CPOMES'S F^EGENT L1BRAR>^ 141, REGENT STREET, LONDON, FOR TOWN & COUNTRY SUBSCRIBERS. I . ^.iuscnptipn ; £3 3s., ^^4 4s., ^5 5.S., £'6 6s., ||^ £10 10s., .o Fifty ;::-uiiieas per Annum. V^ LIE) RARY OF THE 823 v«J ;V Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/lifesmorning01giss A LIFE'S MOENING VOL. I. A LIFE'S MOENING BY GEORGE GISSING AUTHOE OF 'DEMOS" 'THYEZA* ETC. IN THREE VOLUMES VOL. L LONDON SMITH, ELDER, c^ CO., 15 WATERLOO PLACE 1888 lAll riyhti reserved} 91^ /V.I CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME, a CHAPTER PAGE I. AN UNDERGRADUATE AT LEISURE 1 II. BEATRICE REDWING . . 51 V •n d III. LYRICAL 92 ^ IV. A CONFLICT OF OPINIONS . . 141 i y. THE SHADOW OF HOME . 171 ^' VI. A VISITOR BY EXPRESS . . . 231 ^ VII. ON THE LEVELS 269 '^ A LIFE'S MOENING. CHAPTER I. AX UNDERGRADUATE AT LEISURE. Wilfrid Athel went down invalided a few days after the beginning of Trinity term. The event was not unanticipated. At Christmas it had been clear enough that he was overtaxing himself ; his father remarked on the fact with anxiety, and urged mode- ration, his own peculiar virtue. Wilfrid, whose battle with circumstances was all before him, declined to believe that the body was anything but the very humble servant of the will. So the body took its revenge. vol. I. B 2 A LIFE'S MORNING He had been delicate in childhood, and the stage of hardy naturalism which inter- poses itself between tender juvenility and the birth of self- consciousness did not in his case last long enough to establish his frame in the vigour to which it was tending. There was nothing sickly about him ; it was only an excess of nervous vitality that would not allow body to keep pace with mind. He was a boy to be, intellectually, held in leash, said the doctors. But that was easier said than done. What system of sedatives could one apply to a youngster whose imagination wrought him to a fever during a simple walk by the seashore, who if books were forcibly withheld consoled himself with the com- position of five-act tragedies, interspersed with lyrics to which he supplied original strains ? Mr. Athel conceived a theory that such exuberance of emotionality might be counterbalanced by studies of a strictly AN UNDERGRADUATE AT LEISURE 3 positive nature ; a tutor was engaged to ground young Wilfrid in mathematics and the physical sciences. The result was that the tutor's enthusiasm for these pursuits communicate 1 itself after a brief repugnance to the versatile pupil ; instincts of mastery became as vivid in the study of Euclid and the chemical elements as formerly in the huinaner paths of learning ; the plan had failed. In the upsliot Wilfrid was sent to school ; if that did not develop the animal in him, nothing would. He was not quite three-and-twenty when the break-down removed him from