i M-m^ ■'^f>^ -l:^ \Wtf' L I B RARY OF THE U N I VERS ITY or 1 LLl NOIS V ^^.s-^^- T^^^'c:^-^^^^^''^ // A LECTURE ON THE NOTION OF VALUE, DISTINGUISHABLE NOT ONLY FROM UTILITY, BUT ALSO FROM VALUE IN EXCHANGE. DELIVERED BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, IN MICHAELMAS TEKM 1833, REV. W. r. LLOYD, M.A. STUDENT OF CHRIST CIIURCFI, PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. LONDON: ROAKE AND VARTY, 31, STRAND; J. H. PARKER, OXFORD; J. AND J. J. DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE. 1834. LONDON : nOAKE ANO VARTY, PRINTERS, 31, STRAND. ADVERTISEMENT. It is provided in the statute by which the Pro- fessorship is founded, that one Lecture in each course shall be annually published. In com- pliance with this provision, the following- Lec- ture, delivered in Michaelmas term, 1833, is submitted to the public. The author thinks it necessary to state this, to account for the ab- ruptness of the beg-inning", which has reference to a former Lecture of the course. The pas- sages, more particularly referred to, are added in the Appendix. Also, hy the same Author, TWO LECTUllES