MfflSi mm C A ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00000 0251 ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FRANK W. DeWOLF, Chief BULLETIN NO. 34 THE ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS By Carl B. Anderson PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1919 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FRANK W. DeWOLF, Chief Committee of the Board of Natural Resources and Conservation Francis W. Shepardson, Chairman Director of Registration and Education Kendric C. Babcock Representing the President of the Uni- versity of Illinois Rollin D. Salisbury Geologist Schnbpp & Barnes, Printers Springfield, III. 1919. 21822 — 3M LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. State Geological Survey, Urbana, June 29, 1919. Francis W . Shepardson, Chairman, and Members of the Board of Natural Resources and Conservation: Gentlemen : I submit herewith a report on the Artesian Waters of Northeastern Illinois, and recommend that it be published as Bulletin 34. It is to be regretted that on account of lack of funds the report could not have been published in 1915 or 1916 soon after completion of the work. However, I feel that the purpose of the book will not be defeated by its late publication and believe that its value will be realized by the industries and cities of northeastern Illinois seeking abundant artesian water supplies. Very respectfully, Frank W. DeWolf, Chief. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign GONTENTS PAGE Part I. Introduction 17 Area investigated , 17 Importance and purpose of investigation 17 Field work 18 Importance of preserving record 18 Drillers' logs 18 Drilling samples 18 Directions for taking samples 19 Examination of samples 19 Acknowledgments 20 Underground waters 20 Sources 20 Zone of saturation 21 Definition 21 Factors affecting ground-water level 22 General statement 22 Effect of topography 22 Effect of surface deposits 22 Ground water in bed rock 23 Springs 23 Artesian waters 24 Definition 24 Distribution of artesian waters 25 Geologic formations and their water-bearing capacity 25 General relationships 25 Surface deposits 26 General description 26 Terminal moraines 26 Ground moraines 27 Outwash deposits 28 Stream or alluvial deposits 28 Lacustrine deposits 29 Bed rock formations 29 Static head 31 General statement 31 Measurements 31 Methods employed 31 CONTENTS— Continued PAGE Recession 36 Chicago and vicinity ,.-... 36 Chemical character of underground waters 37 General statement 37 Factors affecting chemical character 38 Hydrogen sulphide 40 General statement 40 Methods of analysis 40 Occurrence 41 Niagaran waters 41 Deep-well waters 41 Temperatures of underground waters 42 General statement 42 Methods of obtaining temperature data 42 Chicago well waters 43 Deep wells , 44 Depth of invariable stratum and temperature. 44 Geothermal gradients 44 Shallow wells 46 Well waters outside Chicago 47 Deep wells 47 Shallow wells and springs 49 Geothermal gradients in general northeastern Illinois 49 Factors affecting geothermal gradients 49 Application to northeastern Illinois 50 Summary 50 Wells . 50 Dug or open wells 50 Driven wells 51 Drilled wells of small bore 51 General description 51 Costs of drilling 52 Drilled wells of large bore 52 Drilling process 52 Methods employed 52 Depth of wells 53 Casing of wells 54 Size of wells . 54 Cost of drilling 55 Drillers' specifications 55 Pumping of wells 69 Methods 69 Deep-well pumps 69 Impeller or centrifugal pumps . 69 Air-lift pumps 70 Costs of pumping 73 General considerations 73 Deep-well and centrifugal pumps 73 Air-lift pumps 74 Yield as related to diameter of well 75 (6) CONTENTS— Continued PAGE Part II. Boone County 77 Physiography 77 Geology. „ 77 Underground waters 78 General statement 78 Belvidere 78 Cook County 81 Physiography 81 Geology 82 Underground waters 85 Sources 85 Chemical character 86 Chicago 87 General statement 87 Shallow-rock wells 87 Deep-rock wells 88 Historical discussion 88 Water-bearing strata 88 St. Peter sandstone 88 Prairie du Chien group ,, 89 "Potsdam" group , 89 Size of wells and casing 90 Pumpage 90 Daily supply 90 Effects of heavy pumpage 91 Pumping methods 91 Static head 93 Galena-Platteville formation 93 St. Peter sandstone 93 "Potsdam" group 95 Chemical character of Chicago waters. . . 96 Niagaran formation . . '. . 96 Galena-Platteville formation 97 St. Peter sandstone 97 Prairie du Chien group 98 "Potsdam" group 98 Upper sandstone member 98 Middle sandstone member 100 Lower sandstone member 101 Local supplies 102 Vicinity of Chicago 102 Blue Island 102 Harvey 104 Riverdale 104 Southeastern area 105 General statement 105 Chicago Heights 107 Matteson 108 (7) CONTENTS— Continued PAGE Southwestern area ... 108 General statement 108 Lemont 108 Western area 109 Argo 109 Bellewood Ill Berwyn Ill Clearing. Ill Forest Park 112 La Grange 113 Lyons 114 Maywood '. 114 Melrose 115 Proviso Township 116 River Forest 120 Riverside 121 Summit 123 Western Springs 124 Northern area 124 General statement 124 Desplaines 124 Hubbard Woods 126 Park Ridge 126 Northwestern area 127 General statement 127 Arlington Heights 127 Barrington 128 Palatine 128 De Kalb County 129 Physiography 129 Geology 130 Underground waters 131 Sources 131 Chemical character 131 Local supplies 132 De Kalb 132 Genoa 133 Hinckley 134 Kirkland 134 Malta 134 Sandwich 135 Somonauk 135 Sycamore 136 Du Page County 137 Physiography 137 Geology 138 Underground waters 139 Sources 139 (8) CONTENTS— Continued PAGE Chemical character 140 Local supplies 140 Bensenville 140 Downers Grove 142 Elmhurst 144 Eola 145 Glen Ellyn 145 Hinsdale 146 Lombard 146 Naperville 146 West Chicago 147 Wheaton 148 Grundy County 149 Physiography 149 Geology '. 149 Underground waters 150 Sources 150 Chemical character 150 Local supplies 151 Braceville 151 Carbon Hill . 151 Coal City 151 Gardner 152 Mazon 152 Minooka 153 Morris 154 Kane County 157 Physiography 157 Geology 158 Underground waters 159 Sources 159 Chemical character 160 Local supplies 160 Aurora 160 Batavia 164 Carpentersville 166 Elburn 166 Elgin 166 Geneva 168 Maple Park 168 Montgomery 168 Mooseheart 169 St Charles 170 Virgil 171 Kankakee County 171 Physiography 171 Geology 171 (9) CONTENTS— Continued PAGE Underground waters 173 Sources , 173 Chemical character 173 Local supplies 173 Kankakee 173 Manteno , 176 Momence 176 Reddick 176 Kendall County 177 Physiography 177 Geology 178 Underground waters 178 Sources 178 Local supplies '. 178 Oswego , 178 Piano 179 Yorkville 179 Lake County 179 Physiography 179 Geology 180 Underground waters 181 Sources 181 Chemical character 181 Local supplies 182 General statement 182 Grays Lake 182 Gurnee 183 Highland Park 183 Highwood 185 Lake Bluff 185 Lake Forest 185 Lake Zurich 187 Libertyville 187 Ravinia Park 187 Rondout 187 Waukegan 188 Zion City 188 La Salle County 189 Physiography 189 Geology 190 Underground waters 192 Sources 192 Chemical character . 193 Local supplies 193 Cedar Point 193 Deer Park 193 Earlville 194 Grand Ridge 194 La Salle 195 (10) CONTENTS— Continued PAGE Leland.. 195 Lostant 195 Marseilles 196 Mendota 197 Oglesby 198 Ottawa 199 Peru 201 Ransom 203 Seneca 203 Sheridan 203 Streator. 203 Utica 205 Wedron 205 McHenry County 206 Physiography • • 206 Geology 206 Underground waters 208 Sources 208 Static head 208 Chemical character 208 Local supplies 208 Algonquin 208 Crystal Lake 209 Harvard 209 McHenry 210 Marengo 210 North Crystal Lake 210 Ringwood 211 Woodstock 211 Will County 212 Physiography 212 Geology 213 Underground waters 214 Sources 214 Static head 215 Chemical character 215 Local supplies 216 Braidwood 216 Crete 217 Joliet 218 Lockport 221 Mokena 222 Monee 223 Peotone 223 Plainfield 223 Rockdale 224 Steger 224 Wilmington 224 (ID CONTENTS— Concluded PAGE Winnebago County 225 Physiography 225 Geology 225 Underground waters 226 Sources 226 Chemical character 227 Local supplies 227 Pecatonica 227 Rockford 227 Appendix, Tables of analyses 233 (12) ILLU STK ATION S PLATE PAGE I. Map of the area covered by the report showing the artesian wells in 1914 16 II. Generalized graphic columnar section for northeastern Illinois, includ- ing a summary of data on the artesian waters from the different for- mations 28 III. Geologic map of northeastern Illinois showing the bed rock underlying each part of the region 36 IV. Map of the Chicago district showing the Potsdam ground water level in 1914 by means of contours 94 FIGURE 1. Diagram showing the amount of water pumped daily from deep wells in the Chicago district in 1914 as compared with that from the wells in the Stock Yards district, from those in the rest of Chicago, and from the five largest in the Stock Yards 92 2. Diagram showing the total number of wells in Chicago and their daily pumpage as compared with the number and pumpage of old wells and of the more recent ones 92 3. Graph showing the lowering of the static head in the Stock Yards wells since they flowed in 1889 94 (13) TABLES PAGE 1. Data regarding the artesian water table in northeastern Illinois 32 2. Temperatures of waters from representative deep wells in Chicago .... 45 3. Temperatures of waters from shallow wells in Chicago 46 4. Temperatures of waters from deep wells in northeastern Illinois, not including Chicago 46 5. Temperatures of waters from shallow depths in northeastern Illinois, not including Chicago 48 6. Drilling costs of representative deep wells 57 7. Average analysis of waters from 31 shallow wells in Chicago 96 8. Mean analysis of the waters from 57 representative wells in Chicago pumping over 75 gallons per minute and ranging in depth from 1,200 to 1,750 feet 99 9. Analysis of waters from the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway wells at Bensenville 143 APPENDIX I. Mineral analyses of underground waters in northeastern Illinois 234 II. Boiler analyses of underground waters in northeastern Illinois 250 (15) k • ■ - ■ *'¥■■ . i *x Ia a . « ' ■ -' . ■ - THE ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS By Carl B. Anderson PART I INTRODUCTION Area Investigated The region described in this report includes an area of approximately 7,755 square miles in northeastern Illinois. The counties included are Boone, Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake ; LaSalle, McHenry, Will and Winnebago (see Plate I) with a total popu- lation of 2,980,379 in 1910, according to the census of that year. This is 52.8 per cent of that for the entire State, whereas the area is only 13.8 per cent. The city of Chicago, with its two million and more inhabitants is responsible for this unequal ratio between population and area in re~ spect to that of the remainder of the State. Importance and Purpose of Investigation The greater amount of water consumed by the inhabitants of this area, excluding Chicago and the towns along the north shore of Lake Michigan, is obtained from underground sources. The industries of Chi- cago alone pump over 30,000,000 gallons of water per day from deep wells. A thorough investigation of the underground water resources has therefore been deemed important, special emphasis being laid upon ob- taining data in regard to the deep artesian wells since it is from that source that the larger quantities of underground water are procured. It has been the object of this investigation to ascertain to the greatest practicable extent such information in regard to the underground waters, as quantity, quality, accessibility, distribution, static head, and depths be- neath the surface. Chemical analyses have been made of a large number of waters and the results are given. Measurements of the water level were made wherever feasible, or data in regard to the same obtained. It has been thought that the results of this investigation would be of the greatest practical service if the conditions existing in particular lo- calities were considered individually. The method of treatment has there- fore been by counties with detailed discussions regarding the different cities and villages. (17) 18 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Field Work Essentially all of the field work for this report was done during the summers of 1914 and 1915, although some additional time in November and December of 1913 was spent in Chicago collecting well records and samples of water. The summer of 1914 was devoted almost entirely to work in Chicago and its immediate vicinity during which time the writer was assisted by Mr. H. J. Weiland of the State Water Survey. Data were obtained which made possible the drawing of the contour map of "Potsdam" ground-water level (Plate IV). Likewise a large number of water samples were collected. During the summer of 1915 the remainder of the area was covered. Importance of Preserving Records The importance of having exact information regarding underground conditions is becoming more and more evident. To obtain such know- ledge and make it available to the public, is the purpose of the Illinois Geological Survey. drillers' logs It is usual for the driller to keep and furnish a log of the well to the owner, although in some instances even this is not done. However, the drillers' logs have come to be looked upon with doubt even by the drillers themselves. The personal factor is of much importance, as the logs kept by some experienced drillers are surprisingly accurate. How- ever, in the drilling of a deep well that extends over a considerable period of time, it is very probable that different drillers will have been at work and as the names used by drillers to describe the different kinds of mater- ial penetrated is subject to much variation, an inaccurate log will result. As an example, it is not unusual for a crystalline dolomite, which is a limestone with a notable magnesium content, to be called a sandstone; this is particularly true if there are a few sand grains embedded in the dolomitic matrix. The writer has frequently furnished drillers with logs, compiled from a study of drill cuttings, and it has been noted that there has been much more confidence placed in such a record than in one that is just a "driller's log." DRILLING SAMPLES There is an increased interest in the collection of drillings among both the enterprising well contractors and the people who are having wells drilled. The writer has usually found that it has been necessary only to call to the well owner's attention the importance of saving drillings in order to have it done. The more progressive well contractors have also been very willing to assist in this matter. There should be a detailed INTRODUCTION 19 record of at least one deep well in every city or village as a guide for future drilling and therefore particular care should be taken to have a complete set of samples saved from the first well in a locality. The depths below the surface at which the water stood as the different forma- tions were penetrated together with information regarding any pumping tests should also be carefully recorded. A practice that is becoming more and more common is to have the collection of drillings made a part of the specifications. An accurate log will always be obtained in this manner. To encourage the saving of samples the State Geological Survey has had special cloth bags prepared for holding samples and these will be sent prepaid to those requesting the same. The Survey will also have the drillings carefully examined by competent geologists, and the detailed logs furnished free of charge. These logs are also kept on file in fire- proof cabinets in the Survey offices. There are already thousands of such logs on file, and the information thus obtained is available to the public in all cases in which the owners of the well have not requested that the data be treated as confidential. DIRECTIONS FOR TAKING SAMPLES Although the Geological Survey always encloses directions for the collection of samples whenever a set of bags is sent from the office, it will not be amiss to mention here some of the considerations that must be borne in mind. It is not necessary to have a large sample — a few ounces will suffice — but it is advisable to have a sample of the cuttings taken from every "screw," or every five feet of drilling. This is particularly true where the strata are thin and there is a rapid change in the different kinds of rock. The cuttings should not be washed, as in so doing some of the finer material will be lost. The sample should be representative of the material brought up by the bailer. If it is a mixture of coarse and fine material, the sample should be similarly neither entirely fine nor entirely coarse. The Survey also sends out small handbooks in which drillers may record their logs and any remarks that may pertain to the drilling, as the rate that drilling progresses and the action of the rock upon the bit are all indications of the character of the strata. The water levels and any pumping tests as has been said should be carefully recorded. EXAMINATION OF SAMPLES The study of the well drillings should be made by a competent geologist. It is not so easy as it may seem to determine correctly from a small sample of more or less powdered material, the kind of rock that it represents. A description of the material so accurate that it may be pos- sible to visualize the original rock is to be desired. 20 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The reader is referred to a bulletin by Dr. Udden 1 published by this Survey, which gives very complete instructions for the study of well drillings. Acknowledgments In order to make a report of this nature at all complete, it is neces- sary to have the cooperation and assistance of so many people that it is impossible to make individual acknowledgment for all the information obtained. It has, however, been a source of great pleasure to the writer to note the general interest that has been taken in the work and the active assistance rendered wherever possible. The many drilling firms doing business in this area have freely fur- nished records and other information at their disposal. Particularly large contributors of such data have been the following: J. P. Miller Artesian Well Company, S. B. Geiger, and the Cater Contracting Com- pany. However, many logs have been obtained from other drillers, and credit is given in the body of the report wherever possible. In many in- stances these well contractors have taken considerable trouble in having samples of the drillings collected in order that accurate records might be obtained. The city officials in charge of the water departments in the dif- ferent localities have contributed much data, as have likewise the differ- ent firms which are operating deep wells. The writer particularly wishes to acknowledge the aid rendered in the preparation of this bulletin by his fellow workers of the Illinois State Geological Survey. Mr. F. W. DeWolf, the director, has always been ready with helpful suggestions and criticisms in regard to the general scope of the work. Mr. G. H. Cady has furnished information in re- gard to the LaSalle area, in which territory he has done much detailed work. Professor T. E. Savage has also rendered aid in the geological in- terpretation of the well records. Mr. E. O. Ulrich of the U. S. Geological Survey has kindly given his geological interpretations of some of the detailed well logs. His com- ments accompany the different logs. Grateful acknowledgment is due Dr. Bartow of the State Water Survey for assistance in the chemical study of the waters. Almost all the analyses given were made in the laboratories of the State Water Survey. UNDERGROUND WATERS Sources The underground water of any region has with few exceptions the same source as the surface waters ; that is, from the rainfall and snow- 1 Udden, J. A., Some deep borings in Illinois: 111. State Geol. Survey Bull. 24, 014. UNDERGROUND WATERS 21 fall. The water that is thus precipitated upon the earth's surface re- turns again to the air through evaporation from plant, soil, or water sur- faces, is carried off by the streams to the oceans, or sinks into the ground to form the great body of underground water. It is this under- ground water that supplies the wells of a region and with which we are primarily concerned in this report. The most of the rocks older than the St. Peter sandstone, en- countered in many of the deep wells in northeastern Illinois, do not outcrop at the surface in the State. The proper subdivision and classifi- cation of these rocks can not be satisfactorily made from the study of well records or samples of drillings. The field study of these rocks, as well as their underground relations is under investigation in Wisconsin where these strata are exposed at the surface, but final conclusions have not yet been reached. Mr. Ulrich's comments on the logs of a few of the wells that were sent to him are included in this report, but it seems probable that more recent studies in Wisconsin will modify his views. For these reasons it has seemed best to use the old names and divisions for the rocks in this older part of the geologic column in the area under consideration until some agreement has been reached regarding their subdivisions and nomenclature. Zone of Saturation definition Shallow wells sunk in a flat region of uniform structure and with deposits of essentially the same character have a nearly uniform water level. If the water rises in a number of wells to within a certain dis- tance from the surface, the conclusion is that the rocks are saturated with water to within that distance of the surface. This general level of underground water is called the ground-water level, ground-water sur- face, or water table; below it ground- water fills the crevices, joints, and open spaces of the rock to unknown depths. This zone below the ground- water level and to the depths below which it is believed that it is not possible for water to be present is called the zone of saturation. This underground water is continually being drawn upon ; it supplies the permanent streams, escapes through springs, vegetation draws up water from beneath, and both the deep and shallow wells of a region owe their permanence to the underground reservoir. The water level in wells is known to be higher during the wet seasons than in times of drought ; this is because of fluctuations in the ground- water level. During times of heavy precipitation more water sinks into the ground and thus causes a rise in the ground-water level. Whereas in the dry seasons the water level sinks because of excessive drain with- out replenishment. 22 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS FACTORS AFFECTING GROUND-WATER LEVEL GENERAL STATEMENT A number of factors affect the depth of the ground-water level be- neath the land surface, as well as the amount of available water, and it's chemical character. In a nearly flat region with a heavy mantle of coarse material, such as sand and gravel, it is evident that a large amount of the rainfall will sink into the ground ; whereas in a region of similar climate but of thin surface deposits, steep slopes, and well established drainage lines, the run-off will be greater, and not so much water will be ab- sorbed by the ground as under the former conditions. EFFECT OF TOPOGRAPHY The contour of the ground-water surface is somewhat similar to that of the land surface but not so irregular. Although the ground- water level is higlier beneath the hilltops than in the valleys, the maxi- mum differences are not so great as that between the elevations and de- pressions of the land surface. The water level in the permanent streams is continuous with the underground-water level of the land surface. The movement of the ground water is toward the valleys, and the important source of the permanent streams is the ground water from the uplands. The water table is not far below the ground surface in valleys, on flood plains, and in the vicinity of large ponds or lakes. It is therefore not an uncommon belief that the wells situated in these lowlands obtain their supply from the nearby large bodies of water. Such is only very rarely the case, as the movement of the ground water is toward points of lower elevation, and therefore the wells in the lowlands draw their water from the same underground reservoir as those on the uplands. However, if wells are located on banks of large streams or lakes and the pumpage is at a greater rate than the inflow from the ground water, there will be a flow toward the well from the body of surface water. Likewise a sudden rise of the water in a stream may cause a temporary underground flow of water away from the stream and into wells. EFFECT OF SURFACE DEPOSITS The amount of available ground water depends to a great extent upon the amount and character of the surface deposits. In a sand and gravel deposit there is a notable amount of pore space that may be filled with water. Likewise the flow of water through such material is much more rapid than through that finer in grain. Whenever water is pumped from a well at a greater rate than the rate of inflow of the ground water, there is a depression of the ground-water level. However, because of this more rapid flow in the coarse material, wells tapping such a bed will recover their normal water level in a shorter length of time than those UNDERGROUND WATERS 23 whose waters come from such deposits as fine-grained clays. Naturally the most favorable conditions for large yielding surface wells are in flat regions of abundant precipitation and a heavy deposit of coarse material. In certain parts of the area covered by this report, shal- low wells of exceptionally large yield can be obtained. The conditions are usually local and are discussed under the different localities. GROUND WATER IN BED ROCK Many of the wells in this region draw their water from the bed rock underlying the drift. In those localities where the bed rock is a lime- stone or a sandstone it is not unusual to obtain wells which yield large vimounts. The water from the drift gradually works its way downward to the underlying bed rock. In limestone, the cracks, joints, and other openings are filled by the water; solution of the limestone also takes place, so that in time the openings are much enlarged, and definite water channels are formed. This is particularaly true for that part of this region where the Niagaran limestone is the bed rock. A sandstone is also favorable for the storage of ground water. This is illustrated in those areas where the St. Peter sandstone underlies the drift. This formation is especially adapted as a reservoir because of the large pore space due to the almost complete absence of cementing ma- terial. It is seen that there is an intimate relation between the drift and bed rock in regard to the water content of the latter. If the conditions of the drift are favorable for the retention of a large amount of the rainfall, then the bed rock will furnish strong wells. In some places more water can be obtained from the bed rock wells than from those which penetrate only the drift. Definite water channels or large crev- ices may be encountered in which instances the water may not be from the immediate overlying drift, although the source is usually not at a great distance. Springs Springs are found along many of the valleys in the glacial drift that covers this region. The water issues usually from some gravel or sand bed outcropping along the sides of a valley. Springs may also occur at the contact of a bed of gravel with an underlying relatively impervious bed, as of clay or shale. Springs that issue from the bed rock also occur in the outcrop along the larger streams. The water issues from between bedding planes in the rock, crevices, or just above a comparatively impervious layer. 24 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Artesian Waters definition The term "artesian" as used at present refers to water that is con- tained in a stratum under such pressure that it will rise when tapped by drilling, to a greater height than that of the retaining bed. It is not necessary for a well to flow in order that it can be designated as artesian. In many wells the water may be under sufficient pressure to rise many hundred feet above the water-bearing formation but still lack enough pressure to overflow ; whereas another well may tap the same aquifers and flow because it is situated on somewhat lower ground, although the hydrostatic pressure or static head will be essentially the same in both. The conditions and requisites for artesian waters were outlined many years ago by Professor T. C. Chamberlin 1 . They are as follows : 1. A pervious stratum to permit the entrance and the passage of the water. 2. A water-tight bed below to prevent the escape of the water downward. 3. A like impervious bed above to prevent escape upward, for the water, being under pressure from the fountain-head, would otherwise find relief in that direction. 4. An inclination of these beds, so that the edge at which the waters enter will be higher than the surface of the well. 5. A suitable exposure of the edge of the porous stratum, so that it may take in a sufficient supply of water. 6. An adequate rainfall to furnish this supply. 7. An absence of any escape for the water at a lower level than the surface of the well. Another list of the essentials for artesian waters was published in 1908 by Myron L. Fuller of the U. S. Geological Survey 2 . His summary is as follows : 1. An adequate source of water supply. 2. A retaining agent offering more resistance to the passage of water than the well or other opening. 3. An adequate source of pressure. The first requisite is not made specific as regards source, because, as has been pointed out, artesian waters are not derived from a single but from a variety of sources. The second requisite — the retaining agent — may be a stratum, a vein of dike wall, a joint, fault, or other fracture plane, a water layer, or some one of a variety of other agents. * * * * The pressure, although primarily due to variations in level in the different parts of the artesian system, may be transmitted in so many ways and is subject to so many modifying factors that the postulation of a specific cause is impracticable. * * * It is believed that the three factors stated in the preceding paragraph are all that can be considered as essential to artesian flows, all other postulated 1 Chamberlin, T. C, "Requisite and qualifying- conditions of artesian wells: Geol. of Wis. vol. 1, pp. 689-701, 1881. Also Fifth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pp. 125-17.*',, 1885. 2 Puller, Myron L„ Summary of the controlling- factors of artesian flows: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 319, pp. 3^-37, 1908. GEOLOGIC FOKMATIONS AND THEIR WATER BEARING CAPACITY 25 requisites being in reality modifying or accessory rather than essential factors. These secondary factors may be classified as follows: Secondary factors of artesian flows I. Hydrostatic factors (relating to pressure and movement) 1. Factors mainly affecting pressure. a. Barometric pressure. b. Temperature. c. Density. d. Rock pressure. 2. Factors mainly affecting movement. a. Porosity. b. Size of pores or openings. c. Temperature. II. Geologic factors (relating to reservoir). 1. Character of reservoir. 2. Retaining agents. 3. Structure of reservoir. 4. Topographic conditions. 5. Conditions relating to supply. a. Catchment conditions. b. Conditions of underground feed. 6. Conditions of leakage. DISTRIBUTION OF ARTESIAN WATERS The above outlined artesian conditions exist in the entire area considered in this report. At depths which vary with the different localities, there are present formations that contain water under great hydrostatic pressure. This pressure is not everywhere sufficient to cause a flowing well, but it is nevertheless ample to cause the water to rise many hundred feet above its containing formation. GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS AND THEIR WATER-BEARING CAPACITY General Relationships Beneath an almost unbroken mantle of clay, sand, and gravel, called drift, present over this area, is found the bed rock. The contact between drift and bed rock is clear cut and although the surface of the latter is in its major aspects somewhat more irregular than the former, in general the bed rock surface is much smoother than the drift surface. The consolidated strata can be seen in quarries and also in some railroad cuts where the drift is not too thick. Likewise in a few places the bed rock outcrops, as along Illinois, Rock, and Fox rivers. The bed rock does not have the same character in all localities ; for instance, at Chi- cago and vicinity it is a limestone, whereas along Fox River it is a sandstone, and under the drift in Grundy County, shale. 26 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Surface Deposits general description The deposit of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders, which covers essentially the entire area treated in this report, was laid down during the glacial epoch. The drift ranges in thickness from a few feet to over 300 feet, and with a probable average over the entire region of 50 to 75 feet. The heterogenous mixture of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders that was deposited directly by the ice is called till; the drift that was worked over or sorted by the waters running from the glaciers and then redeposited is called stratified drift. Before glaciation the great mantle of clay, sand, and gravel, which now covers the region, was absent, the streams were cutting away at the bed rock surface that underlies the present drift deposit, and the land surface as a whole was more rugged. As the great ice sheets slowly advanced southward, the original soil and rock debris were ground up and carried along, frozen in and to the base of the glaciers, until as a result of an amelioration of the climate the ice melted, resulting in disappearance of the great ice sheet. All the clay, sand, gravel, and boulders which had been incorporated in, and carried along by, the glacier was then deposited over the land surface to a thickness ranging from a few feet to over 300 feet. Crystalline rocks are found in the drift and as no such rocks outcrop in this region, but only in areas far to the north, this material must have been carried hundreds of miles before deposition. However, the greater proportion of this loose material has been carried only short distances. The deposition of all this loose material served to efface most of the smaller pre-glacial streams and. to alter the courses of many of the larger ones. For example, well drillings revealing the position of buried portions of a pre-glacial valley show that Rock River was forced to leave its channel in a number of places. The topography of the drift-covered area is of several types, due to the fact that the loose material was not deposited everywhere in the same manner. Each major type will be discussed individually empha- sizing its relationship to ground water supplies. TERMINAL MORAINES The terminal moraine is that thicker part of the drift which was deposited along the border of the ice sheet while the edge was stationary. Several of these terminal morainic ridges or belts occur in the region, among which the Valparaiso morainic system is the most note- worthy. It follows the general contour of Lake Michigan, extending southward from the Wisconsin line, through western Lake and eastern Mctlen ry counties, across parts of Cook, Kane, and DuPage counties, GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS AND THEIR WATER BEARING CAPACITY 27 and then southeastward so that it is found in southwestern Cook County and northeastern Will County. The inner border in most places is less than 15 miles from the lake, and the width ranges from 5 or 6 miles to 20 or more miles at the Wisconsin-Illinois line. Minor morainic ridges, such as the branches of the Bloomington morainic system which cross certain of the counties are described under the different counties. The topography of the terminal morainic areas is as a rule more uneven than that of the surrounding region. Small knobs or knoll-like hills with steep slopes are common; there are numerous depressions between the knolls which may contain lakes. Marshes are also not uncommon. It is possible to obtain rather abundant supplies of water from most locations in the terminal moraine. Because of the irregularity of the topography, the poor development of the drainage lines and the greater thickness of the drift in the terminal moraine than in surround- ing areas, an excessive run-off is prevented and a notably large amount of the rainfall sinks into the ground where it can be drawn upon by the wells. Most of the beds of sand and gravel common in the terminal morainic areas will yield sufficient supplies of water for small villages and for private use. Along the Valparaiso morainic system, particularly in western Lake County, it is possible to secure unusually abundant supplies from the drift, yet most of the larger wells are continued to the bed rock, for the rock is a limestone so fissured that it is capable of storing extraordinary quantities of the water which seeps down from above. However, the drift is the source of this water, and it is because of the reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph that the underlying lime- stone contains such abundant supplies. GROUND MORAINES The ground moraine is the body of drift lying between the terminal moraines. It covers almost this entire region except in the few places where erosion has removed the drift. The topography of the ground moraine is less uneven than that of the terminal ; the hills are lower and have less slope ; the depressions are broader and shallower. It is not uncommon for ground morainic areas to be monotonous plains many miles in extent. In this region the character of the till is probably the most import- ant factor in determining the ground water possibilities of the ground moraine. Where the greater part of the till is composed of clayey material with only small amounts of sand and gravel, no wells of large yield are possible. However, with slight relief and some sand and gravel beds present, wells of moderate capacities can be obtained. Many wells 28 AETESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS dug in the ground moraine, within a few miles of the terminal morainic ridges, yield good supplies. This is true where the rainfall that sinks into the ground on the higher collecting areas encounters a sand bed that extends under the ground moraine. If the underlying bed rock is a limestone or sandstone, it is best tc continue the wells until these formations are encountered. However, in the regions where the Pennsylvanian rocks, or "Coal Measures", under- lie the drift, it is desirable to try to obtain a water supply from the drift because the waters of the "Coal Measures" in many places have a sulphur taste due to the presence of hydrogen sulphide gas. OUTWASH DEPOSITS Outwash deposits are made up of drift transported beyond the terminal moraine by water from the melting glacier. These outwash de- posits are of the same character as the main body of drift except that they are more or less stratified or sorted by the waters into different beds, each one characterized by a predominance of a certain constituent, as sand, clay, or gravel. The coarser and heavier sediments will be deposited near the terminal moraine, whereas the lighter sands and silt will be carried out much farther. The sediments deposited by the many streams flowing from a glacier may unite, forming a plain-like area spread out in front of the terminal moraine. The outwash deposits that contain sand or gravel beds of any con- sequence contain considerable quantities of water, as the porous character of the material enables it to absorb the rainfall. A pervious sand or gravel stratum is commonly included between impervious clay beds ; in such a case where this pervious bed either changes to compact material down the slope, or its lower end becomes blocked, artesian conditions may be developed. Thus a number of flowing shallow wells are obtained from the outwash deposits. It is also usual for the pervious deposits of the outwash plain to be connected either directly or indirectly with the terminal moraine, the elevated area and uneven topography of which make it a good collecting reservoir for rainfall ; this also tends to produce artesian conditions on the outwash plain which is at a lower elevation. STREAM OR ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS The material deposited along stream courses and river bottoms is called alluvium or alluvial deposits. During times of excessive rainfall the streams become swollen, the swifter flowing waters carrying more detrital material and having greater erosional power than under ordinary conditions. This results in the broadening of the valleys and the form- ation of flood plains, particularly for the larger rivers. Also in past geologic periods some of the rivers carried much larger quantities of ( ■■■■ GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS AND THEIR WATER BEARING CAPACITY 29 water than at present ; this applies especially to the Illinois and Desplaines rivers. After the recession of the flood stages when the stream occupies only its normal channel, there is left in many places a flood plain. The clay, sand, and gravel that covers this flat land is the material from the drift and bed rock over which the water has flowed. It is generally recognized that large supplies of water can be obtained from shallow wells on the flood plain and in the valley bottoms. The supposition often is that the source of the water is the streams. On the contrary, the source is the ground water that moves from the uplands toward the lower areas or the valleys supplying the streams with water. In some places flowing wells may be obtained from the alluvial deposits. This signifies alternate pervious and impervious strata with the artesian pressure developed from the higher water table underlying the uplands. At flood stages the waters from the streams may seep into the wells, because the waters have risen so rapidly that the ground water level has not been able to adjust itself. This condition could not last for long; if the flood stage does not recede in a short time, the ground-water table away from the banks of the stream assumes a higher elevation. How- ever, if the stream waters are polluted, there is danger during such flood periods that the lowland wells may become contaminated. LACUSTRINE DEPOSITS In the many small lakes that abound in terminal and ground morainic areas sediments have accumulated until the lakes have become swamps and the swamps themselves have become filled, but such deposits are not of great importance. Even the largest lacustrine deposit of all of them bears no important relation to water supplies, though it constitutes a physiographic feature of noteworthy interest — the plain upon which Chicago is situated. This flat area was at one time occupied by an extension of a pre- historic Lake Michigan which has been named Lake Chicago and had an outlet down the Desplaines Valley to Mississippi River. Near Summit, southwest of Chicago, the St. Lawrence-Mississippi divide is only about 10 feet above the present lake level. Bed-Rock Formations Glacial surface deposits are so variable in distribution and compo- sition that a written description was necessary in order to make even a generalization about them. But the succession of sandstones, limestones, and shales that make up the bed rock underlying the drift is much the same so far as major features are concerned throughout the area, mak- ing it possible, therefore, to generalize graphically in a columnar section for northeastern Illinois. (Plate II.) Though thicknesses as shown vary from the truth considerably in certain instances, the section is nevertheless to be taken as representing the average condition. Obvi- 30 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS ously the lowest formation is the oldest and those overlying are suc- cessively younger, the youngest of all being the glacial surface deposits just described. Not every formation is represented in all parts of the area, because in some places the younger formations have been removed. For ex- ample, near Utica the Pennsylvanian, Niagaran, Maquoketa, Galena- Platteville, and St. Peter rocks have all been eroded completely, un- covering the Prairie du Chien beds, so that only the lower part of the general section, beginning somewhere in the Prairie du Chien group, represents the local Utica section. Again, over all of Winnebago County, Niagaran and Maquoketa rocks have been removed so that Galena- PJatteville ("Trenton") rocks immediately underlie the drift and only that part of the section including the Trenton and below is applicable to Winnebago County. Although originally all these rocks were essentially flat as the sedi- ments from which they were derived were deposited on the sea bottom, they now have somewhat of a slope or dip in certain directions, due to movements in the earth's crust subsequent to their deposition. For instance, the limestone commonly known as "Lower Magnesian" out- crops in the vicinity of LaSalle, whereas at Chicago it is a thousand or more feet beneath the surface, though there is no notable difference in the surface elevations at the two localities. The general dip in north- eastern Illinois is east and south ; thus as one goes west and north from the lake the older rocks will outcrop successively. Surface deposits scores of feet in thickness conceal the bed rock from view in most places, but the accompanying map (Plate III) shows which bed rock lies immediately below the unconsolidated material for every part of the area as closely as it has been determined. The columnar section is to be applied locally with the aid of such a geological map and all formations above the outcropping one as shown on the map should be omitted from consideration for a given area. The geologic history which has been interpreted from the character, distribution, altitude, and succession of the various formations has little bearing on the problem of water supplies and is therefore omitted from the report 1 . 1 For those who are interested in the interpretation of the history that has brought about the observed results, other bulletins of the Survey will be 01 interest. Atwood, Wallace W., and Goldthwait, James Walter, Physical geography of the Evanston-Waukegan region: 111. State Geol. Survey Bull. 7, 1908. Goldthwait, James Walter, The physical features of the Desplaines valley: 111. State Cool. Survey Bull. 11, 1909. Trowbridge, Arthur C, Geology and geography of the Wheaton quadrangle: 111. State Geol. Survey Bull. 19, 1912. Cady, G. H., Geology and mineral resources of the Hennepin and LaSalle quadrangles: 111. State Geol. Survey Bull. 37, 1919. Geological map of Illinois. Fourth edition. 111. State Geol. Survey, 1917. STATIC HEAD 31 STATIC HEAD General Statement The static head (hydrostatic pressure or artesian pressure) of the artesian water in a locality is of great importance, and therefore as much information as possible concerning the static head of the water in different localities was obtained. Detailed information will be found under the discussions of the different localities, but Table I has also been prepared to give a general survey of the artesian- water level in the area. Likewise, a contour map of the artesian water table in the Chicago region has been drawn (Plate IV). This map indicates the level of the water in the artesian wells and does not necessarily represent the static head of the water from a particular formation, because the wells are uncased and therefore the static head is the resultant of all those from the different water-bearing formations penetrated. In reality, however, it is essentially that of the "Potsdam" waters, as this group of sand- stones is the important aquifer. In the vicinity of LaSalle the static head represented is in general that of the St. Peter sandstone or New Richmond sandstone, as these are the aquifers that have there been most extensively developed. It will be noted that the water level is lowering, in some localities at a greater rate than in others, so that in time the static head indicated on the map will be too high. Measurements methods employed It was commonly found that the well owner or person in charge did not know the exact water level. Therefore, wherever possible it was actually measured by the writer or his assistant. The method employed is outlined below, and very satisfactory results were obtained on the wells pumped by the air lift. In most instances it was not possi- ble to determine the water level in wells equipped with deep-well or centrifugal pumps. This is because the pumping machinery covers the entire well opening, so that no weight can be lowered to reach the water level. In a number of such cases the approximate water level was ob- tained, as it had been measured the last time the pump had been removed from the well for repairs. The principle used in determining the static head was that of having the water surface in the wells close an electric circuit and measuring the amount of wire extending down from the surface. Two insulated wires twisted together so as to form one, and connected to a small hand- operated magneto at the ground surface, were lowered into the well. The ends of the wire were about 4 or 5 inches apart and properly insulated so that in lowering no contact with the iron pipes would close 32 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS £- OS G •PT ^ o 03 O J-im,_ O C CD las w ^ s o £03 «2* jn29jC J9(I U0ISS903J; 23TeJ.0AV jo xi^Suai lunouiv 03r-H 15 > 03 t> u_, O Pi ri o o> CU o !_, 03 H p3 o1 rt .5 ° CO 2 o o o £^ 5 CD 03 05 3 Q03 03 a Jh 0) CO J_, rt H C0^2 3 OK CD _^ 2 03 05 CO £ rj 05 >> ,-h o £ ■^ CD CD O M«H oi Pl H ■z* « CD fcuD 03 -h 0^ - 05.B fl O^ rtPi£° cj O ra CO 3 2£ CD cd > CO £ co Ph co PU PL| PL, co co co Ph co Ph CO Ph CO Ph CO Ph CO PhP- coco p. CO d Pl 03 -d a 03 PI A p| ■d Pl 03 -d Pi 03 d Pi 03 -d Pi 03 d P 03 dd Pi Pi 03 03 d Pl 03 Ph Ph PhP-iPh Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph PhPh Ph "S m OS CM H CO m co IOCM CO CD % •T-CffJ OS oo lO _, ,_, GO CD in CO co OS •i-H ri , " H 1—1 1—1 1-1 % • in m CD CO w CO co (M (M lO ■* o CO £ ■V, OS s 5° os Tf i^CD o CM 8 os k, ii -r . OS O CO CO . CO i-i lO in ' Tjl Tfl CO CO CO CO rh 8 m •* ■* ■* TtHTP »p •+ OS OS OS OS as os OS as as - 1 " 1—1 ^ 1-H ^^ 1—1 1—1 TiH '"' ?e S O CM OS s CD lO o CM lO SJ§ I -* CD m •* ^ j> "* LO TP TT lO rp TT m m m OS OS ^ s o ~r __ OJ O hOO % OS OS OS OS OS os coco as X OS OS d c3 ej CS eJ cJ OS 03 uoia'BAaia ao'ejjns m in OS m co tDCD OS § m m CO GO m O m CD 00 m in co OS OS in in OS in X m CD in CD CO IT3M. jo mdaa; s OS 00 CO CO OOOOS co m Tf m CD CD o oo O OOOO CO+JCM— i i-h CM(M 1 8 CD OO oo Ci OJO 03 +J +j S-SSSo Ph«> 05 05 2^ g H ^ p^ (5o CDd o JhPh ^ u 03 !_, P o P) u g« o ~ CD t> §P5 P5 O - o fl 1 1^ in o PPPPP30 ^_> CD !-( t> o^ ^.^ CD CJ Ph CD ■S CD a< d . Pl 353 d • Pi oco d ^^^^^ OS CM l- si* STATIC HEAD 33 > o re co re Q cu O A3 d rt el a d £ r! ■2* _o a ' _o o "re o re CO OJ0 co £ 9 o CO >H S-l O o 8^ a 'u o a "in O en re t3_re t.'re' 2 ' 2o2 re' -1 h d "re d "re d d O cU o o >> o o ss o o o a; o fa. D O P (J) CQ 0) %Z cu m . -co OS looniso mm • • • aw • os •• >n • o o o --00 m TiOWmO 00 • • ; 00 CD • CO ■ • • • • • • ■ Tf -CO CO 00 • • t}< CO ooaotnooo om • • • coco . — , -m -o • • • !> m 00 mo • • o m t - -in • • • -* cor- _as — — -h oso— 1 OS-jo — — o —1 — o ~ > 00 os os os 00 os os 00 os os os os os os os as 00 ScDCO 1 m o t- o 1 s* -r CO **i 'oo t- co 00 1T -,M_^H r^^i-t^ i-l W^-. t-( eta* — < S> (M CO CO O O Z?=!S cj d >i>l 00 O r 9cy © 2 >>2 ^> B re S re a3 £ rt ^ •u cu a3 d *-> > >> ^ <" v ^ ^^a3 .3 ^J . CU O a; re ^i> dj^d S ^P9° ^h > u rew ^^3 aj *-" ii. chPh +j o r> >,^ o OO 2 >> cjo >>>.re CU CU (-1 re d r3 >, d d te H U O 4J 03 oi M SPhPhPh I >> 1-1 d d d d +J Ph ° .2 d -5 M 0) OLJ CU mh pj >, P I -b d cu d 8 S cuS bjo co d d dM :2^ 11 K. S S-drO P Q !h ' o H ro iq£o re d O O O O d d S3 d Sh H ^ ^ OOO M !h I-i d d d 34 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS u d >i • 0) 1> £ 'rd ° !S W to £ co£ S re- 2 re d^ — ' 0) II ^d "d !_, 4> reP- - S^ d *> 2 2 d % 'u CO i O d >> re a OS S-i i^re §a>ro ad m ™ ra re +-> .2- Da; u > "re Tl'o 5 rod) ra C CU >H p CU 0) ,d^ 3,a ,d» rf 3 c P O P " ro fr EH CO ^ EH EH EH on Ph d* a re Ph a, Ph k Ph PhPh^ coco*- 1 PhPh Ph co Ph CO co -d Pnro CO CO CO co CO coco dTr ro -d Ph d Pn-d d -a "2 "Oh s d B roro 03 -d-d T3 d ro "d d re -dPn Ph d co d co d d d d d dco COCO ^ros -S ro co CO in -co • t» ;CO co *-IHH ^h U01SS9D9.I * w co co 'co' • w :^4 O O eu 9J812.I9AV PJ009J 2 3 _ CO OS CO -T-H • m 0) CU £ ^ £ "3 JO mSU91 £ "" (M w : w «!*: to ■ s> in —i -O • • CD limorav 0) OS •OS 00 s w m 1- C^r-H r^ r~ co • CD ■* CD • CD coco m m co • •* d d re- 1 H^ t*, -u'd cu ■<*< -*| ■ •■* •* »* in •■•«• ■* ■<*< m m m • in CU tt m • co co CO Si in os co ocoo t- m m QP d* CO 0) re_ * !> CO CO CD ■ I- eo CO CO m m O CU .'-j"jri re- 0J "ro Q 8 - ^ CO • m 00 os m co • CO CD CO CD CD in CD 00 in O • m ; ^5^? 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OO STATIC HEAD 35 ■v CD CJB TO Q0 CCi ;/j a) cd a) u^ TO ^ CO CO £ d S d -5 £ & OoOutij, •O CD d CD +- 1 " CD |1 CD 5 ogo^Hi «3 m eh >>^ d ■•St«i« 5 O CD h £ rf "oj+j CO re-? re o fe d .. d o d tJ v re o !h CD CO >-l re d CDd d a P CD > re >) re s w 4) u CD o o- re re cd dp "Cfl CD o rt« ^rt o o cy o o CD CD re^i a o IS o re CD'd GG £ M o D W ^ ft re^ ft re — < ,- d d >H (-1 CD CD ft ft &HC7] ^d ^re ft m ftft mm ftft Oupb co&g ' mm ft -d-d *rere d t3 n, d d d d w d d ftft mji ftft ftft ftft ft ftftk t^ co •lO o • • CO •CM co • • in CO ■<*< ;CM 00 1-1 : •-#00 • -00^ • : t-1 o o •O 00 • • C1CD ■ -00 o . .s> CM CM " '" ■ rt ~ 1- 52 OS • •lO CM OS • •-* lO : :g^ : : 8 : :^ : irecD t- aof-rt-^t t- s> r- 5>S> 05 CDtCOOiCiO >0 O oooo coirt-^< * t cr. t 10 mj^ s> 1C Tt* •lO m o -* CO ft CO co co uo m io in m ira lO .•& re re •re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re • re 1-1 ' 1 ~ t ^ 1-1 1—1 1-1 T— 1—1 d i-l ^H 1—1 1-1 g co CD CO CD • CO CM O o o CO s CO 00 CM 00 1; lO O ^f +-> m OtJ< O— i reo — oo 00 O iO oo io io 1547 1575 1563 1350 1922 CM CM OCD CO CD 1 CO o • SI : o ft QUO mm b m--2ft^ ad -^ rt cdC fl CD CD cm too re re >>. oo.2 oofl re o CJ ^ "dot; StgSsH ..,:,: M^b-^OOO O O Q O O 0Pql>r[t a sH5l- S I-, (-, l-s hg (J o a CD CD CD CD^J 'ftft 5JM re o CDi« d P rft 1-4 U U o o o M-iHh4h CJ O CJ o o o ftftft fl o . dg •d CD cu to •S CO ft. re CD^h d >> O CO "^d d s -- 1 ^ : o d; re co d^ p CO re cd IP hi CD d d CO o-d CO S rfj re d w . red -ci co d 0) u o l^ft CO I CD gft£ -aft ^ d£ ^2 - •^ft^ -d I S d > M W CD 36 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS the circuit. A small weight consisting of an iron rod about 12 inches in length and .5 of an inch in diameter was fastened at the end of the wire in order to keep it taut. The two ends of the wire were connected to the magneto and the other two ends were weighted and lowered into the well. Current was generated by turning the crank on the magneto as the wire was lowered into the well. As soon as the ends of wire came in contact with the water the circuit was closed and a small bell on the magneto rang. The wire was then marked, pulled up, and measured. After testing a few wells in a locality in this manner the average distance to water was determined, so that in measuring other wells it was not necessary to crank the magneto until after the greater part of the wire had been lowered. The remainder of the wire would be slowly lowered until the ringing of the bell indicated that the water surface had been reached. Most of these measurements had to be made while the wells were idle, as nearly all the wells were closed at the top, so that it was not possible to lower the wire between the well casing and the water and airpipes. The wire was generally let down the eduction pipe, but in certain cases where the discharge pipes were connected directly with the eduction pipe, this was not possible. In many such cases it was possible to lower the wire down the airpipe by removing a plug or elbow at its top. This method of measuring by magneto and wire was found to be very satisfactory. A well could be shut down and measured in less than 10 minutes. The chief precaution to be observed was to see that the wire insulations did not become broken and thus cause a short circuit. Recession chicago and vicinity It is very probable that the well drilled in Chicago 1 in 1864 was one of the earliest, if not the first, deep well drilled in northeastern Illinois. This well was drilled to a depth of 711 feet and therefore proba- bly obtained its flow from the Galena-Platteville limestone. The water rose to a height of 80 feet above the surface to an altitude of 692 feet. This well has since been abandoned, but the water level at present in other wells in the vicinity is 150 feet below the surface, or 230 feet lower than at first. Further, the present static head is of water from strata somewhat lower than those penetrated by the well drilled in 1864. It is reasonable to suppose that these waters from the lower zones originally had even a higher head than that recorded in the early drilling. 1 Schufeldt, Jr., George A., History of the Chicago artesian well, Chicago, lS6b. Ucligio-I'hilosophieal Publishing Association, Chicago, 1897. n r e a l g st y- it d. > as :>r ry in at m ie :e. nt re er :r- de -s, ns ed ed ed c. ite of il- >ly er. by ite , 36 the circuit. in length ar wire in ord< to the magr the well. ( as the win came in coi on the ma measured, average di< wells it wa part of the be slowly 1 surface hac Most < idle, as ne possible to airpipes. certain cas eduction pi to lower tl top. This i very satis than 10 m the wire circuit. It is i of the ear This bly obtai water roe of 692 f level at pi or 230 fe water frc drilled in lower zor early dril 1 Schui Religrio-Ph CHEMICAL CHARACTEK OF UNDERGROUND WATERS 37 The hundreds of deep wells drilled in this area since 1864, have drawn exhaustively upon the underground water resources, causing a recession of the artesian-water table. The amount and rate of lowering has not been the same everywhere. It is in those localities where many wells of large yield have been drilled that the recession is the most marked. This is particularly noted in Chicago and immediate vicinity. The tabulated data indicate the recession and its rate in the different localities and the length of period over which the measurements extend. In general it will be seen that the recession is most rapid where develop- ment is greatest, a striking example being Chicago and vicinity. Detailed notes on recession will be found under the discussions of individual localities. CHEMICAL CHARACTER OF UNDERGROUND WATERS General Statement In the collection of the data for this report the chief attention was centered upon the deep artesian wells of the area. Such wells, 1,000 or more feet in depth, are the great producers of water. Essentially every municipal supply obtained from such wells was examined. Likewise in the different localities samples of water were collected from the wells at the larger factories. Only a few analyses were made of the water from small private wells. In a locality the purpose was always to obtain the knowledge of the ground water that would be of the most importance. Wherever it was possible to secure samples of the water from different depths this was done. The analyses given in this report, with only a few exceptions, were made in the laboratory of the State Water Survey. The larger number of the analyses — about 115 — was made by the rapid method of boiler- water analysis used in this laboratory. The determinations made include residue on evaporation, nitrates, chlorine, alkalinity, iron, sulphates, magnesium, and non-carbonate hardness. The first four determinations are made according to the well-known methods. Iron is determined colorimetrically upon a 100 c. c. portion. Sulphates are determined gravimetrically upon a 250 c. c. portion. Magnesium is determined volumetrically by means of a solution of lime water upon a 100 c. c. portion which has been neutralized with sulphuric acid. Non-carbonate hardness is determined volumetrically in a 200 c. c. portion by means of N-20 soda reagent. Hypothetical combinations of ions have been cal- culated from these results. This method of analysis is comparatively rapid, but nevertheless indicates the essential characteristics of the water. The few mineral analyses did not differ essentially from those made by the rapid method. The mineral analyses are somewhat more complete and include small amounts of the less important salts. 38 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS It would have been possible to include a larger number of analyses by also taking those made by the chemists of the various railroads, water- softening companies, and other industries. However, by having the analyses made by one institution, and by the same methods it was easier to make comparisons between the different waters. Since the mineral content of the water from any individual well is influenced by a number of factors, a knowledge of the conditions under which the sample was collected is of prime importance. Such data were obtained, as far as possible, by the writer at the time the sample of water was collected. Factors Affecting the Chemical Character of Well Waters It would ordinarily be supposed that in a small area artesian wells of the same depth and penetrating the same water-bearing formation should yield similar water. However, such is not always the case. Ex- amples of variations in the chemical character of waters from wells of the same depth will be found under the discussion of Chicago, Kanka- kee, and other localities. The factors that determine the mineral char- acter of deep well water are depth of well, amount and condition of preservation of well casing, rate of pumping, and age of well. The depth of the well is a factor in that the water from the same formation in a certain locality, as a city, is essentially of a uniform character, provided that the formation is not subdivided into a number of smaller members containing waters of different characters. It is the addition of water in varying amounts from upper strata that causes the difference in the waters from wells of the same depth. If wells of the same depth also contained the same amount of tight casing, little variation in the chemical character of the water would be noted. However, the deep wells in this area have generally only enough casing to prevent the caving of any soft formations that were encoun- tered in drilling. The casing as thus used is not for the purpose of excluding water. The usual method of casing is to place heavy, standard, iron pipe down to bed rock, where a tight joint is made, either by using cement or by driving the pipe, to which an iron shoe is attached firmly into the bed rock. A lighter pipe, or the regulation casing, is used to shut off the Maquoketa shale. Another caving formation, immediately below the St. Peter sandstone, usually requires 50 to 60 feet of casing. Some of the more recently drilled large wells have, besides the surface pipe, another casing extending from the surface to a depth below the Maquo- keta shale. A tight joint is here made in the Galena-Platteville lime- stone. This casing, unless it has deteriorated through age, excludes all surface and Niagaran limestone water. CHEMICAL CHAEACTEES OF UNDERGROUND WATERS 39 Wells cased only with the surface pipe obtain water not only from the deep-seated, water-bearing strata, but also from the overlying beds. The water in most wells added from the upper formations, as the Nia- garan limestone, Galena-Platteville, and upper part of the Lower Mag- nesian, is only a small amount. In some places, however, these limestone formations may contain numerous crevices which are natural water channels. In such cases, it may be possible for the final water obtained from the well to have been considerably altered by the addition of this water present in the crevices. Further, two or more water-bearing strata, the static heads of which do not differ greatly, may be penetrated in drilling. The absence of casing in such instances may cause a highly mineralized water from one stratum to greatly affect the better waters from other beds. In wells completely cased to the water-bearing stratum, the rate of pumping would have no effect, but such wells in this region are few. The rate of pumping may be a factor of great importance in determining the chemical character of the waters from many artesian wells in the area that are not completely cased to the aquifer. As a general rule the static head of the artesian waters is below that of the ground water table, and therefore this water runs into the deep well. In some locali- ties the limestone underlying the drift contains many crevices filled with water which flows into the well from the upper zone and escapes through the deep-seated water-bearing stratum. This same principle is some- times used by drillers to test the capacity of a well; the rise in the water level in the well when a certain amount is poured into it being equal to the lowering of the level when the same amount is pumped from it. However, such tests are not always conclusive in uncased wells, as crevices may be present that do not contain water but will nevertheless carry away the water that is poured into the well. To illustrate the effect of the rate of pumping upon the chemical character of the water, consider a 1,600-foot well cased with 75 feet of surface pipe, drawing its water from a 200-foot sandstone encoun- tered at 1,400 feet. The artesian-water level is 150 feet below the sur- face, and the ground-water table is 40 feet below the ground level. Further, let the bed rock be a creviced limestone that contains a notable amount of water and consider that its mineral content is 400 parts per million. Suppose that the water from the 200-foot, or lower, sandstone has a chemical content of 1,200 parts per million. Now if water from the creviced limestone runs into the well at a rate of 25 to 50 gallons per minutes, this will be practically the only kind of water pumped from the well, provided that the rate of pumping is not over 25 to 50 gallons per minute. Very little of the water with the 40 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS higher mineral content from the lower zone will be obtained from the well. However, as the rate of pumping increases the proportion of the upper zone water will gradually grow less and less. Therefore, when the yield is hundreds of gallons per minute, the water delivered from the well will be essentially that from the lower strata. A well that is pumped for an hour or so and then allowed to remain idle for a corre- sponding length of time, will deliver water which will have a mineral content varying with the time the sample was collected. For this reason it is possible to have two neighboring wells of the same elevation, same depth, same amount of casing, which yield different kinds of water, because from one a much greater amount of water is pumped than from the other. The age of the well is a factor in determining the chemical content of the water obtained in that it may have become partly filled and the lower water-bearing formations shut off. Shale formations encountered in drilling may have caved or "bridged" over the hole ; in case the shale had originally been cased off, the pipe may have been worn through by the corroding action of the waters, thus permitting the shale to cave. In such cases the water obtained from the well is only from the upper strata. Usually cleaning out the well will give an increased yield, al- though the character of water obtained may be entirely different from that delivered before cleaning. Hydrogen Sulphide general statement Hydrogen sulphide (H,S) is a gas with an odor similar to rotten eggs. It occurs dissolved in some ground waters, which are usually spoken of as sulphurous. It is corrosive when present in amounts suffi- cient to be noted by taste or odor. Its presence is objectionable in the waters used in such industries as laundries, dye works, and bakeries. Through hydrogen sulphide is encountered in considerable quantity in but two water-bearing strata of this region, yet it has seemed worth while to discuss it at this point, because its presence in abundance pro- duces such noticeable effects on the nature and usefulness of the water, and because many large and important wells, particularly in the Chicago area, yield water with a very high content of the gas. METHODS OF ANALYSIS Assays of the waters of representative wells in Chicago and vicinity were made in the field by H. J. Weiland of the State Water Survey, who assisted the writer during the summer of 1914. The standard method of analysis was used except for slight modifi- cations for convenience in the field 1 The water to be tested was poured into a liter bottle graduated at intervals of 10 c. c, until the 500 c. c. 1 American Public Health Association, 1912, p. 69. CHEMICAL CHARACTEKS OF UNDERGROUND WATERS 41 mark was reached. Then 10 c. c. of one hundredth normal iodine and 1 gram of potassium iodide were added. After sufficient time had elapsed (2 or 3 minutes) to permit the reaction to reach equilibrium, the excess iodine was determined by titration with one hundredth normal sodium thiosulphate until a straw color was obtained. One cubic centimeter starch solution was then added and the titration continued until the blue color disappeared. The hydrogen sulphide in parts per million is cal- culated by multiplying the difference in the number of cubic centimeters of iodine and sodium thiosulphate used, by the factor 0.34. OCCURRENCE NIAGARAN WATERS The wells in Chicago, a few hundred feet in depth and which pene- trate the Niagaran formation, yield a water of low mineral content and variable amounts of hydrogen sulphide. The determinations are given in the mineral analyses in the appendix. The average amount in the 34 assays made was 1.31 parts per million; the range was from .39 to 5.87 parts per million. The average content is sufficient to give the water a somewhat sulphurous taste and a slight odor. The source of the hydrogen sulphide in the Niagaran limestone waters has not been determined. Occasionally small bits of iron pyrites are found in the drillings from this formation. It may be that some of the hydrogen sulphide is formed through solution and hydrolosis of the pyrite. The Niagaran limestone in places as at Stony Island shows blotches of a bituminous substance. In view of the prevalence of hydrogen sulphide in petroleum-bearing rocks, this may be the explanation for its occurrence in the Niagaran limestone. It may be mentioned in this connection, that a little gas and some petroliferous substance were encountered in the Niagaran limestone in drilling a well on the estate of Ogden Armour in Lake County. DEEP WELL WATERS Early in the investigations it was noted that the waters from some of the deep wells were sulphurous. These waters had all the character- istics of Niagaran limestone water, such as similar mineral analyses, low temperatures, and noticeable amounts of hydrogen sulphide. The explanation of the similarity of the deep-well waters to those from the Niagaran limestone is to be found in leakage into uncased wells from this formation. These wells are cased only to the bed rock, or Niagaran limestone. Therefore if a well is of small bore and the pump is not operated at a much greater rate than the water from the Niagaran limestone flows into the well, the final yield will resemble that from this upper formation to a greater extent than that from the lower strata. The amount of water obtainable from the Niagaran limestone does not exceed 20 to 40 gallons per minute. If a 1,600-foot well is not operat- 42 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS ing at a greater rate than 50 to 75 gallons per minute, the greater amount of the water obtained is from the Niagaran. As the rate of pumpage in- creases, more and more water is drawn from the lower strata and the per cent of dilution from the upper waters becomes less. If the well is delivering 200 or more gallons per minute, the amount obtained from the Niagaran limestone becomes negligible. It was noted that the hydrogen sulphide content in waters from wells pumped by air was less than that from those pumped by deep-well pumps. This is because the air oxidizes the hydrogen sulphide according to the following reaction : 2H 2 S+0 2 ==2H 2 0+2S. In one well at River Forest small particles of sulphur were found in the water of the discharge tank. In Chicago and its immediate vicinity the waters from the deep wells that deliver 200 and more gallons per minute do not commonly contain over .3 parts per million and in many instances less. However, this does not apply universally to the deep wells of the area, for the St. Peter water in many places is sulphurous. TEMPERATURES OF UNDERGROUND WATERS General Statement It is commonly known that the waters from the shallow wells are cooler than those which come from the deep, artesian strata. This in- dicates that there is an increase in the temperature of the rocks them- selves as the greater depths are penetrated. This is shown further by the temperature determinations that have been made in mines and deep borings, some of which extend to depths of over a mile. The rate of increase in temperature as the earth's crust is penetrated is called the geothermal gradient. The geothermal gradient for that part of the earth's crust as deep as it is known is generally assumed to be on the average 1 degree Centi- grade for 30 meters or 1 degree Fahrenheit for 55 feet. In connection with the present study of the underground waters of northeastern Illinois it was decided to determine the temperatures of the well waters wherever practicable, and then to compare the geothermal gradient obtained from these results with those existing in other regions. Methods of Obtaining Temperature The temperatures were taken with an accurate chemical thermom- eter graduated in degrees, and the tenths of a degree were estimated. The thermometer was held in the water as it issued from the mouth of the well and the reading obtained without removing the instrument. It TEMPERATURE OF UNDERGROUND WATERS 43 must be considered whether this temperature represents that of the water-bearing formation. These artesian wells usually obtain the water from one main stratum, although in the deeper wells there may be two or more productive formations. The waters of the shallow depths are much cooler than those from the lower horizons. Therefore in obtain- ing the temperature of a deep- well water it must be decided whether the lower, warmer waters have been diluted by the cooler ones from the upper horizons. The wells in practically the entire area have only about 75" feet of surface pipe and 200 feet of casing for the Maquoketa shale. In case any other caving formations are encountered they are also cased off. The casing as thus used excludes very little water. Although these un- cased limestones generally contain only a small amount of water, in exceptional cases they afford abundant supplies. An example of a large amount of cool, upper-zone waters entering a well is at Kankakee ; the conditions which exist at this locality are explained later. It is generally possible to determine whether the deep-well waters have been diluted to any considerable extent by surface waters, because of differences in chemical character and temperatures. The method of pumping is also likely to alter the temperature one way or another. Chicago Well Waters The temperatures of the well waters in Chicago are believed to represent essentially those of the water-bearing formations, because of certain conditions, given below, that exist in this locality. In this city a large number of wells exceed 1,500 feet in depth, so that many tem- perature tests could be made. The temperatures given are of wells pumped at a high rate, at least 200 gallons per minute and ranging up to 1,500 gallons. Therefore, although the wells have only enough casing for the surface material and any other caving formations that may be encountered, the small amount of surface water that may get into the well has practically no effect in cooling the lower waters. Further proof that this deep well water is from the lower strata is that the chemical analysis is much different from that of the shallow well water. The quantity of water that can be obtained from the shallow wells in Chicago is small. The average Niagaran limestone well does not yield over 20 gallons per minute, and in many cases the yield is much less. Most of these deep wells are pumped by means of an air-lift system and. the water is thus discharged without passing through a pump. There is very little likelihood that the water is heated by the compressed air when the high rates of pumping are taken into consideration. If this were the case it would tend to increase the gradient which is never- theless far below the normal. 44 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS In determining the geothermal gradient it is necessary to know the temperature of the invariable horizon. This horizon is usually regarded as being at about 50 feet below the surface, although in places it may be much deeper. The temperature at this depth is just below the influences of those at the surface. The temperature of this horizon is generally taken as the average for the locality as determined for a period of many years. It is possible, if not probable, that the temperature of the in- variable stratum is higher than the mean annual temperature of a locality. This has been recognized by A. C. Lane 1 and others. The chief reason given to explain the difference is that the snow covering in winter prevents the ground from becoming as cold as the surface air. This modification would therefore be especially applicable in the tem- perate zone and in the higher latitudes. It is worthy of note that in no case was the temperature of the water from a shallow well in Chicago within 3° F. of the mean annual temperature. DEEP WELLS DEPTH OF INVARIABLE STRATUM AND TEMPERATURE The annual temperature at Chicago as determined over a period of 31 years is 48° F. This figure is used as the temperature of the invari- able stratum, which is regarded as lying at a depth of 50 feet. In the table of temperatures of deep well waters of Chicago the calculations have been made on a basis of 50° F. as the invariable temperature as well as on a basis of 48° F. As the drilling has usually passed through the water-bearing formation, the temperature of the water obtained can not be said to be the same as that at the bottom of the well. The water- bearing formation in Chicago of the 1,650-foot type of wells is usually about 200 feet in thickness. Therefore in the geothermal calculations the maximum depth is taken as about 100 feet less than the depth of the well. In the deeper wells a similar reduction is used. GEOTHERMAL GRADIENTS The table of the Chicago wells (Table 2) includes only the most reliable readings that have been taken. The average temperature of wells of the 1,650-foot class is 59.4° F. This would give a geothermal gradient of 132 feet per 1° F. if the temperature of the invariable stratum is taken to be 4 o3 o co d O Jh O d o u 05 d 05 £5 •3 o3 a a (-H ho rri OJJ d (> B . n a 05 ■30 B & 0) CO o S-l OO d d co o 03 O O .05 O 1 05 X2 ffihHiyt-MOCOMMMOOOffllOOlM r- It— It— It- It— It— It— It— I t-H r-H t-H t— I t— I ,— | t— It— I H S 9 S 3 rlMt-NNCOtCOiat'OOo^Mt'WTji + &S tH t-I tH tH tH tH oooooooooolooo>oooo oooolooooctsloc^ioioOololo + 1 +1 OLO"*OOiLOCO(MOCOO(MCX)OiOOO OHHHOOt^OOINQ^IO^Ot-OMOO (CTfOlOfflffltCWfflaOOOrlH It-It-It-It-I>^ q> 60 * a 05 ^ PQ «j o 60 IS 05 05 O £ U o -a CD a a '3 a 1 05 O 05 ^ co 05 60 d o o ffi PQ 6 d O O "E -s S ts ^ ra ra ^ ^ m m 05 ^ H ^ W W CO CO CO r^ rTj . Sh &h O ctf cj z ^ ^ o y o *-* -^ +j <% m w +> d d «w o o "? d d w P D 46 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS second water-bearing stratum is struck in Chicago at about 1,900 feet, and the water obtained is a few degrees warmer than that from the zone between 1,400 and 1,600 feet. SHALLOW WELLS A number of temperatures of shallow well waters were obtained, but they are not considered important as indicative of rock temperatures (Table 3). There are a number of reasons why the shallow well data are not comparable with those of the deeper wells. These wells vary in depth from less than 200 to more than 500 feet, and the water is in crevices of the limestone. It is possible that in a well 400 feet deep the greater amount of water is obtained from crevices less than 100 feet below the surface. Therefore, the water temperatures of wells 200 and 400 feet in depth might be the same. It is likewise not possible to obtain the temperatures until the water has passed through the pumps, which very probably affect the results. The amounts pumped are usually less than 20 gallons per minute. This makes it possible for changes to occur between the original temperature of the water in the well and that obtained at the surface. The results primarily indicate the average temperature of the shal- low well waters in Chicago as delivered from the pumps. It is not advisable to construct geothermal gradients from these data. Table 3. — Temperatures of toaters from shallow wells in Chicago Owner Depth Pumpage Tempera- ture Bissel Laundry Bunge Vinegar Works Drexel Arms Hotel Lehigh Valley Coal Co Miller and Hart J. Mohr & Sons Murray & Nichel Norris Elevator Co Rialto Elevator Co J. Rosenbaum Grain Co. '. . . . Star & Crescent Milling Co Willard Sons, Bell & Co.. . . Wisconsin Steel Co Winamac Apartment Average Feet ? 312 185 365 300 350 286 348 401 502 340 187 405 400 337 Hal. per min. 25 10 8 15 12 35 30 30 15 6 15 7 20 20 IS Degrees F. 52.6 50.8 54.1 54.0 53.2 55.8 55.0 55.9 53.1 54.5 52.9 55.6 54.5 53.8 53.9 47 calities ive not stances water varying hrough •umped unt of h that ed the shown mature Belvi- :rature le that d feet e case feet in : from .5° F. larked th the lineral proxi- Dy the reater mder- antity 1,81.2- 5 feet other kakee • level rence L,847- in the head vol is 46 second water-bea and the water o zone between 1,4 A number c but they are not (Table 3). The are not comparal depth from less crevices of the li greater amount below the surfac 400 feet in dep" obtain the tempe which very prob; less than 20 gall occur between tr obtained at the s The results low well waters advisable to coi Table 3.— T* Bissel Laundry. . Bunge Vinegar "W Drexel Arms Hot( Lehigh Valley Coi Miller and Hart. . J. Mohr&Sons. .. Murray & Nichel. Norris Elevator C Rialto Elevator C J. Rosenbaum Gr* Star & Crescent Willard Sons, Bel Wisconsin Steel ( Winamac Apartm Average TEMPERATURE OF UNDERGROUND WATERS 47 Well Waters Outside Chicago deep wells Temperatures of well waters have also been obtained in localities in this area outside of Chicago (Table 4). These, as a whole, have not been so satisfactory as those determined in Chicago. In many instances it was not possible to take the temperature immediately after the water issued from the well, but only after it had flowed through varying amounts of pipe. Likewise, in most cases the water first passed through pumps, an operation that affects the temperature. The amounts pumped were usually less than those in Chicago, and thus a greater amount of the cool upper-zone waters was permitted to become mixed with that from lower depths. The temperatures given are those considered the most reliable. The effects of the surface ground water entering the well are shown in a few cases where the water from a deep well is similar in temperature to that from one only a few hundred feet in depth. The well at Belvi- dere has a depth of 1,803 feet, and the water should have a temperature of at least 59° F., whereas it is only 52.6° F. It is very probable that a large amount of the water is from horizons only a few hundred feet below the surface. Another anomaly is seen at Kankakee, in the case of two wells only 275 feet apart. The wells are 1,812 and 1,847 feet in depth, and the pumpage is approximately 250 gallons per minute from each. The temperature of the water from the 1,812-foot well is 61.5° F. and that from the 1,847-foot well is 56.2° F. There is also a marked difference in the chemical character of the waters. The water with the higher temperature contains a much greater amount of dissolved mineral matter than the one with the lower temperature. The wells are approxi- mately the same depths, but the anomaly is made more striking by the fact that the cooler water is furnished by the well of slightly greater depth. The difference in temperatures is due to the entrance of cool, under- ground surface water into one well at a greater rate than the quantity pumped. This water is prevented from entering the other, the 1,812- foot well, by means of the surface casing. This surface pipe is 75 feet in length in the 1,847-foot or cool-water well, and 100 feet in the other one. The locations are only a few hundred feet from the Kankakee River and the curb elevations are not over 12 feet above the water level in the river. It may also be mentioned that there is a great difference in the static head of the waters in the two wells. The level in the 1,847- foot or cool-water well is only 51 feet below the surface, whereas in the other one the level is 126 feet. The latter figure is the true static head of the artesian water from the deep-lying formations ; the other level is only that of the shallow, underground water table. 48 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS CD CD ft *H a B s Z £ ° o o O LO Cb fe, CO rH 0) C o -M 02 e c8 CD m yj CD -»-> CD fc 02 if* +J CD £ d h ° 02 a a Sh ^ * I 03 CD ft 02 CD =•.§ O — ' ft a lo fl oo 03 5? 3 -U +J CD A) .+_> (D 0> o o +J +-» 02 02 CD CD a a OS oS e8 o3 b£> &J0 o3 o3 2 S +j -u +j CD CD o o 02 02 CO ^ 0)" ^ © S 5 s 5 "E 3 CD ft X5 r^H 02 O CD O +j a cd Ph CD 03 ,g CD CD ij Ph Oh CD Q Q Q F-l 03 -t Q CD Q Q P Q m +-3 Xfl Q CD ■*- =0 CO o CO CM LO LO LO CM O 5J0 d LO 5P +1 HO 00 LO CM "r! o m ■* oo « LO ^ ,H bJO o r- oo o S !D M N M t Q O O O O b 6 03 03 o g g sc <1 H SO o o o o 02 02 03 o3 o O O bC CD cp ^ *-< h S o o r| -d d > m m o o CD CD 52 H 5- CD ^ ft n ct tf Ph CD og . 2 O 02 O CD ti d .2 -^ S ft 2 O 02 CD r-H o W) CD pq Q 4 r 02 CD 4-* B (H Q, 02 Q ■ W » ^ .a t> m 5 S PQ : | a Pi fl g "TJ 02 03 03 O -r-J CD s ? « 2 h tg g s ^ I CD 0) o to 03 > m rC 71 ^H OJ ^ o ^ bb ri a ^ g m S SHALLOW WELLS AND SPRINGS The temperatures of the shallow-well waters at Downers Grove,. Hinsdale, Naperville, Wheaton, and West Chicago are of interest (Table 5). These towns are located in a terminal morainic belt that has rather inadequate drainage. The heavy mantle of glacial drift acts as a collecting reservoir for the rainfall. Consequently the shallow wells yield large quantities of water. The temperatures range from 50° F. to 52.5° F., and this slight variation may be due to some heating as the water passed through the pumps. The normal annual temperature at these localities may be taken to be 48° F. ; it is therefore seen that the coolest water is yet 2° F. warmer than the normal temperature. These data were collected in July and August and the temperatures should therefore have been the lowest, if they were influenced by sea- sonal changes, because the effect of the annual variation in temperature proceeds so slowly downward from the surface that at depths of 30 or 40 feet the highest temperatures will be experienced in winter and the lowest in summer. 1 GEOTHERMAL GRADIENTS IN GENERAL NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS. The geothermal gradient obtained from the preceding determinations of the temperatures of deep-well waters in northeastern Illinois is seen to be much lower than the normal. It is therefore advisable to state the factors which may affect the normal geothermal gradient and then consider them in relation to the conditions that exist in this area. Factors Affecting Geothermal Gradients There are a number of factors that tend to affect the normal geo- thermal gradient, among which the following cause a rapid increase of temperature : 1. Proximity to regions of recent eruptive rocks. 2. Regions of heat-producing waters, where the higher temperatures may be due to recent igneous activity or to exothermal chemical processes, as of decomposition. 3. Proximity to coal-bearing or highly carbonaceous strata. 4. Proximity to oil fields. 5. Existence in the vicinity of rocks containing oxidizable minerals. The following factors have been regarded as having a tendency to lower the normal geothermal gradient : 1.. High ridges and mountains. 2. Existence in the vicinity of large bodies of water. 3. Mines cooled by ventilation. 4. Very good circulation of underground waters. It would therefore seem that the normal gradient should exist in regions of slight relief where the rocks are unaltered or not recent Milham, W. I., Textbook on Meteorology, page 106, 1912. 50 AKTESIAN WATEES OF NORTHEASTEBN ILLINOIS eruptives and where the especially modifying influences which have previously been mentioned, are absent. Application to Northeastern Illinois Northeastern Illinois has, as a whole, a gently undulating topog- raphy. The entire region is covered by a mantle of glacial drift whose geological age is comparatively recent. The maximum difference of elevation is about 600 feet. The lowest elevations are about 450 feet and are found along Illinois River; the highest areas are near 1,000 feet and occur along the Illinois-Wisconsin boundary line. The relief in any locality is rarely over 200 feet and is usually less. This region can therefore be considered as comparatively flat, and the modifying effects upon the geothermal gradient found in mountainous districts are here absent. The geological succession is a series of magnesian limestone, shales, and sandstones. No coal-bearing strata are present in the greater part of the area; such rocks are found in LaSalle and Grundy counties, but the temperatures here are of waters from the underlying formations that are much older in age and contain no coal beds. Likewise most of the determinations were made on well waters in Chicago, at least forty miles from any coal-bearing strata. It is also to be noted that highly carbonaceous strata tend to increase the temperatures, whereas those obtained in Illinois are below the normal. Summary All the temperatures of deep-well waters in northeastern Illinois indicate a very low geothermal gradient. This is to be expected when the number of favorable factors that here exist are considered. The land has very little relief ; no coal-bearing nor petroleum-producing strata are present. The formations are, for the most part, limestones and sandstones. Occasionally a small bit of pyrite may be found in the limestone, otherwise the rocks contain no oxidizable minerals. It is not thought that the cooling effect of Lake Michigan is of any great im- portance, as the low geothermal gradients are noted at distances of 50 miles from the lake. WELLS Dug or Open Wells The dug wells are most commonly circular in shape, 3 to 5 feet in diameter, and from 20 to 50 feet in depth; the walls are generally lined with brick or planks. The water enters the well at the openings in the lining of the walls and at the bottom. The common practice is to dis- continue the well when a sand or gravel stratum yielding a sufficient WELLS 51 supply of water has been penetrated. A few of the smaller towns have wells which are up to 20 feet in diameter, with the depths less than 30 feet. Wells of this type may be continued to the bed rock. The chief objection to dug wells is the danger of pollution. The private wells are protected only by a plank top, in which cracks and other openings develop through warping, shrinkage, and other causes. Therefore surface water, carrying dirt from the shoes, domestic fowls, and other sources is washed into the well. The liquids from the barns, cesspools, and other outhouses seep into the ground and form a part of the underground waters. Therefore shallow wells in the vicinity of such buildings are subject to contamination. The water from such shallow wells has in many localities been the cause of serious epidemics of typhoid fever. If dug wells are necessary, the coverings should be water tight, and a casing of the same character should be sunk into the ground as far as practicable. Pumps should be used in preference to the old- fashioned rope and bucket. No pools of foul or stagnant water should be permitted around any well. Another disadvantage to most dug wells is the limited supply and fluctuation of the ground-water table. In times of drought when water is needed the most, these shallow wells frequently go dry. Deeper wells of smaller bore are more dependable. Driven Wells Driven wells are not common in this region. These wells consist of a pipe fitted with a porous section or "sand point", which is driven into sandy or unconsolidated material either by mallets wielded by hand, or by an apparatus somewhat similar to a pile driver. Drilled Wells of Small Bore general description Drilled wells are gradually supplanting dug wells and at the present time this is the prevalent type for small municipalities and the larger farms. Most of these are from four to eight inches in diameter at the surface, six inches being a common size, and the depth is from one to four or five hundred feet. These wells are drilled by the percussion method or churn drills by which the rock is broken up by the repeated blows of the drill suspended at the end of a cable. The drillings are re- moved at frequent intervals by lowering a sand pump or bailer. Most of these wells are drilled with a portable outfit in contrast to the "standard rig" used in drilling the larger wells. Over much of this area limestone 52 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS is the bed rock, and the drilled wells are cased to rock ; then the drilling is continued with a hole of less diameter until a sufficient supply of water has been obtained. Most of the wells that end in a sand or gravel bed in the drift are completely cased from the surface to the bottom. In some wells a screen is placed at the end of the casing, or the lower length of the pipe is per- forated with a number of small holes. COSTS OF DRILLING The shallow rock wells are from 100 up to 400 or 500 feet in depth and are cased to bed rock. The cost depends primarily upon the depth and diameter of the hole. However, there is some variation in the prices charged by the different drillers. The table below probably represents the average cost, which includes ordinary iron pipe casing to rock, the con- tractor furnishing all necessary supplies and tools for drilling. COSTS OF DRILLING SHALLOW ROCK WELLS Diameter of hole Price per foot 8 3 inch ...$1.25— $1.50 4 inch 1.50—1.75 6 inch 2 . 00— 2 . 25 \^ * a Includes casing 1 to bed rock. Drilled Wells of Large Bore drilling process METHODS EMPLOYED *> The" deep artesian wells of Illinois are in general drilled by the per- cussion method. The rock is pounded to small bits by the repeated blows of a heavy drill or bit suspended by a cable or a number of wooden poles jointed together. This and other methods of drilling and the necessary apparatus are described in detail by Isaiah Bowman. 1 It will here suffice to mention only those phases of drilling and types of wells which are characteristic of this area. Two types of "outfits," as all the necessary tools and other appli- ances for drilling are called, are in use. These are termed the standard and the portable. In using the standard outfit it is necessary to have a derrick, a pyramidal framework, 30 to 90 feet in height, erected over the well site. This derrick supports a crown block and pulley over which the cable passes in raising and lowering the tools. The portable outfit or "rig" is a modified form of the standard. The greater part of the drilling machinery is supported by a heavy framework usually mounted on wheels, 1 Bowman, Isaiah. Well-drilling methods: IT. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper No. 257, 1911. WELLS 53 in order that it may be moved from place to place by means of horses or a traction engine. The derrick is dispensed with, and instead a mast is used which can be collapsed and tilted back over the machinery when the outfit is being hauled. The advantages of the portable outfit are its compactness, its easy removal after the completion of the well, and its elimination of the der- rick. The standard outfit must be. completely torn down and rebuilt for for each well. However, in general the portable outfits do not have the strength of the standard ones and are not adapted for so deep nor as heavy work. The greater number of the deep wells in Illinois have been drilled with standard outfits, either cable or poles having been used. The pole method differs from the cable only in that the tools are supported by wooden rods instead of by cable or rope. The rods are from 2 to 3 inches in diameter. Each length of rod consists of two 18-foot pieces, spliced to- gether and reinforced at the joints by irons. In drilling wells in this region most of the holes are full of water, which causes great friction on the rope cable. By using the wooden rods or poles the friction is greatly reduced, and the drilling proceeds more efficiently. Formerly most of the wells were drilled by the pole method, but at present this is being superseded by the use of steel cable because the increased size of hole necessitates the use of much heavier drilling tools. Although most of the wells in this region have been drilled with the standard outfit, in the past two or three years some of the largest and deepest holes have been drilled with semi-portable outfits. A certain Chi- cago well contractor has had exceptionally notable success with the semi- portable outfit. A well at Aurora was drilled with one of these semi- portable outfits to a depth of 2,263 feet and completed with a diameter at the bottom of 15 inches. DEPTH OF WELLS The important artesian wells in this area range in depth from 500 to 2,700 feet. The average depth is influenced by the large number of wells in Chicago and vicinity which are about 1,600 feet in depth. It is very probable that the average depth of the important or large yielding wells in northeastern Illinois would be between 1,600 and 1,800 feet. The deepest well in this region, as far as could be learned, is one at Aurora which has a depth of 2,759 feet. Another deep drilling is the one at Streator with a depth of 2,496 feet. In the Stock Yards district at Chi- cago a number of wells have been drilled to depths greater than 2,200 feet and possibly over 2,500 feet, but no accurate data could be obtained in regard to these very old wells. 54 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Most of the very deep wells were sunk for the purpose of obtain- ing an overflow at the surface. This was obtained in many places, but usually the resulting water had so high a mineral content that it could not be used for ordinary purposes. Many good wells have been ruined by continuing them to too great a depth and then encountering salt water. The belief is common that the deeper the hole the greater the yield ; there is no greater fallacy. A greater head may be obtained at a greater depth, but not always an increased yield. The practice at present is to drill wells of larger diameters, as these have been found to give the increased yields. CASING OF WELLS The general type of artesian well in northeastern Illinois contains very little casing, as most of the strata are hard and do not cave. There is always a "drive" or surface pipe which extends through the drift to bed rock. In those localities where it is present the Maquoketa shale is usually cased off with a lighter pipe, although in numerous wells it was found to have been uncased. Occasionally some of the lower strata, as a zone below the St. Peter sandstone, will give a little trouble through caving. These are usually protected with a few lengths of casing. A few wells in this region have been cased completely to the water-bearing formations. Such wells are those at Proviso owned by the Chicago, North Western Railroad and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway wells at Ben- senville. The well owned by Mr. Moore at Lake Forest is of a similar type. The only well in Chicago having a large amount of casing is that of Sears Roebuck Company. In regard to the effect of these large amounts of casing upon quantity and quality of water ob- tained, the reader is referred to the more detailed discussions under the different localities. SIZE OF WELLS Naturally there is much variation in the diameters of the wells. As it is always necessary to reduce the size of the hole when any casing is placed, in order to leave a shoulder of rock for the pipe to rest upon, the wells are always smaller at the bottom than at the top. Then as the drilling is easier and progresses more rapidly with a small hole, the drillers prefer the lesser diameters unless the contracts specify otherwise. Formerly the wells were much smaller in diameter, and if a large supply was desired the depth was made as great as possible, in many instances without giving an increased yield, or more wells were drilled. In late years it has been found that it is the wells of large diameter in in the water-bearing formations that give the great yields. Therefore such wells are being constructed. The wells drilled twenty years ago rarely had a surface diameter over 10 inches, and many of them were WELLS 55 only 6 or 8 inches ; the bottom diameter would depend upon the depth and the number of lengths of casing that had to be placed. In many wells where the hole became not much over 3 inches in diameter the drilling with the old pole outfits became very difficult, as the wooden rods were almost the size of the hole. Most of the wells now drilled for the differ- ent municipalities and large industrial plants have a surface diameter be- tween 12 and 16 inches and though rarely less than 6 inches at the bot- tom, they are more commonly 8 or 10 inches. The deepest well of a large diameter in this region is the 2,263-foot well at Aurora which has a diameter of 15 inches at the bottom. Other wells of large diameter are at Rockford, on the Ogden Armour estate at Lake Forest, and in the Chicago Stock Yards district. More data in regard to these wells can be obtained by referring to the discussion of the localities in which they are situated. COSTS OF DEILLING There is much greater variation in the drilling costs of the deep artesian wells than of those which barely penetrate the bed rock. The cost of drilling these deep wells is usually several thousand dollars, so that the common practice is to have a number of drilling contractors bid upon a well. Some of the factors which affect the cost of drilling are : character of strata, depth of well, diameter of hole at different parts, amount, size, and kind of casing, whether steam and light is furnished for drilling, whether a guarantee of a certain capacity is required, and whether a definite time of completion is specified. Also certain varia- tions in costs are dependent upon supply and demand. If the contractors are all busy, they are not so likely to bid as low on new work as during times of less activity. A drilling firm with an idle drilling rig and with men that can be secured at low wages will bid lower than one not thus situated. Likewise drillers who are noted for rapid and successful com- pletion of their work will obtain contracts at higher rates than will those who do not have this reputation. DEILLERS' SPECIFICATIONS The usual mode of procedure for a firm or municipality desirous of having a well drilled is to draw up a set of specifications, that states the different lengths of a certain size hole that are desired, amount, size, and kind of casing, and any other description that pertains to the type of well that is desired. Whenever possible it is best to have a competent supervising engineer or someone familiar with deep wells to decide upon the kind of well that will best serve the purposes for which it is desired. The specifications are sent to recognized drilling firms, and bids are usually received, with and without casing of a definite size, or the bid 56 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS may be a definite sum for the completion of the well according to speci- fications. A few typical specifications will be found on the following pages. By another method the owner consults with a well contractor, stating that a well of about a certain capacity is desired. The driller determines from his experience the size of well required and names a definite sum for the completion of such a well. The driller may also give the price per foot for the lengths of a hole of a certain diameter, cased and uncased, a specification that enables the owner to compare with the prices of other contractors ; this virtually amounts to bidding. The best plan is to have specifications made and then sealed bids received upon this basis. The cost of a number of recently drilled wells in this area follows (Table 6). Requests have been made to withhold the names of certain drillers and owners. 57 03 c ~ p a 3 a >> £ 03 13 a; S3 o 03 O CD ft "CD 03 Si IS) o 03 o CD *CD > 03 O o CD 'a; r ft CD 0) CD C Oj 5 CD 02 CD 13 « it ee- S3 Sh +^ tH > o 02 02 o3 o .s LO CD 02 3 C CD s CD a 1 CD fl CD Of fl o w X 3 s 02 CD O S3 +j w o o 13 a; 5 o o o a; s bo - "m d o > 3 T3 CD a z CD s C 03 CJ O 03 X2 oa 03 D 02 03 +-> CD a> CD +1 a! +J CD "S 02 O ft 2 bo X oj o CD bo o 00 -> 02 ^ cl ^ S o - ^ > 03 o 1-1 o ft 03 oj o ^j H X2 £ in 02 o - En £ H § Oh Eh -M o fc ^ £ o 5 £2 CD s- tH JL, Sh s* ?-. s bO CP CD CD s CD CD CD O Q o o O O o o o m 'C '£ Tj c© oo o o +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 + +1 +1 41 13 +j oo o o ia o o o o o o o o o En o CXI o CXI o o LO o o o o t- CO CD CO in LO cxT CXI co" CO co' o LO •<* CM CO ag- 35 , 5? cS io OS o o o o o o o LO o £ ft o as co o iri ^ H . \a o o o CM o 3 8 o CXI 69- CM Th ^ CO r-\ CM CXI CO CXI __, CD 33 s g 03 ^ s o o so to -~C3 rfj ^ * s t- ^ ^ ^ s* ^ o L~ c- t- t> c~- o -tf 1 t- IT- ■* t- z 5 ! ^ H o £2 ^ ^ LO T3 «w S3 o 2 s> m to to St, 00 LO c o lO LO LO o LO o o ft CO o lO lO CXI c- (N CM \a o 0) LO CO CO CO CD CD CD CD CD as CD p 1-1 1—1 7-1 1-1 1-1 ■H 1-1 rH 1-1 rH 1—1 o ^ V co CM CXI CM CO eo CO ">* ^ ■* rt 33 — i rH T— I tH T— 1 tH r- 1 t-( 1— 1 T— 1 T— ( p ; 31 OS as Oi OJ as as as as as as s rH 1-1 T- 1 1-1 ^ 1-1 1-1 1-1 rH 1-1 rH d "3 13 a! d 13 13 13 13 © CD CD CD CD CD CD CD o £3 P3 T3 Ti H3 rr T3 'w "T3 > > tC cfl cC cc C cd c cE CC fl c fl C a fl c c S3 o o o o o o o o O D O a O U U o o ^ >» 1 1 -c 13 o o c O o o o o o o o o o o © <12 ojo bx) bJD &c be bjo bo bo bo o £ 03 03 03" 03 03 03" 03 cC 03 _o V .° o o p .H p _CJ s- r&i 0) cd 2 A 2 ^ 2 2 2 2 2 o o PQ pq o O o U o o a o u O 58 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS ri o to ri ri ri o s U CO O O o 02 4-> fi PI 73 C ri +J on 03 C3 ri pi «H 13 «H H2 0> faio "3 ri ri 73 03 O J3 w Fh 03 ri r-H M rC e 03 H 03 O «H ti «H O oo J 00 02 . 03 PS ,_ 02 rC d) a p * l ~| ri a ,0 73 £ "S is- H £ H P O 1 ^^ _^^ o 3 «t — 1 u 03 0) e- w 03 c- C-- tn 03 Li 03 s .S 73 m |Zj 0) |Ih 03 ^ 03 P p "C P Pi P P w 5 '2 s p O ,_, t- + 1 OS co +1 1 4-. O Uvj o [~ d o o 00 t- r° ° «o to to C-l 00 oo Cl CO cq in cb CO o^ oq ■*. CO to CO co -* of ■^ d cq c--^ CO CO n> 5_! bfl 0) o CO to •* o o to to CD 00 Ci L^ •* to o > o co CO cq CO 00 CO CO CO ^: < o 03 03 a ri ri s o ^ * rP ^ ^ 0) t- c- CO oq to L-- t- o c- £ +-> o rH rH 1-1 «H rQ s o 73 Pi ri o 2 to "fiOq o oo CO o 00 Ol O CO j-i 00 oq 00 CO 00 o 00 to o oo S-£ ©H rH rH rH rH O 00 00 o oo CO CO in T— | o •"# 00 c CO to -* L^ CO o CO 00 CO CO ^ < 3 rH 1-1 1-1 rH rH a- cq rH CO cq •* — ,-^- " — — 1— - v ■ A to CO C] o CO CI 4-1 o o to a t- o o oq CO o CO © oo CO o t- cq o oo rH CO Q iH 1-1 rH oq C5 T-* rH . 73 © * C] ■* to to to ^ rfi to ri r " rH i—l T— 1 i— i rH T-f rH r-t OS OS os c-. OS OS OS OS OS Q 73 1-1 rH rH rH r-t 1-1 1-1 ^ 1 73 ,_, ri Pi © 6 d S-i £5 ri O s o O 0) 0) >5> fit +-> -b -b t' 03 fax) ri >> o 73 o 'd ri o Ph c U 6 PI ^ o O 03 W Ph o O P U j=) 1 ?j ?) 1 ; A3 >> o © jQ o> o o 5^ ; o ri O o to rj cti 5 03 73 cpj o g hb O 'H O Ph rA ei o o be ei o ri M 03 £ ri "2 a T (. c 1 +J ri to 73 ri VI 03 U Estimated time required for same, days ; . . 4 For the sinking of the well from 1200 feet to 1500 feet, price per foot Estimated time required for same, days 5 For the sinking of the well from 1500 feet to 1800 feet, price per foot Estimated time required for same, days 6 For the sinking of the well, from 1800 feet to 2200 feet, price per foot Estimated time required for same, days 7 For the sinking of the well below 2200 feet, price per foot Respectfully submitted, By Certified check, inclosed, This Agreement, made this day of A. D. 1914, between the City of Batavia, Illinois, party of the first part and of the City of Batavia, State of Illinois, party of the second part. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the agreement and covenants hereinafter contained on the part of the first party, the party of the second part hereby agrees to sink a well for the said first party according to and in all respects in compliance with the proposal and specifications heretofore attached. The second party agrees to commence within twenty days from the signing of this contract upon the actual drilling and sinking of the well and to within twenty days from the signing of this contract place themselves and their ma- chinery in such a position that they will be well equipped and able to com- mence such actual drilling not later than at the expiration of the said twenty days from the signing of this contract. 68 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The said second party further agrees that in every respect they will com- plete the sinking of the well referred to in this contract within such time as follows : If the well shall be nine hundred feet or less, within days from the commencement of the actual drilling of the same. If the well shall be more than nine hundred feet and twelve hundred feet or less, within days from the commencement of the actual drill- ing of the same. If the well shall be more than twelve hundred feet and fifteen hundred feet or less, within days from the commencement of the actual drill- ing of the same. If the well shall be more than fifteen hundred feet and eighteen hundred feet or less, within .days from the commencement of the actual drilling of the same. If the well shall be more than eighteen hundred feet and twenty-two hundred feet or less, within .days from the commencement of the actual drilling of the same. If the well shall be more than twenty-two hundred feet within days from the commencement of the actual drilling of the same. The said first party agrees that for and in consideration of the perform- ance of the covenants of the said second party and for the satisfactory performance of their work in accordance with the specifications attached hereto agree to pay to the said second party the following amount: For the furnish- ing of approximately 40 feet of twelve-inch casing, one twelve-inch tee, one twelve-inch gate valve with companion flange, one twelve-inch nipple, approxi- mately 40 feet vitrified salt glazed tile, sinking of the well the first nine hundred feet, and connecting well with the pumping pit of the Municipal Plant of the City of Batavia, Dollars For the next three hundred feet Per foot For the next three hundred feet Per foot For the next three hundred feet Per foot For the next four hundred feet Per foot Below twenty-two hundred feet Per foot The payment for the sinking of the said well shall be made in the follow- ing manner at the expiration of every two w'eeks from the commencing of the actual drilling of the well. The said first party shall pay to the said second party seventy-five per cent of the amount which is at such times due and un- paid, and such payments shall be made in accordance with and upon the issuing of the certificate by the Engineer of the City of Batavia, which certifi- cate shall set forth the depth which has been reached at the time of the issuance thereof. It is further agreed between the parties hereto that the remaining twenty- five per cent of the amount due and unpaid in accordance with the above paragraph shall be paid to the second party upon the certificate of the Engi- neer that the well has been completed and tested and recommending the accept- ance of same by the Owner. It is further agreed between the parties hereto that the proposals and speci- fications hereto attached shall be made and considered a part of this contract as fully as though the same were printed in the body hereof over the signatures WELLS 69 and seals of the parties hereto, and where any questions of any nature arises under this contract or in reference to the same, the proposals and specifications hereto attached shall have the same force and effect as though they were writ- ten or printed in the body of this contract. In Testimony Whereof, the party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its Mayor, and its Corporate Seal to be hereto affixed, attested by its City Clerk, and the parties of the second part have here- unto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. City or Batavia, By Mayor. Attest to Seal City Clerk. [seal] [seal] [seal] PUMPING OF WELLS METHODS Deep-well pumps. — The municipal wells of the smaller towns and at many of the industrial plants are equipped with the rod-and-plunger dis- placement, commonly called "deep-well pump." These pumps are gener- ally used where the lift does not exceed 150 feet and the desired yield is not over 100 gallons per minute. Most of the smaller pumps of this type are single-acting, but the larger, newer ones are double-acting or of the continuous-flow class. The small, common deep-well pump that is used in factories is the "steam pump" ; in this type the steam and water cylinders are placed on the same machine. Many of the larger, double-acting, deep-well pumps, which have capacities up to and over 250 gallons per minute, are motor driven. The following towns are a few of those in this area that are equipped with large, motor-driven, deep-well pumps : Park Ridge, De Kalb, Morris, Minooka, Lemont, Lyons, and Grand Ridge. Impeller or centrifugal pumps. — This class includes the centrifugal or as it is sometimes called the "turbine pump." The water is raised by the energy transmitted to it through the rapid rotation of curved vanes in an enclosed chamber. In a common type of this pump the chamber or "stage," as it is called, is beneath the water level, and the axis to which the vanes are attached, extends to the surface. Then the entire axis is rotated rapidly by some motive power applied at the surface, and the water is thus elevated. Where the lifts are large, it is usual to have a 70 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS number of stages in order to transmit sufficient velocity to the water to send it to the surface. The centrifugal pump is used in a number of the municipal pumping plants in this locality; as a rule it has been found very satisfactory with lifts not over 150 feet. This form of pump is operating against a very high lift, in one of the city wells at Aurora where a 4-stage, 17-inch turbine pump is placed at a depth of 201 feet and at times it is necessary to raise the water against this entire head. The fol- lowing municipal plants are equipped with one form or another of the centrifugal pump: Rockford, Aurora, Batavia, LaGrange, Forest Park, and Chicago Heights. Air-lift pumps. — The air-lift is a device by means of which the water is raised from a well through the action of compressed air. The pump- ing equipment consists of an air compressor at the surface, an air- receiver tank to regulate the amount and pressure of air from the com- pressor, a large pipe in the well for the discharge of the water called the "eduction pipe," and an air pipe to convey the compressed air to the bot- tom of the eduction pipe. The air pipe may be placed within the eduction pipe, the water thus occupying the space between the two. Another method is where the air pipe is placed along side the eduction pipe, the air being conveyed to the eduction pipe at its bottom. The latter ar- rangement is the one more commonly in use, although where the well is not of sufficient diameter to contain two pipes of the necessary sizes the air pipe is placed within the eduction. In some places the bottom of the air pipe is equipped with what is called a foot-piece or nozzle. The foot- piece is supposed to give the air lift a greater capacity. The reader is referred to a bulletin of the University of Wisconsin which treats of an investigation of the air-lift made by Davis and Weidner. 1 This is an excellent treatise on the subject derived from tests obtained on a small air lift, the maximum lift being about 24 feet, in the University Engineering Laboratories. The bulletin contains also a very good bibliography concerning the air-lift pump. The authors recognize five variables which may affect a particular type and size of pump; these are: (1) percentage of submergence, (2) lift, (3) discharge, (4) volume of air, (5) pressure of air. The conclusions reached are given below. These conclusions have been some- what questioned by certain manufacturers of air-lift equipment as not being entirely applicable to large wells with lifts of over 200 feet ; they say that the experimental pumping plant at Wisconsin was too small and did not represent actual conditions in large wells. In all justice to the authors it should be stated that they say that the conclusions will hold 1 Davis, Geo. J., and Weidner, C. R. An investigation of the air-lift pump: Bull. of the University of Wisconsin No. 450, Eng. Series vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 405-573, 1911 WELLS 71 only for the particular type, size, and length of pump in which the experi- ments were performed. They infer, however, that the conclusions will hold for other types and sizes. These inferences, on the whole, the writer believes to be correct. The conclusions are : 1. The central air-tube pump has the greatest theoretical capacity for a given size of well. 2. The coefficient of pipe friction and slip decreases as the discharge in- creases, and decreases as the ratio of volume of air to volume of water in creases. 3. The coefficient of pipe friction and of slip varies with the length of pump, but it seems to be independent of the percentage of submergence and of the lift. 4. The length of pump, the percentage of submergence, and therefore the lift remaining constant, there is a definite quantity of air causing the maximum discharge. This quantity of air for maximum discharge, as also the ratio of volume of air to volume of water, differs for different percentages of submergence and lift, the length of the pump remaining constant. 5. The length of pump remaining constant, the maximum output occurs at about the same percentage of submergence for all rates of air consumption, being at from 61 to 65 per cent for the pump used in the Wisconsin experi- ments. At other submergences the output varies as the ordinates of a para- bola having a vertical axis. Under these conditions the lift does not re- main constant as the percentage of submergence varies. 6. The length of pump and percentage of submergence remaining con- stant, and therefore constant lift, the efficiency increases as the input de- creases; that is, the highest efficiencies are obtained at the lowest rates of pumping. 7. By varying the percentage of submergence, and therefore the lift, the length of pump remaining constant, the maximum efficiency is obtained at approximately 63 per cent submergence for all rates of input or discharge. 8. The lift remaining constant, the efficiency increases as the percentage of submergence increases, for all rates of input and all practical percentages of submergence. 9. With the same size and type of pump, the percentage of submergence remaining constant, the efficiency increased as the lift increased for the small lifts experimented on; that is, up to about 24 feet. From a theoretical study, however, the indications are that a point will be reached from which the efficiency will decrease as the lift increases. 10. Other conditions remaining constant, there is no advantage to be gained by introducing compressed air above the surface of the water in the well. 11. The type of the foot-piece has very little effect on the efficiency of the pump, so long as the air is introduced in an efficient manner, and the full cross-sectional area of the education pipe is realized for the passage of the liquid. Any thing in the shape of a nozzle to increase the kinetic energy of the air is detrimental. 12. A diverging outlet which will conserve the kinetic energy of the ve- locity head increases the efficiency. 72 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The percentage of submergence is that per cent of the total length of pipe between the discharge of the water at the surface and the lowest en- trance of air into the eduction pipe in the well, which is submerged. If the discharge pipe does not extend below the lowest entrance of air into it, the percentage of submergence is the per cent of the length of the dis- charge pipe which is submerged. The amount of submergence used in the air-lift pumps varies, although about 60 per cent is the amount that is used in practically all efficient equipments. In a number of cases where the air compressor's capacity is not great enough to permit this amount of submergence, the length of air pipe is not so great. Some wells that are subject to a great lowering of the water level on pumping, as wells of small bore at the bottom, are equipped with auxiliary air lines to permit the initial head to be pumped off at lower pressures. By these means it is possible to secure a greater submergence and yet not require any higher air pressure than that required, under operating conditions. There is no doubt but that use of these auxiliary air lines is an advantage and many of the smaller installations would have a greater efficiency by making such changes. This would give a better submergence and utilize to the greatest extent the possibilities of the small air compressor. The increased size of the eduction pipe toward the outlet is another means of increased efficiency that is used in some cases and should be used to a greater extent. The conditions are rarely the same in any two wells, and therefore a very satisfactory air-lift equipment for one well might not be at all applicable to another. Each well is a problem in itself. Therefore be- fore the installation of any permanent pumping equipment, sufficient tests should be made under the direction of a competent engineer to de- termine what arrangements of the different lengths and sizes of pipe are most efficient. Even a very good air-lift may become antiquated by a lowering of the water level or by changes in the rate of pumping. The air-lift is used to a greater extent in this area than any other pumping arrangement where it is necessary to raise large quantities against a great head. It is by far the most important pumping equipment in Chicago and vicinity, where the head pumped against is in many in- stances over 230 feet. The air-lift has commonly not been considered very efficient, although some of the larger installations in the Chicago Stock Yards district have obtained very satisfactory results. The flex- ibility of the air-lift and the lack of repairs required are reasons why it is in such wide use. No other pumping method is probably capable of rais- ing larger quantities of water from a bore-hole with such high lifts as encountered around Chicago. 73 COSTS OF PUMPING General considerations. — So many factors affect the cost of deep- well pumping that it is very difficult to make comparisons between the different installations. Merely because a certain pumping equipment is able to deliver water at a lower cost per thousand gallons does not neces- sarily mean that it is more efficient than another where the cost is greater. Much depends upon the amount of water available, height to be raised, cost of power, and other factors. Accurate data in regard to the cost of pumping were very rarely ob- tainable, as at most stations tests had not been made, and costs of opera- tion were not kept. Where steam pumps were used, the cost of steam and the amounts of water pumped were rarely known. Likewise with the air- lift, neither the amounts of water pumped nor the cost of running the compressor were accurately known. At most places where information in regard to pumping costs was obtained, the pumps or air compressors were motor driven, and thus the calculations were based on the amount of electricity consumed, however, there were variations in the cost of the electricity. Further, when the cost of pumping is given, it does not in- clude depreciation and other fixed charges that generally exist. Deep-well and centrifugal pumps. — The costs of operation of the small steam pumps were not obtained, but these are noted for their in- efficiency. In most places where they are used, large quantities of water are not needed, so that it may not always be advisable to install more efficient equipment at an increased expense. Many of the smaller towns that have motor-driven deep-well pumps have turned the management of the pumps over to large electric com- panies. The electric company then charges the towns a given amount per thousand gallons for delivering the water into the city mains. The rate is in most cases 4 to 5 cents per thousand gallons. Generally the munici- palities own the wells, pumps and other equipment, although the electric company looks after the repairs, except for new parts. Commonly a representative of the company attends to the pump, although most pumps require little attention as they have automatic starting and stopping devices. The towns of De Kalb, Morris, Barrington, Lemont, and others have found this arrangement satisfactory. At one city where the electric company owns the water works, it is able to pump water for one cent per thousand gallons. However, this in- cludes no depreciation, and the lift is not over 50 feet. The No. 7 well at Rockford, which is equipped with an "American" 17-inch, 6-stage combination deep-well and pressure pump, has a high efficiency as indicated by the tests made by the city engineers. Further 74 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS description of the Rock ford equipment will be found under the discussion of that locality. The following is a reported test of this pump. Capacity — 1,380 gallons per minute. Discharge pressure — 61% pounds equal to 142 feet. Static head to center of pressure gauge — 95.57 feet. Total head of 237.57 feet. Theoretical Horse Power would be 82.1. Meter reading ahead of transformers — 116 K. W. 90% Efficiency Transformers— 104.4 K. W. 90% Efficiency Motor— 93.39 K. W. or 125 H. P. delivered to shaft of pump. Efficiency of pump — 65.5%. The output of this pump for 12 hours per day was 960,000 gallons at 65 pounds pressure. The electricity consumed was 1,400 K. W. at 1^4 cents per K. W. H. or a cost of 1.82 cents per 1000 gallons. The estimated cost, including depreciation and other fixed charges, is 2 cents per 1,000 gallons. A reported test on an electrically driven, turbine deep-well pump in Chicago gave a cost of 1.8 cents per 1,000 gallons. The pump delivered 500 gallons per minute against a head of 216 feet; the electricity was cal- culated at one cent per kilowatt hour. No depreciation nor fixed charges were included. Another test on a deep-well pump in Chicago follows. This is a motor-driven, double-acting, deep-well pump rated at 600 gallons per minute. During the test 530 gallons per minute were pumped against a head of 175 feet. The cost was 1.06 cents per 1,000 gallons counting current at 1.2 cents per kilowatt hour. No costs other than the actual consumption of electricity were considered. Air-lift pumps. — An idea of the widespread use of the air-lift system of pumping may be gained by noting that in Chicago 86.8 per cent of the water obtained from wells 1,000 or more feet in depth is pumped by the air-lift. One of the largest packing concerns in the Stock Yards district whose wells are pumped by this method reports a cost of 3.22 cents per 1,000 gallons which charge includes repumping to the different depart- ments after it has first been brought to the surface by means of the air- lift. This company pumps as much or more than any other firm in Chi- cago, and the pumping equipment is probably as efficient a representative of the air-lift as can be found in the city. On a test this firm was able to obtain as low as .72 cubic feet free air per gallon delivered. Ordi- narily one gallon is equivalent to about .85 cubic feet free air. These re- sults were obtained with about 60 per cent submergence, pumping against a head of approximately 230 feet. These satisfactory results were obtained without the use of a foot piece on the air pipe. However, the lower 8 or 10 feet of the air pipe was WELLS 75 perforated by a number of small holes whose total area was equivalent to about three times the area of the pipe cross-section. The above pumping cost of 3.22 cents is approximately equaled by another Chicago packing company which reports slightly less than 3 cents per 1,000 gallons. This latter figure includes only pumping to the sur- face and does not consider depreciation nor fixed charges. The head pumped against is at least 230 feet. The previously cited examples of efficient air-lifts are owned by con- cerns which have a number of wells and pump a very large amount of water. Companies pumping only 200 or 300 gallons per minute and with less modern equipment, undoubtedly have higher pumping costs. The cost of air-lift pumping varies in the plants owned and man- aged by the municipalities. This is to be expected as the height to which the water must be raised is not everywhere the same ; likewise some equipments are more efficient than others. The tendency in many in- stances is to make the cost of pumping appear as low as possible, so that many items that should be included are omitted. In general the pump- ing costs range from 3 to 7 cents per 1,000 gallons, no depreciation nor other fixed charges included. Most of these data can not be considered very satisfactory, as all of the necessary information could not be ob- tained. YIELD AS RELATED TO DIAMETER OF WELL Most of the wells drilled in northeastern Illinois up to five or ten years ago were completed with a diameter at the bottom of five inches or less. In wells of this size, where the water-bearing formation is 1,000 or more feet below the surface, the friction of the water against the walls is great. Where pipe is used instead of leaving the well uncased, the fric- tion is somewhat reduced. If the diameter of the well is increased, the pipe or wall friction is greatly reduced, and more water is obtained at a less draw-down. This may be illustrated by considering typical 8-inch deep wells in Chicago. These wells are about 1,650 feet in depth, and the important water-bearing sandstone is encountered at 1,350 to 1,400 feet. A well of the above depth and a bottom diameter of eight inches, with the water level at 200 feet below the surface will yield twice as much as a well with the same amount of lowering and similar depth but finished at six inches. This increase is dependent not so much upon the increased size of the opening that penetrates the water-bearing formation, as upon the reduc- tion of the wall friction, which the larger hole makes possible. The wells of 10 and 12 inches also have an advantage over the 8-inch well, although the increase is not proportionate. The increase in yield 76 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS of the 12-inch well over the 10-inch is only about a third of that of the 10-inch over the 8-inch. In wells of this depth the advantage gained by wells over 12 inches in diameter is very slight as the important factor is then ground friction or the resistance to flow into the well. This ground friction is usually considered as proportionate to the yield or flow. In case the openings into the well become clogged, as by the filling of the interstices between the sand grains with foreign material, the ground friction may become very high. Cleaning the well or blasting the previous bed with dynamite or nitroglycerine will generally remedy these condi- tions. PART II BOONE COUNTY Physiography Boone County is situated along the northern border of the State, just east of the center; McHenry County adjoins it on the east, De Kalb County on the south, and Winnebago County bounds it on the west. The total area is but 293 square miles. The part of the county south of Kishwaukee River has a rolling prairie topography without great relief. This type of topography con- tinues northward along the eastern part of the county, but toward the north the altitude is greater, more hills are present, and the land as a whole is more rolling. The gravel plains which extend westward from the morainic belts in McHenry County are the controlling factors in de- termining the topography. The western and northwestern parts of the county are somewhat lower than the remainder and, if anything, more hilly. Some timber is found along the stream courses. The principal drainage is effected by the Kishwaukee River and its tributaries which flow westward across the southern part of the county. The Kishwaukee joins Rock River in the county to the west. Rock River tributaries flowing westward drain the northwestern set of townships. Geology The greater part of the area is covered with glacial deposits although these are not so heavy as in McHenry County to the east. The gravel plains in the eastern part are related to the morainic systems of Wisconsin age which are present in the county to the east. The sheet of drift cov- ering the remainder of the county is referred by Leverett 1 to the Iowan stage of glaciation. The drift in the northern part of the county is generally at least 75 feet in thickness and in places is probably more. In the southern townships the drift is much thinner, so that in a few places. the rock is leverett, F., The Illinois glacial lobe; U. S. Geol. Survey. Monograph 38, p. 573, 1899. 77 78 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS within a few feet of the surface. There are some quarries in the two southern townships. The rock formation underlying the greater part of the county is the Galena-Platteville limestone. This formation passes under the Maquoketa shale toward the southeast, so that this latter formation underlies the drift in this part of the county. The only data obtained in regard to the deeper strata in the county are from a single deep well at Belvidere. The record represents the formations that will be encountered in drilling in other parts of the county except for the overlying Maquoketa shale which is present in the southeastern part. The depths to the various strata will vary somewhat because of differences in surface ele- vations. The altitudes are greater in the northern townships, but the rise of the formations toward the northeast probably compensates for the higher elevation so that the depths to the various strata are somewhat similar to those at Belvidere. It would seem that the formations lie at their greatest depths in the southeastern corner of the county. The $t. Peter sandstone was struck in the Belvidere well at a depth of 340 feet and was 185 feet thick. The sandstone should therefore be a source of water in other parts of the county where a moderate supply is desired without drilling to any great depth. Below a depth of 725 feet a series of sandstones are present which continue to the bottom of the well. Underground Waters general statement The county has a number of possibilities for developing under- ground water supplies. In case it should not be possible to secure sufficient supplies from wells 200 or 300 feet in depth, the St. Peter sandstone is present at a not much greater depth. Then finally there is the great series of "Potsdam" sandstones which lie about 200 to 300 feet below the St. Peter. BELVIDERE The city water supply is furnished by three deep wells which range in depth from 1,803 to 1,900 feet. The succession of strata is indicated by the record of well No. 3, which was drilled in 1909. The first well was drilled in 1891 to a depth of 1,950 feet. This well flowed at first but ceased at the end of about a year. The second well was drilled in 1901 to a depth of 1,861 feet and at that time the level was 3 feet below the surface. The third well was completed in L909, at which time the static head was 8 feet below the surface; no further recession has been noted. The effect of pumping is not exactly BOONE COUNTY 79 known, but each well is capable of supplying 400 gallons per minute with a suction lift. The No. 3 well is 10 inches in diameter at the sur- face and cased to bed rock, or to a depth of 50 feet ; the bottom diameter is 8 inches or somewhat less. The other wells have 8-inch surface and 6-inch bottom diameters ; the amount of casing is probably similar to that in No. 3. The temperature of the water from the 1,803-foot well was only 52.6° F., which is at least 7° F. lower than that of other waters from this depth. This temperature of 52.6° F. is that generally obtained from shallow well waters. It is therefore very probable that this well obtains large additions of water from horizons near the surface or at the utmost a few hundred feet in depth. This seems even more highly probable when it is noted that the waterworks plant is located in the valley of the Kishwaukee River and therefore at a lower elevation than the sur- rounding area. The chemical character of the water is indicated by an analysis made in 1899 from the water in the 1,900-foot well. The water is moder- ately mineralized and contains chiefly the carbonates of calcium and magnesium. It is used for boiler purposes, but some soft scale would form. The Chicago and North Western Railway Company also has a well which is 1,231 feet in depth. The water level is 23 feet below the sur- face, but the ground elevation is probably 20 feet above that at the city waterworks. The well delivers about 150 gallons per minute continu- ously ; the dimensions of the bore are not known. The chemical character of the water is similar to that from the city wells, although not quite so hard. The water is used in the locomotive boilers. Log of the Belvidere city well, SW. 1/4 sec. 25, T. U N., R. 3 E. Elevation — 755 feet Drilled in 1909 by J. P. Miller Artesian Well Co., Chicago Generalized section Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and recent Surface material, sand, gravel, etc 46 46 Ordovician system Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite or limestone, gray 294 340 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, white, rounded quartz sand 185 525 80 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Thickness Description of strata Feet Prairie du Chien limestone Sandstone and limestone 15 Dolomite or limestone, cherty 10 Dolomite or limestone, grayish red 10 Dolomite or limestone, gray 10 Dolomite or limestone, grayish red 15 Sandstone 10 Dolomite or limestone, gray 60 Shale, red 80 Cambrian system "Potsdam" group Sandstone 45 Sandstone, a slight reddish color 5 Sandstone, white ._ ... 10 Sandstone; some red shale 65 Shale, red 10 Shale, gray 10 Shale, red 10 Shale, gray or grayish green 45 Sandstone 125 Shale, gray 20 Shale, bright green 20 Shale, gray 10 Sandstone, gray 70 Shale, gray 10 Sandstone, gray, medium grained 20 Sandstone, gray, fine grained 15 Sandstone, gray, medium grained 5 Sandstone, shaly, fine grained 5 Sandstone, gray, medium grained 5 Sandstone, shaly, gray 10 Sandstone, gray, medium grained 25 Sandstone, red, medium grained 5 Shale, sandy, red . 10 Sandstone, red, rather coarse grained 5 Sandstone, red, medium grained 5 Shale, dark red 5 Sandstone, light yellow, medium grained 10 Sandstone, red, fine grained 10 Sandstone, red, fine grained 5 Sandstone, coarse grained 5 Sandstone, red, medium grained 10 Sandstone, light pink, medium grained 60 Sandstone, pink, medium grained 5 Shale, red 5 Sandstone, light yellow to pink 20 Shale, dark red 3 Sandstone, red, medium grained 2 Shale, dark red 5 Depth Feet 530 540 550 560 575 585 645 725 770 775 785 850 860 870 880 925 1050 1070 1090 1100 1170 1180 1200 1215 1220 1225 1230 1240 1265 1270 1280 1285 1290 1295 1305 1315 1320 1325 1335 1395 1400 1405 1425 1428 1430 1435 COOK COUNTY 81 Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Sandstone, red, medium grained 3 1438 Shale, dark red 2 1440 Sandstone, pink, medium grained. 10 1450 Sandstone, light yellow, medium grained 10 1460 Sandstone, light pink, medium grained 50 1510 Shale, sandy, red 5 1515 Sandstone, red, fine grained 5 1520 Shale, sandy, pink 5 1525 Sandstone, pink, fine grained 5 1530 Shale, red 10 1540 Sandstone, reddish yellow, medium grained 10 1550 Sandstone, grayish red, medium grained 97 1647 Sandstone, gray, medium grained 8 1655 Shale, grayish pink 5 1660 Sandstone, yellowish red, medium grained 5 1665 Sandstone, pink, coarse grained 5 1670 Sandstone, light pink, rather coarse grained 5 1675 Sandstone, light yellow, medium to coarse grained 20 1695 Sandstone, pink, medium grained 15 1710 Sandstone, light pink, fairly coarse grained 20 1730 Sandstone, gray, medium grained 10 1740' Sandstone, yellowish pink, coarse 15 1755 Sandstone, pink, medium to coarse 48 180& COOK COUNTY Physiography Cook County, with Lake Michigan as the greater part of its eastern boundary is one of the largest counties in the State, having an area over 900 square miles. The maximum north and south extent is fifty miles, and the average width is about eighteen, although the western boundary is very irregular. The relief varies from the flat plain of Chicago and environs to the undulating surface of the western part of the county. There is a gradual rise from the level of Lake Michigan at 581 feet to the western part of the Chicago plain which has an elevation of 640 feet above sea level or 60 feet above the lake. This flat area is in the form of a crescent, with the lake forming the inner border. The north- ern tip is at Winnetka on the lake shore about eight miles north of the Chicago city limits. The outer border of the crescent then extends south and westward in the vicinity of Melrose Park and LaGrange ; whence it swings eastward, passing through the village of Glenwood, and finally extending into Indiana at Dyer. The transition from the Chicago plain to the region of undulating topography to the west is in some places noticeable, but in most cases the change is scarcely perceptible. This belt of undulating country, continuing southward from Lake County through the northwestern part 82 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS of Cook County, and extending across DuPage and the western, south- western, and extreme southern part of Cook County, is called the Val- paraiso morainic system. Many parts of this higher area have eleva- tions of 200 feet above Lake Michigan, and in the extreme northwestern part of the county some points are 300 feet above the lake. This morainic system has an important bearing on the underground waters of this district, as will be shown later. Drainage is not well developed, but it is accomplished chiefly by the Desplaines and Chicago rivers and their tributaries. The extreme north- western part of the county is in the drainage basin of the Fox River. The southeastern part of the county, in the vicinity of South Chicago and Lake Calumet, is poorly drained by the Calumet River. This inter- esting stream has its source in the western part of La Porte County, Indiana, and for a distance of 45 miles flows sluggishly westward, paralleling Lake Michigan at a distance of only a few miles. At the city of Blue Island it abruptly changes its course and flows eastward for 20 miles, not over two or three miles north of its westerly course. The outlet to Lake Michigan is finally effected at two places. The peculiar course of this stream is due to the recession of the old Lake Chicago, the waters of which formerly flowed southward into the Desplaines River at Summit and through the Sag outlet. 1 Geology The greater part of the county is covered by a mantle of glacial drift consisting of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders ; although in many places on the Chicago plain the drift is comparatively thin, and there are even a few outcrops, the bed rock is for the most part concealed by a heavy mantel of drift which has a thickness of 140 feet at Superior and North State streets, a location about three-quarters of a mile northeast of the junction of the North and South Branches of Chicago River. As there is very little surface relief, these variations in the thickness of the drift indicate that the underlying rock surface has prominences and depressions. The average thickness of the drift on the Chicago plain is about 60 or 75 feet. The drift is usually thick along the Valparaiso morainic system, thicknesses of 200 feet not being unusual; likewise in the northwestern part of the county in the vicinity of Palatine and Bar- rington and in Schaumberg Township the drift is 250 to 300 feet thick. The Niagaran limestone is the underlying rock formation of Cook County and is the youngest of the indurated strata to have been pre- served. Evidences, however, have been found of the existence at one 1 Leverctt, P., The Illinois Glacial Lobe: U. S. Geol. Survey Monograph 38, p. 4 20, 1899. COOK COUNTY time in this region of deposits of a younger age than the Niagaran. At Elmhurst, in Du Page County, just over the western boundary of Cook County, Devonian fossils have been found in the crevices of the Nia- garan limestone. 1 Also samples from a deep well drilled for the Grasselli Chemical Company, East Chicago, Indiana, which is 4 miles east of the Illinois-Indiana boundary at West Hammond, indicate 110 feet of shale and argillaceous limestone above the typical Niagaran, containing spores of plants called Sporangites, which have usually been considered indi- cative of Devonian age. The Niagaran limestone can be seen in many quarries along the Desplaines River as at Willow Springs. This forma- tion has an interesting exposure in the southern part of Chicago, called Stony Island. The Niagaran is a rather compact, gray, subcrystalline limestone containing in many places so much magnesium that it is called a dolomite. The exposed surfaces in quarries weather to a light buff or gray color. In a few exposures the rock contains some bitumen and asphalt, occurring in pores and cavities of the limestone, and the presence of a noticeable amount of hydrogen sulphide in much of the water from the Niagaran limestone may be traceable to this cause. The thickness of this formation varies from less than 100 feet in the northwestern part of the county to over 450 feet in parts of Chicago. The Maquoketa shale underlies the Niagaran limestone. The char- acter of this formation in this locality can be inferred only from a study of the well drillings, which indicate a very compact, close-textured, gray or bluish-gray shale. The well records show a variation in thickness from 120 feet in the south part of Chicago to 250 feet in the Stock Yards, not over seven miles distant. The average thickness is probably less than 200 feet. The compactness of the Maquoketa shale prevents it from being a water-bearing formation. Indeed, it serves as an im- pervious stratum separating the waters of the Niagaran limestone from those of the Galena-Platteville. The Galena-Platteville limestone, which underlies the Maquoketa shale, is a light gray to cream-colored gray, dolomite or limestone, in places cherty, containing considerable magnesium carbonate. The thick- ness ranges from 300 to 450 feet. The St. Peter sandstone is the next formation in descending order. This was one of the earliest sources of considerable artesian water. The extreme development of the underground water resources in this county, particularly in Chicago and vicinity, has depleted the supply to a great extent. The St. Peter is composed of a remarkably pure, rather well- rounded, siliceous sand, ranging in size from a powder to grains one 1 Weller, Stuart, A peculiar Devonian deposit in northeastern Illinois: Jour. Geology, vol. 8, p. 483, 1899. 84 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS millimeter in diameter but averaging less than .5 millimeter. The thick- ness varies abruptly; differences of 100 feet, between places a com- paratively short distance apart, are not unusual. Thicknesses ranging from 20 to over 300 feet have been noted. The St. Peter sand was deposited on a very uneven surface of the Prairie du Chien limestone, which accounts for its great variation in thickness. The contact between the St. Peter and the underlying Prairie du Chien limestone is distin- guished in many well drillings by a red shale and cherty horizon. The Prairie du Chien limestone is in most places a dolomite gray in color, or gray with a faint brown tinge. In many places the lower part of the formation contains a dolomitic sandstone which has a notable content of disseminated glauconite or -green sand. This is underlain by a sandy dolomite which is also somewhat glauconiferous. The thickness of this glauconiferous, sandy, and dolomitic zone is variable but about 50 feet is probably the average. This is underlain by the first heavy sandstone of the "Potsdam" group. It is difficult to say whether this sandy glauconiferous bed corresponds with Chamberlin's x Madison and Mendota of Wisconsin, or whether the underlying 200 feet of sand- stone is the equivalent of the Madison. This sandy bed at the base of the "Lower Magnesian" is recognized only in a study of the well drill- ings and is not differentiated in the drillers' logs. It has therefore been thought best in this report to define the "Potsdam" group as beginning with the first heavy sandstone below the St. Peter. The known succession of the "Potsdam" group, as the term is here used, can be divided into three divisions, in descending order. The first, or upper, consists of a 200-foot sandstone very similar to the St. Peter, although the grains are probably not so well rounded. This is the great water-bearing stratum of Chicago and Cook County, and is usually spoken of by drillers as the "Potsdam sandstone." The second division is a thickness of 300 to 350 feet of siliceous and dolomitic shales, inter- bedded with thin beds of shaly dolomite and dolomitic sandstones. The third division, which has been penetrated for at least 350 feet, is a medium to coarse-grained sandstone. The sand grains of the upper 250 feet of the lowest division are fine to coarse in size and vary from colorless to light yellow. The lower 100 feet is a chocolate-colored or reddish-brown sandstone. This three- fold division is similar to a like stratigraphic succession recognized in Minnesota and Iowa, in descending order, as the Jordan sandstone, the St. Lawrence formation, and the Dresbach sandstone and underlying Cambrian strata ; these divisions in Iowa and Minnesota may correlate with those of Illinois. Chambfirlin, T. C, Geology of Wisconsin, 1S73-1S79. COOK COUNTY 85 Underground Waters sources The waters of the surface deposits are of importance in some localities. The controlling factors in determining the quantity of water available in these unconsolidated deposits are the character and thickness of the drift and the surface drainage. In some cases the sand and gravel of the drift may be present in more or less irregular beds which vary in composition, thickness, and extent. The surface drainage along the Valparaiso morainic system is so poor that a large amount of water soaks into the ground. This surface water later finds beds of sand or gravel which act as transmitting mediums ; where these pervious strata are sloping and are overlain by compact clay beds, artesian conditions are produced, and wells drilled at lower elevations than those of the general region may flow. In many instances, even though the wells do not overflow, there is enough static head and water available to make these wells important sources of supply. The amount of water in the underlying bed rock is likewise de- pendent upon that collected by the overlying drift. The limestone is more or less fissured and in many places definite water channels have been formed. It has also been found that the bed-rock surface under- lying the morainic system has a somewhat greater altitude than the rock surface underlying the bordering ground moraine. Therefore, with the moraine acting as a collecting area at a higher elevation, wells along its border often yield large supplies of water. Such conditions exist along the western and southern boundaries of the county, as illustrated by the wells at Chicago Heights and vicinity, the collecting region of higher elevation being to the south. Also the shallow wells at Elmhurst and Hinsdale, just over the line in Du Page County furnish a large amount of water. Particularly in the extreme northwestern part of the county, be- cause of the heavy drift mantle, large supplies are obtained from wells terminating either in the drift or in the underlying Niagaran limestone. Most of the towns of the western part of the county obtain their municipal supply from wells penetrating the "Potsdam" group, but as these wells are uncased undoubtedly some additional water is obtained also from the Niagaran limestone. Every rock formation underlying Cook County, with the exception of the Maquoketa shale, is capable of yielding some water. The strata, however, that contain the largest amounts of water of artesian char- acter are the "Potsdam" group and the St. Peter sandstone. The forma- 86 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS tions rise gradually toward the north and west until they finally outcrop in south-central Wisconsin. The porous rocks here become saturated with water from rainfall. The water is then transmitted through these pervious formations by gravity or hydrostatic pressure. The upward escape of the water is prevented by overlying impervious strata; it is only when these water-charged beds are tapped by drilling in a region of lower elevation than the collecting area that the waters escape. The hydrostatic head may not be sufficient in all cases to yield flowing wells, but the conditions are nevertheless artesian. The sandy, glauconiferous horizon of the Prairie du Chien limestone, about 100 feet above the "Potsdam" group, is also water bearing. Some of the drillers' logs mention crevices at this depth. This water may have been forced upward from the underlying "Potsdam" group by its own hydrostatic pressure. The Galena-Platteville in some localities contains a little water. However, because it is the usual practice to leave this formation uncased, it is probable that more water is lost through crevices than is gained. The Niagaran limestone in many places yields large supplies of water, particularly where the region is overlain by a heavy mantle of drift. Wells in the Niagaran limestone at the borders of heavy belts of drift or moraines furnish especially large amounts of water. There has been a general lowering of the static head of the under- ground waters of this county, particularly in Chicago, since the first wells were drilled. The amount of lowering is in direct ratio to the amount of development. For instance, in the Stock Yards at Chicago, where wells of very large capacity have been drilled within the past few years, the head has been dropping at the rate of about nine feet per year. The recession in this part of Chicago has been approximately 240 feet since 1889. In other parts of Chicago and the county the lowering has not been so rapid. CHEMICAL CHARACTER There is considerable difference in the amount of dissolved mineral matter in the waters from different depths. Water from the same bed at different localities shows also a variation, although in a unit area of the size of Chicago the waters from the same stratum are very similar. As the prevalent practice is to case the wells only through the surface drift and any caving formation that may be encountered, the artesian waters from lower horizons are possibly diluted by the waters from the upper beds. A large number of analyses of waters from this county have been made, and factors determining the chemical character will be discussed in describing the water from the different localities. COOK COUNTY 87 The water obtained from the drift and the Niagaran limestone is, as a rule, softer than that from the lower artesian horizons. It is not possible in all places, however, to secure a sufficient supply from these shallow depths. In general, the water obtained from the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group has a high mineral content. The sulphates and bicar- bonates of calcium and magnesium are present in large amounts, and the water is not adapted to boiler use without treatment. Some water containing a small amount of the calcium and magnesium salts is obtained from the shaly sandstones of the second division in the "Potsdam" group. The amount, however, is small, as indicated by tests made on the Chicago and North Western Railway wells at Proviso. These wells are eight inches in diameter at the bottom and did not yield over 100 gallons per minute with a lowering of 200 feet in the water level. The sandstones of the third division of the "Potsdam" series cannot be penetrated for a great distance before salt water is struck ; this is particularly true in Chicago and the southeastern part of the county. Chicago general statement Many industries in Chicago requiring large amounts of water have been fortunate in being able to secure this supply from underground sources. Until within the past ten years the static head has also been so high that pumping has not been difficult. The wells of Chicago may be divided into two groups: (1) shallow rock wells, less than 500 feet in depth, which obtain water from the Niagaran limestone; (2) deep rock wells which are over 1,000 feet in depth and obtain their main supply of water from the St. Peter sandstone, Prairie du Chien limestone, and "Potsdam" group. SHALLOW ROCK WELLS The shallow rock wells penetrate the Niagaran formation and range from 200 to 500 feet in depth and average 300 to 350 feet. They are usually drilled where only a comparatively small amount of water is required, as not over 20 gallons per minute. The diameter of the surface casing varies from 4 to 8 inches, 6 and 8 inches being the sizes most used. The wells are finished at 3^ to 6 inches in diameter at the bottom, 5 inches being a common size. The yield from these wells is not great; 15 to 20 gallons per minute is about the average, although some wells were reported yielding 25 and 35 gallons, and one at the Crane plant produces 75 gallons per minute. This latter figure is very unusual, and it is evident that a limestone crevice 88 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS has been penetrated which contains much water. It is probable that more water could be obtained from these Niagaran limestone wells by increasing their diameter. However, no large amount of water is con- tained in this formation at Chicago, and the yield from these wells will never in any way compare with that from the deeper rock wells. The water level in the shallow wells is not constant but varies greatly within short distances and is also dependent upon pumpage and the number of wells in the neighborhood. Deep-well steam pumps, either single or double acting, are in general use. DEEP ROCK WELLS HISTORICAL DISCUSSION Probably the first deep rock well drilled in Chicago was sunk in 1864 at the corner of Chicago and Western avenues. 1 A strong flow of water was obtained at a depth of 711 feet, probably in the lower part of the Galena-Platteville limestone. The water rose to a height of 80 feet above the surface or about 111 feet above Lake Michigan. This well has since been abandoned. The water level has greatly lowered since that time so that at present the level in other wells drilled in the vicinity is 150 feet below the surface. This is a lowering of 230 feet, and the present static head is of water from a lower horizon than that penetrated by the well drilled in 1864. Since the drilling of this first well a large number of others have been sunk. It is not possible to determine the total number of wells drilled in the city, as a large number of them have been abandoned. However, from an incomplete record of the abandoned wells that have been located and of the present 125 or more wells in active service, it is probable that since 1864 at least 300 or 350 wells 1,000 feet or more in depth have been drilled. It is hardly apparent that more wells have ever been in operation than at the present time, but as old wells became, clogged and the casings corroded, new wells were sunk instead of re- pairing old ones. The recent tendency is to replace a group of old wells of small bore by one large well. More water has been obtained by this method and at a lower cost of pumping. There is no doubt but that a greater amount of water is pumped at the present time than ever before. WATER-BEARING STRATA St. Peter sandstone. — The earlier deep wells in the city obtained water from the St. Peter sandstone which in 43 logs is found at an 1 Schufeldt, Jr., George A., History of the Chicago artesian well, Chicago, 1865: Religio-Philosophical Publishing Association, Chicago, 1897. COOK COUNTY 89 average depth of 894 feet, with an average thickness of 115 feet. The shallowest depth recorded is in the Stock Yards district, where it is 860 feet, and its greatest depth is in the southeastern part of the city, where it was found to be 988 feet in the Columbia Malting Company well. It may be even deeper in the extreme southeastern corner of the city, as four miles east in Indiana and at practically the same elevation its depth is 1,115 feet. As the number of wells increased in Chicago, less and less water was obtained from the St. Peter horizon, so that at the present time scarcely a well obtains its chief supply from this formation. A test was made of the amount of water that could be obtained from this sand- stone in a well drilled in 1912 at the Western Electric Co. in the western part of the city in which the St. Peter was 145 feet thick and 860 feet deep. The tests indicated that the supply was less than 20 gallons per minute. Prairie du Chien group. — When it was no longer possible to obtain a sufficient supply from the St. Peter, the wells were drilled to 1,200 or 1,300 feet where a sandy and fissured stratum containing considerable water is present in the Prairie du Chien. This sandy stratum will yet yield from a well 6 or 8 inches in bottom diameter, over 100 gallons per minute. However, as a 200-foot bed of sandstone is found at 1,400 feet, the usual practice is to drill through this formation and complete the well at about 1,600 feet. It is not to be inferred that no wells deeper than the St. Peter sand- stone were drilled while this formation yielded large amounts, because wells obtaining water from the "Potsdam" group have been drilled for at least 35 years. The purpose is only to show the gradual deepening of all wells. "Potsdam" group. — The first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group, which has already been referred to as the source of the greatest amount of Chicago's deep well water, is found at an average depth of 1,400 feet. The 29 drillers' logs used in determining the average depth gave also an average thickness of 192 feet. The variation in depth and thickness is probably due in part to the difficulty the drillers have in accurately differentiating the lower sandy member of the Prairie du Chien lime- stone from the main sandstone. There is probably a variation of over 100 feet in the depth with apparently the shallowest depth of 1,385 feet at the Stock Yards. The maximum is in the southeastern part of the city, where it is at least 1,495 feet as shown by the log of the American Malting Company at Kensington. This variation must be due to the dip of the formation, as there is only a difference of a few feet in the surface elevations. 90 ARTESIAN WATERS Of NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The next division of the "Potsdam" group from about 1,600 to 1,875 feet is for the most part a shale, in places slightly dolomitic and sandy. The formation, because of its impervious character, contains very little water. Although a number of the wells penetrate it for a considerable distance, no increased supply of water is thus obtained. A number of the wells draw water from the third division of the "Potsdam", or the lower sandstone. This is struck in the Sears, Roe- buck & Company well in the west-central part of the city at 1,868 feet, and in the Stock Yards well it is found at about 1,875 feet, according to the drillers' logs. The water from this lower sandstone contains a large amount of dissolved mineral matter, particularly sodium chloride or common salt. SIZE OF WELLS AND CASING The wells in Chicago encounter at least two horizons that are likely to cave, and these formations are therefore most commonly cased off. The placing of this casing reduces the size of the hole, so that to secure a well finished at a definite diameter it is necessary to have the hole at the surface much larger. For instance, a typical well that is drilled at present has a hole drilled large enough to admit a 12-inch surface pipe to bed rock. This distance will vary, but is about 75 feet; the hole is then drilled 12 inches in diameter until the Maquoketa shale is passed at about 550 feet. This shale, which is about 200 feet thick, is likely to cave and is therefore cased off with 10-inch pipe. The well is then continued at 10 inches, or slightly less, until the base of the St. Peter is reached at about 1,000 feet, where another caving formation, present at many places, must be cased off with 30 to 60 feet of 8-inch casing, and the well is drilled to completion 8 inches, or slightly less, in diameter. A number of wells of this size and about 1,650 feet in depth have been drilled in Chicago during the past two or three years. These wells have proved satisfactory and yield as high as 700 gallons per minute. A few large wells have been drilled in the Stock Yards district- within the past few years, which have been 20 and 22 inches in diameter at the surface and finished at 15^ or 16 inches. The yield from these large wells has been enormous, one well testing nearly 2,000 gallons per minute for several hours. PUMP AGE Daily Supply. — During the summer of 1914, the number of wells in Chicago over 1,000 feet deep in active service was 125. The pumpage from these wells was over 30,100,000 gallons per 24 hours. Within a circle of a half-mile radius in the Stock Yards 26 wells delivered 13,450,- 200 gallons, or 44.3 per cent of the total daily pumpage from the deep COOK COUNTY 91 wells in the city. Five wells in the Stock Yards area pumped 7,315,200 gallons daily or 54.4 per cent of the pumpage from the wells in the previously mentioned circular area. The pumpage from these five wells is also 24.3 per cent of the total pumpage from the 125 wells in Chicago. (See figure 1.) It was also found that within the past 5 years a number of wells yielding a large amount have been drilled. The wells in active service were divided into two groups according to their age. It was found that 84 had been drilled previous to January 1, 1909, and that 41 had been drilled since that date up to the summer of 1914. The old 84 wells pumped only 13,900,000 or 46.2 per cent of the daily amount, whereas the 41 recently drilled wells pumped the remaining 53.8 per cent (fig. 2). This also corresponds with the great lowering of the static head within the past few years as shown by figure 3. The 30,100,000 gallons of water pumped daily from the deep wells of Chicago is equivalent to a per capita consumption of 100 gallons in a city with a population of 300,000. This amount of water would also cover 100 acres to a depth of one foot. Effects of heavy pumpage. — It is obvious that the more water ob- tained from a well or a group of wells, the greater the effect will be upon neighboring wells. Also, the greater the pumpage, the greater is the circle of influence. The effect of the concentrated pumping in the Stock Yards district undoubtedly exerts an influence over a large area. The contour map of the artesian water table in Chicago (Plate IV) shows this depression at the Stock Yards, and the gradual rise in the static head as the distance from this locality increases. It is difficult, however, to note accurately the pumping effects of any one well or group of wells on others, as each of the many wells in the vicinity affect all the others. The lowering of the water level in any single well during pumping depends upon such factors as : size of well, rate of pumping, presence or absence of casing, and number of neighboring wells. The size of the well plays a greater part in the lowering of level during operation than has commonly been considered in Chicago. This is due to the fact that the main water-bearing horizon lies at a depth of at least 1,400 feet, and the water therefore encounters considerable friction against the walls of the well in rising through this height. Another resistance to flow is the ground friction or the resistance to entrance into the well. Pumping methods. — The greater amount of the artesian water is pumped by means of the air-lift. The pumping equipment of 97 wells or 77.6 per cent of the total 125 wells is the air lift, and these wells pump 26,130,740 gallons or 86.8 per cent of the daily pumpage. The great head 92 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS i Millions of gallons per day 5 lO 15 20 26 30 ■^ J Z^T maa ■ Fig. 1. Diagram showing the amount of water pumped daily in 1914 from: A. All the deep wells in Chicago; B. The 26 wells in the Stock Yards; C. The 99 wells in the rest of Chicago; D. The 5 largest wells in the Stock Yards. A B C Millions of gallons per day 5 lO 15 SO 25 3Q | A B C Wells in Chicago 25 SO 75 IOO 125 150 J_ 1 1 1 I ■ Fig. 2. Diagram showing the amount of water pumped daily and the number of wells in 1914 in Chicago for: A. The entire city; B. The wells drilled prior to 1909; C. The wells drilled from 1909 to 1914. COOK COUNTY 93 to be pumped against (usually 200 or more feet), the flexibility gained, and the few repairs required by the air-lift system are probably the factors that have caused this method to be so widely used. Some of the wells are equipped with double-acting deep-well pumps and two or three multiple-stage turbine pumps are also in use. Accurate pumping costs were difficult to obtain, so very rarely have they been determined. The largest consumers in the Stock Yards dis- trict, who have a number of wells pumped at high pressure, appear to obtain the water at the lowest cost. Some data regarding pumping costs are to be found in the chapter entitled "Wells". STATIC HEAD A large number of measurements of the water level in deep wells were made during the summer of 1914 by the writer and his assistant, Mr. Weiland. Other measurements have been made since that time to note accurately the lowering that has taken place. The methods of determin- ing water level have been outlined in Part I under the discussion of "Static Head." Galena-Platteville formation. — When the first deep well in Chicago was drilled in 1864, the water rose to a height of 80 feet above the surface or to an elevation of 695 feet above sea level. This well was 711 feet deep and probably obtained water from the lower part of the Galena- Platteville limestone. The static head has receded since that time until it is now many feet below the surface. St. Peter sandstone. — The water from the St. Peter sandstone has been practically exhausted in the city and it was therefore not possible to determine its exact head. The well drillers report neither a dropping off nor a rise of the ground-water level in the well, when passing through this sandstone. This generalization regarding the St. Peter does not hold for the Stock Yards district. In drilling a recent well in this area, the surface water was carefully cased off to a depth of 500 feet and very little water was encountered until the St. Peter sandstone was reached. The water then rose to the general level of the "Potsdam" water in the Stock Yards district. This is apparently not the natural static head of the water from the St. Peter sandstone, because, as previously mentioned, in drilling deep wells in other parts of the city very little difference is noted between the ground-water level and that of the St. Peter water. The surface ground- water holds the water level during drilling at about 50 feet, until a depth of from 1,200 to 1,400 feet is reached, when the level drops to a depth varying between 150 and 235 feet, depending upon the part of the city in which the well is located. These latter figures indicate the head of the "Potsdam" water. 94 (ETESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS N U) P) 5 n * * * 3AOBV J.33J Nl NOIXVA313 95 •able watei\ Chicago this nt obtained >mpany was after pass- surface or :h had been ippears that be St. Peter iam" group, :ained in the some water mdstone be- likely to be 3 have been ian water of *roup struck on Plate IV. The area of mer of 1914 I 212 or 214 for the dis- t wells were vas probably 914. A few feet during was at Park 3 summer of i of 565 feet her than that he south part than that at any one well e water level, the measure- truct a curve hey flowed in >ince 1907, no wells of large 94 o 3 "3 1 • ^ 5 §~ > COOK COUNTY 95 The St. Peter sandstone at one time contained considerable water, but tests made within the past few years indicate that in Chicago this source of supply has been practically exhausted. The amount obtained from this stratum in a test made by the Western Electric Company was less than 20 gallons per minute. The water level in the well, after pass- ing through the St. Peter sandstone, was 68 feet below the surface or essentially the same as that of the ground-water table which had been nearly constant since drilling had commenced. Therefore, it appears that in the recently drilled well in the Stock Yards, the head of the St. Peter water which was practically the same as that from the "Potsdam" group, does not represent the actual head of the water originally contained in the St. Peter sandstone. It is, on the other hand, probable that some water from the "Potsdam" group rises and enters the St. Peter sandstone be- cause of lack of casing in neighboring wells. This is very likely to be the case in the Stock Yards district where so many wells have been drilled within such a small area. "Potsdam" group. — The present static head of the artesian water of Chicago is that from the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group struck at about 1,400 feet. This is the water table that is contoured on Plate IV. The water table shows areas of elevation and depression. The area of greatest depression is in the Stock Yards, where in the summer of 1914 the pumping level was about 232 feet below the surface and 212 or 214 feet at rest. These latter figures showing the highest head for the dis- trict were obtained on a Sunday when some of the largest wells were idle. This measurement of 212 feet below the surface was probably the highest head in the Stock Yards during the summer of 1914. A few measurements in October, 1915, showed a level of about 240 feet during pumping and 225 feet at rest. The highest head noted in the vicinity of Chicago was at Park Ridge, northwest of the city. The static head during the summer of j 914 was here 95 feet below the surface or at an elevation of 565 feet .above sea level. This level was approximately 190 feet higher than that for the Stock Yards, about 15 miles to the southeast. In the south part of Chicago, at Riverdale, the head is about 90 feet higher than that at the Stock Yards about 12 miles to the northwest. Data that showed the lowering of the water level in any one well over an extended period of years were not obtainable. The water level, however, is so uniform in the Stock Yards district that the measure- ments from a number of wells have been used to construct a curve (figure 3) showing the lowering of the static head since they flowed in 1889. The greatest lowering is seen to have taken place since 1907, no doubt to be accounted for by the considerable number of wells of large capacity drilled in following years. 96 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS CHEMICAL CHARACTER OF CHICAGO WATERS NIAGARAN FORMATION The shallow rock wells are cased only to bed rock, so as to shut off the surface sand and gravel; therefore this casing generally extends less than 100 feet below the surface. The water is found in the crevices of the limestone, into which it has seeped down slowly as surface water from the overlying drift. Generally a long period of time has elapsed since the water left the surface before it is pumped from the wells. It may have percolated through beds of sand and gravel or flowed through the limestone crevices. The water during this period has been in con- tact with more or less soluble rocks, and it therefore contains some dissolved mineral matter. Most of these dissolved solids are bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium, the soluble forms of limestone, but other salts, such as the sulphated magnesium and the chloride, sulphate and carbonate of sodium are also present in small amounts. Samples of water from the typical shallow wells of Chicago were analyzed by the State Water Survey. The average analysis calculated from 31 samples is shown in Table 7. Table 7. — Average analysis of waters from 31 shallow wells in Chicago (Hypothetical combinations) Parts per Grains per Compound million U.S. gallon Sodium nitrate (NaN0 3 ) 1-82 .11 Sodium chloride (NaCl) 39.77 2.32 Sodium sulphate (Na 2 S0 4 ) 20.92 1.22 Sodium carbonate (Na^C0 3 ) 97.10 5.66 Magnesium carbonate (MgC0 3 ) 39.57 2.31 Calcium carbonate (CaC0 3 ) 38.58 2.25 Iron carbonate (PeC0 3 ) 2.84 .16 Undetermined 17.63 1.03 Total 258.23 15.06 It is believed that the calculated analysis of the 31 analyses repre- sents the average water obtained from the Niagaran limestone in Chicago. This water, although it contains nearly twice the amount of dissolved mineral matter found in Lake Michigan water, is nevertheless considered a soft water. The amount of scale-forming solids is small. The water is used for boiler purposes in a number of factories and scarcely any trouble has been reported; the scale is comparatively soft and easily removed. Altogether 36 samples of shallow-well waters were collected, but as 5 of these waters are somewhat different from the others, they are not COOK COUNTY 97 included in the average analysis. These 5 waters contained some mag- nesium sulphate which was not found in the other 31 analyses. This magnesium sulphate was a negligible amount, less than a grain per gal- lon, except in two cases. The two shallow wells that contained a considerable amount of this scale-forming magnesium salt belong to Hoerbers Brewery and to Miller and Hart. In both cases the exact depth of the well was not known, and there is a possibility that they are deeper than the indicated approximate depths. If such is the case, it explains why the water is harder than that from the usual shallow well, as the water from the lower horizons contains more magnesium sulphate. GALENA-PLATTEVIIXE FORMATION It is difficult to say anything definite concerning the water from the Galena-Platteville limestone, as few wells end in this formation. The wells either do not reach the base of the Niagaran limestone or else they continue to 1,200 feet or more. The water is present in crevices and doubtless the quantity is less than that in the Niagaran. As the forma- tions are both limestones, the characters of the water are probibly similar although that from the Niagaran is likely to contain a greater amount of hydrogen sulphide. ST. PETEE SANDSTONE Very little can be said concerning the mineral character of the St. Peter sandstone water. Only one or two wells in Chicago end in this formation and these well waters show practically no difference from that obtained from the Niagaran limestone, except for a slight increase in mineral content. The wells are of small bore, have only surface-pipe casing, and are equipped with low-capacity pumping equipment so that the greater part of the water may be from the Niagaran limestone. The only well in Chicago thought to end in the St. Peter sandstone and pumping an appreciable amount of water was the one located at the Gutman Tanneries. This well is supposed to be 990 feet in depth, but as it is very old there is some doubt concerning this measurement. The water obtained is very similar to that obtained from wells 1,400 or more feet in depth. As there are a number of wells of this depth in the immediate vicinity, there is a possibility of water from these wells enter- ing the Gutman well either by crevices in the limestone or through the St. Peter sandstone. None of the wells has casing other than the sur- face pipe and that for caving formations. It was thought that water could be obtained from the different strata while a well was being drilled by collecting water from the bottom of the bailer. This was done at the American Malting Company and the 98 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS analyses are given in the appendix. The results were not a success as the .analyses indicate Niagaran limestone or surface water in all cases. The well was cased with surface pipe only so that Niagaran limestone water must have been continually running into the well. Further, the bailer was open at the top, which evidently permitted upper strata water to enter. In order to obtain an accurate sample of the water from any horizon, the casing should be carried completely down to the water- bearing formation. Even with this precaution, it is best to have the well pumped for some time before the sample is collected. If more than one water-bearing stratum is penetrated, and a sample from a par- ticular one is desired it is of course necessary to case off the others. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN GROUP The next water horizon of any importance below the St. Peter sandstone is in the basal part of the "Lower Magnesian" or Prairie du Chien limestone group. This horizon, struck at from 1,200 to 1,300 feet, is characterized by a distinctly sandy and somewhat shaly phase. Grains of glauconite are present and in some cases give a green color to the drillings. Distinct water channels, which may be only sandstone beds, are present ; this horizon is called "the Crevices" by the well drillers because a large part of the well drillings tend to flow away, suggesting the existence of some openings. The water obtained from the wells which stop at about this horizon is not essentially different from that in wells 1,600 to 1,700 feet in depth. These deeper wells draw their main supply from the first sand- stone of the "Potsdam" group which lies immediately below the sandy, glauconiferous stratum of the base of the "Lower Magnesian" lime- stone. This first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group, which is about 200 feet in thickness, is the chief water-bearing formation underlying Chi- cago and the surrounding territory. It is very probable that the escape of water upward from this horizon into the overlying sandy and glau- coniferous stratum accounts for the presence and similarity of the water. "potsdam" group Upper Sandstone Member. — The character of the water from the '"Potsdam" sandstone is shown by over 125 appended analyses. Most of the analyses have been made by the rapid method of boiler-water analysis used in the laboratory of the State Water Survey, although a few of the more complete mineral analyses of representative waters have also been made. The determinations made are given in all cases as well as the calculated hypothetical combinations of ions. In order to determine the average composition of the water from I he (nst sandstone of the "Potsdam" group, the average analysis was COOK COUNTY 99 calculated of the waters from 57 wells pumping over 75 gallons per minute and ranging in depth from 1,200 to 1,750 feet. The pumping restrictions were applied because it was found that wells which delivered less than 75 gallons per minute were influenced by waters from the uncased upper strata. "POTSDAM" GROUP Table 8. — Mean analysis of the waters from 57 representative wells in Chicago pumping over 7 J gallons per minute and ranging in depth from 1,200 to 1,750 feet. Parts per Grains per Dissolved solids million U. S. gallon Sodium nitrate (NaN0 3 ) . 2.09 .12 Sodium chloride (NaCl) 334.84 19.52 Sodium sulphate (Nel-SOO 265.72 15.49 Magnesium sulphate (MgSOJ 184.26 10.74 Calcium sulphate (CaSOJ 226.86 13.22 Calcium carbonate (CaC0 3 ) 212.30 12.55 Iron carbonate (FeC0 3 ) 1.14 .06 Undetermined 51.05 2.98 Total 1,278.26 74.68 A list is also added showing the number of wells of the different depths that comprise the above group of 57. Number of wells of the different depths Depth Feet Number 1200—1300 5 1301—1400 5 1401—1500 4 1501—1600 15 1601—1700 25 1701—1750 3 Total 57 It is seen that 40 out of the 57, or 70.2 per cent, range in depth from 1,501 to 1,700 feet. This also represents the depth of the average deep well in Chicago. A number of these wells extend below the first "Potsdam" sandstone, in some cases for 150 feet, but the underlying formation is a shale for the most part and contains scarcely any water. The average of the 57 analyses indicates that the water contains a considerable amount of mineral matter. It might be called a sulphate water, although considerable sodium chloride and calcium carbonate are also present. The detrimental constituents from the point of view of boiler usage are the sulphates of magnesium and calcium, present in large 100 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS amounts. These salts, in the quantities indicated, produce a hard, heavy scale when the water is used in boilers. The water could be softened, but it is not done in Chicago because of the accessibility of the soft lake water. There is a possibility that the water from the first "Potsdam" sandstone has a lower mineral content than that indicated by the average of the 57 analyses. This would be due to the lack of casing in the wells and the consequent addition of water from the Prairie du Chien lime- stone. However, in view of the fact that some wells in the Stock Yards which do not extend below the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" series deliver over 1,000 gallons per minute, it would seem that the greater amount of the water is from this sandstone. The water has a pleasant taste and is used for drinking purposes in many manufacturing plants. The water is used in those industries which require a large amount of water and where the mineral content is not a factor. For example it is used extensively for cooling and washing pur- poses. The temperature of the water, about 59° F., and the absence of variation with the seasons, is in many cases an advantage. The iron con- tent, although not high, is nevertheless in some instances sufficient to discolor wash basins and other porcelain ware. Some of the largest users of the deep well water are the packing houses, breweries, malting houses, vinegar manufacturers, steel mills, and cold storage companies. Middle sandstone member. — The middle sandstone member of the "Potsdam" group is struck in Chicago at about 1,600 feet and is from 300 to 350 feet thick. This formation is composed of siliceous and dolomitic shales intercalated with beds of shaly dolomite and dolomitic sandstone, a few feet thick, and of such a character that it could not be a water- bearing formation of any importance. Data regarding the character of the water from this stratum were obtained in drilling the Sears, Roebuck & Company well in 1912. This well was originally drilled to a depth of 2,057 feet, but salt water was struck and the lower 189 feet was later filled in with concrete, leaving a depth of 1,868 feet. Through the courtesy of Mr. Mory, chemical director of this com- pany, analyses are here given of the waters from the lower depths. Samples were obtained by collecting the water from the boiler. The log of the well indicates a 26-foot bed of sandstone at 1,822 feet and tests showed that the water from that horizon contained very little, if any, permanent hardness. The analyses suggest a similar water to a depth of 1,960 feet. The waters below this horizon and to the final depth of 2.057 feet, show a rapid increase in the mineral content, particularly in sodium chloride, or common salt. The well was first drilled to a depth of 1,960 feet and cased with 1,788 feet of 8-inch discharge pipe. The bot- tom of the casing was sealed with 2 feet of concrete. The well as thus COOK COUNTY 101 equipped obtained water from 192 feet of strata, comprising the base of the shaly second division of the "Potsdam" group as well as some 90 feet of the upper sandstone of the third division. An analysis of the water from this horizon, made by the State Water Survey, is given. The total mineral content is 1,770.3 parts per million, by far the larger part of which is made up of the chloride and sulphate salts of sodium. It will be noticed that the scale-forming magnesium sulphate is present in a small amount, 57.6 parts per million, or 3.36 grains per gallon. There is, however, a considerable calcium carbonate content. The amount of water obtained with this piping arrangement was small, about 75 gallons per minute, and in order to increase the flow, the casing was cut off at a depth of 1,547 feet and 694 feet of pipe removed, leaving a length of 853 feet extending down from the surface. This discharge pipe was firmly sealed at the base with a rubber packer. The removal of this length of casing permitted the entrance of waters from the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group and any other higher water-bearing horizons below 853 feet and the flow was increased to over 500 gallons per minute. The well was also filled in with concrete to a depth of 1,868 feet. The analysis of the water was obtained with this new pumping equipment is given. On comparison with the water delivered when the casing extended to 1,788 feet, it is seen that the water obtained with the shorter casing is much harder. There is a considerable increase in the sulphates of magnesium and calcium and no sodium sulphate, although it is possible that another analysis might show a small amount of this latter salt. These data seem to indicate that a small amount of water can be obtained from the second division of the "Potsdam" group which is softer than that from the first "Potsdam" sandstone. The mineral content of this softer water is as great as that from the higher horizons, but the amount of hard scale-forming salts is less. The Sears, Roebuck & Com- pany data show, however, that to obtain this water it is necessary to case to below the first "Potsdam" sandstone, which is at least 1,600 feet, and that only a small amount of water can be expected. In this instance the discharge pipe was 8 inches in diameter with a 6-inch hole below and only about 75 gallons per minute were obtained. The lowering in water level when this amount was being pumped is not known, but it was undoubt- edly great. After the removal of the 694-foot length of pipe, over 500 gallons per minute were obtained with the same pumping equipment ; the lowering in the water level while operating was probably 20 or 25 feet. Lower sandstone member. — The lower division of the "Potsdam" group is a succession of sandstones the downward extension of which is not known, although they have been penetrated in this vicinity to a depth of at least 2,300 feet. They are generally struck in Chicago at a depth 102 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS of about 1,900 feet ; in the Sears, Roebuck & Company well they are en- countered at 1,868 feet. An increase in the salinity or total mineral con- tent accompanies the increase in depth; this is shown in the analyses of the water from the lower strata in the Sears, Roebuck & Company well. A number of wells in the Stock Yards district, 2,000 or more feet in depth, deliver a water of high salinity, a high chlorine and sodium content being particularly characteristic. The greatest salinity of any well water in Chicago is possessed by that from the Oleomargarine House well of Morris & Company; the depth is approximately 2,300 feet. The mineral analysis of this water is given in the appendix. The salinity is 5,350 parts per million of which 2,900 are chlorine and 1,232 sodium. The hypothetical combinations show a very large amount of sodium chloride and the chlorides of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The carbonate and sulphate salts of calcium are also conspicuous. The salt content of this water is so high that it has a brackish taste and is impossible for drinking purposes. The water from the 2,164-foot well at the Independent Brewery is interesting because of the high content of sodium sulphate. The total mineral content is similar to that of the water from other wells of approximately this depth, but these wells usually have a much greater amount of chlorine. Local Supplies vicinity of chicago BLUE ISLAND A few deep wells have been drilled in Blue Island, and the water obtained is essentially similar to that from wells of corresponding depths in Chicago. Analyses of water from representative deep wells are given. The succession of strata does not vary noticeably from that in Chi- cago, so that the main -water-bearing formation is penetrated at about 1,450 feet. This is the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group, approxi- mately 200 feet thick. Therefore the average well is about 1,650 feet in depth, although the gas plant of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois has a well of 2,100 ± feet in depth. This well was drilled in 1912 and is reported to have overflowed when a depth of 1,940 feet was reached. There is no log of this well, but it is probable that at about this depth the lower sandstones of the "Potsdam" group were struck ; the water from these lower strata has a somewhat greater head than that from the higher beds. However, the curb elevation of this well is from 40 to 50 feet lower than that of other wells in the vicinity, as, for instance, those at the Blue Island Water Works ; this accounts in part for the apparently greater head. The present water COOK COUNTY 10 & level in the gas plant well is not known, but there has been a consider- able lowering since the well was drilled as a deep well pump has been in use for at least three years. The analysis of this water shows a higher mineral content than that of waters from shallower wells. The water has also a strong gaseous odor but as there is only a small amount of casing, this is probably due to the leakage from surface waters which have been affected by wastes from the gas house. The municipal water supply of Blue Island had been obtained until August 1915, from 3 wells ranging in depth from 1,100 ± to 1,649 feet. At the above time arrangements were made to buy lake water from Chicago and the deep well pumpage was discontinued. The reasons for the change were the desire to obtain a softer water, the development of a gaseous odor in one of the wells, and the rapid lowering of the static head. The gaseous odor in the well water, noticed in the early part of 1914, is probably related to the gas works about 1,000 feet to the south- west and at a lower elevation. It may be that because of lack of casing, surface water enters the deep well at the gas plant and finally by under- ground connections reaches the deep wells at the city water works. Other instances of a similar nature have been noted; at Joliet a new well situated near an abandoned gas plant developed an odor which could not be removed even by pumping to waste nearly a million gallons per day for a year. A 350-foot well in Chicago developed a very noticeable gas odor when a gas plant was built about 800 feet away. The well had been in use 14 years and no gas had been noted, but a year after the gas plant began operation the gaseous odor became very noticeable. The oldest records regarding the water levels at the Blue Island wells are from 1910. In March of that year the static head of the water in the 1,649-foot well was 172 feet below the surface at rest or at an elevation of 469 feet above sea level ; pumping at the rate of 380 gallons per minute for 24 hours lowered the water 33 feet. Measurements made on this well June 11, 1914, indicated a working level of 251.5 feet during pumping at the rate of about 300 gallons per minute; the other 2 wells were each pumping about 200 gallons per minute. The 3 wells are situated at the corners of a triangle, the sides of which are approximately 125 feet in length. After being shut down for 2.5 hours the water level in the one well rose 11 feet; the other wells were still in operation. In 1914 the water level was reported to be about 230 feet when all the wells were shut down : this would indicate a lowering of 58 feet in 4 years. 104 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS HARVEY The city of Harvey, which is a little over 3 miles south and east of Blue Island, obtains its water from four deep wells. The average depth is 1,600 feet. The succession of strata and their depths are similar to those in the south part of Chicago. The main water-bearing formation is pene- trated at 1,400 to 1,450 feet and is approximately 200 feet in thickness. The analyses in the appendix indicate that the water is hard and contains a rather high mineral content; it is similar to that from wells in Chicago and Blue Island of corresponding depths. The low mineral content of the No. 1 well water is very probably due to dilution by water from the Niagaran limestone, as the casing is in poor condition, and only a small amount of water is pumped. It is reported that the first well was drilled to a depth of 2,100 or 2,200 feet, but salt water was encountered, and the well was later plugged at about 1,600 feet. This indicates that a well of 1,600 to 1,650 feet gives the best results, as the shales and dolomites immediately underlying this depth contain practically no water, and the sandstone at around 1,900 and 2,000 feet yields a salt water or at least one of a high mineral content. The static level at Harvey, in common with that of Chicago and nearby cities, has lowered considerably during the past few years. The figures below indicate the lowering in No. 4 well since 1911 ; the depth is l,600±feet. Surface elevation is 600± feet. Water levels in well No. k, Harvey Date April, '11 Sept., '12 March, '13 March, '14 June, '14 June, '15 Feet below surface 105 116 120 130 135 155 The present water level is much higher than at Blue Island, although it is to be expected that the static head at Harvey should be 40 ± feet above the former because of difference in surface elevations. This, however, does not account for all of the difference; it may be that the lower level at Blue Island is due to heavy pumpage and proximity of other wells. The level at Harvey in 1915 was only 17 ± feet below that at Riverdale, %V 2 miles to the north and east. This is a good com- parison. RIVERDALE The village of Riverdale obtains a part of its municipal supply from a Niagaran-limestone well of 434 feet in depth. The water in 1910 was 15 feet from the surface, but had lowered to 46 feet in 1914. The yield is about L25 gallons per minute, but pumping at the rate of 140 gallons per minute for 12 hours lowers the level to 200 feet below the surface. COOK COUNTY 105 Evidently a fissure containing a good flow was struck in drilling this well, as other wells in this vicinity of the same depth yield very little water. However, wells of 1,650 feet in depth will produce a good sup- ply. The static head of the first "Potsdam" sandstone water was 143 feet below the surface or at an elevation of 452 ± feet. This measure- ment was obtained in October, 1915, at the 1,720-foot well of the Pope Sugar Beet Factory. SOUTHEASTERN COOK COUNTY GENERAL STATEMENT No good records have been obtained from southeastern Cook County south of Chicago city limits and east of Harvey. A set of drillings, how- ever, has been studied from the 1,840-foot well of the Grasselli Chemical Company at East Chicago, approximately 4 miles east of the state line at Hammond. The first "Pottsdam" sandstone was penetrated here at a depth of 1,636 feet. This indicates that the strata have an eastward dip of about 18 feet per mile. Therefore in order to pass through the first "Potsdam" sandstone, the wells in this part of the county should be about 1,750 feet in depth. The static head in the Grasselli well was reported as 92 feet below the surface or an elevation of 495 ± feet; this is high when compared with those to the west. No analysis of the water was obtained, but it probably has a mineral content as high as, or even higher than that at Harvey. The region south of a line through Palos, Homewood, and Glen- wood has a greater relief and a heavier mantle of drift than the Chicago plain to the north. Therefore in prospecting for a water supply in locali- ties underlain by the heavy deposit of sand and gravel, it should be determined whether a sufficient yield could be obtained from depths of a few hundred feet before drilling deeper. 106 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Log of well owned by Graselli Chemical Co., East Chicago, Ind., in the 8E. 1/Jf sec. 33, T. 31 N., R. 9 W. Elevation — 587 feet Drilled in 1915 by the Needham Well Co., Chicago. Generalized section a ' b Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Sand and gravel; no samples. 40 40 Devonian system (and Mississippian?) Shale, calcareous 32 72 Shale, very dark gray 29 101 Shale, calcareous or argillaceous limestone 49 150 Silurian system Niagaran limestone Dolomite, gray to brownish gray 490 640 Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale, bluish gray 135 775 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, light brown 341 1116 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, colorless, fine to medium grained 64 1180 Prairie du Chien group ("Lower Magnesian" limestone) Chert and sand 11 1191 Dolomite, light gray to gray 314 1505 Sandstone, with glauconite grains 26 1531 Dolomite, sandy, glauconiferous 105 1636 Cambrian system "Potsdam" group Sandstone, colorless, fine to medium grained 201 1837 Dolomite, sandy, glauconiferous 3 1840 a The detailed log of this well compiled from study of samples is to be found in the Survey files if desired for reference. b Mr. Ulrich has examined this log- and has made the following comments: "Fail to see any grounds for referring all beds between depths 40-150 feet to the Devonian". He suggests that the sample of 101-150 feet may be Devonian, but that between 40-101 feet probably represents Kinderhook. Regarding the interval be- tween 775-1116 feet he says of the "Galena-Trenton limestone", as this interval bad been designated in the log sent him: "This term is a misnomer whatever this interval may represent. It is certain that most of the interval is of the age of the Black River stage. The typical Galena is younger and in my opinion of Trenton — probably early Trenton — age. At present, however, it is doubtful if any typical Galena occurs in eastern Wisconsin and northeastern Illinois. At least I have not observed Ordovician dolomites in east Wisconsin that are unquestionably younger than Black River. As a formation name the term Galena dolomite requires redefinition. It should be con- fined to beds above Chamberlin's 'Upper Blue' ". Regarding the interval between 1180-1505 feet which is designated "Lower Magnesian" limestone, Mr. Ulrich says: "For Immediate purposes it is not improper to call these beds 'Lower Magnesian' limestone, but the term should be in quotation marks and followed by (Shakopee COOK COUNTY 107 and Oneota dolomites) in parenthesis, as here written. I object to Prairie du Chien, and shall recommend its abandonment." The interval between 1505 and 1531 feet seems to be the Madison sandstone, according- to Mr. Ulrich, and 1531-1636 feet most probably represents the Mendota dolomite. "Glauconite is not common in these formations in Wisconsin. Though occasionally present, I doubt that it is either here or there an original deposit. Like much of the quartz sand, so also this glauconite was washed out of preceding Cambrian deposits and redeposited in the early Ozarkian formations." About the interval between 1636-1488 feet he is doubtful — "It may be basal Mendota." The interval between 1648-1837 feet "is probably Jordan sandstone, with a good chance that the upper part includes reworked sands that were redeposited in the succeeding Ozarkian period". And finally the strata between 1837-1840 feet are "probably a dolomite of the kind often found in the upper part of the St. Law- rence." CHICAGO HEIGHTS The city supply of Chicago Heights is furnished by 4 wells 12 inches in diameter which penetrate the Niagaran limestone to a depth of about 300 feet. These wells yield 3,500,000 gallons per 24 hours, although 1,500 gallons per minute can be obtained from a single well. The appended analyses show that it is a hard water, although the mineral content is lower than that obtained from deep wells. The static level in these wells has also dropped during the past 20 years, as seen from the table below ; the surface elevation is 656 feet. Water Levels at Chicago Heights. Feet below Date surface 1894 4 June, 1908 39 November, 1908 43 January, 1909 50 September, 1909 52 July, 1914 60 This represents the gradual lowering of the surface water table and is entirely distinct from the recession of the artesian static head which is so noticeable in Chicago. The city of Chicago Heights is a manufacturing town and a large number of factories have their own wells. It is the combined pumpage in the city that has lowered the water table. The figures show that lowering has been more gradual in the past 5 years than in the previous 2 years, indicating that at the present pumpage only a slight lowering is to be expected in the future. The collecting area of this water is the heavy belt of glacial drift to the south and west, the Valparaiso morainic system. This morainic area is at a higher elevation than Chicago Heights so that the rainfall which seeps into the drift and finally into the underlying fissured lime- stone, flows by hydrostatic pressure to the lower points. The village of South Chicago Heights has a deep well, the exact depth of which is 108 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS not known, although reported to be 2,500 feet. However, the mineral content, temperature, and static head indicate that the water is obained from the drift or Niagaran limestone. A well a few hundred feet in depth would yield the same quality and quantity of water. MATTESON Matteson has a 10-inch well which is 282 feet in depth. The water is obtained from the Niagaran limestone and is similar to that at Chicago Heights. The water level is 14 feet from the surface and recedes 8 feet in pumping at the rate of 200 gallons per minute. This level was main- tained on a continuous test of 8 hours. SOUTHWESTERN COOK COUNTY GENERAL STATEMENT The southwestern part of the county is covered by a heavy mantle of drift, which is part of the Valparaiso morainic system. This sand and gravel formation is a good collecting reservoir for the rainfall. It is therefore possible in many places to obtain a good supply of water from wells a few hundred feet in depth, which penetrate the Niagaran limestone. In case a supply is not obtained at the shallower depths, drilling could be continued to the St. Peter, or first "Potsdam" sandstone. The St. Peter will probably be reached at from 850 to 1,000 feet, depending on surface elevation and dip of strata. This formation was found at 915 feet at Tinley Park and reported to be 146 feet in thick- ness ; surface elevation is 690± feet. The St. Peter water level at Tinley Park was 10 feet below the surface in July, 1915. Wells which are intended to pass through the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group would have to be from 1,500 to 1,700 feet in depth, because of varia- tions in surface relief. It is not possible to predict exactly the quality of the water obtain- able from these lower strata, although there is every reason for believing it will be of good quality. The mineral content will probably be rather high so that it will not be usable in boilers unless treated. Along the valley of the Desplaines River the depths to the water- bearing formations will be from 75 to 100 feet less than on the uplands bordering the stream. A number of springs occur along the base of the Desplaines River bluffs, as, for instance, at Willow Springs. LEMONT The municipal supply is obtained from a well 2,284 feet in depth. The mineral content is rather high, but the water is not hard as com- mon salt is the principal mineral and the sulphates of calcium and mag- COOK COUNTY 109 nesium are absent. A 1,600-foot well would probably yield a water of lower salinity. The water level was reported as 42 feet below the surface in 1912 and 53 feet in 1914. The surface elevation is 590± feet. WESTERN COOK COUNTY ARGO The Corn Products Refining Company at Argo, about a mile south and a little west of Summit, has 7 deep wells in operation. The geo- logical succession is indicated by the following log: Log of well No. 8, Corn Products Refining Co., Argo, III., NE. 1/4 NE 1/4 sec. 23 T. 38 N., R. 12 E. Elevation — 590 feet Drilled Aug.-Dec. 1914 by S. B. Geiger, Chicago Generalized section* Thickness Depth Description strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent (samples missing) 38 38 Silurian system Niagaran limestone (samples missing) 310 348 Ordovician system ' Maquoketa shale (samples missing) 147 495 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, gray, crystalline 305 800 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, colorless, well rounded grains 260 1060 Shale, gray b 30 1090 a The detailed log of this well, compiled from study of samples, is to be found in the Survey files if needed for reference. b Mr. Ulrich has the following to say in regard to the interval between 1060 and 1125 feet: "Finely laminated, hard, siliceous rock (would not like to call it shale) occurs in places in southeastern Wisconsin between the typical St. Peter and the Shakopee. Sometimes it includes, or is associated with, heavy chert con- glomerate; and frequently there are red streaks or beds with the white. I regard these local deposits as erosion products, accumulated when the first Ordovician sea (the St. Peter) invaded this area. At one of these occurrences in Wisconsin I found these siliceous deposits transgressing the beveled edges of the Shakopee and finally resting on beds well down in the Oneota". As to the 90-foot interval between 1125 and 1215 feet, Mr. Ulrich is "inclined to regard this as Oneota and the Shakopee as absent". Of the strata between 1215 and 1255 feet, he says: "A few inches to 3 or 4 feet of green shale with chert is found at the base of the Oneota in many of the sections in "Wisconsin. Commonly a large part of the chert is oolitic. Despite its much greater thickness (40 feet) in this well, I am strongly inclined to correlate this cherty shale with the otherwise similar deposit at the base of the Oneota in Wisconsin." The interval between 1255 and 1345 feet, and probably 1345 and 1355 feet is "evidently the Madison sandstone and Mendota dolomite". Between 1355 and 1535 feet, Mr. Ulrich considers the strata to be Jordan. Of the rocks between 1535 and 1795 feet and probably 1795 and 1825 feet, he says: "All of this suggests only the St. Lawrence. I doubt that the drill reached the Franconia". 110 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Log of well No. 8 — Concluded Thickness Depth Description strata Feet Feet Prairie du Chien group Chert, dolomite and siliceous oolite 7 1097 Shale, red and gray 28 1125 Dolomite, gray, crystalline 90 1215 Shale, greenish-gray 30 1245 Chert, white and gray 10 1255 Sandstone, contains glauconite . 60 1315 Sandstone, dolomitic, contains glauconite 20 1335 Dolomite, sandy 10 1345 Cambrian system "Potsdam'' group Sandstone, colorless, rounded quartz grains 205 1550 Shale, light gray to bluish green 50 1600 Shale, dark red or chocolate-colored 90 1690 Shale, green 55 1745 Dolomite , 50 1795 Shale, bright green 15 1810 "Limestone" (samples missing) 15 1825 Sandstone 49 1874 The extraordinary thickness of the St. Peter sandstone at this place is noteworthy, especially on comparison with the record at Summit. The combined yield of the 7 wells in July, 1915, was 1,250,000 gallons per 24 hours during continuous operation. The pumpage per well is not as great as for wells of similar size in Chicago and there is a possibility that some water escapes into the uncased St. Peter sandstone which is here over 250 feet in thickness. It may be mentioned that the yield of one of the wells was increased from 275 to 435 gallons per minute by shooting the water-bearing stratum with nitroglycerine. The first well was drilled in 1907 but the original static head is not known. However, on evidence from the Clearing wells, it was probably about 100 feet below the surface. In July, 1914, the water level in No. 2 well was 212 feet below the surface while all other wells were in opera- tion. The water levels in the other wells were approximately the same. The wells are from 450 to 1,200 feet apart. A more complete test was made upon well No. 2 on July 5, 191.5. The entire 7 wells were shut down at 5 :45 a. m. and the first measure- ment obtained was at 7:13 a. m. The water level was then 223.5 feet be- low the ground surface. The ground elevation is 592 feet. Measure- ments were taken at frequent intervals during the following 9 hours. During the first two hours the total rise was 8 feet after which time the rate of recovery was much slower. At 4:33 p. m. the level was 191.5 feet below the surface and still rising at the rate of about a foot per COOK COUNTY 111 hour. This gave a total rise of 32 feet for the nine hours and twenty minutes, however, it is to be noted that the first measurement was not taken until 88 minutes after cessation of pumping. The test could not be continued longer as it was necessary to begin pumping. This well was delivering about 600 gallons per minute ; the other wells yield only 150 to 485 gallons per minute. No. 2 well is 1,507 feet in depth ; the casing reported is 73 feet of 15-inch O. D. drive pipe to bed rock and 225 feet of 9^-inch casing for the Maquoketa shale; the well was finished at 8 inches. A popular air lift system was in use at this plant until recently, but at the present time the following method is in use. Tests are made upon a well to determine its yield at the available air pressure. A discharge pipe is then used the diameter of which is slightly less than that required to deliver the water at the well's rated capacity. The purpose is to have the discharge pipe completely filled with water at all times. The only nozzle used is a perforated pipe about 5 or 6 feet in length which is screwed to the end of the air pipe. The holes are numerous, about yi inch in diameter and drilled in at an angle. The management states that better results are obtained with this new pumping arrangement. The appended analyses of the waters indicate that they are fairly heavily mineralized as is customary from wells of these depths. The No. 7 water is somewhat softer, which may be either due to dilution from upper strata water or because a softer water is obtained from the greater depths ; the former inference seems the more probable. BELLEWOOD The village of Bellewood in 1913 completed a 1,538-foot well which passes through the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group. The well is 12 inches in diameter at the surface and finished at 8 inches. The yield was over 200 gallons per minute on a 100-hour pumping test. The water level was reported to be 75 feet below the surface in June, 1911; the surface elevation is 635 ± feet. The municipal supply is obtained from a well approximately 1,600 feet in depth penetrating the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group. The static head was reported as 113 feet below the surface in Septem- ber, 1909, and 166 feet in June, 1914. The surface elevation is 605 ± feet. CLEARING The Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Company has 3 deep wells at their Clearing yards in the SW. J 4 sec. 21, T. 38 N., R. 13 E. 112 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The wells are approximately 1,600 feet in depth and the geological suc- cession is similar to that at Argo about 3 miles to the west. The St. Peter sandstone at Clearing has its usual thickness of approximately .125 feet ; this is in contrast with the much greater thickness at Argo. The main water-bearing formation is the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group. These wells were drilled in 1901 and at that time the static head was 93 feet below the surface or at an elevation of 524 feet. In common with other wells in the Chicago area, the static head has been gradually low- ering since that time. The recession in the water level since 1901 is given in Table I. The water level in July, 1914, was 212 feet below the surface after the wells had been shut down for over 4 hours. Measurements showed that the water was still rising at the end of this period at the rate of 3 inches per hour. The chemical analyses indicate that the water is fairly heavily mineralized. It is similar to that at Argo and Summit. A new well, 16 inches in diameter at the surface and 8 inches at the bottom, was drilled in 1912. This well has not proved satisfactory as a yield of only 120 gallons per minute could be obtained with a sub- mergence of 257 feet. The water level was reported at 145 feet. The. well was also tested with 420 feet of air pipe with about the same yield as in the previously mentioned test. The water level would drop so low, however, that a large amount of air would be discharged. This well is 1,605 feet in depth and penetrates the first "Potsdam" sandstone which in hundreds of other wells yields 200 and more gallons per minute. This well has only 36 feet surface drive pipe and 10-inch casing for the Maquoketa shale. It therefore seems very probable that crevices in the limestone have been struck in drilling which carry away a large amount of the water. There is also a possibility of the St. Peter sandstone causing some leakage. The remedy for this loss would be more casing. FOREST PARK The city owns two "Potsdam" wells which are 1,650 ± and 2,012 feet in depth. The 2,012-foot well is 14 inches in diameter at the sur- face and is finished at 8 inches ; the other and older well is somewhat smaller. The deeper well is operated to a greater extent and delivers over 750 gallons per minute ; both wells are pumped in summer and at other times of large consumption. The average daily pumpage for May, 191.5, was 596,000 gallons per day. The 2,012-foot well is pumped by a six-stage turbine pump and the shallower well is equipped with an air-lift system. COOK COUNTY 113 The static level was reported as being 93 feet below the surface in November, 1901. The level February 4, 1914, was 163 feet below the surface after the 2,012-foot well had been shut down for 25 minutes ; the wells are about 25 feet apart. On February 22, 1915, the level in the 2,012-foot well was 182.7 feet after the well had been closed down for several hours; however, the l,650±-well was delivering 390 gallons per minute. The surface elevation is 625 ± feet. The mineral analysis of the 2,012-foot well indicates a somewhat mineralized water, but the total content of dissolved solids is rather low for this depth. A little hydrogen sulphide gas was noted, particularly in the l,650±-foot well; evidently some water is obtained from the fissured Niagaran limestone. ' LA GRANGE The municipal supply of La Grange is furnished by 3 deep wells operated by the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. The wells are approximately 2,000 feet in depth and the water is obtained from the "Potsdam" and overlying strata. La Grange is at the western border of the Chicago plain and toward the west begins the Valparaiso morainic system. This morainic area is at a greater elevation, has more relief, and is covered by a heavier mantle of drift than the region to the east. There is therefore a strong probability that this elevated area acts as a collecting reservoir and that after the water reaches the under- lying, fissured limestone it flows by hydrostatic pressure to lower points. This may explain the occasional occurrence of flowing shallow wells in the eastern part of La Grange. It is also very probable that the deep wells receive considerable additions of water from the Niagaran limestone which is not cased off. This inference is strengthened when the analyses are compared with those from the shallow Niagaran limestone wells at Hinsdale, 3 miles to the west. The La Grange wells range in size from 6 inches in diameter at the bottom to 16 inches at the surface. They are capable of yielding to- gether at least 1,400 gallons per minute. The No. 3 well, which was drilled in 1910, delivered 1,020 gallons per minute on a 24-hour test. The temperature of the water from No. 2 was 56.5° F., which is low for a 2,000-foot well ; this may be due to the cooling effect of upper- strata water. There has been a lowering of the static level as in other deep wells of this territory, but the recession is not as marked. The following water levels were furnished by the operating company. Surface ele- vation is 635 ± feet. 114 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Recession in artesian water level at La Grange Static Working feet below feet below Date surface surface 1910 '. 47 53 1911 53 60 1912 58 70 1913 65 80 1914 70 99 LYONS The village water supply is obtained from a well 1,595 feet in depth, penetrating the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group. The well was drilled in 1908, at which time the water level was 105 feet below the surface or at an elevation of 510 feet. The recession since that time is indicated below. Recession in artesian toater level at Lyons Feet below Date surface July, 1908 105 December, 1912 128 July, 1914 137 This is a very moderate lowering as compared with that at Argo and Clearing. However, the well at Lyons is pumped at the rate of only about 50 gallons per minute. The analysis given in the appendix represents a fairly highly min- eralized water similar to that from other wells in the neighborhood of corresponding depths. MAYWOOD The water supply of the city is obtained from a 1,605-foot "Pots- dam" well. The size is 16 inches in diameter at the surface and 8 inches at the bottom. There is also another well of similar depth but smaller bore which is equipped so that it is available in emergencies. The geo- logical succession is indicated by the following driller's log: Driller's record of well at Maywood Elevation — 630± feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Soil, sand, clay 52 52 Limestone (Niagaran) 298 350 Shale (Maquoketa) 220 570 Limestone (Galena-Platteville) 270 840 Sandstone (St. Peter) 140 980 Limestone ( Prairie du Chien ) 420 1400 Sandstone ( "Potsdam" ) 190 1590 Limestone ("Potsdam") 15 1605 COOK COUNTY 115 The yield from the 1,605-foot well was reported as 700 gallons per minute for 23 hours per day. The water is fairly highly mineralized and similar to that at Melrose which is about 1.5 miles to the west. The temperature of the water was 57.7° F. The following static levels were reported : Water levels at Maywood; elevation, 630± feet Feet below Date surface July, 1907 80 July, 1908 90 July, 1909 100 July, 1910 110 July, 1911 114 July, 1912 140 July, 1913 180 . 5 August, 1914 213 a a When pumping- 700 gallons per min. These levels seem very low when compared with those at Melrose. There is a probability that the wells had not entirely come to rest when the measurements were made. Also, the well is being pumped at a very high rate which would tend to lower the water level. The measurement of 1914 was made by the writer while the well was in operation. The American Can Company, located a few hundred feet east of the Maywood city well, has two "Potsdam" wells. One of these was drilled in 1915 and the water level was reported at rest as 95 feet. This would indicate that the level in the city well has been greatly lowered by the heavy pumpage. mp:leose The municipal supply is furnished by two "Potsdam" wells, 1,620 and 1,571 feet in depth. The 1,620-foot or the older well, is 16 inches in diameter at the surface, and although it is only 4^g inches at the bottom, nevertheless the yield is 420 gallons per minute. However, the old well is only 50 ± feet south of the new large well, so that there undoubtedly is underground connection between them by means of the fissures in the limestone. The new well is 16 inches at the surface and 8 inches at the bottom and delivers 520 gallons per minute. These yields refer to the wells when they are operating separately, and it is probable that the delivery per well would not be as great when they are pumping together. The water analyses indicate a somewhat mineralized water which is similar to that obtained from like depths in this locality. 116 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The static head as reported is given below ; the surface elevation is 630± feet. Recession in artesian water level at Melrose Date Feet below surface Remarks October, 1912 75 About 85 when pumping May, 1914 80 Lowers 9 feet in pumping; recovers in 3 hours The water level in the 1,571-foot well was 97.5 feet below the sur- face when pumping at the rate of 520 gallons per minute ; the other well was at rest. The well was shut down for an hour and a rise of 12 feet was noted with the water still rising at the rate of 1 foot per hour. The water levels in the 2 wells were found to be the same. PROVISO TOWNSHIP The Chicago and North Western Railway Company has drilled 8 wells at their Proviso yards which range in depth from 1,200 to 1,850 feet. The geological succession as determined by Prof. T. E. Savage from a study of the drillings is given below. Log of well No. 3, Chicago and North Western Railway Co., 8E. 1/4 NW. 1/4 sec. 5, T. 39 N., R. 12 E. Elevation— 643.6 feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and recent deposits Surface material, yellow clay and pebbles 5 5 Clay, gray ; with pebbles 25 30 Drift till, pebbles 43 73 Silurian system Niagaran limestone Limestone, light gray, dense, fine-grained, subcrystalline. . 172 245 Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale, bluish gray 233 478 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, light gray, fine grained 130 608 Dolomite, powdered, fine grained 77 685 Dolomite, fragmentary; small amount of rounded quartz sand grains 125 810 St. Peter sandstone Quartz sand, white, clean, well rounded 150 960 Prairie du Chien group Dolomite and limestone, fine grained, light gray; mixed with fragments of drab shale 70 1030 Dolomite, finely powdered; slight reaction with cold acid 150 1180 COOK COUNTY 117 Log of well No. 3, C. & N. W. By. Co. — Concluded Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Dolomite, gray finely powdered, mixed with a consider- able amount of rounded sand grains; slight reaction with cold acid 50 1230 Sandstone, brown to pink, fine grained. Larger frag- ments contain specks of a black mineral, probably glauconite 40 1270 Dolomite, gray; slight reaction with cold acid; some sand grains 60 1330 Cambrian system Potsdam group Sandstone; quartz, light brown; some finely powdered dolomite 100 1430 Sandstone, pure, cream colored, rounded grains 95 1525 Sandstone, brown; some finely powdered brown dolomite and gray chert fragments 15 1540 Dolomite, gray, subcrystalline, fragments coated with drab-colored shale 60 1600 Shale, calcareous, gray, sandy; considerable reaction with cold acid 165 1765 Sandstone, quartz, coarse, gray; grains considerably rounded 60 1825 Dolomite, light grayish brown, sandy 5 1830 These wells can be divided into two groups according to the chemi- cal character of the water. The wells, 1,200 feet in depth, yield a some- what mineralized water, as indicated by the appended analysis from well No. 2. The deeper wells deliver a less mineralized water that can be used in boilers without treatment. This difference in the mineral con- tent of the waters from the different wells is not only due to differences in depth but chiefly in the deeper wells to the exclusion of the hard upper strata waters by casing. The 1,200-foot wells have only the 70 ± surface drive pipe and 150 ± feet of casing for the Maquoketa shale. Therefore, the resulting yield from the well is a mixture of the waters from the Niagaran lime- stone, St. Peter sandstone, and the Prairie du Chien limestone. The deeper wells are 1,825 to 1,850 feet in depth and are completely cased from the surface to at least 1,522 feet. This length of casing prevents the access of all water above the base of the first "Potsdam" sandstone. The casings in the different wells are indicated in the table of analyses in the appendix. The water from the lower "Potsdam" sandstone in these cased wells is of a low mineral content. However, this soft water is obtained at the sacrifice of quantity, as the 1,200-foot wells yield more water than those 1,800 feet in depth. The earlier deep wells were drilled in 118 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS the latter part of 1911 and in 1912; the size of the wells ranges from 12 to 15 inches in surface diameter and 6 to 8 inches at the bottom. A number of tests were made on the 1,800-foot cased wells but the maxi- mum delivery was an average of 150 gallons per minute on a 2-hour test made on well No. 5, February 7, 1912. The water stood at 38 feet below the surface at the beginning of the test and the pump was at a depth of 165 feet. When the pump was speeded up so that the delivery was greater than 150 gallons, the pump drew air. This indicated a lowering of 127 feet in the water level under these pumping conditions. Additional tests have been made by this company to determine the effects of pumping upon other wells in the vicinity. The wells No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5 are located along a straight east-west line ; No. 5 is 600 feet east of No. 1 and No. 3 is half way between the two. The sizes and casings of the wells are as follows : No. 1 No. 3 No. 5 Size, inches 12-5 12-6% 12-8 Length of casing, feet 1550.5 1670 1723 Depth, feet 1825 1830 1841 The results of pumping tests in well No. 1 are given below, and also the lowering of the water levels in well No. 3. The pumping equip- ment of No. 1 was a 2-stage straight air-lift system. Pumping tests on C. & N. W. Ry. wells at Proviso (Beginning July 25, 1912.) Well No. 1 Well No. 3 Well No. 5 Water level Water level Feet Gallon per Feet Time below surface minute below surface 8:50 a.m. 38 121 38 Stopped 10:00 216 114 Stopped 11:00 ... 112 67.5 Pumping 12:00 226 112 Stopped 1:00 p.m. 226 112 81.5 Pumping 2:00 231 112 85.5 Pumping 3:00 233 112 89.5 Pumping 4:00 233 112 92 Pumping 5:00 233 112 93.5 Pumping (July 26, 1912) 8:00 a.m. 38 115 38 At rest 8:20 214 ... At rest 9:00 221 110 At rest 10:00 226 110 65.5 At rest 11:00 226 110 68 At rest 12:00 228 110 71 At rest 1:00 p.m. 228 110 72 At rest 2:00 230 110 73 At rest 3:00 230 110 75.5 Started, 3:30 pro. 4:00 230 110 79 Pumping COOK COUNTY 119 The test on the second day indicated that the water level lowered from 38 to 230 feet below the surface when pumping at the rate of 110 gallons per minute for 8 hours. It is notable that the water level receded to 214 feet after 20 minutes of pumping. The level in well No. 3, which is 300 feet to the east, lowered 37.5 feet during the 7.5 hours that No. 1 was being pumped. Another test was made upon Nos. 1 and 5 on August 2, 1912, at which time the combined pumpage was approximately 225 gallons per minute. At the end of 9 hours' pumping the water level in No. 1. was 242 feet below the surface and 97 feet in No. 3. The level in No. 5 was not given. The tests show that wells of this size yield about 110 gallons per minute with a lowering of 190 to 200 feet in the water level. These results should be compared with those obtained from the 1,200-foot wells. These 1,200-foot wells are all of practically the same depth and cased with only 70 ± feet of 16-inch O. D. surface pipe and 160 ± feet of 10-inch casing for the Maquoketa shale; the bottom dia- meter is 8 inches. An 8-hour test made September 10, 1912, on No. 2 averaged 150 gallons per minute. The water level was 73 feet below the surface at the start and 130 feet at the completion of the test. The pumping equipment was a deep- well pump with a 7 . 5-inch working barrel placed 160 feet below the surface. The results of a test made upon well No. 4 are given below. The pumping equipment was a deep well pump with a 7.5-inch working barrel placed 200 feet below the surface. Test on well No. 4, Aug. 9 and 10, 1912 Remarks August 9; started pumping Water level No. Feet below strokes Gal. p( Time surface per min. min. 9:30 a.m. 83 36 156 11:00 95 34 142 1:00 p.m. 99 33 149 3:00 103 40 183 5:00 107 40 180 7:00 107 40 172 9:00 108 40 172 11:00 109 40 183 1:00 a.m. 109 40 172 3:00 109 41 183 5:00 109 39 172 7:00 110 40 172 9:00 111 41 183 11:00 111 41 183 August 10 Stopped pumping 120 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS A 33-hour test made upon well No. 7 with a deep well pump aver- aged 190 gallons per minute. The water level receded from 78 feet below the surface at the beginning of pumping to 113 feet at the end of the test; the level was 113 feet during the last 8 hours of pumping. On comparing the results obtained from the uncased 1,200-foot and the cased 1,800-foot wells it is seen that the former yield 1.5 times as much water as the latter and with a less lowering of the water table. It is also noted that the water level in the shallower wells was originally about 40 feet lower than in the 1,800-foot wells, but that on pumping the recession was not nearly so great in the 1,200-foot wells as in the deeper ones. This all indicates that a larger supply of the hard water from shallow depths can be obtained than of softer water from the deeper horizons. Temperatures of the water were obtained, but they show some variations. This is probably due to the slight heating effect of the air- lift system. The waters in the shallower wells, however, have a con- sistently lower temperature than those from the deeper horizons. The 1,200-foot wells are pumped with deep well pumps, whereas the deeper wells are equipped with air-lift systems. Nevertheless, the temperature differences can not be entirely explained on this basis, but are essentially due to the fact that the waters from the deeper strata are inherently warmer than those from the shallower depths. Temperatures of wells at Proviso Well Depth Casing Temperature No. Feet Feet Degrees F. 1 1,825 1,551 60.4° 2 1,200 66 58.1° 4 1,203 76.5 52.8° 5 1,841 1,723 61.0° 7 1,202.5 70 51.5° 9 1,849 1,522 RIVER FOREST 64.0° The municipal water supply is obtained from 2 wells approximately 1 ,000 feet in depth. There are no logs, but according to those of other wells in the immediate vicinity, it is evident that the St. Peter sandstone would be penetrated at this depth. Other factors are present, however, which seem to indicate that the water from the overlying strata con- tribute to a considerable extent to the water production of the wells. The analyses in the appendix indicate a moderately mineralized water containing a small amount of scale-forming solids. Some hydro- gen sulphide gas is noted as the water is pumped from the wells, but is tiol reported in the water drawn from the mains. The water is somewhat COOK COUNTY 121 similar to that from the Niagaran limestone because of this gas, but the mineral content as a whole is greater. The temperature was 52° F., which also is similar to that of the Niagaran limestone water. Then again when it is recalled that the well at the Western Electric Company, about 5 miles to the east, could obtain only 20 gallons per minute from the St. Peter sandstone, it seems very probable that the River Forest wells obtain considerable water from the Niagaran and the Galena- Platteville formations. The wells are 10 and 12 inches in diameter at the surface and yield 110 and 150 gallons per minute, respectively. The bottom diameters are about 6 inches. The water level in the larger well was 71 feet below the surface on August 15, 1914; the measurement was taken 53 minutes after pump- ing had ceased. A measurement made 5 minutes after cessation of pumping gave the level as 80.3 feet. The other well, which is at a distance of 150 feet, was in continuous operation. The surface eleva- tion is approximately 625 feet. RIVERSIDE The municipal water supply is furnished by two "Potsdam" wells about 2,000 feet in depth. The wells were both completed in 1898 and the first one was drilled to a depth of about 2,200 feet. However, salt water was encountered and the well was later plugged at 2,000 feet. The other, or west well, was then drilled to a depth of 1,980 feet. The wells are reported to have flowed when first drilled, but in 1899 the static head was 20 feet below the surface according to Leverett. 1 There was considerable fluctuation in the water level during the summer of 1914, but this was very probably due to unequal rates of pumping. The level in July of that year was 109 feet below the surface in the west well, after both wells had been at rest for six days. The pumping level in the same well was 169 feet below the surface when delivering water at the rate of 240 gallons per minute for twenty hours per day; the other well was not in operation. During the month of July, 1913, there occurred apparently a sudden recession of the water table. The water level was measured in 1912 and found to be 70 feet below the surface in both wells. The static head in the east well was measured also in July, 1913, and found to be 70 feet below the surface. However, the level was again determined in the same well a week later and found to be 140 feet below the surface, or an apparent recession of 70 feet. No observation had been made in 1913 upon the west well until the lowering in the east well had been 1 Leverett, Frank, The Illinois Glacial Lobe U. S. Geol. Survey Monograph 38, p. 589, 1899. 122 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS noted. The measurement was then made upon this well and found to be 110 feet as compared with 70 feet the previous year. The wells are not over 150 feet apart. The writer's inquiries in neighboring towns to determine whether a similar recession had taken place at the same time revealed that only the normal recession had taken place. Although the recession in a num- ber of wells at the Corn Products Refining Company at Argo, about 3 miles south of Riverside, has been very great since the first well was drilled in 1912, no unusual lowering was noted in 1913. It therefore appears to the writer that the apparent sudden recession of 1913 may be explained by the differences in a level which exist be- tween that of true "Potsdam" water and that of the general ground water table. It is known that in this region the ground water level is much nearer the surface than that of the artesian water from the deep- lying strata. In drilling deep wells, the water level is that of the ground water at about 50 to 75 feet below the surface, until the artesian water- bearing formation is penetrated when the water level suddenly drops and assumes the static head of the artesian stratum. Further, in many old deep wells, the water from the lower, artesian beds has been ex- cluded by caving in of the upper parts of the well. The water level in such wells will be that of the general ground water table and not that of the deep-seated artesian strata. If wells of this type are cleaned, the water level is again that of artesian formations. In 1913 it was known that there was a leak in the casing of the east well at a depth of about 57 feet and considerable water entered the well. Also in the west well, at about this same time, the level rose from 110 to 44 feet, although the water dropped rapidly in pumping and the amount obtained was not at all comparable with that produced by the other well. This indicates in every way, shallow, ground water. Since that time both wells have been cleaned and recased. In the summer of 1914 the west or 1,980-foot well, had been completely cased to a depth of 302 feet and sealed off with a rubber packer. Therefore, the water level of 109 feet at rest very probably represents the static head at that time, as no ground water entered the well. The repairs upon the other well had not been completed at that time. The high level of 70 feet in 1913 seems to have been that of the general ground water table ; the lowering to 140 feet may have been due to the taking of the measurement before final recovery after a pumping test. This low level does not seem to be that of the true artesian water in view of the much higher level, i. e., 109 feet, in 1914. As the wells arc only 15.0 feet apart and the same depth, the water levels should be the same unless modified by entrance of water from surface zones. COOK COUNTY 123 The appended boiler-water analysis given in the appendix for the water from the west well indicates its general characteristics. It is seen to be the typically rather hard water of the "Potsdam" wells. SUMMIT The village of Summit is situated on the Chicago plain and in an area where the underground waters have been heavily drawn upon. The city supply is from a 1,547-foot well penetrating the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group. A new well was drilled in 1913, the driller's log of which is given below. Log of ivell at Summit Surface elevation — 600 feet (Authority, J. P. Miller Artesian Well Co., Chicago) Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Earth, sand and gravel 58 58 Limestone (Niagaran) 281 339 Shale (Maquoketa) 141 480 Limestone (Galena-Platteville) 324 804 Sandstone (St. Peter) 131 935 Limestone (Prairie du Chien) 405 1340 Sandstone 195 1535 Limestone 30 1565 Shale 80 1645 Marl, red ; in streaks 65 1710 Shale 70 1780 Limestone 23 1803 Sandstone ("Potsdam") 54 1857 This new well, which is 17 inches in diameter at the top and fin- ished at 8 inches, delivered 551 gallons per minute on a test. The pumping equipment was not installed in the summer of 1914. The water from the old well is not highly mineralized when the depth of the well is considered. The other analysis which is appended is of the water which flowed into the new well at or near the contact of the surface casing with the bed rock. This leakage was at about 60 feet below the surface. These analyses on comparison are found to be very similar, although the water from the 1,547-foot well contains a larger amount of the sodium salts. It is therefore very probable that the water in the old well is diluted to a certain extent by leakage from the uncased Niagaran limestone. The static head was reported as 95 feet below the surface in 1908; it had lowered to 142 feet in July, 1914. 124 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS WESTERN SPRINGS The village of Western Springs in the latter part of 1913 completed a well approximately 1,600 feet deep. The water is from the ''Potsdam" group and upper strata. The surface ground- water level was reported to be 14 feet below the curb, whereas the "Potsdam" water horizon was down to 134 feet. The surface elevation is about 665 feet. NORTHERN COOK COUNTY GENERAL STATEMENT At the present time the suburbs along the North Shore all obtain their municipal water supplies from Lake Michigan, and any deep wells that were formerly in use have been abandoned. Wells in Evanston of 1,600 feet in depth were reported to have flowed up to 1900. There is no doubt but that large supplies of water, comparable to those pumped from Chicago wells, could be obtained from wells in this part of the county at about 1,600 feet in depth. It is also very probable that because of the heavy drift mantle in the northern part of the county, considerable water could be obtained from the drift and Niagaran lime- stone. DESPLAINES The city water supply is furnished by 3 drift wells about 125 feet deep. The wells are located along the Desplaines River ; one being within 8 feet of the stream, but the others are about 125 feet from the bank. The location of these wells along a stream course and at a low elevation with respect to the region, is conductive to obtaining water from shallow depths. An exceptionally good flow under sufficient pres- sure to rise within 15 feet of the surface, was encountered in a sand and gravel stratum at a depth of 110 feet. The drift is heavy in this region, averaging 100 feet and more, which forms a good collecting reservoir for the rainfall. It is therefore not unusual to obtain strong shallow wells in this locality ; in fact, at the lower elevations, as along the Des- plaines River north of Desplaines, flowing wells have in some places been obtained. The wells at Desplaines are reported to be 6 inches in diameter and cased the entire depth ; whether a strainer is placed at the bottom is not known. The yield is about 45 gallons per minute per well and the aver- age daily consumption is 100,000 gallons. A new well, 4 feet in diameter, was being drilled in July, 1915. The contract specified that a stratum of sand and gravel at about llOdz feet should be penetrated. At a depth of 102 feet the drillers bored a small hole in the bottom of the well in order to determine how much farther COOK COUNTY 125 they must dig. Water was encountered which rose to within 15 feet of the surface and the contractors could not finish the well. It had not been decided at that time how the matter was to be settled. The analysis of the water from the well nearest the river is given. The water has an unusually high mineral content for a drift well in this locality and would form a heavy scale when used for boiler purposes. The large amount of sodium chloride is unusual for a well of this type. The temperature of the water on August 17, 1914, was 10.7° C. or 51.3° F. An 1,890-foot well has been drilled by the Chicago and North Western Railway Company at their Norma yards, about 1.5 miles west of Desplaines. The geological succession as determined from the driller's log and 17 samples taken at long intervals, is given below. The drillings were examined by Prof. T. E. Savage. Record of G. & N. W. Ry. well at Norma Elevation — 655± feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and recent deposits Clay, soft 20 20 Gravel 15 35 Clay, soft 17 52 Gravel 13 65 Gravel and mud 10 75 Gravel 20 95 Gravel and clay 17 112 Gravel 23 135 Gravel and mud 35 170 Mud, soft 21 191 Mud, hard 2 193 Gravel 4 197 Silurian system Niagaran limestone Dolomite, gray, subcrystalline 106 303 Dolomite, gray to brown, subcrystalline 5 308 Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale, bluish-gray, calcareous 47 355 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, gray, subcrystalline 35 390 Dolomite, gray 26 416 Dolomite, gray, subcrystalline 264 680 Dolomite, gray; a few clear quartz sand grains 20 700 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, white to gray; rounded grains 30 730 Sandstone, like the preceding ]0 740 126 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Record of G. d N. W. Ry. well at Norma — Concluded Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Prairie du Chien limestone Dolomite, light gray, subcrystalline 230 970 Sandstone, fine, gray; mixed with redddish-brown dolomite 26 996 Dolomite, brown to gray; some fine-grained, sand 29 1025 Cambrian system "Potsdam" group Sandstone, gray; rounded quartz grains and a little gray dolomite 225 1250 Sandstone, gray; and dolomite, dark gray to light bluish 215 1465 Sandstone and dolomite, like the preceding 80 1545 Sandstone, light gray to brown; rounded grains 265 1810 Sandstone, like the preceding, but a little more reddish.. 80 1890 This well is 16 inches in diameter at the surface and finished at 8 inches. It is completely cased from the surface to a depth of 740 feet, or below the St. Peter sandstone. A pumping test was made on November 6 and 7, 1913, which averaged 200 gallons per minute over a period of 32 hours. The pumping equipment was a 7. 5-inch deep- well pump placed at a depth of 107 feet. The water level before the test was 7 feet below the surface, but lowered quickly to 57 feet after the pump was started. It varied from this figure to 62 feet, depending upon the speed of the pump, which ranged from 25 to 29 strokes per minute. The writer has not seen an analysis of the water, but the railroad chemist reports it fair for boiler use. HUBBARD WOODS The North Shore Distilled Water and Ice Company has a "Pots- dam" well which is 1,437 feet in depth. The exact size of the well could not be ascertained, but it is probably 8 or 10 inches in diameter at the surface and 5 or 6 inches at the bottom. It is pumped continuously at the rate of 140 ± gallons per minute. The water level could not be measured. The analysis which is appended indicates a water with a consider- able mineral content. The Niagaran limestone probably contributes some water as the presence of hydrogen sulphide was noted. PARK RIDGE The village of Park Ridge has two "Potsdam" wells, 1,425 and 1,804 feet in depth, which furnish the local supply. The geological succession is indicated by the following driller's log. The formations are similar to those at Chicago, but they are at a less depth because of the dip to the southeast. COOK COUNTY 127 Driller's record of strata at Park Ridge Elevation 660± feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Soil, clay, sand, and gravel 110 110 Limestone (Niagaran) 150 260 Shale, bluish gray (Maquoketa) 240 500 Limestone (Galena-Platteville) 320 820 Sandstone ( St. Peter) 135 955 Limestone, slightly sandy (Prairie du Chien) 295 1250 Sandstone ( "Potsdam" ) 175 1425 Shale, light greenish gray 300 1725 Sandstone 79 1804 The 1,804-foot well is 12 inches in diameter at the surface and completed at 6 or 8 inches ; the other well has a surface diameter of 10 inches. The wells deliver from 175 to 200 gallons per minute each with the present deep-well epuipment. The static head was reported to be 95 feet below the ground sur- face on August 4, 1914. Park Ridge is situated on the northern edge of the great static-head depression area in Chicago. The drop in the static head is very rapid from the village as the area of heavy pumpage to the southeast is approached. This decline is the more marked when notice is taken that Park Ridge is at an elevation of 70 feet higher than the Chicago Stock Yards district. The analyses given in the appendix indicate that the waters contain considerable mineral matter and would form a moderate amount of scale if used in boilers untreated. The shallower well yields the harder water; the increase of the alkali salts in the water from the deeper well is noticeable. NORTHWESTERN COOK COUNTY GENERAL STATEMENT The Valparaiso morainic system crosses the northwest part of the county and consequently the drift mantle is very heavy. Thicknesses of 200 feet are not uncommon and in the vicinity of Barrington, Palatine, and in Schaumberg Township, it has been found to be from 250 to 300 feet thick. The region has inadequate drainage so that the heavy sand and gravel mantle forms a natural collecting reservoir. Hence, good shallow wells are obtained which are in some instances under sufficient pressure to flow. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS The village of Arlington Heights is located in an area of slight relief east of the terminal moraine and at a lower elevation. The drift is from 128 to 150 feet in thickness. 128 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The water supply is obtained from a 127-foot drift well 5 inches in diameter and a 10-inch well somewhat deeper. The larger well is reported to be cased to rock but the depth is not known; its yield is 180,000 gallons per day. The water level in both wells is 12 feet below the surface; ground elevation is 700 ± feet. No analyses have been made by the State Water Survey. BARRINGTON The village of Barrington is situated in the area of the Valparaiso morainic system and consequently the drift is very heavy ; it was reported to be 200 ± feet in thickness in the well at the water works. The municipal water plant is operated by the Public Service Com- pany of Northern Illinois. The supply is obtained from a well 315 feet deep which penetrates the Niagaran limstone for about 115 feet. The surface diameter is 12 inches and the diameter is probably 8 inches at the bottom. The water level at rest is 20 feet below the surface and recedes about 5 feet when pumping at the rate of 400 gallons per minute. No variation in the water level between summer and winter has been noted. The average daily consumption in 1915 was 192,000 gallons. The analysis of the water indicates a very moderate amount of total dissolved solids. The carbonates of calcium and magnesium predominate, but some sulphates are also present. PALATINE In the village of Palatine it is possible to secure considerable quan- tities of good water from wells of 150 to 175 feet in depth. The water is under sufficient hydrostratic pressure to produce flowing wells in some places. Thirty years ago the pressure was strong enough to raise the water 32 ± feet above the surface. There has been a gradual decline in the static head so that at the present time the water level is about even with the ground surface. Flowing wells have been reported from other parts of Palatine Township, for instance, at the Kitson farm, about a mile west of Pala- tine, and at the Englking farm, located a little over a mile northwest of the village. At Staples Corner, Palatine Township, wells 172 feet in depth ending in gravel are reported to have a static head of 9 feet above the surface. In Schaumberg Township, which adjoins Palatine Township on the south, flowing wells have been obtained from the drift or the upper part of the bed rock, especially along Salt Creek and its tributaries. The collecting area for this shallow well water is believed to be the Valpa- raiso morainic system, which lies to the west and north of Palatine. DEKALB COUNTY 129 Parts of this moraine have altitudes 100 to 120 feet above the station at Palatine. 1 Mr. Charles Wente, a well driller at Palatine, reports that bed rock is struck in the village at 170 to 175 feet. The water in most cases comes from a bed of gravel overlying the limestone. The drilling is usually discontinued after the bed rock has been penetrated a few feet. The village water supply is furnished by 3 wells which are each 168.5 feet in depth. It is not known whether rock was penetrated, but Leverett gives the depth as 152 feet in the town well. The diameters are 2, 6, and 10 inches ; the casing extends to the bottom. The water level is about level with the ground surface when the wells are at rest. The 2-inch well is connected under ground with the reservoir so that it flows about 36,000 gallons per day when the other two wells are at rest. The level in the smallest well is 19 feet below the surface when the other two are pumping together 180 ± gallons per minute. The average daily consumption is about 100,000 gallons. The water is moderately mineralized, containing for the most part the carbonate salts of calcium and magnesium, but no hydrogen sul- phide gas. DE KALB Physiography De Kalb County is in the second tier of counties south of the Wis- consin line and about midway between Lake Michigan and Mississippi River. The north and south length is approximately 36 miles and the width is 18 miles ; the total area is 638 square miles. The Bloomington morainic system enters the county in the north- eastern part and crosses the area in a southwestward direction. 2 This belt has a width of 6 to 15 miles and is characterized by ■ terminal- moraine topography, although the relief is slight. The elevations along this tract average 50 to 100 feet above the plain to the northwest and southeast. Knolls and basins with differences of relief from 10 to 40 feet are numerous. In the southwest part of the county the morainic belt has a tendency to separate into two, three, or four ridges. These ridges average a mile or less in width and rise about 30 to 50 feet above the intervening depressions. Outside this terminal-moraine area, the topography of the remainder of the county is gently undulating. Even the erosion along the stream courses has caused only slight relief. The northern part of the county drains to the north through South Kishwaukee River and tributaries. The inner belt of the Bloomington 1 Leverett, Frank, The Illinois glacial lobe: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 38, p. 586, 1899. 2 Leverett, Frank, Idem, p. 246, 1899. 130 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS morainic system enters the county from the east, just southeast of Syca- more, crosses the area in a southwestward direction in the form of slight curve, and passes into Lee County in the vicinity of Shabbona and Pawpaw. This slightly elevated strip forms a divide between the waters of the South Kishwaukee and the eastward-flowing tributaries of Fox River. Geology Almost the entire county is covered by a heavy mantle of drift. The average thickness in 22 borings was 151 feet, and in 68 other wells that did not reach rock, the average depth was 101 feet. The drift in the part of the county north of the outer terminal belt, which comprises T. 42 N., Rs. 3 and 4 E., and parts of adjoining townships, probably does not average over 50 feet thick. This would tend to reduce the average thickness for the remainder of the county. The greater part of the drift is composed of a blue till containing a few intercalated beds of sand and gravel. 1 The boundaries of the different formations which- form the bed rock are not definitely knowm in this county because of the heavy mantle of drift. The data that have been obtained are from well drillings, and these seem to indicate that the Galena-Platteville limestone is the bed rock formation underlying the greater part of the county. This was the first formation struck in the wells at De Kalb and at Sycamore. Like- wise at Malta the bed rock given in the driller's log is 210 feet of limestone. It is probable that the Maquoketa shale cuts across the northeastern corner of the county as a narrow strip a few miles wide. The strata dip toward the east and south, but because of the much lower altitudes in the southern tier of townships, it is possible that in some places the St. Peter sandstone is the bed rock. The drill record from Somonauk mentions "sandstone and limestone" as underlying the surface deposits. Near Earlville in La Salle County, less than 3 miles south of the De Kalb boundary, a well record gives sandstone as the bed rock. The information concerning the deeper strata is from the records at De Kalb and Sycamore. The same geological succession is present as noted in other wells of this area ; however, the Prairie du Chien lime- stone is thicker and not so sandy as at Rockford and Belvidere. The series of strata is more closely comparable to that found in the wells to the east. i Leverett, Frank, op. cit. p. fiOO. DEKALB COUNTY 131 Underground Waters sources Although the mantle of drift is very heavy in this county it does not form so good a collecting reservoir for the rainfall as does the deposit overlying the area to the east and north, because the drift in De Kalb County as a whole is less sandy than that in the counties to the north and east. This does not mean, however, that no intercalated sand beds are found in the drift of this area. The shallow wells in the northwest townships where the drift is thin are usually not over 50 feet deep. Around De Kalb and Sycamore the shallow wells average 100 feet in depth and obtain water from sand beds in the drift. It is in most places possible to obtain 10 to 25 gallons per minute from wells 3 to 4 inches in diameter. The water level is from 15 to 60 feet below the surface. Most of the farm wells in the remainder of the County are over 100 feet in depth and many are con- tinued to the bed rock, which in some places is at depths of over 200 feet. Flowing drift wells are rare, but they have occasionally been ob- tained along the bases of terminal moraines that act as collecting areas. A few of these have been struck in the southeastern part of T. 37 N., R. 3 E. The terminal moraine to the northwest is probably the collect- ing area. A few flowing wells have also been obtained along South Kishwaukee River in the vicinity of Sycamore. The larger supplies of water, as for the cities and villages, are obtained from wells which penetrate the St. Peter sandstone or lower strata. These range from 500 to 1,330 feet in depth and yield sufficient quantities of good water. There are no flowing deep wells in the county, although the level in the new well at Sycamore is but 17 feet below the surface. No exact information could be obtained regarding the lowering of the water table. Mr. Russell, City Engineer at De Kalb, said that the water table had not lowered over a foot per year. The present level in the "Potsdam" wells is 104 feet below the surface. Mr. Leverett in his report of 1800 gave the level in the St. Peter well at about 65 feet below the surface ; this well has since been deepened to the "Potsdam" strata so that it is not possible to determine the static head of the St. Peter water. There has been very little if any lowering of the St. Peter static head at Syca- more in the past ten years. CHEMICAL CHARACTER All of the waters analyzed are from the deeper wells. They are only moderately mineralized and are used for boiler purposes. The analyses from the different localities are appended. 132 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS LOCAL SUPPLIES DE KALB Excellent data concerning the underground formations at De Kalb have been obtained from the examination of two sets of drillings from wells which are over a mile apart. The two records are from wells at the city waterworks and at the east plant of the American Steel and Wire Company. The records are essentially the same, except that the St. Peter sandstone is about 60 feet thicker in the well of the American Steel and Wire Company. The record of the city well only is here published. The dolomite found in the upper part of the St. Peter sand- stone between 580 and 595 feet is unusual at this position, but a similar thickness of dolomite was found intercalated in the upper part of the St. Peter in the city well at practically the same depth. In Missouri and Arkansas calcareous beds are in places developed in a series of sand- stones, the topmost of which is the typical St. Peter. It is interesting to note that a heavy sandstone which is overlain by glauconiferous dolomite is struck at 1,140 feet. Such a glauconiferous bed overlying a heavy sandstone was found at Rockford, Dixon, Batavia, Lake Forest, Joliet, and Chicago. The city water supply is furnished by three wells, each of which is practically 1,300 feet in depth. There is also an old 800-foot well that is rarely used. The well drilled in 1912 has 156 feet of 16-inch O. D. surface pipe and is finished at 8 inches. This well tested over 300 gal- lons per minute in 1912. The other two wells are probably somewhat smaller. All the deep wells are equipped with electrically driven, deep- well pumps. The average daily pumpage in 1913 was 363,500 gallons. The water level in April, 1912, was 104 feet below the surface; no recent measurements have been made, but Mr. Russell, City Engineer, believes the recession has been less than a foot per year. The water level in the new 1,330-foot well of the American Steel and Wire Company is 128.5 feet below the surface. This level is com- parable to that at the city well when it is considered that the ground elevation at the Steel Company is about 25 feet above that at the city waterworks. A 3-hour pumping test made on the 1,330-foot well shortly after it was completed gave a yield of 300 gallons per minute. The water level receded 58.5 feet, or to a depth of about 187 feet. This well has a 16-inch O. D. surface pipe and is finished at about 8 inches. There are two other wells owned by this company which are approximately 800 feet in depth. The yield from each is about 100 gallons per minute. The Chicago and North Western Railway Company has a 1 , 003- foot well that furnishes water for the locomotives. DB KALB COUNTY 133 Log of the Be Kalb City Well in 8E. U k sec. 22, T. J t N., R. 4 E. Elevation — 865 ± feet Completed April 15, 1912 Generalized section Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Clay, sand, and gravel 150 150 Ordovician system Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, light-gray to gray, subcrystalline 374 524 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, well rounded, colorless quartz sand 281 805 Sandstone, light reddish-brown in color due to the cement- ing material 30 835 Prairie du Chien limestone Chert, siliceous oolite, and reddish-brown shale 45 880 Dolomite, light-gray to gray, subcrystalline 125 1005 Dolomite, light-brown or brownish-gray, finely crystalline, containing an occasional speck of a green mineral, probably glauconite 10 1015 Dolomite, containing a noticeable amount of very fine quartz sand, besides minute grains of glauconite. The dolomite is reddish-brown and finely crystalline.... 30 1045 Dolomite, sandy, light reddish-brown. The sand consists of fine, angular or subangular, quartz grains. The dark-green glauconite grains are conspicuous 25 1070 Sandstone, dolomitic, light-green due to the presence of a large amount of glauconite. The sand consists of fine, subangular or angular, quartz grains 20 1090 Shale, red, contains some dolomite, glauconite, and quartz sand 5 1095 Sandstone, light reddish-green to green 25 1120 Sandstone, slightly dolomitic and glauconitic. The sand consists of fine, subangular to slightly rounded, colorless quartz grains 60 1180 Cambrian system "Potsdam" group Sandstone, fine to medium in size, rather well rounded, colorless, quartz sand 126 1306 The last sample contains some pieces of a green or greenish-gray shale, which seems to indicate that this shale was struck at a depth of about 1306 feet. GENOA The municipal water supply is obtained from a 1,500-foot well in a "Potsdam" sandstone. The well has a surface diameter of 12 inches 134 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS and is finished at 6 inches. The water level at rest is 50 feet below the surface and a 24-hour pumping test at the rate of 200 gallons per minute failed to lower the level more than 2 feet. The surface elevation is about 825 feet. The average daily consumption is 50,000 gallons. The water is reported to have a slight sulphur odor and taste when first pumped. The analysis of the water indicates the presence of calcium and magnesium carbonate, but not in excessive amounts. HINCKLEY The village water supply is obtained from a 708-foot well in the St. Peter. The surface diameter is 12 inches, and it is probably fin- ished at 8 or 10 inches. The water level in 1913 on the completion of the well was 4 feet below the surface. In a pumping test of about an hour at the rate of 250 gallons per minute, the level lowered 24 feet. The surface elevation is approximately 740 feet. The following succession was reported in a well at a nearby tile factory : 80 feet of drift, mainly clay, about 300 feet of limestone, and the remaining depth sandstone. The appended analysis indicates a rather soft water when the depth of the well is considered. KIRKLAND The village supply is obtained from a shallow well, the exact depth of which is not known. A driller's log has been obtained of the well owned by the Chicago and North Western Railway Company at Malta. Record of Chicago and North Western Railway well at Malta Elevation — 915± feet (Authority: J. P. Miller Artesian Well Company, Chicago) Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Clay, sand, and gravel 245 245 Limestone 210 455 Limestone, sandy 2 457 Sandstone 18 475 Shale, sandy 2 477 Shale, gray 23 500 Sandstone ( [St. Peter) 321 821 Marl, red 4 825 Sandstone 25 850 Marl, red 4 854 Marl and limestone streaks 66 920 Sandstone 50 970 Shale '. 5 975 Marl, red 35 1010. DE KALB COUNTY 135 SANDWICH The geological succession at Sandwich, as given in the driller's log, indicates a sandy horizon about 20 feet thick below the drift. There is also present at a depth of 397 feet a sandstone which is 99 feet in thick- ness. It is probable that this latter sandstone is the St. Peter, although if this is correct a very steep dip is indicated between Somonauk and Sandwich. Log of the city well at Sandwich Elevation— 667± feet (Authority: J. P. Miller Artesian Well Co., Chicago) Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Clay, sand, and gravel 131 131 Soft, "shelly" rock 4 135 Sandstone, fine; in streaks 2 137 Soft, "shelly" rock 1 138 Sandy limestone 14 152 Limestone, brown, "shelly" 2 154 Limestone, hard 8 162 Limestone 128 290 Marl, red 5 295 Shale, green 102 397 "Quartz" rock 18 415 Sandstone 181 596 Shale 4 600 The source of the municipal water supply at Sandwich is three wells, two of which are 120 feet in depth and 8 inches in diameter; the third well, which was drilled in 1911, is 600 feet deep and is 12 inches in diameter at the surface. The water level is reported to be 17 feet below the surface. The two shallow wells flowed until 1910 when it became necessary to pump them. These 120-foot wells are only 2 . 5 feet apart. SOMONAUK The St. Peter sandstone seems either to underlie the drift at this locality or to be covered by only a very thin capping of Galena-Platte- ville limestone. The record of the strata in the village well is given. 136 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Log of village well at Somonauk Elevation— 690 ± feet (Authority: J. P. Miller Artesian Well Co., Chicago) Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Soil, "hard pan," stones, and gravel ? ? Sandstone and limestone ? 106 Sandstone, white (St. Peter) . . 46 152 Shale, sandy 21 173 Shale, "flinty" 52 225 Limestone 235 460 Shale ■ 10 470 Limestone 32 502 SYCAMORE The geological succession at Sycamore down to a depth of 1,000 feet is indicated by the accompanying log. The St. Peter sandstone has a thickness of 280 feet and is the main water-bearing formation for the city wells. It is very probable, however, that considerable water is also obtained from the overlying limestones. The city waterworks is located near the business section, but the well drilled in 1914 is located about three-quarters of a mile north of the old station. The two old wells are about 900 feet deep and are about 20 feet apart. The diameters are 10 inches at the surface and 6 inches at the bottom. Well No. 1 has 170 feet of surface casing and well No. 2 has 192 feet. The yield per well ranges up to 275 gallons per minute. The water level at rest in 1907 was 47 feet below the. surface; no other measurements have been made. In the well drilled in 1914 the water level is only 17 feet below the surface, but the ground elevation is about 30 feet below that at the old wells. This would seem to indicate that there probably has been only a very slight lowering of the water table in the past ten years. Log of City Well, Sycamore, NE. 1/4 sec. 32, T. J,l N., R. 5 E. Elevation— 810± feet (Drilled in 1914 by W. L. Thorne & Co., Platteville, Wis.) Generalized section Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Glacial till ; soil, sand, and gravel 150 150 DUPAGE COUNTY 137 Log of city well, Sycamore — Concluded Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Ordovician system Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, gray 355 505 Dolomite, somewhat shaly 30 535 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, colorless, rounded quartz sand 280 815 Prairie du Chien group Dolomite, gray 95 910 Dolomite, gray; some glauconite grains 92 1002 The analysis of the water from well No. 1 is appended. There is no great amount of dissolved mineral matter, and the water is used for boiler purposes. Only a very slight trace of hydrogen suphide was noted, but at times it is reported to be more noticeable. The temper- ature of the water direct from the pump was 51.5° F., which is very low for waters from this depth. It is therefore probable that considerable additions are received from waters in the upper strata. The pumping equipment had not yet been installed for the recently drilled well, but a few hours' test gave a yield of 300 gallons per minute and a recession of 49 feet in the water level. This well is 1,002 feet in depth, cased with 143 feet of 12-inch pipe, and finished at 6 inches. The total cost of drilling and casing was $2,650. DU PAGE COUNTY Physiography Du Page County is situated immediately west of the middle portion of Cook County and has a total area of 345 square miles. The geology and physical features of the greater part of this area is described in detail by A. C. Trowbridge. 1 The entire county is overlain by a heavy deposit of drift, the geo- logic age of which is comparatively recent. This mantle has essentially obliterated the topography of the underlying bed rock. A terminal moraine extends southward across the western part of the county, the ridge having a width varying from less than a mile to nearly three miles. This strip of higher land extends southward from a point just west of Bartlett, Cook County. The moraine passes through the eastern half of West Chicago and two and a half miles north of Naperville becomes indistinguishable from the ground moraine. 2 The average elevation along the crest is from 780 to 800 feet, or about 20 1 Trowbridge, A. C, Geology and Geography of the Wheaton Quadrangle: 111. State G-eol. Survey Bull. 19, 1912. 2 Trowbridge, A. C, Idem, p. 21. 138 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS to 30 feet higher than the surface of the ground moraine to the east, and 30 to 40 feet above its surface to the west The remainder of the county outside of the strip of terminal moraine is covered by the ground moraine. The topography on the whole is of an undulating type, consisting of low elevations with gentle slopes, ill-defined ridges, and broad, shallow depressions. The relief is slight, probably not averaging over 30 feet, although the difference in elevation between the East Branch of Du Page River and the bordering uplands some miles away is over 100 feet. The valley of this stream is about 50 feet deep and is the most noticeable topographic feature in the area. Small areas with a relief of less than 10 feet are found in a few places. Most of these level tracts are surrounded by areas char- acterized by the undulatory topography. The major drainage of the county is effected to the south through the East and West branches of Du Page River and Salt Creek. All these streams are tributaries of Desplaines River. Along the extreme western border of the county a few small creeks drain westward to Fox River. The entire area, like most regions overlain by recent glacial deposits, is poorly drained ; marshes, swampy depressions, and even small ponds existed originally in considerable numbers, but lately the drainage has been much improved by tiling and ditching. In a region of this nature, where drainage lines are poorly developed and the de- posit of porous, surface material is heavy, the run-off is not great, and the larger part of the rainfall sinks into the ground, bringing about conditions very favorable for shallow wells. Geology The entire area, except for small outcrops of the bed rock at Naperville and Elmhurst, is covered by a mantle of drift, which in many places is over 100 feet thick. The greatest thicknesses appear to occur in Bloomingdale Township, which is the middle one of the northern tier, where records of nearly 180 feet to bed rock have been obtained. The drift thins gradually to the east. The thickness at Wheaton is from 90 to 105 feet; in the Glen Ellyn village well and at Downers Grove it is about 100 feet. The bed rock formation underlying this region is exposed at only two places, Naperville and Elmhurst. The quarries at these localities where it is known as the Niagaran limestone, show that it is a gray dolomitic limestone. Well drillings in other parts of the county have indicated that this formation is the bed rock. Dr. Weller 1 has shown 1 Weller, Stuart, A peculiar Devonian deposit in northeastern Illinois: Jour Geol., vol. 8, p. 18.3, 18!)!). DIT PAGE COUNTY 139 that deposits younger than the Niagaran limestone at one time covered this area, by his discovery of Upper Devonian shale in crevices of the Niagaran limestone in the quarry at Elmhurst. It is probable that the greater part of this younger formation, except for such remnants favor- ably situated for preservation, had been removed by erosion before the deposition of the glacial drift. However, the glacier itself may have removed much of this soft deposit. The deeper-lying formations explored by drillings are indicated in the records from Bensenville, Elmhurst, West Chicago, and Downers Grove. The general succession, except for variations in depths and thicknesses, is similar to that found in other parts of northeastern Illi- nois. The strata have a southeastward dip of about 10 feet per mile. Therefore, provided there are no differences in surface elevations, the formations will be nearer the surface in the northwest part of the county than in the southeast corner. Underground Waters SOURCES The mantle of drift covering the county forms a good collecting reservoir for the rainfall. It is therefore possible in most parts of the area to obtain good shallow wells either from the drift or in the upper part of the underlying bed rock ; especially is this true in the eastern part of the county, where the surface elevations are about 100 feet lower than the terminal morainic area a few miles to the west. The drift at Elmhurst and Hinsdale is not thick, but the underlying limestone con- tains water-bearing crevices. Wells 1,000 or more feet deep have been sunk at Naperville, Down- ers Grove, and Bensenville. Wells in any part of the county exceeding 1,650 feet in depth' will be strong producers. Although deeper wells have been drilled, in most cases it has not been necessary. A great number of deep wells has not been drilled in the county, so that there are very few data in regard to the static head. Further, the walls in some of the older wells may have caved so badly that the level is only that of the shallow, underground water table and not the true static head of the deep artesian waters. The static head of the "Potsdam" waters at the Chicago, Milwau- kee, and St. Paul wells at Bensenville was 60 feet below the surface in 1913 or at an altitude of 620 feet, as the curb elevation is about 680 feet. At Downers Grove the water level is 90 feet below the surface or at an altitude of approximately 627 feet ; this compares favorably with 140 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS the head at Bensenville. The static head of the St. Peter water at Elm- hurst was 36 feet below the surface or at an altitude of about 641 feet. However, there is a possibility that this may not be the true St. Peter head but modified by that of the water from the bed rock or Niagaran limestone which in this locality contains large amounts. The water level in the 1,375-foot well at Naperville is only 14 feet below the surface, but it is known that a large stream of water enters the well at 45 feet below the surface. It is therefore probable that the static head refers to the Niagaran limestone water and not to that of the deeper strata. The curb elevation is about 677 feet. The only information on the recession of the water table was ob- tained at Bensenville. In 1911 the static head of the first well drilled was 41 feet below the surface. The final wells completed in 1913 had a static head of 60 feet below the surface which is a lowering of about 19 feet. The water levels at present are not known. CHEMICAL CHARACTER The mineral content of the waters at the different localities is indi- cated in the appended analyses. There is usually considerable variation in the chemical character of the water from the drift and Niagaran limestone. In general, the waters are rather hard and the predominating salts are the bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium, with often a con- siderable amount of magnesium sulphate. A soft water has been ob- tained at Bensenville by casing to a depth of about 1,250 feet or to about the top of the first "Potsdam" sandstone, as shown in the description of the well waters at that locality. LOCAL SUPPLIES BENSENVILLE The Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company has drilled at least four deep wells at their Godfrey yards near Bensenville. The strata penetrated are indicated by the following log which has been com- piled from the driller's record. Log of Chicago, Milwaukee cG St. Paul Railway Co. well No. 2, Bensenville Elevation— 680 feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent deposits Surface sand, gravel and clay 77 77 Silurian system Niagaran limestone Limestone 193 270 DUPAGE COUNTY 141 Log of C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co., Bensenville — Concluded Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale, blue 200 470 Galena-Platteville limestone Limestone 100 570 Limestone, contains crevices and "caves" slightly 15 585 Limestone 220 805 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone 245 1050 Prairie du Chien group Limestone, sandy 115 1165 "Red-Rock" 40 1205 Limestone 25 1230 Shale 2 1232 Limestone 28 1260 Cambrian system "Potsdam" group Sandstone 200 1460 Limestone and shale 240 1700 Sandstone 100 1800 Limestone 16 1816 Sandstone, brown 89 1905 Sandstone, red 140 2045 Sandstone, hard, red 139 2184 Sandstone, soft, white 5 2189 Sandstone, hard, red 12 2201 Water was desired of which the mineral content was sufficiently low to permit its use in locomotives, and hence in drilling the first well, samples of water were collected at the different horizons and analyzed. The waters from depths below 1,450 feet were found to contain smaller amounts of scale-forming solids than those from the upper strata. The analyses made by the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company of the waters from the different depths are given in Table 9. Another analysis made by the State Water Survey is given in the appen- dix. It is seen that the waters from the greater depths are character- ized by the alkali salts, whereas the bicarbonates of calcium and mag- nesium and magnesium sulphate are present in only small amounts. These latter scale- forming salts are present in the waters from the lower Prairie du Chien group, St. Peter sandstone, and the upper strata. There is a noticeable increase in the mineral content of the waters below depths of about 2,000 feet ; the alkali chlorides, particularly of sodium, occur in considerable amounts. These wells were drilled to a depth of about 2,250 feet and cased to about 1,250 feet which is just above the first sandstone of the 142 AETESIAN WATEKS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS "Potsdam" group. Well No. 2 has a depth of 2,201 feet; the surface casing is 12 inches in diameter and extends to. a depth of 251 feet, below which a 6-inch casing extends to a depth of 1,231 feet where it is sealed with hydraulic cement. The diameter of the remainder of the hole is 6 inches or slightly less. The final test on well No. 2 was made April 15, 1913, and 170 gallons per minute were obtained. The water level at the commencement of pumping was 61 feet below the surface and at the end of 7 hours continuous operation it had lowered to 92 feet. Practically the same test results were obtained from the other wells. The wells at Bensenville are somewhat similar to those of the Chi- cago and North Western Railway Company at Proviso, about 4 miles to the southeast. The wells at Proviso are cased to greater depths. The analyses in Table 9 indicate that softer waters are present in this locality at the lower horizons. However, the supply is limited, so that wells cased to depths of 1, 250 feet do not deliver so large quantities as wells in which the upper waters have not been shut out. DOWNERS GROVE The geological succession at Downers Grove is indicated by the following driller's log. Log of city well at Downers Grove Elevation — 717± feet (Authority: J. P. Miller Artesian Well Co., Chicago) Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Clay, sand, and gravel . . . . 83 83 Limestone 187 270 Shale 65 335 Limestone 45 380 Shale 100 480 Limestone 337 817 Sandstone (St. Peter) 223 1040 Marl and shale, "caves" 20 1060 Limestone 55 1115 Marl, red 23 1138 Limestone 152 1290 Sandstone 43 1 333 Shale 75 1408 Limestone, sandy 27 1435 Sandstone, hard 60 1495 Sandstone, soft . ■ 110 1605 Limestone and shale 25 1630 Shale 40 1670 Shale, sandy 85 1755 Shale, blue; streaks of lime 85 1840 Limestone 60 1900 Shale . 5 1905 Sandstone 116 2021 DUPAGE COUNTY 143 »H oo [—CO © OS OS 00 pq CM ■<* t- © 00 CO CO OO 00 CO (M IO N rH O CM "# rH LO CO t> tH oo [— CO OS OS OS OO ^ CM "tfi L— © 00 CO CO CO OO CO M IO N T-i O CM "* 1-1 LO CO c~> "tf l> H OO "«* CO O pq © o O t- H OS O0 00 CO "<* IM H CO o t- OO rH rH r-i CM © o "* t- rH OO ^H CO CO <^ OS o © tr- rH OS 00 OO CO tm CM rH CO o C- OO t-\ J-^ -r-i CM cq LO CO • C- CO IO O0 OO pq T— 1 "CM -cM • rH OS o rH i—i CO rH CO • CO O OO ■* CM rH m rH ia tr~ LO CM IO 00 • C- CO LO CO 00 < CM OS 00 • rH OS O t— ! T-i o o CO CO • OO © OO ■ CM © t- 1 CM OO CO CO ■"* • O- OO CO LO 00 - CO t> © OO "CM tH o • t-« OO CM lo r- © OO rH rH LO LO oc • "CM CS OO O0 rH pq OS i— 1 I— • E>- OS CM t- © tH CO r- • CO CM CO OS CO T-\ i—l t^ O0 CO • -* OS 00 CO rH <4 O'i "* 00 • t- OS CM b- O "* • CO CM co OS CO 1-H 0) d CD CD '. m O co ■P P P o d Xi Pi d o nat ate ide d> bo P CO P f-l . rt o P3 u 'Li ' p o P P H p & P< o p r ^" bo m 'p a 7J SH rH l-H P. P p fl Fl .£ a .5 C7 d P ,P Pi Jh CO CD K P P bo $ d £ ro o co o 3 U o p CJ CO CO o o fl a "3 P V Ikali Ikali Ikali CO c X 4 - on-in solid otal r o U £i < < < o Z H r: a o O (M 00 Ph ni > faJD O ct v ^ +j bn p £ £ p w fl CD D r^ p bi ° fl . CO ojo cci fl ,4 CD Ti n +-> -U ,o CD in P o> pq > o" CO a ft ft ft - r3 rr; ri 03 rt S £ O CD s iH CQ W Ul W 6 w 6 ! , ■j. ^ O O O o Q Q fi cd O (M CO -P i-O t£> t- 144 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The deep well is 10 inches in diameter at the surface and 6 inches at the bottom; the approximate yield is 175 gallons per minute. The water level at rest in 1913 was 90 feet below the surface or at an altitude of approximately 727 ± feet; the effects of pumping are not known. There is also a 250-foot Niagaran limestone well that delivers about 75 gallons per minute. The temperature of the water was 50.2°F. after it had passed through the deep-well pump. The analysis of the shallow- well water is given in the appendix and indicates a notable amount of hardness. There is no analysis of the deep-well water. The Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad Company has a 150-foot well 12 inches in diameter, which is cased about 77 feet to bed rock. The yield on a test was 150 gallons per minute and the average pumpage is 100 gallons. The water level is 62 feet below the surface ; the effects of pumping are not known. ELMHURST The city of Elmhurst completed a 950-foot well in 1915. Samples of drillings were collected at short intervals under the direction of Mr. Emerson, consulting engineer for the city. These have been studied by the writer and a generalized section compiled from the detailed record is given below. This well has about 75 feet of 18-inch surface pipe and 93 feet of 10-inch, the bottom of which is at a depth of 633 feet. A pumping test yielded 152 gallons per minute when a depth of 301 feet had been reached; the head of water dropped from 27 feet below the surface to 29 feet. Below the depth of 538 feet, crevices were found in the Galena- Platteville limestone through which water was escaping as shown by a 15-foot drop in water level at that depth. To shut these off 93 feet of casing, sealed at the top and bottom, was placed at this horizon, which increased the head 8 feet. A pumping test made after the well was completed and before the casing was placed gave a yield of 325 gallons per minute ; the water dropped from 44.8 feet below the surface to 53 feet. Another test made after the cervices were cased off gave a yield of 410 gallons per minute for 8 hours; the water dropped from 34.6 feet to 45.5 feet. The analyses taken at the various depths as given in the appendix are very similar. A large amount of this water is from the Niagaran limestone. The absorbing area is the higher region to the west. DUPAGE COUNTY 145 Log of Elmhurst city well in sec. 1, T. 39 N., R. 11 E. Elevation— 677± feet Generalized section Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Soil, sand, and gravel (No samples) .... Silurian system Niagaran limestone Dolomite, light gray to gray, subcrystalline 180+ 260 Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale, dolomitic, greenish gray 80 340 Dolomite, gray 10 350 Shale, gray, darker in color than the shale between 260 and 340 100 450 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, light gray to cream-colored gray, subcrystalline 340 790 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, colorless, rounded quartz sand averaging .3 to .5 mm. in diameter 100 890- Prairie du Chien limestone Dolomite, light gray, subcrystalline, some sand and white chert 68 958 Still in Prairie du Chien limestone at completion of well eola The Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad Company has a 165-foot well which furnishes a good boiler water. The 12 inch casing extends to bed rock at a depth of 131 feet. The water level is 25 feet below the surface or at an altitude of 790 feet. The well has a tested capacity of 175 gallons per minute. GLEN ELLYN The city of Glen Ellyn has an 8-inch well 310 feet in depth. The drift is 114 feet thick, and the remainder of the depth is in Niagaran limestone. The pumpage is by an air-lift system, and the yield is 275 gallons per minute. The water level is 43 feet below the surface and recedes to 56 feet during pumping. The average daily consumption is 83,600 gallons. The water is moderately hard and similar to that obtained from other shallow wells in the county. 146 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS HINSDALE The city of Hinsdale is situated along the eastern border of the Valparaiso morainic area. The elevated region to the west has a thick mantle of drift and the drainage is so inadequate that large quantities of shallow, underground water are collected. This water is not all held in the drift, as a great deal of it finds its way down to the bed rock where it probably has developed water channels. The underground- water table has a slope to the east similar to that of the land surface, although not so great. The above conditions probably account for the large supplies of water available in Hinsdale at shallow depths. The municipal supply is furnished by two wells that are 268 feet deep. The diameters are either 12 or 10 inches. The pumpage is by two suction pumps each of which has a daily capactiy of 2,000,000 gallons. These pumps are placed in pits 20 feet deep ; the water level is 20 feet below the floor of this pit. The depression of the water table while pumping is not known. The average daily pumpage is 300,000 gallons. The water is rather hard and a softening plant was installed dur- ing the summer of 1915. The analysis given is of the untreated water. The temperature of the water from the pump was 52.5°F. which is similar to that of other Niagaran limestone wells in the county. A temperature of 50.8°F. was recorded at Lombard and 51.5° for the spring water at Naperville. These latter figures are probably very close to the average temperature of the shallow well waters. LOMBARD The village water supply is furnished by a well 89 feet in depth. There is no record of the depth to bed rock and it may not have been reached. The well is operated only a few hours per day, during which time the yield is over 300 gallons per minute. The water level at rest is 26 feet below the surface and drops 3 feet during pumping. The water is moderately hard and would form some scale if used untreated in boilers. The principal salts are the bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium. NAPERVILLE The city of Naperville has a 1,375-foot well which is the source of the municipal supply. There is no log of this well, but the accom- panying record is that of an old well less than 50 feet away. DTT PAGE COUNTY 147 Log of old city well at Tsfaperville Elevation— 677 ± feet Description of strata Thickness Depth Feet Feet Loam and loose rock 20 20 Limestone 95 115 Limestone streaked with shale 190 305 Limestone 341 646 Sandstone (St. Peter) 129 775 Limestone streaked with shale 61 836 Limestone 100 936 Shale 3 939 ? 6 945 Sandstone 5 950 Limestone ' . 315 1265 Sandstone 155 1420 Sandstone, "dirty" 5 1425 The surface diameter of the 1,375-foot well is 12 inches and it is 8 inches at the bottom. The water level at rest is 14 feet below the surface or at an altitude of about 663 feet. When pumping at the rate of about 250 gallons per minute the level recedes 71 feet. It is very probable that this level does not represent the true static head of the "Potsdam" water, but that it is influenced by seepage from the Niagaran limestone. This well is cased only to a depth of about 14 feet, and at 45 feet a large water-bearing crevice was penetrated. The water is rather hard and would form considerable scale if used untreated in boilers. The analysis of a spring water at Naper- ville is also given; the mineral content is somewhat greater than the city water, but there is no radical difference in the chemical composi- tion. A number of springs are found along both branches of Du Page River. WEST CHICAGO The city water supply is furnished by two 12-inch wells which are 775 and 322 feet in depth; the bottom diameters are probably 8 inches. The depth to bed rock is reported as 89 feet. The yield from each well is about 100 gallons per minute. The water level is 50 feet, and there has not been over a foot recession during the past five years. The lowering during pumping is not known. The Chicago and North Western Railway Company has two wells at West Chicago ; one, drilled in 1890, is 2,081 feet in depth, and another is approximately 30 feet. The driller's log of the deep well is given below. 148 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Log of Chicago and North Western Railway Company well at West Chicago Elevation — 740± feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Soil, clay, sand, and gravel 42 42 Clay 5 47 Gravel 3 50 Clay 15 65 Gravel 29 94 Limestone 249 343 Limestone "shell rock" 45 388 Limestone 336 724 Sandstone (St Peter) 310 1034 Marl, red ; "caves" 71 1105 Limestone, shale, and marl 190 1295 Sandstone 240 1535 Limestone 231 1766 Sandstone 234 2000 Sandstone; "drillings flow away" 81 2081 The deep well delivers about 100 gallons per minute/ but it is very probable that much of this water is from the Niagaran, for the well is old and may have caved at the lower depths. The analysis indicates a water similar to that from other wells in the county which penetrate the Niagaran limestone. The dug well obtains a large quantity of hard water from a sand and gravel stratum in the drift. Several other rock wells within the city giving good yields are owned by the Union Tool Company, the Borden Condensed Milk Com- pany, and the West Chicago Sash and Door Company. WHEATON The city of Wheaton obtains its water supply from two 10-inch wells 175 feet in depth. There is 110 feet of drift and the remainder of the depth is in limestone. The wells are 14 feet apart and a 34-foot shaft, 5 feet in diameter, is placed between them. At the bottom of this shaft the two wells are connected and a centrifugal pump delivers the water to the surface. The combined pumpage from both wells is about 680 gallons per minute for about 8 hours per day. The water level at rest is about 22 feet below the surface and drops approximately 18 feet at the above rate of pumping. A delivery of 794 gallons per minute has been obtained on a test with an approximate drop of 24 feet. The water level is reported to have remained practically stationary for 20 years. During the dry season of 1914 there was a lowering of f) inches, but the normal water level returned after the first rains. The high level of the shallow ground-water table as compared with the rapidly receding water table of the "Potsdam" formations in Chicago GRUNDY COUNTY 149 and other parts of northeastern Illinois strongly suggests that wherever it is possible in this area to develop the shallow water resources it should be done in preference to sinking deep wells. The water is a moderately hard calcium and magnesium carbonate water satisfactory for boiler use after slight treatment. GRUNDY COUNTY PHYSIOGRAPHY Grundy County is situated east of La Salle County and west of Will and Kankakee counties. The total area is 433 square miles. The county has a plain-like topography; the relief is slight, except in the west-central part along Illinois River where some bluffs have been developed. The Marseilles terminal moraine conforms roughly to the outline of the county on the north, west, and south. The Illinois has cut through this elevated belt at Marseilles and thus effected an outlet for its waters. There is a gradual slope of the land surface from this crescent-shaped ridge to the headwaters of the Illinois in the northeastern township. There are a few dunes in the eastern part of the county. The Illinois crosses the northern part of the county in a westward direction. However, because of the Marseilles terminal moraine, the tributaries in this area flow eastward. Those north of the Illinois have a southeastward course, and those on the south, northeastward. Geology Essentially the entire county is covered by bluish drift that is very thin in the eastern part, but increases to over 100 feet along the western border. In the eastern portion of the county, southeastward from Mor- ris and in the vicinity of Braceville and Coal City, sand deposits overlie the drift. This sand was probably deposited by a glacial lake that occupied the basin at the headwaters of the Illinois. 1 The sand is usually only a few feet in thickness, but in some places the winds have shaped it into dunes. The bed-rock underlying the greater part of the county belongs to the Pennsylvanian series. In the northeastern part of the county the Maquoketa shale underlies the drift over a small area. The Pennsylvanian, as here developed, consists primarily of shales, sandy shales, thin sandstones, and a small amount of coal. These 1 Leverett, F., The Illinois Glacial Lobe: U. S. Geol. Survey, Monograph p. 315, 1899. 150 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS strata outcrop along the Illinois in the western portion of the county and also in the vicinity of Coal City. The strata underlying the Pennsylvanian are indicated by the logs from Morris, Mazon, and Coal City. Underground Waters sources The most favorable conditions for shallow, drift wells are found along the west border of the county, Here the drift is heavy, and the higher morainic area to the west furnishes a good absorbing area. This usually creates sufficient hydrostatic pressure to bring the ground water near to the surface. In the townships south of the Illinois the most of the wells do not penetrate below the drift, as the water from the under- lying Pennsylvanian system is usually sulphurous. The St. Peter sandstone is the important water-bearing formation along Illinois Valley and in the townships to the north. The depth to this sandstone varies from less than 200 feet in the eastern part of the county to over 600 feet in the northeastern townships. In the southern and southwestern parts of the county, the depths to this formation are not known. At Mazon, the depth is probably about 620 feet. Flowing wells from the St. Peter sandstone are obtained at low altitudes along the Illinois. The city well at Morris flowed in 1894 when it was drilled ; the present head is 48 feet below the surface or at an altitude of about 455 feet. In Goose Lake Township, flowing wells are obtained from the "Coal Measures," Galena-Platteville limestone and St. Peter sandstone ; the surface elevations are low — about 520 feet. A 2,100-foot well at Minooka has a good flow at an elevation 4.5 feet above the surface ; when this well was drilled in 1886 the head was reported to have been 46 feet above the surface, or at an altitude of 660 feet. CHEMICAL CHARACTER The water obtained from the drift wells contains a moderate amount of dissolved mineral matter, generally in the form of carbonates of calcium and magnesium, and sulphate of magnesium. In the south- ern part of the county, which is underlain by the Pennsylvanian, or "Coal Measures," the water in most of the wells that penetrate these strata contains hydrogen sulphide. The sulphates and chlorides of sodium are generally also present in notable amounts. The St. Peter water in the northern half of the county is not ex- cessively mineralized and the hydrogen-sulphide content is low. There GRUNDY COUNTY 151 are no definite data concerning the character of the St. Peter water in the southern townships, but it probably has a rather high mineral con- tent. The St. Peter wells should be completely cased down to the top of this formation, in order to shut out all of the upper, highly miner- alized waters. The waters from depths of 1,900 feet and greater are highly miner- alized, as indicated by the analyses from Minooka and Carbon Hill. LOCAL SUPPLIES BRACEVILLE The village has a dug well, or pit, which is 12 by 14 feet to a depth of 18 feet, below which it is 6 feet square to a depth of 24 feet. The water is used only for fire protection and not as a source of public supply. Formerly there was a deep rock well, but this became plugged during an attempt to enlarge the hole, and had to be abandoned. There are many driven wells in the village 12 to 14 feet deep which draw water from the sand. CARBON HILL The village water supply is furnished by a 1,900-foot well drilled about 1893. Formerly the water flowed directly into the mains with sufficient pressure to render pumping unnecessary. However, the static head gradually decreased, so that in 1900 the well was equipped with a pump. The present water level at rest is 20 feet below the surface, or at an approximate altitude of 545 feet. The recession while pumping has not been determined. The average daily pumpage is probably 8,500 gallons. The water is hard and contains a large amount of dissolved mineral matter. The high sodium-sulphate content gives the water a taste that is unpleasant to many people. The water has little, if any, hydrogen sulphide, in which it differs from that obtained from the shallow well at Coal City about a mile to the southeast. COAL CITY The municipal supply is derived from a 350-foot well drilled in 1892. A 7-inch casing extends from the surface to a depth of 285 feet, which is reported to penetrate limestone for 15 feet. The remainder of the depth is thought to be in limestone. When the well was drilled, the static head was 5 feet above the surface, but in August, 1914, it was 32 feet below the surface. The level was reported to be 46 feet in Sep- 152 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS tember, 1915, while pumping was going on at the rate of 180 gallons per minute. The curb elevation is approximately 562 feet. The average daily consumption is 220,000 gallons. The analysis of the water indicates a hard water with a high mineral content. The presence of a large amount of hydrogen sulphide gives a sulphurous taste. A driller's log of the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway Company's well is given below. Driller's log of Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway well at Coal City Elevation— 665± feet Description of strata Thickness Depth Feet Feet Sand 12 12 Clay, blue 14 26 Shale 9 35 "Pyrite of iron" 2 37 Shale 3 40 "Conglomerate" 3 43 Shale 2 45 "Soapstone" shale 75 120 Shale, sandy 2 122 "Soapstone" shale 33 155 Shale 45 200 Limestone 190 390 Sandstone 30 420 Limestone, white 180 600 Sandstone (St. Peter) 150 750 Limestone, sandy 125 875 Sandstone 113 988 Limestone 134 1122 Sandstone 100 1222 Limestone 124 1346 The village has no water works. The private wells range in depth from 40 to 50 feet and most of them obtain water from sand and gravel beds in the till. MAZON The record of a deep boring on a farm near Mazon is given below. The amount and quality of water obtained from the St. Peter sandstone is not known. The curb elevation is approximately 600 feet. GEUNDY COUNTY 153 Log 1 of well sunk on the farm of Ed Walker 2 miles south, 1 mile west o] Mazon, Grundy County, Illinois, in the SW. 1/4 sec. 28, T. SI N., R. 7 E. (Geologic interpretations by G. H. Cady) Description of strata Thickness Depth Feet Feet Recent and Pleistocene series Soil 6 6 Clay, blue 160 166 Pennsylvanian system Shale ("soapstone"), slate, black, 4 feet 40 206 Sandstone, blue 18 224 Shale ( "soapstone" ) , 34 258 Ordovician system Maquoketa formation Shale ("soapstone") 46 304 Slate, black 12 316 Shale (hardpan) 16 332 Galena-Trenton formation Limestone, hard 216 548 Limestone, soft 60 608 Limestone, hard 12 620 St. Peter formation Sandstone, white 87 707 MINOOKA The source of the public supply is a 620-foot well drilled in 1905, to the St. Peter sandstone. There is about 100 feet of 12-inch casing, and the bottom diameter is 6 inches. The water level at rest in 1915 was 70 feet below the surface, or at an altitude of about 550 feet ; but the recession while pumping is not known. A yield of 90 gallons per minute has been obtained. The average daily consumption is 5,000 gallons. A 2,100-foot flowing well drilled in 1886, had at that time a static head 46 feet above the surface, or at an altitude of 660 feet. At the time the well was drilled, the flow was over 100 gallons per minute at the surface, and the water flowed directly into the mains with sufficient pressure to supply the town. The present yield is about 50 gallons per minute at an elevation of 4.5 feet above the surface. , The temperature of the water is 66. 5°F. Because of the high mineral content and the corrosion of pipes and casing, the water was not satisfactory. The 620-foot well was drilled in 1905, and the water from the old well has not been used as a public supply since that date. The mineral content of both waters is very high. The 2,100-foot well has a large amount of sodium chloride and also considerable Well drilled and record furnished by C. "W. Johnson, Seneca, 111. 154 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS calcium carbonate. The St. Peter water is not so hard, but the mineral content is high for a water from this formation in this locality. It may be that some of the water from the 2,100-foot well escapes into the St. Peter sandstone and thus affects the character of that obtained from the 620-foot well. A driller's log, furnished by the J. P. Miller Artesian Well Com- pany, Chicago, of an oil test drilled in 1902 for Jos. Junk in or near the village is as follows : Driller's log of the oil test at Minooka Description of strata Thickness Depth Feet Feet Gravel, sand, clay 44 44 ? 91 135 "Soapstone'', shale 5 140 Limestone 300 440 Sandstone (St. Peter) 110 550 Shale, gray 108 658 Limestone 207 865 Shale and limestone 53 918 "Hard rock" 67 985 Limestone 75 1060 Shale, sandy, blue 102 1162 MORRIS The city has three St. Peter wells that are about 700 feet deep. A new 720-foot well was completed in 1915, and the record of the strata, as determined from a study of the drillings, is given on the following pages. A driller's log of an old well drilled on the farm of Abe Hoge about four miles northeast of Morris is also given. The chief source of the present supply is a 10-inch well that is 765 feet in depth. The amount of casing is not known, but it probably ex- tends through the "Coal Measures," or to a depth of 140 feet. The water level at rest is 48 feet below the surface, or at an altitude of about 455 feet. The recession during pumping has not been determined. The average rate of pumping is about 160 gallons per minute, and the daily consumption is about 235,000 gallons. There is also an old, 650-foot well that is rarely used. The recently drilled, 720-foot well is cased with 82 feet of 20-inch surface pipe and with 335 feet of 16-inch casing extending from the ground surface to the top of the St. Peter sandstone. This insures water from only the St. Peter sandstone. The cost of the well was $4,927. The pumping equipment has not been installed, so that there have been no determinations of the yield. GRUNDY COUNTY 155 Other deep wells in the city are at the Gebhard Brewery, Coleman Hardware Company, and the Woelfel Tannery. These wells probably penetrate the St. Peter sandstone. Analyses of the water from the 765-foot city well and from the Gebhard Brewery well are given. The waters are similar and have a very moderate amount of dissolved mineral matter. The water is used in the boilers at the brewery, but is first passed through a heater where a small amount of soft scale is deposited. Log of an artesian well on the farm of Abe Hoge, NW. 1/4 NW. 1/4 sec 25, T. 34 N., R. 6 E. (Well drilled in 1875) Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent series Soil 5 5 Pennsylvanian system Shale and sandstone 70 75 Ordovician system Galena-Platteville Limestone 200 275 Shale 2 277 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone 200 477 "Cement" and shale 8 485 Sandstone 60 545 Prairie du Chien group Limestone, white 185 730 Sandstone, white 93 823 Limestone, white 326 1149 Cambrian (?) system Sandstone, red 166 1315 Limestone, gray 30 1345 Sandstone 317 1662 Limestone, gray 43 1705 Sandstone 163 1868 156 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Log of city well No. 2, Morris, III. Elevation— 503± feet Drilled in 1914-1915 by Cater Contracting Co., Chicago Detailed log (Samples studied by author) Depth in feet Description of strata From To Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Sand, yellow, clay, white chert and fragments of yellow, leached, dolomite pebbles 5 Pebbles of dolomite and igneous rock, sand, and chert.. 5 15 Pebbles, coarse gravel, and sand; pebbles are for the most part arenaceous dolomite or chert, with a few of the smaller ones composed of red granite or dark-colored igneous rock 15 30 Pebbles, sand, gravel, and chert 30 35 Sand, rather coarse and a few fragments of chalcedonic chert 35 50 Pennsylvanian system Shale, drab colored, micaceous. No samples between 55 and 67 feet 50 55 Coal, black, vitreous, cubical fracture. No samples be- tween 69 and 83 feet 67 69 Shale, drab colored, micaceous; sample collected at depth of 83 feet 83 Shale, drab colored, micaceous; very similar to preceding, sample collected at depth of 100 feet 100 Shale, drab colored, micaceous; similar to the preceding; collected at 115 feet 115 Ordovician system Galena-Platteville limestone Limestone, shaly, micaceous, gray, might almost be called a soft, calcareous shale; some small crystals of pyrite; sample collected at 139 ft., thickness not given 139 Limestone, gray to light gray, dense; fragments effervesce with cold, dilute hydrochloric acid; a few small pieces of pyrite noted 139 160 Limestone, gray, dense; fragments of light and dark gray limestone, the lighter-colored material effervesces vigor- ously with cold, dilute acid, while the darker fragments do not effervesce as strongly unless allowed to stand for a few minutes; this dark gray material seems to be somewhat dolomitic 160 180 KANE COUNTY 157 Log of well No. 2, Morris, III. — Concluded Depth in feet From To Limestone, gray to light gray, fine grained; good effer- vescence with cold, dilute acid 180 200 Limestone, gray to light gray, fine grained; some of the fragments are lithographic in character, while other darker colored pieces are somewhat dolomitic, not effer- vescing as easily with the cold acid 200 220 Limestone, like the preceding 220 240 Limestone, gray, fine grained; considerable action with cold, dilute acid; sample taken at depth of 275 feet. . . . 240 275 Limestone, dolomitic, light gray, fine grained, sample taken at depth of 300 ft 275 300 Limestone, somewhat dolomitic, fine grained 300 325 Limestone, slightly dolomitic, gray, fine grained 325 330 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, colorless, rounded quartz sand ranging in size from a powder to grains .8 mm. in diameter, averaging about .4 to .5 millimeters; there are also present frag- ments of sandstone which have a dolomitic cement; these undoubtedly are from the contact between the sandstone and the overlying formation 330 335 Sandstone; colorless, rounded quartz sand, similar to the preceding in size; no fragments of sandstone with dolomitic cement 335 340 Sandstone, like the preceding; not stated from what depth sample was collected but probably at 500 ft.; some frag- ments of rusted iron particles broken from bit in drill- ing. This sandstone probably continues to 720 feet.. 335 500 Prairie du Chien group Dolomite , light gray, subcrystalline; scarcely any action with cold, dilute acid, but vigorous effervescence on heating; the material has been powdered extremely fine and only a few fragments were found showing the material's true character; a few small pieces of the red chert usually present at top of "Lower Magnesian" for- mation were found. Either this red cherty horizon was very thin at this locality or the sample was collected at a slightly lower horizon. Some rounded sand grains also noted; sample collected at depth of 720 ft. thickness not indicated 720 KANE COUNTY Physiography Kane County is in the northeastern part of the State and in the second tier of counties south of the Wisconsin boundary. It adjoins McHenry County on the south and is directly east of DeKalb County. The total area is 527 square miles. 158 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The part of the county north of the latitude of Geneva is occupied by a composite system of moraines. 1 The southern half of the county, although it is covered by a mantle of drift, does not possess the rough, irregular topography of a terminal-moraine area. In the western part of the county, an elevated belt called the Marengo Ridge extends southward from McHenry County. The ridge continues to the vicinity of Elburn and has a width of 3 to 4 miles. The elevations of this area are seldom less than 100 feet and in places 150 feet above those of the more level tracts to the west and east. The topography of this ridge is characterized by small hills or knobs with rather steep slopes and by basins of irregular shapes, some of which have no outlet. An irregular level belt 1 to 2 miles wide lies east of the Marengo ridge and at a lower elevation. To the east then follows the composite morainic area as far as Fox River. The topography as a whole is of the character of a terminal moraine, although in places it is gently undulating. There are also level tracts acres in extent completely surrounded by knolls 20 to 40 feet high. These areas have l>een drained by ditches. The uplands along Fox River are in places 150 feet above the water, but although the slopes may be rather steep, there are few distinct bluffs in the northern part of the county. In the southeastern townships the rock outcrops along the river form bluffs. The southern half of the county is slightly rolling and does not possess the knoll-and-basin type of topography characteristic of the area to the north. The drainage of practically the entire county is effected by Fox River and its tributaries. This stream flows southward along the east- ern border for the entire length of the county. Tributaries of Kish- waukee River and its South Branch which flow west and north drain the townships along the northwestern border. The drainage in the morainic area of the northern half of the county is so inadequate that it has been found necessary to resort to artificial drainage by tiling and ditching. Geology The northern half of the county is overlain by a heavy mantle of drift that is in places 200 feet deep. Beds composed almost entirely of sand and gravel occur in places but blue or bluish-drab clay is the most common constituent. Borings in the northwestern townships indicate 1 Levcrett, F., The Illinois glacial lobe: U. S. Geological Survey Monograph 38, p. 290, 1899. KANE COUNTY 159 that the drift is over 100 feet in thickness, and few of the farm wells enter rock. Along Fox River valley in the part of the county south of the lati- tude of Geneva, the drift is generally less than 100 feet thick, although on knolls and ridges the depth is greater. In Sugar Grove Township the drift varies in thickness from 15 feet and less to over 75 feet. In Big Rock Township the drift is also thin and rock outcrops occur along Rock Creek. The bed rock formation underlying the greater part of the county is the Niagaran limestone. It seems very probable however, that along the western border the Maquoketa shale underlies the drift. This is in- dicated by a well driller's log which reports shale underlying the drift in the N. y 2 sec. 26, Big Rock Township; also 127 feet of shale is re- ported beneath 24 feet of bed rock limestone. The bed rock formation in the Sycamore and De Kalb wells, 4 and 8 miles, respectively, west of the county border, is the Galena-Platteville limestone, that underlies the Maquoketa. The sequence of strata is indicated by numerous good logs given in the descriptions of the different localities. The general succession is similar to that in the counties to the east and north. The beds have a slight dip toward the east and south. Underground Waters sources The drift wells furnish sufficient water for farm uses, although the common practice is to continue these wells for a short distance into the limestone. Flowing shallow wells are not common, but a few are noted south of Aurora. In section 21, Big Rock Township, a flowing well on Mr. A. Zebby's farm is 96 feet deep in drift. Also in the northwestern part of the county a few flowing drift wells have been obtained in T. 41 N., R. 6 E. Springs occur in many places along Fox River, as at Carpenters- ville, Dundee, and Aurora. The larger towns in the county are all situated along Fox River and obtain their municipal supplies from "Potsdam" wells. Although the St. Peter sandstone is water bearing, most of the wells are continued to the deeper strata where it is always possible to obtain good supplies. A number of "Potsdam" wells have been drilled by the cities in Fox River valley, and some lowering of the water table has resulted. This recession has not been great at Elgin, but farther south, at Aurora, it is noticeable. The recession at Elgin is reported to be only 4 or 5 feet 160 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS in the past ten years. There are no exact data for the wells at Aurora, but the head in 1899 was about 60 feet above the surface. The present water level in these wells could not be determined when at rest, but they do not flow, and the pumping level in 1914 was 53 feet below the surface. A well recently drilled in Aurora is 2,263 feet deep, and its head is about 3 feet above the surface, or at an altitude of 624 feet; this is considering that the Aurora city datum is 537 feet. This is the only flowing "Potsdam" well in the county. CHEMICAL CHARACTER The waters from all the horizons are somewhat mineralized. The predominant salts in the waters from the drift and underlying limestone are the carbonates of calcium and magnesium. The waters from these shallow depths do not usually contain the hard scale-forming magnesium sulphate in any great amounts, but, a spring water at Aurora contains a large amount of this salt. The water from the St. Peter sandstone at Elgin contains a very noticeable amount of hydrogen sulphide. The sulphurous character of the water from this formation has been slightly noted in other parts of the country, but it is not so marked as that in the Elgin wells. At St. Charles the water from the St. Peter sandstone is less min- eralized than that from the shallower wells. This relation, however, may not hold for all parts of the county. A large number of analyses of well waters in Aurora have been obtained. The deeper wells are as a rule cased only to bed rock, a con- dition that permits the entrance of upper-strata waters. The waters are only moderately mineralized and in many of the factories are used for boiler purposes. There is danger of obtaining very highly mineralized waters from wells of great depth. In Aurora there is a notable increase in the amount of dissolved salts in waters from wells over 2,350 ± feet in depth. This same depth would not apply for the entire county, but as sufficient sup- plies can be obtained at less depths it is not advisable to drill deeper. LOCAL SUPPLIES The water supply of Aurora is furnished by a series of "Potsdam" wells which range in depth from 1,388 to 2,263 feet. One group of five wells is at the water-works station located in the extreme northern part of the city on the east bank of Fox River. The maximum dis- tance between any of the wells is only a few hundred feet. The depths KANE COUNTY 161 are all about 2,250 feet, except No. 1 which is only 1,388. The three oldest wells have been in operation for 18 or more years, but the other two have been drilled more recently. Well No. 5 was completed about 1910. The diameter of Well No. 5 is reported to be 16 inches at the surface and 8 inches at the bottom. It is probable that the older wells are considerably smaller. The wells are all pumped by means of air and the combined average daily pumpage is 2,400,000 gallons. The rapid growth of the city and the heavy consumption during the summer demanded an increased supply. It was therefore decided to drill separate wells of large bore in different parts of the city, some- what after the plan adopted at Rockford. The first of these isolated wells was drilled in 1915 at Talma Street, which is about two and one- half miles almost due south of the old pumping station. This well is 2,185 feet in depth; the surface pipe is 20 inches in diameter and the hole is finished at 15 inches. The only casing is from the surface to a depth of 350 feet. The pumping equipment consists of a combination 4-stage, 17-inch, deep-well, turbine pump, and a 2-stage, vertical booster pump placed at the surface. The pumps are electrically driven. The cost of the finished well was a little over $25,000, which included $18,000 for the drilling and the remainder for the pumping equipment and pump house. A deliv- ery of 450 gallons per minute was being obtained in July, 1915, with a recession of 160 feet in the water level. A much greater yield was ex- pected, and with reason, since it is noted that the wells of smaller bore deliver nearly this amount. It is possible that some water may be lost through crevices in the limestone or in other porous formations. The River Street well was completed in the summer of 1915 at a depth of 2,263 feet. The location is a little over a mile to the west and north of the one at Talma Street. The diameter of the surface pipe is 22 inches, and the hole is 15 inches at the bottom. Casing extends from the surface to a depth of 255 feet or through the Maquoketa shale. The total cost of drilling and piping was $20,280. This well had an esti- mated flow of 150 gallons per minute, at 2 feet above the surface, or a head of 87 feet above Aurora datum. This is equivalent to an approx- imate altitude of 624 feet. The water level at rest in the Talma Street well was 48 feet below the surface, but when it is considered that the elevation at River Street is 53 feet lower, it is seen that the water levels are essentially the same. The pumping equipment of the River Street well has not been installed at the present writing, so that the effects of pumping cannot be given. Another well of a similar size is being drilled which probably will be about 2,300 feet deep. 162 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS There has been a recession in the artesian water table in Aurora. as in other localities of northeastern Illinois. The exact amount of this lowering is not known, but it has been over 80 feet since 1899. The static head in that year, as reported by Leverett was 60 feet above the surface at the water works. The present water level in these wells at rest is not exactly known, but it was 53 feet below the surface in one well in the fall of 1914 while the other wells were in operation. Another deep well owned by the city is located in Phillips Park. The depth is 2,759 feet and it is therefore one of the deepest wells in Illinois. The driller's record of the strata penetrated is similar to the records of other wells in the city. A series of sandstones was struck at 1,847 feet and these continued to the full depth of the well ; no specific descriptions of the sandstones were given. The water has a large content of dis- solved mineral matter so that a slight salty taste is noticeable. The few other deep wells in Aurora are at the Aurora Bleachery, Western Wheeled Scraper Company, and the Munroe Bindery. The depths are not over 1,420 feet, and the water is from the first "Potsdam" sandstone, the St. Peter, and any other water-bearing strata at shallower depths. The surface diameters are not over 12 inches and the bottom diameters are 8 or 6 inches, and perhaps less. The well at the Western Wheeled Scraper Company was drilled in 1901 to obtain water from only the first "Potsdam" sandstone ; 600 feet of 5-inch and the same amount of 3-inch piping, was continued from the surface to a depth of 1,200 feet and a rubber packer was placed at that depth. The analysis of this water is given and very probably represents the water from this horizon at this locality. That the rubber packer may be worn out and that leaks may have developed in the pipes does not seem probable, as an analysis made in 1901 is essentially the same as the one of 1915. This water is moderately mineralized and is similar to that obtained from other wells of like depth in the city. The water level in this well in 1901 was 30 feet below the surface and in the fall of 1914 it was 78 feet, the lowering amounting to 48 feet ; the curb elevation is about 688 feet. This level is approximately 14 feet lower than that in the new city wells. These wells are much deeper, and it is therefore probable that the water obtained from the lower strata has a greater head. As the well at the Scraper works is not large, the pumpage is only about 40 gallons per minute. The Munroe Bindery reports a yield of 225 gallons and the Aurora Bleachery a yield of 400 gallons per minute. This latter figure seems rather high. The waters from all of the deep wells in Aurora are somewhat mineralized, and although the water from certain wells is used for boiler KANE COUNTY 163 purposes without treatment, some softening would be desirable. There is a great increase in the total mineral content of the water from depths greater than 2,250 feet. This is indicated in the River Street well and also the one at Phillips Park. In the latter case, the amount of dissolved mineral matter is so great that the water is not fit for use. It was not possible to secure accurate temperatures as in most cases the water passed through pumps. The temperature of the water from the 1,280-foot well at the Bleachery was 57.2°F. This is pumped by air so that the temperature was taken as the water came from the well and before passing through a deep well pump as at the other wells. The water from the flowing well at River Street, which is 2,263 feet in depth, has a temperature of 63.5°F. Some of the factories have shallow, rock wells a few hundred feet deep. The yields are 25 gallons or less per minute. The well at the W. B. Davis greenhouse in the northwest part of the city is 69 feet deep, of which 24 feet is surface material and the remainder limestone. The diameter at the surface is 12 inches and at the bottom, 10 inches. The water level at rest is about 18 feet below the surface, and 28 feet when delivering 125 gallons per minute. This is an unusually large yield for a well of this depth. The collecting area is probably the region of higher elevation to the west. Log of Aurora City Well No. 8 Elevation— 635 ± feet (Drilled by G. S. Geiger, Chicago) Generalized section* Thickness Depth Quaternary system Feet Feet Pleistocene and Recent Soil, sand, etc 18 18 Silurian system Niagaran limestone Limestone 142 160 Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale 170 330 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite and dolomitic limestone 280 610 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone 250 860 Prairie du Chien group Shale 50 910 Dolomite 30 940 Sandstone 40 980 Dolomite 110 1090 a The detailed log of this well compiled from study of samples is to be found in the Survey files if desired for reference. 164 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS BATAVIA A knowledge of the strata at Batavia has been obtained through a study of the drillings from a 2,000-foot well which were collected by Mr. L. A. Parre, superintendent of the water works, and employees of the J. P. Miller Artesian Well Company. The general succession of strata is similar to that found in other parts of northeastern Illinois. There are, however, some variations in the thicknesses of the different formations. The St. Peter sandstone attains the unusual thickness of 309 feet, while the underlying Prairie du Chien limestone is thinner than common. The main water-bearing formations are the St. Peter sandstone and the "Potsdam" series. The city has two deep wells that furnish the municipal supply. The location is on the banks of Fox River about 8 feet above the level of the water and the curb elevation is approximately 660 feet. The old well is 1,279 feet deep; the diameter at the surface is 10 inches and at the bottom 8 inches. This well is equipped with an air-lift pumping system and delivers 650 gallons per minute. This well flowed in 1895, but in September, 1914, the level was 35 feet below the surface after the pump had been stopped only long enough to measure. The 2,000-foot well was completed in 1915 ; the diameter at the surface is 12 inches and at the bottom 8 inches. The pumping equipment is an electrically- driven, 8-stage, turbine pump. The delivery is 1,140 gallons per minute with a recession of 34 feet in the water level. The static head at rest is 6 feet below the surface. The analysis of the water from the new well indicates that it is only moderately mineralized. The greater amount of the dissolved solids is in the form of the bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium. The water is used in the boilers untreated, but it could be softened by the addition of a small amount of lime. It may be mentioned that the water obtained from the cherty horizon immediately below the St. Peter sandstone was reported to have been sulphurous. This chert and shale stratum has a tendency to cave and for that reason was cased off with 77 feet of liner which shut out all of the sulphurous water. KANE COUNTY 165 Log of City Well No. 2, Batavia, III, SE. Ilk NW. Ilk sec. 22, T. 39 N., R. 8 E. Elevation 660± feet Drilled 1914-1915, J. P. Miller Artesian Well Co., Chicago Generalized section a Thickness Depth Description strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and recent No samples of surface sand and gravel, but probably about 6 feet 6 6 Silurian system Niagaran limestone Dolomite, gray to light gray, subcrystalline 134 140 Alexandrian series Dolomite, gray, soft 50 190 Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale, gray to dark gray 30 220 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, gray to cream-colored, subcrystalline 300 520 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, colorless, rather well rounded quartz grains. . 309 829 Prairie du Chien group Chert, gray to chocolate-colored 11 840 Dolomite, sandy 40 880 Sandstone 10 890 Dolomite, light gray to a light pinkish-gray, subcrystalline 120 1010 Sandstone, dolomitic and glauconiferous 50 1060 Dolomite, shaly, sandy, and glauconiferous 30 1090 Sandstone, dolomitic, glauconiferous 10 1100 Cambrian system Sandstone, colorless, rather well rounded, quartz sand, averaging about .5 mm. in diameter, not glauconiferous 190 1290 Dolomite, slightly sandy and glauconiferous 20 1310 Shale, siliceous and slightly dolomitic, some glauconite.. 130 1440 Sandstone, dolomitic, and sandy dolomite 90 1530 Shale, somewhat dolomitic 130 1660 Sandstone, ranging from fine to coarse in grain and from colorless to light yellow 240 1900 Sandstone, chocolate-colored, medium to coarse in grain . . 100 2000 a The detailed Log of this well compiled from study of samples is to be found in the Survey files if desired for reference. 166 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS CARPENTERSVILLE The village is located in the Fox River valley along the eastern border of the morainic belt. This high land to the west forms a good collecting reservoir so that at the lower elvations along the base, good wells can be obtained at shallow depths. The conditions are such as to give rise to a number of flowing wells. The water supply for the village is furnished by a dug well 17 feet in depth and 19 feet in diameter located on low land east of Fox River. The material encountered in drilling was coarse gravel and "stone" ex- cept for 5 feet of surface soil and clay. The water level is kept down to within 6 feet of the surface by means of an overflow to the Fox River, an eighth of a mile distant. It has been possible to lower the water level to within 4 feet of the bottom when pumping at the rate of 250 gallons per minute. No further lower-, ing could be obtained at this pumping rate. Droughts do not appear to have any noticeable effect upon the water level. A record has been obtained from the J. P. Miller Artesian Well Company of a well drilled in 1899 for the Illinois Condensing Company. Log of well at Mourn Elevation— 848 ± feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Clay, sand, and gravel 154 154 "Rock", probably limestone 24 178 Shale 127 305 Limestone 258 563 Marl, red 2 565 Limestone 49 614 Sandstone (St. Peter) 66 680 Shale, white 15 695 Limestone, sandy 120 815 Limestone, and white shale 55 870 Sandstone 50 920 Marl, red 40 960 Limestone 145 1105 Sandstone, and sandy shale 270 1375 The water level at completion was 105 feet below the surface; the present static head is not known. ELGIN The geological succession at Elgin is indicated by the accompanying KANE COUNTY 167 log, compiled by Professor Savage from the driller's log and from a study of a few samples of the drillings. The main water-bearing forma- tions are the St. Peter sandstone and the "Potsdam" group. The dif- ferent strata lie at shallower depths in the vicinity of Elgin than in the territory to the east and west, because the elevations in Elgin and also at other points in the Fox River valley, are from 100 to 200 feet less than on the bordering uplands. Log of Elgin city loell Elevation— 738± feet (Geologic interpretation by T. E. Savage) Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Clay, sand, and gravel; yellowish gray 38 38 Silurian system Alexandrian limestone Dolomite and limestone 27 65 Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale . . . . 50 115 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, gray to dark gray; crystalline 70 185 Dolomite, like the preceding 140 325 Dolomite, gray to brown; subcrystalline. 75 400 Dolomite, like the preceding 85 485 Dolomite, like the preceding 75 560 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone; clean rounded grains 80 640 Sandstone, like the preceding 62 702 Prairie du Chien group Dolomite, light gray; subcrystalline 48 750 Dolomite, like the preceding 130 880 Dolomite, gray to brown, some sand 20 900 Shale, slightly sandy, pink 115 1015 Shale, calcareous, bluish gray to gray 35 1050 Cambrian system "Potsdam" group Sandstone; rather large, clean, rounded grains 250 1300 Shale, calcareous, light pink 50 1350 Dolomite, light gray 74 1424 Sandstone; rounded grains 156 1580 Shale, slightly calcareous, gray to bluish gray 55 1635 Sandstone; rounded grains 5 1640 Sandstone, light pink; rather fine grains 145 1785 Sandstone, like the preceding, but larger grains 195 1980 Sandstone, pink; moderate-sized grains 25 2005 168 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The municipal water supply is furnished by four deep wells, three of which are about 1,350 feet deep, the other is 2,005 feet. The deepest well was drilled in 1901 and was tested to determine the yield at differ- ent horizons. After drilling to the full depth of 2,005 feet a pump- ing test was made in which the yield and amount of lowering was noted. A plug was then placed at 1,400 feet and another test made. The re- sults as to yield and lowering did not seem to differ essentially from those obtained before plugging. Therefore the other wells were drilled only to a depth of approximately 1,350 feet. The city wells are only about 50 feet from Fox River, and approx- imately 150 feet apart. The pumping is accomplished by a shaft and tunnel system. In the interior of the pumping station a circular shaft, 120 feet in depth and 9 feet in diameter is sunk to the Galena-Platteville limestone. Two circular tunnels 9 feet in diameter dug in the Ma- quoketa shale lead off from the bottom of the shaft. One tunnel con- tains the pipe that taps the 2,005-foot well ; the other tunnel is connected to the three remaining wells. The wells are 16 inches in diameter at the surface and cased to a depth of 140 feet or about 20 feet below the tun- nels ; the diameter at the bottom is 8 inches. At the time the wells were drilled a flow of sulphurous water was obtained from either the St. Peter sandstone or the underlying cherty horizon. The flow ceased as the depth increased. The present water, however, is characterized by a noticeable amount of hydrogen sulphide. The static head at rest in 1914 was reported to be about 14 feet below the surface ; the curb elevation is 742 feet. The water level recedes to at least 115 feet on heavy pumpage. The recovery is very rapid so that in a few hours after the pumping has ceased, the water has returned to its original level. The static head in 1903 at the time the wells were drilled, was 11 feet below the surface. Some other deep wells in the city are those of the National Brewery, Elgin Watch Works, and Borden's Condensed Milk Co. The two wells at the Elgin Watch Works are 500 and 2,000 ± feet in depth. It may be that the 500-foot well penetrates the St. Peter sandstone, as it is reported to have flowed until the city wells were drilled. At present the water is about 30 feet below the surface. The temperature of the water was 54.7°E. The 2,000-foot well is very old and may be somewhat filled up. The temperature was 61.3PF. The analyses of the waters from the wells at the Elgin Watch Works are given. The water from the 500-foot one is the softer, al- KANE COUNTY 169 though its total mineral content is greater than that of the deeper well water. The water from the shallower well is used in the boilers, but with daily alternation with that from Fox River. Although no scale is formed some sludge is deposited. The city water supply is obtained from a well about 850 feet deep in the St. Peter sandstone. The location is near Fox River and at a low elevation. The diameter at the surface is 10 inches and at the bottom 8 inches. The well would flow about 50 gallons per minute, in 1911, but this was not sufficient so that pumping was necessary. The static head at present is within a few feet of the surface. Pumping is effected by means of an air-lift system at the rate of about 300 gallons per minute. The average daily consumption is 350,000 gallons. The water contains scarcely a trace of hydrogen sulphide. Formerly there was a* 2,500-foot well at the court house, and an- other one 2,000 feet in depth at the Pope Glucose Company ; these have been abandoned for many years. MAPLE PARK The village water supply is obtained from a well 250 feet in depth. The entire thickness is reported to be in drift. The maximum yield has not been determined, but the pump delivers 40 gallons per minute. The analysis indicates a water with only a moderate amount of dissolved mineral matter. If used untreated in boilers, a small amount of soft scale would be formed. MONTGOMERY The village of Montgomery adjoins Aurora on the south. The Montgomery Magnesia Spring Company has a flowing well, although the static head, which is about 4 feet above the surface, is shut in. The location is on the banks of Fox River, and the curb elevation is about 8 feet above the water level in the stream. The depth is probably about 115 feet. The analysis of the water shows that the principal constituent is sodium carbonate. The water is bottled and sold in the vicinity. There are a few other flowing shallow rock wells in this vicinity, as at Riverview Park about a mile south of Montgomery and at the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad sheep barns, about half a mile west of Montgomery. 170 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS MOOSEHEART The school at Mooseheart, established by the Order of Moose, is located about a mile south of Batavia. The water supply is furnished by a 1,840-foot well, and another deep well is being drille. The forma- tions are similar to those at Batavia. The St. Peter sandstone at a depth of 585 feet has a thickness of 248 feet, whereas at Batavia it is 309 feet. The curb elevation at Mooseheart is 709 feet. The static head at rest in 1914 was 28 feet below the surface; the effects of pumping were not known. The water contains a moderate amount of dissolved mineral matter, the greater part of which is in the form of the bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium. ST. CHARLES The city water supply is furnished by two wells, one of which is 350 feet and the other 850 feet deep. The shallow well is located at the water works on the banks of Fox River; the yield is 120 gallons per minute, and the temperature of the water is 51.5°F. The water is ob- tained from crevices in the Niagaran limestone. The 850-foot well is located at a separate pump house half a mile or more from the water- works station. This deeper well penetrates the St. Peter sandstone ; the ground elevation is 748 feet, which is about 53 feet greater than that at the 350-foot well. The St. Peter well is pumped at the rate of 150 gal- lons per minute; the surface diameter is 10 inches, and it is probably 8 inches at the bottom. The static head in the 850-foot well at the time it was drilled in 1913 was 50 feet below the surface. The level in 1914 while pumping about 150 gallons per minute was 89 feet. The pumping was stopped for 25 minutes and the water rose to within 55 feet of the surface. The analyses of the waters from the two wells are given. The St. Peter water is not so hard a water as that from the Niagaran lime- stone or 350-foot well. However, the St. Peter water has a sulphur taste and odor which is absent in the water from the shallow well. The St. Charles School for Boys 2 miles west of town, has three wells. Two of the wells are 1,108 and 1,320 feet in depth, respectively; the other is a shallow well of an unknown depth. The deeper wells ob- tain their water from the St. Peter sandstone, and the 1,320-foot well may possibly penetrate the first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group. The surface elevation at the 1,320-foot well is 788 ± feet, and the water level was 93.5 feet below the surface one-half hour after cessation of pump- ing. This is essentially the same level as noted in the city well pene- trating the St. Peter when the differences in ground elevation are taken into consideration. The analyses of the waters from the 1,108 and the KANKAKEE COUNTY 171 1,320-foot wells are very similar to that of the 850-foot one at St. Charles. VIRGIL The Borden Condensed Milk Company has a "Potsdam" well 1,580 feet deep. The yield is at least 120 gallons per minute. The static head is not known. KANKAKEE COUNTY Physiography Kankakee County is situated along the eastern border of the State directly south of Will County. The total area is 668 square miles. The topography of the county, as a whole is that of a monotonous plain. The maximum relief of probably not much more than 150 feet has been brought about by Kankakee River. The part of the county west of Iroquois and Kankakee rivers presents a very level appearance; the slight depressions are in many places characterized by marsh con- ditions. The area north of the Kankakee has somewhat more relief, but has nevertheless a rather level surface broken only by creeks and occa- sional sloughs. Likewise, in the southeastern townships there are exten- sive marsh areas. The major drainage is effected by Kankakee River and its tribu- taries. This stream flows across the central portion of the county in a westward direction, leaving the county in the northwestern part and finally joining with the Desplaines to form the Illinois. The headwaters of minor tributaries of the Illinois drain the extreme western tier of town- ships. A large portion of the county is inadequately drained because of the flat topography ; marshes and swamps exist in many localities. Geology The greater part of the county has a drift covering which ranges in thickness from a few to a hundred or more feet. Along the Kankakee and its immediate tributaries the drift is so thin that bed rock outcrops in a number of places. In the extreme northeastern townships, near the border of the Valparaiso morainic area, thicknesses of 50 to 100 feet have been recorded. The depth to bed rock at St. George and at Manteno ranges from 10 to 20 feet. Much of the northern part of the county west from Manteno has only a thin coating of surface deposits ; the rock outcrops some of the streams. In the extreme southwestern corner, along the border of the Marseilles moraine, the drift thickness in six wells ranged from 100 to 162 feet. 1 1 Leverett, Frank, The Illinois Glacial Lobe: U. S. Geol. Survey Monograph 38, p. 654, 1899. 172 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Rock is encountered in the vicinity of Irwin and Hersher at depths of 40 to 60 feet. The drift is generally thin from Union Hill east to the Kankakee ; but westward from this village to the county line the thicknesses range from 50 to 100 feet. At St. Anne in the southeastern part of the county, bed rock is found at about 60 feet. The bed rock formation underlying all of the county, outside of a narrow strip along the western border, is the Niagaran limestone. This formation outcrops in places along the Kankakee and its major tribu- taries. The strata rise toward the west so that formations underlying the Niagaran are brought to the surface. Professor Savage 1 has described a limestone at Essex which is "intermediate in age between the' Niagran' and Maquoketa shale. He named this formation the Essex limestone and assigned it to the middle part of his Alexandrian series. The Maquoketa shale is the next formation of any considerable extent which outcrops to the west of the Niagaran limestone region and forms a north-south strip a few miles in width. The outcrops of the Alexandrian series occur between the Niagaran and Maquoketa areas, but because of their thinness they have not been separately mapped as yet. The large area of Pennsylvania coal- bearing strata to the west, extends into this county long its western border. The strata have an eastward dip of about 17 feet to the mile, as calculated from the outcrop of the Maquoketa at Essex and its depth at Kankakee. There seems to be a very slight dip toward the north ; the St. Peter sandstone in South Chicago is at an altitude 80 feet lower than at Kankakee, a difference that would give a dip of 2 feet to the mile. The only accurate record of deep drilling in this county is from Kan- kakee. The wells at the State Hospital for the Insane are over 1,800 feet in depth, but no log was kept of the strata below the St. Peter sand- stone. The geological succession, as determined from a study of the drillings by Professor Udden 2 , is similar to that at Joliet and Chicago. The St. Peter sandstone was struck in the Kankakee well at a depth of 890 feet; the curb elevation is approximately 615 feet. Toward the west part of the county the depths to this waer-bearing formation will grad- ually decrease so that it will probably be found at 650 to 750 feet below the surface. The depth to this formation increases eastward from Kan- kakee and probably in the townships along the eastern border it is over 1,150 feet below the surface. 1 Savage, T. E., Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Alexandrian series in Illi- nois and Missouri: 111. State Geol. Survey Bull. 23, 1913. 2 Udden, J. A., Some deep borings in Illinois: 111. State Geol. Survey Bull. 24, 1914. KANKAKEE COUNTY 173 The first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group, which is the chief water- bearing horizon at Joliet and Chicago, was encountered in the Kanka- kee wells, but its depth was not recorded. This formation at Joliet was struck about 600 feet below the top of the St. Peter sandstone, and this figure can be used for calculations in Kankakee County. The Pennsylvanian strata in the western tier of townships is com- monly a series of shales, sandy shales, and thin sandstones, and a few thin coal beds. In many places the waters from these beds are sulphurous or salty. Underground Waters sources The ground waters, which have been extensively utilized, are ob- tained from the Niagaran limestone or the drift deposits. The only deep wells in the county are at the State Hospital for the Insane at Kankakee. The Valparaiso morainic system in Will County forms a collecting reservoir for the rainfall creating a condition favorable for ground waters in that part of Kankakee County north of the Kankakee ; supple- mentary favoring factors are the sandy soil, flat topography, and south- ward slope of the land surface. The slight relief and somewhat sandy soil prevent excessive run-off in other parts of the county as well. The only information regarding the static head of the artesian water from the deeper strata has been obtained at Kankakee. This will be discussed in the description of the water resources at that locality. CHEMICAL CHARACTER The waters from the Niagaran limestone are rather hard as indi- cated in the analyses. The chief salts are the carbonates of calcium and magnesium with a considerable amount of magnesium sulphate. In the western tier of townships many of the wells penetrate the Pennsylvan- ian strata underlying the drift and produce sulphurous or even salty water ; in this connection the conditions at Reddick should be noted. Wells of a depth much greater than 1,850 feet may be expected to furnish a highly mineralized water. This inference is drawn from the deep well at Kankakee, and it is believed that similar conditions exist in other parts of the county. However, where the deep wells receive large additions of waters from the upper strata, the final product from the well will be considerably modified. LOCAL SUPPLIES KANKAKEE The source of the municipal water supply is Kankakee River, but the water is treated before usage. There are, however, a number of rock wells drilled in the city in addition to two at the Hospital for the Insane which penetrate the "Potsdam" group. 174 AKTESIAN WATEKS OF NOKTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The Niagaran limestone wells are represented by the one at the Radeke Brewery and those at the Kankakee Pure Milk Company. The well at the Radeke Brewery is 225 feet in depth and 8 inches in diameter at the surface. The location is within 75 feet of the Kankakee, about 7 feet above the water level in the stream. The yield is at least 80 gallons per minute with the working barrel of the pump at a depth of 65 feet ; the water level is not known. The analysis indicates a hard water, but it is used in beer making after preliminary heating which precipitates some of the dissolved mineral matter. The Kankakee Pure Milk Company has two Niagaran limestone wells, one 112 feet and the other 205 feet in depth. The latter is cased with 10-inch pipe to a depth of 30 feet or 27 feet below the bed-rock surface. The yield is from 75 to 100 gallons per minute with the work- ing barrel at a depth of 60 feet ; no diminution of the water supply has ever been noted. The water level is about 17 feet below the ground surface, but the effects of pumping are not known. Although the 112-foot well is of a much smaller bore it delivers about 25 gallons per minute. The analysis indicates a hard water with a rather large amount of dissolved mineral matter. The water is used for boiler purposes after softening. The State Hospital for the Insane, situated immediately south of Kankakee and on the south side of the river, owns two interesting wells, drilled in 1908-09. They are located approximately 275 feet apart in a north-south direction near Kankakee River, at an elevation of about 10 feet above the water in the stream. The drillings from one of the wells down to a depth of 1,090 feet or through the St. Peter sandstone were studied by Prof. J. A. Udden. 1 This record is given on the accom- panying pages. The strata below the St. Peter were not recorded, but they are very probably similar to those at Joliet, although some varia- tions in the thicknesses may occur. Well No. 1, or the north well, was originally drilled through the St. Peter sandstone, and a pumping test gave a yield of about 200 gallons per minute. In order to preclude all possibility of any water from the drift or upper part of the Niagaran limestone entering the well, about 100 feet of 15-inch surface pipe was carefully sealed at the bottom with concrete. A pumping test was again made after this casing had been placed and sealed off; but only a small amount of water was obtained, and a great lowering of the water level followed, indicating a strong flow of Niagaran limestone water into the well at the time the first test was made. In an attempt to obtain a greater yield, the drilling was continued 1 Udden, J. A., Some deep borings in Illinois: 111. State Geol. Survey Bull. 24, 50, 1914. KANKAKEE COUNTY 175 to a depth of 1812 feet and the well was finished 5 inches in diameter at the bottom. At the present time about 250 gallons per minute can be pumped, but the water has a very high mineral content. The second well was drilled in 1909 to a depth of 1,847 feet. The 15-inch surface pipe is about 75 feet long; the hole is about 5 inches in diameter at the bottom. In this well the surface pipe was not sealed off as in the previous one, and there is every reason to believe that large ad- ditions of water are obtained from the Niagaran limestone. Analyses of the two waters show that the one from the 1,812-foot well in which the surface pipe was sealed off, has much the higher mineral content. The temperature of this water is 61.5°F. and the static head is 126 feet below the surface, or an approximate altitude of 489 feet. The water from the 1,847 foot well is similar to that from the Niagaran limestone, except that the mineral content is somewhat greater, due chiefly to an increased amount of sodium chloride. The temperature is 56.2 °F., and the water level is 51 feet below the surface, or at an approximate altitude of 564 feet. The yield is about 250 gallons per minute. The water from the 1812-foot well, in which the surface pipe was sealed off with concrete, has the following "Potsdam" characteristics : high mineral content, chiefly sodium chloride, or salt ; a higher tempera- ture than waters from the shallower horizons ; and a low water level. The water from the 1,847-foot well, in which the surface pipe was not sealed off, is similar in many ways to that from the Niagaran limestone ; the temperatures, the analyses and the water levels are alike. Although some of this water is probably from the "Potsdam" group, by far the greater amount is from the Niagaran limestone. Prof. Udden's summary of his interpretation of samples from one of these wells is as follows : Log of well at the Hospital for the Insane, Kankakee Drilled in 1908 Generalized section 1 Thickness Description of strata Feet (Niagaran limestone). Dolomitic limestone, yellow, white, and gray. . 300 Cincinnatian shale 105 Galena-Trenton (upper part). Dolomitic limestone of mostly coarse texture and light color 355 Galena-Trenton (lower part). Dolomitic limestone of prevailing darker shale and finer texture 120 Dolomitic limestone, partly pure and partly containing embedded sand, with some green shale probably in separate seams. Beds of transition 15 (St. Peter sandstone). White, well worn quartz sand 190 1 Udden, J. A., Some deep borings in Illinois: 111. State Geol. Survey Bull. 24. T. 50, 1914. 176 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS MANTENO The drift in the vicinity of Manteno is thin, so that the Niagaran limestone lies within 15 to 20 feet of the surface. The dug wells draw their supply from the drift overlying the bed rock. The source of the municipal water supply is three wells that pene- trate the Niagaran limestone. The largest well is 15 feet in diameter and 60 feet in depth. It is lined with concrete to a depth of 20 feet or 3 feet below the surface of the bed rock. At the bottom there is a tunnel connection with No. 3 well, situated 15 feet to the west. The depth of No. 3 is 426 feet ; there is 17 feet of 10-inch surface pipe and the bottom diameter is 6 inches. The normal water level is 40 feet below the surface. The rate of inflow into these two wells is about 225 gallons per minute, but the large well can be emptied in approximately two hours when pump- ing at the rate of 450 gallons per minute. There is also a 310-foot well located 60 feet west from No. 3 ; the diameter at the surface is 10 inches and at the bottom, 8 inches. An abandoned well 88 feet deep and 6 inches surface diameter is located about 10 feet south from the 310-foot one. The water is hard and would form considerable tenacious scale if used in boilers without softening. The analysis is given. MOMENCE Most of the private wells are from 12 to 40 feet in depth, although rarely a deeper one is drilled. The water source is either a sand and gravel stratum overlying the Niagaran limestone or the bed rock itself. The city supply is furnished by four wells located near Kankakee River; the diameters are 8 inches, and the Niagaran limestone is pene- trated, but the depths are not known. The water level is within 12 to 20 feet of the surface. Two of the wells are close to the river and the water levels in the streams and wells are practically the same although there is no direct connection. The average daily pumpage is about 320,000 gallons which is ac- complished in approximately 16 hours of operation. There is no analysis of the water but it is hard and forms scale when used untreated in boilers. The village has no municipal supply, but some data in regard to the ground waters has been obtained. The drift is from 60 to 75 feet thick and is underlain by strata of the Pennsylvania!! system. This bed rock in many places contains sulphurous water and in many instances large amounts of salt. The well at the town hall is probably 268 feet deep, the casing is G inch, but the length is not known. The material penetrated below the KENDALL COUNTY 177 ! drift was the Pennsylvanian to a depth of about 184 feet, and the remain- der was limestone. The water obtained is too salty for drinking pur- poses ; the analysis is given. A 4-inch drift well at the school house is 66 feet deep and yields a water of fair quality that is used for drinking. If it is not possible in this vicinity to develop satisfactory supplies from the drift, the St. Peter or deeper horizons should be tried ; the upper strata to the base of the lowest coal bed at least and preferably much deeper, should be cased off. The St. Peter sandstone will probably be found at from TOO to 750 feet and the first "Potsdam" sandstone about 600 feet deeper. The quality of the waters at these deeper horizons will very probably be better than those obtained within a few hundred feet of the surface. KENDALL COUNTY Physiography Kendall County is located in the northeastern part of the State, south of Kane County and west of the northern portion of Will County. The total area is 324 square miles. The Marseilles moraine 1 enters the county in the northeast corner, follows the west border for four or five miles and then swings abruptly to the west, crossing the county in a southwestward direction. Its west- ern border is from less than a mile to not over 4 miles south of Fox River. Its average width is 2 or 3 miles. The elevations along this morainic belt are from 100 to 125 feet higher than those of the lower lands to the northwest. The ground moraine south of the Marseilles terminal moraine averages about 75 feet less in elevation. The surface of the terminal moraine is characterized by knolls, 24 to 40 feet in height covering an area of a few acres, and separated by saucerlike, irregular-shaped depressions generally poorly drained. Another elevated strip along the eastern border of the county called the Minooka Ridge 2 is scarcely 2 miles wide and has terminal-moraine topography. Fox River and its tributaries have accentuated the relief somewhat in the northwestern townships. The elevations along the river are about 100 feet below those on the uplands a few miles distant. The topography of the remainder of the county outside the morainic areas and Fox River Valley is flat. The relief is very slight, and the slopes are gentle. The drainage of the northern and northwestern parts of the county is effected to the southwest by Fox River and its tributaries. The re- 1 Leverett, Frank, The Illinois glacial lobe: U. S. Geol. Survey Monograph 38, p. 309, 1899. 2 Leverett, Frank, Idem, p. 319, 1899. 178 AETESIAN WATEES OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS mainder of the county drains southeastward to Illinois River through Aux Sable Creek and minor streams. Geology The greater part of the county is covered by a mantle of drift, which probably averages 100 feet in thickness and is composed mainly of blue till (unstratified drift) which is characterized by a large amount of clay and only a moderate amount of coarse rock material. The drift is thin along the south-central border between the Marseilles moraine and the Minooka Ridge and is thickest along the Marseilles moraine where depths of 200 feet have occasionally been reported. Wells of 125 to 150 feet in which the bed rock has not been encountered are not unusual. There are few rock outcrops except along Fox River. However, at least five different formations underlie the drift in the different parts of the county. The oldest known formation to be exposed is the St. Peter sandstone, which is found along the river at Millington. The strata have a dip to the east that amounts to at least 23 feet per mile between Millington and Joliet. This dip causes the older forma- tions to successively disappear under the next younger. Therefore, be- ginning with the St. Peter sandstone at Millington and going eastward the following strata are the bed-rock formations in order : Galena-Platte- ville limestone, Maquoketa shale, Alexandrian limestone and the Niagaran limestone. Strata of Pennsylvanian age occupy a few square miles of territory in the extreme southwestern corner of the county. Underground Waters sources Although the drift is of a considerable thickness over the great part of the county, the shallow wells do not produce large supplies because much of the drift is clay. Along Fox River the shallow wells penetrate gravel deposits above the bed rock and obtain quantities sufficient for domestic purposes. Few wells over 1,000 feet deep have been drilled in the county, so that little is known regarding the waters from the deeper strata. In the vicinity of Millington, where the St. Peter sandstone is near the surface, a number of farm wells draw water from this formation. Flow- ing wells are obtained occasionally from the St. Peter sandstone in locali- ties of low elevation. LOCAL SUPPLIES OSWEGO The village supply is furnished by a dug well 22 feet deep and 14 feet in diameter. The material penetrated is drift except for the lower 4 feet LAKE COUNTY 179 which is in Niagaran limestone. The water level is about 10 feet below the surface, and the approximate daily pumpage is 18,000 gallons. The analysis indicates a fairly hard water; scale would form if it were used for boiler purposes without treatment. PLANO The water supply is furnished by a dug well located at the Steward Mill in the east part of the village. The well is 10 feet in diameter and 14 feet in depth ; it is located about 50 feet from Big Rock Creek. The lining of the well is concrete, so that all the water enters from the bot- tom. The mill furnishes the power for the pumping of 120,000 gallons per day. The only record of a deep well in the county is from one on Fox River bottoms, %y 2 miles south and a little east of Piano. The drillings were studied by J. A. Udden and his descriptions are given below. 1 Log of well near Piano, Illinois Generalized section Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Clay, sand, and gravel 40 ? 40 ? Ordovician system Galena-Platteville limestone Limestone, dolomitic 550 590 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone 135 725 Prairie du Chien group Limestone, dolomitic with occasional thin beds of sand- stone 385 1110 YORKVILLE The Marseilles moraine, bordering the town on the southeast, has a number of springs along its base. Likewise, shallow wells less than 50 feet deep furnish supplies sufficient for domestic purposes. The source of the village water supply is a number of springs in the Marseilles moraine about a mile and a half east of town. The water flows from the springs into a collecting basin from which it is pumped to a reservoir at a higher elevation. It then flows by gravity to the village. LAKE COUNTY Physiography Lake County is situated in the extreme northeastern corner of the 1 Udden, J. A., Some deep borings in Illinois: 111. Geol. Survey Bull. 24, p. 45, 1914. 180 AETESIAN WATEES OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS State. Lake Michigan forms its eastern and the Wisconsin line its north- ern boundary. The total area is 455 square miles. The west half of the county is occupied by the Valparaiso morainic system and is therefore characterized by a hummocky relief or knoll-and- basin topography. The hills range from 10 to 50 feet above the general surface, although a few of the larger ones are 100 feet above the lower areas. Shallow lakes, which are rarely over 50 feet in depth, are scat- tered among the knolls, and marshes exist in many of the depressions. The greatest altitudes are in the southwest part near Lake Zurich where elevations of nearly 900 feet, or over 300 feet above Lake Michigan have been recorded. The topography of the eastern half is undulating and not so rough as that to the west. No distinct bluff is developed along Lake Michigan from the northern border south to Zion City. From this point southward, a bluff gradually develops which at Waukegan is about 40 feet in height. Its distance from the lake lessens toward the south; two or three miles north of Waukegan there is over a mile of lake flats whereas, a few miles south of that city the lake waters are at the base of the. cliff. The height of the bluff from North Chicago to Lake Forest averages about 70 feet. The entire county is characterized by inadequate drainage. In the northwest part numerous shallow lakes range in size from a few acres to several square miles. Many of the depressions are not well drained, so that marshes prevail in many areas. The western townships drain westward by small, winding streams that finally join to form Fox River which flows southward. The eastern half of the county drains south- ward through Desplaines River and the north branch of Chicago River which here are little larger than creeks. Geology The mantle of drift covering the entire county has probably an average thickness of more than 200 feet and is composed of stony blue clay with irregular beds of sand and gravel. In the lake region of the northwestern townships much sand is reported in the drift. In many of the wells the rock surface is lower than the water level in Lake Michigan. Leverett believes that the rock surface will scarcely average as high as that of the lake. 1 The depth to bed rock around the station at Zion City is about 1 15 feet, but about two miles to the west along the ridge, the drift is 185 to L90 feet thick. Along the lake bluff south from Waukegan it is 175 to over 200 feel to bed rock. At Grays Lake rock was struck at 230 feel and in the vicinity of Libertyville at about 200 feet. The greatest 1 Leverett, I<\, The Illinois Glacial Lobe: IT. S. Geol. Survey Monograph 38 p. 579, 1S!C). LAKE COUNTY 181 thicknesses of drift are recorded from the southwestern townships ; at Lake Zurich a 297-foot well did not strike rock, and at Barrington, just south of the county line, it is about 250 feet to rock. The bed-rock formation underlying the entire county is probably the Niagaran limestone. The underlying strata are indicated by the de- tailed records from Lake Forest and Grays Lake. The formations below the St. Peter are more sandy than in the areas further south, as at Joliet. The strata have a slight eastward dip, probably not over 10 or 12 feet to the mile, and the southward dip is less, as very little difference was noted between the altitude of the St. Peter sandstone at Zion City and Ravinia. Underground Waters sources At the present time the greater number of towns along Lake Michi- gan obtain their municipal supply from the lake, but formerly the source was deep wells. The deeper- wells draw their supplies from the St. Peter, Prairie du Chien, and "Potsdam" formations. The strata below the St. Peter in this area have a greater development of sandstones than in the regions farther south which creates favorable conditions for underground waters. The chief source of ground water in this county is either from sandy beds in the drift or the underlying Niagaran limestone. Only a few of the larger towns have drilled deep wells. The static head of the waters from the deeper strata is sufficient to produce flowing wells in the extreme northeast corner of the county. A flow may also be obtained at the low elevations that prevail along the base of the lake bluff. The recession of the static head has not been so great as in Cook County to the south. A 1,568-foot well at Zion City in 1901 had a static head of 30 feet above the ground surface, or an approximately 680-foot elevation. This well flows at present at a curb elevation of 648 feet, but the head is not much above the curb. The 1,900-foot well at Lake Bluff had a head of 45 feet above the sur- face thirty years ago. The water level at present is 45 feet below the ground, or at an altitude of approximately 635 feet. The water level in the recently completed 1920-foot well at the country estate of Ogden Armour, two miles west of Lake Forest, was 42 feet below the surface, or at an altitude of 648 feet. chemical character The mineral content of the waters from the drift and Niagaran limestone have shown considerable variation. The bicarbonates of cal- 182 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS cium and magnesium usually dominate, but varying amounts of the sulphates of magnesium, calcium, and sodium may be present. It is de- sirable, and in many cases necessary, to soften the water before it is used in boilers. Many of the Niagaran limestone wells yield a water that contains some hydrogen sulphide. Generally the amount is not great, but in some instances the water is objectionable for drinking purposes to people not accustomed to it. A few deeper drift wells have yielded a some- what sulphurous water. It is impossible to draw any detailed conclusions regarding the waters from the deeper strata, because the wells are cased only to bed rock and varying amounts of water from the upper strata enter the wells. The essential difference between the deeper waters and those from the Niagaran limestone is in the absence of hydrogen sulphide in the former, and in its presence in the latter. The 1,991-foot well belonging to E. S. Moore at Lake Forest is cased to a depth of 1,660 feet. The water delivered has a total mineral content of 29.899 grains per gallon, of which 23.157 grains were in- crusting solids. From the analysis given it is seen that some of the Niagaran limestone waters have as low a mineral content. LOCAL SUPPLIES GENERAL STATEMENT Nearly all the towns along the lake shore draw their municipal water supplies from Lake Michigan ; Many deep wells have been abandoned in favor of the softer lake water. The recession of the water table has also been instrumental in bringing about a change in the source of the municipal supplies. GRAYS LAKE The Wisconsin Condensed Milk Company has recently completed a 1,040-foot well. The drillings were collected at intervals of 10 feet, and the record obtained from a study of these samples follows : Log of well owned oy Wisconsin Condensed Milk Co., Grays Lake, Lake County Elevation— 800± feet Drilled in 1916, by S. B. Geiger, Chicago Generalized section 11 Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Soil, clay, sand and gravel 230 230 Silurian system Niagaran limestone Dolomite, light gray to gray, fine grained to subcrystalline 110 340 LAKE COUNTY 183 Log of well owned by Wisconsin Condensed Milk Go. — Concluded Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Shale, chocolate colored 20 360 Dolomite, light gray to straw color, subcrystalline 50 410 Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale, gray to drab, dolomitic 10 420 Dolomite, drab, granular 20 440 Shale, gray 10 450 Dolomite, gray, shaly 10 460 Shale, light gray 10 470 Dolomite, light gray, with drab shale 20 490 Shale, gray to drab 50 540 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, gray to straw color, crystalline 300 840 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, gray to white 30 870 Dolomite, light gray, fine grained, sandy 20 890 Sandstone, white; grains of medium size, clear, rounded 150 1040 a The detailed log- of this well compiled from study of samples is to be found in the Survey files if desired for reference. GTJRNEE A 1,580-foot well was drilled in 1912 for the Bowman Dairy Com- pany. The water level at that time was just at the surface, or at an altitude of about 670 feet. There are no further data. Shallow, flowing wells are obtained in the village from the drift and bed rock ; the collecting area is probably the higher region to the east. The water is somewhat sulphurous. HIGHLAND PARK The source of the public water supply is Lake Michigan. The deep wells owned by the city have been abandoned for a number of years. The analysis is given of the water from a flowing well at the Till- man farm, one and a half miles west of Highland Park. This is a 2-inch driven well, 180 feet deep and penetrates the Niagaran limestone for 15 feet. The water will flow at the rate of 2 gallons per minute, but the pressure is shut in, so that only about 450 gallons per day is delivered. The water is bottled and sold in the vicinity for drinking purposes. There is enough hydrogen sulphide present to give the water a slight sulphur taste as it comes from the well, but this is rarely noted after the water has been bottled. The water is rather hard, but is preferred by many to that obtained from the lake. The analysis indicates that a similar water is obtained from the well owned by R. Tillman. The location is across the road and only a few 184 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS hundred feet from the previously described well at the Tillman farm. The Chicago and North Western Railway Company has drilled a 1,760-foot well at their Blodgett watering station, about a mile west of Highland Park. The geological succession, as indicated by the driller's record is shown in the accompanying log. A 16-inch casing extends from the surface to a depth of 121 feet, and 770 feet of 10-inch casing extends from 288 feet to 1,058 feet. The water from the St. Peter sandstone is therefore shut out, but it is possible for Niagaran limestone water to enter. The analysis indicates a water of low mineral content; a very similar water is furnished by the 498-foot Niagaran limestone well at Lake Bluff. The water tastes strongly of hydrogen sulphide in which it resembles other waters from the bed rock in this region. The yield is about 300 gallons per minute for about 5 hours per day ; neither the water level nor effects of pumping are known. Log of Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company at Blodgett in the SW. 1/4 NW. I/4 sec. 27, T. 43 N., R. 12 E. Elevation— 650±feet Description of strata Clay, yellow Clay, blue . Hard pan . . Limestone . Shale Limestone Shale Limestone Sandstone Sandstone and shale Shale, red Limestone Limestone and shale. Sandstone Shale St. Peter. Limestone Sandstone and shale Limestone and shale. Sandstone and shale, Limestone Shale and sandstone Shale and sandstone Sandstone Shale Sandstone ickness ; Depth Feet Feet 20 20 60 80 40 120 240 360 15 375 25 400 85 485 320 805 95 900 133 1033 25 1058 10 1068 57 1125 30 1155 25 1180 20 1200 130 1330 130 1460 100 1560 10 1570 30 1600 40 1640 40 1680 5 1685 75 1760 LAKE COUNTY 185 HIGHWOOD The municipal supply is lake water obtained from the Highland Park pumping station. A 1, 753-foot well has been drilled for the Chi- cago and Milwaukee Railroad Company; the strata penetrated are sim- ilar to those at Blodgett. The well is operated only a few hours per day at the rate of about 75 gallons per miunte. LAKE BLUFF The village has 3 deep wells, the depths of which are 300, 498, and about 1,900 feet. The chief sources of supply are the 498- and 1,900-foot wells, as the other one is rarely used. The 498-foot well is cased to bed rock with 194 feet of 10-inch pipe, and the diameter at the bottom is 8 inches ; the yield is about 55 gallons per minute. The deeper well is over 30 years old, and the exact dimensions are not known ; however, a yield of 75 gallons per minute can be obtained. The original static head was about 45 feet above the surface, or at an altitude of approxi- mately 725 feet. The present level is 45 feet below the ground ; the effects of pumping are not known. The water from the shallower well is softer than that from the deeper one and is therefore preferred. The temperature of the water from the 498-foot well was 52.5° F. and that from the 1,900-foot well was 63.7° F. LAKE FOREST The city supply is drawn from Lake Michigan, but a few deep wells have been drilled at neighboring country estates of Ogden Armour, R. S. Moore, Miss Culver, Hobart Taylor, and Alfred L. Baker. There are 2 deep wells at the Armour estate about two and a half miles west of Lake Forest. The old well is 1,623 feet deep and delivers about 200 gallons per minute. The analysis indicates a fairly hard water ; an odor of hydrogen sulphide indicates that probably some additions are received from the Niagaran limestone. A new 1,920-foot well is cased with 164 feet of 21-inch surface pipe, and 90 feet of 18-inch casing extends through Maquoketa shale. The water level is 42 feet below the surface, or at an altitude of 648 feet. The yield on a 30-hour test was between 400 and 500 gallons per minute ; the amount of recession during pumping is not known. In drilling the new Armour well a small flow of gas was obtained just below the contact of the drift and bed rock, or at a depth about 147 feet. The flow on July 6, 1915, was 218 cubic feet per hour, and the pressure was 1.5 pounds per square inch. The gas was cased off, and the drilling continued. The analysis made by Paul Rudnick of Armour and Company is given below. 186 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Analysis of gas at Armour well, Lake Forest Per cent Methane (marsh gas) 81.5 Ethane 2.5 Inert gases 16.0 Total 100 . British thermal units per cubit foot 910 . In drilling a 264-foot well on the same property, the well driller reported finding in the drillings from the Niagaran limestone gobs of a dark-colored substance resembling crude oil which would burn when thrown on the fire. The Niagaran limestone in other localities, as in the Chicago area, shows dark-colored, bituminous blotches. The presence of this substance may account for the noticeable content of hydrogen sulphide in the Niagaran limestone waters. Log of well on estate of Ogden Armour, near Lake Forest, in the SW. l/.'i BE. 1/lf. sec. 36, T. U N. t R. 11 E. Elevation— 690 ± feet (Drilled in 1915-16 by Whitney Well Co., Chicago) Generalized section* Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and recent Soil, sand, and gravel 147 147 Silurian system Niagaran limestone Dolomite 253 400 Ordivician system Maquoketa shale Shale 167 567 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, light gray to cream colored, subcrystalline. . . . 308 875 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone 35 910 Dolomite 20 930 Sandstone 90 1020 Prairie du Chien limestone Chert, white, with shale and dolomite, and some sand. ... 60 1080 Dolomite, light gray to cream colored, subcrystalline.... 80 1160 Dolomite, light, reddish brown, subcrystalline, sandy, glau- coniferous; and dolomitic sandstone 80 1240 Cambrian system ? "Potsdam" group Sandstone, white, with occasional dolomite and shale lay- ers 680 1920 a The detailed log 1 of this well, compiled from study of samples, is to be found in the Survey files if needed for reference. LAKE COUNTY 187 A 1,991-foot well was drilled in 1913 for R. S. Moore at Lake Forest. To obtain a water of low mineral content and no hydrogen sulphide, the water pipe was continued to a depth of 1,660 feet and sealed with a rubber packer. Analysis of the water made by the Dear- born Chemical Company is appended ; a moderate amount of hardness is indicated. The water is reported to have no order or taste of sulphur. LAKE ZUEICH The village water supply is furnished by a 218-foot drift well. The entire distance is cased with 6-inch pipe. No accurate log was kept, but the material was reported to be entirely sand and gravel below a depth of 100 feet. The water level at rest is 100 feet below the surface, but the effects of pumping are not known. The average daily consumption is 4,000 gallons. The appended analysis indicates a sulphate water with so great a content of calcium and magnesium that large amount of tenacious scale would be formed if the water were used for boiler purposes. LIBERT YVILLE The public supply is furnished by 3 drift wells, 2 of which are 180 feet and the other 170 feet in depth. The dimensions range from 4 to 8 inches. Two of the wells are equipped with air-lift pumping sys- tems for use during periods of exceptionally heavy demand. The aver- age daily consumption is about 60,000 gallons. Other wells in the vicinity are flowing and the collecting area is probably the higher region to the west. Some of the water from the private, flowing wells is bottled and sold. The water is rather hard and must be treated before it is satisfactory for boiler purposes. RAVINIA PARK The water supply for the Park is furnished by a 1,096-foot well that pentrates the St. Peter sandstone. The well is 8 inches in diameter at the surface and yields 75 gallons per minute. The analysis of the water is given, but it is not possible to say that this water is entirely from the St. Peter sandstone. The surface casing extends through the drift, or to a depth of 161 feet, but this does not preclude the entrance of Niagaran limestone water. The mineral con- tent is rather high, and there is a considerable amount of scale-forming solids. The Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company has a 900- foot well in the St Peter sandstone. This water-bearing formation 188 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS was struck at a depth of 870 feet ; the curb elevation is approximately 685 feet. The water pipe extends to a depth of 300 feet, and the well is finished at 5 inches. The yield is not known. The total mineral content is 33.5 grains per gallon of which 22 grains are the carbonates of calcium and magnesium and the sulphate of magnesium. The water is used in locomotives after some softening. WAUKEGAN The municipal water supply was formerly obtained from 3 deep wells, but these were abandoned in 1894, and lake water has since been used. The use of the well waters was discontinued because of the hard- ness which made it unsuitable for boiler use. A 2,200-foot well is located near the Chicago and North Western Railway station at the foot of the bluff, so that the altitude (about 600 feet) is at least 50 feet lower than that of the land to the west. The well flows about 10 gallons per minute at an elevation of 3 feet above the surface ; the dimensions and amounts of casing are not known. The analysis indicates a rather hard water ; no trace of hydrogen sulphide was noted. Flowing wells from the drift or Niagaran limestone are also obtained along the lake flats, as illustrated by those at the North Shore Gas Company. This firm has 2 wells, one of which is 82 feet in depth and does not penetrate bed rock. The diameter is 6 inches and a flow of about 6 gallons per minute is obtained ; the static head is about 2 feet above the surface. The other well is 145 feet deep. There is 115 feet of 8-inch casing which rests probably on the bed rock. The flow is approximately 10 gallons per minute and the static head about 10 feet above the sur- face. The analyses indicate similar waters that are moderately hard and are softened before using in boilers. A very slight trace of hydrogen sul- phide was thought to be present in the water from the 145- foot well ; none was noted in that from the other well. The water temperature of the shallow well was 54.2° F. and of the other 54.6° F. ZION CITY In 1901 and 1902 the city dilled 3 wells that range in depth from about 1,140 to 1,568 feet. Two of the wells are located near the station at an altitude of approximately 595 feet, and the other one is about three-quarters of a mile to the west at an elevation of about 648 feet. The driller's record of the latter well is given below. LA SALLE COUNTY 189 Log of well at Shiloh Park, Zion City. Elevation— 648 ± feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Clay, sand, and gravel 113 113 Limestone 337 450 Shale 100 550 Limestone 90 640 Shale, red; probably shaly limestone 135 775 Limestone 75 850 Sandstone (St. Peter) ; overflow at 925 190 1040 Marl, red 20 1060 Sandstone and red marl 50 1110 Marl, red 25 1135 Sandstone and red marl 25 1160 Sandstone 125 1285 Shale, blue 105 1390 Sandstone 60 1450 Sandstone and limestone 40 1490 Sandstone 10 1500 Marl, red 20 1520 Sandstone and red marl 10 1530 Marl, red 5 1535 Sandstone 34 1569 All these wells flow at the present time, but since the wells were drilled the static head has receded from 25 to 30 feet. The 1,569-foot well, which is at the highest elevation, flows at the rate of approximately 200 gallons per minute, but the head is only a few feet above the surface. A large portion of the city, and particularly the business section, is situated at an elevation about 20 feet lower than the curb of the 1,569-foot well. The water therefore flows directly into the mains, and the pipe pressure is hydrostatic. The lowering of the water table has made the pressure in the mains very low in many parts of the city. The analyses indicate a rather hard water that would require softening to make it satisfactory for boiler use. LA SALLE COUNTY Physiography LaSalle County is situated in the north-central part of the State ; the counties of Bureau and Putnam adjoin it on the west, and the counties of Kendall and Grundy on the east. It is next to the largest county in the state and has an area of 1,146 square miles. The county as a whole is a flat, upland area which has an average altitude of 650 to 750 feet. However, the continuity of this plain-like region is interrupted by prominent topographic features. The chief of 190 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS these is Illinois Valley, which divides the county in an east-west di- rection into two nearly equal parts. The Illinois has here formed a valley about 2 miles wide and 200 feet deep. The major tributaries of this stream, particularly Vermilion and Little Vermilion rivers, have likewise carved gorge-like canyons near their mouths. The bed rock has been cut deeply, so that precipitous bluffs border the streams. Another prominent topographic feature is the Marseilles terminal moraine, that enters the county along the eastern border from the south- west corner of Kendall County. This elevated belt then swings south- westward, is cut by the Illinois between Marseilles and Ottawa, whence it swings somewhat to the east and crosses the southern border of the county a few miles east of Streator. This ridge has a width of 5 or 6 miles and an average altitude along its crest of about 750 feet. The differences in elevation between points on the moraine and those on the plains to the west are from 75 to a 100 feet or more. The slopes, however, are gentle; the topography of this elevated belt is somewhat of a knob-and-kettle character and some of the saucer-like depressions are not well drained. Another morainic belt, called Farm Ridge, emerges from the Mar- seilles moraine south of Grand Ridge. It extends east and northeast immediately east of Vermilion and Little Vermilion rivers, but north of the Illinois is interrupted by gaps. The width is scarcely over a mile, but in places it has a clearly defined terminal-moraine topography. The extreme northwest corner of the county is crossed by the Bloomington morainic system. The elevations along its crest are nearly 900 feet. This gives a difference in elevation in the count of about 450 feet, as the lowest altitude of the Illinois is approximately 450 feet. The entire county lies in the drainage basin of the Illinois which is the master stream of this region. The river flows across the county in a westward direction, a little south of its mid-latitude. The important tributaries in this area are the Vermilion, the Little Vermilion, and Fox rivers. The northern half of the county is drained on the west by the Little Vermilion and on the east by Fox River. South of the Illinois and Vermilion is the important stream. A few minor tributaries drain the area immediately bordering Illinois River. The county, as a whole, is rather well drained although marshes exist around some of the head- waters of the upland creeks. The flatness of the upland prairies pre- vents rapid run-off during heavy rains. Geology The greater part of this county is covered by a mantle of glacial de- posits, or till, although the major streams have cut valleys deeply into the LA SALLE COUNTY 191 bed rock. The thickness of this surface deposit varies greatly in different parts of the area. Many of the wells in the uplands enter rock at depths of 50 feet and less, except in the northwestern, eastern, and southeastern elevated partions of the county. The average depth to rock in 55 deep wells on the uplands and 8 wells in the valleys is 99 feet. The average depth of 85 other wells situated mainly along the Marseilles moraine is 89 feet. 1 Along the Bloomington morainic system in the northwestern corner of the county, the drift has a thickness of over 200 feet. Likewise in the area of the Marseilles moraine the depth to bed rock is about 200 feet. In the southwestern township drift thicknesses of 150 feet are not un- common. The noteworthy feature of the rock formations in this county is their structure. In other parts of northeastern Illinois, the strata are nearly horizontal, whereas at LaSalle they have been sharply bent into an anticline or fold. This anticline is step-like so that the beds of the crest have an eastward dip, whereas immediately west of the anticline the strata plunge downward at a very high angle before they again rise toward the west. Along the crest of this fold which is commonly spoken of as the La Salle anticline the later-deposited formations have been removed by erosion so that the older beds are exposed. Indeed beds outcrop here which in regions east and west of the north-south fold are hundreds of feet below the surface ; for example at La Salle the strata that out- crop along the top of the anticline are over 1,500 feet below the surface about a mile and a half to the east. From this maximum depth, the beds again rise gradually toward the west. The trend of the anticline just east of La Salle is about N. 27° W. North of that city it swings a few degrees to the west; in the vicinity of Lowell, the direction is nearly north and south. 2 The Galena-Platteville limestone is the bed rock formation in the greater part of the northern one-third of the county; in the other two- thirds, the Pennsylvania strata underlie the drift, except for the out- crops of the St. Peter sandstone and Prairie du Chien limestone along the crest of the La Salle anticline and in the major stream valleys. The character of the deeper strata can be determined from the different logs. The great thickness of the Prairie du Chien group which includes the New Richmond sandstone is to be noted. This sandstone 1 Leverett, F.. The Illinois Glacial Lobe: U. S. Geol. Survey Monograph 38, p. 635, 1899. 2 Cady, G. H., Geology and mineral resources of the Hennepin and La Salle quadrangles: 111. State Geol. Survey Bull. 37, 1919. 192 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS has a thickness of 188 feet at Deer Park, according to a well-driller's log, but thins rapidly toward the east and west. A sandstone, probably the New Richmond, is given in the well log from Ottawa which has a thickness of 87 feet. A similar sandstone, 80 feet thick, was reported from the well at St. Bedes College, a little over a mile west of Peru. Underground Waters sources The chief sources of the ground water are the drift, Galena-Trenton limestone, St. Peter sandstone, Prairie du Chien and Lower Magnesian group, and to some extent the Pennsylvanian series. The city wells at Ottawa penetrate the "Potsdam" sandstone. In the parts where the drift is heavy, as along the morainic areas, the greater number of private wells obtain water from this deposit. In the northern half of the county, where the St. Peter sandstone is within a few hundred feet of the surface, a number of wells tap this stratum. Along the Illinois both the St. Peter and the New Richmond of the Prairie du Chien group are important sources of ground water. Flowing wells from sand and gravel beds in the drift have been obtained in the vicinity of Earlville and also along the borders of the Marseilles moraine. Springs occur along the valley of the Illinois and its large tributaries, as the Fox, Vermilion, and Little Vermilion. Several of the deep-lying strata contain water under sufficient hy- drostatic pressure to create flowing wells in the regions of low altitude that prevail along Illinois valley. The wells, as a rule, have only a small amount of casing, so that it is not always possible to determine which of the strata are water bearing. Flowing wells are obtained from the St. Peter at altitudes from about 500 feet at Marseilles to about 550 feet at Peru. The greatest head of the St. Peter water noted in the county was at Mendota where it was 68 feet below the surface or at an altitude of about 680 feet ; however, this pressure is possibly influenced by waters from upper strata. The water from the New Richmond has a head a few feet greater than that of the St. Peter at Utica ; this formation has a head of about 520 feet and yields flowing wells. In the recently completed well of the Illinois Zinc Company at Peru, the static head was 30 feet above the surface or at an approximate altitude of 493 feet. The greater part of this water is probably from the New Richmond sandstone. The Cambrian sandstones have been penetrated at Ottawa. The city wells, which are 1,200 feet deep, will flow to a height of a foot above the surface, or at an altitude of 485 feet. The flowing Catlin well at Ottawa is 1,840 feet deep; its static head is about 517 feet. LA SALLE COUNTY 193 There is a 2,496-foot flowing well at Streator ; the curb elevation is approximately 618 feet. The water is too highly mineralized to be used. CHEMICAL CHARACTER A number of analyses of the ground waters in this county are given which will indicate the character of the waters from the different strata. In the northern half of the county the water from the Galena-Platteville limestone and the St. Peter sandstone is of good quality and only moder- ately mineralized. In the vicinity of Wedron, Ottawa, and Marseilles, the St. Peter water is somewhat sulphurous. In these localities this sandstone is not far below the Pennsylvanian system, or else these rocks occur in the neighborhood, and very probably affect the St. Peter water. The St. Peter water at Streator is very sulphurous and contains a large amount of the alkalies. The Pennsylvanian rocks, as well as the Niagaran limestone which in places underlies them, usually yield sulphurous waters which are more or less saline. These should be cased off so as not to contaminate the better waters from lower depths. The water from the New Richmond sandstone is only moderately mineralized as seen by the analyses from Utica. The Ottawa city wells probably obtain their greater supply from one of the upper "Potsdam'* sandstones ; the mineral content is low. Most waters from depths greater than 1,700 are rather highly min- eralized as shown in the analyses of the waters from the Catlin well at Ottawa and the 2,496-foot well at Streator. LOCAL SUPPLIES CEDAR POINT The village supply is furnished by 1,749-foot well owned by the La Salle Carbon Coal Company. The St. Peter sandstone was struck at a depth of 1,610 feet, or at an altitude of 957 feet below sea level. The casing continues from the surface to a depth of 900 feet ; the di- ameter of the top is 16 inches, and the bottom, 6 inches. The water rises to within 90 feet of the surface, or to an altitude of 563 feet. The yield during a pumping test was 183 gallons per minute ; the recession of the water table was not noted. DEER PARK Eight wells ranging in depth from 154 to 631 feet are distributed within an area of one and a half by three quarters of a mile. These wells are similar in size and capacity to those at Utica except that the head is somewhat lower. The chief water-bearing formations are the St. 194 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Peter and New Richmond sandstones. The latter formation has a reported thickness of 188 feet, which is the maximum noted in this area. Log of well at Deer Park on dank of Vermilion River, center SE. 1/4 sec. 30, T~ 33 N., R. 2 E. Elevation— 660+ feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Surface material 3 3 Limestone ,. , 47 50 Fire clay 2 52 Sandstone (St. Peter) , 197 249 Limestone 173 422 Sandstone (New Richmond) 188 610 Limestone 21 631 EARLVILLE The greater number of farm wells in this vicinity are drilled to the St. Peter sandstone, which is found within 200 or 300 feet of the sur- face. In places the St. Peter has been reported to underlie the drift directly, no Galena-Platteville being present. The village water supply is furnished by 3 wells, 2 of which are 150 feet deep, and the other, a new one, is 625 feet. The 150-foot wells are 10 inches in diameter and have a combined pumpage of 250 gallons per minute. The new well is 16 inches in diameter at the surface, but its yield is not known. The average daily consumption for the village is 84,600 gallons. GRAND RIDGE The drift is very heavy in this vicinity, as the location is on the slope of the Marseilles morainic system. The village well, which is 160 feet in depth, does not reach rock. It is also reported that the sand and gravel bed struck at about 150 feet continues to 195 feet, below which there is blue clay to at least 250 feet. Log of village well at Grand Ridge Elevation— 652± feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Soil 3 3 Clay, yellow 7 10 Clay, blue 105 115 Sand, no water 10 125 Sand and gravel; contains water 35 160 150 The village well was drilled in 1914 at a cost of $568 which included feet of 10-inch casing with a 14-foot screen at the bottom. The LA SALLE COUNTY 195 pumping equipment is an electrically driven, double-action, deep-well pump with a 5^-inch cylinder; the cost, including motor, was $2,043. The water level on the completion of drilling was 37.5 feet below the surface. No lowering of the water table was noted after a 22-hour test of 70 gallons per minute. However, it was not possible to make the measurement until 1.5 hours after the cessation of pumping. The water has a low mineral content and would form only a small amount of soft scale if used for boiler purposes. The temperature was 53.2° F. LA SALLE The source of the municipal water supply is 3 wells that range from iy 2 to 14 feet in diameter and are about 40 feet deep. The location is along the Illinois bottom flats and at no great distance from the water's edge. The analysis given indicates a rather hard water. The Matthiessen and Hegeler Zinc Company completed a 1619-foot well in 1913. The water pipe is 8-inch and extends from the surface to a depth of 1030 feet where it is sealed with a special packer. This casing excludes the salt water from the Niagaran limestone and the Pennsylvanian series. The chief sources of the water are the Galena- Platteville limestone and the St. Peter sandstone. The water level at the completion of the well was 65 feet below the surface, or at an altitude of 520 feet. The pumpage is about 150 gallons per minute continuously but the recession while pumping is not known. The water contains con- siderable mineral matter, of which the greater amount is the salts of sodium. However, the content of calcium and magnesium salts is not low, and it is reported that the scale formed is very hard. LELAND The village water supply is obtained from a 230-foot well which probably penetrates the St. Peter sandstone. A 10-inch surface pipe ex- tends to a depth of about 100 feet ; the diameter at the bottom is prob- ably 8 inches. The water level at rest is 8 feet below the surface, but the effects of pumping are not known. However, the deep-well pump, which is operated only a few hours at a time, delivers 225 gallons per minute. The analysis indicates a water with only a moderate amount of dis- solved solids ; if used for boiler purposes only a small amount of scale would be formed. LOSTANT The village has a dug well which is 70 feet deep and 5 feet in di- ameter. The material penetrated was practically all blue clay until the sand and gravel water-bearing stratum, was struck at 70 feet. The nor- 196 AKTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS mal water level is 35 feet below the surface, but it can be lowered nearly to the bottom after pumping for an hour at the rate of about 70 gallons per minute. The recovery requires about two and one-half hours. The water is used primarily for fire protection as the supply is inadequate for other uses. There is no mineral analysis. MARSEILLES The source of the public supply is 2 wells that are 600 and 800 feet in depth. The water-bearing formations are the St. Peter and under- lying strata, which may include the New Richmond standstone. Both wells will flow, but the 600-foot well at the higher elevation, at an alti- tude of about 505 feet, is equipped with an air-lift pumping system. The 800-foot well flows about 45 gallons per minute, and the other one 12 gallons. The 600-foot well will pump 67 gallons per minute with the present equipment. The dimensions are probably 8 inches in diameter at the surface, and 6 inches at the bottom. The analyses given is of the combined waters, as it was not possible to secure separate samples. The water is moderately hard, and it is advisable to soften it before using in boilers. Among the flowing St. Peter wells in the city are those owned by the Howe and Davidson Paper Mills, the Crescent Paper Company, and E. T. Hanshue. These wells vary in diameter from 1J4 to about 3 inches, so that the yields are low. The chemical character is indicated by the analyses. All the waters have a noticeable hydrogen sulphide content. This is particularly true for the shallow well at the Howe and Davidson Company. There has been a recession of at least 15 feet in the head of the St. Peter water during the past 20 years. A number of years ago a 2,283-foot well was drilled on the farm of R. N. Peddicord about 3 miles north of Marseilles. The driller's log is here given. Log of an artesian well on the farm of R. N. Peddicord in the SW. 1/4 NE. 1/4 sec. 32, T. 34 N., R. 5 E., near Marseilles, La Salle County Elevation of the surface about 710 feet above sea level Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Pleistocene and Recent Soil and drift 165 165 Pennsylvania system Shale (till ?) 9 174 Sandstone 8 182 Shale 10 192 Shale, hard 7 199 Sandstone (sand and gravel) 70 269 Shale 65 334 LA SALLE COUNTY 197 Log of the Peddicord well — Concluded Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Ordovician system Galena-Platteville limestone 25 359 St. Peter sandstone 195 554 Prairie du Chien formation Sandstone, calciferous 50 604 Sandstone 45 649 Limestone 265 914 Sandstone, calciferous 25 939 Limestone 72 1011 Sandstone, hard 15 1026 Limestone 95 1121 Shale, blue 73 1194 Limestone 34 1228 Shale 3 1231 Limestone 20 1251 Cambrian system Sandstone 15 1266 Sandstone, white 265 1531 Limestone 152 1683 Shale, blue 50 1733 Shale, red 5 1738 Shale, blue . . . 60 1798 "Slate" -.-..,. 112 1910 Shale 9 1919 Limestone 20 1939 Sandstone 214 2153 Limestone 5 2158 Sandstone 125 2283 MENDOTA The public water supply is furnished by 2 wells in the St. sandstone. The depths are 478 and 490 feet. The driller's log deeper one is given below. Log of city well at Mendota Elevation— 752± feet Thickness Description of strata Feet Soil, black 2 Clay, yellow 10 Clay, yellow ; and gravel 3 Clay, blue 35 Gravel 4 Clay, blue 31 Sand and gravel 6 Clay, blue 40 Sand 4 Gray, boulder clay with streaks of sand and gravel 25 Limestone 280 Sandstone (St. Peter) 50 Peter of the Depth Feet 2 12 15 50 54 85 91 131 135 160 440 490 198 AKTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The surface diameters of the wells are probably 8 inches, and at the bottom, 6 inches. The wells are equipped with air-lift pumping systems, and the combined pumpage is about 460 gallons per minute. The average daily pumpage during July, 1915, was 550,000 gallons, which was pumped in about 20 hours. The water level at rest is 73 feet below the surface, or at an altitude of 679 feet ; on pumping the level recedes to 103 feet. The static head has receded about 25 feet during the past 20 years. The Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad and the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad have wells which are 480 and 563 feet in depth, respectively. The analyses of these waters, besides that of the city well water, are given, and it is noted that they are similer. The mineral content chiefly carbonates of calcium and magnesium, is low. However, the water is softened somewhat for locomotive use by both railroad companies. The well owned by the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad is cased to bed rock with 136 feet of 8-inch pipe; the remainder of the bore is 6 inches in diameter. This well will deliver nearly 300 gallons per minute; the average rate of pumpage is about 175 gallons. The water level is similar to that at the water works ; the effects of pumping have not been determined. OGLESBY In 1915 the village completed a 1,645-foot well, the chief water-bear- ing formation being the Galena-Platteville limestone and the St. Peter sandstone. The latter formation was encountered at a depth of 1,542 feet or 900 feet below sea level. No appreciable amount of water was obtained above a depth of about 815 feet. Here a small yield of a salty character was struck in the Niagaran limestone. The well was cased from the surface to a depth of about 880 feet ; the diameter at the surface is 14 inches and at the bottom, 8 inches. The water level on completion was 103 feet below the ground surface or at an altitude of approximately 539 feet. The pumping machinery has not been in- stalled, but a 13-hour test was made in June, 1915, with a temporary equipment. A yield of 180 gallons per minute was obtained, but the recession during pumping was not determined. The Chicago Portland Cement Company also has a St. Peter well, which is j, 570 feet in depth. The record of the different strata as de- termined from a study of the drillings is given. In drilling this well salt water was struck at a depth of 585 feet, or immediately below the Pennsylvania!! system. The head was sufficient to raise the water within 180 feet of the surface. In order to shut out this and any similar water from the Niagaran limestone, the well was com- pletely cased from the surface to a depth of 1,050 feet. The surface di- ameter is 10 inches and the lower casing is 6 inches. LA SALLE COUNTY 199 Log of the Chicago Portland Cement Company's deep well at Oglesby Elevation — 605 ± feet Generalized section a Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and. Recent Clay, sand, and gravel 64 64 Pennsylvanian system Shale, with occasional thin beds of limestone coal at 320 feet 516 580 Silurian system Niagaran limestone Limestone 290 870 Dolomite 115 985 Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale, calcareous, and limestone 75 1060 Dolomite, gray (?) 65 1125 Shale, gray (?) 25 1150 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, gray 40 1190 Limestone, gray 340 1530 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, gray and white 40 1570 a The detailed log of this well compiled from study of samples is to be found in the Survey files if desired for reference. OTTAWA The municipal water supply is furnished by 4 wells about 1,200 feet deep, except one which is 1,449 feet. There are also 2 other deep wells which have been abandoned. The wells were drilled in 1894 to about the bottom of the St. Peter sandstone. In 1896 one of the wells was deepened to 1,500 feet; the driller's log is here given : Log of city well at Ottawa Elevation— 484 feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Soil and yellow clay 9 9 Ordovician system St. Peter sandstone 155 164 Prairie du Chien group Shale, blue 5 169 Limestone 124 293 Sandstone (New Richmond) 87 380 200 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Log of well at Ottawa — Concluded Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Limestone 430 810 Shale, blue 110 920 Limestone 40 960 Cambrian system "Potsdam" group Sandstone 160 1120 Sandstone and blue shale mixed 85 1205 Shale, blue 244 1449 The exact size of this well is not known, but it is probably 8 inches at the surface and 6 inches at the bottom. When drilling, the water from the 87-foot sandstone at 293 feet, overflowed at the rate of 25 gal- lons per minute. As the drilling progressed, the static head increased, so that at 810 feet the flow was 300 gallons per minute. At 1,120 feet the rate of flow was 400 gallons per minute, but no increase was noted between 1,120 and 1,449 feet. The maximum static head was 22.4 feet above the surface, or at an altitude of 506 feet. Salt water was struck at a depth of 1,500 feet, so that the well was later filled up to a depth of 1,449 feet. The other wells were therefore drilled to a depth of only 1,200 feet. It is thought that the wells are cased with 6-inch pipe to a depth of about 285 feet, an arrangement that would shut out the St. Peter water. The pumpage from the 4 wells during the summer is about 740 gallons per minute. The water level at rest is approximately a foot above the sur- face, or at an altittude of 485 feet. This is a recession of 21 feet during the past 20 years. The lowering while pumping is not known, but the re- covery is effected in a short time after the pumping has ceased. The water contains only a moderate amount of dissolved mineral solids and is not sulphurous. Other wells in the city which range up to 500 feet in depth are at the Chicago Fire Brick and Retort Company, Ottawa Brewery, Ottawa Ice and Fuel Company, Federal Plate Glass Company, Twin Bluffs Company, and the U. S. Silica Company. The analyses of the waters from some of these wells are given. Although the St. Peter sandstone lies only a few feet below the surface in this vicinity, the usual practice is to case off this formation and obtain the supply from the New Richmond sandstone which is re- ported to be not so mineralized and sulphurous as that from the St. Peter sandstone. A 1,8 10-foot flowing well in the northern part of the city is owned by Mr. J. P. Catlin. This well was drilled about 1890, and at that time the static head was estimated to be 195 feet above the surface, or at LA SALLE COUNTY 201 an altitude of 705 feet. The flow at the present time is about 3 gallons per minute at an elevation of 7 feet above the well curb and 50 feet dis- tant. The content of sodium chloride, or common salt, is so high that it can be tasted. The analysis is given. An analysis is also given of the Sanicula Mineral Spring water, which is particularly high in chlorides. This water is bottled and sold in the vicinity. The spring is located at the foot of the bluff on the south side of the Illinois. The water issues from the gravel immediately overlying the St. Peter sandstone. The flow is about 5 gallons per min- ute. The city is situated west of the crest of the La Salle anticline, so that the strata that occur here at depths of over 1,500 feet outcrop a few miles to the east. The geological succession is indicated by the well record from the Illinois Zinc Company. The public supply is furnished by 4 flowing wells that obtain their major supply from the Galena-Platteville formation, at depths range from 1,225 to 1,505 feet. The static head is only a few feet greater than the curb elevation of 475 feet so that two of the wells are equipped with air-lift pumping systems. Pumping is resorted to only when the con- sumption exceeds the natural flow. The average daily consumption is 300,000 gallons. The analysis of the water from the 1,505-foot well drilled about 1913, is given. The amount of casing is not known, but it probably extends for some distance into the bed rock, or Niagaran limestone because the water from this formation is salty and must be shut out. In one of the older wells in which the casing has developed leaks, the resulting water is somewhat brackish. The Illinois Zinc Company has 3 artesian wells, one of which has just been completed. The depth is 1,828 feet, and the New Richmond sandstone has a thickness of 140 feet. The static head of the water from the St. Peter was 14 feet above the surface, or at an altitude of 477 feet. After penetrating the New Richmond, the pressure increased to 30 feet. There are also artesian wells at the two breweries. The recession of the artesian water table at Peru has been consider- able, although the actual amount is not known. The hydrostatic pres- sure in 1899 1 was estimated to be sufficient to raise the water 85 feet above the curb of the city wells. This is probably 75 feet greater than that at the present time. 1 Leverett, F., The Illinois Glacial Lobe: U. S. Geol. Survey Monograph 3! p. 637, 1899. 202 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Log of well owned by Illinois Zinc Co., Peru, in the SW. 1/h SW. 1/4 sec. 16, T. 33 N., R. 1 E. Elevation — 463 ± feet Generalized section 3 - Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Alluvium, silt and sand, with pebbles 72 72 Pennsylvanian system McLeansboro and Carbondale formations Shale, gray to drab, with some limestone near base.... 86 158 Shale, black, fissile 12 170 Shale, gray to drab, sandy in places. ._. 78 248 Shale, black fissile 12 260 Limestone, gray, argillaceous 3 263 Shale, gray, with some coal 70 333 Coal (No. 2), with some shale 8 341 Pottsville formation Fire clay 6 347 Shale, black to grayish black 17 364 Sandstone, gray, medium-sized grains 6 370 Shale, greenish gray to gray with coal at base 50 420 Pre-Pennsylvanian (Silurian ? Devonian ? Mississippian ?) Shale, gray, calcareous, with some brown shale 151 571 Silurian system Niagaran limestone Limestone, dolomitic, or dolomite, white 241 812 Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale, gray to drab, dolomitic 164 976 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, straw color to tan, finely crystalline 387 1363 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone, white, grains rounded, fine to coarse 125 1488 Prairie du Chien group Shakopee formation Dolomite, sand, and green shale 12 1500 Sandstone, white, calcareous 11 1511 Dolomite, white to brown, sandy and shaly in places. .. 163 1674 New Richmond sandstone Sand, colorless, quartz, coarse, rounded 134 1808 Dolomite, white, with a little sand 3 1811 Sand, with a little dolomite 3 1814 Oneota formation Chert, white, with gray dolomite 5 1879 Dolomite, white 9 1828 a The detailed log- of this well compiled from study of samples is to be found in the Survey files if desired for reference. LA SALLE COUNTY 203 RANSOM The village water supply is furnished by a 415-foot drilled well. There is no complete record of the strata penetrated, as the well has been deepened from 274. feet, and no log was kept of this upper part. The log of the lower portion indicates a 37-foot sandstone near the bottom, probably in the Pennsylvanian system, which is the water-bearing bed. The analysis given is of the water when the well was only 274 feet in depth. There is no other analysis. SENECA The village has no water works, but there are a number of private flowing wells ranging in depth from 300 to 680 feet. The water-bearing formations are the St. Peter and underlying strata. The static head is only a few feet above the surface or at an altitude of about 510 feet. The well at the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad station is 410 feet deep and the water is used in the locomotives. This is a flowing well, but the water must be pumped into the elevated tank. SHERIDAN The village water supply is obtained from a 415-foot drilled well. The New Richmond sandstone is reported to have been struck at a depth of 240 feet and to have been 75 feet thick. There is also a 748-foot well at Glen Park across Fox River from Sheridan. No accurate record of the strata penetrated was kept, but the chief water-bearing beds are probably the New Richmond sandstone and underlying strata. STREATOR The city supply is obtained from Vermilion River, but some of the factories have deep wells. A number of years ago the city drilled a 2,496-foot well the record of which is given on the accompanying pages. The water is too salty to be used. The original head of the St. Peter water was 40 feet below the surface, or at an altitude of 578 feet. As the drilling continued, the head increased so that at 2,170 to 2,496 feet, the water had a head of 45 feet above the surface. Although the well still flows, there has been a great reduction in the hydrostatic pressure. The following companies have St. Peter wells in use at the present time: American Bottle Company, Streator Brick Company, Western Glass Company, and the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Com- pany. These wells are usually completed after the base of the St. Peter sandstone has been reached ; the depths range from 560 to 700 feet. 204 AETESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The casing extends down through the Pennsylvania!! system, or to the Galena- Platteville limestone, which is about 200 to 225 feet. None of the wells flow, but the water level is about 100 feet below the surface. In the winter of 1915, the level in the 700-foot well at the American Glass Company was 98 feet below the surface, or at an alti- tude of 527 feet. The wells are not large, but yields of from 30 to 100 gallons per minute are obtained. The character of the water is indicated by a number of analyses. The alkali salts dominate, although calcium and magnesium carbonates are also present. The water is strongly sulphurous, and the high content of sodium salts renders it rather unpalatable. An objection to its use in boilers is that it causes considerable foaming ; it is, however, used for this purpose at the Western Glass Company without treatment and is con- sidered satisfactory. The temperature of the water at the American Glass Company was 59.5° F. and at the Western Glass Company, 59.7° F. Log of an artesian well boring at Streator Elevation — 623 feet Illinois Thickness Description of strata Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent series Drift 30 Pennsylvanian system Shales, limestone, sandstone, and coal 211 Ordovician system Galena-Platteville formation Limestone 203 St. Peter sandstone 225 Prairie du Chien group Limestone, white 90 Sandstone, white 133 Limestone, white 211 Sandstone, white 37 Limestone, dark gray 50 Sandstone, fine, reddish (contained magnetic iron grains) 15 Limestone, dark gray 13 Sandstone, white and brown, mixed 1 Limestone, gray IS Cambrian system Sandstone, white with some brown 168 Shale, blue 100 Limestone, dark 73 Sandstone, dirty brown 21 Sandstone, limy and shaly 2 Sandstone, buff 35 Sandstone, white to buff 77 S ■ ndstone, white 25 Depth Feet 30 241 444 669 759 892 1103 1140 1190 1205 1218 1219 1237 1405 1505 1578 1599 1601 1636 1713 1738 LA SALLE COUNTY 205 Log of well at Streator — Concluded Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Sandstone, red (grains of magnetic iron) 10 1748 Sandstone, dirty brown (10% mag. iron) 17 1765 Lime, soft 60 1825 Shale, blue ... 13 1838 Shale, brown, sandy, hard 30 1868 Shale, blue, soft 20 1888 Shale, pink 95 1983 Sandstone, dark red 80 2063 Shale, blue 50 2113 Limestone, bluish 50 2163 Sandstone, dark drab 15 2179 Sandstone, reddish buff 35 2213 Sandstone, white 283 2496 UTICA There are at least 11 flowing wells in the village which derive the greater amount of their supply from the New Richmond sandstone of the Prairie du Chien group at depths ranging from 175 to about 350 feet. The ground elevation varies between 475 and 500 feet, but the static head is about 520 feet. The village water supply is furnished by 5 wells which range in depth from 225 to 350 feet. Each of the wells has about 140 feet of 4-inch pipe which is directly connected to the distributing system. When the first well was drilled in 1883, the water had a head of 40 feet above the surface but at present it is but half as high or even less. The analyses of 3 of the waters show that they are practically iden- tical. The chief salts are the carbonates of calcium and magnesium; some soft scale would form if the water were used untreated in boilers. WEDRON The St. Peter sandstone outcrops in many places along Fox River and sulphur springs from this formation are numerous. One of the largest of these springs is located about a mile south of Wedron on the east bank of Fox River. The Sulphur Lick Springs Hotel and a num- ber of cottages are situated here. The spring has a flow of 1,050 gallons per minute and has excavated a large pit in the St. Peter sandstone. The flow is utilized to turn a water wheel that operates a pump which raises the water to an elevated storage tank. Sufficient pressure is thus fur- nished so that the water can be used in all parts of the hotel. The water contains hydrogen sulphide, but the amount present is not sufficient to give it a disagreeable taste. The chief salts are the carbonates of calcium and magnesium, present in moderate amounts. 206 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS McHENRY COUNTY Physiography McHenry County has an area of 624 square miles and is situated along the northern border of the State ; it is bounded on the east by Lake County and on the west by Boone County. A large part of the area is at an elevation of 900 feet, and several points along the northern boundary have altitudes of over 1,000 feet making the county one of the highest in the State. Essentially all the county except for a narrow strip less than a township in width on the west border, is covered by a system of moraines formed during the Wisconsin stage of glaciation. 1 The topography has therefore pronounced morainic aspects ; the land is rolling and contains numerous irregular hills and depressions. Some of the upland areas are wooded. Kishwaukee River and its tributaries which flow westward to Rock River drain the western half of the county. The eastern part is inade- quately drained by Fox River and its tributaries through a system of sloughs and small lakes. The porous character of the thick drift cover- ing permits the absorption and retention of much of the rainfall. Geology The entire county, except for a few isolated spots in the western portion where the rock outcrops, is covered by a heavy drift deposit. This mantle of clay, sand, and gravel probably averages 200 feet in thickness, or nearly twice the average thickness for the State. The depths of farm wells which have not struck rock are taken from Leverett's report on the Illinois Glacial Lobe. 1 Deep drift borings in southeastern McHenry County Depth Feet Moses Dimon, 2 miles south of Marengo 125 R. Cooney, sec. 14, T. 45 N., R. 6 E 94 Harmony post office 112 Ira Curtiss, near center of T. 43 N., R. 6 E 180 Well 80 rods east of preceding 86 W. Whittemore, T. 43 N., R. 7 E 100 Mr. Cummings, near Huntley 108 George Bunker, T. 44 N., R. 7 E 84 Leverett, F., The Illinois glacial lobe: U. S. Geol. Survey Monograph 38, 1899. MC HENRY COUNTY 207 The following list of depths to bed rock in different parts of the county has ben collected by the writer: Thickness of drift in McHe?iry County Depth Feet Algonquin, Illinois Condensing Co 103+ Harvard, Chicago and North Western Ry. Co 97 Ringwood, Pullman Dairy Co 215 Woodstock, city well 212 This heavy mantle of drift contains irregular beds of sand and gravel that form reservoirs for the rainfall that has percolated down from the surface. The drainage lines are so poorly developed in many localities that an excessive run-off is prevented. In some places the sand and gravel strata are confined within impervious clay beds ; then if the per- vious beds are dipping to any extent, artesian conditions will be cre- ated. This will in some places give flowing wells from the drift or else produce wells of large yield ; springs may be another result of these conditions. Very little rock outcrops in the county because of the heavy drift deposit. In the western part near Kishwaukee River rock is found at the surface in a few places. The outcrop surfaces, according to Leverett, appear to stand above the general rock surface and probably represent the tops of pre-glacial ridges or hills. The Niagaran limestone is the bed rock in the greater part of the county. The strata have an eastward and southward dip, so that in the western tier of townships the drift is underlain by the Maquoketa shale. It is also possible that in the extreme western and northwestern parts of the county,erosion, during glacial and pre-glacial times, has removed the Maquoketa shale, so that the underlying Galena-Platteville limestone is the bed rock. The other formations that have been penetrated by drilling are the St. Peter sandstone, Prairie du Chien limestone, and the ''Potsdam" group. Few deep wells have been drilled in the county, and consequently only a few logs have been obtained. No sets of drillings have been studied, so that nothing can be said regarding the strata more than is indicated by the driller's logs. The St. Peter sandstone is present from 650 to 750 feet below the surface with a thickness of about 200 feet. Variations in the thickness of this formation may be expected and also in the depths at which it is found. As a rule the formations should lie at a greater depth in the eastern and southeastern parts of the county because of their dip in this direction. However, the surface elevations are greater in 208 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS the northern area, a difference that may in many places offset to a con- siderable degree the effect of the dip. The Prairie du Chien formation seems to be much thinner here than in the counties to the south and southeast, and it has also assumed a more sandy phase. The drillers do not seem to have been able to draw a definite dividing line between this formation and the underlying "Pots- dam" sandstones. Underground Waters sources The heavy drift deposit forms such an excellent collecting reservoir for the rainfall that large yields are obtained from many shallow wells. In prospecting for water supplies, these shallow depths should be tested before drilling deeper. The Niagaran limestone below the drift in the greater part of the county also contains water. The St. Peter sandstone can likewise be expected to deliver considerable amounts. Then finally the "Potsdam" group at depths of 1,100 feet and greater have always fur- nished large amounts of water. The county is therefore fortunate in having a number of possibilities for developing water supplies. STATIC HEAD Flowing wells are obtained from the drift at McITenry and Algon- quin ; there are also good springs at the latter place and at Cary. No flowing wells are reported from the St. Peter and underlying formations, but the water level is in most places within 20 to 100 feet from the sur- face, so that pumping is not difficult. CHEMICAL CHARACTER The only analyses of deep well waters are from Woodstock and these show a moderate amount of mineral salts. There is generally consider- able variation in the hardness of waters from the drift wells in different localities. The analyses indicate that the drift waters contain more scale-forming solids than the water of wells, about 1,000 feet in depth but the differences are not great. LOCAL SUPPLIES ALGONQUIN The village water supply is obtained from a number of springs situ- ated on a hillside. Open joint tile are laid at a depth of 4 or 5 feet in one or more rows of approximately a quarter of a mile in length. It is possible to collect about 700,000 gallons per day. The water contains MC HENRY COUNTY 209 a rather moderate amount of mineral matter but would form some scale if used untreated in boilers. A 2,527-foot well was drilled in 1893 for the Illinois Condensing Company. From the very incomplete record of the strata the bottom of the St. Peter sandstone appears to be at 860 feet. Sandstone strata are again mentioned at 1,185 and 1,710, and red sandstone at 2,080 feet which probably continued to the bottom of the well. The water corroded the pipes extensively so that its use was discontinued over twenty years ago. Flowing drift wells have been obtained in the vicinity at points of low elevation. CRYSTAL LAKE The village has a dug well 35 feet deep and 8 feet in diameter ; the lining is 2 rows of 4-inch cement blocks. The driller's record is as follows : Driller's log of well at Crystal Lake Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Soil and clay 2 2 Gravel, coarse 4 6 G-ravel, fine, and sand 29 35 The static water level is 16 feet below the surface and lowers only 3 feet after pumping all day at the rate of over 200 gallons per minute. The average daily consumption is 20,000 gallons. The water contains considerable calcium and magnesium carbonates, and some magnesium sulphate ; no hydrogen sulphide was noted in con- trast to the rock well water at North Crystal Lake. HARVARD The city has two wells, 742 feet and about 1600 feet in depth, but no drilling records seem to have been kept. However, the rock succes- sion can be determined from the driller's log of a well drilled in 1910 for the Chicago and North Western Railway Company. Driller's log of Chicago and North Western Railway well, Harvard Elevation — 935 ± feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Soil, clay, sand and gravel 97 97 Limestone, "chalky" 83 180 Shale, green 75 255 Shale, brown 71 326 Limestone 322 648 Sandstone (St. Peter) 187 835 Sandstone, red 55 890 Limestone 10 900 Shale, green 19 919 210 AETESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The water level in this railroad well at completion was 60 feet be- low the surface; on a pumping test it delivered 310 gallons per minute. The well is 12 inches in diameter at the surface and probably 8 inches at the bottom. The municipal water plant is located on low land in the southwest part of the city and about 200 feet from a creek. The old 1,600-foot well, which has a diameter of 10 inches at the top and 6 inches at the bottom, is seldom used; the capacity is given as about 200 gallons per minute with the working barrel of the pump at 115 feet. The 742-foot well is 8 inches in diameter at the surface and 6 inches at the bottom ; the working barrel is at a depth of 95 feet. The normal water level is 20 feet below the surface but when pumping at a rate of 150 gallons per minute the level recedes to below the pump barrel. The average daily consumption is 200,000 gallons. The water is moderately mineralized and contains some scale-forming solids. MCHENRY The village water plant is located in the valley of an intermittent stream tribuary to the Fox River lowlands ; the river is approximately a quarter of a mile away. Two flowing wells have been obtained from depths of 68 and 72 feet. The wells are 6 and 8 inches in diameter and the water is from a sand and gravel stratum. The Borden Dairy Company has two wells about 170 feet in depth, but it is not known whether bed rock was penetrated. MARENGO The source of the municipal water supply is a dug well 14 feet deep and 20 feet in diameter. The entire depth, except for an upper 3-foot layer of black soil, is through a stratum of sand and gravel. The maximum yield during dry weather is about 100,000 gallons per day. The appended analysis indicates a moderately mineralized water which would form some scale if used for boiler purposes. The dug wells in the village vary greatly in depth. Those in the gravel plain along Kishwaukee River are only 20 to 25 feet, whereas those on the slope of the moraine in the south part of the village are 60 to 80 and occasionally 125 feet in depth. Bed rock has not been re- ported. NORTH CRYSTAL LAKE The water supply for the village is obtained from a 285-foot well that is said to have penetrated the bed rock to a depth of 25 feet. The diameter is given as 8 inches at the surface and (5 inches at the bottom. MC HENRY COUNTY 211 The water level is approximately 60 feet below the surface ; at least 225 gallons per minute can be pumped for a number of hours. The amount of recession in the water level at the above pumping rate is not known. The average daily consumption is 55,000 gallons. The water contains only a moderate amount of mineral matter in comparison with other wells of this depth. No excessive scale would be formed if it were used for boiler purposes. Enough hydrogen sul- phide is present to be distinctly noticeable when the water is delivered by the pump. The shallow wells in the vicinity are about 60 or 75 feet deep and draw water from sand and gravel beds in the drift. RINGWOOD A well 1,641 feet in depth was recently drilled for the Pullman Dairy Company, but no record of the strata was kept. The depth to bed rock was given as 215 feet. The water level is reported to be about 80 feet below the surface. No analysis of the water has been made. WOODSTOCK Three deep wells ranging in depth from about 1,000 to 2,079 feet have been drilled for the city. The succession of strata as indicated by the driller's log is given. Driller's log of Woodstock city well No. 2 Elevation — 915 feet Authority: J. P. Miller Artesian Well Co., Chicago Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Soil, clay, sand, and gravel 209 209 Limestone 66 275 Shale 34 309 Limestone, "caves" 81 390 Shale 30 420 Limestone ,. . . 335 755 Sandy limestone 41 796 Sandstone, hard (St. Peter) 139 935 Marl, red 62 997 Sandy limestone 207 1204 Marl and sandstone 48 1252 Limestone and shale 70 1322 Sandstone 74 1396 Limestone 181 1577 Limestone and sandstone 9 1586 Limestone 17 1603 Sandstone, red 207 1810 Sandstone, hard 203 2013 Sandy shale 9 2022 Sandstone, hard 17 2039 Limestone 33 2072 Sandstone 7 2079 212 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The city also drilled two shallow wells in 1913 so that the deep wells are not used now so extensively as formerly. In September, 1914, the water level in the 1,000 ± -foot well at rest was 50 feet below the sur- face when the other two wells were idle; the effects of pumping were not known. There has been some recession of the water level, but records have not been kept. The deep wells are reported to yield from 75 to 160 gallons per minute each ; the sizes are not exactly known, but they are probably not over 5 inches in diameter at the bottom. The two shallow wells belonging to the city are situated in a separate pumping station over a mile distant from the old plant. The land around this No. 2 station is low lying and nearly flat. The wells are 85 feet deep and are each cased with 10-inch pipe to the top of an 18- foot Cook deep- well strainer. Although the wells are only about 15 feet apart they are able nevertheless to deliver 200 gallons each per minute when operating together. The water level at rest is 23 feet below the surface ; the operating level is not known. The Oliver Typewriter Company has two deep wells, one of which is 1,211 feet deep, but the depth of the other is not known, although it is probably about the same. The 1,211-foot well is completely cased from the surface to 980 feet, or to the bottom of the red shale that underlies the St. Peter sandstone ; the diameter is 8 inches at the sur- face, and approximately 5 inches at the bottom. The water level is about 60 feet at rest and about 90 feet when pumping at the rate of 120 gallons per minute. The analyses of the water from the l,000±-foot well at the munici- pal water plant and from the 1,211-foot well at the Oliver Typewriter Company are very similar. Although the water contains a notable amount of mineral matter, it is not too hard to be used for boiler purposes. The shallow-well water is also very similar; carbonates of calcium and magnesium being the predominant salts. WILL COUNTY Physiography Will County adjoins Dupage and Cook counties on the south ; the eastern boundary is the Indiana state line. The total area is 844 square miles. The Valparaiso morainic system crosses the northeastern and east- tern portions and the elevations along its crest are the highest in the county. Altitudes somewhat greater than 800 feet are found around Monee, although the average elevations along the ridge are from 750 WILL COUNTY 213 to 800 feet. The lowest points in the county are in the southwest part along Fox River where elevations of 490 feet occur. That portion of the county north and east of a line connecting Joliet and Peotone is occupied by the moraines of the Valparaiso system. The surface of this elevated area is somewhat rougher than that of the lower land to the southwest. The topography is undulating with knolls here and there that rise to a height of 15 to 40 feet above the general surface. Shallow basins, many of which are not well drained, are associated with the small hills. The remainder of the county outside of the morainic area is almost flat except where the streams have eroded. This is particularly notice- able in the southwestern townships in the vicinity of Braidwood. The Desplaines River Valley, which crosses the northwestern part of the county, is a prominent topographic feature. The bottom of this valley, which at one time was the outlet of the waters from Lake Chicago, is at an elevation of 75 to 100 feet below that of the bordering uplands. The major drainage line is the Desplaines River which flows across the northwest portion of the county in a southwest direction, and drains the area north of about the latitude of Joliet. Dupage River, a tributary of the Desplaines, drains the tier of townships along the northwestern border. The southern and southwestern area is drained by small streams which flow southwestward from the moraines of the Valparaiso system. These streams are tributaries of Kankakee River, which flows north- westward across the southwestern townships. The Desplaines and Kan- kakee join just beyond the county border to form the west-flowing Illi- nois River. Geology The previously mentioned area occupied by the Valparaiso morainic system has a drift covering that ranges up to 180 feet thick. Leverett 1 considered that the average thickness along the morainic area was about 100 feet. The average depth of 42 wells situated mainly along the Valparaiso moraine was 76 feet and they did not penetrate rock. The average depth to rock in 55 wells on the plain area southwest of the moraine was 43 feet. In the morainic area and along its border the drift contains irregular beds of sand and gravel which renders it possible to secure good wells at shallow depths. The surface waters also find their way down to the underlying, fissured limestone. Beds of sand and gravel also occur along the valleys and afford favorable conditions for the retention of surface waters. The Niagaran limestone is the bed-rock formation that underlies 1 Leverett, F., The Illinois glacial lobe: U. S. Geol. Survey Monograph p. 649, 1899. 214 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS practically the entire county, outcropping at numerous places along the Desplaines. The strata rise towards the west, so that the older Maquo- keta shale outcrops along the western border south of about the latitude of Joliet. The Channahon limestone, outcropping near the village of that name, has been described by Professor Savage 1 and referred to the Alexandrian series. This formation is younger than the Maquoketa and older than the Niagaran limestone. It is very probable that the Channahon limestone is present over greater areas, but is concealed by younger deposits. In the southwestern townships there is a narrow strip of Pennsyl- vanian strata which probably nowhere in the county attains a width of over five miles. This area of coal-bearing strata extends southward from about where Desplaines River enters Grundy County. Very few deep drillings have been made in the county so that the depths to the different strata are not known for all localities. The records from Lockport and Joliet indicate a geological succession similar to that at Chicago. However, the combined thickness of the St. Peter and Prairie du Chien formations at Joliet is greater than at Chicago. The combined thickness at Joliet is approximately 700 feet, whereas at Chicago it is only 550 feet. From Joliet toward the southern city limits of Chicago the St. Peter sandstone has a dip of about 10 feet per mile, whereas the first "Potsdam' ' sandstone dips only 5 feet to the mile ; this is because of the increased thickness of the lower strata at Joliet. In the direction of Kankakee the St. Peter sandstone has a dip of approximately 7 feet per mile. The depth to the St. Peter sandstone will vary in different parts of the county from 600 to 900 feet. The shallowest depths will be in the valleys of the Kankakee and Desplaines in the southwestern townships. The formations will lie at a greater depth on the uplands because of differences in surface elevation. In the townships north of the latitude of Joliet and west of the Desplaines the St. Peter sandstone will be found at depths of 625 to 750 feet. Along the Valparaiso moraine the depths will range up to 900 feet. The first sandstone of the "Potsdam" group should be encount- ered from 600 to 700 feet below the St. Peter. Underground Waters sources The greater number of municipalities have utilized either the drift deposits or the underying bed rock in the development of water supplies. This should be done wherever it is possible, as the deeper-lying strata 1 Savage, T. E„ Stratigraphy and paleontology or the Alexandrian series in Illinois and Missouri: III. State Geol. Survey Bull. 23, p. 26, 1913. WILL COUNTY 215 have already been heavily drained. The Valparaiso moranic area and also some miles beyond it, furnish strong supplies of water at shallow depths. The St. Peter and "Potsdam" sandstones have been drawn upon in some of the cities in the western part of the county; those will be discussed under the different localities. STATIC HEAD Flowing wells from either the drift or bed rock have been obtained at some places along Desplaines River ; springs also occur. The head of these shallow wells is so variable that the water level in one may differ considerably from that in another situated at no great distance. The static head of the waters from the deeper strata is known only at Joliet, Lockport, and Wilmington. The waters from the St. Peter and "Potsdam" formations have been heavily drawn upon at Joliet, so that there has been a great recession of the water table. The "Potsdam" wells at the Joliet water works in 1899 had a head of about 40 feet above the surface or at an elevation of 575 feet. The St. Peter wells also flowed at this time. The "Potsdam" water level in 1915 was about 85 feet below the surface or at an altitude of 455 feet ; in the large city wells the level recedes while pumping to 150 feet and more. The St. Peter water level at the Joliet School well in 1913 was 148 feet below the surface, or at an altitude of 400 feet; in 1911 the level was reported to be only 50 feet below the surface. At Rockdale about two and a half miles from Joliet High School and the center of the city, the St. Peter water level in September, 1915, was 72 feet below the surface or at an altitude of 476 feet. Two flowing wells at Wilmington each about 800 feet deep, presumably obtain water from the St. Peter ; the curb elevation is approximately 550 feet. CHEMICAL CHARACTER The water from wells that penetrate the drift and Niagaran lime- stone is, as a rule, somewhat harder than that from the St. Peter and the first "Potsdam" sandstone, although exceptions occur as water of only a moderate mineral content is furnished by some of the shallow wells. The analyses of the waters from the St. Peter and "Potsdam' : formations are similar. The Desplaines Street well at Joliet supplies a good example of the water from the first "Potsdam" sandstone. The waters from the deep wells at the Citizens Brewery and at the Sehring Brewery are not typical "Potsdam" waters, because the Niagaran lime- stone waters are not cased off in these wells as in the Desplaines Street 216 ABTESIAN WATEES OF NOETHEASTEEN ILLINOIS well. These uncased wells are also pumped at a comparatively low rate, so that the greater part of the water obtained is from the Niagaran limestone. The St. Peter wells at Rockdale water works and at Joliet High School are cased to below the Niagaran limestone. The chief salts in the St. Peter and first "Potsdam" sandstone waters are the carbonates of calcium and magnesium and sodium sulphate. They are only moderately hard, but would form some scale if used untreated in boilers. Wells 2,000 or more feet in depth are very likely to furnish waters of high mineral content. The well at Lockport was first drilled to a depth of 1,922 feet, but salt water was struck, so that the well later was plugged at a depth of about 1,650 feet. The waters from the Pennsylvanian strata in the southwestern townships are sulphurous, the water from a shallow well at Custer Park has the high hydrogen sulphide content of 49 parts per million. LOCAL SUPPLIES BEAIDWOOD The drift at Braidwood is probably not over 40 to 50 feet thick. The underlying strata belong to the coal-bearing Pennsylvanian series and yield waters in many places of a sulphurous taste because of the hydrogen sulphide content. The chief source of the city supply is a dug well 20 feet deep. The dimensions are 6 by 10 feet, and the walls are protected by 2-inch planks. The water is obtained from a sand and gravel stratum near the bottom of the well ; the material above this water-bearing bed is for the most part sand. The water level at rest is 8 feet below the surface ; the ef- fects of pumping are not known. The average daily pumpage is ap- proximately 7,000 gallons. The water is hard and is not desirable for boiler use without softening. The analysis is given. The city has also seven driven wells, 12 feet in depth and cased with 3-inch pipe, which have 3-foot strainers at the bottom. Formerly the water supply is reported to have been furnished by a 900-foot well, but the reason for the abandonment of this source is not known. The record of the strata is given below. WILL COUNTY 217 Driller's log of city well at Braidwood Elevation— 581 ± feet Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quicksand 15 15 Hard pan 6.5 21.5 Clay and bowlders 12.5 34 Clay shale 3 37 Sandstone 10 47 Shale, "slate'' 4 51 Clay shale 29 80 Coal 2.7 82.7 Fire clay ■ 3.3 86 Sandstone 6 92 Shale, "slate" . 1 93 Coal .5 93.5 Clay shale 13 . 5 107 Shale, sandy ; seam of fire clay 8.5 115 . 5 Shale, carbonaceous .5 116 Fire clay 2 118 Fire clay, nodular 2 120 Shale > 3 123 Coal .5 123.5 Fire clay 1.5 125 Shale, black; "slate" .5 125 . 5 Coal 1 126.5 Fireclay 1.5 128 Shale, sandy 12 140 Limestone 20 160 Limestone, fossiliferous 18 178 Limestone ..." , 8 186 Shale 2 188 Limestone 35 223 Shale ; limestone bands 10 233 Shale, gray; "slate" 20 253 Shale and "slate" 15 278 Limestone 377 645 Sandstone (St. Peter) 208 853 Limestone 5 858 Sandstone 2 860 Limestone 40 900 CRETE The village is situated on the northern half of the Valparaiso morainic system, the crest of which is a few miles to the south. The ground-water conditions are therefore similar to those at Steger. The source of the village water supply is a 192-foot well situated near the center of the town. The Niagaran limestone was struck at 218 ARTESIAN WATERS OF INORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS about 100 feet, and the well is cased with 10-inch pipe from the sur- face to a depth of about 150 feet. The water level at rest is 30 feet be- low the surface; the effects of pumping are not known but the work- ing barrel of the pump is placed at 80 feet. The pump is operated for 2 hours per day at a rate of approximately 90 gallons per minute. The analysis indicates a calcium and magnesium carbonate water somewhat similar to other Niagaran limestone waters of this area. Although the water is not so hard as that from many of the rock wells, of this region, it is nevertheless not advisable to use it in boilers without some softening. The original water works installation was in 1884 and the source was a group of shallow drift wells. The supply was later increased by the drilling of St. Peter and "Potsdam" wells that ranged in depth from 1,200 to 1,700 feet. This was again supplemented by storage reser- voirs that derived water from Hickory Creek. A plan was inaugurated in 1907 for the drilling of isolated deep wells in different parts of the city. The first one drilled was at Crowley and Ottawa streets and this was followed in 1911 by another at Canal Street. Since then, the fol- lowing wells have been drilled in succession at intervals of about a year : Spruce Slip, Van Buren Street, and Ruby Street. These wells are lo- cated at no great distances from the central portion of the city; the maximum distance between any two wells is about two miles, and the average is about half a mile, although the Crowley Avenue and the Canal Street wells are only 700 feet apart. The geological succession is indicated by the accompanying log that has been compiled from a study of the drillings. The chief water-bear- ing stratum is the first "Potsdam" sandstone which is struck at approxi- mately 1,325 feet. The drilling was discontinued after the first "Potsdam" sandstone was passed through ; the depths range from 1,547 to 1,563 feet. The wells are usually cased with 14-inch casing through the Maquoketa shale or to a depth of about 325 feet. In nearly all the wells it has been neces- sary to place some casing in the lower part of the Prairie du Chien for- mation, as there is a tendency to cave at this horizon. In drilling the Canal Street well an oily and sulphurous water was obtained, which was thought to have its source in the Maquoketa shale. A 10^-ineh casing was continued through this formation to a depth of 218 feet. As no im- provement resulted the casing was extended so that the well is completely cased from the surface to a depth of 893 feet or below the bottom of the St. Peter sandstone. Concrete was also poured into the space between WILL COUNTY 219 the casing and the wall of the well ; this formed a layer an inch or more in thickness. The well was then pumped for a year at the rate of nearly 1,000,000 gallons per day and the water allowed to run into the river. The oily and sulphurous taste was still noted, and a plant was installed to remove the objectionable matter by aeration. None of the waters from the other deep city wells have the above- mentioned, disagreeable properties. It was therefore believed that the nearby gas works was responsible. This would be through the downward percolation of surface waters mixed with the gas-house wastes. It is, however, difficult to understand how these surface waters reached the great depth, unless they had access to an old "Potsdam" well, in which case it would be readily possible, as the sulphurous waters of the bed rock would flow into the uncased deep well and therefore affect the waters at the lower horizons. An instance of deep-well waters that developed a sulphurous taste was noted at Blue Island and is discussed under that locality. The latest well drilled at Ruby Street, is cased with 10-inch pipe to a depth of 1,207 feet. This was because much difficulty was ex- perienced with caving material. The daily pumpage of each of these isolated city wells is from 500,000 to 1,000,000 gallons. The daily yield from the six old wells and the group of 20 drift wells located at the old pumping station is approximately 1,500,000 gallons. The average daily consumption of the city for 1915 was 5,500,000 gallons. Most of the isolated wells are equipped with air-lift pumping systems ; after the water has reached the surface it is repumped into the mains. There are other deep wells in the city, as at the Citizens Brewery, Sehring Brewery, State Penitentiary, and the Illinois Steel Mills. Like- wise there is a 1,565-foot well at Dellwood Park, a little over a mile north of Joliet. Some small wells as those at the high school and at the courthouse, penetrate only the St. Peter sandstone. Nearly all the factories have shallow rock wells, which do not yield a large amount. There has been a lowering of the artesian static head in Joliet as in other parts of northeastern Illinois. The only static head of the St. Peter water obtained in the city was at the high school. The water level in 1913 at rest was reported to be 1-18 feet below the surface or at an altitude of about 400 feet. The pumping effects are not known, but the working barrel at present is at a depth of 233 feet. The level in the village well at Rockdale, about two and a half miles southwest of the high school, was 72 feet below the surface or at an elevation of 470 feet during September, 1915. The St. Peter wells at the Joliet Water Works flowed up to 1900 at least. 220 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The "Potsdam" static head in 1899 was about 40 feet above the sur- face or at an elevation of 575 feet. 1 The quantity obtained by the natural flow was not sufficient so that the wells were pumped ; the level was then lowered to 70 feet below the surface. In 1907, at the time the first isolated city well was drilled, the water level at rest was 8 feet below the surface or at an approximate altitude of 527 feet. The nor- mal level in this well during October, 1913, was reported as 58 feet, but pumping at the rate of 1,000,000 gallons per day lowered it to 140 feet. The level in the Van Buren Street well was 63 feet below the sur- face or at an altitude of 468 feet, but dropped to 240 feet when pumping at the rate of 650,000 gallons per day. At the Desplaines Street well, the level in 1913 was 64 feet, or at an approximate elevation of 464 feet, but receded to 180 feet when the pumpage was 650,000 gallons per day. The static head on April 19, 1915, in the recently completed Ruby Street well was 160 feet below the surface or at an altitude of about 384 feet. This well is cased with 10-inch pipe to a depth of 1,207 feet. The water level is very low in comparison with those of the other wells when at rest. However there are two wells about 2,000 feet distant having a combined daily pumpage of at least 1,500,000 gallons which very probably affect the level at Ruby Street, as information collected in Chicago indicated that such heavy pumpage may affect wells at an even greater distance. The water level in the well at the Citizens Brew- ery on September 25, 1915, was 85 feet below the surface or at an altitude of 457 ± feet after the well had been shut down for 5 hours ; the normal rate of pumping is about 50 gallons per minute. The analyses appended indicate that the water from the "Potsdam" sandstone is very moderately mineralized for deep-well waters. That the deep wells at the Citizens Brewery and at the Sehring Brewery furnish much harder waters than do the city wells and the one at the high school is to be explained by the fact that the brewery wells are not cased to keep out the Niagaran limestone water which is hard at this locality and contains considerable scale-forming solids, as indicated by the anal- yses of the Niagaran well waters at the Moore Stone Company and the Porter Brewery. Particularly if the well is pumped at a rate not much greater than 75 gallons per minute, the final water obtained will re- semble that from the Niagaran limestone more strongly than that from the deeper strata. The St. Peter water in this vicinity is also of rather low mineral content according to analyses of the waters from the wells at (lie Joliet High School and the Rockdale village well, both of which have sufficient casing to shut out the waters from the Niagaran limestone. 1 Leverett, F., The Illinois glacial lobe: U. S. Geol. Survey Monograph 38, p. 6 19, 1899. WILL COUNTY 221 The waters from strata at a depth of 2,000 feet or more will probably be highly mineralized. A 2,000-foot well at the Steel Mills is reported to yield water of a high mineral content. It might be here mentioned that the 1,922-foot well at Lockport, less than four miles north of Joliet, encountered salt water. The temperature of the water from the 1,575-foot Desplaines Street well was 58.5° F. at the curb. The water from the 881-foot well at the high school was 55.8° F., delivered from the deep-well pump. The waters from wells a few hundred feet in depth varied in temperature from 53° to 54.5° F. Log ,of the Joliet City Well, Canal and Division Sts. Elevation — 552 feet Generalized section* Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Sand and gravel zy 2 ZV 2 Silurian system Niagaran limestone Dolomite, gray, fine grained 226^ 230 Ordovician system Maquoketa shale Shale, dark gray 90 320 Galena-Platteville limestone Dolomite, light gray and gray, fine grained 300 620 St. Peter sandstone Sandstone 200 820 Prairie du Chien group Dolomite, gray, subcrystalline 225 1045 Dolomite, gray, in some instances contains sand grains 180 1225 Dolomite, sandy, contains numerous specks of dark min- eral, glauconite 30 1255 Sandstone, dolomitic, greenish gray, numerous specks of a black mineral glauconite 25 1280 Dolomite, gray, subcrystalline, contains some quartz sand 50 1330 Cambrian system "Potsdam" group Sandstone, gray, rounded grains 240 1570 a The detailed log- of this well compiled from study of samples is to be found in the Survey files if desired for reference. LOCKPORT The city of Lockport had a well drilled in 1895 to a depth of 1,922 feet, but salt water was obtained from the deeper strata, so it was plugged at 1,650 feet. 222 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS The driller's log of this well follows : Driller's log of the Lockport city well Elevation — 568+ feet (Authority, J. P. Miller Artesian Well Company, Chicago, Illinois) Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Soil, sand, and gravel 3 3 Limestone 200 203 Shale 87 290 Limestone 245 535 Limestone, brown, hard 95 630 Sandstone (St. Peter) 230 860 Shale and red marl, "caves" 60 920 Limestone, sandy 280 1200 Limestone, hard .- . 75 1275 Limestone, sandy; and green shale 35 1310 Sandstone "Potsdam'' 220 1530 Shale, sandy 110 1640 Marl, red 80 1720 Shale 150 1870 Sandstone 52 1922 The original flow was 275 gallons per minute, but the static head low- ered gradually until in 1915 it was 14 feet below the surface, or at an altitude of about 554 feet. The water level drops to 60 feet when pump- ing at the rate of 150 gallons per minute. The diameter of the well is 10 inches at the surface and about 6 inches at the bottom. The water has a high mineral content consisting of a considerable amount of alkali chlorides, as well as the salts of calcium. The amount of mineral matter is greater than that present in the waters from wells at a similar depth at Joliet ; it may be that some of the water from the lower depths is able to get by the plug at 1,650 feet. The village is situated near the crest of the Valparaiso morainic sys- tem, and consequently the mantle of drift is very heavy. Some wells 125 to 150 feet in depth do not penetrate the bed rock or Niagaran limestone. There are many dug wells which vary in depth from 15 to 40 feet. The village water supply is furnished by a drilled well 139 feet deep and cased the entire distance. There is a 4-foot screen at the bottom. The water level and effects of pumping are not known, but the working barrel is placed at a depth of 129 feet. There is no record of the amount pumped, but there are only 17 services, of which the largest is the Rock Island Railroad, with a con- WILL COUNTY 223 .sumption of 12,000 gallons per day. The water is hard and contains a considerable amount of scale-forming solids. The village is situated near the crest of the Valparaiso moraine. Its altitude of 803 feet makes it one of the highest points in the county. The public water supply is furnished by two wells that penetrate the Niagaran limestone. The old well, drilled in 1897, is 166 feet in depth and is cased to bed rock with 90 feet of 6-inch pipe. Well No. 2, drilled in 1913, is about the same depth and is cased with 10-inch pipe to bed rock at 90 feet. The wells are only 20 feet apart. The water level at rest is 72 feet below the surface in both wells. The old well will deliver 35 gallons per minute continuously; the working barrel is at a depth of 85 feet. The working barrel in well No. 2 is at a depth of 95 feet; the pump will draw air in about 1 . 5 hours when operating at the rate of 165 gallons per minute, this is when the other well is also delivering 35 gallons per minute. The analyses of the waters are given. There is a high content of scale- forming solids in each of the waters and they would not be adapt- able for boiler use without considerable softening. PEOTONE The village is located in the southern half of the Valparaiso morainic system and is underlain by a heavy drift deposit consisting for the most part of about 100 feet of sandy clay above a stratum of sand and gravel which yields a strong supply of water. The public water supply is furnished by a 10-inch well 135 feet deep, which obtains its yield from the bed of sand and gravel. The casing extends to the water-bearing formation. The water level at rest is 25 feet below the surface; no pumping tests have been made, but during a fire the well delivered 210 gallons per minute for 4 hours. The average daily pumpage is about 40,000 gallons. The analysis indicates a rather hard water that does not differ greatly from that obtained from other wells of like depth in this area. PLAINFIELD The village of Plainfield completed a 1,302-foot well in 1915. The •chief water-bearing strata are the St. Peter sandstone and Prairie du Chien limestone. The water level at rest is about 55 feet below the sur- face or at an altitude of approximately 557 feet. The well has a surface diameter of 12 inches and is completed at about 8 inches. The pumpage is at the rate of 175 gallons per minute, but the recession is not known. The cost of well and pump was about $6,000. 224 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS This new well supplants an old Niagaran limestone well that is kept in order only for emergencies. An analysis of the water from the old well is appended in the absence of one from the new well. ROCKDALE The village of Rockdale is situated just outside the southwest corner of the corporate limits of Joliet. The municipal water supply is furnished by a 662-foot St. Peter well, cased to a depth of 320 feet with 12-inch pipe; the bottom diameter is 8 inches. The pumping equipment is a double-acting deep- well pump, and the yield is about 160 gallons per minute. In September, 1915, the water level was 72 feet below the sur- face or at an elevation of 476 feet; the effects of pumping are not known. The appended analysis indicates a water that is practically identical with that from the well at the Joliet high school. There is enough min- eral matter so that some soft scale would be formed if it were used un- treated in boilers. As compared with the water from the 640-foot well at the American Can Company, the latter is considerably harder because not all of the Niagaran limestone water has been cased off. STEGER The city is located near the northern border of the Valparaiso moraine and at a lower elevation than the region to the south and west. This higher, drift-covered area constitutes a favorable collecting area, so that wells to the north, at a lower elevation, yield large supplies. The municipal supply is furnished by a 318-foot well which pene- trates the Niagaran limestone for 224 feet. The well is cased with 12- inch pipe to a depth of 147 feet where the working barrel of the pump is also placed. No pumping tests have been made, but the pump oper- ates for 4 or 5 hours per day at the rate of over 300 gallons per minute ; the recession during pumping has not been determined. There are two similar wells at the Steger piano factory. These wells are so connected with the city supply that the combined pumpage is available for fire protection. The analysis of the water shows a con- siderable amount of dissolved mineral matter, chiefly the bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium. WILMINGTON The village is situated on the banks of the Kankakee at a low ele- vation with respect to the surrounding country. The drift probably does not average over 25 feet thick; in fact, the Niagaran limestone outcrops along Kankakee River and Forked Creek. The waterworks is only for fire protection and obtains its supply from the Kankakee. It was understood that a large St. Peter well was WINNEBAGO COUNTY 225 to be drilled in 1916. The dug wells, 15 to 30 feet deep, yield sufficient water for domestic purposes. Numerous springs also occur along- Forked Creek and the river. Two flowing wells about 800 feet in depth have been reported. The water-bearing formation is probably the St. Peter sandstone, but the wells are very old and little is known con- cerning them. WINNEBAGO COUNTY Physiography Winnebago County is situated along the northern border of the State, about midway of its width; Boone County adjoins it on the east, Lee County on the south, and Stephenson County on the west. The total area is 529 square miles. The drift deposit covering this county is not heavy except in a few places. The original topography has therefore not been greatly modified. The land as a whole is gently rolling, although the numerous streams have cut it up considerably. Prominent bluffs have been developed in many places along Rock River. Rarely are any marshes or undrained areas found, which renders the topography strikingly different from that of the heavier drift-covered counties to the east. The drainage of the county is effected by Rock River and its tribu- taries. This stream enters the county in the northeastern township and flows southward across the eastern part. It differs from most Illinois rivers in that the waters are clear and swift flowing. Water power is developed in a number of places along this stream. Pecatonica River is one of the important tributaries and drains the northwestern part of the area. Kishwaukee River drains the southeastern corner. Geology The drift mantle is not heavy except in the pre-glacial valleys. In the western portion of the county the deposit is very thin; the rock is found on the uplands within 15 or 20 feet of the surface and in many places it outcrops. A loess-like deposit of silt covers much of this portion of the county. East of Rock River the drift is much heavier, probably averaging at least 100 feet thick. Along the pre-glacial valley of Rock River the drift attains thicknesses of 300 feet. Borings show that the rock floor of the pre-glacial valley is 250 to 300 feet below the present river bed. 1 The drift in the Rockford city well No. 8 was 248 feet thick and was underlain by the St. Peter sandstone, although the Galena-Platteville formation outcrops in the city along Rock River. 1 Leverett, F., The Illinois glacial lobe: U. S. Geol. Survey Monograph 38, 1899. 226 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS A knowledge of the rock formations has been obtained from well logs at Rockford from the examination of the drillings of a 1,500-foot well and also through previous work of the Illinois State Geological Survey. The bed rock formation of the greater part of the county is the Galena-Platteville formation. The upper division, or the Galena limestone, is the underlying formation over two-thirds of the county. The area underlain by this formation is given by James Shaw 1 as follows : "An imaginary line entering the county ~ about the southeast corner of the township of Roscoe, drawn thence in a southeast course until Rock River was reached; thence extended round in a slight bend toward the northwest, until within a short distance of the Pecatonica River, at a point about four miles west of its mouth; thence meandering along the Pecatonica from one to two miles south of the thread of that stream, until the western boundary of the county was reached; thence starting south and keeping around the boundary line to the place of beginning, and embracing about two-thirds of the county, would indicate the superficial extent of this division, to which would have to be added a narrow strip, extending from the village of Pecatonica, up toward and nearly to the northwestern corner of the county." A number of quarries are worked in this area and the rock is seen to be a heavy-bedded, yellowish to cream-colored dolomitic limestone. The lower division of Galena-Platteville limestone is called by Shaw the "Blue Limestone" and is described by him as a thin-bedded, bluish- gray limestone having a few shaly partings. The Platteville limestone is the bed rock formation over practically all of that part of the county in which *the Galena is absent. It is also known that small outcrops of St. Peter sandstone occur in a few places along Rock River and other streams in the northern part of the county. As revealed by the Rockford drilling, the St. Peter sandstone has its customary thickness, but the underlying Prairie du Chien limestone is not over 200 feet thick. Even this amount is only obtained by including the lower 70 feet of reddish-brown, glauconiferous, dolomitic sandstone and shale, which may represent the Madison-Mendota horizon. Below these strata there is a great series of sandstones which range from fine to coarse grained. As in the section at Belvidere. Underground Waters sources Practically all the data concerning the static head of the waters from the different horizons have been obtained at Rockford. At the Rockford water- works station there has been a recession of approximately 38 feet 1 Shaw, James, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. V, p. 86, 1873. WINNEBAGO COUNTY 227 in the "Potsdam" water level since the first well was drilled in 1885. The present static head at this water works is about 5 feet below the surface. This location is at a low elevation, but it is still probable that flowing wells may be obtained at low elevations along Rock River, provided they are a few miles from the Rockford water works. A few flowing wells from the St. Peter sandstone still exist, but the level is usually a few feet below the surface. The head from the "Potsdam" sandstone is from 10 to 20 feet greater than that of the St. Peter sandstone. CHEMICAL CHARACTER The waters from all the different horizons are moderately but not excessively mineralized. In general it might be said that the waters from wells 50 feet or so in depth are less mineralized than those of greater depths. The waters from these shallow horizons, however, are not always abundant and they may also be subject to surface contamination. LOCAL SUPPLIES PECATONICA The drift in this vicinity is only a few feet thick so that practically all wells penetrate rock. Private wells are from 80 to 125 feet in depth. The village water supply is obtained from a well 12 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep. The greater part of the depth is in limestone. The well is located in a valley in the south part of the village; as this is at a low elevation the ground water level is high. Most of the water enters the well on the north side through the fissured limestone. The water level at rest is within 6 or 7 feet of the surface. The daily consumption is about 20,000 or 25,000 gallons which is pumped in % J / 2 to 3 hours. The water is moderately mineralized and would form some scale if used untreated in boilers. ROCKFORD The geological succession in the city is shown by the log of well No. 8, which was compiled from a study of the drillings. Another well has been drilled to a depth of 1,981 feet, but only the driller's log was kept. In the lower part of this well 275 feet of red shale was reported to be underlain by 171 feet of white sandstone, in which the drilling was stopped. Some of the wells at the pumping station show as much as 50 feet of the limestone before the St. Peter sandstone is struck. This is to be expected, as this limestone outcrops along Rock River. However, the limestone was not found in wells No. 7 and 8, but the drift was much 228 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS thicker. The St. Peter sandstone has a considerable thickness, but the Prairie du Chien limestone is only 100 feet thick if the lower 70 feet of reddish dolomitic sandstone and shale that probably represents the Madi- son and Mendota formations is excluded. The great series of sandstones at the lower horizons are the important water-bearing formations. Log of Rockford City Well No. 8 Elevation— 728 feet Generalised section* Thickness Depth Description of strata Feet Feet Quaternary system Pleistocene and Recent Not represented in samples, probably sand and gravel 70 70 Sand, gravel, and pebbles, probably river wash 178 248 Ordovician system St. Peter Sandstone Sand, colorless, well roundea 145 393 Prairie du Chien group Chert, white , 37 430 Dolomite, gray, crystalline 70 500 Sandstone, dolomitic, reddish brown containing some glauconite sand grains 50 550 Shale, reddish brown, sandy and dolomitic 20 570 Cambrian system "Potsdam" group Sandstone, well rounded, colorless quartz grains 150 720 Shale, red and green 40 760 Shale, green, slightly sandy and dolomitic 30 790 Sandstone, subangular to well rounded, colorless, or light yellow, quartz grains 540 1330 Sandstone, chocolate in color due to cementing material, varying in size from a fine powder to a coarse sand. . . . 170 1500 a The detailed log of this well compiled from study of samples is to be found in the Survey files if desired for reference. The first municipal water system was constructed during 1874 and 1875 and the source was a number of springs along Rock River in the north part of the city. In a few years it was found that this supply was inadequate, and at times of heavy consumption it was necessary to draw water from Rock River. In 1885 on the advice of Prof. T. C. Chamberlin the first artesian well was sunk to a depth of 1,530 feet. A flowing well was obtained with a head of approximately 33 feet above the surface or at an elevation of about 745 feet. Additional deep wells were drilled from 1885 to 1888 at the rate of one well per year. These five flowing wells ranging in depth from 1,300 to 2,000 feet constituted the source of the city's supply until 1891. It was again found necessary WINNEBAGO COUNTY 229 to increase the supply, and this was done by drilling four wells which penetrated the St. Peter sandstone. Still further changes were made at various times, such as the building of storage reservoirs. In 1895 pump- ing equipment was installed for the flowing "Potsdam" wells that had not previously been pumped. A contract was made in 1896 with Mr. Daniel W. Mead for the construction of a shaft and tunnel system. On the completion of this project three "Potsdam" wells and five St. Peter wells were tapped at a low level and the water permitted to flow to a central shaft. This shaft is 95 feet deep and contains at the bottom three pumps of a centrifugal type. On a 24-hour test made by the city in 1898 the yeild was 6,800,000 gallons. In 1910 it was found that the amount of water obtained from the shaft and tunnel system had decreased nearly one- half, and as the population had greatly increased, it was necessary to obtain a greater supply. A commission consisting of J. W. Alvord, D. W. Mead, and D. H. Maury was appointed to investigate the possibility of increasing the water supply. This commission outlined six plans. The city accepted the one which provided for the construction of large wells ac a considerable distance from one another. At the present time two of these wells, Nos. 7 and 8, have been sunk, the former approximately 1J4 miles southeast of the old pumping station, and the latter about 2*/2 miles north of well No. 7. One of the wells was completed in 1913 and has therefore been in operation nearly three years. The results obtained have been very satisfactory. The three "Potsdam" wells of the shaft and tunnel system range in depth from 1,300 to 1,530 feet, and the five connected St. Peter wells average about 450 feet in depth. These wells are reported to be cased with 150 feet of 8-inch pipe which penetrates bed rock. Well No. 7, which is 1,503 feet in depth and penetrates the "Pots- dam", is cased with 250 feet of 18-inch pipe, below which there is also 200 feet of 12-inch pipe embedded in limestone which excludes all water from the St. Peter sandstone. The drilling costs are given as follows : 18-inch casing per lineal foot $16.00 12-inch casing per lineal foot 6.25 12-inch uncased per lineal foot 3.00 This would give a total cost of $8,409. The well was drilled by the Cater Contracting Company of Chicago and completed in February, 1913. The pumping equipment was furnished by the American Well Works and is a 17-inch, 6-stage combination deep-well and pressure pump, being a 4-stage, turbine type of pump located 108 feet in the well, with a 2-stage centrifugal type of pump at the top of the casing. The well is covered by a small, brick pump house which protects the motor and 230 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS other surface equipment. The entire cost of installation was approxi- mately $20,000, which included ground, well, pump house, motor, and automatic starting apparatus. The cost of pumping, which includes interest and depreciation on equipment, is reported as 2 cents per 1,000 gallons delivered to the mains. This well delivers 1,400- gallons per minute. Well No. 8 was drilled in 1914-15 but the pumping equipment has not yet been installed. The cost of drilling was as follows : 22-inch casing per lineal foot $24.45 12-inch casing per lineal foot 6.75 12-inch uncased per lineal foot 2.50 However, a lump bid of $8,990 was made for drilling to a depth of 1,500 feet. The contractors for each of these wells furnished the coal for heating their boilers. The water level at rest in well No. 7 is 108 feet above city datum ; the water level when delivering 1,400 gallons per minute is 42 feet, or a lowering of 66 feet. This static head is higher than that at the pump- ing station, which is probably due to several causes. The well is over a mile distant from the old pumping station, is new and therefore clog- ging is absent, and the large diameter reduces the pipe friction. Well No. 8 at rest has a water level of 120 feet above the city datum. As the pumping equipment has not yet been installed it is not possible to give the effects of pumping. In many parts of Rockford the St. Peter sandstone either directly underlies the drift, or is found just below the thin Galena-Platteville formation. There is consequently some variation in the St. Peter water level but it is usually within a few feet of the surface except in the higher portions of the city. Rarely does a flowing well occur. The St. Peter water level at the Graham Distillery was 11 feet below the sur- face in March, 1914; the surface elevation is 102+ feet, city datum or 707 feet above sea level. In the well owned by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company the St. Peter water level was 12 feet below the surface in 1913, whereas the ground water was only 8 feet. At the time the first "Potsdam" well in Rockford was drilled in 1885, the head was approximately 33 feet above the surface. The lower- ing of the water table since that time has not been excessive and is not at all comparable with that in the Chicago area. The following data con- cerning the water levels at various times have been obtained: WINNEBAGO COUNTY 231 Static head of "Potsdam" water table at Rockford Well No. Surface altitude above city datum a Year drilled Depth Altitude of static head above city datum a Original Nov. 1891 1910 1915 Feet Feet 1 107± 1885 1,530 135.9 113.0 102± 102± 2 107± 1886 1,320 116.7 112.4 102± 102± 3 107± 1886 1,981 120.8 118.5 102± 102± 4 107± 1887 1,300 116.0 114.4 102± 102± 5 107± 1888 1,379 127.7 118.7 102± 102± 7 130.3 1913 1,503 108 8 122.5 1915 1,500 120 120 City datum is 605 feet above sea level. A series of very accurate tests was made upon these wells in August, 1910, and it was found that when the wells were being pumped at the rate of 3,600,000 gallons per day, the recession in the water level was approximately 75 feet. The rising curves made at that time show that 60 feet of the recovery was made within 15 minutes after pumping had ceased. The remainder of the recovery required over 4 hours. Tests were made by Mr. O. E. Bulkeley of the Rockford Engineering Department, January 24, 1914, in order to determine the water levels. The wells selected were Nos. 2 and 4; the latter is connected with the shaft and tunnel system and No. 2 is only a few hundred feet distant. The wells were shut down for nearly 5 hours and measurements made at frequent intervals during this period. The rising curves obtained are similar to those of 1910, which place the static head at approximately 102 feet above city datum ; this is for the wells at the pumping station. It was found that the specific capacity, or the yield under one foot head, of the "Potsdam" wells had decreased greatly since 1891. This is shown by the following table by Prof. C, S. Slichter contained in the 1910 report of the Rockford water commission. Professor Slichter does not consider that the reduction in specific capacity is entirely due to the mechanical clogging of the water-bearing sandstone in the vicinity of the wells. He believes that much of the clogging is because of the growth of low forms of plant life in the pores of the rock in the walls of the well, supported by the carbon dioxide liberated as a result of the reduction in pressure. 232 AETESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Specific capacity of Rockford wells a The amounts deducted from heads are the approximate losses of head due to pipe friction. b Including- St. Peter sandstone. c Deducting for St. Peter sandstone. APPENDIX Mineral and Boiler Analyses of The Artesian Waters of Northeastern Illinois 234 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table I. — Mineral analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping. . gals, per min. Date sample was collected Boone Belvidere 1,800 Oct". 2l! '13 Cook Barrington (Waterworks) Village 315 200 400 Aug. 24, '14 Cook Bellewood (Waterworks) Village 1,538 87 200 July 7, '14 Cook Chicago (Armour powerhouse, U. S. yards) Armour & Co. 1,581 To bed rock 1,000 July 20, '14 Determinations made Potassium Sodium Ammonium Magnesium Calcium Iron Alumina Nitrites Nitrates Chlorine Sulphate Silica Hydrogen sulphide Manganese Bases 3.3 6.3 .2 45.5 110.8 .07 .2 .3 9.5 24. 85.3 12.1 4.7 39.8 5 50.1 61.9 1. 2.6 .0 .0 6. 174.2 19. 1.6 42.5 697. 2.1 83.1 375.3 1.5 4. .0 .7 1500. 413.9 19.5 .42 Hypothetical combinations .5 8. '6.3' 11.7 .6' ' *22.i* 106.9 63.3 '276.5* .1 .2 12.1 .0 ""4.4" "3.8" ' '66.6' '2.9* ' '3*7.7' 111.9 '129.' ' .8 1.7 37.9 .6 ' "9.' ' ''2.8* 119.3 'i.8* "115.7" 92.5 '154.5' 2.1 2.6 19. 1.6 1 1 Potassium chloride 80.2 Sodium chloride 1769. Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate Ammonium nitrate ... 6.2 Ammonium carbonate Magnesium nitrate 325. Magnesium carbonate Calcium chloride Calcium sulphate '224.9' 586.7 303.3 Iron carbonate Alumina 3.1 4. 19.5 1. Total 508.3 397.3 520.9 3324. Hypothetical combinations Potassium nitrite .03 .46 .37 .68 .03 ' "l'.29 6.23 3.69 ' 16.12 .01 .01 .7 .0 .26 .22 "3. 88 ' '.17 ""2.2' 6.53 "7.5*2 .05 .1 2.21 .03 .52 .16 6.96 .1* '6.75 5.39 ' '9.01 .12 .15 1.11 .09 7o6 Potassium chloride 4.68 Potassium sulphate 103.18 Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate Ammonium chloride .36 Ammonium sulphate Ammonium carbonate Magnesium chloride Magnesium sulphate 18.96 Magnesium carbonate Calcium chloride Calcium sulphate ' '18.12 34.22 Calcium carbonate i ron carbonate 17.69 .18 .23 ftii Lea 1.14 liases .06 Total 29.62 23.17 30.36 193.88 MINERAL ANALYSES OF UNDERGROUND WATERS waters in northeastern Illinois 235 Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago (Packers (Oakley St. (Union Stock (Union Stock (Arthington (Arthington Ave., Union & 48th Ave.) Yards, Oleo. Yards) & Homan & Homan S. Yards) house) Ave.) Ave.) Chem- Armour & Co. Illinois Vine- Morris & Co. Sulzberger Sears Roe- Sears Roe- ical gar Works Sons& Co., well No. 2 buck & Co. buck & Co. formula 1,600 1,942 2,300 1,620 1,623 1,868 70 56 To bed rock 64 92 853 1,400 275 250 635 340 530 July 16, '14 June 26, '15 Aug. 31, '14 Aug. 31, '14 Oct. 7, '15 Oct. 7, '15 (parts per million) 25.2 20. 70.9 21.3 25.4 33.6 K 220.8 320.3 1232. 138.8 185.2 330.5 Na .8 1.3 4.1 7.2 .6 6 NHi 48.9 74.4 122.5 42. 25.4 29. Mg 213.3 45.2 543.2 130.7 143.8 163.8 Ca 1.3 .4 3.6 .4 .5 .3 Fe 2. 3.4 4.9 4.2 2.5 6.4 A1 £ 3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 N0 2 1.1 2.1 1.8 1.8 1.2 1.2 N0 3 280. 405. 2900. 135. 255. 490. CI 547.2 304.7 314.8 374.8 324.9 329.2 S0 4 16.8 10.4 20. 15.2 12.8 10. SiO a .38 HoS .08 .0 .0 J\fn .6 2.4 1. .8 .0 .0 Bases (parts per million) KNO3 1.8 3.4 2.9 2 9 2. 2_ KCl 46.7 35.6 133. 38.5 46.9 62.5 KoS0 4 NaNOa NaCl 426.1 640.4 3126.8 193. 384. 759.6 Na 2 S0 4 166.2 209.7 ' 'ii.l" 191.2 104.5 96.2 Na,CO s NH4NO3 NH4CI (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 2.9 4.8 '479.'* 26.3 2.2 2.2 (NH 4 ) 8 CO s Mer(N0 3 )o MgCl 2 MgS0 4 241.7 200. 117.4 '964.1' 207.6 125.6 143.4 MgCC 3 CaClo CaSO" 4 343. 446.2 86.3 216.0 210.3 CaC0 3 252. 112.8 212.7 262.8 200.4 255.4 PeC0 3 2.7 .8 7.5 .8 1. .6 A1 2 3 2. 3.4 4.9 4.2 2.5 6.4 Si0 2 16.8 10.4 20. 15.2 12.8 10. Bases 2.4 2.4 1. .8 Total 1504.4 1341.1 5350.2 1029.6 1097.9 1548.6 (grains per U. S. gallon) .12 KNO a .1 .2 .17 .17 2.74 .11 KNO3 2.72 2.08 7.76 2.25 ' 22". 4 6 3.63 KCl 1 ^SO* NaNOa 24.85 37.35 182.39 il.26 6.09 44.31 NaCl 9.69 12.23 .71 11.15 5.60 Na->S0 4 Na.CO., NH,N0 3 NH4CI .17 .28 ' '27.93 1.53 .13 .13 (NH.i)..S0 4 (NH.,) a C03 Mg(N0 3 ) 2 MgCl 2 14. i 11.67 6.84 ' '52.74 12.11 7.33 8.36 MgS0 4 MgCO a CaCla 20.01 26.03 5.03 12.60 12.26 CaS0 4 14.70 6.58 12.41 15.33 11.70 14.90 CaCO :! .16 .05 .44 .05 .06 .03 FoCO s .12 .20 .29 .24 .15 .37 AI0O3 .98 .61 1.17 .89 .75 .58 SiO a .14 .14 .06 .05 Bases 87.74 78.23 312.10 60.06 64.07 90.28 Total 236 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table I. — Mineral analyses of underground County. Town. . Owner. Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping. . .gals, per min. Date sample was collected Cook Forest Park (Jackson Blvd. & Lehmer St.) City 2,012 90± 765 June 28, '15 Cook Matteson (Waterworks) "Village 282 To bed rock 200 Oct. 27, '14 Cook Riverdale (Waterworks) "Village 434 50 125 June 30, '15 Cook Proviso Township (SE. % NW. % sec. 5) Chicago North West- ern R. R. well No. 5 1,841 1,72b 90 June 30. '15 Potassium. Sodium. . . . Ammonium. Magnesium . Calcium Iron Alumina. . . Nitrites Nitrates. . . . Chlorine. . . , Sulphate. . . Silica Manganese . Bases Determinations made 16. 113.6 .4 8.1 13.5 1. .0 1.1 44. 45.3 10.8 Hypothetical combinations 'l.8' 27.2 'll9.' ' 156. *1.8* 'l*30'.5' 23.2 ■269.2' 1. 1.1 9.2 .6 2.9 8.4 2.4 '167. 3* '2.9' ' 'is.' ' 67.5 '367.5' 8.3 4.5 11.4 1.6 1.8' 23.8. ' '7.8* 107.9 156.5 " '.8* ' '31.2' ' '50.4' .6 1.4 11. 1. Potassium nitrate 1.8 29.2 Potassium sulphate Potassium carbonate 49 7 Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate Ammonium nitrate Ammonium chloride Ammonium sulphate 67. 166.4 Ammonium carbonate 1.1 Magnesium chloride Magnesium sulphate Magnesium carbonate Calcium chloride Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate ' 'ii.'i ' *78.6' Iron carbonate .6 1. Silica 10.8 Bases 1.4 Total 680.6 704.7 394.2 435.7 Hypothetical combinations Potassium nitrite .10 1.59 ' '6.94 9.10 .10 ' '7.61 1.35 ' '12.20 .06 .06 .54 .03 .17 .49 .14 '6.26 ' '.17 ' 'l'o'.kb 3.94 ' '17.94 .48 .26 .66 .09 .10 1.39 .45 6.29 9.13 .05 'l'.82 '2.94 .03 .08 .64 .06 Potassium nitrate .10 Potassium chloride 1.70 Potassium sulphate Potassium carbonate Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride 2.90 Sodium sulphate 3.91 Sodium carbonate Ammonium nitrate 9.71 Ammonium sulphate Ammonium carbonate .06 Magnesium chloride Magnesium sulphate Magnesium carbonate Calcium chloride Calcium sulphate 1.64 4.58 1 ton <;i rbonate Ai urn Ina .03 .06 Silica .t;:: .OS Total 39.68 41.10 22.IIS 25.40 MINEEAL ANALYSES OF UNDERGROUND WATEES waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 237 De Kalb De Kalb De Kalb Dupage Dupage Dupage De Kalb Genoa Hinckley Glen Ellyn Naperville West Chi- cago Chem- (Waterworks) (Waterworks) (Waterworks) (Water- (Water- (Water- ical works) works) works) formula City Village Village Village City City 1,500 708 310 1,375 322 75 100 114 14 90 200 200 275 300 200 Dec. 21, '14 Oct. 24, '13 May 15, '14 Aug. 5, '14 June 4, '15 Nov. 12, '14 (parts per million) 12.2 6.2 3. 4.5 9.6 4.3 K 15.9 5.6 21.8 58.1 20.9 24.7 Na .5 .4 1.4 .5 .1 .5 NHi 3.3 33.8 38.5 30.6 44.2 37.4 Mg 75.3 65.6 52. 62. 84.6 66.6 Ca .1 .0 .7 .4 .1 .8 Fe 1.1 .6 2.1 1.7 1.3 2.1 A1 2 3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 N0 2 .2 .0 1.8 .0 8.8 .0 NOj 1. 1. 8. 1. 20. ■ 13. CI .0 4.4 1.8 85.6 121.6 62.3 S0 4 33.4 18.4 18. 21.5 7.8 14.1 Si0 3 .0 .00 Mn .0 .6 .9 .7 2. 3.4 Bases (parts per million) KNO s .3 2.9 14.3 KNO3 2. 2.1 8. 3.6 8.6 9.7 8.2 KC1 K,S0 4 19.4 2.6 K0CO3 NaNOa 10.4 9.7 25.4 15. NaCl 2.7 126.6 33.6 58. Na 2 S0 4 36.6 12.9 38.7 30.6 .3' "'l.s' NaoC0 3 NH4NO3 NH4CI (NH 4 )oS0 4 1.1 3.7 1.3 *123.8 " ' 27.3' (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 Mg(N0 3 ) 2 MeO]~ MgS0 4 11.4 124. 133.3 106. 66.4 110.4 MgCO s CaClo CaSO* 187.9 163.8 129.8 154.8 211.2 166.2 CaC0 3 .2 1.5 .8 .2 1.6 FeC0 3 1.1 .6 2.1 1.7 1.3 2.1 Alo0 3 33.4 18.4 18. 21.5 7.8 14.1 Si0 3 2.3 .6 .9 .7 2. 3.4 Bases 294.6 334.1 347.6 462.3 496. 408.1 Total (grains per U. S. gallon ) KN0 3 .02 .17 .83 KN0 3 .11 .12 .47 .21 .50 .57 .48 KC1 KoSO, 1.13 .15 K>CO., NaN0 3 .61 .57 1.48 .87 NaCl .16 7.38 1.96 3.38 Na«SO* 2.10 .75 2.26 1.78 ' " ' '.02 ' ' ' '.10 Na ft CO s NH.NOs NH,C1 (NH.,)oS0 4 .06 .22 .08 V.22 V.59 (NH').,COa Ms; (NO.,) 2 MgrCl a MgS0 4 .66 7.23 7.77 6.18 3.87 6.43 MgC0 3 CaCla CaSO. t 10.95 9.55 7.57 9.03 12.32 9.69 CaCOa .01 .09 .05 .01 .09 FeC0 3 .06 .03 .12 .10 .08 .12 AloOa 1.95 1.07 1.05 1.25 .45 .8.2 SiOo .13 .03 .05 .04 .11 .20 Bases 17.12 19.46 20.28 26.96 28.92 23.77 Total 238 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table I. — Mineral analyses of underground County. Town. . Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing- feet Rate of pumping, .gals, per min. Date sample was collected Grundy Coal City (Waterworks) City 350 285 180 May 24, '14 Grundy M'inooka (Main St.) City 2,100 Flows', 40 Sept. 24, '15 Grundy Morris (Waterworks) City 765 90 , 160 Sept. 22, '15 Kane Aurora (Waterworks) Well No. 3) City 2,200 250 350 July 20, '15 Determinations made Potassium. Sodium. . . . Ammonium Magnesium Calcium. . . Iron Alumina. . . Nitrites. . . Nitrates . . . Chlorine. . . Sulphate. . . Silica Manganese. Bases 6.1 52. ' '29.5' 65.5 .1 .4 .0 6.2 9. 53. 11. .0 3.6 14.4 86.2 .4 27.3 68.6 .4 135. 36.7 10 .0 .0 Hypothetical combinations " "53.V '378.7' 288.9 '6.6' 'l75.1* 44.7 '222.7 5.8 3.8 10.6 1. ' '56.4* 1421.2' 'l'.2* ' '28.5' 51.7 7.5 *221*.i" .6 trace 10.4 4. ' '4.2' ' "io'.i" 11.6 78.4 50.6 'l'o'i.i' '163.5' .2 A 11. 3.6 .2 4.9 23 6 Potassium sulphate Sodium chloride 183.8 42 5 Ammonium nitrate Ammonium sulphate 1.5 Magnesium nitrate 8.6 88.6 Calcium chloride Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate 'l7'i.i' .8 Alumina .8 Silica 10. Bases Total 1191.6 1802.6 435.7 536.4 Hypothetical combinations Potassium nitrite Potassium nitrate. . . . Potassium chloride... Potassium sulphate. . . Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Ammonium nitrate. . . Ammonium chloride. . Ammonium sulphate.. Ammonium carbonate, Magnesium nitrate... Magnesium chloride.. Magnesium sulphate.. Magnesium carbonate Calcium chloride Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate Iron carbonate Alumina Silica Bases .< Total 3.13 22.09 16.85 ,38 10.21 2.61 12.99 .34 .22 .62 .06 69.50 3.29 82.90 .07 1.66 3.00 .44 12.89 .03 trace .61 .23 105.12 ,24 .59 .68 4.56 2.95 5.95 9.54 .01 .02 .64 .21 25.39 .01 .29 1.38 10.72 2.48 ,09 .50 5.17 9.98 .05 .05 .58 31.30 MINERAL ANALYSES OF UNDERGROUND WATERS waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 239 Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Batavia Mont- gomery (Waterworks) (Talma St. (River St. (Philips (SE. % Well No. 5) well) well) Park well) sec. 32, T. 38 N., R. 8 E.) Chem- ical City City City City City Magnesia Spring Co. formula 2,250 2,185 2,263 2,759 2,000 115 255 350 255 135 650 450 Flows, 150 100 Flows, 5 July 20, '15 July 20, '15 July 20, '15 July 20, '15 Sept. 28, '15 July 20, '15 (parts per million) 11. 16. 16.6 26.1 1.5 14.9 K 48.1 51.2 134.7 486.2 5.5 157.4 Na .5 .1 .3 .8 .6 .6 NH 4 24.9 23.3 28.7 62.1 22.4 10.4 Mg 64.5 63.5 82.9 240.5 56. 15.3 Ca .4 .3 .5 5. .3 .2 Fe 1.2 .4 1.2 1.6 4. .9 AIO3 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 NO, 3.5 3.5 1.1 1.8 1.2 2.5 N0 3 93. 35. 258. 1075. 10. 1. CI 27.2 41.9 29.6 107.1 6. 76.2 so 4 9. 10.5 12. 11.6 11.6 Si0 2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Mn .0 .2 .4 .0 .0 .0 Bases (parts per million) .9 KN0 2 5.7 5.7 1.8 2.9 2. 4.1 KNO3 16. 26.3 30.3 47.6 1.3 2.1 27.2 KCl K 2 S0 4 NaNOs 122.1 37.1 62. 38. 341.8 1234. 14. ' '90.6* 294.6 NaCl Na 2 S0 4 Na 2 C0 3 NH 4 NO a 1.5 .3* .9 1.9 1.7 ' "Y.6" NH 4 C1 (NH 4 ) 2 SQ 4 (NH 4 ) 2 CQ 3 Mg(N0 3 ) 2 13.9 34.7 243.2 MgCl 2 34.1 37.1 7.5 MgSQ 4 50.2 80.7 42.9 "191.6* 151.8 72.4 36. MgCO's CaClo CaS0 4 161. 158.5 206.9 316. 139.8 38.2 CaCOa .8 .6 1. 10.4 .6 .4 FeCOs 1.2 .4 1.2 1.6 4. .9 AI0O3 9. 10.5 12. 11.6 15.6 11.6 SiO a .2 .4 A Bases 416.4 420.3 711. 2212.6 258.9 507.7 Total (grains per U. S. gallon ) .05 KNO a .33 .33 .10 .17 .12 .24 KNO3 .93 1.53 1.77 2.78 .07 .12 1.59 KCl K2SO4 KNO3 7.12 2. 16 3.62 2.22 19.99 71.98 .82 '5.28 17.18 NaCl NaoS0 4 Na 2 CO s NH4NO3 .09 .02 .05 .11 .10 ' ' '.09 NH 4 C1 (NH 4 ),S0 4 (NH 4 ) 2 "C0 3 Mg(N0 3 ) 2 .81 2.02 14.19 MgClo 1.99 2.16 .44 MgS0 4 2.93 4.71 2.50 ' Yi'.is 8.85 4.21 2.10 MgCO a CaCl a CaS0 4 9.39 9.24 12.07 18.43 8.16 2.23 CaC0 3 .05 .03 .06 .61 .03 .02 FeCO s . .07 .02 .07 .09 .23 .05 AI0O3 .52 .61 .70 .68 .91 .68 SiOo .01 .02 .02 Bases 24.28 24.50 41.51 129.07 15.09 29.60 Total 240 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table I. — Mineral analyses of underground County. Town. . Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing. feet Rate of pumping, .gals, per min. Date sample was collected Kane Maple Park ("Waterworks) Village 250 250 40 July 31, '15 Kane St. Charles (Waterworks) City 350 To bed rock 120 Aug. 6, '14 Kane St. Charles (Park St. well) City 850 60 200 Aug. .6, '14 Kankakee Manteno (Waterworks) Village 426 17 100 Mar. 30, '14 Determinations made Potassium. Sodium. . . . Ammonium Magnesium Calcium . . . Iron Alumina . . . Nitrites . . . Nitrates . . . Chlorine. . . Sulphate. . . Silica Manganese Bases Potas Potas Potas Potas Sodiu Sodiu Sodiu Sodiu Amm Amm Amm Amm Magn Magn M'agn Magn Calcii Caleb Calcii Iron Alum Silica Mang Bases T Potassium nitrite Potassium nitrate Potassium chloride Potassium sulphate Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate Ammonium nitrate Ammonium chloride Ammonium sulphate. ....... Ammonium carbonate Magnesium nitrate Magnesium chloride Magnesium sulphate Magnesium carbonate ........ Calcium chloride Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate Iron carbonate A lurnina .Silica Manganese carbonate liases Total a Plus 14 feet of screen 5. 26.7 .5 26.9 52.4 .1 1.3 2.5 '.0 2. 23.5 15.4 14.7 52.8 .3 45.7 85.1 .8 2.6 .0 22.1 27. 98.1 15.4 "l." ' 13. 34.7 1. 30.7 64.6 .4 1.5 .0 3.9 4. 29.7 10.7 .06 18.3 .0 47.2 120.7 .4 .6 .16 14.1 28. 184.9 11.8 Hypothetical combinations " '4.i' 3.1 5.1 ' '30.6* 38.7 "1.3' ' "93.2" -130.8- .2 1.3 15.4 .2* ' '36.' ' 1.5 ' '43.4' 110.1 '1.1' ' '28.7' 138.2 '212.4' 1.7 2.6 15.4 ' "3.' ' 6.4 8.4 13.6 ' '32.8' 55.4 ' '2.V "i66.3' 'l6'i.3' .8 1.5 10.7 . . .„ . 3 Potassium nitrate 17.3 Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride 4.8 43.1 Sodium carbonate Ammonium chloride Ammonium carbonate Magnesium chloride Magnesium sulphate 2.6 229.9 Calcium chloride Calcium sulphate 'i.l' 300.8 Iron carbonate .8 .6 11.8 Manganese carbonate • • Total 324. 594.1 400.9 1 614.5 Hypothetical combinations .24 .18 .30 1.78 2.25 .08 5.43 7.63 .01 .08 .90 .0 1 18.89 2.10 .09 2.53 6.42 .06 1.67 8.06 12.39 .10 .15 .90 .17 .37 .49 .79 1.91 3.23 .16 6.20 9.41 .05 .09 .62 .06 34.64 23.38 .02 1.01 .28 2.51 .15 13.41 .12 17.55 .05 .03 .69 " '.02 35.84 MINERAL, ANALYSES OF UNDERGROUND WATERS waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 241 Kankakee Lake Lake La Salle La Salle La Salle Reddick Highland Park Lake Zurich. Cedar Point Grand Ridge La Salle (Town Hall) (iy 2 miles (Waterworks) (Water- (Water- (NE. % west in NE. works) works) sec. 35, T. % sec. 21, T. 34 N, R. 43 N., R. 12 IE) E.) Chem- Village Tillman Village Cedar Point Light & Water Co. Village Mitchell Bros. ical formula 268 180 218 1,750 160 290 165 218 900 a 146 Not used Flows, 2 35 75 110 Aug. 11, '13 Aug. 24, '14 June 14, '15 Feb. 7, '13 July 5, '15 July 29, '12 (parts per million) 9. 3.6 4.1 29. 3. 3.9 K 1868.3 73.4 111.1 299.5 63.4 17.2 Na .6 .7 .6 2. 1.8 trace NHj 16.8 45. 113.3 .7 13.7 35. Mg 35.7 55.2 196.6 71.7 24.7 88.8 Ca 2.06 .1 .2 .3 .9 .4 Fe 6.8 2.2 13. 6.9 1. .6 ALO3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 trace N0 2 2.3 1.8 .3 .8 1.4 1.2 NQ 3 2700. 8. 6. 310. 7. 4. CI .0 285. 1087.8 181.6 .0 63.7 SO* 9.8 20.8 15. .0 10.5 7.2 .04 14.8 SiO a M'n 1.8 1. .1 .0 .0 .8 Bases (parts per million) (grains per U. S. gallon) KNOo 3.8 2.9 .5 1.3 2.3 2. KNO :! 14.3 4.8 6.9 54.2 4. 5.9 KCl K 2 SOj NaJSTO;, 4444.3 9.4 4.5 469. 8.4 2. NaCl 214.9 337. 268. G 41.6 Na 2 SO* 269.7 "2.6 '2.2' 63.9 138.3 NaoCO., NH 4 N0 3 NH^Cl (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 f.6 5.3 4.9 (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 Mg(NO a ), MgCl 2 172.9 560.1 48.2 MgSO t 58.2 34.6 '583.9* 2.4 47.4 87.6 MgC0 3 CaCl, CaS0 4 89.1 137.7 61.4 178.9 61.7 219.7 CaCO a 4.2 .2 .4 .6 11.9 .8 FeCO s 6.8 2.2 13. 6.9 1. .6 Al 2 O a 9.8 20.8 15. ' i'o'i' 7.2 .1 14.8 SiO a MnC0 3 1.8 1. .1 .5 .8 Bases 4903.6 604. 1585. 1061.6 277.7 424. Total KN0 3 .22 .17 .03 .07 .13 .11 KNO a • .83 .28 .40 3.15 .23 .34 KCl K 2 SOj NaN0 3 259.24 .55 .26 1 27.35 .49 .11 NaCl 12.53 19.66 15.66 2.42 Na 2 S0 4 15.73 .16 ' ".is 3.72 8.07 NaoCOs NH t NO a NH4CI (NH,)oS0 4 .09 .30 .29 (NHOoCO, Mg(NO;,) 2 MgCl, 10.09 32.67 2.81 MgS0 4 3.39 2.02 ' *34.06 .13 2.76 5.10 MgC0 3 CaCl.> CaSO" 4 5.20 8.02 3.58 10.43 3.60 12.81 CaC0 3 .24 .01 .02 .03 .11 .05 FeC0 3 .40 .13 .76 .40 .06 .03 Alo0 3 .57 1.21 .87 .61 .42 .01 .86 SiOo MnC0 3 .10 .06 .03 .05 Bases 286.01 35.23 92.44 61.85 16.20 24.69 Total 242 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table I. — Mineral analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping, .gals, per min. Date sample was collected La Salle La Salle (111. R. bot- tom land, 2 wells) City 38 &39V 2 38 & 39% H500 July 30, '12 La Salle La Salle 111. Zinc Co. well No. 4 1,400 July 29, '12 La Salle Leland (Waterworks) Village 230 100 225 Aug. 11, '14 La Salle Marseilles (Waterworks, 2 wells) Consumers Water & Light Co. 800 & 600 100 "100 July 3, '15 Determinations made Potassium Sodium Ammonium , Magnesium Calcium Iron Alumina Nitrites Nitrates Chlorine Sulphate Silica Hydrogen sulphide Manganese Bases 3. 53.6 .5 40.3 82.9 .1 1.1 .0 .7 97. h T ypothetical combinations ■9/3" 9.3 ' '20.9' 39.8 'l.5' '192.8* ' "2.8" 295.6 .2 5.6 10. 12.8 'l.5' 68.4 1035.5' 118.5 121. ' '75.2' '136.5' .6 2.4 10. 6.8 '2.3' 5.1 "'2.6' 2.4 20.9 ' "i.s '118.7' '145.2' 9.8 3.3 15.1 .6 1.1 5. Potassium chloride Potassium sulphate Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride "136." ' Ammonium nitrate Ammonium chloride Ammonium sulphate 'i.5' Ammonium carbonate Magnesium nitrate ' 16.4' 110.3 75.8 Magnesium sulphate Calcium sulphate '206.9' .2 1.1 .4 .6 Bases Total 600.6 1570.4 327.8 555.3 Hypothetical combinations '.54' .54 ' 'i.2l' 2.32 ' '.'09' "1I.2V '.16" 17.23 .01 .33 .58 .75 ",'.69' 3.98 '6'6.39' 6.91 7.06 ' '4.38' ' "7.61" .03 .14 .58 .39 '.13' .30 ".ib" .14 1.22 \ii' ' '6.92" ' "8.47 .57 .19 .88 .04 .06 .29 Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride ' '7.93* .09 96 Magnesium sulphate 6 43 4.42 ( Ja Icium sulphate ( !alcium carbonate "12.07" 01 06 02 03 Total 35.00 91.56 1!».12 32.37 '» ( Jombined. waters MINERAL ANALYSES OF UNDERGROUND WATERS northeastern Illinois — Continued 243 La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle Mendota Ottawa Peru Peru Ransom Streator (Waterworks) (Sanicula Mineral Spring) City B.P. Mit- Western Village Western Chem- schelm Clock Co. well No. 3 Glass Co. ical formula 490 Spring 1,505 1,263 274 640 260 8 200 Flows, 5 Flows 60 Aug. 3, '15 Aug. 2, '15 Dec. 22. '13 July 29, '12 Mar. 24, '13 Oct. 31, '11 (parts per million) 1.8 39.5 18.4 30.4 15.6 26.3 K 30.1 732.8 545.7 192.6 123.4 192.8 Na 3.3 1.8 1.4 1.3 A .9 NHi 25.1 105. 23.9 10.5 16.3 11.9 Mg 70.7 319. 50.6 51.5 31.4 48.9 Ca 3.2 .1 4. .6 .3 .2 Fe 5. 2. .3 1.6 5. 44. A1 £ 3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 N0 2 1.8 1.8 .4 5. 2.1 5.8 NO a 1. 1700. 750. 150. 26. 210. CI 2.8 196.6 74.9 110.2 9. 61.6 S0 4 24.5 12. 'd 12. 12.8 19.2 9.6 14.5 SiO a H 2 S M'n .6 3. 1.6 .6 Bases (parts per million) KN0 2 2.9 2.9 .7 .8 3.4 9.5 KN0 3 1.3 73.2 34.5 57.4 27.1 43.1 . KCl K 2 S0 4 NaNO a .7 1859.8 1210.5 202.5 21.7 312.7 NaCl 4.1 109.5 163.1 13.3 91.2 Na 2 S0 4 65.6 '5.3' 78.5 137.8 254.7 92.1 Na 2 C0 3 NH4NO3 NH4CI (NH 4 ) 2 S< 8.8 ""410.6" 3.7 3.5 1. 4.7 (NH 4 )oC( Mg(N0 3 MgCl 2 MgS0 4 86.9 '358.9* 283. 83. 36.4 56.5 41.2 MgCO a CaOl, CaS0 4 176.5 265.8 126.3 128.5 78.3 122.1 CaC0 3 6.6 .2 8.3 1.2 .6 .4 FeC0 3 5. 2. .3 1.6 5. 44. Alo0 3 24.5 12. 12. 12.8 19.2 9.6 Si0 2 .6 3. 1.6 .6 Bases 383.5 3276.9 1668.9 746.2 480.8 770.6 Total (grains per U. S. gallon ; KNO a .17 .17 .04 .05 .9 .55 KNO3 .08 4.27 2.01 3.34 1.57 2.51 KCl K 2 S0 4 NaNOa .04 108.48 70.61 11.81 1.26 18.24 NaCl .24 6.38 9.51 .77 5.32 Na 2 S0 4 3.83 '.31' 4.58 8.04 14.85 5.38 Na 2 CO s NH 4 N0 3 NH4CI (NH4) 2 S0 4 .51 '23.9.5' .22 .20 .05 .27 (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 Ms-fN0 3 )o MgCl 2 MgS0 4 5.07 '20.93' 16.51 4.84 2.12 3.28 2.40 MgCOs Can., CaSO* 10.30 15.50 7.37 7.49 4.55 7.13 OaCOs .38 .01 .48 .07 .03 .02 FeCOs .29 .12 .02 .09 .29 2.57 Al 2 O a 1.43 .70 .70 .75 1.12 .56 SiO a .03 .17 .09 .03 Bases 22.37 191.12 97.34 43.50' 27.96 44.95 Total 244 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table I. — Mineral analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping, .gals, per min. Date sample was collected La Salle Streator La Salle Streator La Salle Streator La Salle Streator "Vulcan De- tinning Co. (Brick Plant) Streator Paving Brick Co. (near city Park) City (water from Vermilion River) City 563 200 60 660 2,496 Flows (Average of 12 monthly analyses) Oct. 31, '11 Oct. 31, '11 Oct. 31, '11 Determinations made (parts 49. 312.2 1.1 8.8 61.8 .3 trace .0 .9 410. 21.7 12.8 15 (est.) .b" 49.7 300.7 1.5 23.9 56. trace trace .0 .5 410. 62.1 10. 15. .b" 346.8 3 732. 5. 143.3 693.3 6.3 10. .0 .2 7100. 403.2 12. .0* (18. 29. 55. .2 .0 .0 12. 6.9 Sulphate Silica 68. 14. .0 Hypothetical combinations Potassium nitrite Potassium nitrate. . . . Potassium chloride... Potassium sulphate. . . Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Ammonium nitrate. . . Ammonium chloride.. Ammonium sulphate.. Ammonium carbonate. Magnesium nitrate. . . Magnesium chloride . . Magnesium sulphate. . Magnesium carbonate . Calcium chloride Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate. . . . Iron carbonate Alumina Silica Bases Total Potassium nitrite Potassium nitrate. . . . Potassium chloride... Potassium sulphate. . . Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Ammonium nitrate. . . Ammonium chloride. . Ammonium sulphate. , Ammonium carbonate. Magnesium nitrate... Magnesium chloride.. Magnesium sulphate. . Magnesium carbonate Calcium chloride Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate. . . , i ion carbonate a i amine Silica Bases Total 1,5 92.2 604.3 32.1 146.4 2.9 23.6 154.3 .6 trace 12.8 1070.7 94.1 602.8 91.9 76.9 82.8 139.8 trace trace 10. 1099.1 .3 470.1 9471.7 14.8 560.4 1268.1 571.5 167. 13. 10. 12. 16.4 11.5 23.1 67.7 53. 12558.9 137. 14. 323.4 Hypothetical combinations .09 5.38 15.25 1.88 8.54 .17 1.37 9.00 .03 trace .75 62.46 .05 5.49 35.16 5.36 4.48 4.83 8.16 trace trace 64.11 .02 27.43 552.48 .86 32.68 73.97 33.34 9.74 .76 .58 .70 ',2.56 .95 .67 1.35 3.94 3.09 1.00 .02 .SI 18.83 MINERAL ANALYSES OF UNDERGROUND WATERS 245 waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued La Salle Utica (northwest part of vil- lage) Village 225—350 140 Flows, 125 Aug. 1, '12 La Salle Utica (near vil- lage hall) Village 225—350 140 Flows, 125 Dec. 16, '13 La Salle Utica (on Clark St. S. of canal) Village 225 — 350 140 Flows, 125 Dec. 16, '13 La Salle Wedron (1 mile S. of village) Sulphur Lick Springs Hotel Spring Flows, 1,050 July 30, '15 McHenry Algonquin (i/ 2 mi. NE. of town) Village Spring Flows,' 500 June 1, '15 McHenry Crystal Lake (Water- works) Village (Dug) 32 ' 215 ' Oct. 31, '13 Chem- ical formula per million) (parts per million) 4.5 6.9 4.9 3.8 2.5 2.8 K 12.3 28.4 14.9 19.5 5.2 18.8 Na .7 .9 .7 .7 .0 .0 NH 4 34.1 33. 29. 37.1 31.7 35.6 Mg 81. 86.2 85. 72.3 65. 90.2 Ca 1.3 .5 .7 .05 .07 .06 Fe 1.1 .5 .2 1.2 1.4 .4 A1 2 3 trace .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 N0 2 1.1 .7 2.4 3.5 14.1 5.7 NO s 3.4 55. 21. 12. 3. 9. CI 5.4 6.8 4.4 23.8 44.8 52. SO* 11. 10.5 12. ■ 9.2 .6' 10.9 ' ' '.0* 13.6 SiOj HoS Mn .2 .0 1.2 .5 3.3 .6 Bases .5 KN0 2 1.8 1.1 3.9 5.7 6.5 6.7 KNO3 7.2 12.4 6.5 3. ' '13.8 ' '2.5' KCl K 2 S0 4 NaNOa 31.2 72. 28.8 17.5 3.8 14.8 NaCl 6.5 35.2 37.9 Na 2 SO t 4.3 2.8 Na 2 C0 3 NH4NO3 2.1 2.6 ' 'l.9* Y.9* NH4CI (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 Mg(N0 3 ) 2 13.8 5.1 .9 MgCl 2 6.8 8.5 56.2 33. MgSO* 101.1 103.9 100.4 128.5 69.6 100.4 MgCO's CaCl 2 CaS0 4 202.2 215.1 212.2 180.4 162.3 225. CaC0 3 3.2 1. 1.4 .1 .1 .1 FeCO a 1.1 .5 .2 1.2 1.4 .4 ALO3 11. 10.3 12. 9.2 10.9 13.6 SiO a .2 .0 1.2 .5 3.3 .2 Bases 381.7 432.5 379.3 386. 328.8 435.1 Total (grains per U. S. gallon ) .03 KN0 2 .10 .06 .22 .33 .38 .39 KNO a .42 .72 .38 .17 * ' " '.80 .15 KCl KoSO, NaN0 3 1.82 4.20 1.68 1.02 .22 .S6 NaCl .38 2.05 2.21 Na 2 S0 4 .25 .16 Na 2 C0 3 NH 4 NO a .12 .15 ' Vii ' ' * '.ii NH4CI (NtLhSO* (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 Mg(N0 3 ) 2 .80 .30 .05 MgCL .40 .50 3.27 1.92 MgS0 4 5.89 6.06 5.85 7.49 4.06 5.85 MgCOs CaCl. CaS0 4 11.79 12.55 12.37 10.52 9.46 13.12 CaC0 3 .19 .06 .08 .01 .01 .01 FeCOs .06 .03 .01 .07 .08 .02 Al.O,, .64 .60 .70 .54 .63 .79 SiOo .01 .00 .07 .03 .19 .01 Bases 22.24 25.23 22.10 22.50 19.15 25.33 Total 246 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table I. — Mineral analyses of underground County. Town. . Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping. . .gals, per min. Date sample was collected M'cHenry Marengo (Waterworks) Village (Dug) 14 20b" Oct. 28, '13 M'cHenry North Crys- tal Lake (Waterworks) "Village 285 260 200 Oct. 31, '13 M'cHenry Woodstock (Pumping station No. 2, 2 wells) City (both) 85 c 67 1350 Mar. 23, '14 Will Braidwood (Waterworks) Village (Dug) 20 100 June 22, '14 Determinations made Potassium. Sodium. . . . Ammonium Magnesium Calcium . . . Iron Alumina. . . Nitrites . . . Nitrates . . . Chlorine. . . Sulphate. . . Silica Manganese Bases 8.2 14.6 .2 26.7 93.2 .3 1.6 .0 229 6. 179.2 10. Hypothetical combinations Potassium nitrite . . „ . . ' '23.2* ' ' .3 "2.9"" 20.1 66.8 60.2 '210.3' .2 1.2 13.5 1. .5' 6.3 ' ''19.8* 13.2 28.3 'i.6* '113.4' '130.5' .7 2.5 17.8 .0 '3.6' 2.5 'i.2' 9.8 20.3 'l';6* '145.1* "£96.7" 5.4 .5 26.2 1.3 Potassium nitrate 21.2 Potassium chloride Potassium sulphate Sodium nitrate , Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate , Sodium carbonate 13.6 9.9 23.1 Ammonium chloride Ammonium sulphate Ammonium carbonate ' ' ' '.7 Magnesium nitrate Magnesium chloride Magnesium sulphate Magnesium carbonate 'l32.' ' Calcium chloride 81.9 Calcium carbonate 172.5 Iron carbonate .6 1.6 Silica Bases 10. 1. Total 406.7 334.6 408.2 468.1 Hypothetical combinations Potassium nitrite ' ' ' '.40 'l.35 " '.02 .17 1.17 3.89 3.51 ' 12.26 .01 .07 .79 .06 .03 .37 • '"1.15 .77 1.65 " '.09 '6.61 '7.61 .04 .15 .04 .0 1.21 .15 .07 .57 .18 .09 '8.46 ' 'll'.12 .31 .03 1.53 .08 Potassium nitrate 1.24 Potassium chloride Potassium sulphate Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride .04 ' '.79 .58 1.35 Sodium carbonate Ammonium nitrate Ammonium chloride Ammonium sulphate Ammonium carbonate Magnesium nitrate Magnesium chloride Magnesium sulphate ' '7.70 Magnesium carbonate Calcium chloride Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate 4.78 10.06 Iron carbonate .03 Alumina .09 Si] lea . . . .58 Buses .06 Total 23.70 19.51 23.80 27.30 *- Plus IS feet of screen. 3 ) Hydrogen sulphide Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate.. Magnesium carbonate, Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate. . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate.... Calcium carbonate... Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 255.8 269.6 Hypothetical combinations ' 2 6. 21 20.26 * 14.83" 'iO.47' 12.72 .05 2.48 .07 7.88 19.60 'ii.4Y 4.75' 13.42 .10 2.75 .04 14.92 15.72 10.64 24.74 12.19 .05 5.45 81.02 60.04 83.75 BOILER ANALYSES waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 275 Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago (46th St. & (46th St. & (North Ave. & (89th St. near (48th Ave. & Racine Ave.) Racine Ave.) Clybourn) Lake Mich.) Oakley) Hammond & Co. Hammond & Co. Peter Hand Brewery Illinois Steel Co. Illinios Vinegar Works Middle Well West Well 1592 1592 1972 2080 1689 64 66 80 80 56 100 100 50 16 350 Sept. 8, 1914 Sept. 8, 1914 Dec. 24, 1913 June 26, 1914 Oct. 6, 1915 (parts per million) 'parts per million) 1.6 2.5 2. 214.5 297. 339.9 1463.7 271. 255.2 913.4 31.8 1125.4 138.2 231. 158.4 107.5" ' 86.4 14.4 77.3 154. 424.3 87. 234. 204. 44. 214. 173. 235. .4 .4 6.2 2. 136.2 123.8 39.7 14.7 48. 1393. 1517.9 1894. 1890. 1177. (parts per U. S. gallon) .09 .15 .12 12.51 17.32 19.82 85.36 15.81 14.88 53.28 1.85 65.93 8.06 13.47 9.26 ' '6.27 5.04 .84 4.51 8.98 24.74 5.07 13.65 11.90 2.57 12.48 10.09 13.71 .02 .02 .36 .12 7.94 7.22 2.31 .86 2.80 81.25 88.53 110.74 110.23 6S.66 276 ARTESIAN WATERS OE NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of v> ell feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping-. gals, per min. Date sample was collected Cook Chicago (2612 W. 19th St.) Illinois Vinegar Works 1350± To bed rock 150 Jan. 9, 1914 Cook Chicago (1440 N. Hal- sted St.) Independent Brewery 2164 83 125 Jan. 6, 1914 Cook Chicago (41st St. & Halsted St.) Independent Packing Co. 1605 75 75 Aug. 31, 1914 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) Hydrogen sulphide 64. 6. 6. 26.5 270. 240.3 1503. 145. .82 Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate , Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate . Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate. . . . Calcium carbonate . . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 544.6 213.2 153.6' ' 9 2. '5 224. 1.2 54.9 1284. 478.6 1069.7 • 1.2 103.4 212. 1.7 62.4 2019. 36.3 445.6 174. ' 76."8* '87." 145. 12.4 977.1 Hypothetical combinations ' 31.79" 12.43 8. '9 5 ' '5.V9 13.07 .07 3.20 "27*95 162.38 ' '5.V1 * '6.'oV 12.37 .10 3.64 2.12 25.99 10.15 4.48 5.0/ 8.46 .72 Total 74.90 217.77 56.99 BOILEB ANALYSES waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 277 Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Chicago Chicagro Chicago Chicago Chicago (31st St. & (120th St. & Mor- (2320 N. Robey (Polk St. & (1735 Diversey Rockwell) gan Ave.) St.) Rockwell) Parkway International International Jefferson Ice Co. Jelke Butterine Library Bureau Harvester Co. Harvester Co. Co. Tractor Works 1660 1246 1525 1640 1099 50 90 To bed rock To bed rock To bed rock 100 150 225 175 75 Sept. 26, 1914 June 25, 1914 Jan. 8, 1914 Aug. 27, 1914 Jan. 6, 1914 (parts per million) 140. 152. 200. 120. 120. 1.8 .2 .0 .0 .6 .44 .00 .00 .00 6.2 1.8 .00 .00 .00 90. 160. 680. 69. 60. 511.4 432.9 605.7 391.7 240.5 1130. 1224. 2245. 899. 661. 216. 238. 224. 195. 208. 342. 288. 440. 232. .44 84. (parts per million) 8.5 2.5 148.5 264. 1122.1 113.9 99. 271.4 233. 272.6 250.4 236.9 168. ±82.4" ' 240. 144. ioo.V ' 30.2 274.7 185. 326. 152.3 216. 238. , 224. 195. 172. 3.7 .4 1.2 39.2 44.7 59.9 43.4 20.9 1130. 1150. 2245. 899. 661. (parts per U. S. gallon) .49 .15 8.66 15.40 65.44 6.64 5.77 15.82 13.59 15.90 14.60 13.81 ' '9.80' 10.63 '' ' '8.V0' ' '5.88' 1.76 16.02 10.79 19.03 8.88 12.60 13.88 13.07 11.37 10.03 .21 .02 .07 2.28 2.60 3.49 2.53 1.22 65.88 67.06 130.93 52.42 38.54 278 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Hate of pumping- gals, per min. Date sample was collected Cook Chicago (31st St. & Kedzie Ave.) Liquid Carbonic Co. 1610 62 150 Aug. 6, 1914 Cook Chicago (Fullerton & Elston Ave.) J. Lister Glue Works 700 To bed rock 50 Dec. 23, 1913 Cook Chicago (Fullerton & Elston Ave.) J. Lister Glue Works 1200 To bed rock 75 Dec. 23, 1913 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) Hydrogen sulphide 176. .2 .08 .35 46. 294.2 648. 171. 186. .17 168. 172. .0 .8 .28 .12 1.20 .50 152. 80. 495.8 461.2 1168. 1064. 230. 238. 292. 240. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate .5 75.9 170.8 'zii'.'z ' "is.V ' 171. A 4.6 1.6 247.5 319.5 20i.V ' 168.6" 230. .7 132. 342 1 Sodium carbonate Magnesium sulphate 206.4 ' Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate Iron carbonate 92.6 238. 1.7 Undetermined 50.6 Total. 648. 1168.8 1064. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate .03 4.42 9.96 ' i.2.3'1 ' ' ' .7*9 9.97 .02 .27 .09 14.44 18.64 ' 11.75' ' ' 9.8*3' 13.42 .04 Sodium chloride 7.70 Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate 19.95 Magnesium sulphate 12.04 Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate 5.39 13.88 Iron carbonate Undetermined .10 2.95 Total 37.77 68.17 62.05 BOILER ANALYSES waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 279 Cook Chicago (Paulina & Kinzie Sts.) Lomax Bottle Co. 1625 113 GO Aug. 27, 1914 Cook Chicago (3901 Emerald Ave.) Manhattan Brewery 1643 811 80 Jan. 25, 1914 Cook Chicago (Sedgwick & Beethoven Ave.) O. F. Mayer Packing Co. 1626 107 100 Aug. 6, 1914 Cook Chicago (26th St. &Blue Island) McCormick Branch, I. H. Co. 1744 30 225 Sept. 4, 1914 Cook Chicago (27th St. & Western Ave.) McCormick Branch, I. H. Co. 1659 50 200 Sept. 4, 1914 (parts per million) 112. 192. 164. 128. 120. .0 .7 .2 .1 .1 .00 .64 .00 .00 .68 .00 2.80 .00 .00 3.00 37. 240. 166. 165. 150. 178. 553.4 598.7 380.6 446. 512. 1448. 1387. 1142. 1120. 178. 206. 157. 215, 209. 52. 380. 443. 272. 310. 1.86 .66 (parts per million) 3.8 4.1 61.1 396.1 273.9 272.3 247.5 189.4 280. 253.9 177.6 220.1 *62.'4 ' 230.V ' 196.8 . 153.6 ' 144. 50.4 355.7 383.5 195.8 258.4 118. 206. 157. 215. . 209. 1.4 .4 .2 .2 30.7 74.6 121.5 127.5 36.7 512. 1448. 1387. 1142. 1120. (parts per U. S. gallon) .22 .24 3.56 23.10 15.97 15.88 14.44 11.05 16.33 14.80 10.36 12.84 ' '3. '64 ' i3.'44" " ii.48 8 .'96 8. '40 2.94 14.91 22.37 11.42 15.07 6.88 12.02 9.16 12.54 12.19 .08 .02 .01 .01 1.79 4.35 7.08 7.44 2.14 29.86 84.45 80.88 66.61 65.33 280 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well f eet Depth of casing- f eet Rate of pumping- g- a is.' per min Date sample was collected... Cook Chicago (2639 Grand Ave.) Mechanical Rubber Co. 1260 To bed rock 65 Aug. 6, 1914 Cook Chicago (45th Place & Packers Ave.) Miller & Hart Packing Co. 1641 174 225 July 21, 1914 Cook Chicago (2421 W. 21st St.) Monarch Brewery 1600 To bed rock 115 Dec. 17, 1913 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen. Nitrate '.'..'.'.' .'.'.'.'.' .' Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaCO s ) ...'.'.'.'. 7.7.'.' Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) Hydrogen sulphide 232. 164. 192. .2 .2 .0 .60 .60 56 2.65 2.70 2.50 190. 130. 250. 513.1 526.7 412.4 1291. 1234. 1253. 174. 206. 228. 300. 380. 292. .24 .25 Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate.. Magnesium carbonate. Calcium sulnhate Calcium carbonate. . . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 3.6 313.5 278.4 92.5 174. 95.6 1291. Hypothetical combinations 3.7 214.5 246.2 i96.*8 293.'8 206. .4 72.6 1234. 3.4 412.6 196.1 2 3 6. '4 136." ' 228. '46.V 1253. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate 20 18.28 19.42 ' 16. '2*3* ' '5.3V 10.15 .02 5.57 .22 12.51 14.36 'Has '17.Y4' 12.02 .02 4.23 .19 24.03 11.43 Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate Magnesium sulphate ' 13*44 Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate 7 .¥3' 13.30 Calcium carbonate Iron carbonate Undetermined 2.7*1 Total 75.26 71.98 73.03 BOILER ANALYSES •waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 281 Cook Cook Chicago Chicago (2421 W. 21st St.) (Union Stock Yards) Monarch Brewery Morris & Co. Sec. J, 1573 1260 To bed rock 70 400 225 June 23, 1914 July 6, 1914 Cook Cook Cook Chicago Chicago Chicago (Union Stock (Union Stock (Union Stock Yards) Yards) Yards) Morris & Co. Morris & Co. Morris & Co. Sec. 15 Hog house Glue house, 20 1331 2325 1622 To bed rock To bed rock 67 275 250 300 July 6, 1914 July 6, 1914 July 6, 1914 (parts per million) 132. 228. 144. 264. 176. .0 .8 .4 7. .3 .16 .68 .24 .60 .08 .70 3.00 1.10 2.70 .40 180. 410. 210. 2000. 140. 414.8 431.6 350.6 177.7 416.4 1128. 1563. 1067. 3761. 1060. 214. 203. 197. 186. 231. 304. 412. 292. 450. 284. .32 .36 .40 (parts per million) 1. 4.1 1.5 3.7 .5 297. 676.6 346.5 2990.2 231. 182.5 54.5 104.6 213.6 158.4 273.6* ' 172.8* ' 256*8 ' 2ii.2* ' 233.9 250.2 201.3 252.9 146.9 214. 203. 197. 173. 231. 1.7 .8 14.5 .6 41.2 99.3 42.5 75.9 25.2 1128. 1563. 1067. 3761. 1060. (parts per U. S. gallon) .05 .24 .09 .22 .03 17.32 39.47 20.21 174.42 13.47 10.64 3.18 6.10 12.46 9.24 ' 15.96 10.08 'i 4.6*3" "i.2."32 13.64 14.59 11.74 14.75 8.57 12.48 11.84 11.49 10.09 13.47 .10 .05 .85 .03 2.4 5.79 2.48 4.43 1.47 65.77 91.17 62.24 219.39 61.82 282 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing - feet Rate of pumping- gals, per min Date sample was collected Cook Chicago (Union Stock Yards) Morris & Co. Oleo House 2300± To bed rock 250 July 22, 1914 Cook Chicago (3937 Wallace St.) Mullens Brewery 1632 43 70 Dec. 16, 1913 Cook Chicago (1908 W. 18th St.) National Brewery 1590 18 100 Dec. 18, 1913 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) Hydrogen sulphide 444. 108. 156. 1. .4 1.6 .12 .00 .24 .50 .00 1.10 2800. 120. 130. 337.4 466.1 555.8 5300. 1088. 1217. 177. 214. 210. 594. 272. 360. .26 .46 Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate .... Calcium carbonate... Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 42f 242.6 254.2 204. 177. 2.1 131.4 5300. 198. 303.4 130. 223. 214. 1088. 1.5 214.5 311.7 182.7 277.4 210. 3.3 11.4 1217. Hypothetical combinations .04 250.12 "i.4.15 14.83 11.90 10.32 .12 7.66 ' 11.55" 17.69 "7.5V 'iioV 12.48 .05 1.10 .03 12.67 18.55 iU.^1 Calcium sulphate ±o.l7 12.25 .19 .66 Total 309.14 63.46 71.43 BOILER ANALYSES waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 283 Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago (2270 Clybourn (Halsted & Lum- (3927 S. Halsted (3249 W. 26th St.) (Lombard Ave. Ave.) ber St.) St.) & Gt. W. 'R. R.) Northwestern Omaha Packing Pfaelzer Packing Pilsen Brewery Public Service Brewery Co. Co. Co. of N. 111. 1302 1300 + 1600 1845 1705 To bed rock 32 To bed rock To bed rock 82 40 200 100 100 100 Dec. 23, 1913 Aug. 28, 1914 Aug. 29, 1914 Dec. 18, 1913 JulyS, 1914 (parts per million) 192. 160. 128. 104. 92. .00 .0 .6 1.6 .4 .52 .00 .00 .00 .00 2.20 .00 .00 .00 .00 234. 155. 210. 39. 150. 569.9 578.8 511.7 92.2 134.5 1434. 1310. 1343. 375. 664. 202. 207. 219. 152. 233. 356. 374. .21 354. 1.5 36. 2. (parts per million) 3. 386.1 255.8 346.5 64.4 247.5 338.5 319.7 254.8 85.4 196.2 230.Y 192." i53.V ' "43.2' ' ' '2.V ' 75.6 223. 291. 307.4 57.1 202. 207. 219. 84. 143. 1.2 3.3 .8 51. 44.5 60.5 37.6 1434. 1310. 1343. 375. 665.5 (parts per U. S. gallon) .17 22.52 14.92 20.21 3.75 14.44 19.74 18.64 14.86 4.98 11.44 '13.44' 'ii.20' ' '8.96" 2.52' ' ' .14 4.41 13.00 16.97 17.93 3.33 11.78 12.07 12.77 4.90 8.34 .07 .19 .05 2.97 2.60 3.53 2.19 83.62 76.40 78.33 21.86 38.82 284 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing - feet Rate of pumping- gals, per min. Date sample was collected Cook Chicago (Lombard Ave. & Gt. W. R. R.) Public Service Co. of N. 111. 1912 97 125 July 8, 1914 Cook Chicago (445 Grant Place) Schmidt Brewery 1603 To bed rock 35 Jan. 13, 1914 Cook Chicago (Canalport Ave. & 18th St.) Schoenhoffen Brewery 1600 75 100 Dec. 18, 1913 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) Hydrogen sulphide 188. 72. 140. .4 .8 2. .00 .72 .00 .00 3.10 .00 185. 28. 120. 209. 37.5 569.1 873. 283. 1289. 262. 162. 222. 124. —1.6 384. .15 Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate. . . . Calcium carbonate... Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 305.3 133.6 148 .'8 53.8 198* ' .8 32.7 873. 4.3 46.2 55.3 1.7 ' 60*5 ' ' 88.*4 ' 1.7 24.9 283. 198. 297.6 168.' ' 331*8 222. 4.1 67.5 128! Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate , Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate. . . . Calcium carbonate. . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 17.81 7.79 ' 8*6*8 3.14 ii'55 .05 1.91 50.93 2.69 3.22 .10 ** 3*5*3 5.15 .10 1.45 16.49 11.55 17.35 * 9.*8*0 19*36 12.95 .24 3.94 75.19 BOILER ANALYSES 285 waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued Cook Chicago (Canalport Ave. & 18th St.) Schoenhoffen Brewery 2187 75 150 Dec. 17, 1913 Cook Chicago (Arthington & Homan Ave.) Sears. Roebuck &Oo. 1623 92 340 June 22, 1914 Cook Chicago (Arthington & Homan Ave.) Sears. Roebuck &Co. 1868 853 530 June 22, 1914 Cook Chicago (27th St. & Cot- tage Grove Ave.) Seipps Brewery 1600± To bed rock 200 Jan. 13, 1914 Cook Chicago (4651 Malcolm Ave.) Sellers Mfg. Co. 961 To bed rock 12 Aug. 26, 1914 (parts per million) 136. 128. 160. 184. 8. .0 .0 .4 .4 4. .24 .16 .04 .00 .no 1.10 .70 .20 .00 .00 620. 280. 580. 160. 38. 578.3 281.4 273.6 625. Trace 2135. 1131. 1659. 1384. 238. 240. 230. 230. 212. 119. 556. 236. 352. 440. —116. .15 .17 (parts per million) 1.5 1. .3 1023.1 462.1 887.8 264. 62.7 492.8 81.8 300.3 123.' 163.2 153.6 111.9 220.8 * ' 6.7 ' 163.2 146.9 261.1 348.2 240, 230. 230. 212. 25. .8 .8 .8 8.3 51.2 54.8 111. 37.9 12.3 2135. 1131. 1659. 1384. 238. (parts per U. S. gallon) .09 .06 .02 59.68 26.95 51.78 15.40 3.66 28.74 ; 4.76 17.50 T.'l 7 9.51 8.95 6.52 12.87 " ' .'39 r £.51 ■:. - ' 8.56 ' 15.2*2' * 20.*30" 14.00 13.42 13.41 12.37 1.46 .04 .05 .04 .48 2.98 1 3.18 6.47 2.21 .72 124.51 65.92 96.74 80.69 13.88 !S6 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Cook Town Chicago (1470 Larra- bee St.) Owner ^WWWi l Siebens Brewery Depth of well feet 1240 Depth of casing feet 98 Rate of pumping gals, per min. 50 . Jan. 7, 1914 Date sample was collected. Cook Chicago (37th &S. Halsted Sts.) South Side Brewery 1631 40 75 Dec. 18, 1913 Cook ■ Chicago (908 W. North Ave.) Spielman Vine- gar Works 1590 86 100 Jan. 6, 1914 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as OaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) Hydrogen sulphide Hypothetical combinations 102.3 200.7 106. "63.8 ' ' 48.' ' ' ' 39.2 ' 412.6* ' 235. 196.8 ' 212.'7 ' 216. '94.'9 ' Sodium chloride 125.4 224 9 Magnesium sulphate 139 2 Calcium sulphate 391.7 220 Iron carbonate Undetermined 2.9 43.9 Total 560. 1368. 1148. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate 5.96 11.70 6.18 3.72 ' '2 '.SO 2 .2 9 '24.06 13.71 ' 11.48 'ii.Yo' 12.60 5. '53 Sodium chloride 7.31 13.11 Magnesium sulphate 8.12 Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate 22.85 Calcium carbonate Iron carbonate Undetermined 12.83 .17 2.56 Total 32.65 79.78 66.95 BOILER ANALYSES waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 287 Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago (1225 S. Camp- (15th St. & Ash- (42nd St. & Ash- (Union Stock (Union Stock bell St.) land Ave.) land Ave.) Yards) Yards) Standard Steges Brewery Sulzberger Sons Swift & Co. Swift & Co. Brewery &Co. Bone house Fertilizer house 2120 1750 1690 1979 2019 70 90 64 72 72 40 45 600 300 250 Jan. 10, 1914 July 18, 1914 July 6, 1914 Sept. 8, 1914 Sept. 9, 1914 (parts per million) 68. 152. 200. 152. 204. 3.6 1.1 .2 .3 .6 .60 .32 .80 .44 .48 2.70 1.4 3.5 1.94 212.2 30. 94. 130. 720. 1500. 53. 472.4 387.6 300.4 201.8 317. 1090. 1037. 1908. 3244. 162. 234. 236. 234. 208. —44. 306. .26 256. .26 352. 598. (parts per million) 3.7 1.9 4.8 2.7 2.9 49.5 155.1 214.5 1111.5 2005.9 78.4 265.3 210.6 46.6 182.4 240. 182.4 244.8 57.1 41.4 444.8 209.4 76.2 219.6 9.2 50. 234. 236. 234. 208. 7.5 2.3 .4 .6 1.2 23.3 39.6 54.5 115.8 327.2 316.1 1090. 1037. 1908. 3244. (parts per U. S. gallon) .22 .11 .28 .16 .17 2.88 9.05 12.51 64.81 117. 4.57 15.47 12.28 2.71 10.64 14.00 10.64 14.28 3.33 2.41 25.94 12.21 4.44 12 81 .5 4 2.92 13.65 13.77 13.65 12.13 .44 .13 .02 .03 .07 1.36 2.31 3.18 6.75 19.08 18.43 63.57 60.48 111.26 189.21 288 ARTESIAN WATEES OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing- feet Rate of pumping- gals, per min. Date sample was collected Cook Chicago (Union Stock Yards) Swift & Co. Hog house 2008 70 250 Sept. 8, 1914 Cook Chicago (Union Stock Yards) Swift & Go. House No. 5 1643 70± 250 Sept. 8, 1914 Cook Chicago (Union Stock Yards) Swift & Co. Refrigerating- Plant 2000 56 300 Sept. 8, 1914 Determinations madi Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) ■• Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) Hydrogen sulphide 176. .6 .32 2.21 690. 453. 2127. 217. 176. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate .... Calcium carbonate . . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 3.1 841.6 130.3 187.2 ' 198.6' ' 229. 1.7 33.5 1625. 5.2 594.1 54.6 211. '2 212.'2 232. .6 52.1 1362. 3.3 1094.4 211.2' ' 41.9 402.6 217. 1.2 155.4 2127. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate .18 49.09 7.60 ' io.'sfe' 'il.'5's 13.36 .10 1.95 .30 34.65 3.18 ' 12. '32 ' i 2 .'38* 13.53 .03 3.04 .19 63.84 Magnesium sulphate 12.32 2.44 23.54 12.66 .07 9.06 Total . 94.78 79.43 124.12 BOILEK ANALYSES waters of northeastern Illinois — Continued 289 Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago (Union Stock (40th St. & (16th & Dearborn (Union Stock (Union Stock Yards) Butler Ave.) Sts.) Yards) Yards) Swift & Co. Oleo. Tosetti Brewery Union Cold Stor- Yards & Transit Union Stock house age Co.) Co. West well Yards & Transit Co. East well 1643 + 1366 1135 2180 + 2180 + 60 + 42 90 To bed rock To bed rock 200 60 20 150 100 Sept. 8, 1914 Dec. 18, 1913 July 15, 1914 July 25, 1914 July 25, 1914 (parts per million) 144. 144. 248. 164. 180. .4 .8 6. .1 .2 .20 .24 2.40 .12 .36 .88 1.1 10.60 .5 1.6 460. 250. 55. 1250. 1700. 452.6 553.7 63.8 233.3 141.9 1625. 1456. 2441. 3217. 221. 212. 565. 219. 195. 378. 362. 14. 328. .54 482. .40 (parts per million) 1.2 1.5 14.5 .7 2.2 759. 412.6 90.8 1956.4 2416.7 134.1 305.9 74.6 '86.'8 ' 168*2 ' 172.8 172.8 16.8 86. 171.5' " 318.2 296.5 223. 201.1 221. 212. 284.3 195. .8 1.6 12.4 .2 .4 17.9 53.1 87.9 61.9 1625. 1456. 711.2 2441. 3217. (parts per U. S. gallon] 290 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town. ... Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping- gals, per min. Date sample was collected Coot: Chicago (Union Stock Yards) Union Yards & Transit Co. 975 500± Drilling Sept. 26, 1914 Cook Chicago (20 E. Austin) Western Cold Storage Co. 2008 643 18 July 15, 1914 Cook Chicago (W. 48th Ave. & 22nd St.) Western Elec- tric Co. 1489 68 500 Aug. 14, 1914 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaCO s ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) Hydrogen sulphide 124. 92. 128. .1 2.8 .2 .2 .56 .36 .9 2.5 1.60 245. 330. 190. 171.5' 886.7 244.4 1004. 2068. 924. 360. | —206. 225. 120. 257. 176. .08 Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate. . . . Calcium carbonate. . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 1.2 404. 253.8 218.4 ioi.'i ' '30." ' .2 43.3 1055. 2.2 313.5 44.1 m.Y '65.3' 257. .4 30.3 924. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate .07 23.56 14.80 12.73 6.07' ' 'i.75' .01 2.53 .2 31.75 66.62 6.11 ' '2.22' 12.83 .33 .55 .13 18 28 2 57 Magnesium sulphate Magnesium carbonate 12.31 Calcium sulphate . . 3.81 Calcium carbonate Iron carbonate Undetermined 14.99 .02 1.77 Total 61.52 120.61 53.88 waters in northeastern Illinois- BOILEK ANALYSES -Continued 291 Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago (916 N. Paulina (38th St. & Ra- (106th St. &Tor- (915 S. 5th Ave.) Heights Ave.) cine Ave.) rence Ave.) (City Water West Side Brewery White Eagle Wisconsin Steel Wrisley Soap Works Brewery Co. Works City Well No. 2 2100 1816 1706 1490 300 To bed rock 58 67 75 + 50 180 200 150 200 1500 Jan. 8, 1914 Dec. 7, 1913 Aug. 7, 1914 Jan. 12, 1914 July 28, 1914 (parts per million) 128. 136. 220. 156. 240. .8 .4 1. .4 .2 .48 .24 .32 .00 .24 . .00 1.10 1.41 .00 1.06 780. 140. 255. 98. 8. 679.7 517.6 809.3 458. 191.9 2544. 1222. 1839. 1027. 628. 216. 212. 221. 202. 376. 296. 362. 530. .39 312. 162. (parts per million) 2.1 1.5 1.9 1 5 1287.1 231. 420.8 161.7 13 2 584.7 252.2 445.4 235.2 54 6 153.V ' 163.2* ' 264.' i87.¥ ' 194.4' ' 65.5 228.9 307.4 421.6 212.2 216. 212. 202. 298. 1.7 .8 221. .8 .4 69.9 53.9 62.2 27.9 .4 2544. 1222. 1839. 1027. 628. (parts per U. S. gallon) .12 .09 .11 .09 75.05 13.47 24.54 9.43 .77 34.20 14.70 25.98 13.72 3.18 8.95 ' V.52 ' 'ii.Yo* *i6.92' * ii.33* 3.82 13.34 17.92 24.59 12.37 12.60 12.37 12.89 11.78 17.38 .10 .05 .12 .05 .02 4.07 3.14 3.62 1.63 .02 148.43 71.26 107.25 59.90 36.61 292 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping- gals, per min. Date sample was collected Cools Chicago Heights (City Water Works) City Well No. 3 300 50± 1500 July 28, 1914 Cook South Chicago Heights Village 2700± 65 150 July 28, 1914 Cook Clearing SW. % Sec. 21, T. 38N..R. •1 q -pi C. & W. I. 'r. r. Well No. 1 1554 84 250 July 9, 1914 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) 124. 45. 164. ( 480. 148. ■ 82. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate 2.9 18.2 47.9 345*6 * * 16.*3 ' 372. .8 13.3 2.5 18.2 29.9 8.5 l'ei'.i ' 213*5 ' 'ii.i ' .5 Sodium chloride 74.3 Sodium sulphate , 127.5 Sodium carbonate Magnesium, sulphate 98.4 35 3 Calcium carbonate 106. Iron carbonate Undetermined 1.5 3'6.5 Total 817. 451. 480. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate. . . . Calcium carbonate. . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total .17 1.06 2.79 2* 6.1*6* ' ' *9*5 21.70 .05 .78 47.66 .15 1.06 1.74 .5 ' 9.40 12.4*5 ' i.'o'o* 26.30 .03 4.33 7.44 5.74 2.06 6.1*8* .09 2.13 28.00 BOILEK ANALYSES waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 293 Cook Clearing Cook Clearing Cook Des Plaines Cook Harvey Cook Harvey SW. %, Sec. 21, T. 38, N., R. 13 E. SW. %, Sec. 21, T. 3 8 N., R. 13 E. (City Water- works) (155th St. near I. C. R. R.) (City Water Works) C. & W. I. R. R. Well No. 2 1586 80 225 July 9, 1914 C. & W. I. R. R. Well No. 3 1584 100 225 July 9, 1914 City 125 125 45 Aug. 17, 1914 Austin Mfg. Co. 1128 20 + 30 + July 26, 1914 Public Service Co. of N. 111. Well No. 1 1320± To bed rock 85 + July 27, 1914 (parts per million) 156. 160. 232. 180. 136. .2 .6 .8 .3 3. .80 .80 .88 .40 6.00 3.50 3.50 3.88 1.80 26.50 18. 37. 330. 220. 47. 282.6 228.8 200.4 662.5 94.6 589. 582. 1070. 1564. 574. 127. 163. 170. 225. 332. 182. 128. 298. 434. —37.2 (parts per million) 4.8 4.8 5.3 2.5 29.7 61.1 440.8 363. 167.4 157.3 492.8 ±87.2* ' 153.6* ' 26.9 251.1 ' (MgCl 2 ) 21.5 23.6." ' 35.8 (CaCl 2 ) 73.7 227.4 127. 131. 170. 225.+ .4 1.2 .8 .6 36.7 46.1 106.8 37.7 589. 582. 1070. 1565. 36.3 77.6 140. 39.5 ii.4.'2 158.7 6.2 1.5 574. (parts per U. S. gallon) .28 1.73 9.76 ' 10. V 2 ' 'i'oV 7.41 .02 2.14 .28 3.56 9.17 8. "96 1.57 7.6*4 .07 2.69 .31 25.70 '±4.64 (Mg01 2 ) 1.25 (CaCl 2 ) 4.28 9.92 .05 6.23 .15 21.17 28.74 'ii.Vo ' 13.2*6' 13.12 .03 2.20 2.12 4.52 8.16 2.30 *'6.*6'6' 9.2*5 .36 .09 34.35 33.94 62.38 91.27 33.46 294 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town , Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing - feet Rate of pumping gals, per rain. Date sample was collected Cook Harvey (City Water- works) Public Service Co. of N. 111. "Well No. 2 1600± To bed rock 100± July 27, 1914 Cook Harvey (City Water- works) Public Service Co. of N. 111. Well No. 4 1600± To bed rock 200± July 26, 1914 I Cook Hubbard Woods North Shore Ice Co. 1437 180± 140 Aug. 25, 1914 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaCO s ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaCQ 3 ) 184. 120. .1 .4 .80 .00 3.50 .00 145. 37. 513. 321. 1268. 794. 270. 236. 338. 190. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate .... Calcium carbonate... Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 1.8 297. 332.9 5. 239.3 279.7 196.8 220.8* ' 274.Y ' 216. 209.4" ' 270. '46.8" ' 43.6 1366. 1268. * oil ' 205.4 144."" *95.2" ' 236. .8 51.5 794. Hypothetical combinations .11 17.32 19.42 ' ii.*48 'i.6.02 12.60 2.73 .29 13.96 16.21 ' 12.88 12. '21 15.75 .01 2.54 Sodium chloride 3.56 Sodium sulphate 11.98 8.40 5.55 Calcium carbonate Iron carbonate Undetermined 13.77 .05 3.00 Total 79.68 73.95 46.31 BOILER ANALYSES zvaters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 295 Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook La Grange La Grange Lemont Lyons Maywood (City Water (City Water (City Water (City Water (St. Charles Works) Works) Works) Works) Road& 9th Ave.) American Can Public Service Public Service Public Service City Go. of N. 111. Co. of N. 111. Co. of N. 111. Co. Well No. 1 Well No. 2 1990 2000 + 2284 1595 1607 10 + 10 + To bed rock To bed rock 55 + 400 400 125 50 150 + June 19, 1914 June 19, 1914 Sept. 24, 1915 July 29, 1914 Aug. 6, 1914 (parts per million) (parts per U. S. gallon) .22 .28 .74 .18 3.46 1.43 56.81 2.02 .58 2.66 2.88 3.97 2.45 1.63 7.77 6.43 9.23 9.38 9.66 3.33 2.54 3.91 2.06 4.01 'i6.¥3 '16.V3' 'io.5'0' ' 12.13* 8.6*3 .05 .04 .06 .01 .03 .87 3.38 1.84 .62 33.35 30.51 77.70 29.81 31.48 296 AETESIAN WATEES OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. -Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner • Depth of well feet Depth of casing- '. ifeet Rate of pumping- gals, per min. Date sample was collected Cook Maywood (City Water- works) City 1605 53 725 Aug. 6, 1914 Cook Melrose Park (City Water- works) City Well No. 1 1620 To bed rock 420 Aug. 12, 1914 Cook Melrose Park (City Water- works) City Well No. 2 1571 94 520 Aug. 12, 1914 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue , Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaCO s ) Hydrogen sulphide 180. 172. 140. .8 .4 .1 .24 .32 .56 1.06 1.41 2.48 42. 7. 6. 226.3 194.1 195. 592. 566. 547. 216. . 277. 271. 152. 116. 114. .22 Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate. . . . Calcium carbonate... Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 1.5 69.3 119.4 i82.*4 ' 23.7 188." ' 1.7 6. 1.9 11.6 122.6 i39.'2 " 47. 221.' .8 21.9 3.4 9.9 128.4 136.8* ' 21.8 245.' .2 1.5 592. 566. 547. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate.. Magnesium carbonate. Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate. . . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total .08 4.04 6.96 10.64 1.38 'l'o'.96' .10 .35 34.51 .11 .68 7.15 ' 8.'ll 2.74 ii'sV .05 1.28 33.01 .20 .58 7.48 '7.V8 1.27 14 M .01 .09 31.90 waters in northeastern Illinois- BOILEE ANALYSES -Continued 297 Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Park Ridge Park Ridge Proviso Township Proviso Township Proviso Township (SE. 14 NW. (City Water (City Water (SE. % NW. % (SB. % NW. % Works) Works) sec. 5 sec. 5 !/4 sec. 5) City City C. & N. W. R. R. C. & N. W. R. R. C. & N. W. R. R. Well No. 1 Well No. 2 Well No. 5 1804 1425 1825 1200 1841 100 + 100 + 1551 66 1723 175 175 107 150 105 Aug-. 26, 1914 Aug-. 26, 1914 March 3, 1914 June 30, 1915 Mar. 3, 1914 (parts per million) 76. 112. 0. 152. 0. .4 8. .4 .2 .0 .40 .64 .80 .64 1.77 4.42 3.5 2.1 2.8 105. 155. 22. 23. 42. 355.9 260.9 98.3 144.4 41.6 919. 885. 486. 520. 426. 213. 195. 268. 270. 268. 48. 84. —52. 46. —156. (parts per million) 2.4 6.6 4.8 2.9 173.3 255.8 36.3 38. 458.6 269.3 145.4 55.1 148.6 57.6 105.6 55.2 23.5 20.2 89. i.85.' 171. 2i6." ' 164." .8 16.6 .4 17.8 39.9 28.4 21.9 919. 885. 486. 520. 3.8 69.3 61.5 165.4 112. 'l4. 426. (parts per U. S. gallon) .14 .38 .28 .17 10.11 14.92 2.12 2.22 26.75 15.71 8.47 3.21 8.67 3.36 6.16 3.22 1.37 1.18 5.19 'io.VV ' '9.9V ' ii.W 9.57' .05 .97 .02 1.04 2.33 1.66 1.28 53.61 51.62 28.34 30.34 .22 4.04 3.60 9.64 6.53 ' ' .81 24.84 298 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner , Depth of well feet Depth of casing 1 feet Rate of pumping- gals, per min. Date sample was collected Cook Proviso Township (SE. % NW. % sec. 5) C. & N. W. R. R. Well No. 9 1849 1522 93 Mar. 3, 1914 Cook Proviso Township (SE. % NW. 14 sec. 5) C. & N. W. R. R. Well No. 11 1850 1679 100 Mar. 3, 1914 Cook Riverdale (City Water- works) City 434 58 160 July 23, 1914 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) Hydrogen sulphide 0. 0. 60. .0 .1 .5 .16 1.44 .48 .70 6.20 2.10 46. 26. 17. 44.8 37.2 96.3 454. 370. 433. 288. 244. 245. 164. —140. —142. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate 1. 75.9 66.3 173.8 i.24.' "13."' 8.5 42.9 55. 148.4 104." ' ii.*2 ' 2.9 Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate 28. 142.5 150.5 Magnesium sulphate Magnesium carbonate 50.4 Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate Iron carbonate Undetermined ' 43.' ' ' 1. 14.7 Total 454. 370. 433. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate .01 4.42 3.86 10.14 ' V.23 - * " ' *76 .49 2.49 3.20 8.65 6.0*7 ' ' .'65 .17 Sodium chloride 1.63 Sodium sulphate 8.31 Sodium carbonate 8.78 Magnesium sulnhate Magnesium carbonate 2.94 Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate Iron carbonate Undetermined 2.51 .06 .86 Total 26.42 21.55 25.26 waters in northeastern Illinois- BOILEK ANALYSES -Continued 299 Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook River Forest River Forest Riverside Summit Summit (City Water (City Water (City Water (City Water (City water- Works) Works) Works) Works) works) City City City City City Well No. 1 Well No. 2 West Well 1000 + 980 1980 1547 54 54 302 60 + 58 109 150 240 175 Aug. 15, 1914 Aug. 15, 1914 July 29, 1914 July 20, 1914 Aug. 21, 1914 (parts per million) 108. 84. 168. 156. 128. .2 .1 .3 .1 .2 .32 .40 .32 .32 1.00 1.41 1.8 1.4 1.4 4.42 9. 8. 65. 100. 14. 189.6 128.3 167.9 139.9 81.9 526. 437. 670. 672. 423. 245. 229. 342. 288. 262. 42. —26. —4. —24. 12. .70 1.86 .19 (parts per million) 1.9 2.5 1.9 1.9 6.1 14.9 13.2 105.6 165. 23.1 221. 189.9 248.5 207. 104.2 27.6 1.2 25.4 50.4 14.4 55.4 70.6 141.1 131. 97.4 179. ii9." iio.' 108. 146. .4 2 .6 .2 .4 3. 14. 1.1 33.5 31.4 526. 437. 670. 672. 423. (parts per U. S. gallon) .11 .16 .11 .11 .36 .87 .77 6.16 9.62 1.35 12.89 11.07 14.49 12.07 6.08 1.61 .07 1.48 2.93 .84 3.22 4.12 8.23 7.64 5.6S ' 10.44* ' .6.94 ' '9. 92 ' '6.V0 8.52 .02 .01 .03 .01 .02 .17 .82 .06 1.95 1.83 30.65 25.50 39.07 39.18 24.68 300 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing- feet Rate of pumping gals, per min. Date sample was collected De Kalb Sycamore (Waterworks) De Kalb & Sycamore Elec- tric R. R. Well No. 1 902 170 150 July 15, 1915 Du Page Bensenville (Near Station) C. M. & St. P. R. R. 2290 1236 170 Mar. 4, 1914 Du Page Downers Grove (Waterworks) City 250 To bed rock 75 Aug. 4, 1914 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate . . . Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaCQ 3 ) 160 0. 220. .1 .1 2 .32 .28 1.1 1.4 1.24 9.9 46. 6. 361. 45.7 125.9 345. 420. 444. -24. 268. 244. —160. 110. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate 1.5 1.7 14.7 25.4 134.4' ' iii.' .2 22.1 1.9 75.9 67.6 169.6 108." " 7.' " ' 1.7 Sodium chloride 9 9 Sodium sulphate 30.5 Sodium carbonate Magnesium sulphate 132. Magnesium carbonate 92.4 Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate 134. Iron carbonate .4 Undetermined 43.1 Total 361. 430. 444. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate .09 .10 .86 1.48 ' '7.84' 9. 39' .01 1.29 .11 4.42 3.93 9.88 ' '6.30' ' ' .40 01 Sodium chloride 58 Sodium sulphate 1 78 Sodium carbonate Magnesium sulphate 7 70 Magnesium carbonate 5 38 Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate. . 7 82 Iron carbonate 02 Undetermined 2 51 Total 21.06 25.04 25 80 BOILER ANALYSES waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 301 Du Page Elmhurst (Waterworks) City Well No. 1 301 76 152 July 9, 1915 Du Page Elmhurst (Waterworks) City 958 76 325 Sept. 2, 1915 Du Page Elmhurst (Waterworks) City 958 76 410 Sept. 20, 1915 Du Page Hinsdale (Waterworks) City 268 To bed rock 500± Aug. 5, 1914 Du Page Lombard (Waterworks) Village 330 Aug. 12, 1914 (parts per million) 232. 156. 164. 148. 148. .2 .3 .5 1.5 .56 .44 .0 .48 2.47 1.94 .0 2.12 6. 5. 5. 0. 4. 0. 56. 53. 174.5 44.8 465. 413. 408. 534. 405. 375. 322. 315. 270. 350. —8. 20. 20. 116. 10. (parts per million) 3. 3. 2.9 10. 8. 8. 6.6 117. 55. 50. 94. 49.1 8. 24. 24. 139.2 12. 195. 114. 121. 26.9 117.9 135.' 186.' 171.' 238." 2i2." ' 3.1 23. 31. 35.9 1.4 465. 413. 408. 534. 405. (parts per U. S. gallon) .17 .17 .17 .58 .47 .47 .38 6.82 3.21 2.92 5.48 2.86 .47 1.40 1.40 8.11 .70 11.37 6.65 7.06 1.57 6.87 ' 7.87 10.85 9.97 'ilLW '12.3*7 .18 1.34 1.81 2.08 .08 27.11 24.09 23.80 31.12 23.61 302 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping- gals, per min. Date sample was collected Du Page Naperville (SW. % sec. 18, T. 38 N„ R. 10 B.) Mr. Goodwin Spring- Flows 10± July 13, 1915 Du Page West ChicagOi (Waterworks) City "New Well 322 90 100± Aug. 13, 1914 Du Page West Chicago (Waterworks) City Old Well 715 90 100± Aug. 13, 1914 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) 232. 148. 148. 0. .4 1.2 .32 .36 44.2 2.29 1.6 22. 23. 11. 111.5 106. 50.2 605. 485. 366. 330. 30 0. 275. 84. 80. 10. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate .... Calcium carbonate . . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 60.6 36.3 46. ioo.V 124.3 182.' ' '55." 605. 3.1 37.9 43.5 '96.'" 57.1 232." ' .8 14.6 485. 2.2 18.2 60. 'l2." ' 117.9 137." ' 2.5 16.2 366. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. . Magnesium carbonate. Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate. . . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 3.53 2.12 2.68 '5.88' 7.25 16.62' ' 3.21 35.29 .18 2.21 2.53 5.6*0 3.33 ' 13.53 .05 .85 28.28 .13 1.06 3.50 ' ' .70 6.87 ' '7.99' .15 .94 21.34 BOILER ANALYSES 303 waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued Du Page West Chicago (Roundhouse) Du Page West Chicago (Roundhouse) Du Page Wheaton (Waterworks) Grundy- Carbon Hill (Waterworks) Grundy Coal City (Waterworks) C. & N. W. R. R. C. & N. W. R. R. City City City 2081 ibb+ Aug. 13, 1914 (Dug) 30 300 + Aug. 13, 1914 175 110 335 Aug. 13, 1914 1900 150 + 15 + Sept. 29, 1915 350 100 180 Sept. 29, 1915 (parts per million) 120. 192. 88. 168. 160. .4 .1 .5 .4 .3 1.2 5. .48 5.3 22.1 2.12 1.77 1.94 3. 26. 1. 290. 260. 41.6 134. 48.6 382. 350. 363. 588. 356. 1296. 1190. 300. 325. 270. 252. 252. 12. 134. 0. 188. 136. (parts per million) 7.3 30.3 2.9 2. 3. 5. 42.9 1.7 479. 429. 44.4 8.4 71.9 299. 326. 'Ha ' 160.8' ' 202." i.63.' 90.7 48.7 73.9 *27." 20. 192. 267. 182. 252. 228. .8 .2 1. 1. 1. 8.4 29.7 22.6 34. 20. 363. 588. 356. 1296. 1190. (parts per U. S. gallon) .43 1.77 .17 .12 .17 .29 2.49 .10 27.94 25.02 2.58 .49 4.18 17.44 19.02 ' '.84' ' '9.38' 11.78 ' 9.51 5.28 2.83 4.30 ' 'i.57' 1.17 11.20 15.57 10.62 14.70 13.30 .05 .01 .06 .06 .06 .50 1.73 1.32 1.98 1.17 21.17 34.27 20.75 75.59 69.42 304 AKTESIAN WATEKS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping gals, per min. Date sample was collected Grundy Minooka (Waterworks) City 620 100± 50 Sept. 23, 1915 Grundy Morris (614 W. Wash- ington St.) Gebhard Brewery 35 Sept. 22, 1915 Kane Aurora (Pumping Station) City Well No. '/. 2300± 300± 250± July 2, 1915 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaCQ 3 ) 184. .1 2.1 510. 74.5 1248. 248. 184. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate .... Calcium carbonate... Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 4. 874. 62. 51. 71. 138. 1. 1201. 38. 97. 163. 1. 383. 2.9 734.2 MgCl 2 90.9 93.' 248. .2 78.4 1248. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate .23 50.98 3.62 2.97 ' '4.14' * "8.05 .06 .06 1.46 3.38 2.22 ' '5.66' "9.V1 .06 17 Sodium chloride 42.82 Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate MgCl 2 5.30 Magnesium sulphate 5.45 Magnesium carbonate . . Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate 14.47 Iron carbonate .01 4 57 Total 70.05 22.35 72.79 BOILER ANALYSES waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 305 Kane Aurora (Phillips Park) Kane Aurora (Lake St.) Kane Aurora (River St.) Kane Aurora (River St.) Kane Aurora (Farns worth St. & R. R. Tracks) Aurora Wheeled Scraper Co. City Aurora Bleachery Aurora Brewery Aurora Brewery 2759 320 125 July 15, 1915 1280 To bed rock 400 + July 3, 1915 250 To bed rock 60 July 4, 1915 Spring ' ' 15" July 3, 1915 1410 1200 40 July 8, 1915 (parts per million) 208. 124. 188. 232. 132. 0. 0. .2 ' 'i.'oV 'id. 6* ' ' '8.8' ' '70.V ' 2.9 1300. 12. 64. 48. 14. 98. 50.2 132.1 156.8 85.6 2992. 378. 655. 694. 428. 264. 280. 365. 282. 278. 632. — 28. —4. 136. —18. parts per million) 1. 14.5 12.1 97. 4. 1537. 19.8 105.6 79.2 23.1 Mg-Cl 2 196. 74.3 195.5 39.4 126.7 29.7 4.2 1.63.2* ' 19.1 CaCl 2 354. 104.1 157.9 80.6 iio.9 139. 264. 128. 173. 186. 128. .4 15.8 ' 7.6* ' ' '6.V ' 48.6' ' 2491. 378. 655. 694. 428. (parts per U. S. gallon) 306 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Kate of pumping- gals, per min. Date sample was collected Kane Aurora (160 N. High- land Ave.) W. B. Davis' Greenhouse 69 24 140 July 19, 1915 Kane Aurora (Farns worth St. & R. R. Tracks) Munroe Bindery 1420 60 225 July 8, 1915 Kane Elgin Elgin Watch Co. 2000± To bed rock 50 Sept. 30, 1914 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaCO s ) 60. .2 .3 1.3 24. 33. 318. 202. 10. Sodium nitrate... Sodium chloride . . Sodium sulphate. Sodium carbonate Magnesium sulphate Magnesium carbon Calcium sulphate . Calcium carbonate Iron carbonate. . . . Undetermined Total Hypothetical combinations 1.5 14.9 40.8 12.7 154.'6" 151.' 2.1 2.9 24.8 140. 8.5 i24.V ' 122.' .4 27.1 1.8 39.6 34.6 te 12. 42. 152. .4 35.6 377.6 450. 318. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate. . . . Calcium carbonate. . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total .09 .87 2.38 .74 ' '9.02' ' '8.8'l' .12 .17 1.45 8.17 .50 7. 25' 7.12' .02 1.58 .10 2.31 2.02 .70 2.45 8.87 .02 2.08 22.03 26.26 18.55 BOILER ANALYSES 307 waters northeastern Illinois — Continued Kane Elgin Kane Elgin (Waterworks) Kane Mooseheart (N.B. % sec. 33 T. 39 N., R. 8E.) Kane St. Charles (Waterworks) Kane St. Charles (Park Street) Elgin Watch Co. City Order of Moose City City 500 40 50 Sept. 30, 1914 1300 Aug. V, 1915 1840 39 100 July 10, 1915 350 To bed rock 120 Sept. 30, 1914 850 60 + 200 Sept. 30, 1914 (parts per million) 52. 100. 184. 144. 96. .3 .1 .1 .0 .1 1.4 (H 2 S0 4 ) .9 6.8 .3 6.2 1.8 29.2 1.3 25. 8. 7. 27. 5. 30.4 37. 41.1 97. 26.7 426. 371. 397. 537. 369. 320. 304. 340. 280. 326. —156. 16. 12. 22. —56. (parts per million) 8.5 2.5 39.8 1.8 41.2 13. 11.6 44.5 8.2 45. 55. 43.8 112.3 39.4 166. 17. 'l4.4' ' *26.V ' 59.4 43.7 84. 144.5 102.5 80.6 112.' 204." 168." 158." 174." " .6 2. .2 .0 .2 9. 12. 53.5 5.4 426. 375. 397. 537. 369. (parts per U. S. gallon) .49 .15 2.32 .11 2.40 .76 .68 2.60 .48 2:62 3.21 2.55 6.54 2.30 9.68 .99 '".84* i.'54 3.46 2.55 4.9 8.43 5.97 4.70 6.53 * ii.V " 9.80" ' '9.2V 'io.'iV .03 .12 .01 .00 .01 .52 .70 3.12 .31 24.82 21.88 23.16 31.31 21.52 308 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing- feet Rate of pumping- gals, per min. Date sample was collected Kankakee Bradley Bradley Mfg. Co. 244' 200± 200± Oct. 1, 1915 Kankakee Kankakee (396 S. Schuy- ler St.) Kankakee Pure Milk Co. 205 30 75 Oct. 2, 1915 Kankakee Kankakee (600 S. Dear- born St.) Radeke Brewery 225 25± 80 Sept. 30, 1915 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) 140. 180. 200. .8 1. 3. 3.36' ' '2.I2' ' 47.7 ' 16. 25. 30. 57. 186. 175. 450. 758. 703. 427. 415. 345. 48. 156. 136. Hypothetical combinations 5. 26. 16. * 58.' ' " 77. 235.' 2. 31. 3. 41. 55. 187'.'" 20. 391." ' 2. 59. 65. Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate 50. 67. 163. 54. Calcium sulphate 281..' 1. 22. Total 450. 758. 703. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate. . . . Calcium carbonate. . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total .29 1.52 .93 ' '3.38' 4.49 13.71 .12 1.81 26.25 3.79 2.92 3.91 ' '9.V1 3.15 ' 16.39 .06 1.2S 41.01 BOILER ANALYSES waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 309 Kankakee Kankakee State Hospital Well No. 1 1812 75± 250± Sept. 30, 1915 Kankakee Kankakee State Hospital Well No. 2 1847 75± 250± Sept. 30, 1915 Kendall Oswego (Waterworks) Village (Dug) 22 ' " ' 4 V July 20, 1915 Lake Highland Park (One Mile West atBlodgett) C. & N. W. R. It. 1760 121 300± Aug. 20, 1914 Lake Highland Park (SE. % sec. 21, T. 43 N, R. 12 E.) Mr. R. Tillman 168 160± 2± Aug. 24, 1914 (parts per million) 268. 188. 172. 36. 172. .3 .3 .6 .4 .48 2 is 1.41 2.65 2.47 2.12 3.5 550. 176. 10. 25. 9. 671. 265. 97. 15.2 276.9 2197. 978. 410. 231. 609. 233. 288. 307. 163. 170. 452. 192. 64. —44. 738. (parts per million) 2. 4. 3. 2.9 4.8 908. 290. 17. 41.3 14.9 327. 121. 53. 22.5 46.6 214.3 322. 226. 77. 165.6 91. 30.2 28.6 274. 5. 233. 288. 199. 83. 136. 1. 1 .8 .4 130. 43. 3.7 44.4 2197. 978. 440. 231. 609. (parts per U. S. gallon) .12 .23 .17 .17 .28 52.96 16.92 .99 2.41 .87 19.07 7.06 3.09 1.31 2.72 12.50 18.78 13.18 4.49 9.66 5.31 1.76 1.67 15.98 .29 13.59 16.80 11.61 4.84 7.93 .06 .06 .05 .02 7.58 2.51 .22 2.59 128.14 57.05 25.66 13.48 35.52 310 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing- feet Rate of pumping* gals, per min. Date sample was collected Lake Lake Bluff (Waterworks) City 498 193 55 Sept. 1, 1914 Lake Lake Bluff (Waterworks) City 1900± 195 75 Sept. 1, 1914 Lake Lake Forest Ogden Armour 1600± 150 200± Oct. 7, 1915 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate , Residue Alkalinity (as CaCO s ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) 24. 56. .2 .1 .5 .28 .0 .92 4.07 16. 16. 12. 105.3 181.9 318. 580. 450. 120. 251. 277. -32. 122. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate 1.3 26.4 155.8 33.9 ' 20.'2 ' ' 64.' ' ' .4 16. *26.'4 ' 95.4 '67.V ' '89.8' ' 251. .2 49.6 6 Sodium chlcride 20 Sodium sulphate 124 Sodium carbonate Magnesium sulphate 29 Magnesium carbonate 30 Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate 241 Iron carbonate 1 Undetermined Total 318. 580. 451 Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate .08 1.54 9.09 1.98 i.'iY 3.73 .02 .93 i.V4 5.56 3. V 4 5 .2" 4 14.64 .01 2.89 35 Sodium chloride 1 17 Sodium sulphate 7 23 Sodium carbonate Magnesium sulphate 1 69 Magnesium carbonate 1 75 Calcium sulphate Calcium carbonate 14 06 Iron carbonate 06 Undetermined Total 18.55 33.82 26 31 waters m BOILER ANALYSES rtheastern Illinois — Continued 311 Lake Ravinia Park Ravinia Park Association 1096 161 75 Aug. 25, 1914 Lake Waukegan (C. &N. W. Sta- tion) C. & N. W. R. R. 2200 Flows io Sept. 9, 1914 Lake Waukegan (E. of Station) North Shore Con. Gas Co. Old Well Flows 6 Sept. 9,1914 Lake Waukegan (E. of Station) North Shore Con. Gas Co. New Well 145 115 Flows 10 Sept. 9, 1914 Lake Zion City (ShilohPark) City 1568 167± Floys 200± Sept. 10, 1914 (parts per million) 120. 84. 100. 92. 104. .6 .4 .8 .4 .4 .0 .20 .16 .20 .52 .0 .88 .7 .88 2.29 41. 16. 27. 40. 20. 276.2 173.2 136.2 145.6 260. 739. 555. 496. 547. 698. 263. 252. 223. 246. 247. 136. 104, 22. 204. (parts per million) 1.2 1. 1.2 3.1 67.7 26.4 44.6 66. 33. 220.2 108. 133.5 184.4 95.4 144. ioo.V ' ' 57.6 ' 43.7 26.4 58.8 72. 21.8 27.2 195.8 263. 252. 171. 176. 247. 1.2 .8 1.7 .4 .8 21.1 38.6 42.9 33.8 50.9 739. 555. 496. 547. 698. (parts per U. S. gallon) .07 .06 .07 .18 3.95 1.54 2.60 3.85 1.92 12.84 6.30 7.79 10.75 5.56 ' "s.Vo" ' '5. 88* " 3. 3*6 2.55 ' 'i.5'4' 3.43 4. "20 1.27 1.59 11.42 15.34 14.70 9.97 10.27 14.41 .07 .05 .10 .02 .05 1.23 2.25 2.50 1.97 2.97 43.10 32.38 28.93 31.90 40.71 :i2 ARTESIAN. WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing- feet Rate of pumping gals, per min Date sample was collected Lake Zion City (Edinah Park) City 1270 + 112± Flows 12 5 ± Sept. 10, 1914 La Salle Grand Ridge (Waterworks) Village 160 146 + 14' screen 110 Sept. 17, 1915 La Salle Marseilles (Waterworks) Consumer's Water & Light Co. Two Wells 800 &600 100± (Combined) 100± Sept. 17, 1915 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaCOg) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaCQ 3 ) 56. 52. 136. .6 .7 .2 .0 .0 .33 2.12 10. 7. 92. 197.5 0. 100. 576. 331. 568. 252. 300. 290. 134. —200. 24. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate .... Calcium carbonate. . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total ' i6.*5 ' 102.1 ' 6.7. V ' ioo ' 252. 1.2 30.9 576. 12. 212.' 331. 3. 152. 114. 17! 570. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate. . . . Calcium carbonate. . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total .96 5.96 ' 3.9*2 ' 6.'l9 14.70 .07 1.80 33.60 .70 2.57 2*80 .12 .76 19.32 .17 8.87 6.65 ' 1*6*9 5.48 10*38 33.24 waters of northeastern Illinois- BOILER ANALYSES -Continued 313 La Salle Marseilles La Salle Marseilles La Salle Marseilles La Salle Marseilles La Salle Mendota (N. of R. R. Station) I. C. R. R. Crescent Paper Co. E. T. Hanshue Howe & Davidson Paper Mills Howe & Davidson Paper Mills 128 80± 137 35 590 To bed rock 75 563 135± Flows 4 Sept. 17, 1915 Flows y 2 Sept. 17, 1915 Flows 10 Sept. 18, 1915 Flows 2 Sept. 18, 1915 125 + July 26, 1915 (parts per million) 176. 176. 156. 180. 80. 0. 0. .6 .3 2. i.2'4 ' ' .71 i.'o*6 i.'06 5.3*0* ,190. 200. 130. 200. 14. 206. 212. 136. 206. 0. 895. 912. 698. 916. 348. 300. 280. 305. 300. 294. 68. 112. 40. 76. —74. (parts per million) 2. 1. 1. 1. 7. 313. 330. 215. 330. 23. 209. 155. 145. 197. '76.'" 82. 134. 48. 91. 91. 54. 97. 87. 67. i92.' 244.'" ' i89." 196.* 140.' 1. 1. 4. 6. 2. 13. 895. 918. 698. 916. 317. (parts per U. S. gallon) 314 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing- feet Rate of pumping gals, per min. Date sample was collected La Salle Mendota (E. of R. R. Station) . B. & Q. R. R. 480 136 200± July 26, 1915 La Salle Ottawa (Waterworks) City "Well No. 1 1449 285± 200 July 28, 1915 La Salle Ottawa (Waterworks) City Well No. 2 1200 285± 200 July 28, 1915 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) 80. 108. 92. 2.5 .2 .4 2.12" i.4*i 2.'l2 13. 23. 38. 0. 0. 13. 382. 359. 402. 333. 326. 320. 104. —72. —84. Hyp othe tical c o m bina t io ns Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate .... Calcium carbonate... Iron carbonate Undetermined Total 110. '67.' 149. 5. 355. 76. *9i. 1.46.' 353. 3. 63. 19. 77. 144. 395. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate Sodium chloride Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate. . . . Magnesium sulphate. Magnesium carbonate Calcium sulphate.... Calcium carbonate. . . Iron carbonate Undetermined Total .17 1.69 6.41 3.Yl 8.69 .29 21.16 .12 2.21 4.43* 5.Vl 8. '52 20.59 .17 3.67 1.11 5.19 4.49 8.40 23.03 BOILER. ANALYSES waters of northeastern Illinois — Continued :15 La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Peru (La Salle St.) (Michigan & Champlain Sts.) (Waterworks) J. P. Catlin Chicago Fire Brick & Retort Co. Chicago Fire Brick & Retort Co. Ottawa Brewery City 1800 + 400 + 600 + 310 ■ 1505? 188 + 200 + 80 + Flows 3 Flows 8 10 75 100 + July 29, 1915 July 29, 1915 July 29, 1915 July 28, 1915 July 26, 1915 (parts per million) 176. 120. 128. 108. 92. 6. 2. .2 .1 1.7 1.06 1.76 1.06 ' 'i.41 i.'77 2000. 43. 36. 23. 245. 62. 40. 47. 0. 65. 3707. 468. 475. 373. 845. 255. 328. 325. 326. 314. 376. 0. —32. 76. —100. (parts per million) 1. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2954. 71.. 59. 70. 38. 404. 96. MgCl 2 165. 59. 34. 76. 106. CaCl 2 148. 101. 108. 91. *77." ' 88. 255. 208. 165. 146. 122. 12. 4. 4. 3623. 445. 437. 353. 811. (parts per U. S. gallon) .06 .11 .58 .12 .12 172.30 4.14 3.44 2.22 23.57 3.44 4.08 5.60 (Mg01 2 ) 9.62 1.98 4.43 6.18 (CaCl 2 ) ' '8.63* ' '5.89' 6.30' " "5.30" ' '4.49 5.13 14.87 12.13 9.62 8.52 7.12 .70 .23 :::::: .23 211.31 25.94 26.00 20.59 47.31 316 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping gals, per min. Date sample was collected La Salle Peru La Salle Streator (B. Plant) La Salle Streator Illinois Zinc Co. Jan". V, 19 16 American BottlevCo. 700 + 200 + 97 Aug. 10, 1915 "Western Glass Co. 587 200 + 60 + Aug. 10, 1915 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) 112. 3. 0. 0. 205. 76. 743. 302. —144. 112. .1 ' ' i.'s * 325. 45. 958. 355. —128. 116. Iron Nitrate nitrogen .2 Nitrate 1.4 325 36. Residue 963. Alkalinity (as CaCO s ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaC0 3 ) 370. — 136. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate 338. 11.2 47. ' 94.' ' ' 146." 6. 2. 536. 67. 135. *94." ' 115.' .2 8.8 2. Sodium chloride 536. 53. Sodium carbonate 144. Magnesium sulphate 97. Calcium carbonate 118. .4 12.6 Total 743. 958. 963. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate , 19.72 6.53 2.74 5. '48 8. '52 .35 .12 31.26 3.91 7.87 5. '4 8 6. Vl .01 .51 .12 31.26 Sodium sulphate Sodium carbonate 3.09 8.40 5.66 6.88 .02 .73 Total 43.34 55.87 56.16 BOILEE ANALYSES waters in northeastern Illinois — Continued 317 McHenry McHenry McHenry Will Will North Crystal Woodstock Woodstock Joliet Joliet Lake (Waterworks) (Waterworks) (Near C. & N. W. (110 W. Jeffer- (210 Collins R. R. Sta.) son St.) St.) City City Oliver Typewriter Adler Packing- Joliet Citizen's Co. Co. Brewery 285 1000 + 1211 344 1350 260 To bed rock 980 60 + 150 200 + 160 120 35 + 50 + Sept. 28, 1914 Sept. 28, 1914 Sept. 26, 1914 Sept. 27, 1915 Sept. 24, 1915 (parts per million) 112. 156. 162. 236. 236. .8 1.2 2.2 .2 0. .3 2 .0 1.3 .9 .0 6.2 26.5 17. 2. 4. 50. 53. 7. .0 26.3 215. 285. 328. 390. 441. 761. 842. 294. 380. 380. 330. 300. —44. —20. —40. 200. 244. (parts per million) 1.8 1.2 9. 36. 28. 3.3 6.6 83. 87. 10.3 38.8 34. 74. 46.6 21.2 42.4 240." 283." ' 94.1 131. 134.4 30. 'ii.' 138. 204. 180. 294. 300. 1.6 2.5 4.6 7.6 26.8 34.2 71. 51. 328. 390. 441. 761. 842. (parts per U. S. gallon) .10 .07 .52 2.10 1.63 .19 .38 4.84 5.07 .60 2.26 1.98 4.32 2.72 1.24 2.46 'ii.Vo' 'i6.Vi 5.49 7.64 7.83 1.75 ■■•.64 17.50 8.05 'ii.Vo ' i6.'50' 'i 7.1*5 .09 .15 .27 .44 1.56 2.00 4.14 2.97 19.12 22.75 25.70 44.38 49.11 318 ARTESIAN WATERS OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Table II. — Boiler analyses of underground County Town Owner Depth of well feet Depth of casing feet Rate of pumping- gals, per min. Date sample was collected Will Joliet (Michigan & Benton Sts. Moore Stove Co. 503 175 35± Sept. 23, 1915 Will Joliet (142 S. Bluff St.) E. Porter Brewery 512 20 Sept. 24, 1915 Will Joliet (812 N. Scott St.) F. Sehring Brewery 1575 50 Sept. 23, 1915 Determinations made Magnesium (as CaC0 3 ) Iron Nitrate nitrogen , Nitrate Chlorine Sulphate Residue Alkalinity (as CaC0 3 ) Non-carbonate hardness (as CaCQ 3 ) 352. 0. 19.4 107. 561. 1379. 355. 504. Hypothetical combinations Sodium nitrate 39. 119. 121. 418.' 141.' 370. 107." 12. 297 MgCl 2 188! ' 94.' " ' 174.' 310. 214." ' 27 Sodium chloride . . . 177. 114 422 Calcium sulphate 208. 355 Iron carbonate ., Undetermined ' 76.' " ' Total 1315. 1289. 1379 Hyp othc tical comb in a tions Sodium nitrate 2.27 6.94 7.06 ' 24.*38 8.22 21.58 6.24 .70 17.32 MgCl 2 10.97 5*48 ' io.'iV 18.08 " i2.*48 1.57 Sodium chloride 10.32 Sodium sulphate , 6.65 Sodium carbonate Magnesium sulphate ' 2 4. '62 Magnesium carbonate 12.13 20.71 Iron carbonate 4.43 Total 76.69 75.18 80.43 BOILER ANALYSES waters of northeastern Illinois — Concluded 319 Will Rockdale (Waterworks) Will Rockdale Winnebago Rockford Winnebago Rockford Village American Can Co. Nelson Hotel Trust Building 662 260 160 Sept. 24, 1915 640 135 40 Sept. 24, 1915 400± To bed rock 15 Sept. 29, 1914 400 To bed rock 10 Sept. 29, 1914 (parts per million) 88. 208. 196. 156. .4 .1 .0 .5 .0 3.2 .53 7.4 2.2 14.1 47. 22. 26. 34. 116. 206. 71.6 47.7 530. 695. 528. 468. 290. 370. 318. 330. —84. 76. 96. 62. (parts per million) 1. 78. 172. 89. "74." ' 10. 36. 1.97 "91." ' 111. 3. 18.5 (MgCl 2 )' 19.9 * 89.7 84. 19.3 41.7 (MgCl 2 )'ii."7" ' 59.7 78.9 118." 1. 238." 'ii." ' 218." .0 94.9 236. .0 20.7 533. 695. 528. 468. (parts per U. S. gallon) .06 .58 .17 1.12 4.55 2.10 1.08 2.43 10.03 11.49 5.19 (MgCl 2 ) 1.16 (MgCl 2 ) .68 5.31 5.23 3.47 4.32 6.47 4.90 4.59 6. '88 *i3.*88* '12.71 * 1 3 .76* .06 .00 .00 .70 5.53 1.20 31.09 40.53 30.78 27.25 321 INDEX A PAGE Acknowledgments 20 Air-lift pumps 70-72 costs of pumping with 74-75 investigations of 70-72 Algonquin, mineral analysis for 245 water supply at 208-209 Alluvial deposits 28-29 Analyses, methods of making 37-38,40-41 Analyses of: gas from Armour well, Lake Forest 188 Niagaran limestone waters. . 96 Potsdam waters 99 water from wells at Bensen- ville 143 See also Boiler water anal- yses and Mineral analyses. Argo, boiler water analyses for .250-251 log of well at 109-110 water supply at 109-111 Arlington Heights, water sup- ply at 127-128 Armour well, near Lake Forest, log of 186 Artesian waters, definition of. 24 Aurora, boiler water analyses for 304-306 log of city well at 163 mineral analyses for 238-239 temperatures of deep well waters at 46, 163 temperature of shallow well water at 48 water supply at 160-163 B Barrington, boiler water an- alysis for 251 mineral analysis for 234 temperature of shallow well waters at 48 water supply at 128 Bartow, Edward, assistance of 20 Batavia, log of city well No. 2 at 165 mineral analysis for 239 temperature of deep well waters at 46 water supply at 164-165 PAGE Bed rocks, outcrops of 25 Bellewood, mineral analysis for 234 water supply at Ill Belvidere, boiler water analysis for 250 log of well at 79-81 mineral analysis for 234 temperatures of well waters at 46, 47 water supply of 78-79 Bensenville, boiler water anal- ysis for 300 log of well at 140-141 water supply at 140-142 Berwyn, boiler water analysis for 252 water supply at Ill Blodgett, log of well at 184 water supply at 184 Bloomington moraine, distribu- tion of 129-130,190 Blue Island, boiler water an- alyses for 252-253 static head at 103 temperatures of deep well waters at 46 water supply at 102-103 Boone County, artesian waters of 77-81 Braceville, water supply at... 151 Bradley, boiler water analysis for 308 Braidwood, log of well at 217 mineral analysis for 246 water supply at 216-217 C Cady, G. H., assistance of 20 Calumet River, course of 82 Carbon Hill, boiler water an- alysis for 303 water supply at 151 Carpentersville, water supply at 166 Casing of wells 54 effect of on chemical char- acter of water 38-39 Cater Contracting Company, assistance of 20 Cedar Point, mineral analysis for 241 water supply at 193 Centrifugal pump, see Impeller pump. 322 index— continued PAGE Chemical character of under- ground waters 37-42 Chicago & Northwestern Rail- way Company's wells, logs of, at Belvidere 79 Blodgett 184 Harvard 209 Malta 134 Norma , 125-126 Proviso 116-117 West Chicago 148 Chicago, boiler water analyses for 253-291 daily pumpage of 17, 90-91 first deep well in 88 hydrogen sulphide in waters of 40-42 mineral analyses for 234-235 temperatures of well waters in 45, 46 well water supply at 87-102 Chicago Heights, boiler water analyses for 292 water supply at 107-108 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company's well at Bensenville, log of 140-141 Chicago Portland Cement Com- pany's well at Oglesby, log of 199 Clearing, boiler water analyses for 292-293 water supply at 111-112 Coal City, boiler water anal- ysis for 303 log of well at 152 mineral analysis for 238 water supply at 151-152 "Coal Measures", see Pennsyl- vanian system. Cook County, artesian waters of 81-129 Corn Products Refining Com- pany's well at Argo, log of 109-110 Crete, mineral analysis for.... 247 water supply at 217-218 "Crevices", the 98 Crystal Lake, log of well at. . . 209 mineral analysis for 245 water supply at 209 D Deep well pumps 69 costs of pumping with 73 Deer Park, log of well at 194 water supply at 193-194 DeKalb, log of well at 133 mineral analysis for 237 water supply at 132-133 DeKalb County, artesian waters of 129-137 DesPlalnes, boiler water anal- ysis for 293 PAGE temperature of shallow well water at 48,125 DesPlaines Valley, outlet of Lake Chicago 29 springs in 108 Devonian deposit at Elmhurst 83, 139 at East Chicago possible ex- istence of 83 Downers Grove, boiler water analysis for 300 log of well at 142 temperature of shallow well water at 48, 49, 144 water supply at 142, 144 Dresbach formation 84 Drilled wells 51-76 Drillers specifications for wells 55-56, 59-69 Drilling, costs of 52, 55, 57-58 methods of 51-52, 52-53 Drilling samples, directions for taking and importance of. 18,19 Driven wells 51 Dug wells 50-51 DuPage County, artesian waters of 137-149 E Earlville, water supply at.... 194 East Chicago, log of well at. . . 106 Elburn, log of well at 166 water supply at 166 Elgin, boiler water analyses for 306-307 log of well at 167 temperatures of well waters at 48, 168 water supply at 166-168 Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Rail- way Company's well at Coal City, log of 152 Elmhurst, boiler water anal- yses for 301 log of well at 145 water supply at 144-145 Eola, water supply at 145 F Farm Ridge moraine, distribu- tion of 190 Forest Park, mineral analysis for 236 water supply at 112 G Galena - Platteville limestone, see under local discussions for each county. Gardner, water supply at 152 Gas in the Niagaran limestone 185 analysis of, from Armour well, Lake Forest 186 Geiger, S. B., assistance of.... 20 Geneva, water supply at 16S index — continued 323 PAGE Genoa, mineral analysis for... 237 water supply at 133 Geologic formations 25-30 Geothermal gradients, defini- tion of 42 factors affecting 49-50 Glen Ellyn, mineral analysis for 237 water supply at 146 Glenwood, water supply at. . . . 105 Grand Ridge, boiler water anal- ysis for 312 log of well at 194 mineral analysis for 241 temperature of shallow well water at 48 water supply at 194-195 Grasselli Chemical Company, log of well of 105-107 Grays Lake, log of well at 182-183 water supply at 182-183 Ground moraines 27-28 Ground-water level 21 Grundy County, waters of 149-157 Gurnee, water supply at 183 H Harvard, log of well at 209 water supply at 209-210 Harvey, boiler water analyses for 293-294 water supply at 104 Highland Park, boiler water analyses for 309 mineral analysis for 241 water supply at 183-184 High wood, water supply at. . . . 185 Hinckley, mineral analysis for 237 water supply at 134 Hinsdale, boiler water analysis for 301 temperature of well water at 48,49, 146 water supply at 146 Hoge well near Morris, log of 155 Homewood, water supply at.. 105 Hospital for the Insane at Kankakee, log of well at. . 175 Hubbard Woods, boiler water analysis for 294 water supply at 126 Hydrogen sulphide, presence of in underground waters. . . . 40-42 Illinois Zinc Company's well at Peru, log of 202 Impeller pumps 69-70 costs of pumping with 73 Invariable stratum, depth of . . 44 J PAGE Joliet. boiler water analyses for 317-318 log of well at 221 mineral analyses for 247 temperatures of deep well waters at 221 water supply at 218-221 Jordan sandstone 84 see also under local discus- sions for each county. J. P. Miller Artesian Well Com- pany, assistance of 20 K Kane County, waters of 157-171 Kankakee, boiler water anal- yses for 308-309 log of well at 175 temperatures of well waters at 46, 47 water supply at 172-175 Kankakee County, artesian waters of 171-177 Kendall County, waters of 177-179 Kirkland, water supply at 134 L Lacustrine deposits 29 LaGrange, boiler water anal- yses for 294 temperature of deep well water at 113 water supply at 112 Lake Bluff, boiler water anal- yses for 310 temperatures of well waters at 46, 48 water supply at 185 Lake Chicago, former exten- sion of 29, 82 Lake County, waters of 179-189 Lake Forest, boiler water anal- ysis for 310 log of Armour well at 186 water supply at 185-187 Lake Zurich, mineral analysis for 241 water supply at 187 LaSalle, mineral analyses for. 241-242 water supply at 195 LaSalle County, artesian waters of 189-205 Leland, mineral analysis for.. 242 water supply at 195 Lemont, boiler water analysis for 295 water supply at 108-109 Libertyville, water supply at.. 187 Lockport, log of well at 222 mineral analysis for 247 324 index — continued PAGE water supply at 221-222 Logs, importance of 118 Logs, see under town and own- er's name. Lombard, boiler water analysis for 301 temperature of shallow well water at 146 water supply at 148 Lostant, water supply at 195-196 "Lower Magnesian", see Prai- rie du Chien group. Lyons, boiler water analysis for 295 M McHenry County, artesian waters of 206-212 thickness of drift in 206-207 Malta, log of well at 134 water supply at 134 Manteno, mineral analysis for 240 water supply at 176 Maple Park, mineral analysis for 240 water supply at 169 Maquoketa shale, see under local discussions. Marengo, mineral analysis for 246 water supply at 210 Marengo Ridge, location of . . . . 158 Marseilles, boiler water anal- yses for 312-313 log of well near 196-197 mineral analysis for 242 temperatures of well waters at 46, 48 water supply at 196-197 Marseilles moraine. . .149, 171. 177, 190 Matteson, mineral analysis for 236 water supply at 108 Maywood, boiler water analysis for 295-296 log of well at 114 temperature of deep well water at 46, 115 water supply at 114-115 Mazon, log of well near 153 water supply at 152-153 Melrose, boiler water analyses for 296 water supply at 115-116 Mendota, boiler water analyses for 313-314 log of well at 197 mineral analysis for 243 temperature of shallow well water at 48 water supply at 197-198 Minooka, boiler water analyses for 204 PAGE log of well at 154 mineral analysis for 238 temperature of deep well water at 46, 153 water supply at 153-154 Minooka Ridge, distribution of 177 Mokena, mineral analysis for. 247 water supply at 222-223 Monee, mineral analyses for. . 248 water supply at 223 Momence, water supply at 176 Montgomery, mineral analysis for 239 water supply at 169 Mooseheart, boiler water anal- ysis for 307 water supply at 170 Morris, boiler water analysis for 304 log of well at 156-157 log of well near. ..." 155 mineral analysis for 238 water supply at 154-157 N Naperville, boiler water anal- ysis for 302 log of well at 147 mineral analysis for 237 temoerature of well water at 48,49,146 water supply at 146-147 New Richmond sandstone 192 Niagaran limestone, hydrogen sulphide in waters from . . . 40-42 analysis of water from. 96 See also local discussions under Lake, McHenry, Kane, Cook, DuPage, Ken- dall, Will, and Kankakee counties. Norma, log of well at 125-126 North Crystal Lake, boiler water analyses for 317 mineral analyses for 246 water supply at 210-211 O Oglesby, log of well at 199 water supply at 198-199 Open wells 50-51 Oswego, boiler water analysis for 309 water supply at 178-179 Ottawa, boiler water analyses for 314-315 log of well at 199-200 mineral analysis for 243 temperatures of deep well waters at 46 water supply at 199-201 Outwash deposits 28 index — continued 325 P PAGE Palatine, water supply at 128-129 Palos, water supply at 105 Park Ridge, boiler water anal- yses for 297 high static head at 94 log of well at 127 water supply at 126-127 Pecatonica, mineral analysis for 249 water supply at 227 Pennsylvanian system, see un- der local discussions for LaSalle, Grundy, Will, and Kankakee counties. Peotone, mineral analysis for. . 248 water supply at 223 Peru, boiler water analyses for 315-316 log of well at 202 mineral analyses for 243 water supply at 201-202 Peddicord well near Marseilles, log of 196-197 Plainfield, mineral analysis for 248 water supply at 223-224 Piano, log of well at 179 water supply at 179 "Potsdam" group 84 chemical character of waters of 98-102 static head of 95 waters from 85-86, 89-90, 131 See also under local dis- cussions for each county. Prairie du Chien group, see un- der local discussions for each county. Proviso, boiler water analysis for 297-298 log of well at 116-117 mineral analysis for 236 pumping tests on wells at. . .118, 119 temperatures of deep well waters at 120 water supply at 116-120 Pumpage, effect of on chemical character of water 39-40 Pumping, costs of 73-75,91,93 methods of 69-72, 91, 93 Pumping tests on Chicago & Northwestern Railway Com- pany's wells at Proviso. . .118, 119 R Ransom, mineral analysis for. . 243 water supply at 203' Ravinia Park, boiler water an- alysis for 311 temperature of deep well waters at 46 water supply at 187 PAGE Recession of static head 36 See also under local dis- cussions for each county. Reddick, mineral analysis for 241 water supply at 176-177 Ringwood, water supply at.... 211 Riverdale, boiler water anal- ysis for 298 mineral analysis for 236 static head at 95 water supply at 104-105 River Forest, boiler water an- alysis for 299 sulphur in waters from 42 temperature of deep well waters at 46 water supply at 120-121 Riverside, boiler water an- alysis for 299 water supply at 120-123 Rockdale, boiler water analyses for 3i9 mineral analysis for 249 water supply at 224 Rockford, boiler water analyses for 319 log of well at 228 mineral analysis for 249 pumping equipment of.. .70,73-74 water supply at 227-232 Rondout, water supply at 187-188 S "Sag'', the 82 St. Charles, boiler water an- alyses for 307 mineral analyses for 240 water supply at 170-171 St. Lawrence formation 84 St. Peter sandstone, see under local discussions for each county. Sandwich, log of well at 135 water supply at 135 Savage, T. E., assistance of . . . 20 Sheridan, water supply at 203 Size of wells, relation of to yield 75-76,90 Somonauk, log of well at 136 water supply at. 135 South Chicago Heights, boiler water analysis for 292 Specifications for wells. . . .55-56, 59-69 Springs 23 "Standard rig", use of 51 State Water Survey, assistance of 20 Static head 31-37 See also under local dis- cussions for each county. Steger, mineral analysis for... 249 water supply at 224 326 index — concluded PAGK Stock Yards district, depth of wells in 53 recession of static head at. . . 94 size of wells in 90 Stream deposits 28-29 Streator, boiler water analyses for 316 log of well at 204-205 mineral analyses for 243-244 temperatures of deep well waters at 46, 204 water supply at 203-205 Summit, boiler water analyses for 299 divide near 29 log of well at 123 temperature of deep well waters at 46 water supply at 123 Surface deposits, effect o n ground-water level of 22 Sycamore, boiler water anal- yses for 300 log of well at 136-137 temperature of deep well water at . . 46, 137 water supply at 136-137 T Temperature of invariable stra- tum 44 Temperatures of well waters.. 42-50 from great depths in Chicago 45 outside Chicago 46 See also under local discus- sions for each county. from shallow depths in Chi- cago 46 outside Chicago 48 See also under local dis- cussions for each county. methods of measurement of 42 Terminal moraines 26-27 Tinley Park, water supply at. . 108 Topography, effect of on ground-water level 22 Turbine pump, see Impeller pump. U Ulrich, E. O., assistance of.... 20 Underground waters, sources of 20 Utica, mineral analyses for.. 245 water supply at 205 V Valparaiso moraine, distribu- tion of. .26-27, 82, 107, 108, 127, 213 PAGE waters of 85 Virgil, water supply at 171 W Walker well near Mazon, log of 153 Water table 21 Waukegan, boiler water anal- yses for 311 temperatures of well waters at 48,188 water supply at 188 Wedron, mineral analysis for 245 temperature of shallow well water at 48 water supply at 205 Weiland, H. J., work of 18, 40, 93 Wells, casing of 54, 90 dug or open 50-51 size of 54-90 specifications for. ...... 55-56, 59-69 varieties of ~ 50-52 West Chicago, boiler water an- alyses for 302-303 log of well at 148 mineral analysis for 237 temperatures of well waters at 46, 48, 49 water supply at 147-148 Western Springs, water supply at 124 Wheaton, boiler water analysis for 303 temperatures of well waters at 48, 49 water supply at 148-149 Will County, waters of 212-225 Willow Springs, springs at... 108 Wilmington, water supply at. .224-225 Winnebago County, artesian waters of 225-232 Wisconsin Condensed Milk Company's well at Grays Lake, log of 182-183 Woodstock, boiler water an- alysis for 317 log of well at 211 mineral analysis for 246 water supply at 211-212 Y Yorkville, water supply at.... 179 Z Zion City, boiler water an- alyses for 311-312 log of well at Shiloh Park near 189 temperature of deep well waters at 46 water supply at 188-189 ■ H iiii n HI raraP 1 , ; Em w V ■wQaRJE ■■ wag ill HP ^■i