1800—1900 100™ COMMENCEMENT OF MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE AND Centennial Anniversary of Its Founding JULY 1ST — 5TH Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/100thcommencemen00midd PROGRAMME. Sunday , July Js t. BACCALAUREATE SUNDAY. 10:45 A * M * Baccalaureate Services in the Congre- gational Church. Sermon by President Ezra Brainerd, LL. D., ’64. Subject: “Our In- debtedness to the Past.” 8:00 P. M. Anniversary Services of the Christian Associations of the College in the Congre- gational Church. Mr. J. E. Parker, ’01, President of the Young Men’s Christian Asso- ciation, will preside. The Rev. Samuel W. Boardman, D. D., LL. D., ’51, President of Maryville College, will deliver the address. Subject: “The Contribution of the First Century of Middlebury College to Christian Progress.” Monday, July 2d ♦ UNDERGRADUATE DAY* 10:30 A. M. Class Day Exercises of the Class of 1900 on the College Campus. 3:00 P. M. Preliminary Meeting of the Associated Alumni in the College Chapel. The chief object of this meeting will be the appointment of committees to report at the Annual Meet- ing of Tuesday. 4:00 P. M. Game of base ball on the Athletic Field between the Alumni and the Students of the College. 8:00 P. M. Merrill and Parker Prize Speaking in the Congregational Church. No tickets will be needed for admission to the Prize Speaking. As they will be required, however, at several of the subsequent exer- cises, it is important that all should register at the old College Library as soon as possible after reaching Middlebury, in order that the necessary information not included in this programme may be furnished in ample season. Tuesday, July 3d* COMMENCEMENT DAY* 8:30 A.M. Annual Meeting of the Associated Alumni in the College Chapel. ioiooa.m. The Trustees, Faculty, Alumni, and Students will form on the Campus and go in procession to the Congregational Church. 10:30 A. M. Commencement Exercises in the Con- gregational Church. Admission to the floor of the Church will be by ticket; the galleries will be open. The Annual Meeting of Vermont Beta, Phi Beta Kappa, will be held in the Lecture Room of the Church at the close of the Exercises. 3:00 P. M. Dedication of the Starr Library. The address will be delivered by Professor Brain- erd Kellogg, LL. D., '58, Dean of the Brook- lyn Polytechnic Institute. The period following the dedication is sug- gested as available for Class Reunions. 8 :oo P. M. Commencement Concert in the Congre- gational Church. Wednesday, July 4 th. EDUCATIONAL DAY. 10:30 A.M. Educational Conference in the Con- gregational Church. The Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL. D., President of Howard Univer- sity, will preside. Among those who will de- liver addresses are President William J. Tucker, D. D., LL. D., Dartmouth College ; President Matthew H. Buckham, D. D., Univer- sity of Vermont; President Franklin Carter, Ph. D., LL. D., Williams College; President Charles S. Murkland, Ph. D., ’81, New Hampshire College of Agriculture and Me- chanic Arts. 4:00-6:00 P. M. President’s Reception at his residence, to which all the Alumni and Guests of the College are cordially invited. 8:00 P.M. A Roman Drama in the Centennial Building, under the direction of Professor M. R. Sanford. The uniform price of admission will be one dollar. Applications for seats may be addressed to Professor Sanford and the seats will be reserved in the order of application. Thursday, July 5th* CENTENNIAL DAY, 10:30 A. M. Procession from the College to the Congregational Church. The Trustees, Fac- ulty, Alumni, and Students will assemble at the Chapel, and the Invited Guests in the Starr Library. 1 1:00 A.M. Centennial Services in the Congrega- tional Church. Hon. John W. Stewart, LL. D., ’46, will preside. The Oration will be deliv- ered by Professor Walter E. Howard, LL. D., ’7 1, of Middlebury College; the Poem by Pro- fessor Edwin H. Higley, A. M., '68, of Groton, Mass. Conferring of Degrees. There will be a luncheon in the Centennial Building at the close of the exercises. Brief addresses by Invited Guests and Alumni. Every graduate or former student of the College is entitled to purchase one ticket for himself and one for any accompanying visitor. The sale of these tickets will begin at the old College Library at 9 : 00 A. M., Monday, July 2. Price, one dollar each ; all seats reserved. 8:00 P. M. Promenade Concert in the Town Hall under the management of the Class of 1900.