1» %«■ a'^^JSs^-^^::JS^. ^1^^ ^i^'m w^ ^^"^ •> It' -^ sP?«f: •^l '^^^^ V THE DICTATOR NEW LIBRARY NOVELS. WITNESS TO THE DEED. By Geo. Manville Fenn. 3 vols. ROPES OF SAND. By R. E. Francii.i.on. 3 vols. THE DICTATOR. By Justin McCarthy, M. P. 3 vols. RUJUB, THE JUGGLER. By G. A. Henty. 3 vols. TIME'S REVENGES. By D. Christie Murray. 3 vols. LADY VERNER'S FLIGHT. By Mrs. Hungerford. 2 vols A FAMILY LIKENESS. By M. B. M. Croker. 3 vols. THE MASTER OF ST. BENEDICT'S. By Alan St. AUBYN. 2 vols. MRS. JULIET. By Mrs. Alfred Hunt. 3 vols. GEOFFORY HAMILTON. By Edward H. Cooper. 2 vols. London : CIIATTO & WINDUS, Piccadilly, W. THE DICTATOR BY JUSTIN McCarthy, m.p AUTHOR OF 'dear LADY DISDAIN ' DOXKA QUIXOTE* ETC. IN THREE VOLUMES VOL. I. 1^0 lib on CHATTO & WINDUS, PICCADILLY 1893 PKINTKD nv SrOTTISWOODE AND CO., NKW STREET SQUARE LON UON V. I CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME CHAPTER PAGE I. AN EXILE IN LONDON 1 . II. A GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER 13 \ III. AT THE GARDEN GATE 25 -- IV. THE LANGLEYS OO (V> V. 'MY GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' . . .95 " VI. ' HERE IS MY THRONE — BID KINGS COME BOW TO IT ' 126 ;i VII. THE PRINCE AND CLAUDIO . . . .170 ' VIIT. ' I WONDER WHY ? ' 194 C IX. THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 219 i c THE DICTATOR CHAPTER I AX EXILE IX LOXDOX The May sunlight streamed in througli tlie Avindow, making curious patterns of the curtains upon the carpet. Outside, the tide of hfe was flowing fast ; the green leaves of the Park were already offering agreeable shade to early strollers ; the noise of cabs and omnibuses liad set in steadily for the day. Outside, Knightsbridge was awake and active ; inside, sleep reigned with quiet. The room was one of the best bedrooms in Paulo's Ilotel ; it was really tastefully furnished, soberly decorated, in the style cf the fifteenth VOL. I. B 2 THE DICTATOR French Louis. A very good copy of Watteaii was over the mantel-piece, the only picture in the room. There had been a fire in the hearth overnight, for a grey ash lay there. Outside on the ample balcony stco.l a laurel in a big blue pot, an emblematic tribute on Paulo's part to honourable defeat which might yet turn to victory. There were books about the room : a volume of Napoleon's maxims, a French novel, a little volume of Sophocles in its original Greek. A uniform-case and a sword- case stood in a corner. A map of South America lay partially unrolled upon a chair. The dainty gilt clock over the mantel-piece, a genuine heritage from the age of Louis Quinze, struck eight briskly. The Dictator stirred in his sleep. Presently there was a tapping at the door to the left of the bed, a door communicating with the Dictator's private sitting-room. Still AN EXILE IN LONDON 3 the Dictator slept, undisturbed by the slight sound. The sound was not repeated, but the door was softly opened, and a young man put his head into the room and looked at the slumbering Dictator. The young man was dark, smooth-shaven, with a look of quiet alertness in his face. He seemed to be about thirty years of age. His dark eyes watched the sleeping figure affectionately for a few seconds. ' It seems a pity to wake him,' he muttered, and he was about to draw his head back and close the door, when the Dictator stirred again, and suddenly waking swung himself round in the bed and faced his visitor. The visitor smiled pleasantly. ' Buenos dias, Escelencia,' he said. The Dictator propped himself up on his left arm and looked at him. * Good morning, Hamilton,' he answered. ' What's the good of talking Spanish here ? Better fall back upon simple Saxon until we 4 lllE DICTATOR can see the sun rise again in Gloria. And as for the Excellency, don't you tliink ^ve had better drop tliat too ? ' ' Until we see the sun rise in Gloria,' said Hamilton. lie had pushed tlie door open now, and entered the room, leaning carelessly against the door-post. ' Yes ; that may not be £0 far off, please Heaven ; and, in the meantime, I tliink we had better stick to tlie title and all forms. Excellency.' The Dictator laughed again. ' Very well, as you please. The world is governed by form and title, and I suppose such dignities lend a decency even to exile in men's eyes. Is it late? I was tired, and slept like a dog.' ' Oh no ; it's not late,' Hamilton answered. ' Only just struck eight. You wished to be called, cr I sliouldn't have disturbed you.' ' Y^es, yes ; one must get into no bad habits in London. All right ; I'll get up now, and be Avith you in twenty minutes.' AX EXILE IX LOXDOX 5 ' Very well, Excellency.' Hamilton bowed as he spoke in Ins most official manner, and withdrew. The Dictator looked after him, langhing softly to himself. ' L'excellence malgre lui,' he thought. ' An excellency in spite of myself. Well, I dare say Hamilton is right ; it may serve to fill my sails when I have any sails to fill. In the meantime let us get up and salute London. Thank goodness it isn't raining, at all events.' He did his dressino- unaided. ' The best master is his own man ' was an axiom with him. In the most splendid days of Gloria he had always valeted himself ; and in Gloria, where assassination was always a possibility, it was certainly safer. His body servant filled his bath and brought him his brushed clothes ; for the rest he waited upon himself. He did not take long in dressing. All his movements were quick, clean, and decisive ; the movements of a man to whom moments 6 THE DICTATOR are precious, of a man who lias learnt by long experience liow to do everything as shortly and as well as possible. As soon as he was finished he stood for an instant before the long looking-glass and surveyed himself. A man of rather more than medium height, strongly built, of soldierly carriage, wearing his dark frock-coat like a uniform. His left hand seemed to miss its familiar sword-hilt. The face was bronzed by Southern suns ; the brown eyes were large, and bright, and keen ; the hair was a fair brown, faintly touched liere and there with grey. Ilis full moustache and beard were trimmed to a point, almost in the Ehzabethan fashion. Any serious student of humanity would at once have been attracted by the face. Habitually it wore an expression of gentle gravity, and it could smile very sweetly, but it was the face of a strong man, nevertheless, of a stubborn man, of a man ambitious, a man with clear resolve, personal AX EXILE IX LOXDON 7 or otherwise, and prompt to back his resolve with all he had in life, and with life itself. He put into his buttonhole the green-and- yellow button which represented the order of the Sword and Myrtle, the great Order of La Gloria, which in Gloria was invested with all the splendour of the Golden Fleece ; the order which could only be worn by those w^ho had actually ruled in the repubhc. That, accord- ing to satirists, did not greatly limit the number of persons who had the right to w^ear it. Then lie formally saluted himself in the looking-glass. ' Excellency,' he said again, and laughed again. Then he opened his double windows and stepped out upon the balcony. London was looking at its best just then, and his spirits stirred in grateful response to the sunlight. How^ dismal everything would have •seemed, he was thinking, if the streets had been soaking under a leaden sky, if the trees 8 THE DICTATOR luid been dripping dismally, if his glance directed to the street below had rested only npon distended umbrellas glistening like the backs of gigantic crabs ! Now everything was bri^^ht, and London looked as it can look some- times, positively beautiful. Paulo's Hotel stands, as everybody knows, in the pleasantest part of Kniohtsbridore, facing; Kensinoton Gardens. The sky was brilliantly blue, the trees were deliciously a'reen ; Knightsbridge below him lay steeped in a pure gold of sunlight. The animation of the scene cheered him sensibly. May is seldom summery in England, but this might have been a royal day of June. Opposite to him he could see the green-grey roofs of Kensington Palace. At his left he could see a public-house which bore the name and stood upon the site of the hostelry where the Pretender's friends gathered on the morn- ing when they expected to see Queen Anne succeeded by the heir to the Ilouse of Stuart. AN EXILE IN LONDON 9 Looking from the one place to the other, he reflected upon the events of tliat morning when those gentlemen waited in vain for the expected tidings, Avhen Bolingbroke, seated in the council chamber at 3^onder palace, was so harshly interrupted. It pleased the stranger for a moment to trace a resemblance between the fallen fortunes of the Stuart Prince and his own fallen fortunes, as dethroned Dictator of the South American Eepublic of Gloria. ' London is my St. Germain's,' he said to him- self with a laugh, and he drummed the national hymn of Gloria upon the balcony-rail with his fingers. His gaze, wandering over the green bravery of the Park, lost itself in the blue sk3^ He had forgotten London ; his thoiiglits were with another place under a sky of stronger blue, in the White House of a white square in a white town. He seemed to hear the rattle of rifle shots, shrill trumpet calls, angry party lo THE DICTATOR cries, the clatter of desperate charges across the open space, the angry despair of repulses, the piteous pageant of civil war. Knights- bridge knew nothing of all tliat. Danes may have fought there, the chivalry of the White Eose or the Eed Eose ridden there, gallant Cavaliers have spurred along it to fight for their king. All that was past ; no troops moved there now in hostility to brethren of their blood. But to that one Englishman •standing there, moody in spite of the sunlight, the scene whicli his eyes saw was not the tranquil London street, but the Plaza Nacional of Gloria, red with blood, and ' cut up,' in the painter's sense, with corpses. ' Shall I ever get back ? Shall I ever get back ? ' that was the burden to which liis thoughts were dancing. Ilis spirit began to rage witliin him to think that he was here, in London, helpless, almost alone, when he ought to be out there, sword in hand, dictating AN EXILE IN LONDON ii terms to rebels repentant or impotent. lie gave a groan at the contrast, and then lie laughed a little bitterly and called himself a fool. ' Thin^TS mis^ht be worse,' he said. ' They might have shot me. Better for them if they had, and worse for Gloria. Yes, I am sure of it — worse for Gloria ! ' His mind was back in London now, back in the leafy Park, back in Knightsbridge. lie looked down into the street, and noted that a man was loitering on the opposite side. The man in the street saw that the Dictator noted him. He looked up at the Dictator, looked up above the Dictator, and, raising his hat, pointed as if towards the sky. The Dictator, following the direction of the gesture, turned slightly and looked upwards, and received a sudden thrill of pleasure, for just above him, high in the air, he could see the flutter of a mass of green and yellow, the colours of the national flag of Gloria. Mr. Paulo, mindful 12 THE DICTATOR of wliat was due even to exiled sovereignty, had liown tlie Gloiia flag iu honour of the illustrious guest beneath his roof. When that guest looked down again the man in the street had disappeared. ' That is a good omen. I accept it,' said the Dictator, ' I wonder wdio my friend w\as ? ' He turned to go back into his room, and in doing so noticed the laurel. 'Another good omen,' he said. ' ^ly fortunes feel more summer-like already. The old flai? still 11 vino- over me, an unknown friend to cheer me, and a laurel to prophesy victory — what more could an exile wish ? His break- fast, I think,' and on this reflection he Avent back into his bedroom, and, opening tlie door through which Hamilton had talked to him, entered the sittino'-room. CHAPTER II A GEXTLEMAX ADVEXTUEErw The room wliicli the Dictator entered was an attractive room, bright with flowers, which Miss Paulo had been pleased to arrange her- self — bright with tlic persevering sunshine. It was decorated, like his bedroom, with the restrained richness of the mid-eighteenth century. With discretion, Paulo had sliglitly adapted the accessories of the room to please by suggestion the susceptibilities of its occupant. A marble bust of Caesar stood upon the dwarf bookcase. A copy of a famous portrait of Xapoleon was on one of the walls ; on another an en^ravinfir of Dr. Francia still more delicately associated great 14 THE DICTATOR leaders with South America. At a table in one corner of the room — a table honeycombed ■with drawers and pigeon-holes, and covered with papers, letters, documents of all kinds — Hamilton sat writing rapidly. Another table nearer the window, set apart for the Dictator's own use, had everything ready for business — had, moreover, in a graceful bowl of tinted glass, a large yellow carnation, his favourite flower, the flower which had come to be the badge of those of his inclining. This, again, was a touch of Miss Paulo's sympathetic handiwork. The Dictator, whose mood had brightened, smiled again at this little proof of personal interest in his welfare. As he entered, Hamilton dropped his pen, sprang to his feet, and advanced respectfully to greet him. The Dictator pointed to the yellow carnation. * The way of the exiled autocrat is made smooth for him here, at least,' he said. A GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER 15 Hamilton inclined his head gravely. ' Mr. Paulo knows what is due,' he answered, ' to John Ericson, to the victor of San Felipe and the Dictator of Gloria. He knows how to entertain one who is by right, if not in fact, a reigning sovereign.' ' He hangs out our banner on the outer wall,' said Ericson, with an assumed gravity as great as Hamilton's own. Then he burst into a laugh and said, 'My dear Hamilton, it's all very well to talk of the victor of San Fehpe and the Dictator of Gloria. But the victor of San Felipe is the victim of the Plaza Xacional, and the Dictator of Gloria is at present but one inconsiderable item added to the exile world of London, one more of the many refugees who hide their heads here, and are unnoted and unknown.' His voice had fallen a little as his sentences succeeded each other, and the mirth in his voice had a bitter ring in it when he ended. 1 6 THE DICTATOR Ills eye ranged from tlic bust to the picture, and from the picture to the engraving con- templatively. Something in tlie contemphition appeared to cheer him, for his look was brighter, and his voice had the old joyous ring in it when he spoke again. It was after a few minutes' silence deferentially observed by Hamilton, who seemed to follow and to respect the course of his leader's thoughts. ' Well,' he said, ' how is tlie old world aettins: on ? Does she roll with unabated energy in her familiar orbit, indifferent to the fLill of states and the fate of rulers ? Stands Gloria where slie did ? ' Hamilton laughed. 'The world has cer- tainlv not c^rown honest, but tliere are honest men in her. Here is a telegram from Gloria wliich came tliis morning. It was sent, of course, as usual, to our City friends, who sent it on here immediately.' He handed the A GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER 17 despatch to liis cliief, who seized it and read it eagerly. It seemed a commonplace message enough — the communication of one commer- cial gentleman in Gloria with another com- mercial gentleman in Farringdon Street. But to the eyes of Hamilton and of Ericson it meant a great deal. It was a secret com- munication from one of the most influential of the Dictator's adlierents in Gloria. It was full of hope, strenuously encouraging. The Dictator's face lightened. 'Anything else ? ' he ashed. ' These letters,' Hamilton answered, taking up a bundle from the desk at which lie had been sitting. 'Five are from money-lenders offering to finance your next attempt. There are thirty-three requests for autographs, twenty-two requests for interviews, one very pressing from " The Catapult," another from " The Moon " — Society papers, I believe ; ten invitations to dinner, six to luncheon ; an VOL. I. C i3 1 8 THE DICTATOR offer from a well-known lecturing agency to run you in the United States ; an application from a publisher for a series of articles en- titled " Howl Governed Gloria," on your own terms ; a letter from a certain Oisin Stewart Sarrasin, who calls himself Captain, and signs himself a soldier of fortune.' ' What does he want ? ' asked Ericson. ' His seems to be the most interesting thing in the lot.' ' He offers to lend you his well-worn sword for the re-establishment of your rule. He hints that he has an infallible plan of victory, that in a word he is your very man.' The Dictator smiled a little grimly. ' I thought I could do my own fighting,' he said. ' But I suppose everybody will be wanting to help me now, every adventurer in Europe Avho thinks that I can no longer help myself. I don't think we need trouble Captain Stewart. Is that his name ? ' A GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER 19 ' Stewart Sarrasin.' ' Sarrasin — all right. Is that all ? ' 'Practically all,' Hamilton answered. ' A few other letters of no importance. Stay ; no, I forgot. These cards were left this morning, a little after nine o'clock, by a young lady who rode up attended by her groom.' 'A young lady,' said EricsoD, in some surprise, as he extended his hand for the cards. ' Yes, and a very pretty young lady too,' Hamilton answered, ' for I happened to be in the hall at the time, and saw her.' Ericson took the cards and looked at them. They were two in number ; one was a man's card, one a woman's. The man's card bore the legend ' Sir Eupert Langley,' the woman's was merely inscribed 'Helena Langley.' The address was a house at Prince's Gate. c 2 20 THE DICTATOR The Dictator looked up surprised. ' Sir Eupert Langley, the Foreign Secretary ? ' 'I suppose it must be,' Hamilton said, ' there can't be two men of the same name. I have a dim idea of reading something about his daughter in the papers some time ago, just before our revolution, but I can't re- member what it was.' ' Very good of them to honour fallen greatness, in any case,' Ericson said. ' I seem to have more friends than I dreamed of. In the meantime let us have breakfast.' Hamilton rang the bell, and a man brought in the coffee and rolls, which con- stituted the Dictator's sim])le breakfast. While he was eating it he glanced over tlie letters that had come. 'Better refuse all these invitations, Hamilton.' Hamilton expostulated. He was Ericson's intimate and adviser, as well as secretary. * Do you think that is the best thing to A GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER 21 do ? ' he suggested. ' Isn't it better to show yourself as much as possible, to make as many friends as you can ? There's a good deal to be clone in that way, and nothing much else to do for the present. Eeally I think it would be better to accept some of them. Several are from influential political men.' ' Do you think these influential political men would help me ? ' the Dictator asked, good-humouredly cynical. ' Did they help Kossuth? Did they help Garibaldi? What I want are war-ships, soldiers, a big loan, not the agreeable conversation of amiable poli- ticians.' ' Nevertheless,' Hamilton began to pro- test. His chief cut him short. 'Do as you please in the matter, my dear boy,' he said. *It can't do any harm, anyhow. Accept all you think it best to accept ; decline the 22 THE DICTATOR others. I leave myself confidently in your hands.' ' What are you going to do this morning ? ' Hamilton inquired. ' There are one or tAvo people we ought to think of seeing at once. We mustn't let the grass grow under our feet for one moment.' ' My dear boy,' said Ericson good- humouredly, ' the grass shall grow under my feet to-day, so far as all that is concerned. I haven't been in London for ten years, and I have something to do before I do anything else. To-morrow you may do as you please with me. But if you insist upon devoting this day to the cause ' ' Of course I do,' said Hamilton. ' Then I graciously permit you to work at it all day, while I go off and amuse myself in a way of my own. You might, if you can spare the time, make a call at the Foreign Office and say I should be glad to wait on A GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER 23 Sir Eupert Langley there, any day and hour that suit him — we must smooth down the dig- nity of these Foreign Secretaries, I suppose ? ' ' Oh, of course,' Hamilton said, peremp- torily. Hamilton took most things gravely; the Dictator usually did not. Hamilton seemed a little put out because his chief should have even indirectly suggested the possibility of his not waiting on Sir Eupert Langley at the Foreign Office. ' All right, boy ; it shall be done. And look here, Hamilton, as we are going to do the right thing, why should you not leave cards for me and for yourself at Sir Eupert Langley's house ? You might see the daughter.' ' Oh, she never heard of me,' Hamilton said_ hastily. ' The daughter of a Foreign Secretary ? ' ' Anyhow, of course I'll call if you wish it. Excellency.' 24 THE DICTATOR ' Good boy ! And do 5^011 know I liave taken a fancy that I slioukl like to see this soldier of fortune, Captain ' ' Sarrasin ? ' ' Sarrasin — yes. Will you drop him a line and suggest an interview — pretty soon ? You know all about my times and engage- ments.' ' Certainly, your Excellenc}',' Hamilton replied, with almost military formality and precision ; and the Dictator departed. 25 CHAPTEE III AT THE GAEDEX GATE LoxDO^'ERS are so liabituated to hear London abused as an ugly city that they are disposed too often to accept the accusation humbh'. Yet the accusation is singularly unjust. If much of London is extremely unlovely, much might fairly be called beautiful. The new Chelsea that has arisen on the ashes of the old mieht well arouse the admiration even of the most exasperated foreigner. There are recently created regions in that great tract of the earth's surface known as South Kensino;- ton which in their quaintness of architectural form and braveness of red brick can defy the gloom of a civic March or Xovember. Old 26 THE DICTATOR London is disappearing day by day, but bits of it remain, bits dear to those familiar witli them, bits worth the enterprise of the adven tiirous, which call for frank admiration and frank praise even of people who hated London as fully as Heinrich Heine did. But of all parts of the great capital none perhaps deserve so fully the title to be called beauti- ful as some portions of Hampstead Heath. Some such reflections floated lightly through the mind of a man who stood, on this May afternoon, on a high point of Hampstead Hill. He had climbed thither from a certain point just beyond the Eegent's Park, to which he had driven from Knights- bridge. From that point out the way was a familiar way to him, and he enjoyed walking along it and noting old spots and the changes that time had wrought. Now, having reached the highest point of the ascent, he paused, standing on tlie grass of AT THE GARDEN GATE 27 the heath, and turniDg round, with his back to the country, looked down upon the town. There is no better place from which to survey London. To impress a stranger with any sense of the charm of London as a whole, let him be taken to that vantage-ground and bidden to gaze. The great city seemed to lie below and around him as in a hollow, tinged and glorified by the luminous haze of the May day. The countless spires which pointed to heaven in all directions gave the vast agglomeration of buildings something of an Italian air ; it reminded the beholder agree- ably of Florence. To right and to left the gigantic city spread, its grey wreath of eternal smoke resting lightly upon its fretted head, the faint roar of its endless activity coming up distinctly there in the clear wind- less air. The beholder surveyed it and sighed slightly, as he traced meaningless 28 THE DICTATOR symbols on the turf with the point of his stick. ' What did Ca3sar say ? ' he murmured. < Better be the first man in a viUage than the second man in Rome ! Well, there never was any chance of my being the second man in Rome ; but, at least, I have been the first man in mv villaij^e, and that is something?. I suppose I reckon as about the last man there now. Well, we shall see.' He shrucf^ed his shoulders, nodded a fare- well to the city below him, and, turning round, proceeded to walk leisurely across the Heath. The grass was soft and springy, the earth seemed to answer with agree- able elasticity to his tread, the air was exquisitely clear, keen, and exhilarating. He began to move more briskly, feehng quite boyish again. The years seemed to roll away from him as rifts of sea fog roll away before a wind. AT THE GARDEN GATE 29 Even Gloria seemed as if it bad never been — aye, and things before Gloria was, events when he was still really quite a young man. He cut at the tufted grasses with his stick, swino^incs: it in dexterous circles as if it had been his sword. He found himself humming a tune almost unconsciously, but when he paused to consider what the tune was he found it was the national march of Gloria. Then he stopped humming, and went on for. a while silently and less joyousl3\ But the gladness of the fine morning, of the clear air, of the familiar place, took possession of him again. His face once more unclouded and his spirits mounted. ' The place hasn't changed much,' he said to himself, looking around him while he walked. Then he corrected himself, for it had changed a good deal. There were many more red brick houses dotting the landscape than there 30 THE DICTATOR had been when he last looked upon it some seven years earlier. In all directions these red houses were springing up, quaintly gabled, much veran- dahed, pointed, fantastic, brilhant. They made the whole neighbourhood of the Heath look hke the Merrie England of a comic opera. Yet they were pretty in their way ; many were designed by able architects, and pleased with a balanced sense of proportion and an impres- sion of beauty and fitness. Many, of course, lacked this, were but cheap and clumsy imi- tations of a prevailiug mode, but, taken all together, the effect was agreeable, the effect of the varied reds, russet, and scarlet and warm crimson against the fresh green of the grass and trees and the pale faint blue of tlie May sky. To the observer they seemed to suit very well the place, the climate, the conditions of life. They were infinitely better than suburban AT THE GARDEN GATE 31 and rural cottages people used to build when he was a boy. His mind drifted away to the kind of houses he had been more famihar with of late years, houses half Spanish, half tropical, with their wide courtyards and gaily striped awnings and white walls glaring under a glar- ing sun. ' Yes, all this is very restful,' he thought — ' restful, peaceful, wholesome.' He found him- self repeating softly the lines of Browning, beginning, 'Oh to be in England now that April's here,' and the transitions of thought carried him to that other poem beginning ' It was roses, roses, all the way,' with its satire on fallen ambition. Thinking of it, he first frowned and then laughed. He walked a little way, cresting the rising ground, till he came to an open space with an unbroken view over the level country to Bar- net. Here, the last of the houses that could claim to belong to the great London army 33 THE DICTATOR stood alone iii its own considerable space of ground. It was a very old-fashioned house ; it had been half farmhouse, half liall, in the latter days of the last century, and the dull red brick of its walls, and the dull red tiles of its roof showed warm and attractive through the green of the encirclino' trees. There was a small garden in front, planted with pine trees, through which a winding path led up to the low porch of the dwelhng. Behind the house a very large garden extended, a great garden which he knew so well, with its lengtlis of undulating russet orchard wall, and its divi- sions into flower garden and fruit garden and vegetable garden, and the field beyond, wdierc successive generations of ponies fed, and wdiere he had loved to play in boyhood. He rested his liand on the upper rim of the garden gate, and looked wdth curious affection at the inscription in faded gold letters that ran along it. The inscription read, * Bla- AT THE GARDEN GATE 33 rulfsgarth,' and he remembered ever so far back asking what that inscription meant, and being told that it was Icelandic, and that it meant the Garth, or Farm, of the Blue Wolf. And he remembered, too, being told the tale from which the name came, a tale that was related of an ancestor of his, real or imaginary, who had lived and died centuries ago in a grey northern land. It was curious that, as he stood there, so many recollections of his child- hood should come back to him. He was a man, and not a very young man, when he last laid his hand upon that gate, and yet it seemed to him now as if he had left it when he was quite a little cliild, and was returning now for the first time with the feelings of a man to the place where he had passed his infancy. His hand slipped down to the latch, but he did not yet lift it. He still hngered while he turned for a moment and looked over the wide extent of level smiling country that stretched VOL. I. D 54 THE DICTATOR out and away before him. The last time he had looked on that sweep of earth he was going off to seek adventure in a far land, in a new world. He had thought himself a broken man ; he was sick of England ; his thoughts in their desperation had turned to the country which was only a name to him, the country where lie was born. Now the day came vividly back to liim on which he had said good-bye to that place, and looked with a melancholy disdain upon the soft English fields. It was an earlier season of the year, a day towards the end of March, when the skies were still but faintly blue, and there was little green abroad. Ten years ago : how many things had passed in those ten years, what struggles and successes, what struggles again, all ending in that three days' fight and the last stand in the Plaza Nacional of Valdorado ! He turned away from the scene and pressed his hand upon the latch. AT THE GARDEN GATE 35' As lie touclied the latch someone appeared in the porch. It was an old lady dressed in black. She had soft grey hair, and on that grey hair she wore an old-fashioned cap that was almost coquettish by very reason of its old fashion. She had a very sweet, kind face, all cockled with wrinkles like a sheet of crum- pled tissue paper, but very beautiful in its age. It was a face that a modern French painter would have loved to paint — a face that a sculptor of the Eenaissance would have de- lighted to reproduce in faithful, faultless bronze or marble. At sight of the sweet old lady the Dic- tator's heart gave a great leap, and he pressed down the latch hurriedly and swung the gate wide open. The sound of the clicking latch and the swinging gate slightly grinding on the path aroused the old lady's attention. She saw the Dictator, and, with a little cry of joy, running with an almost girlish activity to meet D 2 36 THE DICTATOR the bearded man who was coming rapidly along the pathway, in anotlier moment she had caught him in her arms and was clasping him and kissing him enthusiastically. The Dictator returned her caresses warmly. He was smihng, but there were tears in his eyes. It was so odd being welcomed back like this in the old place after all that had passed. * I knew you would come to-day, my dear,' the old lady said half sobbing, half laughing. ' You said you would, and I knew you would. You would come to your old aunt first of all.' ' Why, of course, of course I would, my dear,' the Dictator answered, softly touching the grey hair on the forehead below the frilled cap. 'But I didn't expect you so early,' the old lady went on. 'I didn't think you would get up so soon on your first morning. AT THE GARDEN GATE 37 You must be so tired, my dear, so very- tired.' She was holding his left hand in her right now, and they were walking slowly side by side up by the little path through the fir trees to the house. ' Oh, I'm not so very tired as all that comes to,' he said with a laugh. 'A long voyage is a restful thing, and I had time to get over the fatigue of the ' he seemed to pause an instant for a word ; then he went on, ' the trouble, while I was on board the " Almirante Cochrane." Do you know they were quite kind to me on board tlie *' Almirante Cochrane " ? ' The old lady's delicate face flushed angrily. ' The wretches, the wicked wretches ! ' she said quite fiercely, and the thin fingers closed tightly upon his and 5hook, agitating the lace rufiles at her wrists. 38 THE DICTATOR The Dictator laughed agam. It seemed too strange to have all those ^vild adven- tures quietly discussed in a Ilampstead garden with a silver-haired elderly lady in a cap. ' Oh, come,' he said, ' they weren't so bad ; tliey weren't half bad, really. Why, you know, they might have shot me out of hand. I think if I had been in their place I should have shot out of hand, do you know, aunt ? ' 'Oh, surely they would never have dared — you an Englishman ? ' ' I am a citizen of Gloria, aunt.' ' You who were so good to them.' ' Well, as to my being good to tliem, there are two to tell that tale. The gentle- men of the Congress don't put a liigli price upon my goodness, I fancy.' He laughed a little bitterly. 'I certainly meant to do them some good, and I even thought I had sue- AT THE GARDEN GATE 39 ceeded. My dear aunt, people don't always like being done good to. I remember that myself wlien I was a small boy. I used to fret and fume at the things which were done for my good ; that was because I was a child. The crowd is always a child.' They had come to the j)orch by this time, and had stopped short at the threshold. The little porch was draped in flowers and foliage, and looked very pretty. ' You were always a good child,' said the old lady affectionately. Ericson looked down at her rather wist- fully. ' Do you think I was ? ' he asked, and there was a tender irony in his voice which made the playful question almost pathetic. ' If I had been a good child I should have been content and had no roving disposition, and have found my home and my world at Hampstead, instead of straying off into 40 THE DICTATOR another hemisphere, only to be sent back at last like a bad penny.' ' So you would,' said the old lady, very softly, more as if she were speaking to herself than to him. ' So you would if ' She did not finish her sentence. But her nephew, who knew and understood, repeated the last word. ' If,' he said, and he, too, sighed. The old lady caught the sound, and with a pretty little air of determination she called up a smile to her face. ' Shall we go into the house, or shall we sit awhile in the garden ? It is almost too fine a day to be indoors.' * Oh, let us sit out, please,' said Ericson. He had driven the sorrow from his voice, and its tones were almost joyous. ' Is the old garden-seat still there ? ' ' Why, of course it is. I sit there always in fine weather.* AT THE GARDEN GATE 41 They wandered round to the back by a path that skirted the house, a path all broidered with rose-bushes. At the back, the garden was very large, beginning with a spacious stretch of lawn that ran right up to the wide French windows. There were several noble old trees which stood sentinel over this part of the garden, and beneath one of these trees, a very ancient elm, was the sturdy garden-seat which the Dictator remem- bered so well. ' How many pleasant fairy tales you have told me under this tree, aunt,' said the Dictator, as soon as they had sat down. ' I should like to lie on the* grass again and listen to your voice, and dream of Njal, and Grettir, and Sigurd, as I used to do.' ' It is your turn to tell me stories now,' said the old lady. ' Not fairy stories, but true ones.' The Dictator lausrhed. ' You know all that 42 THE DICTATOR there is to tell,' lie said. ' What my letters didn't say you must have found from the newspapers.' ' ]3ut I want to know more than you wrote, more than the newspapers gave — everything.' ' In fact, you want a full, true, and par- ticular account of the late remarkable revolution in Gloria, which ended in the deposition and exile of the alien tyrant. My dear aunt, it would take a couple of wrecks at the least computation to do the theme justice.' ' I am sure tliat I shouldn't tire of listen- inng'eys, the home whose site had been the home of the race ever since the Conquest. Part of an old Norman tower still held itself erect amidst tlie Tudor, Eliza- bethan, and Victorian additions to the ancient place. It was called Queen's Langley now, had been so called ever since the days when, in the beginning of the Civil War, Henrietta Maria had been besieged there during her visit to the then baronet by a small party of Soundheads, and had successfully kept them off. Queen's Langley had been held during the Commonwealth by a member of the family, who had declared for the Parliament, but liad gone back to the head of the house when he returned with his king at the Eestoration. At Queen's Langley Sir Ptupert and his wife abode for a while, and at Queen's THE LANGLEYS ^ Langley a child was born to tliem, a girl cliild, who was christened after her mother, Helena. Then the taste for wandering which had become almost a passion with Sir Eiipert took possession of Sir Eupert again. If he had expected to re-enter London in any kind of triumph he was disappointed. He had allowed himself to fall out of the race, and he found himself almost forgotten. Society, of course, received him almost rapturously, and his beautiful wife was the queen of a resplen- dent season. But politics seemed to have passed him by. The New Toryism of those youthful years was not very new Toryism now. Sidney Blenheim was a settled reac- tionary and a recognised celebrity. There was a Xew Toryism, with its new cave of strenuous, impetuous young men, and they, if they thought of Sir Eupert Langley at all, thought of him as old-fashioned, the hero or victim of a piece of ancient history. 86 THE DICTATOR Nevertheless, Sir Eiqoert had his thoughts of entering pohtical hfe again, but in the meanthne he was very happy. He had a steam yacht of liis own, and when his httle girl was three years old he and his wife went for a lono^ cruise m the Mediterranean. And then liis happiness was taken away from him. His wife suddenly sickened, died, unconscious, in his arms, and was buried at sea. Sir Eupert seemed like a broken man. From Alexandria he wrote to his sister, who was married to the Duke of Magdiel's third son, Lord Edmond Herrino^ton, askinor her to look after his child for him — the child was then with her aunt at Herrington Hall, in Argyll- shire — in his absence. He sold his yacht, paid off his crew, and disappeared for two years. During tliose two years he was believed to have wandered all over Egypt, and to have passed much of his time the hermit-hke THE LANG LEYS 87 tenant of a tomb on tlie lovely, lonely island of Phylie, at the first cataract of the Xile. At tlie end of the two years he wrote to his sister that he was returning to Europe, to England, to his own lionie, and his own people. His little girl was then five years old. He reappeared in England changed and aged, but a strong man still, with a more settled air of strength of purpose than he had worn in his wild youth. He found Iiis little girl a pretty child, brilliantly healthy, bril- liantly strong. The wind of the mountain, of the heather, of the woods, had quickened her with an enduring vitality very different from that of the delicate fliir mother for wlioni his heart still grieved. Of course the little Helena did not remember her father, and was at first rather alarmed when Lady Edmond Herrington told her that a new papa was coming home for her from across the seas. But the feeling of fear passed away after the 88 THE DICTATOR first meeting between father and child. The fascination which in his younger days Eupert Langley had exercised upon so many men and ^vomen, which had made him so much of a leader in his youth, afFected tlie child po"werfully. In a Aveek she was as devoted to him as if she had never been parted from him. Helena's education was what some people would call a strange education. She was never sent to school ; she was taught and taught much at liome, first by a succession of clever governesses, then by carefully chosen masters of many languages and many arts. In almost all things her father w^as her chief instructor. He was a man of varied accom- plishments ; he was a good linguist, and his years of wandering liad made his attainments in language really colloquial ; he had a ricli and various store of information gathered even more from personal experience than from THE LANGLEYS 89 books. His great purpose in life appeared to be to make his daughter as accomphshed as himself. People had said at first when he returned that he would marry again, but the assumption proved to be wrong. Sir Paipert had made up his mind that he would never marry again, and he kept to his determination. There was an intense sentimentality in his strong nature ; the sentimentality which led him to take his early defeat and the defection of Sidney Blenheim so much to heart, had made him vow, on the day when tlie body of his fair young wife was lowered into the sea, changeless fidelity to her memory. Un- doubtedly it was somewhat of a grief to him that there was no son to carry on his name ; but he bore that grief in silence. He resolved, however, that his daughter should be in every way worthy of the old line which culminated in her ; she should be a woman worthy to surrender the ancient name to 90 THE DICTATOR some exceptional mortal ; she should be worthy to be the wife of some great states- man. In those years in which Helena Langley was growing up from childhood to woman- hood, Sh' Eupert returned to public life. The constituency in which Queen's Langley was situated was a Tory constituency wdiich had been represented for nearly half a cen- tury by the same old Tory squire. The Tory squire had a grandson who was as uncompro- misingly Eadical as the squire was Tory ; naturally he could not succeed, and would not contest the seat. Sir Eupert came for- ward, was eagerly accepted, and successfully returned. His reappearance in the House of Commons after so considerable an interval made some small excitement in Westminster, roused some comment in the press. It was fifteen years since he had left St. Stephen's ; he thought curiously of the past as he took THE LAXGLEYS 91 his place, not in that corner seat below the gangway, but on the second bench behind the Treasury Bench. His Toryism was now of a settled type ; the Government, which had been a little apprehensive of his possible antao-onism, found him a loval and valuable supporter. He did not remain long behind tlie Treasury Bench. An important vacancy occurred in the Ministry ; the post of Foreign Secretary was offered to and accepted by Sir Eupert. Years ago such a place would have seemed the liighest goal of his ambition. Now he — accepted it. Once again lie found himself a prominent man in the House of Commons, although under very different con- ditions from those of his old days. In the meantime Helena grew in years and health, in beauty, in knowledge. Sir Eupert, as an infinite believer in the virtues of travel, took her with him every recess for extended expeditions to Europe, and, as she grew older, 92 THE DICTATOR to other continents than Europe. By the time that she was twenty, slie knew much of the world from personal experience ; she knew more of politics and political life than many politicians. After she was seventeen years old she began to make frequent appear- ances in the Ladies' Gallery, and to take long walks on the Terrace with her father. Sir Eupert delighted in her companionship, she in his; they were always happiest in each other's society. Sir Paipert had every reason to be proud of the graceful girl who united the beauty of her mother with the strength, the physical and mental strength, of her father. It need surprise no one, it did not appear to surprise Sir Eupert, if such an education made Helena Langley what ill-natured people called a somewhat eccentric young woman. Brought up on a manly system of education, having a mim for her closest companion, THE LANGLEYS 93 learning miicli of the world at an early age, naturally tended to develop and sustain the strongly marked individuaUty of her character. Now, at three-and-twenty, she was one of the most remarkable girls in England, one of the best known girls in London. Her indepen- dence, both of thought and of action, her extended knowledge, her frankness of speech, her slightly satirical wit, her frequent and vehement enthusiasms for the most varied pursuits and pleasures, were much commented on, much admired by some, much disapproved of by others. She had many friends among women and more friends among: men, and these were real friendships, not flirtations, nor love affairs of any kind. Whatever things Helena Langley did there was one thing she never did — she never flirted. Many men had been in love with her and had told their love, and had been laucrhed at or pitied according to the degree of their 94 THE DICTATOR deserts, but no one of them could honestly say that Helena had in any way encouraged his love-making, or tempted him with false hopes, unless indeed the masculine frankness of her friendship was an encouragement and a treacli- erous temptation. One and all, she un- hesitatingly refused her adorers. ' My father is the most interesting man I know,' she once said to a discomfited and slightly despairing lover. ' Till I find some other man as interest- ing as he is, I shall never think of marriage. And really I am sure you will not take it in bad part if I say that I do not find you as interesting a man as my father.' The dis- comfited adorer did not take it amiss ; he smiled ruefully, and took his departure ; but, to his credit be it spoken, he remained Helena's friend. 95 CHAPTER V ' MY GREAT DEED WAS TOO GEEAT ' The luncheon hour was an important epoch of the day in the Langley house in Prince's Gate. The Langley luncheons were an in- stitution in London life ever since Sir Rupert bought the big Queen Anne house and made his daughter its mistress. Ashe said himself good-humouredly, he was a mere Roi Faineant in the place ; his daughter was the Mayor of the Palace, the real ruling power. Helena Langley ruled the great house with the most gracious autocracy. She had every- thing her own way and did everything in her own way. She was a little social Queen, witli a Secretary of State for her Prime Minister, 96 THE DICTATOR and she enjoyed her sovereignty exceedingly. One of the great events of her reign was the institution of what came to be known as the Langley kincheons. These kincheons differed from ordinary kincheons in this, that those who were bidden to them were in the first instance almost always interesting people — people who had done something more than merely exist, people who had some other claim upon human recognition than the claim of ancient name or of immense wealth. In the second place, the people who were bidden to a Langley luncheon were of the most varied kind, people of the most different camps in social, in political life. At the Langley table statesmen who hated each other across the floor of the House sat side by side in perfect amity. The heir to the oldest dukedom in England met there the latest champion of the latest phase of demo- cratic sociahsm ; the great tragedian from the 'J/F GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 97 Acropolis met the low comedian from the Levity on terms of as much equality as if they had met at the Macklin or the Call-Boy clubs ; the President of the Eoyal Academy was amused by, and afforded much amusement to, the newest child of genius fresh from Paris, with the slang of the Chat Xoir upon his lips and the scorn of les vieux in his heart. Whig and Tory, Catholic and Protestant, millionaire and bohemian, peer with a peerage old a Eunnymede and the latest working-man M.P., all came together under the regal republican- ism of Langley House. Someone said that a party at Langley House always suggested to him the Day of Judgment. On the afternoon of the morning on which Sir Eupert's card was left at Paulo's Hotel, various guests assembled for luncheon in Miss Langley's Japanese drawling-room. The guests were not numerous — the luncheons at Langley House were never large parties. VOL. I. H 98 THE DICTATOR Eight, including the host and hostess, was the number rarely exceeded ; eight, including the host and hostess, made up the number in this instance. Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn, the dis- tinguished and thoroughly respectable actor and actress, just returned from their tour in the United States ; the Duke and Duchess of Deptford — the Duchess was a young and pretty American woman ; Mr. Soarae Eivers, Sir ^Rupert's private secretary ; and Mr. Hiram Porringer, who had just returned from one ^expedition to the South Pole, and who was said to be organising another. When the ringing of a chime of bells from a Buddhist's temple announced luncheon, and everyone had settled down in the great oak room, where certain of the ancestral Langleys, gentlemen and ladies of the last century, whom Eeynolds and Gainsborough and Eomney and Eaeburn had painted, had been brought up from Queen's Langley at Helena's special 'MV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 99 wish, the company seemed to be under the special survey. There was one vice-admiral of the Eed who was leaning on a Doric pillar, with a spy-glass in his hand, apparently wholly indifferent to a terrific naval battle that was raging in the background ; all his shadowy attention seemed to be devoted to the mortals who moved and laughed below him. There was something in the vice-admiral which re- sembled Sir Eupert, but none of the lovely ladies on the wall were as beautiful as Helena. Mrs. Selwyn spoke with that clear, bell like voice which always enraptured an audience. Every assemblage of human beings was to her an audience, and she addressed them accordingly. Now, she practically took the stage, leaning forward between the Duke of Deptford and Hiram Borringer, and addressing Helena Langley. * My dear Miss Langley,' she said, ' do you H 2 loo THE DICTATOR know that something has surprised me to- day?' ' What is it ? ' Helena asked, turning away from Mr. Selwjm, to wliom she liad been talking. ' Why, I felt sure,' Mrs. Sehvyn went on, * to meet someone here to-day. I am quite disappointed — quite.' Everyone looked at Mrs. Selwyn with interest. She had the stage all to herself, and was enjoying the fact exceedingly. Helena o^azed at her with a note of interro^ifation in each of her bright eyes, and another in each corner of her sensitive mouth. ' I made perfectly sure that I should meet him here to-day. I said to Harry first thing this morning, Vhen I saw the name in the paper, ''Harry," I said, " we shall be sure to meet him at Sir^Eupert's this afternoon. Now did I not, Harry ? ' Mr. Selwyn, thus appealed to, admitted *MV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' loi that his wife had certainly made the remark she now quoted. Mrs. Selwyn beamed gratitude and affec- tion for his endorsement. Then she turned to Miss Langley again. ' Why isn't he here, my dear Miss Langley, why ? ' Then she added, ' You know you always have everybody before anybody else, don't you ? ' Helena shook her liead. ' I suppose it's very stupid of me,' she said, * but, really, I'm afraid I don't know who your " he " is. Is your " he " a hero ? ' Mrs. Selwyn laughed playfully. ' Oh, now your very words show that you do know whom I mean.' ' Indeed I don't.' ' \Yhy, that wonderful man whom you admire so much, the illustrious exile, the hero of the hour, the new Napoleon.' ' I know whom you mean,' said Soame 102 THE DICTATOR Elvers. ' You moan the Dictator of Gloria ? ' ' Of course. Whom else ? ' said Mrs. Selwyn, clapping her hands enthusiastically. The Duke gave a sigh of relief, and Hiram Borringer, who had been rather silent, seemed to shake himself into activity at the mention of Gloria. Mr. Selwyn said nothing, but watched his wife with the wondering admiration which some twenty years of married life had done nothing to diminish. The least trace of increased colour came into Helena's cheeks, but she returned Mrs. Selwyn's smiling glances composedly. ' The Dictator,' she said. ' Why did you expect to see him here to-day? ' ' Why, because I saw his name in the '^ Morning Post " this very morning. It said he had arrived in London last niglit from Paris. I felt morally certain that I should meet him here to-dav.' 'JfV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 103 ' I am sorry you should be disappointed,' Helena said, laughing, ' but perhaps we shall be able to make amends for the disappoint- ment another day. Papa called upon him this morning.' Sir Eupert, sitting opposite his daughter, smiled at this. 'Did I really?' he asked. ' I was not aware of it.' ' Oh, yes, you did, papa ; or, at least, I did for you.' Sir Eupert's face wore a comic expression of despair. ' Helena, Helena, why ? ' ' Because he is one of the most interesting men existing.' 'And because he is down on his luck, too,' said the Duchess. ' I guess that always appeals to you.' The beautiful American girl had not shaken off all the expressions of her fatherland. ' But, I say,' said Selwyn, who seemed to think that the subject called for statesmanlike 104 THE DICTATOR comment, ' lio^v will it do for a pillar of the Government to be extending tlie hand of fellowship ' ' To a defeated man,' interrupted Helena. ' Oh, that won't matter one bit. The affairs of Gloria are hardly likely to be a grave inter- national question for us, and in the meantime it is only showing a courtesy to a man who is at once an Em^lishman and a strami^er.' A slightly ironical ' Hear, hear,' came from Soame Eivers, who did not love enthu- siasm. Sir Rupert followed suit good-humouredly. ' Where is lie stopping ? ' asked Sir Eupert. ' At Paulo's Hotel, papa.' ' Paulo's Hotel,* said Mrs. Selwyn ; ' tliat seems to be quite the place for exiled poten- tates to put up at. The ex-King of Capri stopped there during his recent visit, and the chiefs from Mash on aland.' 'MV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 105 ' And Don Herrera de la Mancha, who claims the throne of Spain,' said the Duke. 'And the Eajah of Khandur,' added Mrs. Selwyn, ' and the Herzog of Hesse-Steinberg, and ever so many more illustrious personages. Why do they all go to Paulo's ? ' ' I can tell you,' said Soame Eivers. ' Be- cause Paulo's is one of the best hotels in Lon- don, and Paulo is a wonderful man. He knows how to make coffee in a way that wins a foreigner's heart, and he understands the cooking'of all sorts of eccentric foreign dishes ; and, though he is as rich as a Chicago pig- dealer, he looks after everything himself, and isn't in the least ashamed of having been a servant himself. I think he was a Portus^uese originally.* 'And our Dictator went there?' Mrs. Selwyn questioned. Soame Eivers answered her, ' Oh, it is the right thing to do ; it poses a distinguished io6 THE DICTATOR exile immediately. Quite the riglit thing. He was well advised.' 'If only he had been as well advised in other matters,' said Mr. Selwyn. Then Hiram Borringer, who had Intherto kept silent, after his wont, spoke. ' I knew him,' he said, ' some years ago, when I was in Gloria.' Everybody looked at once and with in- terest at the speaker. Hiram seemed slightly embarrassed at the attention he aroused ; but he was not allowed to escape from explana- tion. ' Did you really ? ' said Sir Eupert. ' How very interesting ! What sort of man did you fmd him ? ' Helena said nothing, but she fixed her dark eyes eagerly on Hiram's face and listened, with slightly parted lips, all expecta- tion. ' I found him a big man,' Hiram answered. *J/F GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 107 ' I don't mean big in bulk, for lie's not that ; but big in nature, the man to make an empire and boss it.' ' A splendid type of man,' said Mrs. Selwyn, clasping her hands enthusiastically. 'A man to stand at Ca3sar's side and give directions.' ' Quite so,' Hiram responded gravely ; ' quite so, madam. I met him first just before he was elected President, and that's ^^Q years ago.' 'Eather a curious tliinor makinor an Englishman President, wasn't it ? ' Mr. Selwyn inquired. At Sir Eupert's Mr. Selwyn always displayed a profound interest in all political questions. ' Oh, he is a naturalised citizen of Gloria, of course,' said Soame Eivers, deftly in- sinuatinor his knowleds^e before Hiram could reply. ' But I thought,' said the Duke, ' that in io8 THE DICTATOR those South American Eepiibhcs, as in the United States, a man has to be born in the country to attain to its highest office.' 'That is so,' said Hiram. 'Though I fancy his friends in Gloria wouldn't have stuck at a trifle like that just then. But as a matter of fact he was actually born in Gloria.' ' Was he really ? ' said Sir Eupert. ' How curious ! ' To which Mr. Selwyn added, ' And how convenient ; ' while Mrs. Selwyn inquired how it happened. ' Why, you see,' said Hiram, ' his father was English Consul at Yaldorado long ago, and he married a Spanish woman there, and the woman died, and the father seems to have taken it to heart, for he came home, bringing his baby boy with him. I believe the father died soon after he got home.' Sir Eupert's face had grown slightly graver. Soame Eivers guessed that he was 'MV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 109 thinking of liis own old loss. Helena felt a new thrill of interest in the man whose per- sonality already so much attracted her. Like her, he had hardly known a mother. 'Then was that considered enough?' the Duke asked. 'Was the fact of his havincr been born there, although the son of an English father, enoiigli, Avith subsequent naturalisation, to qualify him for the office of President P ' 'It was a pecuhar case,' said Hiram. ' The point had not been raised before. But, as he happened to have the army at liis back, it was concluded then that it would be most convenient for all parties to yield the point. But a good deal has been made of it since by his enemies.' 'I should imagine so,' said Sir Eupert. ' But it really is a very curious position, and I should not hke to say myself off-hand how it ought to be decided.' no THE DICTATOR ' The big battalions decided it in his case/ said Mrs. Selwyn. ' Are they big battalions in Gloria ? ' in- quired the Duke. ' Eelatively, yes,' Hiram answered. ' It wasn't very much of an army at that time, even for Gloria; but it w^ent solid for him. Now, of course, it's different.' ' How is it different ? ' This question came from Mr. Selwyn, who put it with an air of profound curiosity. Hiram explained. ' Why, you see, he in- troduced the conscription system. He told me he was going to do so, on the plan of some Prussian statesman.' ' Stein,' suggested Soame Elvers. ' Yery likely. Every man to take service for a certain time. Well, that made pretty well all Gloria soldiers ; it also made him a heap of enemies, and showed them how to make themselves unpleasant. I thought it 'MV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' in wasn't a good plan for him or them at the time.' ' Did you tell him so ? ' asked Sir Eupert. ' Well, I did drop him a hint or two of my ideas, but he wasn't the sort of man to take ideas from anybody. Not that I mean at all that my ideas were of any importance, but he wasn't that sort of man.' ' What sort of man was he, Mr. Borringer ? ' said Helena impetuously. ' What was he like, mentally, physically, every way ? That's what we want to know.' Hiram knitted his eyebrows, as he always did when he was slightly puzzled. He did not greatly enjoy haranguing the whole company in this way, and he partly re- gretted having confessed to any knowledge of the Dictator. But he was very fond of Helena, and he saw that she was sin- cerely interested in the subject, so he went on : 112 THE DICTATOR 'Well, I seem to be spinning quite a yarn, and I'm not much of a hand at painting a por- trait, but I'll do my best.' ' Shall we make it a game of twenty ques- tions ? ' Mrs. Selwyn suggested. ' We all ask you leading questions, and you answer them categorically.' Everyone laughed, and Soame Eivers sug- gested that they should begin by ascertaining his age, height, and fighting weight. ' Well,' said Hiram, ' I guess I can get out my facts without cross-examination.' He had lived a great deal in America, and his speech was full of American colloquialisms. For which reason the beautiful Dudiess hked him much. ' He's not very tall, but you couldn't call him short ; rather more than middling high ; perhaps looks a bit taller than he is, he carries himself so straight. He would have made a good soldier.' *MV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 113 ' He did make a good soldier,' the Duke suggested. ' That's true/ said Hiram thoughtftdly. 'I was thiaking of a man to whom soldiering was his trade, his only trade.' ' But you haven't half satisfied our curio- sity,' said Mrs. Selwyn. ' You have only told us that he is a little over the medium height, and that he bears him stiffly up. What of his eyes, what of his hair — his beard ? Does he discharge in either your straw-colour beard, your orange tawny beard, your purple-in-grain beard, or your French crown-coloured beard, your perfect yellow ? ' Hiram looked a little bewildered. ' I be^ your pardon, ma'am,' he said. The Duke came to the rescue. ' Mrs. Selwyn's Shakespearean quotation expresses all our sentiments, Mr. Eorringer. Give us a faithful picture of the hero of the hour.' VOL. I. I 114 THE DICTATOR 'As for liis luiir and beard,' Hiram re- sumed, ' why, they are pretty mucli like most people's hair and beard — a fairish brown — and his eyes matcli them. He has very much tlie sort of favour you might expect from the son of a very fair-haired man and a dark woman. His father was as fair as a Scandinavian, he told me once. He vras descended from some old Danish Viking, he said.' 'That helps to explain his belligerent Ber- serker disposition,' said Sir Paipert. 'A fine type,' said the Duke pensively, and Mr. Selwyn cauglit him up with ' The fmest type in the world. The sort of men who have made our empire what it is ; ' and he added somewhat confusedly, for his wife's eyes were fixed upon him, and he felt afraid that he was overdoing his part, ' Hawkins, Frobisher, Drake, Eodney, you know.' 'But,' said Helena, who had been very silent, for lier, during the interrogation of 'MV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 115 Hiram, ' I do not feel as if I quite know all I want to know yet.' ' The noble thirst for knowledge does you credit, Miss Langley,' said Soame Pavers pertly. Miss Langley laughed at him. ' Yes, I want to know all about him. He interests me. He has done somethincf ; he casts a shadow, as somebody has said some- where. I like men who do something, who cast, shadows instead of sitting in other people's shadows.' Soame Pavers smiled a little sourly, and there was a suggestion of acerbity in his voice as he said in a low tone, as if more to himself than as a contribution to the o:eneral conver- sation, ' He has cast a decided shadow over Gloria.' He did not quite like Helena's in- terest in the dethroned Dictator. ' He made Gloria worth talking about ! ' Helena retorted. ' Tell me, Mr. Borringer, how did he happen to get to Gloria at all? I 2 i:6 THE DICTATOR How did it come in liis way to be President and Dictator and all that ? * ' Eebellion lay in his way and he found it,' Mrs. Selvvyn suggested, whereupon Soame Elvers tapped her playfully upon the wrist, carrying on tlie quotation witli the words of Prince Hal, ' Peace, chewit, peace.' Mr. Soame Elvers was a very free-and-easy young gentle- man, occasionally, and as he was a son of Lord Eiverstown, much might be forgiven to him. Hiram, always sliglitly bewildered by the quotations of Mrs. Sehvyn and the badinage of Soame Eivers, decided to ignore them both, and to address himself entirely to Miss Langley. ' Sorry to say I can't help you much. Miss Langley. When I was in Gloria five years ao-o I found liim there, as I said, runninop for President. He had been a nationalised citizen there for some time, I reckon, but how he got so much to the front I don't know.' *J/F GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 117 ' Doesn't a strons^ man always c^ct to the front ? ' the Ducliess asked. ' Yes,' said Hiram, ' I guess that's so. Well, I happened to get to know him, and we became a bit friendly, and we had many a pleasant chat together. He was as frank as frank, told me all his plans. " I mean to make this little old place move," he said to me.' ' Well, he has made it move,' said Helena. She was immensely interested, and her eyes dilated with excitement. 'A httle too fast, perhaps,' said Hiram meditatively. ' I don't know. Anyhow, he had thinofs all his own wav for a oroodish spell.' 'What did he do when he had things his own way? ' Helena asked impatiently. 'Well, he tried to introduce reforms ' 'Yes, I knew he would do that,' the girl said, with the proud air of a sort of owner- ship. ii8 THE DICTATOR ' You seem to have known all about liim,' Mrs. Selwyn said, smiling loftily, sweetly, as at the romantic enthusiasm of youth. ' Well, so I do somehow,' Helena answered ahnost sharply ; certainly with impatience. She was not thinking of Mrs. Selwyn. ' Now, Mr. BorriuG^er, ^o on — about his reforms.' ' He seemed to have c^otten a kind of notion about making things Enghsli or American. He abolished flogging of criminals and all sorts of old-fashioned ways ; and he tried to reduce taxation ; and he put down a sort of remnant of slavery that was still hanging round ; and he wanted to give free land to all the emancipated folks ; and he wanted to have an equal suffrage to all men, and to do away with corruption in the public oflices and the civil service ; and to compel the judges not to take bribes ; and all sorts of things. I am afraid he wanted to do a good deal too much 'MV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 119 reform for what you folks would call tlie frovernin(? classes out tliere. I tliou^-ht so at the time. He was riglit, you know,' Hiram said meditatively, ' but, then, I am mightily afraid he was riglit in a wrong sort of way.' 'He was right, anyhow,' Helena said, triumphanth'. • S'pose he was,' said Hiram ; ' but things have to go slow, don't you see ? ' ' Well, what happened ? ' ' I don't rightly know how it all came about exactl}" ; but I guess all the privileged classes, as you call them here, got their backs up, and all tlie officials went dead against him ' ' ]\Iy great deed was too great,' Helena said. 'What is that, Helena?' her father asked. ' It's from a poem by iMrs. Browning, about I20 THE DICTATOR another dictator ; but more true of my Dictator than of hers,' Helena answered. ' Well,' Iliram went on, ' tlie opposition soon be(][an to grumble ' 'Some people are always giiiinbling,' said Soame Elvers. ' What should we do without them ? Where should we get our independent opposition ? ' ' Where, indeed,' said Sir Eupert, with a sigh of humorous pathos. 'Well,' said Helena, ' what did the opposi- tion do ? ' ' Made themselves nasty,' answered Iliram. ' Stirred up discontent against the foreigner, as they called him. lie found his congress hard to handle. There were votes of censure and talks of impeachment, and I don't know what else. He went right ahead, his own way, without paying them the least attention. Then they took to refusing to vote his neces- sary supplies for the army and navy. He MV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 121 managed to get the money in spite of them ; but whether he lost his temper, or not, I can't say, but he took it into his head to declare that the constitution was endangered by the machinations of uiiscrupidous enemies, and to declare himself Dictator.' 'That was brave,' said Helena, enthusiast!- c-ally. ' Eather rash, wasn't it?' sneered Soarae Eivers. ' It may Iiave been rash, and it may not,' Hiram answered meditatively. ' I believe he was within the strict letter of tlie constitution, which does empower a President to take such a step under certain conditions. But the opposition meant fighting. So they rebelled against the Dictator, and that's how the bother began. How it ended you all know\' ' Where were the people all this time .^ * Helena asked eagerly. 122 THE DICTATOR ' 1 guess tlie people didn't understand much about it tlien,' Iliram answered. ' My great deed was too great,' Helena murmured once ai]^ain. ' The usual thing,' said Soame Elvers. ' Victory to begin with, and the confi- dence born of victory ; then defeat and dis- aster.' ' The story of those tliree days' fighting in Yaldorado is one of the most rattlino; thin^^s in recent times,' said the Duke. ' Was it not ? ' said Helena. ' I read every word of it every day, and I did want him to win so much.' ' Kobody could be more sorry that you were disappointed than he, I should imagine,' said Mrs. Selwyn. ' What puzzles me,' said Mr. Selwyn, 'is why when they had got him in their ]30wer they didn't shoot him.' ' Ah, you see he was an Englisliman by 'MV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 123 family,' Sir Paipert explained; 'and tliongh, of course, he had changed his nationality, I think the Congressionalists ^vere a little afraid of arousing any kind of feeling in Eng^land.' ' As a matter of fact, of course,' said Soame Eivers, ' we shouldn't have dreamed of making any row if they had shot him or hanged him, for the matter of that.' 'You can never tell,' said the Duke. ' Somebody might Jiave raised the Civis Romanus cry ' Yes, but he wasn't any longer civis Eomanus,' Soame Pavers objected. ' Do you think that would matter much if a cry was wanted against the Government ? ' the Duke asked, with a smile. 'Xot much, I'm afraid,' said Sir Rupert. ' But whatever their reasons, I think the vic- tors did the wisest thing possible in putting their man on board their big ironclad, the 124 THE DICTATOR "Alinirante Cochrane/' and setting him ashore at Cherbourg.' ' With a pohte intimation, I presume, that if he again returned to the territory of Gloria he would be shot without form of trial,' added Soame Eivers. 'But he will return,' Helena said. 'He will, I am sure of it, and perhaps they may not find it so easy to shoot him then as they think now. A man like that is not so easily got rid of.' Helena spoke with great animation, and her earnestness made Sir Eupert smile. ' K that is so,' said Soame Eivers, ' they would have done better if they had shot him out of hand.' Helena looked slightly annoyed as she replied quickly, 'He is a strong man. I wish there were more men like him in the world.' 'Well,' said Sir Eupert, 'I suppose we shall all see him soon and judge for ourselves. 'MV GREAT DEED WAS TOO GREAT' 125 Helena seems to have made up her mind already. Shall we go upstairs ? ' ' My great deed was too great ' held pos- session that day of tlie mind and heart of Helena Langley. 126 THE DICTATOR CHAPTER YI ' HERE IS MY THRONE — BID KINGS COME BOW TO IT ' London, eager for a lion, lionised Ericson. That ro^^al sport of lion-hunting, practised in old times by kings in Babylon and Nineveh, as those strancfe monuments in the British Museum bear witness, is the favourite sport of fashionable London to-day. And just at that moment London lacked its regal quarry. The latest traveller from Darkest Africa, the latest fugitive pretender to authority in France, had slipped out of the popular note and the favours of the Press. Ericson came in good time. There was a gaji, and he filled it. 'HERE IS MY THRO.XE' 127 He found himself, to his amazement and his amusement, the hero of the hour. Invita- tions of all kinds showered upon him ; the gates of great houses yawned wide to welcome him ; had he been gifted like Keliama with the power of multiplying Lis personality, he could scarcely have been able to accept every invitation that was thrust upon him. But he did accept a great many ; indeed, it might be said tliat he had to accept a great many. Had he Lad his ou'n way, he might, perLaps, have buried himself in Hampstead, and enjoyed the company of his aunt and the mild society of Mr. Gilbert Sarrasin. But the impetuous, indomitable Hamilton would hear of no inaction. He insisted, copying a famous phrase of Lord Beaconsfield's, that the key of Gloria was in London. ' We must make friends,' he said; 'we must keep our- selves in evidence ; we must never for a moment allow our claim to be foro:otten, or 128 THE DICTATOR our interests to be ignored. If we are ever to get back to Gloria we must make the most of our inevitable exile.' The Dictator smiled at the enthusiasm of his young henchman. Hamilton was tremen- dously enthusiastic. A young Englishman of higli family, of education, of some means, he had attached himself to Ericson years before at a time when Hamilton, fresh from the University, was taking that complement to a University career — a trip round the world, at a time when Ericson was iust bes^innino^ that course of reform which had ended for the present in London and Paulo's Hotel. Hamilton's enthusiasm often proved to be practical. Like Ericson, he was full of great ideas for the advancement of mankind ; lie had swallowed all Socialisms, and had almost believed, before he fell in with Ericson, that he had elaborated the secret of social govern- ment. But his wide knowledge was of 'HERE IS MY THROXE' 129 service ; and his devotion to tlie Dictator showed itself of sterling stuff on that day in the Plaza Nacional when he saved his life from the insurgents. If the Dictator some- times smiled at Hamilton's enthusiasm, he often allowed himself to yield to it. Just for the moment he was a little sick of the whole business ; the inevitable bitterness that tino-es a man's heart who has striven to be 0^ service, and who has been misunderstc^od. had laid hold of him ; there were time.c' when he felt that he would let the whole thing go and make no further effort. Then it was tliat Hamilton's enthusiasm j^roved so useful, that Hamilton's restless energy in keeping in touch wuth the friends of the fallen man roused him and stimulated him. He had made many friends now in London. Both the great political parties were civil to him, especially, perhaps, the Conservatives. Being in power, they could VOL. I. K I30 THE DICTATOR not make an overt declaration of their inte- rest in him, but just then the Tory Party was experiencing one of those emotional waves which at times sweep over its consciousness, when it feels called upon to exalt the banner of progress ; to play the old Eoman part of lifting lip the humble and casting down the proud ; of showing a paternal interest in all i^ianner of schemes for the redress of wrong and suffering everywhere. Somehow or other it had got it into its head that Ericson was a man after its own heart ; that he was a kind of new Gordon ; that his gallant determination to make the people of Gloria happy in spite of themselves was a proof of the application of Tory methods. Sir Eupert encouraged this idea. As a rule, his party were a httle afraid of his advanced ideas ; but on this occasion they were willing to accept them, and they manifested the friend- liest interest in the Dictator's defeated 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 131 schemes. Indeed, so friendly were they that many of the Eadicals began to take alarm, and think that something must be wrong with a man who met with so cordial a reception from the ruling party. Ericson himself met these overtures con- tentedly enough. If it was for the good of Gloria that he should return some day to carry out his dreams, then anything that helped him to return was for the good of Gloria too, and undoubtedly the friendliness of the IMinisterialists was a very im^Dortant factor in the problem he was engaged upon. He did not know at first how much Tory feeUng was influenced by Sir Eupert ; he did not know until later how much Sir Eupert was influenced by his daughter. Helena had aroused in her father some- tliing of her own enthusiasm for the exiled Dictator. Sir Eupert had looked into the whole business more carefully, had recognised K 3 131 THE DICTATOR til it It certainly would be vei'y mujli better for the interests of British subjects under the green and yellow banner that Gloria should be ruled by an Englishman like Ericson than by the wild and reckless Junta, who at present upheld uncertain authority by martial law. England had recognised the Junta, of course ; it was the de facto Govern- ment, and there was nothing else to be done. But it was not managing its affairs well ; the credit of the country was shaken ; its trade was gravely impaired ; the very considerable English colony was loud in its protests against the defects of the new regime. Under these conditions Sir Eupert saw no reason for not extending the hand of friend- ship to the Dictator. He did extend the hand of friendship. He met the Dictator at a dinner-party given in his honour by Mr. Wynter, M.P. : Mr. Wynter, who had always made it a point to 'HERE IS M\ THROXE' 133 know everybody, and wlio was as friendly with Sir Piupert as with the chieftains of his own party. Sir Eupert had expressed to Wynter a wish to meet Ericson ; so when the dinner came off he found himself placed at the right- hand side of Ericson, who was at his host's right-hand side. The two men got on well from the hrst. Sir Paipert was attracted by the fresh unselfishness of Ericson, by some- thing still youthful, still simple, in a man who had done and endured so much, and be made himself agreeable, as he only knew how, to his neiglibour. Ericson, for his part, was frankly pleased with Sir Paipert. He was a little surprised, perhaps, at first to find that Sir Eupert's opinions coincided so largely with bis own ; that their views of govern- ment agreed on so many important par- ticulars. He did not at first discover that it was Ericson's unconstitutional act in en- forcing his reforms, rather than the actual ■134 THE DICTATOR reforms themselves, that aroused Sir Eupert's admiration. Sir Eiipert was a good talker, a master of the manipulation of words, know- ing exactly how much to say in order to convey to the mind of his listener a very de- cided impression without actually committing himself to any pledged opinion. Ericson was a shrewd man, but in such delicate dialectic he was not a match for a man like Sir Kupert. Sir Eupert asked the Dictator to dinner, and the Dictator went to the great house in Queen's Gate and was presented to Helena, and was placed next to her at dinner, and thought her very pretty and original and attractive, and enjoyed himself very much. Ho found himself, to his half-unconscious surprise, still young enougli and human enough to be pleased with the attention people were paying him — above all, that he was still young enough and human enough to 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 135 be pleased with the very obvious homage of a charming young woman. For Helena's homage was very obvious indeed. Accus- tomed always to do what she pleased, and say what she pleased, Helena, at three-and- twenty, had a frankness of manner, a straight- forwardness of speecli, which her friends called original and her detractors called audacious. She would argue, unabashed, with the great leader of the party on some high point of foreign policy ; she would talk to the great chieftain of Opposition as if he were her elder brother. People who did not understand her said that she was forward, that she had no reserve ; even people who understood her, or thought they did, were sometimes a little startled by her careless directness. Soame Pavers once, when he was irritated by her, which occasionally happened, though he generally kept his irritation to himself, said that she had a ' slap on the 136 THE DICTATOR back' way of treating her friends. The remark was not kind, but it happened to be fairly accurate, as unkind remarks sometimes are. But from the first Helena did not treat the Dictator with the same brusque spirit of camaraderie which she showed to most of her friends. Her admiration for the public man, if it had been very enthusiastic, was very sincere. She had, from the first time that Ericson's name began to appear in the daily papers, felt a keen interest in the adventurous Englishman who was trying to introduce free institutions and advanced civili- sation into one of the worm-eaten republics of the New World. As time went on, and Ericson's doings became more and more con- spicuous, the girl's admiration for the lonely pioneer waxed higher and higher, till at last she conjured up for herself an image of heroic chivalry as romantic in its way as anything 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 137 that could be evolved from tlie dreams of a sentimental schoolgirl. To reform the world — was not that always England's mission, if not especially the mission of her own party ? — and liere was an Englishman fighting for reform in that feverish place, and endeavour- ing to make his people happy and prosperous and civilised, by methods which certainly seemed to have more in common with the benevolent despotism of the Tory Party than with the theories of the Opposition. Bit by bit it came to pass that Helena Langley grew to look upon Ericson over there in that queer, ebullient corner of new Spain, as her ideal hero ; and so it happened that when at last she met her hero in the flesh for the first time her frank audacity seemed to desert her. Not that she showed in the slightest degree embarrassment when Sir Paipert first presented to her the grave man with the i38 THE DICTATOR earnest e^^es, whose pointed beard and brown hair were both shghtly touched with grey. Only those who knew Helena well could pos- sibly have told that she was not absolutely at her ease in the presence of the Dictator. Ericson himself thought her the most self- possessed young lady he had ever met, and to him, familiar as he was with the exquisite effrontery belonging to the New Castilian dames of Gloria, self-possession in young women was a recognised fact. Even Sir Eupert himself scarcely noticed anything that he would have called shyness in his daughter's demeanour as she stood talking to the Dictator, with her large fine eyes fixed in composed gaze upon his face. But Soame Eivers noticed a difference in her bearing ; he was not her father, and he was accustomed to watch every tone of her speech and every movement of her eyes, and he saw that she was not entirely herself in the company of 'HERE IS MY THRO.\E' 139 the ' new man,' as he called Ericson ; and seeing it he felt a pang, or at least a prick, at the heart, and sneered at himself immediately in consequence. But he edged up to Helena just before the pairing took place for dinner, and said softly to her, so that no one else could hear, ' You are shy to-night. Why ? ' — and moved away smiling at the angry flash of her eyes and the compression of her mouth. Possibly the words of Elvers may have affected her more than she was willing to admit ; but she certainly was not as self- composed as usual during that first dinner. Her wit flashed vivaciously ; the Dictator thought her brilliant, and even rather bewil- dering. If anyone had said to him that Helena Langley was not absolutely at her ease with him, he would have stared in amazement. For himself, he was not at all dismayed by the brilhant, beautiful girl who 140 THE DICTATOR sat next to him. The lonj^ habit of intercourse with all kinds of people, under all kinds of conditions, had given him the experience which enabled him to be at his ease under any circumstances, even the most unfamiliar, and certainly talking to Helena Langley was an experience that had no precedent in the Dictator's hfe. But lie talked to her readily, with great pleasure ; he felt a little surprise at her obvious w^illinc^ness to talk to him and accept his judgment upon many things; but he set this down as one of the few agree- able conditions attendant upon being lionised, and accepted it gratefully. ' I am the newest thing,' he thought to himself, ' and so this child is interested in me and consequently civil to me. Probably she will have forgotten all about me the next time we meet ; in the meanwhile she is very charming.' The Dictator had even been about to suggest to himself that he might possibly forget all about 'HERE IS MY THROXE' 141 her ; but somehow this did not seem very likely, and he dismissed it. He did not see very much of Helena that night after the dinner. Many people came in, and Helena was surrounded by a little court of adorers, men of all ages and occupations, statesmen, soldiers, men of letters, all eagerly talking a kind of talk which was almost unin- telli<2^ible to the Dictator. In that bric^ht Babel of voices, in that conversation which was full of allusions to thinirs of which he knew nothing, and for which, if he had known, he would have cared less, the Dictator felt his sense of exile suddenly come strongly upon him like a great chill wave. It was not that he could feel neglected. A great states- man was talking to him, talking at much length confidentially, paying him the compli- ment of repeatedly inviting his opinion, and of deferring to his judgment. There was not a man or woman in the room who was not 142 THE DICTATOR anxious to be introduced to Ericson, who was not delighted when the introduction was accorded, and when he or she had taken his hand and exchanged a few words with him. But somehow it was Helena's voice that seemed to thrill in the Dictator's ears ; it was Helena's face that his eyes wandered to through all that brilhant crowd, and it was with something like a sense of serious regret that he found himself at last taking her hand and wishing her good-night. Her bright eyes grew brighter as she expressed the hope that they should meet soon again. The Dictator bowed and withdrew. He felt in his heart that he shared the hope very strongly. The hope was certainly realised. So notable a lion as the Dictator was asked everywhere, and everywhere that he went he met the Langleys. In the high political and social life in which the Dictator, to his 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 143 entertainment, found himself, the hostihties of warring parties had Httle or no effect. In that rarefied air it was hard to draw the breath of party passion, and the Dictator came across the Langleys as often in the houses of the Opposition as in Ministerial mansions. So it came to pass that some- thing almost approaching to an intimacy sprang up between John Ericson on the one part and Sir Eupert and Helena Langley on the other. Sir Eupert felt a real interest in the adventurous man with the eccentric ideas ; perhaps his presence recalled something of Sir Eupert's own hot youth when he had had eccentric ideas and was looked upon with alarm by the steady-going. Helena made no concealment of her interest in the exile. She was always so frank in her friend- ships, so off-hand and boyish in her air of comradeship with many people, that her attitude towards the Dictator did not strike 144 THE DICTATOR any one, except Soame Elvers, as being in the least marked — for her. Indeed, most of her admirers would have held that slie was more reserved with the Dictator than with others of her friends. Soame Pavers saw that there was a difference in her bearing towards the Dictator and towards the courtiers of her little court, and he smiled cynically and pretended to be amused. Ericson's acquaintance with the Langleys ripened into that rapid intimacy which is sometimes possible in London. At the end of a week he had met them many times and had been twice to their house. Helena had always insisted that a friendship whicli was worth anything should declare itself at once, should blossom quickly into being, and not grow by slow stages. She offered the Dic- tator her friendship very frankly and very graciously, and Ericson accepted very frankly the gracious gift. For it dehghted him, tired 'HERE IS MY THROXE' 145 as he was of all the strife and struggle of the last few years, to find rest and sympathy in the friendship of so charming a girl ; the cordial sympathy she showed him came like a balm to the hiimiUation of his overthrow. He liked Helena, he liked her father ; though he had known them but for a handful of days, it always delighted him to meet them ; he always felt in their society that he was in tlie society of friends. One evening, when Ericson had been little more than a month in London, he found himsalf at an evening party given by Lady Seagraves. Lady Seagraves was a wonderful woman — ' the fine flower of our modern civilisation,' Soame Elvers called her. Every- body came to her house ; she delighted in contrasts ; life was to her one prolonged antithesis. Soame Pavers said of her parties that they resembled certain early Italian pictures, which gave you the mythological VOL. I. L 146 THE DICTATOR gods in one place, a battle in another, a scene of pastoral peace in a third. It was an astonishing amalgam. Ericson arrived at Lady Seagraves' house rather late ; the rooms were very full — he found it difficult to get up the great staircase. There had been some great Ministerial function, and the dresses of many of the men in the croAvd were as bright as the women's. Court suits, ribands, and orders lent additional colour to a richly coloured scene. But even in a crowd where everybody bore some claim to distinction the arrival of the Dictator aroused general attention. Ericson was not yet sufficiently hardened to the experience to be altogether indifTerent to the fact that every- one was looking at him ; tliat people were whispering liis name to each other as he slowly made his way from stair to stair ; that pretty women paused in their upward or downward progress to look at him, and 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 147 invariably with a look of admiration for his grave, handsome face. When he got to the top of the stairs Ericson found his hostess, and shook hands with her. Lady Seagraves was an effusive woman, who was always delighted to see any of her friends ; but she felt a special delight at seeing the Dictator, and she greeted him with a special effusiveness. Her party was chokiug with celebrities of all kinds, social, political, artistic, legal, clerical, dramatic ; but it would not have been entirely trium- phant if it had not included the Dictator. Lady Seagraves was very glad to see him indeed, and said so in her warm, enthusiastic way. ' I'm so glad to see you,' Lady Seagraves murmured. ' It was so nice of you to come. I was beginning to be desperately afraid that you had forgotten all about me and my poor httle party.' i2 148 THE DICTATOR It was one of Lady Seagraves' graceful little afTectations to pretend that all her parties were small parties, almost partak- ing of the nature of impromptu festivities. Ericson glanced around over the great room crammed to overflowing with a crowd of men and women who could hardly move, men and women most of whose faces were famous or beautiful, men and women all of whom, as Soame Elvers said, had their names in tlie play-bill ; there was a smile on his face as he turned his eyes from the brilliant mass to Lady Seagraves' face. ' How could I forget a promise which it gives me so much pleasure to fulfd ? ' he asked. Lady Seagraves gave a little cry of delight. ' ^ow that's perfectly sweet of you ! How did you ever learn to say such pretty things in that dreadful place .^ Oh, but of course ; I forgot Spaniards pay compliments to per- 'HERE IS MY THROXE' 149 fection, and you have learnt the art from them, you frozen Xortherner.' Ericson laughed. ' I am afraid I should never rival a Spaniard in compliment,' lie said. He never knew quite what to talk to Lady Seagraves about, but, indeed, there was no need for him to trouble himself, as Lady Seagraves could at all times talk enough for two more. So he just listened while Lady Seagraves rattled on, sending his glance hither and thither in that glittering assembl}', seeking almost unconsciously for one face. He saw it almost immediately ; it was the face of Helena Langley, and her eyes were fixed on him. She was standino- in the throm^ at some little distance from him, talking to Soame Elvers, but she nodded and smiled to the Dictator. At that moment the arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Deptford set Ericson free from I50 THE DICTATOR the ripple of Lady Seagraves' conversation. She turned to greet the new arrivals, and the Dictator began to edge his way through the press to where Helena was standing. Though she was only a little distance off, his progress was but slow progress. The rooms were tightly packed, and almost every person he met knew him and spoke to him, or shook hands with him, but he made his way steadily forward. ' Here comes the illustrious exile ! ' said Soame Elvers, in a low tone. ' I suppose nobody will have a chance of saying a word to you for the rest of the evening ? ' Miss Langley glanced at him with a little frown. ' I am afraid I can scarcely hope that Mr. Ericson will consent to be monopo- lised by me for the whole of the evening,' she said ; ' but I wish he would, for he is certainly the most interesting person here.' Soame Pavers shrugiied his shoulders 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 151 slightly. ' You always know someone who is the most interesting man in the world — for the time being,' he said. Miss Langley frowned again, but she did not reply, for by this time Ericson had reached her, and was holding out his hand. She took it with a bright smile of welcome, Soame Eivers slipped away in the crowd, after nodding to Ericson. ' I am so glad that you have come,' Helena said. 'I was beginning to fear that you were not coming.' ' It is very kind of you,' the Dictator began, but Miss Langley interrupted him. ' Xo, no ; it isn't kind of me at all ; it is just natural selfishness. I want to talk to you about several things ; and if you hadn't come I should have been disappointed in my purpose, and I hate being disappointed.' The Dictator still persisted that any mark of interest from Miss Langley was kindness. 152 THE DICTATOR * What do you want to talk to me about particularly ? ' he asked. 'Oh, many things I But Ave can't talk in this awful crusli. It's like trying to stand up against big billows on a storm}^ day. Come with me. There is a quieter place at the back, where we shall have a chance of peace.' She turned and led the way slowly through the crowd, the Dictator following her obediently. Once again the progress was a slow one, for every man had a word for Miss Langley, and he himself was eagerly caught at as they drifted along. But at last they got through the greater crush of the centre rooms and found themselves in a kind of lull in a further saloon where a piano was, and where there were fewer people. Out of this room there was a still smaller one with several palms in it, and out of the palms arising a great bronze reproduction of the 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 153 Hermes of Praxiteles. Lady Seagraves play- fully called this little room her Pagan parlour. Here people who knew the house well found their way when they wanted quiet conversa- tion. There was nobody in it when Miss Langley and the Dictator arrived. Helena sat down on a sofa with a sii^h of relief, and Ericson sat down beside her. 'What a dehghtful change from all that awful noise and glare ! ' said Helena. ' I am very fond of this little corner, and I think Lady Seagraves regards it as especially sacred to me.' ' I am grateful for being permitted to cross the hallowed threshold,' said the Dic- tator. ' Is this the tutelary divinity ? ' And he glanced up at the bronze image. ' Yes,' said Miss Langley ; ' that is a copy of the Hermes of Praxiteles which was dis- covered at Olympia some years ago. It is the right thing to worship.' 154 THE DICTATOR ' One so seldom worships the right thing — at least, at the right time,' he said. ' I worship the right thing, I know,' she rejoined, ' but I don't quite know about the right time.' ' Your instincts would be sure to guide you right,' he answered, not indeed quite knowing what he was talking about. ' Why ? ' she asked, point blank. ' Well, I suppose I meant to say that you have nobler instincts than most other people.' ' Come, you are not trying to pay me a compliment ? I don't want compliments ; I hate and detest them. Leave them to stupid and uninteresting men.' ' And to stupid and uninteresting women ? ' ' Another try at a compliment ! ' ' No ; I felt that.' 'Well, anyhow, I did not entice you in 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 155 here to hear anythmg about myself; I know all about myself.' ' Indeed,' he said straightforwardly, ' I do not care to pay compliments, and I should never think of wearying you with them. I believe I hardly quite knew what I was talk- ing about just now.' ' Very well ; it does not matter. I want to hear about you. I want to know all about you. I want you to trust in me and treat me as your friend.' ' But what do you want me to tell you ? ' ' About yourself and your projects and everything. Will you ? ' The Dictator was a little bewildered by the girl's earnestness, her energy, and the perfect simplicity of her evident belief that she was saying nothing unreasonable. She saw reluctance and hesitation in his eyes. ' You are very young,' he began. ' Too young to be trusted ? ' 156 THE DICTATOR * No, I (lid not say that! * But your look said it.' ' My look then mistranslated my feeling.* ' What did you feel ? ' ' Surprise, and interest, and gratitude.' She tossed her head impatiently. ' Do you think I can't understand .^ ' she asked, in her impetuous way — her imperial way with most others, but only an impetuous way with him. For most others with whom she was familiar she was able to control and be familiar with, but she could only be im- petuous with the Dictator. Indeed, it was the high tide of her emotion which carried her away so far as to fling her in mere im- petuousness against him. The Dictator was silent for a moment, and then he said : ' You don't seem much more than a child to me.' * Oh ! Why ? Do you not know ? — I am twenty-three 1 ' 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 157 ' I am twenty-three,' the Dictator mur- mured, looking at her with a kindly and half-melancholy interest. ' You are twenty- three ! Well, there it is — do you not see, Miss Langley ? ' ' There what is ? ' ' There is all the difference. To be twenty-three seems to you to make you quite a grown-up person.' ' What else should it make me ? I have been of age for tw^o years. What am I but a grown-up person ? ' ' Not in my sense,' he said placidly. ' You see, I have gone through so much, and lived so many lives, that I begin to feel quite like an old man already. Why, I might have had a daughter as old as you.' ' Oh, stuff! ' the audacious young woman interposed. ' Stuff? How do you know ? ' ' As if I hadn't read lives of you in all the 1 58 THE DICTATOR papers and magazines and I don't know what. I can tell you your birthday if you wish, and the year of your birth. You are quite young — in my eyes.' 'You are kind to me,' he said, gravely, ' and I am quite sure that I look at my very best in your eyes.' ' You do indeed,' she said ferventl}^ grate- fully. ' Still that does not prevent me from being twenty years older ilian you.' 'All right ; but would you refuse to talk frankly and sensibly about yourself? — sensibly, I mean, as one talks to a friend and not as one talks to a child. Would you re- fuse to talk in that way to a young man merely because you were twenty years older than he ? ' ' I am not much of a talker,' he said, ' and I very much doubt if I should talk to a young 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 159 man at all about my projects, unless, of course, to my friend Hamilton.' Helena turned half away disappointed. It was of no use, then — she was not his friend. He did not care to reveal himself to her ; and yet she thought she could do so much to help him. She felt that tears were beginning to gather in her eyes, and she would not for all the world that he should see them. ' I thought we were friends,' slie said, giving out the words very much as a child might give them out — and, indeed, her heart was much more as that of a little child than she herself knew or than he knew then ; for she had not the least idea that she was in love or likely to be in love with the Dictator. Her free, energetic, wild-falcon spirit had never as yet troubled itself with thoughts of such kind. She had made a hero for herself out of the Dictator — she almost adored him ; but it was i6o THE DICTATOR with the most genuine hero-worship— or fetish worship, if that be the better and harsher way of putting it — and she liad never thought of being in love with him. Her highest ambition up to this hour was to be his friend and to be admitted to his confidence, and — oh, happy recognition ! — to be consulted by him. When she said ' I tliought we were friends,' she jumped up and went towards the window to hide the emotion which she knew was only too likely to make itself felt. The Dictator got up and followed her. ' We are friends,' he said. She looked brightly round at him, but perhaps he saw in her eyes that she had been feeling a keen disappointment. ' You think my professed friendsliip mere girlish inquisitiveness — you know you do,' she said, for she was still angry. * Indeed I do not,' he said earnestly. ' I have had no friendship since I came back an 'HERE IS MY THRONE' i6i outcast to England — no friendship like that given to me by you ' She turned round delightedly to^vards him. ' And by your father.' And again, she could not tell why, she turned partly away. ' But the truth is,' he went on to say, ' I have no clearly defined plans as yet.' ' You don't mean to give in ? ' she asked eagerly. He smiled at her impetuosity. She blushed slightly as she saw his smile. ' Oh, I know,' she exclaimed, ' yoii think me an impertinent schoolgirl, and you only laugh at me.' ' I do nothing of the kind. It is only too much of a pleasure to me to talk to you on terms of friendship. Look here, I wish we could do as people used to do in the old melodramas, and swear an eternal friendship.' VOL. I. M i62 THE DICTATOR ' I swear an eternal friendship to you,' she exclaimed, ' whether you like it or not,' and, obeying the wild impulse of the hour, she held out both her hands. He took them both in his, held them for just one instant, and then let them go. ' I accept the friendship,' he said, with a quiet smile, ' and I reciprocate it with all my heart.' Helena was already growing a little alarmed at her own impulsiveness and effusiveness. But there was something in the Dictator's quiet, grave, and protecting way which always seemed to reassure her. ' He will be sure to understand me,' was the vague thought in her mind. Assuredly the Dictator now thought lie did understand her. He felt satisfied tliat her enthusiasm was the enthusiasm of a generous girl's friendship, and that she thought about him in no other way. He had learned to like 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 163 her companionsliip, and to think much of her fresh, courageous intellect, and even of her practical good sense. He had no doubt that he should find her advice on many things worth having. His battlefield just now and for some time to come must be in London — in the London of finance and diplomacy. ' Come and sit down again,' the Dictator said ; ' I will tell you all I know — and I don't know much. I do not mean to give up, Miss Langley. I am not a man who gives up — I am not built that way.' ' Of course I knew,' Helena exclaimed tri- umphantly ; ' I knew you would never give up. You couldn't.' ' I couldn't — and I do not believe I ought to give up. I am sure I know better how to provide for the future of Gloria than — than — well, than Gloria knows herself — just now. I believe Gloria will want me back.' ' Of course she will want you back when M 2 i64 THE DICTATOR she comes to her senses,' Helena said with sparkhng eyes. ' I don't blame her for having a little lost her senses under the conditions — it was all too new, and I was too hasty. I was too much inspired by the ungoverned energy of the new broom. I should do better now if I had the chance.' ' You will have the chance — you must have it ! ' ' Do you promise it to me ?' he asked with a kindly smile. ' I do — I can — I know it will come to you ! ' ' Well, I can wait,' he said quietly. ' When Gloria calls me to go back to her i wull go.' ' But what do you mean by Gloria ? Do you want a 2?lehiscite of the whole population in your favour ? ' ' Oh no ! I only mean this, that if the 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 165 large majority of the people Avliom I strove to serve are of opinion they can do without me — well, then, I shall do without them. But if they call me I shall go to them,, although I went to my death and knew it beforehand,' ' One may do worse things,' the girl said proudly, ' than go knowingly to one's death/ ' You are so young,' he said. ' Death seems nothing to you. The young and the generous are brave like that.' ' Oh,' she exclaimed, ' let my youth alone ! ' She would have liked to say, ' Oh, con- found my youth ! ' but she did not give way to any such unseemly impulse. Slie felt very happy again, her high spirits all rallying round her. ' Let your youth alone ! ' the Dictator said, with a half-melancholy smile. ' So long" as l66 THE DICTATOR time lets it alone — and even time will do that for some years yet.' Then he stopped and felt a little as if he had been preaching a sermon to the girl. ' Come/ she broke in upon his morahsings, ' if I am so dreadfully young, at least I'll have the benefit of my immaturity. If I am to be treated as a child, I must have a child's freedom from conventionality.' She dragged forward a heavy armchair lined with the soft, mellowed, dull red leather which one sees made into cushions and sofa-pillows in the shops of Nuremberg's more artistic uphol- sterers, and then at its side on the carpet she planted a footstool of the same material and colour. ' There,' she said, ' you sit in that chair.' ' And you, what are you going to do ? ' ' Sit first, and I will show you.' He obeyed her and sat in the great chair. ' Well, now ? ' he asked. 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 167 * I shall sit here at your feet.' She flung herself down and sat on the footstool. ' Here is my throne,' she said composedly ; ' bid kings come bow to it.' 'Kings come bowing to a banished Eepubhcan ? ' ' You are my King,' she answered, ' and so I sit at your feet and am proud and happy. Now talk to me and tell me some more.' But the talk was not destined to go any farther that night. Eivers and one or two others came lounging in. Helena did not stir from her lowly position. The Dictator re- mained as he was just long enough to show that he did not rec^ard himself as haviuvT been disturbed. Helena flung a saucy little glance of defiance at the principal intruder. 'I know you were sent for me,' she said. 'Papa wants me?' ' Yes,' the intruder replied ; 'if I had not i68 THE DICTATOR been sent I should never have ventured to follow you into this room.* ' Of course not — this is my special sanctuary. Lady Seagraves has dedicated it to me, and now I dedicate it to Mr. Ericson. I have just been telling him that, for all he is a Kepublican, he is my King.' The Dictator had risen by this time. * You are sent for ? ' he said. ' Yes — I am sorry.' ' So am I — but we must not keep SirEupert waiting.' 'I shall see you again — when ? ' she asked eagerly. ' Whenever you wish,' he answered. Then they shook hands, and Soame Elvers took her away. Several ladies remarked that night that really Helena Langley was going quite beyond all bounds, and was overdoing her unconven- tionality quite too shockingly. She was 'HERE IS MY THRONE' 169 actually throwing herself right at Mr. Ericson's head. Of course Mr. Ericson would not think of marrying a chit like that. He was quite old enous^h to be her father. One or two stout dowagers shook their heads sagaciously, and remarked that Sir Eupert had a great deal of money, and that a large fortune got with a wife might come in very handy for the projects of a dethroned Dictator. ' And men are all so vain, my dear,* remarked one to another. ' Mr. Ericson doesn't look vain,' the other said meditatively. ' They are all alike, my dear,' rejoined the one. And so the matter was settled — or left unsettled. Meanwhile the Dictator went home, and began to look over maps and charts of Gloria. He buried himself in some plans of street improvement, including a new and splendid opera house, of which he had actually laid the foundation before the crash came. F70 THE DICTATOR CHAPTEE YII THE PRINCE AND CLAUDIO Why did the Dictator bury himself in his maps and his plans and his improvements in the street architecture of a city which in all pro- babihty he was never to see more ? For one reason. Because his mind was on something else to-night, and he did not feel as if he were acting with full fidelity to the cause of Gloria if he allowed any subject to come even for an hour too directly between him and that. Little as he permitted himself to put on the airs of a patriot and philan- thropist — much as he would have hated to exhibit himself or be regarded as a professional patriot, yet the devotion to that cause which he had himself created — the cause of a regene- THE PRINCE AND CL AUDIO 171 rated Gloria — was deep down in bis very heart. Gloria and her future were his day- dream — his idol, his hobby, or his craze, if you like ; he had long been possessed by the thoucfht of a redeemed and recrenerated Gloria. To-night his mind had been thrown for a moment off the track — and it was therefore that he pulled out his maps and was en- deavouring to get on to the track again. But he could not help thinking of Helena Langley. The girl embarrassed him — bevril- dered him. Her upturned eyes came between him and his maps. Her frank homage was just like that of a child. Yet she was not a child, but a remarkably clever and brilliant young woman, and he did not know whether he ought to accept her homage. He was, for all his strange career, somewhat conservative in his notions about women. He thought that there om?ht to be a sweet reserve about them always. He rather liked the pedestal theory 172 THE DICTATOR about woman. The approaches and the devo- tion, he thought, ought to come from the man always. In the case of Helena Langley, it never occurred to him to think that her devo- tion was anything different from the devotion of Hamilton ; but then a young man who is one's secretary is quite free to show his devo- tion, while a young woman who is not one's secretary is not free to show her devotion. Ericson kept asking himself whether Sir Eupert would not feel vexed when he heard of the way in which his dear spoiled child had been going on — as he probably would fron. herself — for she evidently had not the faintest notion of concealment. On the other hand, what could Ericson do ? Give Helena Langley an exposition of his theories con- cerning proper behaviour in unmarried womanhood ? Why, how absurd and priggish and offensive such a course of action would be ! The girl would either break into THE PRINCE AND CLAUDIO 173 laughter at him or feel herself offended by his attempt to lecture her. And who or what had given him any right to lecture her ? What, after all, had she done ? Sat on a foot- stool beside the chair of a public man whose cause she sympathised with, and who was quite old enough — or nearly so, at all events — to be her father. Up to this time Ericson was rather inchned to press the ' old enough to be her father,' and to leave out the ' nearly so.' Then, again, he reminded himself that social ways and manners had very much changed in London during his absence, and that oirls were allowed, and even encourao-ed, to do all manner of things now which would have been thought tomboyish, or even im- proper, in his younger days. Why, he had glanced at scores of leading articles and essays written to prove that the London girl of the close of the century was free to do things which would have brought the deepest and 174 THE DICTATOR most comprehensive blush to the cheeks of the meek and modest maidens of a former genera- tion. Yes — but for all this change of manners it was certain that he had himself heard comments made on the impulsive unconventionality of Miss Langley. The comments were sometimes generous, sympathetic, and perhaps a little pitying — and of course they were sometimes ill-natured and spiteful. But, whatever their tone, they were all tuned to the one key — that Miss Langley was impulsively unconventional. The Dictator was inclined to resent the in- trusion of a woman into his thoughts. For years he had been in the habit of regarding women as trees walking. He had had a love disappointment early in life. His true love had proved a false true love, and he had taken it very seriously — taken it quite to heart. He was not enough of a modern London man to recognise the fact that something of the THE PRINCE AND CLAUD JO 175 kind happens to a good many people, and that there are still a great many girls left to choose from. He ought to have made nothing of it, and consoled himself easily, but he did not. So he had lost his ideal of womanhood, and went through the world like one deprived of a sense. The man is, on the whole, happiest whose true love dies early, and leaves him with an ideal of womanhood which never can change. He is, if he be at all a true man, thenceforth as one who walks under the guidance of an angel. But Ericson's mind was put out by the failure of his ideal. Hap- pily he was a strong man by nature, with deep impassioned longings and profound convic- tions ; and going on through life in his lonely, overcrowded way, he soon became absorbed in the entrancing egotism of devotion to a great cause. He began to see all things in life first as they bore on the regeneration of Gloria — now as they bore on his restoration to 176 THE DICTATOR Gloria. So he had been forgetting all about women, except as ornaments of society, and occasionally as useful mechanisms in politics. The memory of his false true love had long faded. He did not now particularly regret that she had been false. He did not regret it even for her own sake — for he knew that she has got on very well in life — had married a rich man — held a good position in society, and apparently had all her desires gratified. It was probable — it was almost certain — that he should meet her in London this season — and he felt no interest or curiosity about the meeting — did not even trouble himself by wonderinc^ whether she had been followiufr his career with eyes in which old memories gleamed. But after her he had done no love- making and felt inclined for no romance. His ideal, as has been said, was gone — and he did not care for women without an ideal to pursue. THE PRINCE AND CLAUDIO 177 Every night, however late, when the Dic- tator had got back to his rooms Hamilton came to see him, and they read over letters and talked over the doings of the next day. Hamilton came this night in the usual course of thin^Tjs and Ericson was delif^hted to see him. He was sick of trying to study the street improvements of the metropolis of Gloria, and he w^as vexed at the intrusion of Helena Langley into his mind — for he did not suspect in the least that she had yet made any intrusion into his heart. 'Well, Hamilton, I hope you have been enjoying yourself? ' ' Yes, Excellency — fairly enough. Do you know I had a long talk with Sir Eupert Langley about you ? ' ' Aye, aye. What does Sir Eupert say about me ? ' ' Well,' he says, Hamilton began distress- VOL. I. N 178 THE DICTA TOR edly, ' that you had better give up all notions of Gloria and go in for English politics.' The Dictator laughed ; and at tlie same time felt a little touched. He could not help remembering the declaration of his life's policy he had just been making to Sir Eupcrt Langley's daughter. ' What on earth do I know about English politics ? ' ' Oh, well ; of course you could get it all up easily enough, so far as that goes.' 'But doesn't Sir Eupert see that, so far as 1 understand things at all, I should be in tlie party opposed to him ? ' ' Yes, he says that ; but he doesn't seem to mind. lie thinks you would find a field in English politics ; and he says the life of the House of Commons is the life to which the ambition of every true Englishman ought to turn — and, you know — all that sort of thing.' THE PRINCE AND CLAUD 10 179 ' And does he think that I have forgotten Gloria ? ' ' No ; but he has a theory about all South American States. He thinks they are all rotten, and that sort of thing. He insists that you are thrown away on Gloria.' * Fancy a man being thrown away upon a country,' the Dictator said, with a smile. ' I have often heard and read of a country being thrown away upon a man, but never yet of a man being thrown away upon a country. I should not have wondered at such an opinion from an ordinary Englishman, who has no idea of a place the size of Gloria, where we could stow away England, France, and Ger- many in a little unnoticed corner. But Sir Eupert — who has been there ! Give us out the cigars, Hamilton — and ring for some drinks.' Hamilton brought out the cigars, and rang the bell. w 2 tBo THE DICTATOR ' Well — anyhow — I liave told you,' be said hesitatingly. * So you have, boy, with your usual indo- mitable honesty. For I know what you think about]^all this.' * Of course you do.' * You don't want to give up Gloria ? ' *Give up Gloria? Never — while grass grows and water runs ! ' ' Well, then, we need not say any more about that. Tell me, though, where was all this ? At Lady Seagraves' ? ' ' No ; it was at Sir Eupert's own house.' ' Oh, yes, I forgot ; you were dining there ? ' ' Yes ; I was dining there.' ' This was after dinner ? ' ' Yes ; there were very few men there, and he talked all this to me in a confidential sort of way. Tell me, Excellency ; what do you think of his daughter ? ' THE PRINCE AND CLAUD 10 i8r The Dictator almost started. If the ques- tion had come out of his own inner con- sciousness it could not have illustrated more clearly the problem which was perplexing bis heart. ' Why, Hamilton, I have not seen very much of her, and I don't profess to be much of a judge of young ladies. Why on earth do you want my opinion ? What is your own opinion of her ? ' 'I think she is very beautiful.' 'So do I.' ' And awfully clever.' ' Eight again — so do I.' 'And singularly attractive, don't you think ? ' 'Yes; very attractive indeed. But you know, my boy, that the attractions of young women have now little more than a purely historical interest for me. Still, I am quite prepared to go as far with you as to admit 182 THE DICTATOR that Miss Langley is a most attractive young woman/ ' She thinks ever so much of you^ Hamil- ton said dogmatically. ' She has great sympathy with our cause,' the Dictator said. ' She would do anything you asked her to do.' ' My boy, I don't want to ask her to do anything.' ' Excellency, I want you to advise her to do somethinfT — for me! 'For you, Hamilton? Is that the way?' The Dictator asked the question with a tone of mfinite sympathy, and he stood up as if he were about to give some important order. Hamilton, on the other hand, coHapsed into a chair. ' That is the way, Excellency.' ' You are in love with this child ? ' THE PRINCE AND CLAUDIO 183 ' I am madly in love with this child, if you call her so.' Ericson made some strides up and down the room, with his hands behind him. Then he suddenly stopped. ' Is this quite a serious business ? ' he asked, in a low, soft voice. ' Terribly serious for me. Excellency, if things don't turn out right. I have been hit very hard.' The Dictator smiled. ' We get over such things,' he said. ' But I don't want to get over this ; I don't mean to get over it.' ' Well,' Ericson said good-humouredly, and with quite recovered composure, ' it may not be necessary for you to get over it. Does the young lady want you to get over it ? ' ' I haven't ventured to ask her yet.' ' What do you mean to ask her ? ' l84 THE DICTATOR ' Well, of course — if she will — have me.' ' Yes, naturally. But I mean when ' ' When do I mean to ask her ? ' ' No ; when do you propose to marry her?' * Well, of course, when we have settled ourselves again in Gloria, and all is right there. You don't fancy I would do anything before we have made that all right ? ' ' But all that is a little vague,' the Dic- tator said ; ' the time is somewhat indefinite. One does not quite know what the young lady might say.' 'She is just as enthusiastic about Gloria as I am, or as you are.' ' Yes, but her father. Have you said anything to him about this ? ' ' Not a word. I waited until I could talk of it to you, and get your promise to help me.' ' Of course I'll help you, if I can. But tell THE PRINCE AND CLAUDIO 185 me, how can I? What do you want me to do ? Shall I speak to Sir Eupert ? ' ' If you would speak to him after, I should be awfully glad. But I don't so much mind about him just yet ; I want you to speak to her ! ' ' To Miss Langley ? To ask her to marry you?' ' That's about what it comes to,' Hamilton said courageously. ' But, my dear love-sick youth, would you not much rather woo and win the girl for yourself? ' * What I am afraid of,' Hamilton said gravely, ' is that she would pretend not to take me seriously. Slie would laugh and turn me into ridicule, and try to make fun of the whole thing. But if you tell her that it is positively serious and a business of life and death with me, then she will believe you, and she must take it seriously and give you a i86 THE DICTATOR serious answer, or at least promise to give me a serious answer.' ' This is the oddest v/ay of love-making, Hamilton.' ' I don't know,' Hamilton said ; ' we have Shakespeare's authority for it, haven't we? Didn't Don Pedro arrange for Claudio and Hero ? ' *Well, a very good precedent,' Ericson said with a smile. ' Tell me about this to-morrow. Think over it and sleep over it in the meantime, and if you still think that you are wilhng to make your proposals through the medium of an envoy, then trust me, Hamilton, your envoy will do all he can to win for you your heart's desire.' ' I don't know how to thank you,' Hamilton exclaimed fervently. 'Don't try. I hate thanks. If they are sincere they tell their tale without words. I know you — everything about you is sincere.' THE PRINCE AND CLAUDIO 187 Hamilton's eyes glistened with joy and gratitude. He would have liked to seize his chiefs hand and press it to his hps ; but he forbore. The Dictator was not an efiusive man, and effusiveness did not flourish in his presence. Hamilton confined his gratitude to looks and thoughts and to the dropping of the subject for the present. ' I have been pottering over these maps and plans,' the Dictator said. ' I am so glad,' Hamilton exclaimed, ' to And that your heart is still wholly absorbed in the improvement of Gloria.' The Dictator remained for a few moments silent and apparently buried in thought. He was not thinking perhaps altogether of the projected improvements in the capital of Gloria. Hamilton had often seen him in those sudden and silent, but not sullen moods, and was always careful not to disturb him by asking any question or making any remark. i88 THE DICTATOR The Dictator had been sitting in a chair and pulling the ends of his moustache. At once he got up and went to where Hamilton was seated. 'Look here, Hamilton,' he said, in a tone of positive sternness, ' I want to be clear about all this. I want to help you — of course I want to help you — if you can really be helped. But, first of all, I must be certain — as far as human certainty can go — that you really know what you do want. The great curse of life is that men — and I suppose women too — I can't say — do not really know or trouble to know what they do positively want with all their strength and with all their soul. The man who positively knows what he does want and sticks to it has got it already. Tell me, do you really want to marry this young woman ? ' * I do — with all my soul and with all my strength ! ' THE PRINCE AND CLAUDIO 189 'But have you thought about it — have you turned it over in your mind — have you come down from your high horse and looked at yourself, as the old joke puts it ? ' ' It's no joke for me,' Hamilton said dolefully. ' No, no, boy ; I didn't mean that it was. But I mean, have you really looked at yourself and her ? Have you thought whether she could make you happy .^— have you thought whether you could make her happy ? What do you know about her ? What do you know about the kind of life which she lives ? How do you know whether she could do without that kind of life — whether she could live any other kind of life ? She is a London Society girl, she rides in the Eow at a certain hour, she goes out to dinner-parties and to balls, she dances until all hours in the mornino-, she goes abroad to the regular place at the regular time, she spends a certain part of the winter I90 THE DICTATOR visiting at the regulation country houses. Are you prepared to Hve that sort of hfe — or are you prepared to bear the responsibihty of taking her out of it ? Are you prepared to take the butterfly to Hve in the camp ? ' ' She isn't a butterfly ' ' No, no ; never mind my bad metaphor. But she has been brought up in a kind of hfe which is second nature to her. Are you prepared to hve that hfe with her .^ Are you sure — are you quite, quite sure — that she would be willing, after the first romantic outburst, to put up with a totally different life for the sake of you ? ' ' Excellency,' Hamilton said, smiling some- what sadly, ' you certainly do your best to take the conceit out of a young man.' ' My boy, I don't think you have any self- conceit, but you may have a good deal of self-forgetfulness. Now I want you to call a halt and remember yourself. In this business THE PRINCE AXD CLAUDIO 191 of yours — supposing it comes to ^vhat you would consider at the moment a success ' ' At the moment ? ' HamiUon pleaded, in pained remonstrance. 'At the moment — yes. Supposing the thing ends successfully for you, one plan of life or other must necessarily be sacrificed — yours or hers. "Which is it going to be ? Don't make too much of her present enthu- siasm. Which is it G'oiuG^ to be ? ' ' I don't believe there will be any sacrifice needed,' Hamilton said, in an impassioned tone. ' I told you she loves Gloria as well as you or I could do.' The Dictator shook his head and smiled pityingly. 'But if there is to be any sacrifice of any life,' Hamilton said, driven on perhaps by his chief's pitying smile, ' it shan't he hers. No, if she will have me after we have got back to Gloria, I'll live with her in London 192 THE DICTATOR every season and ride with her in the Eow every morning and afternoon, and take her, by Jove ! to all the dinners and balls she cares about, and she shall have her heart's desire, whatever it be.' The Dictator's face was crossed by some shadows. Pity was there and sympathy was' there — and a certain melancholy pleasure, and, it may be, a certain disappointment. He pulled himself together very quickly, and was cool, genial, and composed, accord- ing to his usual way. ' All right, my boy,' he said, ' this is genuine love at all events, however it may turn out. You have answered my question fairly and fully. I see now that 3'ou do know what you want. That is one great point, anyhow. I will do my very best to get for you what you want. If it only rested with me, Hamilton ! ' There was a positive note of tenderness in his voice as he spoke THE PRIXCE AND CLAUDIO 193 these words ; and yet there was a kind of forlorn feeling in his heart as if the friend of his heart was leavhig him. He felt a little as the brother Yult in Eichter's ex- quisite and forgotten novel might have felt when he was sounding on his flute that final morning, and going out on his cold way never to see his brother again. The Irjlher Walt heard the soft, sweet notes, and smiled tranquilly, believing that his brother was merely going on a kindly errand to help him, Walt, to happiness. But the flute- player felt that, come what might, they were, in fact, to be parted for ever. VOL, I. 194 ^^^ DICTATOR CHAPTER YIII 'I WONDER WHY?' The Dictator had had a good deal to do with marrying and giving in marriage in the Eepnblic of Gloria. One of the social and moral reforms he had endeavoured to bring about was that wliicli should secure to young people the right of being consulted as to their own inclinations before they were formally and iinally consigned to wedlock. The ordinary practice in Gloria was very much like that which prevails in certain Indian tribes — the family on either side arranged for the young man and the maiden, made it a matter of market bargain, settled it by com- promise of price or otherwise, and then brought the pair together and married tliem. '/ WONDER WHY?' 195 Ericson set his face against such a system, and tried to get a chance for the young people. He carried his influence so far that the parents on both sides among the official classes in the capital consulted him generally before taking any step, and then he frankly undertook the mediator's part, and found out whether the young woman liked the young man or not — whether she liked someone better or not. He had a sweet and kindly way with him which usually made both the youths and the maidens confidential — and he learned many a quiet heart-secret ; and where he found that a sucrg-ested marriai^e would really not do, he told the parents as much, and they generally yielded to his influence and his authority. He had made happy many a pair of young lovers who, without his beneficent intervention, would have been doomed to ' spoil two houses,' as the old saying puts it. 196 THE DICTATOR Therefore, he did not feel much put out at the mere idea of intervening in another man's love affairs, or even the idea of carry- ing a proposal of marriage from another man. Yet the Dictator was in somewhat thoughtful mood as he drove to Sir Eupert Langley's. He had taken much interest in Helena Langley. She had an influence over him which he told himself was only the influence of a clever cliild — told himself of this again and again. Yet there was a curious feeling of unfltness or dissatisfaction with the part he was going to play. Of course, he would do his very best for Hamilton. There was no man in the world for whom he cared lialf so much as lie did for Hamilton. No — that is not putting it strongly enough — there was now no man in the world for whom he really cared but Hamilton. The Dictator's afiections were curiously narrowed. He had almost no '/ WONDER WHY?' 197 friends whom he really loved but Hamilton — and acquaintances were to him just all the same, one as good as another, and no better. He was a philanthropist by temperament, or nature, or nerve, or something ; but while he would have risked his life for almost any man, and for any woman or child, he did not care in the least for social intercourse with men, women, and children in general. He could not talk to a child — children were a trouble to him, because he did not know what to say to them. Perhaps this was one reason why he was attracted by Helena Langley ; she seemed so like the ideal child to whom one can talk. Then came up the thought in his mind — must he lose Hamilton if Miss Langley should consent to take him as her husband? Of course, Hamilton had declared that he would never marry until the Dictator and he had won back Gloria ; but how long would that resolve last if Helena were to answer, Yes 198 THE DICTATOR — and Now ? The Dictator felt lonely as liis cab stopped at Sir Eupert Langley's door. ' Is Miss Langley at home ? ' Yes, Miss Langley was at home. Of course, the Dictator knew that she would be, and yet in his heart he could almost have wished to hear that she was out. There is a mood of mind in which one likes any post- ponement. But the duty of friendship had to be done — and the Dictator was sorry for everybody. The Dictator was met in the hall by the footman, and also by To-to. To-to was Helena's black poodle. The black poodle took to all Helena's friends very readil3\ Whom she liked, he liked. He had his ways, like his mistress — and he at once allowed Ericson to understand not only that Helena was at home, but that Helena was sitting just then in her own room,w]iere she habitu- ally received her friends. Tlie footman told '/ WONDER JV//Vr 199 the Dictator that Miss Langley was at home — To-to told him what the footman could not have ventured to do, that she was waiting for him in her own drawing-room, and ready to receive him. Now, how did To-to contrive to tell him that ? Very easily, in truth. To-to had a keen, healthy curiosity. He was always anxious to know what was f^^oin^y on. Tlie moment he heard the bell ring; at the o-reat door, he wanted to know who was coming in, and he ran dowr the stairs and stood in the hall to find out. When the door was ojoened, and the visitor appeared, To-to instantly made up his mind. If it was an unfamiliar figure, To-to considered it an introduction in which he had no manner of interest, and, without waiting one second, he scampered back to rejoin his mistress, and try to explain to ]ier that there was some very uninteresting man or 20O THE DICTATOR woman coming to call on her. But if it was somebody he knew, and whom he knew that his mistress knew, then tliere were two courses open to liim. If Helena was not in her sitting-room, To- to welcomed the visitor in the most friendly and hospitable way, and then fell into the background, and took no further notice, but ranged the premises care- lessly and on his own account. If, however, his mistress were in her drawing-room, then To- to invariably preceded tlie visitor up the stairs, going in front even of the footman, and ushered tlie new-comer into my lady's chamber. The process of reasoning on To-to's part must have been somewhat after this fashion. ' My business is to announce my lady's friends, tlie people whom I, with my exquisite inteUigence, know to be people whom she wants to see. If I know that she is in her drawing-room ready to see tliem, then, of course, it is my duty and my pleasure */ WONDER IVUVr 20I to go before and announce them. But if I know, having just been there, that she is not yet there, then I have no function to perform. It is the business of some other creature — her maid very Hkely — to receive the news from the footman that someone is waitinc^ to see her. Tliat is a complex process with which I have nothing to do.' The favoured visitor, therefore — the visitor, that is to say, whom To-to favoured, believing him or her to be favoured by To-to's mistress — had to pass through what may be called two portals, or ordeals. First, he had to ask of the servant whether Miss Langley was at home. Being informed that she was at home, then it de- pended on To-to to let the visitor know whether Miss Langley was actually in her drawing-room waiting to receive him, or whether he was to be shown into the draw- ing-room and told that Miss Langley would be duly informed of his presence, and asked 202 THE DICTATOR if he would be good enough to take a chair and wait for a moment. Never was To- to known to make the shghtest mistake about the actual condition of things. Never had he run up in advance of the Dictator when liis mistress was not seated in her drawing-room ready to receive her visitor. Never had he remained linf^erinc^ in the hall and the passages when Miss Langley was in lier room, and prepared for tlie recep- tion. Evidently, To-to regarded himself as Helena's special functionary. Tlie other at- tendants and followers — footmen, maids, and such like — might be allowed the privilege of saying whether Miss Langley was or was not at home to receive visitors ; but the special and quite peculiar function of To-to was to make it clear whether Miss Langley was or was not at that very moment waiting in lier own particular drawing-room to welcome them. So the Dictator, who had not much time '/ WONDER WHYV 203 to spare, being pressed with various affairs to attend to, wasmucli pleased to find that To-to not merely welcomed him when the door was opened — a welcome which the Dictator would have expected from To-to's undisguised regard and even patronage — but that To-to briskly ran up the stairs in advance of the footman, and ran before him in througli the drawing- room door when the footman had opened it. The Dictator loved the dog because of the creature's friendship for him and love for its mistress. The Dictator did not know how much he loved the dog because the dog was devoted to Helena Langley. On tlie stairs, as he went up, a sudden pang passed through the Dictator's heart. It might, perhaps, have brouii^ht him even clearer warnincf than it did. ' If I succeed in my mission' — it might have told him — ' what is to become of me ? ' But, although the shot of pain did pass through him, he did not give it time to explain itself. 204 THE DICTATOR Helena was seated on a sofa. The moment she heard his name announced she jumped up and ran to meet him. ' I ought to have gone beyond the thres- hold,' she said, blushing, * to meet my king.' * So kind of you,' he said, rather stiffly, * to stay in for me. You have so many engagements.' * As if I would not give up any engage- ment to please you ! And the very first time you expressed any wish to see me ! ' ' Well, I have come to talk to you about something very serious.' She looked up amazed, her bright eyes broadening with wonder. ' Something that concerns the happiness of yourself, perhaps — of another person cer- tainly.' She drooped her eyes now, and her colour deepened and her breath came quickly. The Dictator went to the point at once. 'I WONDER WHYf 205 ' I am bad at prefaces,' he said. ' I come to speak to you on behalf of my dear young friend and comrade, Ernest Hamilton.' ' Oh ! ' She drew herself up and looked almost defiantly at him. ' Yes ; he asked me to come and see you.' ' What have I to do with Mr. Hamilton ? ' ' That you must teach me,' said Ericson, smihng rather sadly, and quoting from ' Hamlet.' ' I can teach you that very quickly — Nothing.' ' But you have not heard what I was going to say.' ' No. Well, you were quoting from Shakespeare — let me quote too. " Had I three ears I'd hear thee." ' She drew herself back into her sofa. They were seated on the sofa side by side. He was leaning forward — she had drawn back. She was waiting in a sort of docfcred silence. 2o6 THE DICTATOR ' Hamilton is one of the noblest creatures I ever knew. He is my very dearest friend.' A shade came over her face, and she shrugged her shoulders. ' I mean amonc^st men. I was not thinkin^^ of you.' ' No,' she answered, ' I am quite sure you were not thinking of me.' She perversely pretended to misunder- stand his meaning. He hardly noticed her words. 'Please go on,' she said, ' and tell me about Mr. Hamilton.' ' He is in love with you,' the Dictator said in a soft low voice, and as if he envied the man about whom that tale could be told. ' Oh ! ' she exclaimed impatiently, turning on the sofa as if in pain, ' I am sick of all this love-making ! Why can't a young man like one without making an idiot of himself and falling in love with one ? Why can't we let each other be happy all in our own way ? It '/ WONDER WHY?' 207 is all SO horribly mechanical ! You meet a man two or three times, and you dance with him, and you talk with him, and perhaps you like him — perhaps you like him ever so much — and then in a moment he spoils the whole thing by throwing his ridiculous offer of marriage right in your face ! Why on earth should I marry Mr. Hamilton ? ' ' Don't take it too lightly, dear young lady — I know Hamilton to the very depth of his nature. This is a serious thing with him — he is not like the commonplace young masher of London Society ; when he feels, he feels deeply — I know what has been his personal devotion to myself.' ' Then why does he not keep to that de- votion ? Why does he desert his post ? What does he want of me ? What do I want of him? I liked him chiefly because he was devoted to you — and now he turns right round and wants to be devoted to me ! Tell 2o8 THE DICTATOR him from me that he was much better employed with his former devotion — tell him my advice was that lie should stick to it.' ' You must give a more serious answer,' the Dictator said gravely. ' Why didn't lie come himself? ' she asked somewhat inconsequently, and going off on another tack at once. ' I can't understand how a man of any spirit can make love by deputy.' ' Kings do sometimes,' the Dictator said. Helena blushed ac^aiii. Some thougrht was passing through her mind which was not in his. She had called him her king. ' Mr. Hamilton is not a king,' she said almost angrily. She was on the point of blurting out, 'Mr. Hamilton is not my king,' but she re- covered herself in good time. ' Even if he were,' she went on, ' I should rather be pro- posed to in person as Katherine was by Henry the Fifth.' '/ WONDER WHY?' 209 ' You take this all too lightly,' Ericson pleaded. 'Eemember that this young man's heart and his future life are wrapped up in your answer, and in ]joil ' Tell him to come himself and get his answer,' she said with a scornful toss of her head. Something had risen up in her heart which made her unkind. ' Miss Langiey,' Ericson said gravely, ' I think it would have been much better if Hamilton had come himself and made his proposal, and argued it out with you for himself I told him so, but he would not be advised. He is too modest and fearful^ although, I tell you, I have seen more than once what pluck he has in danger. Yes, I have seen how cool, how elate he can be with the bullets and tlie bayonets of the enemy all at work about him. But he is timid with you — because he loves you.' VOL. I. r 210 THE DICTATOR ' " He either fears his fate too much " ' she began. 'You can't settle this thing by a quota- tion. I see that you are in a mood for quo- tations, and that shows that you are not very serious. I shall tell you why he asked me, and prevailed upon me, to come to you and speak for him. There is no reason why I should not tell you.' ' Tell me,' she said. ' I am old enough to have no hesitation in telling a girl of your age anything.' ' Again ! ' Helena said. ' I do wish you would let my age alone ! I thought we had come to an honourable understandino- to leave my age out of the question.' ' I fear it can't well be left out of this question. You see, what I was going to tell you was that Hamilton asked me to break this to you because he believes that I have great influence with you.' '/ WONDER WHY?' Ii2 ' Of course, you know you have.' ' Yes — but there was more.' ' What more ? ' She turned her head away. ' He is under the impression that you would do anything I asked you to do.' 'So I would, and so I will!' she ex- claimed impetuously. ' If you ask me to marry Mr. Hamilton I will marry him ! Yes — I will. K you, knowing what you do know, can wish your friend to marry me, and me to become his wife, I will accept his con- descendino^ offer ! You know I do not love him — you know I never felt one moment's feeling of that kind for him — you know that I like him as I like twenty other young men — and not a bit more. You know this — at all events, you know it now when I tell you — and will you ask me to marry Mr. Hamilton now ? ' ' But is this all true ? Is this really how you feel to him ? ' 212 THE DICTATOR ' Zvvischen uns sei Walirheit,' Helena said scornfully. * Why should I deceive you ? If I loved Mr. Hamilton I could marry him, couldn't I? — seeing that he has sent you to ask me ? I do not love him — I never could love him in that way. Now what do you ask rae to do ? ' ' I am sorry for my poor young friend and comrade/ the Dictator answered sadly. ' I thought, perhaps, he might have had some reason to believe ' ' Did he tell you anything of the kind?' ' Oh, no, no ; he is the last man in the world to say such a thing, or even to think it. One reason why he wished me to open the matter to you was that he feared, if he spoke to you about it himself, you would only laugh at him and refuse to give him a gerious answer. lie thought you would give me a serious answer.' */ WONDER WHY?' 213 * What a very extraordinary and eccentric young man ! ' ' Indeed, he is nothing of the kind — although, of course, Uke myself, he has lived a good deal outside the currents of Enghsh feeling.' ' I should have thouglit,' she said gravely, * that that was rather a question of the currents of common human feehng. Do the young women in Gloria like to be made love to by delegation ? ' ' Would it have made any difference if he had come himself ? ' ' No difference in the world — now or at any other time. But remember, I am a very loyal subject, and I admit the right of my King to hand me over in marriage. If you tell me to marry Mr. Hamilton, I will.' ' You are only jesting, Miss Langley, and this is not a jest.' ' I don't feel much in the mood for 214 THE DICTATOR jesting,' she answered. 'It would rather seem as if I had been made the subject of a jest ' «0h, you must not say that,' he inter- posed in an ahnost angry tone. ' You can't, and don't, think that either of him or of me.' ' JN'o, I don't ; I could not think it of you — and no, I could not think it of him either. But you must admit that he has acted rather oddly.' ' And I too, I suppose ? ' ' Oh, you — well, of course, you were natu- rally thinking of the interest, or, at least, the momentary wishes, of your friend.' ' Of my two friends — you are my friend. Did we not swear an eternal friendship the other night ? ' ' Now you are jesting.' * I am not ; I am profoundly serious. I thought perhaps this might be for the hap- piness of both.' '/ WONDER WHY?' 215 ' Did you ever see anything in me which seemed to make such an idea hkely ? ' ' You see, I have known you but for so short a time.' ' People who are worth knowing at all are known at once or never known,' she said promptly and very dogmatically. ' Young ladies do not wear their hearts upon their sleeves.' ' I am afraid I do sometimes — too much,' she said. ' I thought it at least possible.' 'Xow you linow. Well, are you going to ask me to marry your friend Mr. Hamil- ton ? ' 'Xo, indeed, Miss Langley. That would be a cruel injustice and wrong to him and to you. He must marry someone who loves him ; you must marry someone whom you love. I am sorry for my poor friend — this will hurt him. But he cannot blame vou, 2i6 THE DICTATOR and 1 cannot blame you. He has some com- fort — he has Gloria to figlit for some day.' 'Put it nicely — very nicely to him/ Helena said, softening now tliat all was over. ' Tell him — won't you ? — that I am ever so fond of him ; and tell him that this must not make the least difference in our friendship. No one shall ever know from me.' ' I will put it all as well as I can,' said the Dictator ; ' but I am afraid it must make a difference to him. It made a difference to me — when I was a young man of about his age.' 'You were disappointed?' Helena asked, in rather tremulous tone. ' More than that ; I think I was deceived. I was ever so much worse off than Hamilton, for there was bitterness in my story, and there can be none in his. But I have sur- vived — as you see.' ' Is— she— still living ? ' '/ WONDER WHYf 217 ' Oh, yes ; she married for money and rank, and has got both, and I beheve she is perfectly happy.' ' And have you recovered — quite ? ' ' Quite ; I fancy it must have been an unreal sort of thing altogether. My wound is quite healed — does not give me even a passing moment of pain, as very old wounds sometimes do. But I am not going to lapse into the sentimental. It was only the thought of Hamilton that brought all this up.' ' You are not sentimental ? ' Helena asked. ' I have not had time to be. Anyhow, no woman ever cared about me — in that way, I mean — no, not one.' 'Ah, you never can tell,' Helena said gently. He seemed to her somehow to have led a very lonely life ; it came into her thoughts just then; she could not tell why. She was relieved when he rose to go, for she 21 8 THE DICTATOR felt her sympathy for him beginning to be a little too strong, and she was afraid of betray- ing it. The interview had been a curious and a trying one for her. The Dictator left the room wondering how he could ever have been drawn into talking to a girl about the story of his lost love. ' That girl has a strange influence over me,' he thought. ' I wonder why ? ' 219 CHAPTEE IX THE PRIVATE SECEETARY SoAME PiiVERS was in some ways, and not a few, a model private secretary for a busy statesman. He was a gentleman by birtli, bringing-up, appearance, and manners ; he was very quick, adroit, and clever ; lie had a wonderful memory, a remarkable faculty for keeping documents and ideas in order ; he could speak French, German, Italian, and Spanish, and conduct a correspondence in these languages. He knew the political and other gossip of most or all of the European capitals, and of Washington and Cairo just as well. He could be interviewed on behalf of his chief, and could be trusted not to 220 THE DICTATOR utter one single word of which his chief could not approve. He would see any unde- sirable visitor, and in five minutes talk him over into the belief that it was a perfect grief to the Minister to have to forego the pleasure of seeing him in person. He was to be trusted with any secret which concerned his position, and no power on earth could sur- prise him into any look or gesture from which anybody could conjecture that he knew more than he professed to know. He was a younger son of very good family, and although his allowance was not large, it enabled him, as a bachelor, to live an easy and gentlemanly life. He belonged to some good clubs, and he always dined out in the season. He had nice little chambers in the St. James's Street region, and, of course, he spent the greater part of every -day in Sir Kupert's house, or in the lobby of the House of Commons. It was understood that he was THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 221 to be provided with a seat in Parliament at the earhest possible opportunity, not, indeed, so much for the good of the State as for the convenience of his chief, who, naturally, found it unsatisfactory to have to go out into the lobby in order to get hold of his private secretary. Eivers was devoted to his chief in his own sort of way. That way was not like the devotion of Hamilton to the Dictator ; for it is very hkely that, in his own secret soul, Eivers occasionally made fun of Sir Eupert, with his Quixotic ideas and his senti- mentalisms, and his views of life. Eivers had no views on the subject of life or of anything else. But Hamilton himself could not be more careful of his chief's interests than was Eivers. Eivers had no beliefs and no prejudices. He was not an immoral man, but he had no prejudice in favour of morality ; he was not cruel, but he had no objection to other people being as cruel as they liked, as 222 THE DICTATOR cruel as the law would allow them to be, provided that their cruelty was not exercised on himself, or anyone he particularly cared about. He never in his life professed or felt one single impulse of what is called philan- thropy. It was to him a matter of perfect indifference whether ten thousand people in some remote place did or did not perish by war, or fever, or cyclone, or inundation. Nor did he care in the least, exce|)t for occasional political purposes, about the condition of the poor in our rural villages or in the East End of London. He regarded the poor as he regarded the flies — that is, with entire indif- ference so long as they did not come near enough to annoy him. He did not care how they lived, or whether they lived at all. For a long time he could not bring himself to believe that Helena Langley really felt any strong interest in the poor. He could not believe that her professed zeal for their wel- THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 223 fare was anything other than the graceful affectation of a pretty and clever girl. But we all have our weaknesses, even the strongest of us, and Soame Elvers found, when he began to be much in companionship with Helena Langley, where the weak point was to be hit in his panoj^ly of pride. To him love and affection and all that sort of thing were mere sentimental nonsense, encumbering a rising man, and as hkely as not, if indulged in, to spoil his whole career. He had always made up his mind to the fact that, if he ever did marry, he must marry a woman with money. He would not marry at all unless he could have a house and entertain as other people in Society were in the habit of doing. As a bachelor he was all right. He could keep nice chambers ; he could ride in the Eow ; he could have a valet ; he could wear good clothes — and he was a man whom Nature had meant, and tailor recognised, for one to show 224 THE DICTATOR off good clothes. But if he should ever marry it was clear to him that he must have a house like other people, and that he must give dinner parties. He did not reason this out in his mind — he never reasoned anything out in his mind — it was all clear and self-evident to him. Therefore, after a while, the question began to arise — why should he not marry Helena Langley? He knew perfectly well that if she wished to be married to him Sir Eupert would not offer the slightest objection. Any man whom his daughter really loved Sir Eupert would certainly accept as a son- in-law. Elvers even fancied, not, perhaps, altogether without reason, that Sir Eupert personally would regard it as a convenient arrangement if his daughter were to fall in love with his secretary and get married to him. But above and beyond all this, Eivers, as a practical philosopher, had broken down, and he found himself in love with Helena THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 225 Langley. For herself, Helena never suspected it. She had grown to be very fond of Soame Elvers. He seemed to fill for her exactly the part that a good-tempered brother might have done. Indeed, not any brother, however good-natured, would have been as attentive to a sister as Elvers was to her. He had a quiet, unobtrusive way of putting his personal atten- tions as part of his official duty which ab- solutely relieved Helena's mind of any idea of lover-like consideration. At many a dinner party or evening party her father had to leave her prematurely, and go down to the House of Commons. It became to her a matter of course that in such a case Elvers was always sure to be there to put her into her carriage and see that she got safely home. There was nothing in it. He was her father's secretary — a gentleman, to be sure ; a man of social position, as good as the best ; but still, her father's secretary looking after VOL. I. Q 226 THE DICTATOR her because of his devotion to her father. She began to hke liim every day more and more for his devotion to her father. She did not at first hke his cynical ways — his trick of making out that every great deed was really but a small one, that every seemingly generous and self-sacrificing action was actually inspired by the very principle of selfishness ; that love of the poor, sympathy with the oppressed, were only with the better classes another mode of amusing a weary social life. ,But she soon made out a generous theory to satisfy herself on that point. Soame Eivers, she felt sure, put on that panoply of cynicism only to guard himself against the weakness of yielding to a futile sensibility. He was very poor, she thought. She had lordly views about money, and she thought a man without a country- house of his own must needs be wretchedly poor, and she knew that Soame Eivers passed all his holiday seasons in the country-houses THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 227 of Other people. Therefore, she made out that Soame Elvers was very poor ; and, of course, If he was very poor, he could not lend much practical aid to those who, in the East End or otherwise, were still poorer than he. So she assumed that he put on the mask of cynicism to hide the flushings of sensibility. She told him as much ; she said she knew that his affected indifference to the interests of humanity was only a disguise put on to conceal his real feelings. At first he used to laugh at her odd, pretty conceits. After a while he came to encourage her in the idea, even while formally assuring her that there was nothing in it, and that he did not care a straw whether the poor were miserable or happy. Chance favoured him. There were some poor people whom Helena and her fatlier were shipping off to New Zealand. Sir Piupert, without Helena's knowledge, asked a 2 228 7 HE DICTATOR his secretary to look after them the night of their going aboard, as he could not be there himself. Helena, without consulting her father, drove down to the docks to look after her poor friends, and there she found Eivers installed in the business of protector. He did the work well — as he did every work that came to his hand. The emigrants thought him the nicest gentleman they had ever known. Helena said to him, ' Come now ! I have found you out at last.' And he only said, ' Oh, nonsense ! this is nothing.' But he did not more directly contradict her theory, and he did not say her father had sent him — for he knew Sir Eupert would never say that of himself. Eivers found himself every day watching over Helena with a deepening interest and anxiety. Her talk, her companionship, were growing to be indispensable to liim. He did not Day her compliments — indeed, some- THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 229 times they rather sparred at one another in a pleasant schoolboy and schoolgirl sort of way. But she liked his society, and felt herself thoroughly companionable and comrade-like with him, and she never thought of concealing her liking. The result was that Soame Eivers began to think it quite on the cards that, if nothing should interpose, he might marry Helena Langley — and that, too, before very long. Then he should have in every way his heart's desire. If nothing should interpose .^ Yes, but there was where the danger came in ! If nothing should interpose .^ But was it likely that nothing and nobody would interpose ? The girl was well known to be a rich heiress ; she was the only child of a most distinguished statesman ; she would be very likely to have Dukes and Marquises competing for her hand, and where might Soame Eivers be then.^ The young man sometimes thought that, if 230 THE DICTATOR tbrougli her unconventional and somewliat romantic nature he could entangle her in a love affair, he might be able to induce her to get secretly married to him — before any of the possible Dukes and Marquises had time to put in a claim. But, of course, there would be always the danger of his turning Sir Eupert hopelessly against him by any trick of that kind, and he saw no use in having the daughter on his side if he could not also have the father. Besides, he had a sore con- viction that the girl would not do anything to displease her father. So he gave up the idea of the romantic elopement, or the secret marriage, and he reminded himself that, after all, Helena Langley, with all her unconven- tional ways, was not exactly another Lydia Languish. Then the Dictator and Hamilton came on the scene, and Kivers had many an unhappy hour of it. At first he was more alarmed THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 231 about Hamilton than about the Dictator. He could easily understand an impulsive girl's hero-worship for the Dictator, and he did not think much about it. The Dictator, he assured liimself, must seem quite an elderly sort of person to a girl of Helena's age ; but Hamilton was young and handsome, of good family, and undoubtedly rich. Hamilton and Helena fraternised very freely and openly in their adoration for Ericson, and Elvers thought moodily that tliat partnership of admiration for a third person might very Avell end in a partnership of still closer admiration for each other. So, although from the very first he disliked the Dictator, yet he soon began to detest Hamilton a great deal more. His dislike of Ericson was not exclusively and altogether because of Helena's hero- worship. According to his way of thinking, all foreign adventure had something more or less vulgar in it, but that was especially 232 THE DICTATOR objectionable in the case of an Englishman. What business had an EngHshman — one who claims apparently to be an English gentleman — what business had he with a lot of South American Eepublicans? What did he want among such people ? Why should he care about them ? Why should he want to jxovern them ? And if he did want to o'overn them, why did he not stay there and govern ? The thing was in any case mere bravado, and melodramatic enterprise. It was the morning after the day when the Dictator had proposed to Helena for poor Hamilton. Soame Eivers met Helena on the staircase. ' Of course,' he said, w^itli an emphasis, * you will be at luncheon to-day ? ' ' Why, of course ? ' she asked, carelessly. ' Well — your hero is coming — didn't you know ? ' ' I didn't know ; and who is my hero ? ' THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 233 ' Oh, come now ! — the Dictator, of course.' ' Is he coming? ' she asked, with a sudden gleam of genuine emotion flashing over her face. ' Yes ; your father particularly wants him to meet Sir Lionel Rainey.' 'Oh, I didn't know. Well, yes— I shall be there, I suppose, if I feel well enough.' ' Are you not well? ' Elvers asked, with a tone of somewhat artificial tenderness in his voice. ' Oh, yes, I am all right ; but I might not feel quite up to the level of Sir Lionel Eainey. Only men, of course ? ' ' Only men.' ' Well, I shall think it over.' 'But you can't want to miss your Dictator? ' ' My Dictator will probably not miss me,' the girl said in scornful tones which brought no comfort to the heart of Soame Eivers. ' You would be very sorry if he did not 234 THE DICTATOR miss you,' Soame Elvers said blunderingly. Your cynical man of the world lias his feel- ings and his angers. ' Very sorry ! ' Helena defiantly declared. The Dictator came punctually at two — he was always punctual. To-to was friendly, but did not conduct him. He was shown at once into the dining-room, where luncheon was laid out. The room looked lonely to the Dictator. Helena was not there. ' My daughter is not coming down to luncheon,' Sir Eupert said. ' I am so sorry,' the Dictator said. ' No- thing serious, I hope ? ' ' Oh, no ! a cold, or something like that — she didn't tell me. She will be quite well, I hope, to-morrow. You see how To-to keeps her place ? ' Ericson then saw that To-to was seated resolutely on the chair which Helena usually occupied at luncheon. THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 235 But what is the use if she is not coming ? ' the Dictator suggested — not to disparage the intelhgence of To-to, but only to find out, if he could, the motive of that undoubtedly sagacious animal's taking such a definite attitude. ' Well, To-to does not like the idea of anyone taking Helena's place except himself. Now, you will see ; when we all settle down, and no one presumes to try for that chair, To-to will quietly drop out of it and allow the remainder of the performance to go un- disturbed. He doesn't want to set up any claim to sit on the chair himself; all he wants is to assert and to protect the right of Helena to have that chair at any mo- ment when she may choose to join us at luncheon.' The rest of the party soon came in from various rooms and consultations. Soame Elvers was the first. 236 THE DICTATOR 'Miss Langley not coining?' he said, with a glance at To-to. ' No,' Sir Eupert answered. ' She is a little out of sorts to-day — nothing much — but she won't come down just yet.' ' So To-to keeps her seat reserved, I see.' The Dictator felt in his heart as if he and To-to were born to be friends. The other guests were Lord Courtreeve and Sir Lionel Eainey, the famous English- man who had settled himself down at the Court of the King of Siam, and taken in hand the railway and general engineering and military and financial arrangements of that monarch ; and, having been somewhat hurt in an expedition against the Black Flags, was now at home, partly for rest and recovery, and partly in order to have an opportunity of enlightening his Majesty of Siam, who had a very inquiring mind, on the immediate con- dition of politics and housebuilding in England. THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 237 Sir Lionel said that, above all things, the King of Siam would be interested in learning something about Ericson and the con- dition of Gloria, for the King of Siam read everything he could get hold of about politics everywhere. Therefore, Sir Eupert had under- taken to invite the Dictator to this luncheon, and the Dictator had willingly undertaken to come. Soame Elvers had been showing Sir Lionel over the house, and explaining all its arrangements to him — for the King of Siam had thoughts of building a palace after the fashion of some first-class and up-to-date house in London. Sir Lionel was a stout man, rather above the middle height, but looking rather below it, because of his stoutness. He had a sharply turned-up dark moustache, and purpling cheeks and eyes that seemed too tightly fitted into the face for their own personal comfort. Lord Courtreeve was a pale young man, 238 THE DICTATOR with a very refined and delicate face. He was a member of the London County Council, and was a chairman of a County Council in his own part of the country. He was a strong advocate of Local Option, and wore at his courageous buttonhole the blue ribbon which proclaimed his devotion to the cause of temperance. He was an honoured and a sincere member of the League of Social Purity. He was much interested in the increase of open spaces and recreation grounds for the London poor. He was an unaffectedly good young man, and if people sometimes smiled quietly at him, they respected him all the same. Soame Eivers had said of him that Providence had invented him to be the chief living argument in favour of the principle of hereditary legislation. Sir Lionel Eainey and Lord Courtreeve did not get on at all. Sir Lionel had too many odd and high-flavoured anecdotes about THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 239 life in Siam to be a congenial neighbour for the champion of social purity. He had a way, too, of referring everything to the lower instincts of man, and roughly declining to reckon in the least idea of any of man's, or woman's, higher qualities. Therefore, the Dictator did not take to him any more than Lord Courtreeve did ; and Sir Eupert began to think that his luncheon party was not well mixed. Soame Pavers saw it too, and was determined to get the company out of Siam. ' Do you find London society much changed since you were here last. Sir Lionel ? ' he asked. ' Didn't come to London to study society,' Sir Lionel answered, somewhat gruffly, for he thought there was much more to be said about Siam. ' I mean in that sort of way. I want to get some notions to take back to the King of Siam.' ' But might it not interest his Majesty to know of anv change, if there were anv, in 240 THE DICTATOR London society during that time ? ' Eivers blandly asked. ' No sir. His Majesty never was in Eng- land, and he could not be expected to take any interest in the small and superficial changes made in the tone or the talk of society during a few years. You might as well expect him to be interested in the fact that whereas when I was here last the ladies wore eel-skin dresses, now they wear full skirts, and some of them, I am told, wear a divided skirt.' 'But I thouorht such chancres of fashion might interest the King,' Rivers remarked with an elaborate meekness. ' The King, sir, does not care about divided skirts,' Sir Lionel answered, with scorn and resentment in his voice. 'I must confess,' the Dictator said, glad to be free of Siam, ' that I have been much interested in observing the changes tliat have THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 241 been made in the life of England — I mean in the life of London — since I was living here.' 'We have all got so Republican,' Sir Eupert said sadly. ' And we all profess to be Sociahsts,' Soame Elvers added. 'There is much more done for the poor than ever there was before,' Lord Courtreeve pleaded. ' Because so many of the poor have got votes,' Elvers observed. ' Yes,' Sir Lionel struck in with a laugh, ' and you fellows all want to get into the House of Commons or the County Council, or some such place. By Jove ! in my time a gentleman would not want to become a County Councillor.' ' I am not troubling myself about English politics,' the Dictator said. ' I do not care to vex myself about them. I should probably only end by forming opinions quite different VOL. 1. R 242 THE DICTATOR from some of my friends here, and, as I have no mission for EngUsh political life, what would be the good of that? But I am much interested in English social life, and even in what is called Society. Now, what I want to know is how far does society in London re- present social London, and still more, social England?' ' Not the least in the world,' Sir Eupert promptly replied. ' I am not quite so sure of that,' Soame Elvers interposed. ' I fancy most of the fellows try to take their tone from us.' ' I hope not,' the Dictator said. ' So do I,' added Sir Eupert emphatically ; ' and I am quite certain they do not. What on earth do you know about it. Elvers ? ' he asked almost sharply. ' Why shouldn't I know all about it, if I took the trouble to find out ? ' Elvers answered languidly. 'Yes, yes. Of course you could,' Sir Eupert said benignly, correcting his awkward touch of anger as a painter corrects some sudden mistake in drawing. ' I didn't mean in the least to disparage your faculty of ac- quiring correct information on any subject. Nobody appreciates more than I do what you are capable of in that way — nobody has had so much practical experience of it. But what I mean is this — that I don't think you know a great deal of English social life outside the West End of London.' ' Is there anything of social life worth knowing to be knowm outside the West End of London ? ' Soame Elvers asked. ' Well, you see, the mere fact that you put the question shows that you can't do much to enlighten Mr. Ericson on the one point about which he asks for some enlight- enment. He has been out of England for a great many years, and he finds some fault E 2 244 THE DICTATOR with our ways — or, at least, he asks for some explanation about them.' 'Yes, quite so. I am afraid I have for- gotten the point on which Mr. Ericson desired to get information.' And Elvers smiled a bland smile without looking at Ericson. ' May I trouble you. Lord Courtreeve, for the cigarettes ? ' ' It was not merely a point, but a whole cresset of points — a cluster of points,' Ericson said, ' on every one of which I wished to have a tip of liglit. Is English social life to be judged of by the conversation and the canons of opinion which we find received in London society ? ' ' Certainly not,' Sir Eupert explained. ' Heaven forbid ! ' Lord Courtreeve added fervently. 'I don't quite understand,' said Soame Elvers. ' Well,' the Dictator explained, ' what I THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 245 mean is this. I find little or nothing prevail- ing in London society but cheap cynicism — the very cheapest cynicism — cynicism at a farthing a 3^ard or thereabouts. We all admire healthy cynicism — cynicism with a great reforming and purifying purpose — the cynicism that is like a corrosive acid to an evil system ; but this West End London sham cynicism — what does that mean ? ' ' I don't quite know what you mean,' Soame Pavers said. ' I mean this, wherever you go in London society — at all events, wherever I go — I notice a peculiarity that I think did not exist, at all events to such an extent, in my younger days. Everything is taken with easy ridicule. A divorce case is a joke. Marriage is a joke. Love is a joke. Patriotism is a joke. Every- body is assumed, as a matter of course, to have a selfish motive in everything. Is this 246 THE DICTATOR the real feeling of London society, or is it only a fashion, a sliam, a grimace ? ' 'I think it is a very natural feeling,' Soame Eivers replied, with the greatest promptitude. ' And represents the true feeling of what are called the better classes of London ? ' ' Why, certainly.' ' I think the thing is detestable, anyhow,' Lord Courtreeve interposed, ' and I am quite sure it does not represent the tone of English society.' ' So am I,' Sir Eupert added. 'But you must admit that it is the tone which does prevail,' the Dictator said pressingly, for he wanted very mucli to study this question down to its roots. ' I am afraid it is the prevailing social tone of London — I mean tlie West End,' Sir Rupert admitted reluctantly. ' But you know what a fashion there is in these things, as well as in THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 247 others. The fashion m a Avoman's gown or a man's hat does not always represent the shape of a woman's body or the size of a man's head; ' It sometimes represents the shape of the man's mind, and the size of the woman's heart,' said Eivers. ' Well, anyhow,' Sir Eupert persevered, ' we all know that a great deal of this sort of talk is talked for want of anything else to say, and because it amuses most people, and because anybody can talk cheap cynicism ; I believe that London society is healthy at the core.' ' But come now — let us understand ? ' Ericson asked ; ' how can the society be healthy at the core for which you yourself make the apology by saying that it parrots the jargon of a false and loathsome creed because it has nothing better to say, or because it hopes to be thought witty by 248 THE DICTATOR parroting it ? Come, Sir Eupert, you won't maintain that? ' ' I will maintain,' Sir Eupert said, ' tliat London society is not as bad as it seems.' ' Oil, well, I have no doubt you are right in that,' the Dictator hastily replied. ' But what I think so melancholy to see is that de- generacy of social life in England — I mean in London — which apes a cynicism it doesn't feel.' ' But I think it does feel it,' Eivers struck in ; ' and very naturally and justly.' ' Then you think London society is really demoralised ? ' The Dictator spoke, turning on him rather suddenly. 'I think London society is just what it has always been,' Eivers promptly answered. ' Corrupt and cynical ? ' ' Well, no. I should rather say corrupt and candid.' ' If that is London society, that certainly THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 249 is not English social life,' Lord Courtreeve declared emphatically, patting the table with his hand, ' It isn't even London social life. Come down to the East End, sir ' ' Oh, indeed, by Jove ! I shall do nothing of the kind ! ' Eivers replied, as with a shudder, * I think, of all the humbugs of London society, slumming is about the worst.' ' I was not speaking of that,' Lord Court- reeve said, with a slight flush on his mild face. ' Perhaps I do not think very differ- ently from you about some of it — some of it — although, Heaven be praised, not about all ; but what I mean and was going to say when I was interrupted ' — and he looked with a cer- tain modified air of reproach at Eivers — ' what I was going to say when I w^as interrupted,' he repeated, as if to make sure that he was not going to be interrupted this time — ' was, that if you would go down to the East End with me, I could show you in one day plenty VOL. I. S 250 THE DICTATOR of proofs that tlie heart of the Eiighsh people is as sound and true as ever it was ' ' Very likely,' Pavers interposed saucily. ' I never said it wasn't.' Lord Courtreeve gaped with astonish- ment. ' I don't quite grasp your meaning,' he stammered. ' I never said,' Soame Eivers replied deliberately, ' that the heart of the English people was not just as sound and true now as it ever was — I dare say it is just about the same — meme jeu, don't you know ? ' and he took a languid puff at his cigarette. ' Am I to be glad or sorry of your answer ? ' Lord Courtreeve asked, with a stare. ' How can I tell ? It depends on wliat you want me to say.' 'Well, if you mean to praise the great THE PRIVATE SECRETARY 251 heart of the Eiighsh people now, and at other times ' ' Oh dear, no ; I mean nothing of the kind.' ' I say, Eivers, this is all bosh, you know,' Sir Eupert struck in. * I think we are all shams and frauds in our set — in our class,' Eivers said, composedly ; ' and we are well brought up and educated and all that, don't you know ? I really can't see why some cads who clean windows, or drive omnibuses, or sell vegetables in a donkey -cart, or carry bricks up a ladder, should be any better than we. Not a bit of it — if we are bad, they are worse, you may put your money on that.' ' Well, I think I have had my answer,' the Dictator said, with a smile. ' And what is your interpretation of the Oracle's answer ? ' Eivers asked. 252 THE DICTATOR ' I sliould have to interpret the Oracle itself before I could be clear as to the meaning of its answer,' Ericson said composedly. Soame Eivers knew pretty well by the words and by the tone that if he did not like tlie Dictator, neither did the Dictator very much like him. ' You must not mind Eivers and his cynicism,' Sir Eupert said, intervening some- wdiat hurriedly ; ' he doesn't mean half he says.' ' Or say half he means,' Eivers added. ^ But, as I was telling you, about the police organisation of Siam,' Sir Lionel broke out anew. And this time the others went back w^ithout resistance to a few moments more of Siam. END OF THE FIRST VOLUME Spottiswoode A Co. Printers, New-street SqtUM-e, London. CHATTO & WiNDUS'S LIST OF 528 POPULAR NOVELS BY THE BEST AUTHORS. Picture Covers, TWO SHILLINGS each. BY EDMOfiD ABOUT. The Fellah. BY HAMILTON AIDE. Carr or Carrlyun. Conti(ipnce^. BY MARY ALBERT. Brooke Fuicf lev"s Daughter, 3Y MRS. AUXANDE^. 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