ANNUAL CATALOGUE fit lmim Of THE «W«WT* Of H ISM JUDSONIA, WHITE COUNTY, ARKANSAS COLUMBUS: NEYINS & MYERS, BOOK PRINTERS 1876 . TTTTfTTrrrry t .r . . / i ' t H \8mik is FIRST ANNUAL CATALOGUE OF JUDSON UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS: NEVINS & MYERS, BOOK PRINTERS. 1876 . JUDSONIA, WHITE COUNTY, ARKANSAS. 1875 - 76 . CALENDAR FOR 1876-77. September 18, Monday — Fall Term begins. December 22, Friday — Fall Term (14 weeks) ends. January 3, Wednesday — Winter Term begins. March 20, Tuesday— Winter Term (11 weeks) ends. March 26, Monday — Spring Term begins. June 8, Friday — Spring Term (11 weeks) Annual Commencement. June 9, Saturday — Normal Institute begins, appointed by Hon. G. W. Hill, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Ex-Officio Members. His Excellency Governor A. H. GARLAND, Chancellor. President of the Senate Hon. BRADLEY BUNCH, Vice-Chancellor. Chief Justice Hon. E. H. ENGLISH. Associate Justice Hon. DAVID WALKER. Associate Justice Hon. WM. H. HARRISON. Term Expires May, 1877. Judge WATERS, Helena. B. C. BLACK, Searcy. Rev. T. P. BOONE, Little Rock. WM. PLANT, Russellville. Rev. S. STEVENSON, ....... Little Rock. Term Expires May, 1878. Capt. E. W. BRIGGS, Judsonia. Judge COMPTON, Little Rock. Hon. T. C. HUMPHREY, Jndsonia. J. R. CHERRY, ......... Little Rock. W. C. WEST, West Point. Term Expires May, 1879. Hon. H. C. CALDWELL, ...... Little Rock. A. B. COFFMAN, ........ Judsonia. M. R. FORY, Judsonia. T. A. REID, Red Bluff. J. W. TURNER, Little Rock. 4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Rev. BENJAMIN THOMAS, President ex-officio. R. C. BROWNING, Treasurer. A. T. JAMES, Secretary. P. L. BARKER, Corresponding Sec' y. Term Expires May, 1877. J. W. PIERCY, Beebe. J. A. HUFF, . Judsonia. Dr. T. D. NICHOLS, Roseville. CHARLES MARSH, Judsonia. C. C. SHEPHERD, Judsonia. Hon. B. D. TURNER, Term* Expires May, 1878. P. L. BARKER, J udsonia. Rev. JEFFERSON BISHOP, . . J udsonia. R. V. GRAY, Judsonia. A. T. JAMES, THOMAS OWEN, West Point. Dr. J. L. MO ETON, Little Rock. Term Expires May, 1879. W. A. BONHAM, Judsonia. R. C. BROWNING, J udsonia. Rev. T. B. ESPY, D.D., Cabot. Rev. JOHN C. SHIPP, Searcy. Rev. R. M. THRASHER, Malveyi. R. J. WINN, Judsonia. FACULTY . Rev. BENJAMIN THOMAS, D.D., President, PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY, MORAL SCIENCE, AND SCIENCE OF GOVERNMENT, FRANKLIN A. SLATER, B.S., PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS, CIVIL ENGINEERING, AND PHILOSOPHY. HENRY S. REYNOLDS, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AND NATURAL HISTORY. Mrs. FRANCES A. REYNOLDS, PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND MODERN LANGUAGES. HENRY M. DOUGLASS, PROFESSOR OF GREEK, MODERN LANGUAGES, AND NORMAL TRAINING. HUBERT M. SKINNER, PROFESSOR OF LATIN AND HEBREW, Mrs. H. M. DOUGLASS, PRINCIPAL OF THE MODEL SCHOOL. C. C. SMITH, PROFESSOR CF HORTICULTURE. Miss ADELA J. THOMAS, D.M., PROF'ESSOR OF INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Mrs. F. A. REYNOLDS, VOCAfc MUSIC. H. S. REYNOLDS, TELEGRAPHY. F. A. SLATER, PENMANSHIP. W. W. BRIEESE, M.D., LECTURER ON ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND HYGIENE. 6 STUDENTS. ^tmhni§. NAME. RESIDENCE. Barnwell Anderson, .... . Nashville. Albert Edward Barker, Judsonia. Laura Bell Beecher, .... . Judsonia. Benjamin H. Beall, . . . . . Adkinsville. Katie Best, Caroline Isabel Bishop, . Judsonia. Palmer Dunn Bishop, .... . Judsonia. Serepta May Bishop, . Judsonia. Charles Booth, ...... . West Point. Berton Warren Briggs, . . . . Judsonia. Charles Willis Briggs, .... . Judsonia. Flavel Greenleaf Briggs, . . . . Judsonia. Robert Lincoln Browning, . Judsonia. William Calvin Browning, J udsonia. Amarantha Louisa Church, . Judsonia. Laura Bell Church, Judsonia. Sarah Eliza Church, .... . Judsonia. Adeletha Edie, ...... Judsonia. Cyrus Faunt Leroy Edie, . Judsonia. Evalena Edie, Judsonia. Ida Lettie Edie, . Judsonia. Joseph Albert Edie, Judsonia. Thomas Milton Edie, .... . Judsonia. Pliny Ford, Libbie Ferguson, . Judsonia. George Hardin Glosson, .... Judsonia. James Alfred L. Glosson, . Judsonia. Joanna Glosson, . . ... Judsonia. Lucy Thomas Glosson, .. .. . Judsonia. STUDENTS. 7 NAME. H ESI PENCE. Mary Lettie Gosnell, Jud sonia. James Pendleton Green, Searcy. Moses David Green, Searcy. Edward Gray, Judsonia. Richard Leroy Gray, Judsonia. Paul Price Herndon, .... Judsonia. Olive Hildreth Judsonia. Amanda Ella Hussey, Judsonia. Arthur Oliver Hussey, . Judsonia. Alpha Key, Judsonia. George Key, Judsonia. Adelia Lawton, ..... Judsonia. Mary Virginia Lawton, . Judsonia. Mary Maria Lewis, .... Judsonia. Alice Isabel Marsh, Judsonia. Florence Ella Marsh, . ... Butlerville. Harrie Willis Marsh, Judsonia. Edwin Murrey, Augusta. Nannie E. Plant, .... Russell. Joseph Harden Riley, . Jacksonville, Mo. Ira J. Reynolds, .... Judsonia. James Henry Slitter, .... Grand Rapids, Mich. Charles Edward Smith, . Judsonia. Emily Carrie Smith, .... Judsonia. William Royal Smith, . Judsonia. Joseph Lewis Stansbury, Judsonia. Walter Cruthers Stansbury, . Judsonia. James Y. Thomas, . Nashville. Alexander Tucker, . . Traskwood. Horace Polk Turner, .... Paris, Texas. William Simon Turner, . Paris, Texas. Americus Vespucius Vanmeter, . Judsonia. California Vanmeter, Judsonia. Thomas Vanmeter, . Judsonia. NAME. RESIDENCE. John Burrel Walker, Margaret Wagner, Albert Martin Watson, . Eva Jane Watson, Lillie Catharine Winn, . MUSIC. Mrs. Damon, Miss Ella Hussey, Miss Willie Key, Miss Jennie Love, Miss Alice Marsh, Miss Nannie Plant. SUMMARY. Males 41 Females 30 Total 71 Beebe. Winthrop, Iowa. Judsonia. Judsonia. Judsonia. STUDIES . 9 I. SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS. NORMAL, BUSINESS, AND PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. MODEL SCHOOL. Oral Arithmetic ; Olney. Primary Arithmetic ; Olney. Elements of Arithmetic ; Olney. Science of Arithmetic (five chapters) ; Olney. JUNIOR PREPARATORY CLASS. Fall Term. — Natural Philosophy; Rolfe and Gillet. Winter Term. — Book-keeping; Bryant and Stratton’s Common School; Salor’s “ Primer of Political Economy” once a week. Spring Term. — Book-keeping advanced ; Groesbeck. SENIOR PREPARATORY CLASS. Fall Term. — Science of Arithmetic (completed) ; Olney. Winter Term. — Introduction to Algebra (125 pages); Olney. Spring Term. — Introduction to Algebra (completed) ; Olney. COLLEGE DEPARTMENT. FRESHMAN CLASS. Fall Term. — Plano Geometry ; Olney. Winter Term . — Solid Geometry ; Olney. Spring Term. — Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical; Olney. SOPHOMORE CLASS. Fall Term. — Surveying, Leveling, and Railway Building; Lectures and Practice ; Higher Algebra and Calculus ; Olney. Winter Term. — Higher Algebra and Calculus ; Olney. Spring Term. — Higher Equations and Noted Theorems; Olney. STUDIES. 10 JUNIOR CLASS. Fall Tei’m . — Physics (Mechanics and Hydrostatics) ; Snell’s Olmsted. Winter Term. — Physics (Pneumatics, Acoustics, and Optics); Snell’s Olmsted. Spring Term . — Astronomy. ADVANCED COURSE. Draining for Profit and Health; Waring, with Field Practice. Mathematical Drawing (with instruments), Plane and Perspective. Use of Water Colors and India Ink; Individual Instruction. General Geometry and Calculus ; Olney. Applied Mechanics; Rankine. Civil Engineering ; Rankine. II. SCHOOL OF NATURAL SCIENCE. NORMAL, BUSINESS, AND PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. MODEL SCHOOL. Oral Geography. Short Course in Geography ; Swinton. Child’s Book of Nature; Hooker. First Book of Zoology; Morse. JUNIOR PREPARATORY CLASS. • Fall Term. — Telegraphy (extra) ; Lectures and Practice, alternating with Science of Government; Alden. Winter Term. — Map Drawing; Butler. Complete Course in Geography, Physical, Industrial, and Political; Swinton. Spring Term. — Studies of Winter Term continued. SENIOR PREPARATORY CLASS. Fall Term. — Physiology; Sewell’s Hooker, with Lectures. Winter Term. — Chemistry (metals); Rolfe and Gillet, with Lectures and Experiments. Spring Term. — Chemistry (non-metals); Rolfe and Gillet, with Lectures and Experiments. COLLEGE DEPARTMENT. SOPHOMORE CLASS. Fall Term. — Mineralogy; Dana. Winter Term. — Structural and Physiological Botany ; Gray’s Manual. Spring Term. — Systematic Botany, with Collections of Plants, etc. STUDIES. 11 JUNIOR CLASS. Fall Term. — Zoology (Structural); Agassiz and Gould. Winter Term. — Zoology (Classification); Jordon. Spring Term. — Zoology; Special Entomology, with Collections, etc. SENIOR CLASS. Fall Term. — Geology (Dynamical); Dana’s Manual. Winter Term. — Geology (Historical and State); Dana. Spring Term. — Geology (Historical and State) ; Dana. III. SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES. NORMAL, BUSINESS, AND PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. SENIOR PREPARATORY CLASS. Fall Term. — Latin (Grammar and Reader); Harkness. Winter Term. — Latin (Fables and Dialogues); Harkness. Spring Term. — Latin (Roman History); Harkness. COLLEGE DEPARTMENT. FRESHMAN CLASS. Fall Term. — Latin (Caesar); Harkness. Greek; Hadley’s Grammar and Boise’s First Lessons. Winter Term . — Latin (Cicero); Harkness. Greek; Boise’s First Lessons. Spring Term. — Latin (Virgil); Chase and Stewart. Greek; Boise’s First Lessons. SOPHOMORE CLASS. Fall Term . — Greek (Anabasis); Kendrick. Winter Term. — Greek (Anabasis); Kendrick. Spring Term. — Greek ; Homer’s Iliad. JUNIOR CLASS. Fall Term. — German ; Comfort’s Course. Winter Term. — German ; Comfort’s Course. Spring Term. — French; Otto’s Grammar. OPTIONAL STUDIES. Classes also may be formed at any time in Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, or Russian. 12 STUDIES. IV. SCHOOL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY. NORMAL, BUSINESS, AND PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. MODEL SCHOOL. Oral Language Lessons; Hart. Language Lessons; Hart. English Grammar; Hart. Penmanship, Composition, Reading, and Oral Spelling. / JUNIOR PREPARATORY CLASS. Fall Term. — Advanced English Grammar ; Green’s Analysis. History of the United States. Winter Term. — Advanced English Grammar ; Green’s Analysis. History of the World ; Quackenbos. Spring Term. — Rhetoric ; Hart. History of the World. Penmanship and Rhetorical Exercises throughout the year. SENIOR PREPARATORY CLASS. Fall Term. — English and American Literature; Shaw’s New Manual. Winter Term. — Literary Reader. Spring Term. — Shakspearian Reader; Hudson. Penmanship and Rhetorical Exercises throughout the year. COLLEGE DEPARTMENT. SENIOR CLASS. Fall Term. — Political Economy; Perry. Logic; Bowen. Winter Term. — Moral Philosophy; Calderwood. Mental Science (Motion, Sense, Instinct, and Intellect); Bain. Spring Term. — Evidences of Christianity ; Dodge. Mental Science (Emo- tions and Will); Bain. V. SCHOOL OF HORTICULTURE. Fall Term. — Soil, Situation, Propagation, General Nursery and Orchard Practice, Ornamental Gardening. Winter Term. — Laying out, Transplanting, Pruning, and Care of Nursery and Orchard ; Ornamental Gardening. Spring Term. — Varieties of Fruit, Packing, Implements, General Princi- ples; Window Gardening and Green-house. SYNOPSIS OF STUDIES, ETC. 13 * © 2 © © © © M « M >3 o_ j o © o ~ co S o o o © 00. 0(2. 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