UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY CLERICAL BEAD ROLL OF THE DIOCESE of ALTON, ILL. By A. ZURBONSEN (Sacerdos Altonensis) 1918 PRICE, ONE DOLLAR Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine, Et lux perpetua luceat eis Requiescant in Pace s F recent years earnest and laudable efforts are being made of rummaging through archives ami book shelves, newspaper files, scrap-bcoks, etc., for the purpose of delving into the past and of extricating therefrom such facts and figures as are thought to be of importance, or at least oi interest to the present and coming generation. Numerous historical societies, both in church and state are founded for the purpose of conserving and saving from oblivion and destruction such names, deeds and mementos of men of action, who have generously contributed by their noble lives and un- selfish endeavors to the betterment of society. To this class of public benefactors >the deceased members of our Catholic Clergy must be added ; hence it seems but just and meet, that their names and achievements be perpetuated and handed down to posterity. Though not all have met with equal success in their voca- tional sphere of activity, yet, all were animated by the one and same impulse, viz, to make the world better than it had been before. To this end they ceaselessly toiled and moiled from early 'till late, for it their noble, unselfish and Christ-like lives were spent. It would appear that there were no time more propitious or more opportune than the present that the publication of brief biographical sketches of these indefatigable workers in the Master's vinyard of the Diocese of Alton be launched forth in print. May they serve a source of pious edification to the faithful and a powerful stimulant to their surviving confreres. Regarding the Alton diocesan clergy, however, the following bit of history not generally known may here be adverted to, namely, that prior to the erection of the bishopric of Chicago in 1843, the spiritual jurisdiction over the Catholic population of Illinois had been exercised by the bishops of Yincennes and St. Louis. The pioneer priests who in those days ministered to the needs of the people living within the territory of the present diocese of Alton received their "faculties" from them. Many were recalled, however, by their respective Ordinaries to their own dioceses as soon as the creation of the Diocese of Chicago had become an accomplished fact. Our Catholic people of the State were shepherded thereupon by the bishops and priests of Chicago from 1843 'till 1857, in which latter year a division of the extensive Diocese of Chicago took place and the Diocese of Alton was called into being Hence, in the list of these biographical sketches the deceased prelates and priests of the former diocese up to the year 1857 must be accorded space and attention if this work would claim merit of completeness. Quincy Ittinoi. ZURBONSEN. January 1, 1918. 418578 RT. REV. WM. QUARTER, D. D. First Bishop of Chicago, March 10, 1844 April 10, 1848. "Serve bone et fidelis, intra in gaudium Domini tui". During the fifth Provincial Council of Baltimore which convened May 14, 1843, the Bishops present proposed to the Holy See the formation of three new bishoprics, namely, Little Rock, Albany and Chicago. The pious and zealous pastor of St. Mary's, New York City, was appointed first Bishop of Chicago. He was consecrated by the great Bishop John Hughes in the old Cathedral on Mott street, New York City, on the third Sunday of Lent, March 10, 1844. With the coming of Bishop Quarter to Chicago the southeastern portion of our present diocese became elim- inated from the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Vincennes, whose valiant clergy were likewise withdrawn, and henceforth became subject to the new Ordinary of Chicago. Some of our older men served yet under him. Like- wise did all jurisdiction of Bishop Rosati of St. Louis cease over Illinois. Bishop William Quarter was born in Killurine, Kings County, Ireland, January 21, 1806. When sixteen years old he came to America, April 10, 1822. The vessel in which he sailed landed at Quebec. He applied to the Bishop of Quebec and Montreal to be received as an ecclesiastical student but his youth was urged as an objec- tion. He then went to Mt. St. Mary's, Emmitsburg, Md., where he was gladly welcomed by Fr. Dubois, presi- dent of that institution. His progress, owing to a well-made preparatory course was rapid. On Sept. 19, 1829, he was raised to the dignity of the priesthood by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Du- bois, Bishop of New York under a special dispensation, he not being 23 years old. He became at once pastor of St. Peter's and on June 9, 1833, pastor of the new St. Mary's parish, which position he held till elevated to the Episcopacy in 1844. The recall of the priests by the Bishop of Vin- cennes from in and around Chicago and other portions of the eastern half of the state beset the new Bishop with unexpected difficulties. In conse- quence he set about founding a col- lege, the nucleus of the future Uni- versity of St. Mary of the Lake, be- Page Seven ginning with six students and two professors. Throughout his short episcopal career he maintained the same unflagging, zealous spirit which had characterized him as pastor in Xew York. He set out on a tour of inspection of the diocese. A diocesan visitation in those days was an ardu- ous undertaking fraught with many risks and hazards, at a time when the vehicle was an ox-team or horse wagon, or horse-back, sitting on the quaint saddle-bags, journeying over marsh or prairie or through the forest for Illinois along her creeks and rivers had in the forties her heavy wooded sections. Add to all this his mental work preparing for and hold- ing his synod, publishing his excellent pastorals to mission rectors and their flocks, and above all that ever abiding thought "The solicitude of all the Church," of which an account is to be handed to. the Shepherd of Souls. No wonder, being anyhow of a frail and delicate constitution, when he was shouldered "with a load that would sink a navy," he sank under the weight writes Father Shaw in the story of the La Salle Mission and after four years strengthened by all that is refreshing and hopef'il, passed to his Lord, Whom he had served so faithfully. Consummates brevi ex- plevit multa! Bishop William Quarter, who died a rather sad and sudden death April 10, 1848, was buried in a vault under the main altar of old St. Mary's Cathe- dral, in Chicago. R. I. P. RT. REV. JAMES OLIVER VAN DE VELDE, D. D. Second Bishop of Chicago, February, 1849^-November, 1853. "Hie vir despiciens mundum et terrena triumphans, divitias coelo condidit ore, that the Holy See had found a worthy successor in the person of Very Rev. The calamity which by the sudden Oliver Van de Velde, S. J., a native death of the energetic young Bishop of Belgium, born April 3, 1795. He was Quarter had cast a pall of gloom and sadness over the youthful diocese of Chicago on April 10, 1848, was some- what mitigated when it became known Page Eight a former president of St. Louis Uni- versity and vice president of the Order; a man of great moral force and learning, well equipped for the exalted though onerous and respon- sible position. The brother of the de- ceased Bishop who had been his Vicar General and counsellor in many dif- ficulties and perplexities, V. Rev. Walter J. Quarter, had acted in the meantime as Administrator of the be- reaved diocese, receiving the appoint- ment to that position from the Most Rev. Dr. Eccleston of Baltimore. The prominent position occupied by Father Van de Velde in his own Order, the important services ren- dered by him to the cause of religion in the United States and the acquaint- ance which was thus formed between him and many Prelates of the church who entertained a high appreciation of his talents, piety and zeal led to his being selected as the successor to Bishop Quarter in the diocese of Chi- cago. Archbishop Eccleston received from Rome the bulls appointing him to that See Dec. 1, 1848. He was consecrated by the Archbishop of St. Louis, Most Rev. Peter Kenrick, as- sisted by Bishop Loras of Dubuque and Bishop Miles of Nashville, on Sunday, February 11, 1849, in the Church of St. Francis Xavier. at- tached to the St. Louis University. Bishop Spalding of Louisville preached the consecration sermon. The advent of the new Bishop into his diocese was hailed with delight by the clergy and laity of Chicago. After spending a few months in ar- ranging the concerns of the diocese in Chicago and vicinity, he began his first visitation July 25, 1849. These visitations were journeys of severe labor and unremitting zeal for the spiritual improvement of his flock. Besides administering confirmation at all practicable times and places, the distances were so great and the means of traveling so inconvenient and un- certain, that he had to pass through the country as a missionary laboring for the salvation of souls and per- forming every kind of clerical and spiritual service. Twice he made such episcopal visitations throughout the vast extent of his diocese within whose confines the entire state was embraced, hence also the territory of our present Alton diocese. Bishop Van de Velde's health had not been good for several years; he suffered severely from rheumatism which was greatly aggravated by the cold, damp and penetrating air of Chi- cago. His health was still further im- paired by the anxieties of his office and by the hostility and opposition of a small number of his clergy and laity. A few disaffected persons can accomplish much evil, and Bishop Van de Velde found himself fre- quently without adequate sympathy or support in his charitable efforts. (R. H. Clark in "Lives of Deceased Bishops.") In consequence of his suffering health and the unfavorable influence of the northwestern climate he for- warded a petition to Rome to be re- leased from the burden of office. It was during the second visitation of his diocese that he finally received from Rome the brief transferring him to the vacant See of Natchez, agree- ably to his own request. The transfer dates from July 2, 1853. Bishop Van de Velde departed for the South Nov. 3, 1853, and arrived at Natchez Nov. 23, where he was most joyfully re- ceived by all the clergy and people who had so often heard of his great labors, noble sacrifices and heroic ser- vices to religion. He died November 13, 1855, on the Feast of St. Stanislaus in whose honor he had just finished a novena, aged 60 years and 7 months. His remains were deposited in a vault under the sanctuary of St. Mary's Cathedral in Natchez. Pagt Nine RT. REV. ANTHONY O'REGAN, D. D. Third Bishop of Chicago, 1854-1857. "Os justi meditabitur sapientiam Et lingua ejus loquetur judicium''. Bishop O'Regan was born in the town of Lavalloe, County Mayo, Ire- land in the year 1809. After complet- ing his preparatory studies he spent eight years in Maynooth going through a thorough course of philos- ophy, theology, church history and sacred eloquence. Having completed his ecclesiastical studies he received Holy Orders and said his first Mass in the chapel of the Maynooth Col- lege. His superiors were anxious to retain the talented young priest for college work. With great success he taught for ten years at St. Jarlath's in Tuam, after which he rose to the presidency of the institution; this po- sition he occupied for five years with the greatest distinction. In 1849 Archbishop Kenrick estab- lished his Seminary at St. Louis and installed Father O'Regan, whom he had induced to come to America, as president. Under his regime the Seminary soon began to flourish and to send forth worthy laborers in the vineyard of the Lord. Page Ten Since the bishopric of Chicago had become vacant by the resignation of Bishop Van de Velde, the unanimous choice fell upon Father O'Regan as the man eminently qualified to fill the Episcopal office of that rapidly growing diocese. His name for the position was forwarded to Rome. The Holy See, in consequence of the strong recommendation and unani- mous endorsement of Father O'Regan nominated him for the Chicago dio- cese and the bulls of appointment were immediately transmitted to the Archbishop of St. Louis. However, the Bishop-elect strenuously opposed the nomination and sent back the bulls to Rome. But the Holy See had spoken and did not withdraw its ap- pointment. The papers were returne.l to the Bishop-elect, who said: "I ac- cept them only in the spirit of obe- dience." On July 25, 1854, the feast of St. James the Apostle, the ceremony of consecration took place in the Cathe- dral of St. Louis, the Most Rev. Arch- bishop Kenrick being consecrator. The assistant Bishops were Rt. Rev. Oliver Van de Velde of Natchez, Rt. Rev. John Martin Henni of Milwaukee, Rt. Rev. Mathias Loras of Dubuque, and Rt. Rev. Bishop Miles of Nashville. The eloquent sermon was preached by Rev. James Duggan of St. Louis (who a few years afterwards succeeded him as Bishop of Chicago). On the 3rd day of September, 1854, the ceremony of installation took place in St. Mary's Cathedral amid the universal rejoicing of the clergy and laity of Chicago. It is easily under- stood that a vast field was opened to- Bishop O'Regan on his arrival in his See city, and mighty interests at stake claimed his immediate attention, and he lost no time in looking after the pressing needs-of the diocese. When making a visitation of the diocese, he encountered as many hardships as his predecessors, but physically a strong man, he never knew sickness nor fatigue, hence he would frequently walk from one mis- sion to another when the distance was not too great. ( But Bishop O'Regan was by no means a happy man under the weighty burden of the mitre. He had accepted the dignity of the Episcopacy under protest, in obedience, and he could never make the onerous duties con- genial to his tastes. After a "trial", as he called it, he determined to go to Rome and place his resignation into the hands of the Supreme Pontiff. Bishop O'Regan's resignation was re- luctaatly accepted and he was ap- pointed Bishop of Dora in partibus infidelium. He passed the remainder of his life in quiet retreat at Michael's Grove, Brompton. The third Bishop of Chicago died November 13, 1866, aged 57 years. His remains were conveyed to his native parish of Cloufad, Archdiocese of Tuam, where they found their last resting place. R. I. P. RT. REV. JOSEPH MELCHER, D. D. Bishop-elect of the Diocese of Quincy 1853 Bishop of Green Bay, Wise. 1868-1873. "Justum deduxit Dominus per vias rectas Et ostendit illi regnum Dei". Whilst the first Plenary Council of Baltimore was in session (1852) it was unanimously decided by the pre- lates assembled that the great dio- cese of Chicago which comprised within its jurisdiction the whole state of Illinois, be partitioned and a sec- ond diocese be created. A petition to this effect was at once forwarded to Rome. Pope Pius IX acquiesced in the wishes thus expressed, and under date of July 29, 1853, formally and officially approved of the establish- ment of the new diocese of Quincy. The document which announced this important decision was signed by Cardinal Lambruschini. The territory set apart for the Diocese of Quincy comprised the counties of Adams, Brown, C a s s, Menard,. Sagamon, Macon, Moultrie, Coles and Edgar, on a line from the Mississippi to the Wabash river. It was to be a suf- fragan bishopric of the archbishopric of St. Louis. The new diocese had at the time of its erection (rather at the end of 1853) 51 churches, 34 mis- sions, 23 priests and 42,000 members. Bishop Van de Velde had always manifested a great interest for Quincy, yea even previous to the re- ceipt of above mentioned papal bull had already selected a convenient spot for a future cathedral and epis- copal residence there, in June, 1852. Had his ailments and adverse local conditions not influenced him to ab- dicate and move south to Natchez, .Quincy would have had i;s bishop there and then. Rome's selection for first Bishop of the new diocese fell upon the Very Rev. Joseph Melcher. priest and Vicar Page Eleven General of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. However, Father Melcher de- clined the honor, and refused to ac- cept. Foreseeing the difficult task which awaited him as Administrator of Chicago, which duty was assigned him since the resignation of Bishop local conditions, moreover, aggravate 1 such opposition. At the Provincial Council held in St. Louis, October, 1855, the opponents to Quincy were in the majority, resolutions were adopted by which the transfer of the See from Quincy to Alton was urgently sug- Van de Velde had been acceded to by Rome, he became timorous. The Quincy diocese sede vacante was then placed under the administrator- ship of Archbishop Kenrick of St. Louis and that of Chicago under the Bishop of Milwaukee till the appoint- ment of Bishop Anthony O'Regan to the vacancy of Chicago, who was con- secrated in St. Mary's Cathedral of that city on September 3, 1854. And what became ultimately of the See of Quincy? Remonstrances to its continuance were sent to Rome based on allegations that Quincy as a seat of a Bishop was too far removed from the center of the diocese, being located almost in its extreme north- western corner; prevailing adverse gested to the Roman Propaganda. Rome acted on this suggestion, the Diocese of Alton was established January 9, 1857, with the appointment of Rev. Damian Juncker, of Dayton, Ohio, as its first Bishop. The diocese of Quincy became absorbed by that of Alton. Bishop-elect Melcher continued his duties as priest and Vicar General in St. Louis until his elevation to the bishopric of Green Bay, Wis., July, 1868. He died in 1873. A native of Vienna, he was born in the Austrian capital March 19, 1806, ordained a priest March 27, 1830, and arrived in America in 1843, when he at once set out for St. Louis, Mo. R. I. P. Page Twelve RT. REV. HENRY DAMIAN JUNCKER, D. D. First Bishop of Alton, 1857-1868. I ''Amavit eum Dominus, et ornavit eum, Stolam gloriae induit eum". Rt. Rev. Henry Damian Juncker, the prelate chosen to preside as first Bishop over the destinies of the in- fant diocese of Alton, was a man dis- tinguished for the sanctity of his life and the devotedness to his mission- ary labors. He was a native of Fene- trange, Diocese of Nancy, Lorraine, born August 22, 1809. He came to this country when young, attached himself to the Diocese of Cincinnati, made his ecclesiastical studies in that city and was raised to the priesthood by Bishop Purcell on Passion Sunday, March 16, 1834, at Cincinnati, being the first priest ordained by that Pre- late. He was appointed to Holy Trinity, the first German church in Cincinnati and in 1836 became rector of St. Mary's Canton, attending it with its numerous missions, for ten years, when he was transferred to Urbana, also a position of no little labor. In 1845, he was made pastor of the Church of Emmanuel at D a v t o n. Father Juncker had spent twenty- three years in onerous missionary labor until 1857, when he became Bishop of Alton. The consecration ceremonies were performed by Bishop Purcell on Sunday, April 26, 1857, in St. Peter's Cathedral, Cincinnati: The assistant Prelates were Bishop Henni, of Milwaukee and Bishop Young of Erie. There were also present Bishops Miles, Lefevre, Spalding, De St. Palais and Carrell. The work to be accomplished by Bishop Juncker in a new and rapidly growing country, then but imperfectly supplied with priests, churches and schools, was arduous and difficult. He spared no effort to build up the church around him, and to supply his flock with the blessings of religion and education. His visitations of the dio- cese were long and severe journeys, and laborious missions among the people, in which the Bishop performed every office of the priesthood. At his arrival the Diocese of Alton was supplied with 58 churches, 30 Page Thirteen stations, 28 priests and a population of about 50,000. The Bishop soon be- came convinced that his diocese was suffering for want of priests. Unable to satisfy himself in this country, he turned his eyes towards older lands in the hope of recruiting available subjects. Accordingly he left late in the fall of 1857 for Francuse not made with hands, eternal in heaven.'' 2 Cor. 5, 1. The iirst German CatTiolic parish established along the entire course of the Mississippi river was that of the "Ascension." "Christi Himmelfahrt'.s Gemeinde" of Quincy. This name was given it by the small band of Catholic settlers who as early as 1834 had been gathered into a congregation by the occasional visitor. Rev. Father Le- F e v r e, (subsequently Bishop of Detroit.) To this struggling young community which chiefly was com- posed of German Catholic emigrants, Rev. August Florent Brickwedde was appointed by Bishop Rosati of St. Louis, as first resident pastor. The name "Ascension parish" was retained until the present large brick structure was erected in 1848, and the patronal name "St. Boniface" became substitu- ted for the titular "Ascension." Rev. Augustine Florent Brickwedde was born June 24, 1805, at Fuerstenau in the then kingdom of Hannover. His father was a lawyer of repute who afterward became a judge at Bersen- bruck. Our future Quincy priest com- pleted his classical studies at the Car- olinum of Osbnabruck and the theo- logical course at the universities of Muenster and Bonn. He was made a sub-deacon September 20, 1828, a deacon September 19, 1829, and or- Pnge Twenty-Four dained to the priesthood in the Cathe- dral of Hildesheim by Bishop Code- hard Joseph, September 20, 1830. In his native city of Fuerstenau the young priest acted as Vicar until his departure for America in May, 1837. At this time it happened that quite a number of Catholics had determined on emigrating to Missouri and Illinois, which had become known for its healthfulness, plentiful timber, and its cheap farm lands He was induced to join some of these emigrating families, to become their pastor and counsellor in the new world. God inspired him to follow them and to aid them in their spiritual needs and necessities, for far or near there was no German priest to be found to minister to the colony of emigrants from the fatherland. After along and tedious journey which lasted more than eight weeks, the young priest landed in Xew York on July 4, 1837, and reached Quincy a few weeks later. The hardships of the pioneer life may be imagined. The climate was severe, the way of living new and accommodations rather prim- itive. And yet he faced these condi- tions smilingly. He remained in Quincy where some of the early Ger- man settlers had located and at once set to work to build a small frame church with additional two rooms for a residence and another large one to serve as temporary school. Having said Mass in private dwellings since August 15, 1837, Father Brickwedde. now was happy to say Mass and ad- minister the Sacraments in a church building proper, although humble and lowly in appearance; it measured but 28x18 feet. Solemn Benediction of this first church of Quincy took place on Pentecost Sunday, 1838. By this time his own private personal resources were well nigh exhausted. Twice he recrossed the ocean for the purpose of gathering funds for his parish and outlying missions of Sugar Creek and Ft. Madison, la. Not only were his friends and relatives asked to con- tribute, nay he solicited even at the courts of Vienna and Munich, bring- ing with him not only the much- needed cash; but beautiful sacred ves- sels and vestments, yea even an organ, the gift of his sister. Of his periodical visits to lowan settlements in and around Ft. Madi- son, Father Zaiser says in his Dia- mond Jubilee edition of St. Joseph's church of Ft. Madison: "In 1837 Father August Brickwedde, the first pastor of Quincy, took charge of the missions in this territory and for sev- eral years visited Fort Madison, West Point and Sugar Creek, to give the few Catholics a chance to perform their Easter duties. He celebrated High Mass in Fort Madison at J. H. Dingman's log cabin in 1839. Great must have been the joy ancr consola- tion of the good pioneers. From here he went to Sugar Creek settlement, now St. Paul, where he held divine service in the new log barn of J. H. Kempker, May 13, 1833. Sugar Creek deserves the distinction of having erected the first temple of God in Lee county and in all the surrounding region. In 1839 a few Catholic farm- ers got together, cut down some oi" the tallest trees in the forest of Sugar Creek valley and built a log church. They sent for Father Brickwedde, who came, celebrated Holy Mass for them and dedicated the little church in honor of St. James. After the building of the present church, St. Boniface of Quincy, Father Brickwedde had to encounter the accursed spirit of dissension which, rent the parish in twain. The seeds of discontent had been adroitly sown ly a discharged teacher and his obnoxious following. Poisoned shafts of slander were levelled against the hard working priest, his priestly char- acter was attacked and besmirched, his life even threatened. In the midst of his trials he had the consolation of being upheld not only by the testi- mony of a good conscience, but also by the support of his own Bishop, Msgr. Van de Velde, who emphatical- ly decided in his favor and twice closed the church and placed the clerical villifiers under the ban of ex- communication. Though the Bishop of Chicago intervened (Quincy since 1844 had come under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Chicago) yet peace would not be restored, and as Quincy was one of the largest and oldest Catholic German congregations and the city was then seriously thought of for a new episcopal see, the division of the people and the factionalism in the parish caused a great deal of ad- verse comment, it hurt -the city, and ultimately fustrated the erection of the new diocese with Quincy as See. Father Brickwedde resigned and left sick at heart in March, 1849. To restore unity and harmony among the opposing factions, the Pro- vincial of the Jesuits of St. Louis, was appealed to by the Bishop of Chicago "to send a learned and prudent priest to Quincy." But the Jesuit priest was but a short time there when opposi- tion turned also against him. When this was reported to the Provincial at St. Louis he became indignant, with- drew the priest and left the Catholics of Quincy to themselves. The cholera at that time decimated the ranks of the rebels. "When Father Brick- wedde left Quincy," says Rev. John Larmer in 'Lives of Early Catholic Missionaries of the Nineteenth Cen- tury in Illinois' "he was so disgusted with the world that he determined to take to the woods. He went into the forest where government land was from 12 cents to $1.25 per acre, about twenty-five miles from St. Louis. He selected forty acres for church pur- poses and school. Xot a living soul was near the location. When he got settled he went over to St. Louis, found three poor German immigrants on the river bank not knowing where to go nor what to do. They were humble, God-fearing Catholics of the innocent peasant type. He told them if they would come with him he would give each forty acres of land The only condition he imposed was they were to help the next settlers he found to build homes and get started. This was the way Father Brickwedde settled Columbia in Monroe Co., 111. from St. Libory whither he was sent as pastor after leaving Quincy. When the good old priest related his first Page Twenty-Five start in getting settlers, says Father Larmer, tears came to his eyes. Co- lumbia soon grew into prominence and counted within a few years numer- ous families. At St. Libory or Mud Creek as it was then generally known it was his habit, though now advanced in years, to drive to and from St. Louis in search of necessary supplies. In the middle of November, 1865, as he was on his way home from St. Louis, he felt un- well and was compelled to stop at Belleville, where after two days' of sickness he died on the 21st of November of the same year, 1865. At first funeral service was held in the Belleville church, attended by the people and clergy of the neighbor- hood, all eager to cast their eyes on the noted victim of Quincy parish persecution and pray for the repose of his soul. On the next day the same was repeated at St. Libory. Father Bartels sang the Requiem Mass and Father Baltes, (soon to be the second Bishop of the Diocese), gave the Ab- solution. The remains of good Father Brickwedde were interred at Mud Creek. The defunct, says Father Larmer, was a man of great height and pos- sessed a rather homely yet benevo- lent countenance. As a business man, and cautious financier, he would be an example even in these days of careful calculation. This venerable servant of God was moreover a man of learn- ing allied with solid piety. He was liberal in all his views and practical in all the affairs of life. He died as he had lived, a true servant of his Divine Master. R. I. P. REV. THEODORE BRUENER. The subject of this sketch was a man of great mental caliber and rare intellectual attainments one who com- manded attention wherever met or seen. Tall of stature, robust and vig- orous, good natured and smiling, such were the traits in the general makeup of Rev. Theodore Bruener who on January 1, 1870 assumed the pastoral reins of St. M'ary's congregation of Quincy. The church had just been built and dedicated to Mary Im- maculate, the first Holy Mass had been said therein three weeks previ- ously and the congregation as such had not as yet fully emerged out of that formative stage into a compact body which is the essential requisite of any stable, active and healthy or- ganization. Rev. Bruener seemed to be the providential man to accomplish and perfect what so far had been left incomplete. It was reserved for him to place St. Mary's on solid basis and to dictate a policy which, if promptly carried out, was to establish and in- sure the congregation's stability and permanence. He at once set out to inaugurate and introduce these neces- sary elements, he organized men and women, old and young, into societies and what was most important of all he started a parochial school. At what heroic sacrifices and manifold personal inconveniences this was ac- complished, he himself tells us in his inestimable work entitled, "Kirchen- geschichte Quincy's" in the chapter exclusively devoted to the interest of Page Twenty-Six St. Mary's. To these interesting pages all may re,fer who would read a detailed account of the history of St. Mary's. Father Bruener was eminently a great organizer; from practical prior experience he knew the needs and wants of society, the dangers which beset it and the means to safeguard it. To procure the latter he left no stone unturned, but worked and talked and preached on all convenient occasions, in season and out of season. Success soon crowned his efforts. Some of the societies which flourish today after a half century's existence, owe their beginning to the endeavors ot St. Mary's first pastor. And who can gauge the amount of good they have done since in helping to build up and strengthen the congregation? Xot only that, but they were indirectly the means that parish work preceede-1 on systematic lines of action, they proved a vast help and great relief to the oftentimes overburdened priest. If Father Bruener proved himself a great organizer, he was still greater as educator. For this latter profes- sion he had been especially trained in Germany, where for a number of years he had been successfully active as teacher. His was the rare gift to communicate and to impart, to model and to train. Possessed of splendid talents and natural aptitude for teach- ing and being generously equipped with broad and liberal training which was solid and thorough in all its es- sentials, Father Bruener soon distin- guished himself as a noted educator and pedagogue not only locally at St. Mary's, where 'under his direction the parochial school attained prom- inence and distinction, nay, his emi- nent qualification in the field of edu- cation induced in 1873 and again the following year the Most Rev. Arch- bishop of Milwaukee to extend a most urgent invitation to our St. Mary's pastor to assume the reins of rectorship of the Normal School of St. Francis, Wis., known as the "Pio Nono" College. So insistent were these repeated calls that Father Brue- ner finally yielded and accepted the proposed position, much to the grief and sorrow of his friends and par- ishioners of St. Mary's. In this connection it is of interest to state that later Rev. Bruener fol- lowed the example of a predecessor by joining a religious order, thus his successor at the "Pio Nono" college likewise embraced the religious life when ready to resign his position as rector of that institution. It was the Rev. Wm. Neu who came to the Alton diocese from Wisconsin in exchange of Rev. Bruener. Assigned to the parish of Bunker Hill this eminent churchman performed excellent work whilst there and gained in marvellous degree the esteem of Catholic and Protestant alike. No priest ever en- joyed such well merited popularity during the few years stay with us, than -lid Rev. Wm. Neu at Bunker Hill. He finally joined the Benedic- tine Abbey of Atchinson, Kansas, in September, 1889, and was known from thenceforth as P. Longin, O. S. B. He died there a few years ago, sin- cerely mourned by m any. (See sketch.) Father Bruener was undoubtedly much stimulated in his chosen pro- fession by the words of Holy Writ: "They that instruct many unto justice shall shine as the stars for all etern- ity." His were four years of incessant hard work, of planting, pruning and sowing whilst ooirs, owing to his labors, are years of reaping. A worthy counterpart of our sub- ject, one of striking similarity of thought and action as well as of phys- ical appearance, robust and rugged was the Rev. Fr. Wm. Faerber of St. Mary's parish, St. Louis, Mo. Whilst the former distinguished himself as historian and pedagogue the latter be- came widely known as popular Cate- chist in which capacity he published "Faerber's Catechism," a work known in all Catholic schools throughout the land. Father Bruener's name will forever continue to live in the grateful hearts of the good people of St. Mary's. Born May 27, 1836, he was ordained Page Twenty-Seven to the priesthood September 3, 1859, at Muenster and acted as "Schulvikar" at Wadersloh from the time of his ordination till he set out for America, late in 1867, at the invitation of Bishop D. Junker of Alton. He was sent at once to Quincy to become the first pastor of St. Mary's parish January 1. This congregation had been organ- ized and the church built under the supervision and by the efforts of good Father Reinhardt, who now by the advent of Rev. Bruener, re-assumed his work at St. Boniface, to be sent, however, shortly after to a different place. From 1874-1879 our former pastor remained at the head of the St. Francis institution from which at the instance of his diocesan Bishop he returned to become pastor of St. Boniface parish of Quincy. Here Father Bruener again performed good, lasting parochial work till November 9, 1887. Foremost among his under- takings ranks during this time the publication by him of that important work on the "History of the Catholic Church in Quincy," a work which re- ceived unstinted praise even at Rome from such eminent men as Cardinal Simeoni, Cardinal Melchers and Msgr. De Waal. Following a call from heaven our veteran worker bid fare- well to his friends and former asso- ciates of the clergy, and joined the Franciscan Order at Teutopolis, to be known from thence forth as P. Leo. What good he accomplished as an humble follower of the great Sera- phic Saint till the hour of his death. May 15, 1898, and his previous God- like deeds are chronicled 6n the pages of the book of life. He died at San Francisco, Califor- nia, where he found his last resting place. R. I. P. REV. ALBERT BUSCH. "Then with slow, reverent step And beating heart, From out the joyous days Thou must depart". Amid the reposefulness and quietude of rural surroundings lies the small "God's acre" belonging to the parish of Lively Grove, in Washington county. Here on this consecrated plot of ground we come to a grave, the tenant of which is, as the modest headstone announces, Rev. Father Albert Busch, a priest carried away by inexorable death in the prime and vigor of young manhood, for he had scarcely attained the age of 35 years, when his record came to a sudden close. The cradle of our defunct young priest stood at Xeheim, near Hoexter in Westfalia, where he was born February 26, 1844. After com- pleting the high school studies in his native town, young Albert Busch came to America in 1866, entered St. Francis seminary near Milwaukee shortly after, and was elevated to the priesthood by Bishop Henni, January 29, 1868, for the bishopric of Alton. With great vim and vigor the neo- presbyter embraced his holy vocation. Page Twenty-Eight His first appointment was to St. Alexis' of Beardstown, March 18, 1868. Here he built a front addition to the old church, purchased the present parsonage and lots adjoining for the sum of $2,100 and erected a small school house. In 1873 our sub- ject was assigned to Marine where he stayed but one year till 1874, when the Bishop appointed him to Lively Grove. Here he worked successfully for five years till March 18, 1879, on which date he was summoned to his eternal reward. In the premature death of Father Busch the diocese lost a promising young man, who during the eleven years of priestly career had worked enthusiastically for the welfare of those committed to his sacred charge. His life though brief was active, meagre in years but fruitful in service. Far better to go before God after few years with full hands than after many years empty-handed. May the memory of his good and noble life prove an inspiration unto others to imitate. R. I. P. REV. D. BYRNE. Consumatum est ! In the "aul lang syne" in days long ago as early as 1847, St. Mary's parish of Mt. Sterling had not only a church but even a resident pastor. He was Father James Gallagher. Several priests had succeeded him after his departure from there in rapid succession, till Father Byrne was appointed, who remained at the head of the parish from 1856-'59, dur- ing which time he looked after the spiritual interests of St. Alexis' parish of Beardstown. From Mt. Sterling he was appointed to Marshall and Paris, where he became the successor of old Father Tom Ryan in 1860-'61. Little is known of his subsequent history except that from September, 1870 he had charge for one-half year of St. Mary's congregation of Ed- wardsville. R. I. P. REV. MICHAEL CARROLL. "The links are broken; all is past; The last farewell when spoken Is the last". One of the hardy and rugged old characters of former pioneer days was Rev. Michael Carroll, second pastor of Alton, 1841-1857. He was a native of County Limerick, Ireland, and was sent to replace Rev. George A. Ham- ilton, first pastor of St. Mathew's church, in 1841 (compare sketch). When appointed to the Mission of Alton it embraced Madison and the surrounding counties. In 1845 he said first Mass at Collinsville. Father Car- roll purchased a lot on Third and Alby streets, Alton, and at once com- menced the erection of a stone church which was completed in 1843 and ded- icated to divine service by Bishop Le Febre, of Detroit. It bore the patronal name of St. Mathew, same as its pre- decessor under Father Hamilton. This church burned down in 1852. Three years the Catholics of Alton wor- shipped in a hall on State street. In 1855 Bishop O'Regan, third Bishop of Chicago, permitted Father Carroll to erect another church. He built the present Cathedral church. Rev. M. Prendergast was Father Carroll's as- sistant in 1853. In a diary kept by Bishop Quarter, of Chicago, there is repeated mention made of Father Carroll. He assisted at old St. Mary's. Later on under Bishop Van de Velde, he conducted a conference at Alton. On June 15, 1844, he went to Joliet to meet Bishop Quarter. On the 17th the party com- prised of the Bishop, Fathers St. Pa- lais, De Pontavic and Carroll set out in a carriage for Ottawa. The jour- ney was full of hardships as the roads were bad, and twice the Bishop and priests had to apply rails to lift the carriage from the quagmires in the sloughs through which they were compelled to pass. They arrived at Ottawa the following day. The first stone church which Father Carroll erected in 1855 is still the handsome Cathedral of the Alton dio- cese today. True, generous sums of money have been expended from time to time for repairs and embellish- ments. Its ultimate completion was reserved for Bishop Juncker. The Cathedral was solemnly consecrated Page Tieenly-Nine by Archbishop Kenrick, of St. Louis, May 15, 1859. Bishops Luers, of Fort Wayne, Duggan, of Chicago, and Whelan, of Nashville, being present. The construction of this substantial church, truly magnificent for the time of its erection, proclaims to coming generations the zeal and noble ambi- tion manifested by this sturdy pioneer priest in the cause of religion. In 1857, when Bishop Juncker was about to take possession of the new .see of Alton, Father Carroll returned to his Bishop in Chicago. He was sent to Elgin, where he lived and died a few years afterward. His remains were buried in the old St. Mary's church in that city. Father Michael Carroll was a man of tall stature and iron frame, pos- sessing a commanding appearance. When building the present Cathedral church, he is known to have per- formed hard manual labor like a com- mon workman. After Mass he would slip into his overalls and begin mix- ing mortar or wheeling building stone to the masons. Few of the towns now in Madison, Jersey and Montgomery counties are there which in their incipiency did not enjoy the priestly visits of Father Carroll, and what he gathered in his missionary wanderings says Father Larmer was put in to build the Ca- thedral of Alton. When Father Car- roll left Alton in 1857, he made a trip to Ireland with Rev. Patrick O'Brien, of St. Louis, and on his return was appointed to Lake Forest, near Wau- kegan, and shortly after to Elgin. Whilst visiting a neighboring priest who was sick, a night call came from a distance. The priest could not go, so Father Carroll attended in a storm, the sick person, caught a malignant fever and soon thereafter died. REV. JAMES A. CASSIDY. "I have fought a good fight, I have fin- ished my course, I have kept my faith. For the rest there is laid up for all a crown of justice, which the Lord, the just judge, will render to me at that day." 2 Tim. 4, 6. Among the large class of Ordinandi which presented itself for Holy Or- ders in the Seminary chapel of Mon- treal a few days before Christmas in 1882, was our subject, Rev. James A. Cassidy. Born at Canajoharie, in New York state, in 1854, he finished his preparatory studies in his native state, after which he pursued his theological course with the Sulpician Fathers of Montreal. Well does the writer of these^ lines recall the days when Father Cassidy, together with the late Father Joseph P'innigan and Father James Gough (Belleville) was elevated to the priesthood. A jovial, genial, good-natured young man was Father Cassidy when a student of the Semi- nary, and these traits he retained dur- ing his subsequent priestly career. Wherever seen during recess hours, he was the centre of an animated gathering. All enjoyed his company and friendship, and as priest he be- came equally popular and well liked by all who came in close contact with him. Hence his success in founding and developing St. Patrick's congre- gation of Alton. Being for a short while an assistant at the Cathedral, he was ordered to inaugurate prelim- Page Thirty inary work for starting St. Patrick's. There were but eighty families to commence -with, but young Father Cassidy was by no means discouraged in his undertakings. He succeeded ad- mirably, for he built church and par- sonage in 1883, and three years later, in 1886, added a parochial school to his now flourishing parish. In March, 1887, Father Cassidy was transferred from Alton to Murrayville, where four years later he died, February 4, 1890. Father Cassidy was a great promoter of manly sports, hence an ardent lover of base ball. R. I. P. REV. BERNARD CLAUS. "Sweet Heaven my hope points up to thee When whelming woes sweep over me!" On the night of May 19, 1903, a terrible catastrophe occured at the parochial residence of Columbia, 111., casting the pall of genuine mourning not over the parish alone, but over the entire diocese as well. On that fatal night, the pastor of Columbia parish, Rev. Bernard Claus, testing doors and windows ere retiring for the night, as usually he did, was sud- denly seized with an attack of diz- ziness, collapsed and expired. A heart stroke had snuffed out his priestly life instanter. In the act of attending to the locking of doors and windows, however, he generally carried a kero- sene lamp in his hand. So this fatal evening. Whilst the stricken priest sank lifeless to the floor, the burning kerosene lamp exploded and flaming oil encircling the body partly in- cinerating it. A thrill of horror went forth when next morning the pastor's sad and tragic death was made known to his faithful flock and the numerous friends both in the Belleville and Alton dioceses, where for many years he had worked so well and left such honorable record in every place and parish which had witnessed his un- selfish labors and ministrations. Born April 3, 1842, at Niederovschel in Saxony, Father Claus studied classics at Heiligenstadt, philosophy and partly theology at Muenster and Bonn. He came to America in June, 1868, and finished his studies at Cin- cinnati, where Archbishop John B. Purcell, D. D., ordained him to the priesthood September 24, 1870. He was stationed as assistant at St. Boni- face of Quincy, December 6, 1870 February 14, 1872, a few months at Edwardsville, with Staunton and New Douglas as out-missions; at Mt. Ster- ling from 1872-73; at Taylorville from 1873-77. During this period he erected a comfortable parochial residence at Morrisonville, and moving thither became the first resident pastor of St. Maurice congregation. From here he was assigned to parishes in the south- ern part of the state and hence be- came incorporated into the new dio- cese of Belleville when the latter was erected in 1888. There he was active at Madonnaville December 5, 1872 January, 1882; at Paderborn from January, 1882-1892, when he became pastor of Columbia and met his tragic death May 19, 1903. He was buried in the cemetery of that parish. R. I. P. Page Thirty-One REV. MICHAEL CLIFFORD. "I have come to take thee home Said the veiled guest; The great journey of life is done* I will take thee into rest". It was a large class that prepared for ordination which was to take place at All Hallows Seminary, April 17, 1863. Among these young aspirants who went through College and Semi- nary life together, were some whose future years were to be spent in the Mission field of one and the same dio- cese. In this particular class for in- stance, were a number destined for Alton, where the field was extensive, laborers however few. Whilst on a visit to Ireland, Bishop Juncker had aroused a missionary spirit in the young clerics with the result that a goodly number had applied to be ad- mitted into his diocese, and good and faithful workers they all eventually proved to be. They were men of the old school, blunt and plain, true and honest, worthy and zealous. There was, among others, Michael Clifford, who emerged from that class of '63 to swell the ranks of the Alton clergy. He had accumulated a store of merits when death summoned him in the springtime of 1907, and he was ush- ered into the presence of his Maker. Page Thirty-Two This native of Limerick has left his distinctive mark on every parish over which he was called to preside and his memory is held by the people in last- ing benediction. And many were the parishes whom he served as pastor. Many a heart was sorely afflicted when it was learned that Father Clif- ford had died. He had been truly a father and friend to all parishioners. His first assignment after ordination was to the parish of Winchester in 1863-'66. Next we learn that he is di- recting the destinies of Virden's con- gregation from 1868-'69, whereupon Bunker Hill claimed his ministrations from 1869-72. Mt. Sterling at this time needed a strong man to erect a residence, school building and a new church. The choice fell upon Father Clifford and he proved to be the right man. Twenty-four years of faithful, fruitful service characterized his stay at Mt. Sterling, when in 1896. he was entrusted with the pastorate of St. Jo- seph's of Springfield, where he labored in his own quiet, unobtrusive way till early in 1907, when God called his pious, faithful servant from hence. The Springfield deanery in its quar- terly session on June 27, of that year, passed the following set of pertinent resolutions which admirably portray the priestly life and character of de- ceased. They were as follows: "Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to take to Himself the soul of Rev. Michael Clifford, for eleven years pastor of St. Joseph's church, Spring- field, 111., and one of our most efficient and venerable reverend Fathers, and Whereas, His consistent conduct in the priesthood for forty-five years was an exemplification in the highest degree of the teachings of our Lord and his Church, and Whereas, During life he was a light to many in the way of salvation, both by his prayers and cheerful person- ality, and Whereas, Knowing, as we do, ru- mors, to the contrary, notwithstand- ing, that he died possessed of little of this world's goods, therefore be it Resolved, That we, his co-laborers in the priesthood, while deploring- our loss in his death, take this method of showing to the world our heart-born appreciation of his many priestly vir- tues, and further be it Resolved, That in view of the many places over which he had jurisdiction, his care in financial affairs in the building of schools, convents and churches, merited for him the implicit undying gratitude of his people, and confidence of his superiors, and fur- ther Resolved, That out of respect for his memory this Quarterly Confer- ence of the Springfield deanery now in session be adjourned." Whoever has known the deceased and witnessed his past saintly, priestly life, will say "Amen" to this set of resolutions which so appropriately memorialize his priestly life. May Father Michael Clifford rest in peace. REV. T. J. CLIFFORD. ''Life is only bright when it proceedeth Toward a truer, deeper Life above". Whilst pastor of Carrollton from 1865-'66, the cholera broke fiercely out in the community. During this ordeal good Father Clifford edified all by his courage and heroism, attending the sick and burying the dead. Finally, he himself, became a victim of the dread disease and was prepared for death. However, Le recovered for the time being but died a few months afterward. He was buried at Alton. R. I. P. RT. REV. JOHN HENRY CLUEVER, D. D. "Let peace, O Lord! Thy peace, O God, Upon our souls descend, From midnight fears and perils, Thou Our trembling hearts defend". A priest of eminent learning, pres- tige and subsequent unusual distinc- tion, was the olim pastor of Bunker Hill, Rev. J. H. Cluever, D. D. Our doubly titled subject was born March 8, 1845, in the Diocese of Paderborn, Germany, and came to this country in 1871. In that same year he was raised to the priesthood. He acted as pastor of the Bunker Hill parish from 1872-74, after which the Doctor left for the East, affiliating with the dio- cese of Albany, N. Y. He became pastor of St. Lawrence congregation of Troy, X. Y., and was chosen a member of the diocesan school board. His eminent services which he ren- dered the diocese caused him to be elevated a Monsignor. For many years, however, our Rt. Rev. gentle- man had conceived the idea of ulti- mately embracing religious life. This long-harbored intention assumed tangible form in 1892, in which year the Monsignor bid farewell to diocese, parish and friends, sailed for South Africa and there joined the colony of Trappists. REV. TERENCE COWLEY. How sweet Thy service and how safe Thy fold. Born in Waterford, Ireland, he was ordained at the Alton Cathedral August 1. 1865, and died January 12, 1881. He is a quondam Alton cathe- dral pastor. Page Thirty-Three REV. JOHN CROWE. "Life's vesper bells are ringing In the temple of my heart, And yon sunset sure is singing : 'Nunc Dimittis Now Depart'." Father Abr. Ryan. Sad and solemn was the tolling of the bells of Our Savior's Church, of Jacksonville, on the morning of March 10, 1916. They announced to a grief- stricken congregation that the last rites were about to be performed over the remains of their late pastor, Rev. John Crowe, who had departed this life a few days previous thereto, viz: on March 7. The obsequies gathered a vast concourse of people, irrespec- tive of creed or nationality, within the sacred walls of the handsome church, all eager to pay a last tribute of love and respect to the popular priest and citizen, for Father Crowe was re- spected and admired by the whole city where he had labored faithfully and well since 1892, when he was ap- pointed an irremovable rector by the Bishop of the Diocese. Father Crowe had died from the effects of an opera- tion performed about two weeks be- fore his death. The sermon was preached by the Very Rev. J. P. O'Mahoney, President of St. Viator's College at Kankakee, 111., and was a splendid .tribute to the life and works of the dead priest. He drew a beautiful pen-picture of the Catholic home in which the pre- destined youth drank in the inspira- tion and high ideals that later on made him the champion of right, the expounder of truth, the enemy of vice and the admiration of all who knew him. Defunct attained an age of 64 years and was born at Oswego, N. Y. Father Crowe made his ecclesiastical studies at the Grand Seminary of Montreal, where he was ordained to the priest- hood after a thorough training under the competent guidance of the Sul- pician Fathers. His first charge was at Flora, where he remained but six weeks, when he was promoted to Mat- toon. Here he worked with great de- votion for fifteen years and erected the present beautiful church. Realiz- Page Thirty-Four ing Father Crowe's worth and ability, the Bishop sent him as pastor to the important charge of Jacksonville t as successor to the Very Rev. Timothy Hicky, V. G., who had assumed the pastorate of the Immaculate Concep- tion Parish of Springfield. The history of the church under the rectorship of Father Crowe has been one of indefatigable labor on the rector's part and of a steady expan- sion on the part of the parish under his direction, in all lines of Catholic work, spiritual, financial and intellec- tual. The Jacksonville Journal paid the following editorial tribute to Father Crowe: "The passing of Very Rev. Dean J. W. Crowe removes from Jacksonville a very influential citizen. Father Crowe has been a resident of Jackson- ville twenty-three years and his record has been such as to prove beyond question his ability as an organizer. Proof of this ability has appeared in various 'ines and during his pastorate the Church of Our Savior has de- veloped in a material way. Father Crowe was especially interested in educational work and because of his leadership Routt college stands in Jacksonville today. Father Crowe was a man of wide learning and liberal ed- ucation. A well known Jacksonville man and a non-Catholic, who accom- panied him on a trip occupying sev- eral days, said recently that the de- ceased rector was one of the most de- lightful men he hac 1 ever known so- cially and in a conversational way. Father Crowe was not especially dip- lomatic in his manner or in his ways in fact he was especially outspoken and had the habit of going directly after anything that he wanted. Oppo- sition to him or disagreement with him did not mean offense, and he had an admiration for men and women with convictions and willing to fight for those convictions. During his years of residence here. Father Crowe be- came a large force in the community and while his parishioners and friends found much in him to admire, even those who disagreed with him had great respect for his knowledge and influence. His going marks the end of a very forceful life." One brother, Father Donat Crowe, late pastor of Kewanee, died in Rome, Italy in 1912. R. I. P. REV. THOMAS CUSACK. (From the New World.) The Rev. Father Cusack was one of the pioneers of the Alton diocese. Born in Kilmainam, County Cavan, Ireland, he emigrated with a brother to Indian Creek, Mo., some 30 miles west of Quincy, where they purchased and worked a farm. In course of time Mr. Cusack repaired to the Seminary of the Barrens and was ordained August 15, 1842 by Bishop Kenrick for the diocese of St. Louis. In the same year he was sent to Salt River. In 1845 he was given charge of Indian Creek. In 1850 he was found sta- tioned at Arrow Rock, a locality not known to modern geographers. In 1851 he was stationed at Marshall, Saline County. In the year of the Jubilee, whilst crossing the Salt River with Bishop Kenrick, the stream hav- ing unexpectedly risen, the distin- guished prelate lost his equilibrium and owed his life to the skill of Father Cusack as a swimmer. Afterwards he had charge of Jefferson City, and 1852 of Lexington. In the list of Missionaries kept in the archives of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, he is described in 1854 as missionary "in via ferrata vaporea" t h e Railroad Apostle. And so he was, not only in Missouri, but also in Illinois, whither he repaired in the following year, with headquarters at London City. In 1856 he was stationed at Decatur, from thence following the men build- ing the railroads, administering to their spiritual wants and striving to control their excesses. His means of conveyance was a "white mule," still famous wherever he visited. He built several churches, all of a simple and primitive style, neither Greek, Roman- esque nor Gothic, known to the priests as the "Cusack style," a good sort of style notwithstanding their plainness, in which as good prayers could be said as in St. Peter's of Rome. Father Cusack left Decatur for Shelbyville where he was stationed in 1864, if not before. In 1865 he left for Bloomfield, Adams County, where he remained till 1875 when he went to Grafton. His next and last mis- sion was Shipman, where he moved to in 1876. He died at the Mullanphy Hospital, St. Louis on February 28, 1887 at the ripe old age of about 87 years. He was burried at Indian Creek, Mo., where he had labored as a former priest in the midst of rela- tives. Father Cusack was a hard-working, painstaking priest. He was plain- spoken and had no flattery for any one. He made the youngsters know their catechism. A prayer for the repose of the soul of honest old Father Tom. REV. PATRICK DEE. "Every word man's lips have uttered Echoes in God's skies". His nary, Milwaukee, Dec. 21, 1872. death occurred Oct. 16, 1886. Our subject was born in Ireland and. Father P. Dee acted for two years ordained a priest at St. Francis Semi- as pastor of the Alton cathedral. Page Thirty-Five REV. FRANCIS DERWIN. "Every throb of my own heart's beating Tells of the flight of Time". Obviously our subject must be numbered with the oldest missionary priests of the state. As early as 1845 Bishop Rosatti of St. Louis, assigned him to New Dublin, near Galena, where he said Mass in a log house 16x24 and 7 logs high, which had been constructed in 1836. The only men- tion made of Father Derwin in this part of the state, the present Alton diocese, is that in 1846 he was ap- pointed pastor of St. Lawrence church (now St. Peter's) of Quincy. He suc- ceeded its first pastor and founder. Father Tucker, and remained in charge of that parish from 1846 Dec. 1849. His administration there was uneventful, the parish making but little progress during his incumbency. After his recall from Quincy Father Derwin labored in the northern part of the state, and there he died. R. I. P. REV. PATRICK R. DUCEY. "Godliness is profitable to all things hav- ing promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come". 1 Tim. 4, 8. On December 17, 1908, there expired at Boerne, Texas, whither he had gone for the recuperation of impaired health, the Rev. Patrick R. Ducey, pastor of St. Mary's congregation of Marshall, 111. Funeral services were held the following Tuesday at Mar- shall. A large concourse of people was present to attest their respect to him who had labored so earnestly and incessantly among them for eight years in the cause which he repre- sented. This outpouring of the people manifested the high regard in which he was held by the community, whether Catholic or Protestant. Fol- Page Thirty-Six lowing the Solemn Requiem services the 'body was conveyed to Springfield for interment. Forty of his confreres were present at these services. He was lowered to his last resting place in Calvary cemetery amongst mem- bers of the Immaculate Conception church as he looked upon that congre- gation as a second home, for there he had spent the first years of his young priestly life as an assistant to its venerable pastor. Father Ducey was a man of honor and uprightness, a priest greatly devoted to God's service an^d the salvation of souls. Wherever he was his works remain after him for good. After laboring at Springfield for some three years in the capacity of assistant priest, he was appointed to organize and build a chinch at Effingham, the Sacred Heart church. He did so and suc- ceeded notwithstanding that difficul- ties were great and means very small. Leaving the young parish in flourish- ing condition, Father Ducey assumed charge of the congregation of Mar- shall, where, during the subsequent years of his pastorate he performed good work, always active in behalf of the material and spiritual welfare of his people. When dying his last words were: "May God's holy will be done." Father P. R. Ducey, an only son of his parents, was born at Lowell, Mass., in 1862, attended the local St. Patrick's parochial schools and then entered upon the courses of Classics, Philosophy and Theology at St. Bon- aventure's College of Allegheny, Pa., where on June 20, 1889, on the Feast of Corpus Christie, he was ordained by Bishop Stephen Ryan of Buffalo, to the priesthood. May Father Ducey, whose untime- ly going is mourned by a host of friends, rest in God's holy peace. FATHER DURBIN. "Time, like an ever-rolling stream Bears all its sons away". A venerable missionary priest, who occasionally exercised his sacred func- tions at places now comprised within the Alton diocese, was Father Durbin. In 1850, his residence or rather stop- ping place, was at St. Vincent's in Union County, Ky., twenty-four miles from Shawneetown. The circuit of this intrepid early crusader included southeastern and southwestern Ken- tucky, a great part of Tennessee, In- diana, and all Southern Illinois, called Egypt. From his Kentucky home he visited on his periodical tours, St. Bonaventure parish of St. Elmo (now connected with Altamont). From St. Elmo he would proceed further north to Christian county, where near Tay- lorville there is still to this day quite a colony of Kentucklans, among whom we meet with numerous Durbins. By his occasional visits he would enable these people to receive the Sacra- ments, have their children christened and their marriages solemnized or val- idated. The old settlers are talking of Father Durbin's visits to this day. Father Durbin was an American of Maryland stock, and had imbibed the traditions of the persecutions of that colony against the Catholics. This filled him with ardor for his religion, even to rigorism, for he had been in- structed by Bishops Flaget and David, first Bishops of Kentucky, they being exiles from France on account of their faith. They imbued the future mis- sionaries in their seminary with a rigid and self-sacrificing spirit. Father Durbin died at Bardstown, Ky., being at the time of death over ninety years of age. R. I. P. REV. HENRY EGGENSTEIN. "Gone home! He lingers here no longer, A restless pilgrim, walking painfully With homesick longing daily growing stronger, And yearning vision of the joys to be". On January 21, 1916, the angel of death beckoned Reverend Henry Eg- genstein, ''pastor emeritus" of St. Elizabeth's congregation of Marine, to follow and the priestly soul winged its flight to the great white throne of the Master there to receive eternal reward for work well and nobly done. He breathed forth his soul into the hands of the Creator at St. Vincent's Hospital of Taylorville, where he had acted as chaplain ever since his retire- ment from his beloved St. Elizabeth's of Marine, in the fall of 1913. Ad- vanced in years his weakened and feeble body was not able to withstand the inroads which a complication of diseases had caused therein and when finally dropsy made its appearance the stricken man knew that the end was not far off. Hence he set his house in order so that when the fatal sum- mons came to him he was fully pre- pared to answer same. Having re- ceived most fervently the last sacra- ments of his Church two days before death and being fully resigned to the inscrutable designs of God's provi- dence, our venerable friend lapsed into a coma from which he was not to awaken ere coming to the shores of eternity. Calmly, without the least of struggle he passed away, his sun had set forever, Father Eggenstein was no more, and another void and vacancy within the ranks of the faith- ful workers of the Alton Diocese had been made. The ranks of older clergy have alarmingly been decimated within recent past years, but few of the old stock are left to tell the tale of former-day experiences of Page Thirty-Sevfn hardships and self-denials which plen- tifully awaited them in newly started parishes in city and country alike. Father Eggenstein was born July 10, 1843 at Drensteinfurt, Germany. He studied in the local schools, thence attended the gymnasium of Muenster after which he entered as alumnus the American College of St. Maurice (sub- urban to Muenster.) There he was raised to the priesthood on May 8, 1869. In autumn of same year, Octo- ber 2, he landed on the American shores, setting out at once for Alton to report "ready for duty" to Bishop Baltes. He was sent to Springfield as assistant to the Pastor of St. Peter and Paul's. His stay here, however, was to be of but short duration, as he was after a few months appointed assistant priest to Father Schaefer- meyer at St. Boniface church of Quincy. A vacancy occuring at St. Joseph's church of Carlinville, Father Eggenstein became pastor of that congregation a few months later, working hard for its material and spiritual uplift till September, 1876, when he received his ultimate appoint- ment to St. Elizabeth's parish of Marine and where he remained until forced by age and infirmities to seek the hospitable asylum of St. Vincent's Hospital of Taylorville, in the fall of 1913. St. Elizabeth's parish in its com- pleteness, church, school and resi- dence, is, with exception of the latter, the result of Fr. Eggenstein's efforts, it's a bijou among the country par- ishes of the diocese, proclaiming elo- quenitly the priestly spirit of deceased which wrought these telling results. He likewise built the priest's residence at Saline. Our defunct was a man of abstem- ious, frugal habits, who required but little for his living. Hardly ever did he leave his habitat at Marine. In the summer 1886 he paid a few month's visit to his boyhood home and purchased while abroad a number of fine vestments for his church. He seemed the picture of contentment when ambulating up and down his pretty garden walk and puffing at his long German pipe, dispelling thereby whatever care or worry might hover on his mind. In the performance of priestly duties, administration of Sacraments, visits to the sick and catechetical instructions at school, he was exemplary and exact; in his deal- Thirty-Eight ings with the outside world indulgent and generous, charitable to the poor and needy. He was a man of large stocky built, measuring more than six feet in height. Having never cared for worldly wealth and lucre, he died as he had lived, a poor man. May heaven be his reward. His mortal remains were laid to rest at Marine, where funeral obsequies were held Wednes- day, January 26, 1916. R. I. P. REV. JOSEPH EILER. "The journey is very weary And He only can give me rest". Born at Metz, France, (now Ger- many), he came over to America in 1857, was ordained in 1869 and ap- pointed an assistant to the Alton Ca- thedral. He remained, however, but a few months in Alton when he left for the Cleveland diocese. There he was assigned in similar capacity to the Church of the Assumption, in Cleve- land. All further particulars are lack- ing. REV. JOHN NEPOMUCEN ENZELBERGER. "You shall reap in joy the harvest, You have sown today in tears'*. A trenchant and forceful writer, who fearlessly championed the cause of the church, wa3 Rev. John N. Enzel- berger. For many years his weekly glosseries on religio-political topics appeared in the "Herold des Glau- bens" of St. Louis. His name became widely known and his sayings exten- sively quoted by the press. He was an avowed and outspoken antagonist of all modernistic tendencies and other outgrowths which threatened to dam- age the church. He was honest and sincere in his denunciations although probably not always prudent in ex- pressing them. The greatest service. however, which forever will redound to his merit is the compilation of the third catalogue of the Catholic Ger- man clergy and of the German par- ishes of the United States, known as "Schematismus der Katholischen Geistlichkeit deutscher Zunge in den Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas" in 1892. This work is a valuable addition to the history of the Catholic Church in the United States for the use of present and future generations and its great value has received universal recognition and unstinted praise. Fr. Enzelberger would deserve to be par- alleled with that well-known German writer, Alban Stolz. He served our diocese at Vandalia from July 12, 1875-March 22, 1876. Rev. John Nepomucen Enzelberger was born March 30, 1852, at Weizen- kirchen, in upper Austria; studied at Linz, Austria, and at St. Francis, Wis- consin; was ordained by Bishop P. J. Baltes, March 19, 1875; substituted at vSt. Joseph's parish, Cairo, April 10 till June 23, 1875; substituted at Du Quoin, from June 29 till July 12, 1875; was rector of Vandalia until March 22, 1876; then rector of Piop- olis until February, 1902; after which he acted as rector of Germantown rntil his death, November 2, 1907. He is buried at Germantown. R. I. P. Page Th'rty-Nine REV. JOSEPH FINNIGAN. "Thou shalt exchange the midnight for the morning And thy fair home above". A full measure of sincerest sym- pathy was poured forth from every priest's heart when it became known that their cherished confrere and companion, Rev. Joseph Finnigan had been stricken with a fatal affliction against which medical science for ages had battled in vain, viz: cancer of the throat. This dreadful disease claimed our subject in the ripeness of his con- secrated career. Weeks and months of intensest suffering were his portion ere death relieved him of the terrible affliction. Born in 1857 at Providence, R. I., young Finnigan was sent in early youth to Montreal, there to study Classics, Philosophy and Theology, under the direction of the Sulpician Fathers. And nobly he acquitted him- self of his studies, bearing away sev- eral college prizes at the annual com- mencement exercises. He was very popular among his fellow students and the Sulpician Fathers in college and seminary had high regard for his talents, manliness and high sense of honor. And yet, as college student, he was full of harmless mischief and law-breaking propensities. Had some little prank occurred whose source the good Father Rector could not at once fathom, young Finnigan was looked upon as the culprit, and with threatening finger of indulgent repri- mand he would be addressed: "Ah, Monsieur Finnigan, c'est vous le cou- pable." And, sure enough, our sub- ject had usually been at the bottom of it. After a brilliant course of studies, Father Finnigan was ordained to the priesthood a few days before Christ- mas, 1882, in the Grand Seminary chapel by Archbishop Edward Fabre of Montreal. After reporting ready for duty to Bishop Baltes, he was sent as pastor to Kahokia, after which he successfully filled positions at Virden, Auburn, Charleston, Grafton, 1895-98, Jacksonville, Springfield and Dalton City. Whilst in the latter place, he was stricken with that dreadful mal- ady, cancer of the throat, which con- signed him to an early grave. He bore his sickness with heroic fortitude and great Christian resignation and ex- pired February 9, 1908. A memento for Father Finnigan. R. I. P. REV. F. J. FISCHER. "Pass on, pass on, poor Spirit, For heaven is yours at last; In that one minute's anguish Four thousand years have passed". We know that prior to the erection of the Bishopric of Chicago, in 1843, the eastern part of Illinois was under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Vincennes, Msgr. Brute, whilst the western portion was ruled over by Bishop Rosatti, of St. Louis. And even after the formation of the for- mer diocese priests from Vincennes continued to look after the spiritual interests of many parishes, such as Ste Marie. Paris, Teutopolis and others. Among the priests of Teutopo- lis who originally hailed from Vincen- nes was Rev. F. J. Fischer, who in 1847, had put up the first bric'k build- ing at Ste Marie. He administered its affairs for several months in 1850 after the leave-taking of Father Kuenster. Before coming to Teutopolis, Fr. Fischer had been rector of Piquet's Settlement, (Ste Marie), and previous to that for several years an assistant to Rev. St. Palais (who a few years later became Bishop of Vincennes.) When Chicago's first priest, Rev. St. Cyr, was compelled by age and in- firmity to relinquish his pastoral duties of old St. Mary's of Chicago, and retire to St. Louis where he died, Rev. St. Palais succeeded him in 1837, having Father Fischer as assistant. These were the only priests in Chi- cago when Bishop Quarter arrived there May 5, 1844. In August, 1844, our subject was recalled by Bishop Page Forty- Brute back to Vincennes. A few years later, in 1850, he presided for several months over the parish of Teutopolis. R. I. P. REV. JOSEPH H. FORTMANN. ' 'In Te Domine speravi, Non confundar in aeternum' '. A Catholic center in the diocese of Alton, is Highland. The first settlers from 1831-1842, were nearly all Cath- olics, at least in name, though without strong affiliations to the church. The years 1840 and 1841 brought more than one hundred from the Grand Duchy of Baden, besides a number of Swiss and a few Bavarian Catholics. Occasionally, probably twice a year, a priest was sent them from St. Louis. More frequent became the visits since Shoal Creek (Germantown), had a resident priest in the person of Rev. Joseph H. Fortmann, ordained at the Barrens, November 1, 1837, and since then pastor of Apple Creek, Mo. He did his best to persuade the Catholics to build a church and in this he succeeded. The cornerstone was placed in 1844 on the first day of May. The first Mass was celebrated in this church of Highland in 1846 by Rev. Kuenster, pastor of Teutopolis. Father Fortmann was recalled from Shoal Creek by Bishop Rosatti in 1847 and sent as pastor to St. Joseph's church of Grosse Point (Wilmette, Chicago), where he stayed from 1847- '53. During his stay at Grosse Point he erected St. Peter's church at Xiles Center. Next we find him busily en- gaged at St. Mary's of the Woods at Highland Park (Chicago), after which he was appointed pastor of St. Peter's church at Teutopolis. Here he worked against many odds and difficulties from August 5, 1857-January, 1858. He had made arrangements for the construction of a new parochial resi- dence, for which purpose he had col- lected the sum of $723. Before he witnessed the realization of his plans, however, he was sent to Peoria to assume charge of St. Joseph's church of that city. Three weeks after his advent to Peoria, Father Joseph H. Fortmann died. His successor in Teutopolis was Rev. B. Bartels, the last secular priest of that parish, which now went over into the hands of the Franciscan Fathers, who had arrived from Ger- many. May God rest his soul. REV. THOMAS FRAUENHOFER. "No true crown of honor can be given, Till we place it on a funeral bier". A great worker was Rev. Thomas Frauenhofer, Teutopolis, Green Creek and Effingham, must forever be grate- ful to his untiring efforts in their be- half. Early in 1857, February 12, he was appointed pastor of St. Peter's congregation of Teutopolis. After re- siding there for some month's, he moved to Green Creek, becoming its first resident pastor. How exact and faithfully he discharged his sacred du- ties may be learned from his diary and publication book which are still extant in that parish. They are, in composition, very neat, though rather exhaustive. Whilst pastor of Green Creek, Father Frauenhofer looked after the spiritual needs of the Cath- olic people in and around Effingham, where in 1856 a log church had been built. To this little log shanty he journeyed every other Sunday to say Holy Mass for the few scattered Catholic people thereby laying the foundation for the present strong parish. At times he visited Decatur to minister to the German Catholics there. When, in 1858, the Franciscan Fathers assumed charge of Teu- topolis and subsequently of Green Creek he took charge of lohnsburg parish, (Rockford), from Dec. 1858- Dec. 1860. After this Father Frauen- hofer became stationed at Lourdes (now Peoria diocese), and later on left for the Dubuque diocese. In 1867 he was in charge of Sherrilsmount, Iowa, and after that at Petersburg. Page Forty-One Rev. Thomas Frauenhofer was a native of Bavaria, born Dec. 6, 1817, at Pfeffenhausen, in the Diocese of Regensburg. On July 1, 1844, he was ordained to the priesthood and exer- cised his sacerdotal functions for eight years in his native diocese until May 19, 1852, when he came to Amer- ica to affiliate with the diocese of Chi- cago. Rumor has it that Father Frauenhofer died at the Trappist monasteo' near Dubuque, in the year 1870 or 1871, though lack of positive information prevents from placing him there with any degree of confi- dence. R. I. P. REV. J. FREIMUTH. ' 'Let the incense of pur prayers Before Thy mercy rise ; The brightness of the coming night Upon the darkness rolls ; With hopes of future glory Chase the shadows on our souls". The first resident pastor of Kamps- ville, in Calhoun county, was Father Freimuth. He was appointed to that parish which was still in a formative state, in 1877, and remained there till 1879. During his two years stay he built a small frame church and dedi- cated it to St. Anselm. On the 24th day of April, 1879, it'was duly blessed and given over to divine worship. After holding several minor charges in the Southern part of the diocese, Father Freimuth joined the Fran- ciscan Order at Teutopolis in 1887, and was known from that time as P. Firmatus, O. F. M. As such he be- came an assistant at St. Joseph's Church of Cleveland in 1892. Being a man of extreme nervousness and delicate health, P. Firmatus was much confined to indoor life. His death oc- curred at Superior, Wis., Nov. 23, 1909, being in his 71st year of life, the 25th of his solemn profession and the 33rd of his priesthood. Father Freimuth was born April 10, 1838, at Remscheidt in the Archdio- cese of Cologne, was ordained a priest at Maline in Belgium, May 26, 1877, and came to this country the follow- ing October. His solemn profession as member of the Franciscan Order was made on March 8, 1888. R. -I. P. REV. HENRY FREDERICK FROHBOESE. "Cor Jesu, fac cor meum sicut cor Tuum!" This humble and pious priest was born June 7, 1823, in Ringelheim, Hanover, was ordained December 8, 1853, and arrived in the states July 26, 1858. With the exception of the last five years, the deceased spent his priestly life in parishes of the present Belleville diocese, at Mascoutah, Ger- mantown, Prairie du Rocher and Fayetteville. Broken in health, after serious trials and labors, Father Froh- boese retired in August, 1884, to become a chaplain in the St. Vincent's Home of Quincy. Blindness prevented him from saying Mass after Dec. 24, 1888. Peacefully he slept away Janu- ary 9th, 1889. His remains were in- terred in St. Boniface Cemetery of Quincy. R. I. P. Page REV. WILLIAM FUTTERER. "So soon, so soon, is the daylight fled! And O, how fast comes the dark to-morrow, Who hides, perhaps, in her veil of sorrow The terrible hour I wait and dread ! ' ' Like a flash from a clear noonday sky came the startling- announcement of Rev. Father William Futterer's death on Monday, August 21, 1910. It was cabled to his sister, Mrs. L. Rit- ter, of Mattoon, 111., from Munich in Bavaria, whither decedent had gone to recover lost health. Most of his confreres were even unaware of his ailing condition, few knew of his de- parture for Europe. Writer of these lines since 1876 a friend and formes- schoolmate of the departed received a card from him. written on landing in England, on which he stated that owing to the invigorating ocean trip he felt much better and that he antici- pa/ted a pleasant journey on the Con- tinent. But "Man proposes whilst God disposes." This truism became exemplified in the life of our subject. Arrived at Bonn he had to .submit to a serious surgical operation which, as far as is known, turned out to be suc- cessful. Within a short time he had so far recuperated from the effects of it that to journey to Munich seemed to be entirely safe. Prospects for returning health and strength seemed reasonably good, nay almost certain. Buoyed up by the hope of finding permanent cure in Bavaria's fascinat- ing capital for his shattered constitu- tion, Father Futterer undertook the trip. From time to time letters and cards contained the information that he was doing well and there seemed hope in every sentence. On August 8th, however, he wrote to his sister: "I am doing only fairly well," the last words received from the poor sufferer who was then already proba- bly fighting with death. On the morn- ing of August 21, the scythe in the hand of the grim reaper mowed down the precious life of our esteemed friend in far-away Munich and caused tears of genuine sorrow in many a home, for this whole-souled man com- manded hosts of friends who will continue to bless his memory. Rev. William Futterer was an only son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mary Futterer of Mattoon, 111. He attained the age of 47 years and six months, having been born August 21, 1863. Strong and powerful of phy- sique, he would inspire one with a sense of that steam-roller vitality which is so conspicuous and notice- able wherever met. His eyes were dark and keen and upon occasion would rather mischievously twinkle, his hands would extend in firm, strong grip and cordial clutch; his whole bearing was one of energy and deter- mination. Though at times blunt of speech, yet he was of transparent honesty of purpose and nobility of character. Generous and unselfish to a fault he would gladly part with the last dollar in his pocket or as some one pertinently remarked w o u 1 d take the shirt off his back and give it to the needy one. His hospitality was lavish. We always found him in happiest mood when either entertain- ing friends or dispensing kindness to deserving people. But how often was his kindness abused and flagrantly taken advantage of by unworthy and ungrateful people, greedy leeches who were ready to smite the hand that had blessed them; and blacken the char- Page Forty-Thrr acter of the noble man who in days of distress had befriended them. Rev. Futterer spent his boyhood days and early manhood in Mattoon, where he received his schooling at the parochial schools conducted by the Dominican Sisters. After leaving the Mattoon schools he entered St. Joseph's College at Teutopolis, from which he graduated with high honors. In compliance with the preferred wishes of the late Bishop Baltes he went to the Grand Seminary of Mon- treal, there to study Philosophy and Theology and became ordained to the priesthood by the Most Rev. Archbishop Edouard Fabre, D. D., during the week preceding Christmas, 1887. The first charge which the young priest enjoyed was at Grant Fork, (Saline) where he succeeded Rev. A. Zurbonsen, who was sent as first resi- dent pastor to Staunton, January 12, 1888. From here he was sent by his Bishop to near-by P i e r r o n, where owing to his energetic and generous initiative he was instrumental in starting a parish, erecting a fine church and rectory, purchasing a cemetery site and performing numer- ous other duties which will forever redound to his honor and credit. At this time Father Futterer became the Bishop's choice as diocesan re- presentative at the Catholic Univers- ity of Washington. Whilst prosecu- ting his studies at that seat of learn- ing, he was placed in temporary charge of St. Mary's German Cath- olic church, the only church in the National Capitol where the German language is spoken. After remaining for about two years in Washington where he became the personal friend, admirer and defender of the late Mgr. Dr. Jos. Schroeder, dogmatic profes- sor at the University he was recalled by the Bishop and appointed pastor of the parish of Petersburg, where he performed noble work, but con- tracted, however,- the malady which eventually resulted in his untoward death. The remains were forwarded after considerable delay to this coun- try, the following October. Solemn obsequies at which almost the entire diocesan clergy assisted, were had in his native town and parish church of Mattoon, after which he was bedded to his eternal rest in the local Catholic cemetery. R. I. P. REV. CHARLES GEORGE GEIER. "In Domino laudabitur anima mea". A fine young priest, amiable and of winning disposition was Father C. Geier, a former college student of Teutopolis and Seminarian of St. Francis, Milwaukee, who was raised to the holy ministry in the Alton Cathedral by Bishop Baltes, Oct. 31, 1880. Deceased was a native of St. Louis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Geier (Anna, nee Wollenschlager) born April 26, 1857. Whilst a student of college and seminary he spent the annual summer vacations with the late Father F. Stick, of Mattoon, a profitable pastime and enjoyment with such versatile man and talented pastor of wide experience. Father Geier was assigned to the Vandalia parish where he worked faithfully and successfully from 1881- '85. Owing to feeble health which gradually developed into consumption he was forced after four years to dis- continue active service. Death claimed our genial young priest January llth, 1886. R. I. P. - Page Forty-Four REV. HERMAN GESENHUES. "Thy life that has been dropped aside Into Time's stream, may stir the tide In rippled circles spreading wide". On Sept. 13, 1913, the members of the Immaculate Conception parish of Shelbyville, learned with sincerest feelings of deep regret and poignant sorrow of the sad fate which had be- fallen their pastor, and with them, the bishop and every priest in the diocese were most painfully affected, when told of Father Herman Gesenhues' sudden death. A heart stroke early in the morning had terminated the precious life of Shelbyville's pastor. Three weeks before his death he had attended the bi-annual retreat at Quincy, where he edified many by the strict observance of the rules as well as by his unfeigned genuine piety and devotion. During recreation hours when a free intermingling of priests is permitted after the noon and evening meals, good Father Gesenhues would tarry in the chapel, taking but little heed of his fellow-priests' recreation and diversions. Had he a premonition of his impending fate, did he feel the nearness of the last summons? So much, however, seems to be certain, that he who at all times had led a model priestly life, who shortly be- fore death had deeply penetrated into his interior, spiritual life to set things aright, needed not to fear nor trepi- date when suddenly the grim reaper appeared and beckoned to accompany him. Father Gesenhues was prepared for such eventuality. Of the beautiful life and character we will let "A Member of the Congre- gation" speak who thus, wrote to a local paper after the funeral had taken place: "I fail to find words to express the deep sorrow felt by the members of the Immaculate Conception Church of this city over the sudden but peaceful death of our dearly beloved pastor, Father Gesenhues, which occured at the parsonage in this city about 6 o'clock Saturday morning. Sept. 13, 1913. Death was due to a heart stroke. We mourn the loss of our dear pas- tor, an honored priest of the diocese, and our dearest friend. I shall endeavor to pay tribute to his memory by mentioning a few of his many virtues. Father Gesenhues realized that a priest of the Catholic Church is an ambassador of Christ. The joys and sorrows of his people were his joys and sorrows. He was an ideal priest and the soul of sincerity. Father Gesenhues was meek and lowly, kind and gentle and unassum- ing, and was remarkable for his pa- tience. He was to be admired because he strictly minded his own business a character which he also so much ad- mired in others. He was eminently a man of peace; the father of his flock, for whom and for whose sake he la- bored. It made no difference what the occasion or the circumstance might be, Father Gesenhues was al- ways the same kind, gentle pastor. Many of his quiet acts of charity are known, but most are only recorded in that great book which some day will be revealed to all. Father Gesenhues disliked publicity. He was not a public man in the ordi- nary sense of the word. He had one duty; that was his duty to his parish. Page Forty-Five His religious convictions were firmly fixed, mellowed, however, with charity for all not of his faith. He was a shin- ing light unto all, carefully practicing all he preached. His whole life was devoted solely to the service of God. To know him was to love him. To meet him was a joy and a consolation. Not only cheering in the hour of dark- ness, but ever and always bright and cheerful with the spirit of a priest, urging all to do better. Could our dear departed pastor speak to us today, he would say: "Friend, cease praising me, but pray for me." "He is worthy of praise, and in that spirit I pay tribute to his mem- ory." Deceased, a big, corpulent man of great weight and tall stature, was born in St. Louis, Dec. 13, 1858. Shortly after his parents removed to German- town, where young Herman attended the parochial school and later entered St. Joseph's College of Teutopolis. His classical course finished, he was sent by the Bishop to Milwaukee, there to study Philosophy and Theol- ogy. Herman Gesenhues acquitted him- self both at Teutopolis and at Mil- waukee, splendidly for he was a gifted and talented young man who suffered not to be outdone by his class-mates. Bishop Baltes raised our young the- ologian to the priesthood at Alton, Oct. 23, 1881. Bloomfield, Hillsboro, with Raymond and Gillespie, Alta- mont, Beardstown and Shelbyville were successively the parishes where Father Gesenhues performed excellent work and where his name will remain in benediction. Many a time when coming from Hillsboro to Gillespie on a late evening train and not wishing to incommode anyone, he went to his little church and there spent the night on the hard planks of a church pew. His modesty forbade to ever mention these and other incidents but they elo- quently portray his humility and un- selfishness. He was certainly a priest according to the heart of God. When Father Herman Gesenhues then, was called away from the scenes of his manifold exploits and services, may the great High Priest have ad- dressed him in the words of the ante- phone: "Euge serve bone . . . intra in gaudium Domini tui." His mortal remains were taken to his old home in Germantown, and there, after solemn services, interred in the Catholic cemetery. R. I. P. REV. JOHN W. GIFFORD. "Leaving the house forever, To wander out forlorn". Our subject was a native of Scot- land, and ordained in Ireland. He succeeded Rev. George A. Hamilton in 1851 in the administration of the affairs of the young Immaculate Con- ception church of Springfield. There had been a vacancy after its first resident pastor, G. A. Hamilton, had relinquished it in 1845. Father Gif- ford remained its pastor for two years. He died in the fall of 1853 at O'Hara Settlement (now Ruma), in Randolph county, and there he found his last resting place. Father Gifford arrived in Chicago from Ireland in May, 1850, and was at once accepted by Bishop Van de Velde. He worked mostly in the northern part of the state. R. I. P. Page Forty-Six REV. CHARLES GONANT. 1 'Death is coming and I hear him Soft and stealthy cometh he; But I don't believe I fear him, God is now so close to me". Father Ab. Eyan. Numbered with the brave band of French priests, who, at the solicita- tion of Bishop Juncker, left the sunny hillsides of beautiful France in the latter part of the fifties in order to devote their future lives in the young diocese of Alton, was Rev. Charles Gonant. He was a native of Nancy, where he received Holy Orders in 1858. On arriving in the United States in the fall of that same year, his first assignment was to the parish of As- sumption, which then was greatly peopled by French-speaking Catholics. He became their first resident pastor. Here Father Gonant remained three years, from 1858-'61, attending during these years to the spiritual needs of the Catholics of Pana. From Assumption our worthy priest was ordered to Litchfield to succeed the Rev. Michael Colton as pastor of that young congregation. Father Colton had assumed charge of that parish a few years previous and had caused the first brick church to be built there in 1859. For ten years Father Gonant remained at Litchfield. A considerable debt on the church was liquidated and shortly after suc- ceeded in building a becoming paro- chial residence. A two-story brick was erected and nearly all paid when he took possession of it. Hitherto he had lived in a one-story cottage ad- joining the old church and which he rented for years. From Litchfield he regularly attended Hillsboro. Leaving Litchfield in June, 1871, he moved to Arcola, where, however, his stay was but a short one, for he left this charge in September of the same year. At this juncture our good priest went to the Peoria diocese to become a subject of Bishop Spalding Che- banse had become a separate parish and awaited a pastor. Rev. Charles Gonant was sent thither in 1875 and he continued to direct the destinies of that congregation for eleven years, till 1886. He died a priest of that diocese. R. I. P. REV. AUGUSTINE GORRIS. "Adieu! Farewell! At peace! at rest! Gone home to dwell Among the blest." The queenly city of Amsterdam in Holland, was the birthplace of a tal- ented and eager young priest, who during the few years of priestly life had already accomplished a great deal. His premature final leave-taking then caused sincerest regret wherever known. Father Augustine Charles Gorris is this man in question. The lamented young priest had a host of friends who all admired him for his deft ways and undismayed courage, which he exhibited to good advantage when placed amid adverse conditions, especially when made pastor of St. Ubaldus parish of New Douglas. Our clerical young friend he was but 40 years of age when called to his reward was born in Amsterdam on Christmas day, 1861. Being with- out sufficient means to complete the prescribed course of required studies, he set out to learn the joiner's trade. Page Forty-Seven This he followed for a number of years, husbanding in the meantime, every penny for the accomplishment of his proposed purpose, the study for the priesthood. And he succeeded though hard was the task. At the American College of Lou- vain we find our young man pouring over his books, determined to win out, which he did, for he was ordained there on February 25, 1893. In the fall of that same year he came to this country to be appointed as assistant to St. Boniface church of Quincy. This was November 13, 1893. For three years he worked faithfully at St. Boniface, when on November 5, 1896, he was transferred to St. John's church of that city, there to lighten the burdens of Father Still, the pastor. Here the young priest performed like- w i s e good and valiant services. Recognizing his merits and persistent endeavors his Bishop made him pastor of St. Ubaldus parish of New Doug- las, July 11, 1899. Here the enduring qualities of the man were put to a severe test. As a poor priest, he landed in a poor congregation. St. Ubaldus was not any more what it used to be in the Eighties. The Cath- olic population had dwindled away, causing that parish to struggle for an existence. A mere handful of Cath- olic people, themselves not blessed with riches, to have and support a resident priest and meet current ex- penses when the income was small and meagre, was indeed a task from which many a one would have tried to shrink. Not so with Father Gorris. Finding the church walls bare, and plaster cracked, he papered them, the leaky, rotten roof he tore away, and hunting for his carpenter's tools climbed the roof and re-shingled it, broken down fences he repaired and caused a great many other necessary improvements to be made. Neither did he forget to build up the spiritual life of the parish. When everything was in good running order our young hard-working pastor's health suc- cumbed to the continued strain and hardship and self-denial. Where should he go to in his broken down condition and poor in purse? A sin- cere welcome awaited him with the good Sisters of St. Vincent's Home of Quincy, whose chaplain he had al- ready been whilst stationed as assist- ant at St. John's. Nine months he struggled to ward off the fatal hour. However, he had to yield to the in- evitable on November 16, 1901, tuber- culosis claiming him a victim. After solemn funeral services, his remains were buried in St. Boniface cemetery of Quincy. May the soul of this worthy young priest rest in God's holy peace. Page Forty-Eight REV. GEO. A. HAMILTON, SR. "I will pass from earth and meet him Whom I loved thro' all the years, Who will crown me when I greet Him And will kiss away the tears". Sparse and meagre are the items left us about Rev. G. A. Hamilton and his doings in parishes now parts of the Alton diocese and the few known facts comprise but seven years of his priestly career among us. Rev. George A. Hamilton, together with Rev. Hilary Tucker, the founder of St. Peter's of Quincy, were sent in their young student days by Bishop Rosatti of St. Louis, to Rome, there to enter the College of the Propagan- da. The young men had attracted the Bishop's attention by their extraordi- nary mental endowments. These gifts and talents augured well for their future usefulness. The territory for which they were ordained was im- mense, the laborers, however, were but few. Both young men were of native American parentage. Finish- ing their studies at the Eternal City in 1839, the young neo-presbyters hastened home and presenting them- selves to their Ordinary, were assigned to their respective spheres of work, Father Tucker to Quincy and Father Hamilton to Upper Alton. Here the latter assumed charge as first resi- dent pastor of St. Mathias' church which a few years thereafter was con- sumed by fire. From Alton Fr. Hamil- ton extended his activity in every direction, especially did he center it in Springfield, where in 1845 he or- ganized a parish in honor of St. John Baptist, built a small frame church and took up his residence beside it. Again his usefulness from here radi- ated in many directions, attending from Springfield, the Catholic settle- ments of Sugar Creek, Bear Creek, South Fork, Vandalia, Taylorville, Jacksonville and Virginia. On May 11, 1845, Father Hamilton celebrated for the first time Mass at Vandalia, the ceremony taking place at the court house. People of every denomination were desirous of seeing the services and administration of baptism per- formed. Consequently the building was crowded to excess, not half of the large concourse of people being able to gain admission. Catholics largely seized the opportunity afforded them by offering up their prayers be- fore the throne of the Most High. Fifty persons received the Sacrament of Baptism that day. Truly a Pente- costal sight. Virginia, one of the sta- tions attended to by Father Hamilton from Springfield relates in the ac- count of 1850 that it had received the accomodations of a frame church. When this frame church was erected, is not stated. In May, 1846, he left the diocese (Chicago) and the state, going east to Boston, where he died a few years later. Only once after leaving his diocese we hear from him and this was on the occasion when a petition was signed that was to secure a. char- ter for the "University of St. Mary of the Lake." George A. Hamilton placed his signature thereto July 18, 1849, to which was added: removed from the state. Our subject, Rev. George A. Hamil- ton must not be confused, however, with a namesake, Rev. Geo. Hamilton, Jr. who received ordination from Bishop Quarter at Chicago, August 19, 1845. He labored for awhile at North Arm, this diocese, attending Paris and thereafter worked in Chicago diocese. He was a nephew of Rev. Geo. A. Hamilton, Sr. R. I. P. Page Forty-Nine REV. FRANCIS J. HARBE. At the Santa Maria Infirmary of San Antonio, Texas, on June 17, 1913, the life of a fine young priest was snuffed out by cruel death. Rev. Fran- cis J. Harbe died there a victim of the "White Plague," tuberculosis. Medi- cal aid and science had tried in vain to stay the inroads caused by this terrible disease but to no avail. He sank into the grave when but 37 years old. Father Harbe's life was one replete with adventures, it reads like a romance in all its phases and features. Born May 2, 1876 at Cleveland, Ohio, he became in infancy orphaned through the death of his mother. The father took the child to far-off Arizona and placed him in the care of the Sis- ters of St. Joseph. Mother Monica, one of the sisters, thereupon confided little Francis to an orphanage in St. Louis, Mo., where he grew up into boyhood. Being endowed with a bright intellect, the boy was sent to St. Francis College of Quincy, where he remained till 1896, making splendid progress in all his studies, especially in music. We next hear of him as music teacher in St. Louis and organ- ist at St. Patrick's of that city. When the Spanish-American war broke out, young Harbe joined the Missouri volunteers and saw service in Cuba. In 1900 he decided to again take up his studies and to prepare for the priesthood. He entered the American College of Louvaini, in Belgium where after the completion of his theolog- ical course he was ordained July 12, 1903 by Bishop James F. Van der Stappen. His first appointment was to Oconee from where he was trans- ferred to Greenville. His health gave way, whereupon in 1910 he sought the more salubrious clime of Oklaho- ma. There he had charge for one year of the parish of Coal Gate, but not seeing any improvement in his broken- down health, he entered in 1911 the Sanitarium at Boerne, Texas. But the result here was not better than in Oklahoma, on the contrary, Father Harbe felt his life slowly ebbing away. From Boerne he journeyed to the Santa Maria Infirmary of San Antonio, where as already stated, he passed away June 17, 1913. R. I. P. REV. JAMES HARTY. It is a fact, unknown to many, that St. Joseph's College of Teutopolis, combined with the classical course likewise one of Philosophy and Theol- oyg. This was in the beginning of its existence, now more than fifty years ago. It prospered and flourished from 1862-1865 when owing to a lack of professors the theological course was discontinued by the Rector of the institution, the Very Rev. Mauritius Klostermann, O. F. M., who felt that services of the little band of Fathers was more urgently needed elsewhere. During the existence of this theolog- ical department at the College, how- ever, there were twenty-five young clerics graduated for the priesthood, one of whom was our subject, Rev. James Harty. He with three other seminarians was ordained on St. Nich- olas' Day, Dec. 6th, 1863. The co- ordinati were the Revs. W. Kinchen- buch (who in later years joined the Peoria diocese), Ferdinand Stick and Jeremiah Sullivan. All these good priests now rest in God, the last to die was Rev. Ferd. Stick of Highland. St. Francis Xavier's parish of Jer- seyville, will forever be linked with the name and blessed memory of Father Harty, for it was in this parish that almost his whole priestly career was spent, from 1868-1899, in which latter year (July) he" was summoned to a better world. The decendent was born at Old Par- ish, County Waterford, Ireland, on Dec. 6th, 1836. He made his classical studies at the school kept by the Trappist Fathers at Mt. Mellary and entered All Hallows' College in 1859. He left the land of his birth, however, Page Fifty and setting the prow of his future career westward, came to America, landing at Alton in 1862. The theo- logical department having just been opened at Teutopolis, it was thither that Bishop Juncker directed the young aspirant to proceed where in 1863 he was ordained to the priest- hood. His first appointment was to Olney, whence he was transferred to become the Cathedral Rector of Alton. Shortly after his advent to Alton, St. Francis Xavier's parish of Jerseyville was founded. The church building was under construction. The committee in charge, however, had encountered a financial snag and it required the services of a prudent and experienced pilot to extricate the affair out of be- setting difficulties and send the un- finished church on to completion. Father Harty was the man of the hour. He assumed the task. No one was better qualified to undertake this job than he. (1868) With what signal success he labored in this chosen field of St. Xavier's of Jerseyville for thir- tyone long years, is well known to all Church residence, Sister's dwelling, and above all the fine parochial school the pride of the parish, eloquently proclaim better than words can tell Father Harty's untiring efforts in behalf of parish and people. It is not often that a priest has departed beyond the meridian sun of life whose taking off has left a deeper sorrow upon parishioners, or has de- prived his friends of a more beloved and genial companion and the diocese at large of a more wise and useful pastor, than Rev. Harty. To say that he was endeared to all who knew him is only to express their faith and trust in his unblemished conduct of priestly life and in his fidelity to all good principles, and to repeat toward the departed the earnest friendship which he inspired by his noble, unsel- fish bearing, extended to all with cor- dial sincerity. His acquaintance was extensive, but it was not wider than that atmosphere of warm and appre- ciative love and respect which per- vades all classes of people who had ever come in contact with him. A good, generous, big-hearted man and true priest of God has left his last- ing imprints upon the Alton Diocese. Father Harty found his last rest- ing place in the local Catholic ceme- tery of Jerseyville. R. I. P. Page Fifty-One REV. B. HASSE. "Rich the joy to be revealed In that hour from labor free Bright the splendors that shall yield Happiness to thee". The former "Americanum" of St. Maurice in Muenster, has contributed a number of excellent priests to our diocesan clerical ranks. This institu- tion has now ceased to exist as such. The last one of the Alton priests who received their training there, Rev. Bernard Hasse, died May 4, 1911, at the age of 63 years. The cradle of Father Hasse stood on the banks of the river Ems at Warendorf in West- falia, where he was born February 12, 1848. There in the primary schools of his native city he received his first marked honor and distinction. In 1870 he entered as young cleric above mentioned institution. After four years of strenuous application to phil- osophical and theological studies, he was elevated to the priesthood in the venerable cathedral church of St. Ludger of Muenster, by Bishop John Bernard Brinkmann, May 30, 1874. In company with the late Revs. Augustine W e n k e r, of Naperville, Emmerich Weber of Chicago, and John Stor'p of Green Creek, he set out for America that same summer, ar- riving in New York, September 19, and Page Fifty -Two a few days after in Alton. From the day of his coming till the day of exit Father Hasse proved himself a con- scientious, faithful and earnest priest in the discharge of his holy office. In a quiet, unobtrusive way he went about his business doing good. Being of a retired disposition he seldom ap- peared in public for he eschewed all notoriety and ostentation. He lived for his parishioners, his best friends were his books on the library shelf, for Father Hasse was solid in his studies. The parishes in which he faithfully worked, Paris, Grant Fork, Fayetteville, Raymond, Petersburg anl Mt. Sterling, will continue to keep his memory sacred. Months prior to death our subject became afflicted with heart trouble angina pectoris for the relief of which he sought a quiet retreat in St. Mary's Hospital or Quincy. This, however, proved of but little avail. The doctors suggested the Southern clime of Hot Springs, Ark. He went thither but soon re- turned to Illinois, the ailment had grown in intensity and assumed alarming proportions. He entered St. John's Hospital of Springfield, for feeling the nearness of death, our good priest wanted to die among his friends of the diocese. On May 4, 1911, death relieved him of his suf- ferings and his priestly soul soared upwards to God's holy throne. Having been a life-long friend of his former schoolmate and confrere Father Joseph Still, our departed had oft expressed a wish to be buried near him. Thus it happened that the ob- sequies took p 1 a c e at St. John's church, Quincy, on the following Tuesday, May 9. Solemn Requiem followed the recitation of the Office of the Dead, Rev. E. Spalding being celebrant assisted by Rvs. C. Kreck- enberg of Springfield, as deacon, and H. Muckermann of Linn, Mo., as sub- deacon, whilst the pastor, Rev. J. Postner, acted as master of cere- monies. The funeral sermon was spoken by Rev. A. Zurbonsen, of St. Mary's, Quincy. R. I. P. REV. WILLIAM J. HEALY. ' 'Best had come. His task was done. Calm was written on his brow." Responding to the heavenly roll- call of his Maker, Rev. William Healy departed from hence June 2, 1915. He was in the summer of life when he harkened to the final summons. Months of illness had defied all medi- cal skill and treatment in hospital and sanitarium. Peacefully and qui- etly he breathed forth his soul into the hands of his God. The energetic priest had framed up within his soul a vision of years of usefulness to his congregation, years of endeavor for the welfare of others, years of service to the diocese, years of prayerfulness to Almighty God. Cruel death frus- trated all plans arid projects. Father Healy was beckoned forth to meet his Master. His priestly soul entered Eternity. Deceased was of cheerful and sunny disposition, ever ready to report to the call of duty, kind and generous to all. Championing physical culture and recreation, he was an ardent lover of our national sport, baseball. A host of friends and admirers mourn his untimely loss, especially the Knights of Columbus, whose state chaplain he had been for several terms. Rev. William Healy was born at Scranton, Pa., August 1, 1868. After graduating from the elementary schools of his native city, he entered St. Michael's College of Toronto, Canada, where he pursued his classi- cal course. From there he was sent to "Our Lady of Angels" Seminary of Niagara, for Philosophy and The- ology, and became ordained to the priesthood by Bishop S. V. Ryan of Buffalo, December 23, 1894. Imme- diately after ordination the young priest was assigned as assistant to the Cathedral of Alton. Here he re- mained for almost six years, being transferred in March, 1900, in similar capacity to the church of Jacksonville. In September of that same year, Father Healy was appointed pastor of the Sacred Heart congregation of Effingham, succeeding Rev. Father Ducey, who was transferred to the parish of Marshall. After several years of devout faithful service at Effingham, Father Healy was again called upon to succeed his former pre- decessor and move on to Marshall, where Father Ducey's career had been rudely interrupted by death. Here it was that our departed one be- gan to ail, steadily getting worse and worse as time passed on. Thinking that a change to a smaller rural parish might improve his condition, the Bishop appointed him to that of Murrayville, made vacant 'by the death of Father McGuire, but all to no avail. The deadly germs had de- veloped rapidly and on June 2, 1915, Father Healy sank into the arms of death. After solemn funeral services his remains were imbedded in the cemetery of the parish. R. I. P. Page Fifty-Three REV. WILLIAM HEFFERNAN. "Ambition have I, and it's with me night and day; To live my life for others and to help them when I can ; To foster hope, and sorrow drive away, And love and be loved by my fellowman' '. Thus wrote the priestly pen of one whose sad and sudden passing shocked the community and spread a pall of gloom and mourning over the diocese when the sad news was flashed to priests and people that Rev. William Heffernan had been found dead in bed, had answered the last summons of the angel of death and had passed to his reward in the kingdom of his Master whom he had served so well. It was on the day of the Holy Souls, November 2, 1912, at the rectory of St. Mary's parish of Mt. Sterling, that this catastrophe overpowered the ap- parently strong and healthful man. Little did anyone dream that Father Heffernan would be a corpse before the morning sun had awakened all Nature and called upon the members of the church militant to aid the members of the church suffering by their sacrifices, communions and prayers, little did he dream that the Holy Mass which he intended to offer that fatal Saturday for the suffering souls would be offered for himself by another, his faithful assistant. Rev. William Heffernan was born in Blackstone, Mass., May 24, 1869, and hence had but passed the forty- third milestone on life's journey. After finishing his high school education in his native town, young Heffernan de- cided to study for the priesthood. To this end he entered the Grand Semin- ary of Montreal for the study of Philosophy and after a two years' course there betook himself to the American College of Louvain, where, after four more years he was elevated to the priesthood in 1896. After his ordination he served as assistant at St. Mary's church of Springfield, re- maining there three years and win- ning a distinguished reputation for his theological sermons and public ad- dresses. From there he was trans- ferred to Shelbyville as pastor, later appointed pastor of the congregation of Arcola from which place he came to Mt. Sterling, July 1, 1907. The want x>f a Catholic high school at this place, a center of Catholic popu- lation and energy, had been long and keenly felt for years. It was reserved for Father Heffernan to accomplish what others had not dared to under- take. St. Mary's Academy, with al- most 200 pupils stands today a per- manent monument of his untiring work and devotion to the cause of education and religion. His memory will continue to live on in the hearts of many grateful people whom he benefitted by his many deeds of kind- ness and priestly ministrations. His mortal remains were forwarded to his home town, Woonsocket, R. I., where his aged mother then resided, and there they rest within the shadow of the cross on the pretty Catholic cemetery 'till the dawn of resurrection morn. R. I. P. Page Fifty-Four REV. RODERICK HEIMERLING. Mary, our comfort and our hope, O may that word be given To be the last we sing on earth To be the first we breathe in heaven! The Rev. Roderick Heimerling was born February 20, 1825, in Waldfaus- ten, a small town of Bavaria. His parents were persons of social stand- ing and wealth, the father holding an important government position. Young Roderick being the issue of a mixed marriage, his father a protest- ant and the mother a Catholic, was raised a protestant. However, early in life he embraced the religion of his mother. This was in opposition to the law of the land which prohibited the son of a protestant father from becoming a Catholic under a certain age. The violation of this law com- pelled him to flee from home. He went to Switzerland, but was pursued, brought back and sent to a Military Academy. Whilst here he was woun- ded by a shot which caused a slight but permanent lameness. When he had partly recovered from his wound he fled again to Switzerland and from there to Rome. By the intercession of the Bavarian Court he was admit- ted to the College of the Propaganda, where he studied for the next seven years. After completing his course of studies and being unable under the laws of his native land to return home he was sent by the Prefect of the Propaganda to the United States a sub-deacon. Chicago was selected as the field of his future services. Shortly after landing Bishop Van de Velde ordained him a priest, September 9, 1850. Ever since that day he had been in active service. His first appoint- ment was at Galena, and after that in various places of Illinois. In 1856 and part of '57 he had charge of St. Marie, Jasper county. October 26, 1859, we find him in charge of St. Alexis' at Beardstown. At this place he established a school in a rented building and purchased land for a graveyard. Here he remained for al- most seven years and here it was this great and generous man died March 20, 1866. The story of his last hours of life is a sad one. Having to attend a sick call during the night previous to his death, he waded a stream, con- tracted a severe cold, and instead of returning home at once and caring for himself, went on to Rushville, Schuyler county one of his missions paying with his life the excess of his zeal. Feeling the nearness of death he sent for Father Stick, then pastor of Mt. Sterling, but alas! had to die without the consolations of his church, the priest being unable to reach him in time. After solemn funeral services conducted by Revs. M. Clifford F. Stick and A. Busch, his remains were interred in the Cath- olic cemetery of Beardstown. Among his schoolmates in Rome he counted Cardinal Cullen, Archbishop Spalding, Bishop Rosecrans and Dr. Cummings of New York. R. I. P. REV. HENRY ALOYS HELLHAKE. ' 'And the south-wind sighing in the trees And the dead leaves rustling as they fall". Born at Quincy, 111., February 9, 1849, Father Hellhake was raised to the priesthood in his native city, April 21, 1872. He was an assistant at St. Boniface, Quincy, from May-August, 1872, and then served as pastor of St. Alexis parish of Beardstown from 1873-Aug. '75, after which he joined the Fort Wayne diocese, where he be- came pastor of St. John's church of Remington, in Jasper county. He died within recent years, Aug. 11, 1909, at Sheldon, Ind., where he was pastor of the local St. Aloysius church. R. I. P. Page Fifty-Five REV. EDWARD HERMANN. 1 'The star of life had risen Only to fade away". A priest of migratory propensities was Rev. Joseph Edward Hermann. He was a native of Silesia, born at Steinau, in the Diocese of Breslau. Having almost completed his studies in the old country, he came to the States November 18, 1859, and was ordained a priest by Bishop Juncker at Quincy, July 2, 1860. Among other places which he occupied in our dio- cese was that of St. Mary's, Edwards- ville, in 1866, succeeding Rev. G. Tuerk. On May 29, 1867, he left the diocese and entered upon the duties as pastor of St. Joseph's church at Mendota, 111., was transferred to Lin- coln, thereupon was made pastor of Matamora in 1871, and in 1872 was a chaplain in St. John's Hospital of Port Townsend in the diocese of Nesqually, Washington. The date of Father Her- man's death could not be ascertained. R. I. P. REV. JOHN HERLITZ. "Dies mei sieut umbra declinaverunt et ego ut foenum ami". Among the number of Neo-Presby- ters who, as graduates from the American College of Louvain had been ordained in the summer of 1877, was Rev. John Herlitz. A class pic- ture still extant and today in the pos- session of one of the ordinati of that year, shows our subject presiding over that class of graduates, for he was the oldest among them, having been or- dained when well advanced in years. Father Herlitz arrived in the Alton Diocese in the fall of that year and from the very start displayed great in- terest in his work. In 1885 he took .charge of Mitchell, attending at the :same time Bethalto. During a mission given by Father Braun, S. J., prepara- tory to the celebration of the patron feast of the church, on the eve of St. Martin's Day, during evening service, a defective flue set the church of Bethalto on fire, destroying it as well as the rectory adjoining. The first years of his priesthood were spent in the southern part of the Diocese, he had charge for several years of the parish of Anna. Before studying for the ministry at all, our deceased priest had been a member of a religious community of brothers and had taught school several years in England. Father Herlitz died Nov. 5, 1889, at the rectory of Mitchell and has found his last resting place in the small Catholic cemetery near that town. R. I. P. REV. LOUIS HINSSEN. "Lingering breezes pass As tenderly and slow, As if beneath the grass, A monarch slept below". The zealous and self-sacrificing community of Franciscan Hospital Sisters, whose Mother-house is loca- ted at Springfield, sustained a severe loss in the death of their able Direc- tor, Rev. Louis Hinssen. In good health until a few weeks before his death, his friends predicted for him many more years of active work. He died at St. Clara's Hospital, of Lin- coln, 111., whither he had retired at the advice of his physician, June 25, 1905. In the annual report for 1904- 1905 of St. John's Hospital of Spring- field, the Rev. Joseph S t r a u b, ap- pointed successor to decedent speaks at length of the life and merits of Father Hinssen. Here is the well- deserved tribute he pays to his mem- ory: Father Hinssen was born at Sons- beck, Germany, December 29th, 1834. In this little town he spent his early years and received his elementary education. After completing the rigid course of studies at the Gymnasium of Cleve, he entered the Seminary at Muenster, Westphalia, to prepare himself for his ordination to the priesthood. Page Fifty-Six About a year before his ordination, an event took place that was to make an important change in his plans. Up to this time Father H i n s s e n had thought of no other field of labor than that of his own native country. An address on the need of Catholic priests in the diocese of Alton, deliv- ered to the students of the Muenster Seminary, by Rt. Rev. Henry Damian Junker, the first Bishop of the diocese, inspired in young Hinssen a zeal lor missionary labor and aroused and confirmed in him the desire to emi- grate to America. With the determin- ation that characterized his actions all through life, he immediately set to work to carry out this new project. He did not wait for his ordination, but as soon as possible made the prepa- rations necessary for his departure; and with one companion landed in New York about the middle of the following year. Shortly after his arrival in this coun- try, he was ordained by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Juncker in the Cathedral of Alton, September 21, 1859, and within a few months was assigned to his first mission, the parish of Edwards- ville, Illinois. His work here was the difficult and arduous work of all the Catholic priests of southern Illinois in the early part of the latter half of the last century. He continued work- ing in the smaller parishes of the dio- cese until the beginning of the year 1870, when the newly consecrated Bishop Baltes appointed him his suc- cessor at St. Peter's Church, Belle- ville, Illinois. In this congregation he labored indefatigably for thirteen years, doing at times the work of three priests. At the end of this time he made a journey to Rome (to set- tle an acrimonious controversy which had arisen between the bishop and himself. Z.) After a sojourn of four- teen months at Rome he returned and took charge of a parish in Cairo, Illi- nois, whose pastor he remained till the close of the year 1886, when he began his successful work as Superior of the Franciscan Sisters' Community and Director of St. John's Hospital. The person who contemplates today the extensive building of St. John's Hospital, with its clock-work like management, can not even imagine the difficulties that confronted Father Hinssen when he assumed the duties of Director. No adequate idea of all that his untiring labor did for the hospital, and the Sisters of the hos- pital can be given in the small space of this brief sketch. Suffice it to say that his able financiering worked won- ders in decreasing the debt which weighed heavily upon the sisters. So successful was he that, aside from the many improvements in the hospital building- itself, and the improvements and additions to the branch houses in other cities, the sisters were able some years ago, without any dread of the future, to build the extensive ad- dition to St. John's hospital, which now adds beauty to the building and completes it on the west side. More than his successful financier- ing, however, we must admire his ef- ficient work in bringing the nursing in the institution up to the scientific standard found today in modern, well- equipped and well-managed hospitals. When Father Hinssen was made director he was almost a sexagenarian. Men at this age ordinarily are so fixed in their views that it requires, to say the least, a strenuous effort on their part to remain in touch with the pro- gress made in any field of science and art. They praise the practices of their own days and are not easily per- suaded to concede the good accom- plished by the discoveries and inven- tions of the younger contemporaries of their old age. Not so Father Hins- sen. In spite of his advanced years, and in spite of the fact that he was reared and educated at a time when hospital work was still in swaddling clothes, and most people considered the hospital only a place where sick paupers might spend their last miser- able days, Father Hinssen with a mind open to progress, kept pace with the rapid strides of improvements that hospitals were making both in regard to their architecture and man- agement, as well as in the nursing to be had in them. He had not occu- Page Fifty-Sev pied his position as Director very long when he saw the need of a well or- ganized and systematized training school, and in spite of his advanced age, he began to work out a plan for such a school. While thus engaged he was confronted by a serious diffi- culty. In his search for a text book, he found that there was none in ex- istence that would exactly suit the needs of hospital Sisters. This ob- stacle, however, did not deter him from prosecuting his undertaking. Seeing that he could not find a suit- able text book, he resolved to compile one. The result was "The Nursing Sister," a hand book for Sisters train- ing schools, which today is used in many of the Catholic hospitals of the United States and Canada, and which has even found its way across the ocean into some of the hospitals in England. In addition to the "Nurs- ing Sister" he compiled a smaller vol- ume, entitled "Hints for the Clinical Record," which serves as a supple- ment to the former and which met with as much success as its predeces- sor, the Hand-book of Nursing. The hospital in his charge, however, furnishes even better proof of Father Hinssen's ability to understand and appreciate modern progress, than his work for the training school and the compiling of text books of nursing. Everybody knows that today a hospi- tal which is not modern in equipment and up-to-date in nursing will fail to receive the patronage of the people, and consequently will not be able to exist, especially in a place where it has to meet the competition of other hospitals. Now St. John's hospital not only exists today, but at times in spite of its size has not sufficient room to accomodate its patrons. The num- ber of its patients has increased from 357 in 1886, the year when Father Hinssen was made Director, to 1,839 in 1905, the year of his death; In 1915 the number of patients was 4,500.) More need certainly not be said to show that Father Hinssen not only understood well the necessity of keep- ing in touch with modern progress, but that he also, with a mind fit to appreciate modern improvements, so managed the hospital and directed the Sisters that today St. John's hospital can without fear of contradiction be said to be among the foremost hos- pitals in the State. During a long life of labor, vivified by zeal for the honor of God and the good of his fellow- men, Father Hinssen has erected for himself many a monument that will make his name live long in the mem- ory of those for whom he worked. But foremost among these monuments is St. John's hospital, for it will pro- claim his praise to coming genera- tions, a praise that will find its echo in the benedictions, especially of all those who have and will have the good fortune to share the kind care and scientific treatment of the Sisters of this hospital. A few closing words on the char- acter of the deceased will without doubt find interested readers in all those who had the pleasure of know- ing him. The straight figure of the grey- haired man of three score and ten that could be seen daily on the streets of the city certainly yet lives in the memory of many. The carriage of the man was the index of his character. His erect head and body may be con- sidered the outward manifestation of the lofty ideals with which his mind was im'bued, whereas his firm step gave evidence of his inflexible will in the pursuance of what he considered true and just. Yet in this unbending frame, which harbored a strong mind and autrocratic iron will, also beat the kind heart of a father. His sympathy went out to all. He was a m'an who felt as his own the sufferings and troubles of his fellowmen. No one in trouble knocked in vain at the door of his heart, he was sure to find it the source of kind words of sympathy and consolation, and, if necessary, of sub- stantial aid. Father Hinssen's chari- ties were the cause of his dying a poor man as regards worldly possessions. His purpose in life was not to accum- ulate riches, but to do all the good that was in his power, and to obtain Page Fifty-Eight this end he exerted himself to the utmost. The days of Father Hinssen's life were days of labor to the very end. The world gave him little of that with which she is wont to reward her votaries. He asked it not. His view was fixed on another realm a place where, he was firmly convinced, a reward would be given him, in com- parison to which all that the world can offer shrinks into insignificance. For this he worked, with this con- viction he died, and we may be cer- tain that his labor was not in vain. R. I. P. REV. CORNELIUS HOFFMANN. 'When my eyes are slowly closing, And I fade from earth away, And when Death, the stern destroyer Claims my body as his prey, Claim my soul, and then, sweet Mary, Ora pro me''. A man of rare qualities of mind and heart, forebearing, gentle and sensi- tive, such was our subject, Father Hoffman. Of frail constitution and feeble health, he was wont to lead a more or less retired and quiet life, chiefly occupying himself with his friends on the library shelf, his books. He was known to be a fine scholar of literary attainments. Rev. Cornelius Hoffmann was born February 15, 1846, at Breyel on the Rhine. His studies were made at Gaesdonk and Muenster and were finished at St. Francis Seminary, Mil- waukee, where he was ordained March 13, 1869, by Bishop Martin Henni, of Milwaukee. He became an assistant at St. Peter's parish, Belle- ville, from March, 1869-June 25, '69; rector of Mt. Sterling from June, 1860-June, 71; rector of St. Joseph's, Cairo, which church he built, from June 1871-October, 73; rector of St. Wendel and Newton, from October 1873-October, 76; assistant at St. Boniface, Quincy, from August 1878- Xovember, '85; rector of Fayetteville, from November 1885, at Bartelso from September, 1889 till his death, Novem- ber 28, 1891. He was buried at Bar- telso. Solemn obsequies were per- formed by Bishop Janssen whilst the late Msgr. Abbelen of Milwaukee, a former schoolmate and lifelong friend of deceased, spoke a touching funeral sermon. R. I. P. Page Fifty-Nine REV. THOMAS HOGAN. "The 'hours fly fast; With each some sorrow dies With each some shadow flies, Until at last The red dawn in the east Bids weary night depart And pain is past". 'Widespread regret was evoked by the premature demise of Rev. Thomas Hogan, pastor of St. Peter's parish of Petersburg, which occured at the parochial residence, January 12, 1884. The young priest was but twenty- seven years old when death overtook him. Born at Oak Creek, now South Milwaukee, Wis., he lost his parents when yet a tender child. The Aemi- lianum, an orphanage, located next to St. Francis Seminary, became his home, the devoted Sisters his trusted and loving friends and benefactors who at all times watched over his growing years with zealous motherly care and solicitude. At the proper time in the fall of 1870, he entered as student St. Francis Seminary to prepare himself for the attainment of his lofty ideal, the priesthood, and he proved himself an excellent student. By his noble and gentlemanly deport- ment and close application to study he won universal respect. The many priests who were school companions of deceased entertained the highest opinion of him and spoke enthusias- tically of his genial disposition, his solid piety and his sterling character. On June 29, 1879, he was ordained priest by Bishop Baltes at Alton and at once appointed to the pastoral charge of Petersburg and its two de- pendencies, Greenview and Ashland. With -characteristic zeal the young priest entered upon his work, captur- ing in a short time good the wishes of every one. The present handsome St. Augustine church of Ashland owes its construction to the indefatigable Father Hogan. Whilst his labors in his sphere of action had already proven abundantly fruitful yet they augured still more so for the future. And with vim and vigor he prosecuted his holy vocation, when a malady flung the zealous worker on the couch of sickness. Medical aid did not avail and the young priest, not yet five years in the ministry, soon sank into the slumber of death. We were present at the funeral which took place at St. Francis Sem- inary in accordance with the oft ex- pressed wishes of deceased. The body was accompanied thither by Rev. John Dietrich, then an assistant at Jacksonville. Obsequies were had in the Seminary chapel January 16, with Father Willmes of Milwaukee as cele- brant and Revs. J. Dietrich and Nic Thill as assistants, while Father Jos. Rainer, then professor at the Semin- ary (of late nominated a "Notary Apostolic" by the Holy See, appointed a Vicar General of the Milwaukee diocese and who has acted for years Rector of the seminary) preached the funeral sermon. The remains were interred in the little cemetery ad- joining the Chapel of the Woods. R. I. P. REV. HENRY JOSEPH HOVEN. "Beyond the Land, Beyond the Sea, There shall be rest For thee and me". To cele'brate the "Golden Sacerdotal Jubilee" is a privilege accorded to but very few priests, the majority are gathered to their reward long ere this. Such a great commemorative day was reserved for Rev. H. J. Hoven, when in the fall of 1911, he celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination to Page Sixty the priesthood. Whoever saw and wit- nessed the solemn ceremonies on that day at the Immaculate Conception church of Springfield, was surely sur- prised how the aged priest, still vig- orous and robust, had so well out- lived, nay, by far surpassed the bibli- cal age of three score and ten. And yet Divine Providence had still three more years in store for him. It was on June 9, 1914, that Father Hoven peacefully slumbered away at his pri- vate residence in Carlinville, at the age of 79 years. There he was buried. The departed jubilarian was born at Kirspenich, in the Diocese of Cologne, June 8, 1835, arrived in the States in June, 1861, and received Holy Orders at Alton, November 24, 1861, from Bishop Juncker. From the day of his ordination to that of his death, he was always and everywhere faithful and exact in his duties. His first mission was Ste. Marie, from whence he was sent to Marshall, where he laid the foundation for the present handsome church. From Marshall he attended Paris, North Arm and Charleston, a territory embracing three counties. From that laborious mission he was transferred to Jerseyville on March 26, 1865, where his health began to fail under the constant strain. At this time he absented himself from the diocese for awhile. On his return he was appointed to Carlinville with in- structions to rebuild the church which had been destroyed by a storm and also to erect a new church for the German Catholics of the place, St. Jo- seph's. His next incumbency was Pittsfield, 1878-'80, then Pana and Shelbyville. From the latter place de- ceased was transferred to Carrollton, 1892-1903. Finally he was moved back to Carlinville where he spent two years as pastor of St. Mary's, and two years and three months as pastor of St. Joseph's church. When by the death of Father Schlegel a vacancy occurred in the parish of Highland, Father Hoven was designated his suc- cessor but declined the offer; instead he became pastor of Morrisonville and later a little while pastor of Ray- mond. His "Golden Jubilee" was cele- brated October 17, 1911. During the latter years of his life his health had gradually been failing, and during two seasons he sought the quiet retreat in St. Mary's hospital of Quincy. Old in years, rich in merit, loved by his brother priests and respected by the laity, he obeyed the final call of the Master whom he had ever served faithfully. Father- Hoven was a fine English scholar, a man of reserve and retire- ment, a pattern of tidiness and neat appearance. Besides being a zealous priest he had the reputation of an ac- complished musician and skillful or- ganist. May his soul rest in peace! REV. LAWRENCE HOYE. ''The hours are flying; Each one some treasure takes, Each one some blossom breaks, And leaves it dying". Brown's Settlement in Christian county had the honor and privilege of harboring from 1889-98 a conspicuous though humble and unassuming pas- tor in the person of Rev. Father Law- rence Hoye. A ripe scholar of bril- liant attainments was he, one who had distinguished himself for many years of his priestly career an eminent in- structor and had occupied a profes- sor's chair in various seats of learning. He who for years had associated with men of great worth and prominence had come to seek the quiet and repose- ful environments of St. Isidore's there to spend the declining years of his priestly life preparatory to the last summons. Physical infirmaries to- gether with old age demanded an ab- solute relinquishment of any further strenuous efforts or new undertak- ings. His was a golden heart, at all times kind, gentle and courteous. Serene and happy amid rural surroundings highly esteemed by his confreres and possessing the unqualified love and veneration of this sturdy community, the aged rector appeared to be the personification of contentment. Such at least was the impression the dear old man made upon me when an oc- casional visit led me to his secluded hermitage. Sincerely mourned by all, Father Hoyne peacefully passed away on February 20, 1898, at St. Isidore's rec- tory. The funeral took place from St. Agnes Church, Springfield, (Rev. J. J. Page Sixty -One Howard, D. D. pastor) from which he wished to be buried. Bishop Ryan pontificated at the solemn obsequies and Rev. Ferdinand Stick, then pastor of Morrisonville, pronounced the fun- eral oration. His body rests in the Springfield Catholic cemetery. Father Hoyne was a native of the Emerald Isle, coming to this country when quite young. In the Eastern states where he frequented the schools he received a thorough literary and scientific education. He was on inti- mate terms with Archbishop Hughes and came West with Bishop Quarter, of Chicago. In 1847 we find him a sub-deacon studying Theology at the Chicago Catholic University, where two years later he occupied the chair of Philos- ophy, Mathematics and French whilst Mr. J. P. Baltes, the future Bishop of Alton, taught German Literature. In 1851 Father Hoye was prefect of the Seminary. Afterwards we find him associated with the late Bishop McFaul of Rochester, in Seaton Hall College and Seminary. One of his scholars who subsequently rose to national fame, was John Gilmary Shea, the eminent historian, whose graduating diploma he signed. Though a scholar of the first water. Father Hoye was as shy and modest as he was learned. He showed the earnestness of his zeal by attending the cholera patients in Chicago in 1849. When Bishop Baltes was appointed to the See of Alton, his old friend returned West to share his labors. He was appointed to St. Patrick's church, Ruma, Randolph county, at the same time teaching in the Diocesan Semin- ary located there. From 1874-78 he acted as pastor of Pittsfield, moving thence to Carlinville, where he built the St. Mary's parochial residence. In view of granting the now aged man in a quiet country place the much needed rest, Bishop Ryan sent him to Brown's Settlement. In March, 1889, as above stated, this saintly little man died. R. I. P. REV. MICHAEL HURLEY. Bishop-elect of Peoria, 1875. ' 'The fret, and the strife and the burden Will be softened and laid away". A quondam pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Spring- field, was Rev. M. Hurley, having been appointed to the position in 1854. He succeeded Rev. Michael Prendergast. Owing to the briefness of his stay of but a few months, which were rather void of any nota- ble achievements, we would be temp- ted to be satisfied with the mere men- tion of this short incumbency were it not for the important fact that the erstwhile Springfield pastor had been chosen by the Holy See to become first Bishop of Peoria. This new dio- cese was created in 1875, by a sub- division of the Chicago diocese. Father Hurley was at the time pastor of St. Patrick's church of Peoria. He had been pastor of all the English speaking Catholics of the city, St. Mary's since 1864, and when the parish was divided in 1868 had chosen the new St. Patrick's parish in which to continue his labors. While he was Page Sixty -Two by virtue of location and his know- ledge of the new diocese, the most available candidate for the position, he modestly and humbly signified his wishes to the Holy See, at the same time returning the bulls of appoint- ment. Singularly his declination and the bulls never reached Rome, but went down off, the coast of France in a vessel lost at sea. Pope Pius IX and the Prepaganda were advised from other sources of the state of affairs and on November 28, 1876, Rev. John Lancaster Spalding was appointed Bishop of the new See. Father Michael Hurley built the present St. Patrick's church of Peoria in 1878, and erected a commodious brick school house in 1888. He was born in Tipperary, Ireland, in the year 1826. His education was completed at Dublin, where he was raised to the priesthood. Coming to this country he labored as priest in Lockport, Bloomington and Spring- field before coming to Peoria as pastor of St. Patrick's church in 1864. His death occured at Peoria on December 11, 1892. R. I. P. REV. FRANCIS H. HUSSEY. "Let us revere the power of the Unseen And know a world of mystery is near". On November 18, 1914, a young dio- cesan priest breathed his last in Providence, R. I. It was Father Francis H. Hussey. After his ordina- tion in Buffalo, February 29, 1896, he acted as assistant at St. Peter's church of Quincy, after which he was made pastor of the parish of Bloomfield in 1898, to be transferred the next year, in 1899, to Virden. The latter place he relinquished after a few years in- cumbency for that of New Douglas. Failing in health Father Hussey went to Beresford, South Dakota. In Au- gust, 1914, he returned to his former home in Central Falls. R. I., in hopes that a rest would enable him to regain his lost health. He died from cerebral hemorrhage at his sister's house in Providence on above mentioned date. His funeral took place from Holy Trinity Church of Central Falls, R. I., Nov. 21, 1914. Father F. H. Hussey was the son of John and Catherine (McDermott) Hussey, and was born in Albion, R. I., October 2, 1869. R. I. P. REV. ADOLPHUS JACQUES. "Then strange words upon the silence broke, And I listened as the Angels spoke". Among the brave band of early missionaries whose coming hither was more or less contemporaneous with the advent of the First Bishop of Alton, Rt. Rev. Damian Junker, D. D., were a number of zealous apos- tolic men from France. Here as everywhere else they performed yeo- man work, they were truly pathfinders and trail-blazers who left in their wake many a grateful heart to bless their memory. In looking over the accounts of the pioneer work accomplished by these heroic men we encounter such names as Gonant, Dubois, Bedard, Laurent, Recouvreur, Zabel, Jacques and others equally distinguished. With a single exception, these men have all passed away from the scenes of their ex- ploits, all have received from the Master of the great vine yard in which indefatigably they toiled and moiled through so many years from early till late merited compensation. From the above mentioned list we single out one whose tragic ending elicited at the time universal sympa- thy and sorrow, namely, Rev. Father A. Jacques. In detailing his life and activity in the Alton diocese, we turn for information to the columns of the "New World," where the following narrative is thus related. It reads: Rev. John Adolphus Jacques was born in 1836 at Buriville, diocese of Nancy, France. He made his classical Page Sixty-Three course at the Seminary of Pona- Mousson and his philosophical and theological studies at the Great Sem- inary of Nancy, leading his class in both establishments. After spending a few months at All Hallows' College in Ireland he came over to America with Bishop Junker and was ordained by him on the 3rd of May, 1859. After assisting for awhile at St. Mary's, Springfield, he was sent suc- cessively to Shawneetown, Kaskas- kia, Paris, Virginia, Beardstown 1867- 68 and then to Assumption where he did very good work. Two years be- fore his coming thither a general sub- scription had been taken up for the building of a new church, but nothing was accomplished until he came. In the fall of 1869 the corner-stone of the new building was laid by Ad- ministrator P. J. Baltes; Rev. D. S. Phelan, the late well known editor of the Western Watchman, of St. Louis, preaching the English and Rev. F. H. Zabel, D. D., the French sermon. Fairs and subscriptions supplied the means. It took until the year 1872 to have the building under roof. In 1874, Father Jacques finding the congregation unwilling to supply him with a becoming residence, left and went to Shelbyville, though still at- tending Assumption. This move stirred up the people who at once built a house. When Father Jacques left Shelby- ville he was sent to Cahokia, at the same time attending Centerville Sta- tion. In the heated term of July, 1878, he was compelled to travel from Centerville to Cahokia in an open wagon under the mid-day broiling sun to attend the funeral of a child. As he reached home, he felt prostra- ted, had no one to help him in his sad condition, and expired unattended, being found two days afterwards, July 17, dead, a martyr to priestly duty. His body, swollen beyond measure, was buried in the village graveyard by Rev. P. J. O'Halloran and Rev. Chris Koenig, both of East St. Louis. Father Jacques was a refined scholar, a writer of uncommon merit, as honorable as he was eccentric. His delight was to impart religious in- struction to the rising-generation, thus planting the seeds for future harvest. R. I. P. V. REV. JOHN JANSSEN, V. G. "What words can speak the joy For thee in store ? What smiles of earth can tell Of peace like thine? Silence and tears are best For things divine". 'Very Rev. John Janssen, V. G. (late Bishop of Belleville), was born March 3, 1835, at Keppeln, Rhine- land. He received his early educa- tion in the parochial schools of his native town and pursued the higher studies, classics and theology, partly at Gaesdonck, partly at Muenster. When he had almost finished the the- ological course, the young ecclesiastic decided to come to America. On November 19, 1858, Bishop Juncker conferred Holy Orders on him in the Cathedral church of Alton. Our neo- presbyter was assigned to old St. John's church of Springfield. (This has since ceased to exist and in its place the present St. Peter and Paul's church and parish were built.) Besides Page Sixty-Four being pastor of the Springfield congre- gation he likewise extended his pas- toral care over the parish of New Berlin. Next we find him in the chan- cellor's office and a few years later he is made Vicar General of the dio- cese, which position he retained till elevated to the episcopacy. On Sep- tember 1st, 1877-December 31st, 1879, Father Janssen acted as pastor of St. Boniface parish of Q u i n c y, after which he was appointed rector of the Cathedral parish of Alton. At the death of Bishop Baltes, which oc- cured February 18, 1886, Archbishop Feehan of Chicago made him an ad- ministrator of the diocese (sede va- cante,) and after its division on Janu- ary 7, 1887, also administrator of the new See of Belleville. On the 28th day of February he was chosen by Rome to become the first Bishop of the newly created southern diocese and received the episcopal consecra- tion at St. Peter's Cathedral of Belle- ville on April 25, of the same year. Father Janssen was a man of gentle and amiable disposition. His priestly career as pastor was rather unevent- ful; as chancellor and Bishop's secre- tary, he was known to be very prompt and accurate; as Vicar General and Administrator, wise and prudent. He died July 2, 1913. His remains were sepulchred in a vault beneath the sanctuary in St. Peter's Cathedral of Belleville. R. I. P. REV. JOSEPH JELE. "Gone to the beautiful city above To rest in the bocom of infinite love". From among the visions of the past there arises before me in the con- tours of imagined reality the great, bulky figure of a generous and ten- der-hearted man, one whose principal fault, if such it may be called, was a tendency of over-communicativeness; it is Rev. Joseph Jele, simple, kind, child-like man. Born in wonderful Alpine Tyrol, September 4, 1850, he joined in the early days of his young manhood the Capuchin Friars, who are particularly numerous in his native land, and was ordained to the priesthood during Eastertide, 1876. As professed religious he was known by the name of Father Angelus. O. M. Cap. As such he taught for a number of years at the St. Lawrence Capuchin College, of Mt. Calvary, Fond du Lac Co. Wisconsin, where he enjoyed the universal esteem and love of the college boys. When in 1884 he applied for permission to join the secular clergy and having obtained the permit from the Superior General of the Capuchins at Rome, Bishop Baltes assigned him assistant to Father Meckel of St. Paul's church of Highland, there to look after the in- terests of the various out-missions then connected with Highland, viz: Pocahontas, St. Jacob, Troy and Black Jack. He was of a rather impetuous and impulsive zealousness in the per- formance of his work. In September, 1888, Father Jele was transferred to Springfield, there to assist Rev. A. J. Pennartz, in the work at 'St. Peter and Paul's parish, where he was likewise successfully active. In less than two years, however, he was stricken down with illness which within a few days terminated fatally for the then still young priest. April 26, 1890. His body was sepulchred on Tuesday, April 29, followed to its last resting place in the priest's lot by many mourning parishioners and a number of brother priests. R. I. P. Page Sixty-Five REV. HERMAN JOSEPH FRANCIS JUNGMANN. "The time of toil is past, and night has come The last and saddest of the harvest eves. Worn out with labor long and wearisome Drooping and faint, the reapers hasten home Each laden with his sheave". When Rev. F. Metzger, the then newly appointed pastor of St. An- thony's parish of Effingham and dean of that district had unexpectedly died whilst visiting at his boyhood home in Germany, Rev. H. Jungmann was selected his successor to fill the vacan- cy. At the time of this appointment he was stationed in the Southern part of the diocese, at Murphysboro, with jurisdiction over the neighboring towns. How judiciously the selection of Father Jungmann to the vacant post of Effingham was made, his splendid administration of parish affairs, both temporal and spiritual, fully demonstrated. For eighteen years St. Anthony's pastor served his congregation most efficiently. It was done in a quiet, unobstructive manner. The secret of his success was his Page Sixty-Six kindness, modesty and charity. Har- mony and peace reigned within the parish, hence great results were scored. In this connection we quote the following from the columns of the Effingham Democrat of April 6. 1895: "The members of St. Anthony's con- gregation are sensible of the great work done by Father Jungmann, their priest and pastor, whose ministrations towards his flock were ever full of that fervor and zeal which character- ized his life as a faithful and devoted priest and which earned and main- tained that love and respect of all in the communities in which he labored. Father Jungmann will be long re- membered in Effingham. The mater- ial monuments which speak of his 18 years of labor in this community may crumble into dust but the influence of his zealous, self-sacrificing work will endure. Fearless in the pulpit, tire- less in labor, he was the advisor, teacher and model of his flock. When he took charge of the Effingham con- gregation he found an indebtedness of $17,000 to meet. So well he managed the finances that at his death there would have been practically no debt had not extensive improvements been made in 1884 and 1885. During these years several thousands of dollars have been spent upon the church; and the fine parochial school house and residence have been built. Never in the city has there been a more largely attended funeral. Father Jungmann had earned the love and respect of all classes." Father H. J. F. Jungmann was born October 1, 1846, at Ochtrup in West- phalia, of a pious family, which gave to the church three priests, two of whom distinguished themselves as professors and authors, both gradu- ates of the Roman College, one a Jesuit, professor of sacred eloquence at the Insbruck University, and the other professor of Church History at the Louvain University. After previous studies made in Westphalia, Father Jungmann repaired to the American College of Louvain, where he studied for the diocese of Alton. Ordained to the priesthood December 23, 1871, at Malines, he started for the future field of his labors the following Sep- tember. Wherever he was, he edified all by his sincere piety and zeal, espe- cially in the training of the young the hope of the Church. Good Father Jungmann was called to his reward on April 6, 1895, and slumbers in the shadow of the cross in St. Anthony's cemetery of Effing- ham. R. I. P. REV. MANASSES KANE. "Here the scene ends! The shadows flee away! And morning breaks in everlasting day! O what a contrast! What ecstatic bliss On passing thither from a world like this!" In the list of our Cathedral rectors we find the name of Rev. Manasses Kane enumerated. He was called thither from Macon, where he had re- sided from 1874-75, and served in the capacity of Cathedral pastor from 1875-76. At this time steps were con- templated for the founding of a new parish in Springfield. The Ursuline Academy there had for years been in a flourishing condition, the city had de- veloped with strides and bounds in that direction so that a "crying need" was felt for a new parish. It was to be St. Joseph's and Father Kane its founder and first pastor. The good man performed laudable work and put up a fine church. During his pastor- ate of St. Joseph's the energetic priest looked likewise after the in- terests of St. Mary's of Illiopolis, where he enlarged the little frame church by adding an addition to it so as to accomodate the seventy-five families forming the parish. Father Kane remained at the head of St. Joseph's of Springfield from its in- ception in 1876 till his retirement in 1881. Rev. Mannasses Kane was born in Banagher Diocese of Derry, Ireland, in January, 1836, and was raised to the priesthood at Montreal, Dec. 17, 1870. After relinquishing St. Joseph's. Father Kane went West, subsequent- ly became a Trappist and died in 1914 at Long Point near Montreal. Before deceased took up studies for the priesthood he had been a Brother of the Holy Cross Community, a teaching order connected with the great educational institution of Notre Dame, Ind. R. I. P. REV. PATRICK KEARNEY. "Where the golden evening light was burn- ing". All that is known of Father Kear- ney is that from 1865-'66, he was pas- tor of St. Mary's at Pittsfield, from 1866-'69 pastor at Winchester, and from 1869-70 at Mt. Sterling. Whence he came and whither he went is a question that awaits solution. Page Sixty-Seven REV. J. P. KERR. Among the church's priests who dis- tinguished themselves by ever faith- fully attending to their entrusted stewardship, Rev. John Patrick Kerr, for twenty-one years pastor of St. Peter's parish of Quincy, occupies a promin entplace. When death claimed him, the members of St. Peter's con- gregation sincerely mourned because deprived of a loyal friend, safe guide and exemplary shepherd, the com- munity had lost a good and upright citizen. On the morning after his demise, a local paper had the following "In Memoriam" penned by a brother priest: "When death invaded the St. Peter's presbytery on last evening summon- ing the pastor of his flock away from the scene of his many year's ministra- tions and activities, many a heart was overpowered with sincerest, genuine sadness at the mournful intelligence for he whose demise was the cause of so much regret was an exemplary good man. "Ever since his ordination to the priesthood, Rev. Father J. P. Kerr Page Sixty-Eight has proven himself a faithful worker in the cause of his Master, eschewing notoriety and publicity but in a quiet, unassuming way conscientious- ly complying with his sacerdotal pastoral duties. True to his calling his every word and deed was calcu- lated to stimulate the weak to action and the strong to perseverance to bless and to uplift. The duty of the hour claimed and received all his at- tention, he spent himself in earnest, persevering labor in an humble, modest and kindly way. To his superiors in authority he showed forever a loyal heart and submissive will, to his clerical friends, a companionable disposition. "His late years have been years of suffering patiently borne. The cross was his solace, and no doubt he of- fered his sufferings in unison with those of his Master for whom he spent the toilsome years of his minis- try. And the evening found him still working. He would work until the lassitude of a fatal malady at last laid him prostrate. His work was well done, and the Master called him to his reward. His day-star has risen to set no more for him." The following poem, a tribute to the late Father Kerr, appeared in a local paper: Farewell, but not for aye, kind friend Firm faith and hope once more Shall reunite our friendship's bonds More closely than before. Where suns of glory never set, Where souls of mortals never fret, On that bright shore For evermore. Firm faith and hope thy heart upheld When life waned on thy sight, Amid the tumult of the sea They steered thy barque aright, And led thee to the roadsted mild Where thou wert welcomed as tfod's child To heaven's shore For evermore I Rev. John P. Kerr was born De- cember 29, 1843, in Enniskillen, Ire- land. At the age of 24 he came to America and was raised to the priest- hood March 19, 1875, by the Rt. Rev. P. J. Baltes, second Bishop of Alton. Among the various parishes which he successively presided over were Bloomfield, in Adams county, Brown s Settlement, in Montgomery county, Carlinville, and finally St. Peter's in Quincy, to which latter position he was appointed upon the death of his predecessor Rev P. McGirr in 1893. On the death of Rev. Michael Weis which occured November 9, 1909, Father Kerr succeeded him as Dean of the Quincy Deanery. For many years he had been in poor, feeble health; various trips to Ireland, his native country, and to sunny Florida for the sake of recuperation, were in vain. A complication of diseases de- veloped which hastened his death on March 2, 1914. Among other legacies and charitable bequests the thought- ful man willed the sum of $10,000 to St. Peter's parish. R. I. P. REV. ANTON KERSTING. "The flash that struck thy tree No more to shelter thee . Coming to this country and dio- cese in 1881 from Germany, Rev. Anton Kersting was ordered to assist the pastor of St. Paul's church of Highland. Possessed of fervor and enthusiasm for his holy calling, our young assistant priest gathered before long a nucleus of a promising future congregation at Troy. Divine service was temporarily held in a small rented hall until 1883, when a modest little frame church took its place. In Black Jack, another mission connected with Highland at the time the young priest succeeded in putting up a neat brick church. His continuance in Highland, however, was soon to ter- minate. Father Kersting asked for and was given an indefinite leave of absence. He repaired to his native country from whence he failed to return. His death there was chroni- cled in recent years. R. I. P. REV. JOHN PETER KLEIN. "Fast and deep the river floweth, Floweth to the West". This aged, venerable priest claimed Saargemuend, in Lorraine his birth- place. There he was born May 17, 1822. Having duly prepared himself for his lofty vocation in the schools and Seminary of Metz, he received Holy Orders June 6, 1846 and arrived in the States September 20, 1853. Pre- vious to his departure from his native land the young priest had been sta- tioned as teacher in various colleges. He was appointed April 4, 1867, to the parish of Carrollton. He found a heavy church debt to contend with but by contsant exertions succeeded in paying it off. His subsequent ap- pointment was to the pastorate of French Village, where he worked faithfully from August 17, 1871, till November, 1890. Partially paralyzed, he retired to St. Mary's hospital of East St. Louis, where he died August 9, 1896. His remains were interred in Holy Cross cemetery. R. I. P. Page Sixty-Nine VERY REV. P. MAURITIUS KLOSTERMANN, 0. F. M. "I heard a promise gently fall I heard a far-off Shepherd call The weary and the broken-hearted Promising rest unto each and all.' ' The greatest and noblest of all dio- cesan Franciscan priests, one who most earnestly worked for and gladly spent his energies both physical and mental in the upbuilding of our dio- cese, was undoubtedly dear old Father Mauritius Klosterrmann, O. F. M. The mere mention of his name evokes with all who had the good fortune and privilege of knowing him more inti- mately many happy memories of by- gone days, especially with those over whose training and education he pre- sided. The former college boys of Teutopolis, now men of mature age, are foremost in gratefully treasuring his name and memory and in giving unstinted praise and appreciation of this good man's efforts in their behalf. He was the heart and soul of that institution. No boy was ever un- justly or even harshly dealt with by him, nay, many were there whose faults and shortcomings were gener- ously overlooked and kindly par- doned, a slight reprimand and all was serene and calm again as ever. His was a personality therefore which won the susceptible hearts of the boys in uncommon degree. He was of an unusually magnanimous disposition, manifesting at all times a spirit of broadest charity and utter unselfish- ness. Though firm and unalterable in his convictions and the sense of right, he was by no means a stern man, on the contrary, was very pleasant in his manners, humorous and witty in his conversation and made himself beloved by all with whom he came in closer contact. He was also a man of profound piety and showed an extraordinary zeal and devotion for the Blessed Sacrament which is evi- denced by the little book entitled: ''Three Days of Spiriutal Exercises Be- fore Receiving First Holy Commun- ion," and again in his "Meditations For Each Day o.f the Month." He was, moreover, a man of broad intellect and a fluent and forcible German pul- pit speaker, a fact which at times is still alluded to by older people. Being well on in years when coming to this country, Father Mauritius found some difficulty in expressing himself cor- rectly and faultlessly in English which fact gave rise to many inno- cent little jokes and stories which are related to this very day of course by former students. For many years he accompanied the late Bishop Bal- tes on the annual confirmation trips through the diocese. Adolph Klostermann was born at Lippborg in Westphalia, August 30. 1820, of a family which, as record show, had furnished teachers of this place continually since 1751, if not earlier. Like his father, Adolph chose the vocation of teacher. His primary education he received from his father and after attending the Seminary at Buerren from August, 1838-40 he graduated with honors, being declared "eligible for a position as teacher and well qualified for the position of or- Page Seventy ganist, having practiced well on the piano and organ.' After teaching school for fourteen years, the unex- pected death of a dear friend a lady to whom he was engaged to be mar- ried opened the eyes of the young teacher, who was a man of high ideals, to the vanity of worldly pursuits, and encouraged 'by a Franciscan brother, he entered the Order at Warendorf as lay brother, October 12, 1854. But his superiors, noticing his talent for teaching, advised him to study for the priesthood. He volunteered for the American Missions. In 1859 he came to Teutopolis, and in February, 1860, to Quincy, where he was or- dained July 2, 1860 in St. Boniface church by Bishop Junker. He be- came the first pastor of St. Anthony's in Melrose, near Quincy, the first or- ganist of St. Francis and its first parochial school teacher. From 1864- 1882 Father Mauritius acted as Rector of St. Joseph's college at Teutopolis and for ten years, 1869-79 filled the office of Commissary to the Provin- cial. In 1882 our veteran College Rector resigned his position owing to failing eye-sight and was elected guardian of the Quincy Monastery. In July, 1885, Father Mauritius was elec- ted Provincial of the newly estab- lished Province of the Sacred Heart, which had become independent of the old German "Saxonia" Province. His term of office over, he went to In- dianapolis and thence soon after to Teutopolis, where on April 28, 1890 he returned his beautiful spotless soul into the hands of his Maker. With the passing of this great, illus- trious good man there passed away a true Nathaniel in whom there was no guile, an able teacher, an ideal pious priest and a model religious. Few men enjoyed such an extended circle of friends as he did, for to know him was to love him. P. M a r i t i u s was moreover an able musician and fine composer; he left a number of valu- able compositions, among which two able compositions, among which are two Masses and a beautiful "Abend- lied." In pedagogics decedent was without question an accepted authority. His mortal remains were interred in the Franciscan crypt at Teutopolis, where they rest in peace until they will be re-united with their nobler tenant on the Great Judgment Day to participate in and partake of the happiness and bliss of heaven. R. 1. P. REV. PETER KOLOPP. The deceased was born in 1834 at Nancy, France; ordained to the priest- hood July 14, 1858, and acted as as- sistant priest to Father Schaefer- meyer at St. Boniface church of Quincy, from September 17, 1863 April 19, 1864. He went to the Cleve- land diocese, where, in June, 1866, he was appointed to St. Peter's parish of Doylestown, in Wayne county. He died a subject of that diocese. R. I. P. Page Seventy-One REV. WM. KUCHENBUCH. "Lead me, O Lord, till perfect Day shall shine Through Peace to Light". Among the twenty-five theological students who pursued their higher studies at the St. Joseph's College of Teutopolis from 1862-65, was Rev. William Kuchenbuch, a native of Hundshagen, Westfalia, where he was born August 15, 1836. At the age of fourteen he came to America, July 28, 1850, took up the regular course of classical studies, entered the above mentioned Seminary and was or- dained by Bishop Juncker, December 6th, 1863, in the college chapel of Teu- topolis. With him were three more young men ordained, viz: J. Harty, Ferd Stick and Jeremias Sullivan. From the time of his ordination in 1863 till the year 1875, young Father Kuchenbuch worked well in various parishes, of the Alton diocese, such as Edwardsville, where in 1867, he pur- chased a plot of land 500x300 to DC used for church purposes, respectively for a new church by the German Catholics of Edwardsville, at same time he caused a brick yard to be started to supply the necessary brick for the contemplated building. From Edwardsville he was sent to Quincy as assistant to Rev. Schaefermeyer of St. Boniface, after which we meet him as pastor of St. Mary's parish of Mt. Sterling. For several reasons Father Kuchenbuch severed connec- tion with the Alton diocese and joined that of Peoria, where he served the parishes of Danville, Brimfield, Hen- nepin and Peterstown (Troy Grove.) To this last named place he was sent in 1892 and continued till February 17, 1906, on which date after a short illness he died and was buried in the small Catholic cemetery of Peters- town. Father Kuchenbuch was a worthy and conscientious priest, very exact in his functions and duties but rather eccentric and singular in disposition and habits. His thin, haggard feat- ures and snow white hair stamped him an ascetic. R. I. P. REV. JOSEPH KUENSTER. "Faithful servant! sweet thy rest With thy Savior and the blest! " All thy trials now are o'er, Sorrow ne'er shall pain thee more." The first resident pastor who was assigned to St. Peter's congregation of Belleville, 111., was Rev. Joseph Kuenster. This was in November, 1842. Conditions there were anything but agreeable and encouraging. Of undaunted determination and will Page Seventy-Two power, however, which knew neither defeat nor failure, he at once planned the erection of a church. In the face of marked opposition he succeeded in his undertaking. Great was his joy when on Christmas morning, 1843, he was able to say Holy Mass in -the modest little structure 60 x 40, to which Archbishop Kendrick in the spring of that year had laid the cor- ner stone. But alas! Opposition grew stronger as time passed. This was principally occasioned by his stern refusal to permit a fallen-away Cath- olic woman to act as sponsor at Baptism. Xot only that, but he him- self became the object of villification, slander and blackguardism. His enemies conspired to rid themselves of his presence. In this they suc- ceeded. When met on a lonely coun- try road homeward bound, they dragged him from his conveyance and for almost 24 hours kept him im- prisoned in a stable beyond Center- ville. Utterly disheartened and dis- gusted at the indignant treatment to which he was subjected, Father Kuen- ster left Belleville and went to Teu- topolis, there to assume charge of St. Peter's parish. This was in 1845. (With the advent of the Franciscans ?n Teutopolis, September 25, 1858, the name of the patron of that parish was changed from St. Peter's to that of St. Francis.) Those years spent at Belleville had been hard and trying. Besides look- ing after the interests of a steadily growing congregation with its many daily demands and sacrifices, our sub- ject made trips at regular intervals to the young mission parishes of St. Libory, Germantown, Red Bud, Ed- wardsville and Prairie du Long. Father Kuenster was now located at Teutopolis (1845 as first resident pastor of St. Peter's, which had been organized in 1839 by Rev. Joseph Masquelet. But he was of the old but practical type. When he went there he found but few struggling German Catholic families, who in the fall of 1838 had come thither from Cincinnati. Like them, he turned in to help himself and make the building of church and school for his poor, but pious people, as light and easy as pos- sible. Father Kuenster had his little piece of cultivated land, his garden and his fowls. "One day," writes Rev. John Larmer, "he was called on to pay his cathedraticum for the support of the Bishop. He astonished all by paying his cathedraticum with a goose and a gander, carried by him across the prairie. The good priest saw nothing funny about it, as he got only pay in kind, for there was little or no money in the settlement. As time passed Father Kuenster's flock of fowl and geese increased and so did the world- ly possessions of his thrifty German parishioners. His success did not escape the authorities in Chicago, and he was removed to take charge of the rebellious and annoying parish of Qiiincy." As the cholera had returned to Quincy' in 1850, the malcontents and peace disturbers of St. Boniface parish again wished for a priest, de- ploring their past conduct towards noble Father Brickwedde whilst the good regretted their indolence in al- lowing a bold and desperate minority to bring shame and confusion upon the congregation and the fair name of the city. During his term at Quincy, Father Kuenster caused a great mission to be given by the popular Father Wennin- ger, S. J., built the church steeple and purchased three bells in 1852, a pipe organ in 1854. established an Orphan society and built a two-story brick Page Seventy-Three residence. But now he was likewise to experience from wicked people, what poor Father Brickwedde had ex- perienced, opposition, slander and calumny. For seven years the cholera continued to rage in the unfortunate city claiming many a one from the ranks of his opponents and enemies and taxing the strength of the priest beyond the actual capacity and endur- ing powers, thus bringing him to a premature grave on September 15, 1857. Funeral services were held by Bishop Junker, the newly enthroned Bishop of Alton, who hearing of the serious illness of the good man, had hastened to his bedside, but on his arrival there found him already bat- tling with death. The defunct, of whose early life but little is known, was born in 1806 at Dueblich, on the Rhine, came to America, studied for the priesthood at the "Barrens," St. Louis, was ordained by Bishop Kendrick of St. Louis, August 15, 1842, together with Revs. T. Cusack and P. McCabe. Father Ktienster has a monument to his memory in St. Boniface ceme- tery of Q'uincy, whilst many of his early co-workers are now in unknown graves, "unwept, unknown and un- sung." R. I. P. REV. PETER PAUL LEFEVRE. Coadjutor-Bishop of Detroit, 1841-1869. "I do not ask my cross to understand my way to see ; Better in darkness just to feel Thy hand And follow Thee'. soil of Illinois, was undoubtedly Rev. Peter Paul Lefevre. It was in the beginning of the thirties of the- past One of the earliest missionary century that this heroic man set out priests who set foot on the virgin from St. Paul's on the Salt River in Rails county, Mo., to evangelize Northern Missouri, Southern Iowa, and Middle Illinois. Already, in 1833, he ministers to the spiritual wants of Page Seventy-Four the few Catholics of Quincy, where he said Mass in the private house of Adami Schmitt. Springfield was also the beneficiary of his priestly minis- trations, yea, most of the incipient towns where Catholics were known to reside, were included in Father Lefevre's itinerary. He was hailed with unfeigned joy and delight where- ever his coming was heralded by the orphaned Catholic people. This genial man of true apostolic spirit was a native of Belgium, born at Roulers, in Flanders, April 30, 1804, ordained a priest at the Seminary of Cape Girar- deau, Mo., under Bishop Rosati of St. Louis, July 17, 1831, and conse- crated a bishop November 21, 1841. He died March 4, 1869. Bishop Lefevre was never actually Bishop of Detroit. He was made a titular Bishop of Zela i. p. i., Coad- jutor Administrator of Detroit then embracing all Michigan and Wiscon- sin and acted as such during the mental incapacity of Bishop Frederick Rese, first Bishop of Detroit, who died December 29, 1871, surviving his Coadjutor and Diocesan Administra- tor. R. I. P. V. REV. P. NICHOLAS LEONARD, 0. F. M. "At each shrine, O Mother of Mercy! Let still more of thy love be given, Till I kneel at the last and brightest The Throne of the Queen of Heaven". One day, in August, 1900, a tragic accident happened on the streets of Omaha, Neb. Whilst alighting from a street car and in the act of cross- ing the street a priest was run down by a car coming from an opposite di- rection, he was knocked down by the fender, the wheels passing over his right leg crushing and mangling it so that amputation of the injured mem'ber was at once declared impera- tive so that the crippled man's life at least be saved. This awful mis- fortune overtook Father Nicholas, the Rector of St. Francis Solanus College of Quincy, who had arrived in the Western city that morning for the purpose of giving the annual retreat to a community of Sisters. As a true priest and model religious he bore this infliction resignedly, he almost considered it a visitation sent by Al- mighty God in order to chasten, strengthen and purify him in the cru- cible of such calamitous adversity. Father Nicholas had been Rector of the Quincy College since 1892. Dur- ing the eight years of his administra- tion the institution signally grew and expanded in influence and importance new life seemed to have pulsated through its halls and class rooms whilst the number of scholars in- creased from year to year. New buildings and additions to old ones were put up, renovations in various departments made, so that St. Francis had become a keen competitor with any institution in the state. In enumerating and lauding the merits of Father Nicholas as Rector of the College, it is far from us to detract from or minimize the grand achieve- ments attained or the invaluable services -rendered that seat of learn- ing by its veteran president, Father Anselm, who for more than forty years put forth his best efforts in be- half of the College/ Though our stricken priest survived the terrible ordeal and was restored somewhat to his former usefulness yet the shock to his system had been such that within a few years thereafter the good man suffered a complete break-down, physical and mental. Death came to his relief at St. Anthony's monastery of St. Louis, March 17, 1903. Father Nicholas was an unusually scholarly bright man of rare talents and attainments, a splendid college professor and amiable companion to his confreres. No one received a heartier welcome by the secular cler- gy than he, hence his misfortune and subsequent death elicited universal sorrow and sympathy. V. Rev. Nicholas Leonard, O. F. M., was a native of Alsace, born in the town of Kerprich, April 23, 1853, at- tended St. Joseph's College of Teu- topolis, entered the Order of Friars Minor June 13, 1870, and was raised to the priesthood February 1, 1877 at St. Louis. His life was conse- Page Seventy-Five crated to the education of young men in which he achieved great results, both at St. Joseph's College of Teu- topolis as well as at St. Francis Solanus of Q'liincy. REV. HERMANN LIERMANN. "When the sunset came in glory And the toil of day was o'er". But few details are known of the life and personality of Rev. Hermann Liermann, and that what is known of him may be summarized in a few lines. He hailed from the diocese of Osnabrueck in the former Kingdom of Hanover. Coming to this country he affiliated with the diocese of Chi- cago and was appointed in 1851, pas- tor of Centerville, and form thence sent to Teutopolis, where he stayed from 1856-'57, becoming the success- or to Rev. Father Frauenhofer, who had in the meantime taken up his domicile in Green Creek. From 1857- 1860, Father Liermann became pastor of St. Peter's church, Chicago, one of the two oldest German parishes of that city. From 1861-March 1865, he is pastor of McHenry, and became in 1865-1879, pastor of St. Nicolas' parish of Aurora. His last charge was at Rock Island, where he was given the pastorate of St. Mary's congregation in 1880, exchanging places with Father Schnuekel. Eight years of faithful service marks his life at Rock Island, where in 1888, he died. R. I. P. REV. PAUL LIMACHER. ' 'Thy treasures wait thee in the far-off skies And death will give them all to thee". A man of forcefulness of character, a wise and prudent pastor, was Father Limacher of St. Peter and Paul's parish of Waterloo. He enjoyed the unlimited confidence of his people, while the public at large paid homage to his rare qualities of mind and heart. Success attended his every undertak- Page Seventy-Six ing though often beset by serious difficulties and outspoken opposition as is frequently the case when at- tempts at reformation are inaugurated and the judgment of the pastor is to prevail. He ripened in the school of such varied experiences whilst pastor of seditious Highland from August, 1851-September, 1861. After the latter date his transfer to the prominent parish of Waterloo took place, where his unselfish labors were properly ap- preciated by an ever grateful congre- gation and where his memory will forever be held in benediction. For 39 years Father Limacher acted the zealous pastor of his Waterloo flock until June 11, 1899, when the weary soul of this venerable priest leaped forth to meet his maker. Rev. Paul Limacher was born June 26, 1826, at Fluehelen, in the Canton Luzern, Switzerland. He studied at Luzern four years, at Solothurn two years and thereafter four years at the University of St. Mary's of the Lake, Chicago He had come to this country May 1, 1847. On July 3, 1851, our future diocesan priest was or- dained to the priesthood by the second Bishop of Chicago, Rt. Rev. Jarmes Oliver Vandevelde, at Florissant, Mo. He was at once assigned to the parish of Highland to succeed the Rev. Charles Joseph Count von Morogna, then pastor of Shoal Creek (now Germantown) who had looked after the spiritual interests of that parish since 1849. He became the first resident pastor of St. Paul's of High- land. Father Paul Limacher was buried at Waterloo. R. I. P. REV. JOSEPH LOCHER. The average American priest does not attain the age of sixty. He passes away within the decade of the fifties. Such is the conclusion at which one arrived after many years of careful in- vestigation and close observation. By naturally be justified to still expect great things from them. Rev. Joseph Locher was one of those who prematurely sank into an early grave. Of vigorous constitution, yea, the very embodiment of rugged far the greatest number of those whom we accompanied to their last resting places in the cemeteries have been called from hence before enter- ing their sixties. Whether there are statistics to prove or disprove this assertion we know not; however, cer- tain it is that of our own diocesan clergy at least, the greater percentage died when still in the prime of man- hood, at a time when one would health and well-being, he had all rea- son to confidently look forward to yet many years of active life and the re- alization of many fond dreams and cherished hopes. But "in the midst of life we are surrounded by death." This passage of Holy Scripture be- came true with a shocking and start- ling reality on December 10th, 1904, when the mournful news of Rev. Father Locher's untimely death was Page Seventy-Sev heralded to the vast number of friends and parishioners. Such was the case. St. Mary's of Quincy had lost her pas- tor, a short, brief illness had felled the strong and vigorous man in the midst of his labors when apparently in the bloom and ripeness of manhood, in the zenith of priestly activity. But though his life was of comparatively short duration, our deceased was but in his 54th year yet he could exclaim in the hour of his last summons with St. Paul: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept my faith. As to the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord, the just judge, will render to me in that day; and not to me alone, but to them also that love His coming." When on April the 2nd, 1895, Rev. Gerard Mirbach had answered the final roll call, it was an easy matter for the bishop to find a ready and wil- ling successor to this eminent pastor of St. Mary's. The parish in all its appointments was now perfected and complete, it ranked high among the parishes of the diocese, some of the very best men had given it tone and prestige, the community spirit was a good one, generous and of sacrifice, no dissensions nor any opposition parties to the pastor had ever stigmatized the conduct of her exemplary members, and the finances were in fairly good condition; all things then considered the orphaned congregation at this time was quite a desirable one for any priest to covet. The man to fill the vacancy, however, was near at hand, he had lived for several years a quasi- retired life in a cottage build for him- self on Locust Street, on property bought from St. Vincent's Home. It was Rev. Joseph Locher, for many years, from 1874-1890, pastor of St. Joseph's Church of Mt. Sterling, and at the time of his appointment to the pastorate of St. Mary's a chaplain as- signed to the needs and ministrations of the Catholic inmates of the Sol- diers' Home. On leaving Mt. Sterling our subject seriously considered em- bracing monastic life in the Capu- chine Order at Dertoit, Mich. It so happened, however, that at this very time when he had planned to execute his intention, the Rev. Francis Ostrop of Carlinville, was about to leave for Europe. His choice of substitute dur- ing the six months absence fell upon Father Locher, who accepted at once ' the profered position. From Carlin- ville he removed on Rev. Ostrop's re- turn, to Quincy. In doing so he yielded to the importunities of his clerical friend, Rev. Jos. Still, of St. John's Church. Every one was highly elated when it became known that Father Locher was the newly chosen pastor of St. Mary's; even that younger priest whom Father Mirbach had repeatedly petitioned the Bishop, in 1894, to ap- point as assisstant "cum jure succes- sionis" to him, felt equally pleased and reconciled at this appointment. Nine and one half years Father Locher presided over the destinies of St. Mary's. A brilliant German scholar he soon paved his way into public esteem and regard by his acknow- ledged erudition, culture and learning. As pulpit speaker he is even today yet referred to as having been most elo- quent and convincing. In his dealings with others he was always kind, char- itable and proved himself a true friend and sympathizer of people in need and distress. He lived for St. Mary's. To advance her interests was his one great thought. That he at times would encounter some petty difficul- ties or caused differences of opinion to arise which were calculated to up- set some pet schemes or frustrate plans and hopes is but natural to ex- pect, esp. of a somewhat high minded man of Rev. Locher's temperament whose disposition it was, as quite re- cently a good friend of his expressed himself, to become at times a little "hitzig und blitzig." When it became known however, that good Father Locher had died after but a few days illness occasioned by pneumonia, mourning and grief were deep and sin- cere, every one of his numerous friends felt he had sustained a keen personal loss. Page Seventy-Eighl His funeral was solemn and impres- sive, attended by the Bishop and the majority of the diocesan clergy, to- gether with a vast concourse of peo- ple. Rev. Joseph Locher was a native of Wuertenberg, a "Swab," as the say- ing goes, born January 22nd, 1851, at Aulendorf, near Rottenburg, the old- est son in the family of three chil- dren. After finishing his classical stu- dies at Ellwangen he entered upon a university course at Insbruck, and later on at Munich, graduating there- from with honors and distinction in 1872. Deciding to study for the priest- hood and to devote and consecrate his life to foreign missions, he came to America in September, 1873, and entered Mt. St. Mary's College, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. In September of the following year he was raised to the priesthood at Alton, 111., by the Bishop of the diocese, the Rt. Rev. P. J. Bates. His untimely demise o ecu red December 10th, 1904. He was buried in St. Boniface cemetery of that city. R. I. P. REV. FREDERICK LOHMANN. "Laetentur Domine". omnes qui sperant in Te A meritorious veteran priest went to his eternal reward February 10, 1917, one who had performed hard and laborious work from 1869 1876 at Hillsboro, Taylorville, Morrissonville, Raymond, Staunton, New Douglas and Pana, it was the Rev. Frederick Lohman, since 1876 till the day of death pastor of Aviston, 111. (Belle- ville) Father F. Lohman was born at Drensteinfurt, Westfalia, April 24. 1842, studied theology at the Col- legium American in Muenster and was ordained to the priesthood May 8, 1869, (together with Fathers Jos. Meckel and H. Eggenstein.) His funeral occured at Aviston, 111. February 15, attended by a vast con- course of sympathizing fellow priests and sorrowing parishioners. REV. PETER JOSEPH MACKIN. Old St. Patrick's of Decatur, was in deep mourning. Wierdly and sad- ly her tolling bells had announced to an apprehensive congregation the passing of their beloved pastor, Rev. Peter Joseph Mackin. The expected had happened, death had invaded the rectory and deprived the loyal faith- ful parishioners of their worthy pas- tor. The intelligence of his demise was received with expressions of pro- foundest regret not .n'y by his own devoted people but throughout the diocese and bevoncl. Cut the people of St. Patrick's whom he had so ably served were the >:h'.ef sufferers. Cinef stricken they bowed their heads in sorrow and will long continue to mourn their great loss. They will continue to pay tribute to the charac- ter, the priestly virtues, the ability and thei service of their departed pas- tor whose death, caused by intense rheumatic affections, called all too soon from hence. The grim reaper mowed down his victim on March 26, 1898, in the 51st year of his life. Our defunct then stood on the high pla- teau of middle life, in that serene at- mosphere where conditions are most favorable for noble enduring achieve- ments. Page Seventy-Nine Father Mackin was a big man in every sense, big in stature, big in heart and sympathy, big in ideas and of unflinching fortitude. He was em- inently a man of character, a man whose life was regulated by principles of the noblest type. He was widely read in many branches and on useful topics. His taste was cultured and re- fined, he abhorred show. His orator- ical abilities, which were known far and wide, were devoid of artifice. He was not a posturer nor phrase- monger, for he was too intense, too earnest, to employ the cheap and pal- try decorations of discourse. Father Mackin strove to implant big ideals in the minds of his young men as they should be the guiding and animating force in the life of every Catholic young man without which his life is dull and common- place. Ideals of manhood, achieve- ment and service should mark every one. He was more-over a great pro- moter of Catholic Education which he deemed the essential and all-vital re- quisite for the present day. Judged by the severest tests of human worth we must confess that Father Mackin was a great man. This is the verdict of those who lived with him on terms of intimacy and of his wide circle of admirers amongst the clergy and lai- ay throughout this and adjacent dio- ceses. By way of passing, we may add that Father Mackin was great and lavish in hospitality and was more- over a great story teller. In his priestly functions and administrations of parochial temporal affairs our de- cedent was punctual and exact. St. Patrick's blossomed and prospered under his guiding influence. He threw concentrated energy into all parish work, hence great results were achieved not only in Decatur but in all other parishes where Father Mack- it was called to preside over. No wonder then that sorrow was so uni- versal when it became known that this ideal man and ideal priest had been beckoned by the palled messen- ger with the inverted torch to depart. Though dead and gone, Father Mack- in continues to live in the hearts and memories of his numerous friends and faithful people. ' 'You may break, you may shatter The vase, if you will, But the scent of the roses Will hang around still' 1 . If it be true that "death loves a shining mark," it may surely be said that calumny, slander and ignorance always turn their attention in the same brilliant direction. They are the or- dinary weapons of warfare employed to undermine and ruin a good man's character. Father Mackin was not exempted from the attacks of the foul and loathsome creatures who crawl about the footsteps of so many illus- trious men, especially the servants of God's holy altar. The injured priest however was vindicated. The unpleas- ant and painful incident occasioned his transfer from Jacksonville to Ed- wardsville and from thence ot Deca- tur. Rev. Peter Joseph Mackin was born in 1847 in Xewtown, Hamilton County, Armagh, Ireland. When about 16 years old he began to study for the ministry at All Hallows Col- lege, Dublin. During his college life he distinguished himself in his studies Page Eighty standing at the head of his classes and carrying off many of the first prizes. When twenty-three years of age he was ordained to the priest- hood June 25, 1870 by Rt. Rev. Bishop Woodlock, who sent him to Alton diocese with encouraging words as to the success of his ministry. His first work was assistant to Fr. Walsh, but he was sent after a short time as pastor to Carrollton, where he re- mained two years. Next Father Mackin was appointed to Our Sav- ior's parish of Jacksonville, where he worked well for six years, going from thence to Edwardsville. On October 31, 1878, he was installed in St. Pat- rick's Decatur, succeeding Father Timothy Hickey. Here he was made an irremovable rector and a dean of the district. The good he has ac- complished in Decatur and elsewhere need not be detailed here. In sum- ming up Father Mackin's activity in Decatur, the "Review" of that city said of him: "The Catholics of Deca- tur and all good citizens have reason to be thankful to him." When Henry Ward Beecher was in Decatur one Sunday, he attended Father Mackin's church. On his re- turn to Brooklyn at the first sermon to his congregation, he spoke of the sermon of Father Mackin and eulo- gized him highly. When approaching death threw its shadows over the life of Father Mackin, he was attended by his brother, the late Father M. T. Mackin, of St. Brandon's church, Chi- cago and Father Alois Teppe, of De- catur. He was conscious to the last and his passing away was easy. He died in his arm chair fully prepared to meet his Lord and God. R. I. P. REV. THOMAS F. MANGAN. "The lone churchyard is dark and dim And the mourners raise a funeral hymn". A fearless champion of the church and her teachings, a man of trans- parent honesty and purpose and 11 p- rightness, one who combined in his person the characteristics of a true disciple of the Master, was Father Thomas F. Mangan. None was ever more beloved and liked by his parish- ioners in the various parishes than he. His personality was majestic, hence his great influence for good. Among all creeds he stood out as a shining light. In all public affairs Father Mangan took an active interest and was always intimately connected with all that tended toward the uplift of humanity. Under his management the incipi- ent parish of Jerseyville, which had constructed a small frame church in 1857, the year previous to his coming there, began to feel self-assertive. During the three years of his stay at Jerseyville, from the time of his ordi- nation in February, 1858 January 19, 1861, our young, vigorous pastor laid the foundation for that congregation's subseq'iient strength and power. From here he attended to Carroll- ton's spiritual wants and at times sought out the scattered Catholic families in the surrounding counties. From Jerseyville he was sent in 1861 to Jacksonville and thence to Alton, where for some time he acted as rector of the Cathedral. In June, Page Eighty-One 1863, the aged Father Thomas Ryan had died at Mattoon. Who was to fill the vacancy at this already im- portant Catholic centre? Father Mangan. And with his coming the young and energetic priest infused new life into the affairs of that parish At once he started with the erection of a priest's residence, which was afterwards used as a Sisters' convent Then he added to the church a sanc- tuary, sacristies and gallery. To- wards the close of his stay, he bought the ground on which the present St. Joseph's school stands and built a two-story school house at his own ex- pense, which outlay, however, the parish re-imbursed. He called the Ursuline Sisters to teach the schools. His success in the cause of education was remarkable and the temperance cause which he valiantly espoused in those days, owes him a debt of grati- tude. In 1870 Father Mangan relin- quished his charge of Mattoon, severed his connection with the dio- cese of Alton and was received into the Chicago diocese where he died full of honors, years and merit as dean of Joliet, February 5, 1898. The Joliet Daily News spoke of our subject thus: "There is probably no clergyman in Joliet the news of whose demise would cause more widespread sorrow through the city and surrounding country than Father Mangan. The decade which he has spent as a priest of St. Mary's parish has been the brightest in the history of the Church and the entire city has been benefitted by his pure influence. Intensely pivblic spirited, he took the keenest interest in all matters of importance to the community in which he lived and his counsel has been sought most eagerly on many occasions. His kindness of heart and his greatness of sympathy were pro- verbial among those who knew him and while no person was a more thorough Catholic than he, he was always willing to lend his assistance to the work of Protestant or secular organizations which he thought like- ly to prove of benefit to the com- munity. His payment of $50.00 for a street car ride between Joliet and Lockport last summer when the ladies were running the cars for the benefit of the Silver Cross Hospital, was a good example of his feeling toward agencies for good, whether or not they were conducted by the Church of which he was an honored light. Numbers of similar instances of his kindly feeling could be related. He had the warmest affection of his parishioners and the hearty esteem of all with whom he came in contact. His sermons were full of the most inspiring advice and exhortations] and he was one of the finest pulpit orators who has ever been heard in Joliet. Although he was a magnificent preacher it was as a pastor that he did the greatest good. His kindly advice and wise counsel have aided many of his parishioners in times of difficulty and trial and to no priest more than to him does the term "Father" seem more appropriate. "Thomas Francis Mangan was a native of County Clare, Ireland, and came to America when 18 years of age. He received his education at Ottawa, Canada, and at once began studying for the priesthood. He was ordained in St. Louis in 1858, and has been continually a Catholic pastor since that time. Among the cities in which he held charges were Jersey- ville, Alton, Jacksonville, Mattoon, Macomb and Freeport, and in 1897 came to Joliet from the last named place. Shortly after his arrival here he was made a dean and has been honored in other ways by the officials of his Church." R. I. P. Page Eighty-Two REV. CHARLES. MANUEL. It was a crisp and sunny fall day, that 25th day of September, 1901 when the bells of St. Mary's Church of Illiopolis, mournfully tolled the sad and distressing news that Rev. Charles Manuel, the all-beloved pas- tor of the parish, had answered the last summons. It is not easy to ex- press the heart-pain felt by the peo- ple of the parish and the clergy of the diocese when it became known that this great good man had been called by death and passed from this world. We all who heard of this sad tolling either by wire or mail felt a keen personal loss by his passing. And yet death came to him as a bless- ing. Many long months Father Manuel had suffered excruciating pain and intense suffering, occa- sioned by an abcess on the lungs. Medical treatment had been sought in vain, repeated operations proverl fruitless, institutional care in the Sisters' hospital at Colorado Springs availed but little, on the contrary the ailment became aggravated and attained such acute stage that the precious life of our subject soon be- came a forfeited one. With almost super-human strength and courage he bore this terrible infliction heroically resignedly to God's holy will for weeks and months, never complaining never murmuring against the designs of divine Providence. Father Manuel as a true priest of God looked upon his suffering as upon a purifying and chastening process preparatory to his entering into glory. And when the end approached he was ready to re- spond with Samuel in the temple: "Ecce adsum Domine," "Lord here I am," Peacefully he sank into the last long slumber from which he was to awaken on the shores of eternity. Strengthened for the final journey by the Sacraments of Holy Church, sur- rounded in his last moments by a prayerful community of good Sisters and the hospital chaplain, Rev. Aug. Happe, he expired at Colorado Springs on above mentioned date. The emaciated and shrunken body was shipped back to Illiopolis for burial. There it was placed before the altar where so often the dead priest had raised hands ana heart to Almighty God in holy prayer and pious supplication for his parishion- ers and himself. He was placed on the bier that his loved ones might cast a last glance upon those well- known and benevolent features which alas! were now distorted and dis- figured by death. Those sacred walls which erstwhile rang with solemn chant and inspiring music now re- echoed the sorrowful strains of tlie "Dies Irae" and the wail of the "De Profundis." The life of Father Manuel was con- sumed in the exercise of his holy ministry. Nothing was nearer and dearer to his heart than his St. Mary's parish of Illiopolis, together with its two affiliated parishes of Niantic and Buffalo. For N the welfare of these he lived, and we may add for them he died, for he fell a victim of his assid- uous labors which his position en- tailed. His spotless priestly life was unto all a shining pattern and bright ex- ample. Whenever a pastoral visit or a sick call ushered him into the homes Page Eighty-Three of his parishioners, Father Manuel would invariably before leave-taking kneel down with his people in short prayer and impart them his priestly blessing. His familiar and customary good-bye to a friend would be couch- ed in the additional expression "God bless you," which had become so well known that one of his personal friends in a jocular vein dubbed him "the father God bless you," undc r which epithet he is at times alluded to this very day yet. Of his parish- ioners he was want to call them usual- ly by their given names which was so expressive of that bond of familiarity and intimacy as existed between pas- tor and flock, father and children. For the needy and destitute he always had an open hand and a warm sym- pathetic heart. At all hours of day or night he was ready to respond to any call, be it of sickness or distress. There is no one of 'us who does not recognize the great task set before us in meeting our responsibilities for the religious life of our people. Parishes must be organized, churches and schools are to be built, orphans and wayward ones to be looked after. Father Manuel in all instances rose to the occasion. The beautiful Gothic church of Illiopolis, built in 1895-96, over which the genial Father J. C. Daw presides at present, whose pointed spire with golden cross over- looks many miles of Sangamon's fer- tile fields and happy rural homes is among many other notable achieve- ments an eloquent testimonial of his burning zeal for the honor and glory of the Eucharistic God, it will con- tinue to enshrine his memory in the hearts of all who had the good fort- une to know him and will carry his name to future generations as that of a mighty figure in the history of the Alton diocese. The good Franciscan Sisters of the St. John's Hospital of Springfield will never forget him, they will forever recall his many blessed deeds of kindness and charity he so generously lavished upon them. During all the years of his pastoral activity at Illiopolis Father Manuel, regular as a clock would once a week on a specified day enter the Commun- ity Confessional and there sit for many weary hours hearing confes- sions. It was done with a readiness and cheerfulness that demanded hom- age and grateful recognition. His was a loveable character, up- right and sincere, always serene and joviable. To know him was to love him. God's holy angel, so we trust and hope, has recorded Father Man- uel's name and accumulated merits upon the pages of the Book of Life, The autumn leaves commenced to sear And flowers drooped their head It seemed as though they mourned too, That Father Manuel was dead. The bell tolled forth at early morn His span of life was run But with a martyr's spirit he said: "Oh Lord, Thy will be done I" Rev. Charles Manuel died at Colo- rado Springs, Sept. 25, 1901. He was born at Etteln, in the Diocese of Paderborn, Germany, where his father held the position of Burgomaster, on May 25th, 1853, studied classics at Paderborn, philosophy in the Ameri- can Colleges at Louvain, Belgium, and Theology in the Grand Seminary at Montreal, under the Sulpician Fathers. On December 23d, 1877, Father Manuel was raised to the priesthood at Alton by the late Bishop P. J. Baltes, D. D., who as- signed the neopresbyter at once as pastor to the St. Mary's church, Illi- opolis, 111. R. I. P. Page Eighty-Four REV. JOHN A. MARK. "My heart is no longer restless". This priest hailed from Wuerzburg in Bavaria, where he was born April 3, 1827, was ordained there August 6, 1859, and came to this country the following year. He acted in our dio- cese at Brussels, in Calhoun county, from 1865-'67, at Marshall from April, 1867-Oct. 72, at Beardstown from 1875-76, and then a short while at Edwardsville, succeeding Father Rus- tige, first at St. Mary's then at St. Boniface, where he was succeeded by Father Chas. Kuhlmann. After his removal from St. Boniface it seems that Father Mark joined the Fort Wayne diocese, where he was ap- pointed to the parish of Hammond, Ind. Here he built a frame church in spite of the advise of wiser men, on a lot undermined by a coal mine. The ground settled, the church was wrecked the debts remained. He then was removed to Hessen Cassel, near Fort Wayne, where he died in 1897. R. I. P. REV. CHARLES JOSEPH COUNT VON MAROGNA. "Pause where the Pilgrim's day is done Where scrip and staff aside are laid". Charles Joseph Marogna, a scion of an old illustrious Catholic family, was born September 17, 1802 in the an- cestral castle of Villa Lagrima, near Trent in the Tyrol. While yet very young he was ordered to repair to the Court of Florence to act as page, and there had an opportunity of seeing Pope Pius VII on his way to Pisa. After completing his classical course he was sent to Mayence, where he studied Theology under the famous Liebermann. Raised to the priest- hood March 30, 1824, he worked first as an assistant and then as parish priest at Algaeu, diocese of Augsburg, till 1846, at which time he had deter- mined to devote the remainder of his lift to the promotion of the material and spiritual welfare of the immigrants in America. In due time he reached Chicago where for two years he faith- fully worked in St. Joseph's parish. Thence he was sent to Germantown and Highland in 1840. The Father seems to have spent much of his time at Highland in the early part of 1840, after which he left for Germany, whither he repaired in quest of alms for his poor congregation and where he spent six months. On his return he supplied his church with plate and vestments thus obtained, spending the cash in improving the church and se- curing forty acres of land for burial purposes. At that time the political convul- sions of Europe brought an increased number of immigrants, Highland re- ceiving its share of them. Father Marogna persuaded Bishop Van de Velde to send to Highland a perma- nent pastor. In consequence Father Paul Limacher was appointed pastor whilst Father Marogna went to St. Vincent's Pa., there to enter the Benedictine Order. In 1852 he was admitted into the Order and on Page Eighty-Five August 21, 1853, he made the pro- fession of solemn vows, receiving the name of Demetrius. For awhile he was employed as professor and prior. Later on, at the request of the Bishop of St. Paul, Minn., he was sent to the Northwest to start an institution of the Benedictine Order which after- wards became St. John's Abbey. Father Marogna died March 27, 1860, at St. Paul, Minn., and was buried in the cemetery belonging to the Abbey. R. I. P. REV. J. V. MARTIN. "Toward the West I turn my weary spirit". The parishes of Shipman, Neoga, Arcola, Shelbyville and Bethany, will for many years to come, remember the ministrations of Father J. V. Mar- tin. He served them in succession from the time of ordination until called by his heavenly Master. With earnest endeavor he tried to shepherd them into the ways of godliness him- self setting a bright example. Father Martin was a man of stu- dious habits a ripe scholar, modest and unobtrusive. The welfare of his various parishes constituted his chief concern. And success attended his efforts. Wherever he had labored, there he left imprints of his unselfish endeavors, hence his death appeared all too untimely. He was taken away when in the zenith of usefulness and virile strength, both intellectual and physical. Father Martin was the son of John Martin and Mary Kelly, born at Champlain, Minnesota, November 27, 1857, and ordained by Archbishop Edward Fabre in the Grand Seminary chapel at Miontreal, Dec. 18, 1886. His remains were buried at Beth- any. REV. JOSEPH MASQUELET. "The Past's bright diadem had paled before The starry crown, the glorious Present wore". One of the oldest parishes of the diocese, next to Quincy and Ste. Ma- rie, is Teutopolis. Its history dates back to 1833. An organized body of Catholic Cincinnatians, who had been prospecting out west, had started a colony there in 1837. They purchased a tract of land comprising 10,000 acres at $1.25 per acre. With the first settlers came a priest by the name of Rev. Joseph Masquelet, a native of Elsace. The first divine service was held in this new settlement towards the end of November, 1839. The fol- lowing year, 1840, a small log church was built, 32x28, and dedicated to St. Peter. Frictions and dissensions, however, soon broke forth which in- duced the pastor to build a second log church at a distance of 1^ miles from the former. It was built on his own land, on "Masquelet Place." The internal parish dissensions were, however, not allayed, on the contra- ry, they continued to grow for many a year, causing much discomfiture and annoyance to the various pastors, and making the parish rather notorious for its stubborn opposition to the ef- forts of the clergy. Father Masque- let, tired of the ill-feeling and oppo- sition manifested toward him, left Teutopolis in 1842 for New Orleans. There he was assigned a parish and built a fine church. Twice he re- turned on a visit to Teutopolis, in November, 1855, and again in the sev- enties, when he donated a set of cost- ly vestments to the parish. After his last visit he returned to his native land, where he soon died. R. I. P. Page Eighty-Six REV. JOSEPH MAURER. "Fret not when grievous woes annoy, Who sow in tears shall reap in joy". A precious life was snuffed out at St. Anthony's Hospital, of Effingham, on Monday, March 20, 1916, when the captive spirit of Rev. Jos. Maurer broke forth from its temporary prison cell and winged its flight to God's holy throne. Deceased could join in the simple and pathetic words of Moses concerning his lonesome jour- ney in Egypt: "I have been a stran- ger in a strange land." Shakespeare says of a certain king that in his very look was writ a tragic volume. As much may be said of our departed one. His whole life seemed to have been a continued tragedy caused by self-imposed austerities and abnega- tions, mortifications and penances, especially, however, when we con- sider it towards its close. The intens- ity of suffering occasioned by the in- '"iction of an incurable ailment, can- cer of the throat, must have often re-awakened in his heart an echo of the words of world-weary St. Paul who longed and prayed to be dis- solved from "the body of this death." This frightful affliction our subject carried with him for months patient- ly and submissively to God's in- scrutable, holy will. For him it meant a final God-given process of purification ere entering the portals of eternity. Days and nights of untold misery and agony had been his por- tion, for there seemed neither cure nor relief for him anywhere, neither north in Wisconsin's invigorating clime, nor south in Texas, nor in sunny California. Feeling the near- ness of death he rallied in last effort his waning strength that he might die among friends. On the brink of utter collapse he arrived from his long tire- some California journey at the St. Anthony's Hospital in Effingham. All that the care of loving hands of the good Sisters could do, was lavished on him. Some of his clerical friends and the community of Sisters knelt in prayer around the bedside when the end came, and the spirit of this truly suffering Job was released from captivity. Cardinal Newman's poetic composition had often been his prayer: "Lead, Kindly Light, amid encircling gloom Lead Thou me on! The night is dark, and I am far from home Lead Thou me on"! This beautiful poem our friend had always much admired and was often heard to hum it to himself. And sure, God's grace and power had blest and upheld him during the 36 years of his priestly life and con- tinued to uphold him now and lead him on during the most critical of all moments till the black night was gone, and with the morn sweet angel faces smiled upon him. Truly with the peaceful passing of Father Maurer we all had reason to exclaim: "Pre- tiosa in conspectu Domini, mors sanc- torum." Fidelity to his priestly duties at all times, in season and out of season, characterized the otherwise uneventful life of our departed one. Wherever he displayed his sacerdotal functions or acted as pastor over a parish, he was unto all a source of edification. His unselfishness had become rather extreme. Hence he died as poor as the proverbial church mouse, scarcely having a dollar to his name. Our de- Page Eighty-Seven funct was a bright scholar and was possessed of great retentive mental power. Rev. Joseph Maurer was born at Rauenberg in the Archdiocese of Freiburg, Baden, February 12, 1858, studied at the American College of Louvain and was ordained to the priesthood at Utrecht, Holland, Aug. 15, 1880. He landed on the American shores Oct. 16, 1880, and. at once en- tered upon his priestly duties, first as assistant at St. Peter's church, Belleville, and then for a short time as pastor of St. Francisville. For up- wards of 24 years he presided as pas- tor over St. Stanislaus parish of Macon, with Oconee and Moweaqua as out-missions attached, which posi- tions he reluctantly relinquished when ordered to the rectorship of St. Mary's of Quincy, January 1, 1905- May 1906. Owing to impaired health Father Maurer was successively as- signed to the parishes of Brussels, Brigton, Lillyville and Marine. Solemn obsequies were held March 23, 1916, at St. Anthony's church of Effingham, after which his remains were escorted to St. Anthony's ceme- tery, followed by 40 of his confreres and a great concourse of sympathiz- ing, sorrowing friends and former parishioners. R. I. P. REV. PATRICK McCABE. ''My God, I thank Thee, that my pain Of day by day, and year by year, Has not been suffered all in vain". Adelaide Procter. The galaxy of heroic missionary priests of early days who labored so disinterestedly in planting the seeds of religion on the virgin prairie soil of Illinois would remain incomplete were the name of Father McCabe omitted. This true old soggarth, born, raised and ordained in Ireland had come to Chicago when that dio- cese was still in its formative process He was one of the thirty-two priests present when Bishop Quarter con- vened the first synod on April 18, 1847. Three years later, in 1850, Father McCabe was sent as pastor to Shawneetown, and from 1852-'54 to Mt. Sterling. Whilst he had charge of this parish our veteran priest had likewise charge of the parishes of Pittsfield, Jacksonville and Beards- town, to all of which he devoted most conscientiously his best efforts. The results soon became apparent as the history of these missions show. Father McCabe had popularized him- self in the minds and the hearts of his grateful people. At this time Cairo, at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, promised to become a populous center. Church and pastor were needed for the growing spiritual demands. Father McCabe was sent to Cairo. He set to work and built Page Eighty-Eight St. Patrick's church. Had the sun been shining heretofore on the zeal- ous priest's endeavors, now dark clouds were to gather on the horizon around him, pathetic were the years to come. Out of all the difficulties, false accusations and petty persecu- tions which were let loose against him, Father McCabe emerged a broken-down man. Father Larmer, writing of this episode in the poor priest's life, says: "St. Paul labored at tent-making to earn his own ne- cessaries. Father McCabe worked as common laborer on the railroads for seventy-five cents a day, paid in orders or store truck and said Mass on Sundays for the few Catholics. Jeans were his clothing, corn bread, badly baked in the ashes and badly cured hog meat, his food, for such was the living in those days in Southern Illinois. His niece, a bounc- ing, vigorous Irish girl, started a re- spectable boarding house , and for three or four years after, while Father McCabe lived, kept him in comfort he never knew in the active life of a priest." Whole-souled, big hearted Father McCabe, whose name was one to con- jure by in every Irish cabin and wherever he was known, died at Cape Girardeau, in 1863. The same historian, quoted above, continued to say: "Illinois can be proud of such an apostle. In zeal, sufferings, labor and charity unseen. Father McCabe has not been excelled by anyone." May his soul rest in peace. REV. JAMES j. MCCARTHY. Meeting instantaneous death by be- ing ground under the wheels of a fast speeding railway train, what tragic, horrible ending for a talented zealous, bright young priest! And yet, such was the deplorable fate which lurked in quest of Rev. James J. McCarthy, when one rain-soaked September day in 1915, he in company with a good loyal parishioner crossed the railway tracks near Paris, 111., in a closed automobile. A thrill of horror seized all when the news of this terrible double accident became known. Sorrow and grief entered many a home, especially in old Ire- land, where at Youghal, in County Cork, the bereaved parents and rela- tives of the 'unfortunate young priest reside, and where he was ushered in- to the world July 11, 1884. When the day of the funeral ar- rived, Friday, September 17, St. Mary's Church of Paris, 111., was un- able to accommodate the thousands of Catholic and non-Catholic laity who sought admission to the obse- quies. All felt that in the death of Father McCarthy they had lost a distinguished young priest who had endeared himself to them by his kind and amiable qualities. Men, women and children gathered sadly around his bier and offered fervent prayers for their stricken priest and friend who was ever ready with a helping hand in the face of trials and diffi- culties. Xot the least conspicuous among the mourners were his St. John's sacerdotal friends and fellow students of college days at Water- ford, Ireland. The celebrant of the Requiem Mass was the pastor of the parish, Rev. Patrick Fallen, Paris; deacon the Rev. J. Mee, of Jersey- ville; sub-deacon, the Rev. B. Man- ning, of Alton, and the Rev. W. O'Sullivan of Marshall, master of ceremonies. In an eloquent sermon, Rev. W. Costello, of Charleston, touched on the brilliant student career of the de- ceased young priest and his remark- able achievements in his first and only charge as assisstant pastor of St. Mary's church, Paris. Many things conspired, he said, to enthrone him in the hearts of the people of Paris his Irish wit, his fluent oratory and amiability, but these were only inci- dental to the sacred character of the priesthood since it was the duty of the priest to become all things to all men, etc. The following beautiful poem "In Loving Memory," was composed by (Mrs.) Isabel Burke, of Page Eighty-Nine Rocksavage, Cork, and published in one of our Catholic papers: That ever-smiling face is gone To dwell where angels tread, A sainted priest, a cherished one Now mingles with the dead. To do his Master's will, Those soulful eyes are closed for aye, That voice forever still. Sudden the call, God loved him so, This blossom passing sweet, Too fair to bloom on earth, must go To grace the Savior's feet. Surely a touch of Heaven's Lord Dwelt in that pure young heart, His was the kind and soothing word Why? Ahl So soon to part. Far from his Emerald Isle he lies Wrapt in the silent clay ; Hearts o'er the sea 'neath Erin's skies Mourn for that dead and pray. Come! Twine the Shamrocks oe'r his grave, Shamrocks of Erin blest ; May the dear Lord Who died to save Grant him eternal rest I REV. PATRICK J. McELHERNE. Arrtong the young cleric who were elevated to the prieshood by the first Bishop of Chicago, Rt. Rev. Wm. Quarter, was Patrick J. McElherne. The day on which he received Holy Orders was June 8, 1845. At the first diocesan synod, held in the chapel of the "Holy Name," Nov. , 10, 1847, Father MsElherne took prominent part. Thirty-two priests were present Among this number we meet with sonne whose names have become familiar in the history of the Alton diocese: Revs. Brickwedde, Fort- mann, Carroll, Prendergast, Hamil- ton, Kuenster and McCabe. On April 10, 1848, a great calamity over- whelmed the young and prosperous diocese of Chicago in the death of Bishop Quarter. The Bishop had de- livered a course of lectures during the Lenten season, and on Passion Sun- day, after a powerful discourse on the Church, his whole frame visibly trembled, his voice gave out, but not until he said: "On next Sunday I will conclude." Alas! that voice was hushed in death on the following Sun- day. Shortly before three o'clock on the morning of the 10th of April, Father McElherne, who was pastor of old St. Mary's and resided with the Bishop, was awakened by loud moans. He hastened to the sufferer's room, where he found him sitting on the side of the bed pressing his head with his hands. He soon grew worse and signs of immediate dissolution mani- fested themselves so rapidly that Father McElherne administered the Sacrament of Extreme Unction; which was no sooner done than the soul of the zealous, pious and disin- teresited Bishop took its flight to heaven, there to receive the merited reward for his many achievements in behalf of Holy Church in the State of Illinois and the city of Chicago. He expired in Father McElherne's arms. Under the second Bishop, Oliver Van de Valde, Father McElherne was transferred from Galena, where he had built a church, St. Michael's to St. Lawrence congregation of Quincj (St. Peter's), as successor to Rev. 'F, Derwin, who had been there from 1846 Dec. 1848, following Father Tucker. Father McElherne served the Quincy parish from 1849 Oct. 1852. During his pastorate he did a great deal in pacifying a censorious clement which had gained the uppei hand in that city, and proved him- self a true brother and counsellor to Father Brickwedde. He became the first resident pastor of Jacksonville. Later on, from Oct. 1857 May 1862. Father McElherne served the Quincy parish a second time. Trouble had likewise arisen in St. Lawrence church Bishop O'Regan deemed him the proper priest to straighten out the difficulties as he was best acquainted with existing conditions. He came to Quincy from Springfield, where, in 1856, he had been pastor of the Im- maculate Conception church. Father McElherne filled the office of Admin- istrator during the interregnum be- ween the second and third Bishops of Chicago. Larmer says of him: "His personal dignity was inimitable, and I had the greatest respect for him and his acquirements. He was a scholar of the old school. The ancient Page Ninety classics, French and the standard writings, both of prose and poetry, were ready on his tongue. Having served the principal churches in his time in Illinois, it was his custom to write every sermon so that it was a literary treat to hear them, although his eloquence was not of the finest sort. He could be exceedingly sar- castic and was not always over civil." From Quincy, Father McElherne was appointed to the Rock Island parish, 1862-1868. He died about 1870 at Apple Creek, Illinois. R. I. P. REV. PETER McGIRR. "Then as daylight slowly vanished And the evening mists grew dim, Solemnly from distant voices Rose a vesper hymn". A most worthy man whose name and memory remains in benediction with the parishioners of St. Peter's parish of Quincy, was Father McGirr. For upwards of thirty-one years he was the shepherd and guide of that community. None more revered than he has ever been at the head of that congregation. Father McGirr's name today is still a house-hold word with the older Irish people of St. Peter's, and many are the humorous stories and well-intentioned puns and jokes they delight in telling about him. He had captured the hearts of his people in an uncommon degree. The trust and confidence they reposed so entirely in his prudence and good judgment was never known to have been misplaced, as Father McGirr was first, last and all the time watch- ing over the spiritual and material welfare of his parochial subjects. Under his pastorate the parish rapid- ly developed, its present status, finan- cial and otherwise, is mainly due to his continued efforts and unselfish exertions. He was yet one of the old school, sturdy, blunt and honest, a rare type of those whole souled Irish pioneer workers of whom we occasionally read or hear spoken of by older people, by those who have still known the old silk-hatted "Sog- garths" as they travelled about either afoot, on horseback or on handcar. That class of men is no more nor ever will return as conditions have changed since then, and the quondam obligatory "silk tile" has been rele- gated to the garret. Well, our subject, Rev. Peter Mc- Girr was born June 29, 1833, in Fan- tona, diocese of Clogher, Ireland. In 1848 he and his brothers emigrated to America, settling in Massachusetts. Having determined to study for the priesthood, our future Quincy pastor entered Holy Cross College for the classical course of studies and later the Grand Seminary of Montreal. Bishop Juncker ordained Father Mc- Girr to the priesthood on April 22, 1862. Pittsfield, in Pike county, was his first charge, but here he stayed but a few months, till the following October, when he was appointed to the pastorate of St. Lawrence church of Quincy. But is there a St. Law- rence parish at Quincy? No, not any more, for the original St. Lawrence church was changed into that of St. Peter's at the time when Father Mc- Girr had the present structure erected. Page Ninety-One His first care was to open a school in a room rented for this purpose. Afterwards a new two story brick building, which still serves its purpose was constructed, adjacent to and south of the church. Sisters of Notre Dame from St. Mary's Academy were engaged as teachers. The paro- chial school at once grew into promi- nence for within a few years after its opening there were as many as 250 children enrolled as pupils. The next step he took was to purchase a house for parochial residence, after which came the greatest of all propositions, a new church. In this he encountered however, much opposition from his people. The pastor thought the build- ing too old and dilapidated to serve its purpose much longer, hence to radically end the subsequent heated controversy he ordered the old shack to be torn down on Easter Monday, 1868. The new structure to be erected a $70,000 one is the present St. Peter's. As the people were neither numerous nor rich, it is much to the credit of Father McGirr that in spite of vehement opposition he succeeded to build and pay for such a costly building. This shows the man's great influence over the masses as such, his determination and indomitable will power. Father McGirr passed away in March, 1893. For many years he had been a sufferer from acute rheumatic afflictions occasioned by the constant dampness of his residence. As soon as the financial conditions of the parish permitted it he built a new and elegant rectorate which he did not live long to enjoy. His remains were interred at Bloomfield, where many of his friends and relatives were then residing. R. I. P. REV. EDWARD McGOWAN. "Here, now, it is required among the dis- pensers that a man be found faithful''. 1 Cor. 4, 2. Father E. McGowan's pastoral life was a busy and industrious one. He never let an opportunity of doing good pass by. Ever cheerful under often trying conditions, he won the love and veneration of his devoted people, the well-wishes of superior and fellow-priests. He found relaxa- tion in work, and hard-telling strokes he delivered during his long priestly career in the various parishes over which he was called to preside. Re- sults are the best gauge by which man's worth in the various walks of life is measured. The work accom- plished by Father McGowan testify to his determined and resolute activity in attaining results. Churches and rectories in various parishes o-we their existence to this indefatigable priest. His first mission where he displayed his industriousness and re- sourcefulness was that of St. Patrick's at Grafton. To this charge he was appointed when first coming from Ireland. He worked for his Grafton people from Oct. 18, 1872-November 18, 1875, when the Ordinary, recog- Page Ninety-Two nizing the merits and ability of our subject, assigned him to St. Stanis- laus of Macon, where he labored equally well from 1875-1883. A new congregation was to be started at that time at Dalton City. Father Mc- Gowan was' chosen to do it and he did it. How success crowned his ef- forts is manifested by the pretty church and rectory which, during the nine years of his incumbency, he erected there, (1883-'92). When this new parish had been placed on solid footing and become prosperous and self-sustaining, our good man was transferred to the neighboring con- gregation of Bethany, where his stay lasted from 1892-'97. Here he was not less active than he had been in previous places, for St. Cokimkill's church of Sullivan is built and Father McGowan ministers to the little flock on alternative Sundays. Next he is made pastor of Pittsfield, which he soon exchanges, however, for the parish of Murrayville, January 1, 1900. How well this zealous pastor acquit- ted himself of the various duties which he performed to the very last is known to everyone. When death claimed him at Our Savior's hospital of Jacksonville, the fruits of his active and industrious life were ripe. Peacefully he slept away June 26, 1905. His bier was surrounded by Bishop, priests and people, all sorrow- ing over the passage of God's good and faithful steward. He was buried at Murrayville, June 29, Father McGowan was born at Ballinascreen, County Derry, Ireland, March 9, 1842, and was ordained at All Hallows June 24, 1872. May he rest in peace. REV. WILLIAM McGUIRE. Farewell friends 1 Yet, not farewell! Where I am, ye too, shall dwell. I am gone before your face, A moment's time, a little space. Germantown, Pa., a part of greater Philadelphia, was the birthplace of Rev. William McGuire, whose loss in 1914, the diocese, Bishop and priests, greatly deplored. Deceased was born in 1858 and had completed his studies at Niagara and Allegheny. On the feast of Corpus Christi, June 20, 1889 he was raised to the priesthood in the Franciscan Seminary chapel of Alle- gheny for the diocese of Alton and at once assumed charge of his ap- pointment as assistant to Rev. P. J. Mackin of St. Patrick's church of De- catur. Two years he was at Decatur and thence was transferred for a year to Virden. In 1892 Father McGuire acted as assistant priest to Rev. Peter McGirr of St. Peter's congregation of Quincy, whence in 1894, he as- sumed charge of St. Augustine's of Ashland. Sickness and misfortune the burning of the parochial residence overtook him here. Having suffici- ently recuperated after some months' vacation which he spent in Eastern watering places, decedent was ap- pointed to the Parish of Franklin in 1898, where after years of fruitful labor he passed away in 1914. His remains were interred in the Catho- lic cemetery of Franklin. Of the worth and character of our departed confrere, a friend wrote the press of Decatur. "Biographers and historians may venture estimates of the truly good and great but these estimates are personal and inadequate. Righteous living has many attainable degrees to which all are invited and to which all are welcome. Thus it follows that we find around us so many good peo- ple in every calling no matter how sublime or how humble, living right- eously, striving to make themselves more perfect and to make the beauti- ful, world even more beautiful Thrice blessed is that country whose people live righteously, for in it we find peace, liberty and security. The righteous die, but their deeds are more enduring than time itself. Ever increasing, ever expanding and always advancing, righteous living blesses every human being, and the best civilization that ever existed or will exist is its fruitage. "Just what degree of excellency Father McGuire reached in righteous- ness, I do not know, but it is certain that his was a most beautiful charac- ter admired and beloved by everybody. For more than a quarter of a century he labored in the Alton diocese, caring little for himself, but intensily inter- ested in the welfare of others. His kind cheering greetings his generous deeds and exemplary life weje steps that lead to the throne of his Divine Master. God knows the worth of a righteous life and I do hope and pray that Father McGuire now wears the crown of eternal life." R. I. P. Page Ninety-Three REV. FRANCIS McVEIGH. "Hush! for the ages call The Love of God lives through eternity And conquers all!" He was an ex-religious who had spent the greater part of his priestly life in the Chinese missions. He came to the diocese in 1899, and was as- signed to Bloomfield with St. Joseph's on Columbus road and St. Edward's of Mendon, as out-missions. Shortly after he changed his habitat from Blooomfield to St. Joseph's, erecting there a neat and comfortable resi- dence. Serious sickness overtook him in the summer of 1906; he entered St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Chicago, where he died in the fall of that year. R. I. P. REV. JOHN JOSEPH MENGE. "... and the fire had died away". When Rev. Damian Juncker, of Dayton, Ohio, was chosen by the Holy See first Bishop of the new dio- cese of Alton, in 1857, he selected the Rev. John Joseph Menge, a priest of Cincinnati, to act as first Cathedral rector and chancellor of the diocese. The latter accompanied the former on his advent to Alton. Father Menge filled the office of pastor and chancel- lor till October 2, 1862, with great credit and ability. Whilst thus em- ployed he still found time to look after the spiritual needs of the Ger- man Catholics in and around Alton, who then numbered some twenty-five families. He organized them into a parish, started a Ladies' Altar Society and said Holy Mass for them on Sun- days in a small rented house. These few families formed the nucleus of the present strong St. Mary's congrega- tion of Alton. Their first resident pastor was Father Ostrop in 1858. Father Menge was recalled by his Ordinary in October, 1862, back to Cincinnati to 'become pastor of St. Francis de Sales parish of that city whilst the office of chancellor was conferred upon Rev. John Janssen, who subsequently became the first Bishop of Belleville, and Rev. T. F. Mangan was made rector of the Cathedral. Rev. John Joseph Menge was born at Osnabrueck, Hanover, July 12, 1829, ordained to the priesthood Octo- ber 18, 1854, and died in the early seventies in Cincinnati. R. I. P. REV. G. MEITTINGER. "Et dixit ad eum ; Ingredere in requiem meam". When on February 1, 1866, the priests of St. John's church of Spring- field had discontinued to attend the parish at New Berlin, it received its first resident pastor in the person of Rev. Gustavus Meittinger. He stayed at New Berlin until July 18, 1867, when he was relieved of his charge by Rev. Francis Schreiber. Little is known of this priest beyond the fact that he died as pastor of St. Ann's parish at Holstein, Calumet county, Wisconsin, in 1867. R. I. P. Page Ninety-Four REV. FREDERICK METZGER.D. D. "While I live a wretched beggar, One bright hope my lot can cheer; Soon, soon thou shalt have thy kingdom, Brighter hours are drawing near". Far removed from his colleagues and friends and parishioners, sepa- rated by world-wide distance from the scenes of his eminently successful priestly endeavors and enterprises, Rev. Frederick Metzger, one of God's noblemen, respected and beloved by all, was suddenly summoned by death in far away Bavaria, on Friday, Oct. 25, 1895. It was but few weeks prior to this that decedent had been ap- pointed pastor of St. Anthony's parish of Effingham, and dean of that dean- ery. Before assuming vigorous hold of the reins of that parish, he was advised by medical authority and in- sistent friends, to first go in quest of health and strength in order to quali- fy himself for the impending onerous duties and responsibilities which awaited him in the newly appointed charge of Effingham. With the Bishop's approval -and endorsement and the many well-wishes for a bon voyage, he sailed for his native land, Bavaria, among attractive home en- vironments to fully recuperate from a general collapse occasioned by many years of unremitting, stren- uous work and worry. This, in time, had brought on chronic heart trouble. In the meridian of life he became a premature victim of his calling. There are no words too extravagant or too effusive to be said in behalf of Father Metzger, as hosts of friends and admirers, both Catholic and Prot- estant, will testify to. When the cable then flashed the news of his untoward demise, genuine heartfelt sorrow became universal in places which had known him. Expressions of sincerest sympathy were but poor symbols of expressions when a man of Father Metzger's mold was the themie, a gentleman and priest of flawless type and character. Death overtook him when visiting at the house of a clerical friend, some twenty miles distant from his own home. The Pike County Democrat in its edition of Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1895, said of the departed: "Dean Metzger while rigid in his church views and strict in the faith- ful performance of all duties that pertained to his priestly office, yet so lived and moved among his fellow- citizens as to command their esteem and respect and caused them' to re- gret his removal from their midst. By the very large body of parish- ioners over whom he was set as their spiritual guide and counsellor he will ever be remembered as one well worthy of their warmest feelings of affection and his memory be long cherished in their hearts." Rev. Frederick Metzger was born at Waldmohn, Rheinpfalz, Bavaria, Sept. 22, 1843. From early boyhood days he longed to dedicate himself to God's service, to become a priest and work for the spiritual good of man-kind. Since, however, young Metzger dis- played great aptitude for mechanical skill his parents placed him at an early date in a cabinet factory, where at the age of sixteen he had already advanced to the position of foreman. He couldn't be idle. To make, build Page Ninety-Five or construct something was his de- light; this trait accompanied him into the priesthood. The profession which his parents seemed to have chosen for himi did not satisfy our subject's yearning, he aspired to become one of God's anointed. To attain this end he set out for America. At the St. Francis Seminary, near Milwaukee, the future Dean of Effingham com- pleted his classical course and like- wise took up the study of Philosophy and Theology. His fondest desire, nurtured since childhood days, be- came satisfied when on Dec. 23, 1872, Bishop Baltes raised him to the priesthood. At Mishawaka, Ind., the young neo- presbyter celebrated his first holy Mass two days later, namely, on Christmas morning, 1872. Now he was ready for work, however ardu- ous it might be. Accordingly the Bishop appointed him; to Kaskaskia in "Egypt," one of the oldest Catho- lic settlements in the entire Mississip- pi valley. Here he remained eight years doing such noble service that even today yet his name need only be mentioned and it awakens grateful and loving sentiments in the hearts of the KasLaskians. On Dec. 9, 1880, Father Metzger was transferred to Pittsfield. Fifteen years of strenuous work and worry broke down his former robust con- stitution and caused chronic heart trouble. He was sent abroad, travel- led from place to place, consulted the famous Father Kneipp at Woerish- ofen, rested among the peaceful sur- roundings of his home, and early boy- hood scenes, received the most kind and tender care of his nearest rela- tives and yet all this proved ulti- mately of little or no avail. At the home of a clerical friend at Reifen- berg, where he happened to be a chance visitor, Father Metzger breathed forth his spirit in peace on Oct. 25, 1895. Before leaving in quest of strength and health we know that our de- cedent had been appointed to the parish of Effingham. On leaving Pittsfield for his new mission field, everyone Catholic and Protestant alike, seemed to have sustained a great personal loss, they all revered and loved him tenderly. Besides the pastoral and parochial work which our subject discharged with conscientious exactitude, he opened up in the fall of 1882 a paro- chial school which he maintained for more than six years, when finally owing to a lack of children he was obliged to discontinue same. His hospitality knew no limits. At times he invited poor seminarians to come and spend their summer vacations with him at Pittsfield; his doors were always wide open to receive friends and callers, and many there were who journeyed thither in order to enjoy his magnanimous and liberal hospital- ity. I said that Father Metzger had great aptitude and talent for mechan- ical work. How true that is he showed in the building and construct- ing of church .pipe organs. It is justly astounding and wonderful how he excelled in this amateur occupa- tion installing a fine pipe organ which is still in use at Kaskaskia, his first mission; another pipe organ he in- stalled in his own church at Pittsfield, and yet another one he constructed for the St. Francis College chapel of Quincy. Mt. Sterling and Springfield churches likewise proclaim the merits of Father Metzger's fine pipe organs. And withal he was humility personi- fied. Thus did this splendid worker of the Alton clergy lead an active, edify- ing, priestly life. By word and ex- ample he scattered the seeds of his holy calling promiscuously about; how much good they effected is known to God alone. May the crown of eternal glory be his reward. Page Ninety-Six REV. GERARD MIRBACH. Rev. G. Mirbach, the "grand old man" and second pastor of St. Mary's, was a splendid type of man, strong, high-minded and of noble pur- poses, a man of tact and refinement, of erudition and learning. In ap- pearance he was of rather striking personality, patriarchal and venerable looking, earnest and severe of mien and countenance which but seldom was lit up by hearty laugh or mirth- ful smile. Long gray whiskers added to his impressive and somber bearing. And yet, withal, he was a man of tender sympathies and magnanimous disposition, kind and generous to a fault. His highest ambitions culmin- ated in promoting the interests of St. Mary's, spiritual and material. Hence it is, in a marvelous degree all clung to him in good and evil days seeking advice and counsel, strength and com- fort with a confidence and assurance that eloquently proclaimed the har- monious and intimate bond and union between pastor and people as it ex- ists between father and children. And today no name stands forth in such vivid relief before the people of St. Mary's and no former pastor's mem- ory commands such universal love and grateful veneration after almost d quarter century than Father Mirbach does. And well he deserved the peo- ples homage and confidence, for he was surely a worthy and exemplary priest of God and a great benefactor of man. Having come to America at the age of 32 years, at a time of life when the acquisition of a foreign language is by no means as easy a task as it is in earlier years, and owing to the fact, moreover, that the various charges over which he presided were almost exclusively all German it is easy to explain why Fr. Mirbach greatly lacked in the use and know- ledge of the English language. Hence his official communications and cor- respondences with the Diocesan Chan- cery and even with the Bishop were mostly carried on in German. On the other hand, however, we find him to be a tine Latin scholar; in that language he excelled, he wrote and he composed in it with remarkable facility, ease and fluency, of which some still extant manuscripts bear ample testimony. As an example of his choice latinity I may allude to the beautiful address which he as the Senior of the Quincy clergy was asked to draft on the accession of our present Bishop to the See of Alton. For many years Rev. Mirbach suf- fered from acute rheumatism, he be- came practically an invalid and was necessitated to accept aid from the Franciscan Monastery and College on Sundays and Holy days for a number of years until in November, 1893, the Bishop sent a young assistant priest to St. Mary's. It was the newly or- dained Rev. John Wand. Already in 1880 Fr. Mirbach had sought relief from this painful malady by under- taking a trip to Europe, there to make use of the world-renowned Sulphur Springs of Germany; again in 1886 he was most urgently induced by his Bishop, Rt. Rev. P. J. Baltes, to try a several week's course of mineral baths at Hot Springs, Ark., which the Bishop described to him as the best baths known anywhere in the world for their wonderful curative qualities. Again we find our rheumatic sufferer Page Ninety-Seven a patient at the Sisters' Sanitarium in Milwaukee. All these trials brought only temporary relief but effected no cure. Of all the tests, trials and afflictions which good Father Mirbach had to undergo during the 21 years of his pastoral life at St. Mary's, none was so acute and severe, however, as was the mental strain endured on the night of February the 2nd, 1891, when proud, noble, beautiful St. Mary's fell prey to fire and flame and was reduced in a short time to a smouldering heap of ruins. Poor man how we pitied him when this sad story of St. Mary's mis- fortune was made known next day by the papers. The strong minded pas- tor, however, soon rose to the occa- sion, and like a phoenix from the ashes, thus did stricken St. Mary's under the undaunted leadership of Father Mirbach arise to vigorous new life and activity, and soon a beautiful structure arose, more handsome and more queenly than the former one had been. Rev. Gerard Mirbach was born September 8th, 1832, at Gerderhahn, near Aachen; he finished his higher classical studies in 1856 at Neus and then for three years went to the Uni- versity of Bonn to prepare himself by the study of philosophy and theology for his chosen vocation, the priest- hood. On September the 3rd, 1860, he was ordained by the Auxiliary Bishop of Cologne, Msgr. Baudri, and in October of that year sent as Vicar to Raeren, where he stayed 'till he emi- grated to America, May 8, 1869. Ar- rived at Alton, where he presented himself to Bishop Baltes, he was at once assigned to the parish of Fayette- ville, 111. In 1874 Rev. Theodore Brue- ner, then pastor of our St. Mary's parish, accepted the position as Rector of the Pio Nono College, a normal school for the training of Catholic teachers and organists, situated at St. Francis, Wis., near Milwaukee. St. Mary's therefore, became vacant. The right man for the position was found when the Bishop's choice fell on Father Mirbach. For and with St. Mary's people he worked with singu- lar devotion for 21 years, from 1874- 1895, when on April the 2nd, 1895, he was summoned by the Master whom he had served so faithfully and so well throughout the years of his ex- emplary life to receive the promised reward. May he rest in peace! REV. LEOPOLD MOCZYGEMBA, 0. M. C. "Then I heard a strain of music So mighty, so pure and so clear". In the latter part of the sixties, a member of the Order of the Conven- tual Franciscans, a native of Selesia, came to the diocese and was given charge of the parish of Carrollton. He had been for some time an English Confessor at St. Peter's, Rome. From Carrollton Father Leopold was assigned to St. Mary's of Litchfield, where he remained about four years. This was in 1869. The diocese of Chicago holding out probably better prospects to our secularized Fran- ciscan Father, he moved to that city in 1873, where on April 15, 1892, he died. When Father Leopold cam, e to Litchfield he lost no time in opening a school. On one side of the old rec- tory he put up school rooms, on the other he built spacious apartments for a convent and academy for the use of the Ursuline Sisters coming from the Motherhouse of Alton. His zeal and successful labors, which he displayed in Litchfield, are still vivid- ly remembered and often spoken of by the older members of the parish. R. I. P. Page Ninety-Eight REV. JOHN F. MOHR. "The shadows grew longer and longer The evening wind passed by; And the purple splendor of sunset Was flooding the western sky". Thirty-five years pastor of one and the same parish is a record seldom at- tained and hardly ever surpassed by any priest. Looking over the list of departed mem'bers of our diocesan clergy we find but very few instances Where priests assigned to pastoral work in congregations have uninter- ruptedly retained their charges for such length of time. True, we met with some who not only equalled but even out-distanced this record, but they prove to have been rare excep- tions. Various reasons may be ad- duced why pastors are more or less shifted about, be it from a rural to a. city parish or vice versa. Conditions, environments, personal traits and characteristics, constructive parochial work and many other factors may en- ter into the consideration of appoint- ments, changes or removals from one place to another; it is left to and de- termined by the Bishop's wise discre- tion and stern authority. The one who with few exceptions seemed to be immune from experimental tests and changes was our suave and amia- ble Father John F Mohr, of New Ber- lin, 111. Possessed of personal charm and magnetism combined with child-like disposition whom no one who ever met the kind-hearted and generous minded man could withstand, he counted his friends and loyal adhe- rents by hundreds. Wherever he went Father Mohr made conquests winning over to him new friends and admirers. "Papa Mohr" his clerical friends were pleased to call him, to which appel- lation he offered no serious objection. No one was a more welcome visitor to the home of friends or parishion- ers than he. A humorous vein was his. Commanding an inexhaustible fund of anecdotes and catchy little stories which, by the way, he was at times guilty of repetition a circle of expectant listeners would gather around .him to enjoy the good man's company and liberally applaud his in- nocent sayings. He loved the plain people. How much sunshine did he cast into gloomy corners thereby dis- pelling depression, \yorry and anxiety from so many minds and hearts. A model of a worthy, pious and zealous priest was he, admired and worshipped by his time-honored con- freres and subjects for his spotless priestly life and gentlemanly bearing always trying to be all unto all omne omni. Punctuality and scrupu- lous exactitude in the performance of parochial ministrations, at the altar or the recitation of divine office, in the confessional or on sick calls char- acterized his beautiful life. In out- ward personal appearance Fr. Mohr was a pattern of neatness, which is not to say, however, that he was a stylish dresser; far from it, for our good man would make a collar, shirt or suit last just as long as decency and propriety would permit. He loved out-door exercise, to roam in the woods or with fishing-pole sit for Page Ninety-Nine hours on the banks of creek or pond and watch the cork usually without result. To make private home life interest- ing every man must have a hobby. Father Mohr had his. And what was it? Collecting and sacredly storing away old newspapers and magazines, ordos and breviaries, scrap-books and tickets, etc., for if anything he was a man of great economic, conservative habits, a survivor of the old school, clinging to customs and traditions. An accumulation of odds and ends was found among his modest in- ventory, a great deal of which served as fuel for a bon-fire by an injudicious temporary and hasty substitute. Rev. John Francis Mohr, a dean of the Springfield deanery, was born at Minster, Ohio, on February 2, 1839, At the age of 23 years he was raised to the priesthood in the Alton Cathe- dral by the first Bishop of the dio- cese, Rt. Rev. Damian Juncker, D. D. After filling minor charges, Father Mohr was appointed in 1870, pastor of the Cathedral parish. He acted successfully as such for nearly three years, when the Bishop saw fit to place him at the head of that ill- starred Diocesan College of Ruma, 111. now the convent-home of the "Sisters of the Precious Blood." After the short incumbency at Ruma he was assigned to St. Mary's church of New Berlin, 111., in January, 1873. His death occured at the St. John's Hospital, Springfield, on Holy Thurs- day, April 16, 1908. La Grippe, super- induced by paralysis carried him off. The solemn obsequies were had the following Tuesday. The Rt. Rev. Or- dinary of the diocese together with 64 members of the clergy were there to pay their last tribute of love and respect to him whose memory will continue to live enshrined in the hearts of all who knew him. On this funeral occasion the Solemn Requiem was said by the Rt. Rev. Bishop James Ryan, D. D., assisted by Rev. P. Anselm Mueller, O. F. M., the then venerable and popular rector of St. Francis College of Quincy, as deacon and Dean Michael Weis, of Quincy, as sub-deacon, whilst Revs. Francis Zabell, D. D., of Bunker Hill and Ferdinand Stick of Highland, acted as assistants to the celebrant. Very Rev. Timothy Hickey, V. G., of St. Mary's Springfield, delivered a pathetic funeral oration on the life and labors of our departed one, whose body was bedded in the little parish cemetery of New Berlin, 111. R. I. P. REV. JOHN MOLITOR. Cold is the hearth when the last spark dies, And empty and lone are the western skies When the red sun sinks in. his cloudy bed; And cold are our hearts, for the priest is dead. In the cemetery of quiet and peace- ful Brussels in Calhoun county, we come upon a small weather-beaten headstone which 'bears the inscrip- tion: "Sacred to the Memory of Rev. John Molitor." He who sleeps be- neath the grassy plot and whose name is recalled by the humble mon- ument was the first resident priest of that parish. A fellow-student of the late Bishop Baltes, he was raised to the priesthood together with him at the Grand Seminary of Montreal on May 21, 1853. He was at once ap- pointed to the St. Mary's congrega- tion of Brussels. Father Molitor was a native of Belgium and in memory of him the village was named Brus- sels. His time of labor, however, was very short, for after some three months it was already rudely inter- rupted by death. He died at a lone farm house after a very brief illness. R. I. P. Page One Hundred REV. JOHN MOLITOR, R. D. There's no place like "Home". Forty years pastor of one and the same parish is indeed a remarkable occurrance and seldom equalled in this Diocese. Such extraordinary rec- ord stands to the credit of Reverened John Moliter, late pastor of Sewton ord stands to the credit of Father and Dean of the Effingham Deanery Quiet and unostentatious in the daily discharge of his duties, during all these years he earned the respect and well-wishes of all, both of the clergy and laity. The high regard with which his Ordinary looked upon his systematic and fruitful labors caused his appointment as District Dean and well did Father Miolitor merit such distinction from above. Everyone heartily seconded the un- sought promotion. True to his God, he was at all times equally true to his Bishop and Confreres. Zeal and devotedness characterized his long pastorate. The parishioners clung to him as children would to their father. His dictum, was decisive, his words conveyed authority. Keen, therefore, was the pain and deep the wound caused by his death which occurred January 17, 1917. A great out-pouring of sorrowing people on the day of funeral attested the universal love and esteem the departed enjoyed at Newton and surroundings. Father John Molitor was born at Germantown, 111., Dec. 6, 1845 and ordained to the priesthood March 25, 1874, by the late Bishop Baltes. His was the distinction of being the first native diocesan priest ordained for the diocese of Alton. R. I. P. REV. VINCENT NAGLER. "Sitivit in Te anima Mea". Whilst his predecessor's tenure of office lasted but from September, 1872 to May, 1873, Father Nagler served St. Mary's parish of Alton likewise but one year, from May, 1873 till May 15, 1874, the date of his death. Father Nagler was of frail body and poor health, nearly always sick and unable to perform his manifold duties, although over-anxious to comply with them. Dropsy caused his death. He lies buried at Alton. May God rest his soul. REV. WM. NEIL. (P. Longinus, O. S. B.) "Karth and heaven tell of rest that shall not cease ; Where the cold world's farewell Fades into endless peace". In exchange for Rev. Theodore Bruener, who on leaving St. Mary's parish of Quincy, in 1874, had ac- cepted the rectorship of the Pio Nono Normal School of St. Francis, Wis., the Archbishop of Milwaukee permit- ted Rev. Wm. Neu to come to our diocese. He was appointed to Bun- ker Hill in May, 1874. The new pas- tor was a born pedagogue and his best exertions were used in that di- rection. This was evidenced by the flourishing parochial school which at once he opened. He also embellisher! the church and reformed the choir ac- cording to the Cecilian idea. In 1878 Rev. Wm Neu undertook the build- ing of a small church at Gillispie Page One Hundred and Ore large enough to accommodate the small congregation. To raise the means sufficient and necessary to carry out this plan, our gifted priest delivered a series of lectures in neighboring places. In 1879 Father Neu returned to Wisconsin to relieve Father Bruener of his duties at the Normal. In 1889 our subject became a Religious. He joined the Benedic- tine Order at Atchison, Kansas, and was henceforth known to the world as P. Longinus, O. S. B. As such he acted as assistant at the Abbey church till 1891, was pastor of St. Peter's church at Council Bluffs Iowa, July, 1892-97. From January, 1898-'99, Father Longinus presided as pastor over the Abbey church of At- chison. On the 3d day of March, 1899, good Father Neu died at St.' Vincent's Hospital, Birmingham, Ala- bama, and was buried in the Abbey cemetery at Atchison, March 7, 1899. He was born at Bocholt, in the Diocese of Muenster, July 23, 1846, emigrated with his parents to Ameri- ca in December, I860, and was or- dained to the priesthood by Bishop Henni of Milwaukee, at St. Francis Seminary December 21, 1871. R. I. P. REV. JOHN NEUHAUS. "Labia mea laudabunt Te". Practically the whole priestly career of our subject was spent in the southern part of the state, now the Belleville Diocese, with the exception of four months, when he acted as pastor of St. Boniface congregation of Edwardsville, and attended St. Michael's parish of Staunton, which was then affiliated to St. Boniface of Edwardsville. Rev. John Neuhaus was born Feb- ruary 13, 1844, at Coesfeld in West- falia; studied in his native city and at Muenster and was ordained a priest by the Auxiliary Bishop of Muenster, Rt. Rev. John Bossman, on June 21, 1870. He became stationed at Red Bud, October 29, 1870-A u g u s t 14. 1871; at Belle Prairie from August 15, 1871-March 17, 1875, and attended the missions of McLeansboro, Mt. Ver- non, Enfield, Carmi and Flora. At Edwardsville from March 19, 1875- July 6, 1875, after which he was ordered to act as chaplain of the Sis- ters of the Precious Blood of Ruma. and attended from there Glasgow City, now Renault. This young Sis- terhood is greatly indebted to his pru- dent management for its spiritual and material advancement. Father John Neuhaus died at Ruma, February 22, 1905, and lies buried in the parish cemetery. R. I P. Page One Hundred and Tico REV. WIMAR OBERDOERSTER. "Dust thou art, and 'into dust thou shalt return". Gen. 3, 19. In the fall of 1888 a talented and promising young priest arrived in the diocese from Germany. But shortly previous thereto he had been ordained to the priesthood at the American College of Louvain, in Belgium. It was Rev. Wimar Oberdoerster. Born March 17th. 1860, at Lenhof near Seelscheidt in the Archdiocese of Cologne, he finished his classical stu- dies in the schools of his native place, whilst for the completion of the Sem- inary course, Philosophy and Theo- logy, he was directed to the American College of Louvain, because of his decision to spend his future priestly life in the American missions. When the time for ordination drew near, he applied for admission into the Alton diocese, where he was readily ac- cepted. On June 24. 1888, the class of young clerics to which Father Ober- doerster belonged, was raised to the priesthood. A few weeks later we ex- tended a hearty welcome to the genial young man, who was introduced to us as the newly appointed assistant to St. Paul's of Highland. During the lengthy absence of the pastor. Rev. Jos. Meckel. who in company with the present Vicar-General of Belle- ville had started that fall on a Euro- pean journey which was to include a trip to the Holy Land, the young assistant was given charge of the parish affairs until the return of the pastor the next summer. How well he carried out his responsible obliga- tions is attested to by the fact that immediately on the return of the pas- tor to Highland the young man was appointed to the parishes of Troy and Black Jack. Here he performed good work and won the love and esteem of every one in a marked de- gree. After several years of fruitful labor the Ordinary saw fit to trans- fer Father Oberdoerster to the pros- pering young parish of Pierron, which had been founded only a few years before 'by the energetic Father Fut- terer, whilst stationed at Grant Fork and who had become its first pastor. The Bishop at that time was in quest of a talented and bright young priest to send to the Catholic University at Washington, to be the beneficiary of a scholarship which had been founded there for the Alton diocese. His choice fell upon the pastor of Pierron. Father Futterer. In consequence Father Oberdoerster was transferred from Troy and given the rectorship of Pierron. Here he completed and embellished what his predecessor had to leave in rather unfinished condition, church, house and cemetery. Hence the Pierron parish under his prudent management signally developed, both materially and spiritually, it grew in numbers and waxed strong, so that in a few years it favorably compared with the best rural congregations of the diocese, thanks to the good men who successively guided its destiny. How often, however, does man ex- perience the truth of Holy Writ: "Meda vita in morte sumus," "in the midst of life we are surrounded by death." Father Oberdoerster had now been a priest for upwards of nine years. His light-heartedness and sunny dis- Page One Hundred and Three position, his enthusiastic endeavors and continued good health were to the average observer a guarantee of many more years of precious useful- ness in the Master's cause. The career of our estimable friend of Pierron augured so well. Sickness, however, dreaded pneumonia overtook him and ended the precious life and valued services suddenly, on Friday, July 30, 1897, at a St. Louis hospital. He was buried August 1, in the Catholic cemetery of Pierron, fol- lowed thither by a vast concourse of people from, his own as well as neigh- boring parishes and many of his de- voted friends and admirers of the clergy. "His race was run, his crown is won The goal is reached in heaven, He fought the fight, he kept the Faith For which that crown is given". REV. CHARLES OBERPRANTACHER. "And leaving all behind, Come forth alone, To join the chosen band Around the throne". In an interesting historical souve- nir-edition of St. Paul's parish of Highland, issued September, 1896, the author, Rev. Jos. Meckel, devotes a brief chapter (page 94) on his worthy and distinguished predecessor, Rev. Charles Oberprantacher. By the transfer of Rev. P. Peters to St. Mary's, Alton, he was appointed to succeed him as pastor of St. Paul's. Prior to this he had been pastor of the parish at Millstadt from August, 1866-August, 1868, where he suc- ceeded in erecting a $4,000 school house; from 1868-73, pastor at Free- burg, and from Novemiber 73-August, 74 at Edwardsville. At the time when this change of pastors was made, Highland was not a desirable place for any priest to covet. Repeated disturb- ances which had occured under Fathers Limacher, Bartels and Peters, had given that congregation "a black eye," each one of these able and effici- ent men had left without regret. Father O'berprantacher, says our historian, was eminently a man of peace, a paci- fist and with his coming an era of peace seemed to have dawned upon that fractious parish. The tomahawk was buried and the future promised bright. At once the new incumbent proceeded to make some necessary re- pairs and purchased two lots adjoining the church property. New spiritual life- began to awaken in the parishioners and the schools soon flourished. All this, however, was to be of but short duration for within less than two years Father Oberprantacher sent his resignation as pastor of Highland and asked the Bishop that he not only be relieved of his charge but be per- mitted to return to his native land, mountainous, beautiful Tyrol. At the end of May, 1876, he left Highland and sailed for Europe, never to re- turn. Rev. Charles Oberprantacher was born March 19. 1829, at Biffian in the Tyrolean Alps. He was ordained at Brixen, July 15, 1855, and came to America in July, 1866. After his re- turn to Europe he was assigned a large parish in his native country. We are not in position to state when and where our former diocesan priest died nor where he was buried. R. I. P. Page One Hundred and Four V. REV. P. J. O'HALLORAN, V. G. ''The sun shone bright again When slowly up the highway Came a long funeral train". This popular priest, for more than 25 years pastor of St. Patrick's of East St. Louis, was one of the most prominent clergymen of the state. He was born August 15, 1830, in Bluff, County, Limerick, Ireland. At the age of 1C 1 years he was brought to this country by his parents, who settled in Cincinnati, Ohio. He received his education at Bardstown Seminar}', Kentucky, and was finally graduated from Mount St. Mary's, Cincinnati. Raised to the priesthood in 1862, Father O'Halloran held successively the pastorate of Jacksonville, Bunker Hill and Cairo, in each of the places building a church. During his incum- bency at Bunker Hill he erected also St. Michael's church of Staunton in 1873, and greatly distinguished him- self for his financial ability in church matters and was made Vicar General of the diocese. He built a parochial residence and the convent at East St Louis and moreover purchased the present Mount Carmel cemetery for $12,000. Furthermore Father O'Hal- loran organized a building and loan association that has built 72 homes for its members. He died, greatly re- gretted, December 29, 1898, and was buried in Mt. Carmel cemetery of East St. Louis. R. 1. P. REV. FRANCIS AUGUSTIN OSTROP. Beyond life's stormy seas of woe There is a happy shore, Where tears of sorrow never flow, And trials are no more. Rev. Francis Augustine O s t r o p was born at Dorsten in Westfalia, September 1, 1823. From his earliest years he exhibited an ardent desire to enter the holy ministry, but his parents were too poor to enable him to accomplish it For seven years he worked as painter and cabinet maker. At the age of twenty-one he began the study of classics in his native place, but a few months afterwards removed to Coesfeld. Such was his diligence and application to study that in three years he made double time and went through six classes. At the same time, as a means of support. he gave private lessons to less ad- vanced students. After graduating he repaired to Muenster, there to study Philosophy and Theology. On leav- ing Muenster he became for awhile a tutor in the family of Count Schmiesing-Kerstenbrock, whereupon for two years he acted as teacher at the Osnabrueck High school, giving popular lectures on astronomy. After- wards for five years he had charge of the Ibbenbueren High school. When, in 1857, Bishop Juncker went to Westfalia to recruit subjects for his diocese, Francis Ostrop offered his services, which were gladly ac- cepted. He reached Alton, November 11, was sent to the Carondelet Semin- ary, of St. Louis, and ordained May 1, 1858. His first appointment was to St. Mary's church of Alton. He found a two-story building, erected the previous year by Rev. John Menge, with the help of the eight families constituting the congregaton and serving for church, school and rectory, with a debt of $3,OCO. On Trinity Sunday, 1860, a tornado de- stroyed the building, burying in its ruins priest and housekeeper: both, however, were safely extricated from their perilous plight. He was anxious II,,, Hundred and Fit to build anew, but the debt, how- ever, had first to be liquidated. Un- able to find sufficient help at home he obtained permission to seek it abroad. He went, in turn, to Cincinnati, Cov- ington, St. Louis, Quincy; Belleville, and was thus enabled to begin the building of the church, 110x50, with steeple 100 feet high. He also built a rectory which for a time was partly used for a boys' school, the girls attending the Ursuline Academy. In 1869 he built a High School at the cost of $11,000. In September, 1872, he was ap- pointed pastor of St. Boniface parish of Quincy. There he soon erected a school, at the time one of the finest parochial school buildings in the West, purchased property and was resolved on building a $100,000 church, which no doubt he would have accomplished had not the debt of $82,CCO alarmed the less sanguine hopes of the Bishop and aroused op- position- and protest from the mem- bers. Hence his plan failed. On September 1, 1887, he was trans- ferred to Carlinville, there to become the rector of St. Joseph's parish. The congregation had but forty families and the overhanging debt amounted to $10,000. The condition of affairs seemed desperate. The new rector in no way dismayed, went to work with all energy, started four associa- tions, to take in all the members, the receipts going to the benefit of the church. He soon paid the whole debt, built a becoming school for which he purchased ground, bought a rectory for $2,200 and put an addition 30x35 to the sanctuary at a cost of $4,000. In 1891 his health was failing fast. He, nevertheless, during the winter 1891-92 attended to his duties with the occasional help of neighboring priests. His condition continued to grow worse. Father Ostrop realized the nearness of the last summons and duly prepared himself for the last call. He piously died on June 26, 1892. His funeral was held June 30, attended by the Bishop, forty priests and a vast concourse of people. Father Ostrop was a wonderful man, an enthusiast about his work and had the peculiar talent of spread- ing the sacred fire around him. Plain and simple in his way of living, he was always very kind and hospitable. In him the poor and afflicted found a friend never failing, education a warm champion, science an ardent de- votee. Have you ever observed that quad- rangular glass enclosure on top of St. Boniface school building? It was Father Ostrop's observatory, where he loved to spend many an hour dur- ing clear, bright nights, with his large adjustable telescope, studying the constellations in the starry heavens above. His voluminous library which filled two large rooms, was probably one of the choicest and most valuable in the possession of any private individual. What has become of that splendid library with its many valuable books, charts and manuscripts? Scattered here, there, or everywhere. Some were sold for a song, others given away. Too bad, indeed, for such loss to the diocese would seem well nigh irreparable. Page One Hundred and Six Father Ostrop was loved and ad- mired by all that knew him. Peace to his noble soul. R. I. P. P. S. For a detailed account of the life of Father Ostrop, see his ex- haustive biography written in 1894 by Rev. B. Hartmann. REV. ADAM J. PENNARTZ. "Dirigatur, Domine, oratio mea Sicut incensum in conspectu tuo". To the inscrutable designs of Divine Providence it seemed good to call from hence on November 10. 1917, the Rev. Adam J. Pennartz, pastor of St. Michael's parish of Sigel, 111., dean of the Effingham district and member of the board of diocese examiners. With his passing a prominent priest and eminent man has passed away, one who, as it were, towered above his fellow-priests by a certain air and semblance of superiority, whose opinion and judgment in mat- ters ecclesiastical and profane carried weight and conviction, in whose com- pany it was a pleasure to be. Of him it was pertinently said at the obse- quies: ''He was every inch a gentle- man, every inch a priest." To his parishioners Father Pennartz proved at all times a wise and prudent coun- sellor, a true father and friend. In the performance of sacred functions no one was more exact and conscien- tious than he. Great were the results he achieved during the 44 years of ministry. The various parishes over which he was placed to preside give eloquent testimony of his unflagging zeal and devotion to his holy calling, Arcola, Paris, Ste Marie, particularly however, Assumption (1881-'88) with Taylorville as mission where he con- structed the present church edifice, and Springfield (1888-'96.) Here St. Peter and Paul's substantial parochial school building stands a lasting monument to his earnest advocacy of things educational. The splendid condition of St. Michael's congregation of Sigel, both spiritual and material, is pre- eminently due to the efforts of its now fallen leader. The joyous strains of the Golden Jubilee celebration of his beloved Sigel parish were still vibrating on the air when the heralds of the ap- proaching pale messenger announced themselves to him under the guise of vehement heart-attacks which medi- cal authority atonce declared serious with probably early fatal ending. The prediction proved, alas, too true, for death claimed the good, valiant man scarcely a week later at St. Anthony's Hospital of Effingham whither the suffering patient had been brought for treatment and rest. When on the evening of November 10, towards mid- night the nursing Sister approached the patient's bedside to administer a cordial, good Father Pennartz had peacefully slumbered away. Our departed was born July 7, 1850 at Trevern in the Archdiocese of Cologne, studied at the American Col- lege of Louvain and was ordained a priest at Brussels in Belgium July 27, 1873, coming to this country and the Alton Diocese in October of that same year. May heaven be his reward! Page One Hundred and Set-en REV. PETER PETERS. "How peaceful and how powerful is the grave ! ' ' We turn our spirit-gaze to the con- secrated little mound in Alton's Cath- olic cemetery, beneath which lie en- tombed the ashes of Rev. Peter Peters, one of the diocese's illustrious dead. Born in the town of Keppelen in Rhenish Province, near the border of Holland, on April 15, 1833, he pursued a course in classics in his home town, thereupon entering the Academy of Emmerich for the study of Philosophy and Theology. After two years of close application to his studies in the Academy the young aspirant emigrated to the United States, landing at Alton in 1859. Shortly after his arrival, at the solici- tation of Bishop Juncker, who had been consecrated first Bishop of the Alton diocese but a short time previ- ously, he embarked for Cape Girar- deau, Mo., and completed his theo- logical course in the Seminary of that place. On April 21, 1861, the ambiti- ous young cleric was ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Juncker, cele- brated his first Holy Mass at SS. Peter and Paul's church of Spring- field, where Father John Janssen, afterwards Bishop of Belleville, a countryman of his. was pastor. Page One Hundred and Eight Father Peter's first appointment was to St. Mary's of Edwardsville. After two years service at Edwardsville, during which time he erected a sub- stantial residence and started a paro- chial school, Bishop Juncker sent him to Highland, that there in the roll of peacemaker he might succeed in con- ciliating opposing and warring fac- tions which until then had caused the lives of resident pastors to become miserable. His transfer to Highland was in 1863 and lasted eleven years till 1874. During all these years he ministered faithfully not only to the spiritual needs of his Highland people but likewise to those of the neighbor- ing St. Elizabeth's parish of Marine. At this latter place he was instru- mental in having a parochial residence built. He labored most zealously for the good of his congregation, yet periodical squabbles were want to turn up, for the fighting spirit and antagonism to priestly authority was peculiar to the Highlanders. Father Peter's firmness of character, how- ever, together with his model priestly bearing, gradually subdued the bel- ligerence of the malcontents; it almost disappeared under the suave and leni- ent rule of his successor, Rev. Father Joseph Meckel, who was appointed pastor of St. Paul's of Highland, while our Father Peters was trans- ferred to St. Mary's of Alton, which parish had become vacant by the transfer of Rev. Francis Ostrop to St. Boniface of Quincy, 111. Rev. August Schlegel (the sledgehammer priest) muzzled the rest of the kickers when he became their pastor. Today Highland again ranks with the fore- most parishes of the diocese, its can- tankerous spirit is subdued, the paro- chial prize-fighters are either dead or gone. Father Peters took charge of St. Mary's of Alton in 1874. He was a man who for all time left a lasting impress upon affairs ecclesiastical of Alton. Soon after coming to his new parish the zealous priest worked with might and main to further the status of St. Mary's parochial school then as now under the efficient manage- ment of the Xotre Dame Sisters. With the combined efforts of priest and teachers, great results were ob- tained so that today St. Mary's school ranks with the best in that city. Father Peters, moreover, was a man of distinct business qualifications. Prudence and sagacity advised the purchase of adjoining property; thus it was that in a quiet and undemon- strative way lot after lot and house after house passed into the ownership of St. Mary's, so that before long the parish commanded the whole block. And he it was who rested not until the present splendid $60,CCO church was erected, a monument which for all time will continue to proclaim the untiring zest and zeal of Rev. Peter Peters. And when the day of its consecration came, the climax of hap- piness and joy to the then aging man, his countenance was beaming with happy contentment, it seemed that he had no more desire or need of any new measure to be filled. The con- secrating Bishops on this occasion were the Right Revs. James Ryan of Alton and John Janssen of Belle- ville, whilst the pastor, Father Peters, sang the Solemn Mass at which the Very Rev. Michael Richard O. F. M., delivered a grand and powerful ser- mon. Father Peters took delight in showing the occasioned caller his newly-purchased additional property. He would don an old overcoat over his cassock, be it winter or summer, perch a biretta upon his head, light an old, time-honored, long meerschaum pipe and ready he was for the trip around his property. This perform- ance the good old man repeated as often as a visitor would call on him. Quietly and peacefully without making any noise or stir, he lived a most useful life in Alton, and just as quietly and peacefully was his passing away on March 5th, 1896. His mem- ory we all affectionately love and cherish. His body sleeps in the grave but his spirit rests in Paradise with God. In the demise of Father Peters, Al- ton had sustained a great loss. A man of fine natural gifts and high accomplishments his departure not only affected St. Mary's of Alton but was keenly felt by the diocese at large. May this worthy priest of God who so insessantly worked in the cause of Holy Church rest forever in God's Holy peace. REV. MICHAEL PRENDERGAST. Owing to the early period when he worked in this portion of the vin- yard of the Lord, the Rev. Michael Prendergast should not be passed over in silence. Father Prendergast was born at New Park, County Wex- ford, Ireland in the year 1810. He studied for the priesthood at Carlow College. There he was ordained for the Archdiocese of Dublin. For some time he was in the mission of Ank- low, County Wicklow. After spend- ing ten years on the mission in Ire- land, he came to the United States, affiliating himself with the diocese of Chicago, and was sent at once as' an assistant to Rev. M. Carroll of Alton. This was in 1853. In the following year, 1854, Rev. M. Prendergast was sent to Decatur to 'become the first resident rector of St. Patrick's. He Page One Hundred and Nine remained two years at Decatur, from where he attended Winchester, Pitts- field and other places, till replaced by Rev. Thomas Cusack. Next we find him starting the congregation of Winona, Minn. In 1868 he was at Danville, 111., which he left to take charge of Batavia, attending at same time Geneva and St. Charles. He died at Batavia, March 3, 1875 and REV. THOMAS Rev. Thomas Quigley was ordained in 1849 by Archbishop Kenrick of St. Louis. He was a subject of the Bishop of Chicago, in whose diocese he spent almost his entire priestly life. Whilst the Illinois Central R. R., was being constructed, Rev. Quig- ley made many trips along that line and his success with the poor fellows is said to have been marvelous. In 1855 he came to Springfield as pastor of the old St. John's church. He soon formed the design of erecting a was buried in Calvary Cemetery, Chicago. Being a man of considerable means he left a goodly portion to relatives living near Xew Douglas, devoted larger sums to charitable purposes and bequeathed the remainder to Bishop Foley of Chicago for diocesan uses. R. I. P. QUIGLEY, D. D. new building and placing it under the patronage of the Immaculate Concep- tion B. V. M. Dr Q'uigley built the foundation but did not remain to com- plete the work. When leaving he was replaced by Father P. McElherne, whilst he assumed charge of parish work in the northern (Chicago and Peoria) part of the state. Rev. Thomas Quigley was known in literary circles as a writer of some note. R. I. P. REV. LONGINUS QUITTER. "Justum deduxit Dominus per vias rectas". For many years, from 1866-1891, a quarter century, this humble priest of God exercised his sacerdotal func- tions with promptness and alacrity, retiring from active service only which compelled by bodily infirmities, leaving an honorable record wherever the call of duty had summoned him. Rev. Longinus Quitter was born Fe'bruary 26, 1830, at Daseburg, West- falia, studied classics at Rietberg and Warendorf, philosophy at Muenster. He came to this country in 1863, en- tered the Seminary of St. Joseph's College Teutopolis and was elevated to the priesthood vy Bishop Juncker at Alton. Aug. 8, 1865. His first assignment was to St. Marie, Jasper county, as assistant from 1856-67; then 'became rector of Mt. Carmel, 1867-1872, of Westwood 1872-1874, of Paderborn 1874-1876, at Aviston, an assistant at Quincy 1876-1878, rector of Vandalia 1878-1882 (during which incumbency he built St. Lawrence church of Greenville in 1878) Madonnaville, 1882-1886, of Lively Grove in 1886, till his retirement on account of pro- tracted illness to St. Mary's hospital, East St. Louis, a short time previous to his death, December 5, 1891. He lies buried at Lively Grove. R. I. P. Page One Hundred and Ten REV. J. B. RAHO, C. M. "And thou shall stand where Winged Archangels worship, And trembling bow before thee". The Lazarist Fathers of Cape Girardeau, Mo., were among the first priests who performed heroic, lasting missionary work in Illinois. These veterans in the field were inured and hardened to fatigue and privations, they all had graduated from the school of experience, they were rug- ged men of deep learning and saint- ly lives. Wherever these sons of St. Vincent of Paul put forth their lofty aims and tireless labors forgetful of self, they changed dreary prairie spots into fragrant flower gardens, built churches, schools and charitable in- stitutions in communities which' seemed not only barren and hopeless of higher spiritual life and ideal, nay proved even inimical to any attempt to plant God's blessed church in their midst. Wonderful has been the suc- cess of these Mission priests whose eminent qualifications as Missionaries achieved such marvellous results wherever the voice of obedience called them. Some of their achieve- ments in Illinois form bright pages in the annals of the Order. What's now a large part of the Alton diocese, was an outmission of the C. M. Fathers in the latter part of the thirties. The facile and gifted pen of Father Thomas Shaw, C. M., has saved the doings and operations of these Missionary priests on the prair- ies of Illinois from falling into ob- livion, he has given us the "Story of the La Salle Mission," by which the learned Father has earned the lasting gratitude of every lover and student of the history of the Catholic Church in Illinois. Among the priests who traversed the broad acres of Illinois late in the thirties and early in the forties, his splendid narrative cites men for whom the clergy and people of the Alton diocese have more than pass- ing interest, because of their mission- ary activity and ministrations in cities and towns now incorporated in our own diocese. Fathers J. B. Raho, Parodi and Orlando, and others, all members of the order of St. Vincent of Paul, or C. M.'s as they are called for brevity's sake. The most con- spicuous of these Mission Fathers portrayed on the pages of the "Story of the La Salle Mission" was unques- tionably Father J. B. Raho, the Superior. These Lazarist Fathers (so-called from their first Community House dedicated to St. Lazarus and given over to works of charity in Paris) sailing for first time the Illinois river on their way from St. Louis to La Salle, arrived at the latter place March 29, 1838. At once they entered upon the work mapped out for them by Bishop Rosati and Father Timon, their Superior, with Father Raho as their guiding genius. "The old pioneers of the Sanctu- ary," says Father Shaw, "had great provisional gifts and fertile brains, excellent tact, wonderful qualities of adaptation, and happy dispositions. As the Israelites in the desert carried and located the ark wherever they roamed, so the Missioner carried and built the altar wheresoever in the valley or on the prairie he would pass the night. The tail of a wagon, the box of a buggy or now the table of the family of the host served as a stand; the saddle-bags contained all the requisites in altar stone, vest- ments, linens, etc., for the due cele- bration of the divine mysteries. In the largest room of the cabin the temporary altar was erected and everything for the holy sacrifice was in readiness." Of Father Raho's strenuous exer- tions in behalf of the scattered Cath- olic population in the counties of Sangamon, Cass, Macoupin and Mor- gan the Superior of the Lazarists, Father Timon afterwards Bishop of Buffalo wrote to the Superior Gen- eral Xozo, at Paris: "I received a letter from Msgr. Ro-^ sati, who missioned one of the Fathers to visit another congregation 180 miles from La Salle. From a careful Page One Hundred and Eleven perusal of the book of expenditures and a letter which will be found in records, the people requested to visit, were in Morgan and Cass counties, covering an area of 60 miles, and embracing the towns of Beardstown, Meredosia, Virginia and the capital of the State of Illinois, Springfield. The Northern Cross railroad was then in course of building and there, too, were gathered a congregation of the children of the Faith. In the opening of June, the indefatigable Missionary takes the St. Louis boat, and arrives after a day's sail at Beardstown on the Illinois river. He will describe the town in which as in a mirror he closely denned the zeal and resignation so worthy a son of St. Vincent de Paul: "I discovered about 200 Catholics scattered over 60 miles. For the space of a month I exercised among them the holy ministry, almost al- ways traveled on foot, carrying on my shoulders saddle-bags containing altar necessaries, and in my hand a carpet-bag, in open air and into the night hearing Confessions, in the day time occupied teaching the children the catechism. I was amazed at the work of grace and at the eagerness with which these poor people rushed to hear the instructions I gave, flinging aside for this purpose hours of sleep and nourishment." Father Raho, Superior of the La Salle Mission, on his return home writes of his labors in Southern Illi- La Salle. La Salle Co., 111. June 21, 1838. Dear Sir: On last Saturday I ar- rived here. My health is at present tolerably well. The success of my mission eight miles from Beardstown has been, that a small church is to be built there, and five children were baptized, of whom one was of Catho- lic parents, two of parents one Cath- .olic and the other Protestant, and the other of Protestant parents. That church is located in the town of Virginia, ten miles from Beards- town, on the road to Springfield, and chief town or county seat of the new county of Cass, being the county oi Morgan divided into two, Morgan and Cass. I have no time to write longer. I shall do so another time. Your most obedient servant in Domino. J. B. Raho, P. of Cong, of Missions. Rev. Father Raho and his valiant band of Missionary confreres, who worked so well in parts of our pres- ent diocese and the heroic Jesuit Father Quickenborne, of St. Louis, who ministered to the Catholics of Beardstown as early as 1833 enjoy the compensation which God has promised to the workers in his em- ploy. For information as to the subse- quent career and life of Father Raho we are indebted to the pains-taking researches of the Very Rev. Theodore Arentz, ex-provincial O. F. M., of Santa Barbara, California. It runs thuswise: With the creation of the Diocese of Chicago, the larger num- ber of Lazarist Fathers who were connected with the La Salle Mission were withdrawn from Illinois. Rev. Raho was one of these. Being re- called by his Superior he was made President of the St. Louis Theologi- cal Seminary, replacing the Rev. Thaddeus Amat, C. M., who was ap- pointed to the headship of St. Mary's Seminary (Barrens) in Perry county. Mo. Father Raho remained Superior of the Seminary till 1847, when he was ordered to New Orleans to as- sume a professorship in the St. Vin- cent of Paul Seminary. With the exception of two years, from 1848-'5i when he acted as Cathedral pastor at Natchez, our learned and talented professor retained his position in New Orleans till 1855. At this time, Nov. 23, 1855, his friend and confrere, Rev. Thaddeus Amat, who on March 12, 1854 had been consecrated at Rome as Bishop of Monterey, persuaded our subject to accompary him to sunny California. Father Raho accepted and forever proved himself most valu- able and loyal to his episcopal friend and superior. It happened that whilst Page One Hundred and Twelv making a visitation of the diocese. Bishop Amat came to the "Old Mis- sion" of Santa Barbara. He was so favorably impressed wi*h the town and surroundings that temporarily, at least, Santa Barbara becarre. the Bishop's residential city. Thr Fran- ciscan Fathers weic in charge of the cny parish. He induced them to ex- change their 'foldings for die "Old Mission" place. It was no sooner said than, done. This was in 1856 Father Raho was appointed pastor of the city parish of Santa Barbara, which pastorate he retained till the summer of 1857, when the Bishop sent him in similar capacity to the "Plaza Church" of Los Angeles. In 1858 Father Raho became the Vicar General of the diocese. After three more years of strenuous life our former active and pious Illinois pioneer priest answered the final summons. He died a well prepared, edifying death at Los Angeles, Dec. 11, 1862. The diocese of Chicago, Alton and Peoria should forever keep the mem- ory of this good man in grateful, sacred benediction. R. I. P. REV. A. RATTE. "Then lead him through this desert Back to Thy Holy Land". He was an assistant at St. Boni- face, Quincy, under its pastor, Father John Reis in 1857-'58, and acted as pastor of the parish a few months till the coming of Father Shaefermeyer. Rev. A. Ratte thereupon went to Cincinnati, and later returned to his native country, Germany. He is said to have been a fine pulpit speaker. REV. CHARLES RAPHAEL. "Hush! was that some one passing, Who paused before the door?"' Our subject was a native of Luxem- burg, born at La Rochette, Nov. 3, 1826, came to America in 1853 and was ordained to the priesthood very likely at the Seminary of Our Lady of the Lake, by Bishop Oliver Van de Velde on June 10, 1854. After his ordination Father Raphael was at once assigned to the parish of Teu- topolis, where he stayed from July, 1854-Xov. 1856, becoming a success- or to Rev. Joseph F. Zoegel. His next appointments were those of Millstadt and Mascoutah. In 1859 he succeeded the pastor of St. Mary's parish of Brussels, Rev. John Regal. Father Raphael commenced the erection of a commodiou.s two-story residence for the rector; it was completed in 1862. He occupied it. The following year the present church was com- menced and rendered ready for divine service. Father Raphael was, how- ever, too soon removed to accomplish all his designs. Whilst he was pastor of Brussels he succeeded in building the first log church six miles above Hardin, now called Michael. Later on, in 1866 he was in charge of Sum- mit Springs, Butler county, Pa., and at the time of his death, which oc- cured in 1900, he was a chaplain in the Convent of the Good Shepherd in Milwaukee. I Page One Hundred and Thirteen REV. FRANCIS N. RECOUVREUR. "No grief, though loud and deep Could 1 stir that sleep". Sad and tragic was the ending of a very industrious and useful life of one of the diocese's most venerable priests, that of Rev. Francis N. Recouvreur. Deceased had attained the age of 75 years. He had retired from active service and intended to spend the re- mainder of his declining days in well merited rest and repose with a niece in Kirkwood, Mo. To this end he re- linquished the parish of New Douglas and moved into his prepared quarters near St. Louis. It was the custom of deceased to retire every evening at 7 o'clock. It was on a Saturday night, October 24, 1908, that his rela- tive was awakened by the smell of gas. She investigated and discovered that the fumes came from her uncle's rooms. A new gas stove had recent- ly been placed in his room. It is supposed that the aged priest went to sleep in his arm-chair which stood in front of the gas stove and thus be- came asphyxiated. The funeral took place from St. Malachy's church, St. Louis, and was attended by many of the clergy who had come to pay their last tribute of respect and pray for the soul of their esteemed venerable confrere. Solemn High Mlass was celebrated by Rev. F. X. Zabell, D. D., a coun- tryman and former fellow student of deceased, with Rev. C. L. Souvay, C. M., as deacon and Rev. Wm Michael of Pieron, as sub-deacon, whilst V. Rev. E. Spalding of Alton, delivered the funeral sermon touching on the long and useful career of the de- parted and his many noble traits of character. Father Recouvreur was known as a great organizer and church builder. Almost in every parish over which he presided during his long priestly life he left some memento of his zeal and labor. In the dioceses of Alton and Peoria this good man's name will re- main a benediction. In looKing over the long record of his accomplish- ments we find him to have 'been ac- tive at Assumption in 1865, Pittsfield where he erected a church and frame rectory in 1867 and opened a school in 1870, Edwardsville, 1872, from which place he attended Taylorville, where he built a substantial parson- age and bought some choice lots for a new church, Carrollton, 1873-77, where he built a schoolhouse. After this he displayed his activities in the Peoria diocese, at Clinton, 1S79-'80, Campus, 1881 -'82, Dwight, 1882-'85, Delavan, 1887, and L'Erable, 1887-'90. At this juncture Father Recouvreur returned to the Alton diocese and was assigned to St. Ubaldus parish of New Douglas, where at once he com- menced to erect a parish house in which he lived nine years from 1890- '99, the time of his retirement to Kirkwood, Mo. Father Francis Nicholas Recouv- reur was a native of La Belle France, born in the Diocese of Nancy, Jan- uary 23, 1833, was raised to the priest- hood by Bishop Juncker in the Alton Cathedral, August 4, 1859, and died as stated, Oct. 24, 1908. May God rest and crown the soul of this persistent worker in his vin- yard. Page One Hundred and Fourtett REV. JOHN REGAL. " God knows I did it for the best". The second resident pastor of Brussels. He was .a native of Nancy, France, and governed the parish of Brussels from 1853-1859. He was the rirst priest to conduct divine services in private houses above Hardin. R. I. P. REV. FRANCIS REINHARDT. Rev. Francis Reinhardt, the organ- izer of St. Mary's Parish and superin- tendent of the construction of the first St. Mary's church building of Quincy, was at the time of his assignment to the. cause of the newly formed con- gregation an assistant priest to the Rev. Herman Schaefermeyer, then pastor of St. Boniface parish. In like capacity he acted 1876-1877, under Rev. Francis Ostrop, who, after Rev. Schaefermeyer had donned the Fran- ciscan habit in 1872 (to be known from thenceforth as P. laborious) suc- ceeded to the pastorate of St. Boni- face. It was Father Reinhardt who suggested name and title of the newly planned parish. Commissioned by the Bishop to promote and further the initial interests of St. Mary's congre- gation, this good man at once put forth his best endeavors to accom- plish what seemed to many an almost impossible task, hopeless of tiltimate success. And how he worked and labored day after day and week after week incessantly and cheerfully for and with the Catholic people of the South Side, of all this we read on the pages of Father Bruener's meritorious and exhaustive work entitled ''Kir- chengeschichte Quincy's" p. 285. Suffice it to say that Rev. Rein- hardt had the happiness to see his persistent endeavors crowned with unqualified success and that the united efforts of promising St. Mary's had succeeded to erect a most beau- tiful Gothic edifice was formally de- dicated to its lofty end and purpose on December 8, 1867. A sore disap- pointment, however, was in store for our indefatigable worker, a disappoint- ment over which he justly grieved very much and which grief was uni- versally shared by all parishioners of St. Mary's, viz: that after accom- plishing this great task at the sacri- fice of thousands of personal con- veniences not he but someone else should 'be assigned as pastor to the new parish. This disappointment was seemingly a hard and cruel one, but Father Reinhardt knew how to bear it humbly and submissively. He re- turned to the labors of an assistant priest of St. Boniface until shortly after the voice of his superior called him to another field of labor. The subject of this biographical sketch was born April 20, 1834 at Fulda in Hessia. a place forever hal- lowed by the life and death of Ger- many's great apostle, St. Boniface. Ordained to the priesthood on St. Joseph's day, March 19, 1859 by the Bishop of that city and diocese, our young levite exercised his priestly functions in his native land until the year 1864, when, encouraged by the example of so many zealous mission- aries and the appeal for priests by Page One Hundred and Fifteen our American Bishops, young Father Reinhardt determined to devote the remainder of his life to the American missions. Invited by Bishop Damian Juncker, he came to the Alton Diocese where the sturdy, rugged young man son found abundant opportunities for the display of his zeal and talents. Thus it is that our subject was suc- cessively appointed to positions at Quincy with Revs. H. Schaefermeyer and Francis Ostrop, to Breese, as as- sistant to Rev. Reineke, to Highland with Rev. Jos. M e c k e 1, to West Woods, Taylorville and the chaplain- cy at St. John's Hospital of Spring- field, where at that time the energetic Superioress, Ven. Sr. Ulrica, O. S. F., was erecting the fine chapel building. Here I had the good fortune of meet- ing the quondam organizer of our St. Mary's congregaton. On conversing with him on a numlber of topics and various timely subjects 1 found him a man of erudition and mature judg- ment though oftentimes of rather straightforward and blunt expression, one who was very unassuming and modest in appearance, an humble and unselfish priest of God and sympa- thetic friend of man. It seems that in the latter part of the eighties his health became seri- ously impaired; to seek relief for a shattered and broken down constitu- tion, Father Reinhardt obtained per- mission from his Ordinary to return to his native country, to beautiful Hessia, where after some few years of lingering sickness, he expired on August 25, 1892, at the village of Lettgenbrunn near the city of Fulda. There he has found his last resting place. May this good man, to whose untiring efforts Quincy owes so much, forever rest in God's holy peace! REV. JOHN REIS. "Per aspera ad astra". When Rev. Father Kuenster, pas- tor of St. Boniface, Quincy, had died, Sept. 15, 1857, Bishop Juncker as- signed a successor in the person of Father J. Reis. This priest had come from Missouri, where at Merrimac, St. Louis county, he had acted as pas- tor of St. Mary's parish. He was frail and sickly; foreseeing the work which awaited him at Quincy, the appointee refused to accept the proffered posi- tion, but finally yielded to his superi- ors insistence. However, Father Reis was compelled the next August to resign the pastorate of St. Boniface, as his impaired health threatened to break down under the weight of manifold daily duties. He retired from active pastoral life and died a few years afterward. REV. J. W. REPIS. The first resident pastor of SS. Peter and Paul's congregation 01 Collinsville, was Rev. W. J. Repis. He was a Bohemian by birth and was sent to this parish in 1857. During his stay he performed excellent work till the fall of 1858. At this time he re- solved to go South to Tennessee, and was admitted into the diocese of Nashville, where in that city he was given charge of St. Mary's parish. Page One Hundred and Sixteen REV. P. MICHAEL RICHARD, 0. F. M. "Creative Lord Incarnate, let me lean Myself on Thee; Xor let my utter weakness come between Thy strength and me." B. H. Benson. The Franciscan Order sustained a severe loss when on June 8, 1916 the Very Rev. P. Michael Richard, O. F. M. died. A man of extraordinary mental endowment and great moral force had passed away. A brilliant pulpit orator, deep theologian, an ideal retreat master, and above all a sincere pious and unaffected follower of St. Francis, is mourned not only by the regular but likewise by the secular clergy of this and many other dioceses. Wherever Father Michael was known, there he was honored, re- spected and loved. The impressions he created are to be lasting. The Alton Diocese is particularly affected by his demise, for it was at Teutopolis and Quincy that for many years he was successfully active not only as College Rector and Convent Guardian but likewise pastor of various parishes such as Antonius, St. Joseph and Al- tamont. Father Michael's personality was one of striking physique and com- manding appearance. Mis strong- voice in pulpit discourses and ser- mons was audible for blocks and as a Franciscan said he caused the pul- pit to shake and tremble. As mission- ary and retreat master Father Michael was known from New York to San Francisco. Twice his brothers voted him a Provincial of their Order 1891- '97. In 1895 he became a delegate to the ''Congregatio Intermedia" which on Pentecost Sunday of that year as- sembled at Assisi, Italy; the birth- place of their holy founder, St. Fran- cis. When the health of the good aged Father began to fail, he was retired to the Convent of Santa Barbara in sunny California, where on above mentioned date he calmly and peace- fully expired at the age of 72 years. Father Michael was born Sept. 25, 1844 at Effelder near Muehlhausen in the Province of Saxony, studied at Heiligenstadt and entered the Fran- ciscan Order at Warendorf in 1861. Having completed the theological studies, his superiors sent him to their American Missions in 1867. The following year, Dec. 4, 1868 our young Franciscan Friar received Holy Orders from Archbishop Kenrick in St. John's Church, St. Louis. May this true, intrepid and loyal champion of God's Holy Church rest in peace. Page One Hundred and Seventeen REV. A. B. RINKES. "Grant him rest where never sorrow Enters more, nor pain nor foe ; Grant him light that neither morrow, Night, nor yesterday shall know; Joy that ever shall increase, Light perpetual, rest in peace'". Among the teaching staff of pro- fessors of the former College of Ruma we find the name of Rev. A. B. Rinkes enumerated. Before he took up college work he had been actively engaged in parish work at various places in the diocese. In scanning over the different congregations, we meet him as pastor of St. Mary's parish of Pittsfield from 1861-'62. It was he who shortly after coming to that place laid the foundation to the present solid brick structure in 1862 which was however, not completed till 1864 when on Christmas morning the first Holy Mass was celebrated in it. The next two years from 1862- '64 we find our subject installed as pastor of Mt. Sterling, from which place he was transferred to Bunker Hill when he built the church of the "Annunciation B. V. M. His stay here lasted also but two years. From 1865-'66 he served Marshall. From Marshall it seems that Father Rinkes was called to the newly created Ger- man parish of East St. Lo'uis which at the time became a factor inde- pendent of St. Patrick's. He was still young and energetic. Twenty-five adults represented the full parish. Father Rinkes assembled the children for daily instructions and thus soon established the first parish school. Next he purchased ^ building site, and the erection of a two-story frame building was 'begun in which the school occupied the first and the church the second floor. The young parish was placed under the protec- tion of St. Henry. At this time Father Rinkes took sick. He left East St. Louis March 9, 1867 and went to Ruma to accept a position as college professor. He died a priest of the Green Bay diocese. R. I. P. REV. PROF. ANTHONY ROETTGER. In Te Domine Speravi, Non Confundarin Aeternum. It is but meet and just that deserved tribute be paid to the moral intellec- tual and spiritual excellence and power of a good man, and that his name be perpetuated and his memory be preserved from oblivion and de- cay. The honorable record of our subject's priestly life, the accomplish- ments as teacher in the class-rooms, the loveafole disposition toward his fellow-confreres, all unite in demand- ing that mention be made of Father A. Roettger. Whilst professor at the College of Ruma and again at the Salesianum near Milwaukee where he occupied the chair of philosophy he had shown his great capacity for the excellent per- formance of vocational duty and loyal devotion to the interests of these institutions. They were worthy of the highest encomium. The kind- ly nature of the man, the strength of character which distinguished^ him, and his agreeable ways won for him a multitude of friends and admirers, especially among the student body. He passed away at a time whilst on Page One Hundred and Eighteen a visit at the rectory of Highland when the powers of his mind were attaining their greatest strength, and the largest opportunities were offered him for their exercise. His reputation was that of genero'iis faithful and conscientious priest, less qualified, however for parochial work than for a professorial chair. The pale messenger approached Father Roettger under the guise of a sun- stroke, within 48 hours he was a corpse. Particulars of his death and funeral may be culled from the entry made in the church records of the Highland parish by his friend Rev. Jos. Meckel the pastor. It reads as follows, "Die 15 m. Julii 1878 sepultus est Reverendus Antonius Roettger, Pro- fessor Philosophiae in Seminario Sti. Francisci Salesii, prope Milwaukee, qui recreationis causa hue venerat die 12 h. m; bona, ut apparebit, vale- tudine gaudens. Die 13 Missa in hon. B. V. M. celebrata, horis p. m. de aegritudine qua laboraret conquereba- tur; cuius periculosa conditio die se- quenti, Dominica V. p. Pent hora 8 p. m. apparuit, qua hora in Domino obiit, Sacramento Extremae Unctionis recepto. Die 15 hora 5 p. m. sepultus est optimus meus amicus, cuius mem- oria cordi meo impressa remanebit. Reverendus Dom. W. Cluse lugubri sermone dolorem patefecit, quern morte amici sui concipiebat. Officium defunctorum peregerunt Revdi. Domini G. Cluse, Wm. Neu. Fr. Reinhart, Th. Kamann, H-uckestein and H. Eggenstein." Rt. Rev. Mgr W. Cluse of Okaw- ville who calls the deceased "a noble priest, a noble scholar and a noble de- voted friend" thus outlined the life and activity of our subject: Rev. Anthony Roettger was born at Velen, Westfalia in 1850, made his classical studies at Cosfeld, studied philosophy and theology at the uni- versity of Muenster and at Cincin- nati, Ohio. After having been or- dained a priest in 1874 at Alton he was appointed a professor of philoso- phy at the Sacred Heart College of Ruma, 111., where he taught for two years during which time he also acted as rector of St. Boniface parish of Edwardsville, 111. From 1876-78 he taught philosophy at the theological Seminary of St. Francis de Sales near Milwaukee, Wise. Father Roett- ger was admired for his proficiency in scholastic philosophy and theolo- gy, -unusual for so young a priest. His piety, zeal, and cheerful character endeared him to his fellow-pro- fessors, priests, students and ac- quaintances. Great was their grief when the telegraph flashed the news that he had died July 18, 1878, after but one days illness at the residence of his clerical friend at Highland where he intended to spend a part of his summer vacation. R. I. P. REV. BERNARD ROSSMOELLER. Born at Muenster, in Westfalia, he was raised to the priesthood in the venerable Cathedral of his native city in 1868. Coming to this country soon after the young priest was assigned to Rev. H. Schaefermeyer of Qoiincy, Oct. 5, 1868-Jan. 22, '69. In 1874 he was appointed to Fayetteville, a year later to Lebanon, in 1876 to Marine, from 1878-1884 to Grafton and from Oct. 1884-Aug. '87, to Smithon. At this time Father Rossmoeller peti- tioned the Bishop for permission to return to his native country. There he died April 10, 1891. Page One Hundred and Nineteen REV. ANTHONY RUSTIGE. "Who in the Savior's footsteps tread Up to the world above are led. ' St. Mary's parish of Edwardsville had continued from 1844-1869 the one and only parish of that place. Trans- ient as well as permanent pastors had looked after the congregation's interests. The English and German speaking Catholics had so far wor- shipped at the same altar and jointly borne the expenses of the erection and maintenance of church, school and parochial residence of St. Mary's. The teutonic forces of the parish growing stronger and more numerous however, the partition of the parish together with the building of a new church for a separate German congre- gation seemed 'both feasible and desir- able. This plan, already inaugurated in 1867 under Rev. Father Kuchen- buch, the pastor of St. Mary's, was consummated under Rev. Anthony Rustige in 1869. He is looked upon as the actual organizer and founder of St. Boniface parish. Who was Father Rustige and whence did he come? At the time when starting the new parish, he was a young man of about 28 years of age. His native country was West- falia, where he was born near the city of Paderborn in 1841. In the latter city he completed his classical studies prepared himself at the American College of Muenster for the priest- hood and was ordained at Teutopolis by Bishop Juncker for the Alton dio- cese in 1866. By his Ordinary he was assigned as assistant to St. Patrick's of East St. Louis, and as such had charge of the congregations of Collinsville and Lebanon from 1866-'6S. In the latter part of Dec- ember, 1868, he succeeded the Rev. William Kuchenbuch as pastor of St. Mary's of Edwardsville. When St. Boniface parish of that city was started he relinquished his prior charge, handing it over to the Rev. D. Burne. Incessantly he planned and worked for the good of the new- parish some six years, till his frail constitution yielded to undue pressure and collapsed under the continued strain of mental and physical exer- tion. His physician advised the young priest to seek repose and rest at the St. Mary's hospital of St. Louis. All medical skill and human efforts, however, proved futile. Father Rus- tige had done his work at the ex- pense of his health. Consumption had set in, which claimed the good and zealous worker when but thirty-three years old, Sept. 8, 1874. In the death of Father Anthony Rustige the dio- cese mourned the loss of one of her most exemplary priests. He was buried in Edwardsville. R. I. P. REV. DANIEL J. RYAN. "Thy will, O God, be done". A man of effable and sunny disposi- tion, efficient and thorough in all un- dertakings, popular with clergy and laity, such was Father Daniel Ryan the lamented late pastor of St. Mary's parish of Mt. Sterling. He was the son of William Ryan and Margaret nee Kough, born at Kickapoo, 111., August 3, 1852, and ordained at the Alton Cathedral by Bishop Baltes, June 29, 1876. His first appointment was to Grafton from October, 1876- '77, whence he was assigned to Virden where he remained from 1877-'81. At this time it happened that Rev. Manasses Kane, founder and builder of St. Joseph's church, Springfield, was induced to resign. No one was thought a more capable man to handle the entangled affairs of that parish than Father Ryan, who during the next fifteen years proved his un- questioned ability as a wise and pru- dent pastor and capable administra- tor. He overcame the difficulties in reducing heavy debt, built a commo- dious parochial residence and sup- plied the church with a splendid pipe organ. Father Ryan's heart and mind were justly centered in the affairs of his beloved St. Joseph's, which in- Page One Hundred and Twenty creased and developed under his un- flagging care and devotion steadily and constantly. In 1895 our Spring- field priest was requested to exchange places with Rev. M. Clifford of St. Mary's parish, Alt. Sterling. Father Ryan continued his priestly activity with the same eagerness and zeal in the new parish as he was wont to do at Springfield. For three years he successfully directed the destinies of the Mt. Sterling charge, when, on November 23, 1899, he met with a serious accident which, alas, was to cause his premature death. On that day the parochial residence burned down. In his efforts to extinguish the fire and save his home, Father Ryan sustained injuries which ulti- mately proved to be fatal. With the house he lost his library and all the church records. The badly burned pastor was rushed to Our Savior's Hospital at Jacksonville, where the best of medical treatment was given him. For awhile our patient seemed to 'be on the road to recovery. But this was delusive. He lingered till July, 1900, when he had to yield to the inevitable. Father Daniel Ryan's remains were buried in the Catholic cemetery of Jacksonville. R. I. P. REV. MICHAEL RYAN. ' 'And Heaven awaits thee And fills thy spirit with delight". A good natured and always jovial man was the late pastor of Virginia, Father Michael Ryan. Tall of sta- ture, habitually wearing a silk hat, he towered above his confreres where- ever assembled. St. Luke's of Virgin- ia, held out but precarious emolu- ments to its pastor, and yet he seemed the exemplification of contentment which is best demonstrated by the sixteen long years which he spent in this poor mission without ever in- sisting on a change for the better. And Father Ryan's memory remains deeply engraven on the hearts of the grateful parishioners of Virginia to this day. Rev. Michael Ryan, son of Michael Ryan and Mary Finnally, was placed in the arms of his parents a Christmas gift, 1850. He hailed from Kil Macow, Ireland, and was ordained to the priesthood at All Hallows on June 24, 1875. From 1876-'92, the year of his death, he proved himself a persistent and faithful worker at Virginia. R. I. P. Page One Hundred and Tvtcnty-One REV. THOMAS RYAN. "Long ago Time's mighty billows Swept your footsteps from the sand". About the year 1852, Rev. Thomas Ryan was appointed a missionary priest of Central Illinois. His terri- tory extended nearly all over the big prairies. Nine counties he covered in his ministry. Edgar, Vermillion, Champaign, Douglas, Clark, Cumber- land, Coles, Shelby, Moultrie and part of Macon county. The principal ob- ject of his appointment was to look after the religious welfare of those employed in the construction of the Illinois Central Railroad. Shortly after his appointment Father Ryan undertook the erection of a brick church at Urt>ana, (Champaign') which, however, was blown down toy a prairie cyclone just as the men were preparing to put on the roof. In 1853, when he lived in Baldwinville, (North Arm), he is known to have attended Arcola. Some years later, in 1856, Mattoon was organized as a station. Father Thomas Ryan was appointed its pastor by the Chicago Bishop and he at once located there. In 1858 our pioneer priest commenced the first church building in that thrifty town, which, however, was not finished till the following year, when it was dedicated 'by Bishop Juncker. The number of resident Catholic families at that time were 'but eight. The visits made by Father Ryan over his extensive territory were neither frequent nor regular. When pastor of Mattoon he lived in a small house, and in it he died in June, 1863. The body of this pioneer of religion in the West lies in the little village churchyard of St. Mary's of the Woods, Indiana. One day, Father Ryan was visited by a young priest, newly ordained, and just starting out on the mission. "When you go back to Alton, tell the Bishop to leave you here with me. I am too old and feeble to attend sick calls. The people don't mind me any more. My pews are rented to them for $2.50 a year, and the blackguards wont pay me." The young priest would have been delighted to help old Father Tom, but the Bishop could not spare him. Whatever Father Ryan may have been intellectually, physically he was a tall, fine looking old gentleman. He had overflowing Irish wit and shrewdness under his jokes and funny ghost stories, few gave him credit for. Like Father Alleman in Northern Illinois, Father Ryan travelled mostly on foot from mission to mission. His historian vouches for the fact that during retreat time he kept his fellow- priests laughing by his funny stories. That Father Ryan was a zealous priest and founder of future churches in Eastern Illinois, no one can dis- pute. That he made light and merry of his hardships was to his credit as a representative of the 'buoyancy and cheerfulness of his race, May God rest the soul of old Father Tom Ryan. Page One Hundred and Twenty-Two REV. IRENAEUS ST. CYR. "And earth and heaven tell of rest that shall not cease, Where the cold world's farewell fades into endless peace". Among the first priests known to have ministered to the Catholics in the then sparsely settled places now comprised within the confines of the Alton diocese, was Rev. Paul Lefevre, who subsequently became Bishop of Detroit. In his wake came Father Irenaeus St. Cyr, rightly styled the Apostle of Chicago. He was sent thither by Bishop Rosatn, of St. Louis, at the instance of an urgent petition signed by the first Catholic settlers of that nascent city: The following is Bishop Rosatti's letter appointing Father St. Cyr to the Chicago mission: It is of more than passing interest to the priests oi the Alton Diocese, hence we append it in full. It read as follows: Joseph Rosatti of the Congregation of Missouri by the Grace of God and the Apostolic See to the Rev. John Irenaeus St. Cyr, Driest of Our Di- ocese, Health in the Lord: Dear Sir Whereas, not few Catho- lic men inhabiting the town common- ly called Chicago, and its vicinage, in the state of Illinois, have laid before me that they are deprived of all spirit- ual consolation and vehemently desire that I should send thither a priest, who by the exercise of his pastoral gifts should supply to them the means of performing the offices of the Christian religion and providing for their eternal salvation. Wishing, as far as in me lies to satisfy a desire at once so pious and praiseworthy, by virtue of the power of Vicar-General granted to me by the Bishop of Bardstown, Ky., I depute you to the mission of Chicago and the adjoining regions within the state of Illinois, all of which have been hitherto under the spiritual administration of the said Most Illustrious and Most Reverend Bishop of Bardstown, grant you un- til revoked, all the powers as de- scribed in the next page, with this condition, however, that as soon as soever it shall be known to you that a new Episcopal See shall have been elected and established by the Holy and Apostolic See from the territory of other Sees now existing, to that Bishop within the limits of whose dio- cese the aforesaid Chicago mission is included, you shall render an account of all things which shall have been transacted by you, and surrender the place to such priest as shall be by him deputed to the same mission and you with God's favor shall return to our diocese from which we declare you to be by no means separated by this present mission. Given at St. Louis from the Episcopal Building the 17th day of April, 1833. JOSEPH, Bishop of St. Louis. After a hard, tedious journey Father St. Cyr arrived in Chicago on the 3rd of May, and received a most cordial greeting from the people of Chicago. Father St. Cyr, with the hearty sup- port of both Catholics and Protest- ants, commenced the erection of a frame church on a lot donated by the Beaubien family, situated on the southwest corner of State and Lake streets. The location was near the fort, where Father St. Cyr obtained hospitable quarters with Major Whist- ler until his house of logs was built and sufficiently out of town. He dedicated it to the Blessed Vir- gin Mary. This was in 1834. Under Page One Hundred and Twenty-Three date of January 11, of that same year he reports to his Ordinary of St. Louis, that he had visited Sugar Creek, Bear Creek, Springfield and other missions." From June 12, 1837-May 1839, Father St. Cyr periodically visited Quincy and the outlying missions in Missouri and Iowa, having St. Aug- gustine in Fulton county as head- quarters. He looked av:er tne spirit- ual needs of the English speaking people of Quincy till relieved by the advent of Father Tucker. The life of Father St. Cyr was naturally' an eventful and self-sacri- ficing one. The manifold hardships he underwent in those now distant pioneer days, are almost beyond be- lief, and yet he but did what almost any one priest had to do in those early years, building rough log churches for the growing flocks, gathering the scattered members into congrega- tions, riding for months from one town and village to another, fording streams, driving over impossible roads, often sleeping on saddle-bags or wrapped in a blanket seeking a night's rest under some protecting tree, sharing with the poor settlers their scanty meals which mostly con- sisted of but rancid bacon and hard corn bread, etc. And yet our sub- ject bore all such hardships and pri- vations cheerfully whilst we in our day and generation would soon des- pair of such missionary efforts. His visits were always looked forward to by the Catholic people with eager anticipation. He was accustomed to travel the prairie of Illinois on a little white horse, says Larmer, and when he was expected it was the custom of the Catholics to look out for him as he could be seen and known from great distance from the upland prairies. On one occasion a prairie cyclone arose and the Catholics were looking out for the priest. Father St. Cyr came near one of the settlers cabins as the wind increased in fury and the people fearing he and his horse would be blown away, a tall herculean Ken- tucky Catholic ran and lifted Father St. Cyr and his little white horse into a cellar and saved both. It was after- wards a common joke to point to the man who had lifted alone a little French priest and his little white steed into a cellar and saved both from destruction by the cyclone. After Father St. Cyr was removed from Chicago he devoted his life en- tirely to the missions, principally to those of Central Illinois. He at- tended the French Socialists at War- saw, who had abandoned the Socialist colony of the Icarians founded by Etienne Cabet at Nauvoo, in 1848, after the Mormon exodus from that place, and succeeded in bringing most of them back to the Catholic Church. After years of toil and extraordi- nary zeal in Northern Missouri and the prairie of Illinois, Father St. Cyr was retired as a chaplain to a Con- vent at Carondolet, St. Louis, where he died at the ripe old age of more than eighty years, in 1882. Father St. Cyr had the reputation of a mild and scholarly priest. His simplicity of character and refined manners were often a source of mer- riment to the big earnest and honest but rough Kentucky Catholics who had settled Central Illinois. But he inspired all with respect and venera- tion for him. Our pioneer priest of the present Alton territory was a native of Lyons, France, where he was born January 2, 1804. He was ordained to the priesthood at St. Louis by Bishop Rosatti, April 6, 1833. May he rest in peace. Page One Hundred and Twenty-Four REV. JOHN SANDROCK. "Rest to the weary spirit Peace to the quiet dead". When, in September, 1872, Rev. Francis Ostrop was transferred from St. Mary's parish of Alton to assume the rectorship of St. Boniface congre- gation of Quincy, Bishop Baltes ap- pointed Rev. John Sandrock, at the time pastor of St. Marie, in Jasper County, to become his successor at Alton. He was a picture of robust health. Though his priestly life of some fourteen years had been spent in hard work, accompanied by many hardships and trials. A pioneer priest he had been inured to these many au- sterities and self-denials. Before long he was enthroned in the hearts of the people of Alton. By his earnestness of demeanor, genuine piety and elo- quent sermons, he soon gained their respect and affection in an uncom- mon degree. His countrymen, the people from the Eichsfeld, were just- ly proud of him. But his administra- tion of the affairs of St. Mary's was to be rudely interrupted by premature cruel death. It was during the small- pox epidemic in 1873 that he caught the contagious disease while attend- ing some of these small-pox sufferers. He exposed himself to its violent con- tagion more than proper caution would have warranted. The stricken priest, forsaken and alone, died with- out the consolation of his church, on May 10, 1873. His remains were in- terred in the Catholic cemetery of Alton. Rev. John Sandrock was born near Paderborn in Westfalia, on Nov. 4, 1833, emigrated to this country Aug. 4, 1858, and became ordained to the priesthood November 19, 1858. From March 1, 1859, till his transfer to Alton in 1872, he acted a= pastor of St. Marie. Almost as short as Father Sand- rock's career at St. Mary's, proved that of his successor, Rev. Vincent Xagler. VERY REV. HERMAN JOSEPH SCHAEFER MEYER, V. G. "He hath holier and nobler fame By poor men's hearths, who love and bless the name Of a kind friend; and in low tones today Speak tenderly of him who passed away '. Whilst Rev. A. F. Brickwedde, the founder and first pastor of St. Boni- face congregation of Quincy, was visiting in Europe, he succeeded in in- ducing several young clergymen to espouse the cause of the American missions and to accompany or follow him across the ocean and here work in the Lord's vineyard where a scarc- ity of priestly laborers was keenly felt. Less defections from the faitli would have taken place and less leak- ages been chronicled, had there been a sufficiency of priests at the time when town and hamlets sprung up over night like mushrooms after a warm summer-day's shower and the fame of the California goldfields had lured thousands of people thither, when the best of farm lands were of- fered to the homeseekers for a song. a mere pittance. In those days, in the fifties of the last century our young diocese hailed amongst others the ad- vent of a loyal, true and self-sacrific- ing priest, one who had already labored with apostolic zeal for more than fifteen years in the fatherland, it was Rev. Herman J. Schaefer- meyer. Highly recommended for effi- ciency and priestly virtues by his own Ordinary, the new-comer from Europe was cordially welcomed by the Bishop of Alton, and at once assigned to the pastorate of St. Boniface of Quincy, the incumbency of which was vacant, there being an inter-regnum since the death of Father Kuenster from 1857- 58. On December 18, of the last named year, the new pastor formally took charge of its parochial affairs. The loyal people of the parish at once stood by their pastor, seconded his views and helped to carry out his far- reaching plans. And in fact. Father Schaefermeyer was just the man these Page One Hundred and Ticenty-Five people needed, kind but firm and ener- getic. Reforms were inaugurated and soon new life began to course through the veins of the parish, the obstreper- ous spirit of former days became sub- dued and began to fade and vanish. St. Boniface was on the eve of an era of prosperity and progress. It was at this juncture that Father Schaefermeyer suggested to the Bishop that he extend an invitation to the German Franciscans to come and locate in the diocese. In 1859 they came to Quincy, as did likewise the Sisters de Notre Dame. On June 12, 1860, Bishop Damian Junker ap- pointed him a Vicar General, which appointment was later re-affirmed by his successor, Bishop Baltes. Be- tween the years 1859 and 1867, Father Schaefermeyer lent a helping hand in the founding of St. Francis College, St. Mary's Hospital and St. Mary's Academy; likewise do St. Antonius parish of Melrose, St. Joseph's on Columbus Road and St. Mary's parish of Quincy, owe him a debt of grati- tude for the interest he took in their beginning and subsequent develop- ment. The great work he accomplished at St. Boniface during the fourteen years of incumbency has been eloquently told by Father Bruener in his ''His- tory of the Catholic Church of Quin- cy." For a long time it had been Father Schaefermeyer's desire to re- tire from the turmoil of the world into the seclusion of the cloister. Now his work of reformation in St. Boni- face parish had been accomplished, his cherished wish assumed tangible form and on September 23, 1872, he quietly slipped away from Quincy to join the Carmelite Order of Scipio, Kansas. After some months of proba- tion, however, he decided to exchange the Carmelite habit for that of the Franciscans. He entered the Francis- can Monastery at Teutopolis where from thenceforth he became known to the world as Father Liborius, O. F. M. Father Herman Joseph Schaefer- meyer was born July 18, 1818, at Boke, near Paderborn, Germany. He was elevated to the priesthood August 14, 1843, and worked with great fervor in the parish of Neiderwernger until setting sail for America. He arrived on our shores September 14, 1858. After donning the Franciscan habit he labored at Chicago, 1876-79, St. Louis 1879-'82, then at Joliet, returning to Quincy November 19, 1886, where, after a long and patiently borne ill- ness, he died at St. Francis Monastery May 10, 1887, and was buried on the 13th from St. Francis church. His re- mains were deposited in St. Boniface cemetery of Quincy. May God grant him eternal rest. R. I. P. Page One Hundred and Twenty-Six REV. WILLIAM SCHAMONI. "Twilight's mystery is so sweet and holy Just because it ends in starry night". Among the number of assistant priests who served St. Boniface parish of Quincy, we find the name of Rev. Wm. Schamonie enrolled. He proved to be an efficient helper to the pastor, Rev. H. Schaefermeyer. His stay there, however, lasted only from April 19-Oct. 25, 1868, when he was trans- ferred to East St. Louis to assume temporary charge of St. Henry's con- gregation, succeeding the Rev. Ger- hard Leve, who had been ordered to Mascoutah. When, on January 26, 1869, Rev. Christopher Koenig was appointed pastor of St. Henry's, Father Schamonie was assigned to the parish of Red Bud, in Randolph county. We next find him presiding as pastor over the parish at Lourdes, and later on, in 1877 at Henry and Metamora inthe diocese of Peoria, where he became favorably known to Bishop and priests, for his talents and energies were such that success at- tended his every undertaking. This was forcibly put forth by Bishop Spalding, for when Father Schamonie had died at Henry in 1882, the learned and eloquent Bishop delivered a most impressive funeral sermon in the course of which he paid unstinted praise to the efforts and priestly virtues of the deceased. Father Wm. Schamoni was a na- tive of Germany, born at Holinghau- sen, Westfalia, in 1835; studied at Teu- topolis and Montreal. At the latter place he was ordained in April, 1868. R. I. P. REV. AUGUSTINE SCHLEGEL. "For soon the ashes of the day Are gathered in the west, And one by one we lay us down Forever more to rest". Sublime in moral courage and ex- alted in ambition, strictly honorable in all actions and true in all friend- ships, Father Schlegel combined in his character a multitude of virtues which elevated him far above the average man. By his forcefulness of character and indomitable will power he succeeded where others had signal- ly failed, he was a martinet who fearlessly carried out his plans once they seemed plausible and advantage- ous to the interests of religion in general and his parish is particular. Little did he care for public opinion and he spurned the plaudits of men. Plain and outspoken, he never tried to hide the meaning of his sayings by equivocal and ambiguous language he never minced words but called "a spade" by its proper name. Castigat- ing, for instance, the stubbornness of his own country people, those hail- ing from Baden, he hesitated not to call them at times "Badische Kuh- hoerner," a well known appellation not very flattering and yet seemingly not hurting the feelings of his listen- ers to any appreciable degree. Both in private and public utterances he held to his opinions and followed his convictions. The height of his ambi- tion was to do his duty well. He loved his church and his country with equal intensity. Beneath an often blunt and harsh exterior there pu' sated a sott and tender heart full of sympathy and pity for his fellow men the needy and destitute. His exalted character, his intellectual powers, his extensive and varied learning were united with steady industrious and economic habits. To all these gifts may be ascribed the large measure of success which he attained in the vari- ous parishes over which he was sent to preside, Mt. Carmel, Edwards- ville and Highland. In a brief historic sketch of the St. Boniface congrega- tion of Edwardsville, he is spoken of as "the second founder" of that parish. Rev. Augustine Schlegel was born August 30, 1851, at Allmansdorf, in Baden, and came to this country when he had finished his classical studies. Here St. Francis Seminary near Milwaukee became his Alma Mater. And when the theological Page One Hundred and Twenty-Sevtn studies were ended, he received ordi- nation from Bishop Baltes in the private chapel at Alton, June 24, 1877. Father Schlegel's first appointment was to Mt. Carmel (now Belleville diocese), where he worked splendidly for some four years at the end of which by mutual agreement he ex- changed places with Rev. Father Gerard Janssen, then pastor of St. Boniface parish of Edwardsville. His stay here dates from 1877 till July 15, 1896. Here he is styled as already mentioned "the second founder" of the parish, because it was he who brought order out of chaos, introduced a number of necessary reforms and caused many improvements to be made. Thus in 1882 a new school building was erected, in 1889 the leaky church roof covered with slate shin- gles, in 1890 new altars purchased, a Sisters' residence constructed in 1892, a new pipe organ installed in 1894, and a new heating plant two years later. Father Schlegel had for awhile an assistant in the person of REV. GER- HARD H'OPPE, whose duty it was to look after the parish of Staunton. This Father Hoppe exiled himself to the Trappist Monastery of Gethsemane, Ky., joined the membership of the Community, and died there some fif- teen years ago as Father Leonhard. Our zealous and untiring priest, however, could not draw on his strength supply indefinitely, his health in meantime had become undermined and a sick man, he was ordered to the pastorate of St. Paul's of Highland, whose pastor had been transferred to St. Mary's of Alton. Father Schlegel suffered of cancer of the stomach and it was that painful affliction which caused his death at the hospital of Highland, September 24, 1903, at the age of 52 years. At the solemn obse- quies presided over by the Bishop in the presence of scores of clerical friends, Rev. Albin Breinlinger of Millstadt, 111., a countryman and for- mer schoolmate of departed, pro- nounced a fine eulogy on the life and character of our lamented friend, Rev. Augustine Schlegel. His remains bedded' in St. Paul's cemetery of Highland, 111. R. I. P. Page Ont Hundred and Tirenty-Eight REV. ADOLF SCHNEIDER. "Farewell for ever, now; In peace we part: Remember that I thank you from my heart". A companionable and good-natured man was Rev. Adolf Schneider, who, after a brief illness of but few weeks, was claimed by death at the rectory of St. Ann's parish of Edgewood, January 26, 1914. An abcess on the brain had caused his early demise, for when called our subject was but 40 years old. His birthplace was Frankfort, in Germany. An only child of his parents, our defunct friend received a splendid edu- cation. Desirous for a higher spiritual life he decided to enter the services of the Church. To that end he applied for admission to the Seminary of Knecht- stetten, conducted by the "Fathers of the Holy Ghost," of which communi- ty he soon became a member. Having almost finished his theological course, he decided on coming to America. At St. Francis Seminary, Wisconsin, . he completed his unfinished ecclesiastical studies, was ordained by Bishop Eis, in St. Peter's Cathedral, of Marquette, June 1, 1901, whose diocese he had joined, and was appointed to the parish of Grand Marrais, Mich. Here he remained several years. Xot being accustomed nor acclimated, however, to the severity of the long northern winters and the keen, icy blasts that sweep the northern lakes and im- pelled moreover by rather more per- sonal reasons, Father Schneider, with his Bishop's permission, went to Davenport, Iowa, to become an assist- ant to the Jate Monsignor Xiermann. After a stay of about one year in that city, he drifted into the Alton diocese, where at Collinsville and Quincy, (St. Boniface and St. Mary's) he acted as assistant and thereafter was sent as pastor to Edgewood, where he was un- expectedly summoned away .from the field of his labors by death . Funeral services were held at Car- linville, where he had substituted for awhile during the illness of the late Father Ader. His remains were buried in St. Joseph's cemetery of that place. R. I. P. REV. FRANCIS X. SCHREIBER. ''Death alone has strength to take me Where my foe can never be". A contributor to German papers and a poet of some merit was Rev. Francis Schreiber. His poetic ef- fusions laid down in ''Amanda" are de- scriptive of customs and traditions and folk lore of his native land. Among his English poems is that of "Grace Darling", the railroad heroine who in the nick of time saved a pas- senger train from crossing a burning bridge, the most popular. It was copied by the press of the land. Father Francis Xavier Schreiber was born at Warsburg, in the diocese of Paderborn, Dec. 16, 1834. He came to this country Nov. 3, 1856, and re- ceived Holy Orders from Archbishop Kenrick at St. Louis, June 25, 1858, ordained for the diocese of Alton. During his activity in our midst we meet him as pastor of St. Mary's church of Carlinsville in 1861 and later on July 18. 1857, he takes charge of St. Mary's church of Xew Berlin. The present handsome brick building Page One Hundred and Tmenty-Nin of that parish owes its existence to the efforts of Father Schreiber. Here he remained five years when circum- stances compelled him to hand in his resignation to the Bishop. Father Schreiber's next place was Vandalia, 1872-73. From there he moved to Henry, and then comes the important charge of Bloomington, at St. Mary's, where he became the first resident rector of that parish from 1877-'81, after which it went over into the hands of the Franciscan Fathers. At this juncture our subject retired from active pastoral duty and lived the life of seclusion at Havana, 111. When sickness and the accompanying in- firmities of old age crept upon him he betook himself to the Ursuline con- vent of St. Louis, where he peacefully expired June 20, 1905. His remains were interred at Arcadia, Mo. Father Schreiber was the first priest to offer holy Mass at Todt's school house in the present parish of Ray- mond, corning occasionally thither when pastor of St. Mary's at Carlin- ville. R. I. P. REV. JOHN SHERIDAN. ' 'For what God designs to try with sorrow He means not to decay tomorrow". But meagre are the details known its first resident rector, from 1864- '65, succeeding Rev. A. Laurent. Father Sheridan thereupon joined the Cleve- of Father Sheridan. He was pastor of land diocese, where he died some years St. John's church of Carrollton, and later. REV. F. X. SMITH. "Our feet are worn and weary But we will not despair". He was the son of William J. Smith and Alice Wittaker, born Decemiber 9, 1869, and ordained at Mt. St. Mary's, Cincinnati, by Archbishop Elder, on June 21, 1893. Among the various minor charges which he presided over was that of Brighton from 1896- '99. Sickness and conditions induced him to repeatedly seek a change of climate, but, nevertheless, the bright young priest succumbed to an early death at the Alton hospital November 28, 1905. R. I. P. REV. JAMES P. SMITH. On July 31, 1880, the people of Ed- wardsville, but more particularly the members of St. Mary's congregation became shocked when they learned of Father Smith's tragic death. On that morning when Mass time arrived and the priest could nowhere be lo- cated, upon investigation by the alarmed parishioners poor Father Smith's lifeless body was found in the well adjoining his residence. It was known that the good priest habitually drew a bucket of water from the well before retiring. This he did on the fatal evening, for the lamp was still found burning on his library table next morning. Father Smith was a very corpulent man, hence the suppo- sition that when he was bending for- ward over the open well he became Page One Hundred and Thirty overbalanced and thus met his cruel fate. To Father Smith's credit it can be said that he again placed St. Mary's of Edwardsville on a good footing. During his administration ground was bought and plans for a new church were secured which were carried out by his successor on a more conveni- ent new site. Rev. James Smith, son of Patrick Smith and ?.!ary Galligan, was born Aug. 15, 1848 at Grosser-Laugh, Ire- land, and ordained a priest June 29, 1879, at the Alton Cathedral by Bishop Baltes. He was buried at Ed- wardsville. R. I. P. REV. CLEMENT ALOYS SOMMER. "Faithful soldier of the cross! Peaceful be thy rest On thy Savior's breast. Gain is thine, though ours is loss!" "God's finger touched him and he slept." That which was mortal of Rev. C. A. Sommer lapsed quietly into death's embrace at St. Clara's rectory of Altamont during the mid- night hour on the day before Epipha- ny, January 5, 1903. His death was wholly unexpected by his parishioners and confreres of the clergy to whom the cruel news came with a force that greatly saddened. Strengthened and fortified by the last sacraments of his church, consoled by the presence and prayers of a brother priest, L. Lam- mert, and a good Sister of Mercy who knelt by the bedside when the end came, he passed calmly and peaceful- ly away. Dreaded pneumonia, con- tracted during the previous Christ- mas holidays caused his premature demise. And no wonder. In a coun- try parish a priest often has to com- bine the office of pastor and sexton in one person. Aside from long hours in the Confessional and that not in- frequently in a cold, damp and draughty church, he trims the altars, rings the Angelus bell and in early morning hour kindles the fire in the church stove for the comfort of his people. And Father Sommer met in the struggles of his priestly life such multitudinous demands with unwav- ering courage and unflagging devo- tion, not only here at Altamont dur- ing the three and one-half years of service, but especially so during the fourteen years' labor in isolated Cal- houn county at Michaels, with Kamps- ville and Hardin as missions attached to his parish, in all of which places, his name has become a house- hold word. The good which he ac- complished and the seeds he so gen- erously has sown by word and ex- ample and the sacrifices and priva- Page One Hundred and Thirty-One tions he so cheerfully shouldered dur- ing the 26 years of priestly life will surely have met at the hands of his God with a generous response. Father Sommer was a man of a retiring dis- position, unostentatious and humble in all his doings. Born in Anfeld, Westfalia, July 26, 1852, he graduated in his classical studies at Paderborn, became there- upon an alumnus of the American College of Muenster and received the grace of Ordination in the venerable Cathedral of Osnabrueck, May 2t>, 1877. Bishop Baltes directed the young priest for one year ro May- ncoth in Ireland, there to familiarize himself with the English language ere coming to America. For fourteen years he labored in Calhoun county with those two doughty pioneer priests, Revs. Winterhalter and With- out, and on the death of Fr. Ostrop was transferred to Carlinville. There as pastor of St. Joseph's parish he worked nine years till his health broke down and he was given the smaller congregation of Altamont, where after three and one-half years- work conscientiously performed he entered eternal rest. His remains were interred in St. Anthony's ceme- tery og Efifingham. R. I. P. REV. JOSEPH SPAETH. ''The joys now seem so trivial The griefs so poor and small". The name of Father Jos. Spaeth will forever remain linked with St. James' parish of Decatur. The Ger- man Catholics prior to 1877 had held membership in St. Patrick's, but grow- ing in number and influence Bishop Baltes considered it opportune to gather them into a separate parish. This was done in 1877 with Father Spaeth as organizer and builder. Church, school and rectory were erected and before long St. James enjoyed progress and prosperity. Rev. Joseph Spaeth was born at Blitzenreuthe in the diocese of Rot- tenburg in Wuertemburg, Germany, February 20, 1849, came to this coun- try May 5, 1867, studied Theology at St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee and was ordained at Alton, June 24, 1877. From Decatur our subject trans- ferred to Southern Illinois, became Cathedral choir director at Belleville, which position, however, he soon re- linquished. Early in the nineties, (1893) he joined the Detroit diocese, where he displayed his talents to great advantage. He died as pastor of the German St. Joseph's parish of Port Huron. Mich., April 19, 1913. He was buried in Decatur. R. I. P. REV. FERDINAND STICK. "For thy Good Master thou hast daily wrought, Enfranchising the souls His blood hath bought, Directing them upon their heav'nward way, Unto the dawn of Life, the 'Perfect Day'." In these days when the church and the world at large needs every voice unpraised for high thinking and doing, every hand armed to strike for right- eousness, it is hard to see the gaps death has caused in the ranks of our clergy Of course, there always will be new recruits to till the vacant places, but just the same one can ill afford to lose any of the true an.l tried standard bearers, such as Father Stick. His people's spiritual and tem- poral welfare was the aim of his long Page One Hundred and Thirty-Tuo life-work, for our defunct had the sin- gular privilege to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, his "Golden Jubilee Day," December 6, 1913. Advanced in years, yet young in zeal for his Master's work. Father Stick passed on to the higher re- wards of faithful service. A symphony of simplicity in thought, speech and action was the predominant note in the life of Rev. F. Stick, pastor emeritus of St. Paul's parish of Highland. In consequence he left his stamp on the various com- munities which witnessed his stay among them, Alt. Sterling, Tiptown, Mattoon, Madonnaville, Pana, Ray- mond, Alorrisonville and Highland. Father Stick was a man of many hobbies. He would study Spanish and Yiddish, turn to his flute, take up history and delve into old musty vol- umes. He had probably some of the oldest codices on his library shelf to be found in any priest's private libra- ry, those ancient tomes bound with- in worm-eaten wooden covers and kept together with huge silver or brass clasps. Truly it was interesting to spend a few hours in his company, or at his modest home. With the passing of Father Stick, the ranks of the diocesan clergy ex- perienced a keen void, not that he was one of the few Xestors who of a by-gone generation still lingered among -us, but more so of his general great usefulness. Recognizing his merits, the Bishop appointed him a dean of the district, and later an ir- removable rector of St. Paul's parish of Highland. Father Stick's main parochial achievements rest, however, with the parish of Mattoon, where his memory will not die until the old- est member thereof has sunk into the grave. The motives of the well-in- tentioned man were at times miscon- strued by evil-minded persons, such as he experienced to his sorrow whilst pastor of Pana. Months prior to his demise, in July, 1911, our departed one had re- linquished parochial 'duties and had retired, a patient to the hospital of Highland, where he resignedly bore his affliction, which ultimately culmi- nated in death, dropsy. With a won- derful buoyancy of spirit which never left him, he submitted to God's holy will and calmly awaited the day and moment when the Angel of Death was to beckon him from hence. Sur- rounded by the Community of the Good Sisters, Father Stick expired Aoig. 22, 1914, attaining the age of 75 years and six months. After the solemn obsequies which were largely attended by Bishop, clergy and laity, his mortal remains were buried in St. Paul's cemetery of Highland. Rev. Ferdinand Stick was born at Birkesdorf, in the Archdiocese of Cologne, February 10, 1839. When fifteen years of age he emigrated, with his parents, to this country, landing on our shores July 1, 1854, and set- tling near Guttenberg, la. His early classical education he received at the College of Bardstown, Ky. Of his first arrival at the college, he often spoke. "When I presented myself there," he related, "I was but a small little chap and about as green as you could make him. 1 wore my German cap and carried my few belongings wrapped up in a multicolored big bandana. The rector and professors were much amused at my appear- ance." Young Stick carved his way through college and splendidly acquitted him- self of his studies. Later on he was sent to Teutopolis to finish the pre- scribed courses in Philosophy and Theology, at the end of which he was ordained by Bishop Junker at Alton, December 6, 1863. R. I. P. Page One Hundred and Thirty -Three REV. JOSEPH STILL. "Rest now is yours, O noble priest, Your work you've done, and well, For truth you fought any always taught As countless souls can tell". It was on Easter-Tuesday morning, April 3rd, 1907. Large crowds of peo- ple wended their way to St. John's church, of Quincy. Their features bore the stamp of grief and mourning. 29. The solemn obsequies prior to final interment were had that morning at which Rev. P. Andrew, O. F. M., delivered the funeral oration. The news of the death of this popu- lar and beloved priest were every- where received with expressions of sympathy and sorrow, for to all, Cath- Two Bishops Right Revs. Ryan and Janssen followed by a long line of surpliced clergy entered the sanctu- ary and when there commenced the recitation of the Office of the Dead. Upon a raised dais surrounded by a profusion of palms, flowers and burn- ing candles, were catafalqued the re- mains of the beloved pastor of the parish. Rev. Father Joseph Still, who after a long and painful illness borne with heroic patience and resignation to God's holy will had yielded to the inevitable, dying on the Friday pre- vious thereto Good Friday March Page One Hundred and Thirty-Four olics and Protestants alike, he had proved a warm-hearted, loyal friend and benefactor. Broad-minded, liberal and kind frank and just, strong in mind and strong in character, such were the traits of Father Still. All who knew him respected him, anrt those who knew him well loved him. Father Still was a plain man, he was an ordinary man to meet, he was a commoner easy to approach and easy to understand. He was plain spoken and outspoken, a man who gained one's respect from the start and held it. It was his frankness that was captivating, his sincerety that was fascinating. He was a power for good, a leader among men and his life was an example to follow. Father Still was undaunted by re- verses. When in February, 1891, St. Mary's church was reduced to ashes he came to the rescue with his money, his advice and his hands. While the embers were still smouldering, he was working with hammer, saw and hatchet, helping to erect a temporary structure to keep the congregation to- gether, which answered its purpose while the present beautiful house of worship was being constructed. Out on Xorth Tenth street stand -a num- ber of monuments which will perpet- uate his memory, St. John's church, school, rectory and St. Vincent's Home. In his passing the congregation lost the pastor who started it in 1880, the man who loved the people of it and the friend of all who lived within it. Hence the universal grief and sorrow on the day of his funeral. Father Still was born in Uerdingen, Germany, May 25, 1849, being scarcely fifty-eight years of age when death summoned him. He made his philo- sophical and theological studies at the American College of St. Mauritz, Muenster, and was ordained to the priesthood May 22, 1875, for the dio- cese of Alton. He landed in New York, Sept. 8, 1875, and journeyed at once to Alton, where he received the appointment of assistant to Father Bartels of Germantown, which posi- tion he held until transferred to Quincy, May 22, 1880. Being told to start there the contemplated new St. John's parish, young Father Still flung himself with great ardor and enthusi- asm into the projected work with the remarkable result already mentioned. His last achievement shortly before his death, was the purchase jointly with the St. Francis Parish of that fine tract of land, now Calvary ceme- tery, on which he was to find his last resting place. R. 1. P. REV. JOHN STORP. On Westphalia's heathered soil, made famous by song and story, there stands a quaint village with ancient gabled houses whose red-tiled roofs are seen from afar. It is Schapdetten, the birthplace of one of our disting- uished priests and yeomen workers. Rev. John Storp. July 6, 1850 was his natal day. On May 22, 1875, he was raised to the priesthood in the vener- able St. Ludger Cathedral of Munster and landed in America on Sept. 20 of the same year. The first charge assigned to our young Levite was that of St. Patrick's of Pana. Rev. F. Lohmann, then stationed at Hillsboro, to which this place was affiliated, had just pur- chased a residence there to be used as rectory. Father Storp then be- came the first resident pastor of Pana, 1875-77, whereupon he was transferred to Shelbyville, where during four years of unremittent work he wrought a wonderful change, erecting the pres- ent brick church at a cost of $6,000 and a handsome brick residence at a cost of $2,000, causing Shelbyville to Page One Hundred and Thirty-Five become an independent ana self-sus- taining congregation. In 1831 the indefatigable priest was assigned to St. Agnes' of Hillsboro to which Nokomis belonged as out-mis- sion. Giving for some years to both places undivided attention, he con- cluded that in order to achieve lasting results, the promising and ever-grow- ing St. Louis' Parish of Xokomis should and ought to have its own per- manent pastor. With the sanction of the Bishop, Father Storp, in 1834. pur- chased a modest dwelling house and took up his residence in Nokomis, thus becoming its first resident pastor. Truly, he was a great man, his capa- bilities were second to none. His fellow students of the Ameri- can College of Munster (St. Mauritz) which has since ceased to exist as such are nearly all dead. They com- posed a notable class of young eccle- siastics, each and every one perform- ing in after life good service in their future mission fields across the At- lantic. Among those who were his associates and life-long friends and admirers we may mention the Revs. A. Wenker of Xaperville, 111., H. Schrage and B. Stempker of St. Louis, Mo., A. Pieke, Macoutah, Emmerich Weber, Chicago, B. Hasse Mt. Ster- ling, B. Ahne, Bayonne, N. J., and others equally distinguished for their merits. Our decedent commanded a wide range of information and knowledge, being thoroughly familiar with all leading questions of the day. He was unquestionably an eminent scholar in Theology and History, both ancient and modern. An independent think- er, free from bias and prejudice, Father Storp's judgment had the weight of mature reasoning, his argu- ments brought conviction. Once de- termined upon a plan he would set every wheel in motion to carry it out, and this was done in a quiet, un- heralded way, it was the "Storp way." Hence his success in the various mis- sion fields over which he was called to preside. He was a lover of nature. Cheerfully, therefore, he acceded to the Bishop's appointment which in 1893 called him away from Xokomis to the pastorate of Green Creek, a parish located amid the waving corn and teeming wheat fields of Effing- ham county, several miles off the railroad. Whilst others had refused, he was ready to accept. The Francis- can Fathers of Teutopolis had re- linquished the charge, he then was to become its first resident pastor. Our subject at once proceeded with the construction of a commodious, splen- did two-story bric'< residence. The good farmers were equally proud of their zealous, democratic pastor and helped him in every way tD accom- plish his purpose. He had but to ex- press his wish and they cheerfully complied with its execution, for they soon had learned to love and respect their unpretentious good priest whose modest demands never exceeded the bounds of reasonable necessity. Father Storp was a man of the peo- ple. He felt with and for them, liv- ing their own simple, frugal lives. And yet, withal, that priestly with- drawal and reserve which was charac- teristic of a fine spun sensitive nature never left him. An interesting con- versationalist, jovial, kind and gener- ous, the Green Creek pastor dispensed indiscriminate hospitality and many a one journeyed thither to enjoy a few hours of his benevolent company. Lillyville, five miles distant, was at- tended from Green Creek. It had like- wise been relinquished by the Fran- ciscan Fathers and our good Father John attended it not only on Sundays, but likewise often on week days, say- ing Mass at an early hour. Xot wishing to inconvenience the farmers in furnishing him a team, especially when the busy season was on, he would walk the distance afoot. On warm summer mornings when the dew drops still sparkled on ferns and grasses, he would pull off his boots and socks, sling them over his shoulders on some hickory sapling and make for Lillyville, saying his prayers and meditations on the way. Such was Father John Storp with that little black chin whiskers and rather Page One. Hundred and Thirty- Si* pronounced Semitic cast of counten- ance, the scholarly priest and exem- plary man, pattern of zeal and piety, uncompromising of principle but ready to respect opinions of others though they widely differed from his own. A violent attack of pneumonia, con- tracted in a drafty railroad car when coming from a visit to St. Marie, ended the precious life and useful ca- reer of one of the peers of the Alton diocese on February 8, 1902. He sleeps within the shadow of the cross in the little cemetery adjoining the church in Green Creek. The congre- gation he loved so well together with his clerical friends deeply mourn his untimely departure. Let me adapt the following beauti- ful lines to our departed friend, Father John Storp: Sleep, gentle priest, the way was long and sad y mark of pain rests on thy marble brow; Tlly shadowy form in priestly vestments clad Unsoiled by thee. Death was a sweet release Slumber in peace! Closed is thy book of life, .never again To ope. And tho' its leaves were not a few Each page is fair without a blot or stain To mar its sheen. Death was a sweet release. Slumber in peace! Sleep on, O priest of God! thy cross laid down A brilliant trophy at thy Master's feet; He will reward thee with a saintly crown Death was to thee nought but a sweet release. Slumber in peace ! REV. JAMES STREMLER, D.D., LL.D. "The way is long and dreary, The path is bleak and bare' 1 . In the latter part of the sixties the Cleveland Diocesan Seminary was presided over by a brilliant, gifted man, he was Rev. Dr. J. Stremler. In 1870, however, this same Seminary Rector offered his services to our diocese. They were promptly ac- cepted and Father Stremler was en- trusted with the care of the parish of Mattoon, which just then had 'been made vacant by the resignation ot Father Mangan. About one year he managed the temporal and spiritual affairs of Mattoon, when on Dec. 11, 1870, the Bishop appointed him pastor of the Vandalia parish, which place he held till July, 1872. Further particu- lars of our Doctor are lacking. REV. JOHN H. STUEBE. "This life is worth but little save To gain a home beyond the grave." Secluded Okawville, in Washington county, has in recent years sprung in- to public notice from the fact that its humble young pastor was selected by the Holy See to occupy the episcopal chair of the Diocese of Belleville, made vacant by the death of Bishop Janssen. Okawville is s o m e w h a t known to the surrounding counties for its health-giving springs, producing a mineral water that is said to be a sure cure for gout and rheumatism. This same Okawville, which gave a Bishop to Belleville, has likewise given a priest to Alton, Rev. John H. Stuebe, late pastor of St. Clare's parish of Altamont. Deceased was the eldest son of Christian Stuebe and his wife Eliza- beth, nee Bergkoetter. He was ush- ered into the world March 6. 1873. When eighteen years old he entered St. Francis College of Quincy, for he had determined to dedicate his life to God and his fellow-men. Since early childhood the thought of becom- ing a priest had been uppermost in his mind. Finishing the prescribed classical course at St. Francis Col- lege, young Stuebe thereupon became an alumnus of St. Mary's Seminary, (Price Hill) Cincinnati. March 2, Page One Hundred and Thirty-Seven 1901, our young candidate for Holy Orders saw his fondest hopes realized, for on that day he was ordained a priest by Rt. Rev. Camillus Maes in the Cathedral of Covington, Ky. Having filled various appointments as an assistant priest, such as St. Patrick's, Decatur, St. John's Hospi- tal of Springfield, and St. Mary's of Quincy, Father Stuebe was appointed to the charge of St. Charles' congre- gation at Altamont, January 9, 1903. During the nine years of splendid pastoral work at Altamont he proved himself a power for good and had caused a new church to be built al St. Elmo, a mission attached to the jurisdiction of the pastor of Alta- mont. In the midst of his active and fruitful life, however, our hard-work- ing young pastor was suddenly strick- en with appendicitis, was at once rushed to St. Anthony's Hospital of Effingham and there underwent a surgical operation from the effects and shock of which he soon expired, June 2, 1912. After solemn funeral services his remains were interred in St. Barbara's cemetery of Okawville, his native town. R. I. P. REV. JOHN SULLIVAN. ' 'Yearning for a deeper peace, not known before.' ' He was a native of County Limer- ick, Ireland, and a subject of Arch- bishop Kenrick of St. Louis. The erection of the present spacious St. Malachy's church of St. Louis, is the result of Father Sullivan's efforts while pastor of that congregation. Coming to the Alton diocese in 1865, he was appointed to Marshall and some time later to the charge of Paris in April 1866-April 1867. Whilst at Marshall and Paris he looked like- wise after the spiritual interests of the Catholics who lived in and around Charleston. In 1867-'68 Father Sulli- van acted as rector of St. Francis Xavier's church of Jerseyville. During his incumbency he started the build- ing of the present church, a large and solid structure. Before he saw it com- pleted, however, he became involved in financial difficulties from which the young struggling parish knew not how to free itself. His successor, Father Harty, proved himself the man of the hour. Father Sullivan was sent to Springfield as pastor of the Immacu- late Conception church. He suc- ceeded Father Louis Hinssen. The newly appointed pastor enjoyed his stay at Springfield but a short while, for in the following year, 1869, Father Sullivan died. He was buried in the Springfield cemetery. R. I. P. REV. FRANCIS TECKLENBURG. Every thought was full of grace, Pure and true ; And a heavenly radiance bright, From the soul's reflected light Shining through. God in His infinite wisdom and mercy saw fit to call from hence a promising young priest in the flowery springtime of his sacerdotal career. It was the end of May, 1879, when Rev. Francis Tecklenburg succumbed to the oppressive heat of the season and after a few days' sickness died a well prepared death. Parishioners of two congregations which the departed had served so well, namely, Bethalto and Mitchell, knelt in deep sorrow over the untimely death of their beloved young pastor around his bier and of- fered fervent prayers for the repose of his soul. To all, clergy and laity, this tragic event was an eloquent "Memento Mori." How deeply the young priest had endeared himself in the affections of the people is shown by the fact that today after so many years his memory is still kept alive and many of the older people love to recount his kindly acts. Rev. Francis Tecklenburg was a native of Germany, born in May, 1851, at Auenshausen, Westfalia. His clas- sical studies the young student pur- sued partly at Warburg and partly at Paderborn, graduating in 1873, Having determined upon the vocation that Page One Hundred and Thirty-Eight ultimately leads to the steps of the altar, the talented young aspirant matriculated the following year at the University of Muenster and a year later at that of Wuerzburg. For the theological studies and the more im- mediate preparation for Holy Orders he became an alumnus of the Ameri- can College of Louvain, at the con- clusion of which he was ordained in the Cathedral of Malines, May 27, 1877. In September of that year the young priest landed at Alton and was assigned at once to the parish of Bethalto where soon he erected a parochial residence, thus becoming the first resident pastor of the place. Mitchell was then affiliated to Bethal- to and depended on his services. After less than two years faithful labor young Father Tecklenburg was sum- moned by death. He lies buried in St. Mary's cemetery of Alton. R. I. P. REV. DENIS TIERNEY. "Jesu, Tibi sit Gloria". He was the first pastor of the young congregation of Charleston in 1865. Soon after his arrival the congrega- tion purchased an edifice, used as a Christian church, for hitherto Mass had been said in a private house. Father Tierney remained in Charles- ton till 1868, when the church was con- sumed by fire. We next find him, from 1869-70, pastor of the parish of Virden, after which further informa- tion fails. REV. AUGUSTINE TOLTON. "Back, ye Phantoms, leave O leave me To my new and happy lot'". The unique and enviable distinction of having had within the ranks and membership of her diocesan clergy the first colored priest in the United States, belongs to the diocese of Alton. Of this fact the credit of whose accomplishment primarily be- longs to the efforts of Rev. P. Michael Richard, O. F. M., and the late Father McGirr, of St. Peter's church of Quincy, we all have reason to be proud. He who thus successfully emerged from the lowly condition of the black man, who had been born and raised in bondage and slavery under most trying and adverse conditions, became an ornament to his priestly vocation, winning his way to the hearts of the Catholic people and gain- ing the esteem and benevolence of all by his unassuming manner and humble and devout bearing. He cared not what people, white or black, might think of him; he knew his duty as priest and hence could not be swerved from its path by any considerations of popular favor or disfavor. All liked and loved him. The services were at all times well patronized not only by his own colored people but also large- ly by whites, so much so that this even aroused a bit of jealousy and envy in the neighborhood. The little frame church, St. Joseph's, on 7th and Jersey streets, now a tinner's shop, had risen in popular favor through- out Quincy, It received generous support and assistance from clergy Page One Hundred and Thirty-Nine and laity and the good colored priest was forever grateful for the aid thus rendered his poor people and congre- gation. Father Augustine Tolton, for such was our distinguished colored priest's name, was a man of education and di- verse rare attainments, speaking be- sides his own language, Latin, Ger- man and Italian. After graduating from St. Peter's parochial school and St. Francis College with honors, the Franciscan Fathers, through the good offices of their Superior General in Rome, obtained for our poor negro aspirant a place at the Propaganda. They had perceived the latent fine talents and qualities which the young man possessed. Here in Rome, the fountain head of Catholicity and the seat of learning, our Propaganda student prosecuted his theological studies with great diligence and appli- cation, evidencing the fact that where a proper share of attention is cen- tered upon the education of the colored people, they can soon be lifted to a high plane of intelligence and responsibility. Some of our best missionary talent trained for the specific purpose in the newly founded "Josephite House" of Baltimore, is ex- clusively devoted to the cause of the American negro. One can point with justifiable pride to many illustrious men who have gone forth from the lowly ranks of the colored people, the greatest of whom was undoubtedly the late Booker Washington, a man of national repute, a great educator and leader of his people, born and raised a poor, despised negro. When given proper attention and placed amid wholesome influences and moral surroundings, the colored people are able to compete with their more for- tunate white brethern in the attain- ment of honor and distinction. Father Tolton has demonstrated this fact whilst studying for the priesthood in Rome, and subsequently as priest of Quincy and Chicago. His studies completed, Father Tolton was or- dained a priest by His Eminence, Cardinal Parochi, April 24, 1886. The first colored young man of the United States out of ten million negroes, a priest. What a joyous and happy event for the Diocese whose product he was, what a memorable and im- portant fact in the history of the Church in these United States which had worked among the colored race with but varied success. Father Tolton at once came back to Quincy, where he said his first Holy Mass at St: Boniface church, July 18, 1886, and was given charge of the small negro parish, the history of which is briefly told as follows: After the Civil War (1861-1865) many former negro slaves, a number of whom were Catholics, settled in Quincy. To prevent their drifting away from the church, the Rev. Michael Richard, O. F. M., undertook to collect the scattered sheep, if possible, into a separate parish. The pastor of St. Boniface, Rev. John Janssen, placed a former small pro- testant church on Seventh and Jersey streets, purchased in 1866 by Father Schaefermeyer for $7,000, which was temporarily used for school purposes but vacant at the time, at P. Michael's Page One Hundred and Forty disposal. A Sunday school was be- gun Oct. 21, 1877. The attendance was good and kept on increasing. Ven. Sister Herline of St. Mary's Academy, on February 11, 1878, opened a day school with 21 pupils. This number increased to 60. The baptism of seven negro children April 22, following, caused a protest by Methodists and Baptists. No stone was left unturned to prevent the negro children from attending, many of whom stayed away Several of the priests, such as Bruener, Hoffman and Samuel Macke, kept up the good work until the coming of Father Tolton from Rome in 1886. How successful this colored priest worked among the members of his own race and among the white people likewise has been stated. His services were in demand everywhere, even Cardinal Gibbons summoned him repeatedly to Balti- more, there to preach and minister to the numerous colored population. He was a great lover of his snuff- box. In Chicago a philanthropic wealthy lady, Mrs Anne O'Neil, es- tablished a $10,000 fund for the found- ing of a church, St. Monica's, for the use of .the colored people. Nobody, however, would do but Father Tol- ton. In consequence the Archbishop requisitioned his services, Bishop Ryan consented to his transfer to Chicago and "Father Gus" as he was familiarly styled by m any of his clerical friends moved to that Babel by the Lake Shore, on Nov. 28, 1889. Everything went well with new St. Monica's. The parish was in a fair way of developing when our dusky Reverend friend took sick and soon afterwards died July 9, 1897, a sun- stroke claimed him. Father Tolton's remains were brought back to Quincy and buried in the Priest's lot in St. Peter's cemetery. He attained the age of but 43 years having been born at Brush Creek, Rails county, Mo., on April 1, 1854. His parents were Peter Tolton and Martha Chisely, they moved to Quincy in 1861. What became of St. Joseph's colored parish of Quincy after the transfer of its pastor to Chicago? The shep- herd being gone and none to replace him, it died of inanition. Many of the Catholic negroes moved away, others returned to the Methodists and Bap- tists, the church edifice was sold and serves today as tin-shop. There are not a half dozen colored Catholics, if any, left in Quincy, out of a popula- tion of about 3,000 or more. Sad in- deed! God speed the day when again a colored Catholic parish shall be- come an actuality in Quincy. REV. FRANCIS TROJAN. "Within thy Savior's Heart, Place all thy care, And learn, O weary soul, Thy Best is there' 1 . Rev. Francis Trojan was born and ordained a priest in Europe. He was a Bohemian by birth and hence his first appointment was that of assistant to the pastor of St. John' Nepomuk church, St. Louis, a Bohemian parish From St. Louis our deceased priest came to the Alton Diocese and was assigned to Paderborn in 1864, Free- burg 1865-'68, Millstadt 1868-71 and to Collinsville 1871-79, after which he was transferred to Lebanon, leaving the field to his successor, Rev. H. Degenhardt. At Lebanon Father Trojan's life came to an end in 1881. He was buried in the parish cemetery of Le- banon. Defunct is known to have been a fine musician. R. I. P. Page One Hundred and_Forty-On REV. HILARY TUCKER. After having been attended as one flock by Father Lefevre, the future Bishop of Detroit, from 1833-1837, the Catholics of Quincy found themselves divided, the German speaking under their resident pastor, Rev. A. Brick- wedde, and the English speaking under Rev. Irenaeus St. Cyr, residing at St. Louis and afterwards at St. Augustine. In 1839 Rev. Hilary Tucker, a native Missourian, who had been sent together with Rev. Geo. A. Hamilton, by Bishop Rosatti to Rome, there to prepare themselves for the priesthood, became the resident priest of the English speaking people of Quincy. This was his first appoint- ment since ordination. Soon after his arrival Father Tucker succeeded in collecting the sum of $2,000 in cash, obtaining from Mr. Whitney, a con- vert, a corner lot for building pur- poses, erected a church under the patronage of St. Lawrence, with the hope of having it ready for divine services by the feast of the Assump- tion. Unfortunately the Northern Cross railroad for the construction of which many Irish laborers had gath- ered at Qunicy, became bankrupt and with it the building of the church. The same was sold under the hammer before its completion, but afterwards secured for the use of the congrega- tion. Father Hilary Tucker remained in Quincy for seven yeears, from 1839- 1846, then for some years went to Chicago and Batavia, and ultimately he and Father G. A. Hamilton, whose headquarters were then at Springfield, both left for the East, joining the clergy of the Boston diocese. Father Tucker died at Boston as pastor of one of that city's parishes and there he found his last resting place. R. I. P. REV. JULIAN TURMEL. "And angel voices Shall ring in heavenly chant Upon thine ear". When Father Turmel was privi- leged to look back upon a long, well- spent life as priest in God's vineyard, he retired from active work to spend some time in the seclusion of St. John's Hospital, Springfield, after which he wended his steps westward to seek the invigorating climate among the Colorado Rockies. There his eventful career came to an end on January 12, 1910. Father Turmel assumed charge of the rectorship of the Shelbyville con- gregation in 1865, becoming thereby its first resident pastor. From 1870- 73 he is made rector of the Pana parish, by which he likewise became the first resident priest of that place. Whilst stationed at Pana, he under- took the extension of the church building, constructed a room in con- junction with the church where he lived and even for short while opened a school. During the Pana pastorate he turned his attention to promising Xokomis, where in 1871, the people had resolved on building a church and had the work actually done that same year. St. Louis, King of France, became the patron of the mission, no doubt from the fact that Fatner Julian Turmel, the pastor of the church was a native of Brittany, France. As the people were mostly from Ireland, "a tempest in a tea-kettle" arose on that score. The Bishop was repeatedly petitioned that he take St. Louis off the Nokomis pedestal and have him superceded by St. Patrick. Their singular request, however, was promptly turned down. In 1874 Father Turmel was transferred to the parish of Winchester, where in a quiet, unostentatious manner he con- tinued his good offices for thirteen years, till 1887, at the expiration of which time he petitioned for permis- sion to retire from pastoral duty, which request was graciously acceded to. It was a pleasure to meet Father Turmel; his personality was magnetic, his ways simple and unaffected, hence a host of friends surrounded him. R. I. P. Page One Hundred and Forty- TV REV. ALBERT A. ULRICH. ' 'Who this life for Jesus give Through eternity shall live". Within the space of few years pro- saic Calhoun county sustained in rather rapid succession the loss of some of her eminent priests. To. those who were claimed by inexorable death must be added the name of one who at all times has proved himself a valiant champion of the cross, who was an able and ardent exponent of the faith, a zealous priest and ripe scholar; it is the name of Rev. Albert A. Ulrich, the quondam pastor of St. Anselm's church. In this country parish, our subject felt rather handi- capped from being unable to properly utilize his accumulated store of knowledge or to accomplish results for which he was eminently qualified. Proof of his abilities and brilliant at- tainments is couched in the fact that prior to his advent into our diocese, Father Ulrich had been for years pro- fessor of sciences at the Jesuit Col- lege of Woodstock, where most suc- cessfully he occupied the chair of chemistry. In the pulpit he was most eloquent, hence his superiors had sent him frequently as missionary into various eastern cities to conduct mis- sions and give retreats to large com- munities of men and women. In this connection it is pertinent to state that our deceased priest had for many years been a member of the Society of Jesus, which, however, he had left shortly before joining the clergy force of Alton. He was of a very sunny disposition, full of amiability and good cheer, a splendid conversationalist and a man of mature judgment. Having acted for awhile as assistant to the pastor of Marshall, the Bishop soon appointed him pastor to Rampsville, made vacant by the transfer of Rev. J. A. Duval to Staunton. Rev. Father Albert A. Ulrich was a native of Breslau, Germany, born March 1, 1858. His classical studies finished, he came to America to enter the Novitiate of the Jesuit Order at Woodstock, Maryland, where in due course of time he was ordained priest June 26, 1885. He proved himself a valuable member of the community, success attending his strenuous ef- forts in the various fields of labor and usefulness to which the voice of his superiors called him. In 1902 Father Ulrich severed connection with the Order, came west and was admitted into the Alton Diocese, where he worked most zealously for souls for more than six years, especially as pastor of Kampsville and the out- mission Belleview. The latter place he attended faithfully once a month, making a drive of 16 miles Sunday mornings after having said early Mass at Kampsville. Finally succumbing to a very painful, lingering disease, he died well prepared, at St. Anthony's hospital of St. Louis, Wednesday, March 24, 1909. The funeral took place at Kampsville the following Monday, March 29, at which his suc- cessor in office, Rev. Father Neveling was celebrant of the Mass, assisted by Revs. A. Schockaert. of Grafton, and Joseph Kopp, of Hardin, whilst Revs. J. Duval, of Staunton and J. B. Wand, of Meppen, delivered the Eng- lish resp. German funeral orations. R. I. P. Page One Hundred and Foryt-Three REV. JOSEPH VAHEY. "In life and death we call on the Star of the Sea' '. An intellectual man of great literary attainments, a known writer of ability, .whose name had become familiar to the world of letters and education was Father Valey. His treatise on "Men- tal Philosophy" had given him a wide reputation. He occupied some of the foremost parishes in Wisconsin, among them Madison, and built St. Patrick's church of Milwaukee. Father Valey was for some years a missionary priest in Iowa and Cen- tral Illinois, and amongst other places he occupied in this state and diocese were that of Paris in 1862 and Van- dalia from April 12, 1863-December 3, 1866. When the evening of life had set in, Father Vahey retired to Elkhorn Wisconsin. There he peacefully ex- pired and his remains were buried there. Whilst defunct was located at Paris he built a plain frame church and cottage along the railroad track and west of the town, too far away to be comfortable and convenient of access. R. I. P. REV. ANTHONY VOGT. "The precious souls for whom his life was spent, The souls he sought and 1 warred for night and day, Now sheltered in the everlasting arms. Ah! this his crown exceeding great shall be Throughout the cycles of eternity." St. Patrick's of Decatur owes to a great extent its present flourishing condition to the disinterested and un- selfish labors of Rev. Anthony Vogt, who ruled over that parish from 1857-70. Not minimizing nor de- tracting from the merits and achieve- ments of his successors such as Fathers Hickey, Mackin and espe- cially the wonderful progress made under its present pastor, Rev. J. Murphy, yet it remains true that all this advancement was built more or less upon that solid foundation which was placed there during eleven years faithful service by deceased. A neo- presbyster he was sent thither. His heart was aglow with that divine ar- dor and holy enthusiasm of a young priest who counts obstacles and re- verses as insignificant. Ceaselessly he planned and worked out the prob- lems which confronted him. And success crowned his efforts. The small church which had been built in the early days of the existence of the congregation by Father Cusack, was soon replaced by a substantial brick church with residence adjoining. From St. Patrick's as center, radiated Father Vogt's activities in many direc- tions. All surrounding towns and hamlets experienced his priestly func- Page One Hundred and Forty-Four tions and ministrations. He attended the missions of Shelbyvilje, Macon, Marrowbone, Moweaqua and Bement, Ivesdale, Monticello, Cerro-Gordo, Illiopolis, Buffalo, Blue Mound and Stonington. In 1870 he was replaced by Father R. Welsh (who died in 1874.) He was appointed pastor of Macon, where in 1867, he had erected a church in honor of St. Stanislaus. This church was blown down by a cyclone. Father Vogt went again to work, this time putting up a brick church. It was no sooner built than it too was destroyed by a cyclone. Without losing courage, however, he set to work a third time to build a church in his Macon parish. This church stands to the present day, al- though somewhat enlarged, to ac- commodate the growing members of the parish by the late Father Maurer. From Macon he moved to Litchfield in 1873, where his stay lasted but one year, till 1874. Ruma was the next parish. Here deceased was its pastor for almost 20 years until his transfer to the Glen Addie Orphanage near Belleville, some few months previous to his death, May 25, 1903. Rev. Anthony Vogt was born November 29, 1832, at Lohne in Olden- burg, studied at Notre Dame, Ind., St. Thomas, Ky., and Mt. St. Mary's Cincinnati, and was raised to the priesthood by Bishop Juncker at Alton, May 3, 1859. R. I. P. REV. SYLVESTER WEGENER. During the years when priestly fer- vor animated the action of Rev. S. Wegener, they were productive of good results, Collinsville (1867-77), Paris (1871-73) St. Marie (1873-74) Beardstown (1876-77,) testify to his zeal. After his ordination in 1866, being stationed in East St. Louis, he attended Collinsville as out-mission for awhile. It was during this period that he purchased there a residence adjoining the church with a large plot of ground for the sum of $3,000. Whilst at Paris he built a church at Charlestovvn, in 1872. Rev. Sylvester Wegener was born at Paderborn, April 29, 1833; ordained to the priesthood, November 22, 1864, having come to this country in 1856. He died in Chicago. R. I. P. REV. ROMAN WEINZAEPFLE. "My fate is in Thy hands, Whatever it may be Pleasant or painful, bright or dark, As best may seem to Thee 1 '. With what diabolical rage and fury Knownothingism assailed the church, her institutions and clergy, about the middle of the last century, is well known. Its history among the vic- tims against whom the venemous darts and false accusations were direc- ted reached its climax in one who was hounded until the prison doors closea behind him, namely, Rev. K o m a n Weinzaefel. Though entirely ignorant and innocent of a crime they had ac- cused him of, nevertheless, this worthy young priest had to wear the convict's garb for five years at the Jefferson- ville, Ind., state prison, until pardoned by President Polk. He was a priest of the Vincennes diocese, and as such was sent to Teutopolis in 1845, where he performed his duties in most ex- cellent and praiseworthy manner. Shortly after his release he entered the Benedictine Order, celebrated his Golden Jubilee in 1890, and died a pious death in 1895. Rev. Roman Weinzaefel was a native of Strassburg in Elsace, born April 15, 1813, and ordained to the priesthood April 5, 1840. R. I. P. REV. MICHAEL WEIS. "How many a tranquil soul has passed away Fled gladly from fierce pain and pleasures dim To the eternal splendor of the day; And many a troubled heart still calls for him : 'The Angel Death'." An informal gathering of Church trustees and choir members took place at the St. Boniface rectory on the evening of November 10, 1887, occasioned by the pastor's namesday, Rev. Theodore Bruener. Whilst the generous host entertained his visitors he made known to them his future intentions, namely; that he was to leave them even that very evening for the purpose of joining the Fran- ciscan Order at Teutopolis, at same time introducing the new pastor to them, Rev. Michael Weis, who had arrived in the meantime. Father Bruener set out that very night for Teutopolis, assumed the habit of St. Francis and was henceforth known as Father Leo, O. F. M. Father Weis, the seventh pastor of St. Boniface, was born in Bavaria, in the town of Nuerbach, June 8, 1838, the oldest of nine children, seven boys and two girls. At the age of thirteen the family came to America, landing in New York. For the first five years Mrchael was employed as a farm hand near New York, when the family moved to Teutopolis, where he continued to follow the same oc- cupation at the same time devoting all his spare moments to useful study. After a short time he was engaged as teacher in the public school of Teu- topolis and after one year he took a similar position in St. Mary's Catholic school of Edwardsville, remaining two years. Believing himself called to the sacred ministry, he entered St. Page One Hundred and Forty-Five Joseph's College of Teutopolis, where he pursued his studies for three years and later entered the Grand Seminary turned after some time to become chancellor of the diocese, which posi- tion he held till January 1, 1880, when of Montreal. He was ordained to the priesthood at Alton, April 4, 1868, and at once assigned to the parish of Van- dalia, where he labored one year and seven months. He was next trans- ferred to Marine and a short time later to Effingham, where he remained five years and constructed the present handsome parish church, St. Antho- ny's. In 1877 ill health compelled him to seek relief in California, but he re- at his own request, he was sent to Grant Fork, and afterwards to Litch- field and Springfield, whence on No- vember 10, 1887, he came to Qiiincy as pastor of St. Boniface and Dean of the district, which double position he very creditably filled until his death, which occured November 9, 1909. R. I. P. (Extract from Diamond Jubilee Souvenir of St. Boniface Congrega- tion, 1912.) f\S Page One Hundred and Forty-Six REV. EDWARD WELSH. "O, may God grant that you may be As noble and as good as he As gentle and as brave". A noble and talented young priest was Rev. Edward Welsh. Alas! he was called away all too soon. But three years of priestly life and the Master summoned him to Himself. His career, though short, was exem- plary and edifying. Of a sunny dispo- sition, kind and forebearing, young Father Welsh had a host of friends and admirers. His confreres of the clergy regarded their young colleague highly. His earnestness, talents and unfeigned piety, all combined to make his career a promising one; hence his premature loss was a doubly keen one. Rev. E. Welsh was born at Litch- field, 111., October 1, 1863, and was the son of Lawrence Welsh and his wife Catherine, nee McNamara. After his preparatory studies he entered St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, but be- fore his course was half completed, Bishop Baltes recognizing the quali- ties of the unusually bright student, sent him to the American College of Rome. There, in the Eternal City, he was elevated to the priesthood on June 26. 1888. Returning to the United States, young Father Welsh was as- signed as assistant to the Cathedral of Alton, where he worked with great zeal. There he died on July 11, 1891. His remains were forwarded to Litch- field, where they were interred in the parish cemetery on July 15. May the soul of dear Father Welsh rest in God's holy peace. REV. RICHARD WELSH. A native of Ireland, he was or- dained t All Hallows on June 24, 1864. In 1870 he became the pastor of St. Patrick's Decatur, where he per- formed good services during the four years of incumbency. He died there in 1874. R. I. P. REV. BLASIUS WINTERHALTER. ' 'It is easy to die When one's work is done To pass from the earth Like a harvest day's sun, After opening the flowers and ripening the grain, Round the homes and the scenes where our Friends remain". Calhoun County, yea the "Kingdom of Calhoun," as the long, narrow fer- tile strip of land is sometimes called, which lies between the waters of two of America's foremost rivers, viz: the imperial and majestic Mississippi, and beautiful Illinois, extends from Pike county north down to the con- fluence of these rivers at Grafton above Alton south. Here then in Calhoun county two venerable, apostolic men have de- ployed their physical and spiritual energies for the benefit of their fellow- men; they have left a lasting impress not only upon their own parishes of Brussels and Meppen, nay all Cal- houn county felt the beneficial influ- ences which emenated from the un- selfish lives of these worthy disciples of Christ, I refer to the Revs. Blasius Page One Hundred and Forty-Seven Winterhalter and Francis E. Without, both of whom departed this life in close succession a few years ago. Such staunch, rugged and loyal men as these, following quietly and cheerfully in the footprints of their divine Lord and Master, were building better than they knew. And if ever a marble shaft were to be erected as a monument and token to the heroic deeds of any of our Diocesan pioneer priests, I would know of none worthier or more deserving of such honor than these two rugged men of Calhoun county, Revs. Winterhalter and Without, the former remaining 36 years uninter- rupted at his post of duty and the latter 38 years. May these two grand old men who forever will be looked up to as bright and shining models of priestly sacri- fices and self denials by their surviv- ing confreres rest in God's holy peace. Rev. Blasius Winterhalter, a native of Baden, was born at St. Peter in the Archdiocese of Freiburg on the 29th day of January, 1833. Having made a splendid course of classical studies in his native land, he emigra- ted at the age of 20 years to America, landing on our shores June 15th, 1853. Eleven years later, April 17th, 1864, he was elevated to the priest- hood in the Cathedral church of Cin- cinnati, Ohio, and was assigned at once as assistant priest to SS. Peter and Paul's church of Springfield. One year our decedent stayed there. His fidelity and prompt response to duty together with an earnest effort to comply with the manifold demands of his sacred calling, soon gained him the affection and unqualified confi- dence of the people, and well was (heir confidence placed, not only here, but likewise in the other charges over which he presided. His was an adamantine character, firm and deeply rooted in all his ac- tions by power of conviction. He was of that rugged honesty which never fails to convince. It is but natural then that he soon forged ahead, became popular and beloved, and soon attracted the attention of the Ordinary upon his fruitful labors with the results that Father Winterhalter was transferred to Piopolis, "Belle Prairie" as it was called in those days and thence to Columbia. In these two places he stayed about six years after which he was appointed to St. Mary's parish of Brussels, Calhoun county. In the latter part of the sixties. Father Winterhalter made a trip to the old country. Whilst there he was successful in inducing a number of Sisters of the Precious Blood to ac- company him to his American home in Belle Prairie in the Alton diocese and be active as teachers in our paro- chial schools. Of those who accom- panied him across the sea were the Sisters Albertine, (Superioress), Phil- ippine, Benedicta, Mechtildis and Clo- tilde, some of whom are still living in retirement at the Mother House of O'Fallon, Mo., and Ruma, 111. The Sisterhood soon grew and expanded as all Sisterhoods do. Piopolis soon Page One Hundred and Forly-Eighl had become too small and insignifi- cant, hence a change of location was desired and looked for. Ruma, with its former Diocesan College, was the place. Whilst some of the members of this community settled down at Ruma, others had crossed the river into Missouri where they located at O'Fallon, some 40 miles west of St. Lotus. Both branches of this same congregation seem to flourish. They are doing well in Quincy at St. Mary's, the only place they retain in the Dio- cese. (These above mentioned Sis- ters must not be confounded with others of the same name who in more recent years settled at Alton, 111., coming thither from Eastern Europe.) Father Winterhalter's appointment as pastor of St. Mary's of Brussels in Calhoun county took place January 19, 1871. Here he rounded out a most ac- tive life of rarest mold. He proved himself a peerless man, leading others with foresight and wisdom, with in- vincible force of will power and the strength of robust virtues. He and his aged confrere, Without, may be said ot have been two sturdy oaks, planted and deeply rooted in Cal- houn's fertile soil. When he felt his strength waning and infirmities increasing, he peti- tioned the Bishop for permission to resign and retire from active service. His petition was granted ancr gootl Father Winterhalter bid farewell to his parishioners on February 18, 1907. The whole parish was in mourning and many a tear was shed over the good pastor's leave taking. He re- tired to St. Louis where on December 21, 1907 he died a peaceful death, caused by his chronic malady, bron- chitis. Solemn obsequies were held in the Church of St. Mary of Perpetual Help. Right Rev. Bishop Ryan pre- siding over them. Father Winterhalter attained the biblical age. His remains were de- posited in Calvary cemetery. REV. FRANZ WITHOUT. "Serve bone et fldelis, Intra in gaudium Domini tui". Rev. John Francis Eberhard With- out, who at the time of Tils ueath was the Nestor of the Diocesan clergy (1864-1910), passed away at St. Mary's hospital, Quincy, 111., on August 6, 1910, being then in his eightieth year of life. He had lived with the good Sisters in quiet, peaceful retirement for upwards of eight years, relin- quishing parochial work only when necessitated by physical infirmities superinduced by old age. Months prior to his death he signally failed .from day to day, his condition became such that no hope for ultimate recovery was any longer entertained. A para- lytic stroke hastened the end. For almost half a century Father Without served his Master and the Church, and thirty-eight years of blessed ministrations were spent by him as spiritual guide of St. Joseph's congregation of Meppen, in Calhoun county. Through all these years he proved himself faithful and zealous in the discharge of the duties of his sacred calling. His long and useful life was a beautiful exemplification of priestly virtues, of holy zest and zeal for God and the souls of men. Every one liked him, by his humble, unob- trusive manner he gained the esteem and respect of all who came in con- tact with him. Father Without was a man of uncompromising principle; he forgave all wrongs but demanded and insisted on his rights from priest or layman. Through his unrelaxed efforts, aided by many personal sacri- fices, the members of St. Joseph's pride themselves of having one of the best appointed country parishes of the diocese, a substantial rock church (1854) commodious rectory (1866) and a flourishing parochial school (1874), which was taught in former years, 1865-74 by himself, then by lay teachers, but more recently is in charge of the Sisters of the Precious Blood. Having been for so many Page One Hundred and Forty-Nine years practically isolated in peninsu- lar Calhoun, and rarely come in closer contact with the outer world and its pulsating energies, good Father Without looked upon modern insti- Brussels, as deacon, and Rev. Joseph Kopp, of Hardin, as sub-deacon, whilst Rev. J. B. Wardein of Michaels who later on succeeded J. B. Wand as pas- tor of Meppen acted as master of tutions, modern ideas and progress- iveness rather askance and with sus- picion, clinging to Msgr. Ollier's maxim: "Nil innovetur nisi quod tra- ditum," hence his whole line of thought dwelt mainly upon his parish, his dear Meppen. There he lies buried. The solemn obsequies were had in his beloved St. Joseph's church. Rev. J. B. Wand, at that time pastor of the parish, was celebrant of the Mass, as- sisted by Rev. Dr. Hy. Becker of ceremonies. TheG.erman sermon was delivered by Rev. A. Zurbonsen, of Quincy who had accompanied the body and the English sermon by Very Rev. Edw. Spalding of the Alton Cathedral. Besides these there were in attendance Revs. A. Schockaert, Graf- ton; F. A. Marks, Jerseyville, and E. D. Hickey, Kampsville. Rev. Father Without was born at Miste, a small town near raderborn in Westphalia on July 24, 1831, and was therefore aged 79 years, 6 months and 12 days at the time of his death. He was educated and prepared for his holy calling in his native country, landing here in October, 1863. Dur- ing the following winter he completed his studies and on April 17, 1864, was ordained to the priesthood at St. Mary's church, Springfield, III, by Rt. Rev. H. D. Junker, D. D., first Bishop of Alton. His first appoint- ment was that of an assistant to Very Rev. Herman Schaefermeyer, pastor of St. Boniface church, Quincy, 111. Page One Hundred and Fifty Within less than a year our subject was assigned as pastor of the young, newly-founded parish of Meppen in Calhoun county, where he labored so persistently and successfully until bodily infirmities and old age com- pelled him to seek the quiet and peace- ful asylum of St. Mary's hospital of Quincy, 111. REV. JOSEPH F. ZOEGEL. "Pains and pleasures try the pilgrim On his long and weary way". After the transfer of Rev. Joseph Kuenster from Teutopolis to Quincy, in 1850, Bishop Van de Velde, of Chicago, sent Rev. Joseph Zoegel to be his successor. This priest had lately arrived in the diocese from Strassburg, Elsace. His appointment to that parish was by no means an enviable one, as strife, opposition and dissensions had been of frequent oc- currence and often embittered the lives of the various pastors. With the advent of Father Zoegel, things seemed to take a different turn. In his dealings with obstreperous char- acters he remained firm and assertive and succeeded in bringing many around to espouse his viewpoint of affairs ecclesiastical. Strongly he ad- vocated the building of a large new church, to which the people consen- ted. In the selection of the site, how- ever, serious contentions arose which finally were adjusted by Bishop Van de Velde. The cornerstone to this (the present) church, was placed July 18, 1851 by the Chicago Bishop. Of this ceremony, the Bishop's diary contains the following account. "The sixth Sunday after Pentecost was a happy day for the Catholics of Teutopolis. Early in the morning the people began to arrive from the coun- try. Bishop said Mass at 7 o'clock and the procession was formed about 9; it was headed by the children of the parish, these were followed t>y the members of St. Peter's Society wear- ing their badges, and the latter by nearly the whole congregation, the men preceding and the women follow- ing the Bishop and his attendants. The procession moved amid the dis- charges of musktry from the old church. The Bishop walked under a canopy, vested in alb and cope, with mitre, and crozier and was attended by the Rev. Mr. Fisher, pastor of St. Marie, in cope, Rev. J. Zoegel in chasuble, and Rev. Father Busschots in stole and surplice. The ceremonies of laying the cornerstone were per- formed with the usual solemnities, during which the Bishop addressed the people in English, after which Rev. B'usschots delivered an appropriate discourse in German on the text: "Thou Art Peter." High Mass was sung by Rev. Father Zoegel, at which the Bishop assisted, attended by the other two clergymen. All was joy and happiness. At night the good people of Teutopolis got up a torchlight pro- cession and came to the priest's resi- dence to thank the Bishop and his attendants. Thus terminated the joy- ful day which will long be remem- bered by the members of the congre- gation of Tetitopolis." From Teutopolis Father Joseph F Zoegel returned to Chicago in 1854. In later years he joined the diocese of Buffalo and became stationed in 1860 as pastor of Langford, N. Y. R. I. P. Page One Hundred and Fifly-Ont REV. CHARLES T. ZUCKER. On the 7th day of November, 1851, Rev. Charles T. Zucker was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Oliver Van de Velde, at St. Joseph's church, Chicago. In 1857 he succeeded Rev. Liermann as pastor of Teutopolis. Conditions in that parish, however, were not to his liking, wherefore, after a few weeks stay he re-packed his belongings and returned to Chi- cago. On November 11, 1853 he was appointed to SS. Peter and Paul's congregation of Naperville. His stay here was likewise of but short dura- tion. Where and when Father Zucker died, seems to be shrouded in mys- tery, as years ago the late Father Wenker, of 'Vaperviiie. about to com- pile a history of the parish, made re- peated futile attempts to learn par- ticulars of his predecessor. R. 1. P REV. CHALES ZWIESLER. ''How many souls dwell lonely and apart Hiding from all but One above The fragrance of their heart". It is with keen sense of grateful duty that among the biographical sketches of our deceased priests we. are permitted to say a few words in recognition of the character and merits of good Father Zwiesler. He was practically the first diocesan priest whom the writer had the good fortune and privilege to meet, for after his ordination, he was sent to him to be introduced into the mys- teries of the Bishops' dreaded Blue Book ere being assigned to parish work. Those four weeks spent in Father Zwiesler's company have re- mained indelibly imprinted on our mind. He was a noble, beautiful character, open and frank, affable and pleasant, indulgent and forebearing. Whatever tended to advance the cause of his Cathedral parish, material and spiritual, that at all hazzards he sought to obtain. His administration at Alton proved therefore highly successful. Bishop Baltes placed im- plicit confidence in the prudence, sagacity, discreation and managerial abilities of his Cathedral pastor, and as results showed that trust and con- fidence was well placed. Father Zwiesler came to the Cathedral as assistant pastor thereof the following year, September, 1877. With undimin- ished enthusiasm he remained its pastor till April 19, 1888, to assume a similiar position with the newly con- secrated Bishop of Belleville. There in that infant diocese the experienced Cathedral pastor labored till Oct. 1, 1893, when ill health forced his retire- ment to the rural parish of Fayette- ville, which position he held till death, May 4, 1889. Father Charles Zwiesler was a native of Dayton, Ohio, born August 2, 1853. He studied Classics and Philosophy at St. Francis, Wis., The- ology at Montreal and was raised to the priesthood by Bishop Baltes at the Alton Cathedral, June 29, 1876. "He wore the white flower ot a spot- less life." R. I. P. Page One Hundred and t'ifty-Tu-o UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA CLERICAL BEAD ROLL OF THE DIOCESE OF ALT