALSE AND FOUL AND CANNOT BE VERIFIED OR JUSTIFIED Now, it may be very interesting to the cause of public right and truth when we get Dr. Power and Mr. Adams before a jury of this city to have them try to show how the demonstrated and unanswerable facts, as to the fatality of vaccination, shown in these advertisements make for “ignorance,” “suffering,” and “a higher death-rate,” and where these advertisements are in any sense “vicious,” “reeking with untruths” and filled with “intentional misstatement.” We can certainly give the authors of these libels more than an uncomfortable hour when they are placed on the witness stand to try to prove their false statements or justify their libels if they can. THE TRIBUNE BIRD WHICH FOULS ITS OWN NEST There is a wise old saying that “It is a dirty bird which fouls its own nest,” and I think this old saying can be applied with perfect truth and fitness to your Mr. Adams in this case, whose publication of the grossly false and libelous letter of Dr. Power, together with his own fatuous indorsement of it, not only libels me flagrantly in a civil as well as a criminal sense, but grossly fouls his own paper, The Tribune, whose motto is, “First to Last — the Truth; News — Editorials — Adver- tisements,” and it will be seen that this stupid libel of your Mr. Adams means that your paper inserted my advertisements, which were so grossly improper as to be plainly “vicious,” “reeking with untruth” and full of “intentional misstatement,” and making for “ignorance,” “suffering” and “a higher death-rate,” and that you did all this false and foul work, injurious in a public sense, simply for the pay you received for these big advertisements, which amounted to the snug sum of two thousand dollars, more or less, for the twelve or more articles of the series ! Now each of these articles, as you will remember, was signed by me personally as a man of full responsibility and good standing in this community and taking full responsibility for every statement contained in these articles, and they were evidently so satisfactory to you when you inserted them that you never made the least objection to them or asked to alter a line or a word in them, but on the contrary the fine manner in which most of these advertisements were set up by your typographic department, so as to bring out and display the most telling points to good advantage, showed that you had at least some men in your establishment who were in perfect sympathy with the high public 3 purpose of these articles, to expose and suppress one of the greatest medical abuses and evils in our present age. It is hardly necessary to say that I also was well satisfied with the advertising service and the re- sults given by The Tribune, as I think we found that your paper had a high class family circulation within the city and also a large circulation in many towns outside of the city which we wished to reach, and that we actually got more replies from our advertisements in The Tribune, and one or two other journals, than from any of the city papers wdiich we have used. DOUBLE DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF ADVERTISER’S CON- TRACT AND LIBEL ON ADVERTISER Now, as a proposition of law and equity, covering both the princi- ples of advertising contracts and acts of libel, I think it must be plain to you that, having paid you about two thousand dollars for this serv- ice in publishing a series of advertisements, which were accepted freely by you without any objection, when you afterwards, in effect, foqlly and falsely tell the public in your columns that all these advertisements were really vicious, reeking with untruths, full of intentional misstate- ment and making for nothing but ignorance, suffering and a higher death-rate and therefore having no intent or purpose except to deceive and injure the public instead of being for the public good, you therefore by this flagrant act not only commit a most gross and stupid libel against mei but also clearly violate your advertising contract with me by destroy- ing or attempting to destroy all the expected service or effect of these advertisements in the minds of your readers, for which service I had already paid you in full. I therefore think it will not take very long for any Court and jury in this vicinity to decide the nature of your offenses in law and equity in this case and to determine the damages that should be paid to me, both under the law of libel and the law of implied and actual contracts, for I think it is clear that in law and equity I have a double claim of damages against you in this case, both on violation of contract and on injury by libel. RESPONSIBILITY OF MR. HIGGINS AND HIS ASSOCIATES AND THEIR ABILITY AND DETERMINATION TO DEFEND ALL FALSE AND FOUL ATTACKS. I therefore now wish you to clearly understand that I and other officers of the Anti-Vaccination League of America are responsible men, fully able to defend ourselves and our cause against all falsification and 4 defamation, and that we do not intend to let any publisher like your- selves or any representative of vaccination interests or medical societies, like Dr. Power, no matter how great they may think themselves, defame or injure us or our cause in any way whatever in the public mind. As to our chief officers, our President and Secretary, Mr. John Pitcairn and Mr. Porter F. Cope, both of Philadelphia, you can readily learn upon inquiry the high character and standing of these men in their home community, and you can easily find out what is my own character and standing in the community of Brooklyn. And let me now say to you distinctly at this point that I will take entire charge of this legal claim upon The Tribune and others in this case and will not trouble my fellow officers of the League in this matter whatever, as from the outset I have held myself entirely responsible for anything put out under my own signature personally or officially in my own territory of New York State. For your own information I might here add that I do not enter into any matter of public reform like this without full preparation and deliberation and that I am not without experience in labor and litigation for the public good, as you can readily learn if you look into the court records in this State in the matter of forest protec- tion and of bank receiverships, and that therefore I am no novice in litigation for public justice and reform and have no fear in undertaking the legal and moral vindication of myself and my cause in this matter, before any Court and jury in this State. But I also want to say at this point that I am not as anxious for an award of damages in this matter as I am for the full and proper vindication of the good cause which I represent, viz., the public exposure of the gross falsehoods and dangers of compulsory vaccination, the repeal of the present evil law, and the saving of the health and life of our little school children from this utterly needless and barbarous medical practice, which is so profitable to the vaccinating doctors and vaccine makers but is more dangerous to children than natural smallpox and now causes more deaths among them every year than smallpox itself, which I have fully demonstrated in the articles already published in your columns. HIGH PUBLIC PURPOSE WITH NO SORDID MOTIVE INVOLVED In the case of the liquidation of the Brooklyn Bank in 1908 with one hundred cents on the dollar, I did not accept one cent for my own services as receiver but applied my legal fees for the benefit of the de- positors and other public purposes, and should I obtain any damages in this case I would apply every dollar so received to this high and holy cause which you have so falsely, foully and stupidly libeled in your columns. FULJL RETRACTION AND SATISFACTION DEMANDED I therefore now respectfully demand that you make a full and complete retraction and correction of the falsehoods and libels that you have uttered against me and my cause in the publication herein com- plained of, and that you make this correction and apology as complete and as prominent in your paper as the retraction recently made of your libel against the present Attorney General of the State, Hon. E. E. Woodbury. If you do not see fit to make this full and ample correction and satisfaction, which public truth and justice require and private right demands, I shall be compelled to ask the courts for redress in a suit for civil libel against your company and Dr. Power jointly ; and I shall also carefully consider the propriety of a suit for criminal libel against your Mr. Adams and Dr. Power. OTHER FALLACIES AND LIBELS CONSIDERED THE LOCKJAW LIE EXPOSED The gross acts of libel above specified have been in a measure aggravated and continued by editorial articles in your issues of July 27th and August 3rd, the first being entitled, “Vaccination and Te- tanus/' and the second article being headed, “Gross and Deliberate.” Both of these editorials, together with the previous libel complained of, clearly show the animus, prejudice and false information which seem to have controlled and misled your editors in not only committing the first libels referred to, but in adding to and continuing this libel in the two editorials just named, which positively charge both myself and other opponents of compulsory vaccination with an entire want of truth, can- dor and good faith on the question of the fatality of vaccination and its direct and indirect responsibility for many deaths from lockjaw follow- ing vaccination. In those editorials you specifically refer to two op- ponents of vaccination, Mr. Rinn and Mr. Weinberger, as being guilty of a “gross and deliberate” perversion of Dr. Rosenau’s conclusions as to the relation of vaccine virus to lockjaw infections as given in Bulletin 12 of the U. S. Hygienic Laboratory of 1903. Any close stu- dent of this subject knows, however, that Mr. Rinn and Mr. Wein- berger made no deliberate perversion of Dr. Rosenau’s conclusions as to vaccine virus and lockjaw but merely a slight inadvertent mistake as to the natural versus the artificial presence of lockjaw germs in the virus, which in any case is little more than a quibble and does not 6 affect the essential facts in any serious way whatever. For example:— It is true that Dr. Rosenau stated he could not find the lockjaw germ in any specimen of the virus itself in the market which he tested, but nevertheless he gave clear warning that it was likely to exist in virus at any time and must be carefully guarded against for the very obvious reason that the lockjaw germ originates in the body of the bovine ani- mal from which the virus itself is made, and he showed also by his ex- periments that the lockjaw germs which he deliberately put into glycer- inated virus, for test, could live in it for months and that the glycerine had no fatal effect on them but actually preserves them and if such virus were injected into the human body it could cause lockjaw^ Now, other investigators have actually found lockjaw in marketed virus sev- eral times and have acknowledged that no matter how seldom this in- vasion happens the possibility of this danger always exists, because the germ occurs in the body and surroundings of the vaccinated calf itself, while other experts have shown that lockjaw germs could be known to exist in virus and yet could not always be demonstrated to be there by tests. Furthermore, it has also been shown that in some cases a patient might die in the agonies of what was clearly and posi- tively a case of lockjaw and yet the germs could not be found in the body upon careful test. ACCURATE TRUTH OF ADVERTISER’S STATEMENTS LIBELED BY TRIBUNE You will therefore see that you have been wrongfully accusing some critics of vaccination, in your last editorial, of “gross and deliberate” perversion as to the real truth on this very complex subject, but I have noted that in this editorial you have not attemped to charge me in- dividually with any such “perversion” or inaccuracy, for the good rea- son, I believe, that in none of my published articles could you find any such inaccuracy or perversion, notwithstanding Dr. Powers false and foul statements. And you may remember that in a large advertisement published in your columns on June 29th, 1914, I covered this subject fully and showed how vaccination was directly and indirectly responsi- ble for deaths from lockjaw and how irrelevant the question was whether the lockjaw germ was in the virus itself or not, at the moment of vaccination, and what a contemptible medical quibble and dastardly evasion of the real truth this false contention was. This article was entitled: — “Deadis from Vaccination Greater Than Deaths from Small- pox. Medical Falsehoods Denying Deaths from Vaccination and Lock- jaw Answered and Crushed.” And this article plainly set forth the real 7 facts on this subject and showed clearly how vaccination can cause, and does cause, deaths from lockjaw, although the virus itself at the moment of vaccination may be entirely free of tetanus germs. This clear expo- sition of the real truth in this matter, therefore, renders your libels in the different articles now referred to more aggravated and inexcusable in law and equity because I frhink it can be easily proved, before any Court and jury, that, having previously laid these facts before you, this information should have restrained you from the falsehoods and mis- representations contained in the several libels complained of. DR. ANDERSON’S MISLEADING REPORT ON VACCINATION . AND LOCKJAW ANALYZED AND RIDDLED Not only did you disregard the clear truth which I had already laid before you in my elaborate article printed in your issue of June 29th and occupying three full columns, but this inexcusable mistake further misled you into credulously accepting a most shameful one-sided report entitled “Post Vaccination Tetanus,” published in the U. S. Public Health Reports of July 16, 1915, and written by Dr. J. F. Anderson, formerly of the U. S'. Public Health Service but now an employe of vaccine manufacturers, which you s'eem to have readily accepted as gospel truth and conclusive on this whole subject, whereas it is nothing but a shamefully irrelevant defense of vaccination and a gross evasion and concealment of the whole truth, and is fully re- futed in my elaborate article of June 29th, which you so carelessly disregarded while you swallowed the one-sided report of Dr. Ander- son, now interested in the manufacture of vaccine virus, as being the whole and disinterested truth without using even a grain of the saving salt of journalistic common sense, which would have led you to look on both sides of this great subject before you committed yourselves on either side. This precaution would have saved you from the great mistake and wrong of which you now seem to be guilty in committing yourselves to that side which is professionally and commercially in- terested in denying and concealing the full truth from the public, to its own advantage, and in libeling the honest and disinterested men who have given you the full truth on this subject. WHY DID DR. ANDERSON, WHILE EMPLOYED BY THE U. S. GOVERNMENT AT A SALARY OF $4,500, WRITE AN OFFICIAL REPORT EXCUSING VACCINE VIRUS FROM ALL BLAME FOR LOCKJAW DEATHS AND THEN RESIGN AND TAKE A PLACE IN A BIG VACCINE FACTORY AT A SALARY OF $25,000 PER YEAR? With regard to the real character of this report of Dr. Anderson for whole-hearted truth, accuracy and disinterestedness — a report which 8 is now being heralded all over the country in editorial offices and else- where as a full and perfect defense of vaccination, and which has so seriously misled you and many others — it may be sufficient for me to say here that, if Dr. Anderson had deliberately started out to make a report which would be wholly in the interest of vaccinating doctors and vaccine manufacturers and to give only one side of the subject or only one-half of the truth and withhold the whole truth on this most im- portant matter from the public so as to save vaccination from all re- proach and responsibility for deaths from lockjaw and to conceal the most common and frequent ways in which vaccination really causes lockjaw and kills the vaccinated child, he could not have succeeded better ! Now, what are the significant, connecting and humiliating facts, as reported in this case? Dr. Anderson, although a young man, is said to be one of tbe best authorities on bacteriology and vaccine manufacture in the United States and he has been employed for the last ten years by the people of the United States in the U. S. Public Health Service at Washington, at a salary of $4,500 per year, to help to conserve the health of the people of this land and to give the people the full and real truth on all medical or health subjects, as far as he can, and not to give them irrelevant one-sided or half-truths in the interest of medical doctors or medical manufacturers. And yet, almost immediately after Dr. Anderson had this misleading or one-sided report published, with tbe title “Post-Vaccination Tetanus,” and issued under the high sanction of the U. S. Government as being ostensibly of the highest authority for whole-hearted truth and accuracy, to show the real causes of lockjaw occurring after vaccination, he lert the employ of the Government with the salary of $4,500, according to the Evening Star of Washington, D. C., of Oct. 20, 1915, and entered the employ of one of the biggest vaccine makers in this country with the gigantic salary of $25,000 per year ! And, while his falsely esteemed report is now being used by vaccine manu- facturers all over this country under the high sanction of a Govern- ment publication as being a full defense of vaccination from all responsi- bility for the frightfully frequent deaths of little school children all ovei this land from lockjaw after vaccination, Dr. Anderson is now presum- ably enjoying his big salary of $25,000 from the big vaccine company, 'to which company and to others in the same trade his Government Re- port giving vaccine virus a clean bill of health, so far as lockjaw deaths are concerned, is obviously, in a trade sense, worth many thousands of dollars ! 9 THE INVINCIBLE GUN AND THE VULNERABLE TARGET How many thousands of dollars this report of Dr. Anderson is worth to the different vaccine manufacturers in this country, who are capitalized with about twenty millions, I will leave to the public con- science to estimate. And these multi-millioned vaccine makers, nine or ten in number, are now patting themselves and Dr. Anderson on the back as having fully vindicated vaccination from the charge of child slaughter from pus infection and lockjaw combined because. forsooth, Dr. Anderson could find no lockjaw germ in any virus he had tested for the last thirteen years! Not only are these interested vaccine cham- pions thus deceiving themselves and the trusting public with this out- rageously false logic and this dastardly evasion of the full medical truth, but they are also deluding trusting editors all over the land into libeling honest men who know full well the gross fallacy of this defense of vaccination and have exposed it repeatedly. These deluded editors, moreover, are not only libeling truthful and honest men who are spend- ing their strength and fortune in this great fight for medical Truth and Freedom against the greatest medical barbarism and oppression of the age, viz., compulsory medical disease and death, but these editors are also showing how deeply they have allowed themselves to be fooled by these false and interested champions by now foolishly and gleefully tell- ing us (see p. 20) that the chief “gun” of anti-vaccination (death of little school children from lockjaw during or after vaccination) has now- been “spiked,” by the great Dr. Anderson and his greater report ; where- as we have really now been provided with new and most effective am- munition for the reloading of our guns. And the vaccine champions have now recklessly offered themselves as a most shameful and vulner- able target on which this ammunition can be used with most telling effect for the pubic exposure and condemnation of these champions, who have such a big professional and commercial interest in forcing compulsory vaccination upon the people under the most outrageous falsehoods that it is necessary for public health and is perfectly safe and harmless, and who are constantly denying and concealing the shocking truth in this matter, which is this : — That general vaccination is now really more dan- gerous than natural smallpox and is now killing more children every year than smallpox itself. AWFUL SLAUGHTER OF SCHOOL CHILDREN BY VACCINA- TION AND LOCKJAW • For example: — We have clear proof now in hand of the deaths of at least thirty children from vaccination in 1914 in the State of New 10 York alone, more than half of which were from vaccinal lockjaw, while there were only three deaths from smallpox in the whole State in the same year! In 1915 there were five deaths from vaccinal lockjaw in little school children occurring, in one week alone, about the first of October, two of these deaths being in Burlington, N. J., and three in New \ork City! (See p. 21.) Almost every mail brings notices of similar deaths occurring all over the country. In almost all those cases the deaths are falsely denied by vaccinators to be in any way due to vaccination and the misleading report of Dr. Anderson has been braz- enly used as a full justification for this falsehood. See my pamphlet, “The Crime Against the School Child” ; also, “Vaccination Results in New York State in 1914,” by Mr. Jas. A. Loyster, of Cazenovia, N. Y. LEGAL SUPPRESSION AND PUNISHMENT OF CHILD SLAUGHTER CALLED FOR AND REPEAL OF ALL COM- PULSORY VACCINATION DEMANDED. Surely, therefore, this barbarous medical child-slaughter now calls loudly for criminal trial and punishment under our Penal Laws before our courts and juries, as being the only effective way to properly deal with it. Instead of your editors libeling the honest men who are now exposing this evil and demanding its legal suppression, they should join firmly and loudly with us in this demand, not only for the repeal of the evil law, but for the conviction and punishment of every coercive vac- cinator guilty of this fatal medical malpractice on the most precious possession of the parent and the State, our little school children! And we should repeal compulsory vaccination in every shape and form and leave voluntary vaccination free for every one who desires it. HOW VACCINE VIRUS CAUSES LOCKJAW AND HOW DR. ANDERSON CONCEALED THIS TRUTH Now, when Dr. Anderson wrote this much-heralded but fallacious report on the cause of lockjaw after vaccination, he knew very well that it was not at all necessary for the lockjaw germ to be in the virus itself to cause lockjaw in the vaccinated child, and he also knew very well that the virus always contains active germs of the pus infections which cause dangerous inflammations and suppurations ; and he, of course, also knew that every act of vaccination is nothing but a pus infection, pure and simple, which always produces inflammation and suppuration or some form of “septicemia” or blood poisoning in the human body and frequently kills directly from this cause alone ! He also knew that lockjaw cannot develop in the human body except in a 11 pus infected or suppurating wound, such as a vaccination sore, or its equivalent, and that the lockjaw germ is so widely diffused in some localities in this country (particularly on Long Island and in New York State generally) that it is not only in the soil, but on domestic animals and in the entire habitat or surroundings of vaccinated persons and— please note this striking fact — even frequently exists directly upon or within the bodies of many healthy persons ! We therefore do not have to go far away from, or even outside of. the body of the vaccinated child itself, to find the lockjaw germ ever ready to do its deadly work, provided the pus infection of the vaccina- tion comes along first to ignite or “activate” this widelv diffused, nor- mally harmless and inactive but potentially deadly germ. (See Dr. Edward Francis, “Laboratory Studies on Tetanus,” Bulletin 95, U. S. Hygienic Laboratory, August, 1914; Pages 8, 9, 11, 32, 41, 48, 49, 62.) Dr. Anderson was therefore fully aware that it was the pus infec- tion always carried by vaccine virus that is really the primarily danger- ous element and the igniting or “activating” cause of the fatal develop- ment of the normally harmless lockjaw germ wherever this “activating” pus infection comes in contact with the lockjaw germ within or upon the human body, where it commonly exists ! Dr. Anderson, I say, knew very well that the pus infection was just like a spark to gunpowder and that the lockjaw germs were like the gunpowder — perfectly harmless and inactive until touched with the igniting and exploding pus infection. Dr. Anderson, I repeat, knew' all these shocking facts — which show the most common, frequent and dangerous ways in which vaccine virus causes fatal lockjaw or tetanus, although there might not be a single tetanus germ in the virus itself — and yet he never said a word in his report about this most essential fact for the real enlightenment of the suffering public against the great dangers to human health and life always existing from vaccination and lockjaw in combination, a fatal danger, particularly for little children which is absolutely and constantly at least ten times greater than the natural danger from smallpox! But. per contra, Dr. Anderson is now presumably enjoying his reported big salary of $25,000 in the employ of the million dollar vaccine company in an adjoining State (E. R. Squibb & Sons, New Brunswick, N. J.), and the virus makers all over the country are now using his shameful mis- leading report (misleading by irrelevancy and by gross omission and concealment) as a full justification of their most dangerous product of pus infections, which is forced on our little school children in the false name of public health as a condition for the exercise of the highest constitutional right of the child, Education, and as being perfectly safe 12 and harmless, whereas it is potentially most dangerous and is really killing them, as we have repeatedly proved, by scores and hundreds all qver this land by lockjaw and other septic infections, both as a direct and an indirect result of the operation of vaccination and the injeetion on this virus ! And our vaccinating doctors and health officials are con- stantly denying and concealing these deaths in death certificates, medical reports and vital statistics throughout this State in a most shameful manner, which loudly calls for a full public exposure ^nd punishment from some proper tribunal in this State. See pamphlets referred t® on page 11. (See also pages 20 and 21, 28, 29.) CONCLUSION Now, in all this arraignment of the false defenses of vaccination I am merely stating facts, and I will leave your editors and the editors of our other papers in New York and elsewhere to express their own opinion of Dr. Anderson and his work in the said Report and the wis- dom of your own mistaken and libelous adoption of it as being the very gospel of disinterested medical truth and accuracy, notwithstanding the full information on this subject that I had previously laid before you in my big advertisement in your columns of June 29th, 1914. In closing I will say that I first learned of your libelous article while on my summer vacation and, as soon as possible thereafter, I wrote to your advertising agent, Mr. H. P. Meany, through whom I had placed my advertisements in The Tribune, calling his attention to this libel and stating that I would take legal action thereon in due time and, in the meantime, asking for some information about your Mr. Adams and Dr. Power, the authors of the libels complained of. This letter to Mr. Meany was sent by registered mail to your office but was returned to me by the Post Office about two weeks later as unclaimed and not found at this address or at several private addresses where the . carrier had tried to find Mr. Meany. As your Mr. Meany does not, therefore, now seem to be within reach by mail I herewith send you the original of this letter addressed to him as your agent, which you can now regard as addressed to yourselves. I regret this delay of a few months in making this legal demand upon you for correction of the libel complained of, but it was impossible to take up this matter until after my permanent return to town and until after I had disposed of several pressing matters in the course of the last month. I also regret that it has required so much space to properly treat this matter, but the subject of vaccination in its various phases is such 13 a complex one and has been so overlaid and underlaid with medical falsehoods that it requires some time and patience to unravel the clear threads of truth from the tangle of falsehoods in which the truth has been concealed by many of our so-called high authorities, interested in so concealing it. I also wished to give you the facts so fully and clearly that you could not fail to be convinced of the libelous errors and wrongs already committed and to be able to make the full, proper and honorable amend and thus avoid, if possible, the necessity of my resorting to the courts for redress, to which I certainly shall resort if this amendment is not fully and properly made and with reasonable promptitude. I shall therefore await your responsive answer to this letter before taking further proceedings. Yours very truly, CHAS. M. HIGGINS, Treasurer Anti-Vaccination League of America, and Member National League for Medical Freedom. 271 Ninth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. December 15, 1915. SUITS AGAINST THE TRIBUNE AND DR. POWER After waiting a reasonable time for an answer to the above letter and for a proper retraction of the libel complained of and satisfaction for the wrong committed, a reply was received from the attorney for The Tribune, under date of January 4th, 1916, which, however, was evasive and non-committal on the essential point whether The Tribune would or would not make the proper retraction and satisfaction de- manded in this matter. I therefore promptly notified the said attorney by letter dated January 6th, 1916, that, as his answer was entirely un- responsive to my just demands upon The Tribune for retraction of its libel and correction of the wrong done to me arid my cause, I had now directed my lawyer, Hon. Charles F. Murphy, of 50 Church Street, New York City, to enter suits for libel against The Tribune and Dr. 14 William T. Power jointly and for breach of advertising contract against The Tribune, which suits will be duly prosecuted to the legal end. DEFENSE OF PUBLIC TRUTH AtfD REPROOF OF PUBLIC FALSEHOOD NECESSARY As the libels herein exposed, together with the misleading report of Dr. Anderson partly involved in said libels, have had a most extensive circulation in the public press and have been used to defame and mis- represent the work of our League and the motives and acts of its officers and members, and to falsify the facts as to the true relation of vaccination to lockjaw, to the great injury of public truth and right on most important questions of public health, I have therefore thought it proper and necessary to now publish this protest to The Tribune, as a public pamphlet for general circulation to offset the evil influences of these libels, errors and misrepresentations, and to give the public the full medical and statistical truth on this important matter and to expose the shameful manner in which the public mind has been deceived by the general false idea inculcated by these publications that vaccination is perfectly or practically safe and harmless and that this operation, and the virus used therein, never causes serious diseases, infections or death and is not responsible for the many deaths from lockjaw, both directly and indirectly, which are occurring constantly all over this land in vaccinated school children. ABSTRACT OF THE TRIBUNE LIBELS AND GIST OF THE WORK AND PURPOSE OF OUR LEAGUE CONTRASTED To give a clear idea of the false, stupid and malicious nature of the libels uttered by The Tribune and the true scope and nature of the un- selfish work done by our League, for Public Truth and Right against the great medical evil of compulsory vaccination, I now give the follow- ing brief extracts from The Tribune’s “Ad-Visor” editorial, and in contrast with this an extract from one of our big advertisements in The Tribune and other papers under date of June 15th, 1914, which gives an epitome of the great subject covered by our whole series of 15 articles (12 in all) extending over several months and occupying sev- eral columns in each issue which cost us over twenty thousand dollars. (From The Tribune of June 28th, 1915) “AD-VISOR” “Conducted by Samuel Hopkins Adams” “This department is devoted to separating the sheep of advertising from the goats — and hanging a bell on the goats.” ******** “The appearance in The Tribune of the vicious advertisement of the Anti- Vaccination League of America, reeking with untruths, must have come with a great shock to all like myself who have . acclaimed with • enthusiasm the high standard of truthfulness recently adopted by your excellent paper. I should like to ask how your Mr. Samuel Hopkins Adams can defend your publication of such intentional mis-statement.” “WILLIAM T. POWER, M. D.” “Herein is raised an interesting and difficult question in the ethics of journal- ism ; how far should a newspaper censor the arguments of propaganda adver- tising? In my own opinion, the campaign of the anti-vaccinationists makes for ignorance, suffering, and a higher death-rate.” * * * Now, in contrast with this stupid libel of our work I annex the following extract from one of our big advertisements published in The Tribune and other papers of June 15th, 1914, which speaks for itself as to the true and beneficial character of otir work for the public good, which we are now content to leave to the impartial judgment of all honest citizens not professionally interested in any way in the business of vaccination : — “All this vaccination fanaticism of which our little school children are made the suffering victims is done under the old medical superstition — which, by the way, is very profitable to the vaccinating profession — that frequent and general vaccination is necessary to protect our children from the great alleged danger of infection and death from smallpox ; whereas, it is easily proved from the vital statistics of this State, which are open and public every year, that there is regu- larly more danger of being struck by lightning than of being killed by smallpox, and that this slight danger from smallpox is least of all in children of school age who are most naturally immune to smallpox and all other causes of death in general, and who actually show only 5 per cent, of the total deaths from all causes although they constitute 25 per cent, of the whole population ! “On the other hand, it can be readily proved from death certificates and other data not published but now concealed by our Health Departments in this City and State (all dominated and controlled by vaccinating doctors) that there are actually more deaths caused every year in this City and State from Lockjaw and Septicemia in Vaccination Wounds than from natural smallpox and par- ticularly in children, even two or three times more in some years ! And I now again challenge our Health Departments in this City and State to deny or dis- prove this solemn, shocking and fearless statement of medical and statistical truth if they can or dare. And if they shall dare deny it I then challenge them to allow a free and open inspection of our death certificates and vital records by a thoroughly representative, able and disinterested Committee of Citizens to estab- lish the truth or error of my statement in a public manner. ******** “The whole purpose of these articles is to enlighten the public mind as to 16 the facts about vaccination, to refute old and dangerous medical falsehoods and false statistics, and to leave all voluntary vaccination perfectly free for every o\ie who desires it or believes it to be good or necessary for health, public or private, but to restrain and prohibit all compulsory vaccination in every shape and form as violative of most sacred and fundamental human rights and most dangerous to public health and human life and profitable only to vaccinating doctors and vaccine manufacturers.” I now think that our fellow citizens will generally agree with us that our libelers and defamers will find it very difficult indeed to show before any court and jury in this State how our work, as expressed in this epitome, is in any way “vicious,” “reeking with untruth,” or “intentionally misleading,” or how it “makes for ignorance, suffering and a higher death-rate.” AUTHORS OF THE LIBELS PROFESSIONALLY INTERESTED IN, OR BIASED FOR, VACCINATION I have been informed that the authors of the libels complained of. Mr. Samuel Hopkins Adams and Dr. William T. Power, are both mem- bers of the American Medical Association, which is the largest medical society in the United States, consisting of at least forty thousand mem- bers ! If this information is correct it would suggest a probable animus bias and interest inspiring the said libels and the false attack upon the members and work of our League because this gigantic medical society is the greatest stronghold of the vaccination practice in the country and is a rigid advocate of. our evil compulsory vaccination laws, and it also publishes a medical journal with a large circulation among vaccinating doctors which is partly supported by the extensive advertisements of many vaccine makers. The members of this gigantic society have there- fore a positive professional interest in forcing compulsory vaccination upon the people and in denying and concealing from the public, so far as they can, all injuries and deaths from this evil medical practice. And this denial and concealment is not only very extensive but is easily accomplished because members of this and similar medical societies in this and other states practically control all our health departments, medical reports, death certificates and vital statistics and can conceal from the public mind with great ease and safety the true medical and statistical facts as to the deaths from vaccination which are constantly occurring all over this country. DEATHS FROM VACCINATION DENIED AND CONCEALED ABLE LAYMEN MUST BE PLACED AT HEAD OF OUR DE- PARTMENTS OF HEALTH AND VITAL STATISTICS, AS IN ENGLAND, TO OFFSET DANGEROUS MEDICAL POWER NOW IN CONTROL. * It is therefore obvious that there is now a most dangerous medical 17 power, not only in control of our medical practice but also in full con- trol of our vital statistics, by which control they can easily conceal any of their dangerous or fatal medical mistakes at any time. And it surely must be evident now to every thoughtful layman that a radical reform should be at once established in this matter by placing eminent and able laymen at the heads of all our Departments of Health and Vital Statistics, who would have no selfish interest in medical practices or any professional bias to conceal medical mistakes or disasters from the public, but, per contra, would have only public interest at heart to give the full medical and statistical truth to the people in all our medical records and vital statistics. This reform system has existed in England for many years, where the Minister of Health and Registrar General are both eminent laymen and under this system the vital statistics of Great Britain are known to be the most full and reliable in the world and they honestly publish every year many deaths from vaccination, which shows frequently a higher annual mortality than smallpox ! Whereas in our country, where our health departments are controlled by vaccinating doctors, this corresponding annual mortality from vac- cination is entirely concealed by being entered under the heads of other diseases such as “Tetanus/' “Septicemia," “Endocarditis," “Menin- gitis," etc., these specific diseases being the terminal, secondary or con- sequent diseases in which the primary disease of vaccination resulted but which is thus concealed from the public by this deceptive statistical device. HOW PRESS AND PUBLIC HAVE BEEN DECEIVED BY DR. ANDERSON'S FALSE DEFENSE OF VACCINATION I will now show how the Press and the Public have been widely and grossly deceived by Dr. Anderson’s false defense of vaccination, which is virtually this: — that because he could not detect lockjaw germs in any sample of virus which he tested, therefore vaccination never causes lockjaw or is not responsible for causing it. I will now give some characteristic specimens of this editorial deception and credulity from the editorial pages of our leading metropolitan dailies which will show that, if the supposedly sharp and high class editors of our leading papers are so easily and stupidly fooled by these medical falsehoods or fallacies coming from high places and so-called high authorities, how much easier it must be for the average trusting public to be so deceived ! When our press leaders in thought and information are themselves so easily misled and in turn mislead their trusting readers, it is surely • 18 a dfise of the blind editor leading the blind public and both tumbling to- gether into the ditch of medical falsehood, to the great ultimate benefit, however, of the gigantic vaccine and medical organizations who ob- viously profit greatly by widespread and enforced vaccination and whose interest it is to maintain such falsehoods or half-truths as long as pos- sible, and who thus get a gigantic advertisement of their business from these befooled papers, worth tens of thousands of dollars, without cost- ing them a cent ! Let us now look at the following rich samples of false medical advertising, given freely and unconsciously by some of our much be- fooled editors without costing the medical beneficiaries a penny! Surely this must be interesting to some of our advertising experts and hunters of medical frauds, like Mr. Samuel Hopkins Adams, for instance, and his “Ad-Visor” column in The Tribune. (Editorial from New York Tribune, July 27th, 1915) “VACCINATION AND TETANUS” “If there were any reason to confide in the good faith and candor of the anti-vaccinists it might be hoped that one of their favorite arguments had been finally disposed of by Dr. John F. Anderson’s inquiry into the occurrence of tetanus after vaccination for smallpox. Such success as they have had is at- tributable in large measure to the skill with which they have played upon the apprehensions of timid persons, and to this end they have made much use of the various accidents that have occasionally followed vaccination as a consequence of impurities in the virus, 'faulty technique or subsequent infection. The mischief is that there have been a considerable number of such accidents, and an unscrupu- lous critic can easily establish a case plausible enough to convince the ignorant whose fears and prejudices they are accustomed to appeal to. It is true that as good a case might be made against the practice of surgery, but that is a point deliberately overlooked by the anti-vaccinists. t “Dr. Anderson’s inquiry was carried on for thirteen years. He, or his assist- ants of the United States Public Health Service, examined specimens of vaccine virus sufficient to protect two million persons, and in no instance was the organ- ism of tetanus detected. * * * * “It is not to be expected - that Dr. Anderson’s reasoning will have the slight- est effect on the opponents of vaccination. Far more likely is it that they will contrive to turn it to their own account if by any sort of trickery they can do so. Some years ago Dr. Rosenau published the regults of an elaborate inquiry into the bacterial contamination of dry-points and glycerinated tubes, and as far as tetanus was concerned his conclusion was substantially the same as Dr. Ander- son’s. But though he made this perfectly clear, and stated specifically that hav- ing examined many specimens he and his assistants were “unable to find the or- ganism of this disease,” yet by gross and deliberate perversion of his words some leading anti-vaccinists have made it appear that his opinion was the direct contrary and have repeatedly misquoted him by way of supporting their own mischievous arguments.” Special Note: — Dr. Rosenau’s work above referred to was dated as long ago as 1903, and he then clearly showed the great danger of t Note the logical confusion and fallacy in this reasoning. Surgery is applied to a person already diseased to remedy the disease or defect. In vaccination a dangerous disease is deliberately and needlessly inflicted on a person who is perfectly healthy. — C. M. H. 19 lockjaw infection through vaccine virus unless the greatest care was taken in its preparation to exclude the lockjaw germs. In his latest work, “Preventive Medicine and Hygiene,” 1914, he says at page 19 : — ‘Tetanus (in vaccination) deserves a special word. Several outbreaks have been reported in this country after the use of certain viruses. Willson in 1902 found tetanus spores in the vaccine virus used in a New Jersey outbreak. Glycerine (in the virus) does not destroy the tetanus spores. Many hundreds of examinations made in the Hygienic Laboratory at Washington have failed to discover a tetanus spore in a -ingle vaccine point or tube. The occasional danger cannot be denied. It is probable, however, that the infection in some of these cases comes from outside sources.” At page 69 Dr. Rosenau says : — “Tetanus sometimes occurs as a complication of vaccination. It is not clear in these cases whether the tetanus spores are contained in the vaccine virus or subsequently enter the wound.” C. M. H. (Editorial from The New York World, July 26th, 1915) “NO LOCKJAW BY VACCINATION” “The largest gun in the battery of the anti-vaccinationists is spiked by Dr. lohn F. Anderson, Director of the United States Public Health Service. In a report made up from the results of thirteen years of careful investigation, Dr. Anderson asserts that no case of lockjaw has ever been caused by smallpox vac- cine virus. Invariably, where tetanus has followed vaccination it has come from infection of the wound. “This conclusion agrees with that reached through routine experience by the Health Department of New York. Last year, Dr. Goldwater reports, physicians of the Health Department vaccinated 70,000 pupils registered in the parochial schools, and not a case of illness resulted. “Dr. Anderson’s report will set at rest many minds disturbed by the false stories of a connection between lockjaw and vaccination. It will not dispose permanently and completely of the ‘antis.’ These persons have the blindness and stubbornness of their prejudices, and will continue to be, so far as they are able, obstacles to the compulsory and beneficent practice of the great saving principle discovered by Jenner.” *********** THE BOARD OF HEALTH ANSWERED AND CHALLENGED In answer to this absurd and dishonest statement of the perfect harmlessness of vaccination to children, made by the Board of Health of New York City, which please note is actually engaged in the business of making and selling vaccine virus, I will simply say here that the great English Commission on Vaccination in its Report in 1896 ad- mitted a ratio of vaccination deaths as high as one death in 14,159 vaccinations, so that on this basis the 70,000 vaccinations above referred :o would call for about five deaths ! The Reports of the Registrar- General of England for seven recent years, 1900 to 1906, show that the average deaths from vaccination were nearly four for every one hun- 20 dred thousand children vaccinated, so that at this later ratio the 70,000 vaccinations made by the New York Board of Health would call for about three deaths ! Now does any person of common sense suppose that the Health Department, after constantly falsely asserting that vac- cination is perfectly safe and harmless, would officially acknowledge any case of injury or death in any child caused by the usd of the virus made by itself and injected into the body of the victim by one of its own doctors? If it made any such official admission it would confess itself at once liable to civil and criminal suits. It, of course, has an official bias and interest to deny and conceal all such cases and does not dare to accept my public challenge on this point that more children are killed every year by vaccination than by smallpox. As I have said else- where, it would therefore be about as reasonable to accept an exculpa- tory report from the assassin Czolgosz on the killing of President Mc- Kinley as to accept a report on a vaccination death from vaccinating doctors who, in such case, would be simply reporting on their own acts, and acting as judge and jury in their own case, which report would of course be utterly worthless in a moral, logical or judicial sense. An emphatic and recent instance of this shocking fact at our very doors is here given, viz. : — Three little children, all about six years old. were killed by vaccinal lockjaw in New York City, in one week alone, about October 1st, 1915, these three cases resulting from vaccinations made by health board doctors with virus made by the Board of Health. The names of these child victims and the addresses of their parents follow : — Dorothy Klemm, 148 Smart Ave., Flushing, N. Y. Martha Markusson, 766 41st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Eleanor Fredericks, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, N. Y. The Health Department has brazenly denied that the vaccination or the virus was in any way responsible for these deaths and this is a common specimen of the brazen denials and false defences made by vaccinators as to the harmlessness of vaccination, which calls for a thor- ough public investigation and rebuke. In this very same week two more children were killed in the nearby State of New Jersey from the same cause, thus making five deaths in one week from vaccinal lockjaw! These fourth and fifth victims were two little boys 5 and 7 years old, the precious children of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perks of Burlington, N. J., who were vaccinated by their family doctor with virus made by the H. K. Mulford Co. of Philadelphia. In these five cases both the Mulford Co. and our own Board of Health 21 have boldly used Dr. Anderson’s Report to try to show that the virus or the vaccination was not responsible or blamable for these deaths, which is, of course, a most shocking denial and evasion of the real truth which should have the most searching public examination and con- demnation. And surely it is high time that all this awful and needless child slaughter caused by a most barbarous medical fanaticism, which is going on all over this country, should be stopped by proper legal action, civil or criminal. EDITORIAL FROM THE BROOKLYN EAGLE In The Brooklyn Eagle of July 29th, 1915, there appeared this little editorial gem of gross medical falsification and unconscious editorial deception and credulity, as follows : — “Uncle Sam’s medical experts decide that vaccination never produces lock- jaw. So the relative volubility of the foes of vaccination is still unexplained.” EDITORIAL DUPES CRITICISED It will thus be seen that the editorials just quoted from three great daily papers of New York City, having a tremendous combined circula- tion, actually take it for granted and settled that Dr. Anderson’s mis- leading report is a clear and positive proof that vaccination never causes lockjaw and that the honest and accurate anti-vaccinists who have repeatedly demonstrated the falsehood of this stupid and dangerous proposition are nothing but tricksters, deliberate falsifiers and deceivers of the public mind, whereas the very reverse or “vice versa” of this grossly false and libelous statement is the actual truth. And it will be noted that the befooled editors go even farther in this falsehood than Dr. Anderson himself, as Dr. Anderson has not dared to actually say that lockjaw is never caused by vaccination, directly or indirectly, as he knows too much to utter such an unmitigated falsehood as that; nevertheless his report is misleading and one-sided enough to not only give the general public but our brightest editors the idea that this is what his Report really means, as we have just proved by the editorials now quoted. Instead, therefore, of these befooled editors accepting the clear facts and demonstrations of the honest and accurate men who oppose the barbarous evil of compulsory vaccination, forced on our little school children at great cost to their health and life, and who have no interest in this subject whatever except to give the public the demonstrable and 22 unbiased truth and save the health and life of our most precious chil- dren, at great cost of labor and expense to themselves, yet our fallacy- gulping editors put all this unbiased, demonstrated and obvious truth be- hind them and not only accept but also distort and exaggerate the false and stupid argument of a so-called high authority, who has a big pro- fessional interest in defending vaccination from all blame and concealing its great evils and dangers as long and as far as he can, and who now gets a gigantic salary in the employ of this gigantic medical interest for serving its interests, as I have already shown. A WORD TO THE BROOKLYN EAGLE The neat little editorial quoted from The Brooklyn Eagle is such a gem of unconscious medical falsification and editorial deception that it deserves a few special words here, and I must say now, with real sym- pathy, that while I regret very much to see my editorial friends of my home paper so badly misled as to really think that “Uncle Sam’s medical experts,” in the person of Dr. Anderson, have really proved that “Vac- cination never produces lockjaw,” yet I think I can easily enlighten the editor and help him out of his darkness on one point where he so neatly and almost wittily says, “So the relative volubility of the foes of vaccin- ation is still unexplained.” Now, this Eagle phrase of “relative volu- bility” is “good” as Shakespeare would say — very good, indeed — and fortunately it is also very easily explained. This “relative volubility” is surely readily explained by one of the simplest and most obvious laws of mendacity which is this, viz. : — that any accomplished liar can readily squeeze the biggest and most dastardly kind of a lie into a few words, which may require the “volubility” of a whole chapter of words from a truthful man to properly refute. This law is also illustrated by the old saying that “a lie can run around the world while Truth is pulling on his boots.” But, having now put on the pursuing boots of truth with their sharp spikes of undeniable fact and impregnable logic, I think it can be now acknowledged by our heretofore deluded editors that we have here caught up with this fast-running lie and have stamped the life out of its disgraceful and stupid form by this “relative volubility” of a demonstrated refutation. We also think that our editorial friends can now readily see that Dr. Anderson’s false and stupid apology that vaccination does not cause lockjaw because, in his tests, he has not found lockjaw germs in the virus, itself, is just about as true, relevant and convincing as if some false apologist for a gasoline company should gravely tell us that gasoline never causes fire or explosion because he never found the least spark of fire in any specimen of gasoline which 23 he had ever examined ! There is another and similar and favorite false argument constantly used by vaccinators, which is to the effect that, be- cause a certain make or lot of virus was used in a large number of vac- cinations without any lockjaw resulting, therefore the virus or vaccina- tion was not to blame in the few cases in which lockjaw did result. This false plea is, of course, just as absurd and dishonest as the argu- ment that would conclude that gasoline could not be the cause of ex- plosion and fire in one place because the very same make of gasoline was used in many other places without causing any fire or explosion ! VALUE OF DR. ANDERSON AND HIS REPORT TO VACCINE MAKERS Now, no matter how irrelevant, misleading, one-sided or half-truth- ful such reports as Dr. Anderson’s may be when fearlessly and thor- oughly examined in the light of all the facts, yet surely the “medical expert” who can make such a report which will ostensibly give vaccin- ation a clean bill of health, so far as causing the dreadful and frequent deaths from vaccinal lockjaw is concerned, and who can also succeed in getting such a report printed in a high government publication with its high sanction and reputation for accuracy and reliability among the people, surely such an expert is of great value to the big vaccination interests in this country. And when such expert can also succeed in making the big editors of our great daily papers like the New York Tribune and World and The Brooklyn Eagle, and many others, abject dupes of his medical fallacies, half-truths and concealments, on this subject of vaccination and lockjaw, surely we say such an expert is worth a big salary not only to the million dollar vaccine company which now employs him, but to the whole tribe of vaccine makers in this country, with their capital of about twenty millions. What the actual value of Dr. Anderson’s report is, however, to the cause of public truth and right, to medical safety and accuracy, and to human health and life, is quite another question, which I will now leave to the public con- science to decide, having here given the full and fearless truth in this matter so far as I have been able to obtain it. And to enable the public to better decide on this question and to get further light on both sides of this great subject I can here cite several expert contemporaries of Dr. Anderson, who will fully counteract his one-sided apology and give the truth on both sides, which will show what a piece of half-truth and spe- cial pleading Dr. Anderson’s report is. See Studies of Dr. Francis, as before quoted, in Bulletin No. 95 U. S. Hygienic Laboratory, August, 24 1914; Dr. Rosenau’s recent work, 1914, “Preventive Medicine and Hy- giene/” pages 6, 7, 67, 69 and 73; Dr. Osier’s “Modern Medicine,” 1913. Vol. I., pages 580, 581, 582 and 848; Dr. Joseph McFarland on “Tetanus and Vaccination,” in Journal of Medical Research, Boston, Mass., May. 1902. These authorities will also show that lockjaw has a variable period of incubation, both long and short, and not a uniformly short and constant period, as Dr. Anderson tries to show in order to excuse vaccine virus and vaccination from all responsibility for causing lockjaw RECAPITULATION THE SEVERAL WAYS IN WHICH VACCINATION CAUSES FATAL LOCKJAW SHOWN; MEDICAL PERVERSION AND EVASION OF THE TRUTH EXPOSED AND DENOUNCED From what has already been shown it must therefore be clear now that there are at least four distinct ways in which vaccination can cause death from lockjaw: — First: The lockjaw germs may be in the virus itself and be inocu- lated directly into the vaccination wound at the moment of vaccination. And, despite Dr. Anderson’s negative tests, the possibility of this direct infection can exist at any time, as admitted by some of our best author- ites, just quoted, on account of the many ways in which the infection can enter the virus, from the vaccinated calf itself and otherwise, and also because its presence cannot always be proved by test, although known to be in the virus, the failures to thus detect by test being as high as 26 per cent, out of 100 specimens known to contain the infec- tion. (See Studies of Dr. Francis just referred to.) Second: The lockjaw germ, which is widely distributed in some localities, may exist on the person of the vaccinator or the vaccinated at the time of vaccination and be then introduced into the wound with the virus and the two infections may thus develop together, the pus infection in the virus being necessary to “activate” the lockjaw germs as already shown. Third: The lockjaw germ may enter the vaccination wound and grow in its pus secretion at any time during its suppurating stage by chance scratching, abrasion or absorption, and thus develop its awful toxin with fatal effect on the vaccinated child. Fourth: The lockjaw germ may already exist within the body when the vaccination is performed, and is known to frequently exist, as a natural tenant or denizen of the healthy human body, in nearly one- quarter of the human race ! This is also the case with several other 25 disease germs. In such cases the indwelling lockjaw germ will remain entirely inert, dormant and harmless in the body unless some condi- tion necessary to its “activation” or growth is presented, such as that of a suppurating sore, ulcer, abscess or wound, anywhere within or upon the body, the pus-infected or suppurating vaccination sore being, of course, the ideal condition for the activation and growth of the fatal lockjaw infection, as already shown; and this is probably the most com- mon and dangerous way in which vaccination can cause death from lockjaw, and the greatest care in the preparation of the virus itself can- not avoid this danger! It will therefore be seen that in every one of these instances the vaccination wound or sore itself is the essential cause or condition of the lockjaw infection, which could not or would not exist without this condition, or its equivalent, and hence it is nothing but a dastardly evasion and perversion of medical truth and honesty to try to show that, because the lockjaw germ is not in the virus at the moment of vaccination, or that it gets into the wound afterwards through some natural chance or condition to which the human body is constantly sub- jected, therefore the act of vaccination is not responsible for the result- ing death from lockjaw. “ASSASSINATION OF THE BLOOD” MUST BE PUNISHED AND STOPPED It is time, therefore, that this outrageously dishonest medical quibble- as to the exact source of infection in vaccinal lockjaw was silenced once for all. What difference does it make to the victim of this terribly fatal disease whether the lockjaw germ was in the virus itself or in or on the victim's own body, when in either case the act of vaccination, per se and ab initio, is the cause of the infection becoming active and fatal in the human body? A logic which would contend otherwise would free the assassins of Presidents Garfield and McKinley from the charge of murder because, forsooth, the fatal septic infection which killed these victims was not on the murderous bullets when they were fired into their bodies but entered the wounds afterwards through their own carelessness ! This is exactly the false and murderous logic that is constantly used by our false and well-paid professional apologists for vaccination and by their great dupes, our befooled editors, who brazenly or ignorantly use it in defense of this great medical malpractice of forcing a most dangerous farm of disease and blood infection on healthy and helpless little school children, which a great English doctor, James 26 J. Garth Wilkinson, so truly calls the “Assassination of the Blood” in the following glowing words, written many years ago, but which convey a stinging rebuke to men of his own great profession in this matter today : — “Vaccination traverses and tramples upon all these safeguards and wisdoms; it goes direct to the blood, or, still worse, to the lymph, and not with food; it puts poison, introduced by puncture, and that has no test applicable to it, and can have no character given to it but that it is fivefold animal and human poison, at a blow into the very centre, thus otherwise guarded by nature in the providence of God. This is blood assassination, and like a murderer’s life. The point, however, here is that this amazing act is the homicidal insanity of a whole pro- fession.” See “On Human Science, Good and Evil.” Lippincott, Phila.* 1876. P. 35. FUTURE ILLUSTRATIONS We had intended to illustrate this pamphlet with a series of illus- trations showing what the act of vaccination really is and the true nature of the vaccination wound, in its various stages, as being simply a pus infection, or blood poisoning essentially, and how this pus in- fected wound makes a perfect culture ground for lockjaw and other deadly infections. These illustrations would also show how the vac- cine virus is made by the infection of cattle with a combination of hu- man and animal diseases and how its manufacture and use thus involves the extensive infection of two races of animals, cattle and mankind, and how the great epidemics of “Foot and Mouth Disease” in cattle, which scourged this country in 1902, 1908 and 1914, have been caused by vaccine virus and have involved the destruction of hundreds of thou- sands of animals in over a score of states, at a loss of many millions of dollars to the government and people of this country. For official proof of these epidemics of Foot and Mouth Disease caused by vaccination, see Reports of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry for 1902 and 1908, and also Year Book of the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture for 1914, page 20. See also my pamphlet “Open Your Eyes.” FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE CAUSED BY VACCINATION This dreaded Foot and Mouth Disease may be described as a form or variety of “cowpox” with eruptions on the body and extremities and in the mouth and throat and on internal organs and has some resemb- 27 lance, in its worst forms, to a severe chicken pox, or a mongrel small- pox, and diphtheria combined, and is transmissible to mankind in. vac- cination and otherwise. This vile cattle disease did, in fact, infect the vaccine virus of some makers for several years and did cause much human infection until this condition was discovered during the second great epidemic in 1908; and our intended illustrations would show some horrible examples of this infection in child and adult, man and woman, by photographs of actual cases of this disease conveyed by vaccination. We find, however, that the inclusion of these several illustrations, with necessary descriptions, would make this pamphlet, which is already too large, much larger yet, and we have therefore re- served this matter for a fully illustrated pamphlet which will be issued later on with the title, “The Horrors and Lies of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated” and which will also contain pictures of the many children killed by vaccination in this State in 1914 and 1915, which number thirty or more. DEATH TALLY OF THE “ASSASSINS OF THE BLOOD.” VACCINAL LOCKJAW AND SEPTICEMIA As we have before stated, these murderous “Assassins of the Blood,” vaccinal lockjaw and septicemia, are now killing our little school children with a fatality five to ten times more than smallpox, under what the great English doctor, Wilkinson, has so properly called the “homicidal insanity” of the medical profession who fatuously force this alleged remedy on our healthy children ostensibly to prevent smallpox, whereas facts show that natural smallpox is not one-tenth as danger- ous to human health and life and particularly to child life, as vaccinal lockjaw and septicemia now prove themselves to be every year! Note this shocking comparative death tally for 1914 in New York State alone : — Deaths from Vaccinal Lockjaw and Septicemia 30 Deaths from Smallpox 3 Note also this shocking tally from the Reports of the Registrar- General of England, the highest statistical authority in the English- speaking world, which tells the same horrible story against vaccina- tl0n ' Total Deaths from Total Deaths from Year. Smallpox. Vaccination. 1906 21 29 1907 10 12 1908... 12 13 Total Deaths from Smallpox for six years 1905 to 1910 199 Total Deaths from Vaccination for six years 1905 to 1910 99 Deaths from Smallpox in said period under 5 years old 26 Deaths from Vaccination in said period under 5 years old 98 28 Note this latest shocking record from the Registrar-General of England in the very last reports in print for the three years 1911, 1912 and 1913, which tells a similar story of vaccinal fatality almost down to date: — Total Deaths from Smallpox for all ages for 3 years, 1911 to 1913 42 Total Deaths from Vaccination for all ages in stid 3 years • 31 Deaths from Smallpox in children of 5 years and under. ! 11 Deaths from Vaccination in children of same age 30 Here it will be noted that for the last three years the total deaths from vaccination are three-quarters of the total deaths from smallpox, whereas the deaths from vaccination in children five years old and under are about three times more than the deaths from smallpox in the same age ! For further data on this point see my pamphlets, “The Crime Against the School Child,” “Open Your Eyes,” and “Serious Warning/ and also Mr. Loyster’s pamphlet cited on page 11. VACCINATION MORE “RISKY” AND DEADLY THAN SMALLPOX As a matter of cold fact, therefore, these “Assassins of the Blood.' vaccination and lockjaw, offer a far greater risk and danger to human health and life than natural smallpox itself, and if we should fear any- thing for our children it should be vaccination and lockjaw instead of smallpox, of which we stand in far less danger than of being struck by lightning, whereas lockjaw is a steady and constant danger twenty-five times greater than smallpox as the following comparative list of deaths from Smallpox, Lightning and Lockjaw in the State of New York will readily show. This list is taken from the Reports of our State Depart- ment of Health for the four last years in print, 1910 to 1913. as follows : — Smallpox. Lightning. Lockjaw. 1910 7 deaths 16 deaths 94 deaths 1911 3 “ 30 “ 114 “ 1912 4 “ 21 “ 97 “ 1913 1 “ 13 “ 111 “ It will be noted that the ordinary danger from smallpox is so actu- ally and relatively insignificant here that it is regularly six times less than that of being struck by lightning and that the danger from lockjaw of all kinds is so great and constant that it is about twenty-five times greater than that from smallpox, whereas vaccinal lockjaw, which is about ten per cent, of all lockjaw deaths, is at least three times more dangerous by actual frequency- of occurrence than natural smallpox! 29 Surely these facts speak clearly and loudly for themselves as illustrating the “homicidal insanity” of that part of the medical profession which forces vaccination on our little children as an alleged remedy to save them from smallpox, but which we here clearly show is not half as dangerous to their health and life as the vaccination itself, as the awful record of child slaughter from vaccination in New York State in the past t\vo years will doubly prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt. CONCLUSION ALL FORCED VACCINATION MUST BE LEGALLY SUP- PRESSED AND THE AWFUL CHILD SLAUGHTER CAUSED BY IT LEGALLY PUNISHED. It is time, therefore, that this dastardly evasion and perversion of the full medical truth by men who force vaccination on the people and profit hugely by it, should be emphatically condemned by every man and woman of common honesty and common sense in this community, and that they should now make some common legal effort to permanently suppress this dangerous medical evil of compulsory vaccination, which now causes more deaths than smallpox. And it is surely high time also that the slaughter of our little school children by this most frightfully fatal disease of vaccinal lockjaw, which is now ten times more rapid, more frequent and fatal in its effects than smallpox, should be sup- pressed by criminal prosecution of the men responsible not only for forcing vaccination upon the people and misrepresenting it as safe and harmless, but also for constantly denying and concealing this awful child slaughter in our death certificates and vital statistics. FINAL APPEAL FOR MEDICAL REFORM MENACE OF MEDICAL SOCIETIES AND MEDICAL COMPULSIONS A MEDICAL CHRIST NEEDED In closing I would therefore like to further emphasize the specific principles for which our League contends and the medical reforms we wish to accomplish ; and, as I now look over the field of modern medi- cine, disgraced as it is by the evils of medical compulsion and falsifica- tion, I feel that what the profession needs today is a medical Christ who would go into the temple of healing and scourge out of its portals the “money changers” of compulsion and falsification that now seem to have full possession there. And I now want to say to the better men 30 in this great profession that, if they will not undertake this reform and cleansing of their own temple from this great evil, the suffering laity (who outnumber the doctors one thousand to one) will surely do this work effectually before very long — and the reforms which we must thus accomplish are simply these, towards which we ask the co-operation of every reasonable man, whether lay or medical : — First: Full medical freedom with the repeal and prohibition of all compulsory vaccination in every shape and form, leaving voluntary vac- cination free for every one who believes in it or desires it. Second: The enactment of heavy penalties for all concealment and falsification of medical facts or disasters in vital records. Third: The removal of all medical doctors and members of medical societies from the head and control of our departments of health and vital statistics and their replacement by able laymen who will have no interest in medical operations,, compulsions or concealments, as is now the practice in England. Fourth: The adoption of an amendment to the Constitution prohib- iting all compulsory medicine as effectually as it now prohibits the less dangerous evil of compulsory religion. In this good work we therefore ask the co-operation of all reform associations in the country, who must unite in defeating the grave menace of medical domination and compulsion, now forced on the people by our gigantic medical societies organized all over this country, which is now the greatest danger to personal right and safety in the body politic. CHAS. M. HIGGINS, Treasurer, Anti-Vaccination League of America 271 Ninth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. March 1st, 1916. Main Office of League 1420 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. John Pitcairn, President Porter F. Cope, Secretary Other Officers in New York State Dr. J. W. Hodge, Niagara Falls, Vice-President Hugh A. Daniel, Newburgh, Director 31 < Mi ni fQy^ u^l ADVERTISEMENT the aNti- vaccination league OF AMERICA OFFICERS President John Pitcairn, 2115 Land Title Building Philadelphia, Pa. Honorary Vice-Presidents William Tebb, F. R. G. S., etc., “Rede Hall,' Burstow, By Horley, Surrey, England. Alfred Russel Wallace, F. R. S., O. M., etc Deceased, November 7, 1913. Walter R. Hadwen, M. D., G. M. M. S., etc.. ‘Brunswick House,” Brunswick Square, Glou- OBJECTS ^First. To promote the universal acceptance of the principle that health is Nature’s great- est safeguard against disease, and that there- fore no State has the right to demand of any one the impairment of his or her health. Second. To take steps to secure the aboli- tion of all oppressive medical laws, and to cester > England. counteract the growing tendency to enlarge ■ Art £ ur Ph elPs, 23, Aug- fho , ... s ustus Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England, the scope of State medicine at the expense Henri Boucher, M. D., Chev. L. H., etc., 36, of, the freedom of the individual. Hue Ernest Renan, Issy, France. Third. To carry on a campaign of education GeSany M ‘ D " M ' P " etC ” Frierlenau ' among the people respecting the evil results of Carlo Ruata M. D., etc.. The University vaccination, including its effects in causing de- Perugia, Italy. generation and in deteriorating the public |„ Mont ^ e Leverson, A. M„ M. D„ Ph. D. health P UDI1C Care of London City and Midland Bank, 62. Westbourne Grove, London, W., England. Fourth. To hold an Annual Conference of John W. Hodge, M. D., Niagara Falls, N. Y. members of this League, of delegates and rep- Za . C ] ia io 1 J' MilIer > M - D - Deceased, Novem- oer 14, Lo. Deceased, Febru- resentatives of anti-vaccination societies in Walter M. James, M. D. America, and of such individuals as are in- ar Y 24, 1915. terested in the objects of this League William Bradley Clarke, M. D., 1520 College Fiftn >t- . , ‘ Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. i it tli. To adopt such means as may seem advisable and practicable to give aid and Vice-Presidents assistance to societies or individuals engaged j C. Oscar Beasley, Esq., Room 30o 41 S in the movement for freedom from compulsory j Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. R. S. Weir, 34 Chester Ave., Riverdale, To- ronto, Ontario, Canada. John W. Griggs, 634 Globe Building, St. Paul, Minn. J. H. Greer, M. D., Suite 206, 162 N. Dear- born St., Chicago, 111. Mrs. J. L. C. Henderson, Tremont Temple. Boston, Mass. Secretary vaccination. MEMBERSHIP Any person who is in sympathy with the objects of the League may become an active member upon payment of an annual fee of not less than one dollar. Applications are re- ceived by the Secretary, and are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. Porter F. phia, Pa. BRANCH LEAGUES Cope, P. O. Box 2003, Philadel- Treasurer T n „ a) ^ T Charles M. Higgins, 271 Ninth St., Brooklyn. Bocal, State and Provincial Leagues, on N. Y. payment of an annual fee of not less than Directors three dollars, and subject to the approval of Major Thomas Boudren. Deceased, October the Board of Directors, may be admitted to I 15, 1£'14. The Anti-Vaccination League of America D ’ F ‘ D ' Jenkins > H50 E. Sixty-third St. XXIUCA 1L/«X. QhiCclffO 111 Every branch so admitted is entitled to three Hugh’ A. Daniel, 115 Clark St., Newburgh delegates to represent it at the meetings of N. Y. The Anti-Vaccination League of America N ' A ' Mc Q ueston - D - D. S„ P. O. Box 423 Mansfield, Ohio. INTERNATIONAL ORGAN L P ' A ‘ Eruechert, 1109 Belmont St., Port land, Oregon. The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Re- Harry B. Bradford, 3541 Holmead Place view, organ of The National Anti-Vaccination Washington, D. C. League, 27, Southampton Street, Strand, W. C„ M^phis Tenm 3 S ' St ' London, England, is sent to all active members John S. Snavely, Lebanon County Trust of The Aijti- Vaccination League of America Euilding, Lebanon, Pa. whose annual dues are not in arrears. Pa Fn0Ch S< PrlCe * A ‘ M " Th ' B " Bryn Athyn ' p. J. Collison & Co. 339 Adams Street POSTSCRIPT SPECIAL NOTE TO PRESS AND PUBLIC The release of this pamphlet for public circulation has been much delayed by technical objections met with in bringing suits for libel and breach of advertising contract against The Tribune and others. Our lawyers have advised us, after long discussion and investigation, that as our League is not legally incorporated we cannot bring suit as an asso- ciation, and, as no individual names have been mentioned in the libelous matter complained of, that a personal suit cannot be brought by any of our officers personally concerned. As oui: hands, therefore, seem to be now tied by these legal technicalities from obtaining proper redress in court for the wrongs complained of, we therefore must be now content to appeal to the great Court of Public Opinion, where we know mere technicalities will not hold and where we are sure the righteousness of our cause and the unselfishness of our work, done at great cost of labor and expense, for the public good will be fully recognized and the false- hood and stupidity of the libels uttered against this work, which we have here exposed and refuted, will be emphatically condemned. In analysing and criticising the official report of Dr. J. F. Anderson in defense of vaccination, it should be clearly understood that we do not charge him with actual falsehood, in the text of his report itself, as we can freely say that he seems to keep carefully within the technical truth in the text of this report, the main substance of which is simply this : — • that, after testing thousands of samples of vaccine virus during thirteen years, he was unable to find any lockjaw germs therein by such test; and, furthermore, that no case of vaccinal lockjaw was found in the Army and Navy, although hundreds of thousands of vaccinations were performed in the same time. Now, all this might be quite true and yet this would be only a mere part of the whole truth which should be fully told and which part alone would have very little relevancy or significance to cover the broad subject which Dr. Anderson attempted to cover in his government report under this broad title of, “Post Vac- cination Tetanus” (U. S. Public Health Reports, July 16th, 1915). This subject, in plain English, simply means “Lockjaw After Vaccination,” and to be fully truthful and thorough with this subject and faithful to the public interest in this subject rather than to the interest of doctors and vaccine makers it must be morally and logically obvious to any truthful and honest person that Dr. Anderson should have shown all ways in which lockjaw can occur after vaccination and can be caused by the action of the virus or the operation itself, no matter whether the lockjaw germs were lurking in the virus itself, or elsewhere. This full and thorough treatment of his subject, giving the whole truth in the matter, Dr. Anderson did not attempt, but confined himself to consid- ering merely one way in which vaccination can cause lockjaw, viz., through the presence of the germs in the virus, and left it to be in- ferred or understood that when he could not find the germs in the virus itself and could not find vaccinal lockjaw in the Army and Navy, there- fore it was a conclusive proof that vaccination could not be considered responsible for or guilty of causing lockjaw at all, and it will be seen that several of our leading editorial minds on some of our great news- papers, such as The New York Tribune, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle and The New York World, and others, were gravely misled into accepting this false understanding of the subject from Dr. Anderson’s partial and one-sided treatment of it and were thus caused to mislead the'public and to libelize or misrepresent the honest and accurate oppon- ents of compulsory vaccination who have repeatedly pointed out the dastardly and stupid falsehood of this contention, and have clearly shown how vaccination can and does cause death from lockjaw in sev- eral ways besides the one way of germs in the virus itself. Now, it is obvious that if the lockjaw germs were frequently or commonly found in the virus itself there would probably be tens of thousands of deaths from this frightfully fatal infection of vaccinal lock- jaw every year, where there are now scores or hundreds of such deaths — a mortality, such as it is, which is at least from five to ten times the usual annual mortality from smallpox ! And we now here ask, are not scores or hundreds of deaths from vaccinal lockjaw and septicemia — chiefly in little school children — not in the Army and Navy — sufficient to call a halt upon this medical barbarism of forcing dangerous compul- sory disease on our children on the pretense of saving them from small- pox, when we have shown that this compulsory disease is from five to ten times more fatal to them than natural smallpox itself? There may have been a time in the unsanitary and ignorant past when smallpox was more fatal and dangerous than vaccination, but to-day it is absolutely demonstrable that general vaccination is more dangerous and fatal than natural smallpox and it is time, therefore, that this medical crime of compulsory disease and death was legally suppressed and prohibited. It must therefore be obvious to all sincerely true and honest minds that the truth improperly used or only half or quarter told may be more deceptive to the public mind than a common ordinary lie, and this seems to have been the nature and effect of Dr. Anderson’s ostensibly truthful report which, as I have shown, has most seriously deceived the public mind, as proved in the erroneous and absurd editorial articles quoted from some of our leading newspapers and based directly on Dr. Anderson’s report. Dr. Anderson’s falsely truthful report was therefore not only de- ceptive and absurd and one-sided in trying to base the whole defense of vaccination from causing lockjaw on alleged proof of the absence of the germs in the virus, but it was also further deceptive and absurd in referring to the alleged absence of vaccinal lockjaw in the Army and Navy, which was a bad defense from this charge, because the Army and Navy are only a mere insignificant fraction of the whole population and one which is perhaps least susceptible to both vaccination and lock- jaw of any part of the population. And particularly is this the fact with the Navy, where there is little or no contact with the soil or with horses or domestic animals, which are the chief sources of lockjaw infections. On the other hand, the big class of infants and school children are most susceptible to vaccination and lockjaw, naturally, and, furthermore, are almost constantly exposed to contact with the soil by playing in the dirt and handling domestic animals, etc., and are thus most susceptible to vaccinal lockjaw of any part of the population, and at the same time this class of infants and school children form an immense portion of the population which is three hundred times greater than the whole Army and Navy! For example: — 'the whole population of the United States is one hundred millions, while the Army and Navy does not ex- ceed in round numbers 150,000 men; or a little over one-tenth of one per cent, of the whole population; whereas the infants and school children under twenty years of age constitute fully forty per cent, of the population or about forty millions , highly susceptible to vaccination and lockjaw as compared with the meagre fraction of, say, one-seventh of one per cent, in the Army and Navy, least susceptible to vaccination and lockjaw! Surely, therefore, these startling and telltale figures speak loudly and emphatically for themselves in showing the very absurd and deceptive “truthfulness” of Dr. Anderson’s report, and prove how easily he could have found instances of fatal vaccinal lockjaw and sep- ticemia in this enormous and most susceptible class of infants and school children if he had looked very hard for them and then tried to tell the trusting public the full truth about vaccination and lockjaw and their great danger to human health and life, as we have honestly and care- fully tried to do in this pamphlet, at great cost of labor and expense to ourselves, solely for the disinterested cause of public right and truth on a most important question of public health. As an instance of this awful truth I have shown on page 21 in this pamphlet how five little school children were killed in one week alone by vaccinal lockjaw about October 1st, 1915! We therefore believe that this great Court of Public Opinion, to which we now appeal, when it comes to carefully consider the con- vincing truths which we have here placed before it, will give the verdict to us without hesitation. We also hope and believe that the great news- papers, such as The New York Tribune, The Brooklyn Eagle, The New York World, and others, which have allowed themselves to be gravely deceived by the medical falsehoods and half truths herein ex- posed, will be the first to resent this deception and this reflection on their own mental acumen and thereby perform a tardy justice to those who have given them the full truth from the outset and thus make the proper and honorable amend to us which these facts so justly call for. CHAS. M. HIGGINS, Treasurer Anti- Vaccination League of America. 271 Ninth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. June 1st, 1916. ADVERTISEMENT PAMPHLETS SENT FREE AND FOR SALE BY THE ANTI-VACCINATION LEAGUE OF AMERICA “THE FALLACY OF VACCINATION” by John Pitcairn, President of the League. This is a large, four-page leaflet reprinted from the Ladies’ Home Journal. It is a very full, clear and comprehensive article showing the fallacies and dangers of vaccination and the barbarism of all compul- sion. Single copies free. Price in quantities 60 cents per hundred. “SERIOUS WARNING,” by Chas. M. Higgins. This is a small pam- phlet of 28 pages. It exposes the present dangerous oppression of the people by our gigantic medical societies organized all over this land which force compulsory medicine upon us and at the same time control our medi- cal legislation, our Departments of Health and Vital Statistics, and can most readily and safely deny and conceal deaths caused by vaccination and other medical malpractices, and thus constitute the most dangerous power now existing in our body politic, which must be immediately curbed and re- formed for the sake of public right and safety. Impressive statistical data are also given showing that deaths from vaccination are actually now greater than deaths from smallpox, particularly in little children, which facts are clearly disclosed in English records but are denied and concealed in this country. Single copies free. In quantities $4 per hundred. “A CHALLENGE UNANSWERED.” This is a small pamphlet of 8 pages by Chas. M. Higgins. It gives an open public challenge to all medical societies and health officials to deny or disprove the charge that, as a matter of demonstrable fact ( vaccination is now killing more children every year by lockjaw and other infections than smallpox and that an open public examination of our death certificates and vital records now concealed will prove this charge and challenge to be indisputably true. Single copies free. In quantities $2 per hundred. “THE CRIME AGAINST THE SCHOOL CHILD,” by Chas. M. Hig- gins. A large pamphlet of 64 pages, being an exhaustive analysis and con- sideration of the present school vaccination law in the State of New York in particular and of compulsory vaccination in general, with suggestion of legal defenses against all phases of this great medical evil, showing how it may be legally defeated and how it is unconstitutional and illegal and criminal in its very nature. Single copies by mail 10 cents each. In quan- tities, at cost, 6 cents each. In special cases will be sent free. “VACCINATION RESULTS IN NEW YORK STATE IN 1914,” by James A. Loyster, of Cazenovia, N. Y. A large pamphlet of 50 pages, illustrated with pictures of many children killed by vaccination in 1914, including the author’s own son. This is a very impressive pamphlet and shows the deaths of over 30 school children caused by vaccination in New York State in 1914, with photographs and particulars, making a most shock- ing indictment of this dangerous medical practice and a rebuke of the evil law which now allows it but which should be immediately repealed. This pamphlet will be mailed upon request with ten cents to cover cost of printing and postage. “BULLETIN OF THE ANTI- VACCINATION LEAGUE.” This is a four-page illustrated leaflet published occasionally by Porter F. Cope, Secretary, 1420 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., and gives current facts relat- ing to the evil results of compulsory vaccination and the progress of the agitation for its repeal and suppression in this and other countries. Single copies five cents. Sent free to all active members of the League. “VACCINATION AND LOCKJAW.” The present pamphlet will be sent by mail for 8 cents per copy. Price in quantities 85 per hundred. In special cases will be sent free. Assassination of the Blood. “Vaccination traverses and tramples upon all these safeguards and wisdoms ; it goes direct to the blood, or, still worse, to the lymph, and not with food ; it puts poison, introduced by puncture, and that has no test applicable to it, and can have no character given to it but that it is fivefold animal and human poison, at a blow into the very centre, thus otherwise guarded by nature in the providence of God. This is blood assassination, and like a murderer’s life. The point, however, here is that this amazing act is the homicidal insanity of a whole profession.” Dr. Garth-Wilkinson. See page 26.