B0NSTITUTI0N AND BY-bAWS OF THE & ; jr -f I r t>" l C&ylinville Library Association ALSO CftTftLOGUe OF _BOOKS @> ® ® @ ® Ranting anb JCabor. LIBRARY OF THE Universityof Illinois. BOOK. 0 *\ VOLUME. PSCHOO’ Accession No. ^^22^2^25S=sO=^’5^=: 60NSTITUTI0N, 0Y-bAWS AND >atalo^ue of Bool^s OF THE Ji Library SY^ociaticrq r ORGANIZED, MARCH, 1870. INCORPORATED. CARLINVILLE : DEMOCRAT PRINT 1892 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/constitutionbylaOOcarl JO No 14F.0. ©onetitutton o H aH\ Article I. This organization shall be known as, and styled “The Carlinville Library Association. ” Article II. • All persons who shall subscribe to the constitution and by-laws, and pay the fees prescribed in the same, shall be constituted members of this Association. Article III. This Association shall meet at least once in each month for the transaction of business, and the presi- dent shall have power to call special meetings when- ever the interests of the Association shall demand. Article IV. The time for the election of officers shall be the first Saturday in March of each year, unless in cases where vacancies are to be filled, which may be done at any regular meeting of the Association. Article V. The officers of this Association shall be a president, vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, librarian, assistant librarian, and three trustees. Article VI. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of the Association, sign all orders and papers, and perform such other duties as properly devolve upon that office. yWV&A 4 Article VII. It shall be the duty of the vice-president to render the president such assistance as may be required, and in the absence of that officer, or in case of vacancy, shall preside until said vacancy shall be filled. Article VIII. The recording secretary shall keep a correct record of the business transactions, sign drafts, notify special meetings, and make out a full report at the end of the library year. Article IX. The corresponding secretary shall attend to the correspondence of the Association and render the re- cording secretary such assistance as he or she may require, and in the absence of that officer shall per- form the duties of that office. Article X. The treasurer shall receive and have control of all moneys of the Association, and safely keep them, subject to its order, properly signed by the president and secretary. When there is money on hand he shall keep a regular account of receipts and dis- bursements, and make a full report at the end of each library year. He shall give a bond previous to entering upon his duties, in a sum of not less than two hundred dollars for the faithful discharge of his duties and delivery of all moneys and property, upon an order of the Association, to his successor in office. Article XI. The trustees shall have charge of the property and attend to the business interests of the Association. They shall attend to and make contracts for rents, light, fuel and janitor’s services and procure such necessary property and fixtures as the Association may require, reporting from time to time and making 5 a full report at the end of the library year of the amount and condition of the property and finances, making such recommendations as they may deem proper, on matters connected with their office. Article XII. The librarian shall be present at the opening of the rooms, have charge of the library, keep a correct account of all books bought, or donated to the Asso- ciation, by name, and of such as may be taken for perusal by the members, and perform such other duties as may devolve upon that officer. Article XIII. The assistant librarian shall render the librarian such assistance as he or she may require, and in his absence perform the duties of that office. Article XIV. This Association may adopt such By-Laws as may be deemed advisable, which do not conflict with the Constitution, a copy of which laws shall be deposit- ed with the presiding officer for inspection and ap- proval, by the Association. AMENDMENTS. Article XV. The books and all other property, as well as rights and privileges, now possessed or hereafter to be ac- quired by the Carlinville Library Association, shall not, under any circumstances, be transferred to any literary, political, religious or other organization of any kind, but shall forever remain under the absolute and exclusive control of said Association. 6 Article XVI. This Constitution shall be altered or amended only by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Asso- ciation, said amendments having been submitted in writing at a previous meeting, and entered on the records. Provided , That Article 1 5 of this Constitu- tion shall not be altered, amended or repealed except by a unanimous vote of all the members. 7 Article I. Any person may become a life member of this As- sociation on payment of the sum of twenty ($20) dollars. Article II. The payment of two ($2) dollars, to the treasurer, librarian, or their authorized agent, shall constitute any person a member of the Association for one year. Article III. Patrons of the library shall be entitled to all the privileges of the library for six months, on the pay- ment of one dollar and ten cents, ($1.10); three months on the payment of sixty (60) cents, one month on the payment of twenty-five (25) cents and any person may obtain books or magazines from the library on the payment of ten (10) cents per volume. Article IV. Each member and patron shall be entitled to two volumes or magazines, only one of which shall be new. If kept longer than two weeks a fine of ten (10) cents, for each week shall be imposed. If any person lose or injure a book or magazine, he shall make good the loss or injury. Article V. Section i. The librarian shall keep registry of the name of each member and patron with the date 8 of payment of their fees, and shall collect all dues and fines, paying over the same at the regular month- ly meeting, making a full report at the same time. Sec. 2. The librarian shall permit no book or magazine to be taken until all sums due the library are paid. Sec. 3. The librarian shall noJ^taBfc* any book or magazine for any particula^B^^^^^Hb shall, in all cases, deliver books and m^KinJ^HRe person first calling. Article VI. The library shall be open on every Saturday after- noon .during the year, excepting national holidays. Article VII. The regular business meeting of the Association shall be held in the library room on the first Satur- day in each month, at 3 o’clock p. m. ; at which time bills against the Association may be presented for payment. Article VIII. There shall be a book committee consisting of five members, whose duty it shall be to select and pur- chase books and order magazines for the library. Said committee shall be appointed by the president at the beginning of the library year, the president be- ing ex-officio chairman of said committee. Article IX. The recording secretary shall give previous notice of special meetings in the city papers. Article X. It shall require the presence of at least seven members of the Association to constitute a quorum. 9 Class I. History. II. Biography. III. Travel and Adventure. IV. Politics, Sociology. V. Science. VI. Ethics, Religion, Philosophy. VII. Miscellany. VIII. Poetry. IX. Art, Music, Archaeology. X. Essays, Literature. XI. Wit and Humor. XII. Fiction. XIII. Fiction (paper). XIV. Serial Stories. XV. Juvenile. XVI. Magazines (bound). XVII. Reports (miscellaneous). Note — The figures in the following catalogue indicate the number of the case and the alphabetical letter the sheJf. Example: No. 6, case, a, the shelf, and 2130 the number of the book. 10 Class Abbott, John S. C. AMERICAN HISTORY. Aboriginal America, 2 f 469 Discovery of America, 2 f 470 Southern Colonies, 2 f 471 Northern Colonies, 2 t 472 Wars of the Colonies, 2 f 473 Revolt of the Colonies, 2 f 474 War of the Revolution, 2 f 475 General Washington, 2 f 476 Romance of Spanish History, 2 C 367 ^rica, History of, Marcius Willson, 2 f 499 American History, Romance of, Scheie De Devere, 2 e 447 Anne, Age of, Edward E. Morris, 2 g 521 Antonines, Age of, W. Wolfe Capes, 2 g 519 Austria, House of, William Coxe, 4 vols., 2 f 495-98 Aztecs, Lucien Biart, 2 d 547 Border Wars, History of, Charles R. Tuttle, 2 h 579 Century of Dishonor, H. H.(Mrs. Helen M. F. Jackson), 2 d 398 Charles V., History of, William Robertson, 2 h 573-75 Chivalry, History of, George P. R. James, 2 g 505 Christians and Moors in Spain, Charlotte M. Yonge, 2 d 408 Civil War, John W. Draper, 3 vols., 2 h 553-55 Conspiracy of Pontiac, F. Parkman, 2 vols., 2 d 413-14 Crimea, Invasion of, Alexander W. King- lake, 3 vols., 2 e 450-52 Crusades, George W. Cox, 2 d 399 Decisive Battles of the World, E. S. Creasy, 2 g 536 Dutch Republic, Rise of, Motley, 3 vols., 2 h 588-60 Egypt, Story of Ancient, George Rawlinson, 2 d 402 Elizabeth, Age of, Mandell Creighton, 2 g 520 England, History of, J. A. Froude, 12 vols. ,2 f 477-88 England, History of, David Hume, 6 vols., 2 e 430-35 England, History of, Thomas B. Macaulay, 5 vols*. 2 g 530-34 England, Constitutional History of, Thomas E. May, 2 vols., 2 e 448-49 England Under the Stuarts, John H. Jesse, 3 vols., 2 e 436-38 English People, Short History of, John R. Greene, 2 h 552 Ferdinand and Isabella, Prescott, 3 vols., 2 h 576-78 France, History of, Jules Michelet, 2 vols., 2 c 371-72 French History, Episodes of, Miss Pardoe, 2 g 540 French Revolution, Thomas Carlyle, 3 vols., 2 e 444-46 Frontenac and New France, F. Parkman, 2 d 411 Froude, James A. History of England, 12 vols., 2 f 477-88 History of Ireland, 2 vols., 2 g 537-38 Fusang, Discovery of America, Charle G. Leland, 2 g 503 General Washington, Abbott, 2 f 476 Germany, History of, Charleton G. Lewis, 2 g 542 Graechi, Marius and Sulla, A. H. Beesly, 2 g 525 Great Events, History of, Francis Lieber, 2 d 406 Greece, History of, George Grote, 12 vols. ,2 e 417-28 Greece, Turkey, Russia, Poland, 2 vols., 2 d 404-5 Hallam’s Middle Ages, 3 vols., 2 e 439-41 Huguenots in France, After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Samuel Smiles, 2 g 541 Hungary, History of, with Memoir of Kossuth, E. O. S., 2d 407 Illinois, History of, A. Davidson and Stiive, 2 h 582 Illinois, History of, Ninian Edwards, 2 h 580 Index to Hume, 2 e 429 12 India, Historic Incidents and Life in, 2 h 581 Ireland, History of, Froude, 2 vols., 2 g 537-38 Italian Republics, J. C. L. Sismondi, 2 g 535 Jerusalem, Destruction of, 2 g 543 Jews, History of, Henry H. Milman, 3 vols. ,2 g 500-502 John of Barneveld, J. L. Motley, 2 vols., 2 h 565-66 LaSalle and Discovery of the Great West, F. Parkman, Mexico, Conquest of, Prescott, 3 vols., 2 Mexico, War with, Horatio O. Ladd, Middle Ages, Beginning of, A. H. Johnson, Montcalm and Wolfe, F. Parkman, 2 vols., 2 Mormons, Government and Customs, Benjamin G. Ferris, Motley, John Lothrop. John of Barneveld, 2 vols., 2 Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vols., 2 United Netherlands, 4 vols., 2 Mutineers of the Bounty, Lady Belcher, Normans in Europe, A. H. Johnson, Northern Colonies, J. S. C. Abbott, Old Rome and New Italy, Emilio Castelar, Parkman, Francis. Conspiracy of Pontiac, 2 vols., 2 Frontenac and New France, , LaSalle and Discovery of the Great West, Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 vols., 2 Oregon Trail, Pioneers of France in the New World, Peninsular War, Charles W. Vane, Persia, History of, J. B. Frazer, Peru, Conquest of, W. H. Prescott, 2 vols., 2 Philip II, History of, W. H. Prescott, 3 vols., 2 Poland, History of, James Fletcher, Popes, History of the, Leopold Von Ranke, 3 vols., 2 d 410 h 567-69 2 g 544 2 g 522 d 415-16 2 g 549 h 565-66 h 588-60 h 561-64 2 g 539 2 g 523 2 f 472 2 e 443 d 413-H 2 d 411 2 d 410 d 415-16 2 d 409 2 d 412 2 h 551 2 f 461 e 453-54 h 570-72 2 g 506 2 f 466-68 13 Prescott, William H. Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols., 2 h Conquest of Peru, 2 vols., 2 e Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 vols., 2 h Philip II, 3 vols., 2 h Robertson’s Charles V, 3 vols., 2 h Protestant Revolution, Frederic Seebohm, Reformation in England, John J. Blunt, Reformation in England, Herman Hooker, Reformation in Europe, History of, Merle D’Aubigne, 4 vols., 2 Reformation, History of, George P. Fisher, Reformation, History of, William Cobbett, Reformation, Short History of, John F. Hurst, 2 g 546 Republic, First Century of the, Theodore Woolsey and others, Revolt of the Colonies, J. S. C. Abbott, Rome, Decline and Fall, Edward Gibbon, 6 vols., 2 e 455-60 Rome, History of, Theodore Mommsen, 4 vols., Rome and Carthage, R. Bosworth Smith, Russia, Free, William H. Dixon, Russians, The Knout and the Germaine de Laigny, Southern Colonies, J. S. C. Abbott, Spanish History, Romance of, J. S. C. Abbott, Thirty Years War, Samuel R. Gardiner, United Netherlands, Motley, 4 vols., United States, History of, George Ban- croft, 6 vols., United States, History of, Benson F. Lossing, 2 h 550 United States, History of, J. Harris Patton, 2 c 373 War of the Revolution, J. S. C. Abbott, 2 f 475 Wars of the Colonies, J. S. C. Abbott, 2 f 473 Wars of the Roses, J. G. Edgar, 2 g 545 567-69 453-54 576-78 570-72 1 573-75 2 d 401 2 g 5°4 2 d 397 f 461-65 2 h 556 2 g 548 2 h 557 2 * 474 2 g 526-29 2 g 524 2 g 44 2 2 d 403 2 f 471 2 c 367 2 d 400 2 h 561-64 2 f 489-94 14 Class II. gio&vaph#. Adams, John, Familiar Letters, Charles Francis Adams, Adams, John Quincy, Josiah Quincy, Alexander the Great, j. Williams, Alfred the Great, Thomas Hughes, Angelo, Michael, Life of, Hermann F. Grimm, 2 vols., 2 1 Arnold, Isaac N. Benedict Arnold, Life of Abraham Lincoln, Arnold, Dr. Thomas, Life of, Arthur P. Stanley, Austen, Jane, Oscar Fay Adams, Bayard, Chevalier, W. G. Simms, Beecher, Lyman, Autobiography, 2 vols., 2 Bismarck, Prince, Letters to His Wife and Sister, Blessington, Countess, Memoirs, R. R. Madden, 2 vols., 2 1 Boyhood of Living Authors, William H. Rideing, Bremer, Frederica, Life and Letters, British Spy, Letters of a, William Wirt, Bronte, Charlotte, Mrs. E. C. Gaskell, Brougham, Lord, Autobiography, 3 vols., 2 ( Bunsen, Baroness, Life and Letters, A. J. C. Hare, Burr, Aaron, Life of, James Parton, 2 vols., 2 Byron, Lord, Emilio Castelar, 3 a 620 3 a 621 2 g 509 2 a 293 : 343-44 2 c 353 2 b 323 2 a 280 3 a 604 2 a 269 b 304-5 3 b 627 > 33 I - 3 2 2 d 395 3 a 610 2 b 311 2 a 275 ; 345-47 2 b 303 b 307- 8 3 a 611 15 •,2 Caesar, J. A. Froude, 3 a 593. Carlyle, Dr. Alexander, Autobiography, 2 a 277 Carlyle, Jane Welsh, Letters and Memori- als, J. A. Froude. 2 b 324 Carlyle, Thomas. Oliver Cromwell, 2 vols., Frederick the Great, 6 vols., Catherine II, Memoirs. Chalmers, Dr., James C. Moffatt. Charles the Bold, John F. Kirk, 3 vols., Charles XII, M. DeVoltaire, Cicero, Life of, Anthony Trollope, 2 vols Clay, Henry, Samuel M. Schmucker, Coleridge, Sara, By Her Daughter, Columbus, Christopher, Columbus, Christopher, Life and Voyages, Washington Irving, Cooper, James Fenimore, Thomas R. Lounsberry, Cromwell, Oliver, Carlyle, 2 vols., Cummins, George David, Mrs Cummins, Curran and His Contemporaries, Charles Phillips, Cushman, Charlotte, Emma Stebbins, Darwin, Charles, Charles F. Holder, Davis, Jefferson, Varina Davis, 2 vols., 2 Delaney, Mrs., Autobiography and Corres- pondence, 2 vols,, 2 Dickens, Charles, Life of, John Forster, 3 vols., 2 Early Bench and Bar, Usher F. Linder, English Statesmen, Brief Biographies, Thomas W. Higginson, 3 a 615 Faraday, Michael, Life of, J. H. Gladstone, 2 a 289 Farragut, Admiral D. C., Life and Letters, Loyall Farragut, 2 b 301 Female Sovereigns, Mrs. Anna Jameson, 2 vols., 2 g 507-8 Fern, Fanny, Memorial of, J. Parton, 3 a 617 b 329-30 d 3 75 - 80 2 a 276 2 a 297 a 262-64 2 c 368 b 318-19 2 b 313 2 b 325 3 a 606 3 a 607 2 d 385 2 b 329-30 2 d 374 2 c 365 2 a 281 2 a 295 c 333-34 d 389-90 a 271-73 3 a 586 16 Fern, Fanny, Life and Beauties, Field, Maunsell B., Memories of, Fifty Years of My Life, Earl of Albemarle, Finney, Charles G., Autobiography, Fletcher, Mrs., Autobiography, Franklin, Benjamin, J. Parton, 2 vols., 2 c Frederick the Great, Carlyle, 6 vols., 2 d Froude, James A. Caesar, A Sketch, Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, German Element in the War of Independ- ence, George W. Greene, Goethe’s Autobiography, 2 vols., 3 d Goethe, Story of His Life, George H. Lewes, Goodyear, Charles, Bradford K. Pierce, Gough, John B., Autobiography, Gould, Emily Bliss, Memorial of, Leonard W. Bacon, Graham, Isabella, Memoirs, Great Men and Great Events, John Frost, Greely, Horace, J. Parton, Guthrie, Thomas, Autobiography and Memoir, D. K. and J. C. Guthrie, 2 vols., Guyon, Madame, Thomas C. Upham, 2 vols., Half Century, Jane Grey Swisshelm, Hare, Augustus J. C. Life and Letters of Baroness Bunsen, Records of a Quiet Life, Henry, Patrick, Life of, Wm. Wirt, Home Life of Great Authors, Hattie Tyng Griswold, Hughes, Thomas. Alfred the Great, Memoir of a Brother, Hunt, Leigh, Autobiography, 2 vols., 2 d - — J7t 3 b 633 3 a 635 3 a 634 358-59 375-8o 3 a 593 2 b 324 3 a 595 392-93 2 c 279 3 a 590 2 a 290 d 386 a 587 a 300 2 b 314 3 a 612-13 2 a 265-66 3 b 632 2 b 303 2 a 286 2 b 310 2 d 396 2 a 293 2 b 315 383-84 17 2 a 287 2 c 354 3 a 619 3 a 622-23 2 b 309 3 b 631 3 h 2402 2 a 270 2 b 326 Huntington, Lady, and her Friends, Helen C. Knight, Irving, Washington, Life and Letters, Pierre M. Irving, 3 vols., 5 e 1402-4 Jackson, Andrew, Life of, Philo A Goodwin, 3 a 615 Jameson, Anna, Memoirs, Jefferson, Thomas, Domestic Life of, Sarah N. Randolph, Johnson, Dr. Samuel, James Boswell, 2 vols., Josephine, Empress, Mile. LeNormand, Jubilee Singers, G. D. Pike, Kerr, Michael, Kings and Queens, John S. C., Abbott, Kingsley, Charles, Letters and Memoirs, Mrs. Kingsley, Law, John, William H. Ainsworth, 2 vols., (Paper), 3 h Leaders of the Reformation, John Tulloch, Lincoln, Abraham, Life of, I. N. Arnold, Lincoln, Abraham, Life of, Ward H. Lamon, Lincoln, Abraham, Inner Life of, F. W. Car- penter, Lincolipand Seward, Gideon Welles, Longfellow, Home Life of, Blanche Roose- velt Machetta, Louis XIV., Miss Pardoe, 2 vols., 2 d 381 Lovejoy, Elijah P., Memoir of, Joseph C. and Owen Lovejoy, 2 b Lyon, Mary, Recollections of, Fidelia Fiske, 3 b Macleod, Norman, Memoirs, Donald Macleod, 3 a 594 Macready’s Reminiscences and Diaries, Sir Frederick Pollock. Madame Bonaparte, Eugene L. Didier, Madison, Dolly, Memoirs of, Mahomet, Washington Irving, 2 vols., Marie Antoinette, Charles D. Yonge, 2 vols., Marion, Francis, W. G. Simms, 2392-400 2 a 299 2 b c 323 370 3 a 3 a 2 b 3 a 321 322 602 -82 312 624 614 320 589 5 e 1400-1 c 355-56 2 a 282 18 Marlborough, Life of, Archibald Alison, 2 a 298 Martineau, Harriett, Autobiography, 2 vols.,2 c 360-61 Mary, Queen of Scots, Henry G. Bell, 2 vols., 2 g 514-15 Memoirs of a Brother, Thos. Hughes, 2 b 315 Mill, John Stuart, Autobiography, 2 c 364 Mill, John Stuart, Memorial of, Herbert Spencer and others, 3 a 605 Modern Leaders, Justin McCarthy, 2 c 369 Monographs, Personal and Social, Lord Houghton, 3 b 630 Moore, Sir Thomas, Household of, 3 b 626 Motley, John Lothrop, Oliver Wendell Holmes, 2 d 387 Mott, James and Lucretia, Anna D. Hallowell, 3 a 608 Napoleon, Memoirs of, Duchess D’Al- brantes, 2 vols., 2 c 338-39 Newton, Isaac, David Brewster, 2 g 518 Nicholas I., Samuel M. Smucker, 2 a 292 Old Abe, J. O. Barrett, (Paper), 3 g 2401 Our Life in the Highlands, Queen Victoria, 3 b 625 Palmerston, Lord, Life of, Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer, 2 vols.,. 2 b 316-17 Parton, James. Life of Aaron Burr, 2 vols., 2 b 307-8 Life of Benjamin Franklin, 2 vols., 2 c 358-59 Life of Horace Greeley, 2 b 314 Memorial of Fanny Fern, 3 a 617 Patterson, John Coleridge, Charlotte M. Yonge, 2 vols., 2 b 327-28 Pepy’s Diary, 4 vols., 3 a 597-600 Pericles and Aspasia, Walter Savage Landor, 3 a 609 Peter the Great, Life of, John Barrow, 2 vols., 2 g 512-13 Plutarch’s Lives of Eminent Greeks and Romans, . 2 a 291 Prince Consort, Theodore Martin, 5 vols., 2 c 348-52 Princesses of the House of Stuart, Agnes Strickland, 2 c 362 19 Queens of England, Agnes Strickland, 3 c 363., Queens of Society, G. and P. Wharton, 3 a 596 Quinn, James, Life of, John F. Wright, 2 a 296 Raleigh, Sir Walter, and His Time, Charles Kingsley, 2 c 366 Randolph, John, Hugh A. Garland, 2 a 294 Recollections of Past Life, Sir Henry Hol- land, 3 b 628 Records of A Quiet Life, A. J. C. Hare, 2 a 286 Remusat, Madame de, Paul de Remusat, 2 vols. , 2 b 336-37 Robertson, Frederick W., Life of, Stopford A. Brooke, 2 b 306 Robinson, Henry Crabbe, Diary of, 2 vols., 3 a 583^-84 Sainte Beuve, Celebrated Women, Miss Preston, 2 d 388 Sedgwick, Catherine, Life and Letters, Mary A. Dewey, 3 d 391 Sevigne, Madame de, Gaston Boissier, 3 a 603 Sherman, General, Memoirs, 2 vols., 2 a 267-68 Sidney, Sir Philip, S. M. D., 2 a 288 Simms, W. Gilmore. Life of Chevalier Bayard, 2 a 269 Life of General Francis Marion, 2 a 282 Sister Dora, Margaret Lonsdale, 3 a 591 Sommerville, Mary, Personal Recollections of, Martha Sommerville, 3 a 601 Souvenirs of My Time, Jessie Benton Fre- mont, 3 a 388 Ten Minuit Talks on All Sorts of Topics, With Autobiography of the Author, Elihu Burritt, 3 b 629 Thiers, Louis Adolphe, Francois Le Goff, 2 c 357 Thoreau, Henry D., F. B. Sanborn, 2 a 285 Thoreau, His Life and Aims, H. A. Page, 2 a 284 Thoreau, The Poet — Naturalist, William Ellery Channing, 2 a 283 Two Chancellors, Gortchakoff and Bismarck, Julian Klaczko, 3 a 592 20 Washington, George, Edward Everett Hale, Washington and His Generals, Joel T. Headley, YVesley, John, Life and Times, L. Tyre- man, 3 vols., 2 Wharton, Grace and Philip. Queens of Society, Wits and Beaux of Society, Wirt, William. Letters of a British Spy, Life of Patrick Henry, Zwingli, Ulric, J. J. Hottinger, 2 a 278 3 b 302 340-42 3 a 596 3 a 59 5 2 b 311 2 b 310 2 a 274 21 Class III. f&vavel ant* Abroad Again, Curtis Guild, 3 b 644 Acadia, Frederick S. Cozzens, 3 f 788 Across the Continent, Samuel H. Bowles, 3 d 742 Adventures of a Roving Diplomatist, Henry Wikoff, 3 e 777 Africa, Barth’s Travels in, 3 f 811 Africa, Livingstone’s Travels and Researches in North, David Livingstone, 3 b 662 Africa, Livingstone’s Researches in South, David Livingstone, 3 b 659 Africa, Interior of, Livingstone’s Explora- tions and Stanley Expedition, Henry M. Stanley, 3 b 660. Africa, Christian Adventures in South, Wil- liam Taylor, 3 e 776 Alaska and the Yukon, Frederick Whymper, 3 c 659 Albert Nyanza, Great Basin of the Nile, Sir Samuel Baker, 3 b 650 Alhambra and Kremlin, S. I. Prime, 3 c 678 A-lo-ha, George L. Chaney, 3 f 804 America, New, William H. Dixon, 3 e 751 America, Travels in Central, John L. Stephens, 2 vols., 3 c 663-64 America, Twelve Years in, James Shaw, 3 e 757 Among the Isles of Shoals, Celia Thaxter, 3 c 718 Around the World, E. D. G. Prime, 3 c 376 Around the World in the Yacht Sunbeam, Mrs. Brassey, 3 c 698 Ascension, Six Months in, Mrs. Gill, 3 d 731 Astoria, Washington Irving, 5 e 1408 22 At Capri, Carl Detlef, 3 f 803 At Home and Abroad, Bayard Taylor, 2 vols., 3 c 669-70 Aztec Land, Maturin M. Ballou, 3 e 758 Baddeck, C. D. Warner, 3 d 719 Baker, Sir Samuel W. Albert Nyanza, Great Basin of the Nile, 3 b 650 Rifle and Hound in Ceylon, 3 b 649 Barque Future, Jonas Lie, 3 f 793 Bedouins of the Euphrates, Lady Anne Blunt, 3 c 692 Between the Gates, Benjamin Taylor, 3 d 712 Bird, Isabella. Golden Chersonese, 3 d 735 Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains, 3 d 736 Six Months in the Sandwich Islands, 3 d 734 Unbeaten Tracks in Japan, 2 vols., 3 d 737-38 Bits of Travel, Mrs Helen M. F. Jackson, 3 d 724 Bits of Travel at Home, Mrs. Helen M. F. Jackson, 3 d 723 Boots and Saddles, E. B. Custer, 3 b 656 Boston, Old Landmarks in, Samuel A. Drake, 3 c 691 Brazil, Journey in, Louis Agassiz, 3 d 705 Britain Greater, Sir Charles Dilke, 3 f 790 Browne, J. Ross. American Family in Germany, 3 c 700 Yusef, A Crusade in the East, 3 c 701 By-Ways of Europe, Bayard Taylor, 3 c 674 California, A Book for Travellers and Settlers, Charles Nordhorf, 3 c 687 California, Exploring Expedition, John C. Fremont, 3 c 685 California, Southern, Theo. S. Van Dyke, 3 c 686 California, Three Years in, Walter Colton, 3 c 688 Campaigning With Crook, Capt King, 3 d 733 Camps in the Rockies, Bailey Grohman, 3 b 636 Canada, Yankee in, Henry D. Thoreau, 3 d 715 Canoeing in Kanuckia, C. L. Norton, John Habberton, 3 e 756 Castilian Days, John Hay, 3 e 768 23 China, J. H. Wilson, China and the Chinese, J. L. Nevins, Colorado, Frank Fossett, Colorado, Bayard Taylor, Coming Empire, H. F. McDanield, N. A. Taylor, Cruise of the Betsy, Hugh Miller, Cuba, My Winter in, W. M. L. Jay, Custer, Elizabeth B. Following the Guidon, Boots and Saddles, Tenting On the Plains, Dana, Richard Henry. To Cuba and Back, Two Years Before the Mast, Egypt and Iceland, Bayard Taylor, Egypt and Nubia, Boat Life in,W. C. Prime, England, From a Back Window, J. M. Bailey, England and its People, First Impressions of, Hugh Miller, England, Notes in, Mrs. Hawthorne, England, Notes on, H. A. Taine, England, Trip to, William Winter, Eothen, Alexander W., Kinglake, Europe, Sights and Sensations in, Junius Henri Browne, Field, Henry M. From Egypt to Japan, Gibraltar, From Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn, Field, Kate. Ten Days in Spain, Haphazard, Fishing in American Waters, Genio C. Scott, Flying Trip Around the World, Elizabeth Bisland, Following the Guidon, E. B. Custer, Forney’s Letters from Europe, 3 e 754 3 d 7°9 3 c 665 3 d 727 3 f 795 3 f 792 2 f 789 3 b 655 3 b 656 3 b 657 3 c 690 3 c 689 3 d 726 3 c 679 3 e 755 3 f 79i 3 f 807 3 d 71 1 3 g 812 3 e 772 3 c 666 3 b 641 3 b 642 3 b 643 3 d 721 3 d 722 3 e 784 3 f 814 3 b 655 3 f 810 24 France, Fair, Miss Mulock, From Egypt to Japan, H. M. Field, From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn, H. M. Field, Germany, American Family in, J. Ross Browne, Gibraltar, H. M. Field, Girdle Round the Earth, D. N. Richardson, Golden Chersonese, Isabella Bird, Greeks of To-day, Charles R. Tuckerman, Handwriting of God in Egypt, Sinai and the Holy Land, D. A. Randall, Haphazard, Kate Field, Historic Waterways, Reuben G. Thwaites, Holy Land, Tent Life in, W. C. Prime, Holy Land, A Home in the, Mrs. Finn, Howells, William D. Italian Journeys, Venetian Life, Humboldt’s Travels, Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, 2 vols., 2 £ I Go a Fishing, W. C. 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Gardner, 4 Loves of a Lawyer, A. Shuman, Manners and Social Usages, Mrs. Sherwood, 4 g Modern Women, 4 e Musings of Middle Aged Woman, Ailenroc, 4 e My Summer in a Garden, C. D. Warner, 4 g .New Atmosphere, Gail Hamilton, 4e Odd Hours of a Physician, John Larley, 4 g Old New England Traits, Geo. Lunt, 4 e Outlines of Men, Women and Things, Mary Clemmer Ames, 4 f Parson Brownlow’s Book, 4 g Philosophy of Mystery, W. C. Denby, 4 g Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects, J. G. Holland, 4 e Play and Profit in My Garden, E. P. Roe, 4 g Popular Delusions, Chas Mackay, 4 g Progressive Housekeeping, Catherine Owen, 4 e Ragged Homes and How to Mend Them, 4 e Ragged Register, 4 e Rebel’s Recollections, G. C. Eggleston, 4 f Recollections of Seventy Years, Farrar, 4 e Romance and Humor of the Road, S. R. Smith, 4 f Hound My House, P. G. Hamerton, 4 f Salad for Solitary and Social, F. Saunders, 4 i Secrets of the Sanctum, 4 i Self Help, Samuel Smiles, 4 \ Sermons out of Church, Miss Muloch, 4 1 Sermons to the Clergy, Gail Hamilton, 4 i 1177 1 130 1103 1 1 01 1150 1087 11 75 ii35 1167 1104 1 1 14 1158 1099 1176 1081 1106 1179 ii57 1097 1163 1174 1 1 17 1094 1093 1 1 7 1 1096 1152 1129 1149 ■ 1 r 47 : 1128 1127 : 1160 43 Sunlight and Shadow, John B. Gough, 4 f 1151 Sunshine and Shadow in New York, N. H. Smith, 4 f 1 139 Technical Education, C. B. Stetson, 4 f 1126 Ten Acres Enough, 4 e 1095 The Gentleman, G. H. Calver, 4 f 1153 Timothy Titcomb’s Letters, J. G. Holland, 4 g 1173 Treatise on Epidemic Cholera, A. Brigham, 4 f 1154 Twelve Miles from a Lemon, Gail Hamilton, 4 g 1159 Twenty-Six Hours a Day, Mary Blake, 4 e 1118 Victims of Society, Countess Blessington, 2 vols. , 4 g 1 169-70 Vinet’s Miscellanies, 4 f 1146 Walker's Dictionary, 4 g 1180 Warner, Chas. Dudley. Back Log Studies, 4 g 1183 My Summer in a Garden, 4 g 1158 What Answer, Anna Dickinson, 4 e 1092 What Girls Can Do, Woolson, 4 e mi What Shall We Do with our Daughters, M. A. Livermore, 4 e 1108 What to Wear, Mrs. E. S. Phelps, 4 e 1119 Woods and By-Ways of New England, Wil son Flagg, 4 g 1148 Wool Gathering, Gail Hamilton, 4 e 1098 Woolson. What Girls Can Do, 4 e mi Woman in American Society, 4 e mo Woman, Michelet, 4 e 1109 Woman in American Society, Woolson, 4 e mo Woman’s Work and Worth, W. H. D. Adams, 4 e 1102 Woman’s Worth and Worthlessness, Gail Hamilton, 4 e 1100 Women of the Arabs, Jessup, 4 e 1086 Words and their Uses, Richard Grant White, 4 e 1079 44 Class VIII. Acacia, Lurania A. H. Munday, 5 a 1 Aftermath, Longfellow, 5 b 1 Asolando, Robert Browning, 5 a 1 Aurora Leigh, Mrs. E. B Browning, 5 b 1 Bitter Sweet, Holland, 5 a 1 Blake, William, Poems, 5 a 1 British Dramatists, 5 a 1 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Aurora Leigh, 5 b 1 Poems, 2 vols., 5 a 1225 Bryant, William Cullen. Homer’s Iliad, 2 vols., 5 b 1251 Homer’s Odyssey, 2 vols., 5 b 1253 Poems, 5 b 1 Burn’s Complete Works, 5 a 1 Cary, Alice and Phoebe, Last Poems, 5 a 1 Cary, Alice and Phoebe, With their Later Poems, 5 a 1 Christus, Longfellow, 5 b 1 Course of Time, Robert Pollok, 5 a 1 Dante’s Divine Comedy, Longfellow, 5 b 1 Days of Jezebel, Peter Bayne, 5 b 1 Divine Tragedy, Longfellow, 5 b 1 Farm Ballads, Will Carleton, 5 a 1 Festus, P. J. Bailey, 5 a 1 Goethe’s Dramatic Works, Faust, 5 a 1 Goethe’s Herman and Dorothea, 5 a 1 Guido and Lita, Marquis Lome, 5 a 1 Holland, J. G. Bitter Sweet, 5 a 1 Kathrina, 5 a 1 Mistress of the Manse, 5 a 1 223 244 207 256 230 [222 [i 94 256 V-26 -52 1-54 255 191 212 [213 [241 206 [196 : 240 [242 [224 [233 197 [ 198 [236 [230 [228 1227 45 Homer’s Iliad, Bryant, 2 vols., 5 b Homer’s Odyssey, Bryant, 2 vols., 5 b Hood, Thomas, Poetical Works, Hudibras, Samuel Butler, Humorous Poetry of the English Language, James Parton, King’s Missive, Whittier, King Rene’s Daughter, Henrik Hertz, Lars, Bayard Taylor, Light of Asia, Edwin Arnold, Longfellow, Henry W. Aftermath, Christus, Dante’s Divine Comedy, Divine Tragedy, New England Tragedies, Three Books of Song, Lucile, Owen Meredith, (E. R. Bulwer Lytton), Macaulay’s Poems, Masque of the Gods, Bayard Taylor, Minnesinger of Germany, A. E. Kroeger, Mireio, Frederic Mistral, Miriam, Whittier, Mistress of the Manse, Holland, Mother Goose for Grown Folks, Whitney, Mrs. Jerningham’s Journal, New England Tragedies, Longfellow, Olrig Grange, Ossian’s Poems, Pansies, Whitney, Pennsylvania Pilgrim, Whittier, Poetic Studies, E. S. Phelps, (Mrs. Ward), Prentiss, George D., Poems, Proverbial Philosophy, Martin F. Tupper, Queen Mary, Alfred Tennyson, Satyrs, Edward Young, (Printed 1762), Scott’s Poetical Works, Shakespeare’s Works, 2 vols., 5 a 1251-52 I2 53-54 5 a 1203 5 a 1205 5 a 1202 5 a 1218 5 a 1200 5 b 1247 5 b 1259 5b 1244 5 b 1241 5 a 1196 5 b 1242 5 b 1245 5 b 1243 5 a 1214 5 a 1209 5 b 1248 5 a 1199 5 a 1217 5 a 1220 5 a 1227 5 a 1229 5 a 1234 5 a 1245 5 a 1201 5 a 1204 5 b 1258 5 a 1219 5 a 1232 5 a 1215 5 b 1257 5 b 1246 5 a 1235 5 a 1195 1192-93 46 Spanish Gypsy, George Eliot, (Mrs. M. A. E. Cross), Tasso, J. W. Wiffen, Taylor, Bayard. Lars, Masque of the Gods, Poems, Taylor, Benjamin F., Poems, Three Books of Songs, Longfellow, Truesdale, Mrs. Helen, Poems, Whitney, Mrs. Adeline, D. T. Pansies, Mother Goose for Grown Folks, Whittier, John G. King’s Missive, Miriam, Pennsylvania Pilgrim, Poems, Within and Without, George MacDonald, Wordsworth’s Poetical Works, Yesterday, To-Day and Forever, Edward H. Brickersteth, 5 a 1231 5 b 1250 5 b 1247 5 b 1248 5 b 1249 5 a 1210 5 b 1243 5 a 1215 5 b 1258 5 a 1229 5 a 1218 5 a 1220 5 a 1219 5 a 1221 5 a 1211 5 a 1208 5 b 1239 47 Class IX. girt, uttfc Ancient America, John D. Baldwin, 5 h 1279- Ancient Monuments, New Lights on, A. H. Sayce, 5 b 1277 Art, Legendary and Mythological, Clara E. Clement, 5 b Art, Short History of, Julia B. DeForrest, 5 b Art Thoughts, James J. Jarves, 5 b Fine Arts, History of, Benson J. Lossing, 5 b Ideal in Art, H. A. Taine, 5 b Italy, H. A. Taine, 5 b Layard, A. H. Nineveh and Babylon, 5 a Modern Painters and their Pictures, Sarah Tytler, Music and Morals, H. R. Haweis, Music Study in Germany, Amy Fay, Old Masters and their Pictures, Sarah Tytler, Painter’s Camp, Philip G. Hamerton, Pompeii, Wonders of, Marc Monnier, Prehistoric Nations, John D. Baldwin, Prehistoric Races of the United States, John W. Foster, Princes of Art, Mrs. S. R. Urbino, Queens of Song, Ellen C. Clayton, Reynold’s, Sir Joshua, Discourses on Art, Edward G. Johnson, 5 b 1272 Sesame and Lilies, John Ruskin, 5 b 1264 Seven Lamps of Architecture, John Ruskin, 5 b 1265 Thoughts of Beauty, John Ruskin, 5 b 1260 Unknown River, Philip G. Hamerton, 5 a 1237 Urso, Camilla, Artist Life of, Charles Barnard, 5 b 1275. 1268 1261 1270 1282 1269 1263 1238 5 b 1267 5 b 1274 5 b 1276 5 b 1266 5 b I2 7 I 5 b 1280 5 b 1278 5 b 1281 5 b 1262 5 b 1273 48 'Class X. ©ercrtttje itnb gitrmtutr*. Alhambra, Irving, 5 e 1406 America, John Bright, 5 e 1379 American Literature, History of, Moses Coit Tyler, 2 vols., 5 c 1308-9 Among My Books, James Russell Lowell, 5 e 1389 Ancient Literature, John D. Kuackenbos, 5 e 1397 As We Were Saying, Charles Dudley Warner, 5 e 1383 Atlantic Essays, Higginson, 5 c 1320 Books and Reading, Noah Porter, 5 d 1350 Books which have Influenced Me, 5 e 1384 Brie A Brae Series, Edited by Richard Henry Stoddard. Anecdotes Thackeray and Dickens, 5 e 1372 Chorley, Planchi and Young, 5 e 1375 Greville Memoirs, 5 e 1370 Personal Reminiscences, Burham, Har- ness and Hodder, 5 e 1371 Personal Reminiscences, Knight and Raikes, 5 e 1374 Prosper Merimee’s Letters to an Incog- nita with Recollections of Lamartine and George Sand 5 e 1373 Browning, Mrs., Life, Letters and Essays, 2 vols., 5 e 1380-1 Burroughs, John. Wake Robin, 5 c 1317 Winter Sunshine, 5 c 1318 Castles in the Air, Barjy Gray, 5 e 1395 Caxtoniana, E. Bulwer Lytton, 5 d 1336 49 Chips from a German Workshop, Max Mul- ler, 2 vols., 5 d College Greek Course, Wilkinson, Concord Days, A. Bronson Alcott, Conduct of Life, R. W. Emerson, Curiosities of Literature, Isaac Disraeli, 2 vols., 5 i Day by the Fire, Leigh Hunt, Demonology and Witchcraft, Walter Scott, DeQuincey. Literary Reminiscences, Narrative Papers, Dialogues of Plato, Benjamin Jowett, 4 vols > 5 Dickens, Charles, Letters, by his Sister- in-Law and Eldest Daughter, 2 vols., 5 Disraeli, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature, 2 vols., 5 Literary Character of Men of Genius, Dreamthorpe, Alexander Smith, Eliot, George, Wit and Wisdom of, Emerson in Concord, Edward Waldo Emer- son, Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Conduct of Life, English Traits, Letters and Social Aims, English Lands, Letters and Kings, Donald G. Mitchell, English Literature, H. A. Taine, 2 vols., 5 English Literature, Abby S. Richardson, English Literature, Compendium, Charles D. Cleveland, English Literature and Language, G. 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Holland, 5 c 1323 Granada, Irving, 5 e 1407 Great Conversers, Mathews, 561394 Heroes and Hero Worship, Thomas Carlyle, 5 d 1337 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Atlantic Essays, 5 c 1320 Old Port Days, 5 c 1321 History of Education, 5 b 1285 History of Philosophy, C. S. Henty, 2 vols., 5 b 1287-8 Hours in a Library, Leslie Stephen, 5 c 1355 Hours with Men and Books, Mathews, 5 e 1392 Irving, Washington. Alhambra, Astoria, Bracebridge Hall, Columbus, Life and Voyages, Granada, Knickerbockers, Mahomet and his Successors, 2 vols., Life and Letters, Pierre M. Irving, 3 vols., Jeffrey’s Works, 3 vols., 5 e 1406 5 e 1408 5 e 1409 3 a 607 5 e 1407 5 e 1405 5 e 1 400-1 5 e 1402-4 5 c 1303-5 51 Kingsley, Charles. Prose Idylls, Roman and Teuton, Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia, Works, 2 vols. , Lands of Scott, James F. Hunnerwell, Letters and Social Aims, R. W. Emerson, Life and Literature in the Fatherland, John F. Hurst, Literary and Social Judgments, W. R. Greg Literary Character of Men of Genius, Dis- raeli, Literature and Life, E. P. Whipple, Little Classics, by Rossiter Johnson. Exile, Intellect, Tragedy, Life, Laughter, Love, Romance, Mystery, Comedy, Childhood, Heroism, Fortune, Poems Lyrical Poems Narrative, Macaulay, Thomas B. Essays, Modern British Essayists, Life and Letters, by George O. Trevelyan, 2 vols., 5 Maine Woods, Thoreau, Mathews, William. Hours with Men and Books, Great Conversers, Oratory and Orators, 5 d 134a 5 d 1341 5 c 1307 d 1331-2 5 f H 28 5 c 1325 5 d 1345 ,5 e 1396 5 c 1310 5 d 1353 5 e H 11 5 e *4 12 5 e 1413 5 e 1414 1 4 1 5 1416 1 4 1 7 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 142s H 2 4 5 d 1342 5 c 1300 c 1298-9. 5 c 1316 5 e 1392 5 e 1394 5 e 139 S 52 Hundred Years Ago, 5 d 5 d 5 c Men and Manners a Sans Souci Series, Men of Modern Times, 2 vols. , Modern British Essayists, Macaulay, Modern British Essayists, Sidney Smith, My Danish Days, G. W. Griffin, Novels and Novelists, William Forsythe, Old Port Days, Higginson, Old Tales Retold from Grecian Mythology, Augusta Larned, 5 d Oratory and Orators, Mathews, 5 e Our Old Home, Nathaniel Hawthorne, *5 c Poet at the Breakfast Table, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Prose Idylls, Kingsley, Prose Writers of America, Rufus W. Gris- wold, Recollections of a Literary Life, Mary Rus- sell Mitford, Recollections of Writers, James Freeman 5 e T 37 8 b 1283-4 5 c 1300 5 c I2 95 1343 1349 1 322 i34 8 1393 1328 5 c 5 d 1321 1340 5 f H 26 5 d x 354 5 e 1388 5 d 134 1 5 e x 393 A. 5 d 1333-4 5 e I39 1 5 d 1369 5 d 1347 Clarke, Roman and Teuton, Kingsley, Saxon Studies, Julian Hawthorne, Short Studies on Great Subjects, James Fronde, 2 vols., Soul of the Far East, Percival Lowell, Spare Hours, John Brown, M. D., Stories from Homer, Alfred C. Church, Taylor, Bayard, Life and Letters, Marie H. Taylor. Horace E. Scudder, 2 vols., 5 Thackeray, W. M., Early and Late Papers, Thinkers and Thinking, John Darby, Thoreau, Henry D. Excursions, Maine Woods, Ticknor, George, Life and Letters, 2 vols. ,5 c 1311 Viking Tales of the North, Rasmus B. An- derson, 5 d *34^ I3I3-4 d 1 35 d 136^ 5 c I 3 I 3 5 c 131 1 53 Wake Robbin, Burroughs, 5 c 1318 Wilkinson, William C. College Greek Course, 5 e 1398 Free Lance in the Field of Life and and Letters, 5 e 1399 Winter Sunshine, Burroughs, 5 c 1318 Yesterday with Authors, James T. Fields, 5 f 1430 54 Class XI. itwfc gitmov. Angelina Gushington, 5 f 1451 Battle of Dorking, George Chesney, 5 f 1449 Bench and Bar, Wit and Humor of, L. J. Bigelow, 5 f 1454 Dialect Tales, Sherwood Bonner, (Mrs. Catherine S. B. McDowell), 5 f 1445 Eli Perkins at Large Melville, D. Landon, 5 f 1450 Fast Life, Joseph Taylor, 5 f 1437 Georgian Scenes, 5 f 1439 Ginx Baby, Edward Jenkins, 5 f 1441 Jones, Brown and Robinson’s American Tour, 5 f 2405 Josh Billings on Ice, 5 f 1446 Jubilee Days, Augustus Hoppin, 5 f 2406 Knickerbockers, Washington Irving, 5 e 1405 Merry Maple Leaves, Abner Perk, 5 f 1452 Nasby in Exile, David R. Locke, 5 t 1453 Nonsense, Brick Pomeroy, 5 f 1443 Our Saturday Nights, Mark M. Pomeroy, 5 f 1442 Partington Patchwork, Benjamin P. Shilla- ber, 5 f 1447 Pennsylvania Dutch, 5 f 1448 Samantha at Saratoga, Marietta Holly, 5 f 1431 Sparrow Grass Papers, Frederick S. Coz- zens, 5 f 1444 Twain, Mark, (Samuel L. Clemens). Gilded Age, 5 f 1435 Innocents Abroad, 5 f 1434 Prince and Pauper, 5 f 1433 Stolen White Elephant, 5 f 1436 Tramp Abroad, 5 f 1432 Whims and Oddities, Thomas Hood, 5 f 1455 World on Wheels, B. F. Taylor, 5 f 1438 55 Class XII. About Old Story Tellers, Mitchell, 8 g 2096 Adam Bede, Eliot, 8 f 2059 Adirondack Tales, Murray, 8 f 2047 Admiral’s Ward, Alexander, 8 h 2142 Adventures of an American Consul Abroad, Lugui Monti, 8 ,c 1977 Agmenticus, Tenney, 8 h 2157 Agnes of Sorrento, Stowe, 7 c 1596 Aguilar, Grace. Home Influence, 7 h 1792 Home Scenes, 7 h 1793 Aimee, Agnes Giberne, 8 a 1853 Aldrich, Thomas B. Miss Mahetable’s Son, 8 c 1971 Marjorie Daw and other People, 8 c 1970 Prudence Palfrey, 8 c 1971 Alexander, Mrs. Admiral’s Ward, 8 h 2142 At Bay, 8 h 2135 Freres, 8 h 2137 Her Dearest Foe, 8 h 2141 Heritage of Langdale, 8 h 2140 Look Before You Leap, 8 h 2136 Ralph Wilton’s Wierd, 8 h 2139 Wooing O’t, 8 h 2138 Alfred Hagart’s Household, A. Smith, 7 h 1819 Alice, Bulwer Lytton, 2 vols., 7 i 1847-8 All for Money, Chellis, 7 c 1588 Alpine Fay, Wister, 7 b 1524 Alton Locke, Kingsley, 7 c 1605 An Average Man, R. Grant, 8 d 2036 56 An American Politician, Crawford, 8 g 2080 Ancient Regime, James, 2 vols., 7 h 1809-10 Anderson, Hans Christian. Improvisatore, 7 i 1837 Only a Fiddler, 7 i 1836 O. T., 7 i 1834 Two Baronesses, 7 i 1835 Andres Hofer, L. Mulbach, 7 a 149 x Andromeda, Fleming, 7 e 1669 Anna Karenina, Tolstoi, 8 g 2072 An Original Belle, E. P. Roe, 7 e 1656 Armadale, Collins, 7 c 1605 Arinorel of Lyonesse, W. Besant, 8 g 2100 Arthur, Timothy S. Lights on Shadowed Paths, 7 g 1 776 Ten Nights in a Bar Room, 7 g 1774 Ascutney Street, Whitney, 7 e 1693 Asmodeus at Large, Bulwer, Lytton, 8 b 1926 At a High Price, Werner, 7 a 1510 At Bay, Alexander, 8 h 2135 At His Gates, Mrs. Oliphant, 8 a 1882 At Odds, Tautphoeus, 7 a 1503 At the Councillors, Wister, 7 b 1530 Auerbach, Berthold. German Tales, 7 a 1505 Landolin, 8 f 2134 Villa Eden, 7 a 1504 Aulnav Tower, Howard, 8 g 2092 Aunt Dina’s Pledge, Chellis, 7 c 1589 Aunt Serena, Howard, 8 g 2092 Austin, Jane G. Betty Alden, 8 d 1996 Pride and Prejudice, 8 d 1997 Shadow of Molock Mountain, 8 d 1995 Baby Rue, 7 e 1688 Bachelor Ben, Ella Giles, 7 f 174 6 Baker, W. M. Mose Evans, 7 d 1641 New Timothy, 7 d 1640 Year Worth Living, 7 d 1639 57 Barnaby Rudge, Dickens, Barr, Amelia E. Feet of Clay, Household of McNeil, Jan Vedder’s Wife, Master of His Fate, Remember the Alamo, Barrington’s Fate, Battle and Rest, Topelius, Beaten Paths, Ella Tompson, Beatrix Randolph, J. Hawthorne, Bede’s Charity, H. Stretton, Beachcroft, Yonge, Beechwood, Springer, Belgian Days, Martin, Bellamy, Edward. Dr. Heidenhoff’s Process, Looking Backward, Miss Luddington’s Sister, Benedict, Frank Lee. John Worthington’s Name, Miss Dorothy’s Charge, St. Simon’s Neice, Ben Hur, Lew Wallace, Betrothed and Talisman, Scott, Betty Alden, Austin, Betty’s Bright Idea, Stowe, Between Whiles, H. H. Jackson, Between the Lines, King, Berlin and Sans Souci, Mulbach, Besant, Walter. Armorel of Lyonesse, Children of Gibeon, St. Katherine by the Tower, Beyond the Breakers, R. Dale Owen, Beyond the Gates, Phelps, Birchwood, “Jak,” Birth and Education, Schwartz, 8 b 1938. 8 g 2077 8 g 2076 8 g 2078 8 g 2075 8 g 2074 7 e 1672 7 b 1560 8 a 1878 7 d 1625 8 h 2167 7 c 1579 7 h 1816 8 d 2004 8 d 2025 8 d 2024 8 d 2023 7 a 1484 7 a 1485 7 a 1483 7 d 1638 8 b 1914 8 d 1996 7 c 1599 8 d 2033 8 g 2086 7 a 1495 8 g 2100 8 g 2101 8 g 2099 7 h 1798- 8 c 1988 8 d 2013 7 a 1496 58 Bits of Talks about Home Matters, H. H. Jackson, 8 d 2031 Black Robe, Collins, 7 c 1606 Bleak House, Dickens, 8 b 1937 Blindpits, 7 h 1796 Bohemian, DeKay, 8 a 1864 Bonnyborough, Whitney, 7 e 1694 Boy’s Town, Howells, 8 c 1944 Boyesen, H. H. Gunnar, 8 g 2109 Modern Vikings, 8 g 2110 Norseman’s Pilgrimage, 8 g 2111 Bracebridge Hall, Irving, 5 e I 4°9 Brave Lady, Mulock, 7 f 1723 Brave Hearts, R. Gray, ' .7 h 1813 Bremer, Miss Fredrika. Diary of the H. Family, 7 h 1790 Neighbors, 7 h 1791 President’s Daughters, 7 h 1789 Bressant, J. Hawthorne, 7 d 1628 Brewer’s Fortune, Chellis, 7 c 1587 Bricks Without Straw, Tourgee, 7 d 1620 Bride’s Fate, Southworth, 7 i 1830 Brief Honors, 8 a 1857 Bright Days in Old Plantation Times, M. R. Banks, in O 00 M .C Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre, 7 f 1739 Professor, 7 f !738 Shirley, 7 f 1737 Villette, 7 f r 73 6 Brought to Bay, E. R. Roe, 7 e 1658 Bucholtz Family, Stinde, 2 vols., 7 b 1537-8 Bulwer-Lytton, E. Asmodeus at Large, 8 b 1926 Kenelm Chillingly, 8 b 1924 Last Days of Pompeii, 8 b 1927 My Novel, 4 vols., 8 b 1920-3 59 Parisians, 8 b 1925 What Will He do With it? 3 vols., 8 b 1917-19 Burgomaster’s Family, C. Muller, 7 a 1501 Burnett, Francis H. Miss Crespigny, 8 a 1872 Pretty Sister of Jose, 8 a 1873 Surly Tim, and other Stories, 8 a 1874 But a Philistine, Townsend, 8 d 2021 But Yet a Woman, A. S. Hardy, 7 f 1726 Button’s Inn, Tourgee, 7 d 1622 By Still Waters, Garrett, 7 f 1743 Bye Words, Yonge, 7 c I 57 ° Caged Lion, Yonge, 7 c 1578 Cape Cod Folks, S. P. McLean, 8 h 2169 Captain’s Bargain, Wright, 8 d 2042 Castle Hohenwald, Wister, 7 b 1526 Castle Nowhere, Woolson, 8 f 2056 Chance Acquaintance, Howells, 8 c 1947 Chaplet of Pearls, Yonge, 7 c 1565 Charles O’Malley, C. Lever, 8 a 1867 Charles, Mrs. E. R. Draytons and Davenants, 7 g 1762 Joan the Maid, 7 g 1766 On Both Sides of the Sea, 7 g 1763 Schonberg-Cotta Family, 7 g 1765 Victory of the Vanquished, 7 g 1764 Chatrain, Erckmann. Friend Fritz, 7 b 1564 Plebiscite, 7 b 1563 Chezzles, L. G. Morse, 8 d 2019 Children of Gibeon, Besant, 8 g 2101 Childs History of England and Miscellane- ous, Dickens, 8 b 1940 Chellis, Mary D. All for Money, 7 c x 5 88 Aunt Dinah’s Pledge, 7 c 1589 Brewer’s Fortune, 7 c 1587 Chronicles of Carlingford, Oliphant, 8 a 1881 Ciphers, E. O. Kirk, 8 g 2106 60 Circuit Rider, E. Eggleston, Clever Woman of the Family, Yonge, Cloud Pictures, Underwood, Collection of Stories, Mrs. Sherwood, Collections of Stories by American Authors, 5 vols., 8 Collins, Wilkie. Armadale, Black Robe, Dead Secret, Law and the Lady, Woman in White, Colonel Dunwoddie, Colonel’s Opera Cloak, Brush, Columbus and Beatriz, DuBois, Come Forth, Phelps and Ward, Confessions of a Frivolous Girl, R. Grant, Constancia’s Household, E. Leslie, Consuelo, G. Sand, Cooke, Rose Terry. Happy Dodd, Huckleberries, Cooper, J. Fenimore. Deerslayer, Last of the Mohicans, Path Finder, Pioneer, Prairie, Spy, Corinne, Madam De Stael, Coronation, E. F. Tenney, Count Robert of Paris, Scott, Count Mirabeau, T. Mundt, Countess of Rudolstadt, G. Sand, Country Doctor, S. O. Jewett, Counterparts, E. Shepherd, Courting and Farming, J. P. Smith, Cranford, Mrs. Gaskell, 7 e 1660 7 c 1 566 7 h 1824 8 f 2055 2158-62 7 c 1605 7 c 1606 7 c 1603 7 c 1602 7 c 1604 7 a 1465 7 e 1689 8 f 2067 8 c 1993 8 d 2031 7 h 1822 7 b 1548 8 g 2089 8 g 2088 7 g 1781 7 g 1 784 7 g 1779 7 g 1782 7 g r 78o 7 g 1783 8 c 1950 8 h 2156 8 b 1909 7 a 1499 7 b 1547 8 c 1981 7 a 1472 7 g !754 8 h 2172 61 Crawford, Marion. An American Politician, 8 g 2080 Doctor Claudius, 8 g 2082 Mr. Isaacs, 8 g 2081 Three Fates, 8 g 2083 To Leeward, 8 g 2079 Cressy, Bret Hart, 8 e 2112 Crooked Places, E. Garrett, 7 f 1142 Cryptogram, J. De Mille, 7 a 1481 Curate’s Home, A. Giberne, 7 h 1827 Cyrilla, Baroness Tautphoeus, 7 a 1 500 Dahlgren, M. V. Lost Name, 8 c 1979 Washington Winter, 8 c 1978 Daisy Chain, Yonge, 2 vols., 7 b 1580-1 Daniel Deronda, G. Eliot, 8 b 2058 Daughter of an Egyptian King, Ebers, 7 b 1541 Daughter of an Empress, L. Mulbach, 7 a i486 Daughter of the Philistines, Boyesen, 7 e 1687 David Copperfield, Dickens, 8 b 1935 David Englebrod, MacDonald, 8 a 1892 Davis, Rebecca Harding. John Andros, 7 a 1467 Law Unto Herself, 7 a 1466 Day of My Life, G. N% Banks, 7 f 1731 Day’s Pleasure, Howells, 8 c 1949 Dead to the World, Carl Detlef, 7 a 1506 Dead Secret, Collins, 7 c 1603 Dearly Bought, Burnham, 8 f 2045 Deephaven, S. O. Jewett, 8 c 1982 Deerings of Medbury, Townsend, 8 d 2222 Deerslayer, Cooper, 7 g 1781 De Forest, J. W. Kate Beaumont, 7 a 1468 Overland, 7 a 1469 De Liefde, J. B. Galama, 7 a 1473 Maid of Stralsund, 7 a 1474 62 De Mille, James. Cryptogram, Lady of the Ice, Denison, Mrs. Mary A. That Husband of Mine, That Wife of Mine, Detective and the Somnambulist, Allen Pin- kerton, Desmond Hundred, Austin, Devil’s Chain, E. Jenkins, Diary of the H. Family, Bremer, Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Lucy Maria, Schoolmaster’s Trunk, Dick’s Wanderings, J. Sturgis, Dickens, Charles. Barnabv Rudge and Edwin Drood, Bleak House, Child’s History of England and Miscel- laneous, David Copperfield, Dombey and Son, Great Expectations and Uncommercial Traveller, Little Dorrit, Martin Chuzzlewit, Nicholas Nickleby, Old Curiosity Shop and Hard Times, Oliver Twist and Pictures from Italy and American Notes, Our Mutual Friend, Pickwick Papers, Tale of Two Cities and Sketches, Diverse Women, Pansy, Doctor Vandyke, J. E. Cooke, Dombey and Son, Dickens, Dona Luz, M. J. Serrano, Donald Ross of Heimra, Black, Don Quixote, Cervantes, 7 h 7 e 1481 1482 1806 1807 1814 1671 g 2120 h 1790 2039 2038 2015 1938 1937 I 94° 1935 1932 1929 1934 I 94 I 1938 1933 1936 i93i 1930 1928 7 f 1715 7 a 1470 8 b 1932 7 b 1556 8 f 2054 8 h 2153 63 Donovan, Lyall, 8 f 204^ Dosia, GreyvilJe, 7 b 1553 Dosia’s Daughter, Greyville, 7 b 1554 Double Story, MacDonald, 8 a 1889 Douglas, Amanda. Foes of Her Household, 7 d 1647 In Trust, 7 d 1646 Nelly Kennard’s Kingdom, 7 d 1648 Seven Daughters, 7 d 1650 Stephen Dane, 7 d 1645 Sydnie Adriance, 7 d 1649 Draytons and the Davenants, Charles, 8 g 1762 Dream and a Forgetting, 7 d 1627 Dred, Stowe, 2 vols., 7 c 1 593-4 Dream Life, Mitchell, 8 g 2097 Dr. Claudius, Crawford, 8 g 2082 Dr. HeidenhofPs Process, Bellamy, 8 d 2058 Dr. Howell’s Family, 8 a 1852 Dr. Ox’s Experiment, Jules Verne, 7 d 1633 Duchess, The. In Durance Vile, 8 a 1849 Mrs. Geoffrey, 8 a 1850 Dunallen, G. Kennedy, 7 i 1832 Dust, Julian Hawthorne, 7j!d 1624 Earnest Trifler, Sprague, 8 c 1966 Ebers, George. Emperor, 2 vols., 7 b 1543-4 Uarda, 2 vols., 7 b 1545-6 Serapis, 7 b 1542 Echoing and Re-echoing, Pansy, 7 f 1710 Edleen Vaughn, Carmen Sylva, 8 c 1984 Edwards, Mrs. Anna. Ordeal for Wives, 8 g 2175 Ought We to Visit Her? 8 g 2176 Philip Earnscliffe, 8 g 2177 Eggleston, Edward. Circuit Rider, 7 e 1660 End of the World, 7 e 1659 Hoosier Schoolmaster, 7 e 1662 Mistress of Metropolisville, 7 e 1661 64 Eichofs, Mrs. Wister, Eighty-Seven, Pansy, 7 b 1536 7 f I 7 I 3 Eliot, George, (Mrs. M. A. E. Cross). Adam Bede, Daniel Deronda, Gwendolen, Impressions of Theophrastus Such, Middlemarch, 8 f 2059 8 f 2058 8 f 2061 8 f 2060 8 f 2057 Romola, 8 f 2063 Silas Marner and Scenes of Clerical Life, 8 f 2062 Elizabeth, 8 f 2068 Emperor, Ebers, 2 vols., 7 b 1543-4 Enchanting and Enchanted, Wister, End of the World, E. Eggleston, Erlach Court, Wister, Ersilia, F. E. Poynter, Esmond and Barry Lyndon, Thackeray, Eustace Diamonds, Trollope, Evelina, Miss Burney, Fair God, Lew Wallace, Fair Saxon, J. McCarthy, Family Feud, Wister, 7 b 1531 7 e 1659 7 b x 5 2 9 8 g 2132 8 d 1614 8 a 1901 7 g 1778 7 d 1637 8 c 1962 7 b 1525 Famous Victory, 7 f 1735 Far From the Madding Crowd, T. Hardy, 8 h 2131 Fate of Madam La Tour, Mrs. Paddock, 8 d 2028 Fated to be Free, J. Ingelow, Feet of Clay, A. E. Barr, Fifteen Years, Talvi, Fifty Years Ago, C. Willard, First Love is Best, Gail Hamilton, First Families of the Sierras, Miller, 7 f 1718 8 g 2077 7 h 1820 7 h 1826 8 a 1856 7 f 1729 Fleming, George. Andromeda, Head of Medusa, Mirage, Truth about Clement Ker, 7 e 1669 7 e 1666 7 e 1665 7 e 1668 Vestigia, 7 e 1667 Flower De Hundred, B. Harrison, 8 d 2011 Flower of the Family, Prentiss, 7 g 1758 65 Foe in the Household, C. Chesebro, 7 a 1471 Foes of Her Household, Douglas, 7 d 1647 Fo Hi, F. Sarcey, 7 b 1561 Fool's Errand, Tourgee, 7 d 1621 Foque, De La Motte. Theodolf the Icelander, 7 a 15 11 Undine, 7 a 1513 Forced Acquaintance, E. Robinson, 8 c 1951 Foregone -Conclusion, Howells, 8 c 1945 Fortune’s Fool, J. Hawthorne, 7 d 1626 Fortunes of Miss Follen, Goodwin-Talcot, 7 g 1756 Fraser-Tytler, Catherine C. Jonathan, 8 h 2126 Mistress Judith, 8 h 2127 Frau Wilhelmine, J. Stinde, 7 b 1539 Frederick the Great and His Family, L. Mulbach, 7 a 1489 Freres, Alexander, 8 h 2137 Friend Fritz, Erchman-Chatrain, 7 b 1564 From Hand to Mouth, 8 b 1907 Frontier Life, F. Hardman, 7 h 1800 Fru Dagmar’s Son, Wright, 8 d 2041 Galamo, De Liefde, 7 a 1473 Gallegher and other Stories, R. H. Davis, 8 d 2012 Gambler, C. Burdette, 8 h 2165 Garrett, Edward. By Still Waters, 7 f 1743 Crooked Places, 7 f 1742 Premiums Paid to Experience, 7 f r 744 Stories by R. and E. Garrett, 7 f 1745 Gaskell, Mrs. E. Cranford, 8 h 2172 Lizzie Leigh and Other Stories, 8 h 2171 Sylvia’s Lovers, 8 h 2174 Wives and Daughters, 8 h 2 i 73 Gates Between, Phelps, 8 c 1987 Gayworthys, Whitney, 7 e 1701 Gemini, Fox, 7 e 1677 Georgians, 7 e 1673 66 German Tales, B. Auerbach, 7 a 1505 Giant Dwarf “Jak,” 8 d 2014 Glympse of the World, Seawell, 7 d 1629 Goethe and Schiller, Mulbach, 7 a 1494 Gold and Name, Schwartz, 7 a 1498 Golden Lion, Trollope, 8 a 1902 Grandmother, Bozlena Nemec, 8 f 2052 Grant, Robert. An Average Man, 8 d 2036 Confessions of a Frivolous Girl, 8 d 2037 Great Expectations and Uncommercial Traveller, Dickens, 8 b 1929 Greyville, Henry. Dosia, 7 b 1553 Dosia’s Daughter, 7 b 1554 Grif, B. L. Farjeon, 7 a 1476 Ground Arms, B. VonSuttner, 8 f 2066 G. T. T., E. E. Hale, 7 g 1755 Guenn, Blanch W. Howard, 8 g 2093 Guerndale, J. S. of Dale, 8 d 2020 Gunnar, H. H. Boyesen, 8 h 2109 Gustaf Adolf, Topelius, 7 b 1559 Guy Livingston, G. A. Lawrence, 7 h 1817 Guy Mannering, Scott, 8 b 1906 Hale, Edward Everett. G. T. T., 7 g 1755 Sybaris and Other Stories, 7 d 1644 Ten Times One, 7 d 1643 Ups and Downs, 7 d 1642 Hall in the Grove, Pansy, 7 g 1709 Hammersmith, M. S. Severance, 8 a 1854 Hannah Ethinger, E. L. Whittlesey, 7 g 1773 Happy Dodd, R. T. Cooke, 8 g 2089 Hardy, A. S. But Yet a Woman, 7 f 1726 Wind of Destiny, 7 f 1727 Hardy, Thomas. Far from the Madding Crowd, 8 h 2130 Under the Greenwood Tree, 8 h 2131 67 Hardy Norseman, Lyall, 8 f 2049 Harland, Marion. J udith, 7 d 1630 With the Best Intentions, 7 d 1631 Harris, M. C. Louie’s Last Term, 7 c 1586 Phoebe, 7 c 1585 Hart, Bret. Cressy, 8 g 2112 Luck of Roaring Camp, 8 g 2113 Millionaire of Rough and Ready, 8 g 2117 Mrs. Skagg’s Husband, 8 g 2115 Snowbound at Eagles, 8 g 2116 Tales of the Argonauts, 8 g 2114 Hawthorne, Julian. Beatrix Randolph, 7 d 1625 Bressant, 7 d 1628 Dream and a Forgetting, 7 d 1627 Dust, 7 d 1624 Fortune’s Fool, 7 d 1626 Hawthorne, Nathanial. House of Seven Gables, 8 h 2151 Mosses from an Old Manse, 2 vols. , 8 h 2154-55 Scarlet Letter, 8 h 2152 Septimus Felton, 8 h 2148 Head of Medusa, Geo. Fleming, 7 e 1666 Heartsease, 2 vols., Yonge, 7 b 1576-77 He Fell in Love with His Wife, E. P. Roe, 7 e 1657 Hedged In, E. S. Phelps, 8 c 1989 Heir of Redclyffe, 2 vols., Yonge, 7 b 1571-72 Her Crime, 7 e 1683 Her Dearest Foe, Alexander, 8 h 2139 Heritage of Langdale, Alexander, 8 h 2143 Herman, 2 vols., E. Foxton, 7 g i 77 i- 7 2 Hero Carthew, Louise Parr, 8 h 2128 Her Picture, 7 e 1682 Her Title of Honor, Holme Lee, 7 h 1801 68 Hester Kirkton, K. S. Macquoid, High Mills, K. Saunders, Hills of the Shatamuc, Mrs. Warner, His Broken Sword, W. L. Taylor, His Majesty Myself, History of David Grieve, Mrs. H. Ward, His Way and Her Will, A. X., Holt, E. S. Isoult Barry, Well in the Desert, Home at Greylocks, Mrs. E. Prentis, Home Influence, Grace Aguiler, Home Scenes, Grace Aguiler, Hoosier Schoolmaster, Eggleston, Hope Leslie, 2 vols., Miss Sedgwick, 7 g Hopeless Case, Edgar Fawcett, Hopes and Fears, Yonge, Hot Plowshares, A. W. Tourgee, Household of the McNeils, A. E. Barr, Household Puzzles, Pansy, House by the Medlar Tree, Grovani Verga, House of Seven Gables, Hawthorne, House on the Heights, McKeevel, Howard, Blanch Willis. 7 g 2119 7 a 1477 7 c 1591 8 d 2000 7 e 1682 8 f 2070 8 c 1961 8 d 2034 8 d 2035 7 g 1761 7 h 1792 7 h 1793 7 e 1662 1 769-70 8 h 2164 7 b 1573 7 d 1623 8 f 2076 7 g 1714 8 f 2070 8 h 2151 7 h 1797 Aulnay Tower, Aunt Serena, Guenn, Open Door, Howells, W. D. 8 g 2092 8 g 2090 8 g 2093 8 g 2091 Boy’s Town, 8 c 1944 Chance Acquaintance, 8 c 1947 Days Pleasure, 8 c 1949 Foregone Conclusion, 8 c 1945 Lady of the Aroostook, 8 c 1942 Out of the Question, 8 c 1948 Surburban Sketches, 8 c 1946 Their Wedding Tour, 8 c 1943 How Two Girls Tried Farming, Ella Farman,8 c 1956 69 Huckleberries, R. T. Cooke, Hugo, Victor. Hunchback of Notre Dame, Les Miserables, Toilers of the Sea, Huguenot Family, Sarah Tytler, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hugo, Hypatia, C. Kingsly, Impressions of Theophrastus Such, G. Improvisatore, H. C. Andersen, In a Country Town, Noble, In Durance Vile, Duchess, In Extremis, Mrs. R. S. Greenough, Ingelow, Jean. Fated to be Free, Off the Skelligs, Sarah De Berenger, Inglises, Margaret Robertson, Initials, Baroness Tautphoeus, In Paradise, 2 vols., Paul Heys, In the Cheering-Up Business, Mary C. In the Mist, Rose Porter, In the Schillingscourt, Wister, In the Toils, Paddock, In Trust, Douglas, Iron Crown, Isoult Barry of Wynscote, Holt, Is That All? Ivanhoe, Scott, Jack’s Courtship, W. C. Russel, Jackson, Helen Hunt. Between Whiles, Bits of Talk About Home Matters, Zeph, “Jak.” Birchwood, Giant Dwarf, 8 g 2088 7 a 1456 7 a 1457 7 a 1458 7 h 1828 7 a 1456 7 d 1609 Eliot, 8 f 2060 7 i 1837 8 c 1969 8 a 1849 7 d 1652 7 f 1718 7 f 1716 7 f 1717 7 h 1802 7 a 1502 7 a 1507-08 Lee, 8 c 1954 8 a 1863 7 b 1521 8 d 2027 7 d 1646 8 f 2043 8 d 2034 7 e 1690 8 b 1915 8 d 2030 8 d 2033 8 d 2034 8 d 2032 8 d 2013 8 d 2014 70 James, G. P. R. Ancient Regime, 2 vols., String of Pearls, Jane Eyre, C. Bronte, Jan of the Windmill, Ewing, Jan Vedder’s Wife, A. E. Barr, Jean Lindsay, E. Brodie, Jenkin, Mrs. C. Psyche of To-Day, Skirmishing, Who Breaks Pays, Jerry, S. B. Elliot, Jewel in the Lotus, Agnes Tickner, Jewett, Sarah O. Country Doctor, Deephaven, Joan, the Maid, E. R. Charles, John Andros, K. H. Davis, John Godfrey, Fortune, John Halifax, Gentleman, Mulock, John Smith Democrat, Dr. Bettersworth, John Tompson, Parr, John Ward, Preacher, John Worthington’s Name, Benedict, Jonathan, Fraser- Tytler, Joseph Second and His Court, Mulbach, Judith, Marion Harland, Kate Beaumout, J. W. DeForest, Kenelm Chillingly, Bulwer Lytton, Kenilworth, Scott, Kipling, Rudyard, Life’s Handicap, Mine Own People, King, Captain Charles. Between the Lines, Laramie, or the Queen of Bedlam, Marion’s Faith, War-time Wooing, 7 h 1809-10 7 h 1811 7 f 1739 8 c 1965 8 g 2078 7 f 1734 8 h 2124 8 h 2125 8 h 2123 8 f 2071 7 g I 75 1 8 c 1981 8 c 1982 7 g 1766 7 a 1467 7 e 1663 7 f 1720 7 d 1653 7 g 1752 8 f 2046 7 a 1484 8 h 2126 7 a 1488 7 d 1630 7 a 1468 8 b 1924 8 b 1910 8 c 1976 8 c 1975 8 g 2086 8 g 2087 8 g 2084 8 g 2085 71 Kirk, Ellen Olney. Ciphers, 8 g 2106 Queen Money, 8 g 2104 Sons and Daughters, 8 g 2103 Walford, 8 g 2105 Kit and Kitty, Blackmore, 8 c 1952 Knight Errand, Eyall, 8 f 2050 Kingsly, Chas. Alton Locke, 7 d 1607 Hypatia, 7 d 1609 Yeast, 7 d 1608 Lady Beatty’s Governess, Guernsey, 7 h 1829 Lady of the Aroostook, Howells, 8 b 1942 Lady of the Ice, DeMille, 7 a 1482 Landolin, Auerbach, 8 h 2134 Laramie, or the Queen of Bedlam, King, 8 g 2087 Last Days of Pompeii, Bulwer-Lytton, 8 b 1927 Last of the Mohicans, Cooper, 7 g 17% Last Von Reckenburg, L Von Francois, 7 a I 5°9 Law and the Lady, Collins, 7 c 1602 Law Unto Herself, R. H. Davis, 7 a 1466 Lee, Mary Catherine. In the Cheering-up-Business, 8 c 1954 Quaker Girl of Nantucket, 8 c 1953 Left to Herself, Jennie Woodville, 7 i 1841 Legends of the Black Watch, Grant, 8 h 2145 Leisure Hour Series. Admiral’s Ward, 8 h 2142 At Bay, 8 h 2135 Ersilia, 8 h 2132 Far from the Madding Crowd, • 8 h 2130 Freres, 8 h 2137 Her Dearest Foe, 8 h 2141 Heritage of Langdale, 8 h 2140 Hero Carthew, 8 h 2128 Jonothan, 8 h 2126 Landolin, 8 h 2134 Look Before You Leap, 8 h 2136 Matter of Fact Girl, 8 h 2143 72 Mistress Judith, 8 h 2127 My Little Lady, 8 h 2133 Noblesse Oblige, 8 h 2129 Psyche of To-day, 8 h 2124 Ralph Wilton’s Wierd, 8 h 2139 Skirmishing, 8 h 2127 Smoke, 8 h 2122 Under the Greenwood Tree, 8 h 2131 Virgin Soil, 8 h 2121 Who Breaks Pays, 8 h 2123 Wooing O’t, 8 h 2138 Les Miserables of Notre Dame, Hugo* 7 a 1457 Life for a Life, Miss Mulock, 7 f 1722 Lifes Handicap, Kipling, 8 c 1976 Lights on Shadowed Paths, Arthur, 7 g 1776 Lily of the Valley, DeBalzac, 7 b 15+9 Links in Rebecca’s Life, Pansy, 7 f 1705 Linley Rochford, McCarthy, 8 c 1963 Linwoods, Miss Sedgwick, 2 vols., 7 g 1767-68 Little Dorrit, Dickens, 8 b 1934 Little Foxes, Stowe, 7 c 1601 Little Pilgrim, Oliphant, 8 a 1855 Little Sister, 7 e 1681 Lizzie Leigh and Other Stories, Gaskill, 8 h 2171 Lois Carrol, S. S. Vance, 8 a 1866 Look Before You Leap, Alexander, 8 h 2136 Looking Backward, Bellamy, 8 e 2024 Looking Further Forward, Michealis, 8 e 2026 Longfellow’s Prose Works, 2 vols., 8 h 2146-47 Lost Name, Dahlgren, 8 c 1979 Louise of Prussia, Mulbach, 7 a 1492 Louie’s Last Term, Harris, 7 c *5 86 Loves Labor Won, Southworth, 7 i 1831 Lowell, Robert. Stories from an Old Dutch Town, 8 a 1861 Story of the New Priest in Conception Bay, 8 a i860 Luck of Roaring Camp, Hart, 8 g 2113 Lucy Howard’s Journal, Sigourney, 7 h 1808 73 Lucy Maria, Mrs. A. M. Diaz 8 d 2039 MacDonald, Geo. David Elginbrod, 8 a 1892, Double Story, 8 a 1889 Malcolm, 8 a 1894 Marquis of Lossie, 8 a 1895 Paul Faber, 8 a 1896 Portent, 8 a 1890 Quiet Neighborhood, 8 a 1888 Seaboard Parish, 8 a 1891 Sir Gibbie, 8 a 1897 St. George and St. Michael, 8 a 1893 Vicar’s Daughter, 8 a 1898 Madam, Mrs. Oliphant, 8 a 1880 Madam Gosselin, Louise Ulbach, 8 a 1879 Madeline, 7 b 1562 Magnum Bonum, 7 b 1575 Maid of Stralsund, De Liefde, 7 a 1474 Mainstone’s Housekeeper, Meteyard 7 i 1848 Malcolm, MacDonald, 8 a 1894 Man of Honor, H. G. Eggleston, 7 e 1 703 Margarethe, Mrs. Wister, 7 b 1520- Marie Baskirtseff, Serrano, 7 b 1555 Margaret, Judd, 7 f 1728 Marion’s Faith, King, 8 g 2084. Marjorie’s Quest, Gould, 7 b 1799 Marjorie Daw and other People, Aldrich, 8 c 1970 Maroon, Capt. Mayne Reid, 8 a 1868 Marquis of Lossie, MacDonald, 8 a 1895 Married Belle, Julia P. Smith, 7 f 1753 Martin Chuzzlewit, Dickens, 8 b 1941 Matter of Fact Girl, Theo. Gift, 8 h 2143 Master of His Fate, Barr, 8 g 2075, Master of the Magicians, Phelps and Ward, 8 c 1992 May, Mrs. Oliphant, 8 a 1883 McCarthy, Justin. Fair Saxon, 8 c 1962 Linley Rochford, 8 c 1963 74 McLean, Sally Pratt. Cape Cod Folks, 8 h 2169 Tow Heads, 8 h 2168 McVeys, Kirkland, Memories, G. Upton, Merchant of Berlin, Mulbach, Mercy Philbrick’s Choice, Mere Adventurer, Elzey Hay, Middlemarch, Eliot, Millionaire of Rough and Ready, Hart, Mine Own People, Kipling, Minister’s Wooing, Stowe, Mirage, Fleming, Miscellanies, Thackeray, 2 vols., 7 Miss Crespigny, F. H. Burnette, Miss Dorothy’s Charge, Benedict, Miss Gilbert’s Career, Holland. Miss Lou, Roe, Miss Luddington’s Sister, Bellamy, Miss Mahetabel’s Son, Aldrich, Miss Pricilla Hunter and My Daughter Susan, Pansy, Mistress and Maid, Mulock, Mistress Judith, Fraser-Tytler, Misunderstood, Montgomery, 8 c 1955 7 a 1512 7 a 1490 7 e 1675 7 a 1464 8 f 2057 8 g 2117 8 c 1975 7 c 1597 7 e 1665 d 1611-2 8 a 1872 7 a 1485 7 d 1635 7 d 1655 8 d 2023 8 c 1968 7 f 1707 7 f 1721 8 h 2127 8 d 2008 Mitchell, Donald G. About Old Story Tellers, 8 g 2096 Doctor Johns, 8 g 2094 Dream Life, 8 g 2097 Reveries of a Bachelor, 8 g 2095 Modern Hagar, Chas. M. Clay, 8 c 1985 Modern Mephistopheles, 7 e 1679 Modern Telemachus, 7 b 1574 Modern Vikings, Boyesen, 8 g 2110 Money Makers, Keenan, 8 d 2016 Monteagle, Pansy, 7 f 1712 More Than She Could Bear, Hesper Bend- bow, Mose Evans, Baker, 7 g i75o 7 d 1641 75 Mosses from an Old Manse, Nathaniel Hawthorne, 2 vols., 8 h 21 ■54-5 Motherless, Mulock, ' 7 f 1725 Moulton, L. C. Ourselves and Our Neighbors, 8 c 1973 Some Women’s Hearts, 8 c 1972 Mr. Barnes of New York, Gunter, 7 d 1651 Mr. Isaacs, Crawford, 8 g 2081 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown, 7 e 1692 Mrs. Geoffrey, Duchess, 8 a 1850 Mrs. Hitchcock’s Wedding Dress, 8 c 1957 Mrs. Skagg’s Husband, Hart, '8 g 2115 Mulbach, B. Andres Hofer, 7 a 1491 Berlin and ^ans Souci, 7 a 1495 Daughter of an Empress, 7 a i486 Frederick the Great and His Family, 7 a 1489 Goethe and Schiller, 7 a 1494 Joseph Second and His Court, 7 a 1488 Louise of Prussia, 7 a 1492 Merchant of Berlin, 7 a 149° Napoleon and Blucher, 7 a *493 Queen Hortense, 7 a 1487 Mulock, Miss. Brave Lady, 7 f 1723 John Halifax Gentleman, 7 f 1720 Life for a Life, 7 f 1722 Mistress and Maid, 7 f 1721 My Mother and I, 7 f 1719 Motherless, 7 f 1725 Woman’s Kingdom, 7 f 1724 My Brother’s Keeper, Mrs. Warner, 7 c 1590 My Lady Pokahontas, Cooke, 8 d 2009 My Little Lady, Poynter, 8 h 2133 My Mother and I, Mulock, 7 f 1719 My Novel, Bulwer-Lytton, 4 vols., 8 b 1920-3 Mystery of New Orleans, Halcombe, 8 c 1970 Mystery of Metropolisville, Eggleston, 7 e 1661 76 My Wife and My Wife’s Sister, 7 e 1676 Nabob, Daudet, 7 b 1552 Nameless Nobleman, 7 e 1670 Nancy, Broughton, 7 h 1815 Napoleon and Blucher, Mulbach, 7 a 1493 Neighbors, Bremer, 7 h 1791 Nelly Kenard’s Kingdom, Douglas, 7 d 1648 Newcomer, Thackeray, 7 d 1613 New England Legends, Spafford, 8 a 1858 New Nobility, Fornew, 8 d 1999 New Republic, Mallock, 8 c i960 New Senior at Andover, Ward, 8 c 1994 New Timothy, Baker, 7 d 1639 Next Things, Pansy, 7 f 1711 Nicholas Nickleby, Dickens, 8 b 1939 Noble Name, Wister, 7 b 1517 Noblesse Oblige, 8 g 2129 No Name Series. Baby Rue, 7 f 1688 Colonel’s Opera Cloak, 7 f 1689 Daughter of a Philistine, 7 f 1687 Gemini, 7 f 1677 Her Crime, 7 f 1683 Her Picture, 7 f 1682 Hetty’s Strange History, 7 f 1691 His Majesty Myself, 7 f 1686 Is That All? 7 f 1690 Little Sister, 7 f 1681 Mercy Philbrick’s Choice, 7 f 1675 Modern Mephistopheles, 7 f 1679 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown, 7 f 1692 My Wife and My Wife’s Sister, 7 f 1676 Princess Amelia, 7 f 1684 Question of Identity, 7 f 1685 Salvage, 7 f 1680 Signor Moldin’s Niece, 7 f 1678 Norseman’s Pilgrimage, Boyesen, 8 g 21 1 1 Northern Lights, Selmia Borg, 7 b 1451 Notebook of an Elderly Lady, Seawell, 8 d 2017 77 Nothing to Drink, Wright, 8 d 2040 Oakridge, J. Emerson Smith, 7 f 1757 Odd or Even, Whitney, 7 e 1695 Off the Skelligs, Jean IngeJow, 7 f 1716 Old Court Life in France, Elliot, 7 a 1459 Old Curiosity Shop and Hard Times, Dickens, 8 b 1933 Old Doctor, 7 h 1804 Old House by the River, Prime, 8 g 2098 Old Kensington, Miss Thackeray, 7 d 1616 Old Lady Mary, Mrs. Oliphant, 8 a 1886 Old Maids and Burglars in Paradise, Phelps, 8 c 1990 Old Mam’selle’s Secret, Wister, 7 b 1518 Old Sir Douglas, Mrs. Norton, 8 a 1851 Oldtown Folks, Stowe, 7 c 1595 Oliphant, Mrs. At His Gates, 8 a 1882 Chronicles of Carlingford, 8 a 1881 Little Pilgrim, 8 a 1885 May, 8 a 1883 Madam, 8 a 1880 Old Lady Mary, 8 a 1886 Rose in June, 8 a 1884 Oliver Twist, Pictures from Italy and American Notes, Dickens, 8 b 1936 On Both Sides of the Sea, Charles, 7 g 1763 Only a Fiddler, Andersen, 7 i 1836 Open Door, Howard, 8 g 2091 Ordeal for Wives, Edwards, 8 h 2175 O. T., Andersen, 7 i 1834 O, Thou My Austria, Wister, 7 b 1534 Ought We to Visit Her, Edwards, 8 h 2176 Our Mutual Friend, Dickens, 8 b 1931 Ourselves and Our Neighbors, Moulton, 8 c 1973 Our Village, Miss Mitford, 2 vols., 7 h 1787-8 Out of the Question, Howells, 8 c 1948 Overland, De Forest, 7 a 1469 Owls Nest, Wister, 7 b 1532 78 Paddock, A. G. In the Toils, 8 d 2027 Fate of Madam La Tour, 8 d 2028 Pansy, Diverse Women, 7 f i7 I 5 Echoing and Re-echoing, 7 f 1710 Eighty Seven, 7 f 1713 Hall in the Grove, 7 f 1709 Household Puzzles, 7 f 1714 Links in Rebecca’s Life, 7 f 1705 Miss Pricilla Hunter and My Daughter Susan, 7 f 1707 Monteagle, 7 f 1712 Next Things, 7 f 1711 Pocket Measure, 7 f 1704 Randolphs, 7 f 1708 Ruth Erskine’s Crosses, 7 f 1706 Parisians, Bulwer-Lytton, 8 b 1925 Pathfinder, Cooper, 7 g 1779 Patience Strongs Outing, Whitney, 7 e 1700 Patty’s Perversities, 7 e 1674 Paul and Virginia, St. Pierre, 8 h 2144 Paul P'aber, MacDonald, 8 a 1890 Peard, F. M. Rose Garden, 8 g 2108 Unawares, 8 g 2107 Peveril of the Peak, Scott, 8 b 1908 Phelps, Elizabeth Steward. Beyond the Gates, 8 c 1988 Gates Between, 8 c 1987 Hedged In, 8 c 1989 Old Maids and Burglars in Paradise, 8 c 1990 Silent Partner, 8 c 1986 Story of Avis, 8 c 1991 Phelps and Ward. Come Forth, 8 c 1993 Master of the Magicians, 8 c 1992 Phillip Earnscliffe, Edwards, 8 h 2177 Phineas Finn, Trollope, 8 a 1905 79 Phineas Redux, Trollope, 8 a 1899 Phoebe, Harris, 8 c 1585 Picked Up in the Street, Wister, 7 b 1533 Pickwick Papers, Dickens, 8 b 1930 Pierre, Herman Melville, 7 h 1794 Pillars of the House, Yonge, 2 vols. , 8 b 1568-9 Pilot and His Wife, Mrs. Ola Bull, 8 b 1550 Pine Needles, Warner, 8 c 1592 Plebiscite, Erchmann-Chatrain, 8 b 1563 Ploughed Under, Story of an Indian Chief, by Himself, 8 d 2007 Pocket Measure, Pansy, 7 f 1704 Pogamuc People, Stowe, 8 c 1600 Poor Jack, Captain Marryat, 8 d 2018 Portent, MacDonald, 8 a 1890 Porter, Rose. In the Mist, 8 a 1863 Summer Driftwood for the Winter Fire, 8 a 1862 Poynter, Frances E. Ersilia, 8 h 2132 My Little Lady, 8 h 2133 Prairie, Cooper, 7 g 1780 Premiums Paid to Experience, Garret, 7 f 1744 Prentiss, Mrs. E. Flower of the Family, 7 g I75 8 Home at Greylock, 7 g 1761 Stepping Heavenward, 7 g 1760 Urbane and His Friends, 7 g 1759 Presidents’ Daughters, Bremer, 7 h 1789 Pretty Sister of Jose, Burnett, 8 a 1873 Pride and Prejudice, Austin, 8 d 1997 Prime Minister, Trollope, 8 a 1900 Princess Amelia, 7 e 1684 Professor, Bronte, 7 f 1738 Prudence Palfrey, Aldrich, 8 c 1971 Prue and I, Curtis, 8 a 1855 P’s and Q’s, Yonge, 8 b 1583 Psyche of To-Day, 8 h 2124 Put Yourself in His Place, Reade, 8 d 1618 80 Quaker Girl of Nantucket, Lee, 8 c 1953 Queen Hortense, Mulbach, 7 a 1487 Queen Money, Kirk, 8 g 2104 Question of Identity, 7 e 1685 Quicksands, Wister, 7 b 1528 Quiet Neighborhood, MacDonald, 8 a 1888 Quixstar, 7 h 1795 Ralph the Heir, Trollope, 8 a 1903 Ralph Wilton’s Weird, Alexander, 8 h 2139 Randolphs, 7 f 1708 Rasselas, Dr. Johnson, 8 h 2163 Reade, Chas. Put Yourself in His Place, 7 d 1618 Simpleton, 7 d 1617 Wandering Heir, 7 d 1619 Real Folks, Whitney, 7 e 1696 Realities of Irish Life, French, 7 1 1833 Red Carl, Messmer, 7 a 1514 Remember the Alamo, Barr, 8 g 2075 Reveries of a Bachelor, Mitchell, 8 g 2095 Rob Roy, Scott, 8 b 1916 Robert Falconer, 7 1 1838 Robison Crusoe’s Money, Wells, 7 a 1478 Roe, E. P. An Original Belle, 7 e 1656 He Fell in Love with His Wife, 7 e 1657 Miss Lou, 7 e 1655 Without a Home, 7 e i 6 54 Romance of the Harem, Leonowen, 7 h 1818 Romneys of Ridgmount, Eastman, 7 h 1812 Romola, Eliot, 8 f 2063 Rose Dunbar’s Mistake, 7 1 1839 Rose Garden, Peard, 8 g 2107 Rose in June, Oliphant, 8 a 1884 Round About Rio, Carpenter, 8 a 1869 Round Robin Series. Barrington’s Fate, 7 e 1672 Desmond Hundred, 7 e 1671 Georgians, 7 e 1673 81 Nameless Nobleman, Patty’s Perversities, Round the Grange Farm, Watson, Russel, W. Clark. Jack’s Courtship, Wreck of the Grosvenor, Ruth Frskine’s Crosses, Pansy, Ruth Maxwell, Lady Blake, Saint Michael, Wister, Salambo, Flaubert, Salted with Fire, Le Grange, Salvage, Sand, George. Consuelo, Countess of Rudolstadt, Sarah De Berenger, Jean Ingelow, Sergeant Atkins, by an Officer in the U. S. Army, Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Schonberg-Cotta Family, Charles, Schoolmaster’s Trunk, Diaz., Schwartz, Marie S. Birth and Education, Gold and Name, Wife of a Vain Man, Scott, Sir Walter. Betrothed and Talisman, Count Robert of Paris, Duy Mannering, Ivanhoe, Kenilworth, Peveril of the Peak, Rob Roy, Tales of a Grandfather, 3 vols., 8 Seaboard Tarish, MacDonald, Sedgwick, Miss. Hope Leslie, 2 vols., 7 Linwoods, 2 vols., 7 Septimus Felton, N. Hawthorne, 7 e 1670 7 e 1674 8 a 1865 8 d 2030 8 d 2029 7 f 1706 7 a 1479 7 b 1535 7 b 1557 8 a 1870 7 e 1680 7 b 1548 7 b 1547 7 f 1717 7 h 1803 8 h 2152 7 g 1765 8 d 2038 7 a 1496 7 a 1498 7 a 1497 8 b 1914 8 b 1909 8 b 1906 8 b 1915 8 b 1910 8 b 1908 8 b 1916 b 1911-13 8 a 1891 g 1769-70 g 1767-68 8 h 2148 82 Serapis, Ebers, 7 b 1542 Seven Daughters, Douglas, 7 d 1650 Severa, Wister, 7 b 1522 Shadow of Moloch Mountain, Austin, 8 d 1995 Shiloh, Woodruff, 7 g 1749 Shirley, Charlotte Bronte, 7 f 1737 Sights and Insights, Whitney, 2 vols., 7 e 1698-99 Signor Monaldini’s Niece, 7 e 1678 Silas Marner and Scenes of Clerical Life, Eliot, 8 f 2062 Silent Partner, Phelps, 8 c 1986 Silver Pitchers and Independence, Alcott, 8 a 1871 Simpleton, Reade, 7 d 1617 Sir Gibbie, MacDonald, 8 a 1897 Skirmishing, Jenkin, 8 h 2125 Slave to Circumstances, Pierson, 8 d 1998 Smoke, Turgenieff, 8 h 2122 Snake’s Pass, Bram Stoker, 8 f 2051 Snow Bound at Eagles, Hart, 8 g 2116 Some Women’s Hearts, Moulton, 8 c 1972 Sons and Daughters, Kirk, 8 g 2103 Southworth, E. D. E. N. Bride’s Fate, 7 i 183° Love’s Labor Won, 7 i 1831 Spafford, H. P. New England Legends, 8 a 1858 Thief in the Night, 8 a 1859 Spanish Galleon, Seeley, 8 d 2005 Spy, Cooper, 7 g 1783 Squire of Walton Hall, Wise, 8 d 2002 Starting Out, Clark, 7 g 1785 Stephen Dane, Douglas, 7 d 1645 Stepping Heavenward, Prentiss, 7 g 1760 Stevenson, R. L. m Treasure Island, 8 a 1876 Wrong Box, 8 a 1875 St. George and St. Michael, MacDonald, 8 a 1893 83 Stinde, Julius. Bucholz Family, 2 vols., 7 b i537~3& Frau Wilhelmine, 7 b 1539. St. Katharine by the Tower, Besant, 8 g 2099 St. Martin’s Summer, Brewster, 7 g 1777 Stories by American Writers, 7 f J 747 Stories from an Old Dutch Town, Lowed, 8 a 1861 Stories by R. and E. Garrett, 7 f 1 745 Stories by Saxe Holm, 7 h 1825 Story of a Country Town, Howe, 8 c 1983 Story of an African Farm, Olive Schreiner, 8 f 2069 Story of Avis, Phelps, 8 c 1991 Story of Keedon Bluffs, Craddock, 8 d 2001 Story of Kennett, Taylor, 7 e 1664 Story of Margaret Kent, Kirk, 8 g 2102 Story of the New Priest in Conception Bay, Lowell. 8 a i860 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Agnes of Sorrento, 7 c 1596 Betty’s Bright Idea, 7 c 1599 Ured, 2 vols., 7 c 1593-94 Little Foxes, 7 c 1601 Minister’s Wooing, 7 c 1597 Oldtown Folks, 7 c 1595 Pogamuc People, 7 c 1600 Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 7 c 1598 Stretton, Hesba. Bede’s Charity, 8 h 2167 Through a Needle’s Eye, 8 h 2166 String of Pearls, James, 7 h 1811 St. Simon’s Niece, Benedict, 7 a 1483 Suburban Sketches, Howells, 8 c 1946 Summer Driftwood for the Winter* Fire, Rose Porter, 8 a 1862 Summer in Leslie Goldwaite’s Life, Whitney, 7 e 1697 Surly Tim, Burnett, 8 a 1874 Sybaris and other Homes, Hale, 7 d 1644 Sydnie Adrience, Douglas, 7 d 1649 Sylvestres, De Betham-Ed wards, • 7 a 1463 84 Sylvia’s Lovers, Gaskell, 8 h 2174 Synnove Solbakken, Bjornson, 7 b 1558 Tale of Two Cities and Sketches, Dickens, 8 b 1028 Tales of a Grandfather, Scott, 3 vois. 8 g 1911-13 Tales of the Argonauts, Hart, 8 g 2114 Tales, Romances and Extravaganzas, Hood, 7 h 1827 Talking Leaves, Stoddard, 8 d 2006 Tautphoeus, Baroness. Ai Odds, 7 a 1503 Cyrilla, 7 a 1500 Initials, 7 a 1502 Taylor, Bayard. John Godfrey’s Fortune, 7 e 1663 Story of Kennett, 7 e 1664 Ten Nights in a Bar Room, Arthur, 7 g 1774 Ten Thousand a Year, Warren, 8 c 1974 Ten Times One, Hale, 7 d 1643 Thackeray, Wm. M. Esmond and Barry Lyndon, 7 d 1614 Miscellanies, 2 vols , 7 d 1611-12 Newcomes, 7 d 1613 Vanity Fair, 7 d 1610 • Virginians, 7 d 1615 'That Husband of Mine, Denison, 7 h 1806 That Wife of Mine, Denison, 7 h 1807 Their Wedding Journey, Howells, 8 c 1943 Theodolf the Icelander, Foque, 7 a 1 5 11 Theophilus and Others, Mary Mapes Dodge, 7 f 1735 They Met by Chance, Logan, 7 g 1775 Thief in the Night, Spafford, 8 a 1859 Thorns and Orange Blossoms, Clay, 8 c 1980 Thornton Hall, McKeen, 7 f 174 8 Three Brides, Yonge, 7 b 1582 'Three Fates, Crawford, 8 g 2083 Three People, 7 d 1636 Throckmorton, Seawell, 8 c 1967 Through a Needle’s Eye, Stretton, 8 h 2166 Toilers of the Sea, Victor Hugo, 7 a 1458 To Leeward., Crawford, 8 g 2079 85 Tolstoi. Anna Karenina, 8 g 2072 Two Pilgrims, 8 g 2073 Too Rich, Wister, 7 b ^509 Topelius. Battle and Rest, 7 b 1 560 Gustaf Adolf, 7 b 1559 Tourgee, A. W. Bricks Without Straws, 7 d 1620- Button’s Inn, 7 d 1622 Fool’s Errand, 7 d 1621 Hot Plowshares, 7 d 1623 Tour of the World in Eighty Days, Jules, Verne, 7 d 1634 Tow Heads, McLean, 8 h 2168 Townsend, Virginia F. But a Philistine, 8 d 2021 Deerings of Medbury, 8 d 2022 Treasure Island, Stevenson, 8 a 1876 Trial, Yonge, 7 b 1584 Tribulations of a Chinaman, Jules Verne, 7 d 1632 Trollope, Anthony. Eustace Diamonds, 8 a 1901 Golden Lion, 8 a 1902 Phineas Finn, 8 a 1905 Phineas Redux, 8 a 1899 Prime Minister, 8 a 1900 Ralph the Heir, 8 a 1903 Way We Live Now, 8 a 1904 Truth About Clement Ker, Fleming, 7 e 1668 Turgenieff. Smoke, 8 h 2122 Virgin Soil, 8 h 2121 Twice 1 old Tales, Hawthorne, 2 vols., 8 h 2149-50 Two Baronesses, Andersen, 7 i 1835 Two Campaigns, Englebach, 8 a 1877 Two Chiefs of Dunboy, Froude, 8 c 1964 Two Lives, B. Jerrold, 7 g 1786 Two Pilgrims, Tolstoi, 8 g 2073 86 Uarda, Ebers, 2 vols., 7 b I545-4 6 Unawares, Peard, 8 g 2108 Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Stowe, 7 c 1598 Under Grey Walls, Doudney, 8 c 1959 Under the Greenwood Tree, T. Hardy, 8 h 2131 Under the Stork’s Nest, Katsch, 7 b 1540 Under the Tricolor, Hooper, 7 h 1823 Undine, Foque, 7 a 1513 Unknown to History, Yonge, 7 b 1567 Ups and Downs, Hale, 7 d 1755 Up From the Cape, 8 g 2118 Urbane and His Friends, Prentiss, 8 g 1759 Vain Forebodings, Wister, 7 b 1527 Vanity Fair, Thackeray, 7 d 1610 Verne, Jules. Dr. Ox’s Experiment, 7 d 1633 Tour of the World in Eighty Days, 7 d 1634 Tribulations of a Chinaman, 7 d 1632 Vestigia, Fleming, 7 e 1667 Vicar of Wakefield, Goldsmith, 8 h 2170 Vicar’s Daughter, MacDonald, 8 a 1898 Victory of the Vanquished, Charles, 7 g 1764 Vice Versa, Anstey, 8 d 2010 Villa Eden, Auerbach, 7 a 1504 Villette, Charlotte Bronte, 7 f i73 6 Violette, Wister, 7 b 1523 Virgin Soil, Turgenieff, 8 h 2121 Virginia, Kingston, 7 f 1733 Virginians, Thackeray, 7 d 1615 Walford, Kirk, 8 g 2105 Wallace, Gen. Lew. Ben Hur, 7 d 1638 Fair God, 7 d 1637 Wandering Heir, 7 d 1619 Wandering Jew, Eugene Sue, 7 a 1480 Ward, H. D. New Senior at Andover, 8 c 1994 87 Ward and Phelps. Come Forth, 8 c 1993 Master of the Magicians, 8 c 1992 Wartime Wooing, King, 8 g 2085 Washington Winter, Dahlgren, 8 c 1978 Way We Live Now, Trollope, 8 a 1904 We Girls, Whitney, 7 e 1702 What Will He Do With It? Bulwer-Lyt- ton, 3 vols., 8 b 1917-19 Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Ascutney Street, 7 e 1693 Bonnyborough, 7 e 1694 Gayworthys, 7 e 1701 Odd or Even, 7 e 1695 Patience Strong’s Outing, 7 e 1700 Real Folks, 7 e 1696 Sights and Insights, 2 vols., 7 e 1698-99 Summer in Leslie Goldwaite’s Life, 7 e 1697 We Girls, 7 e 1702 Who Breaks Pays, Jenkin, 8 h 2123 Why Did He Not Die, Wister, 7 b 1516 Widow of Windsor, Gaskell, 8 d 2003 Wife of a Vain Man, M. S. Schwartz, 7 a 1497 Wildfell Hall, Anna Bronte, 7 f 1740 Wilfrid Cumbermede, MacDonald, 8 a 1887 Wind of Destiny, A. S. Hardy, 7 f 1727 Winthrop, John Brent, 7 f 1730 Wister, Mrs. A. L. Alpine Fay, 7 b 1524 At the Councillor’s, 7 b 1530 Castle Hohenwald, 7 b 1526 Eichofs, 7 b 1536 Enchanting and Enchanted, 7 b 1531 Erlach Court, 7 b 1530 Family Feud, 7 b 1525 In the Schillingscourt, 7 b 1521 Margarethe, 7 b 1 520 Noble Name, 7 b 1517 Old Mam’selle’s Secret, 7 b 1518 88 O! Thou My Austria, 7 b 153+ Owl’s Nest, 7 b 1532 Picked Up in the Streets, 7 b 1533 Quicksands, 7 b 1528 Saint Michael 7 b 1535 Severa, 7 b 1 522 Too Rich, 7 b 1509 Vain Forebodings, 7 b 1527 Violetta, 7 b 1523 Why Did He Not Die? 7 b 1516 Without a Home, Roe, 7 e 1654 With the Best Intentions, Harland, 7 d 1631 Wives and Daughters, Gaskell, 8 h 2173 Woman in White, Collins, 7 c 1604 Woman’s Kingdom, Muloch, 7 f 1724 Works of Mrs. Amelia Opie, 3 vols., 7 a 1460-62 Woven of Many Threads, Hamilton, 7 a 1475 Wreck of the Grosvenor, Russel, 8 d 2029 Wright, Julia McNair. Captain’s Bargain, 8 d 2042 Frau Dagmar’s Son, 8 d 2041 Nothing to Drink, 8 d 2040 Wrong Box, Stevenson, 8 a 1875 Wuthering Heights, Emma Bronte, 7 f 174 1 Year Worth Living, W. M. Baker, 7 d 1639 Yeast, Kingsley, 7 d 1608 Yonge, Charlotte. Beechcroft, 7 b 1579 Bye-Words, 7 b 1570 Caged Lion, 7 b 1578 Chaplet of Pearls, 7 b 1565 Clever Woman of the Family, 7 b 1566 Daisy Chain, 2 vols., 7 b 1580-81 Heartsease, 2 vols., 7 b 1576-77 Heir of Redclyffe, 2 vols., 7 b 1571-72 Hopes and Fears, 7 b 1573 Magnum Bonum, 7 b 1575 Modern Telemachus, 7 b 1574 89 Pillars of the House, 2 vols., P’s and Q’s, Three Brides, Trial, Unknown to History, Zenobia, William Ware, 2 vols., Zeph, Jackson, 7 b 1 568-69; 7 b 1583 7 b 1582 7 b 1584- 7 b 1567 8 f 2064-65; 8 d 2032: 90 Class XIII. fiction Alec Forbes of Howglen, G. MacDonald, American Senator, Anthony Trollope, Bluebeard’s Keys, Miss Thackery, Cripps, the Carrier, R. D. Blackmore, Cyrilla, Baroness Tautphoeus, Curita, Mrs. Oliphant, Charles Auchester, Diary of the Beseiged Resident in Paris, Dead Man’s Rock, Q., Duchess of Rosemary Lane, B. L. Farjeon, Harold, E. Bulwer-Lytton, In the Camargue, Emily Bowles, Jack Shepard, W. H. Ainsworth, Lottie Darling, J. C. Jeaffreson, Lois Victory, B. L. Farjeon, Last of the Barons, E. Bulwer-Lytton, Mr. and Mrs. Faulkinbridge, Hamilton Aidee, Marriage, Miriam’s Heritage, Alma Calder, Rumor, Strange Adventures of a Phaeton, Wm. Black, Stuart of Dunleath, Caroline Norton, Step Mother, G. P. R. James, The Caxtons, E. Bulwer-Lytton, The Curate in Charge, Mrs. Oliphant, The Story of an Honest Man, Three Generations, Sarah E. Emery, The Disturbing Element, Charlotte M. Yonge, The Hour and the Man, Harriet Martineau, The Doctor’s Dilemma, Hesba Stretton, Vivian Grey, 9 e 2418 9 e 2429 9 e 2432 9 e 2414 9 e 2421 9 e 2426 9 e 2430 9 e 2428 9 e 2435 9 e 2409 9 e 2 4°5 9 e 2425 9 e 2434 9 e 2415 9 e 2418 9 e 2406 9 e 2412 9 e 2422 9 e 2413 9 e 2 43 J 9 e 2417 9 e 2411 9 e 2420 9 e 2407 9 e 2416 9 e 2424 9 e 2427 9 e 2434 9 e 2 4 2 3 9 e 2419 9 e 2410 91 Class XIV. gt£X*irtl gtttfvtce. SERIAL STORIES IN HARPER. Anne, C. F. Woolson, Vols. 62, 63 and 64. A Laodicean, Thomas Hardy, Vols. 33 and 34. At the Red Glove, Vols. 70 and 71. April Hopes. W. D. Howells, Vols. 74 and 75. Annie Kilburn, W. D. Howells, Vol. 77. A Little Journey in the World, C. D. Warner, Vols. 78 and 79. East Angels, C. F. Woolson, Vols. 70, 71 and 72. For th 'i Major, C. F. Woolson, Vols. 65 and 66. Indian Summer, W. D. Howells, Vols. 71 and 72. In Far Lochaber, Wm. Black, Vols. 76 and 77. In the Strangers Peoples Country, C. E. Craddock, Vols. 82 and 83. Judith >hakspeare, Wm. Black, Vols. 68 and 69. Jupiter Lights, C. F. Woolson, Vols. 78 and 79. King Arthur, Miss Muloch, Vols. 72 and 73. Narka, Kathleen O’Meara, Vols. 74 and 75. Natures Serial Story, E. P. Roe, Vols. 68, 69 and 70. Port Tarascon, Alphonse Daudet, Vol. 81. Shandon Bells, Wm. Black, Vols. 34, 35 and 36. Springhaven, R. D. Blackmore, Vols. 72, 73 and 74. Their Pilgrimage, C. D. Warner, Vol. 73. The Shadow of a Dream, W. D. Howells, Vol. 80. SERIAL STORIES IN CENTURY. A Modern Instance, W. D. Howells, Vols. 23 and 24. A Woman’s Reason, W. D. Howells, Vols. 25 and 26. Anglomaniacs, Mrs. Burton Harrison, Vol. 40. Bread Winners, Vols. 26 and 27. Dr. Sevier, George W. Cable, Vols. 27 and 28. Fair Barbarian, Mrs. F. H. Burnett, Vol. 21. 92 P'riend Olivia, Amelia E. Barr, Vols. 39 and 40. John Bodewin’s Testimony, Mary Hallock Foote, Vol. 31. Madam Delphine, George W. Cable, Vol. 22. Merry Chanter, Frank Stockton, Vol. 39. Romance of Dollard, M. H. Catherwood, Vol. 37. Rise of Silas Lapham, W. D. Howells, Vols. 29 and 30. The Bostonians, Henry James, Vols. 29, 30 and 31. Through One Administration, Mrs. F. H. Burnett, Vols. 23, 24 and 25. The Minister’s Charge, W. D. Howells, Vols. 31, 32 and 33. The Graysons, Edward Eggleston, Vols. 35 and 36. SERIAL STORIES IN ATLANTIC. A Country Gentleman, Mrs. Oliphant, Vols. 55, 56 and 57. Detmold, W. H. Bishop, Vols. 40 and 41. Doctor Zay, E. S. Phelps, Vols. 49 and 50. Despot of Broomsedge Cove, C. E. Craddock, Vols. 61 and 62. Europeans, Henry James, Vol. 42. Felicia, Fanny Murfree, Vols. 65 and 66. House of Martha, Frank Stockton, Vols. 67 and 68. In the Clouds, C. E. Craddock, Vol. 57. In War Times, S. Weir Mitchell, Vols. 53 and 54. Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountain, C. E. Crad- dock, Vols. 55 and 56. Portrait of a Lady, Henry James, Vols. 46 and 47. Paul Patoff, Marion Crawford, Vol. 59. Princess Casamassima, Henry James, Vols. 57 and 58. Queen of Sheba, T. B. Aldrich, Vol. 40. Roman Singer, Marion Crawford, Vols. 52 and 53. Sidney, Margaret Deland, Vols. 65 and 66. The Tragic Muse, H. James, Vols. 63, 64, 65 and 66. The American, Henry James, Vols. 38 and 39. The Undiscovered Country, W. D. Howells, Vols. 45 and 46. 93 Class XV. giittfettUf. Abbott, Jacob. August Stories. August and Elvie, 1 f 151 Hunter and Tom, 1 f 152 Schooner Mary Ann, 1 f 153 Granville Valley, 1 f 154 Cyrus and Alexander, 1 c 15 Rollo’s Tour in Europe. Rollo on the Atlantic, 1 d 54 Rollo in Paris, 1 d 52 Rollo in Switzerland, 1 d 57 Rollo in London, i d 61 Rollo on the Rhine, 1 d 60 Rollo in Scotland, 1 d 53 Rollo in Geneva, 1 d 58 Rollo in Holland, 1 d 59 Rollo in Naples, 1 d 56 Rollo in Rome, 1 d 55 Abbott, John S. C. Daniel Boone, i c 9 Miles Standish, 1 c 8 Napoleon Bonaparte, 2 vols, 1 f 148-49 Adventures in Fairy Land, Richard Henry Stoddard, 1 e 108 Adventures in the Wilderness, William H. H. Murray, 1 d 76 Adventures of a Brownie, Mulock, 1 e 123 Adventures of a Young Naturalist, Lucien Biart, 1 d 93 94 Alcott, Louisa M. Aunt Joe’s Scrap Bag, Shawl Straps, Cupid and Chow-Chow, My Boys, Proverb Stories, Kitty’s Class Day at Harvard, Alden, William L. Cruise of the Canoe Club, Cruise of the Ghost, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll (^Charles L. Dodgson,) American Explorers, Thomas W. Higginson, American Girl Abroad, Adeline Trafton, Among the Lakes, W. O. Stoddard, Among the Peaks, How Mrs. Maxwell made her Natural History Collection, Annals of a Baby, Mrs. Sarah B. Stebbins, Arabian Nights, Around the Hub, Samuel A. Drake, August and Elvie, Jacob Abbott, Aunt Patty’s Scrap Bag, Mrs. Lee Hentz, Bastile, History of, Battles at Home, Mary G. Darling, Beauties and Achievements of the Blind, Artman and Hall, Being a Boy, Charles Dudley Warner, Belle and the Boys, Corbin, Ben Sylvester’s Word, Charlotte M. Yonge, Beyond the Snow, P. Fiske Reed, Big Brother, G. C. Eggleston, Bits of Talk, H. H., Bodley Family, Sayings of the, Bodley Telling Stories, Boone, Daniel, J. S. C. Abbott, Boy Engineers, L. Luken, Boy Travellers, China and Japan, Thomas W. Knox, I g 2 I I I g 212 I g 215 I g 213 I g 2I 4 I g 239 I g 24O i e 109 1 c 18 1 d 65 1 e 107 1 c 22 1 g 246 1 d 82 I C 20 I f I si 1 f 174 I c 16 I g 199 I d 45 r e 119 1 g 245 1 f 186 t g 235 1 f 162 1 e 142 1 c 36 1 c 35 1 c 9. [ g 200 I c 30 95 Boy Travellers in Northern Europe, Thomas W. Knox, i c 31 Boy Travellers in Russia, W- H. Kingston, 1 d 67 Boys at Chequasset, Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, 1 e 138 Boys Froissart, 1 c 13 Boys of Other Countries, Bayard Taylor, 1 c 11 Boys of Thirty-Five, E. H. Elwell, 1 f 161 Bread and Oranges, S. Warner, 1 g 209 Building the Nation, C. C. Coffin, 1 c 3 Burying the Hatchet, Kellogg, 1 f 169 Butterfly Hunters, Helen S. Conant, 1 c 21 Captain Fritz, Emily Huntington Miller, 1 e 129 Captain Kyd, 2 vols., 1 d 73-74 Carson, Kit, Life of, Charles Burdette, 1 c 7 Champney, Elizabeth W. Three Vassar Girls Abroad, 1 c 33 Three Vassar Girls in England, 1 c 37 Three Vassar Girls in Italy, 1 c 34 Three Vassar Girls in South America, 1 c 32 Chance for Himself, J. T. Trowbridge, 1 e 104 Cheney, Mrs. Edna D. Child of the Tide, 1 e 144 Sally Williams, 1 e 145 Child Marian Abroad, W. M. F. Round, 1 h 253 Child of the Island Glen, Kellogg, 1 f 165 Child of the Tide, Cheney, 1 e 144 Christmas Cake, Lady Barker, 1 h 259 Civil War, Youth’s History of, G. R. Horton, 1 c 17 Coffin, Charles Carleton. Building the Nation, 1 c 3. Old Times in the Colonies, 1 c 2 Story of Liberty, 1 c 1 Coming to the Light, Mrs. F. E. Newberry, 1 f 157 Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen, Frank Forrester, 1 e 150 Coolidge, Susan, ( Pseud . of Sarah C. Woosley). New Year’s Bargain, 1 g 217 What Katy Did at School 1 g 218 Round Dozen, 1 g 219 In the High Valley, 1 g 220 96 Country of the Dwarfs, DuChaillu, 1 d 89 Coupon Bonds, J. T. Trowbridge, 1 e 104 Craik, Georgiana M. (Mrs. May.) Cousin From India, 1 e 124 Miss Moore, 1 e 127 Crockett David, Life of, J. E. Potter, 1 c 6 Cruise of the Canoe Club, W. L. Alden, 1 d 239 Cruise of the Ghost, W. L. Alden, 1 g 240 Cupid and Chow-Chow, Alcott, 1 g 212 Cyrus and Alexander, J. S. C. Abbott, 1 c 15 Dash for Khartoum, William Henty, 1 d 87 Deserted Ship, George Cupples, 1 d 80 Diaz, Mrs. Abby M. William Henry and His Friends, 1 f 160 William Henry’s Letters, 1 f 159 Doing His Best, J. T. Trowbridge, 1 e 105 Donald’s School Days, Gen. Howard, I f 170 Dora’s House-keeping, Kirkland, 1 g 236 Down South, Optic, i e 96 Drifting Around the World, Capt. C. W. Hall, i e 40 DuChaillu, Paul. Wild Life Under the Equator, 1 d 90 Lost in the Jungle, 1 d 92 My Apingi Kingdom, 1 d 91 Country of the Dwarfs, 1 d 89 Early Dead, 1 h 248 Eastward Ho! Adventures at Rangely Lakes, C. A. J. Farrar, 1 b 75 Eggleston, Edward. Hoosier School Boy, 1 e 113 Mr. Blake’s Walking Stick, i e 114 Eggleston, George Cary. Big Brother, 1 f 162 Signal Boys, 1 f 163 England, Child’s History of, Charles Dickens, 2 vols., 1 d 50-51 England, Merrie, Grace Greenwood, 1 d 48 Evenings at Home, Dr. Aiken, Mrs. Bar- bauld, 1 h 256 97 Exiles in Babylon, Fast Friends, Trowbridge, Finley, Mrs. Martha F. Elsie Books. Elsie’s Girlhood, Elsie’s Womanhood, Elsie’s Motherhood, Grandmother Elsie, Elsie’s New Relations, Elsie’s Friends at Woodburn, Fireside Reading, D. W. Clark, Five Friends, Pansy, Five Little Southerners, Mary W. Porter, Flag of Truce, S. Warner, Food for the Lambs, Robert Boyd, French Country Family, Mme. Dewitt, French History for English Children, Sara Brooke, Games and Songs of American Children, W. W. Newell, Gentleman Jim, E. P. Prentiss, Germany, History of, Charlotte M. Yonge, Girl’s Playtime Book, Going South, Optic, Going West, Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, E. R., Grandmother Elsie, Finley, Granville Valley, Jacob Abbott, Gray Heads on Green Shoulders, Mrs. Jane Eggleston Zimmerman, Greenwood, Grace, {Pseud, of Mrs. Sarah J. C. Lippincott.) Bonnie Scotland, Merrie England, Stories from Famous Ballads, Stories and Sights of France and Italy, Habberton, John. Helen’s Babies, Mrs. Meyburn’s Twins, i h 250 1 e 103 1 g 222 1 g 223 1 g 224 1 g 223 1 g 226 1 g 221 1 c 28 1 e 131 1 h 257 1 g 210 1 h 249 1 f 121 1 c 14 1 f 187 1 e 146 1 c 19 1 c 44 1 e 95 1 e 97 1 d 66 1 d 225 1 f 154 1 f 178 1 d 49 i d 48 1 d 46 1 d 47 1 f 193 1 f 195 v 98 Other People’s Children, Worst Boy in Town, Hamilton, Gail, (Mary A. Dodge.) Little Folk Life, Nursery Noonings, Happy Boy, B. Bjornson, Happy Hours at Hazel Nook, Harriet Farley, Happy Thought Halt, Francis C. Burnand, Harry Blount, P. G. Hamerton, Hawthorne’s Wonder Book, Helen’s Babies, Habberton, Heroes, Kingsley, H. H. {Pseud, of Mrs. Helen M. F. Jackson.) Bits of Talk, Nelly’s Silver Mine, Holy Bible, Hoosier School Boy, E. Eggleston, House in Town, S. Warner, Hughes, Thomas. School Days at Rugby, • Tom Brown at Oxford, 2 vols., 1 f Hunter and Tom, Jacob Abbott, Ike Partington and His Friends, Benjamin P. Shillaber, Italy, Child Life in, Indian History for Young People, Francis S. Drake, Ingelow, Jean. Sister’s Bye-Hours, Stories Told to a Child, Studies for Stories, In the High Valley, Coolidge, Is it True, Mulock, Just One Day, Kellogg, Elijah. Burying the Hatchet, Child of the Island Glen, 1 f 194 i e 118 1 e 134 1 e 133 1 e 117 1 g 244 1 f 180 1 f i 75 i e no 1 f 193 1 g 230 1 e 142 1 e 143 1 h 277 1 e 113 1 g 203 1 f 171 172-73 1 f 152 1 e 120 1 d 68 1 c 4 1 e 135 1 e 137 1 e 136 1 g 220 1 e 125 1 f 192 1 f 169 1 f 165 99 Whispering Pine Series. Spark of Genius, Sophmores of Radcliffe, Whispering Pine, Winning His Spurs, Kingsley, Charles. Heroes, Water Babies, Kirkland, E. S. Dora’s Housekeeping, Six Little Cooks, Speech and Manners, Kitty’s Class Day at Harvard, Alcott, Knox, Thomas W. Boy Travellers, China and Japan, Boy Travellers, Northern Europe, Little and Wise, W. Wilberforce, Little Bobtail, Optic, Little Camp on Eagle Hill, S. Warner, Little Folk Life, Gail Hamilton, Little Grandmother, May, Little Lame Prince, Mulock, Little People, Stella Louise Hook, Little Sunshine’s Holiday, Mulock, Long Ago, Ellis Gray, Lost in the Jungle, DuChaillu, Luck of Alden Farm, J. A. Mudge, Man of War Life, Charles Nordhorf, May, Sophie, (Rebecca S. Clarke.) Little Grandmother, Miss Thistle Down, Prudy’s Housekeeping, Men of the Backwoods, Ascott R. Hope, Meta Gray, M. J. McIntosh, Mexico, Family Flight Through, E. E. and Susan Hale, Mildred’s Bargain, Lucy C. Lillie, Ministering Children, M. L. Charlesworth, 4 vols. , • i i f 164 1 f 167 1 f 168 1 f 166 1 g 230 1 g 231 1 g 236 1 g 237 1 g 238 1 g 214 1 c 30 1 c 31 1 c 25 1 e 101 1 g 208 1 e 134 1 g 228 1 e 128 1 c 23 1 e 122 1 h 251 1 d 92 1 f 156 1 c 39 1 g 228 1 g 229 1 g 227 1 g 197 1 h 260 1 c 38 1 f 181 f 188-91. 100 Miss Dee Dunmore Bryant, Pansy, i e 132 Miss Moore, G. M. Craik, 1 e 127 Miss Thistle Down, May, 1 g 229 Mr. Blake’s Walking Stick, E. Eggleston, 1 e 114 Mrs. Meybourn’s Twins, Habberton, 1 f 195 Mulock, Dinah M. (Mrs. Craik.) Adventures of a Brownie, 1 e 123 Is it True, 1 e 125 Little Lame Prince, 1 e 128 Little Sunshine’s Holiday, 1 e 122 Twelve Years Ago, 1 e 126 My Boys, Alcott, 1 g 215 My Apingi Kingdom, DuChaillu, 1 d 91 My Kalulu, H. M. Stanley, 1 d 69 Napoleon Bonaparte, J. S. C. Abbott, 2 vols., I f 148-49 Nat the Coal Miner, T. L. Bailey, 1 f 196 Natures Wonder Workers, Kate B. Lovell, 1 c 26 Nelly’s Silver Mine, H. H., 1 e 143 New Years Bargain, Coolidge, 1 g 217 Nineteen Beautiful Years, R. J. Forster, 1 c 10 Northern Lands, Optic, 1 e 99 Nursery Noonings, Gail Hamilton, 1 e 133 Off to the Geysers, A. Stephens, 1 d 72 Old Merry’s Travels, 1 d 62 Old Times in the Colonies, Coffin, 1 c 2 Only Girls, Townsend, 1 e 140 On the Wing, John Bumstead, 1 d 78 Opportunities, S. Warner, 1 g 202 Optic, Oliver, (William T. Adams.) Little Bobtail, 1 e 101 Northern Lands, 1 e 99 Vine and Olive, 1 e 100 Great Western Series. Going West, 1 e 97 Out West, 1 e 98 Going South, 1 e 95 Down South, 1 e 96 Up the River, * 1 e 94 101 Other Peoples Children, Habberton, Our Boys in India, Harry W. French, Our Common Birds and How to know Them, John Grant, Our Girls, Dio Lewis, Out West, Optic, Pansy, (Mrs. Isabella H. Alden.) Five Friends, Miss Dee Dunmore Bryant, Some Young Heroines, Papa’s Little Daughter, Percys, Prentiss, Pet, H. R. Haweis, Pizarro, Adventures and Conquests, Towles, Playdays, Sarah Orne Jewett, i f 194 1 c 29 1 c 24 I c 27 i e 98 1 e 131 1 e 132 1 e no 1 g 243 1 e 147 1 f 183 1 c 5 1 g 242 Prentiss, Mrs. Elizabeth P. Gentleman Jim, Percys, Princess of Silverland, Elsie Strivelynne, Proverb Stories, Alcott, Prudy’s Housekeeping, May, Ranald Bannerman’s Boyhood, George MacDonald, Rapids of Niagara, S. Warner, Robinson Crusoe, Daniel DeFoe, Rollo’s Tour in Europe, Jacob Abbott, 10 vols., 1 Roundabout Rambles, Stockton, Round Dozen, Coolidge, Running to Waste, George M. Baker, Sally Williams, Cheney, Sayings of the Bodley Family, Scenes with Hunters and Trappers in Many Lands, W. H. Davenport Adams, Schooldays at Rugby, Hughes, Schooner Mary Ann, Jacob Abbott, Scotland, Bonnie, G. Greenwood, Shawl-Straps, Alcott, Shoulder Arms, True, 1 e 146 1 e 147 1 h 258 1 g 213 1 g 227 1 e 115 1 g 206 1 d 83 d 52-61 1 c 42 1 g 219 1 f 176 1 e 145 1 c 36 1 d 77 1 f 171 1 f 153 1 d 49 1 g 211 i d 84 102 Signal Boys, G. C. Eggleston, Silver City, Frederick A. Ober, Sister’s Bye-Hours, Ingelow, Six Boys, S. Warner, Six Little Cooks, Kirkland, Some Young Heroines, Pansy, Sophmores of Radcliffe, Kellogg, Spark of Genius, Kellogg, Speech and Manners, Kirkland, Standish, Miles, J. S. C. Abbott, Stockton, Frank. Roundabout Rambles, What Might Have Been Expected Stories' and Sights of France and Italy, G. Greenwood, Stories from Famous Ballads,, Greenwood, Story of A Bad Boy, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Story of Liberty, Coffin, Stories of the Sea, James Fenimore Cooper, Stories Told To A Child, Ingelow, Striking for the Right, Julia A. Eastman, Studies for Stories, Ingelow, Summerville Prize, Archibald, Sunshine at Greystone, Swiss Family Robinson, Johann D. Wyss, Tecumseh, F. Eggleston, and L. E. Seely, That Queer Girl, Townsend, Their Club and Ours, True, Those Boys, Faye Huntington, Three Little Spades, Anne Warner, Three Vassar Girls Abroad, Champeney, Three Vassar Girls in England, Champeney, Three Vassar Girls in Italy, Champeney, Three Vassar Girls in South America, Cham- peney, Tom Brown at Oxford, Hughes, 2 vols., 1 f Tommy Hickup, Rosa Abbott, Townsend, Virginia F. Only Girls, That Queer Girl, 1 f 163 1 c 41 1 e 135 1 g 205 1 g 237 1 e 130 1 f 1 67 1 f 164 1 g 238 1 c 8 1 c 42 1 e 112 1 d 47 i d 46 1 e 1 16 1 c 1 1 d 63 1 e 137 1 f 155 i e 136 1 f 184 1 d 88 1 h 2 55 1 c 12 1 e 141 1 d 85 1 g 233 1 g 234 1 c 33 1 c 37 1 c 34 i c 32 172-73 I g 2 4 I i e 140 1 e 141 103 Trading, S. Warner, i g 204 Travels Round the World By A Boy, Samuel Smiles, 1 d 64 Trowbridge John T. Jack Hazard, Stories. Chance for Himself, 1 e 104 Doing His Best, 1 e 105 Fast Friends, 1 e 103 Young Surveyor, 1 e 106 Coupon Bonds, 1 e 102 True, John Preston. Shoulder Arms, 1 d 84 Their Club and Ours, 1 d 85 True Riches, T. S. Arthur, 1 h 254 Twelve Years Ago, Mulock, 1 e 126 Two Compton Boys, Augustus Hoppin, 1 g 232 Two Young Homesteaders, Theodore R. Jenness. 1 h 252 Uncle Rutherford’s Attic, Joanna Mathews, 1 f 179 Under the Lantern at Black Rocks, Edward A. Rand. 1 d 86 Up the River, Optic, 1 e 94 Vagabond Adventures, Keeler, 1 d 71 Wadsworth Boys, D. S. Erickson, 1 f 158 Warner, Susan, (Elizabeth Wetherell.) Bread and Oranges, 1 g 209 Flag of Truce, 1 g 210 Little Camp on Eagle Hill, 1 g 208 Rapids of Niagara, 1 g 206 Six Boys, 1 g 205 Willow Brook, 1 g 207 Story of Small Beginnings. Opportunities, 1 g 202 House in Town, 1 g 203 Trading, 1 g 204 Water Babies, Kingsley, 1 g 231 We All, Octave Thanet, 1 f 185 What A Boy, Julia A. Willis, 1 g 198 What Katy Did At School, Coolidge, 1 g 218 104 What Might Have Been Expected, Stockton, i e 112 When I Was A Little Girl, 1 f 182 Whispering Pine, Kellogg, 1 f 168 Whitney, Adeline D. T., Boys At Chequasset, 1 e 138 Zerub Throops Experiment, 1 e 139 Wild Life, 1 d 70 Wild Life Under the Equator, Du Chaillu, 1 d 90 Wild Men and Wild Beasts, Scenes, in Camp and Jungle, Lieut, Gordon Gumming, 1 d 79 Wild Sports of the World, James Greenwood, 1 c 43 Wild Western Scenes, J. B. Jones, 1 d 81 William Henry and His Friends, Diaz, 1 f 160 William Henry’s Letters, Diaz, 1 f 159 Willow Brook, S. Warner, 1 g 207 Winning His Spurs, Kellogg, 1 f 166 Wonder Stories, Hans Christian Andersen, 1 e 111 Worst Boy in Town, Habberton, 1 e 118 Yonge, Charlotte M. Ben Sylvester’s Word, 1 f 186 Young Folks History of Germany, 1 c 19 Young Mechanics, 1 g 201 Young Surveyor, Trowbridge, 1 e 106 Zerub Throop’s Experiment, Whitney, 1 e 139 105 §»*♦ iglicJtola* Volume hi I b 2375 Volume IV I b 2376 Volume IV I b 2377 Volume VI I b 2378 Volume VII I b 2379 Volume VIII I b 2380 Volume VIII I b 2381 Volume IX I b 2382 Volume IX I b 2383 Volume X I b 2384 Volume X I b 2385 Volume XI I b 2386 Volume XI I b 2387 Volume XII I b 2388 Volume XIII I b 2389 Volume XIII I b 2390 Volume XIV I b 2391 Volume XV I b 2392 Volume XV I b 2393 Volume XVI I b 2394 Volume XVI I b 2395 Volume XVII I b 2396 Volume XVII I b 2397 Volume XVIII I b 2403 Volume XVIII I b 2404 106 Class XVI. Ittagctjine# gJmmfr. BOUND VOLUMES, OF HARPERS MAGAZINE. Volumes 62 to 83 inclusive, 6 a 2178-2249 BOUND VOLUMES, OF CENTURY. Volumes 21 to 26 inclusive, Volumes 27 to 41 inclusive, Volume 42, Volume 43, 6 a 2197-2202 6 b 2203-15 6 c 2250 6 c 2251 BOUND VOLUMES OF THE FORUM. Volume 11, Volume 11, 6 b 2216 6 b 2217 BOUND VOLUMES OF THE ATLANTIC. Volumes 35 to 43 inclusive, 6 b 2218-26 Volumes 44 to 68 inclusive, 6 c 2227-48 BOUND VOLUMES OF NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. Volumes 134 to 153 inclusive, 6 d 2252-70 BOUND VOLUMES OF LITTELLS LIVING AGE. Volumes 33 to 36 inclusive, Volume 143, Volumes 144 to 147 inclusive, 6 d 2271-2274 6 d 2275 6 e 2276-2279 BOUND VOLUMES OF POPULAR SCIENCE. Volumes 6 to 25, 6 e 2280-2299 Volumes 26 to 35 inclusive, 6 f 2300-2305 OLD VOLUMES OF NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. Volume i of 1824, 6 g 2335 Volume 2 of 1825, 6 g 2336 Volume 3 of 1825, 6 g 2337 107 OLD VOLUMES OF HARPERS MAGAZINE. Volume i of 1875, 9 Volume 1 of 1876, 9 Volume 2 of 1876, 9 Volume 1 of 1877, 9 Volume 1 of 1878, 9 Volume 2 of 1878, 9 Volume 1 of 1879, 9 Volume 2 of 1879, 9 Volume 1 of 1880, 9 BOUND VOLUMES OF GOOD COMPANY. Volume 4 of 1879, 9 Volume 6 of 1880, 9 BOUND VOLUMES OF ECLECTIC MAGAZINE. Volume 1 of 1879, 9 Volume 2 of 1879, 9 PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Volumes 1 and 2 of 1871, 9 BOUND VOLUMES OF THE GALAXY. Volume 1 of 1875, 9 Volume 2 of 1875, 9 Volume 1 of 1876, 9 Volume 2 of 1876, 9 Volume 1 of 1877, 9 Volume 2 of 1877, 9 h 2338 h 2339 h 2340 h 2341 h 2342 h 2343 h 2344 h 2 345 h 2346 h 2347 h 2348 h 2349 h 2350 h 2351 h 2352 h 2 35 3 h 2 354 h 2355 h 2356 h 2357 BOUND VOLUMES OF THE NATIONAL REPOSITORY. Volumes 1 and 2 Volumes 1 and 2 Volumes 1 and 2 Volumes 1 and 2 bound vo of 1877, of 1878, of 1879, of 1880, LUMES OF SUNDAY 9 h 2358 9 h 2359 9 h 2360 9 h 2361 GAZINE. Volume 1 of 1879, 9 h 2362 Volume 2 of 1879, 9 h 2363 108 BOUND VOLUMES OF SCRIBNERS MAGAZINE. Volume i of 1875, Volume 2 of 1875, Volume 3 of 1875, Volume 1 of 1876, Volume 2 of 1876, Volume 1 of 1877, Volume 2 of 1877, Volume 1 of 1878, Volume 2 of 1878, Volume 1 of 1880, Volume 2 of 1880, 29 Volumes of Blackwoods 9 h 2364 9 h 2365 9 h 2366 9 h 2367 9 h 2368 9 h 2369 9 h 2370 9 h 2371 9 h 2372 9 h 2373 9 h 2374 Magazine, 6 f 2306-2334 109 Import*. Adjutant Generals’ Report, Illinois 1865-66, Vol. 1, 1861-66, vol. 2, 1861-66, vol. 3, 1861-66, vol. 4, 1861-66, vol. 5, 1861-66, vol. 5, 1861-66, vol. 5, 1861 -66, vol. 5, Annual Report Board of Education 1862, Annual Report Interstate Commerce 1887, 1890, Annual Report of War Department 1864-65 Attorney General 1877, Bureau Statistics, Commerce and Navi- gation 1875, 1878, i8 79> Commerce and Navigation 1876, Commercial Relations 1878, Commercial Relations 1879, Compendium 8th Census i860. Compendium 9th Census 1870, Compendium 10th Census 1880, Compendium 10th Census 1880, Congressional Globe 1872-73, Congressional Record 1873, Congressional Record Index 1873-74, Congressional Record 1874, yol. 1, Congressional Record 1874, vol- 2 > Congressional Record 1874, vol. 3, Congressional Record 1874, vol. 4, 9 c 2527 9 c 2528 9 c 2529 9 c 2 53° 9 c 2531 9 c 2532 9 c 2533 9 c 2534 9 e 2593 9 d 2 5 6 4 9 d 2565 9 c 2512 9 d 2549 9 9 2535 9 c 2536 9 c 2537 9 d 2550 9 d 2561 9 d 2562 9 d 2508 9 d 2509 9 d 2510 9 d 2511 9 b 2473 9 b 2474 9 b 2475 9 b 2476 9 b 2477 9 b 2478 9 b 2479 110 Congressional Record 1874, vol. 5 > 9 b 2480 Congressional Record 1874, vol. 6, 9 b 2481 Congressional Record Index 1874-75 , 9 b 2482 Congressional Record 1875, vol. 1, 9 b 2483 Congressional Record 1875, vol. 2 > 9 b 2484 Congressional Record 1876, vol. 1, 9 b 2485 Congressional Record 1876, vol. 2, 9 b 2486 Congressional Record 1876, vol. 3, 9 b 2487 Congressional Record 1876, vol. 4, 9 b 2488 Congressional Record 1876, vol. 5. 9 b 2489 Congressional Record 1876, vol. 6, 9 b 2490 Congressional Record Index 1-6, 9 b 2491 Congressional Record Trial of W. W. Bel- knap, 1876, 9 b 2492 Congressional Record 1877, 9 b 2493 Congressional Record Index 1878, 9 b 2494 Congressional Record 1878, vol. 1 , 9 b 2495 Congressional Record 1878, vol. 2, 9 b 2496 Congressional Record 1878, vol. 3, 9 b 2497 Congressional Record 1878, vol. 4, 9 b 2498 Congressional Record 1878, vol. 5, 9 b 2499 Congressional Record Index, 1881, 9 b 2500 Congressional Record 1881, vol. 1, 9 b 2501 Congressional Record 1881, vol. 2, 9 b 2502 Congressional Record 1881, vol. 3, 9 b 2503 Debates Constitutional Convention, Illinois, 1870, vol. 1, 9 c 2505 Debates Constitutional Convention, Illinois, 1870, vol. 2, 9 c 2506 Department Agriculture 1867, 9 d 2578 Department Agriculture, Entomological Commission 1880-82, 9 d 2576 Finance Report 1868, 6 d 2571 Finance Report 1877, 9 d 2551 Foreign Commerce 1878, 9 d 2560 Geological Survey of Illinois, vol. 3, 9 b 2468 Geological Survey of Illinois, vol. 4, 9 b 2469 Geological Survey of Illinois, vol. 7, 9 b 2470 Geological Survey of Illinois, plates, vol. 8, 9 b 2471 Geological Survey of Illinois, text, vol. 8, < House Journal, Illinois, 1885, Illinois’ General Assembly 1884, 1885, vol. 1, 1885, vol. 2, 1885, vol. 3, 1887, 1887, 1887, 1887, Illinois Legislative Directory 1881, Immigration Bureau Statistics 1871, Internal Commerce U. S. 1879, Interoceanic Railroads and Canals 1866, Interstate Commerce 1890, Interstate Commerce Commissioners 1888, Instruction of the U. S. Signal Service 1882, Land of the Arid Region 1879, Land Office Report 1866, Messages and Documents 1858-59, Messages and Documents War Dept. 1871-72 Messages and Documents War Dept. 1872-73 Messages and Documents War Dept. 1872-73 Messages and Documents War Dept. 1875 Messages and Documents War Dept. 1877-78 Messages and Documents War Dept. 1877-78 Messages and Documents War Dept. 1877-78 Messages and Documents War Dept. 1878-79 Messages and Documents 1878-79, Messages and Documents 1870-71, Messages and Documents 1872-73, Messages and Documents 1874-75, Messages and Documents Navy 1877-78, Messages and Documents Navy 1879, Messages and Documents State 1877-78, Messages and Documents State 1879, Metric System 1879, Mineral Resources U. S. 1867, Mineral Resources U. S. 1868, 9 b 2472 9 d 2580 9 d 2581 9 d 2582 9 d 2 583 9 d 2584 9 d 2585 9 d 2586 9 d 2587 9 d 2588 9 d 2579 9 d 2575 9 d 2563 9 d 2543 9 d 2566 9 d 2565 9 f 2597 9 d 2504 9 d 2544 9 d 2545 9 c 2513 9 c 2514 9 c 2515 9 c 2516 9 c 2517 9 c 2518 9 c 2519 9 c 2520 9 c 2520 9 d 2546 9 d 2547 9 d 2548 9 d 2454 9 d 2555 9 d 2553 9 d 2552 9 d 2574 9 d 2557 9 d 2558 112 Mineral Resources West of the Rocky Mountains 1873, Natural History Survey of Illinois Ornitho- 9 d 2556 logy, 9 b 2467 Official Gazette 1876, 9 a 2457 Gfficial Gazette 1876, 9 a 2458 Official Gazette 1877, 9 a 2459 Official Gazette 1877, 9 a 2460 Official Gazette 1878, 9 a 2461 Official Gazette 1878, 9 a 2462 Official Gazette 1879, 9 a 2463 Official Gazette 1879, 9 a 2464 Official Gazette 1880, 9 a 2465 Official Gazette 1880, Official Records Union and Confederate 9 a 2466 Armies, 5 vols. 9 c 2522-26 Official Register 1891, 9 c 2507 Patent Office Report 1850-51, 9 c 2539 Patent Office Report 1863, 9 c 2573 Plates on Report Mortality and Vital Sta- tistics, 9 e 2598 Report, Commission of Education 1871, 1884-85, 1887-88, Report, Condition of Indian Tribes 1867, Report, Industry of Massachusetts 1855-56, Report, Public Instruction in the City of New York 1863, Report, Select Committe of Five 1861, Report, Smithsonian Institute 1869, 1876, Report, Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, Illinois 1875-76, Report, U. S. Commission, Vienna 1873, Report, U. S. Commission, Vienna 1873, Report, U. S. Commission, Vienna 1873, Report, U. S. Commission, Vienna 1873, School Laws, Common School Decisions of Illinois 1867, 9 e 25 9° 9 e 2591 9 e 2592 9 d 2577 9 c 2 54° 9 e 2596 9 d 2572 9 d 2541 9 d 2542 9 e 2589 9 d 2567 9 d 2568 9 d 2569 9 d 2570 9 e 2595 113 School Report of Illinois 1178-72, 9 e 2594 Sitgreaves Expedition, Zuin and Colorado Rivers, 9 c 2538 Scientific Supplement, 9 e 2599 Tenth Census United States 1880, 22 vols. , 9 a 2437-2456 Uniform Trade List 1876, 9 d 2559 114 APPENDIX. Harper’s Magazine, vol. 84. Frank Leslie’s Magazine, vol. 33. Forum, vol. 12. North American Review, vol. 154. St. Nicholas, vol. 19. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 69. Direct Legislation by the People, Nathan Cree. Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, Jerome K. Jerome. Life of Joshua R. Giddings, Geo. W. Julian. Poky Clark, N. D. Bagwell. Books in German Language. Parsonage in the Hartz, Parsonage in India, Schoenberg-Cotta Family, P'aust, Homeopathic House Doctor, Pleasures and Sufferings in the Ministry, 9 e 2604 9 e 2605 9 e 2600 9 e 2601 9 e 2602 9 e 2603 2606 2607 2608 2609 7 i 1844 7 i 1846 7 i 1843 7 i 2599 7 i 1842 7 i 1845 OFFICERS OF THE 0