The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN /Report No. U6l r coo-2118-0013 June 2U, 1971 A GEOMETRICAL MODEL FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF INTERVAL COVERS R. S. Michalski JHE LIBRARY QBIHB NOV 9 1972 .UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBAWA-CHAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMP URBANA, ILLINOIS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University DIVERSITY OF IUINQ IS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161 — O-1096 p. 2- coo-2118-0013 Report No. k6l A GEOMETRICAL MODEL FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF INTERVAL COVERS by R. S. Michalski June 2k, 1971 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 This work was supported by Contract AT(ll-l)-21l8 with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to acknowledge his gratitude to Professor B. H. McCormick for the valuable discussions pertaining to this paper, his reading the manuscript and comments toward its improvement . The author wishes also to thank Mrs. Roberta Andre' for the accurate typing and Mr. Stanley Zundo for the excellent drawings. A GEOMETRICAL MODEL FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF INTERVAL COVERS R. S. Michalski Department of Computer Science University of Illinois ABSTRACT The paper presents a planar geometrical model of a discrete finite vector space E, called a generalized logical diagram (GLD), and then uses the GLD to interpret and illustrate different concepts and algorithms described in [l] (the concept of an interval complex, of a mapping f: E — - { [0 9 l] ,*}, of an interval cover of f, of the extension operation \j~ , algorithm G for star generation and algorithm »Q \ A for interval cover synthesis). In simple cases , the GLD can also be used for the direct (graphical) synthesis of interval covers using a simple rule for the recognition of interval complexes, given in the paper. 1. INTRODUCTION The interval generalization of switching theory described in [l] discussed a Boolean algebra of event sets in a discrete finite vector space E and mappings f from E into {[0,1],*}, where * represents an -unspecified value. The Boolean algebra and Boolean functions considered in switching theory are a special case of the above, in which E is a space of binary vectors and f maps E into the endpoints of the interval [0,l] and *. The basic problem investigated in [l] was how to find a minimal collection of multidimensional intervals, whose union covers a set F , defined as {e€E|f(e) >_ A}, where X is an assumed threshold value (0 _< A _< l), and does not cover any element of the set F ={e f « 1 ) 4 ^ p (. < A p f* 4 /^ z r / ^ 9 / i 5, ^ r, f(e)=l — 0{[0, l],*} (for a detailed explanation of the rules of the transformation see [l] ). K(f) is a cover of F against F The above expression, called a interval conjunctive normal expression of f is formed by applying de Morgan's laws to the equation F = F h. GENERALIZED LOGICAL DIAGRAM (GLD) AND A FUNCTION IMAGE T(f) A discrete-euclidean geometrical representation of the space E would be in the form of an n-dimensional 'grid' , spanned from the h ,h ,••• ,h points on axes X-^x^. . . ,x n , respectively. A mapping f could then be represented by assigning values f(e J ) to the nodes corresponding to vectors e j (fig. l). The above geometrical model of the space E is, however, not easily visualized when n > 3. We therefore introduce another representation, a planar one, which may be extended to any value of n. Let us divide an arbitrary rectangle into h h •••h rows and h v+l h v+2*" h n columns > where v is the maximal value for which h h • • «h _ X i € { °>l,...,h. ) , v < i _< n to the columns, according to the rules: 1. In the first step the rectangle is divided by horizontal lines into h 1 rows which, in order from top to bottom, are assigned values 0, 1, ..., h.j-1, respectively (values of the component x of vectors e <= E). In step i each row generated in step i-1 is divided into h. rows. The rows, in order from top to bottom, within each row generated in step i-1, are assigned values 0, 1, ..., h ± -l respectively (the values of the component x.). In toto, v steps are executed. 2. Steps v+1, v+2, . .., n are executed analogously to steps 1, 2, . .., v, "but now the rectangle is divided by vertical lines into co-Lumns and the columns are assigned values in order from left to right. The lines which divide the rectangle in step i, i€ {1,2,..., n} are called axes of the component x. ( axes of different components are graphically distinguished "by different thicknesses of. the lines ) . The diagram so obtained, is called a generalized logical diagram (GLD). Fig. 2. illustrates the GLD for n = k. A unique vector (x ,x_,...,x ) corresponds to each row in the GLD and a unique vector (x , ,x ,...,x ) corresponds to each column. The intersection of any row with any column is called a cell of the diagram. To be precise, we will assume that the cells do not include points belonging to any axis nor to the perimeter of the rectange. The obtained diagram comprises H = h h •••h cells (number of events in E). Each cell of the diagram represents a unique event e of E, determined by concatenating vectors (x^Xg,. . . .x^) and (x y+1 ,x ,. . . ,x ) which correspond to row and column respectively, such that their intersection is the given cell. Thus the GLD is a geometrical model of the space E. Cells of the GLD will also be denoted by e J and it will be clear from the context if e J denotes an event or a cell. If e^ denotes a cell e, then the index j = Y (e) will be called the number of the cell e. It can easily be verified that the numbers of the cells are dis- tributed in a GLD, in lexicographical order, i.e. from left to right and from top to bottom, as is shown for E(i|,3,4,2) in fig. 3. If E is the X J X 2 1 o . • • i i i i i i i 1 i I i i i ! 1 i 1 1 1 1 h 2 -l 1 1 • • ; i i I I i i i ! 1 ! • i i l i I h,-l | I l | 1 1 ! i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * I 1 1 II 1 I i i 1 II II : i i i i i i i i i ii i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 l 1 ! ! 1 : ; ! 1 1 1 1 — 1 ^ : • ! i i i i : i i i I i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h 2 -l l • • » h 4 -l i • • • h 4 -l 1 • • • h 4 ~l i • • • h 4 -l 1 2 h 3 -l i I n ig. 2. G ene •ral ize d Log ica 1 D iag ram r epr esenting E(h ,] V 1 .3.1 V x 4 X, 10 hi = 4 , h 2 ^3, h 3 = 4, h 4 = 2 Xj x 2 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 16 17 18 19 • • • • • • • • 1 1 2 2 1 2 • • • • • • • • 76 77 78 79 3 1 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 2 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 c 1 ) 1 l L 1 > l 5 x 4 x 3 Fig. 3. Distribution of cell numbers in the GLD for £(^,3,^,2) 11 E(3,4,2,2,4) X l X 2 ^- < \ s ^ N> N \ s \; s> 8: k\ \\\\\ s x? 1 \ A\ \ V s \ N \ i A X \ \ X \\ ^ X U 2 'yv. fX/j yLS. 3 X v N < V \ \ V S5 V s ! X 1 1 S A 1 2 Y/y /// v/y y/A vY, VA y//< 77/ y/A ///< i y/A //// ^ V7X //^ 3 1 c. 2 '/// % % A% y//, ^ y/y i y/A y/y '/// /// 3 l ( 2 3 < ) i 2 I 3 1 ( 2 ) 3 J L l 1 2 t 3 X 5 x 4 X 3 2 Fig. k. The GLD representation of X and If. Fig. 5. The GLD representation of X^ and xf 12 space of binary vectors, i.e. E(2,2,. . . ,2) , the GLD "becomes the logical diagram defined in [2]. The logical diagram of [2] is similar to a diagram for the solution of logical problems first constructed by Alan Marquand in l88l [3]*. The GLD can therefore be viewed as an extension of Marquand' s idea. It can easily be verified that an elementary literal X k € { 0,l,...,h -1} is represented in the GLD by a set of cells contained in the row generated in step 1 and assigned the value k. An elementary literal XV, i€ { 2,3,...,v }, k€ { ,1,2 ,. . . ,h. -1 } is represented by the union of cell sets comprising cells from the rows generated in step i and assigned the value k (fig. ^ ) . The literals XV, i = v+l,v+2,. . . ,n, k = 0,1, . . ,h.-l, are represented analogously (fig. 5). Because ■'<'- *£. (i 5 ) k =a. i a non-elementary literal 'X.' is represented by the union of cell sets corresponding to the elementary literals X a, 4 XT 1 * 1 ..., X. 1 . l l ' l Generally, the set-theoretic operations on any event sets (thus also on literals and intervals, i.e. products of literals) are equivalent l) 'Charts' of E. W. Veitch [k] , discovered or rediscovered in 1952, are diagrams of the same kind, constructed for simplifying switching function expressions. They have not become as popular as Karnaugh maps (in which rows and columns are ordered according to Grey's code instead of the natural binary code) because simple rules for detecting sets of cells corresponding to prime implicants were lacking. However, if such rules are formulated [6, see also section 5] and axes of different variables are distinguished by differing their thicknesses (as in the diagrams of [6,2] and in the GLD), the diagrams become highly useful for simplifying switching function expressions as well as for detecting switching function symmetry [2] and for converting normal Boolean expressions exclusive-or-polynomial expressions and vice versa [7]. Important properties of these diagrams are that all the rules remain the same for any number of variables and that the cell numbers have lexicographical order (which Karnaugh's maps do not have). 13 >- .3 "5 12 1 3 2 L 2 =X 1 X 2 X 5 denotes L l r\L 2 Fig. 6 . An intersection of interval complexes 13 10 2 Li=X 2 X, X, 1 1 3 L 2 =X, X, denotes LjwL 2 Fig. 7 . A union of interval complexes Ik 12 1 12100 L = X t X 3 L=X,X 3 =X,vX J denotes L Fig. 8. Complement of an interval complex 15 to the set-theoretic operations on the cell sets representing them. For convenience, we will preserve the same notation for intervals and the cell sets which represent them. However, to distinguish the intervals from their geometrical equivalents we will call the latter interval complexes . Fig. 6, 7 and 8 give examples of an intersection, a union and a complement of interval complexes, respectively. To represent a mapping f: E — -{ [ 0,1 ]»*}, for each event e € E, the value f(e) is assigned to the cell representing e. The set of cells of the GLD with their assigned values is called a function image of f and denoted by T(f). The function image T(f) which corresponds to the 'grid' representation of f in fig. 1, is shown in fig. 9. A cover D(f|X) of a mapping f under X can be represented by marking in T(f) the interval complexes corresponding to the intervals of the cover. Using T(f), we can in simple cases (when the GLD is not too large) visually determine a cover D(f|x). First, the set F^ of cells with values f(e), < f(e) < 1, is partitioned into the sets F^ = { e|A _< f(e) 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 > 3 1 2 5 3 X X Fig. 9. T(f) of the mapping f from Fig. 1. The empty cells have value * 17 (in terms of the number of intervals) to the minimal cover. The minimal, or approximately minimal cover with an estimate of the maximal possible Q distance to the minimum can be found by applying the algorithm A (see section T)» 5. RECOGNITION OF INTERVAL COMPLEXES IN THE GLD The synthesis of a minimal interval cover is computationally a very complex problem, particularly if the number of dimensions n and the number of distinct values for each dimension h. , are not small numbers, 1' e.g. n >_ 8 and h. >_ k. Therefore, the synthesis of interval covers normally has to be performed by a computer. However, for checking the results and understanding the synthesis algorithms, a geometrical representation of a mapping f by a function image T(f) and of its interval cover, provided by the GLD, is very useful. Also, in simple cases, the image T(f) can be directly used for (graphical) synthesis of an interval cover. This can be simplified by having rules for easy recognition of interval complexes in the GLD. In order to formulate such rules, we shall first define some simple geometrical objects in the GLD. A set of cells included in one row (column) or in two or more adjacent rows (columns) generated in step i = l,2,...,v (i = v+l,v+2,. . . ,n) and, if i ^ 1 (i 4 v+l) , contained in a single row (column) generated in step i-1, is called a regular row ( regular column ) ( The intersection of any regular row and any regular column is called a regular rectangle (fig. ll) . 18 Fig. 10, A ,A - regular rows, A ^»A^ - regular columns B 1 - not a regular row, B 2 - not a regular column Fig. 11. A ,A 2 ,...,A - regular rectangles B, ,B ,B_,Bi - not regular rectangles 19 Regular rectangles which can be made to cover each other by translation are called identical . Let E be a set of cells. The minimal-under- in elusion regular rectangle which includes E (i.e. the regular rectangle contained in every other regular rectangle which includes E), is called a covering rectangle for E and is denoted by R(E) (fig. 12). Let R and R 9 be identical regular rectangles containing event sets E and E , respectively. E is said to have the same placement in R, as E in R , if, when R and R are superimposed E and E cover each other. E and E having the same placement in R and R respectively, can be expressed by: E = R 1 A L and E g = R 2 C\ L (l6) where L is an interval complex, called an interval complex addressing E in R (notation: L(E ,R ) ) , or E in R (L(E ,R )). For example, in fig. 13 the set E has the same placement in R.. as E in R_ and we have: R 1 L = L(E 1 ,R 1 ) r^ e A v 1 l 1 ? e i = x i x 2 x 3 x u x ; j . 1 2 E = X Xp X„ Xi X R 2 L = L(E 2 ,R 2 ) Now we will formulate a theorem which gives a rule for recognizing interval complexes in the GLD. Let E n ,E_,...,E. be some event sets. 12 k Theorem 1: The union E v E_ v . . . \j E, is an interval complex, if E-,E_,...,E. 12 K r 1 12k are interval complexes and the covering rectangle R(E ^ E v . ,.^E ) can 20 R(E 2 ) Xj x 2 Fig. 12. Event sets E. and their covering rectangles mE .) , i = 1,2,..,, 5 R(EiWE 2 ) R(E,) R(E 4 ) Fig. 13. E^ E 2 ,E ,E, ,E are interval complexes (Theorem l) 21 be partitioned into k identical regular rectangles R,R ,...,! in which E ,E ,...,E have the same placement, respectively. J- c. K. Proof If E. ,E^,...,E, are interval complexes and have the same 1' 2' ' k placement in R ,R ,,,,,R , respectively then we have: E ± = R 1 AL, E 2 = R 2 AL, ..., E k = R^L where : L = LfE^I^) = L(E 2 ,R 2 )= ... = L(E fc ,R k ) k i=l \^J E = (R a L) yj (RgA L)u o..v; (Rj^aL) = L f\(R \JR \J... UR k ) i=l But (R v R g v ...ur ) is the covering rectangle R(E \J E v ...^E ), therefore k 1 I E. = LAR(E n W E V ...WE ) ^- / i 12 n i=l The intersection of interval complexes is also an interval complex, thus v_y E. is an interval complex. Q.E.D. i=l x Theorem 1 is illustrated in fig. 13. 6. THE EXTENSION OPERATION ^r AND A STAR G(e|x) An important concept introduced in [l] is that of the extension operation w~ on event sets. Here we will give the GLD interpretation of this operation. Recall from [l] that {E ,E , . . . } W denotes the union of event sets E iS i = 1,2,... and ViTthe set of all maximal (under inclusion) intervals contained in E: 22 {E ,E ,...) U ={J\ (IT) i U }/~T = {L Jl.^E andjl/ £E,L C i/.} (l8) j J i J J J Let E and E be event sets. The extension operation \T on E relative to E (or the interval extension of E in E ) is defined: E^ E 2 = {L \L.Q E 2 and L.A E 1 4 ty? (19) Clearly, E vE C E (if E^ E g = <|) , E X ^E 2 = (|)). If in (19) the set. {L.} includes only maximal (under inclusion) J intervals which are contained in E and have a non-empty intersection with E , the union {L.} will he the same. Therefore, we have the equivalent definition: E 2 yE 2 =/Y (20) where A = {L . I L . X>...WX°" . (27) k 1 2 n 1 2 n 0- and then the X. are expressed as: X.' = X- v ' X.' (28) ill By applying the distribution property of Vover ^([l]) and the rule (22), each ({e}w~{e }) in (26) is transformed into a sum of literals, denoted by S, . Then, by multiplying the S by each other and K. K. applying the absorption laws: L(L wL v l \j •••) = L (29) LU(LLL.---)*L (30) (where L,L ,K , ••• are any literals or products of literals), the G (e|A) is expressed as the irredundant sum of intervals: G V (e|A) = L^yy (31) The star G(elx) is then: G(e|x) = {L.}, J = 1,2,... (32) J Example 1 Generate the star G(e|x) of the event e = e € E(3,3,3,3) if F °* = {e )5 = {e 2\ e 3T ;e W 5e 67 je 75 K k=l 26 E(3, 3,3,3) '1 A 2 / 1 2 3 4 5/6 7/8 U denotes G (e X i S9 Fig. 16. The star G(e X) of event e = e (Example l) 27 From the GLD for E(3,3,3,3) the products of literals corres- ponding to the events e and e , k = 1,2,. ..,5, are determined, and then the sums S. are formed: k {e 39 } = X* X l Xl Xj. u x ) = x» X 2 X 2 ^ X U 9 S l = {e}\y{e~} = ! x 2 v °x 2 {e 2 } = xi X 2 x° X 1 x l+ 9 S 2 = ' fel^-fe^} = *X* V x° {e 3 } = 4 X 2 x l X J 9 S 3 = ' {e}v/-{e^} = °xi v °xj {e u } = x i X 1 x 2 Y 1 X 3 x i 9 S ^ = {e}w~{e,} = °xi w xj {e 5 } = x i Y 2 x 2 X 1 X 3 x £ 9 S 5 = ' {e}^-{e^} = °X1 v °X 2 According to 5 (26): G V (e|A) =0 S k = ( 1 x2wO x l)(l x 2 v; X ) ( X 1 w Xj L ) ( X 1 w X 0)(0 X 1 W X 1 ) ^ k=l After multiplication with the use of the rule: r °x b i V' V 2 \ X 2 =< * 9 if ^ = I 2 , if i 1 = i g i and a _< b i and a > b ^ 1 2 ' (3U) where a = max(a ,a ) and b = min(b ,b ) , and the absorption laws we have : 5 ■\) (e|X) = U L. (35: j=l 28 where L x = X^ X l , L 2 = X 1 X 1 X l } ^ = X l 1 X 2 X 1 h = X 1 X 1 1 X 2 X 1 9 ^ = X l X f ^ = X 1 X Thus the star G(e|x) - {L.} (see fig. 16). Algorithm G was developed for the machine synthesis of interval covers. The most tedious part of the algorithm, the transformation from G w (e|A) = (S S •••) to (31) (in the example above from (33) to (35)), can be simplified by using the special rules described in [8], When n and. h. are small, a star G(e|x) usually consists of only a few elements and therefore can be determined graphically without using the algorithm, simply by visual inspection of the function image T(f). 7. GRAPHICAL SYNTHESIS OF QUASI-MINIMAL INTERVAL COVERS Paper [l] described an adaptation of the algorithm A [9] (which provides a solution for the general covering problem) to the synthesis of quasi-minimal interval covers. From now on we will denote interval adaptations of A q by A q -INTERCOVER or, briefly, by A Q . Q In this section we will geometrically describe a version of A , using the GLD and will give examples of the graphical synthesis of interval covers. The version described here differs slightly from the one in [l] in that we assume the criterion of cover minimality be not only the number of intervals (as in [l]), but also, with secondary priority, the number of literals, 29 Q The flow-diagram of our version of A is given in fig. IT. Input to the algorithm is a function image T(f) and an assumed value A. The output is a quasi-minimal interval cover M (f|A) (equa3 to the last value of the variable M ) , and parameters A and 6 which estimate the maximal possible difference between the number of intervals and literals, respectively, in the cover M (f|\) and in the minimal cover M(f | A) : c(M q (f|A)) - c(M(f|A)) _< A (36) z(M q (f|A)) - z(M(f|A)) _<<5 (37) By c(M), z(M) is denoted the number of intervals and number of literals respectively^ in the cover M. := denotes the assignment statement, F is auxiliary variable, whose initial value is the set F 1A defined by (8), OCF^e..) denotes the operation of choosing the cell with the smallest number from the set specified by the current value of F and naming it e , L is an interval complex in G(e n |AJ, called a quasi- extremal, which covers the maximum number of events from the current set F (in flow-diagram F designates 1A a variable whose initial value is the set F given by (8) and following values are the sets which remain to, be covered after each step of the algorithm , similarly F* is also a variable whose values are sets; its initial value is given by (7)), 30 Input Data T(f),X I Determine T(f ) I F P : = F 1X , M q : = 0; A: = 6: = v 0(F P ; ei ) I Generate G(e | A) 1 Determine L and 6 = z(L q ) - o - z(L m ) I M q : = M q U{L q }, F 1X : = F 1X \L q F P : = F P \G U (e 1 |A), F : = F u L q 0(F 1A ; e x ) I M q (f A): = M q Generate G(e 1 |A) and Determine L q I (END ) M q : = M q u{ L q k F 1A : = F 1A \L q * * F : = F U L H , A: = A+l, 6: = 6 + z(l' Fig. 17. Algorithm A^ (a graphical version) 31 L is an interval complex in G(e |x) which has the minimum number of literals , ztL^) ,z(L m ) are numbers of literals in L q and L , respectively, iVr- is the variable which stores the set of determined quasi- extremals. Its final value is called a quasi -minimal cover of f X and denoted by M q (f|x). The algorithm consists of 2 parts. Part I. After T(f \ is determined, stars G(elx) are successively generated for events which have the smallest number in the current set F , and L ,L and 6 = z(L ) - z(L ) are found for each star. If a star contains more than one L , the one with the smaller number of literals is preferable. Since F .in each. step includes only those events from F which were not covered by an interval complex from any star generated in previous steps (due to the operation F P r = F \G^(e| X) ) , any two stars are disjoint, i.e. they have no common interval complexes. Part I is terminated when F P = and therefore the family of stars which were generated (we will denote this family by G ) is a maximal under inclusion family of disjoint stars (i.e. there does not exist an e € F such that G(e|x) 3 i 2 3 x 4 X 3 M q (f|A) = {h 1% L 2 ) A = 8 = Fig. 21. Cover M q (f|x) for example 3 37 Find the minimal set of features , in the form of intervals in E(k 9 k t k 9 h) 9 which permit classification of any event from F \j F into the set F or F Fig. 21 shows the function image T(f ) defined by F and F and the cover M (f|x) found by realizing the algorithm A . First the Ul /• ■ i star for e was generated (L ,L and L in fig. 21 are 3 of 5 elements of G(e "|x)), a second star was generated for e (L ,L are 2 of 5 elements of (e 13 °|x). Since A = 6 = 0, M q (f|x) = M(f|x). Figo 20 b shows the intervals L and L of M (f|x) as features for distinguishing events from F and F . The cover M (f|x) partitions all events of H(k 9 k 9 k 9 h) into class F of events which are covered by L U L , and class F of events which are not covered by L U L . Clearly, F £F and F $ F . Thus, the events previously unspecified (events * *1 1 IX *0 * *1 of F ) are now included in either the set F =F\F or F =F\F . *1 Assuming that events e6F are classified as events of class 1 and events *0 10 e€F as events of class 0, the sets F and F can be viewed as generalized sample sets F and F . To illustrate the above generalization, samples of *1 *0 / events from sets F and F were shown in fig. 20c. (In fig. 21 these events are marked by *1 and *0, respectively.) 38 ■8. CONCLUSION The GLD model of the space E is a useful visual aid for geometrically representing mappings f and their interval covers , and for interpreting algorithms for interval covering synthesis. It has proved to be particularly useful for developing and verifying computer implementations of algorithm A [8]. If the number n of dimensions of E and the values h. are i small, e.g. n _< 6, h. _ Date June 2k 9 1971 FOR AEC USE ONLY l\EC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION IECOMMENDATION: Latent clearance: I j □ a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. I LJ b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. i LJ c. Patent clearance not required. 1 '■; *•>■