UfelOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY / : 31,4025773 2 A Guide to the Cultural Resources in Illinois Edited by Tina M. Reithmaier The Newberry Library Introduction by David Buisseret The Newberry Library with Contributors Maynard Crossland John Daly Jerome M. Johnson Theodore Karamanski Bridget Lamont R. Bruce McMillan Thomas Schwartz Virginia Stewart David Thackery Published by The Office of the Secretary of State Jim Edgar Secretary of State and State Librarian ""BWSSaT i .TORICAL SURVEY '772, Table of Contents. Illinois Counties (map) i Introduction iii I. Archives 1 II. Genealogical Societies 5 III. Historic Preservation 10 IV. Historic Sites and Memorials 14 V. Historical Societies 17 VI. Libraries 31 VII. Living Historical Farm Museums 35 VIII. Museums 38 IX. State and National Organizations Serving Illinois and Funding Sources 50 Appendices I. Training Programs and Consulting Firms 53 II. Publications 55 Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois September 1988 - 5M - GA-26 Illinois Counties, PHENSON WINNEBAGO BOONE McHENRY LAKE KANE I COOK Introduction. The idea for this guide first arose from our experience at The Newberry Library, where we often found that peo- ple investigating various aspects of Illinois history did not know about other people with substantially the same interests. For instance, genealogists studying Irish ances- tors might well not know about the Illinois and Michigan Canal Archives, with its information about those Irish laborers who dug the canal which founded Chicago. Scholars investigating railroad history might well know nothing about the excellent railroad museum in West Chicago. People interested in the early history of Illinois often did not know about the possibilities of map-based analyses of flora, fauna and human activity. In short, it seemed to us that we ought to try to compile a comprehen- sive manual of cultural resources, so that people could find in one place something approaching the full range of possibilities. Ideally, we would also have included lists of scholars, but we hope that by listing the institutions we shall lead people to researchers working in those places. The idea of such a guide was enthusiastically endorsed by a group of historians, geographers and museum pro- fessionals at a meeting in 1986, and support from the Office of the Secretary of State was promised. At this meeting it became clear that a source book was needed that included a listing of the cultural resources of Illinois which could be used by reference librarians, genealogists, historians, museum professionals and the general public. This guide has been compiled in part from many sources already available, such as the "Directory of Historical and Cultural Agencies and Museums in Illinois" published by the Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums, the "Directory of Illinois Genealogical Societies" published by the Illinois State Genealogical Society, data that has been collected by the offices of the Illinois State Museum and public relations material from the Illinois Historic Pre- servation Agency and the Illinois Office of Tourism. The history of Illinois is preserved in many ways: an historic site, an interpretive exhibit, a cemetery index, a manuscript or a book. These cultural resources tell of our past and help us reflect upon the future. Members of his- torical societies, preservation councils and genealogical societies help us preserve our past, and they in themselves should not be overlooked as cultural resources. Thus we have compiled a guide which includes not only where we can find the physical remnants of our heritage (archives, historic sites, libraries, living historical farms and museums) but also organizations (historical societies, preservation councils and genealogical societies) which can help us interpret our past Though we have tried to produce a comprehensive guide to the cultural resources in Illinois, we realized there were limitations. For example, there is an excellent guide to the libraries in Illinois, published by the Illinois Regional Council of Libraries, which lists hours, patron services and major holdings of each library in the state. So as not to duplicate those efforts, we have chosen to include in this guide only the major research libraries in Illinois. We have also limited descriptive information for many of the entries, as more detailed descriptions can be found in the individual guides which are available from the American Association for State and Local History, the Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums, the Illinois Regional Council of Libraries and the Illinois State Genealogical Society. We have attempted to print the most recent information that was available to us, and we apologize if some information is, nevertheless, incorrect At the beginning of each chapter of this guide, there is an essay written by professionals who work with the state's cultural resources every day. John Daly, the di- rector of the State Archives, writes on both the public and private archives that are available for use by researchers and the public. David Thackery, curator of local and family history at The Newberry Library, and Virginia Stewart, former director of the Elmhurst Historical Society, identify the goals and tasks of the numerous genealogical and his- torical societies in the 102 counties in Illinois. Maynard Crossland from the Illinois Historic Preserva- tion Agency reviews for the reader the preservation move- ment in Illinois and identifies the state's historic preser- vation agencies, historic sites and memorials. The chapter on libraries was written by Thomas Schwartz of the Illinois State Historical Library and Bridget Lamont, director of the Illinois State Library. They discuss the multitude of libraries in the state and identify the research library as one of the most valuable institutions for the holdings of cultural resources in Illinois. In Chapter VIII, Jerome Johnson, curator of the Gar- field Farm Museum, lists the living historical farms which exist in Illinois and explains the various tasks that are per- formed on a living history farm. R. Bruce McMillan, di- rector of the Illinois State Museum, writes on the various types of museums which Illinois boasts, including botanical gardens and zoos. Many of the state and national organizations serving Illinois and the funding sources available to help maintain and preserve the state's cultural resources have been assembled by Theodore Karamanski, assistant professor at Loyola University of Chicago. Two appendices have been -in- prepared for the guide by Tina Reithmaier of The New- berry Library. In Appendix I, Ms. Reithmaier discusses the many training programs in public history, preservation and oral history that have developed at Illinois universities during the past decade. She lists in Appendix II the numerous finding aids, newsletters and periodicals that are available to the general public and that promote pres- ervation of Illinois cultural resources. Following each essay is an annotated list of the major state and national organizations which professionally sup- port each of the chapter's cultural resources. A general list, compiled by county, of the many cultural resources and organizations that serve the 102 counties in Illinois completes the chapter. The whole work has been administered and edited by Tina Reithmaier, who takes this opportunity to thank the contributors, as well as Marilyn DeBerry, responsible for data processing at The Newberry Library. David Buisseret The Newberry Library -IV- I. Archives Illinois is uncommonly rich in archival resources — "archives" being defined here as the permanently valuable, research-supporting documents which organizations pro- duce in the otherwise ordinary course of their operations. One usually thinks of them as governmental records — vital statistics, court records, census lists, etc. — but other "organizations" produce valuable archival material as well. Business firms do so, as do religious bodies, univer- sities, health care institutions, museums and professional associations. As one indicator of the state's wealth in this field, the Midwest Archives Conference, a regional associa- tion for professional archivists in 12 states from Ohio to Kansas, reports that over 25 percent of its membership is from Illinois alone. Archives are, on the whole, rather unfamiliar insti- tutions to many citizens. In our society that is so oriented toward the future, the word "archives" seems to carry with it overtones of things somewhat dark and long forgotten, even mysterious. In reality, however, archives are direct and immediate records of the acts performed by busi- nessmen, physicians, attorneys, ships' captains, teachers, students, and anyone who was born, married or died. They are primary records, those made as soon as an event occurred, when eyewitnesses were often present and before interpretations were placed on them. These qual- ities offer unique advantages to any researcher. As the agencies listed in this guide illustrate, the archival researcher in Illinois can take advantage of great numbers of resources that range over many areas. The pre- mier repository is the National Archives - Chicago Branch, which houses over 50,000 cubic feet of federal court records for the six-state area it serves, along with materials of other agencies such as the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Customs Service, the Coast Guard and various wartime agencies. Archival records of state governmental agencies, some 72,000 cubic feet of them, are available at the Illinois State Archives in Springfield. Its collections range in date from the 18th century, when the French occupied Illinois, to 1986, when the 84th General Assembly adjourned. Included in that span are papers of the state's territorial period, all of its constitutions, papers of every past governor, its public accounts, all of its laws, files of the cases heard by the Su- preme Court, and records of state schools and hospitals for every purpose, its penitentiaries, canals, roads, and mili- tary units, and all of Illinois' first land records, which outline the peopling and settling of the land. Records of local courts and schools, roads, taxes, marriages and of all of the many concerns of cities and counties are available to the researcher through the Archives' system of regional depositories (IRAD) located on the campuses of public universities in all parts of the state. Records of business firms are located in the archives maintained by some of the state's longest established and most successful companies, such as International Har- vester, Sears, John Deere and Company, Rand McNally and Kraft Health care archives are available in the collect- ions of such hospitals as Northwestern Memorial, Cook County Hospital, Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's, St. Joseph's and Mercy. Related materials may be found in the archives of professional organizations, for example, those of the American Medical Association and the American Dental Association. Religious organizations possess unique materials in their archives, including, often, the earliest vital statistics for the areas in which their congregations were located. There are 10 such archives located within Illinois, the largest of which include those of the Lutheran Church in America, the Archdiocese of Chicago, the Billy Graham Center, the Congregation of the Alexian Brothers and the Bahai Archives. Increasing efforts are presently being made by museum professionals to establish research capabilities for the records that form their archives; in Chicago such materials will be available at the Field Museum, the Museum of Science and Industry, the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Art Institute. Finally, colleges and universities, as one might expect, display a strong awareness of their past and are conse- quently among the institutions most thoroughly document- ed through their archival programs. Major collections await researchers' use at Northwestern University, the University of Illinois both at Urbana-Champaign and at Chicago, Loyola University, Northern Illinois University, Southern Illinois University, and indeed almost every other university, even those recently founded. The fact is that "archives" are created every day. John Daly Illinois State Archives State Archives Illinois State Archives Archives Building Springfield 62756 (217) 782-4682 Illinois Regional Archives Depository The Illinois Regional Archives Depository (IRAD) was established in 1976 with funding from the National En- dowment for the Humanities. IRAD is a division of the -1- Illinois State Archives, and each depository is responsible for collecting local government records. These include cir- cuit court case records, probate records, poll books and election returns, school board minutes, swamp level records, deed books, tax assessments, county board minutes and files, naturalization papers and militia roll records. "A Guide to County Records in the Illinois Regional Archives" was published in 1983 to aid the researcher. The seven regional depositories are located on the cam- puses of Eastern Illinois University, Illinois State Univer- sity, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Sangamon State University, Southern Illinois University, and Western Illinois University. Booth Library Eastern Illinois University Charleston 61920 (217) 581-6093 Williams Hall Illinois State University Normal 61761 (309) 438-5525 University Library Northeastern Illinois University 5500 North St. Louis Avenue Chicago 60625-4699 (312) 583-4050, ext. 4402 Swen Parson Hall Northern Illinois University DeKalb 60115 (815) 753-1779 Brookens Library Sangamon State University Shepherd Road Springfield 62708 (217) 786-6520 Special Collections Morris Library Southern Illinois University Carbondale 62901 (618) 453-3040 University Library Western Illinois University Macomb 61455 (309) 298-2411, ext. 272 National Archives Serving Illinois National Archives and Records Administration - Chicago Branch 7358 South Pulaski Road Chicago 60629 (312) 581-7816 The National Archives and Records Administration - Chicago Branch houses extensive manuscript collections from the field offices of federal agencies within the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. Regional Archives Organization Serving Illinois Midwest Archives Conference c/o Dennis Meissner 1500 Mississippi St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 296-6980 National Archives Organization Serving Illinois Society of American Archivists 600 South Federal, Suite 504 Chicago 60605 (312) 922-0140 The Society of American Archivists is a national or- ganization for archivists in government, colleges and uni- versities, historical societies, museums, libraries, busi- nesses and religious institutions. The SAA offers a number of services, including educational opportunities, round tables and forums for exchange and job placement. In addition, the SAA publishes "The American Archivist," a quarterly journal, as well as numerous texts and guides on archival theory and practice. -2- Funding National Historical Publications and Records Commission National Archives and Records Administration Washington, DC 20408 (202) 724-1083 The National Historical Publications and Records Com- mission funds both private and governmental organiza- tions in the effort to preserve records that foster an appreciation and further an understanding of American history. Archives . COOK American Medical Association Archives 535 North Dearborn Street Chicago 60610 (312) 645-4835 Archives of the Evangelical Covenant Church of America North Park College Chicago 60625 (312) 583-2700. ext. 287 Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne 60439 (312) 739-7711, ext. 3026 Art Institute of Chicago - Ryerson and Burham Archives Michigan Avenue and Adams Street Chicago 60603 (312) 443-4777 Center for Research Libraries 5721 Cottage Grove Avenue Chicago 60637 (312) 955-4545 Chicago and Northwestern Historical Society and Archives 1812 Hood Avenue Chicago 60660 (312) 743-1159 Chicago Archdiocesan Archives St. Mary of the Lake Seminary Mundelein 60060 (312) 268-7038 The Congregation of Alexian Brothers Archives 600 Alexian Way Elk Grove Village 60007 (312) 640-7550 Cook County Hospital Archives 1900 West Polk Street Chicago 60612 (312) 633-7538 First National Bank of Chicago Corporate Archives One First National Plaza Chicago 60670 (312) 732-3595 Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Restoration Archives 957 Chicago Avenue Oak Park 60302 (312) 848-1976 International Harvester Corporate Archives 401 North Michigan Avenue Chicago 60611 (312) 836-2149 Kraft, Inc., Corporate Archives Glenview 60025 (312) 998-2981 Loyola University Archives Cudahy Library Chicago 60626 (312) 508-2660 Lutheran Church in America Archives 1100 East 55th Street Chicago 60615 (312) 667-3500 Michael Reese Hospital Archives 2816 South Ellis Avenue Chicago 60616 (312) 791-4476 National Archives and Records Administration - Chicago Branch 7358 South Pulaski Road Chicago 60629 (312) 581-7816 National Dairy Council 6300 North River Road Rosemont 60018 (312) 696-1020 Northwestern Memorial Hospital Group Archives 516 West 36th Street Chicago 60609 (312) 908-3090 Northwestern University Archives Evanston 60201 (312) 492-7684. 7685 Polish National Alliance Library - Archives 6100 N. Cicero Chicago 60646 (312) 286-0500 St Joseph's Hospital Archives 2900 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago 60611 (312) 975-3039 University of Chicago Archives Regenstein Library Chicago 60637 (312) 962-8705 CHAMPAIGN Champaign County Historical Archives Urbana Free Library 201 South Race Street Urbana 61801 (217) 367-4057 University of Illinois Archives University Library Urbana 61801 (217) 333-0798 DeKALB Northern Illinois University Archives Regional History Center Swen Parson Hall DeKalb 60115 (815) 753-1779 -3- DuPAGE McLEAN SANGAMON Billy Graham Center Archives Wheaton College Wheaton 60187 (312) 682-5910 JACKSON Southern Illinois University Archives Carbondale 62901 (618) 453-2543 KANE Aurora College Archives 347 South Gladstone Avenue Aurora 60506 (312) 892-6431 KNOX Knox College Archives Henry M. Seymour Library Galesburg 61401 (309)343-0112. ext 392 Mcdonough Western Illinois University Archives Macomb 61455 (309) 298-1845, ext. 50 Illinois Wesleyan University Archives Bloomington 61701 (309) 556-3175 Midwestern Archeological Research Center Illinois State University 104 Edwards Hall Normal 61761 (309) 438-8447 RANDOLPH Randolph County Archive Building Repository for French Colonial Era Records Chester 62233 (618) 826-2510 ROCK ISLAND Augustana College Archives Swenson Center Rock Island 61201 (309) 794-7317 John Deere and Company Archives John Deere Road Moline 61265 (309) 792-4047 Illinois State Archives Archives Building Springfield. 62756 (217) 782-4866 Sangamon State University Archives Springfield, 62708 (217) 786-6520 TAZEWELL Dirksen Congressional Research Center Broadway and 4th Street Pekin 61554 (309) 347-7113 WILL Lewis University Canal Archives and Corridor Special Collections Lewis University Route 53 Romeoville 60441 (815) 838-0500 II. Genealogical Societies. The American interest in genealogy has steadily grown over the last 20 years, although, it should be noted, geneal- ogy as a popular pastime in this country can be traced quite easily to New England in the mid-19th century. Since then, an interest in one's "roots" has spread to all parts of the country and to all racial and ethnic groups. Certainly the great number of genealogical societies in Illinois and in the country as a whole is evidence of widespread interest in this subject Most Illinois genealogical societies have a county base. Obviously one of their purposes is to provide an organi- zational context for local genealogists to share research experiences and perhaps assist one another in their genealogical pursuits, regardless of whether they had ancestors in the country in question. They also further genealogical research in their respective counties. Many societies have designated members who can provide limited — but sometimes surprisingly generous — assis- tance to genealogists not residing in the county. Such assistance may include the provision of information on genealogical resources and research facilities in the area or of the names of qualified researchers who know the coun- ty's records. Occasionally a limited amount of research may be undertaken on behalf of the correspondent The publications of local societies are another means of assisting non-resident (as well as local) genealogists with an interest in the area. Membership in a society usually garners one a monthly newsletter and often a more sub- stantial quarterly periodical. These publications will often contain local record transcriptions, articles of local his- torical/genealogical interest and queries columns which enable genealogists with common ancestors to become aware of each other and to share research. Local genea- logical societies quite often undertake the publication of local records in book format as well, including transcrip- tions of vital records, cemetery inscriptions and records, newspaper abstracts and land records. A good example of this sort of activity is found in the efforts of the Illinois State Genealogical Society, which is coordinating the transcription, indexing and publishing of the federal manuscript census on a county-by-county basis for each census year in Illinois. This project has resulted in the publication of over 150 volumes thus far. There are other genealogical organizations having something other than a county organizational basis. Organizations with an ethnic or racial focus are also active, particularly in urban areas such as Chicago. These include societies and interest groups for Afro-American, Jewish, Polish and Irish genealogists, to name a few examples. Also active in Illinois is the organization Palatines to America, with its focus on early German immigration to Pennsylvania. National hereditary societies such as the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Society of Mayflower Descendants also have Illinois chapters and pursue publishing and other programs benefitting mem- bers and non-members alike Genealogical and historical research on the local, state and national levels has been enhanced by the activities of these societies. Certainly anyone — whether a genealogist or a social historian — interested in a history focusing on the lives of "ordinary people" has cause to be grateful to these organizations and will undoubtedly have greater cause for gratitude in the future David Thackery The Newberry Library State Organization Serving Illinois Illinois State Genealogical Society P.O. Box 157 Lincoln 62656 Though the Illinois State Genealogical Society acts as a clearinghouse for many of the genealogical societies in Illinois, it is not the parent organization of the some 90 genealogical societies in Illinois. Each local genealogical society has established its own charter, constitution and bylaws and operates as a separate entity. The Illinois State Genealogical Society is instrumental in organizing many of the statewide genealogical activities (i.e inventories, cemetery lists, etc.). The society publishes a bimonthly newsletter and has also published the "Direct- ory of Illinois Genealogical Societies" (1980). National Organization Serving Illinois National Genealogical Society 4527 - 17th Street Arlington, VA 22207-2363 (703) 525-0050 The National Genealogical Society was established in 1903. Its stated purpose is to "collect and preserve gen- ealogical, historical and heraldic data," in addition to pro- moting research and scholarly writing. The National Genealogical Society publishes the "National Genealogical Society Quarterly." ADAMS Greater River Genealogical Society Quincy Public Library 526 Jersey Quincy 62301 Green Hills Genealogical Society 8611 West 103rd Street Quincy 62301 Palatines to America, Illinois Chapter P.O. Box 3884 Quincy 62301 BOND Bond County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 172 Greenville 62246 BROWN Schuyler- Brown Counties Historical and Genealogical Society Jail Museum 200 South Congress Rushville 62681 (217) 322-6975 Versailles Area Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 9 Versailles 62378 CARROLL Carroll County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 347 Savanna 61074 CHAMPAIGN Champaign County Genealogical Society Urbana Free Library 201 South Race Street Urbana 61801 CHRISTIAN Christian County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 174 Taylorville 62568 Genealogical Societies CLARK Clark County Genealogical Society 309 Maple Street P.O. Box 153 Marshall 62441 COLES Coles County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 225 Charleston 61920 COOK Afro- American Genealogical and Historical Society of Chicago P.O. Box 19-8484 Chicago 60619 Chicago Genealogical Society P.O. Box 1160 Chicago 60690 Council of Northeastern Illinois Genealogical Societies 3629 West 14th Place Midlothian 60445 Dunton Genealogical Society Arlington Heights Public Library 500 North Dunton Arlington Heights 60004 Genealogical Questers Des Plaines Historical Society P.O. Box 225 Des Plaines 60017 Illiana Jewish Genealogical Society 3416 Ithaca Olympia Fields 60461 Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois P.O. Box 481022 Niles 60648 (312) 564-1025 Jewish Genealogical Society, South Suburban Branch 3416 Ithaca Olympia Fields 60461 Lithuanian Genealogical Society Blazekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture 6500 South Pulaski Chicago 60629 (312) 582-6500 North Suburban Genealogical Society Winnetka Public Library 768 Oak Street Winnetka 60093 Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists P.O. Box AC Mt. Prospect 60056 Polish Genealogical Society 984 North Milwaukee Avenue Chicago 60622 Poplar Creek Genealogical Society 200 Kosan Circle Streamwood 60103 Schaumburg Genealogical Society Schaumburg Public Library 32 West Library Lane Schaumburg 60194 South Suburban Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 96 Roosevelt Community Center 161st Place and Louis Avenue South Holland 60473 (312) 333-9474 Western Springs Genealogical Society Western Springs Historical Society 916 Hillgrove Avenue Western Springs 60558 Zion Genealogical Society Zion Benton Public Library 2400 Gabriel Avenue Zion 60099 CRAWFORD Crawford County Genealogical Society 803 North Madison P.O. Box 110 Robinson 62454 Fort La Motte Genealogical and Historical Society La Motte Township Library Palestine 62451 CUMBERLAND FAYETTE IROQUOIS Cumberland County Genealogical Society R.R. 1, Box 15 Greenup 62428 (217) 923-5425 DeKALB Genealogical Society of DeKalb County P.O. Box 632 Sycamore 60178 DeWITT DeWitt County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 329 Clinton 61727 DOUGLAS Douglas County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 113 Tuscola 61953 DuPAGE DuPage County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 133 Lombard 60148 (312) 629-3514 Fox Valley Genealogy Group P.O. Box 459 Naperville 60566 Genealogical Forum of Elmhurst 120 East Park Avenue Elmhurst 60126 EDGAR Edgar County Genealogical Society 607 Driskell Paris 61944 EDWARDS Edwards County Genealogical Society c/o Lois Goodsen 318 North Fifth Albion 62806 EFFINGHAM Effingham County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 1166 Effingham 62401 (217) 868-2863 Fayette County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 177 Vandalia 62471 FRANKLIN Frankfort Area Genealogical Society 2000 East St. Louis P.O. Box 463 West Frankfort 62896 FULTON Fulton County Historical and Genealogical Society c/o Mrs. Lawrence I. Bordner 45 North Park Canton 61520 (309) 647-0771 GREENE Greene County Historical and Genealogical Society 221 North Fifth P.O. Box 137 Carrollton 62016 (217) 942-5145 GRUNDY Will/Grundy Counties Genealogical Society P.O. Box 24 Wilmington 60481 HANCOCK Tri-County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 355 Augusta 62311 HARDIN Hardin County Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 72 Elizabethtown 62931 (618) 287-2361 HENRY Henry County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 346 Kewanee 61443 Iroquois County Genealogical Society Old Courthouse Museum 103 West Cherry Street Watseka 60970 (815) 432-2215 JACKSON Southern Illinois Genealogical Society 901 Roberta Drive Murphysboro 62966 JASPER Jasper County Historical and Genealogical Society 100 South Van Buren Newton 62448 JEFFERSON Mount Vernon Genealogical Society c/o Public Library 101 South Seventh Street Mount Vernon 62864 KANE Elgin Genealogical Society P.O. Box 1418 Elgin 60120 Kane County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 504 Geneva 60134 KANKAKEE Kankakee Valley Genealogical Society 304 South Indiana Avenue P.O. Box 1559 Kankakee 60901 KENDALL Oswego Genealogical Society P.O. Box 726 Oswego 60543 KNOX Knox County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 13 Galesburg 61402 -7- LAKE Lake County Genealogical Society Cook Memorial Library 413 North Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville 60048 LaSALLE Historical Society of LaSalle Genealogical Guild P.O. Box 534 Ottawa 61350 LAWRENCE Lawrence County Genealogical Society c/o G. Maxfield 1702 - 15th Street Lawrenceville 62439 LIVINGSTON Odell Prairie Trails Historical and Genealogical Society 100 South Front Street P.O. Box 82 Odell 60460 LOGAN Logan County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 283 Lincoln 62656 Illinois State Genealogical Society P.O. Box 157 Lincoln 62656 MACON Decatur Genealogical Society P.O. Box 2205 Decatur 61526 (217) 429-0135 MACOUPIN Staunton Area Genealogical Society P.O. Box 95 Staunton 62088 MADISON Lewis and Clark Genealogical Society c/o Lorraine Watt 1009 North Main Brighton 62012 Madison County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 631 Edwardsville 62025 MARION Marion County Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 432 Salem 62881 MASON Mason County Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 246 Havana 62644 Mcdonough McDonough County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 202 Macomb 61455 McHENRY McHenry County Genealogical Society McHenry Public Library 1101 North Green McHenry 60050 (815) 385-0036 McLEAN Bloomington-Normal Genealogical Society P.O. Box 488 Normal 61761 Lexington Historical and Genealogical Society 318 West Main Street Lexington 61753 MERCER Mercer County Historical Society Genealogical Division c/o Mrs. Kenneth McLaw Route 2 Aledo 61231 MONROE Monroe County Research Group c/o R. Weilbacher RR. 3, Box 256 Waterloo 62298 MONTGOMERY Montgomery County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 212 Litchfield 62056 MORGAN Jacksonville Area Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 21 Jacksonville 62650 (217) 243-2505 Waverly Genealogical and Historical Society c/o Louise M. Dennis 359 East Tremont Waverly 62602 MOULTRIE Moultrie County Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box MM Sullivan 61951 (217) 728-4085 OGLE Ogle County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 251 Oregon 61061 PEORIA Peoria Genealogical Society P.O. Box 1489 Peoria 61655 PIATT Piatt County Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 123 Monticello 61856 PIKE Pike County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 104 Pleasant Hill 62366 RICHLAND SHELBY WHITESIDE Richland County Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 202 Olney 62450 (618) 392-7757 ROCK ISLAND Blackhawk Genealogical Society P.O. Box 912 Rock Island 61201 ST. CLAIR Freeburg Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 69 Freeburg 62243 Marissa Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 27 Marissa 62257 (618) 295-2156 St Clair County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 431 Belleville 62221 SANGAMON Sangamon County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 1829 Springfield 62705 (217) 787-5313 SCHUYLER Schuyler- Brown Counties Historical and Genealogical Society Jail Museum 200 South Congress Rushville 62681 (217) 322-6975 Shelby County Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 287 Shelbyville 62565 (217) 774-2260 STEPHENSON Stephenson County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 514 Freeport 61032 TAZEWELL Tazewell County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 312 Pekin 61555 (309) 346-6660 UNION Union County Genealogical and Historical Research Committee 101 East Spring Street Anna 62906 VERMILION Illiana Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 207 Danville 61832 WARREN Warren County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 240 Monmouth 61462 WASHINGTON Washington County Genealogical Society c/o Wanda Groennert RR. 1 Nashville 62263 Whiteside County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 145 Sterling 61081 WILL Northern Will County Genealogical Society 121 Cypress Drive Bolingbrook 60439 Will/Grundy Counties Genealogical Society P.O. Box 24 Wilmington 60481 (815) 942-3201 WILLIAMSON Genealogical Society of Southern Illinois c/o John A. Logan College RR. 2 Carterville 62918 WINNEBAGO North Central Illinois Genealogical Society P.O. Box 1071 Rockford 61105 WOODFORD Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 319 Metamora 61548 (309) 367-2551 -9- III. Historic Preservation. Illinois' first historic preservation efforts were focused on the restoration of historic house museums. Individuals and groups interested in preserving Illinois history were joined by the State of Illinois in 1903 when the first state park — Fort Massac — was developed. State purchase of other historic sites soon followed, and, in 1919, the state created what would later be named New Salem State Park — the reconstructed frontier village where Abraham Lin- coln spent six years as a young man. New historic sites were periodically added to the system, including other Lincoln- related buildings, archaeological sites and, in 1981, the Wright-designed architectural gem, the Dana-Thomas House. Stewardship of Illinois' historical and cultural re- sources was given increased support and a higher profile on July 1, 1985, when the Illinois State Historical Library and the Department of Conservation's Division of Historic Sites were combined to form the Illinois Historic Preserva- tion Agency. The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency collects, pre- serves and interprets the history of the State of Illinois. The agency is governed by a five-member board of trustees who are appointed by the governor and who serve without compensation. The board establishes policy for the agency and appoints a director responsible for the agency's day- to-day activities. The agency is organized into three programmatic divisions for administering the services of the Illinois State Historical Library, the Illinois State Historical Society and the state and federal historic preservation programs, as well as for managing the 50 state-owned historic sites and memorials throughout Illinois. The Preservation Services Division oversees the federal historic preservation program in Illinois and identifies, protects and promotes historically important sites through- out the state. Grants are awarded by the Illinois Historic Preserva- tion Agency through both state and federal funds. The state-funded Illinois Heritage Grant Program provides matching funds for restoration and rehabilitation of buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Federal Historic Preservation Grant-in-Aid Program supports local government surveys and historic preservation plans. The Preservation Services Division also reviews plans, examines specifications, inspects historic buildings under- going rehabilitation under provisions of the Economic Recovery Tax Act and authorizes projects applying for tax incentives available to owners of income-producing historic buildings. Technical assistance is also provided to appli- cants who wish to have historic structures placed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council reviews nominations and recom- mends to the agency director which structures within the state to include on the National Register. Through the division's archaeology program, the agency reviews federally supported projects within Illinois for their impact on the state's archaeological resources. Maynard Crossland Illinois Historic Preservation Agency State Agency. Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency administers the Illinois State Historical Society, the Illinois State His- torical Library and the historic preservation programs for the state as well as the 50 state-owned historic sites. The agency publishes "Historic Illinois" bimonthly, the quar- terly "Illinois Historical Journal" and a bimonthly newslet- ter, "Dispatch." State Organizations Serving Illinois Illinois Association of Historic Preservation Commissions Old State Capitol Springfield <52701 (217) 782-5042 Illinois Council of the American Institute of Architects 53 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago 60604 (312) 663-4111 -10- Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 752 Chicago 60604 (312) 922-1742 The Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois is a statewide preservation advocate. It drafts and supports legislation for the rehabilitation of historic buildings. The council sponsors conferences, lectures, workshops, tours, publications and technical assistance and offers funding for saving endangered historic buildings in Illinois. National Organizations Serving Illinois Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 1522 K Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20005 Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies P.O. Box 66 Mt Carroll 60153 (815) 244-1173 The Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies, a not-for-profit organization, was established in 1979. The center offers short courses in the various aspects of the preservation and conservation of cultural resources. Visit- ing faculty prepare workshops in museum collections, fur- niture conservation, architectural preservation and inter- disciplinary studies. Center for American Archaeology P.O. Box 366 Oak and Main Streets Kampsville 62053 National Preservation Institute P.O. Box 1702 Alexandria. VA 22313 (703) 241-0611 National Trust for Historic Preservation, Midwest Office 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1135 Chicago 60604 (312) 939-5547 The National Trust for Historic Preservation is a non- profit organization which has a regional office in Chicago. The trust was chartered in 1949 by the United States Con- gress to hold historically and architecturally significant property and to help preserve buildings, sites and mari- time property important in American history and culture. "Preservation News," "Historic Preservation," "Con- serve Neighborhood" and "Preservation Law Review" are published by the trust in addition to books, pamphlets and brochures on specific subjects within the preservation movement A number of grants and loans are available from the National Trust, including the Endangered Properties Pro- gram, the Critical Issues Fund, the Inner City Ventures Fund and the National Preservation Revolving Fund. Society of Architectural Historians Chicago Chapter 1800 South Prairie Avenue Chicago 60616 CARROLL Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies P.O. Box 66 Mt. Carroll 60153 (815) 244-1173 CASS Beardstown Restoration Society Beardstown 62618 CHAMPAIGN Illinois Historic Society la University Library 1408 West Gregory Urbana 61801 Historic Preservation Councils Preservation and Conservation Association Station A - Box 2555 Champaign 61820 (217) 359-0114 COLES Association for the Preservation of Historic Coles County P.O. Box 1124 Mattoon 61938 COOK Architectural and Appearance Commission Village of Western Springs 740 Hillgrove Avenue Western Springs 60058 Architectural and Environment Board 510 Green Bay Road Winnetka 60093 Arnold Damen Historical and Preservation Society c/o Donald F. Rowe 1076 West Roosevelt Road Chicago 60608 Chicago Architecture Foundation 1800 South Prairie Avenue Chicago 60616 (312) 326-1393 Chicago Architecture Foundation ArchiCenter 330 South Dearborn Chicago 60604 (312) 782-1776 -11- Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks 320 North Clark Street, Room 516 Chicago 60610 (312) 744-3200 Des Plaines Historic Landmarks Commission 647 Laurel Avenue Des Plaines 60016 Evanston Preservation Commission Municipal Building 1501 Oak Street Evanston 60204 Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation 957 Chicago Avenue Oak Park 60302 (312) 848-1976 Frederick Law Olmsted Society of Riverside 165 Longcommon Road Riverside 60546 Fullersburg Historic Foundation P.O. Box 5131 Oak Brook 60521 Historic Landmarks Commission 674 Laurel Avenue Des Plaines 60016 Historic Pullman Foundation 11111 South Forrestville Avenue Chicago 60628 (312) 785-8181 Historical Commission of Riverside 157 Woodside Road Riverside 60546 Lake Forest Foundation for Historic Preservation 617 Forest Hill Road Lake Forest 60045 Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois 53 West Jackson Boulevard. Suite 752 Chicago 60604 (312) 922-1742 Lyons Historical Commission P.O. Box 129 Lyons 60534 Oak Park Landmarks Commission 1 Village Hall Plaza Oak Park 60302 Prairie Avenue Tour Center Clarke House- Glessner House 1800 South Prairie Chicago 60616 (312) 326-1393 Riverside Historical Commission 180 Parkview Road Riverside 60546 Upper Illinois Valley Association 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Room 850 Chicago 60604 (312) 427-3688 Wilmette Historical Commission Village Hall Wilmette 60091 Women's Architectural League 1046 North Grove Oak Park 60302 Woodstock Landmark Commission City of Woodstock 906 South Valley Hill Road Woodstock 60098 DeKALB City of DeKalb Historic Preservation Commission Municipal Building 200 South Fourth Street DeKalb 60115 DuPAGE Historic Commission Village of Lombard 310 North Main Street Lombard 60148 Historic District Study Committee c/o City Hall 175 West Jackson Naperville 60540 Residents Association of Old Naperville 15 North Columbia Naperville 60540 Wheaton Historic Preservation Council P.O. Box 373 Wheaton 60187 JERSEY Historic Elsah Foundation P.O. Box 117 Elsah 62028 KANE Aurora Preservation Commission 44 East Downer Place Aurora 60507 (312) 844-3623 Illinois Association of Historic Preservation Commissions 503 West Downer Place Aurora 60506 KNOX Landmarks Commission City Hall 161 South Cherry Galesburg 61401 LAKE Lake Architectural Review Commission Box 137 McHenry Road Long Grove 60047 MACON Historical and Architectural Sites Commission 1 Millikin Place Decatur 62522 MADISON Alton Area Landmarks Association 212 State Street P.O. Box 232 Alton 62002 Goshen Preservation Alliance P.O. Box 303 Edwardsville 62025 McHENRY Woodstock Landmarks Commission c/o Marjorie Sharpe 906 South Valley Hill Road Woodstock 60098 McLEAN Old House Society P.O. Box 581 Bloomington 61701 -12- MENARD Petersburg Historical Preservation Association 313 North Ninth Street Petersburg 62675 MORGAN Jacksonville Historic Preservation Commission c/o John Power Jacksonville Journal Jacksonville 62650 OGLE Zenas Aplington Home Preservation Society 707 South Division Avenue Polo 61064 PEORIA Central Illinois Landmarks Foundation P.O. Box 247 Peoria 61601 Historic Preservation Board 916 North Glen Oak Peoria 61603 Office of Preservation Resources City Hall, Room 402 Peoria 61602 PIKE Griggsville Preservation and Restoration Society Griggsville 62340 Historic Sites Commission Pike County Historical Society P.O. Box 501 Pittsfield 62363 ROCK ISLAND Moline Preservation Society 2614 - 18th Street Moline 61265 ST. CLAIR Historical Preservation Commission 20 Juanita Place Belleville 62223 Historic Preservation Commission City Hall 7 Collinsville Avenue East St Louis 62201 SANGAMON Historic District Commission 2002 Wiggins Street Springfield 62704 Historic Preservation Association of Springfield c/o Jerome Jacobson 2617 Clifton Springfield 62704 Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 785-4836 SHELBY Stewardson Historical Commission Stewardson 62463 TAZEWELL Committee of Historic Preservation of Pekin P.O. Box 1234 Pekin 61554 WILL Historic Preservation Council c/o Planning Department Municipal Offices Lockport 60441 -13- IV. Historic Sites and Memorials. The Historic Sites Division of the Illinois Historic Pres- ervation Agency administers all of the state-owned historic sites, which are visited by more than two million tourists each year. With the assistance of more than 47,000 volun- teer hours each year, personnel at the historic sites are able to sponsor numerous special events and provide spe- cial tours that enhance public awareness and understand- ing of the state's history. The time period interpreted at the historic sites ranges from 700 A.D., when the Indians settled Cahokia Mounds, to 1904, the year Frank Lloyd Wright completed what is now the Dana-Thomas House State Historic Site in Springfield. The life of Abraham Lincoln is an important component of the interpretation at the sites. Lincoln's New Salem, Lincoln's Tomb, the Old State Capitol and the Lincoln- Herndon Law Offices are all Springfield-area historic sites important to Abraham Lincoln's rise to the presidency. Bryant Cottage (Bement), Lincoln Log Cabin (Lerna), the Vandalia Statehome, the Postville Courthouse (Lincoln) and the Mt. Pulaski Courthouse are also state-owned his- toric sites which were prominent in the Lincoln era. Other major sites include Bishop Hill Colony, a Swedish religious settlement of the 1840's; Cahokia Courthouse. Fort de Chartres (Prairie du Rocher), and the Pierre Menard Home (Ellis Grove), which are all located within the French Colonial District; the Ulysses S. Grant Home (Galena); the Stephen A. Douglas Tomb (Chicago); and the Carl Sandburg Birthplace (Galesburg). Maynard Crossland Illinois Historic Preservation Agency State Agency . Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 785-4836 The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency administers the Illinois State Historical Society, the Illinois State His- torical Library and the historic preservation programs as well as the 50 state-owned historic sites. The agency publishes "Historic Illinois" bimonthly, the quarterly "Illinois Historical Journal" and a bimonthly newsletter, "Dispatch." National Organization Serving Illinois National Trust for Historic Preservation, Midwest Office 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1135 Chicago 60604 (312) 939-5547 The National Trust for Historic Preservation is a non- profit organization which has a regional office in Chicago. The trust was chartered in 1949 by the United States Con- gress to hold historically and architecturally significant property and to help preserve buildings, sites and mari- time property important in American history and culture. "Preservation News," "Historic Preservation," "Con- serve Neighborhood" and "Preservation Law Review" are published by the trust in addition to books, pamphlets and brochures on specific subjects within the preservation movement A number of grants and loans are available from the National Trust, including the Endangered Properties Pro- gram, the Critical Issue Fund, the Inner City Ventures Fund and the National Preservation Revolving Fund. Historic Sites and Memorials ALEXANDER Fort Defiance State Historic Site Cairo 62914 COLES Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site R.R. 1, Box 175 Lerna 62440 Moore Home State Historic Site R.R. 1, Box 175 Lerna 62440 COOK Douglas Tomb 636 East 35th Street Chicago 60616 (312) 225-2620 Hofman Towers Lyons 60534 FAYETTE Vandalia Statehome State Historic Site 315 West Gallatin Vandalia 62471 (618)283-1161 -14- GALLATIN First State Bank of Illinois State Historic Site RR. 1 Old Shawneetown 62984 (618) 269-3303 GRUNDY Illinois and Michigan Canal State Trail RO. Box 272 Morris 60450 (815) 942-0796 HENRY Bishop Hill State Historic Site P.O. Box D Bishop Hill 61419 (309) 927-3345 JO DAVIESS Old Market House State Historic Site Market Square Galena 61036 (815) 777-2570 U.S. Grant Home State Historic Site 510 Bouthillier Galena 61036 (815) 777-0248 Washburne House State Historic Site 910 Third Street Galena 61036 KANKAKEE Governor Small Memorial Kankakee 60901 KNOX Carl Sandburg Birthplace State Historic Site 313 East Third Street Galesburg 61401 (309) 342-2361 LaSALLE Norwegian Settlers Monument Route 71 Norway Wild Bill Hickok Memorial Route 52 Troy Grove 61372 LAWRENCE Lincoln Trail Monument Lawrenceville 62439 LEE Lincoln Memorial Dixon 61021 LOGAN Mt Pulaski Courthouse State Historic Site P.O. Box 102 Mt Pulaski 62548 (217) 792-3919 Postville Courthouse State Historic Site P.O. Box 355 Lincoln 62656 (217) 732-8930 MADISON Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site P.O. Box 681 Collinsville 62234 (618) 344-5268 Governor Coles Memorial Edwardsville 62025 Lewis and Clark Memorial Hartford 62048 Lovejoy Monument Alton 62002 MARION Halfway Tavern State Historic Site Iuka 62849 McLEAN David Davis Mansion State Historic Site 1000 East Monroe Drive Bloomington 61701 (309) 828-1084 MENARD Lincoln's New Salem State Park 20 miles NW of Springfield on Route 97 RR. 1, Box 244 A Petersburg 62675 (217) 632-7953 PEORIA Jubilee College State Historic Site R.R. 2. Box 72 Brimfield 61517 (309) 243-9489 PIATT Bryant Cottage State Historic Site 146 East Wilson Bement 61813 (217) 678-8184 RANDOLPH Fort de Chartres State Historic Site Prairie du Rocher 62277 (618) 284-7230 Fort Kaskaskia State Historic Site RR. 1. Box 63 Ellis Grove 62241 (618) 859-3741 Governor Bond Memorial Chester 62233 Kaskaskia Bell Memorial Kaskaskia Pierre Menard Home State Historic Site RR. 1, Box 58 Ellis Grove 62241 (618) 859-3031 ST. CLAIR Cahokia Courthouse State Historic Site 214 West First Cahokia 62206 (618) 332-1782 Emerald Monument Lebanon 62254 Jarrot Mansion State Historic Site Cahokia 62206 -15- SANGAMON Dana-Thomas House State Historic Site 301 East Lawrence Springfield 62703 (217) 782-6776 Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 785-4512 Lincoln-Herndon Law Offices State Historic Site 209 South Sixth Street Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site Oak Ridge Cemetery Springfield 62702 (217) 782-2717 Old State Capitol State Historic Site Fifth and Adams Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 WOODFORD Metamora Courthouse State Historic Site 113 East Partridge Metamora 61548 (309) 367-4470 -16- V. Historical Societies Local history is well organized in Illinois. Independent historical societies, local and state governments and uni- versities are at work preserving Illinois' rich past. Perhaps the most familiar type of historical society is the geo- graphically based agency — documenting city or suburb, village, township or county. However, Illinois also has many "special interest" historical societies devoted to pre- serving the memory of distinguished Illinoisans, promoting the study of topics ranging from labor history to Great Lakes shipping, or aiding in the transmission of ethnic or religious group heritage. The mission of a historical society is to preserve and interpret a specific past To fulfill this purpose, many dif- ferent activities may be undertaken. Historical agencies acquire and preserve historic buildings, structures and landscapes: recreate historic lifeways as "living history"; operate museums; preserve collections of artifacts, docu- ments and photographic materials; maintain libraries and research centers; record oral history; operate educational programs for children and adults; conduct research; publish a wide variety of newsletters, pamphlets and books; and stage special events honoring holidays and civic anniversaries. The first independent historical society organized in Illinois was the Chicago Historical Society, founded in 1856. McLean County Historical Society, established in 1892, was the second. Other early societies were Evanston (1898), Rock Island County (1905) and Kankakee County (1906). Although historical societies were established throughout the 1910-1960 period, the greatest number date from 1961-1978, when commemorative events such as the Civil War Centennial, the Illinois State Sesquicenten- nial and the American Revolution Bicentennial spurred many communities to organized effort on behalf of their local history. In 1976 alone, more than 22 new societies were founded ! Independent historical societies typically begin with volunteer effort and private funding. Many receive space in public buildings such as libraries or schools. Although many societies continue the all-volunteer tradition, an increasing number are employing professionals to conduct specialized tasks such as preservation and conservation, exhibition development, collections management and public programming. Volunteers continue to be an essen- tial component in the historical society, serving on govern- ing boards and as "unpaid staff." The State of Illinois consolidated all its historic preser- vation and documentation efforts into a single department — the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency — in 1985. IHPA, headquartered in the restored Old State Capitol in Springfield, includes the Illinois State Historical Library and the Preservation Services and Historic Sites Divisions. The Illinois State Historical Society (ISHS), founded in 1899. is affiliated with IHPA; the director of IHPA serves as the executive director of the historical society and as the state historian. The Illinois State Historical Library includes published material, manuscripts, maps, photographs and a large newspaper collection. The IHPA operates historic sites throughout the state, including the Bishop Hill Settlement, the Carl Sandburg and U. S. Grant homes, and the Van- dalia Statehome. Each of these sites has an affiliate his- torical organization as well. A major service of the state agencies is publications. The IHPA Preservation Services Division publishes "His- toric Illinois," a bimonthly report on preservation activities in Illinois. The ISHS publishes "Illinois Historical Jour- nal," a quarterly devoted to original research articles and book reviews. The society also publishes "Illinois History," a magazine for junior and senior high school students, as well as its newsletter, "Dispatch." The Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums (CIHSM), numbering some 337 organizational members, is an affiliate of the state historical society. The congress provides assistance through workshops, publi- cations and annual meetings. Regional meetings are also held throughout the state The congress publishes a news- letter, "Congress News." Both the congress and the society recognize outstanding achievement in historical work in Illinois through a program of annual awards. Other agencies loosely affiliated with the Illinois His- toric Preservation Agency include the Abraham Lincoln Association, a group founded in 1908 at the Lincoln Cen- tennial. The association publishes a journal, sponsors an annual symposium and encourages research and scholarly publishing on Lincoln. The association is cosponsor of the project to document the Lincoln law practice. The Lincoln Academy, founded in the 1960's, is a vehicle for recognition of outstanding achievement by Illinoisans. The academy names "Laureates" in various fields. Organizations seeking consulting assistance, specialized training or funding are served by several organizations. In addition to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, the Illinois Humanities Council funds local programs, exhibits, seminars and publications. The Illinois Heritage Associa- tion (Champaign) offers workshops, a lending library and technical assistance on a wide variety of topics. The Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies (Mt. Carroll) is nationally recognized for its training programs in conservation and management The National Trust for Historic Preservation maintains a regional office in Chicago, and the Landmarks Preservation Council in Chicago and the Chicago Architecture Foundation offer -17- publications and seminars of wide interest to preserva- tionists. Federal agencies providing funding for historical efforts include the National Endowment for the Human- ities, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Institute of Museum Services. Each of these agencies has project support guidelines and makes awards on a com- petitive basis. The national professional organizations — American Association for State and Local History, American Association of Museums and Society of Amer- ican Archivists — also provide information, publications, training opportunities and consulting assistance to members. Virginia Stewart former director, Elmhurst Historical Museum State Organizations Serving Illinois. Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 The Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums, established in 1967, is a statewide organization of historical and genealogical societies, museums and other cultural agencies. The organization is sponsored by the Illinois State Historical Society. The congress publishes "Congress News" and the "Directory of Historical and Cultural Agencies and Museums in Illinois." Illinois Association for the Advancement of History c/o Otto H. Olsen Department of History Northern Illinois University DeKalb 60115 (815) 753-0673 The stated purpose of the IAAH is "to promote history and historical awareness in Illinois, to broaden historical knowledge throughout the state, to educate the public as to the value of history and historical studies and to foster cooperation between historians at the secondary and post- secondary level." It is affiliated with the National Coor- dinating Committee for the Promotion of History. Illinois Heritage Association 602 East Green Station A - Box 6 Champaign 61820 (217) 359-5600 The purpose of the IHA is to perpetuate the history and heritage of Illinois by providing professional services to historical organizations. Illinois Humanities Council 618 South Michigan Avenue Chicago 60606 (312) 939-5212 The Illinois Humanities Council was organized in 1974 as a nonprofit educational foundation. It is the state pro- gram for the National Endowment for the Humanities and was established to promote the "public understanding and appreciation of the humanities in Illinois." Through its grant program the IHC sponsors exhibits, seminars and conferences, lectures, newspaper supplements and radio and film productions. Illinois State Historical Society Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 The Illinois State Historical Society, a not-for-profit membership organization, assists the Illinois State Histori- cal Library in its mission to collect and preserve Illinois history. The society publishes "Illinois History," a mag- azine for junior and senior high school students, and "Stories from Illinois History" and "My State Reader" for primary students. The scholarly "Illinois Historical Jour- nal" is issued quarterly and features original articles on Illinois history. The Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums is also supported by the Illinois State Historical Society. The program offers technical assistance and infor- mation to its member organizations and serves as the official museum representative from Illinois to the Midwest Museums Conference and the American Assocation of Museums. The Illinois State Historical Society and the Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums also sponsor meetings, seminars and symposiums throughout the year. Their staff offices are in Springfield. -18- National Organization Serving Illinois American Association for State and Local History 172 Second Avenue North, Suite 102 Nashville, TN 37201 (615) 255-2971 The American Association for State and Local History is a national organization for historical societies and museums and their professionals. It provides specialized services including consultants, training programs, sem- inars and a variety of useful publications. National Endowment for the Humanities Museums and Historical Organizations Program Old Post Office 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20506 Funding Historical Societies ADAMS Golden Historical Society P.O. Box 148 Golden 62339 Historical Society of Quincy and Adams County 425 South Twelfth Street Quincy 62301 (217) 222-1835 ALEXANDER Cairo Historical Association 42 Edgewood Cairo 62914 Cairo Historical Society 2714 Washington Avenue Cairo 62914 Thebes Historical Society P.O. Box 14 Thebes 62990 BOND Bond County History Society 1014 Asbury Avenue Greenville 62246 (618) 664-2758 BOONE Boone County Historical Society 311 Whitney Boulevard Belvidere 61008 (815) 547-5196 BROWN Schuyler- Brown Counties Historical and Genealogical Society Jail Museum 200 South Congress Rushville 62681 (217) 322-6975 Versailles Area Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 9 Versailles 62378 BUREAU Bureau County Historical Society 109 Park Avenue West Princeton 61356 (815) 875-2184 Community Historical Society of Manlius P.O. Box 192 Manlius 61338 Sheffield Historical Society 235 Reed Sheffield 61361 Tiskilwa Historical Society c/o Mary B. Steimle Tiskilwa 61368 Wyanet Historical Society 109 East Main P.O. Box 169 Wyanet 61379 CALHOUN Calhoun County Historical Society County Road Hardin 62047 (618) 396-3448 CARROLL Carroll County Historical Society R.R. 1. Box 65 Mount Carroll 61053 (815) 244-1173 CASS Cass County Historical Society 281 South Cass Virginia 62691 (217) 452-3360 CHAMPAIGN Champaign County Historical Society Archives Room Urbana Free Library 201 South Race Street Urbana 61801 (217) 367-4025 Homer Historical Society 110 North White Homer 61849 Illinois Heritage Association 602 East Green Station A - Box 6 Champaign 61820 (217) 359-5600 -19- Mahomet Historical Society Mahomet 61853 Sidney Historical Society c/o Sidney Community Library 205 South David Sidney 61877 CHRISTIAN Christian County Historical Society East Route 29 P.O. Box 254 Taylorville 62568 (217) 824-6922 Morrisonville Historical Society 511Carlin P.O. Box 636 Morrisonville 62546 CLARK Clark County Historical Society 309 Maple Street P.O. Box 153 Marshall 62441 (217) 826-8721 CLAY Clay County Historical Society c/o Dale Gammon RR1 Louisville 62858 CLINTON Clinton County Historical Society (and Museum) 1091 Franklin Carlyle 62231 (618) 765-2375 COLES Coles County Historical Society (and Museum) 800 Hayes Charleston 61920 (217) 581-5943 COOK (excluding Chicago) Barrington Historical Society (and Museum) 218 West Main Barrington 60010 Bartlett Historical Society 240 South Main P.O. Box 8257 Bartlett 60103 Bensenville Historical Society 200 South Church Road Bensenville 60106 Berwyn Historical Society P.O. Box 479 Berwyn 60402 Blue Island Historical Society Blue Island Public Library 2433 York Blue Island 60406 Bremen Historical Society of Tinley Park P.O. Box 325 Tinley Park 60477 Broadview Historical Society 16th Avenue and Roosevelt Road Broadview 60153 Brookfield Historical Society 8820 Brookfield Avenue Brookfield 60513 Buffalo Grove Historical Society 150 Raupp Road Buffalo Grove 60089 Calumet Historical Society 11210 South Parnell Chicago 60628 Checagon-DuSable-Fort Dearborn Historical Commission, Inc. 112 West Grand Avenue Chicago 60610 Chicago and North Western Historical Society 8703 Olcott Avenue Niles 60076 Chicago Heights Historical Society 3893 Merioneth Drive Crete 60317 Chicago Jewish Historical Society 618 South Michigan Avenue Chicago 60605 Des Plaines Historical Society 789 Pearson P.O. Box 225 Des Plaines 60016 Elk Grove Historical Society 399Biesterfield Elk Grove 60007 Elmwood Park Historical Society c/o Elmwood Park Library Elmwood Park 60035 Evanston Historical Society 225 Greenwood Evanston 60201 (312) 475-3410 Franklin Park Historical Society 9564 Schiller Boulevard Franklin Park 60130 German- American Heritage Institute 7824 West Madison Forest Park 60130 Glencoe Historical Society 999 Green Bay Road Glencoe 60022 Glenview Area Historical Society 1121 Waukegan Road Glenview 60025 Grove Heritage Association P.O. Box 484 Glenview 60025 (312) 299-6096 Gulf, Mobile and Ohio Historical Society P.O. Box 24 Bedford Park 60499 Hanover Park-Ontarioville Historical Society 2121 West Lake Street Hanover Park 60103 Harvey Area Historical Society 14622 Wallace Street Harvey 60426 Hinsdale Historical Society P.O. Box 336 Hinsdale 60521 Historical Society and Museum of Arlington Heights 500 North Vail Street Arlington Heights 60004 Historical Society of Cicero 2423 South Austin Cicero 60650 -20- Historical Society of Forest Park Forest Park Public Library 7555 Jackson Boulevard Forest Park 60130 Historical Society of Oak Park and River Forest Farson-Mills House 217 Home Avenue P.O. Box 771 Oak Park 60303 Homewood Historical Society 2020 Chestnut Road Homewood 60430 Illinois Finnish- American Historical Society 735 Walnut Waukegan 60085 Illinois Postal History Society P.O. Box 1513 DesPlaines 60018 Kenilworth Historical Society Stuart Memorial Building 415 Kenilworth Avenue P.O. Box 81 Kenilworth 60043 LaGrange Area Historical Society 444 South LaGrange Road LaGrange 60525 Lansing Historical Society P.O. Box 1776 Lansing 60438 Lemont Area Historical Society 306 Lemont Street P.O. Box 126 Lemont 60439 The Lexington Group in Railroad History School of Business Northwestern University Evanston 60201 Louisville and Nashville Railroad Historical Society 15600 Cottage Grove Avenue South Holland 60473 Maine West Historical Society 1755 South Wolf Road Des Plaines 60018 Matteson Historical Society 813 School Avenue Matteson 60443 Maywood Historical Society 2025 Second Avenue Maywood 60153 Melrose Park Historical Society P.O. Box 1453 Melrose Park 60160 Midlothian Historical Society c/o Deborah McAdams 14317 South Kilbourn Midlothian 60445 Moraine Valley Oral History Association c/o Oak Lawn Public Library 9427 South Raymond Oak Lawn 60453 Morton Grove Historical Society Karrer Park 6140 Dempster P.O. Box 542 Morton Grove 60053 Mount Greenwood Historical Society 10961 Kedzie Chicago 60655 Mount Prospect Historical Society of Elk Grove and Wheeling Townships 1100 South Linneman P.O. Box 81 Mount Prospect 60056 Northbrook Historical Society 1776 Walters P.O. Box 2021 Northbrook 60062 Northeastern Illinois Historical Council 5847 West Reba Street Morton Grove 60053 Norwood Park Historical Society Roden Branch Library 6079-83 North Northwest Highway Norwood Park 60631 Oak Lawn Historical Society 9526 Cook Avenue Oak Lawn 60453 Orland Park Historical Society P.O. Box 324 Orland Park 60462 Palatine Historical Society P.O. Box 134 Palatine 60078 Palos Historical Society Palos Park Library 12330 Forest Glen Boulevard Palos Park 60464 Park Ridge Committee on History 505 Park Place Park Ridge 60068 Park Ridge Historical Society 41 Prairie Avenue Park Ridge 60068 Polish Military and Historical Society of America 7729 North Octavia Avenue Niles 60648 Poplar Creek Historical Society of Hoffman Estates 1200 North Gannon Drive Hoffman Estates 60172 Riverside Historical Society 107 Bloomingdale Road Riverside 60546 Skokie Historical Society 7818 Baab Skokie 60077 South Holland Historical Society 16250 Wansan Avenue P.O. Box 48 South Holland 60473 South Suburban Genealogical and Historical Society Roosevelt Community Center 161st Place and Louis Avenue P.O. Box 96 South Holland 60473 (312) 333-9474 Stone Park Historical Association Village Hall 1629 Mannheim Road Stone Park 60165 Swedish Pioneer Historical Society College of Arts and Sciences Northwestern University Evanston 60201 Thornton Township Historical Society 154 East 154th Harvey 60426 Village of Thornton Historical Society P.O. Box 34 Thornton 60476 -21- Westchester Historical Society 10332 Bond Street Westchester 60153 Western Springs Historical Society (and Museum) 740 Hillgrove Avenue P.O. Box 139 Western Springs 60558 Wheeling Historical Society 84 South Milwaukee Avenue Wheeling 60090 Wilmette Historical Society (and Museum) 565 Hunter Road Wilmette 60091 Winnetka Historical Society P.O. Box 142 Winnetka 60093 COOK (Chicago) Calumet Historical Society 11210 South Parnell Avenue Chicago 60628 Chicago Historical Society North Avenue and Clark Street Chicago 60614 (312) 642-4600 Chicago Jewish Historical Society 1640 East 50th Street Chicago 60615 Chicago Lawn Historical Society 3230 West 63rd Street Chicago 60638 East Side Historical Society 3658 East 106th Chicago 60617 Filipino American Historical Society of Chicago 5462 South Dorchester Avenue Chicago 60615 Historical Society of Lawndale- Crawford c/o Toman Branch Chicago Public Library 4003 West 27th Street Chicago 60623 Historical Society of Woodlawn Woodlawn Branch Chicago Public Library 6247 South Kimbark Chicago 60637 Hyde Park Historical Society 5529 South Lake Park Avenue Chicago 60637 Illinois Labor Historical Society 2800 Sheridan Road Chicago 60657 (312) 248-8700 Irving Park Historical Society 3926 North Keeler Chicago 60641 Norwood Park Historical Society Roden Branch Chicago Public Library 6079-83 North Northwest Highway Chicago 60631 Public Works Historical Society 1313 East 60th Street Chicago 60637 Ridge Historical Society 10621 South Seeley Avenue Chicago 60643 South Shore Historical Society South Shore Branch Chicago Public Library 2505 East 73rd Street Chicago 60649 Swedish- American Historical Society 5125 North Spaulding Avenue Chicago 60625 (312) 583-5722 Theatre Historical Society 2215 West North Avenue Chicago 60647 West Side Historical Society 115 South Pulaski Road Chicago 60624 CRAWFORD Crawford County Historical Society P.O. Box 554 Robinson 62454 (618) 586-2175 Fort La Motte Genealogical and Historical Society La Motte Township Library Palestine 62451 Hutsonville Historical Society Outer South Rose Street Hutsonville 62433 -22- CUMBERLAND Cumberland County Historical Society RR. 1, Box 15 Greenup 62428 (217) 923-5425 DeKALB DeKalb Historical Society P.O. Box 472 DeKalb 60115 (815) 756-2833 Illinois Association for the Advance- ment of History c/o Otto H. Olsen Department of History Northern Illinois University DeKalb 60115 (815) 753-0673 Kishwaukee Valley Heritage Society P.O. Box 156 Genoa 60135 Sandwich Historical Society P.O. Box 82 Sandwich 60548 DeWITT DeWitt County Historical Society 206 East South Street P.O. Box 562 Clinton 61727 (217) 935-2982 DOUGLAS Douglas County Historical Society P.O. Box 65 Newman 61942 (217) 837-2690 DuPAGE Addison Historical Society 131 West Lake Street Addison 60101 Bloomingdale Historical Society P.O. Box 322 Bloomingdale 60108 Carol Stream Historical Society 245 West Shawnee Drive Carol Stream 60187 Churchville Historical Society Elmhurst 60126 Darien Historical Society 7422 Cass Street Darien 60559 Downers Grove Historical Society 831 Maple Avenue Downers Grove 60515 DuPage County Historical Society DuPage County Museum 102 East Wesley Street Wheaton 60187 (312) 682-7343 Elmhurst Historical Society (and Museum) 120 East Park Avenue Elmhurst 60126 Glen Ellyn Historical Society P.O. Box 283 Glen Ellyn 60138 Hanover Park-Ontarioville Historical Society 2121 West Lake Street Hanover Park 60103 Hinsdale Historical Society P.O. Box 293 Hinsdale 60521 Itasca Area Historical Society 101 North Catalpa P.O. Box 112 Itasca 60143 Lisle Heritage Society P.O. Box 623 Lisle 60532 Lombard Historical Society 23 West Maple Lombard 60148 Naperville Heritage Society 201 West Porter Naperville 60540 (312) 420-6010 Oak Brook Historical Society P.O. Box 1106 Oak Brook 60521 Roselle Historical Society 31 South Prospect Roselle 60172 Villa Park Historical Society 220 South Villa Avenue Villa Park 60181 Warrenville Historical Society 3 South 530 Second Street P.O. Box 311 Warrenville 60555 West Chicago Historical Society P.O. Box 246 West Chicago 60185 West Chicago Railroad and Historical Society 108 Galena Street West Chicago 60185 Westmont Area Historical Society 75 East Richmond Westmont 60559 Winfield Historical Society P.O. Box 315 Winfield 60190 Wood Dale Historical Society P.O. Box 13 Wood Dale 60191 Woodridge Area Historical Society 2628 Michell Drive Woodridge 60517 EDGAR Chrisman Historical Society 205 East Madison P.O. Box 342 Chrisman 61924 Edgar County Historical Society and Museum 414 North Main Paris 61944 (217) 463-5305 EDWARDS Edwards County Historical Society 212 West Main Street P.O. Box 205 Albion 62806 (618) 445-3433 EFFINGHAM Effingham Regional Historical Society P.O. Box 1352 Effingham 62401 (217) 342-6280 FAYETTE Vandalia Historical Society 307 North Sixth Vandalia 62471 FORD Ford County Historical Society 100 West State, Room 101 P.O. Box 217 Paxton 60957 (217) 745-2263 FRANKLIN Franklin County Historical Society c/o Lucille Luke 601 Hickman Benton 62812 (618) 435-4853 Frankfort Area Historical Society 2000 East St. Louis Street P.O. Box 463 West Frankfort 62896 Goode- Barren Historical Society R.R. 1, Box 314 Sesser 62884 Mulkeytown Area Historical Society c/o Sarah Furlow R.R. 2 Mulkeytown 62865 Thompsonville Historical Society R.R. 1, Box 92 Thompsonville 62890 FULTON Fulton County Historical and Genealogical Society c/o Mrs. Lawrence I. Bordner 45 North Park Canton 61520 (309) 647-0771 GALLATIN Gallatin County Historical Society c/o Lucille Lawler RR. 1 Ridgeway 62979 (618) 272-7092 -23- GREENE Greene County Historical and Genealogical Society 221 North Fifth Street P.O. Box 137 Carrollton 62016 (217) 942-5145 GRUNDY Grundy County Historical Society RR. 4 Morris 60450 Illinois Valley Historical Society and Museum RR. 4 Morris 60450 HAMILTON Hamilton County Historical Society McCoy Memorial Library McLeansboro 62859 HANCOCK Hancock County Historical Society RO. Box 68 Carthage 62321 (309) 458-6542 Nauvoo Historical Society and Museum P.O. Box 485 Nauvoo 62354 Warsaw Historical Society 401 Main Street Warsaw 62379 HARDIN Hardin County Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 72 Elizabethtown 62931 (618) 287-2361 HENDERSON Henderson County Historical Society and Museum East Main RR. 1 Rariton 61471 HENRY Andover Historical Society Fifth and Mulberry Andover 61233 Bishop Hill Heritage Association, Inc. P.O. Box 1853 Bishop Hill 61419 Galva Historical Society 318 Main Street Galva 61434 Geneseo Historical Association and Museum 212 South State Geneseo 61254 Henry County Historical Society P.O. Box 161 Cambridge 61238 (309) 927-3528 Kewanee Historical Society, Inc. 211 North Chestnut Kewanee 61443 IROQUOIS Iroquois County Historical Society Old Courthouse Museum 103 West Cherry Street Watseka 60970 (815) 432-2215 JACKSON American Resources Group 127 North Washington Carbondale 62901 (618) 529-2741 Central Carbondale Historic Area Association 110 South Maple Street Carbondale 62901 Jackson County Historical Society P.O. Box 7 Murphysboro 62966 Southern Illinois Historical Society Morris Library Southern Illinois University Carbondale 62901 T.J. Wheeler Historical Society and Library Baptist Building P.O. Box 271 Carbondale 62901 JASPER Jasper County Historical and Genealogical Society 100 South Van Buren Newton 62448 JEFFERSON Jefferson County Historical Society RR. 4, Box 361 Mt. Vernon 62864 (618) 242-3146 JERSEY Jersey County Historical Society 102 North Liberty P.O. Box 24 Jerseyville 62052 (618) 498-4771 JO DAVIESS Galena Historical Society 211 South Bench Street Galena 61036 (815) 777-9129 Heritage League of Northwest Illinois 140 East Benton Stockton 61085 Warren Historical Society c/o Dorothy Parker RR. 1, Box 148 Warren 61087 JOHNSON Johnson County Historical Society Vienna Public Library Vienna 62995 KANE Aurora Historical Society and Museum 305 Cedar Avenue Aurora 60506 (312) 897-9029 Batavia Historical Society 155 Houston Street Batavia 60510 Dundee Township Historical Society, Inc. 426 Highland Avenue Dundee 60118 -24- Elburn and Countryside Historical Society 525 North Main P.O. Box 811 Elburn 60119 Elgin Area Historical Society 350 Park Street P.O. Box 1027 Elgin 60120 Garfield Heritage Society 41 West 483 Beith Road Route 2 Elburn 60119 (312) 584-4034 Geneva Historical Society P.O. Box 345 Geneva 60134 St Charles Historical Society 2 East Main Street St Charles 60174 Sugar Grove Historical Society 200 Maple Street P.O. Box 127 Sugar Grove 60554 KANKAKEE Bourbonnais Grove Historical Society P.O. Box 311 Bradley 60914 Kankakee County Historical Society and Museum Water Street at Eighth Avenue Kankakee 60901 (815) 932-5279 Monteno Historical Society 352 North Hickory Monteno 60950 KENDALL Kendall County Historical Society P.O. Box 123 Yorkville 60560 (312) 552-4314 Oswegoland Heritage Association Little White School Museum Jackson and Polk P.O. Box 1833 Oswego 60543 KNOX Galesburg Historical Society 586 North Academy Street Galesburg 61401 LAKE Antioch Area Historical Society c/o Betty Lu Williams Antioch 60002 Barrington Historical Society 101 West Station Street Barrington 60010 Deerfield Area Historical Society 450 Kipling Deerfield 60015 Grayslake Historical Society 148 Center Grayslake 60030 Highland Park Historical Society 326 Central Avenue P.O. Box 56 Highland Park 60035 Historical Society of the Fort Hill Country P.O. Box 582 Mundelein 60060 Island Lake Historical Society c/o Mrs. Clyde Bassler 408 State Road, R.R. 9 Island Lake 60042 Lake County Historical Society c/o Donnelley Library Lake Forest College Lake Forest 60045 Lake Forest- Lake Bluff Historical Society P.O. Box 82 Lake Forest 60045 Lakes Region Historical Society P.O. Box 240 Antioch 60002 Libertyville-Mundelein Historical Society Cook Memorial Library 413 North Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville 60048 Long Grove Historical Society P.O. Box 3110 RFD Long Grove 60047 Newport Township Historical Society Wadsworth Road P.O. Box 98 Wadsworth 60083 Northern Illinois Historical Society P.O. Box 50 Grayslake 60030 (312) 949-1776 Vernon Township Historical Society 326 Central Avenue Highland Park 60035 Warren Township Historical Society P.O. Box 245 Gurnee 60031 Wauconda Historical Society North Main Street P.O. Box 356 Wauconda 60084 Waukegan Historical Society and Museum 1917 North Sheridan Road P.O. Box 857 Waukegan 60085 Winthrop Harbor Historical Society c/o Arthur Fussland 832 College Winthrop Harbor 60096 Zion Historical Society 1300 Shiloh Boulevard P.O. Box 333 Zion 60099 LaSALLE LaSalle County Historical Society P.O. Box 278 Utica 61373 (815) 667-4861 Oglesby Historical Society 100 Oak Street Oglesby 61348 Streatorland Historical Society 306 South Vermilion Streator 61364 LAWRENCE Lawrence County Historical Society c/o Mrs. Ralph Davis 1012 Ninth Street Lawrenceville 62439 -25- LEE Lee County Historical Society P.O. Box 58 Dixon 61021 (815) 284-3361 LIVINGSTON Dwight Historical Society P.O. Box 7 Dwight 60420 Livingston County Historical Society 811 West Moulton Street Pontiac 61764 Odell Prairie Trails Historical and Genealogical Society 100 South Front Street P.O. Box 82 Odell 60460 LOGAN Logan County Heritage Foundation 318 Peoria Lincoln 62656 MACON Macon County Historical Society (and Museum) 5580 North Fork Road 1 Decatur 62521 t (217) 422-4919 f MACOUPIN Macoupin County Historical Society R.R. 3 P.O. Box 429 Carlinville 62626 (217) 854-2850 Staunton Historical Society 1106 West Spring Staunton 62088 MADISON Alton Area Historical Society P.O. Box 971 Alton 62002 Highland Historical Society 920 North Fifth P.O. Box 51 Highland 62249 Historical Society of Hartford c/o Forest Motel South Delmar Hartford 62048 Land of Goshen Historical Society Park Drive, Dunlap Lake Edwardsville 62025 Madison County Historical Society and Museum Madison County Museum 715 North Main Street Edwardsville 62025 (618) 656-7562 Old Six Mile Historical Society P.O. Box 483 Granite City 62040 MARION Centralia Area Historical Society 502 City National Bank Building Centralia 62801 Marion County Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 432 Salem 62881 MARSHALL Marshall County Historical Society 314 Fifth P.O. Box 123 Lacon 61540 (309) 246-2349 MASON Manito Historical Society P.O. Box 304 Havana 61546 Mason County Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 246 Havana 62644 MASSAC Massac County Historical Society 405 Market Metropolis 62960 (618) 524-5120 Mcdonough Bushnell Historical Society c/o 0. Williams 196 West Hall Bushnell 61422 McDonough County Historical Society 162 Chandler Boulevard Macomb 61455 (309) 837-2879 McHENRY Greater Harvard Area Historical Society 4817 Pagles Road Harvard 60033 McHenry County Historical Society P.O. Box 30 Woodstock 60098 McLEAN Bellflower Historical Society P.O. Box 101 Bellflower 61724 Danvers Historical Society c/o Robert McAllister 118 West Park Danvers 61732 LeRoy Historical Society c/o Ralph Duvick 910 North Barnett LeRoy 61752 Lexington Historical and Genealogical Society 318 West Main Street Lexington 61753 McLean County Historical Society and Museum 201 East Grove Street Bloomington 61701 (309) 827-0428 MENARD Menard County Historical Society c/o Lester Ott 316 West Sheridan Petersburg 62642 -26- MERCER Mercer County Historical Society 1400 S.E. Second Avenue Aledo 61231 MONROE Columbia Historical Society P.O. Box 231 Columbia 62236 Monroe County Historical Society P.O. Box 48 Waterloo 62298 (618) 281-5053 Peterstown Heritage Society 275 North Main Waterloo 62298 MONTGOMERY Montgomery County Historical Society 904 South Main Hillsboro 62049 (217) 532-3329 MORGAN Jacksonville Area Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 21 Jacksonville 62650 (217) 243-2505 Morgan County Historical Society 243 North Webster Street Jacksonville 62650 (217) 243-2505 Waverly Genealogical and Historical Society c/o Louise M. Dennis 359 East Tremont Waverly 62602 MOULTRIE Moultrie County Historical Society and Genealogical Society P.O. Box MM Sullivan 61951 (217) 728-4085 OGLE Flagg Township Historical Society c/o GO. Wine 1060 Westview Drive Rochelle 61068 Ogle County Historical Society c/o Ruth Eyre 412 South Main P.O. Box 8 Leaf River 61047 Polo Historical Society 125 North Franklin Street Polo 61064 PEORIA Chillicothe Historical Society P.O. Box 181 Chillicothe 61533 Elmwood Historical Society Elmwood 61529 Peoria Historical Society and Museum 942 Northeast Glen Oak Avenue Peoria 61603 (309) 674-1921 PERRY Perry County Historical Society P.O. Box 1018 Du Quoin 62832 (618) 542-5086 PIATT Piatt County Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 123 Monticello 61856 PIKE Pike County Historical Society P.O. Box 44 Pittsfield 62363 (217) 285-4618 POPE Pope County Historical Society (and Museum) Columbus Street P.O. Box 387 Golconda 62938 PULASKI Mound City Civic and Historical Association 507 Poplar Mound City 62963 PUTNAM Putnam County Historical Society (and Museum) High Street Hennepin 61327 (815) 925-7560 RANDOLPH Center for French Colonial Studies RR. 1, Box 12 Prairie du Rocher 62277 Randolph County Historical Society R.R. 1, Box 197 Steeleville 62288 (618) 965-9525 RICHLAND Richland County Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 202 Olney 62450 (618) 392-7751 ROCK ISLAND Augustana Historical Society c/o Esther Albrecht 1032 - 38th Street Moline 61265 Blackhawk Folklore Society 6600 - 34th Street Moline 61265 Hampton Historical Society P.O. Box 68 Hampton 61256 National Railroad Historical Society Overland Chapter 1412 Twelfth Moline 61265 Rock Island Arsenal Historical Society Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island 61299 (309) 782-5021 Rock Island County Historical Society (and Museum) 822 Eleventh Avenue P.O. Box 632 Moline 61265 (309) 764-8590 -27- ST. CLAIR Freeburg Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 69 Freeburg 62243 Lebanon Historical Society 309 West St Louis Street Lebanon 62254 Marissa Historical and Genealogical Street P.O. Box 27 Marissa 62257 (618) 295-2156 Mascoutah Historical Society 504 North Jefferson Mascoutah 62258 St Clair County Historical Society (and Museum) 701 East Washington Street Belleville 62221 (618) 234-0600 SALINE Saline County Historical Society P.O. Box 55 Harrisburg 62946 SANGAMON Abraham Lincoln Association Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 Auburn Historical Society P.O. Box 25 Auburn 62615 Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 Illinois State Historical Society Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 Sangamon County Historical Society 308 East Adams Street Springfield 62701 (217) 522-2500 SCHUYLER Schuyler- Brown Counties Historical and Genealogical Society Jail Museum 200 South Congress Rushville 62681 (217) 322-6975 SCOTT Scott County Historical Society Scott County Courthouse Winchester 62694 SHELBY Moweaqua Historical Society c/o George R. Forston 113 North Main Street Moweaqua 62550 Shelby County Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 287 Shelbyville 62565 (217) 774-2260 STARK Stark County Historical Society West Jefferson Street Toulon 61483 (309) 286-6183 STEPHENSON Cedarville Area Historical Society Cherry Street Cedarville 61013 Lena Area Historical Society c/o William Engel 4920 U.S. 20 West Freeport 61032 Stephenson County Historical Society and Museum 1440 South Carroll Street Freeport 61032 (815) 232-8419 TAZEWELL Delavan Community Historical Society Locust Street Delavan 61734 Illinois Terminal Railroad Historical Society Illinois Central College East Peoria 61635 Mackinaw Historical Society 100 South Kruse P.O. Box 455 Mackinaw 61755 Morton Historical Society 5912 North Cypress, No. 1207 Peoria 61615 Tazewell County Historical Association P.O. Box 1234 Pekin 61554 (309) 346-8425 Tremont Museum and Historical Society P.O. Box 738 Tremont 61568 UNION Union County Historical Society c/o Mrs. J.D. Miller Anna 62906 VERMILION Ell Community Historical Society 11 East North Danville 61832 Hoopeston Historical Society 830 East Maple Street Hoopeston 60942 Illiana Civil War Historical Society c/o Eugene Bencomo 205 East Green Street Oakwood 61858 Illiana Genealogical and Historical Society P.O. Box 207 Danville 61832 National Railway Historical Society Danville Junction Chapter P.O. Box 1013 Danville 61832 Rossville Historical Society 108 West Attica Street Rossville 60963 Sidell Community Historical Society P.O. Box 125 Sidell 61876 -28- WABASH Wabash County Historical Society c/o Mrs. J.D. Miller Anna 62906 WARREN Warren County Historical Society c/o George Morris 310 East Broadway Monmouth 61462 WASHINGTON Historical Society of Washington County 300 South Kaskaskia P.O. Box 9 Nashville 62263 (618) 327-3643 L & N Depot Railroad Historical Society 408 Prairie Street Nashville 62263-0093 WAYNE Wayne County Historical Society Fairfield Public Library 300 S.E. Second Street Fairfield 62837 WHITE White County Historical Society P.O. Box 121 Carmi 62821 WHITESIDE Lyndon Historical Society c/o Marjorie Gardner 215 East Third Street Prophetstown 61277 Morrison Historical Society 16959 Tanglewood Drive Morrison 61270 Prophetstown Area Historical Society 133 West Springhill Road Prophetstown 61277 Sterling- Rock Falls Historical Society 1005 East Third Street P.O. Box 65 Sterling 61081 WILL Beecher Community Historical Society 711 Miller Beecher 60401 Bolingbrook Historical Society 844 Poplar P.O. Box 5 Bolingbrook 60439 Chicago Heights Historical Society 3893 Merioneth Drive Crete 60417 Crete Area Historical Society c/o Crete Public Library 543 First Crete 60417 Frankfort Area Historical Society Kansas Street P.O. Box M Frankfort 60423 Historical Society of Greater Peotone 329 East North Peotone 60468 Illinois Canal Society 1109 Garfield Lockport 60441 Illinois-Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor 30 North Bluff Street Joliet 60435 (815) 740-2049 Joliet Area Historical Society and Museum 17 East Van Buren Street P.O. Box 477 Joliet 60435 Manhatten Township Historical Society c/o Janet Werner 240 Whitson Manhatten 60442 Mokena Area Historical Society P.O. Box 724 Mokena 60448 National Railroad Historical Society Blackhawk Chapter 55 West Benton Joliet 60431 Plainfield Historical Society P.O. Box 291 Plainfield 60544 Romeoville Historical Society Romeo Road P.O. Box 504 R Romeoville 60441 Will County Historical Society 803 South State Street Lockport 60441 (815) 838-5080 Wilmington Area Historical Society 100 North Water P.O. Box 1 Wilmington 60481 WILLIAMSON Carterville Historical Society South Division Carterville 62918 Williamson County Historical Society 105 South Van Buren Marion 62959 WINNEBAGO Harlem Historical Society 6208 McDonald Road Roscoe 61073 National Railway Historical Society North Western Illinois Chapter P.O. Box 5632 Rockford 61125 Pecatonica Historical Society P.O. Box 298 Pecatonica 61063 Rockford Historical Society c/o Eldora Ozaune 2807 Arcadia Terrace Rockford 61107 Rockton Historical Society 428 North Prairie Avenue Rockton 61072 Rockton Township Historical Society P.O. Box 2 Rockton 61072 Swedish Historical Society of Rockford 404 South Third Rockford 61101 -29- Winnebago County Memorial Association 215 North Main Rockford 61102 WOODFORD Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society P.O. Box 319 Metamora 61548 (309) 367-2551 Woodford County Historical Society c/o Don Pioletti, Chairman 615 West Maple Drive Eureka 61530 -30- VI. Libraries Technological advances have altered the Latin root derivation — "liber" meaning "book" — in the word "li- brary." Today, libraries have expanded their holdings beyond the printed word to include maps, phonographic disc recordings, audio tapes, slides, photographs, micro- film, videotape, floppy disks and manuscripts. Even the printed word is found in a variety of formats: books, pamphlets, newspapers, broadsides, periodicals and published government documents. The changing forms of information, as well as an information explosion created by the photocopier and computers, necessitate a strong li- brary system. Fortunately, Illinois is not only the "Land of Lincoln," it is also a "Land of Libraries." Illinois libraries contain a vast array of material for the serious researcher or someone looking for a good bedtime read. Public libraries supported largely by city and municipal taxes are the most numerous. Some have special collections, but by and large their function is to serve the basic needs of the community. A notable exception, of course, is the Chicago Public Library System, which con- tains nearly five million volumes and numerous special collections. Such large companies as Playboy Enterprises and the Amoco Corporation maintain private collections primarily for staff use. The State of Illinois maintains two major research libraries: the Illinois State Library and the Illinois State Historical Library. The Illinois State Library, established in 1842, coordinates a statewide network known as ILLINET (Illinois Library and Information Network), which consists of four research and reference centers, 18 regional library systems and 2,500 academic, public, school and special libraries. The network serves all residents of the state by loaning books and other library materials and by providing various other library services. The state library's computerized circulation system links it with other Illinois libraries, making the resources of many libraries available to patrons. As a member of OCLC, Inc., a computer network of libraries, the state library has access to the collections of more than 2,800 libraries internationally. In its role as a special library to state government, the Illinois State Library provides a collection of more than 4.7 million items. The state library serves as a regional depository for federal documents and as a state document depository library which coordinates 64 federal and state document depositories. The state library contributes to statewide library devel- opment by educating library personnel and trustees and providing a research and publication program. Publications such as "Illinois Libraries" and "Illinois Nodes" and spe- cial reports provide information to the library community. To promote Illinois authors, Secretary of State Jim Edgar initiated the Read Illinois Program which sponsors an annual Illinois Literary Heritage Conference and publishes the "Readers Guide To Illinois Literature." The Illinois State Historical Library was created in 1889 by the Illinois General Assembly, which mandated that the institution collect, preserve and interpret informa- tion relating to the history of the state. For nearly 100 years the Illinois State Historical Library has collected books, periodicals, newsletters, pamphlets, sheet music and broadsides that reflect Illinois themes or were written and published by Illinoisans or Illinois companies. The li- brary also houses a large collection of genealogical materials, especially family histories. Special collections comprise four distinct areas of research: manuscripts, iconography, newspapers and Lincolniana. The manuscripts collections range from 18th century French settlement in the Illinois country to the papers of Senator Paul Simon. Researchers will find a treasure trove of primary materials on Illinois politics, labor, business and industry, Civil War diaries, women's history, religious organizations and charitable groups. The iconography section houses images of Illinois captured in photographs, prints, engravings, film, slides and paintings, and all are available for reproduction. Illinois newspapers dating from the territorial period until the present are on microfilm in the newspaper section. Except for the Library of Congress and the National Archives, the Illinois State Historical Library holds the largest assemblage of manu- scripts, prints, artifacts, and photographic materials devoted to Abraham Lincoln. The library also houses the largest collection of manuscript materials relating to Lin- coln's family and descendants. College and university libraries offer the widest range of resource materials, covering every subject and facet of human knowledge. The University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign has the fourth largest university library in the nation, with over seven million volumes. Other exceptional research collections are at the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Northern Illinois University, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, and the Center for Research Libraries. Among privately endowed libraries in the United States, the Newberry Library ranks with the best The Newberry restricts its collections to materials in history and the humanities, concentrating on Western Europe be- tween 1400 and 1800, the Indian societies of North America, and the eventual results of their fusion. Another privately endowed library is maintained by the Chicago Historical Society. As one might guess, the collection is devoted to Chicago history with a strong emphasis on pre- fire imprints. Institutions normally considered museums — -31- the Art Institute and the John A. Shedd Aquarium, for example — often contain a reference or research library. Finally, most libraries in Illinois are part of an inter- library loan network. Books located in one library can be loaned to other libraries within the system. Major research libraries are usually part of a nationwide network, allow- ing researchers access to books beyond the borders of Illinois. Thomas Schwartz Illinois State Historical Library Bridget Lamont Illinois State Library State Libraries Illinois State Library Centennial Building Springfield 62756 (217) 782-7597 The Illinois State Library serves as the research and reference arms of state government, while maintaining a publication program and collecting the printed records of the state. Illinois State Historical Liorary One State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 The Illinois State Historical Library collects, preserves and interprets the written record of Illinois individuals, groups and businesses. Special collections comprise four distinct areas of research: manuscripts, iconography, newspapers and Lincolniana. National Organization Serving Illinois Libraries American Library Association 50 East Huron Chicago 60611 (312) 944-6780 Headquartered in Chicago, the American Library Association is the oldest and largest professional organiza- tion serving librarians in the world. It is an umbrella organization for all types of libraries and librarians throughout the United States. The ALA's stated mission is "to provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all." That mission is achieved through professional conferences, workshops, publications and special committees. Research Libraries ADAMS Quincy College Library 1831 College Quincy 62301 (217) 222-8020 CHAMPAIGN University of Illinois Library 1408 West Gregory Drive Urbana 61801 (217) 333-0791 COLES Eastern Illinois University Booth Library Charleston 61920 (217) 581-2210 COOK Center for Research Libraries 6050 South Kenwood Avenue Chicago 60637 (312) 955-4545 Chicago City- Wide Colleges Library 209 North Michigan Avenue Chicago 60601 Chicago Public Library 425 North Michigan Avenue Chicago 60611 (312) 269-2830 Chicago State University Paul and Emily Douglas Library 95th and Martin Luther King Drive Chicago 60628 (312) 995-2235 City of Chicago Municipal Reference Library 121 North LaSalle Street City Hall, Room 1004 Chicago 60602 (312) 744-4492 Columbia University Library 600 South Michigan Avenue Chicago 60605 (312) 663-1600 Concordia College Klinck Memorial Library 7400 Augusta Street River Forest 60305 (312) 771-8300 DePaul University Library 25 East Jackson Street Chicago 60604 (312) 321-7619 -32- Illinois Institute of Technology James S. Kemper Library 3300 South Federal Chicago 60616 (312) 567-3355 Loyola University of Chicago E.M. Cudahy Memorial Library 6525 North Sheridan Chicago 60611 (312) 274-3000 Merriam Center Public Works Historical Society 1313 East 60th Street Chicago 60637 (312) 667-2200 Midwest Nursing History Resource Center University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago 60680 Mundelein College Learning Resource Center 6363 North Sheridan Chicago 60660 (312) 262-8100 National College of Education Division of Learning Resources 2840 Sheridan Road Evanston 60201 (312) 256-5150 National College of Education Library 18 South Michigan Avenue Chicago 60603 The Newberry Library 60 West Walton Street Chicago 60610 (312) 943-9090 North Park College Wallgren Library 5125 North Spaulding Avenue Chicago 60625 (312) 583-2700 Northeastern Illinois University Library 5500 North St Louis Avenue Chicago 60625 (312) 583-4050 Northwestern University Library 1935 Sheridan Road Evanston 60201 (312) 492-7658 Prairie State College Learning Center 202 South Halsted Chicago Heights 60411 (312)756-3110 Roosevelt University Murray-Green Library 430 South Michigan Avenue Chicago 60605 (312) 341-3643 Rosary College Rebecca Crown Library 7900 Division Street River Forest 60305 (312) 366-6320 Ryerson and Burnham Libraries Art Institute of Chicago Michigan Avenue at Adams Street Chicago 60603 (312) 443-3666 St Xavier University Byrne Memorial Library 103rd Street and Central Park Chicago 60655 (312) 779-3300 Spertus College of Judaica Norman and Helen Asher Library 618 South Michigan Avenue Chicago 60605 (312) 922-9012 University of Chicago Library 5801 South Ellis Chicago 60637 (312) 753-2977 University of Illinois at Chicago Library 801 South Morgan Street Chicago 60680 (312) 996-2726 DeKALB Northern Illinois University Founders Memorial Library DeKalb 60115 (815) 753-1094 DuPAGE Elmhurst College AC. Buehler Library 190 Prospect Avenue Elmhurst 60126 (312) 279-4100 Illinois Benedictine College Theodore Lownik Library 5700 College Road Lisle 60532 (312) 968-7270 North Central College Library 320 East School Avenue Naperville 60540 (312) 355-0597 Wheaton College Library 501 East Seminary Wheaton 60187 (312) 682-5101 HENDERSON Monmouth College Hewes Library 700 East Broadway Monmouth 61462 (309) 457-2031 JACKSON Southern Illinois University Morris Library Carbondale 62901 (618) 453-2681 JERSEY Principia College Marshall Brooks Library Elsah 62028 (618) 374-2131 KANE Aurora University Library 347 South Gladstone Avenue Aurora 60507 (312) 892-6431 KNOX Knox College Henry M. Seymour Library Galesburg 61401 (309)343-0112 LAKE Barat College Library 700 East Westleigh Road Lake Forest 60045 (312) 234-3000 -33- Lake Forest College Donnelley Library Sheridan Road Lake Forest 60045 (312) 234-3100 Ryerson Nature Library Lake County Forest Preserve District 3735 Riverwoods Road Deerfield 60015 (312) 948-7750 LOGAN Lincoln College McKinstry Library 700 North Ottawa Lincoln 62656 (217) 732-3155 MACON Millikin University Staley Library 1184 West Main Street Decatur 62522 (217) 424-6214 MADISON Southern Illinois University Lovejoy Library Edwardsville Road Edwardsville 62026 (618) 692-2711 McDONOUGH Western Illinois University Library Macomb 61455 (309) 298-2411 McLEAN Illinois State University Milner Library Normal 61761 (309) 438-3675 Illinois Wesleyan University Library 201 East University Street Bloomington 61701 (309) 556-3053 United Methodist Historical Library Central Illinois Conference 1211 North Park P.O. Box 515 Bloomington 61702-0515 (309) 838-5092 PEORIA Bradley University Cullom-Davis Library 1502 Bradley Peoria 61625 (309) 676-7611 ROCK ISLAND Augustana College Denkmann Memorial Library Rock Island 61201 (309) 794-7266 SANGAMON Illinois State Historical Library Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 Illinois State Library Centennial Building Springfield 62756 (217) 782-2994 Sangamon State University Brookens Library Shepherd Road Springfield 62708 (217) 786-6597 WILL Governors State University Learning Resources Center Governors Highway and Stunkel Road Park Forest South 60466 (312) 534-5000 Lewis University Learning Resources Center Route 53 Romeoville 60441 (815) 838-0500 Saint Francis College Library 500 Wilcox Street Joliet 60435 WINNEBAGO Rockford College Howard Colman Library 5050 East State Street Rockford 61101 (815) 226-4035 Chicago State University Elmhurst Historical Commission Knox College Major Oral History Collections Principia College Rush Medical College Sangamon State University Southern Illinois University University of Illinois -34- VII. Living Historical Farm Museums Although one of the world's first museums to look at folk life or everyday culture was started in Sweden in the late 1800's, it was not until the 1960's that serious efforts to portray U.S. farm life began. Established institutions such as Stourbridge Village and Colonial Williamsburg expanded their interpretation programs, and more know- ledge of how people lived invariably called for a closer look at agricultural life. Elsewhere, various local historical agencies looked to portray their region's agricultural her- itage, and this evolved the living historical farm museum. The basic mission of living history farms is to portray the agricultural past through re-creation and, whenever possible, preservation and restoration. This portrayal varies widely in scope because of the availability of historic and economic resources. Philosophies also vary, setting different tones for how and to what degree the past is por- trayed from site to site. Furthermore, the degree to which a visitor can participate in the life portrayed differs from museum to museum. The principal difference between an agriculture- related museum and a living history farm is the way the past is presented. Excellent displays of tools, equipment, etc., may be seen at a wide variety of museums, but only at living history farms will the demonstration of farming methods in the field be seen. The challenge of portraying farm life is a formidable one: Appropriate buildings, sufficient land for crops, his- torically correct livestock, vegetables and crops, native plants and trees used by farmers, furnishings, tools and equipment (preferably reproductions to prevent loss of valuable artifacts from wear and tear) and fencing are just some of the physical assets required. Extensive research highlighting farming methods, social and cultural beliefs, period politics and economics, including the interdepen- dence of farm and commercial trade, and biographical information of area farm families is used for the interpreta- tion of the museum. Trained staff to interpret and perform the necessary day-to-day support tasks round out a suc- cessful program that is fortunate to have sufficient economic support from governmental or private agencies. How the farm is presented can take two forms. Third- person interpretation calls for the guide or docent to explain and demonstrate the history and methods of the era. With role-playing or first-person interpretation, the docent assumes the character of a historic personage and speaks only of subjects known to that period. Thus a ques- tion concerning a jet flying overhead could not be answered unless the farm period portrayed dated from the 1950's or later. The opportunity for the visitor to participate in the activities of historic farming may be limited to observation only or to workshop experiences where the visitor helps plant or bring in the crops or assist in the domestic routine of the household. The number of visitors may determine the degree of participation, or, if farm animals are allowed to roam unrestricted, that may be a limiting factor. Of over 150 agencies in Canada and the United States that attempt to demonstrate the agricultural past to some degree, the three most active living history farm museums in Illinois represent the state, a county forest preserve, and a nonprofit supported institution. These are Lincoln Log Cabin in Lerna, Illinois; Klein Creek Farm near Wheaton, Illinois; and Garfield Farm Museum of LaFox, Illinois. A most active and excellent interpretive program exists at Lincoln Log Cabin near Charleston, Illinois. Here, a 1930's reconstruction of the last home of Thomas Lincoln (Abraham's father) and a large log barn moved onsite from southern Illinois are the setting for state and volunteer efforts to portray Illinois upland southerner farm society of the 1840' s. Special live-in programs for student and adult groups call for daylong activities in which the participants don period-style clothing and, with the aid of interpreters portraying Tom Lincoln and his neighbors, help clean out the barn, saw wood, cook a period lunch, dip candles, gar- den and farm. Special events during the season draw larger crowds and feature more specialized activities. Extensive research has even enabled the docents to use the dialect and diction of the period. Work is underway to move houses and barns to the site, to develop the Sargent farm and to demonstrate the life of a New England settler in Illinois. On 200 acres acquired by the DuPage County Forest Preserve, development of Klein Creek Farm as an 1890's farm museum was begun in the late 1970's. The surviving farm has historical integrity that few living history farms around the country can offer. Here generic farm life of 1890's DuPage County will be portrayed. An icehouse has been constructed in the period style, and the house is undergoing interior work. Several times a year, special events for the public bring visitors to the site for such activities as ice cream making with ice harvested from the past winter and a harvest festival demonstrating period techniques. Just west of Geneva/St Charles, Illinois, is an excep- tional survivor of the vagaries of time and chance. Timothy and Harriet Garfield's 1840's farmstead remains largely intact with surviving buildings, furnishings, an extensive collection of documents and over 250 acres that include 30 acres of remnant prairie and savanna. The Garfields also built and operated a brick tavern or inn that catered to the farmers and teamsters hauling loads of grain to Chicago. 40 miles to the east Two nonprofit organizations. Garfield Heritage Society and Campton Historic Agricultural Lands, supported by volunteers and donors from 22 states, -35- are restoring and developing the farm as an 1840's living history farm. Started in 1977, the museum gives guided tours by appointment year-round, has summer hours and holds special events. As development is ongoing, visitors can arrange to participate in development activities from prairie restoration to special event preparation. The museum provides hands-on experience in museum crea- tion. This will be replaced with workshops for visitors to perform period household and farm chores. Heirloom gar- dening and historic breeds of poultry already augment the program, and restoration of the buildings to portray Northern Illinois 1840's farm and inn life continues. Across the state, more agencies are considering im- plementing a living history farm program, most often as an addition to their existing historic sites, in spite of the high costs of creating and maintaining an adequate program. A few propose creating entirely new sites. As the population becomes more separated from the source of its food and increasingly aware that Illinois has a history too long ignored, the number of living history farm presentations will likely expand. Jerome M. Johnson Garfield Farm Museum Regional Organization Serving Illinois Midwest Open- Air Museums Coordinating Council c/o Lincoln Log Cabin R.R. 1, Box 175 Lerna 62440 (217) 345-6489 National Organizations Serving Illinois Association for Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC 20560 The ALHFAM publishes "Bulletin Annual. Historical Farm Association P.O. Box 696 Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Living Historical Farm Museums COLES Lincoln Log Cabin R.R. 1, Box 175 Lerna 62440 (217) 345-6489 COOK Paarlberg Farmstead Thorn Creek and Paxton Avenue South Holland 60473 DuPAGE Klein Creek Farm DuPage Forest Preserve 185 Spring Avenue Glen Ellyn 60137 (312) 790-4900 GREENE Bluffdale Farm Eldred 62027 (217) 983-2854 HENRY Johnson 1910 Farm Route 6 (Between Geneseo and Geneseo Atkinson) Geneseo 61254 (309) 944-2088 KANE Blackberry Historical Farm Village Barnes Road RR. 3, Box 591 Aurora 60504 (312) 897-0516 Garfield Farm Museum 3N016 Garfield Road P.O. Box 403 La Fox 60147 (312) 584-8485 (312) 584-4034 LAKE Illinois Living Historical Farms and Agriculture Museums 1051 Meadow Lane Lake Forest 60045 Lambs Farm Route 176 and Interstate 94 Libertyville 60048 (312) 362-4636 -36- SANGAMON Clayville Rural Life Center 14 miles west of Springfield on Route 125 RR. 1 (Beardstown Road) Pleasant Plains (217) 626-1132 TAZEWELL McGlothlin Farm Park Newman Drive off Meadows Avenue (Route 150) East Peoria (309) 694-2195 WILL Round Bam Farm and Recreation Area 4 miles south of Interstate 80 (Briggs Street Exit) Joliet 60442 (815) 478-3215 -37- VIII. Museums Great diversity characterizes the museums of Illinois. They range in scale from world-renowned institutions in Chicago to small and medium-sized facilities located throughout the state. Museums are designed to address different topics and audiences. There are not only the traditional art, history and natural history museums but also science and technology centers, planetariums, living history and open-air museums, historic houses and in- stitutions with living collections — zoos, aquariums and botanical gardens and arboretums. Ethnic and university museums are set up to serve specific audiences. In addi- tion, museums are supported by both the private and government sectors, and in Illinois they are operated by all levels of government — local, state, and federal. Collec- tively, the museums of Illinois represent a rich cultural and educational resource that is unparalleled in many other states. The basic definition of a museum set forth by the American Association of Museums is "an organized and permanent nonprofit institution, essentially educational or aesthetic in purpose, with professional staff, which owns and utilizes tangible objects, cares for them and exhibits them to the public on some regular schedule." By latest count there are close to 700 museums in Illinois, most of which meet that definition. The best known are Chicago's world-class museums such as the Art Institute, Field Museum and Museum of Science and Industry and the major institutions with living collections — the Shedd Aquarium, the Brookfield and Lincoln Park Zoos and the Chicago Botanic Gardens, but there are many other small and medium-sized museums in Chicago and throughout the state that are quality institutions. There is at least one museum in every one of the 102 Illinois counties. Within state government in Illinois, two agencies pro- vide museum services. The Illinois State Museum, a divi- sion of the Department of Energy and Natural Resources, has four facilities and is mandated by statute to operate a state museum program. The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, which operates many state-owned historic sites, also carries out a number of museum functions. Descrip- tions of these state museum functions as well as the state, regional and national museum organizations which affect Illinois are given below. R. Bruce McMillan Illinois State Museum State Museum and Agency Illinois State Museum Spring and Edwards Streets Springfield 62706 (217) 782-7386 The Illinois State Museum, a division of the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, is com- posed of four facilities: Illinois State Museum, Springfield; Dickson Mounds Museum, Lewistown; State of Illinois Gallery, Chicago; and Illinois State Museum - Lockport Gallery, Lockport. Founded in 1877, the state museum focuses on natural history and art with large collections in archaeology, geology, zoology, botany and the fine and decorative arts. A half-million people are served annually through visits to these facilities, and several times that number through their outreach programs. The museum's active publication program supplies people throughout Illinois with both popular and technical publications. The Illinois State Museum also administers a program for financial aid to public museums affiliated with units of local government The Financial Aid to Public Museums Program, with appropriations as large as $3 million during some years, has benefited over 40 museums statewide. Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, created in 1985, collects and researches historic documents of Illinois and maintains historic sites and landmarks. The agency has three divisions — Historical Library, Preservation Ser- vices and Historic Sites. The latter carries out a number of museum functions since several of the state-owned historic sites are museums. Sites such as New Salem a living his- tory village, the Old State Capitol, the Lincoln-Herndon Law Office, Cahokia Mounds, with its archaeological museum, and historic Fort de Chartres are examples of museum- related properties administered by IHPA The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency also provides the offices for the state organization for museums, the Con- gress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums. -38- State Organization Serving Museums Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 The statewide museum organization in Illi- nois, the Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums is affiliated with the Midwest Museums Con- ference of the American Association of Museums. Mem- bership in the congress is composed of museums, historical and genealogical societies, other cultural agencies and individuals. The purpose of the congress is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and methods among its members. Ben- efits include regional workshops and meetings, an awards program, a lending library and a quarterly newsletter. The congress publishes a directory of museums and other related organizations which lists the cultural resources in all 102 Illinois counties — the last edition contained more than 650 entries. Regional Museum Organization Serving Illinois Midwest Museums Conference (MMC) c/o Alfred P. Sloan Museum 1221 East Kearsley Street Flint, MI 48503 The Midwest Museums Conference is a regional or- ganization affiliated with the American Association of Museums. State organizations, including the Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums, are constituent groups affiliated with the regional organization. Eight states are included in the midwest region. The MMC holds an annual conference to address pro- fessional issues related to museums. It also publishes a quarterly newsletter, "Midwest Museum News." National Museum Organizations Serving Illinois American Association of Museums (A AM) 1225 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 289-1818 The American Association of Museums is the national organization for museums and museum professionals. The organization sets professional standards and is the ac- crediting body for the nation's museums. The AAM delivers a number of significant services including museum assessments and consultations. An active publication pro- gram provides current information on museum-related subjects and professional activities. American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) 172 Second Avenue North, Suite 102 Nashville, TN 37201 (615) 255-2971 The American Association for State and Local History is a national organization for historical societies and museums and their professionals. It provides specialized services including consultants, training programs, sem- inars and a variety of useful publications. Funding Institute of Museum Services 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Room 609 Washington, DC 20506 (202) 786-0536 National Endowment for the Humanities Museums and Historical Organizations Program Old Post Office 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20506 (202) 786-0284 National Museum of Art A and I Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC 20560 (202) 357-2257 National Science Foundation Public Information Office 1800 G Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20550 (202) 357-9498 -39- Museums ADAMS All Wars Museum 1701 North 12th Street Quincy 62301 Gardner Museum of Architecture and Design 332 Maine Street Quincy 62301 (217) 224-6873 Illinois Veterans Home Museum North 12th Street Quincy 62306 John Wood Mansion 425 South 12th Street Quincy 62301 (217) 224-6873 Lincoln- Douglas Valentine Museum 101 North Fourth Street Quincy 62301 (217) 224-3355 Pharmacy Museum of Quincy and Adams County Fifth and Chestnut Streets Quincy 62301 (217) 224-1000 Quincy Art Center 1515 Jersey Quincy 62301 Quincy Museum of Natural History and Art 1601 Main Street Quincy 62301 ALEXANDER Magnolia Manor Historical Museum 2714 Washington Avenue Cairo 62914 Thebes Pioneer Museum P.O. Box 14 Thebes 62990 BOND Bond County Museum 1014 Asbury Avenue Greenville 62246 BOONE Boone County Historical Society Museum 311 Whitney Boulevard Belvidere 61008 (815) 547-5196 Pettit Chapel Belvidere Cemetery Belvidere 61008 (815) 547-7642 BUREAU Owen Lovejoy Homestead Route 6 Princeton 61356 (815) 879-9151 St Peter's Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church and Museum Washington Street and Routes 6 and 34 Sheffield 61361 Time Was Village Museum 1325 Burlington Mendota 61342 CALHOUN Kampsville Archaeological Museum Oak and Main Streets P.O. Box 366 Kampsville 62053 (618) 653-4316 CARROLL Carroll Thomson Depot Museum Main Street Thomson 61285 CASS Cass County Museum Cass County Courthouse Beardstown 62618 Lincoln Courtroom and Museum 101 West Third Street Beardstown 62618 (217) 323-4191 CHAMPAIGN Anita Purves Nature Center 1505 North Broadway Urbana 61801 (217) 367-1544 Champaign County Historical Museum Wilber Mansion 709 West University Avenue Champaign 61820 Early American Museum and Botanical Garden P.O. Box 336 Mahomet 61853 (217) 586-2612 Krannert Art Museum 500 East Peabody Drive Champaign 61820 (217) 333-1860 Museum of Natural History University of Illinois 1301 West Green Street Urbana 61801 World Heritage Museum University of Illinois 484 Lincoln Hall 702 South Wright Street Urbana 61801 CLARK Clark County Museum P.O. Box 207 Marshall 62441 CLINTON Clinton County Historical Society and Museum 1091 Franklin Carlyle 62231 (618) 765-2375 COLES Coles County Historical Society and Museum 800 Hayes Charleston 61920 (217) 581-5943 Rockome Gardens 5 miles west of Areola off Interstate 57 Areola 61910 (217) 268-4216 -40- COOK American Police Center and Museum 1130 South Wabash Chicago 60605 (312) 431-0005 Art Institute of Chicago Michigan Avenue at Adams Street Chicago 60603 (312) 443-3666 Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture 6500 South Pulaski Road Chicago 60629 (312) 582-6500 Barrington History Museum 111 West Station Street Barrington 60010 (312) 381-1730 Bradford Museum of Collector's Plates 9333 Milwaukee Avenue Niles 60648 (312) 966-2770 Brookfield Zoo First Avenue and 31st Street Brookfield 60513 (312) 242-2630 Cernan Earth and Space Center Triton College 2000 North Fifth Avenue River Grove 60171 Chicago Academy of Sciences 2001 North Clark Street Chicago 60614 (312) 549-0606 Chicago Botanic Gardens Lake- Cook Road near Edens Expressway Glencoe 60022 (312) 835-5440 Chicago Historical Society North Avenue and Clark Street Chicago 60614 (312) 642-4600 Chicago Sports Museum c/o Judd East Revesz 1416 Vernon Avenue Park Ridge 60068 Childrens Museum of Metropolitan Chicago 435 Lake Avenue Wilmette 60091 Clarke House 1800 South Prairie Avenue Chicago 60616 (312) 326-1393 Commonwealth Edison Centennial Museum 150 North Michigan Avenue Chicago 60601 Croatian Ethnic Institute 4851 South Drexel Boulevard Chicago 60615 (312) 373-2248 Czechoslovak Heritage Museum, Library and Archives 2701 South Harlem Berwyn 60402 (312) 562-2595 Des Plaines Historical Society Museum 789 Pearson P.O. Box 225 Des Plaines 60016 DuSable Museum of African American History 740 East 56th Place Chicago 60637 Fagan's Antique and Classic Car Museum 162nd and Western Avenue Markham 60426 Field Museum of Natural History 1200 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago 60605 (312) 922-9410 Frances East Willard Home National Woman's Christian Temperance Union 1730 Chicago Avenue Evanston 60201 (312) 864-1397 Fullersburg Woods Environmental Center 3609 Spring Road Oak Brook 60521 (312) 790-4912 Garfield Park Conservatory 300 North Central Park at Chicago Lake Street Chicago 60618 (312) 533-1281 Glessner House 1800 South Prairie Avenue Chicago 60616 (312) 326-1393 Grand Army of the Republic 78 East Washington Street Chicago 60602 (312) 269-2926 Grosse Point Lighthouse 2535 Sheridan Road Evanston 60201 (312) 864-5181 Hartung's Automobile Museum 3623 West Lake Street Glenview 60025 Heller Nature Center 636 Ridge Road Highland Park 60035 Henry Crown Space Center 57th and Lake Shore Drive Chicago 60637 (312) 684-1414 Historical Society and Museum of Arlington Heights 500 North Vail Street Arlington Heights 60004 Hyde Park Art Center The Del Prado Hotel 1701 East 53 rd Street Chicago 60615 (312) 324-5520 Illinois Funeral Service Foundation Museum 515 North Dearborn Chicago 60610 International Museum of Surgical Sciences and Hall of Fame 1524 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago 60610 (312) 642-3555 International Sports Fishing Museum 2625 Clearbrook Drive Arlington Heights 60004 (312) 364-4666 -41- Irish American Heritage Center 4616 North Knox Center Chicago 60630 (312) 282-7035 Italian Cultural Center 1621 North 39th Avenue Stone Park 60165 (312) 345-3842 Jacob Hostert Log Cabin West Avenue and 147th Street Orland Park 60462 Jane Addams Hull House Museum Polk and Halsted Streets Chicago 60680 (312) 996-2793 Kohl Children's Museum 165 Green Bay Road Wilmette 60091 Latvian Folk Art Museum 4146 North Elston Chicago 60618 Lincoln Park Conservatory 2400 North Stockton Drive Chicago 60614 (312) 294-4470 Lincoln Park Zoological Society 2045 North Lincoln Park West Chicago 60614 Ling Long Museum 2238 South Wentworth Chicago 60616 (312) 225-6181 Maurice Spertus Museum of Judaica 618 South Michigan Avenue Chicago 60605 (312) 922-9012 Mitchell Indian Museum Kendall College 2408 Orrington Avenue Evanston 60201 (312) 866-1395 Morton B. Weiss Museum of Judaica 1100 East Hyde Park Boulevard Chicago 60615 (312) 924-1234 Morton Grove Historical Museum Harrer Park 6140 Dempster P.O. Box 542 Morton Grove 60053 Muller Home 500 North Vail Street Arlington Heights 60004 (312) 255-1225 Museum of Anesthesiology 515 Busse Highway Park Ridge 60068 Museum of Arlington Heights 500 North Vail Street Arlington Heights 60004 Museum of Contemporary Art 237 East Ontario Chicago 60611 (312) 280-2660 Museum of Contemporary Photography 600 South Michigan Avenue Chicago 60605 Museum of Fine Arts Research and Holographic Center 1134 West Washington Boulevard Chicago 60607 (312) 226-1007 Museum of Holography 1134 West Washington Boulevard Chicago 60607 (312) 216-1007 Museum of Political History 7535 South Chappel Chicago 60649 (312) 955-7571 Museum of Science and Industry East 57th Street and South Lake Shore Drive Chicago 60637 (312) 684-1414 The Nature Conservatory Illinois Field Office 79 West Monroe, Suite 708 Chicago 60603 (312) 346-8166 Negro History Roundtable 1422 South Drexel Boulevard Chicago 60653 Niles Historical Society Museum 8970 Milwaukee Avenue Niles 60648 Northern Illinois Military Museum 1744 West Devon Chicago 60660 Oriental Institute Museum 1155 East 58th Street Chicago 60637 (312) 702-9520 Paarlberg Historical Farmstead Museum Thorn Creek and Paxton Avenue South Holland 60473 Peace Museum 364 West Erie Street Chicago 60610 (312) 440-1860 Polish Museum of America 984 North Milwaukee Avenue Chicago 60622 (312) 384-3352 Polka Music Hall of Fame and Museum 4145 South Kedzie Chicago 60632 Printer's Row Printing Museum 715 South Dearborn Chicago 60605 (312) 987-1059 Puerto Rican Museum of History and Culture 3814 West Wrightwood Chicago 60647 Redfield Center at the Grove 1421 Milwaukee Avenue Glenview 60025 Riverside Historical Commission Museum 27 Riverside Road Riverside 60546 Robie House 5757 South Woodlawn Chicago 60637 (312) 962-8374 Romanian Folk Art Museum 2526 Ridgeway Evanston 60201 (312) 328-9099 Schaumburg Historical Museum 208 East Schaumburg Road Schaumburg 60194 (312) 885-3350 Shedd Aquarium 1200 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago 60605 (312) 939-2426 -42- South Holland Historical Society and Museum 16250 Wansan Avenue P.O. Box 48 South Holland 60473 Spertus Museum of Judaica 618 South Michigan Avenue Chicago 60605 (312) 922-9012 Sports Immortals Museum c/o Michael J. Schaller 444 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2300 Chicago 60611 Spring Valley Nature Sanctuary 1111 East Schaumburg Road Schaumburg 60194 State of Illinois Art Gallery State of Illinois Center 100 West Randolph, Suite 2-100 Chicago 60601 (312) 328-0900 Swedish- American Museum Center of Chicago 5211 North Clark Chicago 60640 (312) 728-8111 Telephony Museum 225 West Randolph Street, Lobby IC Chicago 60606 (312) 727-2994 Terra Museum of American Art 666 North Michigan Avenue Chicago 60611 (312) 664-3939 Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art 2320 West Chicago Avenue Chicago 60622 (312) 227-5522 Ukrainian National Museum 2453 West Chicago Avenue Chicago 60622 (312) 276-6565 Van Oostenbrugge Home 444 East 157th Street South Holland 60473 Volo Antique Auto Museum 27640 West Highway 120 Volo (312) 385-3644 Walt Durbin Tool Museum 326 Central Avenue Highland Park 60035 Walter F. Heller Nature Center 636 Ridge Road Highland Park 60035 Weiss Museum of Judaica 1100 East Hyde Park Boulevard Chicago 60615 (312) 924-1234 Wheeling Historical Museum 251 Wolf Road Wheeling 60090 Willard House 1730 Chicago Avenue Evanston 60201 (312) 864-1397 Wilmette Historical Museum 565 Hunter Road Wilmette 60091 Winnetka Historical Museum 510 Green Bay Road Winnetka 60093 DeKALB Anthropology Museum Northern Illinois University DeKalb 60115 Ellwood House Museum 509 North First Street DeKalb 60115 (815) 756-4609 Stone Mill Museum East Railroad Street Sandwich 60548 DeWITT DeWitt County Museum Association 219 East Woodlawn Street Clinton 61727 (217) 935-5081 The Homestead Museum 219 East Woodlawn Street Clinton 61727 DOUGLAS Museum Association of Douglas County P.O. Box 185 Tuscola 61953 DuPAGE Cantigny Gardens and Museum 1 South 157 Winfield Road Wheaton 60187 (312) 668-5161 Cosley's Children's Park Gary and Jewel Roads Wheaton 60187 (312) 665-5534 Christmas Tree Story House Museum 27 West 430 North Avenue West Chicago 60185 Downers Grove Historical Museum 831 Maple Avenue Downers Grove 60515 DuPage County Historical Museum 102 East Wesley Street Wheaton 60187 DuPage Heritage Gallery 421 North County Farm Road P.O. Box 77 Wheaton 60187 Elmhurst Historical Society and Museum 120 East Park Avenue Elmhurst 60126 Fabyan Villa Museum, Japanese Garden and Dutch Windmill 1511 South Batavia Avenue Geneva 60134 Graham Center Museum Wheaton College Wheaton 60187 Gretna Historical Museum Armstrong Park Carol Stream 60187 Jurica Natural History Museum Illinois Benedictine College 5700 College Road Lisle 60532 Kruse House Museum P.O. Box 246 West Chicago 60185 Lizzardo Museum of Lapidary Art 220 Cottage Hill Elmhurst 60126 (312) 833-1616 -43- Martin-Mitchell Mansion Museum 201 West Porter Avenue Naperville 60540 (312) 420-6010 Morton Arboretum Route 53 Lisle 60532 (312) 968-0074 Mother Theresa Museum 1250 Main Street Lemont 60439 Museum at the Billy Graham Center 500 East Seminary Wheaton 60187 Naper Settlement 201 West Porter Avenue Naperville 60540 (312) 420-6010 Old Graue Mill and Museum P.O. Box 253 Hinsdale 60521 Robert L. McCormick Museum at Cantigny 1 South 157 Winfield Road Wheaton 60187 Stacy's Tavern 557 Geneva Road P.O. Box 283 Glen Ellyn 60137 West Chicago Historical Museum 132 Main Street West Chicago 60185 Willowbrook Wild Life Harian Park Boulevard and 22nd Street Glen Ellyn 60137 (312) 790-4913 EDGAR Edgar County Historical Society and Museum 414 North Main Paris 61944 (217) 463-5305 EDWARDS Indian Hill Museum P.O. Box 126 Bone Gap 62815 (618) 446-3277 EFFINGHAM Teutopolis Monastery Museum P.O. Box 117 Teutopolis 62467 (217) 857-6404 FAYETTE Little Birch House 621 St Clair Vandalia 62471 FRANKLIN Frankfort Area Historical Museum 2000 East St Louis Street P.O. Box 463 West Frankfort 62896 Gray's Antique Car Museum West Frankfort Industrial Part West Frankfort 62896 (618) 937-6000 National Coal Museum 614 West Main West Frankfort 62896 FULTON Canton Museum Association 129 East Oak Canton 61520 Dickson Mounds Museum Lewistown 61542 Rasmussen Blacksmith Shop Museum Routes 24 and 97 Lewistown 61542 GREENE Lower Illinois Valley Archaeological Museum Geers Building Carrollton 62016 GRUNDY Illinois Valley Historical Society and Museum RR. 4 Morris 60450 HANCOCK Dr. Alice L Kibbe Museum Route 136 and Schofield Street Carthage 62321 (217) 357-3119 Joseph Smith Historic Center Water Street Nauvoo 62354 Nauvoo Historical Society Museum P.O. Box 485 Nauvoo 62354 Nauvoo Restoration Inc. Visitor's Center Main and Young Streets Nauvoo 62354 Show 'N Tell Dollhouse and Toy Museum 417 Madison Carthage 62321 HENRY Bishop Hill Heritage Museum P.O. Box 1853 Bishop Hill 61419 Geneseo Historical Association and Museum 212 South State Old Library Building Geneseo 61254 Henry County Historical Museum Bishop Hill 61419 Kewanee Historical Museum National Corn Huskers Hall of Fame 211 North Chestnut Kewanee 61443 Max Nordeen's Wheel Museum 2 miles north of downtown Woodhull Woodhull 61490 Old Colony Church State Museum and Blacksmith Shop with paintings by American artists Bishop Hill 61419 Woodland Palace Francis Park Kewanee 61443 IROQUOIS Iroquois County Historical Society Museum Old Courthouse Second and Cherry Watseka 60970 -44- JACKSON Touch of Nature Environmental Center of Illinois Southern Illinois University Carbondale 62901 (618) 529-4161 University Museum Southern Illinois University Carbondale 62901 JASPER Newton Public Library and Museum 100 South Van Buren Newton 62448 JEFFERSON Mitchell Museum P.O. Box 923 Riverview Road Mt Vernon 62864 Nature Center Cedarhurst Estate, accessible from Interstates 64 and 57 Mt. Vernon 62864 (618) 242-1246 JERSEY Jersey School of Nations Museum Principia College Elsah 62028 Village of Elsah Museum Mill and Alma Streets Elsah 62028 JO DAVIESS Jo Daviess County History Museum 211 South Bench Street Galena 61036 (815) 777-9129 Lolly's Doll and Toy Museum 225 Magazine Street Galena 61036 (815) 777-2336 Vinegar Hill Historic Lead Mine and Museum Highway 84 at 8885 North Three Pines Road Galena 61036 (815) 777-0855 KANE Aurora Historical Society and Museum 305 Cedar Street Aurora 60507 (312) 897-9029 Batavia Depot Museum 760 Center Street Batavia 60510 Dunham Hunt Museum 304 Cedar Avenue St Charles 60174 Durant-Peterson House, 1843 LeRoy Oaks Forest Preserve P.O. Box 903 St Charles 60174 Elgin Public Museum 225 Grand Boulevard Elgin 60121 (312) 741-6655 Fermilab Kirk Road Batavia 60510 (312) 840-3000 Fox River Trolley Museum Illinois Highway 31 South Elgin 60177 (312) 357-4653 Geneva Historical Museum Wheeler Park Stevens Street Geneva 60134 Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Hall 23 East Downer Place P.O. Box 1043 Aurora 60505 (312) 897-7221 Pioneer Sholes School RR. 2, Box 132 Elgin 60147 Relic Trolley Museum and Fox River Line Illinois Highway 31 South Elgin 60177 St Charles Historical Society and Museum 2 East Main Street St Charles 60174 (312) 584-6967 William Beth House, 1850 P.O. Box 903 St Charles 60174 WindUp Musical Museum 111. Highway 31, south of U.S. High- way 30 bypass Montgomery 60538 KANKAKEE Kankakee County Historical Society and Museum Water Street at Eighth Avenue Kankakee 60901 Momence Historical Museum 177 North Dixie P.O. Box 304 Momence 60954 KENDALL Little White School Museum P.O. Box 1833 Oswego 60543 KNOX Browning Mansion Galesburg 61401 Galesburg Railroad Museum, Inc. 219 Weinberg Arcade Galesburg 61401 Knox County Museum Public Square P.O. Box 22 Knoxville 61148 Railroad Museum Seminary and Mulberry Streets Galesburg 61401 LAKE Barrington Area Historical Museum 218 West Main Barrington 60010 Chicago Historical Antique Automobiles Museum 3200 Skokie Valley Road Highland Park 60035 (312) 433-4400 Fort Sheridan Museum Sheridan Road. Building 33 Highwood 60040 (312) 926-2173 (312) 926-4111 -45- Haines Museum Waukegan Historical Society 1917 North Sheridan Road Waukegan 60085 (312) 336-1859 Jean Butz James Museum 326 Central Avenue Highland Park 60035 Klehm's Pink Peony Doll and Mini Museum 250 Robert Parker Coffin Road Long Grove 60047 (312) 634-6646 Lake County Museum Lakewood Forest Preserve Route 176 Wauconda 60084 Lake County Museum Association P.O. Box 205 North Chicago 60064 LaSALLE Illinois Waterway Visitors Center Dee Bennett Road at Route 178 Utica 61373 (815) 667-4054 LaSalle County Historical Museum P.O. Box 278 Utica 61373 Norsk Museum Route 71 Norway Norwegian Center Museum 1422 James Court Ottawa 61350 Reddick Mansion Association Reddick Mansion Ottawa 61350 LEE John Deere Museum R.R. 3 Grand Detour Dixon 61021 Loveland Community House Museum 513 West Second Dixon 61021 Ronald Reagan Home Preservation Foundation 816 South Hennepin Avenue Dixon 61021 LIVINGSTON Fairbury Echoes Museum 105 East Walnut Fairbury 61739 LOGAN Atlanta Library and Museum Arch and Race Atlanta 61723 (217) 648-2112 Lincoln College Museum 300 Keokuk Lincoln 62656 Lincoln Museum Lincoln College Lincoln 62656 MACON Birks Museum Milliken University 1184 West Main Street Decatur 62522 Governor Oglesby Mansion, Inc. 421 West William Decatur 62526 (217) 422-3344 James Millikin Homestead, Inc. 125 North Pine Decatur 62522 (217) 423-7000 Kirkland Fine Arts Center Millikin University 1184 West Main Street Decatur 62522 Macon County Historical Society and Museum 5580 North Fork Road Decatur 62521 Rock Spring Center for Environ- mental Discovery Decatur (217) 723-4913 MACOUPIN Macoupin County Historical Museum Breckenridge Street Carlinville 62626 MADISON Alton Museum of History and Art, Inc. 121 East Broadway Alton 62002 (618) 462-2763 Cahokia Mounds State Park and Museum Bypass US. 40 Collinsville 62234 Madison County Historical Museum 715 North Main Street Edwardsville 62025 Museum of History and Art 121 East Broadway Alton 62202 (618) 462-2763 Office of the University Museums P.O. Box 1150 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 62026 MARION Ingram's Log Cabin Village Kinmundy 62854 (618) 547-7123 MARSHALL Wenona Historical Museum Wenona 61377 McDONOUGH Clarence Watson/Wiley Schoolhouse Museum 301 West Calhoun Macomb 61455 (309) 837-4855 Illinois Business Hall of Fame Stipes Hall Western Illinois University Macomb 61455 -46- University Museum Western Illinois University Macomb 61455 Western Museum Sherman Hall Western Illinois University Macomb 61455 McHENRY Illinois Railway Museum Olson Road P.O. Box 431 Union 60180 (815) 923-2267 McHenry County Museum and Historical Society 6422 Main Street P.O. Box 434 Union 60180 (815) 923-2267 Seven Acres Museum South Union Road at U.S. 20 Union 60180 (815) 923-2214 McLEAN Ewing Museum of Nations Illinois State University Normal 61761 (309) 438-8800 Eyestone One- Room School Adelaide and College Normal 61761 Funk Gem and Mineral Museum Illinois State University Normal 61761 (309) 438-8800 Funk Prairie Home Shirley (309) 827-6792 Hudelson Museum of Agriculture Illinois State University Normal 61761 (309) 438-8800 Matthew T. Scott House 227 North First Chenoa 61726 (815) 945-4555 McLean County Historical Society and Museum 201 East Grove Street Bloomington 61701 Prairie Aviation Museum P.O. Box 666 Bloomington 61702 Scott-Vrooman Mansion Clayton and Taylor Streets Bloomington 61702 University Historical Museum 301 South Main Illinois State University Normal 61761 (309) 438-8800 MENARD Edgar Lee Masters Memorial Museum Petersburg 62675 (217) 632-7363 MERCER Essley-Noble Museum 604 S.E. Second Avenue Aledo 61231 (309) 582-2880 Mercer County Historical Museum 1400 block Second Avenue Alexis 61412 MONTGOMERY Solomon Harbey House South Broad Street 904 South Main Hillsboro 62049 (217) 532-3329 MOULTRIE Moultrie County Heritage Center 117 East Harrison Sullivan 61951 OGLE John Deere House Grand Detour 61021 Rochelle City and Town Hall Museum Fourth Avenue and Sixth Street Rochelle 61068 PEORIA Glen Oak Park and Zoo Peoria 61603 (309) 682-2534 Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences 1125 West Lake Avenue Peoria 61614 (309) 686-7000 Lorado Taft Museum 302 North Magnolia Elmwood 61529 Museum of Central Illinois Agriculture Exposition Gardens Northmoor Road Peoria 61614 Peoria Historical Society and Museum 942 Northeast Glen Oak Avenue Peoria 61603 Pettengill-Morrow House 1212 West Moss Avenue Peoria 61603 (309) 637-9265 Wheels O'Time Museum Route 88, 8 miles north of downtown Peoria Dunlap 61525 (309) 243-9020 Wildlife Prairie Park R.R. 2 Peoria 61615 (309) 676-0998 PIATT Illinois Pioneer Heritage Center P.O. Box 12 Monticello 61856 Monticello (Sangamon Valley) Railway Museum P.O. Box 401 Monticello 61856 PIKE Nature House and Bird Museum Griggsville 62340 -47- POPE Pope County Historical Society and Museum Columbus Street P.O. Box 387 Golconda 62938 PUTNAM Putnam County Historical Society Museum High Street Hennepin 61327 RANDOLPH Brown Memorial Museum 128 West Main Sparta 62286 (618) 443-5014 Cohen Memorial Home 523 East Harrison Chester 62233 Irvin Peithmann Museum Fort de Chartres (618) 859-3741 Randolph County Archive Building Museum and Repository for French Colonial Era Records Chester 62233 (618) 826-2510 RICHLAND Richland Heritage Museum Foundation P.O. Box 189 Olney 62450 Robert Ridgeway Memorial Arboretum and Bird Sancturary Olney 62450 ROCK ISLAND Center for Belgian Culture 712 - 18th Avenue Moline 61265 (309) 762-0167 Colonel Davenport Home Arsenal Island Rock Island 62199 Deere- Wilman House 817 Eleventh Avenue Moline 61265 Fryxell Geology Museum New Science Building 639 - 38th Street Augustana College Rock Island 61201 (309) 794-7318 Hauberg Indian Museum 1510 - 46th Avenue Rock Island 61201 John M. Browning Memorial Museum Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island 61201 Max Nordeen's Wheels Museum 2 miles south of Woodhull Woodhull 61490 (309) 334-2589 Mississippi River Visitor Center Lock and Dam 15 Rock Island 61201 Mobile Aviation Historical Exhibits 834 - 21st Street Rock Island 61201 Niabi Zoo Niabi Zoo Road and Route 6 Coal Valley 61240 (309) 799-5107 Rock Island Arsenal Historical Society and Museum Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island 61299 (309) 782-5021 Rock Island County Historical Society and Museum 822 - 11th Avenue P.O. Box 632 Moline 61265 ST. CLAIR Cahokia Mounds Museum Society 7859 Collinsville Road P.O. Box 382 East St Louis 62201 Catherine Dunham Museum 532 North 10th Street 1005 Pennsylvania East St Louis 62201 King-Davis-Henry Museum 19 Collinsville Avenue East St Louis 62201 St Clair County Historical Society and Museum Kunz House 601 Fulton Street Belleville 62220 (618) 234-0600 SALINE Saline County Area Museum Harrisburg 62946 SANGAMON Civil War Museum 503 South Walnut Springfield 62704 Clayville Rural Life Center and Museum Route 1 Pleasant Plains Springfield 62706 Grand Army of the Republic Museum 628 South Seventh Springfield 62703 Illinois State Museum Spring and Edwards Street Springfield 62706 (217) 782-7386 Lincoln Home 426 South Seventh Springfield 62701 (217) 492-4150 Lincoln Marriage Home and Museum 406 South Eighth Springfield 62701 The Long Nine Museum Fifth and Adams Springfield 62701 Oliver Parks Telephone Museum 529 South Seventh Springfield 62701 (217) 753-8436 The Pearson Museum P.O. Box 3926 Springfield 62701 Vachel Lindsey Home 603 South Fifth Street Springfield 62703 -48- SCHUYLER Schuyler County Jail Museum 200 South Congress Rushville 62681 SHELBY Moweaqua Coal Mine Museum 129 South Main Street Moweaqua 62550 STEPHENSON The Freeport Art Museum 121 North Harlem Freeport 61032 Rawleigh Museum 223 East Main Freeport 61032 Stephenson County Historical Society and Museum 1440 South Carroll Street Freeport 61032 TAZEWELL Cobden Museum Delavan 61734 The Dirksen Center Fourth Street at Broadway Pekin 61554 Fort Creve Coeur 311 North Highland Creve Coeur 61611 Tremont Museum and Historical Society P.O. Box 738 Tremont 61568 Wings and Things Museum Delavan 61734 UNION Museum of Indian Artifacts and Pioneer Tools U.S. Highway 51 Cobden 62920 VERMILION Danville Junction Railway Museum Benton Street Rossville 60963 Vermilion County Museum Society 116 North Gilbert Street Danville 61832 (217) 422-2922 WARREN Warren County Historical Society Museum Route 67 and 116 Roseville 61473 (309) 426-2431 WASHINGTON The Old L and N Depot Museum 101 East Railroad Nashville 62263 Washington County Historical Museum 300 South Kaskaskia Nashville 62263 Washington Heritage House Museum P.O. Box 305 Okawville 62271 (618) 243-6172 WHITE Robinson- Stewart House 110 South Maine Cross Street Carmi 62821 WILL Illinois and Michigan Canal Museum Will County Historical Society 803 South State Street Lockport 60441 (815) 838-5080 Illinois State Museum Lockport Gallery 200 West Eighth Street, Third Floor Lockport 60441 (815) 838-7400 Isle a la Cache Museum 501 Romeo Road Romeoville 60441 (815) 886-1467 (815) 972-0825 Pioneer Settlement North Public Landing Eighth to Ninth Streets Lockport 60441 (815) 838-5080 WINNEBAGO Burpee Museum of Natural History and Art 813 and 737 North Main Rockford 61103 (815) 965-3132 The Discovery Center 711 North Main Street Rockford 61103 (815) 963-6769 Rockford Art Museum 711 North Main Street Rockford 61103 (815) 965-3131 Rockford Museum Center and Midway Village 6799 Guilford Road Rockford 61107 (815) 397-9112 Stephen Mach Museum and Whitman Trading Post 203 West Union Rockton 61072 Time Museum 7801 East State Street Rockford 61125 Tinker Swiss Cottage 411 Kent Street Rockford 61107 (815) 964-2424 Zitelman Scout Museum 708 Seminary Street Rockford 61108 WOODFORD Illinois Mennonite Museum Route 116 Metamora 61548 -49- IX. State and National Organizations Serving Illinois and Funding Sources Local history is one small part of a much larger picture. The work of local historians and their societies is of sig- nificance to scholars, students and administrators across the state. It is important, therefore, for local historians to open communication with historical organizations on the state and national levels. Such contacts broaden the net- work of local historians by introducing them to people of similar interests and offering new insights on common pro- blems. There is also a series of private and public state- wide organizations which exist solely to aid the local historian in solving problems and carrying out new pro- grams. There are three principal areas in which state and national organizations can lend direct support to the local historical programs: historic site preservation, collections and public programs. Historic Site Preservation The lead agency of historic preservation in Illinois is the state Historic Preservation Agency. The Springfield headquarters of the agency contains the State Historic Preservation Office. Here historic sites are evaluated for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (a fed- eral list of sites deemed worthy of modest tax breaks and limited protection from destruction). The agency's Na- tional Register coordinator should be the first contact of any individual seeking to designate a specific landmark or create a historic district The private Landmarks Preserva- tion Council of Illinois is an advocate for historic preserva- tion across the state From its headquarters in Chicago, the council works to aid local preservation initiatives. It does grant some financial aid, but the council's strength is the technical and organizational assistance offered by its staff. Also headquartered in Chicago is the Midwest Regional Office of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The trust can provide modest grants-in-aid and access to pre- servation leaders across the country. The Illinois Council of the American Institute of Architects and the Illinois Heritage Association are societies composed of preserva- tion professionals. Collections The proper care of artifact and manuscript collections weighs heavily on many local organizations. Such mater- ials are the basis for exhibits to interest and educate the public, yet many collections languish uncatalogued in storage areas. The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) leads all organizations in the sup- port of local history collections. Through articles in its periodical "History News," technical bulletins and video- tapes, the AASLH is a source of a wide range of expert assistance The association also offers grants to local organ- izations in need of the services of collections consultants. In a more modest way, the Illinois State Historical Society and the Illinois Heritage Association can provide access to in-state experts. The Illinois Archeological Society is not prepared to offer assistance concerning the evaluation of archeological materials, but it will put a society in contact with professional archaeologists who can. The Society of American Archivists, headquartered in Chicago, can provide similiar assistance for manuscript collections. Funding for the organization and presentation of such materials can be solicited from the National His- torical Publications and Records Commission. Grants from this organization, however, are extremely competitive and will go only to projects of some national significance. The Institute for Museum Services in Washington, DC, also provides limited funds to aid museums across the country. The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) offers grants for exhibits, local history research and preservation of artifacts and manuscripts. Public Programs Performance, media productions, symposia and lec- tures are all programs which can excite the public about the past The Illinois Humanities Council and the Illinois Arts Council are the two organizations most experienced in public programming. Both groups have small staffs which can advise and direct local initiatives; however, their main function is to grant funds to appropriate local pro- grams. The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the humanities counterpart also will lend support to local programs. The amount of funds available from the NEA and NEH is much larger than the local councils can mus- ter, but the application process is much more intimidating, and the prospect of funding is more remote There are also private endowments which offer grants for a wide variety of historical and cultural programs. The Donor's Forum in Chicago is the best clearinghouse for details on these foundations' guidelines and funding deadlines. The search for external funding requires persis- tence imagination and flexibility, but Illinoisans are for- tunate that their state is home to numerous foundations. Not all of these support cultural or historical programs, but many will review such proposals depending upon the audience and subject of the project Theodore Karamanski Loyola University of Chicago -50- State Organizations Serving Illinois Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 Illinois Advisory Council on Preservation Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217)785-4512 Illinois Archeological Department of Anthropology 109 Davenport Hall University of Illinois at Urbana Urbana 61801 (217) 333-3616 Illinois Arts Alliance 22 West Monroe Chicago 60603 (312) 855-3105 Illinois Arts Council 111 North Wabash Avenue Chicago 60602 (312) 917-6750 Illinois Association for the Advancement of History c/o Otto H. Olsen Department of History Northern Illinois University DeKalb 60115 (815) 753-0673 Illinois Association of Historic Preservation Commissions Springfield 62701 (217) 785-5042 Illinois Council of the American Institute of Architects 53 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago 60604 (312)663-4111 Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources Illinois State Geological Survey Champaign 61820 Illinois Geography Society Illinois State University Normal 61761 Illinois Heritage Association 602 East Green Station A - Box 6 Champaign 61820 (217) 359-5600 Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 785-4836 Illinois Humanities Council 618 South Michigan Avenue Chicago 60606 (312) 939-5212 Illinois Labor History Society 28 East Jackson Boulevard Chicago 60604 (312)663-4107 Illinois Postal History Society P.O. Box 1513 Des Plaines 60018 Illinois State Genealogical Society P.O. Box 157 Lincoln 62656 Illinois State Historical Society Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 782-4836 Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 752 Chicago 60604 (312) 922-1742 National Organizations Serving Illinois Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 1522 K Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20005 American Association for State and Local History 172 Second Avenue North, Suite 102 Nashville, TN 37201 (615)255-2971 American Association of Museums 1225 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 1200 Washington, DC 20005 (202)289-1818 American Library Association 50 East Huron Chicago 60611 (312) 944-6780 Association for Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC 20560 Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies P.O. Box 66 Mt Carroll 60153 (815)244-1173 Center for American Archaeology P.O. Box 366 Oak and Main Streets Kampsville 62053 Historical Farm Association P.O. Box 696 Stroudsburg, PA 18360 National Genealogical Society 4527 - 17th Street Arlington, VA 22207-2363 (703) 525-0050 National Preservation Institute P.O. Box 1702 Alexandria, VA 22313 (703)241-0611 -51- National Trust for Historic Preservation, Midwest Office 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1135 Chicago 60604 (312) 939-5547 Society of American Archivists 600 South Federal, Suite 504 Chicago 60605 (312) 922-0140 Society of Architectural Historians Chicago Chapter 1800 South Prairie Avenue Chicago 60616 Funding Sources Donors' Forum Foundation 208 South LaSalle Chicago 60604 (312) 726-4877 Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC 20560 Field Foundation of Illinois 135 South LaSalle Chicago 60615 (312) 263-3211 The Foundation Center 79 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10003 (219) 957-1120 Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Old State Capitol Springfield 62701 (217) 785-4836 Institute of Museum Services 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Room 609 Washington, DC 20506 (202) 786-0536 Joyce Foundation 135 South LaSalle Chicago 60615 (312) 782-2464 Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 752 Chicago 60604 (312) 922-1742 National Endowment for the Arts 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20506 (202) 686-0438 National Endowment for the Humanities Museums and Historical Organizations Program Old Post Office 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20506 (202) 786-0284 National Historical Publications Records Commission National Archives and Records Administration Washington, DC 20408 (202) 724-1083 National Museum of Art A and I Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC 20560 (202) 357-2257 National Science Foundation Public Information Office 1800 G Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20550 (202) 357-9498 and -52- Appendix I Training Programs and Consulting Firms. In recent years, history departments have developed curricula which address specifically the training of his- torians in the preservation of cultural resources and his- toric sites. Whereas, at one time, the historian was trained to research and teach, today, the historian can acquire skills in historical editing, cultural resource management, oral history, preservation and exhibit planning. Training programs include preparation for working in archives, his- torical societies, and preservation offices. A number of universities in Illinois have developed training programs within their traditional curricula. The history departments of both Eastern Illinois University and Northern Illinois University offer courses in historical administration. Comprehensive programs in public history which include courses in oral history, archives and cultural resource management are offered by Loyola University of Chicago and Sangamon State University. The University of Illinois at Chicago offers more focused programs in museums and preservation studies. These programs offer the historian a broader spectrum of opportunities, and they produce trained professionals who will continue to preserve the state's cultural resources. A number of con- sulting firms have grown out of these programs in the past few years as well. Listed below are descriptions of the training programs and consulting firms that are available. Tina M. Reithmaier The Newberry Library Training Programs. Eastern Illinois University Historical Administration Program Charleston 61920 (217) 581-5943 Master of Arts in Historical Administration The Department of History at Eastern Illinois Univer- sity offers a master of arts degree in historical administra- tion. History courses offered for the degree requirements include: introduction to historical administration, oral his- tory, museum interpretation, local history research, history of American architecture, history museum exhibits, histori- cal collection management, history of American decorative arts, American cultural history seminar in archives and editing, historical administration and preservation. Par- ticipation in an internship is required to complete the degree Loyola University of Chicago Department of History 6525 North Sheridan Road Chicago 60626 (312) 508-2221 Master of Arts in PiMic History The Department of History at Loyola University of Chicago offers a master of arts degree in public history. History courses offered for the degree requirements in- clude: archival records management, oral history, cultural resource management and introduction to public history. Participation in an internship is required to complete the degree Northern Illinois University Department of History DeKalb 60115 (815) 753-0672 Master of Arts The Department of History at Northern Illinois Univer- sity offers a master of arts degree with an option in histori- cal administration. History courses offered in the option include a required introduction to the principles of histori- cal administration and elective courses in archival records management, historical editing, oral history and museum methods. Participation in an internship is required to com- plete the degree Sangamon State University Department of History Springfield 62794-9243 (217) 786-6778 Master of Arts in Public History The Department of History at Sangamon State Univer- sity offers a master of arts degree in public history. His- tory courses offered for the degree requirements include: archival management, historical and environmental preser- vation, oral history method, Midwest rural life and its roots, the historian and policy analysis, museum/historic site methods and local and community seminars. Participa- tion in an internship is required to complete the degree -53- University of Illinois at Chicago History of Architecture and Art Department Chicago 60680 (312) 996-3342 Certificate in Architectural Preservation A certificate in architectural preservation is offered by the College of Architecture, Art and Urban Planning and administered by the History of Architecture and Art Department Courses offered to complete the certificate program include: introduction to preservation, issues in preservation and a documentation course. Participation in an internship is required to complete the program Certificate in Museology A certificate in museology is offered by the College of Architecture, Art and Urban Planning and administered by the History of Architecture and Art Department Cour- ses offered to complete the program include: history of collecting and introduction to museology, curatorial prac- tices, and visual arts administration. Participation in an internship is required to complete the program. Consulting Firms American Resource Group 127 North Washington Carbondale 62901 Mid- American Research Center Loyola University of Chicago Department of History 6525 North Sheridan Road Chicago 60626 (312) 508-2221 Midwest Archaeological Research Center Illinois State University Bloomington, IL 61701 Midwest History Associates 233 South Scovilie Oak Park 60302 (312) 848-3265 Partners in Historic Preservation, Inc. 200 East Jackson Carbondale 62901 (618) 529-2741 Public Works Historical Society 1313 East 60th Street Chicago 60637 (312) 667-2200 -54- Appendix II Publications. Finding aids and frequent publications such as news- letters and periodicals are the tools needed by historians, librarians, museum professionals, genealogists and the general public to assist in the interpretation of cultural resources. The materials in an archive are not accessible to the public until the materials have been catalogued and indexed and some type of finding aid has been made avail- able. The same with museum objects and artwork. The appreciation of such cultural resources is found not in stor- ing but in examining and studying such pieces or manu- scripts. In locating our cultural resources, a guide becomes invaluable These guides can be as general as to tell a patron what types of collections exist in an institution, such as the "Directory of Local History Collections in Northern Illi- nois," or a guide may be as specific as to state what types of manuscripts and papers exist in specific collections, such as the "Descriptive Inventory of the Archives of the State of Illinois." Then there are guides just like this one which direct a reader to sources pertaining to a certain field. A good example of this type of guide would be "Searching in Illinois: A Reference Guide to Public and Private Records." This guide lists places to obtain state and county infor- mati in. Newsletters and periodicals disseminate information in a different way. Newsletters that are produced by gene; .logical or historical societies and museums offer an oppoitunity for others to share information. The informa- tion nay be as simple as an announcement of a museum exhib t or as complex as a request to help locate a long-lost relative. In either case, newsletters are often subscribed to by society members or museum patrons but may offer a variety of information to the general public about the cultural resources in Illinois. For example, the Putnam County Historical Society publishes the "Putnam Past Times." In this newsletter there is information about museums and events and lectures around the county as well as historical data on local businesses and prominent town leaders. Information in this newsletter adds to the preservation of the state's cultural resources as stories are told and documented for future generations. Periodicals, on the other hand, focus on scholarly work and are published usually on a quarterly basis. Each jour- nal usually has three or four articles and a series of book reviews which focus on the periodical's topic of interest For example, the Illinois State Historical Society publishes articles relating to Illinois history in its quarterly journal: whereas "History News," published bimonthly by the Association of State and Local History, solicits articles that relate to local and state history in general. Overall, the periodical is a helpful tool to use to begin researching a specific field. Guides in general are invaluable finding aids, and we are fortunate to have so many available to us in locating the cultural resources in Illinois. The newsletter and periodical also serve the public by disseminating much information to a variety of people. Listed below are some of the general guides, newsletters and periodicals that can be helpful to the public in finding out about our past by exploring the cultural resources in Illinois. Tina M. Reithmaier The Newberry Library General Guides Amei ican Library Directory, 40th edi- tion. Published by R.R. Bowker Com- pany, New York, 1987. Architectural Records in Chicago: A Guide to Architectural Research Re- sources in Cook County and Vicinity. Published by The Art Institute of Chicago, 1981. Compiled by Kathleen Roy Cummings. Archival and Manuscript Repositories in Metropolitan Chicago and the Calumtt Region of Northwest Indiana. Published and compiled by the Chicago Area Archivists, 1986. Art Fair Directory. Published by the Illinois Arts Council. Brevet's Illinois Historical Markers and Sites. Published by Brevet Press, Inc., Sioux Falls, SD, 1976. Chicago and Cook County Sources. Published by Ancestory Publishing, Salt Lake City, UT, 1986. Edited by Loretto Denis Szucs. Cities and Towns of Illinois: A Hand- book of Community Facts. Published by the University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1951. Edited by Karl B. Lohman. Cultural Directory to Federal Funds and Services for the Arts and Humanities. Published by the Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities, Smithsonian Institution Press. Descriptive Inventory of the Archives of the State of Illinois. Published by the Office of the Secretary of State, Spring- field, 1978. Edited by Victoria Irons, Patricia C. Brennan and John Daly. -55- Directory of Historical Agencies in North America, 13th edition. Published by the American Association for State and Local History, 1986. Edited by Betty Pease Smith. Directory of Illinois Genealogical Societies. Published by the Illinois State Genealogical Society, 1980. Compiled by Doris Roney Bowers. Directory of Local History Collections in Northern Illinois. Published by the Illinois Regional Library Council 1981. Foundation News. Published by Ful- fillment Service, P.O. Box 501, Mar- tinsville, NJ 08836. Funding Sources and Technical Assis- tance for Museums and Historical Agencies. A Guide to Public Programs. Published by the American Associa- tion for State and Local History, 172 Second Avenue North, Suite 102, Nashville, TN 37201, 1979. Compiled by Hedy A. Hartman. Grants Magazine. Published by The Journal of Sponsored Research and Other Programs, Plenum Publishing Company, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013. A Guide to Archives and Manuscripts in the United States. Published by Yale University Press, 1961. Edited by Philip M. Hanner. Guide to Chicago Museums. Published by the Chicago Council on Fine Arts, 78 Washington Street, Chicago 60602. A Guide to County Records in the Illinois Regional Archives. Published by the Illinois State Archives, Spring- field, 1983. Edited by Roy C. Turn- baugh, Jr. Guide to Illinois Resources. Published by the American Library Association, Chicago. 1974. Edited by Robert Downs. Historical and Cultural Agencies and Museums in Illinois. Published by the Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums. Illinois Corporate Philanthropy. Pub- lished by Logos Associates, 7 Park Street, Room 212, Attleboro, MA 02703. Illinois Ethnic Arts Directory. Pub- lished by the Illinois Arts Council. Illinois Foundation Profiles. Published by Davis Taylor Associates, Williams- bury, KY, 1976. Edited by James H. Taylor. Illinois Libraries and Information Centers. Published by the Illinois Regional Library Council, Chicago, 1981. Edited by Ellen Palmer, Hillis L Griffin and Jeannette Ernst Major Illinois Foundations. Published by Logos Associates, 7 Park Street Room 212, Attleboro, MA, 1987. Meyer's Directory of Genealogical Societies in the USA and Canada. Published 1986. Edited by Mary K. Meyer. The Official Museum Directory. Pub- lished by the American Association of Museums, 1981. The Practical Guide to Illinois Preser- vation Law. Published by the Young Lawyers Section of the Chicago Bar Association, 1984. Preservation Easements in Illinois. Published by the Landmarks Preser- vation Council of Illinois, 1981. Edited by Richard Roddewig and Jeffrey Jahns. Preservation Illinois: A Guide to State and Local Resources. Published by the Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Historic Sites, 1977. Edited by Ruth Eckdish Knack. Preservation of Historical Records. Published by National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20418. A Readers Guide to Illinois Literature. Published by the Office of the Secretary of State, Springfield, 1985. Edited by Robert Bray. Searching in Illinois: A Reference Guide to Public and Private Records. Published by ISC Publications, Costa Mesa, CA, 1984. Edited by Gayle Berkstead and Mary Lou Kozub. The 1988 Technical Assistance Direc- tory. Published by Free Nets Pub- lications. Periodicals The A-Kiki. Published by the Kan- kakee Valley Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 1559, Kankakee 60901. The American Archivist. Published quarterly by the Society of American Archivists, 600 South Federal Street Suite 504, Chicago 60605. Branching Out From St Clair. Pub- lished quarterly by the Marissa His- torical and Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 27, Marissa 62257. Central Illinois Quarterly. Published by the Decatur Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 2205, Decatur 61526. Chicago Genealogists. Published quar- terly by the Chicago Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 1160, Chicago 60690. Chicago History. Published by the Chicago Historical Society, North Avenue and Clark Street, Chicago 60614. Chicago Irish Ancestry. 7541 North Oakley Avenue, Chicago 60645. Circuit Rider. Published by the Sang- amon County Genealogical Society, -56- PO. Box 1829, Springfield 62705. Crossroad Trials. Published quarterly by the Effingham County Genealogi- cal Society, P.O. Box 1166, Effingham 62401. Dispatch. Published by the Illinois State Historical Society, Old State Capitol, Springfield 62701. Facts and Findings. Published by the Frankfort Area Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 463, West Frankfort 62896. Foxway, The Magazine of the Fox River Valley. Published by Dept. K, 114 East Wilson, Batavia 60510 Heritage: The Journal of the Illinois Ethnic Consultation. Published by the Illinois Ethnic Consultation, 55 East Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1880, Chicago 60604. Historic Illinois. Published bimonthly by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Division of Preservation Ser- vices, Springfield 62701. Historical Speaking. Published by the Congress of Illinois Historical So- cieties and Museums, Old State Cap- itol, Springfield 62701. History News. Published bimonthly by the American Association for State and Local History, 172 Second Aven- ue North, Suite 102, Nashville, TN 37201. Illinois Arts Council News. Published by the Illinois Arts Council, 100 West Randolph, Suite 10-500, Chicago 60601. Illinois Historical Journal. Published quarterly by the Illinios State Histori- cal Society, Old State Capitol, Spring- field 62701. Illinois History. Published by the Illinois State Historical Society, Old State Capitol, Springfield 62701. Illinois Libraries. Published monthly by the Illinois State Library, Spring- field 62756. Illinois Magazine. Published bi- monthly by Henrichs Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 40, Litchfield 62056. Illinois Mapnotes. Published by the Laboratory for Cartography and Spa- tial Analysis, Department of Geo- graphy, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb 60115. Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly. Published in March, June, September and December by the Illi- nois State Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 157, Lincoln 62656. Jacksonville Genealogical Journal. Published quarterly by the Jackson- ville Area Genealogical and Historical Society, P.O. Box 21, Jacksonville 62650. Jo Daviess County Journal. Published by P.O. Box 245, Galena 61036. Edited by Susan Wilson. Kane County Chronicle. Published quarterly by the Kane County Gen- ealogical Society, P.O. Box 504, Geneva 60134. Knox County Genealogical Society Quarterly. Published by the Knox County Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 13, Galesburg 61402. The Living Museum. Published by the Illinois State Museum, Spring and Edwards Streets, Springfield 62706. McHenry County Connection. Pub- lished quarterly by the McHenry County Genealogical Society, 1101 North Green, McHenry 60050. Mennonite Heritage. Published quart- erly the Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 319, Metamora 61548. Midwest Museum Conference Quart- erly. Published by the Midwest Museum Conference, c/o The Field Museum of Natural History, 1200 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 60605. Moultrie County Heritage. Published quarterly by the Moultrie County His- torical and Genealogical Society, P.O. Box MM, Sullivan 61951. Museum News. Published bimonthly by the American Association of Museums, 1225 Eye Street. N.W., Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005. Museum News. Published by the Kan- kakee County Historical Society, Eighth Avenue and Water Street, Kankakee 60901. Origins. Published quarterly by the Local and Family History Center of The Newberry Library, 60 West Walton, Chicago 60610. Putnam Past Times. Published by the Putnam County Historical Society, Hennepin 61327. Quarterly. Published by the Lake County Genealogical Society. 413 North Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville 60048. The Review. Published bimonthly by the DuPage County Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 133, Lombard 60148. The Schuylerite. Published quarterly by the Schuyler County Historical and Genealogical Society, Jail Mu- seum, 200 South Congress, Rushville 62681. Search. Published quarterly by the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illi- nois, P.O. Box 481022, Niles 60648. The Stalker. Published quarterly by the Iroquois County Genealogical Society, 103 West Cherry Street, Wat- seka 60970. The Stalker. Published quarterly by the Madison County Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 631, Edwardsville 62025. Story of Illinois. Published by the Illinois State Museum, Spring and Edwards Streets, Springfield 62706. Tazewell Genealogical Monthly. Pub- lished by the Tazewell County Gen- ealogical Society, P.O. Box 312. Pekin 61555. Where the Trails Cross. Published by the South Suburban Genealogical and Historical Society. P.O. Box 96, South Holland 60473. Will/Grundy Genealogical Society Quarterly. Published by the Will/ Grundy Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 24, Wilmington 60481. -57-