387 .in 333x36 e* 2<7 ENGINEERING LIBRARY W 77 UNIV. ITY OF ILLINOIS 7// URBANA. ILLINOIS .^OAM^ » THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. Port Series No.20 Revised 1970/1977 DEPOSITORY 3*1978 UNIV. Or ILL. LionARY WITHDRAWN University of Illinois Library at U rfca n a -C h arr pa ig n CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY ! The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY PORT SERIES NO. 20 REVISED 1970/1977 THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA PREPARED BY THE BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1977 For sale by The Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors , Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, VA. 22060 Price CONTENTS PAGE NO. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS : Location and General Description 1 Harbor and Channel Improvements by the United States 4 Harbor and Channel Improvements by Local Interests 11 Anchorages 12 Bridges and Tunnels 13 Vehicular Ferries 15 Weather Conditions 15 PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES : Piers , Wharves , and Docks 25 Oil Handling and Oil Bunkering 127 Bulk Liquid Storage 129 Grain Elevators „ 130 Open Storage „ 133 Warehouses 134 Hoisting Facilities - Ashore and Afloat 142 Marine Repair Plants 143 Drydocks, Marine Railways, & Vertical Boat Lifts.. 149 Floating Equipment 155 Rail Lines 158 ILLUSTRATIONS : Selected Views of Waterfront Facilities 18-24 INDEX OF PIERS , WHARVES , AND DOCKS 159 INDEX OF STORAGE WAREHOUSES . . 161 LIST OF TABLES : General Cargo 27 Piers , Wharves , and Docks 28 Purpose for which used 26A Oil Handling and Oil Bunkering 127 Bulk Liquid Storage 129 Grain Elevators 131 Open Storage 133 Warehouses „ 135 Hoisting Facilities - Ashore „ 142 Hoisting Facilities - Afloat „ 144 Marine Repair Plants 145 Drydocks, Marine Railways, & Vertical Boat Lift... 150 Floating Equipment , . . . . 156 IV LIST OF CURRENT REPORTS PORT G.I SERIES SAI NO. PR] 1 The Ports of Portland and Searsport, Maine, and Portsmouth, N.H., 1976 $3 3 The Port of Boston, Mass., 1967 1 4 The Ports of Southern New England, 1976 (Providence, R.I.; Fall River, Mass.; New London, New Haven, and Bridgeport, Conn . ) 4 , ) 5 The Port of New York, N.Y. and N.J., 1977 7 The Ports of Philadelphia, Pa.; Camden and Gloucester City, N.J., 1967 1,1 8 The Port of Wilmington, Del.; and Ports on the Delaware River below and above Philade lphia , Pa . , 1966 v 10 The Port of Baltimore, Md., 1966 > 11 The Ports of Hampton Roads, Va., 1971 (Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Newport News, and Hampton) 4,j 12 The Ports of Wilmington and Morehead City, N.C. , 1970 2.) 13 The Ports of Charleston and Georgetown, S.C., 1970 14 The Ports of Savannah and Brunswick, Ga., 1972 1.) 15 The Port of Jacksonville, Fla., 1969 l.j 16 The Ports of Miami, Port Everglades, and Palm Beach, Fla., 1972 2.) 17 The Port of Tampa, Fla., 1967 18 The Port of Mobile , Ala. , 1970 . 2 . ) 19 The Ports of Panama City and Pensacola, Fla., and Pascagoula, Miss., 1969 2 ) 20 The Port of New Orleans, La., 1970-1977 21 The Ports of Baton Rouge and Lake Charles, La., 1969 1.) 22 The Ports of Port Arthur, Beaumont, and Orange, Tex., 1969 21 23 The Ports of Galveston and Texas City, Tex., 1969.... 3.5 24 The Port of Houston, Tex., 1971 3.3 25 The Port of Corpus Christi, Tex., 1968 2.5 26 The Ports of Freeport, Port Isabel, and Brownsville, Tex., 1969 . 2. ) 27 The Port of San Diego, Calif., 1968 l| 28 The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, Calif., 1967 30 The Ports of San Francisco and Redwood City, Calif., 1974 2.5 31 The Ports of Oakland, Alameda, Richmond, and Vallejo, and Ports on Carquinez Strait, Calif., 1974 4.3 32 The Ports of Sacramento, Stockton, Pittsburg, and Antioch, Calif., 1975 3 5 33 The Ports of Coos Bay and Astoria, Oreg.; and Longview and Vancouver, Wash., and Ports on the Columbia River, 1975 3 5 34 The Port of Portland, Oreg., 1974 2.5 35 The Ports of Tacoma, Grays Harbor, and Olympia, Wash., 1975 3.1 36 The Port of Seattle, Wash., 1975 3 tj 37 The Ports of Port Angeles, Port Townsend, Everett, Anacortes, and Bellingham, Wash. , 1975 4 3 38 The Ports of Anchorage, Nikiski, Whittier, Seward, Valdez, and Ketchikan, Alaska, 1976 41 The Port of Buffalo, N.Y., 1971 2 5 42 United States Ports on Lake Erie, 1970 (Erie, Pa.; and Conneaut, Ashtabula, Fairport Harbor, Lorain, Huron, and Sandusky, Ohio) 4.0 43 The Port of Cleveland, Ohio, 1970.... „ 21 44 The Port of Toledo, Ohio, 1972 11 45 The Port of Detroit and Ports on the Saginaw River, Mich., 1972 3.0 46 The Port of Chicago, 111., 1975 3 47 The Port of Milwaukee, 1973 48 Ports of Lake Michigan, 1973 (Green Bay and Manitowoc, Wis.; Muskegon and Escanaba, Mich.; and Indiana Harbor and Burns Waterway Harbor, Ind.) '• 49 The Ports of Duluth, Minn., and Superior, Wis., Taconite Harbor, Silver Bay, and Two Harbors, Minn., and Ashland, Wis., 1974 2 5 50 The Ports of Hawaii (Honolulu, Hilo, Kawaihae, Kahului, Nawiliwill, and Port Allen) , 1969 4 5 *Stock exhausted. NOTE: Cop !■'. "I the Port Serial nay be obtained by ordering directly from the Lvara and Harbors, Kingman Building, Fort Belvolr, 22060, ■" i'ii..-. quoted under O.P.,0. sales price. Check or money ihould ba made p/iynble to Chi '.'i|.crintendent of Documents. Sp<-' Lfjf Catalog No. D L03.8: Port Series No. Payment is required in advance. V INTRODUCTION This report on the Port of New Orleans, Louisiana, is uiblished as No. 20 of the Port Series. It supersedes a similar report revised in 1970. The reports in the Port Series cover the principal Inited States coastal and Great Lakes ports, and are com- )iled and published by the Port Facilities Division, Board >f Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, Corps of Engineers, f. S. Army, Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060, mder authority of Section 7 of the River and Harbor Act of uly 19, 1918, Section 500 of the Transportation Act of 'ebruary 28, 1920, and Section 8 of the Merchant Marine Act f 1920. Acknowledgement is made of the valuable assistance iven by the District Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer Dis- rict, New Orleans, Louisiana; facility operators; port rganizations ; shipping and transportation companies; and ity officials in the work of compiling data for this re- ort. The basic information contained in this report is the esult of data collected prior to 1970; however, included re major revisions resulting from a small-scale field sur- ey conducted in April 1977. THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS LOCATION AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Port of New Orleans is located on both banks of the Mississippi River in the southeastern part of the State of Louisiana. The lower limit of the port is approximately 81 miles above Head of Passes. The upper limits on the left and right descending banks are 104 and 115 miles , respec- tively, above Head of Passes. The distance from the Head of Passes to the Gulf of Mexico is 20 miles via Southwest Pass and 13 miles via South Pass. In general, with the exception of the small community of Algiers on the opposite bank of the river, the city of New Orleans is bounded on the south by the Mississippi River. Lake Pontchartrain and the Rigo- lets, a connecting link between Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Borgne, are the northern boundary. The Inner Harbor Naviga- tion (Industrial) Canal in the city of New Orleans connects the Mississippi River with Lake Pontchartrain, the Mississip- pi River-Gulf Outlet and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway east of New Orleans . Limits of the port encompass all of the parish of Or- leans and the river frontage of the parishes of Jefferson and St. Bernard. This includes the towns and communities of Kenner, Harahan, Southport, Arabi, Chalmette, Meraux, and Violet on the left bank; and Avondale, Bridge City, Westwego, Marrero, Harvey, Gretna, and Algiers on the right bank. The frontage for deepwater vessels within the port limits in- cludes approximately 57 miles along the riverbanks , 11 miles on the Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal, and ap- proximately 78 miles on the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet. Other frontages, east of the Mississippi River, include: about 13 miles along Lake Borgne Canal-Bayou Dupre Waterway; 34 miles along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (Rigolets-New Orleans Cut); 3.8 miles on Michoud Canal; 5 miles on Bayou Sauvage; 14 miles on Chef Menteur Pass; 10 miles on the south bank of the Rigolets; and approximately 70 miles of water- front on the shores of Lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne and connecting waterways. Frontages west of the Mississippi River include: 10.25 miles along Harvey Canal; 2 miles on Hero Cutoff; 2 miles on Bayou Barataria; 17 miles along Algiers Canal (Algiers Alternate Route-Gulf Intracoastal THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. Waterway); and 1.25 miles on the Company Canal and Bayou Segnette. The Mississippi River has a clear and unobstructed channel from New Orleans to Head of Passes where the river divides into 3 main passes: Southwest Pass, South Pass, and Pass a Loutre, 2 of which, Southwest and South Passes, are improved under the existing navigation project. The dis- tances from Head of Passes to the mouths of Southwest and South Passes are 20.1 miles and 13.5 miles, respectively. The mouth of South Pass is 18.5 miles northeast of the mouth of Southwest Pass. From the foot of Canal Street and via the Southwest Pass, the Port of New Orleans is 261 nautical miles west of Mobile, Alabama, and 437 nautical miles east of Gal- veston, Texas. Between Head of Passes and the port limits of New Or- leans are the lock entrances to 2 canals, providing passage- ways for luggers, fishing boats, and small barges; one at Ostrica on the left bank connecting with Breton Sound and the Gulf through Quarantine and California Bays, and one at Empire on the right bank connecting with Adams Bay and Empire Waterway to the gulf. The Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal is owned by the State of Louisiana, and the portion between Lake Pontchartrain and the junction with the Intracoastal Waterway is operated by the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. The portion of this canal between the Intracoastal Waterway and the Mississippi River, including the lock and 2 bridges, is operated by the U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers. A third bridge in this reach is operated by the Louisiana State Department of Highways. The canal extends from the Mississippi River at a point 2.5 miles below the foot of Canal Street, across the city to Lake Pontchartrain, a dis- tance of 5.5 miles. A lock is located 2,000 feet from the river end and operated, toll free, on a 24-hour basis. A turning basin, 1,000 feet square by 30 feet deep, is 1.5 miles from the river and immediately south of the Florida Avenue Bridge. Three thousand feet above the Florida Avenue Bridge, the Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal bends to the left approximately 28 degrees. Curving off to the right PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS from this bend is the route of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway coinciding with the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet. The route of the Intracoastal Waterway eliminates the hazards of navi- gating the open water of Lake Pont char train during storms and the inconvenience and dangers of passing through 5 additional bridges on the Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal. The first 3 bridges from the river or lock end of the canal have to be passed before the turnoff is reached. The Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet provides shipping in- terests with a 36- by 500-foot channel for a distance of 75 miles from the Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal to the 38 -foot contour in the Gulf of Mexico. The seaway tra- verses the Gulf Intracoastal route from the junction of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway with the Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal to Michoud, thence through a land cut adjacent to Lake Borgne and Chandeleur Sound to the 38 -foot contour in the Gulf of Mexico. Access to and from the Mis- sissippi River is provided by means of the Inner Harbor Navi- gation (Industrial) Canal Lock. Planning in connection with construction of a new lock and connecting link between the Mississippi River and Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet at Violet, Louisiana, is in progress. The seaway is crossed by a fixed bridge at Paris Road. Bayou Dupre empties into the southwestern end of Lake Borgne at Martello Castle and provides a connection with Lake Borgne Canal, which extends to a dead end at Violet on the Mississippi River. The Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (Rigolets-New Orleans Cut) extends from Lake Borgne at the mouth of the Rigolets through the eastern part of New Orleans to the Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal. Michoud Canal extends about 1.5 miles northward from the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, 1.25 miles northeast of the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet turnoff. Bayou Sauvage is a natural waterway leading about 2 . 5 miles westward from Chef Menteur Pass about 0.3 mile north- westward of the highway bridge. THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. Chef Menteur Pass is a natural, 7 .5 -mile -long waterway- connecting Lake Pontchartrain with Lake Borgne . The Rigolets is a natural, 11-mile-long waterway con- necting Lake Pontchartrain with Lake Borgne. Harvey Canal No. 1 is about 5.5 miles long and has its beginning at the town of Harvey on the southwest bank of the Mississippi River and extends southerly to Bayou Barataria. It is the eastern terminus of the Louisiana-Texas section of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. The Harvey Lock is located at the river entrance to the canal. Hero Cutoff is a short link of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway connecting Harvey Canal No. 1 with the Algiers Al- ternate Route . Bayou Barataria forms the link of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway between Hero Cutoff and Lafitte, Louisiana. The Algiers Alternate Route of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway provides for a channel 12 feet deep and 125 feet wide. It leaves the Mississippi River at mile 88.0 above Head of Passes or about 10 miles downstream from Harvey Lock and traverses a land cut in a southwesterly direction for a distance of 9.8 miles to intersect with Bayou Barataria, a part of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway System, at mile 6.8 west of Harvey Lock. Access to and from the Mississippi River is provided by means of the Algiers Lock. The Bayou Segnette Waterway forms a navigable connec- tion between Westwego and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. HARBOR AND CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS BY THE UNITED STATES The existing project, "Mississippi River, Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico, La.," authorized by the River and Harbor Acts of 2 March 1945 and 23 October 1963, provides for the following channel dimensions: a. Between a line one-tenth mile below Louisiana iway Commission Bridge at Baton Rouge 128.6 miles to up- per port limits of New Orleans, 40 feet deep (mean low water) by 500 feet wide; PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS b. Through the Port of New Orleans, a distance of 17.2 miles, a 40-foot deep (mean low water) by 500-foot wide channel within a channel, 35 feet deep (mean low water) by 1,500 feet wide, measured from a line generally 100 feet from the face of the left bank wharves; c. From lower limits of Port of New Orleans 86.7 miles to Head of Passes, a channel 40 feet deep (mean low Gulf) by 1,000 feet wide; d. Southwest Pass, 20.1 miles from Head of Passes to outer ends of jetties, 40 feet deep (mean low gulf) by 800 feet wide; e. Southwest Pass bar, 40 feet deep (mean low gulf) by 600 feet wide; f. South Pass from Head of Passes to outer ends of jetties, 13.5 miles, 30 feet deep (mean low gulf) by 450 feet wide; and g. South Pass bar, 30 feet deep (mean low gulf) by 600 feet wide. General plan of improvment of Southwest Pass provides for contracting pass to uniform cross section with about 1,420-foot surface width by means of jetties, spur dikes, and bulkheads ; for channel improvement by dredging and re- taining dredged material between dikes, bulkheads, and jet- ties; for dredging a channel through outer bar inclining to left of jetty axis; for construction of small revetted open- ings through narrow portions of banks of pass for purpose of strengthening these banks; for closure of minor outlets not required for maintenance of banks; for construction of sills to prevent enlargement of The Jump and Cubits Gap; for dredging to elevation minus 40 feet in river at Head of Passes; for construction of a sill across Pass a Loutre and bank revetment at Head of Passes; for construction of dikes with a view to reducing width of river above Head of Passes; for construction of a submerged deflecting dike above Head of Passes; and for other minor work. East jetty is about 20,200 feet long; west jetty is about 17,200 feet long. Jetties are composed of a substructure of brush mattresses, originally built to about elevation of mean low water, sur- THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. mounted with a superstructure of buttressed concrete caps or large stone. Spur dikes are curtain pile structures. General plan of improvement of South Pass provides for construction of jetties and spur dikes and maintenance of the jetties; for dredging a channel 30 feet deep, and for seaward extension of east jetty at mouth of pass; removal of west dike and construction of crib dikes and bank revetment at Head of Passes; removal of false point at head of South Pass to bottom elevation of minus 45 feet and revetment of new bank line. East jetty is 8,400 feet long; west jetty is 4,800 feet long. Jetties are composed of a substructure of brush mattresses surmounted by a superstructure of stone or buttressed concrete caps. Crib dikes are composed of crib- work of round piling filled with willows and stone. The plane of reference is mean low gulf. The normal range of tide at the mouth of the Mississippi River is 1.0 foot; water surface variations due to storms are 2 to 6 feet, and hurricanes up to 14 feet. During low river discharge, tidal variations are 0.8 foot at New Orleans and 0.2 foot at Baton Rouge. Maximum stages from spring floods on the Missis' sippi River are 20 feet above mean sea level at New Orleans and 45 feet above mean sea level at Baton Rouge. In July 1971, a controlling depth of 40 feet was availa- ble from Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico via the Missis- sippi River and Southwest Pass. A controlling depth of 28 feet was available through South Pass. Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet The existing project, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 29 March 1956, provided for a seaway navigation canal connection between the Mississippi River at New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico as follows: a. A seaway canal, 36 feet deep and 500 feet wide, extending 66 miles as a land and water cut from Michoud southeasterly to and along south shore of Lake Borgne and a- cross Chandeleur Sound to Chandeleur Island. A channel 9.38 miles in length with a bottom width of 600 feet and a depth of 38 fee! to the JH-foot contour in the Gulf of Mexico, with protective jetties at north entrance to Chandeleur Sound; a PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS permanent retention dike through Chandeleur Sound; and a wing dike along islands as required; b. An inner tidewater harbor consisting of a 1,000- by 2, 000 -foot turning basin 36 feet deep at the land- ward end of the seaway canal, and construction of a suit- able highway bridge with approaches to carry Louisiana State Highway No. 47 over the channel; and c. The plan further provided for future construc- tion, when economically justified, of a channel and lock at Meraux to furnish an additional connection between tidewater harbor and the Mississippi River. The channel was opened to navigation 25 July 1963, and was completed 20 January 1968. The plane of reference is mean low gulf. In July 1971, a controlling depth of 36 feet was avail- able from the Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal (mile 66.0) to the sea end of the jetties (mile 20.0); 36 feet through Breton Sound (mile 0. ); and 38 feet to the end of the project (mile minus 9.38). Mississippi River -Gulf Outlet, Michoud Canal The existing project, authorized by the River and Har- bor Act of 13 August 1968, provides for the following work: A deep-draft navigation channel in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and Michoud Canal by enlarge- ment to a depth of 36 feet over a bottom width of 250 feet from the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet » channel to and including a turning basin 800 feet square at the north end of Michoud Canal. This project was completed on 12 November 1974. The plane of reference is mean low gulf. In October 1975, the controlling depth in the Gulf Intra- coastal Waterway section of the project from mile 14 to mile 15; as well as in the Michoud Canal from the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to the upper end of the canal was 36 feet. 8 THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway The existing project, authorized by the River and Har- bor Act of 24 July 1946 and prior acts , provides for the following work within the U. S. Army Engineer District, New Orleans, Louisiana: A waterway, 384.1 miles long, 12 feet deep, and 125 feet wide at mean low gulf from Lake Borgne Light No. 29 (formerly No. 41), near the mouth of the Rigo- lets to the Sabine River, Louisiana, and Texas, except in the section between Lake Borgne Light No. 29 and New Orleans (33.1 miles long via land cut through the marsh and the Industrial Canal) where a width of 150 feet is provided; an alternate route, 40.5 miles long, 9 feet deep by 100 feet wide, between Lake Borgne Light No. 29 and New Orleans (via the Rigolets, Lake Pontchartrain, and Industrial Canal) ; an alternate connection with the Mississippi River below Algiers approximately 9 miles long, 12 feet deep, and 125 feet wide with a lock (Algiers Lock) at the river end; an alternate route 12 feet deep and 125 feet wide from Morgan City, Louisiana, to Port Allen, Louisiana, via the East Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee Borrow Pit, Bayou Sorrel Lock, Lower Grand River, and Bayou Plaque- mine to Indian Village, thence via Bayou Grosse Tete and new land cut to the Mississippi River passing through a terminal lock in levee at Port Allen oppo- site Baton Rouge; a channel, 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide, from Indian Village via Bayou Plaquemine and Plaquemine Lock (lock was closed 29 September 1961) to the Mississippi River at Plaquemine, Louisiana; im- provement of Franklin Canal as a connecting channel from Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (mile 121) to Frank- lin, Louisiana, 8 feet deep by 60 feet wide, with its upper 300 feet having a width of 100 feet. The con- struction of a lock at Harvey, Louisiana (Harvey Lock); a salt water guard lock (Vermilion Lock) in the water- way at mile 172.8 west of Harvey Lock; a salt water guard lock (Calcasieu Lock) in the waterway at mile 238.5 west of Harvey Lock; and a lock at mile 93.5 (Bayou Boeuf Lock) west of Harvey Lock. The project also provides for the following: PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS Widening of bends, passing places, mooring basins, such railroad and highway bridges over artificial cuts as are necessary; purchase of pipeline dredge; construc- tion and operation of new drainage canals and pumping facilities to restore parish drainage systems where intercepted; construction of movable bridges at Mis- souri Pacific Railroad and State Highways Nos . 23 and 400 (in lieu of the bridge at State Highway No. 23, a tunnel was constructed and completed 15 February 1956, and additional cost over estimate cost of the bridge was paid by local interests) ; fixed-trestle bridges for crossing of proposed landside drainage canals; lift bridges at State Highway No. 1 at Port Allen, Louisiana, and at Texas, and Pacific Railway at Port Allen and Morley , Louisiana (in lieu of the lift bridge at State Highway No. 1, Port Allen, a 4-lane, fixed bridge was constructed by the Louisiana State Depart- ment of Highways over the extension of the Plaquemine- Morgan City Route of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway) ; and for annual payments to the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans for use of a portion of the Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal and Lock. The length of the waterway within the U. S. Army En- gineer District, New Orleans, is 384.1 miles via the northerly or Port Allen route and 299.4 miles via southerly or Harvey Canal route. Modification, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 23 October 1962, provides for a channel 16 feet deep and 150 feet wide from the Mississippi River to Atchafalaya River via Algiers Canal, except in the vicinity of Houma, Louisiana (mile 50.5 to 63.5); a bypass route at Houma; a channel 16 feet deep and 200 feet wide through the reach from Atchafalaya River to the Sabine River; and 4 highway bridges. The main stem of the waterway, as authorized under the River and Harbor Act of 24 July 1946, was completed to a 12-foot depth in 1944. The remaining work consists of: Enlarging the water- way, as provided by the modification authorized 23 October 1962, replacement of Vermilion Lock, and any deferred con- struction that may be required under agreement for reloca- 10 THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. tion of railroad facilities. The construction of bulkheads and jetties at Lake Borgne and Chef Menteur, Louisiana, if and when found necessary, is considered inactive and is not planned at present. The following 3 locks are within the port limits: INNER HARBOR NAVIGATION (INDUSTRIAL) CANAL LOCK Miles below New Orleans, La. (Canal Street).... 2.9 Miles from Mississippi River 0.6 Width of chamber 75 feet Length available for full width 640 feet Lift 0-17.4 feet Depth on miter sill at mean low gulf level 31.5 feet Character of foundation Timber pile Type of construction Reinforced concrete HARVEY LOCK Miles above New Orleans, La. (Canal Street).... 3.3 Miles from Mississippi River . 13 Width of chamber 75 feet Length available for full width 425 feet Lift. 0-19.6 feet Depth on miter sill at mean low gulf level 12 feet Character of foundation Timber pile Type of construction Reinforced concrete ALGIERS LOCK Miles below New Orleans, La. (Canal Street).... 7.0 Miles from Mississippi River 0.38 Width of chamber 75 feet Length available for full width 800 feet Lift, 0-18 feet Depth on sill at mean low gulf level 13 feet Character of foundation Timber pile Type of construction, Reinforced concrete PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 11 Bayou Dupre The existing project, authorized by the River and Har- bor Act of 26 August 1937, provides for the following work: A channel 6 feet deep and 80 feet wide from the highway bridge at Violet to Lake Borgne ; thence by a channel 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide to the 6-foot contour in the Lake; and a turning basin 6 feet deep and 100 by 200 feet at Violet. Length of improvement is 7.3 miles. The project was completed in 1939. The plane of reference is mean low gulf. In April 1970, the controlling depths in Bayou Dupre and Lake Borgne Canal were: Bar Channel, 5.5 feet; to mile 0.3 (Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet), 9.0 feet; and to mile 6.4 (Violet Bridge), 6.0 feet. Bayou Segnette Waterway The existing project, authorized by the River and Har- bor Act of 3 September 1954, provides for the following work: A channel 9 feet deep and 60 feet wide from Company Canal at Westwego, La., to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway via Bayou Segnette, a land cut, and Bayou Villars. Length of the improvement was 12.2 miles. The plane of reference is mean low gulf. In December 1958, the controlling depths in the Bayou Segnette Waterway were: At Westwego, La., 3.9 feet; to aerial crossing, 4.9 feet; to new canal, 4.9 feet; to Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, 5.5 feet. HARBOR AND CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS BY LOCAL INTERESTS In 1922, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans completed construction of the Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal and Lock. This canal consists of a navi- gation channel extending from the Mississippi River to Lake Pontchartrain, a distance of 5.5 miles. In 1944, the United 12 THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. States Government leased that part of the Canal between the River and mile 2.2 for use as a part of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. ANCHORAGES Anchorage areas serving the Port of New Orleans are described as follows: Mississippi River below Baton Rouge, La., including South and Southwest Passes: (1) Pilottown Anchorage . --An area approximately 5.2 miles in length along the right descending bank or west side of the river. The east limit of the anchorage area at the upstream end starts at a point approximately 1,600 feet from the east bank at mile 6.7 above Head of Passes and ex- tends downstream generally parallel to and 1,600 feet from the east bank line to a point directly opposite Old Quaran- tine Station Light at mile 3.7 above Head of Passes; thence to a point 1,600 feet directly opposite Cubits Gap Light at mile 2.8 above Head of Passes; thence to a point 1,600 feet directly opposite Pilottown Wingdam Light at mile 1.5 above Head of Passes, which is the downstream limit of the anchor- age area. The area is marked by large signs, "Pilottown Anchorage," located on the right bank at the lower and up- per limits . This anchorage is for vessels which cannot proceed to sea because of fog at the gulf entrances to the South and Southwest Passes or are unable to proceed upstream for the same or for any other reason. (2) Explosives Anchorage . --An area along the right descending bank or west side of the river, 1,000 feet wide, extending upstream and downstream from a point located 1.4 miles upstream from Oak Point Light. The Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District, will designate anchorages up- stream and downstream from this point. This anchorage is reserved for vessels carrying explosives. It may be used for a general anchorage when not required for vessels carry- explosives or dangerous or inflammable cargo. No ves- sel shall occupy this anchorage without obtaining a permit from the Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District. (3) New Orleans General Anchorage . --An area ap- PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 13 proximately 2.1 miles in length along the right descending bank or southwest side of the river, 800 feet wide, extend- ing from Cutoff Light upstream to the lower limits of the Quarantine Anchorage, approximately 0.7 mile downstream from the United States Quarantine Station Wharf. The area is marked by large signs, "General Anchorage," located on the right bank at the lower and upper limits. Vessels anchoring alongside of each other or in fleets are permitted, but during slack or low water periods bow and stern anchors shall be provided. (4) Quarantine Anchorage . --An area approximately 4,000 feet in length along the right descending bank or southwest side of the river, 800 feet wide, extending from the upper limits of the New Orleans General Anchorage, ap- proximately 0.7 mile downstream from the United States Quar- antine Station Wharf, upstream to a point marked by a sign located at the lower end of the lower Todd Shipyards Corp. Wharf, approximately 160 feet upstream from the Quarantine Station Wharf. This anchorage must be used by vessels await- ing inspection by United States Public Health officials or under actual quarantine, and is under the supervision of the Officer in Charge of the United States Quarantine Station. Vessels also may anchor in the Gulf of Mexico in the Southwest and South Pass Fairway Anchorages and in the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Fairway Anchorages. These anchorage areas are shown on the accompanying Port Facilities Map. BRIDGES AND TUNNELS Bridges crossing the various main and connecting water- ways of the port are listed in the table on page 14. A 4-lane, vehicular tunnel crosses under the Harvey Canal 0.8 mile south of the Harvey Lock and serves the West Bank Expressway (U. S. Business Route 90). The tunnel has a navigation clearance of 18 feet over the top for a width of 200 feet. A second, 2-lane, vehicular tunnel, the Belle Chasse Tunnel, crosses under the Algiers Canal 3.84 miles south of the Algiers Lock and serves southbound Louisiana State Highway No. 23. The tunnel has a navigation clearance of 14 feet over the top for a width of 155 feet. 14 LIST OF BRIDGES MILES NAVIGATION OPENING (See notes at end of CLEAR WIDTH MINIMUM CLEAR LOCATION AND NAME KIND NORMAL TO HEIGHT ABOVE PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED table) CHANNEL (FEET) MHW (FEET) MISSISSIPPI RIVER 95.70(1) Greater New Orleans Highway Bridge Fixed 750.00(2) (3) 150.0(1927) Highway . 106.10(1) Huey P. Long Bridge INNER HARBOR NAVIGATION (INDUSTRIAL) CANAL Fixed 750.00 133.5(1945) Highway and railroad. (4) St. Claude Avenue Bascule, single- leaf 75.00 Highway. 0.25(5) Judge William Seeber (North Clai- borne Avenue) Vertical lift 305.00 156.0, raised 41.8, down Highway . 1.10(5) Florida Avenue Bascule, single-leaf 94.00 - Highway and railroad. 2.80(5) Gentilly Road Bascule, single-leaf 92.00 - Highway and railroad. 2.90(5) U. S. Interstate Route No. 10 Fixed 250.00 120.0(6) Highway. 3.10(5) Chef Menteur Highway Bascule , double- leaf 95.00 - Highway. 4.70(5) Seabrook Highway and Railroad Bascule, single-leaf 93.00 - Highway and railroad. 4.80(5) Seabrook Highway Bascule, double- leaf 95.00 - Highway. MISSISSIPPI RIVER - GULF OUTLET 4.90(7) Paris Road CHEF MENTEUR PASS Fixed 500.00 135.0 Highway . 2.50(8) Louisville and Nashville Railroad Swing 104.00, east side 10.3, closed Railroad. 2.80(8) U. S. Highway No. 90 RIGOLETS Swing 97.50, each side 11.0, closed Highway . 0.50(8) Louisville and Nashville Railroad Swing 153.75, east side 11.9, closed Railroad. 6.70(8) U. S. Highway No. 90 LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN Southern Railway Causeway: Swing 152.00, each side 14.6, closed Highway . 14.00(9) South Bridge Swing 106.00, each side 1.9, closed Railroad. 17.30(9) North Bridge U. S. Highway No. 11 Causeway: Swing 105.10, each side 2.9, closed Railroad. 15.00(9) South Bridge Bascule 107.00 12.0, closed Highway. 17.30(9) North Bridge Bascule 151.70 13.8, closed Highway . 18.80(9) U. S. Interstate Route No. 10 HARVEY CANAL Texas Pacific-Missouri Pacific: Fixed Bascule 150.00 65.0 Highway . 0.10(10) Terminal Railroad of New Orleans single-leaf 75.00 9.9, closed Railroad. 0.13(10) Louisiana State Highway No. 18 Bascule double-leaf 75.00 13.1, closed Highway. 2.8(10) Harvey Canal (LaPalco Blvd.) Bascule double-leaf 150.00(12) 45.0, closed Highway . ALGIERS CANAL 1.00(11) Louisiana State Highway No. 407 Vertical lift 125.00 100.0, raised 4.9, down Highway. 3.70(11) Missouri Pacific Lines (New Orleans & Lower Coast Railroad) Vertical lift 125.00 102.2, raised 2.2, down Railroad. 3.80(11) Louisiana State Highway No. 23 (Belle Chaise Highway) Vertical lift 125.00 103.0, raised 40.0, down Highway. (I) (2) O) W (6) m (•) (14)1 (11) ) Above Head of Passes. portion of span. Bridge crosses over Thalia Street Wharf on New Orleans side of river, an additional opening of about 500 feet is be- tween face of wharf and river pier fender with minimum vertical clearance of 133 feet. KrMge crosses over south end of Inner Harbor Navigation Mr,, in. trial) Canal Lock. Distance north of Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) '.Ao«l U For « ' Mt, Distance east of Inner Harbor Navigation (industrial) sM] . Ijlatance above entrance from Ijike Borgne. '!»■«" . (P.W.D. Ref. No. 82). Lone star Industries Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 85). Press Street Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 96). Governor Nicholls Street Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 99). Bienville Street Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 101). Interior of transit shed, Louisiana Avenue Wharves G and F (P.W.D. Ref. No. 122). Milan Street Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 124). 20 Napoleon Avenue Wharf C (P.W.D. Ref. No. 126). Nashville Avenue Wharf Marshalling Yard No. 2 in rear of Henry Clay Avenue Open Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 133). Standard Paint and Varnish Co. Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 181) . Delta Commodities Terminal Barge Dock (P.W.D. Ref. No. 183). (P.V.U. Rftf. No. L89) . U.S.A., Harvey Production District Do< l' (P.W.D. R»f. No. 199). New Orleans Public Bulk Terminal (P.W.D. Ref. No. 35) ■■K Dwyer Road Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 56). 22 i'-ral vi< v ol Imxr Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal between Mississippi River (in foreground) and Lake Pontchartrain. 23 it. wM Napoleon Avenue Open Wharf showing berthing facility for barge -carrying vessels with Foreign Trade Zone No. 2 at rear (P.W.D. Ref. No. 125). ' h Lth Shipping Wh.n (P.W.D. THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. 25 PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Two hundred and ninety-six piers, wharves, and docks are described in this report for the Port of New Orleans. Eighty- three are situated on the left bank, and fifty-five are on the right bank of the Mississippi River within the parishes of St. Bernard, Orleans (City of New Orleans), and Jefferson. Four are on the Lake Borgne Canal; 47, on the Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal; 3, on the Mis- sissippi River -Gulf Outlet Seaway Canal; 1, in Michoud Harbor; 8, on Michoud Canal; 5, on Bayou Sauvage; 67, on the Harvey Canal; 17, on the Algiers Canal, and 6, on Bayou Barataria. Each facility is described under a reference number in the table of Piers, Wharves, and Docks beginning on page 28. These reference numbers designate facility locations on the accompanying Port Facilities Maps Nos . 1 through 4. Map No. 1 includes all the shoreline of the port and defines the areas covered by Maps Nos. 2, 3, and 4, which are enlarged to give greater detail. Waterfront facilities in the port area used exclusively by recreational craft are not included in this report. The table on pages 26A through 26G summarizes the func tional uses of the various piers, wharves, and docks at New Orleans . Many of these wharves are used for various purposes as indicated in the table, each can be identified by its respective P.W.D. reference number. A summary of the facilities engaged in handling general cargo is given on page 27. 26A Q UJ (/) D I y cr O u. UJ U) O 0. (£. D Q- s 3 tl tl . < .1 ,'i • i •H " ■/I i .. 'i it) 1.. i.i 'i B II ■1 i-i 1 \ a) .e n, e tfl 1.. O a! "i •H ^ C a ra ra a cc u 26B Q UJ C/) D I y O LL UJ (/) O CL tr D a. S3 £ O i-i H Q < U P£ O i-l PL, CO i-l CJ O W CO 0) -H -H O 0» OtH^ ID >-,<-! O-UWr-l 0) M 1-1 n u a) 0) 01 C oo t< c o o a> a» • a.!— t i H ,£3 60 --» cd i— t O) 3«ri6ooti3Fiii>>3 k"6 u BUUUUUOIsOIIJOKOl 01 o> en c/i U CT3 -h o a 60 CT bo c o> C 01 O 3 C -H i-l .-I -o H T3 C O C to M -H o .c •H T3 O. 10 U £. 26C Q UJ U) D I y O u. u (/) a. D Q. I ! g2£ %z « o 3 C 2S C M £2 M ii a !.. H O m • • .-i o> • 1-1 00 > • • ■-* r^ CM I • • H M3 CM rH m CM 1 • • 1 1-1 M a: ■"" , ON rH CM O-i 00 i-< en M tH r*- M 1-1 X \D r-\ g H < m cq • K i-H -l .-1 i-( O t-H t-H o« o H 00 o H r-* O i-i *VO o <-t m o iH 1 •H XI H V . HI « (/> u T > 00 c u <4H ' 9 11 .-i •H U) •o ■r< ,-1 •^ o H s g : S •o u c , 0) 0) 3 A o 3 m m o o o u u. o x SE t/i v U 00 H i/> C 1 ' a 00 G D 8 9 hJ oJ u a, 1 26D Q UJ CO D I u Dd o li- UJ W Q. cr D u a -h 0.00 nj o o nj o CoaiAJwcoqjiJiJtJO 0) > o c 60 OJ . 6 oo a C -H •H 3 26E • • • • Q UJ U) D I y or O Li. UJ w 8. 01 D Q. « O G o o u. ^ o « " r. x M in 4 £ tr < - LL w Q W CO U) H en w a. 3 a: D QL • • • • • • C H 00 rH 1-1 •H to c iH t— l U OOi-l c b.hx^ a oo 3 ai a. -a i — i . — i u -h u 3 -h .y OlOl 3 u u .a C o Q.i-4. -O c oo o C O E i to C CO o CN vt • CN r-H •* • CN O CU • co CO 4-1 C/3 1-1 4-1 CO a • 4-1 CO 00 C E PJ • c 4-1 cu CO S • CU O T3 E C 3 • B 3 C CL O o ■ 0. co T3 co •H -H cu S T • T-l • 3 r-l O CO >-i - 1-1 3 -u D* CJ c CO e : • cr O Q.T3 o CU 3 I-l o E • eg co i-l C to U i-4 z 00 oo CO cu E S co CU i— 1 C 4-1 CO CU s c V4 .-1 0. 3 • i-H «H CU 3 CO ,H CU 3 co cu u i-l 4-1 CO CO C • t-l r-4 j3 11 Xi co O C i-l co w r-4 i-l CJ 4-* CJ 1- U 01 o. O i-l - CO co O T-l 1-1 £ ■O CO C i-l r- D>[100HHiJ(JcflOUP.P s C J3 ^ CD E r- ,o 3HM^»I«>CIJ £L^ z cfl 0- i-l E 0) t E^to4-)4J- 3-1-1 gjiii£uiiicoj:iiiCoi(iO M < m u u c iJO n(ctitm c H o o •i-l O i-l i-l T3 -i-i < 00 i-l 13 CO 13 C n O ■3- I-l cu >% a. c co o q CO 3 U CO CO O p-i tu U u- p ft so £ 26 G Q UJ 0) D I y ir O U- UJ (/) O Q. a: D 0. • • • • • • T3 U ■ t: 0) < r-l r-» I 5 jV 01 t-l ^ 0) - 0> 3 -H in MH co ■J B ■J i. .i l-> 'a f If ll h D -V. 'J u M 3 OJ -^ u B a •H .< tf) r-l n •■> V ■o i. :.. u «J 3 a. u. U cu O a: i • • • • • • • • • • • ..J! 3 M tr o. T3 • § : w • r-t • if CU i) •i-l ■ u ■ ■ cu C cu • ■ "1 fl 13 01 M g W M)-rl o c • ■ a •i i " B 1 • U 01 M .-* u a> a> -H oi u oo o Du i/l c w cu cd 3 CU-HrXbDCOUW) > T3 01 C 'H u 01 ' 3 CU U X> C O i d.t( -a d .0 u NUMMARY OF GENERAL CARGO FACILITIES 27 P.W.D. OPERATOR AND TERMINAL BERTHING SPACE DEPTHS ALONGSIDE TRANSIT SHEDS MAP NUMBER CARGO SPACE NO. REF. NO. (FEET) AT MLG (SQ. FT.) INNER HARBOR NAVIGATION (INDUSTRIAL) CANAL Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans 4 56(2)(1) Dwyer Road Wharf 340 22 1 20,000(3) 4 58(1) Morrison Yard Ship Wharf 975 30 - - 4 83(2) Florida Avenue Roll-on Roll-off Facility Wharf 148(4) 20 - - 4 84 Florida Avenue Wharf 482 30 1 57,600 4 87(5) Galvez Street Wharf MISSISSIPPI RIVER Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans 2,470 35 1 357,000 2 89 Pauline Street Wharf 581 40-42 1 63,500 2 90 Congress Street Wharf 733 40-42 1 90,800 2 91 Congress Street Open Wharf 235 40 - - 2 93 Piety Street Wharf 523 35 1 46,000 2 94 Louisa Street Wharf 521 34 1 31,000 2 95(5) (6) Louisa Street Open Wharf 540 34 - - 2 96 Press Street Wharf 295+326+326 40 1 48,000 2 97 Mandeville Street Wharf 1,121 35 1 97,000 2 98 Esplanade Avenue Wharf 584 35 1 66,000 2 99(5) Governor Nicholls Street Wharf 1,211 40 1 100,000 2 101(5) Bienville Street Wharf 451+552+661 35 1 171,000(7) 2 105 Poydras Street Wharf 530 35 1 65,000 2 106 Julia Street Wharf 1,189 35 1 137,000 2 107 Erato Street Lower Wharf 559 35 1 85,000 2 108 Erato Street Upper Wharf 428 35 1 87,500 2 109 Thalia Street Wharf 860 35 1 109,000 2 110 Robin Street Wharf 1,216 35 1 157,000 2 111 Orange Street Wharf 320+700 30 1 133,300 3 112(8) Market Street Wharf 441+409+165 30 1 119,000 3 113 Celeste Street Wharf 730+470 35 1 129,600 3 114 St. Andrew Street Wharf 1,598 35 1 146,000 3 116 First Street Wharf 991 35 1 105,500 3 117 Third Street Wharf 90C 35 1 107,400 3 118 Washington Avenue Wharf 871 32 1 122,200 3 119 Seventh Street Wharf 859 35 1 105,700 3 120 Harmony Street Wharf 1,307+70+60 35 1 177,100 3 121(9) Harmony Street Wharf Annex 118 6 1 5,000 3 122 Louisiana Avenue Wharves G, F, and E 1,590 30 1 36,000 3 123 Louisiana Avenue Wharves D and C 1,008 30 1 80,100 3 124(10) Milan Street Wharf 1,300 30 1 80,300 3 125(5) (11) Napoleon Avenue Open Wharf 665 30 - - 3 126 Napoleon Avenue Wharf "C" 1,000 30 1 150,000 3 127(5)(12) Napoleon Avenue Wharf "B" 265+510 35 1 67,000 3 128(5) (12) Napoleon Avenue Wharf "A" 500+261 30 1 96,600 3 129(5) Napoleon Wharf "A" Open 340 35 - - 3 132(5) Nashville Avenue Wharf 2,759 35 1 567,000 3 133(5) Henry Clay Avenue Open Wharf 377 35 - - 3 134(5) Henry Clay Avenue Wharf 465 35 1 63,300 2 259(5) Perry Street Wharf Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. 1,300 50 1 120,000 2 16 Chalmette Slip, Dock No. 2 Trans- International Warehouse Co., division of Memphis Compress and Storage Co. 1,600 30 1 75,000 2 23(13) Charbonnet Street Wharf J . Young & Co . , Inc . 1,031 30 1 97,400 4 81(1) France Road Terminal Berths Nos . 5 and 4 Sealand Service, Inc. 1,600(14) 30-36 1 20,000(3) 4 82(1) France Road Terminal Berth No. 1 830 26-40 1 42,500(3) TOTAL 45,267 - 41 4,434,400 (1) Containerized general cargo. (2) Roll-on roll-off general cargo. (3) Container freight station. (4) Ships berth at adjacent Florida Avenue Wharf (Ref. No. 84) and load via ramp from this facility. (5) Also handles containerized general cargo. (6) Also used for receipt of molasses. (7) Includes 26,100 square feet in adjacent City Delivery Shed. (8) Also used for receipt of fuel oil. (9) Receipt and shipment by barge (Red River Barge Line). (10) Also used extensively for handling cargo by vessel borne barge. (11) Also used for receipt of soybean oil. (12) Also used for receipt of steel products. (13) Also used for shipment of cotton. (14) 700-foot extension was under construction in 1977. 28 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS South side, Lake Borgne Canal, Violet, St. Bernard Parish Corps of Engineers Poll Code No . 20539 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 1 Dock Code No. 010 2 Dock Code No. 010 3 Dock Code No. qiq NAME Alphonso Marina Dock. Harvey Industries, Violet Canal, Shell Dock. V. J. Dauterive, Fueling Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 30 feet east of St. Bernard Highway. Approximately 400 feet east of St. Bernard Highway. Approximately 500 feet east of St. Bernard Highway. OWNED BY Mike, Wayne, Lenny, and Kent Alphonso. Val J. Dauterive. Gulf Oil Refining and Marketing Co. OPERATED BY do. | Harvey Industries, Inc. Val J. Dauterive & Son, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED [ Fueling and launching small commer- cial and pleasure craft. Receipt of shell by barge. Fueling commercial and pleasure craft. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Two timber p tensions fro with solid f approximatel ile, timber-decked ex- nting timber bulkhead ill; extensions are y 12 feet apart. Concrete bulkhead, supported by timber piling, solid fill. Timber pile, timber -decked extension fronting concrete bulkhead supported by timber piling, solid fill. DESCRIPTION Faces West sides East sides Face Face West side Ease side Dimensions (Feel) 125+50 4 4 150 50 6 6 Depth Alongside at HLG 0°- 6 - - 7.5-8 10 . . Usable Berthing Space Do. 125+50 - - 150 50 - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 6 Height of Deck Above MLG Do - 2 Lighted. 4 Unlighted. 2 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) . Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nimber and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet ) Be lgbt Inside Do Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo boors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 3-ton, electric boat hoist located at slip between extensions. One diesel mobile crane with 65-foot boom, equipped with a li;-cubic yard clamshell bucket. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None . HIGHWAY fOWWEfTIONB Via private driveway (marginal), shell, varied wldtha, from St. Barnard Highway (State Highway No. 39), aaphalt, 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 1. Same as Ref. No. 1. • *nc ram.* < VmmIi) • Through one 1 Inch Una. None. Through one 3/4-inch line. II H THr ( l ).»|«J A.C., 110 volta, single-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. Hand extinguish*™ . None. Hand extinguiahere. it mikt Two ae>iered pussps on wharf with pip© lines extending to 2 steel, gasoline •COTlgM tanki In rear, total rapac- ity 1,620 gallon*. Open storage area for approximately 3,000 cubic yarda of shell in rear. Two me tared r 1^-lnch pipe! diaael fuel i total capacit win. 1 -Inch p atael, gasoll total capacit umps on wharf: One with ine extending to 2 ateel, torage tank* in rear, y 20,000 gallons; and one ipellne extending to 2 ne storage tanks in rear, y 16,000 gallons. Corps ol Engineers Port Code No 20539 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS St. Bernard Parish 20087 29 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 4 - MAP NO. 1 Dock Code No. 995 5 - MAP NO. 2 Dock Code No. 002 6 - MAP NO. 2 Dock Code No. 002 NAME Violet Packing Co. Wharf. Murphy Oil Corp. Wharf. Murphy Sand Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Violet, north side of Lake Borgne Canal, approximately 0.4 mile east of St. Bernard Highway. Meraux, left bank of Mississippi River, mile 87.0 A.H.P. Meraux, left bank of Mississippi River, mile 87.7 A.H.P. OWNED BY VioleC Packing Co., Inc. Murphy Oil Corp. L. Murphy Trucking Service. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of shrimp and oysters. Receipt of ct ment of petrc and barge; bt at wharf; fue ude oil by ba leum products nkering tanke rge; ship- by tanker rs berthed Not used for handling waterborne com- merce (See Remarks) . ling towboats TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete-surfaced, solid fill; one timber mooring dolphin in line with face . Row of 6 offshore breasting platforms supported by concrete-filled, steel pipe piles: One, 36- by 30. 5-; one, 36- by 20-; one, 20- by 35-; and one, 36- by 40-foot, concrete-decked; and one, 20- by 20- and one, 20- by 35- foot, timber-decked (See Remarks). Natural bank. DESCRIPTION Face Row of platforms Rear of lower platforms Natural bank Dimensions (Feet) 150 757 205 250 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 8 40 35 4 Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 w/dolph. 757 205 250 Width of Apron Do. 3 and open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 4 Lighted. 24 Lighted. - Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) . Lighted or Unllghted Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None . None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two rubber, electric belt conveyors extend from wharf to plant in rear: One with an 18-inch belt for oysters and one with a 12-inch belt for shrimp Four pneumatic-operated derricks, each with 33-foot boom for handling hose. One diesel mobile crane with 30-foot boom, equipped with one-cubic yard bucket; and one diesel, mobile, front- end loader with a 2-cubic yard bucket. HAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. Plant trackage serves refinery in rear; connects with Louisiana Southern Railway (Southern Railway System) . None . HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Packenham Road (marginal) , as- phalt, 18 feet wide, from St. Bernard Highway (State Highway No. 39), as- phalt, 24 feet wide. Via private road (access), shell, 12 feet wide, from St. Bernard Highway (State Highway No. 39), asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via private road (access), shell, 20 feet wide, from St. Bernard Highway (State Highway No. 39), asphalt, 24 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through one 2-inch line. Through one 3/4-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. None . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . (Other than City) Hose stations, 600-gallon per minute pump, hand extinguishers, and watch- men. Hose stations, fire pump, one 8- to 6-inch fire line, monitors, and hand extinguishers . None . R£ HARKS Shrimp and oyster processing and can- ning plant in rear. The upper 5 breasting platforms and a steel pipe pile mooring dolphin lo- cated 270 feet above, and 80 feet to the rear of the upper platform are connected by steel truss supported timber walkways. One, 2,290-foot irregular-shaped, part steel and part timber pile supported pipeline trestle and timber catwalk approach extend to 3d upstream platform from levee in rear. Six 12- and one 14-inch pipelines at wharf join with one 12-, two 10-, and four 8-inch pipelines on shore, and extend to 22 steel storage tanks at oil refinery in rear, total capacity 569,400 barrels. Facility was formerly used for receipt of shell by barge. Two storage pits for sand dredged from adjacent river bottom are located in rear, total capacity 95,000 cubic yards. 30 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Chalmette, St. Bernard Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO . 2 7 Dock Code No. 039 g Dock Code No. 043 9 Dock Code No. 047 NAME Tenneco Crude Terminal Wharf. Exxon Co. -U.S. A., Chalmette Terminal, Barge Dock. Exxon Co. -U.S. A., Chalmette Terminal, Tanker Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mile 88.3 A.H.P. Mile 88.4 A.H.P. Mile 88.5 A.H.P. OWNED BY Tenneco Oil Co., Division of Tenneco, Inc . Exxon Co. U.S.A. Exxon Co. U.S.A. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of crude oil. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge; loading barges for bunkering vessels at berth; mooring company-owned tank barges. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge; bunkering vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore platform, and 4 steel pipe pile, timber-decked , rectangular-shaped breasting dolphins in line with face; steel truss pipeline and catwalk ap- proach extends from shore and over the 2 upstream dolphins to platform. Timber pile, timber-decked , offshore wharf with 215- by 15-foot, pipeline and catwalk trestle approach; 4 tim- ber pile mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 310- by 20-foot, steel cat-i walk and pipeline trestle extending from shore; 4 mooring dolphins in line with face: one cylindrical, steel sheet pile with solid fill; and 3 steel pile; all connected by steel (Continued under Remarks) DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Distensions (Feet) 25 20 20 40 30 30 70 20 20 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 35 - - 12 - - 25 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 542 w/dolphs - - 380 w/dolphs (See Remarks) - 310 w/dolphs - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above HLG °° ■ 21 Lighted . 20 Lighted . 20 Lighted . Sq.Ft. (l.r.s . ) Lighted op Dal l^hted TRANSIT SHEDS Ruber and Type of Construction None. None. None . Leogl h sod wiiit h (K-ct t Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Boors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 8-ton, electrically operated, hydraulic hoist with telescoping boom for handling hose. One pneumatic-operated derrick with 20-foot boom for handling hose. One pneumatic-operated derrick with 30-foot boom for handling hose. RAILWAY COXNECTIONS Plant trackage serves refinery In rear; connects with New Orleans Terminal Co. (Southern Railway Sys- tem) . 1 wn mii 1 .uv 1 i .i, ks s.-i »c 1 ,-i mi n.'ll in rear of levee; connect with Louisiana Southern Railway, and New Orleans Terminal Co. (Southern Rail- way System) . Same as Ref. No. 8. HIGHWAY COHHECTIOH9 Via private road (access), shell, varied widths, from Paris Ron. Highway No. 47) , concrete, 20 and 22 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 7. Same as Ref. No. 7. • Honr . 1 In. Through one 2 -inch line. liO volts, 110 volts, single-phase, 60- c yc le . NllIM . FTWT Pwnrff Tin* . »0l'of a . hand OKI IfiRul shers , team line, 4-lnch fire Una, hand axtlngulahara, ami '■'■■ ■>'■ Id'l . Nu. H. ■ I Aril'k , A.i.lt I i i ■■,.., I,,-, | hin K , ,..,. , ■ .'i ■-11' A.I.I ii i 1 1" i i 1 '. '■)''" >' 1 "1 l-:H K,'"i '1 mi;' ' < ■" "1 '1 1 H >*. do! i ^ i 'ih on lower side. Oni i 6 ""i ■ im B 1 ni ii pi ps 1 1 m-s sx- i band i ' ■ tfhai i i < on U »t aa l , bunker • te»l . ' rude oil || at r «-f Ir.rr y In n H- , 1 , ■ icorags tanki Ln raai >lle mi ver . 'I'wn IN ll plp| o IK atffel ■ 101 ■ i i 10 , 1 i ■ . i 1 n. h |i 1 |i. 1 1 ii. "i • ■ 1 .'in! 1 ' > in.l nu f' what l 1 i "i" age t/mVn , , , | ind i, i, i i 01 '. ■ 100 barn 1 t , , 1 .1 i , ■ , 1 | ,,. 1 -.I.,, total i 'i ii 1 ' 96 ."00 bar ■ , . . i .1,. .i i .,, i i .Ml' . tot i 1 . Lpg| It'. 10, PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Chalmette, St. Bernard Parish Corps ol Engineers Purt Code No 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 10 Dock Code No. 050 11 Dock Code No. 054 12 Dock Code No. 054 HUE Chalmette Ferry Landing. Tenneco Tug Wharf. Tenneco Wharf No. 1. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mile 88.6 A.H.P. Mile 88.7 A.H.P. Mile 88.8 A.H.P. OWNED BY Mississippi River Bridge Authority. Tenneco Oil Co., Division of Tenneco, Inc. Southern Railway System. OPERATED BY do. do. Tenneco Oil Co., Division of Tenneco, Inc . PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Landing for passenger and vehicular ferry to Patterson Road, Algiers. Fueling towboats. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge; supplying bunker- ing barges. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel ponton float with 90- by 15- foot, adjustable, steel bridge ap- proach. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 8- by 140- + 250-foot, timber pipeline and catwalk trestle approach; 4 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 120- by 20-foot, timber pipeline and catwalk trestle approach, fronted by row of 9 timber mooring dolphins . DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 35 195 195 50 10 10 230 30 30 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 24 - - 20 - - 20 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 35 - - 100 w/dolphs - - 400 w/dolphs. - - Width of Apron I>> . Open . Open. Open . Beight of Deck Above MLG Do. Lighted. 15 Lighted . 15 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 100 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nunbei and Type of Construction None . None . None . Length and Width (Feet) Beight Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None . None . Two pneumatic-operated, mast-and- double boom derricks for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None . Plant trackage serves refinery in rear; connects with New Orleans Terminal Co. (Southern Railway System) . Same as Ref. No. 11. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Paris Road (State Highway No. 47) (approach), concrete, 20 and 22 feet wide (See Remarks) . Via private roads (access) , varied widths, from Paris Road (State High- way No. 47), concrete, 20 and 22 feet wide . Same as Ref. No. 11. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None . Through one 1^-inch line. Same as Ref. No. 11. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None . A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None . MKfc PROTECTION (Other than City) None . Foam system, pumps, hose, chemical cart, monitors, hand extinguishers, sprinkler system, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 11. RE HARKS Approach to ponton from foot of Paris Road consists of a 22-foot wide, as- phalt roadway over levee, a 798- by 22-foot, precast concrete bridge and a 90- by 15-foot, adjustable, steel- decked bridge. Ferries operate to landing (Ref. No. 273) on opposite bank of river. One 4-, one 3-, and one 2-inch pipe- lines extend to wharf from 5 steel, diesel fuel storage tanks located at oil refinery in rear, total capacity 116,000 barrels. One 16-, one 12-, five 10-, three 8-, two 6-, five 4-, and one 3- inch pipe- lines extend to wharf from 30 steel storage tanks located at oil refinery in rear, total capacity 1,937,000 barrels . 32 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Chalmette, St. Bernard Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No -009? REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 13 Dock Code No. 054 14 Dock Code No. 054 15 Dock Code No. 054 NAME Tenneco Wharf No. 2. Tenneco Wharf No. 3. Tenneco Wharf No. 4. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mile 88.9 A.H.P. Mile 89.0 A.H.P. Mile 89.1 A.H.P. OWNED BY Southern Railway System. Southern Railway System. Tenneco Oil Co., Division of Tenneco, Inc . OPERATED BY Tenneco Oil Co., Division of Tenneco, Inc. Tenneco Oil Co., Division of Tenneco, Inc. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of crude oil; shipment of petroleum products and petrochemicals by barge . Shipment of petroleum products and petrochemicals by tanker and barge; bunkering vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 120- by 12-foot, timber pipeline and walkway trestle approach fronted by row of 4 timber mooring dolphins. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 120- by 20-foot, timber pipeline and catwalk trestle ap- proach; fronted by row of 9 timber mooring dolphins. Concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 20- by 280-foot, pipeline and roadway bridge approach; fronted by 6 steel pile, breasting dolphins (See Re- marks) . DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet ) 20 20 20 120 25 25 72 54 56 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 20 - - 18 - - 50 - - i Berthing Space Do. 140 w/dolphs _ 450 w/dolphs _ _ 390 w/breasting dolohs. Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 15 Lighted. L5 Lighted. 27 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nuabei and Type of Construction None. None. None. Lcn K th and Width (Feel ) Height Inside U- f Loot Area foi Cai go (s q . Ft.) Load Capa per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Carge I "" 1 ■ MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One hand-operated derrick for han- dling hose. Two pneumatic-operated derricks for handling hose. Two pneumatic-operated derricks for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage serves refinery in rear; connects with New Orleans Terminal Co. (Southern Railway System) . Same as Ref. No. 13. Same as Ref. No. 13. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private roads (access) , varied widths, from Paris Road (State High- way No. 47), concrete, 20 feet wide. Same as Rcf. No. 13. Same as Ref. No. 13. • (Aval labia 7hr<>uKt> one l \- Ench 1 Inc. Through one 1^-lnch line. i In mivJi mm. I' In. ti 1 1 n< . tela) v .... . None. ■ . aonltc • i.r Ink Irr •> , hose, r« , hat ■ I'm ..i<-. 1 at o • 'I'll i I chemical nguiahars, 1 BPJM . Same at Ref. No. 13. Foam system, pumps, hose, chemical ■ ni , mi. ns, hand i'ki inguishars, .in,! Will i htm n wl>at f storage tanV In r»«i -i eel 1 hree i Ines ai 1 It-. , two H- , i -■ ■ wharf ... 12-, three 10-, seven w.i /. ■ ,,. two 2*| ii r 1 1- n ii ..in . i , | . | rlbed IitI, Wii I....I - .il Wii II- . ■■ 1' 1 i miii upper side and a steel, 140 wji 1 I' t l nil) 1 nwi'f H 1 ill' ol wh.n 1 , , 1 . .i. ■ . . ..I ,, i broi ' > do 1 phi ni to a steal ■fl Mtaf In use >a. 7 nnd 17, and to p i pa pi Lt 1 n| do I i>ii I 'i "i each and . ■ i ■ | | - 1 t y rait , 1 W'l d , III... 1 . MIL ' , i i tend to i mnl (wo 1 luii 1 1 t nin • -1 1' i ' 1 Ml .!>-' Illll >|l ■ -.- 1 1 1 1 . | Kg -'I 1 ■ PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, St. Bernard Parish 33 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 lb Dock Code No. 094 17 Dock Code No. 095 j^g Dock Code No . \Q% NAME Chalmette Slip, Dock No. 2. Chalmette Slip, Dock No. 1. Amstar Corp. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Chalmette, east side of slip, mile 90.6 A.H.P. Chalmette, west side of slip, mile 90.6 A.H.P. Arabi, below foot of Friscoville Avenue, mile 90.9 A.H.P. OWNED 8Y Southern Railway System. Southern Railway System. Amstar Corporation. OPERATED BY Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. 1 Lumber Importers Service Corp. and Bulk Material Transfer, Inc. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades; re- ceipt of aluminum ingots; and ship- ment of coke, machinery, and plant supplies . Receipt and shipment of lumber, alu- mina, coke, ores, and other miscel- laneous bulk materials. Receipt of bulk and bagged raw sugar; shipment of refined sugar; and receipt and shipment of molasses. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete bulkhead with concrete- surfaced solid fill; fronted by tim- ber fender system. Concrete bulkhead with concrete - surfaced solid fill; fronted by tim- ber fender system. Steel pile, concrete -decked, offshore wharf with three 15-foot-wide approaches from Raw Sugar Shed No. 1, and 2 ap- proaches from top of levee in rear; canopy roof covers 300 feet of lower portion of wharf apron Raw Sugar Sheds (Continued under Remarks) DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 1,600 1,280 1,115 15+60 75 Depth Alongside at Mj.fi Do. 30 30 45 Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,600 1,280 1,115 _ - Width of Apron Do. 25 20 15 Height of Deck Above ^LG Do- 20 700 Partly lighted. 20 700 Lighted. 21.8 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) _ Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, clear span, metal- covered, above 7^-foot high concrete wall, concrete floor. One - steel frame; open sides; metal - covered ends; concrete roof and floor. One - steel frame, corrugated sheet asbestos covered; concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 1.000 bv 100 840 by 150 1,000 by 60 Height Inside Do. 25 20 17.5, 19, and 23. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 75,000, net. 84,400, net. - Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 700 700 . Crgo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Four, 28 by 20; each end: One, 28 by 20; rear: Two, 28 by 20 and two, 20 by 20 serving rail plat- form. Shipside and rear: Open; one truck entrance door at shore end. Shipside: Twelve, 17 by 12 and eighteen, 17 by 17. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. One 35-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 75-foot boom equipped with 2\- and 3-cubic yard buckets and three 10- and two 5-ton fork lift trucks. Two 10-ton, electric, trav portal, gantry cranes, eac foot-hinged boom equipped yard bucket; bulk sugar is a combined rate of 500 ton a 36-inch, electric, belt- system extending from inte it shed to Raw Sugar Shed hand-operated derrick witti for handling hose; one 4-u train for delivering bulk eling, full- h with 70- with 6-cubic unloaded at s per hour to conveyor rior of trans- No. 1 . One 25-foot boom nit tractor and packaged electric , try hoist with essels . sugar to whar traveling, ft. 60 -foot boom f; one 5-ton, 11-portal, gan for loading v RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Terminal Co. (Southern Railway System): Three platform- level tracks along rear of transit shed, total length 4,650 feet. New Orleans Terminal Co. (Southern Railway System) : Three platform-level tracks along rear of transit shed, total length 3,440 feet, and one addi- tional parallel surface track, total length 600 feet. Platform-level tracks extend through a 450-foot-long, Trackage serv rear connects Railroad, and Co. (Southerr ing sugar refinery in with Illinois Central Gulf New Orleans Terminal Railway System) . HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road (access), shell, 30 feet wide, from St. Bernard Highway (State Highway No. 39), concrete, dual lane. Same as Ref. No. 16. Via North Peters Street (marginal), asphalt, 18 feet wide, from foot of Friscoville Avenue (access) , concrete, 18 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 6 -inch line. None . Through one 2^-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None . None. None . (Other than City) One 75,000-gallon water tower, 8-inch fire water line, pumps, hydrants, hose, and sprinkler system inside transit shed. One 6-inch fire water line, hydrants, and hose. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, sprinkler system, and watchmen. REMARKS Trucks have access to interior of transit shed. A 90,000- and a 30,000- square foot, concrete -surfaced, open storage areas are located at river and shore ends, respectively. Face of wharf forms 280-foot-wide slip with face of Ref. No. 17. steel frame, metal-covered shed at rear of north portion of transit shed. Transit shed is divided into 3 sec- tions by brick firewalls. Face of wharf forms 280-foot-wide slip with face of Ref. No. 16. Trucks have access to interior of transit shed. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 in rear of North Peters Street; approaches from wharf to sheds extend over levee and street. One 10-inch molasses pipeline extends from lower end of wharf to 5 steel storage tanks, total capacity 2,360,000 gallons . 34 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River Corps uf Engineers Port Code No. 2Q095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 .i Q Dock Code No. 115 Port Ship Service Wharf. Dock Code No. 122 21 Dock Code No. 127 St. Maurice Avenue Wharf. A & G, Mehle Street Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Arabi, St. Bernard Parish at foot of Friscoville Avenue extended. Arabi, St. Bernard Parish at foot of Mehle Street extended. Orleans Parish, between foot of Delery Street and St. Maurice Avenue extended. Atlantic & Gulf Stevedores, Inc. do"! (See Remarks) Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Port Ship Service, Inc. OPERATED BY Buck Kreihs Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Landing for ship service boats , crews, and passengers from anchored vessels . Mooring barges . Mooring vessels for repairing, outfitting, and conversion. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Floating offshore wharf: Two steel pontons moored alongside a row of 4 steel piles with 120- by 10-foot timber approach from levee. Approach to wharf extends through upper end of a 60- by 30-foot building along river side of levee (See Remarks). Offshore row of 7 timber pile mooring dolphins, with 60- by 5-foot, part timber and part adjustable steel bridge with steel-grating walkway approach (See Remarks). Timber pile , timber-decked, off shore wharf with one 149- by 22-foot and one 151- by 22-foot timber approach extending from top of levee. DESCRIPTION Outer sides of pon t ons Lower side Upper side Mooring dclphi ns Lower side 20 20 Depth Alongside at MLG 509 Width i O pen. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or 1/nlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Simper and Type of Construction 3 (above water surface) Lighted. Lighted . 21 160 Lighted . None. None . Length and Width Height Inside Area lor Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANIC Al. HANDLING FACIIITIES One 5-ton mobile hoist; and one 2- and one 3-ton fork lift trucks. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS hi-, mi-, comra FRil Via Fri' .pproach) , concrete , 18 feel Wldi , 1 rom St . Bernard Highway (State Highway No. 39), pn center . Via Mehle Street (approach) , asphalt '" i ■ i'i widi- . i . li in tl ii i r.h way (State Highway No. 39), pevtd, with m ,....,:!., Via St. Maurice Avenue (approach), asphalt, 24 feet wide, from St. Claude Avenue (State Highway No. 39), asphalt, with medial strip In center. ■ (A.*ll.r,|, to v.---..l-» Through one 1-lm I Through one 3/4-lnch line. I'll y.]\ miii' i, I ti. li 1 i in v.'l Ih I '. iii« li li"'i<- • mm I i,.ti-- iitttiic ara m A.':.. 110 volt*, single-phase, 60- A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, 60- , A.C. , 220/440 vol ' , i ih I 60-cycle . A.C., 120 volts, aingle-phase, 60- cycla; A.C, 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. tjvt pwrtrn • ■ ' !'■ ■ ■ HHI '■■'!' Ill Hydrants, hose, sprinkler system niul. 'i W I ■ .' 1 1 I , .'Mi.l I : ■ I i ";■■." I ■ . I it ■ ■ rial 10 wharf from levee below Hmmi I I.'. .1. >1 pit t i.-. Ii.nl In ii ■•. ,1 ,i I " ■' ■ ' " ' n | 0] had movci to i" I . No. 92. Face of wharf Is contiguous with Eli i Mm. 22, I- 1 , 1 1 . i f , ltlOH ITtd ' -" I" "' I I ! " T I i lull I i.l.l i i I I I .'i. ■ 'i l... itad at 2225 Ti h >i Coul U Itroi i Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 20095 PIERS, WHARVES, AMD DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Orleans Parish 35 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 22 Dock Code No. 129 23 Dock Code No. 134 24 Dock Code No. 135 NAME St. Maurice Avenue Open Wharf. Charbonnet Street Wharf. Andry Street Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of St. Maurice Avenue and Alabo Street extended. Between foot of Charbonnet and Flood Streets extended. Foot of Andry Street. OWED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. OPERATED BY Buck Kreihs Co., Inc. Trans-International Warehouse Co. , division of Memphis Compress and Stor- age Co.; and Waterfront Launch, Inc. Dixie Machine Welding & Metal Works, Inc . PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels for repairing, out- fitting, and conversion. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades; ship- ment of cotton; landing for ship service boats, and crews and passen- gers from anchored vessels. Mooring vessels for repair, out- fitting, and conversion. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: Part timber pile with part timber and part concrete deck; and part concrete-filled steel pipe pile with concrete deck; 125 by 24-foot, concrete roadway approach from top of levee; steel catwalk ex- tends from upper side to steel pipe pile mooring dolphin. Part timber and part concrete-capped timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck; 5 covered ramp approaches ex- tend from 2 warehouses in rear to transit shed;110-by 40-foot steel barge with gangway to deck moored at lower end for mooring launches. Timber pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 18- by 14-foot approach. Mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 615 44 1.031 241 61+82 460 59+65+14 59+65+14 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 35 - 30 - - 18 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 715 w/dolph - 1,031 - - 560 w/dolphs - - Width of Apron Do. Open. 18 & 48-49 Open. Height ul Deck Above MLG Do. 21 250 Lighted. 22 250 Lighted. 22 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 200, on wharf; 250, on approach. Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None . One - part timber and part steel frame, metal covered; concrete floor. None. Length and Width (Feet) 1,012 by 90-180 Height Inside Do. 12 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 97,400 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 100 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Twenty-one, 16 by 10; rear: Ten, 16 by 10, one, 8 by 8 and one, 13 by 8; upper end: One, 16 by 10. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . One 7-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 65-foot boom and 30-foot jib; and one 7-ton fork lift truck. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. One 500-foot, platform- level track along 50-foot wide concrete platform at rear of transit shed; connects with Louisiana Southern Railway (Southern Railway System). None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via roadway (marginal), paved, 22 feet wide, from foot of Alabo Street (access), paved, 20 feet wide, from St. Claude Avenue (State Highway No. 19). Via Charbonnet or Flood Streets (access), each 20 feet wide, from St. Claude Avenue (State Highway No. 39), paved, with medial strip in center. Via Andry Street (approach), asphalt, 24 feet wide, from St. Claude Avenue (State Highway No. 39), paved, with medial strip in center. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 6-inch line with 1^-inch connections . Same as Ref. No. 22. Through one 2% -Inch line. (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None . A.C. , 110/220 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; A.C, 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; D.C., 110/220 volts. KIKE PROTECTION (Other than City) Automatic sprinklers with alarm, hose stations, hand extinguishers, hydrants, and watchmen. Two 100,000-gallon water towers, sprinkler system in shed and under Sprinkler system under wharf, hose stations, hand extinguishers, and REMARKS Face of wharf is contiguous with Ref. No. 21. Warehouse buildings and cotton com- press located in rear of transit shed (S.W. Ref. No. 2) . Trucks have access to interior of transit shed. Transit shed is marked off into thirty-two 16- and twenty- five 20-foot-wide spaces. Remains of abandoned wharf adjacent to lower side. Buildings on wharf used for pipe shop, equipment storage, and office purposes. Additional facilities of company lo- cated at 1031 Annunciation Street. 36 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal Dorps of Engineers Port Code No . 20500 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 25 Dock Code No. 040 26 Dock Code No. 060 27 Dock Code No. 068 HAH Saucer Marine Service, Lower Mooring Dock. Saucer Marine Service, Upper Mooring Dock. Canal Marine Repairs Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 600 feet north of North Claiborne Avenue Bridge. Approximately 0.25 mile north of North Claiborne Avenue Bridge. Approximately 0.4 mile north of North Claiborne Avenue Bridge. OWNED BY Saucer Marine Service, Inc. Saucer Marine Service, Inc. Canal Marine Repairs, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring small vessels and barges for repair; occasional receipt of steel (See Remarks) . Mooring small vessels for repair and outfitting; mooring floating drydocks. Mooring small vessels for repair and fueling. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION- Natural bank. Floating offshore wharf: One 261- by 37-foot concrete barge and one 145- by 25-foot machine shop barge moored along outer side of 140- by 24-foot steel barge moored to bank. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Natural bank Outer side of 2 barges South side North side Face Di aen s i ons ( Fee t ) 400 406 37 25 214 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 8 15-11 - - 17 Usable Berthing S; Do. 400 240 (See Remarks.) - 214 (See Remarks.) Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. ■ Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 5 Lighted. 5 Lighted. 4 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS Nuaber and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet ) Height Inside Ik, , Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Rental cranes used as required. One 7-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 40-foot boom; one 17-ton, diesel, mobile crane with 70-foot boom; and one 40-ton, diesel, floating crane with 70-foot boom. One 20-ton, electric, stiff-leg derrick with 60-foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Surakota Road (marginal) , ahall and asphalt, 20 faat wide, from Florida Avenue, asphalt, 22 feel wide, Same as Ref. No. 25. Sam* as Ref. No. 25. WATT.N SUPPLY (Av«i Mia) Bon*. Through one 4-inch Una with lfe-inch hoaa connections. Through one 2-inch Una with l%- and 1/4-inch hose connections. in/ IW OBBVI all) A.C., 110 volts, alngla-phaaa, 60- >'i >>- Addil Loni i i ,,..i i, ii i ■ ■ ■ i Intracoastal Marine Supplies operates i i m. i pumps on north and Di whirl will. i M. 1. pipi Llnai ox tending <» • as Itmm 1 I y n. r ■ ■ ■ in ■ 1 1 ■ i i i '1 i| ka in rear, Eotll tp " " 54,000 barrels. One 200 ton, mii. ,i i.o .t lit i ' ' - way Loi it ad 1 1 b - ' i ii|' ■"' i' ' to h side Ml WI..M 1 iii 1 1 Mini nun vessels are eonal ruol in rear. RIERS, WHARVES, AMD DOCKS East side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal 37 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20500 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 28 Dock Code No. 071 2 g Dock Code No. 072 ^ Dock Code No. 082 NAME Indian Towing Co. Mooring. McDonough Marine Service Wharf. Jourdan Avenue Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.5 mile north of North Claiborne Avenue Bridge. Approximately 0.4 mile south of Florida Avenue Bridge. Approximately 500 feet south of Florida Avenue Bridge. OWNED BY Indian Towing Company, Inc. McDonough Marine Service, Division of Marmac Corp . Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . OPERATED BY do. do. Bo land Marine & Manufacturing Co., Inc . PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring and repairing company-owned floating equipment . Mooring company-owned floating equip- ment , Mooring vessels for repairing, out- fitting, and conversion. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Natural bank. Timber pile, timber deck; 11 timber mooring dolphins in line with face, fronting timber bulkhead. Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf with one 48- by 32-foot and two 48- by 22-foot approaches. DESCRIPTION Natural bank Face South side North side Face South side North side Dimensions (Feet) 300 40 15 15 802 27 27 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 15 8 8-0 8-0 30 . . Usable Berthing Space Do. 300 450 w/dolphs (See Remarks) 802 - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Lighted . 4 200 Unlighted . 9 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 350 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None . None . None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None . None. One 35-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 100-foot boom and 30-foot jib; one 23-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 50-foot boom; one 15-ton, liquid propane gas, mobile crane with 60- foot boom and 15-foot jib extension; and eight 4- to 10-ton, diesel, and gasoline fork lift trucks. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None . None . HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Surekote Road (marginal), shell and asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Florida Avenue, asphalt, 22 feet wide . Same as Ref. No. 28. Same as Ref. No. 28. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 2-inch line with 3/4-inch hose connections. None . Through one 8-inch line with 2\- and 4-inch hose connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts , 3-phase, 60-cycle . (Other than City) Hand extinguishers, hydrants, and hose . Same as Ket . No. Z&. Sprinkler system under wharf, hose stations, portable foam equipment, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Building in rear used as machine shop. Ground at Ref. Nos . 28 and 29 is leased from Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Additional mooring is available along side of a 130- by 45-foot, timber bulkheaded slip at north end of property. Office for barge rental business in rear . Wharf equipped with compressed air, oxygen, acetylene and steam lines. Additional berthing is available at 3 timber pile mooring dolphins lo- cated north of wharf. Additional facilities of company are located at 1000 Tchoupitoulas Street. 38 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 20500 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 31 Dock Code No. 850 32 Dock Code No. 852 33 Dock Code No. 854 NAME Southern Scrap Material Co. Wharf. Lane & Co. Wharf. Lone Star Industries, Barge Mooring. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT East side of Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal, approximately 750 feet north of Florida Avenue Bridge. East side of Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal , approximately 0.4 mile north of Florida Avenue Bridge. Southeast side of turning basin at junction of Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal with Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Seaway Canal. OWNED BY Southern Scrap Material Co., Ltd. Lane & Company, Inc. Lone Star Industries, Inc. OPERATED By do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of scrap metal by barge; shipment of scrap metal and heavy machinery by ship and barge (See Remarks) . Mooring and repairing company-owned floating equipment; handling construc- tion materials and supplies. Mooring barges awaiting berth at Lone Star- Industries Wharf (Ref. No. 85). TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead, solid fill, with 45-foot wide > timber pile, concrete-decked extension, fronted by timber fender system. Timber bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by 7 timber pile cluster breasting dolphins spaced 60 feet apart . Offshore row of 6 timber pile cluster mooring dolphins. DESCRIPTION Face Face Mooring dolphins Dimensions (Feet) 1 451 400 475 Dej,th Alongside at MLC D°- 32 12 12 Usable Berthing Space Do. 451 400 475 Width of Apron Do. Open . Open . - Height of Deck Above ML( 7 500 Lighted. 11 Unlighted. Unlighted . Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None . None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 45-ton, c portal, gantr foot boom fo vessels and tional crawl of up to 100 lectric, traveling, full- y cranes, each with 90- Company-owned equipment available as required. None. r loading and unloading barges; 8 to 10 addl- er cranes with capacities tons serve yard in rear. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two marginal surface tracks on wharf, total length 902 feet, Join addi- tional trackage serving open ll area In rear; connect with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. None . None. hobvai i AIM HflH Via roadway (access), asphalt, 20 . , from France Road, as- phal' -ide. Same as Ref. No. 31. Same as Ref. No. 31. ■ Ann (A**. Mis) one 2V-ln« h ■ ■ "• i j Lncl None . it i» UN { OHM (Aral wis) Nona. A.C, 110 volLii, single-phase, 60- , A.C. , 440 volts, 3-phase, ■ i . . None. TTWT vinnr Hydrant*, hos« , hand exl tnsn. Hand , clngul h*i ind wati turn n None . f wharf 1 ■ loans. i i ue on Lnch pips 1 J It i ran •-■' La 1 i i i n true t la nipan i • «r . PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS 39 l 1 6 5008 15973 65013 EFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 34 - MAP NO. 4 Dock Code No. 001 35 - MAP NO. 1 Dock Code No. 512 36 - MAP NO. 1 Dock Code No. 202 NAME Barriere Construction Co. Dock. Public Bulk Terminal Wharf. New Orleans Public Service, Michoud Electric Station Oil Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Soucheast side of turning basin at junction of Mississippi River-Gulf OuClet Seaway Canal with Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal . North side of Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Seaway Canal, approximately 1.7 miles east of junction with Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal. North side of Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Seaway Canal, approximately 0.25 mile east of Paris Road Bridge. OWNED BY George H. Wilson Co., Inc. Board of Commissioners of the PorC of New Orleans. New Orleans Public Service, Inc. OPERATED BY Barriere Construction Co., Inc. AClantic & Gulf Stevedores, Inc. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand, gravel, and shell by barge. Receipt and shipment of various dry bulk commodities including: Coke, alumina, manganese, sugar, barites, salt, phosphate, ammonium sulphate, iron ore , zinc , petroleum pitch , gypsum, coal , fluorspar, urea, steel, ferrochrome, pig iron, bauxite, cop- per, and potash. Occasional receipt of fuel oil by barge for plant consumption. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Natural bank. Steel pipe pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 60- by 14-foot, steel, vertical lift bridge approach to west end; catwalk extends from each side to mooring dolphin in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 115- by 6-foot approach from top of levee; mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Natural bank Face Rear of face West and east sides Face West side East side Dimensions (Feet) 330 1,808 1,808 35, each. 20 10 10 Depth Alongside at HLG Do. 4 36 20 - 12 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 330 2,235 w/dolph 1,808 - 135 w/dolphs - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Unlighted. 12.8 Lighted. 6 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted LighCed. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One diesel crawler crane with 65- foot boom, equipped with 1 3/4-cubic yard clamshell bucket. One electric, traveling, combination vessel and barge-loading bridge cower on wharf spans barge berths along rear of face and extends from ele- vated gallery along shore in rear tance of 650 feet, has a loading spout lr of 150 #/C.F. material; and is served to electric belt conveyors in elevated linged-cantilevered boom; one Cower has ind 2 Cowers , each has an ouCboard reach ower can travel a distance of 1,600 fee idling bulldozers and other equipment fc Co 20 cubic yards. Unloading Cowers se ice via a 60-inch wide, eleccric, belt-c > asphalt-surfaced open storage areas at ,k terminal include: A rail hopper car ?d with 6 spouts with trimmers for load; iltaneously at a rate of 600 tons of 50 10 steel storage tanks with a total caj ; areas include: Area No. I, 118,450 sc a traveling belt stacker with maximum c il includes: Two 80-ton, diesel, switcr None . parallel to wharf; tower travels a dis #/C.F. material and 3,000 tons per hoi extending from facilities aC cerminal unloading towers on wharf, each with 1 unloading rate of 950 tons per hour < 1,200 tons per hour. Each unloading equipment for loading supplies and hai 10 buckets ranging in capacity from 7 electric belt conveyors on wharf; thet end of wharf to bulk terminal and to traveling stacker. Facilities at bu and a rail carloading platform equipp hopper cars, 8 cars can be loaded simi storage for bulk materials includes: material. Open, asphalt-paved storag square feet. Area No. I is served by hour. Additional equipment at termin diesel, front-end loaders. wich race of 2,000 Cons per hour of 50 by an elecCric, belt-conveyor system gallery. Three elecCric, Craveling, an outboard reach of 65 feet and an of 105 feet and an unloading rate of t on wharf; has auxiliary hoisting r trimming cargo in holds; and use of rve one 42- and two 60-inch wide, onveyor system extending from west rear, one of which is served by a receiving pit, capacity 6 cars per hour jig boxcars and 4 spouts for loading #/C.F. maCerial per hour. Covered acicy for 30,000 tons of 50 #/C.F. uare feet, and Area No. II, 117,550 peracing rate of 3,000 tons per engines; and three 10-cubic yard, RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 800-foot surface track serves asphalt plant in rear; connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Surface tracks serve car-loading platform, receiving pit, NorCh open scorage area, and sale planC; join wich 130-car capaciCy Cerminal stor- age yard and adjacent 413-car capacity France Yard. One surface track in rear of property; connects with Louisville and Nashville Railroad. HIGWAY CONNECTIONS Via roadway (access), asphalt, 20 feet wide, and Florida Avenue Bridge, 18 feet wide, from France Road, as- phalt, 22 feet wide. Via roadways (access) , asphalt and concrete, varied widths, from Elaine SCreet, asphalt, 25 feet wide. Via private plane roadways (access) , varied widths, from Paris Road (State Highway No. 47), asphalt, 24 feet wide WATER SUPPLY (Available Co Vessels) None. Through 8-inch line with 3-inch hose connections . None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available Co Vessels) None. None. None . FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. Fire line, 3 water pumps, hose sta- tions, hand extinguishers, and watch- men. Hydrants, hose, and watchmen. REMARKS Ground leased from Board of Commis- sioners of the Port of New Orleans. Electric winch at rear of face of wharf for positioning barges. One 8-inch pipeline with two 6-inch hose connections extends from wharf to 3 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 180,000 barrels. 40 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS North side, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Corps of Engineers Port Code No 65013 65015 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 37 Dock Code No. 402 38 Dock Code No. 002 39 Dock Code No. 002 NAME NASA-Michoud Harbor Dock. Liquid Oxygen Loading Dock. Liquid Hydrogen Loading Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Northeast corner of Michoud Harbor Slip. Southeast side of Michoud Canal, ap- proximately 1.3 miles above entrance. Southeast side of Michoud Canal, approximately 1.2 miles above en- trance . OWNED BY U. S. Government . Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. OPERATED BY National Aeronautics & Space Adminis- tration, Michoud Assembly Facility. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of space shuttle components by specially designed barges; receipt of diesel fuel. Shipment of liquid oxygen by specially designed barges (See Remarks) . Shipment of liquid hydrogen by specially designed barges. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Two prestressed concrete pile, concrete-decked wharves, spaced 19 feet apart, fronted by timber fender system; 5 guide dolphins connected by 315-foot, timber pile, concrete cat- walk in line with east side of east 75- by 200-foot wharf. Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf fronted by four 32- by 13.5-foot ex- tensions; each fronted by a 42- by 5- foot , timber pile, concrete-capped breasting platform; 10- by 82-foot, concrete approach ramp to lower side parallel with face. Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf fronted by four 32- by 13.5-foot ex- tensions; each fronted by a 38- by 5-' foot, timber pile, concrete-capped breasting platform; 10-foot wide, con crete approach ramps to upper and lower sides parallel with face, 67- and 74 feet lonK. respectively. DESCRIPTION Faces West sides East sides Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (F«-. i ' 104 and 75 127 and 200 127 and 200 207 5+13.5 5+13.5+20.5 326 5+13.5 5+13.5 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 8-22 - - 35 - - 34 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 104 and 75 - - iJ + 4 '4 4 I + 4J il Form Ona L4 Lnch pipeline extends to whar 1 i i .in ' .|>li< i 1 i ,i 1 ,h.ip. il . 1 1 i|n 1 .1 hytli gen atorege tanks, total capacity 3C d ! Lie, In rem , total ■ ipaell ■I. ■■ , whnrl was 1 in '■'" is . F -v..i t Diesel fuel Li •Cored in m n ■ ap« it y tend barge pei ■lip , ' Eon a. Ar tin m Intel tons. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Southeast side, Michoud Canal, north side, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway 41 Corps o! Engineers Port Code No 65015 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 40 Dock Code No. 002 41 Dock Code No. 002 42 Dock Code No. 002 SAME Ammonia Loading Dock. Louisiana Cement Co., Coal Barge Slip. Louisiana Cement Co., Barge Unloading Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1.1 miles above canal entrance . Approximately 1.1 miles above canal entrance. Approximately 1 mile above canal en- trance . OVNED BY Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 0. K. C. Corp. 0. K. C. Corp. OPERATED BV do. Louisiana Cement Co., Div. of 0. K. C. Corp. Louisiana Cement Co., Div. of 0. K. C. Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of anhydrous ammonia. Receipt of coal by barge for plant consumption. Receipt of shell and clay by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked offshore wharf with 110- by 10-foot concrete ramp approach from shore; 2 steel sheet pile, cellular mooring dolphins in line with face. Rectangular slip, perpendicular to canal, formed by steel sheet pile retaining walls with solid fill. Timber pile, concrete -decked wharf; 1 concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, and 2 timber pile, mooring dolphins, and a 70- by 50-foot, concrete pile, concrete decked, clay unloading platform in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Slip Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 90 30 30 324 bv 75 100 33.5 33.5 Depth Alongside at hlg Do. 35 _ _ 15 14 _ - Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 w/dolphs. 324 585 w/dolphs (See Remarks) - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. l Height of Deck Above mlG °° • 10 100 Lighted. 4.4 Lighted. 6.8 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 200 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Ximber and Type of Construction None . None. None . Length and Width (Feet ) Height Inside Do. Flooi Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 6-inch loading arms. One 17^-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 70-foot boom, equipped with 4- cubic yard bucket unloads into a receiving hopper served by a 24-inch, electric, belt-conveyor system ex- tending to one 600 -ton, steel storage tank at rear. One electric, crawler crane with 5- cubic yard bucket unloads clay directly into storage area at rear or shell into a receiving hopper serving a 30-inch, electric, belt-conveyor system extend- ing to open storage area in rear, thence to cement plant by a 30-inch, electric, belt-conveyor system, rate 375 tons per hour. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Trackage serving plant in rear con- nects with Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Four surface tracks serve plant in rear connect with Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Same as Ref. No. 41. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Intracoastal Drive (marginal), and Industrial Parkway, both asphalt, 24 feet wide, from Chef Menteur High- way (U.S. Highway No. 90). Same as Ref. No. 40. Same as Ref. No. 40. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through one l%;-inch line. Through one 1^-inch line. tLECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. Same as Ref. No. 40. Same as Ref. No. 40. HRk PROTECTION (Other than City) One 4-inch monitor nozzle from 4-inch fire water line; one 2^-inch fire hose connection. Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. U- MARKS Two 6-inch pipelines extend to wharf connecting with one 12-inch pipeline extending from one 33,000-ton an- hydrous ammonia storage tank in rear. Crane operates from a 70- by 40-foot, concrete pile, concrete -decked plat- form located on lower side at mid- point of slip. Open storage area for approximately 5,250 tons of coal located at rear of platform. Face of wharf and dolphins are in line with face and dolphins of Loading Dock (Ref. No. 43), which provides for a total of 832 feet of berthing space. Open storage areas in rear have capac- ities for 120,000 tons of shell and 4,000 tons of clay. 42 PIERS, WHARVES, AI\JD DOCKS Southeast side, Michoud Canal, north side Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Corps of Engineers Poi i Code So 65015 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 43 Dock Code No. 002 44 Dock Code No. Q 02 45 Dock Code s<> . qq^ NAME Louisiana Cement Co., Barge Loading Dock. Dundee Loading Dock. Dundee Unloading Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.9 mile above canal entrance from Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Approximately 0.6 mile above canal entrance from Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Approximately 0.5 mile above canal entrance from Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. OWNED BY 0. K. C. Corp. Dundee Cement Co. Dundee Cement Co. OPERATED BY Louisiana Cement Co., Div. of 0. K. C Corp. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of bulk cement by barge. Shipment of bulk cement by barge. Receipt of bulk cement by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf; 2 concrete-filled, steel pipe pile and one timber pile, mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, concrete-decked, off- shore platform with 65- by 4-foot timber approach; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Floating offshore wharf: One 175- b- 26-foot steel barge with steel truss timber-decked walkway and pipeline approach. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions \} ■ ■< ■ t | 45 10 10 10 5 5 175 26 26 Depth Alongside at mlg Do- 18 _ _ 10 _ _ 10 _ . Birthing Space Do. 196 w/dolphs (See Remarks)- 110 w/dolphs - - 175 - - Width of Apron D Open. i Open. Open. '■' HLC Do- 6.8 200 Lighted. 6 Lighted. 2 (above water surface). Lighted. er Sq. Ft. (Lbs . ) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and 1 i. i nooon a | ,110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. A.i . 220/440 volts, 3 phase, 60-cyJI TTtT Vtfilff ■ Hand extlngulahers . N-.n. . Hand extinguishers. fmem of whar Una with la Loodl ■ • "V. »|'* MhaWl age Si LOS, I !• SU < MMM • 1 a f and dolphins are In ce and dolphins oj ■ a loin | ,,| cm. on ■ ■ ■ extend to whorl i truck unloading sc< at rear. Two 12-lnch pneumatic pipeline! sxtdj it. mi whorl to 6 concrete, cement BtJH age alios in rear, total capmlty 10,000 tons. «.tal fflpl Load buli ii <■!■ t hrough i - ■ PIERS, WHARVES, AIN.D DOCKS South side, Bayou Sauvage 43 Cuips >>l Engineers Port Code No 20503 REFERENCE NUMBER ON SUP NO. 1 45 Dock Code No. 055 47 Dock Code No. Q55 4g Dock Code No. Q55 Y»»t Halter Marine Services, Wet Dock. West Southwest Marine Dock. Halter Marine Services, High and Dry Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2.8 miles above Chef Menteur Pass. Approximately 2.3 miles above Chef Menteur Pass. Approximately 2.1 miles above Chef Menteur Pass. OWNED BY Halter Marine Services, Inc. West Southwest Marine, Inc. Halter Marine Services, Inc. OPERATED UV do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring small vessels for repair and outfitting. Mooring yachts for repair. Mooring small vessels for repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with concrete- surfaced solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 275+110 180 70 IBpth Alongside at ;-n_G [ '"- 14 8 - 3-10 able Berthing Space Do. 275+110 (See Remarks). 180 (See Remarks) . (See Remarks . Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height ol Deck Above mlg Do. 3 Lighted. 5 Lighted. 5 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS tfuaber and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet ) Height Inside Do. irea for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors ECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 20- and one 15-ton, gasoline, mobile cranes, each with 50-foot boom and 15-foot jib extension; one 10-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 40-foot boom; one 10- and one 5-ton, mobile hoists; and one 5-ton, gaso- line, fork lift truck. One 30-ton, electric, stiff-leg der- rick with 75-foot boom; one 15-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 40-foot boom. None. UILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HGHVAY CONNECTIONS Via Chef Menteur Highway (U.S. High- way No. 90), concrete, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 46. Same as Ref. No. 46. IATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 3-inch line. Through one 2-inch line. Through one 1-inch line. LECTPIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts , 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110/220 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. lUi PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers, hydrants, hose, small fireboat, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers and watchmen. Additional berthing is available along natural bank approximately 400 feet west of bulkhead, and in a 75- by 55-foot slip approximately 400 feet east of bulkhead. One side-launching way is located west of bulkhead; and 3 side- and 3 end-launching ways located east of bulkhead. Additional 120 feet of berthing space available along natural bank and across a 20- by 20-foot slip west of bulkhead. Machine shop warehouse and engineering department located at rear. 44 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Corps of Engineers Purl Code No . 20500 REFERENCE NUMBER OS MAP NO. 1 49 Dock Code No. I5g 50 Dock Code No. 153 51 Dock Code No. 15a N AMI Samuel Ignatius, Loading Ramp. Binnings Construction Co. Dock. Gulf Outlet Fuel & Marine Supplies, Fuel Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South side of Bayou Sauvage, approxi- mately 2 miles above Chef Menteur Pass. South side of Bayou Sauvage, approxi- mately 1.7 miles above Chef Menteur Pass. North side of Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Seaway Canal at junction with Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal. OWNED BY Samuel Ignatius. Binnings Construction Co., Inc. Gulf Outlet Fuel & Marine Supplies, Inc. OPERATED BY do. | do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Occasional handling of salvage mate- rials and equipment to and from barges . Mooring floating equipment; handling construction materials. Mooring and fueling vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION- Timber pile, timber-decked loading ramp . Natural bank. One grounded 135- by 35-foot and one floating 135- by 30-foot steel barges. DESCRIPTION Face West side East side Bank Face Dimensions (Feet) 14 24 24 320 135+135 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 12-16 . 3-6 15 Usable Berthing Space Do. 14 - - 320 270 Width of Apron Open. Open. Open. Height ol Deck Above ^j_ G Do . per Sq. Ft . (Lbs. ) 5 Un lighted. 5 Unlighted. 3 Lighted 01 1 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nuabcr and Type of Construction None. None . None. Length and width (Feet) Height Inside [v.. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) L-.jd Capacity pir So,. Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Company-owned equipment available as required. Same as Ref. No. 49. None. Ul Ml vm tptvs None. None. Nuiu- . HIGHWAY lOMMtC'TIOHS ... n l!,H way No. 90), concrete, 40 feet wide. Seme as Ref. No. 49. Via Jourdan Road, shell, 20 feet wide from Chef Menteur Highway (U.S. High- way 90). • None . Through 2-inch line. It I- T»|i tr»(i,i ."la) None. Nona . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 61 A.C., 220 volta, 3-phaae, 60-cycla. Hone. Hand extlngulahere. ii i ■ - 1 Lngulahsra. ...... .,* yard at raer. inately 2 acrea of open storage eres st rear. "i ot maliitninii lacllltlea 1 in}', bollard teats on tugs. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal 45 Corps ul Engineer- Purl Code No 20500 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 Dock Code No. 160 Dock Code No. 200 54 Dock Code No. 216 American Marine Corp., Constru and Outfitting Wharf and Slip. New Orleans Public Service, Paterson Power Plant Wharf. Milchem Loading Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 300 feet below U. S. Interstate Route 10 Highway Bridge. Approximately 0.7 mile above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. North side of slip, approximately 0.6 mile above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. American Marine Corp. New Orleans Public Service, Inc. Milchem, Inc . OPERATED BY PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring small vessels, barges, and offshore oil well platforms for out- fitting and repair. Occasionally used for receipt of fuel oil by barge for plant consumption. Shipment of bulk and packaged drilling mud by barge and offshore supply vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Wharf: Part concrete-surfaced, steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Slip: Natural bank along southeast side and inner end and steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill along northwest side at angle to canal. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with two 135- by 6-foot timber approaches . Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face of wharf Slip South side Depth Alongside at 15-35 10-30 i2_ Usable Berthing Space 1.894 (See Remarks). 800, approx 424 275 w/dolphs Width of Apron Height of Deck Above j^lq Do. Open. Open. Open. 45 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted. Unlighted. 9 600 Lighted. 5 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None . None. nd Type of Construe ti Length and Width Height Inside Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Three diesel, locomotive cranes with capacities ranging from 15 to 40 tons; and one 25-ton, diesel-elec trie gantry crane with 100 -foot boom serve shipyard in rear. Use of one 50-, and one 30-ton, diesel, floating derricks, each with 100-foot boom. Two 8-foot-wide, adjustable loading ramps; one derrick with 20-foot boom for handling air slide conveyor hose; and three 3- and one 2-ton gasoline fork lift trucks. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage in rear connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad and Louisville and Nashville Railroad. One surface track along rear of building at rear joins additional plant trackage; connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roadway (access), shell, varied widths, from Jourdan Road (marginal), shell and asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via roadway (access), shell, 20 feet wide, from Jourdan Road (marginal), asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via Jourdan Road (marginal), asphalt, 24 feet wide, from Chef Menteur Highway (U.S. Highway No. 90). WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 2^-inch line. Through one 6-inch line with 2^-inch hose connections. Through one 3/4-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) HUE" PROTECTION (Other than City) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Hand extinguishers, hydrants, hose, and watchmen. REMARKS Sprinkler system, one 50,000-gallon water tower, hydrants , hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers. Berthing space includes approximately 600 feet across the centrally lo- cated barge building and launching ways; additional 1,350 feet of berth- ing available along natural bank of canal south of slip. Ground is leased from Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. One 10-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 2 fuel oil storage tanks in rear, total capacity 50,000 barrels. Wharf is also equipped with one 2- inch compressed air and one 2-inch steam lines. Slip is approximately 330 by 80 feet. Building at rear of wharf (260 by 100 feet) used by company as storage warehouse . One 10-inch, air slide conveyor pipe- line extends to wharf from 4 storage tanks in rear, total capacity 1,200 tons . Ground at Ref. Nos. 54, 55, and 56 is leased from Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. 46 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20500 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 55 Dock Code No. 216 56 Dock Code No. 220 57 Dock Code No. 222 NAME Mile hem Ore Wharf. Dwyer Road Wharf. United States Gypsum Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATLRFRONT Approximately 0.7 mile above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. Approximately 0.8 mile above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. Approximately 0.7 mile below Seabrool Bridge . OWNED BY Mile hem, Inc. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. United States Gypsum Co. OPERATED BV do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of barite. Receipt and shipment of roll-on, roll- off, and lift-on, lift-off general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt of gypsum rock by self- unloading vessels; and receipt of shell by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead, solid fill, with timber pile, concrete- decked extension; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face connected to wharf by steel catwalks. Steel pile, concrete -decked, offshore wharf with 114- by 17-foot approach; 2 timber mooring dolphins in rear of line of face. Row of 5 offshore, 17- by 11-foot, timber pile, timber-decked mooring platforms connected by 4-foot-wide timber catwalk; 135- by 35-foot timbi approach extends to shore from north side; 6 timber mooring dolphins at rear of platforms. DESCRIPTION Face South side North side Face South side North side Face Dolphins at rear of Dimensions (Feet) 403 42 42 133 56 45 362 240 Dt-^th Alongside at [fl.G Do - 12 _ _ 22 . _ 25 12 Usable Berthing Space Do. 440 w/dolphs - . 340 w/dolphs - - 362 240 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height ol Deck Above j^ Do. 5 500 Lighted. 7 500 Lighted. 7.5 1,000 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Untighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None . One (container freight station) - steel frame, clear span, metal covered, concrete floor. None. Length and Width (Feet) 300 by 100 Height Inside Do. 12 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 20,000, net. Load Capacity per S u 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Continuous 18 by 12 truck doors on north and east sides; six, 18 by 12 car floor level rail doors on south side. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Floating crane (furnished by steve- doring company) unloads ore from vessels onto wharf, thence by bull- dozer to open storage area in rear. Fork lift trucks and tractors for towing chassis are available as required. Receiving hopper on wharf for self- unloading vessels serves 54-inch, electric, belt-conveyor system ex- tending to 2 steel, cylindrical, gypsum rock storage bins at plant in rear. Floating crane (furnished by ' stevedoring company) unloads shell from barges into receiving hopper on shore which serves an inclined, 24- inch, radial belt conveyor to open, Shell storage area. A ground- level hopper at open storag area serves a covered, electric, (Continued under Remarks) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks serve plant in rear; connect with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two platform level tracks at rear of transit shed. Plant trackage in rear connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. HIGHWAY COflWECTIOHS Via Jourdan Road (marginal), asphalt, 24 feet wide, from Chef Menteur Highway (U.S. Highway No. 90). Same as Ref. No. 55. Same as Ref. No. 55. WATER (Avail Through on* 2 -Inch Una. Through 3 -inch line. Through one 2-inch line with 1'., Lnch HJi Pill MHNM1 (Aval Rom None. A i: . 11 It:., ■ . 1 i - r, 1 < ' |>h. is.' , Ml cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60 cycle. TTWT PT Hand extinguishers. |>i InHn 1 Nil tin 1 i • i h'.hl m, hose, and hand extinguishers. ii" . ■ , i Mi ,non i r " " ' '" ■')■ ' ll " "' . " ( " tons of |bi 1 1 . PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal 47 .! Engineers Port Code No . 20500 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 58 Dock Code No. 255 59 Dock Code No. 268 60 Dock Code No. 268 Morrison Yard, Ship Wharf and Turning Basin Barge Wharf. Baroid Industrial Canal, Warehouse Dock. Baroid Industrial Canal, Ship Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.4 mile below Seabrook Bridge . Approximately 0.2 mile below Seabrook Bridge. Approximately 700 feet below Seabrook Bridge. OWED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Baroid Petroleum Services, Division of N L Industries, Inc. Baroid Petroleum Services, Division of N L Industries, Inc. OPERATED BV do. do. do. 1HIRPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of miscellaneous bulk and heavy-lift commodities, and containerized cargo; receipt of lumber and steel; and shipment of scrap metal . Shipment of bagged and bulk drilling mud . Receipt of barite. TYPE OK CONSTRUCTION Ship wharf: timber pile, concrete deck, extending from steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Barge Basin: steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fenders . Steel sheet pile bulkhead with con- crete-surfaced solid fill, fronted by timber fender system; 3 steel and 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face . Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 4 steel walkway approaches; fronted by 6 timber breasting dolphins; one steel pipe pile and one timber mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Ship wharf Barge basin south side Barge basin east side Face Northwest side Southeast side Face North side South side (Feet) 898 434 670 332 32 32 400 15 IS tpth Alongside at MLG Do. 30 12 12 10 32 Usable Berthing Space Do. 975 w/dolphs.434 670 532 w/dolphs. - _ 490w/ dolphs _ _ ■idth of Apron Do. Open. 1 Open. I Open. Open. Open. Height of Dock Above MLG Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 7 800 Lighted . 6 Lighted . 6 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nuabet and Type of Construction None . None (See Remarks) . None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. loor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors KECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 20-ton, diesel, locomotive crane with 70-foot boom; and two 10-ton, gasoline, mobile cranes, each with 30-foot boom. Additional equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Three adjustable 7-foot wide barge- loading ramps, five 3- and one 2-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks. Floating era doring comps sels into tv receiving he serve 30-inc system on wr extending tc A ground -le\i area serves extending tc ne (furnished by steve- ny) unloads ore from ves- o 3^-cubic yard, traveling, ppers on wharf; hoppers h, electric, belt-conveyor arf with take-off conveyor open storage area in rear, el hopper at open storage an electric conveyor system grinding mill in rear. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Three connecting surface tracks on ship wharf, total length 2,295 feet; one 398-foot surface track along south side of barge basin; and 3 surface tracks along east side, total length 1,220 feet, join additional trackage in rear; all connect with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad . One surface track along rear of bulkhead joins with an additional track along rear of building; con- nects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. Plant trackage in rear connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Jourdan Road (marginal), asphalt, 24 feet wide, from Chef Menteur High- way (U.S. Highway No. 90). Same as Ref . No. 58. Same as Ref. No. 58. ■ATER SUPPLY 'Available to Vessels) Through 3-inch line with two 2^-inch hose connections. Through 5-inch line with 1%-inch hose connections. Through one 2^ -inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 277/480 volts , 3-phase, 60-cycle . None . None . (Other than City) Hydrants, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Sprinkler system, hand extinguishers, hydrants, hose, and watchmen. Sprinkler system under wharf, hydrants, hose, and watchmen. Approximately 7.4 acres of open storage located in rear. Building at rear of bulkhead (260 by 100 feet) used by company as packag- ing plant and storage warehouse. Drilling mud storage silo located on northwest end of bulkhead, capacity 2,412 tons; and 2 additional storage silos at grinding mill with total capacity for 765 tons. Ground at Ref. Nos. 59 and 60 is leased from Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Open storage area in rear for 60,000 tons of barite ore. Company-owned, timber, 20-foot wide, seaplane ramp at north end of property with black-topped taxiway to parking area and hangar . 48 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal Corps ol Engineers Port Code No . 20500 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 61 Dock Code No. 720 62 Dock Code No. 727 63 Dock Code No. 738 NAME Radcliff Materials Landing. Standard Dredging Corp. Dock. Dresser Minerals Barge Slip. ■ LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Northwest side of Slip No. 6, approxi- mately 700 feet below Seabrook Bridge. Southeast side of Slip No. 6, approxi- mately 0.2 mile below Seabrook Bridge. Slip No. 5i&, approximately 0.3 mile below Seabrook Bridge. OWNED BY Radcliff Materials, Inc. , subsidiary of Southern Industries Corp. Standard Dredging Corp. Dresser Industries , Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Dresser Minerals, Division of Dressei Industries , Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of sand, gravel, and shell; receipt of concrete masonry block by barge. Mooring and repairing company-owned floating equipment . Shipment of bulk and packaged drillii mud by barge and offshore supply ves sel. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Natural bank. Slip side: Part sloping rock- revetted bank and part timber bulk- head with solid fill. Canal side: Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Slip formed by sloping, rock-revette. banks; row of 7 timber mooring dolphins along northwest side. DESCRIPTION Head of slip North side of slip Slip side Canal side Head of slip Northwest side Southeast side Dimensions (Feet) 200 800 375+40+330+120 340 73 455 310+60 U-j t ii Alongside at MLG Do. 10 10 22-20 15 - 6-7 - Usable Be r t h i n g Spa ce Do . 200 800 375+330+120 340 - 455, at dolphs. Width of Apron Do. Open. - Open. . Open. I- Height of Deck Above MLC Do 7 Un lighted. 2 Lighted. 6 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. - Lighted or Un lighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS SuBber and Type of Construction None. None. None. Leagta aod width (Feet) Height Inside IX> . Floor Area (or Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq . f i . (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One dlesel crawler crane with 90-foot boom equipped with a 3-cubic yard clamshell bucket; one 2^-cubic yard, dlesel, front-end loader; and one 1- ton, gasoline, fork lift truck. Three gasoline crawler cranes: One 15 ton with 40-foot boom; one 10 ton with 30-foot boom, and one 5 ton with 50-foot boom. One 10-ton , gasoline , mobile crane with 38-foot boom; and use of one 25-ton, steam, floating derrick with 60-foot boom. Two adjustable 10- by 35-foot, barge loading ramps extend from revetment to mooring dolphins; five i%- and on 2-ton fork lift trucks; and one 4- tnch, pneumatic, drilling mud loadin hose, rate 60 tons per hour. Bulk drilling mud in steel containers can be loaded at the rate of 50 tons per hour. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 900-foot surface track in rear of bank along slip; connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. None. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One surface track serves plant in rear of northwest side of slip. MM ■ AHH RW Via Francs Road (marginal), asphalt, 22 feat wide, from Chef Ml Highway (U. S. Highway No. 90). Same as Ref. No. 61, Same as Ref. No. 61. • wis) Through one 2-lnch Una. 1 l.i <», i,i,l , . ■ ,i i .-.I bank canal above slip; also serves Ref. No. 63. r«rswi' ' r illp pAMSfi a> . dlegel r eei , ••ana t:,, i , [00 ' om oi packaged di ' ' un 1. 1 , .11,1 '. '.1 ol .<>',>■ ■■ i 1 o' 1 ' reai with i ol si ■ npa< 1 1 y toi t, !00 Ions. RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal 49 f Engineers Port Code No . 20500 REFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP NO. 4 64 Dock Code No. 738 65 Dock Code No. 745 66 Dock Code No. 750 NAME Dresser Minerals Unloading Dock. Boh Brothers Construction Co. Landing Williams-McWilliams Landing. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.4 mile below Seabrook Bridge. Along Inner Harbor Navigation (In- dustrial) Canal and northwest side of Slip No. 5, approximately 0.5 mile below Seabrook Bridge. Along Inner Harbor Navigation (In- dustrial) Canal and southeast side of Slip No. 5, approximately 0.6 mile below Seabrook Bridge. OWED BY Dresser Industries, Inc. Boh Brothers Construction Co., Inc. Williams-McWilliams Co., Inc., a Zapata Co. OPERATED BY Dresser Minerals, Division of Dresser Industries , Inc. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of barite. Mooring company-owned floating equip- ment; handling contractor's supplies and equipment to and from barges. Mooring company-owned floating equip- ment; handling contractor's supplies and equipment to and from barges; shipment of fabricated marine struc- tures . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by 6 timber pile, breasting dolphins. Natural bank. Head of slip: Steel sheet pile bulk- head with solid fill; southeast side of slip: Timber bulkhead with solid fill; canal side: Part timber bulk- head with solid fill and part natural bank, partially fronted by timber dolphins. DESCRIPTION Face Canal side Northwest side of slip Head of slip Head of slip Southeast side of slip Canal side Dimensions (Feet) 500 440 200+538 130 90 500+77 180+545 epth Alongside at MLG Do. 30 10 17 17 12 12 12 Usable Berthing Space Do, 500 (See Remarks) 440 200+538 130 90 500+7 7 (See Remarks 11 ■idth of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 6 Partly lighted. 2 Unlighted. 5 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Huaber and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Floating crane (furnished by steve- doring company) unloads ore from ves- sels to rear of bulkhead where it is transferred by bulldozer to open stor- age area and by front-end loader to rail car receiving pit. A 30-inch, elevated, belt-conveyor system ex- tends from car pit to hammer mill and o\)er slip to plant in rear of north- west side of Ref. No. 63, rate 150 tons per hour. One 20 -ton, gasoline, stiff-leg derrick with 80-foot boom on bull wheel . Additional company-owned equipment available as required. One 110-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 100-foot boom and 30-foot jib ex- tension; and use of one 50-ton, steam, floating derrick with 120-foot boom. Additional company-owned equipment available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One surface track serves car- receiving pit in rear. One surface track along rear of northwest side of slip; connects with New Orleans Public Belt Rail- road. One surface track along rear of south- east side of slip; connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. 1IGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via France Road (marginal), asphalt, 22 feet wide, from Chef Menteur High- way (U. S. Highway No. 90). Same as Ref. No. 64. Same as Ref. No. 64. lATER SL'PPl.Y (Available to Vessels) Through one 1^-inch line. Through one 2-inch line. Through one 2-inch line. -LECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C. , 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C, 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. (Other than City) Portable fire pump with hose, hy- drants, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Vessels berth along outer side of floating crane moored at breasting dolphins fronting bulkhead. Open storage area in rear for 60,000 tons of barite ore. Ground at Ref. Nos. 64, 65, and 66 is leased from Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Slip is approximately 200 feet wide and at 45° angle to canal. One crane platform and one barge- loading ramp on slip side; 3 barge- loading ramps on canal side. Contractor's fabrication and storage yard in rear. 50 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20500 REFERLSCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 67 Dock Code No. 770 68 Dock Code No. 774 69 Dock Cod. No. 776 J NAME Laclede Steel Co., Barge Slip. Orleans Materials & Equipment Co. , Barge Slip. Ideal Cement, North Dock House Wharf .1 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.7 mile below Seabrook Bridge. Approximately 0.8 mile above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. Approximately 0.7 mile above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. OWNED BY Laclede Steel Company. Orleans Materials 6 Equipment Company, Inc. Ideal-Basic Industries, Cement Divis - OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and occasional shipment of structural and reinforcing steel by barge. Receipt and occasional shipment of structural and reinforcing steel by barge . Shipment of bulk cement by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Northwest side: Part steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill, and part rock-revetted bank; head of slip and southeast side: Sloping rock-revetted bank (See Remarks) . Northwest and southeast sides: Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; head of slip: Sloping rock-revetted bank. Timber pile, concrete-decked plat- form; timber mooring dolphins in lim with face. DESCRIPTION Head of slip Northwest Southeast side side Head of slip Northwest side Southeast side Face North side South 3ld< Dimensions (Feet) 55 210+100 235 50 217 190 20 20 20 Dtj-ih Alongside at MLG Do. 11 11 11 13 13 13 17 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 55 210+100 235 50 217 190 220 w/dolphs . - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open . 4 Height of Deck Above Mix Load C*| Sq. Ft . (Lbs. ) 5 Lighted . 5 Lighted . 5 Lighted. Lifihted or 1 TRANSIT SHEDS Nunber and Type of Construction None . None . None . Length and fidth (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (So,. Ft.) Load OapftClt) pel Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One travel ing, overhead bridge crane with 5-ton electric hoist extends over slip from fabrication shop at rear of northwest side. One travel ins, overhead bridge crane with 10-ton electric hoist extends over barge slip from open storage yard in rear of head of slip. One screw-type conveyor supported by a swinging boom mounted on top of do house on wharf supplies bulk cement barges at a rate of 140 tons per hoi One 30- ton, diesel -electric locomoti for shifting rail cars. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two lurfact t racks nerve plant in rear; connect with NOW Orleans Public Hell Roll road. Bi 1 1 Eta i i road: Two 400- fool ■■in i ai e i 'i' ks ■■ i ira open storage yards; and one 200- foot sur- i. of fabrica- tion ihop New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Surface tracks serve car - 1 . and car-receiving pit, and Join wit! a 20-car capacity storage yard ■ IClfWAT CONNECTIONS Via France Road (marginal), asphalt, way (V. S. Highway No. 90) . Same as Kef. No. 67. Same as Ref . No. 67. • Mona. ■ ii j'.ii on* i ! in. h i I ... Mil) Nona. A.C., 110 volts, alngle-phaea, 60- ' . . i . hari, hydi -«nt , h i and wfti I . i In) ni sin n im.i -.ii . 1 'M ng tpaca aval 1<> ■ • ana 1 , above !• lea Mil, hop and warehouse Face ol wh.H i and i Lni i 1 p i Wl 1 ll .1-1 |.lll II'. .IM.I . ' 1 1 Ii n... 1 llntn i Wll ii 1 (Rel No, 70 whli I, | I.I. ■ tot nl nl I'M) lri-1 bar thing ipaei Oni ii . il r si Id 1 tl llclH i O ll()i 1- 1 ' ' ' 1 ( ■ , . . i 1 .Mi w 1 i Ii H I i "i i ■ bin . I oi 1 1 ■ '1 nun 1 oim . i I n,i i aquippecl I ■ ■■ - .m |i| I wl 1 Ii ( n-w 1 y|i. i ,. i ,,, |j . |ilo H . . ii - ..i |.i'l 1 1 In 1 " i' 1 ' Ml ' II i ■( a rata of one cm PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal H ol Encineers Puit Code- No 20500 .1 MBtR ON MAP NO. 4 70 Dock Code No. 776 71 Dock Code No. 780 72 Dock Code No. 783 uu: Ideal Cement, South Dock House Wharf. Louisiana Industries Dock. Equitable Shipyards Outfitting Wharf. KAT10N ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.6 mile above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. Approximately 0.5 mile above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. Approximately 0.4 mile above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. Ideal-Basic Industries , Cement Division. Radcliffe Materials, Inc. , subsidiary of Southern Industries Corp. Equitable Shipyards, Inc., a Trinity Industries Co. PERATEl) BV do. do. do. I'RPOSF FOR WHICH USED Receipt of bulk cement by self- unloading barge. Mooring barges . Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair. TPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked platform; timber mooring dolphins in line with face on north side. Natural bank. Part timber and part steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill; timber pile, concrete-decked crane platform. ESCRIPTION Face North side South side Bank Face North side South side (Feet) 48 29 29 620 557 95 190 >iile at MLG Do . 17 - 14 17 17 17 sable Berthing Space Do. 180 w/dolphs (See Remarks) - 620 * 557 - 190 idth of Apron Do. 4 Open. Open. eight ol Deck Above MLG Do. 5 Lighted. Unlighted. 5 per Sq . Ft . (Lbs . ) 300, bulkhead; 1,000 at crane platform. : Unlighted Lighted. TUNS IT SHEDS umber and Type of Construction None. None. None. eogth and Width (Feet) eight Inside Do. loor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) oad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) argo Doors ICHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 1%-ton, electric, traveling hoist mounted on steel beam for handling hose. Barges are equipped for unload- ing cement at rate of 85 tons per hour. None. Two 45-ton, diesel-electric , full- portal, gantry cranes, each with 120- foot boom, serve crane platform, north end of wharf, and adjacent shipbuilding and side-launching ways; and three 15- ton, liquid propane gas, mobile cranes, each with 60-foot boom. AILIAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Surface tracks serve car- loading spout, car- receiving pit, and join with a 20-car capacity storage yard in rear. Four surface tracks, total length 1,700 feet, serve car-receiving pit, car-loading spout at cement terminal in rear, and join with 18-car capacity storage yard; connect with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. Four surface tracks serve plant ware- houses, shop, open fabrication areas, and side-launching ways in rear of wharf connect with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad . IGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via France Road (marginal), asphalt, 22 feet wide, from Chef Menteur High- way (U. S. Highway No. 90). Same as Ref. No. 70. Same as Ref. No. 70. ATER SUPPLY 'Available to Vessels) Through one 1^-inch line. None . Through one 4-inch line with 2-inch hose connections. '-ECTRIC CURRENT tie to Vessels) A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; D.C., 220 volts. IBt PROTECTION .'Other than City) Hand extinguishers and watchmen. None. Plant fire department, hydrants, hose, one 120,000-gallon water tower, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. HARKS Face of wharf and mooring dolphins are in line with dolphins and face of North Dock House Wharf (Ref. No. 69) which provide a total of 390 feet of berthing space. One 8- inch pipeline extends from dock house to storage facilities described under Ref. No. 69 and to additional 6 storage silos with 2 interstitial storage bins, total capacity 14,100 tons. Plant is equipped to supply bulk cement to trucks through 2 spouts at a combined rate of 8 trucks per hour from 3 truckloading bins, total capacity 675 tons. Company operates bagging plant for package shipment, capacity 55 tons per hour. Two steel, cement storage silos in rear, total capacity 3,000 tons, operated by Louisiana Industries for the receipt of bulk cement by rail and shipment by truck. Ground at Ref. Nos. 70, 71, and 72 is leased from Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. South side of wharf forms slip, approxi- mately 60 feet wide, with north side of Wet Dock Pier (Ref. No. 73); one 1,000- ton marine railway in center of inner end of slip. 52 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20500 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal REFERENCE NUMBER OS MAP NO. 4 73 Dock Code No. 783 74 Dock Code No. 783 75 Dock Code No. 783 NAME Equitable Shipyards, Wet Dock Pier. Equitable Shipyards, Plant Wharf. Equitable Shipyards, Shear Shop Wharf LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.3 mile above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. Approximately 0.2 mile above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. Approximately 300 feet above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. OWNED BY Equitable Shipyards, Inc., a Trinity Industries Co. Equitable Shipyards, Inc., a Trinity Industries Co. Equitable Shipyards, Inc., a Trinity Industries Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring small vessels for outfitting and repairing. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repairing; receipt of steel for use at shipyard. Mooring vessels for repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier ex- tending from steel sheet pile bulk- head with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead, concrete- surfaced solid fill with part timber and part steel pipe pile, timber- decked extension. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face North side South side Face Face Diiensions (Feet) 20 190 170 960 260 Depth Alongside a t MLG Do. 17 17-7 17-7 17 17 UsabU- Berthing Space Do. 20 250 w/blkhd. 170 960 (See Remarks) . 260 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 12 Height of Drck Above HLC 0° ■ 5 300 Lighted. 4 300 Lighted. 4 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS Nuaber and Type of Construction None. None . None. Length and Kidlh (Feel ) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors (Feet) MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Use of three mobile cranes described under Ref. No. 72. One 75-ton, electric, stiff-leg der- rick with 105-foot boom mounted on bull wheel; two 25- ton, diesel loco- motive cranes with 60-foot booms; one 20- ton, electric, traveling, bridge crane with 25-foot outboard reach along 600 feet parallel to face; and use of 3 mobile cranes described under Ref. No. 72. One 15- and one 8-ton, overhead, elec trie, traveling bridge cranes extend 45 feet outward from face of south ei of bulkhead from shop building in rei RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage In rear connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. One 480- foot surface track on apron Joins plant trackage in rear; con- nects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad . Plant trackage in rear connects with New Orleans Public Bell Railroad. IN Pi 1 BMI RM Via plant roads (access), from France Road (siarginal), asphalt, 22 feet wide, from Chef Henteur Highway (U.S. Highway No. 90). Same as Ref. No. 73. Same as Ref. No. 73. WATU H ff\ y (ArelUele to VmmU) Through one 4-inch line with 2-inch connect Ions . Same as Ref. No. 73. Same as Ref. No. 73. Mia) A C . 110 volts, tingle-phase, 60- A.C . kkO volte, 3-phasa, 60- lit. A .(.. , 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C, 220/440 volts, 3-phase, i . A.C, 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C, 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle . Ffwt Pvnjfrjtrm rear, hose, one 1 20,000-gellon water ' *"« ..-•■•■ 1 ..>-.. l-,h. . , w«i ■ Same as Ref. No. 73. Same as Ref. No. 73. .,»... * pier forms 60-foot Vide ■ 1 Ip wl f h not Mi . . • red r.»at l ...... leased from hoard of COaWalMlOMre' of • ant. Steel vessels, LASH (Lighter aboard thl|>) harg«-N and marine structures Oil wcl Is are comm runted a i plani I i I ■ 1 1 , . Lfi i • 'i r . 'ii htng 1 H nu/il Int. i. Eoi • mall < m.m In i/n tiy mi io.>t covered boat basin, adjacent to north Hid Oi by] Hn-ad, Two- story office bul ldl ng located at rear of north pori 1 on <>t l>u Ikheec! Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 20500 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal 53 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 76 Dock Code No. 805 77 Dock Code No. 822 78 Dock Code No. 835 NAME Louisiana Materials Co. Wharf. Pontchartrain Materials Corp., Slip. Mechanical Equipment Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 400 feet below Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. Slip No. 4, approximately 750 feet below U.S. Interstate Route 10 High- way Bridge. At outer end of northwest side of Slip No. 3, approximately 0.4 mile below U.S. Interstate Route 10 High- way Bridge. OWED BY Louisiana Materials Co., Inc. Pontchartrain Materials Corp. Mechanical Equipment Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of shell by vessel and barge. Receipt and shipment of shell and sand; receipt of aragonite sand by barge . Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Remains of irregular-shaped timber bulkhead with shell-surfaced solid fill. Natural bank. Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf; timber mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Head of slip Northwest side and canal Southeast side Face Northeast side Southwest side Dimensions (Feet) 1.300 200 1.500 800 20 54 54 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 10 9 20-9 20-9 - - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,300 200 1,500 800 (See 90 w/dolphs - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Remarks) Open . Seight of Deck Above MLG Do- 8-6 Unlighted. 6 Unlighted . 6 Load Capacity per So,. Ft. (Lbs.) 400 Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS v umber and Type of Construction None . None. None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors WECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 60-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 100-foot boom equipped with 4- cubic yard bucket; average rate of unloading barge is 200 cubic yards per hour. One diesel, crawler crane with 110- foot boom equipped with 3 -cubic yard bucket. None . RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 1,200-foot surface track along rear of bulkhead joins with addi- tional surface trackage in rear; connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One surface track serves open stor- age area in rear. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via France Road (marginal), asphalt, 22 feet wide, from Chef Menteur Highway (U.S. Highway No. 90). Same as Ref. No. 76. Via shell road (approach) , varied widths, from France Road (marginal), asphalt, 22 feet wide, from Chef Menteur Highway (U.S. Highway No. 90). WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through one 2-inch line. None . ELECTRIC CURRENT (available to Vessels) None. None. None . 1H£ PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguisher on crane. Hand extinguishers . None. Open storage area in rear for approx- imately 170,000 cubic yards of shell. Ground at Ref. Nos. 76, 77, and 78 is leased from Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Additional 400 feet of mooring avail- able along canal south of slip. Slip No. 4 is approximately 200 feet wide and at a 45° angle to canal. Open storage area in rear for shell, 100,000 cubic yards; sand, 50,000 cubic yards; and aragonite sand, 25,000 cubic yards. Small timber work platform on south- west side at lower level. 54 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20500 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal REFfcRfcSCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 79 Dock Code No. 835 80 Dock Code No. 835 81 Dock Code- No. 860 NAME Edward Levy Metals, Slip No. 3 Wharf. Edward Levy Metals, Warehouse Wharf. France Road Terminal, Berths Nos. 5 ; and 4. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Inner end of northwest side of Slip No. 3, approximately 0.4 mile below U.S. Interstate Route 10 Highway Bridge . Southeast side of Slip No. 3. Approximately 0.5 mile north of Florida Avenue Bridge. OWNED BY Edward Levy Metals, Inc. Edward Levy Metals, Inc. Board of Commissioners of the Port o: New Orleans. OPERATED BY do. do. J. Young &Co., Inc. (See Remarks). PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring barges. Receipt and shipment of steel by barge . Receipt and shipment of containerize** general cargo in foreign trade. TYPE OK CONSTRUCTION Precast concrete pile, concrete- decked wharf; 8 timber mooring dol- phins in line with face on northeast side. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill, partially concrete-surfaced. Steel pile, concrete -decked, offshore, wharf with three 35- and one 200- by 50-foot approaches . DESCRIPTION Face Northeast side Southwest side Face Face North side South side Dimensions (Feet) 94 21 20 395 1,600 100 120 Alongside at MLG Do - 18-20 _ _ 1-10 30-36 _ _ DS«ble Berthing Space Do. 494 w/dolphs . 395 (See Remarks) . 1,600 _ - ■ i.i-ti ol ftproo Do. Open. Open. 100 & 120 Height of Deck Above hlC °° ■ 6 150 Unlighted. 5 Lighted . 10.8 850 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unl tghted TRANSIT SHEDS Nuaber and Type of Construction None. None. One (container freight station) - st- frame, clear span, aluminum-covered; concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 312 by 100 Height Inside Do. 12 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 20,000, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 850 Cargo Doors Fifteen, 18 by 12 truck doors on nor. side; six, 18 by 12 rail doors on south side. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One traveling, overhead, bridge crane with 10-ton, electric hoist extends from warehouse in rear and reaches 55 feet beyond face of wharf. Container Lift International, Inc.: One 40 long ton, diesel -electric traveling, straight line, container- handling crane with hinged-canti leve boom having 114-foot outboard reach 30-foot back reach; crane has a 194- foot container travel length, a norm operating rate of 25 containers per hour, a maximum rate of 45 container per hour, a hoist height of 81 feet, and travels along full length of wha J. Young & Co., Inc.: Two 50- and t 40-ton, diesel, container lift truck RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Nona. One surface track along rear of wharf and bank of Blip Joins 2 additional surface tracks; connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: T| platform-level tracks along south si of transit shed. |!< >...<• HJM HMI Via Franca Road (marginal), asphalt, 22 feet wide, from Chef Mcntaur Highway (U.S. Highway No. 90). ■ ■ .■■ k. i . Nil /'' . Some as Ref. No. 79. • Nona. Nona, Through 3-Inch line with 2*f-lnch connections . ■ || TH' | I HBH Nona. A.C., 110 volts, slngla-phase, 60- cycla. Nona. Nona. ■ ■■ Sprinkler system in container frelgh' station, hydrant, hose, and hand ex I at Vm\ Now. 79 and 80 U leeeod fro* Board of Commissioners • *ns. ■ i mate I Lng li 1 i phlni a 1 1 [i i ■ /' i ol add 1 1 Lena i ■ "I'M bi ' mi ioi ■ ' ntinj "■ ■ i bin! ■ il Barth No. 4 (southerly 700-fool pOI t I wharf) was under conm 1 1 of 1977 survey and the opera' r and. had not yet been assigned. 17 acres of paved and 5 acreii oi tti lurfacad, open storage area at rear foi 'ii 1 ■ "i tainers stack**] md i high, !■>< Ludlnfl 60 posi tion for refrigerated car| nl ilnarii 1 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal 55 Corps ot Ln^inr-f Port Code No. 20500 BKFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 Dock Code No. 860 Dock Code No. 913 Dock Code No. 913 France Road Terminal, Berth No. 1. Florida Avenue, Roll-on Roll-off Facility Wharf. Florida Avenue Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT North of Florida Avenue Bridge. North portion of west side of turning basin, south of Florida Avenue Bridge South portion of west side of turning basin, south of Florida Avenue Bridge. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissi of New Orleans . of the Port Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . OPERATED BY Sea-Land Service, Inc. FU1POSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of containerized general cargo in foreign and domestic trades . Receipt and shipment of roll-on roll- off general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete pile, concrete-decked, off- shore wharf with two 150- by 50-foot approaches. Steel pile, concrete-decked, trape- zoidal-shaped wharf. Timber pile, concrete -surfaced, timber deck; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION (Feet) South side . _> 1 de .1 t Usable Berthing Space 830 See Remarks 482 Width of Apron 147 Open. 20 of Deck Above Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10.8 750 Lighted. 5 500 Lighted. 9 250 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS mber and Type of Constr One (container freight station) steel frame, clear span, metal - covered; concrete floor. Use of transit shed on adjacent Florida Avenue Wharf (Ref. No. 84). One - steel frame, metal -covered; concrete floor. Length and Width 579 by 116 482 by 180 Height Inside 12 for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 42,500, net. 57,600, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs 850 250 on piling; 1,000 on fill. (Feet) Forty-four, 18 by 12 truck doors on north side; eleven, rail doors on south side. Shipside: Ten, 20 by 12, one 20 by 14; rear: Same; north end: One, 20 by 12 entrance and two, 20 by 12 for truckloading. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 30 long and one 30 short ton, electric , traveling, straight -line, container handling cranes, each with hinged-cantilevered boom having 113- foot outboard reach and 30-foot back reach; cranes have a 193-foot con- tainer travel length, a normal oper- ting rate of 28 to 30 containers per hour, a maximum rate of 40 containers per hour, and travels along full length of wharf; tractors are avail- able for moving containers on chassi as required. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two platform-level tracks along south side of transit shed. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via France Road, asphalt, dual lane, each side 44 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch li hose connections. rfith two 2%-inch ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) 71RE prgt£ct16n (Other than City) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle . Sprinkler system in container freight station, hydrants, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Open storage area at rear for 1,100 containers on chassis, including 160 positions for refrigerated cargo containers. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Platform- level tracks serve rear of transit shed on adjacent Florida Avenue Wharf (Ref. No. 84). New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two platform-level tracks along concrete roadway at rear of transit shed. Via roadway, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Florida Avenue, asphalt, varied widths . Same as Ref. No. 83. Vessels berth at Florida Avenue Wharf (Ref. No. 84). Through 6 -inch line with Z^-inch hose connections. Same as Ref. No. 82. A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. Hydrants and hose. Sprinkler system inside transit shed and under wharf, hydrants, and hose. Wharf is located adjacent to and extends 44 feet outward from Florida Avenue Wharf allowing transfer of cargo via vessels stern ramp. The 4.9-acre Florida Avenue marshal- ling area is located adjacent to the wharf on north side of turning basin. Concrete roadway along rear of transit shed is at shed-floor level. Trucks have access to interior of transit shed via approaches to door at north end and roadway along rear. Transit shed is marked off into twenty- four 20-foot-wide sections. 56 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal af Engineers Port Code No. 20500 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 B5 Dock Code No. 918 Dock Code No. 926 Dock Code No 930 947 Lone Star Industries Wharf. Metal Service Wharf. Calvez Street Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Lower portion of west side of turning basin, south of Florida Avenue Bridge South side of turning basin, south of Florida Avenue Bridge. Approximately 400 feet above North Claiborne Avenue Bridge. Lone Star Industries, Inc. Metal Service Corp. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. OPERATED BY PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand and limestone clinkers; shipment of cement by barge. Receipt and shipment of structural steel, flat-rolled, and wire produc by barge. Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign and domestic trades. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete bulkhead with concrete- surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, steel decked, covered barge wharf; fronted by 6 timber dolphins. Timber pile, concrete-decked mooring wharf adjacent to west side of barge wharf. Approach to wharves is through building. Concrete-capped timber piles with concrete pedestals supporting concret columns with concrete deck; curved rail trestle extends from shore to south end of apron; one steel sheet pile cellular mooring dolphin on north side. DESCRIPTION Barge wharf Mooring wharf North side B0 Depth Alongside at HLC 1? 35 30-20 Usable Berthing Space 600 180 w/dolphs 220 (See Remarks.) 2.470 w/dolpl 265 (See Remarks.) Width of Apron Open. 54 25 35 15 Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Unlighted 10 100 Lighted. 12 1,000 Lighted. 5 500 9 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS lumber and Type ol Const rue 1 1on None. None. One - steel frame, metal covered; concrete floor. Length and Width 2,380 by 200 Height Inside I... lb Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 357^000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors ( Fee t ) 500 on piling; 1.000 on fill. Shipside: Fifty-six, 20 by 12 and two, 20 by 16; rear: Fifty, 20 by 13.5 and five, 40 by 20; north side: Four, 20 by 12. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 4-ton, electric, stiff-leg der- rick with 85-foot reach and 3-cubic yard bucket unloads limestone clink- ers into a hopper serving a 24-inch, electric, belt-conveyor system ex- tending to storage silos at cement plant in rear. One 24-inch, electric belt-conveyor system extends from cement storage silos at plant to a screw-type conveyor extending over face of wharf for loading bulk cement to barges, rate 950 barrels per hour. One 45-ton, dicscl-electric locomo- tive for shifting cars. <■ '■<-! "i. i wide , i ravel Lng , bri dge crane with two 5-ton electric hoists extends 50 feet beyond face of wharf from building in rear; one 3-, and one 4-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Plant trackage serves rail car loading spouts and 30-car capacity storage yard In rear; connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. One part surface and part platform- level track extends 520 feet through plant at rear; connects with New Orleans Public Belt Railroad. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Ti connecting surface tracks on apron, total length 4,740 feet; and 2 platfi- level tracks along roadway at rear o transit shed, total length 4,380 fll' connect with Claiborne Storage Yard. ■icirvAi ' S9E noffi Via plant roadways (access) , from Franca Street (marginal), asphalt, 18 and 26 feet wide, from North Claiborne Avenue. Via Kentucky Street (access) , as- phalt, 28 feet wide, from North Calvez Street, brick, 30 feet wl.lr, from France Street, asphalt, 18 fee Via North Calvez Street (approach), brick, 30 feet wide, from France Street, asphalt, 18 feet wide. (available to Vestal*) Through one 3- inch line. Through one 2-inch line. Through 8-inch line with 1-, lfc- 2- inch hose connections. uetiie cvwot Unliable to vmmIi) A. i., 110 volts, slngle-phasa, 60- cycle. A.C., HO volts, single-phase, 60- cycla. ttwt jmnwrnm Hydrants, hoae, and hand extinguish- ers. Hydrants, hose, hand axtinguishcrs, fire water Una, and wat.lu Sprinkler system Inside transit sh hydrants, hose, and watchman. rata, 1 Iraeatone c linker storage silos, total rapacity 77,800 barrels, and 76 concrete, storage silos with II interstitial >. in* , total ' tpgi 1 1 y hi ,400 barrels , I ••• «t g«j II LDtt ill raftd riant is equipped to iiipply ■ sjmi i f . rail e*ri ml m mas I mum rat « •I a suje I mum ral < I *r%$ . Is available at *»f. '• I 17, •.,,. . «•, tad m»» ii Leaeed frog | • Isalonars ol \m Or Lggoa, Barges berthing at Ref. No. 85 use wast poi i ihatfi Staal fabrics tlon plant In rear. Trucks have access to Interior of transit shad. I , ,n I I ■ )>.-i hil' 1. i -iv 1 i-iii In 1 i .iir.il ■ h. .1 ,in.l under wharf, hose, and hand extin- K»l utter a . A.D.T. service, sprinkler system In' transit shed and under wharf, i I I ■ ' ln>-'iii h. i ■ . in.l v.. it, hmejL, WMM Approximately 30,000 square feet of pOVOd ICOTflf* eras at rear. | gUOUfl with Umt . . ■ . I || 1 i. I. ■ IM, >r storage of bulk and , , , 1 transit shed between rail Is raised above elevation >i wharf api rt i ■ m wi i h i'"i . Noa. 91 B ■ 1 hava access to lnterl", tT CTlelC shod and wharf ft] Paved roadway along rear of transit shed is a continuation of roadway a 1 rear of transit sheds on nd J scant wharves (Ref. Nos . 92 and 94). Face of wharf U contiguous with li Nos. 92 and 94. Trucks have access to Interior of transit shed and wharf apron. Transit shod la marked off Into teat" I I v.- , 20 1 001 win 1 * spaces. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Orleans Parish 59 >rj>s ol Engineers Port Code No . 20095 FERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 94 Dock Code No. 178 95 Dock Code No. 178 96 Dock Code No. 184 IME Louisa Street Wharf. Louisa Street Open Wharf. Press Street Wharf. NATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of Louisa and Clouet Streets . Between foot of Clouet and Montegut Streets . Between foot of Montegut and Port Streets. WED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . •ERATED BY do. do. do. TtPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo, and heavy items in foreign and domestic trades; receipt of molasses; mooring floating derricks (See Remarks). Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. T>B OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber deck, concrete- surfaced . Timber pile, timber deck, concrete- surfaced . Timber pile, timber deck, concrete- surfaced . SCR I PT ION Face Face Upper side Face ■Ms ions (Feet) 521 540 34 295+326+326 to Alongside at MLG Do. 34 34 - 40 able Berthing Space Do. 521 540 . 295+326+326 dth of Apron Do. 35-36 Open. Open. 20-33 ight of Deck Above MLG Do. 21 250 Lighted . 21 400 Lighted . 21 ad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 250 ghted or Unlighted Lighted . LANSIT SHEDS ■ber and Type of Construction One - steel frame, clear span, metal covered; wood floor. None . One - steel frame, metal covered; concrete floor. ogth and Width (Feet) 517 bv 90 787 by 80 and 98 by 94 ight Inside Do. 19 18.3 oor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 31.000 48 r 000 ad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 250 250 rgo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Twenty-four, 20 by 12 and one, 20 by 14; rear: Twelve, 20 by 12; upper end: One, 20 by 14. Shipside: Twenty-two, 20 by 12; rear: Twenty-two, 20 by 12; lower end: One, 20 by 12. CUBICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . IL1AY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two surface tracks on apron, total length 1,044 feet, and one 510-foot de- pressed track along paved roadway at rear of transit shed. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One 260-foot surface track extends from rear and across upper portion of wharf to 2 surface tracks along rear of face, total length 640 feet; and one 440-foot depressed track along rear of wharf . New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One 690-foot platform-level track along paved roadway at rear of transit shed. GHWAY CONNECTIONS Via roadway (marginal), paved 35 feet wide, along rear of transit shed, from Clouet Street (approach) , as- phalt, 20 feet wide. Via roadway (access), paved, 30 feet wide, from Clouet Street (approach), asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via roadway (marginal), paved, 42 feet wide, along rear of transit shed, from Clouet Street and Esplanade Avenue. TER SUPPLY Available to Vessels) Through 1^-inch lines. Through 1^-inch lines. Through four 2^-inch lines. ECTRIC CURRENT Available to Vessels) None . None . None. mv PHOTECTlON Other than City) A.D.T. service, sprinkler system in transit shed and under wharf, hose, and watchmen. A.D.T. service, sprinkler system under wharf, and hose. A.D.T. service, sprinkler system in transit shed and under wharf, hose, and watchmen. MARKS Paved roadway along rear of transit shed is a continuation of roadway along rear of transit shed on adja- cent wharf (Ref. No. 93). Face of wharf is contiguous with Ref. Nos. 93 and 95. Trucks have access to interior of transit shed. Transit shed is marked off into twenty-five, 20-foot wide spaces. T. Smith & Son, Inc., floating der- ricks are moored at wharf. Face of wharf is contiguous with Ref. No. 94. Approximately 58,000 square feet of open, paved storage area at rear. Trucks have access to wharf. Pacific Molasses Co. has one 12-inch pipeline extending from wharf to 7 steel, molasses storage tanks in rear, total capacity 4,200,000 gal- lons . Paved roadway along rear of transit shed is a continuation of roadway along rear of transit shed on adjacent wharf Ref. No. 97. Wharf is contiguous with Ref. Nos. 95 and 97. Trucks have access to interior of transit shed and wharf apron. Transit shed is marked off into forty- five, 20-foot wide spaces. 60 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Orleans Parish Corps oi" Engineers Port Code No 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 9 7 Dock Code No. 188 qg Dock Code No. 190 qq Dock Code No. 197 NAME Mandeville Street Wharf. Esplanade Avenue Wharf. Governor Nicholls Street Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of Port and Marigny Streets. Between foot of Mandeville Street and Esplanade Avenue. Between foot of Esplanade Avenue and St. Philip Street. OWNED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign and domestic trades. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete -capped timber piles support- ing steel columns with concrete deck. Concrete-capped timber piles support- ing steel columns with concrete deck. Concrete-filled steel pipe pile, concrete deck. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Face Face Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 1,121 27.5 584 1,211 177 jl Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 35 _ 35 40 - Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,121 - 584 1.211 _ Width of Apron Do. 20 - 20 30 - Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 22 300 Lighted . 22 350 Lighted . 22 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 850; Upper side: 500 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, metal covered; concrete floor . One - steel frame, metal covered; concrete floor . One - steel frame, metal covered above 5-foot high concrete wall; con- crete floor. Length and Width (Fe« i ) 1,121 by 130 585 by 170 to 134 1,040 by 150 ■eight toslde Do. 18 17.5 22 Floor Area for Cargo ^ (Sq.Ft.) 97.000 66.000 100,000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 300 350 S^l) Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Twenty-six, 20 by 12 and one, 20 by 14; rear: Twenty-four, 20 by 12 and three, 20 by 14. Shipside: Twelve, 20 by 12 and two, 20 by 15; rear: Thirteen, 20 by 12 and two, 20 by 15. Shipside: Thirteen, 20 by 14 and four, 40 by 19; rear: Nine, 20 by 14, four, 40 by 19 and four, 40 by 16; upper end: Five, 25 by 12. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One 1 ,121 -foot , plat form- level track along paved roadway at rear of trans- it shed. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two platform-level tracks along paved roadway at rear of transit shed, total length of tracks 1,200 feet. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two platform-level tracks along paved roa< way at rear of transit shed, total length of tracks 1,950 feet. HIGHWAY COKWECTIOM Via roadway (marginal), paved, 30 feet wide, along rear of transit shed, from Eaplanade Avenue (approach), asphalt, 36 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 97. Same as Ref. No. 97. WATER SUPPLY ( Available to feeiHe) Through three Zfe-incfa Lines, Through two 2^ -inch linea. Through two 2^-lnch lines. lUctRlf CUlRtRT Mia) Mdm . N..n.- . None. FTRT PWTtcTIOR A.D.T. eervlce, sprinkler ■yetem in transit *h«d and under wharf, hoit, |nd weichewn, Sama aa Ref. No. 97. A.D.T. service, sprinkler system in | tranalt shad, hose, hand extinguisher' ni*l w.ii i hmi-n Peved roadway along rear of t tan* It • had Ll I < .-iway Paved roadway along rear ahad la a continuation of af transit i oedwey Is on adja- ,,,,1 89 in with Ref. 1 I ' -on . Lnto apeces. Paved roadway along rear of transit J ahed Is a continuation of roadway aloi raar of tranalt shad on adjacent whar Ref. No. 98. Face of wharf Is contiguous with Ref. Trucks have accees to wharf apron, Interior of tranalt ahed , and 2 truck 1 .,.,.1 i mi i.l.il 1 mi ,i,-l , imr 7(1 HM'I ■' 1' 1 tpil 1 ' V - Tranalt shad Is marked off Into llifv 1 W.i 'H 1 .Mil W 1 -!. ': |..li ■ ll Approxlmeti ly 14,400 squara fast of \ open, paved storage area at uppi 1 ni wharf. along raar | Wharf ll < <-n d HH. ■ a heva » ram It ah*. Trenail «>,•., f transit ah* Km. 96 • ■■ with ' D i nt and wharf ap la m» t W|»t«r |B|et| da on adja- H.f. lei, ( Lflte one, Hd fill i lit of transl t aha it Nob. 97 Fece of whei 1 ontlgu Noe. 8 have nc von: | 1 r anal t ahed fad - i Trine ll ihed Li an kid ol 1 whir PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Orleans Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 100 Dock Code No. 207 101 Dock Code No. 215 102 Dock Code No. 217 NAME Toulouse Street Wharf. Bienville Street Wharf. Canal Street Ferry Landing. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of St. Peter and St. Louis Streets. Between foot of St. Louis and Canal Streets. Foot of Canal Street. OWNED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Mississippi River Bridge Authority. OPERATED BY New Orleans Steamboat Co. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Passenger terminal; mooring excursion vessels "Natchez" and "Cotton Blossom" . Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Landing for passenger and vehicular ferry to Algiers. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete deck. Concrete-capped timber piles with concrete pedestals supporting steel columns with concrete deck. Steel ponton float with elevated concrete and steel passenger approach, and ground-level vehicular approach. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Face Lower side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 448 30+55 451+552+661 30 140 40 40 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 35 - 35 _ 30 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 448 - 451+552+661 - 140 _ _ Width of Apron Do. Open . . 18 and open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 19.6 100 Lighted. 22 300 Lighted . 5 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) _ Lighted or Unlighted Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. One - steel frame, metal covered; concrete floor. None . Length and Width (Feet) 450 by 165 and 1,092 by 130 Height Inside Do. 22 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 145.000 (See Remarks). Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 300 on piling: 1.000 on fill. Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Fifty -one, 20 by 12, two, 20 by 14 and three, 12 by 13; rear: Sixty-four, 20 by 12, two, 11 by 12, one, 12 by 12 and one 20 by 14. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None . New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two platform-level tracks, part along 30- foot paved roadway at rear of lower portion of transit shed, and part along platform at rear of remaining portion of shed; total length of tracks 3,084 feet (See Remarks). None . HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via St. Peter Street (access), as- phalt, 22 feet wide, from Decatur Street (marginal), paved, 50 feet wide. Via Conti Street (approach), asphalt, 27 feet wide, and via Canal Street (approach), asphalt, with roadway for buses in center, each side 41 feet wide . Via Canal Street (approach and arte- rial), with roadway for buses in center, each side 41 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 1-inch line. Through three 2%-inch lines. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None . None . None. MHE PROTECTION (Other than City) Sprinkler system under wharf. A.D.T. service, sprinkler system in transit shed and under wharf, hose, and watchmen. Hose . REMARKS Sheltered passenger waiting area and ticket office located at rear. Wharf is contiguous with Ref. No. 101. Transit shed is divided into seventy- eight, 20-foot wide spaces. Additional 26,100 square feet of space available in a 802- by 50-foot, steel frame, metal-covered shed (City Deliv- ery Shed) in rear of transit shed; shed is served by same 2 tracks which serve transit shed and by 2 additional tracks, total length 1,250 feet along paved roadway at rear. Approximately 50,000 square feet of open, paved storage area at upper end of wharf. Two 4-inch pipelines extend across top of transit shed for transferring bulk liquids between rail car and vessel . Ferries operate to landing, on opposite side of river, Ref. No. 262. The cruise ship "Voyageur" operated by Louisiana Cruises, Inc., berths down- stream of approach ramp with access from Ref. No. 101. 62 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20095 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Orleans Parish REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 103 Dock Code No. 218 104 Dock Code No. 221 ^05 Dock Code No. 225 NAME Canal Street Wharf. International Rivercenter, Cruise Ship Terminal Wharf. Poydras Street Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mile 95.0 A.H.P., foot of Canal Street. Between foot of Poydras and Lafayette Streets. Foot of Cirod Street. ■ OWNED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . OPERATED BY Streckfus Steamers. International Rivercenter. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring harbor excursion boats "S.S. President, " "M/V Mark Twain," and "M/V Commodore." Cruise ship passenger terminal. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete -capped timber piles support- ing concrete pedestals with concrete deck; center 122-foot portion of wharf includes indented steps extend- ing to 20- by 8-foot landing area at lower level. Face of wharf fronted by timber moor- ine piles (See Remarks} . Concrete-capped timber piles with concrete pedestals supporting steel columns with concrete deck. Part concrete-capped timber piles witti concrete pedestals supporting steel columns with concrete deck, and part timber pile, concrete -surfaced timber i deck. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Face Face Dimensions IFeet) 459 41 840 530 Depth Alongside at MLg Do. 30 . 35 15 Usable Berthing Space Do. 365 w/dolphs. - 840 530 Width of Apron Do. Open. 20 29.5-23 and 72-62 Height ol Deck Above hlg Do. 22 250 Lighted. 22 350 Lighted. 22 350 and 250 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Nuaber and Type of Construction None. None (See Remarks) . One - steel frame, metal -covered; concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 450 by 200 and 80 by 150 Height Inside t» 18.7 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 65.000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 350 and 250 on piling; 1,000 on fill. Cargo Door, (peet) Ship8i.de: Eleven, 20 by 12; rear: Ten, 20 by 12. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two platform-level tracks along 30-foot- wide, concrete roadway at rear of tram 1 it shed, total length of tracks 800 feet. Via Canal Street (approach and arte- rial), asphalt, with roadway for buses In center, each aide 41 feet wide. Via roadway, paved, 30 feet wide, along rear of passenger terminal, from Poydras Street, asphalt, dual lane, each side 36 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 104. • (•eel i>| a ) Through 2^- inch llnea. Through four 2^-lnch llnea. Through one 2*f-inch line. H X TM< > I'XXKIT 'Ay.. None. Horn . None. rrwr VMJtU Hand extinguishers "n vessel*. A.D.T i r system in transit shed and under wharf, hoae, Seme as Ref. No. 104. BBSS ' *• (ante extends along face on either ■ id.- ol steps. The VHMll "M/V Mark Twain" and "M/V CooBttO'i rlverelde ,%, Preside.' Form. * ed Lai t Looi pMssngi ' bo ways 1 rear, 1 onl nl n wal i Iiik area All. terminal fa | I pfl It shed has been convert ■senger terminal; first is parking, customs, and nrdlng areas; second r wu nv.-rlH-nd wnl V i.h :.M , ni i iioi -1 in hoppl D| tnd passenger s. irvay 1 1 1 1 V w.i- I Paved roadway along rear of transit shed Is a continuation of roadway along rear of transit sheds on adja- cent wharves (Ref. Nor. 104 and 106). Face of wharf la In line and contlg- ■ will. Raf. Nos. 104 and 106. nn hi have access to interim ol (i/inxli shed and wharf Iprotl I., ii shad Is marked off Into one. 10 /.M.I twin v 1 1 vi , 'n 1 ..ol wide spaces . RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Orleans Parish 63 Corps ol Engineers Port Code No. 20095 reference number on map no. 2 106 Dock Code No. 229 Dock Code No. 234 Dock Code No. 234 Julia Street Wharf. Erato Street, Lower Wharf. Erato Street, Upper Wharf. Between foot of Notre Dame and Calliope Streets. Approximately 1 ,000 feet below Greater New Orleans Highway Bridge. LOCATION ON WATERFRON f Approximately 500 feet below Greater New Orleans Highway Bridge. Board of Commissioner: of New Orleans. of the Port Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. OPERATED BY PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Part concrete-capped timber piles with concrete pedestals supporting steel columns with concrete deck, and part timber pile, concrete- surfaced timber deck. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck. DESCRIPTION (Feet) Depth Alongside at MLG rthing Space 1,189 559 428 42-35-40 56.4 56.4 and 32 Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs. ) Lighted or Unlighted 22 250 and 400 Lighted. 22 250 Lighted. 22 250 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, metal covered; part concrete and part wood floor. One - steel frame, metal covered; concrete floor. One - steel frame, metal covered; concrete floor. Length and Width 1,189 by 174 239 by 233 and 320 by 183 4C b ;/ JL83 and 398 by J7J 22 22 Cargo (Sq.Ft. ) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 137,000 85,000 250 and 400 on piling; 1,000 on fill. 87,500 250 on piling; 1,000 on fill. 250 on piling; 1,000 on fill. (Feet) Shipside: Thirty-five, 20 by 12 and two, 20 by 15; rear: Twenty-two, 20 by 12, three, 20 by 15 and one, 27 by 15. Shipside: Six, 20 by 15, three, 20 by 14 and two, 24 by 14; rear: Five, 20 by 12, four, 24 by 14 and one, 20 by 14. Shipside: Three, 20 by 14, remainder open: rear: Three, 40 by 17, one, 34 by 17 and two, 20 by 17; rail entrance doors and 11 truck entrance and 8 truck- loading doors. ttCHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Part one and part two platform- level tracks along 30-foot-wide concrete roadway at rear of transit shed, total length of tracks 1,825 feet. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two platform- level tracks along paved roadway at rear of lower portion of transit shed, total length 700 feet. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via roadway (marginal), paved, varied widths, along rear of transit shed, from Calliope Street (approach) , as- phalt, 30 feet wide. Via road (marginal), paved, 30 feet wide, along rear of transit shed, from Julia Street (approach) , stone block, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 107. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through six 2^-inch lines. Through 2^-inch lines. Through 2^-inch lines. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. MRE PROTECTION (Other than City) A.D.T. service, sprinkler system in transit shed and under wharf, hose, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 106. Same as Ref. No. 106. Paved roadway along rear of transit shed is a continuation of roadway along rear of transit sheds on ad- jacent wharves, Ref. Nos. 105 and 107. Face of wharf is in line and contigu- ous with Ref. Nos. 105 and 107. Trucks have access to interior of transit shed and wharf apron. Transit shed is marked off into fifty-nine, 20-foot wide spaces. One 2-truck capacity loading platform at center rear of transit shed. Paved roadway along rear of transit shed is a continuation of roadway along rear of transit shed on ad- jacent wharf, Ref. No. 106. Face of wharf is in line and contigu- ous with Ref. Nos. 106 and 108. Trucks have access to interior of transit shed and wharf apron. Transit shed is marked off into one 19-, fifteen 20-, and ten 24-foot wide spaces. 58,300-square foot Erato Street marshal- ling area at rear of lower side of transit shed is terminus of roadway along rear of Poydras , Julia, and Erato Street Wharves (Ref. Nos. 104-107). Face of wharf Is in line and contiguous with Ref. Nos. 107 and 109. Rails on wharf apron formerly used for banana unloaders. 64 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Orleans Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 109 Dock Code No. 240 110 Dock Code No. 244 Ill Dock Code No. 251 NAME Thalia Street Wharf. Robin Street Wharf. Orange Street Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Under Greater New Orleans Highway Bridge. Approximately 1,000 feet above Greater New Orleans Highway Bridge. Between foot of Euterpe and Richard Streets. OWNED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete -capped timber piles with concrete pedestals supporting steel columns with concrete deck. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (feel J 860 L_,21b 320+700 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 35 35 30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 860 1,216 320+700 Width of Apron Do. 32 and 28 15-16 13.6-16.7 Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Load Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) 22 350 Lighted. 22 250 Lighted. 22 250 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, with part concrete- and part metal-covered walls; con- crete floor. One - steel frame, metal covered; part wood and part concrete floor. One - steel frame, metal covered; part wood and part concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 860 by 172 260 by 188 and 928 by 200 1,017 by 200 Height Inside Do. 22 LB. 5 22 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 109 .000 157,000 133,300 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 350 on piling; 1,000 on fill. 250 on pilin g; 1,000 on f orty-one, 20 2; rear: One 5, one, 12 by sixteen, 20 ill. 250 on pilin S ; 1,000 on fill, jrty-seven, 20 by 12; tO by 16, eight, 20 by 12 >y 14. Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Three, 20 by 14, seven- teen, 24 by 14 and two, 24 by 20; rear: Eighteen, 24 by 14 and two, 24 by 20. Shipside: F one , 18 by 1 one , 19 by 1 19 by 14 and by 12 and , 40 by 15, 14, eight, by 12. Shipside: F rear : One , and two, 20 MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES United Fruit Co., lower 580 feet: Use of cranes, fork lift trucks, and tractors described under Ref. No. 107. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, upper 280 feet: Equip- ment furnished by stevedoring com- panies. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. •All. WAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two platform- level tracks along 30- foot paved roadway at rear of transit shed, total length ol tracks I ,500 feet. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Part one and part two platform- level tracks along paved roadway at rear of transit shed, total length of tracks 1,340 feet. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two plat form- level tracks along road- way at rear of transit shed, total length 1,980 feet. RAM HH RAH Via roadway (marginal), paved, 38 feet wide, along rear of transit shed, frost Thalia Street (approach), as- phalt , 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 109. Same as Ref. No. 109. WATIH SUPPLY (aval labl* I ¥••■*)■) Through two 2H-inch Unas. Through three 2%-lnch Unas. Through five 2^- Inch lines. ii ■ t»i< I - BR (A«ai .-!•> A.C. , 220 volts, J-phas*. 60-cycle. N.mi- . N ' . - A.D.T. servica, sprinkler system In i rant li th»d and under wharf, ho**, «.,-! ... t t.mrti Sam* as Ref. No. 109. Same as Ref. No. 109. ft] i j HMl t roadway d on ad- 0. ut with Raf. r.l It •a, 20 •a In raar Pavad roadway along raar of transit sh*d Is a continuation of roadway ■long ■ • " "l t i ;iu-. 1 t |h*dl "ii adj- Nos. 109 Hid III Face of Wtui 1 l * i id I out with Ref. Not. 109 Hid HI, have accass to LfltarJ > tranalt thed. bNMl ■ ■ 1 Lfl "'' 1 mall th*d, > ana< i l y 4 l rucks. Trantl t shad la narked "J" Lm . . 1 1 . |pA4 •• . |,, .. ,1 , 11 .,.|w., V i 1 "in i < .11 ..1 1 ' <" < ' • l'/nx r»ar <»f trantll aht ■ 1 wharf It Nob. 10ft and 110. KaVS a« < -an t rantl t aheil. Trantl I t) mark* w|»J* i, •ur t m> ad pal • along rear o .hi I.. Face ol wlun .., .in. li. I i .... I .. have l ..In.l Transit shed 20-fool will.- i hi .i. on nd|- i. i Nob. 110 and 1)2. i ■ l i - .."1 lgu- N,i. . 1 III mil 1 1 \ icc.ss to Interior of Is mark. 1 1 Into 1 my, Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20095 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Orleans Parish 65 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 112 Dock Code No. 254 113 Dock Code No. 256 114 Dock Code No. 265 NAME Market Street Wharf. Celeste Street Wharf. St. Andrew Street Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of Richard and St. James Streets. Between foot of St. James and St. Mary Streets. Between foot of St. Mary Street and Jackson Avenue. OWNED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades; re- ceipt of fuel oil for plant consump- tion. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 441+409+165 730+470 1,598 30+100 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 30 35 35 - Usable Berthing Space Do. 441+409+165 730+470 1,598 - Width of Apron Do. 13.6-25.7 13.5-22 18 - Beight of Deck Above MLG Do. 22 250 Lighted. 22 250 Lighted. 22 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 250 Lighted or Un lighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, metal covered; part wood and part concrete floor. One - steel frame, metal covered; part wood and part concrete floor. One - steel frame, metal covered; concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 440 by 200 and 560 by 164 1,200 by 164 1,580 by 140 Height Inside Do. 17 22 22 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 119,000 129,600 146,000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 250 on piling; 1,000 on fill. 250 on piling; 1,000 on fill. 250 on piling; 1,000 on fill. Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Forty-five, 20 by 12; rear: Twenty -one, 20 by 12 and two, 19 by 14. Shipside: Fifty-seven, 20 by 12; rear: Twenty-four, 20 by 12, six, 20 by 14 and one, 20 by 10. Shipside: Fifty-one, 20 by 12; rear: Twenty-seven, 20 by 12 and eight, 20 by 14; upper end: Two, 20 by 12. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One 960-foot, platform- level track along concrete roadway at rear of transit shed. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One 1,100-foot, platform- level track along concrete roadway at rear of transit shed. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One 1,420-foot, platform- level track along concrete roadway at rear of transit shed. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via roadway (marginal), paved, 30 feet wide, along rear of transit shed, from Thalia Street, asphalt, 24 feet wide, and Celeste Street, stone block, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 112. Via roadway (marginal), paved, 30 feet wide, along rear of transit shed, from St. Mary Street, asphalt and stone block, 36 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through three 2%-inch lines. Through two 2^-inch lines. Through seven 2- and one 2^-inch lines. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None . MRE PROTECTION (Other than City) A.D.T. service, sprinkler system in transit shed and under wharf, hose, and hand extinguishers. A.D.T. service, sprinkler system in transit shed and under wharf, hose, Same as Ref. No. 113. REMARKS One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to one 25,000 barrel, steel, fuel oil storage tank at New Orleans Public Service, Inc., Market Street Generating Station in rear. Paved roadway along rear of transit shed is a continuation of roadway along rear of transit sheds on adja- cent wharves, Ref. Nos. Ill and 113. Trucks have access to interior of transit shed. Transit shed is marked off into forty -seven, 20- and three, 15- foot wide spaces. Face of wharf is contiguous with Ref. Nos. Ill and 113. Paved roadway along rear of transit shed is a continuation of roadway along rear of transit sheds on adja- cent wharves, Ref. Nos. 112 and 114. Trucks have access to interior of transit shed. Recessed truck-loading area inside rear section of transit shed at foot of Celeste Street, capacity 3 trucks. Transit shed is marked off into sixty, 20-foot wide spaces. Face of wharf is contiguous with Ref. Nos. 112 and 114. Paved roadway along rear of transit shed is a continuation of roadway along rear of transit shed on adja- cent wharf, Ref. No. 113, and con- nects via ramp with Jackson Avenue. Trucks have access to interior of transit shed. Recessed truck-loading area inside lower rear section of transit shed, capacity 3 trucks. Transit shed is marked off into seventy-nine, 20-foot wide spaces. Face of wharf is contiguous with Ref. No. 113. 66 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20095 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Orleans Parish REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 115 Dock Code No. 271 116 Dock Code No. 275 117 Dock Code No. 280 NAME Jackson Avenue Ferry Landing. First Street Wharf. Third Street Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Jackson Avenue. Between foot of Jackson Avenue and First Street. Between foot of First and Third Streets. OWNED BY Mississippi River Bridge Authority. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Board of Commissioners of the Port of *J New Orleans. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Landing for passenger and vehicular ferry to Huey P. Long Avenue, Gretna. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general cargo i in foreign and domestic trades. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel ponton float with one passenger and one vehicular approach. Concrete-capped timber piles with concrete pedestals supporting steel columns with concrete deck. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Dimensions (Feet) 130 40 40 46+991 26+47+60 15 900 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 25 . - 35 - - 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 130 . - 991 _ - 900 Width of Apron Do. Open. 27 12-15.5 Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 5 Lighted. 22 750 Lighted. 21 250 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. One - steel frame, metal covered, above 5-foot high concrete wall; con- crete floor. One - steel frame, metal covered; part \ 1 wood and part concrete floor. Length and Width (Feel ) 960 by 147 160 by 141 and 732 by 191 Height Inside Do. 20.5 22 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 105,500 107,400 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 750 on pilinp: 1,000 on fill. 250 on piling; 1.000 on fill. Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Fourteen, 20 by 14 and two, 20 by 19; rear: Twelve, 20 by 14, two, 20 by 19 and one, 33 by 14; lower end: One, 20 by 19. Shipside: Forty-one, 20 by 12 and one, 20 by 15; rear: Twenty-two, 20 by 12, two, 20 by 16, one, 14 by 15 and one, 20 by 15. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. RAILWAY COKHECTIOHS None. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One 960-foot, platform-level track along concrete roadway at rear of transit shed. New Orleans with one and level tracks at rear of t 1,170 feet. >ubllc Belt Railroad: Part part with two platform- along 6-foot wide platform -ansit shed, total length HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Jackaon Avenue (approach) , as- phalt, with medial atrip in center, each aid* 26 feet wide (See Remarks). Via roadway (marginal), paved, 30 iwt wide, along rear of transit shed, Coot of Jackson Avenue, asphalt, ■ Hid*. Via First Street (approach), asphalt, t wide, and Third Street, (ap- proach), asphalt and stone block, 30 i . . i ..i,i, WATER SUPPLY Sunt- . Through four 2*(-inch lines. Through threi 2^-lnch lines. (Available to ■■■■«!«) futtiie cwuvf (Available to V««««l») None. None. None. FIP1 PWTTWTIOf None. A.D.T. service, sprinkler system In transit shed and under wharf, hose, Same as Ref. No. 116. | H Jackson Avenue Is 90 feet wide at railroad crossing in rear. landing, Re I Paved roadway along rear of transit shed connects via ramp with Jacknon A-.'i imr . to i nt . i i , ,i >t Winn f . Wharf Is contiguous with Ref. Nos. 116 ■nd LIB, Trucks have access to 25-foot wide, paved roadway inside transit shed via j , i| i 001 "> til 11 ind Third roadway extend* entire length ' g i md com thi ough hi d on ii t wharf, i • i . No, 1 LI, ltd 1 Durktd of 1 Lnto one, i ' ind forty 1 oui , EO 1 wide spaces. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Orleans Parish 67 Corps of EnKineers Port Code No 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 118 Dock Code No. 283 119 Dock Code No. 287 120 Dock Code No. 294 NAME Washington Avenue Wharf. Seventh Street Wharf. Harmony Street Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of Third and Sixth Streets. Between foot of Washington Avenue and Ninth Street. Between foot of Eighth Street and Louisiana Avenue. OWNED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck. 1,307-foot section: timber pile, concrete-surfaced timber deck; 70+ 60-foot section: concrete-capped timber piles with concrete pedestals supporting steel columns with con- crete deck. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 871 859 1,307+70+60 106 Depth Alongside at mlc °° ■ 32 35 35 _ Usable Berthing Space Do. 871 859 1,307+70+60 - ■idth of Apron Do. 11.5-13.5 11.5-13.5 13 t 15 r and 27 . Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 22 250 Lighted. 22 250 Lighted. 22 for 1,307 ft.; 24 for 70+60 ft. Load Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) 250 for 1,307 ft.; 750 for 70+60ft. Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, metal covered; part wood and part concrete floor. One - steel frame, metal covered; part wood and part concrete floor. One - steel frame, metal covered; part wood and part concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 871 by 190 859 by 190 1,420 by 190 Height Inside Do. 17 17 22 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 122 ,200 105,700 177,100 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 250 on piling: 1,000 on fill 250 on piling; 1,000 on fill. 250 and 750 on Diline: l r 000 on fill. Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Forty-one, 20 by 12; rear: Twenty-one, 20 by 12 and one, 40 by 13. Shipside: Thirty -seven, 20 by 12; rear: Twenty, 20 by 12 and one, 40 by 16. Shipside: Fifty-seven, 20 by 12 and one, 17 by 12; rear: Twenty-five, 20 by 12, two, 20 by 15, and one, 40 by 20; upper end: One, 15 by 12. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Part with one and part with 2 platform-level tracks along 6-foot wide platform along rear of transit shed, total length 1,300 feet. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Part with one and part with 2 platform- level tracks along 6- to 24-foot wide covered platform along rear of transit shed, total length 960 feet. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Part with one and part with 2 platform- level tracks along 11- to 19.5-foot wide platform along rear of transit shed, total length 1,700 feet. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Washington Avenue (approach) , asphalt and stone block, 30 feet wide (See Remarks) . Via Seventh Street (approach) , as- phalt, 30 feet wide (See Remarks). Via Seventh Street (approach) , asphalt 30 feet wide, and from Harmony Street (approach), asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through four 2^-inch lines. Through three 2%-inch lines. Through three 2\~ inch lines. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None . None. riHt PROTECTION (Other than City) A.D.T. service, sprinkler system in transit shed and under wharf, hose, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 118. Same as Ref. No. 118. REMARKS Face of wharf is in line and contigu- ous with Ref. Nos. 117 and 119. Trucks have access via ramp from foot of Washington Avenue to 25-foot wide, paved roadway inside transit shed which is a continuation of roadway through sheds on adjacent wharves, Ref. Nos. 117 and 119. Transit shed is marked off into forty-four, 20-foot wide spaces. Face of wharf is in line and contigu- ous with Ref. Nos. 118 and 120. Trucks have access via ramp from foot of Washington Avenue to 25-foot wide, paved roadway inside transit shed which is a continuation of roadway through sheds on adjacent wharves, Ref. Nos. 118 and 120. Transit shed is marked off into forty-two, 20- and two, 10-foot wide spaces . Face of wharf is in line and contigu- ous with Ref. No. 119. Trucks have access via ramps from foot of Seventh Street and Harmony Street to 25-foot wide, paved roadway inside transit shed which is a continuation of roadway through shed on adjacent wharf, Ref. No. 119. Transit shed is marked off into seventy-one, 20-foot wide spaces. 68 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS LefC bank, Mississippi River, Orleans Parish Corps of Engineers. Pui t Code No REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 121 Dock Code No. Dock Code No. Dock Code No. 308 Harmony Street Wharf Annex. Louisiana Avenue, Wharves C, F, and E Louisiana Avenue, Wharves D, C, B, and A. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Louisiana Avenue. Between foot of Louisiana Avenue and Amelia Street extended. Between foot of Amelia and Marengo Streets extended. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. OPERATED BY Red River Barge Line. Wharves D and C: Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Wharves B and A: Dockside Elevators, Inc PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo by barge. Receipt and shipment of general cargo including steel, in foreign and domes- tic trades. Wharves D and C: Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Wharves B and A: Receipt and shipment of soybeans and meals. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel frame, steel mesh-decked, covered, adjustable transfer bridge; 2 steel and 3 timber mooring dolphins in line with outer end. Steel pile, precast, concrete deck. Timber pile, timber deck. DESCRIPTION Outer end of transfer bridg e Lower side Upper side Face 1,876 Depth Alongside at MLG Do- JO erthing Space 118 w/dolphs 1,590 1,876 Width of Apr Height of Deck Above mLG ®° ■ Open. 49 and open. 22.5 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Surbfr and Type of Construction 750 Lighted. 24 750 Lighted. 25 250 Lighted. One - steel frame, metal-covered; concrete floor. One - steel frame, clear span, metal- covered, over 8-foot, concrete walls. One - concrete frame, open sides, concrete roof; wooden floor. Length and Width 108 by 95 500 by 98 1,876 by 150 Height Inside Do. 22 22 L6 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 5.000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. Cargo Doors (Lbs . ) (Feet) Shipside: One, 15 by 14; rear: One, 40 by 16 and two, 15 by 14. Shipside: Ten, 20 by 16 and one, 40 by 16; rear: Nine, 20 by 16; each end: One, 20 by 16. Shipside and rear: 8 and 12. Open to heights of MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Floating crane unloads into hopper served by 17-inch-wide , covered, electric, belt-conveyor system extend- ing to receiving hopper with automatic scale in transit shed. One electric, traveling, loading tower on wharf with hinged-conveyor boom and vessel -loading spout with trimmer, rate 250 tons per hour; loading tower is served by covered, electric, belt-conveyor system extending from receiving hopper inside transit shed. Four 2-cubic yard, gasoline, front-end loaders, and 2 crawler bull- dozers. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One 60-foot, platform- level track along 30 foot-wide platform along rear of transit shed. Illinois Central Gulf Railroad: Two platform- level tracks along rear of transit shed, total length 2,400 feet Illinois Central Gulf Railroad: Two platform-level tracks along 11-foot- wlde, covered platform along rear of transit shed, total length 3,750 feet. HIGH* J Via Louisiana Avenue (approach), as- phalt, medial atrip In center, each ■Ida 24 feet wide. Via driveway, asphalt, 35 feet wide, from Stuyvesant Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide, and Louisiana Avenue. Same as Ref. No. 122. WATTR (Aval labl* O. Vi-««rl») wemnrcmagf (Available to v*-«««i») Through on* 1-inch Una. Through 2^- inch lines. Through 1^-inch lines. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycla. TTwT WW 1 1 ■ -r system lnslda transit shad and under wharf, and hose. Recessed truckloadlng area lnslda r**r pi transit shad, < my* ■<<> •«)uar» EM I I , avrd itOrbffl area along lower ' river side of transit shad. Tranali shad is aarfcad oil Into flw, -id* spares. Lar system lnslda transit shad, hydrants, hosa, and hand extlngulsh- I wliar i Is In Una and eoi uous with Ref. No. 123. have access to interior i 1 1 an* 1 1 shed and {•• DpbTj Mhgfl areas . Trans 1 1 shed Is divided LntO 1 wanty- '■■ I wldi aetioi i poaaa . Lag I «■ l v 4 / gi M-. aga area i ■ | i ri fib Id i OOfltbinbx marshal- ling ar»a LoObtad at r»ai of transit |hgd Automatic detection system, hydrants, and hosa. Face of wharf is In Una and contiguous with Ref. Nob. 122 and 124. Ona 125-ton-capaclty storage bin inside transit shad. Ona -story warehouse located in rear of transit ahad (See S.W. Re I . Mo. IK). Soybeans and bulk meals are also re- ceived by rail hopper cars at under - m pit | ami by boxcars and un- loaded by use of auger-type conveyors; 4 '"i I > nrs can be unloaded h rim' hi rati ol tOO <<>ns par hour; 15 -Inch wide, covered, •- 1 »< i i l< , belt -conveyor system extends from rail nr unit'" 1 ■ !•■ iu boppbi labia inside trenail shed, [n addition, opera tot baaei * i i«>at I uk elevator at what l foi IBbfbl *>t meal from barges to vessel; this "i Mhg] I 01 In midstream at an- llbl PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River 69 CoriJS of Engineers Port Code No. 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 124 Dock Code No. 310 125 Dock Code No. 322 126 Dock Code No. Milan Street Wharf. Napoleon Avenue, Open Wharf. Napoleon Avenue, Wharf C. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of Marengo Street and Napoleon Avenue extended. Above foot of Napoleon Avenue. Approximately 500 feet above the foot of Napoleon Avenue. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. OPERATED BV PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo and heavy lift items in foreign and domestic trades by ship and vessel- borne barge . Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo and heavy lift items in foreign and domestic trades, and bulk and packaged soybean oil. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, precast, concrete deck with 32-foot -wide pier extension on upper side connecting with adjacent wharf (Ref. No. 125). Concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, concrete-decked wharf; one steel pile concrete-capped, breasting dolphin in line with face located 200 feet off face of adjacent wharf (Ref. No. 124). Concrete-capped, timber piles with concrete pedestals supporting steel columns with concrete deck. DESCRIPTION (Feet) Lower side 1,300 Depth Alongside at MLG Do- 30 30 Usable Berthing Space 1,300 665 w/dolph 1,000 Width of Apron 32 and open Open. 47.6 Height of Deck Above mlg Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Mu«ber and Type of Construction 24 750 Lighted. 24 850, on piling; Lighted. 1,000, on fill. 24 350 Lighted. One - steel frame, clear span, metal- covered over low concrete wall. None. One - steel frame, metal -covered, above 7%-foot-high concrete wall; concrete floor. Length and Width 900 by 120 1,000 by 200 2^ Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 80,300 150,000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 350, on piling; 1,000, on fill. Shipside: Fifteen, 24 by 14; rear: Same; upper end: One, 20 by 14.6. (Feet) Shipside: Eleven, 20 by 14 and one, 40 by 16; rear: Ten, 20 by 14 and one, 40 by 16; upper end: One, 40 by 16. «CHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Illinois Central Gulf Railroad: One 940-foot surface track on apron and part one and part two platform- level tracks along 8-foot-wide platform at rear of transit shed, total length 1,550 feet. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two surface tracks parallel to face are a continuation of tracks on apron of Ref. No. 126. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two surface tracks on apron, total length 2,000 feet; and two depressed tracks along roadway at rear of transit shed, total length 1,900 feet. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via ramp, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Stuyvesant Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide, and Napoleon Avenue. Via ramp (approach), concrete, 54 feet wide, from roadway (access), paved, from foot of Napoleon Avenue, 25 feet wide at railroad crossing. Via roadway (marginal), paved, 30 feet wide, at shed-floor level along rear of transit shed, from access roadway at the foot of Napoleon Avenue. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch lines. Through one 2^-inch line. Through four 2%-inch lines. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) MRl PROTECTION (Other than City) REMARKS Sprinkler system inside transit shed, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguish- A.D.T. service and hydrants in rear. A.D.T. service, sprinkler system under wharf and inside transit shed, hose stations, and watchmen. Face of wharf is in line and contig- uous with Ref. No. 123. Trucks have access to interior of transit shed and to wharf apron. Transit shed is divided into thirty- nine 24- and one 14-foot sections for cargo -hand ling purposes. Face of wharf is in line and contig- uous with Ref. No. 124. Approximately 75,500 square feet of open storage area at rear. Trucks have access to wharf. Riceland Foods, Inc.: Two 6-inch pipelines extend from face of wharf to 2 soybean oil storage tanks at canning plant located in rear, total capacity 728,900 gallons. Paved roadway along rear of transit shed is a continuation of roadway along rear of transit shed on adjacent wharf Ref. No. 127. Face of wharf is in line and contiguous with Ref. Nos. 125 and 127. Trucks have access to interior of trans- it shed and wharf apron; transit shed is divided into twenty-nine 24- and two 16 -foot -wide sections for cargo -handling purposes. Warehouse building, vacuum fumigation plant, lumber drying kiln, open storage area and other facilities of Foreign- Trade Zone No. 2 located in rear of transit shed. 70 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20095 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 127 Dock Code No. 326 128 Dock Code No. 328 129 Dock Code No. 330 NAME Napoleon Avenue Wharf "B". Napoleon Avenue Wharf "A". Napoleon Avenue Wharf "A" Open. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1,500 feet above foot of Napoleon Avenue. Approximately 0.5 mile above foot of Napoleon Avenue. Approximately 0.6 mile above foot of Napoleon Avenue. OKNED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign and domestic trades; receipt of steel products . Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign and domestic trades; receipt of steel products . Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo and heavy items in foreign and domestic trades. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Part concrete-filled , steel pipe piles, and part concrete-capped timber piles with concrete columns supporting con- crete deck. Part concrete-filled .steel pipe piles, and part concrete-capped timber piles with concrete columns supporting con- crete deck. Timber pile , concrete-surfaced , timbe deck. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 265+510 500+261 340 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 35 30 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 265+510 500+261 340 Width of Apron 1 v , 108 48 Open. Height of Deck Above j^lG Do. 24 850 Lighted. 24 850 Lighted. 24 850 Lighted . Load Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, metal covered, above 7^-foot high concrete walls; concrete floor. One - steel frame, metal covered, above 7^-foot high concrete walls; concrete floor . None. Length and width (Peel ) 756 bv 158 717 by 218 H. Lgbl Inside Do. 22 1 2 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 67,000 96,600 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 600 on piling; 850 on fill. 600 on piling; 850 on fill. Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Seven, 20 by 14 and three, 40 by 19; rear: Five, 20 by 14 and three, 40 by 19; each end: One, 40 by 19 and two, 39 by 12. Shipside: Eight, 20 by 14 and three, 40 by 19; rear: Five, 20 by 14 and three, 40 by 19; lower end: One, 40 by 19 and two, 39 by 12. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two surface tracks on apron, total length 1,500 feet; and 2 depressed tracks along roadway at rear of transit shed, total length 1 ,050 : New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two surface tracks on apron, total length 1,500 feet; and 2 depressed tracks along roadway at rear of transit shed, i ol 1 1 Length 1,060 feet. New Orleans Public Belt R«llro«d: Ti surface tracks on apron, total leng' 500 feet; and one 320-foot, plai level track along rear. IU LM - MM RMI Via roadway (marginal), paved, 30 . f ll Ifl wlur 1 IDTOfl , 1 n- i whni ■ 1 Lfi Nob . i ')■ nd i -Mi i !■ " i -u a, in ie 7- and one ,.<■•.', .-ii leant J i i . 1 1 1 , | ■ ear to chin ifl f oi rid I poici ■ ■ had, a ng [>lat form* 1 f ranili •!••■ I« <)i vide (.',••• . VM a r marshal 1 ing ai Lewi ■ ar»a l<. Ihed ■ Loadlni with oti . | : area 1' Trent 1 ■ h#nd] i ' >| II' nl'l' of railroad tracka. 1 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River 71 orps of Engineers Port Code No 20095 mRENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 130 Dock Code No. 347 131 Dock Code No. 347 132 Dock Code No. 353 m Public Grain Elevator, Shipping Wharf Public Grain Elevator, Receiving Wharf. Nashville Avenue Wharf. QCAT10N ON WATERFRONT Between the foot of Soniat Street and Jefferson Avenue extended. Foot of Jefferson Avenue extended. Between the foot of Nashville and Henry Clay Avenues extended. ■NED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. PERATED BY New Orleans Grain Elevator Corp. New Orleans Grain Elevator Corp. do. JRPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of grain, meals, and pellets by vessel and barge. Receipt of grain, meals, and pellets by barge. Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign and domestic trades. YPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: Part timber pile, timber deck, and part concrete-filled steel pipe pile, concrete deck; one 150- by 15-foot timber approach ap- proximately 650 feet above lower end. Offshore wharf: Part timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber deck, and part concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, concrete deck; 152- by 14-foot ap- proach to upper end. Concrete-filled, steel pipe piles, concrete deck. ESCRIPTION Face Face Face Lower side (Feet) 1,863 778 2,759 407 eptb Alongside at MLG Do- 35 20 35 - sable Berthing Space Do. 1,863 778 2,759 - ldth of Apron Do. Open. Open. 62 and open. . tight of Deck Above MLG Do. 24 Lighted. 24 Lighted. 22 oad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 850 lghted or Unlighted Lighted. TtANSIT SHEDS tmber and Type of Construction None. None. One - steel frame, metal covered; above 7^-foot high concrete wall; concrete floor. eogth and Width (Feet) 2,400 by 315 ht Inside Do. 22 or Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 567,000 id Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 850, on pilin ;; 1.000, on fill, lirty-six, 20 by 14 and .0: rear: Twenty-six, 20 20 by 20, eight. 40 by i-O by 20; each end: One, eight, 20 by 12. -nished by stevedoring argo Doors (Feet) Shipside: T four 20 by by 14. three lb and one , i 20 by 20 and ECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Grain gallery with thirty-four, 18- inch loading spouts extends full length of wharf, loading rate 80,000 bushels per hour. Two approach gal- leries serve wharf from grain eleva- tor in rear; one equipped with four 36-inch, electric belt conveyors serves lower 1,200 feet, and one equipped with two 48-inch, electric belt conveyors serves upper portion of wharf. Three marine legs with connecting grain gallery on wharf, equipped with one 48- and two 36-inch, electric belt conveyors; each marine leg can serve any of the 3 belts, unloading rate for each marine leg is 30,000 bushels per hour. Equipment fu companies. A IL* AY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Surface tracks serve 2 automatic car dumpers, loading spout, and 2 receiv- ing pits in car shed at elevator; join with additional trackage and 300-car capacity grain elevator storage yard. Same as Ref. No. 130. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: Two surface tracks on apron, total length 5,400 feet, join via a curved rail trestle at lower end, 2 platform- level tracks at rear of transit shed, total length 3,800 feet. ICHIAY CONNECTIONS Via roadway (marginal), asphalt, 24 feet wide, from Nashville Avenue (access), asphalt, 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 130. Via Nashville Avenue (approach) , asphalt, 24 feet wide. *7IR SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch lines. Through 2%-inch lines. Through eight 2%-inch lines. ■fcCTRIC CURRENT Available to Vessels) A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 130. Same as Ref. No. 130. Other than City) A.D.T. service, sprinkler system, hose stations, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 130. Same as Ref. No. 130. Grain elevator in rear has a storage capacity of 7,220,000 bushels. Face of wharf is in line and con- tiguous with Ref. Nos. 129 and 131. Face of wharf is in line and con- tiguous with Ref. No. 130. Addition- al berthing for idle barges available at row of 8 concrete-capped, steel pile dolphins fronting rail trestle serving Ref. No. 132 (400 feet). Nashville Avenue Wharf, Container Marshalling Yard No. 1, has 149,200 square feet of shell-surfaced area located in rear, serves Ref. Nos. 132, 133, and 134. Face of wharf is contiguoL No. 133. Trucks have access to what interior of transit shed, sed loading platforms at € of transit shed, total cap trucks . Transit shed is divided ir twenty-foot wide sections handling purposes. Approx 16,000 square feet of open area is available at lowei s with Ref. f apron, and 4 reces- nds and rear acity 64 to 120 for cargo- imately storage end of et at upper 33. marshalling acres wharf and 15,000 square fe end adjacent to Ref. No. ] Eleonore and Alonzo Street areas with total area of 3 located in rear. 72 Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 20095 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 133 Dock Code No. 375 134 Dock Code No. 375 135 Dock Code No. 386 NAME Henry Clay Avenue Open Wharf. Henry Clay Avenue Wharf. Bisso Towboat Co. Mooring. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Henry Clay Avenue extended. Above foot of Henry Clay Avenue ex- tended. Below foot of Walnut Street extended OWNED BY Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Bisso Towboat Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo and heavy items in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Mooring company-owned towboats. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete-filled, steel pipe piles, concrete deck. Concrete-filled, steel pipe piles, concrete deck. Floating offshore wharf: Two steel barges permanently moored end-to-ent with 120- by 20-foot, steel truss, timber-decked approach . DESCRIPTION Face Face Upper side Face Lower side Upper si Dimensions (Feet ) 377 465 372 135+165 40 36 Depth Alongside at MLC Do. 35 35 - 6 8 8 Usable Berthing Space Do. 377 465 - 135+165 40 - width of Apron Do. Open. 62 Open . Height of Deck Above MLC Do. 22 850, on piling; l,000,on fill. Lighted. 22 850 Lighted. - Load Capacity per So,. Ft. (Lbs.) . Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. " TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. One - steel frame, metal covered, above 7^-foot high concrete wall; con- crete floor. None . Length and Width >■ < t) 120 by 59 and 300 by 295 Be if hi inside u 22 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 63.300 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 850, on piling; 1,000. on fill Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Six, 20 by 14 and one, 20 by 20; rear: Five, 20 by 14 and one, 40 by 20. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies . Equipment furnished by stevedoring companies (See Remarks). None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One 370-foot surface track at face and one 580-foot surface track diag- onally across open area conn* ■ with tracks on aprons and at rear of transit sheds on adjacent wharves (Rcf . Nos. 132 and IV.) . New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One 450-foot surface track on apron; 2 plat form- level tracks , total length 600 feet at rear of transit shed; and one 310-foot plat form- level track at upper side of transit slu id None . MU | BHH Ml Via roadway (marginal), asphalt, 24 fast wide, from Nashville Avenue, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 133. Via road over levee (access), v.iri widths, from foot of Walnut Street ■ATM SUPPLY LAeal lasie t., ¥••■•!■) Through two 2^-lnch lines. ■ >nc 2^-lnch line. Through one 2 -Inch line. Tti'TH' EMM (as-sUable ... V-...I.) Nona. None. A.C., 110 volta, aingle-phale, 60J cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phaae, 61 eye le . MIT W/TrITTTO« A T service, hydrant In rtir, and wat r hawn. A.D.T. service, hose stations, sprin- kler system in transit shed, and «..' - 1 'ii . Water line, hote , hand <-xt Inxulaht , and watchmen . ..... f • wharf f« oonclguoua with M.I ■ow . 1 ' - mat* |y 105,000 ft'l • t'fraft* irta at roar. wharf . ..-.• --tin rati <••«■«• ' Face of wharf is In line and 1 i.us wi 1 1, Ii i He ill. Trucks have access to wharf apron gnd Loi ol transit shed. One 18-trurk capacity, recess. - platform i'" > ■•mis Wharf Marahalllng Ynt of pav*'l araa and Is «crv< •040 «( 200 f*»( ■Dd r m\ y\, a 1 l-rwl uy, »■ ■ ■ .■ . d No, 2, Located In rsnr, has H.1,000 15-14 - - - - 15 . . Usable Berthing Space Do. 260 - - 840+155+840+1,680 - 164 w/dolphs . . Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLC Do. 21 Lighted . 8 (above water surface) . Partly lighted. 27 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None . None . None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Ins id.- lk> , f] oor Am foi Cargo (8q, Ft.) Load Cftpacltj per Bq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cir^o DoOl - MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 30-ton, mobile, diesel crane; and use of one 60-ton, diesel-electric , floating derrick with 95.5-foot boom. None . One hand-operated and one hydraulic mast-and boom derricks, each with 26- foot boom. MAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track on wharf Join with additional plant trackage in rear; connects with New Orleans Publi Bi Li Ra 1 1 road . None. Plant trackage In rear connects with Kansas City Southern Railway and Illinois Central Gulf Railroad. ,hm ri< - Vis Prytania or Bin (access), each asphalt, Via road | gppi i '.m hi, she 1 1 . ■ irrolll ■" Avenue ■ I!, .i phalt, h Ltl id La] itrlp and trolley trucks, each side 27 feet wi.N- Via road on levee (acccv 1 , shell] from River Road (marginal), asphalt, i wide. • •Is) Una. Sana as Rcf. No. 139. None. U PIN - MR 110 volts, single-phase, 60- tl, 3-phase, L10 volts, !!,;■ La phflflfl, 60- . | . A.i . , 1 III wi.i i i ii r i' i'Ii.im' , dO- cyc '»• . fjtt PtnTfrjim Waier J ines, "libera, and w«(< hnen . Same as Ref. No. 139. Hand i-xi Ingulshara. ha District Engineer, Nev Orleans Dill ■"'•■i', Located In buildings (Urge* «.f wharf pofallo] will, Uvt-r Lfl rear 1 ,' fool mi 1 i ppr oa< hot. DiOMl fuel la fupp ' OTflgfl Off let" Lng operations are located Two 6-lnch pipelines extend whirl to 'l iteel , ho I Itol age tant i, total i apai tty 173 .000 h.ii i . I PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Jefferson Parish 75 "orps of Engineers Port Code No 20095 INFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 142 Dock Code No. 420 143 Dock Code No. 428 144 Dock Code No. 440 UUB Bertucci Construction Company Land ing . Shrewsbury Court Fleet Mooring. Walter P. Villere Co. Slip. .OCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Iris Street extended. Approximately 1.0 mile below Huey P. Long Bridge. Approximately 0.4 mile below Huey P. Long Bridge. WNED BY Anthonv J. Bertucci Construction Co., Inc.; Mis. Myrtle M. Bertucci. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Walter P. Villere Co., Inc. JPERATED BY Bertucci Construction Co., Inc. Zito Fleeting, Inc., and Norman J. Frederic . Not operated. UHPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned floating equipment; handling construction materials and supplies to and from barges . Mooring barges for repair and fleeting; mooring midstream fueling barge. Not used. rTPE OF CONSTRUCTION Natural bank. Natural bank with timber mooring piles on shore. Dredged slip with unimproved bank. ASCRIPTION Natural bank Natural bank Head of slip Lower side Upper side Sens ions (Feet) 550 3,000 approx. 65 500 600 )epth Alongside at MLG Do. 35 | 8 8 8 Jsable Berthing Space Do. 550 ' 3,000 (See Remarks.) 65 500 600 Iidth of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. telglit of Dock Above MLG Do. Unlighted. Unlighted. - -oad Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) - -ighted or Unlighted Unlighted. niANSIT SHEDS iumber and Type of Construction None. None. None. ^eogth and Width (Feet) teight Inside Do. loor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) -oad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) irgo Doors IECHA.NICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Company-owned equipment available as required. One 5-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 35-foot boom for loading supplies. None. AIL1AY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. tGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road on levee (access), shell, from River Road (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via road over levee (approach) , shell, varied widths, from River Road (mar- ginal) , asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via road over levee (approach) , as- phalt, 20 feet wide, from River Road (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wide. ATER SUPPLY 'Available to Vessels) Through one 2-inch line. Same as Ref. No. 142. None . -ECTRIC CURRENT 'Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C. , 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. A.C, 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. ' Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Portable pumps, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. None . ■ARKS Area in rear used for offices and for storing equipment and materials. Additional 2,400 feet of mooring space is available below Huey P. Long Bridge, overlapping abandoned slip (Ref. No. 144). Facilities were abandoned at time of 1977 survey. 76 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Jefferson Parish Corps oi Engineers Port Codt No 20095 20107 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 145 Dock Code No. 445 146 Dock Code No. 802 147 Dock Code No. 802 NAME Harahan Fleet, Lower Mooring Wharf. Harahan Fleet, Shipyard Slip. Harahan Fleet, Upper Mooring Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Above Huey P. Long Bridge, between miles 106.1 and 107.1 A.H.P. Approximately 1.0 mile above Huey P. Long Bridge, mile 107.1 A.H.P. Approximate!) Long Bridge, ' 1.1 miles above Huey P. mile 107.1 A.H.P. OWNED BY Louisiana Dock Co. , Division of American Commercial Barge Line. Louisiana Dock Co. , Division of American Commercial Barge Line. Louisiana Dock Co., Division of American Commercial Barge Line. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring and repairing company-owned equipment; mooring barges for fleet- ing. Mooring and repairing company-owned equipment; mooring floating drydocks. Mooring and repairing company-owned equipment; mooring barges for fleet- ing. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: Row of steel pipe pile dolphins fronted by 28 perma- nently moored steel barges. Timber bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill; located at inner end of dredged 150- to 50-foot-wide slip. Offshore wharf: Row of steel pipe pile dolphins fronted by 5 perma- nently moored steel barges. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 5,025 180 875 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. Varies. 7.5 Varies Usable Berthing Space Do. 5,025 180 (See Remarks) 875 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 19 Lighted. 21 Lighted. 9 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Un lighted TRANSIT SHEDS Nuaber and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet > ■alffat [raid* Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity p*r Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Use of crawler cranes described under Ref. No. 146. One 100-ton, diesel, stiff-leg der- rick with 100-foot boom; one 3-ton, diesel, crawler crane, and use of one 5-ton, diesel, crawler crane on barge. Use of crawler crane described under Ref. No. 146. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road over levee, shell, 15 feet wide, end ateel truit bridge, from River Road, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Vie road over levee, concrete, 24 i'le, and private road, shell, varied widths from River Road, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 146. • f Avai Mia) ough 2- Inch line. Through 2-lnch line. N , A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- A.C., 440 volta, J-phase, 60- eye la. Same as Ref. No. 145. Same at Ref. No. 145. rrtT pwgttv - I'uaps, bOIC, hand Mtlngulshers, and wetchsten. Same aw Ref. No. 145. Same ai Ref. No. 145. Storage pits for sand dre .. cd In r Iowa: Kitchen & Oatarly, dg»d from ear a* One 1c yards; pit", bi> yards. " ■"■>n , i lonl Inp > lot own UM moored In slip. n| dolphins located Hi., e i v • I alar I i.l mi a IndtWI r les : across slip h on bu 1 IthMd Corps ol EnRtneers Port Code No PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Mississippi River, Jefferson Parish . 20107 20112 77 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 148 - MAP NO. 3 Dock Code No. 502 149 - MAP NO. 1 Dock Code No. 203 150 - MAP NO. 1 Dock Code No. 202 NAME Point Landing Fuel Corp., Barge Mooring. Kenner Slip. Kenner Shipyard Slip. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Twelve Mile Point, between mile 107.7 A.H.P. and mile 110.0 A.H.P. Kenner, mile 111.9 A.H.P. Kenner, mile 112.1 A.H.P. OWNED BY Point Landing Fuel Corp. T. L. James & Co. , Inc. Kenner Shipyard, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring barges for fleeting. Mooring and repairing company-owned floating equipment. Mooring floating drydock and vessels for repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Mile 107.7 A.H.P. to mile 108.0 A.H.P: Five steel pipe pile mooring dolphins; mile 108.0 A.H.P. to mile 110.0 A.H.P: Concrete mooring anchors along river- bank spaced approximately 200 feet apart. Dredged slip with unimproved banks. Dredged slip with unimproved banks. DESCRIPTION Natural bank and mooring dolphins Head of slip Lower side Upper side Head of slip Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 12,000 60 200 200 150 350 350 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 50-20 12 12 12 4 4 4 Berthing Space Do. 12,000 (See Remarks.) 60 200 200 150 350 (See Remarks.) 350 ridth of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. ! Beighi of Deck Above MLG Do. Lighted. Unlighted. - Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. rRANSIT SHEDS ■timber and Type of Construction None. None. None. -ength and Width (Feet) teight Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) .oad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Targo Doors (ECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 30-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 55-foot boom; and one 12%-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 40-foot boom. One 3-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 60-foot boom; and use of one 2-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 30-foot boom on barge. AILWAY CONNECTIONS None, None . None. IGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road over levee (access) , unim- proved, varied widths, from River Road (marginal) , asphalt , 20 feet wide, at Imperial Woods Drive. Via road over levee (access), shell, 20 feet wide, from foot of Florida Avenue, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 149. ATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through one 3-inch line. LECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. :Other than City) None. Portable pumps, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Water line, hose stations, hand extin- guishers, and watchmen. Additional mooring along right bank of river between mile 110.0 A.H.P. and mile 111.0 A.H.P. Storage pits for sand dredged from river bottom located in rear of, and below landing as follows: Kitchen & Ostarly, Inc.: Five pits, total capacity 585,000 cubic yards; and T. L. James & Co., Inc.: Four pits, total capacity 298,000 cubic yards. Fleet mooring located on upper side is operated by Badger Fleeting, Inc. (Ref. No. 155). Additional 500 feet of mooring is available along riverbank on each side of, and across entrance to slip. One 240- by 40-foot barge for company office and storage shed, permanently moored at inner end of lower side. Additional berthing is available along riverbank above slip. One 750-ton, floating drydock moored in slip. 78 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Mississippi River Corps of Engineers Pom Code No ■ 20115 20114 20113 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 151 Dock Code No. 002 152 Dock Code No. 401 153 Dock Code No. 501 NAME Moisant Barge Dock. American Cyanamid Co., Barge Dock. Azalea Fleet Mooring. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Left bank, St. Charles Parish, mile 115.0 A.H.P. Right bank, Jefferson Parish, mile 114.5 A.H.P. Right bank, mile 112.6 A Jefferson Parish, between .H.P. and mile 112.9 A.H.F OWNED BY Exxon Pipeline Co. American Cyanamid Co. Azalea Fleet, Inc., subsidiary of Alter Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of aviation fuel for New Orleans International Airport. Receipt of ammonia, methanol, and acetone; shipment of acrylonitrile; all by barge. Mooring company-owned equipment; mooring barges for fleeting. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore platform with 60+550- by 5-foot ap- proach from top of levee; 3 steel pipe pile dolphins in line with face. Offshore row of 4 steel sheet pile, cellular, breasting dolphins with 365- by 8-foot, steel truss, steel- decked walkway and pipeline trestle approach to dolphin at center ot berth. Offshore wharf: Six permanently moored steel barges with 90- by 4-foot part steel and part timber walkway approach. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 32 16 16 500 1.200 50 50 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 15 - - 25 9 " Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 w/dolphs - - 500 (See Remarks) . 1.200 " Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 23 Lighted. 26.7 Lighted. 8 (above water surface.) Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Fael > Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Pt. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One electric mast-and-boom derrick with 12-foot boom for handling hose. One 2-ton, hand-operated, mast-and- boom for boom derrick with 25-foot handling hose. boom derrick with 25-foot boom for handling hose. One 35-ton, diesel, crawler crane wit 55-foot boom and one 5-ton, gasoline- operated, rotating pedestal crane wit 35 -foot boom. RAILWAY COKlfECTIOKS None. Plant trackage in rear connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Trans- portation Co., and The Texas and Lc Railway. None. 111 GHH FHH Via road on levee (marginal), shell, varied wldthi, from Jefferson Highway (State Highway No. 48) , asphalt, 20 feat wide. Via road over levee (access), shell, 20 feet wide, from River Road (State iy No. 18), (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via road over levee (approach) , shall varied widths, from River Road (State Highway No. 18), (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wide. WATM .1.) Nona. Through one lfc-lnch Line. Nona . U r>i' MR Nona. None. A.C., 220 volta, 3-phase, 60-cycle. riwr WiUfri'm On. f, i n. 1, lit. wnl «-i 1 Iim , h.r.. ( and hand extinguishers. M.iimI .11 n, -.n i .■ h. i ■■ . i. ■ , .mil |>umpS. '*>..■ '.- tO 8- In- 1, i 1 |,i| Ink . M ril'l'. fro» Vtu a*» tank m\ New Orleans l •taly J . "» ml las nnrlheevt -.1 Vhftf 1 . On. I,' In. Ii storage Lank 1 Q ' ■ ■ ny Bfl . Lonltrll 1 ' y 60C ltl< 1) A. Ml- i Bfgai 1 mil pi pi la ■ i ; on«* ; i ine 1 ;nlks , - .,.i ( total i pa i i ■ 1 ■ i ■ i < ■■< i] Phi Mir Bi oi . i S" rvlce, Inc., operates 6 atoraga pits for sand ■1 1 - .If. 'I 1 i - 'Ht i . ■ ■ - LmI i , 1 1. .1 ippro Li ■ I • i . 1 ■■ i inlli bs Low t hi ■' Lng< lllOU One 1S- L. I...I 10 Feel -I Ld. Lnj | rIVfli 1 | ... 1 ■ ; . .; I.I: '.. , . 1 ,, . , 1 OS . PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Jefferson Parish 79 j[ Engineers Port Code No. t*CE NUMBER ON MAP 154 - MAP NO. 1 Dock Code No. 001 155 - MAP NO. 1 Dock Code No. 001 156 - MAP NO. 3 Dock Code No. 502 New Orleans Shipyard Slip. Badger Fleet Mooring. Point Landing Fuel Corp. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mile 111.0 A.H.P. Between miles 110.2 and 110.8 A.H.P. Mile 108.5 A.H.P. New Orleans Shipyard, Inc., a sub- sidiary of Wisconsin Barge Line, Inc. Badger Fleeting, Inc. Point Landing Fuel Corp. OPERATED BY PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring barges and small vessels for repair; mooring floating drydocks. Mooring barges for fleeting. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products; fueling various types of vessels; and mooring midstream fueling barge . TYPE OK CONSTRUCTION Rectangular slip dredged from natural bank. Floats and shore moorings. Offshore wharf: Steel barge moored to steel dolphins with 210- by 15-foot, part timber and part steel approach; outer 55-foot section of approach steel and adjustable. DESCRIPTION Upper side Lower side Lower side Upper side 2 , 800 , approximately . [Depth Alongside at MLG 80 Usable Berthing Space 2,800 (See Remarks). 215 w/dolphs. - Open . Height of Deck Above MLG Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) ;Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Unlighted . 8 (above water surface) Unlighted. [TRANSIT SHEDS iKuaber and Type of Construct! None . | Length and Width Height Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) ,Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 25-ton, diesel-hydraulic, floating crane with 60-foot boom. RAILMAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road over levee, shell, varied widths, from River Road (State Highway No. 18), asphalt, 20 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 154. •ATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4 -inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT ! (Available to Vessels) IHt PR0TECTf6N (Other than City) IE MARKS A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60 cycle. Same as Ref. No. 154. Through one 3 -inch line. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . Pumps, hose, and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. Chemical cart, watchmen. hand extinguishers, and One 1,200- and one 1,000-ton floating drydocks moored in slip. Marine repair plant in rear. Fleeting operation offices located in rear. Additional 5,600 feet of similar fleet mooring is located on opposite bank of river between miles 110.6 and 111.7 A.h.P. Two 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 3 diesel fuel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 30,000 barrels. One 3- inch pipeline extends from wharf to one 240-barrel, waste lubricating oil receiving tank. Midstream fueling barge based here. 80 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Jefferson Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20108 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 157 Dock Code No. 601 158 Dock Code No. 501 159 Dock Code No. 501 NAME Avondale Terminal Dock. International -Matex Tank Terminals, Dock No. 1. International-Matex Tank Terminals, Dock No. 2. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mile 108.4 A.H.P. Mile 108.2 A.H.P. Mile 108.1 A.H.P. OWNED BY The Permian Corp. International-Matex Tank Terminals, Ltd. International-Matex Tank Terminals, Ltd. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Receipt and shipment of petroleum products, alcohol, liquid chemicals, petrochemicals, lard, and vegetable, fish, and tung oils. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products, alcohol, liquid chemicals, petrochemicals, lard, and vegetable, fish, and tung oils. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION- Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore platform; 115- by 6-foot, timber walk- way and pipeline trestle approach from top of levee; 3 timber pile mooring dolphins in line with face. Offshore wharf: Steel barge moored to steel dolphins with 300- by 20-foot, part timber and part steel approach; outer section of approach steel and adjustable; 2 steel breasting dolphins in line with face. Offshore wharf: Steel barge moored to timber pile dolphins with L- shaped approach and pipeline trestle extending from approach to Dock No. 1 (Ref. No. 158); 2 steel breasting dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 14 10 10 200 40 40 120 40 40 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 17 - 40 - - 40 12-25 Berthing Space Do. 190 w/dolphs 300 w/dolphs - - 250 w/dolphs - . Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open . Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 23 Lighted. 7 Lighted. 6 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Kuaber and Type of Construction None . None. None. «i'j", (Feet ) Beighl Inside i>.. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One hand-operated derrick with 18- foot boom for handling hose. Two 3-ton, hand-operated derricks, each with 30-foot boom for handling hose . One hand-operated derrick with 30-foot boom for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. Four surface tracks serve 4 tank car loading racks at terminal in rear, total capacity 100 cars; connect with Texas Pacific-Missouri Pacific Termi- nal Railroad of New Orleans. Same as Ref. No. 158. n< W4 1 *Wi HAH Via road on levee, ah* 11, varied widths from River Road (State Highway No. 18), asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via private rood, shell, varied widths, from River Road (State Highway No. 18), asphalt, 20 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 158. • i«»ii table to IiimIi) None. Through one 2 Inch line. N.m. . B 1 fill ' ■ HOT ■om A.C., 110 voles, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volte, 3-phase, 60- cyclc. Same as Ref. No. 158. Hand extinguishers . hili. w.tl.i 1 1m- hnml rxi lnKulshers , dry chemicals, foam certs, hydrants, nose, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 158. One 10 Llich plpellni- mimili Inm, wharf to one 55,000 barrel, steel • tors** lank l<-<»t»d In rear. rw<- lo , four 8-, and four 6 Inch pipelines extend from wharf to 75 steel storage tanks In rear, total 1 i 9 ."00 barrels. One 4 Lni h steam and om- ' LflOtl OODpnagsd «■ 1 1 llnea serve wharf. Facility la oper tony oJ bull) 1 Ujuldl < rfltrti n similar f«. Lllty on ' i>" Li 1 1 banl oi 1 hi Mlaalsalppl Klv.-i at St. Kr.nr, mill 1 IH.*, A.M.I', above Hi.' pOI 1 1 LflJ la ..1 i ' ans . Two 10-, four 8-, and four <> huh plpi lines extend from wharf and connect with seme pipelines serving storage t« ■ shown under Ref. No. 158. One 4 in. )i steam, one 2 -Inch compressed air, end «* .' tin h natar wash down lines serve why Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20108 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Jefferson Parish 8 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 16Q Dock Code No. 301 161 Dock Code No. 301 162 Dock Code No. 301 NAME Avondale Shipyards, Wet Dock No. 1. Avondale Shipyards, Wet Dock No. 2. Avondale Shipyards, Wet Dock No. 3. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mile 107.8 A.H.P. Mile 107.6 A.H.P. Mile 107.1 A.H.P. OWNED BY Avondale Shipyards, Inc., a subsidi- ary of Ogden Corp. , Main Plant. Avondale Shipyards, Inc., a subsidi- ary of Ogden Corp., Main Plant. Avondale Shipyards, Inc., a subsidiary of Ogden Corp. , Main Plant. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair; mooring floating drydock. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf; fronted by steel breasting dolphins; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Concrete pile, concrete -decked, off- shore wharf extending from steel pile, concrete -decked wharf at lower end. Concrete pile, concrete -decked, off- shore wharf with one 120- by 25-foot, and one 150- by 10-foot approaches; steel mooring dolphins fronting and in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 1,228 50+25 75 1,120+175 40 1,600 40 40 Depth Alongside a t MLG Do. 45 - - 30-69 5-30 30 5-30 5-30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,400 w/dolphs. - . Drydock+320+175 _ 1.800 w/dolphs. - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 20.8 Lighted. 20.8 500 Lighted. 20.8 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Constroction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors KECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 50-ton, diesel-electric , travel- ing, revolving, full -portal, gantry cranes, one with 120- and one with 114-foot booms; and 10 diesel locomo- tive cranes with lifting capacities ranging from 10 to 50 tons and with 60- to 90-foot booms; and use of company-owned floating derrick de- scribed under Remarks. Three diesel-electric, traveling, revolving, full -portal, gantry cranes ; one 160-ton with 125-foot boom and one 50-ton with 105-foot boom serving upper 1,120-foot section, and one 30- ton with 87-foot boom serving lower 175-foot portion; use of 2 similar 50-ton cranes with 98-foot booms mounted along opposite sides of dry- dock deck and floating derrick de- scribed under Ref. No. 160. Two 50 -ton, diesel-electric , traveling, revolving, full -portal, gantry cranes, one with 150-foot boom and one with 116-foot boom; and use of locomotive cranes and floating derrick described under Ref. No. 160. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 1,218-foot surface track on wharf joins additional trackage serving plant in rear; connects with Texas Pacific-Missouri Pacific Ter- minal Railroad of New Orleans. Trackage serving plant in rear con- nects with Texas Pacific -Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans . One 1,590-foot surface track on wharf joins additional trackage serving plant in rear; connects with Texas Pacific- Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans . HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private shipyard roadways, from Old State Highway No. 18, at main plant entrance. Same as Ref. No. 160. Same as Ref. No. 160. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 8-inch line. Through 6 -inch line. Through 6 -inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 120/240 volts 01,500 k.v.a. and A.C., 480 volts @4,500 k.v.a.; 3- phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 120/240 volts £3,750 k.v.a. and A.C., 480 volts (B7.500 k.v.a.; 3- phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 120/240 volts (92,500 k.v.a.; A.C. 480 volts @4,500 k.v.a.; and A.C, 4,160 volts @1,500 k.v.a.; 3-phase, 60-cycle. (Other than City) Plant fire department, hand extinguishers, 6-inch fire water line, fire pump, hydrants, hose, 250,000-gallon water tower, and watchmen. Wharf is equipped with lines for supplying compressed air, oxygen, natural gas, argon/carbon dioxide, and steam and electrical connections for welding equipment. One 1,000- ton marine railway is located at angle to rear and below lower side of wharf. One twin-boom, electric , floating, shear-leg derrick with 160-foot booms with 660-ton-capacity at 51- foot outboard reach, 440 tons at 67 feet and 220 tons at 97 feet is available for use at each of the company's wharves (Ref. Nos . 160, 161, 162, 163, and 173). Wharf is equipped with lines for supplying compressed air, oxygen, natural gas, argon/carbon dioxide, and steam and electrical connections for welding equipment. Shipbuilding and side-launching ways located below wharf. Shipbuilding ways are lo- cated at rear of wharf. Vessels are transferred directly from ways to an 81,000-ton floating drydock by use of temporary transfer beams layed across wharf connecting building ways and drydock with port side wingwall removed. Wharf is equipped with lines for supplying compressed air, oxygen, natural gas, argon/carbon dioxide, and steam and electrical connections for welding equipment. Shipbuilding and side-launching ways located above wharf. Occasional fueling by tank car. 82 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Jefferson Parish Corps ol Engineers Port Code No 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 163 Dock Code No. 301 164 Dock Code No. 565 165 Dock Code No. 564 , NAME Avondale Shipyards, Gas Freeing Wharf. Koch-Ellis Wharf. Barge & Ship Service Mooring. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Bridge City, mile 106.6 A.H.P., approximately 0.5 mile above Henry P. Long Bridge. Nine Mile Point, mile 104.8 A.H.P. Nine Mile Point, mile 104.4 A.H.P. 1 OWNED BY Avondale Shipyards, Inc., a subsidiary of Ogden Corp. , Main Plant. Harry J. Collins. Barge & Ship Service, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring tank barges for gas freeing and cleaning. Mooring company -owned, harbor- bunkering barges, and other floating equipment. Mooring tank barges for cleaning; mooring barges and towboats for rep.*J mooring barges for fleeting. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: Four permanently moored, steel barges with 240- by 6- foot approach. Floating offshore wharf: Steel barge permanently moored to timber dolphin. Offshore wharf: Row of 16 steel mo< 1 ing dolphins with one 40i^by 12-foojfl steel pile, timber-decked and one I steel pile, steel-decked approaches DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Mooring dolphins Dimensions (Feet) 230+387 40, 30, 50 40, 30, 50 195 35 35 1,050+700+875 Depth Alongside at mlg Do ■ 60 _ _ 45 _ _ 5 Usable Berthing Space Do . 230+387 (See Remarks) . - - 195 (See Remarks). - . 1,050+700+875 Width of Apron Do. Open. | Open. 1 Height of Dock Above j^LC Do - Lighted. Unlighted. Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo boors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Use of company-owned floating derrick described under Ref. No. 160. None. One 25-ton, diesel, crawler crane wl a 50-foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road ovar levee, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from River Road (State Highway No. 541), above Sixth Street. Via road over levee, shell, varied widths, from River Road (State High- way No. 541) . Same as Ref. No. 164. ■ ATI* (Aval .ri«) Through two 4- inch lines. Through one 2 -Inch line. Through one 2-inch line. n i hn i nun Ova i ■••!■) a.< . , WO/240 volta (a 1500 k.v.a. and A.C., 480 volts fd 500 k.v.a.; 3- phase, 60 cycle. Same as Ref. No. 163. A.C., 110 volte, single-phase, 60-1 cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. ttpt vtmrr - Plant fir* department, flra pump, fire water LIdMi and hand extinguishers. |. iimps, hose, end hand BXtln gulshers . Water pumps, hose, and hand extin- guishers. 1 1 « ' . • 1 1 barges are in Una and pro- vide 400 CM) Add it lhln« located above wtmi f wharf is equipped win. lines for sup- ■ ■ ■ •! nit, ■■ nihiril K'i . for w*HlriK equipment. n| available along natural bank above and below wharf. i ii i 1 is Marine Contrac- i i i .. md Collins Tow! n| t Im , i bu i Ld Lng i D roar. '. ■! l.i.i Mini', i 1 nj, l.ii i y: '. I,..',. ,1 hare. Marina repair plant located In rat: lower 1,750 feet as a fleeting sta barges are moored up to 10 abraaat Barge & Ship Service, Inc., also operates 2 storage pits in rear fo sand dredged from river botl PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Jefferson Parish 83 Coirs ul Ensinccrs Pol t Code No 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 156 Dock Code No. 563 !67 Dock Code No. 5QX 168 Dock Code No. 583 V«l Nine Mile Point Steam Electric Station, Fuel Oil Dock. American Commercial Barge Line, Fleet Landing Wharf. Continental Grain Co., Westwego Elevator Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mile 103.8 A.H.P. Mile 103.5 A.H.P. Mile 103.1 A.H.P. OWNED BY System Fuels, Inc. Louisiana Dock Co., division of American Commercial Barge Line. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . OPERATED BY Louisiana Power & Light Co. American Commercial Line. Continental Grain Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of No. 2 and No. 6 fuel oil by barge. Mooring barges for fleeting. Receipt and shipment of grain. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Solid filled, steel sheet pile cell with trapezoidal -shaped, concrete deck, with 820+365- by 6-foot approach from levee in rear; 4 concrete-filled, pipe pile dolphins in line with face. Offshore wharf: Eleven permanently moored steel barges; and one 185- by 52-foot floating office barge at lower end with 75+120- by 12 -foot, steel truss, steel-decked, bridge approach, outer section hinged. Concrete-encased, steel, H-pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 250- by 12-foot approach; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side ' Dimensions (Feet) 24 29 22 1,950+185 52 26 1,221 12 12 &pth Alongside at m f; Do. 15-20 _ _ 20 . _ 40 - - le Berthing Space Do. 277 w/dolphs - 1,950* - - 1,221 - - lidth of Apron Do. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above j^ Do. 22 Lighted. 9 (above water surface) Lighted. 22 1 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 250 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS tuaber and Type of Construction None . None. None. Length and width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors IfECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 8 -inch, counter -balanced, swivel - jointed unloading arms. None. Grain gallery extends 290 feet along lower section of wharf with 3 vessel- loading spouts; gallery equipped with a 42-inch, electric, belt-conveyor system extending from grain elevator in rear, combined loading rate 75,000 bushels per hour. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track serves power plant in rear; connects with Texas Pacific- Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans . None . Surface tracks serve car-receiving pit, car dumper, and car-loading spout at rear of grain elevator; join with two 100-car-capacity storage yards; connect with Texas Pacific-Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road over levee, shell, varied widths, from River Road (State High- way No. 541), asphalt, 25 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 166. Same as Ref. No. 166. .WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None . Through l*g-inch line. Through one 3-inch line with 2-inch hose connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C. , 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C, 230 volts, 3-phase, 60 -cycle. A.C, 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C, 220/440 volts , 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C, 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C, 440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. - ' (Other than City) Pump and monitor nozzles. Water line, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Water line, hose stations, and watchmen. (KIKARKS One 16 -inch, insulated, electrically traced pipeline extends from wharf to 3 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 450,000 barrels. Power plant located in rear. One 3-inch lube oil pipeline extends to wharf from a tank truck connection in rear. Grain elevator in rear has 73 concrete silos with 26 interstitial compartments and 5 steel storage tanks, total capacity 5,835,000 bushels. 84 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Jefferson Parish Corps oj Engineers Port Code No 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 169 Dock Code No. 583 170 Dock Code No. 583 171 Dock Code No. 539 NAME Continental Grain Co. , Marine Leg Wharf. Continental Grain Co., Barge Slip. Harvey Industries, Westwego Landing. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mile 102.8 A.H.P. Mile 102.7 A.H.P. Mile 102.5 A.H.P. OWNED BY Continental Grain Co. Continental Grain Co. Harvey Industries, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring barges and handling equipment Receipt of grain by barge. Receipt of shell and stone by barge TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel H-pile, concrete-decked, L- shaped wharf with 12 -foot -wide ap- proach; timber mooring dolphin in line with face . Barge -unloading slip with open ends consists of 2 parallel sides of structural steel beams supported by steel piling with fender system along inner sides; circular dolphin at each end of sides. Natural bank. DESCRIPTION Face of wharf Lower side Upper side Slip Natural bank Dimensions (Feet) 50 120 30 720 long by 75 wide 500 Depth Alongside at MLG ®° ■ 12 - - 17 6-7 Usable Berthing Space Do. 140 w/dolph. . _ 720 (See Remarks). 500 Width of Apron Do. Open. - Open. Height of Deck Above jjlq Do* 15 Lighted. 21 Lighted. Partly lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Peel) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two lij-ton, electric, traveling hoists, each mounted on a 30-foot - long, horizontal I-beam. One electric, traveling, catenary bucket unloader on elevated steel bridge structure across center por- tion of slip serves a 42-inch, covered, inclined, electric, belt- conveyor system extending to grain elevator described under Ref. No. 168; unloading rate 60,000 bushels per hour. 0ne~a*tesel crawler crane with 90-fo boom and 2^-cubic yard, clamshell bucket; one 40- and one 25-cubic ya elevated, truck- loading hoppers; on 2^-cubic yard, diesel, mobile, fron end loader. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Surface tracks serve car-receiving pit, car dumper, and car-loading spout at rear of grain elevator, Join with two 100-car-capacity storage yards; connect with Texas Pacific- Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans. Same as Ref. No. 169. Two surface tracks in rear, total length 1,000 feet, connect with Tax Pacific-Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans. ■IQBV41 ' HUN H&H Via road over levee (access), shell, varied widths, from River Road (State Highway No. 541). Same as Ref. No. 169. Via road over levee (access), shall varied widths, from State Highway R 541, River Road (Griffin Drive) (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wlda. ■ An* .tt'wv (Available to Ve«»ele) Nona. None. Nona. H || Ml ' UUUUH (Avai . .nil) A.< , 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycla; A.C., 440 volts, 3 phase , Nona. tjvt vnnif ' Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. Noiii* M MAVB Structure Is located at the lowar aide of a V shaped slip below Raf. No . Addition*. DArgi mooring available •long rlverbsnk at rear of Ref. No. Marine leg and conveyors have been removed from wharf. < iovldea straight through pas- sage of bargas which can ba position- ed at bucket unloader by winch and cable or by tug; slip can accommodate iw.i r. foot wide barges side by aide, or a single 50-foot -wide barge. i lllp In covered and has II ■ d h ' King system for re - . ■ ! - Lnj bl > k* covers . Opan storage area In rear has a nOi capacity for 35,000 cubic yards of shall and 2,000 tons of stone. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Westwego, Jefferson Parish 85 1 Engineers Port Code No 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 172 Dock Code No. 590 173 Dock Code No. 591 174 Dock Code No . 599 UH Paktank Westwego Terminal Dock. Avondale Shipyards, Westwego Plant Dock. National Gypsum Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mile 102.4 A.H.P. Mile 102.1 A.H.P. Mile 101.9 A.H.P. JtKED BY Paktank Louisiana, Inc. Avondale Shipyards, Inc., a subsidiary of Ogden Corp., Westwego Plant. National Gypsum Co., division of Gold Bond Building Products. OPERATED BY do. do. do. 'URPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of miscellaneous bulk liquids by barge. Mooring barges for repair and service; mooring floating drydock. Receipt of gypsum rock by self-unloading vessel. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 180- by 6-foot steel walkway and pipe- line approach; 6 timber mooring dol- phins in line with face. Offshore wharf: Steel LST hull moored along outer side of 2 perma- nently moored steel barges (150 by 45 and 100 by 45) at face of remains of a timber offshore wharf with 60- by 60- foot concrete approach. Steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 190-foot approach; steel mooring dolphins in line with face (See Remarks) . DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face (Feet) 51 27 27 300 45 45 100, approx. epth Alongside at MLG Do- 16 - - 30 5-30 5-30 30 Osable Berthing Space Do. 300 w/dolphs - - 300 (See Remarks). - - 500 w/dolphs., approx. Ildlh of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Beight of Deck Above MLG Do. 15.3 Lighted. Lighted. 20 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Los.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRAKSIT SHEDS !tu»ber and Type of Construction None. None. None . ■ngth and Width (Feet) ■eight Inside Do. r !nor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors HEC8ANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 2-ton, pneumatic-operated derrick with 21-foot boom for handling hose. On LST: One diesel-electric , travel- ing, revolving, full -portal, gantry crane, capacity 12^ tons at 28-foot radius and 4 tons at 65-foot radius. On approach: One 50-ton, dlesel, revolving crane with 65-foot boom. At fabrication area in rear: Two 50- ton, electric , revolving, full -portal, gantry cranes, each with 115-foot boom. Use of company-owned 660-ton floating derrick "Avondale Sr." Self-unloading vessels discharge into a 100- ton receiving hopper which is served by a covered, 36- inch, electric, belt-conveyor system extending 575 feet from wharf to gypsum rock open storage area at plant in rear, rate 800 tons per hour. Bulldozer transfers material from open storage area to ground-level hopper which serves a 24 -inch, electric, belt conveyor to plant, rate 100 tons per hour. ' IAILIAY CONNECTIONS None. Plant trackage in rear connects with Texas Pacific -Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans. Three surface tracks serve plant in rear; connect with Texas Pacific- Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans . - aiGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road over levee (access), shell, varied widths, from State Highway No. 541, River Road (Griffin Drive), (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 172. Same as Ref. No. 172. "ATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 2-inch line with 1^-inch hose connections. Through 1 3/4-inch line. Through one 2Vinch line with 1%-inch hose connections. OECTRIC CURRENT : (Available to Vessels) A.C., 120/240 volts (3 3,334 k. v. a. ;A.C. 480 volts @ 1,800 k.v.a., A.C., 2,400 volts & 1,500 k.v. a.; 3-phase, 60- cycle. A.C., 220 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . a I (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers, hydrant and hose in rear, and watchmen. Hose stations, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. ^ Three 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 3 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 123,200 barrels. One additional 10-inch pipeline In- tended for future use also located on wharf. One 10- and three 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 32 steel storage tanks located at terminal in rear, total capacity 1,200,000 barrels. Facility is operated for public stor- age of bulk liquids. One 4,150-ton floating drydock moored along portion of face. Approximately 500 feet of additional berthing available at ruins of timber pile, timber-decked wharf located above barge building and side -launching ways located in rear. Wharf is equipped with lines for sup- plying compressed air, oxygen, natural gas, argon/carbon dioxide, and steam and electrical connections for welding equipment. Immediately prior to 1977 field survey, the former timber wharf had burned and removal work was underway. Design of the replacement structure had not yet been completed, but will be similar to that described above. Open storage area for 75,000 tons of gypsum rock, and gypsum board plant in rear. 86 Corps of Engineers Port Code No .20095 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Jefferson Parish REFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP NO. 3 175 Dock Code No. 614 176 Dock Code No. 653 177 Dock Code No. 668 NAME Pacific Molasses Co. Wharf. Point Landing Fuel Corp., LASH/Seabee Fleet Mooring. Amerada Hess Blouin Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Westwego, mile 101.5 A.H.P. Marrero, mile 100.5 A.H.P. Marrero, mile 99.8 A.H.P OWNED BY Pacific Molasses Co. Point Landing Fuel Corp. Amerada Hess Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of molasses and bulk liquid fats and oils by barge. Mooring company-owned equipment; mooring barges for fleeting. Receipt and shipment of petroleum, products, chemicals, and vegetabl oils by barge; loading barges for bunkering vessels at berth. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, 3-level, offshore wharf with one 330- by 10- foot plus 165- by 6-foot approach from top of levee; fronted by 4 timber and steel breasting dolphins. Offshore wharf: One 195- by 42-foot wharf boat along outer side of 175- by 26-foot barge permanently moored tc shore; and two 195- by 35-foot barges permanently moored above and 2 below wharf boat. Offshore wharf: Steel ponton pern nently moored to timber dolphins :b 50- by 4-foot, adjustable, steel, walkway approach from outer end o i 450-foot, timber and concrete pip line trestle and walkway extendin from top of levee . DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper s ■ Dimensions (Feet) 40 34 34 975 35+7+26 35+7+26 95 35 35 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 30 30-25 30-25 15-20 - - 20 . Usable Berthing Space Do. 282 w/dolphs. (See Remarks') - 975 (See Remarks) - - 350 w/dolph 5. - . Width of Apron Do. Open. Open . Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 24 200 Lighted. Partly lighted. Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 1-ton, hand-operated derrick with 25-foot boom for handling hose. None. One pneumatic -operated derrick wl 15-foot boom for handling hose. uii .v, i HUi RAH Three surface tracks serve terminal and 20-car capacity, tank car loading reck in rear; connect with Texas Pacific-Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans. None. None. HI'.HIAI 'ASK Rfli 1 Via road over levee (access), shell, varied widths, from La Bauve Drive (River Road) State Highway No. 541 (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via road over levee (approach), shell, varied widths, from River Road, State Highway No. 541 (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 176. ■ATM SUPPLY (Aval lihlr to Vaaaele) Through one 2-inch line. t l.i ...ij.'h "in' .'- In' h 1 tin- with Lfc-lnen hose connections. Through one 2-inch line. (Aval labia ti, MmU) A.C., 110 volta, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 6 m cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phfl 60-cycle. ?1*t PlOTVTini ■ "•■'"' HKClfujulahari «"rag* t mnU n , ai lona , al 1 In raar. am supply '/ K**'<*rat - Add 1 ' i miji 1 ln'i 1 M n,' iivh 1 1 il. 1. , ( 1 .,m> rlverbank, 200 feet above upper side, and 2,300 feet below lower side. One 20- and flvs 8- inch pipeline extend from wharf to storage tan described under Ref. Nob, 178 snCsV • i mmm- 1 whar t ' total ' sps< it i antra lot •' •< Ona Insula! *< Ln4 axle ■ t •«■ , ol 1 II at terminal >., It* t wharf f t om B r«ar. 1 ln« «f mnt\m 1 L«M \ PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Marrero, Jefferson Parish 87 1 Engineers Port Code No 20095 ^^HCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 178 Dock Code No. 668 179 Dock Code No. 668 180 Dock Code No. 672 tm Amerada Hess Clark Wharf. Amerada Hess Corp., Main Wharf. Texaco Wharf. 0CAT1ON ON WATERFRONT Mile 99.6 A.H.P. Mile 99.5 A.H.P. Marrero, above foot of Barataria Boulevard, mile 99.4 A.H.P. '.NED BY Amerada Hess Corp. Amerada Hess Corp. Texaco, Inc . DERATED BY do. do. do. FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products, chemicals, and vegetable oils by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products, chemicals, and vegetable oils by barge; bunkering vessels and loading barges for bunkering vessels at berth. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products and crude oil; loading mid- stream fueling barges and barges for bunkering vessels at berth; fueling towboats . TPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: Steel barge perma- nently moored to timber dolphins with 355- by 3.5-foot steel walkway and pipeline trestle approach; fronted by 4 timber mooring dolphins. Offshore wharf: Steel barge perma- nently moored to timber dolphins with one 250- by 12-foot, timber pile, timber-decked walkway and pipeline ap- proach to upper end and one 70- + 150- by 6-foot steel approach to lower end. One steel pipe mooring dolphin in line with face. (See Remarks) Offshore wharf: Three steel pontons permanently moored to timber dolphins and connected by steel catwalks; 220- by 15-foot steel walkway and pipeline approach to center ponton; one steel pile, steel-decked, offshore platform with (Continued under Remarks). ESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side tensions (Feet) 175 26 26 265 45 45 116+116+116 37 37 cpth Alongside at MLG Do. 20 - - 40 - - 34 - - sable Berthing Space Do. 255 w/dolphs. - - 320 w/dolph. - 746 w/platform and dolph. Ith of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. tight of Deck Above MLG Do. 11 (above water surface) Lighted . Lighted. 18 , platform. old Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lgftted or Unlighted Lighted . SAJSIT SHEDS uaber and Type of Construction None. None. None . ength and Width (Feet) ?ight Inside Do. loor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) .ad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) irgo Doors ECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One hand-operated derrick with 25- foot boon, for handling hose. One hand-operated derrick with 30- foot boom and one pneumatic-operated derrick with 15-foot boom; derricks are used for handling hose. One ^-ton, pneumatic-operated hoist on outer end of approach for handling drums; and 3 pneumatic-operated der- ricks for handling hose, one with 30- foot boom on lower end of wharf, one with 20-foot boom on upper end, and one with 20-foot boom on platform. ULIAY CONNECTIONS One surface track serves terminal and 7-car capacity tank car loading rack in rear; connects with Texas Pacific-Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans. Plant trackage serves terminal in rear; connects with Texas Pacific- Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans and tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. Three surface tracks serve terminal in rear; connect with Texas Pacific- Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans. GRIAY CONNECTIONS Via road over and on levee (approach), shell, varied widths, from River Road, State Highway No. 541 (margi- nal), asphalt, 20 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 178. Same as Ref. No. 178. TER SUPPLY Available to Vessels) Through one 2-inch line with 1^-inch hose connections. Through one 3-inch line. Through one 3-inch line with 1^-inch hose connections. H.TRIC CURRENT Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers Fire pump, monitors, fire water line, foam system, and hand extinguishers. Chemical carts, hand extinguishers, hydrant, and hose. HARES Six 8- and two 4-inch pipelines ex- tend from wharf to 19 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 407,700 barrels. Storage tanks are connected to those described under Ref. No. 179. Facility is operated for public stor- age of bulk liquids. Approach to upper end of wharf ex- tends from top of levee and approach to lower end extends from side of upper approach. One 14-, one 10-, six 8-, twelve 6-, one 4-, and six 2-inch pipelines ex- tend from wharf to 90 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 1,075,000 barrels. Facility is operated for public storage of bulk liquids. 150- by 6-foot approach and one 6- by 6-foot steel pile breasting dolphin in line with face. One 12-, two 10-, three 6-, and three 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 17 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 525,600 barrels. 88 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20095 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Harvey, Jefferson Parish REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 181 Dock Code No. 684 182 Dock Code No. 691 183 Dock Code No. 695 NAME Standard Paint and Varnish Co. Wharf. IMC Chemical Group Wharf. Delta Commodities Terminal, Ship and Barge Docks . LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mile 98.9 A.H.P., approximately 0.6 mile above entrance to Harvey Canal. Mile 98.6 A.H.P., approximately 0.4 mile above entrance to Harvey Canal. Mile 98.5 A.H.P., above entrance to Harvey Canal. OWNED BY Standard Paint and Varnish Co., sub- sidiary of Avondale Shipyards, Inc. IMC Chemical Group, Inc. Delta Commodities, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of boiler slag by barge. Receipt and shipment of methanol and petrochemicals . Receipt and shipment of miscellaneous bulk liquids. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, steel-decked, offshore wharf with 200- by 3 -foot walkway approach from top of levee; 4 steel mooring dol- phins in line with face. Timber pile, timber -decked, offshore wharf with 230- by 10-foot approach from top of levee; 4 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Ship Dock: Steel pile, concrete -decke offshore wharf with 120- by 5-foot ap- proach from levee; 2 steel pipe pile, mooring dolphins in line with face. Barge Dock: Offshore wharf of similar construction with 2 steel pile, concre- decked, platform dolphins in line with face t connected bv catwalks. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Ship Dock Barge Face Dock Rear of Cat Dimensions (Feet) 80 20 20 42 38 14+24 84 by 35&47 40 40 Depth Alongside at ffl£ Do. 32 . . 32 10 30 10-30 38 60 60 Usable Berthing Space Do. 420 w/dolphs _ 370 w/dolphs - _ 350 w/dolphs. 270 w/dolphs 120+120 w/dcn Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. & cat* i Height of Deck Above |^^G ^° • 19 Lighted. 20 200 Lighted. 24 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 300 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None . None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 50-ton, electric, revolving crane with 100-foot boom and 6^-cubic yard bucket; and one 100-ton-capacity, steel, receiving hopper. Crane used for unloading slag from barges into receiving hopper which is served by a covered, electric, belt-conveyor system extending to open storage area at rear of levee; rate of opera- tion 700 tons per hour. One electric derrick with 20-foot boom for handling hose. Ship Dock: Two 5-ton, electric, hydraulic derricks, one mast-and-boom with 40-foot boom and one with 50- foot retractable boom. Barge Dock: One 5-ton, electric, hydraulic, mast-and-boom derrick with 40 -foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks serve plant in rear; connect with Texas Pacific - Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans. Two surface tracks serve 8-car- capacity tank car loading rack In rear; connect with Texas Pacific- Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans . One 100-foot surface track serves loa ing rack at terminal In rear; connect with Texas Pacific -Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans and tracks of Southern Pacific Tranaporta tion Co. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road over and on levee (approach^ varied widths, from River Road, State Highway No. 541 (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wi.i. . Same aa Ref. No. 181. Same as Ref. No. 181. ■ (Aval labia Nona. Through 2^-lnch line. Through 3-inch lines. lUcfMC CURRENT (Aval tale) A.f... no volca, ilnfla-phaaa, 60- cycla; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phese, 60-cycle. N . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 61 A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60 ft 1 on each wharf. ftpt ; Fire putty, hose, and hand Ml gulahera. Hydrant, hone, steam line, and hand ngulahara. I'in wni i i " I-. m< i t Lor 'iitalncra, and watchmen. ■ Iflfl Open storage area In rear for approx- imately 40,000 tone of slag. Plant In r«-ar for tnanuf ■< l tir 1 iik o 1 I 1 < a material used for sandblasting purposes. L0 and one 8-lnch actlvi plpi linee extend I Whirl BO L9 steel •tor Ago. tanks at tannins] in roar, ' 000 barrels. One 16-, ono 12-, one 10-, seventeen • B ""i two k Lnch pipal Lnaa on | :;hl |i lit" V • niini'i i wi t ii i i two 8 , and i I ve '• Int li |>I|>«*I i Barg' " ■ 1 ■ ti nd Lnj t< it 1 1 tl terminal In rear, total capefcf 9 10 000 bu rait. i ,,. i n i v Li "i"' 1 "'*' ,, '"■ i" 11 ' 1 u ""'" -i i i Liquid*. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Harvey Canal, Harvey, Jefferson Parish 89 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER OK MAP NO. 4 184 Dock Code No. 009 185 Dock Code No. 010 186 Dock Code No. 011 NAME Southern Shell Fish Co. Slips. Exxon Co. -U.S.A., Harvey Bulk Plant Wharf. Amoco Oil Co., Harvey Bulk Plant Fueling Wharf. , LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.2 and 0.3 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 0.3 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 0.4 mile south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Southern Shell Fish Co., Inc. Exxon Co. -U.S. A. Amoco Oil Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. Pl'RPOSE FOR WHICH USED Occasional receipt of seafood; and icing and mooring fishing boats. Fueling small vessels. Fueling small vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION North slip: Timber bulkhead, solid fill, with 7-foot wide timber pile, timber-decked extension along sides. South slip: Part steel sheet pile and part timber bulkhead with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; part concrete-surfaced. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION North slip South slip Face Face 1 Dimensions (Feet) 110 x 95 120 x 60 150 125 I Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 6 6 12 12 Usable Berthing Space Do. 115+95+105 120+60+120 150 125 ifidth of Apron Do. Open . 6 and open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 5 5 Lighted. Lighted. 5 Lighted . 5 ■ Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Kumber and Type of Construction None . None . None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES North slip: Crushed ice is furnished fishing boats at lower side of grav- ity chute extending from ice- manufacturing plant in rear; and one 1-ton, hand-operated, stiff-leg der- rick with 20-foot boom; South slip: Two ]4-inch electric conveyors for transferring seafood from wharf on upper side to seafood-processing and -packing plant in rear. None . None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 135-foot surface track serves plant warehouse on Destrehan Avenue; connects with tracks of the Southern Pacific Transportation Co. None . None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Destrehan Avenue (marginal) , asphalt, 24 feet wide, from 4th Street (State Highway No. 18). Same as Ref. No. 184. Same as Ref. No. 184 : WATER SUPPLY 1 (Available to Vessels) Through 3/4- inch line. Through 2-inch line. Through 3/4-inch line. (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . (Other than City) Hand extinguishers, chemical cart, hydrant, hose, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers and foam cart. Hand extinguishers and foam cart. Slips are separated by approximately 375 feet of asphalt-revetted, sloping bank along canal . One metered pump for diesel fuel is located at rear of face. Three metered fuel pumps on wharf connect with 6 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 2,430 barrels . 90 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish Dorps of EnRineers Port Code No . 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 187 Dock Code No. 012 188 Dock Code No. 015 189 Dock Code No. 018 NAME George Engine Co., Main Wharf. Avondale Shipyards, Harvey Wharf and Slip. Tibo Shipyard, Wharf and Slip. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately Lock. t 0.4 mile south of Harvey Approximately 0.5 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 0.6 mile south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Frierson Realty Corp. Avondale Shipyards, Inc., a subsid- iary of Ogden Corp., Harvey Plant. Tibo Shipyard, Inc. OPERATED BY George Engine Co., Inc. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring small vessels for repair and installation of marine engines. Mooring vessels for repairing, out- fitting, and conversion; mooring floating drydocks. Mooring small vessels for repairing, outfitting, and conversion. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill; fronted by timber fender system; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with 180- foot section of face. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill, part concrete surfaced. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill along canal and outer end of north side of an approximate 300- by 150-foot slip. DESCRIPTION Face Canal side north of slip Slip Canal side south of sli[ Canal side Slip side Dimensions (Feet) 180+15+15 35+34+333 198+444+205 186+43+31 225 90 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 8 12 12 12 12-7 12-7 Usable Berthing Space Do. 243 w/dolphs 35+333 198+444+205 186+31 225 90 (See Remarks) Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Open and 10 Open, 15 and 20 Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 5 Lighted. 5-4 500 Lighted. TT Load Capacity per So,. Ft. (Lbs.) 350 Lighted or Unlighted Partly lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nimber and Type of Construction None . None . None. Length and width (Feet) Height Inside IX Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Car* . r* i rfl MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One electric, stiff-leg derrick with 40-foot boom. One electric revolving crane on a 40-foot high, fixed base with a 120- foot boom and 20-foot jib extension, capacity 45 tons at 40-foot radius, and 21 tons at 80-foot radius; three diesel locomotive cranes: One 30- ton with 80 -foot boom and two 25 -ton with 65 -foot booms; and one 10 -ton, electric, traveling, bridge crane in outside machine shop extending to near face of bulkhead at south side of entrance to slip. One 12- and one 3-ton, gasoline, mobile cranes; and use of company- owned, 20-ton, gasoline, A-frame, floating derrick with 50-foot boom. RAILWAY COHKICTIOHS None. One marginal surface track at rear of north bulkhead and one at rear of slip, Join additional plant trackage; connect with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. None, lu ..•., • ■■ ran Via Deslrehan Avenue (marginal), as- phalt, 24 feet wide, from West Bank Expressway (U.S. Highway No. Bua. 90). Same as Raf. No. 187. Same as Ref. No. 187. WATM SUPPLY i»».i lakla to •nailt) Through one H-lnch line with 3/4- inch hose connections. Through 2^-lnch line. 1 In ,iu, 'h 1 '.- ! m h 1 im . UeallaaUe <» »...«i.) A.C., 110 volta, single-phase, 60- cycle. A.C., 220 volta, single-phase, 60- A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volta, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. nwi pwottttitm Hand exl lngulshera , hydrant, hose , and wat chasm. Sane as Raf. No. 187. Same as Ref. No. 187. Diesel angina repair plant located In raar. Two 2,900-, one 1,700-, and two 1,000-ton floating drydocks moored In >l La Additional berthing is available slon sides of: A 72- by 84-foot basin formed by a steel sheet pile bulkhesd ill. nl lil MM, 1 '1 ' Hi • ll1 I wesl ol wlmrf ; and al 1 1 / I,iiIM,..,,.I ullli Mil lil I'M | weat end ol illp, Two 400-ton marine railways on n Mi 1 lllp, Small vessels and barges are occasion illy liuMi ami side- launched over l 'lu ...1 hi *•(! ltd! <>l lllp. 91 i Engineers Port Code No 66002 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish EFERtNCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 190 Dock Code No. 020 191 Dock Code No. 025 192 Dock Code No. 033 AME Freeport Sulphur Co., Harvey Terminal Wharf . Texaco, Harvey Warehouse Dock. Shell Oil Co. Wharf. OCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.8 tnile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 1.0 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 1.3 miles south of Harvey Lock. •NED BY Freeport Sulphur Co., Division of Freeport Minerals Co. Texaco , Inc . Shell Oil Co. PERATED BY do. do. Shell Oil Co., Exploration and Production Dept. I'RPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring barges; receipt and shipment of steel pipe, drilling mud, supplies and equipment for offshore and river delta sulphur operations. Receipt and shipment of oil well drilling equipment and supplies; and landing for barges and small vessels servicing offshore oil well opera- tions . Receipt and shipment of oil well drilling equipment and supplies; and landing for barges and small vessels servicing offshore oil well operations IfPE OF CONSTRUCTION Canal side: Part steel sheet pile and part concrete bulkhead with part concrete-surfaced solid fill; 6 timber pile cluster mooring dolphins in line with face; slip side: Row of 12 tim- ber mooring dolphins connected by timber catwalk, 12- by 30-foot steel (Continued under Remarks) Timber bulkhead with solid fill sur- faced by 8-foot wide timber deck along length of wharf; adjustable hand-operated steel ramp on wharf, approximately 100 feet from north end . Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill, part concrete-surfaced. SSCRIPTION Canal side Slip side Face North side South side Face North side South side (tensions (Feet) 340+73+99 12 1.000 15 10 1.000 50 70 •pth Alongside at MLG Do. 12-8 10 6 _ - 12 _ . ;able Berthing Space Do. 837 w/dolphs. 96 w/dolphs'. 1,000 - - 1,000 _ _ idth of Apron Do. Open. Open. tght of Deck Above j^lq °° • 5.1 500 Unlighted. 6 300 Unlighted. 6 >ad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) .ghted or Unlighted 500 Lighted. UNSIT SHEDS mber and Type of Construction None . None. None . ?Bgth and Width (Feet) ■ight Inside Do. oor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) ad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) irgo Doors :CHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 15-ton, diesel, mobile crane with 50-foot boom; one 10-ton, gasoline, mobile, straddle carrier; and two 3- and one 2^ -ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks . One 25-ton, diesel, locomotive crane with 50-foot boom; and one 5-ton, traveling, overhead, bridge crane in warehouse at rear of north end of wharf with rails extending 25 feet over water beyond face of wharf. Additional cranes and other types of mechanized handling equipment available as needed. One 30-ton, diesel, locomotive crane with 60-foot boom; one 10-ton, travel- ing, overhead, bridge crane in ware- house at rear of north end of wharf, with rails extending 25 feet over water beyond face of wharf; and two 6-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks. ILWAY CONNECTIONS One 850-foot surface track serves open storage area in rear; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. One 825-foot surface track along rear of wharf joins with 2 additional marginal surface tracks serving open storage area in rear; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transpor- tation Co. One 760 -foo of wharf jo nal surface storage are. tracks of S< tat ion Co. : surface track along rear ins with 3 additional margi tracks serving open pipe i in rear; connects with juthern Pacific Transpor- uHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Destrehan Avenue (marginal) , as- phalt, 24 feet wide, from West Bank Expressway (U.S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same as Ref . No. 190. Same as Ref. No. 190. TER SUPPLY Available to Vessels) Through one 4-inch line with 3-inch hose connections. Through one 6-inch line with 2-inch hose connections. Through one 4-inch line with 1%-inch hose connections. ECTRIC CURRENT Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 6U-cycle. A.C., 1L0 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle . None. Jther than City) Hand extinguishers, hydrant, hose, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers, hydrants, and hose . Hand extinguishers, hydrants, and hose. «ARIS frame, timber-decked, hinged, barge- loading ramp extends from bank to dolphins . Open storage area in rear for approx- imately 700 tons of steel pipe. One-story building at rear of south side of slip used as private ware- house. Pneumatic hoist controls adjustable steel ramp to level of barge deck. West Bank Expressway (Harvey) Tunnel crosses canal under concrete bulkhead portion of wharf. Private warehouse and open storage area for steel pipe in rear. Private warehouse and open storage area for steel pipe in rear. North 40-foot portion of wharf is at a lower level serves as a seaplane- loading area. 92 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 66002 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 193 Dock Code No. 035 194 Dock Code No. 039 195 Dock Code No. 045 NAME Milchem Harvey Warehouse Dock. George Engine Co. Repair Wharf. Cheramie Inland Towing Co. Slip. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1.4 miles above Harvey Lock. Approximately 1.5 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 1.8 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Milchem, Inc. George Engine Co. Cheramie Inland Towing Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Cheramie Inland Towing Co., Inc., ant Spanier Marine Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of bagged drilling mud and chemicals in drums. Mooring vessels for repair (See Remarks) . Mooring towboats. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid North side of slip: Part steel sheet pile and part timber bulkhead with s fill. Head of slip: Timber bulkheai with solid fill. South side of slip Part timber bulkhead with solid fill part natural bank fronted by timber mooring dolphins. fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Head of slip North side South sidt Dimensions (Feet) 250 1,430 45 180+30 180+70 Depth Alongside at MLG Do* 10 6 8 8 8 Usable Berthing Space Do. 250 1,430 45 138 180+70 Width of Apron Do. - Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 6 500 Lighted. 5 500 Lighted. 5-4 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlightcd TRANSIT SHEDS NuMber and Type of Construction None . None. None. Length and width (Feet 1 Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) L<.ad Capacity per Bq.Ft. (Los.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 10- by 25-foot, electric, adjust- able, steel, loading ramp; and one 3^- and one 3-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks . Rental equipment is available as needed. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. N.inr . None. Via Dewtrchen Avenue, asphalt, 24 feet wldi-, from West Bank Expressway (U.S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same aa Ref. No. 193. Same as Ref. No. 193. ■ els) Through ..in- 1 In. h 1 Inc. Id. ....v 1, ' 1... I. 1 in. will. I...... . '.I. nect lona. Through 1-lnch line with 3/4-lnch ho| connections. M ■ t»i< i m Nona. rolCd single-phase, 60- cycle; available at building in rear. A.C., 110 volta, single -phase. rrir rnnf - II. III. 1 . - 1 in; .. i ■■!,. . ■. ..n.l w.il - Iill..ri . 11,111.1 I'll liignliili, V . nun r... iiiilng at rear ol wharl private 1 atorag* warehouae. |>in had recently been acquired and con- .1 'mi Ldlnj I'l hout lug rag underway. SI lp In "I "'! I' 1 '!" ' tors ma into In tug dlapat. ' officii i.ni Ldinj .ii ii 'i ..I m '•! "lde of gill PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish 93 I Engineers Port Code No 66002 ^BCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. U 196 Dock Code No. 045 !97 Dock Code No. 046 ^95 Dock Code No. 046 NAME Schouest Marine Service Landing. Houma Welders, South Dock. Houma Welders, North Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1,9 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 1.9 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 2.0 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Schouest Marine Service, Inc. Houma Welders , Inc . Houma Welders, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned floating equipment. Receipt and shipment of oil well drilling equipment, structural steel and other construction materials. Receipt and shipment of oil well drilling equipment; mooring offshore oil well platforms for fitting out. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Natural bank. Timber bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. Part natural bank and part timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Natural bank Face Natural bank and bulkhead Dimensions (Feet) 75 4 80 600 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 9 10 12 sjble Berthing Space Do. 75 480 600 Width of Apron Do . Open. Open. Open . Height of Deck Above MLG ®°- Unlighted. 5.8 Lighted . 3 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS Ktmber and Type of Construction None . None . None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors KECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None . One 150 -, two 50-, one 20-, and one 8-ton, diesel, mobile cranes with 100- , 100- and 70-, 35-, and 24-foot booms, respectively; one 25-, one 15- , and three 12^-ton, gasoline, mobile cranes with 70-, 60-, and 45- foot booms, respectively. Same as Ref. No. 197. HAIL1AY CONNECTIONS None. None . None . 1I0B1AY CONNECTIONS Via Destrehan Avenue (marginal) , as- phalt, 24 feet wide, from West Bank Expressway (U.S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same as Ref . No. 196. Same as Ref. No. 196. «ATER SUPPLY 'Available to Vessels) Through one 3/4-inch line. Through one 2 -inch line with hose connections . Through one 2-inch line. I^BllC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 197. Im PROTECTION •Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers, pump, fireline, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers, hydrants, hose, and watchmen. U HARKS Tug dispatch office located in building in rear. Harvey Canal Seaplane Service, Inc., operates a concrete seaplane ramp, hangar, and offices immediately north of landing. Fabrication plant for oil field equipment in rear. Compressed air, acetylene, and oxygen service lines serve wharf. 94 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish OorPS Oi Engineers Port Code No 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 199 Dock Code No. 050 200 Dock Code No. 051 201 Dock Code No. 052 NAME Exxon Co. -U.S.A., Harvey Production District Dock. Williams-McWilliams Co., Harvey Yard Dock. TaulH Construction Co. Landing. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2.1 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 2.2 miles south of Harvey Lock . Approximately 2.3 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Exxon Co. -U.S.A. Williams-McWilliams Co., Inc., a Zapata Co. Harvey Land Improvement Co. OPERATED BV do. do. Taulli Construction Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of oil well drilling equipment and supplies; landing for barges and small vessels servicing offshore oil well drilling operations . Handling marine construction materials and offshore oil well supplies and equipment . Handling construction materials, supplies, and equipment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; timber mooring dolphins fronted by continuous timber fender system in line with face of bulkhead. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Natural bank. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 60+97+277 555 50 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 4-8 5-7 3-5 Usable Berthing Space Do. 60+477 w/dolphs. 555 50 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 5 Lighted. 4 Lighted. 3-4 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted . TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None . None. None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 10-ton, gasoline, A-frame hoist. Contractor's equipment available as required. Contractor's equipment available as required . RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 300-foot surface track serves open storage area in rear; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. One 400- foot surface track serves open storage area in rear; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Destrehan Avenue (marginal), asphalt, 24 feet wide, from West Bank Expressway (U. S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same as Ref. No. 199. Sane as Ref. No. 199. (Available to Vr.-.l,) Through 4-lnch line with 2^- and 3- lnch hose connections. Through 2-lnch line. None. UvailatiJ* to Vr*ael«) A I , 110/220 volts, single-phase, 60 -eye I*. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, . i . Hi mi rrwr v*nrr r | Hand extinguishers, water pumps, hydrant , and hose. 4-Lnch flreline, pumps, hand extin- guishers, hydrant, hose, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers in building In rear. Open storage area for steel pipe, •qui pawn t , and supplies In rear. • and storage yard in rear. Contractor's storage yard In rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish 95 Corps ol Engineers Port Code No . 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 202 Dock Code No. 053 203 Dock Code No. 054 204 Dock Code No. 054 NAME Dresser Magcobar, Harvey Terminal Dock. Louis Eyraard Towing Co. Dock. Sun Contractors Landing. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2.4 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 2.4 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 2.5 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Dresser Magcobar, Division of Dresser Industries, Inc. Louis Eymard Towing Co., Inc. Sun Contractors, Inc. OPERATED BV do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of bagged drilling mud. Mooring company-owned towboats. Receipt and shipment of fabricated steel structures for offshore oil well drilling operations. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore row of 9 timber mooring dolphins . Timber pile, steel-decked, offshore wharf with walkway approach. Natural bank. DESCRIPTION Mooring dolphins Face North side South side Natural bank Dimensions (Feet) 210 40 8 8 400 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 10 8 - - 15-20 Usable Berthing Space Do. 210 40* - - 400 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Lighted . 4 Lighted. 4 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Partly lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS guaber and Type of Construction None . None . None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 10- by 30-foot, adjustable, steel, barge- loading ramp extends from natural bank to mooring dolphins; and two 3^-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks . None. One 50-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 100-foot boom. 1 -WAY CONNECTIONS One surface track serves warehouse in rear; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. None. None . HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Destrehan Avenue, asphalt, varied widths, from West Bank Expressway (U. S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same as Ref. No. 202. Same as Ref. No. 202. » "ATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None . Hose connections in building in rear. None. 3 ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle in warehouse. None . None. (Other than City) Hand extinguishers, hydrants, hose, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers . Pump, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Office building and private warehouse with capacity for storing approxi- mately 12,000 bags of drilling mud. Towing company dispatch office lo- cated in building in rear. Open steel fabrication yard in rear. 96 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 66002 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 205 Dock Code No. 055 206 Dock Code No. 884 207 Dock Code No. 890 NAME C. £. Natco Landing. Gretna Machine & Iron Works, Slip and Gas Freeing Wharf. Plexco Wharf. LOCATION ON KATERFRONT West side, approximately 2.6 miles south of Harvey Lock. East side, approximately 5 miles south of Harvey Lock between Hero Cutoff and Bayou Barataria. Approximately 4.7 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY C. E. Natco, a division of Combustion Engineers , Inc . Kirby Exploration Co. Plexco, Division of Amsted Industries, i Inc . OPERATED BY do. Gretna Machine & Iron Works, Inc. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of fabricated parts and steel structures for offshore oil well drilling operations. Mooring barges and small vessels for repair, outfitting, and conversion; mooring barges for tank cleaning and gas freeing. Receipt and shipment of steel pipe. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill and stone-revetted natural bank. Slip with sloping natural bank; and steel pile, steel-decked, marginal wharf. Concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Natural bank Slip Face of wharf Face South side North side Dimensions (Feet) 100+350 120 by 50 120 700 6 36 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 10-12 5 5 11 - - Usable Bert bine Space Do. 450 120 120 (See Remarks) 700 - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 30 Open. - - Height of Deck Above MLG Do 4 Lighted. 5.8 Lighted. 5 Portable lights. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unl Lghl TRANSIT SHEDS Nuaber and Type of Construction None. None. None. Lengl h and tldth •>•■■ i ) Beifjhl 1 n-, i d» Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) U-ad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Contractor's heavy lift equipment is available as required. Two 45-ton, diesel, crawler cranes, one with 90- and one with 70-foot boom; one 25- ton, diesel , crawler crane with 70-foot boom. One 15-ton, diesel, mobile hoist and 2 fixed, electric , rotating, tower cranes, each with 150-foot boom and lifting capacity of 2% to 10 tons. Three 45- and two 35-ton, diesel, mobile cranes, each with 60-foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. Three surface tracks, capacity 30 cars serve open, steel pipe storage yard In rear; connect with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. NIGH-AY CONNECTIONS Via Destrehan Avenue, asphalt, varied widths, from West Bonk Expressway (U.S. Highway No. Bui. 90). Via roadway, gravel and shell, 25 to 10 '< ' wide, from Peters Road, asphalt, 25 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 206. ■■!•) Nona. Through one 2-inch line. None. b h hn - nun Its, 3 phase, 60-cycla. ' 1 . , 1 III v ,,| t ■. . ,. I,,,- |, ,,!,.,.., , 1,11 '< A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phasa, 60-cycla. Same as Ref. No. 206. T1VT PWOTV ' Hand extinguishers and watchman. tlngulshcrs, chemical carts, pumps, hydrants, anil wan ||. .11.1 ■ ■ r In. 1- 1,. 1 . Iiv-ll .Hll ■. . ll.lHl-. pump , and wiit • hm Open itael fabrication yard In Slip 1 ■■ i i ii .."ill end til prop ■ ' | I i '■l>.' i i u ■ ■ i POO * ■ ■ ' north o J ilip rod oni 650 by 70- - - i ■ f ■ ' i between md wi.;.i i , A'l.ii i Loni 1 n va 1 1 n m - iion nai Fol i"ws ; ■ i on B on B i ill 00 Fmi ■ •rLappiafl ,,. , i i i | ., plant i oar* Approximately SO acres of open storage! | ii, i .mm! i'LiiiI 1 hi i h v :■■ , and wrapping steel pipe located In ren PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish 97 Corps Port Code No REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO . 4 Dock Code No. 896 209 Dock Code No. 898 Dock Code No. 902 NAME Avondale Shipyards, Industrial Division, Hicks Yard Wharf. Hunt Shipyard Basin. Avondale Shipyards, Industrial Division Basin. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 4.6 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 4.4 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 4.3 miles south of Harvey Lock. Avondale Shipyards, Inc., Industrial Division, a subsidiary of Ogden Corp, Geosource, Inc. Avondale Shipyards, Inc., Industrial Division, a subsidiary of Ogden Corp. OPERATED BY Hunt Shipyard, Division of Geosource, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Mooring offshore oil well platforms for fitting out. Mooring barges, small vessels, dredges, and floating offshore oil well drilling equipment for repair; mooring floating drydocks. Shipment of large steel fabrications for the offshore oil well industry, including drilling platforms, vari- ous modules, and miscellaneous deck (Continued under Remarks) ^^ Part timber and part concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Rectangular basin formed by steel sheet pile retaining walls with solid fill. Rectangular basin: East side, concrete bulkhead with solid fill; north side, natural bank with launching ways; west side, natural bank. DESCRIPTION North side East side of basin South side North and west sides North side 984400+31+300 15 490 and 320 15_0_ ble Berthing Space 98+400+300 490 and 320 150 af Deck Above MLG 0° • Open. Open . Open . Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted. Lighted. 5 300 Lighted. None. None . and Type of Constr th and Width for Cargo (Sq.Ft. ) Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) CCHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Company -owned and rental crawler and mobile cranes are available as required. One 100-ton, electric, stiff-leg derrick with 100-foot boom mounted on bull wheel; two 50-ton, diesel, crawler cranes, each with 90-foot boom; one 25-ton, diesel, floating crane with 80-foot boom; one 15-ton, diesel, mobile hoist with 60-foot boom; one 10-ton, fixed, electric, tower crane with 80-foot boom; and one bridge crane spanning launching way equipped with 50-ton, electric hoist. One 25- and one 15 -ton, electric, overhead, bridge cranes and one 60- ton, diesel-electric , traveling, revolving, full-portal, gantry crane serve north side and open fabrica- tion area at rear of north side. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track, capacity 22 cars, serves open, fabrication area in rear; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. One surface track serves shipyard in rear; connects with tracks of South- ern Pacific Transportation Co. One surface track in rear of east side connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. 1 HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Peters Road, asphalt, 25 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 208. Same as Ref. No. 208. 1ATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 8-inch line with hose con- nections . Through 2 -inch li TRIC CURRENT ulable to Vessels) A.C., 110/220 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 209. 'IRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Water line, hand extinguishers, hydrants, hose, pump, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers and hose. Fabrication facilities covering approximately 80 acres are located in rear. One 2,900-, one 2,200-, one 1,400-, and one 900-ton, floating drydocks moored along east side. Additional berthing available along east side across 64-foot-wide en- trance to 500-foot-long launching way. Marine repair plant and facilities for construction of small steel ves- sels, barges, and floating offshore oil well drilling equipment located in rear. Entrance to basin from canal is approximately 100 feet wide. and jacket sections and construction of steel barges. Offshore oil well platforms and barges are launched at north side of basin. Industrial and marine fabricating and marine repair work are performed at company's other waterfront facilities (Ref. Nos. 160, 173, 188, and 208). Fabrication and side -launching facil- ities extend along canal for approxi- mately 300 feet north of entrance to basin. Entrance to basin from canal is approxi- mately 150 feet wide. 98 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 2\\ Dock Code No. 904 2i2 Dock Code No. 904 ?1 ^ Dock Code No. 9Q4 NAME Avondale Shipyards, Industrial Divi- sion, South Mooring. Avondale Shipyards, Industrial Divi- sion, Middle Mooring. Avondale Shipyards, Industrial Divi- sion, North Mooring. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 4.2 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 4.2 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 4.1 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Avondale Shipyards, Inc., Industrial Division, a subsidiary of Ogden Corp. Avondale Shipyards, Inc., Industrial Division, a subsidiary of Ogden Corp. Avondale Shipyards, Inc., Industrial Division, a subsidiary of Ogden Corp OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring offshore oil well platforms and barges for outfitting; mooring floating equipment. Mooring offshore oil well platforms and barges for outfitting; mooring floating equipment. Mooring floating equipment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by steel and timber fender system. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. Part stone-revetted natural bank. DESCRIPTION Face Face South side Face Dimensions (Feet) 300 300 7 300 Dej-th Alongside at Mir, **>■ 7 7 . 5-6 Usable Berthing Space Do. 300 300 . 300 Width of Apron Do , Open. Open. Open. Height ol Deck Above MLG Do • 3.4 Lighted. 7.5 Unlighted. 4-5 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unllghted Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) L-ad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Company-owned crawler cranes up to 150-ton-capacity are available as required. Same as Ref. No. 211. Same as Ref. No. 211. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track in rear connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. One 300-foot surface track serves storage yard In rear; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transpor- tation Co. One 200- foot surface track serves fabrication shop in rear; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. hi an ran Via Peters Road, asphalt, 25 feet wide, from West Bank Expressway (U.S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Seme as Raf. No. 211. Same as Ref. No. 211. ■ IAv.il, Mr |., V»*.*l.) Through 2 -Inch line. Through 2 -inch line. Hm .,m, h ' In, 1, 1 In, BJC11N CHHPI (Aval .*-!■) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 1- phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 211. Seme at Ref. No. 211. fTWT PlOTTrTTON 1 Hand extinguishers and hose. Hand extinguishers and watchman. Hand extinguishers. M «... Open storage yard and fabrication area located in reer. luril steel fabrication shop and open fabrication area located 1 T . (11 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Ease side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish 99 >rps ol Engineers Pui t Code No 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 Dock Code No . 907 Dock Code No. 9Q7 216 Dock Code No . 915 Pool Offshore Dock. Harvey Industries, Annex Yard Dock. Otto Candies, Mooring Basin. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 4.0 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 3.9 miles south of Harvey Lock. South portion of rectangular basin, approximately 3.7 miles south of Harvey Lock. Harvey Canal Land and Improvement Co. Harvey Canal Land and Improvement Co. Otto Candies, Inc. •PERATED BY Pool Offshore, a division of Pool Co. Harvey Industries, Inc. >l'RPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of oil well drilling equipment. Receipt of shell. Mooring company-owned floating equipment. TPE OF CONSTRUCTION Natural bank. Natural bank. South and east sides: Steel sheet pile bulkheads with solid fill; west side: Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Four 100- by 12-foot, timber pile, timber- decked piers spaced 80 feet apart ex- tend from east side. DESCRIPTION South side West side pier 200, approx. 850 by 20 tpth Alongside at 14 14 'sable Berthing Space 200 t approx. 240+80Ci 1 .11 i nil Co . HIGHWAY CONN I' Via Peters Road, asphalt, 25 feet wide, from West Bank Expressway (U.S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same as Ref. No. 217. :;.'tm.' nr. K- I.N... ' 1 / WATER (Aval •!•) Through 3- Inch 1 1 Through 2-inch line. Through 4 -inch line. mm mi< HJHUHH » la) Ac, 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3 -phase, 60-ty A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- | A.C.i 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cyc le. A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. | Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguish- ers. Hand extinguishers, pump, and hose. H-ill'l •■■ 1 iujni ■-.!•»■ » ■ .111.I Will . 1 11 t basin Is shared with Ref. •■ < i anew to baaln from canal Is I I'lani 1 01 el ti | "" , > «*te i lr- and a 100-acre, i ■ . i ,. i ,.. ■ i , ■ ■ ii .1 i ■ ■ i in rear. Face of whm 1 1 COnClgtH IUI and 1 11 1 In. wll h R| i i. !W tugs, and floating, offihori ill n drill! ng platforms. 1 ... ill ties In rear Lncludi Pi 1 1 Shops Noi i »nd 2, Malntenam • ■ 1 ... ag« y.'i. .1 ii- / , open fabrii " Loi ■ i> ■ .'!'. . '-'in 1 < Hi;, .. 1 1 i 1 ■ '■ , .ni.l li.'l Coragi i.ui Li ■ ■ Fai ■ ol wh n ' 1 , mil l, : in-! i n 1 In-' wild Hi' 1 . N" | 1 g PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish 101 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 220 Dock Code No. 940 221 Dock Code No. 941 222 Dock Code No. 942 NAME Bobben Shipbuilding & Repair Service Dock. Land & Marine Fabricators Dock, Dixie Carriers Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2,6 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 2.5 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 2.5 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Bobben Shipbuilding & Repair Service. J. W. Loerwald. Chemical Towing Co. OPERATED BY do. Land & Marine Fabricators, Inc. Dixie Carriers, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of offshore oil well drilling equipment and fabricated steel struc- tures by barge. Shipment of fabricated steel struc- tures by barge; mooring vessels and barges . Mooring company-owned towboats; fueling vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Natural bank. Natural bank. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Natural bank Natural bank Face Dimensions (Feet) 350 300 300 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 10 10 10-11 Usable Berthing Space Do. 350 300 300 Width of Apron Do Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 6 Unlighted. 6 Lighted. 7 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None, Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Rental equipment available as required. Three diesel mobile cranes: One 65- ton with 60-foot boom; one 20-ton with 40-foot boom, and one 12-ton with 60-foot boom. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Peters Road (marginal), asphalt, 25 feet wide, from West Bank Express- way (U. S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same as Ref. No. 220. Same as Ref. No. 220. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 3/4-inch hose from building. None. Through one 2-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C. , 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C, 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. MKfc PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers . Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Open area and shop for fabrication of steel structures located in rear. Open area and shop for fabrication of steel structures located in rear. Tug dispatch office located in building in rear. Harvey Canal Ship Service, Inc., leases north 100-foot portion of wharf and operates a ship chandlery and 2 metered pumps supplied by one 24-barrel, butane storage tank and 4 diesel oil storage tanks, total capacity 950 barrels. 102 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 223 Dock Code No. 943 224 Dock Code No. 944 225 Dock Code No. 943 NAME Louisiana Towing Corp. Dock. Reagan Equipment Co. Dock. Salathe Oil Co. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2.4 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 2.4 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 2.3 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Louisiana Towing Corp. J. L. Reagan. Salathe Oil Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. Reagan Equipment Co. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned tugs. Shipment of fabricated steel struc- tures and parts for offshore oil well drilling operations. Fueling small vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Natural bank. Natural bank. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face North side Dimensions (Feet) 200 300 200 30 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 4 10-11 10 - Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 300 200 _ Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. _ Height of Deck Above MLG Do- Unlighted. Lighted. 6 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None . None. Length and Width i K'im ) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Rental equipment available as required. Same as Ref. No. 223. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Peter* Road (marginal), asphalt, 25 feet wide, from West Bank Express- way (U. S. Highway No. But. 90). Same as Ref. No. 223. Same as Ref. No. 223. IJIT>C »l VV\ Y (Available to Vvaaala) Through one 2-inch line. None. Through one 2 -Inch line. unui conn (Available to ¥••■•)«) ■oni . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60 cycle. n . TTFT PPJTTTcTIOJ Hand »-xt LoguJ ihfl •> . H ' '■■' lng"i hn . . 1 i > -il ■ .ii 1 'i , and watchmen. MjmhI i'M \uy;\\ 1 stiri 'i Contractor* a office located In rear. •Id equipment suppliers, ware- house, end fabrication shop located In raer. Our l-lm h !■ III. 1 . 1 . .1 |,I|TII|> oil storage .'Ml M'l ' hi 11 gallon, buta petroleum pr ipellne extends to from one 715-barrel, dieee tank; and one 1-inch hose stered pump from one 500- ne storage tank located at □ducts terminal in rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish 103 ', Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP NO. 4 226 Dock Code No. 946 227 Dock Code No. 951 228 Dock Code No. 953 , NAME Chandler Welding Corp. Wharf. Harvey Industries, Harvey Canal Shell Dock. Gaines P. Wilson & Son Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2.2 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 2.1 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 2.0 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Chandler Welding Corp. Harvey Industries, Inc. George H. Wilson & Son, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Gaines P. Wilson & Son, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring offshore oil well equipment for fitting out and repair. Receipt of shell, sand, and gravel by barge; mooring and repairing / company-owned equipment; mooring floating drydock; mooring tugs. Receipt of sand, gravel, and shell; occasional shipment of crushed gravel and asphalt; all by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete bulkhead with solid fill; north portion partly fronted by timber pile, timber -de eked extension. Short portion of concrete bulkhead with solid fill at south end; remainder, shell-revetted natural bank. Natural bank: One 70- by 8-foot, timber pile, timber-decked, marginal wharf located at north portion of property. DESCRIPTION Face Face Natural bank Wharf Dimensions (Feet) 176+40+25+40+100 650 978 70. approx. Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 6-4 8 6-4 5 Usable Berthing Space Do. 381 650 978 h 70 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. ■eight of Deck Above MLG Do. 6, 2-extension. 300 Lighted. 6-4 Partly lighted. 6 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Three diesel crawler cranes: One with 100-foot boom and 3-cubic yard bucket; one with 95-foot boom and 3- cubic yard bucket; and one with 80- foot boom and 2-cubic yard bucket. One 25-cubic yard, portable, truck- loading hopper. One diesel crawler crane with 70-foot boom and 1 3/4-cubic yard bucket. , RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. One surface track serves open storage area connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Peters Road (marginal), asphalt, 25 feet wide, from West Bank Express- way (U. S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same as Ref. No. 226. Same as Ref. No. 226. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 1-inch line. Through one 3-inch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C. , 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C, 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. A.C. , 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C, 440 volts, 3-phase, 60 -cycle. None. MKE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers and watchmen. None. Open repair and fabrication area located in rear. Open storage area for approximately 150,000 cubic yards of shell, sand, and gravel located in rear. One 300-ton floating drydock used for making repairs to company-owned barges moored at north end. American Tug, Inc., moors tugs along south 230 feet. Open storage area for approximately 4,000 cubic yards of sand; 600 cubic yards of shell; and 7,000 cubic yards of gravel located at asphalt plant in rear. 04 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 229 Dock Code No. 955 230 Dock Code No. 956 231 Dock Code No. 957 NAME Harvey Gulf International Marine Wharf. Baroid Harvey Canal Dock. N. B. Murff Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1.9 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 1.9 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 1.8 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Harvey Canal Land & Improvement Co. Henry Champagne. N. B. Murff. OPERATED BY Harvey Gulf International Marine, Inc. Baroid Petroleum Services, Division of N L Industries, Inc. Various operators . PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned floating equip- ment. Receipt and shipment of packaged drilling mud and chemicals by barge; mooring company-owned floating equip- ment. Mooring floating equipment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill; timber mooring dolphin in line with face. Irregularly shaped, timber bulkhead with solid fill; and 10- by 31-foot, hinged, steel frame, loading ramp with 3 timber pile cluster mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber bulkhead with shell-surfaced solid fill along canal and at south and lower portions of inner end of slip. DESCRIPTION Face Canal side South side Face of loading ramp Canal side South side of slip Inner end of slip Dinensions (Feet) 50 66+48 24+18+70 10 110 210 60 Depth Alongside at MLG Do ■ 5 6 6 6 8 8 8 Usable Berthing Space Do. 75 w/dolph. 66448 24+70 60 w/dolphs 110 210 60 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 6 ! 1 ght ed . 5 5 5.3 Light ed . 5 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Partly lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feel ) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 3-ton diesel and one 3-ton gaso- line fork lift trucks. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None . One 215-foot surface track serves warehouse in rear; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transporta- tion Co. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Peters Road (marginal), asphalt, 25 feet wide, from West Bank Express- way (U. S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same as Ref. No. 229. Same as Ref. No. 229. • (Available t« v« a »«i»> Through one 2-inch 1 Through one 1-lnch line. Through one 1-lnch Line, UmU ilUBUII wis) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- A.C., 220 volts, 'J- phase, 60- A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- . . 1 . A.C, 220/440 volts, 3-phasc, 60-cycle, rrwr PMJfU. 1 Ingulshers. 1 ' k-'il '■'"■! , h/.h mil , mid Iim'm- . Noni . .»«..» . ■ but Ullng In rear. A 1 4 1 hi ■ extend', froi LotdJ p ' G ,000- ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 1 In-ni.i l . .. 1 1 . .i 1 ■ F 1 1 -hill "1 1 . ■ 1 ..1 ■ tl] 1 binfc between 1 bulkhead Slip Is 210 by 120 feet and is shared 11 I. 1 [i W, Bures (Ref. No. 232). Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 66002 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish 105 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 232 Dock Code No. 958 233 Dock Code No. 960 234 Dock Code No. 960 NAME George W. Buras Wharf. Evans Cooperage Co. Wharf. Evans Cooperage Co. Mooring. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1.8 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 1.7 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 1.6 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY George W. Buras. Evans Cooperage Co., Inc. Evans Cooperage Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-ovmed floating equipment . Receipt of steel drums, petroleum, petrochemicals , chemicals , vegetable oils, and asphalt; shipment of drummed oils, asphalt, chemicals, and empty steel drums. Mooring floating equipment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with shell-surfaced solid fill along canal, and at north and upper portions of inner end of slip. South wharf and south side of V- shaped slip: Concrete retaining wall with concrete-surfaced solid fill on concrete relieving platform sup- ported by timber piles, fronted by timber fender system. North side of slip: 114-foot of natural bank, (Continued under Remarks') Natural bank. DESCRIPTION Canal face North side of slip Inner end of slip South wharf Slip North wharf Natural bank Dimensions (Feet) 170 210 60 255 204+342 206 400 topth Alongside at MLG Do. 8 8 8 12 12 12 6-5 Usable Berthing Space Do. 40 210 60 255 204+342 206 400 ■ idt h of \pi on Do. Open. 20 and opei 20 and open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 5 Partly lighted. 5.5 5.5-5.8 300 500 Lighted . Lighted . Lighted . _ Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) _ Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted . TRANSIT SHEDS (timber and Type of Construction None. None. None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None . Electric winch for positioning barges . Two electric drum conveyors; one 10-ton electric bridge crane with hinged rails extending 15 feet over canal from steel drum manufacturing plant in rear of south wharf; three 5-ton liquid propane gas-, three 2-ton liquid propane gas-, two 2-ton diesel-, and one 2-ton electric fork lift trucks . None . RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None . Three surface tracks on apron of south side of slip; connect with tracks of Southern Pacific Trans- portation Co. None , HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Peters Road (marginal), asphalt, from West Bank Expressway (U.S. Highway No. Bus. 90) . Same as Ref. No. 232. Same as Ref. No. 232. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 2-inch line. Same as Ref. No. 232. None . ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle . A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. None . riKE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Sprinkler system, hand extinguishers , steam and water lines, portable and stationary pumps, hydrants, and hose. Hydrant in rear . KE MARKS Tug dispatch office located in building at rear of inner end of slip. Slip is 210 by 120 feet and is shared with Ref. No. 231. remainder timber pile, concrete- decked, marginal wharf. North wharf: Timber bulkhead with part concrete- surfaced solid fill. Plant in rear for manufacturing and reconditioning steel drums and packaging miscellaneous bulk liquids. Open storage area for approximately 100,000 steel drums located in rear. Office building located on opposite side of Peters Road. Two 6-, and one 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 2 steel storage tanks located in rear, total capacity 24,000 gallons. 06 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP NO. 4 235 Dock Code No. 968 236 Dock Code No. 970 237 Dock Code No. 972 NAME Halliburton Services, Wharf and Barge Repair Slip. Intracoastal Terminal Wharf. J. Ray McDermott Offshore Base Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1.4 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 1.3 miles south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 1.2 miles south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Halliburton Co. IntracoastaL Terminal, Inc. J. Ray McDermott & Co., Inc. OPERATED BY Halliburton Services, and Interna- tional Mineral Corp. (Mud Division); subsidiaries of Halliburton Co. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned floating equip- ment for repair, service, and stor- age; receipt and shipment of oil well cement, bagged and bulk drilling mud, (Continued under Remarks) Receipt and shipment of oil field materials, supplies, and equipment; and steel pipe, beams, and fabri- cated steel platforms. Mooring company-owned floating equip ment; handling marine construction materials, supplies, and equipment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Wharves and slip: Steel sheet pile bulkhead with part concrete-surfaced solid fill; timber fender system along face. Wharves separated by slip. Center portion of North wharf fronted by 75- by 16-foot timber extension with timber mooring dol- phins in line with face. Timber bulkhead with partly concrete-surfaced solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solic fill. DESCRIPTION South wharf Slip North wharf Face Face South side Dimensions (Feet) 253 180+39+190 362+372 510 575 30 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 12-4 12-4 12-4 9 8 - Usable Berthing Space Do. 253 180+39+190 (See Remarks ) 510 575 - Width of Apron Do. Open . Open. Height of Deck Above MLG D° 3 6 6 500 500 500 Lighted . Lighted . Lighted . 6 500 Lighted. 6 250-500 Lighted . Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None . None . None . Length and Width (Feet) Bs>lgtit Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 5-ton, electric, traveling, full- portal, gantry crane serves slip and open area at rear of inner end ; three diesel and one gasoline 2-ton, fork lift trucks. One 6- by 30-foot, hinged , electric- operated, steel-loading ramp on South wharf. Pneumatic bulk drilling mud and cement loading hoses on North and South wharves, rate approximately 3 tons per minute . Three 3-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks; one small diesel locomotive for switching cars; two 25-ton, diesel, locomotive cranes, each with 55-foot boom; one 60-ton, diesel, crawler crane; one 20-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 55-foot boom; and one 3-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 40-foot boom. Contractor's equipment available as required . RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Surface trackage in rear connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. Same as Ref . No. 235. Nona . HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Peters Road (marginal), asphalt, 25 feet wide, from West Bank Express- way (U.S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same as Ref. No. 235. Same as Ref. No. 235. WATER SUPPLY (Available to ¥•«■*!•) through mm /- in. h i Liu . Through one 2 -Inch line. Through one 4-inch line. U t*k BrVkWI UwNllaM* to vmmU) A,C, Lib volts, sLnglo-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle . None. TTWT PlOTtTTT'NT (Oth«r than I Hand extinguishers, pumps, hose, and watt hewn, M 1 ,-■■ i-.li.-i! . 1. <>-.•• ■•< ■•( lium . and watchmen. Hand extinguishers and watchmen. BJOM li SjOUlDsNMt, "■"! off ahor ■ - i 1 well drilling materials and supplies Usable berthing spars at North wharf: 13 w/dolphlns at 75-foot tlab»r *xt«nslon +265 feat; five 'trilling nai'l alorag* taWIHJ , ' 00000 it* 1 VJ EMM '.OUth ■ad (wo r mtnl ■EOTOgE t anka , total oapaslty 100 tow "t. i imi.n •no loo front tag botch wharf. ItOTOgO sr»a and tarwlnal Col ttmlA nalvrlals and auppll>s UN ISsnJ 1" '»er . 1 win 1 '.1 i.i y ''«i 1 1 -1 1 nga w[ I li ■ nin i .-l « -< In rear used as private stor- age warehouses; three additional Mings In rear used for shops > i Ices. Open storage area for pipe with aortal i i oil ' ■ LOO ,000 t obi , i i e side of Peters Hon.) . Inr 1 < '•■«- it i in 1 1. »n Hul MIiik. Offshore Construction Building, and open storage area Located In rear. Main offices located on opposite -. hi.- ..I r. i . i ■. I'm.-i.i . 107 Corps ol Engineers Port Code No 66002 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Jefferson Parish REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. U 238 Dock Code No. 973 239 Dock Code No. 975 240 Dock Code No. 978 NAME Gulf Energy & Mineral Co. -U.S. Dock. Harvey Supply Co. Wharf. Louisiana Materials Co. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1.0 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 0.9 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 0.8 mile south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Gulf Energy & Mineral Co. -U.S., a division of Gulf Oil Corp. J. Ray McDennott & Co . , Inc. State of Louisiana. OPERATED BY do. Harvey Supply Co., Division of J. Ray McDermott & Co., Inc. Louisiana Materials Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of offshore oil well drilling equipment and supplies; landing for barges and small vessels servicing offshore oil well drilling operations . Shipment of creosoted lumber, and oil field materials, supplies, and equipment . Receipt and shipment of shell by barge . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with concrete - surfaced solid fill; fronted by steel pipe pile breasting dolphins . Timber pile bulkhead with solid fill Shell-revetted bank covering remains of timber bulkhead . DESCRIPTION Face Face North side Face Dimensions (Feet) 398 400 60 435 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 8 7 _ fi.S Usable Berthing Space Do. 398 - 400 - 435 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG D°- 5 300 Lighted . 6 Lighted . 6 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS WuBber and Type of Construction None. None . None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 40-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 50-foot boom. Two 4-ton, diesel, locomotive cranes, each with 40-foot booms; and one 3- and one 2-ton fork lift trucks. One 12- by 25-foot, hand-operated, hinged, steel, loading ramp. One 60-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 90-foot boom and 3-cubic yard clam- shell bucket; one 3-cubic yard, diesel front-end loader; and one 35-cubic yard, truck-loading hopper. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track along rear of property connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. One surface track extends from rear of property to face of bulkhead; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. One surface track extends diagonally across open area in rear and continues along rear of face; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transpor- tation Co. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Peters Road (marginal), asphalt, 25 feet wide, from West Bank Express- way (U.S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same as Ref . No. 238. Same as Ref. No. 238. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None . None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None . None. None . riRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers, foam cart, and watchmen . Hand extinguishers, hydrants, hose, chemical cart, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers and watchmen. REMARKS Open storage yard for oil well drilling equipment and supplies located in rear. Building at rear of north end of wharf used as private warehouse. Open storage areas for creosoted lumber and timber piling located at rear and on opposite side of Peters Road. Open storage area for approximately 80,000 cubic yards of shell in rear. West Bank Expressway (Harvey) Tunnel crosses canal under concrete bulkhead north of facility. 108 Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 66002 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Harvey, Jefferson Parish REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 241 Dock Code No. 981 242 Dock Code No. 982 243 Dock Code No. 983 NAME Kori Corp. Dock. Chevron U.S.A. Wharf. Mayronne Drilling Mud & Chemical Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.7 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 0.6 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 0.6 mile south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Huey J. Rivet. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Mayronne Drilling Mud & Chemical Co. 1 OPERATED BY Kori Corp. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Occasional mooring of barges. Receipt and shipment of offshore oil well drilling equipment and supplies; landing for barges and small vessels servicing offshore oil well drilling operations . Shipment of bulk and bagged drilling mud, chemicals in drums, and other oil well drilling equipment and supplies. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Row of 3 of f shore, timber pile, mooring dolphins . Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Mooring dolphins Face Face South side Dimensions (Feet ) 63 400 200 25 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 8 8-10 8 - Usable Berthing Space Do. 63 400 200 - Width of Apron Do. Open . Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Lighted . 5 500 Lighted . 5 500 Lighted . toad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Nunber and Type of Construction None. None. None . Length and lldtfa (Fret ) Belgbt [aside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) i^uid Capacity per Sq.Fi. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None . Equipment available as required. Seven 3-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks; and one 9- by 40-foot, electric , adjustable, barge -loading ramp. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track along rear of building; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. Two surface tracks along rear of property; connect with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. One surface track along rear of property; connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Co. HIGHWAY CONVECTIONS Via Peters Road (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wide, from West Bank Express- way (U. S. Highway No. Bus. 90). Same an Ret. No. 241. Same as Ref. No. 241. •ATM SUPPLY (Avail Mia) Through hose line from bulldtl ii one 3-inch line. Through one 2 -inch LJ Ri )M< nu com (Aval la* la i Nona. Morn A .< . . l lu vmI ( ling Li phase, 60- i .... i, . a i , ! !0 vol Li, i phase, 60-cycle. TTWT VHnjT r I Renal <■'' Lngul ''•* ' ' II m.l .-/ in, -il ■ h. i ■, HllIUl '■ 1 1 iir.nl '.!l< 1 n jiih! Ihifh LO| »t rear of wharf (190 by 110 l»n ; uatrf a* private «torage Mnhi ■ warehouse an area and private > 10 Bulk drill Lng mud Ls supp] Ltd 1 a Lu;-. 1. < ■ ■ Ii. ■ < ■ 1 ' n-l i m; n 1 teal Itoi sgi i inks *ii rear, tote] i i| 30 tor Hh mi Li Ln snd 1 Lfl ■ with r. i No 242 snd and ol 10 Poo 1 way » Long th Ldi oi pi opi 1 1 . Loo e ted Lfl I <*nr . PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Harvey, Jefferson Parish 109 Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 244 Dock Code No. 986 245 Dock Code No. 987 246 Dock Code No. 988 NAME Hunt Tool Wharf. Standard Supply & Hardware Co. Wharf. J. Ray McDermott & Co., Wharf and Seaplane Ramp. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.5 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 0.4 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 0.4 mile south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY Geosource, Inc. Standard Supply & Hardware Co., Inc. J. Ray McDermott & Company, Inc. OPERATED BY Hunt Tool, Division of Geosource, Inc. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of oil field supplies, materials, and equipment; mooring small vessels, tugs, barges, and offshore drilling platforms for repair. Shipment of oil field steel tubular goods; mooring barges. Mooring company-owned floating equip- ment, small vessels, barges, and sea- planes . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Timber sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead, solid fill, with concrete seaplane ramp and mooring floats adjacent to north end. DESCRIPTION Face Face South side Face Diaensions (Feet) 300 151 40 60 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 6 8 - 8-4 Usable Berthing Space Do. 300 151 - 200, across ramp and floats. Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Heigh I of Deck Above MLG Do. 5 Lighted. 5 Unlighted. 4 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Partly lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None . None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors 1IECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two natural gas-operated, stiff-leg derricks mounted on bull wheels: One 30-ton with 75-foot boom and one 10- ton with 40-foot boom. One 10-ton, diesel, mobile crane with 40-foot boom; one 5-ton, mobile winch truck; and one 25- and two 5-ton, electric, bridge cranes extending to north portion of wharf from repair shop at rear. Rental equipment available as required . None . RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None . None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Peters Road (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wide, from West Bank Express- way (U. S. Highway No. Bus. 90) and 4th Street (State Highway No. 18). Same as Ref. No. 244. Same as Ref. No. 244. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 1-inch line. None . Through one 4-inch line with 3-inch hose connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . Same as Ref. No. 244. None . PIRt PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers . Hand extinguishers . Hand extinguishers and watchmen. REMARKS Marine and oil field equipment re- pair shops in rear. U-shaped building in rear used by company as private industrial supply storage warehouse. Concrete seaplane ramp, 45 feet wide, extends to concrete-paved area with hangar at rear. Wharf is in line and contiguous with end of 30-foot roadway along south side of property and adjacent Ref. No. 245. 1 10 Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 66002 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Harvey Canal, Harvey, Jefferson Parish REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 247 Dock Code No. 989 248 Dock Code No. 990 249 Dock Code No. 991 NAME A-l Industries Wharf. Texaco Bulk Plant Marine Sales Wharf. Cleo Toups Towing Co. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.3 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 0.3 mile south of Harvey Lock. Approximately 0.3 mile south of Harvey Lock. OWNED BY A-l Industries, Inc. Texaco, Inc. Cleo Toups Towing Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. Not operated. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels and offshore oil well drilling platforms for repair; receipt and shipment of fabricated structures materials, and equipment for offshore oil well (Continued under Remarks) Not used. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Part steel pipe piling with concrete deck and part steel sheet pile bulk- head with solid fill. Timber sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber pile, 12-foot wide, timber-decked extension. Timber sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber pile, 12-foot wide, timber-decked extension. DESCRIPTION Face Face South side Face Dimensions (Feet) 317 150 12 30 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 8 12 . 10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 377 (See Remarks) 150 - 30 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open and 12 _ Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 5 Lighted . 4 Lighted. 4 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None . None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 60-ton, diesel, stiff-leg derrick with 70-foot boom mounted on bull wheel; and one 40-, one 25-, and one 20-ton, gasoline, mobile cranes, each with 50-foot boom. None . None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. One surface track along rear of prop- erty serves tank car loading rack; and connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transportation Company. None . HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Peters Road (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wide, from 4th Street (State Highway No. 18). Same as Ref. No. 247. Same as Ref. No. 247. wat»» IWPLY (Aval labl« to VhmIi) Through on* 3-lnch Una. Sam* as Ref. No. 247. None. unw cnun (A*.ll-b|. to NMlU) A.C., 110 volta, single-phase, 60- cycla; A.C. , 220 volta, 3-phase, 60-cyc 1* . A.C, 110 volta, single -phase, 60- cyc la. A.C, 110 volta, alngla-phaee, 60- cycla; A.C, 220 volta, 3-phaae, 60-cyc le. ftit wyrrmnK (Ottei Hand axt lngulshara , hydrant, hose, and watchman. !).,,»■! . - 1 | t,>.'U| >.hl 1 ", ..M.l MOM' : II.. in! Ml lii)',ul ■In 1 '■ drill ln| operations; racalpt of ral stMl. Wharf 1 » In lln» H Ul with •nda da roadway taitatnl • looatewl ■' nort h nd ■out h •Idas of property. Facilities war« abandonad at time of L977 field aurvay. Facllltlea were In poor condition at time of 1977 field aurvay. 1 1 1 Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 66002 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS 20095 DEFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP 250 MAP NO. 4 Dock Code No - " 3 251 MAP NO. 3 V 00 * Code No - 717 252 MAP NO. 3 Dock Code No ' 72 ° um Corps of Engineers , Harvey Canal Depot Dock. Witco Chemical Dock. George W. Whiteman Towing Landing. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT East side of Harvey Canal, Harvey, Jefferson Parish, south of Harvey Lock. Right bank of Mississippi River, Harvey, Jefferson Parish, approxi- mately 0.5 mile below entrance to Harvey Canal . Right bank of Mississippi River, Harvey, Jefferson Parish, approxi- mately 0.6 mile below entrance to Harvey Canal . OIKED BY U . S . Government . Witco Chemical, Inc. George W. Whiteman Towing, Inc. OPERATED BV Corps of Engineers , U . S . Army . do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring and repair of government- owned floating equipment; handling supplies and equipment. Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Mooring and repairing company-owned floating equipment . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Basin formed on north, west, and south sides by steel sheet pile bulk- head and on west side along canal by a 195- by 10-foot timber fender pier. Floating offshore wharf: Steel barge moored to timber dolphins with 200- by 16-foot timber approach from top of levee; fronted by 2 timber pile protected, concrete-filled, steel pipe pile breasting dolphins. Floating offshore wharf: Two steel barges moored to timber pile dolphins with 235- by 10-foot, part timber and part steel approach from top of levee; fronted by 4 timber mooring dolphins . DESCRIPTION South side of basin East side North side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 75 285 30+145 110 19 19 285 35 35 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 8 8 8 20 - - 20 20 20 Usable Berthing Space Do. 75 285 30+145 110 - - 285 (See Remarks) 35 35 lidth of Apron Do. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do- 6 Lighted . 6, above water surface. Lighted . 5, above water surface. Load Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS Simber and Type of Construction None . None . None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors IECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES North side of basin: One electric, stiff-leg derrick with capacity of 15 tons at 30-foot radius; and auxiliary hoist with capacity of 2 tons at 40-foot radius. One hand-operated derrick with 30- foot boom for handling hose. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. Southern Pacific Transportation Co.: One surface track along River Road at rear of levee. Plant trackage in rear connects with Texas Pacific- Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans . Southern Pacific Transportation Co.: One surface track along River Road at rear of levee. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Texaco Lane (marginal), asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Peters Road, and 4th Street (State Highway No. 18), concrete, 24 feet wide. Via River Road (marginal), shell, varied widths, from foot of Dolhonde Street, concrete, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref . No. 251. • ATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 1^-inch line. Through one 3-inch line with 3/4- inch hose connections. Through one 2%-inch line with 1%-inch hose connection. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., iiO voits, single-phase, bU- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle . A.C., iiU volts, single-phase, 6U- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle . A.C., 11U volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle . flfUJ PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and hand extin- guishers . Hand extinguishers and hose stations. Hand extinguishers and hoses. Two 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 10 steel storage tanks lo- cated at oil-processing plant in rear, total capacity 114,300 barrels. One 10- and one 6-inch intake, one 10-inch discharge, and one unused 4-inch pipelines on wharf. Additional 600 feet of berthing available along row of 4 timber mooring dolphins located below wharf. Company offices located in rear on opposite side of River Road. Company-owned harbor tugs and floating derricks based here. 112 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS RighC bank, Mississippi River, Gretna, Jefferson Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 253 Dock Code No. 724 254 Dock Code No. 731 255 Dock Code No. 737 Nola Terminal Corp. Wharf. Jackson Avenue Ferry, Gretna Landing. Publicker Chemical Corp. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.1 mile above foot of Dolhonde Street. Foot of Huey P. Long Avenue. Foot of Amelia Street extended. Nola Terminal Corp. Mississippi River Bridge Authority. Publicker Chemical Corp. OPERATED BY Nola Terminal Corp., and Hunt-Wesson Foods , Inc . PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products and soybean oil; fueling small vessels; loading midstream fueling barges. Landing for passenger and vehicular ferry to Jackson Avenue. Receipt and shipment of alcohol. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Floating offshore wharf: Four steel barges (116 by 38 ft., 124 by 34 ft., 150 by 35 ft., and 142 by 35 ft.) moored to timber pile dolphin with 230- by 36-foot steel bridge approach carrying pipelines and 8-foot, steel walkway, extending from top of levee to upper barge. Steel pontoon float with two 180- by L5-foot, steel approaches; upper-level approach for passengers, lower- level approach for vehicles. Timber pile, steel-decked, offshore wharf with 120- by 3-foot approach; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line wit face. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Lower side Upper side Lower side Upper side Depth Alongside at MLG 30 Usable Berthing Space 180 y/dolphs Width of Apron Open. Open . Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted. Lighted . Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS None. nd T>j e of Construction Length and Width Height Inside Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 25-ton, gasoline, revolving crane with 75-foot boom on outer end of approach; and 2 hand-operated der- ricks, each with 16-foot boom, on wharf barges for handling hoses. One hand-operated, mast-and-boom der rick with 18-foot boom for handling hose. KaTi wm ' oinr» now Plant trackage in rear connects with tracks of Southern Pacific Transport, tion Co., and Texas Pacific-Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New l h I , Mil:. HIGHS A Via River Road (marginal), shell, varied widths, from foot of Dolhonde i , .i | i . , i wide . Via Huey P. Long Avenue (approach), asphalt, with medial strip, each side 44 I .i l wide . Via roadway on levee (marginal), v.iri.'il wi.tl lis , t nun l i r ■ l :.M rrl . phfl 1 1 , 20 foot wide, ;it Pool oJ Lafayette Street. ■ ATM (Aval ■■ iMla) Through one 3/4-imh I Through 4-inch line with 3-inch hose connections . UJCftlc ctflUBSf ttwt ptimrrim — 10 volts, single-phase, 60- cycla; AC, 220 volts, 3-phase, 60 -eye la. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycla. Hand ext tngulshers . Hand extinguishers, hose statl-n thrai i .'nin r.i ii < Through three 2^-lnch lines. Through one 2-lnch line with l^-lnch hose connections. Through one 6-inch line with 1^-inch hose connections. HJHIIt OmiHT 'Aval t al.l* to tafttflU) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, i-phaee, 60 -eye le . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 208/220/440 volts, 3- phase, 60-cycle; D.C., 115 volts. rrwT vwrrrnm A.D.T. service, sprinkler systems under wharf and Inside transit shed, h ' J V M"f '""■■ band extinguishers, ,,l and portable pumps. Hand extinguishers end hose stations. Two timber mooring dolphins In line irltll lira at upper end and one breasting platform in line with face at lower and of wharf. Barges are moored up to 6 abreast. Offices for private fleeting opera- tions located In rear. Tru* ka have access to wharf apron, Interior of transit ahed , and t a - ' cpai It y , racassed loading •raa a' 4 itanalt shed; transit shed is marked off Lntfi Mf'v l lewder Street in rear of levee. " RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Algiers, Orleans Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 262 Dock Code No. 796 263 Dock Code No. 797 Dock Code No. 808 Canal Street Ferry, Algiers Landing. Algiers Point Fireboat Dock. Bermuda Street Open Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of Delaronde and Morgan Streets extended. Foot of Patterson Street extended. Between foot of Bermuda and Verret Streets extended. Mississippi River Bridge Authority. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans , Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. OPERATED BV Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Landing for passenger and vehicular ferry to foot of Canal Street (See Remarks) . Mooring fireboats "Deluge" and "Lewis Bourgeois II." TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel ponton float with two 12- by 150-foot, steel, upper-level pas- senger approaches and two 20- by 270- foot, steel, lower-level, vehicular approaches. Two timber pile mooring dolphins with 150- by 3.5-foot, timber pile, timber-decked approach from top of levee; stairway at outer end of ap- proach leads to a lower- level, loading platform. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with one 200- by 78-foot, and one 160- by 20- to 70-foot approach from top of levee. DESCRIPTION Lower side Mooring Upper side dolphins Lower side Upper side Depth Alongside at MLG 65-20 Usable Berthing Space 1,000 Ope Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted. 21, approach. Lighted. 23 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. Length and Width Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Morgan Street (access), asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Seguin Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Seguin or Patterson Streets (access), each asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via Patterson Street (marginal) , phalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 2-inch line. Through one 1%-inch line. Through one 1^-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. A.C., 240 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. TIKE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hose stations. Hose stations. One 4-inch pipeline extends to face from tank truck connection at inner end of upper vehicle approach for fueling purposes. Ferries operate to landing on op- posite bank of river (Ref. No. 102). Idle ferry boats are moored below landing along 2 rows of timber dolphins with two 6-foot wide, cat- walk approaches extending from shore. "Lewis Bourgeois II" berths on out- side of "Deluge." Wharf was in poor condition at time of 1977 field survey. 116 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Mississippi River, Algiers, Orleans Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No 20095 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 265 Dock Code No. 819 266 Dock Code No. 822 267 Dock Code No. 848 NAME T. Smith & Son Mooring. Crescent Towing 6i Salvage Co. Mooring. Main Plant Naval Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of Olivier and Elmira Avenues extended. Between foot of Atlantic and Thayer Avenues extended. Mile 92.5 A.H.P. OWNED BY T. Smith & Son, Inc. Crescent Towing & Salvage Co., Inc. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans . OPERATED BY do. do. Todd Shipyards Corp. New Orleans Division. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned floating equip- ment . Mooring company-owned floating equip- ment . Mooring floating drydocks and moor- ing vessels for repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION .Offshore row of timber pile, mooring dolphins with approximately 180- by 6-foot timber approach to lower end; timber building (20 by 15 feet) at outer end of approach used for stor- age of equipment and supplies. Floating, offshore, steel, wharf boat with 12- by 145-foot, timber pile, timber-decked approach from top of levee; and timber pile, timber-decked offshore wharf fronted by 2 timber breasting dolphins with a 120-foot walkway approach extending (Continued under Remarks) Open concrete caisson, concrete- decked, 42-foot wide, irregular- shaped, offshore wharf with approach to lower end from adjacent wharf. DESCRIPTION Mooring dolphins Face of wharf Upper side of wharf Wharf boat Face Dimensions (Feet) 750, approx . 64 64, approx. 230 by 45 475+510+625+ ll5 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 30 30 30 30 50-35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 750, approx. 64 64, approx. 230 396+115 Width of Apron Do. - Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Unlighted. Lighted. 22.2 500 Lighted . Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Nuaber and Type of Construction None . None . None. Length and Width (Feel 1 Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doora MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None . None. One diesel-electric , traveling, re- volving, full-portal, gantry crane with 95-foot boom and 10-foot jib ex- tension, capacity 25 tons at 50-foot and 15 tons at 70-foot radius; one 25- ton, diesel, mobile crane with 60-foot boom and 15-foot jib extension; one 15-ton, diesel, mobile crane with 50- foot boom; and one 22-ton, diesel, locomotive crane with 60-foot boom. Use of one 50-ton, diesel, floating crane with 115-foot boom and 5-foot jib extension. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via roadway (occobs), shell, varied widths, from Patterson 'marginal), asphalt, 30 t. ■ H wide. ', , ... ■■ K. 1 N.. .'(,'. Via Patteraon Road (marginal) , as- phalt, 20 feet wide. • «•!■) Nona. i. one 3-inch Lin* with 1^-lnch hoaa connection. Tin fiH-.h mi.' H in. h 1 i ,nIi w .i ■ ■ i. 6-lncn river water lines with one 500- t .in.l ..ii.' 1 ,0011 y,.\ 1 Inn |mt minute pumpa. bjj hk cram Ingle-phase, 60- a 1 -.. 220/440 volts, 3-phese, 60-Cy- A < . 110/220 volts, single-phase, 60-cyclc; A.C. , 220/440 volts, 3- phase, 60-Cyi 1 1 A.C. , 110/220 volts, slngl cycle; A.i , ""i 1 vol ea, 1 , . . 1 , |.| l| | :||. | |- , .'/,[) VII | 1 , . i .il in : • ■ |...., Ul,.,i 1 In. /it ■ . i '.'.- .,,,111,. I,ii t'l-rat Ions. Lotll ri verbank . i 1 ,,M'. . . | . side ol wlwirf . Approach to ferry landing from ' son Road vll tool Ids . inphel roadway over levee end a 22- by ' i , i i , am rata bridge, » 1 m, li |,i |„ 1 In, , I'M, - II,,., i inV i > ,, i i ,ip bridge. 1 1 ,111,11 IT" 'i,i No i" RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Algiers Canal, Plaquemines Parish 119 67004 iMFERtNCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 274 Dock Code No. 202 275 Dock Code No. 302 27 6 Dock Code No. 302 C. F. Bean Mooring. Taylor Diving & Salvage Co. Dock. Brown & Root Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.5 mile southwest of Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. Approximately 0.6 mile southwest of Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. Approximately 0.9 mile southwest of Belle Chase Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. Hero Lands Co. Brown & Root, Inc. Brown & Root, Inc. i D BY C. F. Bean, Inc . Taylor Diving & Salvage Co., Inc. do. t FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned floating equip- ment. Mooring company-owned floating equip- ment; handling construction materials, supplies, and equipment. Receipt and shipment of offshore oil well drilling equipment, fabricated structures, steel pipe, and supplies; landing for barges and small vessels servicing (Continued under Remarks'* rTPE OK CONSTRUCTION Offshore row of 5 steel pipe pile dolphins . Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Additional 1,080 feet of berthing space is available at 19 steel and timber mooring dolphins located directly across canal from southwest portion of face. iESCRIPTION Face Face Northeast side Face Southwest side ions (Feet) 600 500 60 2.858 84 II ongside at MLG Do- 8 12 _ 12 _ liable Berthing Space Do. 600 500 - 2,858 - idth of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open, eighl of Dock Above mlg Do ■ Unlighted. 4 500 Lighted. 4 ■>ad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 ightt-d or Unlighted Lighted. JAXSIT SHEDS iaber and Type of Construction None. None. None . ength and Width (Feet) eight Inside Do. loor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) jad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) argo Doors SCHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None . One 20-ton, diesel, crawler crane; and one 10- ton, diesel, mobile hoist with 20-foot boom. Additional equipment available as required. Nine diesel, crawler cranes: One 150- ton with 100-foot boom; three 80-ton, each with 20-foot side boom; one 60- ton with 80-foot boom; three 30-ton, each with 150-foot boom; and one 18-ton with 40-foot boom. Nine 12^- ton, gasoline, mobile cranes, each with 30-foot boom; one 30- and one 25-ton, gasoline, mobile cranes, each with 40-foot boom. Additional equip- ment available as required. lILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. Plant trackage in rear connects with New Orleans & Lower Coast Railroad (Missouri Pacific Lines). GHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Engineers Road, concrete, 24 feet wide, from Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23). Same as Ref. No. 274. Same as Ref. No. 274. TER SUPPLY ..ble to Vessels) None. None. Through 4-inch line with 2^-inch connections . ECTRIC CURRENT Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 44C volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. (E PROTECTION than City) None. Hand extinguishers, pump, hose, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 275. 1ARKS Office for marine construction and dredging contractor located in rear. Office and private warehouse for com- pany performing underwater pipeline construction work for Brown & Root, Inc., located in rear. Face of bulkhead is in line and con- tiguous with Ref. No. 276. offshore oil well drilling operations; mooring company-owned floating equip- ment. Face of bulkhead is in line and con- tiguous with Ref. No. 275. Approxi- mately 25 acres of open storage area for pipe and other oil field equip- ment located in rear. Company's office building located on opposite side of Engineers Road. 120 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Algiers Canal, Plaquemines Parish Corps ol Engineers Poi t Code So 67005 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 277 Dock Code No. 402 278 Dock Code No. 502 279 Dock Code No. 702 NAME Circle Dock. Total Services Dock. Oil Mop Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1.1 miles southwest of Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. Approximately 1.3 miles southwest of Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. Approximately 1.4 miles southwest of Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. OWNED BY Circle, Inc. Houston Contracting Co. Houston Contracting Co. OPERATED BY do. Total Services, Inc. Oil Mop, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Handling contractor's equipment, materials, and supplies. Mooring and handling oil field equip- ment. Mooring tank barges for cleaning. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Natural bank. Timber bulkhead with concrete- surfaced solid fill. Timber bulkhead with concrete - surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Northeast side Southwest side Face Northeast side Southwest side Dimensions (Feet) 500 200 12 12 170 50 50 Depth Alongside at mlG Do. 5 8 . . 4 . . Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,800 (See Remarks). 200 - - 170 - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above HLG Do- Partly lighted. 3 Lighted. 3 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nuaber and Type of Construction None. None . None . Length and width (Feet) ■eicbl Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) . iJ , ; . 1 1 \ i . r Sfj . r I . -. . > Cargo boors KFCHANIC AL HANDLING FACILITIES Company -owned equipment available as required. Company -owned equipment available as required. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage in rear connects with New Orleans & Lower Coast Railroad (Hlaaourl Pacific Lines). None. None. i.i ....... HH PlflH Via Englnaara Road, concrete, 24 feet wide, from Belle Chaaae Highway (Stat* Highway No. 23). Same aw Ref. No. 277. Same as Ref. No. 277. • ATIS WLTM.Y N.m*. None. None . li | HU . sTflTegtl wis) None A.C., 110 volts, slngle-phese, 60- cycla; A.C., 220/480 voltw, 3-phaee, 60-cyc Is. A.C., 110 volts, slngls-phsss, 60-cycli A.C., 220/440 volta, 3-phese, 60-cycle rrwr vrryrrrri'v Hand extlniulshsra. Hand extinguishers, pump, hose, and watchman. Hend extinguishers, pump, hoae, and monitor nozzle. Additional 1,300 faat of berthing eased available slonielde adjacent, coaapeny owned, undeveloped canal ' <*M . • warahtmae and equl (.rm -., l-alr alt-.). )'.l Engineers Port Code No. 67006 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 Dock Code No. 502 Dock Code No. 702 Dock Code No. 902 Central Marine Service, Fleet Mooring Comet Construction Co. Dock. Becker & Associates and New Orleans Prestressed Co., Lower Wharf and Mooring. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2.5 miles southwest of Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. Approximately 2.7 miles southwest of Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. Approximately 3.0 miles southwest of Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. Central Marine Service, Inc. Hines & Barnes Co. Becker & Associates, Inc., and New Orleans Prestressed Co., Ir.c. OPERATED BY Central Marine Service, Inc., and i Canal Barge Co., Inc. Comet Construction Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring and repairing company-owned tugs and barges. Mooring floating equipment; handling construction material. Shipment of prestressed concrete beams, piling, and products and prefabricated, steel, marine structures; mooring floating equipment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Grounded steel barge with concrete ramp approach; 3 timber and steel mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, steel-decked, offshore wharf with steel approach bridge; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face on each side. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete deck supported by timber bearing piles; row of 3 timber mooring dolphins on lower side parallel to and 50 feet in rear of line of face. A timber pile, timber-decked approach extends to center dolphin. DESCRIPTION IFeet) Lower side Upper side Upper side Wharf 51 by 75 Mooring -PTT 10 Depth Alongside at MLG Do- 8-9 Usable Berthing Space 250 w/dolphs 200 w/dolphs 51 Width of Apr Open. Op en. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft . Lighted or Un lighted Lighted. Unlighted. 5 300 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Sueber and Type of Construction None . None . Length and Width Height Inside Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cur^-. Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 18-ton, gasoline, mobile hoist with 40-foot retractable boom. One 200 -, four 150 -, one 80-, and five 50-ton, diesel, crawler cranes with up to 200 feet of boom. RAILWAY CONSt Via Engineer* Road, concrete, 24 feet wide, from Belle Cheese Highway (State Highway No. 23). as Ref. No. 283. Same as Ref. No. 283. IMll) Through 3-lnch line. Through 2-inch line with hose con- i>< i i I ons . h »/ un * nun A.C., 110 volte, single -phase, 60- cycle; A is, 3 .phase, ' le. A.C.i 'ID volts, stngle-phese, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phaee, 60-cycle. ttft pwrflrri Hand extinguishers end w«t Hand extinguishers. Hsnd extinguishers. Operating bese loceted in building In rear on opposite side of levee. Contractor's open storage yard In rear on opposite side of levee. •sed concrete beam cestlng plant, warehouse, and open, steel tlon area located in rear. n in line with Ref. No. 286, L ol 572 feet of con- Preatre prlvaci -.,1,1, i Wlui i 1 1 ■ I" i i li I iik space. RIERS. WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Algiers Canal, Plaquemines Parish 123 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 67006 67007 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 286 nock Code No. 902 287 Dock Code No. 002 288 Dock Code No. 202 NAME Becker & Associates, and New Orleans Prestressed Co. Wharf. H. B. "Buster" Hughes, Fabrication Facility Bulkhead. John W. Stone, Algiers Canal Fueling Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 3.1 miles southwest of Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. Approximately 3.3 miles southwest of Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. Approximately 3.4 miles southwest of Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. OWNED BY Becker & Associates, Inc. H. B. "Buster" Hughes, Inc. John W. Stone Oil Distributor, Inc. OPERATED BY Becker & Associates, Inc., and New Orleans Prestressed Co. , Inc. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of prestressed concrete beams, piling, and products, and prefabricated steel marine structures Handling contractor's equipment, supplies, and materials to and from barges . Receipt of diesel fuel by barge; fueling vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Two sections of concrete sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill 65 feet apart; fronted by timber fenders. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with steel piling supporting horizontal, steel, wide flange beams in solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face East side West side Face East side West side Face East side West side Dimensions (Feet) 172 & 219 . - 300 58 58 300 40 40 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 6 - - 5 5 5 9 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 456 (See Remarks). - - 306 - - 300 - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 5 Unlighted. 3 15,400 Lighted. 5 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors • MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Use of cranes described under Ref. No. 285. Rental equipment is available as required. One 3/4-ton, gasoline, fork lift truck. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Engineers Road (marginal) , con- crete, 24 feet wide, from Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23). Same as Ref. No. 286. Via roadway over levee (access) , from foot of Concord Road, both shell, varied widths. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 2 -inch line. Through one 2 -inch line. Through one 1^-inch line with hose connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers, portable pump, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers and hose. REMARKS Prestressed concrete beam casting plant, private warehouse, and open, steel fabrication area located in rear. Wharf is in line with Ref. No. 285 providing a total of 572 feet of continuous berthing space. Contractor's storage and office buildings located in rear. Large structures are fabricated at rear of bulkhead. One 3-inch pipeline extends to metered pump on wharf from 7 diesel oil storage tanks located in rear on opposite side of levee, total capacity 4,300 barrels. One 3/4-inch pipeline extends from metered pump to one 400- gallon butane storage tank at rear. Open wharf area used for storage of lubricating oil in drums. 124 RIE1RS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Plaquemines Parish Corps or Engineers Port Code No 67007 67008 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 289 Dock Code No. 402 290 Dock Code No. 602 291 Dock Code No. 502 NAME United Tugs Dock. Independent Towing Co. Wharf. Wall Shipyard, Gas Freeing Plant Mooring. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT West side of Algiers Canal, approxi- mately 3.6 miles above Belle Chasse Highway (State Highway No. 23) Bridge. West side of Algiers Canal at foot of Engineers Road. Easterly side of Bayou Barataria and northerly side at head of Algiers Canal OWNED BY United Tugs, Inc. Independent Towing Co., Inc. Hero Wall Co. OPERATED BY do. do. Wall Shipyard, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company -owned tugboats. Mooring tugs . Mooring barges for repair and gas freeing. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore row of 6 timber mooring dolphins, fronting a timber pile, timber-decked walkway, timber ap- proach extends from levee to east end of walkway. Grounded, concrete -surfaced, steel barge enclosed by steel sheet piling. Natural bank with shore moorings. DESCRIPTION Face Face Lower side Upper side Natural bank Dimensions (Feet) 172 350 80 80 3,250 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 6 9 - - 4-6 Usable Berthing Space Do. 172 350 - - 3,250 Width ol \i ron Do. Open. 100 Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. 2, walkway. Lighted. 5 Lighted. - Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Partly lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and width (Feet) Be lgfet Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Floating cranes described under Ref. No. 294 are available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. M HMj ROM Via driveway, •hell, 10 feet wide, from Concord Road, shell, varied width*. Vie Engineers Road, shell, 24 feet wide . Via driveway, shell, varied widths, from Concord Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide. ■ ela) None. Through 2 -inch line. Through 2^-lnch line. ui T»i' nun A.C., 110 volte, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60 -cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Sane as Ref. No. 290. r t WT pwr/rrr | Hon*. Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers, steam plant, end watchmen. Tun dlapeuh of Mr* loceted In reer on opposite side of levee. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS South side, Bayou Baratarla, Plaquemines Parish 25 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 292 Dock Code No. 885 293 Dock Code No. 883 294 Dock Code No. 882 NAME Thomas Jordan Mooring. McDonough Marine Service Mooring. Wall Shipyard Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Above junction with Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Approximately 0.5 mile above junction with Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Approximately 0.8 mile above junction with Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. OWNED BY Hero Wall Co. Hero Wall Co. Charles W. Wall, Sr. OPERATED BY Thomas Jordan , Inc . McDonough Marine Service, Division of M**rmac Corp. Wall Shipyard. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company -owned barges for re- pair; mooring barges for fleeting. Mooring barges. Mooring barges and small vessels for outfitting and repair; mooring floating drydocks . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Natural bank with shore moorings. Offshore row of 12 timber mooring piles. Part steel sheet pile bulkhead with part concrete -surfaced solid fill; and part natural bank. DESCRIPTION Natural bank Mooring piles Face Dimensions (Feet) 3,000 600 30+230+270+310+90 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 3-4 0-6 7 1 Usable Berthing Space Do. 3,000 600 750 (See Remarks) . Width of Apron Do. Open . Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLG Do. Partly lighted. 2 Unlighted. 2 toad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 30-ton, diesel, mobile crane with 70-foot boom; and one 10-ton, elec- tric crane with 60 -foot boom mounted on wingwall of 1,500 -ton drydock (See Remarks) . One hand-operated, 20- by 4-foot, adjustable, steel loading ramp. Seven diesel crawler cranes: One 90-, one 70-, one 60-, two 40-, and two 25- ton with 85-, 70-, 100-, 60-, and 45- foot booms, respectively. Two diesel crawler cranes mounted on barges: One 70-ton with 70-foot boom and one 25-ton with 45-foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, shell, varied widths, from Concord Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide . Same as Ref. No. 292. Via driveway, shell, varied widths, from Concord Road, shell, 18 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 2%-inch line with 1%-inch hose connections. None . Through one 1^-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, single-phase, 60 -cycle . None . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle . (ffther than City) Hand extinguishers and watchmen. None. Hand extinguishers, 2 stationary and one portable fire pumps, hoses, and watchmen. Orleans Ship, Inc., maintains one 1,500- and one 600-ton, floating drydocks at site and performs repair work on company-owned barges. One 100- by 26 -foot barge permanently sunk at approximate center of mooring serves as private storage warehouse. One 2,000-, one 1,500, one 1,250-, one 750- , and one 450-ton floating drydocks moored at bulkhead. Marine repair plant and facilities for construction of small steel vessels and barges located in rear. Approximately 1,400 feet of additional berthing space is available on opposite side of Bayou Barataria. 126 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS South side, Bayou Baratarta, Plaquemines Parish Corps of Engineers Port Code No 66002 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 4 295 Dock Code No. 885 296 >*" k Cod. No. 886 Dock Codt NAME Central Marine Service Wharf. Oil Field Barges Landing. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.9 mile above junction with Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Approximately 1.0 mile above junction with Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. OWNED BY Central Marine Service, Inc. Hero Wall Co. OPERATED BY do. Oil Field Barges, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring barges for fleeting. Mooring, repair, and construction of company-owned barges; handling con- struction materials, supplies, and equipment by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Sunken steel barge with 18- by 3-foot approach from shore. Natural bank. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Natural bank Dimensions (Feet) 145 36 36 500 Depth Alongside at MLG Do. 8 - - 5-7 Usable Berthing Space Do. 145 . _ 500 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Height of Drck Above MLG Do. 4 Lighted. 4 Partly lighted. toad Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted TRANSIT SHLDS Number and Type of Construction None . None. Length and Width Height Inside Do. F 1 <« -r Arc j for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity par Sq.Ft. (lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 20-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 70-foot boom. Additional equip- ment available as required. MII.UY COWECT10H8 None. Nona . fro* Concord Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 295. • Through 3/4 Inch line. Through 2 -Inch line with hose con- nections. phase, 60 A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60 A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phane, 60-cy ■ Hand extinguish*™. Hand extinguishers, hydrant, and hose. C.'il Min* on barge mml .. Barges are built and Launched at east open storage area > Ion equipment located at rear. Company operates a rani i .. ly 20 lets, are ■ PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES 127 OIL HANDLING AND OIL BUNKERING Twenty-four waterfront facilities at the port are equipped to receive and/or ship petroleum products; several of these facilities provide bunkering service for vessels. Large, oceangoing vessels are usually bunkered at berth by tank barges. These barges, together with their capacities and sizes, are listed separately in the table of Floating Equipment on pages 156 and 157. The following tabulation gives information on facili- ties equipped to handle petroleum products and crude oil; details are given in the table of Piers, Wharves, and Docks, beginning on page 28, under the reference numbers indicated. Tank storage at small craft service stations is not neces- sarily included. P.W.D. REF. NO. OPERATOR AND /OR USER STORAGE TANKS NUMBER CAPACITY (BARRELS) 5(1)(2) 7 8(5), 9(6) 11(2), 12 (5), 13, 14,15, (6) 112 141 151 156 157 166 177(5), 178,179 (5) (6) 180 Left bank -Mississippi River Murphy Oil Corp Tenneco Oil Co., Division of Tenneco , Inc Exxon Co . , U . S . A Tenneco Oil Co., Division of Tenneco , Inc New Orleans Public Service, Inc International Lubricant Corp . . . Exxon Pipeline Co Right bank-Mississippi River Point Landing Fuel Corp The Permian Corp Louisiana Power & Light Co.. Amerada-Hess Corp Texaco, Inc 22(3) 10(3) 30 41(3) 1 21 1 3 1 3 109 17 569,400 1,118,300(4) 706,900 2,539,000 25,000(7) 175,000 344,200 30,000 55,000 450,000(7) 1,482,700(8) 525,600(9) (See footnotes at end of tabulation.) 128 THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. P.W.D. OPERATOR AND/OR USER STORAGE TANKS REF. NO. NUMBER CAPACITY (BARRELS) 251 Right bank-Mississippi River Continued Witco Chemical , Inc 10 4 2 3 2 7 114.300 253(2) 257(2) Nola Terminal Corp 190.000 John W. Stone Oil Distributor, 36,000 36 53 288(2) Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Seaway Canal New Orleans Public Service, Inc. Inner Harbor Navigation (In- dustrial) Canal New Orleans Public Service, Inc. Algiers Canal John W. Stone Oil Distributor, Inc 180,000 50,000(7) 4,300 TOTAL 287 8,595,700 (1) Bunkering tankers berthed at wharf. (2) Fueling towboats and small vessels. (3) Oil refinery. (4) Crude oil. (5) Loading tank barges for bunkering vessels at berth. (6) Bunkering vessels. (7) Fuel oil for plant consumption. (8) Storage tanks also used for chemicals and vegetable oils. (9) Includes crude oil. PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES 129 BULK LIQUID STORAGE Four companies maintain facilities for public storage, drumming, blending, packaging, and distribution of various types of bulk liquids. Each operates wharves along the right bank of the Mississippi River with waterside connec- tions and pipelines extending to steel storage tanks in rear. Commodities generally handled include petroleum products, petrochemicals, chemicals, and animal, vegetable, fish, and tung oils. The following tabulation gives information on the bulk liquid storage facilities; details are given in the table of Piers, Wharves, and Docks, beginning on page 28, under the reference numbers indicated. Petroleum-handling facilities are described in the Oil Handling and Oil Bunkering section of this report. P.W.D. REF. NO. OPERATOR STORAGE TANKS NUMBER CAPACITY (BARRELS) 158 & 159 172 177, 178, & 179 183 International- Ma tex Tank 75(1) 35 109 70 829,000 1,323,000 1,482,700(2) 950,000 TOTAL 289 4,584,700 (1) Company operates 60 additional storage tanks at their St. Rose bulk liquid storage terminal located approximately 10 miles upstream. (2) Storage tanks also used for petroleum products. Tankage is also included in the Oil Handling Table on page 127. 130 THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA, GRAIN ELEVATORS Two, waterfront, grain elevators, with a total capac- ity of 13,522,000 bushels, serve the port and are used primarily for the movement of export grain received by barge and rail. Each elevator is supported by adjoining rail yards and has electrically driven belt conveyors in overhead galleries extending from elevators to dockside. The Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans owns an elevator (P.W.D. Ref. Nos . 130 and 131) on the left bank of the Mississippi River between the foot of Robert and Joseph Streets extended. This elevator is leased to and operated by a combine of private firms known as New Orleans Grain Elevator Corporation. Continental Grain Company owns and operates an elevator (P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 168, 169, and 170) on the right bank of the river above Westwego. The table on page 132 gives detailed descriptions of these two elevators. In addition to the two grain elevators within the New Orleans port area there are seven other waterfront elevators along the deep-draft portion of the Mississippi River, below Baton Rouge (Mile 235 A.H.P.), with a total storage capacity of nearly 43,000,000 bushels. Each of the elevator wharves has a berth depth of 40 to 45 feet. The tabulation on page 131 gives the location and storage and vessel-loading capacities of each of these facilities. PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES 131 1 rJ rH W W 06 WHlD cO co CO < O U K ffi O 4J ■P u cu ~ ° "3 "rO. 2ZJ o o O O o o o o rH < O p o o o o o O CO o o ^ i-l PQ 00 vO oo vO r^ O CM CM r>. CN vO o o o O o O O o W H co o o o o o O O o o o o o o O o o O M kJ ft #\ c* ft a ft *\ #\ p2 c • .* • ^ • J* • M • C ' o H C • cd r^ c c o C o> C CT> CO CT> H < CO CTn ,o i-i cO i-l CO CN cO co cO co ,Q CM CJ ,0 ON i-i rQ rH rO r-l ,Q rH X> rH CM O *J 4-1 ►3 ■U cu X CD ■P CU 4-» CU 4J CU 4-> CU rC CU <4-4 r-l W)rH m ih <4-l r-l M-l r-l IW rH ClOrH S3 •H «ri CU -H CU «H CU -H CU -H •H -H rt a •J a j a rj a rj a pi a n Elevator 2 u o u CO ort evator •H 00 > ccj O cu (LHN pi u o • o J-l o W vO cu r^. o • o o vJ <1" 4-> h r^ 53 CJ r*- •rH r^ J-l o > O O CO CO O CJ o cu o P4 U w Ph o cu ■P i— 1 J-l CO o o vo U rH 1^ • w CJ CJ < o o d •H > a o UN O • rH CO CM CU CU < •H £ r-3 C CU < M 4J rJ CW O « H H)rl C a vi w U X c rH * C W cO 3 PQ co CU •H o X O O cO U O CO J-l « •> cO •> *» CO rH CO CO o < U PQ rJ CJ PQ 4C cO PQ JS CU Q cu rH PC CU rH J-| »H rH CO CU d) X! •H CU H rH CU g < •H 4J g •H i— l CU CU • J-l u . u •H • J-i CO 4-1 s ♦ •» 60O 4J O 4J co O CU bO J-i CU 60 CO O 4J co U w O cd C co CO K^ CO J-l J-l CO J-l CU CJ J^ •H >^ cO • £ 3 . rH cfl 4) 4J •■-1 CO o a-H vO CO CO OS „ rl 6 3 rJ 3 CN C rl CU i-l > X X u U 1-1 o •rl 73 C a cn r-. CO 1-1 4-1 CO CU • a r^ i— OS rl •rl CU > CO u i-i CO TO 3 60 41 o (0 c -M O Cfl r-1 rl u en i-i CO CO CO rl u CU CO •H CO CO 4J C CO H C •i-l •rl > -H |-H 4J C CO 4) O >N 01 4J O 4J CD C ct) W X •H U -rl rl CO P. CU 3 • cfl' .* • 41 X O o to CM CO 41 41 O to J4 4-1 O rJ c cu i 3 u • co 41 •rl rl CJ 60 C » cj CO CO • CO U U i-l CJ 4J 41 CO O rl 00 3 0) • * XI X i-i " CJ 4J CO CO rl rl O cfl d XI 3 CU o X o ^-i T3 H o CU 41 1 O 00 u < CO N IN (J S w - flj X .-H H 0> O 73 •rl CO CO CO o- 60 r^ •u 4J ■d c 73 rl CM O rl Cfl o •i-l • c CO • C 3 C 3 rl >N CM -rl r-l C U u CO 01 U cni O CO ■v 73 p 01 CN CO O 3 73 4J CO CO C -M O CJ 4) j3 4J o c C 3 »i-i « c x: -u « cn eg cj to m 4J co r-~ •H i-l X 01 CO CO 41 73 CO •rl Cfl 4-1 -rl CJ i-i CO CO * CO 41 00 X c u S3 •• - 0. cn 73 3 rl u -o i-l .-i CO CO Cf H O CO 4) i co cn cfl ■rl C 41 73 O O CO U i-l U o 1- co 3 a cj c u a co cfl f^ C C rl O c o co e O CH ^ CC o XI w CO •rl Cfl p CO i-l r-l OS CU 1 4J H •I-l CJ 41 41 CM 41 M O co 41 • CO CO r-l CO CO cn C >N o. i-l •H r-l a CO CJ 0) rH 73 O. u 4-1 U c • J3 c 1- ■ -rl M B CJ CJ VI CO CJ o r-i C i-l ON c C 01 O CO • 3 4) C co co 3 CO O 1 rl -rl CO tfl r-l « CD £ > en o 4-1 •U C a. 4J 4J C 73 rU 60O O 4-1 60 CO l-l c c r! I-i rH a i 41 o o a 3 3 0) CO 3 C o 4J 10 •H •H OS 01 i-i i-i I-i cr o o O O 4-1 H U CO 0) i-l i-l CO w C 1-1 4) * 4J u u-i oi cu CNI O c o o X. P. CX CO CO 4) CO Z 73 > 0) 1-1 rl 60 co c C co CM ,-1 CJ CN C oc * « CO CO o o •H X cfl o CU 4J Cfl Cfl rl vO O co 4) i-l 41 -c o O CO CN rl cu cm o 3 H O r-l U l-l C rl X! Cfl W -rl CJ 5 « i-l u CJ ON n E OS ^ CO U CJ o U « CO 3 4-> Cfl c i-l 4J 4) CO -•M cfl to C P. co a B M r^ OS 41 01 c 1-1 CO 4-1 a a CO tO 4J rl CO CM 4J -rl Cfl rl 3 O CJ CO CO OH « vT 1-1 I-l CO CO •I-l CO CJ CU rl 3 O -r-l i-l CU 60>M CO o a u H C a i-i C 01 CO P. rl •rl CU (3. rl • c o aco 00 •H CU r-l CO co co « CO CO 4J -rl Cfl CM CO r-. i-i XI u x: co 01 73 O CO 73 X M 4) CO X ct-l CO CO 4J r-l 73 •■ 60 4) 1 cj co 5 cfl rJ d2 co a. o CU u 3 O CJ C 73 (2 x: o • ■U » Xi u ■H 01 00 XI 4J CO Cfl -rl CO O 73 CU rl I-l 603 o u CO CO 4J CO M O 73 ro rl rl Cfl C o - CO O c H CJ O Xi rl - rl Cfl M Cfl O r-l X -rl 60 3 O CO •M -) cu o a CO O 4J 3 60 i-l O co 73 >, c 3 w a q O O -rl a-rl 01 c 2. 1 u U I-l O -rl o c •rl r-l CJ C z rl CO •o a CO CC 4J - 3 X -rl cfl CO 0) O rl 3 -rl > O 01 cm C i-i c u o 73 OS » c 00 •M X -rl m 4J r-l co X • H CU 1- r-l cn rl C CO -H CU cfl CO CJ f>M/3 0) ID rl CJ o CO I-l CO CO 01 I- 73 4 41 01 01 4J rl 60 rl > o .* <-> 41 01 41 c c u CM C Q.r-1 i— 1 0) cn ro O CN CN CU CM 41 i-i 41 C M •a > u a 3 1 O -rl XI hi au _ ij r-l i-l OS o -i 3 CO 01 C I-i cn a x: CO CQ B -rl cj cn •M i-l u U 01 X! XI CO CO c 73 cn t; >N O i—l 3 a cfl O 73 Cfl X C * z O £. •o £ 01 4J eg •M H 01 60 O 73 rl rl 3 60 4J O > c 4J OS w 3 C J3 73 ^ X c •rl 60 4J O co cfl 60 01 •H - u-i 41 CO • i— cn C c. o CO -rl r-l M C 4J 4J C C 73 .-1 CO 00 01 cm 00 o 01 ^ CO 5 CO 00 3 4J XI CO -rl r-l Cfl CO CO i-l 0) 01 M Ij in .-■ <0 CO 00 V M • 1- a c XI CO 3 O > CO > Cu i-l C 4) •rl 01 ro r-l 4J O cn U •* CO 1- A CO C0 C0 4- CO -rl 00 CO CJ rl cfl c u-l • 4J •-I f-l H C O 00 IJ CJ 60 O -rl 4) 0) O r-l C'-IOH cj i-l •HI CO r-l co 4J CO •H 0) -~ 9 oi oi o 60O B CO > CJ -rl 4) O 4J r-l O r*> cfl C C CO u CO > Cf c • C --I O. •■- X CO °-c2 C rl 4) 4J CJ CO 3 r-l li • "1 i-l u CO X co cu • O c CO 1- 4J co -H B i— 4J XI CO 4) rl -rl C 'J 01 O 41 73 « u 01 c a 4J 01 3 S •rl -d- CU CO 1 73 i-l rl 41 CO CU •o rH CO ^ C 4) 4J u a c a 3 4-i C 73 cr. 3 -* .-I rl 73 CO O 4J C CO rl c o I-l r< 41 73 a - cu o o X H 3 i-l I- CM CO rl CO Cfl CO rl 4J C -rl 73 Cfl (8 ■rl o • O 41 C •H r* C V-i c o o c P- H H X u •« o cu O X CJ 00 CO -rl XI 3 r* O 3 41 3 U 4J 41 01 X 01 00 CN O CN o o X C co P- ro co > , cu U I-l O X > 4) CO O X) 3 CJ ON 1 C CN || r> 4J cn S o X •rl 3 >N <0 3 CO 73 4J >> 01 O 41 4J 60 CO £ 41 • 01 "IT O O O CN u CJ , Cu 1- J rl i CO B a 4-1 CO 4J rl O 4J 0- is a? X > • ro > to CJ « ' CO > < a a >u k ru CO 01 Ij 60i-i £. 41 Z UJ t* O o C i m r-l ■» Q O CO > p C CU XI I-i Xi 00 Q 5-S 3 u Q u in 01 « «l H •i-l ■ 4J CO r-t co •** B ■ | 0) CO 5 O I-l E c •H M •»■ U CJ •-J > > 01 1 A C-l > H ^ 5 Ul '/ •• CO ■ > to C £ Y- 01 CJ > In m Ij Vj Be i , j rl y S| i* — » r-l O C c i CM <4-l U-l UJ L*. 41 r V. «c 01 U U u o cn • 1 OS cu C f* U -. c c c M 41 H 4 cw -2 u o re c > , f-l 60 00 -i-l •/-< -H k c: q 73 73 73 UJ M -M nj M t| £ 73 73 O C3 3 60 s OS O I UJ 2r o «. B o 41 CO h "1 8 1 9 9 M R 10 >-■ u 01 V- ■/< r.. I > o U o l_« x o (-« U 01 -H 01 ■j ) d, I) l( rl rl rl OS 1 1 1 CO H 2 $ 1 a 5 \;.? | fc J 3 <0 ^ 4 CO UJ OS - i •H •J 53SBSB _! H 9 E Q 5 U) M A ly) WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP NO. 3 25 26 27 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Calongne Drayage & Storage, Inc. P. 0. Box 10644 New Orleans, LA 70181 Blue M.,r IfarthouM 712 St. George Avenue New Orleans, LA 70181 Southland Distribution Canters, Inc. 6040 Seven 1 1 Harahan, LA 70123 BUII.DINi; ui.mujai Ion/', . . . LOCATION 501 Coolldge Street Jefferson Parish, LA 70121 Jefferson parish, LA Sane as above. KIND OF STORACE Dry. Dry. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise and appliances. General merchandise. General merchandise . DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Part steel frame, metal covered; con- crete floors; part timber frame, wooden walls and floor. Steel frame, metal covered, totally Insulated; concrete floor. Steel frame, prestressed concrete, tilt-up walls; concrete floor. Number of Floors One. One . One. Clear Height for Storage (Feet) : - - 30 _ - - Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq .Ft .) : First Floor - 1,100 Other Floors . - - AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORACE DRY STORACE COLD STORACE General Storage (Sq.Ft.) 79.000 L0.000 UM ,000 U.S. Customs Bonded. (Sq.Ft.) Available . L5.0M Cooler Space (Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space (Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space. .. (Cu.Ft .) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 7-car-capacity , platform-level track connects with Illinois Central Gulf Railroad. New Orleans Public Belt Railroad: One 4-car-capacicy, platform- level track along west side of building. One 10-car-capaclty, carfloor-level track connects with Illinois Central Gulf Railroad. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS EiRhc at pLatfor™. Three at platform and 2 at doors. Twenty- three at platform. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Two 3- and six 1-ton fork lift trucks. Five Ik- to 5-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks. Six fork lift trucks and 2 transporters. FIRE PROTECTION Automatic detection system and hand extinguishers . Sprinkler system. Sprinkler system. REMARKS Services include pool car distribution and drayage . Approximately 2 acres of adjacent open storage area for containers or trailers. ■ ' WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP NO. 3 28 29 30 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Dan Kelly Warehouse, Inc. P. 0. Box 23663 New Orleans, LA 70183 Temple Storage & Transfer, Inc. 1230 Edwards Avenue New Orleans, LA 70183 Gulf Atlantic Distribution Services P. 0. Box 23648 New Orleans, LA 70183 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ - - LOCATION 700 Edwards Avenue Harahan, LA Harahan, LA 1300 Edwards Avenue Harahan, LA KIND OF STORAGE Dry, cold, and cooler. Dry. Dry and cooler. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise and perishable food commodities . General merchandise, appliances, and food commodities. General merchandise and perishable food commodities. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Steel frame, metal covered; concrete block walls; concrete floor. Steel frame, metal covered; concrete floor. Steel frame, prestressed concrete, tilt-up walls; concrete floor. One. One. One . Clear Height for Storaee (Feet} : 20 23 32 _ - Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq .Ft.) : Unlimited. Unlimited. Unlimited. _ _ - AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage (Sq.Ft.) 224,000 48,000 131,000 U.S. Customs Bonded. (Sq.Ft .) 60,000 450,000 Freezer Space (Cu.Ft.) 20,000 Convertible Space. .. (Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 15-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Illinois Central Gulf Railroad. One 7-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Illinois Central Gulf Railroad. One 15-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Illinois Central Gulf Railroad. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Sixty at platforms and doors. Eleven. Twenty -one. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Fifteen electric fork lift trucks. Six 1- to 2%-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks. Ten gasoline and 4 electric fork lift trucks. FIRE PROTECTION Automatic detection and sprinkler systems . Sprinkler system. Automatic detection and sprinkler systems . REMARKS Freon refrigeration system with temper- ature range of 0° to 21°C. maintained in cooler and -17° to 23°C. in freezer. Drayage service. Temperature range of 5° to 18°C. in cooler with humidity control. 141 • o 01 4-1 cj 4J 01 CD 4J w 1 r-l X M-l >> • rl CU o CU 4J r-l CO CO O rl * > fl 3 0) C O CU o ^ ■ 0) 1-1 o c o r-l CO rl c co u O O H 1 • o 1-1 CO CU o CO 6 g X) a rJ o M-l CO C CO cfl CU CO i 60 X! cd cu rl rl M-l CU O cfl O 'H i-l cfl -U CO 60 i fa XI c cfl a, u cfl p rJ J2 ■-i cfl i-l o ■U 4J Jlj O i-l C o ai 01 cj (1) u >,& o O cw X> X) B m r^ CO •U r-l ■u u a ■U CO cfl ■U •rl CO CO •i-l «i-l CO CO « CU TJ 4J o 3 C r-l CJ S CM cu cu < 3 JJ cu cu s cu •• 1 CO s cfl cfl CX CO rl cfl i-i H cx 4J •rl U 4J CU 4J CO • O Cfl " > i-i U 60 « CJ O cO O !>» o XI co o o u C co o ■u 1 CU o CU co z (UPC ^ 111 4 cfl o cj cu i i-l r-4 XI i-l X! • XI H CO cu c U (2 «i-l cfl C in O 3 rH CU rl • fa CO >-, CU 3 CJH CO X) r-4 i-l co •^ 3 • CJ cO CU 4J >i CI O-rl I CJ o ■u cu co tH rl * J! U • H O m cd c cfl CO u 3 co CU •M .§ a! Q o o O cfl CM J(! fa ■u pj CO O r* r^ CU C rS i •-> CU cu CJ o « m o CJ r) 4J CJ •i-l co rH 3 • p >, c o o o cu • r-l ^ cu cd c c u u O 4J CU •rl rif S U «rl CM • o m-i c§ oo C m ^ & 3 ro <;oois z co a o CM ' E3 1 CO CM 4J CO 60 i ! cu I-l ,-N 4-1 cfl .* • 0) W r-l rl M CO U E3 CU 4-» CO fa cu •,-1 u CJ c o o > C CU cu r-l CJ CO U cu CJ H X ■H CJ CO g^ CJ < o • * g u •o Q o o C 60 cu rJ iw c 4J • o rl o 4J -3 u m-i XI cu CJ CO r-l 4J c cfl c > r-l r-l M-l M CO o an •i-l n cu "Si 00 0) CO i-l r^-U r* c en 3 •rl CO ■U »i-l rl • i-l vO c XI 4J •H & O a CO o SI 5 CU w CJ M-l S i-l 3 o > < CO e Cfl CO • &.4J X) ^ ■u co • .fl 0\ CJ * cfl cj cfl CO r^ o cu en C rl cu o CJ cu o cfl co z cfl X 2 o CU s H ■ c u 60 ■u e CO CO rl 5 r-l • 1 rl fa & o m-4 M i-l c fa CU 1 cour 0. B nner, o rl u o >, r-l CO ri CU c r-l rl CU O CU O cu CM O 4J o cd Q o o oo e 4-c ack c If Ra cu CU ■u rl 3 rJ CU (U rl 1-1 rt! •S rl 1-1 a . a) o u cu 4-> r-l S oo o O C U 2 O ti a en -j fa m ■ CM o o CO M-l r-l 1 m 1 r-l O W o fa CO i K~^ •u 4J ■u u ■u •u fa fa fa fa fa cu • • • • • QJ cr cr 3 3 3 Cu • • CO co a CJ Q « — - /~s v— ' ^— * *—s -w' ^^ fa a • .. • • • H 8 o 4-1 CO 8 cu 60 o pa cfl CO Z O • 3 r-l r4 i-l CO CO CO CO cu CO is M H o H a 4J CO A CO U CO CU CJ o H z z Q CJ i CO PCl o z H H O CU u X a r) X. o c CO o cu c o o D O 2 o fa M fa M-i a 1-1 •u cO •rl •u fa cu • o u o >H s z cd CO o H M M o Q M O U r (U CO (X ^3 CO CU CO < a p 3 <: fa 3 O O W >> P r-l O ^ S i H § de O pa rJ « u Q H 2 c_> rJ ) Louisa Street Open Wharf P.W.D. Ref. No. 95 simultaneously. Milan Street Wharf Terence 250 60 11.0 Diesel-electric, 120-180 130.0 Crane travels 225 feet on rails P.W.D. Raf. No. 124 and full portal, on deck of barge. T. Salth & Son Mooring gantry crane P.W.D, Ref. No. 265 Bob 130 50 11.0 Diesel, stiff-leg 118 50.0 Mammoth 230 60 11.0 Two steam, revolv- ing, full-portal, gantry cranes 95, each 30.0, r.irli Cranes travel on rails on deck of barge . Penny 200 56 5.0 Diesel-electric , revolving, full- portal, gantry crane 106+14* 80.0 Crane travels 185 feet on rails on deck of barge. *Jlb extension. Patricia 200 56 5.0 • l... 106+14* 80.0 Do. Sharon 200 50 7.0 1 i ■ va i ring , full-portal, gantry crane 75+17.5* 40.0 Crane travels on rails on deck of barge. Equipped with clamshell bucket and electric magnet. ''I! .' lli'i 1' I..'.ilil. WtULu 200 50 7.0 do. 75+17.5* 40.0 Do. Mickey 200 50 11.(1 Dlaaal -alactr 1 ■ revolving, lull c rane 120 60.0 Crane travels 180 fast on rails on dack of barge. Equlpi 8-cublc yard bucket. -"Mr ••an T"wlng, Inc. 'X>*4 Whl taflhan I* No. 1 11? 53 9.6 Diesel, revolving LM 60.0 '•» Whllaaan berr l> t 120 60 10.0 . Lai iii'. K V..| V| P1 £ 75 i n.a 145 marine: repair plants ref.no. of nearest pier or wharf 21 and 22 - MAP NO. 2 24 - MAP NO. 2 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Buck Kreths Co., Inc. 2225 Tchoupitoulas Street/P.O. Box 53305 New Orleans, La. 70153 Dixie Machine Welding & Metal Works, 1031 Annunciation Street New Orleans, La. 70130 LOCATION OF PLANT Plant at above address and at wharf on left bank of Mississippi River between foot of Delery and Alabo St Delery and Alabo Streets. Shops: Machine, carpenter, sheet metal, steel fabrication, pipe, and boiler; weld- ing units; sandblasting and painting equip- ment- nnp 5-ton mobile hoist; one 500-ton s . Plant at above address and at wharf on left bank of Mississippi River at foot of Andry Street. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT tnent ; break press Shops: Machine, carpenter and woodworking, coppersmith and pipe, welding, plate, metal, boiler, and blacksmith; welding units; portable air compressors and generators; sandblasting equipment; centrifugal rebabbitting machine; one 7-ton mobile crane. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Above-waterline repairs of any nature to deep-draft vessels; conversions; repairs to engines and turbines; condenser and heat exchanger retubing; cleaning; sandblasting; welding; and painting. Above-waterline repairs of any nature to deep-draft vessels; repairs to engines and gauges. Specialize in steam and diesel engine and turbine repairs. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED Lathe: 72-inch swing by 14-foot bed. Lathe: 84-inch swing by 34-foot bed. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT Two 500-foot vessels. One large vessel. Repair work done at plant , wharf , and board vessels at berth in harbor. Repair work done at plant, wharf, board vessels at berth in harbor. REF.NO.OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 25 and 26 - MAP NO. 4 27 - MAP NO. 4 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Saucer Marine Service, Inc. 1910 Surekote Road/P.O. Box 3067 New Orleans, La. 70117 Canal Marine Repairs, Inc. 2100 Surekote Road/P.O. Drawer 26159 New Orleans, La. 70186 LOCATION OF PLANT East side of Inner Harbor Navigation (Indus- trial) Canal, approximately 0.25 mile north of North Claiborne Avenue Bridge. East side of Inner Harbor Navigation (Indus- trial) Canal, approximately 0.4 mile north of North Claiborne Avenue Bridge. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Shops: Machine, carpenter, blacksmith, and electric; welding equipment; two 2,160- ton floating drydocks; one 7-ton crawler crane; one 17-ton mobile crane; and one 40-ton floating crane. Carpenter and paint shops; welding equipment; one 500-ton marine railway; one 200-ton ver- tical boat lift; and one 20-ton stiff -leg derrick. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Above- and below-waterline repairs of any nature to hulls of wood and steel barges, tugs, dredges, and other small vessels; repairs to engines, propellers, and shafts; barge construction. Above- and below-waterline repairs of wood, steel, fiber glass, and aluminum hulls of small vessels; construction of small aluminum vessels; welding; and painting. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED 32 feet by 9 inches. None . LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None . None . VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT One in each drydock; others at wharf. See Remarks . RE HARKS Repair work done at plant and on board vessels at berth in harbor. One on marine railway; one on vertical boat lift; 7 on transfer rails in rear of marine railway; others at wharf. REF.NO.OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 30 - MAP NO. 4 46 and 48 - MAP NO. 1 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Boland Marine & Manufacturing Co., Inc. 1000 Tchoupitoulas Street/P.O. Box 53287 New Orleans, La. 70153 Halter Marine Services, Inc. Chef Menteur Highway/P.O. Box 29266 New Orleans, La. 70189 LOCATION OF PLANT East side of Inner Harbor Navigation (Indus- trial) Canal, approximately 500 feet south of Florida Avenue Bridge. South side of Bayou Sauvage, approximately 2.8 miles west of Chef Menteur Pass. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Shops : Machine , blacksmith , carpenter, forge, plate, sheet metal, and boiler; welding equipment; one 600-ton break press; one 35- and one 23-ton mobile cranes; and eight 4- to 10-ton fork lift trucks. Shops: Machine, carpenter, welding, shipfitter, pipe, electric, paint, and steel and aluminum fabrication; one 10-, one 15-, and one 20-ton cranes; and one 5- and one 10-ton mobile hoists NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Above-waterline repairs of any nature to vessels; repairs to hulls, engines, deck machinery, gear, boilers, and plumbing; custom machine work; conversion work; and sandblasting. Construction, conversion, and above-waterline repairs of any nature to various types of small steel and aluminum hull vessels . LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED Lathe: 30-tnch swing by 33-foot bed. Lathe: 31-inch swing by 21-foot bed. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. None . VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT One 300- and four 500-foot vessels. Approximately 20 small vessels. REMARKS Repair facilities located at above address and at rear of wharf; repair work also done on board vessels at berth in harbor. 146 MARINE REPAIR PLANTS REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF - MAP NO. 1 52 - MAP MO. 4 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Bergeron Industries, Inc. Sox 38 St. Bernard, La. 7008S American Mbi Industrial Canal/P.O. b« Kill »»D TALI. Or TII/E IFttT) - CRANE SERVICE Drydock No. 1 is served by one 5^-ton, electric, revolving crane on stationary tower with 121-foot boom. Both drydocks are served by one 10-ton, diesel, revolving, floating crane with 90-foot boom, and one 10-ton, gasoline, mobile hoist with ■ 25-foot boom. ■ Til IIII! »Y»I!.»BM Water, compressed air, A.C., 110/208/220/440 volts, and D.C. , 115 volts. ;.A«/.!17 VEUEL NAUM.tf, 'rilT, 300 by SO 200 by 40 UTE BUILT AMD/OR REBUILT 1950/ 1969/- 153 FLOATING DRYDOCKS MOORED AT P.W.D. REF. NO. 267 - MAP NO. 2 OWNED BY U. S. Navy OPERATED BY Todd Shipyards Corp., New Orleans Division ADDRESS 3001 Patterson Road New Orleans, LA 70114 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Algiers, right bank, Mississippi River, Mile 92.6 and Mile 92.4 A.H.P. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel, 3 sections Steel, 3 sections DIMENSIONS (FEET) : No. 7 AFDM-3 (Ex YFD-6) 622 (with two 35-foot aprons) 554 124 90 29 feet, 7 inches No. 5 AFDM-2 (Ex YFD-4) 579 (with 35-foot apron) 544 116 84 Maximum depth over blocks, dock submerged. 29 LIFTING CAPACITY (TONS) 18,000 15,000 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) CRANE SERVICE Drydock No. 7: One 22^-ton, electric, traveling, revolving crane with 65-foot boom on each wingwall. Drydock No. 5: One 25-ton, electric, traveling, revolving crane with 80-foot boom on each wingwall. On wharf serving drydocks: One 22-ton, diesel, locomotive crane; one 25- ton, diesel-electric, gantry crane; one 25- and one 15-ton mobile cranes; and use of one 50-ton floating crane. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Water, compressed air, natural gas, A.C. , 110/220/440 volts, and D.C., 240 volts. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 650 by 90 630 by 84 DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT 1942/- 1942/- REMARKS Moored along upper portion of wharf. Dredging limit under drydock is 46.8 feet, MLG. Moored along lower portion of wharf. Dredging limit under drydock is 49.7 feet, MLG. MOORED AT P.W.D. REF. NO. 294 - MAP NO. 4 OWNED BY Charles W. Wall, Sr. OPERATED BY Wall Shipyard, Inc. ADDRESS P. 0. Box 419 Harvey, LA 70059 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South side of Bayou Barataria, approximately 0.8 mile above junction with Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel, 2 sections Steel, 2 sections Steel, 4 sections Steel, 2 sections Steel, 1 section DIMENSIONS (FEET) : submerged. Drydock No. 1 Drydock No. 2 Drydock No. 3 Drydock No . 4 Drydock No. 5 Maximum clear width for vessel. Maximum depth over blocks, dock 100 100 48 44 8 120 120 50 42 10 200 200 83 75 12 150 150 70 60 10 120 120 56 50 10 LIFTING CAPACITY (TONS) 450 750 2,000 1,500 1,250 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) CRANE SERVICE Seven diesel crawler cranes: One 90-, one 70-, one 60- two 25-ton with 85-, 70-, 100-, 60-, and 45-foot booms, Two diesel crawler cranes mounted on barges: One 70-toi boom and one 25-ton with 45-foot boom. two 40- , and respectively. i with 70-foot UTILITIES AVAILABLE Water, compressed air, acetylene gas, oxygen, and A.C, volts . 110/220/440 LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 110 by 30 195 by 35 295 by 54 barge 240 by 50 - DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT 1955/1967 1966/- 1972/- 1963/- 1977/- REMARKS All drydocks have a pool depth of 6 feet; drydocks can 1 deeper water for lifting deeper draft vessels. >e moved into 154 MARINE RAILWAYS AND VERTICAL BOAT LIFT REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF - MAP NO. 1 27 - MAP NO. 4 72 and 73 - MAP NO. 4 OWNED BY Bergeron Industries, Inc. Canal Marine Repairs, Inc. Equitable Shipyards, Inc., a Trinity Industries Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. ADDRESS P. 0. Box 38 St. Bernard, LA 70085 2100 Surekote Road/P.0. Drawer 26159 New Orleans, LA 70186 4325 France Road/P.O. Box 8001 New Orleans, LA 70122 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Braithwaite, left bank, Mississippi River, Mile 80.7 A.H.P. East side of Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal, approximately 0.4 mile north of North Claiborne Avenue Bridge. West side of Inner Harbor Navigation (Industrial) Canal, above Chef Menteur Highway Bridge. TYPE DIMENSIONS (FEET) : Clear widch of cradle at top Depth over keel blocks at MHW Aft Marine railway, 7 sections, double- cradle. 300, maximum 80 10 10 Marine railway. 110 100 35 7 10 Boat lift. 100 25 14 Marine railway. 256 256 44 10 15 HAULING POWER (TONS) 2,000 500 200 1,000 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) - - CRAKE SERVICE Four diesel crawler cranes: One 100- ton with 150-foot boom, one 50-ton with 110-foot boom, and two 20-ton with 60-foot booms; and one 12%-ton, diesel, mobile hoist. One 1^-ton, A-frame, winch truck. One 75-ton, electric, traveling, re- volving, full-portal, gantry crane with 120-foot boom; one 5-ton, diesel, re- volving crane with 60-foot boom; three 15-ton, liquid propane gas, mobile cranes, each with 60-foot boom. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Water, propane gas, oxygen, and A.C., 110/220/440 volts. Water, compressed air, and A.C., 110/ 220/440 volts. Water, compressed air, acetylene gas, A.C., 110/440 volts, and D.C., 220 volts . LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 300 by 80 by 20 110 256 DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT 1977/- 1956/67 1944/63 REMARKS Any combination of sections can be operated separately. Railway is used for launching vessels constructed at shipyard in rear. Side rail transfer system extends from railway to open boat repair and construction area in rear. REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 160 - MAP NO. 3 189 - MAP NO. 4 OWNED BY Avondale Shipyards, Inc., a sub- sidiary of Ogden Corp., Main Plant. Tlbo Shipyard, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. ADDRESS P. 0. Box 50280 New Orleans, LA 70150 bhl Destrehan Avenue/P. 0. Box 12 Harvey, LA 70059 Location on" UATTRfkOWT Avondale, right bank of Mississippi River, Mile 107.9 A.H.P. West side of Harvey Canal, north side of slip, approximately 0.6 mile south of Harvey Lock. TYPE DIMENSIONS (FEET) : Marine railway, 2 sections. 136 (See Remarks.) 136 31 2 11 Marine railways. No. 1 92.5 92.5 28 3 10 No. 2 104 104 28 3 10 Cl««r width of cradle at top of keel block. Depth over ka.l blocks at MHW Aft HAULING POWER (TOW) 1 .000 400 400 KlAJI klit AND FALL OF TIDE ffEET) run BW1TJ Ua. of 10 dl.sal locomotive cranes with lifting capacities ranging from 10 to SO tons and 50- to 90 foot booms. One 12- and one 3- ton, gasoline, mobile cranes; use of one 20- ton, gasoline, A-frame, floating derrick with 50-foot boom. WrLTTBI avaIU»LI W.t.r, cnotpr.si.rl air, and A.C., 110/220/440 volt.. Water, compressed elr, and A.C., 110/220 volts. man mm warn • u > in C 0) OS OJ OJ a BJ 0) -r^ X) r: ■m '(> CL»-* ^ « u H U < 0) u ■-I N H 11 u gg T3 OJ ^ i-( n U (9 1 C X «J w a V o r~< a >-> u (A Ul u u ■/, 1. CO c a pa _ « rl T3 0) CD ■ W 0) «J 1J C -H 4 -h x u ra -ri j: •a u a. 3 X o ■ to o H B -a e B B B WW 3 W WW w n c >> c oo to oj o u u a -h c C m u n -h a) C t M OJ O U U O 3 >n (O O. (O U O Q C C C -H OJ > .-I OJ u ^ 01 OJ rH X 5^ OJ . U. Oi X X « I -H B S w I I/) c w I o C »i C ^ >-> o PI • I-t O o <8 • OJ a O -t • » X § (U O O IK HK1H o • 6 o £ 3 Z Ul (0 C>u 5 H •"-! • - x *? & So i ■ POO O H 31M OJ o< OJ* • 5°. 0) 3 6 5 Ml aj i: >• H-) d •rl U BE k • > c/) i I VI i ■ s I '■1 01 ') -II u :,l M eg i.: a 3 . ' 01 > B >< " . 1 ■ - i 1 ./, n) ■II in o :< :< H . i E 1 i t ■ Bu 157 h z s => i. O « LU o 4-1 o . z ^ i= 5 3 t o 5 .A CO •- .» CO 11 rH V4 "O a I-l • CU o C S CU CO to 4J cu co « 4J cu 3 r-H CO > X r-l CO > a •H TJ •H TJ O i-l CO O -r-l O XI E 4J C _ e 4J U CO •H r-T C • i-l CU • r-<" C • rl 3 (X! 1 B* ri a >> cu a >n u a >. cu K HHHHfOn CO O 00 v£> no >j -j to n co m un-< H H H H 60 00 60 Z H < M H rl CO to to irisoo r-l r-l 4J 3 02 pa pa pa WC001 OOCOHtNtD^finsJ- m r^ c Z Id C C C00HM^^>t^^ O r-l CU 1 O •"> pu S3 CO ^f CM r-H in NO cu E XXX Id W W 83ssssgsaasa cn cn cn cn cn cn rl O O r-l ^ S* CO o C 00 CM O 00 CO cn 2 M r-1 CO c O r-l rH o o o 5 • X <0 cu • CO 3 CU •i-i u to * cu C X to CU cn jo X id cu CU CO 01 £ 9 O O UK U O Pi l-i O 14 O PS CO O CU OS -rl O prj 4J 60 g CU c£ gg CO .-l unoi r-l 4J C 60 I-l CO r-l • rl 03 - C tO § r-l C H • [do CU • V4 • 3 4J >i • CU > U ■ 2 w to • o o C • C Q i co . 5 Q i rlOC • w . o a CO • OJ O OHUOP l°33 O O O • c o C -rl O > ■ J3 O rl 3 CO CO 8? 52 S -S 3 - O 4J CO 3 •H 3 3 cu cn no 3 3 Cm < O • CU • o . cu • o • cu • o -co- U r-l OJ o pa Z 0. Z Ph rj Cm 03 Cm M Ph 3 0-, P-i Ph Z P-" in Ch X Ph O -* Z Cu /~N^\ ^^ ^v /-^ .-n S-^ y-v «t Xi CO J3 03 ,0 CO J3 ca jo CO JO CO JO N- ' •^ <^ N -' w ^^ v^ 158 THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. RAIL LINES The port area of New Orleans is served by the following railroads: Alabama Great Southern Railroad (Southern Railway System) Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Louisiana & Arkansas Railway (Kansas City Southern Lines) Louisiana Southern Railway (Southern Railway System) Louisville and Nashville Railroad Missouri Pacific Railroad New Orleans & Lower Coast Railroad (Missouri Pacific Railroad Co.) Southern Pacific Transportation Co. (Southern Pacific Lines) In addition, three terminal lines --New Orleans Public Belt Railroad, New Orleans Terminal Co. (Southern Railway System) , and the Texas Pacific-Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad of New Orleans (Missouri Pacific Railroad Co.)-- also serve the port. INDEX OF PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS 159 NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY A-l Industries, Inc., Wharf Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Ammonia Loading Dock Liquid Hydrogen Loading Dock Liquid Oxygen Loading Dock Algiers Iron Works and Dry Dock Co., Inc., Powder Street Wharf Alphonso, Mike, Wayne, Lenny, and Kent, Marina Dock Amerada Hess Corp. BLouin Dock Clark Wharf Main Wharf American Commercial Line, American Commercial Barge Line, Fleet Landing Wharf American Cyanamid Co. , Barge Dock American Marine Corp., Construction and Out- fitting Wharf and Slip Amoco Oil Co., Harvey Bulk Plant Fueling Wharf Amstar Corp. Wharf Arc & Arms , Inc. , Dock Atlantic & Gulf Stevedores, Inc. Desire Street Wharf Mehle Street Wharf Public Bulk Terminal Wharf Avondale Shipyards, Inc., a subsidiary of Ogden Corp. Harvey Plant Wharf and Slip Industrial Division Bas in Hicks Yard Wharf Middle Mooring North Mooring South Moor ing Main Plant Gas Freeing Wharf Wet Dock No. 1 Wet Dock No. 2 Wet Dock No. 3 Westwego Plant Dock Azalea Fleet, Inc., subsidiary of Alter Co., Moor ing Badger Fleeting, Inc., Fleet Mooring Barge & Ship Service, Inc., Mooring Baroid Petroleum Services Division of N L Industries , Inc . Harvey Canal Dock Industrial Canal ■ Ship Wharf Warehouse Dock Barriere Construction Co. , Inc. , Dock Bean, C. F. , Inc. , Mooring Becker & Associates, Inc. *Lower Wharf and Mooring *Wharf Bertucci Construction Co., Inc., Landing Binnings Construction Co. , Inc. , Dock Bisso & Son, E. N. , Dock Bisso Marine Co. , Inc. , Mooring Bisso Towboat Co., Inc., Mooring Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans Algiers Point Fireboat Dock **Bermuda Street Open Wharf Bienville Street Wharf Celeste Street Wharf Congress Street Open Wharf Congress Street Wharf Dwyer Road Wharf Erato Street Lower Wharf Erato Street Upper Wharf Esplanada Avenue Wharf First Street Wharf Florida Avenue, Roll-On Roll-Off Facility Wharf Florida Wharf Galvez Street Wharf Governor Nicholls Street Wharf Harmony Street Wharf Henry Clay Avenue Open Wharf Henry Clay Avenue Wharf Julia Street Wharf Louisa Street Open Wharf Louisa Street Wharf ♦Louisiana Avenue Wharves D, C, B, and A Louisiana Avenue Wharves G, F, and E.. Mandeville Street Wharf 210 208 212 2L3 211 163 160 161 162 173 153 155 165 PAGE NO. 60 4 47 59 4 47 34 4 39 274 1 119 285 4 122 286 4 L23 142 3 75 50 1 44 137 3 73 136 3 73 135 3 72 263 2 115 264 2 115 101 2 61 113 3 65 91 2 58 90 2 57 56 4 46 107 2 63 108 2 63 98 2 60 116 3 66 83 4 55 84 4 5 5 87 4 56 99 2 60 120 3 67 133 3 72 134 3 72 106 2 63 95 2 59 94 2 59 123 3 68 122 3 68 97 2 60 NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. Board of Commissioners of Che Port of New Orleans - Continued Market Street Wharf Milan Street Wharf Morrison Yard Ship Wharf and Turning Basin Barge Wharf Napoleon Avenue Open Wharf Wharf A Wharf A Open Wharf B Wharf C Nashville Avenue Wharf Orange Street Wharf Pauline Street Wharf Perry Street Wharf Piety Street Wharf Poydras Street Wharf Press Street Wharf Robin Street Wharf St. Andrew Street Wharf Seventh Street Wharf Thalia Street Wharf Third Street Wharf Washington Avenue Wharf Bobben Shipbuilding & Repair Service Dock.... Boh Brothers Construction Co., Inc., Landing. Boland Marine & Manufacturing Co., Inc. Jourdan Avenue Wharf Brown & Root , Inc . , Dock Bulk Material Transfer, Inc. *Chalmette Slip, Dock No. 1 Buras , George W . , Wharf Canal Barge Co., Inc. *Central Marine Service, Fleet Mooring. Canal Marine Repairs, Inc., Wharf Central Marine Service, Inc. *Fleet Mooring Wharf Chandler Welding Corp. , Wharf Cheramie Inland Towing Co., Inc. *Slip Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Wharf Chotin Transportation, Inc., Fleet Mooring... Circle , Inc . , Dock Collins, Harry J., Koch-Ellis Wharf Colonial Molasses Co., Div. of SuCrest Corp. *Southern Pacific Trans. Co. Wharf Comet Construction Co., Inc., Dock Compass Dockside, Inc. Compass Marine Service Dock Conmaco , Inc . , Dock Continental Grain Co. Barge Slip Marine Leg Wharf Westwego Elevator Wharf Crescent Towing & Salvage Co., Inc., Mooring. Dauterive & Son, Inc., Val J., Fueling Wharf . Delta Commodities, Inc., Terminal, Ship and Barge Docks Dixie Carriers , Inc . , Dock Dixie Machine Welding & Metal Works, Inc., Andry Street Wharf Dockside Elevators, Inc. *Louisiana Avenue Wharves, D, C, B, and A Dresser Magcobar, Division of Dresser Indus tries , Inc . , Harvey Terminal Dock Dresser Minerals Division of Dresser Indus- tries, Inc. Barge Slip Unloading Dock Dundee Cement Co. Load ing Dock Unloading Dock Eastern Associated Terminals Co. Mooring... Equitable Shipyards, Inc., a Trinity Indi 3- tries Co. Outfitting Wharf Plant Wharf Shear Shop Wharf Wet Dock Pier Evans Cooperage Co., Inc. Mooring Wharf Exxon Co. -U.S.A. Chalmette Terminal Barge Dock Tanker Dock T 112 124 125 128 129 127 126 132 111 89 259 93 105 96 110 114 119 109 117 118 220 65 30 276 17 232 283 27 283 295 2 26 195 242 271 277 164 256 284 270 280 170 169 168 266 3 183 222 123 202 63 64 44 45 260 72 74 75 73 234 233 65 69 69 70 70 70 69 71 64 57 114 58 62 59 64 65 67 64 66 67 101 49 37 119 33 105 122 36 122 126 103 92 108 118 120 82 113 122 117 121 84 84 83 116 28 88 101 68 95 48 49 42 42 114 51 52 52 52 105 105 (See footnotes at end of tabulation.) CORPS OF ENGINEERS COVINGTON U.S. ARMY PORT FACILITIES AT NEW ORLEANS, LA. BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS WASHINGTON, D.C. (FT. BELVOIR, VA.) SCALE OF FEET 3000 3000 6000 9000 FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE a NOVEMBER 1969 AND JUNE 1977 DIVISION APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: TECHNICAL DIRECTOR APPROVED: ACTING, RESIDENT MEMBER MAP NO. DATA BY J._W._V._ DRAWN BY W.E. McC. CORPS OF ENGINEERS U.S. ARMY PORT FACILITIES AT NEW ORLEANS, LA. BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS WASHINGTON, D.C. (FT. BELVOIR, VA.) SCALE OF FEET 500 500 1000 1500 2000 MM — SUBMITTED: CH«T, PUkT FACILITIES DIVISION APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE 8 NOVEMBER 1969 AND JUNE 1977 APPROVED: ACTING, RESIDENT MEMBER ECHNICAL DIRECTOR MAP NO. 2 DATA BY J. W.V. DRAWN BY~&1.Mg£._ CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY GENERAL CARGO TERMINALS FOREIGN TRADE OIL BUNKERING HEAVY LIFT ITEMS & STEEL HANDLING GRAIN HANDLING GRAIN ELEVATORS DRY STORAGE WAREHOUSES COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSES COTTON WAREHOUSE COTTON COMPRESS PETROCHEMICALS HANDLING a • let] A LIQUID BULK COMMODITIES CHEMICAL HANDLING MOLASSES HANDLING DRYDOCKS MARINE RAILWAY MARINE REPAIR PLANTS SHIPBUILDING, CONVERSION CONTAINER MARSHALLING AREAS FERRY - PASSENGER 8 VEHICULAR SAND, GRAVEL , BOILER SLAG, GYPSUM ROCK a SHELL HANDLING RAILWAY FREIGHT STATION VEGETABLE , FISH & TUNG OILS HANDLING NOTES: I. REFERENCE NUMBERS REFER TO DESCRIPTIONS IN TEXT. 2. TRANSIT SHEDS ARE SHOWN THUS. PWW PORT FACILITIES AT NEW ORLEANS, LA. BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS WASHINGTON, D.C. (FT. BELVOIR.VA.) SCALE OF FEET 500 o I— I I— I I— I ' 500 1000 EEtZ 1500 — F= 2000 FIELD DATA' AS OF JUNE a NOVEMBER 1969 AND JUNE 1977 SUBMITTED: J^^\Vi^Sj______ APPROVED ACTING, RESIDENT MEMBER CHl^ : , PORT FACILITIES DIVISION APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: TECHNICAL DIRECTOR MAP NO. 3 DATA BY J^W._V^ DRAWN BY K.LMcO_ CORPS OF ENGINEERS U.S. ARMY HARVEY CANAL ALGIERS CANAL BAYOU BARATARIA SCALE OF FEET 500 I rj — -~- Southern Pacific Transportation Company HARVEY CANAL SCALE OF FEET — -IHAYERAVE \ * 1000 =t — 15.00 PONTCHAR TRAIN INNER HARBOR NAVIGATION CANAL SCALE OF FEET i opo 500 1500 2000 PORT FACILITIES AT NEW ORLEANS, LA. BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS WASHINGTON, DC. (FT. BEL VOIR, VA.) FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE 1969 CHIERnPORT FACILITIES DIVISION APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: TECHNICAL DIRECTOR AND JUNE 1977 APPROVED: ACTING, RESIDENT MEMBER MAP NO. 4 DATA BY AW.JL- DRAWN B Y W.E.MqC^. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 3 0112 005447591 J