A RAILROAD FOR SALE OR LEASE. The undersigned, Trustees of the mortgage bond and coupon holders of the Portland and Oxford Central Railroad Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Maine, by virtue of the powers vested in us, offer for sale, or lease on a term of years, the franchise and property of the above named Railroad Company, to responsible par- ties within or without the State, who may be desirous of operating the same. The road is 27i miles long on the main track, extending from a point of junction with the Grand Trunk Railroad, at Mechanic Falls, distance from the city of Portland, 37 miles, through the towns of West Minot, Hebron, Buckfield, Sumner, Hartford and Canton Village. S All these towns are largely supplied with wood and timber j of almost every variety, for the manufacture of agricultural implements, building materials, boards, plank, staves, hoop- poles, household furniture, carriages, ship-knees, piling, &c., * &c. At the present terminus of the road in Canton, is a water power, capable, at small expense, of being tripled in power, upon which is already a saw mill, grist mill, tannery, furniture factory and carriage factory. In immediate vicin- i ity is a stationary steam engine of large capacity, and factory for staves and other wood work. The village is well sup- plied with grocery, clothing, drug and grain stores, and a II large cheese factory, hotels and churches. The site of the village is beautiful in landscape, healthy, and has many very desirable residences, and is flanked by the industries of Dixfield, Rumford and Peru, all thriving localities. At Rumford the Androscoggin River courses down a fall of 17 5 feet in descent, along a distance of three-fourths of a mile, furnishing the best water power in New England, and it is destined to become the seat of a cordon of factories une- qualed by any other locality in the State. A charter was granted for extending the Portland and Oxford Central Road to it, a distance of about 22 miles, with scarcely an obstruction to the construction of rails, at a minimum cost. Sumner has its water-power, and already produces no in- considerable amount of manufactures ; also a second one, lower down on the river, which has never been improved. Buckfield, likewise, has its water-fall on two grades, direct- ly in the village, with its several factories and mills in operation, and is capable of large extension. It is a thriving business place and the center of a large trade from surround- ing towns. West Minot, also, has its water-power, in the immediate vicinity of the railroad, which is more or less improved at the present time. The region of this road also produces large amounts of hops, wool, cattle and horses, furnishing much railroad traffic, and in all these demands will be constantly on the increase. The road became embarrassed in a premature effort to extend it to Canton Village, before the aid of the several towns, so dependant for their prosperi- ty, had been secured, as authorized by law. The conse- quences were, imperfect completion, and neglected repairs. The gauge of the road has not been changed from its original, of five feet and six inches, and will involve the necessity of a change to four feet eight and a half inches, to conform to that of the Grand Trunk, or to the narrow gauge of three feet, which is very generally recommended as a matter of economy in the change, and in the subsequent Ill operation of the road. Such is the character of the road’s property and bed, at the point of its junction with the Grand Trunk, that all transhipments in bulk from the Grand Trunk to this road, and vice versa , can be effected at a cost of not two mills to the ton. An entirely responsible party proposes to reduce the gauge to three feet, put the road in repair, embankments, ties, bridges, culverts, ditches and ballasting, in all respects to the acceptance of the State Railroad Com- missioners, and substitute two narrow gauge locomotives, two passenger cars, twp baggage cars, twelve flat cars and four box cars, in exchange for the present equipments, and the sum of forty thousand dollars . The iron is in condition throughout the line to compare in weight and soundness with that of a majority of the roads in the State, and it is estimated by competent judges that the cost of passenger and freight transportation over the road will not exceed, on a three foot gauge, fifty per cent, of the cost for the same services on a broad gauge, and all persons who have be- come acquainted with .the character of the country through . which the road extends, including successive annual reports of the State Railroad Commissioners, concur in the opinion that the road, properly repaired and managed, would be self- sustaining, if not remunerative. We have discretionary power for eighty days to sell abso- lutely, or lease the Road. The face of the bonded debt is $242,000, and we propose to sell the whole property per- taining to the Road for that sum, on liberal terms of pay- ment beyond an amount of $50,000 — a sum below $9,000, while the actual cost exceeded $15,000 per mile. Or, we will sell the same for cash at the valuation of three com- petent and impartial railroad engineers, resident beyond the limits of the State, to be agreed on by the parties. Or we will lease the Road for a long term of years to responsible parties, at six per cent interest per annum, on a just sum, payable semi-annually, the lessees undertaking to expend IV whatever sum is needful to repair and equip the road, to the acceptance of the Rail Road Commissioners on either gauge named. The copy of the record of sundry meetings holden by the Stockholders and Rond and Coupon holders, which is append- ed hereto, will illustrate the title to be given as valid and effectual in la^w for all parties. Parties desirous of negotiating for the Road, will please address EZRA CARTER, JOHN W LANE, Mortgage Trustees of the P. $ 0. C, R. R. Co. Portland, June 1, 1875. COPY From the Eecords of the Portland and Ox- ford Central Pail Poad Company. NOTICE. By order of the Directors, the Stockholders of the Port- land and Oxford Central Rail Road Company are notified to meet at the United States Hotel, in Portland, on the nineteenth day of April, 1875, at three o’clock P. M. 1st. To determine what measures shall be adopted for the release of the corporation from further liability on its mortgage, mortgage bonds and coupons, overdue,^ and by a sale or otherwise of the corporation property. .2d. To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting ; and by order of the Directors, the owners and holders of said bonds and coupons are noti- fied and requested to meet at the U. S. Hotel, in Portland, on vthe twentieth day of April next, at 10 o’clock A. M., to act on any propositions that may be made by the corporation, for a disposition of the corporation property and adjustment of said mortgage bonds. F. B. Smith, President Portland and Oxford Central R. R. Company. March 30, 1875. r 2 Pursuant to the above notice, published daily in the Port- land Advertiser, a newspaper printed in the city of Portland, from the date of the notice until the day of the meeting therein notified, and also in the Oxford Register, a news- paper published at Paris, in the County of Oxford, for two successive weeks prior to the day of said meeting, the stock- holders of the Portland and Oxford Central Rail Road met at the United States Hotel, in the city of Portland, at three o’clock in the afternoon, when eleven hundred and thirty- four shares of the capital stock of said company were rep- resented. The President of the company, F. B. Smith, Esq., called the meeting to order, and read said notice. On representa- tions made by the President, of the financial condition of the company, the following Preamble and Resolution offered by Hon. F. O. J. Smith, was submitted, and on discussion thereof, the following Preamble and votes were unanimous- ly passed, to wit z Whereas , It is manifest to the stockholders of the Portland and Oxford Central Railroad Company, that this corporation is hopelessly unable to redeem its property, heretofore mort- gaged in trust to Allen Haines, Ezra Carter, Jr., and John W. Lane, by deed dated May 20th, 1863, as of record will appear, to secure the payment of $240,000 of bonds issued of the same date, with interest \ coupons annexed, all of which bonds and most of said coupons are now, and were long since, overdue and remain unpaid, And Whereas , A right to redeem the property so mortgaged is secured to said corporation in said mortgage, in case of sale of the mortgaged premises by said Trustees, for condi- tion broken, and is secured, also, by law, in case said mort- gaged property were taken by said Trustees for the purposes of foreclosure : And Whereas, The said corporation has no available means to repair said road for safe use in passenger and freight traffic, and the same is unused and rapidly depreciating in value by non-user and decay, and to the detriment of public and private interests : Now therefore, in order to free said corporation and its property from all further liability on said mortgage bonds and coupons, and to enable the holders of the said bonds and coupons to make available by repairs and use, or other disposition of said property, in the ratio of their respective interests therein, and to render said property unincumbered by debt in the hands of said holder, the stockholders afore- said, upon due consideration, and for the promotion of both public and individual interest in the premises, hereby and herein vote and declare their decision, as follows : That the President and Treasurer of the corporation, be and hereby are" authorized, and fully empowered, in consider- ation of the facts above expressed, with the concurrence herein, and acceptance in writing by a majority in amount of the holders of said bonds and coupons, to release, quit^ claim, transfer and convey forever, in the name and behalf, and under the seal of said corporation, and by suitable deed to said Trustees to be held by them in trust, and for the possession, use and benefit of all said holders of said bonds and coupons, in the ratio of their respective interests, all of said mortgaged premises as expressed and described in said mortgage, and including the corporate franchise ; the same to be owned, possessed and used or absolutely disposed of by said bond and coupon holders, as fully and completely as said corporation might, or could lawfully do, had no such mortgage and bonds and coupons ever existed ; and through the discretion and option of said owners and holders of said bonds 'and coupons, and upon such terms and for such con- sideration as shall to them seem fit. And said Trustees shall thenceforth, and hereby are authorized and fully empowered to conform their acts and doings in the premises, to the orders and directions of said owners and holders of said bond 4 and coupons, as the same from time to time shall be given, and so far as said stockholders and corporation are con- cerned, to sign and execute in their behalf all needful in- struments for carrying into effect the intentions of this vote and the directions of said bond holders ; and all votes here- tofore passed by said corporation in respect to said mortgage bonds and coupons are hereby amended, altered and abro- gated, so far as needful, to fully conform to these presents in all respects. Voted , Tnat the aforesaid contemplated union in said Trustees of the title in equity of said corporation to redeem said property from the lien created by said mortgage, with the title thereto of said Trustees as mortgagees for said bond and coupon holders, shall not be deemed or construed as a discharge and payment of said mortgage bonds and coupons, nor as an extinguishment of said corporate right in equity of redemption, but the same, and each, shall be held and considered valid and subsisting in said Trustees, at the option of said bond and coupon holders, for the purposes of a sale, or of a judicial foreclosure of said estate at the option of said bond holders, acting through and by said Trustees, and as provided in said mortgage. Voted , That this meeting stand adjourned until Monday, May 3, A. d., 1875, at 3 o’clock p. m., at the United States Hotel in Portland. Attest: Benjamin F. Chadbourn, Clerk. U. S. Hotel, Portland, May 3, 1875. The stockholders of the Portland and Oxford Central R. R. Co. met according to adjournment. The President presented and read the votes passed by the holders of the mortgage bonds and coupons, at a meeting holden by them at this place on the afternoon of the 20th 5 day of April, 1875, and the same were accepted as satisfacto- ry to the stockholders. In order to await the further action of the bond holders, it was Voted , That this meeting stand adjourned to this place, until the 17th day of May current, at 8 o’clock in the after- noon. Attest: Benjamin F. Chadbourn, Clerk. c < MORTGAGE. Record of the Bond and Coupon Holders of the Portland and Oxford Central Railroad. [Same notice as of stockholders’ meeting.] Pursuant to the above notice, published daily in the Portland Advertiser, a newspaper printed in the city of Portland, from the date of said notice until the day of this meeting, and in the Oxford Register, a weekly paper pub- lished in Paris, in the County of Oxford, for two successive weeks prior to this meeting, and the holders of said bonds and coupons to an amount in interest of $220,000, met at the U. S. Hotel, in Portland, on the twentieth day of April, A. D. 1875, at three o’clock p. m., and organized a meeting by the appointment of Hon. F.. O. J. Smith as Chairman, and of Benjamin F. Chadbourn, Esq., as Secretary. Where- upon, it was Voted unanimously, To consent to and accept the proposi- tion contained in the following preamble and vote of the stockholders of the Portland and Oxford Central Railroad Company, holden on the nineteenth day of April current, pursuant to the aforesaid notice, to wit : 6 “ J Vhereas, It is manifest to the stockholders of the Port- land and Oxford Central Railroad Company, that this cor- poration is hopelessly unable to redeem its property hereto- fore mortgaged in trust to Allen Haines, Ezra Carter, Jr., Ofiid John W. Lane, by and dated May 20, 1863, as of record will appear, to secure the payment of $240,000 of bonds issued of the same date, with interest coupons annexed, all of which bonds and most of said coupons are now, and were long since overdue, and remain unpaid. “ And Whereas, A right to redeem the property so mort- gaged is secured to said corporation in said mortgage, in case of sale of the mortgaged premises by said Trustees for condition broken, and is secured also by law in case said mortgaged property were taken by said Trustees for the purposes of foreclosure. “ And Whereas , The said corporation has no available means to repair said road for safe use in passenger and freight traffic, and the same is unused and rapidly depreciat- ing in value by non-user and decay, and to the detriment of public and private interests. “Now therefore, in order to free said corporation and its property from all further liability on said mortgage bonds and coupons, and to enable the holders of the said bonds and coupons to make available by repairs and use, or other disposition of said property, in the ratio of their respective interests therein, and to render said property unencumbered by debt in the hands of said holders, the stockholders afore- said upon due consideration, and for the promotion of both public and individual interest in the premises, hereby and herein vote and declare their decision as follows : That the President and Treasurer of the corporation be, and hereby are, authorized and fully empowered, in consid- eration of the facts above expressed, with the concurrence herein and acceptance in writing by a majority in amount of the holders of said bonds and coupons, to release, quit- 7 claim, transfer, convey forever in the name and, behalf, and under the seal of said corporation, and by suitable deed to said Trustees, to be held by them in trust, and for the pos- session, use and benefit of all said holders of said bonds and coupons in the ratio of their respective interests, all of said mortgaged premises as expressed and described in said mortgage, and including the coporate franchise, the same to be owned, possessed and used, or absolutely disposed of by the said bond and coupon holders, as fully and completely as I . If 7^ I I ' '> KJ said corporation might or could lawfully do, had no such mortgage and bonds and coupons ever existed, and through said Trustees, and’at the discretion and option of said owners and holders of said bonds and coupons, and upon such terms and for such consideration as shall to them seem fit ; and said Trustees shall thenceforth and hereby are, authorized and fully empowered to conform their acts and doings in the premises, to the orders and directions of said owners and holders of said bonds and coupons, as the same from time to time shall be given, and so far as said stockholders and cor- poration are concerned, to sign and execute in their behalf all needful instruments for carrying into effect the inten- tions of this vote and the directions of said bond holders ; and all votes heretofore passed by said corporation, in re- spect to said mortgage bonds and coupons, are hereby amend- ed, altered and abrogated so far as needful to fully conform to these presents in all respects. Voted , That the aforesaid contemplated union in said Trustees, of the title in equity of said corporation to redeem said property from the lien created by said mortgage, with the title thereto of said Trustees as mortgagees of said bond and coupon holders, shall not be deemed or construed as a discharge and payment of said mortgage bonds and coupons, nor as an extinguishment of said corporate right in equity of redemption, but the same and each shall be held and con- sidered valid and subsisting in said Trustees at the option i 8 of said bond and coupon holders for the purposes of a sale, or of a judicial foreclosure of said estate, at the option of said bond holders, acting through and by said Trustees, and as provided in said mortgage. Voted , That the Trustees named in said bonds be re- quested to receive, for and in behalf of said bond and coupon holders, the proposed conveyance, deed and title of said cor- porate right in equity to redeem said mortgage premises, and upon the terms and conditions, and for the purposes which in the aforesaid vote of stockholders are expressed. Voted , That this meeting stand adjourned at this place, until Tuesday, May 4, 1875, at 3 o’clock P. M. Attest; B. F. Chadbourn, Clerk . U. S. Hotel, Portland, May 4, 1875. The mortgage bond holders of the P. & O. C. R. R. Com- pany met according to adjournment, and the record of the last meeting was read. Thereupon it was Voted , That a committee consisting of the chairman and Sullivan C. Andrews and Bion Bradbury be appointed to act in conjunction with a committee of three persons, to be appointed by the stockholders, to draft and present to the President and Treasurer of the corporation for signature and execution, the necessary conveyance and any other instru- ments deemed necessary to carry into full effect the votes of the stockholders and bondholders at their respective meet- ings holden on the 19th and 20th of April last, and with authority to deliver any such conveyance and other instru- ments that may be so executed to the Trustees named in the aforesaid mortgage. Voted , That the meeting stand adjourned to Monday, May 17, 1875, at 3 p. m., at U. S. Hotel. Attest: B. F. Chadbourn, Clerk. 9 STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING. U. S. Hotel, Portland, May 17, 1875. The stockholders met according to adjournment. The vote of the bond and coupon holders, passed on the 4th inst., was communicated by the President in the words following : [See vote in Bondholders’ record of May 4th, ante , p. 5.] Whereupon, it was Voted , That this meeting concur with the bond and coupon holders in the above vote, and in the appointed meeting of the committee therein mentioned, and that the President communicate this vote to the meeting of the bond and coupon holders, holden on this day. Voted , That this meeting stand adjourned to this place, until three o’clock P. m., on the 22d of the current month. Attest : B. F. CHADBOURNE, Clerk. U. S. Hotel, Portland, May 22, 1875. The Stockholders of the Portland & Oxford Central Railroad Company met according to adjournment. Voted , That, to avoid delay from the absence of the Treasurer of the corporation, in the execution of the con- veyance or other instruments, to carry into effect the vote of this meeting holden on the 19th day of April last past, and subsequent votes of the stockholders, and of the holders of mortgage bonds and coupons responsive thereto, the said vote of April 19th be so far amended and modified as to substitute for the Treasurer, the Clerk of the corporation, with full power to join with the President of the corpora- tion in the execution of said conveyance, or other instru- ments contemplated for and in behalf of the corporation, 10 and such instrument, when executed as above provided, shall be valid to all intents and purposes. Voted , To adjourn to this place until Saturday, May the 29th of the current month, at three o’clock P. M. Attest: B. F. CHADBOUKNE, Cleric . U. S. Hotel, Portland, May 29, 1875. The Stockholders met according to adjournment. And to await the report of the committee on conveyances, it was Voted , That this meeting stand adjourned to this place, until Tuesday next, at three o’clock P. M. B. F. CHADBOUKNE, Cleric. U. S. Hotel, Portland, June 1, 1875. The Stockholders met according to adjournment. The committee appointed to draft the needful conveyance to carry into full effect the votes of the stockholders, to convey the franchise and mortgaged property of the corporation to the Trustees of the bond and coupon holders, reported through the President of the company, as is given below; and pursuant to the power vested in the President and Sec- retary of the corporation, the President reported, that he and the Secretary of the corporation, in their respective capaci- ties, had executed the said conveyance to the said Trustees, and delivered the same, with said committee’s report, to the chairman of the bond and coupon holder’s meeting for their acceptance, and delivery to the mortgage Trustees, in con- summation of the votes passed by each party. 11 Repoet of Committee. Portland, May 31, 1875. To the Stockholders and Mortgage bond and coupon holders of the Portland and Oxford Central Rail Road Com- pany : Gentlemen : By the votes of your respective meetings, as of record appears, the undersigned were appointed a com- mittee to draft and present to the President and Treasurer of the above corporation for signature and execution, the necessary conveyance and any other instrument deemed necessary to carry into full effect the votes of the stock- holders and bond and coupon holders at their respective meetings holden on the 19th and 20th of April last. W e have carefully examined the votes of your respective meetings on the subject of transferring the franchise and rights of said company to redeem the mortgaged premises described in the company’s mortgage, and submit the accom- panying draft of a conveyance, which, in our opinion, will legally and effectually carry into execution the meaning and intentions of the said votes of each party, when duly signed and delivered to the Trustees mentioned in the mortgage. The paper submitted is identified by our respective signa- tures on the margin thereof. Very respectfully, your obedient servants, FRANCIS O. J. SMITH, S. C. ANDREWS, BION BRADBURY. Copy of Deed, Executed. Be it known to all men by these presents , That we, Fbancis B. Smith, President of the Portland and Oxford Central Railroad Company, and Benjamin F. Chadbourne, Clerk V 12 of said Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Maine, by virtue and in pursuance of a vote passed by the stockholders of said company, duly notified and holden at Portland, at the United States Hotel, on the nineteenth day of April, A. D. 1875, and in pursuance of sub- sequently passed votes by said stockholders, as of record will appear, for and in behalf of said corporation, in its own rights, and for the considerations and purposes in said votes mentioned, do hereby release, quit-claim, transfer and con- vey forever, to Allen Haines, Ezra Carter and John W. Lane, in their capacity as Trustees, to hold and possess the same for the several bond and coupon holders, in ratio of their respective interests, and as described in a certain deed of mortgage, executed to said grantees by said corporation, bearing date the twentieth day of May, A. D. 1868, and duly recorded in the Registry of Cumberland, and in the Registry of Oxford Counties, all of said mortgaged premises, as ex- pressed and described in said mortgage, including the corpo- rate franchise of said company, the same to be owned, possessed and used, or absolutely disposed of by said bond and coupon holders, and by and through said Trustees, as fully and completely as said corporation might or could law- fully do, had no such mortgage and bonds and coupons at any time existed, and upon such terms and for such consid- eration as shall to them seem fit. And said Trustees shall henceforth, and hereby are authorized and fully empowered to conform their acts and doings in the premises, to the order and directions of said owners and holders of said bonds and coupons, as the same shall from time to time be given ; and this conveyance is made on the condition, and it is the provision and the mean- ing of the union, by these presents, in said Trustees, of the title in equity of said corporation to redeem said property lien, created by said mortgage, with the title thereto of said Trustees, as mortgagees for said bond and coupon holders, 13 that the same shall not be deemed and construed as a dis- charge and payment of said mortgage bonds and coupons, nor as an extinguishment of said right of equity of redemp- tion so transferred ; but the same and each shall be held and considered valid, and subsisting in said Trustees, for said bond and coupon holders, and at the option of said bond and coupon holders, for the purposes of a sale or of a judicial foreclosure of said estate, acting by and through said Trustees. To have and to hold the said premises, with all the rights, privileges, appurtenances and immunities thereto belonging, to the said grantees, in their capacity of Trustees aforesaid, and their successors, assigns and beneficiaries forever, in the same manner and with the same powers as are accorded to them in and by the original deed appointing said Trustees. In testimony whereof, I, the said Francis B. Smith, acting for and in behalf of said corporation, as President thereof, and I, the said Benjamin F. Chadbourne, acting for and in behalf of said corporation, and as Clerk thereof, each and by virtue of the powers hereinbefore described, have hereunto set our respective hands and the Seal of said corporation, on this first day of June, A. d. 18T5. FRANCIS B. SMITH, President of the Portland and Oxford Central R . R . BENJAMIN F. CHADBOURNE, [Corporation Seal.] Clerk of the P . $ 0. C. R. R. Signed, sealed find delivered in presence of Francis O. J. Smith, Edward Mason. STATE OF MAINE, Cumberland, ss. June 1, 1875. Then personally appeared the above named Francis B. Smith and Benjamin F. Chadbourne, in their respective capac- 14 ities of President and Clerk of the Portland and Oxford Central R. R. Corporation, and in behalf of the corporation acknowledged the above instrument to be their free act and deed. Before me, [Notary Seal.] A. W. BRADBURY, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. Whereupon it was voted, that the property so conveyed be delivered to the Trustees of the bond and coupon holders, to be possessed and disposed of in the future, according to the pleasure and direction of said bond and coupon holders, through their said Trustees. Voted , That this meeting be now dissolved. Attest : BENJ. F. CHADBOURNE, Clerk. BOND AND COUPON HOLDERS’ RECORD. U. S. Hotel, Portland, May 17, 1875. The bond and coupon holders meLaccording to adjourn- ment. The Chairman communicated a vote of the stockholder^, passed this day, concurring in the vote of this meeting, holden on the 4th instant, appointing the Chairman, Sullivan C. Andrews and Bion Bradbury, a committee to draft the necessary conveyance, and any other instrument deemed necessary to carry into full effect the votes of the stock- holders and bond and coupon holders, passed on the 19th and 20th of April last. Whereupon it was Voted, That this meeting stand adjourned until the 22d of the current month, at 8 o’clock p. m., to meet a,t this place. Attest, B. F. CHADBOURNE, Clerk. % 15 U. S. Hotel, Portland, May 22d , 1875. The bond and coupon holders met according to adjourn- ment. No business was transacted. Voted , That this meeting stand adjourned at this place, at 3 o’clock P. M., on Saturday next. Attest, B. F. CHADBOURNE, Clerk U. S. Hotel, Portland, May 29, 1875, 3 p. M. The bond and coupon holders met according to adjourn- ment. The committee appointed to draft needful conveyances to carry into effect the votes of the stockholders, not having reported, it was Voted , That this meeting stand adjourned until Tuesday next, at 3 o’clock p. M., at this place. Attest, B. F. CHADBOURNE, Clerk U. S. Hotel, Portland, June 1, 1875. The bond and coupon holders met according to adjourn- ment. The Chairman reported that he had received from the President of the corporation, the following report of the committee appointed * to draft the needful conveyances to carry into full effect of the votes passed by the stockholders, to wit : - [See Report and Deed, ante p. 11.] The Chairman also reported, that he had received from the President of the corporation the following deed of con- 16 veyance, as drafted and submitted by the above named com- mittee, and duly executed, pursuant to the votes of the stockholders, by the President and Clerk of the corporation, subjecting the mortgaged property henceforth to the abso- lute disposal of the bond and coupon holders, through said Trustees ; and of which conveyance the following is a true copy, to wit : [See Deed, ante p. 11.] Voted , That said deed be accepted, and caused to be re- corded in Registries of Oxford and Sagadahock Counties, and delivered to the Trustees. Voted , That the Chairman of this meeting, in behalf of the bond and coupon holders, cause 100 copies of the records of the several meetings of the stockholders and bond and coupon holders, respectively, holden on and since the 19th of 'April last, to be printed in pamphlet form, for the use of the bond and coupon holders ; and that the Trustees be re- quested to preface the same with such information respect- ing the mortgaged property, and such offer for a sale or lease of the same for a term of years, as they shall deem ex- pedient for the best interests of all persons concerned, with full power to carry into complete effect, by contract or con- veyance in writing, in behalf of the bond and coupon holders, any contract of sale, or lease, which they shall determine within the next eighty days. Voted , That this meeting now stand adjourned to reas- semble on the published notice of the Chairman for seven days in any daily newspaper published in the city of Port- land. Attest, * B. F. CHADBOURNE, Clerk. K i BERRY, PRINTER, PORTLAND.