M QUESTIONS The large figures refer to the Paragraphs of the “Manual.” OBSEEVATIONS ON BEGINNING THE STUDY OF “THE MANUAL OE PHONOGEAPHY.” 16. What practice is recommended to students in Phonography on commencing the art ? 17. What particular caution is necessary ? 18. How should the pen or pencil be held when writing ? EXPLANATION OF TEEMS. 19. 1. What is to he understood by Phonetics ? 2. Define Phonography. S. Define Phonotypy. 4. What is a Phonogram ? 5. What is a Phonotype ? 6. What is a Logogram P 7. What is a Grammalogue ? 8. What is a Phraseogram ? 9. What is a Phraseograph ? THE ALPHABET OF NATUEE. 20. What is the basis of the alphabet of Phonography ? 22. State the principle of the arrangement adopted in the pho- netic alphabet. 23. What is to be observed respecting the letters p, b ; t,d ; etc. ? 1. What arep, t, ch, 7c, f, th{iri), s, sh, called? 2. What are b, d, j, g , v, th(en), z, zh, called ? S. What is the difference between the letters of each pair of consonants ? 4. What are ch, j ; and of what are they composed ? 5. Mention some words in which you find these sounds, initial, medial, and final. 6. What determines the place of these letters in the phonetic shorthand alphabet? 6 24. l. How are the vowels arranged ? 2. Which sound commences each series ? 8. How are the short vowels represented ? and the long ? 4 . Copy distinctly the Table of Consonants, page 12 ; — the let- ers, phonographs, names, and phonotypes, and supply other words as examples of their powers. CONSONANTS. 25. In how many directions are the consonants written? 26. l. What size for the consonants is recommended to a -learner ? 2. How should the curved thick letters be written ? 27. 1. How are perpendicular and sloping letters written ? 2. How are horizontal letters written ? 3. How are all heavy strokes written ? 28. 1. How are l and sh written when standing alone ? 2. How in conjunction with other consonants ? 29. Describe the mode of writing the consonants of which a word consists. 1. How are two consonants of the same kind, following each other, written ? 30. l. How are single and non-descending consonants written ? 2. How are two descending consonants written when joined ? UPWARD B. 31. 1. What is the additional character for r ? 2. Why are two strokes given to this letter ? 3. What is the inclination of the upward r, when standing alone ? 4 . What is the inclination of ch standing alone ? 5. How are r and ch distinguished when joined to other letters ? 6. Join the upward r to all the consonants, in order. 7. Join the downward r to all the consonants in order. (For the manner of joining the upward and downward r to h, see paragraph 107. DOUBLE CONSONANTS. 32. l. What are the names of the double consonants, and how are they represented ? 2. How is Ir written? LONG VOWELS. 33. How many simplelong vowels are there in the English language ? 7 34. l. How are they represented in Phonography ? 2. Name several words containing the long vowel ah ; several containing eh,' and so on with the other four vowels. 3. How are the vowels to be pronounced? METHOD OF PLACING THE VOWELS. 85. 1 . How is a vowel read when placed on the left of a perpendicular or sloping consonant ? 2. How is it read when placed on the right ? 3. How is a vowel read when placed above a horizontal stroke ? 4. How is it read when placed below ? 5. How are the vowel-places reckoned ? 37. Name all the first, second, and third-place vowels. 38. What caution is necessary in writing vowel points and strokes ? SHORT VOWELS. 39. l. How many short vowels are there in the English language ? 2. How are they represented in Phonography ? 3. Name words in which these sounds occur. 40. By what names should the short vowels, as letters, be called ? diphthongs. 4J. i. How are the diphthongs i, ow, u , ai , oi, and the triphthong wi represented ? 2. Where, with respect to a consonant, are the signs i , ow, and wi written ? and where ai, oi, and u ? 42. In what positions are i, wi, ow, and u written when representing the words I, why, how, and you ? 43. l. Write the signs for wah, well, wee, waw,woh, woo ; yah, yeh, yee , yaw, yoh, yoo. 2. In what positions are these signs written ? 44. Write weal, wool, wile by means of the upward wl. 1. What may wh and w be called ? 2. How is wh represented ? ON WRITING PHONETICALLY. 45. l. What must be ascertained before any word can be written phonetically ? 2. In what cases is n often pronounced ng ? VOCALIZATION OF WORDS. 47. How are first-place vowels written in a word containing two consonants ? Write pack, talk . 8 48. 1. When are second-place vowels written after the first conso- nant? Write tale, fail, jpail, boat, laid, code. 2. When are second-place vowels written before the second consonant? Write tell, fell, 'pill, but, cud, led. 49. How are third-place vowels written ? Write feel, fill, Tceel, kill. 50. l. In words of more than one syllable, where should the vowel be placed ? 2. What kind of position is generally to be avoided in writing the sign of a vowel that comes between two consonants ? 51. What is the most convenient manner of writing a first-place vowel at the beginning of a word ? Write abate, ability. 2. Write out the table of vowels and diphthongs, and the double-letters of the w and y series on page 21 of the “Manual;” marking the positions of the vowels by pre- fixing them to the letter t ; also give examples of words (not those in the printed table) in which the sounds occur. CIRCLE 8 AND Z. 52. 1. What is the additional character for s and z ? 2. Why is s furnished with two shorthand letters, namely a stroke and a circle ? 3. How is the circle s joined to straight letters, and on which side is it written ? 4. How is it joined to curves? 53. How is it written between two consonants ? 54. 1. Is a vowel ever placed to the circle $ ? 2. How is the circle s read when at the commencement of a word P 3. How is it read at the end ? 4. How may ss, (sez, zez,) be represented ? 5. Write in Phonography piece, pieces; case, cases ; tease , teases ; noise, noises; fence, fences ; cheese, cheeses; sense, senses. \/55. 1. When must the stroke s be used? 2. Write ass, Esau, say, sue. 3. Write, with the stroke s, sciatica, Sion, saucer, schism; fancy, Nancy, Percy ; arduous, sinuous. 56. What vowel may Ss be supposed to contain? 57. 1. When is the stroke z used ? 2. Write zero, zinc , zany, zeal, zenith, zealot , zealous. ST AND STB LOOPS, AND SW CIRCLE. 68. 1. How is st represented ? 2. In what positions is the loop st generally written ? 9 t > 59. When may the loop st be written in the middle of a word ? 60. How is str represented ? What is said of the str loop initially ? 61. How may a final 5 be added to these loops ? 62. How are the two forms of std used ? 63. l. How is initial sw represented P 2. How is svj written when not joined to another consonant ? INITIAL L AND B HOOKS. 04. l. Give examples of words in which simple articulations united with the liquids l and r form a kind of consonant diph- thong, and are pronounced by a single effort of the organs of speech. 2. How are these combinations expressed ? 65. What plans will assist the pupil in remembering these hooks ? 66. 1. Why was the left-hand hook selected for r, and the right-hand hook for l ? 2. What curves are most frequent in English Phonography ? 67. What does a small hook prefixed to a curved letter represent ? 68. l. What double consonants have extra signs ? 2. Write the two forms of fr, vr, thr . 69. 1. In the hooked letter pr, must the hook be considered as r and the stem as p, or must the whole form be considered as in- divisible and representing the consonant diphthong pr ? 2. How are these double consonants vocalized? 71. 1. When should the fr, vr, dr, dr alphabetic curves be used, and when the opposite curves ? 2. Which should be preferred, when both will join with equal ease ? 72. What does a large hook prefixed to a curve represent ? 73. In what cases should the pr, pi series be generally used ? 74. 1. How are the double consonants pi, pr, etc. to be pronounced ? 2. What distinction would you understand by hearing^?, I, pro- nounced as two letters, and pi pronounced as one ? CIRCLES AND LOOPS PRECEDING A HOOK. 76. 1. How is the series of treble consonants spr, str , sJcr , formed ? 2. Write the shorthand letters for kw and skw. 3 . How are spr, str, etc., distinguished from sp, st, etc.? 4 . Write sp, spr, st, str, sk, skr. 77. 1. When are these treble consonants used ? 2. Write the shorthand examples in this paragraph. 10 78. What occurs in a few words such as explore, superscribe, sub- scribe, in which one of the l or r hooked letters follows the circle . s ? 79. i. How is the circle 5 turned, after t or d, to produce skr, sgr ? 2. How is the combination dsk written ? 80. l. May the st and sir loops be added to the pr series of consonants ? 2. Write stopper, stoker. 81. How is the sw circle prefixed to th q pr series P N HOOK. 82. l. How may the letter n be expressed at the termination of a word P 2. Write cone, gone, Tyne, done, chin, Jane, pin, bin, fun, thin, thine, with the n hook. 83. l. How is s or z added to the n hook when it occurs at the end of a straight line ? 2. When does this circle on the left mean ns ? S. How is the final s or z circle written after a straight letter ? 84. 1. What does the ns circle represent when made double size ? 2. Write tenses , chances, dances, expenses. 5. How is n written after curved letters ? 86. l. How is s or z added to the n hook following a curve ? 2. How is ss written after n following a curve P 3. Write balance, balances ; offence, offences. 87. May the n hook be used medially ? give examples. 88. l. How are the st and str loops combined with the n hook P 2. How is the circle s written after the loops nst and nstr ? 8. Write against, punster , spinsters. 89. i. How is a vowel after a letter with the w-hook read ? 2. How is a vowel after n to be expressed ? 90. l. State what shl, shn, written upward, and In, written down- ward, and not joined to any other letter, would be mis- taken for. 2. When may they be written safely either up or down ? F OR V HOOK. 91. l. How is f or v expressed, when it follows a straight letter ? 2. How must/* or v be written when it follows a curved letter? 92. l. How is s joined to the/or v hook? 2. Which form of f or v is used when a vowel follows ? 93. May the f or v hook be used medially ? Give examples. 11 -TION HOOK. 95. How is the frequent termination -tion expressed ? 96. l. How is the - tion hook written when following a curve ? 2. How after a straight letter beginning with a hook or circle, or preceded by a curve ?‘ 3 . How is the hook written in other cases ? 97. How is the - tion hook written after t, d, or j ? 98. Give examples of the - tion hook used medially. 99. How may sion ( zhon ) as heard in the word vision be expressed? 100. 1. How is -tion written when two vowel signs occur before it ? 2. Write accentuation. 101. 1. How may the termination -tion or sion after s or ns be represented ? 2. How far may this hook be vocalized ? 102. Write the words positions, decisions, physicians, positional. THE ASPIKATE. 103. l. In what position does the aspirate always occur in English ? 2. How is it represented in Phonography? 104. l . What form of h is employed when another consonant follows ? 2. Write hope, hive, heath, hush, hang, with the upward h. 105. Write, with the tick h, home, hill, hear, her, horse, hum, hark. 106. 1. Write, with the dot h, the words half, happy, hath, him. 2. When must the dot aspirate not be used ? 107. 1. Show how the downward h may be joined to ch , s, sh, k, m, l, and the upward or downward r. 2. Show how the upward h may be joined to p, t, ch,f, th, n , ng, w, y, the upward r, and upward li. 108. Name the consonants before which the downward h may be reduced to a tick. 109. What principle should guide the writer in expressing or not expressing the stroke h ? INITIAL AND FINAL L AND B. 110. When should an initial r be written upward, and when down- ward ? Mention cases of exception. 111. 1. When r is circled or hooked initially, how is it written ? 2, Write sere, Sahara ; sour, Surrey. 112. When is final r written upward; and when downward ? 113. Would you write the upward or the downward r in a word that already descends two strokes below the line ? 12 114. Should the upward or downward rn be used, when final P 115. When is initial l written upward ; and when downward ? 116. 1. After what letters is final l written either upward or down- ward, according as it is or is not followed by a vowel ? 2. After what letters is l al »vays written downward ? 117. When is l, u, used in preference to Ir ? 118. How is l following a straight letter written if two vowels come between ? HALVING PRINCIPLE. 119. How is t or d added to any of the single, double, or treble consonants? Write talked , rubbed , wiped, fetched. 120. 1. How are these half-length consonants to be named ? 2. Write the names of all the half-length consonants derived from the simple letters. 121. How is the addition of t and d to m, n, l, r, represented P 122* 1. How is It written when standing alone ? 2. Is Id written upward or downward ? 3 . Write, with half length letters* part, tippled, treasured. 123. l. What is the manner of expressing the addition of d to a half length letter ending with an n hook ? 2. Write mound, uplifted, beautiful, habit * 126. 1. Name the consonants that are not halved for the expression of t or d. When may they be halved P 2. To show why they should not be halved, state what would rcli represent if halved ; also ng, mp, and Ir. 127. 1. How is the past tense of a verb ending in t or d written? 2. How are verbs ending with the sound of z written in the past tense ? 3 . How should verbs in rch be written ? 128. 129. How is a vowel before a half-sized consonant read how after ? 130. 1. When the circle s is placed after a half-sized consonant, where must it be read ? 2. Can a final vowel be placed after the t or d that is added by halving ? 131. How should such words as heat, hunt, be written? 132. How can st be written after the *tion hook ? 133. 1. Under what circumstances may a full-sized and half-sized consonant not be joined ? 2. Illustrate the rule by writing cooked, midnight (m d n t), fact, liked. 13 i DOUBLE-LENGTH PRINCIPLE. 137. 1. What does a curved consonant written double length express ? 2. Write, mother, latter, murder, another, fender, softer, searcher . 3. When may a straight stroke be written double-length for the * addition *of tr, etc. 4 . An initial straight stroke cannot be lengthened for tr, dr, or thr, except in a certain case. Name this case. 138. Write the words latter, ladder, letter, leather. 140. How is a double-length consonant vocalized? VOCALIZATION OF THE PL, PR, SERIES OF CONSONANTS. 141. 1. How may the long vowels 1, 2, 3, between the two letters of one of the pr or pi series of consonants be written ? 2. How are the short vowels expressed in the same case ? 142. When the position of the consonants renders it inconvenient to observe this rule, how may the vowel then be written ? 143. How are the stroke vowels written, when occurring between the letters of the pr or ]pl series of consonants ? 144. 1. When an initial hook or circle interferes with a first-place vowel, or a final hook or circle with a third-place vowel, how may these vowels be written ? 2. Write, by means of the hooked double consonants, and vocalize, the following words : — dormant, rapture, toleration. 145. 1. Is it necessary to mark an unaccented vowel in a double con- sonant of the pi and pr series ? 2. When should the vowel be inserted in such case ? 3 . Copy out the table of single and double consonants, page 47. PREFIXES. 147. 1. How are prefixes written ? 2. What is the sign for the prefix con or com, and how may it be understood when preceded by a consonant ? } 148 to 150. What are the prefixes for inter, intro, magna, magni, self f 151. How may the preposition in, before the treble consonants spr, str, skr, and the upward or ddwnward li, be expressed ? 162. Where cannot this principle be used with safety ? 14 153. 1. Where are the affixes written ? 2. What are the signs for the affixes ing , ings ? 3. When is it most convenient to use the stroke ing, and when the dot? j 154. Write the following examples containing the ality or arity affix : — vitality, fidelity, jocularity, conviviality .. 155 to 158. 1. What are the affixes for ly, mental, mentality , self \ selves, ship ? 2. What is to be observed respecting the affixes ly and ship ? 159. May a logogram be used as a prefix or affix ? METHOD OF PEACTICE. 160. Describe the method of practice recommended to make a learner competent to read any easy Phonographic reading book. 161. What is the rule for forming outlines. ? GEAMMALOGUES. 162. l. Mention the two ways in which Phonography may be written. 2. How are words of frequent occurrence represented ? 3. What are these words called ? 4. What are the letters that represent them called ? 5. Write a dozen grammalogues, first by their logograms, and afterwards in full. 163. l. In how many directions are the three stroke-vowels, long and short written, to represent grammalogues ? 2. Write the vowel-grammalogues, placing before each its short- hand sign. (Write the signs for and, should, upward.) 3. Make a distinct copy of the first and second Arrangements of Grammalogues, as on pages 54-7 of the “ Manual.” 167. Do logograms ever represent two words ? Give examples. 168. Give some examples in which s may be added to a logogram to express the plural, or the third person of a verb, or the possessive case. 169. 1. How are the positions of grammalogues generally determined ? * 2. What vowels occupy the first, second and third positions. 170. Why have vowel logograms and horizontal consonants only two positions ? 4 171. 1. Copy the Irregular Grammalogues of the 1st Class, and state why they are not written in position according to their vowels. 2. Copy the Irregular Grammalogues of the 2nd Class, and state why they are irregular. GENERAL RULES FOR WRITING. 172. 1. When reporting, how is the principal vowel indicated in a consonant outline? 2. Specify the classes of words which should be written in position in Reporting. 3 . What words need not be written in position, that is, otherwise than on the line ? 4. Give instances of outlines that may be left unvocalised. 174. 1. What determines the position of a word composed of a hori- zontal and a down or up stroke ? 2. Describe the manner of writing a word in the first position when its initial letter is horizontal, and is followed by a per- pendicular stroke. 3 . Describe the manner of writing a word in the first position when its initial letter is horizontal, and Ts followed by an upstroke. 4 . How should derivative words be written ? 175. 1. How many positions has a perpendicular or a downstroke double-length letter ? 2. How many positions has a sloping double-length curve or an upstroke ? 177. Name the series of dissyllabic diphthongs ? 178. l. Write real , seeing , being , theorem, museum, with the dissyllabic signs. 2. Write alien, folio, theology, theocracy, geometry, with the small vowel-like signs of the yah series. 179. 1. When two vowels occur either before or after a single conso- nant, how must they be written ? 2. How must they be written when occuring between two con- sonants ? 3 . Write diary, oasis, Owen, Ionia, mower. 180. Write all the combinations of first and third -place vowels and consonants that admit of the vowel being joined. 181. Write jpew, sinew, joining the vowel as in dew, continue. 182. When may the vowel sign w be joined to a consonant ? 183. What letters indicate a final vowel ? 16 184. 1. Explain the nominal consonant, and state how the vowels are placed to it. 2. Write the long and short vowels to the nominal consonant. 185. 1. How is the German ch written P 2. How is the Welsh ll represented? 186. When may p, t, Tc, g , be omitted in Phonography ? V 187. How is the connective phrase of the intimated in Phonetic Shorthand ? 189. 1. Write in the, for the , of the, on the, with the, to the, at the, and the, from the, or the, but the. 2. Copy distinctly the list of contractions on pages 66, 67, and mention what letters are employed in each. CONSONANT OUTLINES. 191. 1. Whence does it occur that many words may be written in more than one way ? 2. What is the test of a good outline ? 3. What practice is recommended for the acquisition of a know** ledge of the best forms ? 4. Make a list of the words on p. 69-72 ; then, close the book, and write the shorthand outline opposite each. Afterwards compare your written list with that in the book. 192. 1. What is Phraseography ? 2. Copy the brief list of phraseograms given on page 73, in shorthand, then shut the book and write the longhand. 193. 1. How is I, in some cases, attached to a phraseogram? 2. Vocalise the phraseograms you have just copied. 3. When logograms are united, which determines the position of the outline ? 194. May a logogram be written close to another word to represent con or com ? 195. In what way can there or their be added to a logogram ? PUNCTUATION. 196 to 199. How are the following stops, etc., written : — comma, semicolon, colon, period, hyphen, dash, interrogation, ex- * clamation, laughter, accent, emphasis, capital letters ? 200. Write the ten digits in Shorthand words, with the figures un- derneath. s i ' 0 \ LEAVES FROM THE NOTE-BOOK THOMAS ALLEN REED. In the Reporting Style of Phonography, with a Key at the foot * of each page. In two vols., fcp. 8vo. Vol. I. contains a portrait of Mr T. N Riid, and each vol. is complete in itself. Price, each vol., p*er, 2s. ; cloth, 2 s. 6 d. PRESS OPINIONS. Written in a smart and racy style. — Literary World. Full of matter of intense interest to phonographers. — School Board Chronicle. We have nothkjg but unqualified admiration for this book. — Civil Service Gazette. There are not hal£-a-doxc» dry pages in the book. — Knowledge. The book is especially valuable to the shorthand student.— Pall Mall Gazette. Contains numerous and invaluable hints. — Barnsley Chronicle. The lectures and papers of which these volumes are composed are all exceedingly interesting. — City Press. Will be turned over with interest and curiosity . . . and even those who could not distinguish between the shorthand of Timothy Bright and the Phonography of Isaac Pitman may find both amusement and instruction in the reminiscences of Mr Reed. — Manchester Guardian. Contains a fund of information and some capital ^stories.— Christian Werld. ^ Gives practical information as to shorthand writing and reporting which is very valuable to learner^.— Nonconformist. In these volumes amv.semeat aad true knowledge go hand in hand. They are instructive, entertaining, suggestive, prac- tical. — Oldham Chronicle. Will be read with interest by all. — Pastern Daily Press. As a reading book to the shorthand student it should prove in- valuable. — The Review. A useful book to learners of the art, and worth its price even to readers who know nothing of shorthand. — Pcyislsy and Renfrew- shire Gazette. No book could be more valuable than “ Leaves from the Note- 'll Book of T. A.f Reed.” — Dumbarton Herald. Will b^ read with interest by all shorthand writers who have heard of the famous Mr Reed — and who has not ? — Malvern News.