9 MltflLnAL ECUNUi*i»wJ |U ?, STATE OF ILLINGIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION LLINOIS 1963 MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTIES W. L. BUSCH ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY urbana John C. Frye, Chief MINERAL ECONOMICS BRIEF J February 1965 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00007 1955 ILLINOIS 1963 MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTIES W. L. Busch Ninety -nine of the 102 counties in the state or Illinois reported mineral production for 1963, The total value of minerals produced from these counties amounted to 615 million dollars, Illinois minerals include coal, oil, stone, sand and gravel, fluorspar, lead, zinc, and such items as clay products, cement, and lime. Although the total mineral value for 1963 was slightly lower than that reported for 1962, some mineral commodities showed increases in value. Other minerals, as shown in the summary table on page 2, declined in value. Some of the minerals produced in Illinois are found in many counties throughout the state, whereas other minerals are available in only one or two counties. A brief summary of mineral production in 1963 shows that 35 counties produced coal and 41 produced oil. Crushed and broken stone was produced in 60 counties, while 57 counties produced common sand and 59 produced common gravel. Fifty-five clay product plants located in 29 counties throughout Illinois reported production for 1963. Two counties produced fluorspar and one county produced tripoli in the extreme southern part of the state. In the northern portion of Illinois two counties produced cement and two produced silica sand. Cement also was produced from one county in southern Illinois. The Illinois county map on the last page of this report shows the nine regions into which the counties of the state have been divided so that regional production values could be tabulated * The tables of this report, listing the counties within the region, break down the 1963 state production value figures to show how much each county contributed to the state's total mineral production. In some cases it has been necessary to combine the mineral production from neigh- boring counties in order not to disclose confidential production information. -2 - SUMMARY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL PRODUCTION, 1962-1963 1962 1963 Value Value Material Unit Quantity at plants Quantity at plants Coal (bituminous) tons 48,353,913 $186,646,104 51,642,431 $196,241,238 Crude oil bbls 78,800,000 236,400,000 74,796,000 221,396,160 Crushed stone tons 38,528,222 52,313,576 35,887,632 47,754,695 Cement bbls 9,585,862 31,525,449 9,752,676 32,016,873 Clay products 56,495,460 53,921,080 Common sand tons 13,880,962 11,943,268 12,556,556 10,698,382 Common gravel tons 16,123,325 15,040,907 14,558,143 14,099,915 Special sands 12,026,071 11,414,907 Fluorspar tons 132,830 6,391,673 132,060 6,547,149 Zinc tons 27,413 6,304,990 20,337 4,677,510 Lead tons 3,510 664,240 2,901 626,616 Other materials 15,248,262 15,605,475 TOTAL $631,000,000 $615,000,000 VALUE OF ILLINOIS REGIONAL MINERAL PRODUCTION, 1962-1963 Region 1962 Value at plants 1963 Value at plants Northwest Northeast West Central East West Southwest East Southeast Southwest Southeast $ 25,385,598 109,636,239 45,068,843 22,725,054 14,123,805 43,767,554 146,865,137 85,958,950 137,468,820 $ 24,790,496 99,880,180 46,840,320 22,011,242 13,150,956 44,332,911 135,043,156 90,616,067 138,334,672 TOTAL $631,000,000 $615,000,000 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/illinois1963nnine09busc - 3 - ILLINOIS MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTY, NORTHWEST REGION, 1963 County Total value all minerals Minerals produced, in order of value Bureau Carroll Jo Daviess Lee Mercer Henry } Ogle Putnam Rock Island Stephenson Whiteside Winnebago $ 2,042,173 Coal, gravel, sand, clay products 241,134 Stone, gravel, sand 3,107,260 Zinc, stone, sand, lead, gravel 11,248,883 Cement, stone, gravel, sand l LLQ ?m Clay products, coal, stone Coal, stone, gravel, natural bonded molding sand, sand 1,801,368 Silica sand, stone, gravel, sand --- No mineral production reported for 1963 2,251,962 Stone, sand, gravel, clay products, natural bonded molding sand 288,684 Stone, sand, gravel 334,981 Stone, sand, gravel 2,024,848 Stone, sand, gravel TOTAL $24,790,496 ILLINOIS MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTY, NORTHEAST REGION, 1963 County Total value all minerals Minerals produced, in order of value Boone Cook DeKalb Grundy Kendall Kane DuPage Lake LaSalle McHenry Will $ 143,197 34,988,799 478,837 4,601,203 6,885,136 1,506,315 38,556,192 3,364,039 9,356,462 Stone, gravel, sand Stone, lime, clay products, sand, gravel S t one , g rave 1 , sand Clay products, coal, sand, gravel Stone, gravel, sand Clay products, gravel, sand, stone Stone, sand, gravel Clay products, gravel, sand Cement, silica sand, clay products, gravel, stone, sand Gravel, sand, clay products, stone Clay products, stone, gravel, coal, sand TOTAL $99,880,180 - 4 - ILLINOIS MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTY, WEST REGION, 1963 County Total value all minerals Minerals produced, in order of value Adams Fulton Hancock Henderson Knox Warren McDonough Schuyler Brown TOTAL $ 1,916,178 24,029,977 416,627 347,780 11,555,069 6,085,737 2,488,952 Stone, lime, coal, crude oil, sand, gravel Coal, gravel, sand Stone, crude oil Stone Coal, clay products, stone, gravel Clay products, stone Clay products, stone, crude oil Coal, stone, gravel, sand Crude oil, stone, clay products, coal $46,840,320 ILLINOIS MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTY, CENTRAL REGION, 1963 County Total value all minerals Minerals produced, in order of value DeWitt Macon Logan McLean Menard Mason Peoria } Stark Marshall Tazewell Woodford TOTAL 9 1,546,277 7,243,161 438,514 874,308 6,160,685 2,925,199 2,659,337 163,761 $22,011,242 Crude oil, gravel, gas Crude oil, gravel, sand Clay products, stone, sand, gravel, coal Gravel, sand Stone, clay products, coal Natural bonded molding sand, gravel Coal, gravel, stone, sand Coal, gravel Clay products, gravel, sand Clay products, gravel, sand Gravel, sand - 5 - ILLINOIS MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTY, EAST EEGION, 1963 County Total value all minerals Minerals produced, in order of value Champaign Piatt Ford Iroquois } } Kankakee Livingston Vermilion TOTAL 343,301 140,676 3,123,711 2,681,649 6,861,619 $13,150,956 Sand, gravel Sand, gravel Gravel, sand Gravel Stone, clay products, sand Stone, clay products, gravel, sand Coal, clay products, stone, gravel, sand ILLINOIS MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTY, WEST SOUTHWEST REGION, 1963 County Total value all minerals Minerals produced, in order of value Bond $ 717,235 Calhoun 41,400 Cass Christian ) Sangamon ; 25,738,403 Greene 398,151 Jersey 221,903 Macoupin 1,113,471 Madison 6,454,966 Montgomery 8,514,195 Morgan Pike 633,384 Scott 499,803 TOTAL $44,332,911 Crude oil, sand, gravel, stone Stone, gravel No mineral production reported for 1963 Coal, crude oil, stone, gas Clay products, coal, sand, crude oil, gravel Stone, coal, clay products Stone Coal, crude oil Coal, clay products, stone, crude oil, sand, gas Coal, stone, crude oil No mineral production reported for 1963 Stone, gravel, sand Clay products, stone - 6 - ILLINOIS MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTY, EAST SOUTHEAST REGION, 1963 County Total value all minerals Minerals produced, in order of value Clark I Cumberland ; Coles Shelby Crawford ) Richland ) Douglas Edgar Effingham Fayette Jasper Lawrence Marion ) Clay X Moultrie ? 3,467,140 3,127,185 20,892,175 2,488,880 186,480 1,199,880 44,775,330 1,985,320 21,574,429 35,334,497 11,840 Crude oil, stone, sand, gravel, gas Crude oil, gravel, sand, gas Crude oil, stone, sand, gravel, gas Crude oil, stone, gravel, sand Crude oil, clay products, gravel, gas, sand Crude oil, gas, gravel, sand Coal, crude oil Crude oil Crude oil, gas Crude oil, gas, clay products, stone, sand, gravel, natural bonded molding sand Crude oil, gas Crude oil, gravel, gas, sand Crude oil, stone, gas, coal Crude oil, stone, gas, coal Crude oil TOTAL $135,043,156 - 7 - ILLINOIS MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTY, SOUTHWEST REGION, 1963 County Total value all minerals Minerals produced, in order of value Alexander ) Pulaski ) Clinton Washington Johnson Perry Randolph Jackson St. Clair Monroe 1,286,395 8,107,048 1,277,830 13,475,366 14,132,804 26,347,338 Tripoli, sand, sandstone, gravel Clay products, stone, sand Crude oil, stone, gas Crude oil, stone, coal, gas Stone Coal, crude oil Coal, stone, crude oil, sand Coal, stone, sand, gravel Coal, stone, clay products ., sand Stone Union Williamson TOTAL 1,101,955 24,887,331 $90,616,067 Stone, gravel Coal, crude oil ILLINOIS MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTY, SOUTHEAST REGION, 1963 County Total value all minerals Minerals produced, in order of value Edwards Franklin Hardin Jefferson Hamilton Massac Pope Saline Wabash Wayne White Gallatin } } TOTAL $ 3,458,520 24,925,978 9,165,454 28,636,176 2,198,483 15,272,450 8,604,426 16,942,320 29,130,865 $138,334,672 Crude oil, gas Coal, crude oil, gas Fluorspar, zinc, stone, lead Coal, crude oil, stone, gas Crude oil, gas liquids, gas Cement, stone Fluorspar, zinc, lead Coal, crude oil, gas Crude oil, gravel, sand, gas, coal Crude oil, gas Crude oil, gas liquids, gas, gravel, sand Crude oil, coal, sand, gravel, gas nt^c^i*. 14 (3855)