H97' Co' ' The Courses of the Ohio River Thomas Hutchins SIff' ■■■'<-' ■,.h, ■ i^f^t'T;-!^' '■•■■■ .>.:"■■?....., .. 7^507^1 B RA RY OF THt U N 1 VERSITY or ILLINOIS iitttiliis wmm survey THE COURSES OF THE OHIO RIVER taken by Lt. T. HUTCHINS Anno 1766 and Two Accompanying Maps Edited by BEVERLY W. BOND, JR. Curator, Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, and Professor of History, University of Cincinnati ^ Cincinnati HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO 1942 Cd& % PUBLICATIONS OF THE HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO 1942 'KSOT^-y To the Memory of L. BELLE HAMLIN, for many years the loyal and efficient Librarian of the Society Contents Page Introduction 11 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766, Thomas Hutchins 17 Map of the Ohio River, 1766, Captain Harry Gordon 75 Table of Distances from Fort Pitt to the Mouth of the Ohio, 1766, Captain Harry Gordon 77 Map of a Tour from Fort Cumberland North Westward etc. 1762, Thomas Hutchins 79 Explanations and Table from Hutchins^ Map, 1762 81 Itinerary of a Tour from Fort Cumberland North Westward etc. 1762, Thomas Hutchins 85 Illustrations Frontispiece, A Plan of the Rapids, Thomas Hutchins. Opposite Pencil Sketches, from Hutchins' Ms. Courses of the Ohio River, 1766: Page 1. Mouth of the Little Miami River 45 2. Mouth of the Kentucky River 50 3. To illustrate Course "S26W" : 51 4. Mouth of the Tallow (Salt) River 55 5. To illustrate Course "S79W" 59 6. To illustrate important stretches, Courses "S52>^W" to "S66KW" 62 7. To illustrate channel, Courses "S40W" to "W2i^W" 63 8. To illustrate channel, Courses "S84KW" to "S56W" 65 9. To illustrate channel, Courses "S33KW" to "S13E" 66 10. To illustrate especially difficult channel. Courses "S40W" to "S19W" 71 11. Mouth of Cherokee (Tennessee) River 72 Introduction The three manuscripts printed in this volume mark an important advance in the cartography of the Old Northwest. Following La Salle's journey in 1669 down the Ohio as far as the Falls at Louisville, there were many other explora- tions, until by the middle of the Eighteenth Century, Lewis Evans' map was able to give the general location of the river.' But there were still many inac- curacies, and it was evident that an exact survey of the twisting channel was necessary if there was to be really extensive transportation upon the eleven hundred and sixty-odd miles of this waterway from Fort Pitt to the Mississippi. This need Thomas Hutchins met in his manuscript Courses of the Ohio River, which is now in the Huntington Library.- Based upon it was the Alap of the Ohio River by Captain Harry Gordon in 1766, now in the Library of Congress, and the first known map of the Ohio which gives accurate details.^ Supple- menting Captain Gordon's map, the manuscript map by Hutchins in 1762, gives the geographical outline of the Ohio region and Michigan. The scope of this map, which also is in the Huntington Library, is sufficiently indicated by the lengthy legend; A Tour from Fort Cumberland North Westward round part of the Lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan, including part of the Rivers St. Joseph, the Wabash and Miamis, with a Sketch of the Road from thence by the Lower Shawnee Town to Fort Pitt, 1762.^ Of Captain Harry Gordon little is known, except that he was an officer in the British army, and was chief engineer of the Western Department in 1766. Thomas Hutchins, however, was one of the most important figures in the post- Revolutionary American occupation of the Old Northwest.^ Appointed geog- rapher of the United States in 1781, he put the Ordinance of 1785 into effect by his surveys of the Geographer's Line and the Seven Ranges. The successful completion of this important work would have been impossible without Hutchins' earlier experience in the British service. Coming first to the Ohio Valley as a lieutenant of the Pennsylvania militia, in Forbes' campaign against Fort Pitt, at the end of hostilities he made Fort Pitt his headquarters, and probably in 1. Lewis Evans, Map of the Middle British Colonies (Philadelphia. 1755), Map Division, Library of Congress: L. H. Gipson, Uwis Evans (Philadelphia. 1939). 55-72, 171-175, 231. 2. The Courses of the Ohio River taken by Lt. T. Hutchins anno. 1766, Huntington Library. Mss. H M 642. 3. Map of the Ohio River, by Captain Harry Gordon. 1766. Map Division. Library of Congress. 4. A Manuscript Map of a Tour from Fort Cumberland to Fort Pitt, etc. 1 762, Thomas Hutchins. Huntington Library Mss. H M 1091. This map has already been reproduced, but on so small a scale as to be of little real value. William L. Jenks, The "Hutchins" Map of Michigan, Michigan History Magazine, 10. (Lansing 1926). 363; Historical Atlas of the Great Lakes and Michigan, prepared by Louis C. Karpinski (Lansing. 1931). 5. F. C. Hicks, Biographical Sketch of Thomas Hutchins, in reprint of Hutchins, Topographical Description (Cleveland, 1904). 7-66. [ 12 ] 1762 received a commission as ensign in the regular British army. Up to the outbreak of the Revolution, as an assistant engineer, he made many surveys in the Western region, and took extensive journeys upon official missions to the Illinois and Mississippi country, and even to Pensacola. Hutchins had an important part, also, in Bouquet's expedition in 1764 against the Delaware and Shawnee Indians. Altogether, when he drew up his Courses of the Ohio River in 1766, Hutchins was well acquainted with the topography of the valley and the area to the northward. The importance of Hutchins' surveys was appreciated by the British officials in charge of the Western country. General Gage, commander-in-chief of the forces in America for the decade, 1763-1773, commended his work in the highest terms, both as a surveyor and as a confidential agent. His reports, Gage con- sidered, were without bias and to be depended upon. His surveys, Gage had found, after comparing them with those of other officials, were exact, and his observations were judicious and reliable.* Of the work of Captain Harry Gordon, Gage wrote with equal approval. Especially did he mention Gordon's descrip- tion of the country, and his list of the distances between important points, as he had recorded them on his trip down the Ohio in 1766. Altogether, according to General Gage, Gordon's work had been done, "with more accuracy than by any other person."' Hutchins' Courses of the Ohio River, 1766, is the first known hydrographic survey of the river. Describing each course, it gives the direction, the time re- quired for navigation, the speed of the current, and other important details of these separate stretches. The data Hutchins secured during an expedition down the river which started from Fort Pitt (Pittsburgh), June 18, 1766. Its main purpose was to conciliate and to build up trade with the Indians of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, and George Croghan, the well-known Penn- sylvania Indian trader, was in command.' Accompanying him were Captain Harry Gordon and Ensign Thomas Hutchins, the two of them under orders from General Gage to map the courses of the Ohio, and to take the latitude and longitude of the important points along the route. George Morgan, of the Philadelphia firm of Baynton, Morgan, and Company, went along too, with large supplies of goods for the Indian trade. Also, there were about one hundred Iroquois and a considerable number of Delawares and Shawnees, the entire party with its baggage filling seventeen canoes.' Croghan and his party reached the mouth of the Ohio, August 7, approxi- 6, Gage to Hillsborough, October I, 1771, and to Dartmouth, March 3. 1773, Correspondenu of General Thomas Cage. C. E. Carter, ed. (New Haven, 1931). I, 309-310. 347. 7, Gage lo Shelburne, February 22, 1767, Ibid.. 121; Post, 77. 8, Instrurtions to George Croghan from Thos. Gage, April 16, 1766, C. A. Hanna, Thf Wilderness Trail (New York and London, 1911), 2, 38-39. 9, Gage to Shelburne. November 11, 1766, and February 22, 1767, Gage Correspondenu, Carter, ed. II, 113, 121-122; A. T. Volwiler, George Croghan and the Westward Movement (Cleveland, 1926), 195. I 13 ] mately seven weeks from Fort Pitt, the leisurely trip affording Hutchins ample opportunity to undertake a thorough hydrographic survey of the entire length of the river. According to Hutchins' usual custom, the Courses of the Ohio River was not a mere detailed survey, but it included many additional items, such as; the depth of the stream, striking formations in its bed and on its banks, the vegetation on the banks, and the mouths of important tributaries, and even the location of good camping sites. Frequently, on the margin of the manuscript, Hutchins scribbled pencil sketches to show in detail the topography of the mouths of important streams, of dangerous channels, and of the larger islands. For the most difficult section of the Ohio, the Falls, Hutchins drew an elaborate map which was based upon the surveys and observations he had made during the four days' stay of Croghan and his party at this strategic point. This map supplementing the many details in the Courses regarding the channel and the river bed at the Falls, was of greatest importance in opening up this difficult stretch of water to navigation.'" Hutchins' surveys were of course the basis of Captain Harry Gordon's Map of the Ohio River, the first really accurate map of the Ohio with its main courses in detail, and its principal tributaries. Supplementing this map, as well as Hutchins' Courses is Captain Gordon's Journal of the expedition down the Ohio which has already been published." George Croghan, too, in a rather elaborate report that was concerned chiefly with the objects of his own mission, incidentally gave interesting details which supplement the Cotirses.^'- Also, a brief journal which Hutchins kept during a journey down the Ohio in 1768, gives much illustrative material." The third manuscript in this volume, Hutchins' map of a Tour from Fort Cumberland North Westward, etc. in 1762, was compiled from varied sources. The route from Fort Cumberland to Fort Pitt, Hutchins doubtless copied from one of many available maps. The route from Fort Pitt to Venango and Presque Isle he doubtless drew from observations during a journey in July, 1760, shortly after he established his headquarters at Fort Pitt." But the most important feature of this map is the route of an extensive tour by Hutchins in 1762.'^ Traveling at first by land, Hutchins and his party took the trail from Fort Pitt to Sandusky. Thence by water they skirted along the shores of Lakes Erie and Huron, past Detroit and Mackinaw. From Mackinaw they paddled along the 10. Post. 54 (note 34); also see the pencil sketches reproduced from Hutchins' manuscript. Ante. 9. 11, Travels in the American Colonies, N. D. Mereness, ed.. (New York, 1916). 464-473. Extracts from Gordon's Journal are found also in Thomas Pownall, Topographical Description .... of the Middle British Colonies (London. 1776), Appendix IV. 2-6. 12, Croghan to Gag< 197. 13, Thos. Hutchins, Journal from Port Pitt to the Mouth of the Ohio. 1768, Indiana Historical Society Publicatii 2 (Indianapolis, 1895), 418-421. 14, A Journal of a March from Fort Pitt to Venango, and from thence to Presque Isle. July 1760. Pennsylva Magazine of History. II (Philadelphia. 1878). 149-153. 15, Jenks, The "Hutchins" Map of Michigan. Mich. Hist. Magazine. 10, 358-373; Post. 79S. 1 14 1 eastern shore of Lake Michigan, with a side trip to Puans Bay (Green Bay) and Fort St. Xavier (Green Bay, Wis.), and then to Fort St. Joseph on the St. Joseph River. From there, the party travelled again overland to Fort Miami (Fort Wayne), with a side trip down the Wabash Valley to Fort Ouiatenon, just below present-day Lafayette, Indiana. Returning to the main route, they resumed the trail to the Lower Shawnee Town (Portsmouth, Ohio), and then to Fort Pitt. With the accuracy characteristic of all Hutchins' work, this map indicated the chief streams, and often even the width of the crossings. The Remarks which were jotted down on the map were doubtless for use in the Journal Hutchins kept of his tour in 1762. Of special interest is his estimate of the warriors in the Indian tribes on the way. Obviously any such list must be regarded with much suspicion, but Hutchins' well known accuracy lends con- siderable weight to this particular one. Twelve years later, in making up the more extensive list of Indian warriors in his Topographical Description, Hutchins apparently checked this earlier list with the one compiled in 1765 by George Croghan who was in a peculiarly favorable position to make such an estimate."^ Hutchins used the material gathered in his journeys down the Ohio, and in the Ohio and Michigan areas, as well as the three manuscripts in this volume, in the composition of his Topographical Description with an accompanying map. This work, which was published in London in 1778, gained quick recognition as the authoritative guide to the Ohio Valley and the nearby areas. In post- Revolutionary days, along with the different journals, maps, and reports which Hutchins had compiled in the pre-Revolutionary era, it became of very great importance in the extension of American power and settlement in the Ohio Valley. One of the practical means through which this influence was exerted was Cramer's Navigator or the Trader's Useful Guide in Navigating the Mononga- hela, Allegheny, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.^'' The lengthy title is suf^cient indication of the scope of this early Western Baedeker, which was soon used by the immigrant even more extensively than by the trader. The earliest editions merely gave printed directions with regard to the channel, noting the chief bars and the like and the islands. But in later editions there were detailed sectional maps of the Ohio River which were evidently based directly upon Hutchins' Courses and Gordon's Map. In collecting the material for this volume, the editor wishes to acknowledge his obligation to Dr. Max Farrand, former Director of the Huntington Library, for helpful suggestions, and for permission to reproduce Hutchins' Courses of the Ohio River, 1766, and his map of the Tour from Fort Cumberland, etc., in 1762. Likewise, Colonel Lawrence Martin of the Map Division, Library of Congress, 16, Thomas Hutchins, A Topographical Dtsc (London, 1778), Appendix III, 65-67; Croghan s Jo land, 1926). 167-169; Post. 83. 17, Zadock Cramer, The Navigator (Twelve editions. Pittsburgh, 1801-1824). [ 15 ] has shown much interest in this undertaking, and has given permission to repro- duce Gordon's Map of the Ohio River. The Ohio River Division of the United States Government, also, has given very substantial aid through General E. H. Marks, the former Division Engineer, and Colonel C. L. Hall, the present Division Engineer. Lastly, Miss Eleanor Wilby, librarian of the Historical and Philo- sophical Society of Ohio, and her assistants have given constant and intelligent aid without which the publication of this volume would have been impossible. Beverley W. Bond, Jr. University of Cincinnati [ 17 ] Courses of the Ohio River taken by T. Hutchins Anno 1766, Huntington Library Mss. H M 642. 19 Courses of the Ohio R IVER, 1766 Time Distance Water N? of Courses Courses Hours Min- utes Miles Yards „ .. Mid- Swift dling Slow Wednes day th e Eigh teenth June 1 766 E mbark ed fro m Fort Pitt 1 N79W 6 U .128 . D?. . A High Ridge on the left this Course 2 N36W 9 • H ■ .192. . . D?. . On the right Bottom Land, on y! left a Ridge 3 N3W . . .6 . . . . K . .128.. . D?. . At 504 Yf' Chartiers Is- land on the left 4 N22W .17.. .1. . .216.. . D?. . At 1344 Y^' the end of the Island opposite Chartiers Creek 25 Y?' wide, on the left is a high Steep Rock a few Yards below y? Creek. The River here 400 Y^' Broad. Strong Current 5 N43W left, a S . .51K ■ AH. theRi .292. . ght an d level .D?. . land o n the 1 840 Yf' an Island on teep R idge on eft of the River % Mile wide, b ounde d by a Ridge, its ver y shall ow her e when the River is Low and Swift W ater ne ar the right Hand Shore 6 N65W . .34. . . .3. . . .432. . .D?. . A Ridge on the Right 7 N59W . .10. . ■ ■■H- .360. . . D?. . At 1512 Y^ Lower end of long Island 8 N60W 16. 1 ' 2 ■ ..48. , . D?. . level land on the right, a Ridge on left 9 N21W N50W 12 1 .256 . . D?. . 10 . .10. . ...H. .360.. .D?. . At 504 \"^.' a Small Is- land on the left, level land on right, a Ridge on the left, at End of the Course a Creek on left 12 Y^' wide [ 20 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks 11 12 13 14 15 , 16 17 18 19 20 21 N23\V level & bound b N3\\' on the 1 Right le N9E Town o banks, o Yards a NlOW the Isla began J N30W NIW N40W S85W S67W Beaver this Co S50W Ridge cl Right, a level ric S70W Steep B Right c End of Rich o y Ridg 12 n both .11, .1... sides 256. of the .84. D? River, for nea M eft sid vel for e of th some .39. Rive distan n the r n both n Islan nd, an ust wh ight ha sides o d on th 51 d at th ere the .3. . .15. .13. nd side ftheR e left m e end o other r wher .392. . of the iver fo e the D? . . Ridge D? River, r 2 or t 1'4 208. . f the w ended. .64. . 320. . the hree H D? Land h undred hole C 424 .64. .24. IK .72. D? D? Creek urse o ose on t 2464 h bott anks o overed Island on the n the 1 ..25 the Ri Yards om . .19. n Righ with Rich right O eft, lev 2] ght, at Cree t. Tim Bushes Lando ne Hu el upla a Mile kon th 264 bered &Sma n Righ ndred nd on D? botto e left t & twe the rig nty Ya ht wit m land wenty on the Yards D? withO 11 Tim t aks. A ber— A t Ten high R All this Course the Land ile back, when they are At 1344 Y?' a large Run close to the bank; on the At 1680 Yf' the Logs ere is level, with high Yards from it. At 6048 At 1680 Y?' to End of the end of and Island that Atll76Y?' a large Run on the left A Small bottom on each side of y! River At 336 \? to Big rds wide. A Ridge all h high banks At 880 Yards a high left, and a Ridge on the wide, which runs thr'o At 8 Min. high Red Minutes Small Island on idge on L^— At 14 Min. 18 Logstown. in French Chininguf. was the most important EngUsh trading post on the upper Ohio, until the French captured It In 1754. B. W. Bond. Jr.. The Foundations of Ohio. vol. I. History of the Stale of Ohio (Columbus, 1941), 110. 142. [ 21 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Min- utes Distance Mil Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S53W S38W S70W on L! at Ridge o N79W N35W on R! A Ridge o West S62W Creek 4 Thursd S35W S81E Bottom S50W low Lan Atl6M Bottom course N78W on L! le N33W low lan Rocky 264. 8 Min nV. utes th eend o D? d?, d?. f it. he 264. ry Stro ng Wa d? t end o nV. 17. f this Course ,352. . is low 176. er end of Isla nd. S Y?'o Encam ay the 10. n R! ped he 19^*" E ,1, d?. hich R mbark uns th edfive r'o a L Minut d?. .. arge B es befo re Six onR! don R in. larg on R[ Run o vel Ric .6.. of Riv 23. . URid e Run bound left .4 hLand er, a R 2K. ge on on L' a ed by which 176.. idge on d?. on R'. U at nd end a high goes th .264. . and a Left .d?. .. Eight of the Ridge, r'o lev Min. a Island At 21 el Rich n Islan onR! Min. Land don R Ridge ight& onRi a Ridg Low L e on L'. and on .d?... Ridge ■ d?. At Si Left onL^ X Min Run Bottom on L' on R! a Ridge At 5 Min. Small Island ter. Level Land on R! a At 12 Min. Small Island mall Bottom on R' High Ridge on R' Level Land on V. At 8 Min. Little Beaver oClock A.M. and went Bottom on both sides of the River To a small Island on L' At 4 Min. End of Island, d on R! well Timbered, level land on Li and small Run on L! at end of the to a large White Rock At 5 Min: Run on R\ on Left. At end of Course 22 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 S88VV Rocks o Left S69W level R S35W Ten Mi River, s S25W on R\ 2 banks o S22E on R! 3 River a S45E for two which is Right le Bushes, large R S40E Island thr'o le S30E about t Doy [s land in S27E S50E this Co n R!at ich La ...5.. foot of 14.. nd on highS ..IK. L^— H teep R 264. . ills on d?... ocky R Right n: aSp mall B 00 Y?' n R! 21. . ot of cl ottoms .5 long, a eared on left 176 upland , level 11 this Y? ndaR wide a idge o Minut a smal vel Ian AtN ich Bo with S vel Ric he Mid c] upla Middle . .10 es fro 1 Cave d on L ine Mi ttom o . .13 mall T h Land . .14. die of nd on of Riv . .14. small b n Righ 1. . Course 352. ottom t— .D? .. onRi upland d?. . level a Ridg on Ri .d?. . below m begi with eft. At n. ano n the ..i'4. imber, , a Qua the Ri Riand er — lev nnmg Cemic 7 Min. ther Is Left At Te rter of .264. . ver wit of this ircular an I si land .d?. .. n Min a Mile urse th .11 ree Qu V. of el upla 264. .176 Mile w .d?. h Smal he Riv nd on .d?. . .df. ide, an at end eon Ri ght Doyed the mo Course entra and on n left. aCree from t ITimb er — R^ > d at th [sic] u uth, H At 4 Min. three White of the Course a Run on At 4 Min. Run on R'. At 4 Min. Run on R! At ght }4 Mile from the At three Min: an Island pland and high Steep At 5 Min. Yellow Creek ight upland on left of a Wall nee at V. 100 High k on le he Riv er. At t end o Milew e begin At one Min. a Run on L' of Rocks 12 feet High in the foot of high Ridge on Y?^ Long covered with Ridge on Right and a At 8 Min. End of the ft 25 Yf' wide, running er on each side is a Ridge At 5 Min. Small Island 9 Min. End of the Island, f Course another little Is- ide, High Ridge on Left — Small Bottom on each side of River large bottom on L' all ning on R\ a high Ridge [ 23 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slov Remarks S32E SIE on Righ S15W Bottom Strait f S5W Middle land on S18E t and a onR! or Thr of the Right S5E S25W and beg end of t S60E Rock on S77W S35W S30E R!onR 565 E S40E on Left SIE . .9 Ridge .14. and a eeHun mning heCou . .^4 on Le •IK Ridge dredY River, of Riv with S er at f 264. ft 264. on Lef ards u 264. . mall T 00 1 of 264. 11. ...7 of anot rse her a li left he i [sic] Runni the .3. . .6. . .4. . with a ...6K ng thr' . .11. . Curren Small 264. t,AtEi p it, w imber, high R d?... 176. 352 ttle ne 176. 264 Botto 264 oaBot tom, B 176. d?. d?. d?. ght Mi ith a h d?. arer Ri .D? remely D? D? D? n D? D? . ottom D? .. a Larg idge, A ght Ha Stron on the n. Cree igh Ri e Rock Ridge nd Sho g, bott Right High Ridge on L' large Bottom on R'. large Bottom this course All this Course large k on Left 20 Y?' wide very dge close on each side of it At 2 Min. an Island in opposite Head of the Is- on L' of River Bottom on left. Ridge on Right Narrow bottom on L'. Ridge on R' At 3 Min. End of Island, re, which continues to Opposite a large high om land on R' Level on L^ a Hill on R'. Opposite a large Run on Bottom on L' Ridge on R\ At 5 Minj Small Creek large Bottom on R' Ridge on L' I 24 1 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks 58 59 6(J 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 S3E on L' ru S30E Ridge o S6E on left a ate on a on the 1 S9W a small S24W on Righ running S18W S12W end of t S2E high Ri S32W 20 Y^' as well S52W S37W S13W on right S5W nnmg t five large 1 eft n R^ a Botto t Twen thr'o 9 thr'o a 11 nd Ric h Bott 10 Min.E evel R .4 m that . ..4. . ty five RichB Botto 1. 264. . m, Ric 176.. om on ndof I ich Pie . Cree sland, ceof G 264 k Runs Y?' wi ottom, heCou At fou as the 10.. rse hig .12. . R! At Rich h Ridg .1. . nine 5. . r Min. River .17. . .11 Botto 16 1 D? h Bott D? V. 264 de wit Ridge D? At Sev round, ,D? . thr'o en M in near t .D? . . h high half a eonR! .352. . Min. B D? . ottom high R Rich idge o Botto m on L .1! 352. 176. eft D? D? each si Banks, Mile o The he Ban & ano n the begins on R'. D? nL!th m on D? . is Ridg Right D? D? 176. D? e Runs 14 Mil At 5 Min. Large Run de of the River All this Course high At 2 Min. Small Island Mingoe Town on R! Situ- k of the River,'' a Ridge Level land on R! on left At one Minute a Creek ther on L' the same Width Right level on right Bottom on R\ & V. at Large Bottom on L! At 2 Min. Creek on L' Parrallel with the Creek e wide — Ridge on L'. Bottom on R\ At 5 Min. Bottom be- gins on Left At 10 Min. Ridge close Bottom on R\ & V. yi Mile wide 19 Mingo Town, just below modern Steubenville. was a village of about 70 to 80 renegade Iroquois. J. A. Caldwell. History of Btlmont and Jegerson Countits (Wheeling. W. Va. 1880). 526-527. [ 25 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Hours Time Min- Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S31W on Left, of it, S which, t S22W this Co an Islan S15W Island, S2E near Ri land in end of t SlOE m'}" and Slow S28W half the of Cour S14W Island o S19E Slow 30Yf'w borders S15W Island at Te mall B he Rid urse a din M this C ghtHa Middl he Isla 17. . n Min. ottom ge com 20. . nd a s iddle o 6. ourse 16. nd Sho eof Ri nd Pre ..VA. Creek on Lef es clos 2. . . mall B ftheR 352. . onRU tof Ri to th Botto ..IH. re. At ver — o tty we Enca Fryda .3. mped y 20!'' .6. JuneE course se Bot botto torn on m thre the R\ n R'. la rge Bo ...7 ide, w close o /ith . . .3 hich y n the . . .5 mall T ou see Lower imber. ottom iver 176.. m on .176.. nineM pposit 11 Tim mbark .176 wenty ver At Rive D? . about 264 e Quar this C .352 up it f side"' — at end D? yds fourte de, lev en M i half th Coui .D? R'. aR .D? idge o nL! in. the e this I bered .D? Lower sland b Bott end of ottom om on ed Sixt D? een Mi n. afte .D? ters M D? ile wid e on R At 3 Min. Ridge close el Rich Land on each side n. Run on L' Just below Bottom Land on right se on L' at end of Course At 5 Min. End of the At 6 Min. Small Island Island. At 10 Min. Is- on R' ends at 15 Min. the left a Ridge on R! to M! Morgans Encamp- r 10 oClock. Sailed large Bottom on R'., on left a small one Bottom on R\ & V. at ight, Ridge on L' at end At one Min. Head of an nR!& V. D? .D? or four Large .D? . . of this Hund Botto Course large Bottom on each side At 2 Min. Creek on L' red Ya rds to where a Ridge m on R! & v. of the River At 3 Min. End of the Ridge on R! bottom on L'. 20. This probably was a trading post established by George Morgan, of Baynton, Morgan & Co. of Philadelphia, who accompanied Croghan"s expedition. 21, Probably Wheeling Creek, which empties into the Ohio River at present-day Wheeling. [ 26 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 Time Distance Water N? of Courses Remarks Courses Hours Min- utes Miles Yards Swift Mid- dling Slow Enca mped on R'. si deofR iver — Saturda y 2lf June 1'' mbark ed and Sailed — 82 S4\V S'A 'A 176 D? Bottom on right & left 500 Y^' 83 S13W ■ .20H . .2 88 .D? .. At 5 Min: Island on Right w ith Sm all Ti mber. at Ten Minut es lowe r end o f the Island — after which Large b ottom on Rig ht— at 19 Mi n. a Cr eek on right 3 Y^' wide. Ridge 200 Y^' on right . botto m on 1 eft. 84 S5E 13K \A 176 d? large Bottom on left, Ridge S ets in o n Righ t. At 6 Min: Small Run o n Righ t. large bottom on left, Bottom comin gin to Ridge on left. Botto m wid ens on Right- 85 S22W 8 A 88 d? River 350 Y^' wide. large bo ttom R\ Ri dge clo se on 1 eft. 86 S52W 12K 1 252 D? Ridge close on L' Rocky at Foot. At El even & half Minut es a R un on R\ Bo ttom on L' Hill sets in on R\ 87 S9W syi A 49 D? Hill close on R' Large bottom on L' 88 SlOE 16 IK 376 D? Ridge on R5 & Bottom on L! a 11 this Course . at en d aCr eekon left Te n Y?' wide. Ridge on R' ends with St ation 89 S20W course. a Cree 8 k twen ty Y?' 408 wide o n left a . d? . . . Bottom on R' & \}. this tend o f theC ourse — 90 N561-2W 18K IK 338 .d?... Ridge close on left from last Cre ek. Bo ttomC ontinu es on Right. AtSev en teen Min. Narrow bottom on right & 1'. 91 S74W 7 A 247 d? Hill close on R'. Bottom on left. a Run on R'. at end of this Course 92 S6W 8 K 408 d? Bottom on L' & Ridge close on R'. len gth of Course , at Se ven M in. a R un on R\ the River 300 Y?' 27 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 Time Distance Water N? of Courses Remarks Courses Hours Min- utes Miles Yards Swift Mid- dling Slow 93 S30W 21 K IK 382 d? Small Island at end of this Co urse B ottom on V. Ridge on R5 94 S2W on left, a Ridg 9K e close on L! a 352 Botto D?.. At 4 Min. end of Island m on R'. 95 S64W 20K 2 88 D? At 7 Min. a Creek on R! 25 Yf^ wide Runs out of large B ottom, Ridge on V. —At 14 Min. Bottom be- gins on left. R idge cl ose on Right. botto m on 1 eft. 96 S4W 7 yi 352 D? Ridge on R' Bottom on V. 97 S9E 11 1 11 .D? Ridge on Right, Narrow bottom on Lef t, at e nd of this C oursea n Islan donL! Small Timber — 98 S3HW divides the Ri 13 dge.— 1 At Six 333 Min. e ndof I D? . At 3 Min. Run on R' sland — At Six & a half Min. a Creek on L! fo rty Y^' — Nar row B ottoms on eac h side the Ri ver — 99 S55W 24 ly. 264 D? Narrow Bottoms on R' &Uat Sevent een Mi n. aRu n on R ' come s thr'o a Bott om — 100 S20W 9]4 K 352 D? large Bottom on L' nar- row on Right — At Eight Min: a Creek on Rig ht fort y Y?' At end of Course a white R ock on Right — 101 S40E 34K Left. 2K At fift .D? . . A Ridge close on Ri ght which Divides y? Bottom on the een M in. Lar geRun on Ri Ridge f r om Cr eek to End of thisC ourse Botto m on R' — and at the end a Ridge o n Righ t 102 SIW left— fr . . .9 g of th 264 is Cou .D? . . At 5 Min. large Run on om be ginnin rse Bo ttom o n Righ t & L'. At 6K Min a Ridge C lose on L^ 103 S77W 16 IK 376 .D? .. Bottom on L' Ridge on R\ 104 S22W 6 K 86 . d? . . . Ridge on R' Bottom on Li [ 28 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks 105 106 107 108 109 110 HI 112 113 14 S2W on R! A S20W Encam Sunday S5W row on \rds S27\V Bottom S65VV on L! at N85W Broad out in a S54W Bottom S49W R\ at T R! Bott V. Bott along th begins o out in O Strong Min. R S49W Bottom S45W L'. and a Island o t Si> ped on 22?'' E R'. At on L! 10 Min. a the R mbark 23 Eight 6 Botto five M itfi in. & o . .21. fteen Min. and ha widen welve om wi om Wi e Islan nL'. A ne Mi Curren idge cl . .1 begins very la n R! A .4. . s on L' Min. dens o dens o d— At t48 M n., At t.AtO ose on 22 onL'. 38 rge Ru t Twe Botto ight of ed one een M m wid ne half 2 Min. L If aQu Ridge Head nR'. A n R! h 36 Mi in. Ru Sixty ne Ho Left Narro n on R nty M 290 m on t 123 River Min. a 88 in. & o 176 ens on 352 a Run 176 ow I si arter — 264 close o of Isla t Twe ere Lo n. Rid n on R Min. I ur & 7 Water 252 w Bott he Rig fter 12 D? .. ne half .d? ht. d? oCloc Creek onL! '. At E in. & o D? . R\ D? onR! .D? . and on Ridge .D° .. n R\ nd on nty Si Line ge clos ^ Botto sland o Min. E 4 Path D? om all .D? . ight M ne half L! Bo close o ttom nRiat v.. Bo X Min. Run o e on L! m wid n L! R nd Isla om De this C in and end of ttom o end of ut ii Atfo ens on idge c nd. At ep a half Island Bottom on L! a Ridge Bottom on V. & R\ large Bottom on L' nar- 30 Y?f Ridge on R\ 300 Ridge on R! Continues. Bottom widens on Right At 5 Min. Ridge close At 9 Min. River 300 Vr widens on L!, Log Run end of Course At 3 Min. End of Island At 1 1 Min. large Run on 1 L\, narrow Bottom on Island, Narrow Bott? on minute. Strong Water rty three Min. bottom v., at 59 Min. Log Run n Rig' bottom on L', One Hour & thirteen At one Hour & 16 Min. on R\ At 4 Min. an Island on End of Island, At 15 Min. — Bottom on R! At [ 29 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks Thirty t torn beg S30W very Na Ridge O Eight Y^^ on S80\V a Ridge teen M Yards B S30W Pretty Mond S39W Min. I si Log Ru S14W At 2K At five narrow Island N80W on R\ B S70W Ridge c close on land on Island o Course S71VV here the wo Mi n. Rid ins on L' End rrow o ne Hu Min.& R\ close o in. Bot road Large ay 23^^^ and on n out i Run o Min Botto lose on V. Ha L^ Riv nR!,R an Isla Wate 36 n R! A ndred one ha 28 n L^ B torn be And a lOM Botto June 16 LiRid n half . .15 nR! Ridge m. Bo ge clos of Cou 23- t Twel Yards If a la 2 ottom gins on Ridge m on L Embar ..IK ges clo a Min. 1 on R! ttom o e on L! rse lar 418 ve Min on R\ ge Ru 176 on R; V. At Close 375 eft— A ked for 376 se on At 26 ge Bot Min & torn on a half L^ D? . and o At 22 n on L ne half M Bot '. At 3 a Run torn be 3K M Pretty end of on Rig Large thisC ht— D? D? — Atl ourse t Seve ty five n Min Min. a .D? End o fter Si R!&L 220 one H nR^R Df undred idge cl Y?'At ose on . .17 widens 29 R\ Bo nd sho er 600 iver 40 nd on lOH fifteen onR! 2 ttom o re. At Yff Bo Y?f n R^ 1 feet, n 40 &V. 208 n L! L 13 Mi ttom o ear en Ru Isla n R!& d of C d? Botto n out nd on L^ At ourse 10 M L; Riv D? D? in ^ o R'. At Twent Water R'. larg a Small Creek on R! Bot- At 8K Min. Bottom on L^ At 19K Min. gins on R' At Twenty in. Ridge One Hundred Beginning of this Course 3 Min. Run on R\ At fif- River Seven Hundred At 2 Min. Island on R^ f Island, and Encamped X oClock Bottom on Left. At 2>^ Small Bottom on R' n. End of Island, on L' er 350 Yf' since past the At 12 Min. large Run At 7^4 Min. Run on L' f Min. At 9>^ Island fifteen Min. End of Is- y One Min. End of Seven Feet, At end of At 8 Min. end of Island, ; on L' I 30 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Hours Time Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 130 31 32 33 S58W torn on Bottom Ridge t S8')W 12 Min. N45W Hills ap N15W Min., Creek N40W land on N74W N82W Island This Ri half Rid S45W Min Bo S58W At 6 M Twenty nine M S8W feet, Bo & V. A S6W L'., at iden wo Hu Large pear S Water Runs t R'. W 36;^ Eleven s on R\ ndred 17 Run o 9 mall 31 Twent hr'o A 20>^ ater S 3K Min. , Botto '^ on IM n L! L 3 y feet, t Twe 2 ixteen At Eig ver is ge clos ttom b in Wa fou in. Isla ttom o t Twe Encam 8> ht Min 250 Ya e on R'. 30 > egins o 39 ter Tw Min. nd on 26K n L: R nty S 14 pad-'— 264 &half m on L L' Wa 352 arge B 264 176 Narro nty On feet an the M rds wi Botto 3 n R'. A 3H enty f Ridge R\ At 2H idge o X Min. 176 usking de and on t Twe 264 eet De on L 36 Mi 264 n R! A Large 264 d? Large Pret ter 20 d? ottom D? D? ' Bott e Min. D? d half, D? D? um Ri is in L Ll" D? nty ni D? ep. At At Tw n. end D? t Twe Run o on R!, D? Run ty larg feet. n L! L e, Wat om on Creek ver on atitud ne M; Twen enty O of Isl nty M nR! L'. larg onR! R^ Be e39°:l n. & h ty Min ne Mi Ridge close on R!, Bot- og Run out in yi a. Min. er 19 feet, at 28 Min. Bottom on R\ & L! at Bottom on R\ & V. The Log Run out in yi a e Bottom on R\ where the 25 Y?^ beginning of Course Is- Bottom on R^ & V. At one Min. End of ars N20W 400 Yf' up— 9' at Eleven Min. & a Water 23 feet. At 22K alf an Island on L'. Bottom on R\ & V. . End of Island. At n Run on R' At Twenty At 10 Min. Water 20 Island on L'. Level on R! At 6 Min. end of Island- 22. Fort Harmar was established in 1785 on the west bank of the Muskingum at its junction with the Ohio. On the east bank of the Muskingum. Marietta was settled in 1788. Captain Gordon was strongly impressed with the strategic importance of the mouth of the Muskingum. Journal of Captain Harry Gordon. 465. 23. This camp was probably at the site of Belpre, settled in 1789, and opposite the mouth of the Little Kanawha and modern Parkersburg. Just below was the famous Blennerhasset's Island. [ 31 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Cour Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S16W high Ba Ridge c N83W on L; t torn beg Quarter Bank-* N77W Island ( End of L^ At S47W Min. R R\ of th SHE High R Bottom S61W L: 200 S70W on R! at on R! S37W End Is! S33W Bottom Tuesd Wedne nks En lose on wo Hu ins on of a — Wat at five the fir Eightee idge cl e Entr ocky S on L! V^' bo 7 Min and on R\ ay the sday t dof th Lower 33 ndred L^atS Mile b er Twe 20 y2 Min. a St abo n Min 16>2^ ose on ance — 23 hore, a at Eig 6 ttom o 14 Botto 10 Ridge 10 Ridge 24!" of he 25!" is Cour side o 3 Yf' Ion ixteen elow h Ive fee IK n Islan ve me . Botto 1> R! at f 2 t thirt hteen n R! R 1K_ m begi onR! on L! JuneR Emba se Litt f it Bo 33 g— Wa Min.& ead of t, (At 220 don R ntione m wid 17 ourtee 183 een M min. R 176 idge cl 264 ns on rked fi le Kan ttom o ter Tw a half Island 27 Mi D? !at nm d Isla ens on n Min. in. Ro un on D? ose on d in C fty tw D? hawa [ n R! D? elve fe Island is Neal n. Isla e Min. nd— B V. D? . large D? . . cks en V. Bot amp al o Min. Kanaw et, Rid on R! mac c nd on end of ottom Run o ds — lo torn be L! D? L!, Na D? n R!, 1 Day- after 5 oCIock Bottom on R! & V. with ha] River on V. 100 Y9 At 3 Min. Rocky Shore ge on V. at 8 Min. Bot- on R! side of River one ollins Cabbin on high R! Ridge close on L!) At 3j4 Min. End of last Island) at III/2 Min. on R! Narrow bottom on Water 20 feet, at 7>^ n R! 1 2 Y?' large Rock on Water 18 feet, at 7 Min. w Ridge close on R! gins on R! At 3}4 Min. Island on Water 19K feet, Bottom End of the Course Island Water 17 feet, at 8 Min. Bottom on L\, at 6 Min. 24, This is an interesting bit of evidence that squatters had already begun to settle on the rich bottoms along the west bank of the Ohio. Bond, The Foundations of Ohio. 2SS. [32 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks 43 44 45 46 S55W Min. B ing] you SUE At 8H Ten Yf SIE narrow level up End of S42W Large R large B S82W on L' la N73W L^ Bott S3W on R! B atThirt S32E on R'. b S47E Min. bo S5W begins o fourteen her[el v S25W on L! B L'. at Ei ottom see up Min. wide o bottom land & Island, un on ottom rge Bo ottom een & ttom b n Left, Min. ery Sw ottom ghteen lOK on L' a it K 25> Run o nL!,R 33 on R\ high b Ridge 17"^ LlTen on R\ 10 ttom o 17>^ R\ at I3yi on L^ a half 18 on L' a 27> egins o ilH at Sev & ahal ift: 22 R! at Min. 1 t Eigh Mile, nRM idge o at Sixt anks o on V. Y?' w at Th H n R; a 13 Thirte at fou Min. a 13 t Four 23 nR^ A 13/ en & a f an Isl 2 Nine arge R t Min. Botto 145 vides t n Ri, een M nR!at Botto 178 ide— A rteen 290 11 the 177 en Min 22 Min& Creek 176 teenM 127 t Seve 44 half M and on 352 Min. E un on .D? . Creek m on he Rid Botto D? .. in. Rid Twen m on 11 this Min. L on R\ R!&L D? ge — B m on L Sixty ge in li ty One R!&L D? Course arge R nes off Min. ' at en very un on D? Course & one one ha on R^ D? half a If two 20 Y^' large D? Remar D? in. Ru n on R D? nteen Min.R D? in. Small Ru R! a s pit of D? . nd of R\ n on L Land the Isl and — a Water 5 Fathom, at 5 Y?^ Hockhocking [Hock- At 2 Min. Ridge on R^ on L' at 23 Min. Creek Water 163^ feet, very the River on Right, Island on L' At 24 Min. d of Course Water 19 feet, at 4 Min. narrow Bottom on L' & R^ Water 18 feet. Ridge Water 20 feet. Ridge on Run on R\ Water 21 feet. Ridge kable large Rocks on R' Water 23 feet. Ridge Water 23 feet. At 13 R\ Water 20 feet. Ridge ', large bottom on R' at Runs out 70 Yards Water Water 20 feet. Ridge t 6 Min Bottom begins on 33 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 Time Distance Water N? of Courses Remarks Courses Hours Min- utes Miles Yards Swift Mid- dling Slow S25E 8 'A 408 .D? Water 23 feet. Bottom on R! a nd L; at five Min. S mall R un on L^ S40E close on R! Bo 19 ttom U4 nL! A 264 t Ten D? . . Water 22 feet. Ridge 15 Y?' wide— here the Min. a Creek on L\ Bottom begins on the R\ S40W 12 1 172 D? .. Water 22 feet. Ridge begins on Left, West N60W 10 13 1 VA .D? . . 88 D? Water 22 feet. At 7 Min. bo ttom b egins nL! B ottom on R'. &V.at end of this Course Encam ped on R! of River — Thursd ay 26^ *" June Emba rked 5 4 Min. after 6 oClo ck N55W 5M A 88 D? Bottom on R'. & L^ N46W 17 lA 352 D? Water 29 feet, at 5 Min. very na rrow B ottom onL! at four teenM in. Bot torn be gins on L' S71W lOX 1 44 D? Water 18 feet. At 3 Min. lar R! ge Ru n on R ' and a Shole on V. Runs i n 100 V^f Narrow Bottom on S20W Min. S mall R 11 un on 1 R\ nar 176 row B D? . . Water 12 feet, at 9H ottom on R'., SIW 14K 13 Left— 1>4 At Six 396 .D? . . Water 17 A feet, Water 24 feet. At one S33W Min. Isl and on 88 Min. E .D? ,. nd of Island, a Safe place for Traders to in- camp o n25 S57W 19 IK 264 D? Water 29 feet. Bottom widens on R\ at thre e Min. Small Creek on V. 20 Y?' At five Min. large Run on L! fo r the three p receed ing Co urses 1 ow Ian don R ', at 9 Min. narrow Bottom onU AtTw elve M in. sm all Ru n on R ! End of Course Ridge close on V. 25, This comment is a striking illustration of Hutchins' careful and intelligent work. Note 26, post. etc. [ 34 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks N601 iW that div on L! N42}2W Min. Isl good pi L! Shor N39E close on on L'. at Twenty N25I2W L! Rid 17 Min 22 Min. small R N761 2W Water fi S76KW Min.lar R! N15W 7 fatho Ten Mi Run on N54^^W Ridge c 91^ Mi S76MW continu S50W Min. R 26, Note 25, ante. ides th and on ace for e at T V. Ba Sixtee fou ge con Botto Run o un on fteen f ge Ru m Line n. Bot R!& a lose on n. Run lOK e Ridg 163^ v. Bo Trade welve 29K nk on n Min. Min. S 47 K tinues m begi nR!at L'. lOK eet — la 151/^ n on L! 30 . Rive torn on Run o 12K R^at onR! 13 R! Bo 12>^ R^ Ri 1 e. Wa 1> ttom b rs to E Min. e 2 R! low Small mall R 4% on R\. ns on Thirt 1 rge Bo Narro 2H r two V. No n L! N ter five 264 egins o ncamp nd of 407 &Con Run o un on 127 at Twe R! at y Seve D? fatho D? .. nL^ A on.-'' Island. ms, lo w land t Seve At5M all thi tmues nR^at R^Rid the sta Twen ge clos D? n Min. in. an s Cour .D? tion, ty Min e on R Ive Mi Ninete n Min D? .. n L' at n. Riv en M & }i er 300 n & on Water w bott fiveM .D? .. R! at in. Bot 1 Thn 1 re set Hundr Botto arrow 253 R/Iin. s nLith 253 s in th ed and m with bottom mall R D? twent 7 fath on R! D? . . un on lO'A .D? .. y y?= om Li R! tha e end of this D? .. Course At 3 Min. Small Run on R' Narrow bottom Water 17 feet. At 3 and half end of Island. Island begins nearer the se low land on L' Water 15 feet. Ridge t 9 Min. Bottom begins . small Run on L! at Water 29 feet. Bottom on Y?'— Water 5 Fathom, at e half large Run on L' at 21 feet, at 40K Min. Bottom is Narrow on R! torn widens on R' Water 5 Fathom, at 5}4 Min. Bottom widens on Water no bottom with Ridge close on L\ — At ne. At 18 Min. small Water Gyi Fathoms, t Divides the Ridge at Water No Bottom , Ridge is in Latitude 38?:40' Water 7 Fathom, At 4^ [ 35 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hour Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S14j^W torn on S55HW Sets in Narrow Run on S14W 7 Fatho Bottom U% M V. Bott S35W Min. an of Islan S38W Min lar S8E 6 Min. S15E row Bot S16VV onRiW Course are high S42W bottom V. Rid on V. atTh R! Bot mLine widen 203X ge on 31K at Nin irteen torn wi ..83< Narr on R in. Isla om on Island d— ge Ru Botto ater fi up it is , with Fryda 38 nd on R'. & 19 lying i .6 n on R 9 m wid 18 R! At 17 ve Fat S80E a long y the2 ..\0% onL! 2 R! At 23/; &thr Min.& dens o ow Bo asmal L!atT V. IK n the Narr IK Eight IK hr— a for 400 botto 7!'' Ju H Water 132 Twelv 272 ee Qua three n L;— ttom o 1 Run 176 wenty 419 Course D? e Min rter M Quarte At 27 Botto D? .. in. Bo rs Run 34 Mi .D? .. ttom b L!— n. sma nR^at on R! fiveM at end two M in. En D? n. sm of the D? . . d of Isl 176 ow bot 129 R!. at 358 Min. V 177 t end o Y^'^ At m on b ne Em 371. . fifteen ofL!h D? . tom on and si deofR end of ery lar f th its Co oth sid barked feet, B R! D? .. Course D? . ge Ru D? Course nfluen es at le 54 M .D? . . ottom large n on L' Great ce wit ast >2 n. Aft on R! Water 7 Fathom. Bot- ns on R! Water 41 feet. Ridge egins on L' & Continues At 20 Min very Large II Run on K\ Water no Bottom with all Run on V. at 6 Min. Course Water 7 Fathoms. At and. At 27^ Run on Water 21 feet, at 6K iver — at UK Min. end Water 5 Fathom, at IK Water 5K Fathoms, at Run on R!— Water 5 Fathom, Nar- Bottom on R! & V. At One Min. large Run Kanhawa River" on Li h the Ohio, the Banks Mile Broad- er 7 oClock Water 18 feet, at 7 Min. all the Course 27. i.e. the Kanawha River. Father Bonnecamps. the Jesuit chronicler of Celeron's expedition, was much impressed by the "Illinois cattle" (buffalo) at the mouth of the Kanawha, and Captain Gordon noted them also on the upper Ohio, although he found them more numerous below the Scioto. Jesuit Relations. R. G. Thwaites, ed.. vol LXIX (Cleveland, 1900). 177-178; Journal of Caftain Harry Gordon, 465; note 30, post. [ 36 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S58W Min. B of Islan S15W 6 Min. S32KE Narrow Run on S50E Min. N S15KE on R\ a two Mi four Mi S13KW Ridge o Bottom S15HE Min. R Min. la S13>^W SllW Min Ru S59W on L' at At Thir N82W on R\ B N80W to a Cre ottom d— at Botto botto RUte nd L^ n. end n. larg n L' on onRi un on rge Ru n on L 100 Y teenM ek on 35> widens Thirty 16K m Nar 9 m on nd of t bottom 34 At Eig of Isla e Run . 22 e Quar Botto 46K V. Rid n on L! UK !-at 163^ ?' Bot in. Na 5 widens 34 V. fifte 3K onL^ two M IH rows o H R!atfi his Co on R! 3K hteen nd, W on L! 2 ter of a m on L ge on 1 Nine IK torn C rrow B onL! 3K en Yai fourtee in & o 36 nR! 129 ve Mi urse N 220 at five 264 Min. I atenlS 352 Mile, 220 Riand 44 51 Min. ..57. ontinu ottom D? .. n Min neQua & a ha rter R . d? . . . If Islan un on n. bott umber .D? .. Min. B D? . . sland o feet, A d?. at Twe d?.. . om Wi of Roc dens o ks near Widen n RUl t 23 M 1 Sand in. sm nty M d?. Botto D? m on L ! all th Botto es on on L^ D? d?. m Nar R! At 7 Min. at begi 264 ds wid nnmg .D? .. e Ridg of Cou e on L' ■-, en feet s on lef 26y, on R\ 2K — Bott ty Min 2 onR! Big Sa 4V^ ndred Allth small then B ou com L! ver 8°:03' June 3H & one t. At 3 _2K with a 220 om hal Narr 22 at Nin ndy C 132 Yf ' on Cou Run o 199 ottom e to en y high Embar 308 half, a 9V2 M 266 Vein o d?... f Mile ow Bot eteen reek. d?. L!atT rse Bo nR! wide o tom on D? Min.C nLUh R\ All reek o begins d of th Banks ked 6 d?... t 19 M in larg welve ttom o d?. All th e Cou on bot Min.B n R!& at 5 Min. Small Creek ere, at 15 Min. Water this Course very Narrow Water 2K fathom, at 7 n L! 60 Y?' wide Running Water 2 Fathom, at 9 ottom widens on L! Bot- L! at Twenty four Min. Water 3 Fathom, for Course Bottom on L! One R un on L! at End of the h sides of y! River this Encamp- 37 Shore, Tvvelv Gravel it— 40 this CO nV.— 35 with 1 ; Min and S 3'^ urse— 352 arge R Rocky and — 280 at Twe 14 Mi n. Aft f Rock ocks n Hill 4 Botto 1. Rid Run .d?. s runni ge200 on R! ng rou ntv Ei D? ear the 00 Y? m on .D? ght Mi Water on R! R!&L er 5 oClock at 2}4 Min. Run on R! Y?' on V. At 28 Min. Bottom this Course on R! Water 4 Fathom, at nd the front near the Top. Water 29K feet— Bot- tom on L! River 200 Y?' for 4^ — at 9 Min. Bottom wid- at 23 Min. Sholes on L'. ! both this and the last Water 3 fathom. Bottom 11 RunonL!at 35>< Min. [ 39 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Cour Hours Min- Dlstance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Remarks N18HW on V. 20 at 15 M NS.i^W on R\& N27'.jW Min. R NllE Ridge o on R! B N201 oW torn on N65W row Bot at five S68W on R! V kind of Y?^ Bro at 30M S65W Ridge t on L! al Water t L^ Bott N72W on L' w camped S64i'^W torn on wide in yard in. Bot V. thi n L! at ottom L! at torn on Min. S ery Ro Brown ad — at in. Ro hree H 1 theC wo fat om on ith nar and s Fryda R!Bot Latitu 20K s at Ei torn wi 36 s Stati 253/< L! Bot 39 Twent on R! 18 ''2 Thirte R!at mall C 35 cky on ish Col Twen cky Ri 40 undred ourse. horn, b R\ 24 row B tayed y the 4 16K torn wi de 38°. 2 ght Mi dens o on — at 2K tom on 33-4 y four this C 1'2 en Mi H Two & reek o 2' part o oured ty One dge 30 3 \"^' on Subje eginni 2 ottom Mond 44 n. Roc n V. 76 Twen 185 R\ & L 264 Min.B ourse 339 n. sma 330 one ha n R!— 220 f theF flat St Min. s Y?' t d?. . ks on ottom V. Sho on R\ re at e &L!at ty thre e&M Min. ; this S d?... ottom 11 Run begins d?. . on R! onL! Water 4 Fathom, Ridge dge of Water 150 Y?'— end of Course Run on L' Water 19 Feet Bottom mall Run on R' Water 5 Fathom, at 5 Water 3}4 Fathom, t 35 Min. very large Rur If Min Botto ront, f ones — mall R the or 10 Narro un on R^— B Botto .d?... m wid d?. .. Min. t w bott R\ Bot ottom d?... Water 5 Fathom, m on R\ Bot- July dens la 22', Ri R\ at ct to ng of t 344 to end ay, Tu embar 418 rge on dge on fourtee Over[fl he Cou n Min. ow] — rse — a Botto At 21 t end o d?. of Stat esday, ked 15 ion an Wedne Min. a V. At R!bet 14 Mi ter tha d Bott sday a fter 12 D? . . n. S[c]i n Ma Water 5 Fathom, nar- ens on Ri Bottom on L'. Water 4 Fathom Ridge he shore on R\ intirely a om on R' two Hundred tom on R' widens here — on L' all the Course Bottom on L' Rocky m widens on R' Low land Min. small Creek on L' f Course Small Run on Water 3 fathom. Ridge om on R! — here we en- nd Thursday Water 4 Fathom — Bot- oto River on R^ 120 Y?' Mile 40 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Time Distance Water Remarks Courses Hours Min- utes Miles Yards Swift Mid- dling Slow S25KW 19}4 IK 57 . d? . . . Water 2 fathom — large n R^ large Bottom on R^ bottom on V. Botto m wid ens on R!at6 Min. Run o at end o f the C ourse & Bot torn o n L! S54W 20 li/4 140 . d? . . . Water 2K Fathom, at 8 m on R' pretty large Min. B ottom onL^ three Hundr edY?' wide — Botto this Co urse — here w e Enca mped on a hi gh ban kon th e R! and Stayed Satur- day, Su nday &Mon day" Tuesd ay the 8!" Jul y Emb arked 5 Min. after 9 oClock S68W onR!B ottom 26K begins 2X on V. 307 River . d? . . . Water 11 Feet, Bottom 450 Y ?= At 9K M in. Small Creek on R' — Bottom onR^ &V.a\ 1 theC ourse, S33W 1314 1 22 .d?... Water 17 Feet, Bottom on R\ a nd V. this C ourse S14W Ridge K Mil 24 eonR! IK then 88 Botto .d?... Water 2 Fathom, a m wid ens im mediat ely— & Bottom on R\ & L! all th e Cour se S45W torn on RUnd 19 y2 L!toe IK nd of S 57 tation .d?. . . Water 2 Fathom Bot- at 15 Min.C reek o n V. 15 Y^^ wide & a large G ravelly Beech on the R\ 100 Y^' Br oad S84W 37 y2 3)4 317 . d? . . . Water 4}4 feet, the Channe 1 more to the Right end of the be ech Bo ttom o nU & R! K Mile wide. Small R un on R^at3 Min. at5M in. Bot torn wi dens o n L!— low land on R! & L! all th e Cour se At 1 5 Min. Botto m wid ens on R\ A Ridge on R' but thinly Timber ed her e,AtT wenty three Min. Water 13 Fee t — at end of Course high Ridge c lose on L^Bot tomon R! N62W Twenty Min. 29 bottom 2 begins 308 onL! .d?. . . Water 11 feet. At S79>^W XMile 12 1 172 .d".. . . Water 11>2 feet Ridge on R\ at 9 M in. Sm all Ru n on R i narro w bott om this Course on R\ 29. At this and the preceding encampment in the neighborhood of modern Portsmouth, Ohio. George Croghan met a considerable number of Shawnees, Delaware? and probably Wyandots. Their reports of French intrigues among the Indians of the Wabash and Illinois valleys were so d'squieting that Croghan sent Indian deputies to the Western tribes, to assure them of his peaceful intentions. But from here on to the Falls the expedition proceeded with the utmost caution. Croghan to Gage. January 16. 1767. ///. Hist. Coll. XI. 488; note 34, post. [ 41 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Cour Time Hour Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S57W on R! 7 S36W Min. Be 300 Y?' Course N81W begins c Course N37W row Bot Cove at Y?' wid our Indi Wed Six Min in the L N8>^W torn on N58W Min. S Y^' at S thirty f NSlioW Min. sm All this Course At 54 Channe NSli^W Island i swift 30, Note 27. ante. Y?= ech 60 wide — lose on the Ri tom on the en er, nea ans Ki nesday utes fu ick ab R! and mall R evente our M 1 all Ru Course —at 3 Min lonRi Conti n all wide — y^' wi at Eig 15K L^ at dge 10 L! and d of a raMil ll'd us the 9'} rther o ove me 24 L! th 38 un on en M i in. sm 1 n on L! Botto 9 Min Botto 3 Fat nued f ne Ho at 6 M de on hteen 1 Nine Yf ' o wide o Stony e from 15 or 1 JulyE n last ntione is Cou R! Bot n. Bot all Ru 5K at Tw mon L Narro m Wid hom d our M ur& 7 in. hig 111 R'. a R Min. B 353 Min. S n L! B 176 nRiat Shore where 6 Buff mbark Course d— 344 rse — t 398 tom on tom wi n on R 161 enty O '.—a fi w bott ens on eep, ve in. to Min. t d° h Ridg e 100 d?. Y°' on ft on ottom L\ run widens mall b ottom ottom on R! ning 1 onR^ d?. . . on L\, all the Eight here th we en aloes — ed Tw at 3 Min. E e River campe elve M Min. ncamp 300 Y d is a in afte Run o d?. he US hore in ,d?. tirely V. this dens o at en ne M ne Gra om on RUt6 ry stro Creek o end he two Cours nR^at d of C .d?. n. Run velly S R\ at f 1 Min ng Wa e. Bott 23 M ourse on R! of Cou togeth onR hore o orty S a larg ter— and 2 rse — t er mak Water 12>2 feet, beech R! very Rocky Water 3 fathom at 6 00 Y?' in, & the River Bottom on L' all this Water 3 Fathom, Ridge and at the End of the Course Water 4 Fathom, nar- ed on the L' at a Pretty ^' but at the Cove it is 30 Buffaloes Lick at which r 6 oClock and continued n L' which takes its rise Water 2 Fathom, Bot- Slate Stone Water 19 Feet at one om on R' three Hundred in. small Run on L' at River 500 Y?' Water 2 Fathom, at 16 Bottom on R\ 200 Y?'— n both sides all this .X Min. Water Ten Feet, e Gravelly flat Island Min further to erld of hese last Six Min. very e 6 Miles & 352 Y?' [ 42 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks N55\V Min. Ri on L! B River 5 S87W on R! a S67\\ Ridge o S86W Narrow Island 2 in two S74W Small R small T Island S79W gin^ of t S40W Min. R S12KW on R' w torn on S73W Min. la N67W begins o to alarg Min. en dge on ottom 50 Y?= nd V. nR!at botto 50 Y?^ — the un on imber more t he Isla Thu ith nar L' to e rge Ru n U— e Grav d of be 46 Left. R: all t in Lati 15 to end 22 Eight 12 m on L wide t largest 22 R! Ch which han ha 12 nd to sday t 17 R! Bot 41 J^ row bo nd of 9 n on L 46 Botto elly be ech 4 LogR heCou tude 3 of Stat 2 een Mi 1 ' and t hro half o 2 annel overflo If way . .1. End of he 10!" VA tom on 33X ttom — Course 4 m on ech on 366 un out rse at 8° ■'30' 215 ion 22 n. Bot 352 o Hea hich is n R! 352 100 Y ws — at over t 352 this S July 97 R! an 82 atTwe At 32 129 366 R!— at R!Wa in half 32 M 20" .d?. a Min n. Wat ute, at er Ele tom be d? d of a a Gra d?. .. ?= wide 22 Mi o left d? gins on Wide I velly b R! sland eech \ the I n. End Shore sland of Isl is the d?. .. tation Embar dUth nty Se Min. 1 29 Mi ter tw a Ridg ked 13 d?. isCour e on L! K Mi .d?. .. ven M arge R .d?. n. Bo un on d?. n. bott o Path om be om Be Water 2 Fathom, at 7 19 Min. Bottom begins ven feet, at end of Course Water 11 Feet Bottom Water 3l4 Fathom, Water 4 feet at 6 Min. the Channel on L! this hich divides the Island Water 6 feet at one Min. here high banks and and — from end of the Channel 8yi feet deep Water 8 feet, from be- & Bottom on R! n. after 8 Water 3 Fathom, at 6^ Water 10 Feet. Ridge ttom Widens on R! Bot- Water 5 Fathom. At 5 Water 4 Fathom, Ridge gins on L! at thirty Min. ech 120 Yf' wide at 38 [ 43 1 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slov Remarks N85W torn on N31W row Bot N13i,^W on V. B Fryd N20W Min. B thr'o a N69I 2 VV Ridge o four Mi with nei N52W onR! R wide. R N22W Forty Y Sevente Y^^ VVa N59W Water tion — N73W Shore O 46 Min sets in o R! N58W Bottom L! nar ay the ottom Ridge n R^ a n. Bot th[er] idge be idge o wide en Min ter 3 F Two F ne Hu Botto nV.W begins 26 H row bo 20 1< l:& 1 12 onR!t 11!" Ju 27 "2 begins and N 28 14 tThirt torn be bush n 11 gins on nL!& 28K , Wate . Botto athom 16 athom 57 ndred m begi ater T 25 onL! 2^2 ttom o m arge B 1 oend o ly Em 2 on L! a arrow 2>2 een Mi gins on or Tim 1 L! at Botto 2K r Two m begi 1 and a & fifty ns on welve Bot 264 nR!at 220 ottom 172 f Stati barked 320 t Seve bottom 188 n. Wa R! At ber on 11 Six Mi m on 188 fathom 352 half — 44 Y?" ou R! at Feet, d?... 20 m: on R! n. Bot d?. .. to end of Stat on. Ri 29 Mi d?. . nteen d?... ver 52 n. afte 8 Yf 7 oC Min. s mall R ter Tw end of it— n. End R! toe elve fe Cours d?. .. of the nd of s et Mid aGra Island tation &aha V. at 2 d?. .. If— Ri 2 Min Ridge on R\ dge on small d?. &Bott d?. t. at21 Forty Ridge d?. .. R!all Min Eight on left nd of t Min. L at end Water 2 V< fathom, Bot- idens on R! Water 3 fathom, Nar- ion — Water 4 Fathom, Ridge here we Encamped — lock Water 3 Fathom, at 5 un on R! which Runs Water 2yi Fathom. St of Stream — at Twenty velly flatt Island on L! Water 10 Feet. Bottom vhich is two Hundred Y?' at one Min. Creek on R! U Bottom on R! at Run on R! River here 550 at 9>^ Min. Ridge on R' om on L! to end of Sta- at 9 Min. Shallow on U he shoal. Ridge on R! at arge Run on R! Ridge of Course & Bottom on Water 10 Feet, at 9 Min. the Co 44 Courses of the Ohio -tlVER, 1766 Time Distance Water N? of Courses Remarks Courses Hours Min- utes Miles Yards Swift Mid- dling Slow N721 ,W 6M K 166 .d?. .. Water 5 Fathom — Bot- torn on Riand Lithe Course At En d of C ourse Creek on R! 20 V^' wide, called Crooke d Cree k'" He re we Encam ped — f rom th is Enc ampment the Ridges ap- pear mu ch sma Her th an any yet Satur day th e 12!" July E mbark ed 24 Min. a fter 5 S74W 1 20K 7K 221 .d?. .. Water 16 Feet, at one Min. R un on LlatS ixteen Min. V ery na rrow B ottom on R! at 26 Min. a Run on Li- at For ty Sev en Mi n. wat er 6 Fe et near Midst Stream, at fifty one Min. Bottom widen sonR! at 55 Min t Mid die of a beec h on Rl 120 ¥?' wide—; Water 6 feet, a bout Mid S tream, at 59 Min. S mall R un on Ll at 63 Min. End of Beec h at 68 Min. Ridge close nL!W ater 7 Feet, Mid Stream, Channel on L! going down the Be ech W ater at end of Cours e3Fat hom — N73J2W 1 59K 8H 374 .d?... Water 3)4 Fathom, at 4K Mi n. sma 11 Run L!atS evente en Mi n. Bot tom be gins on Ll at 21 Min. Run on R! at Thirt y Si.x Min. Water 12 Fee t Mid Stream , a Beech on L! Sixty Y^' wide, pposite a Run on Li. TheB eech c ontinu es50Y f^ above & below the Run —at Se venty Six Mi n. sma 11 Run on V. Botto m on Rl half Mile wide^Grav- elly Sho re on Riate ndof 9 5 Min. to end of Bee chySh ore and small Run on Rl Ridge s ets in on L! 1 arge B ottom onRia t one Hundr ed & 16 Min. small Run on V. th at divi des the Ridge N291 oW Min. W ater N 34 K ineteen 3 Feet, 274 Mid of .d?. . . Water 3 Fathom, at 28 Strea m, Riv er 400 Yf' Ridge on Ll Bottom on R! t end of Stat " North row Bo ttom 52 H n L! at 5K Twen ty eigh d? t Min. Water 2 Fathom. Nar- Widen s — at 46 Min. Water 2 Fathom Mid Str earn — at fifty twoM in. Wa ter 11 Feet. Botto m on Rl and Ll N3614W Water t 1 10 sy At Six . d? . . . At one Min. Run on R! hirteen F'eet. ty thre e Min. Botto m Nar rows on L! Water nine Feet on R\ lar ge Bot tomon R! cS; Narro w on L t NI314W Min. sm 49 3^ 308 .d?. . . Water 9 Feet. At 10 all Ru n on R ! at T welve Min la rge R un on Ll that divides the Ridge &Runs thr'o a Botto m whi ch at t his pla ce app ears to be near a Mile Broad — At Twe nty Si X Min. Botto m 34 Mile n LI w hich gr ows wider — at Thirty Seven Min. Water 8 Feet about MidS tream — Bott om on Rl to end of Stat? 31, Crooked Creek, on the Ufl or Kentucky side, was midway between the pioneer settlements at Manchester. Ohio, and Lime- stone (Maysville), Kentucky. Cramer. Tht Navigator (ed. 1814). 131. 1. Ilutchms, rt'iicil Sketch, Month ,if Ihe Utile Miami Rive [ 45 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hour Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks At Fort few Y?^ N48W Fathom Feet M four Mi end of S N80W Min. la fifty six N26W Narrow N6MW Stream, River 1 here Little its mou below t swift on Sunda N4W Min. Be Fathom R: this N33HW Min. B begins o N54I2W Strong Fathom N8814W Shore — y five of Sho Mid. id. Str n. sma tat?— 1 rge Ru Min. Botto Ridge 00 Yf' Miami th a G he mo Usho y the 1 :ch be MidS Course ottom nV. Water opposi Curren Min. re on 45 Stream earn. S 11 Run n on R Run o 14 m begi 19 pretty wide River ravell uth— t re opp 3!" Jul 16K gins on tream. 18 widens 6^A all the te the 9K t very Run o 3 'A — AtT hallow on R: 4>^ !andB nL! 1 ns on close o on R! Runs t y Beec his Ri osite t Em R! wh end of l'< on L! Course widest Swift t n U, a 220 wenty Water at 38 66. . ottom t end of Stat Min. 1 onR! Min. arge R Shore Ridge ion W .d°. .. un on near 1 begins /idens onR^ L^ Bot 419 n U- Narro hr'o a h whic ver ha he mo barked 16 ich is S Beech 339 Botto 264 , River Parto 396 his Co at Sixt w Bott very E h cont s high uth of forty eventy — Narr R^at d?. .. een M om on .d?... Botto d?... 5 Min ater 5 Fathom, within a At 15 Min. Water 2 R! At 31 Min. Water 8 50 Y^" out— At Thirty on R' Bottom on L! to Water 2 Fathom. At 33 m on h\ all the Course at Water 12 Feet, small Run on L! very xtensiv inues c Banks River nineM d? Y^' wi ow Bo d? R! toe in. & L^ Bot Rich lose on The abu in. aft de. At ttom o nd of .d?... Two f theB d? lirse — Hundr eech ed Yf hich is Botto Water 19 Feet near Mid one half Little Miamie tom on R! & Encamped Bottom and has opposite L! Shore for 300 Y?' Ohio here runs pretty ndance of Lime Stone. er 5 Water 3 Fathom, at 6 thirteen Min. Water 2yi n L' & large Bottom on Water lyi Fathom, at 8 Stat? at 17 Min. Beech Water 2 Fathom, at 5^A Min. Water 2 about 200 Y?' wide. Water 9 Feet near R*: R! & L\ to end of Stat? [ 46 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S43MW Ridge s Yf= Wa begins o Called torn on N68W narrow R: Bott S43KW Sets in teen Mi S76>^W on U B Ridge o on R! a deep Stream, on L! n N69J4W from L! on R! N39W Stream U—At R\ Bott N71W row Bot L! to en S34W row Bot ets m ter Six n R: B Lickin R!&L Botto om on on R! n. sma ottom n l:— nd ext At 32 at Te arrow shore Ridge 37 Mi tom & d of S 40K on R\ Feet n ottom g Cree 11 ' to en 21.54 m on L R\ toe 28K at Sixt 11 Run 44 on R! AtThi end to Min. 37K n Min. botto 28 Ridge 55 & narr n. Rid Rlall 29 Ridge tat?— tom & Ridge 3> at Thr ear L! on L! t dof St !atTe nd of S een M on R! 3K at five rty Mi within Narro 2H Botto m on 2, '-2 & narr 4 ow Bo ge thre the Co 2 on R! . .3M. onR! 400 ee Min Shore, o end at? 381 n Min. tat? 188 in. sm Narro Min.B n. aGr 50 Y?" w Bott 110 m wid R! 108 ow bot 220 ttom o e Hun urse 308 at Sixt ,d?. End but th of Stat of san eChan ?~At dy Bee nel is o 38 Min d?. .. Botto all Ru w Bott m wid .d?. .. n on L om on ! Botto l: ottom avelly aCross om on on U, Shoal the R R! and R: at R! at narrow three iver to Left d? Thirty n L! A dredY t Twen ^'onL Twent .d?. .. ty Mi ! at Fo een M in. Bot .d?. .. tom wi Water 2H Fathom, ch— at 12 Min. River 400 n R!— at 28 Min. Bottom . Creek on L^ 50 Y?= Water 2 Fathom, Bot- Water 2}4 Fathom, very L! at 17 Min. Run on Water 4 Fathom. Ridge m begins on R! at nine- Water 5 Fathom. Ridge bottom on R! at 15 Min. Quarters of a Mile long the Channel Ten feet Water 3 Fathom. Mid four Min. bottom widens Water 8 Feet 150 Y9 y Min. bottom widens Water 2 Fathom. Mid n. Bottom Widens on rty three Min. Run on Water 5 Fathom, nar- dens on R' Bottom on Water 3 Fathom, nar- Botto v.- 32. The mouth of the Licking River is directly across from the bottom on which the first settlement at Cincinnati was made in 1788. 47 Courses 3F THE Ohio River, 1766 Time Distance Water N?of Courses Remarks Courses Hours Min- utes Miles Yards Swift Mid- dling Slow S70W 42 3^ 162 ■d?. .. Water 12 Feet. Bottom widens on R! Narro w Bott om & Ridge on V. —At 3 1 Min. Big Miami River on R! 2 00 Y?' wide, at Thi rty fiv e Min. Water 10 Fee t near Mid Stream, at 37 Min. Sa ndy B eech b egins o n L! at 38 Mi n. End of a s andy Beech on R! that begins j ust bel ow the mouth of Riv er and is 200 v!' wi de in the Broadest place. the Ohi o here 250 Y :'^— Th eChan nel on U ver y swift — S43W 24 Curre 264 . d? . . . Water 1 2 Feet near the R! Shor e, very strong nt— At Six M in. En dof th e Beech on L! which is at the wid est pla celSO Yards — Ridg eon L! and L arge B ottom on R\ All the Course Here we En campe donR ight Mond ay the 14!" Ju ly Em barked 32 Mi n. after 6. S52i^W 45 4M . d? . . . Water 10 Feet near R' Shore a t Seve nteen Min. Very 1 arge R un on R!at2 3 Min. Gravelly Beech on R! o ne Hu ndred Yards wide& two H u ndred & fifty Yards long — at 29 Min. Water Twelv e Feet Mid S tream — Cha nnel o nLial 1 the Course — Bottom on R: & L! to end of Sta t?— S14E 17K nine IK Min. n .d?. . . At 4 Min. very large n R' Bottom on L! all Run on R!— at arrow Dottom andR idge o the Cou rse. N o Bott om wit h 7 Fa thom t bis Co urse — S42KE 77 7 97 d? Water 7 Fathom— Bot- torn wid ens on R^atf ourtee n Min. Beech on V. & Gra velly Shore on R' at 20 Min. C reek o n R: 2 Y?' wide A t24M in. En d of B eech on L' which is in the wid est pla cel80 Y?= Br oad — Curre nt ver y Rapi d— At 34 Min. Run on L^— Rid ge sets in on V. here at 45 Min. B ottom begins on L! — at 61 Min. Large Gravell y Flat Island on R! Water 12 Fee t S16KE 31 K 3 264 d? Water 13 Feet on V. — The Isl and T wo Hu ndred and fif ty Y^= rom L ' Shore at 4 Min. End of Island Timber ed wit h smal ITimb er and Scrub Dy Bus les ne ar the lower end The Is- land T wo Hu ndred yards wide. Water lere v ery s wift — Bottom on Ri and L! all th e Cour se. S35KW L! at Se 1 8M 6^ all Ru 48 .6°.... Water 5 Fathom near ven M in. sm n on L AtT en Mi n. Nar row bottom and Ridge on L! AtE ightee n Min. three Fatho m Wat er— At Twen ty three Min. Water 5 feet Mi d Stre am — a Shole Runso ut fro m L' a Imost aCross the River — a nar- row Ch annel c lose on R! — Water very r apid — At 27 Vlin. a Gravelly Island [ 48 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hour Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks on L! a with th Bottom on R'— S32E 7 Fatho Course tom it S87HE Mid Str U all th S70KE At 5 Mi S74E fr teenth S43E above a and na S13W Mid Str Course S51KW U to th Creek 1 Island a Course S20E RUt 6 bout m e surfa begins m Line At 17 Runs t eam at e Cour n. Sma Here om fro Encam Wedne nd bel rrow B eam At 2 e Islan Y^ t Twe Min. n iddle o ce of t on L! 20 — Nar Min hr'o ne 46 Twen se — at 11 Cree Encam m [sic] pment sday t 15 ow th: ottom 23 Narro 1 Min 37y: d 150 wide o nty M lOK arrow f theR he Wa — bott IK row bo ery lar ar ami 4 ty min Thirty k on L ped in here at Halt he 16!'' IK s Stat? and Ri 2}i w bott a larg 3K Y?' Cu n L! w in. Na bottom iver, a ter, & om on 140 ttom a ge Ru e wide 366 botto three ! Ten Latitu which ed her July t 31 M has no right a ndRid n on R in. end thing g 11 the d?. geonR \ Ten of Isla rowing Course I and Y!"' w d?. m wid Min. d°.... Yards ens on Water R!, Ri Eighte at Si dge set om an e flat de...3 Eleph e Tues Embar .d?. X Min. s in on wide. 8°— 33 ants b day ked. The C oppos ones ar 44 Min Water U— B 8 Feet ottom rrent v hich R rrow B 370 &Rid d?. d Ridg Bow Id d?. ery Ra uns th ottom e on L Island and in Mi ge on pid. A r'o a s widens d?. R!— B mall B onU nd which is almost level on it. At Forty two Min. . At end of Course Run Water no Bottom with bottom on L! all the de at mouth. The Bot- Water 5 Fathom — near ver 550 Y?% bottom on en Feet — Water 10 Feet near L' — urrent very rapid — ite a large Lick four Miles e — " This is the Nine- . after 9— The Course of the Reach . At 9 Min. Run on V. on R! all the Course Water 7 Fathom near Bottom on R! all the ddle of Stream — Water 3 Fathom, from Min. the Great Lick ottom at 9 Min. end of Bottom on R! all the Water 3 Fathom near on L! all the Course 33. At Big Bone Lick in Boone County. Kentucky, members of this expedition found the bones and tusks of mastodons, as well as the remains of other prehistoric animals. Croghan sent Lord Shelburne and Benjamin Franklin specimens which aroused much scientific interest. Volwiler. George Croghan. 196; Cramer, The Navigator (ed. 1814), Appendix, 156-157. [ 49 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hour Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S30E Stream, tom on S22>^W is on L! S83W Fathom N80W FathT on R! at SeS'i'W row Bo Min. W At Thir SSQi^W Stream L^—Bot S57W Narrow at Seve widens — AtFo Min. la with sm being th at Sev L: all Water 2K Min. urse— en Fee S57W Mid Str almost the Cou S53W Min. N Water t Lir Line fifty f ttom& ater T ty Sev Narro tom on botto nteen on R! rty Mi rge Ru all Ti 20^ Emb earn, a aCross arrow hirteen 31 enteen the Co 14 Thirte Ridge t Twe our M 46M Ridge en feet Mi 40 \v bott R: all the Co sets m 5K nty tw in. a R on R: near t n. Run on L! 151 small 54 t— Riv 110 on l; 123 o Min. un on 418 Botto he R! Run & Con Botto R!- 57 m and Min. Water n. aG n on R mber Encam arked 45 t Elev theRi 11 botto Feet 4>4 Ridge Water fourte ravelly !at57 "Bott pment Thurs 4>^ en Mi ver the m on L Shore Botto d Ridg e on L! urse — At end 44 sets in Eleven en Fee beech Min.B om on day th n. End bestC 7 m& R —At 4 176 idge o 2 Min. on R! F"eet t. Mid on Rig anks o r:&l e IT} 1 L! .d?. . nd of d?. . . m wid -Riv At 8 m on Water 5 Fathom Mid nd bot tom widens on R! — bot- aCross the Bend which Course 380 Yards d?. to end at Fo of Co of Isla hannel d? n R!& aGrav Botto Mid S Strea ht at b f the I !— Her July nd — at s clos Creek elly fla d?.., er 500 Min. d?... urteen urse R .d?. m on L tream m— At eginni sland e we E Thirt e on R 20 Y?= : Bow Water no bottom with 7 of Course Water no bottom with 7 Li Bottom all the Course Water 2 Fathom — Nar- Y.^ at Twenty Seven Bottom widens on R! — Water 10 Feet Mid Min. Bottom widens on un on Ri Water 6 feet Mid Stream !, The Channel on R!, —At 30 Min. Bottom 38 Min. River 600 Yards ng of an Island — At 45 Pretty high & Timbered ncamped on the Island Water 3 Fathoms near y four Min a large Shole Bottom on R! & L! all Channel on R\ at 20 on R! at Forty Min. Id Island about Middle of I 50 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks the Riv end of I R! & V. S74W Stream, Kentuc N67,V2W Min Cr N34W at Twe three M the Cou N831/2W R\ Nar S77W Stream all the S77W on R! b er cov sland. at Tw ki Riv eek on N78\V 40 Stream — Bottom wi At 35 M in. bot tom be nty On in. end rse ered w Botto 33y2 enty t er on L 34 L! 20 53 e Min. of bee ith the smalle m wid ens on row bo Rive Course ottom 40 ttom a 493/ r 680 — He Emba lU on L! S69J4W on R!& S32W Ridge s Min. G At end South R!— hig on L!— Uall ets in ravel ly of Cou h Ridg 3 hreeM !100Y Yards Botto ch —at 3 ndRid 4K Yards e we E rked F 1 19 the Co 34 on R! beech rse the 22 e sets 3H dens o gins on IK urse — 2>^ which on L! Shoal 2 in on St Floo R!— A 113 n. Rid '= wide -atT 171 m wid 4H ge on 50 Nai ncamp ryday 91 ge on opposi wenty ens on Min. s R! Bot d. Ch t65 M d? R! nea te the d? Min. . d? . . . V.—G mall C row bo ed at t 18!" J 280 nR^N V. Bo 308 contin which ends — 352 L! Bot arrow ttom o annel . R[y half River Narro tom on d?. ttom& he 21!' ravelly reek o d? L!all uly 44 d?. Ridge Encam 52 Min d?. bottom & R n R! al 1 the C ues wit occasio d? tom wi h bott ns aSh dens o d?. ., om on oal al on R! & L' at 3>^ Min. er 450 Y?' Bottom on Water 13 Feet near Mid a mile — At End of Course on Rl Bottom widens — Water 5 Fathom — at 12 w bottom & Ridge on L! Water 12 Feet near L! beech on L' at Thirty n R! Bottom on R! all Water 3 Fathom near the Course Water 14 Feet Mid on R! and bottom on L! pment after 6. Narrow bottom & Ridge Water 12 Feet Mid idge on V. River 600 Y^= ourse — Water 15 Feet, bottom nR!at Water 3 Fathom, high L! to end of Stat? at 25 most a cross the River. Water 2 Fathom near 15 Min. bottom begins [ 51 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Cour Time Hours Min- Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S27E Stream, bottom S3KE Ridge S R!R S3l}4E High R S3W Bottom Min. sm S55W v. at on L' th L! bott S26W Ridge o Path? a ber Enca Satur S76KW Ridge o Water f Ridge s on V- S41W Stream on R: th Hour S7W on R: b but th on L' t ets m iver 70 1 idge o 40 >^ eChan oend o 10 on L! a Y^' n R! a 35 and Ri onL! all Ru n on L 1 Twelv at divi om on 1 n r:& t 58 M mped day th 1 n L! B ourtee ets in Wentt — Rid at divi Min. des th R[ all botto in. Isla on the e 19!'' 3234 ottom n Feet on R! his Co 41, ge on des the 11 3-2' on L! 3 nel is o f Stat? 5K t fifty 4l2 nd bot 2'2 dge on 5 Water e Ridg the Co m on L nd clo Island July E 5K begins Mid St —Log urse at 2K R^&B Ridge 5K at Thi 66 nR!H igh Ri d?. ts in o d?. Min. b begins L!all the CO on V. d?. urse- 220 R: At 176 Twelv J— Riv urse Thirte en M e Feet er 700 At 67 Mid S yds Min d?. n. bott ,d?. tream At 64 Run o : all th se on the 22 mbark on R! ream Run o the R ottom Wen 198 rty tw Cour L!400 •!'^ Enc ed. ampm d?. 47 Mi oad wi — AtE — AtF ut in ate 33 on L! i t this leven orty fi % of a Miles 11 th Course o Min. River Min ve Mi Min., an Ho Course at the .d?... 800 Y Water 7 feet Mid n R! and continues with Water 10 Feet. High — Bottom all this Course Water 10 Feet near R\ Water 10 Feet near L] — om begins on R! — At 30 High Ridge Sets in on —At 27 Min. large Run Min. bottom begins on nR! Water 16 Feet, High n. Run on L! Water 4 th bushes and small Tim- 24K Min. after 8 Water 10 Feet near L! — nd of Island— At 38 Min. n. Run on R' At 56 Min. at 81 Min. bottom widens Water 4 Fathom Mid — at end of Course Run Rate of 3K Miles an Water 5 Fathom, Ridge ?' Narrow bottom on R! UNWERSl-n Of j^^^*" [ 52 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hour Min- utes Distance Mile Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks at 393/^ on L^— At Si S22,;^W bottom S24W L!— At S33'AW Mid Str Min. lar Yf' fro S333^W on Ri- se Yf' S22}4W Stream be red. S57W i^ Mile N80W the end Survey follows S63M\V S74KW N79KW N65i^W Creek o S49.10 834.28 Min. I bottom xty ni on U end of earn — ge Ru mR!S at 20 At 9 level la 1 wide of this of the sland n on V. ne Mi 18K all the 19 Course 18M At Te n on L ho re — 22 Min. a 39 Min. e nd on 10 4 Cours Falls a ear Mi all the n. end 1. . . Course IK Creek VA n Min. !— At 2 beech IK ndof I R! and e (we e nd we ddle of Cours of Isla .400. . —Rid 267 on L: 338 small end of 22 begins sland o River «— At nd— — Cha 65 Mi nnel n n. Wat ge on d?. .. 15 Yf R\- -Bott Run o Course nRi R an Isl^ d?. iver '2 near on L' o n the 1 f Islan eft Ha d the nd ban 204 ncamp nt alon 272 323 357. ed at t g the d?... he 23:' Right Enca Hand ear the Island — a Shoal er 4 Fathom Mid Stream Water 12 Feet near U- Water 5 Fathom near r: & l: Water 5 Fathom near Mile wide — At Sixteen RJ of River— Island 200 At 16 Min. small Run widest part of which is Water 12 feet Mid k, Pretty high well Tim- Water 3 Fathom. River to the shore on R! at mpment) I began my side of the River as n oppo W— at W— site sid end o e of R f cours .340 iver be e Cree ars S2 k bears 8KW, S12W Upper -Upp at beginning of Course end of Island bears er end of Island bears [ 53 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses N62KW begins a N55^;(W bank on ginning of the C N43.30W Ripples 510 Y?' of this with gre N45ME N26!^E Run & N24KW Spring N6I.33W Swift W N70>^W kading N50E N16E with Ti N27W N36W N66VV S88W Course S36KW Time Hours Steep Right of Co ourse t with g a wide Course at S Spring over R mber Min- utes Distance Miles Yards bank o loosse urse lo he low reat Vi openn theVi ftness onRl ocks- an ope and at Water Swift 476 f lime Stone s it self wer en er end olence ng in t oleni for up nnmg end of in the Cours ,274 and a dof th bears .189 over R he Roc of the wards 170 153 .85 153 374. 68 136 51. . 208 144'/^ 289. . Island e open on R! bank o e abov S32.45 ocks b k that Rapid of a M that I ing be Mid- dling all the f earth e Islan W- elow t form ends, b le furt brough ars S9 Slow Course 12 fee d bea he Sur an Isla ut the her tmy B W— Remarks At 340 Y?' the Rapid At 170 Y?= the Rocky t high begins — at be- s S70W, and at the end At 255 Y?= the Water face of the Water — At nd in the River — at end Stream continues to Run At 102 Y9 a very small At 34 Y!"' a Pretty large At end of Course very At 119 Y?= a Run cas- high bank 20 Y?^ on R! Over Sandy low land Rocky bank on R' — bank close on R' — At beginning of this attoe thr'o — which bears [ 54 1 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow- Remarks N833^W on R! to Eight D N58KW Course at whic beginni N58KW Lower I aCross t the Riv S78MW course bears S STQl^W Creek o where egrees aCross h is ad ng of t sland f he Riv er bea Tree 38KW Thu Island t S61W Island N82W a little all this S34W R! Rive 4 Fatho and Lev n R!T Sunda day th o Righ 60 Y! below course r 700 m Mid el on R our B & Eigh attoe t Minu theRi eep Ru heCou ver to n— Th rse is S .221 was. T tes — .297> the ot e Cour 16KW he end of this Course rom th er bear rs S14 Run s S30,4 3^ on R: 17 the Mi shoaly 13 Y^^ at Strea yards nday, July e e Cask Left S ddle of and C IK Ten M m, at 1 255 at begi W— an & upp 306 ver be 87. wide. Tuesd mbark ade 264 hore 1 352 this Is hannel her sid se aCr —The further nning d at th er end e is S4 OSS the n same 2W an River Cours of this e end o of Isla Course f thi nd bea ars S46 MW a nd at all this ay and ed 57 d?. . 80 Y' Cours Wedn 3^Min esday after in. Ru Hi M d? land t deep o d?... n on R in. Ro he ban n R! le ! Rippl cky sh k is pr vel Ian ing ov ore on high Rocky bank close is in Latitude Thirty At beginning of this d at end of the Course to Intersect the one at e as above The upper end of the bears S47W — A Tree Course The Tree aCross rs S34KW— At beginning of this end of Course same Tree At end of Course a flat Rock- remained at the Falls''' 9 oClock at end of Rockey At end of Course the At 6 Min. end of Island etty high, and Timbered d on K\ & L!— Ridge a little way to the er a Rocky shore — Water R! end — low land on L! 34. During these four days at the present site of Louisville Hutchins secured data for a detailed map of the Falls, which became the authoritative one. Hutchins. Topographical Description. 10 (note); Gilbert Inilay. Topographical Description of the IVestern Territory (London, 1793), 50-51; Ante. Frontispiece. George Morgan, doubtless experienced in the difficulties of navigating these rapids, unloaded a third of the cargo in order to get the boats safely through. Captain Gordon, with a prophetic if somewhat limited vision, strongly recommended the establishment of a "Serjeants Post" here. Journal of Captain Harry Gordon. 467-468. Croghan, still cautious, dispatched additional Indian deputies, this time to the mouth of the Wabash, to find out whether the emissaries he had already sent had successfully counteracted French inuigues. Croghan to Gage, January 16. 1767, III. Hist. Coll. XI. 488; note 29, ante: note 36, post. "' • SL CLC/at^ ^i^4je^i/ ■ i l|IM»»«liM< l | H» l | lll l| — ■'*'•*•" -^ 4. Hutchiiis, Pencil Sketch, Uoulh of the Tallow (Salt) River [ 55 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Cour Time Hour Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Siow Remarks S5M\V on R'. VV S53^W Rocks o S43KW Stream R\ and Miles a S16W At 12 on R!— all the S4E Stream Mid Str S163^W to the R — Level S7i^W Stream River 4 S40W River 5 S68MW Stream wide cal Ohio— S80W Channe on R! b ment — ater 12 n r: —At 1 L^ all n hour Min level la Course —At f earn — ight wi land Nar 60 Y^f 50 Y' this C led Ta I on L! ottom A Rid Fryda 16 Feet 14 w land 7 Min the Co 25 mall R nd on 58 ourty f Level 1 21]. th narr with h 41 row bo level 1 20>^ Level ourse a How R 22 on L! a ge 120 y the 2 1> Mid S all the 4. Water urse 376 tream 54. Cour \y, L! all t 5K our M and on 2 ow bo igh ba ttom& and wi land o 1^ Cross iver hi 11 the Y^^ on S!" Jul 10 Fee At 57 220 R!— a heCou 98 in. Bot Liall 110 ttom. nks all t 150 Min. ; YT fro mall R high R rse- idge nd Na m R!, un on d? nd Na rrow b tom wi the Co dens o urse n R! A d?. Water the C Ridge th hig 220 n R! a 59 the be gh Rid 352 Course R! Bo y Emb on K\ h bank nd L! 14 fee ourse o .d°.. At Te s on le t, The nV. n Min ft— nd on ge on 1 d?. d?... all the d?. . . L!- At eft bel Cour 12 Mi ow the Her ttom o arked e we n U- 5K M Encam with h in. aft At 10 Min. Rockv Shore At 10 Min. end of the Water 14 feet Mid River 660 Y?'— Level on L! — all this Course at 4 Water 16 Feet near R' rrow bottom Sets in ottom and Ridge on R' Water 16 Feet Mid t 55 Min Water 10 Feet At 18 Min. Ridg a little Ridge hear appears lower Water 10 Feet Mid bottom widens on R' Water 18 Feet near V- Water 14 Feet Mid n. a River on L! 75 Yf' River % Mile from the At 6 Min. beech on R' — at 14 Min. Ridge close ped — at 24!** Encamp- igh banks er 10 o'clock [ 56 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hour Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S71W ens on on L! at Slj^W Stream Rocky s S54W on L! 4 Course, N46i-iW fathom the Cou N31W Stream R!— at N51J-iW Stream Timber N77W Steep R all the S80W Channe Min. be At 35 N64W At 8 M V. At 4 Min. bo N14HW Ridge c widens R!atl end o River hore ( 00 Yf' at 6 M line, R at 2 34 Mi -Rid -bott idge Course Ion R! ech on Min. 1 in. sm 4 Min. ttom lose on on L! 37y, 7 Min f Cour 26 370 Y nds, a 11 'ide in. Rid 11 idge o 42 3 Min. Riv 11 ge on 23 nR!al —At 1 4154 Ridge R:at3 nd of 37 all Ru Narro widens 42 UBot 3X a low se pret "^f Roc nd bot Water ge clos 1 n Left 3K botto er 500 R! all L! all t 2K 1 the c Min. 3K' on R: 2 Min Beech n on R w bott onR! 3 tom on 317 Rocky ty hig 226 ky flat tom w 132 22 Fee e on h\ 11 and bo 162 m wid Yds 132 the Co he Cou ourse Rocky 81 and bo . end o on R! 44 ! River om an at 76 264 R! at d?. Ridge h Ridg Shore idens o close o e close d?... on R: n R!- nV. at on R! with h at 22 d?. Mid S nR!al I theC d?. U— at urs, T d?... —At 3 Shore imbere end of d?... d with ttom o f beech —Bot Min. s on R! ■ d?. n l: on L!a tom on mall R 550 Y d Ridg Min. 28 Mi ards, e on R Narro n. Wat At 14 t whic R! an d?... At 34 : At 65 w bott d?. .. er lOF At 5 Min. bottom wid- 20 Min. bottom widens at 34 >4 Min Run on R!— Water 4 Fathom. Mid igh banks — At 17 Min. Min. small Run on L! — aCross a bend Thebend — Bottom on R' all the Water no bottom with 5 ourse Rocky shore on left Water 18 Feet Mid Course Ridge Sets in on Water 22 Feet Mid some Cedars and other Water 21 Feet near R! un on L! bottom on L! Water 12 Feet. The Min. beech on V. At 24 h is a small Run on L! d Ridge on L! — Water 12 Feet on L!— Min. bottom widens on Min. Run on L! at 70 om and Ridge on L! — Water 14 Feet near L! — eet Mid Stream, bottom [ 57 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Cour Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks N2KE Stream R! NllE bottom NllE onR! A N40W narrow N51W Bottom Gravell on v. 1 of Rive Shore o and is a wide — Shores on L^— S87W close on Water o S4SKW Fathom R! and SIKE with 5 large St S39E on R! al —at S on R! Enc Sat t three botto 1 onU y Islan 5 Feet r-Hig n R! a Good The R at 6 R\ thi n R\ , beech Ridge fatho ones o ItheC 16 ix Min 11 Narro amped urday 25 Min. 23 m & St 7 Narro d close at 2 h Ridg t 42 M Spot t iver sh Min 6> s Cour 14 on lef all this 17 m Riv n Shor 11 ourse, iy2 a Rid w bott on R\ 26'.'' Ju IK botto eep Ro 6 w bott onR! 3 Min. e on L! in. end o Enca allow a beech -At t end Cours er 350 e. fine River 176 ge 100 176 om an at 25!'' ly Em 220 m wid 396 cky Ri 247 om an with b end of and b of Isla mp on great on L! 166 end of —a N ^Riv 176 Yff Ri Sandy 400 Y .d?... Yards d?. .. d Ridg on R\ -At 8 Enca barked e on L! mpme 45 Mi L! bot nt n. afte .d?. .. tom o d?... dge on R!&b d?. dhigh ushes Island ottom nd. T -Opp way be Ridge Cours steep on. Str —at 3 widens his Isl osite t low th a little .d?... e Seve Ridge ong wa 2 Min. on R! and is he end e Islan distan ral lar ,d?. umber er 400 at thre dge on Shore at 3 M of pre Y^f fi e Mile R\ all on L\ iles an tty lar ne san s an H the Co At 14 Hour. Water 9 Feet Mid Min. bottom widens on Water 1 1 Feet near R'- r 7 oClock At one Min. small Creek n R! all the Course — Water 17 Feet on R!, on L! all the Course — Water 10 Feet near L! on R! At 7 Min. a low ter here, at 12 Min Water an Island near Middle this Island 150 Yf^ from Timbered, has high banks on R! is a Creek 15 Y^' d — Channel near R' & L! ce on R! bottom begins Water 12 Feet Ridge ge Rocks at edge of Water no bottom with 5 ge Stones along Shore on dy shore on L! our Water no bottom urse and a number of Min. end of Sand>' Shore Water 20 Feet — Ridge [ 58 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S79KE Stream Rocky S47KE Stream S3E U bott S22W Fathom S43VV FathT S83VV Steep R in on R! S49VV Stream S17KW Stream Run on S82W Ridge o N53W Stream Min. bo a little N80W Ridge o S54W Ridge o River Ridge —high -Stee Ridge idge o botto — Ridg -Ridg l:- n L! b -Ridg ttom b distan n R! b n R^ b 28 300 \ sets in 5 steep R! 12 pRidg 12 on Lef 48 n L! b m begi eonR! 24 J^ e on R 7 ottom 39 e on L egins o ce on 14 ottom 16 ottom 2H 'f at 1 on U Rocky 1 e on L! H t, bott 33^ ottom ns on and b 2 ! botto H on R! ' botto n L! S R'. bee IK on U VA on U 8 Min. —bott Ridge 169 172 and b 264 om on 176 on R! V~ 327 ottom 424 m on d?. botto om on d?. .. on L! m wid r: —bott d?. d°.. on R! all the R!- 352 119 m on mall C ch on 54 376 -Rive on V. L!— At d?. r 500 d?. all the d?. Y^f at Cours d?... 19 M! n. bott d?. R5— R reek o V. ocky s n Rl hore o At 30 d?. Water 20 Feet Mid R^ At 15 Min. High Steep Water 18 feet Mid R!- Water 18 feet Ridge on No bottom with 5 Course — Water no bottom with 5 Water no bottom, High 38 Min. High Ridge sets Water 12 Feet Mid Water no bottom Mid om begins on R\ large Water no botto m- Water 26 feet Mid n L'all the Course— At 20 Min. River 600 Y^,' Ridge Water 10 Feet near R!- Water27 Feet near R!- / \ 5. Hutchins, Pencil Sketch, lo illustrate Conrse "STfJlV" [ 59 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S12>^W — Ridge R! S27KE 480 Y?" S65E Ridge a bottom tance o S42>^E r:- Here Sund S42KE Y?' fro Min. sm S54>^W left— at widens S79W Stream end of I At 17 end of end of S26W Stream s t a t? — S5E Stream on R! Ridge nd Ro begins n L!— we enc ay the l:r 14 botto 11 on R! 25> cky sh on R! amped 27!" Ju 22 ocky s 1> monL 1 botto IK ore on At 22 on L: ly Em 54 !-At 11 mV- 286 R!— bo Min 365 of the barked end of Rocky d?. Course d?. .. shore Nu Rf ttom o mall R n U- un on River V. At all Ru n on L 7 Min on V. — from sland Min. beech Course -Ridg Rocky 1 -Ridg 251. • Ridg At end 39 Island at 17 Gravel on R: Run o e sets Shore e and K 2 hore o 2M e 400 of Co 3H to sho Min. ly Isla botto nR! in on on R! 6 Rocky River 11>< .d?. . 22 n left Yf on urse . 264 re on River nd beg m wid R^and 408 shore -At 2 .d?. L! n Islan at 26 Min. a d?. . Min. Encam fter 6 Water no bottom on R! mber of Rocks close on Water no bottom — River all the Course — Water no botto m — 380 Yf'— At 20 Min. 25 Min. Ridge little dis- Water no bottom near pment oClock Ridge on L! Bottom on botto evel la d on L nd on !Timb d?. R! 420 600 Y ins on ens on d?, contin Y^ ?% at 2 left an L!— B Ridge 1 Min d Cont ottom onRM .d?. evel la th leve nd on Water no bottom 100 m widens on L! — At 20 Water 20 Feet near R' At 11 Min. bottom ered, & with high banks Water 14 Feet Mid sets in on L! — at 15 Min. sandy beech begins on R' inues 4 Min. At 26 Min. on R! all the Course, at Water 14 Feet Mid 1 land on L! to end of Water 23 Feet Mid L! — at 6 Min. small Run [ 60 1 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks on R! w level la from L! S26KE Stream Narrow bottom S28W Ridge s S59W Min. bo N86W Stream bottom Course S2412W Ridge & South Rl— nar Min. en S52>^W onR! A 600 Y^' N72W V. this Ridge o N8KW L! — Na the mid N12E Stream th aS nd on At 40 -level botto widens ttom b at 2 widens on R! row bo d of R t 21 M Course n V. rrow b die 10 1 -narr tone b R! and Min. a 37 land o m and on R: 10 on U 25 egins o 49 Min. on L! 9K w bott ttom a ocky s 43 in. bot 20 a Cros bottom 18 ottom Yf= 1 row bo ridge o Rocky Shoal 3K n R! a Ridge — Rive 2>4 n L!— Rocky and R om on ndRid hore o tom w 2. s the b on R! ver it — runn shore ends — 100 Y^'from 237 nd V. on R: 290 r 500 65 at 18 409 shore, ocks e 209 R!— R 402 ge on nRUt 323 idens o 1^2 and R broad 41^ ttom nd — a all the 258 idge o —bott 132 & Rid At 5 M at 1 ing thr At 22 Shore d?. . . in. San 5 Min. o sma Min. on R! dy bee beech y^f Ri Min. s dge on d?. .. mall C Ubot reek o narro nd— A ocky s w bott t 30 M d?. . . hore o om & in. Ru n R; le R!— at 56 Mi n l: d?. .. t 13 M Course 33 Mi n. Rid d?. . . At 34 n. bott ge on Min. 1 in. bee d?. ch on n v.- om on at 5 M R!— ge on L: lev in. end d?. el land 11 bottom — at 14 Min. Water 10 Feet 100 Y?' At 65 Min. Run on R\ Water 14 Feet Mid ch on U— At 10 Min. on L' ends — at 25 Min. Water 28 Feet on L! tom on R! all the Course Water no bottom — at 1 1 n L' bottom on R! Water 16 Feet Mid Ridge on V. At 20 Min. n on R! — level all the Water 13 Feet near R!— vel land on L! Water no bottom near om begins on R! — at 37 Li- Water 18 Feet. Bottom arge Run on L! — River Water 11 Feet close on R' — At end of Course Water no bottom near of the beech which is in Water 24 Feet Mid on Ri- at 15 Min. bot- [ 61 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Cour Time Hours Min- Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks tom wid on Rl a N74HW R! At 6 widens Course S55VV At nine These R are 15 f Min. Se a Small onR^B N64W Stream of Cour N45I2W Stream here ab Monda N45i'^W At IIM Mid Str N30W from L! Min. R Y?' At Island U all th on R!— N653^W Stream S69KW Stream ens on t end Min. on R! mm. a ocks a eet ab ven la Rock ottom — Rive se Nu — at e outs t y the Min. eam— 1 at 15 ocks o 43 Min —at e Cour -at 5 -Cha Li— at of Cou 24K Rocky At 23 46> Numb re mos ove th rge Ro and a on R! 13> r 420 mber o 2 nd of he low 28!" J 24K bottom River 22 Min. n shor . a sma nd of t s^Ch 23 Min. 23 nnel o 50 Mi 23 shore Min 4> er of 1 tly in e Wat cks on Remar —at . .1. Riv 352 — narr Run 264 arge R a Clus er — on R!sho kable nd of ..22. er 650 d?. ow bot n R! e Y?f B tom an nd of d Ridg Rocks d?. ocks o ter an Top o re 3 of large o Cou n Shor d Jut f whic which n[e] in Ridge Y?f Bo f Rock Course lands uly em 2 begins 550 Y low H e on R 11 Flat his Co annel 2 bottom nRiat ttom o 8 on L' 264 Ridge begin barked 424 on v., . .20 ill on ! At36 Gravel urse 1 on R! 183 widen 396 . begin n R! a Shore ndRid e on R out 10 h grow are do theWa on v. .d?. . ge on on V. — Enc 3WM Level 1 amped in. aft d?. .. d? and on at the er 5 o here t t 21 M R! At Min. ly Isla arrow all the he low in. Sm .d?. .. 20 Mi Water nd clos bottom Course lands all Ru n. bott 8 Feet e on R and R —at sonR! d?. —at 6 Min d?. nmg o f Cour se San on R' all the Course Run Water 10 Feet close on e on R!— at 18 Min bott? — bott" on v. all the Water 22 Feet near R!— ' (Ridge sets in on R!) Y9 in the River and s afew low bushes At 23 se together — at 32 Min. ter near the Edge of Shore Water 14 Feet Mid L! all the Course — at end Water 16 Feet near Mid R'. River about 400 Y?'— 27''' Encampment — Clock — begin. Water 22 Feet, n on Ll — Water 10 Feet 150 Y^ om begins on R! — At 31 Mid Stream, River 600 !— at 47 Min. end of the idge on R! level land on nd of Course Rocky shore Water 14 Feet Mid Small Creek on R' — Water 15 Feet Mid dy beech on V. 100 Y?' I 62 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow- Remarks wide Ro level la S42MW on L! R widest p S713/2W Stream elly bee S52VV from R! on R! a siyiw Stream perpend Water, which a S16W from Ll close on Min. en S52^'^W Stream 28!'' En cks, na nd on iver 65 lace 2 1 Cha ch on At 2 nd L! Chann icular has se t some 1 level R!— la d of Is —At 5 camp Tuesd S52KW NyiJaW U— fro bank & Y?'— le N22HW Stream Mile on 1 V. Timb vel on —at 1 L! a lo rrow b L!, at 10 Y?= 00 Y?' 3U nnel o R! — A 45 Min. all the 56 el on Rock i veral s little 1 on r; rge Ru land — 30 Min. b m e n t ay the I5J2" 24M hore to er of I R! and 33>^ 2 Min w Rid ottom end of 6K Chann — Riv 6^^ n R: A t 65 M 3>< end of Cours 4 R\ At n the mall R distan 4>2 and L! n on L at 62 2K ank of 29!'' E .1. and Ri Course 290 el on R er 700 198 . t 30>2' in. San 220 the be 352 10 Mi bank o ocks ce app 132 all the ! At 4 Min. i dge on Water —At Y!",' L R!At 23 Fee d?... 62 Mi evel o 16 m: t Mid n. end nR! & d°... Min.L dy bee atitude ch on is 38! L!- d?. .. ech wh ich is n. Run f River t its fo ears 1 on R! on R! ot. and ke a S n the d?. . At 15 which Top o mall h d?. Cours Min. h n Islan e— Riv igh ba don R Island mbark .286 with ed 12 Timbe Min. a er 700 nks on d?. r begin fter 5 d?. . 2 beech sland e L! 3K the ba gt^At 424 of Isl; nds — ; 176 nk of end of d?. nd 400 t 7 Mi d? River Cours yds n. end beginn of beec on L! a e an Is Sollid land c n. bottom widens on R! — stream — At 23 Min. Sandy beech of beech which is in the L! the Course Water 8 Feet Mid 00'— at Middle of a Grav- Water 15 Feet 200 Y^' widest place 200 Y?' level Water 8 Feet Mid Min. a Remarkable high extends to Edge of the f this Rock grows Timber ill Water 16 Feet 200 Y^^ Y?' At 41 Min. Island Island Timbered — at 54 Water 10 Feet Mid s, here we Encamped at oClock — Water 22 Feet close on ing of this Course the h of Island— River 720 Water 14 Feet Mid Rock for 308 Y^' at H lose on L! p^^ / - ■fp 6. Mutchiiis. Pencil Sketches, to illustrate important stretches, Courses "S52}/ilV" to "S66}4W" ,-^ .••^ -M llulihiiis, Pencil Sketches, to illustrate channel. Courses "S-IOW" lo "AVi^.^U' 63 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Time Distance Water Remarks Courses Hours Min- utes Miles Yards Swift Mid- dling Slow N303/^W 25>^ . ■2}4. 88. . .d°... Water 8 Feet Mid Stream — Cha nnel o n R!— atSM in. ban k and Timbe r begins on Island At 21 Min. a beech along t he Isla nd 250 y!' wi d^ N74W 17 4>^ rong. 352. . .d". . . . At 11 Min. Rocky shore n. end of Island this on R! t he Cur rent St Chann el on R! At 19 Mi Island h as but low ba nks. Water 14 Fee t Mid Stream — Channel on R! — at 30 Min. R ocky s hore o n r:. S hore o n R!1o w ban k all t he Course — N43W 700 at 100 Yf' Point of Island o n R! t his Poi nt Ru ns aCr OSS the River to wit hin 100 Y?' of shore on L! this Island is Tim bered and its banks are bu t low N58HW 100 Y?' .12K at 5 Miles an Ho u r — f r om Island to shore on R! — at 3 2K M in. end of Isla nd— th eChan nel is near L! shore At 50 Min. Water 1 2 Feet Mid S tream —at 1 38 Mi n. larg e Run on R! Water 6 Feet 200 Y?' from R:— at 142 M in. a hi gh Roc kof Fr ee ston e in bank on R'. 150 Y?' long on which grows Timbe r — N79W from R! At 29 38K Min. a 2K n Islan 142 . .d?. . . Water 14 Feet 100 Y^^ d close onR! and wi de bee ch on L\ shore — At end of this Course Latitu de 37? 42' S66>^W from R! At 15 37 Min. a 3'A Shole 237 200 Y d?. . . Water 14 feet 100 Y?' ?= out i n the River At 33 Min. end of the Island — Curr ent ver y Stro ng— S40W from R: Chan 45 nel on 3K R!— A 220 t 41 M d? Water 8 Feet 200 Y?' in. a la rge Ri ver on L: 240 Y?' wide.35 at the Junctio n it ov erflows , and f or som e dista nee bel ow it i n afresh — S85W 22 VA 264 d? Water 16 Feet Mid Stream —high bank on R! but lo wers s oon — At >< Mile on L' a low Ridge —At 8 Min. b eech o n R! A t 15 M in. the beech Joins a n Island on R! — N72W from L! at4M 38 in. aG 2H ravelly 176 beech . d? . . . Water 18 Feet 150 Y^' goes ut fro m the Island 250 Y?'' at 18 Min. beech 8 Y^' wide — N22i^W 16M IK 16 .d? Water 16 Feet 100 Y^' from L! —at 1 Min. beech on R! 200 Y ?^ wide —At 1 6 Min. end of Timber on Island 64 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 Time Distance Water N? of Courses Remarks Courses Hours Min- utes Miles Yards Swift Mid- dling Slow N2KW Stream 30 2X .d? Water 12 Feet Mid At 3 Min. a nother Island close o n RJ A tl2M in. end of Island At 23 Min. a Creek on R\ N23E on L! th is Cou 9 rse goe V2 s to th 308 e shore .d?. . . Water 6 feet. Channel onR! N43W 17 IK 44 d? Water 10 Feet 100 Y?' from R! S68'^W 12 ^ 264 d?. .. At 2 Min. large Run on R\ Wat er no b ottom near R \ with 5 fatho m — At 7 Min . opposite abeech on L! 250 Y?' broad — S23W 9X 'A 341 A° Water 20 Feet Mid Stream —Rive r 450 Y?f fro m beec htoR! — S14>^W 15K 1>4 255 d?. Water 10 Feet 60 Y^' from R ocky s hore o n r:- S34''iW 30 2K 430 d? Water 24 Feet 100 Y?' from R! River 450 Y ff At 1 8 Min. flat G ravelly Island begins on Rl, at 28 Min. large R un on R! S15MVV 10 ! At3 290 .d?. .. Water 3 Feet close by Gravell y Islan don R Min. e ndof I sland — S22>^E 10 K 290 d? Water 14 Feet 150 Y^'' from R! At en dof th is Cou rse En campe don R ! at 29 i*" Encampment Wednes day th e 30!^ July E mbark ed one Min. after 6 oClock S22KE S54E 4^ 43K Min. % 284 .d?. . 3K 243 . d? . . . Water 8 Feet 100 Y?" from R^ At 20 River 580 Y ds SUE 19 IK 264 .d?. .. Water 16 Feet 150 Y?" from L' all thi s Cour se bee ch on R! 25 Y:*^ br oad — S32>^W from L! 51K 650 Y 4K ds 411 .d?. . . Water 16 Feet 100 Y?' River /'V '"''^K-}xT.'-''^k ^ / \^^:i " .* S. Hiitchins, Pencil Sketch, to illustrate channel, Courses ■'.S'WHir" lo ■■.S5t>U' [ 65 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Cour Tir Hour Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks S74>^W Stream low ban N63W from L! NlOi^W from L! N14E from L! N29W Stream V. all th S81KW Fath? 2 S66W from R! At en S74MW Y?= fro S84KW from R! the Tim S56W from R! of bank lower e N86W Stream within 2 the Riv —At 7 ks. At a wid a wide Cha e Cour 00 Y^' alow dof th r: 36 Min. 20 Mi 20K e beec beech 503.4' 19 nnel o 15^ from 14 Hill cl is Cou an Isla n. low IK h on R 1 '2 on R: 2H 1,54 n R!- 13< R! At ose on rse Lat At 14 ber an the Is and T nd of —At 1 00 Y?' er to t 35 Min. a d bank 35 land o imber Island 34 2 Min. of the heR! 3 large of Isla n L! h on Isla 2H River L! and 76 nd clo er end 220 ! this 338 all the 285 308 from R 335 8 Min R! wit itude i 347 355 Island nd beg as high nd At 850 Y exten se on of Isla .d?. L!— th nd- is Isla Cour d?. Course At 3 h Mile an Ho d?. toU Run o shore n R[ River d? h a Nu s37?43 mber o d?. beech d?. .. f Flat in Mid ms — fr d? banks 32 Mi d?. . . die of om Isl and is n. end River and to well T of beec d?. At 3 ds in S Min. hoals a nd litt Water 10 Feet Mid nd is Timbered, but has Water 6 Feet 200 Y^ Water 10 Feet 200 Y?' ur Water 16 Feet 200 Y^= Water 6 Feet Mid 750 Y?^ — large beech on Water no bottom with 5 on L! this Course Water 22 Feet 150 Y^' Lime stones along shore Water no bottom 100 Water 22 Feet 100 Y?' —At 17 Min. to where Shore on R! 300 Y?'— Water 12 Feet 100 Y?' imbered — at 24 Min. end h that goes out from Water 16 Feet Mid ning of a Gravelly flat le Island almost aCross [ 66 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks N52W from Ll of River N39\V Encam Thui N39W land to but sub begins o S85W Stream S33KW from R! all the Island 3 S17E from R'. S38E from R! S13E beech o beech — aCross -large S27W from L' S64KW from L! for 11 —at 2 ped on sdav t R!the ject to nV. -At 1 At 40 Course 00 Y? beech At 20 n L! th a fine the Ri beech -beec — beec 32 Min. z 8 Min 13 this Is he 31! 26 Island over fl 2> long th end of land at July 200 \ ow — A 16 1 Min. 58 Min. , from aCross 14 Runso 52 Min. e 17K at com place t ver an begins hon R 30 hon R 13 end of 43 i a large Island tow a 1 ut fr( nd of IK es fro o enca d Join on R! Ui 234 -at 2 264 s Cou large 396 the 30 Embar 326 ?' wide t 16 M 376 beech 176 Island toR!3 rds r; m Isla 112 Island 110. . m end mp on s the L here rse litt beech le Gra on R\ d? velly fl at 31 d?. !" Enc k'd57 ampm Min ent — fter 9 —with in. end small of Isla d? Timbe nd— A about BO Y?' -Cha the Mi —At 4 nnel cl nd 250 at 5 M ile an of Isla it has I shore nd- high b at 15 d?. ddle of 8 Min. ose on d°. .. at 12 Hour d? small I anks — Min— 110 d?. d?. 6 Min. end of beech at a la Water 8 Feet 100 Y?' ats & Shoals— in Middle Min. an Island close on Channel towards R! oClock River 800 Y?=— from Is- r and pretty high banks t 19 Min. large beech Water 16 Feet Mid Water 22 Feet 130 Y9 River — Strong Current a Shoal goes from the R! Water 16 Feet 50 Y^' Min. end of beech — Water 16 Feet 80 Y?' Water 6 Feet close by a sland with Timber on this beech runs quite from beginning of Course Water 18 Feet 100 Y° Water 14 Feet 150 Y?' rge Run on R' — \ •■-, V 9. Hutchins, Pencil Sketch, to illtistrate channel, Courses "S33}4^V" to ".SUE" [ 67 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow- Remarks South from L! At 20 M S57W from L' N57W Stream. Min. a a little t land — S86W from R! S68W Stream by the Ouabac Island J aRoc in. Lar At Ten Numb o left o his Isl Slow Stream At 27 Min. a s edge of S33MW from Le S51W on Left from L[ from big on he [W ust me Encam Fryda Satur at 11 Min. e mall I Water ft. bee near h to Isla 26 ky sho ge Ru 23 V re on n on L 521 Min. erof R f Midd and is 3) a Gras ocks in of R called 152 RUor 263 330 sy bee bank iver— the O 408 12 Min 100 Y d? Water 24 Feet 150 Y?' broa d & flat without Trees — Water 12 Feet 200 Y?' ch on on L^ At 38 uabach L!200 At 33 Min. b e Islan .d?. d?. Y?' br M ank an d 13 Island ■ whic abash] ntione ped on y halte day th 42 Min.R nd of sland 100 Y 9 ch of I 18K alf a nd on 1 to sho h the River d ends Ll of d— e2°'^A 4 iver 70 beech very cl vide sland o IK Mil^ R^Riv 333 re on River onR June Ohio. ugust 352 Y?' that g ose on 129 nR! 238 at3K er 800 d?. R! 500 divide ! 350 Y tion of at the Embar At 24 oes fro L!— 12 Yds_ when wide Ouaba 31f E ked 35 Mi m end Y?' I At 7 high— Oppos che wi ncamp li Min n. end of Isla ong — a Min.T Yf' At imber 9KM d° and ba in. end Water 12 Feet mid oad & 300 long— At 16 alarge Island Situate d Timber begins on Is- Water 18 Feet 100 Y? Water 14 Feet Mid Min. a small Island close at end of this Course is ite to which the little th Ohio is in Lat.37?41'3« ment after 5 P.M. Water 15 Feet Mid of the Ouabache Island — nd — a Run on R' — at 36 beech between it and Water 5 feet 100 Y?^ Water 14 Feet— ARidge nk of Island begins — of Timber & bank of 36, Indian runners reported that the warriors who had collected at the mouth of the Wabash had dispersed. Croghan sent a depu- tation, from the Indians who had accompanied him from Fort Pitt, overland to Kaskaskia to apprize the principal chiefs there of his mission. The remainder of the voyage down the Ohio, and up the Mississippi to Kaskaskia. was now made without fear of the Indians, Captain Gordon was especially impressed by the herds of buffalo which he described as. "Extraordinary large and frequent," Croghan to Gage. January 16, 1767, JU. Htsl. Coll. XI. 489; Journal of Caplain Harry Gordon, 469; note 34, ante. [ 68 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks Island o tween e Timber S51W Ri 100 on R! 5 R[ At 2 S77W Stream S54\V from Is! River 1 S35\\' Alio, s least f^o S26\V from R! SlS'-iE from R! S32E Stream S20E from L! and a la S48E V?' fr small R Min. bo bottom n r: t nd of t At 17 \T br 00 Y?' 6 Min and on ,000 Y mall G od— A 1 -near -large , from rge Cr m R^ un on ttom w widens his Isl his Is >< Mi Encam Sunda 30 oad — at 8 M to beg 17,'; R! at 18 ravelly t 18 M 42 91 end of 11': beech 15M U tob eek on 433^ River R!— th idens o imme and and an n. end ped at y the 3 Water in.-) inning . . 1 '4 end of 1'4' flat Is n. a R low — h d shor of the the 32 of A ere an e on R Island '^^ Enc ugust other I whic whic ampm Embar 3H 6'A Cours 1 on R! IK' eech 4 R! 50 3i4 600 Y at divi n R! A diately 12 Fee At 21 of sma 242 177 beech 176 and 3 ocky s 162 209 e on L! 91 500 \ 295 50 Y* Y^^ wi 403 ?,' narr des the t 40 M t 150 Min. 11 Islan \9 fro ery sm d near -At 1 d? OMin. 00 Y! hore from L d?. sland h is als h is fro ent ked 6 d? m L! ( all Isla er the d? end of .d? ! whic a beec h runs out 30 broa At 7 de" .d?. Min. a d?. ow bot Ridge in. Rid tom an —At 1 ge and d Ridg 9 Min begins immediately be- o low and has small m R; shore 100 Y?'— Min. after 7 Channel on L! beech on River from L! to beech nd on beech 50 Y?^ from Water on R' Water 12 Feet Mid Water 10 Feet 100 Yf' Island next the Right — Channel on L! —At 12 h over Hows with the Water 8 Feet 50 Yf Water 14 Feet 200 Yf ^'?' Water 12 Feet Mid Water 16 Feet. 120 Yf' w bottom Ridge on Rl — Water no bottom 200 e on R!— At 15 Min. Rocky shore on R\ At 30 w bottom on R! then ettled later, to become the chief pioneer trading center for 69 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 Time Distance Water N? of Courses Remarks Courses Hours Min- utes Miles Yards Swift Mid- dling Slow S27HE feet Ml 13 1 333 . d? . . . (Channel on V. Water 5 ch on R' shore which d Stre am — ) At 7 Min. s mall R un on R'. bee Occasio ns a sh oal mo re tha n half way a Cross t he Riv er S35KE Perpend 13H 1 22 ■ d? At 6 Min. a long high hole in it even with the icular Rock. flat a Top — with a Cemici ricular Water —a R ocky Ridge Just a bove it —A R idgeK Mile on U— S17E 7 M 44 d? Water 8 Feet 200 Y?' from R\ River 850 Y ^^-Ro cky Ri dge on R'. Ri dge a 1 ittle distance on L! — Ridge a t end of Cou rse, on Right is a pe rpendi cular Rock near 100 Feet high of Free Stone Here we En campe don R ': at th e 33'.'^ Encam pment Monda y the 4!" Au gust E mbark edSM in. aft er 7. SITE 44 4 44 .d?. .. bottom widens on R!, bottom and Rl dge on L!-A t 7 Mi n. bott om wi dens o n v.. At 16 Min. Rocky Ridge K Mil e on R ! At20 Min. Ridge sets in on U — bottom on R! widens — beech o n V. al ong th e Cour se— At 20 Mi n. a C reek o n V. 20 Y?' wide the Ridge J ust bel ow it — At 27 Min. fl at Gra velly I sland begins on R! — S55KW from Le 9}4 H . end 209 .d?. . . Water 20 Feet 120 Y?" ft. At 4 Min ftheG ravelly Island our; Ridge on L! at end of c[o]urse Run o nUbe ech on R!— S75KW . .1 54 8K 88 .d? Water 16 Feet 100 Y?' from be ech on R!300 Y?^ wi de— R idge o n l:— level 1 and on R!— At 8H Min. end of S andy b eech o n R! w hich is 6 Feet higher than t he Water, River half a Mile, A t 13 M in. bot tom be gins on UAt 23 Mi n. seve ral large Rocks in bank of V. At 30 Mi n. beec hon R 1 very 1 arge R un on V. At 33 Min. large Run on R'. At 4 1 Min. end of beech — Rid ge K Mile n r:- At 46 Min. beginning of an Isl^ a little to the L^of Mid S tream —At 5 7 Min. Rocky Ridge and shore on R!— bank o f Islan d begi ns— At 70 Mi n. Cav ern Ro ck begins on R! At 75 Min. C ave in Rock —At 7 7 Min. end of Island low la nd with small Timber — At 82 Min. 1 arge C avern in Roc k— 50 Y?= Ion g. 10 Wide 4 high at Entrance'* — River 560 Y ^=-Ro cky Ri dge on R! S66W from R! River 25 800 Y IK ^'^and 220 contin . d? . . . Water 10 Feet 300 Y?' ues th e last Course 5 or 6 Miles further over 38, Cave-in- Rock was a stronghold for outlaw bands which held up and murdered many a luckless traveler on his way down the Ohio. Otto A. Rothert, The Outlaws of Cave-in- Rock (Cleveland. 1924). [ 70 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks a beech Course this Co S55W from L! Ridge o ning of and Lo S72W Island S76>^W Min. a S72>^W 14 IK 54 d? At 4 Min. large Run on R^ Wat er no b ottom 120 Y ^' from R!— N arrow botto m & Rocky Ridge on R! the Cou rse S40W 37 3K eech 237 d?. . . Water 20 Feet 200 Y?' from R\ at 11 Min. b nUth at Join s an Is land — At 31 Min. the Island in Middle of Riv er — fro m L! s here of River toR!l 200 Ya rds — Ridge on R' the Course Slow from R: Chan 54 nel is 4K on the 334 R!— A .d?. . . Water 10 Feet 250 Yf' t 11 M in. end of ban k and Timber of Island — At 25 Min. V ery lar ge Ru n on R '. that Runs t hr'o a small bottom — here the beech fr om en d of Is land J oins th e shore on V. —At 4 Min. Run on U At 48 Min. a Ridge appear s 1 Mil e on L! — beec h on L ! that Joins an Island. Ridge this Co urse, & narro w bott om at several places onR! S19W 51K 4K 371 .d?. . . Water 10 Feet 300 Y9 from R! Chan nel on R!Rid ge all t his Co urse & narro \v bottom at several pi on R!— At 10 Min. t he Isla nd a li ttle to L! of Mid S tream. At 17 Min. end of bank& very s mall T imber on Isla nd— A t24M in. an Island 100 Y?' from L^— from en d of la St Isla nd the beech runs d own to this a nd to another below it — The Ri dge ab out a Mile n Udi sappea rs— At 36 Mi n. end of bank and Tim- ber on I sland c lose on v., Ri ver 13 00 Y?f at 41 Min. a very Narrow Island in Mid Str eam w ith pre tty hig h bank s — leve 1 land begins on R\ — on this Island is good en campi ng gro und, a t end o f Cour se end of Isla nd— SllKE from R! At 7 23 Min.R 2 idge o 183 nR!H .d°. . . Water 6 Feet 400 Y?' a Mile — Atb eginni ng of Cours a fiat Grav- elly bee ch surr ounde d with Water about MidS tream which ends at 8 Min. a nother flat Isl and be gins a little b elow t he hea dof th is nearer the shore on R! and end s a litt le belo w it — level 1 and on R! an d L! w ith some Cedar Trees — S41KE 73 6H 313 d?... Water 18 Feet Mid Stream River 700 Y ff At 1 3 Min. Run nR^A t 38 M in. beech of Island in Mid Stream -Ridg eHM ile on L!— At 44 Mi n. Riv er fro m U shore to R! 1600 Yards- At hal f mile on R: low Ri dge at 60 Mi n. end of bank and Timber of Island [ 72 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 Time Distance Water N? of Courses Remarks Courses Hours Min- utes Miles Yards Swift Mid- dling Slow S27E from L! a flat 50 Gravel 4^2 ly beec 103 h a litt .d?. . . Water 10 Feet 500 Y?' leonR lof Mi d Stre am for 20 Min. sur- rounded with Water —At e nd of which beech begins on R! shore and Joins an Island —At 3 6 Min. bank & Tim ber on Isl? be gins. S ituate a little on R! of Mid Str eam — S5KW from L'. beech 46 on L! a 3}i nd Joi 352 ns an I .d?... Water 12 Feet 300 Y?^ sland a t 8 Mi n. ban k and Timber on Island Situate on L! begins — Isla nd on R! end s the b eech f which Joins shore on R\ At 13 Min. e nd of b ank& Timbe r on Is l^onL : At25 Min. Run on R! — River 950 Y?' —At 2 9 Min. large beech begins on R! —At 3 7 Min. end of beech that Runs fr om Isl %nL; this b eech J oins Ll shore —at 3 9 Min. a very large River on L! ca lied Sh aunoe River Course of this River up is N35E K Mile, then turns towards the E ast^i' S35MW from L! At 7 46 Min. e 4 ndof I 366 sland v . d? . . . Water 10 Feet 300 Y9 ery clo se on U the head of which begins on L! of th e abov e large River a little above the M outh — , River 1400 Y?' at 21 Min. en d of be ech on R! S56W 30 2K •d?. .. Water 10 Feet 400 Y?' from R! At 20 Min. b eech nR! N8IV2W Stream 33 2K L! at 396 . d? . . . Water 9 Feet Mid Chann el near 7 Min. end f beech onR^ River 1200 Y?,' at 12 Min. be ech on R! At end of thisC ourse beech on R: 600 Yf' broad- N59W from Sh ore on 64 L! At 4K 8 Min 88 end of .d? Water 11 Feet 400 Y9 beech —At 1 4 Min. abeech on L! aCross to Cheroke e Rive r bears S77W At 27 Min. e nd of beech at which is a Stream 20 Yards wide Runso utofC heroke e Rive r into the Oh io— At 42 Min. end of Timber ed Isla nd on V. At 49 Mi n. end of beec h whic h goes from Island here Cherok ee Riv er com es in n L:T his Ri ver is 3 50 Y?^ wide and bears South >2 Mile up & is a t mout h 24 F eet dee p. the bank n L! f Cherokee River near the mou th app ears to be ab out 25 Feet r 30 hi gh-^" NlOW 17 d? Water 26 Feet Mid Stream thisC ourse Cross the Ri ver to shore on Rig ht. here we encamped at the 35:" Enca mpme nt — a large b eaver Pond about 100 Y?' from this En- campm ent Wedn esday the 6!'> Augu st Em barked 48 K Min. a fter5 39. The Cumberland River, called at first the "Shawnee." 40, The Tennessee River, called at first the "Cherokee." \> 11. Iluuliiiis, Pencil Skelch. Mouth of Cherokee (Tennessee) River ( 73 1 Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Slow Remarks N671 oW from L! Min. a Stream Course The in whic S83HW from R! N64W At 69 Mid Str N64W from R! Rocks a lower e Course S78>^W At 13 Rocks o S45 '/^W Stream R\ they feet abo on L! I S23W Y?' fro the Cou S57KW Stream 1 Flat s parcel —At 7 is the River h appe At 10 Min. a earn — 1 a flat t edge nd of encam Thurs Min. L n R! s 1 —At 1 appea ve the nds— 1 mUR rse — this C 48 hore o of Roc 5 Min. Remai here is ars a g 22 K Mi 19 flat G at 74 58K Gravel of Wat which ped on day th 3 ime St hore at 29 5 Min. r to be Water A low 17 iver 8 23 ourse 9K n each ks at e Run o ns of F 990 Y ood de VA n. Run ravelly Min. e 8^ ly beec er on Joins R!at e 7'." e 41 < one R edge o four o Lime S Mid S Ridge 5H 00 Y? partly 248 side t dge of n r;- ort M ards \\' al of Ir 264 on L! 308 beech nd of b 275 h in M R! At L: sho the 36 mbark 396 ocks a f Wate 269 r five tone— tream on R! 44 —At 3 359 aCross his Co Water a Shoa asswic ide, T on Ore .d?... urse — on R: 1 about kon R his Fo , and a At 26 At 68 MidS ! of Ri rt was Numb Surrou eech nded w id Stre 61 Mi re — At !" Enc ed 57 am — A n. end I mi ampm Min. a d?. ith wa t 9 Mi of beec Min. ent fter 4 t edge of Wa d°. Pretty At 32 —At 4 all this large Min. t 4 Min. Cours Rocks hree la beech 9 Min At 2M theRi Run o Miles ver to n V. lo an Ho within Water 20 Feet 300 Y?' Min. Run on R! At 30 Min. Water 7 F"eet Mid tream — At end of this ver in Latitude 37?0'.30"'" Situate on a high bank er of small springs Water 22 Feet 60 Y?' No bottom Mid Stream, ter a little to the R! of Water 14 Feet 300 Y?' n. a Number of Iron Ore h in Mid Stream the Run on L' — At end of a 100 Y?' from R'.— R! At 42 M in. Lime Stone Water 8 Feet Mid in the River 100 Y?' from rge lime Stone Rocks two on L! At 75 Min. beech Water no bottom. 300 w land on R! and L! all ur— Water 12 Feet Mid 150 Y?= of shore on R! 4t. Fort Massiac. founded by the French in 1757. was named after a French minister, but was commonly known as Fort Massiu or Fort Massacre. Its strategic location on the lower Ohio, made it an important post and also a trade center. C. W. Alvord, The Illinois Country. I763-1SI8. Cenlennial History of Illinois, vol I (Springfield. 1920). ( 74 ] Courses of the Ohio River, 1766 N?of Courses Courses Time Hours Min- utes Distance Miles Yards Water Swift Mid- dling Sic Remarks S42'/^W \'?' fro a flat G S37V2'W Min. en R! At 5 S15E S45E River t Encam Saturda This Fo and the m R!a ravelly d of be Min o June ped at y and rk of t Missis 14 n Islan beech 64 ech an small 40 36 tion w the Ju Sunda he Mis sipi 10 d on L in Cov 2'2 d Cove Creek 2^2 th th< nction y— 142 ! At 4 e surro 176 —the on R: At 2> Min. b unded At lya Island Miles eginni with Mil ends a an Ho ng of a Water an hou t24M d?. sissipi 30 Y?' 352 Missi at the is in L ssipi, 37!" E atitude Water ncamp 36°43' .d? no bot m e n t Ohio ur. Water 18 Feet 200 Cove on R' At 9 Min. —Run on R! r. Channel on L! At 16 in. At 37 Min. Run on down Middle of Ohio tom with 5 Fathom — — Halted here Fryday, River is 1060 Y^' wide [ 75 ] Map of the Ohio River, 1766, by Captain Harry Gordon, Map Division, Library of Congress. F/>/£ /' ^^//'i I '"'"'^^mm?^'^.'-'-- 77 DISTANCES FROM FORT PITT TO THE MOUTH OF THE OHIO Distances from Fort Pitt in Latitude 40° 26' to the Mouth of the Ohio, in Latitude 36° 43', taken by Captain Harry Gordon, Chief Engineer in America, on his Passage down the River Ohio, undertaken by Order in 1766; together with the Latitude of some of the most remarkable Places which he took at the same Time, viz. : (Thomas Pownall, A Topographical Description . . . of the Middle British Colonies, dfc. (London, 1776). Appendix, 5; also reprinted in Mereness, Travels in the American Colonies, 488-489.) Latitude. Miles. Miles. Logg's Town — 18^ Big Beaver Creek — * 10^ 29^ Little Beaver Creek — 12^ 42 Yellow Creek — lOK 52 Mingo Town — 19^ 71>^ Two Creeks — 72>^ Long Reach — 51 123X End of Long Reach — 14K 138 Muskingum Run — 39° 16' 23 161 Little Kanhawa River — 12^4 17234 Hockhocking River — 13}4 126 Big Kanhawa River — 80^ 266 >^ Big Guyandot — 41^ 308 Big Sandy Creek — 13 321 Scioto River — 38° 22' 45 366 Big Buffalo Lick, one mile eastward of the Ohio — 24 390 Large Island, divided bv a gravelly beach .... — 203/2 410j/^ Little Mineami River. .' — 81^ 492>< Licking Creek — 8 500^ Great "Mineami River — 26^ 527>^ Theplace where theelephant's bones were found — 32^ 560>^ Kentucke River — 44X 604H The Falls — 38° 8' 77>-2 682 Where the Low Country begins — 155^4 837^ Beginning of the Five Islands — 37 ^ 875)4 Large river on the east side — 27 902 }4 Very large island in the middle of the river.. . — 58 690}4 Wabash River — 38^ 999^ Big rock and cave on the west side — 42^ 1042>^ Shawana River — 52>^ 1094K Cherokee River — 13 1107^ Fort Massiac — 11 1118K The mouth of the Ohio River - 36° 43' 46 1164 79 Map of a Tour from Fort Cumberland North Westward round part of the Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan, including part of the Rivers St. Joseph, The Wabash and Miamis, with a Sketch of the Road from thence by the Lower Shawnee Toivn to Fort Pitt, 1762, by Thomas Hutchins. Huntington Library Mss. H M 642. 81 ] EXPLANATIONS AND TABLE FROM HUTCHINS' MAP, 1762. Explanations and Table on Map of a Tour from Fort Cumberland North Westward, etc., 1762, Thomas Hutchins, Huntington Library Mss. H M 1091. REMARKS. About a Dozen French famiHes Compose the Settlement of Michilimak- inak, about which the Land is so Extreamly barren and Sandy that the Inhabi- tants are obliged to bring Earth for their Gardens some Miles, and depend intirely on the Indians for the Meat they use; The Streight they are Situate on yields them Fish in abundance Particularly Trout of which they seldom Catch any less than two feet long and often upwards of three feet. The Land on the shore of Lake Huron to Michilimakinack is very poor and mixed with sand and small stones so that it produces Scarcely any thing more than Pines, Birch and Oaks; The Water in many places along the shore is so shallow and full of Rocks that in a brisk Gale of Wind blowing on Shore, the Traders are obliged to keep a great way out in the Lake for fear of bashing their Canoes to pieces. The Land at some little distance from the .Shore of Lake Erie is very good and level all the way to Lake St. Clair. From Fort Pitt to big Beaver Creek the Country is made up chiefly of broken Land, except in some few places where the Road touches near the River: To little Beaver Creek the Land is much the same and Timbered with Chesnut and small Oak: To the Beavers Town the Path Leads still over broken and poor ground for a great way, but as you approach nearer to it, it appears Richer and freer of Hills: To Sandusky you pass through very Extensive level Savanna's and a Rich Country well Watered & Timbered: From the Miamis Fort to the Lower Shawanoe Town the Country is entirely level, very Rich, plenty of Water and fine Timber, and in many places the Path takes through large Savan- na's: To Licking Creek the Land is level and very Rich except in some places where the Path takes over small stony Ridges: To Waukatamikee the Road Crosses a Number of Steep Ridges: To the Delaware Town on Muskingum the Land is good and pretty level, you then Cross several little Hills of indifferent Land badly Timbered and in some places Stony, the Path also leads through small Savanna's: The Country in General from the Delaware Town to the I 82 1 partings of the Road near yellow Creek is poor; except in places where the Creeks run through, and there the Land is Rich & well Timber'd [Explanations in the lower left corner of the map.] The Wabash is Navigable for Canoes in the time of a Fresh to within nine miles of the Miami Fort, but at any other time not within forty Miles of it: The Bottom of the Channel mostly Stony, and the Stream through a fine firtle Country very Gentle, but where you meat with Shoals: The french Traders haul their Canoes over a level Portage of nine Miles to the Miami River which they go down with a Rapid Current into Lake Erie: The Settlement of Ouiatanon Consists of about fifteen french families Situate in a pleasant firtile Country which would produce all kinds of Grain Natural to the Climate were the Inhabi- tants to turn their minds to Cultivate the Lands which they seem Intirely to neglect, except some small Gardens and raising Indian Corn which they chiefly make their Bread of: Their whole Genius seems to be turned to the Indian Trade which they carry on very largely with the Natives: This Country abounds with very Extensive Natural Meadows which makes it very fitt for raising Stock. The River Wabauche Runs through it and affords a Navigation to all the Towns on the Mississipi as far as the Gulf of Mexico: The Land between St. Josephs and the Miamis Fort is level and Rich and the Road Crosses a Number of Delightful Savanna's but has been Carried a good way round between the Miamis Fort and the Small Town, by reason of a Number of little Lakes and drowned Lands of both which there is often to be found in this Country: Fort St. Josephs Stands within a few Yards of Navigable Water Commanded by two very high banks one on each side of the River, and from its situation appears to have been intended more as a place for Traders to put their Effects in, than a Work of Defence to keep the Natives at a Proper distance; it is in- habited by about a Dozen French families, who chiefly support themselves by the Trade they carry on with the Indians, and Notwithstanding the Country is very Rich about them, they raise nothing more than some Indian Corn and make a little Hay to support their Horses and Mules, and a few Milch Cows which seems to be all the Stock they have. [Explanations on map (proper) just below Saguinam Bay] From Michilimakinak along the East side of Lake Michigan to St. Josephs River the Land is made up of Sandy barren Ridges Scarcely Producing anything but Pines, Oaks and Cedars, the Rivers that empty themselves into the Lake are Many of them Navigable a Considerable way up for Canoes, and some distance from the Lake the Country is very good and affords great Plenty of BufTaloes, Deer, Bears, Bevers and Turkeys &c. &c. I 83 1 Number of Indian Warriors: At Tuscarawas Delawares 80 At and near Sandusky Wyandotts & Mohickons 200 At and near D'Troit Ottawas 200 Cheapwas 200 Poutewatamis 150 Wyandotts 200 At Saguinam Bay Ottawas and Cheapwas 200 At and near Michilimackinak Ottawas 250 Cheapwas 400 At Puans Bay Menomines 110 Some distance to the Westward of the Bay Puans 360 Sax or Sawkes 300 Reynards 320 Poutewatamis 200 At and near the Miamis Twightwees 230 At Ouiatanon Wauweoughtanoes 200 Kikopoes 180 Muskittons 90 Pyankashaws 100 At and near the Lower Town Shawanoes 300 At Waukatamikee Shawanoes 100 At a Town on Muskingum Delawares 70 [ 85 Itinerary of A Tour from Fort Cumberland North Westward round part of the Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan, including part of the Rivers St. Joseph, the Wabash and Miamis, with a Sketch of the Road from thence by the Lower Shawnee Town to Fort Pitt, 1762, by Thomas Hutchins, from Jenks, The "Ilutchins" Map of Michigan, Mich. Hist. Mag., X, 365-373. April 4, 1762, left Fort Pitt (Pittsburgh). April 4-7, at Beaver Creek. April 7-19, across country to Mohickon Johns. April 19-21, on way to Sandusky. April 21-30, at Sandusky. April 30-May 8, by water to Detroit. May 8-15, at Detroit. May 15-June 2, by water from Detroit to Michilimackinac (Mackinaw). June 2-7, at Michilimackinac. June 7-24, on way Michilimackinac to "the Bay" (Green Bay). June 24-28, at "the Bay." June 28-July 7, on return passage from "the Bay" to Michilimackinac. July 7-11, at Michilimackinac. July 11-August 6, by water Michilimackinac to St. Josephs. August 6-9, at St. Josephs. August 9-12, across country to the "Fort at the Miamie" (Fort Wayne). August 12-14, at Fort Miami. August 14-18, on way to Ouiatanon (Ouiatenon). .August 18-22, at Ouiatanon. August 22-26, on way to Fort Miami. August 26-30, at Fort Miami. August 30-September 8, across country to the Lower Shawnee Town (Ports- mouth, O.) September 8-September 13, at the Lower Shawnee Town. September 13-24, 1762, across country to Fort Pitt. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISURBANA the" COURSES OF THE OHIo" RIVER CINCINNATI 3 0112 025317030