'3 n.SOlo fCTlSg SCHOOL Colorado Medical Library Association t £ Sr Denver uly, 1893 STATEMENT CONSTITUTION BY-LAWS PUBLIC LIBRARY REGULATIONS HIGH SCHOOL AND PUBLIC LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/statementconstitOOcolo Colorado Medical Library Association Certain members of the medical profession in Denver, realizing that the existence of a medical reference library for Colorado has become a necessity to the enlightened study and practice of medicine, have united and become incorporated under the title of The Colorado Medical Library Association. The annual subscription for membership has been placed at $ 5 . 00 , and the subscriptions so received will be expended in the purchase of medical literature of a character determined by the nominations of the individual subscribers. The works thus obtained will be placed on the shelves of the Denver Public Librar}^ on the condition that the Library will spend on med- ical literature at least as much money as is subscribed by the Association. The power and usefulness of books are increased when they are brought together. To the choice collection of medical works already in possession of the Public Library, several hundred valuable volumes have recently been added, either as bequests, gifts, or to be held in trust for their present owners. The funds in the treasury of the Medico-Legal Society have been devoted to the purchase of appropriate literature to be added to the library. The medical department of the library now contains over 800 bound volumes; fifty-five journals are regularly received through subscrip- tion, while some seventy-five additional journals are present in incomplete sets. At the present rate Colorado will shortly be in possession of a medical library which will compare favorably with the collections of the east. The present executive committee is as follows: J. T. Eskridge, president; Henry Sewall, secretary and treasurer, No. 23 Eighteenth Ave.; J. C. Dana, Librarian of Public Library. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE Colorado Medical Library Association CONSTITUTION. Article I . — Name and Incorporation. This organization shall be incorporated under the laws of Colorado, and known under the name of “The Colorado Medical Library Association. ” Article II. — Object of the Association. The object of this Association shall be the establishment of a library and the accumulation of literature for the same, by purchase, gift or otherwise, for the diffusion of knowledge of the medical arts and sciences. No pecuniary gain or profit shall result to any one from the library. Article III . — Members and Fees . Sec- tion i. The members of the Association shall consist of annual and life members. Section 2. With the approval of the Exec- utive Committee, any person may become an annual member of the Association on payment of the annual fee of five dollars ($5). Section 3. With the approval of the Exec- tive Committee, any person may become a life member of the Association on the payment of one hundred dollars ($100). Art 1 CEE IV. — Officers . The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be filled by the same person. ArticeE V. — Meetings . The regular meet- ings of the Association shall be held on the first Monday of January in each year, in the City of Denver. Articee VI . — Disposition of the Property of the Association. The books, journals, pam- phlets, etc., of the Association shall be marked the property of the Association, and shall be located at such place as may be designated at any annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that at least twenty- five (25) members are present, and provided that a month’s notice of the desired change of location has been given in writing, signed at the request of ten (10) members of the Associ- ation. 3 Article VII. — Amendments and Alterations of the Constitution and By-Laws . Amend- ments and alterations of the constitution and by-laws (heretofore made, or to be made) shall require a two- thirds vote of a meeting, at which there are at least twenty (20) members present, and written notice of the same, signed by five members, must be given a month previous. BY-LAWS. Article I. — Duties of Officers . Section i. The president shall preside at all meetings of the Association, and shall perform such other duties as custom and parliamentary usage may require. He shall be ex officio member of all committees. Section 2. The secretary shall keep the records and conduct the correspondence of the Association. He shall give proper and timely notice in writing of every regular and special meeting to each member of the Association, and shall, at each regular annual meeting, make report of the condition and development of the Association. Section 3. The treasurer shall keep careful account of all monies received and disbursed by the Association, and annually make report of the same to the Association. Article II. — Election of Officers. The officers of the Association shall be elected by ballot at each regular annual meeting of the Association. 4 Article III . — Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the president, at such time and place as he may designate, when- ever requested in writing by five members of the Association. Article IV. — Order of Business. At all meetings the business shall be conducted as follows: 1. Minutes of the last regular or special meeting. 2. Report of the secretary. 3. Report of the treasurer. 4. Reports of standing committees. 5. Reports of special committees. 6. Unfinished business. 7. New and miscellaneous business. 8. Adjournment. Article V . — Rules of Order. In conducting the business of the meetings of the Association, the parliamentary rules as laid down in Rob- erts’ Rules of Order shall be adopted. Article VI. — The Executive Committee. Section i. An executive committee shall be established which shall consist of not less than three members, including the president and secretary of the Association, who shall appoint a third member, and the secretary of the Asso- ciation shall be secretary of the committee. Section 2. The executive committee shall have general supervision of the finances, pur- chases and expenses of the Association, and shall act as censors over the qualifications of applicants for admission to the Association. 5 Section 3. No purchase shall be made or expense incurred except by order of the Asso- ciation or of the executive committee; and the executive committee shall not have power to incur any indebtedness beyond the amount of cash in the treasury. Section 4. The executive committee shall meet on the call of the chairman. Articee VII . — The Choice of Books. Sec- tion 1. No purchase of books, journals or pamphlets shall be made except by order of the executive committee. Section 2. Every member of the Associa- tion shall have the privilege of advising, in writing to a member of the executive commitee, the purchase of such literature as he may desire; and it shall be the duty of the executive com- mittee to consider every request so presented and, so far as possible, dispose the funds of the Association in such a manner as may seem to conform with the desires of the greatest number of members. Section 3. In the choice of books the executive committee shall give weight to the number of applications received for the same work. Articee VIII . — Removal of Books. Section 1. Only members of the Association shall be allowed to remove from the library the books, pamphlets or journals belonging to the Associa- tion. Section 2. While the works belonging to the Association are in charge of the Denver 6 V Public Library, the rules of the library which govern the loan of its own works shall be applied to the loan of the property of the Association. Article IX . — The Association Year and the Payment of Subscriptions. The Association year shall begin on the first of January in each year. Subscriptions for each current year shall be payable to the treasurer on that date. LIBRARY REGULATIONS All books in the library, except fiction and recent additions in great demand, are lent for fourteen days. Books of fiction are lent for seven days. Except in a few special cases all books may be renewed for a second term of seven or fourteen days. A fine of two cents per day is collected for all books overdue. Current journals and magazines are lent for three days; back numbers for fourteen days. Books and magazines are sent to persons living outside of Denver on payment of express or postage, and under simple requirements as to identification of the borrower and payments in case of loss. For many books sent to the non-resident bor- rower an extension of the usual time limit can be made. Any reputable adult resident of Denver can become a borrower on agreeing over his own name to conform to the library rules in his use of books. Minors must have guarantors. 7 All members of the Colorado Medical Library Association may take books from the general library. The medical books and all other resources of the library are open to all comers, every one having access to all shelves, save only those containing fiction. This last restric- tion is solely because of lack of room. Books given to, or deposited with, the library or the Medical Library Association, will be properly acknowledged and full receipts given where wished. Proper care and return on demand will be guaranteed to the owners in the case of books placed temporarily in the library. The Public Library is established and main- tained by the Board of Education of School District Number One, Arapahoe County, Colo- rado. Its permanency and responsibility are therefore well assured. It is capable of receiv- ing any gift, grant or devise. Donations of books or magazines, one or many, new or old, for the medical alcove or the general library, are always acknowledged and made accessible to all readers. The library is open every day, including Sundays, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. J. J. SMITH, Chairman of Committee on Library. J. C. DANA, Librarian.