'LI B RARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 655. \« irebook a Specks CHkltlkmS Lfhrc-jrv FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Illinois Contributions to Librarianship No. 4 sJiftctntlv (jntunj PrintecCBooks at the University of Illinois + + + + COMPILED BY C. U. FAYE The University of Illinois Press URBANA, 1949 COPYRIGHT 1949 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To Phineas Lawrence Windsor, Litt.D., Director of the Library and Library School and Professor of Library Science Emeritus ^ &>* 3 , , UIUC x Foreword WHILE THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY'S HOLDINGS OF INCU- nabula are not large in comparison to the major American and foreign collections, the titles represented here include a good per- centage of unusual and even unique items. Further, the section of fifteenth-century books at Illinois has grown substantially since the appearance of Stillwell's Second Census. These are sufficient reasons, perhaps, for issuance of another bibliography of incunab- ula, showing the resources of an individual library. Bibliographers and students of literature will doubtless find of particular interest Mr. Faye's discussion of the cataloging of in- cunabula, wherein he proposes that future bibliographies empha- size the contents, rather than the technical features of these works. Intensive study of printing history for the past several centuries makes unlikely any sensational new discoveries in this field. From a subject-matter point of view, however, much remains to be re- vealed about early printing. Professor Faye is bibliographic consultant and cataloger at the University of Illinois Library. Robert B. Downs Contents Note on the Cataloging of Incunabula 11 To the Reader 19 References 20 Abbreviations 22 Xylographica 25 Typographica Germany 29 Italy 50 Switzerland 81 France 87 Netherlands 91 Belgium 92 Spain 93 England 94 Sweden 95 Addenda Germany 99 Italy 101 Switzerland 104 Belgium 105 Sixteenth Century Printing 109 Concordances . Hain 113 Copinger 117 Reichling 117 Gesamtkatalog 117 Indices I. Index of Printers, Presses, Publishers and Places . 123 II. Author and Title Index, with Concordance to Still- well's Second Census 127 Note on the Cataloging of Incunabula THE RESULTS OF PROCTOR'S METHODS, DEVELOPED AND SYSTEMA- tized by Haebler, particularly in his Typenrepertorium (1905-10), with Erganzungsband I — II (1922-24), have put the identification of types on a surer basis, making much of the earlier work obsolete; but they have not, as yet, had time to appear fully in print. Some important works, based on these and other modern methods, and still in course of publication, will now be considered. 1 First mention must be made of the Veroffentlichungen der Gesell- schaftfiir typenkunde des XV . jahrhunderts (1907-), as yet incom- plete. This set complements Haebler's Typenrepertorium, for it consists of facsimiles of types arranged according to his system, thus providing concrete illustrations of the categories of his clas- sification. We are not concerned here with engravings as such, but an ade- quate treatment of typographica embellished with engravings must take into account their illustrations. In this field the published aids have not yet been completed. W. L. Schreiber's Manuel de V ama- teur de la gravure sur bois et sur metal au XV" siecle (1891-191 1) in eight volumes (a new edition of the first three volumes, issued in four volumes, appeared in 1926-27) confines its treatment of il- lustrations in typographic works to the two parts of the fifth vol- ume (1910-11) dealing with only Germany, Switzerland, Austria- Hungary and Scandinavia. Likewise incomplete is Der bilder- schmuck der friihdrucke (1920-), the great set of facsimiles of illus- trations begun under the supervision of Albert Schramm. 1 One great catalog, embodying modern methods, is an exception in that its pub- lication has been completed: Polain's Catalogue des livres imprimis au quinzieme siecle des bibliotheques de Belgique, 4v., Bruxelles (1932). This work is not only useful on account of the considerable number of incunabula described in it (4109, a little less than half the number in Proctor's Index), but is also remarkable for its methods of description, which invest it with a charm of its own. While he is up-to-date in the use and application of scientific methods, the compiler also seems to be more than usually aware of what may be called the "personality" of the book being cataloged, and he communicates this to the reader in exceptionally detailed and lucid descrip- tions. Among its helpful features are the indices, which constitute a considerable part of the fourth volume. Of these indices the following may be noted : Vers anonymes. Ranges alphabitiquement par incipit (p. 595-600); Table des gravures, indiqutes au course du Catalogue (p. 433-449, with Encadrements on p. 449); then there is the Table generate (p. 45 1-594) of wide-ranging scope, including, for instance, informa- tion concerning dedicatees. It may be of interest to mention, as a sample, that under the entry Mldicis (Laurent de), le Magnifique, we are told that among the incunabula located in Belgium, there are eleven containing, in all, thirteen epistles dedicatory addressed to this prince. 11 Finally, among the works still in course of publication, two great catalogs should be noted: Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British museum (1908-) and the Gesamt- katalog der wiegendrucke (192 5-) . Haebler's characterization of the British Museum Catalogue is worth quoting: Der British Museum Catalogue hat aber nicht nur in der Typenforschung sondern auch in verschiedenen anderen Richtungen ein Bild davon gegeben, wie die moderne Inkunabelforschung sich ihre Aufgaben zu stellen hat. Er wird nicht nur der buchtechnischen, sondern auch der literarischen Seite der Wiegendruck- forschung mehr als irgend einer seiner Vorganger gerecht, und bietet als Sonder- katalog einer einzelnen Sammlung ein noch nicht wieder erreichtes Vorbild. Er wird in gewissen Beziehungen wohl damit sogar dem Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke iiberlegen bleiben. — Handbuch der inkunabelkunde (1925) 28. The incunabulists at the British Museum, in evident conformity with a tradition originating in Proctor's activity there, reveal an extraordinary exactitude in identifying types. For example, in the entry for IB. 27125a (BMC 6: 631) there is the information that one quire and one sheet of another quire were printed in the type of a printer other than the one who printed the rest of the book (see no. 303) . When identifying types has been the issue, the judg- ment of the British Museum Catalogue has, in the present book, been accepted in preference to that of other authorities, even to that of the Gesamtkatalog. Haebler's remark, concerning the attention given by the British Museum Catalogue to the literary side of incunabula research, needs some qualification. This attention is given not so much to the liter- ary content of any incunabulum being dealt with as it is to the liter- ary and cultural circumstances surrounding its printing and publi- cation. This aspect of the work done at the British Muesum might be designated the "higher criticism" of palaeotypography. The monumental Gesamtkatalog records, for each book cataloged, what has been published about its type and illustrations, giving also, when it seems necessary, its own judgment in these matters; it lists, within certain limitations, the owners of copies; and finally, it devotes more than the customary attention to the literary con- tent, arranging, in a systematic classification based upon this con- tent, the works of voluminous authors and the editions of anony- mous works. Typical examples of its method are to be found under the following headings : Augustinus, Aurelius (GW 2862-3048: bd. 3, col. 67-180); Biblia (GW 4198^1324: bd. 4, col. 67-192); 12 Breviarium (GW 5101-5518: bd. 5, col. 1-527); Donatus, Aelius (GW 8674-9038: bd. 7, col. 582-680). Palaeotypography has advanced far since Proctor's day. Indeed, according to our present knowledge, it may be said to have gone so far that the end is in sight. The essential reference tools of the student of palaeotypography, so far as technical descriptions and facsimile reproductions are concerned, may be reduced to the fol- lowing four works: For the types: 1. (Technical descriptions) Haebler's Typen- repertorium, which, apart from possible future supplements, has been completed; 2. (Facsimile reproductions) the Veroffentlich- ungen der Gesellshaft fiir typenkunde des XV. jahrhunderts, which are not completed. For the illustrations in typographic works: 3. (Technical de- scriptions) volume 5 of Schrieber's Manuel de I 'amateur de la gra- vure sur bois et sur metal au XV e siecle. As has been intimated above, additions are needed to cover the countries not included in the published two parts of this volume. 4. (Facsimile reproductions) Der Bilderschmuck der frilhdrucke, which needs to be completed. It would seem that the methods of palaeo typographic research have been satisfactorily established: all that remains is carrying out the investigations according to these methods, and, finally, put- ting an end to the work by recording the findings, once and for all, in print. Arundell Esdaile, writing as a British incunabulist inter- ested particularly in the British Museum, sums up the situation in these words: With the completion of this work [i.e. the Gesamtkatalog] and the British Museum's Catalogue most of the secrets of the experimental period of printing will be yielded up, and only special studies of small fields will be left to do. Bibliographers are already moving on to the sixteenth century . . . — A student's ■manual of bibliography (1931) 289. Esdaile's estimate of the situation is to be accepted, because he writes of printing. However, in order to make clear what is here to be emphasized, let us insert, in the above quotation, the redun- dant word "typographic" before "secrets," making the relevant passage read: "most of the typographic secrets of the experimental period of printing will be yielded up." From these words there now emerges the implication that there are, in the fifteenth century books, other secrets besides those relating to types. Among these secrets are facts, more or less obscure, or at any rate unrecorded, relating to the literary texts preserved in incunabula. Much, as will now be shown, remains to be done in this field. 13 Not even the Gesamtkatalog has attained the same perfection in recording literary content as it has in accounting for typographic elements. It is careful to document its identification of types, whereas matters of authorship and the identification of texts are but rarely so meticulously established. In listing Contents, the Ge- samtkatalog records only the first folio of a text; inclusive foliation should be given, for that prevents the omission of a text that might otherwise be overlooked. The initial and concluding words of un- identified texts should be recorded. Sucn details receive attention in the more careful descriptions of manuscripts. They should be taken into account also in cataloging incunabula, for the incunabu- lum, even if it is a printed book, still retains the textual form of the manuscript. Here are a few examples of what appear to be shortcomings in the Gesamtkatalog. These instances are but part of the results ob- tained from the checking of its description in the Gesamtkatalog with the one incunabulum here considered, namely the Opuscula (Brescia, 1495) of St. Bernard of Clairvaux (GW 3907, no. 325 below). Two points will be discussed: authorship and identifica- tion of texts. Authorship Among the works listed under Pseudo-Bernardus in the Gesamt- katalog (bd. 3, col. 659-661) are the following, for convenience here numbered 1-3 : (1) Canticum de sanctissimo nomine J esu Christi [wirkl. Verf: Johannes Peckam]. (2) Epistola ad Robertum nepotem. (3) Sermo de verbo psalmi Qui habitat in adiutorio Altissimi. (1) Canticum de sanctissimo nomine Jesu Christi is the hymn be- ginning Jesu dulcis memoria, whose text is published in Migne's Patrologia latina, v. 184 (1854) 1317-1320. The ascription to John Peckham, archbishop of Canterbury, appears to be an error. C. L. Kingford's article on John Peckham in The Dictionary of national biography, v. 15 (1937-38) 635-642, makes no mention of any connection between this hymn and the English archbishop. The hymn does not appear in the section devoted to John Peckham in the Analecta hymnica medii aevi of Blume and Dreves, v. 50 (1907) 592-616,— cf. also v. 31 (1898) 111-114. There is no reference to Peckham in Reginald Vaux's article Jesu dulcis memoria in The Church quarterly review, v. 108, London (1929) 120-125. Accord- ing to Julian's Dictionary of hymnology (1908) 585, the hymn, al- 14 though there is no positive proof to that effect, is probably by St. Bernard. Buchberger's Lexikonfur theologie und kirche, 5. bd. (1933) 328, sums the matter up as follows: "Jesu dulcis memoria . . . ent- standen wohl im 13. Jahrh., ist seit dem 16. dem hi. Bernhard v. Clairvaux beigelegt, dessen Jesusmystik in dieser Dichtung hell nachklingt. ..." It is safest to let the hymn continue to be listed under Pseudo-Bernardus, for there appears to be no definite evi- dence as to its authorship. The question, however, still remains unanswered: Why does the Gesamtkatalog attribute it to John Peck- ham? If the ascription were documented, it would not be necessary to ask. (2) Epistola ad Robertum nepotem is one of the authentic works of St. Bernard. It is no. 1 of his Epistolae, cf. L. Janauschek, Bib- liographia bernardina (1891) p. II — III, under //. Epistolae. It is so published (i.e. as the first of his Epistolae) in Migne, Patrologia la- tina, v. 182 (1854) 67-79. There is no apparent reason for remov- ing it from his authentic works. Why does the Gesamtkatalog put it under Pseudo-Bernardus? Here again documentation is sought for in vain. 1 (3) Sermo de verbo psalmi Qui habitat in adiutorio Altissimi. The first word of this title should be Sermones (see below in the discus- sion of Contents, folios E 5v -I 4v ). The work is authentic, cf. Janau- schek, Bibliographia bernardina, p. II, under /. Sermones. Why does the Gesamtkatalog place it under Pseudo-Bernardus? Documentation is called for again. Identification of Texts Among the entries in the Contents of GW 3907 are the follow- ing: b 3v Speculum monachorum. — b sv De ordine vitae et morum institutione. So far as they go, since only the first folio of the texts is indicated, these items are correct. The work between them, however, on folios b 4v_5v , is omitted entirely. In the incunabulum itself it bears the title "Eiusdem materie epistola" and in the Patrologia latina, v. 184 (1854) 1173-74, it is published as Varia et brevia docu- menta pie seu religiose vivendi. Furthermore, the Gesamtkatalog ig- nores unidentified material at the end of De ordine vitae et morum institutione. It would have insured greater accuracy to have given 1 The Gesamtkatalog (bd. 3, col. 659) lists the Epistolae among St. Bernard's au- thentic works, and an inspection of its description of the editions thereof (GW 3923— 3927) reveals that also in them the letter to Robert comes first. 15 inclusive foliation and to have recorded unidentified material, mak- ing the entries read: tfv-tv Speculum monachorum. — b 4v_Bv "Eiusdem materie epistola" = Varia et brevia documenta pie seu religiose vivendi. — b^-c 8 * De ordine vitae et morum institutione, with, at end, unidentified material, beginning: c 8r column 1, line 22 "Pars tua sumus dowzme"; ending: c 81 " column 2 lines 13-14 "in quo cowpunctio." Let us now consider, in the Contents of GW 3907, the entry: E BV Sermo de verbo psalmi Qui habitat in adiutorio altissimi. There are seventeen in the collection of sermones by St. Bernard on this Psalm, cf. the text in Patrologia latina, v. 183 (1854) 185-254. Of these, sixteen are represented in the incunabulum. The entry would be more accurate if it were changed to £6v-j4v Sermones in psalmum Qui habitat {15 numbered sermones: V-VI of the Patrologia latina combined and numbered V; sermo XV of the Patrologia omitted) . The Gesamtkatalog does, on occasion, document its identification of the texts cataloged, by citing the later editions that had been used for that purpose. Two such instances will be mentioned. In its treatment of the Chronicon of Burchardus Urspurgensis (GW 5737) the edition in Monumenta Germ, hist., Script, rer. germ., v. 58 (1916) is cited, and, using it as the basis for compari- son, the title in the incunabulum is shown to be misleading and peculiarities in its text are indicated. In the case of the Sermones of Ephrem Syrus (GW 9331-9335), since it seems that no Syriac edition has ever appeared, the Greek edition of Ephrem's works, published in Rome (1732-46) is set up as the standard for comparison; and, on that basis, it is indicated which of the sermones are in each of the incunabula cataloged. The results of documenting every statement relating to the iden- tification and description of types are evident, and they justify the method. Is it too much to demand that a similar technique, which would consist of the setting-up of a later, preferably modern, edi- tion, as a standard of comparison, be used for documenting the statements made in the cataloging of the texts? Such a method would make the cataloging more accurate. The text of the book, which is its dynamic element, is, or should be, in most cases, more significant than the vehicle — the physical book, consisting of bind- ing, paper and type impressions — by which the text is brought to us. The two main problems, which interlock, are determining au- thorship and identifying texts. Usually a good edition will be ade- quate for solving both these problems. The bibliographer, as such, 16 can not be expected to enter as an original contributor into the fields of higher and lower criticism. On the other hand, it is part of his work to use and to record or cite the findings of literary critics. By training, acquired knowledge, and skill, he should be equipped to make catalogs and bibliographies of such a nature that scholars would find them useful, time-saving, and reasonably ac- curate. The bibliographer should be the bookkeeper of literary criticism. Let us return to a concrete problem: the cataloging of the works of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. For purposes of documentation, ref- erence and comparison the requirements indicated above could very probably be met by placing the following two publications at the beginning of the section dealing with the works of St. Ber- nard. Janauschek, Leopold. Bibliographia bertiardina . . . Vindobonae (1891). Lists items published to the end of 1890. Bernardus Clara vallensis. . . . Opera omnia . . . editio nova . . . accurante J. P. Migne, 4v. (1854-55). (Patrologiae cursus completus . . . series latina. v. 182— 185) If, in the cataloging of the works ascribed to St. Bernard, any other documentation besides that afforded in these two works should be needed, that should also be cited. Could such documentation be provided for works whose con- tent has been so little appreciated that they have not been propa- gated in later editions, and have no literature extant about them? Obviously not. In such cases, the cataloger would usually have to accept the text in the incunabulum as the authentic one, and he would perhaps, but not necessarily, have to accept as reliable the internal evidence, if any, in the incunabulum itself as to its author- ship. It would take us too far afield to discuss in detail the problems involved in making a catalog attempting to do justice to the literary content of incunabula. It may not be amiss, however, briefly to touch upon some of them. It would be necessary to decide upon the books needed as the standards of reference and comparison to be used for documenting the statements of the catalog. The compiler would have to solve that problem for each incunabulum. Here is just one sample of what is available as an aid in this matter. The Index volume (1904) of the Thesaurus linguae latinae provides a selective bibliography of editions suited for these purposes in a field heavily represented among incunabula, namely the field of classical Latin literature. 17 The form of author-entries is important. In the Second Census "author-entries conform to Hain — excepting in instances where both BMC and GW agree to a common revision of spelling, or to re-assignment" (St p. xii). Uniformity as to the form of author- entries has not been attained. Would international agreement on this point be worth the effort involved in attempting to attain it? Should Latin be used as the language of the catalog? Latin might be convenient, since most of the title entries would be in Latin anyhow, no matter what language was used. Latin is interna- tionally neutral, its use would preclude preferring one modern language to another. Would it be desirable to return to Latin? One other point will be touched upon: the scope of such a cata- log. Should it be international, or national, or should it confine it- self to the holdings of one library (preferably a large one) ? Sir Charles S. Sherrington advocates the compilation, under the aus- pices of the United Nations, of a world catalog of incunabula, with the headquarters of the undertaking located in London. 1 It would be a pity if circumstances should conspire to prevent the completion of the publication of the Gesamtkatalog. If the United Nations or some other agency should eventually be able to pro- duce a world catalog, the Gesamtkatalog would be very helpful in the making of such a catalog and, with the other great catalogs, it would always have its place as a valuable (and, at times, as an in- dispensable) reference work. Summing up: no matter how incidental problems are solved, it is inevitable that if the cataloging is to be adequate, the literary con- tent of incunabula must be given at least as much attention as the typographic element has been receiving. 1 See his letter, entitled "International scholarship," in The Times literary supplement for May 17, 1947. To the Reader THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF THIS BOOK IS MODELED AFTER Incunabula in the Hanes collection of the Library of the University of North Carolina (1940) compiled by Olan V. Cook. Among other works, also arranged according to the method of Proctor's Index, the following have been helpful: Incunabula in the Hunting- ton library (1937), compiled by Herman Ralph Mead and listing 5291 items of the magnificent collection in that library; A check list of fifteenth century books in the Newberry library and in other libraries of Chicago (1933), compiled by the Chicago incunabulist, Pierce Butler; and Check list of fifteenth century printing in the Pierpont Morgan library (1939), compiled by Ada Thurston and Curt F. Buhler. Miss Stillwell's Second Census, as is abundantly evident on following pages, has been indispensable throughout. An attempt has been made to record the printers or presses represented in the Illinois collection, and to account for every printed leaf (leaves without print have been ignored) . Through the references to Stillwell's Second Census the user will generally be led, by means of the catalogs there cited, to more or less adequate information concerning any particular in- cunabulum. In the case of defective copies, it is hoped that the accounting for the printed leaves will give information as to what is actually in the book and what is missing. For instance, in the entry for Regula monasticorum (no. 267), it is indicated that ff. 179-214 are lacking; St R129 leads to BMC 5: 542, where we learn that these leaves contain the Rule of St. Basil (ff. 179 [seq.]) and the Epigrams of St. Gregory Nazianzen on St. Basil (f. 214). Acknowledgment is made to Dr. Robert Bingham Downs, Di- rector of the University of Illinois Library and Library School, for the work was begun at his bidding and carried on and completed under his aegis. The helpful cooperation of members of the Li- brary staff merits grateful mention. I am particularly beholden to Alice, my wife, for her self-sacrificing and faithful labor in the indispensable work of typing and preparing the manuscript for the press. C. U. Faye. March 1, 1949, University of Illinois Library, Urbana, Illinois. 19 References Baer Baer, Leo. Die illustrierten historienbiicher des 15. jahrhunderts; ein beitrag zur geschichte des formschnittes. Strassburg, 1903. BMC Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum. Pts. I-VII. London, 1908-1935. C Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium biblio- graphicum, pt. II. 2v. & Addenda. London, 1898 & 1902. (See also: HC, HC(Add).) Coll(SvBib) Collijn, Isak. Sveriges bibliografi intill ar 1600. Bd. I, 1478- 1530. Upsala, 1934-1938. (Skrifter utgivna af Svenska littera- tursallskapet 10: 14-18) CR Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad . . . Copingeri Repertorium bibliographicum. Additiones et emendationes. 6v. & index. Monachii, 1905-1911. (Supplement, Monasterii, 1914.) (By inference, including also the original entry of the same number as it appeared in Copinger.) GfT Gesellschaft fur typenkunde des XV. jahrhunderts. VerofFent- lichungen. Leipzig [etc.], 1907- GW Gesamtkatalog der wiegendrucke, v. 1-7 and v. 8, lfg. 1. Leipzig, 1925^10. H Hain, Ludwig. Repertorium bibliographicum. 2v. Stuttgart & Paris, 1826-1838. Haeb(Tpr) Haebler, Konrad. Typenrepertorium der wiegendrucke. 5 v. Leipzig [etc.], 1905-1924. HC Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium biblio- graphicum, pt. I. London, 1895. (By inference, including also the original entry of the same number as it appeared in Hain.) HC(Add) Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium biblio- graphicum, Addenda to pt. I. (In Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium . . . pt. II, v. 2, London, 1902, p. 235— 291.) HCR Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Reper- torium bibliographicum. . . . Emendationes. 6v. & index. Mo- nachii, 1905-1911. (Supplement, Monasterii, 1914.) (By infer- ence, including also the entries of the same number as they appeared in Hain and Copinger.) (See also: CR, HR.) HR Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii . . . Repertorium bibliographicum. . . . Emendationes, 6v. & index. Monachii, 1905-1911. (Supplement, Monasterii, 1914.) (By inference, in- cluding also the original entry of the same number as it appeared in Hain) (See also: CR, HCR.) Pr Proctor, Robert. An index to the early printed books in the British museum from the invention of printing to the year MD. with notes of those in the Bodleian library. 2v. London, 1898. 4 supplements, 1899-1902. R Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Reper- torium bibliographicum. Additiones . . . 6v. & index. Monachii, 1905-1911. (See also: CR, HCR, HR.) 20 R(Suppl) Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Reper- torium bibliographicum. Additiones et emendationes. Supple- ment. Monasterii, 1914. Schr Schreiber, Wilhelm Ludwig. Un catalogue des incunables a. figures imprimes en Allemagne, en Suisse, en Autriche-Hongrie et in Scandinavie. 2 pt. Leipzig, 1910-1911. (His Manuel de l'amateur de la gravure sur bois et sur metal au XV e siecle. t. 5) (The other volumes of this series, Manuel de l'amateur . . . , are referred to as: Schr(M)) Schramm Schramm, Albert. Der bilderschmuck der friihdrucke. Leipzig. 1920- Schr(M) Schrieber, Wilhelm Ludwig. Manuel de l'amateur de la gravure sur bois et sur metal au XV e siecle. 8v. Berlin [etc.], 1891-1911. (Vol. 5 of this series is referred to as Schr.) St Stillwell, Margaret Bingham. Incunabula in American li- braries, a second census of fifteenth-century books owned in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. New York, 1940. Thach Library of Congress. Catalogue of the John Boyd Thacher col- lection of incunabula, compiled by Frederick W. Ashley. Washington, 1915. NB. As indicated above, the method of Stilwell has been adopted in the citing of the catalogs of H, C, and R. 21 Abbreviations abb. abbildung. B under the serial number, indicates one of the Beilagen (sample leaves) bound at the end of v. 2 of the Monumenta Germaniae et Italiae typo- graphica. 2v. Berlin, 1892-1913. bd. band. cf. confer, compare. col. column, columns. ed. edition, edited. f. folium, folio. ff. folia, folios. K under the serial number, indicates one of the original sample leaves (or fragments) accompanying Gustav Edvard Klemming's Bibliografi, Sveriges aldre liturgiska literatur. Stockholm, 1879. (Stockholm. Kungliga biblioteket. Handlingar. I). mm. millimeters. Mus indicates that the item is in the Museum of European Culture at the Uni- versity of Illinois. n.d. undated n.p. no place of printing cited; place of printing undetermined. n.pr. printer not designated in book and not known; press unassigned. p. page, pages. pi. plate. pt. part. r recto. S. Saint, Sanctus, Sancta. sig. signature; signed. t. tome. taf. tafel. v verso (after a folio number) . v. volume; volumes. vol. volume. In direct quotations from incunabula, the abbreviations of the original are not reproduced, but are expanded and indicated by italicization. On p. 29-109 each entry has to its right the Proctor number, and to its left the University of Illinois serial number, which is used throughout this book for purposes of reference. 22 XYLOGRAPHICA FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS BLOCKBOOKS Mus Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis. Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis. The 5th ed., printed in Germany, perhaps in Swabia, scarcely earlier than 1470. Cf. Schr(M) 4: 161, 211. One leaf only (J. 43) trimmed too closely. Mus Canticum canticorum. Canticum canticorum. [After 1465.] The 2d ed., based on the first, which was printed in Holland about 1465. Cf. Schr(M) 4: 151-153, 158. Fragment only, consisting of the upper part of f. 13. WOODCUT SINGLE SHEET Mus Nicolaus of Tolentino, S. Nicolaus Tolentin. [Between 1460 and 1470.] Schr(M) 2: no. 1638. The saint's nimbus and lips are colored red by hand. 25 TYPOGRAPHICA Germany MAINZ PRINTER OF 42-LINE BIBLE (JOHANN GUTENBERG?) 1. Biblia. 56 Mus Biblia latina. [About 1454-55, not after 15 Aug. 1456.] H 3031; GW 4201; St B460. One leaf, verso ends, in S. Jacobi Epistola 3 : 5, with "Magna exaltat." PETER SCHOEFFER 2. Bonifacius VIII, Pont. Max. 109 Mus Liber sextus Decretalium. 9 Jan. 1476. HC(&Add) 3593; GW4857; StB877. 3. Maximilian I. 124 Coronatio Maximiliani. [After 28 Mar. I486.] H 10926(11); R 482 (10 ff.); BMC 1: 36 (14 ff.); StM337. Has 14 ff. 4. Chronicles. Sachsen. 130 Cronecken der Sassen. 6 Mar. 1492. HC 4990; GW 4963; St C441. Lacks f. 1 (replaced in manuscript) and f. 66 (sig. i ij) ; other missing leaves supplied from another copy. PRINTER OF CATHOLICON (JOHANN GUTENBERG?) 5. Balbus, Johannes. 146 Catholicon. 1460. HC2254; GW 3182; St B19. One leaf accompanying Stillwell, M. B.: Gutenberg and the Catholicon of 1460. New York, 1936. 29 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STRASSBURG JOHANN MENTELIN 6. Wolfram von Eschenbach. 217 Titurel. 1477. HC6683;StW57. Lacks ff. 152-307. THE R-PRINTER (ADOLF RUSCH) 7. Donatus, Aelius. 238 Commentum in Terentii Comoedias. [About 1473.] H 6382; GW 9037; St D284. ADOLF RUSCH, for Anton Koberger 8. Biblia. 299 Biblia latina. [Shortly after 23 Sept. 1481.] HC 3173; GW 4282; St B541: "Apparently printed with types borrowed from Johann Amerbach." Consists of ff. 921-1209 {the New Testament only). B. Another copy of f. 1113 only {with beginning of 1 Cor. 10 on recto). PRINTER OF HENRICUS ARIMINENSIS 9. Hugo de Sancto Victore. 313 Didascalon et alia opuscula. [Not after 1475.] HC 9022; St H460. Lacks ff. 1-6. GEORG HUSNER 10. Eyb, Albrecht von. 356 Margarita poetica. [Not after 1479.] H6814; GW9531; St E140. 30 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 1 1 . Herolt, Johannes . 357 De eruditione Christifidelium. [About 1476.] H8517; StH84. MARTIN SCHOTT 12. Brack, Wenceslaus. 397.5 Vocabularius rerum. 1487. H 3702; GW4987; StB945. PRINTER OF 1481 LEGENDA AUREA 13. Turrecremata, Johannes de. 414 Expositio super toto Psalterio. 23 Apr. 1482. H 15703; StT475. PRINTER OF 1483 VITAS PATRUM 14. Hieronymus. 422 Vitae sanctorum patrum, sive Vitas patrum. 7 July 1485. HC 8600; St H190. 15. Petrus de Palude 425.5 Sermones thesauri novi de Sanctis. 1486. C 5424 [Johann Priiss?]; St P468. JOHANN (REINHARD) GRUNINGER 16. Petrus Comestor. 436 Historia scholastica. [Printed with Henricus de Inguiler.] 28 Aug. 1483. HC(&Add) 5532; StP418. 17. Terentius Afer, Publius. 488 Comoediae. 11 Feb. 1499. HC 15432; StT86. JOHANN (REINHARD) GRtlNINGER (Doubtful) 18. Ursula, S. 504.7 Navicula Sanctae Ursulae. [Printed for Bartholo- maeus Kistler, about 1497.] CR(Suppl) 5909; Schr 5403; St U64. 31 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JOHANN PRtlSS 19. Melber, Johannes. 516 Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Variloquus. 1 June 1486. H 11040; StM400. See 15. See 425.5 20. Rolewinck,Werner. 563 Fasciculus temporum. [Not before 1490.] HC6916; StR268. PRINTER OF 1483 JORDANUS DE QUEDLIN- BURG (GEORG HUSNER) 2 1 . Nider, Johannes . 588 Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis cum quadrage- simali. [Not after 1483.] H 11797; StNl97. 22. Michael de Dalen. 595 Casus summarii Decretalium Sexti et Clementina- rum. 15 June 1485. HC 4660; St M462. 23. Hilarius Litomiricensis. 596 Tractatus contra perfidiam aliquorum Bohemorum. 15 June 1485. HC8663; StH247. 24. Duranti, Guillelmus. 603 Rationale divinorum officiorum. 13 July 1486. HC 6492; GW 9132; St D355. 25. Columna, Guido de. 620 Historia destructionis Troiae. 'Circa' 25 May 1489. H 5510; GW7231; St C706. 26. Corona B. M. V. 627 Corona B. M. V. 17 Aug. 1493. H5748; GW7574; StC823. 32 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 27. Vocabularius. 656 Vocabularius juris utriusque. 28 Sept. 1490. CR6369; StV310. MARTIN FLACH 28. Imitatio Christi. 673 Imitatio Christi. 1487. HC(&Add) 9092; St 112. 29. Augustinus, Aurelius. 681 Opuscula. 20 Mar. 1489. HC 1948; GW 2865; St A1077. 30. Petrus de Palude. 697.7 Sermones thesauri novi de Sanctis. 1493. C 5428; StP472. 31. Angelus de Clavasio. 701 Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. 26 Mar. 1495. HC 5397; GW 1938; St A638. See 35. See 743 3 2 . Guido de Monte Rochen. 715 Manipulus curatorum. 1499. HR8212;StG559. 33. Thomas Aquinas. 717 De potentia Dei. 23 Feb. 1500. H 1417; StTl56. PRINTER OF CASUS BREVES DECRETALIUM (GEORG HUSNER?) 34. Maneken, Carolus. 735 Formulae epistolarum. 1493. HC 10679: [Cologne: Quentell]; St M160. 33 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GEORG HUSNER 35. Boethius. 743 De disciplina scholarium. 'M.ccccxv' [1495?]. HC 3424; GW 4601; BMC 1: 161: "It is not im- possible that Flach may be the printer"; St B740. STRASSBURG— UNASSIGNED 36. Versor, Johannes. 780.6 Super Donate 1491. HC 16061; StV218. MARTIN FLACH, THE YOUNGER See 429. See sixteenth century printing COLOGNE ULRICH ZELL 37. Gerson, Johannes. 837 De pollutione nocturna. [About 1467-1472.] H 7696; St G236. 38. Thomas Aquinas. 848 De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramentis. [About 1470.] HC 1424; St T250. 3 9 . Gerson, Johannes . 873 De simplificatione, stabilitione, sive mundificatione cordis. [About 1472.] HC7681; StG250. ARNOLD THER HOERNEN 40 . Thomas Aquinas . 951 De regimine principum. [About 1475.] Hl487;StT297. 34 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS JOHANN KOELHOFF, THE ELDER 41. Thomas Aquinas. 1028 De potentia Dei. [About 1476.] HC 1414; StTl54. 42. Johannes Chrysostomus. 1071 Homiliae super Matthaeum. 1487. H 5035; StJ256. PRINTER OF ALBERTUS MAGNUS: DE VIR- TUTIBUS (JOHANNES SOLIDI) 43. Pius II, Pont. Max. 1127.6 De duobus amantibus. [About 1473-1474.] HC217;StP615. BARTHOLOMAEUS DE UNKEL 44. Augustimus, Aurelius. 1141 Confessiones. 9 Aug. 1482. HC2032; GW2895; StAllll. JOHANN GULDENSCHAFF 45. Ambrosius. 1216A Hexameron. [About 1480.] HC 901; GW 1604; St A495. Lacks ff. 29 and 36 {replaced in Tnanuscript) . HEINRICH QUENTELL First Press 46. Thomas Aquinas. 1241 Super IV Sententiarum. 2 Feb. 1480. HC 1483; StTl49. Second Press Division A (Dated books) 47. Lescherius, Paulus. 1301.5 Rhetorica pro conficiendis epistolis accommodata. 8 Feb. 1491. H 10038; StLl59. 35 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 48. Boethius. 1317 De disciplina scholarium. 22 Oct. 1493. HC 3423; GW 4600; St B739. See 3^. See 735 49. Avianus. 1324 Fabulae. 10 Sept. 1494. HC 2194; GW 3110; St A1259. Lacks ff. 27-28. 50. Repertorium. 13 31 Mus Repertorium aureum continens titulos quinque li- brorum Decretalium, sive Concordantiae utri- usque iuris. 4 May 1495. HC(&Add) 13874; GW 7290; St R142. 51. Albertus Magnus. 1344 Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtu ti bus. 20 July 1498. H482; GW707; St A266. Division B (Undated books) From 16 May 1494 to 4 Dec. 1496 {disappearance of cut V) 52. Speculum animae peccatricis. 1423 Speculum animae peccatricis. [About 1494.] HC 14901; StS575. After 4 May 1495 {appearance of cut '#') 53. Donatus, Aelius. 1427.5 Ars minor {i.e., Rudimenta grammatices) . [About 1496?) 20 ff. {a-b\ c 8 ) Gothic type, 20 lines: 79/80 mm.; f. 2v has 35 lines, f. llv has 36. GfT287 {woodcut '£'), 332 {QuenteWs type 7), 345 {type of Retro minores, cf. note here); St D277: [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, about 1495.] 36 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Title (above woodcut l F on f. Ir): "Dominus que pars cum quatuor regulis congruitatum. Diui- sionibus verborum. fundament© artis metrifi- candi. cowpendio cognitionis pedum. Cum qui- busdam regulis puerorum. et cowparatione nominuwque iuuenibus summe necessaria et vtilia sunt." After 16 May 1494: no cut 54. Quaestiones super Donatum. 1439.5 Quaestiones super Donatum. [About 1495?] 36 ff. (a-f) Gothic type, 20 lines: 79/80 mm;f. 7v has 36 lines. For the type, see references in the preceding entry (no. 53); St Q8: [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, about 1495.] Title (f. Ir) : "Questiones super Donatum." Ends: "Explicit questiuncule graramaticales super donatum minor em." 55. Dialogus inter clericum et militem. 1446 Dialogus inter clericum et militem super dignitate papali et regia. [About 1497.] HC 6114; GW 7282; St D124. See 430. martin von werden (16th century printer) 1487 CORNELIS DE ZIERIKZEE 56. Georgius de Hungaria. 1500.5 De ritu et moribus Torcorum. [About 1 500.] HC(Add) 15677; St G141. 38 ff. (A\ B\ C 6 , D\ E-F\ G 4 ). AUGSBURG GtlNTHER ZAINER 57. Rainerius de Pisis. 1543 B. Pantheologia, sive Summa universae theologiae. 1474. H 13016; StR8. One leaf only. 37 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 58. Ars moriendi. 1570 Ars moriendi. [Before 5 June 1473.] H 8589 (pt. XI, ff. 214-234); R 38; St A973. JOHANN SCHttSSLER 59. Cassiodorus, Magnus Aurelius. 1594 Historia ecclesiastica tripartita. 'Circiter' 5 Feb. 1472. HC 4573; GW 6164; St C214. Lacks f. 193. JOHANN BAMLER 60. Jacobus de Voragine. 1624.6 Mus Legenda aurea sanctorum [German:] Leben der heiligen: Winterteil. 26 June 1480. H9973; Schr4304; Schramm v. 3 (1921) abb. 283; StJ144. One leaf only. MONASTERY OF SS. ULRICH AND AFRA 61. Burchardus Urspergensis. 1633 Chronicon. [1472.] H8718; C2589; GW 5737; St B1137. 2 copies. ANTON SORG 62. Biblia. 1670 Mus Biblia [German]. 3 Jan. 1480. HC 3136; GW4302; StB565. One leaf only, from the second part, foliated cclxxxviiij. 63. Tucher, Hans. 1701 Reise in das gelobte land. 1486. HC 15667; StT445. 64. Rupertus, Abbas Tuiciensis. 1704 De victoria Verbi Dei. 1487. H 14046; St R345. 38 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS JOHANN SCHONSPERGER 65. Jacobus de Voragine 1760.7 Mus Legenda aurea sanctorum [German]: Leben der heiligen: Winterteil. 10 Jan. 1485. H 9978; GfT 95; Schr 4309; St J146. One leaf only, foliated CCCxxiii. 66. Hieronymus. 1763.5 Mus Vitae sanctorum patrum, sive, Vitas patrum [Ger- man:] Leben der heiligen altvater. [About 1485?] C 2966; Schr 4218; St H200. One leaf only. 67. Jacobus de Voragine. 1765.5 Mus Legenda aurea sanctorum [German:] Leben der or heiligen: Winterteil. 3 July 1487 (or [?] 18 1773.6 Aug. 1489). Thach 101(1); Schr 4311; Schramm v. 9 (1926) abb. 202; St J147; (or [?] H 9982; Schr 4314; StJ149). One leaf only, foliated cxvi. 68. Rudimenta grammaticae. 1804.5 Rudimenta grammaticae. 1499. H 14025; StR331. JOHANN FROSCHAUER 69. Sacerdotium Jesu Christi. 1832 Sacerdotium Jesu Christi. 1499. H 14073; StSl5. 70. Lavacrum conscientiae. 1845 Lavacrum conscientiae. [Not after 1498.] H9955; StL89. 7 1 . Wimpheling, Jacobus . 1 848 Oratio quaerulosa contra invasores sacerdotum. [About 1496-1500.] H 16194=12027; StW38. 39 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ERHARD RATDOLT 72. Leupoldus, Dux Austriae. 1879 Compilatio de astrorum scientia. 9 Jan. 1489. HC 10042; StLl61. NUREMBERG JOHANN SENSENSCHMIDT 7 3 . Gerson, Johannes . 1943 De spiritualibus nuptiis, sive Opusculum super Cantica canticorum. [14] 70. H7715; StG252. ANTON KOBERGER 74. Rainerius de Pisis. 1967 B. Pantheologia, sive Summa universae theologiae. 3 Aug. 1474. H 13017; St R9. One leaf only. IS. Eyb, Albrecht von. 1968 Ehebiichlein. [16 Oct. 1472.] H 6826; GW 9520; St E146. Lacks f. 2. 76. Biblia. 1989 Biblia latina. 10 Nov. 1478. HC 3069; GW 4234; St B493. Lacks leaf foliated cxxx (replaced in manuscript) . 77. Platina, Bartholomaeus. 2005 Vitae pontificum. 11 Aug. 1481. HC 13047; StP700. 78. Vocabularius. 2006 Vocabularius juris utriusque. 4 Sept. 1481. C6361; StV303. Without Protestatur. 40 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 79. Duranti, Guillelmus. 2009 Rationale divinorum officiorum. 6 Nov. 1481. H6485; GW9123; St D 349. 80. Biblia. 2028 Mus Biblia [German.] 17 Feb. 1483. H 3137; Schramm v. 17 (1934) p. [3] and v. 8 (1924) abb. 428; GW 4303; St B566. One leaf only. 81. Reformation der stadt Niirnberg. 2039 Reformation der stadt Niirnberg. 5 June 1484. HC 13716; StR35. Lacks ff. 1, 8, 48-49, 63, 209-210. 82. Boethius. 2050 De consolatione philosophiae. 23 June 1486. HC 3378; GW 4537; St B698. 8 3 . Jacobus de Voragine. 206 5 Mus Legenda aurea sanctorum [German :] Leben der heiligen. 5 Dec. 1488. H 9981; C 6505; Schramm v. 17 (1934) abb. 96, 136; Schr4313; StJ148. Tivo leaves only, foliated LI and CIX. 84. Schatzbehalter. 2070 Mus Schatzbehalter der wahren reich turner des heils. 8 Nov. 1491. HC 14507 =H 6236; GW VII, col. 448; Schramm v. 17 (1934) abb. 392; St S280. One leaf only. 85. Angelus de Clavasio. 2071 Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. 10 Feb. 1492. HC 5395; GW 1933; St A635. 86. Schedel, Hartmann. 2084 Mus Liber chronicarum. 12 July 1493. HC 14508; StS281. Lacks f. 1. 41 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 87. Schedel, Hartmann. 2086 Liber chronicarum [German:] Das buch der croni- ken. 23 Dec. 1493. H 14510; StS283. Mus Another copy of each of the leaves foliated VII, LVII- LVIII, LXIII-LXIIII, XC-XCI. 88. Institoris, Henricus. 2104 Tractatus varii cum sermonibus contra errores ad- versus eucharistiam exortos. 26 Jan. 1496. H9233; St 1144. 89. Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. 2116 Satyrae. 6 Dec. 1497. HC9711; Stj600. 90. Psalterium. Latin. 2117 Psalterium. 1497. HC4013;StP965. FRIEDRICH CREUSSNER 91. Carolus Magnus. 2154.5 Legende seines streits vor Regensburg. [About 1485.] H4524; StCl86. 92. Talmud. 2192 Objectiones in dicta Talmud. [About 1497.] H 15230; C 5700; St T14. JOHANN SENSENSCHMIDT and ANDREAS FRISNER 93. Justinianus. 2198 B Codex Justinianus. 24 June 1475. H9599; GW7723; St J517. One leaf only. 42 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS GEORG STUCHS 94. Breviarium. Of the dioceses. 227 1 K Breviarium Lincopense. 16 Apr. 1493. HC(&Add) 3852; GW 5373; Coll (SvBib) 128- 132; StBl032. One leaf only. 95. Henricus de Hassia. 2278 Secreta sacerdotum. [About 1497.] HC8377;StH28. CASPAR HOCHFEDER 96. Thomas a Kempis. 2291 Opera. 29 Nov. 1494. HC(&Add) 9769; StT320. Mus Another copy of leaf signed i iiij. SPEIER PRINTER OF GESTA CHRISTI 97. Thomas Aquinas. 2327 De modo confitendi. [About 1472.] HC 1343; StT274. PETER DRACH 98. Dominicus de Sancto Geminiano. 2342 B Super sexto Decretalium. [Not after 1479.] HC 7530; GW 8648; St D258. One leaf only. 99. Salis, Baptista de. 2374 Summa casuum conscientiae. [After 14 Apr.] 1488. HC 14180; GW 3323; St S45. 100. Angelus de Clavasio. 2375 Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. 1488. HC 5383; GW 1926; St A629. 43 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ESSLINGEN CONRAD FYNER 101. Thomas Aquinas. 2461 Expositio (Postilla) in Job. 1474. H 1397; StT213. ULM JOHANN ZAINER 102. Petrarca, Francesca. 2499 Mus Historia Griseldis. 1473. HC 12814; StP356. 103. Thomas Aquinas. 2510 Quaes tiones de duodecim quodlibet. 1475. HC 1403; StTl64. 104. Johannes Gallensis. 2526 Summa collationum, sive Communiloquium. 1281 [i.e. 1481]. H7443; Stj294. Lacks/. 1. 105. Albertus Magnus. 2531 Mus Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis. [Not after 1478.] H472;GW775;StA300. 106. Hieronymus. 3536 Vitae sanctorum patrum, sive Vitas patrum. [About 1478-80.] H8594; StHl83. Leaves foliated 66 and 71 replaced from another copy. CONRAD DINCKMUT 107. Seelen-wurzgarten. 2561 Mus Seelen-wurzgarten. 26 July 1483. C 5345; Schr 5229; Schramm v. 6 (1923) abb. 96; St S3 30. One leaf only. 44 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS LUBECK LUCAS BRANDIS 108. Rudimentum novi riorum. 2610 Mus Rudimentum novitiorum. 5 Aug. 1475. H 4996; Baer p. XXXI; St R332. Fragment of f. 336, showing woodcut with legend Matheus euangelista BARTHOLOMAEUS GHOTAN See 405 2622 w 9828.8 109. Missale. Of the dioceses. 2623 K Missale Aboense. [Not after 17 Aug.] 1488. HC 11253; Coll(SvBib) 87-94; St M552. One leaf only {vellum) . PRINTER OF GRADUALE SVECICUM 110. Graduale. 2644 K Graduale Svecicum. [1493?] C 2765a; Coll(SvBib) 186-195, 365-366; St G302: [Liibeck: StefFen Arndes, 1493.] Part of leaf (vellum) . See WO. stephan arndes 2644 See 404. johann snell 2647 see 9828.7 ROSTOCK FRATRES DOMUS HORTI VIRIDIS AD S. MICHAELUM 111. Bernardus Claravallensis. 2665 . 3 B Sermones super Cantica canticorum. 28 July 1481. HC 2856; GW 3934; St B366. One leaf only. 45 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS REUTLINGEN JOHANN OTMAR 112. Bonaventura, S. 2705 Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis. 'Autumni tem- pore' 1484. H 3515 = 3514; GW4813; St B847. Mus Another copy of f. [D 5 ] only, in the 2d part. MICHAEL GREYFF 113. Jacobus de Voragine. 2720 Legenda aurea sanctorum. 1483. CR(Suppl) 6432; Stj99. Imperfect: consists of 313 ff. MEMMINGEN ALBRECHT KUNNE 114. Paulus Florentinus. 2780 Breviarium totius juris canonici. 1486. H7161; St PI 54. PASSAU JOHANN PETRI 115. Thomas Aquinas . 2850 De periculis contingentibus circa Sacramentum eucharistiae. De regimine Judaeorum. [About 1491.] H 1379; StT291. LEIPZIG CONRAD KACHELOFEN 116. Celtes, Conradus. 2854.9 Ars versificandi et carminum. Etc. [About I486.] C 1554; GW6460; St C329. 46 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 117. Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis. 2859.6 De arte loquendi et tacendi. 25 May 1490. GW550;StA186. 118. Cato, Dionysius. 2859.7 Cato: Disticha de moribus, etc. \Latin-Germani\ Cato moralissimus. [About 1490.] GW 6326; St C284. 119. Mahomet II. 2885.5 Epistolae Magni Turci. [After 23 Feb. 1488.] H 10507; StM53. 120. Gerardus, Stephanus. 2911 Salutaris poeta. [About 1489-92.] H7618; StGl48. PRINTER OF CAPOTIUS (MARTIN LANDSBERG) 121. Proba Falconia. 2935.5 Carmina, sive Centones Vergilii. [About 1490.] CR 2422; St P902. Lacks last leaf (J. 20). MARTIN LANDSBERG 122. Andreae, Johannes. 2945 Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cog- nationis spiritualis et legalis. [Not before 1492.] HC 1042; GW 1710; St A551. 123. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 2945.3 Laelius de amicitia. 1493. H 5300; GW 7002; St C508. 124. Basilius Magnus. 2963.5 De legendis antiquorum libris. [About 1489-96.] GW3709; StB240. GREGORIUS BOTTIGER 125. Balthasar de Porta. 3017.5 Expositio mysteriorum missae. [14] 95. HC2348; GW 3223. 47 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 126. Bonaventura, S. 3021.5 Biblia pauperum. [About 1498.] St B766. HEIDELBERG HEINRICH KNOBLOCHTZER 127. Jacobus de Clusa. 3141 De valore et militate missarum pro defunctis cele- bratarum. 1493. HC9341; Stj37. FREIBURG IM BREISGAU KILIAN FISCHER (PISCATOR) 128. Biblia. 3212.6 Biblia latina. 1491. HC 3108; Pr 7590; GW 4267; St B524: [Basel, Johann Amerbach]; BMC 3:694: [Freiburg im Breisgau, Kilianus Piscator (Fischer)]. Consists of ff. 393-408 (b-c*) only, bound at the end of no. 130. 129. Ephrem Syrus. 3212.8 Sermones selecti [Latin]. [Not after 1491.] HC 6597: [Basel, Johann Amerbach] =H 6598; Pr 7711; GW 9334: "[Nicht nach 1491]"; St E29: [about 1491-93]. 130. Biblia. 3215.3 Biblia latina. [About 1492-94.] HC 3047; Pr 7647 = 7642; ON 4270; St B527: [Basel, Johann Amerbach, about 1492-94]; BMC 3:695: [Freiburg im Breisgau, Kilianus Piscator (Fischer)]. The lacking ff. 393-408 (b-c s ) have been replaced by no. 128, consisting of the corresponding 16 leaves. 48 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 131. Georgius Bruxellensis. 3215.4 Cursus quaes tionum super to tarn logicam. [About 1495.] H3969;StGl36. FRIEDRICH RIEDERER 132. Riederer, Friedrich. 3216 Spiegel der wahren rhetorik. 11 Dec. 1493. HC 13914; StRl91. GERMANY— UNASSIGNED 133. Garlandia, Johannes de. Verba deponentia. [n.p., n.d.] 24 ff. (a-d e , last leaf blank) ; f. 3-20 foliated iij-xx. Gothic type, 20 lines of Haeb(Tpr) M47 and M87 respectively 63/64 mm and about 103 mm; f. 2v has 42 lines. Title (f. lr) : "Verba deponentalia cum commento." Ends onf. 20v: "Expliciunt verba deponentalia prolongata et bene emendata." Alphabetic table onf. 21r-23v. 49 Italy ROME CONRAD SWEYNHEYM and ARNOLD PANNARTZ 134. Augustinus, Aurelius. 3310 De civitate Dei. 1470. HC 2049; GW 2876; St A1091. Lacks f. 17 (replaced in manuscript). ULRICH HAN (UDALRICUS GALLUS) 135. Livius, Titus. 3345 Historiae Romanae decades. [Before 3 Aug. 1470.] HC 10129; St L209. Imperfect: consists of 150 ff. See 140. 3370^3605.3 &*141. 3371 tt* 3605.5 GEORG LAUER 136. Thomas Aquinas. 3405 Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet. [About 1470.] HC 1400; StTl61. JOHANN REINHARD 137. Phalaris (supposed author) . 3474 Epistolae [Latin], 1475. HC(Add) 12893; St P507. Consists of 54 ff. 50 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS BARTHOLOMAEUS GULDINBECK 138. Thomas Aquinas. 3562.5 De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramentis. 8 Feb. 1476. Hl432;StT251. See 147. See 3818.5 139. Patritius, Franciscus. 3598 Oratio ad Innocentium VIII. [After 29 Dec. 1484.] HC 12468; StPl33. WOLF HAN (LUPUS GALLUS) 140. Jordanus Osnabrugensis. 3605.3 De imperio Romano. [About 1476.] HC9437; Pr 3370; Stj426. 141. Monte, Petrus de. 3605.5 De potestate Romani Pontificis et Generalis Con- cilii. [About 1476.] H 11591; C 4352; Pr 3371; St M721. STEPHAN PLANNCK 142. Imitatio Christi. 3716.5 Imitatio Christi. 3 Oct. 1493. HCR 9106; St 127. Lacks ff. 1-4. 143. Pius II, Pant. Max. 3763 De curialium miseria. [1488-90.] HCR 197; StP606. 144. Dares Phrygius. 3774.5 De excidio Troiae historia. [About 1488.] H5959; GW7990; StD35. 145. Coniuratio malignorum spirituum. 3797.5 Coniuratio malignorum spirituum. [About 1496/ 98.] GW 7389. 51 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EUCHARIUS SILBER 146. Lullus, Raymundus. 3815.6 Ars brevis. 14 Feb. 1485. R 1254 [Georg Herolt]; St L347. 147. Lullus, Raymundus. 3818.5 Junua artis. 1485. R 606: [Barth. Guldinbeck.] The type may be Eucharius Sitter's type 3, cf. no. 146 above. 148. Marullus, Michael. 3823.5 Epigrammata. [About 1486-90.] HC 10877; Pr 3946; BMC 4: 123; St M298. 149. Garsias, Petrus. 3838 Determinationes magistrates contra conclusiones Joannis Pici Mirandulae. 15 Oct. 1489. HC7492; StG85. Lacks ff. 68-73. 150. EphremSyrus. 3897 Sermones selecti [Latin.] [About 1490.] HC6602; GW9333;StE32. EUCHARIUS SILBER (Doubtful) 151. Jacobus Cerrinus 3918.5 De scansione et syllabarum quantitate. n.p., n.d. 4 ff. Roman type, 20 lines: 108 mm; cruciform punc- tuation mark: Sitter's type 4? cf. Haeb(Trp) ; f. 3r has 28 lines. Epistle dedicatory begins (J. lr): "Iacobus Cerri- nus Guidoni suo: S. P. D. Tu qui syllabicos numeros cito noscere tentas: Quid sapiant ..." Text begins (J. lv): "HAeroicum Carmi- nis genus primuTW fuisse now te lateat . . . "; ends (J. 4v) : " . . . quae indifFerenter ponitur. Vale." 52 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS GEORG HEROLT See 146. See 3815.6 See 148. 3946 see 3823.5 ROME UNASSIGNED S^ 336. &*7408 VENICE VINDELINUS DE SPIRA 152. Lactantius, Lucius Coelius Firmianus. 4040 Opera. 1472. HC9810; StL5. NICOLAUS JENSON 153. Cicero, Marcus Tullius . 4069 Epistolae ad familiares. 1471. HCR 5168; GW 6806; St C458. Lacks f. 2. 154. Valla, Laurentius. 4071 Elegantiae linguae latinae. 1471. HCR 15802; St V47. 155. Augustinus, Aurelius. 4096 De civitate Dei. 2 Oct. 1475. HC 2051; GW 2879; St A1094. Has variant colophon, cf. GW. 156. Thomas Aquinas. 4103 Summa theologica. Pars I. 1477. HC 1442; StTl77. 157. Marchesinus, Johannes. 4121 Mammotrectus super Bibliam. 23 Sept. 1479. HC 10559; St M206. 53 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ADAM DE AMBERGAU 158. Vergerius, Petrus Paulus. 4147 De ingenuis moribus. [About 1471.] H 15986; C 5983; Pr 4147 (II, III); St V114. Imperfect: consists of ff. 1-33 (i.e. pt. I) only. FRANCISCUS RENNER, DE HEILBRONN, alone 159. Thomas Aquinas . 4156 Deanima. 1472. Hl522;StTl52. With NICOLAUS DE FRANKFORDIA 160. Biblia. 4163 Biblia latina. 1475. HC 3054; GW 4216; St B475. 161. Thomas Aquinas. 4164 Summa theologica. Pars II, 2. 1475. HC 1462; StTl91. Alone 162. Biblia. 4180 Biblia latina. 1,11, n.d.; Ill, 1482. HC 3165; GW 4287; St B546. Is without ff. 1212-1361 ([2], a-o*, p 10 , q\ r-P), cf. BMC 5: 197. 163. Biblia. 4182 Biblia latina. 1483. HC 3089; GW 4253; St B512. Lacks ff. 1-214, i.e. the part of the Old Testament preceding Proverbia. 164. Marchesinus, Johannes. 4183 Mammotrectus super Bibliam. 1483. HC(&Add) 10563; St M210. 54 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS GABRIELE DI PIETRO 165. Merula, Georgius. 4202 Ennarationes Satyrarum Juvenalis. [Between 15 Mar. and 6 May] 1478. HC 11090; StM430. 166. Accursius, Bonus. 4204 Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae. [About 1476.] H 59; C 5935; GW 169; St A22. FILIPPO DI PIETRO 167. Paulus Venetus. 4259.5 Logica. [About 1475.] H 12497; St P192. JOHANNES DE COLONIA and JOHANNES MANTHEN 168. Festus, Sextus Pompeius. 4295 De verborum significatione. 24 Dec. 1474. HfnotR] 15858 (II)=HC(Add) 15858 = C2487; StFl28. Lacks ff. /, 33, 36, 94-100 (blank: ff. 1, 94). 169. Leonardus de Utino. 4300 Sermones de Sanctis. 1475. HC 16132; StLl35. ERHARD RATDOLT with BERNHARD MALER (PICTOR) and PETER LOSLEIN 170. Appianus. 4368 B Historia Romana, [Paris II]. 1477. HC 1307 (I); GW 2290 (2); St A827 (II). One leaf only. 171. Cepio, Coriolanus. 4369 Petri Mocenici imperatoris gesta. 1477. HC 4849; GW 6473; St C338. 55 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ERHARD RATDOLT, alone 172. Euclides. 4383 Elementa geometriae. 25 May 1482. HC 6693; GW 9428; St E86. 173. Eusebius Caesariensis. 4390 Chronicon. 13 Sept. 1483. HC(&Add) 6717; GW 9433; St E90. 174. Hyginus, C. Julius. 4398 Poeticon astronomicon. 22 Jan. 1485. HC9063; StH488. 175. Prognos ticon . 440 1 Opusculum repertorii prognos ticon in mutationes aeris. Hippocrates: Libellus de medicorum as- trolgia. [Before 4 Nov.] 1485. HCR 13393; StP920. NICOLAUS GIRARDENGUS 176. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 4464 Orationes. 10 Mar. 1480. HC 5124; GW 6767; St C492. GEORG WALCH 177. Rolewinck, Werner. 4486 Mus Fasciculus temporum. 1479. HC 6924; St R252. LUCAS DOMINICI 178. Valla, Laurentius. 4492 Invectiva in Antonium Raudensum. Etc. 4 Oct. 1481. HC 15824; StV64. JOHANNES and GREGORIUS DE GREGORIIS 179. Petrarca, Francesco. 4526 Epistolaefamiliares. 13 Sept. 1492. HC 12811; StP353. 56 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS OCTAVIANUS SCOTUS 180. Capreolus, Johannes. 4580 Quaestiones in IV libros Sententiarum, seu Libri IV defensionum Theologiae Thomae Aquina- tis. I-III) 1483; IV) 1484. HC 4410; GW 6032; StCll6. Consists of v. 3 only, lacking 6 ff. at beginning. ANTONIUS DE STRATA 181. Thomas Aquinas. 4585 Summa theologica. Pars I. 10 Id. [ = 4?] Dec. 1484. HC 1444; StTl79. 182. Avienus, Rufius Festus. 4593 Arati phaenomena. 25 Oct. 1488. HC 2224 = H 2223; GW 3131; St A1277. Lacks ff. 2-3. BAPTISTA DE TORTIS 183. Persius Flaccus, Aulus. 4611 Satyrae. 14 Mar. 1482. CR4702; StP303. 184. Martialis, Marcus Valerius. 4612 Epigrammata. 15 July 1482. HC 10816; StM264. 185. Valla, Laurentius. 4632.7 Elegantiae linguae latinae. 28 Aug. 1486. H 15814; StV57. Consists of 98 ff. only. 186. Bonifacius VIII, Pont. Max. 4647 Liber sextus Decretalim. Etc. Apr. 1494. HC 3620; GW 4889. 187. Ubaldis, Baldus de. 4654.8 Codex: Super I-IX Codicis. I) 3 June 1496; II) 4 July 1496; III) 25 July 1496; IV) 19 May 1496; V) 5 Sept. 1496. HC2281; StUlO. Consists of pts. IV and V only. 57 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 188. Justinianus. 4655 Codex Justianianus. 29 July 1496. H9619; GW 7744; Stj526. 189. Justinianus. 4661 Novellae etc. 3 Nov. 1497. H9635; GW7767; StJ538. JOHANNES HERBORT, for Johannes de Colonia, Nicolaus Jenson and co. 190. Innocentius IV, Pont. Max. 4678 Apparatus super libros Decretalium. 15 June 1481. HC 9192; St 187. ANDREAS TORRESANUS with BARTHOLO- MAEUS DE BLAVIS 191. Livius, Titus. 4708 Historiae Romanae decades [Italian]. 13 Aug. 1485. HC(&Add) 10147; St L226. ANDREAS TORRESANUS, alone 192. Bartolus de Saxoferrato. 4718.5 Digestus novus: Super prima parte Digesti novi. Repetitio legis: Caesar De publicanis. 16 Sept. 1488. H 2609(1); GW 3554. 193. Justinianus. 4725 Mus Digestum vetus. 26 Mar. 1491. H9556; GW7675; Stj500. One leaf only, foliated CCLII. THOMAS DE BLAVIS 194. Martialis, Marcus Valerius. 4755 Epigrammata. 12 June 1482. HC 10815; StM263. 58 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 195. Blondus, Flavius. 4758 Historiarum ab inclinatione Romanorum imperii decades. 28 June 1484. HC 3249; GW 4420; St B629. Contains also (as in BMC 5: 317) Pius II: Abbrevia- tio supra Decades Blondi. HERMANN LIECHTENSTEIN (LEVILAPSIS) 196. Thomas Aquinas. 4793 Opuscula. 7 Sept. 1940. HC 1541; StT233. BERNARDINUS STAGNINUS 197. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. 4827 Opera. 1486. HC8884; StH386. 198. Justinianus. 4838.3 Codex Jus tinianus. 16 Sept. 1495. H 9618; C 3400 (before)*; GW 7743. PEREGRINUS DE PASQUALIBUS 199. Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius. 4865 Institutiones oratoriae. 18 Aug. 1494. HCR 13654; StQ27. BERNARDINUS BENALIUS, alone. 200. Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo. 4868 Mus Supplementum chronicarum. 15 Dec. 1486. HC2807; St J187. One leaf only, foliated 156. With MATTEO CAPCASA 201. Dante Alighieri. 4877 La Commedia. 3 Mar. 1491. HCR 5949; GW 7969; St D26. This copy has the first variant in GW 7969. Lacks ff. 1-10. 59 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Alone 202. Augustinus, Aurelius. 4885 Explanatio Psalmorum. 4 Aug. 1493. HC(Add) 1973; GW 2910; St All 32. This copy is of the variant issue with printer s device at end. 203. Bernardus Claravallensis. 4888 Modus bene vivendi. 30 May 1494. HCR 2896 = 2894?; GW 4048; St B354. BERNARDINUS RIZUS 204. Ovidius Naso, Publius. 4944 205. Opera. I) 27 Nov. 1486; II) 13 Jan. 1486/87. 4945 HC(Add) 12143; St 124. 206. Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo. 4960.5 Supplementum chronicarum [Italian:] Cronicha de tuto el monde vulgare. 8 Oct. 1491. HCR 2812; StJ190. Lacks ff. 7, 10 and 18. MATTEO CAPCASA See 288. See Venice — unassigned 207. Plautus, Titus Maccius. 5003 Comoediae. 23 Nov. 1495. HCR 13078; StP712. BONETUS LOCATELLUS for Octavianus Scotus 208. Boethius. 5020 De consolatione philosophiae. 24 Dec. 1489. HCR 3404; GW 4544; St B703. Title (f. lr): Boethius. 209. Silius Italicus. 5034 Punica. 18 May 1492. HC 14740; St S459. 60 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 210. Valerius Maximus, Gaius. 5042 Facta et dicta memorabilia. 30 Apr. 1493. HC 15792; StV38. 211. Boccaccio, Giovanni. 5052 Genealogiae deorum. 23 Feb. 1494/95. HC 3321; GW4478; St B672. 212. Priscianus. 5068 Opera. 21 Feb. 1496/97. HC 13364; StP888. 213. Serapion, Johannes, the Elder. 5084 Breviarium medicinae. Etc. 16 Dec. 1497. HC 14695; StS421. GUILELMUS ANIMA MIA 214. Nestor, Dionysius. 5110 Vocabularius. Sulpitius Verulanus: De quantitate syllabarum. 26 June 1488. HC6253;StNl2. 215. Solinus, Caius Julius. 5116 Polyhistor, sive De mirabilibus mundi. 13 Jan. 1493. HC 14881; StS556. JOHANNES RUBEUS 216. Maius, Junianus. 5126 De priscorum proprietate verborum. 23 Feb. 1490. HC 10545; StM85. 217. Scriptores historiae Augustae. 5127 Scriptores historiae Augustae. 15 July 1490. H 14563; StS314. Leaf D 1 recto begins "mentiis & de animis," cf. BMC 5: 417. 218. Datus, Augustinus. 5129.5 Elegantiolae. [About 1490-05.] R492; GW8095; St D62. 61 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 219. Strabo. 5135 Geographia [Latin] . 24 Apr. 1494. HC 15090; StS707. 220. Justinus, M. Junianus. 5139 Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii historias. [After 1489- 90.] HC9654; St J559. Lacks last leaf (f. 58). See 288. See Venice — unassigned 221. Hieronymus. 5141 Epistolae. I) 7 Jan. 1496; II) 12 July 1496. HC8563; StHl62. 222. Solinus, Caius Julius. 5146 Polyhistor, sive De mirabilibus mundi. 10 Mar. 1498. HC 14885; StS557. ALBERTINUS RUBEUS 223. Terentius Afer, Publius . 5151.5 Comoediae. 1 Dec. 1500. H 15421; StT89. MARINUS SARACENUS 224. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 5158.5 De officiis. 20 Dec. 1487. HR 5276; GW 6957; St C546. PAGANINUS DE PAGANINIS See 287. See 5697 225. Salis, Baptista de. 5178 Summa casuum conscientiae. 21 Dec. 1499. HC 14186; GW 3326; St S48. 62 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS BERNARDINUS DE CHORIS with SIMON DE LUERE 226. Plato. 5216 Opera [Latin.] Printed for Andreas Torresanus. 13 Aug. 1491. HC 13063; StP703. 227. Terentius Afer, Publius. 5217 Comoediae. 29 Nov. 1491. HC 15418; StT73. CHRISTOPHORUS DE PENSIS 228. Sulpitius Verulanus, Johannes. 5222.5 De arte grammatica, sive De octo partibus ora- tionis.4Apr. 1489. HC 15153; StS739. 229. Diomedes. 5224 Ars grammatica, etc. 4 June 1491. HC 6216; GW 8402; St D192. Lacks f. 1. 230. Perottus, Nicolaus. 5234 Rudimenta grammatices. 4 Nov. 1495. HC 12688; StP290. See 288. See venice — unassigned 231. Mancinellus, Antonius. 5236 Scribendi orandique modus. 4 June 1496. H 10595; StMl09. 232. Dictys Cretensis. 5247 Historia Troiana. 1 Feb. 1499; 1 Mar. 1499. HC 6158; GW 8328; St D147. 233. Appianus. 5253 Historia Romana. 20 Nov. 1500. HC 1312; GW 2291; St A828. Lacks ff. 4-5. 63 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 234. Sallustius Crispus, Gaius. 5254.9 Opera. [About 1494-1500.] HC 14229; St S76. 235. For tuna tianus, Chirius Consultus. 5257 Rhetorica, et De officio oratoris. [1494-1500.] HCR7306; StF249. 64 ff. (f.l and 64 blank). 236. Isocrates. 5258 Oratio de laudibus Helenae [Latin]. Herodotus: Historiae [Latin]. [About 1498-1500.] HC9314; St 1184. See 288. theodorus de ragazonibus See Venice — unassigned PHILIPPUS PINCIUS 237. Martialis, Marcus Valerius 5286 Epigrammata. 29 Mar. 1491. HC 10821; StM268. Lacks f. 2 {foliated I) . See 288. See venice — unassigned 238. Priscianus. 5323 Opera. 19 Mar. 1500. HC 13365; StP889. BARTHOLOMAEUS DE ZANIS 239. Livius, Titus. 5340 Historiae Romanae decades. 20 June 1498. HC(Add) 10142; St L220. 240. Cicero, Marcus Tullius 5341.5 De officiis. 23 Jan. 1498 [1498/99?] H5283; GW6968; StC553. MANFREDUS DE BONELLIS with GEORGIUS DE RUSCONIBUS 241. Valla, Laurentius. 5370.35 Elegantiae linguae latinae. 1 Oct. 1 500. HC 15823; StV63. 64 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS BARTHOLOMAEUS DE RAGAZONIBUS 242. Ovidius Naso, Publius. 5373.9 Epistolae heroidum. 10 Nov. 1492. HC 12205. 243. Persius, Flaccus Aulus. 5374 Satyrae. 17 Jan. 1492/93. HC 12737; St P314. SIMON BEVILAQUA 244. Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. 5381 Pharsalia. 31 Jan. 1493/94. HC 10241; StL273. 245. Tibullus, Albius. 5382 Elegiac Catullus: Carmina. Propertius: Elegiac 26 June 1493. HC 4764; St T340. 246. Vergilius Maro, Publius. 5400.5 Opera. 20 Feb. 1497. C6077; StVl71. Lacks last leaf. 247. Ovidius Naso, Publius. 5403 Metamorphoses. 8 July 1497. HC(&Add) 12176; StOl74. 248. Cleonides. 5404 Harmonicum introductorium, etc. [Latin]. 3 Aug. 1497. HC5451; GW6123;StC677. Imperfect: consists of the 74 ff. containing II (Vitru- vius: De architectura) and IV (Frontinus: De aquaeductu urbis Romae) . 249. Biblia. 5406 Biblia latina. 8 May 1498. HC 3124; GW 4280; St B537. Imperfect: consists of ff. 1-25, 27-250, i.e. the Old Testament to the end of the Prologues to the Books of Solomon. 65 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 250. Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. 5409 Pharsalia. 20 Oct. 1498. HC 10242; St L275. 251. Plautus, Titus Maccius. 5412 Comoediae. 17 Sept. 1499. HC 13082; StP714. 252. Johannes de Sacro Busto. 5414 Sphaera mundi. 23 Oct. 1499. H 14125; BMC 5: 524; St J376. The issue ivith ISO ff. JOHANNES TACUINUS 253. Silius Italicus. 5425 Puncia. 20 Sept. 1493. HCR 14741; StS460. 254. Mancinellus, Antonius. 5426 Carmen de floribus ad Veliternos. Etc. 11 Dec. 1493. HC 10617; StM91. 255. Ovidius Naso, Publius. 5432 De arte amandi. De remedio amoris. '5 July 1494' [Rafter 1500?] BMC 5: 535: "May be of the sixteenth century"; StOl32. 256. Mancinellus, Antonius. 5446.5 Carmen de floribus ad Veliternos. Etc. 11 May 1497. R245. 257. Donatus, Aelius. 5448.3 Ars minor (Donatus melior) etc. 3 Aug. 1497. HR 10628; GW 9021 258. Ovidius Naso, Publius. 5457 Tristia. 26 Mar. 1499. HC 12249; St 0182. See 288. See Venice — unassigned 66 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS For Bernardinus Stagninus 259. Nicolaus de Lyra. 5463.5 Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadragesi- malia. 13 Feb. 1500/01. H 10393; StN98. HIEORNYMUS DE PAGANINIS 260. Biblia. 5468 Mus Biblia latina. 7 Sept. 1497. HC 3123; GW4278; StB535. One leaf only (J. 421?) PETRUS DE QUARENGIIS with GIOVANNI MARIA DI OCCIMIANO 261. Imitatio Christi. 5475.8 Imitatio Christi. 23 Apr. 1493. HR 9107; St 125. Alone 262. Paulus Venetus. 5483 Logica. 23 June 1498. C4410; CR4652; StP201. 263. Paulus Pergulensis. 5484 Compendium logicae. 25 July 1498. HC 12627; StPl67. For Alexander Calcedonius 264. Dominicus de Flandria. 5486 Quaes tiones in commentaria Thomae de Aquino super Metaphysicis Aristotelis. 20 Aug. 1499. H 7125; GW 8640; St D253. JOHANNES ROSCIUS 265. Mancinellus, Antonius. 5491 Epitoma, seu Regulae constructionis. 20 Nov. 1492. H 10605; St M94. 67 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JOHANN EMERICH, for Lucantonio Giunta 266. Nicolaus de Lyra. 5494 Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadragesi- malia. 25 May 1494. H 10389; StN95. 267. Regulae. 5504 Mus Regulae monasticorum: Regulae SS. Benedict], Basilii, Augustini, Francisci. 13 Apr. 1500. HC 13827; C 5893; St R129. Lacks ff. 179-214 (A-D\ E 1 -*). BERNARDINUS DE VITALIBUS 268. Polybius. 5528 Historiae. [Latin]. 1498. HC 13248; StP828. 269. Laetus, Pomponius. 5532 Romanae historiae compendium. 23 Apr. 1499. HC9830; StL23. ALDUS MANUTIUS 270. Aristoteles. 5547 271. Opera [Greek].!) 1 Nov. 1495; II) Feb. 1497; III) 5555 272. 29 Jan. 1497; IV) 1 June 1497; V) June 1498. 5553 273. HC 1657; GW 2334; St A858: "Contains also 5556 274. works of Galenus (II); Philo Judaeus (II); 5565 Theophrastus (II-IV); Alexander Aphrodi- saeus (IV)." Sig. PP in v. 3 has 11 ff.;f. 1 (with table and epistle dedicatory) and f. 2 (blank) of v. 4 are lacking. US. Gaza, Theodorus. 5548 Grammatica introductiva [Greek]. IS Dec. 1495. HC 7500; St G100. Contains also the Greek texts: Gaza, Theodorus: De mensibus; Appolonius Dyscolus: De construc- tione; Herodianus: De numeris. See 272, 271, 273. See 5553, 5555, 5556 above, under 5547 68 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 276. Cras tonus, Johannes. 5561 Lexicon graeco-latinum. Dec. 1497. HC6151; GW7814; StC853. See 274. 5565 above, under 5547 277. Politianus, Angelus. 5567 Opera. July 1498. HC 13218; StP808. 278. Firmicus Maternus, Julius. 5570 De nativitatibus. Etc. June and [17] Oct. 1499. HC 14559; St F169. Two copies. Copy one consists of ff. 309-368 (sig. N-S* ) containing the Greek texts preceded by the title "Arati Solensis Phaenomena cum*commen- tariis" including Theoris commentary and Pro- clus Diadochus: Sphaera. Cf. BMC 5: 560. Copy two consists of ff. 369-375 (sig. T 1-7 ) con- taining the Latin translation (on ff. 369-374) ivith title "Procli Diadochi Sphaera . . . Thoma Linacro . . . interprete. ..." Register on f. 375r-v. JOHANNES BAPTISTA SESSA 279. Valla, Laurentius. 5 591 A Elegantiae linguae latinae. Etc. 8 Feb. 1499/1500. HC(&Add) 15822; St V62. JACOBUS DE RAGAZONIBUS 280. Bernardus Claravallensis. 561 7A Modus vene vivendi [Italian]. 24 Mar. 1497. H 2899; R 422; GW 4054; St B358. JOHANNES ALVISIUS 281. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. 5635 Opera. 23 July 1498. HCR 8896; St H396. 69 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 282. Mancinellus, Antonius. 5635.5 Scribendi orandique modus. [About 1498.] HR 10593; StMll2. BARTHOLOMAEUS PELUSIUS, GABRIEL BRACIUS, JOHANNES BISSOLUS, AND BENEDICTUS MANGIUS 283. Ficinus, Marsilius. 5639 De triplici vita. 1498. H7066; StFl45. FRANCISCUS LUCENSIS with ANTONIUS FRANCISCI 284. Mutius, Macarius. 5642 De triumpho Christi. 29 Mar. 1499. HC 11655; StM757. PRINTER OF 1480 VALLA 285. Valla, Laurentius. 5679 Elegantiae linguae latinae. Etc. 1480. HC 15809; StV54. 286. Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius. 5679.3 Vitae XII Caesarum. 1480. HC 15119; Pr. 6494; BMC 7:1137 with BMC 6:p.L; St S726. VENICE— UNASSIGNED 287. Cassianus, Johannes. 5697 De institutis coenobiorum. Etc. Venice, 1491. HC 4563; GW 6161: [Epon. press = Paganinus de Paganinis?]; StC211. 70 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 288. Sulpitius Verulanus, Johannes. De versuum scansione. [Venice?, about 1495?.] R 748: [Venice Johannes Tacuinus]; St S758: [Venice, Philippus Pincius?, about 1495.] Cf. BMC 5:415: Johannes Rubeus, type 80 R; BMC 5:476: Theodoras de Ragazonibus, type 81 R; BMC 5:482: Matteo Capcasa, type 80 R (reproduced on pi. XXXVIII); Haeb(Tpr) passim. 32 jf. Roman type; 20 lines: 79/80 mm. This may have been printed by Christophorus de Pensis. The paper appears to be the same as that of his edition ofPerottus's Rudimenta grammatices, 1495 (no. 230 above), the two ornamental ini- tials, C and \onff.2r and 19r, are used also in that edition, and the type appears to be his type 10. Cf. Haeb(Tpr); BMC 5:467, type 80 R°; GfT 2209. See 336. See 7408 FERRARA ANDREAS BELFORTIS 289. Guarinus, Baptista. 5732 De ordine docendi ac studendi. [1474-93.] HCR 8129=H 8130; St G485. MILAN ANTONIUS ZAROTUS See 10\. See milan — unassigned 290. Bossius, Donatus. 5831 Chronica. Printed for the author. 1 Mar. 1492. HC 3667; GW 4952; St B925. 71 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PHILIPPUS DE LAVAGNA 291. Cavalca, Domenico. 5849 Pungi lingua. [About 1475.] HCR 4770; BMC 6:705: [Philippus de Lavagna]; GW 6408: [Christoph Valdarfer]; St C304. See 291. Christopher valdarfer See 5849 JOHANNES ANTONIUS DE HONATE 292. Statuta. 5906 Statuta Mediolani: Tabula. 30 Nov. 1482. Hc(&Add) 15009(11); HR 15010; St S639. 2 copies. Copy 1 lacks ff. 1-3, 6-8. 293. Thomas Aquinas. 5908 Opuscula. Printed with Benignus De Honate, 1488. HC(&ADD) 1540; StT234. LEONHARD PACHEL and ULRICH SCINZENZELER 294. Philelphus, Franciscus. 5954 Orationes et alia opera. [1483-84.] H 12919; StP554. Lacks ff. 213-224. 295. Bonaventura, S. 5956.5 Meditationes vitae Christi [Italian]. 14 Feb. 1486. CR 1186; GW4794. PAULUS DE SUARDIS 296. Statuta. 5971 Statuta Mediolani. 20 Dec. 1480. HC(&Add) 15009(1); StS638. 2 copies. Copy 2 lacks ff. 144-145. CHRISTOPH VALDARFER 297. Thomas Aquinas. 597 7B Opuscula: Tractatus quinque cum aliis tractatibus. 1 Mar. 1488. HC 1543; StT237. See 291. See 5849 72 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS ULRICH SCINZENZELER for Philippus de Lavagna 298. Ambrosius, S. 6006 De officiis. Etc. 17 Jan. 1488. HC 911 (incl. HC 908); GW 1612; St A499. PHILIPPUS MANTEGATIUS 299. Hieronymus. 6059.5 Vita et transitus [Italian:] La vita et transito. 27 Feb. 1495. HR 8650; St H240. Lacks ff. /, 51-54. JOHANNES BISSOLUS and BENEDICTUS MANGIUS for Demetrius Chalcondylas 300. Suidas. 6077 AefrKov (Lexicon graecum). 15 Nov. 1499. HC 15135; StS735. MILAN— UNASSIGNED 301. Fliscus, Stephanus. Sententiarum variationes, seu Synonyma. Printed for Augustinus Maria de Conago. June 1481. C 2530; StFl79: Milan: [Antonius Zarotus]. FLORENCE APUD SANCTUM JACOBUM DE RIPOLI 302. Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius. 6104 De grammaticis et rhetoribus. 1478. C 5672; StS720. 73 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS NICOLAUS LAURENTII 303. Alberti, Leo Baptista. 6131 De re aedificatoria. 29 Dec. 1485. HC419; GW 579; StAl93. In this issue "the last quire, as ivell as the inmost sheet of quire 1, is printed with Nerlius 110R., the page contents being the same as in the original issued— BMC 6:631. See 303. bernardus nerlius See 6131 BARTOLOMMEO DI LIBRI 304. Josephus, Flavius. 6199 De bello Judaico [Italian:] Historia della guerra hebbono. 6 July 1493. HCR9460; Stj442. 305. Savonarola, Hieronymus. 6290 Expositio Orationis Dominicae [Italian]. [About 1490.] HCR 14445; St S185. S^310. 6305^6432.5 JACOPO DI CARLO and PIETRO DI ONOFRIO DE' BUONACCORSI 306. Diogenes Laertius. 6334.5 Vitae et sententiae philosophorum [Italian], 24 Oct. 1489. H 6209; GW 8390; St D188. LORENZO DI ALOPA 307. Plato. 6405 Opera. [Latin]. [May 1484; Before 8 Apr. 1485.] HC 13062 = H 13068?; St P702. Lacks ff. 303-562. 74 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS COMPAGNIA DEL DRAGO (SOCIETAS COLUBRIS) 308. Marullus, Michael. 6415 Hymni et epigrammata. 26 Nov. 1497. HC(&Add) 10880; St M299. FLORENCE— UNASSIGNED 309. Augustinus, Aurelius. 6430.5 Soliloquia (Text beginning: Agnoscam te . . .) [Italian]. 20 June 1489. HR 2017; GW 3016; St A1181: [Florence?: Epon. press.] See 332 See 7180.5 310. Savonarola, Hieronymus. 6432.5 In re Psalm. L: Expositio super psalmo Miserere mei Deus [Italian]. [Florence, after 23 May 1498.] HR 14428 =HC 14429?; C 5295; R 1386; Pr 6305; StS200. See 431. sixteenth century printing 6453 TREVISO HERMANN LIECHTENSTEIN (LEVILAPIS) 311. Terentius Afer, Publius. 6481 Comoediae. 18 Sept. 1477. HC 15408; StT61. JOHANNES RUBEUS See2$6. 6494 see 5679.3 312. Platina, Bartholomaeus. 6498 Vitae pontificum. 10 Feb. 1485. HC 13048; StP701. 313. Thucydides. 6500 Historia belli Peloponnesiaci. [1483?] HC 15511; StT328. 75 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BOLOGNA BALDASSARE AZZOGUIDI 314. Petrus de Bergamo. 6518 Tabula operumThomae Aquinatis. 11 Mar. 1473. HC(&Add) 2816; StP406. Lacks f. 269. UGO RUGERIUS WITH DIONYSIUS (dONINUS, DOMINICUS) BERTOCHUS See l\S. 6532 HANNIBAL MALPIGLIUS (Doubtful) 315. Aristoteles. 6532 Ethica ad Nicomachum [Latin]. [About 1475.] HCR 1742; H 1744(?); BMC 6:806: [Rugerius . . . [or] rather H. Malpiglius?]; GW: [Bo- logna: Ugo Rugerius, um 1475]; St A881: [Bologna: Ugo Rugerius?, about 1475.] JOHANN SCHREIBER 316. Thomas Aquinas. 6549 Commentaria in omnes epistolas Sancti Pauli. 1481. HCR 1338; StT210. FRANCISCUS (PLATO) DE BENEDICTIS for Benedictus Hectoris Faelli. 317. Baptista Mantuanus. 6585 Parthenice prima, sive Mariana. 17 Oct. 1488. H2364; GW3276; St B50. BENEDICTUS HECTORIS FAELLI 318. Picus de Mirandula, Johannes. 6630 319. Opera. I) 20 Mar. 1496; II) 16 July 1495 [i.e. 6631 1496.] HC(&Add) 12992 [not HC 12992]; Pr 6631 = 1, 6630 = 11; StP579. Lacks f. 1. 76 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 320. Beroaldus, Philippus. 6645 Oratio proverbiorum. 17 Dec. 1499. HC 2966; GW 4142; St B426. NAPLES DOUBTFUL 5^336. &*7408 MANTUA VINCENTIUS BERTOCHUS 321. Baptista Mantuannus. 6910 Adolescentia. 1498. HC(&Add) 2401; C 857; GW 3244; St B46: "Known in a variant dated 16 Sept. 1498." This copy has the day date, 16 Sept., in the colophon. BRESCIA ANGELUS and JACOBUS BRITANNICUS Jacobus (with Angelus' device) 322. Persius Flaccus, Aulus. 6982 Satyrae. 17 Feb. 1486. HC 12730; StP310. 323. Philelphus, Franciscus. 6985 Orationes et alia opera. 18 June 1488. H 12922; StP555. Angelus and Jacobus (with Angelus' device) 324. Statuta. 6987 Statuta Bergomi. 18 Dec. 1491. HC 14996; St S630. 77 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 325. Bernardus Claravallensis. 6989 Opuscula. 18 Mar. 1495. CR994, GW 3907; StB318. Jacobus (with his own device) 326. Plutarchus. 7009 Vitae illustrium virorum. '9 Aug.' [not before 13 Aug.] 1499. HC(&Add) 13131; St P761. No printer's name (without device) 327. Statuta. 7012.6 Statuta Valliscamonicae. Printed for Petrus Pe- tretus de Grevo. 1 Sept. 1498. R 338; StS645. BAPTISTA FARFENGUS 328. Bonaventura, S. 7013.5 Commentarius in primum librum Sententiarum Petri Lombardi. 20 Oct. 1490. HR 3537; GW4657; StB781. VICENZA See 330. leonardus achates de basilea See 7145 HERMANN LIECHTENSTEIN (LEVILAPIS) for Nicolaus Petri 329. Andreae, Antonius. 7144.5 Quaestiones super XII libros Metaphysicae Aris- totelis. 12 May 1477. H975; GW 1658; StA518. JOHANNES DE RENO (Doubtful) 330. Leonicenus, Omnibonus. 7145 Commentum in Ciceronis Oratorem. 22 Dec. 1476. HC 10030 [Leonardus de Basilea]; HR 10030; St L149. 78 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS STEPHAN KOBLINGER 331. Tor tellius , Johannes . 7 1 60 Orthographia. 13 Jan. 1479. HC 15566; StT362. SIMON BEVILAQUA 332. Ars moriendi. 7180.5 Ars moriendi (Text beginning: Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus . . . ) [Italian:] Arte di ben morire. [About 1490.] C 1443; BMC 7:1051; GW 2627: [Florenz? Drucker der Ars moriendi (Proctor 7372), um 1490(?)]; StA989. Lacks last leaf (J. 20) MODENA DOMINICUS ROCOCIOLUS 333. Niger, Franciscus. 7 19 5 A Modus epistolandi. 24 May 1490. H 11865; StN208. Mutilated: f. 10; lacking:/. 42. DIONYSIUS BERTOCHUS 334. Cras tonus , Johannes . 7214 Lexicon graeco-latinum. Ambrosii Regiensis Tab- ula. I) 20 Oct. 1[4]99; II) [not before 5 July 1500]. H5814; GW7815; StC854. 335. Capella, Martianus. 7215 De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii. 15 May 1500. H4371; StCl06. ITALY— UNASSIGNED See 309. See 6430.5 Seelll. 7372 5«? 7180.5 79 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 336. Calderinus, Domitius. 7408 Commentarii in Juvenalem. Etc. [Not after 1477.] HC(&Add) 4238; Pr 7408: [Rome or Naples, about 1480?]; GW 5886: [Rome, Epon. press, about 1476/77]; BMC 7:1148: [Venice, not after 1477]; St C32. 80 Switzerland BASEL BERTHOLD RUPPEL 337. Conradus de Mure. 7448 Fabularius, seu Repertorium vocabulorum. [About 1470.] H 11642; GW7424;StC771. MICHAEL WENSSLER 338. Henricus de Hassia. 7458 Expositio super Orationem Dominicam. Etc. [Not after 1474.] H8394; StH26. Consists of ff. 1-10 only, containing the Expositio super Orationem Dominicam. 339. Caracciolus, Robertus 7462 See Sermones quadragesimales de poenitentia. 1475. See also HC(Add) 4432; GW 6070; St C160. also 347. Part printed in the type of Bernhard Richel. 7525 Lacks f. 361. 340. Cyrillus. 7468 Speculum sapientiae. [About 1475.] H 5903; GW 7890; St C901. 341. Thomas Aquinas. 7473 De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramentis, et De periculis contingentibus; De regimine Judae- orum. [About 1474.] HC 1429; StT257. 342. Justinianus. 7487 Institutiones. 31 July 1478. H 9507(1); GW 7597; Stj467. 81 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 343. Bernardus Parmensis. 7493.3 Casus longi super quinque libros Decretalium. [About 1480.] H 2930; GW 4094. 344. Auszug. 7493.6 Auszug und inhalt der Ablassbulle zum besten der Pfarrkirche zu Bern. [After 7 Jan. 1480.] GW 3097. The Bull was issued by Pope Sixtus. IV. 345. Vocabularius. 7498 Vocabularius juris utriusque. 20 Aug. 1483. CR(Suppl) 6363; StV305. 346. Gregorius IX, Pant. Max. 7510 Decretales. 1486. H8018; StG419. BERNHARD RICHEL 347. Caracciolus, Robertus. 7525 See Sermones quadragesimales de poenitentia. 1475. See also HC(Add) 4432; GW 6070; St C160. also 339. Part printed in the type of Michael Wenssler. 7462 MARTIN FLACH 348. Barzizius, Gasparinus 7543 Epistolae. [Not after 1474.] HC 2669 =H 2672; GW 3677; St B226. 349. Thomas Aquinas. 7550 De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramentis, et De periculis contingentibus; De regimine Judae- orum. [About 1474.] H1430; StT258. JOHANN AMERBACH 3 50. Reuchlin, Johannes . 7558 Vocabularius breviloquus. 1480. C6286; StRl52. 82 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 351. Biblia. 7560 Biblia latina. 1481. HC 3081 = 3083; GW 4246; StB505. See 8 See 299 352. Vincentius Bellovacensis. 7562 Opuscula. 13 Dec. 1481. C6259; StV248. 353. Biblia. 7563 Biblia latina. 1482. HC 3086; GW 4248; St B507. 354. Petrus de Palude. 7567.5 Sermones thesauri novi de Sanctis. 1485. CR5423; StP467. 355. Cato, Dionysius. 7568 Cato: Disticha de moribus, etc. 14 June 1486. HC 4719; GW 6284; St C267. 356. Panormitanus de Tudeschis. Vol. II, 1: 7573 357. Lectura super V libris Decretalium. 11,2: 7574 358. 1487-88 (:II, 1, 2:1487; I, II, 3; III-V: 1488) I : 7575 359. HC 12315; St P50. V : 7576 Lacks ff. 151-152 (Sig.t?-*) of vol. V. 360. Augustinus, Aurelius. 7585 De civitate Dei. 13 Feb. 1490. HC 2066; C 761; GW 2888; St A1103. See 128. 7590 see 3212.6 See 129. See 3212.8 361. Cassiodorus, Magnus Aurelius. 7591 Mus Expositio in Psalterium. 1491. HC 4574; GW 6163; StC213. One leaf only. 83 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS See 367. 7625 see 7704.4 362. Compendium octo partium orationis. 7627 Compendium octo partium orationis. [About 1489.] HC5564; StC720. 363. Bertholdus. 7635 Mus Zeitglocklein des lebens und leidens Chris ti [Latin:] Horologium devotionis. [Not after 1490.] H 2990(1) =HC 2993 =H 8928; GW 4175; St B441. Fragment of leaf showing woodcut reproduced in Schramm, v.21(1938)abb.696. SeellO. 7642 see 3215.3 364. Philelphus, Franciscus. 7645 Orationes et alia opera. [Not after 1498.] HC(&Add) 12918; St P559. See 130. 76*7 see 12153 NICOLAUS KESLER 365. Margarita Decretalium. 7700 Annotationes Margaritarum Decretalium. [n.d.] HC(&Add) 10755=C2786: [1490]; St M228. 366. Johannes Nivicellensis. 7701 Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonum. [About 1488.] HC(&Add) 9412;Stj342. JAKOB WOLFF VON PFORZHEIM 367. Jordanus de Quedlinburg. 7704.4 Passio Christi secundum quattuor evangelistas. [1492.] H9943; Pr 7625; Stj427. See 129. 7711 see 3212. S 84 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS MICHAEL FURTER 368. Thomas Aquinas. 7727 Commentaria in omnes Epis tolas Sancti Pauli. Printed for Wolfgang Lachner, 16 Oct. 1495. HC 1339; StT211. 369. Ivo, Episcopus Carnotensis. 7739 Liber decretorum, sive Panormia. 6 & 7 Mar. 1499. HC9328; St 1193. 370. Barzizius, Gasparinus. 7739.3 Epistolae. [Not after 1499.] H2671; GW 3687; StB231. JOHANN FROBEN and JOHANN PETRI 371. Biblia. 7763 Biblia latina. 1 Dec. 1498. HC 3172; GW 4284; St B543. 6v. Vol. 1 has the variant title, cf. GW. JOHANN FROBEN and JOHANN AMERBACH 372. Gregorius IX, Pont. Max. 7766 Decretales. 7 Oct. 1500. HC 8040; St G438. JOHANN BERGMANN 373. Mayno, Jason de. 7768 Oratio in nuptias Maximiliani. Etc. [Not before 17 Apr. 1494.] H 10972; BMC 3:794. 374. Brant. Sebastian. 7778 Mus Das narrenschiff [Latin:] Stultiferna navis. 1 Mar. 1498. H 3751; GW 5062; St B970. One leaf only; signed: h iiii, foliated: LX. 85 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BEROMUNSTER HELIAS HELIAE 375. Andreae, Nicolaus. 7800 De officio missae. [About 1473]. H 1084; GW 1758. Lacks f. 1. 86 France PARIS ATELIER DU SOLEIL D'OR (ULRICH GERING and GUILLERMUS (GUILLAUME 1 MAYNAL) 376. Speculum animae peccatricis. 7864 Speculum animae peccatricis. 29 Apr. 1480. HC 14905; St S570. PIERRE LE ROUGE 377. Rudimentum novitiorum. 8092 Mus Rudimentum novitiorum [French:] La mer des histoires. I) July 1488; II) Feb. 1488/89. C 3991; Baer, p. XXXVI; St R333: "Volume II was printed for Vincent Commin." One leaf only, from v.2, foliated xxiiii. See 386. See paris? — unassigned JOHANN HIGMANN and WOLFGANG HOPYL 378. Jordanus Nemorarius . 8137 Arithmetica. Etc. 22 July 1496. HC9436; Stj425. ♦ ANDRfi BOCARD for Durland Gerlier 379. Nicolaus de Byard. 8162 Dictionarius pauperum. 13 Nov. 1498. HC6153; StN77. 1 See Curt F. Biihler: "Georg Maynal: a Parisian Printer of the Sixteenth Cen- tury?" in The Library, June, 1937, p. 84-88. 87 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GEORG WOLFF and JOHANN PHILIPPI Johann Philippi alone 380. Thomas a Becket. 8238 Vita S. Thomae Becket et Processus eiusdem super libertate ecclesiastica, seu Historia quadri- partita. 27 Mar. 1495/96. HC 15510; StTl38. 381. Bertrandus, Petrus. 8239 Libellus de iurisdictione ecclesiastica contra Petrum de Cugneriis. 2 Apr. 1495/96. HC(&Add) 3002; GW4179; StB451. GEORG WOLFF and THIELMANN KERVER, for Jean Petit and Johann von Koblenz 382. Baptista Mantuanus. 8385 Parthenice secunda, sive Catharinaria. [After 5 Aug. 1499.] H 2369 (Pt.II); [not H] C(&Add) 2376; GW 3303; StB62. 383. Baptista Mantuanus 8386 De suorum temporum calamitatibus. Etc. 4 Sept. and 30 Nov. 1499. H [not C] 2385; GW 3255; St B84. 384. Baptista Mantuanus. 8387 Contra poetas impudice loquentes. 15 Oct. 1499. H 2369 (pt. Ill); GW 3313; St B72. MICHEL TOULOUSE, for Denis Roce 385. Datus, Augustinus. - 8403.5 Elegantiolae. [About 1499.] C 1909; GW8135; St D78. PARIS?— UNASSIGNED 386. Sulpitius Verulanus, Johannes. Grammatica. [1485?] 88 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 78 ff. (a-i*, k 6 ). Gothic type, 20 lines of M37=82- 83mm; f.9v has 34- lines. Some of the capitals are identical with capitals used by Pierre Le Rouge; the lower case letters have not been identified. Cf. U Art ancien s.a., Zurich. , Katalog 30, Varia [1945?], item 460, where this edition is dated, "ca.1485?," and where the Kommission fur den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke is cited in the description given. Title: "Grammatica Sulpicii" (J.lr); dedication (J.lv); text begins: "Sulpicii verulani examen." (J.lr); f.9r begins: "De tertia declinatione."; text ends: "studiuw excitasse. librura hoc car- mine finiaw." (f.77v, line 28); after the text come three stanzas, the first, beginning: "Meduce musan/ra choreas ingress a iuuentus.", has 5 lines on f.77v, and 3 lines on f.78r; the last two stanzas, with the headings, respectively: "Car- men sulpitii ad lectores." (8 lines without the heading) and "Ad Aulum." (6 lines without the heading), are on f.78r; f.78v is blank. LYONS MATTHIAS HUSS with JOHANN SCHABLER 387. Cato, Dionysius. 8559.5 Cato: Disticha de moribus, etc. [About 1485.] C 1524; GW6299. Alone 388. Jacobus de Theramo. 8561.8 Consolatic peccatorum, seu Processus Belial [French:] La consolacion des poures pecheurs, ou Le proces de Belial. 7 Nov. 1487. C 5800. Lacks 3 leaves and parts of 2 leaves, all replaced by photographic facsimiles. 89 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JOHANN TRECHSEL 389. Turrecremata, Johannes de. 8608 (I) Summa de potestate Papae et Concilii generalis. (II) Flores sententiarum S. Thomae de Aquino de auctoritate Summi Pontificis. I) & II) 20 Sept. 1496. HC 15732 (inclH 1422); StT504. Consists of pt. II only, i.e. the last gathering, Aa x ~ % {ff. 263-270). JEAN PIVARD 390. Terentius Afer, Publius. 8668.8 Comoediae. 7 Mar. 1498. C 5749; St T84. Lacks ff. 209, 215. NICOLAUS WOLFF, for Etienne Gueynard (Stephanus Gaynardus) 391. Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. 8674 Satyrae. 18 Nov. 1498. HC9716; Stj592. LYONS-UNASSIGNED 392. Albertus Magnus. Secreta mulierum et virorum (cum commento). [n.p., n.pr., n.d.] St A283: [Lyons: n.pr., about 1498.] S6ff. (A-D s , E 4 ) Gothic type, 20 lines of M87[}] = 57/58mm;f.26r has 40 lines. May be part of a book printed in the sixteenth cen- tury. This copy consists of 35 ff., the first leaf, which probably had the title, is lacking. 90 Netherlands DEVENTER RICHARD PAFFRAET 393. Speculum exemplorum. 8948 Speculum exemplorum. 2 May 1481. HC 14915; StS580. 394. Raymundus de Sabunde. 8968 Theologia naturalis, sive Liber creaturarum. [Be- fore 1485.] HC 14067; StR31. Lacks f. 9 and part of f. 10, all replaced in manu- script. 395. Guilelmus de Gouda. 8986.3 Expositio mysteriorum missae, 20 Feb. 1490. HC 7830; StG569. 396. Terentius After, Publius. 9007.6 Vulgaria Terentii [Dutch and Latin]. 3 Sept. 1495. CR5762; StT93. 397. Philelphus, Franciscus. 9024.2 Epistolae breviores elegantiores. 30 Jan. 1500. C4741; StP550. 398. Philelphus, Franciscus. 9037 Epistolae. [About 1488.] CR4739; StP540. 2 copies. Copy 1 lacks sig. D-£ 8 , G 5-8 ; copy 2 lacks sig. q3-e (j e pi ace d in manuscript) . JACOBUS DE BREDA 399. Sulpitius Verulanus, Johannes. 9109.6 De moribus puerorum carmen juvenile. [About 1500.] C 5681; StS752. Lacks f. 1. 91 Belgium LOUVAIN JOHANNES DE WESTPHALIA 400. Butrio, Antonius de. 9256 Speculum de confessione. Etc. [About 1480.] C 1397; GW 5829; StBll93. Lacks ff. 4$-62(g 10 , h 8 ). ANTWERP ROLANT VAN DEN DORP 401. Chronicles. Brabant. 9459 Mus Cronike van Brabant. 28 Feb. 1497. HC 5004; GW 6667; St C428. Lacks leaf E 6 , and all but 2ff. of the genealogical tables in sig.[C]. 92 Spain SEVILLE COMPANEROS ALEMANES QOHANN PEGNITZER, PAULUS DE COLONIA and ASSOCIATES) 402. Lullus, Rayrnundus. 9517.85 De conceptione B. V.Mariae. Printed for Martinus Almadovar. 12 Mar. 1491. HR 10326=H 5603; St L350. 93 England LONDON RICHARD PYNSON 403. Parker, Henry. 9782 Dives and Pauper. 5 July 1493. HC6109; StPl08. Lacks 81 ff. 94 Sweden STOCKHOLM JOHANN SNELL 404. Missale. Of the dioceses. 9828.7 K Missale Upsalense vetus. [1484.] C 4260; Pr 2647: [Liibeck]; Coll(SvBib) 29-38; StM621. One leaf only (vellum) . BARTHOLOMAEUS GHOTAN 405. Missale. Of the dioceses. 9828.8 K Missale Strengnense. 1487. C 4234; Pr 2622: [Liibeck]; Coll(SvBib) 69-75; StM615. One leaf only (vellum) . JOHANNES FABRI 406. Breviarium. Of the dioceses. 9829 K Breviarium Strengnense. 18 July 1495. C 1318; GW 5467; Coll(SvBib) 138^4; St B1052. One leaf only. JOHANNES FABRI; after his death completed at the behest of his widow, ANNA. 407. Breviarium. Of the dioceses. 9830 K Breviarium Upsalense. 30 Sept. 1496. HC(&Add) 3950; GW 5499; Coll(SvBib) 148- 54; StBl056. One leaf only. 95 ADDENDA Note: Some sixty additional incunabula, acquired while this book was in press, have not been accounted for in it. Germany STRASSBURG JOHANN (REINHARD) GRONINGER 408. Terentius Afer, Publius. 473 Comoediae. 1 Nov. 1496. HC 15431; St T79. 409. Locher, Jacobus. 483 Panegyricus ad Maximilianum. Tragoedia de Turcis et Soldano, Dialogus de heresiarchis. 1497. HC 10153; StL234. COLOGNE ULRICH ZELL 410. Gerson, Johannes. 833 De custodia linguae et corde bene ruminanda. [About 1467-72.] H 7682; St G199. CONRAD WINTERS, DE HOMBORCH 411. Guido de Monte Rochen. 1 1 99 Manipulus curatorum. [About 1481.] CR2829; StG536. HEINRICH QUENTELL Second Press Division A (Dated books) 412. Guido de Monte Rochen. 1 3 50 Manipulus curatorum. 1498. C 2848; St G558. 99 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS NUREMBERG PETER WAGNER 413. Niavis, Paulus. 2248 Epistolae breves. [1489-92.] HC 11727; St N17. 100 Italy VENICE CHRISTOPH ARNOLD 414. Burlaeus, Gualterus. 4218 Expositio in artem veterem Porphyrii et Aristotelis (Without text) . [About 1476-78.] H4127 (variant); GW 5765; StBll54. Agrees with BMC 5:206. ERHARD RATDOLT with BERNHARD MALER (PICTOR) and PETER LOSLEIN 415. Appianus. 4367 Historia Romana, [Pars I]. 1477. HC 1307(11); GW 2290(1); St A827(I). ERHARD RATDOLT, alone 416. Publicius, Jacobus. 4388 Artes orandi, epistolandi, memorandi. 30 Nov. 1482. HC 13545; StPlOOO. JOHANNES and GREGORIUS DE GREGORIIS 417. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 4500 Tusculanae disputationes. 9 Aug. 1482. HC 5317; GW 6895; St C576. HERMANN LIECHTENSTEIN (LEVILAPIS) 418. Ovidius Naso, Publius. 4786 Opera. 21 Sept. 1484. H 12149; C4545; St Ol23. 101 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HANNIBAL FOXIUS with MARINUS SARACENUS and BARTHOLOMAEUS for Franciscus de Madiis 419. Petrus Lombardus. 5010 Sententiarum libri IV. 22 Mar. 1486. HCR 10191; StP441. GUILELMUS ANIMA MIA 420. Johannes de Sacro Bus to. 5113 Sphaera mundi. 14 Jan. 1491. HC 14114; St.j369. MILAN ULRICH SCINZENZELER for Hieronymus de Asula and Johannes de Abbatibus 421. Sidonius, Apollinaris. 6038 Epistolae et carmina. 4 May 1498. HC 1287; StS447. FLORENCE ANTONIO MISCOMINI 422. Ficinus, Marsilius. 6143 Platonica theologia de immortalitate animomm. 7 Nov. 1482. HC 7075; St F141 TREVISO GERARDUS DE LISA 423. Arte dell' abbaco. 6466.4 Arte delF abbaco. 10 Dec. 1478. HCR 1863; GW 2674 [Michele Manzolo]; BMC 6:883,886 [Gerardus de Lisa] in the notes on the printers; St A 1009. 102 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS See 423. michael manzolus 6470.3 see 6466.4 BOLOGNA FRANCISCUS (PLATO) DE BENEDICTIS for Benedictus Hectoris Faelli 424. Beroaldus, Philippus. 6594 Orationes et poemata. 1491. H 2949; GW 4144; St. B428. PARMA ANGELUS UGOLETUS 425. Ausonius, Decimus Magnus. 6873 Opera. 10 July 1499. HC(&Add) 2181; GW 3094; St A1250. Lacks f. 61-64; f .59-60, 65-66 duplicated. VICENZA HERMANN LIECHTENSTEIN ( LEVILAPIS) 426. Ovidius Naso, Publius. 7157 Opera, 1 [Pars II]. 12 Aug. 1480. HC(&Add) 12141; St 0122(11). 103 Switzerland BASEL NICOLAUS KESLER 427. Petrus Lombardus. 7680.5 Sententiarum libri IV. 19 Feb. 1492. H 10197; StP451. Agrees with BMC 3:770. 104 Belgium LOUVAIN JOHANNES DE WESTPHALIA 428. Crescentiis, Petrus de. 9208 Ruralia commoda. 9 Dec. 1474. HC 5829; GW 7821; StC859. 105 SIXTEENTH CENTURY PRINTING FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS SIXTEENTH CENTURY PRINTING 429. Ebrardi, Udalricus. Modus latinitatus. [n.p., n.pr., n.d.] H 6527; C 4310; GW VII, col.796: "Wegen typen u. initialen 16. jh."; St E8: [Strassburg: Martin Flach, the younger, about 1501.]. 430. Bonaventura, S. 1487 Stimulus amoris. [Cologne, Martin von Werden, after 1500.] HC 3477; GW IV, col.492: "Martin von Werden druckt erst im 16. jh."; St B861. See 1 3 3 . See Germany — unassigned See 255. See 5432 431. Savonarola, Hieronymus. 6453 Esposizione sopra il salmo Verba mea. [n.p., n.pr., n.d.] HCR 14410 (C: [Florence, 1498.]; R: [Florence, about 1495.]); BMC 7:1209: "16th cent."; St Si 89: [Florence: n.pr., n.d.]. See 392 See lyons — unassigned 109 Concordances * HAIN, COPINGER, REICHLING, GESAMTKATALOG The Stillwell Concordance is incorporated in the Author and Title Index, p. 127-160. CONCORDANCES Hain Illinois Hain Illinois 59 166 2017 309 197 143 2032 44 217 43 2049 134 419 303 2051 155 472 105 2066 360 482 51 2181 425 901 45 2194 49 908 298 2223 182 911 298 2224 182 975 329 2254 5 1042 122 2281 187 1084 375 2348 125 1287 421 2364 317 1307(1) 170 2369(2) 382 1307(11) 415 2369(3) 384 1312 233 2376 382 1338 316 2385 383 1339 368 2401 321 1343 97 2609(1) 192 1379 115 2669 348 1397 101 2671 370 1400 136 2672 348 1403 103 2807 200 1414 41 2812 206 1417 33 2816 314 1422 389 2856 111 1424 38 2894 203 1429 341 2896 203 1430 349 2899 280 1432 138 2930 343 1442 156 2949 424 1444 181 2966 320 1462 161 2990(1) 363 1483 46 2993 363 1487 40 3002 381 1522 159 3031 1 1540 293 3047 130 1541 196 3054 160 1543 297 3069 76 1657 270-274 3081 351 1742 315 3083 351 1744 315 3086 353 1863 423 3089 163 1948 29 3108 128 1973 202 3123 260 113 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Hain Illinois 3124 249 3136 62 3137 80 3165 162 3172 371 3173 8 3249 195 3321 211 3378 82 3404 208 3423 48 3424 35 3477 430 3514 112 3515 112 3537 328 3593 2 3620 186 3667 290 3702 12 3751 374 3852 94 3950 407 3969 131 4013 90 4127 414 4238 336 4371 335 4410 180 4432 339,347 4524 91 4563 287 4573 59 4574 361 4660 22 4719 355 4764 245 4770 291 4849 171 4990 4 4996 108 5004 401 5035 42 5124 176 5168 153 5276 224 5283 240 5300 123 Hain Illinois 5317 417 5386 100 5395 85 5397 31 5451 248 5510 25 5532 16 5564 362 5603 402 5748 26 5814 334 5829 428 5903 340 5949 201 5959 144 6109 403 6114 55 6151 276 6153 379 6158 232 6209 306 6216 229 6236 84 6253 214 6382 7 6485 79 6492 24 6527 429 6597 129 6598 129 6602 150 6683 6 6693 172 6717 173 6814 10 6826 75 6916 20 6924 177 7066 283 7075 422 7125 264 7161 114 7306 235 7443 104 7492 149 7500 275 7530 98 7618 120 114 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Hain Illinois 7681 39 7682 410 7696 37 7715 73 7830 395 8018 346 8040 372 8129 289 8130 289 8212 32 8377 95 8394 338 8517 11 8563 221 8589 58 8594 106 8600 14 8650 299 8663 23 8718 61 8884 197 8896 281 8928 363 9022 9 9063 174 9092 28 9106 142 9107 261 9192 190 9233 88 9314 236 9328 369 9341 127 9412 366 9436 378 9437 140 9443 367 9460 304 9507(1) 342 9556 193 9599 93 9618 198 9619 188 9635 189 9654 220 9711 89 9716 391 9769 96 Hain Illinois 9810 152 9830 269 9955 70 9973 60 9978 65 9981 83 9982 67 10030 330 10038 47 10042 72 10129 135 10142 239 10147 191 10153 409 10191 419 10197 427 10241 244 10242 250 10326 402 10389 266 10393 259 10507 119 10545 216 10559 157 10563 164 10593 282 10595 231 10605 265 10617 254 10628 257 10679 34 10755 365 10815 194 10816 184 10821 237 10877 148 10880 308 10926 3 10972 373 11040 19 11090 165 11253 109 11591 141 11642 337 11655 284 11727 413 11797 21 11865 333 115 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Hain Illinois 12027 71 12141 426 12143 204, 205 12149 418 12176 247 12205 242 12249 258 12315 356-359 12468 139 12497 167 12627 263 12688 230 12730 322 12737 243 12811 179 12814 102 12893 137 12918 364 12919 294 12922 323 12992 318,319 13016 57 13017 74 13047 77 13048 312 13062 307 13063 226 13068 307 13078 207 13082 251 13131 326 13218 277 13248 268 13364 212 13365 238 13393 175 13545 416 13654 199 13716 81 13827 267 13874 50 13914 132 14025 68 14046 64 14067 394 14073 69 14114 420 14125 252 Hain Illinois 14186 225 14180 99 14229 234 14410 431 14428 310 14429 310 14445 305 14507 84 14508 86 14510 87 14559 278 14563 217 14695 213 14740 209 14741 253 14881 215 14885 222 14901 52 14905 376 14915 393 14996 324 15009(1) 296 15009(2) 292 15010 292 15090 219 15119 286 15135 300 15153 228 15230 92 15408 311 15418 227 15421 223 15431 408 15432 17 15510 380 15511 313 15566 331 15667 63 15677 56 15703 13 15732 389 15792 210 15802 154 15809 285 15814 185 15822 279 15823 241 15824 178 116 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Hain Illinois COPINGER Illinois 15858 168 5800 388 15986 158 5893 267 16061 36 5909 18 16132 169 5935 166 16194 71 5983 158 6077 246 COPINGER Illinois 6259 352 761 360 6286 350 857 321 6361 78 994 325 6363 345 1186 295 6369 27 1318 406 6432 113 1397 400 6505 83 1443 332 1524 387 Reichling Illinois 1554 116 38 58 1909 385 245 256 2422 121 338 327 2487 168 422 280 2530 301 482 3 2589 61 492 218 2765a 110 606 147 2786 365 748 288 2829 411 1254 146 2848 412 1386 310 2966 66 3400 (before)* 198 GW Illinois 3991 377 169 166 4234 405 550 117 4260 404 579 303 4310 429 707 51 4352 141 775 105 4410 262 1604 45 4545 418 1612 298 4652 262 1658 329 4702 183 1710 122 4739 398 1758 375 4741 397 1926 100 5295 310 1933 85 5345 107 1938 31 5423 354 2290(1) 415 5424 15 2290(2) 170 5428 30 2291 233 5672 302 2334 270-274 5681 399 2369 315 5700 92 2627 332 5749 390 2674 423 5762 396 2865 29 117 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GW Illinois 2876 134 2879 155 2888 360 2895 44 2910 202 3016 309 3094 425 3097 344 3110 49 3131 182 3182 5 3223 125 3244 321 3255 383 3276 317 3303 382 3313 384 3323 99 3326 225 3554 192 3677 348 3687 370 3709 124 3907 325 3934 111 4048 203 4054 280 4094 343 4142 320 4144 424 4175 363 4179 381 4201 1 4216 160 4234 76 4246 351 4248 353 4253 163 4267 128 4270 130 4278 260 4280 249 4282 8 4284 371 4287 162 4302 62 4303 80 4420 195 GW Illinois 4478 211 4537 82 4544 208 4600 48 4601 35 4657 328 4794 295 4813 112 4857 2 4889 186 4952 290 4963 4 4987 12 5062 374 5373 94 5467 406 5499 407 5737 61 5765 414 5829 400 5886 336 6032 180 6070 339, 347 6161 287 6163 361 6164 59 6284 355 6299 387 6326 118 6408 291 6460 116 6473 171 6667 401 6767 176 6806 153 6895 417 6957 224 6968 240 7002 123 7123 248 7231 25 7290 50 7389 145 7424 337 7574 26 7597 342 7675 193 7723 93 118 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS GW Illinois 7743 198 7744 188 7767 189 7814 276 7815 334 7821 428 7890 340 7969 201 7990 144 8095 218 8135 385 8272 55 8328 232 8390 306 GW Illinois 8402 229 8640 264 8648 98 9021 257 9037 7 9123 79 9132 24 9333 150 9334 129 9428 172 9433 173 9520 75 9531 10 119 Indices I. Index of Printers, Presses, Publishers and Places II. Author and Title Index, with Concordance to Stillwell's Second Census INDEX OF PRINTERS, PRESSES, PUBLISHERS AND PLACES Note: Names of publishers are in italics; place names are in capitals Abbatibus, Johannes de, 421 Achates de Basilea, Leonardus, 330 Almadovar, Martinus, 402 Alopa, Lorenzo di, 307 Alvisius, Johannes, 281-282 Ambergau, Adam de, 148 Amerbach, Johann, 8, 128-130, 350- 364, 367, 372 Anima Mia, Guilelmus, 214-215, 420 Anonymous presses, See Printer of . . . and R-printer, The ANTWERP, 401 Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli, 302 Arndes, Stephan, 110 Arnold, Christoph, 414 Asula, Hieronymus de, 421 Atelier du Soleil d'or, 376 AUGSBURG, 57-72 Azzoguidi Baldassare, 3 14 Bamler, Johann, 60 Bartholomaeus, See Blavis, Bartholo- maeus de (?) cf. BMC 5: xxxvii BASEL, 8, 128-130, 337-374, 427 Belfortis, Andreas, 289 BELGIUM, 400-401, 428 Benalius, Bernardinus, 200-203 Benedictis, Franciscus (Plato) de, 317, 424 Bergmann, Johann, 373-374 BEROMUNSTER, 375 Bertochus, Dionysius (Doninus, Do- minicus), 315, 334-335 Bertochus, Vincentius, 321 Bevilaqua, Simon, 244-252, 332 Bissolus, Johannes, 283, 300 Blavis, Bartholomaeus de, 191, 419 (? cf. BMC 5: xxxvii) Blavis, Thomas de, 194-195 Bocard, Andre, 379 BOLOGNA, 314-320, 424 Bonellis, Manfredus de, 241 Bossius, Donatus, 290 Bottiger, Gregorius, 125-126 Bracius, Gabriel, 283 Brandis, Lucas, 108 Breda, Jacobus de, 399 BRESCIA, 322-328 Britannicus, Angelus and Jacobus Britannicus, 322-327 Buonaccorsi, Pietro di Onofrio de', 306 Calcedonius, Alexander, 264 Capcasa, Matteo, 201, 207, 288 Carlo, Jacopo di, 306 Chalcondylas, Demetrius, 300 Choris, Bernardinus, de 226-227 COLOGNE, 34, 37-56, 410-412, 430 Colonia, Johannes de, 168-169 Colonia, Johannes de, 190 Colonia, Paulus de, 402 Commin, Vincent, 377 Compagnia del Drago, 308 Companeros alemanes, 402 Conago, Augustinus Maria de, 301 Creussner, Friedrich, 91-92 DEVENTER, 393-399 Dinckmut, Conrad, 107 Dominici, Lucas, 178 Dorp, Rolant van den, 401 Drach, Peter, 98-100 Emerich, Johann, 266-267 ENGLAND, 403 ESSLINGEN, 101 Fabri, Anna, 407 Fabri, Johannes, 406-407 Faelli, Benedictus Hectoris, 318-320 Faelli, Benedictus Hectoris, 317, 424 Farfengus, Baptista, 328 FERRARA, 289 Fischer, Kilian, 128-131 Flach, Martin, 28-33, 35, 348-349 Flach, Martin (the younger), 429 123 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FLORENCE, 302-308, 309-310, 332,422,431 Foxius, Hannibal, 419 FRANCE, 376-392 Francisci, Antonius, 284 Frankfordia, Nicolaus de, 160-161 Fratres Domus horti viridis ad S. Michaelem, 111 FREIBURG IM BREISGAU, 128- 132 Frisner, Andreas, 93 Froben, Johann, 371, 372 Froschauer, Johann 69-7 1 Furter, Michael, 368-370 Fyner, Conrad, 101 Gering, Ulrich, 376 Gerlier, Durand, 379 GERMANY, 1-133, 408-413, 429- 430 Ghotan, Bartholomaeus, 109, 405 Girardengius, Nicolaus, 176 Giunta, Lucantonio, 266-267 Gregoriis, Gregorius de, 179, 417 Gregoriis, Johannes de, 179, 417 Grevo, Petrus Petretus de, 127 Greyff, Michael, 113 Griininger, Johann (Reinhard), 16- 17, 18,^408^109 Gueynard, Etierme, 391 GuldenschafF, Johann, 45 Guldinbeck, Bartholomaeus, 138- 139, 147 Gutenberg, Johann, 1, 5 Han, Ulrich, 135, 140-141 Han, Wolf, 140-141 HEIDELBERG, 127 Heilbronn, Franciscus Renner de, See Renner de Heilbronn, Fran- ciscus Heliae, Helias, 375 Herbort, Johannes, 190 Herolt, Georg, 146, 148 Higmann, Johann, 378 Hochfeder, Caspar, 96 HOLLAND, See NETHERLANDS Honate, Benignus de, 293 Honate, Johannes Antonius de, 292- 293 Hopyl, Wolfgang, 378 Husner, Georg, 10-11, 21-27, 34-35 Huss, Matthias, 387-388 Inguiler, Henricus de, 16 ITALY, 134-335, 336, 414-426, 431 Jacobum de Ripoli, Apud Sanctum See Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli Jenson, Nicolaus, 153-157 Jenson Nicolaus, 190 Johann, of Paderborn, See Westphalia, Johannes de Johannes de Abbatibus, See Abbati- bus, Johannes de Johannes de Colonia, See Colonia, Johannes de Kachelofen, Conrad, 116-120 Kerver, Thielmann, 382-384 Kesler, Nicolaus, 365-366, 427 Kistler, Bartholomaeus, 18 Knoblochtzer, Heinrich, 127 Koberger, Anton, 74-90 Koberger, Anton, 8 Koblenz, Johann von, 382-384 Koblinger, Stephan, 331 Koelhoff, Johann (the Elder), 41-42 Kunne, Albrecht, 114 Lachner, Wolfgang, 368 Landsberg, Martin, 121, 122-124 Lauer, Georg, 136 Laurentii, Nicolaus, 303 Lavagna, Philippus de, 291 Lavagna, Philippus de, 298 Le Rouge, Pierre, 377, 386 LEIPZIG, 116-126 Libri, Bartolommeo di, 304-305, 310 Liechtenstein, Hermann, 196, 311, 329, 418, 426 Lisa, Gerardus de, 423 Locatellus, Bonetus, 208-213 LONDON, 403 Loslein, Peter, 170-171, 415 LOUVAIN, 400, 428 LUBECK, 108-110, 404, 405 Lucensis, Franciscus, 284 Luere, Simon de, 226-227 LYONS, 387-391, 392 MAINZ, 1-5 Madiis, Franciscus de,4l9 124 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Maler (Pictor), Bernhard, 170-171, 415 Malpiglius, Hannibal, 315 Mangius, Benedictus, 283, 300 Mantegatius, Philippus, 299 Manthen, Johannes, 168-169 MANTUA, 321 Manutius, Aldius, 270-278 Manzolus, Michael, 423 Maynal, Guillermus (Guillaume), 376 MEMMINGEN, 114 Mentelin, Johann, 6 MILAN, 290-300, 301, 421 Miscomini, Antonio, 422 MODENA, 333-335 NAPLES, 336 Nerlius, Bernardus, 303 NETHERLANDS, 393-399 NUREMBERG, 73-96, 413 Occimiano, Giovanni Maria di, 261 Onofrio de' Buonaccorsi, Pietro di, See Buonaccorsi, Pietro Onofrio de' Otmar, Johann, 112 Pachel, Leonhard, 294-295 Paffraet, Richard, 393-398 Paganinis, Hieronymus de, 260 Paganinis, Paganinus de, 225, 287 Pannartz, Arnold, 134 PARIS, 376-385, 386 PARMA, 425 PASSAU, 115 Pasqualibus, Peregrinus de, 199 Pegnitzer, Johann, 402 Pelusius, Bartholomaeus, 283 Pensis, Christophorus de, 228-236, 288 Petit, Jean, 382-384 Petri, Johann, 115, 371 Petri, Nicolaus, 329 Philippi, Johann, 380-381 Pietro, Filippo di, 167 Pietro, Gabriele di, 165-166 Pincius, Philippus, 237-238, 288 Pinson, Richard, See Pynson, Rich- ard Pivard, Jean, 390 Plannck, Stephan, 142-145 Printer, The R- See R-Printer, The Printer of Albertus Magnus 'De vir- tutibus' (Johannes Solidi) 43 Printer of Ars moriendi, 332 Printer of 42 line Bible, 1 Printer of Capotius, 121 Printer of Casus breves decretalium, 34 Printer of Catholicon, 5 Printer of Gesta Christi, 97 Printer of Graduale Svecicum, 1 10 Printer of Henricus Ariminensis, 9 Printer of 1483 Jordanus de Quedlin- burg, 21-27 Printer of 1481 Legenda aurea, 13 Printer of 1480 Valla, 285-286 Printer of 1483 Vitas patrum, 14-15 Priiss, Johann, 15, 19-20 Pynson, Richard, 403 Quarengiis, Petrus de, 261-264 Quentell, Heinrich, 34, 46-55, 412 Ragazonibus, Bartholomaeus de, 242- 243 Ragazonibus, Jacobus de, 280 Ragazonibus, Theodoras de, 288 Ratdolt, Erhard, 72, 170-175, 415, 416 Reinhard, Johann, 137 Reno, Johannes de, 330 Renner de Heilbronn, Franciscus 159-164 Retro minores, 53, 54 REUTLINGEN, 112-113 Richel, Bernhard, 347 Riederer, Friedrich, 132 Ripoli, Apud Sanctum Jacobum de, See Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli. Rizus, Bernardinus, 204-206 Rocociolus, Dominicus, 333 Roce, Denis, 385 ROME, 134-151, 336 Roscius, Johannes, 265 ROSTOCK, 111 R-printer, The 7 Rubeus, Albertinus, 223 Rubeus, Johannes, 216-222, 286, 288, 312-313 125 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Rugerius, Ugo, 315 Ruppel, Berthold, 337 Rusch, Adolf, 7, 8 Rusconibus, Georgius de, 241 Saracenus, Marinus, 224, 419 Sarrazin, Marino. See Saracenus, Marinus Schabler, Johann, 387 Schoeffer, Peter, 2-4 Schonsperger, Johann, 65-68 Schott, Martin, 12 Schreiber, Johann, 316 Schussler, Johann, 59 Scinzenzeler, Ulrich, 294-295, 298, 421 Scotus, Octavianus, 180 Scotus, Octavianus, 208-213 Sensenschmidt, Johann, 73, 93 Sessa, Johannes Baptista, 279 SEVILLE, 402 Silber, Eucharius, 146-150, 151 Snell, Johann, 404 Societas colubris. See Compagnia del Drago Soleil d'or, Atelier du. See Atelier du Soleil d'or Solidi, Johannes, 43 Sorg, Anton, 62-64 SPAIN, 402 SPEIER, 97-100 Spira, Vindelinus de, 152 Stagninus, Bernardinus, 197-198 Stagninus, Bernardinus, 259 STOCKHOLM, 404-^07 STRASSBURG, 6-35, 36, 408^09, 429 Strata, Antonius de, 181-182 Stuchs, Georg, 94-95 Suardis, Paulus de, 296 SWEDEN, 404-^07 Sweynheym, Conrad, 134 SWITZERLAND, 8, 128-130, 337- 375, 427 Tacuinus, Johannes, 253-259, 288 Ther Hoernen, Arnold, 40 Torresanus, Andreas, 191-193 Torresanus, Andreas, 226 Tortis, Baptista de, 183-189 Toulouse, Michel, 385 Trechsel, Johann, 389 TREVISO, 286, 311-313, 423 ULM, 102-107 Ugoletus, Angelus, 425 Ulrich and Afra, Monastery of SS., 61 Unkel, Bartholomaeus de, 44 Valdarfer, Christoph, 291, 297 Venetus de Vitalibus, Bernardinus See Vitalibus, Bernardinus de. VENICE, 152-286, 287-288, 336, 414-420 VINCENZA, 329-332, 426 Vitalibus, Bernardinus de, 268-269 Wagner, Peter, 413 Walch, Georg, 177 Wenssler, Michael, 338-346 Werden, Martin von, 430 Westphalia, Johannes de, 400, 428 Winters, Conrad, 41 1 Wolff, Georg, 380-384 Wolff, Nicolaus, 391 Wolff von Pforzheim, Jakob, 129, 367 Zainer, Gunther, 57-58 Zainer, Johann, 102-106 Zanis, Bartholomaeus de, 239-240 Zarotus, Antonius, 290, 301 Zell, Ulrich, 37-39, 410 Zierikzee, Cornells de, 56 Unassigned and doubtful, 18, 36, 133, 151, 255, 287, 288, 291, 301, 309-310, 315, 330, 332, 336, 386, 392,429,431 126 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX With Concordance to Stillwell's Second Census Note: An asterisk in place of the Stillwell number indicates that the item is not included in the Second Census. St No. 111. No. A22 Accursius, Bonus. 166 Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae. [Venice, about 1476.] A186 Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis. 117 De arte loquendi et tacendi. Leipzig, 25 May 1490. A193 Alberti, Leo Baptista. 303 De re aedificatoria. Florence, 29 Dec. 1485. A266 Albertus Magnus. 51 Paradisus animae. Cologne, 20 July 1498. A283 Secreta mulierum et virorum. 392 [Lyons? n.d.] A 3 00 Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis. 105 Ulm, [not after 1478]. A495 Ambrosius, S. 45 Hexameron. [Cologne, about 1480.] A499 De officiis. 298 Milan, 17 Jan. 1488. A518 Andreae, Antonius. 329 Quaestiones super XII libros Metaphysicae Aristotelis. Vicenza, 12 May 1477. 127 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS A551 Andreae, Johannes. 122 Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis et legalis. [Leipzig, not before 1492.] * Andreae, Nicolaus. 375 De officio missae. [Beromiinster, about 1473.] A629 Angelus de Clavasio. 100 Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. Speier, 1488. A635 Nuremberg, 10 Feb. 1492. 85 A638 Strassburg, 26 Mar. 1495. 31 * Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis Xylographica Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis. [n.p., scarcely earher than 1470.] A827(I) Appianus. 415 A827(II) Historia Romana, [Pars I— II] . 170 Venice, 1477. A828 Historia Romana. 233 Venice, 20 Nov. 1500. A858 Aristoteles. 270-274 Opera [Greek]. Venice, I) 1 Nov. 1495; II) Feb. 1497; III) 29 Jan. 1497; IV) 1 June 1497; V) June 1498. A881 Ethica ad Nicomachum [Latin] . 315 [Bologna, about 1475.] A973 Ars moriendi. 58 Ars moriendi. [Augsburg, before June 1473.] A989 Ars moriendi [Italian]. 332 [Vicenza, about 1490.] 128 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Arte dell' abbaco. 423 Arte dell' abbaco. Treviso, 10 Dec. 1478. Augustinus, Aurelius. 29 Opuscula. Strassburg, 20 Mar. 1489. De ci vita te Dei. 134 Rome, 1470. Venice, 2 Oct. 1475. 155 Basel, 13 Feb. 1490. 360 Confessiones. 44 [Cologne], 9 Aug. 1482. Explanatio Psalmorum. 202 Venice, 4 Aug. 1493. Soliloquia {Text beginning: "Agnoscam 309 te . . . ") [Mian]. [Florence?], 20 June 1489. Ausonius, Decimus Magnus. 425 Opera. Parma, 10 July 1499. Auszug. 344 Auszug und inhalt der Ablassbulle zum besten der Pfarrkirche zu Bern. [Basel, after 7 Jan. 1480.] Avianus. 49 Fabulae. [Cologne], 10 Sept. 1494. Avienus, Rufius Festus. 182 Arati phaenomena. Venice, 25 Oct. 1488. Balbus, Johannes. 5 Catholicon. Mainz, 1460. 129 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS * Balthasar de Porta. Expositio mysteriorum missae. Leipzig, [14] 95. B46 Baptista Mantuanus. Adolescenria. Mantua, 1498. B50 Parthenice prima, sive Mariana. Bologna, 17 Oct. 1488. B62 Parthenice secunda, sive Catharinaria. Paris, [after 5 Aug. 1499]. B72 Contra poetas impudice loquentes. [Paris], 15 Oct. 1499. B84 Se suorum temporum calami tatibus. [Paris], 4 Sept. and 30 Nov. 1499. * Bartolus de Saxoferrato. Digestus novus: Super prima parte Digesti novi. Repetitio legis: Caesar De Publicanis. Venice, 16 Sept. 1488. B226 Barzizius, Gasparinus. Epistolae. [Basel, not after 1474.] B231 [Basel, not after 1499.] B240 Basilius Magnus. De legendis antiquorum libris. [Leipzig, about 1489-96.] B 3 1 8 Bernardus Claravallensis . Opuscula. Brescia, 18 Mar. 1495. B354 Modus bene vivendi. Venice, 30 May 1494. B358 Modus bene vivendi [Italian]. Venice, 24 Mar. 1497. 130 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS B366 Sermones super Cantica canticorum. Ill Rostock, 28 July 1481. * Bernardus Parmensis. 343 Casus longi super quinque libros Decretalium. [Basel, about 1480.] B426 Beroaldus, Philippus. 320 Oratio proverbiorum. Bologna, 17 Dec. 1490. B428 Orationes et poemata. 424 Bologna, 1491. B441 Bertholdus. 363 Zeitglocklein des lebens und leidens Christi [Latin] . [Basel, not after 1490.] B451 Bertrandus, Petrus. Libellus de iurisdictione ecclesiastica Petrum de Cugneriis. Paris, 2 Apr. 1495/96. contra 381 B460 Biblia. Biblia latina. [Mainz, about 1454-55, not 1456.] after 15 Aug. 1 B475 Venice, 1475. 160 B493 Nuremberg, 10 Nov. 1478. 76 B505 [Basel], 1481. 351 B507 [Basel], 1482. 353 B512 Venice, 1483. 163 B524 [Basel], 1491. 128 B527 [Basel, about 1492-94.] 130 B535 Venice, 7 Sept. 1497. 131 260 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS B537 Venice, 8 May 1498. 249 B541 [Strassburg, shortly after 23 Sept. 1481.] 8 B543 Basel, 1 Dec. 1498. 371 B546 Venice, 1482. 162 B565 Biblia. [German], Augsburg, 3 Jan. 1480. 62 B566 Nuremberg, 17 Feb. 1483. 80 B629 Blondus, Flavius. 195 Historiarum ab inclinationeRomanorum im- perii decades. Venice, 28 June 1484. B672 Boccaccio, Giovanni. 211 Genealogiae deorum. Venice, 23 Feb. 1494/95. B698 Boethius. De consolatione philosophiae. Nuremberg, 23 June 1486. 82 B703 Venice, 24 Dec. 1489. 208 B739 De disciplina scholarium. Cologne, 22 Oct. 1493. 48 B740 Strassburg, [1495?]. 35 B766 Bonaventura, S. Biblia pauperum. [Leipzig, about 1498.] 126 B781 Commentarius in primum librum Sententi- 328 arum Petri Lombardi. Brescia, 20 Oct. 1490. * Meditationes vitae Christi. [Italian]. 295 Milan, 14 Feb. 1486. B847 Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis. 112 Reutlingen, 'Autumni tempore' 1484. 132 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS B861 Stimulus amoris. 430 [Cologne, after 1500.] B877 Bonifacius VIII. Pont. Max. 2 Liber sextus Decretalium. Mainz, 9 Jan. 1476. * Venice, Apr. 1494. 186 B925 Bossius, Donatus. 290 Chronica. Milan, 1 Mar. 1492. B945 Brack, Wenceslaus. 12 Vocabularius rerum. [Strassburg], 1487. B970 Brant, Sebastian. 374 Das narrenschiff [Latin]. Basel, 1 Mar. 1498. B1032 Breviarium. Of the dioceses. 94 Breviarium Lincopense. Nuremberg, 16 Apr. 1493. B1052 Breviarium Strengnense. 406 Stockholm, 18 July 1495. B1056 Breviarium Upsalense. 407 Stockholm, 30 Sept. 1496. Bl 137 Burchardus Urspergensis. 61 Chronicon. [Augsburg, 1472.] B 1 1 54 Burlaeus, Gualterus . 414 Expositio in artem veterem Porphyrii et Aristotelis (Without text) . Venice, [about 1476-78]. B1193 Butrio, Antonius de. 400 Speculum de confessione. Louvain, [about 1480]. 133 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS C32 Calderinus, Domitius. 336 Commentarii in Juvenalem. [n.p., not after 1477.] * Canticum canticorum. Xylographica Canticum canticorum. [n.p., after 1465.] C106 Capella, Martianus. 335 De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii. Modena, 15 May 1500. C116 Capreolus, Johannes. 180 Quaestiones in IV libros Sententiarum, seu Libri IV defensionum Theologiae Thomae Aquinatis. Venice, III) 1483. C160 Caracciolus, Robertus. 339 Sermones quadragesimales de poenitentia. and Basel, 1475. 347 CI 86 Carolus Magnus. 91 Legende seines streits vor Regensburg. [Nuremberg, about 1485.] C211 Cassianus, Johannes. 287 De institutis coenobiorum. Venice, 1491. C213 Cassiodorus, Magnus Aurelius. 361 Expositio in Psalterium. Basel, 1491. C214 Historia ecclesiastica tripartita. 59 Augsburg, 'circiter' 5 Feb. 1472. C267 Cato, Dionysius. 355 Cato: Disticha de moribus, etc. Basel, 14 June 1486. * [Lyons, about 1485.] 387 134 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Cato: Disticha de moribus, etc. [Latin-Ger- 118 mari\. [Leipzig, about 1490.] Cavalca, Domenico. 291 Pungi lingua. [Milan, about 1475.] Celtes, Conradus. 116 Ars versificandi et carminum. Etc. [Leipzig, about I486.] Cepio, Cariolanus. 171 Petri Mocenici imperatoris gesta. Venice, 1477. Chronicles, Brabant. 401 Cronike van Brabant. Antwerp, 28 Feb. 1497. Chronicles. Sachsen. 4 Cronecken der Sassen. Mainz, 6 Mar. 1492. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 153 Epistolae ad familiares. [Venice], 1471. C492 Orationes Venice, 10 Mar. 1480. 176 C508 Laelius de amicitia. Leipzig, 1493. 123 C546 De officiis. Venice, 20 Dec. 1487. 224 C553 Venice, 23 Jan. 1498/99? 240 C576 Tusculanae disputationes. Venice, 9 Aug. 1482. 417 C677 Cleonides. Harmonicum introductorium Venice, 3 Aug. 1497. [Latin] . 248 135 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS C706 Columna, Guido de. 25 Historia destructionis Troiae. Strassburg, 'circa' 25 May 1489. C720 Compendium octo partium orationis. 362 Compendium octo partium orationis. Basel, [about 1489]. * Coniuratio malignorum spirituum. 145 Coniuratio malignorum spirituum. [Rome, about 1496/98.] C771 Conradus de Mure. 337 Fabularius. Basel, [about 1470]. C823 Corona B. M. V. 26 Corona B. M. V. Strassburg, 17 Aug. 1493. C853 Cras tonus, Johannes. 276 Lexicon graeco-latinum. Venice, Dec. 1497. C854 Modena, I) 20 Oct. 1[4]99; II) [not before 334 5 July 1500]. C859 Crescentiis, Petrus de. 428 Ruralia commoda. Louvain, 9 Dec. 1474. C901 Cyrillus. 340 Speculum sapientiae. [Basel, about 1475.] D26 Dante Alighieri. 201 La commedia. Venice, 3 Mar. 1491. D35 Dares Phrygius. 144 De excidio Troiae historia. [Rome, about 1488.] 136 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS D62 Datus, Augustinus. Elegantiolae. (Venice, about 1490-95.] 218 D78 Paris, [about 1499]. 385 D124 Dialogus. Dialogus inter clericem et militem. Cologne, [about 1497]. 55 D147 Dictys Cretensis. 232 Historia Troiana. Venice, 1 Feb., 1 Mar. 1499. D188 Diogenes Laertius. 306 Vitae et sententiae philosophorum [Italian] . Florence, 24 Oct. 1489. D192 Diomedes. 229 Ars grammatica, etc. Venice, 4 June 1491. D253 Dominicus de Flandria. 264 Quaestiones in commentaria Thomae de Aquino super Metaphysicis Aristotelis. Venice, 20 Aug. 1499. D258 Dominicus de Sancto Geminiano. 98 Super sexto Decretalium. Speier, [not after 1479]. D277 Donatus, Aelius. 53 Ars minor (i.e. Rudimenta grammatices) . Cologne, [about 1495]. * Ars minor (Donatus melior) etc. 257 Venice, 3 Aug. 1497. D284 Commentum in Terentii Comoedias. / 7 [Strassburg, about 1473.] D349 Duranti, Guillelmus. 79 Rationale divinorum officiorum. Nuremberg, 6 Nov. 1481. 137 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS D355 Strassburg, 13 July 1486. 24 E8 Ebrardi, Udalricus. Modus latinatatis. [Strassburg, about 1501.] 429 E29 Ephrem Syrus. Sermones selecti [Latin]. [Freiburg im Breisgau, not after 1491-93.] 129 E32 [Rome, about 1490.] 150 E86 Euclides. Elementa geometriae. Venice, 25 May 1482. 172 E90 Eusebius Caesariensis. Chronicon. Venice, 13 Sept. 1483. 173 El 40 Eyb, Albrecht von. 10 Margarita poetica. [Strassburg, not after 1479.] El 46 Ehebuchlein 75 [Nuremberg, 16 Oct. 1472.] F128 Festus, Sextus Pompeius. 168 De verborum significatione. [Venice], 24 Dec. 1474. F141 Ficinus, Marsilius. 422 Platonica theologia de immortalitate ani- morum. Florence, 7 Nov. 1482. F145 De triplici vita. 283 Venice, 1498. F169 Firmicus Maternus, Julius. 278 De nativitatibus. Venice, June and [17] Oct. 1499. 138 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS F179 Fliscus, Stephanus. 301 Sententiarum variationes. Milan, June 1481. F249 Fortunatianus, Chirius Consultus. 235 Rhetorica et De officio oratoris. [Venice, 1494-1500.] * Garlandia, Johannes de. 133 Verba deponentia. [n.p., n.d.] G85 Garsias, Petrus. 149 Determinationes magistrates contra conclu- siones Joannis Pici Mirandulae. Rome, 15 Oct. 1489. G100 Gaza Theodoras. 275 Grammatica introductiva [Greek.] Venice, 25 Dec. 1495. G 1 3 6 Georgius Braxellensis . 131 Cursus quaestionum super totam logicam. [Freiburg im Breisgau, about 1495.] G141 Georgius de Hungaria. 56 De ritu et moribus Turcorum. [Cologne, about 1500.] G148 Gerardus, Stephanus. 120 Salutaris poeta. [Leipzig, about 1489-92.] G199 Gerson, Johannes. 410 De custodia linguae et corde bene ruminanda. [Cologne, about 1467-72.] G236 De pollutione nocturna. 37 [Cologne, about 1467-72.] G250 De simplificatione, stabilitione, sive mundi- 39 ficatione cordis. [Cologne, about 1472.] 139 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS G252 De spiritualibus nuptiis. Nuremberg, [14] 70. 73 G302 Graduale. Graduale Svecicum. [Liibeck, 1493?] 110 G419 Gregorius IX, Pont Max. Decretales. Basel, 1486. 346 G438 [Basel], 7 Oct. 1500. 372 G485 Guarinus, Baptista. De ordine docendi ac studendi. [Ferrara, 1474-93.] 289 G536 Guido de Monte Rochen. 411 Manipulus curatorum. [Cologne, about 1481.] G558 Cologne, 1498. 412 G559 Strassburg, 1499. 32 G569 Guilelmus de Gouda. Expositio mysteriorum missae. Deventer, 20 Feb. 1490. 395 H26 Henricus de Hassia. 338 Expositio super Orationem Dominicam. Etc. [Basel, not after 1474.] H28 Secreta sacerdotum. 95 [Nuremberg, about 1497.] H84 Herolt, Johannes. 11 De eruditione Christifidelium. [Strassburg, about 1476.] Hi 62 Hieronymus. 221 Epistolae. Venice, I) 7 Jan., II) 12 July 1496. 140 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS H183 Vitae sanctorum patrum. 106 Ulm, [about 1478-80]. H190 [Strassburg], 7 July 1485. 14 H200 Vitae sanctorum patrum [German] . 66 [Augsburg, about 1485?] H240 Vita et transitus [Italian]. 299 Milan, 27 Feb. 1495. H247 Hilarius Litomiricensis. 23 Tractatus contra perfidiam aliquorum Bo- hemorum. Strassburg, 15 June 1485. H386 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera. Venice, 1486. 197 H396 Venice, 23 July 1498. 281 H460 Hugo de Sancto Victore. Didascalon et aba opuscula. [Strassburg, not after 1475.] 9 H488 Hyginus, C. Julius. 174 Poeticon astronomicon. Venice, 22 Jan. 1485. 112 Imitatio Christi. 28 Imitatio Christi. Strassburg, 1487. 125 Venice, 23 Apr. 1493. 261 127 Rome, 3 Oct. 1493. 142 187 Innocentius IV, Pont. Max. 190 Apparatus super libros Decretalium. Venice, 15 June 1481. 1144 Institoris, Henricus. 88 Tractatus varii cum sermonibus contra errores adversus eucharistiam exortos. Nuremberg, 26 Jan. 1496. 141 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1184 Isocrates. 236 Oratio de laudibus Helenae [Latin] . [Venice, about 1498-1500.] 1193 Ivo, Episcopus Carnotensis. 369 Liber decretorum, sive Panormia. Basel 6 & 7 Mar. 1499. J37 Jacobus de Clusa. 127 De valore et utilitate missarum pro defunctis. [Heidelberg], 1493. * Jacobus de Theramo. 388 Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial [French] . Lyons, 7 Nov. 1487. J99 Jacobus de Voragine. 113 Legenda aurea sanctorum. 1 [Reutlingen], 1483. J 144 Legenda aurea sanctorum [German]. Winter- 60 teil. Augsburg, 26 June 1480. J146 Augsburg, 10 Jan. 1485. 65 J147 Augsburg, 3 July 1487 (or [?] 18 Aug. 67 orJ149 1489). J 148 Legenda aurea sanctorum [German] . 83 Nuremberg, 5 Dec. 1488. J149 SarJ147. 67 * Jacobus Cerrinus. 151 De scansione et syllabarum quantitate. [Rome? n.d.] J 187 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo. 200 Supplementum chronicarum. Venice, 15 Dec. 1486. 1 The most complete inventory of incunabula editions of this work is Robert F- Seybolt's "Fifteenth century editions of the Legenda aurea" (in Speculum, v. 21 (1946) p. 327-338). 142 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS J 190 Supplementum chronicarum [Italian] . 206 Venice, 8 Oct. 1491. J256 Johannes Chrysostomus. 42 Homiliae super Matthaeum. Cologne, 1487. J294 Johannes Gallensis. 104 Summa collationum, sive Communiloquium. [Ulm], 1281 [i.e. 1481]. J 3 42 Johannes Nivicellensis. 366 Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonum. [Basel, about 1488.] J 3 69 Johannes de Sacro Bus to. 420 Sphaera mundi. Venice, 14 Jan. 1491. J376 Venice, 23 Oct. 1499. 252 J425 Jordanus Nemorarius. 378 Arithmetica. Etc. Paris, 22 July 1496. J426 Jordanus Osnabrugensis. 140 De imperio Romano. [Rome, about 1476.] J427 Jordanus de Quedlinburg. 367 Passio Christi secundum quattuor evangelistas. [Basel, 1492.] J442 Josephus, Flavius. 304 De bello Judaico [Italian] . Florence, 6 July 1493. Justinianus Institutiones J467 Institutiones. 342 Basel, 31 July 1478. 143 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Digesta J500 Digestum vetus. 193 Venice, 26 Mar. 1491. Codex J5 17 Codex Jus tinianus. 93 Nuremberg, 24 June 1475. * Venice, 16 Sept. 1495. 198 J526 Venice, 29 July 1496. 188 Novellae post Codicem J538 Novellae^. 189 Venice, 3 Nov. 1497. J 5 59 Justinus, M. Junianus. 220 Epitome in Trogi Pompeii historias. [Venice, after 1489-90.] J592 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. 391 Satyrae. [Lyons], 18 Nov. 1498. J600 Nuremberg, 6 Dec. 1497. 89 L5 Lactantius, Lucius Coelius Firmianus. 152 Opera. [Venice], 1472. L23 Laetus, Pomponius. 269 Romanae historiae compendium. Venice, 23 Apr. 1499. L89 Lavacrum conscientiae. 70 Lavacrum conscientiae. [Augsburg, not after 1498.] L135 Leonardus de Utino. 169 Sermones de Sanctis. Venice, 1475. 144 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS L149 Leonicenus, Omnibonus. 330 Commentum in Ciceronis Oratorem. Vicenza, 22 Dec. 1476. L159 Lescherius, Paulus. 47 Rhetorica pro conficiendis epistolis accomo- data. Cologne, 8 Feb. 1491. LI 61 Leupoldus, Dux Austriae. 72 Compilatio de astrorum scientia. Augsburg, 9 Jan. 1489. L209 Livius, Titus. 135 Historiae Romanae decades. [Rome, before 3 Aug. 1470.] L220 Venice, 20 June 1498. 239 L226 Historiae Romanae decades [Italian] . 191 Venice, 13 Aug. 1485. L234 Locher, Jacobus. 409 Panegyricus ad Maximilianum . . . Strassburg, 1497. L273 Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. 244 Pharsalia. Venice, 31 Jan. 1493/94. L275 Venice, 20 Oct. 1498. 250 L347 Lullus, Raymundus. Ars brevis. [Rome], 14 Feb. 1485. 146 L350 De conceptione B. V. Mariae. Seville, 12 Mar. 1491. 402 * Janua arris. Rome, 1485. 147 M53 Mahomet II. 119 Epistolae Magni Turci. [Leipzig, after 23 Feb. 1488.] 145 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS M 8 5 Maius , Junianus . 216 De priscorum proprietate verborum. [Venice], 23 Feb. 1490. M91 Mancinellus, Antonius. 254 Carmen de floribus ad Veliternos. Etc. Venice, 11 Dec. 1493. * Venice, 11 May 1497. 256 M94 Epitoma seu Regula constructionis. Venice, 20 Nov. 1492. 265 M109 Scribendi orandique modus. Venice, 4 June 1496. 231 M112 Venice, [about 1498]. 282 M160 Maneken, Carolus. Formulae epistolarum. [Strassburg], 1493. 34 M206 Marchesinus, Johannes. Mammotrectus super Bibliam. Venice, 23 Sept. 1479. 157 M210 Venice, 1483. 164 M228 Margarita Decretalium. 365 Annotationes Margaritarum Decretalium. Basel, [n.d.]. M263 Martialis, Marcus Valerius. 194 Epigrammata. Venice, 12 June 1482. M264 Venice, 15 July 1482. 184 M268 Venice, 29 Mar. 1491. 237 M298 Marullus, Michael. 148 Epigrammata. [Rome, about 1483-90.] 146 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS M299 Hymni et epigrammata. 308 Florence, 26 Nov. 1497. M337 Maximilian I. 3 Coronatio Maximiliani. [Mainz, after 28 Mar. I486.] * Mayno, Jason de. 373 Oratio in nuptias Maximiliani. Etc. [Basel, not before 17 Apr. 1494.] M400 Melber, Johannes. 19 Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Variloquus. Strassburg, 1 June 1486. M430 Merula, Georgius. 165 Ennarationes Satyrarum Juvenalis. Venice, [between 15 Mar. and 6 May 1478]. M462 Michael de Dalen. 22 Casus summarii Decretalium Sexti et Clemen- tinarum. Strassburg, 15 June 1485. M552 Missale. Of the dioceses. 109 Missale Aboense. Liibeck, [not after 17 Aug.] 1488. M615 Missale Strengnense. 405 [Stockholm], 1487. M621 Missale Upsalense vetus. 404 [Stockholm, 1484.] M721 Monte, Petrus de. 141 De potestate Romani Pontificis et Generalis Concilii. [Rome, about 1476.] M757 Mutius, Macarius. 284 De triumpho Chris ti. Venice, 29 Mar. 1499. 147 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS N12 N17 N77 N95 N98 N197 N208 0122(11) 0123 0124 0132 Nestor, Dionysius. 214 Vocabularius. [Venice], 26 June 1488. Niavis, Paulus. 413 Epistolae breves. [Nuremberg, 1489-92.] Nicolaus de Byard. 379 Dictionarius pauperum. Paris, 13 Nov. 1498. Nicolaus de Lyra. 266 Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadra- gesimalia. Venice, 25 May 1494. Venice, 13 Feb. 1500/01. Nicolaus of Tolentino, S. Nicolaus Tolentin. [n.p., between 1460 and 1470.] Nider, Johannes. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis cum quad ragesimali. [Strassburg, not after 1483.] Niger, Franciscus. Modus epistolandi. Modena, 24 May 1490. Ovidius Naso, Publius. Opera, [Pars II]. Vincenza, 12 Aug. 1480. 259 Xylographica 21 333 426 418 Venice, 21 Sept. 1484. Venice, I) 27 Nov. 1486; II) 13 Jan. 204-205 1486/87. De arte amandi. De remedio amoris. 255 Venice, '5 July 1494' [i.e. after 1500?] Epistolae heroidum. 242 Venice, 10 Nov. 1492. 148 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Ol74 Metamorphoses. 247 Venice, 8 July 1497. 0182 Tristia. 258 Venice, 26 Mar. 1499. P50 Panormitanus de Tudeschis, Nicolaus. 356-359 Lectura super V libris Decretalium. Basel, 1487-88. P108 Parker, Henry. 403 Dives and Pauper. London, 5 July 1493. Pi 3 3 Patritius, Franciscus. 139 Oratio ad Innocentium VIII. [Rome, after 29 Dec. 1484.] PI 54 Paulus Florentinus. 114 Breviarium totius juris canonici. Memmingen, 1486. Pi 67 Paulus Pergulensis. 263 Compendium logicae. Venice, 25 July 1498. P192 Paulus Venetus. 167 Logica. [Venice, about 1475.] P201 Venice, 23 June 1498. 262 P290 Perottus, Nicolaus. 230 Rudimenta gramma tices. Venice, 4 Nov. 1495. P303 Persius Flaccus, Aulus. 183 Satyrae. Venice, 14 Mar. 1482. P310 Brescia, 17 Feb. 1486. 322 P314 Venice, 17 Jan. 1492/93. 243 149 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS P353 Petrarca, Francesco. 179 Epistolae familiares. Venice, 13 Sept. 1492. P356 Historia Griseldis. 102 Ulm, 1473. P406 Petrus de Bergamo. 314 Tabula operum Thomae Aquinatis. Bologna, 11 Mar. 1473. P418 Petrus Comes tor. 16 Historia scholastica. Strassburg, 28 Aug. 1483. P441 Petrus Lombardus. 419 Sententiarum libri IV. Venice, 22 Mar. 1486. P451 Basel, 19 Feb. 1492. 427 P467 Petrus de Palude. Sermones thesauri novi de Sanctis. Basel, 1485. 354 P468 Strassburg, 1486. 15 P472 Strassburg, 1493. 30 P507 Phalaris, supposed author. Epistolae [Latin]. [Rome, 1475.] 137 P540 Philelphus, Franciscus. Epistolae. [Deventer, about 1488.] 398 P550 Epistolae breviores elegantiores. 397 Deventer, 30 Jan. 1500. P554 Orationes et alia opera. 294 [Milan, 1483-84.] P555 Brescia, 18 June 1488. 323 150 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS P559 [Basel, not after 1498.] 364 P579 Picus de Mirandula, Johannes . 318-319 Opera. Bologna, I) 20 Mar. 1496; II) 16 July 1495 [i.e. 1496]. P606 Pius II, Pont. Max. De curialium miseria. [Rome, 1488-90.] 143 P615 De duobus amantibus. [Cologne, about 1473-74.] 43 P700 Platina, Bartholomaeus. Vitae pontificum. Nuremberg, 11 Aug. 1481. 77 P701 [Treviso], 10 Feb. 1485. 312 P702 Plato. Opera Latin. Florence, [May 1484; before Apr. 1485]. 307 P703 Venice, 13 Aug. 1491. 226 P712 Plautus, Titus Maccius. Comoediae. Venice, 23 Nov. 1495. 207 P714 Venice, 17 Sept. 1499. 251 P761 Plutarchus. Vitae illustrium virorum. Brescia, '9 Aug.' [not before 13 Aug.] 326 P808 Politianus, Angelus. Opera. Venice, July 1498. 277 P828 Polybius. Historiae [Latin]. Venice, 1498. 268 151 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS P888 Priscianus. 212 Opera. Venice, 21 Feb. 1496/97. P889 Venice, 19 Mar. 1500. 238 P902 Proba, Falconia. 121 Carmina. [Leipzig, about 1490.] P920 Prognosticon. 175 Opusculum repertorii prognosticon in muta- tiones aeris. Venice, [before 4 Nov.] 1485. P965 Psalterium [Latin]. 90 Psalterium. [Nuremberg], 1497. P1000 Publicius, Jacobus. 416 Artes orandi, epistolandi, memorandi. Venice, 13 Nov. 1482. Q8 Quaes tiones Super Dona turn 54 Quaes tiones super Dona turn. [Cologne, about 1495?] Q27 Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius. 199 Institutiones oratoriae. Venice, 18 Aug. 1494. R8 Rainerius de Pisis. 57 Pantheologia. [Augsburg], 1474. R9 Nuremberg, 3 Aug. 1474. 74 R31 Raymundus de Sabunde. 394 Theologia naturalis. Deventer, [before 1485]. R35 Reformation der stadt Niirnberg. 81 Reformation der stadt Niirnberg. Nuremberg, 5 June 1484. 152 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS R129 Regulae. 267 Regulae monasticorum. Venice, 13 Apr. 1500. R142 Repertorium. 50 Repertorium aureum continens titulos quin- que librorum Decretalium. Cologne, 4 May 1495. R 1 5 2 Reuchlin, Johannes . 350 Vocabularius breviloquus. Basel, 1480. R191 Riederer, Friedrich. 132 Spiegel der wahren rhetorik. Freiburg im Breisgau, 11 Dec. 1493. R252 Rolewinck, Werner. 177 Fasciculus temporum. Venice, 1479. R268 [Strassburg, not before 1490.] 20 R331 Rudimenta grammaticae. 68 Rudimenta grammaticae. [Augsburg], 1499. R332 Rudimentum novitiorum. 108 Rudimentum novitiorum. Liibeck, 5 Aug. 1475. R 3 3 3 Rudimentum novitiorum [French] . 377 Paris, I) July 1488; II) Feb. 1488/89. R345 Rupertus, Abba Tukiensis. 64 De victoria Verbi Dei. Augsburg, 1487. Si 5 Sacerdotium Jesu Christi. 69 Sacerdotium Jesu Christi. Augsburg, 1499. S45 Salis, Baptista de. 99 Summa casuum conscientiae. [Speier, after 14 Apr.] 1488. 153 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS S48 Venice, 21 Dec. 1499. 225 S76 Sallustius Crispus, Gaius. 234 Opera. [Venice, about 1494-1500.] S 1 8 5 Savonarola Hieronymus . 305 Expositio Orationis Dominicae [Italian]. [Florence, about 1490.] Si 89 Esposizione sopra il salmo Verba mea. 431 [Florence? 1 6th cent.] S200 In re Psalm. L: Expositio super psalmo 310 Miserere mei Deus. [Italian] . [Florence, after 23 May 1498.] 5280 Schatzbehalter. 84 Schatzbehalter der wahren reichtumer des heils. Nuremberg, 8 Nov. 1491. 5281 Schedel, Hartmann. 86 Liber chronicarum. Nuremberg, 12 July, 1493. S283 Liber chronicarum [German] . 87 Nuremberg, 23 Dec. 1493. S3 14 Scriptores historiae Augustae. 217 Scriptores historiae Augustae. Venice, 15 July 1490. S3 30 Seelen-Wurzgarten. 107 Seelen-Wurzgarten. Ulm, 26 July 1483. S421 Serapion, Johannes, the Elder. 213 Breviarium medicinae. Venice, 16 Dec. 1497. S447 Sidonius, Apollinaris. 421 Epistolae et carmina. Milan, 4 May 1498. 154 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS S556 S557 S570 S575 S580 Silius Italicus. 209 Punica. Venice, 18 May 1492. Venice 20 Sept. 1493. 253 Sixtus IV, Pont. Max. Auszug und inhalt der Ablassbulle . . . Auszug. Auszug und inhalt der Ablassbulle . . . 344 Solinus, Caius Julius. Polyhistor. Venice, 13 Jan. 1493. 215 Venice, 10 Mar. 1498. 222 Speculum animae peccatricis. Speculum animae peccatricis. Paris, 29 Apr. 1480. 376 [Cologne, about 1494.] 52 Speculum exemplorum. 393 Speculum exemplorum. Deventer, 2 May 1481. S630 Statute. 324 Statute Bergomi. Brescia, 18 Dec. 1491. 5638 Statute Mediolani. 296 Milan, 20 Dec. 1480. 5639 Statute Mediolani: Tabula. 292 Milan, 20 Nov. 1482. S645 Statute Valliscamonicae. 327 Brescia, 1 Sept. 1498. S707 Strabo. 219 Geographia \Latiri\. [Venice], 24 Apr. 1494. 155 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS S720 Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius. 302 De grammaticis et rhetoribus. Florence, 1478. S726 Vitae XII Caesarum. 286 [Venice], 1480. S735 Suidas. 300 Ae&icov (Lexicon graecum) . Milan, 15 Nov. 1499. * Sulpitius Verulanus, Johannes. 386 Gramma tica. [n.p., n.pr. 1485?] S739 De arte grammatica. 228 Venice, 4 Apr. 1489. S752 De moribus puerorum carmen juvenile. 399 [Deventer, about 1500.] S758 De versuum scansione. 288 [Venice? about 1495?] T14 Talmud. 92 Objectiones in dicta Talmud. [Nuremberg, about 1497.] T61 Terentius Afer, Publius. 311 Comoediae. Treviso, 18 Sept. 1477. T73 Venice, 29 Nov. 1491. 227 T79 Strassburg, 1 Nov. 1496. 408 T84 Lyons, 7 Mar. 1498. 390 T86 Strassburg, 11 Feb. 1499. 17 T89 Venice, 1500. 223 T93 Vulgaria Terentii [Dutch and Latin] . 396 Deventer, 3 Sept. 1495. 156 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS T 1 3 8 Thomas a Becket. 380 Vita S. Thomae Becket et Processus eiusdem super libertate ecclesiastica, seu Historia quadripartita. Paris, 27 Mar. 1495/96. Thomas Aquinas (arranged as in Stillwell) SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY Commentum in IV libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi T149 Super IV Sententiarum. 46 Cologne, 2 Feb. 1480. Quaetiones disputatae T152 Deanima. 159 Venice, 1472. T154 De potentia Dei. 41 [Cologne, about 1476.] T156 De potentia Dei. Etc. 33 Strassburg, 23 Feb. 1500. Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet T161 Questiones de duodecim quodlibet. 136 [Rome, about 1470.] T164 Ulm, 1475. 103 Summa theologica T177 Summa theologica. Pars I. 156 Venice, 1477. T179 Venice, 10 Id. (4?) Dec. 1484. 181 T191 Summa theologica. Pars II, 2. 161 Venice, 1475. COMMENTARIES ON THE SCRIPTURES T210 Commentaria in omnes epistolas Sancti Pauli. 316 Bologna, 1481. 157 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS T211 Basel, 16 Oct. 1495. T213 Expositio (Postilla) in Job [Esslingen], 1474. oPuscuLa Collections T233 Opuscula. Venice, 7 Sept. 1490. T234 Milan, 1488. T237 Tractatus quinque cum alii; 368 101 196 293 ictatdbus. 297 Milan, I Mar. 1488. Single works and lesser compilations T250 De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramentis. 38 [Cologne, about 1470.] T251 [Rome, 8 Feb. 1476. 138 T257 De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramentis et 341 De periculis contingentibus; De regimine Judaeorum. [Basel, Michael Wenssler, about 1474.] T258 [Basel, Martin Flach, about 1474.] 349 T274 De modo confitendi et puritate conscientiae. 97 [Speier, about 1472.] T291 De periculis contingentibus circa sacramen- 115 turn eucharistiae. De regimine Judaeorum. [Passau, about 1491.] T297 De regimine principum. 40 [Cologne, about 1475.] T320 Thomas a Kempis. 96 Opera. Nuremberg, 29 Nov. 1494. 158 FIFTEENTH CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS T328 Thucydides. 313 Historia belli Peloponnesiaci. [Treviso, 1483?] T340 Tibullus, Albius. 245 Elegiac Venice, 26 June 1493. T 3 62 Tortellius, Johannes . 331 Orthographia. Vicenza, 13 Jan. 1479. T445 Tucher, Hans. 63 Reise in das gelobte land. Augsburg, 1486. T475 Turrecremata, Johannes de. 13 Expositio super to to Psalterio. Strassburg, 23 Apr. 1482. T504 (I) Summa de potestate Papae et Concilii 389 generalis. (II) Flores sententiarum S. Thomae de Aquino de auctoritate Summi Pontificis. Lyon, I & II) 20 Sept. 1946. U10 Ubaldis, Baldus de. 187 Codex: Super I-IX Codicis. Venice, IV) 19 May 1496; V) 5 Sept. 1496. U64 Ursula, S. 18 Navicula Sanctae Ursulae. [Strassburg, about 1497.] V38 Valerius Maximus, Gaius. 210 Facta et dicta memorabilia. Venice, 30 Apr. 1493. V47 Valla, Laurentius. 154 Elegantiae linguae latinae. Venice, 1471. V54 Elegantiae linguae latinae. Etc. 285 Venice, 1480. 159 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS V57 Elegantiae linguae latinae. 185 Venice, 28 Aug. 1486. V62 Elegantiae linguae latinae. Etc. 279 Venice, 8 Feb. 1499/1500. V63 Venice, 1 Oct. 1500. 241 V64 Invectiva in Antonium Raudensem. Etc. 178 Venice, 4 Oct. 1481. VI 14 Vergerius, Petrus Paulus. 158 De ingenuis moribus. [Venice, about 1471.] VI 71 Vergilius Maro, Publius. 246 Opera. Venice, 20 Feb. 1497. V218 Versor, Johannes. 36 Super Dona to. Strassburg, 1491. V248 Vincentius Bellovacensis. 352 Opuscula. Basel, 13 Dec. 1481. V303 Vocabularius. 78 Vocabularius juris utriusque. Nuremberg, 4 Sept. 1481. V305 Basel, 20 Aug. 1483. 345 V310 Strassburg, 28 Sept. 1490. 27 W 3 8 Wimpheling, Jacobus . 7 1 Oratio quaerulosa contra invasores sacer- dotum. [Augsburg, about 1496-1500.] W57 Wolfram von Eschenbach. 6 Titurel. [Strassburg], 1477. 160