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A FARCE. by the author op “ Enlisifedfor the War,” “^y^Joth'7’s^ e Flo V er ot the Family," Jug,” “ Above the Clouds, ^ l ^One&rS?M’ ‘1 Th f, Little Brow* Breakers,” “ Bread on the Waters ”<“r>,? d Y . ^ Ago ’ “Among the Time,”; 1 The Last Loaf,” “Stand by the \^ ei ° nce on a ^y s ^ rl ou s Disappearance,” “Paddle vlltn T £ e lem Pter, ,, “ A too Much,” “A Little More Cider » “A Thl^A Cai ^ e >” “ A Drop Never Say Die,” “ Seeing the Elenhard Among the Roses,” Duchess of Dublin ” “ Thirty P 7 7 The Boston Din »» «* Th P all Teetotalers,’- A Clo Je ShL^-? ^ Sf- Refreshments,”- We’re Troubles,” “A Tender ^ ’ 1 » ^ bllc Benefactor,” “ A Sel^f the Press’,” ^ ° fFire ’” “Freedom of Humors of the Strike ” “Mv TTnrOo +v, Gentlemen of the Jury,” Sweep Clean,” “ The Qreat^lSr » e «^ Ca P fcaiD >” “New Brooms Man with the Demi The Rnn a Z he Hypochondriac,” “The Wanted, a Male Coik,” “ A Love of a Bon^i ’ » R , f!os. Ebsb. Tbbst. Swims. Tat I COMEDY SKETCHES By Julian Sturgis A collection of short plays suited for amateur theatricals or high-class vaudeville, easy to produce and of high quality. Recommended especially for parlor performance. CONTENTS Apples. One male, one female. Fire Flies. One male, one female. Heather. One male, one female. Picking up the Pieces. One male, one female. Half-Way to Arcady. One male, one female. Mabel’s Holy Day. Two males, one female. Twenty minutes each. Price , 25 cents IN OFFICE HOURS And Other Sketches By Evelyn Greenleaf Sutherland CONTENTS In Office Hours. Comedy Sketch in One Act, five males, fouf females. A Quilting Party in the Thirties. Outline Sketch for Music, six males, four females, and chorus. In Aunt Chloe’s Cabin. Negro Comedy Sketch in One Act, seventeen female characters and “ supers.” The Story of a Famous Wedding. Outline Sketch for Music and Dancing, six males, four females. Price , 25 cents THE SOUP TUREEN And Other Duologues A collection of short plays for two and three characters. Good quality, high tone and confidently offered to the best taste. CONTENTS The Soup Tureen. One male, two females. Lelia. One male, one female. The Unlucky Star. Two males. The Serenade. Two females. Play twenty minutes each. Price, 25 cents HOLIDAY DIALOGUES FROM DICKENS Arranged by W. E. Fette Comprising selections from “ The Christmas Carol,” “ The Cricket on the Hearth,” “ The Battle of Life,” etc., arranged in a series of scenes to be given either singly or together, as an extended entertainment. For the celebration of Christmas no better material can be found. Price , 2j cents THE VOICE OF AUTHORITY A Farce in Three Acts For Female Characters Only By Bertha Currier Porter Seven females. Costumes, modern ; scenery, a plain interior. Plays two hours. Seven girls go camping all by themselves so as to have no men bothering around. After a week of it they decide to send for their brothers and fiances, but they have no sooner done so than they are noti- fied that their camp has been quarantined by the authori ties because one of them the day before has been seen holding a baby that has the scarlet fever. The men arrive, but are not allowed to enter, and the girls can- not come out. Trouble follows, ended by the discovery that the baby did not have scarlet fever after all. Full of life and laughs; strongly recom- mended. Price , 25 cents CHARACTERS Tean Campbell, the stenographer, engaged to Bert . Priscilla Carter, the newspaper woman , engaged to Ralph . Martha Stearns, the cooking teacher , engaged to Max . Gladys Cushing, the butterfly , engaged to Charlie. Margery Whiting, the bride-to-be , engaged to Billy. Elizabeth Kennedy, independent , not engaged at all. Dr. E. T. Simpson, the physician. And The Voice of Authority, unseen but all-powerful THE COMING OF ANNABEL A Comedy in One Act By Alice C. Thompson Six females. Costumes, modern; scene, an interior. Plays thirty minutes. A group of village gossips, bent on the slaughter of the char- acter of a visitor to the town, are routed and reformed by the example of Annabel’s charity and amiability. Good character. Clever and effective. Price, 15 cents THE MISSES PRINGLES’ LEAP YEAR A Comedy in Two Acts By Amaryllis V Lord Ten females and the apparition of a man. Costumes, modern ; scenery, unimportant. Plays half an hour. The Misses Barbara, Priscilla and Betsy Pringle, while scorning matrimony in public, have a secret inclina- tion toward it, and taking advantage of leap year, each, without the knowledge of the others, proposes by letter to Deacon Smith with sur- prising results. Very easy and amusing, requiring no scenery and but little rehearsing. Price , /j cents fl. iu. Pinero’s Plays Price, 50 €acb n/ITn ru A AJMET Play in Four Acts - Six males, five females. IVliU-A/MAPlIlLL Costumes, modern; scenery, three interiors. Plays two and a half hours. THE NOTORIOUS MRS. EBBSMITH 2X. ia “ males, five females. Costumes, modern; scenery, all interiors. Plays a full evening. Till? DDAll If* ATE Play in Four Acts. Seven males, five 1 MIL I KUr LIvi/A I L females. Scenery, three interiors, rather elaborate ; costumes, modern. Plays a full evening. TUP CPIJAAI MICTDECC Farce in Three Acts. Nine males, 1 MIL OLMUULlYllO I IvLOO seven females. Costumes, mod- ern; scenery, three interiors. Plays a full evening. THE SECOND MRS. TANQUERAY I!$ t “ , A S& females. Costumes, modern; scenery, three interiors. Plays a full evehing. CWrrT I AVEWHER .Comedy in' Three Acts. Seven males, 0 W ILL 1 LA V Llll/LIY four females. Scene, a single interior, costumes, modern. Plays a full evening. TUC TUITATnERRAI T Comedy in Four Acts. Ten males, 1 ML I MUliIiLlADLPLi I n i n e females. Scenery, three interi- ors; costumes, modern. Plays a full evening. TUU TIMEQ Comedy in Four Acts. Six males, seven females. I ML I IIYILO Scene, a single interior ; costumes, modern. Plays a full evening. TUI 7 WEAVER QEY Comedy ill Three Acts. Eight males, I ML YY LAIyLiy OLA eight females. Costumes, modern; scenery, two interiors. Plays a full evening. A WIFE WITHOUT A SMILE Five males, four females. Costumes, modern ; scene, a single interior. Plays a full evening. Sent prepaid on receipt of price by Walter pater & Company No. 5 Hamilton Place, Boston, Massachusetts ■Cijt William fatten Ctiitton of $lapss fttitc, 15 €ent£ Cactj four va- AS YOU LIKE IT $£3& ^SSS^S^Sfm ried. Plays a full evening. CAMILLE INGOMAR THE MERCHANT OF VENICE mlTe^threefenmles. Costumes, picturesque ; scenery varied. Plays a full evening. RICHELIEU evening. THE RIVALS ^«^oi wT* full evening. SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER maTetU? femalet Ct Scen F ery e vT- ried; costumes of the period. Plays a full evening. TWFI FTH NIGHT: OR, WHAT YOU WILL ^c^ e ^en males, three females. Costumes, picturesque ; scenery, varied. ays a full evening. Sent prepaid oil receipt of price by falter 'Bafter & Company No. 5 Hamilton Place, Boston, Massachusetts 6. J. PARKHILL a CO.. PRINTERS, BOSTON. U.S.A.