5. C.S STATE OF ILLINOIS ADLAI E. STEVENSON, Govern >r DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATK IN NOBLE J. PUFFER, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief URBANA SURVEY CIRCULAR NO. 155 MEASURING OIL RESERVES BY By FREDERICK SQUIRES INJECTED GAS Reprinted In.m World Oil, pp. 17ii. 17-1, 175, September, 1949 PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1949 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FIGURE 3 Perspective drawing of oil field showing connections for gas injection. 3 3051 00004 6056 Measuring Oil Reserves By FREDERICK SQUIRES Petroleum Engineer, Illinois State Geological Survey A HE writer has applied to gas-injec- tion operations on oil sands in Ohio, West Virginia, and Illinois the J. O. Lewis method of raising the over-all pressure on the stratum in order to force gas to traverse its less permeable as well as its more permeable portions. In doing this he has found that pressure may be built up and brought to equilib- rium over an entire field in a short time if the sands are highly permeable and the pool of moderate size. These obser- vations led to the idea that the volume of oil remaining in a partiall} r depleted reservoir might be measured by inject- ing gas. All virgin oil and gas reservoirs under pressure are bounded laterally by lens- ing out of the reservoir rock, by imper- meable barriers, or by surrounding wa- ter-bearing rock. Such reservoirs are completely full of fluids, and the liquids will contain gas in solution. Volumetric reservoirs without gas caps produce their oil by expansion of solution gas. This article is concerned with the meas- urement of the amount of oil remaining in such volumetric reservoirs after they are partially depleted. Measurement Process The process is illustrated in two ways, first by a simple apparatus shown in Figure 1, and second by a simplified diagram of an oil field shown in Figure 2. This field is shown in perspective in Figure 3. Consider a tank, A (Figure 1), full of oil containing dissolved gas under pres- sure. The size and shape of the tank are unknown, but the pressure and the amount of dissolved gas per unit volume of oil have been determined. Part of the oil is drawn off from A, collected and measured at B (Figure 1); the pressure is allowed to fall to atmospheric, allow- ing all the gas dissolved in all the oil to escape From A. The volume of this gas is measured. (The one atmosphere of PARTLY DEPLETED volumetric reser- voirs are evaluated through calcula- tions hinging on the shrinkage of the oil due to loss of dissolved gas as determined earl/ in the life of the producing field. Where no water drive is present, and no gas cap existed early in field history, calcula- tions based on injected gas give conservative estimate of residual oil. gas remaining above the oil in the tank is not considered.) Subtracting the quantity of gas dis- solved in the known volume of vented oil in B from the total measured volume of gas, the remainder is the volume of gas that was originally dissolved in the oil remaining in A. Dividing this by the amount of gas originally dissolved in each unit volume of oil gives the quan- tity of oil remaining in A. In field prac- tice this means that if you have a record of the original pressure and the amount of dissolved gas in a unit volume of oil and measure the vented oil and gas and water you can determine the amount of oil remaining. Assume that the volume of gas dis- solved in each barrel of oil in A is found to be 500 cubic feet, and the shrinkage of the oil from maximum to minimum pressure is 20 percent. If the volume of oil in B is four-fifths of a barrel and the total volume of gas liberated from A is 5000 cubic feet, then the oil in B will account for 500 cubic feet, and the difference between 500 cubic feet and 5000 cubic feet or 4500 cubic feet is the volume of gas which has been liberated from the oil remain- ing in A. Since each barrel of oil in A originally dissolved 500 cubic feet of uas and the shrinkage on the liberation of this gas is 20 percent, then there remain nine barrels minus 20 percent or 7.2 barrels of oil in A. Boyles Law Used Next, the same procedure, as described above, is repeated but with no measure- ment of the escaped gas. The problem is the same, namely, to find the volume of oil remaining in A. The space above the oil in A is the sum of the amount of oil removed, shown at'B, and the shrink- age of all the oil due to the loss of all the gas. This space is then measured ac- cording to Boyles law by pumping in a known volume of gas, allowing the pres- sure to equalize and noting the pressure to which it raises the reservoir. As shown in Figure 1, this gas will come to equilibrium pressure immediately. In the field, gas should be introduced through many wells. Figure 2 is a sim- plified diagram showing one injection well. The time required to attain equi- librium will depend on the permeability of the sand and the number of injection wells. The degree to which the method is practical in the field will depend largely on the degree of permeability of the producing strata and the size of the pool. In highly permeable strata, such as in the Johnsonville pool, it would require only a short time to raise the pressure in the reservoir and bring it to equilibrium. From the space above the oil at A in Figure 1, deduct the volume of oil B and the shrinkage of this oil due to loss of gas. The remainder is the shrinkage of the oil remaining in A. Since this shrinkage is known to be 20 percent, the volume of this oil is readily figured as four times the amount of this shrinkage. The method for measuring shrinkage of the oil by injecting a Known volume of gas and observing the resulting equi- PRESSURE GAUGE METER COMPRESSOR i I I METER t4= COMPRESSOR PLAN METER I I i GAS METER COMPRESSOR^ SECTION METER GAUGE COMPe4== i | OIL SAND OUTLINE PLAN OIL RESERVES MEASURED BY GAS INJECTION FIGURE 1. FIGURE 2. librium pressure may be used to deter- mine the amount of oil remaining in a partially depleted oil reservoir under the following conditions: 1. When the reservoir is volumetric. Such pools are common in the Cow Run sand in West Virginia and in the McClosky lime in Illinois. 2. When pressure, cubic feet of dis- solved gas per barrel of oil at the beginning of production, and shrink- age factor have been determined. 3. When total oil and water produced have been recorded. 4. When the sands are highly perme- able. 5. When the pool is of moderate size. Unknown Volume In the past it has been the common practice in many areas to produce solu- tion gas without metering it so that its volume is unknown. Such a condition is assumed in the following description of a procedure to determine the quantity of oil remaining in a partially depleted res- ervoir. Let x — original oil in field in bbls. total (gas-free basis). a = oil removed from held in bbls. (gas-free basis). S = the shrinkage of the oil due to loss of dissolved gas (fraction of original volume). V= original oil in field in bbls. (be- fore gas loss). sv = shrinkage in bbls. (for both oil removed and residual oil). b = volume of void in field calcu- lated from volume of injected gas required to build up a stated pressure. Then we can see that b = a + sv or _b — a v s X = V — sv x — a = residual oil This calculation requires, primarily, a good measured value for s. It assumes that when gas is injected into the field to determine b, a negligible amount of this gas dissolves in the residual oil. Since the measuring pressure is low and the time of contact of gas and oil is very short, especially in highly permeable sands, this assumption is justified. If conditions are such that a considerable amount of gas is dissolved during this process it may be tested and a proper allowance made for it in the calcula- tions. Interstitial water is present in almost every reservoir but since the solubility of gas in water is a small fraction of its solubility in oil, it is believed that the effect of interstitial water is essentially only to reduce the void space so that for the purpose of this procedure water may be considered part of the rock. If there is substantial encroachment of water this procedure is not applicable. If there is no record of original pres- sure, it is fairly safe to assume that in most areas it approximates hydrostatic pressure for the depth of the reservoir. If there is no record of the amount of gas originally dissolved per barrel of oil, laboratory tests may be made to deter- mine the solubility of similar gas in that particular oil at the original reservoir pressure and temperature. If the oil in the reservoir was not completely satu- rated, then the error in calculating the amount of remaining oil is on the con- servative side. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thanks to J. S. Machin, who set up the mathematical statement; A. Tl. Bell, « l"> clarified the article; and C. A. Bays, F. H. Reed, Paul Torrey, William L. Horner, R. C. Earlougher, Parke A. Dickey, Kurt H. Andre- sen. U E. Elkins. R. V. Hughes. J. A. Culbert- son and E. Charles Patton, Jr., who read the paper and made valuable criticisms and sug- gestions.