285.17731 L995C UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ILL HIST. SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/centennialsketchOOIyon 285.17731 ! £ow.^2w^X4 /f (XZZ L995c | Wv J CENTENNIAL SKETCH of the HISTORY OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO By JOHN FREDERICK LYONS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBAN A-CHAMPAIGN ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY Centennial Sketch of the History of the Presbytery of Chicago By JOHN FREDERICK LYONS Librarian of McCormick Theological Seminary Published by the Compiler at 826 Belden Avenue Chicago 1947 Copyright 1947 By John Frederick Lyons -M!> MSI 1<8$~ n Chicago 1943 Paul Turner — Riverside 1921 Norman B. Barr— Olivet, Chi- 1944 Clarence N. Wright— Ravens- ca &° wood, Chicago S ?H rg T P n Magi1 !' ^T'k «* Herbert N. Broekway-Fair 1923 Robert Clements - Austin, Qak 0ak Park Ljnic3 j?o 1924 Clyde R. Wheeland-Irving 1946 LoLlis W - Sherwin— Highland Park, Chicago Park 1925 Asa J. Ferry— Edgewater, Chi- 1947 Clifford J. Earle— Second, Oak cago Park STATED CLERKS New School Flavel Bascom, 1857-1850. L. H. Loss, 1850-1861. Edward Anderson, April 9, 1861- September 10, 1861. Ira M. Weed, September 10, 1861- December 13, 1861. A. L. Brooks, September 9, 1862- July 11, 1865. E. A. Pierce, 1865-1868. D. S. Johnson, 1868-1870. Old School R. H. Richardson, 1852-1855. George F. Goodhue, April 12, 1855- November 9, 1858. John M. Faris, 1859-1863. W. W. Harsha, 1863-1869. W. M. Blackburn, 1869-1870. Since Reunion D. S. Johnson, 1870-1881. E. R. Davis, 1881-1891. James Frothingham, 1891-1916. Andrew C. Zenos, 1916-1942. William Mclnnes, 1942- MODERATORS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY FROM CHICAGO PRESBYTERY 1859, (New School) Robert W. Pat- terson. 1878, Francis Landey Patton. 1882, Herrick Johnson. 1889, William Charles Roberts. 1896, John Lindsay Withrow. 1913, John Timothy Stone. 1929, Cleland Boyd^McAfee. 1934, William Chalmers Covert. 34 Churches of the Presbytery During the course of its history the following churches have at some time belonged to the Presby- tery of Chicago. They are arrang- ed under the names of the cities in which they have been located or in the case of rural churches, their post office addresses. Cross refer- ences are inserted to facilitate lo- cating individual churches that may have been known under different names. It has been at- tempted to give in connection with the name of each church the date of its organization and the number of members with which it started. If organized when the denomina- tion was divided the particular division with which it was con- nected has been indicated; Old School by the abbreviation O. S., New School by N. S., and Cumber- land Presbyterian by C. P. Where street addresses or names of coun- ties, if known, will help to identify churches they are given. In many cases, when known, the names of men instrumental in organizing the ARLINGTON HEIGHTS September 24, 1856, N. S. 17 A. D. Eddy Name formerly Dunton AURORA First In General Assembly Minutes, 1859, O. S. AU SABLE GROVE In General Assembly Minutes, 1858, N. S. different churches are given. Some effort has been made to indicate what has become of churches no longer on the roll of the presby- tery. In the case of churches out- side the present bounds of the presbytery no such attempt has been made. As to the sources from which the information was gathered, perhaps the greatest help has been a list compiled by the late Stated Clerk, Andrew C. Zenos, in his own handwriting in a ledger now in the Virginia Library. His list is ar- ranged chronologically and extends only to 1924. It attempts to ac- count only for churches in the presbytery in his time. The in- formation furnished by Dr. Zenos has been supplemented chiefly by the manuscript records of presby- tery, the printed reports of the Board of Church Extension, and the Minutes of the General As- sembly. Many other sources of information have given facts that have been included. BELLWOOD June 8, 1930 45 BELVIDERE September 29, 1857, O. S. 10 BERKELEY (HiUside) May 6, 1917 39 35 36 PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO BERWYN October 23, 1894 30 T. C. Hall BLOOM See Chicago Heights BRAIDWOOD June 16, 1872 29 E. R. Davis BUCKINGHAM October 13, 1898 16 Dropped from roll April 13, 1920 CABERY Southwest of Kankakee December 12, 1885 12 E. R. Davis CHENOA April 14, 1857, N. S. 8 Loss and Whittemore CHERRY VALLEY Winnebago County June 14, 1855, O. S. 4 CHICAGO First June 26, 1833, N. S. 25 Jeremiah Porter Second June 1, 1842, N. S. 26 Flavel Bascom Second (C. P.) See Marlboro Third July 1, 1847, N. S. 35 R. W. Patterson Fourth February 6, 1871 351 Union of North and Westmin- ster Fifth June 7, 1867, O. S. 5 George W. Mackie South and 28th Street churches added 1873 United with Kenwood 1898 Dissolved March 11, 1901 Sixth 1875 Union of Grace and Ninth Merged in First Church, De- cember 4, 1918 Seventh 1865, N. S. Formerly Edwards Church, Jackson and Peoria Disbanded and existed for a time as a mission of Third Church Seventh 86th Place and Sangamon Anril 4, 1892 27 J. Weston Eighth Washington and Robey December 20, 1864, N. S. 25 Z. M. Humphrey See Central New Eighth See Central Ninth July 10, 1866, N. S. Merged with Grace to form Sixth Ninth Formerly Reunion Name changed February 9, 1892 Dissolved June 27, 1927 Tenth In 1875 General Assembly Min- utes Formerly Lake Church Name changed 1890 CHICAGO CHURCHES 37 Eleventh May 10, 1894 70 T. D. Wallace Dissolved October 14, 1918 Acacia Community Oriole and Cullom June 24, 1928 50 Albany Park October 18, 1914 50 Archer Heights Kedvale and 50th Avenues April 16, 1922 30 Ashland Avenue General Assembly Minutes, 1873 Austin August 27, 1871 16 James H. Trowbridge Austin Manor Wabansia and Parkside 1927 89 Avondale April 8, 1892 17 J. Weston Belden Avenue September 30, 1883 15 E. R. Davis See Seminary Ave. Federated Bethany April 29, 1888 25 E. R. Davis Bethel See Portage Park Bethlehem S. Wells and 52nd Streets March 29, 1910 Organized out of Bethlehem Chapel of 41st Street Church Bohemian Settlement See Howell Memorial Brighton Park Pershing Road at Francisco Ave. April 16, 1893 39 John Weston Brookline Maryland Avenue and 73rd Street May 19, 1887 22 Brown Memorial 61st and Indiana September 28, 1930 110 Colored Buena Memorial January 6, 1905 65 G. P. Williams Calvary Indiana Avenue S. of Ringgold Place Indiana Avenue and 22nd Street July 20, 1859 N. S. 30 Merged with First, November 8, 1871 Calvary Jackson Blvd. and S. Keeler October 8, 1891 15 John Weston Campbell Park 717 S. Leavitt Street April 30, 1880 28 E. R. Davis Carter Memorial March 28, 1920 Assyrian Central Cass and Illinois January 29, 1865, O. S. 23, mostly from North Church After the fire, 1871, members absorbed by other churches Central Sacramento Blvd. and Warren Avenue December 20, 1864 38 PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO Formerly the Eighth Merged with Central Park Church and called New Eighth, April, 1918 Changed to Central, October 10, 1928 Central Park June 19, 1887 75 Merged with Eighth Church, called New Eighth, April, 1918 George C. Noyes See Central Chicago Lawn April 26, 1892 J. P. Hale 27 died New beginning May 17, 1908 60 Christ 2000 Orchard Street February 8, 1900 190 W. R. Notman Out of Christ Chapel, the Fourth Church Church of Christ January 5, 1947 Meeting in Fourth Church Japanese Covenant May 7, 1885 87 George C. Noyes Name changed to Seminary Jan. 14, 1929 Merged with Fullerton Crerar (Old) 57th and Prairie Crerar Memorial (New) Calumet Ave. at 81st St. December 2, 1928 Drexel Park August, 1896 C. P. Came into the presbytery with the Cumberland union in 1907 Douglas Park February 19, 1897 48 Died, 1908 Edgewater Kenmore and Bryn Mawr June 9, 1896 43 T. C. Hall Edwards Halsted and Harrison 1861, N. S. Name changed to Seventh, August, 1865 Emerald Avenue Emerald Avenue and Marquette Road January 16, 1890 27 E. R. Davis Endeavor Formerly Gross Park Englewood October 31, 1869 N. S. 12 James H. Trowbridge Erie Chapel 1347 Erie Street February 10, 1909 167 From mission of Third Church Faith June 8, 1902 70 T. D. Wallace Fifty-Second Avenue See Trinity Forty-first Street Februarv 14, 1875 32 Arthur Mitchell Merged in First Church, March 27, 1912 Forty-Eighth Avenue General Assembly Minutes, 1897 Fullerton Avenue February 11, 1864, O. S. 11 CHICAGO CHURCHES 39 Willis Lord Fullerton-Covenant Merger of Fullerton Ave. and Covenant Galilee March 20, 1903 26 T. D. Wallace Became Logan Square, 1905 Became Kelvyn Park, 1924 Garfield Blvd. June 18, 1900 54 Dissolved, 1937 Garfield Ridge Formerly St. James German, First March 10, 1873 28 E. R. Davis Dissolved, 1899 Grace Near Douglas Place W. M. Blackburn May 8, 1872 35 United with "Ninth" to form Sixth Grace July 19, 1888 19 E. R. Davis Colored Granville Avenue March 31, 1910 Mission of Edgewater Gross Park February 19, 1891 25 John Weston Became Endeavor Hebrew Christian First 4818 N. Troy November 10, 1935 34 Holland Noble and Erie October 23, 1870 16 Emanuel Van Orden Transferred to Reformed Clas- sis, 1892 Hope Loomis Blvd. and 61st Street April, 1898, C. P. Colored Howell Memorial 1831 S. Racine April 23, 1916 47 Name changed from Bohemian Settlement, April 13, 1923 Hubbard Memorial 2520 S. Lawndale Avenue March 28, 1920 60 Vaclav Vanek Mission of Fourth Church Hyde Park April 29, 1860, N. S. 12 R. W. Patterson Immanuel November 4, 1887 George C. Noyes Irving Park April 28, 1915 400 Came from Chicago Reformed Classis Italian First April 17, 1892 54 John Weston Merged with Samaritan to form Waldensian, April 12, 1927 Jefferson Park January 1, 1867, O. S. 123 Willis Lord Kelvyn Park 2516 N. Kostner May 13, 1925 40 PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO Kenwood November 30, 1895 44 J. H. Barrows United with Fifth Church, 1898 October 16, 1881 44 E. R. Davis Name changed to Tenth Church, 1890 Dissolved April 8, 1919 Lakeview November 23, 1894 27 R. W. Patterson Logan Square General Assembly Minutes, 1914 Formerly Galilee Marlboro S. Damen and 68th Street June, 1893, C. P. Originally 2nd Cumberland Church Name changed, 1907 Marquette Park March 16, 1923 Mayfair Kostner and Ainslie March 16, 1922 Formerly Perseverance Name changed Jan. 14, 1929 Mi: lard Avenue October 13, 1896 50 T. C. Hall Moreland See Trinity Morgan Park January 25, 1890 31 E. R. Davis Normal Park June 2, 1885 34 George C. Noyes North August 6, 1848, O. S. Merged with Westminster to form Fourth, 1871 Northtown November 3, 1929 Merged with St. James Evan- gelical Reformed Norwood Park N. S. 1870 Norwood Pk. October 4, 1916 Formerly a Reformed Church Olivet Wabash and 14th Street December 7, 1856, N. S. R. W. Patterson United with Second Church Olivet Memorial October 16, 1890 49 Onv/ard March 29, 1892 72 Dissolved April 12, 1927 Most of members formed nu- cleus for Austin Manor Perseverance See Mayfair Portage Park Windsor and Menard January 10, 1926 37 Name changed to Bethel, Sept. 13. 1926. Name restored April 10, 1928 Providence May 12, 1893 C. P. 27 A. II . Stephens Dissolved, 1913 Pullman S. Park Blvd. and 110th Street August 13, 1882 26 E. R. Davis Ravenswood May 4, 1902 24 T. D. Wallace CHICAGO CHURCL 41 Redeemer. April 10, 1935 94 Reunion April 8, 1870 50 James H. Trowbridge Name changed to Ninth Church, February 9, 1892 Ridgeway Avenue Hamlin Avenue and Huron Street April 26, 1891 13 John Weston Rogers Park January 13, 1910 54 Roseland February 6, 1898 40 Divided October 6, 1904 Roseland November 17, 1909 247 Reunion of Roseland and Roseland Central Roseland Central October 6, 1904 156 W. H. Matthews Reunited with Roseland Church St. Andrew Olcott and Balmoral June 18, 1944 St. James 5550 S. Merrimac July 25, 1926 35 Name changed Jan. 3, 1947 to Garfield Ridge St. James United Rockwell and Albion January 7, 1935 St. John Harrison Street and Hoyne Ave. December 31, 1922 54 St. Mark September 18, 1927 115 St. Paul 127 N. Francisco Ave. February 2, 1918 Colored Samaritan October 14, 1923 40 Merged April 12, 1927 with First Italian Scotch Adams and Sangamon 46 Became Scotch Westminster, 1894 Organized as Canadian Pres- byterian Received into Chicago presby- tery, November 9, 1874 Scotch Westminster November 27, 1894 Union of Scotch and West- minster United with South Austin Church, June, 1919 See Scotch Seminary January 14, 1929 Formerly Covenant Seminary Avenue Federated Seminary and Lill Belden Avenue church in the federation 60th Street May 3, 1888 Dissolved 1900 E. R. Davis South Wabash and Congress December 19, 1854, O. S. Most of its members united with 28th St. church, 1869, South Austin See Westminster South Chicago October 23, 1852 18 42 PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO Became United Church of South Chicago South Park Formerly Railroad Mission Dissolved October 14, 1918 South Shore South Shore Drive and 76th St. April 16, 1896 71 Organized as Windsor Park Name changed February 5, 1923 South Side 1870, N. S. United with 31st Street Scotch South Side Tabernacle September 14, 1894 222 J. H. Barrows 31st Street Wabash and 31st Street January 15, 1868, N. S. 28th Street Church united with it July, 1870 Trinity Laramie Avenue and Fulton Street June 4, 1885 Formerly Moreland 28th Street General Assembly Minutes, 1868, O. S. Members from South Church United Church of Hyde Park Blackstone Avenue and 53rd St. See Hyde Park United Church of South Chicago Exchange Avenue and 91st St. See South Chicago Unity General Assembly Minutes, 1932 Colored Waldensian General Assembly Minutes, 1907 Merged in 1927 of Italian First and Samaritan West April 13, 1858, O. S. A. Nesbit Formerly Associate Reformed West Division May 9, 1894 Became Laird Community House Westminster July, 1855, N. S. Merged with North in Fourth Church, 1871 Westminster 1873 A. E. Kittridge Joined Scotch, 1894 to form Scotch-Westminster Westminster Lotus and Gladys June, 1919 Union of Scotch-Westminster with the South Austin church Windsor Park See South Shore Woodlawn Park January 19, 1885 39 E. R. Davis United with First Presbyterian CHICAGO HEIGHTS Bloom December 4, 1843, O. S. 25 John McMaster Name changed April 16, 1894 to First Our Savior October 27, 1912 62 Italian CHICAGO RIDGE On S. W. Highway, 27 miles from the Loop May 8, 1932 26 CICERO Clement 50th Court and 15th Street CHURCHES 43 November 2, 1919 52 P. W. Fischer Warren Park 61st Court and 21st Street June 26, 1927 52 CLARENDON HILLS March 31, 1929 38 CLINTON CENTER October 19, 1864, O. S. COAL CITY New Hope November 15, 1885 24 E. R. Davis CRETE 1859 N. S. DEERFIELD May 14, 1866 9 E. L. Hurd DOWNERS GROVE March 17, 1925 39 W. Clyde Smith DU PAGE See Plainfield DUNDEE 1859, N. S. DUNTON See Arlington Heights EARLVILLE April 16, 1853, O. S. ELGIN February 8, 1853 N. S. 22 O. S. Church, 1868 ELMWOOD PARK November 4, 1943 56 Robert L. Sawyier ELWOOD 15 miles south of Joliet April 29, 1879 19 E. R. Davis EVANSTON First July 27, 1868, N. S. 38 R. W. Patterson Second Formerly South Evanston June 4, 1885 R. W. Patterson Northminster January 28, 1923 57 South Evanston See Evanston, Second EVERGREEN PARK April 20, 1947 FOREST PARK Name formerly Pioneer April 11, 1913 164 G. N. Luccock From Pioneer Chapel of Oak Park, First Church FRANKFORT 1883 James Lewis Dropped from roll, 1886 GARDNER 20 miles south of Joliet September 5, 1857, N. S. 6 L. H. Loss GENOA 1856, O. S. 73 GLEN ELLYN May 16, 1926 47 44 PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO GLENWOOD March 16, 1884 E. R. Davis Dissolved 1895 HADLEY Will County August 17, 1833, N. S. Jeremiah Porter Became Congregational, 1849 Now Homer Congregational Church HALF DAY April 24, 1870 22 James H. Trowbridge HARVARD 1868, O. S. HARVEY March 17, 1892 James B. McClure Federated Presbyterian and Congrega- tional HEBRON Linn and Hebron 1865, O. S. HERSCHER Pilot September 14, 1879 23 Dissolved February 2, 1914 E. R. Davis HIGHLAND PARK June 2, 1871 33 William M. Blackburn HINSDALE June 18, 1889 23 Dissolved December, 1919 HOLLYWOOD April 17, 1945 Formerly independent HOMEWOOD December 19, 1857, N. S. 10 A. W. Henderson ITASCA October 26, 1885 10 E. R. Davis JOLIET First August 3, 1866, N. S. 28 James H. Trowbridge Second February 15, 1901 Formerly Hope Name changed, 1902 Central 1844, N. S. 22 Jonathan G. Porter Hope February 15, 1901 T. D. Wallace Became Joliet, Second, 1902 Willow Avenue December 9, 1904 66 G. P. Williams Formerly Kings Sons Chapel KANKAKEE First September 26, 1854, N. S. 10 Lewis H. Loss O. S. church, 1868 Second General Assembly Minutes, 1876 French January 29, 1860, O. S. Dropped, 1887 Charles Chiniquy KENDALL Kendall County April 17, 1855, O. S. Formerly Congregational KYTE RIVER Jefferson Grove, O. S. From Presbytery of Rock Riv- er, 1852 CHURCHES 45 LA GRANGE October 27, 1890 25 John Weston LAKE FOREST February 24, 1859, N. S. Yates Hickey LAKE STATION 1863, N. S. LANE September 23, 1854, O. S. 10 J. Ustick Centre General Assembly Minutes, 1859, O. S. LELAND LaSalle County 1857, O. S. LIBERTYVILLE September 7, 1869, N. S. 26 J. H. Trowbridge MANTENO April 7, 1853, N. S. 7 Jonathan G. Porter First at Rockville Moved and name changed April, 1855 MARENGO O. S. From Presbytery of Rock Riv- er, 1852 MAYWOOD October 15, 1872 13 R. W. Patterson MENDOTA August 26, 1855, O. S. 5 MOMENCE 1856, N. S. MONEE: WILL 1858, N. S. MORRIS CITY November, 1856, O. S. 8 NILES CENTER February 21, 1932 32 NORTHBROOK September 24, 1922 Name changed from Shermer- ville NORTH CHICAGO June 30, 1893 8 Formerly South Waukegan Name changed, 1913 OAK PARK First September 30, 1883 32 E. R. Davis Second April 9, 1905 53 G. P. Williams Fair Oaks May 11, 1924 59 OSWEGO April 15, 1854, O. S. OTTAWA General Assembly Minutes, 1869, O. S. PALOS PARK S. W. Highwav Mav 1, 1921 13 PEOTONE Mav 6, 1871 17 James H. Trowbridge PLAINFJELD Du Page Julv 13, 1833, N. S. 12 Jeremiah Porter 46 PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO PONTIAC April 20, 1856, N. S. RIVER FOREST July 29, 1887 D. R. Breed RIVER PARK November 24, 1874 13 Jacob Post Dropped from roll, 1896 RIVERSIDE December 15, 1872 17 J. H. Trowbridge ROCKFORD July 8, 1854, O. S. 36 G. F. Goodhue ROCKVILLE Kankakee County April 7, 1853, N. S. Changed to Manteno, April 17, 1855 ROSCOE June 5, 1851, O. S. From Rock River presbytery, 1852 ROSCOE Genoa April 16, 1853, O. S. Willow Creek O. S. From Presbytery of Rock Riv- er, 1852 SAINTE ANNE First March 21, 1861, O. S. 53 Alfred Hamilton Second united April 30, 1888 Second February 1, 1860, O. S. Charles Chiniquy French, united with First Church SANDWICH 1867, O. S. German SERENA LaSalle County 1858, O. S. Named with Wyoming G. A. Minutes SHARON Queen Ann 1858, O. S. SHERMERVILLE See Northbrook SKOKIE Westminster January 5, 1947 R. L. Sawyier SOUTH WAUKEGAN See North Chicago SPRING FOREST See Willow Springs THORNTON STATION 1859, N. S. TROY GROVE October 18, 1854, O. S. 8 J. Fleming VICTOR DeKalb County June 1, 1858, O. S. WAUKEGAN November 11, 1857, N. S. 50 Ira Weed WAVERLY March 30, 1856, O. S. 14 J. Fleming WEST HEBRON Lynn and Hebron O. S. From Presbytery of Rock Riv- er, 1852 CHURCHES 47 Congregational WHEATON April 20, 1909 50 From First church WHEELING Zion (German) November 2, 1864, O. S. Transferred to Galena German presbytery, May, 1908 Zion June 18, 1922 Transferred to Chicago pres- bytery by General Assembly WHITE ROCK Jefferson Grove Ogle County O. S. Received from Rock River presbytery, 1852 WILL Will County December 4, 1864 Dissolved, 1894 15 WILLOW SPRINGS April 11, 1926 18 Spring Forest Church WILMETTE October 22, 1911 102 E. P. Hill WILMINGTON July 22, 1837, N. S. 11 Jonathan G. Porter WILMINGTON O. S. Received from Presbytery of Peoria, 1852 WOODSTOCK Queen Ann O. S. German Salem 1868, O. S. Received from Presbytery of Rock River, 1852 Name changed to First Pres- byterian Church, 1853 WYOMING Joined with Serena in General Assembly Minutes YORKFIELD September 26, 1943 34 Walter Reid Bibliography Manuscripts In the Virginia Library, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago. Minutes of the Chicago Cleric. 1882-1930. Records of the Chicago Presbytery (New School). 1847-1870. Minutes of the Presbytery of Chi- cago (Old School). Book A. 1852-1864. Book B. 1865-1870. Minutes of the Presbytery of Chi- cago (Reunited) . 1870-1875 1875-1880 1880-1885 1885-1890 1890-1896 1897-1903 1904-1910 1910-1916 1916-1923 1923-1930 1930-1936 Presbytery of Chicago. Records of Clergy, Candidates, Ordinations, Licensures, Dismissals, Local Evangelists, Moderators New and Old School and Organization of Churches. 1824-1925. Pp. 298. In the handwriting of Dr. A. C. Zenos. Zenos, Andrew C. Historical Sketch of Presbyterianism in the Chi- cago Area. June 13, 1933. Official Documents Constitution and By-Laws of the Presbyterian Social Union and List of Members, 1887. Printed by W. P. Dunn. Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Minutes of the General Assembly. Nashville, Tenn. 1846-1910. Charter and Constitution of the Galena Theological Seminary, Inc. February 9, 1853. Galena: H. H. Houghton, 1853. Pp. 16. Home Mission Committee Report. 1901, 1903. Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, (New School). New York: 1849- 1869. Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, (Old School). Philadelphia: 1852-1869. Church Extension Board, Chicago Annual Reports, 1911- Handbook of the Presbytery of Chicago. Compiled by the Su- perintendent of Missions. Pp. 86, June, 1895. Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. New Series, New York, vols. 1-7, 1870-1883. New Series, Philadelphia, v. 8-23, 1884-1900. New Series, Philadelphia, v. 1-21, 1901-1921. Third Series, Philadelphia, v. 1-17, 1922-1938. Fourth Series, Philadelphia, v. 1-8, 1939-1946. Presbyterian League and Church Erection Committee of the Pres- 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY 49 bytery of Chicago. April 1, 1901- April 1, 1902. The Presbyteries of Chicago. 1847- 1883. Published by the Presby- tery Committee: R. W. Patter- son, E. R. Davis, Pp. 44. Presbyterian Home, First Annual Report to Presbytery of Chicago. February 8, 1915. Pp. 32. Presbyterian Home for the Aged, The, Chicago, n.d. but marked in pencil: "June 8, 1904." The Presbyterian Hospital of the City of Chicago, Sixtieth Anni- versary. 1883-1943. Pp. 22. Presbyterian Social Union of Chi- cago, Reports of the Special Committee on City Evangeliza- tion. 1885. Contains Act to in- corporate Presbyterian League. The Presbyterian Torch. A bulletin of information concerning the Church Extension Board of the Presbytery of Chicago, 1920- 1922. Presbyterian Union of Chicago, Constitution. Pp. 3. Presbyterian Union. An Historical Sketch, by James L. Saylor. Pp. 16. The Presbytery of Chicago: Di- rectory and Blue Book. 1946. Compiled by J. H. Ambruster. To the Presbyterian Ministers and Churches of the Northwest. Oc- tober 15, 1870. R. W. Patterson, L. J. Halsey, D. Mitchell, Com- mittee. Pp. 4. Wight, J. Ambrose, Permanency of the Pastoral Relation. An essay read by appointment before the Chicago Presbytery at its meet- ing in the Third Presbyterian Church in Chicago, October 1853. Chicago: Published by order of the Presbytery, 1854. Pp. 22. Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of the Northiuest, Fifty Years of Service. 1870-1920. Pp. 60. Year Book of the Congregational Christian Churches of the United States of America. Printed Sources Bascom, Flavel, Autobiography, 18- 33-1840. Chapter VII in Sweet's Religion on the American Fron- tier; the Congregationalists. Pp. 231-284. Bowen, Louise de Koven, Growing up with a City. 1926. Pp. 226. Rice, N. L., Ten Letters on the Sub- ject of Slavery: Addressed to the delegates from the Congre- gational Associations to the last General Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church, St. Louis, Mis- souri. 1856. Pp. 78. Patterson, Robert W., Early So- ciety in Southern Illinois. A lecture read before the Chicago Historical Society. October 19, 1880. Chicago 1881. Fergus His- tory Series 14. Pp. 103-131. Sweet, W. W., Religion on the American Frontier: The Congre- gationalists. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press. 1939. Pp. 435. Periodicals The Alliance; devoted to religion, literature and government. (Swing). Chicago: v. 1-8. 1873- 1881. Chicago Evangelist, 1853-June 27, 1855. Merged with the New York Evangelist. Home Mission Bulletin of the Church Extension Committee of the Presbytery of Chicago. 1911-1915. The Interior, Chicago. 1870-1910. Name changed to The Continent, 50 PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO 1910-1926. Merged into Presby- terian Advance, later Presby- terian Tribune. Northwestern Presbyterian, Chi- cago vs. 1-12. 1866-July 3, 1869. The Presbyterian Expositor: a monthly periodical, v. 1-2. De- cember 1857-1859. Chicago: N. L. Rice, ed. Presbyterian Magazine (Van Rens- selaer). Philadelphia: vols. 1-10. 1851-1860. Presbyterian of the West, Spring- field; Cincinnati 1841-1858. Unit- ed with Christian Herald to form Herald and Presbyter. Presbyterian Recorder, Chicago. 1861-1862. Yates Hickey, ed. Presbytery Reporter, Alton, Illi- nois, vs. 1-8, May 1845-1870. Suspended October 1854-April 1855. September 1860-March 1863. From 1857 bore the imprint, Al- ton and Chicago. Presbyterian Young Men, 1902. Organ of the Young Men's Pres- byterian Union of Chicago. An- drew Stevenson, Pres. N. R. Best, Editor. Western Herald. April 1, 1846-1849. Changed to The Prairie Herald, Chicago. For Presbyterian and Congregational Churches. Wilson, Joseph M., Presbyterian Historical Almanac and Annual Remembrance of the Church, 1859-1868. (Philadelphia: Wil- son.) Secondary Materials Andreas, A. T., History of Chicago. 3 vols. 1884. Atlas of the State of Illinois. Warner and Beers — Union Atlas Company, Chicago, 1876. Pp. 293. Auburn Theological Seminary; Biographical Catalogue 1818-1918, 1918, Pp. 374. Beecher, Willis J., Index of Presby- terian Ministers, containing the names of all the Ministers of the Presbyterian Churches of the United States of America; with references to the pages on which those names are found in its records and minutes. From A. D. 1706 to A. D. 1881. (Philadel- phia: Presbyterian Board of Pub- lication, 1888.) Campbell's New Atlas of Illinois. Chicago: 1870. R. A. Campbell, 131 South Clark Street. Dictionary of American Biography. Under the auspices of the Amer- ican Council of Learned Soci- eties. New York: 1928-1944. 22 vols. Grant, John C. (ed.) Second Pres- byterian Church of Chicago. June 1, 1842-June 1, 1892. (Chi- cago.) Hays, George P., Presbyterians. New York: J. A. Hill and Com- pany. 1892. pp. 544. Hutchinson, William T., Cyrus Hall McCormick. D. Appleton-Century Company. 2 v. 1935. Lyons, John F., The Attitude of Presbyterians in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois toward Slavery. 1825-1861. Journal of the Pres- byterian Historical Society, June, 1921, Pp. 69-82. Otis, Philo Adams, The First Pres- byterian Church 1833-1913. A history of the oldest organization in Chicago. 1913. Pierce, Bessie Louise, A History of Chicago. Alfred A. Knopf. 2v. 1940. Princeton Theological Seminary; Biographical Catalogue 1909. Compiled by Joseph H. Dulles. BIBLIOGRAPHY 51 Ridgley, Douglas C, The Geog- raphy of Illinois. University of Chicago Press. 1921. Pp. 385. Robinson, Edgar Sutton (ed.) , The Ministerial Directory. Oxford, Ohio, 1898. Pp. 559. Spinka, Matthew, ed., A History of Illinois Congregational and Christian Churches, Chicago, 1944. Pp. 381. Stevenson, Andrew, Chicago Pre- eminently a Presbyterian City. Chicago: Winona Publishing Company. 1907. Pp. 124. Thompson, Robert Ellis, A History of the Presbyterian Churches in the United States. New York: Christian Literature Company. 1895. Pp. 424. Vander Velde, Lewis G., The Pres- byterian Churches and the Fed- eral Union. 1861-1869. Harvard University Press 1932. Pp. 575. Harvard Historical Studies, vol. XXXIII. Yount, Charles A., William Bross, 1813-1890. Lake Forest College, 1940. Pp. 30. INDEX American Home Missionary Society 11 Armentrout, J. S 29 Bacon, Asa S 23 Barr, Norman B 25 Bascom, Flavel 9 Bibliography 48 Blackburn, William M 21 Bowen, Louise DeKoven 14 Boyle, W. H. Wray 27 Brown, Henry Seymour 27 Bryan, W. S. P 30 Chester, E. F 18 Chicago 7 Chicago, Growth of 12 Chicago, Presbytery of New School, First Meeting 8 Growth 12 Old School presbytery, Organization 17 Chicago, Synod of 17 Christian Industrial League 28 Churches 35 Church Extension, Board of 26 Colonization Plan 12 Congregational Church, First Chicago 11 Congregational Church, Plym- outh, Chicago 11 Congregationalists, Relation with 10 Continent, The 25 Cotton, J. Harry 29, 30 Craig, Willis G 24 Crerar, John 23 Cumberland Presbyterian Church 8 Cumberland Presbyterian Reunion 26 Curtis, Harvey 14 Dearborn Seminary 14 Downs, William R. 10 Drake, B. B 10 Drexel Park Church 26 52 DuPage Church 8 Elliott, Robert H 31 Evangelistic Methods 13 Fickes, George H 31 Fire, The Chicago 21 First Church, Chicago 8 Fourth Church, Chicago 21 French, Charles R 10 Galena Theological Seminary.... 16 Gates, Goodrich 31 General Assembly, Moder- ators of 34 Goodhue, George F 18 Gray, W. C 25 Hadley Church 9 Halsey, L. J 23 Headquarters, Presbyterian 28 Henderson, Abner W 9 Hill, Edgar P 27, 31 Home Mission Committee 25 Hormel, William _ 24 Interior, The .... 25 Johnson, David S 21 Johnson, Herrick 24 Johnson, Paul S. 28 Kilbey, George A 28 Kittredge, Abbott E 22 Lake Forest University 21 Lane Seminary 29 Lincoln, Abraham 7 Lind University 16 Lyman, Orange 10 McClure, James G. K 29 McCormick, Cyrus H 18 McCormick, Nettie Fowler 24 McCormick Theological Sem- inary 24, 30 Marquis, David C 24 Mitchell, Arthur 22 Moderators, New School 14 Old School 20 Since the Reunion 32 New School and Old School 7 Notman, W. P 27 INDEX 53 Noyes, George C 22 Olivet Institute 24 Omaha Theological Seminary.... 30 Ottawa Presbytery 8 Owens, Ralph W 31 Patterson, Alexander 28 Patterson, Robert W 9, 13 Patton, Francis L 22 Peoria, Synod of 8 Polity 24 Porter, Jeremiah 8 Porter, Jonathan G 10 Presbyterian College of Christian education 28 Presbyterian Home 30 Presbyterian Hospital 23 Presbyterian Home 30 Presbyterian League 22 Presbyterian Theological Sem- inary, Chicago 29 Presbyterian Theological Sem- inary of the Northwest 19 Presbyterion Union, The 31 Recruits 15 Reunion 21 Rice, Nathan L 19 Richardson, R. H 18 "Room 48" 31 Safford, George B 27 Salaries, Ministers 19 Sawyier, Robert Lee 29,30 Seath, William 28 Second Church, Chicago 9 Skinner, Thomas H 23 Slavery Issue 11, 19 Stated Clerks 34 Stone, John Timothy 29 Swing, David 22 Taylor, Hutchins 9 Third Church, Chicago 9, 12 Todd, R. K 18 Ustick, John 18 Waite, Forrest 23 Westminster Hall 28 Williams, George P 27 Willow Creek Church 17, 19 Women's Board of Foreign Missions 31 Zenos, Andrew C 3,35